aET O o y LORD NOElBWieK» ' ' N, [TSTBe purchase of Sir Robert Ainslie'a coins lor Lorii Northwick, for -more than twenty yearsM 8,000^., and again they divided them. Northwick Society, and perhaps Castle— where Mrs. Billington nsed to the father of the Dilettante Society, and perhaps the last link between the Art-critics of the present generation and the Art-votaries of the last century, passed from this world on Thursday, the 20th inst., at the ripe age of eighty-nine. His pleasant talk abounded m personal anecdotes of those who have long held prominent places in the history of- the politics, literature, and artistic tastes of our conn^ try. His intimate friends were iSTelsoH,- Sir William Hamilton, Payne Knight, D'Agincourt, Canova, Camuccini, and Sir Robert Ainslie. At the age of eighteen, he nsed proudly to relate, he knew Gibbon, joined in the games of blindmanV buff which the historian delighted to set a-foot, looked with veneration at the harbour where the history had been completed, and partook of the 0*"^C/\. ^ sing duetts with Lady Hamilton, and where the latter went through her attitudes only a few months before her death — contains a large and fine collection of pictTires, many of them excellent portraits of great men; but - the collection at Cheltenham far exceeds in number, and almost equals in quality, tbat- of any other private collection in England. Lord Nq^rthwick was not merely an active but a stupendous, picture - buyer. His kindly natiu-e, however, allowed him to be occa- sionally imposed upon, and, more strange than all, he not unfi«quently parted with some of his most admired possessions for the pleasure of gaining new faces. Thus, the 'St. Catherine,' by Raphael, now in our National Gallery, was pur- chased by Lord Northwick from the Aldobrandini . collection of the Borghese Palace at Rome, and ] afterwards transferred by him to Mr. Beckford. i In the same way he surrendered to Mr. Hamlet the fine CarraecJi ' Domine, quo vadis ? ' now in the National Gallery. During his residence in Con- naught Terrace, London, he sold many of his best works by public auction. Many of the choicest Orleans, SoUy, and Lucca pictures became his by purchase. The famous Titian of 'Tarquin and Lncrece,' formerly one of the gems of Charles the First's Ul-fated collection, is still one of the chief ornaments of the Thirlestaine House Gallery. A grand Moretto and numerous importatioQs direct 1 attest his-njuni- , „ _- ,„_, _j. ._ the present time it does not seem that any documentar;, or historic ' information has been brought to bear upon them. ; Of their future destination at present no announce- ment has been made, but any dispersion of the better works into, various coUectiona would be deeply to be regretted. A transfer, however, for national purposes might be viewetl in a different light. As the spacious rooms and magnificent saloon at Cheltenham now stand, we may feirly say of thedeparted nobleman, "Simonumentumquaeris, circumspice." Pity, indeed, if not so kept together. During th» last few years bodily infirmities with- drew Lord Northwick from society, and he resided principally at Northwick; but he retained his men- tal vigour to the end, and is said to have indulged ^^his passion for Art by acquisition and exchanges to the very last. His acts of kindness were vmoatenta- ■ tious, and his Kberality. however .ej^^ged^ be- , is, that their late owner cherished them with / T^ s'^'^'X. v-*"*-^^^^ > yurv^i^ intense gratification, and made an elaborate eata- I '^ / U/Jjf^ t^CfU^, '\iri^ /t/Cc*>l (u iU^^zC logue both of these and his other gems of ancient Art \ .t% / ■ logue both of these and his other gems of ancient Art k 1^ with his o w^ hand. He joined with Payne Kn ight /\/r\y-i^h lyi/ /r Mr ^ -On. CATALOGUE OF THE LATE LORD NORTHWICK'S OF ANCIENT AND MODERN PICTUKES, CABINET OF MINIATURES AND ENAMELS, AND THE FUENITUEE, PLATE, WINES, AND EFFECTS, AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. ©Ibitb toitl hi Soli) bj llnriwit bj MR. PHILLIPS AT THE MANSION, On Tuesday, the 26th of July, 1859, AND TWENTY-ONE SUBSEQUENT DATS, Commencing at One o'clock precisely each Day, BY DIRECTION OF THE ADMINISTRATOR. May be Viewed ow and after Friday, the 15th of July, by Catalogues only, at Five Shillings each, to admit Three Persons, to be obtained at the Lodge of the Mansion ; of Messrs. Agxew and Soxs, Manchester ; Mr. Isaacs, Liverpool ; Mr. Kebslake. Bookseller, Bristol ; Mr. HouJBS, Birmingham ; Mr. Bentlet, Worcester ; Mr. Da vies, Cheltenham : Mr. Greenwood, York ; and at Mr. PHILLIPS' Auction Offices, 73, New Bond Street, London. J. Datt t Soirs, Printers, 137, Long Acre, London. iSJ^ T-fe ^'i^ '^te '^fe6}fe '^i^^^L CONDITIONS OF SALE. FiBST. — The highest bidder to be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot to be put up again and re-sold. Second. — No person to advance less than Is. at each bidding j above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so advance in proportion. Thied. — The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down immediately a deposit of £20 per cent, in part payment of the purchase-money ; and, if required, the whole of the purchase-money ; or in default, the lot to be put up again and resold. FouHTH. — The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser's expense, within one DAY after each day's sale, without reference to the identity of either subject or master. Fifth. — As this auction is made subject to the 4dh condition, the re- mainder of the purchase-money must he paid on or before the delivery of the lots. Sixth. —Upon failure of complying with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment will be forfeited, all the lots uncleared will be re-sold either by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any), together with all charges for such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Lastly. — Should any purchaser obtain his lot or lots, and leave the same, or any part, uncleared, or by any neglect omit paying for the same, such purchaser shall pay interest after the rate of £5 per cent, per annum on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale until the amount shaU be discharged' together with all charges attending such neglect. PEEFACE. In submitting Lord Northwick's very important Collection of Pictures to the competition of Purchasers, Mr. Phillips cannot omit the opportunity of respectfully calling the attention of Connoisseurs and Patrons of Art, to this, as one of the rarest occasions hitherto known in the annals of Auctions ; combining, as it does, a Gallery exceeding Flfteen Hundred Pictures, enabling them from such a source to select works of the highest merit, both as regards the Ancient Masters, as well as those of the Modern English Painters. In the formation of the Catalogue, he has purposely avoided giving any lengthened or elaborate descriptions of the Pictures, although highly worthy of such encomium, beheving as he does, that the beauty of each painting will be more satisfactorily appreciated by an inspeC' tion than from the recommendations of a Catalogue Eaisonne, which he considers, at best, but a very inadequate medium, where works of such merit abound, as will be found in this Collection. It may not be inopportune however to state, that in the formation of this Collection the late noble Owner's early 782 IV PREFACE. and long cherished love of Art, aided hy the most refined taste, which continued during a period of more than sixty years, enabled him to secure, from the numerous sources which have arisen in England and on the Continent, the present magnificent Collection now adorning the walls of Thirlestane House, and in quoting two paragraphs from a letter addressed by his Lordship, in reply to a testimonial which was presented to him by upwards of seven hundred Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Town and neighboin-hood of Cheltenham, Mr. Phillips feels that he may leave the interests of this important Sale in the