BHBb ^H A o A (/> o cz m X z 1 m O 4 O 2 > t— 5 4 r— OJ X ^ 7 n -< 6 > 5 — ■ 7 ■ _ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 5«l O'-aroXCyTurliy'^ '■.erviUet .. 'it. ? Ai'''^'^ IRON ORE ZINC COAL COPPER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^F^^^^^ HAND-BOOK ■OF X J_j1N in J J CD )0 I J I J. P K E P A 11 E D BY COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTUKE, STATISTICS, MIN'E.S AND IMMKiRATIOX, ASSISTED BY HENRY E. COLTON. PKACTICAT. CEOLOfHSr AXD MIXI.VG K^'Gl^'KKI^ NASHVILLE, TENX.. 1832. K N O X V I L L E, T E N N. : Whig and Chkoxicle Steam Book akd Job PfiiKxrN'J OifB'V3B. 1882. Geography of Tennessee, Tennessee ii? houudwl on the east 1j}- North C'aroliua, on the north by Virginia and Kentucky, on the ^vest by the Missis.sippi River, Avhieh separates it from ^lissouri and Arkansas, and on the south by Missi?-'sippi, Ahibania and Oeoruia. It lies between the parallels :V)° and 80° 4r north latitude, and >ment is genei'ally i-egular and precipitous. Walden's Ridge, which, may be regarded as an outlier of the Cumberland ^lountains, Ls separated from the main plateau by the Sequatchee Valley, and extends along its eastern base nearly HAVD-MOOK OF TKNNKSHIOK. arnis? tlio S(al(% ami yivrs to soma poaU.s which townr con- sirlorably al)ovt> th(> ji^ciu'ral level of th(^ ])lat('an. South f)f the TeniiessiH' IJivir, near ('hattanouu;a, Jionkmit .Moiiiitiiin rir^-s just >Yithin the limits of Tennessee and extendi into (Jcor^ijia. The we.-Jtern faee of the jdateaii is inucli frin^i'efl and notched by coves whicli cut their way f:ir into the mountain. Some of the western outliers form ])eaks which rise to the level of the plat(!au. This mountain rantii:e forms the dividinj; line between the civil divisions of the State, known respectively as East and Middle Tennesset^ RIVERS, LAKES, ETC. Tennessee has three threat rivers which, with their tributaries, constitute ihree great river systems. The Hr^t of these, as it finally receives the waters of the other two, is the i\Iissi.s»ippi, which, in its tortiious, though generally southern course for sev- eral hundred mile^s, washes tjie western shores of Tennessee. The principal tributaries Avhich empty into it within the State are the Obion, Forked Deer and I5ig Platchee. These streams, rising in the interior, flow in a general northwesterly course until they reach the alluvial bottom of the ^Ii.nnessee Hiver is navigtible at all seasons from the mouth at Paducah, Kv., to the Mussel HAyD-BO(~)K OF TE-VXEvSSKE. I SShoals in Alali:un;i. A1)l)vo thc.-^e shoals it Ls again navigable to Kiug^toii, and in favorable seasons to Knoxville. The C'umberlaud Kiver rises in .Southeastern Kentucky, and, pur:^uing a generally southeasterly course, enters Tennessee in 0 milas and, with proper improvements, it can be nuide navigable for nearly 600 miles. Besides these rivers and their tributaries, there are many streams of smaller size, rivei*s and creeks, which furnish excel- lent wat<^r-powers. These, however, will be noted in the descrip- tions of the counties to which they pertain. In the alluvial valley of the ]Mississippi there are many lakes and bayous, but only one of sufficient impoi-tance to demand ;!*pecial notice. Reelfoot Lake is a curious body of water lying between the counties of Obion and Lake. It is about eighteen miles in length by from one to three miles in v.idth. In many places the water is shallow, but at some places is of unknown ■depth. The waters have an outlet through Reelfoot Creek into the Obion River. Tliis lake is said to have been formed by the •earthquakes of 1811, which are supposed to have depressed the :area now covered by water below its former level. The lake ia a great })lace of resort for sportsmen who have a fondness for the srod and gun, as both fish and fowls are found in abundance. Topography, T(.p()L'-f:'.j>liic;illy considcicMl, Toiiuossco )ii'i'Sfiits ci^lit iiivtural divisions. Thc^e divisions are (Icscrihi'd as Inllows: I'^irst, the Unaht division, inchidiiiii- tlie extrenic <'astorn ])or- tion of the ^'tatc, and cniliraciiiL;' a l»elt ol' roimt iv l'ri;ni \'ii'::inia to tlie (leoriiia line, it ineludes tlie iireatei" portion of the eouu- ties of Jolmson, Cartel-, {Ireone, Sevier, Blount, Monroe and Polk. Tlie I'ace of the cniuitry is exeeedinulv rouLih. Majiv of the mountain |)eaks rise to t!ie altitude of from five to six thi^usand feet, and are on (op entirely destitute of timber. The ehaias of mountain ridges aie cul in nuiut'rous plaees by deep, roeky chan- nels, through whirh the iiiii])iracc;s in whole or in part the fbllow- ing counties: Hancock. Hawkins, (iraingei-, I'nion, .Jefter.son, Knox, Roane, Meigs, liradley, Hambleji, Carter, .Johnson, "Wash- ington, ( Jreene, Sevier, Cocke, r)Iount, Monroe, I'olk, Claiborne, Anderson, Hhea, James, Ilamiitou, ]>iedsoe, Setjuatchie and Mariini. This so-called N'alley of ]]a-t Tennessee is. in point of fact, a guecessi(.n of narrow ridges and valleys, of gi-eater or less width, treiiding from northeast to south\si>^t. The ridges sometimes rise to the altitude of n)ountaius. Tlu' valleys are traversed by beau- tiful streams, some of which are navigable and all of which iiflbrd abundant watcr-jxiwer. This division ati'ords much val- uable arable land which has l)een converted into beautiful farms,, and which constitutes one of the l)est develoj)ed and most populous agricultural districts of the Stale. HAXD-IiOOK OF TKNNK.SSEK. 1> The Cv'inhcrland Plateon or Tiihle Land constitutes our tliird division, ernbraciiit,^ tlie whole or parts of the foUoAviuii- t^ountiesv to-wit: >Scott, ^lor^an, Cumberland, Fentress, Van Buren, Bled- soe, Grundv, Sequatchie, Marion, Clailxnne, Campbell, Anderson, Khea, Hamilton, Overton, Putnam, White, Franklin, Warren and Coffee. As this division has already i)een described under the head (»f the Cumberland Mountains a repetition is unnec- essarv. This is tlie coal region of Tennessee. The iburth and fifth divisions must of necessity be spoken of in connection with each other, as the fifth is entirely encircled by the fourth. In the very center of the State there is a depres- srcn of an oval form, extending n.early across the State from north to south, having in this direction a length of about 80 miles, by a breadth from east to v.est of from 30 to (>0 miles. This depression is known as the Great Central Basin, and is our fifth division. Surrounding this basin is a circle of highlands, known as the Highland Eim of Middle Tennessee. This is our fourth division, and extends from the western base of the Cum- berlaHd INIountains to the western valley of the Tennessee River, and from the northern to the southern boundary of the State- ThL'^ highland rim has an elevation of about l.OOO feet a])ove the level of the sea-. These highlands, though called a rim, In many- places spread into extensive ])lateaus. The edges of tlie rim which immediately surround the Inisin are much cut and fringed by narrow valleys which reach out int(j the highlands. The stre4imi; which have their sources at high altitudes have cut dee[> channek, down which they rush impetuously over rapids or leap in cataracts to the basin ]»eiow. Tlie Cumberland River forcej; it^ way through the surrounding rim into the central basin, whence it escapes in a noithwesterly direction. The Central Basin is essentially different in its topographical features from the surrounding highlands. The surface is gener- ally undulating, though rounded knobs and hills are frequently met with. The land is generally fertile and well adapted to- cultivation, though considerable areas are found which are cov- ered with shaly limestone, w-hicli renders them unfit for tillag-e. These two divisions extend over all of the civil division ui Middle Tennes.see, except so much of it as lies upon the Cumber- land Plateau and in the wastern valley of the Tennessee. Our sixth divisi(jn is a comparatively small one, being restricted to the generally narrow and somewhat rugged valley of the Ten- nessee River in its western passage across the State afler its 10 lIAMi-IJODK OK rr-NNKHSICF.. rrfurn from .\]al);ini;i. This vall<'y is irn>jriil;ir in form; so?nn- .tiincs fii;> ri(li;('s or s])iirs of liiL(lil!iii'ls \\]ti^u the one side or the .other jut (juilo into t.h(^ river hank. At some ]>;)ints whore the valley has ^n'ater .width it is {)artly oeeuj>iertiaiT period. 8th. The (.^itctrterminj and Modern, embracing the mary, the Terrace and tlio Human y)eriods. These thirteen j)eriods in their lurn contain twenty-six forma- tions : 1st. The Metamorphir formation. LM. The Pid.^dam, containing the Oeoee and the Chilhowee Sandstones. ;>d. The (^uehoe period gives the Knox Sandstone, the Knox ^hale and the Knox Dolomite. 12 HANIi-i;oci'i(irl has tlic 'I'i'» iitini nr Lcljaiioii and the ]S:i.'^hvilh' (ir ( "iiiciiiiiati Liiiicstdiic. Ath. 7'/ir Nuujarn period has tlic Clinch Mcnintain Samlstnnp, the White Oalv iMoiiiitaiu Sand.-ti'iic, l!ie Dycstone f^ronp, and iho Nia!,fai':i Liiuoione. (•th. T lie Lower IJf.'/e Georgia line running parallel with the North Carolina line jind including portions of Polk, Monroe, Cocke and Greene Counties. The soil is of the saiue general character as the preceding, but this section contains iaterpolated beds of limestone, which yields a more generous soil^ The greater part of this section is mountainous, but abounding in excellent sunnncr psisturage. Hoofing slate and some gold are found in this fornsation. Chllhowee iSandstone. This rock is found in the Chilhowee- and similiur mountains, outliers of the Unaka range. It HAXD-BOOK OF TKXXIvsSEE. 13 occupies portion.- of the eastern counties of the State. The soil is of little value for tillage, but the mountains in summer are clothed with succulent grasses. Knox Sanrlsfonp, outcrops in the long narrow ridges which in- tersect East Tennessee from Northeast to Southwest. It is found in nearly every county in this division of the State. By its re- sistance to erosive influences, it maintains the ridge-like form. The soil which it yields lacks fertility. It contains many valua- ble beds of iron ore besides other minerals. Khox Slude. This may be called a group rather than a single formation, as the shale is largely intei'inixed Avith different forms of calcareous or siliceous rocks. This group occupies n)any beautiful valleys, which traverse East Tennessee. Owing to the presence of large quantities of calcareous and siliceous matter in the soil, it is highly productive and yields abundant crops. Some beds of ii-on ore are found in this formation. Knox Dolomite. This formation occupies a large portion of the valley of East Tennessee, but is found no where else in the State exce])t in a limited area in Hiiust«n Countv. It is a Maguesian limestone of great thickne.-<«. By disintegration, it affords an excellent soil. Mucii ot the fine arable land of East Tennessee rests upon Knox Doxomite. This formation contains many vaiuai)ie beds of iron ore besides Galena, ores of zinc, manganese, and other minerals. Trenton or Lebajion mid Ka-^hrine or Cincinnati Groups. These formations, for our present purpose, may l>e treated together. They consist mainly of blue limestone, but are not homogeneous, containing in'miuiy places, chert sandstone and various other rocks. In East Tennessee, these formations occupy c(m.«iderable ter- ritory. They also occupy nearly the Avhole extent of the great central basin of ]N[iddle Tennessee. P^or fertility and adaptation, for cultivation, the soil, resulting from these rocks is scarcely sur- ])assed. Besides the localities named, these rocks are found in the "Well's Creek basin, and iii the bed of the Tennesse River in its western valley. Locally, these formations run into Hydraulic limestone, and in East Tennessee the Trenton contains many in- terpolated b(Mls of beautiful marl)l('. Clinch Mountain Sandstone, is' found principally in the Southern faces of Clinch. Powell's and Lone ^Mountains, in the counties of (Jrainger, Hawkins and Hancock. The soil which it yields is poor. "White Oak Mountain sandstone is found on White Oak, Lone 14 iiANK-iiooK (.»K tknm;h^i:i;. auil Powfll's .MoiiiilMiiis. The ?i)i! i.< (if liltlo Viiluc, but v:i]ii:il)]r;- Ih'cIs ofinm uix- arc limii'l coiiiicctol with this fbrnintiuii. ])tfe>itone (Jroup. Tlii.s lorinatioii contaitis nltcriiiitliij^ hiy- ors of shnlo, (^nudsitoju! mid I'ossiliibrous iron oic. It is foini'l in imrrow rid^c.-' niiiuiiiir j)urall(;l willi and inai- the; ha.-c of ljll^ CuinbcrliUid Mountains, fxtciidiiiij,- Avith oidy sliglit iiit(.'rru])tioii"^ ucrot-s tht; State. The soil, f houLfh cove riiip- 1)iil n liiiiite(1 state of preservation. The soil is fairly itroduetive. The ItipU'ij (rroiij). Tiiis i'oi-iiiatinii oiiti'roi)s in a Ih'lt of from leu to fift<'0.n miles in wiiltii, extendiii^i; entirely acrosH the State from the Mississippi line. It eontuins at many f)laees masses of ien-iii;iiiiius .-andstone of u'reater or le,ss thickness. Those sand- stones are eo!nposet i'ov M!s>issippi, hut our own eminent (rcologist Dr. Safiiird, desiuiiates il as the I'oiier'^^ Creek- Group. It, like tlu' ])rece (|uite a consid- •erable portion of AVest Tennessee, being in width aj)proximately given at forty nule.s. and extending from Xorth to South, quite across {!>e State. It is bounded on the east liy tlie Porter's C reek gro\ip, and on the v.est by the J^luff Loatn or Loess, next to be described. The li[f\ Loam or Loes.-i. I'his is a deposit of iine silicious loam crowning the njilands of the western tier of counties. It extends "^vestwardly to the bluffs which border the Mississippi River. At some points it is brokcM into hills, but level or undulating, the Soil is of excellent ijualitv and constitutes kiue of the fiuest farniin aYorap:o !u ight of tli(^ Cuml)orIaii(i Tal)le-]nn(l i.s two thousand foot above, tidt'-Avatcr, but some of tlie ridges of the m^rtlu^istem parr rise to a Jiiueli greater heitrbt, reaohiiic,- at plaeov^, a8 at Cross Mountain. 3,370 feet, and at P>utt Mountain, near Coal Creek, ;),oOO. The valley of Cove Creek is 2,300 feet lower than the high points of Cros? Mountain. The part of the valley of East Tennc>s,-ee innuediatcly contiguous to the moun- tain is nlxnit 1,000 feet above the sea, so that, vieweent mountains. While there should be a division of the Tennes.see Coalfield into Lower, !\[iddle, and Upper measures, from the fact that the False measures contain w<-irkal:)le co:'.], and that the true Upper measures onlv apjuar nortli of ICuutv rivi'r, yet the line of demarcation between the two last has not been .so well defined, and the usual classification has been into Upper and Lower measures, the division being the tliick conglomerate which gives tlie clift-like a|)i)earance to the mountain on its Avestern side. The second conglomerate or sandstone which caps the plateau throughout its length, is over what should he called the Middle measures, really the Lower measures of Pennsylvania. A sectiou made near Ti-acy City by Dr. Satlord, will give an idea <>f the different stnitu and their relative positions at that place. HAND-BOOK Ol" TKXNirSSEE. 21 Beginning at the top and descending, as t!iui:gli in u well (jr shaft, we have this Sewanec section. 13. Conglomerate ; cap rock of the upp<^r plateau and the upper- most stratum in the region i'>0 feet. 12. Coal, a few iuclies (G) 11. Shale 23 feet. 10. Coal, outcrop (F) ? foot. 9. Dark Clayey Shale 1 foot. 8. Sandy Shale 25 feet. 7. Sandstone 86 feet. 6. Shale, more or less sandy ■i~> feet. 6. Coal, Main Sewanee, from (E) 3 to7ft. 4. Shale, some of it sandy 45 feet. 3. Coal, outcrop (D) .^ 1 foot. 2. Shale '. 3 feet. 1. Sandstone 17 feet. Total 200 feet. We here reach the bottom of the Upper coal measures, and come to^the thick conglomerate that caps the whole coal region. Descending, we pass successively through Conglomerate 70 feet 10. Coal, outcrop from (C) ^tolft. 9. Shale, with clay at top 10 feet. 8. Sandstone, Cliff Kock (Lower Couglomerat« of .Etna Mines) Go feet. 7. Coal, outcrop from (B) itoUft.. 6. Shale, with a few inches of adultei-ated clay at top. ., 8 feet. 5. Sandy Shale 22 feet. i. Sandstone, hard 78 feet. 3. Coal, has occasional shale above and below it ; the coal from (A) 1 to 3 ft. 2. Hard Sandstone, local 20 feet. 1. Shale, including a thin sandstone 20 feet. Total 228 feet. Including the Upper and Lov.xt coal measures, there are seven strata of coal, aggregating a thicknet's of from seven to fourteen and a half feet. Mciuy of these beds, however, are too thin to work, and are given merely to shoAv the extent of the coal measures. The Lower measures, though irregular and uncertain, supply a large amount of coal in White, Putnam, Overton, Frentress, Franklin, and Marion counties. The seams in these counties are of good thickness and aflbrd coal of excellent quality. The main seam of the Upper measures on the western side of the Table-laud is the Sewanee. This seam will average four and 22 !iANi)-i;<>()K or tennesske. a hiilf feel in thicknesr;, h^ largest development l)eiiig ten feet four inches, and its least two feet. The Sewanee seam furnishes a larger amount of coal than any other single seam in Tennessee, and has all the qualities that combine to make a useful and valuable coal. It varies in some of its characteristics and constituents indifferent localities, but that is a common freak of all coal seams in every coal-lield. It makes a good coke, is a good steam-making coal, makes a hot, durable fire in the grate, and is nearly free from sulphur. It is found at a certain elevation all over the Table-land, but in the horizontal strata of the Coal creek and "Winter's Gap section of the iield it has ])robably sunk far beneath the surface. It is the main seam of Walden's ridge, and continues with much persist- ency from Chattanooga to Coal creek. Where the ridge is regular in surface, and tlu; strata in place, the seam is of regular thickness and easiiy worked with a certainty of obtaining a constant supply, but where the strata are broken l)y ravines or gorges, it is also disturbed, sometimes lost entirely, and again rising into great thickness. Walden's ridge is an outlier of the Cumberland Table-land* for the greater part of its length a vast wall of upturned rocks, ranging from six hundred to twelve hundred feet high. This singular formation is best seen north of Big Emery Gap. A base line drawn horizontally through the ridge would probably give a width of twelve hundred feet. The- line of demarcation between the inclined strata of Walden's ridge and the hori- zontal layers of the Cuniberland mountains is sharp and v»"ell defined. Within a feAv feet one steps trom the almost vertical sandstones of Walden's ridge to those of the Cumberland Table- land lying horizontal. Behind he sees the steep inclined crags of Emery Gap, and in front the shales, slates, and sandstones lying one on the other. This ridge is most continuous and con- spicuous in its tilted strata from Big Emery (in}) to near Carey- ville, but those peculiar characteristics are gradually lessened to the southwest from Emery Gi\\\ until near Chattanooga the dip of the strata is very slight, and its top instead of being a* narrow ridge, flattens out into a plateau six to eight inilcs wide. The greatest action of the downthrow, therefore, took place between Emery Gap and Careyville, and to its action, says Prof. Lesley, is due the preservation of the numerous beds of coal in the high mountains on Poplar creek, at Winter's Gap, and on T'oal creek. It has been assumed that the inclined seaujs of Walden's HAND-BOOK OF TEXNSSSEE. 23 ritlge pass dovrn under the surface strata of the CumheHand mountains, and become as nearly horizontal as the coals of that formation. No accurate demonstration of this has ever been made but the record of the borings of the salt well at Winter's •Gap, though not strictly accurate, gives an idea upon which may be based some foundation for the truth of this theory. The salt well was originally bored by Prof. Estabrook but allowed to fill up. Lately another was bored by Mr. E. A. Reed, of Ohio. On the western side of the coal field the general dij) of the strata is slightly to the northeast. The elevation of the sub- carboniferous limestone on the mountain side near Tracy City is about sixteen hundred feet above the sea. On a direct east line, near the foot of Walden's ridge, the same rock is only about nine hundred feet above the sea ; on the line of the Tennessee and Pacific road, in Putnam county, the limestone is about fourteen huiKlred feet above the sea, while in a direct east line, near Winter's Gap, in the valley, it is only eight hundred feet above sea level. The level of the valley at Cowan is nine hundred and seventy-three feet above sea level, and the level of the ScAvanee seam at Tracy City is nine hundred and forty-nine feet higher. This seam dips to the southeast about eight feet to the mile; hence from its location in Fentress, in the fifty miles distance to Winter's Gap, it would be deep down under the horizontal strata of the high mountains, though coming up again above the valley in Walden's ridge. * Towering high above the valley, in Anderson, Morgan and Campbell counties is the series of mountains heretofore men- tioned. They reach an altitude of over three thousand five hundred feet above sea level, and contain coal seams to their very summits. Here is the equivalent of the Upper Measures of Pennsylvania. And it is safe to assume that tlie carboniferous strata in this region, estimating by the data derived from the boring of the salt well at Winter's Gap, attain a thickness of full four thousand feet in a direct vertical line from the«top of the American Knob or Brushy Mountain to the lowest sub- con- glomerate coal. At Carsyvillo Prof Safford determined the elevation of Cross ^Mountain, with nine seams of coal, to be three thousand three hundred and seventy feet above the sea, and two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine feet above the val- ley. This is at the northeastern end of the Upper jMeasures, as the still higher Brushy Mountain is near the southv.estern end. In this distance of about forty miles, is the series of high ranges 24 HAND-I!()f)K OF TKNNESKKK. and peaks nlliulctl lo abfivo. Honcc wo, have in tliin tli^triet aiv urea of jibout two thousaml Hfjuaro miles, tlu* greater portion of which contains, above water level, from four to ftev(!ii scams of coal over three feet thick ; thus showin;^', in this part of the Tennessee coal field alone au extent of thickness and a number of seams, available in the future, beyond the jtr(!vious calculations of geologists. The largest mining operation on the Tennot^sce coal field is that of the Tenues-see Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company at Tracy City. The seam of coal wctrked there is known as the Sewanee seam, and is so marked in the section previously given. The qualities of this coal have- also been spoken of in the preceding pages. They work four different mines, and besides selling coal, ha;ve six hundred ovens for making coke. Tlie company owns a railroad twenty-three mile.s long, which connects th<.-ir mines with the main line of the Naah villi', (Jhattanooga, and St. Louis roa.-i:k, on the [n\i (if "W'lil'lcii".- Uiil;r<', mar Cliattnnooga, TliCy liave a iiaiT(i\v-,!4iia;,'c road seven Tuile-i long, and liave nuide every prc- })arati(»n J'or a larire output, lion. E. A. James i.- prcv-ident of the company. A new com[)any is about oix'i-alin;,' at Nortli Cliie'aiiiaui;a. Near the University of tlie fSoutli, several .«mall mine.s are worked, ehiefly by the Univerriity Coal Company. In White county two or three mines are worked for local ])urj)oses by Jolm Barnes tt Sons. The comi)letiou of the McMinnville liraneh of the Nashville, Cincinnati and ^t. Louis Railroad will lmvc them opjiortunity for shipment. The total coal product of the »:5tate of Tennessee, for the year 1881, is not far from six hundred thousand tons. The prices of coal for the raonth of January, 1882, were — In KnoxvlUe : Domestic coal, at yards in the city, §3.75 per ton of 2,000 pounds; delivered, 25 cents more, i^team coal, on cara in the city, $2.20 per ton. In Morristown : Domestic coal, §4.70 ; steam coal, S3.50. Ill Jonexhoro: Domestic coal, S5.00. In Athens, $14.80. In Cleveland, 84,25. Low rates of freight are made by the East Tenn., Xa. & Ga. Ivailroad for steam coal. In Chattanooga: Coal Creek coal, domestic ; §3.50 per ton. Soddy coal, domestic, S3. 25 per ton. Soddy coal, for steam, §3.00. Hewanoe and Dade coke, 82.50 to 63.00 per ton. Extra Foundry coke, 12^ cents },>er bushel. In NashviUc : Domestic, lump, 83.80 per ton delivered ; small for cooking-, §3.20 ; steam coal ou cars, run of mines, 62.70 ; slack, 81.80; lump, §3.00 per ton of 2,000 pound.s. Anthracite, §10.00 to 812.00 per ton. Freight on the railroads three-fourths to one cent per ton per mile for over 25 miles. Iron Ores, The State of Tennessee contains every variety of iron ore known to commercial use, except the Spathic Carbonate. The area of the Magnetic ores, and of the azoic Hematites is not large, yet in the limited area where found, the magnetic ore exists in large quantity. The mass of unaltered deposit ores, however, is beyond the possibility of any accurate computation, and the area in which they are contained comprises nearl 3* three-fourths of the State. Geographically, these ores may be classed as the East Ten- nessee Iron Region, the Cuml^erland Mountain Iron Region, and the Middle Tennessee Iron Region. Geologically, they belong to the Metamorphic, the Lower and Upper Silurean, the Sub- Carboniferous, and the CarJ)oniterous periods. Physically, they are vein, stratified and deposit ores, and in practical nomen- clatius of ores ; they are magnetic, specular, red liematite, or really hematite, limonite, frequently called brown hematite, red fossil or lenticular red hematite, and carbonate of iron. Of these ores, those now used in the State are only the limonites and red fossil. The magnetics have been mined, and some j^ears ago used in a small v>'ay in forges, but none have yet been used in blast furnaces or shipped to any market, and the azoic hematites are known only by small openings and specimens of more or less size. The limonites are found over the largest territory and have been most generally used of the two chief ores of iron. They are found in nearly every county of the State in greater or less quantities, from the North Carolina line to the sand belt which borders on the Mississippi River. In some counties tlie quantity is enormoiLS, in others only scattered specimens, and flae quality is equally varial^le ; some beds are almost chemically free from phosphorus or sulphur, while in others those injurious elements are found to a greater or less extent. In East Tennessee, this ore lies in a series of ridges running northeast and southwest ; its greatest developments ])cing on the east side on the vrestern slopes 'of the Chilhowee and Uuaka 28 IIAND-nOOK OF TK.VNllSHKK. Mountains and thoir tril)iitary ri(l;j:erf. Throughout the entire breadth <>f the State, in the counties of Johnson, Carter, Unicoi, VVa.