*^?^|^ii>$£^^*;ii^y?p^ -\}^'-^^. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES 14^Hh^ CYCLOPEDIA OF Music and Musicians Volume I ABACO— DYNE 4 -\ CYCLOPEDIA OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS EDITED BY JOHN DENISON CHAMPLIN, JR. CRITICAL EDITOR WILLIAM FOSTER APTHORP IV/TH MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME 1 NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS M DCCC LXXXVlll iSig „ f\ O "^ o 6d.i i O Copyright, i88S, by Charles Scribiier's Sons. 3440 5r,;ii ilusic Library V >^. I PREFACE THE Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, like its predecessor, The Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, is expected by its pro- jectors to occupy a novel as well as a standard place among authorities upon its subject. Like that, also, it founds its claim to this position especially upon tlii-ee things : The character and comprehensive- ness of the information which, through its text and illustrations, it for the first time makes accessil)le ; the new simplicity of its arrangement ; and the bibliography, of a kind hitherto unattempted, through Avhich it furnishes a key and guide to the whole literature of its art. The two works beino; then similar in kind and in method of arrangement, we can- not do better than to re2)eat substantially the preface of the foi'mer. It is not only a fuller biographical dictionary than now exists of the musicians of all schools, including prominent contemporaries, but it is, as well, a dictionary of works ; and in a form in which the one branch of information is as immediately accessible as the other. It must be under- stood, however, that it embraces in its scope only composers and their works, excluding mere performers and musical literati. The important compositions of all periods, operas, oratorios, cantatas, symphonies, etc., are treated under their own names, in separate articles, in which are given an accurate description of each work, the history ot" its text, or of the subject of its theme, the date and place of composition and of first performance, and of its prodiiction in other countries, its publica- tion, and such other facts as make the account as nearly as possible ex- haustive. The articles, whether biographical or descriptive, are not based upon statements accepted in any sense at second hand, but upon close re- PBEFAGE search, coiulucted with tlie hope of making this work virtually an oiiginal authority — their facts being derived fi-oni the latest monographs in all langiiaibliography appended to each article is such as will guide tlie reader to further -and more minute investigation than would be possible in any book of reference ; even, it may be claimed, to an exhaustive study of the whole literature of the topic. It embraces, besides English works and periodicals, those in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portu- guese, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish. The illustration lias not been undertaken with a view of mere embel- lishment, )»ut ill accordance with the purpose of the Cyclopedia. The biographical articles contain a greater number of portraits of prominent musicians, living and dead, than have ever before been published in any work. Many of the contemjiorary ones have been furnished l)y the com- posers themselves, and are not obtainable elsewhere. In many of the articles also are fac-simile re2)roductions of scores by celebrated com- r RE FACE posers, fac-similes of autogi-aj)li signatures, and views of hirtlipLices, monuments, statues, etc. In tlie articles on operas and oratorios are given portraits of celebrated singers wliose names have been identified with their representation, some of them in the costumes approi)riate to their roles. Each volume of this edition contains, in addition to these, twelve full-page etched portraits of the most famous composers, making in all thirty-six etcliings, a representative collection of the great masters of the art never before given in any publication. The work is under obligations to Mr. Louis von Eltz for his efficient labors during its entire progress, and especially for his valuable aid in researches connected with the German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuo-uese musicians. Thanks are due, also, to the superintendent and other officials of the Astor Libraiy of New York, and to the officers of the Athen;eum and the Harvard Musical Association of Boston, for numerous pi'ivileges and courtesies, without which the woi'k on the Cyclopedia would have been attended with great difficulties, if not rendered impossible. New York, November 1, 18S8. vll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FULL-PACE PORTRAITS To Fact' I. DANIEL FRANCOIS ESPRIT AUBER From the engraving by Hedoiiin, after the painting by Delaroche . . . 40 2. JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH From the engraving by Sichling, after the painting by Hanssinann . . , 80 3- LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN From the lithograph by Kriehnber, after the bust by Dietrich . . . 120 4- VINCENZO BELLINI From a contemporary lithograph '60 S' HECTOR BERLIOZ From the engraving by Gilbert, after the painting by Conrbct . . . 200 To Face 6. FRANgOlS ADRIEN BOIELDIEU W-' From the engraving by Dien 240 7- JOHANNES BRAHMS From a photograph by Hanfstaengl 280 8. LUIGI CHERUBINI From a lithograph by Figiwroii, after tl.v painting by Ingres .... 520 9- FREDERIC CHOPIN From a photograph after the painting by Schick 360 'o- GAETANO DONIZETTI From a photograph after the painting by Eiigen Fetix 400 II- ROBERT FRANZ From a photograph after the painting by Hermann 4J0 12- CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD CLUCK From a photograph after the painting by Duptessis 460 PORTRAITS OF MUSICIANS. DRAWN BY VALfilUEN GIUBAV£D0FP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Abel, Karl Fiiedrich Abt, Franz Adam, Atlolpbe Charles Agostini, Paolo Alard, Delpliiu Alary, Jules Albert, Eugene tV Albreebtsberger, Joliann Georg. Alcoc'k, John Aklricli, Henry Allegri, Gregorio Allison, Horton Clariilge Ambros, August Wilhelm Anderton, Thomas Andre, Johanu Anton Anerio, Felice Anfossi, Pasquale Arditi, Luigi Ariosti, Attilio Armes, Philip Arne, Thomas Augustine , Arnold, George Benjamin Arnold, Samuel Asioli, Bonifazio Auber, Daniel Frau<;ois Esprit . Audran, Edmoud 2 4 7 17 24 25 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 26 41. 29 31 32 37 38 44 48 49 52 53 65 G8 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 69 : 53. 71 73 74 80 54. 55. 56. 57. 27. Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 28. Bach, Johann Christian 29. Bach, Johanu Sebastian 30. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 31. Baillot, Pierre Marie Fran9ois de Sales 32. Baker, Benjamin Franklin 33. Balakirev, Mily Ale.xejevich 34. Balatka, Hans 86 : 58. 88 59. 60. 94 61. 97 j 62. 99 I 63. 105 64. 65. 109 66. 111 1 67. 112 ; 68. 112 69. Balfe, Michael William 113 Banck, Carl IH Banister, Henry Charles H" Banister, John 118 Bargiel, Woldemar 123 Barnby, Joseph 125 Barnett, John 125 Barnett, John Francis 126 Bartholomew, Ann S li c p p a r d Mounsey 128 Battishill, Jonathan 132 Bazin, Franyois 135 Becker, Albert 139 Becker, Eeinhold 140 Beethoven, Ludwig van, in 1809 . . 141 Beethoven, Ludwig van, in 1814. . 143 Beethoven, Ludwig van, profile. . . 144 Belcher, William Thomas 150 Bellini, Vincenzo 152 Beuda, Georg 156 Bendall, Wilfred Ellington 157 Bendel, Franz 157 Benedict, Sir Julius 158 Bennett, Sir William Sterndale. . . 161 Bently, John Morgan 1*54 Beriot, Charles Augusta do 168 Berlioz, Hector 169 Bertini, Henri 177 Berton, Henri Montan 178 Best, William Thomas 180 Biber, Heinrich Joliann Franz 183 Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley 189 Bizet, Georges 190 Blow, John 196 Blumenthal, Jacob 197 Boccheriui, Luigi 198 PORTRAITS OF MUSICIANS PAGE 70. Bochsa, llobert Nicolas Charles . . 201 71. Bocksliorn, Samuel 202 72. Boieklieu, Fran<;ois Adrieu 20G 73. Boito, Arrigo 209 74. Bonouciui, Giovanni Battista. . . . 213 75. Borodin, Alexander 21G 76. Bottesini, Giovanni 218 77. Boucher, Alexandre Jean 218 78. Boulanger, Ernest Henri Alexan- dre 219 79. Boyce, "William 221 80. Bradbury, William Batchelder... 222 81. Braham, John 223 82. Brahms, Johannes 223 83. Brandeis, Frederick 22G 81. Brassin, Louis 227 85. Bridge, John Frederick 230 86. Bridge, Joseph Cox 231 87. Bronsart, Hans von 233 88. Bronsart, Ingeborg vou 233 89. Bruch, Max 235 90. Bruckner, Anton 23G 91. Briill, Ignaz 23G 92. Buck, Dudley 238 93. Bull, John 210 91. Bull, Ole 210 95. Billow, Hans von 211 96. Bunnett, Edward 212 97. Burney, Charles 215 98. Caballero, Fernandez 250 99. Cafaro, Pasquale 252 100. Callcott, John Wall 256 101. Calvisius, Sethus 257 102. Campana, Fabio 261 103. Canipra, Andre 262 104. Carey, Henry 270 105. Carter, WiUiam 277 106. Cellier, Alfred 291 107. Chadwick, George Whitfield 29G 108. Cherubini, Luigi 307 109. Child, William 312 110. Chipp, Edmund Thomas 313 111. Cliopiu, Frederic 314 112. Cimarosa, Domenico 322 113. Clarke, Hugh Archibald ; 329 114. Clemcnti, Muzio 338 PAGE 115. Conradi, August 347 IIG. Conrardy, Jules 317 117. Converse, Charles Crozat 351 118. Corelli, Arcangelo 355 119. Cornelius, Peter 357 120. Cossmanu, Beruhard 362 121. Costa, Sir Michael 363 122. Couperin, Francois 367 123. Cowen, Frederic Hymen 3G;) 124. Cramer, Johann Baptist 371 125. Croft, William 376 126. Crotch, William 376 127. Crouch, Frederick William Nich- olls 377 128. Criiger, Johannes 378 129. Cui, COsar 380 130. Cusins, William George 381 131. Czerny, Carl 383 132. Dalayrac, Nicolas 385 133. Damrosch, Leopold 391 134. Danzi, Franz 395 135. David, Felicieu 399 136. David, Ferdinand 400 137. Davidoff, Karl 401 138. Defesch, Willem 405 139. Defies, Pierre Louis 405 140. Delibes, Leo 410 141. Despres, Josquin 419 142. De Swert, Jules _ 422 143. Diaz de la Pefia, Eugene Emile. . 428 144. Dibdiu, Charles 429 145. Dietrich, Albert 431 146. Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von 434 147. Dohler, Theodor 437 148. Donizetti, Gaiitano 443 149. Dorn, Heinrich 447 150. Dotzauer, Justus Johann Fri'jdrieh 448 151. Draeseke, Felix 451 152. Dragonetti, Domenico 452 153. Dreyschock, Alexander 455 154. Duni, Egidio Romoaldo 462 155. Dujjont, Auguste 463 156. Durante, Francesco 467 157. Dussek, Johann Lndwig 468 158. Dvorak, Antoniu 471 159. Dyer, Arthur Edwin 472 PORTRAITS OF SINGERS, /iUTOGRAPHS, FACSIMILES, ETC. 1. Autograph of Franz Abt. 1878.. 2. Autograph of Adolphe Adam 3. Portrait of Pauline Lucca . . 4. Autograph of Johann Friedricli Agricola. 1771 5. Clara Louise Kellogg, as Aula .... 6. Autograph of Johann Georg Al- brechtsberger. 1793 7. Autograph of Micliael Altenburg. 1618 8. Caricature of the Chorus in Anti- gone, London Punch, 1847. . . . 9. !Mara as Armida 10. Portrait of Carlo Broschi, called Farinelli 11. Portrait of Elizabeth Billington . . 12. Autograph of Daniel Frani;ois Es- prit Auber 13. Dugazon as Azemia 14. Autograpli of Philijjp Emanuel Bach. 1774 15. Autograph of Johann Christian Bach. 1757 16. Birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach 17. Facsimile of the MS. of Johann Sebastian Bach : from tlie 1st Prelude in the Wohltemperirte Clavier 18. Autographs of Johann Sebastian Bach. 1733 19. Autograph of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. 1733 20. Autograph of Pierre Mario Fran- cois de Sales Buillot. 1834. . . . PAGE ' 5 21. 8j 15 22. 18 I 23. 22 24. 25. 29 26. 27. 41 28 29. 58 30 69 31 77 32 78 33 34 87 35 92 36 95 37 97 38 100 39 40. 41. 101 42 105 43 105 44 110 Autograpli of Giuseppe Baini. 1831 Ill Autograph of Michael William Balfe 114 Portrait of Zelia Trebelli 115 Portrait of Adeliua Patti 121 Portrait of Erminia Frezzolini 137 Beethoven's Birthplace 142 Caricature of Beethoven 143 Beethoven's Tomb, Vienna 144 Beethoven's Statue in Bonn 144 Facsimile of Beethoven's MS.: from the Sonata in A-flat, op. 26 146 Autograi^hs of Beethoven. 1809 . . 148 Lavinia Fenton, as Polly Peachuin . 149 Autograph of Vincenzo Bellini.... 154 Autograph of Franz Benda. 1781. 155 Autograph of Georg Benda, 1781. 157 Autograph of Sir Julius Benedict. 1867 158 Autograph of Sir William Stern- dale Bennett. 1840 162 Portrait of Gioacchino Conti, called Gizziello 166 Autograph of Charles Auguste de Beriot 160 Autograph of Hector Berlioz. 1853. 171 Autograph of Christoph Bernhard. 1651 174 Autograph of Henry Moutan Ber- ton 179 Autograph of Georges Bizet. 1859 191 Au*^ograpli of Luigi Bocclierini. 1787 200 PORTRAITS OF SINGERS, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. 45. Autograph of Robert Nicholas Charles Bochsa 201 46. Autograph of Fran<;ois Adrian Boieldieu 208 47. Autograph of Arrigo Boito. 1884 . 209 48. Autograph of Giovanni Maria Bo- noncini. 1656 214 49. Autographs of Johannes Brahms. 1885 ; 1872 225 50. Autograph of Hans von Billow. 1868 242 51. Autograph of Giulio Caccini. 1005 251 52. Hermione, in Cadmus et Hermione. 1673 252 53. Autograph of Antonio Caldara. 1715 255 54. Autograph of Sethus Calvisius. 1594 258 55. Autograph of Michele Carafa 267 56. Minnie Hauck, as Carmen 273 57. Autograph of Charles Simon Catel. 1818 283 58. Autograph of Emilio de' Cavalieri. 1597 286 59. Portrait of Marietta Alboui 292 60. Autograph of Luigi Cherubini .... 309 61. Autograph of Frederic Chopin . . . 314 02. Facsimile of the MS. of Frederic Chopin. Mazurka 315 63. Autograph of Domenico Cimarosa. 1793 324 64. Autograph of Muzio Clementi. 1807 334 65. Autograph of Arcangelo Corelli. 1711 356 66. AutograjDh of Peter Cornelius. 1873 357 67. Autograph of Sir Michael Costa. . . 363 68. Autogi-aph of Carl Czernj-. 1823 . . 383 69. Autograph of Nicolas Dalayrac. 1807 \... 386 70. Portrait of Marie Eoze 389 71. Autograjjh of Alexander Sergie- vitch Dargomygky. 1857 396 72. Autograph of Folicien David. 1846. 400 73. Autograph of Ferdinand David. 1853 401 74. Autograph of Leo Delibes. 1883 . . 410 75. Portrait of Eegiua Mingotti 413 76. Autograph of Josejjh Dessauer. 1863 420 77. Portrait of Anna Thillon 427 78. Autograph of Karl Ditters von Dit- tersdorf. 1798 435 79. Laura Damoreau as Augele, in Le domino uoir 439 80. Portrait of Galli-Marie 441 81. Portrait of Lorenzo da Ponte, author of the libretto of Don Giovanni 441 82. Lablache as Leporello, in Don Giovanni 442 83. Autograph of Gautano Donizetti. 1843 445 84. Autograph of .iutonioDraghi. 1687. 452 85. Autograph of Antoiiiu Dvorak. 1882 472 BIBLIOGRAPHY. ACADEMY. London. Adam, Adolphe. Derniers souvenirs d'un miisicien. Paris, 1859. Albei'gbetti, Fedeiigo and Michelangelo Cialli. Donizetti-Mayr. Bergamo, 1875. AUgemeine deutsclie Biogiapbie. Leipsic, 1875, et seq. AUgemeine deutsche Musikzeitung. Leipsic, 1874, et seq. AUgemeine musikalische Zeitung. Leipsic, 1798-1848 ; Neue Folge. 1SC3, et seq. AUgemeine Wiener Musik-Zeitung. Vienna, 1817-24. AUgemeine Zeitung. Munich, formerly Augs- burg, 1798, et seq. Ambros, August Wilhelm. Gescbichte der Musik. Breslau, 18G2-82. Ambros, August Wilhelm. Oulturhistorische Bilder aus dem Musiklebea der Gegen- wart. Leipsic, 1865. Ambros, August W'ilhelm. Bunte Blatter, Hkizzeu uud Studien fiir Freunde der Musik uud der bildenden Kunst. Leip- sic, 1872. Neue Folge. Leipsic, 1874. Ambros, August W^ilhelm, Robert Franz. Line Studie. Leipsic, 1872. Ambros, August Wilhelm. Geschiclite der Musik der Neuzeit in Studien und Kriti- ken. Presburg, 1882. Apthorp, William Foster. Hector Berlioz. New York, 1879. Arnold, J. F. K. Luigi Cherubini. Seine kurze Biographie. Erfurt, 1809. Atheuaium. London. Atlantic Monthly. Boston, Mass. 1857, et seq. Austin, George Lowell. The Life of Franz Schubert. Boston, 1873. TIAINI, GIUSEPPE. Memorie storico-cri- tiche della vita e delle oj^ere di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Eome, 1828. Barbedette, Hipjaolyte. F. Chopin, essai de critique musicale. Paris, 18G9. Barbedette, Hippolyte. Beethoven, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, 1870. Barbedette, Hippolyte. Ch. M. de Weber, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, 1874. Barrett, William Alexander. English Church Composers. London, 1882. Barrett, William Alexander. Balfe. London, 1882. Baumker, W'ilhelm. Zur Geschichte der Ton- kunst in Deutschland. Freiburg, 1881. Becker, Carl Ferdinand. Die Tonwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts, etc. Leip- sic, 1855. Bellasis, Edward. Cherubini : Memorials Il- lustrative of his Life. LouTac. Paris, 1810. Place, Chai-les. Essai sur la composition, etc. Paris, 1842. Pohl, Karl Ferdinand. Mozart und Haydn in London. Vienna, 1867. Pohl, Karl Ferdinand. Josef Haydn. Leip- sic, 1878. Pohl, Kichard. Franz Liszt. Studien und Erinnerungen. Leijiisic, 1883. Pohl, Richard. Richard Wagner. Studien rind Kritiken. Leipsic, 1883. Pohl, Richard. Hector Berlioz. Studien und Erinnerungen. Leijjsic, 1884. Poiset, Charles. Histoire de la musique en France. Paris, 1860. Polko, Elise. Reminiscences of Felix Men- delssohn-Bartholdy. Translated by Lady Wallace. New York, 1809. Poole, Reginald Lane. Sebastian Bach. Lon- don, 1882. Pougin, Arthur. Bellini, sa vie, ses ceuvres. Paris, 1868. Pougin, Arthur. Albert Griser, etude artisti- que. Paris, 1870. Pougin, Arthur. Notice sur Rode, violoniste francais. Paris, 1874. Pougin, Arthur. Boieldieu, sa vie, ses ceuvres, etc. Paris, 1875. Pougin, Arthur. Rameau. Essai sur sa vie et ses ceuvres. Paris, 1876. Pougin, Arthur. Adolphe Adam, sa vie, sa carriere, ses memoires artistiques. Paris, 1877. Pougin, Arthur. Les viais createurs de I'opera francais, Perrin et Camliert. Paris, 1881. Prieger, Karl. Urtheile bedeutender Dichter, Philosojihen und Musiker tiber Mozart. Wiesbaden, 1880. DAMANN, L. Franz Liszt. Als Kunstler -^ undMensch. Leipsic, 1880. 2d vol., 1887. Baoul-Rochette. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Cherubini. Paris, 1843. Refuveille, J. A. Boieldieu, sa vie et sea ceuvres. Rouen, 1851. Reimann, Heinrich. Robert Schumann's Leben und Werke. Leipsic, 1887. Reissmann, August. Allgemeine Gesohichte der Musik. Munich, 1863. Reissmann, August. Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1867. Reissmann, August. Robert Schumann. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1871. Reissmann, August. Josef Haydn. SeiuLeljen und seine Werke. Berlin, 1879. Reissmann, August. Johann Sebastian Bach. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin and Leipsic, 1881. Reissmann, August. Illustrirte Gesohichte der deutschen Musik. Leipsic, 1881. Reissmann, August. Christoph Willibald von Gluck. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin and Leipsic, 1882. Reissmann, August. Georg Friedrich Handel. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin and Leipsic, 1882. Reissmann, August. Carl Maria von Weber. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1883. Reissmann, August. Die Oper in ihrer kuust- und kulturhistorischen Bedeutung darge- stellt. Stuttgart, 1885. Reissmann, August. The Life and Works of Robert Schumann. Translated by Abby Langdon Alger. London, 1886. Reissmann, August. Friedrich Lux. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Leipsic, 1888. Rellstab, Ludwig. Ludwig Berger, ein Denk- mal. Berlin, 1846. Re^^^e et Gazette musicale. Paris, 1835-80. Revue musicale. Paris, 1827-33. Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich. Mnsikalische Cha- rakterkiipfe. Ein geschichtliches Skizzen- buch. Stuttgai't, 1868-78. Riemann, Hugo. Musik-Lexikon. Leipsic, 1887. Riss^, Joseph. Franz Schubert und seine Lie- der. Hanover, 1872. Ritter, Frederic Louis. History of Music. London, 1876. Ritter, Frederic Louis. Music in England. New York, 1883. BIBLTOGRAPIIY Bitter, Fredeiic Louis. Music in America, j New York, 1883. Rocblitz, FrieiUicb. Fiir Freunde tier Tou- kunst. Leipsic, 182-i-32. Rockstro, William Smyth. The Life of George Frederick Handel. London, 1883. Ivockstro, William Smyth. Mendelssohn. Loudon, 1881. Rockstro, William Smyth. A General History of Music. London, 1886. Rossini, Vie de, par un dilettante. Antwerp, 18.39. Rowbotham, John Frederick. A History of Music. London, 1885, et seq. Rudhart, Fr. M. Geschichte der Oper am Hofe zu Miinohen. Freising, 1865. OAMMLUNG MUSIKALISCHER VOR- ^ TRAGE. Herausgegebcu von Paul, Graf Waldersee. Leijisic, 1879- . Sandberger. Leben iind Werke des Dichter- musikers Peter Cornelius. Leipsic, 1887. Sarau, August. Robert Franz und das deutsche Volks-und Kircbenlied. Leipsic, 1875. Sauzay, Eugene. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. Etude sur le quatuor. Paris, 188-4. Schafhautl, Karl Emil von. Abt Georg Joseph Vogler. Sein Leben, sein Charakter, und musikalisches System, etc. Augsburg, 1888. Schilling, Gustav. Univer.sal Lexicon derTon- kunst. Stuttgart, 1835-42. Schindler, Anton. Biographie von Ludwig van Beethoven. Ml'inster, 1860. Schletterer, Hans Michael. Zur Geschichte dramatischer Musik und Poesie in Deutsch- land. Augsburg, 1863. Schletterer, Hans Michael. Johanu Friedrich Reichardt. Sein Leben und seine musika- lische Thiitigkeit. Augsburg, 1865. Schletterer, Hans Michael. Historisches und thematisclies Verzeichniss der Werke von Ludwig Spohr. Leipsic, 1881. Schletterer, Hans ISIichael. Studien zur Ge- schichte der franziisisclien Musik. Berlin, 1887. Schmid, Anton. Christoph Willibald, Ritter von Gluck. Dessen Leben und tonk\inst- lerisches Wirken. Leipsic, 1854. Schneider, Louis. Geschichte der Oper in Berlin. Berlin, 1845-52. Schneider, Karl Ernst. Uas musikalische Lied in geschichtlicher Entwickelung. Leipsic, 1863-65. Schoelcher, Victor. The Life of Handel. Lon- don, 1857. Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel. Ideen zu einer Aesthetik der Tonkunst. Vienna, 1806. Schumann, Robert. Gcsammelte Schrifteu iiber Musik und Musiker. Leipsic, 1875. English translation by Fanny Raymond Ritter. London, 1877. Scliure, Edouard. Histoire du Lied. Paris, 1876. Schur6, Edouard. Le drame musical. Paris, 1886. Schuster, Heinrich i\I. Robert Franz. Leipsic, 1874. Scudo, P. Critique et litterature mnsicales. Paris, 1856-59. Selden, Camille. La musique en AUemagne. Mendelssohn. Paris, 1867. Signale fiir die musikalische Welt. Leipsic, 1843, et seq. Smith, John Christopher. Anecdotes of George Frederick Handel. London, 1799. Sowinski, Albert. Les musiciens polonais et slaves. Paris, 1857. Spitta, Philipp. Johann Sebastian Bach. Leipsic, 1873-80. English translation by Clara Bell and J. A. FuUer-Maitland, Lon- don, 1884. Spitta, Philipp. Handel und Bach. Zwei Festreden. Bonn, 1885. Spitta, Philipp. Heinrich Schiitz. Eine Gediichtnissrede. Hildburghausen, 1886. Spitta, Philipp. Die Passionen nach den vier Evangelien von Heinrich Schiitz. Leip- sic, 1886. Spohr, Louis. Autobiography. Translated from the German. London, 1865. Stein, Armiu. Georg Friedrich Handel. Ein Kiinstlerleben. Halle, 1882. Strohschneider, Josef St. W. A. Mozart. i Fragile, 1887. ri^APPERT, WILHELM. Richard Wai ^ Sein Leben und seine Werke. Elbei 'agner. Elberfeld. 1883. Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. Ludwig van Beethoven's Chronologisches Verzeich- niss der Werke. Berlin, 1865. Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. Ludwig van Beethoven's Leben. Berlin, 1866 et seq. Thoinan, Ernest, Un Bisaieul de Moliere. Re- cherche.s sur les ISIazuel, musiciens des xvi« et xvii° siecles. Paris, 1878. BIBLlOfrRAPIIY Tluaue, Carl. Fiieclrich Knlilau. Translated from the Danish, Leipsic, 1886. Tournaillou, H. Sur Adolphe Adam. Orleans, 1857. Townsend, Pauline D. Joseph Haydu. Lou- don, 1884. TILIBISOHEFF, ALEXANDER. Nouvelle biographie de Mozart. Moscow, 1843. Ulibischeff, Alexander. Beethoven. Seine Kritiker und seine Ausleger. Translated into German by Ludwig Bischoff. Leip- sic, 1859. Upton, George P. The Standard Operas. Chicago, 1885. Upton, George P. The Standard Oratorios. Chicago, 1887. Upton, George P. The Standard Cantatas. Chicago, 1888. Upton, George P. The Standard Symphonies. VAN DEE STEAETEN, EDMOND. La mn- sique aux Pays-Bas avant le xix'^ sifecle. Brussels, 1867-85. Vapereau, Gustave. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. Paris, 1880. Vascoucellos, Joaquin de. Os musicos portu- guezes. Oporto, 1870. Verzeichniss, Thematisches, der bisher im Drnck erschienenen Werke von Johannes Brahms. Berlin, 1887. Vierteljahi'sschrift fiir Musik-Wissenscliaft. Leipsic, 1885, et seq. A'illemarest, Maxime de. Souvenirs de F. Blaugiui. 1797-183-4. Paris, 1834. Viotta, Henri. Lexicon der toonkunst. Am- sterdam, 1883. Vischer, Friedricli Theodor. Aesthetik oder Wissenschaft des Schonen. iii. Stuttgart, 1857. Vogel, Beruhard. Eicliard Wagner. Sein Leben und .seine Werke. Leipsic, 1883. Vogel, Beruhard. Robeit Schumann's Kla- viertonpoesie. Leipsic, 1886. Vogel, Bernliard. Franz Liszt als Lyriker. Leip.sic, 1887. Vogel, Beruhard. Hans von Biilow. Sein Leben und sein Entwickelungsgang. Mu- sikheroen der Neuzeit. iii. Leipsic, 1887. Vogel, Bernhard. Johannes Brahms. Sein Lebensgang und eine Wiirdigung seiner Werke. Musikheroeu der Neuzeit. iv. Leipsic, 1888. Voigt, W. HSndels Samson und Bachs Mat- thiius Passion. Ein Vortrag. Gottingen, 1885. WAGNER, RICHARD. Gesammelte Schrif- ' ten und Dichtungen. Leipsic, 1871-73. Wagner, Richard. Beethoven. English trans- lation by Albert C. Parsons. Boston, 187-2. Wangemann, Otto. Geschichte des Oratori- ums. Demmin, 1881-82. Walsh, Vicomte J. A. Proces-vei-bal de la c6r6monie funebre en I'honneur de Boiel- dieu. Rouen, 1835. Wasielewski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Die Vio- line und ihre Meister. Leipsic, 1869. Wasielewski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Life of Robert Schumann. English translation by A. L. Alger. Boston, 1871. Wasielew.ski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Schu- manniana. Bonn, 1883. Wasielewski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Ludwig van Beethoven. Berlin, 1888. Weber, Max Maria von. Carl Maria von Weber. Ein Lebensbild. Leipsic, 1864. Eng- lish translation by J. Palgrave Simpson. London, 1865. Wegeler, F. G., und Ferdinard Eies. Bio- graphische Notizen iiber Ludwig van Beet- hoven. Coblentz, 1838. Weitzmann, Karl Friedrich. Geschichte des Clavierspiels und der Clavierliteratur. Stuttgart, 1863. Wellner, August. Musikalische Skizzen und Studien. Hildburghausen, 1885. Wellner, August. Karl Loewe. Ein deutscher Tonmeister. Leipsic, 1885. Wellner, August. Die geistliche, insonderheit die geistliche Oratorien-Musik unseres Jahrhnnderts. Hildburghausen, 1885. Wichniaun, Hermann. Gesammelte Aufsiitze. Berlin, 1885. Winterfeld, Carl von. Johannes Pierlnigi von Palestrina. Breslau, 1832. Winterfeld, Carl von. Johannes Gabrieli und sein Zeitalter. Berlin, 1834. Winterfeld, Carl von. Der evangelisehe Kir- chengesang und sein Verhiiltniss zur Kunst des Tonsatzes. Leipsic, 1843-47. Wurzbach, Constant von. Biographisches Lex- ikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. Vi- enna, 1856, et seq. Wurzbach, Constant von. Mozart-Buch. Vien- na, 1869. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. A., Alto. B., Bass, Basso, etc. Bar., Baritone. B. M. v., Beata Maria Virgo. Biog., Biography, Biogratia, etc. Cath., Cathedral. Cb., Churcb. Col., Collection. do., ditto. etc., et cetera. et seq., et secjiientia. Pr., Freiicb. Ger., German. ib., ibidem. id., idem. It., Italian. L. of Honour, Legion of Honour. Lib., Liber. M., JMonsieur. Mile, Mademoiselle. Mme, Madame. MS., MSS., Manuscript, Manuscripts. M. S., Mezzo-soprano. Mas. Bac, Bachelor of Music. Mus. Doc, Doctor of Music. n. d., no date. op., opus, opera. R A. M., Royal Academy of Music. S., Soprano. S., Sta., San, Santa. S. M., Santa Maria. Sp., Spianish. St., Saint. T., Tenor. Voc, Voces. Vol., Volume. WoirU in italics indicate the alphabetical place of articles un the subjeds specified. CYCLOPEDIA OP Music and Musicians ABACO, EVAEISTO FELICE DALL', born in Verona, in 1662, died iu Mu- nich, Feb. 26, 1726. Violinist, Con- certmeister in the band of the Elector Max Emmanuel of Bavaria. Works : 12 sonatas for violin and bass ; 10 concertos for four parts, for church use ; 12 sonatas for two vio- lins, violoncello, and bass ; Sonata for violin and bass ; 6 concertos for four violins, alto, bassoon, violoncello, and bass. These works were published in Amsterdam. — Fotis ; Men- del, Ergdnz., 1. ABADIA, NATALE, born in Genoa, Italy, March 11, 1792, died (?). Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Pietro Eaimondi and of L. Cerro. Works : L'imbroglione ed il castigamatti, opera buffa, given in Genoa, 1812 ; La Giannina di Pontieu, ossia la Vil- lanella d'onore, musical drama, ib., 1812 ; Mass for three voices ; Mass for four voices, with orchestra ; Vesper service ; Motets. — Fetis. ABBATINI, ANTONIO MARIA, born at Tiferno, or at Castello, Italy, in 159-5, died in Castello in 1677. He was maestro di cap- pella, in Rome, of S. Giovanni in Laterano in 1626, of the Gesft in 1628, of S. Maria Maggiore in 1645—46, and then of S. Lo- renzo e Damaso ; again of S. Maria Mag- giore in 1649-57, of S. ]Maria di Loretto until 1672, when he returned to S. Maria Maggiore, and remained there until his de- cease. Most of his compositions, masses, psalms, motets, etc., are in manuscript, and are pi-eserved in the archives of the churches in which he served. He assisted Kircher in writing his Musurgia, and is said by Allaci to have written an opera : Del male in bene, Rome, 1654. Works published : Psalms, four books (1630-35); Motets, for two, three, four, and five voices (1636-38) ; Masses, three books (1638-50). After his death, his pupil, Dominique del Pane, published his An- tiennes for twelve tenors and twelve basses (Rome, 1677).— Fi'tis ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 1. ABBfi, JOSEPH B.ARNABE S.AEXT- SfiVIN, called, born at Agen (Lot-et-Ga- ronne), June 11, 1727, died at Maisous, near Charenton, in 1787. Violinist, son and pupil of Philippe de Saint-Sevin, called Abbe (who, from 1727, was a violoncellist of re- piite in the orchestra of the Opera in Paris) ; then pupil of Leclair in 1740-42. He was a violinist at the Conu-die Franyaise in 1739, and the Opera in 1742, whence he retii-ed after twenty years of service. He published eight works of sonatas and trios for the vio- lin. — Fetis. ABEGG VARIATIONS, theme on the name Abegg, with variations for pianoforte, by Schumann, op. 1, dedicated to Pauline, Countess d' Abegg ; composed in the first ABEILLE half of 1830 ; published iu July, 1832. This work was inspired by a beautiful woman, Meta Abegg, whose uarne, represented in musical notes, Schumann used for the mo- tive of his conijiosition. It is worked up in waltz rhythiQ, f)robably iu memory of the ball at which he met the young lady. The Countess d'Abegg is a mythical jJerson, in- vented for the occasion. — Reissmann (Al- ger), 37. ABEILLE, (JOHAXN CHRISTIAN) LUDWIG, born at Baireuth, Feb. 20, 17G1, (lied at Stuttgart, March 2, 1838. Pianist and organist, pujjil of Boroni and Siimann at the Karlsschule in Stuttgart. He joined the jjrivate band of the Duke of Wiirtem- berg in 1782, succeeded Zumsteeg as Con- certmeister iu 1802, and was subsecpeutly made director of official music, and organist in the court chapel. In 1832 Abeille re- ceived a ijension and royal gold medal for his fifty years' services. Among his works are eight Lieder, an Ash- Wednesday hymn for four voices, and two operettas : Amor luid Psj'che, Augsburg, 1801 ; and Peter und Aeunchen, 1810 ; which have been arranged for the pianoforte. He also wrote for the harpsichord, sonatas, concertos, etc., some with violin and violoncello accompaniment. A Miserei'e, with full chorus, is jDreserved in the MS. department of the Imperial Library, Paris. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 7 ; Fetis ; Men- del. ABEL, oratorio, music by Thomas Augus- tine Ai-ne, first performed at Drury Lane, London, March 12, 1755. It was not suc- cessful, but one of its melodies, known as the Hymn of Eve, is simple and beautiful, and became very popular. ABEL, CLAINIOR HEINRICH, born in Westphalia, middle of 17th century, time of death unknown. Chamber-musician to the court of Hanover. He composed for string instruments, in the form of Allemandes, CtMirantes, Sarabands, etc. : Erstlinge mu- sikalischer Blumen (3 vols., Frankfort, 1071, 1G7G, 1G77) ; also published as Drei Opera rausica (Brunswick, 1687), — Futis. ABEL, KARL FRIEDRICH, born at Kothen, about 1725, died in London, June 22, 1787. Viol-da- gamba virtuoso, pu- pil at the Thomas- schule, Leipsic, of Sebastian Bach ; one of the court band at Dresden, under Hasse, in 17i8-58. After travelling through Germany, he went in 1759 to London, where he gave, April 5, a concert composed entirely of his own music. He was appointed chamber-musician to Queen Charlotte, with a salary of £200. Having joined John Christian Bach on his arrival in London iu 17G2, he aided him in conducting Mrs. Cornelys's subscrij)tion con- certs, the first of which was given in Carlisle House, Soho Square, in 1765, and which con- tinued many years. The violinist Wilhelm Cramer made his first appearance at these concerts, and Haydn's symphonies were there first performed in England. After Bach's death, in 1782, the concerts, conducted by Abel alone, were unsuccessful. He returned to Germany in 1783, visiting Berlin and Ludwigslust, where he played, but revisited Loudon again iu 1785, and played in the Subscription Concerts of Mr. Salomon and Mme. Mara at the Pantheon and in the newly established Professional Concerts ; he played last iu public at Mrs. Billington's concert, May 21, 1787. He was the greatest and last virtuoso upon his instrument, which, after his death, fell into disuse. Much of Abel's music was published by Bremner, of London, and Hummel, of Berlin. Among the best known are : A fifth set of Six Overtures, oj). 11 (Bremner), and Six Sonatas, op. 18 ; his instrumental pieces are contained in seventeen works. He wrote the music for the operas : Love in a Village (London, 1760) and Berenice (1761). — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 13 ; Fetis ; Mendel. ABEL.\, KARL GOTTLOB, born at Bor- na, Saxony, April 29, 1823, died at Halle, f A BELL April 22, 184:1. Vocal composer, pupil in Dresden of A. G. Fischer ; weut to Halle in 1825, and shortly after was made cantor at St. Mary's Church. He did much toward the jjromotion of vocal music iu the public schools. Works : Collection of songs for two, three, and four voices (Leipsic, Hart- kuoch, -Ith ed., 1848) ; 160 songs, followed by canons for several voices (ib., Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; 120 quartets for male voices (ib.) ; Der Siingerbimd, (juartets for do. (Halle, Knapp).— Fetis. ABELL, JOHN, born in London (?) about 1()C0, died iu Cambridge in 1724. Alto singer and lute player, probably educated in the choir of the Chapel Royal, of which he was a member in 1079, and afterwards sent by Charles H. to study in Italy, whence he returned in 1688. Having re-entered the Chapel Royal, lie was dismissed, after the Revolution of 1688, on account of his Roman Catholic faith, and, after travelling on the Continent, leading a vagrant life, returned to London iu 1700 and settled at Cam- bridge. Works : Les airs d'Abell pour le concert (Amsterdam); A Collection of Songs, in several languages (London, 1701) ; Col- lection of Songs in English (ib.). — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ABENCERAGES, LES (The Abeucer- rages), French opera iu three acts, test by Jouy, music by Cherubini ; first represented at the Opera, Paris, April G, 1813. This performance was attended by the Emperor Napoleon, who left Paris the morning after to attemjjt to check the advance of the Allies. Tlie libretto is founded on the romantic, but now disjjroved, story of the feud between the two Moorish families the Zegris and the AbenceiTages, and the murder in the Alham- bra, by order of the sovereign of Granada, of all the jarinces of the latter name, on his discoverj' of illicit relations between one of them and his own wife or sister. The storj-, as given by Ginez Perez de Hita in his "His- toria de los Vandos, de los Zegries y Aben- cerages " (Saragossa, 1595), has been retold by Floriau, Chateaubriand, and others. The same subject is treated iu the operas Aben- hamet et Zoraide, hy Giusejjpe Niccoliui, Milan, 1805 ; Zoraide, by Giuseppe Fari- nelli, Venice, 1816 ; Zoraide, or Der Friede von Granada, by Karl Blum, Berlin, 1821 ; Zoraide di Grauata, by Donizetti, Rome, 1822 ; Der letzte Abencerage, text by Lud- wig Bartog, music by Franz Sarosi (Schauer), Pesth, Jan. 4, 1887. — Bellasis, Cherubini, 206. ABENHAMET E ZOR-HDE. See Aben- rerarjfa. ABENHEIJH, JOSEPH, born at Worms in 1804, still living, 1888. Violinist, studied the violin and pianoforte at Worms and Darmstadt, and theory at Mannheim, where he entered the orchestra. In 1825 he was made a member of the royal orchestra at Stuttgart, visited Paris in 1828, and studied composition under Reiclia, and after his re- turn was promoted to a more elevated posi- tion in the orchestra, until in 1854 he be- came director of music. Works : Music for the drama Hariadan, played at Stuttgart, 1842 ; Psalm for four voices ; Pater noster ; Songs without words, for pianoforte (Stutt- gart, Hallberger) ; 2 nocturnes for do., op. 8 (ib.) ; Polonaise (Carlsruhe, Creuzbauer) ; 6 songs, with pianoforte, op. 2 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; 6 do., op. 5 (Stuttgart, Copel) ; Der deuLsche Rhein, for a single voice (Stuttgart, Schnitz) ; etc. Many entr'- actes and overtures, which remain iu manu- script. — Fetis ; Mendel. ABERT, (JOHANN) JOSEF, born at Kochowitz, Bohemia, Sept. 21, 1832, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, first in- structed in the Augustine convent at Bohm- isch-LeijJa, but at the age of fifteen i-au away, and became a pupil at the Conserva- torium, Prague, of Kittl and Tomaczek. In 1852 he obtained an engagement as contra- bassist in the court orchestra at Stuttgart, and in the year following brought out his first symphony in C minor. After having produced his first opera in 1859, he lived for several years in Paris and London, and in the former place was much aided by in- ABOS tercourse with Rossini, Auber, and Halevy. About I860 he was appointed royal director of music at Stuttgart, and in 1867 Hof- Kapellmeister. Works : Symphony in C minor, given iu Stuttgart, 1853 ; do. in A major, ib., 1856 ; Antia von Landskron, opera, ib., 1859 ; KOuig Eazio, oj^era, ib., 1862 ; Columbus, symphonic poem, ib., 1864; Astorga, opera, ib., Sept. 20, 186G ; Ekkehard, opera, Berhn, 1878 ; Die Almo- haden, opera, written iu 1886 ; Concert- Overtures, String Quartets, Compositions for the jjianoforte, and Songs. — Brockhaus ; Fetis, Supplement, i. 2 ; Mendel ; Riemaun. ABOS, GIROLAMO, born at Mdta in the beginning of the 18 th century, died in Naples about 1786. Dramatic composer. He taught in the Couservatorio deUa Pieta, Najsles, the singer Aprile being his most famous piupil ; he visited Rome, Venice, and Tui-in, and was maestro al cembalo at the opera iu London in 1756. Works — Operas : Le due zingare, given at Na^sles, Teatro Nuovo, 1742 ; La serva padrona, Naples, about 1744 ; Ifigenia in Aulide, ib., about 1745 ; La moglie gelosa, ib., Teatro de' Fio- rentiui, 1745 ; Artaserse, Venice, 1746 ; Ad- riano, Rome, 1750 ; La pupilla e '1 tutore, Naples, about 1753 ; Tito Maulio, London, 1756 ; Creso, ib., 1758. Church music : 7 Masses, 2 Kyries, and several Litanies to the Virgin are in manuscript in Rome, Naples, and Turin, and in the Conservatory in Paris. — Fetis; Mendel, Ergiinz., 3. ABRAHA:\IS OPFER (Abraham's Offer- ing), oratorio, by Peter Joseph von Lind- paintner, given at Stuttgart in 1821. The characters are well conceived, the airs me- lodious and exj)ressive, the recitatives purely declamatory, and the choruses vigorous and full of fire. The instrumentation is very suitable and effective. It was dedicated to Queen Victoria, who sent him, in return, iu 1848, a medal. — ^Vllgem. mus. Zeit., xxiii. 314. ABRAM, JOHN, born at Margate, Eng- land, Aug. 7, 1840, still living, 1888. Organ- ist, successively, at St. John's, Torquay, 1864 ; St. Peter and Paul's, Wantage, 1865 ; St. Paul's, St. Leonard's-on-Seu, 1869. Works : Jerusalem, cantata ; The Widow of Nain, oratorio ; Anthems, services, pianoforte mu- sic, etc. ABRAMS, HENRIETTA, born in Eng- land in 1760, died in the tu-st half of the 19th century. The eldest of three sisters, singers, pupil of Dr. Ai'ue ; first appeared in public at the Drury Lane Theatre in 1775, and composed several songs which became very popular, to wit : The Orphan's Prayer, and Crazy Jane. In 1787 she published A Collection of Songs, and A Collection of Scotch Songs harmonized for three voices. — Grove. ABSCHEULICHER ! See FideUo. ABSCHIEDS SYMPHONIE (Farewell Symphony), music by Josef Haydn ; date on autograph score, 1772. Published by Simrock. ABT, FRANZ, bom at Eilenburg, Prus- sian Saxouj', Dec. 22, 1819, died at Wies- baden, March 31, 1885. Composer of vocal and of little- known instrumental music, educated at the Thomasschule in Leipsic, where, al- though destined for theology, he was drawn towards music by his acquaintance with Mendelssohn. In 1841 he was appoint- ed musical director of the court theatre at Bernburg, and iu the autumn of the same year of the theatre at Zurich, where he was much sought as a leader of singing societies and a vocal teacher, and became jiopular as a composer. Called to Brunswick, in 1852, as second Kapellmeister at the court theatre, he was appointed Hof-Kapellmeister iu 1855, and pensioned in 1881. On the invitation of several prominent singing societies, he visited the United States iu 1872, and won great triumphs. He was ver}' prolific, and up to 1881 had published more than five ABU rv ^J^>^ hundred and eighty books (Hefte), some of theiu containing from twenty to thirty num- bers. His songs for a single voice, and his part-songs, written especially for men's voices, are not of high standing, artisticallj', but sho^y a good deal of iiuent, melodious in- vention, although often verging on the senti- mental. Certain of his songs, like " Weun die Schwalben heimwilrts ziehn," and "Gute Nacht, du meiu herziges Kind," have be- come household melodies. Among his part- songs are some of poetic beauty ; for in- stance, "Die stille W a s s e r r o s e . " Member of Stock- h o 1 ni Academy, 1865 ; Brunswick order of Henry the Lion, 18G9. — Mendel; Kiemanu. ABU HASSAN, comic Singspiel in one act, text by Franz Hiemer, music by Carl Maria von Weber, first represented in Mu- nich, June 4, 1811. Weber began the score at Mannheim, Aug. 11, 1810, and, after some interrujjtious, completed it at Darmstadt, Jan. 12, 1811. He dedicated it to the Grand Duke Ludwig, in the vain hope that it would lead to a permanent ajjpoint- ment at the court. It was produced with success in London, in 1825, in an English dress, and was given at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris, May 11, 1859, with a French text by Nuitter and Beaumont. — Max M. von Weber, Carl M. von W., i. 212, 272. ACCELLI, GESARE, Italian contrapunt- ist of the second half of the 16th century-. He published at Venice : Libro primo de' madrigali a cinque voci, among which is the one beginning, Donna mia casta e bella (1557) ; others of his composition are found in the collection : De' floridi virtuosi d'ltalia il terzo libro de' madrigali a cinque voci, imovamente composto, etc. (Venice, 1586). — Fctis. ACCIAJUOLI, FILIPPO, born in Rome in 1637, died there, Feb. 3, 1700. Dramatic composer and poet ; as knight of the order of Malta he went to Palestine, travelled through Europe, and parts of Asia, Africa, and America, whence he returned to Italy by way of England and France. He then devoted his whole attention to the theatre, for which he worked not only as a composer, but as a most expert machinist. His many operas, of which only four are complete, were well received throughout Italy, owing to their novel, romantic style, and were fre- quently performed. Under the name of Ireneo Amasiano he became, in 1690, a mem- ber of the Arcadi illustri, the famous acad- emy founded by Queen Christina of Sweden. Operas : II girello, given at Modena, 1675, at Venice, 1682 ; La damina placata, Venice, 1680 ; Ulisse in Feazia, ib., 1680, 1681 ; Chi 6 causa del suo mal, pianga se stesso. — Fetis ; Mendel. ACCORIMBONI, AGOSTINO, born in Rome about 1754, died (?). Dramatic composer. Works : II regno delle Amaz- zoni, opera, given in Parma about 1782 ; II podesta di tuft'o autico, opera, Rome, 1786 ; Masses, Motets, and Vesjiers, which are found in the churches of Romagua and Lombardy. — Fetis. A CE BONHEUR SUPREME. See Zampa. ACERES, , Spanish dramatic com- poser of the present time, who has made himself known by several zarzuelas, jr comic operas : Dos comicos de jjrovincia ; Sensi- tiva ; El manco de Lepanto (written for the anniversary of the death of Cervantes), given at Madrid, April 23, 1867 ; La bola negra, 1872 or 1873 ; El testamento azul (with Barbieri and Oudrid), Madrid, Teatro del Buen Retire, 1874. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 3. A CETTE CAUSE SAINTE. See Hugue- nols. ACH ! ICH FilHL'S. See Zauberflote. ACHILLE NELL" ASSEDIO DI TROJA (Achilles at the Siege of Troy), Italian opera, music by Cimarosa, represented at Rome, 1798, during the carnival. An opera, same title, music by Francesco Basili, was given at the Pergola Theatre, Florence, 1798. Achille placato, Italian opera, music by Antonio Lotti, given in Venice, 1707 ; L' ira ACHILLE d' Achille, music by Niccolini, given in Milan, 1813 ; find L' ira d' Achille, music by Fran- cesco Basili, Venice, 1817, deal with inci- dents of the siege. ACHILLE ET DEIDAAHE. See Achille in Sciro. ACHILLE PLACATO. See Achille nell' assedio di Troja. ACHILLE ET POLYXfiNE (Achilles and Polyxena), lyrical tragedy in tive acts, text by Campistron, music by Lulli and Colasse ; first rei^reseuted, Paris, Nov. 7, 1687. The libretto is founded on the story of the love of Achilles for Polyxena, daugh- ter of Priam. Achilles, having gone to the temple of Apollo, at Thymbra, to negotiate his marriage, is treacherously slain there by Paris, and Polyxena is afterward sacrificed on his tomb by his sou Neoptolemus or Pyrrhus. The same subject is treated in Polyxene et Pyrrhus, five acts, text by La- serre, music by Colasse, given at the Acade- mic royale de musique, Oct. 21, 170G ; in Pyrrhus et Polyxene, five acts, text by Joli- veau, music by Dauvergne, Opera, Paris, Jan. 11, 17G3 ; in Pyrrhus und Polyxene, by Peter von Winter, Vienna, 1781 ; Polyx- ena, by Anton Schweitzer, "Weimar, about 1770 ; Polyxena, by E. W. Wolf, Weimar, 177G ; and Polyxena, by Leojjold Zeller, Neu-Strelitz, 1781. ACHILLE IN SCIRO (Achilles in Sciros), Italian opera in three acts, text by Metas- tasio, first set to music by Caldara and rep- resented at Vienna, Feb. 13, 1736, on the marriage of the Archduchess Maria Theresa with Stephano Francesco, Grand Duke of Tuscanj'. Sabject, the adventures of the young Achilles among the daughters of Lj-comedes in Sciros, where he had been introduced in the disguise of a maiden by his mother Thetis, to keep him from the Trojan war, which she knew would be fatal to him. Characters repi'esented : Licomede, Achille, Deidamia, XJlisse, Teagene, Nearco, Arcade. Scene, the palace of Lycomedes in Sciros. The libretto has been set to music also bv Giovanni Legreuzi, given in Venice, 1664 ; by Antonio Caldara, Vienna, 1736 ; Giuseppe Arena, liome, 1738 ; Pietro Chia- rini, Brescia, 1739 ; Leonardo Leo, Turin, 1743 ; Nicoli) Jommelli, Vienna, 1745 ; An- tonio Mazzoni, Naples, 1750 ; Sciroli, Naples, 1751 ; Manna, Milan, 1755 ; Johann Fried- rich Agricola, Berlin, 1758 ; Johann Adolph Hasse, Naples, 1759 ; Ferdinaudo Giuseppe Bertoni, Venice, 1764 ; Johann Gottlieb Naumann, Palermo, 1767 ; Giovanni Pai- siello, St. Petersburg, about 1780 ; Giuseppe Sarti, Florence, 1781 ; Gaetano Puguani, Turin, 1785 ; Pietro Antonio Coppola, Na- ples, 1825. Achille a Soyros, a ballet in three acts, music by Cherubiui, was given at the Opera, Paris, Dec. 18, 1804 ; and Achille a Scyros, ojierette in one act, music by Laurent de Kille, at the Folies Nouvelles, Paris, in September, 1857. Achille et Deida- mie, tragic opera in five acts, text by Danchet, music by Andre Campra, given at the Acade- mie royale, Paris, Feb. 24, 1735 ; and Achil- les in Petticoats, English opera, music by Thomas Augustine Arne, London, 1773, deal with the same subject. ACHILLEUS, dramatic oratorio, text by Heinrich Bulthaupt, music by Max Bruch, first jjerformed at the Khenish Festival, 1885. The jioem, which is founded on in- cidents from the "Iliad," deals with the dis- content of the Greeks, the resentment of Achilles, the death of Patroclus, and the final triumph over Hector. It was fii-st given in America by the Liederkrauz Society, New York, Nov. 28, 1886, with the following cast : Achilleus, C. Zobel ; Andromache, Miss Emily Winant ; Hector and Odysseus, M. Treumann ; Polyxena and Thetis, Miss Hen- rietta Beebe ; Agamemnon and Priam, Max Heinrich ; conductor, Reinhold L. Herman. — Krehbiel, Review, 1886-87, 34. ACHTER, PAUL ULRICH, born at Aich- bach, Bavaria, March 10, 1777, died there in October, 1803. Violinist and church com- posei-. The son of a tailor, he learned mu- sic from the Benedictines, whose order he joined in 1801. Among his works is a Mass of remarkable beauty. — Fetis. ACH ACH WIE FLtJCHTIG, cantata for the 24rtli Sunday after Trinity, by Johauu Sebas- tian Bacli ; written for four voices, two vio- lins, viola, two Geriiiau flutes, three oboes, and continuo. Published by the Bach- Gesellschaft, vol. iii., Church Cantatas, 1855. ACIS AND GALATEA (Ital., Aci or Acide e Galatea; Fr., Acis et Galatee ; Ger., Acis und Galathea), the story, as related by Ovid (Met., xiii. 750), of the loves of the shejjherd Acis and the nymph Galatea. Polyphemus, the Cyclop, jealous of Acis, crushed him un- der a huge stone, and his blood gushing forth was changed by Galatea into the river Acis or Acinus, which flows from under a rock at the foot of lit. Etna. First treated by ]\Iarc Antoine Charpentier in Les Amours d'Acis et Galatee, opera, Paris, 1678 ; then by Giovanni Battista Lulli, text by Campis- tron, in Acis et Galatee, an heroic pastoral in three acts, represented at the Chateau d'Anet, before the Dauphin, Sept. C, 1686, and at the Opera, Paris, in 1687. Aci, Ga- latea e Polifemo, a pastoral serenata, music by Handel, given at Naples, 1708, bears no musical resemblance to Acis and Galatea, his English serenata. Other versions of this subject are by Gottfried Heinrich StOlzel, German opera, Prague, 1715 ; Franz Josef Haydn, Italian ojjera, Vienna, 1770 ; Fran- cesco Bianchi, Italian opera, London, 1797 ; and Johann Gottlieb Naumauu, Dresden, 1801, his last work. See Galatea. ACIS AND GALATEA, pastoral serenata in two acts, text by Gay, with additions by Poj)e and Hughes, music by Handel ; first produced (not acted) at the Duke of Chan- dos's place of Cannons, near Edgeware, in 1720-21. Though not intended to be acted as an opera, it was thus represented, without Handel's sanction, at the Haymarket Theatre, London, May 17, 1732. Galatea was sung by Miss Arne, afterwards Mrs. Cibber, sister of the composer Thomas Augustine Ai-ne, and Acis by Mr. Mountier. This illegiti- mate performance led to its production, on the following June 10th, under Handel's aus- pices, as a serenata, Mozart strengthened the score with additional accompaniments for Baron Van Swieten in 1788. It was again put upon the stage at Drury Lane, Feb. 5, 1842. The MS. is in Buckingham Palace. It was first printed by Randall, successor to Walsh, in 1730, and has since been published by the Handel Society (Lon- don, 1846-47) and by the Handel- Gesell- schaft (Leipsic, 1859).— Hogarth, ii. 58 ; Schleicher, Handel, 59 ; Eockstro, Handel, 112, 173 ; Chrysander, ii. 262. ACTION, opera comique in one act, text by Scribe, music by Auber, given at the Opera Comique, Paris, Jan. 23, 1836. The story of this famous hunter, who was torn to pieces on Mt. Cithseron by his own hounds as a punishment for having surprised Diana and her nymphs while bathing, was first treated musically by Marc Antoine Charpen- tier, Paris, about 1690. A CONSOLAKMI AFFRETISI. See Linda. ACTUS TRAGICUS. See G'c/«e.s Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit. ADAM, ADOLPHE CHARLES, born in Paris, July 24, 1803, died there, May 3, 1856. Dramatic com- poser, son and pupil of Louis Adam, and pupil of Anton Rei- cha and of Boieldieu at the Conservatoire. Having acquired a popular name with compositions and transcriptions for the pianoforte, chansons and ensembles for vaudevilles and operettas, he brought out his first opera, Pierre et Catherine (one act), in 1829, which was fol- lowed by Danilowa (three acts) in 1830, both at the Opera Comique, where also he won his greatest triumph, in 1836, with the PostiUoH de Lonjumeau, which made its way rapidly in all the theatres of Eu- rope, and is still a standard piece in their repertories. In 1847 he founded a new dramatic enterprise, the Theatre National, ADAM which, successful at the outset, came to grief during the revolutionary troubles of 1818, and left him financially embarrassed. Besides operas and ballets he composed some church music, of which two masses are stiU in great favour in Paris. The rhyth- mical grace and melodiousness of his mu- sic, combined with a fine sense of humour, and skilful treatment of voices and orches- tra, secure for him a place in the history of the national French opera next to Boieldieu and Auber. He visited Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Switzerland in 1826, sjjent nine months in London in 1832-33, and visited St. Petersburg in 1839, and Berlin in 1840, on the invitation of the respective sovereigns. He was an excellent organ and pianoforte player, and much sought as a teacher of the latter instrument ; he also won distinction as a musical critic. L. of Honour, 1836 ; Officer, Member of the Insti- tut de France, 1844 ; professor of composi- tion at the Conservatoire, 1848. Works — Operas : Le jeune proprietaire et le vieux fermier, Isaure. given in Paris, 1829 ; Henri V. et ses compagnons, Rafael, Les trois Catherines, Trois jours en une heure, Jo- sephine, ou le retour de Wagram, ib., 1830 ; Le moreeau d'ensemble, Le grand prix, Casimir, ib., 1831 ; His First Campaign, The Dark Diamond, London, 1832 ; Le proscrit, Paris, 1833 ; Une bonne fortune, Le ohalet, ib., 1834 ; La marquise, Micheliue, ib., 1835 ; Le fidele berger, Le brasseiir de Preston, ib., 1838 ; Regine, La reine d'un jour, ib., 1839 ; La rose de Peronne, La main de fer, ou le secret, ib., 1841 ; Le roi d'Yvetot, ib., 1842 ; Caglioslro, Eichard en Palestine, ib., 1844 ; La bouquetiere, ib., 1845 ; Toreador, Le fanal, ib., 1849 ; Giralda, ou la nouvelle Psj'che, ib., 1850 ; Le farfadet. La poupee de Nuremberg (opera-bouffe). Si j'etais roi, ib., 1852 ; Le sourd. La faridondaine, Le roi des halles, Le bijou perdu, ib., 1853 ; Le muletier de TolOde, A Clichy, ib., 1854 ; Le houzard de Berchiny, ib., 1855 ; Falstaflf, Mam'zelle Genevieve, Les pantins de Vio- lette, ib., 1856 ; Le dernier bal, unpublished. Ballets : Faust, given in London, 1833 ; La fille du Danube, Paiis, 1836 ; Les Mohicans, ib., 1837; Morskoi Rasbonick, St. Peters- burg, 1840 ; Die Hamadryaden, Berlin, 1840 ; Giselle, ou les Wilis, Paris, 1841 ; La jolie fille de Gand, ib., 1842 ; Le diable a quatre, ib., 1845 ; The Marble Maiden, London, 1845 ; GriseUdis, ou les cinq sens, Paris, 1848 ; La iiUeule des fees, ib., 1849 ; Orfa, ib., 1852 ; Le corsaire, ib., 1856. Other works : Les nations, cantata, Paris, 1851 ; Chant de victoire, do., ib., 1855 ; Cantate pour la naissauce du Prince Im- perial, ib., 1856 ; Messe solennelle, a quatre voix et choeur, Paris, 1837 ; Messe h trois voix ; Messe de Saint-Cecile, pour soli, choeurs et orchestre, Paris, 1850 ; Messe de rOrpheon, pour choeur de quatre voix d'hommes, Meaux, 1851 ; Mois de Marie de Saint-Philippe, huit motets ; Domine sal- vum, trio et choeur, avec orgue ; Grande marche religieuse ; Les metiers, choeurs populaires pour quatre voix d'hommes ; Les enfants de Paris, choeur a quatre voix d'hommes ; Duets, Ro- m a n c e s. Melodies, Ballades, Chansonnettes, etc. — Adam, Sou- venirs d'un musicien (Paris, 1860) ; Clement, Les musiciens celebres, 483 ; Fetis ; Halevy, Notice sur la vie, etc.; Pougin, Adolphe Adam, sa vie, etc.; Tournaillon, Sur Adolphe Adam. ADAM DE LA HALLE (de la Hale), surnamed le bossu d'Arras (the Hunchback of Arras), born at Arras, Artois, about 1240 (Coussemaker, 1220), died in Na- ples between 1285 and 1288. He studied at the Abbey of Vaucelles, near Cambrai, and assumed there the habit of clerk, though whether he meant to take orders is very doubtful ; but he fell in love with and married a young girl named Marie, whom he soon deserted. He afterwards went to Douai, and possibly to Paris to enter the university ; was in the service successively of Robert H., Comte d'Ai-tois, Robert de ADAM Bethune, Count of Flanders, and Charles d'Aujou, brother of St. Louis. He followed these nobles to Egypt, Syria, Palestine, autl Italy ; and probably shared the varied for- tunes of Charles d'Anjou, who was made Kegent of Naples in 1265. As a composer Adam was the greatest genius of his time, equal to the best of the dcchanteurs in technical knowledge, and far surpassing the other trouveres ; he was the connecting link between the dechauteurs and the early coutrajmutists of the first Flemish school. Of his compositions (the text of which he also wrote) there remain 34 chansons for a single voice ; 16 jeux-partis ; 17 ron- deaux and 17 motets for three voices ; the famous Jeu de Bobin et Marion. As a j^oet he was one of the chief founders of the French drama, and had much influence upon the formation of the French language it- self. — E. de Coussemaker, (Euvres comjjlctes du trouvere Adam de la Halle (Paris, 1872) ; Ambros, ii. 231 ; Revue et Gazette musicale, Paris, Dec. 18, 1836. ADAM, JOHANN GEORG, organist at Meissen, Saxony, about 1820. He is known by estimable comjiositions, among which are : Preludes for the organ (Meissen) ; 12 variations and a fugue for do., op. 8 (Lei^D- sic, Hofmeister) ; 6 fugues for do., op. 9 (ib., Breitkopf & Hilrtel) ; Series of songs, with pianoforte (Meissen) ; Variations, dances, and other p)ieces for pianoforte. — Putis. ADAM, JOHANN THEOPHIL, born at Taubenheim, Saxony, July 1, 1792, died (?) Instrumental and vocal composer, chamber- musician at the court of Dresden. Works : 10 variations for pianoforte (Meissen) ; Der lustige Klavierspieler, collection of fortj'- eight pieces for do. (ib.) ; 6 easy fugues for the organ (ib.) ; Kurze und leichte Gesange zum Gebrauche beim Gottesdienste und bei Sing-Umgiingen, for four voices ; Die Glocke (by Schiller), with pianoforte (ib.). — Fetis. ADAM, JOSEPH AUGUST, bom in Vienna, April 22, 1817, still living, 1888. Instrumental composer, pupil of Josef Tecbliuger on the violin, and of Joachim Hoffmann in harmony and composition ; was made bandmaster of the civic guard of Vi- enna in 1816, and has composed about sixty works for military bands, which Lave had great success in Austria. — Fetis. ADAM, KARL FERDINAND, born at Zadel, near Meissen, Dec. 22, 1806, died at Leisnig, Saxony, Dec. 23, 1868. Instru- mental and vocal composer, probably stud- ied music in Dresden, and became cantor and director of music at Leisnig. Works : 12 characteristic dances, for pianoforte (Leipsic, 1829) ; 6 songs, op. 4 (Dresden, Rotter) ; Gedichte eines Lebendigeu, for male chorus, op. 6 (ib.) ; 6 quartets for male voices (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel). — Fetis. ADAM, KARL FRIEDRICH, born at Zadel, Saxony, in 1770, died (?). Organist at Fischbach, near Bischofswerda. Works : 6 pieces for the organ (Meissen) ; Songs for four men's voices (ib.) ; 6 songs for four voices, op. 4 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; 12 dances for pianoforte (ib.). ADAM, LOUIS, born at Miettersholtz, Alsace, Dec. 3, 1758, died in Paris, April 11, 1848. Pianist, pupil of the organist Hepp at Strasburg ; but it was chiefly his application to the works of Bach, Handel, Clexueuti, and Mozart, which fflaced him in the first rank among the teachers of his instrument. Without a master he studied the violin, the harp, and composition. Ar- rived in Paris, when seventeen, he brought out, at the Concerts Spirituels, two sym- phonies for harp, pianoforte, and violin, which were the first of their kind heard. His principal work is the famous Methode de pianoforte, which was at once adopted by the newly founded Conservatoire, where he was professor in 1797-1843, and edu- cated many celebrated artists, among them Benoist, Chaulieu, Kalkbrenner, and Ht'- rold, father and son ; L. of Honour, 1827. Works : Onze ceuvres de sonates pour le piano (Paris) ; Sonates separees ; Airs va- ries j)our do. (ib.) ; Methode ou principe general du doigte (ib., 1798) ; Methode nou- ADAM velle pour le piano (ib., 1802) ; Quatuors d'Haydn et de Pleyel an'anges pour le pi- auo ; Recueil de romances. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Schilling. ADAM VON FULDA, born about 1450, died after 1537. Composer of sacred songs, contrapuntist, and writer on music. He was a monk of Frauconia, living at the same time as Guillaume Dufay and Busuois, as he states in the first book of his work, wherein he styles himself Ducal musician. He is the author of a treatise on music, fin- ished Nov. 5, 14:90, of which one manuscript is preserved in the library of Strasburg. A canticle for four parts by him is jjre- served by Glarean in his Dodekachordon, with the text : O vera lux et gloria, but originally set to the German words : Ach hiilff mich Leid und senlich Klag, to be found in Joseph King's Wittenberger Ge- sangbuch of 1535, and in the Enchiridion of religious chants and ijsalms (Magdeburg, 1673).— Allgem. d. Biogr., i., 43; Fetis; Mendel ; Reissmann, 128 ; Schilling. AD.OIASTOR, ROI DES VAGUES PROFONDES. See Africaine. ADAMS, THOJL\S, born in Loudon, Sept. 5, 1785, died there Sept. 15, 1858. Organist, pujiil of Dr. Busby. From 1802 imtil 1858 he was successively oi-ganist of Carlisle Chapel, Lambeth, St. Paul's, Dept- ford, St. George's, Camberwell, and of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, Fleet Street. His anthem for five voices, O how Amiable are Thy DweUings, was performed on the open- ing of St. George's, Camberwell, in 1824. Adams superintended for many years the annual performances on the Apollonicon, a chamber-organ of great power, containing both keys and barrels, first exhibited in 1817. Works : Organ pieces ; Fugues ; Voluntaries ; 90 interludes ; Hymns ; Sa- cred songs ; Anthems. — Grove ; Fetis. ADCOCK, JAMES, born at 'Eton, Eng- land, in 1778, died at Cambridge, April 30, 18(')0. In 1786 he became a chorister in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, and in Eton College Chapel ; in 1797 he became lay clerk in St. George's Chapel, and in 1799 held a similar position at Eton. On remov- ing to Cambridge soon after, he was ad- mitted to the choirs of King's, St. John's, and Trinity Colleges, and later became master of choristers at King's College. Woi-ks : 3 glees dedicated to Sir Patrick Blake ; Hark, how the Bees, glee for four voices ; Welcome Mirth, glee for three voices ; Solfeggi for the instruction of those \vishing to read at sight. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. ADDIO! DEL PASSATO. See Trairv- ata. ADDIO, FUGGO. See Mejhlofde. ADDIO, SPERANZA. See RigoleUo. ADDISON, JOHN, born in London about 1765, died there, Jan. 30, 1844. Dramatic composei'. The son of an ingenious me- chanic, he early exhibited a taste for music, and on his man-iage with Miss Williams, a niece of the bass singer Reinhold, he adojjted it as a profession. He appeared first in pulilic in Liverpool, and soon after assumed direction of the amateur orchestra of the private theatre in Dublin. In 1796 he returned to London, where his wife ap- peared at Covent Garden Theatre as Ro- setta in Love in a Village, and afterwards in other characters, and he played the double-bass at the Italian Opera and at the Ancient and Vocal Concerts. In 1814 he was one of six who composed music for The Farmer's Wife, an ojjera by Charles Dibdiu the younger. A musical drama, Elijah raising the Widow's Son, adapted by Addison to Winter's music, was given at the Drury Lane Theatre, IMarch 3, 1815, in the series of Lenten Oratorios under the direction of Sir George Smart. Addison also taught singing, and trained some well- known public singers. Works — Ojseras : The Sleeping Beauty (1805) ; The Russian Impostor (1809); My Aunt (1813); Two Words (1816) ; Free and Easy (1816) ; My Uncle (1817) ; Robinet the Bandit (1818) ; Rose d'Amour — adaptation of Boieldieu's opera (1818).— Grove ; Fetis. 10 ADELAIDE ADELAIDE (Ger., Adelheid), daughter of Rudoljib II. of Burguudy, and widow of Prince Lothaire of Italy, forced to ofl'er her hand to Adalbert, sou of the usur^jer Be- reuger 11. of Ivrea, fled to Cauossa to the protection of Otho I. of Germany, who made her his wife. This subject has been musically treated many times : By Sartorio, Italian ojjera, Venice, 1G7'2 ; Porjsora, do., Rome, 1723 ; Buiui, do., Bologna, 1725 ; Orlaudini, do., Venice, 1729 ; Cocchi, do., Rome, 1743 ; Fioravanti, do., Naples, 1817. Adelaide di Borgogua (Adelheid of Bur- gundy), Italian opera by Rossini, was given at the Ai-gentiua Theatre, Rome, 1818, dur- ing the Carnival ; do., by Generali, 1821. Adelaide di Borgogna al Castello di Ca- nossa, Italian opera, by Gaudiui, was repre- sented at the Ducal Theatre, Modeua, 1842 ; and Adelheid, German opera, by Telemann, Hamburg, 1727. ADELAIDE, cantata for tenor solo and pianoforte, poem by ]Matthison, music by Beethoven, op. 46, composed in Berlin about the middle of 1796, published in Vienna (Ai'taria), February, 1797 ; dedi- cated to the poet. Published also in Breitkojif & Hiirtel's Beethoven's Werke, Serie 21, Cantateu. One of the composer's hapjiiest conceptions. Mattbisou, in his writings, published 1825, saj's: "Several musicians have quickened this little lyrical fancj' with music ; but none has, accord- ing to my inmost conviction, placed the text, as against the melody, in deeijer shade than the ingenious Ludwig van Beethoven."— Marx (Berlin, 1875), i. 117 ; von Lenz, i. 247 ; Thayer, Verzeichuiss, 19. ADELBURG, AUGUST, Ritter VON, born at Constantinople in 1833, died insane at Vienna, Oct. 20, 1873. Dramatic com- poser, pupil on the violin of Maj'seder in Vienna, 1850-54, then studied at the prin- cipal conservatories of Germany ; after sev- eral concert tours, he lived alternately in Vienna and Pesth. Works : Wallenstein, opei-a, about 1860, not performed ; Zrinyi, opera, given in Pesth National Theatre, 1868; Martinuzzi, opera, ib., about 1870; Sonatas and concertos for the violin ; Quar- tets for string instruments. — Mendel ; Rie- mann. AD£LE ET DORSAN, drama in three acts, text by Marsollier, music by Nicolas Dalayrac, represented at the Opera Co- mique, Paris, April 27, 1795. A poor girl, about to be abandoned by her seducer, is enabled to triumph over a powerful rival and to touch the heart of the father of her lover. ADELE DI LUSIGNANO, Italian opera, by Carafa, given at the San Carlo Theatre, Naples, 1817 ; Spanish opera, by Carnicer, Barcelona, 1818. The cavatina, " Grazie vi reudo, amici," in Carafa's work, is still a favorite with singers. ADELE DE PONTHIEU, lyric tragedy in three acts, text by Saint-Marc, a chivaWc subject bearing some resemblance to the Tancrede of Voltaii'e ; music by Delaborde and Berton given at the Opera, Piu'is, Dec. 1, 1772. It was changed into five acts, with new music by Piccinni, and represented Oct. 27, 1781; then reduced to three acts and given in 1786, but without success. A German operetta, same subject, music by Joseph Lange, was given in Vienna in 1796 ; and a German ojjera in three acts, music by Kerijen, atMeutz in 1798. — Desnoiresterres, Gluck et Piccinni, 317. ADELGASSER, ANTON C A JET AN, born at Lucerne, Switzerland, April 3, 1728, died at Salzburg, Dec. 23, 1777 Organist, pupil of Eberlin at Salzburg, where he became organist at the cathe- dral, and harpsichordist to the archbishop. Among his compositions, several masses with orchestra were greatly esteemed, al- though he imitated too closely the style of his master. — Fctis. ADELSON E SALVINA, Italian opera, music by Bellini, represented in 1824 in the theatre of the Conservatorio, Naples. This, Bellini's first work for the stage, produced w-liile he was still a student, was played in the presence of Barbaja, then manager of u ADHEMAll La Scala at IVIilaii, San Carlo at Naples, ami other opera-houses. The impresario, struck by the work, gave Bellini an order for an op- era for Naples ; and in 1826 Bianca e Fer- nando was produced at San Carlo with a success which gave the author a European reputation. The same subject was treated by Valentino Fioravanti in Italy about 1804 ; and by Savij in Florence in 1839. ADHEMAE, Comte ABEL D', born in Paris, 1812, died there, 1851. Vocal com- poser, whose romances in dramatic stj'le were for a long time jjopular in France, Italy, and Germany. ADIEU, CHiSKE LOUISE. See Le De- serteur. ADIEU, MIGNON, COURAGE! See Mlgnim. ADIEU, jMON DOUX EIVAGE. See Africaine. ADLER, GEORG, born at Buda, Hun- gary, in 1806, still living, 1888. Violinist and pianist ; devoted himself to the teach- ing of both instruments, and was choir leader in the cathedral of his native city. Works : Hungarian theme, for violin, with two violins, viola, and bass, op. 1 (Vienna, Haslinger) ; Polonaise for do., o-p. 6 (ib.) ; Variations for pianoforte, op. 2 (ib.) ; Sonata for do. and violin, op. 3 (ib.) ; TiK'me varii', op. 4 (ib.); do., op. 8; La Chasse, rondo brillant, op. 7 (ib.); 4 songs, op. 10 (ib.) ; Libei-a me, Domine, for four voices and or- gan, op. 11 (ib.); Quartets for men's voices, op. 12 (ib.) ; 3 do., op. 13 (ib., Diabelli) ; Cantata, oj). 15 (ib., Haslinger) ; Allegro, andante, and rondo, op. 18 (ib.); Sonata for pianoforte at four hands, op. 27 (ib., Dia- belli) ; Souvenir, rondo brillant (Pesth, Grimm & Co.); 2 prayers for four voices, small orchesti-a and organ (Augsbiu-g, Bohm). — Fotis. ADiVIETO (Ammeto, Admetus), Italian opera in three acts, music bj' Handel, given at the King's Theatre, London, Jan. 31, 1727. The text, the writer of which is unknown, is founded on the story of Adme- tus and Alcesth, from the " Alcestis " of Eu- ripide.s. It had nineteen consecutive repre- sentations, one of the longest recorded runs of the period. Admeto was sung by Sene- sino, Alceste by Faustina, Antigona b}' Cuz- zoni, and Ercole by Boschi. The air of Admeto, "Spera, si, mio caro,"is considered one of Handel's finest inspirations. Pub- lished first by Cluer ; full score, Handel- Gesellschaft (Leipsic, 1877). — Schoelcher, Handel, 76 ; Rockstro, Handel, 151 ; Reiss- mann, Handel, 96 ; Chrysander, ii. 153. ADOLF ATI, ANDREA, born in Venice in 1711, time of death unknown. Dramatic and sacred composer ; pupil in Venice of Baldassare Galupjsi. He was conductor of the music in S. M. della Salute, Venice, and, from 1750 until his death, in L' Annunziata, Genoa. His opera of Arianna is said to contain an air in the time of five beats to the measvire. Works : L'Artaserse, opera, given in Rome, 1742 ; L' Arianna, do., Genoa, 1750; Adriano in Siria, do., ib., 1751; La gloria ed il piacere, do., ib., 1752 ; the Psalm, Domine, ue in furore, in the collection of the Abbe Santini, Rome ; Nisi Dominus, MS. in the Imperial Library, Paris ; Sei sonate a tre, cinque e sei, op. 1 (Amster- dam). — Ft'tis ; Mendel ; Ergiinz, 5. ADOLPHE ET CLARA ; or, Les deux prisouiiiers (The Two Prisoners), opera comique in one act, text by Marsollier, mu- sic by Dalayrac, given at the Opera Co- mique, Paris, Feb. 10, 1799. Its original and interesting plot, and its simple melodies and dramatic expression, made it one of the most popular works of its time. ADONE (Adonis), pastorale, music bj' Monteverde, given in 1639 in the Teatro di San Cassiano, the first Venetian opera- house, which had been opened two yeais previouslj'. This was the first dramatic work by this composer which was repre- sented in public. The subject, the loves of Venus and Adonis, has also been treated by Keiser in Adonis, German opera, Ham- burg, 1697 ; by Karl Wagner in Adonis, monodrama, Darmstadt, 1772 ; by Legrenzi in Adone in Cijoro, Italian ojjera, Venice, 12 ADR A ST lG7fi ; iiiul l)y Lngnarii in Adone e Venere, opera seria. Naples, 1784. See Vemis and Adonis. ADRAST (Adrastus), opera, text hy Mayrhofer, music by Schubert. Only a fragment (two numbers) of this work was ever written (1815). It exists in MS. in the possession of Herr Dumba. The sub- ject, the War of the Seven against Thebes, has been treated also liy Friedricli Preu in Adraste, grand opera, given in Germany about 1785 ; l)y Tarchi in Adrasto, Italian opera seria, Milan, 1792 ; and by Portogallo in Adrasto, Lisbon, 1800. ADRIANI, FRANCESCO, surnamed di San Severino, born at Santo Severino, Italy, in 1539, died Aug. IG, 1575. Church com- poser, maestro di cappella of S. Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, 1593. AVorks : Psalms for four voices, published with those of Jacques de Waet, under the title : Adriani et Jachet, Psalmi vespertini omnium festorum per an- num, equator vocum (Venice, 1567). Fetis says it is possible that he has been con- founded with Adrien Willaert. — Fetis. ADRIANO DU ? WIE EIN COLONNA ! See Rienzi. ADRIANO m SIRIA (Hadrian in Syria), Italian opera in three acts, text by Metas- tasio, first set to music by Caldara, and rep- resented in Vienna, Nov. 4, 1731. Scene in city of Antioch. Characters represented : Adriano, Asroa, Emirena, Sabina, Farnaspe, Aquilio. The libretto has been set also by Pergolesi, Naples, 1734 ; Ferandini, Mu- nich, 1737; Karl Heinrich Graun, Berlin, 1745 ; Francesco Ciampi, Venice, 1748 ; Le- grenzio Vincenzo Ciampi, Loudon, 1750 ; Adolfati, Genoa, 1751 ; Perez, Lisbon, 1752 ; Giuseppe Scarlatti, Naples, 1752 ; Johann Adolph Hasse, Dresden, 1753 ; Galuppi, Venice, 1700 ; Cabalone, Naples, about 17G0 ; Johann Christian Bach, London, 17G4; Gu- glielmi, Italy, 17GG ; Sacchini, Venice, about 1770 ; Holzbauer, Mannheim, 1772 ; Schwan- berg, Brunswick, 1772 ; Mysliweczek, about 1775 ; Cherubini, Leghorn, 1782 ; Nasolini, Milan, 1790 ; Johaim Simon Mayer, Venice, 1798 ; Migliorncci, Naples, 1811 ; Porto- gallo, Milan, 1815 ; Giuseppe Farinelli, iMilan, 1815 ; Mombelli, Como, about 1820 ; Airoldi, Venice, 1852. Tlie operas entitled Adriano, music by Duni, Italj-, 1737; by Abos, Rome, 1750; by Bernasconi, court of Bavaria, 1755, are after the same text. ADRUNSEN (Hadrianius), EMANUEL, born in Antwerp, lived in the second half of the IGth centur3'. He is identical with Hadrianius, a name he sometimes used as a signature. Among his works ai-e a collec- tion of pieces for one, two, three, and four lutes, in four or five parts, arranged from the compositions of Cyprian Rore, Orlandus Lassus, and many others, under the title : Pratum musicum, etc. (Antwerp, 1584, 1592, and IGOO). He wrote also twelve preludes, five fantasias, thirty-five madrigals, and much other music for the lute. — Biogr. nat. belgique ; Fetis. ADRIEN (Hadrian), opera in three acts, text by Hoftmanu, music by Mehul, repre- sented in the Theatre de la R6publique et des Arts, Paris, June 4, 1799. The libretto follows pretty closely that of Adriano in Siria b^' Metastasio. jVDRIEN (Andrien), MARTIN JOSEPH, called La Neuville, also Adrien TAine, born at Liege, May 2G, 17G7, died in Paris, Nov. 19, 1822. Bass singer and composer ; edu- cated at the Royal School of Singing of Memes-Plaisirs. From 1785 to 1804 he sang at the Opera in Paris, alternating parts with Cheron, and later became choir- master at the Opera. Neither his voice nor method was good, but he was successful as an actor. He succeeded Laine as pro- fessor of declamation at the l5cole roj'ale de Musique in March, 1822. Adrien composed the Hymne a la victoire (1795), on the evacuation of French territory in that year, the hymn to the martyrs for liberty, and the music to the melodrama, Elodie ou la Vierge du Monastere, by Ducange, given at the Theatre de I'Ambigu-Coraique, 1822. A brother, name unknown, born at Liege in 1767, was choirmaster at the Theatre ADRIENNE Feydeau, Paris, and published five collec- tions of sougs, romances, etc. (Paris, 17'JO- 1802). Ferdinand, another brother, was a composer of songs, teacher of singing, and choirmaster of the OiJura in Paris in 1799- 1801. — Biogr. nat. belgique ; Fetis. ADRIENNE LECOUVREUR, Italian op- era, text from the play (1819) of the same name by Scribe, music by Vara, represented in Rome in 1856. AD\Ti:NTLIED, hymn, text by Riickert, music by Schumann, for soli, chorus, and orchestra, op. 71, composed 1818. AELSTERS, GEORGES JACQUES, born iu Ghent in 1770, died there, April 11, 1819. Carillouneur of Ghent from 1788 to 1839, and director of music at St. Martin's for fifty years. His comj)Ositions, especially a Miserere, are still performed in Flanders. — Biogr. nat. belgique ; Fctis. ^NEAS. See Enea ; Dido. AERTS, EGIDIUS, born at Boom, near Antwerp, March 1, 1822, died at Bru.ssels, June 9, 1853. Virtuoso on the flute, pupil of Lahou at the Brussels Conservatoire, where he became professor iu 1817. As a flutist he attracted attention iu Paris as early as 1837 ; his compositions — symjiho- nies, overtures, and for the flute, concertos, etudes, and fantaisies — are not published. —Fetis. AERTS, F., born at St. Trond, Belgium, May 4, 1827, still living, 1888. Violin- ist, pupil of the Conservatoire, then of Charles Hanssens at Brussels, where he became first violinist at the Theatre de la Monnaie ; subsequently he led the orchestra of the theatre at Tournay, lived for several years in Paris, and in 1862 was made pro- fessor of music at the ficole Normale of Nivelles. He has composed a great num- ber of fantasias for orchestra, variations for the violin, romances, etc., and written two treatises on the Gregorian chant, and an elementary method of music. — Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 6 ; Riemann. AFRICAINE, L' (The African), French grand opera in five acts, text by Scribe, music by Meyerbeer ; first represented at the Opera, Paris, April 28, 1865. The libretto was prepared in 1810 at the same time with that of Le Prophete, which was given the preference, but Meyerbeer worked simul- taneously on the two, and in 1849, a few days after the production of the latter, the score of L'Africaine was completed. The libretto, however, was unsatisfactory, and Scribe rewrote it in 1852. Meyerbeer re- vised the score to suit the revision, finishing his work in 1860. It was brought to re- hearsal in 1863, but the composer died (1861) while still correcting it, and it was not produced until the following year. Original cast : Vasco de Gama (T.) M. Naudin. Nelusko (Bar.) M. Faure. Don Pedro (B.) M. Belval. Don Diego (B. ) M. Castelmary. Selika (S.) Mme Marie Sasse. lues (M.-S.) Mile Marie Battu. lues, daughter of Don Diego, loves Vasco de Gama, who has been absent two years on an expedition of discovery. Her father tries to persuade her that Vasco has per- ished by shipwreck, and orders her to ac- cept the hand of Dou Pedro, President of the Council ; but the story is refuted by the appearance of Vasco, who narrates be- fore the Council the discovery of a new land, and iu proof of it exhibits two cap- tives, Selika and Nelusko. The inquisitors, incited by Don Pedro, deny the truth of the stor\', and Vasco, angrily using intemperate language, is thrown into prison. In the second act, Selika is watching the sleeping Vasco in his dungeon. As he awakes she declares her love for him, saves him from the dagger of the jealous Nelusko, and points out on a map the position of the great island of which she is queen. Ines, to save Vasco, consents to marry Don Pe- dro, who, to cheat the navigator of his fame, takes command of the ship fitted out for the discovery of the new land, and with Ines, and Nelusko, who agrees to pilot him 14 AGAMEMNON on boani, sets aall. Vasco, who has followed iu another ship, warns him that Nelusko, incited by revenge, is misleading him. Don Pedro, distrusting him, orders him to be shot, but at this moment the vessel strikes on a reef and is boarded by savages, who kill the commander and most of his crew. In the fourth act Si'lika assumes the attri- butes of royalty on her island, and to save Vasco, who is brought before her with other prisoners, declares herself his spouse. A barbaric marriage is about to be celebrated between them, when Vasco bears the voice 'U ^P>'3-'/.,o ■fl ''" Pauline Lucca. of Inea, and, forgetting his protestations, de- serts Selika and flies to his first love. In the last act Vasco and Ines sail away for Portugal, and the despairing Svlika lies down to die, together with Nulusko, under the poisonous luanchineel tree. The opera is so full of noteworthy musical numbers that it is difficult to make a selection ; but among the best is the romance of Lies, " Adieu, mon doux rivage," in the first act. The second act opens with a beautiful slumber-song, sung by Si'lika to Vasco in prison, " Sur mes genoux, fils du soleil." The aria of Nelusko, " Fille des rois, a toi I'hommage," is sombre and full of character. The act closes with a vocal septet without accompaniment, of which the etlect is as novel as unforeseen. In the third act, called the Ship Act, are the graceful chorus of women, " Le rapide et leger navire ; " the prayer, " O grand Saint-Dominicjue ; " and the invocation of Nelusko, " Adumastor, roi des vagues profondes." The fourth act opens with a grand Marche indienne which, for originality of rhythm, disi^ositiou of in- strumental masses, and taste in orchestra- tion, is Meyerbeer's masterpiece. It is fol- lowed by Vasco's aria, " Paradis sorti du sein de Tonde," which is full of melodic phrases, and by the grand duet between Vasco and Selika, " Nuit d'ivresse," which has been compared with the duet in the fourth act of the Huguenots. In the fifth act, the third scene, called La scene du mancenillier, opens with a symphonic prel- ude, which is one of the best of Meyerbeer's compositions, and leads to Selika's dying song on the border of the sea, as Vasco sails away. On the production of L'Afri- caine in London, the part of Selika was ably sustained by Pauline Lucca, whose portrait is given opposite. — Clement and Larousse, 9 ; Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 144. AGAMEMNON, burlesque tragedy, text and music by Herve, represented at the Folies Nouvelles, Paris, in May, 18.5G. AGAZZAEI, AGOSTINO, born in Siena, Dec. 2, 1578, died there, April 10, 1640. He began his professional life in the ser- vice of the Emperor Matthias ; subsequently went to Rome, where he became maestro di cappella at the German College before 1(503, at the Church of S. Apollinaris, and at the Seminario Romano. He was an in- timate friend of Lodovico Viadana of Man- tua, and one of the first to adopt figured- bass, introduced by the latter, for the em- ployment of which he gives instructions in his third volume of ilotetti (Zanetti, Rome, 1606). In 1630-40 he was maestro of the cathedral at Siena. He was a member of the Academy of the Armonici Intronati. Agazzari published a little work entitled 15 AGGIjS'TOrJO La musica ecclesiastica (Sieua, 1638), in- tended to determine bow church music should conform itself to the Resolution of the Council of Trent. Pitoui ascribes to him the pastoral drama of Eumelio, and Proske gives a short motet of bis in the Musica divina (Lib. motettorum, No. Ixv.). His compositions consist of Madrigals, motets, psalms, magnificats, and litanies. Among them are : II pi-imo libro de' madri- gali ; Madrigali armoniosi, etc., lib. 1 (Ven- ice, 1600) ; Sacrse cantiones, lib. 1 (1602) ; idem, lib. 2 ; idem, lib. 3 (Rome, 1603) ; Sacrse cantiones con un basso ad organum, lib. 1 (1603) ; idem, 2, 3, 4 voc. con basso ad organum, lib. 2, op. 5. These are among the first books published with basso coutinuo. Besides these there are litanies, and other church music published at Rome (1625, 1639, 16'10), which went through several editions. — Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling. AGGINTORIO, ROCCO, born in Naples about 1810, still living, 1888. He com- posed the opera, II biglietto e 1' auello, given in Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 1839, and subsequently settled in Paris as a teacher of vocal music. He has since pub- lished some compositions for the pianoforte and the voice. — Fetis. AGNELLI, SALVATORE, born at Pa- lermo, Sicily, in 1817, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pujjil at the Conser- vatorio, Naples, of Furno, Zingarelli, and Donizetti ; brought out his works in Na- ples and Palermo, and went to Marseilles in 18i6. "Works — Operas : I due piedauti, given at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 183'! ; II lazzarone napolitano, ib., 1838 ; Una notte di carnovale (opera buffa), Palermo, Teatro Carolino, 1838 ; I due gemelli, I due for- zati, ib., 1839 ; La locandiera, Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 1839 ; La sentiuella notturna, ib., Teatro Parthenope, 1840 ; L'omicido im- maginario, I due pulcinelli simili, ib., Te- atro de la Fenice, 1841 ; R fautasma, ib., 1842 ; La jacquerie, Marseilles, 1849 ; Luo- nore de Medicis, ib., 1855 ; Les deux avares, comic opera, ib., 1860 ; Cromwell ; Stefania ; Sforza ; Calisto, Blanche de Naples, La Rose. Ballets ; Apotheosis of Napoleon, can- tata, performed in Paris, 1856 ; Miserere ; Stabat mater. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 7. AGNES VON HOHENSTAUFEN, grand opera in three acts, text by Ernst Raupach, music by Spontini ; first act rep- resented in Berlin, May 28, 1827, the en- tire work, June 12, 1829. Spontini, dissat- isfied with it, had the libretto revised by Baron von Lichtenstein and others, and made many changes in the music. In this form the work was reproduced in Berlin, Dec. 6, 1837. The jslot turns on the recon- ciliation, during the struggle between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, of Henry VI., of Hoheustaufen, with Henry the Lion, of Brunswick, through the marriage at Mentz, in 1194, of his daughter Agues von Hoheu- staufen with Henrj', the sou of the latter. Original cast : Henry the Lion Herr Fischer. Henry, his son Herr Eichberger. Philip, King of France Herr Bader. Archbishop Herr Zschiesche. Agnes von Hohenstaufen . Fraulein Fassman. Irmengarde Fraulein Griinbaum. This, the last opera which Spontini com- pleted, is one of his best works, and deals worthily with a most dramatic period of German history. The same subject has been treated with success by Frederick Slarpurg, whose work was given at Freiburg, Baden, March 14, 1874. AGNES SOREL, opera in three acts, music bj' Gyrowetz, first represented in Vi- enna in 1808. The hero is Charles VE. of France, and the subject the deliverance of his realm from the English invasion through the eflbrts of Joan of Arc. The subject has been treated also by De Pellaert, opera in three acts, Brussels, 1823 ; and by Miss G. A. Becket, English opera, London, 1836. AGNESE (Agnes), Italian opera, two acts, text by Luigi Buonavoglia, music by Fer- dinando Paer, first represented in Parma, 1810; and in Paris, July 24, 1819. The 16 AGXESI libretto is an adaptation of Mrs. Opie's " Father and Daughter," with the scene and some of the names changed. Charac- ters represented : Agnese, Ernesto, Pasquale, Uberto, and Don Girolanio. One of Paer's best works ; often reproduced, and alwaj's with success. It contains admirable choruses and a grand finale. — Musical Rev., i. 230. AGNESI, MARIA TERESA, born at Milan in 172-i, died about 1799. Pianist and dramatic composer. Works : Sofo- nisba ; Giro in Armenia ; Nitroci ; and lu- subria consolata, all of which were given in 1771 in Naples, Venice, and other Italian cities. She wrote also, for the pianoforte, cantatas, concertos, and sonatas, well known in Germany. — Mendel. AGOSTI, a dramatic composer of the 18th centur}', settled in Russia, about whose life nothing is known. Several of his comic operas held tlie stage suceessfullj' ; as, for instance : An Autumnal Adventure, or the Squire of Giinsewitz, which wa.s given in Germany after 1780. — Mendel. AGOSTINI, LUDOVICO, born in Fer- rara in 1534, died there, Sept. 20, 1590. He took holy orders and became maestro di cappella to Alfonso II., Duke of Este. Works : II priino libro di madrigali a 5 voci (1570) ; Madrigali a 4 voci (1572) ; L'eco ed enigmi musicali a 6 voci, lib. 2 (Venice, 1581) ; Messe, Vespri, Motetti, Madi-igali et Siufonie (Ancona, 1588).— Fetis ; Mendel. AGOSTINI, PAOLO, born at Vallerano, Italy, in 1593, died in Rome in Sep- tember, 1G29. He studied in Rome under Bernardino Nanini, whose daughter he mar- ried, and became organist of S. Ma- ria in Trastevere ; later he was maes- tro di cappella of ' ■" S. Lorenzo in Damaso, and finally, in 1629, succeeded Ugolini as maestro of the Vatican Chapel. He was among the first to employ a number of voices in several choirs. A masterpiece, the Agnus Dei, for eight voices in canon, was published by P. Martini in Saggio di contrappunto fugato ; Proske gives a motet in his Musica diviua (Liber motettorum, No. Ixx.). His most famous works are preserved in manuscript in the Corsiui Library and in the Vatican. Works : Psalms for four and eight voices, 2 vols. (Soldi, Rome, 1G19) ; Magnificats for one, two, and three voices (ib., 2 vols., 1620) ; Masses for eight and twelve voices, 5 vols. (Robletti, Rome, 1621, 1625, 162G, 1627, 1628.)— Fctis; Grove; Mendel; Schilling. AGOSTINL PIETRO SIMONE, born in Rome about 1650, died (?). Dramatic com- jioser, maestro di cajipella to the Duke of Parma. His oj)era, II ratto delle Sabine, was given in Venice in 1680. He also pub- lished some cantatas (Rome, 1680). His Sicut erat, for five voices, is in the work by Paolucci styled : Arte j^ratica di contrap- punto, where it is given as an illustration of fugue. — Fetis ; Mendel. AGRELL, JOHANN, born at LiUh, Sweden, Feb. 1, 1701, died in Nuremberg, Jan. 19, 1769. He studied at LinkOpiug and at Upsal ; became court musician at Cassel in 1723, and conductor at Nurem- berg in 1746. Nine of his works, concertos, sonatas, etc., were published at Nuremberg (1761-64), and he left many others in man- uscript. — Fctis ; Mendel. AGRICOLA, ALEXANDER, born in the Netherlands in 1460-70, died in Valladolid in 1520-30. He was a pupil of Okeghem, became one of the most noteworthy com- posers of the second Flemish school of con- trapuntists, and was distinguished as a singer at an early age. He left tlie service of Charles VIII. of France for that of Lo- renzo de' Medici, and probably passed some time in Floi-ence. About 1500 he was in the service of Philip the Fair at Brussels as "chaplain and singer," and in 1506 he fol- lowed either him or Charles V. to Spain, where he spent the remainder of his days. AGRICOLA As a composer, Agricola is distioguished from the rest of bis school by a peculiarly fantastic style, and a fondness for bizarre vocal effects. Yet side by side with phrases of almost grotesque extravagance, and in strong contrast to them, we find passages in a strangely morose, atrabiliar sort of counterpoint. In some of his works, how- ever, especially in the superb mass " Je ne demande," he shows himself to be on a level with the finest geniuses of his day. His secular chansons were probably very popular, but his talent for this sort of wi-it- ing was small ; he wholly lacked humour and lightness of touch, and was great only in the grand stj-le. His published works are : Some motets in Motetti XXXIH. (Venice, Petrucci, 1502) ; 8 four-part songs in the Canti cento ciuquanta (ib., 1503) ; a vol- ume of 5 masses, Misse Alex. Agricolae (ib., 1505). Several important works are in MS. in the Vienna Library (Codex A. N., 35 ; Cod. E., 133 ; Cod. N., 1783), and probably many more are to be found in Spanish ca- thedrals. — Ambros, iii. 243 ; Grove, i. 44. AGKICOLA, GEORG LUDWIG, born at Grossen-Furra, Thuringia, Oct. 25, 1643, died at Gotha, Feb. 22, 1676. He studied at Eisenach (1656), Gotha (1662), and at the Universities of Wittenberg and Leipsic, and became Kapellmeister at Gotha in 1670. Works : Musikalische Nebenstunden, for two violins, two violas, and bass (1670) ; Sonaten, Prfcludien, Allemanden couranten Balleten auf franzosische Art (1675) ; Deutsche geist- liche Madrigalien von zwey bis sechs Stim- men (Gotha, 1675).— Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. AGRICOLA, JOHANN, born at Nurem- berg about 1570, died (?). Professor of music at the Gj'mnasium Augusti at Erfurt, where he still lived in 1611. Works : Motetten mit vier, fiinf, sechs, acht und mehr Stimmeu (Nuremberg, 1601) ; Cantiones de prseeijjuis testis, quinque, sex et plurimum vocum (Nuremberg, Conrad Bauer, 1601) ; Motetaj novae pro prsecipuis, etc, containing twenty- eight motets (Erfurt, 1611).— Fetis. AGRICOLA, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, born at Dobitschen, Saxe-Alteuburg, Jan. 4, 1720, died in Berlin, Nov. 12 (or Dec. 1), 1774. Dramatic composer, began to learn music at the age of five under a certain Martini ; having entered the university at Leipsic in 1738, he studied music at the same time under Sebastian Bach, for three years ; after a visit to Dresden he went in 1741 to Berlin, where he soon attracted at- tention by his organ playing, and studied composition under Quantz. Devoting him- self now chiefly to the dramatic style, he took Graun and Hasse for his models, and with the opera buffa, II filosofo convinto in amore, performed at the theatre in Pots- dam, 1750, won the applause of Freder- ick the Great, who conferred upon him the title of Hofcomponist (court-composer) in 1751. Ha^^ug written another opera, La ricamatrice divenuta dama, for Potsdam, he visited Dresden again in 1751, and in the same year married the singer Benedetta Emilia Molteni of the Berlin Opera. On the death of Graun, in 1759, he was appointed director of the royal chapel, although with- out the title of KajDellmeister. Besides operas, he wrote sacred cantatas and instru- mental music, was considered the best or- ganist in Berlin, reputed as a vocal teacher, and distinguished as a writer on music. Of his compositions only the twenty-first jjsalm and some chorals have been published ; the manuscrif)ts of all others are preserved in the royal library, Berlin. Works — Op- eras : H re pastore, given at Berlin, 1753 ; Cleofile, ib., 1754 ; II tempio d' amore, ib., 1755; Psyche, ib., 1756 ; Achille in Sciro, ib., 1758 ; Ifigenia in Tauride, ib., 1765. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 149 ; Fetis ; Mendel. AGRICOLA, WOLFGANG CHRIS- TOPH, German composer of the middle of the 17th century. Works : Fasciculus mu- sicalis, a collection of eight masses (Wiirz- burg and Cologne, 1651) ; Fasciculus vari- arum cantiouum, a collection of motets for {J'C/if-i'OaL^ 18 AGRIPPINA two to eight voices. — Petis ; Mendel, Er- giiiiz., 6. AGRIPPINA, Italian opera, author of text uukuowii, music by Handel, repre- sented at the Teatro di S. Giovanni Cri- sostomo, Venice, in 1708. The libretto is founded on the story of Agrippiua, wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius, who poi- soned her husband (a.d. 5-4) in order to se- cure the succession of her young son Nero, through whom she hoped to rule the em- pire. This work, Handel's second Italian opera, which is said to have been written in three weeks, was received with enthusiasm, and held the stage in Venice more than twenty years. It was given in Hamburg, 1718. Score printed first by Arnold, the entire work by the Hilndelgesellschaft, 1781. The same subject is treated in an Italian opera by Porpora, represented about 1742.— Schoelcher, Handel, 17 ; Rock- stro, Handel, 48. AGTHE, CARL CHRISTIAN, born at Hettstildt, Prussian Saxony, in 1762, died at Ballenstiidt, Nov. 27, 1797. Dramatic composer and organist to the Prince von Buruburg at Ballenstiidt. Works — Operas : Aconeius uud Cydippe, given at Ballenstiidt about 1784; Das Milchmildcheu, ib., about 1787 ; Martin Velten, ib., about 1789 ; Ei-- win und Elmire, ib., about 1789 ; Philemon und Baucis, ib., about 1791 ; Der Spiegel- ritter, ib., 1795. His sonatas for the pia- noforte were published at Leipsic in 1790 ; his Lieder, Der Morgen, Mittag, Abend und Nacht at Dessau, 1782.— Fetis ; SchilHng. AGUADO, DIONISIO, born in Madrid, April 8, 1784, died there, Dec. 20, 1849. He studied in Paris, under Garcia, in 1825, returned to Madrid in 1838, and became one of the greatest of performers on the guitar. He published, in 1825, "New Method for the Guitar." Among his compositions are a collection of andantes, waltzes, and minuets, solos, transcriptions, etc. AGUILAR, EMANUEL, born in Clap- ham, London, Aug. 23, 1824, still living. 1888. Dramatic composer and pianist, pu- pil of Schnyder von Wartensee at Frank- fort, where he lived in 1844-48, gave con- certs, and brought out some of his compo- sitions ; after his return to Loudon he taught the pianoforte. Works : The Bridal of Triermain, dramatic cantata ; A Summer Night, cantata for treble voices ; Goblin Market, do. ; The Bridal Wreath, opera ; Symjjhonies, overtures, trios, sonatas, etc., in MS., which have been performed at con- certs ; Pianoforte music, and songs. — Fetis. AGUILERA DE HEREDIA, SEBAS- TIAN, Spanish composer of the 17th cen- tury. He was a monk, and director of music in the Cathedral of Saragossa. His valuable collection of INIagnificats, for four, five, six, seven, and eight voices (Saragossa, 1618) is still used in Saragossa and in other churches in Spain. — Ft'tis ; Mendel. AGUIRRE, ABELINO, born in Spain, contemporary. Composer of the opera, Gli amanti di Teruel, given at Valencia, 1865. AH ! BEL DESTIN. See Linda. AH ! BELLO, A IVIE RITORNA. See Norma. AH ! CHE LA MORTE. See Trovatore. AH! CHI ME DICE MAI. See Don Giovanni. AH! COME RAPID A. See Grociato in Egitto. AH ! DI TUE PENE. See Linda. AH ! DIVINITES BIPLACABLES. See Alcpsle, Gluck. AH ! FORS' E LUI. See Traviata. AH ! GRAN DIO. See Tninala. AH! LHONNfiTE HOMME. See Ro- bert le Diable. AH, LO PREVIDI, scena for soprano, by Mozart, composed at Salzburg, in August, 1777. Aria of Andromeda, words from Pai- siello's opera of that name. One of the grandest compositions of its kind. An ex- pressive recitative is followed by an elab- orate allegro, in which the excited passion of a great soul finds a powerful and vivid expression. A motive that had previously been introduced by the orchestra forms AH! MIO then the trausitiou to a softer mood, ex- pressing the grief over the lost lover in a beautiful recitative, which ends in a cava- tina. — Jahn, i. 424. AH ! MIO PREGAR. See Semiramide. AH ! MON FILS, SOIS BENI. See Pro- plliti'. AH! MON REMORDS TE VENGE. See Dinorah. AH ! MORIR POTESSI ADESSO. See Emani. AH ! NON GIUNGE. See Sonnamhula. AH PERFIDO ! sceua and aria for so- prano, with orchestra, music by Beethoven, op. G5 ; dedicated to the Countess Clari ; composed in Prague, February, 1796, and published in Vienna (Artaria, pianoforte arrangement), 1810. It consists of : 1. An elaborate Recitative ; 2. Adagio, with ap- isendix ; 3. Movement in Lied form. Alle- gro assai ; 4. do., Piii lento ; 5. do., Alle- gro assai ; 6. do., repetition of 4 ; 7. An elaborate Finale, Allegro assai, and repeti- tion of 4. All these movements are attract- ive and expressive of the supposed situation ; the recitative is to be ranked with the best of Mozart's.— Marx (Berlin, 1875), i. 114. AH ! PIETA, SIGNORI MIEI. See Don Giovanni. AH ! QUE JE SENS DIMPATIENCE. See Azetnia. AH! QUE MON SORT EST BEAU I See Ambassadrice. AH! QUELLE NUIT. See Domino Doir. AH! QUEL PLAISIR. See Dame blanche. AH! SI LA LIBERT E. See Armide et Renaud. AH ! TACI, INGIUSTO CORE. See Don Giovanni. AH ! TU GELAR MI FAT. See Semira- mide. AHLE, JOHANN GEORG, born at Miihl- hausen, Tluiringia, died Dee. 2, 1706. Or- ganist and composer of hymns, which were popular in their day, and poet-laureate to the Emperor Leopold I. (1680). He suc- ceeded his father as organist of the Church of St. Blasius. Works : Anmutige zehn vier- stimmige Viol di Gamba-Sjjiele (1681) ; Instrumeutalische Friihlingsmusik (1695, 1696) ; manj- Songs. He was also a jjrolitic writer on music, and from 1671 to 1706 published a work yearly, either theoretical or practical. Most of these were destroyed in the great lire at Miihlhausen in 1689, and the others are very rare. — Allgem. d. Biogr. ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Winter- feld, ii. 328. AHLE, JOHANN RUDOLPH, born at Miihlhauisen, Thuringia, Dec. 24, 1625, died there, July 8, 1673. He was educated at GOttingen and at Erfurt. In 1644 he be- came organist at the latter place, and in 1646 was appointed director of the new music school there. On his return to Miilil- hausen he became organist of the Church of St. Blasius, and also councillor and burgo- master of that town. His treatise on sing- ing. Compendium pro teuellis (Erfurt, 1638), went through three editions. Among his best known works are : Geistliche Dia- logen (1648) ; thirty Symphonien, Paduane, Balleten, etc., for instruments (1650) ; Thii- ringische Lust-Garten, in two parts, for voices (1657-1658); ten Geistliche Arien (1660) ; 2d series of ten (Miihlhausen, 1662) ; third and fourth series of ten songs (1663- 1664). These and many other collections of hymns, motets, etc., appeared at Miihl- hausen and Erfurt, until 1668. His hymn : Liebster Jesu, wir siud hier, was his best and is still in use, with many others. — AU- gera. d. Biogr., i. 159 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Spit- ta, J. S. Bach, i. 331 ; Winterfeld, ii. 296. AHLEFELDT, Griifin VON, German pianist at the close of the 18th century. She wrote the music of an opera ballet : Telemach und Kalypso (Leipsic, 1794). — ■ Fetis, Supplement, i. 8 ; Mendel. AHLSTROM, OLOF, born in Stockholm, Sweden, about 1756, died there in 1835. He was court pianist and musical instruc- tor of the royal family, and about 1790 was among the best dramatic composers. AHLSTROM With Boman, lie edited a collecLioii of Swedish popular airs, " Walda svenska Folkdansar och Folkledar " (Stockliolm), some of which were sung by Jenny Lind Goklschmidt, and for two years edited a Swedish musical periodical, " Musikaliskt Tidsfiirdrif." Works: 4 sonatas for pianoforte (Stockholm, 1783, 178G); also operas, can- tatas, and soiigs.— Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. AHLSTROM, JOHAN NICLAS, born at Wisby on the isle of Gothland, Sweden, June 5, 1805, died at Stockholm, May 14, 1857. Dramatic composer, studied music in his native place and, chiefly without a master, while at the University of Upsala ; after returning home, he travelled as or- chestra conductor with a theatrical company, and settled at Carlskrona to teach music. Having afterwards become organist and musical director at Westerns, he was called to Stockholm in 1842 as conductor at the newly erected Nya Theatern. From 1845 he held different positions as instructor, orchestra conductor at various theatres, and organist. He deserves much credit for having searched for and arranged many popular melodies. Among his numerous compositions are the operas : Alfred the Great, and Abu Hassan ; Music to the trag- edy of Agne ; Several cantatas ; 6 quartets for stringed instruments ; Sonata for piano- forte, violin, viola, and violoncello ; Quintet for flute, two viohns, viola, and violoncello ; Trio ; Concerto for pianoforte, with orches- tra. — Mendel, Erganz., 6. AIBLINGER, JOHANN CASPAR, born at Wasserburg, Bavaria, Feb. 23, 177'J, died in Munich, May 6, 1867. He began his musical education at the seminary of Te- gernsee in 1790, then went to Munich, where he secured a pension which allowed him to study in Italy. At Bergamo in 1802 he wrote music under the direction of Mayr, was patronized by the Vice-Queen of Italy, and went to Milan as Kapellmeister to the royal chapel. He afterwards went to Ven- ice, where, in conjunction with the Abbe Gregorio Treutiuo, he founded the Odeou Institution. On the death of Winter, in 1825, he was recalled to Bavaria and ap- pointed Kapellmeister to the court. In 1833 he revisited Italy, was made a member of the Academy of St. Cecilia at Rome, and settled at Bergamo, where he collected an- cient classical music, now in the Staatsbiblio- thek, Munich. Works : Bianca, ballet (Milan, 1820) ; I Titani, ballet (ib., 1820) ; Rodrigo und Chimeue, opera, given at Munich, 1821 ; Requiems, Masses, Litanies, Psalms, Offertories, etc., with full vocal and instru- mental choirs. Most of his church music, which is written with great skill, has been published in Munich, Augsburg, and Paris, and one pastorale for organ in Milan. — All- gem, d. Biogr. , i. 163 ; Fetis ; ilendel ; Grove. AICH, GOTTFRIED, composer of church music, and canon of the Order of Premon- strants in the 17th century. He published at Augsburg, in 1663, a work entitled : Fructus ecclesiasticus trium, quatuor et quinque vocum, duorum vel trium lustrum, cum secundo choro. — Fetis. AICHINGER, GREGOR, born at Augs- burg (?) about 1565, died after 1614. Hav- ing taken holy orders, he became organist at Augsburg in the service of Jacob Fugger, baron of Kirchberg and Weissenhorn. In 1599 he visited Rome, and spent two years in study. His works show the influence of the Venetian school. His Madrigals, Can- tatas, Litanies, etc., are among the best German compositions of the time. Works : Lib. i. Sacrarum cantionum and Lib. ii. Sacrarum cantionum (Venice, 1590-1595) ; Sacrte cantiones, dedicated to the chapter of the cathedral at Augsburg (Nuremberg, 1597) ; Tricinai Mariana quibus, Antiphorse, etc. (Innspruck, 1598) ; Diviupe laudes, etc. (1602) ; Vespertini Virginia canticum (Augs- burg, 1604) ; Cantiones ecclesiasticaj, etc. (Dillingen, 1607); this work is especially remarkable for being one of the first where- in the words basso continuo appear. His church compositions number iu all seven- teen, published up to the year 1613. Proske gives a Litany, Stabat mater, and 21 AIDA several motets by him, in his Musica divina ; aud the library of the King of Portugal con- tains several of his motets for three and four voices. — Allgem. d. Biogr , i. 165 ; Ambros, Gesch., iii. 5G0 ; Fotis ; Grove ; Schilling. AIDA, Italian opera seria in four acts and seven tableaux, text by Antonio Ghizlan- zoui, music by Giuseppe Verdi ; first rej^re- sented in Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 24, 1871. It was written upon commission of the Khe- dive Ismail Pasha, given in August, 1870, for the inauguration of the new opera- house in Cairo. The subject is said to have been suggested by the Khedive himself. The libretto was prepared in prose by M. Vassali, conservator of the Boulak Museum, then rendered into French verse by Camille du Locle, and lastly translated into Italian verse by Ghizlanzoni. The scenery and cos- tumes were designed by Mariette Bey, the distinguished Egyptologist. Original cast : Aida (S.) Signora Pozzoni. Amneris (M.-S.) Signora Grossi. Ridames (T. ) Signor Mongini. Amouasro (Bar.) Signor Costa. Ramphis (B. ) Signor Medini. King (B.) Steller. Aida, daughter of Amouasro, King of Ethiopia, has been made a prisoner in a war between her father aud the King of Egypt, and has become the slave of Amne- ris, daughter of the latter. Amneris is in love with Radames, au Egyptian captain, who secretly loves and is loved by Aida. When the High Priest, Ramphis, announces the approach of the Ethiojiians against Thebes, Radames, who is ignorant of the relatiouship between Amonasro and Aida, is chosen by Pharaoh to lead the Egyjjtiau hosts. During Radames's absence Amneris discovers Aida's secret and conceives for her a violent hatred. Radames returns vic- torious, with Amonasro his prisoner, aud is awarded a triumph and the hand of Am- neris. Acting under the instructions of Amonasro, who has formed a plan to re- cover his liberty and his kingdom through the aid of Radames and to marry his daughter to him, Aida persuades her lover to betray to her the secrets of the military operations preparing against Ethiopia and to fly with her ; but their j)lans are over- heard by Amneris and Ramjahis, and Rada- mes is denounced as a traitor. Condemned to be buried alive beneath the Temjjle of Phtah, Radames is offered a jiardon if he will marry Amneris, but he refuses, and de- **%N \", Clara Louise Kellogg, as Aida. scends into the vaults, where Aida awaits him. The tomb is walled up and sealed by the priests, and the lovers are united in death, while Amneris, abandoning herself to grief, prays beside their seijulchre. The first representation of Aida in Europe was at La Scala, Milan, Feb. 8, 1872, with Si- gnore Teresina Stolz and Waldmaun, and Signori Fancelli, Pandolfini, and Maini in the cast. The opera was given in Naples in March, and in Parma in April, 1872 ; in New York, 1873 ; in Paris, at the Italiens, April 22, 1876, aud at the Opera, March 22, 1880 ; and in London, June 22, 1876. A AIGNER Russian version was given in St. Petersburg in 1879 ; a German version in New York, Metropolitan Opera House, Nov. 12, 1886 ; and an Eni^lisli version at the Brooklyn Academy, Dec. 29, 1886, and at the Met- ropolitan Opera House, March 5, 1887. Among the noteworthy numbers in the first act are : The romanza of Radames, " Celeste Aula ; " the martial chorus of the King and his retinue, " Su ! del Nilo al sacro lido ; " and the scena of A'ida, " Ri- torna vincitor ! " The second act opens with a chorus of women, which is followed by a duet between Amneris and A'ida, " Alia pompa che si appresta," and closes with a grand triumphal chorus, " Gloria all' Egit- to." In the third act are the prayer of Aida, " O cieli azzuri," and duets between Amonasro and Aula, and Radames and Aida. The last act, which contains an im- pressive duet between Radames and Am- neris, " Chi ti salva, o sciagurato," closes with the plaintive dying song of Radames and Aida, " O terra, addio," while the priests and priestesses chant in the temple above their tomb. — Clement and Larousse, 767 ; Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 2-17; Edwards, Lyrical Drama, ii. 1. AIGNER, ENGELBERT, born in Vien- na, Feb. 23, 1798, died in (?). Dramatic composer, pupil of the Abbot Stadler ; in 1835-37 he was director of the ballet or- chestra at the imperial theatre, then started an industrial enterprise in the provinces, and in 1842 returned to Vienna, where he cultivated music as an amateur. Works : Wunderlilie, opera, given in Vienna, Kiirnthnerthor Theater, about 1824; Das geheime Fenster, comic opera, ib., 1826 ; Der Angriffsplan, do., ib., 1829 ; Das Hoch- zeitsconcert, vaudeville, ib., 1829 ; Lob der Tonkunst, cantata, ib., 183.5; Mass for four voices (Vienna, Haslinger) ; Quintet in G (ib., Diabelli) ; 6 choruses for male voices (ib., Artaria) ; Masses with orchestra, and a Requiem, unpublished. — Fetis ; Mendel. AIMON, PAMPHH^E LEOPOLD FRAN- COIS, born at LTsle, Vaucluse, Oct. 4, 1779, died in Paris, Feb. 2, 1866. Dramatic com- poser, son and pupil of the violoncellist Esprit Aimon (1754-1828). When but sev- enteen he conducted the orchestra of the theatre at Marseilles, and in 1817 settled in Paris, where he became leader of the or- chestra at the Gymnase Dramatique in 1821, and at the Theatre Franyais in 1822. Among his compositions, those for chamber music are the most meritorious, showing great inventive talent and originality. He also wrote some treatises on harmony. Works — Operas : Les jeux fioraux, 3 acts, libretto by Bouilly, given in Paris, Acade- mie royale de musique, Nov. 16, 1818 ; La fee UrgMe, comic opera, ib., Gymnase, 1821 ; Velleda, 5 acts, libretto by Jouy, ib.. Opera, 1824 ; Abufar, 3 acts, Alcide et Omphale, Les Cherusques, written for the Opera ; Les deux Figaros, for the Opera Comique, none of which were performed ; Quintet for two violins, two violas, and vio- loncello (Paris, Janet) ; 3 quartets for two riolins, viola, and violoncello, op. 4 (ib., Hanry) ; 3 do., op. 6 (ib., Momigny) ; do., op. 7, 8, 9 (ib., Hentz) ; do., op. 43, 46 (ib., Pa- cini) ; 3 do., op. 47 (ib., Janet); do., book 4 (ib., Frey); 3 new do., books 5-8 (ib.) ; Concertino for violoncello (ib., Pacini) ; Recreation for two violoncellos, horn, and pianoforte (ib.); Solo for clarinet, with ac- companiment of quartet or pianoforte (Ly- ons, Arnaud) ; First and second concerto for bassoon (Paris, Frey) ; Quartet for pia- noforte (ib., Pacini) ; Duets for guitar and violin (ib., Gaveaux) ; Several trios and duets for violin. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. ; Mendel. AIROLDI, born in Italy, contemporary. Dramatic composer, pupil of Pietro Ray and of Vaccai at the Conservatorio, Milan. Works : Don Gregorio nell' Imbarazzo, op- era buffa, given in Venice, 1850 ; Adriano in Siria, opera, ib., about 1852 ; Statira, Re- gina di Persia, Milan, about 1853. — Fetis. AJAX, music to the tragedy of Sophocles, by Sir William Stei-ndale Bennett, op. 45. AJO NELL' BIBARAZZO, L' (The Em- 23 AKADEMISCHE barrassed Tutor), Italian ojsera, music by Donizetti, reiDi-esented in Rome, 1824. An opei"a of the same title, by C!elli, was per- formed in Italy about the same time. See Don Gregoi'io. AKADEMISCHE FEST-OUVERTURE, for full orchestra, by Brahms, op. 80, com posed, 1881, in acknowledgment of the de- gree of Ph.D., conferred upon him by the Uuiversit}' of Breslau. A' IvEMPIS, FLORENTINO, Flemish composer of middle of 17th century. Or- ganist of St. Gudule, Brussels. Works : 3 symphonies (Antwerp, 1644-47-49) ; Mass for eight voices ; Misspe et motettse (Ant- werp, 1650) ; Missa pro defunctis otto vo- cum. — Fetis ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 7. AKEROYDE, SAMUEL, born in York- shire, England, latter half of the 17th cen- tury, died (?). He contributed songs to the Third Part of D'Urfey's Don Quixote in 1696. His songs are also found in the Theatre of Music (1685-87), Vinculum so- cietatis (1687), Comes amoris (1687-94), Gentleman's Journal (1692-94), Thesaurus musicus (1693-96), and other collections. — Grove ; Fetis. A LA FRONTlfiRE, cantata, music by Gounod, first j^erformed in Paris, 1870. ALA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born at Monza, Italy, in 1580, died in 1612. Or- ganist of the Church dei Servitori, Milan. Works : Madrigals and canzonets (Milan, 1617, 1625) ; Concerti ecclesiastici (Milan, 4 vols. 1618, 1621, 1628); and motets in the Pratum musicum (Antwerp, 1634). — Fi'tis; Mendel. ALADIN ; or, La lampe merveilleuse (The Wonderful Lamp), French opera in five acts, text by Etienne, music by Isouard ; first represented at the Opera, Paris, Feb. 6, 1822. Subject from the " Ai-abian Nights." This, the last work of Isouard, was left un- finished at his death (1818), and was pre- pared for the stage by Benincori. Although it exhibits evidences of the composer's de- cadence, it met with wonderful success, partly due doubtless to its splendid spec- tacular effects. The Op^ra was lighted with gas for the first time on its represen- tation. The subject has been treated also by Gyrowetz, German opera in three acts, Vienna, about 1822 ; by BishoiJ, English op- era, Covent Garden, Loudon, 1826 ; by Karl Guhr, Frankfort, 1830 ; and by Luigi Ricci, Naples, 1835. ALARD, DELPHIN, born at Bayonne, France, March 8, 1815, still living, 1888. Violinist, son and pu- pil of au amateur musician ; when only ten years old he played a concerto of Viotti's in public. In 1827 he went to Paris, became a pupil of Ha- beneck, and won the second pi'ize for violin in 1829, and the first in 1830. He studied composition under Fetis in 1831, and was a member of the orchestra at the Opera in the same year. At concerts of that year he won the notice of Paganiui, who was much impressed with his plaj'ing. In 1840 he succeeded Baillot as first violinist to the king, and in 1843 as professor of the violin at the Conservatoire. Alard is the chief representative of the modern French school of violin playing. He is the author of a comprehensive work, " Ecole da violin," adojjted by the Conservatoire ; editor of a collection of violin pieces by the best com- posers of the 18th century, " Les maltres classiques du violin," in 40 parts, and com- poser for his instrument of a number of etudes, nocturnes, duos, etc., and of con- certos and symphonies with orchestral ac- companiment. — F('tis ; Grove ; IMendel ; Wa- sielewski, Die Violine, 376. ALARICO IL BALTHA (Alaric the Bold), Italian opera, text by Luigi Orlandi, music by Steffani, first represented at Brunswick, Jan. 18, 1687, the birthday of the Elec- tress Maria Antonia. Fresh singers were brought from Italy for the occasion, and the work was enlivened by ballets arranged ALARY by Rodier, aud danced by ladies and gen- tlemeu of the court, with costumes from Paris. Subject treated also in Alarico, Re de' Goti, by Bassaui, Ferrara, 1G85 ; in Alaric, opera iu three acts, music by Schie- ferdecker, Hamburg, 1702 ; and in Ingrati tudine castigata, ossia Alarico, by Chiochetti, Ancona, 1719. ALARY, JULES, born of French parents at Mantua in ISU, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Ba- silj at the Conservatorio of Milan, was for a few years flutist nt the Te- atro della Scala, and in 1835 went to Paris to teach the j^ianoforte and singing. He was iu Lon- don in 1836, but returned to Paris, where Jullien's orchestra performed some of hi.s music. Alternately there and iu London he gave concerts, in which he brought out his comj)ositions, without being able to ac- quire a genuine reputation, his style run- ning almost exclusively iu the shallow taste of fashion. In 1852 he went to St. Peters- burg to bring out a grand opera, and after his return, in 1853, was made accomjjanist in the imperial chapel, while at the same time he became musical director at the Theatre des Italiens. Works : Rosamonda, opera, given at Florence, Teatro de la Pergo- la, June 10, 1810 ; La Redemption, oratorio, Paris, Concert Sj)irituel, April, 1851 ; Le tre nozze, opera bufta, ib.. Theatre des Italiens, March 29, 1851 ; Sardanapale, ojjera, St. Petersburg, 1852 ; L'orgue de Barbaric, oj)- eretta, Bouflfes Parisiens. 185G ; La beaute du Diable, Paris, Opera Comique, 1861 ; Le /^ra.sseur d'Amsterdam, operetta. Ems, 1861 ; La voix humaiue, Paris, I'Opera, 1861 ; Lo- canda gratis, opera buffa, Theatre des Ital- iens, 1866 ; many songs, duets, terzets, and quartets, and pieces for the pianoforte, espe- cially polkas and waltzes. — Fetis ; do.. Sup- plement, i. 8. ALAS! THOSE CHIMES. See3Iaritana. ALAYRAC, D'. See Dalayrac. ALBANESI, LUIGI, born in Rome, March 3, 1821, still living, 1888. Pianist and composer, studied under his brother and sister, who were pupils of Senderaeh ; after- wards a pupil in harmony of Giuseppe Polidoro and Salvatore Lavigna. Works : Les sept paroles de Jesus Christ, oratorio ; 2 masses ; Motets with organ or harmonium, or the pianoforte and other instruments ; Pianoforte pieces, more than fifty. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 9. ALBANEZE (D'Albanese), born at Al- bano, Apulia, iu 1729, died in Paris in 1800. Pupil of the Naples Conservatorio, visited Paris in 1717, and was engaged at the king's chapel. In 1752-62 he was first singer at the Concerts Spirituels. He com- posed airs and duets, among which are : Airs a chanter, 3 collections ; Les amuse- ments de Melpomene, with violin or guitar accompaniment ; and fifteen other collec- tions. The charming romance. Que ne suis- je la fougere, is his, although it has been attributed to Pergolesi. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Michaud, Biogr. univ. ALBENIZ, PEDRO, born in Biscay, Spain, about 1755, died at St. Sebastian about 1821. He was a monk aud conductor of music in the Cathedrals of St. Sebastian and Logrono (1795). Among his works are : Masses, vespers, and motets, unpub- lished, and a book of solfeggi (St. Sebastian, 1800).— Fetis. ALBENIZ, Don PEDRO, born at Lo- gi'ofio, Spain, April 14, 1795, died in Ma- drid, Ajjril 12, 1855. Organist, son of Don Matteo Albeniz, maestro of the Collegiate Church at Logrono. When but ten years old he becanje assistant organist of the Par- ish of St. Vincent, Guipuzcoa. He studied in Paris under Henri Herz aud Kalkbreu- ner, and on his return to Spain was made director of the musical fetes on the arrival of the king and queen, in 1828. He after- wards became organist of the Church of Santa Maria in Logrono, a position left va- cant by his father's resignation in 1829. ALBEllGATI On his visit to Madrid and Aranjuez he received great favours from the king, who appointed him professor of the pianoforte at the Conservatorio wliich the queen, Maria Christina, had just instituted (1830), and organist of the Chapel Royal. In 1838 he was made vice-j)resident of the junto of directors for the Artistic and Literary Ly- ceum at Madrid, and became maestro to the Lifanta and the queen. Dona Isabella, and received several decorations. To him is due the foundation of the modern school of jjianoforte playing in Spain ; all the best pianists of that country and of Spanish South America were his pujjils. His works, which number about seventy, are chiefly va- riations, fantasias, etc., for pianoforte with violin or violoncello accompaniment. His Mcthode de piano (Madi-id, 1840), was adopted by the Conservatorio. — Fetis ; Mendel. ALBERGATI, Conte PIRRO CAPA- CELLI, born in Bologna, Italy, in the latter part of the 17th century, died (?). Dramatic composer. Although an amateur, his com- positions are considered among the best of his time. Works : Gli amici, opera, given in 1699 ; II prineipe selvaggio, opera, given in Bologna, 1712 ; Giobbe, oratorio, given in Bologna, 1688 ; Baletti, corrente, sara- bande, etc. (1682-8.5) ; Sonate a due violini, col basso continuo per 1' organo, ed un alto a beneplacito per teorbo, o violoncello, op. 2 (1683); Cantate morali a voce sola (1685); Messa e salmi concertate ad una, due, tre e quattro voci con stromenti obligati e ripieni, a beneplacito, op. 4: (1687) ; and Cantate ed oratorio a piti voci, op. 17 (1714). Besides these, there ai'e many cantate and motetti dating from 1687 to 1721.— Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ALBERICI, PIETRO GIUSEPPE, born at Orvieto, Italy, lived in the beginning of the ISth century. Composer and poet ; he publislied a musical dialogue for four voices entitled : L' Esilio di Adamo et di Eva dal Paradiso terrestre (Orvieto, 1703). — Fetis ; Mendel. ALBERT, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince Consort of Great Britain, born at Castle Rosenau, near Coburg, Aug. 26, 1819, died at Windsor Castle, Dec. 14, 1861. Pianist, studied music at Coburg and at Brussels. Works : Masses ; Anthems ; Songs and glees ; also an opera, Hedwig von Lin- den. — Fetis ; Mendel. ALBERT, EMILE, born at Montpellier, France, in 1823, died at Bagneres-de-Bi- gorre in August, 1865. Dramatic composer and pianist. Works : Les petits du premier, operette, given in Paris, Theatre Saint-Ger- main, 1864; Jean le Fol, do., 1865; Syni- pljonies ; Trios for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Sonatas for 25ianoforte and vio- lin. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 10. ALBERT, EUGEN D', born at Glasgow, Scotland, Ajsril 10, 1864, still living, 1888. He is the son of Charles d'Albert, a French dancing-mas- ter (born near Ham- burg, 1815). Eugen studied under Sir Ar- thur Sullivan, Prout, and Pauer in London, then under Hans Richter in Vienna (1880), and under Liszt at Weimar (1881). He appeared, in the same year, with bi-illiant success at a philharmonic concert in Vienna ; at Weimar, where he was made court pianist ; and in Berlin. Works : Concerto for jsiauoforte ; Overture to Hiilderlin's Hyijerion ; Suite in five movements ; Songs, etc. ALBERT, HEINRICH, born at Loben- stein, Voigtland, Saxon)-, June 28, 1604, died at Konigsberg, June 27, 1657 (Oct. 10, 1651 ?). Organist and poet. A nephew and perhaps a pupil of Heinrich Schtitz, he studied law in Leipsic and mu-tiic in Dres- den. In 1626 he studied at Konigsberg un- der Stobbaeus, who was then Kapellmeister, and in 1631 he became organist of the old church there. Albert's music showed all that was best in the German and Italian S6 ALBERTAZZI schools ; lie composed the words to many of his owu lij-mns and songs, eight collec- tions of which were printed by Paschen, Meuse, aud Reussner, under the j^atronage of the Emperor of Germany, the King of Poland, and the Kurfiirst of Brandenburg. These collections were so pojiular that sev- eral editions were published by the author, aud others were issued, without his jjermis- sion, at KOnigsberg aud Dautzic under the title of " Poetisch-musicalisehes Lustwald- lein." These latter are very rare ; their original title was: Erster (Zweiter, etc.) Theil der Arien etlicher theils geistlicher theils weltlicher, zur Andacht, guten Sitteu, keuscher Liebe uud Ehreu Lust, dienender Lieder zum singen uud spielen gesetzt. This is followed by separate dedications to each part, which are valuable on account of the princijjles on musical art given iu them at a time when a reform iu music was tak- ing place by means of the basso continuo. He was author of the manuscript, Tractatns de modo conficiendi contrajsunetum, at that time owned by Valentine Hausmann. He composed for the centenary of the Konig.s- berg University, Aug. 28, 164;4, a ComO- dieii-Musik, afterwards given in the palace of the Kurfurst, thus becoming, after Hein- rich Schiitz, the founder of German opera. This comedy was never jjublished and is now lost. A Te Deum of his was published Sept. 12, 1647. Albert's editions were originally in folio, but an octavo edition was published by A. Profe, of Leipsic, in 1G57. — Allgem. d. Biogr. ; Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; AViiiter- feld, Der evaug. Kirchengesaug, ii. 13G. ALBERTAZZI, ALESSANDRO, born at Stagno, in Parma, 1783, died (?). Pupil at Parma of the Carmelite friar Giuseppe Va- leri, then of Fortunati iu singing and coun- terpoint ; settled afterwards at Genoa. His church music is highly esteemed. He wrote also an opera, Gli amanti raminglii, given about 1812, and much music for the piano- forte. — FOtis. ALBERTI, CARLO, born in Italy iu 1848 or 1849. Dramatic composer, brought out the operas : Armando e Maria, at Naples, Teatro de' Fiorentini, 18C9, aud Oreste, ib., TeatroPoliteama, 1872. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 10. ALBERTI, DOMENICO, born in Venice about 1717, died at Formio about 1740. Amateur singer, pianist, and dramatic com- poser, pupil of Antonio Biffi in singing, aud of Lotti in compositiou ; as the page of a Venetian ambassador he went to Madrid, where hia singing excited the jealousy of Fariuelli. Iu 1737 he came to Rome with the Marchese Molinari, and made his debut as a composer. Works — Operas : Endimione, given iu Rome, 1737 ; Galatea, ib., ; Olim- piade ; 36 sonatas, for pianoforte. — P^'tis ; Meudel ; Schilling. ALBERTI, GIUSEPPE MATTEO, born at Bologna in 168.5, died after 1726. Vi- olinist, jjupil of Carlo Manzoliui, of Pietro Minelli on the violin, aud of Floriano Ar- resti in counteri^oiut. He was first violinist at the Church of S. Petronio, was elected member of the Accademia Filarmonica iu 1714, aud principe in 1721. Works : Dieci Coucerti a sei stromenti (Bologna, 1713) ; Dodici senate jser violino solo, con basso continuo (ib., 1721) ; Dodici sinfonie per due violini, viola, violoncello ed organo (ib., 1726).— Fetis ; Mendel. ALBERTI, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, born at TiJnning, Schleswig, Jan. 11, 1642, died at Merseburg, June 14, 1710. Contrapunt- ist and organist, jiupil of Werner Fabricius at Leipsic ; became organist at the cathe- dral at Merseburg, but was obliged to re- sign in 1698 owing to a stroke of paralysis. He was esteemed one of the best composers of chorals, fugues, etc., and one of the most learned contrapuntists of his time. — Fctis ; Fiirstenau, Gesch. der Musik am Hofe zu Dresden, i. 143 ; Gerber, Hist. Lex. ; Spitta, J. S. Bach, i. 98. ALBERTINI, GIOVACHINO, born about 1744, died at Warsaw, April, 1811. Dra- matic comjjosei-, lived at Warsaw in 1784 as Kajjellmeister to the King of Poland. Po- litical events induced him to return to Italy, Z! ALBICASTEO. where lie taught singing until 1804, wlien he was called back to Warsaw by Prince Poniatowski for the instruction of his chil- dren. Works — Operas : Don Giovanni, given at Venice, 1784 ; Le maitre de cha- pelle polonais (Polish opera), Warsaw, 1784 ; Circe, Hamburg, 1785 ; Virginia, Rome, 1786 ; Scipione Africauo, ib., 1789. — Fctis. ALBICASTEO, HENPvICO, boru in Switz- erland towards the end of the 17th century, died (?). Violinist, real name Weissenburg. He served as captain in the Allied Ai'niies during the Spanish War of Succession. Works : Sonatas for three parts, op. 1 (Am- sterdam, Roger); do., op. 4 (ib.) ; 12 do., op. 8 (ib.) ; 15 sonatas for violin and bass, op. 2 (ib.); do., op. 5 and op. 6 (ib.); Sona- tas for violin, violoncello, and bass, op. 3 ; Concertos for four parts, op. 7 (ib. ) ; Sona- tas for violin and violoncello (ib.). — Fetis ; Schilliug. ALBINI, FRANCESCO MARIA, Italian dramatic composer, contemporary. Works : Uu giorno di quarautena, opera butfa, giv- en at Bologna, Teatro Contavalli, 18G6 ; and Lamberto Malatesta, opera. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 10. ALBINONI, TOMilASO, boru in Venice in 1674, died there in 1745 (?). Dramatic composer and violinist. No i)articulars of his life are known. He wrote forty-two ojieras, some vocal, and much instrumental music, in which he showed greater talent thau in his dramatic works. He was also an excellent performer on the violin. Bach took bass parts by Albinoui for j^ractice in thorough bass and used many of his themes, notably two from his Opera prima, for fugues ; see Peters's edition of Bach's clavier works ; one in A (No. 10, cahier 13), the other in F-sharp minor (No. 5, cahier 3). Works — Operas: Engelberta (conjointly with Gasparini), given at Venice, 1690 ; Zeno- bia, regina de' Palmireni, ib., Teatro de' SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 1694 ; II prodigo dell' in- nocenza, ib., ib., 1695 ; Zenoue, imperatore d' Oriente, ib., Teatro di S. Cassiano, 1696 ; Tigrane, re d' Armenia, ib., 1697 ; Radamisto, ib., Teatro di Sant' Angiolo, 1G98 ; Primis- lao I., re di Boemia, ib., S. Cassiano, 1698, Vicenza, 1701, Udiue, 1704 ; L'ingratitu- dine castigata, Venice, 1698 ; Diomede pn- nito da Alcide ; L' inganno innocente, both in Rome, 1701 ; L' arte in gara con 1' arte, Venice, 1702 ; La fede tra gli ingauni, Rome, 1707; Astarte, Venice, 1708; H tra- dimento tradito, ib., Sant' Angiolo, 1709 ; Ciro riconosciuto, Rome, 1710 ; Giustina, Bologna, 1711 ; H tiranno Eroe, Venice, S. Cassiano, 1711 ; Le gare generose, ib., 1712 ; Amor di figlio uon conosciuto, 171G ; Eu- mene, Rome, 1717; Cleomene, ib., 1718; II Meleagro, Venice, 1718 ; Gli eccessi della gelosia, Rome, 1722, then under the title of Marianna, Venice, Sant' Angiolo, 1724 ; Er- mingarda, Rome, 1723 ; Laodicea, Venice, S. Mose, 1724 ; Scij)ione nelle Spagne, ib., S. Samuele, 1724 ; Antigono tutore, 1724 ; Didone abbandouata, Rome, 1725 ; Alciua delusa da Ruggiero, 1725 ; II trionfo d' Ar- mida, Venice, 1726 ; L' incostanza schernita, Rome, 1727; I due rivali in amore, and Griselda, ib., 1728 ; II concilio dei pianetti, and L' infedeltS, delusa, ib., 1729 ; Statira, Venice, Sant' Angiolo, 1730 ; Gli strata- gemmi amorosi, ib., S. Mos6, 1730; Elenia, 1730 ; Ai'deliuda, 1732 ; Gli awenimenti di Ruggiero, Venice, 1732 ; Candalide, ib., 1734; Artamene, ib., 1741. Other works: Due e dieci souate a tre, op. 1 ; Siufonie a sei e sette, op. 2 (Venice, 1700) ; Dieci e due balletti, ossia sonate da camera a tre, op. 3 ; 12 cantatas for a single voice, and bass, op. 4 ; 12 concertos for 6 instru- ments, op. 5 ; Trattenimenti da camera, con- sisting of 12 cantatas for a single voice, and bass, op. 6 ; do. for oboe and violin, op. 7 ; 12 ballets for two violins, violon- cello, and bass, op. 8 ; 12 concertos for 2 oboes, viola, violoncello, and organ, op. 9. — F.'tis ; Mendel ; Spitta, i. 423. ALBRECHT, JOHANN LORENZ, called Magister Albrecht, boru at Giirmar, Thu- ringia, Jan. 8, 1732, died at Miihlhausen in 1773. More especially a writer on music, but comjjosed cantatas (1758), a Passion ALDIIECIIT (1750), and exercises for pianoforte (1708). — Allgem. (L Biogr., i. 321 ; Fetis ; Meudel. ALBRECHT, JOHANN MATTHAUS, boru at Osterbehringen, near Gotba, May 1, 1701, died at Frankfort in 1769. Cburcb composer and renowned organist, jjiipil of Kapellmeister Witt at Gotlia ; visited South Germany and France to Lear the best or- ganists, and f?ooii ranked witli tliem. He became organist at St. Catherine's, Frank- fort, in 1724, and at the Metropolitan Clmrch of the Barefooted Friars in 172G. He was distinguished also as a didactic writer. Works : Cantatas for the twenty- fourth Sunday after Pentecost (1758) ; Pas- sion according to the Evangelists (Miihl- hausen, 1759) ; Musikalische Aufmunterung f (ir Anfiinger des Kliiviers (Augslnirg, 17G:5) ; Musikalische Aufmunterung in kleinen Kla- vierstiicken und Oden (Berlin, 1703) ; Con- certos for pianoforte (unpublished). — ^len- del ; Schilling. ALBRECHTSBEEGER, JOHANN GEORG, born at Klosterneuburg, near Vienna, Feb. 3, 1736, died in Vienna, March 7, 1809. Composer of church and cham- ber music, contra- puntist, organist of the first rank, and cue of the most eminent theoreticians and teachers of mu- sic. He was first instructed in his native place by the parson Leopold Pittner, after- wards pupil in Vienna of the court organ- ist Mann. Having pursued Lis educational studies at tlie Benedictine Abbej' of Mulk, and at the Jesuits' Seminarj' in Vienna, where Michael Haydn was his fellow stu- dent, he became an organist, first at Raab, Hungary, then at Maria-Taferl, finally at Molk, where he remained twelve years, and, under the choir dii-ector Kimmerling, stud- ied the classical works of Caldara, Pergo- lesi, Grauu, Hasse, Handel, Bach, and others. After 1765 he taught a few years in the family of a nobleman in Silesia, then in Vienna, earning a scanty living, but soon attracting attention by Lis organ playing, which procured for him the position as Re- gens cliori at the Carmelites. In 1772 ho was appointed court organist, and in 1792 Kapellmeister at St. Stephen's Cathedral. Member of Vienna Academy, 1772, of Stockholm Academy, 1798. As a teacher of counterpoint and composition lie was considered the first of his day, and he num- bered among Lis pupils most of the prom- inent musicians of the following generation, notably Beethoven (in 1794-95), Hummel, Weigl, and Johanu Fuss. He left 261 works, consisting of 43 masses, 43 graduates, 34 offertories, vespers, litanies, jwalnis, hymns, motets, etc.; 6 oratorios (Die Pilgrime auf Golgotha, Die Auffindung des Kreuzes, Ge- Inirt Christi, Passion), 4 Te Deums, 4 sym- phonies, a great deal of chamber music, besides fugues and preludes for organ and pianoforte ; of all these only 27, compris- ing chamber and organ music, were printed. The bulk of his manuscript bequest, 244 in number, was acquired by Prince Nikolaus Esterhiizy. A complete edition of his theo- retical writings was published by his pujiil, Iguatz von Seyfried : J. G. Albreehtsber- ger's Siimmtliehe Schrifteu iiber General- bass, Harmonie und Tonsetzkunst, etc. (Vienna, Strauss, 1837), containing also a biography and list of his works. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 323 ; Allg. mus. Zeitg., xi. 445 ; xxxi. 443 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ALBRICI, VINCENZO, born in Rome, June 26, 1631, died in Prague in 1696. About 1660 he was maestro di cappella to Queen Christina of Sweden at Stralsund, in 1664 to the Elector of Saxony at Dresden, in 1680 organist of St. Thomas' Church at Leipsic, and in 1682 director of music at St. Augustine's, Prague. His highly es- ALBITMBLATT teemed works were bought for the royal library, Dresden, but perished iu the bom- bardment of 17G0. Among those still pre- served are : Te Deum for 2 choruses, and small orchestra ; Kyrie for 8 voices ; Mass for do. ; Symbolum NiciEum for 4 voices and instruments ; The one hundred and fiftieth psalm for do. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ALBmiBLATT, BIN, for pianoforte, by Richard Wagner, composed 1860, published as supplement to No. -11 (1871) of Musika- lisches Wochenblatt. It has been arranged for orchestra by Reiclielt ; for violin and orchestra by August "Wilhelmj ; for violon- cello and orchestra b}' David Popper. — Kastner, Wagner Katalog, 51. ALBUMBLATTER (Fr., Feuillets d'al- bum ; Album Leaves), by Robert Schumann, a collection of twentj' short movements in varied styles, for pianoforte, op. 124. Com- posed in 1832-45 ; dedicated to Frau Alma von Wasielewski. Published by F. W. Ar- nold (Elberfeld, 1854). ALBUM FUR DIE JUGEND (Album for the Young), by Robert Schumann, a col- lection of forty-three short movements iu varied styles for the pianoforte, op. 68. Composed iu 1848 ; ijublished by J. Schu- berth & Co. (Leijisic and New York, 1849- 51). ALCESTE (Alcestis) ; or, Le triomphe dAlcide (The Triumph of Hercules). Lyric tragedy iu live acts, text by Quinault, music by Lulli, first represented iu the theatre of the Palais Royal, Paris, Jan. 19, 1674. The plot, derived fi'om the "Alcestis" of Eui-ijiides, turns on the restoration to life, through the efforts of Hercules, who strug- gles with and overcomes Death, of Alcestis, who had died in place of her husband, Ad- metus. King of Pheric. This ojjera was al- ways successful until eclipsed by Gluck's work. Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 23. ALCESTE, tragic opera iu three acts, Italian text by Calzabigi, music by Gluck, first represented iu Vienna, Dec. 16, 17G6. The score waa published iu Vienna iu 1769, with a dedicatory epistle to the Archducliess Leopold, explaining the com- poser's intention iu its composition, which was to produce an opera in which the mu- sic should be perfectly adapted to the drama, and should faithfully interpret each situation without undue ornamentation. The new style was received with galling criticism, and in 1774 Gluck removed to Paris, where his work, with its text trans- lated and adapted for the French stage by the Bailli du Rollet, was produced at the Academic de Musique, April 23, 1776. Al- ceste was revived in Paris iu 1861, with Pauline Viardot, and in 1866, with Mile Battu in the title role. Among its best numbers are : "Non, ce n'est i^oint uu sa- crifice," "Divinites du Styx," and, "Ah! divinites implacables ! " Other settings are by Strungk, Hamburg, 1682 ; by Antonio Draghi, Vienna, 1699 ; by Schurmaun, Hamburg, 1719 ; by Lamjsugnani, Lon- don, 1745 ; by Schweitzer, text by Wie- laud, Leij)sic, 1774 ; by Gresnick, London, 1786 ; by Portogallo, Venice, 1799 ; by El- wart, text by Hij^polyte Lucas, Paris, 1847. —Marx, Gluck u. d. Oper, i. 337 ; Des- noiresterres, Gluck et Picciuui, 62, 129. ALCESTE, Handel. See Choice of Her- cules. ALCHYlVnST, DER (The Alchemist). German opera, text by Pfeiffer, adapted from Washington Irving's story of the same title, music by Sjjohr ; first jierformed at Cassel, July 28, 1830, the elector's birthday. It had but a temporary suc- cess. Other operas by this title : By Johann Andre, Berlin, about 1765 ; by Schuster, Vienna, 1785 ; by Hoffmeister, about 1790 ; L' Alchimista, Italian opera, by Laui-o Rossi, Naples, 1853 ; L'Alchi- miste, French opera in one act, by Leon Paliard, Lyons, 1855 ALCIBIADE (Alcibiades), Italian opera by Marc Antonio Ziaui, Venice, 1680 ; by Ballarotti (with Gasparini), Venice, 1699 ; by Stefi'ani, text by Orteusio Mauro, Bruns- wick, 1696, Hamburg, 1697 ; by Cordelia, 30 ALCIDE Venice, 1825 ; bj- C. L. J. Hanssens, test by Scribe, Brussels, 182'J. Alcibiade soli- taire, French opera in two acts, text by Cu- velier and Barouillet, music by Louis Alex- andre Picciuui, was given at the O^x-ra, Paris, March 8, 182-4. ALCIDE AL BIVIO, Italian opera, text by Metastasio, music by Paisieho, repre- sented at St. Petersburg about 1770. Ital- ian opera, same title, music by Eighiui, Cob- leutz, 1789. ALCIDES. See Choice of Hercules. ALCINA, Italian opera, text by Antonio Marchi, music by Handel, represented at Covent Garden Theatre, London, April 16, 1735. The MS. is dated at the end, April 8, 1735. Alciiia, a character in Boiardo's "Orlando lunamorato," and in Ariosto's " Orlando Furioso," is a kind of Circe, who enjoys her lovers for a time in her en- chanted garden, and then metamorphoses them into trees, wild beasts, etc. — Rock- stro, Handel, 191 ; Schojlcher, Handel, 176. ALCOCK, JOHN, born in London, April 11, 1715, died at Lich- field, March, 1806. Organist ; pupil of Stanley. He was chor- ister of St Paul's Ca- thedral in 1722 ; or- ganist of St. Andrew's, Plymouth, in 1738, of St. Lawrence's, Head- ing, in 1742, and of Lichfield Cathedral in 1749, when ho was also master of choristers and lay vicar ; in 1760 he resigned all positions but thatof lay vicar. He received fi-om Oxford the degree of Mus. B. in 1755, and Mus. D. in 1761. Works : Six Suites of Lessons for the Haqisichord, Twelve Songs (Plymouth), Six Concertos, Collection of Psalms, Hymns, and Anthems (Reading) ; Morning and Evening Service in E minor (1753) ; Twenty-six Anthems, and a Burial Service (1771); a book of glees, Harmonia Festi (1790). He edited a collection of psalm tunes, arranged for four voices, called Har- mony of Sound. Hail, ever pleasing Soli- tude, a glee, gained a medal at the Catch Club in 1790. His son, John Alcock (Mus. B., born in 1739, died in 1791), was or- ganist of Preston, and comjjoser of anthems in 1773-76. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. ALDAY, the younger, born at Perpignan or at Avignon in 1764, died at Edinburgh after 1806. Violinist, supposed pupil of Viotti ; appeared with great success in the Concerts spirituels in Paris until 1791, when he went to England. In 1806 he was called as musical director to Edin- burgh. Works : First Concerto for violin (Paris, Imbault) ; Fourth Concerto for vio- lin (ib.) ; Second and Third Concertos for violin (Paris, Sieber) ; Duos for two vio- lins (Paris, Decombe) ; Melanges for two violins (Paris, Leduc) ; Airs varies for violin and viola (ib., Imbault) ; Trios for two vio- lins and bass (London, Lavenu). His elder brother, born in 1763, was also a viohnist, though less distinguished ; played in the Concert spirituel in 1783, and with his brother in 1789, and settled at Lyons about 1795 as a music dealer. He composed : Symphonie concertante for two violins (Am- sterdam, Hummel) ; do. for two violins and viola (Paris, Sieber) ; Quartets for violins, viola, and bass (ib., Pleyel) ; Method for the violin (Lyons, Cartoux). To one of the brothers is due the music to the lyrical drama GeneviOve de Brabant, given at the Theatre Louvois, 1791. — Fetis ; do.. Sup- plement, i. 10 ; Mendel ; Schilling. ALDOVRANDINI, GIUSEPPE AN- TONIO VINCENZO, born in Bologna about l(i65. Dramatic composer, pupU of Jacques Perti. He was a member of the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna in 1695, and principe in 1702 ; honorary maestro di cappella to the Duke of Mantua. Works — Operas: Dafne, Gl' inganni amorosi sco- perti in villa, both given at Bologna in 1696 ; Ottaviano, Turin, 1697 ; Amor torna in cinque al cinquanta, ovvero Nozz' dla Flip- pa e d' Bedette, comic opera in Bolognese patois, Bologna, 1699 ; L'orfano, Naples 31 ALDKICH carnival, 1699 ; La fortezza al cimento, Venice, 1699 ; Le due Auguste, Bologna, 1700 ; Cesare in Alessandria, Naples, 1700 ; Semiramide, Genoa, 1701 ; Pirro, Venice, 1704 ; I tre rivali al soglio, ib., 1711 ; an oratorio, S. Sigismondo (1704) ; cburcli music, consisting of three collec- tions of motets (Bologna, 1701-1703) ; so- natas for three parts, op. 5 (Amsterdam). — Fetis. ALDRICH, HENRY, born at Westmin- ster in 1647, died in Oxford, Dec. 14, 1710. He went from Westminster School to Christ Church College, Ox- ford, of which he be- came A.M. in 1G69, Canon in February, 1681, D.D. ill the fol- lowing May, and Dean in 1689. He ad- vanced the study and progress of church music ill his college and cathedral, con- tributing services and about fifty anthems, original and adapted from Italian compos- ers. They are to be found in the collec- tions of Ely, Tudway, Christ Church MSS., Boyce, Ai'nold, and Page. He bequeathed to his college a large musical library con- taining the works of Palestrina, Carissinii, Bassani, Graziani, and other Italian com- posers. His works include Morning and Evening Service in G (Boyce), do. in A (Arnold), and several catches. Hark, the Bonny Christ Church Bolls, being one of the most popular. — Barrett, English Church Composers, 85 ; Fetis ; Grove ; Harmonicon (1832), 95. ALESSANDRI, FELICE, born in Rome in 1742, died after 1791. Dramatic com- poser and harpsichord player ; pupil of the Conservatorio, Naples. When young he went to Turin as harpsichord player and composer, and subsequently spent four years in Paris, writing for the Con- certs Spirituels. On his return to Italy in 1767 he brought out several operas, and afterwards visited the principal cities of Europe. In 1769 he was in London, where he brought out several operas ; in 1773 in Dresden, in 1774 in Italy, in 1775 in Lou- don again, and in 1778-86 in Italy. He went to Russia in 1786, but was unsuccess- ful there, and returned to Italy in 1788. In 1789 he was in Berlin, where he re- mained until 1792, as Kapellmeister to the king. His II ritoruo d' Ulisse, given there in 1790, was very successful ; but his opera buffa. La com23agnia d' oj)era in Nanchino, a satire on the cabals of the Theatre Royal, was denounced by the critics, his opera of Dario was hissed in 1791, and such dis- putes and jealousies arose that he was dis- missed from the service of the king, after which nothing is known of him. Works — Operas : Ezio, given at Verona, 1767 ; II matrimonio per concorso, Vienna, 1767 ; Argentino, ib., 1768 ; La mogiie fedele, London, 1769 ; II re alia caccia, ib., 1769 ; L'amore soldato, Dresden, 1773 ; Creso, Pavia, 1774 ; La sjiosa persiana, London, 1775 ; La novita, ib., 1775 ; La contadina (with Sacchini), ib., 1775 ; Calliroe, Milan, 1778 ; Venere in Cij)ro, Milan, at the carni- val, 1779 ; Attalo, Florence, 1780 ; II vec- chio geloso, Milan, 1781 ; II marito geloso, Leghorn, 1781 ; Demofoonte, Padua, 1783 ; Ai-taserse, Naples, 1784 ; I iiuntigli gelosi, Palermo, 1784 ; I due fratelli, Cassel, 1785 ; La finta priucipessa, Ferrara, 1786 ; Pappa Mosca, Vienna, 1788 ; II ritorno d' Ulisse, Berlin, 1790 ; La compagnia d' opera in Nanchino, Potsdam, 1788 ; Dario, Berlin, 1791.— Fctis ; Mendel. ALESSANDRI, GENNARO D', born at Naples in 1717, died (?). Dramatic com- poser ; author of several operas, among which is Ottone, given in Venice, Teatro di San Giovanni Crisostomo, 1740. — Fetis. ALESSANDRO, Italian opera, in three acts, music by Handel, represented at the King's Theatre, London, May 5, 1726. The principal parts were sung by Signore Faus- tina and Cuzzoni, and by Signor Senesino. It was a success, and ran imtil the close of ALESSAXDRO the season, June 7, 1726. It was repro- duced in 1743 under the title of Roxaua ; or, Alexander in India. The MS. is in Buckingham Palace. Oi^eras of the same title have been written by Duni, given in Italy, 1736 ; Leo, Naples, 1741 ; Himmel, St. Petersburg, 1799. Alexander, German opera, text by Schikaneder, music by Franz Tayber, given in Vienna, June 13, 1800. — Kockstro, Handel, 147 ; Schcelcher, Handel, 75 ; Chrysander, H. 145. ALESSANDRO IN EFESO (Alexan- der in Ephesus), Italian opera, music by Giacomo Tritto, represented at Mantua, 1804 ; by Marinelli, Milan, 1810 ; Alexan- der in Ephesus, German ojjera seria, music by Lindpaintner, Stuttgart, about 1815. " ALESSANDRO NELL' INDIE (Alex- ander iu India), Italian opera in three acts, text by Metastasio, first set to music by Vinci, and represented at the Teatro delle Dame, Rome, Dec. 26, 1729. Subject, the meeting of Alexander the Great with the Indian king Porus. Scene, on the banks of the Hydaspes. Characters repre- sented : Alessandro, Poro, Cleofide, Erisse- na, Gandarte, Timagene. The libretto has been set to music also by Porjiora, Dresden, about 1730 ; Johauu Adolphe Hasse, Dres- den, 1731 ; Manciui, Venice, 1732 ; Bioni, Breslau, 1733 ; Scliiassi, Bologna, 1734 ; Pescetti, Venice, 1740 ; Araja, St. Peters- burg, 1740 ; Leo, Rome, 1741 ; Graun, Ber- lin, 1744 ; Gluck, Turin, 1745 ; Galuppi, Vienna, 1749 ; Perez, Genoa, 1751, Lisbon, 1755 ; Latilla, 1753 ; Jommelli, Stuttgart, 1757 ; Scolari, Venice, 1758 ; Piccinui, Rome, 1758, Naples (new music), 1775 ; Holzbauer, Milan, 1759 ; Gioacchiuo Coc- chi, London, 1761 ; Majo, Naples, 1767 ; Naumann, Venice, 1768 ; Sacchini, Venice, 1768, Turin (new music), about 1770 ; Caba- lone, Naples, 1770 ; Bertoni, 1770 ; Paisiello, Modena, 1775 ; Domenico Corri, London, 1774; Kozeluch, Prague, 1774; Friedrich Rust, 1775 ; Mortellari, 1779 ; Cimarosa, Rome, 1781; Cherubini, Mantua, 1784 ; Gres- nick, London, 1785 ; Chiavacchi, Milan, 1786 ; Caruso, Rome, 1787, Venice, 1791 ; Bi- anchi, Brescia, 1788 ; Tarchi, London, 1789, Turin, 1793 ; Himmel, St. Petersburg, 1799 ; Bomtempo, about 1800 ; Pacini, Naples, 1824. Alexandre aux ludes, tragedy, ojjera in three acts, text by Morel, founded on the "Alexandre" of Racine, music by Mcreaux, was represented at the Opera, Paris, Aug. 26, 1783 ; Alexander am Indus, Russian opera, by Sigismoud Neukomm, St. Peters- burg, 1805 ; and Alessandro nell' Indie, bal- let, by Peter Lichtenthal, Milan, 1820. ALESSANDRO, LUIGI, born at Siena in 1736, died there, Jan. 29, 1794. Church composer, became maestro di cappella at the cathedral of his native citj' iu 1786. He wrote manj' masses, vespers, and motets, which are esteemed in Italy. — Fetis. ALESSANDRO ROJIANO, lived in the latter half of the 1 6tli century. Viola player ; called della Viola from his facility on that instrument. In 1560 he was chorister of the Pojie's chapel, Rome. He composed motets and songs, among them a collection of Cauzoni alia napoletana for five voices and music for the viola and other instru- ments. Some of his MSS. are in the Royal Library, Munich. — Fetis ; Mendel. ALESSANDRO SEVERO (Alexander Severus), Italian opera, music by Antonio Lotti, represented at Venice, 1717 ; by Chel- leri, Brescia, 1718 ; by Sarri, Naples, 1719 ; Bioni, Breslau, 1733 ; Bonno, serenata, Vi- enna, 1737 ; by Bernasconi, Venice, 1741 ; and by Sacchini, Venice, 1770. Alexander Severus, pasticcio, by Handel, Covent Gar- den Theatre, London, Feb. 25, 1738. The score was composed entirely of his own old music, with a special overture, which be- came very popular. ALESSANDRO STRADELL.\. See StradeUa. ALESSANDRO E TIMOTEO (Alexander and Timotheus), Italian opera, music by Sarti, represented in Venice in 1782 ; rear- ranged by Perotti, London, 1800. ALESSIO, D', Italian dramatic composer, contemporary. He brought out ALESSIO two opere buffe : Elena in Troja, and Le figlie di Bianca, at Naples, Teatro Polite- ama, iu 1875. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 11. ALEXANDER. See Alessandro. ALEXANDER BALUS, oratorio, text by Dr. Thomas Morell, music by Handel, first performed at Coveut Garden, London, March 9, ITrtS. Alexander Balas (as it should be written). King of Syria from 150 to 14:6 b.c , was a pretended son of Antiochus Ei^ipha- nes, who defeated Demetrius Soter and took possession of his throne. The score of the oratorio, in Buckingham Palace, is dated at the beginning June 1, 1747, and at the end July 4, 1747. Characters represent- ed : Alexander Balus, Ptolomee, Jonathan, Cleopatra, Aspasia, Chorus of Israelites, Chorus of Asiatics. Published by the Hiln- del-Gesellschaft (Leijiic, 1870). — Rockstro, Handel, 287 ; Schcelscher, Handel, 308. ALEXANDER, JOHANN (Joseph ?), lived at Duisburg, Rhenish Prussia, in the latter part of the 18th, and beginning of the 19th, centuries. Violoncellist and instrumental composer, etc. His variations for the vio- loncello on the air, O mein lieber ; and an arietta on the German air, Mich fliehen meine Freuden, were popular. He was the author of : Anweisung fiir das Violoncell (Leipsic, 1801).— Fetis ; Mendel. ALEXANDER'S FEAST, ode, words by Dryden, music by Handel, first performed at Covent Garden Theatre, London, Feb. 19, 1736. The jDoem, the second of Dry- den's odes for St. Cecilia's Day, " Alexander's Feast ; or. The Power of Music," was rear- ranged with additions by Newburgh Ham- ilton. The score is dated at the beginning, Jan. 5, 1736, and at the end, Jan. 17, 1736. The principal singers were Siguora Strada, Miss Young (afterwards Mrs. Dr. Arne), John Beard, and Erard, a basso. It was published by Walsh in 1738, and by the Handel Gesellschaft (Leipsic, 1862). In 1790 Mozart wrote some additional accom- paniments to the ode for Baron von Swieten, Vienna. John Clayton had attempted in 1711 to write music to Dryden's ode, but failed through his incapacity for such a task. — Rockstro, Handel, 203 ; Schcelcher, Handel, 179 ; Crysander, H. 417. ALEXANDRE A BABYLONE (Alexan- der at Babylon), French opera in three acts, music by Lesueur, received at the Opera, Paris, in 1823, but never rejiresented. ALEXANDRE, CHARLES GUIL- LAUISIE, flourished in Paris about the middle of the 18th century. Dramatic com- poser, wrote the operas comiques : Georget et Georgette, given iu Paris at the Theatre de la Foire Saint Laurent, 1761 ; Le petit maitre en province, ib.. Theatre Italien, 1765 ; L'esj^rit du jour, ib., 1767 ; Music for the two spectacular pieces, Le triomphe de I'amour conjugal, and La conquete du Mogol, performed at the Theatre du Palais des TuUIeries, 1755 and 1756. Among his instrumental music are sis duets for two violins, op. 8 (Paris, 1775). — Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 11. ALFONSO UND ESTRELLA, giand op- era iu three acts, text by Franz von Schober, music by Franz Schubert, written in 1821- 23. It remained unre^jresented vintil Juue 24, 1854, twenty-six j-ears after Schubert's death, wheu it was given a single perform- ance, under the direction of Liszt, at the court theatre, Weimar, on the birthday of the Grand Duke. In 1879 Kajsellmeister Johann Fuchs, of the court ojaera, Vienna, rewrote the libretto and shortened the work, and it was produced at Cai-lsruhe with gi-eat success, March 22, 1881 ; and in Vienna, April 15, 1882. The scene of the libretto is iu Sjjaiu, where Troila, King of Leon, deprived of his throne by Mauregato, lives in a secluded valley with his son Al- fonso. Estrella, daughter of Mauregato, is beloved by Adolfo, her father's generalis- simo, but meets Alfonso, while hunting, and loves him. Alfonso defeats in battle Adolfo, who has rebelled, saves Mauregato, wins Estrella, and receives the kingdom from his father, Troila, who has himself been re- instated by Mauregato. The original cast (1854) was as follows : 84 ALFEED Troila Herr Milde. Alfouso Herr Liebert. Adolfo Herr Mayrliofer. Mauregato Herr HOfer. Estrella Frau Milde. The original score, without the overture, is in the library of the Musikverein, Vienna. The overture, which is dated December, 1823, belongs to Herr Spina, who published it in 1867. A bass and a tenor air have also been published, with pianoforte ac- comj)animent, by Diabelli (1832). — Hellborn (Coleridge), i. 234 ; ii. 293 ; Grove, iii. 335 ; Leipsic, Siguale (1882), 465. ALFRED THE GREAT, King of Eng- land, has furnished the subject of the fol- lowing works : Alfred, English masque, text by Thomson, and Mallet, music by Thomas Augustine Arne (see Rule Britannia), Drury Lane, London, Aug. 14, 1740 ; do., same text, music by Charles Burney, London, 1759 ; Alfred, lyric tragedy, by Pitter- lin, Magdeburg, 1797 ; Alfredo il Grande, music by Donizetti, Venice, 1823 ; Alfred, grand opera, text by Kotzebue, music by Wolfram, Dresden, 1826 ; Alfred der Grosse, German heroic opera iu two acts, text by Korner, music by Johanu Philipp Schmidt, Hamburg, about 1840 ; opera in three acts, music by Reuling, Vienna, 1840 ; German opera, by Maurice Chemin-Petit, Halle, 1858 ; Konig Alfred, three acts, text by Logan, music by Joachim Raff, Weimar, March 9, 1851 ; Alfred, King of Wessex, English opera, by Raymond Stainford, Liv- erpool, 1864. ALGHISI (Algisi), PARIS FRANCESCO, born at Brescia, Italy, June 2, 1666, died there, March 29, 1743. Dramatic composer and organist at the cathedral of his native city ; lived for some time in Venice, where, in 1690, he brought out two operas : L' amor di Curzio per la patria, and R trionfo delta continenza, at the Teatro SS. Giovanni e Paolo. — Fetis. ALI BABA (or, Les quarante voleurs ; The Forty Thieves), opera in four acts and a jJrologue, text by Scribe and Melesville, music by Cherubini, represented at the Aeadomie Royale de Musique, Paris, July 22, 1833. The libretto, the subject of which is fi'om the " Ai-abian Nights," is but a rearrangement of Koukourgi, an unrep- resented opera written by Cherubini in 1793 (text by Duveyrier-Melesville pere), with the music adajjted and partly rewrit- ten. The overture was probably new ; and the composer introduced into the work the march from Faniska and the bacchanale from his ballet Achille a Sciros. A German Schauspiel of the same title, text by Th. Hell, music by Marschner, was given about 1822. Ali Baba, operetta, music by Charles Lecocq, given at the Alhambra, Brussels, Nov. 11, 1887. ALI PASCHA VON JANINA (Ali Pa- sha of Janina), opera by Lortzing, libretto founded on the story of the celebrated des- pot of Albania, first rejoresented at Cologne in 1824. This, Lortzing's first opera, was produced with success in the chief cities of German}-. ALIANI, FRANCESCO, born at Piacen- za, died therein May, 1812. Violoncellist ; first instructed by his father, a violinist, then pupil of Giusejiise Rovelli at Parma. After five years he returned home, and be- came first violoncellist in the orchestras of the church and the theatre. He has pub- lished three books of duets for two violon- cellos. His son Luigi, born at Piacenza in 1789, was a violinist of distinction. — Fetis ; Mendel. ALICE DE NEVERS, opera fantasy, original plot, text and music by Herve, represented at the Folies Dramatiques, Paris, April 22, 1875. Sung by Herve, Mme Desclauzas, and Mile Perrier. ALIDIA. See Dernier jour de Pompeii. ALINE, REINE DE GOLCONDE (Alina, Queen of Golconda), opera ballet in three acts, text by Sedaine, music by Mon- signy, represented at the Comedie Itali- enne, Paris, April 15, 1766. The subject, which is from a story by Boufflers, has 3B ALINOVI been treated also by : Eauzzini in La re- gina di Golconda, Loudon, 1775 ; Uttini, Stockholm, 1775; Martyu y Solar, Flor- ence, 1781 ; Johaun A. P. Schulz, Coijen- hagen, 1789 ; Berton, opcra-comique iu three acts, text by Vial and Favieres, The- atre Feydeau, Paris, Sept. 2, 1803, ar- ranged as a ballet by G. Dugazou, Aca- demie Koyale, Oct. 1, 1823, and Opei'a National, Nov. 16, 1847; Boieldieu, St. Petersburg, March 5, 1804 ; Karl Blum, Aline, ballet, Vienna, 1814 ; Donizetti, Alina, regiua di Golconda, text b}' Ko- mani, Genoa, 1828, St. Petersburg, 1851, Paris, March 10, 1870 ; Braga, Naples, 1853 ; Vizentini, Alina, opera semi-seria, Verona, 1878. ALINOVI, GIUSEPPE, born at Parma, Sept. 27, 1790, died (?). Instrumental and vocal composer, pupil of Francesco Fortuuati ; devoted himself to teaching vocal music and pianoforte. The manu- scripts of his numerous compositions, sa- cred and profane, are to be found iu nearlj' all the archives of Italy. He published : Divertimento per corno con accomp. di grande orchestra (Milau, Ricordi) ; lutro- duzione e tema origiuale con variazioni per il pianoforte (ib.). — Fetis. ALIPKANDI, BERNARDO, born in Tuscauy in the beginning of 18th century. In 1730 he was composer at the court of Bavaria, and later director of the orchestra at Munich. Works— Operas : Mithridate, given at Munich iu 1738 ; Iphigenie, ib., 1739 ; Semiramide, ib., 1740. His son Bernardo, who was first violoncellist in the Munich orchestra about 1780, composed for the violoncello and probably for the viola di gamba. — Fctis ; Mendel. ALKAN, CHARLES HENRI VALEN- TIN, born iu Paris iu December, 1813 ; known as Alkan aine. Pianist ; pupil of the Conservatoire, Paris. He won the first prize of solfege when only seven years old, when he also played on the violin iu public an air varii' by Rode. He was the pupil of Zimmermaun on the pianoforte, and took the first prize in 1823 ; of Dourlen in har- mony, winning the first prize in 1826 ; and he obtained honorable mention at the Cou- cours de ITnstitut for fugue and counter- point iu 1831. After a visit to London in 1833, he settled in Paris as a teacher of the pianoforte. By him are seventy-two published works, including transcriptions, songs, pieces caracteristiques, two con- certos, sonatas, duos, a trio, etudes, and cajjrices. Among them are : Trois grandes etudes ; Fantaisie pour la main gauche seule ; Introduction et Finale pour la main droite seule ; Etude a mouvement sembla- ble et perpetuel pour les deux mains ; 12 etudes dans les majeurs, op. 35 ; 12 etudes dans les mineurs, op. 39, etc. His brother, Napoleon Morhange (born in Paris, Feb. 2, 1826), was a pupil of Adam and of Zim- mermaun at the Conservatoire, and iu 1850 won the second prize of the Institut de France for his cantata Emma et Eginhard. He has published several works for the j)ianoforte. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. ALL THE WORLD OVER. See 3Iari- tana. ALLA POMPA CHE SI APPRESTA. See A'ida. ALLCHIN, WILLIAM THOMAS HOW- ELL, boru iu England in 1843, died at Ox- ford, Jan. 8, 1863. Organist of St. John's College, Oxford, from 1875. Works : The Rebellion of Korah, sacred dramatic can- tata, performed 1869 ; Songs. ALLEGRI, DOMENICO, born in Rome, second half of 16th century, died (?). Ma- estro di cajijaella iu the Tiberiau Basilica in 1610-1629. He was one of the first composers who wrote obligato instrumental accompaniments to choral compositions. His first attempt at this style of writing was in his work ; Modi quos expressit in choris (Rome, 1617). He was a composer of sec- ondary importance, and one of those who sought to revive the old style of vocal writ- ing, " ad voces sequales." An " Euge, serve bone " for twelve tenors, a " Beatus ille servus " for twelve basses, and a sixteen ALLEGRI voice mass of his are in the Santini collec- tion in Rome. — Ambros, iv. 107 ; Fetis. ALLEGRI, FILIPPO, born at Florence, July 18, 17G8, died (?). Church composer, pupil of Luigi Bracciiii ; became j)rofessor lit the seminary, and maestro di cappella at San Michele. Among his compositions are : Requiem Mass for four voices and grand or- chestra ; O Salutaris hostia, for soprano and bass ; Verbum caro factum est, motet for tenor and bass. — Fetis ; Mendel. ALLEGRI, GREGORIO, born in Rome in 1560, died there, Feb. 18, 1652. He was of the same family as Antonio Alle- gri, the painter, surnamed "11 Correggio." A pu- pil of Giovanni Maria Nanini, he reached the age of manhood just as Palestriua's fame was at its height. He was then a beneficed priest attached to the cathedral at Fermo. On Dec. 6, 1629, Ur- ban Vni. called him to Rome to enter the college of pajjal singers, where he remained until his death. He was buried in S. Maria in Vallicella, in the tomb appropriated to the college of singers of the Vatican choir. Allegri was one of the shining lights of the great Roman School, some- times called the Palestrina School. If his music shows, in general, all the purity of style, objective beauty, and elevation of religious sentiment for which the school is noted, the subjective emotional element of- ten asserts itself. In Allegri the use of dissonances for the expression of agonized grief is more frequent, and plainly more intentional, than in Palestrina and Nanini ; nor are other quasi-picturesque traits wanting. In this sense, Allegri may be looked upon as a sort of connecting link between the so-called "great" (Roman) period of Italian music, and the ensuing " beautiful " (Neapolitan) period. His most famous composition is his great Misei-ere for two choruses, which is stiU sung in the Sixtine Chapel on every Good Friday. His published compositions are : II primo libro di concerti a due, tre e quattro voci (Rome, Soldi, 1618) ; II secondo libro di, etc. (ib., 1619) ; Gregorii Allegri Romani Firmanpe ecclesife beneficiati motecta duarum, trium, quatuor, quinque, sex vocum, liber primus (ib., 1620) ; do., do., liber secundus, (ib., 1621) ; Egredimini et videte, for 2 sopranos and tenor, in Fabio Coustantini's " Scelta di motetti" (1618). A large number of works in MS. are in the archives of S. Maria in Vallicella, the Pontifical Chapel, the Collegio Romano, and in the Library of the Abbate Santini. The Altaemps collection, in the Collegio Romano, contains several impor- tant instrumental compositions. — Ambros, iv. 90 ; Fetis ; Naumann (Ouseley), i. 512. ALLEGRO, IL PENSEROSO ED IL IMODERATO, L', text adapted from Milton by Charles Jeunen.s, who added the third part, nnisic by Handel, first produced at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London, Feb. 27, 1740. The score, in Buckingham Palace, is dated at the beginning Jan. 19, 1740, and' at tl)e end Feb. 4, 1740. Published by Walsh, and by the Hiindel-Gesellschaft (Leipsic, 1859). Robert Franz has supphed the score with complete additional accom- paniments. — Rockstro, Handel, 212 ; Schoel- cher, Handel, 229 ; Chrysander, III. 112. ALLEN, ALFRED BENJTUyilN, born at Kingsland, Middlesex, England, Sept. 4, 1850, still living, 1888. Pianist, studied at the London Academy of Music, 1868. Works : Songs, orchestral and organ music, and a secular cantata. ALLEN, GEORGE BENJAjVIIN, born in London, April 21, 1822, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, chorister at St. Martin's- in-the Field, 18.30, in Westminister Abbey, 1832, at Armagh Cathedral, Ireland, 1843, resierned in 1862, and became organist and choirmaster of All Saints' Church at Ken- sington ; aftei-wards organist at Toorak, 37 ALLES Melbourne, Australia, wliere he was also conductor of Lj'ster's Ojjera Comi^any. He organized an opera company with which he travelled through Australia, New Zealand, and India with great success ; and on his return to England established a comedy opera company. Works — Operas : Castle Grim, given in London, 18G5 ; The Viking ; The Wicklow Rose, Manchester, 1882 ; 2 others in manuscript. Cantatas : Harvest Home, 1863; The Vintage of the Rhine, 1865; Ministering Angels, 1884; Te De- ums ; Anthems ; Concerted vocal music ; Songs. ALLES riJHLT DER LIEBE FREU- DEN. See ZauberflOff. ALLEVI, GIUSEPPE, Italian composer of the 17th century. He was maestro di capisella of the cathedral at Piacenza ; au- thor of three books of sacred music, the second and third of which are entitled : Composizioni sacre a due, tre, e quattro voci, Missa jser li defonti a quattro a cap- pella (Venice, Magni e Gardano, 16G2) ; Terzo libro delle composizioni sacre, etc. (Bologna, Monti, 1668).— Ft-tis. ALLEZ DANS UN CLOiTRE. See Hamlet. ALLISON, HORTON CLARIDGE, born in Loudon, July 25, 1846. Organist and pianist, pupil at the I Royal Academy of Music of William Henry Holmes, of Macfarreu and of Garcia, at the Con- servatorium, Leipsic (1862-65), of Plaidy, Riehter, Reinecke, Hauptmann, and Moscheles ; won the first prize in 1865, and played at the Gewand- haus Concerts during his stay at Leipsic. Organist of St. James's, London, 1867 ; St. Paul's, Bolton, 1868; St. Paul's, Kersal, Manchester, 1869 ; appointed examiner, li.A.M., 1875, and one of the Queen's ex- aminers, 1884. He became A.R.A.M., 1862 ; Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1877 ; Mus. Doc, Dublin, 1877; M.R.A.M., 1880. Works: Sacred cantata for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra (1871), performed in 1877 ; Can- tata for do. (1874) ; Symphony for full or- chestra (1875) ; Suite for do. ; Concerto for pianoforte and orchestra (1870), performed 1877 ; Le Champ de Mars, war-march for orchestra (1873) ; Sonata for organ (1865) ; String quartet (1865) ; Concerto for two pianofortes (1865), and other pieces and studies for pianoforte ; The 110th, 117th, and 134th psalms, for .solo voices, chorus, and string orchestra (1876) ; Lord Wolse- ley's March, 1883 ; Anthems ; Songs and four-jjart songs. ALLISON, RICHARD, English composer and teacher of music in London in the reign of Elizabeth. His name first occurs as a contributor to Thomas Este's Whole Booke of Psalms, 1592. He published The Psalmes of David in Meter, 1599, a collection of old church tunes harmonized by himself, in four parts, with an accompaniment for the lute, orpharyon, citterne, or bass-viol ; also An Houre's Recreation in Musicke, apt for Instruments and Voyces, 1606. ALLMACHTGE JUNGFRAU. See Tannhdusn: ALL^MACHT'GER VATER. See Eienzi. ALJUA L' INCANTATRICE, opera seria in four acts, text bj- Saint-Georges, music by Flotow, represented at the Theatre Italien, Paris, April 9, 1878. This work is the development of an older opera by the same master, entitled L'Esclave de Ca- moens, given in Paris in 1843, and later in Vienna under the title of Indra. ALMEIDA, FERNANDO D', born at Lisbon, Portugal, about 1618, died at Tbomar, March 21, 1660. Church com- poser, one of the most distinguished pupils of Duarte Lobo, and highly esteemed by King John IV. of Portugal. He entered the Order of Christ at Thomar in 1638. Of his works only a folio volume in manuscript is preserved, containing Lamentayoes, Respon- sorias e Misereres das tres Ofiicias da ALMENEADER Quaita, Quiuta e Sexta-feii-a da Semana Sauta. — Vasconcellos. ALMENEADER, KAKL, boru at Eons- dorf, near Diisseldorf, Oct. 3, 178G, died at Nassau, Sept. 14, 1843. Virtuoso ou the bassoon, self taught on his instrument, and jjupil of Beriihard Klein in theory ; became instructor of the bassoon at the music school in Cologne in 1810, bassoonist in the theatre orchestra at Frankfort in 1812, bandmaster of a regiment in 1815, and of another in ISIG at Mainz, where he set- tled, abandoning the military career. In 1820 he established at Cologne a factory for wind instruments, but gave it up in 1822, and joined the Nassau court orches- ti'a at Biebrich. He made improvements in his instrument, and wrote a treatise on it (Mainz, Schott,' 1824), also a complete method for the bassoon (ib.). Works : Concerto for bassoon (Mainz, Schott) ; Pot- jjourri for bassoon and orchestra, op. 3 (ib.) ; Variations for do., with violin, viola, and violoncello, op. 4 (ib.) ; Introduction and variations for bassoon and quartet, op. 6 (Darmstadt, Alinsky) ; Duettinos for two bassoons, op. 10, etc. In MS. : 3 concertos for bassoon ; Fantasia for oboe, clarinet, basset-horn, bassoon, and two horns. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 12; Mendel; Schilling. ALillEA, German opera in three acta, text by Feustking, music by Handel, rep- resented at Hamburg, Jan. 8, 1705. The fuU title is : Der in Krohnen erlangte Gliicks-Wechsel ; oder, Almira, KOuigin von Castilien (The Vicissitudes of Eoyalty ; or, Almira, Queen of Castile). The libretto is a translation of an Italian opera, with a similar title, music by Boniventi, given in Venice in 1691. It was Handel's first dra- matic work, and so aroused the jealousy of Keiser that he wrote music to the same subject, Hamburg, 1706. Handel's work was revived in 1878, with changes by J. N. Fuchs, on the two hundredth anniversary of the Hamburg Theatre. The score was piiuted in 1873 by the German Handel- ' Gesellschaf t. — Eockstro, Handel, 37 ; Reiss- mann, Handel, 17 ; Schcelcher, Handel, 12. ALONZO ET COEA. See Cura. ALOVISI (Aloysius), GIOVANNI BAT- TISTA, born in Italy, second half of the 16th century, died (?). Church composer, Minorite friar, and musical director at Bo- logna. AVorks : Motecta festorum totius anni, for four voices (Milan, 1587) ; Con- textus musicus, motets for two, three, and four voices (Venice, 162C) ; Cojlum har- monicum, masses for four voices (ib., 1628) ; Celestum Parnassum, motets, litanies, and canticles for two, three, and four voices ; Vellus aureum, litanies of the Virgin, for from four to eight voices ; Corona stel- larum, motets for four voices (Venice, 1037).— Fetis ; SchiUing. ALQTJEN, (PETEE COENELIUS) JOHANN D', boru at Arnsberg, West- l^halia, in 1795, died at Millheim-on-the- Ehine, Nov. 27, 1863. Pupil in Berlin of Klein and Zelter, settled as a physician at Miilheim, and composed many songs, which became extremely popular, and rank among the best of their kind. His younger brother Franz, a ijiauist, was a pupil of Ferdinand Eies, with whom he travelled extensively. In 1827 he settled at Brussels to teach music, but the revolution of 1830 induced him to go to London, where he pubhshed several concertos, sonatas, and other pieces for the ^jianoforte. — Fetis; Mendel ; Schilling, Supplement. ALS DU IN KiJHNEM SANGE. See Tannhdi(f;c7: ALSDOEF, WILHELM, born at KO- nigsberg about 1804, still living, 1888. Dramatic comjioser and director of music at Eostock, where he produced his roman- tic opera, Die Wiedertiiufer, oder Johann von Leyden, in 1839. — Fetis. ALSLEBEN, JULIUS, bom in Berlin, March 24, 1832, still living, 1888. Pianist, jjupil of Leuchtenberg and of Emil Zech on the pianoforte, and of Dehn in composi- tion. Having acquired great reputation as a pianist, he began to teach, conducted sev- ALT eral singing societies in 1856-58, and be- came president of the Berlin Tonkiiustler Verein in 1865. He is contributor to vari- ous musical papers, edited for several years the Harmonic, and published twelve lectures on the history of music. In 1872 he re- ceived the title of professor. Works : Ee- quiem for six- and eight-part choruses a cappeUa ; Liturgy ; Overtures ; Marches for orchestra ; Sacred arias ; Songs and piano- forte pieces, op. 1-21 (Mainz, Berlin, Ham- burg). — Mendel; Eiemanu. ALT, PHILLPP SAMUEL, born at Wei- mar, Jan. 16, 1689, died there in 1750. Composer of church and chamber music, pupil of Dresen and Strattuer in singing, of Heintze and Walther on the pianoforte, and of the latter also in composition. After studying lav? at Jena, he became organist at St. James's Church in Weimar, where, at the same time, he was attornej' to the court. His compositions, still in MS., are preserved in the grand-ducal library at Weimar. — Mendel ; Schilling. ALTAVILLA, FEANCESCO, born in Italy, contemporary. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Royal College of Music, Naples. Works : II preventivo d'arresta, opera buflfa, given at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 1843 ; Lo sposalizio di un principe, ib., 1816; I pirati di Barratiera, ib., Teatro del Fondo, 18-16 ; Pace figlia di amore, ib., about 184.7 ; I liti- ganti, II debitore, ib., about 1818 ; Eaoul di Crequi, Turin, about 1848. — P'etis. ALTDEUTSCHEE SCHLACHTGE- SANG (Old German Battle Song), for male chorus unisono, with orchestra, by Julius Eietz, op. 12. The unusual form and entire conception of this work is proof of the com- poser's talent and artistic judgment. Begin- ning in the minor mode, the unison chorus assumes wider propoi'tions later on, hj divis- ion in parts, and ends in a brilliant major, extolling the immortal fame of those slain in battle. The harmony is simple and dig- nified, the orchestration powerful and im- pressive. — Allgem. raus. Zeitg., xlv. 678; xlvii. 61. ALTEMPS, DOM FAUSTINO, ItaUan church composer of the 17th centurj'. He was the son of Serafino Altemps, a musician of Irish origin, who was chorister in the Church of the Twelve Apostles ; and he be- came a Benedictine monk in the Convent of St. Calixtus, Eome. Works — Motets : As- sumpta est, for soprano, bass, and organ ; I Paradisi portte, for bass and organ ; Alle- luia ; Beatus vir, for 4 voices and organ ; Quasi Cedms, for 2 soprani, bass, and or- gan ; Veni ad liberandum, for do. — FOtis. ALTENBUEG, JOHANTy" EENEST, born at Weisseufels, Prussian Saxony, 1734, died at Bitterfeld in 1796. Virtuoso on the trumpet, son and pupil of Johann Caspar Altenburg, who was chamber-trumpeter to the Duke of Weissenfels, and an artist of great reputation. The son served as field trumjjeter during the Seven Years' War, and then became organist at Bitterfeld. He composed works for two, four, six, and eight tnimpets, and WTote a most valuable historical and theoretical treatise : Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- imd Paukeukunst (Halle, Hen- del, 1795), the second part of which con- tains a concerto for seven trumpets and kettle-drums. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ALTENBUEG, IVHCH-IEL, born at Alach, near Erfurt, May 27, 1584, died at Erfurt, Feb. 12, 1640. He studied theology at Halle about 1601, and from 1608 was pastor in different towns until 1637, when he was appointed to the same office at St. Andrew's, Erfurt. He did much towards the improve- ment of church music, and the choirs in his jjarishes were considered models. Works : Das 53ste Kapitel des Jesaias, mit acht Stimmen compouirt (Erfurt, 1608) ; Hoch- zeit-Motetten von sieben Stimmen (ib., 1513) ; Musikalischer Sehirm und Schild der Biirger, etc., oder der 55ste Psalm mit sechs Stimmen (ib., 1618) ; Kirch- und Haus- gesilnge mit fiinf, sechs und acht Stimmen (ib., 11)20-21) ; Intraden mit sechs Stimmen (ib., 1620) ; Cantiones de aventu Domini Nostri Jesu, quinque, sex et octo vocibus ALTfiS compositse (ib., 1621) ; Musikalische "Weih- naclits uiid neu Jahrs Zierde, etc., zu vier- Stimmen (ib., 1621) ; Musikalische neune Festgesiinge mit fiinf-viehrzehn Stimmen (ib., 1653).— Ft'tis ; Mendel; Sclnlling. ALTES, JOSEPH HENRI, born at Rou- en, Jan. 18, 1826, still living, 1888. Virtu- oso on the ilute, pupil at the Paris Conser- vatoire of Tulou ; won the second prize in 1841, and the first in 18-12. He entered the orchestra of the Opera, and in 1868 became professor at the Conservatoire. Works : Fantaisies, variations, etc., for flute and or- chestra or pianoforte (Paris, Eichault). — Fetis ; Mendel. ALTNTKOL, JOHANN CHRISTOPH, still living in 17.58. Church music com- poser, pupil and, from 1719, son-in-law of Johanu Sebastian Bach ; became organist at Naumburg, Saxony, in 17-48, and enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best per- formers of his time on the organ and the harpsichord. Works : Several cantatas with grand orchestra ; Magnificat (Leipsic, Breit- kopf & Hiirtel). In the royal library, Ber- lin, are : Halleluia for four voices and or- chestra ; Nun danket alle Gott, motet for five voices. Two Sanctus, for four voices and organ ; Fugues ; Sonata for harpsi- chord. — Futis ; Riemann. ALVAREZ ACEVO, BERNARDO, born in Spain in 1787, died (?). Church com- poser of considerable repute in his native country ; maestro de capilla of the Church de la Soledad, Madrid. The manuscripts of several of his works are in the archives of the Escurial.— Fetis. ALVENSLEBEN, GEBHARD VON, born in Berlin (?) about 1820, still living, (?). Pupil of Marx ; became conductor of the musical society EuteiiDe at Leipsic about 18-14. Works: Cantata for male 2 (ib.) ; Four character- pieces for pianoforte. chorus and orchestra, 1838 ; Symphony in G minor ; Concert overtui-e in D minor ; Festival overture in E, 1844 ; Six songs for _^ soprano and pianoforte, op. 1 ^^ (Berlin, Bote & Bock) ; do. for contralto and pianoforte, op. istic op. 3 (Leipsic, Hofmeister) ; do. for mezzo-soprano and do., op. 4 (Berlin, Stern) ; Two songs for bass and do., op. 5 (Leipsic, Wiistling).— Fetis; Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xl. 607 ; xlvi. 56, 256. AMAD^l, LADISLAW, Baron VON, born at Kaschau, Hungary, died at Felbar, ib., Dec. 22, 1764. A favourite national poet and composer, whose melodies were sung thi-oughout his native country and handed down by tradition, until collected and pub- lished in Pesth by Count Thaddiius Amade in 1836. The latter (born at Presburg, Jan. 10, 1783, died in Vienna, May 17, 1845), was an excellent pianist and successful composer, and is to be credited with the discovery and education of the musical genius of Franz Liszt. — Mendel. AlVIADEI, FILIPPO, born at Reggio, Italy, in 1683, died (?). Dramatic composer, known only by the opera, Teodosio il Gio- vane, given in Rome, 1711. He is probably identical with the Amadei who wrote, con- jointly with Orlaudini, the satirical opera, Arsace, given in Hamburg, 1722. — Fetis ; Mendel. AMADEI, ROBERTO, born at Loreto, in the Marshes, Italy, Nov. 29, 1840, still liv- ing, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of his father and of Luigi Vecchiotti ; became orcanist and, in succession to his father, maestro di cappella at Loreto. Works ; Luchino Viscouti, opera, given at Lugo, 1869 ; Bianca de' Rossi, do., given at Bari ; n Bacchettone, comic opera ; Motet for 8 parts, and many other religious composi- tions ; Pianoforte and vocal music— Fetis, Supplement, i. 13. AMADIGI DI GALLIA ; or, Oriana, Ital- ian opera, text by Heidegger, music by AMADIS Handel, represented at the King's Theatre, London, jMay 25, 1715. The story turns on the enchantments of the sorceress, Me- Hssa, who falls in love with the hero, Arua- digi, and who, when warned by a messenger from the other world that the hapjainess of her rival, Oriana, has been decreed by the higher powers, kills herself. Dardano, Prince of Thrace, Amadigi's rival, plays a principal part in the earlier parts, and reap- pears after death as a ghost. The respective characters of Amadigi, Dardano, Melissa, and Oriana, were sung by Nicoliui, Signora Diana Vico, Signora Pilotti Schiavonetti, and Mrs. Auastasia Robinson. Mucli of the music of Amadigi was transferred from a preceding opera, Silla. Published by the Hiiudel-Gesellschaft, Leipsic, 1874.- — Rock- stro, Handel, 90 ; Schoelcher, Handel, 18. AMADIS DE GAULE, lyric tragedy in five acts, text by Quiuault, music by Lulli, represented in Paris, Jan. 18, 1G84, and at Versailles the following j-ear. The subject, one of the knightly romances of the middle ages, is from the original by the Portuguese Vasco de Lobeira (1370), which was trans- lated, about 1500, into Spanish by Ordonez de Montalvo. One of the best of Lulli's works, it was long a favourite both of coiu't and city. Amadis, a parody vaudeville, text by Romagnesi and Riccoboni fils, repre- sented at the Nouveau Theatre Italien, Dec. 19, 1710, was almost as popular. On the same subject are : Amadis des Gaules, bj' Berton, in collaboration with La Borde, Paris, Dec. 4, 1771 ; Amadis des Gaules, text by Devisme and Saint-Alphonse, music by Johann Christian Bach, at the Opera, Paris, Dec. 10, 1779 ; Amadis von Gallieu, text by Gieseke after Wieland, music by G. Stengel, Hamburg Theatre, 1798. AiMADORI, GIUSEPPE, flourished in Rome about the beginning of the 18th cen- tury, was stiU living in 1730. Church com- poser and one of the best singing masters of his time, pupil of Bernacchi. Works : H martirio di San Adriano, oratorio, given in riome, 1702 ; Ecce nunc benedicite, motet for six voices, two violins, viola, and organ ; Laudate pueri, for eight voices ; Leetatus sum, do. ; Laudate Dominum, do. — Fetis ; Schilling. (ANNA) AMALIA, Princess of Prussia, Abbess of Quedliuburg, born in Berlin, Nov. 9, 1723, died there, March 30, 1787. A sister of Frederick the Great, she was a pujDil of Kiruberger, and composed many excellent chorals, and the cantata Der Tod Jesu to the same text as Graun's work. — ■ Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 470 ; Mendel ; Schil- ling. (ANNA) AMALIA, Duchess of Weimar, born Oct. 24, 1739, died April 10, 1807. She composed the operetta, Erwin und El- mire, to the text by Goethe. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 386 ; Mendel ; Schilling. AMALIA (MARIE FRIEDERIKE), Prin- cess of Saxony, born at Dresden, Aug. 10, 1794, died there, Sept. 18, 1870. Dramatic comjsoser, and writer of comedies under the name of Amalie Heiter. Works — Operas : II figlio perduto ; II marchesino ; La vasa di sabitata ; Una donna ; Le tre einture ; Die Siegesfahne ; Der Kauonenschuss, etc. Stabat mater, and other church music. — Mendel. AMANT JALOUX, L' (The Jealous Lov- er), comedy in three acts, text by d'HMe, music by Gretry, represented at Versailles, Nov. 20, 1778, and in Paris, Dec. 23, 1778. Original plot ; one of Gretry's best works and long popular. The serenade sung by Florival in the second act, " Tandis que tout sommeiUe," is of exquisite sentiment. Of the same title is an opera in three acts, music by Mengozzi, represented at the Theatre des Varietes, Montansier, Feb. 2, 1796. AMANT STATUE, L' (The Statue Lover), opera comique in one act, vaude- ville, text bj' Desfontaines, represented at the Comedie Italienne, Feb. 20, 1781, put into music by Dalayi-ac, Aug. 4, 1785. A lover imagines that he appears to the eyes of his mistress as an animate statue, which plays the flute ravishingly. Of the same 43 AMANT title ia au opera-comique in one act, text by Guichard, music by De Lusse, represented ill Paris, Aug. 18, 1759. AMANT, STEPHEN L', French dra- matic comjioser of the 18th century, iu the second half of which he was instructor at the Royal School of Music in Paris. He wrote five Italian operas, which were jiopu- lar, and found favour with Dr. Burney. He also published several collections of songs, with accompaniment for the harp or piano- forte. — Mendel ; Schilling. A]\LA.KYLLIS. See Circe. AMARYLLIS, opera-ballet, text by Dan- chet, music by Campra, represented at the Academic Roj'ale de Musique, Paris, Sept. 10, 1704. The same as the Muses, au op- era-ballet by the same authors, given the year before, with an additional act. AMAT, PAUL LEOPOLD, born at Toulouse, France, in 1814, died at Nice, Oct. 31, 1872. He went to Paris in 1845 and soon made himself known bj' a num- ber of romances, melodies, nocturnes, and chansonettes ; in 1850 he went to Algiers to establish a music house, but he was un- successful, and returned to Paris, where, iu 1856, he became director of the little The- atre Beaumarchais. Besides his numerous vocal compositions he wrote the operette : Elodie ou le forfait nocturne, given at the Bouflfes Parisiens, 185G, and the cantata : Le chant des Niyois, performed at the Vaudeville, 1860, and for which he was decorated with the Legion of Honour. — Fetis, Supplement, 14. A:VIAT0 (Amatus), VINCENZO, born in Sicily, Jan. 6, 1629, died at Palermo, July 29, 1670. Church music composer of great repute in his time ; maestro di cajjpella at the Cathedral of Palermo. Of his composi- tions are known : Messe e salmi di vespro e compieta, for four and five voices (Palermo, 1656) ; Concerti sacri, for two to five voices. He left also an opera, LTsauro (Aquila, 1664), of little merit.— Mendel ; Schilling. AMAZONE, L' (The Amazon), ojiera- comique in two acts, music by Amedce de Beauplau, imitated from a vaudeville called Le petit dragon, by Scribe and others, rep- resented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Nov. 15, 1830 ; Die Amazone, German opera, mu- sic by Lindpaintner, Stuttgart, 1831 ; L' Amazone, opera-comique in one act, text by Thomas Sauvage, music by Thys, Opera Comique, Paris, Nov. 25, 1845. AMAZONES, LES; or. La fondation de Thebes (The Founding of Thebes), opera in three acts, text by Jouy, music by Me- hul, represented at the Academie Imperiale de Musique, Paris, Dec. 17, 1811. Al- though not inferior to some of the more successful works by the composer, this work was j^erformed but nine times. Of the same title are the opera in two acts, music by Eisner, represented at Briinn, 1795 ; Le Amazzoni, Italian opera, music by Ottani, Turin, 1784 ; Le Amazzoni, by Pavesi, Bergamo, 1809 ; Die Amazonen, ballet by Schweitzer, about 1775. AMAZZONE D' ABAGONA, L' (The Amazon of Aragon), Italian opera, music by Cavalli, represented in Venice, 1G52. AMAZZONE CORSAEA, L' (The Ama- zon Corsair), Italian opera, music by Palla- vicini, Venice, 1687 ; Italian opera, music by Monari, Ducal Theatre, Milan, about 1806. AMBASSADRICE, L' (The Ambassa- dress), opera-coraique in three acts, origi- nal plot, text by Scribe, music by Auber, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Dec. 21, 1836. One of Auber's most pleas- ing works. The role of the heroine, Hen- riette, long served for the debuts of pupils leaving the Conservatoire. Among its no- ticeable parts are the aria buffa : " Ah ! que moil sort est beau ! " the romance : " Le ciel nous a places dans des rangs ; " the duo: "Oui, c'est moi qui viens ici, Madame I'Ambassadrice ;" and Charlotte's air in the last act : " Que ces murs coquets." L'Ambassadrice was first given in New York at Niblo's Garden, May 19, 1843, by a French company from New Orleans. AMBER WITCH, THE, English ro- mantic opera iu four acts, original plot, 43 AMBIELA text by H. F. Chorley, music by William Vinceut Wallace, first represented at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, Feb. 28, 1861. It was sung by Sims Reeves, Charles Sant- ley, and Mnie. Leniniens-Sherrington. AMBIELA, ]\nCHELE, born in Aragon, Spain, about 1665, died at Toledo, March 23, 1733. A secular priest, he studied mu- .sic in a monastery of his native province, and was at first maestro de capilla in some churches of minor importance, then, in 1700-7, at the Cathedral of Saragossa, and from 1710 at Toledo. He won a brill- iant reputation with his numerous compo- sitions, a large collection of which is pre- served in the Cathedral of Oviedo. — Fetis. AMBLEVILLE, CHARLES D', French composer of church music, flourished in the first half of the 17th century. He was a Jesuit in the Maison professe de Cler- mont, Paris. Works : Octonarium sacrum, etc. (Paris, Ballard, 1634) ; Harmonia sacra, etc. (ib., 1638) ; Domine, salvum fac regem ; Hymns, anthems, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. A]\IBRONN, PETER CHRISTIAN, born at Meiningen, Dec. 10, 1742, died about the end of the 18tb century. Chamber-musician and pianist of the ducal orchestra in Mei- ningen ; one of the best virtuosi of his time. His compositions were commended as mas- terpieces of invention and contrapuntal skill. — Mendel ; Schilling. AMBROS, AUGUST WILHELM, born at Mauth, Bohemia, Nov. 17, 1816, died in Vienna, June 28, 1876. He was educated for the Aus- trian civil service, left the University of Prague in 1840 with the title of Doctor Juris, and en- tered the office of the attorney-general ; but he gave all his leisure to the study of music, and after 1850 became known as a writer on that art. His " Die Granzen der Poesie und der Musik," an answer to Hauslick's " Vom musikalisch SchiJnen," called forth much journalistic criticism, but won the admiration of the best German musicians. It was followed by a series of essajs, " Culturhistorische Bilder aus dem Musikleben der Gegenwart " (2d ed., Matlies, Leipsic, 1865). About this time he was engaged hj Leuckhart to begin his life's work, the " Geschichte der Musik," for which he made extensive researches in 1860-73 in the Italian and German libra- ries. Through the liberality of the Acad- emy of Science at Vienna he was enabled to pursue this important work, the four volumes of which were published in 1862 -78, and a fifth (posthumous) in 1882. In 1869 he became professor of the his- torj' of music in the University of Prague. Works: Overtures to Othello, and Calde- ron's Magico Prodigioso ; Wanderstiicke, Kinderstiicke, Landschaftsbilder (pianoforte pieces) -, Songs ; Stabat mater ; 2 masses in B-flat and A minor. — Fetis ; Grove ; Men- del, i. 193 ; Ergiinz., 11 ; Wurzbach, i. 26. AJNIBROZ (Ambrosch), JOSEF KARL, born at Krumau, Bohemia, May 6, 1759, died in Berlin, Sept. 8, 1822. Tenor singer, pupil of Kozeluch the elder in Prague. He made his debut at the theatre of Bai- reuth in 1784, then sang in Hamburg, Han- over, and Vienna, and in 1791 was engaged for the National Theatre in Berlin, where he entered upon a brilliant career, as one of the most excellent dramatic singers of his time. Many of his songs, published in Ber- lin, Hamburg, and Zerbst, became favour- ites. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. AMBROSE, Saint, Archbishop of Milan, born in 340, died in Milan, April 4, 397. He was the first to regulate the church chants bj' a fixed code of laws. He author- ized the four authentic modes, since known as the Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, and Mixo- Lydian, but not to be confounded with the Greek modes of the same names (see Am- bros, ii. 13, 126). He founded the Ambro- sian chant, which, although superseded about the year 600 by the Gregorian in Rome, and later in most parts of Europe, AME held its own in Northern Italy for several centuries, and is stiU cultivated in Milan (for difference between the two forms, see Ambros, ii. 44-63). Of the chants attrib- uted to him, the following are probably authentic : J3terne rerum couditor ; Dens creator omnium ; Veui redemptor omnium Splendor pateruiB gloriie ; Confers paterui luminis ; O lux beata trinitas. The ritual Te Deum has been ascribed to him, but is almost certainly of much later date. — Ca- milla Perego, Kegola del canto Ambrosiauo (Milan, 1622) ; Ambros, ii. 14 ; Grove, i. 59. iME EN PEINE, L' (The Soul in Tor- ment), opera in two acts, text by Saint- Georges, music bj' Flotow, first represented at the Opera, Paris, June 29, 1846 ; revived, Nov. 4, 1859. The beautiful romance, "Pen- dant la nuit j'ai pare ma chaumiire," has been transferred, with a change of words, to the opera of Martha. L'ame en jjeine was produced at the Princess's Theatre, Lon- don, Oct. 16, 1848, as Leoline. An Italian version, entitled, II boscajuolo (The For- ester), was given at the Teatro Scribe, Turin, Nov. 30, 1872. AMERBACH (Ammerbach), ELIAS NI- KOLAUS, called, born in Saxony about the middle of the 16th century, in which he is reported to have been one of the greatest contrapuntists. He travelled extensively to study under the most eminent musicians of the time — probably in the Netherlands, where then flourished the best schools of music — and in 1570 became organist at St. Thomas's, Leipsic. His only work extant is : Orgel- und Instruments-Tabulatur (Leip- sic, 1571 ; Nuremberg, 1583). — Fetis ; Men- del ; Schilling. AMEYDEN, CHRETIEN VAN, born at Oirschot, Brabant, died Nov. 20, 1605. Composer of the Flemish school, contem- porary of Orlando Lasso. He went to Rome, was a singer in the papal chapel, and a friend of Palestrina. His madrigals are published in Lattre's 3d book of madrigals for 3 voices (Venice, 1570). — Biogr. nat. de Belgique, i. 261; Mendel, Ergiluz., 11. AMI DE LA MAISON, L' (The Friend of the Famil}'), opcru-comicjue in three acts, text by Marmontel, music by Gretry, first represented at Fontaiuebleau, Oct. 26, 1771, and at Paris, bj' the king's comedians, March 14, 1772. Gretry applied in this work his theorj' of the intimate relationship between the music and the words, as is well shown in the two airs: "Je suis de voua tres-mecontente," and " Rien ne plait taut aux yeux des belles ; " also in the duet in the third act : " Tout ce qu'il vous plaira ; " and in the little duo: "Vous avez divine cela." AmLIE ; OR, THE LOVE TEST, Eng- lish romantic opera in three acts, text by J. T. Haines, music by William Michael Rooke, first represented at Coveut Garden, Loudon, Dec. 2, 1837. This work, which was writ- ten about 1826, met with decided success and established Rooke's reputation as a composer. It was given in New York at the National Theatre in 1838, by the Se- guin combination, twelve consecutive nights, before crowded houses. AMIS, LA MATINEE EST BELLE. See Miieite de Portici. AMITIE AU VILLAGE, L' (Village Friendship), opera-comique in three acts, text by Desforges, music by Franc/ois Andre Philidor, represented at the Theatre Italien, Paris, Oct. 31, 1785. ProsjJer and Vincent, rural copies of Orestes and Pylades, are rivals in love and for the prize of virtue of- fered to the villagers by the Seigneur de Clemencey. Prosper absents himself to leave the field free to his friend, whose deli- cacy prompts him to refuse the prize won under such conditions. In the end, of course, everj'thing is satisfactorily arranged. The oj)era excited so lively an enthusiasm that the audience called for the composer, an honour then almost without precedent. — Allen, Life of Philidor, 87. AIULETO. See Hamlet. AMMETO. See AdmHo. AMIMON, ANTON BLASIUS, born at Imst, Tyrol, Jan. 2, 1572, died in Munich, AMNER April 9, 161J:. Church composer, one of the most famous contrapuntists of bis time. He was for several years Hof-Kajsellmeister at Munich. Works : Sacrse cautiones, for four, five, and six voices (Munich, 1540) ; Kurze Motetteu von vier, fiinf und sechs Stimmen, auf verschiedene Heiligen-Fest- tage gerichtet (ib., ISS-i) ; Liber sacratissi- marum, for five voices (Vienna, Creuzer, 1582) ; Missse quatuor (ib., 1588) ; Sacrse cantiones (Munich, Berg, 1590) ; Patroci- uium musices, Missa; (ib., 1591) ; Missse quatuor, for four, five, and six voices (ib., 1593).— Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 404 ; Fetis. AjMNER, JOHN, born towards the end of the 16th century, died in 1641. Organist and choirmaster at Ely Cathedral, where he succeeded George Barcroft in 1610. Mus. Bac, Oxon., 1613. Works : Sacred Hymns of three, four, five, and six parts, for voices and vyols (1615) ; Anthems, etc. AMON, JOHANN ANDREAS, born at Bamberg in 1763, died at Wallerstein, Ba- varia, March 29, 1825. He was first in- structed in singing by the court singer Madame Fracasini, and on several instru- ments by Concertmeister Biiuerle ; then be- came the pupil of the famous horn virtuoso Giovanni Puuto, and was taken by him to Paris, where he studied composition under Sacchini in 1781-82. He travelled for sev- eral years with Punto, accompanying, and leading the orchestra in his concerts ; in 1789 he became musical director at Heil- bronn, where also he taught the violin and pianoforte, and in 1817 was made Kapell- meister to the Prince of Oettingen-Waller- stein. Of his compositions, about fift^'-two, consisting of symphonies, concertos, sona- tas, duets, trios, quartets, quintets, inarches, and songs, were published by Simrock in Bonn, Schott in Mainz, Andre at Ofifenbaeh, Hug at Zurich, Bachmann at Hanover, Gombart at Augsburg, Bossier at Speyer, Falter in Munich, Pleyel and Janet in Paris, Castaud at Lyons ; among those left in manuscript are twenty-seven instrumental works, German songs, and a German Re- quiem. He wrote also two masses, besides smaller chui'ch compositions, cantatas, and two operettas, of which one, Der Sultan Wampum, was performed with little success in 1791. — Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xxvii. 366 ; Fetis ; Schilling. AMORE CONJUGALE, L'. See Leo7iora. AMORE TRADITORE, cantata for a bass voice, with pianoforte accompaniment, by Johann Sebastian Bach. Published by the Bach-Gesellschaft, 1861. AMORITA. See PfingMen in Florenz. AMOUR SACRE DE LA PATRIE. See Muetle de Portici. AINIOUR, VIENS FINIR. See Domino noir. AMOUROUX, CHARLES, French com- poser, contemporary. Organist of the ca- thedral at Bordeaux. He played the music of his opera. La Eeine d'Ellore, or Reine et bergure, at a private concert in Bordeaux in 1865, and brought out II a ete perdu un Roi, opera comique, at the Gj-mnase, Paris, in 1867. He received honourable mention from the Saint Cecilia Society of Bordeaux for his Atteude, Domine, a choral for solos, chorus, and orchestra, given at the Bor- deaux Cathedral in 1873. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 14. AMPHION ANGLICUS. See Bloto, John. AaffHITRYON, opera in three acts, text by Sedaine, music by Gretry, repre- sented at the Academic Royale de Musique, Paris, July 15, 1788, without success. Am- phitryon, comedy by Dryden, music (over- ture, act^tunes, and songs) by Henry Pur- cell, London, 1690 ; Anfitrione, Italian opera, music by Gasparini, Rome, 1707 ; Amphitryfie, Portuguese opera, by Jose da Silva, Lisbon, 1736 ; Amphitryon, Swedish opera, by J. M. Kraus, Stockholm, 1792 ; opera-comique in one act, scene laid in Spain, text by Nuitter and Beaumont, mu- sic by Lacome, Theatre Taitbout, Paris, April 5, 1875. AMTMANN, PROSPER, born in Aus- tria, early part of the nineteenth centuij. 46 ANACKER Flutist ; appeared successfully in concerts in Vienna, 183G, and Munich, 1839. Works : Grand duo concertant for two flutes, op. 1 (Vienna, Diabelli) ; Marclie nationale lion- groise for flute and pianoforte, op. 2 (ib., Haslinger) ; Air varie for do., op. 3 (ib., Mechetti) ; 3 grand duos for flutes (Milan, Ricordi) ; 2 allemaudes for flute and piano- forte, op. 8 (Vienna, Diabelli) ; Introduction and variations for do., op. 9 (ib., Hasling- er) ; Exercises in all kej's, for flute, op. 10 (ib.).— Fetis. ANACKER, AUGUST FERDINAND, born at Freiberg, Saxony, Oct. 17, 1790, died there, Aug. 21, 1854. Dramatic com- poser, self taught in his native city and in Leipsic, where he frequented the university. In 1822 he became cantor and musical di- rector at Freibei-g, where he soon created a musical atmosphere, organizing regu- lar performances of church music, and in 1828 a singing academy, which from 1830 gave annual subscription concerts with carefully selected programmes. Works : Der Bergraannsgruss, cantata (Leipsic, Hof- meister) ; Lebens Blume und Lebens Un- bestand, do. (Dresden, Paul) ; Markgraf Friedrich oder Bergmannstreue, musical drama, giveu in Dresden, 1836 ; Overture to Gotz vou Berlichingeu ; Pianoforte pieces ; Duets ; Sacred and secular songs. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ANACREON ; or, L'Amour fugitif, op- era-ballet iu two acts, text by Mendouze, music by Cherubiui, represented at the Opera, Paris, Oct. 5, 1803. It is now known only by its flue overture, and by a charming aii-, " Jeunes filles, aux yeux doux," which is still sung. Other works with a similar title are : Anacreon, ballet h^roique in one act, text by Geutil-Bernard, music by Rameau, represented at the Aca- demie Royale de Musique, Paris, May 31, 1757 ; music by Raymont, theatre of Beau- jolais, about 1765 ; Anakreon, music by Hoszisky, theatre of Rheinsberg, about 1791 ; Anacreon, text by Gentil-Bernard, music by Beaulieu, written about 1819, not represented ; Anakreou in lonien (Anacreon iu Ionia), music by Ebell, Breslau, 1810 ; Anacreon chez Polycrate (Anacreon at the house of Polycrates), text by J. H. Grey, music by Gretry, Paris, Jan. 17, 1797, Anac- reonte in Samo (Anacreon in Samos), music by Mercadante, San Carlo, Naples, 1820 ; Anacreonte tiranno, music by Sartorio, Ven- ice, 1678. ANCESSY, JOSEPH JACQUES AU- GUSTIN, born iu Paris, April 25, 1800, died there, Jan. 2, 1871. Dramatic com- poser, chef d'orchestre at the Odeon, and afterwards at the Theatre Fran9ais. Works — Operettas : Estelle et Nemorin, Jean et Jeanne, Un troc, given at the Theatre des Folies Nouvelles, 1855-59 ; Sis sonatas for violin (Paris, Meissonnier). — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 15. ANCOT, JEAN, the elder, born at Bruges, Oct. 22, 1779, died there, July 12, 1848. Church music and instrumental composer, pupil in Paris of Kreutzer and Baillot on the violin, and of Catel in har- mony ; returned to Bruges in 1804 and taught the violin and pianoforte. Works : 4 concertos for violin with orchestra ; 3 quartets for two violins, viola, and bass ; 2 masses for three voices, with organ ; Ecce panis for four voices and orchestra ; 2 O salutaris for three voices, with organ obli- gate ; 6 Tantum ergo for three and four voices and organ obligate ; 4 Ave Marias for four voices ; Divertissements, overtures, fantaisies, marches, etc., for fifteen instru- ments. — Biogr. uat. de Belgique, i. 270 ; Fetis; Mendel. ANCOT, JEAN, the younger, born at Bruges, July 6, 1799, died at Boulogne, June 5, 1829. Instrumental and vocal composer, son of the preceding, who in- structed him on the violin and pianoforte, then pupil, at the Paris Conservatoire, of Pradher on the pianoforte, and of Berton in composition. He went, in 1823, to Lon- don, became professor at the Athenseum, and pianist to the Duchess of Kent, but returned in 1823, and, after concert tours 47 anda>;te in Belgium, settled at Boulogne. Works • Concerto for violin (Pai'is, Jouve) ; do. for pianoforte (ib., Leduc) ; 3 Sonatas for do., op. 4, 10, 18 ; Several fautaisies for do., with orchestra ; La tempete, fantaisie for do. (London) ; L'Ouragan, do. (Paris, Na- derman) ; Nocturne for pianoforte and vio- lin, op. 8 (ib., Petit) ; 2 aubades for do., op. 32, 35 (ib., Dufant et Dubois) ; Grand Sonata for do., op. 14 (ib.. Petit) ; 8 fan- taisies for pianoforte for four hands (Paris and London) ; 5 concertos for violin, with orchestra ; 12 fugues for organ ; Amelia, ou le depart pour la guerre, scena with orches- tra ; Marie Stuart, do. ; La resolution inu- tile, do. ; La philosophie d'Anacreon, do. ; 6 overtures for grand orchestra ; Grande piece de concert ; Several collections of romances (Paris and London). His brother Louis (born at Bruges, June 3, 1803, died there in September, 1836), after having trav- elled as a pianist in France, Italj', the Neth- erlands, and England, settled at Boulogne to teach his instrument, then lived for some years at Tours, and finally in his native city. He composed music for pianoforte, over- tures, and concertos with grand orchestra, and romances and nocturnes for one and two voices. — Biogr. nat. de Belgique, i. 271 ; Fetis ; Mendel. ANDANTE FAVORI IN F, for piano- forte, by Beethoven, composed in 1804. It was intended originally for the slow movement of the sonata in C, op. 53, but afterwards discarded and published sepa- rately, without opus number, in 1806. AN DAS VATERLAND, symphony No. 1, for full orchestra, by Raff, op. 96, com- jjosed 1863. AN DEM STRANDE DER GARONNE. See Oberon. ANDERL, JOHANN (?), born in Bavaria about 1787, died at Jamuitz, Moravia, Aug. 19, 1865. Church composer, lived for some time at Augsburg. Works : Asperges, for four voices and organ (.\ugsburg, B<'ihm) ; Christ on the Mount of Olives, three songs for two sof)ranos, bass, and organ (Munich, Falter) ; Processional hymn for do. (Augs- burg, Bohm) ; Lauda Sion, for three voices and organ (ib.) ; Pange lingua, for do. (ib.) ; Canticle for Advent, for two voices, two vio- lins, and organ (Munich, Falter) ; Nativity, for two voices and organ (ib.) ; Canticles for other festivals, etc. (ib.) ; Missa brevis, for soprano, contralto, bass, two violins, double- bass, and organ (ib.). — Fetis ; do.. Supple- ment, i. 15. ANDERS, HEINRICH, born in Germany between 1660 and 1670, died at Amsterdam between 1720 and 1730. Organist, settled at Amsterdam about 1696. Works : Trios, .Allemandes, Sarabandes, Gigues, etc. (Am- sterdam, 1G96) ; Apollo en Daphne (ib., 1697) ; Min en Wijnstrijdt, herderspel met muzick (ib., 1719) ; Symphonipe introduc- toriffi triuin et quatuor instrumentornm, consisting of twenty-four sonatas. ANDERTON, THOMAS, born at Bir- mingham, England, April 15, 1836, still living, 1888. Ama- teur composer ; edi- tor of the Midland Counties Herald, Bir- mingham. Works : Song of Deborah and Barak, cantata, 1871 ; John Gilpin, do. ; Three Jovial Huntsmen, do., 1881 ; Wreck of the Hesperus, do , 1882 ; Norman Baron, do , 1884 ; Yuletide, do., 1885 ; Gentle Ger- trude, operetta, Liverpool, 1881 ; Chiltern Hundreds, do., ib., 1882 ; Artoxominous ye Great, do. ; Symphony for orchestra ; Quar- tet for strings, in F (1884) ; Overtui-es, and an oratorio ; Songs, and part-songs ; Piano- forte music. AN DIE FERNE GELIEBTE, lie- derkreis, for one voice and pianoforte, text by Jeitteles, music by Beethoven, op. 98, dedicated to Prince Lobkowitz ; com- posed in Vienna, April, 1816. The first cycle of songs ever set to music, and to tiiis day unsurpassed. Each of the six poems has its own melody, expressing the 48 ANDRfi fundamental mood, and thus every song forms an independent whole. No. 1 in E- llat, 5 verses ; No. 2 in G, 3 verses ; No. 3 in A-flat, 5 verses ; Nos. 4 and 5 in do., 3 verses each ; No. 6 in C, leading back into E-flat. Every song is strikingly character- istic in key, melody, and rliythm. (Vienna, Stein er.)— Marx (Berlin, 1875), ii. 159. ANDRE, JOHANN, born at Offenbach, Hesse, March 28, 1741, died there, June 18, 1799. Dramatic composer. His father, a eilk manufacturer, intended him for the same business, but his love of music was too strong. He received lessons on the violin from a friend studying at Frankfort, and mastered the harjisichord without a teaclier. He soon began comj)osing, writing at first only fugitive pieces, but on visiting Frank- fort in 1760 he heard operas, and tliis gave a new impulse to his taste. After the pro- duction of his first comic opera, Der Top- fer, Goethe confided to him his operetta, Erwiu und Elmire, which was given in 1764 with great success, and afterwards in Berlin twentj'-two times in 1782. In 1774 he es- tablished at Offenbacli a printing office for music, and in 1777 became musical director of the Dcjbbelin Theatre in Berlin, where two of his operas had been given with suc- cess in 1775 ; while there, he formed a friendship with and was much influenced by Marjjurg, and composed many dramatic pieces. Unable to carry out a plan for transferring his printing office to Berlin, he returned to Offenbach in 1784, with the title of Kapellmeister, conferred on him by the Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt, and to the end of his active life devoted himself to comjiosition, and his publications ; from this press issued twelve hundred works before his death. Of his operas, one, with libretto by Bretzner, Belmonte und Constanze, oder die Entfiirhruug aus dem Serail, given in Berlin, May 26, 1781, became especially con- spicuous from Mozart's setting of the same with his own music, with alterations in the text by Stephanie, July 12, 1782, which led to a quarrel between the two librettists. Works — Operas : Der alte Freier, given in Berlin, DObbelin Theatre, 1775 ; Die Bezauberten, ib., 1777 ; Der Alchymist, ib., 1778 ; Das tartarische Gesetz, ib., 1779 ; Das wiithende Heer, Kurze Thorheit ist die beste, ib., 1780 ; Herzog Michel, Der Fiirst im hOch- sten Glanze, Die Schadenfreude, Das Auto- mat, ib., about 1780 ; Eins wird doch helfen, ib., 1782 ; Der Barbier von Bagdad, ib., 1783 ; Peter imd Hannchen ; Laura Rosetti ; Claudina von Villa Bella ; Die Friedens- feier ; Prolog der Grazien ; Azakia. Other works : Harlekin Friseur, pantomime ; Mu- sic to Macbeth, King Lear, and some Ger- man plays ; Three sonatas for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 1 (Offenbach, 1786) ; Songs with accompaniment of flute, or violin, viola, and bass, 3 parts (ib., 1793) ; Lenore (by Biirger), romance for piano- forte (ib., 5 editions) ; Die Weiber von Weinsberg, for pianoforte (ib., 1802) ; Ari- ettas, duets, and many songs, of which " Bekriinzt mit Laub den lieben vollen Becher," is still jjopular. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 434 ; Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xvi. 869 ; Petis ; Gerber, Hist. Lex. ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Schneider, Berliner Oper, 207. ANDRfi, JOHANN ANTON, born at Of- fenbach, Oct. 6, 1775, died there, April 8, 1842. Dra- matic composer, violinist, and pia- nist ; son of, and first instructed in Berlin by, Johann Andre, pupil in singing of the ten- or, Marschhiiuser, then on the violin, at Offenbach, of Ferdi- nand Friinzl, 1787, at Mannheim of Franz Friinzl, 1789, and in composition of Voll- weiler, 1792. Having frequented the Uni- versitj' of Jena in 1796, he made two ex- tended musical tours through Germany in 1798-99, and on his father's death suc- ceeded to the publishing business at Offen- bach, which he raised to a very flourishing ANDRE couditiou, especially through his alliance ■with Sennefelder, inventor of lithography, and through the acquisition of Mozart's musical bequest, which he had secured from the composer's widow in Vienna. He published (1805 and 1828) a thematic cat- alogue of Mozart's works, made from the master's own careful records (from Feb. 9, 1784, to Nov. 15, 1791), and another the- matic list (1841) of the composer's manu- scripts, which had come into his possession. In 1800 he visited England. He cultivated every branch of composition, and as earlj- as 1801 his works numbered seventy-five ; they are now all foi-gotten, for, though skil- ful in structure and pleasing, they lacked original invention, and were conventional, in the manner of the feebler imitators of Mozart. Much esteemed as a teacher, he also wrote a treatise on harmony* and counterpoint, Lehrbuch der Tonsetzkunst, planned to comprise six volumes, of which only two were finished (1832-35 and 1838- 43), forming, however, a comj)lete whole, and an important part of the theoretical literature of nmsic. His violin-method : Anleitung zum Violinsjjielen, holds an hon- ourable place among its kind. Works : Die Weiber von Weiusberg, opera (1792) ; Ei- naldo und Alcina, do., given at Dresden, 1799 ; Der Friede Tuiscons, cantata (Oft'en- bach, 1797) ; 3 sonatas for pianoforte, with violin obligato, op. 2 (1790) ; Symphonies, op. 4, 5, 6, 7 (1795) ; Concerto for oboe, op. 8 (1796); Concerto for flute, op. 3 (1793); do., op. 10 (179G) ; Sonata for four hands, op. 12 (1800) ; Spriehwi'irter (proverbs) for four voices and pianoforte, op. 32 (1807) ; besides many other specimens of church and chamber music, and collections of songs. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 435, Allgem. mus. Zeitg., ix. 799; xxxviii. 18; Futis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel ; N. Necrol. der D. (1842), 284; Schilling. ANDRfc, (PETER FEIEDRICH) JU- LIUS, born at Frankfort, June 4, 1808, died there, April 17, 1880. Organist and pianist, son of Johann Anton Andre, pupil of Aloj's Schmitt. Works : 3 polonaises for four hands for pianoforte, op. 7 (Offenbach, Andre) ; Sonatiue for do., op. 17 (ib.) ; Me- langes pour piano, op. 13, 18 (ib.) ; Valses brillantes (ib.) ; Nocturnes and Rondos (ib.) ; 12 jjieces for the organ, op. 9 (ib.) ; Twelve do., op. 26 (ib.) ; Method for the organ (ib.) ; Songs with jjianoforte (ib.). — Fetis ; Men- del. ANDREASFEST, DAS, romantic opera in three acts, text by Roderich Fels, music by Karl Grammann, represented in Dres- den, Nov. 30, 1882. It was warmly re- ceived. ANDREOZZI, GAETANO, born in Na- ples in 1763, died in Paris in December, 1826. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Conservatorio, Naples, under his kinsman Jommelli ; he composed his first opera when only sixteen. He was maestro of the roj'al chapel at Naples, and travelled a great deal in Italy, where he brought out a num- ber of operas. His reputation extended to Russia, and he was invited to St. Peters- burg in 1784, returned to Italy in 1786, and again visited the most important cit- ies ; in 1790 he became conductor of the orchestra at the opera in Naples, but in the year following was in the same capac- ity in Madrid. Not long after his return, via Paris, to Italy, he ceased to write for the stage, and devoted himself to teach- ing, counting among his pupils the royal princesses, notably the Duchesse de Berri, who afterwards befriended him in Paris, whither, much reduced in fortune, be had rej)aired in 1825. His aria, "Ah, quest' anima non speri," is still celebrated in Italy. Works — Operas : La morte di Cesare, given in Rome, Teatro Argentina, 1779 ; Bajazette, Florence, Teatro Ducale, 1780 ; Olimpiade, Leghorn, 1780 ; Agesilao, Venice, Teatro S. Benedetto, 1781 ; Teodolinda, Turin, 1781 ; Catone in Utica, Milan, 1782 ; II trionfo d'Arsace, Rome, 1782 ; La vergine del sole, Genoa, 1783 ; Angelica e Medoro, Venice, 1783; Dido, Giasone e Medea, both in St. Petersburg, 1784; Virginia, Rome, Teatro 50 ANDREVl Ai-geutiua, 1787 ; Sofrouia e Olindo, Sesos- tri, Naples, Teati-o Sau Carlo, ITS!) ; 11 fiuto cieco, La principessa filosofa, ib., Teatio Nuovo, 1790 ; Gustavo, iv di Svezia, Ma- drid, 1791 ; Giovauua d' Arco, Yeuice, 1793 ; Ai-sinoe, Naples, Teatro Sau Carlo, 1795 ; Armida e Rinaldo, ib., 1802 ; Piramo e Tisbe, II trioufo d' Alessaudro, ib., 1803. Other works : Six quartets for 2 violins, viola, and violoncello (Florence, 1786) ; Saule, oratorio, given at Naples, 1790 ; La passione di Gesti Cristo, do , ib., 1792. — Fotis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ANDREVI, FRANCISCO, born at Sana- buya (Catalonia), Spain, Nov. 16, 1786, died at Barcelona, Nov. 23, 1853. He was a priest and maestro de capilla successively at the cathedrals of Segorbe, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, and finally of the royal chapel. During the Carlist War he took refuge at Bordeaux, where he found em- ployment, lived in Paris in 1845-49, and after his return to Spain became maestro de capilla at the Church of Our Lady at Bar- celona. His most iiujwrtant works are : The Last Judgment, oratorio ; Requiem for Ferdinand VH. ; Stabat mater. — Fctis ; do., Supplement, i. 15 ; Riemaun. ANDRIES, JEAN, born at Ghent, April 25, 1798, died there, Jan. 21, 1872. Viohu- ist and violoncellist, became professor at the Conservatoire, Ghent, in 1835, and its director in 1851. His comj)ositious remain unpublished. As a writer he is known by : Apergu historique de tons les instruments de musique (Ghent) ; and Precis de I'his- toire de la musique depuis les temjDs les plus recules (ib., Busscher, 1862).— Futis, Supplement, i. 16 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 12 ; Viotta. ANDROMAQUE, French lyric tragedy in three acts, text by Pitra, music by Grc- try, represented at the Academic Royale de Musique, Paris, June 6, 1780. Tliis opera, which was given twenty-five times, was written in thirty days. Mile Levasseur, and afterwards Mile Laguerre, filled the role of Andromaque, and Larivee that of Oreste. Andromacca, Italian opera, text by Zeno, music by Caldara, Vienna, 1724 ; music by Bioni, Breslau, 1729 ; by Fran- cesco Feo, Rome, 1730 ; by Davide Perez, Vienna, 1752 ; by Sacchini, Florence, 1763 ; by Tozzi, Brunswick, 1765 ; by Bertoni, Venice, 1772 ; by Nasolini, London, 1700 ; by Paisiello, Naples, 1798 ; by Puccita, Lisbon, about 1806 ; by Rainiondi, Palermo, about 1815 ; by Pavesi, Milan, 1822 ; by EUerton, Prussia, about 1830. ANDROMEDA, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethioi^ia, who was delivered by Perseus from the sea-monster, for whom her father had been forced to chain her to a rock beside the sea, has been the subject of many operas : Andromeda, Italian opera, music by Girolamo Giacobbi, rejiresented at Bologna, 1610, and revived in 1628 ; Italian opera, text by Benedetto Ferrari, music by Frauce.sco Manelli da Tivoli, given at the Teatro di San Cassiano, Venice, 1637, the first oj^era ever represented in public in that city ; music by Leo, Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, 1742 ; by Paisiello, Milan, about 1770; by Ignazio Fiorillo, Ca.sse], 1771 ; by Reichardt, Italian opera in three acts, Berlin, 178S ; by Persicchini, Warsaw, about 1782 ; by Trento, two acts, Rome, about 1792, and Naples, 1805 ; Naumann, ojjera seria, Dresden, 1792 ; German op- era, by Baumgarten, 1776 ; Polish opera, by Eisner, Warsaw, 1807 ; Andromeda e Per- seo (Andromeda and Perseus), by Michael Haydn, Salzburg, about 1780 ; by Mare- scalchi, Rome, 1784 ; .\ndromeda und Per- seus, German ojsera, by Jean Wolfgang Franck, Hamburg, 1679 ; Singspiel, by Zimmermann, Vienna, 1781. See Perseus. ANELLI, ANGELO, Italian dramatic composer of the 18th century. He is known by the ojjere buffe : I due sup- posti conti, given at Verona, 1786 ; La statua matematica, Bologna, 1788. — Fetis ; Schilling. ANERIO, FELICE, born in Rome about 1560 (Ambros, 1551), died (?). He studied under Giovanni Maria Nanini, and was 61 ANERIO appointed by Clement VIII. Palestrina's suc- cessor as composer to the Pontifical Choir, in which he was in- stalled, April 3, 1594. As a composer, Anerio is among the best of the " great " Roman period, and a worthy successor to Palestri- na. His great Adora- mus te, Christe, has been long wrongly at- tributed to Palestriua, and it is very possible that the famous Stabat Mater for three choruses, in the Altsemps collection, is by him, and not by Palestrina, as Baini asserts. Published works : Three books of sacred madrigals for 4 voices, Eome, Gardane, 1585 ; Two books of sacred concertos for 4 voices, Rome, Co- attino, 1593 ; First book of Hymns, Canti- cles, and Motets for 8 voices (dedicated to Clement VIH.), Venice, Vincenti, 1596 ; Second book of Hymns and Motets for 5, 6, and 8 voices, Rome, Zanetti, 1602 ; First book of Madrigals for 6 voices, Venice, Amadino, 1590, Antwerp, 1599 ; Second book of do., Rome, Zanetti, 1602 ; Respon- sorj per la settimana santa, a tre e quattro voci, Rome, Zanetti, 1603 ; Canzouette a tre, quattro voci, Madrigali spirituali a tre, quat- tro voci, ib., 1603. Some Cauzoni a quattro voci were published at Frankfort-on-the- Main in 1610. Other works are in the three collections of motets and psalms ijublished by Fabio Constantini in Eome, 1615, and Naples, 1616 and 1617, and in the Sonnetti nuovi of Fabio Petrozzi, Rome, 1609. A number of unjjublished works are in MS. in the archives of Sta. Maria in Vallicella, the Vatican Basilica, the library of the Pontifical Choir, the archives of the Chiesa Nuova, the CoUegio Germanico, and the library of the Abbate Santini. — Ambros, iv. 73 ; Grove, i. G7. ANERIO, (GIOVANNI) FRANCESCO, born in Rome about 1567, died ('?). A younger brother of Felice Anerio. He was at first maestro di cappella to Sigismund lU. of Poland, and afterwards at the cathe- dral at Verona, whence he was called to the post of music teacher to the Seminario Romano, Rome, and became later maestro di cai^pelln at the Church of la Madonna de' Monti, in 1600 ; finally, he was appointed to a similar position at the Lateran Basilica, where he remained until 1613, after which all traces of him have been lost. Although many of his works are in the pure a cap- pella style, Francesco Anerio belongs strict- ly to a later period than his brother. Some of his works, notably his six-voice Conver- sione di S. Paolo, have obligato instrumen- tal parts, and in his madrigals the harmony and modulations belong no longer to the Gregorian modal system, but distinctly to modern tonality. He was one of the first Italians who used the eighth-note and six- teenth-note in writing. Published works : n libro primo de' motetti a una, due e tre voci, Rome, Robletti, 1609 ; II libro secondo de' motetti, con le letanie e le quattro an- tifone maggiori dojDo il vespero, a sette e otto voci, Rome, 1611 ; II libro terzo con le letanie a quattro voci, Rome, 1613 ; II libro quarto, etc., ib., 1617 ; II libro quinto, etc., ib., 1618 ; Sacri conceutus quatuor, quinque, sex vocibus, una cum basso ad organum, ib., 1619 ; Selva armonica dove si conteugon motetti, madrigali, canzonette, dialoghi, arie a una, doi [sic], tre e quattro voci con basso per organo, ib., 1617 ; Ghirlanda di sacre rose, motetti a cinque voci, Rome, Soldi, 1613 ; Diporti musicali, madrigali a una, due, tre, quattro voci, Rome, 1617 ; Autifone e sacri concerti per una, due, tre voci, Rome, Robletti, 1613 ; Libro di responsorj per il Natale, a tre, quattro, otto voci, ib., 1619; Libro delle letanie, Eome, Marsotti, 1626 ; Messa de' morti, Rome, 1620 ; Libro de' salmi a tre, quattro voci, Rome, Robletti, 1620 ; II libro primo de' madrigali a cinque voci, Venice, Gai-dane, 1605 ; II libro delle gagliarde inta- volate ])er sonare nel cembalo e liuto, Venice. Vincenti, 1607 ; II libro secondo de' madri- AXFOSSI gali a ciuqiie, sei voci, ed una a otto voci, ib., 1608 ; La recreazione armouica, iiia- drigali a una, due voci, Venice, Gardaue, 1611 ; Teatro armonico spirituale di lua- drigali a ciuque, sei, sette e otto voci, coinposti dal rev. D. Francesco Anerio ro- mano, e fatti imprimere da Oraz. GriflS, cant, jjont. in Eoma, per Giovanni Battista Robletti, in 1619 (this work contains, among other things, the Conversione di S. Paolo, and II figluol jsrodigo) ; Dialogo pas- torale a tre voci con 1' intavolatura di cem- balo e del liuto in ranie, Rome, Verovio, 1600. Some motets of Francesco Anerio are contained in the Coustantini coUectiou, referred to in the jireceding article, and a sonnet, " Destati Apollo," in the Petrozzi collection. Some one-voice motets are in Giovanni Domenico Puliaschi's Gemma musicale, Rome, 1618. Anerio's arrange- ment of Palestrina's " Messa di Pajsa Mar- cello " for four voices was first published in Rome in 1600. Several editions of a col- lection containing this arrangement, to- cether with two other masses bv Pales- triua and one bv Anerio were published in Rome in 1626, 1639, 1689.— Ambros, iv. 74 ; Grove, i. 67. ANFOSSI, PASQITALE, born at Naples about 1736, died in Rome in Feb- ruary, 1797. Dra- matic composer, pupil of the Con- servatorio d e 11 a Pieta, Naples, where he first studied the violin, but soon aban- doned it for com- position, iu which he became a favourite ^juj^il of Piccinni, who procured him au engagement in 1771 at the Teatro delle Damme, Rome. Having failed with his first opera, 1769, in Venice, where he had become maestro di cappella at the Conservatorio del Ospedaletto, and with his next effort in Rome, he finally obtained a brilliant success there in 1773 with his In- cognita perseguitata, and thenceforth was Piccinni's rival. But as early as 1776 he ex- j)erienced the fickleness of the public, and left Rome in disgust, to write for the prin- cipal theatres of Italy. In 1780 he went to Paris, where several of his operas, translated, had been successfullj' given in 1778 and 1779, but left a year after for London, called there as conductor of the Itahan opera. In 1783 he brought out operas in Berlin and Prague, returned in 1784 to Italy, and in 1787 to Rome, where he won new tri- umphs, but, tired of the stage, applied for the position of maestro di cappella at S. Giovanni in Laterano, which he obtained iu 1791. His reputation was equal to that of the greatest masters of his time, his comic operas especially being considered models in style and in technical structure. He in- troduced into the opera the elaborate finale, which, in his Avaro, and in Isabella e Ro- drigo, were of such mastery as to serve even Mozart as examples. His instrumentation was rich and varied. Works — Operas: Cajo Mario, given at Venice, 1769 ; La cle- menza di Tito, Rome, 1769 ; I visiouari, ib., Teatro delle Damme, 1771 ; II barone di Rocea, ib., 1772 ; L' incognita perseguitata, Demofooute, ib., 1773 ; Autigono, Venice, 1773 ; Lucio Silla, ib., 1774 ; La finta giar- diniera, Rome, Teatro delle Damme, 1774 ; H geloso in cimento, La contadina in Corte, L' avaro, ib., 1775 ; Isabella e Ro- drigo, o la costanza iu amore, La pescatriee fedele, Olimpiade, ib., 1776 ; Lo sposo dis- perato, ib., 1778 ; II curioso indiscreto, Cleopatra, Milan, 1778 ; II inatrimouio per inganno, Paris, Theatre de I'Academie Roy- ale, 1779 ; La forza delle donne, Milan, 1780 ; I vecchi burlati, London, 1781 ; I viaggiatori felici, Armida, ib., 1782 ; Gli amauti canuti, Dresden, 1784 ; II trioufo d' Ariana, Prague, 1784 ; II cavaliere per amore, Berlin, 1784 ; Chi cerca trova, opera buffa, Florence, 1784 ; La vedova scaltra, Castel-Nuovo, 1785 ; Didone abbandonata, Naples, 1785 ; L' imbroglio delle tre spose, ANGE Padua, 1786 ; La jjazzia de' gelosi, Fabiano and Home, 1787 ; Creso, La villauella di spirito, Rome, 1787 ; Artaserse, La maga Circe, ib., 1788 ; L' orfanella americana, Venice, 1788 ; Le gelosie fortunate, Bel- luuo, 1788 ; La gazzetta, ossia il baggiano deluso, Rome, 1789 ; Zeuobia in Palmira, Florence, 1790 ; Issipile, ib., 1791 ; E zo- tico iucivilito, Dresden, 1792 ; L' Americana in Olanda, Matilda ritrovata, Gli artigiaui, ib., 1793 ; II j)rincipe di Lago negro. Other works : La feria del Ascensione, oratorio, 1786 ; Nose saorificium, do. ; Assalone, do. ; Sant' Elena al Calvario, do. ; Mass for four voices and orchestra ; Laudate jjueri, Lau- date Jerusalem, both with grand orchestra ; Salve regina ; Kyrie and Gloria for eight voices ; Ut queant laxis, do. ; Lauda Sion, do.. Dixit Dominus (2), do., Beatus vir, do. ; Confitebor, Beatu^vir, Laudate pueri, psalms for five voices ; Several psalms and masses for four voices and orchestra ; mo- tets and anthems. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling. ANGE ADORE DONT LA CELESTE IMAGE. See Damnatim de Faust. ANGELET, CHARLES FRANCOIS, born at Ghent, Nov. 18, 1797, died there, Dec. 20, 1832. Pianist, first instructed by his father, then pupil, at the Paris Conserva- toire, of Zimmermanu on the pianoforte, winning the first prize in 1822 ; of Dour- len in harmony and accompaniment, and of Fetis in composition. He settled at Brussels to teach the pianoforte, and in 1829 was made pianist to King William. Works : Marclio varic'e, for jsianoforte, op. 1 (Paris) ; Eight variations, and polonaise, op. 2 (ib.) ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 3 (ib., Leduc) ; Symjshony for grand orchestra, oji. 5 ; Divertissement pastoral for pianoforte, for four hands, op. 8 ; Fantaisies, caprices, melanges, etc., on different airs, op. 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17; etc.— Fetis; Mendel. ANGELICA E MEDORO (Angelica and Medor), Italian opera, text by Villati, music by Lampuguani, Venice, 1738 ; music by C. H. Graun, Berlin, 1749 ; music by Andre- ozzi, Venice, 1783 ; music by Vaunacci, Italy, about 1790 ; music by Niccolini, Milan, 1811 ; Angclique et Medor, French opera-bouffe in one act, test by Sauvage, music by Ambroise Thomas, Opera Co- mique, Paris, May 10, 1848 (published by Escudier). ANGELONI, , Italian dramatic com- poser, contemporary. He brought out the opera Osrade degli Abencerraggi, at Lucca, 1871. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 16. ANGER, LOUIS, born at Audreasberg, Hanover, Sept. 5, 1813, died at Liiueburg, Jan. 18, 1870. Organist and pianist, first instructed on the organ and pianoforte by an old organist in his native place, then pu- pil at Weimar, whither he went in 1833, of Hummel on the pianoforte, and of Tojifer in composition ; settled at Leijisic in 1836 to teach music, and was called to Liineburg in 1842 as organist of St. John's Church. Works : 6 melodious pieces for jiiauoforte, 0^3. 1 (Leipsie, Hofmeister) ; Grand varia- tions for do., op. 3 (ib.) ; Concert overture for grand orchestra (Leipsie, Whistling) ; 6 songs, with pianoforte, op. 2 (ib.) ; 4 do., (sp. 22 ; Christnacht, cantata, for soli, chorus, and orchestra ; Fugues for organ. — Fetis ; Mendel. ANGERMEYER, JOHANN IGNAZ, born at Biliu (?), Bohemia, died in Vienna, Feb. 23, 1732. Virtuoso on the violin, and com- poser of several concertos for his instru- ment.— Mendel. ANGIOLINI, GASPARO, born in Milan in the 18th century. Composer of ballets, celebrated all over Italy. He went first as ballet-master to Vienna, then in 1760 to St. Petersburg, and after his return to Italy lived in Milan and Rome, overwhelmed with orders to write for the stages of both cities. — Mendel ; Schilling. ANGIOLINI, GIOVANTSfl FEDERIGO, born at Siena about 1760, died after 1812. Pianist, studied while travelling through Italy, and in 1784 went to Germany ; he lived in Berlin in 1787-91, and after a visit 64 ANGLEBERT fo St. Petersburg returned to Germany in 1797, settling at Brunswick, and afterwards to Italy. Works : Sonata for pianoforte and flute ; Variations on the duet : Pace, caro mio sposo ; 6 duos for two flutes or violins (London, 1788) ; 3 sonatas for hai-p with flute ad lib. (Berlin, 1792) ; Sonata seeonda for pianoforte and flute (Berlin, 1794) ; 6 variations for harp or pianoforte (Brunswick, 1797); Arie aus dem Sonntags- kinde : Ich sage es doeh immer, with vari- ations for harp or pianoforte (ib., 1797). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ANGLEBERT, JEAN HENRI D', born about 1G28, died in Paris, April 23, 1G91. Organist to the Due d'Ork'aus and after- wards chamber-musician to Louis XIV. His works include a collection of original fugues for the organ, and chaconnes, over- tures, and other airs by Lulli, arranged for harpsichord (Paris, 1689). — Fotis ; do.. Sup- plement, i. 17 ; Mendel. ANGSTENBERGER, MCHAEL, born at Reichstadt, Bohemia, Jan. 2, 1717, died in Vienna, May 1.5 (Aug. 20 ?), 1789. He studied theology, entered the Order of the Knights of the Cross in 1738, of which he was chaplain, and in 1743-68 was dean at Karlsbad, and finallj' commendator at St. Charles's in Vienna. His compositions, in the style of Lotti, often performed in his time, remain in MS. — F<''tis ; Wurzbach, i. 40. ANICHINI, FRANCESCO, Italian com- poser of chamber and church music, con- temporarj-. Professor at the Royal Insti- tute of Music, Florence ; won prizes in 1862, 1863, 1865, for string quartets. He also published a Requiem with grand or- chestra, an Ave Maria for four voices, and other church music. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 17. ANIMUCCIA, GIOVANNI, born in Flor- ence about the beginning of the 16th cen- tury, died in Rome, March, 1571. Vocal composer, pupil of Claude Goudimel. From 1555 until his death he was maestro di cappella of the Vatican, a position in which he was succeeded by Palestrina. His music, which is an advance on the productions of the Flemish school of the time, is marked by the same religious spirit which influenced Palestrina, with whom he shared the friendship of St. Philip Neii, founder in 1564 of the Congregation of the Oratory. For this congregation, one of the objects of which was to render religious services attractive to the young, to keep them from vain amusements, Animuccia composed the Landi, to be sung at the con- clusion of the regular ofBce, from the dra- matic style of which the oratorio is said to have been developed. Hence he is some- times called the Father of Oratorio. Many of his masses, magnificats, motets, madri- gals, and several of the Laudi, were pub- lished during his lifetime by Gardane, Dorici, and liy Baldo's successors, but the larger part of his compositions is probably in MS. Among his published works are : II prinio libro di madrigali, etc. (Rome, 1595) ; Joannis Animuccite magistri capelliB sacrosanctiB basilic;© Vatieana^ Missarum libri, etc. (Rome, 1567) ; II primo lib. di madrigali, etc. (Venice, 1567) ; Canticum B. Mariie Vir., etc. (Rome, 1568) ; II secondo lib. delle laudi ore si contegono motetti, etc. (Rome, 1570) ; Credo Dominicalis quatuor voc. (Rome, 1567) ; Magnificat, ad omnes modes, lib. 2 (Rome, 1568); these number 20.— Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Scliilling. ANIMUCCIA, PAOLO, born about the beginning of the 16th century, died in Rome in 1563. One of the most skilful contra- puntists of his time ; brother of Giovanni Animuccia, but whether older or younger is unknown. He was maestro di cappella of S. Giovanni in Laterano, after Rubini, in 1550-52. His madrigals and motets for four and six voices, scattered in many old collections, were verj^ popular. — Fetis ; Men- del. ANJOS, DINIZ DOS, born at Lisbon in the first half of the 17th century, died in the monastery of Belem, Jan. 19, 1709. Chui'ch composer, entered the order of St. 55 ANKEKTS Jerome at Belem, in 1656. Works : Re- spousorios para todas festas da primeira classe ; Psalmos de vesperas, e Magnificat ; Diversas missas, Vilhancieos et Motettes. — Fetis ; Schilling ; Vascoucellos. ANKERTS, D". See Dankerts. ANNA BOLENA (Anne Bolejn), Italian opera, text by Felice Eomaui, music by Donizetti, first represented in Milan in 1831. This work, written for Pasta and Rubini, gave the composer a European rep- utation, and was long considered his mas- terpiece. It was produced in Paris, Sept. 1, 1831, and in London the same year. In it, in the role of Henry "Vlli., Lablache first won public attention. It was first given in New York, at the Astor Place Opera House, Jan. 7, 1850, with Signoriua Bertucca in the title role. ANNA VON LANDSKRON, German opera, text by Nehrlich, music by Abert, represented at Stuttgart, December, 1858. ANNfiES DE PfiLERINAGE (Years of Pilgrimage), series of compositions for pianoforte, by Franz Liszt, op. 34. Pre- miere annee, Suisse : 1. Chapelle de Guil- laume Tell ; 2. Au lac de Wallenstadt ; 3. Pastorale ; 4. Au bord d'uue soiu'ce ; 5. Orage ; 6. Vallee d'Obei-mann ; 7. E- glogue ; 8. Le mal du pays ; 9. Les cloches de Geneve (nocturne). Seconde annee, Italie : 1. II sposalizio ; 2. II penseroso ; 3. Cauzonetta di Salvator Rosa ; 4, 5, 6. Tre sonetti del Petrarca ; 7. Apres une lecture de Dante. Venezia e Napoli : 1. Gondo- liera ; 2. Canzone ; 3. Tarantelle. ANNETTE ET LUBIN, comedy in one act, in verse, text by Mme. Favart and the Abbe de Voisenou, music by Blaise, represented at the Comodie Italienne, Paris, Feb. 15, 1762. The libi-etto is an adaptation of Rousseau's Devin du village. It was re- produced in 1800, with new music by IMar- tini and revised text by Lourdet de San- terre. La suite d'Annette et Lubin, text by Favart, music by Jadin, given at the Theatre Feydeau, Paris, March 10, 1791, deals with the same story. ANNETTE ET LUBIN, comedy in one act, in verse, text by Marmontel, music by Laborde, represented at the private theatre of Marechal de Richelieu, March 30, 1762. The piece is Marmontel's tale dramatized, with some additional scenes. ANNIBALE (Hannibal), Italian opera, music by Porpora, re2:)resented in Venice, 1731 ; music by Zingarelli, Turin, 1787 ; Hannibal, German opera, music by Johann Wolfgang Franck, Hamburg, 1681 ; Anni- bale in Bitinia, Italian opera, music by J. Niccolini, Padua, 1818 ; Annibale in Capua, P. A. Ziani, Venice, 1661 ; by Salieri, Vien- na, 1801 ; by Cordelia, Naples, 1808 ; text by Romanelli, music by Farinelli, Milan, 1810; by Ellerton, Prussia, about 1830; Annibale in Italia, text by Duranti, music by Paisiello, Turin, 1773 ; Annibale in To- rino, music by Lodovico Ricci, Turin, 1830 ; Annibal et Scipion, by Jules Conrardy, Liege, 1860. ANNIBALE, surnamed Patavinus or Pa- dovano, born at Padua in the 16th century, died at Venice, probably in 1556. Contra- puntist, became organist at S. Marco, Ven- ice, in 1552. He was also the best lute and harpsichord player of his epoch. Works : Liber primus motettorum quinque et sex vocum (Venice, 157G) ; Cantiones quatuor voeum (ib., 1592) ; Madrigali a cinque voci (ib., 1583) ; 2 masses (Venice, Antonio Gar- dane, 1566). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ANNUNCIAglO, G.ABRIEL DA, born at Ovar, Portugal, in 1681, still living at Lisbon in 1747. He studied music in his native place, and in the convent of Leii'ia, having entered the Order of St. Francis in 1706. He occupied subsequently musical jiositions in the convents of his order at Coimbra, Oporto, and Lisbon. He left a great number of masses, anthems, motets, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 17 ; Vasconcel- los. ANSANI (Anzani), GIOVANNI, born in Rome about the middle of the 18th cen- tury, died at Naples after 1815. Dramatic composer, one of the most famous Italian G6 ANSCHtTTZ tenor singers. He sang first at Copen- hagen in 1770, in Holland in 1774, and at the Italian opera in London in 1782-84, after which he returned to Italy, and for sevei'al years was famous in Florence. Af- ter singing on the principal stages of Italy, he settled at Naples as a teacher. Works : La vendetta di Minos, opera, given in Flor- ence, 1791 ; Duets for two sopranos ; do. for soprano and tenor, with basso con- tinue. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ANSCHUTZ, JOHANN ANDREAS, born at Coblentz, Germany, jNIarch 19, 1772, died there in 1858. Pianist, pupil of his grandfather, who was court organ- ist and Kapelldirector to the Elector at Treves. In 1808 he founded, at Coblentz, a musical society with a school for instru- mental and vocal instruction, which was subvened by the goverinnent. Works : Sechs deutsche Lieder (Bonn, Simrock) ; other songs and airs, German, French, and Italian (ib.) ; Ehapsodische Gesiinge, op. 8 (Augsburg, Gombart) ; 3 songs (Leipsic, Breitkopf uud Hilrtel) ; Waltzes for orches- tra, books 1, 2, 3, 4 (Bonn, Simrock) ; Waltzes for pianoforte, books 2, 3, and 4 (ib.) ; 8 allemandes fordo. (Augsburg, Gom- bart) ; Masonic hymn for three voices and chorus, with two violins, viola, and violon- cello (Bonn, Simrock) ; Tantum Ergo ; Ecce Panis ; Masses with orchesti-a. His son Karl, born at Coblentz in 1815, died in New York, December, 1870 ; pupil of Fried- rich Schneider, took charge of his father's musical institute in 1844, but went to Entr- land in 1848, and to America in 1857, where he conducted, for several years, UUmann's opera orchestra. He composed songs and pianoforte pieces. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Schilling, Supplement. ANSIAUX, JEAN HUBERT JOSEPH, born at Huy, Belgium, Dec. 16, 1781, died there. Dee. 4, 1826. Dramatic composer, pupil of Tingry on the pianoforte, and of Heukart in harmony ; went to Paris in 1808, and after his return became the warm pa- tron of all musicians and artistic institu- tions of his native city. Works : Les reve- nants, opera ; L'apotheose de Gretry, lyr- ical drama, given at Lifege, 1820 ; Jephte, oratorio ; La Fete de Sainte-Cecile, cantata ; 9 masses ; 3 Te Deums ; Overtures, and oth- er works for orchestra. — Biog. nat. de Bel- gique, i. 338 ; Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 18. ANSORGE, CONRAD, born at Buch- wald, Silesia, Oct. 15, 1862. Pianist, pupil in Leipsic of Professor Paul (1880-82), and at Weimar (1885) of Liszt, with whom he went to Rome during the winter of 1885-86. From Weimar, whither he returned in the summer of 1886, he undertook concert trips to the larger cities of Germany, and in Jan- uary, 1888, went to New York, where he made a successful debut at Steinway Hall. Works : Sonata for pianoforte, in F minor ; other pianoforte music. ANTAO DE SANTA ELIAS, born at Lis- bon about 1690, died there in 1748. Harp- ist, went at an early age to America, where he received his musical education. After his return he entered the order of the Car- melites at Lisbon, and became mestre de capella. His works, consisting of masses, Te Deums, psalms, hymns, and cantatas are preserved in the library of his monastery. — Mendel ; Schilling. ANTEGNATI, COSTANZO, born at Bre- scia about the middle of the 16th century, died there after 1619. The son of Gratiadio Antegnati, the famous organ-builder, whose craft he followed ; he was organist at the cathedral of his native city until 1619, when he had a stroke of paralysis. Works : Canzoni a quattro voci, four books (Venice, Vineenti) ; Messe e niotetti a due e tre chori (ib., Magni) ; Messe e sinfonie a otto (ib.) ; Motetti e letanie a tre (ib.) ; Messe a sei e otto voci (ib., Gardano) ; Inni d' intavola- tura d' organo ; L' antegnata, intavolatura di ricercate ; Salmi a otto voci (Venice, Gar- dano, 1592) ; Motetti a tre voci ; Motetti e messe a dodici in tre chori (Venice, Vin- eenti) ; Canzoni da sonare a quattro e otto voci (Venice, 1619) ; L' Arte organica (Bre- scia, 1608). — Fetis, Schilling. 57 ANTHIOME ANTHIOME, EUG£NE JEAN BAP- TISTE, boni at Lorieut, France, Aug. 19, 1836, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire of Elwart in harmony, of Benoist on the organ, and of Carafa in composition ; won the second grand prix in 1861, and became repctiteur at the Conservatoire iu 1863. Works : II faut semer pour rccolter, operette, given in Paris, Theatre des Fantaisies Parisieunes, 1866 ; Le dernier des Chippeways, do., ib., Folies Bergtjres, 1876; 6 croquis d'album, suite de morceaux de piano (Paris, Grus). — Fctis, Supplement, i. 18. ANTIGONE, tlie heroine of Sophocles's tragedy of the same name. The daughter of CEdipus and of Jocasta, she is condemned to be shut up in a subterranean cave by the tyrant Creon because she had given sepul- ture, contrary to his orders, to the body of her brother Polynices. She kills herself, and her lover Hsemon, son of Creon, kills himself beside her. The original text of Sophocles, translated by Conner, music — introduction and seven numbers — by Men- delssohn, first represented at the Neue Pa- lais, Potsdam, Oct. 28, 1841 ; first public performance, Berlin Ojsera, Nov. 6, 1841 ; given in Paris at the Odeon, May 21, 1844, and in London, Covent Garden, Jan. 2, 1845. The Invocation to Bacchus, called the Bac- chus Chorus, is the most striking part. Its success in London was not great at first, owing to the way the chorus was put upon the stage, which was satirized by "Punch" (Jan. 18, 1845) in a cut here reproduced, but it finally ran forty-five nights. Italian operas on the same subject ; music by Galuppi, represented in Italy about 1754 ; music by Parenti, Italy, about 1786; by Campobasso, Milan, 1789 ; BassiU, Venice, 1800 ; by Or- landini, Bologna, 1818 ; Antigone, German opera, by J. A. Hasse, Brunswick, 1723, his first opera and his only one with a German text ; by Bernasconi, Vienna, about 1745 ; by Wagenseil, Vienna, 1750 ; by Mortellari, Rome, 1782 ; ojsera seria iu three acts, by Hoszisky, Eheinsberg, about 1787 ; grand opera in three acts, text by Marmontel, music by Zingarelli, Academie Royale de Musique, Paris, April 30, 1790 ; by Gandini, Modena, 1824 ; Antigona ed Emone (Anti- gone and Hsemon), ballet, music by Pierre Dutillieu, Naples, 1788. ANTIGONO (Antigonus), Italian opera in three acts, text by Metas- tasio, music by Johann Adolph Hasse, first repre- sented in Dresden, during the carnival, 1744. Scene in Thessalonica, a maritime city of Macedonia. Charac- ters represented : Antigono Gonata, King of Macedonia; Berenice, Princess of Egypt, betrothed to Antigono ; Is- I mene, daughter of Antigono, in love with Alessandro ; Alessandro, King of Epirus, in I love with Berenice ; Demetrio, son of Anti- gono, also in love with Berenice ; Clearco, captain of Alessandro and friend of Deme- trio. Metastasio's libretto has been set to music also by Gluck, Eome, 1754 ; by Caf- faro, Naples, 1754 ; by Santis, Naples, 1760 ; by Francesco Ciampi, Venice, 1762 ; by Ga- luppi, Italy, 1762 ; by Francesco Zanetti, Leghorn, 1765 ; by Majo, Naples, 1768 ; by Scliwanberg, Brunswick, 1769 ; by Pietro Pompeo Sales, Munich, 1769 ; by Piccinni, Rome, 1771 ; by Tommaso Traetta, St. Pe- I tersburg, 1772 ; by Sacchini, London, 1773 ; I by Giordani, London, 1773 ; by Aufossi, Rome, 1773 ; by Giuseppe Gazzaniga, Na- ples, 1779 ; by "Paisiello, Naples, 1784 ; by Righini, Mainz, 1788 ; by Caruso, Rome, 58 ANTIOCO 1788, Venice, 179-1 ; by Peter von Winter, Naples, 1791 ; by Seraochini, Florence, 1794 ; Antigonus, by von Poissl, Munich, 1808. ANTIOCO (Antiochus I.). See Antiochus und Stratoiiice. ANTIOCO (Antiochus v.), Italian opera, by Augelo Tiirchi, represented at Milan, 1788. Subject, Antiochus V. (Eupator), who was de- throned and put to death by Demetrius Soter. ANTIOCO XL GRANDE (Antiochus the Great), Italian opera, nnisic by Legreuzi, represented in Venice, 1681. Subject, the career of Antiochus III., King of Syria, who made warlike expeditions into India, Egypt, and Greece, and whose ambition was finally curbed by the Romans. ANTIOCHUS UND STRATONICE, Ger- man opera, music by Graupner, represented at Hamburg, 1708 ; Antiochus et Stratoniee, French opera, music by Langle, Versailles, 1786. Subject, the love of Antiochus I. (Soter) for his stepmother Stratoniee, wife of Seleuous Nicator, King of Syria. His father, discovering his son's malady through his physician Erasistratus, resigned her to him and made him King of Upper Asia. The operas Antioco, by Cavalli, Venice, 1658 ; Carpani, Bologna, 1G73 ; and Gaspa- rini, Rome, 1705, deal with the same subject. ANTOIN, FERDINAND D', flourished in Germany about 1780-9-1. Dramatic composer and pianist, chiefly self taught from the theoretical works of Marpurg, Kirnberger, and Riepel. He was a captain in the service of the Elector of Cologne, and during his campaigns and travels was much influenced by Italian and French mu- sic. Works : II moudo al rovescio, opera buffa, given at Cologne, 1780 ; Das tartar- ische Gesetz, opera, ib., about 1783 ; Das Mildchen im Eichthal, ib., about 1790 ; Otto der Schiitz, ib., about 1792 ; Der Fiirst und seiu Volk, operetta, ib., about 1793 ; Ende gut, AUes gut, do., ib., 1794 ; Choruses to the tragedy of Lanassa ; Symphonies and quartets. — Fetis ; Schilling. ANTONELLI (Antinelli), ABONDIO, born in the second half of the 16th century. died in Rome, probably in 1669. He was maestro di cappella of the episcopal church at Benevento, Naples, and in 1G08 of San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome. Works : Missa a quattro voci e quattro Motetti a due, con organo (Rome, 1629) ; Missa breve a quat- tro. Salmi e motetti a tre e quattro, con basso continue (ib., 1628) ; Liber primus diversarum modulationum (ib., 1615) ; Mo- tetti a quattro chori. — Fetis. ANTONI, ANTONIO D', born at Pa- lermo, June 25, 1801, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, earned applause even as a boy of twelve with a mass, composed for the Feast of St. Cecilia ; wrote his first oj)era when eighteen, and became director of the opera at Syracuse and at Malta. After travelling in France and England, he settled at Venice to teach music and went afterwards to Trieste, whither he returned after a stay at Florence. In 1851 he found- ed the Accademia Filarmonica, of which he became director. Works — Operas : Uu du- ello ; Gli amanti burlati, given at Syracuse about 1820 ; II peregrino, Malta ; Armina, Trieste ; Amazilda, Florence ; Several can- tatas. Fugues for four hands, Canons, etc. — Wurzb.aeh, i. 47 ; Mendel. ANTONH, PIETRO DEGLI, born at Bo- logna about 1630, died there shortly after 1718. Church composer and cornet player, became maestro di cappella of S. Giovanni in Monte, and was one of the members of the Accademia Filarmonica from its foun- dation in 1666, and principe six times be- tween 1676 and 1718. Works; Missa e salmi a tre voci, op. 2 (Bologna, Monti, 1670) ; Concerti da chiesa a due violiui, viola e contiuuo per organo ; Sonate, arie, oisfhe e balletti a tre stromenti, op. 4 ; Ri- cercate a violino solo e violone o continuo, op. 5 (Bologna) ; Sei motetti a voce .sola, etc., op. 7 (ib., 1696) ; Tre messe per due soprani e basso con due violini, op. 8.^ Fetis; Schilhng. ANTONIOTTI, GIORGIO, born in Lom- bardy in 1692, died at Milan in 1776. In- strumental composer of repute in his time. 59 ANTONY He lived several years in Holland, vrbere he published in 1736 his first work, consisting of twelve sonatas for viola di gamba ; after- wards went to Loudon, where he resided for more than twenty years, and where an English translation of his "Arte armonica," a treatise on composition, was published in 1761. About 1770 he returned to Milan. • — Fetis ; Schilling. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. See Cleopatra. ANTONY, FRANZ JOSEF, born at Miinster, Westphalia, Feb. 1, 1790, died there in 1837. Organist, son and pupil of Josef Antony (1758-1836, organist of Miinster Cathedi'al) ; became choir director at the cathedral in 1819, and organist, suc- ceeding his father, in 1832. Works : Die Muse, cantata ; Wer spannet den Bogen, do. ; Masses, chorals, and other church music ; Quartets for strings ; Sonatas for pianoforte. He was also a learned writer on music. — Fetis; Mendel; Schilling, Sup- plement. AMERICAN SYMPHONY, by Louis Maas, o-p. 15, first performed in the Music Hall, Boston, Dec. 14, 1883, with great suc- cess. The work, whicli was suggested while travelling on the prairies, is dedicated to President Arthur. It is in four parts : 1. Morning on the Prairies ; 2. The Chase ; 3. An Indian Legend ; 4 Evening, Night, and Sunrise. ANVIL CHORUS. See Tromtore. AOUST, Marquis JULES D', born in France about 1825, still living, 1888. Am- ateur dramatic composer, author of the operettas : L'amour voleur, given in Paris, 1865 ; La ferme de Miramar, ib.. Theatre de I'Atheuee, 1874. — Futis, Suisplement, i. 18. APEL, GEORG CHRISTIAN, born at Triichtelborn, near Erfurt, Nov. 21, 1775, died at Kiel, Aug. 31, 1841. Contrapuntist and organist, pupil at Erfurt of Kittel ; became organist in 1796 at St. Thomas's Church there, and in 1804 at St. Nicholas's in Kiel, where he was also apjjoiuted musi- cal director at the University in 1818. He deserves much credit for the development and treatment of church music, and espe- cially of the Piotestant choral, which was promoted through his Choral-Melodienbuch (1817). Only a few of his compositions, among which is a successful oratoi-io, were printed. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 500 ; Jahn, Ges. Aufsiitze (1866), 1. APELL, (JOHANN) DAVID VON, born at Cassel, Feb. 23, 1754, died there in 1833. Dramatic composer, pupil of the court mu- sician Wiesel, then at Rinteln of the organist MiiUer, and after his return to Cassel of Rodewald and Johann Braun the younger ; finally, of the court organist Kellner. He began to acquire reputation in 1780, became a member in 1786, under the name of Ca- pelli, of the Accademia Filarmonica at Bo- logna, and, under the name Filleno Tin- daride, of the Ai'cadi lUustri at Rome ; and in 1791 was made an honorary mem- ber of the Stockholm Academy, and in 1800 a knight of the Golden Spur by Pope Pius Vn., to whom he had dedicated a mass. At Cassel he reorganized the Phil- harmonic Society, and became its first di- rector. Works : La clemenza di Tito, opera, given at Cassel about 1786 ; Tancrede, do., ib., about 1789 ; L'amour peintre, comic opera, ib., 1796 ; Ascanius und L'ene, dra- ma, ib., 1797 ; Das Fest der Gatten, musical prologue, ib., 1797 ; Euthj-me et Lyris, Renaud dans la fon't enchantee, ballets, ib., 1782 ; Mass dedicated to Pius VIL (1800) ; Laudate Dominum, psalm with full orches- tra ; Beati omnes, do.; Tantum ergo. Can- tatas : Anacreon ; La tempesta. La gelosia. La scusa, with full orchestra (1786) ; Der Traum : Ah no ! I'augusto sguardo, dedi- cated to the Queen of Prussia ; Kantate zur Kirchweihe (1795) ; II trionfo della musica, with full orchestra (1806) ; 3 symphonies for grand orchestra (1783) ; 3 quartets for two violins, violoncello, and bass (1784) ; 12 notturni for wind instruments ; 6 polo- naises for grand orchestra ; 6 marches for the Hessian Guard ; Choruses with fuU APELLE orchestra ; 24 Italian scenas and airs, with do. ; 6 ItaHan duets for soprano and con- tralto, with do. ; 6 canzonets (1791) ; 3 do, with viola and bass. — Ft'tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Mendel ; Schilling. APELLE E CAMPASPE (Apelles and Campaspe), Italian opera, music by Zinga- relli, represented at Venice, 1794 ; music by Tritto, Milan, 1796 ; Apelle et Campaspe, French opera, text by Dumoustier, music by Eler, given at the Opera, Paris, July 12, 1798. Subject, the love of the painter Apelles for Campaspe, the favourite concu- bine of Alexander the Great, said by some to have been the model of the Venus Ana- dyomene. APOLLINI, SALV ADOBE, born in Ven- ice about the beginning of the 18th centur}'. Dramatic and vocal composer. At first a barber, he studied the violin and played on it his barcaroles, which became popular among the boatmen of Venice. He com- posed the three operas : Fama dell' onore e della virtii, given at Venice, 1727 ; Meta- morfosi amorosi, ib., 1732 ; H pastor fido, ib., 1739.— Fetis ; Schilling. APOLLO AND DAPHNE. See Dafne. APOLLO ET HYACINTHUS, Latin com- ed}', music by IMozart, represented in the Aula of the University of Salzburg, May 13, 1767. Mozart, who was then but eleven years old, played the harpsichord at the performance. The MS. of the music, which is written for five voices, covers one hun- dred and sixty-two jjages. APOLLON, BERGER D'ADM^TE (Apollo, Shepherd of Admetus), opera in one act, music by Grenet, represented at the Opera, Paris, 1759. The same episode, the story of the god tending the flocks of Ad- metus at Pherse in Thessaly, on the banks of the Amphrysus, is treated in Apollo in Tessaglia (Apollo in Thessaly), music by Francescliini, Bologna, 1679 ; Apollo unter den Hirten (Apollo among the Shepherds), German Liederspiel, music by Schweitzer, Germany, 1778 ; do., German opera, music by Stegmann, Konigsberg, 1775. APOLLON ET CORONIS (Apollo and Coronis), French opera-ballet, text by Fuze- lier, music by Jean Baptiste Rey, repre- sented at the Academic Roj-ale de Musique, Paris, May 3, 1781. The libretto deals with the loves of Apollo and Coronis, who became by him the mother of JSsculapius, and who was finally slain by him through jealou.sy. APOLLONI, GIOVANNI, Cavaliere, born at Arezzo about 1650. Dramatic composer, author of three operas : Dori, ossia lo schi- avo regio, given in Rome about 1680 ; L' Ar- gia, in the theatres of Italy, about 1682 ; L' Astiage, ib., about 1683. — Fetis. APOLLONI, GIUSEPPE, born at Vi- cenza, contemporary. Dramatic composer. Works : L' Ebi'eo, opera seria, given first probably at Venice, 1855 or 1856, then on aU the principal stages of Italy ; Pietro d' Albano, Venice, 1856 ; Adelchi, ib., 1857 ; II Conte di Konigsberg, Florence, Teatro della Pergola, 1866 ; Gustavo Wasa, Trieste, Teatro Communale, 1872.- — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 18. APOSTEL VON PHILIPPI, DIE, orato- rio, for unaccompanied male voices, text by Giesebrecht, music by Karl Loewe, op. 48, first performed at the music festival in Jena, Aug. 13, 1835. APPEL, KARL, born at Dessau, March 14, 1812. Violinist, pupil of Conzertmeis- ter Lindner on the violin, and of Friedrich Schneider in theory and composition ; early entered the ducal orchestra as violinist, and succeeded his master as Conzertmeister. Among his vocal music, the quartets for male voices are especially liked. He also wrote an opera. Die Rauberbraut, which was performed at Dessau, 1840. — Mendel. AQUIN, D'. See Daquin. ARABESKE (Arabesque), the title given by Robert Schumann to a piece for the pianoforte, op. 18, written somewhat in rondo form. Composed in 1839, dedicated to Frau F. Serre ; published by C. A. Spina (Vienna). ARABI NELLE GALLIE, GLI (The Arabs in Gaul), opera in four acts, libretto 61 AEAJA from the romance by D'Arliucoiirt, entitled "Le renegat" (The Renegade), music by Giovanni Pacini ; first represented at Milan in 1827, then at Turin, Dec. 2G, 1828, and in Paris, at the Theatre Itaheu, with seven new numbers, Jan. 30, 1855. Pacini him- self superintended the representations in Paris, where the opera was given under the new title, L' ultiuio de' Clodovei. It was first given in New York, at the Opera House in Church Street, Jan. 20, 1834. The action passes in Gaul in the time of Charles Martel. Clodomir, formerly affianced to Ezilda, Priucesse des Cevennes, has em- braced the part of the Arabs, or Saracens, and under the name of Agobar is devastat- ing his native country. Leodato, general of Charles Martel, is overcome and is about to lose his life, when Ezilda comes out of a monastery, where she had taken refuge, and implores clemency for Leodato, who had previously made to her an avowal of his love. She recognizes iu Agobar her old lover, the two renew their love, and the Saracen leader orders his troops to stop the pillage, and to i-espect the country of his mistress. The soldiers murmur and form a plot against Agobar, and, notwithstanding the warning of the generous Leodato, he is kUled, and EzUda, casting herself on his dead body, makes known that he is Clo- domir, her affianced. Pacini's best work. The duet in the third act, between Agobar and Ezilda, " Va, menzogner," is its most noted number. Gli Arabi nelle Gallie, opera semi-seria, music by Schoberlechuer, Florence, 1815, has a different libretto, older than D'Arlincourt's romance, which was not published until 1822. ARAJA, FRANCESCO, born at Naples in 1700, died at Bologna about 1770. Dra- matic composer, attracted attention with his first opera in 1730, went to St. Peters- burg with a troupe of Italian singers in 1735, and became conductor of the orches- tra at the Italian opera there. Highly es- teemed and distinguished in many ways for twenty-three years, he returned to Italy in 1759, and settled in Bologna, where he was made honorary member of the Accade- mia Filarmonica, and gathered around him a circle of young artists, mostly without means, who praised him as their teacher and benefactor. In 1761 he visited Russia again, but returned to Bologna in the year following, after the assassination of Peter HI. He is said to have been the first to compose an opera (1755) in the Russian language. Works : Berenice, given at a chateau of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, near Florence, 1730 ; Amor regnante, Rome, 1731 ; Lucio Vero, Venice, Teatro di S. Gio- vanni Crisostomo, 1735 ; Abiatare, St. Pe- tersburg, 1737 ; Semiramide, ib., 1738 ; Scipione, ib., 1739 ; Alessandro nell' Indie, ib., about 1740 ; Ai-sace, ib., 1741 ; La Rus- sia afiiittae riconsolata, Moscow, 1742; Bel- lerofonte, St. Petersburg, about 1743 ; Se- leuco, ib., 1744 ; Cephalus and Procris, Russian opera, ib., 1755 ; La Cimotea, lyric drama, given (at Bologna?) about 1765 ; La uativita di Gesti, oratorio. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ARANAZ, PEDRO, born at Soria, Spain, in the 18th century, died, at an advanced age, at Cuenca, about 1825. Church com- poser, became maestro de capilla at the Cathedral of Cuenca towards the end of the 18th century. His music is preserved at Cuenca, in the Escorial, and in several churches of Spain. He wrote a treatise on counterpoint and composition, esteemed in his countrj'. — Fetis. ARANGUREN, JOSfi, born at Bilbao, Spain, May 25, 1821, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil of Nicolas Ledesma on the pianoforte, of Fausto Sanz on tlie violin, then in Madrid (1844-48) of Hilarion Esla- va in composition. He began teaching, and in 18G7 became adjiuict professor of har- monj' at the Conservatorio, Madrid. He has composed much sacred music, piano- forte pieces, and songs, and published in 1855 a method for the pianoforte, which has had five editions, and in 1861 a treatise on harmony. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 19. ARAUXO AEAUXO (Araujo), FRANCISCO COR- RfiA DE, born iu Spain about 1581, died at Segovia, Jan. 13, 1663. A Dominican monk, at first organist of San Salvador at Seville, then professor at Salamanca, and finally Bishop of Segovia. A number of his compositions, consisting of psalms, mo- tets, and vilhancicos, formed part of the fa- mous musical library of King John IV. of Portugal, as did also his treatise : Casos morales de la mftsica. — Fetis ; do.. Supple- ment, i. 19. ARBACE (Arbaces), Italian pasticcio, music by Handel, performed at Coveut Gar- den, London, Jan. 5, 1734. The libretto is an adaptation of Metastasio's Artaserse, re- named after one of the principal characters, and the music consists entirely of selections from the composer's own works. The score is in the Hamburg Library. — Rockstro, Life of H, 322. ARBAN, JOSEPH JEAN BAPTISTE LAURENT, born in Lyons, Feb. 28, 1825, still living, 1888. Pupil of the Paris Con- servatoire ; then studied under Dauverne, and took the second prize for the trumpet in 1844, and the first in 1845. His playing on the cornet-a-pistons, which had just come into popular favour, was considered remark- able. He i^layed at the Concerts Musard, and afterwards became leader at the Casino- Cadet, at the Valentino, Fraseati's, and at the Opera balls after Strauss's retirement. In 1857 he was appointed professor of the sax-horn at the Conservatoire, and in 1869 was made director of a class on the cornet. He has composed a great deal of music for his insti'ument, besides Grande Mi'thode complete de cornet-a-pistons et de sax-horn (Paris). — Fetis, Supplement, i. 20 ; Mendel, Ergilnz., 15. ARBITRE D'UNE VIE. See iMuelle de Portici. ARCADELT (Archadelt, Arcadet, Harcha- delt, Arkadelt), JACOB, born in the Nether- lands towards the end of the 15th century, died in Paris (?), 15—. The story that he was a pupil of Joaquin Depres is probably untrue. In 1540 he was admitted into the Pontifical Choir at Rome, and in 1555 (?) entered the service of the Cardinal Charles of Lorraine, Duke of Guise, whom he fol- lowed to Paris. Arcadelt was one of the many Flemish composers who migrated to Italy ; he helped to found the " great " Roman school, and was one of Palestrina's most distinguished forerunners. He united French delicacy of sentiment, Flemish mas- tery of musical form, and Italian culture in quite an exceptional way, and was at once one of the most important and prolific com- posers of his day. Together with AVillaert and Verdelot, he was one of the founders of the madrigal. His first book of 53 madri- gals (Venice, 1538) reached its sixteenth edition in 1617, and was followed by five other books. If in his church compositions Arcadelt's style is of almost heroic grandeur, and shows the most comj^lete mastery over all the intricacies of counterpoint (albeit he seems to have despised the then popular " Netherlandish tricks "), in his Italian mad- rigals we discover perhaps the first dawn of the sentimental element in music. His French chansons, on the other hand, are perfect little cabinet-pieces of contrapuntal elaborateness. Notwithstanding the glori- ous musical epoch which followed close upon his death, Arcadelt's works were long looked upon with the greatest veneration ; Freseobaldi wrote an organ jsiece on a theme " del Signore Arcadelt," and even Liszt wrote a pianoforte piiece on an Ave Maria of his. His published works are : Three books of Masses for 3, 4, 5, and 7 voices, Paris, Adrien Le Roy, 1557 (one book of these, for 4 and 5 voices, repub- lished, 4to, in 1583) ; H prirao libro de' madrigali a piu voci, Venice, 1538 (subse- quent editions in 1539, 1540 [ib., Vincenzo Bianchi], 1541, 1542, 1545, 1550, 1.551, 1552, 1556, 1560, 1568, 1581, 1603, 1606, 1617) ; II secondo libro de' madrigali, etc., Venice, Antonio Gardane, 1539 ; Four other books of madrigals, published about the same period ; L'excellence des chansons 63 ARCAIS musicales, Lyons, 1572 (2d ed., 4to, ib., 1587), not a theoretical work, as Forkel and Licbtenthal have supposed, but a book of chansons ; Chansons franyaises :i plusieurs parties, Lyons, 158G. Other chansons are in Le dixitme de chansons a quatre par- ties compost'cs par phisieurs auteurs, Paris, Nicolas Du Cheniin, 1552, and in some collections published by Adrien Le Roy ; also in Adriani Wigliar, Cypriani de Rore, Archadelt et Johannis Gero, cantiones trium vocuni, aliaque madrigalia trisona di- versorum auctorum, Venice, 1565. (Title and date, from Ambros, not found in Eit- ner's Bibliography, which, however, men- tions a collection, jiublished by Scotto, Ven- ice, 1566, bearing the same title in Italian.) Also an Ave Maria, London, Musical Times, No. 183, and an 8-voice Pater noster, Com- mer, "Collectio," viij. 21. Three sacred pieces are in the collection "Piissimse ac sacratissimse lamentationes, etc.," Paris, Ad- rien Le Roy, 15 — , and three others in " Can- ticum B. V. IMaripe quod Magnificat inscrib- itur octo modis, etc.," ib., 15 — . Some four- and five-voice motets are in Forster's col- lection. — Ambros, iii. 576 ; Grove, i. 81. ARCAIS, FRANCESCO, Marchese D', born in Italy about 1830, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, and musical critic of the most conservative stamp, extending liis opposition to everything modern, even to Gounod's Faust. Works : I due precettori, opera buffa, given about 1863 ; Sganarel- lo, do., Milan, Teatro Re, 1871 ; La guerra amorosa, Florence. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 20. ARCHAMBEAU, JEAN MICHEL D', born at Herve, Belgium, March 3, 1823, still living, 1888. Organist, first instructed by his father, then pupil of GofBn and of Joseph Massart, and studied harmony' and counterpoint from the treatises of Cheru- bini, Catel, and Fi'-tis. When scarcely fif- teen years old, he became instructor of music at the college of his native city, and ten years later organist at Petit-Rechain. Works : 2 masses for three men's voices, with organ ; 12 litanies ; 7 motets ; Ro- mances without words, for pianoforte, etc. He has also composed an operetta, which was given at Lit'ge, Theatre du Gymnase, 1859. His brother Edouard (born at Herve, Dec. 8, 1834), is a pianist, and has published several compositions for his instrument. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 21. ARCHER, FREDERIC, born of English parentage, Oxford, England, June 16, 1838, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of his father. In 1847 he became a chorister at Margaret Chapel (now All Saints' Chm-ch), London, and about five years later organist of St. Clement's, Oxford, and then of Mer- ton College, holding both appointments. After travelling on the Continent he was appointed organist of the Panopticon, now the Alhambra Theatre, and in 1862 gave weekly recitals on the great organ at the Universal Exhibition, in London. In 1863, in association with Julius Bene- dict, he directed the concerts of the Vocal Association ; in 1865 became organist and choirmaster of Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, London ; then of the Church of the Jesuit Fatliers, Farm Street, until 1873, when he accepted a similar position at Alexandra Palace, which was shortly after burned. In 1875, when the new Palace was completed, he resumed his position, and gave more than 2,000 recitals on the great organ, without repeating a programme. In 1877 he was given the entire musical di- rection of Alexandra Palace, and, besides the organ recitals, conducted the orchestral concerts and the English opera in the thea- tre. In 1879 he became musical examiner in the University of Glasgow ; and in 1880 formed an English opera comj)any, which ga^ve performances in the chief cities of Eng- land. He visited America in 1881, 23layed in many of the principal cities, and, after a short visit to Loudon, became organist of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, and subse- quently of the Church of the Incarnation, New York, during which he gave a series of ninety organ concerts in Chickering ARDEMANIO Hall. In 1885 he founded and edited The Keynote, a musical journal, and in 1887 became conductor of the Boston Oratorio Society, and removed to that city, where he still resides. Works : Adagio maestoso for organ ; Fugue in D minor, id. ; Grand fan- tasia in F, id. ; Andantes in D, F, and A, id. ; Concert variations, id. ; Jlarche triom- phale, id. ; 12 pieces, id. ; 2 gavottes in D and E-flat, for pianoforte ; Polka de sa- lon, id. ; 3 impromptus, id. ; King Witlaf's Drinking-horn ; Songs, part-songs, etc. He is the author also of "The Organ," a theo- retical treatise, with original exercises and compositions ; and of " The Collegiate Or- gan Tutor" (London, n. d.). ARDEMANIO, GIULIO CESARE, born (?), died in Milan in 1650. Maestro di cap- pella and organist of the churches S. M. della Scala and S. Fedele. His composi- tions were held in high esteem long after his death. Among them are : Motetti (Milan, 1616) ; Faux-Bourdons (ib., 1618) ; JIusica a pin voei con basso per I'organo (ib., 1628).— Fctis ; Schilling. ARDITI, LUIGI, born at Crescentino, Piedmont, July 16, 18 2 5. Dramatic composer and vio- linist, puj)il, in 18.36-42, at the Conservatorio, Mil- an. In 1843 he made his debut as director of the op- era at Vercelli, where he was made honorary member of the Accademia Filarmonica. With Bot- tesini he visited Havana in 1846, and then Boston, Philadelphia, and New York, where he conducted the opera at the opening of the Academy of Music, Oct. 2, 18.54. In 1856 he visited Constantinople, and in 18.58 settled in London as conductor at Her Majesty's Theatre. He afterwards travelled with an Italian company through the prin- cipal German cities, and conducted Italian ^^r'/\K: opera at St. Petersburg in the winter of 1871-73, and at Vienna each spring after 1870. Works : I briganti, opera, given at the Conservatorio, Milan, 1841 ; II corsaro, do., Havana, about 1846 ; La spia, do., New York, 1856 ; Overture (1840) ; do., and Sou- venir de Donizetti (1842) ; Commemoration ode, given at the Crystal Palace, June 10, 1873, and II Bacio, vocal waltz ; L' Ardita, do. He has also written violin music, con- sisting of arrangements from operas, or American songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 21 ; Mendel ; Yapereau, 1880. ARDITI, MICHELE, Marchese, born at Presicca, Naples, Sept. 29, 1745, died in Naj)les, April 23, 1838. Amateur dramatic comjjoser, pupil of Jommelli. In 1807 he became director-general of the Museo Re- ale Borbonico. "Works : Olimpiade, opera ; Sacred and secular cantatas ; Motets ; Sym- phonies ; Overtures ; Sonatas for piano- forte ; Arias with orchestra or pianoforte. — Fctis. ARDORE, Principe D'. See Milano. ARENA, GIUSEPPE, born in Naples (?) at the beginning of the 18th century. Di-a- matic composer, very popular in his time. Works — Operas : Aehille in Sciro, given in Rome, 1738 ; Tigrane, Venice, 1741 ; Ales- sandro in Persia, London, 1741 ; Farnace, Rome, 1742. He left in manuscript : Prin- cipj per cembalo o organo. — Fetis. ARENS, FRANZ XAVIER, born, of Ger- man parentage, on the banks of the Moselle, Germany, Oct. 28, 1856, stiU living, 1888. Organist, pupil on the j)ianoforte and organ of his father. When fifteen years old he be- came organist and choirmaster in a small town near Cleveland, Ohio ; after finishing the normal school course at St. Francis, near Milwaukee, where he studied the or- gan, the violin, and harmony and singing, he took charge of a church choir in Mil- waukee, at the same time continuing his lessons in counterpoint with Prof. Singen- berger of the St. Francis Normal School. After acting as musical director of Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., three years, he went 65 AEETINUS to Europe, where lie studied for two years in Munich, counterpoint, instrumentation, and tlie organ with Rheinberger, conduct- ing under Abel, and in Dresden coinjjosition under Wiillner, the pianoforte and organ under Jannseu, and score-reading under Kirchner. Upon his return to America he took the conductorshijJ of the Cleveland Ge- sang Verein and of the Cleveland Philhar- monic Orchestra, but resigned the latter position in 1887. He has also been organ- ist in one of the churches of that city since 188G. Works : Prelude and Fugue for or- gan, 1883 ; The Troubadour, for solo, cho- rus, and oreliestra ; Salve Eegina, for mixed chorus, 1884 ; String quartet in A minor, produced in Dresden, 1884 ; Symphonic Fantasia, Indianapolis, 1887 ; Slumber sweetlj', song ; Other songs, and music for mixed chorus. ARETINUS, PAULUS, Italian church composer of the 16th century. He is known bj' the following works, preserved in the royal library at ]M\inich : Sacra re- sponsoria, turn natali Domini, etc. Respon- soria hebdomadse sanct?e, etc. (Venice, 1547) ; (ib., 1544) ; Libro primo delli raadrigali cromatici (ib., 1549). — Fetis ; Mendel. ARGENTILLY, CARLO D', born prob- ably in Picardy, France, contemjDorary of Arcadelt, and, like him, singer and com- poser in the Pontifical Chapel, in the first half of the ICth century. Some of his works, bearing the date of 1543, are pre- served in the library of the Vatican, and justify the high estimation in which they were held in his time. — Schilling. ARGINE, CONSTANTINO DALL', born at Parma, May 12, 1842, died in Milan, March 1, 1877. Dramatic composer, au- thor of operas and ballets given in Italy. ARIA DELLA CALUNNIA. See .Bar- hiere di Siviglia. ARIADNE, Italian opera, text by Paolo Rolli. music by Porpora, represented at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London, Dec. 29, 1733. This was one of the operas put upon the stage by Handel's rivals, who pre- tentiously called their enterprise the "Op- I era of the Nobility." Porpora directed the performance in person. — Rockstro, Handel, 189. ARIANNA (Ariadne), Italian opera seria, text by Einuccini, music by Claudio Monte- verde, represented in Mantua, 1607, to cele- brate the marriage of Francesco di Gonzaga, son of the Duke, with Margherita, Infanta of Savoy. The success of this work, written in competition with Gagliauo's Dafne, which was produced at the same time, was unprec- edented. It is said that the audience was moved to tears during the performance of the scene in which Ariadne laments the de- jjarture of her faithless lover, the only part of the work, excepting a few passages of recitative, now presei-ved to us ; and that the composer's power was similarly shown on the reproduction of the opera in Venice, thirty years later. The story of the deser- tion of the unfortunate daughter of Minos by Theseus and her subsequent finding and marriage by Bacchus has also inspired many other musicians: Ariadne, music by Niccolo Porpora, Loudon, 1733 ; Ai-iana, mu- sic by Feo, Rome, 1728 ; music by Bene- detto Ferrari, Venice, 1640 ; Arianna, music by Handel, London, 1734 ; music by Adol- fati, Genoa, 1750 : Ariane, opera in five acts, text by the Abbe Perrin, music by Cambert, London, 1667 ; opera-ballet, music by Batistin, Versailles, about 1717 ; scene lyrique, music by Jean Baptiste Rochefort, Paris, 1785 ; Ariadne, music by Conradi, Hamburg, 1691 ; music by Keiser, Ham- burg, 1722 ; Ariana abbandonata (Ariadne Abandoned), music by Boniventi, Venice, 1719 ; Aiiana e Bacco (Ariadne and Bac- chus), music by Tarchi, Turin, 1785 ; Ariane et Bacchus, opera in five acts, text by Saint- Jean, music by Marais, Paris, March 8, 1696 ; do., music by Bouvard, represented at the Court of France, 1729 ; do., ballet, music by J. B. Rochefort, Paris, 1793 ; Bacchus und Ariadne, ballet, music by Thaddeus Weigh about 1800 ; Nozze d' Arianna e di Bacco (Nuptials of Ai-iadne and Bacchus), ARIANNA music by Holzbauer, Vienna, about 1780 ; Ariiichie auf Naxos, melodrama, music by George Benda, Gotlia, about 1769 ; ojjera, music by Bernhard Klein, Berlin, 1825 ; opera in two acts, music by Mme Paradies, Vienna, 1791 ; drama, text by Tb. Krebs, music by Max Selfriz, Lihvensberg, 18G1 ; Ariane dans File de Naxos, opera in one act, text by Moline, music by Edelmaun, Paris, 1782 ; Ai-iane et Thesee (Ariadne and The- seus), opera in five acts, text by Lagrange- Chancel and Roy, music by Mouret, Paris, 1717 ; Ariana e Teseo, Italian opera, music by Niccolo Porpora, Vienna, 1714 ; by Caf- faro, Najiles, 1766 ; by Piscbietti, Dresden, 1769 ; by Peter von Winter, Vienna, about 1796 ; by Benvenuti, Pisa, 1810 ; Trionfo d' Ariana (Triumph of Ariadne), music by Anfossi, Prague, about 1784 ; by Righini, Berlin, 1795. ARIANNA, Italian opera, text by Francis Colman, music by Handel, first represented at the King's Theatre, London, Jan. 26, 1734 The score is dated Oct. 5, 1733. The part of Theseus was magnificently sus- tained by Giovanni Carestini, an artificial contralto brought from Italy by Handel to take the place of Senesino, who had de- serted him to join the rival company at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre. The opei-a con- tains some very dramatic situations, and the minuet in the first scene was long poijular. — Rockstro, Handel, 189 ; Crysander, ii. 334. ARIANNA A NAXOS, cantata for voice with pianoforte, by Josef Haydn, composed in Vienna, 1790. Consisting of a recita- tive : Teseo mio ben, and the aria : Dove sei, mio bel tesoro. This vocal seena describes the moment of the myth when Ariadne, awaking on the rocky shore, espies the ship of Theseus sailing away in the distance. It is a highly dramatic scena, calling, however, for an orchestral accompaniment, which was supplied afterwards (1809) by Kapell- meister G. Abraham Schneider in Berlin. — Pohl, ii. 237, 358. ARIENZO, NICOLA D', born in Na- ples, Dec. 24, 1843. Dramatic composer, 67 pupil of Pietro Labriola on the pianoforte and of Vincenzo Fioravanti, Moretti, and Mercadante in harmony and counterpoint. He made his debut at the age of sixteen by producing an opei'a buffii, in Neapolitan patois, played in a trio of his own compo- sition at the Bouamici concert in 1864, became professor of harmony and com- position at r Albergo de' Poveri, and at the College of San Pietro a Majella, Naples. His four nocturnes for two, three, and four voices, won the second prize of the Societa del Quartetto, Milan, in 1869. Works— Operas : Monzii Gnazio o La fidauzata del Perucchiere (opera bufta in Neapolitan dia- lect), given at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 1860 ; I due mariti, ib., Teatro Bellini, 1866 ; Le rose, ib., 1868 ; II cacciatore delle Alpi, ib., 1870 ; n cuoco, ib., Teatro Rossini, 1873 ; I viaggi, Milan, Teatro Castelli, 1875 ; La figlia del diavolo, Naples, Teatro Bellini, 1879 ; I tre coscritti, ib. , Albergo de' Po- veri, 1880 ; Pensiero sinfouico, performed in Rome, 1871 ; H Cristo sulla croce, can- tata ; several overtures, and much vocal music. — Fi'tis, Supplt^ment, i. 22 ; Rie- mann ; Vapereau ( 1880). ARIOBANT (Ital., Ariodante), lyrical drama in three acts, text by Hoffmann, sub- ject from the " Orlando Furioso " of Ariosto, music by Mehul ; first rej)resented at the Theatre "^Favart, Paris, Oct. 11, 1799. It was the composer's favourite opera, but, though containing many dramatic beauties, was not very successful. Some of its airs were long popular, especially the romance : " Femme sensible, entends-tu le ramage?"; the duet of Ariodant and lua, "Dissi- pons ce sombre nuage ; " and the air of Dalinda, " Calmez, calmez cette colere." Other operas on same subject : Ariodante, Italian opera, music by Giovaiini jMaria Costa, Genoa, 1655 ; music by Pollarolo, Venice, 1716 ; music by Bioni, Bi-eslau, 1727 ; music by Handel, London, Jan. 8, 1735. .\RION, lyric tragedy in five acts, text by Fuzelier, music by Matho, represented at ARIOSTI the Academie Eoyale de Musique, Paris, i 1693 ; Dafue, Venice, 1686 (pub. 1696) ; April 10, 1711. Subject, the story of Ai-ion 1 Erifile, ib., 1697 ; La festa d' Imenei, near the Greek bard. AEIOSTI, ATTILIO, boru in about 1660, Berlin, 1700; Atys, Liitzenburg, 1700; La Bologna , madre de' Maccabei, Venice, 1701 ; Na- died (?). A Dominican monk, who, under a papal dispensation, gave up his ecclesiastical pro- fession to follow that of music, which art he had studied from youth up. With the exception of one ora- torio and a few cantatas, he wrote only for the stage. His first opera, Dafne (text by Apostolo Zeno) was brought out with fail- success at Venice in 1686. Besides be- ing a composer of great merit, he was a clever performer on the violoncello and the viol d' amore. In 1690 he was made either private composer or maestro di cappella to the Electress of Brandenburg, which post he held until 1716. During this period he probably left Berlin twice, once on a visit to Italy, and once to Austria. He first api bucodonosor, Vienna, 1706 ; La piti gloriosa fatica d' Ercole, Bologna, 1706 ; Amor tra Nemici, Vienna, 1708 ; Ciro, London, 1721 ; 1st act of Muzio Scevola, ib., 1721 ; Co- riolano, ib., 1723 ; Vespasien, ib., 1721 ; Ar- taserse, ib., 1721 ; Dario, ib., 1725 ; Lucio Vero, ib., 1726 ; Teuzzone, ib., 1727 ; Vol- ume of cantatas, and a collection of lessons for the viol d' amore, ib., 1728. — Grove, i. 83 ; Hogarth, ii. 21. ARIOVISTO (Ariovistus), Italian opera, music by Ballarotti, in collaboration with Perti and Paolo Magni, represented at the ducal theatre in Milan, 1699. Subject, the famous German chief, whose invasion of Gaul was checked by Caesar at Vesoutio (Besan(;on), b.c. 58. Another, same subject, music by Mancini, Naples, 1702. AEKADELT. See Arcadelt. ARLESIENNE, L', melodrama in three acts and five tableaux with entr'actes and choruses, text by Alphonse Daudet, music peared in London at the performance of | by Georges Bizet, represented at the Thea- Handel's Amadis, in which he played a solo for the viol d' amore. In 1720 the directors of the opera engaged him, together with Handel and Bononcini, to write for their theatre. The first opera given was Muzio Scevola, written by all three composers in collaboration, the first act being by Ariosti. But Handel's genius finally threw his two rivals into the shade, and at the close of the season of 1727 Bononcini and Ariosti were dismissed. In 1728 Ariosti quitted Eng- tre du Vaudeville, Paris, Sept. 30, 1872. Frederi, a young peasant of the Camarge, is in love vsdth a maiden of Aries (I'Arle- sienne), said to be very beautiful, but who does not ajjpear on the stage. When about to marry her, she is proved to be unworthy and he loses his reason. His mother, who wishes him to marry a charming young girl who loves him, is coldly repelled by him, and at last, in despair, gives her consent to his union with the Ailcsienne ; but it is too land, and nothing is known of his subse- 1 late, and he commits suicide by throwing quent life. Fetis's story that, previous to ! himself from a tower before her eyes. his departure, he published a volume of can- tatas by subscription, realizing £1,000, may or may not be true ; at any rate, he was mis- erably poor at the time. He was a man of talent and great cleverness rather than of genius. The list of his works, with date of first performance and publication, is : Sta. Eadegonda, Eegina di Francia, oratorio. AEMES, PHILIP, born in Norwich, Eng- land, Aug. 15, 1836, still living, 1888. Or- ganist ; chorister in Norwich Cathedral in 1816-18, and in Rochester Cathedral 1818- 51 ; articled pupil of Dr. John Larkin Hop- kins at Rochester, 1850-55 ; was organist of Trinity Church, Milton, Gravesend, in 1855- 57, of St. Andrew's, Wells Street, London, 68 ARM IDE in 1857-61, of Chichester Catbedraliu 1861- 02, and of Durham Cathedral since 1862 Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1858 ; Mus. Doc, ib., 1864 ; degrees also from University of Durham, 1863, 1864. Works : Hezekiali, oratorio, jierformed at Worcester Festival, 1878 ; St. John the Evangelist, do., York Festival, 1881; Com- munion Services in A ; do. in B-flat ; Te Deum ; Morning and G ; Antliems ; Chants ARMIDE, gi-and heroic opera in five acts, te-xt by Quinault, music by Gluck, repre- Evening Service in Hvmns, etc. Mara as Armide, sented at the Academic Royale de Musique, Paris, Sept. 23, 1777. Subject from the "Gerusalemme Liberata" of Tasso. Though produced at the height of the quarrel be- tween the Gluckists and the Piccinnists, this work won an enthusiastic success. In it the composer continued the musical revo- lution, begun in Alceste, of subordinating the singing to the ti'uth of dramatic expres- sion. The airs, "On s'etonnerait moins que la saison nouvelle," and " Ah ! si la liber- ie me doit etre ravie," are still classic, and the minuet and the gavotte in it were long popular. Among the best interpreters of Armide was Gertrude Elizabeth Mara, one of the most famous singers of the last cen- tury.^Marx, Gluck, ii. 184 ; Hanslick, Gluck u. d. Oper, 9. ARMIDE ET RENAUD (Armida and Rinaldo), lyric tragedy in five acts, text by Quinault, subject from the " Gerusalemme Liberata '" of Tasso, music by Jean Baptiste Lulli, first represented at the Opera, Paris, Feb. 15, 1680. This was Quinault's last and best libretto ; and Lulli's most popular score ; it had an unprecedented success and was applauded for nearly half a centurj-. Several of the airs, such as "La chaine de I'hymen m'otonne," and the recitative, "Le perfide Renaud me fuit," still survive in the classic repertory. The same subject has been treated also by Rampini, Venice, 1711 ; by Graun, text from Quinault, Berlin, 1751 ; by Traetta, Vienna, 1760 ; by Jomnielli, Naples, 1771 ; in three acts, by Salieri, Vi- enna, 1771 ; by Sacchini, Milan, 1772 ; by Nauniann, Padua, 1773 ; by Astaritta, 1777 ; by Gazzaniga, Italy, 1777 ; by Rauzzini, London, 1778 ; by Winter, Munich, 1778 ; by INIortellari, Milan, 1778 ; by Mysliweczek, about 1780 ; by Bertoni, Venice, 1781 ; in three acts, by Cherubini, Florence, 1782 ; by Anfossi, London, 1782 ; by F. J. Haydn, Esterhaz, 1784 ; by Zingarelli, Rome, 1786 ; by J. Mosca, Florence, 1799 ; two acts, text by Soltellini, music by Eighini, Aschaften- btirg, 1788, Berlin, 1799 ; by Rossini, Na- ples, 1817, in which he began bis sec- ond manner ; Armida abbandonata (Armida Abandoned), Italian opera, by Giovanni Rug- gieri, Venice, 1710 ; by Buini, Florence, 1723, also as Armida delusa (Deceived), Venice, 1720; by Prati, Munich, 1785; Ar- mida al campo (in the Camp), by Boni- venti, Venice, 1717 ; by Bioni, Breslau, 1720 ; Armida al campo d' Egitto (in the Egyptian Camp), by Vivaldi, Venice, 1718 ; by Giu- seppe Bertoni, Venice, 1781 ; Armida im- maginaria (Imaginary), Cimarosa, Naples, 1778 ; Armida placata (Appeased), music by ARMINGAUD Giambattista ]\Iele, Madrid, 1750 ; Avmida, Eegina di Damaso (Queeu of Damascus), Oi-giani, Verona, 1711 ; Armide la Magi- cienue (the Magician), bj- F. Gliiser, Vieuua, 1828 ; n trioufo d' Arniida (Triumpli of Armida), by Albinoni, Venice, 1726 ; Die Zauberin Armide (Armida the Enchantress), by Gliiser, Vienna, 1828 ; Riualdo, by Tozzi, Brunswick, 1775 ; by Guglielmi, Venice, 1789 ; music by Handel, Loudon, 1711 ; Einaldo e Armida, by Eccles, London, 1698 ; Rinald, German opera, by Hilffner, Stockholm, 1792 ; Rinald und Armide, by Rheineck, 1779 ; by Zumsteeg, Stuttgart, 1790 ; by von Paradies, Prague, 1797 ; Ri- nald im Zauberwald (Rinaldo in the En- chanted Wood), ballet, by Apell, Cassel, 1782. ARMINGAUD, JULES, born at Ba- yonue, May 3, 1820, still living, 1888. Vio- linist, studied in his native city. He went to Paris in 1839 to perfect himself at the Conservatoire, but was not admitted as be- ing too far advanced, and has since then been a member of the orchestra of the Opera. Works : Fantaisie, for violin and pianoforte, op. 8 (Paris, Brand us) ; Sere- nade for do., op. 9 (ib., Meissonier) ; Grande fantaisie on Zampa, for do., op. 10 (ib.) ; Vilanelle, op. 11 (ib.) ; Andante and Scher- zo, op. 13 (Paris, Richault) ; Fantaisie et variations, for violin and orchestra, op. 14 (ib.) ; Souvenir de Vasconie, for do., op. 15 (ib.) ; etc. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 22. ARlVnNIUS (Ital., Arminio ; Ger., Ar- min or Hermann), the German chief of the Cherusci, who defeated the legions of Varus in the Teutoberger forest and freed his country from the Roman yoke, is the sub- ject of many operas. Arminio, Italian op- era, music by Pollarolo, Pratolino, 1703, Venice, 1722 ; by Steffaui, Hanover, 1707 ; in three acts, by Scarlatti, Venice, 1714 ; by Johann Adolph Hasse, Milan, 1731, Dres- den, 1745 ; by Handel, London, Jan. 12, 1737 ; by Galuppi, Italy, 1747 ; by Gioac- chino Cocchi, Rome, 1749 ; by Ottani, Tu- rin, 1781 ; by Tritto, Rome, 1786 ; opera scria in three acts, music by Tarchi, Man- tua, 1786 ; by Bianchi, Florence, 1790 ; by Pavesi, Venice, 1821 ; Armiuius, French op- era, music by Mehul, 1794 (not represented) ; Armin, German opera in four acts, text by Felix Dahn, music by Heinrich Hofmann, Dresden, Oct. 14, 1877, Berlin, Nov. 14, 1877, with the tenor Niemann in the princi- pal role. ARMINIUS, secular oratorio, text by J. Clippers (English translation by Mrs. Natalia Macfarreu), music by Max Bruch, op. 43, l^erformed at Ziirich, 1877 ; at Boston, Mass., at the sixth triennial festival of the Handel and Haydn Society, in the Music Hall, INIay 4, 1883, under the composer's direction. Solos by Miss Emily Winant, Charles R. Adams, and Georg Henschel. ARMOURER OF NANTES, THE, Eng- lish opera in three acts, text by J. V. Bridg- man, founded on Victor Hugo's " Marie Tudor," music by Balfe ; represented at Coveut Garden, London, Feb. 12, 1863. Sung by Harrison, Sautley, Weiss, Corri, Miss Pyne, and Miss Hiles. — Barrett, Balfe, 247. AEMSDORFF, ANDREAS, born at Miihlberg, near Gotha, Sei^t. 9, 1670, died at Erfurt, Dec. 31, 1699. Composer of church and chamber music, and organist in several churches of Erfurt. Only a few of his numerous compositions have been pub- lished. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ARNAUD, fiTIENNE, born at Marseil- les, March 16, 1807, died there in January, 1863. Vocal composer, pupil of Plantade at the Paris Conservatoire. He has pub- lished more than two hundred romances, most of which obtained considerable suc- cess. — Fetis. ARNE, ]\nCHAEL, Ijorn in London in 1741, died at South Lambeth, Jan. 14, 1786 . Dramatic composer ; son of Thomas Augustine Arne. He early showed a talent for music, being al)le to plaj' on the harpsi- chord with gi-eat correctness, wlien only ten j'ears old, the lessons of Scarlatti and Han- del, and later exhibited great facility in the 70 ARNE composition of songs aucl dramatic pieces. In " The Flow'ret, a New Collection of Euglisli Songs, by Master Arne," is a song called the Highland Laddie, written at the age of thirteen, which was adapted by Liu- ley in 1755 to "Ah, sure a pair were never seen," in Sheridan's opera, The Duenna. After devoting several years to chemistry in search for the philosopher's stone, he turned to composition again, and wrote for Rane- lagh, Covent Garden, and Vauxhall. He •was director of music at the Dublin The- atre in 1779, and of the Lenten Orato- rios at London theatres in 1781 and later. Works— Operas : Alcmena (with Battishill), The Fay's Tale, given in London, Drury Lane, 1761; Cymon, ib., 1767; The Fa- thers, ib., 1778 ; The Belle's Stratagem, ib., 1780; The Choice of Harlequin, ib., 1781; The Positive Man, ib., 1782 ; Tristram Shandy, ib., 1783. — Grove ; Hogarth, Mus. Drama, ii. 102. ARNE, THOMAS AUGUSTINE, born in London, March 12 [May 2 8?] 1710, died there, March 5, 1778. The son of an up- holsterer in King Street, Covent Gar- den ; he was edu- cated at Eton, and then studied three j-ears in a solici- tor's office, but his bent for music was stronger than his love for the law, and he at last persuaded his jjarents to let him give up the latter for the former. He studied the violin under Fest- ing, and also took lessons on the spinet and in composition. He was the singing teach- er of his sistei', Susanna Maria, who, after a short career as an opera-singer, became famous as an actress and the wife of Colley Gibber. Arne's first opera was a resetting of Addison's "Rosamond," which he made for his sister, and in which she appeared at the Lhicoln's Inn Fields Theatre, March 7, 1733. In 1736 he married Cecilia, eldest (laughter of Charles Young, organist of All- hallows, Barking, a brilliant singer who was famous in Handel's operas. In 1742 he went with his wife to Dublin, where he stayed until 1741. On his return to Lou- don he was engaged as composer at Drury Lane, and became conductor of the orches- tra there after Gordon's death. In 1745 he was engaged as composer to Vauxhall Gar- dens, a post which he held for many years, writing a host of songs for the Gardens, as well as for Ranelagh and Marjdebone Gar- dens. On March 12, 1755, was produced his first oratorio, Abel. On July G, 1750, the University of Oxford conferred upon him the degree of Mus. Doc. In 1762 he produced Artaxerxes, an opera in the Italian style, with recitative instead of spo- ken dialogue, and the text of which he himself translated from Metastasio's Arla- serse. The part of Mundane, famous for its florid writing, was written for and sung by his pupil. Miss Brent. This, which held the stage for more than seventy-five years, has been accounted his best work. His second oratorio, Judith, was represented on Feb. 29, 1764. At a performance of this work at Covent Garden Theatre, Feb. 26, 1773, Dr. Arue first introduced women's voices into oratorio choruses. In 1765 he brought out his only Italian opera, a setting of Metastasio's OJimpiadf, but without suc- cess. His last dramatic work was the mu- sic to Mason's Caractacus, 1776. Besides his operas, he wrote a vast amount of other vocal music, glees, canons, catches (seven of which won prizes at the Catch Club), and a good deal of instrumental music. He was buried in St. Paul's, Covent Gar- den. His wife outlived him about seven- teen years. Dr. Arne has been called the greatest English composer of the 18th century. His melodic stj'le was elegant and brilliant ; he imitated neither Lulli, Purcell, nor Handel, as most of his contem- poraries did, but his melodies often suggest at once the Italian manner and the flavour AENEIKO of Scotch songs. His failure in Italian opera is probably attributable to this field's beiug so stroDgly occupied by Haudel and BoDoucini. His oratorios are, iu geueral, weaker than bis operas, the choruses esj)e- cially bearing no comparison with those of the great oratorio eomi^osers of his day ; yet he was the first composer to introduce female voices into oratorio choruses in Eng- land. Much of his incidental music to Shakespeare's plays has become standard, and the air Rule Britannia, the finale of his music to Thomson and Mallet's masque "Alfred," written in 1740 to commemorate the anniversary of the accession of the House of Hanover, Aug. 14th, is world fa- mous. Works — Operas, etc. : Rosamond, given at Drury Lane, Loudon, 1733 ; The Opera of Operas ; or, Tom Thumb the Great, Haymarket, ib., 1733 ; Dido and iEneas, 1734 ; The Fall of Phaeton, 1736 ; Music to Zara, 1730 ; Comus, 1738 ; Judg- ment of Paris, 1740 ; Alfred, 1740 ; Songs iu Twelfth Night, 1741 ; Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green, 1741 ; Songs in The Merchant of Venice, 1742 ; Britannia, 1743 ; Eliza, 1743 ; Thomas and Sally, 1743 ; The Temple of Duhiess, 1745 ; King Pepin's Camj^aigu, 174.5 ; Music to the Tempest, 1746 ; Neptune and Amphitrite, 1746 ; Don Saverio, 1749 ; Dirge in Ro- meo and Juliet, 1750 ; The Prophetess, 1759 ; The Sultan, 1759; Aiiaj-er.res, 1762 ; Love iu a Village (compilation), 1762 ; Birth of Hercules (not represented), 1763 ; The Guardian Outwitted, 1764 ; Olimpiade (Italian), 1765 ; The Ladies' Frolic, 1770 ; Additions to Purcell's King Arthur, 1770 ; The Fairy Prince, 1771 ; The Cooper, 1772 ; Choruses in Mason's Elfrida, 1772; The Kose, 1773 ; Contest of Beauty and Virtue, 1773 ; Achilles in Petticoats, 1773 ; May Day, 1775 ; Phoebe at Court, 1776 ; Music to Mason's Caractacus, 1776 ; Songs in The Tender Husband, The Rehearsal, The Rival Queens, and other plays. Oratorios : Abel, 1755 ; Jifdith, 1764. Collections of songs under the following titles : Lvric Harniouv, The Agreeable Musical Choice, Summer Amusement, Winter's Amusements, The Sy- ren ; Vocal Melody, 1753 ; The Vocal Grove, 1774 ; and nearly twenty other books of songs. Glees, Catches, Canons, etc. : 12 glees, 10 catches, 6 canons, printed iu War- ren's Collections; Ode on Shakespeare, writ- ten by Garrick for the Shakespeare Jubilee at Stratford-on-Avon, 1 769 ; Sonatas or les- sons for the harjjsichord ; Organ concertos ; Overtiu-es for orchestra, etc. — Grove ; Ho- garth, ii. 65 ; Buruey, iv. 6 — ; Dwight's Journal, xiii. 205. ARNEIRO, (JOSfi AUGUSTO) FER- REIRA VEIGA, Vicomte D', born at Ma- cao, China, Nov. 22, 1838, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, of a family distinguished in the musical cu-cles of Lisbon. He studied law at the University of Coimbra, but from 1859 to 1862 studied harmony under Manoel Joaquim Botelho, counterj)oiut and fugue under Vicente Schira, and the pianoforte un- der Antonio Jose Soares. He began com- posing orchestra music, entr'actes, and other pieces, and produced a ballet, Ginu, at the Teatro San Carlos, Lisbon, iu 1866. He wrote a great deal of church music. His jirineipal work, a Te Deum, performed at St. Paul's, Lisbon, in 1871, was afterwards brought out iu Paris as a symphonie can- tata. Works : Scherzo in E-flat ; Polonaise de Concert ; Refrains du Priutemps, a col- lection of characteristic pieces ; Elisire di giovinezza, opera, Lisbon, 1876, Milan, 1877. — Fetis, Sujjplemeut, i. 23 ; Naumann (Ouse- ley), ii. 1265 ; Rieniann, Lex. ARNOLD, GEORG, born at Weldsberg, in the Tyrol, lived about the middle of the 17th century. He was organist at Inns- bruck, and later of the cathedral at Bam- berg. He jiublished the following works : Cantionum sacrarum de tempore, op. 1 ; Tres Mottettos de Nomine Jesu, op. 2 ; Psalmi de Beata Maria Vergine, etc., with violin or viola (1652) ; Cautiones et Sonettse (1659) ; Sacrarum cantionum, etc. (1661) ; Psalmi Vespertini ; Tres Missse pro defuuc- tis, etc. (1676) ; Messarum quatern. cum no- ARNOLD vem vocibus, i. pars. (1673) ; id., ii. pars. (1675).— Fetia, 3 ; Schilling. ARNOLD, GEORGE BENJ^ykHN, born at Petworth, Sussex, England, Dec. 22, 1832, still living, 1888. Pupil of S. S. Wesley ; Mas. Doc, Oxford', 1861 ; was organist of St. Col- umba's College, 1852, of St. Mary's Chnrcli, Torquay, 1863, of Ne^v• College, Oxford, 1860, of Winchester Cathe- dral, 18G5. Works : Ahab, oratorio, Exeter Hall, Loudon, 1863 ; The Second Coming of Our Lord, oratorio ; The Song of David, cantata ; Sennacherib, do., Gloucester, 1883 ; The Forty-third Psalm ; Communion Ser- vice ; Te Deums ; Anthems and Motets ; Con- certed vocal music ; Songs ; Pianoforte music. ARNOLD, JOHANN GOTTFRIED, born at Niederuhall, Wiirtemberg, Feb. 1, 1773, died at Frankfort, July 26, 1806. Violon- cellist, son of the schoolmaster of Niedern- hall. He showed such taste for music that his father apprenticed him from 1785 to 1789 to the musical director of the town of Kiinzelsau, under whom he devoted himself to the violoncello. In 1790 he entered on bis first engagement at Wertheim, where his uncle Friedrich Adam Arnold was mu- sical director, and took lessons of the or- ganist Frankenstein in composition. After concert tours in Switzerland and Gei-many, where he played his own concertos, he studied under the violoncellist Willmanu at Ratisbon (1796), and later visited Berlin and Hamburg, where he studied the method and style of Bernhard Romberg. He be- came first violonceUist in 1798 at the Frankfort Theatre, and was well known as a teacher and composer. Works ; Five concertos for violoncello ; Symphonic con- certante for two flutes and orchestra ; Airs with Variations, op. 9 (Bonn) ; Pieces for the guitar. — Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xii. 609 ; Fe- tis; Gerber, Hist. Lex.; Schilling. ARNOLD, KARL, born at Neuenkircheu near Mergentheim, Wiirtemberg, May 6, 1794, died at Christiania, Nov. 11, 1873. Pianist, sou and pupil at Frankfort of Jo- hann Gottfried Arnold, then pupil at Offen- bach of Philipp Karl Hoffmann and Aloys Schmitt on the pianoforte, and of Vollweiler and Anton Andre in comjjosition. After a concert tour through Germany and Poland, he settled in 1819 at St. Petersburg, where he was in great demand as a teacher, but in 1824 removed to Berlin, whence he was called in 1835, as musical director, to Miins- tei'. In 1817 he gave concerts at St. Pe- tersbui'g, and in 1849 became director of the Philharmonic Society, and organist at Christiania. His music is refined, and full of technical difiiculties. Works : Sextet with pianoforte ; Sonatas for do., op. 3 and 5 (Offenbach, Andre) ; Sonata for do., with clarinet and bass, oj). 7 (ib.) ; Divertisse- ment for do., Nos. 1 and 2, op. 12 and 13 (Berlin, Schlesinger) ; Rondo for do., oj). 14 (ib. ) ; Variations on an Original Theme, op. 16 ; Vive Henri IV., rondo for pianoforte and violoncello (Leipsic, Peters) ; Rondo- letto. No. 4 ; Concerto for pianoforte, with orchestra, op. 17 (Berlin, Christiaui) ; Valses favorites (ib., Grochenschuetz) ; Rondo for pianoforte for four hands (Offenbach, An- dre) ; Divertissements for pianoforte, op. 13, 14, 16, 24 ; Fantaisies et variations, op. 17, 20 ; Canticle for four male voices (Bruns- wick, Sptihr) ; Quartet for two violins, viola, and violoncello, op. 19 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; Thelephos, opera, given at Kuuigs- berg about 1830 ; Irene, do., Berlin, 1832. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. ARNOLD, SAMUEL, born in Lonlomatic mission to the court of Parma, where he made him- self very popular, but was sent to Vienna by the duke iu 1705, to break off a love affair between the young composer and his puj^il, Elisabetta Farnese, the duke's sister. He spent the greater part of his life in travels through Spain, Portugal, England, and Italy. Shortly after 1720 he retired to the Prince of Lobkwitz's Sehloss Kaudnitz, in Bohemia, where he remained until his death. He was a handsome man of the world, of graceful manners and pleasing address, and a most accomplished singer. As a composer, he is now chiefly famous for his great Skibaf. Mater for 4 voices (Oxford, 1713). He wrote also a pastoral opera, Dafui (Barcelona, June, 1709), and many cantatas, of which the Abbate Santini has 54 for soprano, 44 for contralto, with figured bass, and 10 for two female voices. The score of Dafni is in the Kiesewetter collec- tion in the Hofbibliothek, Vienna. The Stabat Mater, with additional accompani- ments by Robert Franz, is published by F. E. C. Leuckart, Leijssic. — Rochlitz, Fiir Freunde der Tonkuust, ii. 43 ; Grove, i. 99 ; Riehl, Musikalische Charakterkopfe, i. 16. ASTREA PLACATA (Astrea Appeased), Italian operetta in one act, text by Metas- tasio, music by Predieri, represented iu Vi- enna, Aug. 28, 1739, to celebrate the birth- day of the Empress Elizabeth. Scene iu the palace of Jove ; subject from Ovid's "Meta- morphoses." Characters represented : Gl- ove, Astrea, Apollo, La Clemenza, II Rigore. ASTREE (Astrea), lyric tragedy in three acts, text by La Fontaine, music by Colasse, represented at the Academic Royale de Mu- sique, Paris, Nov. 28, 1691. AS-TU SOUFFERT, AS-TU PLEURE. See Mignon. ASTUZIE FEMINILI, LE (Woman's Cunning), Italian opera, text by Metastasio, &3 ASTYANAX music by Cimarosa, repi'esented at the Tea- tro del Fondo, Naples, 1793 ; Opera Italieu, Paris, Oct. 21, 1802, and again in 1803, 1814, and 187-4. — Clement and Larousse, 831. ASTYANAX (Ital., Astiauasse), French opera in three acts, text by Dejaure, music by Kreutzer, represented at the Opera, Paris, April 12, 1801. The libretto is de- rived from the " Troyades " of Eurijjides and of Seneca, and the hero is Astyauas, son of Hector and Andromache, who, after the fall of Troj', was hurled from the bat- tlements by the Greeks to prevent the ful- filment of the decree of fate, by which he was to restore the city. Italian operas on the same subject, text by Salvini : Astia- nasse, music bj' Leo, Naples, 1725 ; music bj- Vinci, Venice, 1725 ; music by Bouoncini, London, May 6, 1727 ; music by Jommelli, Rome, 1741 ; music by Pampiui, Italy, 1755 ; music by Galuppi, about 17G0. ATALANTA (Atalante), the Arcadian hunt- ress, who was won for his wife by Mela- niou, through a cunning stratagem, is the subject of several operas. Italian opera, text by Pallavicino, music by J. K. Karl, Munich, 1667 ; music by Draghi, Vienna, 1669 ; text by Zeno, music by Chelleri, Fer- rara, 1713 ; music by Handel, London, May 12, 1736 ; music by Johann Adolph Hasse, Dresden, 1737 ; music by Giordani, Turin, 1792 ; music by Steffimi, Hamburg, 1698 ; German opera, music by Strungk, Leipsic, 1695. Atalanta e Meleagro, music by Ei- ghini, Beriin, 1797. ATENAIDE, L', or, Gli affetti generosi, Italian ojieretta in two parts, text by Metas- tasio, music by Bonno, represented privately in the palace of the Ai'chduchess Marianna Isabella de Bourbon, Vienna, 1762. Sub- ject, the elevation to the imperial purple of Athenais, afterwards Eudocia, wife of Theo- dosius n.. Emperor of the East. Scene in an imperial palace on the banks of the Bos- porus. Characters represented : Teodosio il Giovane, Emperor, secretly in love with Atenaide ; Marziano, general of the imperial army, also in love with her ; Atenaide, se- cretly in love with Teodosio ; Pulcheria, elder sister of Teodosio, secretly in love with Marziano ; Asterio, imperial prince, also in love with Atenaide. A TE, O CARA. See PurUani. ATHALIA, oratorio, text by Samuel Hum- phreys, music b}' Handel, first performed at Oxford, July 10, 1733. The score of this, the third of Handel's oratorios, was finished June 7, 1733. The text is arranged in imi- tation of the " Athalie " of Racine. The oratorio was given in London five times in April, 1735, with Miss Young as Athalia, Siguora Strada as Josabeth,Carestini as Joad, Waltz as Abuer, and Master Goodwill (?) as the young King Joash. Handel rearranged much of the music of Athalia for an Italian serenata, called Parnasso in Festa, produced at the King's Theatre, March 13, 1734, in honour of the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Prince of Orange. The ora- torio was revived in London, June 20, 1845, by the Sacred Harmonic Society. Pub- lished by the Himdel-Gesellschaft (Leip- sic, 1859).— Schcelcher, Handel, 156 ; Rock- stro, Handel, 199. ATHALIE, music to Racine's drama of, for chorus and orchestra, by Mendelssohn, o-p. 74 (ojj. 2, posth.) ; composed 1843 (choruses), i and 1844-45 (overture). Early in 1845 the choruses were rewritten and scored for or- chestra. It was first performed in Berlin, Dec. 1, 1845. It was given in England at Windsor Castle, Jan. 1, 1847, and by the Phil- harmonic, London, March 12, 1849. Cho- ruses for Athalie were written also by Abt Volger, Stockholm, 1791 ; by Gossec, Paris, 1791 ; by Boildieu, ib., 1836 ; by Ftlix Cle- ment, ib., 1858 ; and by Cohen, ib., 1859. ATTALO, R£ DI BITINIA (Attalus, King of Bithynia), Italian opera, music by Johann Adoljah Hasse, represented in Naples, 1728 ; by Aurisicchio, London, 1758 ; by Alessandri, Florence, 1780; by Caruso, Rome, 1790. ATTENHOFER, KARL, born at Wetting- en, near Baden, Switzerland, May 5, 1837, still living, 1888. Composer, pupil of Dan- iel Elster at Baden, of Kurz at Neufcha- 84 ATTERBURY tel, aud of Richter, Papperitz, Dreyselioek, Rontgeu, and Scbleiuitz at the Conservato- rium iu Leipsic. In 1859 he became musical instructor at Muri (Aargau), iu 1863 con- ductor of a male singing society at Rappers- wyl, iu wbich capacity he soon won reputa- tion, and assumed the direction of several other societies, removing in 1867 to Ziirich, where in 1879 he became organist aud mu- sical director of the Catholic church. He is one of the most distinguished Swiss com- posers, especially of male choruses, but also of choruses for female, aud mixed voices, songs, pianoforte pieces, violin studies, aud some masses. — Riemann. ATTERBURY, LUFFMAN, born in Eng- land about 1740, died at Westminster, June 11, 1796. Musician iu ordinary to George TIT, He composed numerous catches and glees, aud between 1778 and 1780 obtained from the Catch Club prizes for three glees and two catches ; he also wrote an oratorio, Goliah, which was performed at the Hay- market Theatre in 1773. About 1790 he published A Collection of Twelve Glees, Rounds, etc. A number of his glees and catches are in Warren's collections. ATTILA, King of the Huns (a.d. 434-454), called the Scourge of God, is the subject of several operas : Music by Pietro Antonio Ziani, Venice, 1672 ; music by Johann W^olf- gang Franck, represented iu Hamburg, 1682 ; Italian opera, text by Rossi, music by Giuseppe Pariuelli, Venice, 1810 ; music by Malipiero, Venice, 1846 (later entitled Ilde- gonda di Borgogua) ; text by Solera, music by Verdi, Venice, 1846, New York, March 15, 1850, one of the most feeble of the mas- ter's works. The terzet, " Te sol' quest' auima" (for S., T. aud B.), however, is one of the finest examples of Verdi's short con- certed pieces, aud has been sung more than anything else by him in this form. Attila iu Aquileja (in Aquileia, which he besieged, A.D. 451), opera seria, music by Giuseppe Persiani, Parma, 1827 ; Attila il Re de' Franchi (King of the Franks), text by So- grafi, music by Mosca, Palermo, 1818. ATTILIO REGOLO (Atilius Regulus), Italian opera iu three acts, text l>y Jletastasio, first set to music by Hasse and represented in Dresden, during the carnival, in 1750. Scene uear Rome. Characters represented : Regolo ; Manlio, consul ; Attilia and Publio, children of Regolo ; Barce, a noble Carthage- niau girl, slave of Publio ; Licinio, tribune of the people, in love with Attilia ; Amilcare, ambassador of Carthage, in love with Barce. The same text has been set to music also by Scarlatti, Rome, 1719 ; Egidio Naselli, Pal- ermo, 1748 ; Johauu Adolph Hasse, Dres- den, 1750 ; Jommelli, Rome, 1752 ; Carlo Monza, Munich, 1777. See also Eegulus. ATTRIJP, KARL, born at Copenhagen, March 4, 1848, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil iu 1867 at the Conservatorium in Co- penhagen, of Gade, whom he succeeded two years later as instructor at the same insti- tution. In 1871 he was appointed orgauist at St. Frederick's, aud in 1874 at the Church of the Redeemer, aud instructor of the or- gan in the Royal Institute for the Blind. He has given many organ concerts through- out Denmark, Schleswig, and Swedeu, and is the author of valuable organ music and of songs. — Mendel, Ergiinz., 17. ATTWOOD, THOMAS, born in London iu 1767, died there, March 28, 1838. Dra- matic composer and orgauist ; pupil of Dr. Nares and Dr. Ayrton, while a chorister iu the Chapel Royal, from 1776 to 1881, of Fi- lippo Ciuque and Gaetano Latilla in Naples in 1783-85, and of Mozart in Vienna until his return to England in 1787. He was under the immediate patronage of George IV., by whom, when Prince of Wales, he was sent to Italy to study, and fi-om whom he received most of bis appointments. Attwood held successively the following offices : Orgauist of St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, aud member of the Prince of Wales's chamber band ; musical in- structor to the Duchess of York in 1791, to the Princess of Wales in 1795, organist of St. Paul's Cathedral iu 1795, composer to the King's Chapel Royal on the death of 86 ATI'S Dr. Dupuis in 1796 ; organist of George IV. 's private chapel in the Pavilion at Brighton in 1821 ; and organist of the Chapel Royal in 1836. He occasionally conducted concerts of the Philharmonic Society, of which he became a member on its organization in 1813. Attwood's earlier compositions were dramatic, but later he devoted himself to church music, sonatas, songs, and glees. Attwood was a friend of Mendelssohn, who dedicated to him some of his best compositions. AVorks : The Prisoner, opera, given in London, 1792 ; The Mariners, do., ib., 1793 ; Caernarvon Castle, do., ib, 1798 ; The Adopted Child, do., ib., 1795 ; The Poor Sailor, do., ib., 1795 ; The Smugglers, do., ib., 1796 ; The Mouth of the Nile, do., ib., 1798 ; The Devil of a Lover, do., ib., 1798 ; A Day at Rome, do., ib., 1798 ; The Castle of Sorrento, do., ib., 1799 ; The Red Cross Knights, do., ib., 1799 ; The Old Clothesman, do., ib., 1799 ; The Magic Oak, do., ib., 1799 ; True Friends, do., ib., 1800 ; The Dominion of Fancy, do., ib., 1800 ; The Escapes, or the Water Car- rier (partly original, partly from Cherubiui's Les deux journees), do., ib., 1801 ; II Bon- docani, do., ib., 1801 ; St. David's Day, do., ib., 1801; The Curfew, do., ib., 1807; Two songs contributed to Guy Manneriug, 1816 ; Anthem with orchestral accompani- ment, I was glad (written for coronation of George IV.) ; do., O Lord, grant the King a long life (coronation of William IV.) ; a volume containing four services, eight an- thems, nine chants (edited by his godson. Dr. Thomas Attwood Walmisley, fifteen years after Attwood's death). A third an- them was begun for the coronation of Queen Victoria, but never finished. His song, The Soldier's Dream, was long jwp- ular ; his glees, In peace Love tunes the Shepherd's reed, and, To all that breathe the air of Heaven, are still well known ; and his services in F and D are household words in most cathedrals. — Barrett, Eng- lish Church Composers, 152 ; Fetis ; Grove ; Naumaun (Ouseley), ii. 1287. ATYS, lyric tragedy in five acts, text by Quinault, music by Lulli, represented at St. Germain, before Louis XTV., Jan. 10, 1676, and in Paris, August, 1677. Subject, the love of Cybele for the beautiful Phry- gian shepherd Atys. This work, now for- gotten, was greatly liked by the king. In 1682, on its third representation, the ballet was danced by the chief lords and ladies of the court. It was reproduced ten times at the Academic de Musique between 1687 and 1710. Quinault's text, reduced to three acts by Marmontel, with music by Nieolo Piccinni, was represented at the Academie de Musique, Feb. 22, 1780. Though successful, it did not keep the stage long. On the same subject are the operas, Atide, music by Giacomo Perti [ (with Tosi), Bologna, 1679 ; Atide, music \ by Mysliweczek, Padua, 1771 ; Atys, music by Ariosti, Lutzenburg, 1700 ; and Cibele et Ati, music by Antonio Bertali, Vienna, 1666. AUBER, DANIEL FRANCOIS ESPRIT, born at Caen (Cal- vados), Jan. 29, 1784, died in Par- is, May 12, 1871. His father, Jean Baptiste Daniel Auber, was officer of the king's hunt, and an amateur musician ; and an uncle, Daniel Au- ber, was painter Auber first studied music as an accomplishment, taking pianoforte les- sons of Ladurner, and was sent to London to enter a commercial house. Business soon i^roved distasteful to him, and he re- turned to Paris, where he became well known in certain artistic circles for his compositions, mostly chamber music. His first dramatic work was a new setting of the text of an old comic opera, Julie, the orchestral part of which he wrote for strings only. This was soon followed by another to the king. iffi AUBERLEN opera ; both works were given in private ; first two and tliose otherwise marked, about 1812, and were much applauded, j Works — Operas : Julie, 1812 (?) ; Le sejour In sinte of these amateur successes, he felt ! militaire, 1813 ; Le testament, 1810 ; La dissatisfied with his work, and began seri ous studies under Cherubini. His studies ended, he wrote a four-part mass. He first appeared before the public in 1813, with an opera in one act, Le sujour militaire ; this, with Le testament, ou les billets-doux, 1819, was wholly unsuccessful. But in 1820 his three-act La bergere chatelaine, given at the Opera Comique (Feydeau), was much applauded, and Emma, ou la promesse im- prudente, 1821, confirmed his reputation. In Le concert a la cour, and Lij>cadii\ both 182-1, and notably iu Le mapon, 1825, a new and more mature development of his style was noticeable ; here begins his sec- ond manner. This second period closed gloriously with La Muette de Portici, given at the Opera, 1828. To his third period belong his master-works. La fiancee, Fra Diavolo, Leittocq, Le chrva! de bronze, Le domino noir, Zanetta. "With the Diamants de la couronne (1811) his style began to expand still further, and he reached the apogee of that form ^ J\)Ww^'«b», ?<)vJ*^v«Jcuv 'i.^jui^J^ ^- w^^InqiA' | known as the opera-comique. To this fourtli period belong also La part d'amour 1869. — B. Jouvin, D. F. E. Auber, du diable. La airhie, and Haydie. Auber j sa vie et ses oeuvres (Paris, Heugel, 1861) ; was at once the greatest and the most Dwight's Journal, ii. 179; xxii. 291; E. de characteristically French of all the writers Mirecourt, Auber (18.'5-l-58). of opera comique. He did not enter upon AUBERLEN, SAMUEL GOTTLOB, his professional career until the age of born at Feilbach, near Stuttgart, Nov. 23, berghre chatelaine, 1820 ; Emma, 1821 ; Leicester, 1823 ; La neige, 1823 ; Le concert a la cour, 1824 ; Iji-ocadic, 1824 ; Le marnn, 1825 ; Fiorella, 182() ; Le timide, 1826 ; La muelle de Portici, Opera, 1828 ; La fiand-e, 1829 ; Le diexi et la bayadere, Opi'ra, 1830 ; Fra Diavolo, 1830 ; Le philtre, Opura, 1831 ; Le servient. Opera, 1833 ; Gastave in.. Opera, 1833 ; Lestocq, 1834 ; Le cheval de bronze, 1835 ; Action, 1836 ; Les cha- perons blancs, 183G ; L'AmhaAsadrice, 1836 ; Le domino noir, 1837 ; Le lac des fees, Opi'ra, 1839 ; Zanetta, 1840 ; Les diamants de la couronne, 1841 ; Le due d'Olonne, 1842 ; La jxirt du Diable, 1853 ; La siriine, 1844 ; La barcarolle, 1845 ; Haijdec, 1847 ; L'rnfant prodigue. Opera, 1850 ; Zerline, Opera, 1851 ; Marco Spada, 1852 ; Jenntj Bell, 1855 ; Ma- non Lescaut, 185(> ; La Circassienne, 1861 ; I Jjo, Jiancee du roi de Garbe, /Y , ijti^ 1864 ; Jje premier jour de •^ ''^ / bonheur, 1868 ; lUves ( twenty-nine ; his last opera. Roves d'amour, was written at the age of eighty-five. If his genius showed symptoms of decay 1758, died at Ulm after 1824. Organist ; after having occupied positions as conduc- tor, Conzertmeister, and organist at Zii- in the last few years of his life, some rich, Stuttgart, Zofingen, Winterthur, Tii- of his very best work was done when he bingen, and Schaffhausen, under constant adversities, which he lias described in an autobiography (Ulm, 1824), he was finally was over sixty. In 1825 he was named chevalier of the Legion of Honour, and was admitted member of the Academic des appointed oi-ganist and musical director at Beaux Arts de llnstitut in 1829. He ^ the Cathedral of Ulm iu 1819. Works: wrote forty-two operas (not counting those Lob der Poesie, Lob der Musik, cantatas ; which he wrote in collaboration with others), besides many ballets and occasional pieces. Das Fest der Christen auf Golgotha, orato- rio ; Mass ; Seclis moderne Walzer fiir In the following list, all were brought out Clavier, op. 7 (Augsburg, 1799) ; Euterpens at the Opera Comique in Paris except the Opfer am Altar der Gi-azien (1801); other 87 A LIBERT collections of dances, etc., for pianoforte ; Forty melodies for male voices (Muuich, 183-1:) ; Fifty songs for two, three, and four voices (Esslingen) ; etc. — Fetis. AUBEET, JACQUES (the elder), born in France, end of 17th century, died at Belleville, near Paris, in 1753. He was violinist in the roj'al band in 1727, first violinist in the orchestra of the Oprra and in the Concerts Spirituels in 171:8, in which year he became leader of the band and di- rector of the Due de Bourbon's private mu- sic. Works : 5 books of violin sonatas, with a bass ; 12 suites en trio ; 2 books of concertos for four violins, violoncello, and bass ; airs and minuets for two violins and bass ; La paix trioraphante, opera (1713) ; Diane, ballet divertissement, (with Bour- geois, 1721) ; Le ballet de 24 heures (1722); La reine des Peris, words by Fuselier (1725) ; La fete champetre et guerriere (174:6) ; Le ballet de Chantilly, cantata, Paris, 1728.— Fetis ; Grove. AUBEET, PIEEEE FEANgOIS OLI- VIEE, born at Amiens in 1763, died (?). Violoncellist, member of the orchestra of the Opera Comique, Paris, for twenty-five years. Works : 3 quartets for two violins, viola, and violoncello, op. 1 (Ziirich, 1796) ; 3 do., op. 2 ; 3 duets for violoncellos, op. 3 ; 3 do., op. 5 ; do., op. 6 ; do., oj). 7 ; fitudes for violoncello, followed by thi-ee duets and three sonatas, ofi. 8 ; 8 books of sonatas. He has also published two meth- ods for violoncello. — Ft'tis. AUBEEY DU BOULLEY, PEUDENT LOUIS, born at Verneuil (Eure), Dec. 9, 1796, died there, February, 1870. Instru- mental composer, tirst instructed by his father, who was a good musician. At the age of five be was able to read music at sight, and at ten played difficult concertos on the flute and on the horn. In 1808 he was sent to Paris, and studied at the Con- servatoire, under Monsignj-, Mehul, and Cherubini until 1815 ; returned to Ver- neuil, where he seized every opportunity to take part in concerts, given by artists there and in the neighborhood. Obliged to live in the country from 1827 ou account of his health, he practised agriculture, pub- lished a method of instruction entitled " Grammaire musicale" in 1830, and, on the organization of the National Ciuard through- out France, formed at Verneuil a militarj' band of forty, which led to the institution of similar musical unions among the rural pojjulation. His compo.sitious, consisting of sonatas, and marches for the pianoforte, quartets, trios, and other chamber music, number 156 works, a complete list of which may be found in : Socii'to Philharmonique de I'Eure, de I'Orne et d'Eure-et-Loire (L'Aigle, Ginoux, 1866). His comic opera, Les amants querelleurs, received at the Opera Comique, was given at the Gj'mnase in 1824, arranged as a vaudeville, for which purpose the author of the libretto had with- drawn it. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 30. AUDEAN, EDMOND, born at Lyons, April 11, 1842, still living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, son of the tenor Marius Audran, pupil at the Ecole Niedermeyer, Paris, where he won the prize for compo- sition in 1859 ; set- tled with his father, in 1861, at Marseilles, where he is maltre de ehapelle at St. Joseph's. Works : L'Ours et le Pacha, comic opera, given at Grand Theatre, Marseilles, 1862 ; La chercheuse d'esprit, ib., 1864 ; La Niver- naise, ib., Gymnase, 1866 ; Le petit Poucet, operette, ib., 1868 ; Le grand Mogol, do., ib., 1877 ; Les noces d'Olivette, comic opera, Bouffes Parisiens, Paris, 1879 ; La maxcotle, opera-bouffe, ib., 1880.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 33. AUF HOHEN BEFEHL, comic opera, text and music by Carl Beinecke, repre- sented at the Stadttheater, Hamburg, Oct. 1, 1886. The libretto is an adaptation of Eiehl's novel, "Ovid bei Hofe." It was AUF conclucted by the composnr, and met with decided success. AUF ! IM TRIUMPF ZUM CAPITOL. See Rienzi. AUTFORDERUNG ZUM TANZ (Invi- tation a la valse), rondo brillant for piano- forte, by Weber, op. G.5, dedicated to bis Caroline, composed 1819, first original edi- tion, Berlin (Schlesinger). This happy in- spiration must forever remain a standard work. You seem to see the respectful lover approaching the object of his affection, and claiming her hand for the dance. The coy damsel at first but half consents, but after some slight hesitation is persuaded. En- circled by the arm of her happy partner, she listens to the accents of passionate love whispered in her ear, to which she replies in subdued but encouraging tones. The dance becomes more animated, and the hap- py swain carries his future bride through the mazy throng till the last chord of the exciting dance. Then demurely he bows his farewell. Among the different arrange- ments of this piece, whose popularity is unexampled, the following deserve special mention : One, with somewhat larger treat- ment of the pianoforte, by Henselt, and a still more elaborate one, " with arabesques for concei't performance," by Tausig (See von Lenz, Drei grosse Klavier-Virtuosen) ; one for eight hands, by Otto Dresel, and Berlioz's matchless transcription for full or- chestra (See Berlioz, Mc' moires, 330). It has also been arranged for soprano with pianoforte accompaniment, to the words, Vieni, o cara, etc. — Benedict, 153. AUFFMANN, JOSEF ANTON XAVER, born about 1720, died in 1778. Organist, and Kapellmeister at Kempten about 17.50. His three concertos for organ, with orches- tra (Augsburg, 175Jr), entitle him to remem- brance. — Fetis ; Schilling. AUFFSCHNAITER, BENEDICT AN- TON, Kapellmeister at Passau, beginning of the 17th century. Works : Concors dis- cordia, consisting of six overtures (Nurem- berg, 1695) ; Dulcis fidium harmonica, sona- tas (ib., 1099) ; Vesperte soleranissimse, op. 5 (Augsburg, 1709) ; Alaudsc quinque, con- taining five masses, op. 6 (ib., 1711) ; Duo- dena offertoria, op. 7 (Pas.sau, 1719) ; Cym- balum Davidis vespertinum, op. 8 (ib., 1729).— Fetis ; SchiUing. AUGURIO DI FELICITA (The Happy Augury), cantata for three voices, text by Metastasio, music by Reutter, produced in SchOnbrunn, 17-19. Characters represented : Arciduchessa prima, Ai'ciduchessa seconda, Arciduchessa terza. AULAGNIER, ANTONIN, born at j\[a- nosque (Basses-Alpes) in 1800, still living, 1888 (?). Composer, pupil of Benoist at the Conservatoire, Paris, where he afterwards established himself as a music publisher. Works : 2 masses for three voices ; O Salu- taris, do. ; Domine, salvum fac regem, do. ; Variations, rondos, melanges, etc., for piano- forte ; Square dances for several instru- ments ; Romances for one and two voices ; Faux-boureras: Catoue, given in Milan, 1758, London, 1764 ; Orione os- sia Diana vendicata, Zanaide, London, 1763 ; Berenice, pasticcio (with Hasse, Galuppi, and Ferradini), ib., 1764 ; Adriano in Siria, ib., 1764 ; Carattaco, ib., 1767 ; Olimpiade, pasticcio, Vienna, 1769 ; Ezio, do., 1769 ; Si- face, London, about 1771 ; Temistocle, Paris, 1772 ; Lucio Silla, ib., 1774 ; La clemenza di Scipione, Breslau, about 1733 ; Amadis des Gaules, Paris, 1779 ; Gioas, re de Giuda, oratorio, King's Theatre, 1770. Cantatas : Die Amerikanerin ; Rinnldo ed Armida ; Amor vincitore ; Aurora ; Endimiono (1772) ; The Litercession (1767) ; Salve Ee- gina ; Magnificat, for two voices and orches- tra ; Laudati pueri, for do.; Gloi'ia for four voices and orchestra ; Te Deum, and other church music ; 15 symphonies for eight instruments ; Sj-mphonie concertante ; 18 concertos for pianoforte ; 6 quintets for flute and violin ; 30 trios or sonatas for pianoforte, violin, and bass ; 6 trios for vio- lins ; 6 quartets for do.; 2 quintets for 2)ianoforte, flute, oboe, viola, and violon- cello ; Quartet for pianoforte, two violins, and bass ; 12 so- natas for piano- /O y^ t) O forte ; Sonata for ^ * ^ '/OCL..d^ „ four hands ; do. ^ for two piano- fortes. — Allgem. d. Biogr., i. 747; Allgem. Mus. Zeitg., viii. 811 ; Bitter, Carl Phil. Em. Bach, etc., ii. 140 ; Burney, iv. 480, 486 ; Fctis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Schubart, Ideeu zu ehier Aesthetik der Ton- kuust, 201. BACH, JOHANN CHRISTOPH [10], born at Arnstadt, Dec. 8, 1642, died at Ei- senach, March 31, 1703. The eldest son of Heinrich Bach [4] ; studied under his fa- ther. He was called in 1665 to Eisenach, where he was appointed organist in several churches, notably the St. Georgeukirche. From 1()96 to his death he had free lodg- ings in the mint, and was probably court organist after Pachelbel's resignation in 1678. On the 23d Sunday after Trinity, 1667, he was married to Maria Elisabeth Wedemaun, whose father was town clerk at Eisenach. Johann Christoph was unques- tionably the greatest of all the Bachs ex- cejjting Johann Sebastian [15] ; he was not only one of the best organists and greatest contrapuntists of his daj', but one of the most important composers of the whole 17th centui-y. None of his works were published, and most of them have been lost, but they were held in the highest esteem by Sebastian Bach and his son Philipp Emanuel, and the few choral com- positions of his that have been preserved BACH show him to have beeu the great spiritual forerunner of Sebastian Bach, and perhaps still more of Handel. Like most of the family, he was wholly free from Italian in- fluence, and in -vigour of inspiration and perfection of form and style his works far surpass those of his German contemporaries. His more important works were : A sort of oratorio, Der SLreit zwischen Michael und dem Teufel (text from Eevelations, xii. 7-12), for double chorus, orchestra, and or- gan. Sebastian had it performed at Leip- sic, as Philipjj Emanuel did in Hamburg. The score is the " Alt-Bachischen Archive," now in the Berlin Library. Eight motets are in the " Musica Sacra " of the Berlin Dom-Chor, and others are in Naue's "Neun motette . . . von Johann Christoph und Johann Michael Bach " (Leipsic, Hof- meister). A few unimportant organ and harpsichord works stiU remain. — Sjsitta, i. 37, 4L BACH, JOHANN CHRISTOPH [9], born at Erfurt, Feb. 22, 1645, died at Arnstadt, Aug. 25, 1693. Third son of Christoph Bacli [3], and twin brother of J. Ambrosius Bach [8]. After studying under his father, he was made court musician at Arnstadt in 1G71, where he also assisted his uncle Hein- rich Bach [-1] in the church music. In 1681 he was discharged, but was reinstated again in 1682, and made Stadtpfeifer besides. His principal instrument was the violin. — Spitta, i. 154 BACH, JOHANN CHRISTOPH [13], born at Erfurt, June 16, 1671, died at Ohrdruff. Feb. 22, 1721. Eldest grown-up son of J. Ambrosius Bach [8] and brother of Sebastian Bach [15]. Studied from 1686 to 1689 under Pachelbel, and in the latter j'ear took the position of organist at the Thomaskii'che, but soon afterwards went to Arnstadt to assist the old Heinrich Bach [4]. In 1690 became organist of the Stadt- kirche in Ohrdruff, where he remained until his death. He was Sebastian Bach's first clavier teacher, and was probably an excellent organist. He was succeeded, af- ter his death, by his second son, Johann Bernard Bach.— Spitta, i. 171, 181. BACH, (JOHANN CHRISTOPH) FRIEDRICH [21], called the Biickeburg Bach, born at Leipsic, June 29, 1732, died at Buckeburg, Jan. 26, 1795. Ninth son and pupil of Johann Sebastian ; studied law at the University of Leipsic, but took up music as a profession, and became Ka- pellmeister to the count of Schaumburg- Lippe at Buckebui-g, which he left only once to visit London for a few mouths. Although lacking the great talent of his brothers, he was a worthj' disciple of his father, whose character and kindne.ss of heart he had also inherited. Works: Ino, cantata for a voice, with 2 violins, viola, and bass ; The Youth of Christ, biblical tableau, for 4 voices, 2 violins, viola, basso continuo, 2 flutes, and 2 horns ; The Res- urrection of Lazarus, oratorio, for 4 voices and orchestra ; Cantata for do. (1787) ; Can- tata for Ascension, for 4 voices, 2 violins, viola, and basso continuo ; 2 motets for 4 voices ; Symphony for 2 violins, viola, bass, 2 clarinets, bassoon, and 2 horns ; Pygma- lion, theatrical cantata ; 2 concertos for pianoforte and orchestra ; Trio for flute, violin, and bass ; Trio for 2 vioUns and bass ; Arias with orchestra ; 6 quartets for flute and strings; 6 do. for violins; Sona- tas ; Musikalisches Vielerley, a collection of miscellaneous pieces ; Musikalische Neben- stunden, do. ; Munter's geistliche Lieder, etc. — Bittex-, Carl Phil. Em. Bach, etc. (Berlin, 1868), ii. 131 ; Fetis ; Mendel. BACH, JOHANN ERNST [18], born at Eisenach, Sept. 1, 1722, died there, Jan. 28, 1777. Only son of Johann Bernhard Bach [12], he entered the Thomasschule at Leij^sic about 1735, and studied law at the university there. In 1748 he became as- sistant organist to his father, and succeeded him after his death. In 1756 he was made Kapellmeister at Weimar, but continued to live at Eisenach. As a church composer he was decidedly superior to most of his con- temporaries, albeit he lived in the tran- BACH sition period between Sebastian Bach and Haydu, a period of general decadence in vocal composition. A list of bis existing choral works is given in Spitta, i. 849. Some of his compositions for clavier are published in Pauer's "Alte Claviermusik " (Leipsic, B. Senff). The IMSS. of a Fan- tasia and Fugue in A minor, and a Sonata in A major, are in the Berlin Library. — Spitta, i. S-IS. BACH, JOHANN INIICHAEL [11], born at Arnstadt, Aug. 9, 1048, died at Gehren, May, 1694. Third son of Heinricb Bach [4] and younger brother of the great Johann Christoph Bach [10]. He was a pupil and, later, an assistant of his fathei-'s. In 16TS he was made organist in Gehren, near Arnstadt. The house he lived in is still standing. Besides his official duties as organist, and his great activity as a composer, he also devoted much time to tlie manufacture of harpsichords, violins, etc. His youngest daughter, Maria Bar- bara Bach (born at Gehren, Oct. 20, 1684, died at Cothen, July 7, 1720), was the first wife of Sebastian Bach [15]. With the exception of his brother, Johann Christoph, Johann Michael was the greatest Bach of his generation ; while the former shone more especially in choral composition, the instrumental works of the latter were nota- bly fine. Yet a finer feeling for musical form characterizes the elder brother. BACH, J0H.4.NN SEBASTIAN born at Eisenach, probably March 21, baptized March 23, 1685, died at Leipsic, July 28, 175 One of the great- est masters of all ages, son of Am- b r o s i u s B a c h (1645-95), from whom he received his first instruction on the violin, and after whose death he was taken in charge by his elder brother Christoph at Ohrdruff. His fine voice and musical education aided liim in obtaining, in 1700, a position in the choir of St. Michael's at Luneburgs where the church library offered him rich treas- ures for the study of the old as well as liv- intr masters, from ^vhose works he chiefly studied composition through his own ef- forts. Georg Br.hm, the cantor at St. John's, seems to have exerted a personal in- fluence upon him, and the vicinity of Ham- burg induced him to undertake various pe- destrian trips, in order to hear the famous organists Reiukeu and Vincenz Liibeck. At Celle, which he visited frequently, he became acquainted with French instrumen- tal music, zealously cultivated at that court. About Easter of 1703 he went to Weimgx as violinist to Johann Ernst, brother of the rei"-ning duke, and in the summer of the same year was elected organist of the new church at Arnstadt.- In the autumn of 1705 he visited Liibeck to make the ac- quaintance of Buxtehude, and was so much attracted by this famous master of the or- gan that he did not return to his duties until February, 1706. In the year following he accepted a position as organist at Miihl- hausen, and married his cousin, Maria Bar- bara, daughter of Michael Bach ; in 1708 he was called to Weimar as court organist, and, being chamber musician at the same time, he was made Concertmeister in 1714. His activity at Weimar was devoted princi- pally to tlie organ and to church miisic, and thence his fame as the first organist of his time and as a composer began to si^read. During the autumn vacation he used to travel, and thus visited Halle in 1713 and 1716, Cassel (before 1714), Leip- sic in 1714, and Dresden in 1717. At the last place he found the much-admired French player Marchand, who evaded Bach's challenge for a musical contest by taking himself off on the very morning of the day agreed upon. In November of the same year he was called by Prince Leopold of Aniinlt to CiVtheju as Kapellmeister and director of his chamber music ; and he de- BACH voted himself there principaUy to instru- lueutal music. The life at Cothen was in- terrupted only by a few journeys ; to Carls- bad, whither he had to accompany the prince several times, to Leipsic in 1717, to Halle in 1719, where he tried to make the acquaintance of Haudel, who had, however, left for England on the day of Bach's arri- val. In July, 1720, his wife died suddenly, while he was on his return from Carlsbad, and in the autumn he went to Hamburg to compete for the organist's position at the Jacobikirche, but without success. In De- cember, 1721, he was married again to Birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach. Anna Magdalena Wilken, and in May, 1723, accepted the call as cantor at the Thomas- kirche in Leipsic, in which capacity he was at the same time oi'ganist and director of music at St. Thomas and St. Nicholas. On May 30, 1723, he executed his first church service at Leipsic Subsequently he re- ceived the honorary appointment of Kapell- meister to the Duke of Weissenfels, and in 1736, upon his special wish, that of court composer to the King of Poland and Elec- tor of Saxony. In his position at Leipsic his creative power was naturally turned again towards religious music, and there he composed the greater portion of his sa- cred cantatas, of which he wrote altogether five sets for every Sunday and feast-day in the year ; only 226 of these are known. His outward life was now simple and un- eventful ; he often visited Dresden, espe- cially since his son Friedemann had become organist there, and because he liked to at- tend the Italian oj)era, which flourished un- der Hasse. In 1747 he celebrated his lat- est triumph ; Frederick the Great, whose service Bach's son Philipp Emanuel had en- tered in 1740, had often expressed the ardent desire to see and hear the old mas- ter iu his capital, and Bach resolved, there- fore, to visit Potsdam, ac- companied by his son Friedemann. The king received him with the ut- most courtesj", and ex- pressed the highest ad- miration of the master's art in the most flattering terms ; a fugue theme which he gave him. Bach worked up at home in the most artistic forms, and dedicated to the king un- der the title Das musilc- alische Opfer. For some time his eyesight had been failing, and an op- eration which he under- went soon after his return to Leipsic resulted in total blindness; af- ter suifering also otherwise for six mouths, he suddenly recovered his eyesight once more, but ten days later breathed his last. Twenty children had been born to him, seven by his first, and thirteen 1)y his sec- ond wife ; of these, five sons and four daughters survived him. Bach is one of those great masters who cannot be sur- passed, because in them is embodied, so to speak, the musical knowledge and senti- ment of an entire epoch ; his especial sig- nificance and unexampled greatness lie in the fact that the styles of two different art- epochs have, in him and through him, at- lUU BACH f^- f^, f^ f^^ ff ff ^^^^y bV>r ' ' nn ^ ^^^^^ i ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ■ fj ^j" j Facsimile of the MS. of Johann Sebastian Bach; from the rst Prelude in the Wohltempen.te Clavier. BACH tained their liighest development ; like a ', lislied yearly since, witli a few intermissions, gigantic landmark be stands between them, towering above either in mighty grandeur. (With equal right he belongs to the preced- ' iug period of polyphonic music, of contra- puntal, imitative style, and to that of har- monic music, of pronounced tonality. He lived in a period of transition, when the old style had not as yet outlived itself, while the new was in the first stages of its devel- opment, and bore the stamp of immaturit}-. Bach's genius combined the peculiarities of both styles in a way which may be consid- ered as worthy of attainment bj' a period still lying before us ; the growing obsolete of his music is therefore out of the ques- tion, as at best only some accessory parts, like cadences, embellishments, and the like, in which Bach is entirely a child of his times, remind us of the past. But his melody is so sound and inexhaustible, his rhythm so jiolymorphous and full of pulsa- tion, his harmony so select, and withal so clear, that his works are the object not only of admiration but of the most zealous study and emulation on the part of musicians, and will probably continue to be so for ages to come. Besides Handel, Bach is the last great master of the reigning church music, and the first great prophet of that domin- ion of German instrumental music which characterizes the second half of the 18th century. Works : A nearly complete cata- logue of Bach's works is given in Mitzler's " Musikalische Bibliothek " (1754). Only a few of the immense number were printed during his lifetime. Others were published after his death, but it was not until the per- formance by Mendelssohn of the Matthew Passion in Berlin in 1829, a century after its first f)roduction, that the musical world became conscious of the true value of the master's compositions. Editions then be- gan to multiply, and in 1850, the centenary of his death, was founded at Leipsic the Bach-Gesellschaft, for the publication of his entire works. The first volume was issued in 1851, and a new volume has been puW ' in to the present time. The following sum- mary of the contents of the several volumes shows the published works of the composer : Year I. (1851). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. i) : 1. Wie schiJn leuchtet ; 2. Ach Gott, vom Himmel ; 3. Ach Gott, wie manches ; 4. Christ lag in Todesbanden ; 5. Wo soil ich flieheu hiu ; 6. Bleib' bei uns ; 7. Christ unser Herr ; 8. Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben ? ; 9. Es ist das Heil ; 10. Meine Seel' erhebt. Tear H. (1852). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol ii.) : 11. Lobet Gott ; 12. Weinen Kla- gen ; 13. Meine Seufzer ; 14. Wiir Gott nicht mit uns ; 15. Denn du wirst meine Seele ; 16. Herr Gott dich loben wir ; 17. Wer Dank opfert ; 18. Gleieh wie der Regen ; 19. Es erhul) sich ein Streit ; 20. O Ewig- keit, du Donnerwort. Year IH. (1853). Clavierwerke (vol. i.) : 15 Tnveitlions and 15 Sijmphonies. Klavier- iibung : Part 1, 6 partitas ; Part 2, A con- certo and a partita ; Part 3, Choral-preludes and 4 duets ; Part 4, Air, with thirty varia- tions ; Toccata in F-sharp minor ; Toccata in C minor ; Fugue in A minor. Year IV. (1854). Passion nach Matthaus. Year V. (1855). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. iii.) : 21. Ich hatte viel Bekiiminerniss ; 22. Jesus nahm zu sich ; 23. Du wahrer Gott ; 24. Ein ungefilrbt Gemiithe ; 25. Es i.st uichts Gesundes ; 26. Ach wie iliichtig ; 27. Wer weiss, wie nahe mir ; 28. Gottlob ! nun treht ; 29. Wir dauken dir, Gott ; 30. Preue dich, erluste Schaar. WeiknachtsOvaXoviaia, in four parts. Year VI. (1856). Mass in B minor. Year VII. (1857). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. iv.) : 31. Der Himmel lacht ; 32. Lieb- ster Jesu ; 33. Alleiu zu dir, Herr ; 34. O ewiges Feuer ; 35. Geist und Seele ; 36. Schwingt freudig euch ; 37. We.r da glau- bet ; 38. Aus tiefer Noth ; 39. Brich dem Hungrigen ; 40. Dazu ist erschienen. Year Vni. (1858). 4 Masses, in F, A, G minor, and G. Year IX. (1859). Kammermusik (vol. i.) : 102 BACH 3 sonatas for clavier and flute ; Suite for clavier and violin ; (i sonatas for do. ; '? so- natas for clavier and viola di ganiba ; sonata for fiute, violin, and figured bass ; sonata for two violins and do. Year X. (18(30). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. v.) : -11. Jesu, nun sei gepreiset ; 42. Am Abend aber desselbigen ; 43. Gotl fahret auf ; 4-4. Sie werdeu eucli ; 45. Es ist dir gesagt ; 46. Scbauet doch und sebet ; 47. Wer sicb selbst erbOhet ; 48. Icb elender Menscli ; 49. Icb geh' und eucbe ; 50. Nun ist das Heil. Year XI. (1861). Magnificat in D. 4 Sanctus, in C, D, D minor, and G. Kam- mermusik (vocal) : Der Htreit zwiscben Pbce- bus und Pan ; Weichet nur, betrubte Scbat- ten ; Amove traditore; Contentment; Der ZiifriedcngealelUe J^olus. Year XII. (1862). Passion music from St. Jobn. 10 Kircbeucautaten (vol. vi.) : 51. Jaucbzet Gott ; 52. Falscbe Welt ; 53. Scblage docb ; 54. Widerstebe docb ; 55. Icb armer Meuscb ; 56. Icb will deu Kreuzstab ; 57. Selig ist der Maun ; 58. Acb Gott, wie manches (2d version) ; 59. Wer micb liebet ; 60. O Ewigkeit (2d version). Year XIII. (1863). Trauungx Cantaten : Dem Gerecbten muss das Licbt ; Der Herr denket an uns ; Gott ist unsere Zuversicbt ; 3 chorales. Clavier werke (vol. ii.) : 6 Freiu-h suites ; 6 English suites. Trauer-Ode ou tbe Electress of Saxonj'. Year XIV. (1864). Clavierwerke (vol. iii.) : Das icohlleinperi.rle Clavier. Year XV. (1865). Organ works : 6 Sona- tas ; 18 Preludes and Fugues ; 3 Toccatas ; Passacaglia. Year XVI. (1866). 10 Kircbencantaten (vol. vii.) : 61. Nun komm, der Heideu ; 62. Id. (2d version) ; 63. Cbristen, iitzet diesen Tag ; 64. Sebet, welcb' eine Liebe ; 65. Sie werden aus »Saba ; 66. Erfreut eucb, ibr Herzeu ; 67. Halt' im Gediicbtniss ; 68. Also hat Gott die Welt ; 69. Lobe den Herrn ; 70. Wachet, betet, seid bereit. Year XVII. (1867). Kammermusik (vol. . ii.) : Concertos for clavier and orchestra, in D minor, E, D, A, F minor, F, and G mi- nor ; Concerto for clavier, flute, and violin, with orchestra. Year XVIII. (1868). 10 Kircbencantaten (vol. viii.) : 71. Gott ist mein Kunig ; 72. AUes nur nacb Gottes Willen ; 73. Herr, wie du willst ; 74. Wer mich liebet (2d ver- sion) ; 75. Die Eleuden sollen essen ; 76. Die Himmel erzilhlen ; 77. Du sollst Gott ; 78. Jesu, der du meine Seele ; 79. Gott der Herr ist Sonn' ; 80. Ei.n feste Burg. Yeai- XrX. (1869). Kammermusik (voL iii.) : 6 concertos for various instruments, with orchestra. Year XX. (1870). 