hands of the Public — assured as he is that a visit to the galleries of Thirlestane House before they are dispersed, will afford ample satis- faction. " I had myself the good fortune to commence my travels through foreign lands at an early period of my life, and it was in the year 1792 that I first saw Rome, where I sojourned during the greater part of eight successive years, and was impressed with a profound veneration — which, during the whole course of a long life, has never since been effaced from my memory — for the stupendous monuments of falling greatness with which it is on all sides surrounded — an unbounded admiration for the works of the most refined art in painting, sculpture, and architecture, with which it then abounded, and to which I had the advantage of a most free and unlimited access. " These were the seductive amusements of my youth ; they have clung to me through a long life, and they are now the solace of my old age. That they have not been a selfish and egotistic pursuit is abun- dantly testified by the kind feeling that has prompted so many of my highly respected friends and neighbours to present me with this invalu- able testimonial of their approbation and regard." CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES AND WORKS OF ART AT Cl^rliestant Pousje, Cl^tllml^am* FIRST DAY'S SALE. On TUESDAY, the 26th day of JULY, 1859, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. DRAWING ROOM. LOT KIDD. LIVERSEGE. 4 Don Quixote, V 1 The Irish Wedding. G. ROMANO. 2 Apollo and the Nine Muses. /y ^ A. CARACCI. 3 Portrait of Piovano Arlotto. I/^ GAINSBOROUGH. 5 A Cottage Scene, with cattle and figure. /t /- THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. CLAufite. 6 An Italian Landscape, commanding a View of a Bay ; on the right a Temple, near which an artist is seated sketching ; a little to the left in the foreground a group of four figures. The effect of sunset is admirahly rendered. ^ 3^" A. CARACCI. 7 A Portrait of a Man in a black dress. TIEPOLI. 8 Coriolanus receiving the Roman Matrons. A powerful sketch. /^ ^ R. WILSON. 9 A Landscape, sunset ; in the foreground a peasant in a red dress, and in the distance a group of cattle. STOOP. 10 The Battle of the Bridge. Painted with great spirit and force of colouring. , '^4' C^ JAN STEEN. 11 The Village School. A humorous picture. 2^ CARAVAGGIO. 12 A Student and his Pupil. Painted with great force and expression. SALVATOR ROSA. 1 3 A Rocky Landscape — A View near the Bay of Salerno ; in the foreground are three figures standing out in fine relief. / / at /S' //■ O BOLOGNESE. 14 A Grand Landscape, in which is introduced the Story of the Rape of Proserpine. ^ HOBBIMA (SCHOOL). ' 15 A Landscape with a mill pond, and a man shooting at some ducks; to the right a road with a peasant driving cattle. VENETIANO. t 16 The Holy Family with Saints. FIBST DAT S SASM. RAFFAELLE (SCHOOL). 17 The Massacre of the Innocents. A. VANDER NEER. 18 A River Scene in Holland, by moonlight, with numerous figures, cattle, boats and buildings. / J. DE HEEM. 19 A Group of Fruit, with lobster and silver Vase. Capitally painted. y ALBANO. 20 A Mythological Subject. DE KONINGH. 21 Cattle and figures on the banks of a river. CLAUDE. 22 A Landscape with a river running through the centre, traversed by a bridge; in the foreground is represented the Repose of the Holy Family. 9 f VAN SON. 23 A Group of Fruit and Still Life. Signed and dated 1660. Brilliantly painted. <> k> ^ J. AND A. BOTH. 24 A Mountainous Landscape, with peasants and cattle travelling along a road ; in the foreground a group of figures reposing. yy PADUANINO. 25 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour seated in a landscape. A. CUYP. 26 A Landscape with a group of five cows, one of which is drinking at ///, > a stream. -Z^ NICCOLO DEL ABBATL 27 The Holy Family with the Virgin in Adoration. ALBANO. 28 A Landscape with Apollo in pursuit of Daphne. " A' charming composition. 22 r J- /a r THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. PALMEZZANO. 29 The Virgin and Infant Saviour attended by St. Peter and St. Catherine, and an Angel presenting fruit ; a rocky landscape is seen in the background. A Jine composition — admirably coloured. ^ yy SALVATOR ROSA. 30 A Rocky Scene, with two figures in the foreground. Purchased hy Lord Northwick from the Collection of Sir T. Lawrence, by whom this Jine work was greatly prized. /oo ^r^ ALBERT CUYP. / 31 A Landscape with a group of three cavaliers halting at the door of an inn, near them a woman holds a jug ; in the distance a river with a church and other buildings, and on the bank, suttler's booths, figures, horses, &c. From the Boursault Collection. M. HOBBIMA. / /" 32 A richly Wooded Landscape, with a stream in the foreground, and two figures fishing. A pure and beautiful example of the master. JAN BELLINL 33 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour; a landscape with some buildings is seen in the background ; signed. A beautiful example of the master. ^ J^l ^r JACOB RUYSDAEL. 34 A Forest Scene, with a rushing waterfall in the foreground, and two men angling. This picture possesses all the vigour and grandeur of effect for which its painter is so distinguished. It is engraved. O OtJ J. VAN HUYSUM. 35 A Landscape with Diana and her Nymphs. Very highly finished, and brilliant in colouring. On Copper, ^ / NIEULANT. 36 A rocky Landscape, with the Flight into Egypt introduced. / ^V FIRST DAY S SALE. 5 VANDER NEER. 37 View on a River in Holland, with numerous buildings, boats and figures ; in the foreground a man fishing. Twilight scene. /^ r^ VANDER HEYDEN. 38 View of the Town of Nemiguen, with figures by A. V. Vbldk. . From the collection of Van LanJcers of Antwerp. ""^^^ ^^ WYNANTS. 39 A View on the Rhine, representing wild and picturesque scenery, with a hilly country on the left ; enriched with figures and cattle by Lingleback. // r,-, G. POUSSIN. 40 An Italian Landscape, with two figures in the foreground. ^^ NICHOLAS BERGHEM. 41 A rich Mountainous Landscape, with a distant view of a city and the Lake of Peruggia ; in the foreground a group of peasants are driving their flocks and herds from market ; a threatening sky, denoting an approaching storm, gives grandeur and effect to the picture. An important and beautiful work of the master; signed and dated 1653. J. RUYSDAEL. 42 A Wooded Landscape, with a cottage to the left, and a pool of water in the foreground ; in the centre of the picture two peasants are standing in conversation. 3si) 9^ ^ /> D. TENIERS. 43 A Landscape, with figures at a table drinking in front, while others are playing at skittles at a distance. From the Earl Spencer's collection at Althoip, ,2/ c^ SASSO FERRATO. 44 The Virgin, with her hands clasped, looking attentively on the Infant Saviour asleep. Charmingly coloured. From the same collection as the preceding picture. /l^ r 6 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. PLATZER. 45 The Battle of Amazons, a composition of numerous figures, finished in all its details with the greatest minuteness. op VAN KESSELL. 46 A richly Wooded Landscape, with a mill stream to the left, and two figures in a boat angling. D. MYTENS, Sen. 47 Charles I. when a Child. He is represented at full length, in a green velvet dress with lace collar and ruffles, his right hand holds a small gun and his left rests on a sword, by his side a greyhound, behind him on a table a white hat ornamented with a feather and rich jewel clasp. 51 A Boor with a glass and mug. CLAUDE. 52 An Italian Landscape with distant scenery, and a bridge traversing the centre of the picture; to the right, in the foreground, two figures are in conversation under the shade of some trees ; a flock of sheep and cattle are distributed over the landscape. A beautiful composition, full of effect and colour. r ///. /•"> r G. DOUW. 48 A Young Girl at an arched window gathering a pink, a bird cage hangs above. Beautifully finished in all its details. / ^ HANS HOLBEIN. 