«hin;/tou, Greene, Cooke, Sevier, Pdount, Monri>e and Polk ; they may truly be said to be one continuous bed of linxinite, at sooie poiuts in inuuense like stratified or bdidder roeks, and at others intermintrlol with the »i>\\, but yielding large quantities of ore when subjected to the process of washing. The ores of thiis lead are all in the lower s'ilurean, and usually lie in slate* or between the Chilowee sandstones, and the dolomites of the Knox or Quebec periods, frequently intermingled or deposited between masses of the latter. In thi.>i position, it is found in a matrix of red or yellow clay, from the size of coarse sand to large boulders. These ai*e the ores from which a large part of the iron of the United States was made in times pa«t, and many beds are now worked in Pennsylvania, New York and i\Tas.sachusetts, from "which ore was taken a hundred years ago. The unsystematic and robbery-like chariu;ter of obtaining the ore irom many of the banks in Tennessee hi\s greatly impaired their value, and in some cases apparently exhausted the supply of ore. The limonite of this le^id varies very- greatly in quality, some being \evy free from any impunity, almost jiure hydrated oxide of iron, but the greater part containii silica, alumina, phosphorus and sulphur in greater or less proportions, none to such an extent as to make it wo:fthless. In some be Levris, Perry, Hickman, Humphreys, Dick?on, Houston, Mont- gomery, Stewart, Benton, Decatur, and j)art of Hardin. The surface gooh')gy of this region be]i:)ng,« to the suij-carbon- iferous. It is in fact the counterpart of the Cum her hind phiteau of the ea.-?t with the coal measure rocks swept away. Tlie gen- eral elevation of the corresponding strata underlying the coal measure rocks is but a few feet more than tliat of Lawrence and Hickman counties. Almost at an identicul level on each side of the Middle Tennessee basin occur the same characteristic rocks. The vast body of coal which once may have ext('uded from Ken- tucky to Alabama is gone, but deposited In its underlying strata; from the slow action of ages, now remain immejisc bodieis of iron ore, in (piaiitity and quality hardly surpassed by any lik(; area in the United States. 1j) the injurious eleuuints of phosphorus and sulphur these ores frequently go down t.>;) ratr;'; trace, while they never rise to such an extent as to be in the slightest degree injurious for the very best gi'ades of fouufiry irons. The hicatii)u of this ore has been stated to be an elevated plateau-hind, yet il is well watered with, many spring?, and is also interseoted with streams which flow west from the Middle Tennessee basin, bein^- cut through on the north by the Cum- berland river, while the M'cstern edge is intersected from north t.o south, the entire middle of the. State, by the Tennessee river. AH these strcauis cut down rhrough the sub-carboniferous strata into the lower limestones, thus atlbrding ample facilitj" for ob- taining flux in the nuiuufactur';^ of iron. The two great rivers named also afford cheap trans-portation. to markets, while other means of transportation and access to tliis region is aiforded by the Memphis branch of the Louisville and ^'ashvilie Railroad through iloutgomei'v and Stewait counties, the Nashville and Korth western through Dickson. Humphreys, and [Jenton, a uarrew-gauge st»uth from Dickson station into Hickman county, and the railroad from Columbia ihrnugh Lawrence County to Florence, A hiba nia. This ore has been almost entirely u,si'(l fir the manufaiiture of iron with cluircoai, and there are now six furnaces oiierating in this region. All use charcoal for fuel ; three are cold blast and three are hot blast. Notwithstanding its contiguity to roliaVde and cheap transportation, but little of this ore has ever been shipped to uuirket in other States, nor to any coke furnace in this State. The connoctiou by the Duck River Valley Ivoad to the Nashville, 00 IIAXD-r>OOK OF TEXNES8EE. Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad, already completed, gives an outlet for this ore directly to tlie coal, and it will then undoubtedly be shipped to furnaces on the line of that railroad or in Chattanooga. Near BroAvnsport, in the County of Decatur, occurs a bed of linionite, probably extcndingover a very considerable area which is not referable to any of the formations in which that ore has else- where been found in Tennessee. The ore occurs stratified in layers and masses just beneath the black shale of the Hamilton ]jeriod, Devonian age, and rests immediately on the Helderbcrg lime- stone. Immediately above the black shale is the siliceous group of the sub-carboniferous. A furnace was once run at this locality, and the stack and some of the houses are still in good order; the machinery is excellent. The ore at that point is in large quan- tity, and it appears to exist in the same geological position at about the same elevation over a considerable section of the Eurrounding country. The furnace, though thus eligibly located, was badly managed and has been idle for many years, being tied up in the meshes of the law. The nearness of this site and ore to the cheap transportation afforded by the Tennessee River should cause it to be utilized. The ore undoubtedly exists in great quantity over a large area of country — up and down the river. Along the western foot of the Cumberland mountains and the Middle Tennessee basin, in a formation identical vrith that where the ores of Stewart, Montgomery, and Hickman are found, exist some beds of limonite, the extent of which has not been fully determined. They are found chiefly in the counties of White, AVarren, Putnam, and Overton. At several points these beds appear to be of valuable extent, but no exploration has been made sufficient to test its quantity. The ^McMiunville branch of the Xashville and Chattanooga Railroad, now in course of extension' to Sparta, will afford means of transportation and access to this region. RED FOSSIL ORE. The next ore to be considered, and though occupying a less area, probably not less extensive in quantity, belongs to the true hematite series, and is known to mineralogy and the manufac- turer as the red fossil ore, but is known locally in Tennessee as Dvestone. It is almost entirelv confined to East Tennessee, but HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 31 almost three-fourths of ihe pig-iron made in the State since 1870 ■was made from it. The geological position of this ore is in the Clinton group of the Xiagara period, below the black shale of the Dominion for- mation. In this State there are usually but thin strata inter- vening between the two; and while the latter is frequently found outcropping, it does not mean that the ore is found under- neath it. This is the case all around the Middle Tennessee basin- But in East Tennessee, all along the western base of the Cumber- land Mountains, from Chattanooga to Cumberland Gap, the two strata are found in close conjunction, and where one exists it is certain that the other is to be found in that vicinity, though it may becovered with drift. This ore is one of the most persistent strata of the Appalachian geological system. It is found in New York, bordering Lake Ontario, curving northward on the west and southward on the east, sinking there beneath the Hamilton shales and slates, rising again in Pennsylvania, and continuing thence in an almost unbroken outcrop southwest into the heart of the State of Alabama. The seams of ore in this State, how- ever, are much thicker than in Pennsylvania ; and besides the regular continuous seam at the foot of the Cumberland mount- ain, there is an independent seam almost as continuous, and at places much thicker, in what is called White" Oak mountain, a high ridge entering the State from Georgia, in the county of James, and passing northward is continuous to Virginia, though the northern end, in the county of Hancock, is called Powell's mountain. This is the Montour ridge of Pennsylvania. This ridge in Pennsylvania is only twenty-seven miles long, and from it in 1846, Prof. Rogers states, that twenty furnaces, making sixty thousand tons of iron per annum vrere deriving their sup- ply of ore, and in 1881 there were still nine large furnaces deriving their supply in whole or part from this same ridge. • The White Oak mountain has a continuous length in East Tennessee of over one hundred miles. This red fossil ore is also found in several detached ridges, from three to ten miles long, which lie parallel with the White Oak Mountain, at intervals, in a general southwest and northeast direction. This ore is less variable in quality than the limonites, and the an- alysis of a specimen from one point in a leading range will usually be identical with that from another point ten, twenty or fifty miles distant. Below water level, the ore on the White Oak jSIoun- 32 nAND-BOOK OF TKN'NW^rfr.iO. tain, and at a (M-rtain tifpth llio oro in llio soani at t!io foot of tho CnniWrhind Mountain, hoconu's poorer in iix>n and rielirr in lime, llenco, for tlie [jrc^cnt, mining; U stopped whi'n this hard nnd poor ore is reached; tlu> j)roper course would l)o to mix it, as done in I'enn-sylvaiiin, with tlie riehcr soil ore from near the surfae(^. Two other bodi(!,'=> of this ore are oi' great extent in East Ten- ;nossee, but detached i'rom the East Tenneifssee V^illey proper. These are in Elk Fork Valley and Sequatchie Valley. The former is about 25 miles long and extends into Kentucky ; the latter is about GO miles long and extends into Alabama. Thj'ough. out the whole length of valleys tlie red fo.ssil ore appears, dipping slightly to the east. On the opposite side of (be moun- tain, at its eastern base, along the foot of NVylden's IJidge, the ore dips to the west, hence if the ovc is continuous for the eight to ten miles of distance under the intervening carboniferous strata, the amount of iron ore thus stored away for future use is simply cnvirmous. Tlie ore on the east side of the mountain is three feet thick and in the valleys much thicker. Tlierefore, <'ven if containing only 30 per cent, of iron, the amount of available ore the seuni would yield, to capital invented in scien- tilic mining, will ecpuxl if nut surpass that of .my known deposit of ore in the world. iVt present the morle of mining this ore is to get ore on the cheapest plan possible, without the slightest reference to the future. In the seam at the foc>t of the mountain it occurs in a series of knobs, witli short, narrow valleys between them. The ore is robbed from the knobs by rough tunnels as long as they think it pays, and then that knob is abandoned and another at- tacked. No mining is done below level of the little branches. Tn White Oak Mountain the dirt and shale is stripped with picks ..luij sliovols off the seam of ore until the wall of shale reaches a height or thi(>kness of six or eight feet ; the stripped ore is then tak(!n (Hit and the rest abandoned. In so-eallerl v.orke: Red Clay extension, and hy the Knoxville and ()liio branch of that i-oad from Knox- ville to Keutuckv near tin- town of ('liut<)n. The Tennessee River also cuts it at VVelk<'r"s, in Koane (Vanity. The Tennes- see Rivei' also cuts through the Half >[(K)n I>land lied for a dis- tance of ten miles. A sy stnn of cheap narrow-guage roada, would bring to the river and lailmads in sfiort distances a larjja amount of ore now too far distant for hauling by teams. The red fossil orp has udI been found in any jiarr of the ^Middla Tennessee region. I a Overton Count v a houatite oi-e is found, locally called dycstont>, but it is not the samr as the East Tea- neSvsee dycstc^ne, nor is it known to exist in large (|uantities. In the county of Wayne ai-o three knobs which contain a large amount of hematite. Its geological position has not l>een ex- actly iletermiucd. The location is near Clifton, on the Tennessea River, ami the ore is of good quality. Jt was once iise^l in a fur- nace located near by, and souie of it iias bccu shi])ped oil* and used for paint. The third most important li-ucHirf. It lias Ix^on used in iiirjics and made iiood iron, liiit no .-ufficirnt f;x- plonition has (!Vor hccn made to test it.x ijuality, lliouyh siuuli pieces ol' it an- scattered ovci- a lar;^t; area of country. The nia,un('tic ore exists in a limited area, Jjut is in liirf^G (juMjUity and of e.xcellont (luality. jjittle heyond (^xploratioiiH for the investment of capital, and a little difjeen done in this State, but l)eyon also found, but transportation is so far distant, that there Is na likelihood of its d.;. lion. John C>. Scott, President, Jerk P. O., (one stack). Koane Iron Company, Rockwood P. O., Roane County, Tenn> (two stacks), H. S. Chamberlain, l*re?;idenr, Chattanooga, Tenu. Chattanooga Iron Company, Chattanooga, Tenn., (one stack). Warren, Manager, Chattanooga Tenn. Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, South Pittsburg, Marion County (two stacks), J. C. Warner. President, Nashville. Tenn. Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Cowan. Tejin. (one stack), J. C. AVarner, President, Nashville, Tenn. The cond)ined product of these furnaces is about 40d tons of pig iron per day. The Inrnaces now in ojieration in the State of Tennessee using diarcoal for fuel are: Napier Furnace Company, chief post-office, Lawrence Couniy, Tenn.; J. E. R. Carpenter, President, Columbia, Tenn., makes cold-blast cai--,vheol irons. Warner Furnace, Warner, Hickman County, Tenn.; J. C. Warner, President, Nashville, Tenn. Makes cold-hlast err- HAXB-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 35 "wheel iron now, but will pr<>l>ab]y be tunieti into coke or hot- bliiPt oharooal. ("uiiiberlaixl Funuioe Coiiipai)}", C'uiubei'liind Fiiruace, Dick- 8t)u ("(uuitv : .]. r. DruKiillard. President, Nashville, Tenu ; liot- blast ehar((ml ircn. Cumberland Iron \Vorkj< ("oinpauy. Bear Spring Furnace, Stewart Cminty ; .1. P. Droniillard, Prer^ident. Nashville, Tenn. Make* etild-bh;s:t ehareual iion fur ear wlicels. The fonibined [jroduet of thei^e furuaees is abuiit 60 tons per day. Clark Furnace in |S(i\vart County \va«; burned last winter, and has not yet been repaired. L;Ui range Furnace, owned by the same company as Clark. \m;s rcluilt en the ncAv Idea, Corendolt mode], two years; ayo. but ciid n<,it do well, and is not noAV in blast. COPPER Tlio part of the !>tatc of 'ronnosHoe wliirh ha.^ prorlured ropper ore in any quantity is all in<'l)idorl in th(- county of Polk. Thoiiiili small in area, it is cai)ahle of being a o;reat source of weahli to the State. None of the mine.'« are now in operation, hnt tliev were worked with pi-otit for nianv years hy Ca])!. J. E. Kaht, and there is no oood nnison whv thev should not ac;ain beeoino a source of protlt to the f)]>erator, and of K'netit to the jH'onle of tliat I'cuion. These nunes are located in a troup-h-like basin ol' metnmorphic rocks, wliich is found in the extreme south-eastern corner of the i^tatc, it bcin;^ the hirLic-^t area y^i' these rocks to be finmd in liie fState. The veins of ore are ol' the 5eir.ii')'0jr. but no retiiilar sys- t<'inatic mining- Avas doin^ iiefon> I''^')<). In l.'^oo, there "were fourteen mines in opiM'atiou, and over 81,000,000 Avorth of ore >va.s !shi])po operations were ajzain com- ntoiieed and that company shi[)])ed 000.0(1(1 ])ounds of ini^ot copi)er; and the other comjtanies ship]H'd 4()().00() pouuds. la 1878, the consolidated compnnv (>nl(\reu'k was done here as early as 1831, and up to 1860, over -S.iO.OOO had hce.i received at the V. 8. Mint, known to have come from there. It is probable that fully twice that sum was the actual amount obtained. So fai% washing the gravel and dirt in and afljncent to the creeks has been the source of obtaining tlic gold, but active search is now being made for quartz veins, with prospects of success. Tliere is witliout doubt much room for caiTful explora- tion in this region, and the systematic worker will find himself well rei>aid. The same characteristic ftu-mation exi.-tvS in Unicoi, Oreene. ('arter and Johnson counties, aufl gold may also be found there. In view of the recent great discoverie<> in Virginia and Georgia, at points where gohl was not supposed to exi*t, il may not be unreasona.!)le to h ipo f )r valuable develop- ments in Tcnncvssoe. ■ ZINC, Within a few years past, the ore,s of Lhii* iiieUil have become ■of some importance. In 1872, works for the manufacture of oxide were erected at Mos-?)' Creek, and mines opened near that place. After a few Yere. During the time they <*ontinued opera- tion, over $100,000 worth of carbonate of zinc was shippe') miles in a northeast and southwest line, and in the sum total contains a large quantity of ore, though not of a quality very rich in metiil. lt< proximity to the East Teuu., Va. & Ga. Railroad, give^s it a special importance, the out- cropping of the ore being from only a few luindred yards to six miles from the line of the road for a distance of fifty milevS, The ore of this lea-d has in it onlv a mere trace of lead. 40 II AND- !'/(>< »K »*J' 'rKNNF>ihr:;K. The (ttlicr Nad of c (iillcd I Ik- IV.wcHV Mivtj- l(;u(i zinc orti has been di»5covered. Lead. Lead ore is fouud at many places in the State of Tennessee^ but is worked regularly at only one. Sporadic effortf^ at mining: have been at one time or anotlier attempted, but all for some reason were susjiended without reaching ?ny definite result. The question whether there is any lead ore of value in the State is as uncertain a.< ever. In Henry county sj^ecimens have been found, but undoubtedly came from the North in the great glacial drift. In Clay county good specimens have l)een obtained from the sub-carboniferous limestone, and there are indications of a good vein. In East Tennessee lead is found in all the zinc mines of the Powell's River region, but nnly in a "very small quantity, as stated, in the Mossy Creek ores. Lead ore is found in the counties of Bradley, McMinn, Monroe, Loudon, Roane, Jefi'erson, Grainger, Anderson, Campbell, Union, Claiborne, Greene, Washington, Johnson and Carter. In Bradley, ^NFonroe, Loudon and Roane it is found associated with Baryta, and has been worked a little in each county in past years, and at some of the old diggings there are indications that with ])roper work a paying quantity of ore might be obtained. The oie does not exist in a regular vein, but rather in a series of lenticular deposits, occui-riug at regular intervals ux a regular line along with the strata. These deposits, however. are continuous from the Georgia line through the counties of Bradley, ]\[cMinn, Monroe, Loudon, Jefferson, Blount and Greene. The lead ore in Roane is found in a similar position, but is tobe found out of the general line of the deposits. In Carter county lead ore has been found in a location which gives the appearance of being a true vein running across the strata m an anticlinal, as a fauh o!" the P()tsdam sandstone. It is said also to appear in Johnson county. This ore is the only lead ore m Tennessee containing any appreciable amouiit of silver. The gangue is a siliceous breccia, and the ore is largely intermingled with supplementing iron. In the southwest corner of Claiborne county, near the line of Union county, Ls another locality where 42 IIAND-nOOK OK Tr;N.Nj;HHl-,K. ]cni] is foniul apjM-'iirin'^ to l)c in a tnio vein. Tho '^aivjjm' h'^rc iji a silioeout* breccia, but the loiul ore is mixed with a ,Hiil})hiirf4, fvf zinc instcnd of aulphuret of iron, a.s in (^'artor county. It in a notable point that both thowo veins have the ship*- rlin!cti<>n north, 77'' toH0''cji8t. This locality, in Claiborne founty, is a very remarkable one, and the vein may be trae+MJ a^rroiw the county for n\any miles — the outerop plainly showinj; in the bottom of Powell's River. This vein has l)«H>n opened to a depth of thirty feet, and it. is .^tatei>ints in the Chilhowee Mountain and its attendant ranges are Extensive beds of the oxi'le of manganese of the best quality. Except in Johnson county none of these have ever been worked for slu]imont, several hundred tons having been mined from a locality in Johnson county. Large quantities have alao been found in Carter couutv. Marble, The Marble industry of Tennessee is the result of the increase of wealth in our nation and a consequent indulgence in the ornamental and beautiful, combined with the useful, rather than in the useful alone. The pure white marble which for centuries has ornamented the houses of the rich and given a ghastly look to the home of the dead, does not exist ifi Tennessee. The marbles of the .State have been warmed into attractiveness and brilliancy by the commingling of one or more of the brighter colors with the pearly tints of the sea shell. It was this rare beauty and brilliancy which drew the attention of an artist architect to the marble of Hawkins countv and caused it to be brought to the notice of the world in the Capitol at Washington. From this nucleus has originated a business spreading all over East Ten- nessee, employing a large number of workmen, adding greatly to the fi'eight lists of our railroads and giving comfortable returns to all capital invested. The development of this industry is one of the instances of how much may be done by individual enterprise in giving publicity and calling attention to a product, however insignificant it may appear. Orville Rice conceived the idea, and he and five friends had ])rei">ared and sent to the Washington Monument ablock of the then unknown Hawkins county marble. It attracted the eye and }>leased the taste of the architect of the new Capitol ; tests proved ittobeoi good quality, a quarry was purchased and large quanti- ties of it used in that building. And the same quarry is yet worked and furnishes an average of 10,000 cubic feet annually. Nearly all the Tennessee marble belongs to the variegated class ; some has a solid drab or dove color, and in other localities it is gray or j)iukisli gray. Of this class it has no rival east of the Rockv Motiittains, exeept in a limited area of the State ♦)f Ver- mont. The sienna and variegated marbles of Italy have Ikjcu supplanted by the more brilliant stone from the land whose people delight to call it the Switzerland of America. The geological position of this marble is in the upper part of tiie Lower Silurean, one of tlie strata of the grouji ol" Tronton 44 HANI»-l«)OK OF ■/LNMCHHKK. llint'rtUnH't;, lifiiiii ilio iifxl III the lo\V(^l uk-ihIkj' oI' tliiil H-rif-s. Iii the I'ounty <•(' Heiii-y and :ilf(» iu BcijUhi, sire ioiimi local In'dh of iiiarl)i(' wl.icii aic in tlicXiaLMni loriuatioii. I»ut liiev. while oi' truly liautisdinc aiiixaraiicc, dn not liavc iIr- lniHian<-y ol' the Kast THuiessci' iiiari)l<'s. Jn Lincoln county a variety of .-'hell marble is found in the Trcntun liuicstoncs, which very much re.-*en)hh's the true varicuatcd .species! aiul may aH'ord handsome blocks- ol'con.'nicrcial si/.c, hut by far the j^reatest body of marble is foun,G51,000 pounds was from Hawkins county, and more than 10,000,000 pounds from Knox county, 'i'he total may be roughly estimated at s. the Baltimore Marble Coinpany. who ha\i.i to White-sburg. on the East Tennessee, N'irginia iV < norgia Rail- road. For the year eudinu .In no .'>Olli, 1 -'^''^1 , there was shipped from 5uch of these i|iiarrie< as were operating then >>,ool ,1."v'^ pound.-? of marble, or jihout 2<),0l)0 ciiliic feet. All of this wms of the finest grade of variegated marlile for (UMiamental purposes only, and can certainly be estimated as worth .S4 pw cubic foot on the cars. Some sold as liich as .?7. thus giving a j^ross j)nHluct of $80,000, while tlu' actual capital invested is vei'v sma.l'. Em- ployment is given to about one hundred men. The business is not juished by anv one of the f|uarrie5 to the extent it might be on account of the difficulty of trausjwrtat.ion heretofore albideii to. Machinery is little used. In the Haf^scn quarrv is a chuiiueler anrl a steam drill. Mr. Siami>s has two steam drills. The chief markets of this marbli; arc Pliiladri()lii:\. Baltimore, New York, Boston and other cities. It is seldom usel)ip|)ing marble is in Knox county. The n)arbl(> of Kuox ismoic varies! in its quality and the uses to which it is adapted than that of Haw- kins county, and the facilities of transportation are nuuui better. The quality varies from the plain gray colored building stf.