10 Kircbencantaten (vol. ix.) : 81. Jesus scbliift ; 82. Icb babe genug ; 83. Erfreute Zeit ; 84. Icb bin ver- gniigt ; 85. Icb bin ein guter Hirt ; 86. Wabrlich, ich sage eucb ; 87. Bisher babt ibr nichts ; 88. Siebe, icb will viel Fischer ; 89. Was soil ich aus dir machen ; 90. Es reifet eucb. 3 Dramas for various festivities. Year XXI. (1871). Kammermusik (vols, iv. and v.) : 2 concertos for violin and or- chestra ; 1 do. for two violins and orches- tra ; 1 symphony movement for violin ; 3 concertos for two claviers and orchestra. Ostec-Oratorium. Year XXII. (1872). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. X.) : 91. Gelobet seist du ; 92. Ich bab' in Gottes ; 93. Wer nur den lieben Gott ; 94. Was frag' ich ; 95. Christus dor ist mein Leben ; 96. Herr Christ, der ein' ge ; 97. In alien meinen Tbateu ; 98. Was Gott tbut, das ; 99. Do. (2d version) ; 100. Do. (3d version). Year XXIH. (1873). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. xi.) : 101. Nimm von uns, Herr ; 102. Herr, deine Augen sehen ; 103. Ibr werdet weinen und beulen ; 104. Du Hirte Israel ; 105. Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht ; 106. Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit ; 107. Was willst du dicb betriiben ; 108. Es ist eucb gut ; 109. Icb glaube, lieber Herr ; 110. Unser ^lund sei voll Lachens. Year XXIV. (1874). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. xii.) : 111. Was mein Gott will ; 112. Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt ; 113. Herr BACH Jesu Chiibt, du Luclistes Gut ; 114. Ach, lieben Christen ; 115. Mache dicli meiu Geist bereit ; 116. Du FrieJeusfiirst, Herr Jesu Christ ; 117. Sei Lob und Ehr ; 118. O Jesu Christ mein's Lebeu's Licht ; 119. Preise Jerusalem, den Herru ; 120. Gott, man lobet dich. Year XXV. (1875). Die Kunst der Fuge ; Orgelbilchlein ; Sechs Chorale (known as the " Schiibler'scheu ") ; Achtzehn Chorale (known as " diegrosseu mitdem Scbwanen- liede "). Year XXVI. (1876). 10 Kircheucantaten (vol. xiii.) : 121. Christum wir solleu loben schon ; 122. Das neugebor'ne Kindelein ; 123. Liebster Immanuel, Herzogder From- men ; 124. Meinen Jesum lass' ich nicht ; 125. Mit Fried' und Freud' ich fahr' dahin ; 126. Erhalt' uns, Herr, luit deiiiem Wort ; 127. Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott ; 128. Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein ; 129. Gelobet sei der Herr, meiu Gott ; 130. Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir. Year XXVH. (1877). 6 Sonaten fiii- vio- line ; 6 sonaten filr violoncell. YearXXVin. (1878). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. xiv.) : 131. Aus der Tiefe rufeich, Herr, zu dir ; 132. Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn ; 133. Ich freue mich in dir ; 134. Eiu Herz, das seinen Jesum lebeud weiss ; 135. Ach Herr, mich armen Siinder ; 136. Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz ; 137. Lobe den Herren, den machti- geu Kijnig der Ehren ; 138. Warum be- triibst du dich, mein Herz ; 139. Wohl dem, der sich auf seiuen Gott ; 140. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme. Year XXIX. (1879). Kammermusik fiir Gesang : Cantaten ; Was mir behagt, is uur die muutre Jagd ; Non sa che sia dolore ; O holder Tag, erwiinschte Zeit (Hochzeits- Cantate) ; Hochsterwiinsehtes Freudenfest ; Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht ; Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet ; Mit Gnaden bekrone der Himmel die Zeiten (Gratulations-Can- tate) ; O, angenehme Melodei ; Instrumen- talsatz ffir Violine, Hoboe und Continuo. Year XXX. (1880). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. XV.) : 141. Das ist je gewisslich wahr ; 142. Uns ist ein Kind geboren ; 143. Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele ; 144. Nimm was dein ist, und gehe ; 145. So do mit deinem Munde bekennest Jesum ; 146. Wir miissen durch viel Triibsal in das Keich Gottes ein- gehen ; 147. Herz und Mund und That und Leben ; 148. Briuget dem Herru Ehre seines Namens ; 149. Man singt mit Freuden vom Sieg ; 150. Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich. Year XXXI. (1881). Werke fiir Orches- ter : Ouverturen in C, B minor, D, D ; Sin- fonia in F. Year XXXH. (1882). 10 Kirchencantaten (vol. xvi.) : 151. Siisser Trost, mein Jesus kommt ; 152. Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn ; 153. Schau', lieber Gott, wie meine Feind' ; 1.54. Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren ; 155. Mein Gott, wie lang', ach lauge ; 156. Ich steh' mit eiuem Fuss im Grabe ; 157. Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn ; 158. Der Friede sei mit dir ; 159. Sehet, wir geli'n hinauf gen Jerusalem ; 160. Ich weiss, dass mein Erliiser lebt. Year XXXIH. (1883). 10 Kirchencanta- ten (vol. xvii.): 161. Komm, du siisse To- desstuude ; 162. Ach, ich sehe, jetzt da ich zur Hochzeit gehe ; 163. Xur Jedem das Seine ; 164. Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet ; 165. O heil'ges Geist- und Wass- erbad ; 166. Wo gehest du bin ; 167. Ihr Menscheu, riihmet Gottes Liebe ; 168. Thue Rechuung ! Donnerwort ; 169. Gott soil allein mein Herze haben ; 170. Vergniigte liuh', beliebte Seelenlust. Year XXXJV. (1884). Kammermusik fiir Gesang : Serenata, Durehlaucht'ster Leo- pold ; Cantata, Schwiugt freudig euch em- por (Die Freude reget sich) ; Dramma per musica, Lasst uns sorgen, lasst uns wachen ; Do. Tonet, ihr Pauken ! Erschallet, Trora- peten ; Cantata gratulatoria, Preise dein Gliicke, gesegnetes Sachsen ; Dramma per musica, Angenehmes Wiederau ; Do. Auf, schmetterndeTiine dermuntern Trompeten. — AUgem. d. Biogr., i. 729; Allgem. mus. Zeitg., i.-xlviii. ; Bitter, J. S. Bach (Berlin, 1865) ; Forkel, Ueber Bach's Leben, Kunst 1U4 I-ips Bach ii), b. (t). d. 1620. Wendel Bach, farmer!?), b. 1619 d. 1682. Jakob Bach, musician cantor in Steinach and K-uhla. b. x6ss, d. 1718 nn Ludwie Bach, :antor and music rinMeiningen.b. »74r. Nicolaus Ephraim Bach, court musician at Gandersheim. atHalle, b. 1703. d. 1771. ^ ' Samuel Anton Bach, court organist at Mein- ingen, b. 1713. d. 1781. Gottlieb Friedrich Bach, court organist at Meiningen, b, 1714, d. 1785. I Johann Philipp Each court organist at Mein- mgen, b. 1751, d. 1846. Johanii Christian Bach music teacher at Halle, the "Clavier-Bach," b. 1743. d, 1814. GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE BACH FAMILY. ^ Johann Cbilitiaii ncUt id Erfuit. b Johann bacb, muli- ciaD. oidnt^ in £^ furt, b. itei. d. 167^ [«I I JohaiiD A-Ai, d. 1G19, Veil Bach, anat«ur< II, b 15S0IT), d. i»36. Dph Bach Johtuin Ambroiiui Bach, violinlil and compwer, b. iCits d. Bacli. loirn ■ mu^- cian m Schveinfun, I Chriiloph 1671, d Johann GOniher Bach, t^wi xHiecr tn Eifun. b. b. tjos, d uss- Tobias h'fitdrkh Bach, canlnr in Unmdt. b ib}s. Johnnii Bern hard Bach, oreaniil la ObrtruB, b. 1700. Johann Heinrieh lohann Jacob Bach. 'KuitHpfeircr." conn miitician nl Slock- holm, b. i6B>. il. 1733. ni' ^. Bach, violinist, courl musician at A nutadi, b. it«s. d. 1653. Johann Cliiiitoph Johann Michael Bac-h coRipoKr, oncanlsi. and intlrument bulldct at Cehien. b. ifi^S. d. iCw t.itn lUrh Hj. b. (I), d. iteo. ITendel Racti, farmeilt). JahohBach, muiician, cantor in Slelnach and Ruhia b i<^ d. If i& Johann Ludwic Dacli, Sicol. couft cnntor and music Bach.ci dlref(oriaMelnine«n,b at Cani Johnnn Umsl Itach, en. h.i6»i, d. 1739. Johann Chrldoph Kculi (I), t. lOPo, d. ^JohannNikl vemiy oreani' Johinn Christoph Johan . i6jt. MQhIhauien. b 1(^4 ('pi I Wilhclm Friedemann Bach. Carl Philipp Hmanuel Bnch, the " Hamburg" and " Berlin- Bach " composei and pianist, Johnnn Andreas OhrdnitrSj 171J Johnnn Chrisloph 1-riedrlch Bach, the " BDc1cebuii['Bach," composer nntl Kapcllnieitler, b i7It.., 1798) ; Concertaute for do., English horn, and violoncello ; do. for harp, viola, and violoncello ; Abendge- sang der Balsora (Leipsic, 1800) ; 13 varia- tions for harp, op. 41 (ib., 1801) ; First, second, and third books of pieces for the harp (ib., 1799-1802) ; Concertante for two clarinets ; Quintet for English horn, two violins, viola, and violoncello. In manu- script : Short Te Deuin ; Music for the inau- guration of the Nuremberg Theatre : Scene from Metastasio ; Dirge for four voices at the grave of a Freemason ; 3 concertos for Euglish horn ; Grand concerto for the harp ; Quintet with clarinet ; Several pieces for two clarinets, two horns, and two bassoons. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BADIA, CARLO AGOSTINO, born iu Venice iu the 17th century. Dramatic composer, lived about the beginning of the 18th century as court musician at Vienna. Works : La Niufa Apollo, opera, given in Eome and Milan, 1692, in Bologna, 1694, at Laxenburg Palace, 1699, in Vienna, 1700 ; Narciso, do., Vienna, 1699 ; Amore vuol So- migliauza, do., ib., 1702 ; La corte celeste, oratorio, 1702 ; II profeta Elia, do., Venice, 1720 ; Gesti nel Prestorio, do., 1730 ; Tri- buti armonici, a collection of twelve canta- tas for a single voice and harpsichord. — Fetis ; Schilling. BADIA, LUIGI, born at Tirauo, Naples, in 1822, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser, known by the operas : Gismonda di Mendrisio, given at Bologna, 1846 ; another opera, given at Florence ; Flavio Racliis, Trieste, 1853.— Fetis. BAGATELLEN (Fr., bagatelle, a trifle), a title, probably first used by Beethoven, to designate a short piece of light pianoforte music. Beethoven wrote four sets of Baga- tellen : 1. 7 Bagatellen, op. 33, composed 1782 ; original MS. owned by Johann Kaff- ka, Vienna. Published, Vienna. 2. 6 Baga- tellen, op. 126, composed 1821. Published by Schotts, Mainz. 3. 12 Bagatellen, op. 119, composed 1820-22. Published by Sauer Liedersdorf in the " Wiener Zeitung " (1824). 4. 6 Bagatellen, iu MS., owned by Ar- taria & Co. (Vienna). — Thayer, Verzeichuiss. BAGGE, SELMAE, born at Coburg, June 30, 1823, still living, 1888. Instrumental and vocal composer, pupil of Kaspar Kunnner in thorough bass and of Schilbach on the violon- cello, then (1837) at the Conservatorium in Prague of Dionys Weber and of Hiittner ; later of Sechter in Vienna, where he be- came professor of composition at the Con- servatorium in 1851 ; resigned iu 1855 to become a musical critic and editor ; from 1863 at Leipsic ; director of the music school at Basel since 1868. His composi- BAI tions consist of a symphony, a sonata for pianoforte and violoncello, op. 3, string quartets, pianoforte pieces, and songs. He has published also an arrangement of Bach's Fasaioii uach Matthiius for pianoforte solo ( Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hartel ).— Grove ; Mendel. BAI (Baj), T0MM.\80, born at Creval- cuore, near Bologna, Italy, in the second half of the 17th century, died in Rome, Dec. 22, 1714. He was for many years tenor singer in the chapel of the Vatican, where he became maestro di cappella in 1713. Bai was one of the many comi^osers who, flourishing near the close of the " great " Eouian period of Italian music, strove to hold fast by the Palestrina traditions and the a cappella style ; yet he, like the rest of his generation, found it impossible wholly to free himself from the influence of con- temporary music, and his works, when con^pared with Palestrina's, show what a totally different musical atmosphere he breathed from that which pervaded the first few decades of the " great " period. His great posthumous reputation is based upon a single work, his Miserere, written after the still more famous one by Gregorio AUegri. It is published in Choron'a Col- lection gunerale des ouvrages classiques de musique (Paris, Le Due). A 5-voice mass, twelve motets for i, 5, and 8 voices, and an 8-voice De profuudis exist in MS. in the Santini collection in Home. — Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel. BAILDON, JOSEPH, lived during mid- dle of 18th century, died May 7, 1771. Or- ganist. Gentleman of the Chapel Royal ; lay-vicar of Westminster Abbey ; organist of St. Luke's, Old Street, and All Saints', Fulham, in 1763. The Catch Club awarded him prizes in 1763 and in 17G6 for a catch and the glee, " When gay Bacchus fills my breast." In Warren's collection are ten catches and four glees by Baildon. He published two volumes of his works entitled The Laurel, and Four Favourite Songs sung by Mr. Beard at Ranelagh Gardens. His glees, "Adieu to the village delights," and "Pr'ythee, friend, fill t'other pipe," and his humorous catch, "Mister Speaker, tho' 'tis late," were very popular in their day. — Grove. BAILLEUX, ANTOINE, flourished in Paris about 1758-84, died there in 1791. Instrumental and vocal composer, and teach- er ; author of an exceUeut vocal (1760), and a violin method (1779). Works : Le bou- quet de Tamitie, cantatille ; 6 symphonies for four parts (Paris, 17.58) ; do. for grand orchestra (ib., 17G7) ; Les petits concerts de Paris ; Solfcges (Paris, 1784).— F6tis. BAILLOT, PIERRE MARIE FRANCOIS DE SALES, born at Passy, France, Oct. 1, 1771, died in Paris, Sept. 15, 1842. Instrumental c o m- poser, critic, and lust great representative of the classical school of violin-playing in Paris. Professor of the violin at the Conservatoire. His first master on the vio- lin was an Italian named Polidori, but his real musical education began in 1780 under Sainte-Marie, in Paris, and was continued in 1783 under Pollani, in Rome, where he was sent by M. de Boucheporn ; his play- ing was influenced also by Viotti, whom he heard in his tenth year. Baillot first ap- peared iu public in 1791, Viotti procuring him a place in the Theatre Feydeau, which he soon resigned for an apjjointment in the Ministere des Finances, using his musical talent merely as a recreation. In 1795, after studying the compositions of CorelH, Tartini, Gemiuiani, Loeatelli, Bach (?), and Handel, he determined to become a profes- sional musician, and made a successful de- but in a concerto by Viotti, which secured his reputation and gained him a professor- ship of the violin in the newly opened Con- servatoire, which he held till his death. He studied also harmony under Catel, and BAILLOU countei-point with Reiclia and Cherubini. Member of Napoleon's private band in 1802. He made a professional tour with the vio- loncello-player Lamare in Russia in 1805- 08, but the war brought him home ; he gave concerts in the South of France, and started chamber-music concerts in Paris in 1814, which gained him great reputation as a quartet-player. In 1815-16 he made a sec- ond professional tour in Holland, Belgium, and England, becoming a member of the English Philharmonic Society, at one of whose concerts he played on Feb. 26, 1816. Director of the band at the Paris Opera in 1821-31 ; director of the Concerts spirituels given at the Opera, 1822, 1823, 1824 ; of the Eoyal Band from 1825 ; his last tour was made through Switzerland and part of Italy in 1833. Baillot's quartet-playing is highly praised by Mendelssohn and Hiller. He had celebrated pupils, Mazas, Habeneck aine, the two Danelas, and many others. He as- sisted Rode and Kreutzer iu compiling a work for the violoncello, and the Muthode de Violon, adopted by the Conservatoire (1803) ; with the exception of the Ai't du Violou, which is considered by Fetis the best elementary work of the kind (1834), his works are almost forgotten. His music is difficult. Among his i^ublished compositions are : 15 trios for two violins and bass ; 6 duets for two violins ; 12 etudes for violins ; 9 concertos ; Symphonie concertante for two violins, with orchestral accompaniment ; 30 airs varies ; 3 string quartets ; Sonata for pianoforte and violin ; 24 preludes iu all keys and several smaller compositions for the violin. A posthumous work, '•Observations aux concours de violon du Conservatoire de Musique," was published iu Paris (1872).^ Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 37 ; Grove ; La- rousse, ii. 62 ; Mendel, i. 416 ; Ergiiuz, 22 ; Wasielewski, Die Violine und ihre Meister, 274. BAH^LOU, LOUIS DE, born in France about the middle of the 18th century, died in Milan in 1809. Dramatic composer and violinist, pupil of Capron on the violin ; went to Italy and became conductor of the orchestra at the Teatro della Scala, Milan, for which he wrote the following ballets : Andromacca e Pirro, L' amante generosa, given in 1777 ; AjDollo jjlacato, Calipso ab- bandonata, 1778 ; Mirza, La guinguetta iu- glese. La Zingara riconosciuta, 1783 ; Giulio Sabino, 1784 ; Lodovico il Moro, Amore maestro di scuola, II popolo d' Argo festeg- giante, Vologese, 1786 ; Guatimozin o la Conquista del Messico, II primo viagiattore, II fanfaro militare, I due avari, 1787 ; II matrimonio per coucorso, 1788 ; Guglielmo Tell, Lucio Giunio Bruto, 1797 ; La disfatta di Abderamo (with Capuzzi), 1809. — Fetis. BAINI, GIUSEPPE, born in Rome, Oct. 21, 1775, died there. May 21, 1844. Church comjjoser, and the most eminent musical writer and critic in Italy in this century ; pujjil of his uncle, Lorenzo Baini, and at the Seminario Romano of Jaunacoui in 1802, when he obtained a j)osition as bass singer iu the Pontifical Chapel, of which he was ap- pointed maestro di cap2:)ella in 1817. His celebrated Miserere was composed for the Sistine Chapel, and is considered equal to those by Allegri and Bai, and still used. As a writer on music he is the author of " Saggio sopra r identita de'ritmi musicaliepoetichi" (Florence, 1820) ; his most important work was the monograph, "Memorie storico-criti- che della vita e delle opere di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina," etc. (Rome, 1828). Member of Berlin Academy, 1837, of the Deutsche National Musik Verein, 1839. His princii^al compositions are : Salmi ed Inni a quattro voci, etc. (1804) ; Inni ad otto voci, etc. (1807) ; Tutto il servigio per la solenne messa del martedi santo, etc., II Te Deum o Inno Arubrogiano ad otto voci, etc no BAJETTI (1815) ; Tutto il servigio di chiesa anuuale, etc. (1816) ; II tei'zo Miserere a tlieci voci per servigio della cappella poutiticia, etc. (1821). Besieies these he composed a great jiumber of masses, motets, hymns, psahns, and church _ concertos 1.,',,,^^,^, 0*^ I -'I for from four to r^5^ fa-uu-^ twelve voices. — Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xxxvi. 473 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling ; do., Sup- plement, 13. BAJETTI, GIOVANNI, born at Brescia, Italy, in 1815, died in Milan, April 28, 1876. Dramatic composer, and musical director at the Teatro della Scala, Milan. Works : Gonzalvo, opera, given at Milan, La Scala, 1841; II genio d' Italia, Piaceuza, 1843; L' assedio di Brescia, Milan, 1844 ; Faust (ballet with Costa and Panizza). ib., 1848 ; Uberto da Brescia, ib., 18G6. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 38. BAIvER, BENJAiVnN FEANKLIN, born of American parentage in Wen- ham, Massachusetts, July 10, 1811, still living, 1888. In 1822 he removed to Salem, and at the age of fourteen began to sing in the choir of the Howard Street Presbyterian Chui'ch in that city. Dur- ing 1828-33 he resided in Boston, whence he removed to Bangor, Maine, to engage in commercial pursuits, without, however, severing his connection with music. In 1836 he returned to Boston, studied under John Paddon, and sang in the choir of the Chauucey Place Church, and in the following year took charge of the music in the Rev. Dr. Chanuing's Church. In 1841 he was chosen succes- sor to Lowell Mason, to teach music in the public schools of Boston, and was elected vice-president of the Handel and Haydn Societj', a position which he held for six years, appearing in solos at many of the society's concerts. In 1847 the pre- liminary work of establishing a music- school in Boston was begun by ^Ir. Baker, and in 1851 the Boston Music School was incorporated, with a full corps of teachers in the various dejjartments, Mr. Baker be- ing vocal instructor and principal. The establishment of this school was an im- portant event in the development of musi- cal culture in America. In 1868 the school was closed, and Mr. Baker retired from ac- tive professional work. Works — Vocal : Death of Osceola, quartet, 1846 ; Stars of the Summer Night, quartet, 1865 ; Ave Ma- ria, 1871 ; The Storm King, cantata, 1856 ; The Burning Ship, do., 1858 ; Camillus, the Roman Conqueror, do., 1865 ; and other songs and quartets. He is also the author of Baker's Thorough Bass and Harmony, and has compiled several books of glees and anthems. BAKER, GEORGE, born in Exeter, England, in 1773, died at Eugeley, Feb. 19, 1847. Organist, pupil (about 1780) of Hugh Bond and of William Jackson, organ- ist of Exeter Cathedral ; he also studied the violin under Ward, and the jjianoforte and violin under Dussek and William Cramer in London in 1790. He was organist of Stafford in 1795, of Derby in 1810, and of Rugeley in 1824 ; received the degree of Mus. Doc, Oxford, about 1801. Baker wrote anthems, glees, organ voluntaries, pianoforte sonatas, songs, manj' of them composed for Incledon, and music to The Caffres, given unsuccessfully at Coveut Garden Theatre, June 2, 1802.— Grove ; Fetis. BALAIOREV, JHLY ALEXEJEVICH, born at Nijni Novgorod, Russia, in 1836, still living, 1888. Pianist, appeared in con- certs when still a boy, although he did not take up music as a profession until after his acquaintance with Ulibischeff. In 1856 he appeared as pianist in St. Petersburg with great success, and in 1862 founded, Ml BALART with Lainakin, the free School of Music, of which he assumed direction iu 1867. He conducted the concerts of the Rus- sian Music Society in 1SG7-70, but retired into private life in 1872. He is a fol- lower of the Berlioz- Liszt school. His principal works are : Overtures on Rus- sian, Sj)anish, and Czech themes ; Music to King Lear ; Bla- rney, Oriental fantasy for pianoforte ; Other music for do. — Riemann. BALART, GABRIEL, born in Barce- lona, Sjmin, June 8, 1824, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer ; began his musical studies in Spain, finished them in Paris, and returned home iu 1852. He has been orchestra leader of the ijrincipal theatres of Barcelona and of Madrid, and has pub- lished vocal and instrumental pieces, and several zarzuelas : Un rapacion de Candas ; Los guardias del Rej' de Siam (Barcelona, 18G6) ; El tulipan de los mares ; Amor y Arte. — Fi'tis, Supplement, i. 38. BALATKA, HANS, born, of Austrian parentage, in H o ff - nungsthal, Moravia, March 5, 1828, still liv- ing, 1888. He began his musical education as a choir-boy in the 01m (itz Cathedral ; in 1846^8 he studied harmony, composition, and singing in Vienna, Seohter, and Gentiluomo, and during that time was conductor of the Academical Singing Societies in that city. In consequence of the Revolution of 1848 he went to America in 1849, and settled in Milwaukee, where, in 1851, he founded the Milwaukee Musikvei-ein, of which he was the conductor for nine years. In 1860 he went to Chicago to under conduct Mozart's Requiem, and accejsted the leadership of the Philharmonic Society, which he conducted six years, and in 1862 became conductor also of the Musical Un- ion. He gave symphony concerts on his own account, iu 1867 became conductor of the Germania Mannerchor, in 1870 made a concert tour with Madame Pappenheim through the Northwest, and after again leading the Milwaukee Musikvereiu, re- turned, in 1873, to Chicago, where, with the exception of a short engagement in St. Louis, he has since resided. During these later years he has organized the Lie- derkranz Society and the Mozart Club, both vocal, and he is now (1888) conductor of the newly established Chicago Symjjhony So- ciety. Works : The Power of Song, double chorus for male voices, received first prize at the Cincinnati Siingerfest, 1856 ; Festi- val Cantata for soprano and grand orches- tra, 1869 ; about 20 fantasias and tran- scrij)tions for orchestra ; Quartets and cho- ruses for male and mixed voices ; 26 songs with orchestral and pianoforte accom- paniments. BALBI, LUDOVICO, born iu Venice, middle of 16th century, died there in 1608. Church composer and contrapunt- ist, pupil of Costanzo Porta. Early in life he entered the Franciscan order, and about 1591 became maestro di cappella at S. Antonio, Padua, and about 1606 at the convent of his order, Venice. He was esteemed one of the most eminent musi- cians of his time, a reputation justified by his numerous masses, motets, and madri- gals (Venice, 1576-1606). With Giovanni Gabrieli and Orazio Vecehi he edited : Graduale et Antiphonarium, juxta ritum Missalis et Breviarii novi (Venice, 1591). — Fctis ; Mendel. BALBI, MELCHIORE, Cavaliere, born in Venice, June 4, 1796, died in Padua, June 22, 1879. Organist, pupil, at Padua, of Alessandro Nini and of Gaetano Valeri for pianoforte and organ, of Antonio Calegari for harmony and fugue. He was maestro U3 BAL concertatore of two theatres in 1818, maes- tro di cappella at S. Antonio in 1853 ; Academician of the Institute of Florence in 1868, for wliieh he wrote three memoirs, and for which he was made Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy, and a member of many Italian and foreign socie- ties. Works : Solemn mass. Requiem mass, Solemn do., with choruses, orches- tra, and four organs, all performed at S. Antonio's, 1831, 18G9, 1871. He was the author also of the following theoretical works : Sistema armonico d' Antonio Cale- gari (Milan, 1829) ; Grammatica ragionata della musica sotto 1' aspetto di lingua (1845) ; Nuova Scuola casata sul sistema semi-tonato equabile, 1 jsart (1872). — Fetis, Supplement, i. 38. BAL COSTUMlfi (Costume BaU), twen- ty characteristic pieces for pianoforte {-i bands), by Anton Eubinstein, op. 103. Pub- lished by Bote & Bock (Berlin). Two series of these pieces were afterwards scored for orchestra by the composer. BALDASSAKI, PIETRO, Roman com- poser of the 17th century. He was the au- thor of an oratorio, Applausi eterni dell' Amore manifestato nel Temj>o (Brescia, 1709).— Ft'ti.s. BALDUCCI, GIOVANNI, Italian dramatic composer, contemporary, pupil of the Royal College of Music, Naples. Works : II Conte di Marsico, melodrama for female voices, with accompaniment for two pianofortes, 1830 ; La sorciera di Benevento, opera in two acts, Naples, 1837 ; Bianca Tui'enga, oijera, Naj^les, 1838. — Fetis. BALFE (Balph), MICHAEL WILLIAM, born at Limerick, Ireland, May 15, 1808, died at Rowney Abbey, Hertfordshire, Oct. 20, 1870. Dramatic composer, baritone singer, and violinist. After instruction on the violin, he studied under O'Rourke (known in London as Rooke), who brought him out as a violinist in May, 181G. In 1818 he composed a ballad, " The Lover's Mistake," which was sung by Mme Vestris in Paul Pry. In 1824 he played successful violin solos at the Loudon oratorios, and was subsequentlj' engaged in the Drury Lane orchestra, which he led when the director, T. Cooke, appeared on the stage. About this time he studied composition under C. F. Horn, organist of St. George's Chajj- el, W i n d s o r. In 1825, under the pat- ronage of Count Mazzara, he visited Rome, where he studied counterpoint under Fre- dcrici, afterwards head of the Conservatorio, Milan. Later, he received vocal instruction from Filippo Galli, at Milan, where in 1827 he comjjosed his first dramatic piece, a bal- lad entitled, La Perouse. Rossini offered him an engagement as principal baritone at the Italian Opera, Paris, with the proviso that he should take preparatory lessons from Bordogni ; the proj^osal was accepted, Balfe making a successful debut in Figaro in 1828. In 1829-30 he was principal bari- tone at Palermo, where he produced his first opera, I Eivali di se stessi, written in twenty days. Sliortly afterwards he sang with Mallbran at La Scala, Milan, and in 1835 re- turned to London, where he sang at public and private concerts. From the latter year dates his career as a eomi^oser of English operas. In the following autumn he appeared at Drury Lane ; iu 1837 he sang the part of Theodore in his own opera, Joan of Arc ; and in 1839 appeared as Farinelli in Barnett's opera, at Drurj' Lane, and iu a translation of Ricci's Scaramuccia, at the Lyceum. Be- ing unsuccessful as manager of the Lj-ceum (the English opera-house), he went iu 1840 to Paris, where he wrote, and jjroduced at the Opera Comique, two operas. The most popular and successful of Balfe 's works, The Bohemian Girl, was given in London, Nov. 27, 1843. While writing L'Etoile de Seville for the Acadcmie Royale iu 1845, he was re- called to London to make aiTangements for BALLADE his engagement as conductor of Her Majes- ty's Theatre, a position he hekl until its close in 1852. Balfe ^Yas in Vienna about 1846, and in Berliu bringing out some of his oj^eras in 1849 ; in the latter year, until 1852, he conducted a series of national concerts at Her jMajesty's Theatre ; but, although important ■works were produced, this enteri^rise ■was not successful. In 1852 he visited St. Petersburg and Trieste, returning to England in 1856. A French ver- sion of The Bohemian Girl, revised and added to by the composer, was given at the Thea- tre Lyrique, Paris, in December, 1869, with such success that he was made chevalier of the Legion of Honor by the French Emperor, and Commander of the Order of Carlos by the Regent of Spain. Works — Operas : I Rivali di se Stessi, Palermo, 1829 ; Un Av- vertimento ai Gelosi, Pavia, 1830 ; Eurico rV. al Passo della Marna, Milan, 1831 ; The Siege of Rochelle, London, Drury Lane, 1835 ; The Maid of Artois, ib., 1836 ; Cath- erine Grey, Joan of Arc, ib., 1837 ; Diadeste, ib., 1838'; Falstaff, Her Majesty's Theatre, 1838 ; Keolanthe, Lyceum, 1840 ; Le Puits dAmour, Paris, Oi^era Comique, 1843 ; Les quatre Fils dAymon, ib., 1844 ; The Bo- hemian Girl, London, Drury Lane, 1843 ; Daughter of St. Mark, ib., 1844 ; The En- chantress, ib., 1845 ; UEtoile de Seville, Paris, Academic Roy ale de Musique, 1845 ; The Bondman, London, Drury Lane, 1846 ; The Maid of Honour, ib., 1847 ; The Sicil- ian Bride, Drury Lane, 1852 ; The Devil's in it, Surrey Theatre, 1852 ; Pittore e Duca, Trieste, 1856 ; The Rone of Castile, Lyceum, 1857 ; La Zingara (Italian vei-sion of The Bohemian Girl), Her jMajesty's Theatre, 1858 ; Salanella, Lyceum, 1858 ; Bianca, 1860 ; The Puritan's Daughter, 1861 ; The Armourer of Nantes, Blanche de Nevers, 1863 ; The Sleeping Queen, operetta, Lon- don, Gallery of Illustration, 1863 ; La Bo- hemienne (French version of The Bohemian Girl, with many additions, and extended into five acts), Paris, Theatre Lyrique, 1869. Balfe's last opera. The Knight of the Leop- ard, was given in Italian as II Talismano at Drury Lane on June 11, 1874. Miscellane- ous music : Mazeppa, cantata (London), 2 others, written at Paris and Bologna, and many ballads, glees, part-songs, etc. — Ken- ney, A Memoir of ]\I. W. Balfe (London, 1875) ; Clement, Mus. celebres, 511 ; Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling, Supplement, 14 ; Riemann, Lex. BALLADE, the title given by Chopin to four pieces of his pianoforte music, which have no special character beyond that they are all written in triple time. 1, Op. 23, in G minor ; 2, op. 38, in F major ; 3, op. 47, in A-flat major ; 4, op. 52, in F minor. Brahms also has published four Balladen for the pianoforte, op. 10 ; and Liszt two Ballades for the same, op. 36. BALL.ADE SUR LA MORT D'OPHfi- LIE. See Tridia. BALLAROTTI, FRANCESCO, Italian dramatic composer, flourished about the end of the 17th and the early part of the 18th centurj'. Works — O^jeras : Alcibiade (Alciade ?), o violenza d' amore (with Polla- rolo and Gasparini), given at Venice, 1699 ; Ai'iovisto (with Perti and Paolo Magni), IVIilan, 1699 ; L' Amante impazzito, Venice, 1714.— Fetis. BALLERINA AMANTE, LA, Italian op- era, music by Cimarosa, represented at Na- ples, 1782. BALLO DELLE INGRATE, ballet by Claudio Monteverde, represented in Man- tua, 1608. This work, performed at the same time with the composer's Orfeo, was a mytho- logical spectacle, showing the punishment in Hades of fair ones who trifle with the affections of their swains. 114 BALLO BALlLO in MASCHERA, IL (The Masked Bail), Italian opera in four acts, text by Som- lua, music by Verdi, tirst represented at the Teatro Apollo, Rome, Feb. 17, 1859. It was originally called Gustavo HI., the sub- ject being identical with that of Gusiave HI. ou le Bal Masque of Scribe, set to music by Auber, and was written for the San Carlo, Naples ; but during the re- hearsals Orsini made his attempt on the life of Najjoleon III. (Jan. 13, 1858), and the jjerformauce was interdicted by the au- thorities on account of its conspiracy scene. Verdi's refusal to adapt his music to a new libretto led to a suit against him by the management of the San Carlo for 200,000 francs damages, and almost to a revolution in Naples, where the poj^ulace greeted the composer with shouts of "Viva Verdi," the letters of his name being given a political significance by being made to represent the initials of I'ittorio jEJmmanuele -St) Z*' /talia. Verdi finally took his work to Rome, where the censorship permitted its production with a change of scene and characters. The scene was changed to Massachusetts, and the action was made to turn on the assassination, at a masked ball in the co- lonial times, of Riccardo, Earl of Warwick and Governor of Boston, instead of King Gustavus m. of Sweden. In its new guise the piece was full of anachronisms and ab- surdities, but the beauty of its musical set- ting made it au unqualified success. On its production in Paris, at the Theatre Italien, Jan. 13, 1861, JLuio, who was cast for Riccardo, objected to the costume (small clothes, red coat, and epaulets), and the scene was again changed from Boston to Naples, and the Earl of Warwick was made into the Duke of Olivarez. The principal characters, Riccardo and Amelia, were represented originally by Fi'aschini and Mile Lagrua. The role of Amelia is a favourite with Mme Zelia Trebelli (nee Gillebert, Paris, 1838 ; her stage name is obviously her maiden name reversed), whose marriage, in 18G3, to the tenor singer Ales- sandro Bettini, was followed socm after by a separation. Cast in Paris. Duca d' Olivarez Mario. Renato, Secretary Graziani. Oscar, a page Battu. Adelia, wife of Renato Penco. Ulrica, a sorceress Mme Alboni. Un Ballo in Maschera was first produced in London, at the Lyceum, June 15, 18G1 ; a French version, text by Edouard Duprez, was given at the Theatre Lj'rique, Paris, November, 18G9. The opera is strong in dramatic situations, to which the music is Zelia Trebelli. well adapted. Among the most noteworthy numbers are in the first act the romanza of Riccardo : " La rivedrii, nell' estasi ; " the aria of Reiuhart, "Di speranze e glorie pi- ena ; " and the ballata of Oscar, " Volta la terrea f route alle stelle." In the second act (or the third as now sung) are Amelia's aria : " Ma dall' arido stelo ; " her duet with Riccardo, "M'ami, in' ami;" and the trio of the two and Reiuhart, "Odi tu come." The last act opens with a scene between Reinhart and Amelia, in which the latter sings a minor andante, "Morro, ma prima, in grazia," and the former au aria, " O dol- cezze perdute," which is always popular. Then comes the trio and the quartet of the conspiracy music, and later the beau- BAL MASQUE tiful song of the page, " Saper voireste," aud tiually the ball scene and the assassiua- tiou. — Hauslick, Moderne Oper, 237. BAL HIASQUE, LE, by Auber. See Gustave III. BALTAZAR, oratorio, music by Giaeomo Carissimi. MS. in National Library, Paris. It has been published by Chrysander (Schott). BALTAZARINI (Baltageriui, Balthazar de Beaujoyeuls), flourished in the 16th century. An Italian musician, and jjerhaps the best violinist of his day. Brought from Piedmont to Paris in 1577 by the Marquis de Brissae, he became iuteudant of music aud first valet de chambre to Catherine de' Medici, queen dowager. He introduced into France the five-stringed Italian violin (tuned by 4ths from A to F). But his most important service was the introduction of the Italian dances into Paris ; he was the real founder of the ballet in France, aud, through the ballet, of the opera. In this labor he associated with himself the best Parisian musicians of the daj'. His most important work was Circe, or Le ballet comique de la Heine (-Ito, Paris, Adrieu Le Eoy et Robert Ballard, 1582). Some other ballets by him are in MS. in the Na- tional Library, Paris. — Ludovic Celler, Les Origiues de I'Opera, 135 (Paris, 1868). B.\LTHAS.Ul, FLORENCE, Henry Mat- thias BaUhasar, called, born at Arlon, Bel- gium, Oct. 21, 1844, stiU living, 1888. Dra- matic composer and pianist, pujDil at the Conservatoire, Brussels, in 1857, studied the pianoforte under Auguste Dupout, the organ under Leramens, harmony under Adolphe Samuel, fugue and counterj)oint inider Futis, obtaining successively all the prizes in these studies. He performed in public at Namur, where he lived, and in 1868 brought out a dramatic overture at the Concerts populaires in Brussels, and in 1870 the fragments of several symphonies. In 1875 he took the jDrize given by the city of Lille for a cantata. Works: Une croy- ance bretonne, opura-bouffe, given at Brus- sels, Thciitre de la Monnaie, about 1868 ; Le Docteur Quinquina, operetta, ib.. Casino des Galeries Saint-Hubert ; Grand concerto symphonique for pianoforte and orchestra, Namur, 1870 ; Messe solennelle, with cho- rus and orchestra, Namur, 1872 ; Cantata for soli, chorus, and orchestra, Lille, 1875 ; Several fantaisies for pianoforte ; a concerto for the trumpet ; ballet music, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 39 ; Mendel ; Ergiinz., 23. BALTZAR, THOMAS, born in Liibeck, Germany, about 1630, died in London, buried July 27, 1663. Violinist, settled in England in 1656, the first great performer ever heard there. At the Restoration he became leader of the king's celebrated band of twenty-four violins. Anthony Wood cred- its him with having introduced the shift and the use of the upper part of the finger- board. His printed compositions appear in Playford's Division Violin ; a set of sonatas for lyra violin, treble violin, and bass viol, were sold at the auction of Thomas Britton, aud Burney owned some MS. solos.— Grove ; Fetis; Burney; Schilling. BAMBINI, FELICE, born at Bologna, Italy, about 1742, died in Paris during the first years of this century. Dramatic com- poser and jjianist, went to France in 1752 with an Italian opera troupe, of which his father was director, first aft Strasburg, then in Paris, where young Bambini, then nine years old, accomiiauied the ^performances on the pianoforte, and even composed airs, which were introduced in the intermezzi. Remaining in Paris after the expulsion of the Italian troupe, he studied imder Bor- denave and Rigade, and settled down as a teacher of the pianoforte. Works : Les amauts de village, comic opera, given in Paris, Nouveau Theatre Italien, 1764 ; Ni- caise, do., Opera Comique, 1776 ; LAmour r emporte, do., Theatre de Beaujolais, about 1787 ; 8 sonatas for pianoforte ; Trios for violin, viola, and violoncello ; 6 sympho- nies ; Little airs for ijianoforte with violin. — Fetis ; Schilling. BANCHIERI, ADRIANO, born in Bo- logna in 1567, died in 1634. Organist, pujnl BAKCK of Gerami, who was organist of the Cathe- dral of Lucca, aud later of S. Marco in Ven- ice. Banehieri was first organist of Sta. Maria iu Regola, Iniola, and in 1G03 of S. Michele in Bosco, near Bologna. He wrote church and dramatic music, and intermedj for comedies, such as La pazzia senile, etc. (Venice, 1598, reprinted at Cologne) ; its pendant, La jsrudeuza giovenile, which he entitled Comedia iu musica (Milan, 1G07) ; La barca di Venezia a Padua (Venice, 1623) ; and La fida fanciulla, etc. (Bologna, 1(528, 1629). His canzonette for four and three voices are dated 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598 ; and his madrigals for three and four voices 1593, 1594, 1600, 1602, 1623. Besides these he had many collections of motets, concertos, and masses. His 7th work is Fautasie e psalmi, canzone alia francese (1603). Of his theoretical works his first, " Conclusioni per orgauo," appeared at Lucca iu 1591 ; his most important, "L' Organo suonarino " (Venice, 1605), contained the first jwecise rules for accompanying from a figured bass (pub- lished separately by Lomazzo at Milan) ; iu the " Moderna practica musicale " (Venice, 1613), he suggests alterations in the basso continuo in consequence of its influence on the ornaments in singing. Another book, the " Cartella Musicale " (1614), contains a jH'oject for founding an academy of science and art at his monastery at Bologna. Ban- ehieri wrote comedies under the name of Camillo Scaligeri della fratta. — Grove ; Fe- tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BANCK, KARL, born at Magdeburg, May 27, 1809, still living, 1888. Instrumental and vocal composer. pupil in Berlin of B. Klein aud L. Berger, aud at Dessau (1829) of Friedrich Schnei- der. He visited Italy in 1831-32, then lived at Magdeburg, Berlin, and Leipsic, where he entertained friendly relations with Robert Schumann, then at Tubingen and Jena until 1840, when he set- tled at Dresden. In 1861 he married an American, and visited America in 1867. He is one of the most eminent musical critics of Germany. Besides songs and part-songs he has published some music for pianoforte. — Mendel ; Riemann ; Schilling, Sujiplement. BANISTER, HENRY CHARLES, born in London, June 13, 1831, still living, 1888. Pianist, son and pujiil of Henry Joshua Banister (1803-1847, violon- cellist), but mostly self-taught ; studied also at the Royal Academy of Music under Cipriani Potter, won the King's Schol- arship iu 1846 aud 1848, and became assistant professor of harmony and composition in 1851, and professor in 1853. He has been pro- fessor of harmony at the Guildhall School of Music since 1880, and at the Royal Nor- mal College for the Blind. Works : First Symphony iu D, for orchestra (1847) ; Sec- ond do. in E-flat (1848) ; Third do. in A minor (1850) ; Fourth do. in A (1853) ; Fu-st Overture, for orchestra (1849) ; Second do. — Cymbeline, Third do. (1852) ; Fourth do. — The Serenade; Fifth do. — From Sorrow to Joy (1876) ; First Quartet for strings (1848) ; Second do. (1850) ; String quartet in E minor ; Sonata iu E, for pianoforte ; Sec- ond do., four hands, in G minor (1850) ; Third do. in A-flat ; Fourth do. in A minor ; So- natas for i^ianoforte iu B-flat, F-sharp minor (2), F minor ; Fantasia in F minor, for pianoforte (1874) ; Andante aud Rondo for do. and orchestra (1852) ; Capriceio in A minor fordo.; Fantasia iu D, for do. (1863) ; Intermezzo in E, for orchestra (1875) ; Sa- cred cantata for chorus, solo voices, and or- chestra (1851) ; The Sea Fairies, cantata for female voices, and orchestra (1861) ; The Maiden's Holiday, do., without orchestra ; Numerous songs, part-songs, aud pianoforte pieces. 117 BANISTEK BANISTER, JOHN, born in Loudon in 1G30, died there, Oct. 3, 1679. Dramatic composer and violinist. His vio- lin -playing at- tracted the notice of Charles II., who sent him to Fi'ance to study, and on his return in 1663 made him leader of his band. He was the first to es- tablish in London lucrative concerts, which he kept up until near the time of his decease. He wrote the music to the tragic opera of Circe, by Dr. Charles Davenant, eldest son of Sir "William Davenant, given in 1676 at the Duke of York's Theatre ; and also wrote, jointly with Pelham Humfrey, the music to The Tempest, performed in 1676. He was one of the contributors to Playford's Courtly Masquing Ayres (1662), and 25ublished some lessons for viols or violins. — Grove ; Haw- kins, Notes to North's Memoirs of Musiek. BAPTISTE, JOHANN ALBRECHT FRIEDRICH, born, of French parents, at Oettingen, Bavaria, Aug. 8, 1700, died at Cassel about 1764. Yiolinist, lived in 1703- 20 at Darmstadt, visited Paris in 1718, and travelled in Italy and most of the European countries until 1726, when he settled at Cassel as court dancing-master, his father's 2)rofession. "Works : 12 solos for violin ; 6 do. for violoncello ; 6 trios for oboe and violoncello ; 36 solos for bass viol ; 12 con- certos for do. ; 6 sonatas for flute. — Fetis ; Schilling. BAPTISTE (real name Baptiste Anet), lived last of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries. Violinist, pupil of Corelli for foui" years, from 1700. He went to Paris, where he was looked upon as a musi- cal prodigy, and did much to develop violin- playing by introducing Corelli's method ; but he failed to suit the taste of Louis XIV., who preferred Lulli's music, and Baptiste went to Poland, where he became music director to the King. Published works : Sonates pour violou, 1, 2, 3 liv. ; Deux suites de pieces a deux musettes, ceuv. 2 ; Six duos pour deux musettes, ceuv. 3. — Futis. B.APTISTIN (Batistiu), JEAN, born, of German parents, in Florence, Italy, about 1690, died in Paris, Dec. 9, 17.55. Dramatic composer and violoncellist in the orchestra of the Opera in Paris. His real name w^as Johann Struck. He stood in high favonr with Louis XTV., who allowed him an an- nual pension during his sojourn in France. "Works : Meleagre, Ij'ric tragedy, given in Paris, Academic Koyale de Musique, 1709 ; Manto la Fee, do., ib., Opera, 1711 ; Poly- dore, do., Academie, 1720 ; Four books of cantatas (Paris, 1706, 1708, 1711, 17U) ; Collection of arias (ib., 1709). Several op- eras and ballets, written for the court, and not performed in Paris. — Fetis ; Mendel. BARBE, ANTOINE, born, probably in Hainault, in the early part of the 16th cen- tury, died at Antwerp, Dec. 4, 1564. Church composer, called to Antwerp in 1527 as mai- tre de musique of the maitrise of Notre Dame, which position he held for thirty-five j-ears, becoming so famous as a composer and leader that the best musicians of that epoch placed themselves under his direc- tion. Nearly aU of his numerous masses, motets, hymn.s, anthems, etc., that were ex- ecuted daily at Notre Dame, were destroyed with the cathedral by the Iconoclasts in 1566. Only the following survive : Two motets (Antwerp, Van Visseuaken, 1542) ; Four-part song (ib., Tylman Susato, 1544) ; Vecy la danse de Barbaric, mass (ib., 1545- 46). His sou (died, 1604) and grandson (died, 1626), both named Antoine, wex-e also musicians of distinction. — Biog. nat. de Bel- gique, i. 703. BARBE-BLEU (Blue Beard), opera-bouffe in three acts and four tableaux, text by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halevy, music by Offenbach, first represented at the Thea- tre des Varietus, Paris, Feb. 5, 1866. B.ARBELLA, ElLiNUELE, born in Na- ples, beginning of the 18th century, died 118 BARBEREAU there iu 1773. Violinist ; pupil of his father Francesco Barbella, of Augjelo Zaga, and of Pasqualiiio Biiii, a pupil of Tartini in Na- ples ; instructed in counterpoint by Michele Gabbalone and Leo. He had Kaimondi for his pupil. Works : C duets for 2 violins and Gsonatasforviolin (London) ; 6 duets for vio- lin ; 6 duets for 'cello, op. 4 (Paris). Burney, in his History of Music, gives, Tinna Tonna, j)er prender souno, a chai-ming piece for double string, by Barbella. — Ft'tis ; Schil- ling. BARBEREAU, (MATHUEIN AUGUSTE) BALTHAZAR, born iu Paris, Nov. 14, 1799, died there, July 18, 1879. Instrumental composer, pupil of Eeicha at the Conserva- toire. He won the grand prix in 1824, vis- ited Italy and Germanj^ was for some years chef d'orchestre at the Theatre des Nou- veautes, and at the Theatre FranCj'ais, then devoted himself for many years to historical studies and teaching, and in 1872 became professor at the Conservatoire. Works : Agnes Sorel, cantata (grand jjrix, 1824) ; Several overtures for orchestra ; Part of the music to the lyrical drama Les Syba- rites de Florence, given at the Theatre des Nouveautes, 1831. He wrote a treatise on composition (1845, unfinished) ; and "Etudes sur I'origine du systfeme musical " (1852, do.).— Fetis; do.. Supplement, i. 42. BARBERS OF BASSORA, THE, English comic oj)era in two acts, text by Madison Morton, music by John Hullah, represent- ed at Covent Garden, London, Nov. 11, 1837. BABBLER, FRfiDERIC fiTIENNE, born in Metz, Nov. 15, 1829, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Darondeau, or- ganist at Bourges. He was destined for the army or the law by his family, but a little ope- ra-comique which he produced at Bourges, Le Manage de Colombine, decided his career and enabled him to devote himself to the study of music. He went to Paris, was pre- sented to Sevestre, director at the Lyrique, and made the acquaintance of Adoljahe Adam, who gave him lessons in composi- tion and helped him to bring out at the Lyrinpil of Vasliu and Norblin at the Con- servatoire, and since 1840 member of the orchestra of the Opera. Works : Trois etudes en double corde, op. 1 (Paris, Ei- chault) ; Airs bretons, for violoncello and jsi- auoforte (ib.) ; Deux melodies, for do., op. 3 (Leipsic, Hofmeister) ; 24 etudes pour violoncelle, op. 4. — Fetis. BATTEN, ADRIAN, born at Winches- ter (?), England, about 1585, died in Lou- don (?) about 1640. Church composer, brought up in the cathedral choir of Win- chester under John Holmes, was appointed vicai--choral of Westminster Abbey in 1G14, and removed in the same capacity to St. Paul's Cathedral in 1624, where he held also the position of organist. _ He wrote several anthems which ai'e still sung, and a Morn- ing, Communion, and Evening service in the Dorian mode. Several of his compositions are printed in Barnard's and Boyce's collec- tions. — Burnej" ; Grove. BATTI, BATTI, O BEL ]\L^SETTO. See Don Giovanni. BATTLSHILL, JONATHAN, bom in London, May, 1738, died at Islington, Dec. 10, 1801. Or- ganist, chorister in 1747 of St. Paul's Cathedral u n d e r W i 1 1 i a m Savage, and later his arti- cled puisil. After officiating as harp- sichord player at Covent Garden Theatre, he became, about 1771, organist of the united parishes of St. Clement, Eastcheap, and St. Martin, Orgar, and a little later of Christ Church, Newgate Street. He w-rote glees, catches, songs, and (in conjunction with Michael Arne) the score to the opera of Almena, given in Lon- don, 1764 ; the music to a pantomime, The Rites of Hecate, 1764 ; and much church music. Two of his glees won prizes from the Catch Club, Underneath this Myrtle Shade, 1770, and. Come, bind my hair, 1771. Published works : 3 collections of songs ; 4 anthems in Page's Harmonia Sacra ; 6 an- thems and ten chants (Page, 1804) ; Glees and catches in Warren's collection ; 12 psalm tunes and an ode in Page's collection of hvmus. — Grove ; Fetis. " BATTISTA, VINCENZO, born at Naples, Oct. 5, 1818 (1823 ?), died there, Nov. 14, 1873. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Royal College of Music at Naples. His first opera, Anna La Prie, was played at the San Carlo in 1843 ; Margherita d'.lragona, ib., 1844 ; Rosvina de le Forest, Milan, Teatro delta Scala, 1845 ; Emo, Naples, 1846 ; Irene, ib., about 1847 ; Eleonora Dori, ib., 1847 ; II corsaro della Guadalupa, ib., Tea- tro Nuovo, 1853 ; Ermelinda, ib., Alba d' Ora, ib., 1869. He also wrote music to a part of Dante's Inferno, called II Bivacco. —Fetis. BATTLE OF PRAGUE, a piece of mili- tary music, by Kotzwara, a native of Prague, descriptive of the battle fought near that city. May 6, 1757, in which Frederick the Great defeated the Austrians. It was writ- ten for the pianoforte, with violin and vio- loncello accompaniment, and was published at Berlin and Hamburg about 1792 and in Loudon in 1793. The j)iece was very suc- cessful and was the precursor of much other music of a similar kind. — Fetis; Grove. B.\TTLE SYMPHONY. See Wdlington'.^ Sieg. BATTMANN, JACQUES LOUIS, born at Maasmiinster, Alsace, Aug. 25, 1818, died at Dijon, July 7, 1886. Organist, first at Belfort (1840), then at Vesoul ; pupil at Colmar of Theodor Sehlosser in harmony and composi- tion, and of Martin Vogt on the organ. He has i^ublished about 400 works, consisting of masses, motets, choruses ; many pieces for the harmonium ; studies for the organ and pianoforte ; duos and trios for violins ; ro- 138 BATTON mauces, chansonettes, and man_y dances for pianoforte, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 55. BATTON, DftSIRE ALEXANDRE, born in Paris, Jan. 2, 1797, died at Versailles, Oct. IG, 1855. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Conservatoire from 1806 ; studied counter- point under Cherubini. He gained the 2d grand jjrixde I'lnstitutin 1816, and the 1st in 1817, for his cantata, La Mort d'Adouis, ac- quiring the right to travel for five years in Italy and Germany. While in Rome he com- posed an oratorio, and several pieces of sa- cred and instrumental music ; at Munich he brought out a symphony and other works, and returned to Paris in 1823. Having ob- tained little success with several operas, he was on the point of giving uj) his musical career, when the opera, La Marquise deBrin- villiers, written in 1832, in collaboration with Auber, Herold, Carafa, and others, again brought him into public favour, as the finale written by him was very fine. He was made Inspecteur des Suecursales at the Con- servatoire in 1842, and director of a vocal class in 1847. Works : La fenetre secrete, comic opera, given in Paris, Theatre Fey- deau, 1818 ; Ethelvina, ib., Op^ra Comique, 1827 ; Le prisonnier d'etat, Theatre Fey- deau, 1828 ; Le champ du drap d'or (with Ri- faut and Leborne), ib., 1828 ; Le remi)la<;ant. Opera Comique, 1837. — Fetis ; Mendel. BATTU, PANTALEON, born in Paris in 1799, died there, Jan. 17, 1870. Violinist, pu- pil of Rudolph Kreutzer at the Conservatoire, where he obtained the first prize in 1822. From the start he was successful as a solo player in the Concerts spirituels, and in the concerts of the Conservatoire, which he helped to establish. He was at the same time a member of the orchestra of the Opei'a, and until 1830 also of the Eoj'al Chapel ; in 1846 he became second chef d'orchestre at the Opera, and retired into private life in 1859. Works : 2 concertos for violin, op. 1, 3 (Paris) ; 3 duos concertants for two violins, op. 2 (ib.) ; Theme varie for violin, with orchestra ; Romances, with pi- anoforte.— Fetis ; Mendel. BAUDIOT, CHARLES NICOLAS, born at Nancy, March 29, 1773, died in Paris, Sept. 26, 1849. Violoncellist, pupil of Jan- son the elder, whom he succeeded as pro- fessor at the Conservatoire, Paris, in 1802, and whence he retired in 1822, having been appointed also first violoncello of the royal orchestra in 1816. Works : 2 concertos for violoncello ; 2 concertinos for do., op. 19 and 20 ; Trio for violin, viola, and violon- cello, op. 3 ; Duets for violoncello, op. 5 and 7 ; Pot-pourri for do., with quartet ; 3 fan- taisies for do., with pianoforte, op. 12; 3 do., op. 20 ; 3 nocturnes for violoncello and harp ; 2 works of sonatas for violoncello, with bass ; Trios for pianoforte, violoncello, and horn, and for pianoforte, harjs, and vio- loncello ; Themes varies for violoncello and pianoforte ; 3 duets for do. on themes of Rossini and Auber, op. 31 ; Many pieces ar- ranged after Lafont and de Beriot, for violon- cello ; Methode complete de violoncelle, op. 25 ; Instruction pour les compositeurs. — Fetis ; Riemann. BAUDOIN. See Bauldewijn. BAIXDEWIJN (Baudoin, Baulduin, Balduin), NOEL (Natalis), born in the sec- ond half of the 15th century, died at Ant- werp in 1529. Maitre de musique of Notre Dame at Antwerp in 1513-18. It is possi- ble that he visited Italy, as some of his motets were printed by Petrucci de Fossom- brone in the collection, Motetti della corona, in 1519. His masses in MS. are in the Pontifical Chapel in Rome, and the Royal Li- brary at Munich. Other motets are to be found in collections published at Augsburg (1540), Antwerp (1545), and Nuremberg (1546). — Biog. nat. de Belgique, i. 663 ; Fetis ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 26. BAUMBACH, ADOLPH, born in Ger- many about 1830, died in Chicago, 1880. He removed to America, and in 1855 was settled in Boston. He was a teacher of the pianoforte and the organ, and many of his compositions were for instruction on the pianoforte ; he also compiled a collection for the use of quartet choirs. 133 BAUMBACII BAUMBACH, FRIEDRICH AUGUST, bom iu 1753, died at Leii^sie, Nov. 30, 1813. Couductor of the theatre orchestra at Hamburg in 1778 ; retired to Leipsic iu 1789 to devote himself to composition. Works : sonatas for pianoforte, op. 1 (Gotha, 1790); 6 duets for violins (Speyer, 1791) ; Trios ; Concertos ; Variations for pianoforte, with violin or violoncello obli- gato ; Kondos for jjianoforte ; Variations for 2 violins ; Etudes for guitar ; Songs and duets. — Fetis ; Mendel. BAUMFELDER, FRIEDRICH AUGUST WILHELM, born iu Dresden, May 28, 1836, still living, 1888. Instrumental composer, pupil of Johauu Schneider, and at the Cou- servatorium at Leipsic ; is a favourite teacher of the pianoforte at Dresden, and has com- posed symphonies, overtures, concertos for pianoforte, and other works of a high stan- dard, besides a great deal of light piano- forte music. — Mendel. BAUMGARTEN, GOTTHILF VON, born iu Berlin, Jan. 12, 1741, died at Gross- Strehlitz, Silesia, Oct. 1, 1813. Dramatic comj)oser, studied music iu his native citv*, served iu the army in 17G1-79, and was ap- pointed to a government position in Silesia iu 1780. Works : Zemire und Azor, given at Breslau, 1775 ; Andromeda, monodrama, ib., 177C ; Das Grab des Mufti, ib., 1778.— Fetis ; MendeL BAUMGARTEN, KABL FRIEDRICH, born in Germany in 1754, died iu London in 1824. Organist, violinist, and di\imatic composer, pupil of the famous organist J. P. Kunzeu ; went early to London, where he was organist of the Lutheran chapel in the Savoy, conductor of the opera at Coveut Garden in 1780-94, and leader of the Duke of Cumberland's private band. Among his operas and pantomimes the best known are : Robin Hood, given at Covent Gai'deu, 1786 ; Blue Beard, ib., 1792.— Grove. BAL^IGARTNER, AUGUST, born in Munich, Nov. 9, 1814, died there, Sept. 29, 1862. Church composer, jnipil of the or- ganist Kalcher and of Holz on the jjiano- forte, then of Ettin theorj-, 1841-42 ; became choirmaster at St. Ann's, Munich, iu 1853. Works : Instrumental Mass ; Requiem ; Ves- per Psalms ; Secular choruses with and with- out orchestra, songs, and pianoforte jsieces. ■ — Mendel. BAUMGARTNER, JOHANN BAPTIST, born at Augsburg, 1723, died at EichstiUlt, May 18, 1782. Violoncellist, studied at Augsburg and Munich, and as one of the best performers on his instrument made extensive concert tours through Germany, England, Holland, Scandiuavia, etc., and settled at Amsterdam in 1774. Called to Stockholm in 1778, he was soon obliged to give up a lucrative position on account of the climate, and became chamber musician to the Prince Bishop of Eichstiidt in 1781. He composed concertos, variations, and solos for violoncello, also published a valuable method for his instrument (Hague, 1777). An o)iera, Perseus and Andromeda, by a composer of this name, was given in Ger- many iu 1780. — Mendel. BAUR, CHARLES ALEXIS, born at Tours in 1789, died (?). Pianist and harp- ist, first instructed by his jjareuts, then iu Paris i^upil of Nadermaun ; went to Loudon in 1820 and taught the harp. Works : 3 sonatas for harp, op. 1 ; do., op. 2 ; Collec- tion of arias for do. ; Duets foi- harp and pianoforte, ojj. 3 ; do. for harp and flute ; Quartets for harp, pianoforte, violin, and bass. — Fetis ; Mendel. BAVAGNOLI, MANLIO, Italian com- poser, contemporary. He is the composer of Roderico di Spagna, opera seria, repre- sented at the Teatro Reale, Parma, April 20, 1878. BAVAEDS, LES (The Gossips), French opera-bouffe iu two acts, text by Nuitter, after Cervantes, music by Offenbach, repre- sented at the Bouffes Parisiens, Paris, Feb. 20, 1863. BAVERINI, FRANCESCO, Italian con- trapuntist of the 15th century. His drama or mystery. La Conversione di San Paolo, was represented in Rome in 1440 (1480?), by 134 BAYADERES order of Cardinal Kiario. This work, one of the first religious dramas ever put upon the stage, is now lost.— Futis ; Mendel. BAYADERES, LES, French opera in three acts, text by Jouy, music by Catel, first represented at the Opera, Aug. 7, 1810. The Bayaderes are dancing girls attached to the Hindoo temples. The libretto is founded on Goethe's ballad, "Der Gott und die Bajadere," which also gives the title to Auber's Le Dieu et la Bayadere. Les Baya- deres, -which achieved a great success, was reduced to two acts, Aug. 31, 1821. BAYARD A LA FERTE, French opera comique in three acts, text by Desaugiers and de Geutil, music by Plantade, first rep- resented at the Theatre Feydeau, Paris, Oct. 3, 1811. The scene is laid at the Chateau de la Ferte, and the action turns on the love of Bayard for Mme de Randan, who is also loved by the king. The opera was finally reduced to two acts. BAYARD A MEZT^RES, French opera- comique in one act, text by Dupaty and Chazet, music by Boieldieu, Catel, Isouard, and Cherubini, first represented at the Ope- ra Comique, Paris, Feb. 12, 1814. Subject, Bayard at the siege of Mezieres. The Chev- alier is the hero also in Bayard dans Bresse, French opera in two acts, text by Piis, mu- sic by Stanislas Champein, given at the The- atre italien, Paris, Feb. 21, 1791. BAYER, ANTON, born in Bohemia in 1785. Dramatic comjOTser and flutist, pupil in Prague of Josef Rosier, Alibot Vogler, and Karl Maria von \Velier ; in 1802-5 he conducted the orchestra of the Czech and German popular opera, for which he also composed many pieces. To escape military service, he travelled as a pianist and flutist through Germany, France, and Italy, but returning to Prague at the time of the Congress at Vienna, he became first flutist at the theatre and professor at the Conservatorium. In 1823 he obtained a position as administrator on the estate of Reichenbach. He was the first teacher of Henriette Sonntag. Among his comic op- JO- erettas the most popular were : Der Tausendsassa, BiJhmische Aniazonen, Frau Ahndl, Der indianische Gaukler in Kriih- winkel, Naturalische Zauberei, etc. His numerous instrumental compositions, con- sisting pirincii^ally of dances, variations, etc , for violin, flute, pianoforte, and guitar, were very popular. — Fetis ; Mendel; Schilling, Supplement. BAY OF BISCAY, THE, song by John Davij, written in the early part of this cen- tury. It is one of the most popular songs of its kind ever composed. BAZIN, FRANgOIS (EMANUEL SEPH), born at Mar- seilles, France, Sept. 4, 181G, died in Paris, Sept. 2, 1878. Dra- matic composer, pupil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of Dourleu and Lecouppey in harmo- ny, of Benoist on the organ, and of Hak'vy and Berton in compo- sition. He won the first jn'ize in 183(5, 1837, 1839, and 1840, and the second in 1837 and 1839. His cantata, Louise de Montfort, hav- ing been performed at the Academy in 1840, he went for three years to Rome, where he composed a solemn mass, performed at the Church of S. Luigi de' Frances!, 1842 and 1843, the oratorio, La Pentecote, and the psalm, Suj)er flumina Babylonis, which were executed several times in 1843 by the So- cieta Filarmonica of Rome. On his return to Paris he was made professor at the Con- servatoire, and in 1872 member of the Acad- emy. Officer L. of Honour, 1869. Works — Operas: Le trompette de M. le Prince, given at the Opera Comique, 1846 ; Le malheur d'etre joli, ib., 1847 ; La nuit de la Saint Sylvestre, ib., 1849 ; Madelon, ib., 1852 ; Maitre Pathelin, ib., 1856 ; Les desesperes, ib., 1858 ; Le voyage en Chine, ib., 1867 ; Marianne, opera-comique in one act, text by Augustin Challamel, published in the Magazin des Demoiselles (1861) ; L'Oura et ISB BAZZANI le Pacha, text by Scribe and Saintiue, Ope- ra Comique, 1870. He also published a Cours d'harmonie theorique et pratique, for the use of the classes iu the Conserva- toire. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 58. BAZZANI. See Bazzino. BAZZINI, ANTONIO, born at Brescia, Lombardy, March 10, 1818, still living, 1888. Viohnist and composer, pupil of Faustino Camisani. At the age of seven- teen he was maestro di cappella of the Church of S. Filij)po, Brescia, had written masses and vespers for that church, and brought out sis oratorios for full orchestra. Pagauini heard him play the violin in 1836, and advised him to travel, and from 1840 he played in all the i^rincipal cities of Italy, France, Germany, and Belgium as a virtu- oso and composer. In 18.52 he went to Paris, where Pougin was iu the orchestra at the Gymnase Theatre where his concerts were given, and he recognized in him one of the most finished violinists he had ever heard. In 186-1 he returned to Brescia, and in 1873 was made professor of couuterjioint and composition at the Conservatorio, Mil- an. Works : Tvu-audot, opera, given at La Scala, Milan, in 184:4, which was not suc- cessful. His psalms, among which is the Resurrection, were considered his best works, and next to these his symphonies and cantatas. He wrote overtures to Alfie- ri's "Saul"and Shakespeare's " Kinglunax." His compositions for violin are numerous : Le Carillon d'Arras, air flamand vario, op. 36 ; Trois morceaux h'riques : Nocturne, Scher- zo, Berceuse, op. 41; Trois morceaux so- natas : Allegro, Romance, Finale, op. 44, are the best. — Fetis; do.. Supplement, i. 58 ; Larousse ; Riemann, Lex. ; Wasielewski, Die Violine, 312. BAZZINO, FRANCESCO MARIA, born at Lovero, Venetia, iu 1593, died at Berga- mo, April 15, 1660. Celebrated theorbist, pupil of Giovanni Cavaccio at Bergamo, where he became organist at Sta. INIaria Maggiore ; having entered the service of the Duke of Modeua, he went thence to Vienna, but returned to Modena, and in 1636 to Bergamo. Works : La representazione di S. Orsola, oratorio ; Sonata and other pieces for the theorbo ; Canzonettas. His elder brother, Natale (born at Lovero, died in Venice, 1693), was an organist ; he com- posed masses, motets, psalms, and arias of merit. — Fetis ; Mendel. BAZZONI, GIOVANNI LUIGI, born in Milan in 1816, died in Paris, September, 1871. Dramatic composer, studied in his native city, settled iu Paris after 1836, and became chef de chant at the Theatre Italien in 1852. A few years after 1858 he went to Italy, but returned to Paris, where he died in want. Works : I tre mariti, farce, Teatro della Canobbiana, Milan, 1836 ; Salvator Rosa, opera, ib., 1837 ; Le quart d'heure de Rabe- lais, operetta, Paris, Folies Nouvelles, about 1858 ; II rinnegato fiorentiuo, opera, Turin, Teatro Regio, after 1858. Vocal melodies, and morceaux de genre for pianoforte. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 59. BEALE, WILLIAM, born at Landrake, England, Jan. 1, 1784, died in London, May 3, 1854. Vocal composer, principally of glees and madrigals ; chorister of West- minster Abbey under Dr. Arnold and Rob- ert Cooke. He was awarded the prize cuj) given by the Madrigal Society in 1813, for his "Awake, sweet Muse," and a j^rize from the Adelphi Glee Club in 1840. In 1820 he published a collection of his glees and madrigals, and about 1879 a selection from his MSS., consisting of thirteen glees, etc., was published. — Grove. BEATRICE ET BENEDICT, French opera in two acts, text and music by Hec- tor Berlioz, represented at the theatre of Baden-Baden, Aug. 9, 1862. Subject from Shakespeare's " Much Ado about Nothing." BEATRICE DI TENDA, Italian opera, text by Felice Romani, music by Bellini, first represented in Venice, March 16, 1833 ; at the King's Theatre, London, March 22, 1836 ; at the Theatre des Italiens, Paris, Feb. 8, 1841 ; and at Palmo's Opera House, New York, March 18, 1844. Subject : Fi- 136 BEAU lippo di Visconti, Duke of Milau, suspect- ing his wife, Beatrice di Tenda, of infidel- ity, sends her to punishment by torture together with her pretended accomplice Orombello. Originally sung by Pasta, Curi- oui, and Cartagenova, this opera was coldly received both at Venice and Florence. Al- though it contains many interesting num- bers, it did not succeed much better in Paris, where, however, it was reproduced iinta Frezzolin'. in 1854 with Frezzolini in the title-role, aided by Graziaui. Mine Frezzolini, who retained her maiden name on the stage, not- withstanding her marriage with the tenor Poggi, made her debut as Beatrice in 1838 in Florence. The same subject had been previously treated in Philippus, Herzon- von Mailand, text by Hinscb, music by Mattheson and Bronner, Hamburg, 1701, which was given also as Beatrix in 1702 ; and later in Beatrice, music by Josef Wolf- ram, Dresden, 1837 ; and in Beatrice, music by Guimarais, Italy, 1882. ' BEAU DUNOIS, LE, operette in one act, text by Chivot and Duru, music by Charles Lecocq, represented at the Theatre des Va- rietfts, Paris, April 13, 1870. BEAUJOYEULX, BALTHASAR DE. See BaJlazarini. BEAULIEU, MARIE DESIRE (MAR- TIN), called, born in Paris, April 11, 1791, died there in December, 1863. Church composer, pupil of Alliaume, Kreutzer, Be- nincori, and Mehul. He won the 2d grand prix at the Institut de France iu 1800, and the 1st in 1810 ; but he did not avail him- self of its privileges, continuing his studies under Mchul, and settling soon afterwards at Niort ; he sent a Miserere to the Institut in 1812, a Laudate and a cantata, Sapho, iu 1813, a Dornine Salvum in 1814. He was the founder of quartet meetings at Niort, and in 182'J of a Philharmonic Soci- ety, afterwards known as the Association Musicale de I'Ouest (1835), one of the most successful societies of the kind in France. In 18G6 he instituted a vocal society iu Paris, called La Societe de Chant Classique, and at his death endowed both of these so- cieties with the fortune amassed at his con- certs, and by his works. He wrote also several works on music. His most im- portant compositions are : Miserere for four voices, soli and chorus (1812) ; Sapho, IjTic scene for solo and chorus, Laudate Do- minum for two choruses (1813) ; Domine sal- vum for five voices, soli and choruses (1817) ; Jeanne dArc, cantata (1817) ; Requiem Mass for four voices, soli and chorus (1819) ; An- acreon, opera (about 1819) ; Sixieme Ode sacree de J. B. Eousseau, for soli and cho- rus (1828) ; Quinzieme Ode sacree de do., for single voice ; Fantaisie for violin, solo and chorus ; Psyche et lAmour, scenes, soli and chorus (1833) ; Fete bachique, scene, tenor solo and chorus (1835) ; Hymne pour la premiere communion (1840) ; L'Ocean, morceau d'ensemble (1841) ; L'Hymne du matin, oratorio (1843) ; Messe solennelle for four voices, soli and chorus (1845) ; Llm- mortalite de I'ame, oratorio, L'Hymne de la nuit, do. (1851) ; Jeanne d'Ai-c, grande scene lyrique iu two parts (1853) ; Mass for three voices and organ (18.53) ; Philadelphie, opera (1855). — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 59 ; Mendel ; Riemann. BEAUjMESNIL, HENEIETTE ADE- LAIDE VILLARD DE, born in Paris, Aug. 31, 1758, died there in 1813. Dramatic 137 BEAUTE singer and composer, shone as one of the great stars of the Opera in 17G6-74, retired in 1781, and soon after married the actor Philippe of the Comedie ItaUeune. Works : Les Saturnales (act of a ballet), Academie Eoyale de Musique, 1784: ; Tibulle et Delie, ojjera, ib., 1784 ; Anacreou ; Les legisla- trices ; Plaire, c'est commander, comic op- era. Theatre Montansier, 1792. — Fetis; do., Supi^lemont, i. 61 ; Mendel. BEAUTE DIVINE, ENCHANTERESSE. See Huguenots. BEAUVARLET CHAEPENTIEE, JEAN JACQUES, born in Abbeville in 1730, died in Paris, May, 1794. Organist at Lyons, and later (1771) of the Abbey Chmxh of St. Victor, Paris. In 1772 he succeeded Da- quin at St. Paul's, Paris, and was also one of the four organists at Notre Dame. The Revolution deprived him of these positions, and he died of a broken heart. After the death of Armand Louis Couperin he was considered the greatest of French organists. Works : Piuces d'orgue (Paris) ; Sonates de clavecin, op. 2 et 8 ; Fugues pour orgue, op. 6 ; Trois magnificats pour orgue, ojo. 7 ; Journal d'orgue, in twelve numbers with some of his hymns, four for the Circumci- sion, the Ej)iphanj-, the Purification, and the Annunciation, and four processional cho- ruses. — Futis ; Larousse ; Schilling ; Mendel. BEAUVARLET-CHARPENTIER, JACQUES MAEIE, born in Lyons, July 3, 1766, died in Paris in November, 18.34. Or- ganist and composer ; son and pujjil of Jean Jacques Beauvarlet-Charpentier, whom he succeeded as organist at the Church of St. Paul, Paris, when the churches were re- opened after the Revolution. He was also organist of St. Germain-des-Pres towards the latter part of his life. Works : Victoire de I'armee d'ltalie, ou Bataille de Monte- notte, for organ or harpsichord (Paris, 1796) ; Airs varies a quatre mains pour clavecin (1799) ; La bataille d'Austerhtz (1805) ; La bataille d'lena (1807) ; Gervais, ou le Jeune aveugle, opera, given in Paris, Theatre des Jeunes Artistes, 1802 ; and a collection of romances entitled, Le troubadour, with ac- companiment (Paris, 1816). He also pub- lished : Methode d'orgue suivi de I'olfice complet de dimanches et d'un Te Deum. — Fetis ; do., Sujiplement, i. 61 ; Mendel ; Schilling. BECHER, ALFRED JULIUS, born in Manchester, England, in 1803, died in Vienna, Nov. 23, 1848. He was of German parentage, and his life was spent at Elber- feld, Cologne, Diisseldorf, The Hague, and Loudon until 1841, when he settled in Vi- enna, and became musical critic of the Wiener Musik-Zeitung and the Sonutags- bliitter. In 1848 he became a violent demo- crat, and was tried by court-martial and shot in the Stadtgraben, Vienna. Works : 8 poems for one voice and pianoforte, op. 1 (Leipsic) ; 8 lyrical pieces for pianoforte, op. 2 (Cologne) ; 3 sonatas for pianoforte, op. 7 (Hegel) ; monologue for pianoforte, oj). 9 (Vienna) ; 5 songs for one voice with piano- forte, op. 10 ; etc. His songs were pub- lished in four collections in Cologne and Vienna. — AUgem. d. Biogi'., i. 200 ; AUgem. Zeitg., Dec. 3, 1848, Beilage ; Fetis ; Men- del ; Wurzbach, i. 207. BECK, FRANZ, born at Mannheim in 1730, died at Bordeaux, Dec. 31, 1809. Vio- linist, pupil of his father, who was privy councillor to the Prince Palatine ; adopted by and a great favourite of the latter, he for- feited his brilliant prospects in consequence of a fatal duel, which caused his flight to Paris, whence he was called in 1777 to Bor- deaux as concert director. Works : 24 sym- phonies (1776) ; Stabat Mater, performed at the Concert Spirituel, Paris, 1783 ; Pan- dore, a melodrama, ib., Thi'atre de Monsieur, 1789 ; Gloria ; Credo ; Quartets for violin ; Sonatas for pianoforte. — Fetis. BECK, JOHANN HEINRICH, born, of German parentage, in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1856, still living, 1888. Violinist, began the study of the violin when quite young. In 1879-82 he studied in the Leipsic Con- servatorium the pianoforte, violin, and vi- ola, and theory and composition under Carl 138 BECKEL Keinecke, Jadassolin, Oscar Paul, F. Her- mann, Alfred Richter, and others ; aud ou his return in the latter year settled in Cleve- land as a teacher and violinist. He has received considerable praise as a violinist, and his compositions have been favour- ably noticed in both Germany and Amer- ica. Originator of the Schubert Quartet of Cleveland. Works : Byron's "Lara," ovei-- ture in E minor ; Shakespeare's " Romeo and Juliet," overture ; String quartet in C minor ; String se.\tet in D minor ; Bayard Taylor's Deukaliou, cantata. Songs : Bitte, Der Schwere Abend, Meeresabend, Bedouin Love Song, and others. These are all in MS. BECKEL, JAMES COX, born, of Ameri- can parentage, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dec. 20, 1811, still Uving, 1888. Organist, began the study of music at the age of six under Jacob Reelsecker, a Moravian min- ister, and afterwards studied counterpoint and musical theory under Filippo Trajetta. "When thirteen years old he was chosen or- ganist of St. James's Church, Lancaster. In 1840 he became organist of St. Raid's Church, in 1843 of the Crown Street Church, in 1847 of the Clinton Street Church, all in Philadelphia ; in 1858 of Christ Church, Germantown, where he remained until 1876, when he returned to the Clinton Street Church, Philadelphia, of which he is still organist. Works : 3 cantatas. The Nativity, Pilgrim's Progress, and Ruth ; The Restoration, oratorio, in MS. ; and many minor pieces. He has also written a method of organ instruction, and is the compiler of The Psalter, a collection of church music. BECKER, ALBERT (ERNST ANTON), born at QuedHnburg, June 13, 1834, still living, 1888. Pupil of the organist Her- mann Bonicke, then of Dehu in Berlin (1853-56), where he settled as a music teacher, and in 1881 became professor of composition at Scharwenka's Conservato- rium. For his symphony he received the second prize from the Gesellschaft der Mu- sikfreunde in Vienna, 1861. Works : Lie- der, op. 1 (Leipsie, Siegel, 1857) ; Lieder im Volkston fiir Haus und Herz (Berlin, Simrock) ; S3'm- phony in G minor (1858); Lieder aus Julius Wolff's Rattenfilnger von Hameln, do. aus Der wilde Jager (1877); Mass in B minor (Leipsie, Breitkojjf & Har- tel, 1879); Weine nicht!, a dirge for the soldiers fallen in battle, 18GG ; Reformations Kantate (1883) ; chorals and sacred folk-songs. — Mendel, Ergiinz., 27 ; Riemann ; Wochenblatt (1884), 179, 214. BECKER, CONSTANTIN JULIUS, born at Freiberg, Saxony, Feb. 3, 1811, died at Oberlosnitz, ib., Feb. 26, 1859. Dramatic composer, pupil of Aiiacker in singing, then at Leipsie of Karl Ferdinand Becker (or- ganist and distinguished writer on music, 1804-77) in counterpoint. In 1837 he be- came editor of the Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik and wrote many articles for it until 1846 ; about 1843 he settled at Dresden, and taught singing and composition until 1846, when he retired suddenly to Ober- losnitz. Works : Symphony for grand or- chestra, performed at Leipsie, 1843 ; Das Zigeunerleben, rhapsody, ib., 1845 ; Die Erstiirmung von Belgrad, opera, ib., 1848 ; Lieder, op. 2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 17 (Leipsie and Dresden) ; 3 duets for female voices, op. 36 ; Lieder for three voices and pianoforte, op. 21, 23 ; Serenade for violin aud violoncello, op. 34. He has also written a singing method for male voices (Leipsie, 1845), and two treatises ou harmony. — Allgem. mu.s. Zeitg., 1. 411 ; Fetis. BECKER, JOHANN, born in Mannheim, Germany, May 11, 1836, died there, Oct. 10, 1884. Violinist, pupil in Mannheim of Kettenus and in Paris of Alard. He ap- peared in public when only eleven years old, succeeded Kettenus as leader of the 139 BECKER 1 Mannheim orchestra, played with success in Paris and Loudon in 1859-60, and, after travelling through most of Europe, settled in 1866 at Florence, where, with Masi and Chiostri, and the German violoncellist Hil- pert, he established the celebrated Floren- tiuer Quartett, which had a well-deserved reputation for the performance of string music. He composed music for the violin. BECKER, REINHOLD, born atUdorf, Saxony, in 1842, still living, 1888. Violin- ist, fived for some years in Souther u France, giving con- certs, but, obliged to give up his instru- ment on account of an injury to his hand, he settled in Dres- den as a comjioser. Works : Der Priiiz von Homburg, sym- phonic poem ; Concerto for violin ; Wald- morgen, for male chorus ; Songs. BECKMANN, JOHANN FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB, born in 1737, died at Celle, April 25, 1792. Instrumental and vocal composer and one of the best pianists of the 18th century. He was organist of the new church at Celle, and excelled in impro- visation, in which ho often made use of double counterjjoint. Works : Lukas und Hannchen, opera, given at Hamburg, 1782 ; 3 sonatas for harpsichord (17G9) ; 3 do. (Hamburg, 1770) ; 3 concertos for harpsi- chord (Berlin, 1779) ; Solo for harpsichord (Hamburg, 1797).— Fetis ; Schilling. BECQUIE, JEAN IMARIE (?), born at Toulouse about 1800, died in Paris, Nov. 10, 1825. Flutist, pupil of Tulou and of Guillod at the Conservatoire, Paris, where he won the first prize in 1822. Having for some years played in the orchestra of a small theatre, he became first flutist at the Opera Comique in 1821. Works : Grande fautaisie and variations for flute, with or- chestra ; Les regrets, do., for flute and pianoforte ; Ronde d'Emma variee ; Air nouveau ; Fantaisies on different themes, etc.— Fetis. BECQUI^, JEAN IVIARIE, called Bee- quie de Peyreville, born at Toulouse in 1797, died in Paris, January, 1876. Violin- ist, brother of preceding, pupil of Rudolf and August Kreutzer at the Consei'vatoire, Paris, where he won the second jsrize in 1823, and the first in 1826. He played successively in several theatre orchestras, and was then for many years violinist at the Theatre Italien. Works : Fantaisie for violin and pianoforte ; Air varie, with vio- lin, viola, and bass; do., with quartet; Sev- eral other pieces for violin. — Fetis. BESVAROVSKY, ANTON FELIX, born at Jungbunzlau, Bohemia, AjH-il 9, 1754, died in Berlin, May 15, 1823. Organist of the Church of St. James, Prague, about 1777, of the principal church at Brunswick in 1779, resigned in 1796, lived at Bam- berg until 1800, when he removed to Ber- lin. Works : Concerto for pianoforte, op. 1 ; do., op. 2 (Oflenbach, 1794) ; Three sonatas for pianoforte, op. 3 (Berlin, 1797) ; Con- certo for do., op. 6 (Brunswick) ; Niihe des Geliebten, song with pianoforte ; Gesiinge beym Klavier, 2 collections (1801); Songs with pianoforte, 1st collection (Offenbach, 1799) ; do., 2d collection (ib.) ; Die Wiirde der Frauen, song with pianoforte (1800). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. B:6DARD, JEAN BAPTISTE, liorn at Rennes, Brittany, about 1765, died in Paris about 1815. Violinist ; was first violin and maitre de musique at the theatre of his native town, and settled in Paris in 1796. Works : Two symphonies for grand orches- tra ; Duet for harp and horn ; Several suites for wind instruments ; Duets for violins, op. 2, 3, 4, 28, 53, and 58 ; Suites of duets for one violin (double string) ; Square dances and waltzes for orchestra ; Airs varies, and pot-pourris for violin ; Methode for violin (Paris, I860).— Fetis. BEECKE, IGNAZ VON, lived in the latter half of the 18th century, died at Wal- lerstein, January, 1803. One of the best 14U T^F.TTriAARD harpsichoitT plaj-ers of his time. He was \ captain of dragoous iu Hobenzollcru, was a friend of Gluck and of Jommelli, bis master in composition, and of W. A. Mozart, with whom he played a concerto for four hands at the Emperor's coronation at Frankfort. Among his works are : Roland, French op- era ; Claudine de Villa Bianca, opera, given in Vienna, 1784 ; Die Weinlese, do., ib., about 1785; Die Jubelbochzeit, List ge- gen List, Nina, Die zerstOrte Hirtenfeier, operas ; Overture and choruses to the Hermannssehlacht ; lOagen iiber den Tod der grossen Silngerin Nanette, von Gluck (Augsburg, 1777) ; Der brave Maun (Mainz, 1784) ; Friedens Kautate for grand orches- tra (Hambui-g, 1797). His instrumental music consists of six sonatas for harpsi- chord, four trios for do. (Paris, 17G7) ; Six symphonies for eight parts, six symphonies for six i^arts ; Three quartets for flute, vio- lin, viola, and bass ; Three do., 2d book (Spires, 1791). An oratorio, Die Auferste- hung Jesu (1794) ; besides a great deal of vocal music with pianoforte accompaniment. — letis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BEEHGAARD, JULIUS, born at Copen- hagen, Dec. 19, 1843, stiU living, 1888. Composer, pupil of the Conservatorium, Leipsic, and in Copenhagen of several mas- ters, last of Gade ; visited Germany and Italy, and lived for some time in Paris be- fore returning to his native city. Works : Concert overture for orchestra ; Sailor's Life, On the Field of Battle, Cycluses for baritone solo, with pianoforte ; Four-part songs, songs, and pianoforte music. — Men- del, Ergiiuz., 29. BEER, JACOB. See Meyerbeer. BEER, JOSEF, born at Griinwald, Bo- hemia, April 18, 1744, died at Potsdam in 1811. At first a trumpeter in the Austrian army, he entered the French service shortly after, and, going to Paris in 1771, was en- rolled in the Garde du Corps, where he first took up the clarinet, and became the most eminent virtuoso ever heard on that instru- ment, which he perfected by adding the fifth valve. In 1777-82 he was chamber musician to the Due d'Orli'aus, and after a concert tour through Holland, England, and Germany, held a similar position at the court of St. Petersburg in 1783-90, and finally in Berlin, from 1792. Works: 3 concertos for clarinet ; 6 duets for do.; Solo variations for do. — Fctis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling ; Wurzbach. BEER, JULES, born about 1835, still living, 1888, in Pari.s. Amateur dramatic composer, nephew of Meyerbeer. Works : En etat de siege, comic opei-a, performed in Paris, 1859 ; Les roses de M. de Males- herbes, do., ib., 18G1 ; La fille d'fegypte, ib.. Theatre Lyrique, 18G2 ; Elisabetta d' Ungheria, La Scala, Milan, Feb. 15, 1871 ; Le Paria ; The 137th psalm, for soli, chorus, and orchestra, Paris, 1868 ; Songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. G3. BEER, MAX JOSEF, born iu Vienna, 1851, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser, first instructed by his father, then pupil of Dessoft'. Works : Otto der Schiitz, opera (MS.) ; Der Pfeiferkonig, do. ; Das Stelldicheiu auf der Pfahlbriicke, operetta (prize) ; Der wilde Jiiger, for soli, chorus, and orchestra ; Suite for pianoforte, op. 9 ; Eichendorffiana, Spielmannsweisen, Abend- feier, Heidebilder, Was sich der Wald er- ziihlt, lyric cycles for pianoforte ; Songs. — Riemann. BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN, born iu Bonn, Dec. 16, probably 17 70, died in Vienna, March 26, 1827. The family came originally from a village near Louvain, whence, iu 1650, they re- moved to Ant- werp. The name, originally as we now know it, underwent various changes of spelling (BiethofTen, Biethofen, Biethoven, Bethoveu, Betthoven, Bethof), until at last BEETHOVEN it returned to its original form. Ludwig's father, Jean, and his grandfather Ludwig were musicians in the court baud of the Elector of Cologne at Bonn ; his mother, Maria Magdalena Keverich, was daughter of the head-cook at Ehrenbreitstein. She was the widow of one Leym, or Laym, when she married Jean Beethoven, Nov. 12, 1767. Ludwig was the second of seven children, but as the first, Liidwig Maria, born, April 1, 1769, lived only six days, he was virtually the eldest of the family. He began to study music at the age of four under his father, a barsh teacher, who seems well to have appreciated his son's talent. The boy was taught the ordinary branches and a little Latin at a public school, which, however, be left when he was thirteen. When he was nine years old his father gave up his musical education to Pfeift'er, a tenor singer at the Bonn opera. He studied the organ under Van den Eeden, organist of the court chapel, and, after he had left school, Latin, French, and Italian under j one Zambona. In 1781 he began to study under Neefe, who succeeded Van den Eeden as court organist. A year or two later he was up to playing most of the Wohltemper- irte Klavier, and to taking Neefe's jslace at the organ when necessary. In 1783 he was ap- pointed cembal- ist in the or- chestra without salary, part of the duties of the position be- ing to conduct the opera or- chestra. In 1784 he was appointed second organist, with a salary of 1.50 florins (about $63.30). During this year be studied the \iolin under Franz Ries. In 1787 he made his first trip to Vienna, where he stopped pi-obably not longer than three months, taking a few les- sons of Mozart. Ou his return to Bonn he made the acquaintance of von Breuning, to whose children he gave lessons, and in whose family his taste for literature was first cultivated. In 1788 he entered the or- chestra of the new National Theatre as sec- ond viola. His circumstances at this time were of the saddest ; his mother and his only remaining sister had died (one sister, born, 1779, lived only four days), and his father had become a confirmed drunkard ; he was, moreover, very poor. In 1790 and Beethoven's Birthplace. 1792 Haydn passed through Bonn on his way to and from London ; on the second occasion he warmly praised a cantata by Beethoven, which was given before him. Up to this time the Elector had taken no esisecial notice of Beethoven, but now he determined that he should be sent to Vienna to study. Accordingly he went, at the age of twenty-two, and the second period of his life began. His comjjositions had hitherto been singularly few and unimportant, com- pared with the early works of other great composers ; but when he reached Vienna 142 BEETHOVEN Haydn considered liini quite up to the greatest undertakings, and very soon volun- tarily transferred liis own mantle, as it were, to the young man's shoulders. Mozart had died the year before. In November, 1792, Beethoven was well settled in the Alservor- stadt, Vienna, and immediately began study- ing under Haydn ; the lessons were in strict counterpoint (strict according to the then existing views in Germany, but probably pretty lax by the Palestrina standard), the text-book being Fux's Gradus ad Parnas- sum. But Haydn was too busy to give him the attention he desired, and Beethoven, dissatisfied with his progress, soon took extra lessons secretly from S c h e n k. When Haydn went again to England, in 1794, Beethoven con- tinued his studies in counterjjoint under Alln-echtsberger, and took violin les- sons from Schuppanzigh. He also benefited by the advice of Salieri in Italian vocal com- position, and of Aloys Forster in quartet writing. In this year his allowance from the Elector was stojipeil, and henceforth he was dependent wholly upon his own re- sources. He had excellent introductions to influential people, and the time of his ar- rival was fortunate. Mozart's death had left the field comparatively free. It was as a jjianist that he first became known at the musical parties of Priuz Lichnowsky and Baron van Swieten ; but his compositions soon began to win him renown, if at first in a rather restricted circle. On March 29, 1795, he made his first apjiearance before the general public with his concerto in C at the annual concert in the Burg Theater for the widows's fund of the Artists' Society. In 1796 he and Haydn appeared together at a second concert. He had already paid short visits to Prague and Nui'emberg, and before the j'ear was out he went back to Prague, and even to Berlin, where he played at court and at the Singakademie. He very soon returned to Vienna. In 1798 he again visited Prague, playing at two concerts there. During this year he met, and had a friendly rivalry with, WOlffl in Vienna. Up to the end of the century his Vienna comjjositions, excepting the first concerto, had all been in the way of chamber music ; but in 1800 his C major .symphony appeared, although it had been written for two or three years. It was brought out, on April 2d, at a benefit Caricature of Beethoven. concert given him at the Burg Theater. In 180 1. Czerny first began to take lessons of him. In this year his deafness, premoni- tory symptoms of which had shown them- selves as early as 1798, began to trouble him seriously. His productiveness went on increasing steadily until his death ; he was in the habit of working on several composi- tions at a time, and, although he composed very slowly, writing and rewriting passages over and over again until" he was satisfied with them, he was certainly one of the most prolific of composers. As he brought out one work after another, his success with the 143 BEETHOVEN Vienna public, and especially with the circle of distinKiiisbed amateurs amonp; whom he Beethoven's Tomb, Vienna. found his most influential patrons, was al- most constant, no matter what strictures critics and contemporary composers might make on his music. In spite of his brusque manners and his utter disregard for the conventionalities, even for the common de- cencies, of social intercourse, he never lacked a circle of worshipping admirers who were willing to put up with all his whims. He passed his summers in the country, for which he had an ardent love, and was very restless, changing his winter lodgings al- most every jear, sometimes more than once in a season. The nearest ajjproach to his losing his hold upon the public was about 1823, when the Eossini fever was at its height. The popularity of Rossini's operas probably had more to do with this than the novelty of his own, so-called, third manner ; for when his ninth symphony was given, in 1824, it was received with unbounded en- thusiasm by the audience. Although the sums he received from publishers seem small to-day, he was reallj' fairly well off in a material way during his life in Vienna. He never held anj' official position, but re- ceived yearly allowances from more than one noble patron ; and when these noble- men died he had already invested money in the Bank of Austria. The privations he submitted to in his later years were for the most part voluntary, and occasioned by his laying up money to provide for his nephew Carl, the whole charge of whose mainte- nance and education he took upon himself at the death of his brother Caspar Karl in 1826. The recklessness and ingratitude of this young ne'er-do-weel, together with his own increasing deafness, which at last be- came total, and general ill-health, the result of a disease which even his iron constitu- tion could not withstand, were the great crosses of the later part of his life. The Beethoven's Statue in Bonn, immediate cause of his death was an attack of dropsy brought on by a cold in the stom- ach caught while travelling in the damp December weather iu an open chaise. BEETHOVEN His funei-al was attended, says Breuuiug, by 20,000 people, iiicluiling many distiu- guislied musicians, and a great crowd fol- lowed the hearse to the Wiihringer Ceme- tery, where the body was interred under the south wall. In 1863, the grave having fallen into neglect, the remains both of Beethoven and of Schubert, who lay near him, were ex- humed and reburied by the Gesellschaft der Musik-Freunde, and Beethoven's place of sepulture was marked by the monument il- lustrated above. In 1888 the remains were again taken up and removed, with imposing ceremonies, to the Central Cemetery. Beet- hoven was below middle height — not more than five feet and five inches — but broad across the shoulders and strongly built. The full-length sketch by Lyser, on page 143, though probably intended for a cari- cature, is said by Breuning to give a good idea of his general appearance. Works — Dramatic : Fidelia, opera, given in Vienna, Theater an der Wien, Nov. 20, 1805. In- strumental. I. For orchestra : 9 sympho- nies, xrrC,oj).2j), intb,rap, 36,iu'JE-flat {Sin- fonia Erojca), op. 5.'^, in B-flat, op. 60, in C minor, op. 67:, in'¥ {Sinfonia Pastorale), oy). 6^ in Aj ,o]j. 92, in F, o-^. 93,, in. D minor {Choral SymiDhony), o]). 125; Die Ge- schopfe des Prometheus, ballet, op. 43 ; Music to Goethe's Egmont, op. 84 ; Wel- linglon's Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vit- toria, op. 91 ; 10 overtures, to Prometheus, in C, op. 43, to Coriolan, in C minor, op. G2, to Leonore (No. 1, charakteristische Ou- verture), in C, op. 138, do. (No. 2) in C, op. 72a, do. (No. 3), in C, op. 72a, to Fidelio, in E, op. 72b, to Egmont, in F minor, op. 84, to Rainen von Athen, in G, op. 113, zur Namemfeier, in C, op. 115, to Ki^ni.g Ste- phan, in E-flat, op. 117, Die Weihe des Hauses, in C, op. 124 ; Allegretto (Gratula- tions-Menuet), in E-flat ; Triumphmarsch zu Tarpeja, in C ; 12 menuets ; 12 German dMces ; 12 square dances ; 2 marches, for miTitary band, in D and in F./ For violin and orchestra : Romanze in G, op. 40 ; do. in F, op. 50 ; Concerto in D, op. 61. 11. For strings : 3 quintets, for 2 violins, 2 violas, and violoncello, in E-flat (after octet, op. 103), op. 4, in C, op. 29, in C minor (after trio, op. 1), 01^. 104 ; Fugue in D, for do., oj). 137 ; Movement in C from an unfinished quintet, for do. ; 17 (]uartets, for 2 violins, viola, and violoncello, in F, G, D, C minor, A, B-flat, op. 18, Nos. 1-6 {Lobkotvilz Quar- tets), in F, E minor, C, op. 59, Nos. 1-3 {Rasoumowskij Quartets), in E-flat, op. 74 in F minor, op. 95, in E-flat, op. 127, iu B-flat, o^j. 130, in C-sharp minor, oj). 131, in A minor, op. 132, in F, op. 135, in F (after sonata, op. 14, No. 1) ; Grand fugue iu B-flat, for do.; 4 trios, for violin, viola, and violoncello, iu E-flat, op. 3, in G, D, C minor, op. 9, Nos. 1-3 ; Serenade in D, for do. ' HL For "wind instruments : Octet, for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns, and 2 bassoons, in E-flat, ojp. 103 ; Eondiuo, for do., in E-flat ; Sextet, for 2 clarinets, 2 horns, and 2 bassoons, in E-flat, op. 71 ; Trio for 2 oboes and English horn, oix 87 ; 3 duos for clarinet and bassoon ; 2 equal^or 4 trombones. IV. For string and wind iustrume\ts : Septet, for violin, viola, clarinet, bassooDv violoncello, and double bass, in E-flat, op. aO ; Sextet, for 2 violins, viola, violoncello, and 2 horns, in E-flat, op. 81b ; Serenade for flute, violin and viola, op. 25. V. For pianoforte with accompaniment — 1, with orchestra : 7 concertos, in C, op. 15, in B-flat, op. 19, in C minor, op. 37, in G, op. 58, in E-flat, op. 73, in D (after the violin concerto), op. Gl, in C (for pianoforte, violin, and violonceHo), op. 56 ; Phantasie with chorus, iu C nnnor, op. 80 ; Rondo in B-flat ; — 2, with strings : 3 quartets, in E- flat, D, and C ; Quartet (after quintet) in E- flat, op. 16 ; 11 trios, in E-flat, G, C minor, op. 1, Nos. 1-3, in D, E-flat, op. 70, Nos. 1 and 2, in B-fl£i,t, op. 97, in E-flat, in B-flat (in one movement), in D (after 2d sympho- ny), in B-flat (with clarinet or violin, and violoncello), op. 11, in E-flat (after septet, op. 20), op. 38 ; 14 variations in E-flat, op. 44 ; Variations (Jrii bin der Schneider Ka- kadu) in G, op. 121a; 10 sonatas, for piano- forte and violin, in D, A, E-flat, op. 12, Nos. 145 BEETHOVElSr 1-3, ill A minor, op. 2.'j, in F, op. 24, in A, in F, G minor, op. 5, Nos. 1 and 2, in C minor, G, op. 30, Nos. 1-3, in A, op. 47, 1 A, op. C9, in C, D, op. 102, Nos. 1 {Kreutzer ■Sonata) in G, op. 96 ; Rondo, for [ and 2 ; Variations {Ein Mi'idchen oder do., in G ; Variations (Se vuol ballare), for do., in F ; AUemaude, for do. ; 5 Weibclieu), for do., in F, op. 60 ; do. (theme from Judas Maccabreus), in G ; do. (Bei sonatas, for pianoforte and violoncello, Miiunern, welche Liebe f(ibleu), in E-llat ; U6 BEETHOVEN • — 3, with wiml instruments : Quintet, with oboe, clarinet, born, and bassoon, in E-flat, op. 16 ; Sonata, with horn, in F, op. 17 ; C varied themes, with flute (or violin), op 105 ; 10 do., op. 107. VI. For pianoforte alone — 1, for 4 hands : Sonata in D, ojx G ; 3 marches, in C, E-tlat, and D, op. 45 ; Varia- tions (theme by Count Waldstein) in ' C ; Lied mit Verilnderungen {Ich denke dein), in D ; Grand fugue (after 021. 133), in B-flat, op. 134 ; — 2, solo : |32 sonatiis^yjtj^ttSijor, ,A, C, op.»2, Nq3. 1^3^ E-flat, op. J, "me minor', F, D, op. TO, ^os. 1-3, fu d nimor (Sonate pathctlque), op. l-B, in 1? G, op. 14; Nos. 1 and 2, in B-flai, op. 2e!, ni A-flafop. 26, in E-flat, Csharjo niiner (quasi-fantasia), op. 27 {Laubensonale), No.s. 1 and 2, in* 6, ojx 28 [Sonata pastorale,) iu G, D minor, E-flat, op. 31, Nos. 1-3, in G minor, G, op,' 49, Nos. 1 and 2, jn C, op. 53 {Wakhtein sonata), iu F, op. 54, in F minor, op. 57 {So- nala appassionata,) in F-sharp minor, op. 78, in G (Souatiue), op. 7t\cr Herr ging voriiber. BEHOLD, HOW STILL, HOW CALM. See Geduld ! Geduld ! BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, chorus in G minor, in Handel's Messiah, Part II. BEI MANNERN, WELCHE LIEBE FUHLEN, variations on theme of, for piano- forte and violoncello, by Beethoven, com- posed in 1801 (?). Dedicated to the Count- ess Browne. Tlie theme is the familiar duet between Pamina and Papageno, in Mozart's Die Zaaherjldte: Published by Mollo (Vienna). — Thayer, Verzeichniss, 41. BEIDEN NEFFEN, DIE, oder Der Onkel aus Boston (The Two Ne^^hews, or The Uncle from Boston), opera in three acts, text by Dr. Caspar, music by Mendelssohn, first performed in his father's house, Berlin, on the composer's fifteenth birthday, Feb. 3, 1824. This, Mendelssohn's fourth oper- atic work, contains an overture and four- teen numbers for voices and orchestra. It was never given in 2:)ublic. The autograph MS. is preserved in the Bibliothek, Berlin. BEIDEN PADAGOGEN, DIE (The Two Pedagogues), opera in one act, test bj- Dr. Casj)ar, music by Mendelssohn, first ■pev- formed in his father's house, Berlin, 1821. It was the composer's third opera and was written in his twelfth year. It contains an ovei'ture and twelve numbers for voices and 149 BEL Triuity, Bordesley, orcliestra. The MS. is iu the Berlin Bib- liotbek. BEL EAGGIO. See Semiramide. BELCHER, W1LLL\.M THOMAS, born iu Birmingham, Eng- land, March 8, 1827, still living, 1888. Or- ganist of Great Barr Church, Staffordshire, 1856 ; of St. Silas Lo- zell's, B i r m i u g h am, 1861 ; of St. George's, ib.,18G4-78; of Hands- worth Parish Church, 1878-81 ; and of Holy 1884 Mus. Bac, Ox- ford, 1867 ; Mus. Doc, 1872. Works : The Sea of GalQee, oratorio, Oxford, 1872 ; Es- telle, ojsera (MS.) ; The Fates, cantata, Ox- ford, 1867 ; Excelsior, cantata, 1868 ; Church music ; Four-part songs, songs, glees, etc. BELCKE, FRIEDRICH AUGUST, born at Lucka, Saxony, May 27, 1795, died there, Dec. 10, 1874. Virtuoso on the trombone, son and pupil of Christian Gottfried Belcke, an able oboe and flute player (1765-1838). He filled a place iu the city band M'heu a boy of twelve, vfent in 1811 to Altenburg to study with the city musician Sachse, and soon after to Loipsic, where he appeared in solos in 1815, and was immediately en- gaged for the Gewandhaus and theatre or- chestras. With his brother the flutist, Chris- tian Gottlieb Belcke, he made a concert tovir through Merseburg, Halle, and Dessau to Berlin, where he was appointed chamber mu- sician in 1816. Weber invited him to Dresden to play at a court concert, and in Berlin he played (after 1827) at church concerts with especial success. Concert tours through Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands in- creased his fame, and the Conservatoire of Paris conferred upon him the medal of hon- our in 1841:. He was the first virtuoso on his instrument who introduced it into the con- cert room. In 1858 he resigned his j)osition in Berlin, and retired to his native city. Be- sides concertos and studies for his instru- ment, he composed works for orchestra, wind and other instruments, and pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel. BELICZAY, JULIUS VON, born at Ko- morn, Hungary, Aug. 10, 1835, still living, 1888. Pianist, jDujail in Vienna of Joachim Hoffmann and Franz Krenu, afterwards of Anton Halm on the pianoforte, and of Notte- bohm in theory. After living alternately at Presburg and Vienna, he has resided in Pesth since 1871, as civil engineer of the royal Hungarian railroad. Works : Mass for soli, chorus, and orchestra ; Ave Maria, for do., op. 9 ; String quartet, op. 21 ; Trio, op. 30 ; Andante for string orchestra, op. 25 ; Pianoforte music for two and four hands ; Songs. — Mendel ; Ergiinz., 30 ; Eie- maun. BELISARIO, opera in three acts, text by Dartigny, music by Philidor, first repre- sented at the Theatre des Italiens, Paris, Oct. 3, 1796. The subject, the story of Belisarius, the famous Byzantine general in the reign of the Emperor Justinian, is from Marmontel's romance, "Belisaire" (1767). The same subject is treated in Belisar, German melodrama, music by Leon de Saint-Lubin, given at the Josephstadt The- ater, Vienna, 1827 ; and in a tragedy, music by J. M. Maurer, Bamberg, 1830. BELISARIO, Italian opera in three acts, text and music bj' Donizetti, first repre- sented at the Teatro Fenice, Venice, Feb. 7, 1836 ; at the King's Theatre, Loudon, April 1, 1837 ; at the KOnigstadische Theater, Berlin, April, 1838 ; at the Theatre des Ita- liens, Paris, Oct. 24, 1843 ; and at Palmo's Opera House, New York, March 14, 1844. The libretto, which recalls Marmontel's romance and the several tragedies on the subject, contains some striking musical situations. The work was successful in Italy and in England, but was not very warmly received in Paris. It was sung at the Italiens by Giulia Grisi, Fornasari, Mile Nissen, Morelli, Corelli, and ]\Ime Bellini ; Fornasari made his debut iu the title-role. 150 BELLA BELLA COME UN PRIMO AMORE. See Ennmi. BELLA FIGLIA DELL' AMORE. See RigoMto. BELLA IMAGO DEGLI DEL See ,S'e- miramiih. BELLA, JOHANN LEOPOLD, born at St. Nicolau, Ujjper Hungary, in 1843, still living, 1888. Church composer, self-taught on the violin, pianoforte, organ, and in singing ; a proficient at the age of eight. While at the theological seminary at Neu- sohl, he composed an instrumental mass ■when only sixteen. In Vienna, wliere he finished his studies at the university, his intercourse with Sechter and Preyer only increased his tendency to a severely clas- sical style, in which he composed, after he had become a priest at Neusohl. His most important works are : Hsec dies, and Adora- mus (in the style of Palestrina), for male quartet ; Tu es Petrus, motet a cappella, for 2 male quartets ; Modlitba sv. Cyrilla (Prayer of St. Cyrillus), chorus ; Several works for orchestra ; National choruses for male and mixed voices ; Pri Presporku, concert variations for pianoforte, op. ; etc. — Mendel. BELLA MIA FIAMMA, ADDIO, concert aria for soprano, with orchestra, by Mozart, composed at Prague, Nov. 3, 1787. BELLAZZI, FRANCESCO, composer at Venice in the first half of the 17th century. He was a pupil of Giovanni Gabrieli, and an imitator of Mouteverde. Works : Salmi di vespri a otto voci (Venice, 1618) ; Sacro- rum concentum, etc. (ib., 1620) ; Motetti, op. 4 (ib., 1622) ; Salmi intieri, etc., op. 5 (Milan, 1623) ; Sahni concertati, op. 7 (Venice, 1626) ; Missa, Magnificat e mo- tetti concertati, etc., op. 8 (Venice, 1628). — Fetis. BELLE AESfeNE, LA, fairy comedy in verse, in four acts, text by Favart, music by Monsigny, first represented at Fontaiue- bleau by the Italian comedians in ordinary to the king, Nov. 6, 1773, and in Paris at the Theatre des Italiens, Aug. 14, 1775. Subject from Voltaire's tale, " La Be- gueule." One of Mousigny's best works, and very successful. Same subject treated by Mazzinghi, Loudon, about 1797 ; and by Sor, London, about 1820. BELLE H^LENE, LA, French opera- bouffe in three acts, text by Henri de Meillac and Ludovic Halevy, music by Oft'enbach, first represented at the Theatre des Varietus, Paris, Dee. 17, 1864. Sub- ject, the seduction of Helen by Paris. A piece of buffoonery, full of ridiculous anach- ronisms, in which the heroes and gods of Greece are made to masquerade in modern costumes amid modern surroundings. Mu- sically, it is one of the best of Offenbach's bouffe operas, and it proved one of the greatest successes ever known at the Vari- etes. Original cast : Paris, Dapuis ; Me- nelas, Kopp ; Calchas, Gi'enier ; Agamem- non, Couder ; Achille, Guyon ; Ajax I., Hamburger; Ajax II., Andof ; Helene, Mme Schneider ; Oreste, Mme Silh'. BELLE ISABEAU, LA, a tale during the storm, for a voice, with chorus, by Hector Berlioz, o-p. 19. BELLERM.YNN, CONSTANTIN, born at Erfurt in 1696, died at Miinden, Hanover, April 1, 1758. Dramatic composer, became cantor at Miinden in 1719, and rector of the higli school there in 1741. He was a vir- tuoso on the lute, the viol da gamba, the violin, and the flute, and, besides many other poems, wrote the texts to nearly all his vocal compositions, and was made poet- laureate in 1738. Works — Oratorios : Die himmlischen Heerschaaren, performed at GOttiugen, 1726 ; Der reiche jVIanu und der arme Lazarus, 1731 ; Die Allmacht in der Ohnmacht, oder die freudenreiche Geburt Jesu Christi, Erfurt, 1734 ; Der in der Auferstehung triumphirende Jesus, Die sie- gende Selileuder des heldenmiithigen Da- 1 vids, 1734 ; Das auf ein La mi sich endi- gende Wohlleben des reichen Mannes, Der verlorene Sohn, Die Sendung des heiligen Geistes, Erfurt, 1735 : Issipile, opera (about \ 1744) ; Several cantatas : 24 suites for the BELLEPwMANN lute ; 3 concertos for tlae flute ; 3 do. for j oboe ; 10 do. for pianoforte with violiu ; 6 overtures for graud orchestra ; 6 sonatas for flute, viol da gamba, and pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BELLERMANN, HEINRICH, born in Berlin, March 10, 1832, still Hving, 1888. Vocal composer, sou and pupil of Fried- rich Bellermanu (1795-1874), and pupil of Eduard Grell ; became iustructor of vocal music at the Grey Convent iu 1853, royal director of music iu 1861, and in-ofessor at the university iu 1866. Member of Berlin Academy, 1875. Works : Oratorios, psalms, motets, choruses ; Gesaug der Geister iiber den Wassern, for chorus and orchestra ; Choruses in Ajax, King (Edipus, and (Edi- pus in Colonos, by Sophocles ; An opera (MS.)— Mendel ; Riemann. BELLfiROPHON, opera iu five acts, text by Thomas Corneille, Foutenelle, and Boi- leau, music by Lulli, represented at the Theatre de FOpera, Paris, Jan. 31, 1679. Original title, Les triomphes de Bellero- phon. Subject, the hero Bellerophon who, mounted upon his wiuged steed Pegasus, overcame the monster Chimfera. It met with extraordinary favour, was plaj'ed until the end of the following October, and re- produced the next year with equal success. In 1773 it was reset to music by Berton and Grenier, but the new version proved a fail- ure. The same subject is treated iu Bel- lerofoute, Italian opera, music bj' Sacrati, Venice, 1642 ; music by Araja, St. Peters- I burg, about 1713 ; music by Terradeglias, London, 1716 ; music by Giovanni Ferran- dini, Munich, 1757 ; music by Mysliweczek, Naples, 1765 ; in Bellerophon, German op- era, music by Graupner, Hamburg, 1708 ; music by von Winter, Munich, 1782 ; and in Jobates und Bellerophon, music by Keiser, Hamburg, 1717. BELL'HA\^R, VINCENZO, born in Venice about 1530, died there about 1588 (?). One of the organists at S. Marco, Ven- ice, in 1586. As he was succeeded by Gu- ami, Oct. 30, 1588, it is presumable that he died about that time. Works : Madrigali a cinque e .sei voci, lib. i. (1567) ; Madrigali a cinque, lib. i.; Madrigali a cinque, lib. ii. (Venice, 1575). Some of his madrigals are in the library of the King of Portugal, others in a collection entitled. Corona di dodici sonetti di G. B. Zuccariui (Vienna, 1586).— Fetis. BELLI, GIULIO, lived at end of the 16th aud beginning of the 17th century. He was minor canon at Longiano, maes- tro di cappella of the Church of Osimo, near Ancoua, afterwards of the cathedral at Imola, and, according to the title of one of his works, maestro di cappella at Venice. His works consist of masses, psalms, canticles, motets, aud madrigals, published at Milan and Venice from 1586 to 1613, and in the Bodenschatz collection. — Fetis ; Schilling. BELLINI, BERNARDO, Italian dramatic composer, contemporary. He is author of II sogno d' amore, opera semi-seria, text by Golisciana, represented at the Casino Uni- one, Naples, Jan. 12, 1880. BELLINI, F., Italian composer, contem- porarj'. He is author of Si paga o non si paga?, operetta, played at the Collegio della Visitatione, Monaco, January, 1877. BELLINI, GIUNTI, Italian composer, contemporary. He is author of Raphael, grand opera in five acts, text by Mery, rep- resented at the Athcnee, Paris, May 28, 1873. BELLINI, VINCENZO, born at Catania, Sicily, Nov. 3, 1802, died at Puteaux, France, Sept. 23, 1835. His father, an organist, per- suaded by a Sicil- ian nobleman, sent tlie young Vincenzo to Naples to enter the conservator}', directed at that The boy accordingly entered a little after Donizetti had left the institution, and while Mercadante was still time by Zingarelli. 152 BELLINI studying there. Bellini was but poorly taught, the Naples Couservatory being in a miserable condition at the time, and Zin- garelli neglecting his pupils greatly. Very likely, also, Bellini did not work very hard at his studies, and it is highly probable that he got the better part of his musical educa- tion, like many of his comjDatriots, from the perusal of standard scores of the great mas- ters. Throughout his career he showed himself to be a composer by instinct rather than a thoroughly schooled musician After publishing in Naples some unimportant in- strumental and sacred choral works, his first opera, Adehon e Salvina, was brought out at the little theatre of the CoUegio Reale di Musica in 1824:. Barbaja, who was pres- ent at the performance, immediately engaged him to write an opera for the San Carlo, and Bianca e Fernando was accordingly given there on June 30, 1826. The principal parts were sung by Rubiui, Lablache (who was an ardent admirer of the young composer), and Mme Meric-Lalande. The oj)era was a great success at the time, but has since been wholly forgotten. Emboldened by this triumph, Barbaja engaged Bellini to write another opera, this time for Milan, the tenor part to be especially written for Ru- biui. The composer accordingly retired to the country, taking the great tenor with him in order to profit by his advice, and the result was II Pirata, which was brought out with overwhelming success in Milan, 1827, and was soon given in the principal Euro- pean capitals. This work was the key-stoue of Bellini's great and ever-growing reputa- tion. From this time to his early death he pi'oduced seven more operas, most of which were brilliantly successful. Bellini's genius may be called, in a certain sense, " epoch- making." He perceived that the persistently florid style of Rossini, which Pacini, Carafa, Mercadante, and the young Donizetti imitat- ed blindly, would not long monopolize pub- lic favour ; he struck out in the direction of bringing Italian melody back to its pre- Rossinian simplicity and dramatic warmth of expression. No man was better fitted to do this than be ; for high natural gifts, ex- treme sensibility of nature, and the most ex- quisite refinement of artistic perception all contributed to make him as great a melodist as ever lived. His melodies quite equal Rossini's in beauty, elegance, and finish, while they are, as a rule, endued with a fervid expressiveness, a graceful, almost fem- inine tenderness and pathos to which the great master of Pesaro very rarely attained. Per contra, as a harmonist Bellini was little more than embryonic ; not that his har- mony is bad, but that he habitually confined himself to the very simplest and most nat- ural progressions. His almost total lack of sound schooling made him impotent to grapple successfully with any but the simplest musical forms ; as a contrapuntist he was absolutely null, and his mastery over cyclical forms was of the very slightest. Yet it must be said to his praise that he was content to stay within the limits of his own powers, and rarely attempted harder tasks than he could accomplish. In the art of instrumentation he was a perfect child, but here, as elsewhere, the modesty of his pretensions saved him from doing really bad work. He depended solely upon his me- lodic power and upon his consummate skill in treating the human voice ; indeed, his skill in this imjwrtant particular has never been surpassed. His intimacy with Rubini, for whom he wrote most of his tenor parts, had probably much to do with the formation of his perfect vocal style. Yet this influence was unfortunate in one respect ; Bellini's tenor parts, written for Rubini's exceptionallj- high counter-tenor, are beyond the compass of true tenor voices. As counter-tenor voices have completely disappeared from the stage, many arias and duets have now to be largely transposed, with vmspeakable detriment to their effect. These transposi- tions are most ruinous just in Bellini's greatest masterpiece. La Sonnambula, in which the high register and peculiar quality of the counter-tenor voice is absolutely 153 BELLMAN necessary to give the part of Elvino, most 1 1830 (Romeo et Juliette, Paris, 1859) ; La tender of all complaining lovers, its tvne 'Sonnaiiibida, Milan, 1831 ; i\w))ia, ib., 1832 ; character. The melody, "Ah, perche non , Beatrice di Teuda, Venice, 1833 ; I Furilani posso odiarti ?, " when sung in B-flat, as it di Scozia, Paris, 1835. — Filippo Cicconetti, now is, does not give an approximate idea ; Vita di Vincenzo BeUiui (Prato, Alberghetti, of the effect it j)roduces when sung in the j 1859) ; Arthur Pougin, Belluii, sa vie, ses ceu- original key of D. Bellini, like many other i vres (Paris, Hachette, 1868) ; Dwight's Jour- composers, may be said to have had two , nal, vii. 58 ; Fetis, Supplement, i. 06. manners. With Norma (1832) he began to ! BELLMAN, comic ojjera, music by Franz adopt a broader and grander, albeit not von Suppe, rejjresented at the Theater an more elaborate, melodic style. lu 1833 he , der Wien, Vienna, Feb. 26, 1887. went to Paris, where, under Rossini's guid- 1 BELLMAN, CARL MICHAEL, born at ance, he began to study the taste of the French public. After a short trip to Lon- Stockholm, Feb. 4, 1710, died there, Feb. 11, 1795. The great Swedish poet deserves a place don, whither he went to superintend the ; also in the history of Swedish music, having production of one of his ojseras, he returned set to music his ingenious descriptions of to Paris and brought out I Puritani, a work ! popular life, embodied in the partly idyllic, in which he forced himself to take unusual partly burlesque, cycles : The Epistles of pains with the instrumentation, not, how- Fredman, The Songs of Fredman, and The ever, with invariable success. After I Pu- Acts of the Bacchanalian Chapter. — Mendel, ritani, he was engaged to write two more Ergiinz., 31. operas, one for La Scala at Milan, the other for the Opera in Paris ; but he died of dys- BELLOLI, LUIGI, born at Castelfranco, Bologna, Feb. 2, 1770, died at Milan, Nov. entery before he had more than begun 17, 1817. Virtuoso on the horn, and dra- either of them. He was buried in Pure matic composer, entered the court orchestra la Chaise ; but the Italian Government af- at Parma in 1790, and became professor at the Couservatorio, Milan, in 1812. Works : II trionfo di Vitellio Massimo, La distru- zione di Pompejano, ballets, Milan, Scala, 1803 ; La morte di Tipoo- Sahib, Eleazar despoto della Servia, ib., 1801 ; Sofouisba, Andromacca, ib., 1806 ; Le avventure di Aroldo il prode ; Concertos for horn : Method for do.— Fetis. BELMONTE UND CONSTANZE (Bel- mont and Constance), German comic opera in four acts, text by Bretzner, music by Johann Andre, first represented at the Ber- liu Theatre, May 26, 1781. This work, pro- duced with the alternative title Die Eutf iih- rung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Harem), was often repeated with suc- cess until it was supplanted by Mozart's work entitled, Entfiihrung, etc. The - same subject, music by Dietter, was rep- resented at Stuttgart about 1786. BELSAZAR (Belshazzar), oratorio, by Carl Reinecke. terwards begged for his remains, and a deputation from Catania went to Paris, where the ceremonj" of exhumation took place on Sejst. 15, 1876, and escorted the body to his native town, where it was re- buried with great pomp on Sept. 23d, the forty-first anniversary of the comjaoser's death. Works : Several small compositions for various instruments, such as flute, clari- net, pianoforte, etc., Naples, before 1821 ; Fifteen sinfonie for orchestra, ib.; Is- meue, a cantata, ib. ; Three Vespers, two Dixit Dominus, and three Masses, be- sides other sacred pieces, ib.; Adelson e Salviua, Najjles, 1821 ; Bianca e Fernando, ib., 1826; II Pirata, Milan, 1827; La ^^; Siraniera, ib., 1829 ; Zaira, Parma, May 16, 1829 ; I Vapuletti ed i Montecchi, Venice, 154 BELSHAZZAR BELSHAZZAR, oratorio, text by Charles Jenuens, but much changed by Haudel, music by Haudel, first performed at the King's Theatre, London, March 27, 1745. It was announced as Belteshazzar, the name given in Babylon to Daniel (Dan., ii. 2G), but the name was changed on the day of the performance. The dates on the autograph MS., preserved in Buckingham Palace, are, at the beginning, Aug. 23, 1744: ; at end of the first part, Sept. 3, 1744 ; and at end of the second part, Sept. 10, 1744. The work was revived by the London Sacred Harmonic Society, Mai'cli 19, 1847. Handel was very fond of this oratorio, which is undoubtedly one of his best. Characters represented : Belshazzar, Nitocris, Cyrus, Daniel, Gobrias, Ai-ioch, Chorus of Babj'lonians, Chorus of Jews, Chorus of Medes and Persians. Pub- lished first by Walsh ; full score by Hiin- del-Gesellschaft (Leipsic, 1864). — Schosl- cher, Handel, 288 ; Rockstro, Handel, 279. BENDA, FRANZ, born at Alt-Benatek, Bohemia, Nov. 25, 1709, died at Potsdam, March 7, 178G. Violinist, first instructed by a blind Jew, named Label, then at Prague by Kisnicek, afterwards (1732), at Ruppiu, pupil of Johaun Gottlieb Grauu on the violin, and of Karl Heiiirich Graun and Quanz in composition. He had, at that time, joined the orchestra of the crown prince, afterwards Frederick the Great, whom, according to his own statement, he had accompanied in about 50,000 concertos during his forty years' service. He formed a number of distinguished pupils, among whom were his youngest brother, Josef, and his two sons Friedriohand Karl. His com- positions consist of symphonies, many con- certos, solos, etudes, of which only twelve solos for violin (Paris), * ^, ^ solo for flute (Berlin), and /MfA\nl^i^ three books of violin stud- ies. (Leipsic, Kiihnel), are printed. — AUgem. d. Biogr., ii. 315 ; Ft'tis : Gerber, Hist. Lex.; Hiller, Lebensbeschi-eibungen (Leipsic, 1784) ; Schilling. BENDA, FRIEDRICH LUDWIG, born at Gothaiu 1740, died at Konigsberg, March 27, 1793. Dramatic composer, sou of Georg Benda, whom he took for his model. In 1780 he became musical director of the theatre at Hamburg, where he married the singer Felicitas Agnesia Rietz, with whom he visited Berlin and Vienna ; iu 1783 he entered the service of the Duke of Mecklen- burg at Ludwigslust, but conjugal trouble leading to a separation, he was induced to go as a concert director to Konigsberg in 1789. Works : Three concertos for the violin (Leipsic, 1779) ; Der Barbier von Sevilla, opera, given in Hamburg, 1782 ; Das Vateruuser, cantata (1783) ; Trauerkan- tate auf den Tod des Herzogs von Mecklen- burg (Funeral Cantata on the Death of the Duke of M., 1785) ; Das Narrenballet, 1787 ; Der Tod, cantata (1788) ; Die Religion, do. (1790) ; Die Verlobung, operetta, given at Konigsberg, 1790 ; Louise, do., ib., 1791 ; Mariechen, do., ih., 1792. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel. BENDA, FRIEDRICH (WILHELM HEINRICH) born at Potsdam, July 15, 1745, died there, June 19, 1814. Dramatic com- poser, son of Franz Benda, whose pupil he was on the violin, although he excelled more as a pianist and iu composition, which he stu- died under Kirnberger. In 1789 he received a gold medal from the Empress of Russia, for whom he had composed the opera Orpheus, and in 179G a flattering letter with a pre- cious snufi'-box from the Czar Paul I. Works : Pygmalion, cantata, 1783 ; Die Grazien, do., about 1788; Alceste, opera, 178G ; Die Jiinger am Grabe des Auferstandenen, ora- torio, performed in Berlin, 1792 ; Das Lob des HOchsten, do., Potsdam, 1806 ; Das Blumenmadchen, operetta ; G trios for violin and violoncello, op. 1 ; 2 concertos for vio- lin and orchestra, op. 2 ; 3 trios for harpsi- chord, violin, and violoncello, op. 3 ; 3 con- certos for the flute, op. 4 ; Trios for harpsi- chord, op. 5 ; Sonata for four hands, op. 6 ; 7 sonatas for harpsichord or harp, witli flute or violin and violoncello (Berlin, 1788-93) ; 155 BENDA licieucy. Solo for flute and violoncello (1792) ; 6 con- certos for violin ; 6 solos for flute. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BENDA, GEUEG, born at Jungbuuzlau, Bohemia, iu 1722, died at KOstritz, Nov. 6, 1795. He was the third sou of Haus Georg Benda, u u d e r whom he studied the oboe and afterwards the violin and piano- forte, acquiring a high degree of pro- lu 1740 he went to BerUn, where he completed his musical education, by hearing the works of Graun and Hasse, but he never made any regular study either of harmony or counterjioint. In 1718 he became Kapellmeister to the Duke Frederick III. of Saxe-Gotha, and in 1761 he made a journey to Italy at the Duke's expense, and in company with Eust. At Venice Galuppi's La donna di governo (although all Rust's persuasion could not make him sit out the first performance) fi- nally attracted him so strongly by its facile melody that Benda made a serious change in his own style ; from that time his com- positions showed decided marks of Italian influence. In 1766 he returned to Gotha, where he wrote his operas Giro ricono- sciuto and II buon marito. These were fol- lowed by several other works, notably Ariadne auf Naxos and Medea. In 1778 Benda ran away from Gotha and assumed the direction of Schroeder's Theatre in Hamburg, a post which he soon relin- quished to go to Vienna, whence he at length returned to Gotha and resumed his old position iinder Frederick HI. and his suc- cessor Augustus. In 1781 he went to Paris to superintend the production of a French version of his Ariadne, but I'eturned to Georgenthal, a village about nine miles from Gotha, disappointed at the failure of the work. But his nervous temperament would not al- low him to stay long in any one place ; he soon moved to Ohrdrufl" and thence, in 1788, to Rouuenburg, where he wrote his Benda's Klageu. His last place of abode was KOs- tritz. Throughout life he was noted for his absence of mind, and his fondne.ss for the 2)leasures of the table. As a composer he was noted for the grace and expressiveness of his melodies ; although he had made no serious studies, his harmony is generally pure and correct ; he was, however, not gifted with much originality, and his works are now forgotten. The important palace he holds in the history of the German ojiera is mainly owing to his melodramas Ariadne auf Naxos and Medea. The alternation of set musical forms and spoken dialogue in Hiller's Singspiele and Reichardt's Lieder- sjiiele, which afterwards became the standard characteristic of German opera (as it is of the French opera comique), seemed to Ben- da to be inartistic and dramatically false. The musical recitative of the Italian and French grand opera struck him also as being incomj^atible with a national German form of musico-dramatic art. He accordingly conceived the idea of confining the whole musical part of the opera to the orchestra, while the dialogue was all spoken ; thus he may be said to have originated the pure melodrama, a form of art which was short- lived, to be sure, but which attracted much attention in his day. Published works : Sei sonate per il cembalo, Berlin, 1757 ; Amyn- tas' Klagen iiber die Flucht der Lalage, can- tata, ib., 1744 ; T>ev Dorfjahrmarlt, operetta, Leijisic, 1776, pianoforte score ; Walder, op- era, Gotha, 1777 ; Ariadne auf Naxos, duo- drama, Leipsic, 1778, and (more complete ed.) ib., 1781 ; Bledea, melodrama, ib., 1778 ; Der Hohbauer, operetta, ib., 1778 ; Pygma- lion, monodrama, ib., 1780 ; Romeo und Julie, ib., 1778, pianoforte score ; Two con- certos for the clavichord, ib., 1779 ; Three series of pianoforte music, Leij^sic and Gotha, 1780 and 1781 ; Collection of Italian airs, Leipsic, 1782, jDianoforte score ; Airs and duets, ib., 1789 ; Cephalus und Aurora, BENDALL cantata, ib. ; Benda's Klagen, cantata. Among bis uiipublisbed MSS. are a great deal of church music, occasional pieces, symphonies, concertos, sonatas, etc., and the melodrama Almauzor. — Leipzig. AUg. Mus. Zeitung, xvi. 8G0 ; iii. 329 ; Grove, i. 221. BENDALL, WILFRED ELLINGTON, born in London, April 22, 1850, still living, 1888. Pupil in har- mony and comjjosition of Charles Lucas and Edward Silas in Lon- don ; then studied at the Leipsic Conser- vatory in 1872-74 Work s — Operettas : Lovers' Knots, St. George's Hall, 1880 ; 1880 ; Oisera comique, Parizadeh, St. James's Hall, 1884 ; The Lady of Shalott, for female voices ; The Kosiere, for do. ; Part songs and trios ; Songs and duets ; Pianoforte music, etc. BEN DEL, FRANZ, born at Schonlinde, Bohemia, March 23, 1833, died in Berlin, July 3, 1874. Pian- ist, j)upil of Josef Proksch in Prague, and of Liszt at Wei- inai\ He won rejiu- tation as one of the most brilliant of mod- ern virtuosi on con- cert toui-s through Order of Danebrog, 1863. Be- sides a mass, he composed etudes, idyls, fantasias, etc., for pianoforte, numbering 118 works, of which the most popular are Quid 1881. pro Quo, Cantatas : Germany. the fantasias on Bohemian folk-songs, o]}. 8, 45, 47, and on motives from Faust, and L'Africaine. — Mendel. BENDER, JACOB, born at Bechtheim, near Worms, in 1798, died at Antwerp, Aug. 9, 1844. Instrumental composer, pupil at the age of five of the organist M'lser on the pianoforte, then of his father on the violin, and at Worms of Alfuldisch on several in- struments, among which he cultivated es- pecially the clarinet. In 1819 he became bandmaster of a regiment in the Nether- lands, and in 1829 director of music at St. Nicolas, Belgium, where he founded a phil- harmonic society, and whence he went to Antwerp in 1833 as director of the Har- monie. He has composed many concertos and other jiieces for different instruments, besides fantasias and pot-jjourris for mili- tary band. His brother and pupil Valen- tin (1800-73) was a distinguished virtuoso on the clarinet, became musical director at Brussels, and composed clarinet and mili- tary music. — Fctis ; Mendel. BENDING TO THE THRONE OF GLORY, sopi'ano air in B minor for Susan- na, in Handel's Stisaniia, Part I. BENDIX, JULIUS, born iu Stockholm in 1818, still living there, 1888. Pianist and dramatic composer, pupil of Friedrich Sclmeider at Dessau. His opera, The Fay on the Rhine, was successfully given at Stockholm. — Mendel. BENEATH THE CYPRESS' GLOOMY SHADE, soprano air in D minor, alia sicilia- no (sic), of Susanna's attendant, in Handel's Suaanna, Part H. BENDL, KARL, born in Prague, x\.i)ril IG, 1838, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Franz Bla^ek and Karl Pitsch at the Organists' School in Prague, where he took the first prize. In 1864 he went as second chef d'orchestre to the Opera at Brussels, and, after its failure, as chorus- master to the German Opera at Amsterdam, returned to Prague in 1865, and became di- rector of the male singing society Hlahol. Works : Lejla, Bohemian ojjera, given at BENEDICT the National Theatre, Prague, 18G8 ; Bret- islav, do., ib., 1869 ; Cernahorci, three acts, ib., 1881 ; Karel Skreta, comic opera, three acts, ib., 1883 ; Two masses for male voices ; Mass for mixed chorus and orchestra ; Over- ture ; About two hundred Czech songs and choiTises. — Mendel. BENEDICT, Sir JULIUS, born at Stutt- gart, Nov. 27, 1804, died in London, June 5, 1885. Dra- matic composer, and pianist, 23uj)il of Louis Abeille on the jjianoforte, then at Weimar (1819) of Hummel, and at Dresden (1820 of Weber,) with whom he soon formed an intimate friendship, and visited Berlin, Vienna, and other cities, to attend the first representa- tions of Weber's operas. On this master's recommendation he was appointed Kajjell- meister at the Iviirnthnerthor Theater in Vienna, 1823, but two years later he started with the impresario Barbaja on a journey through Germany and Italy, and at Naples became maestro di cappella of the Teatro San Carlo. In 1830 he visited Paris, and, after returning to Naples, went again in 1835, and in the same year to London, where he soon became the fashionable professor of the pianoforte, and gave annual concerts, in which the most renowned artists apipeared. Conductor of the ojiera buffa at the Lyceum in 183G, he went in the same capacity to Drury Lane Theatre in 1837, accompanied Jenny Lind on her tour through America in 1850-51, and soon after his return became orchestra leader of Mapleson's operatic en- terprise, first at Her Majesty's, then at Drury Lane Theatre. In 1859 he was called to Co- vent Garden, also took charge of the Monday jjopular concerts, conducted several music festivals at Norwich, and in 1876-80 the Philliarmonic Society at Liverpool. He was knighted in 1871, and decorated with many foreign orders. Works — Operas : Giacinta ed Ernesto, given at Naples, 1829 ; I Porto- ghesi in Goa, Stuttgart, 1830 ; Un anno ed un giorno, opera bufta, London, Lyceum, 1836 ; The Gypsi/'s Warning, ib., Drury Lane, 1837 ; The Bride>i of Venice, ib., 1844 ; The Crusaders, ib., 1846 ; The Lake of Gleuaston, ib., Covent Garden, 1862 ; The Lily of Killaruey, ib., 1862 (under the title The Rose of Erin also on the Conti- nent) ; The Bride of Song, ib., 1864. Can- tatas : Undine, Norwich, 1860 ; Richard Ca3ur-de-Liou, ib., 1863 ; Cantata for the return of the Prince of W^ales from India, Portsmouth, 1876. Oratorios : Saint Ce- cilia, Norwich, 1866 ; Saint Peter, Birming- ham, 1870 ; Two symphonies. Crystal Pal- ace, 1873-74 ; Two concertos for pianoforte, op. 13 and 29 ; Concertino for do., op. 18 ; Rondo, with ^■Mlul H€y>^e^ sTsonatTs for piano- forte solo, and with violin ; Fantaisies, ca- prices, variations, etc. — Fetis ; do., Supjjle- ment, i. 08 ; Grove ; Mendel ; Riemann. BENEDICT, MILO ELLSWORTH, born, of American parentage, in Cornwall, Ver- mont, June 9, 1866, still living, 1888. Pi- anist ; studied in Boston the pianoforte under Carlyle Petersilea, and theory and composition under John K. Paine. In 1883 -84 he was in Europe, spent three months with Liszt at Weimar, visited Berlin, Leip- sic, and Paris, among other musical centres, and was favourably received bj' Rubinstein, Scharwenka, L. Emil Bach, and otlier mas- ters. Since his return to America he has lived in Boston as a teacher of the pia- noforte. Works : 6 Cornwall dances, op. 1, 1885 ; Polonaises, op. 2 and op. 3 ; Piano- forte concerto, t'tudes, toccata, scherzo, mazurka, etc., in MS. BENEDICTUS. See Ihicis. BENEDICTUS (Benedict, Benoit) OF APPENZELL, born at Appenzell, Switzer- land, lived about the middle of the 16th century. He must not be confounded with 1S8 BENELLI Benedictus or Benoit Ducis of Belgium, although some authorities, viz., Gesuer, Gerber, Walther, Kiesewetter, aud Schilling have tried to jJrove their identity. He was master of the children's choir at Brussels from 1539 to 1555. The only works which are handed down also record his name and birthplace : Liber primus ecclesiasticarum eautionum quatuor voc. quas vulgo moteta vocant, tarn ex veteri, quam novo Testamen- to ab optimis quibusque hujus letatia musi- cis compositarum, AutwerpiiB, 1553. Other collections bear the name Benedictus with- out any designation ; they number 12, ex- tending from 1400 to 1569.— Fetis ; Ger- ber ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Schilling. BENELLI, ANTONIO PEREGEINO, born at Forli, Romagua, Hept 5, 1771, died at BOruichau, Saxony, Aug. 16, 1830. Com- poser and dramatic singer, pupil of Fathers Martini (?) and Blattei ; obtained au en- gagement as first tenor at the Teatro San Carlo, Najjles, 1790, then in London, 1798, aud at Dresden in 1801, where he sans uu- til 1822, when he lost his voice and was pensioned, and soon after was appointed, through Spontini's influence, vocal instruc- tor at the Opera in Berlin. Some malignant criticisms of his patron's ojjeras, which he published in Leipsic, led to his dismissal in 1829, when he retired to Dresden, aud soon after to Bijrnichau. Works : Sonata for pianoforte for four hands; Rondo for pianoforte ; Pater noster for five voices ; Salve Regiua for four voices and orchestra ; Stabat mater for do.; II giorno natalizio, cantata for five voices aud i^iauoforte ; 1 nocturnes for four voices ; Arias, cavatinas, etc.; Vocal method (Dresden, 1819).— Fetis ; Mendel. BENESCH (Benes), JOSEF, born at Batelov, Moravia, Jan. 11, 1793, died (?). Violinist, first instructed by his father, a tailor and able amateur violinist, then in the Premonstratensian monastery at Iglau, and finally pupil of Schlesinger in Vienna ; played in the theatre orchestras at Baden and Presburg, and in 1819 started on a con- cert tour through Italy ; having returned to Vienna in 1822, he was called to Lai- bach, Carniola, in 1823 as Conzertmeister, orchestra leader, and jirofessor of violin of the Philharmonic Society ; once more in Vienna, 1828, he became a member of the imperial orchestra in 1832. Among his compositions ai'e to be noticed : 2 polo- naises for violin, with accompaniment of two violins, viola, aud bass, op. 6 and 7 ; Grandes variations on an original theme, with quartet ; Variations, concertinos, etc. ; German songs. — Fetis ; Mendel. BENEVOLI, ORAZIO, born in Rome m 1602, died there, June 17, 1G72. The natural son of Duke Albert of Lorraine, he studied under Vincenzo Ugolini, but not under Beruardio Nanini (Fctis, Biog. Univ., ii. 135, note). His first official posi- tion was that of maestro di cappella at S. Luigi de' Francesi, Rome, which he re- linquished in 1643 to enter the service in Vienna of the Archduke of Austria. On his return to Rome he resumed his old post, but accepted a similar one at Sta. Maria Maggiore on Feb. 23, 1646. On Nov. 7 of the same year he succeeded Virgilio Mau- zocchi as maestro di cappella of the Vatican Chajjel, and retained the position until his death. He was a man of the highest per- sonal character, but died, as he had lived, in great poverty ; he was buried in S. Spi- rito di Sarsia, near the Vatican. Benevoli may be regarded as the most important figure of the Roman school towards the de- cline of its " great " period, at a time when writing a cappella for a large number of real voices was in vogue, a style which, fifty years before, was more characteristic of the Ve- netian than of the Roman school. Indeed, writing for sixteen real voices may be called Beuevoli's familiar, every-day manner. Yet easily clear and finely wrought as his works in this form are, his chief fame is that of being the perfecter of the jjolychoric style of a cappella comjJosition. He excelled in writing for four and six independent choruses [i.e., sixteen and twenty-four real 159 BENINCORI parts), and was one of the first to attempt (in a mass jjerformed on Aug. 4, 1650, in Sta. Maria sojira Minerva) the feat of writ- ing for twelve choruses (forty-eight real voices). Benevoli did not always contine himself to a cappella writing ; he was one of the chief pioneers in the style of choral composition with obligato instrumental ac- companiments. His most noteworthy work in this more modern stylo is his mass, writ- ten for the consecration of the Salzburg Cathedi-al (Sept. 2-4, 1G28), the score of which (written on 54 staves) is preserved in the Mozarteum in that city ; separate parts are in the Corsiniana at Rome. Benevoli is to be admired not only as a phenomenal contrapuntist, but as a composer of real genius and great elevation of style. Most of his works are still in MS. in the archives of the Vatican Basilica and the Corsiniana (manj' of the latter in a very fragmentary condition). The mass, In diluvio multarum aquarum (4 choruses and organ), is i)ub- lished (Leipsic, Breitkopf, 1769). The sec- ond Kyrie from the same is in P. Martini's Treatise on Fugued Counterpoint, p. 122 ; Sanctus and Dona nobis for 4 choruses (orchestral jjarts added by a later hand), (Breitkopf, 1769) ; Mass, Si Deus jiro nobis, for 4 choruses, in the library of the £cole Nationale de Musique, Paris (the Kyrie in Fetis's counterpoint, Paris, Troupenas, 1828.) Fragments of other works are in P. Paolueci's Arte pratiea di contrapunto, vol. iii. — Ambros, iv. 104. BENINCORI, ANGELO MARIA, born at Brescia, Italy, March 28, 1779, died at Belle- ville, near Paris, Dec. 30, 1821. Dramatic composer, pupil of Ghiretti, Rolla, and Cima- rosa. He finished his musical education at the age of seventeen, and went to Spain in 1797 with his brother, also a musician, who died there, and left him without resources. On his return to Italy he brought out his op- era, Nitteti, there, and soon after in Vienna, where he became a follower of Haydn. In 1803 he settled in Paris, where his quartets had been published. Failing in repeated efforts to bring out some of his operas, and only moderately successful as a teacher, in spite of the variety of his musical accom- plishments, he seemed about to score a tri- umj)h when commissioned to comjjose three acts of the opera Aladin, left unfinished by Isouard in 1818, but he died six weeks be- fore the rej)resentation of the work, which obtained a brilliant success. Works : Ga- latee ou le nouveau Pygmalion, opera, 1804 ; Hesione, do. (1807) ; Les jjarents d'un joui-, operette, given in Paris, Thcati'e Feydeau, 1815 ; La promesse de mariage ou le re- tour au hameau, do., Opera Comique, 1818 ; Les epoux indiscrets, do., Paris, 1819 ; Quartets for string instruments ; Masses ; Litanies ; Hymns ; etc. — Fetis. BENIOWSEI ; or, Les Exiles du Kam- tschatka (The Exiles of Kamchatka), opera in three acts, text by Alexandre Duval, music by Boieldieu, first represented at the The- atre Favart, Paris, June 8, 1800. Subject from "Les Memoires de Beniowski," a Hungarian chevalier, who, a general in the Polish service, falls into the hands of the Russians and is exiled to Kamchatka. This, though not one of the composer's best works, met with a good reception and was much parodied. It was successfully revived at the Opera Comique, July 20, 1824.— Pougin, Boieldieu, 60. BEN NET, JOHN, English composer of the latter part of the 16th and early part of the 17th centuries. He was possibly an organist, as he left some anthems and organ pieces in MS. "Works : Madrigals to four voyces (1599) ; All creatures now are merry minded (Morley's Collection, The Tri- umphes of Oriana, 1601) ; 5 compositions in parts (Thomas Ravenscroft's, Briefe Dis- course, etc., 1614). — Hawkins, Hist, of Mu- sic, iii., 394; Grove; Fetis. BENNET, SAUNDERS, born in England in last quarter of the ISth century, died in 1809. Organist of church at "Woodstock. He composed anthems, songs, and glees, and sonatas, rondos, and variations for or- gan and pianoforte. 160 BENNETT BENNETT, ALFRED, born iu Chiches- ter, England, 1805, died in Oxford, 1830. Organist, son and pupil of Thomas Bennett. He became organist of New College, Ox- ford, and of the TJuiversitj- in 1825, and re- ceived the degree of Mus. Bac. Works: Church Services and Anthems ; Chants (with William Marshall, 1829) ; Songs. BENNETT, THOMAS, born in England in 1779, died at Chichester, March 21, 1848. He was a chorister of Salisbury Cathedral, where he studied under Joseph Corfe ; be- came organist of St. John's Chapel, Chi- chester, and in 1803 of Chichester Cathedral. Works : Introduction to Art of Singing (London, no date) ; Sacred Melodies (do.) ; Cathedral Selections, anthems, chants, etc. (do.). BENNETT, WILLIAM, born near Teign- mouth, England, in 1707, died in 18 — . Organist, pupil at Exeter of Hugh Bond and William Jackson, and iu London of Johann Christian Bach and of Schroeter. In 1793 he became organist of St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth. Songs and Glees (Lou- don, 1799) ; Anthems, and pianoforte and ' organ music. BENNETT, Sir WILLIAM STERN DALE, born iu Shef- field, England, Ajiril 13, 1816, died in Lon- don, Feb. 1, 1875. His father, an organist, died when he was three years old, and his education was cared for by his grand- father. At the age of eight (1824) he en- tered the choir of King's College Chapel at Cambridge, where his grandfather lived, and in 1820 was sent to London to study at the Royal Academy of Music. Here he studied composition under Lucas and Dr. Crotch, and pianoforte, first under W. H. Holmes, then under Cipriani Potter. His first com- position of note was his D minor pianoforte concerto, op. 1, written in 1832 and played by himself at the prize concert at the Acad- emy in 1833. Mendelssohn was jwesent and greatly encouraged the young composer. In 1836 the firm of Broadwood offered to pay his expenses for a year's study iu Leipsic ; here he came under the influence of Men- delssohn and Schumann, both of whom held his talent in high esteem. He came back to London after the specified year, but returned to Leipsic for another year's study in 1840. In 1843 he began to give success- ful chamber concerts in London, and in 1844 married Mary Anne Wood, daughter of a captain in the Navy. In 1849 he founded the London Bach Society, one of the re- sults of which was the first performance in England of the Matthew-Passion, April 6, 1854. In 1853 he was offered the conduc- torship of the Leipsic Gewandhaus eon- certs, and in 1856 he was elected to the chair of musical jjrofessor at the University of Cambridge, and shortly afterwards re- ceived the degree of Mus. Doc. In 1856 he was also made i^ermanent conductor of the Philharmonic Society, a jjost which he re- signed ten years later to become princijial of the Royal Academy of Music. Li 1867 he received the Cambridge degree of M.A., and a salary of £100 was joined to his pro- fessorship. In 1870 the University of Ox- ford conferred upon him the honorary de- gree of D.C.L. He was knighted in 1871, and a scholarship was founded at the Royal Academy of Music out of the subscriptions to a public testimonial to him in St. James's Hall in 1872. He died after a short illness, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Bennett has been called the first English composer of individual genius since Pur- cell ; he certainly was the first English com- poser who got any real recognition in Ger- many. He has generally been considered as a follower and imitator of Mendelssohn, although the best English critics deny this. Yet he may truly be said to have held more by Mendelssohn than by Schumann. His compositions are noteworthy for an easj' grace, refinement, and elaborate perfection 161 BENOIST of style. His best-known works tire tlie concerto in F minor, op. 19 ; the piano- forte sextet, op. 8 ; the overture, The Nai- ads ; the sonata, The Maid of Orleans ; and the oratorio, The Woman of Samaria. His influence upon music iu England, nota- bly upon the introduction and study of Bach's works, was very strong and whole- some. Works : The Woman of Samaria, ora- torio, for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, op. 44, Birmingham Festival, 1867 ; The May Queen, a pastoral cantata (Chorley), for do., 023. 39, Leeds Musical Festival, 1858 ; Jlusic to Ajax (Sophocles), op. 45 ; Ode (Tenny- son), for the opening of the International Exhibition, 18G'2, oj). 40 ; Cambridge Instal- lation Ode (Kingsley), 1862, op. 41 ; Sym- phony in G minor, op. 43 ; 4 Overtures, Parisina, op. 3 (1834-35), The Naiads, op. 15 (1836), The Wood Nymph, op. 20 (1840), I'aradisc and the Peri, op. 42 (1862) ; 4 con- certos for pianoforte and orchestra, in D minor, oi3. 1, in E-flat, op. 4, in C minor, op. 9, in F minor, op. 19 ; CajJrice, in E, for do., op. 22 ; Sextet for pianoforte and strings, op. 8 ; Trio for do., op. 26 ; Sonata for violoncello and pianoforte, op. 32 ; for pianoforte solo ; 2 sonatas, op. 13, and the Maid of Orleans, ojj. 46 ; Caj^riccio, op. 2 ; 3 Musical Sketches— Lake, Millstream, and Fountain, op. 10 ; 6 studies iu Caisriccio form, op. 11 ; 3 Impromptus, op. 12 ; 3 Romances, op. 14 ; Fantasia, op. 16 ; 3 Di- versions (4 hands), op. 17 ; Allegro grazioso, op. 18 ; Suite de Pieces, op. 24 ; Scherzo, op. 27 ; Introductione e Pastorale, etc., op. 28 ; Two Studies — L' Amabile e 1' Appas- sionata, op. 29 ; Tema e Variazioni, op. 31 ; Preludes and Lessons, 60 pieces, oj). 33 ; Kondeau — Pas triste, pas gai, oj5. 34 ; Flow- ers of the Mouth, op. 36 ; Rondeau a la PolouaLse, op. 37 ; Toccata, op. 38 ; Sona,- tina in C ; M i nuetto e X p r e s - sivo ; Prse- ludium ; Eoniance — Genevieve ; Songs, An- thems, and Four-i^art Songs. — Leipsic Sig- nale, March, 1875, No. 16 ; London Mus. Times, March 1, 1875 ; Dwight's Journal, xxxiv. 393, 409 ; London Mus. Standard, new series, viii. 88, 104 ; ix. 134 ; Grove, i. 224 ; Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 69 ; Schu- mann, Music and Musicians, i. 140 ; Hiller, Musikalisches und Personliches, 156. BENOIST, FKAN^'OIS, born at Nantes, France, Sept. 10, 1794, died in Paris, May, 1878. Dramatic composer and organist, pupil in 1811 at the Paris Conservatoire, of Catel in harmony, and of Adam on the pi- anoforte, obtained in the same year the first prize in harmony, and in 1814 in pianoforte playing. After his cantata Enone had been crowned by the Institute of France in 1815, he spent three years in Rome and Naples, and on his return early in 1819 was made organist of the royal chapel, and soon after professor of the organ at the Conservatoire, whence he retired in 1872. He was also after 1840 chef du chant at the Opera. L. of Honour, 1851. Works : Felix et Le- onore, opera, given in Paris, Theatre Fey- deau, 1821 ; La Gipsy, ballet (with Marliani and Ambroise Thomas), Opera, 1839 ; Le Diable amoureux, do. (with Reber), ib., 1840 ; L'Apparition, opera, ib., 1848 ; Nisi- da ou les Amazones des Ayores, ballet, ib., 1848 ; Paquerette, do., ib., 1851 ; Requiem mass for three men's voices and a child's voice, with organ ad libitum (Paris, Veuve Canaux) ; Compositions for the organ under the title, Bibliotheque de I'organiste (ib.). — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 69 ; Riemann. BENOlT, PETER (Ll^:ONARD LEO- POLD), born at Haerlebeke, West Flanders, Aug. 17, 1834, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, jjupil of Fetis at the Brussels Conservatoire, where he won the second prize in 1853 and the first in 1854. Two years later he wrote the music of several Flemish melodramas for the Theatre du Pare, of which he was made chef d'orches- tre in December, 1856. Having obtained the grand prize in 1857 for his cantata Le Meurtre d'Abel, performed at the Conserva- toire, he studied several months at Leipsic, 162 BENONI and then visited Dresden, Prague, Munich, and Berlin. After his return to Belgium he brought out a solemn mass at Brussels and at Ghent, and in 18G1 went to Paris, where his French opera, Lo Roi des Aulnes, was accepted at the Theatre Lyrique ; while waiting for its performance (which never took place), he conducted (18G2) the or- chestra at the Bouflfes Parisiens, returned in the same year to Brussels, and in 1867 became director of the Conservatory (Flem- isli School of Music) at Antwerp. In this f)ositiou he has since been most active as the chief promoter of a national tendency in music, making the Flemish language and Flemish traditions the basis for all his compositions. Officer of Order of Leojjold. Works : De belgische Natie, melodrama, given at Brussels, Theatre du Pare, 185G ; Het dorp iu't gebergte, comic opera, ib., 1856 ; Ave Maria for eight voices in two choruses, performed at the Cathedral in Berlin, 1858 (Berlin, Bote & Bock) ; mel- odies for a single voice with pianoforte (Brussels and Mainz, Schotfc Freres) ; Douze pensees na'ives, for do. (ib.) ; 12 motets (ib.) ; Petite cantata de Noi-1, 1860 ; Te Deum, 1863 ; Requiem Mass, 1863 ; Quadrilogie (a combination of the last three works and his solemn mass), performed at AutwerjJ, 1864 ; Concerto for pianoforte with orchestra, do. for flute with orchestra, Lucifer, Flemish oratorio, Brussels, 1866 ; Isa, Flemish op- era, ib., 1867 ; De Schelde, oratorio, 1860 ; Cantata, 1869 ; L'Eglise militantc, souf- frante et triomphante, religious drama for soli and chorus with organ, violoncelli, double-basses, tinimpets, and trombones, Antwerp, 1871 ; De Oorlog (War), oratorio, ib., 1873 ; La Colonne du Cougres, cantata, Brussels ; Cantata in 3 parts, Liege ; Pro- mt'thce, oratorio, Ghent ; Hymne a I'Har- monie, Antwerp ; Chant de la Lys, cantata, Courtrai, 1875 ; De Maeyers, choral sym- phony ; Kinder-cantate ; Music for Char- lotte Corday, historical drama by Ernest Van der Ven, Antwerp, Flemish Theatre, 1876 ; besides ballades, Lieder, choruses without accompaniment, a collection of 20 motet.s, with oi-gan (Brussels). He has also written articles for the Messager des Arts, Le Guide Musical, and L'Art Universel. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 70 ; Riemauu ; Viotta. BENONI, JULIUS, born at Stfelohostic, Bohemia, in 1833, still living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, and pianist, first instructed at Silberberg, Bohemia, whence he was taken to Vienna by the Countess von Taafife, and educated with her children ; showed early a remarkable talent for improvisation, which won him the favour of Prince Metter- nich. He played in a concert at court in 1843, then studied composition under Doni- zetti and Simon Seehter. In 1855 he gave uj) his musical career, studied farming, and assumed the administration of an estate in Bohemia. Works — Ojieras : Die Wunder- blume, given in Vienna, Palace of Count Taaffe, 1847 ; Emma, ossia II Protettore in- visibile, ib., Kiirnthnerthor Theater, 1851 ; Giovanna da Ponte, Prague, 1855 ; Vocal Mass, Vienna, 1843 ; Ave, regina coelorum, ib., 1843 ; Lied vor der Schlacht, chorus with orchestra ; Songs and romances. — Mendel ; Wurzbacli. BE NOT AFRAID. See Fiirchte dich nicht. BENTAYOUX (Ben-Tayoux), FRP]- DERIC, born at Bordeaux, June 14, 1840, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pu- pil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of IMarmon- tel on the pianoforte, of Emile Durand in solfeggio, of Colin and Bazin in harmony, and of Carafa in comjiosition. Works — Op- erettas : Pa-tchou-ly, given in Paris, Folies Bergcre, 1875 ; Bobiue, ib., 1876 ; Le Dompteur de Bougival, Folies Marigny, 1875 ; Many pianoforte pieces of light cali- bre, and romances and chansons. — Fvtis, Supplement, i. 72. BENTLEY, JOHN MORGAN, born in Manchester, England, Sept. 3, 1837, still living, 1888. Organist of St. Philip's, Sal- ford, 1S55 ; St. Stephen's, Manchester, 1860 ; .St. Saviour's, ib., 1866 ; Bowdou 163 BENVENUTI Parish ChurcL, 18G8 ; and of Cheadle Ab- bey, 1877. He has been the conductor of several musical so- cieties, and in 1870 established the Ac- ademy of Music, St. Ann's, Manchester. In 1877 he received the degree of Mus. Bac, and in 1879, IMus. Doc, Cam- bridge. In 1881 he was appointed local examiner for the Eoyal Academy of Music. Works : Gethsemane, dramatic can- tata (Mus. Bac. exercise), 1877 ; AVhat is Life ?, oratorio (Mus. Doc. do.), 1879 ; Yule- tide, cantata for mixed voices (Hutchings & Komer) ; The Golden Butterfly, cantata for female voices (Hutchings) ; Horte Sacrte, series for violin and pianoforte ; The Two Violinists, duets for violins, with pianoforte accompaniment ; Vesper Canticles ; Sym- phony for full orchestra (MS.) and other orchestral works ; Songs, etc. BENVENUTI, NICOH"), born at Pisa, May 10, 1783, died (?). Dramatic composer, pu^iil of his father, whom he succeeded as maestro di cappella of the Cathedral .at Pisa. Works : 6 masses for 4 and 6 voices, with orchestra ; 2 Vespers ; II ratto di Proser- pina, cantata for 3 voices with chorus, Pisa, 1806 ; Ariana e Teseo, ib., 1810 ; II Werter, farce, ib., 1811 ; 12 symphonies for grand orchestra ; Sonatas for pianoforte ; do. for organ ; Variations, etc. — Fetis. BENVENUTI, TOMMASO, born in Italy about 1832, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, author of the following operas : Valenzia Candiano, given at Mantua, 18.50 ; Shakespeare, Parma, 18G1 ; La Stella di To- ledo, Milan, Teatro della Canobbiana, 1861. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 72. BENVENUTO CELLINI, French opera in two acts, text by Leon de Wailly and Auguste Bai-bier, music by Hector Berlioz, represented at the Academie Royale de Mu- sique, Paris, Sept. 3, 1838. It was received with general reprobation by the critics and was withdrawn after three representations. It was given at Covent Garden, London, in three acts, June 2.5, 1853. The second overture to this opera is now called Le Car- naval romain. The same subject has been treated by Franz Lachner, Munich, 1849 ; Louis Schlosser, Darmstadt, 1815 ; by Leo Kern, text by Prechtler, Pesth, 1851 ; by Orsini, Naples, 1875 ; and by Bozzauo, text by Perosio, Genoa, 1877. BENZ, JOHANN BAPTIST, born at Lauchheim, Wiirtemberg, June 17, 1807, still living, 1888. Church compioser, first instructed by Dreger, choir director at EUwangen, then travelled with a family as tutor, and in 1831 became instructor of German at the College at Chalous-sur- Marne. In 1836-38 he studied in Rome the old church music, in personal intercourse with Baiui, and through the agency of Car- dinal Wiseman was appointed to a position at the Catholic College at Oscott, England, whence he went in 1811 to Birmingham, as choirmaster and org.anist of the new cathe- dral. In 1843 he returned to Germany, lived in Munich and Vienna, until called to Speyer in 1846 as professor of music at the seminary, and organist of the cathedral. Works: O clemens, o pia, o dulcis virgo Maria, festival mass, Speyer, 1853 ; 4 masses, for three and four voices, with organ ; Of- fertories, graduales, etc. ; Harnionia sacra. —Mendel. BERARDI, ANGELO, born at Sant' Aga- tha, Bologna, about the middle of the 17th century. Church composer, maestro di cap- pella at Viterbo, then (1681) of the cathe- dral at Spoleto ; Canon at Viterbo in 1687, and maestro di cappella of Sta. Maria in Tras- tevere, Rome, 1693. Works : Requiem mass for 5 voices (1663) ; Motets for 2-4 voices (1665) ; Psalms (1675) ; Offertories (1680). —Fetis; Schilling. Bfi:RAT, FREDERIC, born at Rouen in 1800, died in Paris, Dec. 2, 1855. Vocal composer, went early to Paris, where he formed an intimate friendship with Buran- 164 BERBIGUIER ger, and set many of liis poems to music, attaining great popularity. The best known of bis romances and chausonettes, wbicli are still sung in France, are : Ma Normandie, Le depart, A la froutii're, La Lisette de Berauger, Bibi, men chori, C'est demaiu qu'il arrive, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. BERBIGUIER, BENOJT TRANQUILLE, born at Caderousse (Vaucluse) Dec. 21, 1782, died at Pont-Levoy, near Blois, Jan. 29, 1838. Flute player, pujjil at the Paris Conservatoire of Wunderlich on the flute, and of Berton in composition. He was drafted for the army in 1815 ; his profes- sional life began in 1819 and was spent in Paris until 1830. His playing was remark- able for its technique and purity of tone. Works : 15 books of duets for two flutes ; 2 do. for flute and violin ; 6 grand solos for flute ; 10 concertos for do. ; 7 books of sonatas for do. with bass or viola ; 8 varia- tions with pianoforte or orchestra ; 6 do. ; 6 books of trios for three flutes ; One do. for two flutes and viola ; One do. for flute, vio- lin, and viola ; Several suites of duets for two flutes ; Grand duo coucertante for flute and pianoforte ; Several fantasias, romances, etc., for do. ; Method for flute.— Fetis ; Mendel. BERCHEM (Berghem), JACQUES (Jachet), born in Flanders, beginning of the 16th century, died about 1580. Vocal com- poser, and one of the most famous contra- puntists of his century. He passed most of his life, 1535-65, in the service of the Duke of Mantua, whence he was called by the Italians Giaclietto di Mantova, as well as to distinguish him from Giachetto di Keggio, who was Jachet de Werts. He is sometimes confounded, too, with Jachet de Buus. Works : 26 motets, lacheti musici celeber- rimi atque delectabilis, etc. (Venice, 1539) ; Second edition, with two more motets, II prime lib. de motetti (Venice, 1540) ; 93 stanzas of Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso," set to four-part music (Venice, 1561). In the MS. of the 16tli century in the Koyal Li- brary, Munich, are three of his masses for five voices, under the name of laches de Mantua. In a collection published at Ven- ice in 1544 is a mass by Jachet Bergem on the chanson. Mors et fortuna. — Biog. nat. de Belgique ; Fetis ; Gerber ; Schilling. BEREITE DICH, ZION, alto aria in A minor, with accompaniment of oboe d'amore and violins, in unison, fagotto and continue, from Johann Sebastian Bach's Wriiiacliti^- Oratorium, Part I. BERENICE, daughter of Agrippa L of Judtea, wife of her uncle Herod, King of Chalcis, afterwards of Polemon, King of Cilicia, and later at Rome beloved by the Emperor Titus, is the subject of many ojsenxs : Music by Freschi, Venice, 1680 ; by Strungk, Leipsic, 1698 ; by Bronner, text by Hinsch, Hamburg, 1702 ; by Porpora, Rome, 1710 ; by Orlandiui, Venice, 1725 ; by Do- menico Sarri, Naples, 1725 ; by Ferrandini, Munich, 1730 ; by Araja, Florence, 1730 ; by Avoudauo, about 1730 ; by Fasch, Zerbst, about 1739 ; by Galuppi, Italy, 1741 ; by Perillo, Venice, 1757 ; English opera, music by Charles Frederick Abel, Loudon, 1764 ; by Piccinni, Naples, 1764 ; by Rust, Parma, 1786; by Spontini, Naples, i798 ; by Zin- garelli, Rome, 1811 ; Tito e Berenice, music by Caldara, test by Capeca, Rome, 1714; Berenice iu Roma, by Raimondi, Naples, 1823 ; Titus et Berenice, by Gastiuel, Paris, 1860 ; Berenice in Siria, by Carafa, Naples, 1818 ; Berenice, f)asticcio, music by Johann Christian Bach, in collaboration with Hasse, Galuppi, and Ferrandini, London, 1764. BERENICE, Italian opera in three acts, author of text unknown, music by Handel, first represented at Coveut Garden, Lon- don, May 18, 1737. The MS. in Bucking- ham Palace is dated at the beginning, Dec. 18, 1736, and at the end, Jan. 27,^ 1737. The libretto, which is probably older than the music, has the following characters : Berenice, Selene, Alessandro, Demetrio, Ai-- sace, Fabio, and Aristobolo. The scene is laid in Egypt, of which Berenice is queen. The part of the hero was sustained by Gio- acchino Conti, called Gizziello (1714-61), an artificial soprano, one of the gi-eatest sing- lfi5 BERENS ers of the 18th century. The work, iu sjjite of its excellence, had but four representa- Gioaccnino Conti, called Gizziello. tions, after which Handel closed his theatre. Published first bj' Walsh ; full score by Hiin- delgesellschaft (Leipsie, 1883). — Schoelcher, Handel, 186 ; Eockstro, 192 ; Chrysander, ii. 398. BERENS, HERMANN, born iu Ham- burg, Germany, in 1826, died iu Stockholm, May 9, 1880. Dramatic comjioser and pi- anist, son and pupil of Karl Berens (flutist, 1801-57) ; went in 1843 to Dresden, where he studied composition mider Reissiger, made a concert tour through Germany with Mai'ietta Alboni in 1815, then returned to Hamburg. In 1847 he was invited to Stock- holm, where he established chamber-music concerts. He went as musical director to Oerebro in 1849, whence he returned to Stockholm in 1860 as Kapellmeister of the JNlindre Theatre ; later he was made Court-Kapellmeister, professor and member of the Academy. Works : Violetta, opera, given in Stockholm ; Der Sommeruaehts- traum, operetta, ib., Royal Theatre, 185G (twenty-five times) ; LuUy und Quinault, do., Mindre Theatre, 1859 ; Riccardo, do., ib., 1869 ; Music to Kodros, Greek drama, given in Hamburg ; Symphonies ; Over- tures ; Cantatas ; Quartet for ijianoforte and strings; Trio ; etc. — Fetis ; do., Snpph'ment, i. G5 ; Mendel ; Rieraann ; Schilling. BEREZOVSKY, MAXIMUS SAZONO- VICH, born at Gluchov, Ukraine, in 1745, died by suicide in 1777. Church composer, studied music at the Academy at Kiev, and under Martini at Bologna, whither he was sent in 1765 by Catherine H., after having been a singer iu the imperial chapel at St. Petersburg. He returned from Italy in 1774, possessed of rai-e knowledge, but, dis- apjjointed in his expectation of obtaining a position as vocal instructor iu the imperial chapel, he shot himself. He comjjosed in the manner of the old Italian masters, en- deavoured to improve the service of the Greek Church, and was the first in Russia to introduce double choruses. He was a member of the Accademia Filarmonica, Bo- logna. — Fc'tis. BERG, KONRAD MATHIAS, born at Colmar, Ai3ril 27, 1785, died at Strasburg, Dec. 13, 1852. Pianist, pupil at Mannheim of Friinzl on the violin, 1804-5, then in Paris at the Conservatoire on the piano- forte in 1806-7. He settled at Strasbui-g in 1808, thence visited Paris in 1810, 1818, 1835, and 1851, and Vienna in 1817, making the acquaintance of Beethoven, Hummel, and Czernj' ; and Darmstadt in 1825, where he formed a friendshij) with Gottfried Weber and Rinck. Works : Three concertos for pianoforte and orchestra ; Rondo for do., op. 24 ; Sonatas for pianoforte and violin, op. 9, 23, and 25 ; Duo with variations, for 2 i^ianofortes, op. 12 ; Trios for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 11, 15, 16, and 20 ; Quartet, op. 33 ; Four string quartets ; Sonatas for pianoforte, op. 5 and 30 ; Fan- taisies and rondeaux for do. ; Variations for do. and violin ; Die Nixe des Mummelsees, ballad for soprano. — Fetis ; Mendel. BERGFJl, LUDWIG, born in Berlin, April 18, 1777, died there, Feb. 16, 1839. Pianist, jjupil of Gtirrlich, then in Dresden of Johann Gottlieb Nainnann, and again at Berlin of Clementi, whom he followed to St. Petersburg iu 1805, and thence via Stockholm in 1812 to London, whither Cle- menti had gone in 1810 ; he retui-ned to 166 BERGERE Berlin iu 1814r. As a pianist and teacher [ he was highly esteemed ; his compositions are meritorious, but met with little success, appealing to the trained musician rather than the amateur. "Works : Souate pathe- tique, op. 1 (Leipsic, Peters) ; Preludes and fugues, op. 5 (Berlin, Schlesinger) ; Pre- ludes a la turque, op. 8 (ib.) ; Sonatas, op. 9, 10, 18 (ib.) ; Twelve etudes, op. 11 (Ham- burg, Christian!) ; Rondeau pastoral (ib.) ; Toccata (Leipsic, Breitkoi^f & Hilrtel) ; So- nata for four hands, oj). 15 (Berlin, Lane) ; 3 miHtary marches, op. IG (ib.) ; 3 infantry marches (ib.) ; Variations on Russian and Norwegian airs ; Orestes, opera ; Sympho- ny, performed l)y iMeudelssohn iu Berlin, 1832 ; 8 collections of songs (Offenbach, Andre) ; Several do. of four-part songs for male voices (Berlin, Hamburg, and Offen- bach). Unpublished : 2 symphonies ; Con- certo for pianoforte ; String quartets ; 18 variations on "Ah! vous dirai-je, maman" ; Kyrie and Gloria a cappella for four solo and eight chorus parts ; Canons, fugues, marches, and songs. — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 380 ; Allg. mus. Zeitg., xli. 186 ; Fetis ; Rellstab, Lud- wig Berger, ein Denkmal (Berlin, 18-lG). BERGfiRE CH1TEL.\INE, LA, opera comique iu three acts, text by Plauard, mu- sic by Auber, iirst represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Jan. 27, 1820. This, the first successful work of the comijoser, opened to him a long and prosperous career. BERGERS, LES (The Shepherds), opera comique in three acts, text by Hector Cre- mieux and Philippe Gille, music by Offen- bach, first represented at the Bouft'es Pari- siens, Paris, Dec. 11, 1865. The first act, L'idylle, represents Arcadian shepherd life ; the second, Le trumeau, the shepherd of the rococo age, with music iu the style of the seventeenth century ; the third. La bergerie realiste, the shejiherd of real life. BERGGEIST, DER (The Spirit of the Mountain), romantic opera in three acts, text by Di'iring, music by Spohr, represented at Cassel, INIarch 24, 1825. Subject from the " Rubezahl " of Museeus. See also Ruhezahl. BERGGREEN, ANDREAS PETER, born in Copenhagen, March 2, 1801, still living, 1888. Instrumental and vocal com- poser ; took up music as a profession after having first been compelled to study law, became organist at Trinity Church, Copen- hagen, iu 1838, professor of vocal music at the Metropolitan School in 1843, and in- spector of the same branch in all public in- stitutions. Works : Collection of songs, with guitar (Copenhagen, 1822, 1823) ; Ro- mances (ib., 1823) ; Ballads and Romances (ib., 1824) ; Variations for guitar (ib., 1825) ; Wedding Cantata (1829) ; Billedet og bus- tan (The Portrait and the Bust), comic op- era, given at Copenhagen, 1832 ; Songs for the use of schools (1834-39) ; Popular songs and national and foreign melodies, for pi- anoforte (1842-47) ; Twelve Swedish songs (184G) ; National songs (1848) ; Songs to poems of Bellmaun (1850) ; Six Swedish songs of Runeberg (1852) ; Several canta- tas. — Pctis, Supplement, i. 74 ; Riemann. BERGHEM. See Berchem. BERGMANN, JOSEF, born at 6erno- chov, Bohemia, July 26, 1822. Composer, first instructed by his father, then in Prague pupil of Josef Ki-ejci ; went as organist and choirmaster to Jungbunzlau in 1862, and as choir-director and vocal instructor to Smi- chov (Prague) in 1867. Works : Pijakovo dedictvi (The Toper's Bequest), cantata ; Choruses for male voices ; Transcriptions of national Czech melodies ; Chant des Si- rt^nes, for pianoforte (1st prize, Vienna) ; Other pianoforte pieces ; Songs. — Mendel. BERGSON, anCHAEL, born at Warsaw in May, 1820, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer and pianist, pupil of Friedrich Schneider at Dessau ; went in 1842 to Italy, and after his return lived for several years in Berlin and Leipsic, then settled in Paris. In 1863 he became professor of the piano- forte at the Conservatory in Geneva, soon after its director, but went a few years later to London. Works : Luisa di Montfort, opera, given at Florence, Teatro de la Per- gola, 1846, Leghorn, 1847, Hamburg, 1849 ; 167 BERGT Qui va ;i la chasse, perd sa jjlace, operetta, Fans, 1859 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, ami violoncello ; Duo dramatique for pianoforte and violoncello ; Three duos for pianoforte and violin, for pianoforte and clarinet ; Con- certo in E minor ; Fantasias ; Mazourkas ; Pieces de Salon ; German songs. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 358 ; Riemaun. BERGT, CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB AU- GUST, born at Oederan, Saxony, June 17, 1772, died at Bautzen, ib., Feb. 10, 1837. His taste for music was aroused in 1790 at Leipsic, where he was completing his theo- logical studies, and be gave himself up to the study of the organ, harmony, and com- position. In 1801 he wrote bis first musi- cal compositions, consisting of Lieder, sona- tas for pianoforte, and an intermezzo. List gegen List. He played the organ at several ! of the churches of Leiissic as an amateur, but bis recantation was soon established, and in 1802 he was made organist of the princi- pal cburcb at Bautzen, and soon after pro- fessor at the seminary and director of the singing society. From that time he became a celebrated teacher of music, and had many illustrious pupils. He wrote a treatise, "Et- was zum Choral und Dessen Zubebor," much used in the seminaries (Leipsic, 1832), and, " Brief wechsel eines alten und jungen Schul- meisters fiber allerhand Musikalisches " (Zit- tauuud Leipsic, 1838). "Works : The Passion, oratorio, in three parts, op. 10 ; So weit der Sonne Strahleu, hymn for four voices and orchestra, op. 17 ; Easter hymn, Christus ist erstanden, for four voices and orchestra, op. 18 ; A Te Deum ; A collection of re- ligious songs ; The ancient canticle, Herr Gott dich loben wir, reset for four voices, with four trombones, trumpets, cymbals, and organ. These have been much used in all the German churches. Operas : Laura c Fernando ; Die Wunderkur ; Erwin und Elmire, by Goethe ; Das Stiindchen ; La Fete auniversaire de la naissance du poete ; Mitgefiihl. For the orchestra and for cham- ber music he wrote symphonies, sonatas for pianoforte and violin, German dances, a wedding cantata, and two collections of Lieder for several voices and pianoforte. His Conge, Lieder for one voice with piano- forte, had a wonderful success, and was published in all the large towns of Ger- many. — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 398 ; Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xxxix. 454 ; Fetis ; Gerber. B^RIOT, CHARLES AUGUSTE DE, born at Louvain, Feb. 20, 1802, died in Brussels, April 8, 1870. Violinist, found- er of the modern Franco-Belgian school of violin- playing, the first after Paganini to adopt a brilliant and effective mode of playing, in opposition to the classic severity of the old French school. De Beriot received his earliest in- struction on the violin from Tiby, a provin- cial teacher, and when nine years old per- formed in public a concerto by Viotti. In 1821 he went to Paris, where he was assist- ed in his studies by Viotti and Baillot. After a successful debut there, De Beriot played frequently in England, where he was announced on his first appearance at the Philharmonic Society, May 1, 1826, as " Vi- olon de la chambre de sa Majeste le Roi de France." He was solo violonist to the King of the Netherlands from the date of his return to Belgium until the Revolution of 1830. From the latter year until 1835 he made a professional tour through Eng- land, France, Belgium, and Italy, with Maria Malibran, whom he married (1835). In 1836 he settled in Brussels, reappearing in public in 1840, when he travelled through Germany. He was professor of violin playing at the Brussels Conservatoire from 1843 to 1852, when he retired from loss of eyesight. De Beriot wi-ote a great deal of popular and brilliant music for the violin. His published compositions consist of four trios for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; BfiRIOT seven concertos ; eleven airs varies ; and a number of duos brillants for pianoforte and violin in conjunction with Osborne, Thal- berg, and other pianists. He was author of an instruction book entitled : Premier guide des violonistes ; of several books of studies for the violin, and of Mcthode de violon en trois parties (Paris, 1858), which is his best work. He was, too, a clever painter and sculptor. His bust of Mme Malibran is at the Italiens, Paris, and a violin constructed by him belongs to Prince Youssoupoff, in Russia. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 74 ; Mendel ; Riemann ; Wasielewski, Die Vio- line und ihre Meister, 380. BERIOT, CHARLES WILFRID DE, bom in Paris, Feb. 12, 1833, still living, 1888. Pianist, son of Charles de Beriot and Maria Garcia Malibran. He made his debut in a concert at Louvain, when scarce- ly ten years of age, then studied at the College Louis-le-Grand in Paris, until 1848, when he went to Brussels. Works : Two concertos for pianoforte, with orchestra ; Two fragments symphoniques ; Trio ; Mor- ceaux de genre (about 50) for pianoforte ; Many songs. — Fetis, Sujiplement, i. 75. BERLI.JN (Berlyn), ARON WOLF, born at Amsterdam, May 2, 1817, died there, Jan. 16, 1870. Dramatic composer, pupil of Bernhard Koch on the pianoforte and of Ludwig Erk in composition ; went iu 1839 to Leipsic, where he studied counterpoint under Gottfried Wilhelm Fink ; then visited the most important cities of Germany, be- fore returning to Amsterdam, whence he visited Brussels in 1844 and Paris in 1845- 46. For several years after, he was leader of the orchestra at the Royal Theatre. Or- der of Oaken Crown, 1843 ; Gold medal of merit of Belgium and Denmark, 1845 ; Greece, 1846 ; Sweden and Austria, 1848 ; Holland, 1858 and 1860 ; Saxe-Coburg, 1864 ; and Nassau. Member of the Acad- emy of St. Cecilia, Rome. Works — Op- eras : Die Bergknappen, Der Schatzgra- ber, given at Amsterdam, 1841 ; Runal, ou L'esprit du feu, ib., 1844; La deroute de Culloden, ib., 1846 ; 5 other operas ; 7 bal- lets. Moses on Nebo, oratorio, performed at Magdeburg, 1844 ; Ouverture triomphale, Brussels, 1844 ; Die Matrosen am Ufer, symphonic cantata, Amsterdam, 1848 ; Symphony, Cassel, 1857 ; A Mass ; Tautum ergo ; cantatas, overtures, psalms, quartets for string instruments, fantasias for orches- tra, nocturnes, songs with pianoforte, four- part songs, etc. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 77 ; Mendel ; Viotta. BERLIOZ, HECTOR (LOTUS), born at La Cote - Saint-An- dre, near Grenoble, France, Dec. 11, 1803, died in Paris, March 9, 1869. His father, Louis Ber- lioz, was a phj-sician, and intended his son for the same career. In 1822 he was sent to Paris to study medicine un- der Amussat ; he also attended lectures on chemistry by Thenard and Gay-Lussac, and ou literature by Andrieux. But the passion for music proved too strong and, in spite of his parents, he gave up medicine, and took private lessons in composition under Le- sueur. He had already begun composing, and a mass of his composition was given at the Church of Saint-Roch in 1825. In the following year he failed to be admitted as competitor for the prize for comjjosition at the lustitut des Beaux-Ai-ts, but on Aug. 26, 1826, he was regularly inscribed in the books of the Conservatoire, and on Oct. 2d he entered Reicha's counterjioint class. In 1827 he competed for the first time with a cantata, Ori^hee, but got no prize. In 1828 he gave his first concert at the Conservatoire, and iu the competition got the second prize 169 BERLIOZ for composition with bis cantata Hermiuie. Ill June, 1829, he failed to get a prize for his cantata Cluopatre, but in 1830 he won the pris tie Rome with his cantata Sardanajaale. This crowning success brought about a final reconciliation with his family, with whom he had broken several times. His important compositions uji to this time were : Overture to the Francs-Juges, 1827 ; Huit scones de Faust, 1828, afterwards destroyed ; Melodies irlandaises, 1829 ; Symjihonie fantastique and Fantaisie sur laTempetc, 1830. "Within this i^eriod fall also his first passion for Hen- rietta Smithson, the Irish actress, whom he subsequently married (1833), and his liaison with Camilla Moke (concerning his ruisture with whom, see Memoires, 121, and Hijipean, Berlioz intime, 219). Early in 1831 he set out for Eome, where he remained two years, at the Academie de France. Durhag this period he wrote, among other things, the overture to Kob Roy, which he afterwards destroyed. He returned to Paris in 1832. Near the end of 1812 he set out on his first concert trij) to Germanj-, in which he met with flattering success. In 181G he made an equally successful tour through Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and Silesia, and in 1847 he made a similar trip to Russia. In 1852 he went to London, where he conducted the first series of New Philharmonic concerts ; and in 1853 ho conducted his Benvenuto Cellini there. His wife died (after having been separated from him since 1811), March 3, 1854, and he married soon after Marie Martin, or, as she was known by her mother's name, Marie Recio, who died in 18G2 ; she had been his mist/ess from 1841 up to the time of her marriage, and was the main cause of his rupture with his first wife. His last years were years of intense and almost con- stant suffering from an affection of the intes- tines. The failure of his ojjei-a, Les Troyens a Cartilage, in 1863, and the death of his son Louis in 1867, wei'e blows from which he never recovered. He, however, made one more trip to Russia, on invitation of the Grand Duchess Helene, and one to Vienna to conduct his Damnation de Faust. Berlioz was the head of the modern French orchestral school, and may be called the father of mod- ern orchestration. He occupied very much the position in French music that Victor Hugo did in French literature. He was a thor- ough romanticist, but, with all his disdain for tradition, he never sympathized with the Wagnerian movement in Germany. His success in France was limited during his lifetime, although he had his coterie of ad- mirers ; but his true jjojjularitj' in his native country began only after his death. Now he is looked up to as the greatest of modern French composers ; as a master of the or- chestra he is unsurpassed. His most popu- lar composition is the Damnation de Faust. He considered the Eequiem, the Romeo et Juliette symphony, the Te Deum, and Les Troyens as his greatest works. He never played on any instrument, except a little on the guitar and flute. He was for a long time musical critic on the Journal des Debats. He was appointed librarian to the Conservatoire in 1838, and elected to suc- ceed Adolphe Adam at the Institut in 1856. He was Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. ■Works — Ijramatic : llenvenulo Cellini, ojj- era semi-seria, op. 23, given in Paris, Op- era, Sept. 3, 1886 ; Beatrice et Benedict, comic opera, Baden-Baden, Aug. 9, 1862, conducted by the comjDoser ; Les Troyens — I. La prise de Troie, opera in three acts, never performed, II. Les Troyens a Carthage, opera in five acts, Paris, Theatre Lyrique,Nov. 4, 1863 ; Lelio, ou Le retour a la vie, Ij-ric monodrama, ojj. 14b (2d part of the Episode de la vie d'un artiste). Vocal-^With orches- tra : La damnation de Faust, legend in four parts, op. 24, ib.. Opera Comique, Dec. 6, 1846, conducted by the composer. UEn- fance du Christ, sacred trilogy, op. 25, Paris, Salle Herz, Dec. 10, 1854, conduct- ed by the composer ; Sara la baigneuse, ballad for three choruses, op. 11 ; Romeo et Juliette, dramatic symphony with chorus, solos, and prologue in choral recitative, op. 17; Tristia, a collection of two choruses. 170 BERLS Paris, 1844); " Les soirees de Torcliestre " (ib., 1853) ; " Les grotesques de la, musique " (ib., 1859) ; " A travers chauts" (ib., 1802) ; "Mcinoires,"etc., 1803-1865 (ib., 1870; Eug- lisli trauslatiou, Loudou, 1884); " Traite d'instrumentation " (Paris). A German edi- and a funeral march with chorus, op. 18 ; Vox Populi, two grand choruses, op. 20 ; U Imperkdc, cantata for two choruses, oj). 2(), Palais de I'lndustrie, Champs Elysees, 1855, conducted by the composer ; Grande messe des morts, requiem, op. 5 ; Te Deum for three choruses and organ obli- gato, op. 22 ; La belle Isabeau, for chorus ; Le cinq mai, cantata for bass and chorus, op. 6 ; Les nuits d'c'te, six songs with small orches- tra, op. 7 ; La captive, reverie (Vic- tor Hugo), for contralto, op. 12. . Vocalj — With pianoforte: melodies (Thomas Moore), tor one W' • ra \ a or two voices, or choruses, op. 2 ; ^ Flews des Laudes, five songs, op. 13 ; tiou of his literary works is entitled " Ge- Feuillels d'album, three songs, one of which sammelte Schriften" (Leipsic, 4 vols., 1865). is with chorus, op. 19 ; Le temple universel, ^ — Edmond Hippeau, Berlioz iutime (Paris, X^ e:/,-W.,9 /) ^ 'ilo.Jb^ ire), for one gV • r;tiA O O '^^-^ ISPS mi 2 • ^ " ' J -/ chorus for 4 voices ; Pricre du matin, do. for 2 voices ; Le chasseur danois, for bass. ' T'lptrumental : Symphonic fantastique, op. 14a, first part of Episode de la vie d'un ar- tiste ; Grande si/nqjJionie fuuebre et triom- phale, for full military band, with string orchestra, and chorus ad libitum, ojj. 15 ; Harold en Italic, symphony with viola obli- gata, op. 16 ; 5 overtures, Waverley, op. 1, Les Fi-ancs-J uges, op. 3, Boi Lrar, op. 4, Le carnaval romain, op. 9 (second overture to Benvenuto Cellini), Corsaire, op. 21 ; Reverie et caprice, romance for violin, with orchestra or pianoforte, op. 8. Eight scenes from Goethe's Faust (destroyed, not to be 1883) ; Berlioz artiste (in press) ; Xavier Eyma et Arthur de Lucy, licrivains et ar- tistes vivants (Paris, Librairie universelle, 1840) ; Eugene de ilirecourt, Berlioz (Paris, 1856) ; Georges de Massougnes, Berlioz, son oeuvre (ib., Eichault et Dentu, 1870) ; Revue et Gazette musicale de Paris (1870-71) ; D. Bernard, Correspondance inedite, (ib., 1879) ; H. M. DunstaiT7 Life and Letters of Berlioz (trans, from Bernard, London, 2 vols., 1882) ; Joseph Bennett, Berlioz (London, 1883) ; Alfred Ernst, LVeuvre dramatique de H. Berlioz (Paris, 1884) ; AVm. F. Apthorp, Hector Berlioz (New York, 1879) ; Georges NoulHard, Hector Berlioz et confounded with La damnation de Faust) ; le mouvemeut de I'art contemporain (Paris, Resurrexit et iterum venturus, for chorus with orchestra (1831) ; Quartette e coro dei Maggi, for mixed voices, with orchestra (1832); Litrata di Rol 1832). Transcriptions : La Marseillaise, ar- ranged for chorus and full orchestra ; Leo- pold de !Meyer's Marche marocaine, for full orchestra ; Weber's Invitation :i la valse, for do. ; Accompaniment to Schubert's Erlkiinig, do. ; do. to Martini's Plaisir d'amour, for small orchestra. He was the author, also, of the following Ut^rarv works^ " Voyage musical en Allemagne et en Italic " (2 vols.. 1885) ; Leipsic Signale, March 15, 1869, February, 1879, No. 16 ; London Musical Times, xxi. 272, 326 ; Dwight's Journal, xxiii. Roy MacGregor 25, 33, 41, 49 ; xxix. 10, 11 ; London Mus. Standard, new series, xvii. 264, 294 ; Am- bros, Bunte Bliltter, i. 93 ; Mirecourt, Ber- lioz (Paris, 1856) ; Griepenkerl, Ritter Berlioz in Braunschweig (Brunswick, 1843) ; Hanslick, Musikalische Stationen, 190. BERLS, JOHANN RUDOLF, born at Alach, near Erfurt, May 8, 1758, died at Rhoda, Thuringia (?). Organist, pupil of Creuzmuller on the pianoforte and violin, BERNABEI of the cantor Weimar in singing, of Eei- chardt on the organ, and of Hassler in com- l)ositiou. AYorks : Several short oratorios ; Motets ; .Symjjhouies ; 2 sonatas for piano- forte for four hands ; 30 national melodies, for pianoforte ; Arias, and jjianoforte pieces. — Fe tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Mendel. BERNABEI, GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, born in Rome, 1659, died in Munich, March 3, 1732. Dramatic composer, son and pupil of Giusej^pe Ercole Bernabei, with whom he went to Munich, and whose successor he became there. Works — Operas : Alvida in Abo, Munich, 1G78 ; Enea in Italia, ib., 1679 ; Ermione, ib., 1680 ; Niobe regina di Tebe, ib., 1688 ; La gloria festeggiante, ib., 1688. Church music : Orpheus ecclesias- ticus, consisting of several masses (Augs- burg, 1698) ; MissjB VII. cum quatuor voci- bus (Vienna, 1710);. 24 hymns for four voices, and basso continuo for organ. His brother Vincenzo (born in Rome, 1666) also composed several operas, among which may be mentioned : Gli accidenti d' amore, Vienna, 1689 ; Eraclio, Munich, 1690.— Fo- tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. BERNABEI, GIUSEPPE ERCOLE, born at Caprarola, Papal Territory, 1620, died in Munich, 1687. Dramatic composer, one of the best harmonists of the 17th century, pupil of Orazio Beuevoli. He was maestro di cappella of San Giovanni in Laterano in 1662-67, then of San Luigi de' Francesi un- til 1G72, when he succeeded Benevoli in San Pietro in Vaticano ; only a year after, he was called to Munich to succeed Kerl as Hof- Kapellmeister. Works — Operas : La cou- quista del vello d' oro in Colco, La fabrica di corone, given in Munich, 1674 ; II liti- gio del cielo e della terra, ib., 1680 ; Masses ; Psalms ; Offertories for 4-16 voices ; Motets (1690) ; IMadrigals, for 3, 5, and 6 voices (1669).— Fc'tis ; Mendel. BERNARD, PAUL, born at Poitiers, France, Oct. 4, 1827, died iu Paris, Feb. 24, 1879. Pianist and composer, pupil in Paris of Gambaro and Tlialberg on the pianoforte, and at the Conservatoire of Elwart iu har- mony, and of Halevy in fugue and compo- sition ; appeared successfully in concerts, and devoted himself to teaching. Several parlor operas by him were performed iu Paris ; amoug them : Loin du bruit, L' Ac- cord parfait, etc. He has published nioie than a hundred compositions for the pia- noforte, and many songs. — Fetis, Sujjple- ment, i. 78. BERNARDI, BARTOLOMEO, born in Italy iu the latter jjart of the 17th century. Violinist, and about 1720 Kapellmeister to the King of Denmark at Copenhagen. Member of the Academy there. Works : 12 sonatas for violin with basso continuo ; Sonate a tre, for two violins and violoncello, with basso for the organ (Bologna, 1696) ; Concertos, caprices, cantatas (formerly in the Royal Librai-y at Copenhagen, consumed in the great fire of 1794). — Fetis ; Mendel. BERNARDI, ENRICO, Italian dramatic composer, contemporarj^. He was maestro < concertatore and orchestra leader at the Teatro del Verme, Milan, in 1876. Works : Zeliska, ballet, given at Milan, Scala, 1860 ; Marco Visconti, do., Turin, Teatro Regio, 1862 ; nda, Don Pacheco, do., Trieste, 1868 ; Ate, do., Milan, Teatro Castelli, 1876; II Granduca di Gerolstein, oj)era buffa, Milan, 1871.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 78. BERNARDI, STEFFANO, born about the close of the 16th century. He was maestro di cappella of the Duomo, and ma- estro of the Accademia Filarmonica, Verona, and probably canon and maestro di cajspella at Salzburg. He wrote an elementary work entitled. Porta musicale, etc. (Verona, 1615, second edition, Venice, 1639). His composi- tions, consisting of madrigals published at Venice, of masses, ^jsalms, and motets, appeared from 1611 to 1637. Some motets were publi.shed at Salzburg in 1634, and a mass for five voices at Antwerp in 1619. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BERNARDIN, BERNARD COURTOIS, called, born about 1826, died in Paris during the siege, 1870 or 1871. Violinist, pupil of the Conservatoire, where he won the second 172 BERNARDINI prize iu 1841 ; became chef d'orchestre at the Vaudeville, then at the Folies Nouvelles, and other theatres of this class, and finally at the Folies Draniatiques. He wrote mu- sic to the following pieces : Polkette, Folies Nouvelles, 185G ; Nous n'irous plus au bois, ib., 1857 ; P'tit fi, p'tit mignon, ib. ; Nicaise, Bouiies Parisiens, 18C7 ; Une razzia galaute, pantomime, Apres la noce, do. ; Fautaisie for violin, with pianoforte. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 79. BERNARDINI, MARCELLO, boru at Capua, Ital}', about 17G2, sometimes called Marcello da Capua. Dramatic comjjoser ; he frequently ^vl■ote his own libretti. Works : L' Isola incautata, given at Perugia, 1781 ; La finta sposa olandese, Rimini, 1784 ; I tre Orfei, intermezzo, Rome, 1781 ; Le donne bisbetiche, ossia 1' antiquario fana- tico, ib., about 1785 ; II baroue a forza, ib., 1785 ; II coute di bell' umore, ib., 178G ; II fonte d' acqua gialla, ossia il trionfo della pazzia, Rome, 1787 ; Le quattro Stagioni, Al- bano, 1788; II bruto fortuuato, Civita Vec- chia, 1788 ; Gli amanti confusi ; La Donna di Sj)irito, Rome, 1788 ; La finta Galatea, Naples, 1789 ; La fiera di Forlipoijoli, Rome, 1789 ; L' Ultima che si perde e la sperauza, Naples, 1790 ; II Pizarro in Perh, L' Amore Y>ei- magia, ib., 1791 ; La donna bizzarra, Vienna, 1793 ; L' Allegria in cam- pagna, Venice, 1794 ; La statua per j^uu- tiglio, about 1794. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BERNASCONI, ANDREA, born at Mar- seilles iu 1712, died iu Munich, Jan. 24, 1784. Dramatic composer, son of au ex- army officer who settled at Parma ; he stud- ied music from his earliest youth and gave lessons while still young ; brought out his first opera in Venice iu 1741, visited Rome and other Italian cities, went to Vienna iu 1743, and returned to Parma in 1747. He became maestro di eappella at the Ospedale della Pieta in Venice, went to Munich in 1754, and was made Hof-Kapellmeister to the Elector Maximilian in 1755. Works — Operas : Alessandro Severo, given iu Venice, 1741 ; La uinfa Apollo, Vienna, 1743 ; Te- mistocle, ib., 1744 ; Antigone, ib., 1745 ; Sallustia, Munich, 1753 ; Bajazet, L' Ozio fugato dalla gloria, ib., 1754 ; Adriano, II trionfo della costanza, Alessandro, ib., 1755 ; Didone abbaudouata, ib., 1756 ; Agelmondo, ib., 17G0; Artaserse, ib., 17G3; L' Olimpi- ade, ib , 17G4 ; Demofoonte, ib., 17G5 ; En- dimioue, ib., 176G ; La clemenza di Tito, ib., 17G8; Demetrio, ib., 1772 ; La Betulialibe- rata, oratorio, 1754. He wrote also a num- ber of masses, vespers, and litanies, which remain in MS. — Futis ; Schilling. BERNER, FRIEDRICH WILHELM, born at Breslau, Silesia, March IG, 1780, died there. May 9, 1827. Organist, pupil of his father, who was organist of the Eliza- beth Church at Breslau, and his assistant when thirteen years old. He studied coun- terpoint and composition under Gehirnie, directorof the choir at the Matthiius Church, and the violoncello, horn, bassoon, and clari- net under Reichardt. In company with Schnabel, Beruer visited Berlin in 1811, to master the system of the Siugakademie, with a view to establishing for the govex'u- ment similar institutions throughout Silesia, and ho was employed also iu cataloguing the musical libraries of the suppressed mon- asteries, a task which was cut short by his death. He wrote cantatas, marches, dances, etc., from 1792 to 179G ; later (1799) he com- posed an elegy to Jules de Tarent, and a har- monized piece which was considered very fine. In 1801 his jiroductions became more char- acteristic ; his best work is the 150th Ps;ilui for four voices and orchestra ; L'H^-mne dcs Allemauds with orchestra is also one of his best works. He wrote an intermezzo, Der Kapellmeister, besides masses, canons, sacred choruses, and Lieder, of which his Deutsches Herz, verzagenicht is still poi^ulnr. He excelled as a teacher, and had as puj)ils, Koehler his successor as organist, Zoelner, and Adolph Hesse. His most valuable di- dactic writings ai-e : " Grundregeln des Gesanges " (1815) ; " Theorie des Choral- Zwisehenspiels " (1819) ; " Lehre von der ViS BERNE VI LLE musikaliscbeu Interpunktion " (1821). — All- gem, d. Biogr., ii. 413 ; Allgem. mus. Zeitg. ; Fetis ; Meudel ; Schilling. BERNEVILLE, GILBERT DE, trouba- dour of the 13tli ceutury, boru at Couitraj-, according to popular belief, but Fetis thinks at the village of Berneville, near Arras. He flourished before 12G0, and was in the service of Henry HI., Duke of Brabant. He ■wrote a song beginning, " Beau Gillebert, s'il vos agree." Fifteen of his chansons are in the National Library, Paris, and two IMSS. in the same library contain six more. — Fetis ; Larousse ; Mendel, Ergilnz., 3-1. BEENHAED, CHKISTOPH, boru at Dantzic iu 1G12, died at Dresden, Nov. 14, 1692. The son of a poor fisherman, he was enabled, with tile assistance of Dr. Strauch, to enter the Gymnasium at Dantzic, where he studied music under Balthazar Ei-beu, and the organ and harmony under Paul Syfert, and later to visit Dresden, where he was a jiupil of H. Schiltz in counterpoint and composition. His fine tenor voice in- duced the Kurfiirst to send him to study singing in Italy, where he became the friend of Carissimi, and his compositions were much admired. He returned to Dresden with several singers for the Royal Chapel, but the Elector sent him back to comjjlete the royal choir and to secure a Kapellmeis- ter. Through intrigue he was forced to re- sign his post at Dresden and to take a can- torship at Hamburg, whence he was recalled after ten years by the Kurfiirst Johann Geoi'g ni., and became teacher to the young princes, and Kapellmeister until his death. He was noted for his knowledge of counter- point, a notable instance of which is shown in his setting of the Latin hymn, Prudentia prudentiaua (Hamburg, IGfiO). Works : 2 '^i^^M^ masses for fen voices and ten instruments, in MS. ; Geistlicher Harmonia erster Theil, containing 20 cantatas (Dresden, 1665). He was the author also of didactic treatises en- titled "Tractatuscomijositionesaugmentas ;" and " Ausfiihrliclier Bericht von dem Ge- brauch der Consouanzen, nebst einem Au- hang von dem doppelten und vierfacheu ContraiJunct." — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 456 ; Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BERNICAT, FIRJHN, boru in 1841, died iu Paris, March, 1883. Works : Ali-pot-de- rhum (a I'Hijipodrome), operette bouffe in one act, played at the Alcazar d'Ete, Paris, July, 1870 ; Trois grands prix, operette, Theatre Taitbout, ib., March 28, 1875 ; La jeunesse de Beranger, ojjerette, given at I'Eldorado, ib., January', 1877. — Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 79. BERNIER, NICOLAS, born at Nantes, June 28, 1664, died at Versailles, Sejat. 5, 1734. Church composer, pupil in Rome of Caldara, whose works became his model. He was considered the most skilful composer of his time, was at first maitre de musique of Saint-Germain I'Auxerrois, theu of the royal chajsel, in which capacity he founded at Versailles a school of music, from which is- sued several of the most eminent French ar- tists. Works : 26 motets, op. 1 (Paris, 1703); Motets for 1, 2, and 3 voices, op. 2 (ib., 1713) ; Motets, posthumous (ib., 1736) ; Cautates franjaises, books 1-7. — Fetis ; Schilling. BERR (Beer), FRIEDRICH, born at Mannheim, April 17, 1794, died in Paris, Sept. 24, 1838. Virtuoso on the clarinet and bassoon ; pui^il of his father, Jacob Beer, on the violin and the flute. He became bandmaster of the 39th Regiment of Infan- try, served in Sjjain in 1810-14, and iu 1816 studied harmonj' under Fetis, then organist at Douai. In 1819 he became bandmaster of the 2d Regiment of Swiss Guards iu Paris, and in 1823 first clarinet at the Opera. He was appointed professor of the clarinet at the Conservatoire in 1831, first clarinet to the king, and member of the Legion of Honour iu 1835. In 1836 the government created a school of military music as part of the Conservatoire, which he superintended 174 berrE until bis death. He wrote au immense amount of music for the clarinet, bassoon, and other instruments. Five hundred of his pieces are military music, forty suites d'hariuonie, besides duos, quatuors, airs va- ries, etc., published at Paris, Leipsic, etc. He wrote a method for the clarinet entitled Traite complet de la clarinette a 14 clefs (Paris, 183(5), which was . translated into German by Lobe.— Fetis ; do., Suppli'ment, i. 79 ; Mendel ; Schilling, i. 587 ; Supple- ment, 38. BERRE, FERDINAND, born at Gaus- horen, near Brussels, Feb. 5, 181:3, still liv- ing, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Godineau, and of Bosselet the younger. Having founded the Cercle Symplionique et Dramatique, he brought out there : L'Orage au moulin, comic opera, 18G7 (in Flemish, under the title Marldes op Jacht, Theatre du Cirque, the same year) ; Le couteau de Castille, op6ra-bou£fe, 18G7, which was also sriven at the Galeries Saint-Hubert, 1868. He has composed the following operas, still unpublished : Le dernier des Mohicans, Madame Putiphar, Les poltrons, Lowely, and has published about fifty romances (Brussels, Schott).— Fctis, Supplement, i. 80. BERTALI, ANTONIO, born at Verona, 1G05, died in Vienna, April 1, 1669. Dra- matic composer, became court musician at Vienna in 1637, and Hof-Kapellmeister in 1649. AVorks — Operas: L' inganno d' amore, Vienna, 1653 ; Teti, ib., 1656 ; II Re Gelidoro, ib., 1659 ; Gli amori di Apol- lo, ib., 1660 ; II Giro crescente, ib., 1661 ; L' Alcindo, ib., 1665 ; Cibele e Ati, ib., 1666 ; La contessa dell' aria e dell' acqua, ib., 1667. Oratorios : Maria Magdaleua, 1663 ; Oratorio sacro ; La strega degl' in- nocenti, 1665. Cantatas, performed in Vi- enna, 1631-46 ; Thesaurus musicus (1671) ; Jlass ; Suonata a nove ; Sonatas for 2 vio- lins and bass ; Magnificat. — Fetis ; Gerbei-, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BERTANI, LELIO, born at Brescia about 1520, died there in 1600. Maestro, di cappella of the Cathedral of Brescia ; subsequently court musician to Alfonso of Perrara, and maestro to the Bishop of Pa- dua. One of his madrigals is to be found in the collection of Hubert Waebrant (1504), and others in the following collections pub- lished at Venice : II Lauro verde (1591) ; II Trionfo di Dori (1596 ; Antwerp, 1601) ; and in a collection of sonnets by Battista Zuc- carini (Venice, 1586). Among those pub- lished separately are : Madrigali a cinque, lib. i. (Brescia, 1584) ; Sonnets for five voices (Venice, 1586-1609) ; Madrigals for six voices, lib. i. (Venice). — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Les. ; Schilling. BERTE.AU, born at Valenciennes in the first years of the ISth century. Founder of the violoncello school in France ; travelled in Germany when young, and was a pupil of a Bohemian named Kozecz on the bass- viol, an instrument on which he excelled, but he gave it up for the violoncello. In 1739 he made his first appearance in Paris at the Concerts Spirituels. Among his pupils were Cupis, the two Jansons, and Dupont aine. He published four concertos for vio- lin, and thi-ee books of sonatas for violin and bass. — Fetis ; Mendel. BERTELINIAN, JAN GEORG, born at Amsterdam, Jan. 21, 1782, died there, Jan. 25, 1854. Composer, pupil of the blind or- gan-virtuoso Brachthuijzer ; professor at the Royal School of Music, Amsterdam, member of the Accademia di Sta. Cecilia, Rome. He formed many eminent pupils, among whom were Stumpff, Richard Hoi, Van Bree, etc. Order of the Lion. Works: Grand cantata with orchestra, Amsterdam, 1836 ; Other cantatas ; Motets ; Mass ; Requiem ; Two overtures ; String quartets ; Concertos for clarinet ; do. for double bass ; Etudes for violin ; Pianoforte, and violin pieces. — Viotta. BERTELSMANN, KARL AUGUST, born at Giltersloh, Westphalia, in 1811, died at Amsterdam, Nov. 20, 1861. Composer, pupil of Rinck at Darmstadt ; instructor of vocal music at the seminary at Soest, he 175 BERTHA ■went in the same capacitj' to Amsterdam iu 1838, and assumed the dhectiou of the newly founded Eutonia there in 1839. Works : 12 four -part songs for mixed voices, op. 3 ; Choruses for male voices ; Hymn for do. ; Songs, with pianoforte ; Or- gan, and pianoforte music. — Fiitis ; Viotta. BERTHA, ALEX.\^DER VON, born at Pesth, Hungary, contemporary. Instru- mental composer, pupU iu Pesth of Mosonyi and of A. Feley, and at Leipsic and Berlin of Hauptmaun, Moscheles, and Hans von Billow. He settled afterwards iu Paris. Works : Symphony ; Quartets ; Sonatas ; Hougroises, etc. ; National hymn (gold medal). — Fetis, Supplement, i. 80. BERTHAUME, ISIDORE, born in Paris, 1752, died in St. Petersburg, March 20, 1802. Violinist, played with success iu public when nine years old, became first violin in the Opera orchestra, and conductor of the Concerts Sj)irituels iu 1783. He went on a concert tour during the Revolution, was appointed Conzertmeister to the Duke of Oldenburg at Eutin iu 1703, and a few years later went to St. Petersburg, as solo- violinist in the imperial orchestra. Works : Sonatas for violin, iu the style of Lolli ; Sis solos for do., op. 2 ; 6 duos, op. 3 ; Sona- tas, op. 4 ; Concerto for violin, op. 5 ; Sym- phonic concertante, for 2 violins, op. 6 ; Sonatas for jDianoforte, with violin, op. 7 ; Six sonatinas for pianoforte, op. 8. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BERTHOLD, (KARL FRIEDRICH) THEODOR, born at Dresden, Dec. 18, 1815, died there, April 28, 1882. Com- poser, pupil of Julius Otto and of Johann Schneider. He went with a noble family to Little Russia in 1841, and became inspector of music at the Ladies' Seminary at Charkov in 1843, and at the Patriotic Seminary in St. Petersburg in 1849. He was made also professor of composition in the Imperial Chapel, and organist and musical director of the Lutheran Church of St. Ann.a. He founded the Oratorio Society of St. Anna, and in 1864 was called to Dresden to succeed Johann Schneider as court organist. Works : Petrus, oratorio ; Symphony ; Concert over- ture for orchestra ; Missa solennis ; Other church music ; Pianoforte pieces, and songs. — Mendel. BERTHOLDO. See Bertoldo. BERTIN, LOUISE ANGELIQUE, bom at the Roches, near Paris, Feb. 15, 1805, died iu Paris, April 2G, 1877. Dramatic comjjoser, jjianist, and contralto singer, pu- pil of Fetis. Works — Operas : Le loup- garou, given in Paris, 1827 ; Faust, ib., 1831 ; Notre Dame de Paris, ib., 1836, the libretto of which was adaj)ted by Victor Hugo. She also published a collection of Six Ballades, and left uni^ublished a Prayer ; Hymne a Apollon, Le retour dAgamemnon ; besides other vocal music and symphonies for chamber music. — Fetis; do.. Supple- ment, i. 81. BERTIN, T. DE LA DOUE, born in Paris in 1G80, died there in 1745. Dra- matic composer ; took Lulli's works for his model. He was pianoforte teacher in the Orleans family, organist of the Theatine Church, and in 1714-34 violinist and ac- companist at the Opera. Works — Operas : Cassandre (with Bouvart), given in 1706 ; Diomede, 1710 ; Ajax, 1716 ; Le jugement de Paris, 1718 ; Les plaisirs de la campagne. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BERTESn, DOJklENICO, born at Lucca, June 26, 1829, still living, 1888, at Flor- ence. Dramatic composer and singer, pujjil under Pacini of the School of Music at Lucca, where he won all the first prizes ; and, after the eamisaigns of 1848-49, in which he took part, jjupil of Michele Puc- cini. In 1853 he became maestro concerta- tore of the theatre at Lucca, in 1857 director of the musical institute at Massa Carrara, and in 18G2 settled at Florence, where he made himself known as conductor of the Societa Cherubini, and as a musical critic. Works : Non ti scordar di me, Cinzica Sis- mondi, operas ; Cantata ; Mass ; Magnificat for 4 voices and orchestra ; Songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 82 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 35. 176 BERTINI BERTINI, HENRI (JEROME), bom in London, Oct. 28, 1798, died at Meyl.an, near Grenoble, France, Oct. 1, 1876. His father was a clever composer and pianist. The young Henri studied the pi- anoforte first under his father and then under his elder brother, Auguste, who was a pujiil of Clenienti. He began playing in public at an early age, and when only twelve years old left Paris on a concert tour through the Low Countries and Ger- many. The admiration his talent excited did not dissuade him from pursuing his studies diligently under his father's guid- ance. On his return to Paris he began his studies in composition, and then went to live for some time in England and Scotland. In 1821 he retui-ned to Paris, where he re- mained, with few interruptions, until about 1856, when he retired to ]\Ieylan, breaking off all relations with the public, both as pianist and composer ; he had bought some land at Meylan, and continued to live there in seclusion until his death, composing only now and then for a society of orpheouists, of which he was president. He is said to have refused the decoration of the Legion of Honour, offered him by the Government of July. Bertini was equally eminent as a composer and a pianist ; his grace and purity of style, as well as his high natural gifts, compel admiration. Ho was a classicist in the best sense, and made a stand against the prevailing light salon-vii-tuosity of his day in France, much as Schumann and Mendelssohn did in Germany. He is best known to-day by his pianoforte studies, of which there are 29 sets ; almost all of these were originally published bj- Lemoine in Paris, but other editions have been printed in most of the large cities in Eiu-ope and America. These studies have been largely superseded to-day by similar works in a more modern style, and better adapted to further the ends of the more brilliant tech- nique of our day, but the "Ecole de lamu- sique d'ensemble," a collection of preludes and fugues by Sebastian Bach arranged for four hands, is still of interest. Of Bertini's other compositions, the following are the most important : 6 trios for pianoforte and strings (Paris, Lemoine) ; .5 serenades for pianoforte and strings (ib.) ; ■! sextets (ib.) ; Nonet for pianoforte and wind in- struments. The following ai-e posthumous works : 3 nonets for pianoforte and wind instruments ; 3 .symphonies for jiianoforte and orchestra ; 20 pieces for the pianoforte ; a Pie Jesu composed foi', and sung at, Ber- tini's funeral. — Grove, i. 236. BERTINI, SALVATORE, boru at Pa- lermo in 1721, died there, Dec. 16, 1794. Dramatic composer, first instructed by Poz- zudo, tlien pupil of Leo at the Conservatorio della Pieta, Naj^les. Having declined a call to St. Petersburg, from religious scruples, he became afterwards maestro di cappella in his native city, succeeding David Perez, who had gone to Lisbon. He brought out successfully several operas in Palermo, Rome, and Naples, and wrote oratorios, masses, psalms, and other church music, among which are deserving of special notice a Requiem mass, composed for the ob- sequies of Charles IH., 1790, a Miserere for two choruses, and a do. for four voices. — Fetis; Mendel. BERTOLDO, SPER' IN DIO (Sperandio). born at Modena in 1530, died at Padua, Aug. 13, 1570. Renowned contrapuntist and or- ganist at the cathedral at Padua. Works : Madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1561) ; do., second book (ib., 1562); Toccate, ricercate e canzoni per 1' organo (ib., 1591). The first two are in the Royal Library, Municli. — Fetis. BERTON, FRANyOIS, born in Paris, May 3, 1784, died there, July 15, 1832. Dramatic composer, illegitimate son of Henri Montan Berton and Mile Maillard, a famous singer ; pupil at the Conserva- BERTON toire, where be was i^rofessor of singing in ] I'Epreuve, given in Paris, Comedie Italienne, 1821-27. Works : Monsieur Desbosquets, Theatre Feydeau, IblO ; Le present de uoces, ou le pari. Opera Comique, 1810 ; Jeune et vieille (with Pradher), 1811 ; Ni- nette a la cour, Opera, 1811 ; Les caquets, Theatre Feydeau, 1821 ; Une heure d'ab- seuce, Opera Comique, 1827 ; Chateau d"Ur- tuby, ib., 1831.— Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 83. BERTON, HENRI MONTAN, born in Paris, Sept. 17, 1767, died there, April 22, 1844. Dramatic c o m - poser and Tioliu- ist, son and pupil of Pierre Montau Berton ; pupil of Rej- and Sacchini, and fol- lower of Paisiello. When fifteen years old he was a member of the orchestra of the Opera (1782), and at nineteen several of his oratorios were given at the Concerts Spi- rituels, one, Absalon (1786), meeting with much success. When twenty years old he wrote his first opera, Promesses de man- age, played at the Comedie Italienne in 1787, which was followed by several others, and some of his best were written between this time and 1794. When the Conservatoire was established he was appointed professor of harmony, in 1795, and he was director of the Italian opera, then called opera buffa, in 1807-9. He introduced Mozart's Nozze di Figaro in Paris, and began a reform in French opera, by giving works in which the beauties of harmony and instrumentation were as prominent as fine melodies. In 1815 he became a member of the Institut de France, in 1816 Chevalier, and in 1834 Officer of the Legion of Honour. Professor of composition, and afterwards Inspector at the Conservatoire. Works— Operas : Le 1787 ; Cora, Academic Royale de Musique, 1789 ; Les brouilleries, Comedie Italienne, 1789 ; Les rigueurs du cloitre, Le Nouveau d'Assas, ib., 1790 ; Les deux sentineUes, Theatre Favart, 1791 ; Eugene, Theatre Fey- deau, 1793 ; Agricole Viala, ou le Heros de la durance, ib., 1794 ; Ponce de Leon, The- atre Favart, 1797 ; Le souper de famille, Le denoilmeut inattendu, ib., 1798 ; Mon- tauo et Stephanie, L' Amour bizarre, Le De- lire, ou les Suites d'une erreur, ib., 1799 ; La nouvelle au camp, I'Opera, 1799 ; Le Grand deuil. Theatre Favart, 1801 ; Les deux Sous-lieutenants, ou le Concert iiiter- roinpu. Theatre Feydeau, 1802 ; Aline, reiue de Golconde, OjJera Comique, 1803 ; La Ro- mance, ib., 1804 ; Delia et Verdikan, Le vaisseau amiral, ib., 1805 ; Les Maris-gar- yons, ib., 1806 ; Le Chevalier de Seuanges, Ninon chez Madame de Scvigne, ib., 1808 ; Franyoise de Foix, ib., 1809 ; L'En- levemeut des Sabines, ballet, Foutaine- bleau, 1810 ; Le charme de la voix ; La victime des arts (with Isouard and Solie), ib., 1811; L 'Enfant prodigue, ballet, O- pera, 1812 ; Valentin, ou le Paysan roma- nesque, Opera Comique, 1813 ; L'Oriflamme (with Mehul, Paer, and Kreutzer), Ojaera, 1814 ; L'heureux retour, ballet (with Per- suis and Kreutzer), 1815 ; Les dieux rivaux, opera-ballet (with Sj)ontini, Persuis, and Ki-eutzer), Academie Royale, 1816 ; Feodor, ou le Batelier du Don, Opera Comique, 1810 ; Roger de Sicile, I'Opera, 1817 ; Cori- sandre, Opera Comique, 1820 ; Blanche de Provence (with Boieldieu, Cherubini, and Paer), Opera, 1821 ; Virginie, ou les De- cemvirs, ib., 1823 ; Les deux mousque- taires. Opera Comique, 1824 ; La mere et la fille (not performed) ; Aline, reine de Golconde, ballet (with Dugazon), 1825 ; Pharamond (with Boieldieu and Kreutzer), Academie Royale, 1825 ; Les Creoles, Opera Comique, 1826 ; Les petits appartements, ib., 1827. Oratorios : Absalon, Jephte, Da premier navigateur (1786) ; Les promesses vid dans son Temple, Les Bergers de Beth- de mariage, La dame invisible, ou I'Araant i\ leem, La Gloire de Lyon, iu the Concerts 178 BERTON Spirituels, 1786-90. Cantatas : Jlaiie de Seymours, Orphee daus les bois, ib. ; Trasi- bule, Hotel de ViUe, 1804 ; Thesee, Brus- sels, 1805 ; Le Chant du letour (after the campaign of 1805), Optra Comique, 1807 ; and many romances, besides several collec- tions of canons. He was the author of several didactic works ; " Arbre genealo- gique des Accords ;" "Un traitc d'harmonie base sur I'Arbre getiealogique ; " " Diction- uaire des Accords," -4 vols. (Paris, 1815). — Futis ; do.. Supplement, i. 82 ; Mendel ; Schilling, i. 593 ; Supplement, 43. BERTON, PIERRE JIONTAN, born in Paris in 1727, died there. May 14, 1780. Dramatic eomj)oser and organist. He read music at sight when six years old, composed motets when twelve, which were j^layed at the Cathedral of Senlis, and was for several years a member of the choir of Notre Dame de Paris. In 1744 he made his debut as an opera singer, became chef d'orchestre at the Opera, Bordeaux, in 1746, and or- ganist of two churches in that citv. In 1755 he became chef d'orchestre at the Opera in Paris, and director-general in 177G. Works— Operas: Deucalion et Pyr- rha (with Giraud), 1755 ; £rosiue (words by Moncrief), 17G8 ; Sylvia (with Trial), 176G; Theonis (with Trial and Granier), 1707 ; AdUe de Ponthieu (with Laborde), 1773. He is best known by his arrange- ments of other authors' works. He wrote airs for the ballet in Camille by Campra, for Iphigenie en Tauride by the same, for Castor and Pollux and Dardanus, by Ra- meau, introducing the Chaconne de Berton. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 82. BERTONI, FERDINANDO GKTSEPPE, born on the island of Salo, near Voiuce, Aug. 15, 1725, died at Desenzano, Dec. 1, 1813. Dramatic composer and organist, pupil of Padre Martini. He went about 1745 to Venice, where he became celebrated as a teacher. He was organist of S. Marco from 1752, and choir-master of the Con- servatorio de' Mendicanti in 1757-97. He visited London in 1778-80, and in 1781-83, to bring out some of his ojjeras, succeeded Galuppi as maestro di cappella at S. Marco in 1784, and retired to Desenzano in 1810. His best works, principally oratorios and church music, were written between 1743 and 1760. Works — Operas : Orazii ed e Curiazii, La Vedova accorta, given in Venice, 1746 ; Cajetto, ib., Palazzo Labia, 1747 ; Ipermestra, Venice, 1748 ; Le Pescatrice, ib., 1752 ; Ginevra, ib., 1753 ; La Moda, ib., 1754; Le Vicende amorose, ib., 1760; La bella Girometta, ib., 1761 ; Amore in Mu- sica, ib., 1763; Achille in Sciro, L' Ingau- natore ingannato, ib., 1704 ; L' Olympiade, Naples, 1765 ; L' Isola di Calipso, dramatic cantata, Venice, Palazzo Rezzonico ; Ales- sandro nelle Indie, 1770 ; L' Anello incan- tato, 1771 ; Andromacca, Venice, 1772 ; Ai-is- to e Temira, 1774 ; Orfeo, Venice, 1776 ; Ezio, Telemacco, ib., 1777; Quinto Fabio, Padua and London, 1778 ; Tancredi, Venice, 1778 ; Artaserse, London, 1780 ; Armida, Venice, 1781 ; Eumeue, ib., 1784 ; Artaserse (second), il.)., 1786 ; Narbale, Naples, about 1787; Cajo Mario, about 1788; La Nitteti, Najiles, 1789 ; Ifigenia in Aulide, Trieste, 1790 ; Antigouo. Oratorios : II Figliuol l^rodigo, i^erformed at Sta. Maria della Fava, 1747 ; Perigrinatio ad sanctum Domini se- pulchrum, 1753 ; David penitens, Conserva- torio de' Mendicanti, 1775 ; Joas ; Susanna ; Requiem mass, Chiesa dei Serviti, 1792. Among his finest works for the church are the psalms, Beatus vir, and Lstatus sum, and the Improperia written for the ducal chapel of S. Marco ; 6 sonatas for harpsi- chord and violin, op. 1 (Berlin, 1789) ; 6 quartets for two violins, viola, and violon- cello (Venice, 1793) ; 6 sonatas for liarpsi- chord (Paris, 1780).— Fetis ; Gerber, Hist. Lex. ; do., N. Lex. ; Schilling. JT9 BERWALD BERWALD, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, boru iu Stockholm, Sweden, July 23, 1788, died there, Sejitember, 1861. Violinist, son of one of the chamber musicians to the King of Sweden, and pupil of the Abbe Vogler. Before he was ten years old he travelled as an infant i^rodigy ; in 1806 he became a chamber musician to the king, and from 1819 until his death he was conductor and Kapellmeister in Stockholm. ■ His three daughters were singers. Works : 3 polonaises for pianoforte and violin, op. 1, 1791 ; Symphon}' for orchestra, 1799 ; 3 quartets for stringed instruments, 1808 ; Sonata for pianoforte, op. 6 ; and songs. His cousin, Franz Berwald (born in Stock- holm, 1796, died there, April 3, 1868), com- posed much instrumental music, and an opera, Estrella de Soria, given in Stock- holm. — Ft'tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Mendel. BESANZONI, FERDINANDO, born at Piacenza, Italy, in 1821, 'still living, 1888. Dramatic composer ; became maestro di cap- pella of the Italian opera, Berlin, in 1845, but soon returned to his native land. His op- era, Ruy Bias, was given with much success at Piacenza, 1843. BESLER, SAMUEL, born at Brieg, Si- lesia, Dec. 15, 1574, died iu Breslau, July 19, 1025. Rector of the Gymnasium zum Heiligen Geist, Breslau, 1605. A large col- lection of his comijositious are jjreserved in the library of St. Bernhardiuus, Breslau, among which is a Passion after St. John, I^rinted by Baumann (Breslau, 1621). — Fe- tis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BESSEMS, ANTOINE, born at Antwerp, April 6, 1809, died in Paris, Oct. 19, 1868. Violinist, pupil of Baillot at the Conserva- toire, Paris ; for several years first violin at the Theatre Italien, then made a concert tour through Belgium, Germany, Italy, and England, returned to Paris, and in 1847- 52 conducted the orchestra of the Societe Royale d'Harmonie at Antwerp. Works: 3 masses for four voices and orchestra ; 2 psalms for do. ; Several motets, with or- chestra or organ ; Canticles, oflertories. ,-*»»■ Art, London, 1852; graduales, etc., with do., or quartet ; Hymn, with chorus and two orchestras ; Concerto for violin, with orchestra ; Fantaisies for do.; 12 grandes etudes, with pianoforte; Duos, trios, quartets, for strings ; 12 grand duos de concert, for pianoforte and violin (with Jules Dejazet) ; Melodies for violin ; do. for pianoforte ; do. for violoncello ; do. for one and several voices, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. BEST, WILLIAM THOMAS, boru at Carlisle, England, Aug. 13, 1826, still living, 1888. Organist ; pupil of Young, organist of Carlisle Cathedral. He has held many impor- tant positions, such as organist of the Liver- pool Philharmonic So- ciety, 1848 ; of the Pan- opticon of Science and of St. Martin-in-the- Fields, Loudon, 1852 ; of Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 1854 ; of St. George's Hall, Livei"- pool, 1855 ; of Church of Wallasay, Birken- head, 1800 ; of Holy Trinity, near Liverpool, 1863 ; of the Musical Society, Liverpool, 1808 ; of Royal Albert Hall, 1871 ; of the Philharmonic Society, Liverpool, 1872 ; of West Derby Church,' 1879. Mr. Best, who is one of the greatest masters of the organ in Great Britain, still holds several of the most important of these positions, and has jjlajed iu manj' of the principal cities of Europe. He is the author of many com- positions for the organ and pianoforte, of church services, anthems, hymns, and minor vocal pieces, and of several standard didactic works. His anthems are in constant use iu English churches. — Grove ; Mendel ; Brown. BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. See Se'l getreu bis in den Tod. BETLY, Italian opera in two acts, text and music by Donizetti, first represented in Najjles, 1836 ; and in Paris, at the Opera, Dec. 27, 1853, in a French translation by Hippolyte Lucas. Donizetti's text is an 180 BETULIA adaptation of "Le clialet," by Scribe aud Melesville (music by Adam, 1834), wbicli iu turn is from Goetbe's " Jery und Biitely." Betly was unsuccessful in Paris, notwitb- standing tbat the jnincipal cbaracter was sustained by Madame Bosio. Betly was one of Alboni's favourite parts. BETULIA TJBERATA (Betbulia Freed), Italian sacred drama iu two parts, text by Metastasio, music by Georg Reutter, com- posed by command of tbe Emperor Charles VI., and first rejwesented in tbe Imperial Chapel, Vienna, 1734. Subject from the apocbryphal book of Judith. Scene, the city of Betbulia. Chai'acters represented : Ozia, Prince of Betbulia ; Giuditta, widow of Manasseh ; Aniital, a noble Israelitish maiden ; Acbior, Prince of tbe Ammonites ; Cabri and Carmi, leaders of tbe people ; chorus of inbabitauts of Betbulia. The same libretto was set, probably iu 1771, by Mozart, and performed at Padua during Lent in 1772 (publisbed by Breitkopf & Hiirtel, Mozart's Werke, Cantaten und Ora- torien, No. 4) ; also by Cafl'aro, and repre- sented in Naples about 1778. BEVIN, EL WAY, born in Wales, flour- ished towards tbe end of the reign of Eliz- abetb. Organist, pupil of Tallis, ou whose recommendation be was apjjointed organist of tbe cathedral of Bristol. His onlj' com- position known to-day is tbe first service of four aud five parts, ijublished in Barnard's collection : First Book of selected Church Musick (1C41).— Grove ; Fetis. BEYER, JOHANN SAMUEL, born at Gotba in 1GG9, died at Carlsbad, Bohemia, May 9, 1744. Composer, cantor at Frei- berg, 1697, at Weissenfels, 1722, tben di- rector of music at Freiberg, 1728. Works : Pianoforte music, chiefly instructive ; Pri- mse linese musicse vocalis (Freiberg, 1703) ; Musikalischer Vorratb neu variirter Fest- Cboral-Gesange (ib., 1710) ; Geistlieb musi- kaliscbe Seelenfreude, containing 72 con- cert arias (ib., 1724).— Fetis; Mendel. BEXFIELD, WILLIA]M RICHARD, born at Norwich, England, April 27, 1824, died iu London, Oct. 29, 1853. Church com- poser, pupil of Dr. Zechariab Buck, under whom he was a chorister in the cathedral. He became organist in Boston, Lincoln- shire, and iu 184G graduated at Oxford as Bacbelor of Music ; in 1848 he was ap- pointed organist of St. Helen's, London, and in 1849 received the degree of Doctor of Music at Cambridge. Works : hrad Restored, oratorio, given at Norwich Mu- sical Festival, 18.52, and reproduced iii 1879 ; Church anthems (London) ; Set of fugues for organ (ib.) ; Songs and part songs ; Organ music. — Grove ; Brown. BIAGI, ALAMANNO, born in Florence, Dec. 20, 1806, died there, June 26, 1861. Violinist, pupil of tbe Florence Academy ; became one of the ablest orchestra conduc- tors of his time, aud conducted for many years the music at the grand-ducal court of Tuscan}-. He has left compositions in every branch, excepting the dramatic ; among bis instrumental works, a quartet for strings, which won a jjrize, is especially noteworthy. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 87. BIAGI, ALESSANDRO, born at Flor- ence, Jan. 20, 1819, died, Feb. 28, 1884. Pianist, fir.st instructed by one of his broth- ers, then at tbe Academy pupil of Geremia Sbolci and Palafuti on the pianoforte, and of Nencini in counterpoint ; he won the first i^rize in both classes, and in 1857 be- came professor at the Academy, succeeding Palafuti. Works : La secchia rapita, opera buffii, given at Florence, Teatro de la Per- gola, 1830 ; Gonzalvo di Cordova, opera, ib., Teatro Nazionale, 1857 ; Cantico di Zac- caria, for four voices, cboiiis, and orchestra (1858); Padre Nostro (Dante); Pianoforte pieces and songs. — Fctis, Supph'meut, i. 88. BL\L, RUDOLF, born at Habelschwerdt, Silesia, Aug. 26, 1834, died iu New York, Nov. 13, 1881. Violinist, until 1853, in the theatre orchestra at Breslau, tben made a concert tour to Africa and Australia with his brother, the pianist Karl Bial (born in 1833) ; settled in Berlin, where he BIANCA was Conzertmeister of Kroll's orcbestra, then (1864) Kapellmeister at tbe Walluer Theater, later director of the Italian ojj- era, and finally established a concert en- terprise in New York. Works : Herr von Papillon, operetta, text by Fellechuer, given in Berlin, Wallner Theater, January, 1870 ; Der Liebesriug, opera butia, three acts, text by Fellechner, ib., Friedrich-Wilhelm- stildtisches Theater, Dec. 4, 1875 ; Ein kluger JMaun, ib., January-, 187G ; Many or- chestral pieces. — Mendel. BIANCA ; or, The Bravo's Bride, grand opera in four acts, text by Palgrave Simp- son, music by Balfe, represented at Covent Garden, London, Dec. 6, 18G0. The libretto is founded on Matthew Gregory Lewis's romance, " The Bravo of Venice " (1804), which also served as a melodrama under the title of " Rugantino " (1805). This opera, jjroduced by the Pyne Harrison Company, achieved a legitimate success. — Barret, Balfe, 235. BIANCA CAPELLO, opera, text by Jules Barbier, music by Salomon, represented at Antwerp, Feb. 1, 188G. It had a moderate success. BIANCA E FALIERO, Italian opera, text after Manzoni's " Coute di Carmaguola," music bj' Rossini, represented at La Scala, Milan, Dec. 26, 1819. One of Rossini's failures ; some of its best numbers were transferred by him to other operas. BLANCA E FERNANDO, Italian opera, music by Bellini, represented at Naples, June 30, 1826. Interpreted by Rubini, Lablache, and Mme Mt'ric-Lalande, this work met with success, but it is now for- gotten. BIANCHI, ANTONIO, born in Milan in 1758, died (?). Dramatic singer and com- poser, made his musical studies in Milan, and appeared successfully there, and at Genoa, Paris, and Hanover. For a time in the service of the Duke of Nassau, he ob- tained an engagement in Berlin in 1793-97, then sang in Hamburg, Breslau, Di-esden, Leipsic, and Brunswick. Works : Die Insel der Alcina, given in Berlin, 1794 ; Fileno e Clorinda, intermezzo pastorale, ib., 1796 ; Die Eutfiihrung, oder das Feldlager, by De- seuzano, ballet ; French and ItaUan songs. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel. BIANCHI, ELIODORO, Italian com- poser, contemporary. He is the author of Gara d' amore, Italian opera, rejsreseuted at Bari, July, 1873. BI.INCHI, FRANCESCO, born at Cre- mona, Italj-, in 1752, died by suicide at Hammersmith, London, Nov. 27, 1810. Dramatic composer. At iirst maestro di cap- pella in Cremona, he became a member of the orchestra of the Italian Oj^era, Paris, in 1775, assistant conductor of S. Ambrogio, Milan, in 1784, and second organist of S. Marco, Venice, in 1785. About 1796 he went to London, where he was connected for seven years with the King's Theatre. During the last ten years of his life he was occupied chiefly in teaching, numbering among his pupils Sir Henry Bishop and others who won eminence. His operas, pleasing but with little originahty, are now forgotten. Works — Operas : La reduction de Paris, given in Paris, Comedie Italienne, 1775 ; Le mort marie, ili., 1777 ; Castor e Polluce, Florence, 1780 ; Venere e Adone, ib., 1781 ; II trionfo della pace, Venice, 1782 ; Demofooute, Ai-bace, ib., 1783 ; Cajo Mario, Naples, 1784 ; Briseide, Turin, 1784 ; La caccia d' Enrico IV., Venice, 1784 ; As- parde, jirincipe Battriano, Rome, 1784 ; H Medonte, Reggio, 1785 ; II dissertore, Ven- ice, 1785 ; La villanella rapita, 1785 ; Pi- ramo e Tisbe, La vergiue del sole, Venice, 1786 ; Scipione Africano, La secchia rapita, Naples, 1787 ; L' orfauo della China, Ven- ice, 1787 ; Pizarro, ib., 1788 ; Mesenzio, Na- ples, 1788 ; Alessaudi-o nell' Indie, Brescia, 1788; Tarara, Venice, 1788; B ritratto, Naples, 1788 ; L' Inglese stravagante, Bo- logna, 1789 ; H gatto, Brescia, 1789 ; La morte di Giulio Cesare, Venice, 1789 ; L' Arniinio, Florence, 1790 ; La dama bizarra, Rome, 1790; Cajo Ostilio, ib., 1791; Se- leuco, Leghorn, 1792; II finto Astrologo, 182 BIANCllI Turiu, 1792 ; La capricciosa ravveduta, Venice, 1793 ; L' Olandese in Venezia, ib., 1794 ; Lo stravagante, ib., 1795 ; Zenobia, Inez de Castro, Aci e Galatea, London, 1797; Seiuiramide, Venice, 1798; Meropo (his best work), London, 1790. Oratorios : Agar ; Joas.- Fetis ; do., Siipijlemeiit, i. 88 ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BIANCHI, PIETRO ANTONIO, boiu in Venice about 1530. Vocal composer, cano- uicus regularis of S. Salvatore, Venice, then chaplain of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. Most of his works are lost ; those still ex- tant are : Canzoni Napoletaue a tre voci (Venice, 1572) ; Sacri concentus, octo voci- bus, etc. (ib., 1609) ; Motets in Abraham Schad's "Promptuarium musicuuj." — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BIANCIARDI, FRANCESCO, born at Casola, near Siena, Italy, in the last quarter of the 16th century, died at Siena, aged thirty-five. He is said to have been one of the first contrapuntists who wrote on the basso continuo. He was maestro di cap- pella of the cathedral at Siena about IGOO, and Accademico intronato. Works : 3 books of motets, for 4, 5, 6, and 8 voices (Venice, Gardano, 1596-1607) ; 4 books of motets for 2, 3, and 4 voices, with organ (1599- 1608) ; 3 books of motets without organ (1600) ; 2 books of masses for 4 and 8 voices, without organ (Venice, Gardano, 1604-5) ; Psalms for 4 voices (Venice, 1604). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BIBER, HEINEICH JOHANN FRANZ VON, born in Wartenberg, Bo- hemia, in 1644, died in Salzburg, May 3, 1704. He was a famous violinist and composer for the violin, and one of the chief, if not the chief, founders of the German violin school. His Emperor Leopold I., besides other gifts, presented him with a patent of uobility. He was probably the first German who tried to raise the art of violin writing above the level of a mere display of virtuosity ; his style, if closely related to that of his best Italian contemporaries, is noted for a cer- tain Teutonic severity and pathos. Judg- iu"' from his compositions, his technique, both in double-stopping and bowing, was very considerable ; he seems to have been the first to alter the usual tuning of the violin to facilitate polyphonic inlaying in otherwise unfavorable keys. He was liber- ally patronized by the princes Ferdinand Marie and Maximilian Emanuel of Bavaria, and during the latter part of his life he ex- ercised the functions of high steward and maestro di cappella to the Prince Ai'cli- bishop of Salzburg. Published works : Six sonatas for violin and continuo (Salzburg, 1681 ; the sixth of these in Ferdinand David's "Hohe Schule des Violinspiels," Leii> sic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; Fidicinium sacro- jsrofanum, 12 sonatas for four and five in- struments (Nuremberg, no date) ; Harmonia artificioso-ariosa in septem partes vel parti- tas distributa, for 3 instruments (Nurem- berg, no date) ; Souat:e du?e tarn aris quam aulis servientes (Salzburg, 1676) ; Vesperpe longiores ac breviores, una cum litauis Laure- tanis a quatuor vocibus, duobus violin, et duabus violis in concerto, additis quatuor vocibus in capella, atque tribus trombonis ex ripienis desumendis ad libitum (Salz- burg, 1693). The MS. of a Dramma musi- cale is in the Salzburg Museum. Biber's portrait was engraved in Germany in his thirty-sixth year. — Wasielewski, Die Violine und ihre Meister, 148 ; Grove, i. 240. BIBL, ANDREAS, born in Vienna, April 8, 1797, died there, April 30, 1878. Organ- ist, pupil of Josef Preindl, and so proficient that he became organist of the parish church of St. Leopold in 1816, and of St. Stephen's Cathedral and St. Peter's Clinrch in 1818. Works — For organ : 12 preludes, op. 3 (Vi- reputatiou was great in his day, and the , enna, Diabelli) ; 32 versets, op. 7 (ib.) ; do. 183 BIBLIS cadences, op. 10 (ib.) ; 3 preludes, op. 11 (ib.) ; do., op. 13 (ib.) ; do., op. 15 (Vienna, Haslinger) ; Preludes for use at church festivals, op. 12 (Vienna, Diabelli) ; 20 pre- ludes for requiem masses, op. 16 (ib.) ; Fugue, op. 17 (ib.) ; Prelude and fugue, op. 23 (ib.) ; 2 fugues on themes by Al- brechtsberger (ib.) ; do. on themes by Preindl (ib.). Church music : Salve Eegina for four voices and organ, op. 5 (Vienna, Mechetti) ; 3 Ave Maria for do., op. 6 (ib.) ; 2 Tantum ergo for do., op. 8 (Vienna, Dia^ belli) ; In te Domine speravi, gradual for i voices, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, double- bass, and organ, oj). 9 (ib.) ; Lsetamini in Domino, offertory for tenor, chorus, 2 vio- lins, viola, violoncello, double-bass, organ, 2 oboes, 2 trumpets, trombones, and drums, op. 18 (ib.) ; Ave Maria, gradual for 4 voices, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, double- bass, organ obligato, 2 clarinets, and 2 bas- soons, op. 19 (ib.) ; Mass for 4 voices, 2 violins, viola, bass, 2 clarinets, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, drums, and organ, op. 20 (Vi- enna, Haslinger) ; Tantum ergo for soprano, chorus, and oi'chesfra, op. 21 (ib.) ; do. for contralto, chorus, and orchestra, op. 22 (ib.). His son Rudolf (born in Vienna, Jan. C, 1832) jiupil of Sechter, became organist at St. Stephen's in 1859, and of the Imperial Chajiel in 1SG3. He has composed church and chamber music of considerable merit. — Allgem. "Wiener mus. Zeitg. (1811), No. 34 ; Fc'tis ; Wurzbach. BIBLIS, opera in five acts, text by Fleury, music by Lacoste, represented at the Opera, Paris, Nov. 6, 1732. Subject, the love of Byblis for her own brother Caunus, as re- lated by Ovid (Met., ix. 446-4G5). BIEGO, PAOLO, born in Venice about 1650. Dramatic composer, author of tbeoi^e- ras : Ottone il Grande, given in Venice, 1688 ; Fortuna tra le disgrazie, Pertinace, ib., 1689. BTELATI, ALESSANDRO, Italian com- poser, born at Genoa, contemporary. He is author of 11 conscritto, opera buffa, given at San Pietro d' Arena, Piedmont, 1841 ; and Ettore Fieramosca. BIEREY, GOTTLOB BENEDICT, born in Dresden, July 25, 1772, died at Breslau, May 5, 1840. Dramatic composer ; pupil of his father, a professor of music, and of Weinlig in harmony and composition. He was director of music in several travelling opera companies, and in 1807 in Vienna, where Lis opera of Wladimir was played with much success. This procured him the appointment of Kapellmeister at Breslau to succeed C M. von Weber, and in 1824 he became director of the theatre there. He resigned in 1828, and lived alternately at Leipsic, Weimar, Wiesbaden, and Mainz, but ultimately returned to Breslau. Works : Of his 26 operas, mostly comic, the most prominent are : Der Zauberhain, given at Ballenstiidt, 1799 ; Das Blumenmiidchen, Leipsic, 1802 ; Klara, Herzogin von Breta- nien, ib., 1803 ; Rosette, das Schwerzermiid- chen, ib., 1806 ; Der Uberfall, Breslau, 1809 ; Der Gemsenjiiger, Das unsichtbare Miidchen, ib., 1811 ; Almazinde, oder die Hohle Sesam, Berlin, 1814 ; Pj-ramus und Thisbe, Breslau, 1814 ; Der Apfeldieb ; Jery und Bsitely ; Der Madchenmarkt ; Die bose Frail ; Liebesabenteuer ; Der betrogene Be- triiger. Cantatas : Die Sachsen im Lager ; Das Opfer der Menschenliebe ; Die Feier des Friihlings (3 under this title) ; Der Sieg Amors ; II Tributo di rispetto e d' amore, cantata on the death of Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick ; Das Erndtefest ; L' Inverno, ovvero la provida pastorella ; Osterkantate (Leipsic, 1805) ; Overtures and marches for orchestra ; Several collections of songs with pianoforte (Berlin, Leipsic, and Breslau). — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 628 ; Allgem. mus. Zeit., iv. 516 ; vi. 207, 803 ; xiii. 241, 843 ; xlii. 506 ; Fi'tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schil- ling. BIFFI, ANTONIO, flourished in Venice, died there in March, 1736. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Legrenzi ; became maestro di cappella at San Marco in 1701, and was also professor at the Conservatorio de' Mendicanti. Works : II Figliuolo prodigo, given in Venice, 1704 ; 7 psalms for two 184 BIFFI and three voices (iu the Eoyal Library, Berlin). A large number of Ins composi- tions is to be found in the Santini col- lection, Rome. — Fi'tis; Nemeitzen, Nachlese besonderer Naclirichten von Italien (Leipsie, 172(i), '49. BIFFI, GIUSEPPE, born at Cesano, Lombardy, about the middle of the Ifith century. Vocal composer, maestro di cap- pella to Cardinal Andrea Battori, after- wards court composer to the Duke of Wiir- teinberg. "Works: Libro di madrigali a quattro voci (Brescia, 1582) ; do. a cinque voci (Venice, 159!)) ; do. (Milan) ; do. a sei voci (Nuremberg, IGOO) ; Cantiones sex vo- cum (Nurendjerg, 1596). — Fetis ; Mendel. BIGAGLIA, Padre DIOGENIO, lived in Venice about the beginning of the 18th century. Dramatic composer ; Benedictine monk of the convent of S. Giorgio Maggiore. Works : Giaele, opera, given in Venice, 1731 ; Dodici sonate a violino solo ossia flauto (Am- sterdam, 1725) ; Siam soli, Erminie, cantata ; In Serena coeli scena, motet for alto solo, two violins, viola, violoncello, and organ. Mail}' of his MS. works are j^reserved in the convent of his order. — Gerber, N. Lex. ; Men- del ; Nemeitzen, Nachrichten von Italien, 53. BIGATTI, CARLO, born in Milan, Feb. 12, 1779, died there in November, 1854. Dramatic composer, pupil of Vincenzo C'a- nobbio on the pianoforte, then at Bologna of Padre Mattel, and at Loreto of Zingarelli. In 1801 he went to France, spent several years at Marseilles, and returned in 1809 to MUan, where he afterwards became maes- tro di cappella at Santa JIaria Jlaggiore. Works : II Fanatico, opera bufl'a, given at Marseilles, 1804 ; Theodore et Jenny, French opera, ib., 1808 ; L' Amante prigio- niero, Milan, Scala, 1809 ; L' Albergo nia- gico, ib., Teatro di Sta. Radegonda, 1811 ; La Scoperta inaspettata ; Astuzie contra as- tuzie ; I Furbi al cimento, Venice, 1819 ; Symphouie concertante for two horns, with orchestra ; O sacrum convivium, for three voices ; Theme and variations for pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel. BIJOU PERDU, LE (The Lost Jewel), opera-comique in three acts, text by de Leuven and de Forges, music by Adolj)he Adam, rej^resented at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris, Oct. G, 1853. Subject, the history of a watch which passes from hand to hand, from the boudoir of Mme Coquilliere, to the Marquis d'Angennes and others, until it comes into the possession of Toinette, the gardener's daughter, who restores it to the marquis on condition that he relieves her lover from militar}' duty. BILDER AUS OSTEN (Pictures from the East), 6 inqiromptus for pianoforte for four hands, by Robert Schumann, op. 66, composed in 1848. Dedicated to Frau Lida Bendemann (born Schadow). Orchestral transcription by Reinecke. First published, Fr. Kistner (Leipsie, 1849) ; edition of Breit- kopf & Hiirtel, Schumann's Werke, Series VI., No. 2. BILETTA, EMANUELE, Italian com- poser, contemporarj-. He is the author of La rose de Florence, opera in two acts, text by Saint-Georges, represented at the Opera, Paris, Nov. 10, 1856. BILHON (Billon), JEAN DE, French composer of the end of the 15th and begin- ning of the 16th century. He resided in Rome, where he was a singer in the Pon- tifical Chapel. In its archives are masses by him, composed on themes of old French chansons. Other works may be found in different collections.- — Fetis. BILLERT, KARL FRIEDRICH AU- GUST, born at Alt-Stettin, Pomerania, Sept. 14, 1821, died in Berlin, Dec. 22, 1875. Di'amatic comjDOser, pupil of the musical director Montu on the pianoforte, and of Karl Loewe, then studied in Berlin at the Organ Institute and iu the composi- tion class of the Royal Academy, w'here be took the first prize in 1847. He greatly influenced musical life in Berlin, founded a singing society, and after 1857 devoted himself to researches and writing, especially in the field of musical archaeology and the science of instruments. Grand gold medal 165 BILLET for science aucl art. Works : Y^isilauti, opera (IbiTj ; Der Liebesring, do. ; Christi Geburt, oratorio ; Symphony in D major ; Te Deum, for cborus, orchestra, and mili- tary baud (for the coronation of King WiUiam L); Cantata for the silver wed- ding of King William (Berlin, Schlesinger) ; Psalms ; Overtures ; Sacred and secular songs. — Mendel. BILLET, ALEXANDRE PHILIPPE, born of Fi-ench parents, at St. Petersburg, March U, 1S17, still living, 1888. Pianist, pujoil of Ziranierniann at the Conservatoire, Paris, which he entered in 1833. In 183.5 he won the second prize, and with his brother, who had studied the violoncello at the same time, went to Geneva, where both taught and appeai-ed succe.ssfully in public for several years. In 1841 he visited Italy, Germany, and Russia, lived for several years in London, then settled in Paris. His com- 2)ositions, consisting of fantaisies, nocturnes, caprices, etudes, etc., for pianoforte, were published in the several countries he had visited. — Fetis ; Mendel. BILLET DE LOTERIE, LE (The Lot- tery Ticket), opera-comique in one act, text by Roger and Creuze de Lesser, music by Isouard, rejiresented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Sept. 14, 1811. It had a prolonged success in Paris and in the provincial cities. BILLET DE MARGUERITE, LE, opera- comitjue in three acts, text by de Leuven and Brunswick, music by Gevacrt, repre- sented at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris, Oct. 7, 1854. BILLETER, AGATHON, born at Miln- nedorf, Ziirich, Nov. 21, 1834, died at Burg- dorf, Feb. 8, 1881. Vocal com2)oser, pupil of the Leipsic Conservatorium ; organist and musical director at Burgdorf, Switzer- land. He has composed very puisular cho- ruses for male voices. — Riemann. BILLINGS, WILLIA:M, born in Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 7, 1746, died in Boston, Sept. 26, 1800. He has been considered the founder of American church music, as before his time the Colonies had only the ft w tunes that had been brought from Eng- land. Being entirely self-taught, his theo- retical knowledge of music was very limited, but his pieces give evidence of some talent, and at one time his music became so pop- ular that it was used in the churches almost exclusively. He published six collections of music : The New England Psalm Singer (1770) ; The Singing Masters Assistant (1778) ; Music in Miniature (1779) ; The Psalm Singer's Amusement (1781) ; The Suffolk Harmony (1786) ; The Continental Harmony (1794). In these collections the tunes were, with few exceptions, his own. The Lord is risei^ indeed, anthem. BILLINGTON, THOMAS, born (?), died af Naples in May, 1797. Harpist and jji- anist ; music teacher and member of the orchestra at Drury Lane Theatre in Lon- don until 1786, when he elojsed with the afterwards famous singer Elizabeth Billing- ton to Dublin, and subsequently accom- jjanied her on her travels. According to Grove's dictionary he was not the husband, but 23i"obably the brother-in-law of Eliza- beth. Works : 12 canzonette for two voices (London, Preston, 1795-97) ; 6 songs (ib.) ; 6 sonatas for pianoforte (ib.) ; Sonata for 4 hands (Amsterdam, Schmidt) ; Sonata for harjisichord with violin (Paris, 1796) ; Ma- ria's Evening Service ; Gray's " Elegy ; " Pope's "Elegy to the Memory of an Un- fortunate Lady ; " Pope's " Eloisa to Abe- lard ; " 24 ballads to Shenstone's Pastorals ; Prior's Garland ; Petrarch's Laura ; Laura's Wedding-day ; Children in the Wood ; Young's "Night Thoughts;" Glees (all in London, Clementi). — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BILSE, BENJAMIN, born at Liegnitz, Silesia, Aug. 17, 1816, still living, 1888. Orchestra conductor, first in his native city, whence for many years he made regular concert tours, meeting everywhere with brill- iant success. After his great triumph dur- ing the exhibition in Paris, 1867, he settled in Berlin. He has composed a great num- ber of dances and marches. — Mendel. 186 BINCHOIS BINCHOIS, KGIDE (or Gilles), born at Biucli, uear Moiis, Haiuault, about 1-tOO, died iu Mous, 1452-14G5. He was a soldier iu Lis youtli ; iu 1438 Pljilipp the Good grauted him a prebend iu the Cliurch of S. Waudru at Mous, and iu 1452 lie is men- tioned as second chaplain. Together with Dufay, Binohois was one of the most famous composers of the first Flemish school ; his reputation reached as far as Italy, although he seems never to have visited that country. Very few of his compositions have been pre- served. There is a three-voice mass in the Brussels Library, aud some three -voice French chansons iu the libraries of the Vat- ican, Rome, and of Paris. Kiesewetter's de- ciphering of the song '-Ce mois de Mai," dedicated to Dufay (iu Gallerie der alteu Contrapunktisteu), is jjrobably wrong. — Am- bros, ii. 458. BINDER, KARL, born iu Vienna, Nov. 29, 181G, died there, Nov. 5, 1860. Dra- matic composer, Kapellmeister at the Josef- stildter Theater of bis native city, 1839-47, then in Hamburg, at Presburg, Hungary, and finally again in Vienna, where he also taught vocal music. Works : Der Wiener Schusterhut, melodrama, Vienna, about 1840 ; Die drei Wittfrauen, opera, ib., about 1841 ; Purzel, vaudeville, ib., about 1843 ; Overture and choruses to the drama Elmar ; Psalms, with grand orchestra ; Songs, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel. BING, JACOB, born blind at Eschenbach, Wiirtemberg, July IG, 1821, died at Freiburg, Breisgau, April 17, 1841. Organist, pianist, and violinist, educated at the Institute for the Blind at Freiburg. Works : Overture for graud orchestra ; Mass (1836) ; String quar- tets and trios ; Sacred songs for 4 voices ; Songs, with jjianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel. BIN ICH GLEICH VON DIR GE- WICHEN, choral, to the melody : " Werde raunter, mein Gemiithe," iu A major, iu Johann Sebastian Bach's Passion nach Mat- thiius. Part II. BION, opera-comique iu one act, iu verse, text by Hoii'man, music by Mchul, first represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, iu 1801. Agenor, a young Athenian, perceiv- ing that Bion is in love with Nyaa, endeav- ours to throw obstacles iu his way. Bion mystifies Agenor and finally wins Nysa. BIONDINA, twelve melodies to Italian words by Zaffira, music by Gounod, iu the stj'le of the Tuscan storncllo. BIONI, ANTONIO, born iu Venice iu 1G98, died after 1738. Dramatic composer, pupil in harmony and counterpoint of Gio- vanni Porta. He went to Ferrara in 1722, and, as musical director of an Italian opera troupe, to Breslau in 1726. In the next nine years he wrote twenty-one operas, and assumed the managemeut of the Italian theatre at Breslau in 1730. After the dis- banding of the troupe in 1733 he is lost sight of, but seems to have been iu Vienna in 1738, and afterwards probably returned to Italy. The Elector of Mainz conferred on him the title of court composer in 1731. Works : Climene, given at Naples, 1721 ; Udine, Venice, 1722 ; Cajo Mario, Mitridate, Ferrara, 1722 ; Orlando furioso, Baden, 1724 ; Ai'mida abbandouata, Armida al campo, Breslau, 172G ; Endimione — pasto- rale, Lucio Vero, Ai'iodante, Attale ed Arsi- noe, ib., 1727 ; Artabauo, Filindo — pastorale eroica, Nissa ed Elpino, ib., 1728 ; La Fede tradita e vendicata, Engelberta, Audromac- ca, ib., 1729 ; Ercole sul Termodonte, ib., 1730 ; Lucio Papirio, Siroe, re di Persia, Silvia, ib., 1731 ; La Verita sconosciuta, ib., 1732 ; Alessandro Severo, 1' Odio jjlficato, Alessandro nell' Indie, ib., 1733 ; Girita, Vienna, 1738. — Fetis; Gerber, N. Lex.; Schilling. BIORDI, GIOVANNI, born in Rome iu the latter half of the 17th century. Cantor of the Pontifical Chapel iu 1717, aud in 1722 maestro di cappella of S. Giacomo, Rome. Nearly all the churches of Rome own works by this master, and his music is still sung at the Pontifical Chapel. The Abbate San- tini's collection contains : Motetti e salmi, 4 voci ; Miserere, for two choirs ; Lauda Sion, for two choirs ; Litanies for four voices ; BIKCKEiS' STOCK Lietatus sum, for six voices, composed for the Pontifical Chapel ; Christus factus est, for 6 voices, with chorus di ripieno. — Fetis ; Meudel ; Schilling. BmCKENSTOCK, JOHANN ADAM, born at Alsfeld, Hesse, Feb. 19, 1687, died at Eisenach, Feb. 26, 1733. Instrumental composer, pupil at Cassel of Euggiero Fe- deli, then in Berlin of Volumier, at Bay- reuth of Fiorelli, and finally in Paris (1709- 10) of de Val. After his return to Cassel he was made court musician, in 1721 first violinist, and 1725 Kapellmeister, in which capacity he accepted a call to Eisenach in 1730. Works : 12 sonatas for violin with basso continue (Amsterdam, 1722) ; 12 do. (ib., 1730) ; 12 concertos for 4 violins obli- gati, viola, violoncello, and bas.so continue (ib., 1730).— Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Men- del ; Schilling. BIRD, AETHUE, born of American par- entage, in Watertown, Massachusetts, July 23, 1856, still living, 1888. In 1872-7G he studied in Germany, and in 1881 he again went to Europe, where lie was at different times a pupil of Liszt, Hauptmann, Loesch- horn, Arbach, and Eode. His compositions consist of a symphony for orchestra ; 2 pieces for pianoforte and violin ; 3 marches for pianoforte ; 3 waltzes for pianoforte ; and other pianoforte jjieces. BIED. See Bijrd. BIEKLEE, GEOEG WILHELM, born at Bochau, Wiirtemberg, May 23, 1820, still living, 1888. Church comi^oser, pupil of his father on the pianoforte and organ, and in singing, then at the Wilhelmstift at Tii- bingen, where he studied theology, influ- enced especially bj' Professor Aberle. He became a learned writer on classical music, and is now professor at the Gymnasium of Ehningen. He has composed masses, ves- per psalms, etc., for mixed and male chorus. — Mendel. BntNBACH, (JOSEF BENJAMIN) HEINEICH, born at Breslau, Jan. 8, 1795, died in Berlin, Aug. 24, 1879. Pianist, son and pupil of Karl Josef Birnbach, and stu- dent of Friedrich M. Kilhler in thorough bass. He made a concert tour to Warsaw when a boy of eight years, became Kapell- meister at the theatre and of a church in Pesth about 1813, but returned in 1814 to Breslau, where he taught until 1821, when he settled in Berlin. In 1833 he founded there a musical institute, and formed a number of pupils of such note as Nicolai, Dehn, Kiicken, etc. During the latter part of his activity be had become entirely blind. Works : Two symphonies for orchestra ; Two overtures for do.; Concertos for piano- forte, for clarinet, oljoe, guitar ; Sonatas for jjianoforte ; Duos ; Quintet, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BIENBACH, HEINEICH AUGUST, born at Breslau, 1782, died in Berlin, Dec. 31, 1840. Violoncellist, son of Karl Josef Birn- bach and pupil of Anton Kraft in Vienna, where he had obtained an engagement in the orchestra of the Theater an der Wien. In 1804-G he was chamber musician to Prince Lubomirski at Landshut, Galicia ; in 1807 be entered the opera orchestra in Vienna as guitar player, and returned to Landshut in 1822, having in the meanwhile played the violoncello in the theatre orches- tra at Pesth, after 1812. On the erection of the Kunigstiidter Theater in Berlin, 1824, he accepted an engagement there, became chamber musician in the royal orchestra in 1825, and was pensioned in 1831. He composed concertos and variations for vio- loncello, and many pieces for the guitar. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BIENBACH, KAEL JOSEF, born at K6- pernick, near Neisse, Silesia, 1751, died at W^arsaw, May 29, 1805. Violinist and dramatic composer, pupil of Dittersdorf, who pi-ocured him a position in Breslau, whence he went to Berlin in 1795, and be- came chamber musician in the royal orches- tra. In 1803 he went to Warsaw with his son Heinrich, and accepted an engagement as Kapellmeister of the German theatre there in 1804, but fell victim to an epidemic. Works : Saphire, opera, given at Breslau 18S BIRTH about 1783 ; Die Fiscliweiber vou Paris, do., ib. ; Oratorios and cantatas ; Masses ; 10 symphonies for orchestra ; IG concertos for pianoforte ; 10 do. for viohu ; 20 quar- tets for strings ; several quintets for do. ; 25 sonatas for pianoforte ; 15 soli for violin, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BIRTH AND FORTUNE I DESPISE, tenor air in A major of Jonathan, in Han- del's Saul, Part I. BISCHOFF, KARL BERNHARD, born at Nieder-Rublingen, Weimar, Dec. 24, 1807, still living, 1888. Composer, j)ui3il in Berlin of A. W. Bach, Rungenhagen, and Grell. He accejjted a call to Stargard, Pomerania, in 1843, and afterwards re- ceived the title of roj'al director of music. Works : Der Christ, oratorio ; Joas, do. ; Quartets, and other chamber music ; Blotets, etc. — Mendel. BISCHOFF, KASPAE JOSEPH, born at Ansbach, April 7, 1823, still living, 1888. Composer, pupil of Ett and Stuutz in Munich, then studied in Leipsic, 1847-49, and settled at Frankfort. W'orks : Maske und Mantille, oj)era, given at Frankfort, 1852; Symphony; Overture to Hamlet; Cantatas ; Psalms ; Quartets for strings ; Songs and part-songs. — ^lendel. BISHOP, Sir HENRY ROWLEY, born in London, Nov. 18, 178G, died there, April 30, 1855. Dramatic comj)oser, i)upil of Francesco Bi- anchi. He began to compose at an early age, but was first brought into notice by his opera of The Circassian Bride, produced at Drury Lane Theatre in 1809. Unfortunately the theatre was burned the night after (Feb. 24th) and the score was lost, but its reception procur- ed him in 1810 the position of musical di- rector at Covent Garden Theatre. In 1S18 he was one of the founders of the Philhar- monic Society, of which he took his turn as conductor, and in lcS20 he visited Dublin and received the freedom of the city. He was conductor at Drur^' Lane Theatre in 1825, musical director at Vauxhall Gardens in 1830, musical director at Covent Garden Theatre in 1840-41. conductor of the An- tient Concerts in 1840-48, professor of mu- sic in Edinburgh University in 1841-43, and professor of music in Oxford University in 1848. He received the degree of Bachelor of Music at Oxford in 1839, and of Doctor of Music in 1853, and was knighted in 1842. Bishop jjroduced more than a hundred op- eras, operettas, burlettas, ballets, and other dramatic pieces, of which at least two-thirds were entirely by him, and the rest adajita- tious or works written in collaboration with Davy, Reeve, Whittaker, and others. He was esjjecially strong in vocal music and one of the best of the English lyrical com- posers. Works — Operas and musical dra- mas : Angelina, farce, London, 1804 ; Ta- nierlau et Bajazet, ballet, ib., 180G ; Narcisse et les Graces, ballet, ib., ISOG ; Caractacus, ballet, ib., 180G ; Love in a Tub, ballet, ib., 180G ; The Mysterious Bride, ib., 1808 ; The Circassian Bride, The Vintagers, 1809 ; Mo- ra"s Love, ballet, 1809 ; Tlio Maniac, or Swiss Banditti, 1810; The Knight of Suow- don, 1811 ; The Virgin of the Sun, The ^thiop, or Child of the Desert, The Kene- gade, 1812 ; Haroun Alraschid (altered from the iEthiop), The Brazen Bust, Harry Le Roy, The Miller and his Men, For England, Ho !, 1813 ; Tlie Farmer's Wife (with Keeve and Davy), The Wandering Boys, or The Castle of Clival, Sadak and Kalasrade, or The Waters of Oblivion, Tlie Grand Alliance, The Forest of Bondj', or Dog of Montargis, Dr. Sangi-ado, ballet, The Maid of the Mill, comic opera, Brother and Sister (with Reeve), John of Paris (adajjted from Boieldieu), 1814 ; The Noble Outlaw, Telemachus, Co- mus, jNIagpie or the Maid, John du Bart, 1815 ; A Midsummer Night's Dream, Royal Nuptials, intermezzo, Guy ]\Iannering, or BIST the Gypsy's Prophecy (with Whittaker), The Slave, opera, Who Wants a Wife?, melo- drama, 181G ; The Heir of Verona, or Hon- esty the best Policy (with Whittaker), The Humorous Lieutenant, Tlie Father and his Children, melodrama, The Duke of Savoy, or Wife and Mistress, The Libertine (adapted from Don Giovanni), 1817 ; Zuma, or The Tree of Health, comic opera (with Braham), The Illustrious Traveller, December and May, Barber of Seville (adapted from Ros- sini), 1818; The Heart of Midlothian, A Roland for an Oliver, The Gnome King, or The Giant Mountains, Swedish Patriotism, The Comedy of Errors, Fortunatus and his Sons, melodrama. Marriage of Figaro (adapted from Mozart), 1819; The Anti- quary, The Battle of Bothwell Brigg, Henri Quatre, or Paris in the Olden Time, Tvt'elfth Night, Don John, or The Two Violettas, Montrose, or The Children of the Mist, 1820 ; The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1821 ; The Law of Java, Maid Marian, or The Huntress of Arlingford, opera, 1822 ; Clari, or The Maid of Milan, opera. The Beacon of Liberty, Cortez, or The Conquest of Mexico, 1823 ; Native Land, or Return from Sla- very, Charles the Second, oj^eretta. As you like it, 1824; The Fall of Algiers, opera, Edward the Black Prince, Coronation of Charles X., Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp, opera, Faustus, 1825 ; The Knights of the Cross, opera, 1826 ; Englishman in India, 1827 ; The Night before the Wed ding, 1829 ; Ninetta, opera, Hofer (adapted from Rossini), 1830 ; Under the Oak, opera, 1831 ; Adelaide, or The Royal William, op- era. The Tyrolese Peasant, Home, Sweet Home, operatic drama. The Magic Fan, or The Fillip on the Nose, operetta, The Sedan Chair, The Bottle of Champagne, operetta. The Romance of a Day, ojaeratic drama, 1832 ; Yelva, or The Orphan of Russia, The Rencontre, operatic comedy, 1833 ; Rural Felicity, 1834 ; The Doom Kiss, opera, Man- fred, 1836 ; The Fortunate Isles, 1841 ; The Czar of Muscovy, opera. The Fallen Angel, oratorio ; The Seventh Day, cantata, 1833 ; Ode for the Installation of the Earl of Derby as Chancellor of Oxford, 1853. Glees and songs. — Brown ; Grove ; Fetis. BIST DU MEIN? HAB' ICH DICH WIEDER ? See Tm/a/t und Isolde. BITTONI, BERNARDO, born at Fabri- ano. Pontifical States, in 1755, died there, May 18, 1829. Organist, j)upil of one Lom- bardi ; lived for manj' yeavs as maestro di musica at Rieti, then in the same capacity in his native place. Alfieri wrote his biogra- jihy. Works : Mass for 8 voices and or- chestra ; Requiem Mass for 4 voices and several instruments ; Lauda Jerusalem, psalm for do.. Salve Regina, fordo.; Beatus vir, for do. ; Christus factus est, for do.; Credo for do. ; Magnificat ; Miserere ; Many motets, and olt'ertories, etc. ; Sonatas for the organ. — Fetis. BIUMI, GIACOMO FILIPPO, born in Milan, died there in 1652. Organist, first at the Church della Passione, then at San Ambrogio, and finally at the cathedral. Works : A book of Magnificats for 4-8 voices ; do. of fantasias for 4 voices ; do. of motets for 2-4 voices ; Caiizoni da suonar alia francese a 4 ed 8 voci ; and others, scattered in collections. — Fetis ; Mendel. BIZET, (CHARLES CESAR LfiOPOLD) called GEORGES, born in Paris, Oct. 25, ,^ - 1838, died there, June 3, 1875. He entered in 1848 the Conserva- toire, where he studied composition under Ha- levy, and won the prix de Rome in 1857. Before graduating he had brought out an operetta, Docteur Mi- racle, at the Bouffes Parisiens. On his re- turn from Italy he composed and produced several operas-comiques, which had but indifferent success. His overture, Patrie, and especially his interludes to Daudet's L'Ark'sienne (afterwards published as two orchestral suites) were far better received. The corner-stone of his fame, however, was BLACK the opera ('armcii, wliioli at once placed Lira in the foremost rank of modern French composers. This, and the suites L'Arle- sienne and Koma, are liis best-knowu works. He was a man of superior gifts, and of decidedly greater originality than other Fi'ench composers of his generation. He was an aceomijlished pianist, especially noted for his wonderful sight-reading of or- chestral scores. He married a daughter of /?. €c^^ ei ^ / ? e^ s. Halevy. Great hopes were entertained of his future, and his sudden death was uni- versally lamented. Works — OjDeras : Le Docleur Miracle, given at the Bouifes Pari- siens, A25ril 9, 1857 ; Don Procopio ; La Guzla de I'Emir ; Les ptcheurs de perles, Theatre Lyrique, Sept. 30, 18G3 ; LaJoZ/efille de Perth," ib., Dec. 2G, 18G7 ; Numa, 1871; Djamileh, Oi^era Comique, May 22, 1872 ; Carmen, Opera Comique, June 3, 187.5 ; Yvan le Terrible (never performed). Other works : Incidental music to Daudet's VArle- sienne ; Overture, Pat tie ; La r//asse d'Ossian, overture ; Two movemenis of a sj-mphony ; Songs and pianoforte music. — Leipsic Sig- nale, June, 1875, No. 29 ; April, 1883, No. 33 ; Grove, i. 246. BLACK CROOK, THE, fairy operatic spectacle in four acts, music by Jacobi and Frederick Clay, first represented at the Alhambra, London, December, 1872. The first and third acts are by Jacobi, the others by Clay. BLACK DOMINO. See Domino Noir. BLAHAG (Blahak), JOSEF, born at Raggendorf, Hungary, in 1779, died in Vi- enna, Dec. 15, 1846. Tenor singer at the Leopoldstiidter Theater, Vienna, in 1802- 23, Kapellmeister at St. Peter's, there, in 1824. Works : 14 masses ; 25 graduales ; 29 offertories for one or several voices, with [ string instruments and organ ; 10 Tantum ergo, for four voices and organ ; 2 Te De- um. — Fotis ; Wurzbach. BLAHETKA, LEOPOLDINE, born at Guutramsdorf, near Vienna, Nov. 15, 1811, still living, 1888, at Boulogne. Pianist, pupil of Czeruy, then of Kalkbreuner and Moscheles on the pianoforte, and of Simon Sechter in comisosition. She excited an interest by her playing when only seven years of age, and was afterwards very suc- cesful on her concert tours. In 1840 she settled at Boulogne, and devoted herself to teaching. Works : Die Rauber und die Sanger, opera, given in Vienna, Kiirnthner- thor Theater, 1830 ; Concertos, sonatas, po- lonaises, variations, etc., for pianoforte solo, and with orehesti'a, or quartet, or only vio- lin ; Trios for pianoforte, violin, and vio- loncello ; Songs, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; Wm-zbach. BLAISE, ADOLPHE, died in Paris in 1772. Dramatic composer, bassoon-player in the orchestra of the Comodie Italienne in 1737. He wrote many divertissements, entr'actes, dances, and marches for that stage, besides the following works : Annette et Lubin, given at the Theatre Italien, 1762 ; Isabelle ct Gertrude, ou Les sylphes sup- poses, ib., 1765 ; Le trompeur tromjii', il)., 1707 ; Orjihee, Filets de Vulcain, ballets, given in 1738 ; Pedant, Amours de Cupi- don. Psyche, and other ballets. — Fetis. BLAISE ET BABET, opera-eomique in two acts, text by Monvel, music by Dezede, first represented at Versailles, April 4, 1783, and at the Comedie Italienne, Paris, June 30, 1783. It is a sequel to Les trois fer- miers by the same author. It was the most successful of Dezede's works. BLAISE LE SAVETIER (Blaise the Cob- bler), opera-comique in one act, text by Se- daine, music by Philidor, first represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, March 9, 1759. This opera, Philidor's first dramatic work, achieved for him a decided and permanent success. In it he showed himself to be a more skilful harmonist than the French 191 BLAKE composers of his day, thovigh his phrasiug often violates dramatic truth, and his pros- ody is defective. It was one of the works selected in 1762 with which to open the new Comcdie Italieune, and it continued to be a favourite for half a century. — Allen, Life of Philidor, 45. BLAKE, CHAl^LES DUPEE, born of American parentage, in Walpole, Massachu- setts, Sept. 13, 1847, still living, 1888. Or- ganist, pupil of J. D. C. Parker, David Paine, T. P. Eyder, J. K. Paine, and Handel Pond. He has been organist and musical director in the Congregational churches, at Wrent- ham and at HoUiston, Mass.; in the Broom- field St. :\I. E. Church, Boston ; and the Union Church, Boston. Works — Songs : Both sides. The Dead Leaves rustling, Roses and Violets, The Cavalier's farewell, The Longest way 'round, Wake from thy dream- ing. When Pansies come again. Whisper thy thoughts to me, etc. ; All Hope has fled, duet ; Thine Own, duet ; Angels are sing- ing, Christmas carol ; The Way, the Truth, the Light, Christmas carol, etc. BLAMONT, FKANCOIS COLIN DE, born at Versailles, Nov. 22, 1G90, died in Paris, Feb. 14, 1760. Dramatic com^joser. At first a musician in the household of the Duchess of Maine, he made his debut as a composer in 1707 with Circe, a cantata, which won him the notice of Lalande, who gave him lessons in harmony and counter- point. He afterwards became superintend- ent of the king's music. His first work for the stage (1723) established his reputation, and won him the order of St. Michael. Works : Les fetes grecques et romaines, heroic ballet, given in Paris, Opera, 1723 ; Diane et Eudymion, opera, ib., 1731 ; Les fetes de Tlietis, opera-ballet ; Les carac- t^res de I'amour, heroic ballet. Concert de la Reine, 1736, Academic Eoyale de Mu- sique, 1738 ; Les amours du printemps (act added to Caractiires de I'amour), Ope- ra, 1739 ; Jupiter vainqueur des Titans, do., at Court, 174.5 ; Le retour des dieux sur la terre (1725) ; Cantates f ran5aises in 3 books ; Five collections of Airs serieux et h boire ; 2 liooks of motets ; and the music of the following court ballets : Fetes on divertissements, 1721 ; Les presents des dieux, 1727 ; Les fetes du labyrinthe, 1728 ; La nymphe de la Seine ; Le jardin des Hesperides, Zephire et Hore, 1739 ; L'heureux retour de la reine, 1744 ; Les regrets des beaux arts ; II pastor fido. — Fe- tis ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Schilling. BLANC, ADOLPHE, born at Manosque (Basses-Alpes), June 24, 1828, still living, 1888. Violinist, f)upil at the Conserva- toire, Paris, where he won a prize, and of Halevy in composition. For a short lime he was chef d'orchestre at the Theatre Lj'- rique. He is one of the few French com- posers who have pre-eminently cultivated chamber music, for which the prix Chartier was assigned to him by the Academy in 1862. Works : Une aventure sous la Ligue, comic opera ; Les deux billets, operetta, Paris, Salle Herz and Salle Pleyel, 1868 ; Les reves de Marguerite, do. ; La prom- enade du boeuf gras, symphonie burlesque ; Ouverture espagnole, for orchestra; Sonatas, trios, quartets, quintets, sej)tets for strings, or for pianoforte and strings ; Rondos, so- natinas, caprices, etc. — Fetis ; do.. Supple- ment, i. 96. BLANCHARD, HENRI LOUIS, born at Bordeaux, Feb. 7, 1778, died in Paris, Dec. 18, 1858. Violinist and dramatic composer, pupil of his father on the violin and of Franz Beck in harmony, then in Paris of Rudolf Kreutzer, Reicha, and JNIehul. He was chef d'orchestre at the Theatre des Va- riutes in 1818-29, where he composed a great number of vaudeville airs, most of which became popular. After the revolu- tion of 1830 he assumed the management of the Theatre Molicre, and wrote several dramas which had great success, but brought him into discredit with the government. In 1833 he devoted himself entirely to musical criticism and writing on music, in which field he became very distinguished. Works : Diane de Vernon, comic opera, given at the m BLANCHE ThiVitre des Nouveautt's, 1831 ; L'Arioste, do. (not performed) ; Concertini for violiu ; Airs varies for do.; Fautaisie for do. and liarf) ; Quartets for violins ; do. for violas ; Duos for violins, etc. — Fctis ; Mendel. BLANCHE DE NEVERS, English opera ill three acts, text by John Brougham, mu- sic by Balfe, represented at Covent Garden, London, Nov. 21, 1803. Subject from the French drama, " Le Bossu," called in Eng- lish the '• Duke's Motto." BL.\NCHE DE PROVENCE, or La Cour des Fees (The Court of the Fairies), opei-a in three acts, text by Theaulou and Ranee, music by Berton, Cherubiui, Kreutzer, and Paer, first represented at the Opera, Paris, May 3, 1821. All that remains of this work, composed on the occasion of the birth and baptism of the Due de Bordeaux, posthu- mous son of the DucdeBorry, is the splendid final chorus by Cherubini : "Dors, cher en- fant, tendre fleur d'esperance." BLANGINI, GIUSEPPE MARCO MA- RIA FELICE, born in Turin, Nov. 18, 1781, died in Paris, Dec. 18, 18-41. Dramatic composer and tenor singer. He was ad- mitted in 1789 to the choristers' school in Turin Cathedral, and made rapid progress under the Abbate Ottani ; when twelve years old he acted as organist to the cathe- dral, and had composed a motet and a Kyrie, and at fourteen he led a mass with full or- chestra. His favourite instrument was the violoncello. In 1799 he went to Paris and became the fashionable composer of ro- mances and nocturnes and teacher of sing- ing. In 1802 he was commissioned to com- plete Delia- Maria's unfinished oj)era. La fausse duegne, which was followed by others of his own, and in 1805 he was called to Munich, where several of his operas were produced. In 180G he became Kapellmeis- ter to the King of Bavaria, and Princess Borghese appointed him director of her mu- sic. King Jerome made him General Mu- sik-Director at Cassel in 1809. In 1814 he returned to Paris and was appointed Surin- tendant de la musique du Roi. He was an indefatigable comj)Osor of operas. Works : Zelie et Terville, ou Chimere et realite, given in Paris, Theatre Feydeau, 1803 ; En- core un tour de Calife, Munich, 1805 ; Nephtali ou les Ammonites, Paris, Acadc- mie Imjieriale de Musique, 180G ; Inez de Castro ; Les fetes lacedemonieunes (1805) ; Les femmes vengees, Paris, Theatre Fey- deau, 1811 ; Le sacrifice d'Abraham, L'A- mour philosophe, Cassel, 1811 ; Le uau- frage comique. La fee Urgele, La Princesse Cachemire, Cassel, 1812 ; Trajano in Dacia, Munich, 1814 ; La sourde-muette, Paris, Theatre Feydeau, 1815 ; La Comtesse de Lamark, ib., 1817 ; Le jeune oncle, ib., 1820 ; Marie Therc'se, 1820 ; Le Due d'Aqui- taine, Paris, Theatre Feydeau, 1823 ; Le projet de j^iece, ib., 1825 ; La Saint-Henri, Theatre de la Coui% 1825 ; L'Intendant, ib., 182() ; Le morceau d'ensemble. Theatre des Nouveautes, 1825 ; Le coureur de veuves, Le jeu de cache-cache, L'auueau de la fi- ancee, ib., 1827 ; Le chanteur de romances, Theatre des Varietes, 1830 ; Part of the music of the Duchesso de Brinvilliers, 1831 ; Uu premier pas, 1832 ; Les gondoliers, 1832 ; Le vieux de la montagne. His ro- mances (174 for a single voice) and noc- turnes (170 for two voices) are among his best compositions ; several of the former, like II est trop tard, Les souvenirs, M'ai- meras-tu?, II faut partir, are still sung. He wrote also some church music, including four masses with orchestra, and motets. — Villemarest, Souvenirs de F. Blangini, 1797-1834 ; Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 97 ; Mendel ; Schilling. BL.ARAMBERG, PAUL, born at Oren- burg, Russia, Sept. 26, 1841, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, j)upil of Bala- kirev at St. Petersburg, where he studied law ; he first held a government position, but resigned it, in 1870, to become editor of the Russian Gazette, at Moscow. He is an adherent of the Berlioz-Liszt school. Works: Maria Tudor, opera, given at St. Petersburg, 1882 ; The Fu-st Russian Co- median, do. ; Music to Ostrovski's Vaivode ; BLASIS The Demon (after Lermontoff), cantata. — Riemann. BLASIS, FRANCESCO ANTONIO DE, born at Naples in 1765, died at Florence, Aug. 22, 1851. Dramatic composer, pupil of Fenaroli at the Conservatorio of his na- tive city. He was organist in Venice, re- turned to Naples in 1799, and thence went to France, settling at Marseilles. The time of his return to Italy is not known. "Works • — Operas and ballets, given in Italy : Ar- minio ; Didoue ; Adoue e Venere ; Zulima ; Lo sposo in periglio ; II burbero di buon cuore ; La donna capricciosa ; H geloso ravveduto ; L' isola di Bella Marina ; II fiuto feudatorio, etc. The following were given in France : Omphale ; Almanzor, ou L'epreuve de la jeunesse ; Le eourroux d'A- chille ; Debutade, ou L'oiigine du dessin ; Les trois Sultanes ; Le triomphe de la pais ; Meprise sur mejsrise ; La fete du village, etc. Oratorios, masses, overtures, and quar- tets. Methods for the violin, the pianoforte, and a vocal method. — Fetis, Sui^plement, i. 98. BLASroS, MATTHIEU FR^D^RIC, born at Lauteburg (Bas-Rhin), April 23, 1758, died at Versailles, 1829. Violinist, clai-inetist, flute and bassoon j^layer, pupil of his father. He went early to Paris and soon made himself known as a composer for wind instruments. In 1791 he became chef d'orchestre at the Opera Comique, then pro- fessor at the Consei'vatoire (until 1802), and bandmaster of the consular guard. In 1816 he retired to Versailles. Works : La paysanue supjjost'e, ou La fete de la mois- son, comic opera, given at the Comedie Ita- lienne, 1788 ; Pelletier de Saiut-Fai-geau, opera, given at the Opera Comique, 1793 ; L'amour ermite, do., ib., 1793 ; Africo et Menzola, Don Pedre et Zulika, Adelson et Salvina, melodramas. Symphonic concer- tante for 2 horns ; Three concertos for vio- lin ; Four do. for clarinet ; One for bassoon ; Twelve quartets for strings, op. 1, 3, 12, 19 ; Six do. for bassoon ; Three trios for do., op. 48 ; Trios for clarinet, flute, and bassoon, op. 31 ; do. for clarinets ; Duos for do., op. 18, 20, 21, 38, 40, and 46 ; do. for violins, op. 8, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 43, 53 ; Sonatas for violin and bass, etc. — Fetis ; do., Sup- j)lement, i. 99 ; Mendel ; Schilling. BLATT, FRANZ THADDAUS, bom in Prague, 1793, died (?). Clarinetist, pupil at the Conservatorium, Prague, of Farnick on the clarinet, and of Dionys Weber in composition. In 1814 he went on a suc- cessful concert tour through Germany and the North of Europe, after his return ob- tained a jjosition in the theatre orchestra, and in 1818 became professor at the Con- servatoiium. Works : 12 caprices in form of etudes, for clarinet ; Trios for do., op. 3 ; Variations brillantes for do. and quar- tet ; Introduction and variations for do., and orchestra ; Three duos concertants, op. 29 ; CajJrices amusauts for clarinet, op. 26 ; iStudes, op. 33 ; Complete method for clar- inet ; Vocal method. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling ; Wurzbach. BLAVET, :\nCHEL, born at Besan5on, March 13, 1700, died in Paris, Oct. 28, 1768. Flutist, self taught, and soon won such distinction as to be without a rival ou his instrument. In 1723 he settled in Paris ; became a member of the Opera orchestra, and made several concert tours, on one of which Frederick the Great, then crown prince, tried to induce him to enter his ser- vice. Works : La fete de Cythere, opera, given at Berny, 1753 ; Le jaloux corrige, opera-bouffe, Paris, Academic Royale de Musique, 1753 ; Egle, pastorale, ib., 1750 ; Les jeux olympiques, ballet, 1753 ; Sonatas and other pieces for flute ; Music for wind instruments.- — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 99 ; Mendel. BLAZE. See CaMil-Blaze. BLAZE, HENRI SEBASTIEN, born at Cavaillon (Vaucluse), in 1763, died there. May 11, 1833. Dramatic composer, pupil in his native place of the organist Lapierre, and in Paris of Sejane. He settled as a lawyer at Avignon, and after 1794 was made admiuisti'ator of his native department, 1S4 BLEytSEI) whence he visited Paris again in 1799. Works : L'hi'ritage ; Semiramis, operas ; Masses ; Sonatas for pianoforte ; Duos for do. and harp, etc.— Fetis ; Mendel. BLESSED ARE THE MEN THAT FEAE HIM. See Wold dem der den Herreu fiirchtet. BLEWITT, JONAS, organist in the latter part of the 18th century, died in 1805. He was author of the first treatise on the organ published in London, under the title of : "A Treatise on the Organ, with Explana- tory Voluntaries." He also published " Ten Voluntaries for the Organ," etc. ; " Twelve easy and familiar Movements for the Organ." — Grove ; Futis. BLEWITT, JONATHAN, born in Lon- don in 1782, died there, Sept. 4, 1853. Composer and singer of ballads ; son and pupil of Jonas Blewitt, organist, and pupil of Jonathan Battishill. At eleven years old he was deputy organist to his father and held other appoiutmeuts as organist in London, and in other parts of England dur- ing his life. In 1811 he went to Dublin, was grand organist to the masonic body of Ireland, conducted concerts there, and was associated with Logier in his system of mu- sical instruction. In 1828-29 he was di- rector of the music at Sadler's Wells Thea- tre, Loudon, and in his latter years was connected with Tivoli Gardens, Margate. Works— Operas, etc. : Harlequin, or Man in the Moon, pantomime, 1826 ; Tahsmau of the Elements ; Auld Robin Gray ; My Old Woman ; The Corsair ; The Magician ; Is- land of Saints ; Rory O'More ; Mischief Mak- ing, etc. Songs : A nice little man ; Adieu, my moustachios ; Barney Brallaghan ; Eng- land, Merry England ; Let us drink to old friends ; White Cliffs of England ; Groves of Blarney ; O for a cot ; Our jolly stout jackets of blue ; Phillis, have you seen my love ? ; When crowned with summer roses. He wrote also a concerto for pianoforte and orchestra, and sonatas, caprices, and fugues for the pianoforte and the organ.— Grove ; Brown ; Fetis. BLIESENER, JOHANN, born in Prussia about 175G, died in Berlin, February, 1842. Violinist, pupil of Giornovichi, chamber musician to the Queen of Prussia in 1791- 1806. Works : Three duos for violins (Ber- lin, 1789) ; do., op. i (ib., 1795) ; Three quartets for do., viola, and violoncello, op. 2 (ib., 1791) ; do., op. 3 (ib., 1792) ; do., op. 5 (ib., 1797) ; do., op. 6 (ib., 1799) ; 3 duos for violin and viola, op. 7 (ib., 1800) ; Con- certo for violin with orchestra, op. 8 (ib., 1801) ; 3 duos for violin, op. 15 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hartel) ; Compositions for the flute.— Fetis ; Mendel. BLIND BEGGAR OF BETHNAL GREEN, THE, English opera, music by Thomas Augustine Arne, represented at Drury Lane Theatre, London, 1711. BLIND KING, THE, cantata, music by James C. D. Parker, first performed by the Apollo Club, Boston, Mass., April 29, 1885. BLODEK, WILHELM, born in Prague, Oct. 3, 1834, died there, May 1, 1874. Flut- ist, pupil of Anton Eiser at the Conserva- torium, where he became professor in 1860, having meanwhile taught at Lubycz, Gali- cia. In 1870 he became insane, and was confined in the asylum in Prague. Works : V studni (In the Well), Czech opera, given in Prague, 1867 ; Zidek, do. (left unfin- ished) ; Mass ; Overture ; Quartets for male voices ; Pianoforte music and songs. — Men- del ; Riemann. BLOEMENBRUID, DE, Flemish opera, text by Emil van Goethem, music by Franz van Herzeele, represented at the Theatre Minard, Ghent, March, 1887. It met with well-deserved success. BLONDEL (Blondeceux, Blondelaus), born at Nesle, in Picardy, about 1160 (V). A celebrated rhymer, or minstrel to Richard L, King of England, about 1190. Accord- ing to tradition, he discovered his master, after searching for him in the Holy Land and in Germany, by singing under the walls of the Castle of LOwenstein, where Richard was a prisoner, a song wdiich he and the king had jointly composed. This subject 195 BLOAV furnished GrutiT with tbe insjjiration for Lis ojDera, Richard, Cceur de Lion. Sixteen of his chansons are in the MS. deixxrtmeut of the National Library of Paris. — Fetis ; Meudel ; Schilling ; Larousse. BLOW, JOHN, born at North Colling- ham, Notting- hamshire, Eng- land, in 1648, died in London, Oct. 1, 1708. He was one of the lirst set of chil- dren of the ChajJ- el Koj-al on its re - establishment in 1G60. His master was Captain Henry Cooke, but, on leaving the choir, he studied under John Hiugeston, and afterwards un- der Dr. Christoi^her Gibbons. He had al- ready begun to compose while a chorister, and soon rose to great eminence. In 1669 he was appointed organist at Westminster Abbey, but was displaced iu 1680 in favour of Parcell ; on the hitter's death in 1695 he was reappointed to the post. On March 16, 1674, he was sworn in one of the gentlemen of the Chapel Eoyal, vice the Eev. Roger Hill, deceased, and on July 21, 1674, he was appointed master of the children of the chajiel, succeeding Pelham Humj)hrey. A few years later he became one of the organ- ists of the chapel. Li 1685 he was appoint- ed one of the king's private musicians, and honorary composer to the king. In 1687 he succeeded Michael Wise as almoner and master of the choristers of St. Paul's, but resigned in 1693 in favour of his pupil, Jer- emiah Clarke. In 1699 he was the first to fill the office of composer to the Chapel Royal. Blow was not a graduate of any university ; but the degree of Doctor of Music was conferred upon him at Lambeth by Sancroft, Ai'chbishofi of Canterbury. He was buried under the organ in the north aisle of Westminster Abbey. Blow was a voluminous composer, and many of his works are still extant : One hundred an- tliems ; Fourteen church ser\'ices ; Sacred songs, duets, etc. ; Odes for New Year's Day, 1682, 1683, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1693 (?), 1694, 1700 ; Odes for St. Cecilia's Day, 1684, 1691, 1700, besides two which cannot be re- ferred to any particular year ; Songs, catches, Dryden's ode on the death of Purcell, etc. Unfortunatelj', very few of these works are published ; some of the church music is in Boyce's " Cathedral Music," Stevens's " Sa- cred Music," Smith's " Musica Antiqua," Playford's " Harmonia Sacra," and in Clif- ford's collection ; some of the catches are published iu " The Catch Club," " The Pleas- ant Musical Companion " (1724), and other collections. Blow's works published by themselves are : Lessons for the Harpsi- chord (London, 1698, second ed., 1705, with some by Purcell) ; Ode for St. Cecilia's Daj', 1684 ; Amphion Anglicus, containing compositions for one, two, three, and four voices, with accompaniments of instrumen- tal music, and a thorough bass, figured for the organ, harpsichord, or theorbo-lute, with portrait of the composer (London, 1700). — Grove, i. 249. BLUETS, LES, opera-comique in four acts, text by Cormon and Trianon, music by Jules Cohen, first represented at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris, Oct. 23, 1867. Don Juan of Castile, wishing to leave his crown to his natural son, Fabio, a brave soldier, imnuu'es in a convent Estelle, a young girl whom he loves, and gives him iu marriage to Sister Carmen, abbess of the convent. The work was sung by Troy, Lutz, and Miles Nilsson and Tual. An Italian ver- sion, text by de Lauzii-res, was given at the theatre of Nice in 1873. It was j^roduced also at Covent Garden, London, 1880, under the title of Estella, with Adelina Patti in the princijial rule. BLUM (Blume), KARL LUDWIG, born iu Berlin in 1786, died there, July 2, 1844. Dramatic composer and organist ; first in- structed on the violoncello by the royal chamber nuisician, H. Grosse, he went on the stage in 1801 as an actor and singer, 196 BLUMENFELDT first in Berlin, then at Erlaugeu, aud iu 1805 at Ki'iuigsberg, where he studied com- position under Hiller ; after his return to Berlin, in 1810, he brought out an opera, and composed a great deal of instrumental and vocal music. He then spent five years in Vienna, and became the friend aud pupil of Saliin ; appointed chamber musician and composer to the court of Prussia iu 1820, he went about that time to Italy aud to Paris to study the styles of Auber, Cheru- bini, and Boieldieu, returned to Berlin iu 1822, taking charge of the royal opera. After that he travelled in Germany, France, and Italy, visited St Petersburg in 1828, Paris again in 1830, and London. He was the first to introduce the Freuch vaude- ville iuto Germany. Works : Claudine de Villa Bella, opera, given at KOnigsberg, 1810 ; Karl der Zweite, do., ib., 1812 ; Fe- dora, Malvida, ib., 1814 ; Zoraide, oder Die Mauren iu Granada, Berlin, 1817 ; Der Schiffskapitiin, oder Die Uubefaugenen, vaudeville, ib., 1817 ; Fortunata, operetta, Canonicus Ignaz Schuster, vaudeville, ib., 1818 ; Alino, KOnigiu von Golconda, ballet, Vienna, ISIS ; Achilles, do., ib., 1819 ; Das Rosenhiitchen, opera, ib., 1819 ; Die Pageu des Herzogs von Vendome, operetta, ib., 1820 ; Der Biir und der Bassa, vaudeville, Berlin, 1822 ; Die Heirath im zwOlften Jahre, operetta, ib., 1823 ; Riquet der Haarbiischel, opera, ib., 1824 ; Der schOnste Tag des Le- bens, ib., 1826 ; Der Bramin, opera, Der Liebe Macht, operetta, ib., 1827 ; Die Wuu- derlampe, do.. Die Waise aus Russland, melodrama, ib., 1828 ; Die Liebe in der Miidchenschule, operetta, ib., 1S30 ; Bettina, do., ib., 1831 ; Baldrian und Rosa, do., ib., 1833 ; Madonna Ginevra, opera, Mary, Max und Michel, operetta, ib., 1S3G ; Metastasio, do., Weimar, 1836 ; Bergamo, do., ib., 1837 ; Three serenades for flute, clarinet, horn, 2 violins, viola, and bass, op. 49, 50, 51 (Mainz, Schott) ; Rondeau a la turque, for pianoforte and flute, op. 35 ; Many quar- tets, trios, duos, and solos for guitar ; Pi- anoforte music aud songs. He wrote also a complete method for the guitar. — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 737 ; Allgem. mus. Zeitg.; Fe- tis ; Heinrii'h's Ahnanach fiir Freunde der Schauspielkunst (1845), 109 ; Mendel ; Schilling. BLU.MENFELDT, ARON WOLFF, born at Kurnick, Posen, Feb. 29, 1828, still liv- ing, 1888, in Berlin. Instrumental and vocal composer, pupil of Carl Friedrich Rungeuhageu in Berlin, where he settled afterwards to teach. Works : Kiiustlerleben, opera ; Cantata, Berlin, 1851 ; Pianoforte music and songs.— Meudek BLUMENRODER, KARL, born at Nu- remberg about 1789, died (?). Dramatic composer, became director of music at Nu- remberg in 181G ; conducted the music fes- tivals there iu 1834-35. Works : Turandot, given in Munich, ISIO ; Die Jagd, ib., 1810; Die Biirgschaft, Nuremberg, 1824. — Fetis. BLUMENTHAL, JACOB, born in Ham- burg, Oct. 4, 1829, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil of Grund in Ham- bui-g, aud of Bocklet aud Sechter in Vienna, and from 1846 of Herz and Halevy at the Con- servatoire in Paris. In 1848 he went to Lon- don and became a fash- ionable teacher, aud pi- anist to the Queeu. Besides compositions for the violin aud violoncello, and piano- forte, he has written many songs, among which The Message, My Queen, and The Requital, are well known. — Grove ; Futis ; Mendel. BLUMENTHAL, JOSEPH VON, born in Brussels, Nov. 1, 1782, died iu Vienna, May 9, 1850. Dramatic composer, pupil in composition of the Abbe Vogler. He was the director of a church choir in Vienna at the time of his death. Works : Dou Sylvio de Rosalba, romantic opera, 1805 ; 2d act of the fairy piece Der kurze Mantel ; Entr'actes aud choruses for dramas, such as : Colomb, 197 BLUMNER King Lear, Turandot, Kiitliclien von Heil- bioun, Fernautlo Cortez, etc., and for the luelodramas : Camma, and Menasko et El- wina. He wrote a ballet, several sj-mijlionies for orchestra ; Quartets for two violins, viola and bass, op. 38 ; Variations on an air from Cenereutola by Kossini, op. 32 ; Duos for violins ; Quartets for flute, op. 31 ; Masses ; Cantatas and chants. He was the author also of a Methode de violoii. — Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 532 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Scbilliug. BLU:MXEE, MARTESr, born at Fursten- berg, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Nov. 21, 1827, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pu- pil in Berlin of Dehu. He was appointed in 1853 conductor of the Berlin Siugakad- emie, of which he had become a member in 1845. He is a meritorious composer, strict in style, and of considerable dramatic power. Royal musical director and professor, 18G0 ; member of Berlin Academj-, 1875. Works : Columbus, cantata, 1853 ; Abraham, ora- torio, 1860 ; Der Fall Jerusalems, do., 1881, jjerformed with much success in Breslau, 1881:, at the seventh Silesian ^Musical Festi- val ; Te Deum for eight voices ; Psalms ; Motets ; also Lieder, duets, aud other vocal music. — Mendel ; Naumaun (Ouselej'), ii. 1218 ; Eiemann. BLUTE NUE, DU LIEBES HERZ, aria in B minor for the soprano of Coro H., with accompaniment of two flutes, strings com- l^lete and continue, in Johann Sebastian Bach's Passion nach Matthilus, Part I. BLYMA, FEANZ XAVER, born in Bo- hemia {?), died at Kiev, Eussia, in May, 1822. Violinist, director of music at Mos- cow in 1797, afterwards chef d'orehestre to Count Comburley. Works : Grande sym- phonie, op. 1 (Moscow) ; Symj)hony in D, op. 2 (Bonn) ; Solos and pot-pourris for violin, with orchestra ; Airs varies for violin, with do. and bass. — Fetis ; Mendel. BOCCACCIO, operetta in three acts, text by Zell and Genee, music by Suj)})!', repre- sented at the Carltheater, Vienna, Feb. 1, 1879. It was produced at the Comedy Theatre, Loudon, April 22, 1882. BOCCHEEINI, LUIGI, born in Lucca, Italy, Feb. 19, 1743, died in Madrid, Spain, May 28, 1805. He was the son of an excellent contra- bassist at the ca- thedral in Lucca. His first instruc- tion was from his father, the instru- ment of his choice being the violon- cello, but his mu- sical education was soon confided to the Abbate Domenico Vauucci, teacher of music aud singing at the archiepiscopal seminary. The boy's progress was so rapid that Vanucci soon found he had nothing more to teach him, and in 1757 he was sent to Eome to perfect himself ujjon his chosen instrument aud complete his studies iu counterpoint. Even in Eome he was not long in distancing his teachers, but there can be little doubt that the church music he beard there (a cappella works of Palestrina iu the Sixtine Chapel, and the concerti spirituali in other churches) had a lasting influence upon his genius. He returned to Lucca with the most flattering testimonials, but very soon set out for Vi- enna and the several electoral coiu-ts of Germany ; this journey he made both for the purjiose of j^laying in public and of perfecting his violoncello playing. His first imjMrtant chamber compositions fall within this period (six quartets, op. 1, 1761, and six trios, op. 2, 1760). On re- turning to Lucca he wrote an Azione dram- matica, Clementina, and two oratorios, Giu- seppe ricouosciuto, and Gioas, Ee di Giuda, ■which were brought out in 1765 in the Church of S. M. Corteorlandini with great success. He formed a close friendship with Filippo Manfredi, a young violinist of great talent and a jjupil of Tartini, and in 1767 the two young musicians made a successful concert tour together through North Italy. Their jdaying, and notably Boccheriiii's 198 BOCCHERLXI compositions, won such enthusiastic recog- uitiou that the two friends determined upon a more extended tour, and in 1768 they left their native town for good, going first to Turin, thence through the larger cities of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Provence, arriv- ing finally iu Paris. There, as elsewhere, they had unbounded success, both in private salons and at the Concerts Spirituels. The eagerness of the Paris publishers to get Boccheriui's compositions incited the young artist to fresh efforts, and from this time forward he was an untiring producer. Act- ing on the advice of the Spanish ambassa- dor, Boccherini and Manfredi set out for Madrid, then the Eldorado of musicians, in the fall of 1768. Arrived there, JNIanfredi was more successful than his friend, getting almost immediately the position of first vio- lin in the chajsel of the Infante Don Luis, but Boccherini some time later was ap- pointed chamber composer and chamber virtuoso. In 1780 Manfredi died, leaving Boccherini to depend wholly upon his own resources. This was a terrible blow to Boccherini, who was nothing of a man of the woi-ld, and had a thorough distaste for the intrigues inseparable from the life of a virtuoso at court. His career, which had begun so brilliantly, was henceforth to be but a succession of humiliations and priva- tions. His productiveness as a composer was astounding, but he was very ill x^aid for his work. To till Manfredi's place, Bocche- rini had Gaiitano Bruuetti invited to come to Madrid. Brunetti, a pupil of Nardini, was a brilliant violinist and clever composer, who had won a considerable reputation iu Germany and Paris. On his arrival in Ma- drid Boccherini overwhelmed him with kind attentions, which he accepted so long as he needed the master's patronage, and then repaid them with the blackest ingratitude. The wily violinist succeeded in estranging the court interest from Boccherini, and, when the Infante died, in 1785, the latter had to look around him for another patron. An unlucky accident made Charles IV. his im- placable enemy, but his dedication of some music to Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia was acknowledged with a golden snufi-box filled with friedrichs d'ors, and for ten years Friedrich Wilhelm's patronage enabled him to live tolerably at ease. But this enthusi- astic patron died in 1797, and about the same time a pension which Boccherini had received from the Spanish Government was withdrawn. During the previous decade private misfortunes had not been wanting ; he lost a wife and two adult sons, and a second wife died soon after her marriage. His health was very poor, and severe hem- orrhages of the lungs would at times force him to give up violoncello playing. AVhilo Lucien Bonaparte was ambassador to the Spanish court (October, 1800, to February, 1802) his circumstances were made easier by the art-loving Frenchman's munificent patronage. But when the latter was recalled, abject poverty again stared Boccherini in the face. The friendship of the Marquis of Benavente was of some little help to him, but the hundred francs paid by that noble- man for each quartet with guitar obligato that he wrote for his especial use did not go very far, and he had to eke out a liveli- hood by rearranging many of his works for various instruments to satisfy the taste of several of the j\Iarquis's friends. He at length determined to seek better fortunes in France. Some French friends spoke in his behalf to Madame Sophie Ga'il, a brill- iant French pianist and singer then in Madrid, and she interested herself keenly in the poverty-stricken old musician's be- half. She went to see him, and found him living with his whole family in a single mis- erable room, in need of even the bare neces- saries of life ; but, in spite of his poverty, he refused her offer of one hundred louis- d'ors for a Stabat Mater which he had prom- ised to a Paris editor (Sieber) for sixty ducats. But her charity bettered his con- dition somewhat, and he could always for- get his troubles if he had music-paper and pen and ink at hand. He never lived to BOCCIIEllINI visit Paris again. Boccberiui'fg genius was eminently original and inventive ; the whole form of his compositions and his manner of treating his themes are as much liis own as his melodies themselves. His harmony, if not invariably correct, is full of delicious and unexpected effects. In general, his style is noted for its simple naturalness and naivete. In freshness and grace of melodic inspiration, and in purity of sentiment, he has hardly been surjsassed ; his adagios and minuets are stiU marvels of beauty ; his fi- nales alone seem antiquated. The great simplicity and a certain childlike innocence of his style are what has probably stood in the way of his works being duly appreciated in Germany ; but he and his predecessor Sammartini would have occupied very much the position in Italian instrumental music that Haydn and Mozart did in German, had not Italy so neglected instrumental compo-sition since Boccheriui's day. As it is, Cberubini ■was the only Italian to con- tinue Boccheriui's work in the field of cham- ber music. Boccheriui's most famous works are his quintets, most of which are for 2 vio- lins, viola, and 2 violoncelli, an arrangement which has been but rarely imitated since, but which is suflSciently accounted for by the composers intending the first violon- cello part for himself, thus giving him a bet- ter chance for the display of virtuosity than Villancicos (motets for Christmas) for four voices and orchestra ; Ines de Castro, can- tata (the master's last work) ; 13 Arie acad- emiche with orchestral accompaniment. In- strumental works : First Symphony, 4 parts with horn ad lib. (Paris, Grange, 1767) ; Op. 1, Sei sinfonie ossia quartetti (Paris). His instrumental works, which number up- wards of 366, were mostly originally pub- lished by Vernier and La Chevardiere, also by Ignaz Pleyel in Paris, and reprinted in Amsterdam, London, Offenbach, Worms, Mannheim, Vienna, Naples, etc. Much con- fusion exists in the opus numbers, different publishers but rarely agreeing either among themselves or with Bocchei'iui's MS. cata- logue : 20 symphonies (11 of them in MS.) ; 8 Sinfonies concertantes ; 1 suite of min- uets for orchestra (MS.) ; 1 concerto for vio- loncello ; 113 quintets for 2 violins, viola, and 2 violoncelli (of which 20 in MS.) ; 12 quintets for 2 violins, 2 violas, and violon- cello (MS.) ; IG sextets (of which 2 iu MS.) ; 2 octets ; 18 quintets for flute, or oboe, and strings ; 12 quintets for pianoforte and strings ; 91 quartets for 2 violins, viola, and violoncello (of which 2 iu MS.) ; 42 trios for 2 violins and violoncello (of which 2 in MS.) ; 12 trios for violin, viola, and violoncello ; 6 duets for 2 violins ; 6 sonatas for pianoforte and violin ; G sonatas for violin (violoncello ?) and bass. A complete catalogue of all Boc- the usual violoncello part (bass) iu a quintet cherini's works may be found in Schletterer. could legitimately afford. Indeed, the difS- ' A nearly complete edition of the trios and culty and importance of the first vio- . loncello jjart is quite characteristic of the Boccherini quintet. Published woi'ks — Vocal : La Clementina, opera, given at Lucca, 17G5, Madrid, 1786 ; Giuseppe ricouosciuto, oratorio, Lucca, 1786 ; Gioas, Re di Giuda, oratorio, ib., 1786 ; Messa a quattro, con tutti instru- meuti obligati, op. 59, 1800 ; Stabat Mater for three voices with string accom- paniment, op. 61, 1800-1 ; Cantata al S. Natale di N. S. Gesti Christo, a 4 voci ob- ligati, coro e instrumenti, op. 63, 1802 ; Cantici sacri for 4 voices and orchestra ; .*$^^;5^^ and America, and finally went to Sydney, where he died of dropsy. Works — Operas : Trajan, given at Lyons, 1804 ; Les heritiers de Paimpol, Paris, Opera Comique, 1813 ; Alphonse d'Aragon, Les heritiers Michau, ib., 181-4 ; Les noces de Gamache, Le Roi et la Ligue, La lettre de change, ib., 1815 ; La bataille de Denain, Un mari pour fitrenne, ib., 1816. Ballets : Danso- manie (1806) ; Beniowski, or the Exiles of Kamchatka ; Le corsaire ; Le Deluge universel, oratorio, performed in London, 1823 ; Requiem mass ; Apotheosis of Louis XVI.; Motet et Vivat ; Solo and chorus in three parts with instruments ; Overtures and symphonies for orchestra ; Caprices, concertos, duos, fantaisies, nocturnes, so- natas, studies, variations, and arrangements for the harjj alone and with other instru- ments ; Method for the harp, which is still the best of its kind. — Fctis ; Grove ; Men- del ; Schilling. BOCKELER, HEINRICH, born at Co- logne, July 11, 1836, still living, 1888, at Aix-la-Chapelle. Church composer, pupil of the Conservatorium, Cologne, especially of Ferdinand Hiller, in counterpoint. He became vicar in 1862 at Aix-la-Chapelle, BOCKSHORN and Las had a great influence on the culti- vation of church music in that city. In 1876 he was made choir director at the Stiftskirche. Works: Mangou, missa in summis festis ; Processionale, 3 books ; Songs for the different seasons of the church year, for male voices ; Latin songs for male and for mixed chorus ; Collection of two-jjart songs, etc. — Mendel, Ergauz., 38. BOCKSHOEN, SAMUEL (called Capri- cornus), born in Germany in 1629, died at Stuttgart about 1669. H e was director of mu- sic at the Trinity Church, Presburg, Hungary, and in 1657 Kapellmeister to the Duke of Wiirtemberg at Stuttgart. Works : Kajjtus Proser2:)iufe, dramatic cantata, 1602 ; and many sonatas, capriccios, motets, chants, etc., published in Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Vienna, Wiirzburg, and other cities. The Royal Library at Berlin has the following MSS. : Miserere for five voices and instru- ments ; ]\Iiserere for eight voices, four vio- lins, and basso continuo ; Ecce quam bonum, motet for five voices and instruments ; O bone lesu, five voices and five viols. — All- gem, d. Biogr., ii. 792 ; Fetis. BOCQUILLON-WILHEM. See Wilhem. BODE, JOHANN JOACHIM CHIIIS- TOPH, born at Barum, Brunswick, Jan. 16, 1730, died at Weimar, Dec. 13, 1793. In- strumental composer, first instructed by the city musician Kroll at Brunswick (17-15), then jjupil on the bassoon of the chamber musician Stolz at Helmstedt. Having ob- tained a position in 1775 as oboe player at Celle, he went thence to Hamburg, where, besides teaching music, he edited the Ham- burger Correspondent in 1762-63, and made a sj)ecia]ty of translating from the English. He conducted the regular winter concerts, and later became Lessing's jiartner as a jn'inter and publisher. In 1778 he went to . Weimar, and devoted himself to composi- tion and literary work. He composed sym- phonies, concertos for violin, for violon- , cello, for bassoon, trios, soli for viola d' amore, etc. — Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 795 ; Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel ; Schilling. BODENSCHATZ, EKHAED, born at Lichtenberg, Saxony, about 1570, died at Gross-Osterhausen, near Querfurt, in 1638. Church composer, studied theology at Leip- sic, became cantor at Schulpforta in 1600, jsastor at Rehhausen in 1603, and at Gross- Osterhausen in 1608. His name is best re- membered by the following valuable collec- tions, edited by him : Florilegium Portense, containing 115 motets (Leipsic, 1603); do., 2d part, containing 150 motets (ib., 1621) ; Florilegium selectissimorum, etc. (ib., 1606). His own works are : Magnificat sampt Be- nedicamus (ib., 1599) ; Psalterium Davidis (ib., 1605) ; Harmonia angelica (ib., 1608) ; Bicinia XC selectissima, etc. (ib., 1615). — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 6 ; Fctis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel. BOELY, ALEXANDRE PIERRE FRAN- gOIS, born at Versailles, April 19, 1785, died in Paris, Dec. 27, 1858. Pianist and organist, first instructed by his jDarents, then pupil at the Conservatoire of Laduruer on the violin, and self taught in harmony. In 1830 he devoted himself to the study of the organ, and was for several years organ- ist at Saint-Germain I'Auxerrois. Works : 2 sonatas for pianoforte, op. 1 ; 30 caprices, op. 2 ; Air varie for pianoforte and violin, op. 3 ; Duo for jiianoforte for i hands, op. 4 ; 3 trios for strings, op. 5 ; 30 etudes, op. 6 ; 2 caprices for -1 and 1 for 3 hands, op. 7 ; Ca- price for ijianoforte solo, op. 8 ; 4 offertories for organ, op. 9 ; Mass for Christmas, op. 10 ; 14 pieces for organ, op. 11 ; 24 do., op. 12, etc.— Fetis. BOERS, JOSEPH KAREL, born at Nymwegen in 1812, still living, 1888. Vio- linist, pupil of his father, and, at the Royal School of Music at The Hague, of Lubeck. In 1831 he was made chef d'orchestre at 2U2 BOESSET the National Opera, and in 1837 went to Paris, wliere lie spent two years, then was chef d'orchestre at the theatre at Metz until 1841, when he returned to his native city ; there he conducted a choral society, and in 1853 went as musical director to Delft. In 1848 he conducted the great music festival at Arnheim, and in 1861 one at Nymwegen. He has composed a symphony, overtures, choral works, cantatas, and several collec- tions of songs. — Fetis ; Supplement, i. 102 ; Mendel, Ergilnz.; Viotta. BOESSET, ANTOINE, Sieur de Ville- dieu, born in France about 158.5, died in 1643. He was surintendant de la musique des chambres du roi et de la reine, 1615- 1617, under Louis XIII., and counsellor to that king in 1632. He was quite celebrated in France for his airs for foiu' parts, which appeared in several collections, as follows : " Airs de cour a quatre et a cinq parties en neuf livres" (1617, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1626, 1629, 1630, 1632). The tenth is entitled : "Airs de cour en tablature de luth," and was published after his death. Tlie first was translated into English as " Court Ayres with their ditties Englished " (London, 1629). The National Library, Paris, has a collection in MS. He wrote a great deal of ballet music, among which are : Ballet des dix Verds (1614) ; Ballet danced by Louis XIII. (Jan. 29, 1617); Apollon '(1621); Fetes de Junon (1623) ; Les Fetes des fo- rets de Saint-Germain (1625) ; Des Tri- omphes (1635) ; etc. His son, Jean Bap- tiste Boiisset, was also musician to Louis XIII.— Fetis. BOHEMIAN GIRL, THE, grand opera in three acts, text by Alfred Bunn, music by Balfe, first represented at Drury Lane, London, Nov. 27, 1843. The libretto is an adaptation of La Gipsy, a ballet written for Fanny Ellsler by Saint-Georges and Mazil- lier, music by Benoist, Thomas, and Mar- liani, given at the Opera, Paris, Jan. 28, 1839, which in turn was taken from "Tlie Gj-psy of Madrid," one of the "Novelaa Ejemplares " of Cervantes, which furnished also the text of Weber's Preciosa. The scene, laid in Scotland in the ballet, is trans- ferred to Hungary in the opera. The work, which became at once popular in England, has been translated and successfullj- pro- duced in nearly aU the languages of Europe, and it will jDrobably keep the stage as long as any of the ballad operas. It was repro- duced in Italian as La Zingara, at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, Feb. 6, 1858. It was played as La Gitana in Hamburg ; in Vienna and Berlin as Die Zigeunerin ; and in Paris, in four acts and a prologue, French text by Saint-Georges, with several additional numbers by the composer, as La Bohemienne, at the Theatre Lyrique, Dee. 30, 1869. Original Cast, London, 1843. Arline JNIiss Roraer. Thaddeus Mr. Harrison. Gypsy Queen Miss Belts. Devilshoof Mr. Stretton. Count Arnheim jNIr. Borrani. Florestein INIr. Durnset. Arline, davighter of Count Arnheim, Gov- ernor of Presburg, is rescued from the at- tack of a stag by Thaddeus, a Polish refu- gee, who has joined a troop of gypsies to escaj^e the Austrian soldiers. The exile, in- vited to the hunting banquet by the grate- ful father, refuses to drink the health of the Emperor, and is saved from the soldiers by Devilshoof, the gypsy chief, who is arrested for his interference and taken to the castle. Thaddeus is allowed to dejjart, and Devils- hoof escapes, carrying Arline with him. The second act, twelve years later, shows Arline asleep in the Queen's tent in the gypsj' camp, with Thaddeus watching over her. On her awaking, Thaddeus tells her of her rescue from the stag, which explains a scar upon her arm, and declares his love, which is re- turned, and the two are united, according to the gypsy custom, by the Queen, who, also in love with Thaddeus, at the same time vows vengeance. During a visit to a fair in BOHLEN the city, Aiiiue is arrested for the theft of a medallion, stolen some time previously from Florestein, nephew of Count Aruheim, and maliciously given her by the Queen. She is taken for trial before Count Aruheim, who questions her about the scar on her arm, and through it discovers his long-lost daughter. In the third act, which opens in the salon of Count Aruheim, Arline ajjpears in her former position, but still retains her love for Thaddeus, who, accompanied by Devilshoof, has gained access to the castle. The Gyjjsy Queen, intent on revenge, j'oints out the place of concealment of her companions, and Thaddeus is ordered to leave. Arline de- clares her love and her intention to accom- pany him, Thaddeus jjroves his noble de- scent, and the Count finally gives him the hand of his daughter. The Queen, enraged, orders one of the tribe to shoot Thaddeus, but Devilshoof throws ujj the weapon and the bullet pierces the Queen's breast. Among the noteworthy numbers in the Bohemian Girl are, in the first act : " 'Tis sad to leave your Fatherland," sung by Thaddeus, and the closing prayer, "Thou who, in might supreme." In the second: " Silence, silence, the Lady Moon," a chorus by the gypsies ; " I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls," and " Come with the gypsy bride," sung by Ar- line ; "From the valleys and hills," quartet by Arline, tlie Queen, Devilshoof, and Thad- deus ; and "The heart bowed down," by Count Arnheim. In the third : " When other lips and other hearts," and " When the fair land of Poland," both sung by Tliaddeus. — W. A. Barrett, Balfe (London, 1882), 15-4 ; Kenney, Memoir, 182. BOHLEN, ADRIAN, born at Aurich, East Friesland, Oct. 19, 1G79, died at Jever, March 17, 1727. Church composer of dis- tinction, contemporary of Bach, jjupil of his father on the organ and harpsichord, and at Norden of the organist Druckmiiller. He studied theology at Wittenberg, and became cantor in his native city, and in 1700 went to Hamburg, whence he was called to Stade as director of music. In 1705 he became cantor at Jever. His numerous and greatly esteemed compositions were left in manu- script. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOHM, HEINRICH, born at Blatna, Bohemia, in 1836, still living, 1888. Dra- matic comjjoser ; son of the choir leader at Blatna, who had also written an opera called Krakonos. Heiurich is the author of thirty-five or more operas and operettas, which are popular on the Bohemian stage. — Grove ; Mendel. BOHM, JOHANN, born at Blatna, Bo- hemia, in 1810, died there in 1869. Organ- ist, wrote masses, choruses, and songs, also a Czech fairy-opera, Krakonos, which is, however, unfinished. Another composer of the same name was an eminent violinist and orchestra conductor during the last decades of the eighteenth and at the beginning of this ceutui-y. The following operas by him were given in Germany : Das Muster der Liebe, Die Braut im Schleier, Philander, about 1800 ; Philemon und Baucis, about 1805. BOHM, JOSEPH, born at Pesth, March 4, 1795, died in Vienna, March 23, 1876. Violinist of repute and pupil of his father and of Kode. He jjlayed with success at Vi- enna in 1815, travelled several years in Italy, phu'ed at La Scala, Milan, and returned in 1819 to Vienna, where he was appointed vio- linist to the Royal Chapel and professor of the violin at the Conservatorium, retiring iu 1848. He travelled through Germany and France for two years, giving concerts in the principal cities. For fifty years he resided at Vienna and earned renown as a teacher, having for j)upils Ernst, Joachim, Ludwig Straus, Singer, Helmesberger, and many other well-known violinists. He published 20 compositions for the violin, among which are : Polonaise pour le violon, op. 1. ; Varia- tions brillantes, op. 2 ; Polonaise for violin, two second violins, alto and bass, op. 8 ; Quartets for two violins, alto and bass. — Fctis ; Hanslick, Concertweseu in Wien, 205, 231 ; Mendel ; Hart, Violin and Vio- linists. 435 ; Wasielewski, Die Violine und ihre Meister, 346. 204 BOHM BOHM, THEOB.ILD, born in Municli, April 4, 1794 ilied there, Nov. 25, ISSl. Flute player of distinction and inventor of the well-known system of flute-fingering which is named after him, and which he perfected in 1831. He was Kammermu- sicus at Munich, and composed many brill- iant works for his instrument, consisting of polonaises, fantaisies, variations, etudes, etc. He was author also of a work en- titled, Uber den Flotenbau und die neusten Verbesserungen desselben (Mainz, 1847). — Grove ; Fctis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOHME, (FRANZ) MAGNUS, born at Willerstedt, near Weimar, March 11, 1827, still living, 1888, at Dresden. Vocal com- poser, pupil of G. Tiipfer, then at Leipsic of Moritz Hauptmann and Julius Rietz ; lived for twenty years in Dresden teaching music, and received the title of royal professor. In 1878-85 he was jsrofessor of musical history and counterpoint at Hoch's Conservatorium in Frankfort, and since 1886 has lived again iu Dresden. He has composed several books of sacred choruses, and popular songs for male chorus. — Mendel, Ergiinz., 40. BOHNER, JOHANN LUDWIG, born at Tottelstiidt, Gotha, Jan. 8, 1787, died at Gotha, March 28, 1860. Pianist and or- ganist, pupil at Erfurt of G. H. Kluge on the organ, and of Michael Gotthardt Fischer iu composition, then of Spohr at Gotha, whence iu 1808 he went to Jena. In 1810 he set out on a concert tour through North Germany to Sweden, then to Switzerland, winning applause everywhere, and living for five years at Nuremberg, where his best compositions originated. In 1820 he re- turned to his native town and afterwards led an unsteady life, becoming a confirmed drunkard, and finally playing in taverns for a supper. Works : Quartet for piauoforte, violin, viola, and bass, op. 4 (Leipsic, Breit- kopf & Hiirtel) ; Concertos for pianoforte with orchestra, op. 7, 8, 11 (ib.) ; Serenade for two violins, viola, flute, 2 horns, bas- soon, violoncello, and double-bass, op. 9 (ib.) ; Concertos en fantaisie, op. 13, 14 (Leipsic, Hofmeister) ; Sonatas for piano- forte, op. 15 (ib.) ; Fantasia with variations for clarinet and orchestra, op. 21 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; Variations for horn with quartet, op. 24 (Mainz, Schott) ; Sonata for pianoforte and violin, op. 37 (Copen- hagen, Lose) ; Variations for piauoforte, op. 3, 6, 12, 20, 51, 53, 55 (Leipsic, Coburg, Of- fenbach, Bonn, Nuremberg) ; Fantasias, caprices, bagatelles, etc., for do., op. 19, 22, 31, 91, 92 (Leijisic, Hamburg, Frankfort, and Augsburg) ; Quartets for 2 violins, viola, and bass ; Fantasia for two pianofortes, op. 60 ; Variations for pianoforte with orchestra, op. 120 (last work) ; Der Dreiherrensteiu, op- era ; Overtures for grand orchestra ; Twelve quartets for string instruments ; Motets ; Several collections of songs. — AUgem. d. Biogr., iii. 82 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOHRER, ANTON, born iu Munich in 1783, died at Hanover iu 1852. Violinist, son of and first iustructed by Caspar Bohrer, a celebrated double-bass player and trumjs- eter (1744-1809) ; pupil of Danzi iu com- position, and in Paris of Winter and Kreut- zer on the violin. He was made violin player iu the court orchestra at Munich, and travelled iu Bohemia and Austria with his father. Subsequently he undertook a musical tour with his brother Maximilian through Switzerland, France, etc. ; on their return to Munich they studied togethei', to prepare for a protracted concert tour through Germany, Holland, Austria, Poland, and Russia, on which they started in 1810. Having narrowly escaped deportation to Siberia, and silent a year at St. Petersburg, they went through Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, to England, returned to Munich in 1814, gave concerts in Paris, with brill- iant success, iu 1815 and again after a sec- ond visit to Englaud, then went to Berlin, where Anton was appointed Conzertmeister in the royal orchestra. They went to Italy in 1820, returniug to Berlin in 1824, when they quarrelled with Spontini and threw up their positions to return to Munich. There they married two distinguished pianists 80.5 BOHREE ■who were sisters, and in this new artistic association won new triumphs in Italy and in 1827 in Paris, which they left at the outbreak of the Eevolution of 1830, when for the first time the brothers separated, and Anton, after travelling about, went in 1834: to Hanover as Conzertmeister. His works consist of concerted symphonies for violin and violoncello (Paris, Pleyel) ; Four concertos for violin and orchestra, op. 9, 12, 17, 27 (Paris and Offenbach) ; Quartets for 2 violins, viola, and bass, op. 23 ; Trios for 2 violins and violoncello, op. 13 ; do. for vio- lin, viola, and violoncello, op. 14 and 15 ; Caprices or etudes for violin ; Duos for vio- lin and violoncello, and a number of airs varies for violin with orchestra. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Meyer, Con. Lex. BOHRER, MAXIMILIAN, born in Mu- nich in 1785, died (?). Celebrated violon- cellist, brother of Anton Bohrer, and pupil of Schwartz at Munich. In 1799 he became a member of the court orchestra, and later travelled with his brother. Having heard Romberg in Vienna, he adopted him as hia model. After leaving Paris in 1830, he travelled in Germany and was made first violoncellist and Conzertmeister at the court of Stuttgart ; went to Russia for the second time in 1838, and in 1840 journeyed through Italy. From 1842 to 1843 he was in Amer- ica, and on his return visited Holland, Bel- gium, and England. Works : 3 concertos for violoncello, ijublished in Paris and Ber- lin ; Airs varies ; Fantaisie with orchestra on Russian national airs, op. 21 ; Eondoletto with quartet, op. 22 ; Duos for violin and violoncello. — Fetis; ]\Iendel ; Schilling. BOIELDIEU, FRANCOIS ADRIEN, born in Rouen, France, Dec. 16, 1775, died at Jarcy, near Grosbois, Oct. 8, 1834. His father was secretary to Archbishop La- rochefoucauld, and his mother kept a milli- nery shop. The young Boieldieu took his first musical instruction from Broche. or- ganist at the cathedral and a pupil of Pulrc Martini. It has been suspected that Boiel- dieu's home life was not a ha23j)y one, but, at any rate, he began to live in Broche's house when quite young, although his mas- ter treated him with great bru- tality. Fright- ened one day at having made an ink-spot on one of Broche's books, the boy ran away to Paris, where he was found by his family after some trouble, and brought back to Rouen, Broche promising to treat him more kindly in future. What Boieldieu learned of Broche can hardly have been more than rudimentary, but there are no authentic ac- counts of his having studied under anj' other master. His native talent was of the finest, and he had a very quick power of observation, but his distaste for serious study of harmony and counterjDoint was un- conquerable. Hia great ambition was to write for the stage ; accordingly he wrote an opera, La fille coupable, which was brought out at Rouen in 1793 with much success. His success made him ambitious to try his fortunes in the capital, but it is uncertain whether he left Rouen immedi- ately, or in 1795 after the performance of a second opera, Rosalie et Myrza ; when he did leave his native town, he made the jour- ney to Paris on foot (having hardly any money) in two days. He brought an intro- duction from the singer Garat to Jadin, at whose house, and at Erard's, he met the principal musical notabilities then in Paris. He had a pretty talent on the pianoforte, and soon made quite a reputation for him- self, in musical circles, by his songs, such as "Le menestrel," "S'il est vrai que d'etre deux," and " O toi que j'aime," but the doors of the lyric theatres were shut against him for some time. Although intimate with, and befriended by both Cherubini and Mv- hul, he characteristically neglected to avail 206 BOIELDIEU liiiuself of the opportunity to take lessons iu composilioii from either of them. He made bis debut as au oj)era composer in Paris with La FainiUe Suisse, which was brought out at the Feydeau iu 1797, and ran for thirty nights, alternating with Che- rubini's Medee. Other operas followed quickly, until Le Calife de Bagdad, 1800, set the seal to his ever-growing reputation. This charming opera may be called the last and best of the first period of Boieldieu's artistic career. During this period he also wrote some chamber music, to the success of which he owed his appointment as pro- fessor of the pianoforte at the Conservatoire. It is said that, after Le Calife de Bagdad, Boieldieu studied counterijoint seriously un- der Cherubini, but FcJtis (a pupil of Boiel- dieu) denies the story. Indeed, the fact that Boieldieu did not produce another opera for three years, and the internal evidence of the vast improvement in his style when he took the stage again with Ma tante Aurore, in 1803, would not, of themselves, be suffi- cient to prove the truth of the report ; yet, on the other hand, it is hard to conceive how the position of professor of composition at the Conservatoire should have been of- fered to, and acceptecl by him (about 1818) unless he had really gone through some such course of training. A few months after the success of Ma tante Aurore, Boieldieu went to St. Petersburg. In 1802 he had married Clotilde Matleuroy, tiio famous dancer, an ill-advised union, which turned out unhappily, and it is j^i'obable that do- mestic trials may have had something to do with his going to Russia. He accepted au engagement offered by the Czar Alexander, by which he was bound to furnish three operas a year (the Czar to find the libretti), be.sides writing music for the military bands. But the libretti were not forthcoming, and Boieldieu was forced to take opera texts which had already been set by other com- posers, or else French comedies not well adapted to music. Little that lie did dur- ing his eight years' stay in Russia has any importance. In 1811 Boieldieu returned to Paris, where he found matters much changed ; both Mehul and Cherubini had withdrawn from public life, Dalayrac was dead, and Catel worked but little ; the only rival left him was Nioolo Isouard. Boiel- dieu's first work after his return was Jean de Paris (1812), which had a stupendous success. What may be called Boieldieu's third and finest period began properly with Le Petit chaperon rouge (1818), a work which took him two years to write. The labor this opera cost him seriously affected his health, and he withdrew to the country. With the exception of some imimportant works, written in conjunction with other composers, Boieldieu produced nothing for seven years after the Chaperon, but in 1825 he returned to Paris, and brought out La Dame blanche, which has generally been considered his masterpiece. The success of this opera was overwhelming. Four years later he brought out Les deux nuits, but the work failed with the public, although the score had brought a very high jsrice be- fore the ojjera was even put into rehearsal. The work of writing this opera, and the chagrin consequent upon its failure, com- pletely broke down Boieldieu's already deli- cate health ; laryngeal phthisis declared it- self in a violent form, and the remainder of his life was mostly spent iu travelling in hope of recovery. He was troubled also with apprehensions about his future means of livelihood, as the change of government in 1830 deprived him of an important pension. This was, however, re-given to him shortly before his death, together with an additional pension of three thousand francs granted by the Minister of the Interior. He died, on a trip for his health to the South of France, at his own country-seat at Jarcy. His funeral was celebrated at the Invalides in Paris. Boieldieu was elected a member of the In- stitut in 1817 iu place of Mehul, deceased. He was the greatest writer of opera-co- mique of his day ; indeed, Auber was prob- ably the only composer who ever surjjassed S07 BOILLY him in this field. His melodic itiventiou was unbounded, and bis stj-le, especially in his second and third periods, of the highest degree of finish and perfection. He had an especiallj^ keen perception of theatrical ef- fect, and always knew how to adapt his mu- sic to the requirements of the stage ; his orchestration abounded in charming effects zer, and Isouard), Opera Comique, June 18, jeune femme colere, ib., Oct. 12, 1812 ; Les voitures versees, ib., Aj)ril 29, 1820. The following works were written by Boiel- dieu in collaboration with others : Emma, ou la prisonniere (with Cherubini), Paris, Theatre Moutausier, Sept. 12, 1799 ; Le baiser et la quittance (with Muhul, Kreut- 1803 ; Bayard a Mt'zieres (with Cherubini, Catel, and Isouard), ib., Feb. 12, 1814 ; Les Bearnais, ou Henri IV. en voyage (with R. Kreutzer), ib., May 21, 1814 ; Angela, ou I'Atelier de Jean Cousin (with Mme Gail), ib., June 13, 1814 ; Charles de France, ou Amour et Gloire (with Herold), ib., June 18, 181G ; Blanche de Provence, ou la Cour des Fees (with Berton, Cherubini, Ki-eutzer, and Paer), Opera, INIay 3, 1821 ; Les trois genres (with Auber), Odeon, April 27, 1824 ; Pharamoud (with Berton and Kreut- zer), Opera, June 10, 1825 ; La Marquise de Brinvilliers (with Auber, Batton, Berton, of color. He was little of a harmonist, but his style was in general so very simple, he was tempted to modulate from the principal key so rarely, and trusted so little to har- monic effects that his writing is very jiure and free from faults. He wrote easily, but spent much time and conscientious labor in retouching. His only works of importance are his operas : La fille coupable, given at Eouen, Nov. 2, 1793 ; Rosalie et Myrza, ib., Oct. 28, 1795 ; La FaniUle Suisse, Paris, Theatre Feydeau, Feb. 12, 1797 ; L'heu- reuse nouvelle, ib., Nov. 8, 1797 ; Le Pari, ou Mombreuil et ]\Ierville, Theatre Favart, Dec. 15, 1797 ; Zora'ime et Zulnare, ib.. May 11, 1798 ; La Dot de Suzette, ib, Sept. 6, 1798 ; Les Meprises es- pagnoles, Theatre Feydeau, April 19, 1799 ; Benioivski, Theatre Favart, June 8, 1800; Le Calife de Bagdad, ib., Sept. 16, 1800 ; Ma tante Aurore, Opera Comique, Jan. 13, 1803 ; Aline, Reine de Golconde, St. Petersburg, March 5, 1804 ; Blangini, Carafa, Cherubini, Herold, and La jeinie femme colere, ib., April 18, 1805 ; PaOr), Opera Comique, Oct. 31, 1831. — J. Amour et mystere, ib., 1806 ; Abderkhan, A. Refuveille, Boieldieu, sa vie et ses ceu- ib., 1806 ; Tel6maque, ib., Dec. 16, 1806 ; vres (Rouen, 1851) ; G. Hequet, Boieldieu, Un tour de soubrette, ib., 1807 ; Les voitures 1 sa vie et ses CBUvres (Paris, 1864) ; A. Pou- versi'es, ib., 1808 ; La dame invisible, ib., gin, Boieldieu, sa vie, ses ceuvres, son ca- 1808 ; Rien de trop, ib., Dec. 25, 1810 ; Jean ractere, sa correspondance (Paris, 1875) ; de Paris, Paris, Opera Comique, April 4, Garnier, Institut Royal de France, Fune- 1812 ; Le nouvean seigneur de village, ib., railles de M. Boieldieu, Discours (Paris, June 29, 1813; La y" te du village voisin, 1834) ; J. A. Wash, Proces-verbal de la cere- ib., March 5, 1816 ; Le pe/i7 chaperon monie funebre en I'honneur de Boieldieia rouge, ib., June 30, 1818 ; La France et (Rouen, 1835). I'Espague, Hotel de Ville, Dec. 15, 1823 ; j BOILLY, EDOUARD, born in Paris, La (lame blanche, Opt'ra Comique, Dee. 10, Nov. 16, 1799, died (?). Dramatic com- 1825 ; Les deux nuits, ib.. May 20, 1829. ' poser, son of the genre painter Louis Of the operas brought out at St. Petersburg Boilly ; pupil, at the Conservatoire, of Fe- the following were repeated at Paris : Rieu tis and of Boieldieu, and won the grand de troj). Opera Comique, April 9, 1811 ; La I prix for composition, 1823. Having at first BOISE studied drawing and engraving, lie after- wards returned to the latter art. Works : Le bal du sous-prOfet, opera, given at the Opera Comique, 1844 ; several others, not represented. Thisbe, cantata, 1823. — Fe- tis ; do., Suppk'ment, i. 104 ; Mendel. BOISE, OTIS B , born, of Amer- ican parentage, in Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1845, still living, 1888. When about four- teen years old he became organist of St. Paul's Church, Cleveland. In 1861 he went to Europe, and studied theory and compo- sition in Leipsic under Hauptmann, Richter, Moscheles, Wenzel, and others ; and three years later he visited Berlin, where he studied under KuUak. In 1864 he returned to America and became organist of the Euclid Avenue Presbyterian Church, Cleve- land ; in 1870 he removed to New York, where he taught music, and was for a time organist of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. In 1876 he again went to Europe, and visited Leipsic, where some of his mu- sic was performed. The following year he spent at Wiesbaden, where he made the ac- quaintance of Raff ; in 1878 he returned to New York. On Jan. 30, 1879, he gave a concert in New York, the programme con- sisting entirely of his own works. His com- positions consist of a Psalm for chorus and orchestra, symphonies, concertos, overtures, and smaller instrumental pieces. BOISMORTIER, JOSEPH BODIN DE, born at Perpignan in 1691, died in Paris in 1765. Dramatic composer of little merit ; went early in life to Paris, where he re- ceived his musical education. Works : Les Voyages de I'Amour, ballet, given in Paris, Academic Royale de Mnsique, 1736 ; Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse, opera-ballet, ib., 1743 ; Daphnis et Chloe, pastoral, ib., 1747 ; Daphne, ballet (1748) ; Two col- lections of motets ; 6 do. of French cantatas ; Airs and vaudevilles, op. 16 ; Sonatas for viola, op. 10 ; Trios for two violins and bass, op. 18 ; Sonatas for violoncello, op. 20, 50 ; do. for two bassoons, op. 14, 40 ; do. for dute, op. 3, 9, 19, 35, 44 ; Duos for two ilutes, op. 1, 2, G, 8, 13, 25 ; Trios for tiute, violin, and bass, op. 4, 7, 12, 37, 39, 41 ; Concertos for Hute, op. 15, 21, 31 ; Suites for two musettes, op. 11, 17, 27.— Fc'tis ; Mendel. BOissELOT. do:mixique FR.\NgOIS XAVIER, born at MontpelUer, Dec. 3, 1811, still living, 1888, at Marseilles. Dramatic composer, pupil of Fetis and of Lesueur at the Conservatoire, Paris, where he won the second prize for composition in 1834, and the first in 1836. After the death, in 1850, of his father (founder of a great pianoforte factory at INIarseilles), he abandoned his mu- sical career to take charge of the establish- njent. — W^orks : Ne touchez pas a la Reine, opera, given at the Opera Comique, 1847 ; Mosquita la Sorciere, do.. Opera, 1851 ; Vel- leda, cantata, 183G ; Overture for grand or- chestra, 1838 ; Melodies and romances, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 105 ; ; Mendel. BOITO, ARRIGO, born at Padua, Italy, Feb. 24, 1842, still living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, pu- pil of Mazzucato at the Couservatorio, Milan, which he fre- quented in 1853-62. He first became known as a musical critic and a poet, visited Paris in 1862 and 1869, Germany, and Poland, and conceived such a liking for German music and the musico-dramatic re- forms of Wagner that he is sometimes called the Italian Wagner. He is the author of the libretti of Ponchielli's Gioconda, and other operas, of his own operas, and of Verdi's it a\^ Otello, and of other poetical works. Works : n quarto di Giugno, cantata (1860) ; Le S09 r.OKEMEYER Sorelle d' Italia, do. (with Faccio, 1862) ; Mefislofele, opera, given at Milan, Teatro della Scala, 1868 ; Ere e Leandre (MS.) ; Nerone (MS.) ; Ode (1880).— Meyer, Con v. Lex., xviii.; Eiemann. B0KE:MEYEK, HEINRICH, Ijom at Im- mensee, nearCelle, March, 1679, diedatWol- fenbiittel, Dec. 7, 1751. Church comiioser, j)upil of Georg Oesterreich at Brunswick ; became cantor at Husiim in 1712, and in 1720 at Wolfenbiittel, having returned to Brunswick in 1717. His compositions have become extremely rare, and he is now better known by his writings on mu.sic. — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 93; Fetis ; Mendel, Schilling. BOLCK, OSIvAR, born at Hohenstein, East Prussia, March i, 1839, died at Bremen, May 2, 1888. Dramatic composer, jjupil of Paetzold at Konigsberg, then of Moscheles, Hauptmann, Kichter, and Rietz at the Con- servatorium, Leipsic. He held positions as music teacher at various institutions : 1861 at Wiborg, Finland, 1866 in Liverpool, 1867 in London, 1875 at Riga, returning between times to Leijisic in 1862, 1867, 1872, and 1878 ; was Kapellmeister at the theatre in Wurzburg, 1868, and at Aix-la-Chapelle, 1869, for several years chorus-master at the Stadttheater in Leipsic, and since 1886 has lived in the same capacity at Hamburg. Works: Lustspiel-Ouverture (1861) ; Pierre Robin, opera (186-1), given at Riga, 1875 ; Gudrun, do. (1865) ; Der Schmied von Gretna Green, do., Leipsic, 1882 ; Two An- thems (London, Novello & Co.) ; Six songs, op. 5 ; Miidchens Gestiindnisse, for voice and pianoforte, op. 7 ; Sechs Charakterbilder, for i^iauoforte, op. 46 ; Herbstklilnge, five songs for baritone or contralto, op. 51. — Mendel, Ergilnz., 41 ; Riemann. BOIMTEMPO, JOAO D0:MING0S, born at Lisbon, Portugal, in 1775 (or 1781), died there, Aug. 13, 1842. Piani.st, went in 1806 to Paris to complete his musical education, and lived there, with the exception of a short sojourn in London, until 1820, when he returned to Lisbon, and became director of the Conservatorio in 1833 ; he was also conductor of the court orchestra and mu- sical instructor in the royal family. Knight of the order of Christ. Works : Two con- certos for pianoforte with orchestra ; So- natas for pianoforte, op. 1, 5 (Paris, 1803) ; Fantasias and variations for do.; Requiem mass in memory of Camoens, op. 23 (Paris, Ledue, 1819) ; Two other requiem masses ; Solemn mass for the iDroniulgation of the constitution, Lisbon, 1821 ; Matins and re- sponses for the dead ; Method for the pi- anoforte (London, 1816) ; Alessandro nell' Indie, opera. — Fetis ; Vasconcellos. BONA, PASQUALE, born at Cerignola, Naples, Nov. 3, 1816, died in Milan, Jan., 1879. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Con- servatorio del Buon' Pastore, Palermo ; be- came professor of harmony at the Conserva- torio, Milan, in 1851. Works : I Luna e i Pe- rollo, given at Milan, Scala, 1844 ; Don Carlo, ib., 1847 ; R Gladiatore, Turin, Teatro Eegio; Vittoria, la madre degli eserciti, Genoa, Te- atro Carlo Felice, 1863 ; Funeral cantata in memory of Cavour ; La Settimana musi- cale, 7 duos for pianoforte and clarinet ; La Collana Verdiana, fantasias for violin and violoncello ; 50 duets without words ; 7 methods for different voices ; 4 collections of vocalises ; 100 daily exercises ; 100 sol- feggi. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 107. BONA, VALERIO, born at Brescia, Lom- bard}-, flourished in the second half of the 16th century ; was living in 1619. A Fran- ciscan monk of the Order of Cordeliers, he was maestro di cappella of the cathedral at Vercelli and at Moudovi, and maestro of the chvirch of San Francisco, Milan. Works : Motetti a 8 voci (Milan, 1591) ; Lamenta- zioni (Venice, 1591) ; Madrigali a cinque (Milan, 1600) ; Masses and motets, from 1591 to 1611. In the National Library, Paris, is an Introitus Missarum, octo vo- cum, etc. (Antwerp, 1639). He was also a didactic writer. — Ft'tis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Schilling. BONAMICI, FERDI NANDO, Italian composer, contemporary. He is the author 210 BONAWITZ of Liila Wilson, opera seria, text by Goli- sciaui, represented at the Teatro Nuovo, Pisa, Jan. 31, 1878 ; Cleopatra, opera seria, represented at La Feuioe, Venice, Feb. 8, IST'J. BONAWITZ, JOHANN HEINRICH, born at Diirkheim-ou-tbellbiue, Dee. 4, 1839, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser and pianist, pupil of tbe Liege Con- servatoire, lie went in 1852 witb bis pa- rents to America, wbence be returned to Europe in 1861 to complete bis musical education. In 1861-66 be lived at Wies- baden, tbeu in Paris and London, went to New York in 1871, and tbere conducted tbe popular symphony concerts in 1872-73. After a successful concert tour tbrongb tbe United States, be lived in Pbiladelpbia in 1874-76, tbeu for several years in Vienna, wbence be undertook various concert tours ; of late, again in London (1887). Works : Diogenes, comic opera (1870) ; The Bride of Messina, opera, given in Pbiladelpbia, 1874 ; Ostrolenka, do., ib., 1875 ; Irma, do., London, 1885 ; Requiem mass, ib., 1881 ; Fantaisie de concert, op. 22 ; Sur la mer, grande fantaisie, op. 28 ; Concerto for pi- anoforte witb orchestra, op. 36 ; do. for two pianofortes ; Sonata for pianoforte and violin. Of). 40 ; Quartet for pianoforte and string instruments. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 107 ; Mendel ; do., Ergiinz., 42 ; Riemann. BONDINERI, mCHELE, born in Flor- ence about 1750, died about 1798. Dra- matic composer and singer (under the name of Neri) ; as a writer of operas a local celeb- rity of Florence, where tbe following works were given : La serva in contesa, 1784 ; II matrimonio in Cantina, 1785 ; La locau- diera, 1786 ; Le spose provenzale. La finta uobile, 1787 ; L'autunno, II maestro jjer- seguitato, ogni disuguaglianza amore ugu- aglia, 1788 ; II veccbio spezziale deluso in amore, 1791.— Fetis ; Mendel. BONDMAN, THE, English opera in three acts, text by Alfred Bunn, music by Balfe, represented at Drury Lane Theatre, London, Dec. 11, 1846. Subject adapted from tbe elder Dumas' "Le Chevalier Saint- Georges." The opera, which was a success, was sung by Miss Romer, Miss Rebecca Isaacs, and Messrs. Weiss, Harrison, Harley, and Rafter. It was produced at tbe Court Opera, Berlin, in 1849, as Dcr Mulatto, with Frau Koesler and Herr Mauting in tbe chief roles.— Barrett, Balfe, 187, 204 ; Ken- ney, Memoir, 215. BONDUCA, English tragedy in five acts, text by Betterton, with music by Henry Purcell, represented in London, 1696. The libretto is an adaptation of Beaumont and Fletcher's "Bonduca" (1616), which is founded upon the story of Bonduca or Boa- dicea in Taeitus's "Annals" (Books sii. and xiv.). The music was composed in 1695, the last year of Purcell's life, and the piece was brought out after bis death. Tbe work has some powerful and pathetic scenes, but is quite unfit for tbe modern stage. Edited by Edward F. Rimbault, and published by the Musical Antiquarian Society (Loudon, 1 1841).— Hogarth, i. 183. I BONESI, BENEDETTO, born at Ber- gamo about 1750, died in Paris in 1812. j Dramatic composer and singer, pupil of Augusto Cantoni in singing, and at Milan of j Andrea Fioroni in comjjosition. He went to Paris in 1779, and became vocal instruc- tor at tbe Comudie Italieune. Works : Pyg- [ malion, duodrama, given at the Comedie Italienne, 1780 ; Judith, oratorio, Concert , Spirituel, 1781 ; La niagie a la mode, ojjera, Theatre Beaujolais, 1782 ; Le rosier, do., ib., 1782 ; Amasis, ballet, ib., 1788. He also wrote Traite de la mesure, etc. (Paris, 1806), which is bis best production. — Fetis ; Mendel. BONPICHI, PAOLO, born at Livraga, Lombardy, Oct. 16, 1769, died at Lodi, Dec. 29, 1840. Church composer, showed early great talent for music, and learned to play on tbe pianoforte and tbe organ with- out a teacher. At Parma, where he studied at tbe university, an old maestro of Marti- ni's school taught him to accompany figured basses and to read scores. At the age of Sll BONHEUE eighteen be entered the Order of Servites, and in 1789 went to Kome, where he stud- ied counterpoint under Guglielmi, and the works of the classic German and Italian masters. On the sup23ression of his order in 1805 he retired to Milan, whence in 1828 he was called to Eome as maestro di cappella at the Santa Casa di Loreto. Works — Orato- rios : La morte d' Adamo ; La genesi ; La nuvoletta d' Elia ; E Paradise perduto ; II passagio del mar rosso ; Elia sul Carmelo ; Ester, ossia La morte d' Amanno ; I tre Fau- ciulli nella Fornaee di Babilouia ; La morte di Baldassare ; La resurezione ; La discesa al limbo ; L' ascensioue di Maria ; II figli- uol prodigo ; La decolazione di S. Giovanni Battista. Cantatas : H trionfo di Giuditta ; II trasporto dell' area ; II natale di Gesh Cristo ; La epifania ; La j)entecoste ; I trat- tenimenti di S. Filipino Neri ; L' iuveuzione e Kej)osizione del Corjjo di Sta Cecilia ; Cau- tico di Zacharia. Operas : La Climene, per- formed at Parma ; Abradata e Dircea, Tur- in, 1817 ; Lauretta (?), opera buft'a ; Ten Masses ; Requiem ; Two Miserere ; Five Magnificat ; Te Deum ; Stabat Mater ; Many Tantum ergo ; Hj'mns ; Psalms ; Versets ; Many overtures and other instrumental pieces. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BONHEUR DE LA TABLE. See Hu- guenots. BONIFORTI, CARLO, bora at Ai-ona, Piedmont, in 1818, died at Trezzo d'Adda, Lombardy, Oct. 10, 1S79. Dramatic com- poser, pupil at jNIilan of Bouazzi, whom he succeeded in 1811 as organist at the cathe- dral, and royal maestro di cai^jsella, retain- ing afterwards only the latter position. In 1852 he became professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Conservatorio. Mem- ber of Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome. "Works : Velleda, opera, given at Milan, Scala, 1817 ; Giovauua di Fiandra, ib., 1818 ; Overture for grand orchestra ; Many religious compositions, with organ or or- chestra. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 107. BONrV'ENTI, GIUSEPPE, born at Yen- ice, flourished about the end of the 17th and during the first half of the 18tli cen- tury. Dramatic composer, author of the following operas : II gran Macedone, given in Rome, 1690 ; Almerinda, 1691 ; Almira, 1691 ; La vittoria nella Costanza, Venice, Teatro Sant' Angiolo, 1702 ; Endimione, Naples, 1702 ; Armida al caiupo, Venice, 1707; Circe delusa, Italy, 1711; La Virtii fra iNemici, Venice, Teatro San Mose, 1718; Ariana abbandonata, Venice, 1719 ; L' In- ganno fortunato, ib., 1721 ; II Vinceslao, Turin, 1721 ; Pertarido, re de' Longobardi, Venice, 1727. — Fetis. BONMARCHE, JEAN, born at Ypres (or Valenciennes?) about 1520. Church com- poser, became canon and choirmaster at Cambrai, and in 1565 maestro de capilla to Philip n. of Spain (at Brussels ?). In his old age he seems to have retired to Valen- ciennes. His masses and motets (MS.) are in the library of the Escurial. — Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 685 ; Fetis. BONNAY, FRANgOIS, flourished in Paris about 1780-1800. Dramatic com- poser, and violinist in the orchestra of the Opera in Paris about 1787. Member of the Academie Roj'ale de Musique. Works: Colin et Colette, given in Paris, Theatre de Beaujolais, 1786 ; Les deux jaloux, Les cu- rieux punis, La fete de I'arquebuse, ib., 1787 ; Les amants ridicules, ib., 1790. BONNET, JEAN BAPTISTE, bom at Montauban (Taru-et-Garoune), April 23, 1763, time of death not known. Violinist, pupil of Giornovicqhi and of Mestrino ; was first violin in the theatre orchestras at Brest and Nantes, and in 1802 retired to his na- tive city, where he was made organist of the cathedral. Works : 8 concertos for violin ; 10 sj-mphonies concertantes for two violins ; 30 duos for do., op. 1, 3, 6, 9, and 10 ; 6 quartets for strings ; 6 trios for do.; 12- divertissements for grand orchestra. —Fetis. BONO (Bonno), GIUSEPPE, born in Vi- enna in 1710, died there, April 15, 1788. Dramatic composer. The son of one of the I imperial footmen, he was sent to Naples to aia BONOLDI study compositiou, was taken into the Im- perial Hofkapelle as Hofscholar in 1738, and rose to be Hofcorapositeur iu 1739, and Hofkapellmeister in 1774. For many years he was vice-president of the Ton- kiintsler-Societat, Vienna, and his scores are preserved iu the Imperial Library and the jMusik-Verein. Works— Operas: Natale di Giove, given at Venice, 1740 ; Danae, Vi- enna, 1744 ; Ezio, ib., 1740 ; H vero omag- gio, ib., 1750 ; L' eroe cinese, L' isola di- sabilitata, ib., 1752 ; II re pastore, Milan, 1753 ; Atenaide, Vienna, 1762. Oratorios : Isacco, San Paolo in Atene. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Schilling. BONOLDI, FEANCESCO, died at Mon- za, near Milan, March 24, 1873. Instru- mental compo.ser, son of the tenor singer Claudio Bonoldi ; pupil of the Couserva- torio, Milan. Works ; Symphonies and overtures for orchestra ; Pot-pourris on op- eratic themes, for pianoforte ; Variations and valses for do. ; An opera, H Mauro, was given at Trieste, 1833. — Fotis. BONONCINI (Buononcini), GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born at Modena in IGGO, died probably in Venice in or after 17 5 0. Dramatic composer and violoncellist, son and pupil of Giovanni Maria Bononciui, then at Bologna pu- pil of Paolo Colonna. He went about 1091 to Vienna, where he was made violoncellist to the emperor, and brought out an opera with extraordinary success, which, however, was afterwards proved to be the work of his brother j\Iarco Antonio. Called to Kome in 1094, he returned to Vienna in 1699, and again iu 1706, having spent two years (1703-5) in Berlin as court composer to Queen Sophie Charlotte. The years 1706- 20 were divided between Vienna and Italy. While iu Eome, in 1716, he was invited to London, where soon a great rivalry sprang up between him and Handel and, through p^ the patronage of the former by the Duchess of Marlborough, and of the latter by the court, assumed an almost political character. The strife ended with the defeat of Bonon- cini owing to the discovery, iu 1731, of his plagiarism of a madrigal by Antonio Lotti. His prospects being thus impaired, he was enticed iu 1733 by an alchemist adventurer to go to Paris, where he lost his entire fort- une and was obliged again to resort to his art. Iu 1748 he was recalled to Vienna to compose the music for the festivities after the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. Soon after he went to Venice, where he composed for the theatre and was still active at the age of ninety. Works — Operas: Tullo Ostilio, Serse, given in Home, 1694 ; La Fede pub- blica, Vienna, 1699 ; Aftetti pin graudi vinti dal piti giusto, 1701 ; PoUfemo, Berlin, 1703 ; Eudimione, Vienna, 1706 ; Mario fugitive, Tamiride, ib., 1708 ; Abdalomino, ib., 1709 ; Muzio Scevola, ib., 1710 ; Astarte, London, 1720 ; Crispo, Grmlda, ib., 1722 ; Farnace, Erminia, ib., 1723 ; Calpurnia, ib., 1724 ; Alessandro in Sidoue, Vienna, 1737. Symphonies for 5, 6, 7, and 8 instruments, op. 2 (Bologna, 1685) ; do. for 3 instru- ments with organ, op. 3 (ib., 1686) ; do. for several instruments, op. 5 ; do. for violin and violoncello, op. G (ib., 1687) ; Mass for eight voices, op. 7 ; do., op. 8 (ib., 1688) ; Duetti da camera, op. 9 (ib., 1691) ; Cantate e duetti (London, 1721) ; Funeral Anthem for the Duke of Marlborough (ib., 1722) ; Divertimenti di camera (ib., 1722) ; 12 so- natas or chamber airs for two violins and bass (ib., 1732) ; II Giosue, oratorio.— Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Hawkins, v. 274 ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Grove, i. 649 ; Hogarth, ii. 19. BONONCINI, GIOVANNI IMARIA, born at Modena in 1G40, died there, Nov. 19, 1678. Instrumental and vocal composer, studied in Bologna, and at an early age en- tered the service of the Duke of Modena, and became maestro di cappella of S. Gio- vanni in Monte. Member of the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna. Works : Primi frutti del giardino musicale, for 2 violins 213 EOXONCINI (Venice, Magni, 1666) ; Vaij fiori, etc., so- natas for 2, 3, and i instruments, op. 3 (Bo- logna, 1669) ; Arie, Correnti, Sarabande, etc., for 2 violins and double-bass, op. 4 (ib., Monti, 1674) ; Siufouie, Allemaude, etc., for 5 parts, op. 5 (ilj., 1671) ; Sonatas for 2 violins with organ, op. 6 (ib., 1077) ; Ariette, correnti, gighe, etc., for violin solo and 2 violins, op. 7 (ib., 1677) ; Musico pra- tico, op. 8 (ib., 1673) ; Trattenimenti musi- cali, for 3 or 4 instruments, op. 9 (ib., 1675) ; Cantata a voce sola, op. 10 (ib., 1677) ; Partitura de' madrigali a cinque voci, etc., op. 11 (1678) ; Arie correnti, for three instruments, op. 12 (ib., 1678) ; Libro secondo delle cantate, op. 13 (ib., 1678). — FOtis ; Gerber, N. Lex. ; Mendel. BONONCINI, MARCO ANTONIO, born at Modena about 1675, died there, July 8, 1726. Dramatic composer, brother of Gio- vanni Battista, with whom he is said to have been in Vienna and Berlin, and who seems to have availed himself of Antonio's superior talent in the composition of his operas. It is certain only that he was in Rome in 1714 and was made maestro di cappella to the Duke of Modena in 1721. Padre Martini praises his elevated style, and places him above all his contemporaries. Works — Op- eras : Camilla, regina de' Volsci, given in Vienna, 1692 ; Griselda, Italy, about 1700 ; Andromeda ; Arminio ; Sesostri ; Turno Ai'icino, Florence, 1704 ; Etearco, Vienna, 1707 ; La regina creduta re, Venice, 1707 ; Tigrane, re d' Armenia, Cajo Gracco, ib., 1710 ; Astianatte, ib., 1718 ; La decoUazione di S. Giovanni Battista, oratorio, Vienna, 1709 ; Christinas cantata. — Ft'tis ; Gerber, N. Lex, ; Scliilling. BONPORTI, FRANCESCO ANTONIO, born at Trent, Tyrol, about 1660, died (?). Instrumental composer. He was Aulic Counsellor to the Emperor of Austria, and gave much time to the study of music. Works : Sonatas for two violins and bass (Venice, 1696) ; Le triomphe de la Grande Alliance, op. 8 ; One hundred minuets for violins and bass ; Dodici Concertini e Se- renate, etc. (Augsburg, 1741) ; and many motets and sonatas. — Fetis ; Gerber. BONTEMPI, GIOVANNI ANDREA, sur- named Angelini, born at Perugia about 1630, died there after 1697. Singer, dra- matic composer, and didactic writer, pupil of Virgilio Mazzocchi. He was maestro di cappella of a church in Rome, then in Ven- ice, and entered the service of Margrave Christian Ernst of Brandenburg at Berlin, exchanging his jjosition in 1660 for a more influential one at the court of Elector Jo- bann Georg U. of Saxony, at Dresden. In 1694 he returned to Perugia. Works : Pa- ride, opera, given in Berlin (published in Dresden, 1662) ; Martirio di S. Emiliano, oratorio. — Fetis ; Gerber, N. Lex.; Mendel ; Schilling. BOOM, JOHANNES VAN, born at Utrecht, Oct. 15, 1807, died at Stockholm in April, 1872. Pianist, son and pupil of Johannes E. G. Van Boom, an eminent flut- ist (born, 1783) ; made a concert tour to Den- mark and Sweden about 1825, and was in- duced to settle at Stockholm, where he became member of the Academy in 1844, and professor iu 1848. In 1862 he visited the principal cities of Europe to study the system of musical instruction. He com- posed operas, symjihouies, overtures, quar- tets, trios, and many works for pianoforte. —Mendel ; Viotta. BOOTH, KARL EDMUND OTTO VON, born at Weinheini, Baden, March 13, 1842, still living, 1888. Violinist, organist, and pianist, pupil of the Conservatorium at Carlsruhe, studied the violin under Con- zertmeister Will, comijosition under Mo- lique, and the organ under Dr. Steggall. He made his debut as a violinist at Birming- ham in 1853, and settled in London in 1856. Organist at St. Mutthew's, Bayswater, in 1868-75. Works : Symphony in C minor ; Prizes and Blanks, operetta ; A cantata ; ai4 BOOTT Godiva, overture for orchestra ; JMarclie funebre for do. ; Te Deuin in D ; Anthems and church services ; Sonata quasi-fantasia, for organ ; Offertories for do. ; Quartets and quintets for stringed instruments ; Victoria March for orchestra ; Sonata in A minor, for viohn and pianoforte ; do. in D ; Ro- mance in F, for do. ; Ten easy pieces for do.; Wanderlieder, sketches for pianoforte; Gavotte and Bourn'e for do. ; Songs, etc. BOOTT, FRANCIS, born, of English par- entage, in Boston, Massachusetts, June 24, 1813, still living, 1888. He studied har- mony under Luigi Picchianti, in Florence, Italy, where he has passed much of his life, and where he is honorary professor in the Academy of Fine Arts. Works : Mass, for soli, chorus, and orchestra ; Song of Zecha- riah, do.; Te Deum, do.; Memento Rerum, hymn for eight parts ; Miserere, for chorus a cappella ; Several string quartets. Songs : Aftermath (Longfellow) ; Ave Maria ; Break, Break (Tennyson) ; Kyrie Eleison (Longfel- low) ; Laus Deo (Whittier) ; Rose upon the Balcony (Thackeray) ; Sands of Dee ; We Two (Ingelow) ; The Sea hath its Pearls (Heine) ; Brooklet (Longfellow), duet ; Riv- ulet (Tennyson), duet ; The Clover Blossoms, duet ; Maria Mater, cpiartet, etc. His first compositions were published under the pseudonym of Telford. BORDE. See Laborde. BORDESE, LITIGI, born at Naples, Italy, in 1815, died in Paris, Feb. 17, 1880. Dra- matic composer, jjupil of the Conservatorio at Najjles ; went in 1834 to Turin to bring out an opera which he had been commis- sioned to write, and thence to Paris, where, after repeated failures of his dramatic ef- forts, he devoted himself to the teachinir and composition of vocal music. Works — Operas : Zelimo e Zoraide, given in Turin, 1834 ; La Mantille, Paris, Opera Comique, 1837 ; L'automate de Vaucauson, Jeanne de Naples (with Monpou), ib., 1840 ; I Quindici, Naples, Teatro San Carlo, 1842 ; Le Sultan Saladin, Paris, Opera Comique, 1847 ; Les deux bambins, ib., 1848 ; La Fioraia (18fi7) ; Three masses; A requiem; Motets ; Several vocal methods, and series of solfeggi, and hundreds of sacred and sec- ular songs for single and concerted voices. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 109. BORETTI, GIOVANNI ANDREA, born in Rome about 1(340. Dramatic composer, maestro di capj)ella at the court of Parma. Works : Zenobia, given in Venice, Teatro di San Cassiano, IGGG ; Alessandro aniante, 1667 ; Eliogabalo, Naples, 1668 ; Marcello in Siraeusa, Venice, 1670, Bologna, 1672 ; Ercole in Tebe, Rome, 1671 ; Dario in Babi- lonia, Parma, 1671 ; Claudio Cesare, 1672 ; Domiziano, 1673. — Fctis. BORG.VTTA, EMANUELE, born at Genoa about 1810, still living, 1888? Pi- anist, made himself known by concerts given in his native city in 1832, and in Milan, 1833. Works : II Quadromaniaco, opera, given at Genoa, 183.5 ; Francesca da Rimini, do., ib., 1837 ; Sonata for pianoforte ; Cadence ca- pricieuse for do. ; Variations on operatic themes for do. ; Italian romances. — Fetis. BORGHESE, ANTONIO, born in Rome in the second half of tlie 18tli century. Dra- matic composer, w-ent to Paris about 1777. Works : La Bazoehe, opera, given in Paris, Theatre Beaujolais, 1787 ; Der unvermuthete gliickliche Augenblick, ojieretta, given in Germany ; Sonatas for pianoforte, with vio- lin obligato, op. 2 (Paris, 1780). He pub- lished also L'art musical, etc. (ib., 1786) ; Traitii de composition (ib., 1788). — Fetis. BORGHI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born at Orvieto, Umbria, about 1740, last heard of in 1800. Dramatic composer, maestro di cappella of the Cliiesa della Santa Casa at Loreto in 1770. He went to Vienna in 1797, thence to Russia, and returned to Italy in 1800. Works — Operas : Alessandro in Armenia (1768) ; Merope, given in Rome, 1768 ; Giro riconosciuto, given in Venice, 1771 ; Ricimero (1773) ; La Donna instabile, Rome, 1776 ; Artaserse, Venice, 1776 ; Eu- niene, Turin, 1778 ; Pirarao e Tisbe, Flor- ence, 1783; L' Olimpiade, ib., 1785; La Morte di Semiramide, Milan, 1791 ; EgiUna, EOUGill ib., 1793; Semiramis, Vienna, 1798; II j Tempio di Guido ; Two masses for four i voices and orchestra ; A Dixit for four voices ; Laudate for five voices ; Domine for five voices ; Lamentazione per il Giovedi Sauto for bass voice and orchestra ; Two litanies for four voices, and one for two choirs and orchestra. — Petis ; do., Supjjle- ment, i. 110 ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOEGHI, LUIGI, flourished in the 18th centuiy, time of birth and death unknown. Violinist, pupil of Pugnani. He lived from about 1780 in London, where he was a lead- er of the second violins at the Handel Com- memoration in 1784. He jsublished music for his instrument in London, Berlin, Paris, and Amsterdam. "Works : 6 sonatas for vio- lin and bass, op. 2 ; G solos for violin, op. 3 ; 6 duos for two violins, op. 4 ; 6 duos for violin and violoncello, op. 7 ; 6 symphonies for full and small orchestra ; Italian canzo- nets, etc. — Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOKIS GODUNOW, Russian opera, mu- sic by Mussorgski, represented at the Marie Theatre, St. Petersburg, 1872. It is one of the most popular works in the Eussian rep- ertorv. BOKODESr, ALEXANDER, born at St. Petersburg, Nov. 12, 1834, died Feb. 22, 1887. Amateur in- strumental composer, studied medicine and c h e m i s t r J' at the Academy, whei-e he became professor. He was one of the chief representatives of the young Russian school in music, and president of the Society of Music Lovers at St. Petersburg. Works : Middle Asia, symphonic poem ; 2 sj'mpho- nies ; String quartets ; Pianoforte music ; Prince Igor, opera (MS.). — Riemanu. BORONI (Buroni), ANTONIO, born in Rome in 1738, died there in 1797. Dra- matic composer, pupil of Padre Martini at Bologna, and of Abos at the Conservatorio della Piet;"i, Naples. He brought out some of his first operas at Venice in 1762, visited Prague in 1764, became miisical director and composer of the theatre at Dresden in 1765, and Hof-Kapiellmeister to the Duke of Wiirtemberg at Stuttgart in 1770. He returned to Italy in 1780, and became maes- tro di cappella at St. Peter's, Rome, in 1785. "Works — Operas : L' Amore in musica, La notte critica, given in Venice, about 1760 ; Alessandro in Armenia, ib., 1762 ; Sofonisba, Le villegiatrici ridicole, ib., 1764 ; Siroe, re di Persia, Prague, 1764 ; La moda, II Carnevale, Le orfane suizzere, Dresden, 1769 ; Ricimero, Stuttgart, 1773 ; La donna instabile, Artaserse, ib., 1776 ; Eomene, ib., 1778. He wrote also motets and symjjho- uies and much church music. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Gerber ; Schilling. BORREMANS, JOSEPH, bom at Brus- sels, Nov. 25, 1775, died at Uccle-les-Bru- xelles, Dec. 15, 1858. Organist and dramatic composer'; maitre de ehapelle in his native city at Sainte-Gudule, organist of Saint- Nicolas, and second chef d'orchestre at the Theatre de la Mounaie, where he brought out the following works : De Klapperman, ou Le crieur de uuit d'Amsterdam, comic opera, 1804 ; La femme imj)romptue, opi'ra- bouffe, 1808 ; L'ofl'rande a I'Hymen, lyric scene, 1816. He has left also masses, Te Deum, motets, etc., with orchestral accom- paniment. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 111. BORRONI, ANTONIO, Italian church composer, flourished about the middle of the 17th century. He was among the first to substitute for the severe stilo osservato of Palestriua a freer style of composition. His masses and motets remain in manu- script. — Fetis ; Mendel. BORSARO (Borsari), ARCHANGELO, born at Reggio about 1570. Church com- 2)oser and Franciscan friar, about whose life nothing is known. "Works : Magnificat su- per omnes tonos (Venice, 1591) ; 7 books of concerti ecclesiastici (ib., 1593-1606) ; Ves- pertina psalmodia (ib., 1602) ; Novo giar- dino di concerti, op. 11 (ib., 1611) ; Secondo 216 P.OKTNIANSKY libro degl' odoranti fiori, op. 13 (ib., 1615) ; Aftectibus pietosis, G books of motets (ib., 1G15) ; Cauzonette si3iritiiali (ib., 1616) ; Diversoi'um concejjtuum luusicalium, 3 books of miscellaneous cburcli music (161G- 18).— Fetis. BOETNIANSKY. See Bartmiud'n. BORTOLAZZI, BARTOLOMEO, born in Venice in 1773, died in Vienna (?). Man- dolin and guitar jjlayer, went to Germany in 1803, and gave concerts at Dresden, Leipsic, Brunswick, Berlin, and settled in Vienna. Works : Variations, rondos, fan- tasias, for guitar solo, or with violin, piano- forte, and mandolin ; 6 variations for man- dolin or violin and guitar, op. 8 ; Sonata for pianoforte and mandolin or violin, op. 9 ; 6 themes vaiies for mandolin or violin and guitar, op. 10 ; 6 variations for guitar and violin obligato, op. 13 ; Sonata for gui- tar and pianoforte ; 2 collections of Italian and German songs ; 6 French romances, op. 20.— Fetis ; Schilling. BORZIO, CARLO, Italian dramatic and church composer, maestro di cajipella at Lodi towards the end of the 17th centur^y. Works : Narciso, opera, given at Lodi, 1676 ; Pastorale, Bologna, 1691 ; Much church mu- sic. — Fetis. BOSCAJUOLO, IL. See I'Ame en peine. BOSI (Bossi), born at Ferrara in 1773, died in London in September, 1802. Dra- matic composer, brought out some operas in Italy, but went to London about 1792, and composed chiefly ballet music, such as : Little Peggy's Love, L'Amant Statue, 1797 ; Acis and Galatea. He published also so- natas and other music for jiianoforte. — Fe- tis ; Mendel. BOSSELET, CHARLES, born at Lyons, July 27, 1812, died at Saint-Josse-ten-Noode- les-Bruxelles, April 2, 1873. Dramatic and church composer, pupil of Fetis at the Con- servatoire, Brussels, where he won the first prize for composition in 1836, and became professor of harmony in 1840. He was also second chef d'orehestre at the Royal Theatre from 1835. Works : Ballets, given at the Theatre de la Monnaie, Brussels : Les Dry- ades ; Arlecjuiu et Pierrot ; Terpsychore sur terre ; Masses, motets ; Four-part songs for male voices. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 113 ; Mendel. BOTT, JEAN JOSEPH, born at Cassel, March 9, 1826, still living, 1888, at Ham- burg. Violinist, sou of and first instructed by the court musician Anton Bott (1795- 1869), then pupil of Spohr on the violin, and of Moritz Hauptmann in theory. He made a successful concert tour through North Germany, and became solo violinist of the Electoral Orchestra in 1846, Con- zertmeister in 1846, and assistant Kapell- meister in 1851. In 1856 he went as Hof-Kapellmeister to Meiningen, and in 1865 to Hanover, where he was jjensioned in 1878. He then taught nuisic for several years at Magdeburg, and in 1884 settled at Hamburg, whence he visited America in 1885. Works : Der imbekannte, opera, given at Cassel, 1854 ; Actiia, das Miidcheu von Corinth, do., Berlin, 1862 ; Sympho- nies ; Overtures ; Concertos for violin ; Soli for do.; Pianoforte music and songs. — Fe- tis ; Mendel ; Riemanu. BOTTE, ADOLPHE ACHILLE, born at Pavilly (Seine-Inferieure), Sept. 29, 1823, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of Ziminermann on the pianoforte, of Savard and Leborne in harmony, counterpoint, and fugue ; in 1842 he settled at Rouen, and in 1854 in Paris, where he devoted himself to his profession and to musical criticism. In 1864 he be- came professor at the Convent des Oiseaux. Works : Jocelyn, overture for grand orches- tra ; Le corsaii'e, do. ; Album do chant (1846) ; Album for pianoforte ; Souvenir de I'ange gardien, six etudes de stylo (1850) ; 2 new albums (1855, 1857) ; 7 characteristic pieces for pianoforte, etc. — Fetis, Sup^jlO- ment, i. 113. BOTTESmi, GIOVANNI, born at Cre- ma, Lombardy, Dec. 24, 1823, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer and vii'tuoso on the double-bass ; pupil of the Conserva- BOTTOM LEY ~. <■■ torio, Milan. He studied the double-bass under Rossi, and counterpoint and har- mony under Fran- cesco Basili and Vac- caj. After a concert tour in Italy from 1840 to 18i6, he be- came conductor of the orchestra in the theatre at Havana. Since then he has made various jour- neys to America, vis- iting the United States and Mexico and the northern portions of South America. In 1855 he became chef d'orchestre at the Italiens, Paris. In 1857- 58 he travelled through Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and England on a concert tour, in 1861 was maestro di capjsella of the Teatro Bellini at Palermo, in 1863 at Barce- lona, then founded in Florence the Societa di Quartetto for the cultivation of German classical music, and subsequently divided his time between Florence and London, whither he went last in 1871 as director of an opera troupe at the Lyceum, but returned again to Italy. "Works — Operas : Cristoforo Colombo, given at Havana, 1847 ; L' Assedio di Firenze, Paris, Theatre Italien, 1856 ; II Diavolo della notte, oijera buifa, Milan, Teatro di Santa Radegonda, 1859 ; Marion Delorme, Palermo, 1862 ; Vinciguerra, op- eretta, Paris, Theatre du Palais Royal, 1870 ; Ali Baba, comic opera, London, 1871 ; Ero 6 Leandro, Turin, 1879 ; La Regina del NeiDal, ib., 1880; Symphonies; Overtures; Quartets ; INIany comf)ositions for double- bass ; Songs. — Fe'tis ; Mendel ; Riemann. B0TT05ILEY, JOSEPH, born at Hali- fax, Yorkshire, in 1786, died (?). Organist and pianist, pupil of Grirashaw at Manches- ter, of Watts and Yaniewicz, in Leeds of Lawton, and in Loudon of Woelfl. He was organist at Bradford in 1807, then at Hali- fax, and from 1820 at Sheffield. Works : G exercises for pianoforte ; 12 sonatinas ; 2 divertissements with flute ; 12 waltzes ; 8 rondos ; 10 airs varies ; Duets for pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel. BOUCHER, ALEXANDRE JEAN, born in Paris, April 11, 1770, died there Dec. 29, 1861. Vio- lin virtuoso, said to have played at the Concerts Spirituels when only six years old ; went to Madrid in 1787, and was appointed solo vio- linist to the king. In 1806 he returned to Paris, and in 1820 began to travel over Europe, exciting ev- erywhere great enthusiasm on account of his extraordinary skill in execution. He styled himself L'Alexandre des violons. He composed two concertos for his instru- ment. BOUFFET, JEAN BAPTISTE, born at Amiens, Oct. 3, 1770, died in Paris, Jan. 19, 1835. Dramatic composer and singer, made his musical studies while a choir-boy in the cathedral of his native city, then in Paris (1791) pupil of Tomeoni in singing, and soon became himself a fashionable teacher. Gifted with a fine tenor voice, he was admitted as a member of the Imperial Chapel in 1806, and retained his place after the restoration. Works : L'heureux pre- texte, opera, given at the Theatre Montan- sier, 179-t ; 2 masses for four voices ; 3 psalms; 3 Magnificat; 2 Salve Regina; Sta- bat Mater for four voices, chorus, and or- chestra ; Romances, chansons, rondeaus, and nocturnes. — Fetis. BOULANGER, ERNEST HENRI ALEX- ANDRE, born in Paris, Sept. 16, 1815, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of Alkau, Hak'vy, and Lesueur, won the grand prix in 1835, and studied in Italy four years. He was made professor of singing at the Conser- vatoire in 1871. L. of Honour, 1869. Works — Operas : Le diable ;"i IV'cole, given in Paris, Opera Coniique, 1842; Les deux 818 BOULE-DE-NEIGE bergeres, ib., 1843 ; Une voix, ib., 1845 ; La cachette, ib., 1847 ; Les sabots de la mar- quise, ib., 1854 ; L'E- veutail, ib., 1860; Le docteui" Magnus, ib., Op6ra, 1804; Don Quichotte, Theatre Lyrique, 1809 ; Don Mucarade, Opera Co- luique, 1875 ; Acbille, cantata, 1835 ; Le 15 Aout aux champs, do., 1862. — Fetis ; Supplement, i. 115. BOULE-DE-NEIGE (Snow Ball), opera- bouft'e in three acts, text by Nuitter and Trefeu, music by Offenbach, first rejare- sented at the Bouffes Parisieus, Paris, De- cember, 1871. Boule-de-Neige is a bear, imposed by the Grand Khan as a monarch upon an ungovernable people who are con- tinually getting up revolutions. BOUEGAULT-DUCOUDRAY, LOUIS ALBERT, born in Nantes, France, Feb. 2, 1840, still living, 1888. Dramatic comjsoser, educated a lawyer but turned to music. He studied in the Conservatoire, Paris, under Ambroise Thomas, gained an aecessit for fugue in 1861, and took the grand prix of the Institut, 18G2, for his cantata, Louise de Mezieres. While in Rome he wrote a lyrical drama ; visited Greece, and, on his return to Paris, brought out a Stabat Mater (1868). A follower of Bach and Handel, his large private fortune has enabled him to in- troduce their music to the French people, for which he founded a choral society iu Paris. Works : Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass, with chorus and grand organ and orchestra of violoncellos, double- bass, harp, and trombones ; Dieu notre pere divin, cantata ; Chanson d'une mere, melo- die ; Chant de ceux qui vont sur mer ; Ga- votte et menuet pour pianoforte. At the Concerts Populaires, 1874, he brought out a Suite pour orchestre, in four parts ; Fan- taisie en ut mineiu'. He wrote a " Souvenir d'une Mission musicale en Grece et en Orient " (Paris, 1876), and published '■ Trente Melodies populaires de Grece et d'Orient avec texte grec, traduction italieune en vers adaptee alamusique, et traduction fran(,'aise en prose." — Fetis, Supplement, i. 116 ; Men- del, Ei-giinz., 44. BOURGEOIS, LOUIS THOMAS, born at Fontaine-l'Eveque, Haiuault, in 1676, I died in Paris in January, 1750. Dramatic j composer, counter-tenor at the Opera iu 1708. From 1711 he devoted himself to composition, producing sixteen operas and ' many cantatas. He became maitre de clia- pelle at Toul about 1716, and after that at Strasburg. Works : Les Amours deguises, opera-ballet, given iu Paris, Academie Roy- ale de Musique, 1713 ; Les jjlaisirs de la paix, do., ib., 1715. Besides these he com- posed divertissements and court ballets : Les nuits de Sceaux, 1714 ; Le Comte de Gabalis, oulesPeuples elomentaires, Sceaux, 1715 ; Les peines et les plaisirs de I'amour, Zephyr et Flore, cantata, 1715 ; Psyche, 1718 ; Diane, 1721 ; Divertissement pour la naissance da Dauphin, Dijon, 1729 ; Idyle de Rambouillet, 1735 ; Cephale et I'Aurore ; Phedre et Hipjiolyte ; La lyre d'Anacreon ; Dedale ; Don Quichotte. He published two books of French cantatas, and Cantates Anacreoutiques. L'Amour prisounier de la Beaute, cantata (Paris, Ballard) ; L" Amour et Psyche, do. (ib.) ; La belle Hollandaise, do. (ib.) ; Beatus vir, motet for full chorus. ^Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 117 ; Mendel. BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME, LE, comedie-ballet in live acts, test by Moliere, music by Lulli, represented at Chambord, Oct. 14, 1670, and iu Paris, at the Theatre du Palais Royal, Nov. 29, 1670. One of LuUi's best works, it was very successful. Iu 1852, on the occasion of Moliere's anni- versary, the music was rearranged bj' Jules Cohen, and in 1876, by Weekerlin for the pianoforte (Paris, 1876). BOURGES, CLEMENTINE DE, com- poser of the 16th century, died Sept. 30, 1561. Her works occupy a place among those of the great composers of her time. A four-part chorus, " Da bei rami," written 219 BOURGES by lier, is in Paix's Orgel-tabulatur Buch. — Grove ; Meiulel ; Gerber ; Scliilliug. BOURGES, JEAN MAURICE, born at Bordeaux, Dec. 2, 1812, died in Paris, April, ISSl. Iiistruineutal composer, pupil in Paris of Barbereau, made himself first kuowu as a musical critic, aud by an ojsera entitled Sul- tana, given at the Opera Comique, 1846. It was well received, but it has not been fol- lowed by any further etlbrt in this field. Other works : Two trios for pianoforte, vio- lin, and violoncello ; 2 sonatas for piano- forte ; Caprices, barcarolles, waltzes, ro- mances for do. ; Vocal melodies ; Stabat Mater, 1863. — Fetis ; do., Suj^plement, i. 117 ; Mendel. BOURIE, HONORfi, born at Nimes in 1795, died (?). Instrumental composer, bas- soon-player in the theatre orchestra of his ! native city, where he brought out a comic opera, Les deux philosophes, in 1812. Other works : A cantata ; Concertos for bassoon ; Quartets for wind instruments ; Church music ; Romances. — Fetis, Supjjle- ment, i. 117. BOUSQUET, GEORGES, born at Per- jjignan, France, March 12, 1818, died at Saint-Cloud, near Paris, June 15, 1851. Dramatic composer and musical critic, jju- pil at the Conservatoire of Collet and of El- wart in harmony, then (1836) of Leborne in counterpoint and fugue, and of Berton for dramatic style. He won the grand prix in 1838, spent two years in Rome, where he was made a member of the Accademia di Sta. Cecilia, aud of the Filarmonici, passed the year 1811 in Germany, and returned to Paris after live years' absence. In 1847 he became chef d'orchestro at the Opi'ra, and ill 1849-51 held the same position at the Theatre Italien. As a critic he wrote for the " Commerce," the " Illustration, " and the " Gazette nmsicale de Paris." Works : La vendetta, cantata, performed at the Acade- mie des Beaux Arts, 1838 ; Mass, for voices only, Rome, S. Luigi de' Fraucesi, 1839 ; Mass with orchestra, ib., 1840 : Miserere for 8 voices with orchestra (1840) ; Three quartets for 2 violins, viola, and violoncello (1841) ; Quintet for 2 violins, viola, violon- cello, and double-bass (1842) ; Overture for orchestra, Academie des Beaux Ai'ts, 1842 ; L'hotesse de Lyon, opera. Conservatoire, 1844 ; Le niousquetaire, do., Opera Co- mique, 1844 ; Tabarin, do.. Theatre Lyrique, 1852.— Fetis ; Mendel. BOUSSET, JEAN BAPTISTE DROU- ART DE, born at Anieres, near Dijon, in 1662, died (?). Vocal composer, pupil of Jacques Farjonel at the Jesuit college in Dijon ; he was for several years maitre de musique of the Lou^Te. His real name was Drouart. Works : Cantates fran(;aises ; Eglogues bachiques ; Twenty-one books of airs ; Motets. His son Rene (born in Paris, Sept. 11, 1703, died there, May 19, 1760), pupil of Beruier, and of Calviere, became one of the best French organists. He com- posed odes, cantatas, and arias. — Fetis ; Mendel. BOUTEILLER, LOUIS, born at INIonce- en-Rain, Maine, in 1648, died at Mans in 1724. Church composer, maitre de musique of the cathedral at Mans, from his fifteenth year. Several of his numerous composi- tions, consisting of masses, motets, hymns, and anthems, were executed before Louis XIV., who often ordered them to be re- peated. — Fetis ; Mendel. BOUVAIiD, FRANCOIS, born in Paris about 1670, time of death not known. Dra- matic composer, was a singer at the Opera until the age of sixteen, when he lost his voice ; he travelled extensively aud spent several years in Rome. W^orks : Meduse, given at the Academic Royale de Musique, 1702 ; Cassandre (with Berlin), ib., 1700. For the court he wrote: Ariane et Bacchus, Le triomphe de I'Amour et de I'Hymen, 1729 ; Diane et I'Amour, idyl, 1730 ; L'e- cole de Mars, 1733 ; Cantatas ; Collections of arias ; Sonatas for violin. — Fetis ; Men- del. BOVERY, JULES, born at Liege, Oct. 21, 1808, died in Paris, July 17, 1868. Real name Antoine Nicolas Joseph Bovy. Violin- s' BOXBERG ist anil dr.amatio composer, entirely self- taught, iu Paris, whither he weut on leaving the college of his native citj-. He became a chorus singer iu the theatre at Lille, where he assisted also in conducting the orches- tra, then became chef d'orohestre at Douai, and successively at Lyons, Amsterdam, Ant- werp, Koueu, and iu 1845 at Ghent, having returned to Paris the year before. Iu 1856 he was first violinist at the Theatre des Fo- lies Nouvelles, Paris, and about 1865 be- came chef d'orchestre at the Folies Saint Ger- main (Theatre Cluny). Works: Mathieu Laensberg, given at Douai about 1830 ; Paul I., ib. ; La Tour de Eouen, Kouen, Theatre des Arts, 1843 ; Charles II., Paris, Theatre des Baulieues, 1844 ; Jacijues d'Artevelde, Ghent, 1846 ; Le Giaour, Lyons, Amster- dam, and Antwerp, 1840-48 ; Isoline, ballet, given at Lyons ; La Carte a payer, Liege ; Several operettas, and pantomimes, Paris, Folies Nouvelles ; France et Augleterre, can- tata ; Ouverture triomphale ; Ave Regiua, etc. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 11 ; Gre- goir, Galerie biogr. des Artistes musiciens beiges. BOXBERG, CHRISTIAN LUDWIG, born at Sondershausen, April 24, 1670, died at Gorlitz, time not known. Dramatic com- l^oser and organist, j)upil of the Thomas- schule, Leipsic ; was at first tutor in a private family, 1686-92, then organist at Grossenhain, and since 1702 at Gorlitz. His operas were very popular in his time, and he often received invitations to the courts of Ansbach, Cassel, Wolfenbiittel, and others. Among them are : Orion, Sarda- napalus. Die verschwiegeue Treue. — Gerber, N. Lex. ; Mendel ; Schilling. BOYCE, WILLIAM, born in London in 1710, died there, Kensington, Feb. 7, 1779. Dramatic composer, pupil of Charles King, under whom he was a chorister iu St. Paul's Cathedral, then of Maurice Greene, and, after becoming organist of Oxford Chapel, Cavendish Square, of Dr. Pepusch. Iu 1736 he became organist of St. Michael's, Corn- hill, and in the same year composer to the r^ Chapel Royal and the king. Li 1737 ho. was appointed conductor of the music festi- vals of the Three Choirs (Glouces- ter, Worcester, and Hereford), became organist of the church of All-hallows the Great and the Less in 1749, and of the Chapel Royal in 1758, when ho resigned the other two organist's j)ositions, and re- tired to Kensington. Doctor of Music, Cambridge, 1749 ; master of the King's Band, 1755. Works : David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, oratorio, performed at the Apollo Society, 1736 ; Two Odes for St. Cecilia's Day (1736) ; Solomon, serenata, 1743 ; Twelve sonatas or trios for 2 violins and bass (London, 1747) ; Ode for the In- stallation of the Duke of Newcastle as Chan- cellor of Cambridge University, 1749 ; Pe- leus and Thetis, masque, 1749 ; Pindar's First Pythian Ode, 1749 ; The Chaplet, mu- sical drama, Drury Lane Theatre, 1749 ; The Shepherd's Lottery, do., ib., 1750 ; Sec- ular Ode by Dryden, ib., 1752 ; 2 Odes in Home's Agis, 1'758 ; Ode to Charity ; 15 Anthems, Te Deum, and Jubilate (London, 1780) ; 12 Anthems and a Service (ib., 1790) ; Organ concerto ; 8 symphonies for various instruments ; Overtures ; Lyra Bri- tannica, collection of songs, duets, and can- tatas. He also edited Cathedral Music, being a collection of the most valuable com- positions for tliat service by eminent com- posers (London, 1760-78). — Burney, iii. 619 ; Grove ; Fctis ; Mendel. BOYLE, FRANCESCO, born at Piacenza in 1787, died in :Milan, Nov. 27, 1844. Dra- matic composer, went in 1801 to i\Iilan, where he studied music and became an excellent singer, and, having lost his eye- sight, 1830 (?), devoted himself to vocal in- struction and formed many eminent pupils. Works : II Carnovale di Venezia, given in 331 BOZZAXO Milan, Teatro Ri-, 1812 ; La Selvaggia, not performed ; Solfeggi for luezzo-soprauo ; Pianoforte music. — Fetis ; Mendel. BOZZANO, E:MILI0, Italian composer, contemporary. He has written : Diem la Zingara, Italian opera, given at the Teatro Doria, Genoa, June 20, 1872 ; Benvenuto Cellini, opera seria, represented at the Poli- teama, Genoa, May 20, 1877. BOZZELLI, GIUSEPPE, Italian com- poser, contemporary. He is the author of : Caterina di Belp, Italian opera, three acts, given at the Teatro Balbo, Turin, June 4, 1872. BR.4BANV0NNE, LA, the Belgian na- tional air. It was composed during the revolution of 1830, from which Belgium dates its independence, the words by Jen- neval, who fell in one of the actions near Ant- werp, and the music by Franc;ois van Cain- penhout. King Leopold gave the mother of Jenneval a pension of 2,400 francs, and appointed Campeuhout director of the royal band. WILLIAM BATCHEL- DER, born, of Amer- ican parentage, in York, Maine, Oct. 6, 1816, died in Mont- clair, New Jersey-, Jan. 7, 1868. He received his first musical in- struction from Sum- ner Hill ; in 1830 he removed to Boston, where he attended music classes taught by Lowell Mason and Geoige J. Webb. In 1840 he began teach- ing music in New York ; in 1847 he visited Europe, and studied music at Leipsic under Hauptmann, INIoscheles, and Bijhme. After his jeturu to America, in 1849, he devoted his time to teaching, composing, and to con- ducting musical conventions in various parts of the country. In 1854, with his brother Edward G. Bradbury and F. C. Lighte, he began to manufacture pianos, which busi- ness he afterwards continued on his own BRADBURY, account, until 1869, and at one time the Bradbury pianos w^ere widely known. Mr. Bradbury was the editor of more than fifty collections of music, from 1841 to 1867, in which much of the music was his own. Some of these collections had a very large sale, especially The Jubilee (1857), 200,000 copies ; Fresh Laurels (1867), 1,200,000 copies ; and the Golden Series (including several), about 2,000,000 copies. He was the author also of Daniel, cantata (with G. F. Root, 1853) ; Esther, cantata (1856). BRADSKY, THE ODOR (WENZEL), born at Rakovnik, Bohemia, Jan. 17, 1833, died there, Aug. 10, 1881. Dramatic com- poser, first instructed in his native place by the choirmaster Johann Lepicovsky, then jnipil in Prague of Caboun and Pischek in singing ; went to Berlin, where he entered the royal cathedral choir, and taught vocal music. Prince George of Prussia made him his court composer in 1874. His most pop- ular works are his Bohemian and German songs, and quartets for male voices. Works — Operas : Der Heirathszwang (1859) ; Ros- witha, given at Dessau, 1860 ; Die Braut des Waffenschmieds (1861) ; Das Krokodil (1862) ; Jarmila, Prague, 1879 ; Der Ratten- fiinger von Hameln, Berlin, 1881 ; Music to the tragedy Jolanthe, text by Prince George of Prussia, 1872 ; do. to Christine von Schweden, text hy do., Berlin, 1872. — Men- del ; Riemann. BRAGA, GAETANO, born at Giulianu- ova, in the Abruzzi, June 9, 1829, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer and -^-ioloncellist. He was destined for the church, and entered the Consorvatorio, Naples, to study singing, but finally took up the violoncello, under Gaetauo Ciavidelli, studying harmony under Parisi, accompaniment under Francesco Ruggi, counterpoint under Carlo Conti, and composition under Mercadante. He made his first effort in composition while under the last-named, writing Saiil, cantata, and a luass for four voices and orchestra. He brought out his first dramatic work. Alma Braga, soon after leaving the Couservatorio 222 BRAII-MULLER (1852). Travelled in Italy, went to Vienna, where he played with Mayseder, then to Paris in 1855, where he appeared at con- certs as a virtuoso, and taught singing. Works— Operas : Estella di San Gerinano, given in Vienna, 1857 ; II Ritratto, Naples, 1858 ; Margherita la mendicaute, Paris, Theatre It.alien, 1860 ; Mormile, Milan, Feb. 4, 1862 ; Gli avveuturieii, ib., Teatro Santa Radegouda, 1867 ; Reginella, Teatro Car- cano, Milan, 1872 ; Caligola, Lisbon, Jan. 23, 1873. He also set to music Don Cicsar de Bazan and Ruy Bias, which have not been produced. Besides dramatic works he has published : Concerto for violoncello in G minor, and other music for that instrument, with pianoforte accompaniment ; Vocal pieces ; and au Album of Vocal Melodies with Italian words, another with French words, and a third entitled, Notti Lombardi. — Fctis, Supplement, i. 120. BRAH-MULLER, KARL FRIEDRICH GUSTAV, born at Kritschen, Silesia, Oct. 7, 1839, died in Berlin, Nov. 1, 1878. Dra- matic comijoser, pupil of Steinbrunn at the seminary of Bromberg, later in Berlin, 1862-63, of Flodoard Geyer. Since 1867 he has been instructor at Wandelt's Insti- tute, Berlin. Works : Ein IMatrose von der Nymphe, Singspiel, given in Berlin, IMeysel's Theater, 1864 ; Deutschland im Urwald ; Te Deum, for chorus and orchestra, 1866 ; Quartets for violins ; Organ music ; Char- acteristic pieces for pianoforte ; Sonatas ; Duets ; Songs ; Choral motets, etc. — Mendel. BRAHAM, JOHN, liorn in London in 1 7 7 -t , died there, Feb. 17, 1856. Dra- matic composer and tenor-singer ; jDupil in London of Leoni while very young, at Bath, in 1794, of Rauzzini, and in Genoa of Isola in composition. He made his appearance at a very early age at Covent Garden Theatre, but came into no- tice as a great tenor in 1796, in the opera of Mahmoud at Drury Lane, and was at once engaged for the Italian Opera House. After that he visited Italy to perfect himself, and appeared in Florence, Rome, Naples, Milan, Genoa, Venice, etc., retiu-ning in 1801 to Eng- land, to reappear at Covent Garden. From that date his career was a triumphant one, and he was a public singer for nearly sixty years. His voice was powerful, and his compass, of three octaves, unusually wide. As a composer he obtained success in many ballads and songs, one of the most popular being the Death of Nelson. He wrote also most of the music for his own parts in several of the operas in which he appeared. Works — Music to Dramas : The Cabinet, 1801 ; Family Quarrels, 1802 ; Enghsh Fleet, 1802 ; Thirty Thousand, 1804 ; Out of Place, 1805 ; False Alarms, 1807 ; Kais, or Love in a Desert (with Reeve), 1808 ; The Devil's Bridge (with C. E. Horn), 1812 ; The Paragraph ; Narensky ; The Americans ; The ]V[agicians (with M. P. King).— Grove ; Brown ; Fetis ; ]\Ieudel. BRAHMS, JOHANNES, born in Ham- burg, Germany, May 7, 1833, still hving, 1888. His musical education, begun un- der Ins father, who was a musician, was continued undei Marxsen of Alton a In 1853 he met, at Diisseldorf, Schii- mann, who entei- tained the very highest hojses of him, and published an enthusiastic article on him in the Neue Zeitschrift f iir Musik. But for several years after this Brahms seemed rather to belie Schumann's prophecies, and Schumann himself, in his later years, ex- pressed himself as much disai^pointed in hiin. Brahms remained in Hamburg until 1861, studying hard, and publishing a good deal. His reputation was beginning to es- tablish itself, but it was hardly brilliant, BRAHMS and was confinetl to the more cultivated musical circles ; upon the whole, his talent was much disputed. In 1861 he moved to Vienna, where he conducted the Siug-Aka- demie in ISGS-G-l, and was director of the concerts of the Gesellschaft der Musik- freunde from 1872 to 1875, bringing out choral works by Bach and Handel with great lustre. His reputation as a composer kej)t growing apace, but was still not wide- spread. His first symphony, upon which he had been at work for ten years, off and on, came almost like a thunderclap out of a clear sky when it was brought out at Carlsruhe, Nov. 4, 1876. No composition ever made more, or more immediate, noise in the world ; Brahms found himself sud- denly world fan)ous. His fame was still in- creased by his Deutsches Eequiem and his second symphony. He stands to-day almost undisputed as the foremost com2:)Oser in the world. He represents the climax of modern musical thought ; he is the legitimate suc- cessor of Schumann. His style is marked bj' great elaboration, and there is in his mu- sic a stoutness of construction, a warmth of sentiment, and a real profundity of thought (which has often been misconstrued into abstruseness) such as no other living com- poser can lay claim to. He was alwilj's an anti-Wagnerite, and, during the Bayreuth master's later years, an Gernaftuy may be said to have virtually been divided into Wagnerianer and Brahmsianer. Works — Choral : Ein Deutsches Requiem, for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, op. 45, first performed in Vienna, 1868 ; Rinaldo, can- tata (Goethe), for tenor solo, male chorus, and orchestra, op. 50 ; Rhapsodic, frag- ments from Goethe's " Harzreise " for con- tralto solo, male chorus, and orchestra, op. 58 ; SchicksaUUed (song of destiny, by HiJl- derlin), for chorus and orchestra, op. 54 ; Triumphlied (Rev., chap, xix.), for eight-part chorus and orchestra, op. 55 ; Ndnie, for cliorus and orchestra, op. 82 ; Gesang der Parzen (fi'om Goethe's "Iphigenia"), for six- part chorus and orchestra, op. 89 ; Ave Maria, for female voices, organ, and orchestra, op. 12 ; Funeral hymn, for chorus and wind instruments, op. 13 ; 4 part-songs for female chorus, two horns, and harp, op. 17 ; 7 Marienlieder, for mixed choir, in two parts, op. 22 ; Psalm xiii., for female chorus and organ, op. 27 ; Geistliches Lied (Paul Flem- miug), for four voices, mixed choir and or- gan, op. 30 ; 3 sacred choruses for female voices, op. 37 ; 5 part-songs for male chonis (four voices), op. 41 ; 3 songs for chorus (six voices), a cappella, op. 42 ; 12 songs and romances, for female chorus, a cappella, op. 44 ; 7 songs for mixed choir, op. 62 ; 2 mo- tets for five voices, a cappella, op. 29. For orchestra : 4 symphonies, in C minor, op. 68, in D, op. 73, in F, op. 90, in E minor, op. 98; Akademisclie Fest-Ouverture, op. .80; Tragische Ouverture, op. 81 ; Variations on a theme by Haj-dn (Choral St. Antonin), op. 56 ; Serenade in D, op. 11 ; do. in A, op. 16 (for small orchestra). Concerted music : Concerto in D, for pianoforte and orchestra, op. 15 ; do. in B-flat, for do., op. 83 ; do. for violin and orchestra, in D, ojj. 77 ; 2 sextets for strings, in B-fiat, op. 18, and in G, op. 36 ; Quintet for do., op. 88 ; Quintet for piano- forte and strings, in F minor, op. 34 (also arranged for two pianofortes) ; 3 quartets for strings, in C minor and A minor, op. 51, Nos. 1, 2, and in B-flat, op. 67 ; 3 quartets for pianoforte and strings, in G minor", op. 25, in A, op. 26, and in C. minor, op. 60 ; 3 trios for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, in B, op. 8, in E, op. 40 (with horn or vio- loncello), in C, oj). 87 ; Sonata for violoncello and pianoforte, in E minor, op. 38 ; do. for violin and pianoforte, op. 78. For piano- forte : 3 sonatas, in C, op. 1, in F-sharjD mi- nor, op. 2, and in F minor, op. 5 ; 4 Bal- laden, op. 10 ; Scherzo in E-flat minor, op. 4 ; 16 waltzes (4 hands), op. 39 ; Ungarhche Tilnze (4 hands, also for orchestra) ; 8 jiieces in two books, op. 76 ; Rhapsodien, op. 79 ; Variations (themes by Schumann), op. 9 and 23 ; 2 do., op. 21 ; Variations and fugue (Handel), op. 24 ; 28 variations (Paganini), op. 35. Vocal : Liebeslieder, waltzes for pi- 224 BRAMDACH anoforte for four liands, and voieos, op. 52 ; Neue Liebeslieder, do., op. 65 ; 3 quuitcts for soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass, op. 32 ; 4 do., op. 64 ; 4 duets for contralto and baritone, op. 29 ; 3 do. for soprano and contralto, op. 21 ; 4 do., op. 61 ; 5 do., op. 66 ; 4 do., op. 75 ; 6 songs, op. 3 ; do., op. 6 ; do., op. 7 ; 8 songs and romances, oj). 14 ; 5 songs, op. 19 ; 9 do., op. 32 ; 15 romances from Tieck's Magelone, op. 33 ; 4 songs, op. 43 ; do., op. 46 ; do., op. 47 ; 7 do., op. 48 ; 5 do., op. 49 ; 8 do., op. 57 ; do., op. 58; do., op. 59 ; 9 do., op. 63 ; do., op. 69 ; 4 do., op. 70 ; 5 do., op. 71 ; do., op. 72. — Deiters, Joh. Bralims, eine Charakter- istik (1880) ; Wocbenblatt (1870), i. 40, 56 ; Eiemann ; Signale Saral. mus. Vortriige, 23- 24, ii. 319 ; Dwiglit's Journal, xxii. 389 ; xxiv. 269. BR.\MBACH, CASPAR JOSEF, born at Bonn, Westpliulla, July 14, 1833, still living, 1888. Composer, pujjil at Cologne of the Conservatorium and of Ferdinand Hiller. In 1847-50 lie was first violinist of the Bonn Opera House ; in 1858-61 professor in the Conservatorium, in 18()l-69 musical di- rector at Bonn ; and since then he has re- sided at Bonn as composer and teacher. Works : Ariadne, grand opera. Cantatas : Die Macht des Gesanges, op. 6 ; Velleda, op. 7 ; Trost in TiJnen, op. 10 ; Das eleusische Fest, op. 32 ; Friihlingshymnus, op. 37 ; Alcestis, op. 14 ; Prometheus, op. 47 (1880) ; Columbus, op. 58 (1886) ; Germanischer Siegesgesang, op. 26 ; Das Lied vom llliein, op. 40 ; Lenzerwachen, op. 46 ; Rheinfahrt, op. 54. Songs, duets, choruses, etc. ; Tas- so, a concert-overture, op. 30 ; Sonata for pianoforte, op. 3 ; Sextet for two pianofortes two violins, two violas, oj). 5 ; 2 sonatas for pianoforte, op. 20 ; Concerto for do. and orchestra, op. 39 ; 2 romances for violon- cello and pianoforte, op. 41. — Mendel ; Rie- mann. BRAMBILLA, PAOLO, born in Milan (or in Vienna?) in 1793, died (?). Dra- matic comjioser, who enjoyed considerable reputation in Italy in 1815-20. Works : L' Ajiparenza inganna, opera buffa, Milan, Teati-o Re, 1816 ; II Barone bnrlato, opera, ib., 1816 ; L' Idolo birmanno, ib., 1816 ; II Carnovale di Venezia, Turin, 1819. Ballets, given at the Scala, Milan : Acbar gran Mo- gol, Saffo, Capriccio e buon cuore, 1819 ; Giovanua d' Arco (with Lichtenthal and Vi- gano), 1821 ; II Paria, 1828 ; Camma, 1833. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 122 ; Mendel. BRANCA, GUGLIEL^MO, Italian com- poser, contemporary. He is the author of Catalana, opera, represented at La Pergola, Florence, February, 1876. BRANCACCIO, ANTONIO, born at Na- ples in 1813, died there, Feb. 12, 1846. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Couserva- torio at. Naples. Works : I Panduri, given at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 1843 ; II Morto ed il vivo, opera bulla, ib., 1843 ; II Punti- glione, do., ib., 1845 ; L' Assedio di Con- stantina, Teatro Fenice, 1844 ; L' Incognita, ossia dopo quindici anni, ib., 1846 ; Ros- muuda, Venice, Teatro Fenice, about 1830 (?) ; Le Sarte ealabresi, ib., about 1832 (?) ; Fran- cesca da Rimini, ib., 1844 ; Lilla, ib., 1848 ; I duje Vastasi di Porto, opera in Neapolitan dialect, Naples, about 1830 (?).— Fetis ; Rie- mann. BRANCOLI, CESARE, born at Massa- Pisana, near Lucca, June 11, 1788, died July 9, 1869. Amateur church composer, pu- pil at Lucca of Domenico Quilici. Among his numerous works are : Stabat Mater, BRANDEIS Beuedictus, Miserere, for several voices and iustriiments ; Cliristum regem, for 4 voices ; Mass with grand orchestra ; Motets with do. ; Several masses and motets for 4-8 voices with orchestra. — Ft-tis, Supplement, i. 122. BRANDEIS, FREDERICK, born, of Ger- man iiarentage, in Vienna, July 5, 1835, still liv- ing, 1888. Or- ganist ; studied in Vienna the jji- anoforte u n d e r Joseph Fischhof and Carl Czerny, and composition ' under Eufiuat- scha ; and in New York under William Meyerhofer. In 1849 he went to America and travelled ex- tensively in the United States with William Vincent Wallace's concert company ; his first jjublic appearance in New York, where he finally settled, was in 1851 as a pianist. He was organist of St. Jiilin the Evangelist (E. C.) Church in 18G5-70, and of St. James's (R. C.) Chui-ch in 1871-86. Since 1886 he has been organist of the Fortj'-fourth Street Sj-nagogue, and is at present organist of Sl. Peter and St. Paul's (R. C.) Church in Brooklyn. Works : Maria Stuart, over- ture ; Capriccio ; Scherzo ; Gavotte sym- phonique, and other orchestral pieces ; Trio, quintet, and other in.strumental music ; Toc- cata, tarentelle, sonata, and other pianoforte music ; Vocal quartets and glees ; Many songs, of which, " My love is like the red, red rose," is the most popular. BRANDL, JOHANN, born at Rohr, near Ratisbou, Nov. 14, 1760, died in Carlsruhe, May 26, 1837. Dramatic composer, pupil of Valesi in singing, and studied in Rohr, Munich, and Neuburg. When only sixteen years old he wrote a Miserere, which was sung in the Jesuit Church, Neuburg, and one of the Jesuit fathers sent him to Eich- stiidt to study counterpoint under Schlecht. In 1784 he was appointed Kapellmeister to Prince Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, in 1789 Mu- sik-Direktor to the Bishop of Bruchsal, and in 1806 the same to the Archduke of Baden at Carlsruhe. Works : Germania, opera, 1800 ; Hermann, do. ; Hero, melodrama, (Carlsruhe) ; Symphony for full orchestra ; Serenades, quintets, quartets, sextets, and nocturnes for string and wind instruments ; Oratorio ; Masses, etc. He set the poems of Schiitz to music (Leipsic), and jjublished collections of Lieder for one and several voices, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BRANDTS BUYS, LUDWIG FELIX, born at Deventer, Holland, Sept. 20, 1847, still living, 1888. Organist, brother and pupil of Marius Brandts Buys ; went in 1874 to Rotterdam as organist and conduc- tor of Rotte's Mannenkoor. Works : Das Siugenthal (Uhlaud), for baritone, mixed chorus, and orchestra ; Petrus-Klage, for baritone with orchestra ; De vier Jaargetij- den, for male chorus ; Songs with piano- forte. — Viotta. BRANDTS BUYS, MARIUS ADRIANUS, born at Deventer, Oct. 31, 1840, still living, 1888. Organist, son and pupil of Cornells Alyander Brandts Buys (born, 1812, organ- ist and musical director at Deventer) ; since 1864 organist and bell-player at Zutphen. Works : Vater unser, for chorus and solo voices ; Mailied, for 3 female voices ; W^erk- mannslied, for male chorus ; Een Kerk, for female voices, with violin and pianoforte ; Gegen Unmuth, 3 sacred songs for contralto, female chorus, and organ ; Grabgesang, for 8 voices ; Wilhelmus van Nassouweu, for organ ; Pianoforte pieces, and songs, tran- scriptions for organ, etc. — Viotta. BRASSAC, RENE DE BEAEN, Marquis DE, French composer of the 18th century. Amateur dramatic composer, ofiScer in the royal army, and marshal in 1769 ; celebrated by Voltaire in his " Temple du goilt." Works : L'Empire de I'Amour, ballet, given in Paris, Academic Royale de Musique, 1733 ; Leandre et Hero, opei-a, ib., 1750. —Fetis. 326 P.RASSEUU BRASSEUR D-AMSTERDA]\I, LE (The Brewer of Arasterdaiu), opcTa-comique iu one act, text by de Najac, music by Jules Alary, represented at Ems, Aug. 19, 18G1. The wife of M. Vauberj^-, believing herself misunderstood by her husband, abandons herself to romantic ideas, but is finally cured of her folly by Kaoul de Floriac, who proves to be the friend of her husbaud. BRASSEUR DE PRESTON, LE (The Brewer of Preston), opura-comique in three acts, text by de Leuven and Brunswick, music by Adolphe Adam, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Oct. 31, 1838. Daniel Robinson is a brewer at Preston, in the reign of George II., at the time of the attempt of Edward, sou of the Pretender ; and the plot turns on the confounding of him with his brother George, a lieutenant in the royal service, who so closely resem- bles him as to render the two scarcely dis- tinguishable. It is one of the most popular of Adam's works. An English version was given in New York, March 28, 1S4G.— Pou- gin, A. Adam, 139. BRASSIN, LOUIS, born at Ais-la-Cha- pelle, June 24, 1810, <^^j4i^^ died in St. Peters- "^^ burg. May 17, 1884. Pianist, pupil of Mo- scheles at the Conser- vatorium, Leij^sic ; made several concert tours with his broth- ers and pupils Leo- pold and Gerhard, was instructor at Stern's Conservatorium in Berlin iu 18(36, at the Brussels Conserva- toire in 1869-79, and afterwards at the Conservatorium of St. Petersburg. Works : Der Thronfolger, operetta ; Der Mission- iir, do.; L'ecole moderne du piano, twelve etudes de concert (Brussels, Schott) ; Grand galop fantastique, op. 5 (ib.) ; Valse caprice, op. 6 (ib.) ; do., op. 11 (ib.) ; Pri^-e, op. 10 (ib.) ; Galop fantastique, op. 16 (ib.) ; Grande polonaise, op. 18 (ib.), etc. ; Songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 123 ; Mendel. BRAULT, ELIE, French composer, con- temporary. He is the author of Bachelier et Alguazil, opera-comique in one act, played at the Theatre du Chateau d'Eau, Paris, 1880. BRAUN, GEORG, born at Eichstiidt iu the second half of the 18tb century. Dra- matic composer, and German comedian, author of the music of the following operas, given at Gotha in 1789-96 : Julie ; Der ueiie Herr ; Die Jubel-Hochzeit.— Fetis. BRAUN, JOSEPH, born at Ratisbon in 1787, died ('?). Pianist, violoncellist, and dramatic composer ; he was musical director of several opera troupes at KOnigsberg, Dantzic, Bremen, Liibeck, etc. In 1826 he went to Philadelphia to conduct an operatic enterprise, which failed in 1828 ; having o'iven and played iu concerts in New York, Baltimore, and other cities of the Union, he returned to Germany in 1830, and settled at Bremen. "Works: Die Wiinsche, oder der Priifungstraum, fairy opera, given at Konigsberg, 1825 ; Die lange Nase, comic opera, Der Kosak uud der Freiwillige, do., ib., 1825 ; Compositions for the pianoforte, and the violoncello.— Fetis ; Mendel. BRAUN, KARL ANTON PHILIPP, born at Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg, in 1788, died C?) Virtuoso on the oboe, son and pupil of Jolianu Friedrich Braun ; entered, in 1807, the royal orchestra at Copenhagen. Works : Symphony for grand orchestra ; Overture for do. ; Concerto for flute, op. 2 ; Quartet foi 2 flutes and 2 horns, op. 1 ; Quartets for flute, violin, viola, and bass, op. 6 ; Two quartets for flute, oboe, horn, and bassoon ; Duos for flutes ; do. for oboes, op. 3 ; Duo for oboe and bassoon ; Sonata for piano- forte and oboe, etc. — Fetis. BRAUN, WILHELM, born at Ludwigs- lust, Mecklenburg, in 1791, died (?). Vir- tuoso on the oboe, son and pupil of Johanu Friedrich Braun, whom he succeeded in 1825 as first oboe in the grand-ducal or- chestra of ]Mecklenburg-Schwerin, having from 1809 been a member of the royal or- chestra iu Berlin. Works : Divertissement 827 BRAUT for oboe, op. 3 ; Concerto for do., op. 12 ; yis duos for oboes, op. 1 ; Graud duo for do., op. 23 ; Two quartets for strings, op. 13 ; Divertissement for flute and quartet, op. 27 ; Sonata for j^ianoforte, ojs. 17 ; In- troduction and ijolonaise, for do., op. 26 ; Der Trost, cantata for soprano, with piano- forte, op. 22. — Fetis. BRAUT VON MESSINA, DIE (The Bride of Messina), music to Schiller's drama of the same title, for chorus and orchestra, by Sigismund Neukoram, comj)osed at St. Pe- tersburg, 1808. — Allgem. mus. Zeitg., xsix. 564. BRAUT VON MESSINA, DIE, overture to Schiller's drama of the same title, in C minoi', for grand orchestra, by Robert Schu- mann, op. 100, composed in 1850-51. First performed in DUsseldorf, March 13, 1851 ; in Leipsic, Nov. 6, 1851. First published by C. F. Peters (Leij)sic, 1851) ; edition in score by Breitkopf & Hiirtel, Schumann's "Werke, Overturen, etc.. No. 3. BRAVO, IL, Italian opera in three acts, text by Berettoui, music by !Marliana, repre- sented at the Theatre Italieu, Paris, Feb. 1, 1834. Plot original, scene in Venice. The work was not successful, though it contains some good numbers. It was revived in 1855. II Bravo, opera in three acts, text by Gaetauo Rossi, music by Mercadante, first represented during the Carnival of 1839, at La Scala, Milan, and at the Thoatre Italieu, Paris, May 12, 1853. The libretto is made up of crimes and horrors, but the score has many beautiful passages. The finale is very dramatic. Le Bravo, French opera in three acts and four tableaux, test by ^fcmile Bla- vet, music by Gustave Salvayre, represented at the Opera National Lyrique, Paris, April 18, 1877. As in the libretto by Berettoui, the scene is in Venice and the name of the heroine is Violetta Tiepolo, but the plot is different. BREDAL, IVOR FRIEDRICH, born at Copenhagen, June 17, 1800, died there, March 25, 1864. Viola player and dramatic comjjoser, pupil of Kuhlau ; when still very young be obtained a position in the royal orchestra, and composed a concerto for vi- ola, a concertante for do. and violoncello, aud an overture for orchestra. In 1834 he became Conzertmeister, and in 1850 chorus- master. Other works : Lucia di Lammer- moor, opera given at Copeuhagen, 1832 ; Die Guerillas, do., ib., 1834 ; Judas Ischariot, scene for tenor aud orchestra ; Resurrec- tion, an Easter hymn ; Some church com- positions. — Mendel, Ergiiuz., 46. BREE, JOHANNES BERNARDUS VAN, born iu Amsterdam, Jan. 29, 1801, died there, Feb. 14, 1857. Dramatic composer and violiuist, pupil of his father on the vio- lin, and of Bertelmau in composition ; spent his youth at Leeuwarden, and at the age of eighteen returned to Amsterdam, where he entered the orchestra of the Theatre Fran- 9ais, and in 1829 became director of the FeUs-Meritis Society. In 1840 he founded the Cecilia Club, and was director of it and of the music school of the Society for the Promotion of Music, up to his death. Order of the Lion ; honorary member of the Academy of St. Cecilia, Rome, and several other societies. Works : Symphony for grand orchestra (Amsterdam, Theune & Co.) ; Concert overture (ib.) ; Festival over- ture with chorus, performed, Amsterdam, 1836 (ib.) ; Quartet for two violins, viola, and bass (Bonn, Simrock) ; Second quartet for do. (Amsterdam, Theune & Co.) ; Third do. (ib.) ; Solemn mass for four voices and orchestra (Rotterdam) ; 4 masses for three voices and organ (Amsterdam, Theune & Co.) ; Requiem (ib., 1848) ; The Forty- eighth Psalm for solo, chorus, and orches- tra (ib., 1851) ; Adoljjhe au tombeau de Marie, ballad for tenor and pianoforte (ib.) ; Colomb, ou la Ducouverte de I'Amerique, cantata for baritone and male chorus (ib.) ; Lord Byron, do. for a single voice ; Le Ban- dit, opera, given at The Hague, Theatre Fran(;ais, about 1840 ; Sapho, Dutch op- era, Amsterdam, 1834 ; Man in the Four Stages of Life, melodrama, ib., 1835 ; He- roic Death of Speick, do., ib., about 1850 ; BREMER Nimm dich in Aclit, German opera, ib., about 1845.— I'etis ; Viotta. BREVIER, JOHANN BERNHARD, bom in Rotterdam in 1830, still living, 1888. Pianist and orgauist, piqail at the Leipsic Conservatorium of Johanu Sclnieider, and after his return to his native city organist of the Walloon church and professor at the School of Music of the Musical Society of the Netherlands. In ISG'I he visited Leip- sic with his wife, a distinguished singer, appeared with her in concerts, and brought out several of his compositions ; in 18(53 he produced in Milan his first concerto with orchestra. Works : Voyage nocturne, for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 4 ; 4 characteristic pieces for four hands, op. 7 ; Jagdlied, for pianoforte, op. 9 ; Rondo ca- priccio, op. 11 ; Sonata for pianoforte, op. 13 ; Quartet for pianoforte and stringed in- struments, op. 16 ; Knosjien, six pieces for pianoforte ; 2 concertos for pianoforte with orchestra ; Judith, oratorio. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 125. BRENDLER, ERICH, died at Stock- holm in 1845 in the bloom of youth. Dra- matic composer, known by the operas, Ed- mund and Clara, and The Death of Spartara, given in Stockholm, 1845. His posthumous opera, Ryno, was estimated a work of high artistic value. — Fetis ; Mendel. BRESCIANI, PIETRO, born at Brescia (or Padua?) about ISOG, died (?). Dra- matic composer, pupil of Antonio Calegari. Works : La fiera di Frascati, given at Ven- ice, 1830; L'albero di Diana, Trieste, 1832; I promessi sposi, Padua, 1833. — Fetis ; Mendel. BREUER, BERNHARD, born at Co- logne in 1808, died (?). Violoncellist, pu- pil of his grandfather, who was director of music, then in Berlin of Zelter, of Bernhard Klein in composition, of A. Wilhelm Bach on the organ, and of Moritz Ganz on the violoncello. After his return to Cologne he joined the orchestra of the Stadtthcater, and in 1839 visited Pari.s, where he studied counterpoint under Cherubini. In 1845 he bought the musical concern of Eck & Co., and was for many years professor at the Rhenish School of Music. Works : Die Ro- senmiidchen, opera, given at Cologne, 1839 ; Lazarus, oratorio ; Die Sendung des Heili- geu Geistes, do.; 3 masses, with orchestra ; Several psalms, with do. ; Requiem mass ; 2 syrajihonies for orchestra ; 5 overtures for do.; 4 string quartets; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Duos for violins ; Songs ; Part songs for four male voices, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. BREVAL, JEAN BAPTISTE, born in the department of I'Aisne, France, in 175G, died at Chamouille, near Laon, in 1825. Violoncellist, pupil of Cupis ; made a brill- iant success at the Concerts Spiritnels, when still very young, was a member of the or- chestra at the Opera in 1781-180G, and professor at the Conservatoire in 1796- 1802. After 1806 he lived for some j-ears in Paris and Versailles, then retired to Cha- mouille. Works : 2 oi)eras ; 8 symphonies ; 7 concertos for violoncello ; 18 violin quar- tets ; 21 trios for strings ; 54 duos for vio- lins ; 6 do. for violin and viola ; 6 do. for flutes ; 18 do. for violin and violoncello ; 12 do. for two violoncellos ; 18 soli for violon- cello ; Method for do. {Paris, 1804).— Fe- tis ; Mendel. BREVI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Italian composer of the second half of the 17th centurj'. He was organist of the Cathedral of Bergamo in 1G73, maestro di cappella of the cathedral, 1G99, and afterwards of S. Francesco, Milan, and of the Churches del Carmine and S. Fedele. Works : Bizarrie armoniche, ovvero sonate da camera a tre stromeiiti col basso continuo, op. 3 (Bo- logna, 1693) ; La catena d' oro, ariette da camera a voce sola, op. G (Modena, 1696) ; La divozioue canora, op. 7 (Modena, 1699) ; Delire d' amor divino, o cantate a voce sola e continuo, op. 8, lib. i. (Modena, 1695, Venice, 1706). He left an elementary work : Primi elementi di musica per i principianti con alquanti solfeggj facili (Venice, 1699). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. BREWER BRE\YER, TH0:MAS, born in 1609, died in 1G7G ('?). Vocal comjjoser and performer on the viol-da-gamba ; educated at Christ's Hospital. Man}' of Lis rounds and catches are printed in Hilton's " Catch that Catch can" ; he also composed several fantasias for the viol, and a pretty three-jjart song. Turn, Amaryllis, to thy swain. — Grove; Fetis ; Meudel ; Gerber ; Schilling. BKICCIALDI, GIULIO, born at Terni, Papal States, March 1, 1818, died in Flor- ence, 1882. Flutist, instructed by liis father, then self-taught ; went to Rome, when quite young, and entered the orchestra of a theatre there, studying composition at the same time under Ravagli. He was only seventeen when appointed professor of the Hute at the Aceademia di Sta. Cecilia. In 1836-39 he was in Naples, then lived in Milan for fifteen months, and in Maj-, 1841, plaj'ed in Vienna with great success, and re- turned there after having visited the batbs in Bohemia. He met with extraordinary' success in England, and made London his principal residence. Works : 2 concertos for liute and orchestra ; Ballabile di con- certo for do., op. 15 ; Fantaisies for do., or for flute and pianoforte, on operatic themes, op. 17, 18, 24, 2.5, 27 ; Morceaux de salon for do., op. 3, 16, 21, 28, 30, 32, etc.— Fctis. BRIDAL OF TRIERMAIN, THE, can- tata, text and music by Frederick Corder, first performed at the Wolverhampton (England) Festival of 1886. Subject from Walter Scott's poem of the same name (1813). The work, which begins with a choral introduction in place of an overture, and is in two ])arts, is largely in narrative form. The music is vigorous and dramatic, and the cantata was one of the successes of the year. — Upton, Standard Cantatas, 124. BRIDE OF DUNKERRON, THE, can- tata, text Ijy Frederick Enoch, music by Henry Smart, first performed at the Bir- mingham (England) Festival of 1864. Sub- ject, the traditional story of the Lord of Dunkerron, a castle on the coast of Kerry, who becomes enamoured of a sea-maiden. The Sea-King forbids their marriage, dooms her to death tor loving a mortal, and drives him from his realm to the upper world. BRIDE OF SONG, THE, English oper- etta in one act, text by Henry Faruie, nuisic by Julius Benedict, represented at Covent Garden Theatre, Loudon, Dec. 3, 1864. BRIDES OF VENICE, THE, English grand opera in two acts, music by Julius Benedict, represented at Drury Lane Thea- tre, London, April 22, 1844. BRIDGE, JOHN FREDERICK, born at Oldbury, England, Dec. 5, 1844, still liv- ing, 1888. Organist, pupil of his father, who was lay clerk of Rochester Cathedral ; organist of Trinity Church, Windsor, 1865, of jManchester Cathedral, 1869, and of Westminster Ab- bey, 1875-81 ; professor of harmony and composition at the Royal College of Music. Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1868 ; Mus. Doc, do., 1874. Works : j\Iount Moriah, oratorio, 1874 ; Boadicea, cantata, 1880 ; Callirrhoe, do., 1888. Anthems : Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, in D ; do. in G ; Give unto the Lord the glory ; It is a good thing to give thanks ; The Lord hath chosen Zion ; Seek ye the Lord ; We declare unto you glad ti- dings ; Hope thou in the Lord ; The Offertory Sentences as used in Westminster Abbey, 1884 ; Rock of Ages, for baritone solo, choi-- us, and orchestra, 1885 ; Anthem for cele- bration of Queen Victoria's Jubilee, West- minster Abbey, 1887. Part-songs, and songs. BRIDGE, JOSEPH COX, born in Roch- ester, Kent, England, Aug. 16, 1853, still living, 1888. Organist, brother of John Frederick Bridge, entered as a chorister in Rochester Cathedral, where he studied un- der John Hopkins and became assistant or- ganist. In 1870 he became assistant to his brother at Manchester Cathedral ; in 1871 organist of Exeter College, Oxford, and in 2.30 BRIEGEL 1877 organist of Chester Catliedral. B.A. Oxford., 1875 ; Mus. Bac, ib., 187G ; :M.A., ib., 1878; Mus. Doc, ib., 1884; Fellow of the College of Organ- ists, 1879. Works: Daniel, oratorio, Chester Festival, 18S.5(Novello&Co.); Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis iu C, voice and orchestra (1879, id.) ; String quartet in G minor, 1870 ; 4 arrangements for organ from Handel, Schumann, and Cramer ; 6 original organ pieces ; Bourrce and gigue for pianoforte ; Polonaise for do. ; Dance of ISIummers for do. ; 2 pianoforte duets— No. 1, Danse slav iu D major, No. 2, do. in G minor; Anthem for Harvest Festivals ; do., O, that men would praise the Lord. Songs : O moonlight deep and tender (S. or T.) ; The Steersman's Song (B.). Part-Songs : It was a lover and his lass (S. A. T. B.) ; The Curfew (do.) ; Greek War-Soug (T. T. B. B.), with accompaniment of brass instru- ments ; Great Britain's Sons (S. A. T. B.) ; Soldier, rest ! (A. T. T. B.). BKIEGEL, WOLFGANG KAEL, born in Germany in 162G, died at Darmstadt in 1710. He was organist at Stettin, and music director to Prince Friedeustein iu Gotha ; in 1660 he became Kapellmeister to the Duke of Saxe-Gotha, and in 1670 Kapellmeister to the Landgrave in Darm- stadt, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a voluminous composer of concer- tos, sonatas, madrigals, dance music, Lieder, psalms, etc., published between 1652 and 1709. His Hymn book for Darmstadt ap- peared in 1687. A full list of his works is given by Gerber and Fetis. — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 328 ; Fi'tis ; Gerber ; Schilling. BRIGANDS, LES, opera-bouffe in three acts, text by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halevy, music by Offenbach, represented at the Varietes, Paris, Dec. 10, 1869. BRIGANDS, by Verdi. See Masnadieri. BRIGANTI, I (The Brigands), Italian op- era in three acts, text by Crescini, music by Mercadante, first represented at the Theatre Italieu, Paris, March 22, 1836. The libretto is an adaptation from Schiller's " Die Riiu- ber." Mercadante went from Milan to Paris to be present at its production, but was dis- aupoiutetl at its reception. Same subject treated by Luigi Arditi, Milan, 1811. BRION D'ORGEVAL, EDOUARD BAR- THELEilY, born at Saint-Etienne (Loire), May 13, 1833, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Marseilles Conserva- toire of Barsotti on the pianoforte, and in harmony of Schoenagel. He then studied under his uncle, the Abbe Brion, who was maitre de chapelle of the cathedral at Cham- bery, and in 1852 went to Paris and was pu- pil, at the Consrevatoire, of Bataille, Levas- seur, and Revial in singing, and of Halevy in counterpoint and composition. Works : Le meunier de Sans-Souci, comic opera, giv- en at Antwerp, 1861 ; Le Don Juan de vil- lage, do., ib., 1863 ; Una charge de dragons, do., Nantes, 1867 ; Le Chevalier de Cordes- sac, do., Lille, 1868 ; Ivan IV., ou les Porte- glaives, grand opera, Marseilles, 1876 ; Due et Paysan, opera comique, one act, text by Yvert, Amiens, 1877 ; Two operettas ; Sev- eral masses ; Cantata ; Motets, choruses, son- atas; Quintet, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i.l26. BRISSON, FREDERIC, born at Angou- leme (Charente), Dec. 25, 1821, still living, 1888. Pianist, played in public when twelve, and gave lessons when fifteen years old. He studied harmony under Garaudi, and pub- lished his first composition in 1840 ; in 1846 he went to Paris, where he has since been a prominent teacher and comjioser. He published : Ecole d'orgue traitant speciale- meut de la soufflerie et contenant 38 exer- cises, 50 exeniples et 20 etudes (Paris). Works : Les Ruses villageoises, operetta, 1863. Arrangements pour operas : Guil- laume Tell, piano, violin, and organ ; Robert le Diable, piano, etc. ; Reverie for piano- forte, op. 17 ; Arabesque, op. 19 ; Caprice- etude, op. 25 ; do., op. 30 ; L'Espaguol- BKISTOW Bolero, op. 32 ; Galop Je concert, op. 36 ; Fantaisie brillaiite, op. 40 ; Hjmne triom- pbale, op. 4:1 ; Makouba, dause arabe, op. 42 ; Caprice uocturne, op. 44 ; Three con- cert pieces, op. 46 ; Reverie fantastique, op. 50 ; Caprice elegant, op. 51 ; Caprice imi- tatif, op. 55 ; Valse de concert, oj}. 59 ; Fan- tasias, duos, trios, etc., from operas. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 127 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 48. BRISTOW, GEORGE FREDERICK, born in Brooklyn, New York, Dec. 19, 1825, still living, 1888. Son of William Richard Bristow. He was a violinist, about 1836, in the orchestra of the Olympic Theatre, New York ; and in the New York Philhar- monic Society from its organization in 1842, for more than forty years. In 1851-62 he was conductor of the New York Harmonic Societ}-, and later of the Mendelssohn Union. He was also organist of several churches in New York, among them St. John's, St. George's, Zion, and the Church of the Cov- enant, and a teacher of music in the public schools of New York more than forty years. His compositions, which number more than sixty, are most of them still in MS. The following are the more important : h'ip Van Winkle, ojjera, produced at Niblo's Garden, New York, Sept. 27, 1855 ; Columbus, an unfinished opera, the overture to which has been given in New York several times since 1857 ; Praise to God, oratorio, 1860 ; Dan- iel, oratorio, produced in New York, Dec. 30, 1867 ; 5 symphonies, of which the Ar- cadian was performed in New York by the Philharmonic Society, Feb. 14, 1874 ; String quartet, in F ; String quartet, in G minor ; The Great Republic, cantata, with orchestral accompaniment, 1880 ; Pieces for the vio- lin, the pianoforte, and the organ ; Christ our Passover, anthem ; Christmas Anthem, 1887 ; Songs. He was one of the compilers of Music of the Church (1852), of The Can- tilena, for Day Schools (1860), and of The Cantata, for Day Schools (1866). BRISTOW, WILLIAM RICHARD, born, of English parentage, in Kent, England, February, 1803, died in Brooklyn, New York, Aug. 13, 1867. He went to America in 1817, performed on the organ, clarinet, and trumpet, and was noted as a pianoforte teacher. Among other works he composed 5 masses, and 7 sets of vespers for use in the Roman Catholic Church. BRITO, ESTEBAN DE, Spanish com- poser of about 1625. He was musical di- rector of the Cathedrals of Badajos and Malaga. Works : Tratado de musica ; Mo- tetes a 4, 5, 6 voces ; Motete, Exurge Do- mine, 4 voc. ; Villancicos de Natividad. His compositions, which are in MS., are pre- served in the library of the King of Portu- gal. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Gerber. BRIXI, FRANZ XAVER, born at Prague in 1732, died there, Oct. 13, 1771. Church composer, pupil of Pater Simeon in the Pi- arists' College at Kosmanos ; became organ- ist at St. Gall's, Prague, then at St. Nich- olas's, and afterwards choirmaster at St. Martin's, finally, in 1756, Kapellmeister at the cathedral. He was a capital contrapun- tist, and did much towards the reform of Catholic church music ; his works are dis- tinguished for originality and diversity of ideas. Works : 52 grand masses ; 24 short do. ; Litanies, vespers, graduals, ofiertories, and oratorios ; Also operas and operettas. — Dlabacz, i. 224 ; Fetis ; Mendel. BRIZIO, PETRUCCI, born at Mosca Lombarda, Ferrara, June 12, 1737, died at Ferrara, June 23, 1825. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Pietro Beretta ; became ma- estro di caijpella at the Cathedral of Fer- rara in 1784. Works : Ciro riconoseiuto, opera, given at Ferrara ; I pazzi improvisati, opera buffa, ib., about 1770 ; Masses for 4 voices and orchestra ; Psalms, Te Deums, litanies, hymns, etc. ; Stabat Mater ; Pas- toral mass and Credo for Christmas, with full orchestra, etc.- — Fetis. BRIZZI, CARLO, Italian composer, con- temjaorary. He is the author of L' avaro, opera buffa, text by Romani, represented at the Teatro Brunetti, Bologna, May 19, 1877. BROCA Y RODRIGUEZ, ENRIQUE ALEJO, born at Madrid, Feb. 17, 1843, .339 BROCrTARD still livinp:, 1888. Violinist, first instructed by one Manuel Pamfil, then j^npil of Isidore de Vega on tbe violin, and studied harmony and composition at the Conservatorio. He played first violin in the orchestra of the Zarznela in 1858-67. Composer of masses, psalms, motets, overtures, and the music to several zarzuelas. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 128. BROCHAED, PETER, born in Munich, Aug. -4, 1779, died there (?) after 1811. Composer, pujiil of Kleinheinz and of Streicher on the pianoforte, of Held and Friedrich Eek on the violin, and of Schlccht in composition. In 1797-98 he was a mem- ber of the theatre orchestra at Munich, whither he returned iu 1799 after a year in Mannheim, and in 1804, having played for two years in the court orchestra at Stuttgart. "Works — Ballets : Der Tempel der Tugend, Der Dorf-Jahrmarkt, Die zwei Wilden, given in Munich, 1800 ; Der Mechaniker, ib., 1806 ; Der dankbare Sohn, ib., 1807 ; Son- atas, variations, ariettas, cantatas, etc. — Fetis. BROD, HENRI, born in Paris, June 13, 1799, died there, April 5, 1839. Virtuoso on the oboe, pujjil of Vogt at the Conserva- toire, where he won the first prize in 1819. He played the first oboe in the orchestra of the Opera, beside his master, and in 1832 became professor at the Conservatoire. In all the concerts in which he was heard, in Paris and abroad, he obtained the most brilliant success. L. of Honour, 1838. Works : Four fantaisies for oboe with or- chestra or pianoforte ; Nocturne concertant for oboe and pianoforte ; Bolero for do. and orchestra ; Airs varies for do., with quartet ; Three quintets for oboe, flute, clarinet, horn, and bassoon ; Grand method for oboe, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. BRONNER, GEORG, born in Holstein in 1666, supposed to have died in 1764 or 1724?. Dramatic composer and organist. His works are recorded in the annals of the Hamburg Theater, of which he became di- rector in 1699, soon after producing several of his operas. He was also organist of the OUurch of the Holy Ghost at Hamburg. Works — Operas: Echound Narcissus, 1693 ; Venus, 1694 ; Cei)halus uud Prokris, 1701 ; Philippus, Herzog von Mailand ; Berenice, 1702 ; Victor (music for 3d act), 1702 ; Der Herzog von Normandie, 1703 ; Der Tod des grossen Pans, 1702. He published also a collection of cantatas for the voice alone (1690), and chorals arranged for the organ (Hamburg, 1716).— Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 361 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Gerber ; Schilling. BRONSART, HANS VON, born in Ber- lin, Feb. 11, 1830, still Yiving, 1888. Pianist, educated at Dantzic and at Berlin University ; pupil iu harmony and composition of Dehn in Berlin, and on the iiiauo- forte under Kullak, and of Liszt at Weimar. He ac- quired fame on his concert tours through Europe, conducted the Euterpe concerts at Leipsic in 1860-62, the concerts of the Ge- sellschaft der Musikfreunde in Berlin in 1865-66, and became intend ant of the Royal Theatre at Hanover in 1867. Works: Trio for pianoforte, in G minor ; Concerto for do. ; Fnihlings-Fantasie, for orchestra ; Sex- tet for stringed instruments ; Christnacht, cantata, jierformed in Leipsic ; Der Corsar, ojiera (MS.), text from Byron ; Polonaise in C minor. — Mendel ; Riemann. BRONSART, Mme INGEBORG ^'ON, bom of Swedish par- ents (Starek), in St. Petersburg, in 1843, married Hans von Bronsart in 1862. Pi- anist, pupil of Liszt. Works : Konig Hiarne, opera ; Jery und B;l- tely, operetta, text after Goethe, represented at the Grand-Ducal Theatre, Weimar, April Pianoforte music, etc. 26, 1873 ; Songs : BRONZE BRONZE HORSE. See Gheval de Bronze. BROS, Don JUAN, born at Tortosa, Spain, in 1776, died at Oviedo, March 12, 1852. Church composer, pupil of Queralt at Barcelona, where he soon became assist- ant maestro de cajjilla at Santa Maria del Mar, and organist at San Severo. In 1807 he obtained the position of maestro de ca- pilla of the cathedral at Malaga, was in the same capacity at Leon in 1815-23, then from 1834 at Oviedo, whither he had retired af- ter 1823. He comjiosed numerous masses, psalms, and other church music, among which are quoted as the best : 3 Misereres ■with lamentations, a Te Deum, and a Re- quiem. — Fetis. BROSIG, MORITZ, born at Fuchswinkel, Silesia, Oct. 15, 1815, died at Breslau, Jan. 24, 1887. Pupil at Breslau of Franz Wolf, whom he succeeded as organist of the cathedral in 1842. He was made Dom-Kapellmeister in 1853, afterwards assistant director of the Royal Institute for Catholic church music, and instructor at the university. Doctor of Philosophj', and member of the Accade- mia di Sta. Cecilia, Rome. Works : 4 grand instrumental masses ; 3 short do. ; 7 books of graduals and offertories ; 20 books of organ pieces ; Organ book in eight parts ; Choralbuch, etc. — Fetis ; ^Mendel ; Rieniann. BROUSTET, EDOUARD, born at Tou- louse, April 29, 1836, still living there, 1888. Pianist, pupil in Paris of Maleden in harmony, of Camille Stamaty, Ravina, and Henri Litolfl", with whom he made an extended tour abroad as far as St. Peters- burg. After his return he brought out several of his compositions in Paris, in 1871 visited Spain and Portugal, and settled in his native city. Works : 3 trios for piano- forte, violin, and violoncello ; Sj'mphonie concertante for pianoforte and orchestra ; Tarantella for do. ; Concerto for do. ; Grande valse de concert ; Quintet for pianoforte and strings ; Suite for string instruments ; Fan- taisies, romances, t'tudes, etc., for pianoforte. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 129. BROWN, OBADIAH BRUEN, born, of American parentage, in Washington, D. C, July 2, 1829, still living, 1888. Pupil, in Boston, on the pianoforte and in composi- tion of J. C. D. Parker and Carl Hause, in instrumentation of Carl Zerrahn, and in singing of J. Q. Wetherbee and August Kreissmann ; also attended the lectures on counterpoint of Prof. J. K. Paine. In 1869 he went to Europe, and studied the piano- forte in Leipsic under Louis Plaidy, and comj^osition under J. C. Lobe. In 1860- 69 he was teacher of music in the State Normal Schools of Bridgewater, Framing- ham, and Salem, Mass.; and he has also taught music in the public schools of Bos- ton, Roxbury, Chelsea, Brookline, Salem, and Maiden, where he is teaching at pres- ent. He has been organist in Boston : five years of the South Congregational Church, eight yeai-s of West Church, and since 1876 of the New Jerusalem Church. He has con- ducted several choral societies, among them the Maiden Choral Union, and has acted as musical editor for several music-publishing houses. The pianoforte scores of Macken- zie's Rose of Sharon, and of Gounod's Mors et Vita, and the Holy Vision were arranged by him for Novello, Ewer & Co., of London, from the manuscript orchestral scores which were sent from England for the purpose. Many of his compositions have been pub- lished under the pseudonyms of Ernest Leslie and Ferdinand Mayer. Works : Scherzo for orchestra, first jjerformed in Boston, 1886, in MS. Vocal — Quartets : How beautiful upon the mountains ; Thy sun shall no more go down. Trios : I will lay me down ; The Lord will comfort Zion. Anthems : Whoso dwelleth in the secret place ; Unto Thee, O Lord. Sacred Songs: O that thou had'st hearkened ; Therefore the redeemed of the Lord ; Songs and part- songs. BRUCH, MAX, born in Cologne, Jan. 6, 1838, still living, 1888. His father was in government employ, his mother a brilliant singer who watched carefully over her son's BRUCK early musical instruction. He studietl bar- mony nud couiitei-point at Bonn under Brei- densteiu. In 1852 he won the Mozart schol- arship at Fraukfort- ou-the-Main for four years, and continued his studies in compo- sition under Hiller, Breuniug, and Iteiu- ecke at Cologne. During this period he set to music Gei- bel's Lorelei (originally written for, and partly set by Mendelssohn). Leaving Co- logne about 1856, he made long -visits to Leipsic, Munich, and other musical centres. In Munich he met Geibel, whom he at last prevailed upon to permit the performance of his Lorelei, which was accordingly brought out in IMauuheim, and later in Cologne. During his staj' in Mannheim he wrote some of his best-known works, and stud- ied dramatic composition. In 1865 he was made musical director of the Conzert-In- stitution at Coblentz, and in 1867 was ap- pointed Kapellmeister to the Prince of Schwarzburg-Soudershausen. In 1870 he resigned this post to go to Berlin, where, and at Bonn he has since lived, occupying himself entirely with composition. In 1883 be visited the United States, bringing out his Arminius in Boston. He now stands in the front rank of German musicians. If his operas have been mainly unsuccessful, and his orchestral works and chamber mu- sic comparatively inconspicuous, his compo- sitions for chorus and orchestra are the basis of his high reputation. He stands to-day as the foremost representative of the epic cantata. His best-known and most admired works are his Scenes from the Frithjof-fiaga (which first established his reputation), his Odt/sseus, and his two vio- lin concertos in G minor and D minor. Works : Scherz, List und Rache, operetta, op. 1, given at Cologne, 1858 ; Jungfrau von Orleans, ib., 1851) ; Lorelei/, romantic opera, op. 16, Mannheim, 1863 ; Hermioiie, opera, op. 10, Berlin, 1872 ; liOmischer Triumjjhgesang, for male chorus and or- chestra, op. 19, No. 1 ; Das Wessobruu- ner Gebet, Lied der Stiidte, Schottlands Thriinen, for do., op. 19, No. 2 (1862); Gesang der heiligeu drei Ki'mige, for do., op. 21; Frilhjof, for do., op. 23 (1862); Salaniis, for do., op. 25 ; Normanneiizug, for do., op. 32 ; Die Flucht der heiligeu Familie, for mixed chorus, soli, and orches- tra, op. 20 (1863) ; Sclwn Ellen, ballad for do., op. 21: (1869) ; Eomiache Leicheufeier, for do., op. 34: ; Das Lied vom deutschen Kaiser, for do., op. 37 ; Odi/sseus, for do., Of). 41 (1871) ; Arminius, oratorio, for do., op. 43 (1875), Boston, 1883 ; Das Lied von der Glocke, cantata, for do., of). 45 (1879) ; Acldlleus, for do., op. 50, Rhenish Music Festival, Bonn, 1885 ; Jubilate, Amen, for sojsrano solo, chorus, and orchestra, op. 3 ; Die Birken nnd die Erlen, for do., op. 8 ; Die Flucht iiacli Egypten, for do. (female chorus), op. 31, No. 1 ; Morgeustunde, for do., op. 31, No. 2 ; Frithjof auf seines Vaters Grabhiigel, concert scene for baritone solo, female chorus, and orchestra, op. 27 ; Bo- rate coeli, for mixed chorus, orchestra, and organ (ad libitum), Of). 29 ; Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei, for double choir, organ, and orchestra, op. 35 ; Dithy- rambe, for tenor solo, chorus, and orchestra, op. 39 ; Die Priesterin der Isis in Rome, for contralto, with orchestra, op. 30 ; 5 songs for mixed chorus, a cappella, op. 38 ; 4 male choruses, op. 48 ; First symphony for full orchestra, in E-flat, op. 28 ; Second do., in F minor, op. 36 ; Third do., in E, op. 51 (1887) ; First concerto for violin and orches- tra, op. 26 ; Second do., op. 44 ; Rom.anze, for do., op. 42 ; Fantasia on Scotch airs, for do., op. 46 (1880) ; Kol Nidrei, after Hebrew melodies, for violoncello and orchestra, op. 47 ; Quartet for strings, in C minor, op. 9 ; do., in E, op. 10 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, in C minor, op. 5 ; 3 duets for soprano and contralto, with pianoforte, op. 4 ; 4 terzets, and 3 duets, for do., op. 6 ; BRUCK % Songs, op. 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 33, 49 ; and isiimoforte nnisic, op. 2 (4 liaiuls), 11 (2 pianofortes), 12, 14. — Fotis, Siipplument, i. 129 ; Grove ; Mendel ; Eiemanu ; Mus. Wocheublatt (1870), 773, 787, 833. BRUCK. See Arnould de Bruek. BRUCKNEK, ANTON, born at Ansfeld- eu, Uj)per Austria, September, 1824, still living, 1888, in Vienna. Organist, first instruct- ed bj' bis fatlier, then cbieHj' self-taught and pupil in Vienna of Secbter in counter- point, and at Linz (18G1-63) of Otto Kitzler in eonipiosition. He was for several years organist at the Monastery of St. Flo- rian, from 1855 at the Cathedral of Linz, and in 1868 became Sechter's successor at the Imperial Chajjel in Vienna, when he was also apijointed professor at the Conservatorium. In 1875 he was apj)ointed lecturer on music at the university. AVorks : 8 symjihouies ; 3 grand masses ; Te Deum ; Graduals and of- fertories ; Quintet for strings ; Germauen- zug, for male chorus ; Other works for do. BRUGGER, Dr. J. D. C, born at Frei- burg, Breisgau, Oct. 23, 1796, died (?). Vio- linist, pujiil of Weiland and Moor on the violin ; professor at the Gymnasium of Frei- burg, where be conducted the academical concerts. Works : German mass for 4 voices ; Patriotic songs for male chorus ; Many songs for a voice and pianoforte, or guitar. BRiiLL, IGN.iZ, born at Prossnitz, Mo- ravia, Nov. 7, 1846, still living, 1888. Pian- ist and dramatic composer, puisil in Vienna of Epstein on the jiianoforte, and of Rufi- natscha and Dessotf in composition. He appeared in concerts in Vienna, and in the large cities of Germany, with increasing fa- vour, and was especially successful in Lon- don, where he played in twenty concerts in 1878. Work.s — Operas : Die Bettler von Samai'kand (1864) ; Das (juldene Kreuz, giv- en in Berlin, 1875 ; Der Landfriede, op. 30, Vienna, 1877 ; Bianca, Dresden, 1879 ; KOnigin Marietta, Munich, 1883 ; Das sleinerne Herz, Vien- na, 1888 ; Im AValde, Jagd Ouvertiire, for orchestra, op. 25 ; 2 serenades, for do., in F, op. 29 ; in E, op. 36 ; Symphony, in E minor, op. 31 ; Tanz-Suite, for do., oja. 54 ; Overture to Macbeth, op. 46 ; Two concertos for piano- forte, op. 10 and 24 ; Concerto for violin, op. 41 ; Suite for pianoforte and violin, op. 42 ; Sonata for violoncello and pianoforte, op. 9 ; do. for 2 pianofortes (4 hands), op. 21 ; do. for violin and pianoforte, op. 48 ; Trio, oj). 14 ; Cycle of Tuscan songs, for mixed chorus, tenor and soi^rano soli, op. 22 ; Siisses Begrabniss, for 2 soprani, tenor, contralto, and 2 basses, op. 23 ; Der drei Burschen Lied, for mixed chorus ; Jagdlied, for do., op. 26, No. 1 ; Gebt mirvom Becher, for male chorus, op. 26, No. 2 ; Pianoforte pieces (op. 6, for 2 pianofortes) ; Songs. BRU3HEL, ANTOINE, born in the Neth- erlands about 1480 (?), died about 1520 (?). He was one of the most distinguished of Okeghem's pupils, and of the composers of the second (or great) Flemish school. He and De la Rue may be accounted the two greatest contemporaries of Josquin Depres. Although his rejiutation was wide-spread in his own day, nothing is now known of his life. As a composer, if he lacked something of Josquin's finish of st_yle, he was yet one of the strongest of his time ; his harmony is peculiarly fine. Although as consummate a master of counterpoint as any composer of his time, he did not affect the enigmati- cal canons and mere musical puzzles then in vogue. He was one of the first to attempt the feat of writing for twelve real voices ; but his habitual style was for four voices. His masterpieces were the missa De beata Virgine, and the missa De A/n'y^. Pub- liUU^vELLI lislied works : Several motets in " Motetti xxxiii." (Venice, Petrucci, 1502), and iu " Motetti tlella Coroua," lib. i. (Fossoin- broue, Petrucci, 1514:), and some cbausons in Petrucci's " Cauti B," and " Cauti cento ciuquanta " (Venice, 1501 and 1503) ; Five masses, viz., Je n'ai deuil, Berzeretta savoy- enne, TJt re mi fa sol la, L'Homme armc, Victimse pasclialae (Venice, Petrucci, 1503) ; Mass De Api'yf, in '■ Missarum diversorum auctorum liber primus " (Venice, Petrucci, 1508) ; Three masses, viz., De beata Vir- gins, A I'ombre dung buyssonet (in canon). Pro defuuctis, in " Liber quindecim missa- rum " (Rome, Andreas de Antiquis, 1510) ; Patrem from the mass Villayge, in " Frag- menta missarum " (Venice, Petrucci, no date) ; Two masses, viz., A I'ombre, etc., Festivals, in " Liber quindecim missarum " (Nuremberg, Job. Petrejus, 1538) ; Mass Boutemps, iu '■ Missse tredecim " (Nurem- berg, Grapheus, 1539) ; Pleui sunt cceli and Qui venit iu nomine Domini, in Glarean's " Dodecachordou " (Basel, 1547) ; Laudate Dominum, (iu Forkel, ii. 629-647). The twelve-voice mass, Et ecce terne motus, and some other works are in MS. iu the Munich Libi'ary ; many MSS. are iu the ar- chives of the Pontifical Chapel at Eome. Some chansons are in the Cor. Basevi in the Eiccardiaua at Florence. — Ambros, iii. 240. BRUNELLI, AXTONIO, Italian composer of beginning of 17th century. He was ma- estro di cajipella of the Cathedral of Prato, subsequently of S. Miniato, Florence, and to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. He was one of the best theoretical vocalists and contrapuntists of his day. "Works : Eser- cizi ad una e due voci (Florence, 1605) ; Motetti a due voci, lib. i. (ib., 1607) ; do. lib. 2 ; L' affettuoso invaghito, canzonette a ire voci (ib., 1608) ; I fiori odoranti, madri- gali a tre voci, lib. 1 (Venice, 1609) ; Le fiam- mette d' iugeuio, madrigali a tre voci, lib. 2 (ib., 1610); La Sacra. Can tica, a 1-4 voci; Regole e dichiarazioni di alcuui contrapunti doppj, etc. (Florence, 1610) ; Scherzi, arie, canzonette e madrigali a 1-3 voci, lib. 3 (Venice, 1614) ; Fioretti spirituali a 1-5 voci, op. 15 (ib., 1621). Fetis ; Schilling. BRUNET'Jl, GAiiTANO, born at Pisa, Italy, in 1753, died in Madrid in 1808. Violinist ; pui^il of Nardini. He spent the greater part of his life at the Spanish court, where he was court musician to Charles IV. His compositions, which number more than two hundred, consist of 32 symphonies for orchestra ; 5 concerted symphonies for dif- ferent instruments ; Two books of composi- tions for wind instruments for horse dances at public fetes ; 6 sextets ; 32 quintets ; 6 quintets for violins, etc., and other violin and violoncello music ; among which are 18 sonatas for violin and bass. — Fetis ; jVIendel. BRUNETTI, GIOVANNI GUALBERTO, born iu Pisa, Italy, about 1760, died ('?). Dramatic composer, sou of Antonio Bru- uetti, maestro di cappella at Pisa, whom be succeeded at the cathedral. Works — Operas: Amore imbratta il senno (opera bufta in Neapolitan patois), Pisa, 1733 ; Don Pas- quino (do.), ib., 1785 ; II Corrivo, Naples, 1736 ; Lo sposo di tre, Marito di nessuua, Bologna, 1786 ; Le stravagauze iu campag- na, Venice, 1787 ; Bertoldo e Bertoldina, Florence, 1788 ; Demofoonte, 1790 ; Nozze per invito, ossia gli amanti capricciosi, Rome, 1791 ; Fatima, Brescia, 1791. Of bis church music, his Matines de la Trinite, for eight voices, is considered best. — Fetis. BRUNI, ANTONIO BARTOLOMEO, born at Coni, Piedmont, Feb. 2, 1759, died there in 1823. Dramatic composer and vio- linist ; pupil of Pugnaui for violin, and of Spezzani in composition. He lived in Paris from 1771, was first in the orchestra of the Theatre de Monsieur, was afterwards con- ductor of the Opera Comique. "Works — Op- eras, all jilayed in Paris : Coradin, 1786 ; Ce- lestiue, 1787; L'Isola incantata, 1789 ; Aze- lie, 1790 ; Spinette et Mariiii, and Le niort imagiuaire, 1791 ; L'officier de fortune, 1792 ; Claudiue, 1794 ; Le mariage de J. J. Rous- seau, 1795 ; Toberni, ou le pecheur suedois, 1795 ; Le Major Palmer, 1797 ; La rencontre en voyage, and Les sabotiers, 1798 ; L'Au- BRUNNMULLER tear dans son menage, 1799 ; Augustine et Benjamin, ou les Sargiues de village, 1800 ; La bonne soeur, 1801 ; Le regue de douze heures, 1811 ; Le mariage par commission, 1816 ; Cadiclion, ou les Bobemiennes, 1792 ; L'Esclave, 1800. He wrote also for the vio- lin four sets of sonatas, several concertos, ten quartets, and twenty-eiglit duets, which have been used in teaching with his " Mc- thode de Violou," jjublished in Paris and Leipsic. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 131. BRUNNMULLER (B r o u n e m ti 1 1 e r) , ELIAS, born in Germany in 1666, died at Amsterdam, Sept. 17, 1762. Pianist and violinist, pujail of Scarlatti, Lunati, and Corelli ; played with success in London, Paris, and at many Eurojjean courts, and settled in Holland, first at The Hague, then at Amsterdam. Works : Sonata a due vio- lin! e violoncello con organo, ojJ. 1 ; Simon van Beaumont, op. 2 ; Toccata, fugues, cha- couue, suites, etc., for pianoforte and organ, op. 3 ; 6 solos for violin ; 6 do. for oboe ; Fasciculus musicus, containing toccatas, soli for oboe, violin, and flute, and Italian and German melodies. All these are in the library at Leyden. — Mendel, Erganz., 49. BRUSA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, born in Venice about the middle of the 17th century, died probably in 1740. Dramatic comjjoser ; became organist of the Orga- netto del Palchetto in San Marco, 1726, and choirmaster in the Conservatorio degl' In- curabili. Works: II Trionfo della Virtu, given in 1724 ; Amor eroico, 1725 ; Medea e Giasone, 1726.— Fctis. BRUTI, VINCENZO, Italian composer, a chef de musique in the Italian army, contem- porary. He is the author of Macco, Italian opera buffa, given at the Teatro Brunelli, Bologna, June, 1872 ; Adina, comic opera, represented at Sangeuesio, 1877. BRYNE, ALBERT, Euglish composer of the 17tli century. Organist, pupil of John Tomkins, whom he succeeded as organist of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. His com- positions are preserved in Boyce and Clif- ford, and in MS. in the British Museum. | BRZOWSKI, JOSEPH, born at Warsaw in 1805, still living, 1888, Pianist and dra- matic composer, jjupil of Karl Kurpinski ; became musical director of the ballet at the Warsaw Theatre in 1832, and made a con- cert tour through Germany and France in 1837, and, with his daughter and pupil Hed- 1 wiga, pianist, to Germany in 1843. Works : Hrabia Weseliuski, Polish oi:)era, given at Warsaw, 1833 ; Fantastic overture ; Dra- matic symphony ; Quartet with jjianoforte ; Quintet, do.; Requiem for soli, chorus, and orchestra ; Pianoforte j^ieces, and songs, duets, etc. — Fetis, Sujjplement, i. 131. BUCHERON, LE (The Wood Cutter), opera-comique in one act, text by Guichard and Castel, music bj' Philidor, first repre- sented at the Comcdie Italienne, Paris, Feb. 28, 1703. A satire on loquacious women. BUCHNER, EMIL, born at Osterfeld near Naumburg, Prussian Saxony, Dec. 5, 1826, still living, 1888. Pupil at the Con- servatoriura, Leipsic (1843-46), in which city he continued to live until 1856, and whither he returned as musical director in 1862, having meanwhile conducted the theatre orchestras at Rostock, Augsburg, Nuremberg, Innsbruck, and Magdeburg. In 1865 he became Hof-Kapellmeister at Meiningen. Works : Dame Kobokl, opera, text by Theodor Apel, about 1860 ; Konig Harald's Brautfahrt, cantata ; Overture to Schiller's Wallenstein (1867), and other overtures ; Trio for pianoforte, etc. ; Songs. BUCK, DUDLEY, born, of American parentage, in Hart- ford, Connecticut, March 10, 1839 ; still living, 1888. Organ- ist, pupil on the pianoforte of W. J. Babcock, and in the Leipsic Conservato- rium, 1858, of Plaidy and Moscheles, in in- strumentation of Ju- lius Rietz, and in composition of Haupt- mann. Aftei' remaining at Leif)sic for 238 BUHL eighteen montlis, he became a, jjupil on the organ of Johaiin Schneider in Dres- den, and again of Rietz ; and in 18G1 lie went to Paris and studied Frencli music for a short time. Eeturniug to America in 18G2, he settled first in Hartford, where he was organist of the Park Church ; then in Chicago of St. James's Episcopal Church. In 1872 he removed to Boston, where he was appointed organist of St. Paul's Church, and, subsequently, of the Music Hall Association, a position which placed him in charge of the great Music Hall organ. In 1875 he was or- ganist at the Cincinnati May Festival, and during the same year went to New York as assistant conductor of Theodore Thomas's Central Park Garden Concerts. He became also organist of the Church of the Holy Trinity, and director of the Apollo Club, Brooklyn, in 1875. Works: Legfiid oi Bon Muiiio, cantata, 1874 ; Faalm 46, do., Handel and Haydn Society, Boston, 187-t ; Centen- nial Meditation of Columbia, do., 1876 ; The Nun of Nidaros, do., 1878 ; The Golden Legend, do., 1880 ; Deseret, comic opera, 1880 ; Marmion, symphonic overture for or- chestra, 1880 ; Voyage of Colamlnis, 1885 ; Light of Asia (188G) ; King Olaf's Christmas, 1887 ; Slav Spangled Banner, overture, 1888 ; Easter Morning, for mixed voices ; Hymu to Music, mixed voices. Church Music : Motet Collection, 1867 ; Second Motet Collection; Morning Service for Episcopal Church, op. 25 ; Evening Service for do., op. 31 ; Christ pur Passover, op. 29 ; There were shepherds ; Hark, what mean these holy voices?, op. 32 ; Darkly rose the guilty morning, op. 33 ; Morning Service, op. 45 ; Evening Service, op. 47 ; Easter Anthem, op. 46 ; Christmas Anthem, op. 48 ; Special Hymns (8 numbers), op. 43 ; Three Anthems, op. 72 ; Te Deum and Jubilate from Schubert's Mass in B-flat ; O Saviour, hear me ! ; A Midnight Service for New Year's Eve. Organ : Illustrations in Choir Accompaniment, with Hints in Registration, 1877 ; Grand Sonata in E-flat, op. 22 ; Con- cert Variations on the Star Spangled Ban- ner, op. 23 ; Triumphal JMarch, op. 26 ; Im- promptu Pastoral, op. 27 ; Eighteen Pedal Phrasing Studies, op. 28 ; Rondo Caprice, op. 35 ; Several Transcriptions and Varia- tions ; At Evening, Idylle, op. 52 ; Second Grand Sonata, in G minor, op. 77; The Organist's Repertoire, edited by D. Buck and A. P. Warren. Pianoforte music; Songs, words by E. C. Stedman, and other Songs ; Dictionary of Musical Terms ; The Influence of the Organ in History (1882). BUHL, JOSEF DAVID, born at the Cha- teau de Chanteloup, near Amboise (Indre-et- Loire), of German parents, in 1781, died at Versailles, April, 1860. Virtuoso on the trumpet, studied in Paris. He was pro- fessor of the trumpet in the cavah-y school at Ver.sailles in 1805-11, conductor of the Garde du Corps in 1824, and a member of the orchestra of the Opera and of the The- atre Italien in 1816-25. He devoted much time to improvements in his instrument. L. of Honour, 1814. Works: Quicksteps for wind instruments ; 16 marches, quick- steps, etc., for four trumpets, two horns, and trombone ; War-song for horns, trumpets, and trombone ; Duets for trumpets, etc. ; Method for the trumpet.^Fetis ; Mendel. BUHLER, ABBE FRANZ (GREGOR), born at Schneidheim, near Augsburg, April 12, 1760, died at Augsburg, Feb. 4, 1824. Organist, first instructed by his father, and at the Abbey of Neresheim, where he became a chorister in 1770, pupil of Fa- ther IMayr in singing, of Father Werk- meister on the pianoforte, and of Father Faulhaber in harmony and composition ; then at Augsburg pupil of Michael Dimm- ler on the organ and in composition. He was organist at Mayngen Monastery for a short time, and, having returned to Augs- burg, went to the Convent of Benedictines at Donauwerth in 1778, where he studied under Neubauer and Rosetti, was made a priest in 1784, and called as Kapellmeister to Botzen in 1794 ; he obtained from the pope his secularization in 1801, and became Kapellmeister of the Cathedral of Augsburg. Bumi Works : Masses with organ and orchesti-a ; 28 Vesper hymns ; 3 German masses for three voices and orchestra (Augsburg) ; Psahns, Pauge lingua, Libera, Eequieni, Te Deum, Vespers ; Several collections of German Lie- der with pianoforte ; Sonatas and preludes for organ, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilhng. BUmi, GroSEPPE MARIA, born at Bologna towards the end of the 16th cen- tury. Dramatic composer, pianist and vio- linist, and poet ; wrote the text to six of his operas. Member of the Accademia Filar- monica, 1722 ; principe in 1730 and 1735. Works : L' ipocondriaco, given in Florence, 1718 ; II Mago deluso dalla magia, Bo- logna, 1718 ; La pace per amore, I diporti d' amore in villa, ib., 1719 ; Gl' inganni fortunati, Filindo, Armida delusa, Venice, 1720 ; Cleofile, ib., 1721 ; Amore e maesta, ovvero 1' Arsace, Gl' Inganni felici, Flor- ence, 1722 ; Armida abbandonata, ib., 1723 ; La ninfa riconosciuta, ib., 1724 ; Adelaide, Bologna, 1725 ; Gli sdegni cangiati in amore, Venice, 1725 ; B savio delirante. La vendetta disarmata dall' amore, Bo- logna, 1726 ; Albumazar, ib., 1727 ; Frene- sie d' amore, ib., 1728 ; Teodorico, Malmo- eor, Amore e gelosia, Chi no fa, non falla, Endimione, ib., 1729 ; L' Oi-tolane eon- tessa, II podesta di Colognole, La maschera levata al vizio, ib., 1730 ; Artanagamem- none, Fidarsi e ben, ma non fidarsi e me- glio, Venice, 1731 ; Gli amici de' martelli, Bologna, 1734— Fe'tis ; Mendel. BULL, JOHN, born in Somersetshire, England, in 1563, died at Antwerp, March 12, 1628. Organ- ist, pupil of William Blithe- man, in the Chapel Royal ; was appointed organist of the cathedral at Hereford in 1582, and afterwards master of the children. In 1585 he was ad- mitted a member of the Chapel Royal, and in 1586 received the degree of jMus. Bac. and in 1592 that of Mus. Doc, at Oxford. Upon the recommendation of Queen Eliza- beth he was appointed professor of music in Gresham College, 1596, which position he resigned on his marriage in 1607, it being tenable by statute only so long as he remained unmarried. In 1601 he went abroad for the recovery of his health, and made a concert tour through Holland, France, and Germany. In 1611 he was in the service of Prince Henry, and in 1613 went to the Netherlands, where he entered the service df the Archduke, and in 1617 became organist of the Cathedral of No- tre Dame at Antwerp. Of his composi- tions, said to number more than 200, only a few have been printed in various collec- tions ; to wit, in Barnard's, Boyce's, Leigh- ton's, etc. A list of his works is contained in Ward's "Lives of the Gresham Professors." To him has been attributed the composition of the national anthem God save the King, but the question still remains undecided. — Burney, iii. 115 ; Hawkins, ii. 366 ; Chap- pell, Popular Music of Olden Time, 249, 698 ; Marpurg's Beitrlige, iv. : Grove ; Mendel. BULL, OLE (BOENEMANN), born at Bergen, Norway, Feb. 5, 1810, died at his villa Lysoen, near Bergen, Aug. 17, 1880. Violin virtuoso, self-t a u g h t, adopting a ilat finger- board and bridge, and holding his instrument in a way quite bis own. Paulsen, a Dane, his first teacher, could not control the method of his pupil, who, at ten years of age, would play passages which his teacher found too difficult. Intended for the clerical profes- sion, but failing in his examinations, his friends arranged that he should direct the Pliilliarmonic and Dramatic Societies (1828). In 1831 he went to Paris, where he suffered many hardships, but experienced the most 340 BULOW exciting of his musical iinpicssioiis in listen- ing to Piigiiniui, who afterwards spoke of Ole Bull's technique as masterful, and liis style and method as original and admirable. He belonged to no school, unless the study of song in Italy may have helped him to know his own powers and limitations. The criticism of Joachim, quoted by Bjornson, is worthy of note : " No artist in our time has possessed Ole Bull's poetic power ; no one has ever surpassed his inlaying of the adagio." Mozart was the composer he most cared to interj)i-et, but his own com- positions and improvisations best brought out his mastery of the instrument, and were demanded by the public. He had also, from his long experience and close study, acquired a full knowledge of the construc- tion of the violin, and was a judge of rare instruments. Years of residence in the United States led Ole Bull to call that country his "other home." Works: Con- certo in A (1832) ; do. in E minor (1841) ; Quartetto a violino solo (1834) ; Preghiera d' una madre (1834) ; Polacca guerriera (1834) ; Gruss aus der feme (1841) ; Sicili- ano 6 tarantella, Variazioni di bravura, II Notturno (1843) ; Agiaco Cubano, Eecuer- dos de la Habaua (1844) ; Niagara, The Sol- itude of the Prairies, David's Psalm (1844) ; Memory of Washington (184.5) ; La Verbena de San Juan (1847); SaeterbesOg (1848); The Nightingale (1867).— Sara C. Bull, Ole Bull, a Memoir (Boston, 1883). BtJLOW, HANS (GUIDO), Baron VON, born at Dresden, Jan. 8, 1830, still living, 1888. His father, Eduard von Biilow, was cham- berlain to the Prince of Anhalt- De.ssau, and had some reputation as a litterateur. The j'oving Hans showed at first neither taste nor talent for music, and it was only after a long and severe ill- ness that his musical gift declared itself. At the age of nine he began studying the pianoforte under Friedrich Wieck, and, two j'ears later, harmony and counterpoint under M. K. Eberwein. In 1848 he en- tered the University of Leipsic, to study law, but also continued his studies in counterpoint under Hauptmann. In 1849 he left Leipsic to enter the University at Berlin. He was, at the time, deeply inter- ested in politics, and contributed to a dem- ocratic newsjjaper, "Die Abendjrost." Here he began his championship of the new German school of music, and of the ideas of Wagner and Liszt. In 1850, after hearing a performance of Lohengrin, conducted by Liszt in Weimar, he determined to abandon the law, and take up music as a profession ; hitherto he had pursued it only as an ama- teur. He went to Ziirich and placed him- self under Wagner's guidance. In 18.51 ho went to Weimar to complete his study of the pianoforte under Liszt. In 1853 he made his fii-st concert tour to Vienna, Pesth, Dresden, Carlsruhe, Bremen, Hamburg, and Berlin, meeting with unqualified success wherever he appeared. From 1855 to 18G4 he was priucij)al teacher of the pianoforte at Stern and Marx's Conservatorium in Berlin, where he organized symphony and chamber concerts, contributed political and musical articles to various papers, and did what he could to helj) the propaganda of the new school. He also made jDrofessional trips through Germany, the Netherlands, and Russia, appearing both as pianist and con- ductor. In 18G4 he was appointed chief conductor at the Royal Ojiera, and director of the Conservatorium in Munich. It w'as here that he conducted the first perform- ances of Wagner's Tristan and Die Meister- singer. His labors in reorganizing the Con- servatorium, added to domestic troubles, at last so affected his health that in 1809 he retired to Florence, where he lived for several years. In 1873 he made a visit to Loudon, and in 1875-76 a tour through the United States. Since that time he has held 241 BITNDESLEID positions as conductor in several German cities, notably in Hamburg, Hanover, and Meiningeu. His concert tours witli the Meiuiugeu orchestra have been esjjeeially famous. Billow's fame as pianist, conduct- or, and musical writer is of the very liigh- est order. His memory is prodigious ; he plays and conducts almost everything with- out notes, and his repertory includes almost everything of importance in the literature of the pianoforte and of the orchestra. Since 1870 his open championship of Wag- ner's works and doctrines has been less noticeable than formerly. Although still a warm admirer of the Bayreuth master, he has of late devoted his energies more ex- clusively to the classic composer.?, especially Bach and Beethoven, and has done much to further the Brahms propaganda. As a composer he never acquired much distinc- tion, but his musical influence has alwaj'S been ver^y great. His original composi- tions, as far they have been published, are : Marche heroique, op. 3 ; Innocence, Album- blatt for juanoforte ; Die Entsagende, Lie- dercyclus, for voice and pianoforte, op. 8 ; Music to Shakesjjeare's JHliu.s Csesar, op. 10 ; Des Sanger's Fluch, ballade for orches- tra, op. 16 ; Ninvana, symphonisches Stim- mungsbild, op. 20 ; II Carnovale di Milano, short dance-pieces for pianoforte, op. 21 ; Vier Charakterstucke fiir Orchester, op. 23 ; Two Romances for mezzo-soprano and pi- anoforte, op. 26. Among his pianoforte transcriptions the following are noteworthy : The pianoforte score of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde ; the Vorspiel to Die Meister- singer ; Berlioz's overtures to Le Corsaire, and Benvenuto Cellini. His instructive edi- tions of many pianoforte classics, notably of Beethoven's pianoforte works, beginning with opus 53, are universally recognized models. BUNDESLIED (Song of Federation), text from Goethe, for two soli, chorus, two clarinets, two horns, and two bassoons, by Beethoven, op. 122, composed in 1822. Published by Schott (Mainz). Sketch in a sketch-book in Royal Library, Berlin. — Thayer, Verzeichuiss, 1-45 ; Lenz, Krit. Kat- olog", 140. BUN(4ERT, AUGUST, born at Miilheim au der Rulir, Rhenish Prussia, Jlarch l-l, 1846, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil of Hubert Ferdinand Kufferath, then studied for three year's at the Conservatorium in Cologne, and, with interruptions, for four years in Paris at the Conservatoire, and under Mathias. In 1869 he became musi- cal director at Kreuznach, and in 1873 set- tled in Berlin, where he studied counter- point and fugue under Kiel. Works : Die Studenteu von Salamanca, comic opera, given at Leipsic, 1884 ; Overture to Tasso ; Hohes Lied der Liebe, with orchestra ; Pi- anoforte quartet, op. 18 ; Pianoforte pieces, songs, and male choruses. — Mendel, Ergiinz., 50 ; Riemanu. BUNNETT, EDWARD, born at Ship- ham, Norfolk, Eng- land, June 26, 1834, still living, 1888. Or- ganist, pupil of Dr. Zechariali Buck at Norwich Cathedral, of which he was a chorister in 1842, and assistant organist in 1855-77. He became organist of St. Peter's Church in 1877, and organist to the cor- poration of Norwich in 1880. Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1856 ; Mus. Doc, do., 1869. Works : Song of Praise, 1869 ; Rhineland, j cantata for soprano solo, chorus, and or- chestra, composed for Mile Tietjens, Nor- I wich Festival, 1872 ; Lora, cantata, text by W. W. Turnbull, 1876 ; Magnifieat, Nunc dimittis, Cautate Domino, and Deus mi.se- reatur, 1860 ; Te Deum in G ; Te Deum in 1 P ; Benedictus and Jubilate in F ; Volume 343 BUNTE of Chants, Kyries, Anthems, etc., 18(55 ; Of- fice of the Holy Commuuiou iu E, 1883 ; Anthems ; Songs ; Sonata for violin and pi- anoforte, 1873 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, 1873 ; Pianoforte music, etc. BUNTE BLATTER (Variegated Leaves), li pieces for pianoforte, by Robert Schu- mann, op. 99, composed in 1836-49 ; dedi- cated to Miss Mary Potts. First published by F. W. Arnold (Elberfeld, 1852) ; edition by Breitkopf & Hartel, Schumann's Werke, Series VIL, vol. vi., No. 33. BUNTE REfflE (Variegated Series), 24 pieces for violin by Ferdinand David, tran- scribed for pianoforte by Liszt. BUONA FIGLIUOLA, LA (The Good Daughter), ossia La Ceccliina, Italian opera buffa, text by Goldoni, music by Piccinui, BUONDELiSIONTE. See Maria Stuarda. BUONOMO, ALFONSO, born at Naples, Aug. 12, 1829, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Conservatorio, Na- ples, of Achille Pistilli iu solfeggio, of Gio- vanni Donadio on the pianoforte, then of Giuseppe Polidoro and of Luigi Siri on the pianoforte, of Pietro Casella in harmony, and of RatYaele Polidoro and Alessandro Busti in sin"in"'. Having lost his voice, he studied composition under Giuseppe Lillo. Works : Cicco e Cola, given at Naples, Teatro Nuovo, 1857 ; L' ultima Domenica di Carnovale, ib., 1859 ; Moualora di Chiaja, ib., 1862 ; Osti e nou Osti, ib., Teatro Bellini, 1865 ; Le Follie amorose, ib., 1865 ; Tizio, Cajo e Sempronio, ib., Teatro de la Fcnice, 1867 ; II :\Iarito geloso, ib., Teatro Rossini, 1871 ; first represented in Rome, 1760 ; and iu Una Giornata a Napoli, ib., Teatro Nuovo, Paris, at the Academie Royale de Musique, as La bonne lille, Dec. 7, 1778. The li- bretto is an adaptation of Goldoni's drama of '■ Pamela," which is founded on Richard- son's romance of the same title. One of the most popular buft'a operas ever written, it held the stage throughout Europe for many years. Iu Rome it was played in all the theatres, great and small, the fashions were "alia Cecchina," and inns, shops, coiffures, wines, etc., were named after her. Pro- duced in Paris during the heat of the quar- rel between the Gluckists and Piccinnists, it met with a brilliant success, in spite of the sarcasms of the former. It is said to have been written in eighteen days. The opera was revived iu London in 1814:, for the benefit of Madame Catalani, who repre- sented Pamela with great success. — Ho- garth, Memoirs, ii. 134 ; Desnoiresterres, Gluck et Piccinni, 173 ; Giuguene, Notice sur . . . N. Piccinni, 10. BUONA FIGLIUOLA MARITATA, LA (The Good Daughter Married), text by Gol- doni, music by Piccinni, first represented at Naples, 1765, and at the Acadt'niie Roy- ale de Musique, Paris, April 15, 1779. The libretto, a sequel to La buona figliuola, deals with The Good Daughter's married life. 1871 ; Le due Maschere ; Bi-Ba-Bu.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 133. BUONONCINL See Bononcini. BURALI-FORTI, COSIMO, Italian com- poser, contemporary. He is author of : Pic- carda Donati, opera, given at Arezzo, Oct. 31, 1874 ; La Marchesella, opera buft'a, ib., Dec. 24, 1876 ; Le teste di Gesso, opera bufta, ib., April 19, 1877 ; Carmela, opera seria, ib., March 17, 1880. BURBURE DE WESEMBECK, LfiON (PHILIPPE MARIE), Chevalier DE, born at Termonde, East Flanders, Aug. 16, 1812, still living, 1888. Distinguished musical amateur, studied the violoncello at Ghent under de Vigne, who was a pupil of Bau- diot. He founded at the University of Ghent, a musical society. La Lyre Acade- mique, where many of his works were given ; was a president of the societies of Sainte- Cccile, Amour des Arts, Les Chceurs, and "£chos de la Denche, for all of which he wrote many choruses, and was the winner of the 1st prize given by the Society des Arts, des Sciences, des Lettres, of Hainault, in 1840, for his overture of Charles-Quint. The town of Termonde made him member of the Council of the Church of Notre Dame iu 1842, when he became interested in the 243 ErRCK work of classifying and recording the ar- chives of that collegium. He was invited by other towns to undertake the same work for them, and in the coiu'se of it, particularly while at Antwerp (1846-53j, he made valu- able additions to the musical history of the Netherlands. He was made administrator of the Academie des Beaux Arts at Antwerp in 1858, and of the Roj-al Academy of Bel- gium iu 18C2. His compositions are very nu- merous, as he wi'ote for all the principal mu- sical societies of Belgium. They consist of choruses with and without accomjjaniment, romances, melodies, and Lieder, of which fifty-six were published in Belgium and Germany iu 1834-50. Church music : Te Deum ; Stabat Mater ; Litanies to the Vir- gin ; Ave Maria ; Tantum ergo. Orchestral nuisic : Overtures to Jacques d'Arteville, Quentiu Matsys, Godefroi de Bouillon, Da- vid Teniers, etc. Choruses and cantatas : The Pirate's Song, De Stag by Doggersbook, Lindanus, with accompaniment ; Les mau- vais gar<,'ons, Art, Patrie et Dieu, Belgie, Flaudre au Lion, Hymue a Sainte-Cecile, etc., without accomp)auiment. He is the au- thor of : "Aperyu sur I'ancienne corporation des musiciens instrumeutistes d'Anvers" (18G2) ; " Recherches sur les factures des clavecins et des luthiers d'Anvers depuis le IGe jusqu'au 19e siecle " (Brussels, 1863) ; "Notice sur Ian Van Ockeghem," in Flem- ish (185G), and "Catalogue historique du Musce d'Anvers." — Fctis ; do., Supj)lcment, i. I3i ; Mendel. BUECK, JOACHIM VON, born near Magdeburg, second half of the IGth century. Organist, cantor at Miilhausen, and one of the fifty-three judges cliosen for the recep- tion of the organ at Groningen, iu 1596. "Works : Passion Christi, nach dcm 4 Evan- geslisten auf dem teutschen Text, etc. (Er- furt, 1550 and 1557, Wittenberg, 1568) ; Harmonise sacra; tam viva voce, quam in- struinentis musiois cantatu jucunda^ (Nu- remberg, 15GG) ; IV Decades senteutiosorum versuum (15G7) ; Cantiones sacra- 4 vocum (Miilhausen) ; Symbolum aijostolicum Nic;c- um, Te Deum laudamus, etc., mit 4 Stim- men (1569) ; XX geistliche Odeu auf Villa- i nellen Art gesetz, 1st part (Erfurt, 1572) ; Idem, 2d part (Miilhausen, 1578) ; Sacrae cantiones plane novse ex vet. et novo Testa- mento a 4 vocum (Nuremberg, 1573) ; Odie sacriB Ludovici Hemboldi Mulhusini suavi- bus harmoniis ad imit. italicaruin villaue- siarum, uusquam in Germania linguii' latinse antea accommodatarum (Miilhausen) ; Heb- domas div. instituta sacris odis celebrata, lectionumque scholasticarum intervallis, etc. (Miilhausen, 1560). — Futis ; Gerber ; Men- del ; Winterfeld, Der evang. Kirchengesang, i. 397. BUEGEL, CONSTANTIN, born at Lie- bau, Silesia, June 24, 1837, still living, 1888. Instrumental composer, pupil of Brosig at Breslau and of Kiel iu Berlin, where he afterwards taught the i^ianoforte at Kullak's Academy (1869-70). He is liv- ing there now as teacher and composer. Works : Two sonatas for pianoforte ; So- nata for violin ; Suite and variations for pi- anoforte ; Fantasiestiicke for do. ; Quintet for do., and stringed instruments ; Overture to Sappho ; Symphonic march, etc. — Mendel. BLTIGIO DI VILL.4.FI0EITA, Italian composer, contemporary. He is author of II Paria, Italian opera, represented at the Te- atro Pergola, Florence, March, 1872 ; Jolan- da, opera seria, text by Interdonato, Teatro Grande, Brescia, Feb. 20, 1879 ; Le notti romane, opera seria, Adria, Aug. 29, 1880. bueg:mullee, (johann) fried- rich (FRANZ), boru iu Eatisbon in 180G, died at Beaulieu, France, Feb. 13, 1874. Pi- anist, son and pupil of August Friedrich Burgmiiller (1760-1824). He went to Paris in 1832, and became a noted teacher, and com- poser of popular pianoforte nuisic. Works : La Peri, ballet (1843) ; one act of Lady Henriette, ballet (with Flotow and Del- devez as collaborators) ; the motif for a valse for Adolphe Adam's Giselle, ballet, which became famous as La Valse de Gi- selle. His compositions for pianoforte number nearly one hundred, composetl of ■i4i BURGMULLER fautaisics, caprices, rondos, etc. — Frtis ; do., Supplriiieut, i. 134. — Alendel. BURGMULLER, NORBERT, boru iu Dusseldorf, Feb. 8, 1810, died iu Aix-la- Cbapelle, May 7, 1836. His father was Mu- sik-Director at Diisseldorf, and one of the founders of tbe Lower Rhine Festivals. Norbert's musical education was begun at home, and continued under Spohr and Haujitmann at Cassel. He was of a weak constitution, and died before he had reached his full development, leaving an overture and parts of two sj'mphonies, one of which was completed by Schumann, who was his warm admirer. There is little doubt that, had he lived, he would have risen to a very high rank as a composer. Besides these works, a pianoforte concerto and some fugi- tive pieces have been published by Kistner. — Schumann, Ges. Sclir., iii. 145 ; Mus. and Musicians, i. 172 ; Burgiuiiller's posthumous compositions, Leipsio Signale, July 7, 18G4. BURGSCHAFT, DIE (The Security), Ger- man opera in three acts, test by an unknown writer after Schiller's ballad of the same name, music by Franz Schubert, uutiuished. Schubert wrote fifteen numbers, including the first two acts and one air and chorus in the third act. The :MS., dated May 2, 181G, is in Herr Dumba's possession, and no part of it has been jirinted. Same subject treated by Blumenroder, Germany, 1824 ; by Franz Lachner, text by von Biedeufeld, Pesth, 1828 ; by Lindpaintuer, same text, Stuttgart, Sept. 28, 1834 ; by G. Hellmes- berger, Hanover, 1848. — Hellborn (Cole- ridge), i. 02 ; Grove, iii. 32G. BURMANN, GOTTLOB WILHEL:\r, born at Laubaii, Silesia, May 18, 1737, died in Berlin, Jan. 5, 1805. Pianist and organ- ist of great facility, the more remarkable because on one hand he had no ring-finger, and another finger was lame. He lived in Berlin in very narrow circumstances, for the last ten years of his existence, paralyzed on one side. He was also a talented poet, and wrote the words to most of his songs. Works : Sis pieces for pianoforte (1771!) ; 4 suites for do. (1777) ; Harmonietten oder Stiicke fiir Khivier (17!)3) ; 5 collections of songs (17G()-87) ; Winter-Uberlistung oder deutsche National Lieder, 3 books of songs (1794) ; Lenzgefiihle, do. (1794) ; Die Jahreszeiten, do. (1795) ; G do. (1794) ; Liederbuch fiir das Jahr 1787, etc. — Fctis ; Mendel. BURNEY, CHARLES, born in Shrews- bury, England, April 7, 1726, died at Chel- sea, April 12, 1814. He was educated at the free school, Shrewsbury, and at the public school, Chester, where he studied music imder Baker, organist of the cathedral ; later he was a pupil of his elder brother James Burney, organist of St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, and in 1744-47 of Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne, in London. In 1749 he became organist of St. Diouis-Back- cliurch, Loudon, and harpsichord player at the subscription concerts, Cornhill. He was organist of Lynn Regis, Norfolk, 1751- 60, returned to London in the latter year, received the degree of Mus. Doc. fi"om Ox- ford in 1769, travelled in France and Italy in 1770-71, and in Germany and the Nether- lands in 1772, and on his return to London was elected a fellow of the Royal Society iu 1773. Dr. Burney published, on his return from the Continent, "The Present State of Music in France and Italy " (Lon- don, 8vo, 1771) ; and " The Present State of ]Music in German}', the Netherlands, and United Provinces" (ib., 2 vols. 8vo, 1773). But he is best known by his " General His- tory of Music, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period " (London, 4 vols. 4to, 1776-89). He was the author also of " Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abbate Metastasio " (ib., 3 vols. 8vo, ! 1796), and of other works. In 1789 Dr. I Burney was appointed organist of Chelsea College, where he spent the remainder of 34S BFROXI liis life, enjoying the intimate acqiiaint;mce of almost every eontempoi-ary noted in literature auJ iu art. Of liis eight chil- dren, the second daughter was Mme d'Ar- blay the novelist ; another daughter, Sarah Harriet, was also a novelist ; James, the eldest son, became a rear-admiral and au- thor ; and Charles, an eminent classical scholar, critic, and bibliographer. Dr. Burney's musical compositions were as fol- lows : Music for Mallet's Alfred, Mendez's Robin Hood, and Queen Mab, Drury Lane, 1750 ; The Cunning Man, test and music adapted from Rousseau's Deviu du Village, Drury Lane, 1766 ; 2 sonatas for two vio- lins and bass, 1765 ; Anthem, with over- ture, solos, and choruses, Oxford, 1769 ; 6 cornet-pieces with introduction and fugue for organ ; 12 canzonette a due voci in canone, after Metastasio ; 6 duets for Ger- man ilutes ; 6 concertos for violin, etc., iu eight parts ; 2 sonatas for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; 6 harjjsichord les- sons ; Anthems ; Glees, instrumental music, etc. — Madame d'Ai'blaj', Memoirs of Dr. Burney (3 vols., London, 1832) ; Grove. BURONI (Boroui), ANTONIO, born in Rome in 1738, died there in 1797. Dra- matic comjjoser, j)upil of Padre Martini at Bologna, and of Abos at the Conservatorio della Fieta, Naples ; went in 1765 to Prague, and in 1766 to Dresden, where he became musical director of the Italian opera. In 1770 he was made Hof-Kapellmeister at Stuttgart, and in 1778 returned to Italy, living alternately iu Venice, Rome, and Naples, until 1785, when he became maes- tro di cappella at St. Peter's, Rome. Works : L' amore in nuisica, given in Venice about 1760 ; Alessandro in Armenia, ib., 1762 ; Sofonisba, ib., 1764 ; Le villegiatrici ridi- cole, ib., 1764: ; Siroe, Prague, 1765 ; La Moda, Dresden, 1769 ; II Caruovale, Le or- fane suizzere, ib., 1769 ; Ricimero, Stuttgart, 1773 ; La donna instabile, Artaserse, ib., 1776 ; Eumeue, ib., 1778.— Fetis ; Mendel. BURY, BERNARD DE, born at Ver- sailles, Aug. 20, 1720, died about 1790. Dramatic composer, pupil of Colin de Bla- mont ; when only nineteen he became ac- companist of the royal chamber music, iu 1744 maitre de musique, and in 1751 sur- intendant. Works : Les caracteres de la fohe, ballet, given in 1743 ; La nymphe de la Seine, divertissement ; Les bergers de Sceaux, do. ; La Parque vaincue, do. ; Jupi- ter vaiuqueur des Titans, opera (with Bla- mont), 1745 ; Titan et I'Aurore, ballet, 1750 ; Hylas et Zelie, do., 1762 ; Palmire, do., Fontainebleau, 1765 ; Zenis et Almasie, do., ib., 1766 ; La prise de Berg-oji-Zoom, can- tata ; De Profundis, motet for full chorus. — Fctis; Mendel. BUSBY, THOMAS, born iu Westminster in 1755, died in Islington, May 28, 1838. Organist, j)upil of Battishill in 1769-74. He was organist successively at St. Mary's, Newiugton, and at St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street. Mus. Doc, Cambridge, 1800. Works : The Prophecy, oratorio, 1799 ; Ode, British Genius (by Gray) ; Ode to St. Cecilia's Day (by Pope) ; Comala, dra- matic romance (from Ossian), 1800 ; Thanks- giving Ode (degree exercise), 1800 ; Music to Joanna (drama by R. Cumberland), 1800 ; Music to A Tale of Mystery (by J. Holcroft), 1802) ; Music to Rugautino, or The Bravo of Venice (by M. G. Lewis), 1805 ; Music to The Fair Fugitives (by Porter) ; Sonatas, anthems, glees, etc. He was the author also of "A Dictionary of Music " (London, 1786), " A Grammar of Music " (ib., 1818, 2d ed., 1826), " A General History of Music " (2 vols., ib., 1819), and other works. — Grove ; Fetis ; Brown ; Lai'ousse ; Mendel. BUSNOIS, ANTOINE (Antonius de Busne ; written also, Busnoys, Busnoi.', Bu- gnoy.s, Bugniois, Busna, and Bufua), born (?), died in 1480. His birthplace is not known. He was a singer in the chapel of Charles the Bold of Burgundy from 1467, and after- wards, 1477, dean of the town of Furnes. Busnois was one of the greatest composers of his day ; he may be reckoned with Faugues and a few others as belonging to the short transition period between the first 346 liUSSCllOl' and second Flemish schools. He was a generation younger than Diifay and Bin- chois, and was a contemporary of Okeghem. Tinctoria dedicated his book, " De natiua et proprietate tonorum " (1470), to Busnois and Okeghem together. Of Busnois's com- positions but little is preserved : Mass Ecce aucilla for 4 voices (his masterpiece) ; Two Regina coeli, an arrangement of the sequence Victimfe paschala-, a Christmas song Noul, Noiil, a Magniticat sexti toni, and several motets, all for i voices, and motet Anima mea and Magnificat primi toni, both for 3 voices, in the Brussels Library. Several masses (among them one on L'Homme ar- me) are in Codex 14, in the archives of the bat ; Le Depart des nu'nestrels ; La Chasse au cerf ; Le Ghteur national ; La Vision fantastique ; Le Cn'pviscule du matin ; Bruges, etc. ; Symphonies, overtures, mo- tets, etc. — Fc'tis ; Itiemann. BUSS L"XD REU, aria in F-sharp minor for the alto of Coro I, with aeeonipaniment of two flutes and contiuuo, in Johann Se- bastian Bach's frt.s.'^ion uach Matthiius. BUSTILLO-ITURli.VLDE, CESAREO, born at Valladolid, Spain, Feb. 2.5, 1807, still living, 1888. Church composer, pupil of Fernando Haikens and Angel Martin- chique, and, after an interval of four years (1824-28), during which he served iu the army, of Soriano Fuortes the elder. In Pontifical Chapel iu Rome. The Maglia- j 1832 he became maestro de capilla of the becchiaua in Florence has 14 songs in a cathedral at Toledo, for which he wrote codex of the Fund. Strozzi (No. 53, xix., No. 15G). The Paris Library has two songs for 3 voices : Je suis veuu vers mon ami, and Chi dist en pudicite, madame. The Codex 295 of Dijon has 17 songs for 3 voices, and two for 2 voices. Two songs, Dieu, quel mariage, and Maintes fenimes, are in the " Canti centocinquanta" (Venice, Petrucei, 1503). — Ambros, ii. 463. BUSSCHOP, JULES (.\UGUSTE GUIL- LAUME), born iu Paris, Sept. 10, 1810, still living, 1888. Composer, entirely self- taught by studying the theoretical works of Albrechtsberger and Reicha at Bruges, whither his parents bad returned in 1816. His patriotic cantata, Le drapeau beige, re- ceived the first prize in 1834. Orders of Leopold and of the Oaken Crown. Works : Six religious songs for 1-4 voices and or- gan ; Ave jVIaria and Tantum ergo, for 3- or 4- part chorus, and orchestra or organ ; Three religious pieces with or without organ ; Ave verum Corpus ; Ecce panis Augelorum ; O Sacrum Couvivium, choruses for 2 tenors and bass, with organ. Choruses with and without orchestra : L'fitendard de la patrie ; Le Chant de Montagnards ; La Fete ba- chique ; La Priere des Conobites ; Le Re- veil des pfitres ; Le Charmes de la valse ; L'Hymne de la unit ; La ilarche au corn- many masses, vespers, litanies, responses, motets, canticles, psalms, etc. Most of his compositions are for two choruses and full orchestra. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 135. BUTERA, ANDREA, born iu Sicily about 1826, still living, 1888?. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Ruggi at the Conservatorio of Palermo. Works : Angelica Veniero, opera, given at Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 1846 ; Atala, do., Palermo, 1851.— Fetis. BUT, OH ! SAD VIRGIN, THAT THE POW'R, soprano air in E major, in Handel's h' Allegro, il Peuseroso, ed il Moderato, Part n. BUT SOONER JORDAN'S STREAM, tenor air iu C minor of Jonathan, in Han- del's *(//, Part IL BUT THE LORD IS MINDFUL OF HIS OWN. See Dock der Herr. BUT THOU DIDST NOT LE.WE, air in A major in Handel's 3Ief;siah, Part II. BUT WHO 5IAY ABIDE, bass air iu D minor, in Handel's Ifessiah, Part I. BUTTSTEDT, JOHANN HEINRICH, born at Biudersleben, near Erfurt, April 25, 1666, died in Erfurt, Dec. 1, 1727. Organ- ist, pupil of Johaun Pachelbel for organ, harpsichord, and composition. He was or- ganist of the i>rincipal church at Erfurt in 1691. Works : Three canticles— AUein Gott 347 BTTUS ill tier Hijh sej- Ehr (1705), Wo flott zum Haus uicbt giebt seine Guust (1706), and Zeucli micli dir nacb, so lauffeu wir (1719) ; Musikaliselie Kunst- iind Vorratbskammer (1713) ; Four masses, in Opera prima sacra (1720) ; Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, tota musica et harmonia teterna, etc. (Erfurt, without date, probably 171G). This was written to refute Mattheson's Das ueu erijfifnete Orchester. — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 662 ; Fctis ; Gerber ; Mendel ; Schilling. BUXJS, JACQUES (Jachet) DE, born in the Netherlands, beginning of the 16th cen- tury. He established a printing office es- pecially devoted to music iu Venice, where he was known as lachet or Giachetto Fla- mingo. In 1 54rl he was elected organist of the second organ of S. Marco, Venice, but not being adequately paid, he demanded leave of absence and went to Vienna, where he accepted a post under the Emjieror. The Venetians tried every device to make him return, the ambassador at the court of Vi- enna being instructed to hold out all kinds of inducements, but de Buus remained in Vienna. He is sometimes confounded witli Jacqvies Berchem, then in the service of the Duke of Mantua. Works : Eicercari da cantare e suonare d'organo e alti stromenti, lib. i. (1547), lib. ii. (Venice, 1519) ; Can- zone francesi a sei voci (Venezia, appresso I'autore, 1513) ; Primolib. di motetti (1549) ; Canzone francesi a 5 (1550). Other works bearing the name of lachet in the Italian collections of 1538 to 1545, and in Attaig- uant's collections of 1534 and 1535, may be his or lachet Berchem's, as the signature of both was the same. In the 4th book of motets, published in full by lacques Moderue at Lyons, in 1539, some motets are given under the name of Jachet, others under that of Jacques Buus, showing that iu France Jachet was used specially for Berchem. — Ft'tis; Schilling. BUXTEHUDE, DIETRICH, born in El- sinore, Denmark, in 1637, died in Liibeck, May 9, 1707. His father, Johann Buxte- bude, was organist at the St. Olai Church in Elsinore. Under whom Dietrich stud- ied is not known ; in April, 1668, he was made organist at the Marienkirche, Liibeck, and bis reputation grew rapidly. In 1673 be instituted the " Abendmusiken " for which Liibeck was famous all over Ger- many even down to the 19th century. These were musical services consisting of concerted pieces for chorus and orchestra, and organ music, given between four and five o'clock p.m. on the five Sundays before Christmas. It was to bear these performances that J. S. Bach walked fifty miles from Arnstadt to Liibeck in 1705. Buxtehude was one of the most famous organists and composers of his day ; his greatest strength laj' in pure instrumental composition, that is, in the fugued and suite forms ; in the treatment of the chorale he was surpassed by Pacbelbel and his school. But he was the centre of musical activity in North German}^, and as an organist may be considered the immediate forerunner of Sebastian Bach. Much of bis music has been lost. Tlie following is a list of his published works : Unterschiedlicbe Hoch- zeit-Arien (Liibeck, 1672, folio) ; Fried- und Freudenreiche Hinfahrt des alten Simeons, in zwey Contrapuncten musikalisch abge- sungen, composed on his father's death, Jan. 22, 1674 (Liibeck, folio, 1674) ; Abend- Musik in ix. Theilen (Liibeck, 4to, 1678- 1687) ; VII Sonate a doi, Violino & Viola di gamba, con cembalo (ib., folio, 1696) ; Hoeh- zeit des Lamnies (ib. 1681) ; Anonymi bun- dert jiUiriges Gedicbte vor die Wolfahrt der Stadt Liibeck ; am 1 Jan. dea Jubeljabres 1700, in S. Marieiddrebe musikalisch vor- gestellet (Liibeck, folio, 1700) ; Castrum do- loris dem verstorbenen Keyser Leopoldo und Templum honoris dem regierenden Keyser Josepho I, in zwey Musicken, in der Marienkirche zu Liibeck, gewidmet (ib., folio, 1705) ; Himmlisehe Seelenlust auf Erden iiber die Menschwerdung und Geburt unsers Heylandes Jesu Christi (an- nounced in the Loipsic Catalogue for the spring of 1684) ; Das Allerschrocklichbte 448 BUZZI und AllerfrcTilicliste, uemlicli das Eiide der Zeit, und der Aufang der Ewiykeit, Ge- sprilchsweise vorgestellet (id., ib.). lu later times 14 ChoralBearbeitungen were edited by DeLu (Leipsic, Peters). Separate pieces are 2)ublisbed iu Commer's " Musica Sacra,"' i. No. 8 ; G. W. Kiiruer ; Busbj-'s " Hist, of Music ; " A. G. Eitter's "Kunst des Orgel- spiels." — Spitta, Jobanu Sebastian Bacb, i. 2.52-308 ; Mathesou, Yollkoraniener Kajiell- meister, 130. BUZZI, ANTONIO, born in Rome about the early part of this century. Dramatic composer, known since 18-40 by the follow- ing works : Bianea Ca2:)ello, given in Rome, 1842 ; SaiU, Ferrara, 1843 ; II convito di Baldassare, Milan, Scala, 1853 ; Ermingar- da, Trieste, Teatro Grande, 1855 ; Editta, Venice, Teatro della Fenice, 1855 ; Gusmano di Medina, Rome ; L' indoviua, Piacenza, 1862 ; La lega lombarda, Spain ; I due Cia- battiui, operetta, Turin, 18G7; Several ballets. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 135 ; Mendel. BUZZING, OTTAVIO, Italian composer, contemijorary. He is the author of L' orfan- ella di' Gaud, comic opera, represented at the Teatro Aliprandi, Modena, March 13, 1880. BUZZOLA, ANTONIO, born at Adria iu 1815, died in Venice, March 20, 1871. Dramatic composer, pupil of his father, who was maestro di cappella and organist of the cathedral at Adria, and who sent him after- wards to Venice to perfect himself. He jjlayed there first violin, then the flute, in the orchestra of the Teatro Fenice, brought out his first o2:)era, and in 1837 went to Na- ples to study for two years under Donizetti, returned to Venice, where he brought out two more operas, then visited Germany, Poland, a jjart of Russia, and Paris, and re- tui-ued to Venice in 184G. In 1843-44 he conducted the ItaUan opera at Berlin, and in 1855 succeeded Perotti as maestro di cappella at San Marco, Venice. Works : Paramondo, given in Venice, Teatro Gallo, 183(5: II mastino, ib., 1840; Gli avventu- rieri, ib., Teatro Fenice, 1841 ; Anileto, ib., 1847 ; Elisabetta di Valois (Don Carlos), ib. ; La i^uta onorata ; Masses, requiem, cantatas, ariette veneziaue, etc. — Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 136 ; Mendel ; Riemaun. BYRD (Byrde, Bird), WILLIA3I, born iu London about 1538, died there, July 4, 1623. He is sujiposed to have been the son of Thomas Byrd, a gentleman of the chapel of Edward VI. He studied under Tallis, and was senior chorister at St. Paul's in 1554 ; in 1563-C9 he was organist of Lin- coln, after which he succeeded Robert Par- sons as gentleman of the Chapel Royal. In 1575 he received the comjilimentary title of organist. Byrd was, without doubt, one of the greatest musicians of his time ; his har- mony is pure and correct, his voice-leading graceful, and he is noticeable beyond most of the composers of his day by the frequency with which he emploj's tonal responses (in- stead of real) iu imitative and fugual forms of composition. Ho was probably the first Englishman who wrote in the form of the madrigal. He was intimate with the elder Ferrabosco, and a friendly rivalry existed betweeu the two men. The canon "Non nobis, Domiue," so familiar iu England, has been ascribed to Byrd by tradition, but it has not been discovered among his known works. A poem iu Blow's " Amphiou An- glicus " mentions " Bird's Anthem iu golden notes," preserved in the Vatican ; the canon in question maj* jjossibly be jiart of it. Besides being famous as a composer, Byrd was probably the greatest English organist of his day. Published works : Three masses for 3, 4, and 5 voices respec- tively, probably composed betweeu 1553 and 1558, but published without date or name of printer ; Cantiones qu;ie ab argu- mento sacree vocantur quiuque et sex par- tium (London, 1575 ; the volume contains also motets by Tallis) ; Psalms, Sonets and Songs of Sadnes and Pietie, made into niusicke of five parts (ib., 1587) ; Songs of Sundrie Natures, some of Gravitie and others of Myrth, for 3, 4, 5, and 6 voices (ib., 1589) ; Liber Primus Sacrarum Can- tionum quinque vocum (ib., 1589) ; Liber •249 CABALLERO Secundus Sn,c. Cant., etc. (ib., 15!)!) ; Gra- dualia ac cantiones sacrte, qiiarum alia ad quatuor, alise vero ad quinque et sex voces editae sunt (lib. i., ib., 1G07 ; lib. ii., ib., 1610) ; Psalms, songs and souets : some solemne, others joyfull, framed to the life of the words, fit for voyces or violes of 3.4, 5 and 6 parts (ib., 1611). Byrd also contributed to the following works : " Mu- sica Transalpiua, Madrigales translated, of foure, five and six parts " (London, 1588) ; " Watson's First Sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished " (ib., 1590) ; " Partlienia, or the Maiden-head of the first jNIusick that ever was printed for the Virginalls " (ib., 1600); " Leighton's Teares and Lamenta- cions of a Sorrowful Soule," part-songs (ib., 1014). Many of his \drginal compo- sitions are in the " Virginal Book of Queen Elisabeth " and in " Lady Nevill's Virginal Book." Some of his services and anthems are in Barnard's " Selected Church Musick " (1641), and Boyce's " Cathedral Music ; " many others are in MS. in the Aldrich, Hawkins, and Tredway collections. A mass in D minor and the " Cantiones Sacrse," lib. i., are republished by the Musical Anti- quarian Society, the former edited by E. F. Rimbault, and the latter by W. Horsley. —Grove, i. 286. C>^ABALLERO, (MANUEL) FERNAN- . DEZ, born at Murcia, Spain, March ^ 14, 1835 ; still living, 1888. Dram- atic composer, pupil at the Conservatorio, - ' -, Madrid, of Soriano § ^ Fuertes in harmony, f6S«(°i«Si ^^ and of Hilarion Eslava f / ^W in composition, for . '-...JBW V. which he won the first prize in 1857. The following zarzuelas by him were given at Madrid : Juan Lanas ; La jardinera ; El Viz- conde de Letorieres ; El cocinero ; Fras- quito, 1867 ; El primer dia feliz, 1872 ; El atrevido en la corte, 1872 ; La revista del diablo ; La clave ; Las hijas de fulano ; Luz y sombra ; El vejo de encaje ; La gal- lina ciega ; Las nueve de la noche ; Entre el Alcalde y el Rey, La Marsellesa, El siglo que viene, 1876. He composed also reli- gious music. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 137. CABALONE, MICHELE, born in Naples in the beginning of the 18th century, died there in 1773. Dramatic composer, known as the first teacher of counterjjoint of the violinist, Emmanuel Barbella. Works — Op- eras : Alessaudro nell' ludie, given in Na- ples about 1770 ; Adriano in Siria. The library of the Conservatoire of Paris pos- sesses the MS. of his oratorio. La Passion. — Fc'tis ; aieudel, ii. 252. CABO, FRANCISCO JAVIER, born at Naguera, Valencia, Spain, in 1768, died at Valencia in 1832. Organist, first at Santa Cataliua, then at the Cathedral of Orihuela. Gifted with an excellent voice, he became in 1810 a singer in the Cathedral of Valen- cia, of which he was made organist in 1816, and maestro de capilla in 1830. His numer- ous comjjositions consist of masses, motets, vespers, psalms, and other religious music. — Fetis, Supph'ment, i. 138. CACCINI, GIULIO (culled Giulio Ro- mano), born in Rome, 1558 or 1560, died in Florence, 1640. He studied the lute and singing under Scipione delta Palla, and in 1578 went to Florence, where he stayed until his death. In 1579 he was in the service of the Medici court, but later he passed into the service of Giovanni Bardi, Count of Vernio. He had made exhaustive studies in counter- point, and had proved himself a contra- puntist of no mean talent and skill, when he became inoculated with the reformatory ideas of Bardi, Cor.si, Galilei, and the otlier Florentine music reformers. Grove is un- questionably wrong in saying that he was " neither harmonist uor contrapuntist." Pietro della Valla mentions his contra- puntal writings (See G. B. Doni, ii. 251), and before IGOO no one could properly be called a harmonist. He entered enthusias- 850 CADAIIX tically into the fight against counterpoint, and to him and Jacopo Peri is due the estab- lishment of the stile rappresentativo, or ex- pressive (dramatic) style of composition for a single voice with instrumental accom- paniment. His Nuorc Musiche (Florence, 1(502) was an epoch-making work. He also worked in the field of opera, setting Kinuc- cini's Euridice entire, and writing other operas. Grove is again probably wrong in saying that he had anything to do with the composition of the same poet's Dafae. Cac- cini, besides being a composer of decided genius, was a singer of great repute in his day. Works : Euridice (Mareseotti, IGOO) ; II RapimenU) di Cefalo (parts of the choruses by Stefano Venturi del Nibbio, Piero Strozzi and Luca Bati) ; II Comhaltimento d' Apol- line col Serpente ; Le Naove Musiche (Flor- ence, Giorgio Mareseotti, 1601, Florentine style, correctly, 1602). — Ambros, iv. 1.59. 'CADAUX, JUSTIN, born at Albi (Tarn), Prance, April 13, 1813, died in Paris, Nov. 8, 1871:. Dramatic compo.ser, pupil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of Zimmermann on the pianoforte, and of Dourlen in harmony ; settled at Bordeaux as pianoforte teacher, afterward became organist of the Protestant church in Paris, and in 1866 was made chef de copie at the Opera, but could not endure the strain on his already weakened brain, and was finally committed to the asylum of Picpus. Works — Comic operas : Axel, given at Toulouse, 1834 ; La chasse saxoune, ib., 1839 ; Les deux gentilshommes, Paris, Opera Comique, 18-14: ; Les deux Jacquet, ib., 1852 ; Le violon de Cremone ; Le Sicilien. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 138. CADEAC, PIEEKE, lived about the middle of the 16th century, at Auch, France, where he was master of the choristers. He wrote principally masses and motets. Works : Moteta quatuor, quinque et sex voc, lib. i. (Paris, 1555) ; Missre tres, etc., ad imit. mod ; Ad placitium ; Ego sum panis ; Levavi oculos (ib., 1558) ; Missa cum quatuor, etc., ad. imit. mod. ; Alma Re- demptoris condita (in a collection of masses published in Paris) ; Miss;e tres, etc., on the chanson frauyaise, les Haut Boys (Paris, 1558) ; and motets found in Quintus liber Motettoriim (Lyons, 1543) ; and also in Gardane's xii. Miss;e (Venice, 1554) ; and in a col. Missarum Musicalium (Paris, 1556), — Fetis;Chor. etFay.,Biog. desmus., i. 111. CADI DUPi;, LE (The Duped Cadi), opcra-comique in one act, text by Lemon- uier, music by Monsigny, represented at the Theatre de la Foire Saint-Laurent, Paris, Feb. 4, 1761. Subject from the "Arabian Nights." The success of this work led to a friendship between Monsigny and the poet Sedaine, and to their collaboration in several more important operas. It was given, with changes by Gluck, at the French theatre in Vienna, and afterward, Dec. 1, 1783, at Dobbelin's Theatre, Berlin, in a German translation (Der betrogene Kadi) by Andre, with the music nearly rewritten by Gluck. The work was reproduced by Fuchs, 1878, at the two hundredth jubilee of the Hamburg Theatre. CADMUS ET HERmONE, lyric trag- edy in five acts, and prologue, text by Qui- ault, music by LuUi, first represented at the Academic Royale de Musique, Paris, April, 1673. It was reproduced nine times, always with success, and six editions of the score were pabUshed (1673 to 1737). At the fifth reproduction, in 1690, the cele- brated Mile Maupin made her d('but in the character of Pallas. CiESAR, JOHANN MELCHIOR, born at Saverne, Alsatia, about the middle of the 17th century, died at Augsburg in 1692. Kapellmeister to the bishops of Bamberg and Wiirtzburg in 1683, and at the Cathe- dral of Augsburg, in 1687. Works : Trisa- gion Musicum, etc., op. 1 (1683) ; Missa; breves VIII., 4 vocibus et 2 violiuis concer- ! tautibus ac totidem vocibus et violis, etc., CAETANO op. 2 (1G87) ; Lustige Tafelmusik in VI. Stiicken luit 60 Baletten, etc. (Wiirtzburg, 1684).— Petis ; Cbor. et Fay., i. Ill ; Gei- ber • Schilling, ii. 144. ; Giwstizia placata, Olinipiade, Naples, Hermione. in Cadmus et Hermione. CAETANO, Fra LUIZ DE, bom at Fel- gueiras, Portugal, iu 1717, died (?). Monk, and chorister of monastery at Lisbon. Work : Coroa serafica de puras e fragrantes flores, Y>e\o ardente affecto dos j)adres men- ores da provincia de Portugal para com summa melodia ser offerecida emacciio de grajas nos coros Franciscauos e no das mais religoes sagradas, todas amantea da pureza Mai-ianna (Lisbon, 1744). — Futis ; Vascon- cellos, 32. CAFARO (Caffaro), PASQUALE, called Caffarelli, born at San Pietro in Galauti- na, near Lecce, Naples, Feb. 8, 1708, died at Naples, Oct. 28, 1787. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Leonardo Leo at tlie Con- servatorio della Pieta, Naples. He was maestro of the Eoyal Chapel, and sub- sequently director of the Conservatorio. Works — Operas : Ipermnestra, given at Na- ples, 1751 ; Antigono, ib., 1754 ; La Dis- fatta di Dario, ib., 1756 ; L' Incendia di Troja, ib., 1757 ; Arianna e Teseo, ib., 1766 ; I tre voci, Na- do. a pill voci, for two choirs II Creso, Turin, 1768 intermezzo, ib., 1769 ; 1769 ; Antigono, ib., 1770; Oratorio per r Invenzione della Croce, ib., 1747 ; Be- tulia liberata, sacred drama, ib., about 1778; II Figliuolo prodigo ravveduto, oratorio ; H Trionfo di Davidde, do. ; Or- atorio per S. Gio- vanni di Padua ; Cantata pies, 1764 ; do., ib., 1766 ; ib., 1769-75-81-85; Mass and orchestra (1760) ; Pastoral motet for 4 voices and orchestra ; Litanies for 4 voices ; Stabat Mater for 2 voices and organ ; Mise- rere for 5 voices and organ ; Psalms, motets, etc. His air, Bella luce che accendete, -wan a gi'eat favourite. — Fetis ; Burney, iv. 569 ; Chor. et Fay., i. Ill ; Mendel ; Schilling. CAFFEE-CANTATE, short dramatic can- tata in the comic vein by Johann Sebastian Bach, text by Picander, although it is prob- able that Bach altered the denouement him- self.— Spitta, ii. 471. CAFFRO, GIUSEPPE, born in Naples in 1766, died after 1808. Virtuoso on the oboe. He was placed in the Royal Chapel at Naples, and while still young went to Paris, where he became known as a success- ful performer at the Concerts Spirituels. He resided during his life in Holland, Ger- many, and Italy. Works : 3 concertos for oboe (Pari.s, 1790) ; 2 concertos for the same (Amsterdam, 1794) ; Pot-pourri for flute and violin, or flute and pianoforte (Rotterdam, 1795). Several of his MSS. are in the Conservatoire, Paris. — Futis ; Men- del ; Schilling. CAGLIOSTRO, opera-comique in three acts, text by Scribe and Saint-Georges, mu- sic by Adolphe Adam, represented at the Opora Comique, Paris, Feb. 10, 1844. Scene in 1780, in a salon at Versailles. The charlatan, who is already married to an 262 CAGNONl Italian singer who has become prima donna at Sail Carlo, Naples, wishes to marry a rich heiress, but has a rival in a young chevalier, who, at first the victim of his machinations, finally unmasks him. Cagliostro, opera by Johann Strauss, was given in Vienna at the Theater aii der Wieu, March, 1875. Pub- lished by Spina. CAGNONI, ANTONIO, born at Godiasco (Voghera), Italy, Feb. 8, 1828, stiU living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Milan Couservatorio of Ray and of Frasi iu 1842-47, when he wrote his first operas, of which he had brought out six up to 1856. At that time he became maestro di cappella at Vigevauo, and for several years wrote church music, which ranks among his best efforts. In 18G3 he produced again a dra- matic work, and has since written about twenty operas, most of which have met with success. Works : Rosalia di San Miniato, given at jNIilau, Teatro Carcano, 1845 ; I due Savojardi, ib., 1846 ; Don Bucefalo, ib., Tea- tro Re, 1847 ; II testamento di Figaro, ib., 1848 ; Amori e Trappole, Genoa, Teatro Carlo Felice, 1850 (partly rewritten and given in Rome, 1867) ; La Valle d' Andorra, Milan, Teatro della Canobbiana, 1851 (re- written, and given at Genoa, 1861) ; Gi- ralda, Milan, Teatro di Santa Radegonda, 1852 ; La fioraja, Turin, Teatro Nazionale, 1855 ; La figlia di don Liborio, Genoa, Teatro Carlo Felice, 1856 ; II vecchio della montagna, Milan, Teatro della Scala, 1863 ; Michele Perriu, ib., Teatro dell' Accademia de' Filodramatici, 1864 ; Claudia, ib., Teatro della Canobbiana, 1866 ; La tombola, Rome, Teatro Argentina, 1869 ; Un capriccio di Donna, Genoa, Teatro Carlo Felice, 1870 ; Pap;\ Martin, Florence, Teatro Nazionale, 1871 ; II Duca di Tapigiiano, Lecco, 1874. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 140. CAHEN, ALBERT, French amateur com- poser, known by the following works : Jean le precurseur, biblical drama, performed in part at the Concert National, Jan. 25, 1874 ; Endymion, mythological pastoral, do.. Con- cert Danbe, Jan. 19, 1875 ; Le bois, comic ojiera. Opera Comique, Oct. 11, 1880. — Fe- tis. Supplement, i. 142. CAHEN, ERNEST, born iu Paris, Aug. 18, 1828, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser and pianist, pupil at the Conserva- toire, where he obtained the first prize in harmony and accompaniment in 1847, and the second grand prix for composition in 1849. Works : Le Calfat, operetta, given at the Folies Nouvelles, 1853 ; Le souper de Mezzetin, do., ib., 1859. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 141. CAID, LE, opera-bouffe in two acts, in verse, text bj' Sauvage, music by Ambroise Thomas, first represented at the Opera Co- mique, Paris, Jan. 3, 1849. Subject, the adventures of a French barber in Algeria. With a lively and original overture, melo- dious airs, and a brilliant finale, this oper- etta has won a deserved success. — Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 174. CMF^ABRI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Italian church composer of the second half of the 17th century ; Roman school. Works : Motetti a due e tre voci (Rome, Mascardi, 1667) ; Scelta di Motetti a quattro voci (ib , 1675) ; Salmi vesi^ertini a do. per tutte le feste deir anno, op. 4 (ib., 1683). — Fetis. CAIGNET, DENIS, born about the mid- dle of the 16th century. Musician to the Due de Villeroi. He obtained the prize at the Concours dii Puy de Musique, at Evreux, in 1587, for a chanson for several voices, Las ! je ne voyrrai jjIus. He set to music the Psalms of David, in 4 parts (Paris, 1607). —Fetis. C.UilO, GIUSEPPE, born in Milan about 1540, lived till about 1585. Composer of madrigals and canzonets. The titles of his works which are known are : Madrigali a cinque, lib. i. (Venice, 1568) ; Madrigali a 5, 6, 7, and 8 (Milan, 1571) ; Madrigali a quat- tro, lib. i. (Milan, 1581) ; Madrigali a cinque, lib. ii. (1582) ; Canzonette a quattro, lib. i. (Brescia, 1584) ; others in 1585. Some of his madrigals and chansons are in the Col. Paradiso Musicale (Antwerp, 1596). — Fetis ; Gerber ; Schilling. 353 gA \ ^"A IRA, a French revoliitiouaiy song, said to have been suug first when the Pa- risian mob marched to Versailles, Oct. 5, 1789. The words were suggested to Ladre, a street singer, by Lafaj-ette, who remem- bered Franklin's favourite saying at each stage of the American revolution. The melody, composed by one Bocour or Be- court, was originally a coutre-danse, very jjopular under the title of Carillon national. It is said to have been a favourite motive of Marie Antoinette. This soug, which incited the rabble to deeds of horror during the Eeign of Terror, was prohibited by the law of the 18th Brumaire, 1799, but it gener- ally made its reappearance iu revolutionary times. The tune is given in Grove, I. 297. CAIUS HIAitlUS, the famous Roman general (b.c. 157-8G), is the hero of the following operas : Cajo Mario, Italian opera, music by Antonio Bioni, Ferrara, 1722 ; by NiccoK) Piccinni, Najiles, 17.57 ; by Giu- seppe Scolari, ]\Iilan, 1763 ; by Galupjii, Venice, 1764 ; by Anfossi, Venice, 1769 ; by Carlo Monza, Venice, 1777 ; by Cimarosa, Rome, 1780 ; by Bianchi, Naples, 178-4 ; by Bertoni, about 1790 ; by Giordaui, Venice, 1790. Mario, Italian opei'a, music by Jo- hann David Heiuichen, Dresden, 1719 ; and by Sanpieri (Coute di San Bouifazio), Bo- logna, 1869. Mario fuggitivo, Italian opera, text by Silvio Stampiglia, music by Gio- vanni Bononcini, Vienna, 1708 ; by Fran- cesco Mancini, Naples, 1710. CAJANI, GIUSEPPE, born in Milan iu 1774, died iu Paris iu 1821. Composer of the following ballets, given in Milan : Ta- vora ed Oliviera ; La festa campestre, 1797 ; Demetrio ; I finti filosofi ; Eugenia e Ro- dolfo, 1799 ; II filopemene ; Adelaide ed Alfonso ; I tre matrimoni, 1805 ; Le Da- naide ; Matilda e Radegoudo, 1816 ; Ro- milda e Dezavedos ; I Riti di Milo, 1818. — Fetis. CAJO FABRICCIO, Italian pasticcio, mu- sic by Handel, rejsreseuted at Covent Gar- den Theatre, London, Dec. 4, 1733. In this work, the muaic of which is entirely made up of selections fi'om the composer's own works, Giovanni Carestini, the cele- brated artificial contralto, made his first ap)pearauce in London. — Rockstro, Handel, 322 ; Schojlcher, Handel, 161. CALDARA, ANTONIO, born in Venice in 1678, died in Vienna, Dec. 28, 1736. Dramatic composer ; j)upil in Venice of Legrenzi. He was for many years a singer in the ducal chapel of San Marco, but was appointed in 1714 maestro di cajjpella at Mantua. In 1718 he went to Vienna and bacame Kapellmeister to Charles VI., who was very fond of his music and took lessons of him in composition. He wrote ojieras and oratorios and much church music. Some of his cantatas on sacred subjects are for one, two, and three voices with elaborate orchestral accompaniment. His church work is hardly equal in quality to his fecundity, but some of it is remark- able for sublimity of style. His Crueifixus for sixteen voices, a chef-d'oeuvre, was pub- lished by Teschner iu 1840. Many of his church works are iu the court libraries at Vienna and Dresden, others iu the Sautini collection. AVorks — Operas and sacred dra- mas : Argene, given in Venice, 1689 ; Tirsi (with Lotti and Ariosti), ib., 1696 ; Le pro- messe serbate, II trionfo della coutinenza, ib., 1697 ; Farnace, ib., 1703 ; II selvaggio eroe, ib., 1707 ; Partenope, Sofonisba, ib., 1708 ; L' iuimico generoso, Bologna, 1709 ; Costanza iu amore vince 1' iuganno, ]\Iace- rata, 1710 ; Atenaide, Rome, 1711 ; Tito e Berenice, ib., 1714 ; II ricco epulone, Ven- ice, 171.5 ; II giubilo della salza, Salz- burg, 1716 ; Cajo Mario, Vienna, 1717 ; Coriolano, La verita nell' inganno, ib., 1717 ; La partenza amorosa, Rome, 1717 ; Astarte, Ifigenia in Aulide, La forza dell' amicizia, Vienna, 1718 ; Lucio Papirio dittatore, Sirita, Sisai-a, Tobia, ib., 1719 ; Assalone, ib., 1720 ; Naaman, ib., 1721 ; Giuseppe, Nitocri, Ormilda, Scipione nelle Spagne, ib., 1722 ; Euristco, ib., 1723 ; An- dromacca, Davidde, Giangiur, ib., 1724; La Griselda, Le profezie evangeliche, Semira- S54 CALDARERA mide, ib., 1725; I duo dittatori, Venceslas, Gioas, Battista, ib., 172(! ; Dou Cbisciotto alia corte della ducbessa, Imeneo, Orno- spade, ib., 1727 ; Gionata, Mitridate, ib., 1728 ; Cajo Fabrizio, Nabot, ib., 1729 ; La Passioue di Gesii Cristo, Vienun, 1730 ; Dauiello, Sauta Elena al Calvario, Demetrio, ib., 1731 ; L" asilo d' Amore, Sedecia, ib., 1732; Demofooute, ib., 1733; Gerusalem- me couvertita. La clemeuza di Tito, ib., 1734 ; Adriano in Siria, Davidde umiliato, Enone, San Pietro in Cesarea, Ge.sti pi-esen- tato uel tempio, Le grazie \indicate, ib. 1735 ; L' Olimpiade, Achille in Sciro, Giro riconosciuto, Temistocle, ib., 1736 ; L' in- gratitudiue castigata, ib., 1737. Oratorios : S. Firnia ; Santo Stefano, prinio re d' Un- glieria ; Le gelosie d' un amore iitilmente crudele ; La couversione di Clodario, re di Fraucia ; La frode della castitfi ; II trionfo dell innoceuza ; Albigai ; Sta. Francesca ro- mana ; La ribellione di Assalone ; L' As- sunzioue della Beata Vergine ; La castita al cimeuto ; II trionfo d' amore ; La costanza in amore vince 1' iugauuo, pastoral ; Mas- ses, motets, hymns, psalms, and cantatas ; Sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (Amsterdam). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Wurzbach. CALDARERA, MIGUEL, born at Borgo- Sesia, Italy, Sept. 28, 1702, died at Casale in 1742. He studied counterpoint at the age of fourteen in IVIilau, became a very clever musician, and was appointed maestro di cappella of the Church of S. Evasio, Ca- sale, a post he occupied until his death. He left a gi-eat deal of church music in MS. —Fetis ; Burney, iv. 533 ; Mendel. CALDICOTT," ALFRED JAIMES, born at Worcester, England, in 1842, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Con- servatorium, Leipsic, of Moscheles, Haupt- mann, Plaidy, and Richter ; settled at Wor- cester in 1864, and l)ecanie organist of St. Stephen's Church, and to the Corporation, and conductor of the musical and instru- mental societies of Worcester. He won the special Glee Prize offered by the Manchester Glee Society, 1878, and the first prize for serious glee, Huddersfield, 1879. Profes- sor at the Royal College of Music, London, since 1882 ; organist and conductor at Al- bert Palace, ib. Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1878. Works: The Widow of Nain, can- tata, Worcester Festival, 1881 ; A Rhine Le- gend, do. for women's voices, 1883 ; Queen of May, cantata ; Treasure Trove, A Moss- Rose-Rent, operettas, 1883 ; A Fishy Case, children's operetta, 1883 ; Old Knockles, operetta (German Reed), 1884 ; Humpty Dumpty, prize glee, 1878 ; Winter Days, do., 1879 ; Dickens' Series of Songs ; other glees and songs. CALEGARI (Callegari), ANTONIO, born at Padua, Oct. 18, 1758, died there, July 22, 1828. Dramatic composer, chiefly known by an eccentric work published in Venice, and subsequently in Paris, entitled : L'art de composer la musique sans en counaitre les elements (1801, 1802), which he dedicat- ed to Mme Bonaparte, who from that time took him under her protection. Works — Operas : Le sorelle rivali, 1784 ; L' Amor soldato, 1786 ; II matrimouio scoperto, Venice, 1789.— Fetis ; Mendel. CALEGARI, CORNELIA, born at Ber- gamo in 1644, died (?). Pianist and singer, published her first collection of motets at the age of fifteen ; in 1660 entered the con- vent of Santa Margherita, Milan, where by her organ playing and singing, she at- tracted multitudes of church goers. Works : Motets for one voice (1659) ; Madrigals for do. ; do. for 2 voices ; Masses for 6 voices, with instruments ; Vespers, etc. — Mendel. CALEGARI, FRANCESCO ANTONIO, born at Padua, about the end of the 17th century. Maestro di cappella of the Church of the Convent of the Cordeliers, Venice, in 1702, and at Padua, in 1724. Among his published works are : IX Salmi ; Salve 265 CALETTI Sanguis ; Cantate tla Camera. He de- stroyed most of liis church music when he took up the enharmonic style of the old Greek music, of which he thought he had discovered the principle ; but his writings iu the new style met with no success. CALETTI-BRUNI. See CavcM. CALIFE DE BAGDAD, LE, opera-com- ique in one act, text by Godard d'Aucourt (Saint-Just), music by Boieldieu, first repre- sented at the Theatre Favart, Paris, Sept. 16, 1800. Isaoun, Caliph of Bagdad, wishing to assure himself that he is loved for himself and not for his title, woos the beautiful Ze- tulbc' in disguise. He is mistaken for a noted brigand, and the fright of Lemaide, Zi'tul- be's mother, is complete ; but, in sjiite of appearances, the heart of the young girl re- mains constant. The dialogue is lively and the music charming and fresh. The over- ture is one of the composer's best efforts. After more than eight hundred representa- tions, this opera still keeps the stage. H Califo di Bagdad, music by Manuel Garcia, was represented at the Teatro San Carlo, Naples, 1812, and at the Opera Italien, Paris, March 22, 1817 ; and Adiua, ossia il Califfo di Bagdad, music by Rossini, was given at the Teatro San Carlos, Lisbon, iu 1813. — Pougin, Boieldieu, 62. CALIQN, JOHN BAPTISTE, born in London, March 16, 1827, still living, 1888. Church composer, pupil of his father. Or- ganist, precentor, and choir-master at St. Columba's College, L-eland, 184:6-53 ; do. at "Woburn Chapel, 1853-57 ; do. at Cam- den Road Chapel, 1803-68 ; do. at St. Thomas' Church, Elm Road, Camden Town, 1870-84. Professor at Guildhall School of Music. Works : Services, op. 40, 96, and in D, for j^arish choirs ; Morning and Even- ing Service, in G, 1883 ; Communion Ser- vice, op. 104 ; Te Deum in D ; Anthems ; Glees and Part-songs ; Songs ; Organ and pianoforte pieces ; Quartet for strings ; (Quintet for do. ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Sonata for pianoforte and violoncello, etc. CALLCOTT, JOHN GEORGE, born in London, July 19, 1821, .still living, 1888. Son of John Wall Callcott ; is organist at Teddington. He was for twenty-four years accompanist of Henry Leslie's famous choir, now under Alberto Randegger. Works : Hallowe'en, cantata for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra ; The Golden Har- vest, do. ; Songs, pai't-songs, and piano- forte music. I CALLCOTT, JOHN WALL, born at Ken- sington, London, Nov. 20, 1760, died there. May 1 5 , 1821. He learned the rudiments of music by frequent- ing the organ-loft of Kensington Church, and by at- tending the Chajj- el Royal and West- minster Abbey, where Drs. Arnold and Cooke, and the elder Sale became interested in him. In 1783-85 he was deputy organ- ist of St. George the Martyr under Rein- hold. In 1785, Dr. Cooke introduced him to the orchestra of the Academy of Ancient Music, and his bias was then formed for glee writing. He won three of the ioxiv firize medals of that year for his catch : O beau- teous fair ; his canon : Blessed is he ; and his glee : Dull rejiining sons of care ; and he received at Oxford the degree of Bachelor of Music. He took an active part in 1787, with Dr. Arnold and others, in the forma- tion of the Glee Club : was joint organist with Charles S. Evans of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, in 1788 ; and from 1792 to 1802 was organist to the Asylum for Female Orphans. In 1790 he took lessons from Haydn in instrumental composition to per- fect himself in orchestral writing, and in 1793 studied the works of the best theor- ists, having projected a musical dictionary. Oxford gave him the degree of Doctor of Music in 1800 ; and he employed the fol- lowing yeai's on his dictionary, which was 356 CALLCOTT published iu 1806. In the same year he was appointed lecturer on music at the Royal Institution, to succeed Dr. Crotch, but his niiud gave way from over-work and he had to retire from public life. His works, consisting of glees, catches, and canons, were edited after his death by W. Horsley. — Grove ; Futis ; Mendel. CALLCOTT, WILLI.\:\I HUTCHIXGS, born at Kensington, London, iu 1807, died there, Aug. 5, 1882. Organist, younger son of John Wall Callcott, and long a teacher iu Loudon, where he attained considerable dis- tinction as a composer and arranger. He arranged many glees for three male voices, including some by his father. Among his most popular works are the song. The Last Man, to Campbell's words, and the anthem. Give peace in our time, O Lord. CALL FORTH THY POW'RS, tenor air iu D major, of Judas, iu Hantlel's Judas Maccabteus, Part i. CALLIAS, ou Natui-e et Patrie, heroic drama in one act, in verse, text by Hoffmann, music by Gretry, first represented at the OiJera Comique, Paris, Sept. 19, 1794. CALLIRHOE, French tragic oj)era in five acts, with prologue, text by Ro\-, music by Destouches, represented at the Academic de Musique, Paris, Dec. 27, 1712. Subject, the story of Callirrhoe, who was loved by Coresus, priest of Dionysus (Pausauias, VH. 21). Calliroe, Italian opera, music by Sac- chini, represented at Stuttgart, 1770 ; music by Felice Alessandri, Milan, 1778. CALLIRRHOE, cantata, text by Barclay Squire, music by John Frederick Bridge, written for and first performed at the Bu-miugham (England) Festival, Aug. 30, 1888.— Athenseum -(1888), H. 328 ; Academy (1888), H. 125, 159. CALM SEA AND PROSPEROUS VOY- AGE. See Mefi-fsdille und gliickliche Fahrt. CALMEZ, CALMEZ CETTE COLf:RE. See Ariiidant. CALVARY, Spohr. See Hedands letzte Stunden. CALVEZ, GABRIEL, a Spanish musician, living in Rome about the middle of the 16th century. Chorister at the Church of S. M. Maggiore. Composer of motets for four voices, published at Rome in 1540. One of these, Emeudemus in melius quae ignoranter peccavimus, furnished Palestrina with the theme for his mass, Emeudemus. — Fctis ; Mendel. CALVIERE, GUILLAUjVIE ANTOINE, born iu Paris, iu 1695, died at Versailles, Ajjril 18, 1755. Appointed organist of the King's Chapel in 1738, a position he occu- pied till his death. In common with most of the French organists of that time, his playing lacked style, aud his harmony was uot correct, but he was considered a good organist iu France. He comjwsed many motets for full chorus, and many organ pieces, which were never published. — Fetis ; Bur- uey, iv. 623 ; Mendel ; Schilling. "CALVISIUS, SETHUS (Seth Kallwitz), born atGorsch- leben, iu Thu- r i n g i a , Feb. 21, 1556, died i u L eips ic, Nov. 24, 1615. The son of poor j)arents named Kall- witz, he con- trived to at- tend the Magdeburg Gymnasium and the Universities of Helmstedt and Leipsic, and became an eminent musician and theorist. In 1580 he became Musik- Director of the Pauliner Church, Leipsic ; in 1582 cantor at Schulpforta ; was called to Leijssic to be- come cantor audSchulcollege of theThomas- schule iu 1592, and was made Musik-Direc- tor of the .same, in 1594. He devoted all his time and energies to this school, refus- ing offers from Wittenberg aud Frankfort. Works : Harmonia cantiouum a M. Luthero, etc. (1596) ; Biciniorum libri duo (1500 and 1612) ; Teutsche Tricinia (1603) ; Der 150 Psalm fiir 12 Stimmen (1615) ; Der Psalter •^. CALYO Davids (Leipsic, 1G17). Many of liis motets aud hymns iu MS. are in the Library of tlie Thomasschiile. His treatises are : Me- lopeia (Erfurt, 1582 aud 1630) ; Compen- dium musicse practicse (Leipsic, 1594) ; Auserlesene teutsche Lieder (ib., 1G03) ; 5V'^^ Q/^i W6tW. Exercitationes musicae duse (ib., 1600, 1611).— Grove ; Fetis ; Gerber ; Meudel ; Eiemann ; Schilling ; Winterfeld, Der evang. Kirchengesang, i. 352. CALVO, LORENZO, a monk, of the Ven- etian States, in the early part of the 17th century. He was musician in the Cathedral of Pavia. Works : Symbolje diversorum musicorum, 2, 3, 4, 5 vocibus cantandse (1626) ; Cauzoni sacre a 2, 3 e 4 voci ; Rac- colte L, n., in., IV. ; Rosarium Litaniarum B. V. Mariaj (Venice, 1626).— Fc'tis. CAJIACHOS HOCHZEIT. See Hochzeit des Camacho. CAMARGO, LA, opi'ra-comique in three acts, text by Vanloo and Leterrier, music by Lecocq, represented at the Tlu-atre de la Renaissance, Paris, Nov. 20, 1878. The principal characters are the celebrated dau- seuse Camargo and the notorious swindler Mandrin, called the Chevalier de Valjoly. — Clement and Larousse, 893. CAMAUER, GODEFROID, born at Berg- op-Zoom, Netherlands, May 31, 1821, died at Huy, Belgium, Oct. 14, 1884. Dramatic comiooser, pupil at the Conservatoire, Liege, of Daussoigne and Jalheau. He settled at Huy, where he became maitre de chapelle of the parish church. Works : Gretry a Ver- sailles, comic opera, given at Huy, 1856 ; Mass for four voices ; Ouverture jiastorale ; many choruses. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 142. CAMBEFORT, JEAN, composer of the 17th century, died May 4, 1661. He was court musician to Louis XIV., superintend- ent of the king's chamber music, and court composer. He wrote several ballets and cantatas, and jjublished a collection of twenty-seven songs entitled : Airs de cour a quatre parties, de monsieur de Cambefort, maistre et compositeur de la musique de la chambre du Roy, a Paris, etc. (1651). An- other collection contains twenty-two airs, six from the Ballet royal de la Nuict, and one from the Ballet du Temps, dedicated to Car- dinal Mazariu. — Fetis ; Chor. et Fay, i. 114. CAMBERT, ROBERT (sometimes, wrongly, Lambert), born in Paris about 1628, died in London in 1677. The son of a sword-cutler, he studied the clavichord under Chambonnieres, and became organist at the college church of Saint-Honore. In 1666 he was ajjpointed superintendent of the music of Queen Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV. On June 28, 1669, the Aca- demic Royale de Musique was created, and the license was given to Pierre Perrin (the originator of the scheme), who soon asso- ciated Cambert with himself. This license was withdrawn iu favour of Lulli in 1672. In 1673 Cambert went to England, where he became bandmaster of a regiment and afterwards master of the music of Charles n., which jjost he held until his death. Cambert may be called the founder of the Freuch opera. He was induced to apply his talent to dramatic composition by the Abbe Perrin, who was fired with ambition, by the performance in Paris, in 1647, of Peri's Euridice, to produce similar works for the French stage. The result of their col- laboration was La Pastorale, universally styled the first French musical comedy, which was brought out at the Chateau d'Issy iu April, 1659, and afterwards re- peated at Vincennes by command of Louis XIV. Mazariu ordered another ojjera, Ariane, ou le mariage de Bacchus, which was given at Issy in 1661. Adonis, written in 1662, was never perfonned, aud the score has been lost. The first work written for the new Acadcmie de Musique was Pomone, given with great success in 1671. Cam- bert's works, as far as they are known, are : La Faslorale, 1659 ; Ariane, 1661 ; Adonis, 1662 (never given) ; Pomone, 1671 (parts 268 CAMBmi published by Ch. Ballard) ; Les peines et les plaisirs de raniour, 1(>72 (part of the MS. score is in the National Library, Paris) ; Airs a boire, a deux et a trois parties (Paris, Robert Ballard, 1665 ; the bass part is in the Paris Library, the other parts are waut- inn), — Pougin, "Les vrais crc-ateurs de rOpcn-a frail (jais, Perrin et Cambert," in Le Mt'iiestrel (1875-1876). CA^MBINI, GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE, born at Leghorn, Feb. 13, 1746, died in Paris, iu 1825. Dramatic composer and violinist ; pupil at Bologna of Padre Martini in 1763- 66. Captured by corsairs, while on his way from Naples to Leghorn, and carried to Barbary, he was ransomed by a Vene- tian merchant, and went in 1770 to Paris. There he found a patron in the Prince de Conti, through whose influence Gossec, director of the Concerts Spii'ituels, success- fully produced one of his symphonies. He became a prolific composer, writing sixty symphonies iu a few years, and publishing much instrumental music. He wrote some dramatic music at this time, and music for pantomimes, became director of the Beau- jolais Theatre in 1788, and chef d'orchestre at the Theatre Louvois in 1791. His or- atorio, Le Sacrifice d'Abraham, was given at the Concerts Spirituels in 1774, and Joad and a Miserere in 1775. He published L'Art de moduler sur le violou (1796) ; Mc- thode pour flute (1799) ; and helped Ga- rande to publish a musical paper, "Tablettes de Polymnie," in 1811. He lost his theatrical positions and was made director of the con- certs of M. Armand Seguin, a rich business man of Paris who gave concerts iu his own house. Works — Operas : La statue, 1784 ; La Croisee, 1785 ; Les fourberies de Ma- thurin, 1786 ; Le tuteur avare. Colas et Colette, Le bon pere, 1788 ; Nantilde et Dagobert, 1791 ; Les trois freres, 1793 ; Alcmcne, Alcede, and the ballet-opera, Fetes venitiennes, 1782. The last ten years of his life were spent in the hospital of Bicutre. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 144 ; Mendel ; Riemann, 144. CAMBIO, PERISSONE, flourished in Venice about the middle of the 16th cen- turj-. Singer in the ducal chapel of San Marco, Venice. His canzone villanesche are among the most genuine national songs of that period. Works : Madrigali a quattro voci, libro primo (Venice, Gardano, 1547) ; Secondo libro de' Madrigali a cinque voci, etc. (ib., 1548) ; Canzone villanesche alia Napolitana (ib., 1551).— Burney, iii. 214 ; Fetis. CAMERANA, LUIGI, born in Piedmont in 1846, still living, 1888. Dramatic com- poser, maestro di cappella at the theatre of Savona. Works : Patatrich e Patatrach, operetta, 1872 ; Don Fabiano dei Corbelli, opera buSa, Turin, Teatro Balbo, 1874 ; Gabriella Chiabrera, opera seria, Savona, 1876 ; music to the melodrama Alberto di Prussia, performed in 1875. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 144. CAMERLOHER, PLACIDUS VON, born in Bavaria about 1720, died at Freising, ib., in 1776. Organist, lutist, and violinist ; can- on of the basilica of St. Andrew at Freising, afterwards councillor and Kapellmeister to the Prince Bishop, there. He was noted as a teacher, and formed many distinguished pupils. Works : Melissa, opera, given in Munich, 1739 ; 6 symphonies for two vi- olins, viola, bass, two horns, and two trum- pets, op. 2 (Liege, 1760) ; do., op. 3 (Am- sterdam, 1761) ; do., op. 4 (Liege, 1762) ; 24 quartets for two violins, viola, and bass ; 18 trios for guitar, violin, and violoncello ; 24 sonatas for two violins and bass ; con- certo for guitar, with two violins, viola, and bass ; do., with two violins and bass ; mass- es, motets, vespers, litanies, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CAMIDGE, JOHN, born in York, Eng- land, in 1790, died there, Sept. 21, 1859. Organist from 1844 of York Cathedral, a position which his father, Matthew Cam- idge (1758-1844), held from 1803, and his grandfather, John Camidge (1734-1803), from 1756. He was graduated at Cam- bridge University as Bachelor of Music in 269 CAMILLE 1812, and as Doctor of Music in 1819 ; and he received tbe degree of Doctor of Music at Lambeth in 1855. The organ of York Cathedral, one of the largest in England, was constructed under his superintendence. Works : Cathedral music — a service, an- thems, and fifty double chants ; six glees for three and four voices, etc. — Grove. CAMILLE, EEINE DES VOLSQUES (Queen of the Volsci), lyric tragedy in five acts, with prologue, text by Danchet, music bj' Campra, first represented at the Acade- mie Royale de Musique, Paris, Nov. 9, 1717. Subject, Camilla, daughter of King Metabus, of the Volscian town of Privernuni, who took part with Turnus against JSneas and was slain by Aruns, as related in the J3neid. Same subject treated in Camilla, music by Marco Antonio Bononcini, represented at Vienna about 1692, London, 1707 ; and music by Fioravanti, Italy, 1810 ; and in II trionfo di Camilla, i-egina de' Volsci, music by Leo, Rome, 172G. CAMILLE, ou Le Souterrain (Tlie Vault), opera-coraique in three acts, text by Marsollier, music by Dalayrac, first rep- resented at the Thoatre des Italiens, Paris, March 19, 1791 ; reproduced in 1841:. Sub- ject from the romance of " Adole et Theo- dore," by Mme de Genlis. The same sub- ject is treated by Paer, but less happily, in Camilla, ossia il Sotterraneo, text bj' Car- jaani, Venice, 1799, Vienna, 1801, and Paris, Opera Italien, Nov. 5, 1804. CAMILLUS, the famous Roman dictator (died B.C. 3G5), is the hero of the following operas : Furio Camillo, music by Sabadini, Parma, 1C8G ; by Perti, Florence, 1692 ; by Pacini, Naples, 1841 ; II trionfo di Camillo, music by Ciampi, London, 1750 ; byGluck, Rome, 1754 ; by Porpora, Naples, 1760 ; and Le triomphe de Camille, music by Champein, written in Paris, about 1800, but not performed. CAMMARANO, LUIGI, born in Naples in the early part of this century, died there in 1854. Dramatic composer, author of the following works : I ciarlatani, opera buft'a. given at Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 1839 ; II ravvedimento, ib., 1840. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 145 ; Mendel. CAMPAGNOLI, BARTOLOMEO, born at Cento, near Bologna, Sept. 10, 1751, died at Neu-Strelitz, Nov. 6, 1827. Violinist, pupil of Dair Occhia, in Modeua of Paolo Guastarobba, and in Florence of Nardini. He served as violinist in the Pergola, Flo- rence, and after leading the opera bauds in Florence and Rome alternatelj' for some years, became in 1776 Kapellmeister to the Prince Bishop of Freising, Bavaria. He was violinist to the Duke of Courland in Dresden, in 1778 ; travelled in 1783-86 in the north of Europe ; revisited Italy in 1788, was conductor at Leipsic from 1797 to 1818; and visited Paris in 1801. He wrote many concertos, sonatas, duos, and fugues for violins, and published : L'art d'in venter ii rimpro^iste des fantaisies et des cadences, op. 17 ; Sept divertissements compost's pour I'exercice des sept positions principales, op. 18 ; Nouvelle niethode de la mecanique progressive du jeu du violon, op. 21. His 41 caprices pour I'alto-viola, op. 22, is of importance in the meagre cata- logue of viola music. — Fi'tis ; Gerber ; Hart, The VioHn, 242 ; Chor. et Fay,, i. 115 ; Men- del ; Schilling ; Wasielewski, Die Violine und ihre Meister, 128. CAMPAJOLA, FRANCESCO, born at Naples, May 8, 1825, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Pasquale Mando, and at the Conservatorio of V. Fiado, Mario Aspa, Carlo Conti, Busti, Gug- lielmi and Mercadante. Works : Papa Mu- linotto, opera, given at Naples ; L' Olimpo, do. ; Igilda, not performed ; A Mass, and other church music ; Songs and pianoforte pieces. — Petis, Supplement, i. 145. CAMPANA, FABIO, born at Leghorn, Italy, Jan. 14, 1819, died in London, Feb. 7 (2 ?), 1882. Dramatic composer, pupil of the musical lyeeum, Bologna. About 1850 he settled in London, where he taught vocal music for many years. Works — Op- eras : Caterina di Guisa, given at Leg- CAM PANE LL A bora, 1838 ; Giulio (V Este, Rome, Teatro Apollo, 1K41 ; Vauiua d' Ornauo, Florence, Teatro della Pergola, 1842; Luisa cli Fran- cia, Rome, 1844 ; Al- miiia, London, 1860 ; Esmeralda, St. Peters- burg, 1869. Cauzon- ettas, romances, melo- dies, duos, etc. (Pa- ris, Milan, London). — Fetis, Supplumeut, i. 145. CAMPANELLA, FRANCESCO, born in Naples, Italy, Sept. 30, 1827, still living, 1888. Instrumental and vocal composer, pupil at the Conservatorio, Naples, of Gen- naro Parisi in liarmony, of Carlo Conti in counterpoint, and of i\Iercadante in compo- sition. He devoted himself to teaching the pianoforte and singing, and in 1855 became second maestro di cappclla at the Teatro Nuovo. He has composed cantatas, sacred and secular, many choruses, songs, and pianoforte pieces, and part of the music of the opera buflfa La donna romantica (with Buonomo, Ruggi, and Valente), given at the Teatro Nuovo, 1858. — Futis, Supplement, i. 145. CA?*IPANELLI, LUIGI, bom in Florence in 1771, died ('?). Violinist, j)upil of Nardini. He was maestro di cappella at the court of Tuscany, and was appointed first violinist at the court of the King of Etruria, in 1802. His MS. compositions, known throughout Italj', consist of sonatas, duos, trios, and quartets for violin. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAIMPANELLO DI NOTTE, IL (The Night Bell), operetta in one act, text and music by Donizetti, first represented in Naples, 1836. It was written to save a Neapolitan manager from ruin. Donizetti promised that he should have an operetta within a week, but be had no libretto. Recollecting the plot of a vaudeville, called La Sonnette de Nuit, which lie had seen in Paris several years before, he adapted that, and set it to music, and in nine davs it was successfulh' performed and the theatre saved. In 1864 it was reproduced *in St. Petersburg with much favour. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, born near Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, Feb. 22, 1764, died in Edinburgh, May 15, 1824. Organist, and composer of songs which he published in two collections : one with an accompaniment for the violin (1792), the other with a harp accompaniment, publish- ed later. In 1816 he published Vol. I. of Albyn's Aiithologj-.^ — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CAMP DE GRANDPRE, LE, ou Le Tri- omplie de la Republique, opera in one act, text by Joseph Cheiiier, music by Gossec, reji- resented at the Opera, Paris, Jan. 27, 1793. Composed in honour of the defenders of the country in 1792, after the Prussians and Austrians had been driven out of Cham- pagne. It was preceded by a popular song by the same authors, entitled "Ronde du camp de Grand-Pro," which was sung eveiy- wliere to the accompaniment of clarinets, horns, and bassoons. CAMP DE SOBIESKI, LE, opera-co- mique in two acts, text by Dupaty, music l)y Kreutzer, represented at the Theatre Feydeau, Paris, April 21, 1813. CAMP DU DRAP D'OR, LE (Camp of the Cloth of Gold), opera-comique in three acts, text by Paul de Kock, music by Rifaut, Leborne, and Batton, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Feb. 23, 1828. CA5IPELLI, CARLO, lived at Siena about the end of the 17th century. He was the author of an opera. Amor fra gl' impossibili, represented in Siena, 1693. — Fetis ; Chor. et Fay., Diet, des Mus., i. 115 ; Mendel. CAMPENHOUT, FRANgOIS VAN, born in Brussels in 1780, died there, April 24, 1848. Dramatic composer and tenor, pupil in singing of Plantade at The Hague (1807), and in harmony and composition of Navoi- gille, the elder, and of Saint-Amand at Am- sterdam (1808), having at first studied the violin under Pauwels at Brussels, and en- tered the orchestra of the Theatre de la 361 CAMPION Monnaie. Soon after he went ou the stage as a tenor singer, first at Ghent, then at Brussels, Antwerp, Brest (1801-3), Paris (1804, 18U, and 1824), Amsterdam, The Hague (1807 and 1826), Rouen (1809-12), Lyons (18U-1G), Bordeaux (1816-18), etc., and ended his career as a singer at Ghent in 1827, settling at Brussels in 1828 to devote himself to composition. He is the composer of the Brabanronne (1830). Works — OjJ- eras : Grotius, ou Le chateau de LiJwen- stein, given at Amsterdam, 1808 ; Le passe- partout, Lyons, 1814; L'heureux mensonge, Bordeaux, 1819 ; Les quatre journees; Gil- lette de Narbonue ; Therese, ou La femme du pecheur de Sorreute ; Diane at Endy- rniou, ballet, Bordeaux, 1819 ; Choeurs d'A- thalie (Rouen, 1809) ; Le reprouve, lyric scene for baritone, chorus, and orchestra ; 9 cantatas with orchestra (1806-47) ; Cho- ruses with and without orchestra ; La tem- pete, ou Une nuit en mer, scene for baritone and chorus, 1846 ; 3 masses for 4 voices, chorus, and orchestra, executed at Sainte- Gudule, Brussels ; Te Deums, Tantum ergo, psalms, etc. ; Nocturnes, romances, and songs for one and two voices, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 145 ; Mendel. CAMPION (Campian), THOMAS, com- jjoser, in the earlier part of the 17th cen- tury, died in London, February, 1619. He published : Observations on the Art of Eng- lish Poesie (1602) ; Two bookes of Ayre.s, The First contayning Divine and Morall Songs, The Second, Light Conceits of Lov- ers, To be sung to the Lute and viols in two, three, or four parts ; or by one Voyce to an Instrument (1610) ; Ayres for the Masque of Flowers, etc. (1613) ; A New Way of making Four parts in Counter-point by a most Familiar and Infallible Rule (about 1618), was annotated by Christojiher Symp.son in a second edition (1655). He wrote for all the masques and court cere- monies of his day, giving quaint and long titles to his compositions. — Grove ; Fetis. CAMPIONI, CARLO ANTONIO, born in Leghorn, Italy, about 1720, died (?). Composer of church music, and of a cele- brated Te Deum mentioned by Burney, who heard it jjerformed in Italy by two hundred musicians (1767). He was maestro di cap- pella to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. His works were published in England, Ger- many, and Holland ; his violin duets in seven volumes. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CAMPISI, DOMENICO, born at Regal- buto, Sicily, about the end of the 16th cen- tury. A Dominican monk who was made professor of theology to his order in 1629. Mongitore (Bibl. Sicul., i. 166) saj's he was a clever composer, and gives the following list of his works : Motetti a due, tre e quat- tro voci, con una computa, lib. i., Palermo (1615) ; Motetti a due, etc., lib. ii. (ib., 1618) ; Floridus concentus binis, ternis, quaternis, et quinis vocibus modulandus (Rome, 1622) ; Lilia campi, binis, ternis, quaternis, etc. (ib., 1623) ; Lilia campi, sen Motetti et Laudi de B. 1627).— Fetis ; Mendel. CAMP OF SILESIA. Schlesien. CAMPRA, ANDRE, born at Aix, Pro- vence, Dee. 4, 1660, died at Versailles, July 29, 1744. Dra- matic composer. He was at first a chorister in the Cathedral of Aix, then maitre dechapelleofthe Toulon Cathe- dral in 1679 ; at Aries in 1681, and at Toulouse from 1683 to 1694, when he went to Paris, and became maestro at the college chapel of the Jesuits and maitre de musique at Notre Dame. He was also master of the Royal Chapel, and director of music to the Prince de Conti. Next to Lulli he was considered the best dramatic composer of France, a supremacy which he held until the time of Rameau. Works — Operas, given in Paris, Academie V. M., etc. (ib.. See Feldlager in 202 CAMPS Royale de Musique : L'Europe galante (ope'ra-ballet), 1G97 ; Le Carnaval de Veuise (do.), 1699 ; ArOthuse (do.), 1701; Hi-done, 1700 ; Taucrude, 1702 ; Les Muses (ballet), 1703 ; Iphigenie en Tauride (with Desma- rest), Telcmaquo, 1704: ; Alcine, Le triomphe de ramour, 1705 ; Hipijodamie, 1700 ; Les fetes venitiennes (opera-ballet), 1710 ; Ido- luenee, Les amours de Mars et Venus (opw-a-ballet), 1712 ; Ti'K'phe, 1713 ; Ga- mille, 1717 ; Les ages (opera-ballet), 1718 ; Acbille et Deidamie, 1735. The followiug ballets and divertissements were written for the court : Venus, 1698 ; Le destin du uouveau siecle, 1700 ; Les fetes de Co- rintbe, 1717 ; La fete de I'ile Adam, 1722 ; Les Muses rassemblees par I'Amour, 1723 ; Le genie de la Bourgogne, 1732 ; Les noces de Venus, 1740. He published three books of cantatas (1708) ; Five books of motets (1706, 1710, 1713).— Pougin, Andre Cam- pra (Paris, 1861) ; Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 146 ; Burney, iv. 607 ; Mendel ; do., Er- ganz., 53 ; Riemann. CAMPS Y SOLEE, OSCAR, born, of Spanish parents, at Alexandria, Egypt, Nov. 21, 1837, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil at Florence, of Doehler, and studied coun- terpoint and composition at Naples under Mercadante. Works : Gran cantata for three voices, which was brought out at Madrid, and a number of vocal pieces and pieces for pianoforte. He has written also theoretical works. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 147 ; Riemann, 145 ; Mendel, Ergiiuz., 53. CAMUS, ANDRE, born in Paris in 1731, died there in 1777. Tenor singer, and composer of church music. He was at first a page and one of the court musicians to the King, and a pupil of the Abbe Madin. In 1746, when he was only fifteen years old, his first success was gained by the perform- ance of his psalm, Qui confidunt in Domino. The beauty of his voice procured him the position of tenor in the Royal Chapel. — ^Fe- tis ; Mendel. CAMUS, PAUL HIPPOLYTE, born in Paris, Jan. 26, 1796, died (?). Celebrated flutist and composer for his instrument ; pupil of Wunderlich at the Conservatoire, Paris, in 1806. Became first flute at sev- eral of the important theatres of Paris, and at last entered the orchestra of the Italian Opera. Works : Duos pour deux flutes, op. 2 ; Trois grands duos, liv. 2 ; Fantaisie sur un air ecossais pour flute et piano ; Trois grands duos pour flilte, op. 11 ; 24 sere- nades composees d'airs nationaux varies, op. 1 (Paris), and many others mentioned by Fetis. — Fetis ; Schilling. CANDEILLE, PIERRE JOSEPH, born at Estaires, Flanders, Dec. 8, 1744, died at Chantilly, April 24, 1827. Dramatic com- poser, pupil at the Royal Academy, where he was afterwards instructor. Among his works are several opei-atic arrangements of well-known poems, such as Laure et Pe- trarque, 1780, and many new arrange- ments of old operas. His operas did not fulfil the promise of his motets, given at the Concerts Spirituels. Works— Operas : Laure et Petrarque, given at court, 1778 ; Pizarre, ou la Conquete du Perou, Opera, 1785 ; La Mort de Beaurepaire ; Les fetes Grecques et Roniaines, 1777 ; L'Amour et Psyche (1780) ; Lausus et Lydie (1786); La- dislas et Adelaide (1791) ; Les jeux Olym- piques ; Brutus (1793).— Fetis ; Mendel. CANETTI, FRANCESCO, born at Cre- ma, Lombardy, about the middle of the 18th century, still living in 1812. Dramatic com- poser, maestro di cappella of the Cathedral of Brescia, and one of the eight members of the musical department of the Institute of Italj'. He produced an opei-a buffa, 1' Ima- ginario, at Brescia in 1784. He is also known by a Mass for eight real voices, in the style of fugued counterpoint, which is considered a masterpiece. — Fetis ; Mendel. CANIS, CORNEILLE, born in Ghent, flourished in the 16tli century, died before 1556. Singing master of Notre Dame, Ant- werp. Works : Canons published in the Antwerp and Louvain collections of songs, printed about 1544. Dr. Burney quotes also a French song, " Ta bonne grace et 263 CANNABICH maintien gracieux." — Biog. nat. de Belg., iii. 286 ; Fotis ; Meudel ; do., Ergiinz., 53. CANNABICH, CAKL, born in Maiiuheim in 1769, died in Munich, May 1, 1806. Dramatic composer and violinist, son and pupil of Christian Cannabich ; studied the violin under Eck, liarmony under Griitz, and composition in Italy under P. Win- ter. He was Musik-Director at Fraukfort- on-the-Main, 179G-1800, and succeeded his father in 1798, in Munich, as director of court concerts. lu 1805 he was sent by his government to Paris to study the method of teaching at the Conservatoire. Works : Orpheus, Palmer und Amalie, operas, given in Munich, 1800 ; Gediichtnissfeyer Mo- zarts, cantata (Hamburg, 1797) ; Deutsche Lieder (Munich, 1798) ; 14: variations for harjjsichord on the air, A Schiisserl uud a Keindl (Munich, 1798) ; Variations for harp- sichord, No. 2 (Munich, 1799) ; Trios for 2 violins and viola, op. 3 ; Duos for flute and violin, op. 4 ; Cauzonette for 3 and 4 vio- lins (Munich, 1801) ; Overtures, symphonies, concertos, etc. — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 760 ; Allgem. mus. Zeitg., viii. 529, 554 ; Fctis ; Gerber. CANNABICH, CHRISTIAN, born at Mannheim in 1731 (1742 '?), died in Frank- fort-on-the-Main, in 1798. Dramatic com- poser and violinist, pupil of Johaun Stamitz, then studied for three years in Italj', chiefly under Jommelli, and returned to INIannheim iu 1763. He was made Conzertmeister and conductor of the Italian opera in 1765, mu- sical director in 1775, and in the same ca- pacity removed with the court to Munich iu 1778. He was one of the foremost solo- violinists of Germany, and excelled still more as a teacher of his instrument and as an orchestra conductor. Works — Operas: Azakia, given at Mannheim, 1778 ; La Croi- sce, Paris, 1788 ; Elektra, Angelica (operet- ta), Munich, 1792 ; La descente d'Hercule aux enfcrs, ballet ; Corthey und Thelaire, do., Munich, Berlin, 1794 ; other ballets ; 3 sym- phonies for grand orchestra ; 6 quartets for violin, flute, viola, and bass, op. 1 (The I Hague) ; 6 trios for two violins and violon- cello, op. 3 (Mannheim) ; 6 duos for flute and violin, op. 4 (ib., 1767) ; 6 quartets for two violins, viola, and bass, op. 5 (Mann- heim) ; 3 concertos for violin solo, two vio- lins, viola, and bass ; 6 symphonies coucer- tautes for two flutes, two violins, viola, and bass, oj). 7 (Paris, 1769). — Allgem. d. Biogr., iii. 759 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CANNETI, FRANCESCO, born at Vi- cenza, Italy, in 1809, died there, August, 1884. Dramatic and church composer, pupil of Pilotti at Bologna. Works : Emilia, opera, Vieenza, 1830 ; Francesca da Rimini, do., ib., 1843 ; Requiem Mass (Milan, Luc- ca) ; Tan turn Ergo for six voices (ib.). — Fetis, Supjilement, i. 147. CANNICIARI, Don POMPEO, flourished in the beginning of the 18th century, died in Rome, Dec. 29, 1744. Maestro at S. ^L Maggiore from 1709 till his death. He be- queathed his large musical library to that basilica, but it was eventually disisersed. Several of his pieces are in the Santini Library, notably : 3 masses for four, and 1 for five, 6 for eight, and 4 for sixteen voices ; 4 motets for four, and 10 for eight voices ; 2 Magnificats for four voices, with organ accompaniment ; and an Ave IMaria for eight voices. — Grove ; Futis ; Mendel. CANOBY, GUSTAVE, born (in France ?) about 1830, still living, 1888 (?). Dramatic composer, pujiil at the Conservatoire, Paris ; became maitre de chajaelle of the church at Passy. W^orks : La medaille, Un drame en I'air, operettas, given at the Boufl'es Pari- sieus, 1865 ; La coupe et les levres, grand ojjera. — Fc'tis, Supplement, i. 147. CANOGIA, JOSE AVELINO, born at Oeiras, Portugal, Nov. 10, 1784, died in Lisbon in 1842. Clarinet player,^3rofessor iu the Lisbon Conservatorio. He played with success in Paris, London, and other cities, and wrote concertos, fantasias, and variations for his instrument, published in Paris and London. — Futi.s, Supplement, i. 148 ; Mendel, Erganz., 53. 264 CAXTATA CANTATA FESTO ASCENSIONIS CHRLSTI. See Her da glaubet uud ge- tauft wird. CANTATA PEE OGNI TEMPO. See Ich hatte viel Bekiimnierniss. CANTIA3I0, FACCIAM BRINDISI. See Elisire d' Aniore. CANTONE, Padre SERAFINO, born in Milan about the end of the IGth centiuT, died (?). Organist of the Cathedral of Mil- an. A monk of the Monasterj' of S. Sim- plic-iauo, he was one of the first composers to introduce concerted pieces in the tlorid style. Several of his canzonets, cantatas, and motets are given by Fetis, and Bodenschatz has inserted one of his motets for eight voices in Florilegium Portense. —Fetis; Mendel. CANUTI, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, Italian composer of the 18th century, born at Lucca. He brought out an opera, entitled Eodelinda, at Lucca in 1724 — Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 148. CANZONA DI RINGRAZIAMENTO in modo lidico, offerta alia divinita da un guarito (Song of thanksgiving in the Ly- dian mode, offered to the Deity by one cured of sickness). The title of the third movement, Molto adagio, of Beethoven's string quartet in A minor, op. 132. CAPECE, ALESSANDRO, born at Te- rena, in the Abruzzi, in the middle of the IGth century, died (?). Maestro di cappella of the cathedral of Ferra under Cardinal Mazo- letto. Works : II Primo libro de' Madrigali a quattro, cinque et otto vooi, op. 5 (Rome, IGIG). Otto Magnificat sopra li tuoni dell' Ecclesia, op. 4 (Venice, IGlG) ; Sacri con- certi d' un vago e nuovo stile, a 2, 3 e 4 voci, op. 10. Fetis gives a long list of other works. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAPECELATRO, VINCENZO, born in Naples in 1815, died in Florence, Oct. 7, 1874. Dramatic composer, pujiil of the Conservatorio of San Pietro, Naples. Works — Operas : La mansarde des artistes, given at Naples, 1837 ; Mortedo, Naples, 1847 ; Gaston de Cleauley, Florence, 1855. He went to Paris, became a singing teacher, and published there a collection of roman- ces and nocturnes entitled : L'Echo de Sor- rente. He also published music for the 2)ianoforte ut Milan. — Ft'tis ; do., Supple- ment, i. 148 ; Mendel, Ergiiuz., 54. CAPELLETTI, CARLO, Bolognese dra- matic composer, contemjsorary. He is a pupil of Mattel, and member of the Acea- demia Filarmonica. Works — Operas : La contessina, given in Bologna, 1830 ; L' amor mulinaro, Ferrara, 1837; II sindaco burlato, Bologna, 1844 ; La capanua Mos- covita. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 140 ; Mendel. CAPELLO, Al)l>ate GIOVANNI MA- RIA, born in Parma in the 17tli century, died there in 1728. Dramatic composer, canon of the Cathedral, and comj)oser to the court of Parma. Works — Operas : Rosalinda, given in Venice, 1G92 ; Climene, Rovigo, 1700 ; Griselda, ib., 1710 ; Giulio Flavio Crispo, Venice, 1722 ; Mitridate, re di Ponto, ib., 1723.— Fetis ; Mendel. CAPELLO, GIOVANNI UXBlk, born in Venice about the end of the IGth cen- tury. Organist of S. M. delle Grazie, Bre- scia. He was the author of thirteen books of masses and psalms, the ninth of which was published at Venice in IGIG. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAPILUPI, GEMINIANO, born in Mo- dena, about 1560, died there, Aug. 31, IGIG. Vocal composer, j^upil of Orazio Vecchi. Little of his history is known, but according to Spaccini and Tiraboschi, he intrigued in 1G04 to displace Vecchi, his master, as maestro of the Cathedral of Mo- dena. Works : Motetti a G e 8 voci, libro primo (1G03) ; Madrigali a cinque voci, libro 1 et 2 (1G08). A collection of thirty pieces, canzonets for 3 voices, bj- Capilupi and Vecchi are in the Liegnitz Library. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAPITAINE FRACASSE, LE, opera- comique in three acts and six tableaux, text by Catulle Mendes, music by Emile Pessard, first represented at the Theatre 865 CAPITAINE Lyrique, Paris, July 2, 1878. The libretto is au udaptiitiou of Tbeopbile Gautier's liovel of the same title (1863). CAPITAINE HENRIOT, LE, opera-com- ique in three acts, text by Giistave Vaez and Victorieu Sardou, music by Gevaeit, repre- sented at the Opera Coniique, Paris, Dec. 29, 1864. The libretto, left unfinished by Vaez, was finished by Sardou. Capitaine Heuriot is Henri IV., and the time is 1570, during the siege of Paris. CAPOANI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, born at Bari, lived about 1550. History unknown ; several of his comjiositious are in the first book of the "Authors of Bari," jniblished by Antiquis at Venice, in 1585. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAPOLLINI, MICHELANGELO, Ital- ian composer of the 17tli century. He wrote the music to a sacred drama entitled : Lamento di Maria Vergine, acconipagnato delle Lagrime di Santa Maria Maddalena e di S. Giovanni per la morte di Gesu Chris- to, rajipresentato in musica in stile recitativo nella chiesa de' Santi Innocenti di Mantua (16-27).— Fetis ; Mendel, ii. 310. CAPOTORTI, LUIGI, born at Molfetta, Italy, in 1767, died at San Severo in 1842. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Conserva- torio di S. Ouofrio. Works — Operas : L' impegno sujierato, given at Naples, 1802 ; Obedde ed Alamaro, ib., 1808 ; Giro, and Enea in Cartagiue, ib., 1805 ; Bref il sordo, Naples and Rome, 1813 ; Marco Curzio, Naples, 1813 ; Ernesta e Carlino, ib., 1815. He wi'ote also a grand cantata, given at Naples, composed to Ricci's words. — Fe- tis; do., Supplement, i. 1-lfl ; Mendel. CAPPONI, GIOVANNI ANGELO, lived in the 17th century. He publisLed a col- lection of masses and psalms for eight voice.s, and a miserere for nine voices (Rome, 1650) ; Litanies and psalms for five voices (ib., 16,54).— Fetis ; Mendel. CAPPDS, JEAN BAPTISTE, born in Di- jon, France, about the beginning of the 18tb century, died about 1770. He was maitre de musique at the Dijon Academy. Works : Premier livre de pieces de viole et de basse continue (Paris, 1730) ; Premier recueil d'airs serieux et a boire (Paris, 1732) ; 2d recueil (ib.), Semele, ou la nais- sance de Bacchus, cantate a deux voix avec symphonies (1732) ; Plaisirs de I'hiver (1730), plaj-ed at Versailles before the Queen ; Methode de Musique. — Fetis ; Men- del. CAPRANICA, MATTEO, born in Rome, lived about the middle of the 18th century. His opera, Aristodemo, was played at the Argentina Theatre, Rome, in 1746. He finished the opera of La finta Frascatana, which Leo left incomplete at his death. Reichardt also makes mention of a Salve Regina for soprano, with an accompaniment for stringed instruments, written by Capra- nica. — Fetis; Mendel. CAPRON, , violinist, pupil of Ga- vinies, first appeared at a Concert Sjjirituel in 1768. He published six sonatas for the violin, op. 1 ; and in 1770, six quartets, op. 2 (1769).— Fetis. CAPTIVE, LA, reverie for a contralto voice with orchestra, by Hector Berlioz, op. 12, to words by Victor Hugo. Published in full score, and pianoforte score, by Ri- chault, Paris. CAPUANA, MARIO, maestro di cappella of the Senate and of the Cathedral of Noto, Sicily, about the middle of the 17th century. Works : Motetti a 2, 3, 4, e 5 voci, op. 3 (Venice, 1649) ; Messa de' Defonti, a 4 voci (ib., 1650).— Fetis. CAPUANO, GIUSEPPE, born in Naples, March 3, 1830, still Hving, 1888. Pupil of Giuseppe Correggio. He has written masses and much church music, and is the author of a musical treatise entitled : Un nouveau livre. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 150 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 54. CAPULETTI ED I MONTECCHI, I (The Capulets and the Montagues), Italian opera in three acts, text by Romani, music by Bellini, first represented at La Fenice, Venice, March 12, 1830, in Paris, Jan. 10, 1833, and at the King's Theatre, London, CAPUTI July 20, 1833. Libretto from Shakespeare's " Eomeo aud Juliet." The music was writ- ten in fifteen days to relieve the manager of the Venice theatre from difficulty, and the work proved a decided success. The role of Tebaldo was cast for Rubini, and the parts of Romeo and of Juliet for Giuditta and Giulia Grisi. In Paris and in London Romeo was sung by Mine Pasta. This opera is usually given with a fourth act, added by Vaccai. See Romeo et Juliette. CAPUTI, ANTOINE, Italian composer who lived in 1754. He settled in Germany, where he produced an opera, Didone ab- bandonata. He composed also in 1760 a concerto for flute which remains in MS. — Fetis ; Mendel. CAPUZZI, GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, born in Brescia, in 174:0, died in Bergamo, March 28, 1818. Dramatic composer aud violinist ; pupil of Nazari, and in composition of Ber- toni. In 1790 he produced in London a ballet, La villageoise enlevoe, ou les cor- saires. Other works : 3 books of quintets ; 2 books of quartets; 2 violin concertos (Venice). — Fetis ; do., Suppk'ment, i. 150 ; Mendel. CARACCIOLO, LUIGI, born at Audria (Bari), Italy, Aug. 10, 1849, died in London, Aug. 2, 1887. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Naples Conservatorio in 18G3 ; studied the organ and harmony under Carlo Conti and Mercadante ; settled in London as vocal teacher. Works: Goffredo sotto le niura di Gerusalemme, cantata, Naples ; Maso il Montanaro, opera, Bari, 1874 ; many songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 150. ■■ CARACCIOLO, PASQUALE, IMarcliese d' Arena and Duca di Sorrento, flourished, probably at Naples, about the end of the 18th and the early part of the present century. Amateur composer of church and chamber music. Works : II ritorno, cantata for three voices ; II flnto pastore, do. ; L' amor costante, do. ; Coriolano, do. for four voices ; Cantata for tenor and bass ; do. for three voices, chorus, and orchestra, performed at the Palazzo Calabritto, Naples, 1816 ; 2 masses with full orchestra ; Dixit Doniinus, Salve Regina, Magnificat, Credo, Tantuni Ergo, with do.; 2 motets for two choruses aud orchestra ; Quartet for piano- forte, flute, clarinet, and viola ; Nocturne for violas and wind instruments. — Fetis. CARACTACUS, English drama, test by Mason, music by Thomas Augustine Ariie, represented in London, 1776. This was Dr. Ai-ne's last dramatic composition. A dra- matic ballet, music by Henry R. Bishop, was given in London, 1806. Carattaco, Italian opera, music by Johann Christian Bach, London, 1767 ; lyric tragedy, text by Peretti, music by Catelani, Modena, 1841. CAR.AI^A, M.\RZIO GAETANO, Prince of Colobrano aud Duke of Alvito, born at Naples in 1798, died (?). Amateur composer of church and chamber music ; cousin of Michele Carafa ; pupil of Gabriele Prota, of Salini (1808), and of Fioravanti (1811). Works : Miserere for four voices (1819) ; Dafne, cantata for four voices and orchestra (1819); Requiem mass for tw'elve voices and orchestra (1821) ; do. for four male voices ; Miserere for eight do. ; Choruses to ]\Ianzoni's tragedy II Conte della Carma- gnola ; do. to Adelchi ; two paraphrases of Christus, for six male voices ; many pieces for four voices ; about fifty airs for dift'er- ent voices. — Fetis. CARAFA (DE COLOBRANO,) m- CHELE (ENRICO), born in Naples, Nov. 17, 1787, died in Paris, July 26, 1872. Dramatic composer, second son of the Prince of Colo- brano and Duke of Alvito ; first instructed by the organist Fazzi, then pupil of Fran- cesco Ruggi, and of Fenaroli in harmony and composition ; and in Paris of Cheru- bini in counterpoint and fugue. He then entered the army and became an officer in the guard of Murat, iu whose suite he took part in the Russian campaign of 1812, and was made chevalier of the Legion of Honour. After the downfall of Napoleon he left the army and took up music as a profession, bringing out his operas iu Naples, ISIilan, Venice, Rome, Vienna, and Paris, where he CARAPELLA settled in 1827. He was made a member of the Institut in 1837, director of the Gym- nase de musique uiilitaire iu 1838, aud pro- fessor of comi^ositioii at the Conservatoire ill 1840. Works — Operas : H fantasma, giveu at Naples about 1802 ; II vascello d' occideiite, ib., Teatro del Foudo, 1811 ; La gelosia eorretta, ossia Mariti aprite gli Ocelli, ib., Teatro de' Fioreiitini ; Gabriella di Vergi, ib., Foiido, 1816 ; Ifigenia iu Tau- ride, ib., Sau Carlo, 1817 ; Berenice iu Siria, ib., 1818 ; Adi'le di Liisignauo, Milan, Scala, 1817 ; Elisabetta in Derbyshire, Venice, 1818 ; 11 sacrifizio d" Epito, ib., 1819 ; I due Figaro, ossia il Soggetto di una corn- media, opera bufta, Milan, Scala, 1820 ; Tamerlano (written iu Kome, 1822) ; La capricciosa ed il soldato, ossia Un momento di lezione, Eufeiuia di Messina, Kome. 1823 ; Abufar, ossia La faiuiglia Arabe, Vienna, 1823 ; H sonnambulo, Milan, Scala, 1824 ; Aristodemo ; Gl' Italici e gl' Indiani ; Jeanne d'Ai-c, Paris, Opera Comique, 1821 ; Le Solitaire, ib., 1822 ; Le valet de cbam- bre, ib., 1823 ; L'auberge supposee, ib., 1824 ; La belle au bois dormant. Opera, 182.5 ; Sangarido, 3Ta> ^;iiiic»i i-yj ^ \^ucxc n^ >fi.vy^v> -.. — , Turin, where he wrote and brought out his , almo.st unprecedented success, Haydn and opera, Ifigenia in Aulide, with great success. | Beethoven proclaiming its author to be 807 CHEPtUBINI "the first dramatic composer of liis time." This work was long considered the greatest opera since Mozart, and it was thought a ridiculously high compliment to Beethoven when a Vienna critic predicted that Fidelio would cue day be considered as great a work as Cherubiui's Faniska. The occupa- tion of Vienna by the French forced Che- rubiui to return to Paris. Here he wrote Pimmaglione for the Italian oj^era at the Tuileries, the leading jjart being written for Crescentini. But Napoleon never favoured the composer, and Cherubini felt that he had fallen into disgrace in the eyes of the l^ublic. He retired to the country to seek repose of mind at the house of the Prince de Chimay, and began to apply his whole energy to the study of botany. But one day a mass being needed for a certain solem- nity at the Chimay Church, he was per- suaded to compose cue for the occasion, and his gi-eat three-voice mass in F was the result. From this time forward he devoted himself almost exclusively to sacred com- position, in which field he has done prob- ably his greatest work. Upon the restora- tion of the House of Bourbon, the sort of ostracism which had weighed upon Che- rubini was removed, and he returned to Paris. In 1816 he succeeded Martini as superintendent of the king's music, and wrote many masses for the Royal Chapel, but few of which have been published. In the same j'ear he was appointed professor of composition at the Conservatoire, and in 1822 director. He continued to hold his post at the Royal Chapel until 1830. He Avas made chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1814, and afterwards ofiicer ; and was a member of several societies, musical and learned, in and out of France. The " Trea- tise on CounteriDoint and Fugue," published under his name, was not really written by Cherubini himself and never had his sanc- tion. Cherubini had only made a collection of examples for the use of his pupils. This collection was pounced upon by a speculative publisher, and the explanatory text written by no one knows whom. The book is full of discrepancies and imperfections. That Cherubini may have intended to write a work of this description is not unlikely, but he evidently abandoned the idea, for he earnestly urged F. J. Fetis to write a text- book of counterpoint and fugue to be used at the Conservatoire, and, on the publica- tion of Futis's book (probably the most thoroughly excellent work on the subject that exists), he gave it his unqualified ap- proval. Cherubini was the most learned and expert contrapuntist of modern times. In grandeur of conception, purity of style, and perfection of form, much of his church music equals the best models. His operatic music suffers somewhat (especially in the eyes of French critics) from his disregard of the requirements of the stage, and the, at times, excessive development of separate pieces. Yet the prime essence of this mu- sic is essentially dramatic and emotional. His musical invention was wonderfully fer- tile, his command of every musical form absolute. He was the only Italian who could hope to vie with the great German composers in the higher departments of instrumental composition. His quartets and overtures are still classics in every con- cert-room. AVorks — Operas : H Qitinio Fa- bio, op. 4:8, given at Alessandria, Piedmont, 1780 ; Armida, op. 62, Florence, 1782 ; Adriano in Siria, op. 65, Leghorn, 1782 ; II Meseuzio, oji. 79, Florence, 1782 ; II Quinto Fabio (reset), op. 84, Rome, Teatro Argen- tina, 1783 ; Lo sposo di tre, marito di nes- suna, opera buffa, Venice, Teatro di S.' Sa- muele, 1783 ; L' Idalide, op. 93, Florence, Teatro della Pergola, 1784 ; Alessaudro nell' Indie, Mantua, 1784 ; La finta Princi- pessa, ojsera bufta, op. 101, Loudon, King's Theatre, Hay market, 1785 ; 11 Giulio Sa- bino, op. Ill, ib., 1786 ; Ifigenia in Aulide, op. 131, Turin, Teatro Reale, 1788 ; Demo- phou, op. 135, Paris, Academic Royale de Musique, 1788 ; Lodoiska, op. 182, ib.. The- atre de Monsieur, 1791 ; Elim, ou le voy- age au Mont Saint-Bernai-d, o]y. 209, ib., 308 CHEUrBI^'I Theiitre Fej-deau, 1794 ; Mklie, op. 214, ib., 1797 ; Uhdlellene portugaise, op. 224, ib., 1798 ; La puiiitiou, op. 225, ib., 1799 ; La prisonuii-re, pasticcio (with Boieldieu), The- atre Montansier, 1799 ; Les deux journues, op. 229, Theatre Feydeau, 1800 (uuder the title The Water-Car lier, Loudou, 1801) ; Epicure, pasticcio (with Mehul), op. 230, Theatre Favart, 1800 ; Anaereoii, ou rAmoiir fugitif, op. 241, Opera, 1803 ; Achille a Scyros, ballet, op. 24G, ib., 1804 ; Faniska, op. 254, Vienna, Kilrnthuerthor Theatre, 1806 ; Pimmaglioue, op. 279, Paris, Palais des Tuileries, 1809 ; Le crescendo, op. 283, ib., Opera Coniique, 1810 ; Bayard a Mezi- 6res, pasticcio (with Boieldieu, Catel, and Isouard), ib., 1814 ; Les Abencvrages, op. 299, Opera, 1813; Blanche de Provence (with Berton, Boieldieu, Kreutzer, and Paer), ib., 1821 ; Ali Baba, op. 417, ib., 1833 ; Koukourgi, op. 204 (1793, not per- formed, and afterwards adapted to Ali Baba); Marguerite d'Anjou (1799, unfin- ished) ; Selico (do.) ; Les Arrets, comic opera (do.) ; An oratorio, op. 17, performed at Florence, 1777 ; Intermezzo, for a The- atre de Societe, Florence, 1773 ; II Giuoca- tore, do., ib., 1775. Cantatas : La pubblica felicita, op. 4, Floreiice, 1774 ; Amphion, op. 112, 1786 ; Circe, op. 136, Paris, Con- cert de la Loge Olympique, 1789 ; La lib- erty, op. 199, 1793 ; Clytemuestre, op. 207, 1794 ; Cantate jaour la Goguette, Paris, 1812 ; do. pour I'etat major de la garde na- tionale, ib., 1814 ; do., avec choeurs, pour une fete de la ville de Paris, ib., 1814 ; do., pour un banquet militaire, ib., 1816 ; Le mariage de Salomon, ib., 1816 ; Cantate, avec chceurs, pour le bapteme du due de Bor- deaux, 1821 ; Chant sur la mort d'Haydn, Paris, Conservatoire, 1810 ; Ode pour le mariage de 1' Empereur, 1810 ; Inuo alia primavera, Loudon, 1815. Church music ; 11 solemn masses, oji. 1 in D (1773), op. 3 in C (1774), op. 6 in C (1775), op. 272 in F (1808-9), op. 295 in D minor (1811), op. 325 in C (1816), op. 338 in E-flat (1816), op. 363 in E (1818), op. 372 in G (for the cor- onation of Louis XVm., 1819), op. 385 in B-dat (1821), op. 403 in A (1825, for the coronation of Charles X.) ; Two requiems, op. 349 in C minor (1816), op. 426 in D minor, for male voices (1836) ; 7 motets, 3 psalms, 20 autiphones, 14 detached Kyries, 3 do. Sanctus, 2 do. Credos, 2 Agnus Dei, 2 Glorias, 4 litanies, 2 lamentations, 1 grad- uale, 1 offertory, etc. Other works — Vocal : 02 detached airs, 48 romances, 15 nocturnes, 14 duets, 9 terzetti, 5 detached canons, 3 ariettas, 2 madrigals, 2 quartets, 1 sextet, 36 hymns, 14 choruses, 4 sets of solfeggi (com- jjrisiug over 160), etc. Instrumental : 1 overture, 1 symphony, 10 sonatas, 11 dances, 11 marches, 7 Pas redoubles, 6 quartets, in E-flat, C, D, E, F, and A minor, 1 quintet, in E minor, 1 minuet, 1 chacoune, 1 fantasia for piimoforte, 1 capriccio for do., etc. — Adam, Derniers Souvenirs, i. 237 ; Arnold, Luigi Cherubini ; Seine kurze Biographie, etc. (Erfurt, 1809); Bellasis, Cherubini, (London, 1874) ; Berlioz, Memoires (Paris, 1878), i. 44, 103, 309, 318 ; Biographie des Hommes vivants (Paris, 1816-17) ; Biogra- phie universelle et portative des Coutem- porains (ib., 1834) ; Botte de Toulmon, Notice des Mauuscrits autograjjhes, etc. (ib., 1843) ; Castil-Blaze (notice in Diction- naire de la Conversation, ib., 1834) ; do. (in Theatres Lyriques de Paris, ib., 1855) ; Choron et Fayolle, Diet. hist, des ]\Iu- sieiens (ib., 1810-17) ; Clement, Les Mu- siciens celebres, 225 ; Denne-Baron, Che- rubini, sa vie, etc. (Paris, 1862) ; Elwart, Hist, de la Societe des Concerts (ib., 1860) ; Gamucci, Intorno alia vitaed alle opere di L. Ch. (Florence, 1869) ; Girod, De la Musique religieuse (Namur, 1855) ; Halevy, fttudes sur la vie, etc. (Paris, 1845) ; The Har- monicon (London, 1825), 167 ; Lomenie, Cherubini, par un liomme de rien (Paris, 1841) ; Miel, Notice sur la vie, etc. (ib., CHESHIRE 1835) ; do. (ib., 1842) ; The MusicalWoild (Loudon, 1862) ; Nisard, Notice (Paris, 1867) ; Piccbianti, Notizie sulk vita, etc. (]\Iilan, 1843, Florence, 1844) ; Place, Essai sur la Composition, etc. (Paris, 1842) ; Ra- oul-Rocbette, Notice bistorique (ib., 1843). CHESHIRE, JOHN, born in Birming- ham, England, March 28, 1839, still living, 1888. Harpist, pupil of the Roj'al Academy of Music in 1852-5.5, afterwards of George Alexander Macfarren and John Balsir Chat- terton. He became harpist at the Roj'al Italian Opera in 1855, and at Her Majesty's Theatre in 1865 ; was principal harpist at the Grand Opera, Rio Janeiro, in 1858-61, and made a concert tour through Norway in 1879. Works : Sis romances for the harp (1855) ; Serenade, Don Quixote, for do. ; Album of Harp (24 pieces) ; Miscella- neous music for the harp ; The Buccaneers, cantata for four voices and orchestra (1866) ; The King and the Maiden, do., performed 1866 ; Diana, opera (1860) ; Overtures for orchestra in B-flat, D, and F minor ; Piano- forte music, and songs. CHESSI, LUIGI, Italian dramatic com- po.ser, author of the following works : La nuova pianella perduta nella neve, oi^eretta in dialogue, given at Milan, Augusst, 1865 ; la Contessa di Medina, Piacenza, April, 18G7.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 177. CHEVAL DE BRONZE, LE (The Bronze Horse), opera-comique in three acts, text by Scribe, music by Auber, first represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, March 23, 1835. A fairy plot, scene laid in China. It was amusing in its day, but its scenes have become trite through many imitations. It was reproduced in four acts, with additions, at the Academie de Mu- sique, Sept. 21, 1857. It has been fre- quently given in English, as the Bronze Horse, since its production at Drury Lane, London, Jan. 5, 1836. CHEVALIER, , French composer, flourished in 1587-1617. Violinist in the private band of Henri IV. and Louis XIII. He is best known as a composer of court ballets, which he wrote for many public oc- casions. Fetis gives a list of thirty-four of these, with the name and date, some of the most important of which are : Ballet de Tiretaiue, faict le lundi gras, danse au Lou- vre, devaut Henri le Grand ; Le grand bal- let de Nemours, 1604 ; Le grand ballet faict au mariage de Monsieur de Vendome, a Fontainebleau, 1609 ; Le ballet des gens de la reine Marguerite, 1609 ; Le ballet de Monsieur le Dauphin, Louis XIII., 1609 ; Le recit des dames, from the Ballet des Amoureux coutrefaits, which is found in Airs de cour mis en tablature de luth, par Gabriel Bataille, Paris, 1611.— Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CHEVALIER LUBIN, LE, opera-co- mique in one act, text by Michel Carre and Victor Perrot, music by Adrien Boieldieu, represented at the Theatre des Fantaisies Parisiennes, Paris, May 23, 1866. The Chevalier de Simiane, in love with the Com- tesse Rosiue, who has ordered her gates closed against him, disguises himself as a peasant and hires himself out to her as a gardener. The Marquis de Beautreillis, her kinsman, seeks to amuse himself by ex- changing clothes with the false Lubin, who plays the part of a gentleman so dextrously as to win the heart of the Comtesse. The music is agreeable and ap2)ropriate to the text. CHEVALIER NAHEL, LE, French opera in three acts, music by Litolff, represented at Baden-Baden, Aug. 10, 1863. Scene in the Thirty Years' War. The Chevalier Na- hel is a corrupt genius who plays the part of a traitor, and whose death serves as the de- nouement of the piece. It contains some good numbers, and the music generally is well adapted to the libretto. CHEVILLARD, PIERRE ALEXANDRE FRANCOIS, bornat Antwerp, Jan. 15, 1811, still living, 1888. Virtuoso on the violon-' cello, first instructed in his native city, then pupil of Norblin at the Conservatoire of Paris, won the second prize in 1826, and the first in 1827 ; studied composition 810 CHTARA under Futis, became solo violoncellist at the Thi'atre du Gymnase, and in 1831, at the Theatre Italien. Having formed a quartet to play the last productions of Beethoven's genius, he made a concert tour through Germany in 1855 and 1856, win- ning much applause. In 1859 he became professor at the Conservatoire. Works : Concerto for violoncello and orchestra ; Quartet for two violins, viola, and violon- cello ; 15 melodies for violoncello and or- chestra or pianoforte ; Fantaisie for violon- cello and pianoforte ; Lamenti, adagio and finale, for do. ; Andante and Barcarole, with quartet and pianoforte ; Method for violon- cello. — Fetis ; Mendel. CHIARA DI ROSEMBERG, Italian opera in two acts, text by Gai'tauo Rossi, music by Luigi Ricei, first represented at Milan, 1831, and then at the Theatre Italien, Paris, Nov. 6, 1833. Subject from " Siege de La Rochelle," by Mnie de Genlis. It had been treated previously by Generali, in 1821. CHIARELLI, ANDREA, born in Mes- sina, Sicily, about 1675, died there in 1699. Lutist and instrumental composer ; stud- ied music at Rome and Naples, where he be- came a proficient on the archlute. When he returned to his own city, he was received with honour, and devoted the rest of his life to the jjerfecting of his instruments. He constructed several theorbos and archlutes on new principles, which are yet considered the best ever made. Fetis had one of these in his collection, with the date, 1098. Works : Suouate musicali di violini, or- gano, violone, ed arciliuto (Naj)les, 1699). —Fetis ; Mendel. CHIARINI, PIETRO, born in Brescia, Italy, in 1717, died (?). Harpsichordist and dramatic composer, author of the following woi'ks : L' Achille in Sciro, given in Brescia, 1739 ; Statira, Teatro di S. Giovanni Chry- sostomo, Venice, 171:'2 ; Meride e Seliuunte, Brescia, 1744 ; Argenide, ib., 1745. — Fetis ; Mendel. CHIAROMONTE, FRANCESCO, born at Castrogiovauni, Sicily, in 1814, died at Brussels, Oct. 15, 1886. Dramatic com- poser, pupil at Palermo of Pragusa and Raimondi, then at Naples of Donizetti. He abandoned law for music, and, gifted with a tine voice, entered the royal chapel at Palermo, whence King Ferdinand II. in- vited him to Naples ; about 1844 he brought out his first opera, and soon after became conductor of the orchestra at the Teatro San Carlo, and professor of singing at the Conservatorio. Imjjlicated in the revo- lutionary distui-bances of 1848, he was im- prisoned for twenty-two months, and exiled in 1850, when he went to Genoa and brought out several oj^eras. In or about 1855 he went to Paris, where he became chef du chant at the Theatre Italien, and afterwards at the Italian Opera in London. In 1862 he settled at Brussels to teach vocal music, and became professor at the Con- servatoire in 1871. Works — Operas: Feni- cia, given at Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 1844 ; Catarina di Cleve, ib., Teatro San Carlo, 1850 ; Armando il gondoliere, Genoa, Teatro Carlo Felice, 1851 ; Giovanna di Castiglia, ib., 1852 ; Manfredo, Trieste, 1853 ; Le nozze di Messina, Venice, Teatro Fenice, 1853 ; Ines di Mendoza, Milan, Scala, 1855 ; Fingal, 1855 ; Una burla per correzioue, Genoa, Teatro Paganini, 1855 ; Mass, per- formed at Sainte-Gudule, Brussels ; Hiob, biblical opera, ib.. Conservatoire, 1884. He also published a Methode de chant in three parts. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 178 ; Riemann. CHIAULA, MAURO, born in Palermo, about the middle of the 16th century, died in 1600. Benedictine monk of the convent of S. Martino, of that city ; composer of church music. Works : Sacrse cantiones, quae octo, turn vocibus, tum variis iustru men- tis concinni possunt (Venice, 1590). — Fetis ; Mendel. CHIAVACCI, MNCENZO, born in Rome in 1760, died in Warsaw in 1815. Dramatic composer, first known through his operas produced in Milan. In 1801 he was di- rector of the Opera Bouife in Warsaw. Works — Operas : Alessaudro nell' Indie, 311 CHIEN given in Milan about 178G ; II tilosofo im- postore, ib., about ISOl ; Quattro jjarti del mondo. Besides these he published twelve Ariette per il clavicembalo (Vienna, 1799). — Fetis ; Mendel. C'HIEN DU JAEDINIER, LE (The Gar- dener's Dog), opera- coinique in one act, text by Lockroy and Cormon, music by Albert Grisar, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Jan. 16, 1855. Plot original, illus- trating the caprices of a village coquette. The score is one of the composer's best works. CHILCOT, THOJUS, organist of the Abbey Church at Bath from 1733 until late in the last centurj'. He was the composer of two sets of concertos for the harpsichord and of Twelve English Songs, the words by Shakespeare and other celebrated poets. He was the first master of Thomas Liuley. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CHILD, WILLLIM, born in Bristol, England, in 1606, died in Windsor, March 23, 1697. (Jrganist and church composer ; Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1631 ; Mus. Doc, 1G63. He was chorister of Bris- tol Cathedral un- der Elway Beviu, organist of St. George's Chapel, Windsor, in 1632, and afterwards of the Chapel Royal. Some of his church services and anthems are printed in the collections of Boj-ce and Arnold, in Smith's "Musica Antiqua," and man}' more are extant in manuscript in the choir books of various cathedrals. Works : Choice Musick to the Psalms of David for three voices, with a continuall Base, either for the organ or theorbo (1656) ; Divine anthems and vocal compositions to several pieces of Poeti-y ; Catches in Hilton's Catch that Catch Can (1652) ; Playford's Musical Companion (1672), and some compositions on Court Ayres. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Barrett, English Church Composers, 69 ; Harmonicon (1832), 192. CHILDREN IN THE WOOD, THE, English opera, music by Samuel Arnold, represented at the Haymarket Theatre, London, in 1793. CHILPERIC, oi)era-bou£fe in three acts, text and music by Herve, represented at the Folies Dramatiques, Paris, Oct. 24, 1868. CHI m FRENA. See Lucia. CHIMfiNE. See Cid. CHINELLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, It- alian composer of the 17th century, whose history is not known. He was the author of the following works, quoted by Walther, in his Musical Lexikon : Conzertirende Mes- sen, von 3, 4, und 5 Stimmen, nebst 2 Vio- linen a bene placito, 1 Th. ; Idem, 2 Th.; Idem, 3 Th. ; Motetti a voce sola (1630) ; Madrigali a 2, 3, 4, con alcune canzonette a due violini, lib. 1, op. 4. ; Complete, Anti- foue, Letanie della B. V., concertate a quattro voci e due violini, op. 6 (Venice, 1639) ; II quarto libro de' Motetti a 2 e 4 voci con violini, 0)5. 9 (ibid., 1652). — Fetis; Mendel. CHINZER, JOHANN, German composer of the 18th century. Little is known of him excepting that he lived in 1754 in Paris, where he published the following works : Un livre de sonates pour deux vio- lons ; Trois livres de sonates en trios pour violon ; Un livre de sonates jJour la flute seule ; Deux livres de sonates pour deux violoncelles. Fetis thinks he may be the same as the Chinzer who published some music in London with the title : Un ceuvre de duos pour deux violons, en 2 suites (Preston, London, 1791). — Fetis ; Mendel. CHIOCCHETTI, PIETRO \7NCENZ0, born at Lucca in 1680, died Feb. 2, 1753. Dramatic composer. Among his works are : L' ingratitudine castigata, ossia 1' Alarico, opera, produced at Ancona, in 1719 ; and La Circoncisione, oratorio, Venice, 1729. — Fe- tis ; do., Supplement, i. 180 ; Mendel ; do., Erganz., 63. CIIIPP CHIPP, EDMUND THOMAS, born in London, Dec. 25, 182:5, died at Nice, Dec. 17, 1886. Organist and violinist, son of Thomas Paul Cliipp, harpist (1793-1870); pupil at the Chapel Royal of William Hawes, and studied the violin under J. B. Nadaud, and Tolbecque (1832- 40). He was organist of manj' churches, inchiding Holy Trinity, Paddiugton, in 1856-G2, St. George's, Bel- fast, 1862-66, and of Ely Cathedral from 1866 until his deatli. Mus. Bac, Cam- bridge, 1859 ; Mus. Doc, 1860. Mr. Chipp was one of the best of English organists, and his works are in constant use in the British churches. He was a member of Her Majesty's private band (1843-55), and of the Royal Italian Opera, the Philhar- monic, and the Sacred Harmonic Society bands, a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, and an examiner at the Univer- sity of Cambridge and at Trinity College, Loudon. Works : Job, oratorio, 1858 (No- vello & Co.) ; Naomi, sacred idyl, 1868 (Novello & Co.). Church Music: Services in A, D, and E ; Anthems — Lord of all power. The Lord hath been mindful. As I live, saith the Lord (Novello & Co.) ; 3 Glorias ; Music for the Church Service and Home Circle ; Hymns, etc. Organ INIusic : Introduction and variations on Handel's "The Harmonious Blacksmith," 1843 ; do. ou Haydn's " God preserve the Emperor," Birmingham Festival, 1847 ; 24 sketches for organ; 14 compositions for do.; Many studies and arrangements. Pianoforte mu- sic ; Songs, etc. CHITI, GIROLAMO, Italian church com- poser of the Roman school, born aljout the end of the 17th century. He was made second maestro di cappella of San Gio- vanni in Laterano in 1726, as coadjutor to Gasparini, whom he succeeded in 1727. Works ; Mass for four voices, Fuge dilecte ; do., Tempus est breve ; jMissa de Feria ; Mass for six voices ; do. for eight ; Bene- dictus for holy week ; 2 Christus factus est ; 2 Miserere for four voices ; Veni, Sponsa Christi for four voices ; Sub tuum presi- dium, for do. ; Dextera Domini, for do. ; Salvator muudi for eight voices. — Fctis ; Mendel. CHI TI SALVA. See Aida. CHMELENSKt, WENZEL, born at Ba- vorov, Bohemia, in 1736, died there in 1793. Organist in his native place, where his numerous works are still preserved in the choir archives. His sons, Franz (1775- 1803), and Johann (1778-1864), were also composers, the former of church music, the Latter of Bohemian national songs. — Men- del. CHOICE OF HERCULES, musical in- terlude, music by Handel, given at Coveut Garden, London, March 1, 1751. The score is dated at the beginning, June 28, 1750, and at the end, July 5, 1750. It embodies nearly all the music of an earlier dramatic piece with different words, called Alceste, published by Arnold, 1790, under the title of Alcides, which was never performed. The libretto, founded on an episode related by Xenophon, is compiled from Joseph Spence's " Polymetis." The characters rep- resented are : Pleasure, Virtue, Hercules, Chorus of attendants on Pleasure, Chorus of do. on Virtue. Published first by Walsh ; in full by Hilndelgesellschaft (Leipsic, 1864).— Rockstro, Handel, 319 ; Schoelcher, Handel, 318. CHOLLET, LOUIS FRANCOIS, born in Paris, July 5, 1815, died there, March 21, 1851. Organist and pianist, pupil at the Conservatoire, of Zimmerman on the piano- forte, and of Benoist on the organ, for which he obtained the first prize in 1833. He was organist in several churches of Paris. His compositions consist of fantai- sies, rondos, variations, duos, etc. — Fetis. CHOPIN, (FRANgOIS) FREDERIC, born at Zela Zowa Wola, near Warsaw, March 1, 1809, died in Paris, Oct. 17, 1849. 313 cHOPm Joseph Eisner. His fatlier, Nicolas Chopiu, was a Frencli- man, born at Nancj-, who went to Warsaw as private tutor, became professor at the War- saw Lycee, and after- wards set up a jjrivate school of his own. Frederic's mother, Jus- tine Kryzanowska, was a Pole. He was edu- cated at his father's school, and studied mu- sic under Zywny and His earliest comjjositions were dances. At nineteen he was already a virtuoso of the first rank. In 1828 he set out for Paris, giving concerts on the way at Vienna and Munich. In Paris he almost immediately became the centre of a circle of admirers, among the most ar- dent of whom was Liszt. He led a re- tired life, teaching and composing, but rarely jilaying in public. In 1836 he made the acquaintance, through Liszt, of George Sand, an event which had a considerable influence on his future. Contrary to the generally received idea, he enjoyed per- fectly good health, although not of a robust jihj-sique, until 1838, when bronchitis de- clared itself, and he went with George Sand to j)ass the winter in Majorca. His liaison with her lasted until about 1846, when she, after putting him into her novel " Lucrezia Floriaui " as Prince Karol (a total distortion of his character), got tired of him. Saving his visit to Majorca, a short visit to London in 1848, where he gave two jjrivate con- certs, and an equally short one to England and Scotland in 1849, he never left Paris. He was buried at P6re-la-Chaise, between the graves of Bellini and Cherubini. Schu- mann has called Chopin " the boldest and proudest spirit of the times." During his lifetime he was too often looked upon as merely a gifted amateur ; but he was really a musician of very sound training and a subtile harmonist. As a composer, he was not only original, but absolutely unique ; he wrote almost entirely for the pianoforte, and his compositions have never been equalled in the way in which they are adapted to the peculiar character of that in- strument. Everything he wrote seemed to be inspired by the very nature of the piano- forte itself. His best known works are his mazurkas and nocturnes, but, to learn his true greatness, one must turn to his con- certos, scherzos, and ballades. Liszt al- ways called his B minor sonata his greatest work. As a pianist he was noted for im- mense brilliancy, consummate grace, and the most appealing depth of sentiment ; but also for a capriciousness in tempo and rhythm which led Berlioz to say : "Chopin ill endured the curb of musical time, and in my opinion, j^ushed rhythmic independ- ence much too far ... he could not play regularly." Works : 2 Concertos, in E minor, op. 11, in F minor, op. 21 ; Al- legro de Concert, op. 46 ; 4 Ballades, op. 23, 38, 47, 52 ; Barcarolle, op. 60 ; Berceuse, op. 57 ; Bolero, op. 19 ; Duo concertant (with Franchomme) ; 3 Ecossaises, op. 72 ; 12 Grandes Etudes, op. 10 ; 12 Etudes, op. 25 ; 3 do.; 4 Fantaisies, op. 13, 49, 61, 66 ; 3 Impromptus, op. 29, 36, 51 ; Krakowiak, grand Kondeau de Concert, op. 14 ; Marche funi'bre, op. 72 ; 52 Mazurkas, op. 6, 7, 17, 24, 30, 33, 41, 50, 56, 59, 63, 67, 68 ; 19 Nocturnes, op. 9, 15, 27, 32, 37, 48, 55, 62, 72 ; 12 Polonaises, op. 3, 22, 26, 40, 44, 53, 61, 71 ; 24 Preludes, op. 28 ; Prelude, op. 45 ; 5 Rondos, op. 1, 5, 14 (Krakowiak), 16, 73 (for 2 pianofortes) ; 4 Scherzos, op. 20, 31, 39, 54 ; 4 Sonatas, op. 4, 35, 58, 65 (with violoncello) ; Tarentelle, op. 43 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 8 ; 13 Valses, op. 18, 34, 42, 64, 69, 70 ; Variations (La ci darem la mano), op. 2 ; (Je vends des scapulaires), op. 12 ; do. on a German national air (posth.) ; Variation dans I'Hexameron : Morceau de concert. 314 CHORAL etc., sur la Marclie des Puri tains de Bel- lini ; Sixteen Polish songs, for a voice, with pianoforte, op. 74. — Barbedette, Chopin (Paris, 1869) ; Ehlert, Aus der Tonwelt (Leipsic, 1882) ; Fetis ; Huefter, in Fort- nightly Review (1877), xviii. 377 ; Larousse ; Liszt, F. Chopin (Paris, 1852) ; Karasowski, Friedrich Chopin, seiu Leben, etc. (Dresden, 1877) ; Mendel ; Sowiuski ; Theinatisches Verzeichniss (Leijisic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel). CHORAL FANTASIA. See Fantasie mit Chor. CHORAL SYMPHONY. See Sinfonie mit Schlusschor. CHORON, ALEXANDRE ETIENNE, born in Caen, Oct. 21, 1771, died in Paris, June 29, 1834. Composer and critical writer ; at first self-taught in music, but subsequently a jjupil of Rose in harmony and of Bonesi and other Italian professors. He published in 1804 Principes d'accom- pagnement des Ecoles d'ltalie, written with Frocchi, and in 1808 Priucipes de compo- sition des Ecoles d'ltalie (3 vols.), through which he introduced into France Sala's practical e.Kercises in fugue and counter- point, Marpurg's treatise on fugue, exer- cises from Padre Martini's Esemplare, and a new system of harmony of his own. He was director of the music of the Fetes pvih- liques from 1812 to the fall of Napoleon, director of the Academie Royale de Mu- sique in 1816-17, and founder of a school of music which became famous under gov- ernment support in 1824-30, under the title of Institution Royale de Musique Classique et Religieuse, and in which many noted musicians were educated. He composed some music, but his best title to fame is the influence which he exercised on musical education in France. Works : Collection de romances et autres poosies raises en mu- sique (Paris, 1806) ; Notes fran9aises et italiennes sur Leo, Jommelli, Pierluigi da Palestrina, Josquin Depres, in Collection generale des ouvrages classiques de mu sique ; Dictionnaire historique des musir cieus, Choron et Fayolle, 2 vols. (1810- 1811) ; Mothode eh'mentaire de musique et de plain-chant (1811) ; Traite general des voix et des instruments d'orchestre, par Francceur, revised (1813) ; Bibliotheque encyclopedique de musique (1814) ; Me- thode coucertaute de musique a plusieurs parties, translation of Albreclitsberger (1817) ; Methode de plain-chant from tlie same, and Manuel complet de musique vocale et instrumentale, ou Encyclopedie musicale, also from Albrechtsberger (this work was left unfinished, and published by his assistant, Adrien de la Faye, after his death, 6 vols., 2 vols, of examples (Paris, 1836-38). Besides these he published : Livre choral de Paris, etc. (1817) ; Me- thode concertante de musique (1817) ; Me- thode de plain-chant (1818) ; Instruction abreg6e (1819) ; Methode de chant (1821) ; Chants chorals des Eglises d'Allemagne (1822) ; Hymues pour toutes les fetes de I'annee ; Messe a 3 voix sans accompagne- ment. Dixit Dominus, Magnificat, Laudate, 15 motets, and other church music. — Fetis ; Gauthier, Eloges (Caen, 1845) ; A. de la Faye, Eloges (Paris, 1843) ; Grove. CHOTAS, max, born at Chotesan, Bo- hemia, May 8, 1831, still living, 1888. Or- ganist, pupil in Prague of Josef Krej6i, Franz Blazek, and Pitsch on the organ, and of Horak in singing ; went as choir-master to Temesvar, Hungary, in 1855, and in the same capacity has been at Pelhrimov, Bohe- mia, since 1862. Among his compositions are several masses, graduals, offertories, hymn for mixed chorus and orchestra, and many choruses for male and mixed voices. —Mendel. CHOTEK, FRANZ XAVER, born at Liebisch, Moravia, Oct. 22, 1800, died in Vieinia, May, 1852. Composer, pupil in Vienna of Henneberg and of Secbter. Works : Potpourris sur des motifs de I'As- sedio di Calais de Donizetti (Milan, Ri- cordi) ; Beautes des operas de Bellini (ib.) ; Rimembranze delle laguue (ib.) ; Antho- logie musicale, fantaisies sur les motifs fa- voris d'operas nouveaux (ib.) ; Rondinetto ; CllOUDENS Variations brillantes in E-flat ; Rondino bi-illaut ; La gaite, rondo for two and four hands ; Marclie courageuse, and many others. —Mendel ; Scliilling ; Wurzbach. CHOUDENS, ANTONY, boru in Paris in 1849, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, son of the music publisher. He published a collection entitled Dix melodies, one of which, Uu dernier baiser, became well known (1870), and later grew into Vingt melodies (1873). Of these, one, A uue etoile, with orchestral accompaniment, was sung at the Concerts-Danbt'. He lias writ- ten the music of an opera, Graziella, to the libretto of Jules Barbier ; another. La jeu- nesse de Don Juan, to a poem of Louis Gallet ; and has published pieces for piano- forte, and several Essais symphouiques. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 181. CHRi^TIEN, CHARLES ANTOINE, one of the musicians of the king's chapel, Pa- ris, about the middle of the 18th century. He published : Pieces de diftV'rents auteurs, mises en trios pour les violons (Paris, 1751) ; and produced an opera, Les Precautions inutiles, at the Comcdie Italieune (1760). — Fetis ; Mendel. CHRISTENIUS, JOHANNES, German composer of the 17th century, born at Butt- stiidt, Thuringia. In the early part of the century he was cantor at the court of the Elector of Saxony, and he was also a musi- cian at Altenburg. Works : Selectissima et nova cantio quam Valedictionis erga de- dicat Patronis, a6vocibus (Jena, 1G09) ; Mu- sikalisehe Melodias mit i Stimmen gesetzt (1616) ; Giilden Venus-Pfeil, in welcher zu finden, newe weltliehe Lieder, teutsehe und poluische Tanze (1619) ; Symbola Saxon- ica, Fiirtslicher Personen taegliche Gedeuk- spriiche mit 3 Stimmen gesetzt (Leipsic, 1620) ; Coniplemeutum, und drifter Theil Fest Yud Aposteltagiger evangelischer Spriiche, so Melchior Vulpius abergangen, mit 4-8 Stimmen (Erfurt, 1621) ; Omni- geni mancherley Manier newer weltliclier Lieder, Paduans, etc. (Erfurt, 1619).— All- gem, d. Biogr., iv. 144 ; Futis ; Mentlel. CHRISTIANELLI, FILIPPO, maestro di cappella at Aquila, kingdom of Naples, about the beginning of the 17th century. Works: Salmi a cinque voci (Venice, 1626). — Fetis ; Mendel. CHRISTINA DI SVEZIA (Christina of Sweden), Italian opera, text by Romani, music by Sigismuud Thalberg, represented at the Court Theatre, Vienna, June 3, 185.5. The hbretto, from Alexandre Dumas's "Christine" and Laube's " Monaldeschi," illustrates the eccentric career of Christina, daughter of Gustavus Adoljihus, and Queen of Sweden. The same subject is treated in Christina di Suezia, music by Nini, Genoa, 1840 ; and by Lillo, Naples, 1841. Also in Christine von Schweden, German opera in three acts, text by Tempeltey, music by Rederu, given at the Royal Theatre, Berlin, 1860. CHRISTMANN, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, born at Ludwigsburg, Wiirtemberg, Sept. 9, 1752, died there May 21, 1817. Amateur performer on the harpsichord and flute. Educated at Tubingen University, he be- came a Lutheran clergyman, and in 1783 was appointed minister in his native town. He published, between 1790 and 1800, much music for the voice and for pianoforte, violin, and flute, highly esteemed in Ger- man}'. His Elementarbuch der Tonkust is in two parts with a book of examples (Spires, 1782, 1790). He arranged a valu- able collection of hymns with Knecht, en- titled : Vollstrmdige Sammluug, many of the hymns being of his own composition, — Allgem. d. Biog., iv. 223 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CHRISTMAS ORATORIO, Bach. See Weihnai-hU Oratorium. CHRISTO, Frade 10 AO DE, born in Lis- bon, about the beginning of the 17th cen- tury, died at Alcoba5a, July 30, 1654. Church composer and organist. Machado quotes the following works (Bibl. Lusit., ii. 636),-, as the best known of his composi- tions : Texto de Paixoens que se cantao em a Semana Santa, composto a 4 vozes ; CHPJSTO Calendas do Natal, e de S. Bernardo a 4 vozes. These are all iu MS. — Fctis ; Men- del ; Vasconcellos, 47. CHRISTO, Fra LUIZ DE, born in Lis- bon, iu 1625, died iu Calcado, iu 1693. Church composer, and organist of his con- vent at Calcado. He left the following ■works in MS. : Paixoens dos quatro Evan- gelistas, a 4 voces ; Li(;oens de defunctos motetes e vilhaucicos. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Vasconcellos, 48. CHRISTOFORUS (Christ-bearer), can- tata (legend), jroem by F. vou Hoffnaass, for baritone, soprano, and alto solos, chorus, and orchestra, by Joseph Itheiuberger, op. 120, written in 1879. Subject, the story of the giant who bears the infant Christ on his shoulders across the river. Published by Kistuer (Leijisic, 1885). — UiDton, Standard Cantatas, 304. CHRISTOPHE COLOMB, descriptive symphony, by Felicien David, first per- formed in Paris, 1847. CHRISTUS, oratorio, by Frieddch Kiel, composed in 1874 ; first given in Berlin, April 4, 1874. Given by the Milwaukee (Wis.) Musikverein, 1879. CHRISTUS, oratorio for soli, chorus, or- gan, aud full orchestra, by Liszt, finished in 1866. Given first iu Rome, in the Sala Dantesca, July 6, 1867. The first part was given in New York by the Oratorio So- ciety, in 1876, and the entire work, March 3, 1887. First Part : Weihuachts-Oratorium. 1, Introduction ; 2, Pastorale ; 3, Stabat ma- ter preciosa, hymn ; 4, Song of the Shep- herds at the manger ; 5, The three Holy Kings, march. Second Part : After Epiph- any. 6, The Beatitudes ; 7, The Prayer ; 8. The Foundation of the Church; 9, The Miracle ; 10, The Entry into Jerusalem. Third Part: Passion and Resurrection. 11, Tristis est anima mea ; 12, Stabat mater ; 13, O Filii et Filise, Easter hymn ; 14, Resurrexit. — Nohl ; Upton, Standard Ora- torios, 186 ; Musik. Wochenblatt (1886), 385, 398, 411 ; Krehbiel, Review (1886-87), 135. CHRISTUS, oratorio projected by Men- delssohn as the third of a trilogy with St. Paul and Elijah, but left unfinished. The libretto was written by Chevalier Bunsen in 1844, but was much changed by Mendels- sohn, who began the comjjosition of the music after finishing Elijah. The fragment consists of eight numbers of recitatives and choruses, three in the first part, aud five in the second part. They were published soon after his death (op. 97) ; and were first performed at the Birmingham (Eng- land) Musical Festival, Sejst. 8, 1852. Giv- en by the Handel and Haydn Society, Bos- ton, May 7, 1874. CHRISTUS AM OELBERGE (Christ on the Mount of Olives), oratorio, text by Franz Xaver Huber, music by Beethoven, op. 85, composed iu the summer of 1801, first performed in Vienna, Ajjril 5, 1803 ; published by Breitkopf & Hiirtel (Leipsic, 1811). The work 023ens with Christ's praj'er for comfort and strength ; a seraph appears, and with the chorus of angels praises the Redeemer's goodness. Christ and the seraph in conversation. The Sa- viour jjrays for deliverance from death, but ends by submitting to the will of the Father. The soldiers appear to take him ; their alia marcia movement is interrupted by a terzetto between Christ, the seraph, and Peter, whose part is treated in the style of the bufl'o parlante. The taking of Christ ends the action ui^ou earth. Above the angels sing their song of praise in motet form. In his latter years the composer was of the opinion that he had conceived his subject too theatrically. — Marx (Berlin, 1875), i. 239; Thayer, "Verzeichniss, 35; von Lenz, Beethoven, ii. 220. CHEOMATISCHE FANTASIE, a brill- iant composition in D minor for clavier by Johaun Sebastian Bach, followed by a mas- terly three-voice fugue. It is one of the most generallj' j)lajed of Bach's larger clavier works. CHURCHILL, , English composer in London, at the end of the 18th century. He S18 ClLrSTROVIUS publislied the following works : '■i sonatas for pianoforte with violin accompaniment ; 6 duets for two violins, op. 2 ; 3 sonatas for pianoforte, with violin, op. 3 ; duets for violin and alto (1793).— Futis ; Mendel. CHUSTKOVroS, JOHANNES, director of the Church of St. Nicolas, Liineburg, about the beginning of the 17th century. Works: Sacn« cantiones quinque, sex et octo vocibus ita compositiB, ut non solum viva voce commodissime cantari, sed etiam, ad omnis generis instrumeuta optime ad- hiberi possint (Frankfort, 1603).— Fetis ; Mendel. CHWATAL, FRANZ XAVEE, born at Eumburg, Bohemia, June 19, 1808, died at Elmen, near Magdeburg, June 21, 1879. Pianist, first instructed by his father, an organ builder ; appeared in public when eight years of age, was settled at Merse- burg as a teacher in 1822-35, when he studied composition by himself, and after- wards at Magdeburg. He published about 250 works, mostly for the pianoforte, and his two Methods for the same, op. 93 and op. 135, have been introduced in many in- stitutions. — Mendel ; Eiemann. CIAJA, AZZOLINO BERNARDINO BELLA, born in Siena in 1671, died after 1733 (?). Organist and composer ; he pre- sented in 1733 an organ to the Church of the Order of St. Stephen, Pisa (of which Order he was a knight), which is still one of the finest in Italy. Published works : Salmi concertati (Bologna, 1700) ; Cantate da Camera (Lucca, 1701, Bologna, 1702) : Sonate per cembalo (Rome, 1727).— Fetis ; Mendel. CIAMPALANTI, , one of the musi- cians of Louis XV. He published in 1764 a collection entitled : Six Ariettes fran- yoises dans le gotU Italien avec accom- pagnement d'un violon et d'une basse, suivies d'une cantate dctachee a grande symphonie. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 183. CIAMPI, FRANCESCO, born at Massa di Sorrento, kingdom of Naples, in 1704. Dramatic composer and violinist ; took up his residence in Venice in 1728, and brought out nearly all his operas there. The best known are : Ouorio, given at Venice, 1729 ; Adriano in Siria, ib., 1748 ; II negligente, ib., 1749 ; Catone in TJtica, ib., 1756 ; Gian- guir, ib., 1760 ; Amore in caricatura, ib., 1761 ; Antigono, ib., 1762. Burney men- tions a ^lass, and a Miserere for eight voices, with instrumental accompaniment, which were held in great estimation.— Fetis ; Men- del ; Schilling. CIAMPI, LEGRENZIO VINCENZO, born near Piacenza in 1719. Dramatic composer, pupil of Roudini, maestro di cappella at Piacenza ; he went to London in 1748 with a company of Italian singers. Dr. Burney says he had great tire and ability, but no genius. Works— 0])eras : L'Arcadia in Brenta, given in Italy about 1739 ; Bertoklo alia corte, Piacenza, about 1748 ; Gli tre cicisbei ridicoli, Loudon, 1748 ; Adriano in Siria, ib., 1750 ; II tri- onfo di Camillo, ib., 1750 ; Didone, ib., 1754. Published instrumental music, songs, a mass (1758), now in the Royal Library, Berlin.— Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CIANCHETTINI, PIO, born in London, Dec. 11, 1799, died at Cheltenham in 1851. Pianist, son and pupil of Veronica Cian- chettini; appeared in public as an infant prodigy in 1804, and was called the English Mozart in Holland, Germany, and France, where he travelled with his father in the year following. Afterwards he accom- panied Madame Catalani on her concert tour through England. Works : 2 con- certos for pianoforte; Fautaisies for do.; Variations for do.; Cantata for two voices with chorus (words from Paradise Lost) ; Pope's Ode on Solitude ; 60 Italian notturni for two, three, and four voices, with piano- forte ; Benedictus for three voices ; etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. CIANCHETTINI, VERONICA, born at Czaslau, Bohemia, in 1779, died in London in 1833. Pianist, daughter and pupil of Johanii Joseph Dussek, who was the organ- ist and chief musician of Czaslau. In 1797 319 CIANCHI she -n'ent to Lonrlon to join her brother Johann Ladislaw Dussek, aud mai-ried there Francesco Cianchettini. Among her works are two concertos and several sonatas for the pianoforte.— Grove ; Fetis ; MendeL CIANCHI, EMILIO, born in Florence, March 21, 1833, still living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, pnj)il of Iguazio Colson and Ermanno Picchi. He became known, when only twenty-one years old, by the perform- ance of his oratorio, Giuditta, 1854. Works — Operas : Salvator Eosa, Florence, Teatro Pagliano, 185-5 ; II saltimbanco, ib., 1856 ; La vendetta, ib., 1857 ; Leone Isauro, Tu- rin, Teatro Regio, 1862. His Requiem Mass, performed in Santa Croce, Florence, on the anniversary of the death of King Charles Albert, and of the martyrs of Italian independence (1873), added to his renown. He is secretary of the Royal Musical Insti- tute and the Musical Academy at Florence. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 183. CIBBINI, KATHERINA, born in Vienna in 1790, died there in 1858. Pianist, daughter and pupil of the Bohemian com- poser and Hof-Kapellmeister in Vienna, Leopold Kozeluh, aud pupil of Clementi. Works : Introduction et Valuations (Vienna, Haslinger) ; ImjDromptu (ib.) ; Marche et Trio (ib.) ; 6 valses, (ib.) ; etc. — Mendel; Schilling. CIBOT (Cybot), , French musician of the 16th century. In the famous collection of French chansons for four voices pub- lished by Pierre Attaignant, about 1530, are two chansons by Cibot: Ayer ne puis celle, and, Amye, tu as sur moi trop. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 182 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 64. CIBULKA, ALOJS, born in Prague, Feb. 22, 1768, died at Totis, Hungary, in 1845. Instrumental and vocal composer ; he studied in Prague, became Correpetitor at the National Theatre at Gratz, Styria, in 1794, and musical director of the Gei'man Theatre at Pesth in 1798, the management of which he assumed in 1810. After his resignation in 1823 he was made choir-mas- ter of the parish church. While living at Pesth, he gave lessons to Stephen Heller in 1826. He may be looked upon as the re- former of dance music in Bohemia. Pub- lished works : 12 songs from celebrated po- ets with pianoforte accompaniment (Prague, 1781) ; 14 wedding songs in German with pianoforte (Leipsic, 1793) ; German dance with twelve variations (Brunswick, 1794) ; 3 cantatas : Separation, the Spinner, and the Trials of Lotte, from Werther (Munich, 1798). Many other compositions are men- tioned by Fetis. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling. CICCARELLI, ANGELO, born at Te- ramo, in the Abruzzi, Jan. 25, 1806, still liv- ing, 1888 (?). Church composer, pupil at Lanciano of the organist Filippo Gianni, then at the Conservatorio, Naples, of Cres- centiui in singing, and of Zingarelli in com- position. In 1829 he settled in Dresden, where he was much esteemed as a vocal teacher, and also as a member of the royal chou\ Works : Stabat Mater for 4 female voices ; Requiem Mass for 4 voices ; Two Misse di Gloria ; Te Deum ; Catherine de Guise, lyric drama ; many vocal composi- tions. — Fetis, Supjslement, i. 183 ; Mendel. CID, LE, the Spanish national hero, Ruy Diaz da Bivar, called by his compatriots El Campeador (The Warrior) aud by the Moors El Seid (whence Cid), is the hero of several operas. Italian opera in three acts, music by Sacchini, first represented in Rome, 1762, as Chimena, and at the King's The- atre, London, 1773, as II Gran Cid ; played with great success in Paris at the Opera, Feb. 9, 1784, as Chimene, ou Le Cid, with a French adaptation of the text by Guillard, and with Madame de Saint-Huberti in the principal part. H Gran Cid, music by Pic- einni, represented at Naples, 1763 ; music by Paisiello, Florence, about 1776. H Cid delle Spagne, music by Fariuelli, Italy, about 1797. II Cid, three acts, text by Jacopo Ferretti, music by Luigi Savj, Parma, 1834. Der Cid, German opera, music by Neeb, Frankfort, 1857 ; text and music by Peter Cornelius, Weimar, 1865. Le Cid, CIERA French opera, text by Denuery, Gallet, and Blau, music by Massenet, represented in Paris, Dec. 1, 1885 ; the conijjoser's best work. Chimene, German grand oijera in three acts, music by Charles Wagner, Darm- stadt, 1821. The same subject is treated in liodrigo, Itahan ojjera, music by Handel, Florence, 1708 ; nuisic by Sapienza, Naples, 1823 ; Rodrigo und Chimene, German opera, by Aiblinger, Munich, 1821 ; Chimene et Kodrigue, French opera, by Salieri, Paris, 1788 (not performed) ; Eodrigo di Valenzia, Italian opera, by F. Orlandi, about 1815 ; by Generali, Milan, 1817 ; Rodrigue de To- lede, French opera, by H. Litolif, Paris, about 1850 (not performed). Don Rodrigo Diaz da Bivar, der Cid, German grand opera in four acts, text bj' Karl Schmidt, music by Emil Meyer, Linz, 1848 ; Cid, music by Willy B5hme, Dessau, Feb. 18, 1887. CIERA, IPPOLITO, born in Venice about 1512, died after 1569. Dominican monk, and com2)oser of madrigals published under the following titles : Madrigali del labirinto a quattro voci, libro primo (1554, reprint) ; II primo libro de' Madrigali a 5 voci (Venice, 1561). There are five other books of madri- gals for 5 voices. The sixth book has for title : Madrigali a 5 voci, libro sesto (Rome, 1623). In a collection of madrigals which bears the title : II Bel Giardino di fiori mu- sicali (Venice, 1587), there are two of Ciera's compositions. — Fetis ; Mendel. CIFOLELLI, GIOVANNI, Italian dra- matic composer who settled in France about 1764. He wrote for the Conu'die Italienne the following works : L'ltalienue, comic opera in one act, words by Framery, 1770 ; Pierre et Lucette, 1774. He also published a Methode de Mandoline (Paris). — Fetis ; Mendel. CIFRA, ANTONIO, born in Rome about 1575, died at Loreto after 1629. A pupil of Palestrina and Bernardino Nanini, he was first maestro at the German college at Rome ; in 1610-20" he occupied a similar position at Loreto, and then for two years in S. Giovanni in Laterano, Rome ; after which he entered the service of the Ai'ch- duke Charles, brother of Emjaeror Ferdi- nand n. In 1629 he returned to Loreto, where he remained until his death. Cifra was one of the leading composers of the " great " Roman school ; like most of the immediate followers of Palestrina, he showed in his later compositions that he felt the in- fluence of the change that was then taking place in musical feeling, and he entered into the more modern spii-it of the times more thoroughly than might have been ex- pected of one who had won great renown as a complete master of the stile osservato. He was a voluminous composer, and many of his works were published. Works : 1, Motetti a due, tre e quattro voci, five books (Rome, Soldi, 1600-1609) ; 2, Salmi per li vesperi, three books (Rome, 1601-1609) ; 3, Salmi e motetti a 8 voci (Rome, Zanetti, 1610) ; 4, Madrigali a cinque voci, three books (Venice, Vincenti, 1610-1615) ; 5, Motetti a due, tre e quattro voci (Venice, 1611) ; 6, Salmi spezzati a 4 voci (Rome, Robletti, 1611); 7, Litanie a 8-12 voci (Rome, 1613) ; 8, Scherzi ed arie a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci, per can tar nel clavicembalo, chitar- rone, o altro simile istromento (Venice, 1614) ; 9, Several sets of Madrigals (Venice, 1616-1623); 10, Cinque libri di Messe (Rome, Soldi, 1619-1625) ; 11, Ricercari e cauzoni francesi a 4 voci (Rome, Soldi, 1619) ; 12, Motetti a 4, 5, 6, 8 voci (Rome, Robletti, 1620) ; 13, Antifone e motetti per tutto r anno a 2, 3, 4, 5 voci (Rome, Gri- gnani, 1625) ; 14, Motetti e salmi a 12 voci, a tre cori (Venice, 1629) ; 15, Concerti ec- clesiastici (posthumous), ten sets, contain- ing over 200 motets (Rome, Antonio Pog- gioli, 1638). The title-page bears a portrait of Cifra, tetatis 45. — Ambros, iv. 98. CIGALE ET LA FOURMI, LA (The Grasshopper and the Ant), animal comic opera, music by Edmond Audran, repre- sented at the Theatre de la Gaite, Paris, Oct. 30, 1886. CBIA, ANDREA, born in Milan, about the close of the 16th centurj'. Organist, 381 CIMA brother of Giovanni Paolo Cinia. He was maestro di cappella of the Church della Rosa, and subsequently of the Church of Sta. INIaria, Bergamo, one of the most im- portant positions of the kind in Italj'. Works: Concerti a 2, 3 e 4 voci, lib. 1 (Milan, 1614) ; Concerti a 2, 3 e 4 voci, lib. 11 (Venice, 1627).— Fctis ; Mendel. CBIA, ANNIBALE, Italian composer of the 16th century. Several of his madrigals ai'e in the collection entitled : De' floridi virtuosi d' Italia, il terzo libro de' madri- gali a cinque voci nuovamente composti e dati in luce. (Vicenza, Giacomo Vincenti, 1568.)— Fetis ; Mendel. CIMA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born in the latter part of the 16th century. Organ- ist of the Church of S. Nazaro, Milan, but towards the close of his life retired to Son- drio, a little town of the Valtelliua. Works : 2 books of concerti for two, three, and four parts (Milan, 1626). In the Catalogue of the Ivings of Portugal are 2 of his books of motets for 4 voices. — Fetis ; Mendel. CIMA, GIOVANNI PAOLO, born in Italy about 1570, died (?). Oi'ganist, maes- tro di cappella of the Church of S. Celso, Milan. He is best known by his canons, several of which Padre Angleria has in- serted in his " Eegole del Contrappunto." Padre Martini gives an ingenious one as an example in his " Essai fondameutal pratique de contrepoint fugue." Published works : Motetti a quattro (1599) ; Eicercate per r organo (Milan, 1602) ; Canzoui, conse- quenze, e contrappunti doppj, a 2, 3, e 4 (ib., 1609) ; Concerti ecclesiastici, a 1, 2, 3, 4, e 8 voci con partitura (ib., 1610). — Fetis ; Mendel. CIMA, TULLIO, born at Ronciglione, beginning of the 17th century. Church composer who published the following works : Sacrse cantiones. Magnificat, etc., 2, 3 et 4 vocum, lib. 1 (1639) ; Sacrarum modulationum 2-5 vocum concin. liber quar- tus (Rome, 1648) ; Salmi, Messa e Letanie della B. M. V. a 3 voci, op. 7 (ib., 1673). This last is a reprint. — Fetis ; Mendel. CIMADOR, GIAMBATTISTA, born in Venice, in 1761, died in London about 1808. Violinist, violoncellist, and pianist ; said to have been a pupil of Haydn in com- position. He produced an opera : Pimma- glione, Venice, 1788, which, not satisfied with, he destroyed, renouncing dramatic composition. Cherubini afterwards used the words of several of the scenes for his Pimma- glione. Cimador settled in Loudon in 1791, and became known by his arrangement of Mozart's symphonies as 12 sextets for the King's Theatre orchestra. He wrote some vocal and instrumental music. — Grove ; Fe- tis ; Mendel. CIMAROSA, DO:\IENICO, born at Aversa, near Na- ples, Dec. 17, 1749, died in Ve- nice, April 5, 1801. His pa- rents were work- people of the humblest class ; his mother's con- fessor, Padre Porzio, organist at a Neajjolitan convent, was so struck with the boy's talent that he gave him music lessons, and finally agreed to be responsible for his entire edu- cation. He accordingly had him take sing- ing lessons of Aprile, and in 1761 jjut him at the Conservatoi'io Santa Maria di Loreto, where he remained until 1772, studying composition under Fenaroli, until he had acquired that perfect and elegant style which characterized composers taught at the Na- ples Conservatorio in the 18th century. In 1772 he wrote his first opera bulfa, Le stravaganze del conte, and from this mo- ment to his death his career was an un- broken chain of brilliant successes. From 1772 to 1780 he lived alternately at Rome and Naples, writing twenty operas, among them L' Italiana in Londra. In 1 780 Cima- rosa's fame was so well established that he was regarded as the worthy rival of Paisiello, CIMAKOSA who Lad, up to tbat time, occupied the first place among opera composers in Italy. Cimarosa's operas were given all over Europe. In 1787 be accei^ted the invita- tion of Catherine IE., to come to St. Peters- bui-g, where he held the position of cham- ber composer to the Czarina for several years. But the rigor of the Russian climate at last forced him to return south, and in 1792 he succeeded Salieri as court Kapell- meister at Vienna, ou the invitation of Leo- pold II. Here he wrote his famous II ma- trimonio segreto, which has always been considered his masterpiece. On the Em- peror's death iu the same year, Salieri was again appointed Kapellmeister, and in 1793 Cimarosa returned to Naples, where he was welcomed back with unbounded enthusiasm. He wrote many admirable operas, until his strong republican feelings, openly expressed when the French army entered Naples in 1799, got him into trouble with the govern- ment ; he was imprisoned and condemned to death, but King Ferdinand was prevailed upon to reprieve him ou condition of his leaving Naples. He set out for St. Peters- burg, but got no farther than Venice, where he died of an abdominal tumor. The strangest rumors were current concerning his death, the general opinion being that he was poisoned by order of the govern- ment. Dr. Giovanni Piccioli, by order of the court, published a cii'cular in which the character of the mortal disease was set forth, but even this official document was not universally believed. Cimarosa is one of the great composers whose works have most unjustly been banished from the mod- ern stage. His genius was of the finest, his fertility of melodic invention positively astounding, and, unlike most composers who have become especially famous for their melodic fecundity, he Avas a master of musical form. To great skill in treating the voice, and unsurpassed grace of melody, he added a rare power of musical develop- ment and a masterly use of the orchestra. Of all Italian writers he most resembled IMozart ; if he lacked somewhat of I\Iozart's depth of sentiment, he fully equalled him in humor and comic force. His greatest work was in opera buffa, yet some of his serious operas still deserve an honored place ou the stage. He was the first to introduce concerted pieces into the dramatic action itself. A bust of Cimarosa was ordered of Cauova by Cardinal Consalvi, who also took charge of the composer's obsequies ; the bust was for a long time in the church of La Rotouda (Pantheon), at Rome ; it has since been moved to the Capitol, where it now is. Works, all operas, except where otherwise specified : 1. Giuditta, oratorio, Rome, 1770 ; 2. Le stmoaganze del conte, Naples, 1772 ; 3. Le pazzie di Stellidaura e Zoroastre, ib., 1772 ; 4. La fiuta Parigina, Naples, 1773 ; 5. L' Italiana iu Londra, i Rome, 1774 ; 0. La donna di tutti caratteri, Naples, 1775 ; 7. La Frascatana nobile, ib., 1 1776 ; 8. Gli sdegni per amore, ib., 1776 ; 9. Matrimonii in ballo, ib., 1770 ; 10. II fanatico per gli antichi Romaui, Naples, 1777; 11. Le stravaganze d' amore, ib., 1777; 12. La contessina, Naples, 1777; 13. II giorno felice, cantata, 1777 ; 14. Te Deum, 1777 ; 15. I due baroni, Rome, 1777 ; 16. L' amor costaute, Naples, 1778 ; 17. II matrimonio per 1' industria, ib., 1778 ; 18. Finti uobili, Naples, 1778 ; 19. L' Ar- mida immagiuaria, Naples, 1778 ; 20. Gli amanti comici, ib., 1778 ; 21. II duello per complimento, Rome, 1779 ; 22. II 3fa- triinonio per raggiro, ib., 1779 ; 23. La Circe, cantata, 1779 ; 24. II rilorno di Don Calandrino, Rome, 1779 ; 25. Litanies, 1779 ; 26. Cajo Mario, Rome, 1780 ; 27. H mercato di Malmautile, ib., 1780 ; 28. Assalonte, Florence, 1780 ; 29. L' infedelta felice, Naples, 1780 ; 30. II faleguame, Na- ples, 1780 ; 31. L' aviso ai maritati, ib., 1780 ; 32. L' amante combattuto dalle don- ne di punto, ib., 1781 ; 33. II trioufo della religione, oratorio, 1781 ; 34. Alessandro neir Lidie, Rome, 1781 ; 35. Artaserse, Turin, 1781 ; 36. II capriccio drammatico, ib., 1781 ; 37. II martirio di Sau Gennaro, CIMOSO Naples, 1781 ; 38. L' amor contrastato, ib., 1782; 39. II whvzVo di pietra, Venice, 1782; 40. La ballerina amante, Naples, 1782 ; 41. Nina e Martufifo, 1782 ; 42. La villaua ri- couosciuta, Naj^les, 1783 ; 43. Oreste, Na- ples, San Carlo, 1783 ; 44. L' eroe cinese, ib., Aug. 13, 1783 ; 45. II jjiHore Parigino, Eome, 1783; 46. Chi d' altrui si veste presto si spoglia, Najjles, 1783 ; 47. II baroue bur- lato, Venice, 1784 ; 48. L' OHmpuuh', Na- ples, 1784; 49. Due suppositi couti, Milan, 1784; 50. Le statue parlauti, ib., 1784 ; 51. Two Masses, of which one is a Requiem, 1784 ; 52. II marito disperato, Naples, 1785 ; 53. II credulo, ib., 1785 ; 54. La donna al' sue peggior sempre s' appiglia, ib., 1785 ; 55. Gli amauti alia i^rova, ib., 1786 ; 56. La nascita del Delphiuo, can- tata, 1786 ; 57. Le trame deluse, Naples, 1786 ; 58. L' impremrio in angustie, ib., 1786 ; 59. La baronessa Stramba, ib , 1786 ; 60. II sacrifizio d'Abramo, ib., 1786 ; 61. II Valdomiro, ib., 1787 ; 62. H fantaico burlato, Naples, 1787; 63. Le feste d' Apol- lo, ib., 1787 ; 64. Gianniua e Bernadone, Naples, 1788 ; 65. Lo sposo seuza moglie, Naj)les, 1789 ; 66. La felicita inaspettata, St. Peter.sburg, 1790 ; 67. Cleopatra, ib., 1790 ; 68. Eequiem for the funeral of the Duchess of Serra Capriola, ib., 1790 ; 69. La vergine del sole, ib., 1791 ; 70. L' Atene edificata, ib., 1792; 71. Five hundred sepa- rate pieces for the Russian Court, ib., 1792 ; 72. II malrimonio segreto, Vienna, 1792 ; 73. La calamita de' cuori, ib., 1793 ; 74. Amor rende sagace, ib., 1793; 75. 2 Dixit Dominus, one written for the Emperor of Austria, the other for Prince Esterhazy, ib., 1793 ; 76. I traci amanti, Naples, 1793 ; 77. Le astuzie feminili, Naples, 1794 ; 78. Penelope, Naples, 1794 ; 79. Gli Orazj e Curiazj, Venice, 1794; 80. II impegno su- perato, Naples, 1795 ; 81. I nemici generosi, Rome, 1796 ; 82. Achille nel assedio di Troja, Rome, 1798 ; 83. L' imprudeute for- tunato, ib., 1798 ; 84. L' apprensivo rag- girato, Naples, 1798 ; 85. La feliciti com- pita, ib., 1798 ; 86. Semiramide, ib., 1799 ; 87. Artemisia, Venice, 1801. Cimarosawas also a collaborator with Asioli and several other composers in Le C'inesi, Najjles, no date. — Elogio fuuebre estemporaneo, etc., ad onore del sempre chiaro e celeberrimo scrittore in musica, D. Cimaro,sa, etc. (Ve- nice, 1801. The portrait of the composer in this publication was sujDpressed by the police) ; Fetis ; Grove. CIMOSO, GUIDO, bom at Vicenza, Feb. 10, 1804, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of his father, an organist (born in Vienna, 1780, died at Venice, 1850). He was em- ployed successively in different cities as or- ganist and orchestra conductor, and settled at Trieste, where he occupied a position of great artistic importance. Among about one hundred compositions of sacred and secular music, the following are especially- noteworthy : Grande Studio di allegoric armouico-religiose, for full orchestra (gold medal, Trieste, 1871) ; Grande Studio alle- gorico-musicale, for do. — Fetis, Sui3j)lc'- ment, i. 183. CINESI, LE (The Chinese), Italian oper- etta in one act, text bj' Metastasio, music by Georg Reutter, first represented in 1735 in Vienna, and in 1753, with changes, in a country house of Prince Joseph of Saxe-Hildburghausen. Scene in a city of China. Characters represented : Lisinga, a noble Chinese maiden, sister of Silango ; Sivene and Tangia, Chinese maidens, friends of Lisinga ; Silango, a young Chinese, re- turned from travelling in Europe, in love with Sivene. The libretto has been set to music also by Cimarosa, with Asioli and others. CINQ MAI, LE (The Fifth of May), can- tata for a bass voice, chorus, and orchestra, text by Beranger, music by Hector Berlioz, op. 6. Chant on the death of Napoleon I., who died May 5, 1821. Full score and pi- anoforte score, Richault, Paris. CINQ-MAES, French opera in four acts and five tableaux, text by Paul Poirson and CINQUE Louis Gallet, music by Charles Gouuod, liist lepreseuted at the Opera Comique, Paris, April 5, 1877. Subject from the romance of the same name, by Alfred de Vigiiy, dealing with the conspiracy of the Marquis de Cinq-Mars in the time of Car- dinal Richelieu. The soprano cantilena, "Nuit respleudissante," has become very poiuilar in the concert room. CINQUE, ERMENGILDO, lived in the second half of the 18th century, died in 1770. Works : Dies irte, for four voices, ■with instrumental accompanimeut ; Canta- tas for several voices, with orchestra, among which are Angelica e Medoro, and II sogno di Scipione ; Stabat Mater, for soprano and contralto with orchestra ; all of Metastasio's oratorios, for several voices, and orchestra ; Eighteen sonatas for three violoncellos. — FiHis ; Mendel. CIPRIANO-CORNIER, born in Venice about 1750, died at Warsaw in 1789. Vio- linist, pupil of Nazzari, went at an early age to Poland, and became chamber mu- sician and instructor to Prince Sapieha. He won reputation and accumulated a con- siderable fortune. His compositions, inter- preted by his exquisite cantabile playing, were in great demand. — Mendel. CIRCASSIENNE, LA, opt'ra-comique in three acts, text by Scribe, music by Auber, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Feb. 2, 1861. Plot original, scene in the Caucasus. Russian officers while away the tedium of garrison life by playing Dalay- rac's opera, Adolphe et Clara. Alexis Zou- boil", a beardless lieutenant, who, under the name of Prascovia, has masqueraded in female costume and inspired a passion in General Orsakoff, essays the part of Clara. Orsakoff recognizes in Clara his Prascovia, and Alexis humors his blind infatuation until he obtains from him the hand of his ward Olga, when he resumes his uniform. See FatinUza. CIRCfi, ou le ballet comique de la royne, faict aux nopces de M. le due de Joyeuse et de Mademoiselle de Vaudemont, rempli de diverses devises, mascarades, chansons de musique et autres geutillesses (4to, Paris, Adrien Le Roy et Robert Ballard, 1582). The title of the first French op- eratic ballet-spectacle, prepared by Balta- zarini, and brought out on Sunday, Oct. 15, 1581, in the salle du Petit-Bourbon in the Louvre. Many of the first nobles of the realm took active part in it. The mu- sic was mostly, if not wholly, by Beaulieu and Maistre Salmon ; some of it is given in Burney. One of the orchestral pieces, " La Clochette,"' is the air now known as " Amaryllis," wrongly attributed to Louis XIII.— Ludovic Celler, Les origiues de I'opora (Paris, 18G8) ; Ambros, iv. 216 ; ' Burney, iii. 279 ; Jullien, Histoire du cos- tume au theatre (Paris, 1880), 3. CIRCE, the sorceress who entertained Ulysses in her island home after changing several of his companions into swine, is the subject of the following operas : Circe, French tragedy in five acts and prologue, text by Tliomas Corneille, music by Char- pentier, represented at the Theatre de la rue Guenegaud, March 17, 1675 ; also with music, by Robert de Visee, Paris, about 1690 ; text revised by Dancourt, and music rewritten by Gilliers, 1705. Circe, French lyric tragedy in five acts, with prologue, text by Mme Gillot de Saintonge, music by Des- j marets, given in Paris, Oct. 1, 1691. Circe, 1 English opera, text by Davenant, prologue by Dryden, epilogue by Lord Rochester, music by John Bannister, given at the Dor- set Garden Theatre, London, 1677. Circe, Italian opera, music by Giovanni Domeuico Freschi, Venice, 1679 ; by Cimarosa, two acts, Rome, 1779, and Milan, 1783 ; by Giuseppe Gazzaniga, Venice, 1786; by Peter von Winter, Munich, 1788 (not per- formed) ; by Ferdinand Paer, Venice, 1791. Circe, German opera, music by Reiser, Hamburg, 1731. Circe abbandonata, Ital- ian opera, text by Aurelio Aurelj, music by Pollarolo, Piacenza and Parma, 1692, and Venice, 1697. Gli amori di Circe con Ulisse, Itahan opera, text by Giovanni ass CIRILLO Battista Aucioni, music by Badiii, Diesileii, 1709. Circe delusa, Italian opera, text by Falieri, music by Giuseppe Boniventi, Ven- ice, 1711. Circe ed Ulisse, Italian opera, by Astaritta, Naples, 1777 ; by Gioaccbino Al- bertini, Hamburg, 1785. La maga Circe, Italian opera, by Anfossi, two acts, Eome, 1788. See also Uh/fises. CIRILLO, FRANCESCO, dramatic com- poser, living at Naj^les, about tbe middle of the 17th century. He wrote the following operas, given in that city : Orontea, regiua d' Egitto (1G54:) ; II ratto di Elena (1655). — Fetis ; Mendel. CIRO RICONOSCIUTO (Cyrus Recog- nized), Italian ojjera in three acts, text by Metastasio, lirst set to music by Caldara, and rej)resented in Vienna, Aug. 28, 1736, in honour of the birthday of the Empress Elizabeth. Scene on the borders of Media. Characters represented : Astiage, King of Media, and father of Mandane ; Mandane, wife of Cambise and mother of Ciro ; Ciro, under the name of Alceo, a shepherd and putative son of Mitridate ; Arpago, confid- ant of Astiage and father of Arixalice ; Ai-- palice, confidant of Mandane ; Mitridate, shepherd of the royal flocks ; Cambise, a Persian j^rince, husband of Mandane and father of Ciro, disguised as a shepherd. The libretto has been set to music also by Jommelli, Italy, about 1744 ; by John Chris- topher Smith, London, about 1715 ; by Jo- hann Adolph Hasse, Dresden, 1751 ; by Sarti, Copenhagen, 1756 ; by Gioacchino Coechi, London, 1759 ; by Beuda, Gotha, 1766 ; by Borghi, Venice, 1771 ; by Brizzio, Ferrara, about 1800 ; by Tarchi, Piacenza, 1796. Cyrus und Astiages, German grand opera, text by Collin, three acts, music by von Mosel, Vienna, 1818. Cyrus und Kas- sandra, music by J. D. Heusel, Vienna, about 1800. Other works on the same or a similar subject are : Ciro, Italian opera, music by Cavalli and Matiolli, Venice, 1665 ; by Francesco Conti, text by Pariati, Vienna, 1715 ; by Attilio Ariosti with Bo- iionciui, Loudon, 1721 ; by Duni, Italy, 1730 ; l)y Giuseppe Ferraudiui, Munich, 1733 ; by Picciuui, 1759 ; by Capotorti, Naples, 1805. Ciro in Armenia, Italian opera, by Maria Teresa Agnesi, Milan, 1771. Ciro in Babilonia, Italian opera, text by Metastasio, music bj* Rossini, Ferrara, 1812 ; music by Raimondi, Rome, about 1820. Ciro ricouosciuto, music by Albinoni, rep- resented at Rome, 1710 ; by Scarlatti, Rome, 1712 ; by Leo, Naples, 1727. CIRRI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born in Forli, about 1710. Violoncellist and com- poser, son of Iguazio Cirri, organist and composer (1716). He lived some time in England. His first work, quartets for two violins, viola, and violoncello, was published in Florence (1763). This was followed by sixteen other works, also quartets, publish- ed in Florence, Paris, and London. His 18th work, six trios for violin, viola, and violoncello, was published in Venice (1791). — Fetis; Mendel. CLAEPIUS, "S^TLHELM HERMANN, born at KOthen, Anhalt, Aug. 20, 1801, died there, Aug. 11, 1868. Singer, im])il of Mieksch at Dresden, whither he went in 1823, and where Weber befriended him and procured him an engagement as basso at the Opera. In 1825 he was engaged as singer and actor at Bremen, in 1828 at Brunswick, and in 1829 he went as choir- director to Magdeburg. In 1834-42, and again in 1847-48, he occupied a similar po- sition at the KOuigsstiidtische Theater in Berlin, where he resided for several years afterwards, before retiring to his native city. He comjjosed the music to a number of dramas and ballets, besides overtures, entr'actes, sti'ing quartets, and many songs. —Mendel. CL.\GGET, CHARLES, born in London in 1755, died there in 1820. Instrumental composer, and inventor and improver of musical instruments. Among his composi- tions are ; Six duos for two flutes ; do. for violins ; do. for violin and violoncello, op. 5. He published also a description of some of his instruments, under the title : Musi- CLAIR ciil I'heuomeua (London, 17i);5). — IVHis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling. CLAIR. See Le Clair. CLAJEEMBAULT, LOUIS NICOLAS, born in Paris, Dec. 19, 167G, died there, Oct. 2G, 171:9. Organist, jjupil of Eaison, whom be succeeded as organist of the Church of the Jacobins, in the rue Saiut- Jaques. He was afterward organist of the Church of St. Louis, of the parish of St. Sulpice, of the Eoyal House at St. Cyr, and superintendent of the music of Mme de Maintenon. He published iive books of cantatas, of which Orphce is considered his best. His first published work was : Deux livres de pic'ces de clavecin (1707). He wrote : Un office comjjlet a I'usage de I'Abbaye de St. Cyr, and Un livre d'orgue contenant deux suites du premier et du second ton (Paris, 1710). He produced also at the Opera : Le soleil vainqueur des nuages, 1721 ; and wrote an Idyl, per- formed at the Court, called : Le depart du roi, 1745. His son, Cesar Franyois Nico- las Clurambault, was organist of St. Sul- pice, Paris, until his death, Oct. 9, 1760. He published works for the harpsichord and the organ. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 187 ; Mendel. CLAPISSON, ANTONIN LOUIS, born in Naples, Sept. 15, 1808, died in Paris, March 19, 18()6. Violinist and dramatic composer, pupil at the Conservatoire from 1830 to 1835, under Habeneck for violin, and Reicha for composition. His two op- eras : La promise (1854:), and La fanchon- ette (1S5G), are the only ones which were popular, althougli the others contain much fine orchestration. Legion of Honour, 1847 ; Member of the lustitut, 1854 ; Professor of harmony at the Conservatoire in the same j'ear. His collection of ancient instruments of music is now in the museum of the Con- servatoire. Works — Oi^eras : La figurante, given at the Opera Coniique, 1838 ; La sym- phonic, ib., 1839; La perruclie, ib., 1840; Le pendu, Frere et niari, ib., 1841 ; Le code noir, ib., 1842 ; Les bergers trumeaux, ib., 1845 ; Gibby la Cornemuse, ib., 1846 ; Don Quichotte et Saucho, ib., 1847 ; Jeanne la Folle, grand opera. Opera, 1848 ; La statue equestre, Ojx'ra Comique, 1850 ; Les mysteres d'Udolphe, ib., 1852 ; Dans les vignes. La promise, Theatre Lyrique, 1854 ; Fanchonette, ib., 1856 ; Margot, ib., 1857 ; Le coffret de Saint-Dominique, Salle Herz, 1855 ; Les amoureux de Perrette, Baden-Ba- den, 1855 ; Le Sylphe, ib., 1856 ; Les trois Nicolas, Opera Comique, 1858 ; Madame Gregoire, Theatre Lyrique, 1860. His song, "Postilion de Mam' Ablou," was celebrated. He wrote quartets for male voices and many choruses. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 184 ; Mendel. CLARCHIES, (LOUIS) JULIEN, born at Curasao, Dec. 22, 1769, died in Paris in 1814. Violinist, pupil of Capron on the violin, and of Cambini in composition. He was celebrated for the peculiar elegance and style with which he played contre- danses, then very popular. He published fifteen collections of contredanses for vio- lin ; Un air varie, and Trois ceuvres de duos, for violin ; Un air varie pour alto ; Un oeuvre de duos pour clarinette ; and ro- mances pour violon. — Fetis. CLARENTINI, ]MICH1-:LE, born in Ve- rona in the second half of the 16th century. Composer of motets which were published in a collection under the title : Moteta 2 et 3 vocum, cum basso ad organum (Venice, 1621).— Fetis. CLAEER, THEODOR, born at Doebern, Bavaria, in 1764, died (?). Church singer and composer, pvipil of Pater Franz Sehnet- zer, canon of Ottobeuern, and of Benedict Kraus, who had been a maestro di cappella in Venice. He was appointed director of music at Ottobeuern in 1785, and held that position till the extinction of the order, when he was made pastor. He composed a great deal of church music, which was held in much estimation by Haydn.- — Fetis. CLARI, Italian opera senii-seria in three acts, music by Halevy, represented at the Theatre Italien, Paris, Dec. 9, 1828. This CLAEI opera, in which the principal role ^Yas sus- tained by Mme Malibran, contains some remarkable music and added much to the composer's reputation. Clari, the Maid of Milan, English opera in three acts, text by John Howard Paiue, music by Bishop, given at Covent Garden, LondoD, 1823. The sub- ject of both these works is identical with that of the ballet of the same name, by Ro- dolphe Kreutzer, Paris, 1820. — Musical Rev., V. 54:5. CLARI, GIOVANNI CARLO MARIA, born in Pisa in 1GG9, died about 1745. Church composer, student at Bologna un- der Colonna. He wrote an opera, II savio delirante, which was given at Bologna in 1695, with great success, but he is best known as a composer of madrigals for two and three voices. A collection of these, published in 1720, was reprinted by Carli, Paris, in 1823, with a pianoforte accompani- ment by Mirecki. In them is apparent an ap- jjroach towards the modulation of later times which helps to mark an epoch in composi- tion, and this, together with his novel treat- ment of the fugue, stamps him as a progres- sive composer. Works : Dextera Domiue for four voices ; Beuedictus for two choirs ; Ave Maris Stella, four voices and orchestra ; Domiue for do.; Mass for five voices, two violins, viola, and organ (Pistoja, 1712) ; Credo for four voices ; Psalms for do. ; De profundis for do. and organ ; Requiem mass for nine voices, two violins, viola, and organ ; Mass for four voices a cappella (Pisa, 1736) ; do. with two violins and organ. In the royal library at Copenhagen is a Stabat Ma- ter in C minor for four voices with orches- tra. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CLARK, FREDERICK SCOTSON, born in London, Nov. 16, 1840, died there, July 5, 1883. Organist, pupil in Paris of Ser- gent on the pianoforte and in harmony, of Edward John Hopkins on the organ, and at the Royal Academy of Music of Bennett, Goss, Engel, Pinsuti, and Pettit. He was organist successively of several churches in London, where he founded a college of mu- sic in 1865. While studying for the min- istry at Oxford, he was organist of Exeter College ; became curate at Lewes, Sussex ; then studied at the Conservatorium, Leip- sic, under Richter, Reiuecke, etc., and in Stuttgart under Lebert, Pruckner, and Krii- cer. In 1873 he returned to Loudon, and represented English organ playing at the Paris Exhibition in 1878. Bac. Mus., Ox- ford, 1867. Works : Voluntaries, andantes, melodies, marches, communions, offertories, impromptus, gavottes, minuets, fantasias, improvisations, etc., for organ ; Marches, dances, nocturnes, niorceaux de salon, studies for pianoforte ; Kyrie eleison, and Sanctus from communion service (2) ; Mag- nificat and Nunc dimittis ; Songs, and part- songs. CLARK, JEREMIAH, born about 1668 (1670 ?), died near London, by suicide, Dec. 1, 1707. Dramatic comjjoser, chorister in the Chapel Royal under Dr. Blow. In 1693 he became organist of Winchester College, but succeeded Dr. Blow in 1693 as almoner and master of the children of St. Paul's Cathedral, and in 1695 was appointed or- ganist and vicar choral of St. Paul's. In 1700 he and his fellow pui^il, William Croft, were named gentlemen extraordinary of the Chapel Royal, and in 1704 joint organists. He was the original composer of Drydeu's famous ode, "Alexander's Feast," performed at Stationers' Hall on the feast of St. Ce- cilia, in 1697, the music of which is now probably lost. Works : Music to the fol- lowing plays : Antony and Cleopatra, 1677 ; The Fond' Husband, 1676 ; Titus Andron- icus, 1687 ; The World in the Moon (with Purcell), 1697 ; The Island Princess (with Purcell and Leveridge), 1699 ; Ode in praise of the island of Barbadoes ; Alexan- der's Feast, ode ; The Assumption, cantata ; Anthems ; Ten songs, op. 4 ; Lessons for the harpsichord.— Grove; Fetis ; Barrett, Eng- lish Church Composers, 104 ; Harmonicon, 1832, 264 ; Athenrenra (1887), L 457. CLARKE, HUGH ARCHIBALD, born of Scottish parents in Toronto, Canada, Aug. 338 CLAEKE 15, 1839, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of Lis father, James Tnton Clarke (Mus. Doc, Oxford, profes- sor of music in Upper Canada University). Since 1875 he has held the position of profes- sor of music in the Uni- versity of Pennsylva- nia, from which in 188G he received the degree of Mus. Doc. He was for several years leader of The Abt, male singing so- ciety, Philadelphia, which was disbanded in 1876. In connection with Charles H. Jar- vis, of Philadelphia, Clarke gave a series of historical concerts in that city ; since 1875 he has been organist of the Presljyterian Church. "Works : Overture and Choruses to Aristophanes's Acharnians, 1886 ; Songs ; Pianoforte music. He is the author of a treatise on Harmony, and of instruction books for the pianoforte and organ. CLARKE, JAMES HAjSHLTON, born in Birmingham, England, Jan. 25, 1840, still living, 1888. Dramatic comi^oser, chiefly self taught. He was organist successively at Birmingham (1852), Parsonstown, Ire- land (1862), Dublin (1863), Belfast (1865), Oxford (1866-7), South Kensington, Lou- don (1871-2) ; travelled as conductor of the Carlotta Patti concert troupe in 1873, and with a company performing the Sorcerer in 1878 ; was leader of the Opera Comique in London, 1874-5, and musical director of the Lyceum Theatre, 1878, etc. Works : Castle Botherem, or An Irish Stew, operetta, op. 206, 1880 ; Martial Law, a musical comedietta, op. 183 ; Praise, sacred cantata, op. 68, 1867 ; Overtures : Thanistene, op. 7, 1859 ; Ballet overture, op. 100 ; Overture composed for Birket Foster, op. 102, 1874 ; Concert overture, op. 123 ; Overture to Hamlet, op. 134, 1875 ; Rob Roy, op. 137 ; Nanon, op. 187 ; Lady of Lyons, op. 197, 1879 ; Cecile, op. 21o! 1880 ; Overture and incidental music to Hamlet, op. 192, 1878 ; do. to Eugene Aram, op. 199, 1879 ; do. to Zillah, op. 201, 1879 ; do. to the Iron Chest, op. 202, 1879 ; do. to Merchant of Venice, op. 203, 1879 ; do. to Corsican Brothers, 208, 1880 ; do. to The Cup, op. 214, 1881 ; Music to a ballet, op. 136, Alexandra Pal- ace, 1875 ; First Symphony, in F, op. 101, 1873 ; Second do., in G minor, op. 122, 1879 ; Saltarello, for orchestra, op. 98 ; First Coucerto for pianoforte and orchestra, op. 78 ; First quartet for violins, viola and vio- loncello, op. 93 ; Polonaise for pianoforte and orchestra, op. 209 ; The Lord is my light, anthem in eight parts, op. 44 ; Organ mu- sic, songs, part-songs, etc. CLARKE, JOHN, called afterwards Clarke-Whitfeld, born in Gloucester, Eng- land, Dec. 13, 1770, died at Holmer, near Hereford, Feb. 22, 1836. Organist, pupil at Oxford of Dr. Philip Hayes. He was ap- pointed organist of the parish church of Ludlow in 1789, and organist of Armagh Cathedral, Ireland, in 1795, but resigned the same year to become organist and mas- ter of the choristers of St. Patrick's Cathe- dral and Christ Church, Dublin. In 1798 he returned to England and became organ- ist and master of the choristers of Trinity and St. John's Colleges, Cambridge. From 1820 to 1833 he was organist and master of choristers at Hereford Cathedral. He took the degree of Mus. Bac, at Oxford, in 1793 ; Mus. Doc, Trinity College, Dublin, 1795 ; Mus. Doc, Cambridge, 1799 ; Mus. Doc, Oxford, 1810 ; and he was elected professor of Music at Cambridge in 1821. He assumed the name of Whitfeld on the death of a maternal uncle. Works : Cathe- dral Services and Anthems (4 vols., 1805), reprinted by Novello ; Twelve Glees (1805) ; The Crucifixion and the Resurrection, ora- torio (Hereford, 1822) ; Twelve Songs (2 vols., n. d.) ; Selection of single and double chants (2 vols., n. d.) ; and many other glees, songs, etc. He edited also the Vo- cal Works of Handel (17 vols., London, 1809).— Grove ; Fctis ; Riemann, 170 ; Mendel. CLARKE CLARKE, WILLL\M HORATIO, born of Americau parentage, in Newtou, Massa- chusetts, 1840, still living, 1888. Organist, when a lad played the violin in the choir of one of the Newton churches, and studied the organ under several teachers. Li 1856, he became organist of the Congregational Church of Norwood, Mass. ; 1857, Unita- rian Church, Dedhaiu, Mass. ; 1859, Berke- lej' Street Congregational Church, Boston ; 1861, First Congregational Church, Wo- burn, Mass. ; 1865, Berkeley Street Congre- gational Church, Boston ; 1866, First Con- gregational Church, Woburn, Mass. ; 1869, Unitarian Church, ib. ; 1873, First Metho- dist Church, Erie, Peuu. ; 1875, First Bap- tist Church, Indianapolis ; 1878, Treiuont Temple, Boston ; 1880, Jarvis Street Bap- tist Church, Toronto, Canada ; 1884, Plym- outh Congregational Church, Indianapolis ; 1886, First Baptist Church, Rochester, New York. At present (1888) he is settled in Bostou as a teacher of music, and is organ- ist of the First Congregational Church of Woburn. In 1871 he was engaged as su- perintendent of musical instruction in the public schools of Dayton, Ohio. He has had wide experience as an organist, and possesses an unusual knowledge of his in- strument. Works : Home Recreations for Organ (1866) ; Short Voluntaries for the Organ (1869) ; Reed Organ Melodies (1877) ; Anthems and Responses (1879) ; Short Gems for the Organ (1886). He has written also several books on organ instruction, such as New Method for Reed Organs (1869), of which more than 100,000 cojsies have been sold ; Outline of the Structure of the Pipe Organ (1877) ; Harmonic School for the Organ (1878). CLASING, JOHANN HEINRICH, born in Hamburg, Germany, 1779, died there Feb. 8, 1829. Dramatic composer, and pianist, pupil of Sclnvencke, early won rep- utation as an excellent teacher, and did much towards the promotion of musical life in Hamburg. He also edited Handel's works, and arranged the pianoforte scores of his oratorios. Works : Belsazar, oratorio for 4 voices, chorus and orchestra ; Die Tochter Jejjhta's, do. for 3 voices, etc. ; Micheli und sein Sohn, opera (sequel to Clierubiui's Watercarrier), given in Hamburg, 1806 ; Welcher ist der Eechte, comic ojsera, ib., 1811 ; Pater Noster, for 4 voices ; Das Lob des HOchsten, hymn for contralto or bass, and organ ; Trio for j^ianoforte, violin and violoncello, op. 4 ; Fantasia for jjianoforte and violoncello, op. 8 ; Sonata for piano- forte and violin, op. 10 ; Rondo for piano- forte, op. 9 ; Two fantasias for do., op. 13 and 14. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. CLAUDINE VON VILLA BELLA, dra- ma by Goethe, music by Johann Andre, Berlin, about 1780 ; music by Gottfried We- ber, Stuttgart, 1783 ; by Ignaz von Beecke, Vienna, 1784 ; by Reichardt, Charlotten- biirg, 1790 ; by Friedrich Schneider, Leiji- sic, 1807 ; by Blum, Berlin, 1810 ; by Eber- weiu, Rudolstadt, 1815 ; by Franz Schu- bert, 1815 (not performed ; two acts burned by accident in 1848 ; tirst act preserved in library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. See Helborn (Coleridge), i. 09) ; by Kienlen, Augsburg, 1817 ; by Franz Gliiser, Pesth, 1826 ; by Drechsler, about 1830 ; by Franz Schneider, about 1830 ; by Heinrich Wilhelm Stolze, about 1840 ; by Peter Mul- ler, about 1850 ; by Graf von Hochberg, Schwerin, 1864 ; and by Franz Knajjpe, Diisseldorf, 1882. CLAUFEN, JOHANN GOTLOB, organ- ist at Auerbach, about the middle of the 16th century. He composed trios for the organ, preludes for chorals on two man- uals and pedal, which were never published, but of wliich many copies exist in Germany. — Fctis. CLAUSS, VICTOR, born at Bernburg, Auhalt, Nov. 24, 1805, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of Friedrich Schneider at Dessau. He became organist in his native city in 1828, founded a chlaral society for sacred music, in the interest of which he visited the principal cities of Germany in 1830-31. In 1834 he was made ducal di- CLAUSSEX rector of music at Bernburg, and in 1837 at Biillenstildt. He has published composi- tious for orgau and pianoforte, and songs. — Mendel. CLAUSSEN, WILHELM, born at Seliwerin, in 1843, died there, Dec. 22, 1869. Composer, pupil at Stern's Conser- vatorium in Berlin ; he took the prize which Meyerbeer founded at Berlin iu 1868, for an overture, and with the means thus gained visited France and Italy. Several of his pianoforte pieces and songs were published after his death. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 185 ; Mendel. CLAVli, JOSE ANSEL5I0, born in Bar- celona, April 21, 182-1:, died there in Feb- ruary, 1874. He became famous in Spain for his popular songs and choruses ; he in- troduced choral singing and established the first musical society in 1851, and or- ganized the first popiular musical festival in Spain, Sept. 17, 1860, which led to great results. He composed many zarzuelas, or comic operas. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 185 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., GL CL.WEL, JOSEPH, born in Nantes, Dec. 20, 1800, died at Sillc-le-Guillaume, Aug. 31, 1852. Violinist, admitted as pupil at the Paris Conservatoire in 1813, studied the violin under Kreutzer, took the first prize iu 1818, and became in 1819 adjunct professor. He acted as leader of second violins at the concerts of the Conservatoire, and was first violinist at the Theatre It- alien for ten years, entering the orchestra of the Opera at the exjairatiou of that time. Works : Deux ceuvi-es de duos pour deux violons, alto et basse ; Trois senates ; Airs varies ; Romances for violin. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 185 ; IMendel. CLAY, FEEDEllICK, born of English parents in Paris, Aug. 3, 18-10, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Mo- lique, and at Leipsic of Hauptinann. He produced first in private circles : The Pi- rate's Isle, 1859 ; Out of Sight, 1860 ; and since then has brought out the following operas and operettas at Covent Garden, the Gallery of Illustration, and other London theatres : Court and Cottage, 1862 ; Con- stance, 1865 ; Ages Ago, 1869 ; The Gentle- man in Black, 1870 ; Happy Arcadia, 1872 ; The Jllack Crook, 1873 ; Cattarina, 1874 ; Princess Toto, Don Quixote, 1875 ; The Golden Eing, 1883 ; Music to " Twelfth Night," and other dramas ; The Knights of the Cross, cantata, 1866 ; Lalla Kookh, do., 1877 ; Songs, part-songs, etc. — Grove. CLAYTON, THOMAS, one of the royal band in the reign of William and Mary. Having studied in Italy, he undertook to reform EuglLsh musical taste by performing his own compositions. Having associated himself with Nicolo Francesco Haym, and ' Charles Dieupart, both good musicians, he produced Arsinoe, in 1705, with some success ; but when he subsequent]}' at- tempted to compose the music for Addi- son's opera, Rosamund, and Dryden's Alex- ander's Feast, altered by Hughes, he failed lamentablv. — Grove ; Fetis; Mendel. CLEANSE THEE, O ^^^: SOUL, FROM SIN. See llache dich, meiu Herze, rein. CLEMENS NON PAPA (Jacques Cle- ment), called, born in Flanders ? died before 1558. All that is known of his life is that he succeeded Gombert as maitre de cha- pelle to Charles V. It is probable that he spent several year.s in Italy. Ambros calls him the greatest Flemish composer between Gombert and Orlando Lasso, and says that his Vox in Rama, his Maria, vernans rosa, and his Angelus ad pastores (Christ- I mas motet), show that he was but a stejj behind Palestrina. His fame and popular- ity are indicated by his nickname, chosen to distinguish him from Pope Clement VH., \ and by the numerous editions of many of his works published in various jjarts of Eu- rope. He was a man decidedly in advance of his time, and some of his works might be mistaken, even by connoisseurs, for compo- sitions by Palestrina. His popularity, how- ever, like that of many of his contempora- ries, did not long outlive him ; the rising genius of Orlando Lasso threw too many of 331 CLEMENT that great man's Flemish predecessors into the shade. Works : Ten masses, one for 6 voices, five for 5 voices, four for -1 voices, pub- lished separately (Louvain, Petrus Phalesi- us, 1556-1559) ; Cautionum sacrarum qua- tuor vocum, lib. I.-Vn. (ib., 1567) ; Chan- sons franyaises a quatre parties (ib., 1569) ; Missa defuuctorum (ib., 1580) ; Seven books of Flemish psalms (Souter Liedekeus) ; Tylman Snsato, 1556, etc. (Four books also in connection.) Various comj^ositions of Clement are in the following collections : 66 motets (seven for G voices, thirty-eight for 5 voices, tvsrenty-one for 4 voices) in "Novum et insigne opus . . . etc." (Nuremberg, 1558) ; 92 motets in the first six books " Sacrarum cantionum quas vul- go motetas vooant " (Louvain, 1559) ; 12 2)salms in parts I., III., and LV. of the col- lection by Moutauus und Neuber (Nurem- berg) ; 11 motets in "Lib. secuudus select, cant." (Ulhard, 1548) ; 42 motets in Com- mer's "Collectio op. mus. Batavorum saec. XVI. ; " Motets in " Motetti del labirinto (Venice, 1554); Motets in "Liber primus musarum cum quatuor vocibus, seu sacrse cantiones, quas vulgo motetas appellant" (Milan, 1558) ; Three motets in Proske's " Musica Divina ; " Chansons in "Premier livre des chansons a quatre parties " (Lou- vain, 1558) ; and in Recueil des Fleurs, etc." (ib., 1569).— Ambros, iii. 307. CLEMENT, CHARLES FRANCOIS, born in Provence about 1720. Professor of the harpsichord and dramatic composer. He produced in 1756 La pipoe, a parody of the ojjera, II paratagi, by Jommelli, at the Theatre Italien, and La Bohemienne, at the Opera Comique. He wrote also two canta- tilles entitled : Le dc'part des guerriers, and Le retour des guerriers ; Un livre de pieces de clavecin avec accompagnement de violon ; and collections of pieces for the harpsichord (Paris, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765). He was the author also of several theoretical works. — Fc'tis ; Mendel. CLEMENT, FlilLrX, born in Paris, Jan. 13, 1822, died there, Jan. 31, 1885. Strongly opposed by his parents, he took lessons in harmony and composition without their knowledge from Moucouteau, the blind organist of Saint-Sulpice. When thirteen years old he composed a mass which was per- formed by the Soeiete Orj)heonique. He was organist of Notre Dame de la Pitie for five years, and then preceptor in a family in Normandy. He returned to Paris in 1840, and was, from 1843 to 1860, ^jrofessor of music at the College Stanislas. He was appointed by the government, in 1849, to take charge of the music of the Sainte Chajselle on all public occasions ; and he was also honorary maitre de chapelle of the Sorbonne and of the College Stanis- las, and incumbent of the Lycee Louis- le-Grand. Works : Le dormem- eveille, or Abou Hassan, comic ojjera. Theatre Ly- rique (1847) ; Choruses for Racine's Athalie (1858) ; Deux savants, comic opera (1858) ; also motets, romances, a collection of mel- odies, and other music. But he is best known by his critical and bibliograiihical works, such as : " Histoire generale de la musique religieuse " (Paris, 1861) ; " Les musieiens celebres depuis le seizieme siecle jusqu'a uos jours " (Paris, 1866) ; and " Dic- tioimaire des operas " (Paris, 1869 ; 4 sup- plements to 1880). — Grove ; Fetis ; do.. Sup- plement, i. 186 ; Mendel ; Riemann. CLEMENT, FRANZ JOSEPH, born in Vienna, Nov. 19, 1784 (1780?), died there, Nov. 3, 1842. Violinist and conductor, pu- pil of his father and of Kurzweil ; he began to play the violin at the age of four, and at seven made his first aj^pearance in a con- cert in the Imperial Opera House. Travel- ling with his father, he went in 1790 to London, where he gave concerts conducted by Haydn and Salomon. On his return to Vienna in 1802, he was appointed solo vio- linist to the emperor, and conductor of the Theater an der Wien. He travelled in Russia and Germany in 1812-18, and in 1822 conducted for Catalani in Prague. He was remarkable for technical skill, and for intonation. He published for his in- CLEMENT stiument twenty-five concertiuos, sis con- certos, twelve studies, and many other pieces ; also several compositions for jDiano- i'orte and orchestra, three overtures for or- chestra, and an opera. — AUgem. d. Biog., iv. 319 ; Fd'tis ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Wasie- lewski, Die Violiue und ihre Meister, 354 CLEMENT, JOHANN GEORG, born in Breslau, about 1710, died (?). He was Ka- pellmeister more than fifty years of the Church of St. Johann, Breslau. Works : Masses, offertories, Te Deum, etc., and a Requiem performed at the funeral of the Emperor Charles VI., 17J:2. None of these wei'e published. — Eutis ; Mendel. CLEMENT Y CAVEDO, MANUEL, born at Gandia, Valencia, Jan. 1, 1810, still liv- ing, 1888. He was first organist in his na- tive town, then in Algemesi, and later in Valencia. In 1810-50 he taught in Guc'ret, France, then settled in Madrid, where he j)ublished an elementary work, Grammatica Musicale, and an opera, Las rosas majicas, 1853. In 1855, at the request of General Espartero, he furnisheil a plan for the ref- ormation of musical studies at the Conser- vatorio. He is the author of a zarzuela, Tres para uno (185G), and of various ballads and romances. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 187 ; Riemann. CLEMENTI, MUZIO, born in Rome, 1752, died at Evesham, England, March 9, 1832. His father, a silversmith, spared no expense in cultivating his son's talent, which was evident at an early age. The young Muzio's first master was Buroni, a relation of the Clementi family, and maestro di cap- l^eUa at one of the churches in Rome, who taught him the rudiments of music. In 1759 he began to study the organ under Condicelli, and in two years he had ad- vanced far enough to comj)ete successfully for a position as organist. He studied sing- ing also under Sartarelli, and counterpoint under Carpani, and pursued these studies unintermitteutly up to the age of fourteen. At this period an Englishman by the name of Beckwith was so delighted with the young j artist's playing on the clavecin, that he asked his father to allow Muzio to follow him to England, promis- __ ing to provide for the boy's further education. The proposal was ac- cepted, and Clem- enti followed Beckwith to his home in Dorset- shire; here he diligently pui'- sued his studies until 1770, paying especial attention to the works of Bach, Handel, Domeuico Scarlatti, and Paradies. At the expiration of this time he had not only surpassed all his con- temporaries as a pianist, but had written his opus 2, which may be regarded as the true type of the j)ianoforte sonata in its j)erfected form. He now went to London, where his success was phenomenal. From 1777 to 1780 he was cembalist (conductor) at the It- alian Opera. In 1781 he began his profes- sional travels, giving concerts in Paris, Stras- burg, Munich, and Vienna, and always with the greatest success. In Vienna he met Haydn and Mozart, and, at the request of Emperor Joseph H., engaged in a sort of musical contest with the latter (^Mozart's let- ters, Jan. 12, 1782-June 7, 1783). Return- ing to Loudon, he made two more visits to Paris, in 1783 and 1785. From this time to 1802, Clementi stayed in Loudon, oc- cupying himself with conducting, concert- playing, and teaching. He became quite rich, and on the failure of the house of Longman & Broderijs, " manufacturers of musical instruments, and music sellers to their majesties," in which he had an inter- est, he determined to carry on the piano- forte-making and music-publishing business himself ; his success in this venture jJroved him to have a rare business talent. The house is still carried on under the firm name of Collard & Collard. In March, 1807, property belonging to the firm, to CLEMENZA the amount of £40,000, was destroyed by fire. In 1802 Clemeuti, with his pupil Field, made a successful tour to Paris, Vi- enna, and St. Petersburg, returning through North Germany. He made a second visit to the Kussian capital together with Alex- ander Klengel and Ludwig Berger. In 1810 he returned to London for good, gave up public playing, and devoted his time to business and composition. He wrote symphonies for the Philharmonic Society (which were, however, far less suc- cessful than Haydn's), and many pianoforte works, completing his famous Gradus ad Parnassum. In 1820 and 1821 he passed the winter at Leipsic, but spent the last twelve years of his life either in London or at his country-place in the vicinity. He was man'ied three times, had children when quite an old man, and retained full posses- sion of his faculties to the last. Clemeuti may be looked upon as the real father of pianoforte-playing, in so far as the treatment of that instrument differs from that of its precursors, the harpsichord and clavecin. As a comjjosei-, his style was in general pure, concise, and masterly, and it is to him, more than to anyone else, that we owe the application of the perfected (modern) sonata-form to the pianoforte. His most important work is the Gradus, but some of his sonatas, such as the one in B minor, op. 40, the three dedicated to Cherubini, op. 50, the one in F minor, etc., are destined to live as long as the pianoforte itself. Among his pupils may be mentioned John Field, J. B. Cramer, Zeuner, Alexander Klengel, Lud- wig Berger, Meyerbeer, Kalkbrenner, and others. Works : Six sonatas for piano- forte, op. 1 ; do. (2 sets), op. 3, 4 ; do., op. 13 ; Three sonatas, op. 14 ; do., op. 21 ; do., op. 40 ; do., op. 50 ; do. with violin, op. 22 ; do., op. 27 ; Sonatas, op. 5-10, op. 15, 16 (La Chasse), 18, 19, 20, 32, 33, 35, 41. 46 ; Six sonatas for pianoforte and flute or violin, op. 2 ; Four sonatas and a duet for piano- forte, op. 12 ; Capriccio, op. 17 ; Sonatas for pianoforte and violin, op. 29-30 ; Two sonatas and two capriccios for pianoforte, op. 34 ; Sonatinas, etc., op. 36, 37 ; Waltzes, op. 38, 39 ; Introduction to the art of plaj'- ing, op. 42 ; do., second part, op. 43 ; Gra- dus ad Parnassum, op. 44 ; Two capriccios, op. 47 ; Fantasia, op. 48 ; Twelve Monfer- rinas, op. 49 ; Detached pieces, op. 51. — Fetis ; Clument, Mus. celebres, 198. CLEMENZA DI AUGUSTO, LA (The Clemency of Augustus), opera drama, mu- sic by Johanu Joseph Fux, represented at the fete patronale of the Emperor Leopold I., Vieima, 1702. CLEMENZA DI SCIPIONE, LA, Italian opera, music by Johann Christian Bach, represented at Breslau, about 1770. , CLEMENZA DI TITO, LA (The Clem- ency of Titus), Italian opera in three acts, text j by Metastasio, first set to music by Caldera land represented at Vienna, Nov. 4, 1734. Subject, an incident in the life of Titus, re- j lated by Suetonius and others, in which he I pardons the chief actors in a conspiracy against himself. Scene in Eome. Charac- ters represented : Tito Vespasiano, Emper- or of Eome ; Vitellia, daughter of the Em- peror Vitellio ; Servilia, sister of Sesto, in love with Annio ; Sesto, friend of Tito, in love with ViteUia ; Annio, friend of Sesto, in love with Servilia ; Publio, prsetorian prefect. The libretto has been set to mu- sic also by Leo, Naples, 1735 ; by Johann Adolph Hasse, Dresden, 1737 ; by Wagen- seil, Vienna, 1746 ; by Pampani, Italy, 1748 ; by Perez, Naples, 1749 ; by Gluck, Naples, 1751 ; by Adolfati, Vienna, 1753 ; by Jom- melli, Stuttgart, about 1758 ; by Cocchi, London, 1760 ; by Naumann, Dre.sden, 1768 ; by Bernasconi, Mannheim, 1768 ; by Anfossi, Rome, 1769 ; by Sarti, Padua, 1771 ; by Holzbauer, Munich, about 1780 ; by Guglielmi, Turin, 1785 ; by Apell, about 1785 ; by Ottani, Turin, 1789 ; by Mozart, Prague, Sept. 6, 1791 ; and NiccoHni, Leg- r.^A CLEOFIDA born, 1797. Mozart's work, the text of which was adapted from Mestastasio by Mazzola, was written at the invitation of the Estates of Bohemia for the coronation at Prague of Leopold II. The autograph, which is wholly in Mozart's handwriting, contains no recitatives. They were sup plied by Siissmaj'er, who accompanied him to Prague. CLEOFIDA. See Poro. CLEOPATEA, Italian opera, music by Daniele Castrovillari, represented in Venice, 1662 ; bj' Pasquale Anfossi, text by Verazi, Milan, 1778 ; by Cimarosa, St. Petersburg, 1790 ; by Weigl, text by Romanelli, La Seala, Milan, 1807 ; by Ferdinand Paor, Paris, 1809 ; by Nasolini, three acts, Paris, Dec. 1, 1813 ; by Combi, Genoa, 1842 ; by Lauro Eossi, Turin, March 5, 1876 ; by Sacchi, text by Rabitti, Milan, Nov. 23, 1877 ; by Boua- mici, Venice, Feb. 8, 1879. Cli'opatre, four acts, by Baroness de Maistre, text by Bo- gros, Paris, about 1860 (not performed). Kleopatra, German oj)era, music by Matthe- ison, text by Feustking, Hamburg, 1704 ; mel- odrama, music by Danzi, Mannheim, 1779 ; parody, by Ad. Miiller, Vienna, about 1830 ; by Hieronymus Truhn, Berlin, 18.53 ; by Freudeuberg, text by Pasque, four acts, Magdeburg, Jan. 12, 1882. Cleopatra e Ce- sare, by Karl Heinrich Graun, text by Bot- tarelli, Berlin, Dee. 7, 1742. La morte di Cleopatra, by Gaglielmi, two acts, Naples, 1798 ; by Gaetano Marinelli, text by Rossi and Sografi, Venice, 1800. Autonius und Kleopatra, duodrama, two acts, by Johann Christian Kaffka, Berlin, 1779 ; by Graf von Sayn-Wittgenstein, text by Moseuthal, Gratz, Dee. 1, 1883. Les amours d'An- toine et Cleopatre, by Rodolphe Kreutzer, three acts, Paris, March 8, 1808. Une Nuit de Cleopatre, text by Jules Barbier, after the story with the same title, by Theophile Gautier, music by Victor Masst', Opi'ra Comique, Paris, April 2.5, 1885. CLICHY, A, oj)era-comique in one act, text by Dennery and Grange, n»usic by Adolphe Adam, represented at the Theatre Lyri(]ue, Paris, Dec. 24, 1854. A poet and a musician meet in the debtors' j)rison at Clichy and form there a friendship which a return to fortune renders durable. CLIFTON, JOHN CHARLES, born in London in 1781, died there, Nov. 18, 1841. Composer of songs and glees, pupil of R. Bellamy and of Charles Wesley ; intimately associated with Cimador and Spagnoletti, who helped to form his taste. He resided in Dublin fourteen years?, and finally settled in Loudon, in 1818. His glee, "Tell me, thou soul of her I love," gained a piize in 1837. Remarkable among his many com- positions are the glee, " 'Twas in the dark and dismal hour" ; and the songs," Such tears are bliss," and, "If music be the food of love." CLINIO, TEODORO, born in Venice in the 16th century, died in 1G02. He was canon of the Church of S. Salvatore, and maestro di cajJisella of the Cathedral of Tre- j viso, in 1590. Works : Missse sex vocum, lib. i., mentioned in the catalogue of the librarj- of the King of Portugal ; Suite of motets for three voices, for the Sunday of Passion Week, with tlie title. Vox Domini (Venice, 1595). In MS. : Falsi bordoni a otto voci. — Fetis ; Mendel. CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE, LES (The Bells of Corneville), opera-comique in three acts, text by Clairville and Charles Gabet, music by Robert Planquette, given at the Folies Draniatiques, Paris, April 19, 1877. The libretto is little better than a plagiarism of Martha and of La Dame blanche ; the music is melodious and popu- lar. The work had great success in Paris and London, where it was adaj)ted to the English stage by Farnie and Reece, and pro- duced at the Folly Theatre, Feb. 23, 1878. CLOCK SYMPHONY, by Joseph Haycbi, first jDerformed at Salomon's concerts, Lon- don, 1794. Date on autograph score, 1794. The symphony is No. 11 in the catalogue of the London Philharmonic Society, and No. 4 in Breitkopf k Hiirtel's edition (Leipsic). CLYTEMNESTRE, cantata for solo, with accompaniment, full score, by Cherubini, COBBOLD composed in 1794 This, the composer's fourth cantata, was written for " Mme B., of Havre." It is No. 207 in Bellasis's cata- logue. COBBOLD, \\TLLIAM, English com- poser of the 16th and the 17th century. Nothing is known of his life. He was one of the ten musicians who harmonized the tunes for " The "Whole Booke of Psalmes " published by Thomas Este (1592). His madrigal, With wreaths of rose and laurel, is in the Triumphes of Oriana. Two other compositions : New Fashions, and an an- them, In Bethlehem Towne, are in the library of the Sacred Harmonic Society, Loudon. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. COBERG, JOHANN ANTON, born at Rothenburg, Hesse, 1650, died in Hanover, 1708. Composer, pupil on the harpsichord and in harmony and counterpoint, at Han- over, of Clamor Abel and Nicolas Adam Strunck. He was first organist to the new town of Hanover, and then to the Electo- ral court, where Elector Ernst August and Duke Johanu Friedrich became his pat- rons. When the young King of Prussia married one of the princesses, he followed them to Berlin, where he tilled important positions. He left a quantity of church music, pieces for harpsichord, and rules for accompaniment, all in MS., most of which ai'e owned by the Hanoverian court. — Fe- tis ; Gerber ; Mendel ; Schilling. COCCHI, GIOACCHINO, born in Padua in 1720, died in Venice in 1804. Dramatic composer and teacher. He was in Rome in 1743—16, in Naples in 1750, was appoint- ed maestro di cappella of the Conservatoi'io degl' lucurabili, Venice, in 1753, and re- sided in London as composer to the Opera from 1757 to 1773. In the latter year he returned to Venice, and took his old posi- tion in the Conservatorio. His composi- tions were generally in the bufifo style. Works : L' Elisa, given at Naples, 1741 ; Adelaide, Rome, 1743; Bajasette, ib., 1746; Giuseppe riconosciuto, Naples, 1748 ; Ar- minio, farsetta in musica, Rome, 1749 ; La serva bacchettona, Naples, 1749 ; Siroe, rb di Persia, La Gismonda, ib., 1750 ; La Maseherata, 1751 ; Le donne vendicate and La serva astuta, 1752 ; II pazzo glorioso, Semiramide riconoseiuta, Rosaura fedele, Venice, 1753 ; Demofoonte, ib., 1754 ; I matti i^er amore, Zoe, Emira, ib., 1756 ; Gli amanti gelosi, London, 1757 ; Zenobia, Issii^ile, ib., 1758 ; II tempio della gloria, 1759 ; La clemenza di Tito, Erginda, ib., 1760 ; Tito Manlio, Grande serenata, Ales- saudro nell' Indie, ib., 1761 ; Le nozze di Dorina, La tamiglia in scompiglio, ib., 1762 ; La mestra, opera bufl'a, written in collaboration with several others. — Fetis, ii. 326 ; do., Sujjploment, i. 188 ; Grove ; Men- del ; Schilling. COCCIA, CARLO, born in Naples, April 14, 1782, died at Novara, April 13, 1873. Dramatic composer and conductor, son of a violinist ; pupil in singing, when nine years old, of Pietro Casella. He began compos- ing at an early age, and when sixteen had written a serenade, several solfeggi, and a cantata with j^ianoforte. In the Conser- vatorio he studied composition and sing- ing under Fenaroli, Paisiello, and Saverio Valente. Through Paisiello's influence he was appointed accompanist to King Joseph Bonaparte. In 1829 he went to Lisbon, where he was engaged for two years as composer to the theatre, and in 1823-24 he i conducted the Italian Opera in London. He was also for a short time professor of composition at the Academy of Music, Lon- don. In 1828 he returned to Italy, and after a second visit to Loudon in 1833 settled in Italy, succeeding Mercadante in 1836 as maestro di cappella at Novara. He was also appointed inspector of singing at the Aceademia Filarmonica, Turin. He wrote with great raj^idity, and his comijo- sitions were highly thought of in his day. Works — Operas : II matrimonio per cam- biale, given in Rome, Teatro Valle, 1808 ; II poeta fortunate, Florence, 1809 ; L' equi- voco, o le vicende di Martinaccio, opera buifa, Bologna, Teatro Marsigli, 1809 ; La OOCCIOLA veritfi iicUa bugia, Venice, 1810 ; Voglia di dote 6 non di moglie, Ferr.ara, 1810 ; La Matilde, ib., 1811 ; I solit:iri, II soguo veri- licato, Venice, 1812 ; Arriglietto, La selvag- gia, ib., 1814 ; Euristeo, ib., 1815 ; Evelina, Milan, 1815 ; I begli nsi di cittii, ib., 1816 ; Medea e Giasoue, Turin, Teatro Kegio, 1815 ; Clotilde, Venice, 1816 ; Einaldo d' Asti, Car- lotta e Werther, Rome, 1816 ; Claudine, Tu- rin, 1817 ; La vera gloria, cantata, Padua, 1817 ; Etelinda, Venice, 1817 ; Simile, Fer- rara, 1817 ; Donna Caritea, Turin, 1818 ; Fayel, Florence, 1819 ; La fedeltii, cantata, Trieste, 1819 ; Cantata for the birth of the King of Rome, Treviso, 1811 ; Cantata for tbe entrance of the allies into Paris, Padua, 1814 ; Atar, Lisbon, 1820 ; H Lusitano, can- tata, ib. ; Mandane, regina di Persia, Elena e Costaiitino, ib., 1821 ; La testa della rosa, opera buffii, ib., 1822 ; Maria Stuarda, Lon- don, 1827 ; L' orfano della selva, Venice, 1829 ; Rosamunda, Naples, 1831 ; Odoardo Stuart, Milan, 1832; Eurico di Moutfort, Catarina di Guisa, ib., 1833 ; Ero e Lean- dro, farce, London, 1833; Ser Marc' Anto- nio' Bologna, 1834; Maifa, Naples, 1834; La figlia dell' arciere, Naples, 1834 ; La soli- taria^delle Asturie, ib., 1835 ; Giovanna H., regina di Napoli, ib., 1836; II lago delle fat°e, Turin, 1841. Besides operas, be wrote a great deal of chamber music, twenty-ftve masses, fifteen motets, twenty-one vespers, etc.— Fetia ; do.. Supplement, i. 188; Men- del ; Schilling. COCCIOLA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born in Vercelli, Piedmont, about the end of the 16th century. Kapellmeister to Leo Sapieha, chancellor of Lithuania. Some of his motets are in the "Paruasso musico bergameuo," which led Frezza to believe that he was born at Bergamo. He left a mass for eight voices with basso continuo (Venice, 1612).— Fetis ; Mendel. COCCON, NICOLO, born in Venice, Aug. 10, 1826, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of E. Fabio. He published some motets at the age of fifteen, became - ^" ^, i mi --i orgiiSof S. Marco in 1856, and maestro 1 leader of orchestra at the Grand Theatre, 337 COGAN Amsterdam, in 186i. Works : Ada vou Holland op Tessel, cantata for solo, chorus, and orchestra ; Symphony for full orches- tra ; Ouverture de Floris V ; Ouverture du roi de Bohcme ; Music for the following dra- mas : De Berggeest ; Het Spook ; De Amster- darasche Yungen ; De jwarte Duivel ; and the cantata, Chant de fote, for voices, or- chestra, and organ, given at the Palais de rindustrie, Amsterdam, Oct. 27, 1875, for the six hundredth anniversary of the foun- dation of Amsterdam. He has written also for the bassoon, violoncello, and jjianoforte ; a national overture, concert overture, con- certos, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 190 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 66 ; Riemann ; Viotta. COGAN, PHILIP, born in Doncaster, England, in 1757 (Cork, 1750 ?), died about 18-28 (1834?). Organist, choirman of the Cathedral of St. Finbar, Cork, and in 1772 stipendiary of Christ Church, Dublin. Pub- lished works : Six sonatas for pianoforte with violin accompaniment, op. 2 (London, 1788) ; Concerto favori for pianoforte with two violins, viola, bass, two flutes, and two horns, op. 6 (ib., 1792) ; New lessons for harpsichord, op. 8 (ib.). — Fetis ; Mendel. COHEN, HENRY, born in Amsterdam, in 1808, died at Brie-sur-Marne, May 17, 1880. Dramatic composer. His parents settled in 1811 in Paris, where he studied liarmony under Reicha, singing under Lays, and later under Pellegrini, from 1826 to 1830. His first compositions were fugues, roman- ces, and nocturnes for the pianoforte, but in 1832 he went to Naples and produced, at the Teatro Feuice, an opera L'imjiegna- trice. Being unfortunate with others, he returned in 1834 to Paris, and publislied several romances. He went to Naples again in 1838, but his Avviso ai maritati, written for the Teatro Nuovo, was prohibited by the police, and he again returned to Paris in 1839, and taught singing. In 1847 he brought out a lyrical poem, Faust et Marguerite, which was received at the Con- servatoire, and in 1851 he produced Le Moine, another lyrical poem, which was given by the new Philharmonic Society of London, under Berlioz. He published : Traite d'harmonie pratique, and a collec- tion of eighteen Solfeges in-ogressifs a trois et quatre voix (Paris, S. Richault). — Ft'tis ; do.. Supplement, i. 190 ; Mendel ; Riemann ; Viotta. COHEN, JULES, born in Marseilles, Nov. 2, 1830, still living, 1888. Pianist and composer, was placed by Halevy's advice as a pujiil at the Conservatoire, whei'e he won the prize for solfege in 1847 ; pupil of Zim- merman on the pianoforte, and subsequently of Marmontel. He obtained the first prize for pianoforte in 1850, the first organ prize, as a pupil of Benoist, in 1852, the second prize in counterpoint and fugue, as pupil of Hald-vy, in 1853, and the first in 1854. In 1855 his name was inscribed, at the Institut de France, among the candidates for the jirix de Rome, for comjjosition, which gives the winner four years' study at the expense of the government. Jules Cohen being wealthy, he generously retired from the competition when Halevy suggested that it was more than possible that he woukl win it, and in acknowledgment of this sacrifice he was appointed professor in the Conserva- toire. Of his numerous works, his church compositions, O Salutaris, Ave Regina, Ave Verum, Agnus Dei, Pie Jesu, Messe des Morts j^oi'i' "^oix d'hommes, have been sung in many of the Paris churches. Among his orchestral works are two symphonies, an overture in F, one in D, another in G, and many cantatas and choruses, most of which have been given at the concerts of the Salle Herz and at the Conservatoire exercises. For the theatre he has written : Maitre Claude, given at tlie Opt'ra Comique, 1861 ; Josu Maria, ib., 1866 ; Les bkii<'li<, Theatre Lyrique, 1867 ; Dea, Opera Co- mique, 1870 ; other works : Vive I'Empereur, cantata, ib,, 1860 ; L'annexion, do.. Opera, 1860 ; Music for the choruses in Athalie, Esther, and Psyche, performed at the Thea- tre Franyais. A great deal of pianoforte music, thirty romances sans pai'oles, chan- COICK sous, niazoai'kas, elegies, and twelve grandes etudes ; he has also composed for the har- luoniuni. Among vocal pieces are twenty Romances, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemanu. COICK (Le Goq), GIAN LE, born in 1520, flourished in the middle of the 16tb century. Several of his motets and chan- sons are in the collections of that time, par- ticularly among those published by Tylmau Susato, at Antwerp, in IS-tS. One of these is remarkable, a chanson for five voices, two of which form a canon by retrograde move- ment, while the other three furnish an ac- compauinicnt in fugued counterpoint. — Fe- tis ; Mendel. COIGNET, HORACE, born in Lyons, in 173G, died there, Aug. 29, 1821. He was a merchant who took uj) music late in life. He wrote the music for Jean Jacques Rousseau's Pygmalion, represented at the Theatre Franyais in 1775, and composed Le medecin de I'amour. — Fetis ; Mendel. COLA DI RIENZI, opera seria, text by Bottura, music by Luigi Ricci, the younger, represented at the Teatro Fen ice, Venice, Feb. 21, 1880. COLASSE, PASCAL, born in Paris (or at Rheims) in 1639 (1G36 ?), died at Ver- sailles in December, 1709. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of Lulli, who employed him to fill in the choral and orchestral parts of his own operas, for which Lulli \vrote only the air and the bass. After his master's death Colasse was accused of using manuscripts which Lulli had thrown aside as incom- plete. He was one of the chamber musi- cians of Louis XIV. from 1G83, and always enjoyed the king's jjatronage, but his op- eras were never very popular. An opera house at LiUe was destroyed by fire, and this in connection with the failure of his opera Pol3-xene et Pyrrhus, 170G, unsettled his mind. His opera Les noces de Thetys et Pelee, 1G89, was his best. Works— Op- eras: Enee et Lavinie, 1690; Aslree, 1691; Le ballet deVilleneuve Saint-Georges, 1G92 ; Les saisons, 1695 ; Jason, ou la toisou d'or, 169G ; Naissance de Venus, 1G9G ; Ca- nente, 1700. These were all given at the Academic de Musique. The Library of the Arsenal, Paris, has the original MS. of .\ina- ryllis, a pastoral, 1689. L'Amour et I'Hy- men, written for the Prince de Conti's marriage, and the music for a ballet of the Jesuites, are in the Philidor collection, in the Library of the Conservatoire, Paris. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemann. COLBORNE, LANGDON, born in Lou- don, Sept. 15, 1837, still living, 1888. Or- ganist, successively at Tenbury (1860), of Beverley Minster (1874), Wigan parish church (1875), Dorking do. (1877), and Hereford Cathedral (1877). "Works : Com- plete Service in C ; Magnificats and Nunc dimittis in D, A, and B-flat ; Te Deum and Benedictus in E-fiat ; Anthems ; Part- songs ; Songs, etc. COLINETTE A LA COUR, ou La double epreuve, opera in three acts, in verse, text by Lourdette de Santerre, music by Gretry, rejjresented at the Academie Royale de Mu- sique, Paris, Jan. 1, 1782. Subject from Favart's comedy, "Le caprice amoureux, ou Ninette a la cour," played at the Italiens in 1755, the idea of which was borrowed from an Italian opera entitled Bertoldo in Corte. The music is agreeable, but this is not one of Gretry's best works. COLERUS (Kohler), MARTIN, born in Dautzic, about 1620, died in Hamburg, in 1704. Composer of church music. In IGGl he was at Hamburg, and became Kapell- meister to a church in Brunswick in 1665 ; two years later, 16()7, he was in the employ of the Margrave of Bayreuth, and in 1670 was in Holstein. It is not known precisely how long he remained there, but he is said to have wandered about till he came to Hamburg in his old age. Among his compositions are : Melodien zu Ristens Pas- sionsandaehten (Hamburg, 1648). Hein- rich Pape wrote the greater number of the melodies in this collection. Die Hochzeit- liche Ehrenfackel dem Hrn. von Harden- berg zu Zell angeziindet und ucborschickt von Martino Colero aus Danzig, etc. (Ham- COLEPaiS burg, 1661) ; Sulamitische Seelen-Harmo- uie, das ist einstiuimiger Freudenball et- licher geistlicber Psalmeu (Hamburg, 1062). — Fetis ; Meudel ; Gerber, i. 7.56 ; Schil- ling, iv. 174 ; Wiuterfeld, Der evan. Kirchengesaug, ii. 429. i COLERUS (Koeler), VALENTIUS, born ' at Erfurt, about 1550. Church Composer aud cautor, at Sondersliausen. Works : Three masses aud three magnificats (Erfurt, 1599) ; Cantionum sacrarum, quse vulgo motettsB appellautur, 4-8 et pluribus voci- bus concinnatarum, libri 1 et 2 (Urseren, 1604) . There was a Capuchin monastery with a beautiful church at Urseren, in a narrow valley of the St. Gothard, near the Devil's Bridge, and Colerus must have re- tired to it and have written there his two books of motets, which the monks had printed at their expense, according to their title-page. Newe lustige liebliche und artige luti-aden, Tiinze und Gagliardeu auff allerley Saiteuspiel (Jena, 1609). — Fetis; Meudel. COLETTI, AGOSTINO BONA VEN- TURA, born in Lucca, about the beginning of the 18th century, died in Venice, in 1752. Dramatic comjioser. He was made third organist of the Ducal Chajjel, S. Marco, Venice, in 1714, and full organist, in Lotti's place, in 1736, and held this position until his death. He brought out two operas in Venice : Iligenia, 1706, and Paride in Ida (with Manzi), 1706. He published : Ai-- monici Tributi, o XH cantate a voce sola e cembalo (Lucca, 1709). — Fetis. COLIN, JEAN, born at Beaune (Cote- d'Or), France, about 1637, died in 1722. Church composer, ma.itre de chapelle of the Cathedral of Soissous. Works : Missa sex vocibus sub modulo : Ego flos campi (Paris) ; Missa pro defunctis, sex vocibus (Paris, 1688).— Fetis ; Mendel. COLIN, PIERRE GILBERT, surnamed Chamault, lived in the first half of the 16th century. He was maitre de chapelle to the royal children of France in the reign of Francois L, from 1532 to 1536. After leaving the king's household he was master of the choristers at Autun. A collection of his masses was published at Lyons with the title : Liber octo luissarum, etc. (1541). Six of these masses are for four voices, the seventh is for five and the last for six (2d ed., Lyons, 1552). It contains a Requiem Mass by Richafort, besides motets and a Magnificat by Colin. The 3d book of his masses (Venice, 1544) is a reprint ; a new edition was printed by Claudio Merulo (Venice, 1547). Other masses were pub- lished by Duchemin (1556), and some of his motets are in the fourth book of motets published by Jacques Moderne (Lyons, 1539), aud in another book dated 1543. D'Attaignant's twelfth book of Chansons NouveUes has one of Colin's chansons. —Fetis ; Meudel. COLIZZI, GIOVANNI ANDREA, born in Italy about 1740, died (?). He travelled through Hanover, Holland, and England, and at last settled in London. Works : A collection of chansons, with harpsichord (Brunswick, 1766) ; Concerto for pianoforte, with orchestral accompaniment ; 6 sonatas for the harpsichord, op. 2 ; 6 sonatas for the harp.sichord, op. 4 ; 3 sonatas for piano- forte (London) ; Loto musical, ou Direc- tion facile pour apprendre en s'amusant ii connaitre les diiferents airs de musique (The Hague and Amsterdam, 1787). Co- lizzi arranged also several overtures for the pianoforte, among them L'amant statue (Paris, 1794).— Fetis ; Mendel. COLLA, GIUSEPPE, born in Piacenza, about 1780, died (?). He was maestro of the Collegiate Church at Voghera. He composed much church music, all of which is in MS. He is best known by his treatise on counterpoint entitled : Saggio teorico- pratico-musicale, ossia Metodo di contrap- punto (Turin, 1819, 2d ed., jNIilau, 1830). — Fetis ; Meudel ; Schilling ; Gerber. COLLIN, CHARLES, born in France about 1840, still living, 1888. Organist of the Cathedral of Saint-Brieue, and author of a grand cantata : La Bienvenue, for so- ■MO COLLINET prano solo, orchestra and chorus, written for the KOuniou du Couy:ros scieutitique de France, in 1872. He is author also of a cantata composed for the Catholic Con- gress, and of another written for the Con- grus Celtique International, with French and Breton words. Published works : Sis jours pour grand orgue ; L'orgue a I'eglise ; Six Bluettes for harmonium ; Communion ; Elevation ; Hymne a la Banniere, choeur a 4 Yoix d'hommes avee solo ; Le chant du franc-tireur, chceur avec solo ; Souvenu-s du pensionnat, col. de 16 morceaux a une, deux et trois voix egales et chosur, avec ac- compagnement ; collection for divine ser- vice entitled : Kautikou brezonek, ou Cau- tiques bretons et logendes pieuses pour orgue-harmonium (Paris) ; and much other church and pianoforte music, for which see Fotis.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 192. COLLINET, . There were two French flageolet players of this name, father and son, whose christian names are un- known, both of whom were distinguished members of French orchestras. The father, who was flutist at the Theatre des Varietes, composed a great deal of flageolet music : Two concertos for flageolet and orchestra ; Quartet for flageolet, violin, viola and violon- cello ; Deux livres de duos pour deux flageo- lets ; Several Eecueils d'airs varies pour deux flageolets ; Several Recueils de con- tredanses et valses pour flageolet, violon, et basse, ou flageolet et piano (Paris). The son (born in Paris about 1797) surpassed his father in playing the flageolet, and was a more finished musician. He was a member of the Musard orchestra, and a dealer in music and musical instruments. — Fetis ; Mendel. COLMAN (Coleman), CHARLES, born about 1600, died in London in 1664. Chamber musician to Charles I., who taught the viol lyra-way after the breaking out of the civil war. In connection with Henry Lawes, Captain Cooke, and George Hudson, he composed the music for Sir AVilliam Davenant's " First Day's Entertainment at Rutland House by Declamations and Mu- sic," 1657, intended as an imitation of Ital- ian opera. Some of his songs are in " Se- lect Musical Ayres and Dialogues" (1652, 1653, 1659) ; and instrumental composi- tions in "Courtly Masquing Ayres " (1662). Edward Colman, his son (about 1633-69), was a teacher of the lute and viol, and a composer of songs. He was a gentleman oi the Chapel Royal.— Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. COLOINIBA, lyrical drama in four acts, text by Francis Hueffer, music by Alex- ander Campbell Mackenzie, first represent- ed at Drury Lane, London, April 9, 1883. Subject from Prosper Merimee's novel of the same name. Colomba, Danish opera, by Axel Grandjeau, Copenhagen, 1882. Colomba, Italian opera, music by Pradeglia, Teatro del Verme, Milan, May, 1887. COLOMBANI (Columbani), ORAZIO, born in Verona, in the 16th century. He was a Cordelier monk, and maestro di cap- pella to the convent of S. Francesco, Milan. There is a Te Deum of his in Lindner's CoroUarium cantionum sacrarum, and two Magnificats and some madrigals, in the King of Portugal's library at Lisbon. One of tie Magnificats is for fourteen parts. Five of his collections of Psalms for five, six and nine voices, and two of madrigals, were published in Italy (1576-1587).-retis ; Mendel. COLOMBE, LA (The Dove), opera-co- mique in two acts, text by Jules Barbier and Michel Carre, music by Charles Gounod, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, June 7, 1866. Originally written for and produced at the Baden-Baden Theatre, but rearranged for Paris. It was given in Lon- don as The Pet Dove. The subject is an adaptation of La Fontaine's fable " Le Faucon," with a change in the bu'd. This work, the first by Gounod played at the Opera Comique, was well received. The score is published by Choudens. COLOMBI, GIUSEPPE, born atModena in 1635, died there in September, 1694. He was maestro di cappclla of the ducal 341 COLOMBO chapel in 1674, and of the catliedral in 1678. Works : Sinfouie da camera, op. 1 (Bologna, 1668) ; La lira armouiea, op. 2 (ib., 1673) ; Balletti, Correuti, etc., op. 3 (ib., 1674:) ; Souate a due violiui con un bassetto, op. i (ib., 1676) ; Sonate da came- ra a tre stromenti (ib., 1689). In the ducal library at ]Modeua there are twelve other works, and four books of sonatas for differ- ent instruments.— Fetis. COLOMBO (de Columbis), GIOVANNI FRANCESCO ANTONIO, born in Ra- venna, beginning of the 17th century. Cordelier monk and composer of church music ; maestro di cappella and organist of the Collegiate Church of Santa Tecla, Eavenua. Works : Motetti (1643) ; Missa et psalmi 2 et 3 voeibus concert. (1647) ; Completorium, antiphonae et litan. 5 voc. (1640) ; Syntaxis harmonica, 2, 3 e 4 voc. — Fetis ; Mendel. COLONNA, GIOVANNI AMBEOGIO, called Stampadorino, lived in Milan, first half of the 17th century. He published two collections of pieces with the following titles : Intavolatui-a di liuto (1616) ; In- tavolatura di chitarra sjJagnuola (Milan, 1627).— Fetis ; Mendel. COLONNA, GIOVANNI PAOLO, born in Brescia, or Bologna, about 1640, died in Bologna, Nov. 28 (Dec. 14) 1695. Church comjjoser, piii^il of Filipuzzi on the organ, and in composition of Carissimi, Benevoli, and Abbatiui, in Rome. He was maestro di cappella of S. Petronio, Bologna, and one of the first members of the Accademia Fil- armouica, of which he was elected Principe in 1672, 1674, 1685, and 1691. Among his works is one opera, Amilcare, 1693 ; but his principal compositions were for the church. His Psalms, in eight jjarts (Bolo- gna, 1694), have been admired for their masterly style. Among his published works are : Messe pieue a otto (1684) ; Salmi brevi, lib. 1 and 2 (Bologna, 1681, 1(!86) ; Sacre lamentazioni, etc. (1689) ; La pro- fezia d' Eliseo nell' assedio di Samaria, oratorio (Modeua, 1088) ; La caduta di Gerusalemme sotto 1' imperio di Sedecia, ultimo re d' Israele (Modena, 1688) ; Mo- tetti sacri, a voce sola (1691), etc. Paolucci has inserted a Pange lingua in his Arte pratica di coutrappuuto (i. 199). In Breit- kopf's MSS. (Leipsic) there is a mass for five voices, another for three choirs and orchestra, and an oratorio, St. Basilius, ex- ecuted at Bologna in 1680. A collection of the known works of this celebrated com- poser was made by order of the Emperor LeoiDold I., and is preserved in the Imperial Library, Vienna. It contains forty-four numbers, some of which consist of thi'ee or four Masses, seven Magnificats, four Lau- date, etc. A Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, for two choirs, are printed in the collection of the Motet Society, London. Four other pieces are in the Fitzwilliam Music. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 193 ; Mendel ; Riemann ; Schilling. COLUMBUS, cantata, for solo, male chorus, and orchestra, by Caspar Joseph Brambach, first performed at the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Silugerfest, July 23, 1886. It was awarded the prize. COLUMBUS, overture for orchestra, by George Frederick Bristow, op. 33, given by the Philharmonic Society, New York, in 1866-67. COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER, the dis- coverer of America, is the hero of the fol- lowing operas : H Colombo, Italian ojjera, music by Vincenzo Fabrizi, represented in Rome, 1789 ; by Luigi Ricci, Parma, 1829 ; by SangiorgioRabiti, Parma, 1840 ; by Giam- bini, Genoa, 1846 (only a part produced) ; by Alessandro Fava, Bologna, 1875 (given privately). Christoforo Colombo, music by Bottesini, given in Havana, 1847 ; by Carlo Emanuele di Barbieri, Berlin, Dec. 26, 1848, Hamburg, 1850 ; by Vincenzo Mela, Ve- rona, 1857 ; by Donna Casella, Nice, 1865 ; by Marcora, Bahia, 1869 ; and by Pignami with Peneo, Genoa, December, 1883. El Colon, Spanish opera, by Don Ramon Car- nicer, Barcelona, 1825, Madrid, 1831. Co- lombo in America, Italian opera, text by 342 COLYNS Romani, music by MorlaccLi, given at Genoa, 1828. Colombo alia scoperfca delle Indie, by Vincenzo Fioravanti, about 1830. Columbus, pantomime, by Wenzel MiiUer, Vienna, 1826 ; overture, by Eicbard Wag- ner, Magdeburg, 1835, Paris, Feb. 4, 1841 ; cantata, by Henry Gadsby, London, 1881. Cristojilie Colomb, ode-syniphonie, by Ft'li- cien David, 1817. COLYNS, JEAN BAPTLSTE, born in Brussels, Nov. 25, 1831. Violinist, studied at the Conservatoire of Brussels under Wi'ry ; won the 2d prize in 1849, and the 1st in 1850. He taught composition, became vio- lin solo at the popular concerts in Brussels, and was appointed professor at the Conser- vatoire. He played in Paris, and visited England, Holland, and Germany. His op- era. Sir William, was given at the Theatre de la Monnaie, Brussels, in 1877. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 194. COMA, AJSfNIBALE, lived in the second half of the 16th century, born at Carjii, duchy of Modena, or at Rovigo. Works : Madrigali a cinque voci con un dialogo a otto (Venice, 1568) ; II primo libro de' Madrigali a quattro voci (ib., 1585) ; II se- condo libro idem (ib., 1588). Two other books of madrigals were piiblished later, but Futis says thej' have no date. — Fotis. COMALA, cantata, for soli, male and fe- male choruses, and orchestra, by Niels W. Gade, first performed at Leijosic, iMarch 3, 1843. Subject, the tragic story of Comala, daughter of Sarno, King of Innistore, as told by Ossian. Conceiving a violent pas- sion for Fingal, King of Morven, she ac- companies him on his expedition against Caracul, King of Loehlin. Placed on an eminence where she can overlook the battle, she is overtaken by a fearful storm, and, thinking that the battle has been lost, is overcome with grief and dies. — Upton, Standard Cantatas, 144. COJIANEDO, FLAiMINIO, boin in Mil- an about 1570, died ('?). Works : Can- zonette a 3 voci, lib. i. (Venice, 1601) ; Canzonette a 3 voci, lib. ii. (Milan, 1602) ; Madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1615) ; Vesperi a quattro voci con partitura per 1' organo (ib., 1618).— Fetis ; Mendel. COMBATTIMENTO D' APOLLINE COL SERPENTE, IL (Apollo's Contest with Python), Italian opera, text by Bardi, music by Giulio Caccini, represented in Florence, in Bardi's house, in 1590. This work, which was never given jniblicly, be- longs to the earliest history of the opera. COMBATTIMENTO DI TANCREDI E CLORINDA, IL, dramatic interlude, music by Mouteverde, given during festivities at the palace of Girolamo Mocenigo, Venice, 1624. He introduced in it, among other novel eflfects, a tremolo for violins, used as at the present day, which so astonished the per- formers that they at first refused to play it. COMBATTONS, CHANTONS. See Pos- tiUon de Lonjumeau. COME, AND TRIP IT AS YOU GO, so- prano, or tenor, air and chorus in C minor, in Handel's L' Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato, Part L COM' E BELLO. See Lucrezia Borgia. COME, BLESSED CROSS. See Komm, susses Kreuz. COME, EVER SMILING LIBERTY, duet for two sopranos in Handel's Judas Maccabteus, Part I. COM' E GENTIL. See Don Pasqmle. COiME PER ME SERENO. See Son- namhula. COME RATHER, GODDESS SAGE AND HOLY, soprano air in D minor, in Handel's L' Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Mo- derato, Part I. COME, THOU GODDESS, FAIR AND FREE, soprano air in B-flat, in Handel's L' Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato, Part I. COMETTANT, (,JEAN PIERRE) OSCAR, born in Bordeaux, April 18, 1819, still liv- ing, 1888. Pianist, pupil at the Conserva- toire, Paris, under Elwart and Carafa in harmony and composition, from 1839 to 1843. in 1848 he won the gold medal given l:y the government for the best 3« COME national song and chorus for the Choral So- ciety of France, for his Marche des travail- leurs. He afterwards gained a reputation as musical ci'itic and writer on the Siecle and other periodicals, and is the author of several books. He visited the United States from 1852 to 1855. Works : Heures d'harmonie, for pianoforte ; Religious com- positions for soj)rano voice with organ or l^iauoforte ; O Salutaris, Ave Maria, Ad te levavi, Ecce panis, Veni Sancte, Ave Maris Stella, etc. ; Les voix de Jeanne d'Arc, for two choruses, in tive parts ; Le joyeux Malbrough, etc — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 191: ; Mendel ; Rieniann. COME WITH THE GIPSY BRIDE. See Bohemian Girl. COME, YE DAUGHTERS, AYEEP FOR ANGUISH. See Kommt, ihr Tochter. COMFORT YE MY PEOPLE, accom- panied recitative for tenor, ojieuing Han- del's Messiah. COMI, GAUDENZIO, born at Civita Vecchia, in 1749, (died ?). He went in 1781 to Paris, where he became musician to the Prince de Gonti. Published works : Six symphonies a huit parties, op. 1 (Paris, 1786), which obtained succe.ss, and were followed by six other works, consisting of trios, symphonies for full orchestra, and six sonatas for two horns and bass. — Fetis ; Mendel. COMME UNE PALE FLEUR. See Hamlet. COMMER, FRANZ, born at Cologne, Jan. 23, 1813, died in Berlin, Aug. 17, 1887. Church composer-, pupil of Leibl and Josef Klein ; became organist at the Carmelites and singer in the cathedral in 1828, and went to Berlin in 1832, to study the organ under August W^ilhelm Bach, and composition under Rungenhagen and A. B. Marx. Soon after he was com- missioned to arrange the library of the Royal Institute for Church Music, and edited several collections of old compositions. In 1844 he became royal Musik-Director, and Regens chori of St. Hedwig's church, and founded, with Kiister and Kullak, the Berlin Tonkiiustlerverein ; in 1845 he was made member, and afterwards senator, of the Academy ; in 1850 professor of singing at the royal theatre vocal school, at the Friedrich Wilhelms-Gymnasium, and the French Gj'm- nasium. W^orks : Der Zauberring, oratorio for male voices, with orchestra, performed in Berlin, 1843, Strelitz, 1845, Cologne, 1850 ; Der Kiff hiiuser, do. ; Five solemn masses for 4 voices and orchestra ; Eleven masses for 4 voices and organ ; Overture, entr'actes, choruses, and ballets to the tragedy "Clotilde Montalvi" ; Music to The Frogs hy Aristophanes, and to Electra hy Sophocles, for male voices and orchestra ; Passion Cantata for male voices and organ ; Twelve motets for 4 voices and orchestra; do. for 4 voices and organ ; Te Deum ; Do- mine salvum fac ; Graduale, offertory, and responses for Holy week ; Manj' pieces for festive occasions, for 4 voices and orchestra ; Several collections of songs, and part-songs, psalms, motets, and masses. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Riemann ; Ledebur, Tonkiiustler-Lexi- kon Berlins (Berlin, 18C1). COMMIT THY WAYS, OH PILGRIM. See Befiehl du deine Wege. COMODIEN MUSIK (Comedy Music), musical drama, by Heinrich Albert, rep- resented at the centenary of KOuigsberg University, Aug. 28, 1644. It was after- wards repeated in the palace of the Kur- fiirst, but was never published and is now lost. C0MP{:RE, LOYSET, bom in Flanders about the middle of the 15th century, died at Saint-Queutin, Aug. 16, 1518. Famous contrapuntist, probably a pupil of Okeghem, simultaneouslj' with Josquin Despres and Guillaume Ci-espel. He became a canon and afterwards chancellor of the Cathedral of Saint-Quentin. Only a few of his com- positions have been preserved in collections, printed by Petrucci in Venice (1501-3) and at Fossombrone (1519), and by Petreius at Nuremberg (1541). — Biog. nat. de Bel- gique, iv. 343 ; Fetis. 844 COMPONIMENTO C05IP0NIMENT0 SACEO, oratorio, l)y ; Augustine Ariie, played at Drury Lane The- JoLiauu Erust Eberliu, perforiued with great success at Salzburg, 1747. COMTE, ANTOINE LE, lived iu France in the latter half of the 17th century. He was maitre de niusique at the Churches of Sainte-Marie and Saint-Martin, Marie. Works : Missa quinque vocibus ad imita- tiouem moduli : O vivum iueffabilem (Paris lG8.5).-Fotis ; Mendel. COMTE CARiUGNOLA, LE, opera in two acts, text by Scribe, music by Ambroise Thomas, represented at the Academic Koyale de Musique, Paris, April 19, 1841. Scene in Brescia. Under the name of the Mar- quis de Ripada, the Comte Carmagnola introduces himself into the palace of the governor to make an attempt on his hon- our as a husband. He succeeds, and the curtain falls on vice triumphant. The mu- sic is better than the libretto. COMTE D'ALBERT, LE, drama in two acts, afterwards iu one act, text by Sedaine, music by Gretry, represented at Fontaine- bleau, Nov. 13, 1786, and iu Paris, at the Italiens, Feb. 8, 1787. COMTE OEY, LE, opera in two acts, text by Scribe and Delestre-Poirson, music by Rossini, first represented at the Acade- mie Royale de Musique, Paris, Aug. 20, 1828. The libretto is a rearrangement of a play by the same authors written for the Vaudeville Theatre in 1816, and the music was iu great part composed for II Viaggio a Reims, an opera iu honour of the corona- atre, London, 1738. The jiarts of Comus and the second Attendant Spirit were sung by John Beard, Euphrosyne by IMi's. Clive, and the lady and pastoral nymph by Mrs. Arue. This work had a great run and fully established Dr. Arue's reputation. It was revived iu 1738 and 1750, and in 1772 with alterations by Colman. — Hogarth, ii. 80. CONCEiglO (not Conceicam), NUNO DA, born in Lisbon, died in Coimbre in 1737. A Portuguese monk, who became mestre de capella in his convent at Coim- bre. His compositions, consisting of hymns, motets, ijsalms, etc., are preserved by his order. — Fetis ; Mendel ; do., Ergiinz., 67. CONCEI9AO (not Concei<;am), PEDRO DA, born in Lisbon iu 1691, died there, Jan. 4, 1712. Composer of vocal music, of which Machado gives the following list : Musica a 4 coros, for a comedy ; Loa com musica a 4 vozes ; Vilhancicos a 3, 4 e 8 vozes ; A cetera, e solfa de hum vilhancico ; In exitu Israel de Egj'pto a 4 vozes, fnnda- das sobre o Canto-Chao do mesmo psalmo — Fetis ; Mendel ; Bibl. Lusit., iii., 569. CONCERT DANS LE STYLE ITA- LIEN, a composition in F major in three movements for clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach, generally knowu as the Italian con- certo. It has long held a prominent place in the i-epertory of almost all great pian- ists. CONCERTO PATHETIQUE, for piano- forte with orchestra, by Moscheles, op. 93. tion of Charles X., produced at the Opera | Published by Haslinger (Vienna). Although Italien in 1825. Le comte Ory is one of i less famous than his concerto iu G minor, the best of Rossini's scores. It was per- '■ it deserves to be ranked among the corn- formed in London at the St. James's The- poser's best works. atre, June 20, 1849. COMUS, fairy masque, text by John Mil- ton, music by Henry Lawes, jjroduced at Ludlow Castle, England, on Michaelmas night, 1634. Lawes himself performed the part of the Attendant Spirit. The score is preserved in the British Museum. Comus, English opera, same text, altered and adapt- CONCERTSTUCK, for four horns and grand orchestra, by Robert Schumann, op. 86 ; composed in 1849, first performed in Leipsic, Feb. 25, 1850. First published by Schuberth & Co. (Leipsic, 1851). CONCERTSTUCK, for pianoforte and orchestra, in G major, by Robert Schumann, op. 92 ; composed in 1849, first performed ed by Dr. John Daltou, music by Thomas j by Clara Schumann, Leipsic, Feb. 14, 1850. 