49 Portrait of the Princess Mary of England. She is represented in a standing position, draped in white, with a gold chain round her waist, the end of which sheholds in her hands. Painted on a green back ground. A rare and highly interesting portrait. GASPAR NETSCHER. 50 Portrait of a Lady as Diana. A small whole length in a rich costume. D. TENIERS. r //f. JatJi, FIRST day's sale. ADRIAN OSTADE. 53 An Interior with four figures, the principal of whom, a woman, holds a book of music in her hand ; to her left, a boor is tuning his violin ; in the background are two men, one of whom has just filled his slass with beer. 60 The Virgin and Infant Saviour surrounded by Angels and Saints, a brilliant landscape is seen at the back. From the Collection of Lady Hampden, Aa r u^ D. TENIERS. 54 Christ and the Woman of Samaria. A pasticcio in the mxinner of Titian. // ^ WILLIAM MIERIS. 55 Portrait of the Artist in his Studio. BrillianUy coloured^ JAN STEEN. 5Q A Boor reading at a table. METZU. 57 An Interior with a cavalier singing, accompanied by a lady. y^ C. POELEMBURG. 58 The Glorification of the Virgin. An elegant composition, and brilliantly coloured. /^ ^ DE WITTE. 59 The Annunciation to the Shepherds. / PELLEGRINI DA MODENA. /- 7/ 4^ f<' p. BREUGHEL. 61 St John Preaching — a composition of numerous figures, very minutely wrought ^/ RAFFAELLE. 62 The Flagellation — a composition of three figures ; in the centre the Saviour tied to a pillar is receiving the lashes ; the background of the picture is formed by a building with three arches, through which a landscape is seen. Formerly in the Collection of A. Hope, Esq. / / THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. BASSANO. . 63 The Nativity. -& Z:^^ A f MOUCHERON and LINGELBACK. 64 An extensive Landscape with numerous figures, horses, dogs, &c. dispersed in groups over the picture, preparing to start for the chase. / VAN BERGHEN. 65 A Landscape with a group of cattle and figures in the foreground, and a woman milking. r /d'a r RAFFAELLE. ^ 66 The Virgin, Child and St. John in a landscape — small circular. A replica of the picture known as La Vierge de la Maison d'Albe. In a satin-wood case, enriched with twelve Wedgwood medallions. SIR B. WEST, P.R.A. 67 Renaldo and Amida. — The enchantress is here represented sitting, supporting the head of her lover, who is recumbent, holding his shield that serves for a mirror, to which her attention is invited by a cupid while arranging her hair. Behind is another cupid, gathering flowers, and three more at his feet. This is a production of the artist's best period. Signed and dated 1766. Retouched 1790. J. VAN HAAGEN. 68 A View at the entrance of a Wood, with figures preparing for the chase. The effect of light and shade is beautifully rendered. // f, P. BRILL Ai^D CARACCL 69 A Landscape, with St. Francis kneeling and contemplating the Crucifix. GHIRLANDAJO (SCHOOL OF). 70 A Landscape, with the Virgin and Child attended by an Angel. PATEL. 71 A Landscape, with buildings and figures, and cattle in the foreground. J/ p DOMENICHINO. 72 A classical Landscape, with figures towing a boat. /2, g^ M c* FIRST DAY S SALE. VANDYCK. 73 Christ Mocked. A vigorous sketch. BERKHEYDEN. 74 The Town Hall at Haarlem, with numerous figures. FRANCESCO MOLA. 75 The Repose of the Holy Family. CAMUCCINI. 76 The Virgin, Child, and St. John. A. CARACCI. 77 St. John Baptising the Saviour in the River Jordan. CANALETTO. 78 View of St. Mark's Place, with figures P. DA CORTONA. 79 The Holy Family in a Landscape, with Angels ministering. CANALETTO. 80 The Grand Canal, Venice, with numerous gondolas and figures. PREUDHOME, (of Neufchatel). 81 Portraits of The Duke of Hamilton, Doctor, and Sir John Moore. MAES. 82 William 1st Prince of Orange, a full length portrait in armour. MARTIN SCHOEN. 83 A Triptique, representing the Crucifixion, Christ leaving the Judg- ment Hall, and the Taking down from the Cross. An important and finely preserved work of this rare master. In a mahogany case, the outer door enriched with figures of Saints en grisaille. STELLA. 84 The Virgin and Child enthroned, with Saints worshipping. Jl> r /^ / 2y ^/ r /. /. r / 7 . // 10 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. A DEL SARTO. 85 A Portrait of a Man in a black cap and dress, supposed to be the portrait of the Artist. y/) f TITIAN. 86 The Virgin and Child and St. John. / . End of the First Da^i Sale ./j jTi; SECOND DAY'S SALE. On WEDNESDAY, the srth day of JULY, 1859, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. LOT JAQUES CALLOT. 106 The Little Fair, with numerous figures. The, engraved picture. o"^ <^ MOUCHERON. 107 An upright Landscape, with figures. ^ ^q P. KOBEL. 108 Two Cows in a Landscape. E. VERBOECKHOVEN. 109 A Donkey and Sheep in a Stable. yv ^^^^ LINGLEBACK.' 110 The departure for the Chase, with numerous horses and figures. A work of great delicacy and tenderness of touch. /U S" ^ P. POTTER. 111 A Landscape, with a white horse, with a red cloak thrown over it, near it a dog and a man sleeping under a ruin. From Strawberry HiU, /Y Ct RAFFAELLE. 112 Portrait of La Fomarina. J f ^ D. TENIERS. 113 A Landscape, with the Artist and his Wife seated in the foreground. SECOND day's sale. 13 N. BERGHEM. 114 A Landscape, with two figures, seated near some rocks^ and four cows variously grouped. / Painted vxith great effect and truth to nature. ^ C. CIGNANI. 115 St. Francis in an attitude of devotion. // CORNELIS. 116 Portrait of a Lady. ALBERT DURER (SCHOOL). 117 Porti'ait of a Nun at devotion. ZUCCHERO. 118 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth in a black dress, with a chain of pearls ^ round her neck. /"^ A. CARACCI. 119 Polyphemus and the Sea Nymphs. SIR ANTHONY MORE. 120 Portrait of Queen Mary. PAUL VERONESE. ^ 121 Portrait of Cosmo di Medicis, the founder of that Dlustrious family. W VANDE YELDE. 122 Admiral Van Tromp. Painted with great force and truth. In the background a Sea Fight. /^/7 DOBSON. 123 Sir William Farmor, groom of the Bedchamber to Charles Prince of Wales, in armour. ZUCCHERO. 124 Mary Queen of Scots, she holds in her hand three roses, and is habited in a rich costume, three quarter length. ^^Jt* RIGAUD. 125 Phiilippe d'Orleans, the Regent, in Armour, three quarter length. ^^ 7" r 14 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. f VANDYCK. 126 Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain of the King's household, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. ^/ TITIAN,. 127 The Duke of Alva in armour. 2./ ^ HANS SCHAUFLEIN. 128 Portrait of a Man in a black robe, P. BORDONE. 129 Portrait of a Lady. PORBUS. 130 Portrait of the Emperor Charles fifth, in a rich dress, with the chain and order of the Golden Fleece PAUL VANSOMER. 131 The Earl of Arundel. A magnificent full length portrait of one of the earliest and most enthusiastic patrons of the fine arts ; he is habited in black, and wears the garter ; in the background a | ^A\u^^a^ view of the house and gardens of Arundel Castle. r PAUL VANSOMER. | tffTf^ 132 The Countess of Arundel. Companion to the preceding picture. J BOTTICELLL 1 33 The Virgin and Child with Angels ; circular. y^ AMBERGER. • 134 Portrait of a Man in a black cap and dress. Jc^ 3/f '//f . AMBERGER. 135 Portrait of a Female in the dress of a Nun, landscape background. Companion to the preceding. PAUL VANSOMER. 136 Lord de Lisle in his robes of state; a fine whole length portrait ^^ ^ MARK GERRARD. 137 Portraits of the Earl of Dorset and his Secretary. The Earl is represented standing erect, preparing to receive a communication from his secretary, who holds in his right hand a letter addressed to his lordship, and in the other a petition from the Merchant Adventurers. Admirably painted. /'r SECOND day's SAX£. 15 DINING ROOM. QUINTIN MATSYS. 138 The Artist painting his Mother's Portrait. A highly interesting work, painted toith tJuit power and truth to nature for which this master is so justly celebrated. ^2^ EARLY GREEK (SCHOOL). 