>ne to 4() lIANlt-btioK OF TEVKKHSKF. tJie most beautiful pink ami varie^alod (niianu utal niail)lt«._ The gray or wliitisli drah wiili pinlc liutro, ha;- no superior lus a huildiiig i^toue. It lias bivu umhI in the rnit(;(l iState.s ('ustoni House at Knoxville, at Memphis, and the State Ailjany, New York, and in many other jjrivatc and j)ul)lic buildinj^ in other eiries. For (hirahility and ics.istanee to mois-ture it lias no Buperit)r in the world. An analysis gives itseoiitents ofcarbonateoi" lime at yH.4'?(i, and tests shoAv its capaeity K; bear 12,000 pounds pressure to the sipiare ineh. The first (|uan-y of this extensively opened, was by the United .States (Tovernmeiit, and is loeated at the junction of the French Broad tiiid Tennessee liiveiv, and is now extensively operated by tiie Knoxville 3Iarble Company, of which General Patrick, of St. Louis, is President, and (Jeo. W. Ross, of Knoxville. Secretary and Treasurer. This marble has been sent to all parts of this country, from San F>aucL>^co to Xew York City. The interior of the Governor's room in the new Capitol at Albany is built of it. trimmed witl; Mexican onyx. When polished it hai- a rich mottled pink color, but bush ham- mered and rouirh for building purposes, has the ap})earance of being a white marble. There are three marble leads in Knox county now worked ; two, however, are undoubtedly mei'ely the north and south side(= of a synclinal trough, lienee, really the same beds. These two are south of the river. TIk- third is north of the city and sceni.s. to have only one outcrop, like the marble of Hawkins county. Near Concord extensivt; (piarries have been o])ened, which appear to be in the northern outcrop of the synclinal basin here- tofore alluded to. The total capital invested in the niai-ble business in Knox county is about S2r)0,000, and I'ully three b.undred men are employed. The two largest (juarries are the Knoxville [Marble Company arid [Morgan tfe ^Villiams. These ai-e the only ones using machinery. The former has live steam drills, seven steaiti derricks, and run.s a sawing mill with two gangs of saws. Wil- liams & Morgan have three stram channeling machines and ii mill with one gang oi'saws, but use only the horse derricks. All the concerns use the ordinary derricks. In Knoxville, Beach & Co. have a mill fcr sawing and machinery for ])olishin iiiarhle-s of every variety of color and unsur- jiassed in (|Uality. Tlie (innberland Mountains artonJ an abundance of lin-ht CDlored sand-stones, und th<' Niajrara ridi^ea nn excellent hrovvn sandstone. Just below the nii>unr.ain lime- stone is an oolitic limestone of very excellent (|Uality. Thw »stone is found at various poiut^ on the Cincinnati SiHithern Railway, near the ternunal, on the N.-ushville, ('hatlanoou;a :ically the same as the oo litic limestone of Bowlinir Gn^on, Kentuckv. but. unlike that .stone, docs not contain any petroleum, ami hence, docs not turn tlark. hout the State except in the extreme of the \vesteru division, tlu' various liniesfoucs are a<'ce!st^rn f color <'an be obtained. The Ca])itol at Nashville is built of tliis stone, b\it, unfortunately, has irx it many bhx^ks ol' inferior (piality. On the line of the North we-'*teni Railroad, at NVhite Rlutl' and other points, a, cream colored sandstone is found, which is soft and easily dres-sed when just taken out of the gr(-)Uiid, Vtiit rapidly heeomt^ hajtl on expn^ure. and is a very durable stone. IIAXD-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 49 The gray unci pinkisli gray marble of KnoxvilJc and that vicinity has no superior as a building stone. The Custom Houses at Kuoxvillo and Memphis are built of it and much of it has been used in other public buildings. It has greater specific gravity than the best granites, and as proven by t^hts published in the New York Underwriter, it is a better stone for resisting the con)biued action of fire and water than any granite or sand- stone. The brown stone of the Niagara ridges, Clinton formation, has not been much used as a building stone, but where so used has proven very good. It is abundant in East Tennessee and is convenient to transportation, both by rail and water. Roofing slate is found in several counties along the eastern border of the. State, but has not yet been worked for shipment. The quality is good and the various colors are also to be found. As yet transportation for it is uncertain, but if that existing in the \\"oli Creek country should prove to be of good quality, the North Carolina branch of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad will now furnish a reliable route to the North, East and West. No first-class fire clay has yet been worked in ti- Many trials have been made of clays convenient to transportation, but none of the best quality. A good article exists in Stewart county, but whether of sufficient quantity to be of value beyond local use has not been ascertained. Potter's clay is abundant, and the best of ware can be made from that found in Carroll, Henry and Madison counties. These have all been opened to sufficient extent to show that they exist in large quantity and have all been tested as to qualitv. The beds are located near to transportation on great trunk lines, hence are available for shipment abroad, or aflford facilities for transporting their ware if manufactured in the vicinity of the .beds. Good glass sand is found at several points in the State, esj^c- cially in that part west of the Tennessee River, but so far none has been shipped. A deposit near Knoxville was once used at that place in making glass. Good building sand is abundant. Lime burning is carried on at various pciuts in the State, and that article is furnished of as good quality and at as low average price as in any section of the Union. Lithographic stone has been found in McMinn, Jefferson, Clay and Overion counlies. That in McMinn was worked a 50 IIAM»-i:()<>K or Tr,N'M:Mr-i;R. ■wliilcbv some piirtics lVi;!u ( 'iii<'iini!iti ; ii'i'.v tlic ortatioii. More than 10,000 barrt^ of oil Avere obtained from these wells. Several Avells were bored in Dickson county and about 500 barrels of oil obtained. From the record of the strata, throug-i which tlie boring was made it appears that a good quaiitiiy of oil might ])e obtained in that region. Tn\(BER, Few (States of t lie riiioii li:;ve a lai-ger projtoi-tioiiuto area of valuable timber lands than Tennessee. Of her twenty-six inil!- iiin? of aeres of territory, only about nine millions are in cultiva- tion, leaving seventeen million acres, nearly all of which is more or lew densely covered with valuable timber. If we deduct one million acres for un[)roductive portions, and I am sati.sfied that this is more than the just })rot)(n-tion, we a\ ill still havesixtecn millions of aeres of timber land, much of which has been but slightly, if at all, disturbed by the woodman's axe. If, in cninection with this vast area, we consider the great variety of our valualile woods, we cannot fail to see that in her forests alone Tennessee possesses an element of wealth which is by no means contemptible. In the past history of our State, outside of a few localities, compara- tively little value has been attached to the timber contained in our forests, but within the last few years it ha.-f rapidly appre- ciated in value, and is fast becoming a source (if very considera- ble revenue to the jjcoplc of Tennessee. In the number of species aiid varieties of trees, Tenne.ssee is probably not sur])assed by auy State in the Union. I am not aware that there has ever been made a full catalogue of all the trees of our forests, but the following may be men- tioiud : (^aks of many varieties, including th^ red oak, black oak, white oak, post oak, water oak, pin oak, chestnut oak, blackjack oak, &q., yellow and blue poplar, yellow* and white pine, black and Avhite walnut, hai'd and soft maple, balsam anil black iir, white and blue asli, beech, birch, chestnut, red cedar, dogwood, buckeye, cottouwood, sycamore, catalpa, cypress, wild cherry, elms of several varieties, linn, black and honey locust, hickory of a half dozen varieties, pecan, mulberry, sassafras, hotly, paw paw, persinniuni, sweet gum, black gnni, tupelo gnn\, cncuniber, black and red baw, plum, crab apple, service, sour- wood, wahoo, willow, box elder, hemlock, itc.t'Jrc. It is unnec- essary specifically to descri I . valuable arc generally well known. . Of these the oaks abound throughout the State. The'pines are HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 53 abundant in many portioiL-- of East Tennessee, in the eouthwest- ern part of Middle Tennessee, and in the southeastern part of West Tennessee. Pophir is abundant in portions of East Ten- nessee, in the hilly and undulating |)arts of Middle Tennessee, and is very generally ditfused in West Tennessee. Hemlock is confined to the mountains of East Tennessee. The maples grow in all sections of the State. Ash and beech are found in every division. Cottonwood is generally confined to the river valleys, cypress to the marshy lands in West Tennc-ssee, hickory almost everywhere, sweet gum most al)undant in the valleys of Middle and West Tennessee; black walnut within reach of transportation is becoming scarce. The chestnut oak, so valuable for its bark for tanning purposes, is abundant on the high lauds of Middle Tennessee and those bordering the Tennessee River on the west. Red cedar is most abundant in some portions of Middle Ten- nessee, though found also in East Tennessee. For white oak, poplar and sweet gum, three very valuable timbers, portions of West Tennessee are perhaps unsurpassed by any localities in the world. In the belt of counties lying along the western base of the Cumberland Mountains there is much valuable timber which has never been drawn upon except for local use. The same is true in all parts of the State where transportation has not been convenient and cheap. These timbers are now being eagerly sought after by Northern manufacturers and shippers. The counties bordering on the Mississippi aiford perhaps the grandest supply of poplar of any similar area in the world. In a single county (Obion) there Avere a short time since as many as fifty- five mills in operation, with an aggregate production of about a million feet of lumber per day. LAKES, BAYOUS, RIVERS AND CREEKS, In defcribinji; the Mississippi bottom I spoke of the hike«, bayous and swamps to bo found in its limits. There are a number of these which are not of sufficient importance to demand special description. 'riicin(8t important and the only one which I shall describe is Ueelfoot l^ake. This is a body of water about eighteen miles in length and from one to three miles in width. It lies within the Mississippi bottom, in the northern part i^f the State and reaching a short distance into Kentucky. The water over much of tins area is shallow, though in some places it possesses great depth. Fish of many species are found in the lake and wild fowl in c(nintless numbers make it a winter resort. Reelfoot Lake is said to have been formed by the earthquakes of 1811. The bed of Reelfoot Creek is said to have been filled up «o as to interrupt the outflow of its waters while the area which now forms the bed of the lake is supposed to have sunk several feet •below its former level. The lake is a gi-eat place of resort for purposes of shooting and fishing during the later fall and winter months. There are numerous other lakes in the " bottom," but they are smaller and of minor importance. Tennessee has thi-ee great rivers, which, with their tributaries, constitute three river systems. The first of these is the Mississippi, which washes the western boundary of the State from the north to the south, giving in its tortuous course several hundred miles of river front, and affording unlimited means for transportation. The principal tributaries of the Mississippi in Tennessee are th« Obion, Forked Deer and Big Hatchee. These streams are at some seasons navigable for small steamers for some distance from their mouths and are the avenues of considerable commerce. Their general direction is from the southeast to the northwest. The smaller streams of this system will be noticed in speaking of the counties o/ West Tennessee. Next in point of importance is the Tennessee River, which rises in noi-thwestern Virginia. Under the name of HoUton it enters Tennessee and form.s a junction with the Clinch near Kingston, iu Roane cmiuty, where it takes the name of the Tea- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 00 nessee. Befoi-e reacliing Kingston it receives the waters of the Watauga, the Kola Clmcky, the French Broad, the Little Ten- nessee and other streams which have their ultimate sources in the mountains of North Carolina. The Clinch, which also rises in Virginia, receives the waters of a number of conflucnt.s, the most important of which is Powell's Kiver, Pursuing a general south- western course, it receives the waters of the Ocoee and Hiwassee -and reaches Chattanooga, where, cutting through Walden's Ridge, it reaches the Seijuatehee Valley, j-eceives the waters of •*Sequatchee River and soon crosses the State line into Alabama. In its course through Alabama its most important confluent is Elk River, which comes from Tennessee. Reaching the Missis- sippi border and forming for a short distance the boundary between Alabama and ^Iississi]>pi, it again enters Tennessee and pursues a general northerly course entirely across the State into Kentucky where it falls into the Ohio at Paducah. In this latter course through Tennessee its most important tributaries are Duck River from the east, and Big Sandy from the west. From the head waters of the Holston this stream is 1,100 miles long, and has a drainage area of 40,000 square miles, embracing parts of seven States. From Paducah to the Alabama State line Tennessee River Ls navigable for steamers at all stages. Thei'e is a series of obstruc- tions or shoals in Alabama which prevent the passage of boats, except during a favorable stage of water. A canal is now being constructed around these shoals, supported by appropriations made by Congress. This, with the other improvements which are being made above this point, it is hoped will soon give unin- terrupted navigation to Kingston for the entire year. In a good stage of Avatcr boats can ascend to Knoxville, and even pass up some of the larger tributaries beyond that city. The Cumberland River, which, with its trilnitaries, con- stitutes the third system, takes its rise in the southeastern part of Kentucky. It entei-s Tennessee in Clay County, and pursues a very tortuous, though generally southwest, course to Carthage, ia Smith (Jounty ; thence more westwardly, and again southwest to Nashville. Fi-om Nashville to Clarksville, its general course is northwest. At Clarksville, it again turns to the southwest, but once more turns northwest, and crossing the State line, re-enters Kentucky, ajid finally pours its waters into the Ohio at Smith- land. In its course through Tennessee, its principal tributaries are, from the eastern and soutliern side, the Obed, Roaring, 66 HAND-ItOOK (M' TENNEPPKE. Cancy Fork find ll:n-]tcib 'ivci-g. From the north, the con- fluents arc lct58 importiuit, the chief one being ]{(.<\ Kiver. The (■umberland is about 650 miles in lenj^tli. Of this distance, nearly G0() miles are, or can be made navi<:;ahle. Improvements are now in progress which it is hoped will remove ^ome of the difficulties and add immensely to the already great value of this Btream as a medium for the transportation of the varied and valuable products of the section tiiroutrh which it flows. Besides these principal rivers, are many smaller rivers and creeks, which traverse every section of the State, affording, in many cases navigation for keel and flat boats, and furnishing water-power sufficient to drive a vast amount of machinery. On these smaller streams are numerous cataracts, some of which possess great beauty. The great majority of these smaller streams arc fed by perennial springs, and consequently the streams are unfailing. RAILROADS, The East Tennes&^ee, Virgiuia & Georgia Railroad system commences at Bristol, on the Virginia line, Avhere it connects with the Norfolk & Western to Eichmond and Norfolk, Va., and north to Washington City and New York. From Bristol the main line extends through Knoxville and Cleveland to Chatta- nooga, from Cleveland, Tenn., via Dalton, and Rome, Ga., and Selma, Ala., to Meridian, Miss., and from Rome Ga., via Atlanta and Macon to the sea at Brunswick, Ga. It also has the jSlem- phis & Charleston R. R. from Chattanooga to Memphis leased, and has branches from Knoxville to the Kentucky line, connec- ting with the Louisville & Nashville to Louisville, and the Ke»- tucky Central to Cincinnati ; also a branch from Morristown to Paint Rock, on the North Carolina line, where it connects with the Western North Carolina Railroad, which extends through North Carolina to the sea at Wilmington, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., and by connecting roads in South Carolina, also reaches Charleston and Columbia. The total mileage directly under its control is 1,432 miles, but it is vii'tually under the same managtment as the Norfolk & Westorn and the Shenandoah Valley roads in Vir- ginia, thus making a total of 2,170 miles; and by a contract with the Louisville & Nashville, the East Tennessee, Virginia & Geor- gia cars go into New Orleans over the trai-k of that road. Thus there is a continuous track laid for the saviie car from Washing- ton to New Orleans, virtually under the same control. The length of the line of this road from Bristol to Chattanooga is 242 miles, from Cleveland to Dalton 30 miles, about 10 of it in Tennessee, an.l fi-om Ooltov»'ah to Rod Clay 12 liiiles— all in Ten- nessee. The 01- io Division, from Knoxville to the Kentucky line, is 58 miles long, and the North Carolina Division, from Morristown to Paint Rock, is 45 miles in length. The main line commences at Bristol, in the county of Sulli- van, and passes southwest from that county through cue corner of Carter, the center of Washington, touching Lhe towns of Jones- boro, Telfords and Limestone, diagonally through the northern part of Greene, touching Fullens. Home, Greeneville and Mid- 58 ITA.N'l)nO(-)K OF TKNNFoS.'SKr:. way, directly tliroiijili tli<^ cMinity of Iliiinhlen, toiicliing Rogers- ville Junction, \vhcrt! it (Ujnuects v.itli a road to Kojrorsviilp, and the center of the fertile county of Hawkins, the great niarblo ])rodiu-ing region, thence through the northern part of JfflIVr8on, tQuching Talbott'.s, Mossy ('reek, New Market, Strawberry Plains into the heart of Knox and t'> Knoxville, also touching McMillan's, Kbenczor and Concord, thence through the county of Loudon, the ers the State in the county of Montgomery, and paasing through its center, and the beautiful and flourishing city of HAND-BOOK OF TEXXE.-SEE, 59 Clarksville, toviches a comer of Stewart ; pas.-es thnough the northern part of Houston and Benton, goes directly through Henry and the town of Paris, its county seat ; through the northAvest corner of Carroll, the southeast corner of Gibson and Crockett, through the center of Haywood and the city of Brownsyille ; through a corner of Fayette and through Shelby to Memphis. At McKenzie, it connects with the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad; at Milan v.ith the Chicago^ St. Louis and New Orleans, and at Humboldt with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. At Guthrie, it connects v.ith the St. Louis and Southeastern Road, on the north to Eyansyille, and on the south for Nashville. It passes through the thriving towns of Paris, McKenzie, Milan, Humboldt, Gadsden, Bells, Stanton, Mason and Galloway. The St. Louis and Southeastern Road enters the State at Guthrie, and passes through the county of Robertson and its county seat, Springfield, into Davidson to Nashville. The Nashville and Decatur road passes from Davidson County through the center of the counties of Williamson, Maury and Giles into Alabama, touching the towns of Franklin, Columbia and Pulaski, and traversing the finest agricultural region of the State. The Nashville and Flor- ence Road extends from Columbia to Sandy Hook Station, at the foot of Highland Rim, about twenty miles, and ia being continued into Lawrence County. The officers of this road are. President, C. C. Baldwin, New York City; 1st Vice-President, E. P. Alexander, Louisville; 2d Vice-President, G. A. Washington, Nashville ; General Manager, F. DeFuniak, Louisville; General Superintendent and Master Transportation, D. T. C. Rowland, Louisville ; General Passenger Agent, .C. P. Atmore, Louisville ; Superintendent Nashville and Decatur Division, J. Geddes, Nashville. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis exteuds from Chat- tanooga to Hickman, Ky. The entire length of the line is 821 miles. For the purpose of getting a good passage through the Cumberland Mountain, this line deflects out a general south- west course from Chattanooga, and runs for a short distance in the State of Alabama, and to reach the terminus on the Mississippi, a few miles are in Kentucky. At Hickraau, it connects with the Iron Mountain Road to St. Louis ; at Union City, with the Mobile and Ohio Road; at Paducah Junction, with the Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern ; at Martin with the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Road ; at McKenzie 60 IIAND-I'.OOK OK TKNNEPSKE. Avitli tlu" Mciiipliis brancli of tlie J^ huics, of which 86 is in Tennessee; on the Memphis end it is completed from Jklemphis to Covington, 87 miles. It connects at Paducah with steainers oil the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers, and with the Elizabetlitoii & Paducah road for Louisville and the East ; at Fulton v.ith the Cliicago, St. Louis & New Orleans road: at Pa- C2 IIAND-IiOOK OK TICXN1X8KIC. diU'iili Juiictii-n with tlic Isualivillo, Cljatl:iuu)'»gu it St. L'»iii.s, and :it Tiivcv witli tlie iMt^bile A Ohio road. The officers are: C. P. Iliuitington, Provident; P. (Jore, Su- perintendent ; Itohert Weeks, General Manatjer, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Texas and Pacific Railroad extends from Cincinnati to Vicksl)urg, Miss., and thence to Sin-tjvepfirt, La., by road being constructed ; also from Meridian. Miss., to New Or- leans by road now being construct erl. I'rom Cincinnati to Mr.u- roe, Ija., to wliicli point the road is n(tw eonn)letc(i, tr.o distance is 84') mileB. The same mai.agement is also constructing- a road from, Aln., to ^[eniphis. The part of the line in tliis Stafee Avas formerly kn.own as the Cincinnati .Southern liailway, and is consolidated by lea-)e with the Alabama Greai Soutliern. The length of track in Tennessee is 108 miles. It comes into the State from Kentucky in the county of Scott, passes through that county, Morgan, Roane, Rhea and Hamiitou to Chatta- nooga ; thence by the Alabama Great Soutliern it passes into Alabama. It will probably be the great coal and mineral road of the State and of the South. It cnnjiects at Oakdale Junc- tion with the Walden's Ridge Railroad to Oakdale Furnace and Winter's Gap ; at Rockwood v.'ith the Roane County NarroAS'- Gauge to the Tennessee River ; at Spring ('ity with the Se- quatchce Valley Railroad, and at Chattanooga witii the numer- ous raih'oad lines ccjitering at that city. The principal office is at Cincinnati. 'I'hc (i+licers are : Presi- dent, Theodore Cook ; Vice-President and Genoi-al ^Manager, John Scoit ; Sui«n*intc'ii(1o!:t, Ci'oil'^- : (IfiunLl Passenger Agent, C. 1'. Wilson. The Duck River Valley Railroad is a narrow-gauge, extend- ing from Columbia to Fayettcville, at which ]K)int it connects with the Fayetteville Branch of the Nashville, Ciiattanooga and St. Louis Road. Superintendent, George Childross. The Rogersville and Jeifersoii Railroad extends from Rogei-s- ville Junction, on the East ♦Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R6ad, to Rogersville, in Ha^\■kins County, lo miles. President, H. M. Aiken, Knoxville. Bul^lness office at Rogersville. The East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad is a narrow-gauge road, extending fi'om Johnson City, on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Road. I'orty-fivc miles to the Cranberry Iron jliues in North Carelina. h is almost wholly in the county of Carter. The officers are : .\. I'ardee, Jr., Presi- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE, 63 dent, Philadelpliia, Pa.; T. E. !IMat.son, Chief I^iigineer and Su- perintendent, Eliza])etl]ton, Carter County, Tenn. The Walden's Ridge Kailrciad is a narrow-gauge ; extends from Oakdale Junction, on tlie Cincinnati Southerri Road, neai-^ Emery Gap, over the leased line of the Oakdale and Cumber- land ]Mountaiu Road, to Oakdale Furnace, and ihence, bv its own line, to Winter's Gap Coal Mines. It is a narrov.-gauge, but the road bed is graded for a wide track. It is in tlie coun- ties of Morgan and Roane. Tlie principal office is at Jenks, Roane County, Tenn. The officers are : Presideait, Jno. G. Scott ; Secretary and Treasurer, B. V. Jenks. The Roane County Narrow-Gauge is five miles L^ng, and ex- tends from the furnaces at Rockwood to King's Creek P. O., on the Tennessee River, where it connects Avith steamboat lines. General ^Manager, PI. Clay Evans, Chattanooga. The Sequatchee Valley Railroad is in course of construction from Spring City, on the Cincinnati Southern, to the Cumber- land Plateau and across to Pikeviile, in Sequatchee Vallev. It is completed about half the total length. OlSeers : President, Charles Clinton ; Superintendent, Isaac Britton. Oflices, Spring City, Tenn, The Tennessee Coal and Iron Company's Railroad leaves the Xashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Road at Cowan and ex- tends to the company's coal miles at Tracy City, tvvcniy-three miles. It passes by Sev/annec, the location of the University of the South, and gives access to the summer resorts on the Cumberland Table Land. President. J. C. Warner; General Manager, A. ]M. Shook. Agricultural Products, Tenncrisee i?