345 CONCERTSTUCUv First published by Breitkopf & Hiirtel (Leipsic, 1852). CONCERTSTUCK (Concert Piece), in F minor, for pianoforte and orcbestra, by Weber, op. 79, composed in BerHn, 1821, dedicated to tlie Princess Maria Augusta of Saxony, first played by the comjioser at his concert, Berlin, June 25, 1821 ; first original edition, full score, Peters (Leipsic). The last and most striking of Weber's compo- sitions for the pianoforte. He conceived the idea as early as 1815 while at Prague, but did not complete it until the morning of the first performance of Der Freischiitz, June 18, 1821. The exact idea of the com- poser is expressed in his own words in the biography by his son ; it was to give a musical picture of a young knight's part- ing from his betrothed to go to the cru- sades, his triumphal return, and joyful meeting with the lady. The ])iece has long been a favourite with almost all dis- tinguished pianists. Arranged for piano- forte alone by Hans von Biilow. — Benedict, 65 ; Jahns, 337 ; Weber, ii. 311 ; Weitz- mann, Gesch. des Clavierspiels, etc., 123. CONCEZZIONE DELLA BEATA VER- GINE, LA (Conception of the Holy Virgin), oratorio, by Alessandro Scarlatti. CONCONE, GIUSEPPE, born in Turin about 1810, died there, June, 1861. Or- ganist ; resided in Paris from 1832 to 1848, when he was appointed organist of the Royal Chapel, Turin. His Lec/ons de Chant et Vocalises is much used by pro- fessors of singing, and has been translated and issued in many editions. Works : Un episodio di San Michele, opei'a, Turin, 1836 ; Comtesse et Bachelette, duettiuo pour deux sopranos et piano ; Judith, scena ed aria, mezzo-soprano, pianoforte ; Les soeurs de lait, duettiuo, 2 sopranos, piano- forte, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. CONDELL, HENRY, born in England in the latter part of the 18th century, died in Loudon, June, 1824. Violinist at the Opera, and at Drury Lane and Covent Gar- den Theatres in the early part of this cen- tury. Works : The Enchanted Island, ballet, 1804 ; Who Wins ? or the Widow's Choice, farce, 1808 ; Transformation, do., 1810 ; The Farmer's Wife, 1814 ; Glees, songs, etc. CONFORTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Italian composer of whom little is known. He was the pupil of Claudio Merulo, and published his first work of Madrigals for five voices, at Venice, in 1857. — Fetis ; Men- del. CONFORTO, NICOLd, Italian dramatic composer, born in the Kingdom of Naples (?) in the early part of the 18th century. Dra- matic composer, author of the following operas : La finta vedova, Naples, Teatro de' Fiorentiui, 1746 ; La Nitteti, text by Metastasio, Madrid, 1756 ; Antigono, Lon- don, 1757. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 195; Mendel. CONINCK, JACQUES FELIX DE, born in Antwerp, May 18, 1791, died in Schaer- beck-les-Bruxelles, April 25, 1866. Pianist, pupil in Antwerp of the organists De Tra- zegnies and Hoefnagels, and at the Paris- Conservatoire of Perne in harmony, in which he won the first prize in 1813. In 1818 he returned to Antwerp, and then went to America as accompanist to Mali- bran. On his return to Antwerp he found- ed the Harmonie Society. He published in France pianoforte compositions, concer- tos, sonatas, airs varies, etc. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 195 ; Riemann. CONINCK, JOSEPH BERNARD DE, born in Ostend, Belgium, March 10, 1827, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, son of Jacques Felix de Coninck. His Essai sur I'histoire des arts et des sciences en Belgique, written when he left college, and crowned by the Societe Royale pour I'Eu- couragement des Beaux-Arts, in 1845, de- cided him to give up civil engineering for music, and he studied the pianoforte and the organ, counterpoint and harmony, under a distinguished teacher, De Leun, maitre de chapelle of St. Andre. In 1851 he went to Paris, where Auber encouraged him by using several choruses written by 346 CONNAIS-TU bim for Casimir Delavigne's Paria in the singing classes at the Conservatoire con- certs, and put him under the tuition of Leborne for composition and fugue. He has published many romances, melodies, and choruses without accompaniment, has brought out an opi'ra-comique, Maitre Pa- thelin, text by Lajarte, and an operetta, Le rat de ville et le rat des champs, both performed at the Tivoli Theatre, Paris. Another, La tille de Figaro, was accepted by the Athence. He has been musical critic of several prominent Paris papers. — Fi'tis, Supplement, i. 195 ; Eiemann. CONNAIS-TU LE PAYS ? See Mignon. CONRAD, JOHANN CHRISTOPH, lived in the 18th century. Organist at Eisfeld, in the Hildburghausen. He published two suites of preludes for the organ (Leipsic, 1772).— Futis. CONEADI, AUGUST June 27, 1821, died there. May 2G, 1873. Dramatic composer, jMipil of Eungenha- geu in harmony and composition; won several prizes of the Academy in 1840-42, and became organist at the Church of the Invaliden in 1843. Af- ter a visit in 184(5 to Vienna, where he brought out a symphony with brilliant suc- cess, he lived for a time at Weimar inti- mate with Liszt, was Kapellmeister at the theatre in Stettin in 1849-51, then at the Konigstiidtisches Theater in Berlin, at Diis- seldorf, at Cologne, and since 185G again in Berlin, successively at KroU's, at the new KiJnigstadtisches, at Wallner's, and Victoria Theatres. Works— Operas : Eiibezahl, given in Berlin, 1847 ; Musa, der letzte Mauren- fiirst, ib., 1855 ; Die Braut des Flussgottes ; Die Sixtinische Madonna, ib., 1864 ; Knecht Euprecht, ib., 18G5 ; So sind die Frauen, Im Weinberge des Herrn, ib., 1867 ; Das Bchonste Msidchen des Dorfes, ib., 1868. Many vaudevilles and farces ; Five sympho- nies ; Overtures, string quartets; Church music ; Dance music for pianoforte and or- chestra ; Songs.— Fetis ; Mendel. CONEADI, JOHANN GEORG, Kapell- meister at Oettingen, Bavaria, towards the close of the 17th century. He was one of the earliest German dramatic composers ; all his operas were produced at the Ham- burg Theatre. Works : Ariadne, Diogenes, and° Numa Pompilius, 1691 ; Jerusalem, 1692 ; Carolus Magnus, 1692 ; Sigismund, 1693 ; Pygmalion, 1693 ; Gensericus, 1693. — Fetis; Mendel. CONRADIN. See Konradin. CONEAEDY, JULES, born at Liege, Bel- gium, Jan. 27, 1834, — still living, 1888. Or- ganist, pupil of De- cbarneux. At the age of fifteen he be- came organist at the Church of Ste. Mar- guerite, then at St. Servais, and later at St. Antoine, a posi- tion he still holds. In 1853 he studied harmony, counterpoint, and fugue at the Liege Conservatoire, under Daussoigne-Mehul, and in 1857 won the 2d grand prix de Eome, in the grand con- cours at Brussels, for his cantata, Le meur- tre d'Abel. On his return to Liege from Eome he began the composition of both church and dramatic music, and in 1864 was appointed professor of solfege at the Conservatoire. Works — Operas-comiques in one act : Le pere Lajoie, given at the Theatre Eoyal, Liege, 1858; Annibal et Seipion, ib.,"l860; Jeanne et Jeannot, ib., 1861 ; Le roi de I'arbalete, ib., 1862 ; Le loup-garou (prize in 1872 from Societe d'fcnulation), ib., March 26, 1874. Church music : Messe solennelle with grand orches- tra ; 2 Te Deum ; Masses for three and four voices ; Litanies ; Anthems, etc. He has published also an album of romances, and dance music for pianoforte. 847 CON CON KAUCO MORMOEIO. See Rode- liiida. CONSECRATION OF SOUND. See Welhe der Tune. CONSILIUM, JACQUES, French com- poser, early part of the 16tb century. His name was probably Latinized by the collec- tors of motets, according to a custom of the time. In Pierre Attaignant's collection (Paris, 1529-1537) are tlie following motets for five voices by Consilium, in the seventh, eighth, and eleventh books : In ilia die ; Cum iudueerent ; Adjuva me, Domiue. They may also be found in the following collec- tions: Psalmorum selectorum (Nuremberg, 1538) ; Tertius liber cum quatuor vocibus (Leyden, 1539) ; Selectissimse nee non fami- liarissimje cantiones, ultra cent., etc. (Augs- burg, Melehior Kriessten, 1540) ; Can- tiones sejjtem, sex et quinque vocum (ibid., 1545) ; Livre de danceries ii six parties, (Attaignant, Paris, 1543).— Fetis ; Mendel. CONSTANTIN, oratorio, by George Vier- ling, first performed at Augsburg, Bavaria, in 1887. Given by tlie Milwaukee (Wiscon- sin) Musical Society, May 1, 1888. CONSTANTIN, TITUS CHARLES, born in Marseilles, Jan. 7, 1835, still living, 1888. Violinist, plaj'ed in Paris in the orchestras of the Italiens and the Theatre Lyrique, and studied at the Conservatoire under Ambroise Thomas from 1858. He received honourable mention in 1861, and the second prize, in 18G3, for his cantata, David Rizzio, set to words by Chouquet. He was first chef d'orchestre of the Fantaisies Parisi- ennes, where he did much to raise the stan- dard of French opera by producing the works of the best masters, which had given ])lace to the lighter operas then filling the repertories of the Parisian theatres. In 1871 he directed the concerts at the Casino, in 1872 conducted at the Athenee, and, when that closed, at the Renaissance Thea- tre, and in 1875 at the Opera Comique. Works : Bek, a ballet brought out at the Grand Theatre de Lyon, 1867 ; Le salut, cantata, 1867 ; Dans la foret, opera-co- mique, 1872 ; RoUa, overture, 1872 ; Ouver- ture villageoise. The last two were played at the Casino. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 197. CONSUME THEM ALL, LORD SAB.\- OTH ! See Virttlge sie, Herr Zebaoth. CONTADINA ASTUTA, LA, Italian in- termezzo, music by Pergolesi, represented at the Teatro de' Fioreutini, Naj)les, 1734. The intermezzo was the original form of the ojaera buffa. CONTE, ANTONIO ERNESTO, born in Salerno, Italy, Oct. 23, 1826, still living, 1888. Pianist, pujsil in harmony of his father and of Giuseppe Barberi, on the pi- anoforte of Giuseppe Litto and Fenaroli, and in composition of Carlo Asseuzio. He is the author of nearly one hundred pieces for the pianoforte, besides a great deal of vocal music ; he has also published church anisic with instrumental accompaniment. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 198. CONTE, JEAN, born in Toulouse, May 12, 1830, died in Paris, April 1, 1888. Vio- linist, pupil of Carafa at the Paris Conserva- toire. He was chef d'orchestre at a small theatre in 1855, when he won the grand prix de Rome for his cantata, Acis et Gala- tee, text by Camille du Locle. During his residence in Rome, he wrote : Une Messe solennelle (1856) ; fragments of an opera, Isabella di Lara (1857), and a Dies irse (1858). He became professor of music at Passy on his return, and member of the orchestras of the Opera and Conservatoire. Works : Methode de violon ; several books of duos for violins ; pieces for violin and pianoforte ; La charito, hymne ; Oh done vont les hirondelles, reverie ; Le grand veneur, legeude ; La marchande de plaisirs, chansonettes ; Music for Bejspo, operette, text by Camille du Locle. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 198. CONTESA DE' NUMI, LA (The Quarrel of the Gods), Italian operetta in two parts, text by Metastasio, first set to music by Leonardo Vinci, and represented in the palace of Cardinal de Polignac, Rome, 1729, in honour of the birth of the Dauphin of 34S CONTES France. Scene on lit. Olj-mpus. Charac- ters represented : Giove, Marte, Apollo, Astrea, La Pace, La Fortuna. The libretto was set to music also bj' Paisiello, given in Naples, 1773. Of the same title is an Italian opera, text by Giuseppe Prescimonio, nuisic bj' Caldara, produced at Prague, Oct. 1, 17-23. CONTES D'HOFFxMANN, LES (Hoff- mann's Tales), opera-comique in four acts, text by Barbier, music by Offenbach, rep- resented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Feb. 10, 1881. The libretto is founded on Hoff- mann's storj', "Der Sandmann," which furnished the motive also for Delibes's Cop- pelia. The orchestration, left unfinished by the composer, was completed by Ernest Guiraud. This opera, Offenbach's last and best work, has been almost entirely laid aside on account of the frightful catastrophe of the burning of the Ring Theater, Vienna, Dec. 8, 1881, during its second representa- tion there. CONTI, ANGELO, liorn in Aversa, near Naples, in 1603, died (?). Works : Libre de' niadrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1G34) ; Tre libri de' madrigali a quattro voci (ib., 1G35-1637) ; Libro de' motett.i da una sino a dieci voci (ib., 1639).— Fetis ; Mendel. CONTI, CARLO, born at Arpino, near Naples, Oct. 14, 1797, died in Naples, July 10, 1868. Dramatic composer, said to have been the best Italian contrapuntist of his time. He taught counterpoint to Bellini, Lillo, Audreatini, Buonamici, and others. Pupil at the College of Music at Naples from his thirteenth year, he studied first under Tritto and for three years had Ziu- garelli for his instructor in counterpoint; he afterwards took lessons in composition from Simon Mayr while he resided at Na- ples. He was j)rofessor of counterpoint and composition at the Conservatorio, Na- ples, in 1846-.58 ; secretary for life of the Academy, ib., and corresponding mem- ber of the lustitut de France. Works — Operas : Le triippe in Franconia, opera buffa, given at Naples, Teatro S. Sebas- tiano, 1825 ; La pace desiderata, Misau- tropia e pentimento, Teatro Nuovo, about 182.5 ; II trionfo della giustizia, ib., 1826 ; Gli Aragouesi in Napoli, ib., 182^^ ; L' in- nocenza in periglio, Rome, Teatro Valle, 1827; Alexi, Naples, Teatro San Carlo, 1828 ; Olimpiade, ib., 1829 ; Giov.anna Shore, La ■Milan, Scala, 1830 ; L' audacia for- tunata, ib., 1831 ; Cantata for the inaugura- tion of the bust of the poet Monti, Milan, Teatro Filodrammatico, 1829 ; 6 solemn masses ; 2 Requiem masses ; 2 Credo ; Te Deum ; Magnificat ; several Dixit ; Canzone, with pianoforte. — Fetis ; do.. Supplement, i. 199. CONTI, CLAUDIO, born at Capracotta, Kingdom of Najjles, in 1836, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Naples Conservatorio under Parisi and Mercadante. His first efforts were in church composition, but his first success was an opera entitled La figlia del Marinajo, given at the Teatro Bellini, Najjles, iii 18G-4. He devoted himself to teaching, and in 1872 became director of the Albergo de' Poveri musical institute. Works : 2 Hymns, sung at the San Carlo in 1859 and 1869 ; 4 Albums of songs ; Collection of piano- forte pieces ; 3 melodies for violoncello and pianoforte ; Eloge funebre ; March for full orchestra, written on the death of Meyerbeer, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 200. CONTI, FRANCESCO BARTOLOMEO, born in Florence, Jan. 20. 1681, died in Vienna, July 20, 1732. Dramatic com- poser ; court theorbist at Vienna in 1701, and court composer from 1713. His first opera, Clotilde, Vienna, 1706, was also given in London, 1709, and the songs in it were published separately by Walsh ; but his best work was the tragi-comic op- era, Don Chisciotto in Sierra Morena, per- formed at the Carnival in Vienna in 1719, and afterwards in German at Hamburg, in 1722. KiJchel gives a list of his works per- formed in Vienna between 1706 and 1732. They number sixteen grand operas, thir- 34? CONTI teen serenades or festi teatrali, and nine oratorios, the scores of which, ahuost en- tire, are in the Imperial Library and in the archives of the Gesellschaft der Musik- freiinde, Vienna. Works — Operas : Clo- tilde, London, 1709 ; Alba Cornelia, I Satiri in Arcadia, Vienna, 171 J: ; Teseo in Greta, ib., 1715 ; II Fiuto Policare, Giro, ib., 1716 ; Don Chisciotto in Sierra Morena, ib., 1719, and Hamburg, 172'2 ; Alessandro in Sidone, Vienna, 1721 ; Archelao, re di Cappadocia, Mosfe preservato, ib, 1722 ; Penelope, ib., 1724 ; Griselda, ib., 1725 ; Issipile, ib., 1726 ; Galatea vendicata, ib., 1727 ; II tri- onfo deir amor e dell' amicizia, ib., 1728 ; n martirio di San Lorenzo, oratorio, Vi- enna, 1710 ; Cantatas, motets. — Futis; Men- del ; Schilling. CONTI, GIACOMO, born in the 18th century, died in Vienna in 1804. Italian violinist ; first violin in 1790 in the chapel of the Empress Catherine of Russia, and of Prince Potemkin. In 1793 he went to Vi- enna and became conductor at the Italian opera. His works consist of five concertos for violin ; two sets of sonatas for violin ; three sets of duos for the same, op. 6, 9, and 10 ; and a set of solos for violin, op. 8. — Futis. CONTI, IGNAZIO, born in Florence in 1699, died in Vienna, March 28, 1759. Church composer, son of Francesco Conti, whom he succeeded in the service of the court of Vienna. "Woi'ks : La distruzione di Hai (1728) ; II giusto afflitto nella per- sona di Giobbe (Vienna, 1736) ; and the following in MS. in the Royal Libi-ary at Berlin : Offertory, Meditabar, for five voices and organ, in score ; Cantata in C minor, for sojirano and continue, Dojjo tante e tante pane ; Missa prima, Sperabo in te, 4 voci a cappella ; Missa secunda, Adjuva me, 4 e 5 voci a cappella ; Missa terza, Exaudi me, 4 e 5 voci a capella ; Missa quarta, Judica me, 6 voci a cappella. — Fotis ; Men- del; do., Ergilnz., 67. CONTI, NICOLO, born in the Kingdom of Naples, lived in the 18th century. Dra- matic composer, author of the following works given at the Teatro de' Fiorentini, Naples: L'Ippolita, 1733; L' Orlindo (with Matteo Capranica), 1753. — Fetis, Sujiple- ment, i. 198. CONTINI, GIOVANNI, flourished in Brescia, middle of the 16th century. He was maestro di cappella of the Cathedral of Brescia in 1550. Published works : Madri- gali a cinque voci, lib. i.; Modulationum quinque voc. liber primus ; Modulationum sex vocum liber primus ; Introitus et alle- luja quinque vocum ; Hymnos quatuor vo- cum ; Threnos Hieremife quatuor vocum ; Missae 4 vocibus concert. (1560); Cantiones sex vocum (Venice, 1565). He must not be confounded with Giovanni Contini, com- poser of the Roman school, who lived in the beginning of the 18th century, and pro- duced the oratorio, II pescatore castigato (Prague, 1735).— Fetis ; Mendel. CONTIUS, , born at Rossla, in Thu- ringia, about 1714, died in Quedlinburg in 1770. Harpist and harpsichordist in the service of the Count von Brdhl, Dresden, he retired in 1759 to Sondershauseu, where he wrote several church pieces for that noble- man's chapel. In 1762 he entered the ser- vice of the Prince of Berneburg, but left it in 1770, and went to Quedlinburg, where he had a government ajspointmeut. He wrote several sj'mphouies and some concertos for the harpsichord and the harp which have never been published. — Fetis; Mendel; Schilling. CONTRASTES, LES, grand duo for two pianofortes, for eight hands, by Moscheles, op. 115. In this composition the musical styles of diiterent countries and times are cleverly imitated. It has been arranged for a single pianoforte for four hands. Pub- lished by Kistner (Leii^sic). CONVERSE, CHARLES CROZAT, born, of American parentage, in Warren, Massa- chusetts, Oct. 7, 1832, still Hving, 1888. About 1855 he went to Europe and stud- ied at the Leipsic Couservatorium orches- tration under Richter, and the pianoforte S60 CON VE RSI under Plaidy. In 1857 he returned, and finally settled in Erie, Penii., where he now resides. Mr. Converse is a member of the Erie bar, and has an intei-- est in the Burdett Or- gan Company ; he has published a number of pieces under the pseu- donym of Karl Kedan. Works : National Over- ture ; Fest-Ouverture, performed by the Brooklyn Philharmonic Society, 1870 ; 6 German Songs, Aufmunterung zur Freude, Wehnuith, Tiiuschung, Iluhe in der Ge- liebteu, Die Nachtigalleu, Der gefaugene Sanger (Leipsic, 1856) ; After, and other vocal quartets ; What a friend we have in Jesus, hymn, translated into many lan- guages and set to the same tune ; God for Us, American national hymn, 1887. He has in MS. 2 symphonies, 2 oratorios, several overtures, string quartets and quintets, and many chorals. CONVERSI, GIEOLAMO, born at Cor- reggio about 1550, died (?). His pretty madrigal. When all alone my pretty love was playing, is well known. He was the author of the following works : Canzone a 5 voei (Venice, 1575, reprinted in 1580) ; Madrigali a 6 voci (Venice, 1584).— Fctis ; Mendel. CONVITATO DI PIETRA, IL. See Don Giovanni. CON VETO, IL (The Banquet), Italian opera, music by Cimarosa, represented in Venice, 1782. CONZERT IN UNGARISCHERWEISE, Hungarian concerto for violin and orches- tra, by Joseph Joachim, op. 11. The com- poser's most important and most successful work, a masterpiece among violin concertos. CONZERTSTUCK. See ConcertdiicL COOKE, BENJAINIIN, born in London in 1734, died there, Sept. 14, 1793. Church composer, pupil of Pepusch, whom he suc- ceeded as conductor of the Academy of An- cient Music in 1752, holding this position until 1789 ; became organist at Westminster Abbey in 1742, choirmaster in 1757, and lay vicar "in 1758 ; organist of St. Martin's-in- the-Field, 1782. Doctor of Music, Cam- bridge, 1775, Oxford, 1782. He is especially esteemed in England as a composer of glees, canons, and catches, for which he repeatedly won prizes from the Catch Club. — Grove. COOKE, HENRY, born about IGIO, died in London, July 13, 1672. He was edu- cated in the Chapel Royal of Charles I. In 1642 he obtained a captain's commission in the royal army, from which he is gener- ally called Captain Cooke. He taught mu- sic under the Commonwealth, and on the re-establishment of the Chapel Royal, in 1660, was made master of the children, and in 1664 was appointed composer of the king's private music for voices. He is the author of several anthems, the words of which are in Clifford's collection, and a processional hymn for the festival of the Knights of the Garter, Windsor, 1661. He also contributed some of the music to Daveuant's Siege of Rhodes, 1657. — Grove ; Mendel; Barrett, English Church Com- posers, 82. COOKE, ROBERT, born in 1768, died in London, Aug. 13, 1814. Organist, son and pupil of Dr. Benjamin Cooke. He succeeded his father as organist of St. Mar- tin's-in-the-Fields, in 1793, and at the death of Dr. Arnold, 1802, he was appointed or- ganist and master of the choristers of West- minster Abbey. He became deranged and drowned himself in the Thames. He is the author of about thirty glees, three of which took prizes at the Catch Club. A collection of eight of them was published by him in 1805. He composed also an Evening Ser- vice, an anthem, and an Ode to Friendship. —Grove ; :Mendel. COOKE, THOMAS SIIMPSON, born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1782, died in London, Feb. 26, 1848. Dramatic composer, pupil of his father and of Giordani ; a proficient on several instruments, he was at first COOMBS conductor at the theatre iu Dublin, then opera-singer iu Loudon, where he con- ducted the orchestras at Driuy Lane, Cov- ent Garden, and in 1846—48 the concerts of ancient music. Professor at the Koyal Academy of Music ; member of the Phil- liarmonic Society. He had a deserved re})- utation as a singing master, and wrote a treatise on singing, which was much esteemed. Works — Operas : Frederick the Great, 1814 ; The King's Proxy, 181.5 ; The Count of Anjou, 1816 ; A Tale of other Times (with Bochsa), 1822 ; The Wager, or The Midnight Hour, 1825 ; Oberon, or the Charmed Horn, Malvina, 1826 ; The Boy of Santillane, 1827 ; The Brigand, Peter the Great, 1829 ; The Dragon's Gift, 1830 ; The Ice Witch, Hyder Ali, 1831 ; St. Patrick's Eve, 1832 ; King Aiihur, and the Knights of the Bound Table, 1835 ; The five Lovers ; Numerous farces ; glees and duets. — Fotis ; Grove ; Mendel. COOMBS, JABIES MORRIS, born iu Salisbury, Eugland, iu 1769, died in Chippenham in 1820. He was a chorister of Salisbury Cathedral under Ste2:>heus and Parry, and organist at Cliippeuhani from 1789 until his death. Published works : Jubilate, songs, glees, a set of canzonets, and a selection of psalm tunes. A Te Deum, composed by him when very young, is still in use. — Grove ; Meudel. COOP, ERNESTO ANTONIO LUIGI, born in Messina, June 1, 1812, died in Naples, November, 1879. Pianist, jiupil of a tenor named Lucchini, and of Mario Aspa and Mazza. He became in 1836 professor at the Naples Conservatorio. He pub- lished more tlian one hundred compositions for the pianoforte. — Fetis, Supjjk'ment, i. 200. COPERARIO, JOHN, flourished at be- ginning of the 17th century. He was an Englishman named Cooper, who Italianized his name during a sojourn in Italy ; per- former on the viol da gamba and the lute. He was musical instructor to the children of James I., and comjjosed, in conjunction with Lanicre, songs for the court masque written by Di\ Campion on the marriage, iu 1614, of the Earl of Somerset. His mu- sic to the Masque of the Inner Temple aud Graye's lun, was given at Whitehall, Feb. 20, 1612. He composed a set of Fancies for the organ for Charles I., the manuscript of which is still extant, and contributed two vocal pieces to the '• Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorrowfull Soule," published in 1614 bj' Sir William Leighton. He was the master of Henry and William Lawes. — Grove ; Men- del. COPPELIA, ou La fiUe aux yeux d'email, ballet in three acts, text by Charles Nuitter aud A. Saint-Leon, music by Leo Delibes, first represented in Paris, 1870. The plot is founded on E. T. A. Hoffmann's storj', "Der Sandmaun," the motive of which also served Adolphe Adam in his " Poupee de Nuremberg (1852)," and Offenbach in his "Coutes d'Hoffmann (1881)." The story is funny aud the music bright and spark- ling. It was given at the Metropolitan Op- era House, New York, March 11, 1887. COPPINUS (Coppino), AQUILINUS, born in Milan, about 1565, died after 1621. Educated at the college of S. Simone, he devoted many years to the study of music, and published a collection of motets, ar- ranged from madrigals by well-known au- thors, with this title : Partita della musica tolta de' madrigali di Claudio Monteverde, e d' altri autori, fatta sjiirituale da Aquilino Cojjpino (Milan, 1607). — Frtis. COPPOLA, GIUSEPPE, born in Naples, about the middle of the 18th century-. Au- thor of an oratorio, L' apparizione di S. Michele Arcangelo sul monte Gargano (1788) ; and a cantata, Gli amauti pastori, with orchestral accompaniment. — Fetis ; Meudel. COPPOLA, PIER ANTONIO, born at Castrogiovanni, Sicily, Dec. 11, 1793, died at Catania. Nov. 14, 1877. Dramatic com- poser, pupil of liis father and at the Royal College of Music, Naples, but formed him- self chiefly by studying the scores of the !&i CORA great masters. Gifted, but hampered by the fact that Rossini was his contemporary, his efforts for the stage, begun in 1816, met with varying success until 1835, when his Nina pazza made its way into all the prom- inent opera-houses of Europe, and even to Mexico. About 1839 he became mestre de eapella of the royal opera in Lisbon, whither he returned in 18(J0, having tempo- rarily spent a few years in Italy to bring out "new operas. ^Yorlis— Operas : II figlio bandito, given at Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 181G ; Achille in Sciro, ib., about 1825 ; Artallo di Alagona, ib., about 1830; La festa delle rose, Milan, Genoa, Florence, about 1831 ; Nina, o la pazza per amore, Rome, 1835 ; Enrichetta di Baieufeld, Vienna, 183G ; Gli lUiuesi, Turin, 1837 ; La bella Celeste degli Spadari, Milan, 1838 ; Giovanna I., regiua di Napoh, Lisbon, 1811 ; Inez de Castro, ib., 1842 ; II folletto, Rome, 1843 ; Fiugal, Palermo, 1844 ; L' orfana gnelfa, ib., 1845 ; II goudoliere di Venezia, Florence, about 1850 ; II postiglione di Lonjumeau, etc. ; Masses, litanies, and other church music— Fctis ; Mendel ; Rie- mann. CORA (Alonzo et Cora), opera in four acts, text by Valadier, music by Mchul, represented at the Opi'ra, Paris, Feb. 15, 1701. Subject from Marmontel's " Incas," a romance of Peru, in which Cora is the priestess of the Sun. A Swedish opera of the same title, three acts, text by Adlerbeth, music by Naumann, was produced at the opening of the new theatre, Stockholm, Sept. 30, 1782. Cora, ou La prctresse du soleil, music by Cambini, given at the The- atre de Beaujolais, 1787. Cora, opera in three acts, music by Heini Berton, produced at the Academic Royale de :Musique, Paris, July, 1789, but the representation was stopped by the revolutionary troubles. Cora und Alonzo, music by Lasser, Munich, about 1795. Alonzo und Cora, ballet, music by Weigh Vienna, about 1795 ; music by Wenzel Miiller, Vienna, 1795. Alfonso e Cora, music by Simon Mayr, Venice, 1803. CORBELLINI, BERNARDINO, bom in Dubino, in the Valtellina, in 1748, died in Naples in 1797. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Conservatorio della Pieta, Naples, under Sala. He wrote several opere buffc, among which are : Astuzie per astuzie, and II marito imbrogliato. He composed also some canzoui set to poems by Metastasio. — Fetis ; Mendel. CORBER, GEORG, German musician, lived about the close of the 16th century. He seems to have been a schoolmaster at Nuremberg. Published works : Tyrocinium (1589) ; Disticha moralia ad 2 voces ; Sacno cautiones, 4 voc, fugis concinnatse (Nurem- berg).— Fetis ; Mendel. CORBESIER, ANTONIO, born in Naples, first half of the 18th century. Works- Operas : II mercante innamorato, inven- zione per musiea, Teatro de' Fiorentini, 1750, and II finto innamorato, 1751. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 201. CORBETT, SAMUEL, born at Welling- ton, Shropshire, England, Jan. 29, 1852, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of Mac- fan-en and James Coward. Works : Beth- lehem, cantata ; Sonata for pianoforte ; Mag- nificat, and Nunc dimittis ; Anthems, songs, and part-songs. CORBETT, WILLIAM, born in England in 1669 (?), died in 1748. Violinist, first heard of as a member of Queen Anne's band and leader of the band at the Opera House, London, in 1705. In 1711 he went to Italy and resided many years in Rome, making visits to the principal towns of Italy, amassing rare music and a valuable collection of violins. He returned to Eng- land in 1740. By his will he bequeathed his collection to Gresham College, but there being no room for them they were dis- persed. Works: Music to Henry IV., 1700 ; do. to As you find it, 1703 ; do. to Love Betrayed, or The Agreeable Dis- appointment, 1703 ; Sonata for two violins and bass, 1705 ; do. for two flutes and bass, 170G ; do., 1707 ; Six sonatas for two oboes or trumpets, two vioUus, and bass ; Twelve 353 CORDANS concertos for various instruineuts ; Con- certos or Universal Bizzarries, composed on all the new Gustos during many years resi- dence iu Italj', op. 5 (London, 1741). The last, which consists of thirty-five concertos in seven parts, professes to exhibit the dif- ferent styles of various countries. — Petis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Iliemaun. CORDANS, B.\ETOLOMEO, born in Venice in 1700, died in Udine, May 14, 1757. A Franciscan monk, he obtained a dispensation from the Po^se absolving him from his strict vows, and became in 1735 maestro of the Cathedral of Udine, in Friuli. Before entering wpon these duties he had written the following operas, which were performed at Venice : La generosita di Tiberio (conjointly with Santo Lapis), 1729 ; Silvia, words by the Count Enrico Bissaro, played at the Teatro S. Mose, 1730 ; La Komilda, words by Carlo Paga- nicessa, played at the same theatre, ib., 1731. He had written also the music of the oratorio Sau liomualdo, to the words of the Abbate D. Romano Marrighi, of Imola, which was sung in 1727 by a choir of the monks in the convent of S. Michele di Murano. Cordans was a man of ungovern- able temper and eccentric habits. He quarrelled with the canons of his order, and at his death bequeathed much of his MS. music to a goldsmith, with orders to burn it. Only three volumes, containing twelve masses for three voices, were saved. In the archives of the cathedral of Udine is a collection of sixty masses which had passed out of his possession before his death ; these are mostly concerted pieces with instrumental accompaniment, and some are for double chorus. There are also more than a hundred psalms, besides motets, etc., in this collection. In Com- mer's Musica Sacra are five masses and five motets for three voices, by Cordans. — Fi'tis ; Mendel. CORDELET, CLAUDE, born in Dijon, date unknown, died iu Paris, Oct. 19, 17C0. He was maitre de musique at the Church of Saint-Germain I'Auxerrois, Paris, and wrote motets which were sung at the Concerts Spirituels. Fctis, who gives a list of his works, says he had very little talent, and that his church works were severely criti- cised. — Fotis. CORDELLA, GERONIMO, born in the kingdom of Naples, and lived in the 18th century. He was organist, in 1783, to the Arch-Confraternity of Sant' Anna di Pa- lazzo. His opera, Faustina, was given at the Teatro de' Fiorentini, Naples, in 1747. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 201. CORDELLA, GIACOMO, born in Naples, July 25, 178G, died there, Aug. 8, 1846. Dramatic composer ; sou of Gerouimo Cor- delia and pupil of Fenaroli and Paisiello. He wrote his first cantata. La vittoria dell' Area contro Gerico, at the age of nineteen. He became professor of solfeggio at tlie Naples Conservatorio, and maestro di cap- pella of several of the convents of that city, and was for many years director of music at the Teatro Sau Carlo. His first dra- matic attempt was made in the Carnival of 1805, iu a farce entitled II ciarlatauo, which had great success in Venice, Milan, Turin, and Padua. Works — Ojaeras : L' isola in- cantata, given at Naples, Teatro Sau Carlo, 1807 ; Annibale in Capua, ib., 1808 ; Una follia, opera buffa, ib., Teatro de' Fioren- tini, 1809 ; L' avaro, do., ib., 1810 ; I due furbi, Teatro Nuovo, 1811; L' azzardo for- tunato, ib., 1812 ; II contracambio, Rome, Teatro Valle, 1813 ; U marito disperato, Naples, Teatro del Fondo, 1814; Matilde di Lanchefort, ib., 1815 ; Lo scaltro millan- tatore, ib., Teatro Nuovo, 1820 ; Lo sposo di provincia, Rome, Teatro Argentina, 1821 ; I finti Savojardi (a revision of II ciarla- tauo), Venice, Teatro San Moso, 1822 ; II Castello degli Invalidi, Najsles, Teatro del Fondo, 1823 ; II frenetico per amore, ib., Teatro Nuovo, 1824 ; Alcibiade, Venice, Te- atro Fenice, 1825 ; Gli avventurieri, Milan, Teatro della Canobbiana, 1825 ; La bella prigioniera, Naples, 182G. He left in MS. much church music, consisting of masses. 354 CORDEll Dixit, sacred cantatas, etc. Two cantatas, Maufredi, and Partenope, were given at the gala fote at La Scala in 18-11. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 201 ; Mendel. CORDEK, FREDERICK, born in London, Jan. 2G, 1852, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of the Roj-al Academy of Music, where he gained the Mendelssolm scholarship in 1875, and at Cologne of Ferdinand Hiller. He retui'ned to England iu 1879, and was appointed conductor of the orchestra at the Brighton Aquarium iu 1880. He has translated, together with his brother Henry, the tests of Wagner's later music-dramas into Eng- lish. Works : Morte d'Arthur, opera, o\x 3 (1877-79); Philomel, do., op. 4 (1879); The Cyclops, cantata, op. 5 (1880) ; La the Black Forest, suite for orchestra, op. 1 (187(j) ; Evening on the seashore, idyl for do., op. 2 (187G) ; Ossian, overture for do.. Philharmonic Society, Loudon, 1882 ; Songs and part-songs. CORELLI, ARCANGELO, born at Fusignauo, near Luola, iu the Bologuese territory, February, 1653, died in Rome, Jan. 18, 1713. He studied counterpoint under Matteo Simonelli, and the violin under G. B. Bassani. It has been sup- posed that he went to Paris, and was driv- en thence by the jealousy and inti-igues of Lulli, but this is more than doubtful ; that he travelled through parts of Germany is more certain, for we know that he was in the service of the Elector of Bavaria iu 1680. In 1683 he settled in Rome, pub- lishing there his first opus (sonatas for two violins and bass, with organ accomjaa- niment). His reputation was already great at this time. The King of Naples invited him repeatedly to come to that city, but it was only during the later years of his life that he really went there. His success on this visit was brilliant, but one or two tri- fling mishaps (slips made in trying to read at sight music in an unaccustomed style) so annoyed him that he returned to Rome, feeling that he had disgraced himself. A similar thing had occurred to him once be- fore iu Rome, when he tried to read a passage of Handel's which that master put before him. On his return, he found that an oboe player (name un- known), and Valen- tiui, the violinist, albeit far inferior artists to himself, had supplanted him iu the admiration of the public, and he fell into a melancholy which did not leave him until his death. He was buried in the Pan- theon near Raphael, and a marble monument was erected over his tomb by Cardinal Otto- boni, who had been his chief patron during life. Corelli is certainly one of the greatest figures in the history of violin music. His specific executive power was probably not extraordinarily brilliant, even for his day ; his violin parts never run higher than the third p)osition, and present no very great difficulties of any sort. But his style as a player was perfection itself ; no one ever understood the true nature of the violin better than he. In composition he was a master ; his works are models of elegance and correctness of style, and are especially noteworthy for the way in which they bring out the finest qualities of the violin. Indeed, Corelli occupies very much the po- sition in the history of the violin that P. Emanuel Bach does iu that of the jjiano- forte. Published works : 1. 12 sonate a tre, due violini e violoncello, col basso per r organo, op. 1 (Rome, 1683) ; 2. 12 suo- nate da camera a tre, due violini, violoncello e violone o cembalo, op. 2 (Rome, 1685) ; 3. 12 suonate a tre, due violini e arciliuto col basso per 1' organo, op. 3 (Bologna, 1G90, Antwerp, 1G81) ; 4. 12 suonate da camera a tre, due violini e violone o cembalo, op. 4 (Bologna, 1694 ; an Amsterdam edition has the title Balletti da camera) ; 5. 12 suo- nate a violino e violone o cembalo, op. 5 35S CORETTE (Rome, 1700 ; the same arranged by Ge- miniani as Concert! srrossi) ; G. Coiicerti gi'ossi con due violine e violoncello di con- certino obligati, e due altri violini e basso di concerto grosso ad arbitrio che si po- tranno radoppiare, op. G (Rome, 1712). Several other editions of most of these works have been published since, but all other compositions purporting to be by CorelU are spurious. — Wasielewski, Die Vio- line uud ihre Meister, 38 ; Grove ; Fetis. CORETTE, •, lived in Paris, second half of the 18th century. He wrote for the Opera Comique, then the rival of the Come- die Italienne. "Works : Les ages, ballet pantomime ; Le jugement de Midas ; Nina, pantomime italienne ; Arlequin Persoe, Ar- mide, pantomimes a machines ; Ai'lequin boulanger, pantomime en vaudeville ; Di- ane et Eudymion, ballet pantomime, Paris and London ; Concertos eomiques. Opera Comique ; Les Tricotes ; Ma mie Margot ; La bequille du pere Barnabas ; Les pan- tins, ballet general ; La touriere, panto- mime. He wrote also the music to La fete infernale, by Valois, and of several ballets in the ojieras-comiques by Pannard, Carolet, Favart, Lagrange, and other.s. — Fe- tis, Supplement, i. '201. CORFE, ARTHUR THOMAS, born in Salisbury, England, April !), 1773, died there, Jan. 28, 1863. Organist, son of Joseph Corfe. In 1783 he became a chor- ister at Westminster Abbey, and he stud- ied the jiianoforte under Muzio Clemcnti. In 1801 he succeeded his father as organist and master of the children of Salisbury Ca- thedral. He wrote and published : A ser- vice : Anthem, Lord, thou art become gi-a- cious ; Ordination Hymn, from Handel's works ; Pianoforte pieces, songs, glees, etc. He was the author also of a didactic woi'k, " Principles of Harmony and Thorough Bass." — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CORFE, CHARLES WILLIAM, born in Salisbury, England, July 13, 1814, died in Oxford, Dec. IG, 1883. Organist, son and pupil of Arthur Thomas Corfe. He was ap- pointed organist of Christ Church Cathe- dral, Oxford, in 1816. Mas. Bac, Oxford, 1817 ; Mus. Doc, ib., 1852 ; Choragus of the University of Oxford, 1860 ; retired in 1882 from ill-health. He published some songs, glees, and anthems. His brother, John Davis Corfe (1801-187G), was for many years conductor of the Bristol Madrigal Society, one of the best choirs in England. CORFE, JOSEPH, born in Salisbury, England, in 1740, died in 1820. Chorister in Salisbury Cathedral, gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1782, and organist and choirmaster of Salisbury Cathedral from 1792 to 1804. He j'ublished a volume of cathedral music, consisting of a service, eight anthems, etc. ; Three sets of glees of twelve each ; Beauties of Handel, 154 songs, duets, and trios with jiianoforte accompani- ment (3 vols., n. d.) ; Three collections of Scottish songs ; Nine vocal trios ; Treatise on Singing (London, 1791) ; Thorough Bass Simplified (London, n. d.). — Grove ; Brown. CORIGLIANO, Cavaliere DOilENICO, born at the Castle of Rignano, Naj^les, Jan. 17, 1770, died in Naples, Feb. 22, 1838. Yocal composer, studied music at Naples, became a knight of the Order of St. John in 1795, and embarked for Malta two years after. Finding the island in the power of the French under Bonaparte, and the knights disjjersed, he returned to Naples and, after the return of King Ferdinand, was for five years commissioner of the royal theatres. Works : Collection of romances and canzonets (Naj^les, 1814) ; 12 duets for tenor and soprano (Paris, 1818) ; 12 ariette for soprano (ib.) ; Four ariette (JNIilan) ; Lira sentimeutale, 36 melodies (Naples, 1822) ; others published in Florence and Rome. He left also in manuscript a large number of duets, trios, and quartets. — Fetis ; Men- del. S6S COEIOLAN CORIOLAN, overture in C minor, to Col- lin's tragedy, of the same title, by Beethoven, op. 62, composed in April, 1807. Dedicated to the poet Heinrich Joseph vou Collin. First performed iu the Liebhaberzconcert, Vienna, December, 1807, and published in 1808. Edition of Breitkopf & Hiirtel (Leip- sic), Beethovens ^Yerke, Ouverturen fiir Or- chester, No. 1. Given by the Philharmonic Societj-, New York, first time, 1857-58. Collin's tragedy, five acts, was represented in Berlin, ISO-l.— Thayer, Yerzeichniss, 72 ; Lenz, Beethoven, ii. 62 ; Schiudler, i. 142. CORIOLANDS, the hero of one of the early Roman legends (i3.c. 490 ?), is the sub- ject of the following operas : Coriolano, Italian opera, music by Cavalli, given iu Parma, 1669 ; by Caldara, Vienna, 1717 ; by Ariosti, London, 1723 ; by Treu, Bres- lau, about 1726 ; by Graun, Berlin, 1750 ; by Lavigna, Parma, 1806 ; by NiccoHni, ililan, 1809. Marzio Coriolano, Italian op- era, text by Silvani, music by Perti, Venice, 1683 ; text by Matteo Noris, music by Pol- larolo, Venice, 1698. Cajo Marzio Corio- lano, text by Moniglia, music by Lorenzo Cattani, Pisa, about 1700 ; music by Jom- melli, Rome, 1744 ; by Pietro Pulli, Naples, 1745 ; by Alessaudro Radicati, about 1810. CORKINE, ^YILLIAM, lived in England iu 16th and 17th centuries. Lute j)layer and composer. Nothing is known of his life. Published works : Ayres to Sing and Play to the Lute and Basse Violl ; with Pavins, Galliards, Almaines and Corantos for the Lyra Violl (1610) ; The Second Book of Ayres, some to sing and play to the Base Violl alone ; others to be sung to the Lute and Base Y'ioll with new Corautoes, etc., as also divers new Descants upon old Grounds, set to the Lyra Violl (1612).— Grove ; F6- tis ; Mendel. CORNELIUS, PETER, born in Mainz, Dec. 24, 1824, died there, Oct. 24, 1874. Dramatic composer, one of the principal members of the new German school. He was a nephew of Peter von Cornelius the painter, and was intended for the stage. but adopted music as a profession and in 1852 joined the young artists at ^Yeimar who, under Liszt's leadership, were striving to carry out the ideas of Richard Wagner. He undertook to elucidate the new principles iu the Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik, the or- gan of the party, and composed a comic opera, Der Barbier von Bagdad, of which only a single performance took place, in 1858, but which was revived and much applauded in several cities of Germany in 1886-87. He then went to Vienna and join- ed Wagner, whom he followed in 1865 to Munich, where he became reader to King Ludwig II. and professsor of harmony and rhetoric at the Kunigliche Musikschule. His ojiera, Der Cid, was performed at Wei- mar iu 1865, and he was at work on Guu- lod, taken from the legends of the Edda, when he died. Among his published works, are : Duets for soprauo and bar- i t o n e , op. 6 ; Lieder-Cy c 1 u s, op. 3 ; Weiluachtslieder, op. 8 ; and Trauer- chore, for men's voices, op. 9.— Mus. Woch- enblatt. Autobiography, v. 551 ; N. Zeitschr. f. Mus. (1887), 517, 531, 542, 551, 574 ; (1888), 1 ; Sammlung mus. Vortrilge (Breit- kopf & Hiirtel), ii. 225 ; Sandberger, Leben und Werke des Dichter-Musikers P. C. (Leipsic, 1887). CORNET, SI^VERIN, born at Valenci- ennes about 1540, died ('?). He studied mu- sic in Italy, and was master of the choris- ters at the Church of Notre Dame, Antwerp, !a position he held until his death. His last pupil was Corneille Werdonck. Works : Chansons fran«;aises a cinq, six et huit parties ; Madrigali a 5, 6, 7 e 8 voci ; Can- tiones musicte, 5, 6, 7 et 8 vocum (1581) ; -i^^^^^^'-^t^*:^ 367 CORNETTE Motetti a 5, 6, 7 e 8 voci (1582).— Fetis ; Mendel. CORNETTE, LOUIS HIPPOLYTE, born at Amiens in 17G0, died there in 1832. Ciiurcli composer, first instructed at the cathedral of his native city, where he was a choir-boy, then in Paris pujjil of the Abbe Duguet. After his return to Amiens he became organist, and later maitre de chapelle at the cathedral. He left in man- uscript many masses, motets, psalms, hymns, and other church music. — Ft'tis ; Mendel. CORNETTE, VICTOR, born at Amiens, France, in 1795, died (?). Instrumental composer and virtuoso, son and pupil of the preceding ; then at the Conservatoire, Paris, pujjil of Lesueur. As musician of a i-egiment he took part in the campaigns of 1813-14 in Holland and Belgium, was con- ductor of a regimental baud in the service of the King of Holland in 1815-17, then professor at the Jesuits' College of Saint- Acheiil until 1824 Having been a mem- ber of the orchestras at different theatres in Paris in 1825—42, and chef d'orchestre at the theatre in Strasburg in 1842-41, he returned to Paris, was chef des chceui's at the Opera in 1847-48, then entered upon his former position in the orchestra of the Opera Comique. He was also adjunct or- ganist at Saiut-Sulpice, and at the Cha- pelle des luvalides. Able to j^lay ui^on most instruments, and having a thorough knowledge of all, he was asked by Paris jjublishers to write methods for many in- struments. He arranged for the pianoforte thirty-nine scores of operas, and church mu- sic. Of his own compositions are known : 37 airs varies, for cornet ; 24 duos for do. ; 18 duos for bassoons ; 14 grand studies for cornet ; 6 do. for trombone ; 5 quadrilles for military band ; 2 suites of waltzes for do. ; 150 miscellaneous pieces for different in- struments. — Fetis ; Mendel. CORNETTI, PAOLO, born in Rome in the early part of the 17th century. He was a monk of one of the strict orders, and maestro di cappella of the confraternity of the Holy Spirit at Ferrara. Works ; Mo- tetti concertati a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 voci, etc. (Venice, 1638). The first part of this col- lection was reprinted with the title Sacnie cautioues, etc., op. 1, lib. i. (Antwerp, 1G45). —Fetis ; Mendel. CORNU, RENP:, born in Paris, April 2, 1792, died there, June, 1832. Pianist, son of a sub-teacher of singing at Notre Dame de Paris ; received his first musical edu- cation in the free school of that cathedral ; pupil of Ladurner on the pianoforte, and of Desvignes and Eler in composition. Pub- lished works : Vive Henri IV., varie pom- piano, op. 3 ; Chaur d'lphigenie en Aulide, varie pour piano, op. 4 ; Charmante Ga- brielle ; Varie, op. 6 ; Quand le bien-aime reviendra, op. 8 ; God save the King ; etc. He wrote also a Messe solennelle, given at Notre Dame. — Fetis. CORONA, LA (The Crown), Italian op- eretta in one act, text by Metastasio, mu- sic by Gluck, represented at the Imperial Court, Vienna, 17C5. Subject, the hunt- ing of the Caledonian boar. Scene in the Caledonian forest. Characters represented : Atalauta, princess of Argos, attendant of Diana and friend of Asteria ; Meleagro, prince of .3Etolia, leader of the Caledonian chase ; Climene, attendant of Minerva, sis- ter of Atalanta ; Asteria, sister of Meleagro, attendant of Diana and friend of Atalanta ; Chorus of huntsmen, etc. CORONARO, GAETANO, contemporary Italian composer, pupil at the Conservatorio, Milan, which he left in 1873. At the an- nual exercises he brought out, with great success, a lyrical scene entitled, Un tra^ monto, written to words by Arrigo Boito. He was afterwards chosen to compose the music for an opera. La Creole ; and a fund having been given by the music publisher Lucca for the best graduate of the Con- servatorio, it was awarded to Coronaro, who then visited the great art centres of Europe, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Cologne, Leipsic, and Dresden. On his return he published a Vocal Album, containing sis pieces ([Milan, 368 coro:n'ation Ricordi) ; also, Nimierella, for violin, with pianoforte (ib.). He was assistant maestro concertante at ILe Teatro della Scala, 187G. — Fetis, Sui^pk'uient, i. 202. CORONATION ANTHEM, music by Han- del, composed for and performed at the coronation ceremony of George li., West- minster Abbey, Oct. 11, 1727. It is ar- ranged in the original score in four divi- sions, as follows : I. Zadok the Priest (1 Kings, i. 38-40). H Let thy deeds be glorious (Ps., Ixsxix. 14, 15). HI. The King shall rejoice (Ps., xxi. 1). IV. My heart is inditing (Ps., xlv. 1). The MS., in Buckingham Palace, is undated, but the music was rehearsed at Westminster Abbey, Sept. G, 1727. It was first published by Walsh ; reprinted by Arnold ; Handel Soci- ety (London, 1843-44) ; Hiindelgesellschaft (Leipsic, 18G3). — Rockstro, Handel, 153 ; Schceleher, 78. CORONINI, PAOLO, born at Vincenza in 1796, died Jan. 14, 1875. Violinist; travelled a great deal while young, settled at Trieste in 1828, and became conductor of the orchestra at the Opera, and first violin at the Chaj^el of St. Just. Works : Collection of scales and mechanical exer- cises ; Exercises with second violin in counterjjoiut ; Melodic scales with adagios ; 42 fitudes. Caprice brillant ; 2 Variations on original themes, with orchestra, or pianoforte ; Fantaisie a la Paganini ; Grand Rondo, with quartet ; Polonaise brillante, with orchestra ; etc. — Futis, Supplement, i. 202. CORRADINI, NHCOLi'), born in Berga- mo, Italy, maestro di cappella of the jJi'in- cipal chui-ches of Cremona about the close of the IGtli centurj'. He was also maestro at the Accademia degl' Animosi, Cremona. Published a collection, Canzoni francesi a quattro voci. His most important work is, Motetti a una, due, tre e quattro voci, fra quali ve ne sono alcuni concertati con in- stromenti, e con il basso continue per r organo, lib. primo (Venice, 1G24). — Fi'tis ; Mendel. CORREA, Trade MANOEL, born in Lis- bon latter half of the 16th century. Car- melite monk, mestre de capella in 1625 of the Church of Santa Cathariua. He was the author of a motet, Adjuva nos, Deus, for five voices, which is preserved in the MS. department of the Librai-y of the King of Portugal. Another Manoel Correa, born at Lisbon about the same time, was chaplain of the cathedral at Seville in 1625. He wrote some motets, which are also preserved in the Library of the King of Portugal. — Fc- tis ; Mendel. CORREA, HENRIQUES CARLOS, born in Lisbon, Feb. 10, 1680, died (?). Mestre de cajiella of the cathedral at Coimbre. He wrote many masses, motets, and other church music, preserved in the MS. department of the Library of the King of Portugal. A list is given by Machado. — Bibliotheca Lusita- nia, ii. 44G ; Fetis ; MendeL CORRETTE, mCHEL, bom at St. Ger- main, France, organist in 1755 of the Col- lege des Josuites of the rue St. Antoine, Paris. An enthusiastic admirer of French music ; he gave firivate concerts at which the music of Lulli and Campra was played, together with cantatas of his own, which he accompanied on the harpsichord. He ojiened a music school, and wrote many elementary works. He was organist to the Due d'An- goulome in 1780. Works : Les soirees de la ville, cantates a voix seule avec basse continue pour le clavecin (1771) ; Methode pour apprendre a jouer de la liarpe (1774) ; Mc'thode pour apprendre a jouer de la flilte traversiere (1788) ; Le parfait maitre a chan- ter ; Methode pour apprendre facilemeut a jouer de la quinte ou de I'alto (1782) ; L'art de se perfectionner sur le violon ; Methode pour le violonceUe contenant les veritables positions (1782) ; Methode pour apprendre a jouer de la vielle (1783). These works contain some curious information relating to French music in the middle of the 18th century. — Fetis ; Mendel. CORRETTE, INHCHEL, fils, son of the preceding, and organist of the Church of the 359 COEPJ Temple, Paris. He published Pieces pour I'orgue clans un genre nouveaii, :i Fusage ties dames religieuses et de ceux qui tou- cbent I'orgue, avec le melange des jeux et la maniere d'imiter le tonnerre (1786). — Fe- tis ; Mendel. CORRI, DOMENICO, born in Naples in nH (Rome, 1746 '?), died in London, May 22, 1825. Dramatic composer, pupil in Na- ples of Porpora, in 1763-67. In 1774: be went to London, where be was a teacher and music publisher. He lived for a while also in Edinburgh, where be conducted the Mu- sical Society. Works — Operas : Alessaodro neir Lidie, given in Loudon, 1774 ; The Travellers, ib., about 1815. He wrote also two volumes of sonatas for the pianoforte, rondos, and manj' songs to English, French, and Italian words ; and published a Musical Dictionary (1708), Ai-t of Fingering (1798), Musical Grammar, etc. His sons, Monta- gue Corri (1784-1849) and Haydn Corri (1785-1800), were music teachers and com- posers. His daughter, Sophie Corri (born, 1775), who married Johann Ludwig Dus- sek, was a singer and harpist. — Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Schilling. CORRI, PIETRO, born at Naples in the early -pnvt of this century, died (?). Dra- matic composer, pupil of Donizetti. Works : Galeotto Manfredi, given in Rome, Teatro Valle, 1839 ; Argia in Atene, ib., Teatro Ar- gentina, 1846. — Fetis. CORS.A[R, THE, cantata, text by R. E. Francillon, adapted from Byron's poem, music by Frederic Hymen Cowen, com- posed for the Birmingham (England) Festi- val, Aug. 29, 1876. Sung by Mile Tietjens (Gulnare), Mme Lemmens (Medora), 3Ir. Lloyd (Conrad), and Signer Foli (Seyd). CORSAIRE, LE (The Corsair), opL'ra-co- miquc in three acts, text by La Chabeaus- siere, music by Dalayrac, represented at the Theatre Italien, Paris, March 17, 1783. The success of this, one of Dalayrac's ear- liest works, decided him to devote himself to a dramatic career. Of a similar title are the following: Der Corsar, German oi^eraj music by Weigl, Vienna, about 1790 ; and in three acts, by Rietz, Leipsic, 1850. The Corsair, English ojjera, music by Samuel Ar- nold, London, 1801 ; by Jonathan Blewitt, London, 1812 ; and by Christopher Dessel, text after Byron's "Corsair," London, 1873. II Corsaro, Italian ojjera, music by Celli, Rome, 1823 ; by Pacini, Rome, 1831 ; by Luigi Arditi, Havana, 1846 ; by Pappa- lardo, Naples, 1846 ; by Misi, Turin, 1847 ; by Verdi, Trieste, 1848. La Corsara, Italian opera, music by Piccinni, Naples, 1772. I Corsari, Italian opera, text by Romani, mu- sic by Mazzucato, Milau, Feb. 15, 1840. A Danish ojjera called The Corsairs, by Hart- mann, was given at Copenhagen in 1836. Le Corsaire noir, opera-boufl'e in three acts, text and music by Offenbach, Theater an der Wien, Vienna, Sept. 21, 1872. CORSAIRE, LE, overture for full orches- tra, by Hector Berlioz, op. 21. Dedicated to " son ami Davison." Published by Ri- chault (Paris). CORSI, BERNARDO, born in Cremona, Italy, lived at the beginning of the 17th century. He published, in 1617, psalms for five voices entitled : Sacra ouni. Solemn, vespertiua jisalmodia, 5 vocum, op. 6 ; Le- tanie, autifouie e motetti a 8 voci ; Psalmi vespertini octo vocum, op. 7 ; Concerti o motetti a 1, 2, 3, 4 voci, con lui Magnificat, op. 5 (1613) ; Compieta, motetti e Letauie della B. V. a otto voci, op. 9 (Venice, 1619). — Fetis ; Jlendel. CORSI, GIUSEPPE, maestro di cappella of S. M. Maggiore, Rome, in 1G07, accord- ing to a collection of motets pubUshed in that year, though his name is not found iu the Abbate Baini's list of the maestri of that church. He wrote : Motetti a 2, 3, 4 voci (Rome, 1667) ; Miserere a cinque ; Motetti a 9.— Fetis ; Mendel. CORTECCIA, FRANCESCO DI BER- NARDO, born in Arezzo early in the 16th century, died in Florence, June 7, 1571. His family settled iu Florence when he was very young, whence he has generally been called a Floreutiue. He was organist in 360 COETELLIXI 1531 of tlie Cburcn of S. Lorenzo, of wbicli he was also a canon, aud maestro di cappella ill 154:1-71 to Cosmo the Great. The old- est of his compositions, nine pieces for four, six, and eight voices, are in a rare work in the Imiierial Library, Vienna, entitled : Mu- siche fatte uelle nozze dello illustrissimo duca di Fironze, il Signor Cosimo de' Me- dici, etc. (Venice, Gardane, 1539). Other works : Madrigali a quattro voci, lib. i and ii (ib., 1515, 1547) ; Primo libro de' Madri- gali a 5 e G voci (ib., 1517) ; Responsoria et lectiones hebdomadre sanctse (ib., 1570 ; but see Goriwcid) ; Kesiduum cantiei Zac- charise (ib., 1570) ; Cauticorum liber pri- mus (ib., 1571). A volume containing thirty-two hymns in 4-part counterpoint is in the Laureutiau Library, Florence, and a copy of the madrigals is in Christ Church Library, Oxford. — Grove ; Ft'tis ; Mendel. CORTELLINI, CAMILLO, lived at the begiimiug of the 17th centuiy. Violinist in the service of the municipality of Bo- logna. From his proficiency on the violin he was called II Violiuo. Several volumes of his 25saltns, litanies, masses, and other sa- cred pieces were published by Vicenti, of Venice. — Ft'tis. CORTESI, FRANCESCO, Italian dra- matic composer, author of the following operas : Michaela, Parma, 1855 ; L' etra, Siena, 1857 ; Almina, Rome, 1859 ; Le dame a servire, 1859 ; La colj)a del cuore, Florence, Teatro della Pergola, 1870 ; Ma- riulizza, ib., 1871. — Fetis, SuppKment, i. 203. CORTEZ. See Fernnnd Cortez. CORTICCIO, FRANCESCO, born in Ve rona, lived in the second half of the 16th century. He is the author of a collection of madrigals for five voices entitled : Fiam- mette dell' amore (Venice, 15G9). It is very probable, says Fetis, that a work pub- lished under the name of Cortitius, with the title, Responsoria et lectiones hebdo- mads sanctai, 4 vocum, is by Corticcio aud not by Corteccia, although attributed to the latter. — Fetis ; Mendel. CORTONNA, ANTONIO, born in Venice, beginning of the 18th century. Nothing is known of his history. He is the author of two operas : Amor iudovino, given at Ven- ice in 172G ; and Marianne, ib., 1728.— Fe- tis ; Mendel. COSA SENTO ? TOSTO ANDATE. See Nozze di Figaro. COSl FAN TUTTE (They all do it), ossia La scuola degli amanti (The School for Lovers), ojsera bufl'a in two acts, text by Da Ponte, music by !Mozart, first rejne- sented in Vienna, Jan. 2G, 1790. It was written bj' command of the Emperor Jo- seph n., but he died before the first per- formance, and Mozart did not reap from the work the benefits for which he had hoped — the nomination as second Kajjell- meister to the court. The libretto is so bad that on its production in Paris, in 1807, the music was fitted to a new text entitled Le laboui'eur chiuois. In 18G2 it was pro- duced at the Italiens with the original words, and on March 31, 18G3, with a new libretto by Michel Carre and Jules Barbier, arranged from Shakespeare's " Love's La- bour's Lost," entitled Peines d'amour per- dues ; but in the change of the plot, the scene, and the epoch, the noble inusic of Mozart was spoiled. It was produced at the King's Theatre, London, May 9, 1811 ; and in 1828, in an English version, as Tit for Tat. In Germany it was given under various titles : Scliule der Liebe, Vienna, 1794 ; Die Wette, Oder Madchenlist, Munich, 1795; Mildchentreue, Berlin and Leipsic, 1805 ; Die Zauberprobe, Vienna, 1814 ; Mildchen sind Miidchen, Stuttgart, 181G ; Sind sie treu ? Stuttgart, 1856 ; Weibertreue, Dres- den, 1856 ; So machen's Alle, Carlsruhe, 18G0 ; Alle wie Fine, Dresden, 1871. — Hans- lick, jNIoderne Oper, 43. COSim, NICOLO, born in Rome, sec- ond half of the 17th century. Violinist, pupil of Corelli (V). He went to London in 1702, and published twelve solos for vio- lin, dedicated to the Duke of Bedford (Lon- don, 1706).— Fetis; Mendel. 361 COSSET COSSET, FRANgOIS, loorn in Saint- Qiientin, France, about 1620. He was educated at the free school of Saint-Queu- tiii, became minor canon of the church of Laon, and subsequently maitre de cha- pelle of the Cathedral of llheims, where he remained four years. Works : Missa quatuor vocum ad imit. mod. ; Cantate Domino ; IVIissa sex vocum ad imit. mod. ; Domine salvum fac regem ; Missa sex vocum ad imit. mod. ; Surge propera (1659) ; Missa quiuque vocum ad imit. mod. ; Salvum me fac Deus (1661) ; Missa quatuor vocum ad imit. mod. ; Eructavit cor meum ; Missa sex vocum ad imit. mod. ; Super flumina Babj'lonis (1673) ; Missa quinque vocibus, ad imit. mod. ; Gaudeamus omnes (1676) ; Missa quatuor vocum ad imit. mod. ; Exul- tate Deo (1G82).— Futis ; Mendel. COSSMANN, BERNHAED, born at Des- sau, May 17, 1822, still living, 1888. Virtuoso on the violoncello, jjupil of Espenhahn and Karl Drechsler, at Brunswick (1837- 40) of Theodor Miiller, and in Dresden Kumm er. then went of He to Paris, was a member of the orchestra of the Theatre Italieu until 1846, and made concert tours to Baden-Buden, BerUn, Leij)- sic, Brunswick, etc. In 1847-48 he was solo violoncellist of the Gewandhaus concerts at Leipsic, and studied composition under Hauptmann ; in 1849 he played in London and at Windsor Castle, and for the Phil- harmonic Society in Dublin. Having spent the following winter in Paris, he was brought to Weimar through Liszt in 1850, and ap- Ijointed chamber virtuoso and solo violon- cellist to the grand duke ; in 1866 he went to Moscow as professor at the Conserva- tory, but returned to Germany in 1870, and settled at Badeu-Baden. He is a virtuoso of the first rank. Works : Conzertstiick, Pieces de salon, Fantasias on ojjeratic themes. — Fetis ; Grove ; Mendel. COSSONI, CARLO DONATO, born in Italy about 1640, died at Gravedona, on Lake Como, Feb. 8, 1700. Organist of 5. Petronio, Bologna, and member of the Accademia Filarmonica, ib., until 1671 ; then maestro di cappella in 1675 of the Metropolitan Church of Milan, a position he resigned about 1686, to accej)t an eccle- siastical benefice at Gravedona. His works consist of masses, psalms, motets, etc., of which fifty-two, composed in 1665-99, re- main in manuscrii^t. The following were jjublished in Bologna : Lamentazioni, op. 5 ; Salmi a otto voci (1667) ; Salmi con- certati a cinque voci e 2 violini, etc., op. 6 (1668) ; Motetti a 2 e 3 voci, op. 9 (1670) ; Canzouette amorose a voce sola (1669). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Monatshefte fiir Musik- geschichte, iii. 49. COSTA, AFFONSO VAZ DA, born in Portugal, close of the 16th century. He went to Rome in his youth, and studied singing and comj)Osition under the best masters of the time. On his return to Portugal, he was mestre decapellaatBadajos, and afterwards at Avila. His compositions, which are quite numerous, are j)reserved in the MS. department of the Library of the King of Portugal. — Fctis ; Mendel ; Vascon- cellos, 60. COSTA, Frade ANDRlfi DA, born in Lis- bon, first half of the 17th century, died July 6, 1685. In 1650 he entered the confrater- nity of the Trinity. He was harpist of the chapel of the kings Dom Affouso VI., and Dom Pedro II., of Portugal, who held him in great esteem. His works are in MS. in the Library of the King of Portugal. — Bi- bliog. Lusit. ; Ft'tis ; Mendel ; Vasconcel- los, 61. COSTA, FRANCISCO DA, born in (?), died in Lisbon in 1667. His works, all of which are in MS., prove him to have been a thorough musician and clever theorist. For a list of them see Machado — Bibliog. COSTA Lusit., iv. 131 ; Vasconcellos, 02 ; Ft'tis ; Mendel. COSTA, FRANCISCO EDUARDO DA, born at Lamego, Portugal, May 15, 1815, died in Oporto in 185i. His parents re- moved in 1822 to Ojjorto, where he attracted the notice of the Duke of Braganza, who commissioned Costa to write the Te Deum to celebrate the return of the king to Oporto (1835). He became leader at the S. JoiTo Theatre, organized the first Philharmonic Society of Oporto, and was mestre de ca- pella and organist of the Cathedral. He left a quantity of church music, consisting of masses with organ and orchestra ; Cre- dos ; Libera me ; Responses, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 201 ; Vasconcellos, 62 ; Men- del, Ergiinz., G8. COSTA, GIOVANNI PAOLO, born in Genoa, close of the IGth century. He was maestro di cappella at Treviso. He i)ub- lished : Madrigali a due, tre e quattro voci, lib. 1 ; Madrigali a cinque •voci, lib. 1 e 2. — Fetis. COSTA, JOAO EVANGELISTA PE- REIRA DA, born in Lisbon in 1805, died in Paris in 1830. Dramatic composer ; edu- cated at the ^matriarchal seminary of Lisbon, which he entered in 1815. He was con- ductor of the orchestra of the San Carlos Theatre, Lisbon, in conjunction with Mer- cadaute, where he brought out his opera, Egilda de Proven<;a, and a cantata, Tribute a virtude, in 1827. A quarrel arose between Mercadante and Costa, on account of criti- cisms upon this opera ; he left Lisbon and went to Paris, where he became intimately associated with Rossini, whose influence is visible in the opera, Egilda de Proveni;a, 1828, a superior work which gave great promise. His Te Deum for eight voices, written in the same year, was jjroduced in Lisbon, July 24, 1873. — Fetis, Suppli'ment, i. 204 ; Vasconcellos, G7 ; Mendel, Ergilnz., 68. COSTA, Sir mCHAEL, born at Naples, Feb. 4, 1807 (1806 ?), died in London, April 28, 1884. Dramatic composer, son and pu- pil of Pasquale Costa, then at the Conserva- torio di San Sebastiauo pupil of Crescentini in singing, of Gio- vanni Furno in har- mony, of Giacomo Tritto (his grand- father) in counter- point, and of Zin- garelli in composi- tion. In 1829 he went to England to assist at the Bir- mingham Festival, then visited London, and in 1830 was engaged by Laporte as maestro al piano at the King's Theatre, and in 1833 as di- rector and conductor. He was naturalized in 1839, became conductor of the Phil- harmonic Society in 1846, of the new Italian Opera at Covent Garden in 1847, and of the Sacred Harmonic Society in 1848, in which latter capacity he conducted the Handel Festivals from 1857. Engaged for the Birmingham festival in 1849, he continued to conduct it until 1882 ; in 1871 he was appointed director of music, composer, and conductor at Her Majesty's Theatre. His fame rests chiefly upon his superior powers as a conductor. He was knighted at Wind- sor in 1868, and decorated with orders from the sovereigns of Wiirtemberg, Hol- land, Turkey, and Italy. "Works — Operas : II sospetto funesto, given at the Teatro del Conservatorio, Naples, 1826 ; II delitto punito, ib., 1827 ; II carcere d' Ildegonda, Teatro Nuovo, 1828 ; Malvina, Teatro San Carlo, 1829 ; Malek Adhel, Paris, Theatre Italien, 1838 ; Don Carlos, London, 1844. Ballets : Kenilworth, ib., 1831 ; Uue heure a Naples, ib., 1832 ; Sir Huon, ib., 1833 ; Alma, ib., 1842. Oratorios : La Passione, Naples, 1827 ; EIi, Birmingham Festival, 1855 ; Naamaii. ib., 1864. Cantatas : L' Im- 3G3 COSTA magine, Najiles, 1825 ; The Dream, Lon- dou, 1858 ; Hymn, ib., Coveut Garden, 1867 ; do., Berlin, 1869 ; Mass for i voices and orchestra ; Dixit Dominus, for do. ; Three symi^houies for full orchestra ; Songs and miscellaneous music. — Athenajum (1884), i. 576 ; FOtis, Sui^plement, i. 205 ; Grove. COSTA, SEBASTIAO DA, boru at Azeitao, Portugal, beginning of the 17th century, died in Lisbon in 1696. He was mestre de capella to the Kings Dom Aftbuso VI. and Dom Pedro II. ; musician of the Koyal Chapel of Dom Joao IV., and che- valier of the Order of Christ. He left Por- tugal at the death of this king, intending never to return, but was recalled from Spain by the widowed queen. Many of his com- positions are preserved in the Royal Library of Portugal. — Fetis, SujJislemeut, i. 203 ; Vasconcellos, 71 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 68. COSTA E SYLVA, FRANCISCO DA, born in Portugal ('?), died in Lisbon, May 11, 1727. He was canon and mestre di capella of the Cathedral of Lisbon. He left the following works in MS. : Missa a 4 vozes com todo o genero de iustrumentos ; Miserere all vozes, com instrumentos ; Mo- tetes para se cantarem as missas das do- mingas da quaresma ; Lameutayao primeira de quarta feira de Trevas a 8 ; O Testo de Paixilo de S. Marcos e S. Lucas a 4 ; Vil- hancicos a S. Vincenti, e a Santa Cecilia com instrumentos ; Responsorios de officia- dos defuntos a 8 vozes, com todo o genero de instrumentos. — Fetis. COSTAMAGNA, ANTONIO, boru in Milan in 1816, died there, Feb. 17, 1839. Dramatic composer, first studied in his native city, then went to Naples, where he was a i^upil of Zingarelli. "Works : E pazza, given at Piacenza, 1837 ; Don Garzia, Genoa, Teatro Carlo Felice, 1838.— Fttis ; Mendel. COSTANTINI, FABIO, born in Rome about 1570. Maestro di cappella to the confraternity of the Rosary, Aucona, and afterwards of the Cathedral of Orvieto. Works: Motets for 2, 3 and 4 voices (1596) ; Motetti, etc., Psalmi, Magnificat (Rome, 1618) ; Canzoui and Madrigals (Orvieto, 1621). He published two collections con- taining motets, airs, and madrigals by Pa- lestriua and others, besides his own (1614, 1621).— -Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel COSTANZI, GIOVANNI, called Gioan- uino di Roma, born in Rome, died there, March 5, 1778. A violinist in the service of Cardinal Ottoboui, nephew of Pope Alex- ander VIH., he became assistant maestro di cappella of S. Pietro in Vaticauo in 1754, and full maestro in 1755, a position which he retained until his death. Works : Carlo Magno, oi^era, given in Rome, 1729 ; a Miserere, which was very celebrated ; mo- tets for 16 voices preserved in the original MS. in the Pontifical Chai^el ; Offertories for four voices ; Ave IMaria for three voices ; Salve Regina for four voices ; Dixit for eight voices ; Te Deum and Magnificat for eight voices ; Pastoral Mass for four voices ; Laudate for four voices ; Regina CVeli for four voices ; Salve Regina for soprano and chorus. — Fetis ; Mendel. COSTE, JULES, born in Lorraine about 1828, died Nov. 13, 1883. Amateur dra- matic comjioser. His operettas, which Pougiu says are of little consequence, have been played in jjrivate and in some of the Parisian theatres, in the following order : Jacqueline, opc'ra-comique (with the comte d"Osmond),TheatreItalien, 1855 ; TJne pleine eau, operetta, Boufifes Parisieus, 1855 ; La quenouille de la reine Bertlie, Perijignan, 1858 ; Les horreurs de la guerre, operetta, Atheuee, 1868 ; La paix armee, oj^eretta, 1 1868 ; Au harem, ballet, 1873 ; Cent mille francs et ma fiUe, operetta. Menus Plaisirs, 1874 ; Le dada, 1875 ; Les charbonuiers, 1877.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 206. COSTELEY, A\TLLIAM, born in Scot- laud in 1531, died at Evreux, Normamly, Feb. 1, 1606. Organist to Henri IL and Charles IX. He was one of the founders of the society called Puy de musique en hon- neur de Sainte-Cecile, at Evreux, and its first prince (1571). Some of his compo- 304 COSYN sitions are iu the library at Orli'ans. His cLausous a i et 5 parties were published by Le Roy et Ballard (1507), wlio also pub- lished his treatise entitled Musique (Paris, 1579). — Grove ; Fctis ; Mendel. COSYN, BENJA:\UN, lived iu England iu the first half of the 17th century. Com- poser for the harpsichord. Many of his pieces are extant. He was probably the son of John Cosyu, who published in Lon- don, 1585, sixty psalms for four and six voices, in simple counterjwint. — Mendel. COTTELL, GEORGE LANSDOWNE, born at Bath, England, Sept. 22, 1835, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil at the Royal Academy of Music ; founder and director of the London Conservatory of Music. His compositions for pianoforte and his songs are brilliant and tasteful. Ho has also written an opera : The Archers. COTTER'S SATURDAY NIGHT, can- tata, by Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, composed for the Birmingham (England) Festival, 1888, but not performed. COTTI-CACCIA, , Italian dramatic composer, who wrote the words and music of an opera buffa : II vino di Barbara, given at Pignerol in May, 18GG. He produced also an operetta, Don Finocchio, at Genoa in 1873.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 206. COTTIN, , French dramatic com- poser who wrote two operettas : Uu duo de serpents, given at the Bouffes Parisiens, i 185G, and La revanche de Vulcain, Folies Nouvelles, 1856. The latter piece was the first in a new style of French opera, which Offenbach afterwards copied and excelled in, a musical parody on mythological sub- jects.— F ('tis. Supplement, i. 206. COTTRAU, GUILLAUME, born in Paris in 1797, died at Naples, Oct. 31, 18-17. Vocal composer, pupil of Crescentiui at Naples, whither he had been taken when foiu- years of age. He made his reputation liy the publication of Neapolitan cauzoui, wiiich became very popular. He wrote both the music and the words, which were in the Neapolitan dialect. From 1829 to 1845 he published, under the title of Passa- tempi musicali, six collections of canzoni, among the best known of which are : Fe- nesta che lucivi ; Raziella ; La vedova ro- mana; Fenesta vascia e patrona crudele. A great many other canzoni are in a col- lection bearing the title : Eco del Vesuvio, scelta di celebri canzoni napolitaue (Naples). Some are to be found in the second volume of Echos d'ltalie, published in Paris.— Fetis, SuppU'ment, i. 206 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 68. COTTRAU, JULES, born in Naples in 1836, still living, 1888. Son of Guillaume Cottrau, pupil of Luigi Gordigiani in har- mony and composition, and of Samuel David, in Paris. He has published about thirty pieces, melodies, canzoni, duets, etc., at Naples and Paris, on Italian words. One of these, La serenata spagnuola, was very popular. He has written also some operas: Une sentinelle perdue, opi'ra-co- mique ; Griselda, Italian opera, words by Goliseiani; Le roi Lear; La princesse Georges ; La mouche blanche ; none of which have been played.— Futis, Supple- ment, i. 207. COTTRAU, THEODORE, born in Naples, Nov. 7, 1827, died there, March, 1879. Son of Guillaume Cottrau ; studied the piano- forte under his mother and under Filippo Festa, and composition under Pappalardo. Like his father, he was distinguished for his Neapolitan canzoni, among which are : ' lo ti vidi a Piedigrotta ; La Sorrentina ; Rissa in piazza serra ; Addio mia bella Na- poli. Some are published in a collection entitled, Eco del Vesuvio. Some of the least remarkable were published by the au- thor under the name, Eutalindo Martelli. He was at the head of a nuisical publish- ing house, and to him is due the Italian translation of Herold's chef-d'oeuvre, Le pre aux clercs, which was brought out in Italy as, Un duello al pre aux clercs (Naples, 1872).— Fctis, Supplement, i. 206 ; Mendel, ErgUnz., 69. COTU^ilACCI, CARLO, born at Naples I in 1698, died there in 1775. Organist, S65 COUCY pupil of Alessandro Scarlatti ; succeeded his fellow pupil Durante as maestro di cappella of the Conservatorio di San Ouofrio. His most important works are : Eesponsori for Holy Week ; Requiem mass for five and eight voices ; Te Deum for two choruses ; Hymn for Pentecost. He wrote also : Eegole deir accomjiagnamento, and Trat- tato di contraj)punto, which remain in manuscript.— Fetis ; Mendel. COUCY, REGN.\ULT (or Raoul) DE, a troubadour living towards the close of the 12tli ceutm-y. From a chronicle of 1380 it appears that he went to the crusades in 1190, with Richard Cceur de Lion, and was killed in 1192. There has been a deal of contro- versy among the French authors, Fauchet, Mezeray, Laborde, Fraucisque Michel, and Crapeletpover the life and the true name of this minstrel. Fetis thinks that Francisque Michel has jiroved that he is no other than the Regnault de Coucy whose romantic history has furnished the subject of several dramas, and which is told in a poem of about 1228, entitled, " Le Eoumans dou Chastelain de Coucy et de la dame de Fayel." He is one of the oldest trouba- dours whose works have been handed down. The Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, has twenty-four of his chansons with their melodies in the manuscript department. Laborde has published four of his melo- dies in his " Essai sur la Musique " (Paris, 1780), and several others in a new edition of a work entitled, "Memoires historiques sur Raoul de Coucy, avec un rccueil de sea chansons eu vieus langage, et la traduc- tion de I'ancienne musique " (Paris, 1781). Francisque Michel has published, Chansons du Chatelain de Coucy, revues sur tous les manusci-its (Paris, 1830-33). Besides these there are " Memoires historiques sur la maison de Coucy et sur la Dame de Fayel, par de Bellay " (Paris, 1770) ; and " His- toire du Chutelain de Coucy et la dame de Fayel, publiee d'apres le manuscrit de la BibliothOque du roi," par M. Crapelet (Pa- ris, 1828).— Fctis; Mendel; Riemann. COUNTRY WEDDING. See Landliche Hochzeit. COUPE, H , born at Bottelaere, near Ghent, June 7, 1827, still living, 1888. The son of a professional musician, he became a pupil at the Conservatoire at Ghent, and won in 1855 the first prizes for singing and harmony. He became assistant maitre de chapelle of the Church of St. Bavon, Ghent, and subsequently maitre de chapelle of the Church of St. Michel. He published j)iano- forte music first under the signature of C. Henri. Works : Mass for three voices, a set of Seven Cantiques de Noiil, and a num- ber of motets for several voices. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 208. COUPE DU ROI DE THUL^, LA (The King of Thule's Cup), opera in three acta and four tableaux, text by Louis Gallet and Edouard Blau, music by Eugene Diaz, rep- resented at the Opera, Paris, Jan. 10, 1873. This work was crowned at the competition opened by the ministre des beaux-arts in 1867. The title is from the song sung by Margarete in Goethe's "Faust." The cuj}, which is enchanted and gives power to whomsoever possesses it, is left, on his death, by the King of Thule to Paddock, his buffoon, with the injunction to give it to the worthiest. Paddock casts it into the sea. Myrrha, in love with Angus, the prime mmister, and hoping to reign with him when the cup is obtained, jjersuades Yorick, a young fisherman who loves her, to go after it. He preciiiitates himself into the sea, where, with the aid of Claribel, queen of the waves, who conceives a tender sentiment for him, he obtains the cuj) and is permitted to return to earth, promising however to rejoin Claribel if he finds Myr- rha untrue. Myrrha gives the cup to An- gus, and the two are about to be made the sovereigns, when Yorick, invoking the aid of Claribel, triumphs. COUPERIN, ARMAND LOL^S, born in Paris, Jan. 11, 1721, died in 1789. Son of Nicolas Couperin, nephew to Couperin le Grand. Organist successively to the King, COUPERI^' to the cburcbes of St. Gervais, St. Bartlii'- lemj', Ste. Marguerite, and one of the four organists of Notre Dame. He wrote churcli music and motets, and published two col- lections of sonatas and of trios for the haiij- .sichord. — Fotis; Mendel, iii. 7, Ergiinz., (ji) ; Riemann. COUPERIN, CHAREES, born atCbaume (Brie), France, April 9, 1G38, died in Paris in ICGIl One of a family of three broth- ers, all organists and musicians, and father of Coujjerin le Grand. He went to Paris while young, and took his eldest brother Louis' place, at the Church of Saint-Ger- vais, as organist ; was talented and died young. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. COUPERm, FRANgOIS, sieur de Crouil- ly, born at Chaume, in 1631, died in Paris in 1703. Brother of Louis and Charles Coupe- rin ; Organist, pupil of his godfather, Chambonnieres. He was organist of the Church of Saiut-Gervais from 1679 to 1698. Published works : Pieces d'orgue consis- tantes en deux messes, I'une a I'usage or- dinaire des paroisses j)our les festes solen- nelles ; I'autre propre pour les couvents de religieux et de religieuses ; par le priviK^ge du roi (1690).— Fetis ; Mendel. COUPERIN, FRANCOIS (suruamed Le Grand), born in Paris, Nov. 10, 1668, died there, 1733. His fa- ther, Charles Coupe- rin, having died in 1669, he studied un- der Louis Jacques Thomelin, organist of the chapel of Louis XIV. On Dec. 26, 1693, he succeeded to his late teacher's post, his official titles being "chevalier de I'ordre de Latran, organiste de la chapelle du Roy, et professeur de Monseigneur le due de Bourgogne." He married Marie Aune Au- sault, and had two daughters, Marie Anne and Marguerite Antoinette. Both were good organists and clavecinists, the second being the female claveciuist to the King. FOtis says of Coujierin that ho combined more fine qualities than any other French organ- ist. Yet his reputation now rests mainly uj)on his works for the clavecin ; indeed he is one of the principal figures in the history of pianoforte and clavecin writing. His in- fluence upon Sebastian Bach is unmistak- able. Published works : 1, Premier livre de pieces de clavecin (Paris, 1713) ; 2, Deuxiume livre id. (ib., 1716) ; 3, Troisieme livre id., a la suite duquel il y a quatre con- certs a I'usage de toutes sortes d'instru- ments (ib., 1719) ; 4, Quatrieme livre id. (ib., no date) ; 5, Les gouts ri'unis, ou nouveaux concerts, augmentes de I'apotlu'ose de Corelli en trio (ib., 1717) ; 6, L'Apoth('ose de I'incomparable L (Lulli), (ib., no date) ; 7, Trios for two violins and bass, with figured continue (ib., no date) ; 8, Le- mons des tenubres a une et deux voix (ib., no date) ; 9, Methode, ou I'art de toucher le clavecin, y compris huit preludes (ib.) ; 10, Pieces de viole (ib.). A revised edi- tion of the clavecin suites is edited by Brahms. — Spitta, J. S. Bach, i. 695 ; Fetis ; Mendel. COUPERIN, GERVAIS FRANCOIS, born about (?), died after 1815. Organist, son and pupil of Armand Louis Couperin. Though not the equal of the rest of his il- lustrious family, his name procured him the position of organist to the Sainte Chapelle, to the churches of Saint-Gervais, of Saint- Jean, of Sainte-Marguerite, Les Carmes- Billettes, and Saint-Mery. Works : So- natas, airs varies, caprices, potjiourris, and romances (Paris) ; several motets in MS. — Fetis ; Riemann, 182 ; Mendel. COLTERIN LE GRAND. See Couix- rin, Francois (2d). COUPERIN, LOUIS, born at Chaume in 1630, died in Paris in 1665. Organist, one of three celebrated brothers of a family of musicians ; uncle to Couperin le Grand. He went to Paris while young, and was or- ganist to the church of Saint-Gervais and of the King's Chapel. Louis XIII. created a place for him as player on the viol among 367 COUPERIK liis chamber musicians. "Works : Three Suites de pieces de clavecin in JLS. — Futis ; Larousse ; Mendel. COUPERIN, NICOLAS, born in Paris, about IGSO, died there, in 1748. Organist, son of Frangois Couperin. He was organ- ist of Saint-Gervais for many years, and musician to the Comte de Toulouse. Fetis ; Larousse ; Mendel. COUPERIN, PIERRE LOUIS, bom (?), died in 1789. Organist, son of Louis Ai-- mand Couperin, and grandson of Nicolas Couperin. Ue received all his instruction from his mother and father ; was assistant organist to his father at Notre Dame, St. Gervais, St. Jean, the Royal Chapel, and Les Carmes-Billettes. "Works : Motets used iu many of the French churches ; La Ro- mance de Nina, with variations for piano- forte. — Fetis ; Larousse ; Mendel. COUPPEY, FELIX LE, born in Paris, April 14, 1814, died there, July, 1887. Pian- ist and composer for his instrument, pupil at the Conservatoire, where he took the first ' prize for pianoforte in 1827, and for har- mony in 1828 ; when only seventeen, he was entrusted by Cherubini with a jDrejiara- tory class in harmony, iu 1837 was aja- pointed titulary f)rofessor of solft'ge, and in 1843, professor of harmony. He retired from the Conservatoire in 1886. "U'orks : 12 etudes expressives (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hilrtel) ; 3 other collections of etudes. He also jjublished two instructive works : Ecole du meeanisme du piano, and De I'enseigne- ment du piano (Paris, Hachette, 1865). — F(_'tis ; do., Supplement, i. 210. COURBOIS, , French musician who became known in 1728 by a motet : Omnes gentes plaudite manibus, with trumpets and drums, played at the Concerts Si^irituels. He published also a book of cantatas and cantatilles ; the Cantata of Don Quichotte, and a book of Airs a chanter. — Fetis ; Men- del. COURCELLE, FRANCESCO, Italian dra- matic composer of the first half of the 18th century, maestro di cappella at the court of Parma. "U'orks : Nino, given at Reggio, 1720, and Venice, 1732 ; La Venere placata, Venice, Teatro di San Samuele, 1731. COUR DU ROI PETAUD, LA, opera- bouffe in three acts, text bj' Adolphe Jaime and Philippe Gille, music by Delibes, rep- resented at the Theatre des Varietes, Paris, April 24, 18G9. COURTEMLLE, RAPHAEL, the younger, born in the second half of the 17th century, died about 1735. Composer, son of Raphael, the elder, who was a gentle- man of the Chapel Royal in the reign of Charles I, and died Dec. 28, 1675. The son was appointed organist of St. James's Church, Piccadilly, in 1C91. Works : 6 so- natas for two violins ; Sonatas for two flutes (about 1685) ; Many songs, published in various collections in the latter part of the 17th century. He wrote also part of the opera Don Quixote (with Purcell, and others, 1696). John CourteviUe, probably his brother, was a song writer. — Grove. COURTOIS, JEAN, French composer of the first half of the 16th century. Ho Mas maitre de chapelle at the cathedral in Cambrai in 1540, and a 4-voice motet of his, Venite populi terr;e, was performed by 34 singers at the cathedral on Jan. 20th of that year (not 1539, as Fetis has it), in the presence of Charles V., as he passed through Cambrai on his way to Ghent. Courtois, if not one of the greatest, was still markedly above the composers of the second rank in France iu his day. He was a clever contra- puntist, not without very genuine inspira- tion, but an extreme classicist, and often rather servile imitator of Josquin Depres's school. Eight of his masses are in the Royal Library at IMunieh, and one in the library at Cambrai. Motets and other compositions of his are included iu the following collections : Fior de' Motetti (Ve- nice, 1539) ; Selectissimre .... Can- tiones (Augsburg, 1540) ; Novum et insigne opus musicum (Nuremberg, 1537) ; Liber Quartus, XXIX., musicales quatuor, etc. (Paris, 1534) ; Psalmorum selectorum, etc. 368 COUSINEAU (Nuremberg, 153!)) ; Cautiones sacnc (Ant- werp, 15-16) ; Three voliuiies of motets (Lyons, 153'2-15;^8) ; Chansons a 4, 5, 6 et 8 j)arties de clivers auteurs (Antwerp, 1543- 1550) ; Trente chansons .... a 4 parties (Paris) ; Trent cinq livres de Chan- sous uouvelles (Paris, 1532-1549) ; Chan- sons a cinq et six jiarties (Louvain, 1545). — Ambros, iii. 291. COUSINEAU, PIERRE JOSEPH, bom in Paris, about 1753, died in 1824. Lu- tist and harpist. He was the first to con- struct a double row of pedals for the harp, an improvement perfected later by Dizi in London, and Erard in Paris ; but it was not ajusreeiated at the time, as harp music did not then require any great amount of exe- cution. He was appointed lutist to the Queen in 1788 ; and he was harpist of the Academie Royale de Musique, until 1812. Published works : Sept ceuvres de Sonates pour la harpe, op. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 13 et 16 ; Cinq recueils d'airs varies ; Deux concertos, op. 6 et 12 ; Deux potpourris ; and a Me- thode pour la harjie. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. COUSSER (Kusser), JOHANN SIGIS- JIUND, born at Pressburg, Hungary, in 1657, died in Dublin, L-eland, in 1727. Dramatic comjjoser, son and pupil of a musicitm of Pressburg, and pupil of Lulli in Paris, for six years. On his return to Germany he was Kaijellmeister at Wolfen- biittel and at Stuttgart, lived in 1693-97 at Hamburg, where he was director of the Op- era, and made two journeys to Italy between 1700 and 1705. He is said to have been the first to introduce the Italian method of singing into Germany. He settled finally in London as a teacher of singing, but went in 1710 to Ireland and became organist in Dublin Cathedral. His published works comprise the operas Erindo, given at Ham- burg, 1693 ; Porus, Pyramusand Thisbe, ib., 1694 ; Scipio Africanus, ib., 1695 ; Jason, ib., 1697 ; Apollon enjoue, sis operatic over- tures, and several airs (Nuremberg, 1700) ; Heliconische Musenlust, a collection of airs from Ai-iadne (ib., 1700) ; Ode on the death of Ai'abella Hunt (Loudon) ; Serenade for the King's birthday (Dublin, 1724). — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. COUTINHO, FRANCISCO JOSfi, born in Lisbon, Oct. 21, 1671, died in Paris, in 1724. Amateur musician, left the following works in MS. : Te Deum, for eight choruses (1722) ; Mass for four choruses, with an accompaniment of violins, horns, and drums entitled, Scala Ai-etina. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Vasconcellos, 73. COWARD, JAMES, born in London, Jan. 25, 1824, died there, Jan. 22, 1880. Chorister in Westminster Abbey. Organist of the Crystal Palace in 1857-80. He was a jjerformer of great ability. Works : An- thems ; Part-songs ; Ten glees for four and five voices (London, 1857) ; Ten glees, etc., (ib., 1871) ; Songs, and misceUaueous mu- sic. COWEN, FREDERIC HY^MEN, born at Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 29, 1852, still living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, pupil of Benedict and (1860-65) of Goss, then at the Conservatories of Leif)sic and Berlin of Hauptmann, Moscheles, and Reinecke ; returned to England in 1868. Gave a series of orches- tral concerts, introducing modern English music in 1880 ; travelled in Europie, 1881- 82. Conductor of the London Philhar- monic Society, but resigned to accept the direction of the music at the Centennial Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia (Aug. 1, 1888, to Feb. 1, 1889), for which he receives a salary of £5,000. Works : Garibaldi, op- eretta ; One too manj-, 1874 ; Pauline, op- era, London, 1876 ; Music to Schiller's Maid of Orleans, 1871. Cantatas: The Rose Maiden, 1870 ; The CoTsair, Birming- ham Festival, 1876 : Saint Ursula, Norwich cox Festival, 1881 ; The Sleeping Beauty, Bii- miugbam, 1885 ; Rath, oratorio, Worcester Festival, 1887 ; The Deluge, oratorio, Brigh- ton Festival, 1878 ; 4 sj-mphonies, in C minor (1869), iu F (1872), iu C minor, Scandinavian (1880), and Weigh (1884) ; Overture in D minor (186G) ; Festival Over- ture, Norvv'ich, 1872 ; Concerto for piano- forte and orchestra iu A minor (1869) ; Suite de Ballet for orchestra ; Sinfonietta in A for do., Philharmonic Society, 1881 ; Trio in A minor for pianoforte and strings (1868) ; Quartet iu C minor for do. (1869) ; Pianoforte pieces and songs. COX AND BOX, English operetta, text by F. C. Buruand after Madison Morton's farce, music by Arthur Sullivan, rejjresented iu London, Adelishi Theatre, May 11,1867. COZZI, CAELO, born at Parabiago, near Milan, Italj% first half of the 17tli century, died in 1658 or 1659. Originally a barber, he devoted himself to the study of music and became organist of S. Simpliciano, Milan. On the visit to that city of Queen Maria Anna of Spain, he presented her with a collection of his church music, and she created him organist of her court. Pub- lished works : Messa et salmi correnti per tutto r anno a 8 voci jjiene (1651) ; Con motetti e litanie della B. V. e con due motetti di Michel-Angelo Grancini ; Com- pieta a quattro voci (Milan, 1649). — Fctis ; Mendel. COZZOLANI, CfflAEA MARGARITA, lived in the 17th century. She was a nun of the convent of Sta. Radegouda, of the order of S. Benedetto, at Milan, who took the veil in 1620. This is all that is known of her, but her compositions prove that she was a clever musician. Published works : Primavera di fiori musicali a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci (Milan, 1640) ; Motetti a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci (1642) ; Scherzi di sacra melodia (Venice, 1648) ; Salmi a otto voci coucertate, Laudate pueri a 4, e Laudate Dominum a voce sola, op. 3 ; Salmi a otto voci concertate, con mo- tetti, e dialoghi a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci (Venice, 1650).— Fetis ; Mendel. CRAEI.rV'ANGER, K. A., born at Utrecht in 1817, died there, July 30, 1868. Virtu- oso on the violin and guitar. He appeared with great success as a singer in the cities of Holland, was director of three musical societies, and conducted the music festival at Cleves, 1852, and Utrecht, 1853. Among his compositions are : Quartet for string in- struments ; Fantaisies for guitar ; Motets ; Choruses for male voices ; Songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 213 ; Viotta. CRAMENT, JOHN M.\UDE, born at Boltou Percy, Yorkshire, in 1845, stQl liv- ing, 1888. Church composer and organist, jjupil of Macfarren, and in Berlin of Haupt and Kiel. Organist of Broni^^tou parish church, London ; Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1879. Works : Festival Psalm for solo voices, cho- rus, and orchestra ; Anthems. CRAMMER, FRANZ, born in Munich in 1786, died (?). Instrumental and vocal composer, nephew of Wilhelm Cramer, jm- pil of Eberle on the pianoforte, of Gerhard Dimler on the flute, and of Josef Griitz iu composition ; in 1795 he became first flutist in the court orchestra. He wrote several concertos for different instruments, varia- tions, rondos, several collections of songs, an opera, Hidallan, and a ballet, which was performed in Munich. — Fetis ; Mendel. CRAZIER, JOHANN BAPTIST, born at Mannheim, Feb. 24, 1771, died in London, Ai^ril 16, 1858. His father, Wilhelm Cra- mer, who settled iu London wheu Johann was a year old, gave him bis fi.rst instruc- tion on the violin, pianoforte, and iu theory. Johann studied also uuder Benser, SehrJiter, and from 1779 to 1781 under Clementi. In 1785 he took a course of thorough bass under C. F. Abel, but his knowledge of theory and composition resulted almost wholly from self-dii-ected studies in the works of Kirnberger and Marpurg. From 1788 to 1828 he made frequent concert tours through Europe, returning at inter- vals to London. In 1828 he founded the music publishing house of J. B. Cramer & Co. Some time afterwards he spent several 370 CRAMER years in Paris, returning to London finally in 1845. The remainder of Lis life was passed in retirement. Cramer's rei)utation as pianist and teacher was deservedlj' of tlie Yery highest. His compositions are marked Ly great stoutness of construction and interesting harmony, albeit by a certain dry- ness. His one '"■ undying work is his Si studies, which form the fifth part of his Gi-osse piaktische Pianoforte-Schule. An admira- ble, instructive edition of fifty of these studies has been edited by von Biilow. Together with parts of dementi's Gradus and Moscheles's studies, they will proba- bly never be sujjerscded. In the historj- of the develojiment of pianoforte-playing Cramer's i^lace is intermediate between Clenieuti and Hummel. Works : 7 con- certos for pianoforte and orchestra, op. 10, 16, 26, 37, 48, 51, 56 ; Sonatas, op. 1-9, 11-15, 18-23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41-44, 46, 47, 49, 53, 57-59, 62, 63 ; Marches and waltzes, op. 17 ; Duet, op. 24; do., op. 34 ; do., op. 50 ; Quartet for piano- forte and strings, op. 28 ; Suite of Studies, op. 30 ; Nocturne, op. 32 ; do., op. 54 ; Studies, op. 40 ; Duet for pianoforte and harp, op. 45 ; do., 52 ; Dulce et utile, op. 55 ; Bravaira, op. 60 ; Quintet for pianoforte and strings, op. 61 ; Method for the piano- forte in 5 parts. — Grove ; Fctis ; Mendel. CRAMER, KASPAR, co-rector of the school of Salzburg, in the first half of the 17th century. He published sixty-nine chorals for four voices with the singular title : Animse sauciatre; medela, etc. (Erfurt, 1641). Part of these chorals are his own, the others are by various other German composers. — Fetis ; Mendel. CRAMER, WILHELIM, born in INIaun- lieim in 1745, died in Loudon, Oct. 5, i 1799 (1800?). Violinist, .sou of Jacob Cr.a- mer (1705-1770), a flutist of the celebrated band at Mannheim, and pupil of Johann Stamitz, Sen., and of Caunabicb. He was admitted to the band at Mannheim when sixteen years old, and was connected with it until his father's death, when he removed to London. He held many important posi- tions. He was head of the king's band, con- ductor at the Oj)era and the Pantheon, the Ancient Concerts, and the Professional Con- certs, and he also conducted the Handel Fes- tivals at Westminster Abbey, in 1784 and 1787, and the Gloucester Festival in 1799. He published eight concertos, and several solos and trios. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling ; Wasielewski, Die Violine luid ihre Meister, 185. CRAPPIUS, ANDREAS, born at Liine- burg, about the middle of the 16th century. Cantor and composer at Hanover. Works : Melodise cpithalamii in honorem nuptiarum Johannis Schneideweiu (Wittenberg, 1568) ; Sacrse cantiones 4 et 6 vocum (Magde- burg, 1581, 1584) ; Sacrss aliquot can- tiones quinque et se.x vocum aptissimse, tarn vivse voci quam diversis musicorum in- strumentorum generibus, harmonia accom- modate', quibus adjuncta est missa ad imit. cantionis germanica; ; Schafi't in mir, Gott, eiu reines Herz (Magdeburg, 1581) ; Erster Theil newer geistlicher Lieder und Psalmen mit dreyen Stimmeii, etc. (Helm- stiidt, 1594) ; Musieaj artis elementa (Halle, 1608).— Fctis; Mendel. CRAS, P I , born Sept. 13, 1795, died in Mechlin, Nov. 4, 1871. Organist, pupil of the Abbe Andre, canon of the Me- tropolitan church of Mechlin. He was or- ganist of the church of Saint-Jean at Mech- lin in 1817-1840, and afterwards at Sainte- Catherine. His works, which are all for the church, consist of twelve masses ; 3 Tantum ergo ; 3 Ave Maria ; 12 pieces for organ ; etc. — Fctis, Supplement, i. 214 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 70. CRASSOT, RICHARD, born in Lyons, France, about 1530? died (?). He pub- CKAYWINCKEL lished : Les psaulmes mis en rime fran9oise par CI. Marot et Th. de Beze, et iiouvelle- ment mis en musique a quatre parties par Kichard Crassot, excellent musicien, le tout en uu volume (Lyou, 1564). This was pub- lished also in a second edition with the title : Les CL psaumes de David a quatre parties, avec la lettre au long (Geneva, 1.569). — Fe- tis ; Mendel. CRAYWINCKEL, FERDINAND MAN- UEL MARTIN LOUIS BARTHELEMY DE, born in Madrid, Aug. 24, 1820, still living, 1888. Composer of sacred music, pupil of Bellon, who was a pupil of Reicha. He is maitre de chapelle of St. Bruno, Bor- deaux, where he has lived since 1825. Among his works, which are in the stjle of Weber, are : Deuxieme messe, en sol mineur ; 2 collections of canticles ; 4 messes solenuelles for three voices, solos and or- chestra, the third one of which was given at Notre Dame, Bordeaux, and by the So- ciety of Saint Cecilia ; 20 motets and Sa- ints ; 2 collections of canticles ; a Stabat ; 5 masses for the principal feasts of the year ; Antiennes de la sainte Vierge ; etc. — Fc-tis, Suppk'ment, i. 214 ; Mendel, Er- giinz., 71. CREATION THE. See Schopfung, Die. CREDIA, PIETRO, born at Vercelli, Italy, about the beginning of the 17th cen- tury, died in Rome in 1648. Studied at the Collegio degli Innocenti, and became Minor canon of the church of S. Eusebio, and subsequently maestro di cappella at the same church. Called to Rome, he became a musician of the Sixtine Chapel, but after- wards retired to the Jesuit College. He left several books of masses and vespers in MS. — Fetis. CREIGHTON (Creyghton), Rev. ROB- ERT, D.D., born in Cambridge, England, about 1639, died at Wells, in 1736. Son of the Rev. Dr. Creyghton, Bishop of Bath and Wells, who attended Cliarles H. in exile. He became, like his father, Greek professor at Cambridge, and was appointed canon residentiary and precentor of Wells Cathedral. He applied himself early in life to the studj' of church music, and is reckoned among tlie masters of his time. His anthem, 1 will arise and go to my father, is weU known. Several of his services and anthems are extant in the library of Wells Cathedral. Tudway's MS., in the British Mus., contains another and an anthem. Praise the Lord. — Grove ; Fetis. CREJIONESI, AMBROGIO, lived in Italy, middle of the 17th century. He was maes- tro di caj)pella at Ortona-a-Mare ; and au- thor of Madrigali concertati (Venice, 1636). — Fctis ; Mendek CRfiMONT, PIERRE, born at Aurillac, France, in 1784, died in Tours, March, 1846. Violinist and clarinetist, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire until 1803, when he travelled in Germany and Russia, where he lived several years as director of the Theatre Franj'ais in St. Petersburg. In 1817 he re- turned to Paris, became assistant conductor of the orchestra at the Opt'ra Comique in 1821, went to the Odeon in 1824, where he organized the orchestra for the performance of Italian and German operas. He returned to the Opt'ra Comique as director in chief in 1828, and remained there until 1831, when he went to Lyons to direct the or- chestra of the Grand Theatre. Works : Concerto pour violon, op. 1 : Trois marches funebres pour harmonie militaire ; Har- monie pour musique militaire, liv. 1 et 2 ; Concerto pour la clarinette, op. 4 ; Quatuor pour deux violons, alto et basse ; Fantaisies pour violon jJrincipal sur I'air, Au clair de la lune, avec violon, alto et basse, op. 8 ; Duos pour deux violons, ceuvres 10 et 11 ; Fantaisie pour violon principal sur ini air des montagnes de I'Auvergne, avec quatuor, op. 11 ; Trois trios concertants pour deux violons et alto, op. 13. — Fi'tis ; Mendel. CREOLE, L.^, opera-comique in three acts, text by Albert Milland, music by Offen- bach, represented at the Bouffes Parisiens, Paris, Nov. 3, 1875. The cast was : Dora, Mme Judic ; Reno, Mme Van-Ghell ; An- toinette, Mme Luce ; Commandant, Dau- sti citfiyriLLox brav ; Frontigiiae, Cooijor ; Sixiiit-Clianias, Fugure. CREQUILLON (CrecquiUoii), THOMAS, born near Ghent at the begiuuiug of the 16th century, died at Bethune iu 1557. Eminent contrapuntist, maestro de capilhi to Charles V., at Madrid, about 1544—i7, afterwards canon successively at Namur (until 1552), Termoude (until 1555), and Bt'thune. He ranks with Clemens non Papa, and Nicolas Gonibert, among the great musicians of that epoch. His works con- sist of many masses, motets, cantiones, and French chansons for four, five, and six voices. — Biog. nat. de Belgique, iv. 4'.)4 ; Fetis ; Mendel. CRESO (Crffisus), king of Lydia, whose famous interview with Solon is related by Herodotus, is the subject of the following operas : Creso, Italian opera in three acts, text by Minato, music by Antonio Draghi, represented at Vienna, 1G78 ; music by Ciiovanni Legreuzi, Venice, 1081 ; music by JommeUi, Rome, 1743 ; three acts, mu- sic by Abos, London, 1758 ; music by Sac- chini, Naples, 1765, London, 1775 ; music by Cafaro, Turin, 17G8 ; music by Felice Alessandri, Pavia, 1774 ; mu.sic by Anfossi, Rome, 1787 ; music by Terziani, Venice, 1788. Krcisus, German opera, three acts, text by Bostel, music by Fortsch, Hamburg, 1684 ; music by Reinhold Keiser, same text, Hamburg, 1711, 1730. Creso in Media, music by Josejah Schustei', Najsles, 1779. Creso tolto alle fiamme, music by Polaui, Venice, 1705. CRESPEL (Crispel, Chrispel), JEAN, Belgian musician, lived in the IGtli century, pupil of Johannes Okeghem. Nothing is known of bis life, but many of his composi- tions are in collections published in the sec- ond half of the 16th century. Some of his motets are in Thesaurus Musieus (Nurem- berg, 1564) ; and some of his chansons in Recueil des fleurs produites de la divine musique (Louvain, 1569). The first book of a collection of French chansons published at Louvain in 1558, has a chanson of his, arranged as a canon for four voices : Fills qui prend facecieulx mary. — Biog. nat. de Belgi(|ue, iv. 499 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; do., Ergilnz., 71. CRESSONNOIS, JULES ALFRED, born at Mortagne (Orne), France, April 17, 1823, still living, 1888. Pupil of Fessy in har- mony, of Georges Kastner in counterpoint and composition ; entered the Gymnase Militaire in 1845, became chef de musique in 1847, and from that year until 1869 was successively director of music to the Cuiras- siers of the Imperial Guard, the Guides, and the Gendarmerie. From 1808 he was conductor of the orchestra of the Champs- Elysees. Works : Chapelle et Bachaumont, operetta, Opera Comique, 1858 ; Collection of six vocal melodies entitled Harmonies (1862) ; 3 do. (1863, 1864, 1865) ; Romances and melodies, such as le Cavalier et I'Echo, Esperance, Nuit d'etoiles, etc. He wrote the music for the comedy Deidamia, by Theodore de Banville, performed at the Odeon, 1876.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 216; Mendel, Ergilnz., 72. CRESSONNOIS, PAUL, French drama- tic composer, son of the preceding, pupil at the Conservatoire of Paris, where he ob- tained a second accessit for harmony and accompaniment. He is the author of two operettas : Une nuit a Seville, 1875, and Mac-Hulott, 1877 ; Hymnis, opera-comique, Nouveau Theatre Lyrique, Nov. 14, 1879. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 210. CRESTE, JULES, French dramatic com- poser, contemporary. He is the author of Trois Sultanes, words by Favart, given at the Varietes, Paris, 1853 ; and Les four- beries de Marinette, Opera Comique, 1858. He has written also some popular songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 216. CRISPI, Abbate PIETRO, born in Rome about 1737, died there in 1797. Harpsi- chord i^layer, at first an amateur and then a professor of music. He published some sonatas and concertos in the style of Al- berti ; Dr. Crotch included some of his music in his collection. — Fetis. S73 CRISPINO CRISPING E LA COMARE, Italian opera buft'a iu three acts, text by Piave, music by Luigi and Federico Ricci, first represented iu Venice, at the Teatro San Benedetto, Feb. 28, 1850. Scene in Venice, plot original. Crispino, a j)oor cobbler, whose wife Anuetta tries to help him by singing ballads in the street, becomes at last so disconsolate at his iU-luck that he determines to drown himself in a well. As he is about to do this the fairy. La Comare, rises and promises him fortune on condi- tion that he sets up as a doctor. He f)er- forms wonderful cures, becomes rich and haughty, ignores his old friends, and quar- rels with his wife. La Comare takes him into a subterraneous cavern, informs him that she is Death, and so frightens him that he promises amendment, and is finally re- stored to his famil}-. The underplot, which is commonly omitted, exhibits the love of the Contiuo del Fiore and Lisetta, the ward of an old miser who, in love with her himself, dies iu time to permit their union. Among the best numbers are : " Istorie belle a leg- gere," a canzonetta in w^altz time sung bj- Annetta ; " Troppo do, basta per oro," duet between her and Crispino ; " Ma signori, perchc tanta questione ? " buffo trio be- tween Crispino and Doctors Fabrizio and Mirobolante ; and "Piero mio, go qua una fritola," an arietta sung l)y Ainietta. Cris- pino was first sung in Paris, at the Theatre Italien, Ajjril i, 1865, with the following cast : Annetta Signora Vitali. La Comai-e Signora Vestri. Crispino Siguor Zucchini. II Contino Signor Brignoli. Dr. Fabrizio Signor Agnesi. Dr. Mirobolante Signor Mercuriali. A French version in four acts, Le docteur Crispin, text by Nuitter and Beaumont, was given at the Athenee, Sept. 18, 1869. CRISTLANELLI, FILIPPO, born in Bari in 1587, died (?). He was maestro di caij^iella at Aquila, kingdom of Naples, about 1615. He published Salmi a cinque voci (Venice, 162G). — Fctis. CRIVELLI, AliCANGELO, born iu Ber- gamo about the middle of the IGth century, died in 1610. He was tenor in 1583 of the Pontifical Chapel, where his compositions were in use for mauy years. Some of his motets are iu Coustautini's Selectaj can- tiones excellentissimorum auctorum (Rome, 1614). He left also masses, psalms, and mo- tets iu MS. Three masses for four voices, two for five voices, and a Mass entitled: Transeuute Domino, are iu the Santiui col- lection. — Fetis ; Mendel. CRIVELLI, DOMENICO FRANCESCO IMARIA, born in Brescia, Italy, in 1791:, died iu London, Dec. 31, 1856. Son of Gaetauo Crivelli, one of the best Italian tenors (1771-1836). Pupil iu singing of Millico, in Naples, and at the Conservatorio di San Onofrio, in accompaniment, of Fena- roli. In 1812 he went to Rome, where he studied under Zingarelli. On his return to Naples, in 1813, he composed several pieces of sacred music, and in 1816 wrote an op- era for the San Carlo, the production of which was prevented by the burning of the theatre. He joined his father in Loudon, iu 1817, and became noted as a teacher and didactic writer. Works : Cantata for three voices with orchestral accompaniment ; La fiera di Salerno, ossia la fiuta capriceiosa, opera bufia ; Songs. — Fetis ; Mendel. CRIVELLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born at Scaudiano, last of the 16th century, died iu Slodeua, March, 1652. He was or- ganist of the cathedral at Reggio, then ma- estro di cappella of the Santo Spirito, Ferrara, and finally, in 1651, entered the service of Francis I., Duke of Modena, as maestro. Among his works are ; Primo Libro de' motetti concertati a due, tre, quattro e cinque voci (1626; 2d ed., 1628; 3d, 1635) ; II Primo Libro de' madrigali concertati a due, tre, e quattro voci (Venice, 1633).— Fetis ; Mendel. CROATTI, FRANCESCO, born in Ven- ice about the middle of the 16th centurj'. 371 CROCE He published liis first book of masses and motets for five and six voices in that city. Bodenscliatz lias given one of his motets for eight voices iu his Florilegium Portense. — Fc'tis ; Mendel. CROCE, GIOVANNI DALLA, caUed Chiozzotto, born at Chioggia, Italy, about 1550, died in Venice, August, 1600. Pupil of Zarlino, who placed him in the choir of S. Marco, of which he eventually became maestro, succeeding Baldassare Donato iu 1603. He was also a priest of S. M. For- mosa. Works : Sonate a cinque (Venice, 1580) ; II primo Libro de' Madrigali a cinque (ib., 1585) ; II Secondo, do., con uno a quattro e 1' eco (ib., 1588) ; Motetti a otto voci, lib. i. (ib., 1589) ; II secondo Libro de' Motetti a otto voci (ib., 1590 ; these two books were reprinted with this title : Mo- tetti a otto voci del R P. Giovanni Croce Chiozzotto, etc., ib., 1607); Salmi a tre voci, Te Deum, Benedietus, Miserere a otto voci (ib., 1596) ; Triaca musicale, contain- ing seven humourous pieces for four, five, six, and seven voices (ib., 1597) ; Canzo- nette a quattro voci, lib. i. (ib., 1595) ; Ves- pertine omnium, etc. (ib., 1589) ; Messe a cinque voci, lib. i. (ib., 1596) ; Septem psalmi poenitentiales sex vocum (ib., 1598) ; Sacrre cantiones quinque vocum, Lamenta- zioni ed Improperie, etc. (ib., 1603) ; Mag- nificat, motetti a quattro voci (ib., 1605) ; Nove Lamentazioni (ib., 1610) ; Madrigali a sei voci (Antwerp, 1610) ; Cantiones sa- erse octo vocum (Antwerp, 1622) ; do., lib. ii. (ib., 1623). An English collection of his church music is entitled : Musica Sacra for six voyces (London, 1608). His madrigal, Cynthia, thy song and chanting, is an Eng- lish favourite. Six of his motets have been published in Mr. Hullah's Part Music, and nine in the collection of the Motet Society. — Fetis ; Grove; Mendel; Riemann. CROCIATI IN PTOLEMAIDE, I (The Crusaders in Ptolemais), Italian opera, mu- sic by Pacini, given in Trieste about 1827. CROCIATO IN EGITTO, IL (Thfr Cru- sader iu Egypt), grand heroic opera, text by Rossi, music by Meyerbeer, first rejire- sented at La Fenice, Venice, 1824. The last opera of Meyerbeer's second or Italian period, and the first iu which he revealed his nuisical genius. It was enthusiastically received, and the com^joser was called for and crowned upon the stage. One of the best of its numbei-s is the soprano aria, "Ah! come rajjida." — Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 140. CROES, HENRI DE, born at Brussels in 1758, still living at Ratisbon in 1811. Son and pupil of Henri Jaccpies de Croes, like whom he became musical director to the Prince of Thurn und Taxis. Works : Masses, cantatas, symphonies, concertos, morceaux d'harmonie, etc., several of which have been published in Germany. — Fi'tis ; Mendel. CROES, HENRI JACQUES DE, born at Antwerp, bapt. Sept. 19, 1705, died at Brus- sels, Aug. 16, 1786. At first violinist and assistant maitre de chapelle at St. Jacques', Antwerp, he became director of music to the Prince of Thurn und Taxis at Ratisbon in 1729, and went in 1715 (or 1749) to Brussels, where he conducted the choir of the Royal Chapel until 1755, when he suc- ceeded N. de (!roes (probably his father) as maitre de chapelle to Prince Charles of Lor- raine. His works consist of masses, motets, anthems, etc.; symphonies and sonatas for different instruments. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 219 ; Mendel, Erganz., 72 ; Riemann. CRCESUS. See Creso. CROFF, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born in the beginning of the 19th century, died in ]\Iilan in February, 1868. Professor of harmony at the Conservatorio of Milan from 1850 until his death. He wrote an opera bufi'a, (^uauti casi in un sol gior- no, given at La Scala in 1834 ; and the music for a ballet, Giovanni di Leida, ossia il falso profeta. He published also music for the pianoforte and the harmonium. — Fe- tis, Suppli'mcnt, i. 219. CROFT, WILLIAM, born at Nether Eat- ington, Warwickshire, England, in 1677, 375 CROISEZ died in Loudon, Aug. 14, 1727. He was one of the children of the Chapel Royal under Dr. Blow, and succeeded hiui at his death, in 1708, as organist of Westminster Abbey and as master of the children and composer to the vV, Chapel Royal. It was in the discharge of the duties of the latter office that he pro- duced, for the frequent thanksgivings for victories, so manj' of his noble anthems. He became Mus. Doc, O.xford, July 9, 1713. His llusica Sacra, two folio volumes, con- taining thirty anthems and a burial service, was published in 1721. The two fine tunes of St. Ann's, and St. Matthew's, and a single chant in B minor, will long live in the An- glican Church. In the earlier jjart of his career he composed for the theatre, and produced overtures and airs for Courtship) a la mode, 1700 ; The Funeral, 1702 ; The Twin Rivals, 1703 ; The Lying Lover, 1704. Numerous songs of his are in collections of the i^eriod. He published also sonatas for both violin and flute.^Grove ; Fetis ; Men- del ; Barrett, English Church Composers, 108 ; Harmonicon, 1828, 71. CROISEZ, PIERRE, born in Paris, May 9, 1814, still living, 1888. Harpist, pupil .at the Conservatoire of Nadermanu on the harp, for which he took the second prize in 1829, and the first in 1831, and pupil of Halevy in composition. After leaving the Conservatoire in 1832, he devoted himself to the study of the pianoforte, for which he has Avritten many fantaisies, caprices, themes varies, and morceaux de genre, of medium difficulty, intended for pupils. — Fc'tis ; Men- del. CRON, JOACHIM ANTON, born at Po- dersam, near Saatz, Bohemia, Sept. 29, 1751, died at Osseg, Jan. 20, 1826. Or- ganist, and virtuoso on the harmonica ; pupil of the University of Prague, from which he went to the Cistercian Monastery of Osseg. He was professor at the College of Leitmeritz in 1782, at the Gymnasium in 1788, and at the University of Prague at Kommotau in 1805, where later he became dean of the theological faculty. He was considered a great organist, always imj^ro- vised, and none of his compositions for the organ were ever written out or published. Only a few works for clarinet and jjiauoforte are known. — Fetis ; Mendel. CROSS, MICHAEL HURLEY, born of American parentage in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, April 13, 1833, still living, 1888. Organist ; studied in Philadelphia harmony and composition under Dr. Meignen, piano- forte and organ under B. Cross, violin un- der C. Honimann, and violoncello under L. Engelke. He has been organist of the following churches in Philadelphia: St. Patrick's, St. John's, First Bai:)tist, Beth Eden Baptist, The Cathedral, and Holy Trinity. He is, or has been, also leader in that city of the Abt Society, the Orpheus Club, the Arion Society, the Beethoven So- ciety, The Cecilian, and The Eurydice. "Works : Masses and other church music ; Pianoforte compositions ; Quartets and other concerted music ; Songs. CROTCH, WILLIAM, born in Norwich, England, July 15, 1775, died in Taunton, Dec. 29, 1847. Or- ganist of remark- able precocity, peiforming i n London in 1780, ■when only five years old. Dr. B u r n e y p u b - lished an inter- esting account of him, which was commu- nicated to the Royal Academy and printed in the Philosophical Transactions in 1779. He went in 1786 to Cambridge as assist- ant to Dr. Randall, organist of Trinity and King's College, and at fourteen composed an S7C CUOUCII oratorio, The Captivity of Jadali, perforiued at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, iu 1789. In 1788 be weut to Oxford, aud in 1790 was appointed organist of Christ Church, aud in 1794 Mus. Bac. He succeeded Dr. Philip Haves in 1797, as organist of St. John's College aud 2'i'ofessor of music in the University, and became Mus. Doc. in 1799. From 1800 to 1804 he delivered lectures iu the Music School. He pro- duced his oratorio, Palestine, and published a treatise on the Elements of Musical Com- position in 1812. About 1820 lie was ap- pointed music lecturer at the Eoyal Insti- tute, London, aud on the establishment of the Eoyal Academy of Music, in 1822, he was made its jii'i'icipal. In 1834 he pro- duced a second oratorio. The Captivity of Judah, entirely difierent from his earlier composition, and conducted the Royal Mu- sical Festival at Westminster in the same year. Among his other works are : Ten anthems, some chants, several glees, fugues, and concertos for organ. His ode, Mona on Snowdeu calls, his glee. Nymph with thee, and his motet, Methinks I hear the full celestial choir, for bass solo and cho- rus, were very popular. He published works on thorough bass and harmony, and resumus of his lectures at Oxford. — Grove ; Ft'tis ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Kie- mann ; Barrett, English Church Composers, 157 ; Harmonicon, 1831, 3. CROUCH, FREDERICK WILLIAM NICHOLLS, born, of English parentage, iu London, July 31, 1808, still living, 1888. His grandfather, William Crouch, was or- ganist of Old Street Road Church, St. Luke's parish, and of ClaiDliam Rise Church, Surrey ; his father was Frederick William [ Crouch, violoncellist and composer. He studied music under his grandfather aud father, and the violoncello under Bochsa, and aljout 1822 entered the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he had as teachers Dr. Crotch and Thomas Attwood iu harmony. William Hawes in Eiiglish singing, Richard Lindley iu violoncello | playing, and Crivelli iu Italian singing. He made his first public appearance at the Royal Coburg Theatre, Loudon, when nine years old ; in 1820 he played in the orches- tra at the coronation of George TV. ; was a member of Queen Ade- laide's i^rivate band until it was abolished iu 1832, on the pas- sage of the Reform Bill, and sang at one time as chorister in Westminster Abbey aud St. Paul's Cathedral. After living as a concert singer and vocal teacher in Plymouth, he became in 1838 supervisor in D'Almaine & Co.'s music-publishing house, London, serving also as violoncellist at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and the Haymarket Theatres. In 1849 he went to New York and served as violoncellist at the Astor Place Opera House, thence went to Boston, and iu 1850 to Portland, Me., where he produced Rossini's Stabat Mater with his owu translation. In 1856 he removed to Philadelphia, where he con- ducted Mi-s. Rush's Saturday Concerts, and brought out Mehul's Joseph and his Breth- ren ; he afterwards went to Washington, D. C, as choir-conducter of St. Matthew's Church, in which Palmer (later known as Heller, the magician) was the organist. Crouch and Palmer established in Wash- ington an Academy of Music, which failed, and Crouch went to Richmond, Va., where he sang first bass iu the choir of St. Paul's Church. He served during the civil war in the Confederate army, and after its close settled in Baltimore, Md., where he was for many years well known as a teacher of mu- sic, and where he still resides. Within a few years he has had conferred upon him the certificate of fellowship, aud a medal for musical comjjosition, by the Society of Letters, Arts, and Sciences of London. Having become reduced in circumstances through sickness and other misfortunes, a ■377 CEOW testimonial concei't was given him in Balti- more, May 30, 1883, and about the same time he became the legally adopted father of a friend who wished to alleviate his condition. Though remembered priuci- l^ally for his Kathleen Mavourneeu, all Crouch's music is refined and shows him to be possessed of a fund of melody, and of considerable artistic merit. Works : Sir Eoger de Coverley, opei-a (MS.) ; The Fifth of November, 1C70, opera (MS.). Collec- tions : Echoes of the Lakes ; Twenty-four Irish Songs, poetry bj' Mrs. Crawford (1840, containing Kathleen Mavourneen) ; Songs of Erin, jJoetry by D. Ryan ; Echoes of the Past ; Bardic Remiuisceuces ; Songs of the Past ; Songs of the Olden Time ; Songs of a Rambler : Songs of the Parish Wake ; Songs of the Seasons ; Songs of the Abbeys and Cathedrals ; Songs of Shakespeare ; Songs of a Voyager ; Songs of the Bards, and other collections ; Songs, etc. He is the author also of a Complete Treatise on the Violoncello (London, 1827). CROW, ED'WIN JOHN, born at Sitting- bourne, England, Sept. 17, 1841, still living, 1888. Organist, fiupil of John Larkin Hop- kins at Rochester Cathedral, of John Hop- kins, Dr. Steggall, and of Banister. Or- ganist, successively, of three churches at Leicester, 1861-73, and since 1873 of Kipon Cathedral. Mus. Bac, Cambridge, 1872. Mas. Doc, 1882. Works: Church Oratorio for harvest time ; The 14Gth Psalm, for voices and orchestra ; Communion Service in F ; Morning Service in C ; Evening Services in G, A, and D ; Music for masonic ceremo- nies ; Hj-mns, chants, etc. ; Orchestral and organ works ; Pianoforte music. CROWN DIAMONDS. See Diamants de la couroune. CROWN WITH FESTAL P0:MP, cho- rus in D major, in Handel's Hercules', Part i. CRO'WNED WITH THE TEMPEST. See Ernani. CROZE, FERDINAND DE, born in Mar- seilles, about 1828, stiU living, 1888. Pian- ist, who began teaching early in life. He is a proUtic writer of pianoforte music, and has published at least a hundred and fifty compositions, such as caprices, etudes, reve- ries. Serenades, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 220. CROZE, J B , French dramatic composer, contemporary. His opera en- titled : Louise de Charolais, was given in Marseilles in 1854. Others which have not been produced are : Harold, opera fantastique, and La Moabite, opera biblique, though the latter was given by a society of amateurs at INIarseilles. He has pub- lished also music for the pianoforte and vi- olin, songs, and dance music— Fetis, Sup- plement, i. 220. CEUDEL, PERCHE FINORA. See Nozze di Figaro. CRiJGER, JOHANNES, born at Gross- Breesen near Guben, Prussia, April 9, 1598, died in Berlin, Feb. 23, 1662. He was educated at the Jesuit College of Olmiitz, at the school of poetry at Ratis- bon, and the Uni- versity of Witten- berg, and was cantor of the church of St. Nicolaus, Berlin, from 1622 until his death. Works : Meditationum musicarum Para- disus primus, oder Erstes musikalisches Lustgiirtlein, for three and four voices (Frankfort, 1622), and Med. mus. Parad. se- cundus (Berlin, 1626) ; a collection of Mag- nificats in German, in two and eiglit part harmony written in all the eight modes; Praxis pietatis melica, for four voices and two instruments, a collection of Luther- an hymns (Leipsic, 1649 ; 30th ed., Berlin, 1703). The best known numbers in this collection are : Nun danket alle Gott ; Jesu meine Zuver-sicht ; Jeau meine Freude ; and Schmfid-e dich, O Hebe Seole. His Recrea- tiones rausicie, das ist neue poetische Arao- riisen, contained thirty-two pieces (Leipsic, 378 CRUSADERS 1G51). Amoug liis tbeoretical works are, Synopsis miisica (Berlin, 1G24) ; a method for tliorougb bass ; Precepta musieje prac- tice figuralis (ib., 1625) ; Quajstiones mu- sicse practice (ib., 1650). — Fetis ; Mendel ; Eiemann ; Winterfeld, Der evaug. Kircben- gesang, ii. 159. CRUSADERS, THE, or The Old Mau of the Mountain, English opera in three acts, text by Saint-Georges, music by Julius Bene- dict, represented at Drury Lane, London, 1846, and in Munich, 1853. The old man is the chief of the sect of Assassins. Die Kreuzfahrer (The Crusaders), text by Ko- tzebue, music by von Seyfried, given in Vienna, 1809 ; music by Eeichardt, same text, Germany, 1810 ; Romantic opera in three acts, text by Ziegler, music by Georg Kremjielsetzer, given iu Munich, Feb. 17, 1865. Der Kreuzfahrei', romantic ojjera in three acts, text by the composer and his wife Marianne, music by Louis Sjjohr, given iu Cassel, Jan. 1, 1845. La Croisee, opera in two acts, music by Cambiui, Beaujolais, 1785. The Crusade, English historical op- era, music by William Shield, Covent Gar- den, London, 1790. CRUSADER.S, THE, cantata by Gade. See Kreuzfahrer, Die. CEUSELL, HENRIK BERNHARD, born at Nystad, Finland, Oct. 1.5, 1775, died at Stockholm in July, 1838. Clarinet player, self-taught until 1791, when he received his first instruction r.t Stockholm, then iu Ber- lin (1798) 25upil of Tausch, the elder, and in Paris (1803) of Berton and Gossec in composition. In 1811-12 he made several concert tours, and afterwards became mu- sical director of the two royal guard regi- ments at Stockholm. Works : Concerto for clai-inet, o-p. 1 ; Idem, op. 5 ; Concerted symphony for clarinet, horn, and bassoon, op. 3 ; Quartets for clarinet, violin, viola, and bass, op. 2, 4, 7, and 8 ; Duos for two clarinets, op. 6 ; Divertissement for oboe with quartet, op. 9 ; Twelve German songs, with i^ianoforte accompaniment, op. 10 (Leipsic). — Fotis ; Mendel. CRUZ, FELIPPE DA, born in Lisbon, be- ginning of the 17th century. A clerk in the monastery of Palmella, Portugal, he at first taught music in Lisbon, and then went to Madrid, where he became almoner to Philip IV. He was recalled to Portugal by Joiio IV., who made him his mestre de ca- pella. The following works are in the MS. department of the Royal Library at Lisbon : A mass for ten voices on the Portuguese song. Quel razon ijodeis vos tener jxara no me querer ; another mass on the song. Solo regnas tu en mi ; Psalmos de vesperas, e eompletos a 4 coros ; Motete de defuntos ; Dimitte me, a 12 ; Motete, Vivo ego, a 5 ; Vilhancicos, a diversas vozes. — Fetis ; Men- del ; Vascoucellos, 75. CRYSTAL STREAMS IN MURMURS FLOWING, soprano air in G major, of Su- sanna, iu Handel's Susanna, Part II. CUDMORE, RICHARD, born in Chi- chester, England, in 1787, died in Man- chester, January, 1841. Violinist, pupil of James Forgett, organist in Chichester, and later of Reinagle and Salomon. After play- ing in the orchestra of the Italian Opera, London, he resided in Chichester in 1779- 1808, and then returned to London to study the pianoforte under Woelfl, and became a member of the Philharmonic Society's band. He afterwards lived in Manchester as leader of the Gentlemen's Concerts. Works : Mar- tyr of Antioch, oratorio ; Concertos for vio- lin ; Concertos for pianoforte ; Songs, etc. — Grove ; Fetis. CUELLAR Y ALTARRIBA, RAMON FELIX, born in Santiago, Spain, close of the 18th century, died Jan. 7, 1833. Or- ganist, chorister in the Cliurch of La Sen at Saragossa, jjupil of Gai-cia, called I'Es- pagnolet. He became maestro de caisilla of the Cathedral of Oviedo in 1817, chamber- musician to the king, and finally organist of the Meti'opolitan Church of Santiago until his death. Works : Sixteen masses ; Nine Psalms ; Five Magnificats ; Lamentations ; some Te Deum, and a great many canticles and motets, which are scattered throughout 379 cm the clmrclies of Spain, partieiilarlv those of Saragossa. — Fc'tis, Supplement, i. 220 ; Men- del, Ei'ganz., 72. GUI (Kiii), CESAR, born at Wilua, Jan. 6, 1835, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pupil of Moniuszko and of Balakirev. lu 1864-68 musical critic of the St. Petersburg G a - zette, he warmly embraced the cause of Schu- mann, Berlioz, and Liszt, and in 1878-79 published in the Paris Revue et Gazette Musicale a series of articles, La Musique en Eussie. As a composer he belongs to the young Russian school. By profession a military engineer, he was educated at the Imperial Academy of Engineering in St. Petersburg, where he afterwards became successively instructor, adjunct-professor, and professor of fortifica- tion, on which he has also written a treatise and a historj'. Works — Operas : "William Ratcliff, given at St. Petersburg, 1869 ; The Prisoner in the Caucasus, ib., 1873 ; Angelo, ib., 1876 ; The Mandarin's Son, ib., 1878 ; Two Scherzos and a Tareu telle for orchestra ; Suite for pianoforte and violin ; more than fifty songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 220 ; Rie- maiin. CUMmNGS, WILLIAM HAY]\IAN, born at Sidbury, Devon, England, in 1835, still living, 1888. A member when very young of the choir of St. Paul's, and later of the Temple Church, London, he became or- ganist of Waltham Abbey, and later tenor singer in the Temple, Westminster Abbey, and the Chapel Royal. He is professor of singing in the Royal College for the Blind, Norwood, London. Works : The Fairy Ring, cantata ; Te Deum, Jubilate, Sanc- tus, etc., in D ; O Lord, give ear, anthem ; Glees ; Songs ; Part songs, etc. He is the author also of The Rudiments of Music (London, 1877) ; Pureell, in Great Musi- cians' series (ib., 1882) ; and contributions to English musical history. CUNIEWICZ, , Polish composer, contemporary. He is the author of a cele- brated lyric and symphonic work entitled : La Captivite Babylonienne, produced at Lemberg, Feb. 3, 1867. This important work was divided into six parts, as follows : Aux fleuves de Babyloue ; La jjriere ; Les orphelins de la Judee ; Choeur des pru- tres ; Le depart ; L'arrivee au pays de la Judee.— Fotis, Supplement, i. 220. CUPIS, JEAN BAPTISTE, born in Paris in 1741, died (?). Violoncellist, pupil of his father and of Berteau. When twenty years old he was one of the ablest violon- cellists in France. He left the orchestra at the Opera in 1771, and after travelling in Germany, went to Italy, where he married the celebrated singer Giulia Gaspariui, and went with her in 179-1 to Milan. Works : Premier concerto pour violoncelle, avec accomj)agnement d'orchestre ; Deuxieme concerto. Air de I'Aveugle de Palmyre et menuet de Fischer, varies pour le violon- celle avec deux violons, alto, basse, deux hautbois, et deux cors ; Petits airs varies pour 2 violoncelles, Nos. 1 a 3 (posthumous, Paris) ; Methode nouvelle et raisonnee pour apprendre a jouer du violoncelle, oil Ton traite de son accord, de la maniere de tenir cet instrument, etc. (Paris). — Fetis ; Men- del. CUPRE, JEAN DE, French composer of madrigals, living at Heidelberg at the be- ginning of the 17th century. He published : Livre premier, contenant treute madrigals a cinq voix, nouvellement mises en lumiere par Jean Cupre, nuisicien et maistre d'es- chole au Palatinat, a Heidelberg (Frankfort- on-the-Main, 1610).— Fetis ; Mendel. C!URCI, GIUSEPPE, born in Barletta, Italy, June 5, 1808, still living, 1888. Pu- pil at the Conservatorio of Naples from 1823 ; studied harmony under G. Furno, counterpoint and fugue under Raimondi and Zingarelli, and singing under Cres- 300 CUiiCIO ceutini. While at the Conservatorio he wrote two masses for four voices aud or- chestra ; two operettas, Un' ora di prigione and II matriuiouio eonchiuso per le bugia, played at the Conservatorio Theatre ; an opera bufla, H medico e la morte, performed in 1833 at the Teatro Nuovo ; another, I dodici Tabarri, in 1833, at the Teatro del Fondo ; and composed a cantata, Kuggiero, for a grand gala representation at the San Carlo, Jan. 1, 1835. On leaving the Con- servatorio, he went to Milan, then to Turin, where he brought out II jn-oscritto, 1837; to Venice, where lie gave Don Desiderio, aud L' Uragano, a scena played by the Societii Filarmonica. He lived several years at Vi- enna, where he became famous as a profes- sor of singing, ti-avelled in Germany and Belgium, and resided in Paris from 1848 to 1856, when he returned to Barletta. Other works : Six masses for three or four voices with organ, quartet, and orchestra ; over sixty religious compositions with organ or orchestra ; Funeral mass for three voices and orchestra ; Piccolo solfeggio, II Bel Canto, two collections of solfeggi, etc. — Fotis, Sup- pk>ment, i. 221 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 72. CURCIO, VINCENZO, born iu Naples, lived iu the second half of the 18th century. He was the author of an opera, I sciocchi presuntuosi, given at Naples in 1776. — Fc- tis. Supplement, i. 221. CUmOSO INDISCRETO, IL, Italian opera, music by Anfossi, first given at Milan in 1778. On its performance in Vienna in 1783, Mozart added three new songs to it (KOchel, 418, 419, 420), two for Madame Lange and one for Adamberger. The last one was not sung. An Italian opera of the same title, music by Gherar- desca, was given at Lucca in 1764. CUESCHMANN, KARL FRIEDRICH, born in Berlin, June 21, 1805, died at Langfuhr, near Dantzic, Aug. 24, 1841. Tenor singei-, pupil at Cassel of Spohr and Hauptmann in harmony and comjiosition for four years ; settled in Berlin and made occasional concert tours in Germany, France, and Italy. He was the favorite song writer before Schumann, and his Lieder are full of melody, and rather superior to other compositions of his time. Some of them are still great favorites, which speaks well for their intrinsic merit. His collect- ed Lieder comprise eighty-three solos and nine songs in two and three jjarts (Berlin, 1871). His song. In every opening flower, and his trios, Ti prego, and Atldio, have always been popular. He composed also two canons for three voices, op. 7 (Berlin) ; Romeo, scena and aria, op. 6 ; and an opei-a, Abdul und Erinuieh, given at Cassel about 1825. — Fetis ; Ledebur, Toidiiinstler Lexi- kon Berlins ; Mendel ; Schilling. CURTI, VINCENZO, born in Naples, Sept. 18, 1836, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil at the Naples Conservatorio of Fran- cesco Lanza, Alessandro Busti, and Viuceuzo Fiodo. He has written two masses, two al- bums of vocal melodies, three albums of dance music, and a number of transcriji- tions and arrangements for the pianoforte. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 221. CUSINS, WILLIAM GEORGE, born in L o n d o n , Oct. 14, 1833, still living, 1888. He entered the Chapel Royal in his tenth year, and studied the piano- forte, violin, and har- mony at the Brussels Conservatoire, in 1844, under Fetis. In 1847 he gained the King's Scholarship at the Royal Academy which was prolonged in 1849 for two years. He made his first appearance as a pianist and his debut as a composer, in an over- ture, in 1849, and became organist of the Queen's private chapel and a violinist iu the orchestra of the Royal Italian Oi^era. In 1851 he became assistant professor of the pianoforte at the Royal Academy of Music, and later full professor, and in 1867 of Music, London, 381 CUSTAED conductoi" of the Philbarmonic Society in place of Sterndale Beuuett. He was ajj- pointed master of music to the Queen in 1870 ; in 1875 succeeded Bennett as ex- amining professor at Queen's College ; and in 1876 became joint examiner of scholar- ships for the National Training School of Music, with Mr. HuUah and Otto Gold- schmidt. In 1885 he became professor in Trinity College and in the Guildhall School of Music, London. Works : Eoyal Wed- ding Serenata (1863) ; Gideon, oratorio, given at Gloucester in 1871 ; 2 concert overtures for full orchestra ; Travailleurs de la Mer (1869) ; Love's Labour's Lost (1875) ; Pianoforte concerto in A minor ; Te Deum for soli, chorus, and orchestra, 1880 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Songs; Pianoforte music, etc. — Grove; Eiemann. CUSTARD, WALTER GOSS, born in England, June 9, 1811, still living, 1888. Organist, articled to Sir George Elvey, Chapel Royal, Windsor, 1857 ; oi-ganist of Spring Grove Cluirch, Isleworth, 1861, and of Christ Church, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1865. Works: Office of the Holy Com- munion in E-flat ; Choral Service in D ; Te Deum in F ; Benedictus in F ; 12 stud- ies for pianoforte, 1879 ; Agiuis Dei and Benedictus, 1880 ; Communion Office in F, 1881 ; Songs ; Pianoforte music, etc. CUTLER, WELLLVM HENRY, bom in London in 1792, died (?). Pianist, pupil of Little and Griffin, and in singing of Dr. Ar- nold. In 1803 he became a chorister at St. Paul's Cathedral, and studied afterwards with William Russell. He received the de- gree of Mus. Bac. at Oxford in 1812 ; be- came organist of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, in 1813, and of Quebec Chapel, Portman Square, London, in 1823. His works com- prise a service, several anthems and songs, and numerous pianoforte pieces. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. CUVELIERS, JEAN LE, born at Arras, about 1230, died (?). Poet and composer of chansons, of which six only are extant. Two of these are in the MS. department of the National Library, Paris, the other four are among the manuscripts of the Vatican Library, Rome. — Fetis. CYBULOWSKY, LUCAS, dii-ector of the choir at the diaconal church at Prague, in 1617. He is known in Bohemia as the composer of a great deal of church music, such as graduals, offertories, etc., preserved in many Bohemian churches in the original MSS.— Fetis ; MendeL CYMON, English dramatic romance, text by David Garrick, music by Michael Arne, represented at Drury Lane Theatre, Lon- don, in 1767. It was long popular, and gave the composer a considerable reputa- tion. — Hogarth, ii. 102. CYRUS. See Ciro. CYTEEIK, ALOIS, born in Prague, Nov. 19, 1826, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil of Dreyschock, and of Toniaschek in composition ; appeared iirst in concerts in his native city, 1851, then in Hung!iry, Transylvania, and Wallachia with great suc- cess, 1852 ; after his return he made a con- cert tour through Bohemia and Saxony, and has since lived at Prague, teaching the pianoforte. Works : Concerto for piano- forte and orchestra ; Introduction and Rondo for do. ; Andante and Rondo for pianoforte and violoncello ; Trio for piano- forte, violin, and violoncello ; 2 sonatas, and many pieces in modern style, for piano- forte ; Songs. — Mendel. CZAR UND ZIMMERMANN (Czar and Carpenter), German comic ojjera in three acts, text and nuisic by Lortziug, first rep- resented in Berlin in 1854. Scene in Hol- land. Peter the Great, under the pseudo- nym of Peter Michaelhoff, and Peter Ivan- hoff, a Russian deserter, are working as cai'penters in a shijjyard at Saardam. The plot turns on the efforts of the English and French ambassadoi's to penetrate the Czar's disguise, and is complicated by the con- founding of the two Peters. At the close the Czar sails away, leaving Ivanholf, who has beau enjoying a regal reception from CZAr.TII tlie people of Saardatn, in a good position, witli the royal consent to his marriage with Marie, the niece of the Burgomaster. The libretto is uninteresting and the music light, but the opera has been very success- ful in Germany and in Russia. An English version, entitled Peter the Shipwright, was played at the Gayety Theatre, London, April 15, 1871. CZARTH (Schardt, Zarth), GEORG, born at Deutschbrod, Bohemia, in 1708, died in Mannheim, in 1771. Violinist, pu- pil of Timnier and Rosetti on the violin, and of Biarelli on the flute. He entered the service of the Starost Suchaczewski at Warsaw, was admitted to the Chapel Royal of the King of Poland in 1733, and in 1731 entered the orchestra of the Prince Royal of Prussia, with whom he went in 1740 to Berlin, ou his accession to the throne. In 1760, he went to Mannheim, as violinist in the chapel of the Elector Palatine. Besides many concertos, trios, solos, and sympho- nies, left in MS., he published six solos for the flute, and as many for the violin. — Fotis ; Mendel. CZEK. See Gech. CZERMAK See dermak. CZERNY, D0:\1INIC, JOS- EPH, and SANCTUS. See ()ern>% CZERNY, (Cerny'), CARL, born in enna, Feb. 21, 1791, died there, July 1857. Pianist, pupil of his father Wencezclas Czerny, pianist, of Beethoven, and of de- menti. Beethoven, who offered to teach him and became his ardent friend, introduced liim to his patron, Prince Lichuowsky, whose friendship was of great service to Czerny. In 1804 he made preparations for a profes- sional tour, but abandoned it on account of the unsettled state of the continent, and devoted himself from that time to teaching and composition. Among his pupils were Liszt, Thalberg, DOhler, Mme Oury, and many other well-known musicians. His first published work : "Variations concer- tantes, for pianoforte and violin, appeared in 1805, and Rondo brillant, for four hands, in 1818. From that time he had difficulty in keeping pace with the demands of the jjublishers. His printed com- j)ositions amount to nearly one thousand, of which many consist of fifty or more num- bers. His piano- forte compositions ' may be divided into three classes, scholastic, solid, and brilliant ; the best of which are \m- doubtedly the scholastic, op. 299, 300, 335, 399, 400, and 600, published under the title of : Complete Theoretical and Practi- cal Pianoforte School, 3 vols. Besides his printed works, which embrace every species of composition for pianoforte, he left an enor- mous mass of MS., now in the archives of yOi/(^-^«^" Vi- 15, the Gesellschaft der Musik-Freunde, Vienna. Tliese comprise : 24 masses, 4 requiems, 300 graduals and offertories, symphonies, overtures, concertos, string trios and quar- tets, choruses, songs for one or more-voices, and even pieces for the stage. His book : XJmriss der ganzen Musikgeschichte, was publi-shed by Schott, of Mainz (1851) ; and by Ricordi, of Milan.— Fetis ; IMendel ; Rie- mann ; Schilling ; Wurzbach. CZERWmSKY, WILHEL3I, born in Vienna, 1838, still living, 1888, at Lemberg, Galicia. Pianist, pupil of Fischhof, Hell- mesberger, the elder, von Mikuli, and Notte- bohm. Works : Slowirek (singing bird), operetta, given at Lemberg, 1875 ; Sym- phony ; String quartets ; Pianoforte pieces, CZEYKA choruses, aud songs. — Mendel, Ergiiuz., 73. CZEYKA. See 6ejka. CZIBULKA, ALPHONS, born at Szepes- Varallya, Hungary, May, 14, 1842, still liv- ing, 1888. Pianist, studied at Pressburg aud in Vienna, then went as pianist to Rus- sia. In 1865 he became Kapellmeister at the Carl Theater in Vienna, and in 1866, upon his own application, in the 17th regi- ment of infantry, with which he made the camjjaign iu Italy ; afterwards in the same capacity in the 25th regiment at Prague ; he is now Armee-Kapellmeister in Vienna, His dance-music enjoys great favor. He is author of an operetta : Pfingsten in Flor- enz, 1884. — Mendel, Ergauz., 73 ; Kiemann. DAASE, RUDOLF, born in Berlin, Feb. 21, 1822, still living, 1888. Pupil of Streit and Braune on the violin, of Kilitschgy on the pianoforte, and of Eduard Wilsing, A. W. Bach, and Marx in theorj' and composition. He teaches music in Berlin, where he is a conductor, aud has composed many dances, mai'ches, and similar works for special occasions, also pianoforte pieces, aud four-part songs for male voices. In 1885 he received the great gold medal, of Austria, for art and science. — Mendel. DACHSTEIN, WOLFGANG, lived in the 16th century. He was a priest of Stras- burg, but adopted the reformed religion iu 1524, married, and became organist aud vicar of the church of St. Thomas, Stras- burg. He composed the chorals : An Wus- serjlilsaeii Babylon ; Ach Gott, wie lang ; Aus tiefer Noth ; Ich glaub ; Darum red' ich, etc.— Fetis ; Mendel ; SchillinLr, Sup., 88. DACOSTA (da Costa), ISAAC FRANCO, born at Bordeaux, France, Jan. 17, 1778, died there, July 12, 1866. Clarinetist, first instructed by his father, then (1797) pupil of Xavier Lefcvre at the Paris Conservatoire, where he took the first prize in 1798. He held positions in the orchestras of different theatres aud of the Opera until 1842, when he retired to his native citj'. Works : 4 concertos for clarinet, with orchestra ; Con- certino ; Fautaisies aud themes varies ; Ro- mances. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. DAFNE, pastoral drama by Ottavio Rinuc- cini, music by Jacopo Peri, privately per- formed in the Palazzo Corsi, Florence, 1597. This was the first true opera ever put ujjou the stage. Peri himself took the j)art of Apollo. The music, now lost, was in the style then believed to be identical with that cultivated by the Greek tragedians. It was never performed in public. Dafne, Italian opera, music by Marco da Gagliano, was represented iu 1607, at the marriage of the Duke of Mantua with the daughter of the Duke of Savoy ; Italian oj^era, music by Ariosti, Venice, 1686 ; music by Aldovrau- dini, Bologna, 1696 ; music by Baron As- torga, Vienna, 1705 ; music by Pollarolo, Venice, 1705. Daphue, text translated from Rinuccini by Martin Opitz, music by Hein- rich Schiitz, produced under the ausi^ices of the Elector Joliaun Georg I., at the pal- ace of Torgau, April 13, 1627, was the first ojiiera written by a German and the first ever performed in Germany. Florindo uud Daphne, German opera, text by Hiusch (in two parts, the first entitled F'lorindo), music by Haudel, given at Hamburg, 1706. Dapli- ne, music by J. D. Hensel, Goldberg, 1799. Apollo and Daphne, English opera, music by Pepusch, London, 1716 ; music by Gal- liard, Loudon, 1726. Apollon et Daphue, French opera, text byPitra, music by Anton Mayer, Paris, 1782. Gli amori d' Apolline e di Dafne, music by Cavalli, Venice, 1640. DAHL, E:\BIA, born (Freyse), ai. Plon, Holsteiu, April 6, 1819, still living, 1888. Dramatic singer and vocal composer, adopted daughter and pupil of Baroness vou Natorp (Marianne Sessi) ; made her debut as Agathe iu Der Fi-eischiitz at the Royal Opera in Berlin, and sang with gi-eat success on the stages of Breslau, Leipsic, Schwerin, etc. Ilaviug declined an engagement as prima donna at Copenhagen, and afterwards at Stockholm, she married in 1841 the book- 381 DAI seller Dab], at Christiania, and, save oue year in Paris, where she studied under Garcia, has since lived in Norway. She has composed many songs, distinguished for pleasing melody and natural sentiment, which are popular in the Scandinavian king- doms. — Mendel. DAI CAJVIPI, DAI PRATI. See Mefido- fele. DALAYEAC, NICOLAS (properly dAlayrac), born at Muret (Languedoc), June 13, 17.53, died in Paris, Nov. 27, 1809. His father, who held a high civil ajipointment iu his jjrovince, had a horror of music, and the young Dalayrac's early youth was, like that of many artists, a series of struggles against parental authority. He was destined for the bar, but was at one time allowed to take violin lessons, a l^ermission soon withdrawn, as his music was found to take too much time from his legal studies. But the boy persisted in practising in secret, climbing up on to the roof by night for that purpose. The noise of his violin disturbed the nocturnal devo- tions of the nuns in a convent liard by ; they reported his secret playing to his father, who, touched by the lad's persever- ance, allowed him to jjursue his musical exercises unhindered in future, and even permitted him to give up all thoughts of a legal cai-eer. In 1774 he got a commis- sion in the Guards of the Comte dArtoi-s, and went to Paris. Here his military duties were neglected, as his legal studies had been before ; as soon as he got to the capital he began to study harmony under Langle. Langle was his only regular teacher, but he benefited much by the advice of Grc'ti-y, whose study he used to frequent far more than that great man's own pupils did. His dt-but as dramatic composer was not long in following, and in 1781 his first comic opera, " Le petit sou- per," was given with great success at the French Court. He was soon recognized as one of the most fertile composers of the day, and continued writing operas at the rate of one or two a year for the remainder of his life, even the horrors of the Reign of Terror being insufficient to interrupt his productiveness. In 1790 the failure of the banking house of Savalette de Lange swept away the savings of ten years, but Dalayrac nevertheless annulled his father's will which made him sole heir, to the exclusion of a younger brother. In 1798 he was made member of the Academy of Stockholm, and, on the establishment of the order of the Legion of Honour, some years later, he was made chevalier. He was buried in his garden at Fontenay-sous-Bois. His bust, by Cartellier, stands in the lobby of the Opera Comique. Dalayrac's name is one of the more imjjortant ones in the historj' of French opera. He was one of tlie fore- runners of Auber and Boieldieu. He was particularly at home in the smaller forms of comic opera ; his melody is graceful, natural, and often piquant, although at times trivial. In command of the orchestra he was quite up to the average of his time ; his sense of dramatic fitness was very keen. Some of his songs and ensemble pieces, although they have quite passed out of public notice, are still to be regarded as models. Works : 1, L'eclipse totale, 1 act, Paris, Comedie Italienne, Mar. 7, 1782 ; 2, Le corsaire, 3 acts, ib., March 17, 1783 ; .3, Les deux tuteurs, 2 acts, ib.. May 8, 1784 (originally given at court as Les deux sou- pers ; afterwards cut down to 1 act) ; 4, Tiamaiit statue, 1 act, ib., Aug. 4, 1785 ; 5, La dot, 3 acts, ib., Nov. 21, 1785 ; 6, Nina, ou la foUe par amour, 1 act, ib., May 15, 1786 ; 7, Azemia, ou les sauvages, 3 acts, ib.. May 3 or 4, 1787 (first given in Decem- ber, 1786, at court, at Fontainebleau, as Le nouveau Robinson, and much remod- elled for the Paris jjerformauce) ; 8, Benaud DALAYKAC cl'Ast, 2 acts, ib., July 19, 1787 ; 9, Les deux serenades, 2 acts, ib., Jan. 23, 1788 ; 10, Sargiues, ou Televe de I'amour, i acts, ib.. May 14, 1788 ; 11, Fauchette, 2 acts, ib., Oct, 13, 1788 ; 12, Les deux petits Savoy- ards, 1 act, ib., Jan. 14, 1789 ; 13, Raoiil, sire de Crequi, 3 acts, ib., Oct. 31, 1789 ; 14, La soiree orageuse, 1 act, ib.. May 29, 1790 ; 15, Le cbene jjatriotique, 2 acts, ib., July 10, 1790 ; 16, Vert-vert, 1 act, ib., Oct. 11, 1790 ; 17, Camille, ou le souter- rain, 3 acts, ib.. Mar. 19, 1791 ; 18, Agues et Olivier, 3 acts, ib., Oct. 10, 1791 ; 19, Philippe et Georgette, 1 act, ib., Dec. 28, 1791 ; 20, Tout pour I'amour, ou Juliette et Eomeo, ib., July G, 1792 ; 21, Ambroise, ou voila ma journee, 1 act, ib., Jan. 12, 1793 ; 22, Asgill, ou le prisounier de guen-e, 1 act, ib., May 1, 1793 ; 23, TJr- gande et Merlin, 3 acts, ib., Oct. 4, 1793 ; 24, La prise de Toulon, 1 act, Theatre Feydeau, Feb. 1, 1794 ; 2.5, Le congres des rois (with ten other composers), 3 acts. Theatre Favart (Comedie Italienne), Feb. 20, 1794 ; 2G, L'enfauce de J. J. Rousseau, 1 act, ib., May 23, 1794 ; 27, Le detenu, ou Cange, commissionnaire de Lazare, 1 act, Nov. 18, 1794 ; 28, La pauvre femme, 1 act. Theatre Favart, April 8, 1795 ; 29, AdUe et Dorsan, 8 acts, ib., April 27, 1795 ; 30, Marianue, 1 act, ib., July 7, 1796 ; 31, La maison isolee, ou le vieillard des Vosges, 2 acts, ib.. May 11, 1797 ; 32, La leron, ou la tasse de glace, 1 act. Theatre Feydeau, May 24, 1797 ; 33, Gulnare, ou I'esclave persane, 1 act, Theatre Favart, Jan. 9, 1798 ; 34, Alexis, ou I'erreur d'uu bon pere, 1 act. Theatre Feydeau, Jan. 24, 1798 ; 35, Leon, ou le Chateau de Mouteuero, 3 acts, Theatre Favart, Oct. 15, 1798; 36, Adolphe et Clara, ou les deux prisonniers, 1 act, ib., Feb. 10, 1799 ; 37, Laure, ou I'actrice chez elle, 1 act, ib., Sept. 26, 1799 ; 38, Arnill, ou le prisonnier americain, 1 act, (remodelled version of No. 22, Asgill, etc.), ib., Nov. 22, 1799 ; 39, Le rocher de Leu- cade, 1 act, ib., Feb. 13, 1800 ; 40, Une matinee de Catinat, ou le tableau, 1 act, Theatre Feydeau, Sept. 28, 1800 ; 41, Mai- aon a vendre, 1 act. Theatre Favart, Oct. 22, 1800 ; 42, Lehemau, ou la tour de Neu- stadt, 3 acts. Opera Comique, Dec. 11, 1801 ; 43, L' antichambre, ou les valets maitres, 1 act, ib., Feb. 26, 1802 ; 44, La boucle de cheveux, 1 act, ib., Oct, 27, 1802 (fiasco, but remodelled and brought out with suc- cess, Nov. 23) ; 4.5, Picaros et Diego, ou la folle soiree, 1 act, ib.. May 2, 1803 (remod- elled version of No. 43, L'antichambre, etc., which was suppressed after first perform- ance for political reasons) ; 46, La jeune prude, ou les femmes entre elles, 1 act, ib., Jan. 14, 1804 ; 47, Une heure de mariage, 1 act, ib., Mar. 19, 1804 ; 48, Le pavilion du Calife, 2 acts. Opera, April 11, 1804 ; 49, Gulii&U.Oiy^ 42U DESSY DESSY, BATTISTA, born at Cagliaii, Italy ; coutemporary. He has beeu con- ductor at several theatres, and is maestro concertatore and conductor at the theatre of Cagliari, where he produced, about 1875, two operas : Don Martino d' Ai-agona, and Un cuore di marinajo. A third, Suor Ter- esa, has not been played. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 264. DESTOUCHES, ANDRE CAEDINAL, born in Paris in 1672, died there in 1749. He went to Siam with the Jesuit father Tachard, intending to join the order of Jesus himself, but on his return became a professor of music, and brought out an opera, Isse, at the court, in 1697, which was successful from its originalitj', He had never studied composition at this time, and was obliged to have the assistance of a thorough musician wheu he wished to reduce his ideas to music. He afterwards studied music thoroughly, especially coun- terpoint ; but his subsequent jjroductions were not as successful as the first, which was represented again at the Opera in 1768. He was superintendent of the King's music and inspector general at the Opera, from 1713 until his death. ^Yorks : Amadis de Grece, given in 1699 ; Marthcsia, reine des Amazones, Fontainebleau, 1699 ; Omphale, Paris, 1701 ; Le caruaval et la folic, 1704 ; CaUirhoe, 1712 ; Telemaque, 1718 ; Semi- ramis, 1725 ; les Elements, opera-ballet (with Lalande), 1726 ; Les stratagemes de I'amour, 1726. Louis XIV. pensioned him late in life. — Fetis ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Riemaun. DESTOUCHES, FRANZ SERAPH VON, born in Munich, Jan. 21, 1772, died there, Dec. 10, 1844. Dramatic composer, pupil of Josef Haydn in Vienna (1787-91) ; be- came musical director at Erlangen in 1797, Conzertmeister at Weimar, 1799, professor of harmony at the university of Laudshut, in 1810, Hof-Kapellmeister at Homburg in 1826, and retired to Munich in 1842. Works : Die Thomasnacht, opera, given in Munich, 1792 ; Das Missverstiindniss, ojier- etta, Weimar ; Die bliihende Aloe, do., ib. ; Der Teufel und der Schneider, comic opera, Munich, 1843 ; Music to Schiller's William Tell, Maid of Orleans, Wallenstein's Camp, Bride of Messina, to Werner's Wanda, and to Kotzebue's Hussiten von Naumburg ; Masses and other church music ; Concerto for pianoforte and orchestra ; Sonatas, fantasias, variations, etc., for pianoforte ; Sonatas for do., violin, and violoncello. — AUgem. d. Biog., v. 77 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemann. DESTRIBAUD, PAUL, bom about 1828, still living, 1888. Pupil at the Paris Con- servatoire under Hippolyte Colet. He is the author of several romances, and Venus au moulin d'Ampijshros, operetta, Bouflfes Parisiens, 1856 ; and Sylvio-Sylvia, comic opera, Opera Comique, 1861. He became a financier and gave up musical composi- tion. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 264. DESVIGNES, \1CT0R FRAN(,'OIS, born at Treves, June 5, 1805, died at Metz, Dec. 30, 1853. Dramatic composer, stud- ied at first the violin, and was for years conductor in the theatres of provincial cities, and after a stay in Paris, during which he completed his studies in harmony, resumed this life until he settled at Metz, where he became director of the theatre. In 1835 he founded a conservatory, which flourished to such a degree that it was taken in charge by the government in 1841, as a branch of the Paris Conservatoire. Member of Metz Academy. Works: Two trios for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Trio for harp, violin, violoncello ; Adagio for do. ; Duo for harp (or pianoforte), and violin ; 6 duos coucertants for pianoforte and violin ; 3 suites of canons without words; 4 do., with words; Many sacred and secular choruses ; Romances and melo- dies ; unpublished : Stabat Mater, per- formed at Metz, 1833 ; Lequel des trois, comic opera ; La belle au bois dormant, fairy opera ; Symphony in D ; 9 overtures for grand orchestra ; Several works of chamber music ; Romances, chansouuettes. 431 DE SWERT choruses, serenades, etc., for one, two, and three voices. — Fctis, Supplement, i. 264 ; Gaudar, V. F. Desvignes (Metz, 1854). DE SWEKT, JULES, born at Louvaiu, Belgium, Aug. 15, 1843, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer and violoncellist ; son of Hermann De Swert, Belgian musician (born in 1803), and brother of Isidore De Swert (1830), violon- cellist, and Jean De Swert (1832), violinist and pianist. He played in public before he was nine years of age, went to Brussels in 185G and became a pupil of Servais at the Conservatoire, where he won the first violoncello prize in 1858. He has travelled l^rofessionally in Belgium, Holland, Ger- many, and England, became Conzertmeister at Diisseldorf in 18G5, first violoncellist in the court orchestra at Weimar in 1868, roj'al Conzertmeister, solo violoncellist and professor in Berlin in 1869. He resigned in 1873, to undertake new concert tours, and made his home first at Wiesbaden, and since 1881 at Leipsic. Works : Die Albi- genser, 02)era, given at Wiesbaden, 1878 ; Graf Hanimerstein, do., Mainz, 1884 ; Nord- seefahrt, symphony ; Three concertos for violoncello with orchestra or j^ianoforte (Mainz) ; Itomances for do., with piano- forte, op. 4 ; Fantasia, with orchestra or pianoforte, op. 25 (Mainz) ; Fantaisie de salon, op. 26 ; 3 duos de salon, pour violou- celle et piano ; Barcarolle, Capriccio, Ma- zurka, op. 29 (Cassel) ; 3 morceaux pour violoncelle et piano. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 265 ; Eiemann. DETTINGEN TE DEUM, music by Handel, written in commemoration of the victory of Dettingen, June 27, 1743. On the return of Iving George H. from Dettin- gen, where he commanded in person, a public thanksgiving was ap23ointed, and Handel commissioned to prepare a Te Deum and an Anthem for the occasion. The original score of the Te Deum, in Buckingham Palace, is dated at the begin- ning, July 17, 1743, but is not dated at the end ; the Anthem, in the British Museum, is dated July 30, 1743, at the beginning, and August 3, 1743, at the end. The two were publicly rehearsed at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, Nov. 18th and 25th, and per- formed at the thanksgiving in the Chapel Eoyal, Saint James's, Nov. 27, 1743. This is one of the greatest of Handel's later works. It is claimed that he was indebted for many of the themes to a similar work by Francesco Antonio Urio. The Te Deum was published first by Wright, the Anthem by Arnold ; jjublished b}' Handel Society (London, 1846), and by Hilndelgesellschaft (Leipsic, 1866).— Rockstro, Handel, 271 ; Grove, iv. 209 ; E. Prout, Monthly Musical Record, Nov. 1, 1871. DEUCALION ET PYRRHA, opera in five acts, text by Sainte-Foix and Morand, music by Pierre Montan Berton in collabo- ration with Giraud, represented at the Aca- domie Royale de Musique, Paris, Sept. 30, 1755 ; opera-comique in one act, text by Michel Carre and Jules Barbier, music by Mont-fort, given at the Opera Comique, Oct. 8, 1855. DEUTSCHE MESSE (German Mass), in F, text by Johana Philipp Neumann, for four voices, with wind instruments or organ, bj- Franz Schubert, composed in 1826 for the students of the Polj'technic Institute, Vienna. Second arrangement, for male voices, 1827. Published by Gotthard (Vi- enna). DEUTSCHE MICHEL, DER, German opera, text and music by Adolph ]\Iohr, represented at Breslau, May 8 ; Nuremberg, Oct. 28 ; Magdeburg, Dec. 11 ; and Leip- sic, Dec. 14, 1887. DEUTSCHES REQUIEM, EIN (A Ger- man Requiem), biblical poem, for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, bj' Brahms, op. 45, first performed in Vienna, at the Gesellschafts Conzert, 1868. Published by DKUTSOIILANDS Rietei'-Biedermami. Given In- tlic [Milwau- kee (Wiscousiu) Musikverein, 1875. — Woch- enblatt (1870), 5, 20, 35, 52, 67. DEUTSCHLANDS AUFERSTEHUNG (Germany's Kesurrectiou), festival cantata for male voices and orchestra, by Joachim Eaff, first ijerformed in 1863. Written for the fiftieth anniversary of the memorable battle of Leipsic, Oct. 16-19, 1813, which preci2)itated the downfall of Najjoleon. DEUX AMOUES, ojjera in one act, text by Eugene Cormon and Amedee Achard, music by Gevaort, rei)reseuted at Baden- Baden, July 31, 1861. DEUX AELEQUINS, LES, opera-co- mique in one act, text by Mestepes, music by Emile Jonas, represented at the Fantai- sies Parisieunes, Dec. 29, 1865. DEUX AVARES, LES (The Two Misers), comedy in two acts, text by Fenouillot de Falbaire, music by Gretry, represented at the Comedie Italienue, Paris, Dec. 6, 1770. It had been previously played, Oct. 17, be- fore the court at Foutainebleau. The dia- logue is feeble, but the music is among Gretry 's best compositions. I due avari, an Italian translation of the text, with mu- sic by Nicolo Isouard, was given in Malta, about 1797. The original text, with new music by Agnelli, excei^tiug the famous chorus by Gretrj', "La garde passe, il est minuit," was produced at the Marseilles Theatre in ilarch, 1860. DEUX AVEUGLES, LES (The Two Blind Men), operette in one act, text by Jules Moiueaux, nuisic by Offenbach, rep- resented at the Bouffes Parisiens, July 5, 1855. It was given in English, with the title Beggar my Neighbour, at the Gallery of Illustration, London, in 1869. DEUX BILLETS, LES, salon opera, text by Florian, music by Charles Poisot, rep- resented at the Salle Beethoven, Paris, April, 1858 ; music by Adolphe Blanc, Pa- ris, 1868 ; music by Ferdinand Poise, Athe- nee, Paris, Feb. 19, 1870. DEUX COUVENTS, LES (The Two Convents), opera in three acts, text by Des- jsrez, music by Gri'try, represented at the Comudie Italienne, Paris, Jan. 12, 1792. DEUX FAMILLES, LES (The Two Fam- ilies), drama in three acts, text by Planard, music l)y Labarre, represented at the Oi^i'ra Coinique, Paris, Jan. 11, 1831. Subject from the history of the Cid. The bass air, "Non, de ma juste colere," is classic and one of the most beautiful in the French rei:)ertory. DEUX JOUENEES, LES (The Two Days), lyric comedy in three acts, text by Bouilly, music by Cherubiui, rejjresent- ed at the Theatre Feydeau, Paris, Jan. 16, 1800. The scene is laid in the time of Cardinal Mazarin, and the hero is Antonio, a little Savoyard, who saves the proscribed Count Armand by carrying him out of Paris concealed in a water-cask. This ojjera, which is generally considered Cherubini's greatest work, is called in Germany Der Wassertriiger (The Water-carrier). The same subject is treated in Le porteur d'eau, opera-comique in one act, music by Lemiere de Corvey, Paris, 1801 ; Le due giornate, Italian comic opera, text by Fop- pa, music by Simon Mayr, Milan, 1801 ; The Escajses, or the Water-carrier, English oj^era, by Thomas Attwood (with part of Cherubini's music), London, 1801 ; and II portatore d' acqua, Italian opera, text by d' Arienzo, music by Paolo Fabrizi, Naples, 1841.— Hansliek, Moderne Oper, 86. DEUX LETTEES, LES (The Two Let- ters), opera-comique in one act, text by De- jaure, music by Boieldieu, represented at the Theatre Feydeau, Paris, Aug. 4, 1796. Op- era in two acts, music by L. E. Jadin, given at the Favart, Paris, 1797. DEUX MOTS (Two Words), ou une nuit dans la foret (A Night in the Forest), com- edy in one act, text by Marsollier, nmsic by Dalayrac, first given in Paris in 1798 ; rep- resented at the Opera Comique, June 9, 1806. A French officer and his servant, who have taken refuge for the night in a forest inn, are saved from the attack of a robber by the timely warning of the land- 423 DEUX lady's pretty maidservant. The same sub- ject is treated in the German opera Zwei ^Yorte, oder eine Nacbt im "Walde, by Con- radiu Kreutzer, Vienna, 1810. DEUX NUITS, LES (The Two Nights), opora-comique iu three acts, text by Scribe and Bouillj', music bj' Boieldieu, repre- sented in Paris, May 20, 1829. This work, which contains many charming numbers, worthy of the author of La dame blanche, was a failure on account of the uninterest- ing libretto, the j)lot of which turns on the ruses of a valet. It was the composer's last dramatic work, and it is probable that his disappointment at its reception hastened the disease, the germs of which he had brought from Russia. An oj)era-comique of the same title, in two acts, text by Cofiu- Eosny and Eeraud, music bj' Leblauc, was given at the Theatre de la Gaite, Paris, May 31, 1802. DEUX P^CHEUES, LES (The Two Fishermen), oprrette in one act, text by Bourget and Dujjeuty, music by Offenbach, represented at the Bouiifes Parisiens, Nov. 13, 1857. DEUX PETITS SAVOYARDS, LES (The Two Little Savoyards), opera-comique in one act, text by Marsollier, music by Dalayi'ac, represented at the Comedie Ita- lienue, Paris, Jan. 11, 1789. Two little Sa- voyards, who attract the attention of a Sei- gneur at a fair held in his park, and who refuse his offer of adoption because they are unwilling to leave their mother, turn out to bo his nephews. The libretto, de- spite its silly sentimentality, is pleasing, and the music is full of grace. The song, in dialect, of the two Savoyards, " Escouto d'Jeannetto," was long popular in France. DEUX EEINES DE FRANCE, LES (The Two Queens of France), drama in four acts, text by Ernest Legouve, music by Charles Gounod, represented at the Theatre Italien, Paris, Nov. 27, 1872. Subject, the excommunication of Philippe Auguste, King of France, who had divorced Lis queen Ingelburge, and, in defiance of a papal bull, married (119G) Agnes de Meranie, and the subsequent struggle between him and Pope Innocent III. The characters of the two queens, Ingelburge and Agnes, were repre- sented by Mmes Dica-Petit and Tholer ; the other roles of Philipi^e Auguste, the Comte de Landresse, the Cardinal, and the Comte de Nevers, by Bresil, Berton pere, Dupont- Vernon, and Debray. DEVASINI, , Italian comjjoser, con- temi^orary. He studied at the Milan Con- servatorio until 1842, composing while there his Francesca da Rimini, a musical drama, played by bis fellow-students at the Con- servatorio, 1841, and Un giorno di nozze, opera buffa, ib., 1842. He has written also a sextet for fiute, oboe, two clarinets, horn and bassoon, and other music. — Fe tis ; Mendel. DEVIENNE, FRANgOIS, born at Join- ville (Haute-Marne), Jan. 31, 1759, died at Charenton, Sept. 5, 1803. Dramatic com- poser, tlute and bassoon player, pupil of his brother, who was musician to the Duke of Zweibriicken. He became musician to the Cardinal de Roliau, flute jilayer in the band of the Gardes-Suisses, and in 1788 bassoon player in the orchestra of the Theatre de Monsieur. He was also professor at the Conservatoire amtil 1802. His intense ap- plication to his musical duties and to com- position, to which he devoted eight hours a day, resulted in brain trouble, and he died in the insane hospital of Charenton. He left a valuable "Methode de flute theorique et pratique " (Paris, 1795), which has passed through several editions. Works — Operas : Encore des Savoyai-ds, given in Paris, The- atre de Monsieur, 1789 ; Le mariage clan- destin, Theatre Montansier, 1791, and in Hamburg, 1798 ; Les precieuses ridicules, 1791 ; Les visitandines, Les quiproquos espagnols, Theatre Feydeau, 1792 ; Rose et Aurele, ib., 1793 ; Agnes et Felix, ou les deux espiegles, 1794 ; Valecour, ou un tour de page, 1797 ; Les comediens ambu- lants, 1798 ; Le valet de deux maitres, 1799. His vocal music comprised : Romances 434 DETir;s d'Estello, with pianoforte and flute ; Eo- mauccs do Gousalve de Cordoue, piano- forte, and flute or violin, op. 53 (1795) ; Eomances patriotiques ; Chansons republi- caines, a Tusage des fetes nationales ; Pre- miere livraison de six romances, paroles de Lablee, with jjianoforte and havp. His or- chestral music consisted of sj'mphonies, such as Hymphonio concertante pour haut- bois, ou clarinette et basson (1793) ; Sym- phonie concertante pour flute, hautbois, cor et basson, avec orchestre (1794) ; La Bataille de Jemmajses, for twenty instru- ments (179G) ; Ouvertures pour instru- ments h vent a I'usage des fetes, nationales, and many others ; Concertos, quartets, trios, sonatas, and many other pieces of which Fetis gives a list, for flute, for pianoforte, etc., in which one of the numbers contains 158 duets for various instruments, pub- lished in Paris, London, OiTenbach, and Berhn (1788-1801). He published also: Douze suites d'harmonies ii huit ct douze parties (Paris, 1798-1801).— Fetis ; do., Supplement, 266 ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Eie- mann. DEVIL'S OPEEA, THE, English opera in two acts, test by George Macfarren, mu- sic by George Alexander Macfarren, repre- sented at the English Opera House, Lon- don, Aug. 13, 1838. This, the composer's first dramatic work, at once drew public attention to him. DEVIN DU VILLAGE, LE (The Village Sorcerer), pastoral opera in one act, text and music by Jean Jacques Eousseau, first rep- resented at Fontainebleau, Oct. 18, 1752 ; and at the Academie Royale de Musique, Paris, March 1, 1753. The literai-y reputa- tion and social position of the author in- sured this mediocre work a success which it would not otherwise have had. It was last played in 1829, after more than four hundred representations. At last a wig thrown upon the stage during one of the scenes, created such a laugh that it was withdrawn. In the original east Cuvilier, Jelyotte, and Mile de Fel sang respectively the 2)arts of Lo Devin, of Colin, and of Co- lette. Notwithstanding that the music of Le devin du village has been generally at- tributed to Rousseau, who also claimed it as his own, there seems to be some doubt concerning its authorship, and Castil-Blaze asserts that it was composed by Granet, an obscure musician of Lyons, and only the libretto belongs to Rousseau ; but the character of the music itself would seem enough to show that it was not the work of a professional musician. The work had many imitations and parodies, such as Annette et Lubin, by Blaise, Paris, 1762 ; Rose et Colas, Monsigny, Paris, 1761 ; The Cunning Man, Dr. Burney, London, 1766 ; L'astien und Bastienne, Mozart, Vienna, 1768 ; Rose and Colin, Charles Dibdiu, London, 1778; Colin et Colette, Vanden- broeek, Paris, 1789 ; Annette et Lubin, Jadiu, Paris, 1791.— Fetis, vii. 496 ; Castil- Blaze, Moliere Musicien, ii. 408 ; Edwards, Hist, of the Opera, i. 261. DE VOLDER, PIERRE JEAN, born in Antwerp, July 27, 1767, died in Brussels, June 27, 1841. Violinist, pupil of Redin, vio- linist at the cathedral. He became first vio- linist of the Church of Saint-Jacques at the age of sixteen, then at the theatre, and sub- sequently was leader of the Concert Orches- tra. In 1794 ho began the manufacture of organs at Ghent, and became celebrated for his instruments, of which he constructed about seventj'-eight. In 1831 he removed his manufactory to Brussels, where he re- sided until his death. Works : 5 masses for four voices and orchestra ; 2 concertos for violin ; 2 symphonies concertantes ; 9 quartets for two violins, viola and bass ; La bataille d'lena, symphony for full orchestra ; La bataille de Waterloo ; La jeunesse d'Henri v., ojaera in three acts; Hymns, motets, and litanies ; Fantaisies for two orchestras ; Nocturnes and divertissements for several instruments. — Biog. nat. de Belgique, v. 847 ; Fetis. DEZftDE (Dezaides), N., born about 1740, died in Paris in 1792. Dramatic DIABELLI composer ; his nationality is iinlvnown, some biographers calling him a German, others maintaining that he was born in Ly- ons. He himself never knew the year of his birth, nor did. any member of his family. He received the education of a gentleman, first at college, then under the care of an abbe who taught him music and the harj). He went to Paris to finish his mu- sical education, and in consequence of his efforts there to find out the source of the income which he received regularly through a legal firm, he was thrown upon his own resources and obliged to make music his profession. In 1785 he became composer to Duke Maximilian of Zweibriicken, after- wards Elector and King of Bavaria, and received the title and pay of captain on condition of going to Zweibriicken once a year for two months ; but his best work was done in Paris for the Comedie Franjaise. "Woi'ks — Operas, given at the Theatre Ita- lien : Julie, 1772 ; L'erreur d'un moment, Le sti-atageme decouvert, 1773 ; Les trois fermiers, 1777 ; Zulima, Le portenr de chaises, 1778 ; A tromj^eur, trompeur et demi, 1780 ; Cecile, 1781 ; Blaise et Babet, 1783 ; Alexis et Justine, 1785 ; Auguste et Theodore, ou les deux pages, 1789 ; Fer- dinand, 1790 ; Pauline et Clairette, ou les deux espicgles, 1792 ; La fete de la cin- quautaine, 1796. At the Opera : Fatme, ou le langage des fleiirs, 1777; Peroune sauvage, 1783 ; Alcindor, 1787. A musical comedy in one act, by Mile Dezede, his daughter, then fifteen years old, was represented in 1781 at the Italiens, Paris. — Fetis ; do., Sui^plement, i. 267 ; Clement, Mus. celebres, 147 ; Larousse ; Mendel. DIABELLI, ANTON, born at Mattsee, Salzburg, Sept. 6, 1781, died in Vienna, April 8, 1858. He received his earliest music lessons from his father, became a choir-boy, and while attending the Munich Latin school continued his musical studies. He entered a convent to study theology, but found time for many compositions, which he submitted to his father's friend, Michael Haydn. On the secularization of the Bavarian monasteries in 1803, he gave up the idea of becoming a priest, and went to Vienna, where he was well received by Joseph Haydn, and taught the pianoforte and the guitar until 1818, when he went into the music publishing business with Peter Cajijii, and in 1824 became the head of the firm of Diabelli & Co., from which he retired in 1852. His compositions are numerous, and sometimes interesting, if not solid. Works : Adam in der KJemme, oj)- era, performed but once, at Vienna, in 1809 ; Church music, including the Landmesseu, or masses for the country ; Choruses, Die Betende von Mathisson, Weihuachtshed, Der Engel der Geduld ; Waltz, upon which Beethoven wrote 33 variations ; Sonatas, ron- dos, variations, songs, and many easy pieces and arrangements for young pianists. — All- gem, d. Biogr. ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Wurzbach. DIABLE A L'ECOLE, LE (The Devil at School), oj)cra-comique in one act, text by Scribe, music by Ernest Boulanger, repre- sented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Jan. 17, 1842. Scene in Italj'. Stenio, who has staked his fortune against Babylas, sent upon earth by Satan to win a soul, and lost, has it returned on condition of delivering himself up at midnight. Fiamma, his fos- ter-sister, proposes to the demon to take his place, and putting herself under the protection of her patroness, defies Babylas, who returns to his master empty-handed. An opera of the same title, music by Bou- bee, was given at the Societa Filarmonica de' Nobili, Naples, Feb. 17, 1880. DIABLE AU jMOULIN, LE (The Devil at the Mill), opera-comique in one act, text by Cormou and Michel Carre, music by Ge- vaert, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, May 13, 1859. A choleric miller, Antoine, who abandons himself to fits of anger on the least provocation, is cured of his folly by Marthe, who, feigning to admire him, imitates all his acts with usury. DIADESTfi, LE, opera-eomique in two acts, text by Priot and Saint-Hilaire, music DIAMANTI by Jules Go Jefroid, represented at tlic Opi'ra Comique, Paris, Sept. 7, 1836. The plot tams on an Arabic game in which two players, male and female, do not receive anything from each other's hand within a given time without saying " diadeste," on penalty of a forfeit. Diadeste, Italian opera buffa, text by Fitzball, music by Balfe, was produced at Drury Lane, London, May 17, 1838.— Kenney, Memoirs, 132. DIAMANTI, PAOLO, born in the Eo- magna, about 1805. Buffo singer and com- poser ; member of the Teatro Commuuale, Bologna, in 1838, where he brought out two operas : La distruzione de' Masuadieri, and La Turca fedele.— Ft'tis ; Mendel. DIAMANTS DE LA COURONNE, LES (The Crown Diamonds), text by Scribe and Saint-Georges, music by Auber, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, IMarch G, 1841. Scene in Portugal, time 1777. The young queen of Portugal, having pledged the crown diamonds for the national debt, seeks to deceive her people by having false stones made to take their place. She visits in disguise the cavern where bandits, led by EeboUedo, carry on the manufacture of false money and false jewels, and while masquerading there as Catarina meets Dom Henrique de Sandoval, who has been capt- ured by the gang while on his way to sign a marriage contract with his cousin Diana, daughter of the Conde de Campo INIayor, Minister of Police at Coimbra. Dom Henri- que is fascinated by Catarina and makes love to her notwithstanding his relations to Diana, who in turn ^jrefers Dom Sebastien to her aflSanced. Catarina, after mystifying Dom Henrique in her assumed characters, at last appears in her role of queen and announces that she has chosen him for her husband, and Diana is made happy with Dom Sebastien. The principal part in the original representation was tilled by jNIme Anna Thillou, for whom Auber expressly wrote the opera. Notwithstanding its im- probable libretto, Auber's sparkling and Kraceful music has made it one of the most successful operas of its class, both in its French and its English form. It was first performed in London, as Crown Dia- monds, at the Princess's Theatre, May 2, 1844, with Mme Thillon in the principal part ; and it had a still greater success in 1854, when it was produced at Drury Lane by the Pyne-Harrison troupe, and had a run of a hundred nights. It was first given in New York at Niblo's Garden, 1850, also with Mme Anna Thillon in the chief role. DIANA, German opera, text by Konig, music by Keiser, represented at Hamburg, 1712 (given as Cupido, Hamburg, 1724) ; Diane, opera ballet, music by Struck, rep- resented at Versailles, about 1714 ; Diane, divertissement, music by Jacques Aubert and de Bourgeois, Paris, 1721 ; operette bouffe, music by Millocker, Vienna, Jan. 2, 18G7. Diana amante, Italian opera, text by Orlandi, music by Giuseppe Antonio Ber- nabei, Munich, 1GS8 ; music by Leo, Na- ples, 1717 ; Diana ed Endimione, Italian opera, music by Scarlatti, Italy, about 1675 ; music by Ignazio Fiorillo, Cassel, 1763 ; dra- matic cantata, Pescetti, London, 1739. Di- ane et Endymion, music by Anne Danican- Philidor, Paris, 1G98 ; opera in three acts, 427 DIANA text by Liroux, music by Picciuni, Acadomie Royale de Musique, Paris, Sept. 7, 1784 ; opera in two acts, music by Jean Baptiste Eey, Paris, 1791. Las amours de Diane et d'Endymion, text by Guicliard, music by Sablieres, Versailles, 1671. Diane et I'A- mour, opera-comique, represented at the French Court, 1730. Diana ed Ainore, Italian opera, music by Georg Maun, Vi- enna, about 1745. Diana placata, music by Ferrandini, Munich, 1753 ; opera, text by Pariati, music by Fux, Vienna, 1717. Di- ana veudicata, Italian opera, text by Pas- quini, by Georg Karl Reutter, Vienna, 1736. See also Endimione. DIAl^A DI CHAVEPiNI, Italian opera, music by Sangiorgi, represented at the Argentina Theatre, Rome, December, 1875. DIANA VON SOLANGE, opera, music by Duke Ernest U., of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, represented first in Coburg, 1858 ; and at the Stadttheater, Nuremberg, Dec. 25, 1877. DIANORA, opera-comique in one act, text by Chantepie, music by Samuel Rous- seau, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Dec. 22, 1879. Fantino, the herds- man, imable to induce Dianora to return his love, feigns to poison himself. The belle, duped by his stratagem, yields to this evidence of amourous despair. This opera was a public failure, notwithstanding that it was crowned at the Concours Crescent. DI.VS, GABRIEL, Portuguese musician of the 17th century. Very little is known of him beyond that he was first singer in the chapel of Philip IV. at Madrid, and then maestro de capilla of the convent of the Fi'anciseanas descalzas of that city. The catalogue of the musical Library of Juan IV. records a great deal of relig- ious music by Dias, 497 vilhancicos being attributed to him, besides masses, motets, etc. — Fuertes, Historia de la musica espa- gnola ; Fetis, Supplement, i. 268 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 85. DIAZ DE LA PENA, EUGENE EiMILE, born in Paris, Feb. 27, 1837, still living, 1888. Son of Narcisse Virgile de la Pen a, the jjainter ; jjupil from 1852 at the Con- servatoire, where he studied harmony un- der Eeber, and ob- tained the first ac- cessit in 1856 and the second prize in 1858 ; and pupil of Halevy iu composition. In 1865 he produced at the Theatre Lyrique an opera-comique en- titled Le roi Can- daule, and in 1867 he won the government prize for the music to La coupe du roi de Thule, which was given at the Opera iu 1S73. He has since published songs, and has given selections from La coupe du roi de Thule at the Concerts Danbe (1875). — Fetis, Supplement, i. 269 ; Larousse. DIBDIN, CHARLES, born at Dibdiu, near Southampton, March 15, 1745, died in London, July 25, 1814. Dramatic composer, and poet, pujnl of Kent and of Fussel , but chiefly self-taught, studying the works of Corelli and the didactic writings of Ra- meau. At the age of fifteen lie went to London, where he soon obtained an en- gagement at Covent Garden Theatre as a singing actor, began to write for the stage, and after an engagement at Birmingham (1763-65), returned to London, and in 1768 transferred his services from Covent Garden to Drury Lane. Owing to difter- euces between him and Garrick, he left his position, visited France in 1776, and on his return was engaged as composer for Covent Garden, but held the appointment for a few seasons only, and having projected and failed in various theatrical enterpirises, started on a musical tour in 1787 to raise funds for a meditated visit to India, for which he sailed in 1788 ; the vessel being driven to shelter at Torbay, he abandoned his trip and returned to London, where he produced those successful table entertain- ments, which he originated, and in which he appeared as author, composer, narrator, singer, and accompanist, from 1789 to 428 DIBDIN 1805, when be retired from public bfe. lu 1802 tbe government granted bini a pen- sion, but tbis be- ing witlidrawn on a cliange of uiiuis- trj', be ojjened a music sbop in tbe Strand as a means of subsistence ; tbe specidatiou failed, and a sub- scription for bis relief was raised in 1810, wbicb secured an annuity to bim- self, bis wife and daugbter successively. His pension was also restored to bini. "Works : Tbe Sbepberd's Artifice, 1703 ; Love in tbe City, 1707 ; Damon and Pbil- lida, Lionel and Clarissa, Tbe Padlock, 1708 ; Tbe Maid tbe Mistress, Tbe Re- cruiting Sergeant, Tbe Ejabesian Matron, Tbe Jubilee, Queen Mab, The Captive, 1769; Pigmy Revels, 1770; Tbe Wed- ding Ring, Tbe Listitution of tbe Garter, 1771 ; Tbe Ladle, Tbe Mischance, Tbe Brickdust Man, Tbe Widow of Abingdon, The Palace of Mirth, 1772 ; A Christmas Tale, Tbe Trip to Portsmouth, Tbe De- serter, The Grenadier, 1773 ; The W^ater- man, The Cobbler, 1774 ; The Quaker, The two Misers, 1775 ; Tbe Seraglio, The Blackamoor, Tbe Metamorphoses, The Razor Grinder, Yo, Yea, or the friendly Tars, The old Woman of Eighty, Tbe mail Doctor, She is mad for a Husband, England against Italy, The Fortune Hunter, All is not Gold that glitters, 1770 ; Poor Vulcan, Rose and CoUin, Tbe Wives revenged, An- nette and Lubiu, The Milkmaid, 1778; Plymouth in an Uproar, Tbe Chelsea Pen- sioner, The Mirror, Tlie Touchstone, 1779 ; The Shepherdess of tbe Alps, Harlequin Freemason, Tbe Islanders, 1780 ; Jupiter and Alcmena, 1781 ; None so blind as those who won't see, 1782 ; The Barrier of Parnassus, The Graces, Tbe Saloon, Man- darina, Tbe Land of Simplicity, Tbe Pas- sions, Tbe Statue, Clump and Cudden, Tbe benevolent Tar, Tbe Regions of Accom- plishment, Tbe Lancashire Witches, 1783 ; The Cestus, Pandora, The long Odds, Har- lequin tbe Phantom of the Day, 1784 ; Lib- erty Hall, 1785 ; Harvest Home, 1787 ; A loyal ESusion, 1797 ; Hannah Hewett, 1798. Monodramas: The Whim of tbe Moment, the Oddities, 1789 ; Tbe Wags, 1790 ; Private Theatricals, 1791 ; The Quizzes, 1792 ; Castles in the Air, 1793 ; Great News, 1794; Will of the Wisp, Christmas Gambols, 1795 ; The general Election, 1790 ; The Sphinx, Valentine's Day, 1797 ; King and Queen, 1798 ; A Tour to tbe Land's End, Tom AVilkins, 1799; The Cake House, 1800 ; A Frisk, 1801 ; Most Votes, 1802 ; New Year's Gifts, Bro- ken Gold, Britons, strike home, Heads and Tails, The Frolic, Datchet Mead, The pro- fessional Volunteers, Rent Da}-, Commo- dore Pennant, 1802-05. His sons, Charles, Jr. (1770-1831), and Thomas (1771-1841) were dramatists and song writers. His granddaughter, Mrs. Tonna, was a harpist. — Grove ; Reminiscences of Thomas Dib- din (2 vols., London, 1827) ; Fetis. DIBDIN, HENRY EDWARD, born in London, Sept. 8, 1813, died in Edinburgh, May G, 18GG. The youngest son of Charles Dibdin tbe younger, he became a jjroticieut on tbe harp, which he studied under bis sister, Mrs. Tonna, and Bochsa, and on tbe organ and the violin. In 1833 be removed to Edinburgh, where he established him- self as a teacher, and became honorary organist of Trinity Chapel. He was the author of a collection of chants and jDsalm and hymn tunes (1843), and of some music for tbe organ and tbe pianoforte, but he is best known as the compiler of " Tbe Stand- ard Psalm Tune Book" (London, 1851), the largest and most authentic collection of psalm tunes ever published. — Grove. DICHTERLIEBE, sixteen songs from Heine's Biich der Lieder, by Robert Schu- mann, op. 48, dedicated to Madame Schrii- der-Devrient, composed in 1840, published in 1844. Tbe songs in tbis collection, from DICHTER their melodic constructiou, are the first 23erfect examples of the style of the roman- tic school. Every cue of them requires a careful declamation, and thej' are worked out, not in the recitative form usual vpith Schubert, but into a thoroughly concise, strophic verse-structure. The composer enters so completely into the mind of the poet, so absolute is the assimilation, and so well is it sustained, that it is sometimes imj)ossible to rid ourselves of the impres- sion that the songs are the work of one man. Schumann's songs are in many moods, but there is not one of these that is unrepresented in the Dichterliebe. — Maitland, 65 ; Reissmann, 82. DICHTER UND BAUER (Poet and Peas- ant), overture by Franz Suppe. This, the composer's most popular orchestral work, has been arranged for fifty-nine different combinations of instruments, all published by Aibl, Munich. D'ICI VOYEZ CE BEAU DOMAINE. See La Dame blanche. DICK, CHARLES GEORGE COTS- FORD, born in London, Sept. 1, 1846, still living, 1888. Studied at Worcester College, Oxford, 1865-69 ; obliged from ill-health to give up law, and devoted himself to mu- sic. Works : Our Doll's House, ojseretta, 1876 ; Our new Doll's House, do., 1877 ; Back from India, do., 1879 ; Doctor D., comic opera, 1885 ; Songs and pianoforte music. DIDON, French opera in three acts, text by Marmoutel, music by Piccinni, rep- resented at the Academie Royale de Mu- sique, Paris, Dec. 1, 1783. Subject from the fourth book of the "J3neid," and the tragedy of " Didou " by Lefranc de Pom- pignan. The music made so profound an impression on the Court that Louis XVI. attended three successive representations. The melodies are full of grace and tender- ness and the accompaniments are rich in harmony. The role of Didon, which is ad- mirably treated, was filled by Madame de Saint-Huberty with such success that Pic- cinni, who had written some airs expressly for her voice, said that without her his oj^era would be without Didon. Three j-ears after- wards, when Madame de Saiut-Huberty was singing it at Strasburg, she received from Napoleon Bouajjarte, then a young oflScer of artillery, these ingenious verses . " Komains, qui vous vautez d'uue illustre origiue, Voyez d'oii depeudait votre empire naissaut ; Didon n'eut pas de cliaine assez puissant Pour arreter la fuite oh. son aniant s'obstine ; Mais si I'autre Didon, ornement de ces lieux, EOt ete reine de Carthage, II eftt, pour la servir, abandoune ses dieux, Et votre beau pays serait encore sauvage. " She afterward became the Comtesse d'En- traigues, and was murdered, together with her husband, by a servant, at Barnes, near London, July 22, 1812. — Clement and La- rousse, 211 ; Edwards, Prima Donna, ii. 183. DIDONE ABBANDONATA (Dido For- saken), Italian ojsera in three acts, text by Metastasio, first set to music by Domenico Sarri and represented in Naples, during the Carnival, 1724. Scene in Carthage. Char- acters represented : Didone, Queen of Car- thage, in love with Euea ; Jarba, King of the Moors, under the name of Arbace ; Se- lene, sister of Didone and secretly in love with Eoea ; Ai-aspe, confidant of Jarba and lover of Selene ; Osmida, confidant of Didone. In this tragedy, which excited universal en- thusiasm in its time, and held the Italian stage for a century, the poet has closely followed the narrative of Virgil in the "iEueid." The text has been set to music also by Scarlatti, Rome, 1724 ; Albinoni, Rome, 1725 ; Vinci, Rome, 1730 ; Schiassi, Bologna, 1735 ; Duni, Italy, about 1740 ; Poipora, Italy, about 1740 ; Beniaseoni, Rome, 1741, Munich, 1756 ; Hasse, Dres- den, 1743 ; Jommelli, Rome, 1746, Stutt- gart, 1763 ; Scalabrini, Dresden, 1747 ; Manna, Venice, 1751 ; Perez, Genoa, 1751 ; Bonne, Vienna, 1752 ; Ciampi, London, 1754 ; Bernasconi, Mannheim, 1756 ; Tra- etta, Parma, 1764 ; Schwanberg, Brunswick, 1765 ; Zanetti, Leghorn, 1766 ; Galuppi, DIE St. Petersburg, 17GG ; Srirti, Venice, 17G7 ; Piccinui, Naples, about 17G7 ; Majo, Naples, 1769 ; Mortellari, Naples, 1771 ; lusanguine, Naples, 1772; Calla, Turin, 1773; Moiu- belli, Crescentino, 1775 ; Scbirer, Najjles, 1776 ; Scbuster, Naples, 1776, and 177",) ; Ottani, Forli, about 1780 ; Piticcliio, Bruns- wick, 1780 ; Antlreozzi, St. Petersburg, 1784 ; .infossi, Naples, 178o ; Guglielmi, Venice, 1785 ; Gazzaniga, Venice, 1787 ; Federici, London, 1794 ; Paisiello, Naples, 1795 ; Kozelucb, Vienna, about 1795; Paer, Par- is, 1810 ; Eossiui (dramatic cantata), 1811 ; Mercadante, Turin, 1823 ; Keissiger, Dres- den, 1823. The subject had been treated before Metastasio in an Italian opera, music by Cavalli, Venice, 1641 ; and by Mattioli, Bologna, 1656. The Queen of Carthage is the subject also of the follow- ing : Didon, French lyric tragedy in live acts, with prologue, text by Mme Gillot de Sainctonge, music by Desmarest, repre- sented at the Opera, Paris, June 5, 1693 ; Dido, German opera, text by Hinsch, music by Graupner, Hamburg, 1797 ; grand op- era, text by Rellstab, music by Bernlmrd Klein, Berlin, about 1820 ; by Joseph Haydn, Marionetteu Theater, Esterhazy, 1778 ; by Lampert, Gotha, 1845. Dido, English drama, music by James Hook, Lou- don, 1771 ; English opera iu three acts, music by Stephen Storace, Drury Lane, London, 1792. Dido and Jilneas, English opera in three acts, text by Nahum Tate, music by Henry Purcell, Loudon, 1675 ; masque, music by Thomas Augustine Arne, London, 1734 ; Swedish opera, music by Kraus, Stockholm, 1792. The Death of Dido, English opera, music by Pepusch, London, 1716 ; La mort de Didon, French ballet, music by Saint- Amans, Paris, 1776. DIE FRIST 1ST UM. See Der Flie- fjende Hollander. DIE LIEBE ZIEHT ^HT SANFTEN SCHEITTEN, tenor aria in B minor, with accompaniment of oboe d' amore, and cou- tinuo, in Johann Sebastian Bach's cantata for Dominica 1 Adv. Chi-., Schwingt freudig eucli empor ; published separately, with ad- ditional accompaniments by Robert Franz, by F. Whistling, Leipsic. "dIEMER, LOLTS, born in Paris, Feb. 14, 1843, still living, 1888. Pianist, and instrumental and vocal composer, jiupil at the Conservatoire of Emile Durand in sol- fuge, of Marmontel on the pianoforte (first prize, 1856), of Bazin in harmony (first prize, 1859), of Ambroise Thomas in counterpoint and fugue (first prize), and of Benoist ou the organ (second prize). He won great success as a virtuoso at many of the great public concerts. Works: Sonata for pi- anoforte and violin ; Trio for do. and vio- loncello ; 6 pensees musicales ; 3 valses de salon ; 2 caprices ; Polonaise de concert ; Ek'gie , Berceiase ; Mazurka de salon ; Impromptu-valse ; Imj)romptu-caprice ; 18 transcriptions for pianoforte of sj'mphonic fragments from Haydn, Mozart, and Beet- hoven ; etc. ; Melodies for the voice. — Fl'- tis, Supplement, i. 269. DIE NACHT 1ST VERGANGEN, chorus in Mendelssohn's Lohrjemng. DIES BILDNISS IST BEZAUBERND SCHON. See Zauhcr/lOfe. DIETRICH, ALBERT born at Golk, near Meissen, Germany, Aug. 28, 1829, still living, 1888. Instru- mental and vocal com- poser, pupil in Dres- den of Julius Otto, then iu Leipsic (1847- 51) of Rietz and Mos- cheles, and until 1854 at Diisseldorf of Robert Schumann ; after his return to Leipsic his first symphony was played there at a Gewaudh;ius concert. He was conductor of the subscription con- certs at Bonn, from 1855 until 1861, when he became Hof-Kapellmeister at Oldenburg ; has directed concerts iu Cologne, Leipsic, and other German cities. Works : Robin Hood, opera, given at Frankfort, 1879 ; Symphony in D, op. 20 ; Normannenfahrt, 431 DIETRICH overture ; MorgenLymne, for chorus and orchestra; Kheiumorgeu, do.; Altcbrist- licher Bittgesang, do. ; Concerto for violin ; do. for violoncello ; Trios for j)ianoforte and strings ; Sonata for violoncello ; Ro- mance for horn with orchestra ; Songs, duets, choruses, and pianoforte pieces. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 210 ; Mendel ; Mus. Wochenblatt, vi. 20 ; Riemanu. DIETRICH (Dieterich), SIXTUS (Xistus Theodoricus), born at Augsburg between 1490 and 1495, died at St. Gall, Switzer- land, Oct. 21, 1548. Contrapuntist, spent bis }-outh at Freiberg in the Breisgau, went in 1517 to Strasburg, and in 1518 became schoolmaster at Constance ; thence he vis- ited Wittenberg in 1540 to attend lectures, and sutfering from gout, was taken to St. Gall in 1548, just before the siege of Constance bj- Charles V. Works : Magnifi- cat octo tonorum, liber primus (Strasburg, 1535) ; Novum ac insigue opus musieum 3G Antiphonarum (Wittenberg, 1541) ; Novum opus mus. etc. (ib., 1545) ; Psalms, motets, and other pieces in various German collec- tions (Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Witten- berg, 1538-45).— Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 159 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemann. DIETSCH, PIERRE LOUIS PHILIPPE, born at Dijon, March 17, 1808, died in Paris, Feb. 20, 1865. Church composer, pupil in Paris of Choron, and at the Con- servatoire of Reicha in counterpoint and of Chenie on the double-bass. In 1830 he be- came maitre de chai^elle of Saint-Eustache, and in 1842 of the Madeleine ; 1831 he also entered the orchestra of the Theatre Italien as double-bass player, afterwards that of the Opera, where he subsequently became chef du chant, and in 1860 chef d'orchestre, but retired in 1863. He was professor of harmony and counterpoint at Niedermeyer's Ecole de musique religieuse, from its foundation. L. of Honour, 1856. Works : Twenty-five masses ; Motets and hymns ; ]\Iagnificat and Te Deum, and many other religious compositions. He wrote also an opera, Le vaisseau fantome. given at the Opera, 1842, which did not suc- ceed, and several didactic works. — Fetis; do., Supplement, i. 270. DIETTER (Dieter), CHRISTIAN LUD- WIG, born at Ludwigsburg, Wiirtemberg, June 13, 1757, died at Stuttgart in 1822. Dramatic composer and violinist, pupil at the Karlschule in Stuttgart, of Seubert and Celestini, and in composition of Baroni, but formed himself chiefly by studying the works of Jommelli and other great Italian masters. He took prizes in 1776, 1777, and 1778, and became first violinist in the ducal orchestra in 1781. Works — Comic operas, given at Stuttgart: Elisinde, 1794; Der Schulze im Dorfe ; Der L'rwisch ; Das Freischiessen ; Der Rekrutenaushub ; Gliick- lich zusammen gelogeu ; Die Dorfdej^utir- ten ; Der Luftballon ; Belmont und Con- stanze ; Des Teufels Lustschloss ; Laura Rosetti, grand opera. Concertos for violin, horn, flute, oboe, and bassoon ; sonatas, duos, etc., for various instruments. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemann. DIEU ET LA BAYADfiRE, LE (The God and the Bayadere), opera-ballet in two acts, text by Scribe, music by Auber, represented at the Academic Roj^ale de Musique, Paris, Oct. 13, 1830. This pleasing and graceful work still holds the stage in France. The libretto is derived from Goethe's ballad, " Der Gott vmd die Bajadere." It was sung originally by Nourrit, ]Mme Damoreau, and Levasseur, with Miles Taglioni and Noblet as dauseuses. — Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 131. DIEUPART, CHARLES, born in France, latter part of the 17th century, died in Lon- don about 1740. Violinist and harpsichord player ; went to England and was associated with Clayton and Haym in the introduction of translations of Italian ojoeras in London. After their discontinuance he devoted him- self to teaching the harpsichord. Published Works : Six suites de clavecin, divisees en Ouvertures, Allemandes, Courantes, Sara- baudes, Gavottes, Minuets, Rondeaux et Gigues, composees et mises en Concert 432 DIEU pour un Violon ei Flflte, avec une Basse de viol et im Archilute (London) ; G ouver- tures pour clavecin et violon avec basse continue, quoted by Walther (Amsterdam). — Ft'tis ; Grove ; Mendel. DIEU, QUE MA VOIX. See La Juive. DIEUX KIVAUX, LE8 (The Rival Gods), ou les fetes de Cythere (The Fetes of Venus), ojiera-ballet in one act, text by Briti'aut and Dieulafoy, music by Berton, Ki-eutzer, Persuis, and Spontini, repre- sented at tlie Academic Eoyale de Musique, Paris, ou the occasion of the marriage of the Due de Berry, June 21, 1816. DIJKHUIJZEN, D H , born at Tweelo, in Gelderland, April 28, 1821, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil at Dessau of F. Schneider; returned and became or- ganist at Elburg, and in 1845 organist of the great organ in the church at Nymwe- gen. Published works : Sonata for organ ; Sonata for jsianoforte and violin and sev- eral Lider ; Twenty-third Psalm for chorus and orchestra ; Concert overture, given at Utrecht in 1853 ; Symphony in C, 1856. — Fetis, Supijlement, i. 271; Mendel, Er- gilnz., 86. DIKRAN - TSCHIHADJIAN, Armenian composer, author of the music to Sherif- Agha, Turkish opera in three acts, text by Alexander Abbosetto, represented in Con- stantinople, Dec. 8, 1872.— Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 271 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 87. DILETTANTE D'AVIGNON, LE, opOra- comique in one act, text by Hoffmann and Leon Hak'vy, music by Francois Halevy, first repi-esented in Paris, Nov. 7, 1829. DILLIGER (Dillinger), JOHANN, born atEisfeld, Bavaria, in 1590, died at Coburg, Aug. 28, 1647. Church compose!-, was at first cantor at Wittenberg, then (1625) at Coburg, became parson at Gellershausen in 1633, and afterwards returned to Coburg as deacon at the ]\Ioritzkirche. Works : Prodromi triciniorum sacrorum (Nurem- berg, 1612) ; Medulla ex psalnio, etc. (Magdeburg, 1614) ; Exercitatio musica I. etc. (Wittenberg, 1624) ; Trauerlied auf den Tod eines Kindes (Coburg, 1626) ; Disce mori, etc. (ib., 1628) ; Gesprilch Dr. Lutheri und eines krankeu Studiosi (ib., 1628) ; Mu- sica votiva, etc. (ib., 1629) ; Musica Chris- tiana cordialis domestica (ib., 1630) ; Two Supplements to the same (ib., 1631) ; Mu- sica Concertativa, etc. (ib., 1632) ; Musica Oratoria, etc. (ib., 1633) ; Jeremias poeni- tentiarius, etc. (ib., 1640) ; Musica Chris- tiana valedictoria (ib., 1642). — Fetis ; Men- del ; Riemann. DILUVIO UNIVERSALE, IL (The Uni- versal Deluge), Italian op)era, music by Donizetti, represented at Naj)les, 1830. DIMITRI, French opera in five acts and seven tableaux, text by Henri de Bornier and Armand Silvestre, music by Victorin Joncieres, rejiresented at the Opera Na- tional Lyrique, Paris, May 5, 1876. The libretto is an adaptation of Schiller's unfin- ished tragedy " Demetrius," the hero of which is Dimitri Samotzvanetz, or the Pseudo-Demetrius, who, assuming the name of the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, overthrew the Czar Boris and was crowned Czar in Moscow in 1605. He is the hero also of the Czech opera Dimitrije, music by Dvorak, given in Prague, 1882 ; and of the Latin opera, Demetrius Moscovia? solio restitutus, music by Joliaun Eberlin, pro- duced at Salzburg in 1755. DimTKI DONSKOI, Russian opera in three acts, music by Anton Rubinstein, rep- resented in St. Petersburg in 1852. The hero is Dimitri IV. Ivanovieh, called Don- skoi (of the Don) from his defeat of the Mongols on that river in 1380. DBDILER, ANTON, born at Mann- heim, Oct. 14, 1753, died in Munich after 1815. Dramatic composer, pupil of Josef Zivvina, and of the Abbe Vogler ; at the age of eleven he entered the court orchestra as hoi-nist, and in 1778 went to Munich, where he studied the double-bass, and became a famous performer on that instrument. Works — Operas : Der Guekkasten, Mu- nich, 1794 ; Die Schatzgriiber, at Schloss Sufeld, near Munich ; Die Zobeljager. DINOEAII Ballets : Der erste Tod ; Der erste Scbilfer ; Mede;i ; Die Grazieu ; Ritter Aiuadis ; etc. He comjjosed the music of oue hundred and eighty-five ballets. Symphonies, quar- tets, concertos ; Compositions for the guitar. — Fc-tis ; Mendel. DINORAH. See Pardon de Ploermel. DI PESCATORE IGNOBILE. See Lu- crezia Borgia. DI PROVENZA IL MAR. See Tmuiala. DI QUELL A PIRA. See Tromtore. DI SPERANZE E GLORIE PIENA. See Ballo in Maschera. DISSIPONS CE SOMBRE NUAGE. See Ariodant. DISSOLUTO PUNITO, IL. See Don Giovanni. DISTRATTO, IL, symphony in C, by Jo- seph Haydn, originally the overture to Der Zerstreute, a Lustspiel by Regnard, repre- sented in Vienna, Jan. 6, 1776. Haydn wrote also the music of the second act of tlie opera. DI TANTI PALPITI. See Tancredi. DI TANTI REGI. See Semiramide. DITE ALL A GIOVINE. See Trcwiata. DITHYRAMBE, for male voices, chorus and orchestra, by Julius Rietz, to Schiller's poem of the same title ; first given at the Schiller-Festival at the theatre in Leipsic, Nov. 11, 1816. The work has long been a favourite with male singing societies in Ger- many. DITTERSDORF, KARLDITTERS VON, born in Vienna, Nov. 2, 1739, died at Castle Rothlhotta, near Neu- haus, Bohemia, Oct. 31, 1799. Dramatic composer, and virtu- oso on the violin, first instructed by Konig and Ziigler. When scarcely ten years old, he attracted by Lis playing the attention of Prince Joseph of Hildburghausen, who took him into his piivate orchestra and gave him a thorough j education ; his musical teachers there were Traui on the violin, and Bono in composi- tion. The Prince having dismissed his band in 1759, he procured for Ditters a position at the court-theatre in Vienna, whence the latter went with Gluck to Italj', in 1761, and afterwards to Frankfort to attend the services at the coronation of Joseph II. At Bologna he had won fame as a violinist, and after his return to Vienna sustained it against that of the celebrated Lolli. About 1764 he became Kapellmeister to the Bishop of Gross- Wardein, Hungary, and after a short stay in North Italy, upon the dismissal of the bishop's orchestra in 1769, he entered the service of Count Schaf- gotsch. Prince-bishop of Breslau, at Jolian- nisberg, Silesia, where he established a little theatre, and won for his orchestra the rei^utation of the best in the province. In 1770 he received the papal order of the Golden Spur, and in 1773 was ennobled by the Emperor. To bring out some ojseras and oratorios he visited Vienna (1770, 1776, 1786), and Berlin (1789), with great artistic and material success. After the death of his j):^ti'on in 179.5, j^ensioned by his suc- cessor with a 23altry sum, he lived in indi- gence and poor health for two years, when Baron Stillt'ried offered him and his family shelter at Castle Rothlhotta. He was a prolific composer, and stands foremost in the field of popular jovial humor in opera, a true national tone-poet, rarely gifted, and of sound education. His Doctor vuid Apo- theker continues to hold the stage. Works — Operas : Amore in musica, given atGross- Wardein, 1767 ; Lo sposo burlato, Johau- nisberg, 1775 ; II viaggiatore amerieano, ib. ; La contadina fedele, ib., 1785 ; Betrug dureh Aberglauben, Doctor und Apotheker, Die Liebe im Narrenhaus, II Democrito corretto, Vienna, 1786 ; Orpheus der zweite, Hieronymns Knicker, ib., 1787 ; Das rothe Killjpchen, ib., 1788 ; Der Schiffspatron, oder der neue Gutsherr, ib. , 1789 ; Hocus Pocus, ib., 1790 ; Das Gespenst mit der Trommel, Oels, Silesia, 1794 ; Gott Mars, oder der DITTMAR eiserne JMaim, Don Quixote, Die Guelfeu, Der Scbab von Schiras, ib. 1795 ; Ugolino, grand opera (the only one he wrote), Die histigeu Weiber von Windsor, Der schiJue Herbsttag, ib., 1790 ; Der Teruengewinust, Der Madchenmarkt, ib., 1797 ; Terno secco, Bre.shiu, 1797 ; L'ojDera buffa, Don Coribaldi (1798) ; II tribunate di Giove. Oratorios : Isacco, tigura delEedeutore, Gross- Wardein, 1767 ; La hberatrice del pojnilo giudaico nella Persia, ossia L'Esther, Vienna, 1785 ; Giobbe, ib., 1786. Great Latin Cantata, Gross- Wardein, 1765 ; Concerto grosso, for eleven instruments, with orchestra ; 16 or- chestral symphonies ou Ovid's Metamor- phoses (Vienna, 1785) ; 35 symphonies ; new do. ; 12 concertos for violin ; 6 quartets for stringed instruments ; 12 divertissements for two violins, and violoncello ; Duos for violin, and bass ; 2 Nocturnes for two horns and violoncello obligato ; Concertino for two oboes, two horns, two violins, viola and bass ; 12 sonatas for four hands, for piano- forte ; 72 preludes for do., etc. He wrote also the treatises : " Brief fiber die Grenzeu des Komischen und Heroischen in der Mu- sik " ; " Brief fiber die Behandluug italien- ischer Texte bei der Kompositiou " ; and Cct/^ y J-^tijejvd^f^\ his autobiography (Leipsic, 1801). — Allgem. d. Biog., V. 262 ; Allgem. Mus. Zeitg., Bernsdorf ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilliug ; Wurzbach. DITTMAR, MANTEY, Baron VON, born in Bavaria, contemporary. Dramatic composer, pui^il of Peter Winter, whose style he imitated ; he was Hotkapellmeister to the Grandduke of Meckleuburg-Strelitz. His religious music is distinguished for great purity of style, but remains in man- uscript. Works : Die beiden Galeeren- sklaven, opera, given in Strelitz, 1830 ; Over- ture to the drama Ludwig der Baier ; 6 danses populaires de Baviere, for pianoforte, op. 2 ; Fantaisie serieuse, for do. ; Fantaisie en forme de variations sur le theme favori de Himmel, An Alexis, for do., op. ; G valses de Kossiui, op. 7 ; Adagio ed allegro agitato concertante, for ijianoforte, violin, and tiute, op. 8 ; Festival march, and torch- light dance, op. 10. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling. DIVA, LA, opcra-boufte in three acts, text by Henri Meillac and Ludovic Halevy, music by Offenbach, represented at the Bouffes Parisieus, Paris, March 22, 1869. DIVINITES DU STYX. See Alcesle, Gluck. DIVITIS, ANTONIUS (Antoine Le Eiche), born in the second half of the 15th century. Church composer, and one of the most eminent French contrapuntists of his time ; singer in the chapel of Louis XH., about 1515. Of his works only single motets and chansons are jsreserved in various collec- tions (1514-1551), besides a mass for four voices (Gaude Barbara) in MS. in the library at Cambrai, and a Credo for six voices, and a Salve Kegina for five voices in the royal library at Munich. — Fetis. DIXON, GEORGE, born in Norwich, Eng- land, in 1820, still living, 1888. Organist, pu- pil of Dr. Zechariah Buck ; assistant organ- ist of Grantham Cluirch, 183.5-45; organist of Retford Church, Notts, 1845-59, of Louth Church, 1859-65, and of Grantham Church, 1865. Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1852 ; Mus. Doc, ib., 1858. Works : The 121st Psalm, can- tata ; Pope's Messiah, do. ; Anthems : Open we the Gates ; Unto Thee, O my Strength ; We will rejoice ; O give Thanks ; Te Deum in G ; Hymns, Chants, Kyries, etc. ; Songs. DIZI, FRANgOIS JOSEPH, born at Na- mur, France, Jan. 14, 1780, died in Paris, November, 1847. Harpist, sou and pupil of a professor of the violin. He went to London, where Sebastian Erard, then the most celebrated manufacturer of hai-ps and pianofortes in England, became his patron and found him pupils. He lived there thirty years as virtuoso and composer, and 435 DJAMILEH made several improvements in harp mechan- ism. In 1830 he went to Paris, and became a member of the firm of Pleyel, manufact- urers of harps, but iu this venture he was unsuccessful. Works : Grande sonate (Lon- don) ; Air Saxon, de Cramer, varic (Paris) ; Douze exercices ou fautaisies pom* la harjje a deux rangs de pt'dales, premiere et deux- ieme suites (Paris) ; French romances, Eng- lish and Italian airs with variations for harp (Paris). — Fotis ; Biog. nat. de Belg., vi. 84 ; Mendel, Riemaun. DJAMILEH, opera-comique in one act, text bj Louis Gallet, music by Georges Bizet, represented at the Ojjera Comique, Paris, May 22, 1872. The subject of the libretto is derived from Alfred de Mussel's poem, "Namouua." Djamileh, concubine or slave of Haroun, who changes his mis- tress every month, conceives for her master a violent passion, which he does not return. She persuades the slave merchant to pre- sent her anew iu disguise, and at last Ha- roun, touched by her ardour and obstinacy, decides to love her. DOBLHOF-DIER, KARL VON, born iu Vienna, July 13, 1762, died there iu 1836. He studied under Albrechtsberger and Sa- lieri, and in 1810 retired from business to devote himself to music. After his death his manuscript compositions came into the possession of Kiesewetter, who bequeathed them to the Imperial Library of Vienna. Works : Masses ; Choruses ; Hymns, and other church music. — Fetis ; Meudel. DOBRZYNSKI, IGNAC Y, born in the pro- vince of Volhynia, Russia, in 1777 or 1778 ; died in Warsaw in 1811. He was first violin, for eighteen years, at Romauof, in the or- chestra of the Senator Hiriski, for whom he wrote the music of several operas and bal- lets ; professor at Winniya, subsequently at Krzemieniej ; settled in Warsaw, where his sou held a musical position. He was re- nowned for his characteristic Polonaises, to which he gave a rhythm and a finish which made them strictly national. — Fi' tis ; Sup- plement, i. 273 ; Sowinski, 150. DOBRZYNSKI, IGNACY FELIX, boru at Romanof, Volhynia, Feb. 25, 1807, died in Warsaw, Oct. 18, 1867. Pianist, son and pujiil of Ignacy Dobrzynski, for the violin and pianoforte, and pupil of Eisner in har- mony and counterpoint. He became the intimate friend of Chopin, also Eisner's pu- pil, and his music partook of the same style, his Piesni Sielskie, or Melodies villageoises, being peculiarly characteristic. In 1815-16 he gave concerts in Berlin, Leipsic, and other cities in Germany, playing his own music ; he was at one time conductor of the opera in Warsaw. Works : Symphony in C minor (2d prize, Vienna Concours, 1838) ; Three quartets for two violins, viola and bass ; two quintets for two violins, viola, two violoncellos, op. 38, 40 ; One sextet for two violins, viola, two violoncellos and double-bass, op. 39 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin and violoncello, oj). 17 ; Sonata for pianoforte and violiu ; Les larmes. Noc- turne for pianoforte and violin. He wrote also an opera, Monbar, the overture to which, together with several of the prin- cipal parts, was j)laj'ed at Leipsic aud Dresden in 1845 and 1846 ; and many mazurkas, nocturnes, and songs Avith jiiauo- forte accompaniment. — Fctis ; do., Supple- ment, i. 273 ; Sowinski, 151 ; Meudel ; Rie- mann. DOCH DER HERR VERGISST DIE SEINEN NICHT, arioso for contralto iu JNIeudelssohn's Paulus, Part I. DOCHE, JOSEPH DENIS, born iu Par- is, Aug. 22, 1766, died at Soissons, July 20, 1825. Dramatic composer ; chorister at the cathedral of Meaux at the age of eight, he learned music under the direction of Guignet ; maitre de chapelle of the Cathe- dral of Constance at the age of nineteen, re- maining there until the Revolution, when he entered the orchestra of the Vaudeville Theatre (1794) as violinist, and subsequently as violoncellist and double-bass player. He became assistant-conductor of that orchestra in 1810, and chef d'orchestre from 1815 to 1823. He composed a number of new airs 436 DOCH for the vaudevilles played at that theatre ; the best kiiuwu of these were : Fanchou la Vielleuse, The Romance of Santeuil, that of Geiitil Bernard, etc. He wrote the oijeras- comiques, Les trois Derville (1818), refused at the Theatre Feydeau ; Les deux seuti- uelles (1803), and several operettas played at minor theatres, among which was Point de bruit, Theatre de la Porte-Saiut-Martin, 1804. He published collections containing his popular romances, entitled : Recueil contenant quaraute airs et romances, avec accompaguemeut de guitare, op. 4 ; Trois recueils de romances ; Rondeau Italien ; Collection de romances et chansons de L. P. Segur I'aino avec des airs nouveaux et accompagnement de piano. — Fetis ; do,, Supplement, i. 274 ; Meudel. DOCH, WEICHET, IHR TOLLEN, bass aria in A major, with accompaniment of flute, strings complete, and continue, in Johann Sebastian Bach's cantata for Do- min. 16 post Trinit., " Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben ; " published separately, with additional accompaniments by Robert Franz, by F. Whistling, Leipsic, 1800. DOCTEUR CRISPIN, LE. See Criqmw e la Comare. DOCTEUR MAGNUS, LE, opera in one act, test by Cormon and Michel Carre, mu- sic by Ernest Boulauger, represented at the Opera, Paris, March 9, 1864. Dr. Magnus is a zealous preacher, whose nejihew Daniel, a young German student, gets him into no end of trouble by his pranks. DOCTEUR ]NURACLE, LE, operette in one act, text by Leon Battu and Ludovic Hali'vy, music l3y Lecocq and Bizet, repre- sented at the Bouffes Parisiens, April, 1857. Each of the composers wrote a score to the same text on the occasion of a competition opened by Oft'enbach, and the jury awarded the prize to them equally. The two scores were played successively. DOCTEUR IVIIROBOLAN, LE, opera-co- mique in one act, text by Cormon and Tri- anon, music by Eugene Gautier, represent- ed at the Opera Comique, Paris, Aug. 28, 1860. The subject is from " Crispin mede- cin," a comedy by Hauteroche, given at the Hotel de Bourgogne, 1673. DOCTEUR OX, LE, opera-bouffe in three acts, text by Philippe Gille and Mortier, music by Offenbach, represented at the Ya- riL-tes, Paris, Jan. 26, 1877. The subject is from Jules Verne's story of the same title. DOCTEUR PYRAMIDE, LE, opera-eo- mique in one act, text by Brand and Jala- bert, music by Haring, represented at Tou- louse, January, 1877. DOCTEUR ROSE, LE, opera-bouffe iu three acts and four tableaux, text by Emile de Najac, music by Federico Ricci, repre- sented at the Boufl'es Parisiens, Feb. 10, Plot original. 1872. Scene in Venice. DOCTEUR SANGRADO, LE, opera-co- mique in one act, text by Anseaume, music by Duui and Laruette, represented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Feb. 13, 1758. Sub- ject from " Gil Bias." DOHLER, THEODOR, born in Na- ples, April 20, 1814, died in Rome, Feb. 21, 18.")6. Pianist, pupil of Benedict, afterwards in Vienna of Czerny on the pianoforte, a n d of Sechter in composi- tion ; at the age of seventeen he ob- tained a position as virtuoso to the Duke of Lucca, whom he accompanied on several journeys, and in 1836 he made a concert tour through Germany, visited Florence and Bologna in 1837, Paris in 1838, London and Holland iu 1839, obtaining everywhere a brilliant success. Having returned to Italy, he started for Holland again on invitation, gave concerts at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, then at Brussels, and after another sojourn at Lucca of about two years, revisited Germany, whence he went to Copenhagen in 1843, and finally to Rus- i sia, where he stayed two years ; iu 1846 4»7 DOLES married the Princess Tscberemetefif, aud set- tled iu Italy, abandoning music as a pro- fession. Works : Concerto, op. 7 ; 12 fan- taisies on difl'erent operatic themes ; 10 noc- turnes ; Themes varies, etudes, caprices, rondos, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Eiemann. DOLES, JOHAJ^N FRIEDRICH, born at Steinbacli, Meiningen, April 21, 1715, died at Leipsic, Feb. 8, 1797. Church composer, pupil of Bach, and in 1744-56 cantor at Freiberg ; then for tliirty-three years at the Thomasschule, aud musical director at the two principal churches in Leijjsic. His style was jjopular and utterly diflerent from that of his master. Works : Neue Lieder von Fuchs (Leipsic, 1750) ; Tlie 46th Psalm (ib., 1758) ; Melodien zu Gellert's geistlichen Oden (ib., 1762) ; Vier- stimmiges Choralbuch (ib., 1785) ; Cantata on Gellert's Ich komme vor dein Auge- sicht, for 4 voices, and orchestra (ib., 1790) ; Singbare und leichte Choralvorspiele 1st — • 3d book (ib., 1795) ; do. 4th book (1796) ; do. 5th book (1797). Li manuscript: The Passion, oratorio ; Passion-Music according to St. Mark ; do., according to St. Luke ; Psalms 12, 16, 24, 33, 81, 84, 85, 100, 111; Two masses ; Magnificat ; Kyrie aud Gloria ; Salvete vos ; Motets. His son aud pupil, Joliann Friedrich (born at Freiberg, May 26, 1746, died at Leipsic, April 16, 1796), was a distinguished amateur pianist, and bass singer. He composed a concerto, several sonatas and solos for pianoforte, be- sides Langbeiu's " Poststationen des Le- bens." — Allgem. d. Biog., v. 312 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. DOLEZALEK, JOHANN EM.INUEL, born at Chotebor, Bohemia, died iu Vi- enna, July 6, 1858. Pianist ; attracted at- tention iu Prague about 1814 by his play- ing, and the originality of his Bohemian songs, published iu 1812. He then settled in Vienna, where he rapidly took his place as one of the favorite teachers of singing and the pianoforte. Works : 12 eeossaises for two violins, 2 clarinets, 2 horns, flute, two bassoons, and bass ; 9 variations on a theme of Sargines, for jsianoforte ; Varia- tions on a theme from the ballet Der Fass- binder ; Several collections of allemandes, ecossaises, and waltzes for pianoforte ; 2 Russian marches, for do. — Fetis. DOLORI DI jMARIA SEJIPRE VER- GINE, I, ossia la Vergiue addolorata, ora- torio, by Alessandro Scarlatti. DOLOROSA, Liedercyclus, by Adolph Jensen, op. 30. DOMBROWSKI, HENRI, born at Zwini- acz, Russia, in 1838, still living, 1888. Pi- anist, jjupil of Liszt. After finishing his musical education he visited Russia, Italy, Spain, and France professionally, and finally settled in Paris. Works : Le 26 Novembre ; Chant magyare ; Saltarella ; Les contrastes ; fitude de genre ; Romances sans paroles ; Grande Polonaise ; Polonaise historique ; JIarche des Tartares ; Impressions de voy- age ; Conte de salon ; Soirees de Versailles, etc. He has sometimes published under the name Ary de Bogota. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 275. DOillNICETI, CESARE, born at De- senzano, Italy, July 12, 1821, died at Sesto di Monza, June 20, 1888. Dramatic com- poser. Works — Operas : I vegli usi di cittii, Desenzano, 1841 ; Due mogli in una, Milan, 1853 ; La maschera, text by Guidi, Milan, March 2, 1854 ; Morovico, Milan, Decem- ber, 1873 ; II lago delle fate, text by Za- nardini, Naples, May 18, 1878 ; L' eredita- ria, text by Zanardini, Milan, Feb. 19, 1881. — Riemann. DOmNO AZUL, EL (The Blue Domino), Spanish opera in three acts, music by Ar- rieta, represented in Madrid, 1852. DOMINO NERO, IL (The Black Domino), Italian opera, music by Rossi, represented at Milan, 1849. The libretto is an adapta- tion of the French Le Domino Noir. DOmNO NOIR, LE (The Black Domino), ojjcra-comique iu three acts, text by Scribe, music by Auber, first represented in Paris, Dec. 2," 1837. The libretto, the scene of which is laid at a masked ball in Madrid, is one of Scribe's best, and the composer's 436 DOMXICU musical setting' is full of grace and melody. Among the best of its uuuibers are the two romances : " Le trouble et la frayeur," and " Amour, vieus fiuir mon supplice " ; the couplets, " Une fee, un bon auge," and "S'il est sur terre ; " the airs " D'oti venez-vous, ma chore," and " Ah ! quelle unit ! " and the song and chorus, " Heureux qui ne respire." In the original rej)resentation Laufe Damoreau as Angfele. the part of Angele was sung by Mme Laure Damoreau, who made it one of Ler most successful parts, and that of Horace by the celebrated tenor, Roger. — Larousse, vi., lpC9 ; Hanslick, Mod. Oper, i:U. DOMNICH, HEINEICH, born at Wiirz- burg, March 13, 1767, died iu Paris, June 19, 1844. Virtuoso on the born, pupil of his father, who was also an eminent liorn player iu the service of the bishop of Wiirz- burg. In his twelfth year he appeared at court, and played concertos of his own com- jiosition ; he then entered the service of the Count von Eltz, at Mainz, and thence went to Paris, where be studied under Puuto, and becoming a celebrity among virtuosi, obtained the first professorshijJ of his instrument at the newly erected Con- servatoire, and was decorated by Napoleon I. Having started out from Wiirzburg with- out any meaus, he left a fortune of over a mill- ion of francs. Works : 3 concertos for horn, with orchestra ; Syraphonie concertante for 2 horns ; 2 collections of romances, with pianoforte, oj). 4, aud 5 ; Variations, duets, quartets, etc. His brothers, Jacob (born at Wiirzburg, 1758, died in America (?) after 18()C>), and Arnold (boru Sept. 29, 1771, died at Meiningeu, July 14, 1834), were also eminent and reputed horn players. The former led a wandering life from his thir- teenth year, and was last heard of fi-om Philadelphia in 1806 ; the latter was cham- ber musician to the Duke of Meiningeu, from 1786, for forty-eight years. — Allgem. d. Biog., V. 327 ; Mendel ; Schilling. DOM SEBASTIEN, KOI DE PORTU- GAL, grand opera iu five acts, text by Scribe, music by Donizetti, represented at the Academie Roj-ale de Musique, Paris, Nov. 13, 1843. This mournful work, which has been described as a "funeral in five acts," was written in the same year with the gay and sprightly Don Pasquale. The libretto, which is lugubrious and absurd, deals with the fatal expedition into Morocco by the Portuguese King, Dom Sebastiao in 1578, iu which be lost his life. Zaida was sung by Mme Stoltz, who made it one of her best impersonations. The ojaera had only thirty-two representations. DONATI, IGNAZIO, boru at Casal-Mag- giore, Lombardy, towards the end of the 16th century, died (probably at Milan) after 1633. Church composer, maesti'o di cappella of the Accademia di Santo Spirito at Ferrara in 1619 ; was called in tlie same caj)acity to his native town iu 1624, and to DOXATO the cathedral of Milau in 1633. "Works : Sacri concensus a 1, 2, 3, 4, e 5 vocum (Ven- ice, 1612) ; Le Faufakiche, madrigali a 3, 4, e 5 voci (ib., 1615) ; Concerti ecclesiastici, op. 2 (ib., 1617) ; do., op. 4 (ib., 1619) ; Messe a 4, 5, e 6 voci jjiene e concertate (ib., 1626) ; Motetti a 5 voci concertati, etc. (ib., 1626) ; do., op. G (ib., 1627) ; Motetti a voce sola col basso per 1' organo (ib., 1628) ; Salmi Boscherecci a sei, op. 9 (ib., 1629). — Fc'tis. DONATO (Donati), BALDASSAEE, born about 1530 (1510?), died in Venice, June, 1603. Madrigal comijoser, maestro di cap- pella of San Marco, Venice. He was first a singer in the choir, whence he was pro- moted on account of merit as a composer to be maestro di cappella of the lesser choir ; but this was suj)f)ressed in 1565 and Donato became once more a choir singer. In 1590 he succeeded Zarlino as maestro of the main choir. Works : II primo libro di cauzonette villanesche alia Napoletana a quattro (Venice, 1551 ; 2d ed., 1555) ; Mo- tetti, 1 libro, a 5, 6, 8 voc. (Venice, 1599) ; Madrigali a cinque, sei, sette e otto voci, lib. 2 (Venice, 1559) ; Madrigali a cinque e sei voci, etc., lib. 1, (1560) ; Madrigali a cinque voci, lib. 4 (1567 ; dates of the other three not known) ; Madrigali a 4 voci, lib. 1, 2 (Venice, 1568). Some of his madrigals for 4 voices are found in the collection en- titled : La eletta di tutta la Musiea intitu- lata Corona di diversi, etc., Zorzi, lib. 1 (Ven- ice, 15G9). His madrigal : Chi la gagliarda, has been an-anged by Oliphant, as : All ye who music love. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Schil- ling ; Eiemann. DON BUCEFALO, Italian opera bufta, in three acts, music bj' Antonio Cagnoui, rep- resented at the Teatro del Ke, Milan, 1847 ; at the Teatro Carcano, ib., 1849 ; and at the Theatre Italien, Paris, Nov. 9, 1865. Don Bucefalo is a musician who imagines himself a great composei*. He converts a troup of villagers into opera singers and tries to teach them their re- spective parts, wholly unconscious of an intrigue between Eosa, his prima donna, who passes as a widow, the gouty Marco Bomba, and a young count ; and he is plunged into despair when her real hus- band appears and, carrying her off, breaks up all his plans. This amusing work was very successful in Italj*. DON CARLOS, opera in five acts, test by Mery and Camille du Locle, music by Verdi, represented at the Opera, Paris, March 11, 1867 ; and at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, June 4, 1867. The sub- ject is the morbid, imjiulsive son of PhiUp H. of Spain, engaged to Elizabeth of France, who subsequently became his step- mother, and whose conduct so exasjjerated his father that he had him placed under arrest and finallj- transferred to the prison at Madrid, where he died in 1568, at the age of twenty-three. The libretto is found- ed on Schiller's drama of the same title. The original cast in Paris was as follows : Philip II M. Obin. Don Carlos M. Morere. Marquis de Posa M. Faure. Grand Inquisitor M. Belval. Monk M. David. Elizabeth de Valois Mme Sass. Princess Epoli Mme Gueymard. Page Mile Levieilli. The same subject had been previously treated in Don Carlo, Italian opera, text by Giacchetti, music by Pietro Bona, Milau, 1847 ; Don Carlo, text by Beninzoue, after Alfieri's "Filippo," music by Ferrari ; Don Carlos, opera seria in three acts, test by Tarantini, music by Costa, Her Majesty's Theatre, London, June 20, 1844 ; Don Carlos, Italian opera, music by Vincenzo !Moscuzza, Teatro San Carlo, Naples, May 25, 1862.— Hanslick, Modeme Oper, 243. ' DON CAELOS, ou la belle invisible (The Invisible Beauty), opera, music by Duplessis, represented at the Theatre des Aleves de I'Opera, Paris, 1780. Don Carlo, opura- comique in one act, text by Lcger and Tremblay, music by Deshayes, produced at 440 DON CESAR DE BAZAN. the Opera Comique, Paris, Jan. 11, 1800. These two differ in subject from the above. DON CESAE DE BAZAN, opera-comique in three acts and four tableaux, text by Den- nery, Dumanoii', and Ghantejjie, music by Galli-Marie. Massenet, represented at the Opera Co- mique, Paris, Nov. 30, 1872. The libretto is an adajstation of a romantic drama of the same title, in iive acts, by the same authorsi represented at the Theatre de la Porte-Saint- Martin, in 1844. Don Cesar is a character from Victor Hugo's drama, "RuyBlas." The ojjera was sung by Bouhy, Lherie, Neveu, Mme Galli-Marie, and Mile Priola. For Wallace's Don Cesar de Bazan, see Maritana. DON CHISCIOTTO. See Don Quixotte. DON DESIDERIO, Italian opera buffix iu two acts, text by the Comte Giraud, after the play entitled " L'obligeant maladroit," music by Prince Joseph Poniatowski, rep- resented at Pisa, 18.39, at Rome, 1842, and at the Theatre Italien, Paris, March IG, 1858. DON GIOVANNI, ossia il dissoluto pu- uito (The Libertine Punished), Italian opera buffa in two acts, text by Lorenzo da Ponte (born in Venice, 1749, died in New York, 1838), music by Mozart, first represented at Prague, Oct. 29, 1787. The libretto is iu part au adaptation of Moliere's " Le festin de pierre " (1665), which in turn derives its subject from " El burlador de Sevilla y couvidado de piedra " (1622) by the Spanish poet Gabriel Tellez, whose pseudonym was Tirso de Molina. Moliere's play was pre- ceded by an Italian version by Onofrio Giliberti, "II convitato di pietra," given at Naples in 1652, and bj' several French ver- sions which popularized the subject in France. The original of this prince of lib- ertines was Don Juan Teuorio, of Seville, Spain, who attempted the seduction of the governor's daughter. The father, forcing Don Juan to a duel, is slain, and a statue is erected to him in the family vault. One day Don Juau forced his way into the vault and invited the statue to a banquet. To the amazement of the guests, shortly after assembled at the libertine's house, the statue enters the banquet hall, seizes Don Juan, and delivers him to devils, who carry him off to his doom. Mozart's work, called by Naumaun the " grandest romantic opera that the history of music can show," was written in Prague iu about six weeks after the composer's an-ival there. The overture was written the night before its first per- formance. The opera was received with Lorenzo da Ponte. rapturous approval at Prague, where the original cast was as follows : Donna Anna Signora Teresa Saporiti. Donna Elvira. . . .Signora Catarina Micelli. Zerlina Signora Catarina Bondini. Don Ottavio Signor Antonio Baglioni. Don Giovanni Signor Luigi Bassi. Leporello Signor Felice Ponziani. Masetto and Don Pedro . . Signor Giuseppe Lolli. 441 DON^ Among the most noted of its numbers are the humourous aria by Leporello, Don Gio- vanni's rascally valet, " Notte e giorno fati- car;" the charming aria of Donna Elvira, " Ah ! chi mi dice mai ; " the buffo aria of Leporello, " Madamina, il catalogo," com- ,4SS:.^ Lablache as Leporello. nionly called the Catalogue Song, because iu it he catalogues his master's amours ; the duet of Don Giovanni and Zerlina, " La ci darem la mano ! " ; the song of Don Gio- vanni, "Finch' ban dal vino;" the aria of Zerlina, " Batti, batti, o bel Masetto," sung to her jealous lover ; and the trio of Donna Anna, Donna Elvira, and Don Ottavio, fa- mous as the Mask Trio, all iu the first act. The second act opens with a duet between Don Giovanni and Leporello, "Eh ! via buf- fone," followed by the trio, as Donna Elvira appears at the window, "Ah ! taei ingiusto core." After Don Giovanni's serenade to Zerlina, " Deh ! vieni alia finestra," Zerlina consoles the beaten Masetto with the beau- tiful aria, "Vedrai carino." The second scene ojsens with a strong sextet followed by an air by Leporello, after which comes the celebrated tenor aria, "II mio tesoro intanto." The finale is filled up with the statue and banquet scenes, excej)tiug a short scene between Donna Anna and Don Ottavio, in which the former sings the aria, " Non mi dir, bell' idol mio," commonly called the Letter Aria. When Don Gio- vanni was given in Vienna, May 7, 1788, IMozart wrote for it four new numbers : the air of Leporello, in the second act, " Ah ! pieta, signori iniei ! " the duet between Le- poi-ello and Zerlina, "Per quests tue ma- nine ;" the aria of Donna Elvira, "Mi tradl quell' alma ingrata ! ; " and the aria of Don Ottavio, " Dalla sua pace." Don Giovanni was refiresented, Oct. 12, 1791, in Berlin, but neither there nor in Vienna was it ap- preciated at first. A French version of Don Juan, text by Thuring and Baillot, music arranged by Kalkbrenner, with changes and intercalations, was given in Paris, at the Academie Imjicriale de Musique, Sept. 17, 1805 ; but the original was not performed there until Oct. 12, 1811, when it was sung at the Theatre Italien. Another and better French version in four acts, text by Castil- Blaze, was given at the Odeon, Dec. 24, 1827 ; and a third, iu five acts, by Castil- Blaze, A. H. Castil-Blaze, and E. Deschamps, at the Academie Eoyale de Musique, March 10, 1834. In 18GG it was produced con- cui'rently at the Opera and at the Theatre Lyrique, with great success. Don Giovanni was first performed in London at the King's Theatre, April 12, 1817 ; and in New York, at the Park Theatre, May 23, 1826. The centennial anniversary of its first perform- ance was celebrated at Salzburg, Oct. 29, 1887. The subject of Don Juan was first treated musically by Le Tellier, iu a vaude- ville entitled Le festin de pierre, Paris, 1713. This was followed by Don Juan, ballet, by Gluck, Vienna, 17(51 ; II convitato di pietra, ojDera, music by Eigliini, Vienna, 1777 ; do., opera, music by Tritto, Naples, 1783 ; Don Giovanni, opera semi-seria, nuisic by Albertini, Venice, 1784 ; Don 449 DOX Giovanni Tenorio, ossia il convitato di pie- tra, opera, music by Gazzaniga, Bergamo, 1788 ; Don Giovanni, ossia, etc., opera, music by Fabrizi, Fauo, 1788 ; II dissolute jjunito, oj^era, music by Raimoudi, Rome, about 1818 ; Don Juau Tenorio, ojjera, by Ramon Caruicer, Barcelona, 1818 ; II con- vitato di pietra, by Giovanni Pacini, Via- reggio, 1832 ; Don Juan de fantaisie, ope- rette, by Barbier, Paris, 18G{J ; Eiu kleiner Don Juan, operetta by Ziebrer, Pesth, 1879 ; II uuovo Don Giovanni, operetta by Palmi- eri, Trieste, 1884 — Dwiglit's Journal, iii. 41, 4(5, 49 ; Hanslick, Moderne Oper, 30 ; Edwards, Lyrical Drama, i. 42-148 ; Cas- til-Blaze, Moliere Musicien, i. 189 ; Engel, Karl, The Legend of Don Juan on the Stage (1887); Freisauff, R. von, Mozart's Don Juan, 1787-1887 (1887) ; N. Zeitsclir. f. Mus. (1887), 481, 485, 494, 505, 518 ; Rietz, preface to edition of full score, Breitkoff & Hiirtel (Leipsic, 1871). DON GREGORIO, ou le precepteur dans I'embarras (The Embarrassed Tutor), opera- comique in three acts, text by Sauvage and de Leuveu, music by the Comte Ga- brielli, re^Jresented at the Opera Comique, Paris, Dec. 17, 1859. The plot is derived from the Comte Giraud's comedy, " Le jiru- cepteur dans I'embarras." The same sub- ject has been treated by Mosca, in his opera, Don Gregorio in imbarrazzo, Italy, about 1813 ; by Airoldi, in his ojjera buffix, Don Gregorio nelF imbarrazzo, Venice, 1850 ; and by Donizetti, in L' A Jo nell' imbarrazzo. DONIZETTI, GAETANO, born at Ber- gamo, Italy, Nov. 29, 1797, died there, April 8, 1848. He began his musical stud- ies at the Liceo in his native town, and then entered the Naples Conservatorio, where he finished under Simon Mayr. He is said also to have studied under Pilotti and Mattel at Bologna. His first opera, Enrico di Borgogna, was brought out at Vienna in 1818. The success of Zoraide di Granata, brought out at Rome in 1822, was such that it saved the composer from military conscription, and won him the honour of being carried in triumph and crowned at the Capitol. Donizetti's earlier operas were all imitations of Ros- sini's style, and, for the most 23art, very hurriedly and carelessly written. At length, in 1830 he produced Anna Bolena at Milan, a more elaborate piece of workman- ship than he had hitherto attempted, and the first of his operas to win more than local fame. In L' elisire d' amore, Milan, 1832, and especially in Lucia di Lammermoor, Naples, 1835, his style showed itself to be fully formed. In 1835 Donizetti visited Pa- is, where he brought out Marino Faliero, at the Theatre des Italieus, and, five years later, Luerezia Borgia, which he had written in 1834 for Milan. In this work the com- poser seems at times to have anticipated the more intensely dramatic style of Verdi. During the same year (1840), Les martyrs, which in its original Italian form of Poliuto had been forbidden by the censorship of Naples, was brought out at the Opera, La fiUe du regiment, at the Opera Co- mique, and La favorite, at the Opera. Lucia, Luerezia Borgia, and La favorite, may be regarded as Donizetti's best and most suc- cessful serious works. Of these three, the second is better known and more highly esteemed in England and America than in France or Germany ; La favorite owes its high reputation to its fourth act, probably the finest and most dramatic act that the composer ever wrote. But Lucia is almost universally recognized as his masterpiece, in sjoite of some very weak moments in it. Leaving Paris, Donizetti visited Rome, Milan, and Vienna, at which last city he brought out Linda di Chamonix, in 1842, and wrote a Miserere and an Ave Maria, for the Hofkapelle, the strict style of which 443 DONIZETTI was much applauded by German critics. Eevisitiug Paris iu 1843, Donizetti produced Dou Pasquale, at tbe Tlieatre des Italiens, aud Dom Sebastien, at tbe Opera, the former a great success, the latter a decided failure, albeit probably the composer's most elaborate aud carefully written score. Maria di Eohau, also an elaborate work, written for Vienna the year before, met with more success. Catarina Cornaro, his last opera, made a decided failure at Naples in 1844. Le due d'Albe, discovered a few j'ears ago iu a sealed box, and i^roduced with some eclat iu Italy, was an early work. During the last years of his life Donizetti was subject to fits of melancholy. He died of a stroke of paralysis. Works — Operas : 1. Enrico di Borgogua, Venice, Teatro San Luca, 1818 ; 2. II falegnanie di Livonia, ib., 1819 ; 3. Le uozze in villa, Mantua, 1820 ; 4. Zora'ide di Granata, Home, 1822 ; 5. La zingara, Naples, 1822 ; 6. La lettera anonima, ib., 1822 ; 7. Chiara e Serafiua, Milan, 1822 ; 8. II fortuuato inganno, Venice, 1823 ; 9. Alfredo il Grande, ib., 1823 ; 10. Unafolha, ib., 1823 ; 11. L' ajo nell' imbarrazzo, Rome, 1824 ; 12. Emilia di Liverpool, Naple.s, 1824 ; 13. Alahor in Granata, Palermo, 1826 ; 14. II castello degli iuvalidi, Na- ples, 182G ; 15. Elvida, ib., 1826 ; 16. II giovedi grasso, ib., 1827 ; 17. Olivo e Pas- quale, Eome, 1827 ; 18. II Borgomastro di Saardam, Naples, 1827 ; 19. Le cou- venienzi teatrali, ib., 1827 ; 20. Otto mesi in due Ore, Palermo, 1828 ; 21. Bisahctla a Kenilworth, Najjles, 1828 ; 22. La regina di Golcouda, Genoa, 1828 ; 23. Gianni di Calais, Naples, 1828, Paris, Theatre Italien, Dec. 17, 1833 ; 24. L' esule di Roma, Na- ples, 1829 ; 2.5. L' elisire d' amore, ib., 1820 ; 26. II paria, ib., 1829 ; 27. II castello di Kenilworth, ib., 1829 ; 28. II rfi7«DJ0 uni- versale, ib., 1830; 29. I pazzi per progetto, ib., 1830 ; 30. Francesca di Foix, ib., 1830 ; 31. Isnelda di Lambertazzi, ib , 1830 ; 32. La romanziera, ib., 1830 ; 33. Anna Bolena, Milan, 1831 ; 34. Fausta, Najjles, 1831 ; 35. Ugo, coute di Parigi, Milan, 1832 ; 36. Sancia di Castilla, Naples, 1832 ; 87. II nuovo Pourceaugnac, ib., 1832 (there is some doubt as to this opera being really by Donizetti) ; 38. II furioso nell' isola di San Domingo, Rome, 1833, Paris, Theatre Italien, Feb. 2, 1862 ; 39. Paridna, Flor- ence, 1833 ; 40. Torqualo Tasso, Rome, 1833 ; 41. L' assedio di Calais, 1833 ; 42. Liwrezia Borgia, Milan, Teatro della Scala, 1834; 43. Rosamunda d' Inghilterra, Flor- ence, Teatro della Pergola, 1834 (later at Najjles as Eleonora di Guienna) ; 44. Maria Stuarda, Naples, 1834 (later at Rome as Buondelmonte) ; 45. Gemma di Vergi, Mil- an, 1835, Paris, Theatre Italien, Dec. 6, 1845 ; 46. Marino Faliero, Paris, Theatre Italien, 1835 ; 47. Lucia di Lanunermoor, NajDles, 1835 ; 48. Belisario, Venice, T. della Fen ice, Feb. 7, 1836 ; 49. II Cam- panello di Notte, Naples, 1836, St. Peters- burg, January, 1864 ; 50. Belly, ib., 1836 ; 51. Roberto Devereux, ib., 1836 ; 52. Pio de' Tolomei, Venice, 1837 ; 53. Maria di Rudenz, ib., 1838 ; 54. Poliuto, not per- formed, Pai'is, Oj^era, as Les martyrs, Ajsril 10, 1840, aud Theatre Itahen, April 14, 1859 ; 55. Gianni di Parigi, Milan, 1839 ; 56. Gabriella di Vergi, ib., 1839 (not per- formed, but given in Naples, 1844) ; 57. La JiUe du regiment, Pai'is, Opera Co- mique, Feb. 11, 1840 ; 58. La favorite, ib.. Opera, Dec. 2, 1840 ; 59. Adelasia, ossia la figlia dell' arciero, Rome, 1841 ; 60. Mlaria Padilla, Milan, 1841 ; 61. Linda di Cliamo- nix, Vienna, Kiirnthnerthor Theater, 1842 ; 62. Maria di Rohan, Vienna, 1843 ; 63. Don Pasquale, Paris, Theatre Italien, Jan. 4, 1843 ; 64. Dom Sebastieu, Paris, OjJera, Nov. 13, 1843 ; 65. Galarina Cornaro, Na- ples, Teatro San Carlo, 1844 ; 66. Rita, ou le marl battu (posthumous), Paris, Oj^era Comique, May 7, 1860 ; 67. Le Due d'Albe, (do.), Barcelona, 1882. Dramatic and other Cantatas : L' Ai-istea, 1823 ; I voti de' sudditi, 1825 ; Elvira, 1826 ; H fausto ritorno, 1830 ; Admete, 1832 ; La morte d' Ugoliuo, 1835. Miscellaneous : Nuits d'ete a Pausilippe (ly- ric album) ; Sou'ees d'automue a I'lnfraa- DON cata (G songs ami duets) ; KCveries iiapoli- taiues (G ballads) ; Ispirazioui Vieuuesi (5 ariettas and 2 ducts) ; Les soirees de Paris (12 cauzouets aud duets) ; 7 masses, of whicli one is a requiem ; Several vespers, psalms, and motets ; 12 string quartets, aud some pianoforte music. — Filipjio Ciccoiietti, Vita di G. Donizetti (Rome, 1864) ; Federico Alborglietti and Michelangelo Galli, Doni- zetti-Ma3'r (Bergamo, 1875) ; Clement, Mas. coU'bres, 453 ; Fetis. DON JUAN. See Don Giomnni. DON PASQUALE, opera butia in three acts, text and music by Donizetti, repre- sented at the Theatre Italieu, Paris, Jan. 4, 1843. The plot is derived from an older Italian opera in two acts, Ser Marc' Antonio, music by Pavesi, which was represented iu Milan in 1811, and in Paris in 1813. Don Pasquale, old and rich, takes it into his head to marry. His friend, Dr. Malatesta, unable to dissuade him, jjroposes to him to marry his sister Sophronia, a timid, modest girl, he tells him, brought up iu a convent. Under this guise he introduces to him a young widow, Noriua, the beloved of Don Pasquale's nepliew, Ernesto. The old man is captivated aud a sham man-iage contract is signed. This is no sooner done than Noriua drops her assumed modesty and leads the Don such a dance that he is finally glad to take the Doctor's advice and let Er- nesto marry her iustead. He is too glad of his escape to quarrel with Malatesta wheu he discovers the plot, aud the young couple are united with his blessing. This charm- ing opera, almost unequalled for sparkling gayety aud comic situations, was writteu by Donizetti iu three weeks. The exquisite serenade in the third act, " Com' e gentil," is still a favourite with concert singers. The original cast of the opera was as fol- lows : Noriua Siguora Grisi. Ernesto Signor Mario. Dr. Malatesta Signor Tamburini. Dou Pasquale Signor Lublache. Don Pasquale was played for uiany years after its first representation as a piece of the present, but for the sake of picturesque- uess the characters were tiually dressed iu the costume of the last century. It was produced iu London at Her Majesty's The- atre, June 30, 1843. In 18G4 a French version, by Ali^honse Royer and Gustave Vaez, was given in Pai-is at the Theatre Ly- rique. An English version was given iu New York, March 9, 184G ; it was first sung there in Italian, Dec. 18, 1849.- — Edwards, Lyrical Drama, ii. 3G. DON QUIXOTE. The great romance of Cervantes, " El ingeuioso hidalgo Don Qiii- jote de la Maucha " (1G05-15), has furnished the material for many operas. The earliest appears to have been : Der irreude Ritter Dou Quixote de la Mancha, text by Hiusch, music by Fiirtsch, Hamburg, 1690 ; and next, Don Quixote, text by D'Urfey, music by Henry Purcell, London, 1694. These were followed by : Dou Chisciotto iu Sierra Morena, by Conti, Vienna, 1719 ; Dou Chis- ciotto alia corte della duchessa, by Caldara, Vienna, 1727 ; Don Chisciotto, hy Padre Martiui, Italy, about 1730 ; by Treu, Bres- lau, 1727 ; by Holzbauer, Mannheim, 1755 ; by Picciuni, Naples, 1770 ; Dou Chisciotto alle nozze di Gamazzo, by Salieri, Vienna, 1771 ; Don Chisciotto della Maucia, by Pai- siello, Naples, 1769 ; Dou Quixote, German opera, by Schack, Vienna, 1792 ; by Hubat- schek, Hermannstadt, about 1792 ; by Dit- tersdorif, Oels, 1795 ; Don Chisciotto, Italian opera, by Tarchi, Paris, 1791 ; by Generali, text by Rossi, Milan, 1805 ; by Miari, Venice, about 1810 ; by Manuel Garcia, New York, 1827 ; by Mercadante, Cadiz, 1829 ; by Maz- zucato, Milan, 1836 ; by Lucantoni (ballet), Milan, 1845 ; by Luigi Ricci, Jr., Venice, 1881 ; Don Quichotte chez la ducliesse (bal- let), text by Favart, music by Boismortier, 445 DON Paris, 1743 ; Dou Quixote, by Macfarren, Loudon, 18i6 ; Ritter Don Quixote, by Spindler, about 1790 ; Die Abeuteuer des liitters Dou Quixote de la Maucha, by Sei- del, Berlin, 1811 ; Le nouveau Dou Qui- cliotte, by Champeiu, text by Boissel, Paris, 1789 ; a Polish opera, similar title, by Mo- niuszko, Wilna, 184:7 ; Dou Quicliotte at Sancho, by Clapisson, Paris, 1847 ; Dou Quicliotte et Sancho Pausa, by Herve, Paris, 1848 ; Dou Quicbotte, b\' Ernest Boulauger, text by Barbier aud Carre, Paris, 1869 ; Don Quixote, by Frederic Clay, London, 1875 ; Dou Quixotte, operetta, by Both and Weiuzierl, Vienna, 1879. DON QUIXOTE, characteristic compo- sition for orchestra, by Antou liubinsteiu, op. 87. Published by Senfi' (Leip.sic). DON RODKIGO. See Cid. DONNA BIANCA DAVENELLO, LA. See La Dame blanche. DONNA DEL LAGO, LA (The Lady of the Lake), Italian opera in two acts, text by Tottola, music by Rossini, first represented at the Teatro Sau Carlo, Najjles, Oct. 4, 1819 ; in Loudon, King's Theatre, Feb. 18, 1823 ; in Paris, Sept. 7, 1824 ; in New York, Nov. 28, 1833. Subject from Walter Scott's "Lady of the Lake." The leading jjart, Elena, was written for Mile Colbran, who saug it with striking success. In this work Rossini introduced for the first time a military baud on the stage. Much of the music of the Donna del Lago was afterwards transferred to Robert Bruce. A French version. La dame du lac, in four acts, text by d'Epaguy, Auguste Rousseau, aud Horace Raisson, with the music arranged by Le- mii're de Corvey, was given at the Odeon, Paris, Oct. 31, 1825. The Knight of Snow- dou, English opera, music by Henry Row- ley Bishop, London, 1811, deals with the same subject. — Edwards, Prima Donna, i. 1G4 ; Clemeut and Larousse, 233. DONNA DIANA, comic opera, text by Wittkowski, music by Heinrich Hofmaun, first represented at the Royal Opera House, Berlin, Nov. 15, 1886. Subject from Agus- tin Moreto's comedy, "Desden con el des- den (Disdain met with Disdain), which was adajited for the French stage by ^Moliere as " La princesse d'Elide,'' for the Italian by Carlo Gozzi as "La priucipessa filosofa, o il contravveleno," aud for the German by Joseph Schreyvogel as "Donna Diana." — Leipsic Siguale (1886), 1078. DONNA DI SPIRITO, LA (The Woman of Genius), Italian opera buffa, music by Piccinni, represented at Naples, about 1770. DONNE DISPETTOSE, LE (The Spite- ful Women), Italian comic opera, music by Piccinni, represented at the Teatro Fioreutino, Naples, 1754. Piccinni made his debut as a composer with this work, after twelve years' study in the Couserva- torio. DONNEZ POUR UNE PAUVRE AME. See Pruphlie. DONT, JAKOB, born in Vienna, March 2, 1815, still living, 1888. Violinist, son of the violoncellist Josef Valentin Dont (1776-1833), pupil of BOhm aud Hellmes- berger, the elder, at the Couservatorium in Vienna, where he entered the orchestra of the Burgtheater in 1831, aud the imperial Court orchestra in 1834. He distinguished himself as a solo and quartet player, and was much esteemed as a teacher. He has beeu since 1873 professor at the Couser- vatorium. His compositions, numbering about 50 works, and comprising concertos, solos, variations, quartets, etc., were most favourably commented upon by Spohr. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Riemann. DOPPEL-SINFONIE. See Jrdisches und Gottliches im Meuschenlebeu. DOPPLER, (ALBERT) FRANZ, born at Lemberg, Galicia, Oct. 1, 1821, died at Baden, near Vienna, July 27, 1883. Hav- ing finished his musical education in Vi- enna, aud made a concert tour with his brother Karl, he became first flute at the theatre of Pesth, where he began to com- pose. In 1858 he was engaged for the Vi- enna Hofoper. Works : Beujowski, Polish opera given in 1847 ; Ilka, Hungarian 44G DOPFLEIl opera, 1849 ; Afaiiasia ; Wanda, Polish ' tlior of motets fonml in Attaignanfs collec- opera, 1851 ; Erzebetli (with bis brother Karl and with Erkel) ; Die beideu Husaren, Hungarian comic ojjera, 1853 ; Judith, Ger- man opera, Vienna, 1870 ; overtures, bal- lets, and other music. — Wurzhach, Biogr. Lex., iii. 372 ; Mendel, iii. 214 ; Fetis, iii. 4G ; Suppk'raent, i. 277 ; Sowinski, 160. DOPPLER, KAEL, born at Lemberg in 1826, still living, 1888. Studied under his father and his brother, Franz Doppler. After a concert tour he became conductor at a theatre in Pesth. Works : Das Lager der Grenadiere ; Der Sohu der Wiiste, Hungarian operas given in 1852 and 1854 ; ballets and pieces for the flute. — Mendel ; Fetis ; Wurzbach, Biogr. Lex., iii. 372 ; Sowinski, 160. DORATI, (Doratus) NICOLO, Venetian composer of madrigals, lived in the second halt of the IGth century. Works : Madrigali a cnique, sei e sette voci, lib. 1-2 (1559) ; Mad- rigali a cinque voci, lib. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Venice, 15G7).— Fetis ; Mendel, iii, 215 ; Erganz.,91. DORFBARBIER, DER (The Village Bar- ber), German Singspiel, music by Johanu Adam Hiller, represented at Leipsie, about 1770 ; opera, music byNeefe, Leijasic, 1772 ; music by Johann Schenck, Vienna, 1796 ; music by Ludwig Seidel, Berlin, 1817. See Barbier de village. DORFJAHRiNIARKT, DER (The Annual Village Fair), German operetta, music by Georg Beuda, 1776. DORING, KARL HEINRICH, born in Dresden, in 1834, still living there, 1888. Instrumental and vocal comjjoser, pupil at the Conservatorium of Leipsie, 1852-55, then of Hauptmann and Lobe in counter- point and composition ; taught music at Leipsie until 1858, when he returned to Dresden, and became a professor at the ib., 1832 ; Der SchOffe von Paris, Riga^ tions, especially in : XU. motets ii quatre et cinq voix, etc. (1529). — Fetis, iii. 47. DORN, HEINRICH (LUDWIG EG- MONT), born in Kc'migsberg, Nov. 14, 1804, still living, 1888, in Berlin. He studied law at the KOnigsberg Univer- sity, and after visit- ing Leipsie, Dres- den, Prague, and Vienna, settled at Berlin, where he ' ' pursued his musical studies under Zelter, Berger, and Klein. He produced an opera at Berlin with success ; was appointed con- ductor of the theatre in Ki'migsberg, and filled a like position in 1829-32, in Leipsie, where he instructed Schumann in counter- point. After a short engagement at a Hamburg theatre, he succeeded Wagner as conductor in Riga, and in 1843 was called to Cologne, where he founded in 1845 the Rheinisehe Musikschule. In 1849 he became conductor of the Berlin Royal Opera, from which he was retired on a pension with his colleague, Wilhelm Tau- bert, at the beginning of 1869, to make way for Karl Eckert. He received the title of Kfjniglicher Professor, and has since been engaged in teaching and writing. In 1876 he celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of the beginning of his career as a composer. He has published an autobi- ography. Works — Operas : Die Rolands- knappen, performed at Berlin in 1826 ; Der Zauberer, melodrama, ib., 1827 ; Die Bettlerin, Konigsberg, 1828 ; Abu Kara, Leipsie, 1831 ; Das Schwiirmermiidchen, Conservatorium there. He has composed masses and other church music, pianoforte jiieces, and songs, and is also an able writer on music. — Mendel. DORLE, French musician of the early part of the 16th century. He was the au- 1838 ; Das Banner von England, Riga, 1841 ; Die Nibelungen, Weimar, 1854, his most successful production ; Ein Tag in Russland, comic opera, 1856 ; Der Boten- liiufer von Pirna, 1865 ; (xcwitter bei Son- nenschein, operetta, 1869 ; Amor's Macht, «7 DORNROSCIIEN ballet, Leipsic, 1830 ; Missa jsro defunc- tis, performed at Berlin in 1851 ; Church music ; Cantatas, symphonies, songs, and other pieces for orchestra and for p)iano- forte. — Dorn, Aus meinem Leben (Berlin, 1870, 2 vols.) ; Mendel ; Fetis ; do., Supple- ment, i. 278 ; Eiemann. DOKNEOSCHEN, German opera, music by Ferdinand Lauger, represented at the Stadttheater, Hamburg, March 18, 188G. It was conducted by the composer and had a signal success. DOROTHY, comic ojiera, music by Al- fred Cellier, represented at the Gaiety The- atre, London, Sej^t. 25, 1886. DORS, CHER ENFANT. See Blariche de Provence. DORUS, VINCENT JOSEPH LOUIS VAN STEENKISTE, called, born at Valen- ciennes, March 1, 1812, still living, 1888. Virtuoso on the flute, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire, from 1812, of Guillou ; won the second prize in 1826, and the first in 1828. He was a member of the Varietes orchestra iu 1828-30, and of that of the Opt'ra in 1831-61 ; member of the Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire, and musi- cian to the Emjseror ; succeeded Tulou as professor of the flute at the Conservatoire, in 1858 ; and was first flute at the Acade- mic de Musique. Works : iSchos des la- gunes, solo pour flftte ; sixteen airs varies ; Fautaisies et melanges sur des melodies de Donizetti (Mainz) ; Variations sur une Tyrolieune de Weber ; Cretly, valse Suisse ; Marches des chasseurs de Lutsow, with Herz ; and other music. — Fetis ; Larousse ; Mendel. DOT, LA (The Dowry), comedy in three acts, text by Desfontaines, music by Dalay- rac, represented at the Italiens, Paris, Nov. 21, 1785. The libretto is clever, and the music sj)rightly and pleasing. The over- ture is one of the best by the composer. DOT DE SUZETTE, LA (Suzette's Dow- r}-), opura-comique in one act, text by De- jaure, from a romance by Fievee, music by Boieldieu, represented at the Theatre Fa- vart, Paris, Sept. 6, 1798. This little work was a success, having had more than fifty representations. The part of Suzette was charmingly sung by Madame Saint-Aubin. — Pougin, Boieldieu. 55. DOTZALER, JUSTUS JOH.^JNN FRIED- RICH, born at Hiisselrieth, near H i 1 d burghausen, Jan. 20, 1783, died in Dresden, March 6, 1860. Violon- cellist, studied the jiianoforte under Heuschkel, violin under G 1 e i c h - mann, and compo- sition under Riittinger, all in Hiklburghau- sen, where also Hessner gave him his first violoncello lessons. His love for this in- strument caused him to be sent to Meinin- gen, where he made such progress under Kriegek, that he was engaged for the court orchestra in 1801-5. Thence he went to Leipsic, and in 1806 to Berlin, where Bern- hard Romberg influenced him much. In 1811 he joined the royal orchestra in Dres- den, and excei^ting concert tours in Ger- many and the Netherlands, lived there until his death, composing, playing, and teach- ing. Among his jjupils were his son, Louis Ludwig Dotzauer, Karl Schuberth, Drechs- ler, and Kummer. Works : Graziossi, opera performed at Dresden in 1811 ; Mass ; Sym- phony ; Overtures ; Duets and quartets ; Concertos for violoncello and orchestra ; Ex- ercises, variations, sonatas, and other pieces for violoncello ; Waltzes for pianoforte ; and an excellent violoncello method. — Allgem. d. Biogi-., V. 865 ; Mendel ; Fetis; Grove. DOUAY (Douai), EMILE, born in Paris about 1802, died (?). Dramatic composer, pupil of Reicha in harmony and counter- point. When the Theatre du Gymnase was opened, in 1822, he became first violinist, and in 1823 assistant chef d'orchestre. He brought out : Une bonne mere, opera, iu 1822, and Une aventure de Faublas, opera, as DOUAY in 1823. Ill ltS27 he became solo violinist ; in 1831 retired from that theatre aiul from public life, and was not heard of until 1843, when he brought out au overture, Gene- vieve des Bois, and a sj'mphonic i^oeni. La creation, la vie et la destruction, at a con- cert hall in Paris, with his own orchestra. These works were much criticised and, though they showed him to be a clever composer, failed to interest the general public. He then went to Germany, and on his return to Paris spent three years in composing two more orchestral pieces with chorus and solos : Christophe Colomb and La mer, ou une vols dans I'orage, which w^ere performed at the Salle Ventadour. He afterwards brought out Jeanne (d'Arc), musical trilogy for full orchestra, chorus, and solos, and La chasse royale, k'gende de la Forut de Fontainebleau, with orchestra, chorus, and solo. None of these compo- sitions were successful, although they at- tracted much notice. He was violinist at the Theatre Italien, and later wrote an overture, and a symjihony for the concerts of the Jeunes Artistes du Conservatoire under Pasdeloup, and a musical Hcro'ide for one voice and orchestra entitled Homcre. — Fetis, iii. 50 ; Supplement, i. 278 ; Mendel. DOUAY, GEORGES, born in Paris, Jan. 7, 1840, still living, 1888. Amateur dra- matic composer, ijupil of Duprato. His operas and musical sketches have been jjlayed at all the minor theatres and cafcs- chantants of Paris. Works : La fleur du Val-Suzon, opera-comique, played at the Theatre Lyrique, 1862 ; La barbe de Betas- son, Jerome Pointu, and Les amoureux de Fauchon, 18G1: ; Les crepes de la marquise, 1865 ; Les gammes d'Oscar, and Vauuavet I'empailleur, 1866 ; Uu bureau de nourrices, and LY'caillere africaine, 1867 ; Un Merlan frit, Le double Pii'ge, 1868 ; Ce bon roi Dagobert, 1869 ; La premiere Escarmouche, 1870 ; Le phoque a ventre blanc, and Creme fouettee, 1871 ; Le petit Vert-Vert, Le gar- nisaire, Le jwmmier des amours, Le tresor de la tante Bechu, Le tonueau de Mig- uoune, 1872 ; La tunique fatale, 1873 ; Le piege, 1874 ; Le hanneton de la chatelaine, Les valets modeles, Les mules de Suzette, Oh c' Paladin, 1875 ; Uu trio d'aftames, Le pays des bijoux, 1876. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 279. DOUBLE ICPEEUVE, LA. See Colinelte a la Cour. DOUCE JOUVENCELLE. See Zampa. DOUELEN, VICTOR (CHARLES PAUL), born at Dunkirk, Nov. 3, 1780, died in Paris, January, 1864. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire from 1797 ; studied the pianoforte under Moziu, harmony under Catel, and counter- point under Gossec, winning the second grand prix in 1804, and the grand prix de Rome in 1805. Before leaving Paris he brought out an opera, Philocles ; and he sent to the Institut, from Rome, in 1808, a Dies irse. He was assistant professor of harmony and accompaniment in 1812-16, and profes- .sor iu 1816-42. Works : Philocles, opera- comique, Opera Comique, Paris, 1806 ; Lin- nee, ou la mine de Suede, do., Theatre Fey- deau, 1808 ; La dupe de son art, do., ib., 1809 ; Cagliostro (with Reicha), do., ib., 1810 ; Plus heureux que sage, do., ib., 1816 ; Le frere Philippe, do., ib., 1818 ; Marini, do., ib., 1819 ; Vente apri's deces, 1821 ; Le petit souper, 1822 ; Sonatas for piano- forte op. 1 ; Fautaisie sur la romance de Belisaire ; First concerto for pianoforte, op. 3 ; Trio for pianoforte, violin, and bass, op. 4 ; Three sonatas with flute, op. 9 ; sonata for four hands, op. 10. He published also several didactic works. — Fetis, iii. 50 ; do.. Supplement, i. 279 ; Mendel. DOUTE DE LA LUMlfcRE. See Ham- let. D'OU VENEZ-VOUS, MA CHEEE ? See Le Domino Noir. DOVE SONO. See Le None di Figaro. DOWLAND, JOHN, born iu Westmin- ster, London, iu 1562, died in 1626. Lu- tist, one of the musicians who harmonized the psalm tunes published by Este in 1592. In 1584 he visited France, Germany, and 449 DOWLAXD Italy ; on bis return to England he took, in 1588, the degree of Mus. Bac. at Ox- ford, and in 1592 at Cambridge. In 1597 he published the First Book of Songes or Ayres of four parts, with Tableture for the Lute, of which four other editions were published, in 1600, 1G03, 1608, and 1613 ; and in 1844 it was printed in score by the Musical Antiquarian Society. Soon after its publication, he became lutist to Christian IV., King of Denmark, and while in that country he published : Second Booke of Songs or Ayres of 2, 4 and 5 jjarts . . . . Also an Excelent lesson for the Lute and Base Viol, called Dowland's adew ; for Master Oliuer Cromwell (London, 1600). He was still in Denmark in 1602, and pub- lished : The Third and last Booke of Songs or Ayres, etc. He returned to England in 1605, made another visit to Denmark, and finally settled in England in 1609. In 1612 he was lutist to Lord AValden, and in 1625 one of the six lutists in the ser- vice of the king. Works : Lachrynife or Seven Teares, figured in seaven passionate Pavans, etc., set forth for the Lute, Viols or Violins, in five parts (1605). The first pavan of these seven is the one known as Lachrymse, spoken of by the dramatists of that period. He piublished a translation of Andreas OruithoparcusV. treatise, Micro- logus, in 1609. A Pilgrime's Solace, wherein is contained Musicall Harmonie of 3, 4 and 5 parts, to be sung and plaid with Lute and Viols, was published in 1612. Shakespeare celebi'ates his skill upon the lute in one of the sonnets of his " Passionate Pilgrim " (1599).— Grove ; Mendel ; Eiemann, 220. DOWL.\ND, ROBERT, son of John Dowland, succeeded his father as lutist to the king in 1626 ; he was living in 1641, and was then one of the musicians for the Waytes. He edited : A Musicall Bauqvet. Furnished with varietie of Delicious Ayres, Collected out of the best Authors in English, French, Spanish, and Italian, by Robert Dowland (1610). The authors alluded to are : Daniel Batchelar, John Dowland, Robert Hales, Anthony Holborne, and Richard Martin. He also edited : Varietie of Lessons : viz., Fautasie.s, Pavins, Gal- liards, Almaines, Corantoes and Volts, etc. Whereuuto is annexed certaine Observa- tions belonging to Lute-playing, by John Baptisto Besardo of Viconti ; Also a short Treatise thereunto appertayning, by John Dowland, Batchelor of Musicke (1610). — Grove ; Riemaun, 220. DOWN IN A FLOWERY VALE. See Quando ritrovo la mia pastorella. DOYAGUE, MANUEL JOSE, born in Salamanca, Spain, Feb. 17, 1755, died there, Dec. IS, 1842. The son of a poor artisan, he became a chorister in the cath- edral, was soon admitted to the free school of music, and in 1781, when only twentj'- six years old, succeeded Don Juan ^Martin, on his retirement, as maestro de capilla. He was also appointed maestro of music at the university. He was a priest and canon of the cathedral, and spent the rest of his life in strict seclusion, attending to his duties, and devoting himself to the composition of music for his own choir. So little was he known, that it was not until he was asked to go to Madrid, to superintend the bring- ing out of his own great Te Deum in 1813, that he became famous. His mass for eight voices and orchestra, given at Madrid in 1830, excited universal enthusiasm ; and he was made, in 1831, honorary maestro of the Madrid Conservatorio. His master- piece was a Magnificat for eight voices with orchestra and organ. When Doyague died, he was buried with great pomp in Sala- manca, and the original of his celebrated jMaguificat, enclosed in a leaden casket, was laid by him in his marble tomb. Other works : Magnificat for four voices and or- chestra ; a third for eight voices and instru- ments in D ; Lamentations for Holy Week ; Three Miserere in E-flat ; others for four voices, in P ; Solemn Mass for eight voices, orchestra and organ, in G ; Mass for four voices, in F ; Two others in A. Psalms for Vespei's for all festival ; Office for the dead. 450 DliAESEKE for four voices, cliorus and orchestra ; Fimer- al motet for four voices, with two violins, viola and bass, in F ; Several Genitori ; a great number of psalms, motets, villiancicos, airs, duets, and quartets for church use, in all kinds of vocal and instrumental com- binations. — Fctis ; Larousse ; Mendel. DRAESEKE, FELIX, born at Coburg, Gerinanj% Oct. 7, 18 3 5, still living, 1888. Dramatic a n d instrumental composer, puj)il of Kietz at the Con- servatorium, Leip- sic. An enthusias- tic disciple of Liszt at "Weimar, he went afterwards to Dres- den, and in 18G4- 74 was instructor at the Conservatoire at Lausanne, with the inteiTuption of one year (18GS-09), when he was called to Munich by von Biilow to teach at the royal Conservatorium. Having then for a time lived at Geneva, he settled at Dresden. Both as a composer and as a writer on music, he belongs to the extreme left. He has published a number of pianoforte pieces remarkable for rhythmic and har- monic subtleties. Works : Fantasiestiicke in Walzerform, op. 3 ; Deux valses de Con- cert, op. 4 ; a tine sonata in E major, op. 6 ; several pieces for pianoforte and violon- cello, a symphony, and some vocal com- positions, and an opera, Gudrun, given in Hanover in 1884. He is an expounder of the ideas of Wagner in musical reform, and has written several critical works. — Grove ; Fetis, SujJijlcment, i. 280 ; Men- del ; Rieniaun DRAGHI, ANTONIO, born at Ferrara, Italy, in 1635, died in Vienna, Jan. 18, 1700. Dramatic composer. He at first wrote masses and motets, and produced his first opera in 1003. In 1774 he was in- vited to Vienna as Hoftheater Intendant to the Emperor Leopold I., and Kapellmeister I to the Emjiress Leonore, and iu 1782 he took up his abode there for life. The scores of most of his works are iu the Im- perial library, and some in the archives of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. His librettos, some of them illustrated, werf printed in the Imperial press by Cosmerov and have nearly all been preserved. Oc- casionally he wrote librettos wliicli were set by other composers, Ziani, Bertali, and even the Emperor Leopold, who composed the complete opera, Apollo deluso. Works : Aronisba, 1663 ; Alcindo, Doriclea, 1665 ; Muzio Scevola, 1666 ; Ercole acquisitator deir immortalita, 1667 ; Atalanta, 1669 ; Leonida in Tegea, Itide, Penelope, La prosjierita d' Elio, Segano, 1670 ; Cidippe, L'avidita di Mida, Gara de Genni, 1671 ; Guudelberga, La Sulpizia, Gli atomi d" Eiji- curo, 1672 ; Provare per non recitare. La Tessalonica, 1673 ; La lanterna di Diogene, II ratto delle Sabine, II fuoco eterno custo- dito dalle Vestali, 1674 ; Pirro, I pazzi Ab- deriti, 1675 ; Lucrezia, Seleueo, 1676 ; II silenzio d' Ai-pocrate, Adriano sul monte Casio, Chelonida, Rodogeue, 1677 ; La con- quista del vello d' oro, Creso, Enea iu Italia, Leucippe, La monarchia latiua trionfante, II tempio di Diana in Taurica, II vincitor magnanimo in Tito Quinto, 1678 ; Flaminio, Baldracca, 1679 ; Ija pazienza di Soerate con due mogli, 1680 ; II Temistoele, Achille in Tessalia, La forza dell' amicizia, 1681 ; Gli stratagemmi di Bionte, La chimera, 1682 ; La lira d' Orfeo, II palladio in Roma, 1683 ; La piii generosa Spartana, Le nere azioni di Temise, II risorgimento della ruota della fortuna, 1685 ; Le scioccag- giui degli Psilli, Lo studio d' amore, 1686 ; La vendetta dell' onesta, La vittoria della fortezza, 1687 ; II marito ama piti, la moglie ama meglio, Tanasio, 1688 ; I Pianeti be- nigui, Pimmalione in Cipro, Rosaura, 1GS9 ; La regina de' Volsci, II ringiovenito, II tributo de' Sari, La varieta di fortuna in Lucio Giunio Bruto, II merito uniforma i geni, 1691 ; Fedelta e generosita, 1692 ; Amore in sogno, Le piante della virtii e 461 DRAGHI della fortuua, Le piu ricclie gemme, 1693 ; Pelopida Tebano iu Tessaglia, L' ossequio della poesia e della storia, Le sere dell' Aventino, 1094 ; La ebioma di Berenice, La finta cecita d' Antioco grande, Industrie aiuorose de' ragazze di Trazia, 1695 ; Mag- uianimita di Fabrizio, La tirannide abbatuta dalla virtti, Adalberto, ovvero la forza dell' astuzie femiiiili, Amor per virtii, Le pira- midi d' Egitto, 1697 ; Arbace, foudatore deir impero de' Parti, Delizioso ritiro di LucuUo, Idea del felice governo, 1698 ; Le fiuezze deir amicizia e deU' onore, L' AI- aff^9^^ ceste, 1699. He wrote in all eighty-seven ojoeras, as many feste teatrali and serenades, and thirty-two oratorios. — Fotis ; Grove ; Mendel. DKAGHI, GIOVANNI BAPTISTA, an Italian musician, supposed to have been a brother of Antonio Draghi, who settled in London about the middle of the 17th cen- tury. He excelled on the harpsichord, and so completely adopted the English style of composition that he is regarded as an Eng- lish composer. The earliest notice of him is in Pepys's Diary, under the date, Feb. 12, 1667. Pepys heard him sing at Lord Bourncker's house, an act of an Italian opera which he had written at the instance of Thomas Killigrew, but it is doubtful whether this opera was ever produced iu public, though Draghi lived to see the introduc- tion of Italian ojjera into England at the beginning of the following century. He was music-master to Queen Anne, and pro- bably also to her elder sister. Queen Mary. Works : Act tunes and other instrumental music for Shadwell's opera of Psyche, 1675, the rest of the music being composed by Matthew Lock, whom Draghi succeeded, in 1077, as organist to Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles H. ; music for Dryden's ode beginning, " From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony," for the celebration of St. Ceci- lia's Day in 1687 ; jjart of the music to D'Urfey's comic opera, Wonders in the Sun, or, the Kingdom of the Birds, 1706. Many songs by him are found in the collections of the daj'. — Grove ; Fetis ; Mendel. DRAGON OF WANTLEY, THE, Eng- lish burlesque opera, text by Henry Carey, music by John Frederick Lampe, rep- resented at Covent Garden, London, in 1737. Subject from the old ballad of the same name (Percy's Eelique.s, IX. 13), in which the hero is More of More-Hall, made by Carey into Moore of Moore- hall. It is an ad- mirable burlesque of Italian opera, especially of Handel's Giustino, which had just appeared, with its dragons vomiting fire, and fantastic animals, and it had a suc- cess not inferior to that of the Beggar's Opera. In 1738 Carey brought out at Cov- ent Garden a sequel to it, entitled Margery. —Hogarth, ii. 73. DRAGONETTI, DOMENICO, born iu Venice, April, 1755, died in Loudon, April 16, 1840. Double- bass plaj-er, sou of a poor musi- cian. He taught himself the guitar and the violin, and was able to take a place in an orchestra when eleven j'ears old. He studied next under Berini, double-bass player in S. Marco and the best master in Venice, who, after giving him eleven lessons, said there was nothing more to teach uim. When thirteen years old he was admitted to the orchestra of the Opera Buffa, and a year later to the Opera Seria. In his eigh- teenth year he was appointed to the post in the choir of S. Marco, hitherto filled by Berini, who persuaded him to accept it. 452 DRAGON I At this time he composed concertos, so- uat.as, solos, etc., iu ■which lie played pai'ts which no one else could master. While playing iu Vicenza he discovered a mar- vellous double-bass, from which he never again parted, and which he bequeathed at his death to the vestry of S. Marco, an in- strument made by Gasparo di Salo, master of the Aniati, find which had belonged to the convent of S. Pietro. Iu 1794 he ap- peared iu London at the Opera and at the King's Theatre, and excited universal aston- ishment at the force aud expression of his playing, and his power of reading at sight. There he became intimate with Robert Lindley, the violoncellist, whose insepar- able compauion he was for fifty-two years, l)laying at the same desk with him at the Opera, the Antient Concerts, the Philhar- monic, the Provincial Festivals, etc. Soon after bis arrival in London, Dragonetti met Haydn, with whom he became intimate ; on his way to Italy, in 1798, he visited that great master iu Vienna. In 1808 and 1809, he was in Vienna, but from caprice, would play before no one but the family of Prince Starhemberg, in whose palace he lived, and where he made the acquaintance of Bee- thoven, and of Sechter, afterwards court organist. In 181.5, when ninety years old, he headed the double-basses, thirteen in number, at the Beethoven Festival at Bonn. He left but few works. Three canzonets with Italian words, written during his staj- in Vienna, are iu a collection of xxxiv. Can- zonette e Romanzie by various composers, dedicated to the Archduke Rodolph, Bee- thoven's friend and pupil. He left 182 volumes of scores of classical oi^eras to the British Museum.— F. CatB, Vita di D. Drago- netti (Venice), 184G ; Fctis ; Grove ; Mendel ; Riemanu. DRAGONI, GIOVANNI ANDREA, born at Meldola, Pontifical States, about 1.540, died in Rome, December, 1598. One of the best contrapuntists of the Roman school, pupil of Palestriua, and maestro di cappella of S. Giovanni iu Laterano, from 1570 to his death. Works : Madrigali a cinque voci (Veuice, 1575) ; do. (ib., 1579) ; do. (ib., 1594) ; Madrigali a sei voci (ib., 1583) ; Vilanelle a cinque voci (ib., 1588) ; Motetti per tutti i santi dell' anno, a cinque voci (ib., 1578) ; Motetti a tre voci (ib., 1580) ; Madrigali a sei voci, Motetti a cinque voci (Rome, 1600). In the Santini Collection, Rome : Three Benedictus for 8 voices. Dixit for 7 voices, and a mass for 4 voices iu canon. — Fetis ; Mendel. DRAMATISCHE SYMPHONIE (Dra- matic Symphony), in D minor, for grand orchestra, by Anton Rubinstein, op. 95. Dedicated to Otto Dessoti'. Edited and published by Bartholf Senff (Leipsic). DRECHSLER, JOSEF, born at Vlachovo Bfezi (Wallisch-Birkcu), Bohemia, May 2G, 1782, died iu Vienna, Feb. 27, 1852. Dra- matic composer, first instructed by his father, then pupil in thorough-bags aud counterpoint of the famous organist Gro- tius at the Benedictine monastery of Floreu- bach. In 1807 he went to Vienna, found employment at the imperial Ojiera in 1810, and was made Kapellmeister adjunct iu 1812 ; having afterwards filled positions as conductor at the theatres of Baden and Pressburg, he became organist at the Serv- ites iu Vienna, where in 1815 he opened a music school, and gratuitously taught the organ and thorough-bass. Iu 1816 he be- came Regens chori at St. Ann's, iu 1823 Kapellmeister at the University church, and at the jmrish church am Hof, and in 1844 succeeded Giinsbacher at St. Stephen's ca- thedral, in the same capacity. From 1822 to 1830 he was also Kapellmeister at the Leopoldstildter Theater. Works — Operas : Claudine von Villabella, given in Vienna about 1830 ; Der Zauberkorb ; Pauline ; Die Schauernacht ; Die Feldmiihle ; Con- tine. Operettas and vaudevilles-: Ydor ; Der Diamaut des GeisterkiJnigs ; Gisf)erl und Fisperl ; Das Madchen aus der Feen- welt ; Der Berggeist ; Capricciosa ; Die Girafi'e ; Das griine Manncheu : Oscar und Tina ; Lisko und Saldino ; Die Schlangen- DllEI konigin ; Sylpliide ; Der Tauseutlsassa ; Das Yergissiueiiniiclit ; Die "Wiener iu Bag- dad ; Die "WOltiu um Mitteruacbt ; Die Wunderbrille ; Der Zauberscblaf ; Friibliug, Sommer, Herbst uud Wiuter ; Der "Wun- derdoctor ; Cabale imd Liebe, etc. Sev- eral 23automimes ; 3 grand cantatas ; 10 masses ; Keqniem ; Offertories and gradu- als ; Quartets for strings; Sonatas for pi- anoforte ; Variations, rondos, marches, and dances for do. ; Fugues for the organ ; Songs ; Method for the organ ; Treatise on harmony. — F e t i s ; Mendel ; Schilling ; Wurzbach. DREI PINTOS, DIE, opera in three acts, by Carl Maria vou Weber, written about 1821, left unfinished ; completed from the comjDoser's sketches by G. Mahler, and rep- resented at the Stadttheater, Leijssic, Jan. 20, 1888. The first and the third acts were enthusiastically received, but the second was not so successful. The management of the theatre is said to have paid 20,000 marks for the MS.— N. Zeitschr, f. Mus. (1887), 1:71 ; (1888) 5, 20, 32, 44, 53, G.5 ; Siguale (1888), 113. DRESE, ADA:M, born probably in "Wei- mar, iu 1620, died in Arnstadt, Feb. 15, 1701. In his youth he was sent by "Wilhelm IV., Duke of "Weimar, to "Warsaw to study composition under JIarco Saechi, and on his return became Kapellmeister at Wei- mar. When his patron died, in 1662, lie ac- cepted a similar position in Jena, and was also secretary of the chamber to Duke Bern- hard. In 16G7 he left Jena, but ajipeared there again in later years, and iu 1683 be- came Kapellmeister iu Arnstadt. Worldly- minded in youth, he was drawn toward pietism later by Spener's works. Es2ie- cially notable was his musical treatment of the recitative. W^orks : Operas whose titles even are now unknown ; Hymns and cho- rals, fourteen of which are in Georg Neu- mark's Fortgeisflanzter musikalisch-poeti- scher Wald (Jena, 1657) ; Pianoforte suites, sonatas, and church music, besides a work ou composition ; all now lost. — Allgem. d. Biogr., V. 397 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Winter- fekl, Der evang. Kirchengesang, ii. 603 ; Spitta, J. S. Bach, i. 1G2 (English ed., 164). DEESEL, OTTO, born at Andernaeh, on the Ehine, in 1826, still living, 1888. After studying under Hiller at Cologne, and Mendelssohn at Leipsic, he went to New York in 1848, as a concert pianist and teacher, but returned to Germany after a year or two. In 1852 he went to Boston, IMass., where he has resided ever since, with the excei^tion of a few visits to Germanj'. He was for some time the leading i^ianist in Boston, but he withdrew from the con- cert-room about 1868, and gave up teaching a few years later. For a man of his excep- tionallj- fine musical instincts and culture he has composed comparatively little, but his influence upon music in Boston, always exerted in furthering the cause of the great classic masters, and especially Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin, and Robert Franz, has been ver\- strong. He has long been a co- worker with Franz iu writing additional accompaniments to the scores of Bach and Handel. His 2:)ianoforte score of Handel's Messiah, arranged from Franz's completed score (Leijjsic, Kistner), is in every resjsect a model. His published works are few : G songs with pianoforte, op. 3 (Leipsic, Breitkopf & Hiirtel) ; Songs and fugitive l^ianoforte pieces, among which are tran- scriptions of songs by Franz. The follow- ing works, still in MS., have been performed iu Boston : Trio for j^ianoforte, violin, and violoncello ; Quartet for pianoforte and strings ; Army Hj'mn for solo, chorus and orchestra, to words by Oliver Wendell Holmes, given iu the Music Hall at the jubilee concert iu celebration of President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, Jan. 1, 1863 ; In Memoriam, ballad for sojjrano and orchestra, to Longfellow's ver.ses on the fiftieth birthday of Louis Agassiz, ib., Jan. 29, 1874. DRESLER (Dreslerus), G.iLLUS, born at Nebra, Thuringia, about 1535. He suc- ceeded Martin Agricola as cantor iu ]\Iagde- 454 DRESSLEIl bm-n- about 1558, and from 15G(5 was deacon ' of the Nicolaikirclie in Zerbst. Works : Cantiones sacriB (Wittenberg, 15GS ; Magde- burg, 1569, 1570, 1577 ; Nuremberg, 1574, 1577) ; Auserlesene teutselie Lieder (Magde- burg, 1570; Nuremberg, 1575, 15S0) ; Ele- menta musicse practicce (Magdeburg, 1571, 1584).— Allgem. d. Biogr. ; Mendel ; Fctis ; Wluterfeld, Der evang. Kircbengesang, i. 341. DRESSLER, R.\PH.VEL, born in Gratz, about 1784, died in Mainz, Feb. 12, 1835. While a youth be played the flate extremely well, and in 1809 became first flute of the Viemia Kiirnthnerthor Theater. He had the same position in the Hanover royal orches- tra in 1817, and lived in England as vir- tuoso and teacher in 1820-34. Works ; about a hundred compositions for the flute, with and without accompaniment, consisting of duets, trios, quartets, concertos, capriccios, variations, and studies, about seventy of which were published. He was the author also of a treatise on the flute, which has been translated into English, and other works. — Mendel ; Fetis. DREUILH, J J , born in Bor- deaux in 1773, died at Niort in 1858. Vio- linist, pupil of the free school of the Cathe- dral of Bordeaux in 1781, studied harmony under Giraud, a pupil of Rameau, and counterpoint and fugue under Fran(;ois Beck, who also taught him the violin. In 1790 he succeeded Giraud as maitre de cliapelle, and brought out a Te Deum for the Fete de la Federation, the IMS. of which is now owned by the Cathedral. After serving in the army from 1792 to 1794, he succeeded Fran(;ois Beck as conductor of orchestra at the Grand Theatre, Bordeaux. Later he became leader of the orchestra in the Theatre de la Cite, Paris, and brought out there an opera-comique, Le point d'hon- eur, in 1802. la 1804 he became chef d'orchestre of the Grand Theatre at Marseil- les, and brought out Valaski et Oplu'lie, ou le passage de I'hermitage, opera-comicjue. He returned to Paris, desirous of composing for the Opera, but instead had to write the music for dramas and pantonnines, among others. La nouvelle Jeanne d'Arc, Sophie et Linska, etc. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 280. DREYER, JOHANN aiELCHIOR, boru at Ellwaugen, Wiirtemberg, about 17G5, died there, beginning of this century. He was organist of the cathedral in his native place. His compositions were known to the Catholic choirs of Southern German}- long after his death. Works : Numerous masses ; 28 vespers ; 24 hymns ; Sympho- nies, offertories, organ sonatas, and other church music. — Fetis ; Mendel. DREYSCHOCK, ALEXANDER, born at Zack, Bohemia, Oct. 15, 1818, died in Vienna, April 1, 1869. Pianist, pu- pil at Prague of Tomaschek. He became a distin- guished performer of great mechanical ability, and trav- elled professionally for twenty years throughout Europe, play- ing principally his own music. In 1862 he became a professor at the Conservatory of St. Petersburg, director of the imperial school for theatrical music, and pianist to the emperor, and was at the same time Kapellmeister to the Grand Duke of Hesse- Darmstadt. His health failing, he was sent in 1868 to Italy, where he died. His works, chiefly salon music, consist of 140 piano- forte pieces, rondeaux militaires, sonatas, nocturnes, songs without words, etc.; a string quartet, and a grand ouverture (Prague). His brother, Raymuud Drey- schock (1824-69), was a violinist.— Allgem. d. Biogr., V. 408 ; Grove ; Fetis, iii. 59 ; do., Supplement, i. 281 ; Mendel ; Wurzbach, iii. 382. DRIEBERG, FRIEDRICH (JOHANN) VON, born at Chai-lottenburg, near Berlin, Dec. 20, 1780, died there, May 21, 1856. He left the army in 1804 to study music for 455 DEOBI8CII five yeai-s iu Paris uucler Si^ontini, and jsrob- ablj' also uuder Cherubiui. He was amoug the first to take ujj the study of ancient Greek music, and though Chladni and Perne disputed his views, Fetis called him a writer of romance instead of history, and many of his oijiuions have since been proved false, he deserves credit for awak- ening interest in an almost forgotten sub- ject. His last and unpublished opera was an application of his studies on Greek mu- sic. Works : Don Cocagno, opera, jjer- formed iu Berlin in 1812 ; Der Sanger und der Schneider, opera, Berlin, 1814-26 ; Al- fons von Castilien, iu !XIS. ; a farce and two comic operas unjKiblished, besides songs and instrumental 25ieces. Among his crit- ical writings are, " Auf schliisse fiber die Musik der Griechen " (Leii^sic, 1819) ; " Wiirterbuch der griechischeu Musik" (Berlin, 1835) ; and other writings on Greek music. — Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 410 ; 'Sleu- del ; Fotis ; Riemaun. DROBISCH, KAHh LITDMIG, born in Leipsic, Dec. 24, 1803, died in Augsburg, Aug. 20, 1854. He studied music bj- him- self while at school iu Grimma, and com- jjosed a cantata, operetta, and other little pieces, and studied composition at Leipsic iu 1821, under J. A. Drobs and Weiulig. His first oratorio was performed at a Ge- wandhaus concert in 1820, with little suc- cess. He remained several years in ^Munich, where he studied in the libraries and was a friend of Ett. In 1837 he became musical director of the Church of St. Anna in Augs- burg, but soou gave up the place to de- vote himself to composition and teaching. Works : Bonifacius, oratorio ; Eighteen mas- ses ; Six graduals ; Six offertories ; Three litanies ; Three Requiems ; Motets, and other church music, altogether more than a hun- dred compositions. — Allgem. d. Biogi\, v. 412 ; FfHis, Gl ; !Mendel ; Riemann. DROBS, JOH.VNN ANDREAS, born near Erfurt in 1784, died at Leipsic, May 4, 1825. Organist, first instructed by his father, then mainly self-taught ; in 1808 he went to Leijisic, and became organist at St. Peter's iu 1810. He was much sought after as a teacher, and composed meritorious works for the organ and the pianoforte, compris- ing sonatas, fugues, preludes, etc. — Fetis. DROLLIXG, JEAN iHCHEL, born at Turekheim (Haut-Rhin), in 179G, died in Paris in 1839. Pianist, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire under Adam for pianoforte, and Muhul for comjjosition. Works : Themes varies, op. 1, 2 ; Di tanti palpiti, varie pour piano et violou, op. 3 ; Caprices for pianoforte oj). 4 and 14 ; Fantaisies, idem, op. 15 and 20 ; Rondeau pastoral, op. 19 ; Duos for pianoforte for foiu- hands, op. 5 and 17 ; Duos for pianoforte and violin, op. 11, 12, and 22 (Paris) ; etc. He left a Traito elementaire d'harmouie et de composition, iu MS. — Fetis ; Mendel. DROUET, LOOS (FRANCOIS PHI- LIPPE), born in Amsterdam in 1792, died at Berne, Sept. 30, 1873. Flute player, pu- pil at the Paris Conservatou'e ; jslayed there and at the Opera when only seven years old. From 1807 to 1810 he was teacher to King Louis of Holland, and is sujjposed to have helped Queeu Hortense write the French national air " Partant j)our la Syrie." Iu 1811 he was appointed solo flute to Napo- leon, and he held the same position to Louis XVIII. In 1815 he went to London, and appeareti at the Philharmonic in 181G, and this was the beginning of a long profes- sional tour through Europe. In 1836-54 was Kapellmeister at the court of Saxe- Coburg, after which he visited America, Works : 3 waltzes for two flutes, op. 24 ; 3 trios for three flutes, op. 38 ; fantasia for j)ianoforte and flute, op. 36 ; do., op. 37 ; 10 concertos, variations, duets, etc., com- prising more than a hundred and fifty works. — Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 434 ; Fetis ; do., Supjolemeut, i. 281 ; Mendel, iii. 257, Ergi'mz., 92 ; Riemann. DRUIDS' CHORUS, THE, cantata for male voices, text by Kiunersley Lewis, mu- sic by Joseph Parry, first given in Wales, 1888. Subject, the attack by Suetonius 456 DRUZECUY Paulinus on the Druids of Mona, who are surprised at their devotions in the temple of Keridwen. DKUZECHY (Druschetzky), GEOEG, born about the middle of the 18th century. He was in the service of Count Grassalko- vicz in Presburg- in 1787, and was consid- ered the greatest player on the kettle-drum in his time. "Works : Andromeda iiiid Per- seus, opera-ballet, about 1787 ; lukle vmd Yariko, do. ; Battle symphony for two or- chestras ; Pieces for wind instruments. — Fotis ; JMendel. DUB.YRROIS, , French composer, lived at the close of the 18th century. He wrote the music of two operas-comiques : Lolotte et Fanfan, produced in Paris, Feb. 28, 1803, and Les faux parents, ib., Aug. 27, 1803.— F6tis, Suppli'nient, i. 282. DUBOIS, (CLEMENT FRANgOIS) THEODORE, born at Rosuay (Marne), Aug. 2-4, 1837, still living, 1888. Dramatic and instrumental composer, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire of Marmontel on the jjianoforte, of Bazin in harmony and accom- paniment, of Benoist on the organ, and of Ambroise Thomas in fugue and composition. He won prizes in 185.5, 185G, 1857, 1858, and 1859, and the grand i^rix de Rome in 1861. He sent from Rome a mass and a first overture ; a second concert overture which was played at a Conservatoire con- cert in ISGf). Dubois returned to France in 18GG, began ieaching, and became maitre de chapelle, first at the church of Sainte- Clotilde, then at the Madeleine, and in 1871 professor of harmony at the Conservatoire and organist at the Madeleine. "Works — Operas : La fiancee d'Abydos (18G1:) ; Flor- entin (1867) ; La guzla de I'l'mir, comic op- era, given at the Th(';itre Lyrique, 1873 ; Le jjain bis, do., Opera Comique, 1879 ; Aben- hamet. Opera, 1884 ; Les sept paroles du Christ, oratorio, Sainte-Clotilde, 1867 ; Le Paradis perdu, do.. Theatre Lyrique, 1878 ; Deus Abraham, religious chorus with soli ; Tu es Petrus, motet ; Concert overture ; Symphonic overture ; Frithjof overture ; Several suites for orchestra : Concerto for pianoforte ; Douze petites pieces for do. ; Chceur et danse des lutins, op. 7 ; Marche orientale, op. 8 ; Scherzo, op. 10 ; Bluette pastorale, op. 11 ; Reverie-prelude, op. 12 ; Allegro de bravoure, op. 12 ; Scherzo et chorale, op. 18 ; Divertissement, op. 19 ; In- termezzo, op. 20 ; other pieces for piano- forte, and songs. — Fetis, Supplement, i. 283 ; Riemann. DUC D'ALBE, LE, French opera, text by Scribe, music by Donizetti, represented at Barcelona, 1882 ; later produced with some eclat in Italy. The libretto, founded on the life of the famous Duke of Alva, was written for Rossini, but was returned to its author when that composer determined, after William Tell, to write no more for the dramatic stage. The work, written before 1840, was never produced during the life of Donizetti, who transferred some of its most effective numbers to later operas, among them the celebrated tenor romanza, " Ange si pur," or " Spirto gentil " in its Italian form, now in the fourth act of La favorite. DUC D'OLONNE, LE, opera-comique in three acts, text by Scribe and Saintine, mu- sic by Auber, represented at the Of)era Co- mique, Paris, Feb. 4, 1842. The libretto is full of absurdities, but the music is among the best of Auber's compositions. The phrase, " France, O ma patrie ! ' in the second act, is one of his finest inspirations. DUC, PHILIPPE DE, Netherlands com- poser, lived in the second half of the IGth century. He seems to have settled in Italy. "\'\'orks : Madrigali a quattro voci, con una serenata e uu dialogo a otto (Venice, 1570) ; Madrigali a cinque et sei voci (ib., 1586) ; II primo libro de' Madrigali, a 4, 5, e 6 voci (ib., 1595); Le "Vergini, a sei voci, con uu dialogo a otto nel fine, novamente composti, libro primo (Venice. 1574). — Fetis ; Mendel. DUCASSI Y OJEDA, IGNACIO, born in Barcelona, Jan. 18, 1775, died in Madrid in 1824. Priest and maestro de capilla of the Chui-ch of the Incarnation, at Madrid. His 467 DITGHAMBGE numerous cburcli compositions in the mod- ern style consist of masses, psalms, motets, and otlier important works, most of which are for several voices with instrumental ac- companiment, though several are for voices alone. — Fctis, Supplement, i. 280. DUCHAMBGE (Du Chambge), PAU- LINE, born at Martinique, West Indies, in 1778, died in Paris, April 23, 18.58. Pianist, pupil of Desormery in a convent in Paris, whither she was taken when quite young. For many years she entertained friendly rela- tions with several of the most distinguished musicians of her time, and as a teacher formed a number of well-known pianists and singers. As a composer she was especially popular through her songs, more than three hundred of which were i^ublished. — Fetis. DUCIS, BENEDICTUS, probably born in Bruges about 1480, flourished in the first forty years of the 16th century. Generally styled Benedictus, but must not be con- founded with Benoit cVAppenzell, Swiss composer of that time, also called Benedic- tus. AValther and Gerber call him Dux, the Archives of Antwerp, Hertoghs. In tlie registry of the Confraternity of St. Luke he is spoken of as Prince de la Gilde, or chief of the Confraternity, the highest honour to which artists could aspire in the Netherlands. In the registry of Notre Dame, Antwerp, he is mentioned as organ- ist of the Chapel of the Virgin. In 1515 he visited England, but little else is known of his history. lu 1531 he composed a mon- ody on the death of Josquin Despres, who had taught him composition, and in 1536 an- other on the death of Erasmus, which proves him to have been living at those dates. Among his compositions are : Four-pai-t monody on the death of Josquin, in the 7th set of French chansons in 5 and 6 l^arts (Susato, 1545), a cojjy of which is in the British Museum (for the composition itself see Burney's History, ii. 513) ; songs in former vols, of the same works ; Elegy in 5 parts, Plangite Pierides, on the death of Erasmus, and an S-joart Agnus Dei, both from the Selectissimfe nee non familiaris- siniffi cantiones ultra centum (Augsburg, 1540) ; Songs in the collection of German songs made by Forster and printed by Petreius (Nuremberg, 1539-40) ; motet, Peccantem me c[uotidie, from Cantiones octo vocum, ijrinted by Uhlard (Augsburg, 1545) ; motet, Dum fabricator raundi sup- plicium, from Ehau's Selectee Harmonise . . . de Passione Domini (Wittenberg, 1558) ; Two 5-part motets, Benedic Domine, and Corde et animo, from Kriesstein's Can- tiones sex et quinque vocum, etc. (Augsburg, 1545). Other works by him are in the col- lections cantiouum sacrarum, etc., lib. viii. (Louvain, 1554-57) ; Selectissimarum sacra- rum eantionum, etc., lib. iii. (Louvain, 1569) ; Livre septieme des chansons a quatre parties accommodees tant aux in- strumens comme a la voix (Antwerp, 1597). — Allgem. d. Biog., v. 445 ; Biog. nat. de Belg., vi. 231 ; Fetis; Grove ; Mendel ; Eie- maim. DLIDENEY, THOMAS JAMES, born in Maytield, Sussex, England, Nov. 29, 1854, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil of Sir George Alexander Macfarren. He is or- ganist and choir-master of St. James's Church, Taunton, and music-master at the Independent College. As conductor, he has introduced many classical works thi-ough several musical associations with which he is connected. Works : Andante con varia- zioni e fuga ; Near the town of Taunton Dean, part-song, and other songs. DUE FOSCARI, I (The Two Foscari), It- alian opera in three acts, text by Piave, music by Verdi, first represented at Flor- ence, February, 1845 ; in New York, June 9, 184G ; and in Paris, at the Tlu'atre Italien, Dec. 17, 1846, with Mario and Grisi in the principal rules. Scene in Venice, in the 16th century. Doge Francesco Fos- cari, constrained by the Council of Ten, is obliged to subscribe to the capital punish- ment of his own son, Jacopo Foscari. Die Foscari, German grand opera in three acts, 458 DUE music by Max Zeuger, represented iu BIu- uicli, 18C3, treats the same subject. DUE ILLU8TRI lilVALI, I (The Two Illustrious Eivals), Italian opera bufl'a, text by Rossi, music by Mercadaute, represented iu Venice, 1S39. DUFAY (Du Fay), GUILLAUME, born at Cbimay, Belgium, about 1350, died iu Home iu 1432. He was attached as tenor to the Pontifical Chapel from 1380 until his death. With some of his contempora- ries, he did much to advance the art of counterpoint and to improve the system of nnisical notation. His masses are the old- est written in the contrapuntal style, and he understood and practised many of the con- trapuntal devices, the discovery of which has commonly been attributed to a later period. Works : Ecce ancilla Domini ; L'Omme arme ; Se la face ay pale ; Taut me deduis, all masses preserved in the archives of the Pontifical Chapel, j^ortions having been pub- lished by Kiesewetter ; De Saint-Antoine, another mass quoted by Tinctor ; 6 mas- ses in the Royal Belgian Library ; Gloria iu the library of Cambrai, witli other jjieces attributed to him by Coussemaker ; manu- script motets and French songs from the library of Guilbert de Pixorucourt. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, vi. 247 ; Ambros, ii. 453 ; Fetis, Hist, de la Musique, V. 321 ; Kiesewetter, Modern Music, 105 ; Brendel, Gesch. der Musik, 21 ; Reissmann, Gesch. der Musik, i. 142. DUFORT, CHARLES DE, born at Sens (Yonue), Nov. 21, 1803, still living, 1888. Church composer, pujjil of Henri Brod at the Conservatoire, Paris. He has composed many masses, graduales, hymns, etc., most of which have been published. — Fetis. DUFRESNE, ALFRED, born about 1822, died in Paris, March, 1803. Dramatic com- poser, pupil at the Paris Conservatoire, un- der Halevy. He became known first by his songs, twelve of which were published as Soirees d'automne (Paris). Works — Operas: En revenant de Pontoise, given at the Bouftes Parisiens, Paris, 185G ; Maitre Ba- ton, ib., 1858 ; L'hotel de la poste, ib,, 18C0 ; Les valets de Gascogue, Theatre Lyrique, I860.— Fetis, Supplement, i. 285. DUGAZON, GUSTAVE, born in Paris in 1782, died there in 182G. Dramatic com- poser, pupil at the Conservatoire, of Berton for harmony, and of Gossec for conqMsitiou. He won the 2d grand prix de Rome in 1806, taught the pianoforte after leaving the Conservatoire, and published for that instrument. He began composing dra- matic works in 1800, bringing out a little opera, Le voisinage, in collaboration with Bertrand and others. He next jjroduced at the Theatre Feydeau, Marguerite de Waldemar, 1812, La noce ecossaise, 1814, and Le chevalier d'iudustrie (with Pra- dher), 1818, none of which were successful. For the Opera he wrote : Les tiauces de Caserte, ballet (1817); Alfred le grand, ballet (1822) ; Aline, ballet (with Berton), 1823. His instrumental compositions con- sist of : 5 melanges d'airs varies en trios, pour piano, violon et violoneeUe ; 5 melanges d'airs et nocturnes jjour jiiauo etcor. ; Fantaisies, melanges d'air.s, preludes and toccatas for jjianoforte ; Airs varies for pianoforte ; Quadrilles and contredanses for pianoforte ; Duos for harp and pianoforte ; and several collections of romances and nocturnes for two voices. — Fetis, iii. 74 ; Suijplement, i. 286 ; Mendel. DUGUET, DIEUDONNE, born at Liege, Sept. 22, 1794, died there, April 18, 1849. He founded with Henrard and Jaspar, in 1821, a school of music which did much good work until absorbed in the Conserva- toire, established at Liege bj' the government in 1827, in which he was then made pro- fessor of solfege. In 1828 he became organ- ist of the Church of Saint-Denis, in 1835 maitre de chapelle, and in 1837 organist of the cathedral. He was stricken with blind- ness in 1835, and had to resign his class at the Conservatoire. He did much to culti- vate the study of religious music in Liege. His greatest work is a motet, Sanctum et terribile, preserved in MS. in the cathedral. 459 DUHAUPAS Published works : A Te Deum, a Salve re- giua and a Homo qiiidam, with full orches- tra ; 2 Ecce panis ; G Tautum ergo, two Genitori aud three cantatas for solos, chor- us, and orchestra ; 3 Requiems with organ accompauiraeut, violoncello, and double- bass, etc. ; Solfeges en canons, with Jaspar and Heurard (1823) ; Livre d'orgue pour raccompagnenient du plain-chant (1842, 2d ed., 1851) ; Ilecueil de preludes et versets pour I'orgue (1851) ; Livre de motets et psaumespour les processions ; Recueil de 34 morceaux de musique sacree a 1, 2, 8 et 4 vols, etc. (1853-1855) ; Kecueil de 32 mor- ceaux (Qiuvres posthumes, 1859) ; Re- cueil de litanies ii 1, 2 et 3 voix, 2 vols.; aud pieces for pianoforte, duos, romances, melodies, scenes. — Biog. nat. de Belgique, vi. 258 ; Fetis, Supplement, i. 286 ; Mendel, Erganz., 92. DUHAUPAS, ALBERT, born at Arras, France, April 22, 1832, still living, 1S8S. Organist, first instructed by his father, then by a German artist, Neuland, and at the Conservatoire, Paris, pupil of INIarmontel ; having returned to his native city, he be- came maitre de chapelle of the cathedral, aud director of the Society des Orpheouistes, which he succeded in making one of the best in France. Works : ^Mass for four male voices ; 10 motets for two soprani, tenor, and bass ; Other motets and various sacred compositions ; Pianoforte pieces, choruses, and songs. — Fetis, Sujaplement, i. 286. DUHEM, HIPPOLYTE JEAN, born in Paris, Dec. 1, 1828, still living, 1888. Trum- jjet player, pupil at the Brussels Conserva- toire, under Zeiss. In 1846 he took the 1st prize ; became solo trumpet at the Theatre Royal, and served three years in the band of the Guides. After a professional tour through Europe and America, he returned in 1860 to Brussels, where he became pro- fessor at the Conservatoire. He has pub- lished in London music for the trumpet and cornet-a-pistons. — Fetis ; Mendel. DU HIER, IRENE ! See Mienzi. DULCKEN, FERDINAND QUENTIN, born, of German and French parentage, in London, England, June 1, 1837, still living, 1888, in New York. Pianist, son of Ma- dame Louise (David) Dulcken (1811-1850), who was a sister of Ferdinand David, the violinist. He studied the j)ianoforte and the theory of music at the Leipsic Con- servatorium under Mendelssohn, Moscheles, Gade, Riehter, Plaidy, Joachim, aud Haupt- mann, and the organ under Becker ; after- wards he was a pupil at Cologne of Ferdi- nand Hiller. He was for a time a professor in the "Warsaw National Conservatory, Po- land, in which country he resided five years. He lived in Paris also for four years, and played in concerts throughout Europe with Wieniawski, Vieuxtemj^s, de Kontski, and others. In 1876 he went to xlmerica and travelled there with Essipoti", Remenyi, Marie Eoze, aud Jose&y. "Works : Piano- forte pieces ; Songs ; Messe Soleunelle : Wieslaw, opera, played in Poland ; aud en- semble pieces ; in all about 200 works. DULON, FRIEDRICH LUDWIG, born at Oranieuburg, Prussia, Aug. 14, 1769, died in Wiirzburg, July 7, 1826. In the first week of his life an unskilful physician made him blind. His father taught him the flute ; Angersteiu of Steudal instructed him in theory, so that he began composing at the age of nine ; and he was enough of a pianist early to play Bach's fugues. He began making concert tours in 1783, ac- companied at first by his father, later by his sister, and was heard almost all over Europe. In St. Petersburg he was made imperial chamber musician in 1796. His memory was such that he could remember a new flute concerto after a few hours' hear- ing ; and in his mature years he had 250 concert pieces at his command. He partly dictated, partly wrote, with the aid of a movable relief alphabet invented for him, his autobiography, which was published by Wie- land : Dulon's des blinden Flotenspielers Leben und Meinungen von ihm selbst bear- beitet (ZiU-ich, 1807-8, 2 vols.). "Works: m\ DU]\IANOIll Duos aiul variatious for flute and violin ; Flute caiJi-icidos ; Flute concerto.— Allgem. d. Biogr. ; Mendel ; Fotis ; Scliilling. DUJNLiNOIR. There were several mu- sicians of this name belonging to the same family, who flourished in Paris from IGlo to 1G95. Matthieu Du Muuoir was violon- iste de la chambre du roi, under Louis XIII. ; his son, or nephew, Claude, and the most remarkable, succeeded Louis Coustantiu as roi des violons de Paris and maitre des mcnestriers. The royal ordinance granting this is dated Nov. 20, 1657, and is regis- tered in the Parlement, Jan. 21, 1G.58. He was also first violin to the king. This pecu- liar sovereignty had been established in 1331, and the right confirmed by Charles VI., in an ordinance dated April 21, 1107. Guillaume Du Manoir, born Nov. 1(5, 1613, also son of Matthieu, was the author of Le mariage de la musique avee la danse. Guillaume Michel Dumanoir II., sou of Guillaume, became roi des violons (1G90), and also first violin to the king ; he abdi- cated, signing his resignation before a no- tary public, Dec. 1, 1695.— Fetis, iii. 76 ; do., Supplement, i. 287 ; Mendel. DU MOLIN (Dumoliu), JEAN EEMI, Netherlands musician, born iu the last years of the 15th century. He was organist of the church of Saint-Jean, Mechlin, a position which he still held in 1528. His name is sometimes spelled Du Moulin in the collec- tions of the 16th century. His works are found in Motetti del Fiore a quattro, hb. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Jacques Moderne, Lyons, 1532- 1539). His motet, In Domino confido, for four voices, is iu the third book of that col- lection. His motets for five voices are in Motettorum, 5 vols. (Jacobo Moderno, Lug- duni, 1532-1512). Attaignant's Missarum dominicalium, quatuor voc, second book (1534) contains two of his Masses.— Biog. nat. de Belg., vi. 274 ; Fetis ; Mendel. DUMONCHAU, CHARLES FRANCOIS, born in Strasburg, April 11, 1775, died in Lyons, Dec. 21, 1820. Pianist, pupil of his father Joseph Dumouchau, on the violon- cello, of Berg in harmony, and of Baumayr on the pianoforte. Admitted to the Con- servatoire, he took up the study of the pi- anoforte and composition, and finally took lessons of Wijlfl. In 1S05 he brought out an opera, L'ofiicier cosaque, at the Porte- Saint-Martiu, which was not successful. He returned to Strasburg shortly after this, and became professor of the pianoforte, but in 1809 went to live in Lyons. His com- piositions, though elegant and pure in style, are now nearly forgotten. Works : 33 so- natas for pianoforte, op. 1, 3, 5, 19, 21, 26, 28, 30, 32 ; 24 sonatas for pianoforte with violin or flute, op. 4, 13, 15, 20, 23, 24 ; 2 trios for pianoforto, violin and bass, op. 29, 34 ; 2 concertos for pianoforte, op. 12, 33 ; besides airs varies, pots-pourris, etc., a sym- phonic concertante for flute, oboe and bas- soon, aud a concerto for horn. — Fctis ; Mendel. DUMONT, HENRI, born at Villers-FE- vcque, near Liege, in 1610, died in Paris, May 8, 1684. Priest aud organist ; studied music as a chorister in the College of Sidnt- Servais, Maestricht, and afterwards at the music school of Liege. About 1G30 he went to Paris to begin his musical career, but no record is found of him until 1639, when he is mentioned as organist of the church of Saint- Paul. He was the first to introduce into France the basso coutinuo. Louis XIV. made him one of his maistres de musique, the others being Robert, Spirli, and Gobert, and at the death of the last two he and Robert became full maitres de chapelle to the king. He held a like posi- tion in the queen's household, and was made Abbe de Silly at her request. His works are now very rare. Those still in use are : Five grand masses in plain-chant, called Messes royales, still sung on great occasions in France. Other works : IMes- langes a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 parties, avec la basse continue, contenaut plusieurs chansons, motets. Magnificat, preludes et allemandes pour I'orgue et pour les violes, liv. 1. (Paris, 1549) ; Meslanges, etc., lib. 2 (1657) ; Can- D' UN tica Sacra, 2, 3, 4 voc, etc., lib. 1 (1GG2) ; Motets a deux voix avec la basse continue (16G8) ; Motets a 2, 3, et 4 parties pour voix et instruments, avec basse continue (1681) ; Motets pour la chapelle du roi, etc. (1G86). The following are in a collection iu 4 vols., by Ballard : 1, Motets a deux chcEurs, seize parties ; 2, Motet de TEter- uite a voix seule avec basse continue ; 3, Motet d'elevation a deux parties avec basse continue ; 4, Les airs et basse continue de Du Mout. Psaumes, cantiques, et motets a 4 voix avec basse continue, are in the MS. collection by Pbilidor (1G97), preserved iu the Conservatoire, Paris. Cinq messes Eoyales, 5th ed. (1711) ; a sixth mass, called Messe Papale (1G90), found by Maurice Ar- daut, of Limoges, in an old MS. — Biog. nat. de Belg., vi. 302 ; Fetis ; Mendel. D' UN ALMA TKOPPO PERVIDA. See PoliiUo. DUN, FINLAY, born in Aberdeen, Scot- land, Feb. 24, 1795, diediu Edinburgh, Nov. 28, 1853. Violinist and singing teacher, pu- pil of Baillot and Mirecki. Works : Two symi^houies for full orchestra (MS.) ; The Parted Spirit, glee (prize at Manchester, 1831) ; She is coming, trio ; anthems, psalms, hymns, etc. He edited, with John Thomson, " The Vocal Melodies of Scotland " ; with J. F. Graham " Wood's Songs of Scotland " ; and other collections. DUN COMBE, WILLLIM DUNCAN VAN DER HORST, born at Siou Hill, An- tigua, July G, 1832, still living, 1888. Bass singer, bassoonist, and vocal composer. As- sistant vicar in Hereford Cathedral, minor canon and custos of the College of Vicars choral, Hereford. Composer of the madri- gal "In the Merry Spring," of a few carols and two songs, and of the dirge iu " Much Ado about Nothing," Pardon, Goddess of the Night, which is in MS. DUNHAM, HENRY MORTON, born of American parentage in Brockton, Massa- chusetts, July 27, 1853, still living, 1888. Organist, pupil on the organ of George E. Whiting and J. K. Paine, on the pianoforte of James C. D. Parker and Franz Petersi- lea ; and in composition of J. K. Paine and Stephen A. Emery. He was graduated iu 1873 at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, and in 1875 from the Boston University College of Music ; was organist and choir-master of the Porter Congrega- tional Church, Brockton, Mass., 1870-78 ; and conductor of the Gounod Club in that city. In 1878 he was appointed instructor of organ and pianoforte at the New England Conservatory, and professor of organ at the Boston University College of Music ; both of which positions he still holds. In 1879-80-81 he gave a series of thirteen concerts, on the great organ in Boston Music Hall. Since 1880 he has been organ- ist of the Ruggles Street Baptist Church, Boston. Works : 3 books of Hymn Music, 1877 ; Cappriccio brillaute for the piano- forte, 1877 ; anthem, O Tell me Thou Life, 1877 ; 2 Andantes for the organ, in A-flat and E-tiat, 1879 ; Exercises in Pedal Play- ing, 1885 ; and other organ music. DUNI, EGIDIO E0:M0ALD0, born at Matera, near Otranto, Naples, Feb. 9, 1709, died in Paris, June 11, 1775. Dramatic composer, pupil at the Conservatorio dei poveri di Gesii Christo, Naples, then under the direction of Durante. He went to Rome in 1735, commissioned to write the opera of Nerone, in comf)etition with Pergolesi, who was then composing his Olimpiade ; he won the prize, but had the modesty to acknowledge the superiority of Pergolesi's work. Sent on a secret mission from Rome to Vienna, he brought out there some of his compositions, and on his return to Naples was made maestro di cajjpella at San Nicola di Bari. After short visits to Venice and Paris, he went in 1744 to Lon- don, where he comj^osed several works, but suffering from a chronic disease, was ad- vised to consult the famous Boerhaave, iu Holland. On his return he visited Milan and Genoa, and was made music instructor to the daughter of the Infante of Parma in 1746 ; French manners and customs prevail- DUMECKI ing at that court, he was iiKluced to com- \ and Wciulis', ami became chamber musician pose some Freuch operas, the great success to the Elector of Saxony in 1788. "W orks : 3 of which led to his removal to Paris in 1757, where he wrote the music /• V '•Cm .:/^' for eighteen other operas - comiques, all of which were successful, and some of which be- came famous. He may be considered as the real founder of the opura-comique in France. Works — Italian Operas : Nerone, given in Rome, 1735 ; Artaserse, Naples, about 1737 ; Bajazette ; Giro ; Ipermnestra ; Demofoonte ; Alessandro ; Adriano ; Catone in Utica ; Didone ; Demetrio ; OHmpiade ; Tordinona. Freuch operas-comiques : Ni- nette a la cour, Parma, 1755 ; Le peintre amoureuxde son modMe, Paris, Tht'atre dela Foire Saint-Laurent, 1757 ; Nina et Liudor, ou les caprices ducoeur, ib., 1758 ; Le doc- teur Sangrado (with Laruette), Ojx'ra Co- mique, 1758 ; La title nial gardce, Coincdie Italienne, 1758 ; L'ile des fous, ib., 17G0 ; Mazet, ib., 17G1 ; La veuve indecise, Foire Saint-Laurent, 1759 ; La bonne fille ; Le retour au village, 17G2 ; La jjlaideuse et le ; litaniis B. proces, Comcdie Italienne, 17G2 ; Le mili- cien, Versailles, 17G2 ; Comedie Italienne, 1763 ; Les chasseurs et la laitiere, Le rendez-vous, ib., 17G3 ; Locole de la jeu- nesse, La fee Urgele, ib., 1765; La clo- chette, ib., 1766 ; Les nioissonneurs, Les sabots, ib., 1768 ; Themire, ib., 1770.— Cle- ment, ]Mus. CL'U'bres, 79 ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Schilling. DUNIECia, Le Chevalier STANISLAS, Polish dramatic composer ; contemporary. Works : Pakusa, opera, text by his brother, given at Cracow, April, 1866 ; Der Teufel ist los, Berlin, 18GG ; Lucifer, Theater an der Wein, Vienna, 1868.— Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 288. cantatas, Der Friihling, Das Lob Gottes, and Das Lob der Tonkuust ; Die Eugel am Kreuze Jesu, oratoi-io ; music for the drama Kein Faustrec-ht mehr, performed in Weimar in 1798 ; Symphonie.s, trios, quartets, quintets, concertos, and songs. —Mendel ; Ft'tis. DUNNE, JOHN, born in York, England, in 183-1, died at Aston, near Dubhn, Ire- land, June 7, 1883. He was chorister in Worcester Cathedral in 1850, in Cashel Ca- thedral, Ireland, in 1854, and was a mem- ber of Christ Church, St. Patrick's Cathe- dral, and Trinity College choirs, Dublin. Mus. Bac, Dublin, 18G6 ; Mus. Doc, ib., 1870. Works : Myra, cantata for full chorus and orchestra ; The Hanging of the Crane, cantata (Longfellow) ; Church ser- vices and anthems ; Glees, songs, etc. DU PAm^E SEUL AMI FIDIJLE. See Muctle de Portici. DUPONCHEL, Le Pore JACQUES, born at Douai in the first half of the 17th century. Cordelier monk, organist to Car- dinal Bichi, Rome. Works : Psalmi Vesper- tuii cum litaniis B. M. V., 3 voc. (Rome, 1G65) ; Sacrse cantiones 2, 3, 4 voc. cum M. v., op 2 (Bologna, 1G71) ; Messe a 3, 4, 5 voci concertate con violini e ripieni a bene plaeito, op. 3 (Rome, 1G76). — Fetis. DUPONT, AUGUSTE, born at Eusival, near Liege, Feb. 9, 1828, still livhig, 1888. Pianist, pupil at the Liege Conser- vatoire from 1840 to 1844 ; studied also under Jalheau, for- mer pupil of Jacques Herz and Knlkbreu- ner. After successful professional tours through Europe, he became in 1852 pro- DUNKEL, FR.iNZ, born in Dresden in fessor of the pianoforte at the Brussels Con- 1769, died (?). He studied under his father 1 servatoire. Works : Variations sur un air 463 DUPONT populaire Liegeois (1846) ; fitude de trilles (1848) ; Concerto en l':i miueur jjour j)iMio et oi'chestre (1850) ; Six contes du foyer, en morceaux separus pour piano (1852) ; Trois cabiers de reminiscences pastorales pom- piano (1853) ; Etude fantasticpie a 5 temps (1854) ; Sonate pour piano et violou (Leip- sic) ; Lamento, jjoesie elegiaque pour piano ; Le tremolo staccato (Bonn) ; Grand galop fantastique, dedie :i Meyerbeer ; Fautaisie pour j)iano et orchestre, op. 21 (Paris) ; Le mouvement perpetual, op. 24 ; Grand trio pour piano, -yiolon et violoncelle, op. 29 ; Marclie et scene druidique, op. 30 ; Grand concerto symijlionie pour piano et orchestre, played at a concert in 1857, and at the Con- servatoire in 1858 ; La danse des Alniues, op. 25 ; Tocatelle, op. 26 ; Trois dauses dans le style ancien, Gavotte, Sarabaude, Bourree, op. 37 ; Fantaisie et fugue pour la main droite seule, op. 41 ; Roman en dis images, op. 48, etc. — Fetis, iii. 81 ; do., Supplement, i. 290 ; Mendel ; Eiemann. DUPONT, HENEI DENIS, born in Liege in 1660, died there, Sept. 1, 1727. Organist, chorister in the cathedral of Saint- Lambert, where he was pupil of canon Pietkin and of his colleague Pierre Lanialle. He received organ lessons also from Guil- laume Deleshay, and became organist of the Cathedral in 1685, and maitre de chajselle in 1703. He was also canon of the Cathedral, and made a famous collection of musical works. Works : Repons en contrepoint pour les isrincijiales fetes de I'anuee ; Gran- des Antiennes O pour I'Avent ; Several messes solenneUes, with orchestra ; Several motets, with orchestra ; Messes des Morts, with orchestra ; Te Deum pro Turcorum destructione, with orchestra, performed at the Liege Cathedral to celebi'ate the victory of Prince Eugene over the Turks (1717). Of all these works only several of the Ri'pons and Antiennes are extant. — Biog. nat. de Belg., i. 315. DUPONT, JEAN FEANrOIS, born in Rotterdam in 1822, died at Nuremberg, March 21, 1875. Dramatic composer and violinist, pupil at the Conservatorium, Leip- sic, of Mendelssohn in comisositiou, and of Ferdinand David on the violin. On his re- turn to Holland he brought out successfully several choral and orchestral works, then settled in Hamburg (1854), was Kapell- meister of the theatre at Liuz in 1856, and at Nuremberg in 1858-74. There and at Warsaw and Moscow he acquired reputation as au excellent conductor. Most of his works remain in manuscript, owing prob- ably to their great length. His grand opera in three acts, Bianca Siffredi, text by L. Hoffmann, was given with success at Linz, Nov. 23, 1855.— Mendel DUPONT, JOSEPH, born in Liege, Aug. 21, 1821, died there, Feb. 13, 1861. Vio- linist, jjupil of his father, a distinguished amateur, and at the Liege Conservatoire, where he studied under Antoine W^anson and Frau(,'ois Prume. He became professor of the violin at the Conservatoire when seventeen years old. His opera-comique, Eibeiro Pinto, was played at the Cercle Artistique, Liege, in 1858, by members of the Choral Society La Legia. Works : Credo, Kyi'ie, Agnus Dei, quartet, and quintet for string instruments ; Symphonic andante ; Two fantaisies for violin ; Three Etudes and a Romance sans paroles for violin ; 8 Etudes for violin with accompani- ment of a second violin ; Ave Maria Stella for two voices ; Ave JMaris for a single voice ; Tantum ergo for a single voice ; 8 Litanies for a bass voice. — Fetis, Supple- ment, i. 289 ; Riemann. DUPONT, JOSEPH, the younger, born at Eusival, near Liege, Jan. 3, 1838, died at Haarlem, June 26, 1867. Violinist, pu- pil at the Brussels Conservatoii-e, where he gained the 1st prize for violin in 1862, and the 1st prize for composition in 1863. He was professor of harmony in the Conserva- toire. W^orks : Symphonies, overtures, can- tatas, pianoforte music, songs, etc. DUPONT, PIERRE, born at Rochetaillce, near Lyons, April 23, 1821, died at Saints fitienne, July 25, 1870. Poet and musician. 464 DUPORT whose reputation was made liy his rustic and political songs, which were sung throughout France. The son of a poor la- borer, he received very little education. His poetical taste was fostered by the ac- quaintance of Pierre Lebrun, author of Marie Stuart, who read Dupont's first ef- fort, Les deux anges, which was afterwards awarded a prize by the Acadcmie Frau<;aise (1842). Dupont went to Paris in 1839, and held a position under the Academie, and in IS-tG began writing songs such as Les bceufs, La vigne, La mfere Jeanne, etc. His iii'st poems were published in the collection entitled : " Les Paysans, chants rustiques," brought out under the care of Tlu'ophile Gautier. His songs, Les sapins, Le mois de mai. La chanson des foins, which may be called pastoral symphonies, succeeded these and were followed by his political songs, which sometimes awoke such enthu- siasm when sung at mass meetings, that they were suppressed by the police. Among these are : Le pain, one of his most fa- mous ; Le chant des ouvriers ; Chanson de la sole, Chant du transporte, Les adieus de Kossuth, La nouvelle alliance. At the time of the Coup d'Etat, 1851, he was con- demned to exile, but pardoned in the first days of the Empire. He never wrote after- wards, however, with the same freedom, and his later songs were unsuccessful. In com- posing he was aided by Keyer, who noted down the airs which the poet sang to his own poems, and which he was not musician enough to write. His works have been col- lected in an edition published in four vol- umes with notes by Baudelaire and Eeyer (Paris, 1854).— Ft'tis, Supplement, i. 289 ; Larousse, vi. 1413 ; Mendel, iii. 277 ; Eie- mann, 229. DUPORT, (JEAN) LOUIS, born in Paris, Oct. 4, 1749, died there, Sept. 7, 1819. Vio- loncellist, brother and pupil of Jean Pierre Duport, whom he surpassed. He was first heard at the Concerts Spirituels and the Societe Olympique, but his style w-as much improved after the coming of Viotti, in 1782. After the breaking out of the French Revolution, he went to Prussia to join his brother and became court musician for sev- enteen years. He returned to Paris after the Prussian war to find himself unknown, became musician to Charles IV., ex-King of Spain, at Marseilles, and when that Prince went to Rome in 1812, returned to Paris and was thenceforward the leading French violoncellist. He was chamber musician to the Empress Marie Louise, violoncellist in the Imperial Chapel, professor at the Conservatoire until its suppression in 181.5, and musician to Louis XVIH. Works : Six concertos ; Four works of sonatas with ac- companying bass ; Three duos for two vio- loncellos; Eight airs varies with orchestra or quartet ; Two airs varies for violin and violoncello (with Jarnowick) ; Romance with pianoforte accompaniment ; Nine nocturnes for harp) and violoncello (with Bochsa) ; Fantaisies for violin and jjianoforte. His Essai sur le doigter du violoncello et la con- duite de I'archet, avec une suite d'exercices (Paris), is a fundamental work for the study ! of the violoncello. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Rie- maun ; Biog. gen., iv. 354 ; Larousse ; Grove. . DUPORT, (JEAN) PIERRE, called Du- port aine, born in Paris, Nov. 27, 1741, died in Berlin, Dec. 31, 1818. Violoncellist, pu- pil of Berthaut, who considered him his best scholar. He was first heard at the Concerts Spirituels in 1761, was musician to the Prince de Conti until 1769 ; and after visiting England and Spain, went in 1773 to Berlin as first violoncellist of the Royal ; Chapel of Frederick H. of Prussia. He was superintendent of the court concerts from 1787 to 1806. Works : 3 duos for two violoncellos, op. 1 (Paris) ; 6 sonatas for violoncello and bass (Amsterdam, Berlin, 1788). — Fctis ; Larousse ; Grove ; Mendel. DUPRATO, JULES LAURENT (ANA- CHARSIS), born at Nimes, Aug. 20, 1827, still living, 1888. Dramatic composer, pu- pil at the Conservatoire, Paris, of Leborue, won the grand prix in 1848 with his cantata Damocles, and having silent two years in «<5 DUPEEZ Rome, visited other cities of Italy, and trav- elled in Germany. In 1866 he became I^rofessor of harmony at the Conservatoire. Works — Operas-coniiques: Les trovatelles, 1 act, given at the Opera Comique, 1854 ; Paquerette, do., ib., 18.56 ; M'sieu Landry, Bouft'es Parisiens, 1856 ; Salvator Rosa, 3 acts, Opera Comique, 1861 ; La deesse et le berger, 2 acts, ib., 1863 ; Le baron de Groschaminet, 1 act, Sacripaut, 2 acts, Fantaisies Parisieuues, 1866 ; Le chauteur florentin, lyric scene, ib., 1866 ; La fiancee de Corinthe, 1 act, Ojiera, 1867 ; La tour du chien vert, 3 acts, Folies Dramatiques, 1871 ; Le cerisier, 1 act. Opera Comique, 1874 ; La reine Mozab, operetta, not given ; Uue promenade de Marie Therese, do. ; Marie Stuart au chateau de Lochleven, do. ; Gazouillette, opera-comique, do. ; 3 cantatas, Ojiera Comique, 1859, 1861, Ojiera, 1864 ; Cantata for the inauguration of the Ath^nee Musical, 1864 ; 3 choruses for equal voices ; vocal melodies. — Ft'tis ; do., Sujjjjle- ment. DUPREZ, GILBERT LOUIS, born in Paris, Dec. 6, 1806, stQl living, 1888. Dra- matic composer, joupil of Choron at the Paris Conservatoire. He sang in public for the first time in Athalie, at the Theatre Frauyais, in 1820 ; made his debut as a tenor at the Odeon, in 1825, as Almaviva ; went to Italy in 1828, and sang in NajDles and other cities. He became very popular, and took his place at the head of French dramatic singers of his time. In 1836, on his return to France, he became first tenor at the Opera, where he sang twelve years, creating many important roles. From 1842 he was professor of lyrical decla- mation at the Conservatoire, but resigned in 1850, and founded I'Ecole Spociale du Chant, which during the war of 1870 was removed to Brussels. Works : L'abime de la maladetta, .loanita, given at Brussels, 1851 ; La lettre au Bon Dieu, Paris, Ope- ra Comique, 1853 ; Jeanne D'Arc, grand opera, ib., Grand Theatre Parisien, 1865 ; La cabane du pccheur, opera-comique, Theatre de Versailles ; Jelyotte ; Samson, grand opera ; Amelina ; Zephora, grand opera ; Sariotti, grand opera ; La pazza della regina ; Le jugemeut dernier, ora- torio, Cirque des Champs-Elysees, 1868 ; two masses ; romances, chamber music, etc. ; L'Art du chant (Paris, 1846) ; La Me- lodie, etudes complementaires vocales et dramatiques de I'Art du chant. — Fetis ; do., Supplement, i. 292 ; Grove ; Mendel ; Rie- mann. DUPUIS, JACQUES, born in Liege, Oct. 21, 1830, died there, June 20, 1870. Violinist, pupil at the Liege Conserva- toire, from 1839 ; studied solfege under Lignac, the pianoforte under Ledent ; the violin under Joseph Dupout and Prume ; and composition under Daussoigne-Mehul. He won 1st prize for solfi'ge, in 1841 ; 2d prize for violin, in 1842 ; 1st prize for vio- lin and 2d for pianoforte, 1847 ; and 1st prize for pianoforte, 1848. In 1850 he be- came professor of the violin in the Con- servatoire. He has j^layed at the popular concerts of Paris and Brussels, at the Fe- lix Meritis of Amsterdam, and concerts at Aix-la-Chapelle. Works : 2 concertos for violin ; Sonatas, fantaisies et morceaux de genre for pianoforte and violin. Many of his works remain uiqDublished. — Fetis, Sui> plemont, i. 294 ; Mendel. DUPULS, THOMAS SANDERS, born in England of French parents in 1733, died in London, June 7, 1796. Organist, choris- ter of the Chapel Royal under Bernard Gates, and pujiil of John Travers, organist of the Chajjel Royal. He was appointed organist of that chapel on the death of Dr. Boyce, in 1779 ; Mus. Bac. and Mus. Doc, Oxford, June 26, 1790. He published sev- eral sonatas and concertos for pianoforte, organ pieces, chants, anthems, and glees. After his death a selection of his cathedral music was j^nblished bj' John Spencer, one of his i)uj)ils. — Grove ; llarmonicon, 1833, 141. DUPUY, JEAN B.\PTISTE EDOUARD LOUIS CAmLLE, born at Corselles, near DURANTE NeufcliAtel, in 1775, died iu Stocldiolin, April 3, 1822. Diamatic composer, pupil in Paris of Cluibran on the violin and of Dussek on the pianoforte ; at the age of sixteen lie became Conzertnieister to Prince Henry of Prussia, at Illieinsberg, and four years later went to Berlin, where he stud- ied harmony under Fasch. He afterwards travelled through Germany and a part of Poland, giving concerts iu all the larger cities ; towards the end of 1793 he arrived at Stockholm and was engaged as singer at the Opera, and second conductor of the court concerts ; he left for Coi^euhagen, iu 1799, to enter upou a similar eugagemeut there, and at the time of the English expedition against Copenhagen, under Nelson, lie en- listed iu 1801 in a corps of volunteers or- ganized for the defence of the city ; during the bombardment of 1807 he distiuguished himself by his bravery, and was promoted to the grade of lieutenant. In 1809-10 he was in Paris, and after his return lived first at Schoeuen, then at Stockholm, where he was ajjpointed professor and Kapellmeister to the court iu 1812. Works : Bjorn Jarii- sida, Swedish opera, given at Stockholm, 1822 ; Felicie, ib., about 1824 ; Une folie ; Funeral service for King Charles XIII.; Duos for violins ; Concerto for flute ; Polo- naise for two violins, guitar, and bass ; Qua- drilles, waltzes, and ecossaises, for piano- forte ; Marches for military baud, etc. — Fetis. DURANTE, FRANCESCO Frattamagg lore, Naples, March 15, 1684, died in Naples, Aug. 13, 1755. As a boy he entered the Couservatorio dei Poveri di Gesfi Cristo, and, later, that of S. Onofrio, where he studied under Alessandro Scarlatti. Some accounts have it that he afterwards went to Rome, born and studied singing five years under Pi- toni, and strict counterpoint under Bernar- do Pasquiiii ; but this is doubtful. In 1718 he became the head of S. Ouofrio, and in 1742 succeeded Porpora at the Couserva- torio Santa Maria di Loreto, at Naples, which post he held until his death. Du- rante and Leo have been called the founders of the Neapolitan school, but they should rather be called two of its most shining lights, as their i^redecessor Scarlatti must be looked upon as the real founder. Du- rante wrote almost exclusively for the church, and never for the stage. If some- what lacking in invention, he was a com- plete master of style ; his manner is vigor- ous, grand, and often exceedingly brilliant. He was esjjecially noted for Ids skill as a teacher, and he produced probably more famous pupils than any other one man. Of these Pergolesi, Duiii, Traetta, Vinci, Ter- radeglias, Jommelli, Piccinni, Sacchini, Gu- glielmi, Paisiello, aud others may be said to have almost monopolized the l_yric stage iu Europe during the last half of the 18tli ceuturj'. Few of Durante's works have been published. The library of the Paris Conservatoire has a rich collection of his MSS., and a few important works are in the Vienna library. The collections of Schlesinger, Rochlitz, Commer, and the Fitzwilliam Music contain separate pieces of his ; the great Magnificat, with addi- tional accompaniments by Robert Franz, is published by Ivarmrodt, iu Halle. Works : 11 masses for four to nine voices ; Credo for four voices ; do. for five voices ; IG psalms for one to eight voices; G anthems; 3 hymns ; 13 motets ; Te Deum for five voices ; 5 litanies ; Dopo sentiro, cantata for contralto ; 12 madrigals ; 11 solfeggi for two voices ; G sonatas. The Vienna li- brary possesses also his Lamentations of Jeremiah, a so-called pastoral mass, aud other compositions iu MS. — Clement, Mus. celebres, 58 ; Fctis ; Mendel ; Schilling. DURCH DIE WALDER, DURCH DIE AUEN. See FreischiUz, Der. 407 DUEGH DIIECH INIITLEID WISSEND. See Parsifal. DtJRRNER, JULIUS (RUPPEECHT), born at Ausbacli, July 15, 1810, died at Edinburgh, June 10, 1859. Vocal comjjoser, pupil of Eriedricli Sehueider at Dessau ; be- came cantor at the Stadtkirche in his native city in 1831, and went to Leipsic in 1812 to comijlete bis studies under Mendelssohn and Hauptmann ; two years later he ac- cepted a call to Edinburgh, where he was much esteemed as a vocal teacher and mu- sical director. Of his compositions those for male chorus are especially popular. — Mendel. DU SANG, DU SANG. See ProjMlc. DUSCHEK (Dusek), FRANZ, born at Choteboi'ky, Bohemia, Dec. 8, 1736, died in Prague, Feb. 12, 1799. Pianist, educated in the Jesuits' Seminarj', Koniggriitz, under the patronage of Count von Spork ; but being crijjpled by a fall, he devoted himself entirely to music ; and studied at Vienna under Wageuseil. He settled in Prague, where he was one of the best players and teachers of the pianoforte until his death. Among his pupils were Maschek, Kozeluch, Witasek, and his wife Josephine. Mozart, who was his friend, j)ut the last touches to Don Giovanni at his villa. Works : Several sonatas ; Die Seeschlacht uud giinzliche Niederlage der grossen holliindischen Flotte dureh den General Duncan, den 2. Oct., 1797, charaktei'istische Sonate fiir das rortej)iano (Vienna, 1799) ; xxv. Lieder fiir Kinder von Spielmanu (Prague, 1792), written partly with Maschek ; Pianoforte concerto ; Many other compositions in manuscript. — Wurz- bach ; Mendel ; Fotis ; Grove ; Dlabacz. DUSSEK, (originally Dusek) FRANZ (BENEDIKT), born at Czaslau, Bohemia, March 22, 1765, died (in Italy?) after 1816. Dramatic composer, son and pupil of Johann Josef Dussek, whose place he often supplied at the organ ; he jslayed well also on the violin, the violoncello, and the pianoforte. Being sent to Prague to complete his studies, he entered the service of the Countess von Liltzow, whom | he accomj)anied to Italy. At Mortara he obtained a position as organist and musi- cal director, afterwards became accompa- nist at the Teatro San Benedetto, Venice, then at La Scala, Milan, whence he went to Laibach, Carniola, in 1790, as organ- ist at the cathedral. In 1808 he became Kapellmeister of an Austrian regiment of infantry, stationed at Venice. Works — Op- eras : La cafl'etiera di spirito, given in Mil- an, 1780; La feudataria, about 1780 ; L'im- postore, about 1785 ; Voglia di dote e nou di moglie, Milan, about 1795 ; II trombetta ; Matrimonio e divorzio in uu sol giorno ; Roma salvata, ojiera seria ; II fortunato suc- cesso ; L' iucantesimo senza magia ; La fei'ita mortale ; L' ombra, ossia il ravvedi- niento, farce, Venice, 1815 ; Gerusalemme distrutta, oratorio; Trio for flutes; Sonata for pianoforte and violin ; Concertos for violin and jiianoforte ; Church music, can- zonets, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel ; Dlabacz. DUSSEK (Dusek), JOHANN JOSEPH, born at Wlazowicz, Bohemia, in 1739, died in 1811. Taught music in Langenau and Chumecz, and was organist and choir-master at Czaslau until three years before his death. He was the father of Johann Ludwig and Franz Benedikt Dussek. Works: Masses, litanies, pianoforte sonatas, organ fugues and toccatas, all in manuscrij^t. — Mendel ; Fetis ; Wurzbach. DUSSEK (Dusek), JOHANN LUDWIG (Ladislaw), born at Czaslau, Bohe- mia, Feb. 9, 1761, died at Sain t- Germainen-Laye, March 20, 1812. The name was variously sjselled, Dussik, Duschek, Dussek ; Johann wrote it in the last form, but pronounced it Duschek. He was the eldest of three children (his brother Franz Bene- dikt, and his sister Veronika Rosalia, were 468 DUSSEK both distiiignislied iu music) ; bis fatber, Jobaim Joseph Diissek, was organist aud the leading teacher iu Czaslau, aud began to teach his sou the jaianoforte iu 1766, and the organ iu 1770. Johanu was soon en- gaged as soprano at the Miuorite church iu Iglau, where he entered the Jesuit col- lege, and kept up his studies in music under Father Ladislaw Speuar, continuiug them for two years at Kutteuberg, after being ap- pointed organist at the Jesuit church there. Thence lie went to Prague, where he took the degree of blaster of Philosophy. He wished to enter the Cistercian order, but was refused admission because of his youth. Count Miiuuer, an Austrian artillery officer, took him to Mechlin, where he was for some time organist at the church of Saiut-Kom- baut, and gave pianoforte lessons. He next went to Berg-op-Zoom, where he was organist at one of the princijial churches. This was his last engagement as organist. He soon went, however, to Amsterdam, where his brilliant reputation as pianist and composer began to establish itself ; then he jjassed a j-ear at The Hague, where he gave much time to composition. In 1783 he moved to Hamburg, where he stud- ied uuder Philipp Emanuel Bach, with the best results. In 1781 he was in Berlin, aud a year later iu Cassel, astonishing everyone by his performances ou the pia- noforte and on the harmonica, an instru- ment then newly invented by one Hessel. Near the end of 1786 he went to Paris, where his immense success could not dis- suade him from visiting Italy in company with his brother Franz. Returning to Paris iu 1788, he was driven by the unsettled con- dition of aftairs to London, where he re- mained until 1800. Here he became im- mediately a fashionable teacher and the centre of a distinguished musical circle, winning the highest encomiums from Haydn. In 1792 he married Sofia Corri, a noted singer whom he had often ac- companied at concerts. He set up a mu- sic-shop iu iiartnership with his father-in- law, Domeuico Corri ; but, owing to Dus- sek's shiftlessness aud want of business knowledge, the enterprise was a total failure, Dussek being even forced to leave Loudon secretly in 1800 to escajje creditors, and to go to Hamburg. In 1802 he gave a concert in Prague, and paid a visit to his father at Czaslau. Iu 1803 he met Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia iu Magdeburg. He continued living with the iirince iu Berlin on terms of aft'ectionate intimacy until the latter's death, iu 1806, on tlie tield of Saalfeld. Dussek's Elcgie harmonique, op. 61, one of his best works, was inspired by the death of his friend (see Leipziger Musik Zeitung, 1807, 741 ; Rellstab, Erin- nerungen ; Spohr, Selbstbiographie, i. 85, 94.) He next entered the service of Prince von Isenburg, and theu of Talleyrand, Prince of Beueveuto, with whom he re- turned to Paris iu 1807. He remained living with him until his death, enjoj-ing almost complete leisure and an exception- ally brilliant reputation. Although Dus- sek's compositions have now passed into al- most complete oblivion, the place he occu- pied iu musical history was an important one. In the history of the development of pianoforte playing he stands, as it were, between Clementi and Hummel. Yet, al- though his reputation was of the most brilliant in an age especially rich iu great pianists aud composers for that instrument, he was hardly a man who made the most of his surpassing natural gifts. His extraor- dinary facility was accompanied by a care- less, easy disposition, antl he was not a hard worker. Much confusion exists in the opus-numbers of his works. Works : 3 concertos for pianoforte and quartet, op. 1 ; 11 concertos for pianoforte and orche.stra, iu E-ilat, op. 3, iu F, op. 15, iu B, op. 22, in E flat, op. 26, do., op. 27, iu C, op. 29, in B, op. 40, iu G minor, op. 50, in B, op. 63 (for 2 jjianofortes and orchestra), in F, op. 66, op. 70 ; 3 sonatas for pianoforte, violin and violoncello, op. 2 ; do., op. 24 ; do., op. 31 ; 2 do., op. 34 ; Sonata for do., op. 37 ; DUTILLIEIT 3 do. for pianoforte and violiu, op. 4 ; do., op. 8 ; do., op. 12 ; do., op. 13 ; do., op. 14 ; do., op. 17 ; do., op. 18 ; do., op. 51 ; do., op. 69 ; G sonatas for do., op. 28 ; do., op. 46; 4 do., op. 30 ; 2 do., op. 47 ; Son- ata for do., op. 36 ; 3 sonatas for 2 violins, op. 5 ; do. for pianoforte and flute, oj). 7 ; do., op. 25 ; 6 sonatas for do., op. 19 ; 6 sonatinas for do., op. 20 ; 3 sonatas for pi- anoforte, op. 9 ; do., op. 10 ; do., op. 11 ; do., op. 35 ; do., oj). 39 ; Sonata, etc., for do., op. 23 ; do., op. 75 ; do., op. 77 ; Sonatas for do., op. 43-45 ; Sonatas for pianoforte duet, op. 32, 38, 48, 67 (3), 72, 73, 74; Sonata for pianoforte, flute and Tioloncello, op. 21 ; do., op. 65 ; Quartet for pianoforte and strings, op. 41 ; do., op. 53 ; do., op. 56 ; 3 quartets for strings, op. 60 ; Not- turuo concertante for jsianoforte and violin, op. 68 ; Numerous minor works for piano- forte, and songs. — Dlabaez ; Fetis ; Mendel ; Clement, INIus. celebres, 235 ; Dwight's Jour- nal, 1861 ; London Mus. World, 1861. DUTILLIEU (Ditillieu), PIERKE, born at Lyons in 1756, died in Vienna, June 28, 1798. Dramatic composer, studied and travelled in Italy, and in 1790 went to Vi- enna, where lie was appointed comjsoser at the court theatre. Works — Operas : An- tigono ed Enone, given at Najjles, 1788 ; II trionfo d' amore, opera buffa, Vienna, 1791 ; Nanuerina e Pandoltino, ossia gli sposi in cimeuto, do., ib., 1792 ; Gli acci- dent! delta villa, ib., 1794 ; La superba corretta, ib., 179.5. Ballets : I Cui-landesi, Naples, 1790 ; IMagia contra niagia, ib., 1791; Die Freiwilligen, Vienna, 1793; Ar- minio, Der Jahrmarkt, Die ]\Iacht des scho- nen Geschlechts, ib. ; Sis duos for two vio- lins, op. 1 (Vienna, 1800) ; Concerto for violin ; Trios, songs, etc. — Fetis ; Mendel. DUVERNOY, HENRI (LOUIS CHARLES), born in Paris, Nov. 16, 1820, still living, 1888. Pianist, sou of Charles Duvernoj', clarinettist (1766-1845) ; jjuj^il at the Paris Conservatoire from 1829 to 1845. He took the 2d i^rize for solfege in 1831, and the 1st in 1833 ; was a pupil of Zim- merman for the pianoforte, winning the 1st prize in 1837 and the 1st in 1838 ; the 2d prize for harmony and practical accompani- ment in 1839 ; and for counterpoint and fugue, as pupil of Halevy, in 1841. He took also the 2d jn-ize for organ in 1840, the 1st in 1842, and the 2d grand prix de Rome in 1848. He became assistant professor of solfege at the Conservatoire in 1839, and full professor in 1848 ; was organist for several years of the Protestant churches of the rue des BiUettes and of the Redemp- tion, and organist in chief of the Pauthemont Church in 1858. He was appointed hj the Consistory of Montbelliard, in 1846, to make a selection of psalms and chants for the Re- formed Church of France ; this he under- took with his uncle and co-labourer, Georges Kuhn. Their joint work was published as : Nouveau chois de lasaulmes et cantiques harmonises a quatre voix, et composes en jjartie par MM. Kuhn et Henri Duvernoy (2 vols., Paris, 1848). A second part was pub- lished at the desire of the Protestant clergy, in which he was assisted by Duprato (Paris, 1859). He also published, in collaboration with Kuhn, Solfege des chanteurs (Paris, 1855); and is the author of Solfeges a change- nients de clef (Paris, 1857), which has been adojated by the Conservatoires of Paris, Brus- sels, and Liege, and by the music schools of Toulouse, Marseilles, Metz, and Lille. He published Solfege artistique, in two parts (Paris, 1860) ; Vocalises pour voix de so- prano ou de tenor ; Ecole concertante de sol- fege, on 20 Etudes de style et de perfectiou- nemeut pour deux voix egales sans accom- pagnement ; Solfege melodique, theorique et pratique. — Fetis, iii. 101 ; Suj)plement, i. 298 ; Larousse ; Mendel ; Riemanu, 234. DLWERNOY, VICTOR ALPHONSE, born in Paris, Aug. 30, 1842, still living, 1888. Pianist, pupil of the Paris Conser- vatoire under JIarinontel for the jiianoforte, winning the 2d prize in 1854 and the 1st in 1855 ; pupil of Bazin in accomjjaniment and harmony, taking the 2d accessit in 1859. He brought out two symphonic DVORAK fragments at the Chfitelet concerts, and a concerto at a concert of the Societe Na- tionale de Musitjue, in 187(5. Went to London as virtuoso and met with great success. Works : Six nu'lodies avec ac- compagnement de piano ; and several mor- ceaux de genre for pianoforte. — Petis, Sup- plement, i. 298 ; Mendel, Ergiinz., 93. DVOEAK, ANTONIN (pronounced Dvor- shak), born at Miilil- liausen, B o li e m i a, Sept. 8, 1841, still living, 1888. He was destined to be a butcher and i u n - keeper, like his fa- ther, but the village schoolmaster taught him to play the vio- lin and to sing. In 1857 he went to Prague, became violinist iu an orchestra, sttulied in an organ school, and after graduating was engaged as first violinist at the National Theater, and as or- ganist iu several churches of Prague. His hymn for chorus and orchestra, Die Erben des weisseu Berges, was performed in 1873 with such success as to gaiu him a wide reputation ; and in 1875 he was awarded the Artist's Stipend by the Austrian Gov- ernment, which enabled him to devote him- self to composition. About 1877 his fame was firmly established all over Europe. In 1884 he visited London as the guest of the Philharmonic Society, and in 1885 he con- ducted his cantata, The Spectre Bride, at the Birmingham Festival. Works — Op- eras : Wanda, five acts, text by Sumawsky, Prague, 187G ; Der Bauer ein Sehelm, comic, Prague, 1878, Dresden, 1882 ; Der Dickshiidel, comic; Dimitrije {Dlmitri), Prague, 1882; Konig und Ki")hler, comic, Prague. Silhouetten, 12 pieces for piano- forte (i hands), op. 8 ; Romance for violin and orchestra, op. 11 ; Dumka (elegy), and Furiant (Bohemian dance), for pianoforte, op. 12 ; Ballade, for violin with pianoforte, op. 15 ; Four duets, op. 20 ; Trio for jjiano- forte, violin, and violoncello, op. 21 ; Sere- nade in E, for string, orchestra, op. 22 ; (Quartet for pianoforte and strings, op. 23 ; Trio in G minor, op. 26 ; Hymne der biih- mischen Landleute, for mixed chorus, with pianoforte (4 hands), op. 28 ; Hymnus for mixed chorus and orchestra, op. 30 ; Kliinge aus MiUiren, 13 duets for soprano and con- tralto, op. 32 ; Concerto for pianofoi'te and orchestra, op. 33 ; Quartet for strings, op. 34 ; Dumka, elegy for pianoforte, op. 35 ; Air and variations in A-tlat, pianoforte, op. 3G ; Four duets, op. 38 ; Suite for orchestra, op. 39 ; Notturno for string orchestra, op. 40 ; Furiant, Bohemian national dance, op. 42 ; Serenade in D minor, for wind instru- ments, violoncello, and double bass, op. 44 ; Slavische Rhapsodieu in D, G, and A-fiat, for full orchestra, op. 45 ; Slacische Tiinze, for do., ojj. 4G ; Bagatellen for two violins, violoncello, and pianoforte, op. 47 ; Sextet for strings, op. 48 ; Mazurek in E minor, violin and orchestra, op. 49 ; Quartet in E- flat, strings, op. 51 ; Impromptu, Intermez- zo, Gigue, and ]5glogne for pianoforte, op. 52 ; Concerto for violin and orchestra, op. 53 ; Waltzes for pianoforte, op. 54 ; Gypsy Melodies, op. 55 ; Mazurkas for pianoforte, op. 5G ; Sonata for pianoforte and violon- cello, op. 57 ; Stabat mater for soli, chorus, and orchestra, op. 58, 1883 ; Legends for orchestra, op. 59 ; Symphony No. 1, iu D major, op. 60 ; Third quartet in C, op. 61 ; Mein Heim, overture for orchestra, op. 62 ; In der Natur, five choruses for soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass, op. 63 ; Second trio iu F minor, op. 65 ; Scherzo capriccioso for orchestra, op. 66 ; Hunit^ti'i, dramatic overture for orchestra, op. 67 ; Aus dem Buhmer Walde, Charakterstiicke for piano- forte (4 hands), op. 68 ; Die Geisterbraut (The Spectre Bride), ballad for soU, chorus, and orchestra, op. 69, Birmingham Festi- val, 1885 ; Symphony No. 2, in D minor, op. 70, played in London, April 22, 1885, New York, by Theodore Thomas, Jan. 9, 1886 ; Die heilige Ludmila (Saint Ludmila), oratorio, op. 71, Leeds Festival, 1886 ; Neue DYER Slavische Taiize foi- orchestra, op. 72 : Trio for two violins and viola, op. 74 ; Roman- tische Stiicke for violin and pianoforte, op. 75 ; Patriotic Hymn, for cliorus and orches- tra ; Songs, op. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 50, 55, 73.— Mus. Wocheu- blatt, xi. 3, 15, 39, 67, 79, 91 ; Mendel ; Eiemann. DYER, ARTHUR EDWIN, born at Froine, Somersetshire, England, Feb. 26, 1843, still living, 1888. Organist and music-master at Chel- tenham College. Mus. Bac, Oxford, 1873; Mus. Doc, ib., 1880. Works: Salvator Mundi, cantata, 1881 ; Harold, do., 1882; I wish to tune my quivering Ij're, for cho- rus and orchestra, Gloucester Musical Fes- X*w/,, tival, 1883 ; Church and organ music ; Songs. DYKES, JOHN BACCHUS, born at Kingston-upon-Hull, England, March 10, 1823, died at St. Leonai-d's, Jan. 22, 1876. Church composer, pupil of Skelton, organist at Hull, then stud- ied at Cambridge under Walmisley, and in 1817 became curate at Malton, Yorkshire, in 1849 minor canon and jjrecentor of Durham Cathedral, and in 1862 vicar of St. Oswald, Durham. Mus. Doc, Durham, 1861. Works : Ser- vice in F ; The 23d psalm ; Anthems, psalms, and hymns, the latter of which are among the finest examples of modern times. — Grove. DYNE, JOHN, distinguished English alto singer and glee composer of the latter part of the 18th century, died Oct. 30, 1788. His glee, Fill the Bowl, obtained the Catch Club prize in 1768. He was appointed Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1772, and lay vicar of Westminster Abbey in 1779. He was one of the principal singers at the Handel Commemoration in 1784. —Grove, i. 478. m Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. -sieB-uiKJia — JUL 2,^ — ^ M \ ' 1979 APR 2 2 198C JAN 2 4] UCLA DUE 2 WKS FROM ■CF \ 2003 MRUILL MTe RECEIVED \ v^^ 6 2006 MAR 4 1 fJUE 2 WKb PROM HP! A YRI MBVE 2003 iDATt RECEiVED /!! L iM.im Ln-32»i-S,'.5 7(,C8680s4).444 000 352 12 UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA LOS AiNGELES UBRABY