139 The Dieath of St, Ephraiui. In ajine state of preservation. VANDER GOES. 1 40 The Meeting of Joachim and Anna. " On a certain feast day Joachim brought double offerings to the Lord, but the high priest, Isaachas, refused, saying — It is not lawful seeing that thou hast no issue in Israel ; and Joachim was exceeding sorrowful, and would not be seen by his wife, but went into the pastures to the shepherds, and fasted forty days and nights. His wife, Anna, remained in her house, praying. And behold an Angel said to her, Anna, thy prayer is heard, see thy husband, Joachim is coming ; for an Angel had spoken to him also: and they met at the Golden Gate, and Anna embraced her husband, saying — I, who was barren, shall become a joyful mother ! " — See Mrs. Jameson's Legends of Madonna. ^n s r BALDASSARE PERUZZL 141 The Adoration of the Magi. A rocky Landscape, in the foreground of which the Virgin is seated, with the infant Jesus and Joseph, receiving the offerings of the Magi, who are surrounded by numerous attendants. A icell preserved example of this rare master. ry MAZZOLINO DI FERRARA. 142 Christ in the Judgment Hall. The principal subject represents the Saviour being conducted by Pilate down a flight of steps from the Upper into the Lower Judgment Hall, where several of the priests are seen exciting the populace to demand the condem- nation of their prisoner. An admirable and highly-Jinished pi'odnction of art, elaborate in its composition, and varied in ifo details. From the collection of Allan Grilmore, Esq. 3 2^/^ (V 16 THE NOKTHWICK GALLERY. HOBBIMA. 143 A grand Landscape, with a winding road runing through the centre of the picture, along which several figures are travelling, and others are halting at the door of an Inn ; to the left, a cavalier with huntsman and dogs is pursuing the chase. //^/? LOCATELLI. 144 An Italian Landscape with figures. A classical composition, em- bracing great extent and variety of scenery; a group of four figures is placed on an eminence on the left of the picture; to the right, a herd of cattle, driven by peasants, and in the fore- ground, a man urging a dog. The colouring is very pleasing and excellent througJiout. /{F^ MORONL 145 Alessandro Farnese, Prince of Parma. He is represented in three quarter length, dressed in an elaborate suit of armour, and holds in one hand a letter and in the other a baton. A very fine portrait; the details, especially the armour, are finished in the most masterly manner. / 9^ BASSANO. 146 Portraits of Jacobus Mauroc and his Son. TINTORETTO. 147 A Doge of Venice. He is represented seated, in the ricli costume of his office. Full of dignity and expression. / a GERMAN (SCHOOL). 148 Portrait of a Gentleman in a black dress and hat, holding a scroll in one hand. GIORGIONE. 149 Gaston de Foix in armour, with a hat and feathers. From the Lucca Gallery. /^ *■ TITIAN. 150 The Emperor Vitellius. Believed to be one of the Twelve Csesars, painted tor Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, whose entire collection was purchased by Charles the First, but sold again by the Commonwealth and dispersed. It is a fine colossal figure. /' Z' SECOND day's sale. 17 TITIAN. . 151 The Emperor Vespasian — Companion to the preceding. From the same collection REMBRANDT (after). 152 A three-quarter Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress and hat, _ with a lace collar, in one hand he holds a glove. ^^ /2> 7-f 1 .-r. REMBRANDT (aftek> 153 Portrait of a Lady holding a fan ; companion to the preceding. . P. REINAGLE. 154 The Sermon, from Tristam Shandy. The characters introduced are Mr. Shaady, Uncle Toby, Dr. Slop, and Corporal Trim. Those who recoliect the passage which it illustrates, y will at once detect its graphic and forcible delineation. /.- , _^ / r LE NAIN. 155 Interior of a Peasant's Cottage with figures. Painted ■with great breadth and truth. ci y ^^ J. B. WEENIX. 156 A View in the Garden of a Chateau; in the foreground, a finely sculptured fountain, on the pedestal of which is grouped a rich assemblage of fruits and flowers, and in the midst a monkey, whose enjoyment is disturbed by the sudden appearance of a hawk ; to the right, in the foreground, a fine peacock displays the beauty of its plumage. A very important work, 9 ^'2^ a, TITIAN. 157 Portrait of Pope Paul IV. yi^ HOGARTH. 158 The Modem Midnight Conversation. j^/f TINTORETTO. 159 Portrait of Doge Venieri, who commanded at the Battle of Lepanto. N. MAAS. 160 Vertumnus and Pomona- ^ 4/ 'V A fine work of tJiis admired master. V ^ /*' is THE NORTHWICK GAXLERT. ^ 2 a ///- SECOND day's sale. 19 VAN EYCK. 1 72 The Adoration of the Magi. Under the Porch of an extensive Gothic building, through which a distant landscape is seen, the Virgin is seated with the Infant in her lap, attended bj Joseph. Two of the Magi are kneeling before her, presenting their gifts, the third is approaching ; behind him are the attendants of theMagi and a dog. An important work of this rare master, in a heauliful state of preservation. MARTIN SCHOEN. 173 Christ bearing his Cross, and St. Veronica. From the collection of the Archbishop of Mayence. Engrvaed. ANGELICA DA FIESOLE. 174 The Legend of St Cosmo and St Damian. ALBANO. 1 75 The Creation — The Lord conversing with Adam and Eve ; arched top ANTONILEZ. 176 Portrait of a Man, in a red cap and black dress. GERMAN (SCHOOL). 177 Henry the Holy, of Bavaria, at his devotions. LUCA SIGNORELLL 178 Four Figures of Saints. MORONL 179 A Portrait — one of the Medici Family. N. poussm. 180 The Triumph of Flora. JANET. 181 Portrait of the Due de Guise. TITIAN. 182 "Danae." From the collection of Pnnce Belvedere of Napus. 2^ *. X7 /- ^v- 4^ 20 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. IN CORRIDOR AND BED ROOMS. CANALETTO (SCHOOL). 183 A pair — Scenes on the Grand Canal, Venice. ^-^ A. KAUFFMAN. * 195 The Artist's Portrait, r TIMOTEO BELLA VITE. 184 The Virgin and Child. RAFFAELLE (after). 185 The Holy Family. yj WOHLGEMUTH. 186 Christ bearing his Cross. /^ /- P. VERONESE. 187 The Coronation of the Virgin. A sketch. /^i- GIORGIONE. 188 The Holy Family in a landscape. // WOHLGEMUTH. 189 The Crucifixion. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 190 The Departure of Hagar. <^ 2^^ . BONINGTON (after). 191 The Doge's Palace, Venice. ^// ^^ CORREGGIO (SCHOOL). 192 The Holy Family. TIMOTEO DELLA VITE. 193 Dead Christ supported by Angels. FRANCIA. 194 Holy Family, J-a S£CX)ND day's sale. 21 PERUGINO. 196 The Virgin and CMd. GIORGIONE. 197 Virgin and Child with Saints. /^ A DEL SARTO. 198 Holy Family. ^^^ ZUCCHERELLI. 199 Landscape and figures. /^ t^ HILTON. 200 A View in Northwick Park. r SIR G. KNELLER. 201 Portrait of George I. in his royal robes. GILPIN. 202 A Landscape with figures and horses. /^ if , A. CARACCL ^ 203 The Triumph of Bacchus. 204 Six large engravings, after Le Bbdn, representing the Triumphs of Alexander the Great ; framed and varnished. End of the Second Day's Sale. ^ ^J 7 J^ . THIRD DAY'S SALE. On THURSDAY, the 28tli day of JULY, 1859, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. BED ROOMS. S. ROSA. 205 A Rocky Scene with figures. J. ROMANO. 206 The Graces ; on two panels. C. STELLA. 207 The Adoration of the Shepherds. A. CARACCI. 208 An Italian Landscape with figures. TIEPOLO. 209 Saint Carlo Borromeo at the Hospital Gate. SPANISH (SCHOOL). 210 Mother and Child. VANDYCK. 211 Samson being bound. J. ROMANO. 212 Mount Parnassus. THIRD day's SALB. 23 S. RUYSDAEL. 213 A River Scene with boats and figures. / L. GIORDANO. 214 The Adoration of the Shepherds. ALONZO CANO. 216 Joseph and the Virgin leading the Infant Jesus. ECKHOUT. 217 Portrait of a Man in a black dress. SCHOOL OF PERUGINO. 218 The Virgin and Child. DOMENICHINO. 219 A Landscape and figures. L. VAN LEYDEN. 220 The Virgin and Child. TINTORETTO. 221 Portrait of a Gentleman in black. DA VINCI (SCHOOL> 222 The Holy Family in a rocky landscape. MUZIANO. 223 The Coronation of the Virgin. PULIGO. 224 The Adoration of the Infant Saviour. 