< ^.n Imppily situated gcngrapliically and topo- gnlphically that her fields yield, in greater or less ahimdanec, nearly every agricultural product kuovvii to the temperate zones. Perhaps uo State in the Union can surpass her in this respect. The principal crops cultivated are corn, wheat, oats, rye, l)ar]ey, clover, a great variety of grasses, sorghum, tobacco, cotton, pota- toes, vegetables of all kinds and fruits in great abundance and variety. It has been truthfully said that were the State surround- ed by an impassable barrier, she could produce witiiin her own bordei*s every essential to the subsistence of a dense population. Hitherto our agricultural methods have been in the main quite primitive in character, and little attention has been given to fertilization of soil or to improved methods of culture. With better sy.-^tciiis of cultivation and the judicious use of fertilizers, I feel warranted in saying that the average yield per acre of all, or nearly all, of the crops cultivated in Tennessee may be doubled. There arc millions of acres of uplands now lying idle Avhich may be brought into cultivation and made to yield remunerative crops of grain or grass, and much of our low land which, bv a - li-l^.t rxpense for drainage, can be made- to equal in ;)rod,; most fertile lands of the world. According to tii;> cii-io Vv turns for 1880 the area devoted to the cultivation of corn in Tennessee was 2,904,873 acres, which produced ()2,T0-1,421) bushels, being an average of 21.6 bushels per acre. The area devoted to wheat was 1,19(),563 acres. The yield uf reported was 7,3.Sl,oo3 bushels, being an average yield of (>.12 bushels per acre. Of rye the acreage was 32,493 acres, the yield 150,419, and the average 4.8 bushels. The area sown to oats wis 4()S,,'ififi acres, which produced 4,722,100 bushels, or .". 'd per acre of ten bushels. Of buckwheat th-- ■ -^. which yielded 33,434 bushels, or 6.8 b . !. rley there were 2,(i00 acres, from whii^^-l: ..--luls \\i ro harvested, or an average of ll.T) li;iv;i<]> 1 \., ;l!(. :, t-il population of Tennessee HAND-BOOK OF TKNNKSSEE. 65 was 1,542,359, it will thus be seen tJiat forty-two bushels of the cereals were produced in the State for each miiu, woman and child within her limits. According to the same retui-ns, cotton for that year was grown in only twenty-five of the ninety-five counties of the State, the area being 722,562 acres, and the yield being 330,621 bales, Shelby County being next to the largest cotton producing county in the Union. The average yield per acre in pounds for the State was 217 pounds lint. Tobacco was grown in every county in tlie State, the aggre- gate acreage being 42,532 acres and the yield 29,365,052 pounds; being an average of 690 pounds per acre. For the cultivation of grasses the soil of Tennessee is well adapted. Blue grass grows s])ontaneously on all our limestone lands. Timothy, herds grass and many varieties of wild grasses grow with great luxuriance. Orchard grass does well and yields heavy crops, giving excellent grazing during the winter and early spring. Bermuda grass yields rich pasturage during the dryest and hottest portions of the year. Red clover gives a bountiful crop, making from two to three tons of excellent hay. Irish potatoes will grow from one hundred to three hundred bushels per acre and of good quality. Sweet potatoes are equally productive and are unsurpassed as to quality. Melons of all kinds, pumpkins, squashes and kindred products yield largely. Beans, peas and vegetables of nearly all kinds are raised in great abundance. Turnips grow to several pounds' weight. The stock pea furnishes heavy crops of forage and is regarded by many as being superior to clover as a renovator ol exhausted soils. Sorghum grows to great perfection and pos- sesses saccharine properties in a high degree. Fruits of nearly all kinds common to temperate climates thrive well in Tennes- see. Peaches, M'hen the orchards are judicously located, seldom fail to bear full crops of delicious I'ruit. Apple orchards, when properly eared for, bear heavily. Pears, plums and cherries are successfully grown all over the State. Strawberries are largely cultivated at many localities for distant markets, and repay the care given them with large profits. Blackberries and dewberries are indigenous and grow in great profusion. Rasj)- berries, gooseberries, currants, etc., grow to perfection. In the last few years the cultivation of grapes is receiving much atten- tion in varioijg sections of the State. They are successfully 66 HAND-BOOK OK TENXES8EE. grown for market and for wine, which is made of excellent quality. Our plateau lands are well adapted for this industry. Recently various parties at different points have been giving attention to the rearing of silk worms, and have met with marked success, especially the Swiss colonists at Gruteli, on the Cumberland Plateau, and Mr. P. Wallace McKittrick, of Mem- phis. The mulberry, on which they feed, thrives on all our soils, and the silk which they produce is said to be of the finest quality. Climate, The climate of Tennessee is as varied as her topography. Differences in altitude and topography aft'ect climate equally with differences of latitude. The city of Vera Cruz in Mexico, lies within the tropics ; hence, has in point of temperature, continual summer, while jMount Orizaba, no more than seventy- five miles to the westward, has perpetual snow. We may there- fore expect to find in Tennessee, covering nearly two degrees of latitude, and nearly nine degrees of longitude, and varying in its elevation by more than 6,000 feet, crossed by two mountain ranges, intersected by valleys and great rivers, a great variety of climate. The lofty mountains of East Tennessee must neces- sarily differ greath' in climatic conditions from the low lying valleys of the west. The valley of East Tennessee sheltered from the winds by the surrounding mountains, having an elevation of 1,000 feet above the sea level, must necessarily differ from the land-locked basin of Middle Tennessee, with its lesser altitude of 700 feet. The Cumberland plateau, with an elevation of 2,000 feet, has a climate different from the plateau or slope of West Tennessee, with its varying altitude of from four to 700 feet. Accordingly, we find a greatly diversified climate, varying in humidity and temperature, according to these varying cir- cumstances. Observations reported by Prof Safford taken at six different stations, show differences of mean temperature as follows : Knoxville, average mean for three years, 57.03° ; Lebanon, two years, 57.76° ; Nashville, five years, 58.47° ; Glenwood, twenty-one years, 56.78° ; Memphis, two years, 60.80°. Knoxville is in the valley of East Tennessee with an eleva- tion of about 1,000 feet. Nashville in Middle Tennessee with an altitude of 600 feet, shows a temperature 1.44 higher than Knoxville. For the year 1855, the difterence between these points was 2.08°. Glenwood, near the northern boundary of the State for the same year gave ^a mean temperature of 57.34°^ being 2.49° lower than Nashville, and a fraction Ip-^er 08 IIAM>-IU)()K OK TKNNKHHKIO. lluiii Kiioxvilli'. 'I'liis (liirciciicc must Ix; tlic i-e.siilt of its more Nortlici-ii location as its allitmlc is 100 I'cet below that of Nashville, Memphis, which is in the extreme southwestern portion of the State, for the years IHoH-O, had u mean of W).^0, hcin;.;; 2.86 higher than tliat of Nashville for the same years. On the Cumberland table-land, the teniperaturw is two to throe degrees lower than in the valley of East Tennessee, four to five lower than in the central basin, and from five to six less than on Uie slojjc of West Tennessee. These variations of temperaturt are sufficient to give rise to a marked difference in the agricul- tural inoducts of the different sections. In West Tennessee, cotton is the leading staple cultivated. Shelby County being the second largest cotton producing county in the Union. The cultivation of this crop grows less as the Kentucky line is apjiroachcd. In Middle Tennessee, only a few counties in the southern part are devoted in part to this crop, while in East Tennessee it is planted only in a few counties on a very small scale. The cool and bracing atmosphere of the Cumberland plateau, and of the elevated portions of East Tennessee, render those parts of the State delightful as resorts during the summer heats. Of course these variations in climate have, as already shown with reference to cotton, a decided effect in determining the character of the agricultural products of the different sections of the State, but of this I will speak more fully in another place. The growing season for the various crops may be computed by the number of days which elapse between the last killing frost in sjiring, and the first in autumn. From the observations of Prof. Stewart at Glenwood, on the northern boundary of the State for a period of 23 years, the average length of the growing season was 189 days. In the southern pai-t of the State, obser- vation Avould probably show about 200 days increased to 210 in the Avestern portion. The amount of rainfall during a year i-s a very important point in considering the climate of a country. If there be too much, it interferes with the cultivation of the soil, while if too little the growth of vegetation is checked. In this, as in other respects, Tennessee enjoys a happy medium. According to the observations of Prof. Stewart, already referred to, the average annual rainfall (including snow) for 23 years was approximately 46 inches. Snow occasionallv fiills throughout the State, varying in HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 69 quantity from the lightest covering to the earth to from four to six inches, and in rare instances reaching the depth of 12 to 18 inches. Except in the mountain regions it seldom remains upon the ground more than a few days. Ice is sometimes formed from four to ten inches in thickness. For a period of ten years, during which Prof. Stewart has furnished us a record of the direction of the prevailing winds, it appears that the average number of days during which the wind blew from different points of the compass were as follows (the figures are given without decimals): North, 120 ; northeast, 128; east, 105; southeast, 119; south, 17(>; southwest, 116; west, 75 ; northwest, 130 ; calm, 126. The climatic conditions of Tennessee are'highly favorable to health and longevity, as well as to the physical and intellectual development of the human family. Live Stock, In its adaptation for the rearing of stock Tennessee is scarcely surpassed by any State in the Union. The mildness of its cli- mate, both summer and winter, the healthfulness of its atmos- phere, the purity of its water, the richness of its pastures and the abundance of gcaiu, make it the Paradise of stock raisers. Where proper attention has been given to breeding, Tennessee can siiow as fine stock of all the different kinds as are to be found anywhere. HORSES. According to the census of 1880 the number of horses in Tennessee was 2G6.119, while the number of mules and asses was 173,488, making a total of 439,607. Many mules are an- nually sold from Tennessee to supply the demand in States fur- ther south. These animals are of good size and form and com- mand high prices in the market. Owing to the advantages which our State possesses they are cheaply raised, and add largely to the revenues of our people. Among the horses of Tennessee are some of tlie finest speci- mens of the equine race. Representatives of all the difiei'ent breeds which are considered most valuable are to be found here, and the fiict that when carefully bred here they retain all their original excellence, if, indeed, they do not attain a higher devel- opment, is proof conclusive of the adaptation of our soil and climate for rearing animals of the greatest value. One has but to visit the stables of some of our prominent breeders to satisfy himself that Tennessee horses are equal to the best. The sales at Gen. Harding's stables of yearling colts at $4,500 and $7,500 each, attest the public confidence in the value of Tennessee-bred horses. CATTLE. The number of cattle reported in 1880 was : Milch cows, 303,832; working oxen, 27,340;. other cattle, 452,462; total, HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 71 783,634. What may he called our native hreed of cattle are hardy and serviceable animals. They usually receive but little care or attention. Their natural hardiness and the mildness of our climate enable them to endure our winters upon scanty feed and often without any sort of shelter. During the spring and summer they fatten upon the natural pastures, requiring no attention but an occasional portion of salt. When properly fattened they make excellent beef. As \Torking oxen on the farm, their hardiness, docility and agility make them highly valuable. Among the cows are many excellent milkers, both as to the quality and quantity of their milk. Doubtless if they were carefully and judiciously bred for a few years their value as dairy stock Avould be much enhanced. Of late years much attention has been given to the introduc- tion of the improved breeds of cattle. The Shorthorn finds a congenial home upon our rich meadows. Almost eveiy stranger who visited Knoxville during last year had occasion to admire Col. Dickinson's Babies, as he facetiously termed two mammoth Shorthorns reared by him. These animals were ultimately sold for the benefit of some charity, bringing something over twenty cents per pound. The small, though graceful and fawn-like Jersey cow, is at home upon our more hilly and broken pastures, where the sweeter herbage and grasses afford suitable pabulum for the delicious cream and butter for which this fairy among bovines is noted. Both these improved breeds are now widely dissemi- nated, and by their crossing with our native cattle are adding greatly to the value of our stock. Among the improved breeds of cattle the Ayrshires and Devons should not be omitted. For some purposes and by some of our stock-raisers these breeds are considered equal to the best. They all thrive well in Tennessee. HOGS. Perhaps there is no country in the world better adapted to the growth of swine than Tennessee. The number of hogs reported in the State in 1880 was 2,158,169, being an increase in the last ten years of 529,479. While this increase in the number of hogs has occurred, there has also been a marked improvement in value, from the more general diffusion of im- proved breeds, such as Berkshires, Essex, Sussex, Yorkshires, 72 iiAND-iiooK OK ricNNr.sHioi:. Poland Oliiiuis, Jersey Rods, etc. Willi tlu; iiioic gcmral cul- tivation of the grasses and clover and a better system of farm- ing generally, there ui no reason why the rearing of hcigs for market should not l)i; largely increased and made mon; highly reninnerative than al |ir('scnt. SHEEP. Slieep husbandry should be one of the most profitable branches of farming in Tennessee. Ada])tation of soil and climate have certainly placed it within the power of our peoi)le to develoj) this branch of industry to a very profitable extent. The num- ber of sheep in Tennessee in I'iTO was 876,783 ;. in 1880 the number reported was only G7^),117, showing a decrease of 204,666 in ten years. This diminution in the number of sheep kept is doubtless owing to the fact that there is practically no legal protection for the property of the flock-owner from the ravages of vicious dogs. Many sheep are annually killed by these depredators, and farmers are thereby discouraged from this, which would otherwise be one of the most profitable forms of agricultural industry. To encourage sheep husbandry ^ur Legislature enacted a law exempting fifty head of sheep in the hands of each head of family from sale by execution by the sheriff for debt, but there is uo law protecting them from exe- cution by the remorseless cur. A few years ago the Legislature was induced by the representations of some of our intelligent farmers to pass a law imposing a tax on dogs, which, for the brief period chat it remained on our statute books, had the eflect to largely decrease the number of dogs in the country. So great, however, was the opposition to the law among the people that it was repealed at the next session. LT^pon the repeal of the law' the dogs again increased while the sheep de- creased. It is gratifying, however, to have assurances that the "sober second thought" is returning, and that Avith the growing desire among all classes for developing the resources oi' the State, it will not be long until this industry will receive all the protection which legislation can give. While the number of sheep in the State has largely decreased, it is probable that the value of the flocks is fully equal to, if in fact it does not exceed, the valuation ten years ago. This is owing to the propnigation of the more valuable breeds of this animal. So far back as 1849-50, through the instrumentality HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 73 of Mark R. Cockrill, Tennessee asserted her ability to compete with the world in the production of the finest grades of wool, having secured the grand medal at the World's Fair at London. Since that date her reputation in this respect has been fully sustained. More recently the long-wooled and mutton sheep have been introduced Avith success, and flocks are to be found which rival the best of other sections. POULTRY. As the population of our cities increases and facilities are given for speedy and cheap transportation to the populous cities of other States, the rearing of poultry for their flesh and eggs is becoming a matter of much interest and profit to our people. Those who pursue this business systematically find that for the small outlay of capital required, the profits are liberal. Our favorable geographical position enables us to reap the benefits of the markets while our Northern neighbors are still fettered with the frosts of winter, thus giving us the advantage of the very best markets v>'ith comparatively little competition. All varieties of domestic fowls do well in Tennessee. BEES. Bee culture may be classed with those sm;ill industries which, for the capital invested, often yield more satisihctory proiits than some of more pretentious character. Tennessee, from the mild- ness of its climate and the great abundance and variety of its honey-producing plants, is well adapted for bee-keeping. Al- most every thrifty farmer keeps a i'ew colonies of bees, looking only to a supply of honey for domestic use. Parties who engage in this business as a specialty find it highly remunerative. The Italian bee has been introduced and largely disseminated. Where it has been tried it is a decided favorite. State Polity, Under the Constitution of Tennessee the powers of the State government are distributed between three co-ordinate depart- ments, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The chief Executive power is vested in a Governor, chosen every two years by the qualified voters of the State. He is assisted in the adminlLJt ration of the government by a Secretary of State, elected by the legislature every four years : a Comptroller, chosen by the same body every two years, and a Treasurer chosen for the same term. The Governor appoints a Superintendent of Public Schools and a Commissioner of Agi'iculture, Statistics and Mines, and Superintendent of Prisons. The Governor also appoints a Military Staff, one of whom, the Adjutant General, acts as his private Secretary. The Legislative power is vested in the General Assembly, consisting of the Senate and Plouse of Representatives, the former consisting of thirty-three, and the later of ninety-nine members, who are elected for two years and hold regular biennial sessions. The Judicial power is vested in Justices of the Peace and the Judges of the County, Circuit, Criminal, Chancery and Supreme Courts. The latter is comi^oscd of five Judges who hold their offices for eight years and who constitute the court of highest resort in Tennessee. The judges are all chosen by popular election. The Sheriffs and other county officers are elected by the people for two years. An Attorney General is also elected for each court having criminal jurisdiction, to prosecute on behalf of the State for crimes and misdemeanors. Punishment for crimes and misdemeanors is by fines and imprisonment in the county jails and in the State prison. The punishment of death may also be inflicted for capital oftenccs. The Governor has power to grant remission of fines, commutation of sentence, reprieves and pardoa?. The State Ofiicials at present are: Alviu Hawkins, Governor; D. A. Nunn, Secretary of State ; J. N. Nolan, Comptroller; Ernest Hawkins, Adjutant General and Private Secretarv. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 75 W. S. Doak, Superintendent of Schools ; A. W. Hawkins, Com- missioner of Agriculture, Statistics, Mines and Immigration ; Judges of Supreme Court — Chief Justice, J. W. Deaderick ; Justices — T. J. Freeman, Peter Turney,. W. F. Cooper and W. J. McFarland ; Speaker of the Senate, Geo. H. Moi'gan ; Speaker of the House of Re})resentatives, H. B. Ramsey ; Attorney Gen- eral for the State, B. J. Lea. Property and Taxation, Undei" tlie revenue laws of 'rciiiiet^.^ce, nil prupcrty (-wiicd in the State, excepting $1,000 Avorth of ])crsoii;iIty iK-lou^iinL' to the heads of fiunilies, is subject to titxation for State and c* ujiiy purposes. The tax on ])ro])erty levied by the State is forty cents on the hundred dollai's" worth, ten cents of which shall be for school purposes. Merchants pay ad valorem and ])rivi- lege taxes amounting to seventy cents on the hundred dollars' worth, ten cents of which is lor free scho(ds. Taxes are also levied upon v great number of ])rivileges and upon polls, the poll-tax being applied to school purposes. The county courts are authorized to levy taxes for general county purposes not to exceed the State tax. Tlie total amount of property (exclusive of railroads) ossesised for taxation in 1881 was $225,289,873, being an increase over the preceding yeai of $13,521,435. The assessed value of railroads* in the State is about $27,000,000, which, added to the i)ro})erty assessed, nial:es an aggregate of $252,289,87:3. About $17,000,000 of the railroad property is now paying taxes, and the remainder will bo in a short time. In 1880 the average value of land in the State as assessed for taxation was six dollars per aci'c. ■f) Public Roads. Until recently the system of maintaining public roads in Ten- nessee lias been very imperfect. Ilecently, however, our laws on this subject have been radically changed and much im])roved. Under our present law, each county is divided into road dis- tricts, with three roiul commissioners -for each district, elected by the county court. Tlu' county court of each county as- sesses annually a road tax, which can not be less than Uxo nor more than fifteen cents on every $100 of taxable ])roperty in the county, and on privileges not exceeding one-fourth the assessment for county purposes. It also fixes the number of days' work Avhicli the road hands may be required to perform without compensation during tlie year upon public roads witliin their respective districts. The road hands are, all male citizens between the ages of eighteen and fifty years who have; not been excused for physical disability. Overseers of roads are ap- pointed by the commissioners. A portion of the road tax may be paid in work at rates fixed by law. Under the operations of this law our public roads have greatly improved during the last twelve months. MANUFACTURING, TeniK'Sfjee possesses advantages tor iDanufarturing industries' wliieh must soon give her a prominent position as a manufactur- ing (State. Her abundance of coal, iron, timber, and her super- abundant water power; lier contiguity to the great cotton fields of the South, taken in counection v\"itli the salul)rity and mildness of her climate stamp her as a field well adapted for the devel- opment of manufacturing enterprise. In point of fact, notwithstanding the unsettled financial policy of our State nas for years past greatly retarded development in this direction, many enterprises of great practical utility have been inaugurated, and by their success have demonstrated that manufactures in Tennessee will pay. Now that the odium of repudiation has been lifted from our State, w^e may confidently anticipate that an influx of capital and of skilled labor will soon give an impetus to manufacturing industry such as Tennessee has never before witnessed. So far Nashville, Chattanooga and Knoxville are the principal manuflicturing points in the State. n-l Educational Tennessee enjoys jiecu liar. advantages foi* the higher education of the youth of both sexes. The following universities are located within her limits : Vanderbilt University, Nashville ; Tennessee University, Knoxville; Wesleyan University, Athens; Cumberland University, Lebanon; University of the South, Sewanee ; Southwestern University, Clarksville ; Southwestern Baptist University, Jackson; Fisk University (colored), Nashville ; all of which maintain a high standard of scholarship. Besides these universities, all of which except the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, are under the care of some one of the religious denominations of the country, there are large numbers of colleges, collegiate institutes, seminaries, acade- mies and high schools. The University of Tennessee has an Agricultural Department under the charge of Prof. McBryde, which is rendering invaluable service to the agricultural interests of the State. In many localities good private schools have been maintained for many years and have established for themselves quite enviable reputations. Under the laws of Tennessee, each city aaid incorporated town has authority to levy a tax for school purposes, and the large majority of them have availed themselves of the privilege and established graded schools of good character. The State has a well arranged system of free schools, which is gradually becoming efficient for the education of the masses of her children. The total expenditure for free schools in Tennessee during the past year was $835,629.22. The whole number of free schools taught in the State during the year was 5,603, with an average duration of four months and six days. The average daily attendance upon these schools was 180,509. It is confidently anticipated that within a very few years the rapidly growing interest which is being developed throughout the State will give to our free schools all the efficiency which fhe friends of popular education can desire. Churches, Nriu'ly all ri'li^idus (U'lKHuiiiatloii.