7/- PULIGO. 215 The Virgin and Child and Joseph in a landscape. //7 /3 24 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. THE CABINET ROOM. SCHIAVONE. 225 The Death of Adonis. A grand composition; the figures well dravm and finely coloured. DOBSON. 226 Portrait of the Earl of Carnarvon. SIR P. LELY. 227 Portrait of Sir W. Godolphin. GUERCINO. 228 II Condottiere. A spirited half length of a warrior in complete armour with uplifted sword, said to be intended for one of the leaders of the " Free Companies" or " Lances," whose achieve- ments occupied so prominent a place in the historj of the Italian States during the Middle Ages. Above, on the left, is the inscription, " Spirans Minarum et Ccedes.^'' It is brilliantly coloured. From the collection of Sir S. Clarice. F. QUELLINUS. 229 Artemesia drinking her Husband's Ashes. VANDYCK. 230 Portrait of the Earl of Strafford, three-quarter length. Full of dignity and expression. GUIDO. 231 Cupid reposing in a landscape. HOGARTH 232 Dr. Locke, Founder of the Locke Hospital. A portrait of the celebrated Architect of the Locke Hospital, a plan of which he holds in his hand. It came into possession of its noble owner from the collection of Sir John Thorold. // Jo // r /. t THIRD DAY*S SAXE. 25 RAFFAELLE. //^ RUBENS. 233 Portrait of Mdlle. Lundens. PARMEGIANO. 234 Cosmo di Medicis. A jine portrait, painted on a green background, A. CUYP. 235 A Landscape, with a youth holding the reins of three horses, one a dappled gray; near him, a dog ; some buildings are seen in the , , distance. ^^ y^ KAREL DU JARDIN. 236 An upright Landscape, a white horse laden with a pack, and a man conversing with a female. 2 ij TITIAN. 237 Portrait of Luigi Comaro. 2^ r ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE. 238 A Landscape ; in the foreground, a dun cow about to drink at a pool ; further on, another and two sheep are lying down ; in the distance, a third is grazing ; to the left, on a hillock, are some farm buildings. /V^ ^ PAUL POTTER. 239 The Exterior of a Farm ; in the foreground are four cows, two of which are lying down ; to the left, a milkmaid with her pails ; and in the background, a river with two men in a boat. ysi^^ 240 A Landscape, with the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian — a composi- tion of ten figures. d^a DE LORME AND LINGLEBACK. 241 Interior of a Church in Holland, with figures variously grouped. J^/ S. ROSA. 242 A Rocky Landscape with figures. ^"^ JACOB RUYSDAEL. 243 A Mountainous Landscape, with a cascade of water falling over the <5^2 rocks in the foreground. E r r 26 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. VAN STRY. F 244 A Landscape, with a peasant driving cattle to water. // ^ W. VAN DE VELDE. 245 A Marine View, with English men-of-war. G. CUYP. 246 A Landscape with cavaliers, huntsmen and dogs preparing for the y^ chase. / WYNANTS. 247 A Landscape, with figures preparing for hawking. ^ X. m F. MILLET. 248 A Classical Landscape with figures — effect of storm. S. ROSA. 249 A Landscape, Scene on the Coast of the Bay of Salerno ; three figures are grouped on a rock in the foreground. / V . J. VAN HUYSUM. 250 The Artist's Portrait ; he is holding in his right hand a palette, and in his left an unfinished picture. A rare and interesting portrait. '/ /' BRONZING. 251 Portrait of a Child in a red dress, seated on a cushion, playing with a dog; supposed to be one of the family of Cosmo di Medicis. A/ a, VANDYCK. 252 Portrait of the Princess Mary, daughter of Charles I. From the collection of Lord Cowley ; oval. J /( ^ 25.3 Portrait of Lady Jane Seymour. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 254 Cupid drawn by the Graces ; circular. /^ ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. ^ 255 Cupid disarmed by the Graces — companion to the preceding. /Ji -^ -7 TBJBB day's sale. 27 GUIDO (after). 256 Fortune scattering her Favours over the Earth. VANDER CAPELLA. 257 A Marine View —a Calm ; to the right of the picture is a jetty, on both sides of which several yachts and boats are at anchor ; in front, a boat containing a party of ladies and gentlemen about to land ; in the offing are four men-of-war, one of which is firing a salute. A capital work of the master. Front the Lapeyriere collection. W. VAN DE VELDE. 265 A Calm, with vessels and boats at anchor. Exhibited in tiie British Institution in 1837. /J^/ y VELASQUEZ. 258 The Four Philosophers — a copy, by Velasquez, of the famous picture in the Pitti Palace, by Rubens, and containing portraits of Velasquez himself, Rubens, Lypsius and Grotius. It was brought into England by the Duke de San Carlos, from the collection of the Marquis Urquijo, of Madrid. t^v ^ FRANCESCO MOLA. 259 The Sybil. // GUIDO. 260 Cupid rifling the Casket. GERMAN (SCHOOL). 261 Portrait of a Man with a book in his hand, probably one of the Reformers. MURILLO. 262 Portrait of Francisco de Quevedo de Villegas, the celebrated author GIORGIONE. /4^ 263 Portrait of Angelas Politianus. /^^ ^ VANDER HELST. 264 Portrait of General Da\ad Leslie, a Distinguished Officer in the time of Charjes. Jt7 r /,2p- 28 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. QUINTIN MATSYS. 266 Portrait of a Youth in a black cap, reading a letter. An admirable work by this rare master. ^ /^ SIR A. MORE. 267 Portrait of Lord William Russell when a youth. REINAGLE. 268 A Rocky Landscape, with a wooden bridge and cattle in the foreground. /* RUBENS. 269 A Landscape, with figures representing Philip's Interview with the • Eunuch O^ j^ P. BRILL AND A. CARACCI. 270 A Landscape with figures departing for the chase. /o^- r J $^ W. VAN DE VELDE. 271 A Marine View, with men-of-war and boats at anchor. x^ ALBERT CUYP. 272 A warm sunny Landscape, with distant View of the town of Dort ; in the foreground, a group of four cows, and a boy and dog asleep. JAN MIEL. 273 A Mountainous Landscape, with a rocky path and figures. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 274 The Meeting of David and Abigail. A curious old painting, especially interesting as exhibiting the state of art at the time of its production. Its subject will be found narrated in the 25th chapter of Sam. I. NICHOLAS BERGHEM. 275 Rural Felicity— a Grand Landscape, with shepherds and shep- herdesses disportingjsurrounded by their flocks. A fine work, painted in 164:7 for the Burgomaster Vanderhulk of Dort. Engraved, . // 4* / /^r THIRD day's sale. 29 BASSANO. 276 The Annunciation to the Shepherds. /^ JAN WILLS. 277 A Landscape with a group of figures and cattle in the foreground. ^^ GONZALES COQUES. 278 Family Portraits. From the Saltmarshe Gallery. BOTH. 279 A Landscape with figures. In the upper part of the picture, cattle and figures are seen crossing a stream, just above a waterfall ; and in the left foreground are a man and woman proceeding in an opposite direction. ^ ^ TITIAN. W. VAN DE VELDE. 282 A Sea Piece with vessels — a fresh Breeze. Exhibited at the British Institution in 1837. JACOB RUYSDAEL. 285 A richly composed Landscape, with wooded scenery to the right ; in the foreground, a cascade of water, and in the distance figures ■ and cattle. 280 St. Jerome praying in a landscape. 3 o> j^ ALBANO. 281 Sleeping Cupids disarmed by Nymphs in a landscape. ^ ^ From the collection of Sir Simon Clarke. r y;^ JAN STEEN. 283 A Dutch Fair ; a busy, bustling Scene, and cleverly treated. The house in the right-hand comer of the picture is said to be a view of Jan Steen's favourite cabaret, and in one of the rooms in which many of his choicest paintings were executed. / / D. CRESPI. 284 A Landscape with cupids and nymphs asleep. // 4/ 30 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE. 286 An Italian Landscape, with a herdsman driving a flock of cattle and sheep through a stream. A/f ^t^ GONZALES COQUES. 287 A group of Family Portraits. Very highly finished. 3 ^ ^ Q<» CLAUDE. 288 A richly diversified Landscape, with a lake in the distance, and a castle on an eminence; in the foreground, three cows and a peasant. WALKER. 289 Small Portrait of Secretary Thurlow. WALKER. 290 Oliver Cromwell in armour. C. DE BAAN. 29 1 Portrait of a Nobleman ; small. STOTHARD. 292 The Arts and Sciences. ENTRANCE HALL. BOTTICELLI (SCHOOL). 293 The Holy Family ; circular. A. KAUFFMAN. 294 A pair — Mythological Subjects ; circular A. KAUFFMAN. 295 Another pair. L. PENNI. 296 The Holy Family. 4z r ] S ^^r THIRD day's SAXE. 31 HOFLAND. 297 View in Northwick Park, with cows in the foreground. HOFLAND. 298 View of Northwick House, with the lake and deer in the foreground. DEL SARTO (SCHOOL). 299 The Holy Family. GLOVER. 300 View of Harrow-on-the-Hill. GLOVER. 301 Harrow Park and Grounds. FRA BARTOLOMEO. 302 The Holy Family ; circular. RAFFAELLE (SCHOOL). 303 The Virgin and Child with attendant angels. PARMEGIANO (SCHOOL). 304 The Virgin and Child and St. John. PLATZER. 305 Coronation of Bacchus. A capital example of the master. /^ / cy i I Fou&TH day's sale. 37 PATRICK NASMYTH. 363 A Scene near Harrow. WOOLMER. 365 Lucy Ashton. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. JACOBS. 372 A View on the Coast of Greece. F. LEE, R.A. 373 View at Redleaf, neai- Peushuist, Sussex / y r SCHOTEL. 364 A Sea View, boats in a stiff breeze ; the light and buoyant clouds give effect to the scene. *-^ ^ /^ /. 7/- JOSEPH VERNET. 366 A Rocky Coast Scene, with wrecked vessels and figures in the foreground. / y W. MtJLLER. 367 A Canal Scene, Venice — a sketch. 7-A £ // KREMER. 368 The Parting Glass. The principle figure is said to be intended for Brauwer, taking leave of his sweetheart. The picture is admirably painted. G. MORLAND. 369 A Landscape, with two shepherds and their dogs. 7 -<^ Painted toiilt, great freedom. cT* J. LINNELL, Sen. 370 A Landscape, with a winding road bordered by trees, and a flock of sheep passing along ; in the foreground, a group of six cows at a pool, tended by a boy, and to the left, two figures and a child seated on a hillock. Painted in 1849. -^/•V' 37 1 Portrait of the Right Hon. William Pitt ; three quarter length, in a standing position. The celebrated picture. ^ //^/? ^/- A fine example of the master. ^ ^ /2S^ 38 THE NOKTHWICK GALLERY. T. S. COOPER, A.R.A. 374 A Scene in Canterbury Meadows, with cattle grazing in the dis- tance ; in the forground, a black bull, and two cows reposing. Admirably grouped and finished. Painted in 1849. SIR AUGUSTUS CALCOTT. 375 A Mill Pond, with Water Wheel ; in the foreground, a man fishing. This fine picture may he regarded as one of the artists most successful efforts. J^ 2^^'0 WOOLMER. , 376 Parisina. * 7^0 . MODERN. 377 A Child with a Basket of Flowers on her arm. E. W. COOKE, R.A. 378 Scheveling Sands — Low Water. An excellent picture, the boats on the beach, and the groups of peasants and fishermen, painted with great freedom and spirit. 7 O /'i T. WEBSTER, R.A. 379 The Breakfast, or the Dunce Punished. The celebrated picture. Painted in 1838 for Lord Northwick. '■ Not engraved. JC /OO^, \ A. MORTON. 380 A Scene at Apsley House. — The Duke of Wellington explaming to Colonel Gurwood, (the compiler of his dispatches), the date of that which gives the details of the Battle of Waterloo. 2o^7 G. E. HERRING. 381 View of the Gulf of Spezzia. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 382 The Graces decorating the bust of Handel. 9 T. S. COOPER, A.R.A. 383 A Land8ca])e, with a group of five cows reposing. A small hut beautiful picture, painted in a clear and brilliant tone. HOPPNER. 384 A little Girl, with a bunch of wild flowers. ^J / f /s^ ■fr 9^^ i FOURTH day's SALE. 39 E. W. COOKE, R.A. 385 Scheveling Sands — a fresh breeze, a fishing smack getting oflf the shore. Companion to lot 378. /{Pi? p^ a W. MULREADY, R.A. 386 The Convalescent from Waterloo. The celebrated 'picture. Painted for Lord Northvnck, J / o^O ZV W. COLLINS, R.A. 7 ? 387 An Old Roman Peasant f H. GRITTEN. 388 Interior of the Church of Caudebec. /^ i. End of Fourth Dayfs Sale, . 4^A)^ '^ /fj^^^ FIFTH DAY'S SALE. On TUESDAY, the 2nd day of AUGUST, 1859, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. THE LANDSCAPE ROOM LOT FILIPPO LAURI. 390 Venus asleep — surprised by two satyrs. ) / FILIPPO LAURI. /J* cui 391 The Power of Love — companion. j PORBUS. 392 Marie de Medicis. ALBANO. 393 Three Females, representing Earth. Air and Water. J/ ^ VALENTINO. 394 A Man Singing. Very hold and effective. G. PENNI. 395 The Artist's Portrait, in a black dress and cap; green background /* ^ / 152 THE NORTHWICK GALLEKT. GIORGIONE. 1687 The Woman taken in Adultery. The incident described being that spoken of in John viii. 3. — " And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery." A very richly toned and carefully finished picture. P. P. RUBENS. 1688 A Lion Hunt. The composition consists of four huntsmen, mounted on fiery coursers, attacking a lion and lioness. In the conflict, one of the horses has fallen and pitched its rider head- foremost to the ground, and an enraged lion has seized him on the back with its fore paws, and at the same instant has fixed the claws of one of its hinder feet in the face of a prostrate horseman, who is plunging a sword into the animal's belly. Engraved by Soutman and Le Bos. Smithes catalogue, p. 274, No. 926. A. ALLORI. 1689 St. John in the Desert. DAVID TENIERS. 1690 The Alchymist. The interior of a Chemist's Laboratory. The operator is standing at a furnace watching the result of some experiment; three of his assistants busily engaged are at a furnace in another part of the room ; they are overlooked by a man from a little window above ; numerous alembics, retorts, crucibles, books, &c. are distributed in every part of the room ; a spaniel lies asleep in front. Smithes Catalogue, No. 520, page 398. GUERCINO. 1691 Samson and the Honeycomb. The celebrated chef-d^oeuvre which once adorned the Grand Saloon of the Colonna Palace at Rome. GUERCINO. 1692 Christ and the Woman of Samaria — companion to the preceding picture. From the Balbi Palace, and Sir Simon Clarke^s collection. SEVENTEENTH DAY's SALE. 153 LUDOVICO CARACCI. 1693 Cleopatra. Soft and transparent in the colouring, and the drawing excellent. /-dl^ GIORGIONE. 1694 A Musical Party. The group is composed of a yoimg man play- ing on a musical instrument, and two females seated on the ground in a landscape, adorned with buildings and a lake. A very Jx7ie picture of the Venetian School; painted with great hreadtJiy and with that deep toned brightness for which the masters of that school were so famous. A CARLO DOLCr. 1695 St. John. The surprising beauty of this admirable work, whether for colouring, breadth of effect, or exquisite finish, renders all eulogy supei*fluous. The most accomplished connoisseur, and the most superficial lover of the art, would be alike attracted by it. The Apostle is represented as in the act of writing the Apocalypse. From the Lucien Bonaparte Gallery, afterwards in the col- lection of Sir Simon Clarke. /f J ^ t BENVENUTO GAROFALO. ' ^ 1696 The Stonuig of St. Stephen.- The Saint is represented kneeling, with an expression of comitenance mild and full of resignation, and finely contrasted with the savage and furious zeal of his persecutors. A vision of the Saviour and the Father sur- rounded by Angels, appears in the clouds. " But he being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.— Acts vii., 55. This magnificent work formerly adoimed the BaJhi Palace, and was brought to this country by that eminent collector Mr. Mawson. /J^r30j^ 154 THE NORTHWIOK GALLERY. C. DA SESTO. 1697 The Virgin, Infant Saviour, and St. John. GAROFALO. 1698 The Virgin and Infant Saviour. GUIDO. 1699 The Virgin with the Sleeping Infant. PICTURES FROM NORTHWICK PARK BENEDETTO MONTAGNA. 1700 The Virgin Enthroned, with Saints. A grand gallery picture. PALMA VECCHIO. 1701 The Virgin and Child, with Saint Catherine, and Saints kneeling in adoration. MARONI. 1702 Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman. 32 JAN DE MABUSE. 