- kiinwii in tln' riiitcd Siatrs have ()ru-anizr cents ; for county purposes, SO cents. HAMBLEN COUNTY. Hamblen is a small county on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad. The county seat is Morristown ; its popu- lation is 1,350. Other towns are, Russellville, Whitesburg and Witt's. The topography is varied, comprising river and creek bottoms, valleys, low Apalachian ridges, but no mountains. Holston nnd Chucky rivers form the north and south boundaries, while a number of suialler streams afford very considerable water power. The soil is generally good. Timber is sufficient for form purposes. Iron, zinc and marble are found in the coun- ty, though but little has been done in the way of nnuing. Tiie principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats and hay. Much attention is given to poultry and fruits, and large quanti- ties are annually shipped. Dairying also receives considerable attention, and large quantities of butter are shipped to distant markets. The educational institutions are male and female high schools at Morristown; also a college for colored students' and the AVhitesbnrg Academy. Religious denominations are Baptists, Methodists, Presbyteri- ans and Lutherans. Hamblen county has a sash and blind factory, a wagon and carriage factory, several steam flouring and saw mills, etc. Taxes per $100 : for schools, 20 cents ; for roads, 10 cents ; for coun- ty purposes, 30 cents ; for railroad debt, of which only a small mount remains to be paid, 30 cents. HAMILTON COUNTY. Hamilton county possesses vast mineral resources, which are be- ing rapidly developed. Its annual output of coal amounts to . 04 HAND-BOOK OF TENNCTHEK. about 2()(),0()0 tons, and of iron ore- to ahoiit oO. ()()(). (^nitn a nunibcr of mines are l)ein;; worked, and tin- iiiiinl)cr of" miners employed i.s about 500. Chattanooga, the county seat, has a jxipidation of 1'2,>S02 which is rapidly increasinarl, lyii:i; in llic N'ulley (»i' JOiist Tciiiu'ssfc, is !i line airri- fullurul sccLinn. The ^Avcot wjiUt X'a'icy, i-wpecially, i«^ one !(f' the loveliest in ihe ^^t•nto. The county seat is Madisonville, which has a ])o])ulaLion of ."^00. Other towns are, Sweetwater, (jienloek ami IJelltown. The Little Teniiesseeand Tellieii rivers rurnish )iavigation, and the ICast Tennessee, Virginia and (ieor- gia Kailroad passes through the county. The county is v.ell tim- bered and the valley lands are very productive. The principal educational institution is Hiwassee ('ollegc. The county has the usual rates of taxation. Monroe county is very rich in min- erals. The principal of these is iron, which exists in large (juan- tities and of excellent quality. Besides iron, lead, marble auroducts are corn, wheat, oats, grass and clover; much of the arable laud of the county is given to meadows and pasturage. Stock is largely raised, which is driven toKnoxville and shipped. The most numerous among religious denominations are Bap- tists and Methodists. County taxation on SlOO : for schools, 20 cents; roads, 15 cents ;' county purposes 80 cents. WASHINGTON COUNTY. This is ]>erhaps the oldest settled county in the State. Joues- b )ro, the c niiity seat, cl^iims to be the oldest town in Teunes.see. Its popuiiitii.n is 895. Other towns are. Limestone, Millbrook, Telford, Buffalo, Johnson City, BroAvnsborough, Carrville and Fall Branch. TliC East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad passes through the county, and the Western anland. Iron ore is found in great abundance. There is also some lead and zinc. Washington county is very largely an agricultural county. Its products are corn, wheat, oats, buckwheat and fruit. There is a fruit-canning establish- ment at Johnson City. Much dried fruit and poultry are ship- ped from the county. Some manufacturing is also done. The county has a foundry where agricultural implements are made and has also many inills propefled by water jiower. The prevailing churches are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Cliristian. County taxes are, on §100 : for schools, 20 cents ; roads, 15 cents ; county purposes, 30 cents. There is a good ^icademy at Jonesborp, 41 DDLE TENNESSEE. The itortion of the State known as Middle Tennessee embraces the territory lying between the dividing line of East and Mid- dle Tennessee, passing over the central portion of the Cumber- land Phiteau, and the T^ennessee Eiver, where it crosses the southern boundary of the State, and pursuing a northerly course crosses the State line into Kentucky. It includes the great Limestone Basin and the surrounding Highland Rim, or, more properly. Plateau of Middle Tennessee, and a portion of the Cumberland Plateau. The basin is a rich and populous sec- tion, more fully developed than most portions of the State. The plateau portion, while generally less fertile, yet has much val- uable arable land. The eastern portion contains vast deposits of coal and also iron, while the v.estern part of the })lateau is one vast iron field. All portions of this division are bountifully supplied with timi)er. Limestone of good quality is found almost everywhere, and an excellent marble in some localities. The principal navigable stream is the Cumberland, though there are hundreds of smaller streams, aflbrding abundance of water power. This division contains the following counties, to-wit : Bedford, Cannon, Cheatham, Clay, Coffee, Cumberland, Davidson, DeKalb, Dickson, Fentress, Franklin, Giles, Grundy, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Jackson, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Macon, Marshall. ^Maury, Montgo.n:!ery, Moore, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Smith, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale. Van Buren, Warren, Wayne, White, Willi:: mson, Wilson. These will be ((escribed separately. IOC) UAN'I)-IU)()K <)I" KKNNKXSKK. BEDFOIM) COUNTY. Rhclltvvillc is the cxiiity sciit aixl liiis a po). illation of 1 ,HHO. Other towns iirc, Waitiaco, I^cll Jiiicklc, rnionville, Richmond, Fhit (Vork, Normandy, Fairfield, ralmetto, Hawthorne, Fall Creek, Bedford, Rover and Haley's Station. It,s water-eoursea are Duck River, Spring Creek, North J-'ork, Garrison Fork, Rig Flat, Wartrace, Sugar, Sinking and Thompson's creeks. The surface of the country is diversified with hills and valleys and is very well watered. The soi^ is of excellent (piality. The county is well improved, and as an agricultural connty is sur- ])assed by very few counties in the State. It has excellent water power, and is well supi)lied with timber, such :!s oak, ash, hickory, {)oi)lar, hard maple, beech, walnut, red cedar, etc. The princii)al agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, tobacco, cotton and hay. Much attention is given to stock-rai.s- ing. In the way of manufactures it has one cotton factory and one woolen factory, b(!side5 a number of saw mills, [)laniug mills, flouring mills, carriage factories, etc. The cai)ital invested in numufacturing is about S3oO,()0() and number of hands em- ployed 150. Bedford county is well sup])lied with schools, the principal Mue being the Shelbyville Female Institute. The principal religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Christian. County taxes on SlOO are : for schools, 20 ; for roads, 10 cents ; for county purposes, 30 cents. The Nashville and Chattanooga Kailroad runs through the county, with branch road from "Wartrace to Shelbyville. CANNON COUNTY Lies partly in the Basin and partly on the Highland Kim, giv- ing it a varied topography and diversified soils. The county seat is Woodbury, w hich has a population of 393. Other towns are Newbern and Bradyvillc. The principal water-courses are Stone's River, Rockhouse, Carpenter's, Lock, Rush and Braw- Icy's creeks. Nearly all of these afford excellent water power. Timber is abundant, consisting of oak, poplar, hickory, walnut, hard maple, beech, elm, locust, chestnut, etc. The principal prt)ducts are corn, wheat, oats, rye, tobacco and live stock. The principal churches are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cum- berland Presbyterian and Christian. Cannon county has some good schools and the usual rates of taxation. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 107 CHEATHAM COUNTY. Ashland City, ou the Cumberland River, is the county seat, and has a population of 170. Other towns are. Sycamore, Kingston Springs (a watering place), Pegram's Scation, Craggie Hope (a summer resort) and Thomasville. The Cumberland River flows through the county. Other streams are, Harpeth River, Sycamore, Half Pone, Barton, Marrow Bone, Brush and Sam's creeks. These streams afford abundant water j^ovver. Timber is plentiful, consisting of oak, ash, elm, hickory, beech, poplar, etc. Iron ore of good quality is found in some localities* but is not mined. The Nashville, Chattanooga and St Louis Railroad passes through the county. Much of the county is hilly, but the river and creek valleys are very productive. Limestone and sandstone furnish plenty of good building ma- terial. The chief productions are corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley and tobacco. There are extensive powder mills and plow fac- tories and lumbering establishments in the county. The capital invested is about $300,000, and the number of persons employed 300. Cheatham county has the usual religious denominations and the ordinary county taxes. CLAY COUNTY. This county borders on the Kentucky line. Celina, which lies on the Cumberland River, is the county town, and has a population of . Other towns are Butler's Landing an4 Centerville. The navigable streams are the Cumberland and Obey's rivers. Other water-courses are, Irvin's, Mill and Brim- stone creeks. These streams furnish excellent water power. The topography of the county presents a general plain, deeply cut into by numerous valleys. The soil is generally good, and the county well timbered with the usual varieties. Clay county possesses considerable mineral wealth, iron and petroleum being the principal minerals, though lead and other minerals are found. No mining of importance is done at pres- ent. The principal products are corn, wheat, oats, tobacco, grass, clover and live stock. There are several good schools in the county. The principal religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. The taxes levied by the county on $100 are: for schools, 10 cents ; for county purposes, 30 cents. K'.S HAND-rooK OK 'rKXNIvSKKE. ('OFF!-:!-: corxTV. Til is ('Mil lit y lies |)iiiii-i]);i!!v .'ii ihc lii'ih!;iiiil> or pi at (an 'A .Mif!- (llc IViincsst'c, a small portion only ln'inealio)it{i.'i, Needmore and Tiillahoma, che hitter being a summer resort of considerable eelebrity. 'I'iie [)rineij)al water-courses are Duck River and its tributaries, which afford water power of the finest (juality. The county is amply supplied Avith timber. The prin- ripa.! ])roducts are corn, wheat, oats, rye, fruits and live stock. The plateau lands, though not adapted for heavy crops of grain are well suiterl for the growth of/ruits. The principal educa- tional institutions arc the Tullahoma College, the Tullahouia Grammar School, and the Manual School, of Manchester. The Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad passes through the county, and the IMraichester and Mc^Iiunville Railroad has its terminus at Tullahoma. There are in the county one paper factory, one !uib and spoke factory, one Hie factory, one axe-handle factory, one sash, door and blind factory and one woolen mill. The amount of capital invested is about 8250,000, and number of persons em])loyed 200. The prevailing religious dfenominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Episcoj)alian. The county taxes are: for schools, 10 cents; for roads, to cents; for county purposes, 10 cents. CUMBERLAND COUNTY Is mainly on the Cumberland Plateau, but includes a small por- tion of Sequatchee Valley. ^\"ithiu the county is Crab Orchard Mountain, which rises to an elevation of one thousand fee^ above the plateau. Some coves and valleys furnish a small area of good arable land. Crossville is the county seat, and has a population of 99. Thtt water-courses arc Obed's River, Big Emory, Daddy's Creek and Sequatchee River. The agricultural l^roducts are corn, wheat, oMts, rye, iwtatoes, etc. The county is largely jnistoral. and much stock is raised on the wild grasses. The plateau lands are well adapted to fruit-raising. The min- erals are iron and coal, though these are but little developed. The religious denominations are Presbyterian, Cumberland Pres- byterian, Baptist, Chiistian and ^lethodist. The county has some good private schools and the usual rates of taxation. HAXD-BOOK OF TEXXESSEK. 109 DAVIDSON COUNTY • Lies mostly within the basin, iind has a generally fertile soil. Nashville is the county seat .'.'nd alsvj the capital of the State. The eit}^ has a population of 4o,850, and is rapidly increasing. Other towns are, Goodlettsville, McWhirtcrsville, Edgefield Junc- tion, Bellcvue, Brentwood and Madison -Junction. The Cum- berland River, which flows through the county, is a fine, navi- s;able stream. Other water-courses are. Stone's River, White's Brown's, Richland, Little Harpeth, Mansker's, IMarrow Bone and Mill creeks, the most (jf which afford fair water powers. The timber is oak, elm, birch, poplar, ash, hard maple, walnut, cedar and chestnut. Tvro main trunk lines of railroad pass through the couirty, which, with their srdjordinate roads, give connection -with tdl parts of the world. These trunk lines are the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad and the Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern Railroad. Nashville has a very large trade with the Western, Southern and South- western country. Nashville is largely engaged in manufactur- ing, having large factories of woolen and cotton goods, ironware, furniture, doors, sash, etc., lumber, agricultural implements, car. riages, wagons and other articles. Capital invested in manufac- turing estimated at 83,000,000, and number of persons employed at 3,000. Nashville may justly claim to be the educational center of the South. The Vanderbilt University, the Nashville University, Fisk University, Tennessee Central College, School for the Blind, St. Cecilia Academy, the Baptist Normal and Theologi- cal Institute, Ward's School for Young Ladies, Price's School for Young Ladies and other private schools of high order. Be- .sides these are academies at all the villages in the county. Tlie city schools are Avell sustained, and are i)erhaps equal in effi- ciency to any in the United States. The products of Davidson county are corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, grass, clover, millet, tobacco, fruits and live stock. No section of the South has given more attention to breeding fine stock than Davidson c(junty. Quite a large business is also done in dairying, and also in raising fruits and vegetables for ship- ment. All religious denominations common to the country are found in Davidson county. The M. E. Church, South, and the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church have extensive publishing interests no HANI)-I5()()K OF TENNEH8EK. located at Naslivillr. The State Asylum i'or llii; lii.-um- aiier of lumber ami flouring MAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. Ill mills. Religious denoininations are Methodist, Baptist, Presby- terian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. The county taxes are: for schools, 80 cents; for roads, 12v cents; for county purposes, 30 cents. FENTRESS COUNTY. Jamestown, with a population of 86, is the county seat. Other towns, Travisville. Water courses, Wolf River, Obey's River, Clear Fork, Rock Castle, Cable and Poplar creeks. The timber is abundant, consisting of ])oplar, chestnut, walnut, oak and various other kinds. The minerals are coal and iron in abundance. The agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, grasses and tobacco, and live stock. Fentress County lies mainly on the Cumberland Plateau, but embraces some beautiful valleys which are exceedingly fertile. Water power in the county is very good. VanBuren Academy is the principal school in the county. The usual religious de- nominations are found, and the county has the ordinary rates of taxation. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Winchester is the county seat. Its population is Other towns are Decherd, Hunt's Station, Cowan, Sherwood and Salem. The county is well watered by the Elk River and its numerous tributaries, which aftbrd magnificent water power. The topography of the county is greatly diversified, a portion of it lying on the Cumberland Plateau, a portion in the valley of Elk River, and another portion on the Highland Rim. Some fertile lands are found along the base of the Cumberland Mountains, and also in the Elk River Valley. The plateau lands are less fertile, but well adapted for fruits and for suninier grazing. The county is well timbered. The principal agricul- tural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, cotton and live stock. The minerals of this county are coal and marble. Coal is mined to considerable extent, and some marble has been quarried. A number of cotton factories, one woolen factory, one cheese factory, one ii-on furnace, a, number of tanneries and other manufactwring establishments are located in the county. The amount of capital invested is about ^250,000, and the number of persons employed is about 300. The religious de- nominations are Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodisjt, Presbyterian' 112 HAND-BOOIC OF TKXNRSSKE. Cuiiiltcrljiiid I'resbyteriiui iiiid ( 'atholic. Tlicrc is ;i iiMi:;ial scIiudI at Wir.clicstcr; also an iiislitiitc : the UnivLTsity ol" the Soutli, at Sewancc, and acadciiiit-i ai all ilic (owns. The Nashville and ( "hattanooiia liaili-oa-i passes throK^li the county. The b ayettevillc Branch ivaiiroad, and tlie Tennc.'jsee C/oul and Iron Company's Railroad have their tc-rrnini in Franklin County. The county taxes are: for scliools, 10 centf^ ; for roads, r'ncipal water courses are Elk River and Richland Creek. These streams have numerous tributaries, and furnish considerable water power. The country is well timbered with oak, hickory, ash, beech, sugar tree, elm, maple, poplar, walnut, chestnut and other varieties. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, cotton and live stock. Blooded stock is extensively raised in the county. The Louisville, Nashville and (Jreat Southern Railroad passes through the county. Giles College and Martin Fenuile College are located at Pulaski. Other good schools are distributed through the county. There are two cotton factories in the county, and a number of flouring mills. The capital invested is about 8200,000, and the number (»f persons employed, 12o. Religious denominations are Meth- odist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumlierland Presbyterian, Episct)- palian, Christian and Catholic. The vounty taxes on SlOO are: for schools, 10 cents; for roads, 15 cents; for county purposes, 25 cents. Considerable attention is given to grape culture in Giles County, and quantities of wine are made. GRUNDY COUNTY. County seat, Altamont ; })opulation, 110. Other towns, Tracv City, Pelhham, Gruteli and Beersheba (a noted watering place). The water-courses are Elk River, Collin's River, Laurel Creek, Fiery Gizzard, Fire Scald and some other creeks, furnishing fine HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 118 water power. The county lies on the Cumberland Plateau, but is deeply serrated with valleys and coves, some of w'hich furnisli small bodies of very fertile soil. The general soil of the county is well adapted to fruit-growing, especially the grape. J^ colony of Swiss settlers are located in this county, and are succeeding well in wine-making and silk-culture. The county is well lini. bered with white pine, oak, poplar, walnut and other varieties of timber. The cove and valley lands produce corn, wheat, oats, tobacco, etc. The mountain lands produce much grass for pas- turage. The minerals consist of iron and coal, the latter of which is very extensively mined at Tracy City, the Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. operating with a capital stock of $3,000,000 and employing GOO hands. This company owns a railroad run- ning from Tracy City to Cowan, where it connects with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The company is largely engaged in the manufacture of coke. Outside of the coke works the number of persons engaged in manufacturing is esti- nuited at 200. ' The religious denominations ai-e Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian and Cumberland Presbyterian. The usual county taxes are levied. HICKMAN COUNTY. Hickman county lies mainly on the Highland Plateau, but is intersected by the Duck River and Piney River valleys. The county seat is Centreville, which has a population of 286. Other towns are, Vernon, Pinewood, Beaver Dam and Shady Grove. The water-courses are Duck River, which is navigable during a portion of the year, Piney River, Boaver Dam, Sugar, Swan, Lick, Leatherwood and Cane creeks. Some fine v^ater power is found in the county. Timber in the greater part of the county is abundant, consisting of oak, hickory, chestuut, walnut, poplar and many other varieties. Iron in great abundance is found, and is mined to considerable extent, about 300 hands being em- ployed. The 'principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, peanuts and live stock. A large cotton factoiy is located at Pinewood. About $250,000 are invested in manufacturing, and about 400 persons are employed. There is an academy at Centreville, and a number of good schools in the county. The prevailing religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Christ- ian at)(l Cumberland Presbyterian. The county taxes on $100 11-1 irANI)-I50(lK OF TENNESSEE, tire: for schools^, lOccnt^;; for roiids, 15 cents; for county pur- poses, 30 cents. The Nashville and Tuscaloosa Railroad, in course of construction, passes through the county. * HOUSTON COUNTY. Houston County lies on the Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. The county scat is Erin, which has a population of 485. Other towns are Danville, Cumberland City, Arlington and Stewart Station. The Tennessee River forms the western boundary of the county. Other streams are Wells Creek, Guices, White Oak, Cane, Hurricane and Yellow Creek. The surface of the county is much broken by narrow valleys and by the Tennessee Ridge, which crosses the county from north to south. The soil of the valleys is very rich, that of the ridges is lighter, but well adapted for grasses and for fruit. The timber is abundant, presenting the usual varieties. Iron ore is in large quantity, marble, hydraulic limestone and fire clay is also found.. Yellow and White Oak creeks afford good water- power. Excellent limestone abounds, and large quantities of lime are shipped to various parts of the country. The agri- cultural products of the county are corn, wheat, oats, grass, clo- ver, live stock, etc. There are good schools at Arlington, Erin and Tennessee Ridge. The usual religious denominations are found in this county, and the usual taxes are levied. HUMPHREYS COUNTY Lies on the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad. Tennessee River forms its western boundary, while Duck River flov/s through the county. Other streams are Buffalo River, Blue Creek, Trace Creek, Hurricane, Tumbling, White Oak, Bio; and Little Richland creeks. The face of the countrv is diversified with plateau, ridge . and valley lands. The soil varies greatly from fertile to poor. Duck River Valley is one of the most fertile in the State. Timber is abundant, and is of excellent quality. There is good water power on some of the streams. There are good schools at Waverly, the county seat, and at other points. Waverly has a population of 510. Other towns in the county are Johusonville, McEwen, Hurricane Mills, Bakerville and Cuba. Some iron ore is found in the county, but has not been developed. There is a woolen mill and a hub and spoke factory in the county. About 830,000 HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 115 are invested and 50 hands employed in manufacturing. Large quantities of tanbark (chestnut oak) are annually shipped froni the county. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, peanuts, tobacco and live stock. The churches ar® Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Catholic. The county taxes per $100 are: fbr schools, 10 cents; for roads, 10 cents, for county purposes, 30 cents. JACKSON COUNTY. Gainesboro, the county seat, is situated on the Cumberland River, and has a population of 352. Other toAvns are Gran- ville, Mayfield, Gladdice, Meigsville, and Whitleyville. The Cumberland River flows through the county. Numerous tribu- utaries, tlie principal of which is Roaring River, furnish abun- dance of water, and good water power. The county is divided into plateau, ridges and valleys. The valleys are rich, the ridges medium and the plateau lands light. The county has an abundance of fine timber, embracing all the usual varieties. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, tobacco and live stock. There are some good private schools in the county; also, a number of small manufacturing establish- ments, in which some $50,000 capital are invested, and furnish- ing employment to about 50 hands. The usual religious organ- izations are found in this county. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Lawrenceburg is the county seat ; population, 503. Other towns, Summertown, Henryville, Wayland Springs, West Point, and St. Joseph. The county is principally situated on the Middle Tennessee plateau. It has numerous streams, the prin- cipal of which are Buflalo River, Shoal Creek, Factory, Chisholm, Knob, Blue Water, Sugar and Butler's Creeks, on many of which there is excellent water power. The minerals are marble and iron, the latter of which is found in vast quantities. Iron is mined at only one point. Napier's furnace in the north- ern part of the county, gives employment to about 150 hands. Timber is abundant and excellent. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, peanuts, fruits and live stock. Grape culture is attracting considerable attention. IKi (IANI)-I5()<)K OF TENNI'»8KE. Tlierc arc academies at Liiwronr-cburir, ChinnV)ec, Wayland Springs and Summertown. Ixiwrcnce County has one wonlen factory and seven cotton f;ii tci'ies, with capital of about S(»<)0,0()0, and employing about -I ill) hands. The usual religious organizations prevail in the county." Couut}'^ taxes per $100 are: for schools, 10 cents; for roads, 10 cents ; county tax, 10 cents. LEWIS COUNTY. Ne^\burg is the county seat. Its population is 373. The county is a high rolling plateau. The soil is generally thin, but there is some good land in the valleys. The principal streams are Buffalo River, Swan, Cane, Rock House, Grinder's Brush, Chiefs, Cathey's and Bigby creeks. These stream? afford superb water-power. The timber is principally black- jack, post oak and chestnvit oak. There are numerous large deposits of iron, which, however, is not mined. The agricul- tural products are corn, wheat, oats, peanuts, etc. The religious organizations are Methodist, Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. LINCOLN COUNTY. Fayetteville is tin cgunty seat ; population, 2,104. Other towns are Petersburg, Molino, Mulberry, Oak Hill, Lincoln and Blanche. The water courses are Elk River, Bradshaw, Swan, Cane, Norris, Mulberry, Roundtree, Tucker, Farris, Shelton, Duke's, Stewarts, Coldwater and Kelley's creek*. Water power is abundant. Timber is plentiful, consisting of hickory, chestnut, mulberry, oak, poplar, beech, sugar tree and walnut. Marble of very handsome appearance exists, and has been quarried to a limited extent. The surface of the county i» diversified. A belt along the Alabama line is plateau land and the soil is thin. The remain- der of the county is divided into valleys and hills with gen- erally an excellent soil. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, cotton, grasses and live stock, being one of the best stock counties in the State. There is a college and a female academy at Fayetteville. Academies at Oak Hill, Petersburg, Mulberry, Lincoln, and other points. There is one cotton and one woolen factory, and a number of smaller manufacturing establishments in the county. The capital in- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 117 vested is about S300,000, and number of hands employed 600. The principal religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Christian, Associate Reformed and Covenanters. The usual county taxes are levied. The Fayetteville branch of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and the Duck River Valley Railroad, have their termini at Fayetteville. MACON COUJv^TY. Macon County lies mainly on the rim or plateau. The County seat is Lafayette ; population, . Other towns are Hillsdale and Hayesviile. Red Boiling Springs is .a ■watering- place of note. On the plateau, the soil is generally thin, but in the southern part of the county, which lies within the basin, it is rich. The water-courses are Goose, Dixons, Long, Puncheon, White Oak, Salt Lick, Line and a number of other creeks affording ample water power. The timber consists of hickory, oak, chestnut, poplar, beech, walnut, hard maple and other varieties, and is abundant. There is some iron ore in the county, but its extent has not been developed. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye and tobacco. There is little manufacturing in the county beyond milling and lumbering. There are good private schools at various points in the county. The various religious denominations common to the State exist in the county. The usual county taxes are levied. MARSHALL COUNTY. County seat, Lewisburg; population, 460. Other towns, Chappel Hill, Cornersville, Farmington, Mooresville and Belfast. Water courses. Rock, Flat, Caney Spring, Richland, Bradshaw, Swan and Robinson's Fork creeks and Duck River. The river and some of these creeks afford fine water power. The surface of the country is diversified, and the soil generally fertile. The agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye> grasses, cotton and live stock. Timber is abundant, consisting of oak, chestnut, poplar, walnut, beech, elm, cherry and large quantities of red cedar. Little attention is given to manufac- turing. There is a female academy at Lewisburg, and other schools located in different portions of the county. The usual Protestant religious denominations are found in the county. County taxes : for roads, 5 cents ; for county purposes, 30 cents ; 11'") IfAND-HOOK OF TKNNIWSRE, special tax, 30 cents on $100. TIm' Duck River \'allev Rail- if)afl passes tliroiij^h tlie county. MAURY COUNTY. Cnhiuibia is tlie county seat and has a population of 8,400. Other towns are Williarnsport, Mt. Pleasant, 8anta Fe, »Sprin<^ Hill, Culleoka, Bigbyville, Neapoli, and Hampshire. The water-courses are Duck River, Fountain, Bigby, Silver Knob, Carter's, Snow, Rutherford, Globe, Leiper's and Cathey's creeks. Some of these afford very considerable water power. The surface of the country is generally level or uAdulating, but at some points broken into hills. The soil is excellent, and produces heavy crops of corn, wheat, oats, rye, grasses, clover and cotton. The county is noted for its large production of fine stock, aud for its fine fruit and dairy product. There area number of manufacturing establishments, employing about §200,000 capital and 200 hands. The religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Christian, Associate Reformed, Episcopal and Catholic. The county taxes are : for roads, 12 cents ; for county pur- poses, 25 cents per $100. The Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern Railroad passes through the county. The Duck River Valley Plailroad, and the Nash^^lle and Florence Rail- road have their termini at Columbia. Columbia has a female institute aud Athenieum, and academies and seminaries are found at every village and neighborhood in the county. In the western part of the count}^ some iron ore is found. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Clarksville, the county seat, has a population of 3, SCO. It is situated on the Cumberland River, and on the Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Other towns are Palmyra, Hampton, Ringgold, Dotson, Shiloh and numerous other villages. The water-coui-ses are Cumberland River, Red River and their numerous tributaries, which furnish consider- able water power. Montgomery County lies on the Highland Plateau, but the streams mentioned have carved out valleys, which contain quite considerable areas of soil of like character with the rich basin lauds. Much of the plateau land is also of excellent quality, though some portions are poor. The surface HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 119 of the country is greatly varied with valleys, plateaus and ridges. Iron ore is abundant, and a number of furnaces were formerly operated, but for various reasons they have all sus- pended. The agricultural productions are corn, wheat, oats, rye, grasses, tobacco and live stock. Montgomery County has one university and many schools of high character. Its reli- gious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cum- berland Presbytei'ian, Episcopalian, Christian and Catholic. Clarksville has considerable manufat-turing enterprise. The county taxes are: for schools, 20 cents; for roads, 10 cents J for county purposes, 20 cents per §100. MOORE COUNTY. Lynchburg is the county seat. It has a population of S45. Other towns are Charity, Marble Hill and County Line. The county is drained by Elk Elver and its tributaries, and has plenty of water power. Timber is abundant, consisting of oak, hickory, walnut, poplar, sugar tree, chestnut, etc. Marble of fair quality is found in the county. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, grasses and live stock. The surface of the country is greatly diversified, part of the county lying Avithin the basin and part upon the plateau. Elk Ridge, which divides the waters of Duck and Elk Rivers, runs through the county. The basin and ridge lands are fertile, but the plateau lands are poor. Lynchburg has a male and female institute. Other schools are located in the county. The religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Christian and Cumberland Presbyterian. The county levies the usual taxes. OVERTON COUNTY. The county seat is Livingston, w^hich has a population of 312. Other towns are Monroe, Oak Hill, Olympus and Hillham. The water courses are Roaring River, Obey's River, Flat, Mart- thew's and Nettle Carrier Creeks. The county lies largely on the foothills of the Cumberland INIountains and is deeply serrated with coves and valleys. Where these are of sufficient extent for farms the soil is rich and productive. Water power is excel lent and timber abundant, consisting of oak, ic-li, hickory, pop- lar, walnut, etc. Coal and iron both exist in large quantities 120 HANT>-BOOK OF TRXNESSEE. though but littledevelopcd. Tho principal sigricultural products are corn, tobacco, wheat, oats, the grasses, clover and stock. There is an academy at Livingston and a good school at Pond Ividge. All the usual religious denominations are found in the county and the ordinary county taxes are levied. PERRY COUNTY Lies in the western portion of Middle Tennessee — the Ten- nessee River forming its western boundary. It is traversed by Buffalo River and by a large number of creeks which fall into the Buffalo and Tennessee Rivers. These streams afford plenty of water power. The face of the county is greatly diversified with ridges and valleys. The valleys are fertile, while the rid;^es generally have light soil. The timber is abundant, consisting of beech, ash, oak, chestnut, poplar, hickory, walnut, etc. Iron ore exists in large quantities, but is not at present mined. Lin- den is the county seat. Its population is 189. Other towns are Lobelville, Britt's Landing, Bardstown and Farmer's Vallev. The principal products are corn, cotton, wheat, oats, gra.sses, pea- nuts and stock. There are various private schools of good char- acter in the county. The ordinary county taxes are levied. The religious denominations are those prevailing in the State. PUTNAM COUNTY. Topographically this county is very much like Overton coun- ty. The soil, timber and agricultural products are very similar. The county site is Cookeville, which has 279 inhabitants. Other towns are Bloomington, Selby, Pekin, and Double Springs. The water courses are, Obey's River, Spring Creek, Calf Killer and Falling Water. Coal is mined for domestic use, about fifly persons being engaged in the business. Iron exists also in abund- ance. Th^re are in the county three academies and various pri- vate schools. About 200 hands are employed in various kinds of- manufactures. The i-eligious denominations are Baptist. Methodist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. The coun- ty taxes are, for schools, 20 cents on the SlOO ; for roads, 10 cents ; county purposes, 30 cents. PICKET COUNTY. This is a newly organized county lying on the Kentucky line and on the western base of the Cumberland Plateau. The coun- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 121 ty seat is B^'rclstown, which has iuha!)itant.s. The face of the county is much broken with mountain spurs and intervening- valleys and coves. The valleys and coves are very fertile. The timber is abundant and of excellent quality. Good water pow- er is also plenty. The countv is well watered by Wolf and Obey rivers and their tributaries. Coal and iron are among the min- erals of this county. The local institutions are similar to those of surrounding counties. ROBERTSON COUNTY. ' Springfield is the county seat. Population, 854. Other towns are, Cross Plains, Cedar Hill, Cooper Town, Turnersville, Black Jack and Barren Plains. The surface of the county is generally undulating or broken. In the southern and northern portions there is much level land. The water courses are Red River, Elk Fork,. Buzzard, Sul- phur Fork, Miller's, Sycamore and Carr's Creeks. Water ptjwer is good. Timber, such as ash, oak, poplar, chestnut, etc. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, tobacco, grasses, clover and stock. There are a number of good schools in the county. All the churches usually found in Tennessee have organizations in the county. The taxes levied by the county are, for schools per $100, 10 cents ; road tax, 15 cents ; county purposes, 40 cents. The St. Louis and Southeastei'n Railroad passes through the county. RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Murfreesboro is the county seat ; population, 3,800. Other towns are Lavergne, Smyrna, Florence, Henderson, Milton, Russel, Salem, Winsted, Beverly, .Readyville, Carlocksville, Versailles and Unionville. The water courses are Stone's River, Cripple, Bradley's Fall, Spring, West Fork, Lytle's, Long, Overall's, Stuart's, and Henderson Creeks. Nearly all of these streams furnish good water-power. Timber is good, con- sisting of hickory, ash, oak, elm, poplar, cedar, lynn, etc. The surface of the county is generally level or gently undulating, and the soil good. The principal agricultural })roducts are cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, etc. The principal educational institutions are the Union Uni- versity, Soule Female College, and Murfreesboro Female 1122 HANT)-MOOK OF TIWNWiSKf:. Institute, besides g(fud schools in uli the villages. Aboiit !i!!ir)(),000 are invested in nianui':i(;tiiring industricH, giving employment to one hundred hands. The princi[)al religious de- nominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Chri.stian and Episcopalian. County taxes per $100: for schools, 10 cents ; for roads, 5 cents; for county j)urposes, 13 cents. The Nashvill** and Chattanooga Railroad passes centrally through the county. SMITH COUNTY. County sejit, Carthage, population, 827. Other towns, Rome, New Middleton, Dixon Springs, Gordonsville, Chestnut Mound, Grantville and Montrose. Navigable streams, Cumberland and Caney Fork Rivers. The County is well watered by many smaller streams. Water-power is abundant. Timber plenty, consisting of oak, liickory, chestnut, poplar, beech, walnut, hard and soft maple, etc. The surface of the county is broken, containing many hills and valleys, with a generally rich soil. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, grass, clover, tobacco and stock. There are a number of good schools in the county. The county taxes are: For schools, 20 cents; for roads, 10 cents, and for county purposes, 25 cents on the SIOO. The various churches common to the State are well represented in Smith County. STEWART COUNTY. This e©unty lies upon the Kentucky line, and is bounded on the west by the Tennessee River, while the Cumberland River passes through it. The Memphis Branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad passes through its southeastern corner. Dover is the county seat, and has a population of 817. Other towns are Tobacco Port, Lime Port, Indian Mound, Big Rock and Cumberland City. The county is well watered by numerous tributaries of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, and has abundant water-power. The surface of the county is broken and hilly except in the northeastern quarter which is more level. The Tennessee ridge which extends across the county between the two rivers, is a notable feature in the topography of the county. Much of the county has a fertile soil, while other portions are inferior. Timber is abundant and of excel- lent quality. Iron ore is found in great abundance and is ex- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 123 tensively mined, two iron furnaces being in [operation in the county, and giving employment to about 1,200 hands. The capital invested in these operations is about ^500,000. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, grasses and tobacco. There are a number of good private schools in the county. The religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. The county taxes are: For schools, 25 cents ; for roads, 10 cents, and for county purposes, 80 cents per $100. SUMNER COUNTY. Gallatin is the county-seat. Its population is 1,938. Other towns are Pleasant Grove, Hendersonville, Saundersvijle, Mitchellsville, Brackentown, Bethpage, Worsham and Castalian Springs — a watering place. About half the county lies in the central basin, and the remainder on the Highland Rim. The portion within the basin has an excellent soil. On the high- lands, though the soil is not so uniformly good, there are some good farming lands. The agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, rye, tobacco, grasses, and clover. Within the last few years much attention has been given to the cultivation of potatoes for shipment to northern markets, and the business has been found to be highly remunerative. Sumner County has long been famous for the attention given to the rearing of fine stock. The Cumberland river forms for a considerable distance the southern boundary of the county. Other streams are Garrett's Creek, Bledsoe Creek, Trammel Creek and Caney Fork. These streams afford some good water power. Timber of good quality is abundant. Marble is said to be found in the county. There are in the county two woolen factories, one cotton factory, two carriage factories, one agricultural implement factory and twelve wagon factories, with an aggregate capital of $350,000 giving employment to 500 hands. The principal religious denominations are Presbyterian, Catholic, Methodist, Christian, Baptist and Cumberland Presbyterian. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad passes through the county. The usual county taxes are levied. TROUSDALE COUNTY. This county lies within the central basin but presents a broken 124 HAND-llOOK OF TKNNF.SSKE. and hilly siirlac with very rich soil. Ilartsvillc is the county seat and has a [xipulatiun of (>04. Other towns are Dixon Springs and Knon (JollciiC. The (Jurnberland River forms the southern boundary. Other streams are Goose (.'reek, with its various l)ranches. Water power t^ood. The ai^ricultural pro- ducts are corn, wheat, oats, rye, grass, clover, etc. There are in the county two academies and a number of good private schools. The usual religious denominations prevail. The coun- ty taxes are, for schools, 20 cents ; for roads, 15 cents ; for coun- ty purposes, 30 cents per SI 00. VAN BUREN COUNTY Lies upon the Cunibei'land Plateau and upon the mountain spurs and intervening coves and valleys. It has all the characteris- tics of that section of the State ; the thin, sandy soil of the Plateau, and the rich, productive soil of the valleys and coves. Spencer is the county seat and has a population of 217. The water courses are Caney Fork and Rocky Rivers and Cane and Laurel Creeks. These streams afford excellent water power. Timber exists in large quantities and of good quality. Coal and iron ore are also abundant. The agricultural productions are corn,wheat, oats, rye, grasses, clover, etc. The principal educational institution is Burritt College, though there are a number of good schools in the county. The usual county taxes are levied. The principal religious denominations are Methodist, Baptist, Presiiyterian and Christian. WARREN COUNTY. County seat, McMiunville; population, 1,244. Other towns are Viola, Vervilla, Trousdale, Jacksboro, Dibrell, and Clar- mont. Water coui-ses: Collins River, Rocky River, Caney Fork, Bar- ren Fork, Mountain, Laurel, Charles, Cane and Hickory Creeks. The water power on these streams is excellent. A portion of the county lies on the Cumberland Plateau and has the charac- teristics of that section. The larger portion lying west of the Plateau has a rich, red-clay soil and is very productive. Tim- ber is abundant. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, tobacco, cotton, rye, grass, clover, fruit, etc. ]\Iuch stock is raised in the countv. There is an academv at Mc- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 125 Miniiville, and good schools at various localities. There are in the couDty four cotton factories, one woolen factory, a number of tanneries, etc. The capital invested is $350,000 and num- ber of persons employed, 400. The principal churches are Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Christian. The count v taxes are, for schools, 8 ceuts ; for roads, 5 cents ; for c )unty purposes, 20 cents per $100. The McMinnviile and Mrnchester Railroad passes thfou!;li the county. WAYNE COUNTY Lies on the western portion of the Middle Tennessee Plateau. The surface is much cut with ravines and valleys. The general character of the soil is poor, but the valleys afford a soil of great fertility. The county seat is Waynesboro, which has a popula- tion of 236. Other towns are Clifton and Ashland. The coun- ty touches the Tennessee River on its northwestern part. Other streams are Buffalo and Green Rivers, Indian, Cyprass, Mill, Forty-eight, Hardin, Butler and Beech Creeks. Timber is very abundant and of great excellence. The minerals are iron in large quantities, hydraulic limestone and marble. The principal crops raised are corn, wheat, oats, rye, cotton and peanuts. Much of the land in Wayne county is well suited for grazing and considerable stock is raised. There are good private schools in various localities. The usual county taxes are levied. ' The religious organizations are Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Christian. WHITE COUNTY. Sparta, which has a population of , is the county seat. Other towns are Bunker Hill, Stone Fort, Yankee Town and Key. The water courses are Caney Fork River, Calf Killer, Cherry, Plum, Wildcat, Towns, Post Oak, Fletcher's and Falling Water creeks. These streams furnish excellent water power. Timber is abundant. The county is divided between mountain, barren and valley lands, the latter of which only can be regarded as fertile. The productions are corn, wheat, oats, rye, grass, clover, fruit, stock, cotton and tobacco. The principal educational institutions are Nourse Seminary, Greenwood Seminary and Lion Institute. The county taxes are. 12H nAND-ROOK OF TRNNF.HHRK. tor scIiodIjs, 1.") cents; for ro'.irls, 10 cents, und for county pnr- posas, oO cents on the $U)0. The religious organizations arc Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian. The McMinnville and Manchester Railroad, in its Sparta ex- tension, has entered the southern border of the county. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. County seat, Franklin; population 1,682. Other towns are Hillsboro, Bethcvsda, College Grove, Triune, Nolensville, Brent- wood, Peytonsville, Thompson's, Williamsburg, Arrington and Boston. The water courses are Harpeth River with its various branche.s, which water the entire county and flirnish good water power. The county lies mainly within the Basin and has an excellent soil. The surface of the county is generally undulating, some- times rising into hills and knobs. The productions are corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley,, clover, cotton, fruits and stock. A great deal of interest is taken in blooded stock. Williamson county is well supplied with schools of high character — the principal of which is the Frank- lin Female College. The couhty is well supplied with Protest- ant churches and has a Catholic Church at Franklin. The county taxes are, for schools, 10 cents ; for roads, 8 cents ; for county purposes, 25 cents on the $100. The Louisville, Nashville and Great kSouthern Railroad passes centrally through the county. The county is well supplied with timber. WILSON COUNTY. Lebanon is the county seat. Its population is 2,296. Other towns, Beckwith, Rural Plill, Laguardo, Caniperton, Austin, Statesville, Gladeville and Greenvale. The Cumberland River forms the northern boundary of the county. Other streams arc Cedar, Spring, Barton, Spencer, Cedar Lick, Stone's, Suggs, Hur- ricane and Fall Creeks. The county lies within the basin and has a fertile soil. The surface is diversified with hills and val- leys. The productions are corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, grass, clo- ver, fruits and stock. There is a barrel and stave factory at Lebanon. Cumberland University is located at Lebanon, be- sides academies and seminaries at various points. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 127 The Tennessee and Pacific Railroad runs from Nashville to Lebanon. The principal religious denominations are Baptist, Cumber- land Presbyterian, Christian and Methodist. The county taxes are, for schools, 15 cents; for roads, 10 ©ents ; for county purposes, 25 cents on the SIOO. IDDLE TENNESSEE TABLE No. 1. Showing Total Area oj each Counti/, (Quantity oj Improved Land, Average Value per Acre of Improved Land in the County ropuldfio)! and Value of Property Assef<-'^ 4;t!t i22i; 122 207 247 326 117 275 84 28 165 213 1,682, 821 457 412 658 127 1,436 863 616 210 475 1,.545 114 828 231 826 683 434 114 1,2.52 436 1,176 2,177 1,2.36 327 550 423 511 793 1,.590 1,071 778, 917 396 139 670 583 637 1,439 1.806 358 012 189 287 293 636 582 207 422 416 293 605 758 117 311 941 019 215 010 919 804 .536 071 561 956 091 461 610 702 855 050 404 940 384 070 848 305 143 445 262 x e a t>> o 6145 87,408 22,802 6985 42,297 96 1.5,205 1901 34,160 4040 10,826 3418 133,807 3939 21,202 4043 50, 735 555 15,524 1282 71,980 1282 33.289 5020 8,507 654 42,488 1221 13,846 24, .521 177 28,714 4153 30,097 1684 4,808 281 37,909 1641 34,581 1338 .59,. 56 7 2051 91,4.52 1513 86,026 1154 14,739 992 32,953 2931 23,874 565 24,160 3289 115,678 311 74,794 3793 47,240 3228 26,629 99 95,081 3708 26,197 878 6.008 492 .51,613 2173 27,442 2514 24.811 2837 585,522 2265 132, .506 4869 257,425 94.1.50 18,036 34,424 .58,1.55 2,797 157, .530 75,803 45,318 11,092 13.5,816 190,205 7,855 37,491 9,062 25,371 40,294 43,331 4,824 275,463 31,495 172,584 271, .592 148,534 66,866 400,1.51 16,051 42,033 134,426 172,997 104,945 34,8.55 140,895 37,284 13,007 66,163 40,038 44,653 315,966 188,. 540 WEST TENNESSEE. The portion of the State lying between the Tennessee and the Mississippi rivers, and known as West Tennessee, has already been described in its general geological and topographical fea. tares. This section, with fewer mineral resources than either East or Middle Tennessee, possesses, in its agricultural advan- tages, the elements of a boundless prosperity. Its timber, its soil, with its adaptation to the production of almost every article needful for man, mark it as a region of country calculated for the support of a dense population. The counties are: Benton, Hardeman, Madison, Carroll, Hardin, McNairy, *Chester, Haywood, Obion, Crockett, Henderson, fPerry, Decatur, Henry, Shelby, Dyer, Lake, Tipton, Fayette, Lauderdale, Weakley. Gibson, These will now be described separately. BENTON COUNTY. Camden is the county seat; population 200. Other towns: Chaseville, Coxburg, Big Sandy, West Danville and Eva. To. pography, broken and hilly, intersected with river and creek bottoms. Soil : Hills argillacious, bottoms sandy and black loam. Navigable streams: Tennessee River forms Eastern boundary for forty -four miles. Other streams: Morgan's Creek, Eagle Creek, Byrdsong Creek, Cypress Creek, Harman's Creek, Crooked Creek, Lick Creek, Cotton's Creek, Ramble Creek, Rushing's Creek and Sugar Creek. Water power: Sandy River is good. Other streams for part of the year. ♦Recently organized. tLies east of Tennessee River, but is included in the district of West Tennessee. 132 IIAM)-IU)<)K or TICNNE8SEE. Kailroiuls: N., ('. t\:St. !>., mid Mcnipliis tV Ldiiisvilic j)af-s tlii()ujj,li the coiiiity. Timber: Ahiiiidaiii, oak, poplar, hickory, ;^iim, Ix-ccli, cy- })rcss and other varieties. Minerals: Some iron near the Tennessee River, and marlile on Byrdsong Creek, but both undeveloped. Princii)al agricultural products: Corn, wheat, oats, hay, cot- ton, tobacco, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rye and peanuts. Manufactures: One tobacco factory, with capital of SIO.OOO, em])loying 15 hands. Educational institutions: Academy at Camden. Religious denominations: Methodist, Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian and Christian. Taxes : The rate of tax for county purposes is 20 cents per $100; school tax, 10 cents; road tax, 10 cents. CARROLL COUNTY. Carroll county is abundantly supplied with timber of excel- lent quality, consisting of hickory, oak (all varieties), poplar, gum, beech, &c. There is a plow^ factory at Trezevant, a number of saw and planing mills, at various points, and flouring mills, &c. The general toi)ography of the county is undulating and broken, with considerable plateaus of comparatively level country. The county is very well watered with numerous creeks, among which are Big Sandy, with numerous tributaries in the easterii part of the county, having a general northern direction, and emptying into the Tennessee River. The other principal streams are Rutherford's and South Fork of Obion River, Ready, Beaver, Gwinn's, Crooked and various other creeks, which, uniting in the western half of the county, form the Obion River, affording, in their^courses, numerous mill sites. The agricultural productions of the county are greatly diver- sified, consisting of corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, tobacco, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum and rye. The educational institutions are, Trezevant High School, McKenzie College, Bethel College (also at McKenzie), Hunt- ingdon High School, West Tennessee Seminary (at Hollow Rock), Macedonia Academy, Buena Vista Academy and Clarks- ville Academy. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 133 The county seat is HuntiDgf^on, with a population of 646. Other towns in the county are, Hollow^ Rock, Marlboro, BuenaA^'ista, Clarksburg, Lavlnia, Atwood, Trezevant, McLeni- onsville and McKenzie The principal religious denominations are, Cumberland Pres- byterians, Methodists, Baptists and Christians. The Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad, and the Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad pass through the county CHESTER COUNTY. This is a newly organized county, not given on the map. It is formed of fractions taken from the counties of Madison, Hen- derson, McNairy and Hardeman, and partakes of the topo- graphical and pother characters of those counties. Henderson is the county seat, and has a population of . The Mabile and Ohio Railroad passes through the county. CROCKET COUNTY. The eastern ])ortion of this county is somewhat hilly, while the western part is level. The soil is generally very good, being a sandy loam, resting upon a clay subsoil. The county is well timbered, the western portion especially, containing much valuable poplar and white oak. These furnish the material for business in lumber and staves, which are rafted down the Forked Deer River, and find a market at New Orleans. The principal streams are the South and North forks of the Forked Deer River, the former of which is navigable. Alamo is the county seat, and has a population of 276. Other towns are Bell's Depot, Friendship, Gadsden, Chestnut Bluff and Maury City. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes. Small fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries and plums, are cultivated in some lo- calities, to considerable extent, and have proved highly remu- nerative. The principal religious denominations are, Baptists, Metho- dists, Presbyterians and Christians. 134 HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. Tax for county purposes, 40 cents per $100; school tax, 20 cents ; road tax, 5 cents. DECATUR COUNTY. Decaturville is the county seat; population 252. (Jther towns are Perry ville, Etna and Sugar Tree. The Tennessee River forms the eastern boundary of the county. Beech River and various smaller streams pass through the county. A por- tion of the county lies within th* valley of the Tennessee River, and is very fertile. The other streams also have fertile valleys. The uplands are sandy, but reasonably productive. The princi- pal crops are corn, cotton, wheat, oats and peanuts. Timber is abundant. There is some good water power. The county con- tains rich deposits of iron ore, not now Avorked. The religious organizations are those common to the State. The usual county taxes are levied. • DYER COUNTY. Topography: Western portion in Mississippi bottom, level and subject to overflow. The bottom is bordered by a line of hills. The eastern half is level, or gently undulating. Character of soil: Generally fertile. Dyersburg is the county seat; population 1010. Other towns: Newbern, Trimble and Finley. Navigable streams : The Forked Deer and Obion rivers. Other streams : Lewis' Creek, Pond Creek and Coon Creek. Timber: There is much valuable timber, consisting of poplar, cypress, white oak, walnut, ash, Cottonwood and maple. Principal agricultural products: Corn, wheat, oats, hay, cot- ton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and sorghum. Manufacturing establishments : Seven saw mills, four flouring mills, one chair factory, two planing mills and one tobacco factory. Religious denominations: Baptist, Methodist, Cumberland Presbyterian, Presbyterian and Christian. Educational institutions: Normal Institute at Newbern County Acaden)y and Gordon's High School at Dyersburg. Taxes: County tax, 80 cents; road tax, 10 cents; school tax, 15 cents per SI 00. Railroads: The Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern Rail-* road passes through the county. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE^ 135 FAYETTE COUNTY. The soil is generally a dark loam in the southern part, resting on a red clay subsoil, but in the western portion of the county the subsoil is of a lighter color. The northern half of the county is level, but the southern half is rolling. Somerville, the county town, has a population of 834. Besides Somerville, there are six other towns in the county, to- wit: LaGrange, Moscow, Rossville, Macon, Oakland and Hickory Wythe. The county is watered by the Loosa Hatchie and the north fork of Wolf River, which are both good mill streams. Timber is abundant, and of good quality, consisting of oak, poplar, hickory, ash, cypress, gum, &c. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and rye. Its educational institutions are the Somerville Female Insti- tute and the Williston Academy. The rate of tax for county purposes is 30 cents per $100; road tax, 15 cents; school tax, 10 cents. The religious denominations are Baptist, Methodist, Cumber- land Presbyterian, Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Christian. Railroads : The Memphis and Charleston Railroad passes through the southern portion of the county, and a branch road runs t^ Somerville, and the Memphis branch of the L, &. N Railroad passes through the northwestern corner. GIBSON COUNTY. Topography: Eastern portion undulating or hilly, western part level. Character of soil : The hilly portions argillacious, and the level parts loamy. Trenton is the county seat; population, 1383. Other towns : Milan, Humboldt, Medina, Dyer Station, Ruth- erford Station, Kenton Station, Bradford Station, Idlewild, Yorkville, Eaton and Brazil. Water courses: Rutherford's Fork of Obion River, Little North Fork and Middle Foi'k of Forked Deer River. Water power: Sufficient for mill purposes. Timber: Abundant, consisting of oak, poplar, gum, maple, walnut^ ash, hickory, chestnut, &c. 136 HAND-nOOK OF TRNNKflHKE. Afiriciiltural jn-o'-lucts: Corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, to- bacco, Irish j)otato(!S, sweet potatoc^s, sorghum and ry<-. Educational institutions: I. O. O. F. Female College, at Humb )]dt, Milan College and other good schools. Manufactures: Three buggy and wagon factories, one woolen mill, two plow factories, and one cotton compress, and a number of saw mills and flouring mills. Number of hands employed, 120- Religious denominations: Methodist, Baptist, Cumberland and O. S. Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Christian and Catholic. Taxes: County, 40 cents; school, ;i5 cents, and road tax 10 ©ents per $100. The Memphis branch ofthe L. & N., the Mobile & Ohio, and the. Chicago, Ht. Louis & New Orleans Railroads all pass through the county. HARDEMAN COUNTY. The eastern and central portions of the county are broken and somewhat hilly. The western portion is generally level. The soil in the western half h an argillaeious loam, while the prevailing character in the east is a sandy loam. Bolivar is the county seat, and has a population of . Other towns in the county are Toons, Middloburg, Hickory Valley, Grand Junc- tion, Saulsbury, U Bet, Middleton, Pocahontas, Crainsville, New Castle, Whiteville, Cedar Chapel and Cloverport. H^tchie River runs through the county, and affords steamboat naviga- tion to Bolivar. The county is well watered with numerous creeks, among which Piuey, Porter's Creek, Pleasant Run and Spring Creek afford good water power. Timber is abundant, consisting of oak, hickory, ash, pine gum, walnut, cypress, poplar, etc. The principal agricultural pro- ducts are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum and rye. There is a woolen mill near Bolivar, with a capital of S7,o00, employing ten hands. The principal religious denominations are Episcopalians, Pres- byterians, ]>aptists and Christians. County t-.i::, 20 cents per SlOO ; school tax, 10 cents ; road tax, .") cents. Railroads: The C.iicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Rail- road passes through the county. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 137 HARDIN COUNTY. About three-fourths of the county is comparatively level, with undulating slopes. The remainder consists of low hills, with fertile valleys intervening. The uplands have a light sandy soil, resting upon a substratum of clay. , The valleys are sandy and alluvial. Savannah, which is located on the east bank of the Tennessee River, is the county seat, and has a population of 1006. Other towns in the county are Hamburg, Pittsburg,- Coffee Landing, Cerro Gordo and Saltillo. The Tennessee River runs centrally through the county from south to north. Indian Creek, Horse Creek, Hardin's Creek, Turkey Creek, Chamber's Creek, Lick Creek, Mud Creek and White Oak Creek water various sections of the county and flow into the Tennessee River. Some of these streams, especially Indian and Horse creeks, afford magnificent water power. Hardin County is well supplied with valuable timber, includ- ing pine, poplar, oak, hickory, gum, wild cherry, etc. The soil of Hardin County produces freely of the crops common to Ten- nessee, as follows: Corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum, rye and peanuts. Its educational interests are represented by Hardin College, located at Savannah, and other schools. The tax for county purposes is 20 cente on §100 ; school tax, 20 cents ; road tax, 5 cents; and bridge tax, 15 cents. The principal religious denominations are Methodist, Cum- berland Presbyterian and Baptist. HAYWOOD COUNTY. The county is generally level or gentlj^ undulating. The soil is a sandy loam and very productive. Timber is abundant and of good quality, consisting of hickory, ash, gum, poplar, walnut and numerous other varieties. The navigable streams are Big Hatchie and Forked Deer rivers. Other streams are Big Muddy, Lagum, Mud Creek and Sugar Creek. These streams afford fair water powders. Brownsville is the county seat, and has a population of 2564. Other towns are Dancyville, Stanton, Woodville and Wellwood. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irisji potatoes, sweet potatoes and rye, l.'Jy HAND-BOOK OF TKNNKSSEE. All kinds of fruits and vegetables common to the State, do well in Haywood dounty. The J5ai)tist Female College and Wesleyan Female Institute are located at J^rownsville. A cotton mill is located at Brownsville, with a capital stock of $120,000, James A. Rogers, President. It consumes 1200 bales of cotton annually. The county contains all the religious denominations common to the State. Rate of tax for county purposes, thirty cents per §100 ; road tax, ten cents and school tax ten cents. The Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road passes through the county. HENDERSON COUNTY. Lexington, the county seat, has a population of 329. The eastern portion of the county is quite broken, but the western portion is more level. Besides the county seat, there are several Villages in the county to wit: Wildersville, Scott's Hill, Jack's Creek, Newsom, Mifflin and Sardis. The soil except on the ridges is very productive. The principal streams are Big Sandy, Beech River and Forked Deer. Timber is abundant and of good quality. Some of the streams afford fair water power. Henderson County contains large deposits of green sand or marl, which is valuable as a fertilizer. There are some good schools in the county, and the usual religious organizations. HENRY COUNTY. Topograjiliy : Northwestern portion level ; other portions broken with wide bottoms. Character of soil : hills, argillacious "Valleys, sandy loam, fertile. County seat, Paris ; population, 1767. Other towns, Como, Cottage Grove, Conyersville, Buchanan, Springville, j\Iansfield, Manly ville, Henry Station. Navigable streams, Tennessee River on eastern border. Other streams. Big Sandy, AYest Sandy, Middle and North forks of Obion River, Baily Fork, Bear Creek and other smaller streams. Water power : All the streams named furnish good water power. . Timber, abundant ; poplar, oak, cyjjress, chestnut, maple elm, etc. HAND-BOOK OE TENNESSEE. 139 Minerals, marble and iron ; not now worked. Principal agricultural products, corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, tobacco, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rye and peanuts. Principal religious deneminatious : Baptists, Presbyterians Methodists and Christians. Educational institutions : Several academies in the county. Taxes : County tax, ten cents per $100 ; school tax, fifteen cents ; road tax, ten cents. Manufactures : There are in the county three cotton fac- tories, one flouring mill, two carriage factories, three tobacco factories and one woolen mill. Capital invested (estimated)? $200,000. Number of hands employed (estimated), 200. The Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road passes through the county. LAKE COUNTY. Topography, level, lying between Mississippi River on tJie west and Reelfoot Lake on the east. Character of soil, alluvial, mixed with sand. County seat, Tiptonville ; population, 946. Navigable streams, Mississippi River bounds it on the west. Other streams, none. Reelfoot Lake bounds it on the east. Timber, cottonwood, gum and cypress abundant. Agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rye and barley. Religious denominations. Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian. Taxes : County, twenty-five cents ; road tax, fifteen cents, and school tax, ten cents per $100. LAUDERDALE COUNTY. Topography : The western portion lying in the Mississippi bottom is level. The central and eastern portions broken. Character of soil, alluvial. County seat, Ripley ; population, 353. Other towns, Durhamville, Henning, Fulton and Double Bridges. Navigable streams, Big Hatchie, and on the western border, the Mississippi River. Other streams. Cold Creek and Cane Creek. Timber is abundant and of finest quality, including waluut, ash, hickory, poplar, oak, pecan, cypress, sugar, maple, gum, elm, sycamore and other varieties. 140 HAND-BOOK OF TFNNEHSEK. Principal agricultural products, corn, wheat, oats, hay, tohac- co, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and barley. Religious denominations, Methodist, Baptist, Cumberland Presbyterian, Presbyterian and Christian. Taxes : county tax, 40 cents per $100 ; road tax, 10 cents. Railroads : The Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern Rail- road passes through the county. MADISON COUNTY. The surface of the county is gently undulating, in some parts liilly with some broad alluvial bottoms. The soil is a sandy loam with clay subsoil, and is generally fertile, and has many fine farms and well improved homes. The county is well timbered with oak, poplar, hickory, ash, walnut, beech and various other kinds of timber. "NVat^r is abundant and good. The Forked Deer River, which flows through the county, is navigable for small steamers. Besides this there are many streams of smaller size some of which aiford very good water power. Jackson, the county seat, is a thriving little city of 5877 in- habitants. Other towns and villages are, Pinson, Medon, Carroll, Oak- iield. Spring Creek, Claybrook, Denmark, Harrisburg, Hun- tersville, Mason's Grove and Beech Grove. Good potter's clay and tripoli are found in the county. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rye and syrup. Besides these, fruits and vegetables are grown in great variety and abundance. Madison county has an oil mill (cotton seed) at Jackson, a pottery at Pinson, an ice factory at Jackstni, planing mills and a number of saw and grist mills. The shops of the N. O., St. T,. tt C. R. R., and M. & O. R. R., are located at Jackson. The educational institutions of the county are, the South- western Baptist University, the Memphis Conference Feinale Institute, the Medon High School and St. Mary's Institute. The tax for county purposes is 40 cents j)er .^100 ; school tax, 10 cents ; and road tax, 5 cents. HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 141 About $500,000 is invested in manufacturing, giving employ- ment to 500 persons. Two railroads pass through the county — the New Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago, and the Mobile and Ohio — affording abund- ant facilities for transportation. McNAIRY COUNTY. The county is divided by a range of uplands, running cen- trally through it from north to south, with an eastern and a western slope. These slopes are divided into small valleys by spurs which run out from either side of the central ridge. The soil of the highlands is argillacious and sandy ; that of the val- leys a sandy loam and very productive. Purdy is the county seat. Its population is 243. Adamsville, Bethel, Falcon, Mc- Nairy, Montezuma, Ramer, Stantonville and Chewalla are located in the county. McNairy County is well supplied with timber, consisting of oak, cypress, poplar, yellow pine, gum, walnut, hickory, etc. The county is watered with numerous creeks, among which may be named Cypress, Tuscumbia, Snake, White Oak, Muddy, Ox- ford, Owl, Huggins, Sugar, Lick and Mud creeks. ' The ma- jority of these streams furnish very good water power for ma- chinery. The Mobile and Ohio Railroad runs through the western half of the county. The principal products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum and rye. The principal religious bodies are Methodists, Cumberland Presbyterians, Christians and Baptists. There are two high schools in the oounty — one at Purdy and the other at Montezuma. County tax, 30 cents on $100 ; school tax, 20 cents ; and road tax, 5 cents. The green sand spoken of in Plendersmi Coiuify is very abun- dant in McNairy. OBION COUNTY. Obion County is generally level, though in some localities con- siderable hills are found. The soil is a dark loam, with clay subsoil, and very fertile. Troy, the county town, has a popula- tion of 341. Other towns are Union City, Rives, Kenton, 142 IIANli-BOOK OF TlCNNnSSEi:. Woodluiid Mills, TTarris, Fulton, Obion, East Troy, Palestine and Wilsonviilc. TIh; water courses of this county arc incon- siderable. The timber of Obion County is surpassinj^ly fine, consistiiiff of the various kinds of oak, poplar, beech, birch, gum, sassafras, ash, hickory, maple, walnut, etc. The principal products of the county are corn, wheat, oatS' hay, cotton, tobacco, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum and rye. There are two colleges in the county — one at Union City and one at Troy. The religious denominations are Baptists, Methodists, Cum- berland Presbyterians, Presbyterians, Christians, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics. Obion County has four furniture factories, four ])laning mills, fifty-four saw^ mills, one Avoolen mill, four flouring mills and two wagon factories. The capital invested in manufacturing is about one million dollars. The taxes are as follows : county tax on SlOO, 30 cents ; road tax, 10 cents ; school tax, 20 cents. Three railroads run through the county, viz: the Mobile and Ohio, the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis and the Mem- phis and Paducah. The number of hands engaged in manufacturing industries is about 1 ,500. SHELBY COUNTY Lies in the extreme southwestern portion of the State. Mem- phis is the county seat with a population, according to the cen- sus of 1 880, of 33,593. The census was taken at a time when the city was seriously depleted of its population in consequence of epidemics. Since that time many of its former inhabitants have returned and the population, if enumerated at this time, would show a very large increase. By a well-devised system of sewerage recently adopted, and other sanitary improvements, it is confidently believed that the recurrence of disastrous epidem- ics is rendered improbable, and that henceforth there will be nothing to prevent the prosperity and rapid growth of the city. Memphis is favorably located as a commercial centre and com- mands a large trade. Its business in groceries is said to be larger than that of any city in the Union with the siilgle ex- HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 143 ception of Baltimore. As a cotton market it j^ossesses great ad- vantages and does an immense business. It has a good system of city schools besides a number of important educational insti- tutions. Memphis?, though more of a commercial than manu- facturing city, has quite a number of manufacturing establish- ments. The Memphis and Little Rock, the Memphis and Lou- isville, the Memphis and Charleston, the Mississippi and Ten- nessee, and Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern Railroads centre at this point, and the Mississippi washes the foot of the bluff on . which the city stands. Other towns in the county are, Bartlet, Germantown, Raleigh Collierville, Kerrville, Woodstock, Cuba, White Haven, Ridge- way, Frayser, etc. Wolf River and a number of smaller streams water the county. The is generally good, the principal staple grown being- cotton, of which Shelby county produces more than any other county in the LTnion with the single exception of Yazoo county, Mississippi. Besides cotton, all the usual products of the coun- try are grown, much attention being given to fruits and vegeta- bles. The culture of silk is also attracting attention. Shelby county is well supplied with schools, and has the usual rates of county taxation. In religion the people are divided am^ng all denominations. TIPTON COUNTY. To2:>ography, generally level, northeastern part somewhat broken. Character of soil, black loam with clay subsoil, small portion calcareous. County seat, Covingtoji. Population, 798. Other towns, Atoka, Mason, Brighton, Randolph, Mt. Zion, Garland and Tabernacle. Navigable streams. Big Hatchie. Other streams, Indian Creek, Mathis' Creek, Cane Creek, Town's Creek. Timber abundant. Oak, poplar, gum, cypress, ash, hickory, walnut, maple, etc. Minerals, limonite and buhr in small quantities. Principal agricultural products, corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum, rye. Educational institutions, Covington Male Academy, Tipton 1 14 HAND-HOOK OF TRNXESSKK. Female Academy, Si)jnervillt; IIifi:li ScHodI at Ml. Zioii, Portcrs- ville Male and Female ('ollege. Railroads, Chesapcakf, Ohiu and Soiitliwcstci-ii runs tliroiiph the county. Principal reli'jjious denominations, Metiiodist, Baptist, Presby- terian, Christian and Episcopalian. Taxes per SlOO, county tax, .'