1703 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour. A very elaborate and beautifully finished picture. SIMONE DA PESARO. 1704 The Holy Family, with Angels worshipping. C. CIGNANI. 1705 The Virgin and Child and St. John. ^ . F. WILKIN. 1706 The Holy Family, after Raffaelle. A fine drawing. ^/ SOLEMACKER. 1707 An upright Landscape, with a group of cattle and figures in the foreground. // V P. DE HOOGHE. 1708 Interior of an Apartment, with figures, ladies at work. SEVENTEENTH DAT's SALE. 155 LORENZO DE CREDI. 1709 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour. A beautiful cabinet specimen. Jj O^ 1710 Portrait of Columbus. /^ P. P. RUBENS. 1711 Christ delivering the Keys of Heaven to St. Peter, in the presence of four other Disciples. The Saviour is represented with his left hand raised above his head, and Peter while receiving the keys looks up in his master's face. The figures are life size. This fine work was painted for the chapel of the tomb of John Breughel and his family ^ in the church of Notre Dame de la Chapelle, at Brussels, from whence it was sold in 1765, to defray the expenses of repairing the church, to M. Braam,camp, it after- wards become the property of M. Van Lankeren of Antwerp, at the sale of whose effects in 1833 it teas purchased by the late Noble Owner. 1714 Two Children at a Window. GIORGIONE. 1715 The Virgin and Child, with St. Francis. From the collection of R. Westall, Esq. ANDREA DEL SARTO. 1716 Charity — Figures of life size. Signed and dated 1536. From the collection of Joseph Bona- parte. 4f/a r BELLINL 1712 The Prophet Ezra delivering to the Persian Governor of Judea the Commission of Axtaxerxes for the rebuilding of the Tem- ple. From the collection of R. Westall, Esq. /^ , / LUCAS KRANACK. 1713 Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian. /^ / GREUZE. J& f. 2Sf, ^V 156 THE NOKTHWICK GALLERY. E. VANDER NEER. 1717 Interior of an Apartment, with a Lady at her Toilet, a Cavalier entering. ^J A. ERASER. 1718 Portrait of a Lady, bearing a dish of fruit, // ANDREA VERONICA. 1719 The Wise Mens" Offering. J/. VENUSTI. 1720 The Holy Family, with the Sleeping Infant. PORBUS. 1721 Portrait of Sir Francis Walsingham. />t S. BOURDON. 1722 A Roman Sacrifice. SCHALCKEN. 1723 Children blowing Bubbles by Candlelight. y^^ RAFFAELLE SCHOOL. 1724 The Holy Family. VILLAVICENZIO. 1725 The Holy Family with Angels. MABUSE. 1726 Portrait of Philip le Bel, son of the Emperor Maximilian. ^z; VAN EYCK (SCHOOL). , 1727 Portrait of a Man in a black cap and a crimson dress. 2^ L. PENNL 1728 The Holy Family. BASSANO. 1729 The Mocking of Christ. '/■ SEVENTEENTH DAY S SALE. 157 RATFAELLE (SCHOOL). 1730 The Vision of Ezekiel. //"^ a, CANTARINI. 1731 The Coronation of the Virgin. C. REEPEL. 1732 A Group of Fruit on a marble slab. Very highly finished, /J" 1733 Portrait of W. Shippen, Esq., M.P. for Newton. ALESSANDRO VERONESE. 1734 Dead Christ with the Maries. S. ROSA. 1735 A Grand Battle Piece, with numerous figures. Very spirited. - S. ROSA. (^ C^n, 1736 The Companion Picture. ^ SASSO FERRATO (afteb). 1737 A Magdalen. y2> REINAGLE (after Hobbima). 1738 A Wooded Landscape with figures. KOBEL. 1739 A Cow in a Landscape. CARACCI (Style of> 1740 The Holy Family. DENIS. 1741 View near Naples. KEISERMAN. f 1742 A Pair of Landscapes, in water colours. 158 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. R. WEST ALL. 1743 A Girl at a Well — a drawing. MURILLO (after). 1 744 The Nativity — a drawing. BEATTIE, (after Danbt). 1745 The Wood Nymph's Song. BEATTIE, (after Vernet). 1746 A Sea Port in the Levant. ALBANO. 1747 The Saviour and Mary Magdalen. 2/, CARACCI (after). 1748 Christ bearing his Cross. /^'z- TIEPOLO. ' 1749 A Sketch. A. A 10 ft. 6 mahogany frame Picture Easel, on castors, brass handles, lined with crimson cloth. B. A 9 ft. ditto ditto. C. A 9 ft. ditto ditto. D. A 13 ft. ditto ditto. E. A 7 ft. ditto, with double sides, lined with crimson cloth. F. A ditto ditto. End of the Seventeenth Daxfs Sale. ^ /t^.y^y^ . f- // /- EIGHTEENTH DAY'S SALE. On WEDNESDAY, Hie 24tli day of AUGUST, 1859. AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. PICTURES FROM NORTHWICK PARK. A DEL SARTO (school of). 1750 The Virgin and Child. MURILLO. 1751 The Virgin and Child. MIGNARD. 1752 The Nativity. BASSANO. ; . 1753 Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. MABUSE. 1754 The Virgin and Child. BAROCCIO. 1755 Portrait of the Artist. HANDEROY. 1756 The Pool of Bethesda- P. VERONESE. 1757 Portrait of a Doge of Venice. 22 /- / /^ / /J / 160 THE NORTHWIOK OALLEBT. MURILLO. 1758 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour. From the Collection of Joseph Bonaparte. CARLO CIGNANI. 1759 Portrait of Pope Pius V. GREEK SCHOOL. 1760 The Virgin and Child. S. DEL PIOMBO. 1761 Saint Dominic. From the Lucca Gallery. J. VAN LEYDEN. 1762 Portrait of a Man. VELASQUEZ. 1763 Portrait of a Gentleman in a ruff. F. ANGELL. 1764 Portrait of Lord Goring. MANTEGNA. 1765 Holy Family and St. Zo\m.— Engraved hij Marc Antonio. FRADELLE. 1766 Abelard and Heloise. GLOVER. 1767 A Landscape, with cattle and figures. S. ROSA. 1768 A Rocky Scene, with figures. OLD BREUGHEL. 1769 A Village F6te, with numerous figures, Antwerp in the distance. PORDENONE. 1770 Christ curing the Blind. 2 /a /4 /■ J7; /• ±5 1/ J, /^ 3/ / 4i / J7 / EIGHTEENTH DAY's SALE. 161 GHISOLPHI. 1771 A Landscape, with ruins and figui*es. tJ d^ CANALETTO. 1772 Scene on the Canal, Venice. CARACCI (SCHOOL), landscape. JEROME FRANCKS. Z' ^^/. 1773 The Reposo in a landscape. y/ 1774 The Crucifixion. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 1775 St Jerome at prayer in a landscape. yv? DOMENICHINO. 1776 A grand Landscape, with Christ journeying to Emmaus. From the Jiustiniani Palace at Rome. /a ELSHEIMER. 1777 The Flight into Egypt. j^ MARIESCHL 1778 The Doge's Palace at Venice. J^/^ C. JANSENS. 1779 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. ^J7 W. HAVELL. 1780 The Terrace of the Convent of the Capucins at Sorrento. ^^ FIESOLE. 1781 A Female Saint. ALBANO. / /- /^^ 1782 A grand Landscape, with the Death of Adonis. ^ GUERCINO (copy). 1783 Christ and the Woman of Samaria. y^i 162 THE NORTHWICK GALLERY. DOMENICHINO. 1784 Timocles brought before Alexander. Z / C. POELEMBURG. 1785 A grand Landscape, with Nymphs and Satyrs dancing. An important work. From the collection of the Chevalier Erard. MIGNARD. 1786 Portrait of the Countess of Soissons, Mother of Prince Eugene of Savoy. BISCAINO. 1787 The Nativity. GABRIELLI RUSTICI. 1788 Head of Christ DIETRICY. 1 789 Nymphs and Shepherds with cattle, in a Landscape. — Engraved, PAUL BRILL. 1790 A Rocky Landscape, with Waterfall and Nymphs. G. NETSCHER. 1791 Portrait of a Princess of the House of Orange, with a Dog. LUINI. 1792 St. John. MIGNARD (after Raffaelle). 1793 The Holy Family. P. P. RUBENS. 1794 A Man tuning a Guitar. A brilliantly coloured and vigoroiis portrait. VANDYCK (SCHOOL). 1795 Portrait of Snyders. FIESOLE (SCHOOL). 1796 The Virgin and Child. / EIGHTEENTH DAT's SALE. 163 L. CORNELITZ. 1797 Portrait of a Lady in a rich costume. COREGGIO (after). 1798 The Virgin and Child. 2V EDMONSTONE. 1799 A Girl Knitting— a sketch. HOLBEIN (SCHOOL). 1800 Portrait of the Earl of Surrey. /^ GUERCINO. 1801 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour. 2^ A. ERASER. 1802 The Antiquary. An important work. ^/y C. JANSEN. 1803 Portrait of the Earl of Caernarvon. yX VELASQUEZ. 1804 Portrait of the Duke Olivarez. G. CUYP. 1805 Portrait of a Dutch Burgomaster. y / ZOUST. 1806 Portrait of the Duke of Monmouth. /^ A DEL SARTO (SCHOOL). 1807 A Female Saint. y^ BAROCCIO. 1808 The Holy Family with Angels. J^ NICCOLO POUSSIN. ^ 1809 A Landscape, with Nymphs and Satyrs. ^^ - / SEBASTIANO GOMEZ. 1810 The Annunciation. .c^ u /■ / / /4 c- 164 THE NORTHWICK OALLBRT. L. DE HEERE. 1811 Portrait of a Lady, in a fancy costume, and hat and feathers. VAN ASSELYN. 1812 A Sea Port, with figures. GAINSBOROUGH. 1813 Portrait of William Pitt when young— half length. /^ ^ RUBENS (after). 