>0 (!cnts ; schuol tax, 10 cent!?; road tax, 15 cents ; railroad, or judgment tax, 81.50. WEAKLEY COUNTY. The southern and western portions of the county are level» while the northern and eastern portions are undulating. The soil is generally fertile and especially the southern and western sections. Very fine farming lands are however found in the other portions of the county. Dresden is the county seat and has a population of 314. Other towns in the county are, Greenfield, Sharon, Martin, Gardner, Ralston, Gleason, Palmersville, Boydsville, Dukedom and Middleberg. The county is well watered by the three branches of the Obion River, Spring Creek, Cypress Creek, Mud Creek and Cane Creek. The three Obions and Spring Creek furnish considera- ble water power. The county is abundantly timbered wuth oak, poplar, gum, cy- press, hickory, beech, birch, maple, etc. The principal agricultural products are, corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, tobacco, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, sorghum, and rye. The institutions of learning are Dresden High School, Masonic Institute at Gleason, and the Martin Academy. The taxes levied by the county are, joad tax, 10 cents per SI GO ; school tax, 10 cents ; and for county purposes, 10 cents. There are two stave factories in the county, with a capital of about S10,000. Two railroads pass through the county, the Nashville and Chattanooga and St. Louis Road, and the New Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago Road. The usual reliuious ori^anizations are found in the countv. WEST TENNESSEE, TABLE No. 1. Showing Total Area of each County, Quantity of Improved Land, ' Average Value per Acre of Land in the County, Population, and Value of Property Assessed for Taxes. COUXTY. Benton 243,300 Carroll 352.000 Crockett 166,400 Decatur 198,400 Dyer 364,800 Fayette .... 409,600 Gibson 352,000 Hardeman 380,400 Hardin 390,400 Haywood 364,800 Henderson 371,200 Henry 352,000 Lake 124,400 Lauderdale 262,400 Madison 371,200 McNairy 441,600 Obion 1 345,600 Perry 256,000 Shelby.... I 441.600 Tipton I 211,200 Weakley ' 396,800 Total Area in Acres. Acres Improved 2S 50,060 128.300 69,288 43,537 79,185 201,095 155,426 125,462 75,364 142,207 99,171 140,908 34,738 61,975 129,946 83,255 117,073 37,172 204,432 104,023 135,151 $3 30 6 62 9 72 3 47 6 49 6 43 10 16 5 22 4 04 6 80 4 25 5 25 9 37 5 36 6 67 3 07 8 65 3 12 11 11 7 72 8 00 9,780 22,104 14,108 8,498 1.5,118 31,871 32,685 22.921 14,794 26,054 17,429 22,141 3,968 14,918 30,874 17,271 22,923 7,174 78,433 21,033 24,538 <^S 2,802,169 1,741,860 746,217 2,-508,350 3,485,300 4,878,675 2,857,722 1,468,510 3.036,254 1,765,200 2,416,420 836,200 1,733,809 4,299,155 1,668,798 3,465,007 769,556 18,876,626 2,423,217 3,076,120 LIVE STOCK. TABLE No. 2. Showing Total Number of Live Stock in each Connti/. COUNTIES. Bentou Carroll Croulvutt. . . Decatur .... Dyer Fa3'ette Gibson Hardeniau. Hardin Haywood. . Henderson. Henr>' Lake Lauderdale Madison.... McNairy. ... Obion Perry Shelby Tipton .... Weakley..., HOK8E8 AND MULES. 3,188 7,428 4.o9(J 2,086 8,631 10,44!) 6,257 4,700 6.462 5,492 7,697 1,518 4,079 7,118 4,950 7,545 2,462 10,944 5,421 8,. 541 7,C36 10,754 7,547 6,557 11,412 18,612 1.5,580 1.5,1.54 10,. 507 13,226 11,798 9,. 599 3, .560 12,324 12,562 12,571 12,614 4,806 22,184 12,529 12,462 4,438 7,166 3,6.54 5 710 4,467 4,360 8,851 6,842 8.380 4,048 7,678 8, 139 500 2,682 4.43a 10,107 6,974 4,799 6,463 4.651 6,970 19,321 .35.398 23,039 17,140 35,265 28,. 536 46,221 33,768 29,641 27,434 33,180 40,095 11,375 26,916 28,64. 2.5,247 46,924 16.764 44,315 29,945 4.5,717 PRODUCTION' OF CEREALS. TABLE No. S. Shoiidng the Cereal Productions of West Tennessee by Counties County. Benton Carroll Crocket Decatur Dyer Fayette Gibson Hardeman. . Hardin Haywood .. Henderson . Henry Lake Lauderdale. Madison McNairy . . . . Obion Perry Shelby Tipton Weakley .... 5^ 12.-) 80 .51 a o 03 >, o O 118 562,354 26,832 1,018,415 37.694 198 626,762 16,171 219 473.924 26,399 68 900,726 37,371 325 1,030,505 38,129 316 1,449,633 44,282 32.-. 767,324 20,807 333 799,739 3.5,620 407 730,949 29,299 319 862,249 42,176 1424 1,128,660 35,407 961 .536,265 4,266 580,797 17,398 55 906,255 31,.542 516 678,059 47,5.59 190 1,501,881 35, 09^ 162 423,461 23,874 565 996,210 72,764 1717 762,731 34,096 2or, 1,307,873 22,583 467 19,787 88,396 54,431 14,911 101,. 523 18,004 162.477 23,991 29,248 29,278 46,941 124, .537 24,293 24,9.53 50,918 30,678 230,243 16,051 23,437 .56,137 171,835 CONCLUSION. The design in preparing this Hand-book is to give the Avorld in convenient form such information in regard to the State of Tennessee as Avill enable those into whose hands it may fall to form an intelligent idea of its resources and advantages. To present these fairly, so as to do justice to the State, and at the same time to avoid making this volume so large as to interfere with its general circulation, has been found to be a task of much difficulty. Doubtless, to the mere student who reads purely for the pur- pose of storing his mind with information, a much more attrac- tive book might be written upon the resources of Tennessee. But for the busy, active world, for men who are engaged in the active pursuits of life, the comprehensiveness of such a book, with its fullness of detail, would serve as a bar to its perusal. In pursuance of this view these pages will be found to contain simple statements of facts and conditions, and the reader will be left to form his own conclusions. Tennessee has room for many thousands of industrious and energetic men — farmers, mechanics, tradesmen and laborers, as well as professional men — who will come and identify themselves with the country. Such as will come may be assured of a hearty welcome. The time is propitious, for those who are seeking new homes, to come to Tennessee. Our fields are now teeming with the most bountiful crops ever grown in the State. Large invest- ments are being made in mining and manufacturing enterprises, and activity prevails in all departments of business. Trusting that the preceding pages may prove useful to many who are seeking information for practical purposes, I subscribe myself, respectfully, A. W. HAWKINS, Commissioner. CORRECTIONS. Page 7, line 4, for southeasterly read southwesterly. Page 26, 20th line, for $14.80 read $4.80. Page 28, 21st line, for impunity read impurity. Page 31, 4th line, for Dominion read Devonian. Page 34, 7th line, for quality read quantity. Page 35, 4th and 7th lines, for Dromillard read Drouillard. Page 38, 2d line, for ball read Bald. Page 47, 24th line, for Birdsing read Byrdsong. Page 48, 10th line, after St. Louis, read, and in Giles County on the Nashville and Decatur Railroad. Page 61, last paragraph. Since this paragraph was in type the entire line of this road has been completed. Page 75, 1st line, for W. S. Doak read G. S. W. Crawford. Page 76. Since this page was in type tlie State tax on prop- erty has been reduced to 30 cents, and other taxes proportion- ately reduced. Page 78, 14th line, for Professor McBryde read Professor John W. Glenn. APPENDIX. COAL LANDS ALONG THE CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILROAD- Dr. A. W. Haivkiiis, Commissioner of Agriculhire, Statistic sand Mines : In response to your request for a short sketch of the coal lands and mines along the Cincinnati Southern Eailroad, I sub- mit the following, and call the special attention of the reader to the map of Tennessee, and then to the part colored red, showing- coal field of Tennessee. Beginning at the Kentucky State line, at Chitwood Station, on the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, there is found a fine vein of coal, of about an average of 06 inches in thickness, which, as you come southward along the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, appears well at Helenwood Station. There the vein has been opened in numerous places on the lands of the Helenwood Coal Company. Their mines are three-fourths of a mile east of the depot. The coal is of a very superior quality, and I think not excelled by any along the Cincinnati Southern Railroad. Com- ing on south this vein of coal is found entirely east of the Cin- cinnati Southern Railroad, at distances ranging from a half to four miles, the railroad passing below the level of this coal soon after leaving Helenwood. We next come to the Coal and ]Mining- Company mines, located one and a half miles southeast of Glen Mary Sta- tion. The vein they are now working is an average of 40 inches in thickness, and we have never been able to determine defi- nitely whether or not it is the same as the Helenwood vein. As we come on south, the railroad is nearer the high mountains of the great triangle, until at Pilot Mountain, 103 miles north of Chattanooga, the (Glen Mary) vein is found three-fourths of a mile east of the railroad ; and above that vein,, about 250 feet below the top of the mountain, is found a fine vein of 52 inches. The Pilot Mountain Coal and Mining Company have secured 154 HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. this coal field in their purchase of 7,000 acres, and are now de-' veloping it for the market. All the coal above mentioned has proven to be equal to the great Coal Creek coal, so long mined and shipped all over the South from the mines in Anderson county, Tennessee. South of this point the Cincinnati Southern Railroad may be said to leave the upper measures above mentioned, as no more high mountains are found near the Cincinnati Southern Rail- road, except the north end of the great Crab Orchard Mountain, and the Pilot Mountain west of Big Emory River, opposite Nemo Station, and from one and a half to three miles distant, and in which I am satisfied the two veins mentioned in Pilot Mountain above will be found ; but the heavy grades and the crossing of the Big Emory River will deter their development for some time, and one other high mountain known as Lone Mountain, two miles from the Cincinnati Southern Railroad and 85 miles north of Chattanooga. This mountain is being devel- oped Avith the expectation of finding the two veins mentioned in Pilot Mountain, and for the formation of a coal company. We next come to the section known as Walden's Ridere, the Cincinnati Southern Railroad running along its southeast base from Big Emory Gap nearly to Chattanooga, a -distance of 80 miles. About ten miles northeast of Big Emory Gap and at the southeast base of Walden's Ridge is located the OaK .lale Iron Furnace, now doing a large business and connectea with the Cincinnati Southern Railroad ; and the great Winters Gap coal property is also connected with the Cincinnati Southern Railroad by a narrow gauge railroad, whole length of 22 miles. Next we come to Rockwood, 70 miles north of Chattanooga, at which place are located the coal mines and iron furnaces of the Roane Iron Company, which have proven to be both large and profitable. The next is the Walden's Ridge Coal Company, located seven miles northwest of Spring City, on the Tennessee and Sequachee Valley Railroad, now being completed to their mines. Their coal is thought to be the western outcrop of the Rockwood vein, and of fine quality. The next are the mines of the Dajrton Coal and Iron Com- pany, on Big Richland Creek, three miles northwest of Dayton. The Company is now building a standard gauge railroad from their mines to the Cincinnati Southern Railroad at Dayton, and HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 155 then on to the Tennessee Kiver, a distance of about seven miles. They have three veins of good working coal, and are preparing to build two large iron furnaces on their property at Dayton. The next is the Soddy Coal Company, located at Rathburn Station, 21 miles north of Chattanooga. This company is now among the largest shippers of coal in the South, and like the Dayton Coal and Iron Company, can work three different veins. Next is the Daisy coal mines, at Melville Station, 17 miles from Chattanooga This company is not in active operation at present. It seems to be at the most southern point on the Cin- cinnati Southern Railroad for successful coal mining ; and from this point the Cincinnati Southern Railroad gradually bears off from Walden's Ridge until it is about five miles from Walden's Ridge at crossing of Tennessee River. Yours, truly, WALTER ALLIN. TENNESSEE. THE MINERAL WEALTH OF THE OLD VOLUNTEER STATE. Professor Colton's Address Delivered Before the Press Association. At the meeting ot the Tennessee Press Association at Bon Aqua Springs, Prof. Henry E. Colton, Geologist of the Bureau of Agriculture and Mines, was invited to address the Associa- tion on the mineral resources of the State, and did so in a brief and pointed address. By request of many of the members of the Association, Prof. Colton has furnished a synopsis of his speech, as follows : Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Association: It gives me pleasure at any time to meet with members of the press frater- nity. I am proud of the honor of having belonged to that brotherhood. At one time I was the youngest editor in North Carolina, and I have since had the honor to serve under Horace Greeley and Manton Marble. I have " pulled " the same old press that Admiral Cockburn burned in the National Intelli- gencer office, and I have written editorial for a paper that was printed on the latest style, continuous sheet, lightning press. But, unfortunately, gentlemen, I am not now in your honorable guild ; I now deal in the dead past, you in the living present, and it is by your aid that I can make that dead past a part of the living present. I hate a fossilized idea so much that I dis- 158 HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. like to dcnl in the fonsil of the rocks around mc. T prefer to handle and to hriug to li<;ht the ores which, having passed the refincrt^' (ire, give us the metals which furnish the iron ways of travel, which aid u.s in making the lightning do our bidding^ convey our thoughts over thousands of miles of space, and enter into every form of comfort, convenience and luxury of commer- cial or domestic life. They are the living present of geology^ the fossils its dead past, full of poetic interest, but valueless in a practical view. But, gentlemen, this weather is too warm for generalities, nor have we time here for me to enter into anything like a full description of the mineral wealth of the State. It is the idea of some that all of it has been told. There can be no gi eater error. Dr. Safford's Geology of Tennessee is the most perfect book of its size I ever saw, and he may be said to have touched every point of the subject, but the foundation for elaborate search is only laid thereby. The Geology of the State of New York is twenty times as large, and Pennsylvania has just issued sixteen volumes, any one twice as large a* Safford's, at an of several hundred thousand dollai-s. while Tennessee, with greater and more varied mineral resources than either, rests with an expenditure for geological work proper of not over $25,000. I say greater resources ; some may challenge my statement. It is true, we have not the anthracite coal of Penn- sylvania, neither has any olher part of the world so much of that singular and valuable fuel, but with a less area of coal field we have more bituminous coal than Pennsylvania. That State has seldonl more than one workable seam available; we have all over our field more than one, and over a large part of it there are piled up a dozen seams, eight to nine of which are over three feet thick. And all these are far above water level. We do not go down into deep shafts for our coal, but simply cut into the side of a hill towering far above any possibility of flood-' ing or need of pumps. New York has not any coal, hence we easily surpass her there. In iron ores we have all that either or both States have, and much they have not. It is true that only a small part of the great Alleghany magnetic ore vein is in our State, but just in a stone's throw over the line in North Caro- lina is nn immense quantity which is entirely dependent upon us for smelting fuel, and just now one ot' Pennsylvania's most wealthy iron men has finished, at great expense, a railroad, 45 HAND-BOOK OF TENNESSEE. 159 miles long in our State, to reach these ores that he may carry them to Pennsylvania. New York has these magnetites, but not in any greater abundance than exist in our Alleghany region. The day will come when this Western North Carolina region, ours by the ties of trade and topography as it is in the relationship of a hundred years ago, will be as famed for its mines of magnetic and specular iron, ores of copper, nickel, man- ganese and chrome as is now the Lake Superior country, and all of them must come to our coal to be made useful, come to our coal not by the long lake and rail route, part of which is frozen half the year, but by only a few miles of direct railroad, with- out any trans shipment. Gentlemen, I may have stepped over into North Carolina a little in this, but it all means Tennessee, and it is only the m.other deeding some of her wealth to the child. The coal of Tennessee and the vast mineral wealth of that Alleghany region were destyied by nature to be joined together, and the railroads now being built are only completing the banns which nature proclaimed thousands of years ago. I said that Tennessee's resources were greater and more varied than Pennsylvania or New York, and I add of any other State in the Union Others have more of one or another specialty, but she is independent in herself. She has a little;of all, and a great deal of the two chief elements of wealth— iron and coal. She may not have as much zinc or lead as Missouri, but in her borders are rich mines of both; no State has in the same limited area a greater supply of copper ore; manganese of the best quality is in her mountains; cobalt and nickel are known to exist; and while her silver and gold may be scarce, yet both have been found, and it can not be said of them that they do not exist or that their quantity is positively known. Her petroleum has flowed out in hundreds of barrels, yet its quantity is equally an unsolved problem. Neither is West Tennessee, the fertile land of corn and cotton, deficient in a character of mineral wealth. Her clays have no superior in quality nor quantity, and the green sands of McNaiiy may yet be as great a source of profit to the miner and the agriculture of the State as those of Freehold and Monmouth, New Jersey. Hence, gen- tlemen, having as much bituminous coal as Pennsylvania, which New York has not, having in our reach and in our own moun- tains as much magnetic iron ore as either of these other States, having other iron ore in greater quantities than either State, 160 ND-BOOK OF tknnk,sret:. having copper, wliich ncitlier lias, lead and zinc, .surpassing one, and perhaps fully equalling the other, comparing favorably with them in other minerals, having the green sands and clays which they bring from New Jersey, am I not sustained in saying that Tennessee's. mineral wealth is greater and more varied than Pennsylvania or New York? It is for you gentlemen to aid me in publishing this to the world. There is no paper so insig- nificant but it has an influence with some one. Besides the greatness and variety of her ores, Tennessee has iron ores of a character that exists in no other part of the world known to geological science except immediately on her border in Kentucky and a small strip in Illinois. I refer to the immense beds of iron ore in the fields now around you. Every shore in this great highland region, wherever you reach a certain altitude above that peculiar limestone which crops out of yonder hill, you will find iron ore, and the higher above that limestone the greater is likely to be therXE*?EE. 163 Shelby the orange and the rice of Florida. The grand wild cherry towers 'mid the high dark cones of the Unakas, and the magnolia grows to perfection on the banks of the Hatchie and Forked Deer. Xo grander scenery exists in the world than lies hid amid the wild fastnesses of the Unaka!s ; from no point in the world is there a grander view than from Lookout ; nor can anywhere the eye rest on a* fairer scene of agricultural beauty than from the western cliffs of the Cumberland ; nor do nature's convulsions anywhere show a more wonderfiil piec« of work than Reelfoot Lake. But I can not here enumerate all her advan- tages. Why should any one leave the State ? Has any one ever left it who did not wish he was back, and has any one left it who would not have done as well here had he used the same economy and worked as hard ? But some will go, and there is room for many thousands more than will stay, and I ask your aid in so bringing to light and notice every advantage and every resource of the State that the vacant places may be more than filled, so that the Kght of a hundred furnaces shall glare over the State, the busy hum of the spindle be heard on huiidreds of now idle water powers, and not a bale of cotton be sent out of the State : every hill and vale of ]Middle Tennessee's feirtile lands be strained to feed thousands of diggers of iron and coal and of copper, and West Tennessee reap not the least part of her reward in growing the cotton to clothe them and in the manufacture of the pottery for their use, which can not be made anywhere more cheaply or of better qualitv. TA.BLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Geography of Tennessee 5 Mountains 5 Rivers, Lakes, etc., 6-7 Topography 8-10 Geological Features 11-17 Coal 18-26 Iron Ores 27-3 Copper 36-37 Gold 38 Zinc 39-40 Lead 41-42 Manganese 42 Marble 43-47 Building Stones, Roofing Slates, Clays, and Glass Sand ; 48-50 Petroleum 51 Timber 52-53 Lakes, Bayous, Rivers and Creeks 54-56 Railroads 57-63 Agricultural Products •. 64-66 Climate 67-69 Live Stock 70-73 Horses 70 Cattle 70-71 Hogs 71-72 Sheep 72-73 Poultry 73 Bees 73 State Polity 74-75 Property and Taxation 76 Public Roads 77 Manufacturing 78 Educational 79 Churches 80 Benevolent Institutions 81 1(56 fOXTENTS. J'AGK Ivift Tennesf'ce Statistics H^ Table (1) 84 Table (2 ) 85 Table (3) 86 Civil Divisions 87 East Tennessee 87 Counties of East Tennessee 87-104 Anderson 87-88 Bledsoe 88 Blount 89 Bradley 89-90 Campbell 90 Carter 90-91 Claiborne ; 92 Cocke 91-92 Grainger 92 Greene 92-93 Hamblen 93 Hamilton 93-94 Hancock 94-95 Hawkins 95 James 95-96 Jefferson 96 Johnson 96-97 Knox 97-98 Loudon 98 Marion 98 McMinn " 99 Meigs 99 Monroe 99-100 Morgan 100 Polk : 100-101 Rhea 101 Roane 101-102 Scott 102 Sequatchie 102 Sevier 102-103 Sullivan 103 Unicoi 103 Union 103 Washington 104 CONTENTS. 167 PAGE Middle Tennessee 105-130 Counties of Middle Tennessee 106-130 Bedford 106 Cannon 106 Cheatham 107 Clay 107 Coffee 108 Cumberland 108 Davidson 109-110 Dickson 110 DeKalb '. 110-111 Fentress Ill Franklin 111-112 Giles 112 Grundy 112-113 Hickman 113-114 Houston ' 114 Humphreys 114-115 Jackson 115 Lawrence 115-116 Lewis 116 Lincoln 110-117 Macon ^. 117 Marshall 117-118 Maury 118 Montgomery 118-119 Moore 119 Overton 119-120 Perry 120 Putnam. 120 Picket 120-121 Robertson 121 Rutherford 121-122 Smith 122 Stewart 122-123 Sumner 123 Ti'ousdale 123-124 Van Buren 124 Warren 124-125 Wayne 125 White 125-126 Williamson 126 ir.8 CONTENTS. PAOK Wilson 126-127 Statistics of Middle Tennessee 1 28-130 Ttible 1 128 Table 2 ] 29 Table 3 130 West Tennessee 131-147 Counties of West Tennessee 131-144 Benton 131-132 Carroll 132-133 Chester 133 Crockett • 133-134 Decatur ' 134 Dyer 134 Fayette 135 Gibson 135-136 Hardeman 136 Hardin 137 Haywood 137-138 Henderson 138 Henry 138-139 Lake 139 Lauderdale 139-140 Madison 140-141 McNairy I4I Obion 141-142 Shelby 142-143 Tipton 143-144 Weakley 144 Statistics of West Tennessee 145-147 Table 1 145 Table 2 146 Table 3 147 Conclusion 149 Corrections 150 Appendix 151-163 Coal Lands along the Cincinnati Southern R. R 153-155 Mineral Wealth of Tennessee — Address 157-163 Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. mR SEP OS Form L9 — 15m-10,'48(B1039)444 UNIVERSITY of CALIFORWiA AT LOS ANGELES JIC_ Tennessee* Bur- 107 eau of agricul^ T2A5 turS f statistics 1832 "ana" mines . » H andbook of Tennessee. HC 107 T2A5 1882 L 009 607 004