1814 Mars and Venus— a sketch. G. POUSSIN. 1815 A Classical Landscape and figures. VANDERNEER. 1816 A Landscape, with wooded scenery and a marsh — moonlight. CUYP. 1817 A River Scene, with cattle and figures. GUERCINO. 1818 Mary Magdalen, half length. Frmn the Gallery of Lucien Bonaparte. BRONZING. 1819 Portrait of a Nobleman in a black dress. ANNIBALE CARACCI. 1820 A Sleeping Nymph and a Satyr. GASPAR DE GRAYER. 1821 Christ delivering the Keys to Peter. A^ GREEK SCHOOL. 1822 The Crucifixion. ARTHOIS. 1823 A Landscape, with figures by D. Tenters. EIGHTEENTH DAT's SAXE. 165 BOGDANI. 1824 A Group of Fruit> with a Parrot. TILBURGH. 1825 Interior — Peasants at a Repast. MICHAEL CARRE. 1826 A Landscape with cattle. JAN STEEN. 1827 An Interior — Boors Regaling. G. POUSSIN. 1828 An Italian Landscape and figui'es. N. POUSSIN. 1829 A Landscape, with shepherds and goats. SWANEVELDT. 1830 An Italian Landscape, with figures. GUERCINO. 1831 Endymion Asleep, half length. From the Gallery of Lucien Bonaparte. PILLEMANS. 1832 A Landscape, with cattle and figures. SIR J. REYNOLDS (atteb). 1833 Portrait of a Lady. PATEL. 1834 A Landscape, with figures shearing sheep. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 1835 The Flight into Egypt. JAN WYNANTS. 1836 A View of the Exterior of a Chateau, with numerous cattle and figures introduced by Lingleback. 2/7 4^ /- /- 2 ^^' /^ // End of the Eighteenth Day's Sfile. :/j. ^ 007, THE FURNITURE, PLATE, WINES, AND EFFECTS, AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. NINETEENTH DAY'S SALE. On THURSDAY, the 25th day of AUGUST, 1859, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. UPPER CHAMBERS. LOT 1 A mahogany leg-rest, covered in morocco, and two chairs, fancy seats. 2 Painted French bedstead, 2 straw palliasses, 2 chairs, and a painted dressing-table. 3 A birch French bedstead, palliasse, three chairs, and a painted table. 4 A 4 ft. 3 in. French bedstead, brass pole, and drab moreen curtains, palliasse, wool mattress, and a feather bed. 5 A feather bed, bolster, 3 blankets, and a coverlid. 6 A painted washstand, white fittings, dressing table, 2 chairs, and a leg-rest. 7 A mahogany commode front chest of 5 drawers. 8 A toilet glass in mahogany frame, on scroll supports, plate 20 by 17. 9 A steel fender, set of fire irons, 2 wire fire guards, and a slop pail. 10 A deal table, fender with standards, and 2 brass wire fire guards. 11 A turks head broom, polishing brush, and various brooms. 12 An ornamented wine cooler, japanned with copper liner. 13 An oval mahogany wine cooler, brass bound and lined, and a japan- ned plate warmer. 14 A birch French bedstead, and a painted chest of drawers. 15 A ditto, ditto, painted washstand, rush seat chair, tin foot bath, and a leg rest. 16 Four rosewood frame chairs, stuffed seats, covered in tabaret. 17 Two ditto easy chairs to match. 18 A ditto sofa, thickly stuifed, and loose pillows to match. 172 THE FURNITUBE AT THIKLESTANE HOUSE. NORTH CHAMBER. 19 A drab ground Brussels carpet, 20 ft. by 14, fender and a set of fire irons. 20 A 6 ft. Spanish mahogany Four-post Bedstead, fitted with patent springs, moulded cornice, chintz furniture lined. 21 Two pairs of chintz window curtains to match bed furniture, and moulded cornices. 22 A straw palliasse, and a thick wool mattress, in holland case, to fit the bedstead. 23 Feather bolster, and 2 down pillows. 24 Three large blankets, and a white Marseilles quilt. 25 A mahogany folding towel horse, & 3 painted chairs with rush seats. 26 A Spanish mahogan}^ table, with 2 flaps and drawer, hearth brush, ])incushion, watch stand, kettle holder, match pot, and a blotting book. 27 A 4 ft. painted tray top washstand, two drawers, and a ditto dressing table, two drawers. 28 A set of drab and white toilet fittings, consisting of ewer and basin, smaller ditto, sponge tray, brush tray, pomade pot, soap tray, slop pail, foot bath, large water jug, pair of high candlesticks, flat can- dlestick, and a chamber water bottle and tumbler. 29 A Spanish mahogany chest of 5 drawers. 30 A mahogany double rail towel horse, and a footstool covered with carpet. 31 A SpaTu'sh mahogany frame swing toilet glass, plate 21 by 18. 32 A handsome 3 ft. rosewood pedestal nest of drawers, fitted with se- cretaire, enclosed by one lock. 33 A capital 4 ft. 6 mahogany wardrobe, fitted with four drawers, the upper ]iart enclosed by 2 panel doors, arranged with five trays. 34 A rosewood frame easy chair on castors, spring stufl^ed seat, covered with striped linen, and extra dimity cover. 35 A Spanish mahogany bedside cupboard, tray top. DRESSING ROOM. 36 A folding chair bedstead, covered with striped linen, and three hair cushions. 37 Feather Ijed and pillow, 3 blankets, and a coverlid. NINETEENTH DAy's SALE. 173 38 A painted dressing table, with drawer, a toilet glass in mahogany frame and fittings. 39 A mahogany portable water closet, complete. 40 An 8 ft. painted deal dwarf bookcase, fitted with shelves. WEST CHAMBER 41 A drab and crimson Brussels carpet as planned, measuring 22 ft. by 20 ft., and a hearth nig. 42 High wire fender, brass momited, set of fire irons, and copper coal scuttle. 43 A chimney glass, in a neat ornamented gilt frame, plate 42 by 28. 44 A HANDSOME 6 ft. EBONY BeDSTEAD, WITH RICHLY CARTED PILLARS, fitted with patent springs, gilt cornice, and drab figured damask furniture. 45 A thick wool mattrass to fit in a holland case. 46 A capital large goose feather bed. 47 A ditto bolster, 2 pillows, and a blanket 48 Two large blankets, and a white Marseilles quilt. 49 Two pairs of drab damask window curtains, to match bed ftimiture ; holders and draperies, and the two 6 ft. 6 gilt cornices with return ends. 50 Five birch frame chairs, cane seats, and a footstool covered in car- pet, 51 A mahogany bedside cupboard, marble slab, tray top, and a double rail towel horse. 52 A 4 ft. painted tray top washstand, 2 drawers, and a set of neat flowered pattern fittings, consisting of ewer and basin, smaller ditto, sponge basin, brush tray, soap dish, covered jug, toilet box, foot pan, slop pail, large water jug, pair of high candlesticks, pair of chamber ditto, 2 chambers, and a water bottle and tumbler. 53 A HANDSOME SPANISH MAHOGANY FRAME ToiLET GlASS, on Column supports, fitted with 2 drawers, plate, 24 in. 18. 54 An EXCELLENT CARVED SPANISH MAHOGANY FRAME EaSY ChAIR, On castors, spring stufied seat, covered in crimson morocco. 55 A Spanish mahogany pembroke table, fitted with drawer. 56 A HANDSOME 6 FT. SPANISH MAHOGANY Waedrobe, moulded comicc, enclosed by 3 doors, the interior fitted with trays, drawers, and hanging pegs. 57 A DITTO DITTO CHEVAL Glass, ou pillar supports, plate 44 by 24. 174 THE FUKNITURE AT THIKLESTANE HOUSE. 58 A 4 ft. 6 painted deal dressing table, 2 drawers, and a footstool covered in carpet. 59 A walnut frame easy chair on castors, cane back and seats. 60 A 4 ft. 6 deal painted toilet table, 2 drawers, and a mahogany bed- side cupboard, marble slab, tray top. 61 A capital Spanish mahogany chest of 5 drawers. DRESSING BOOM. 62 A high wire fender, brass mounted, set of fire irons, hearth brush, and a footstool covered with carpet. 63 The drab ground Brussels carpet, as planned, 14 ft. by 1 1, and a hearth rug. 64 A HANDSOME 3 ft 9 Spanish mahogany French Bedstead, on French castors, lath bottom, canopy top, expensive furniture, and a palliasse to fit. 65 A thick wool mattrass in linen case. 66 A capital feather bed, bolster and pillow. 67 Three blankets and a counterpane. 68 A 4 ft. 6 painted deal dressing table, a ditto wash stand, tray top, blue and white fittings, water bottle and tumbler. G9 Two birch frame chairs, cane seats, a Spanish bed-side cupboard, and a towel horse. 70 A3 ft. Spanish mahogany chest of 4 drawers. 71 A pair of drab moreen window curtains, fringe draperies and holders, moulded mahogany cornice. 72 A Spanish mahogany frame Toilet Glass, on carved columns, fitted with 2 drawers, plate 24 by 18. 73 MODERN GALLERY. 74 The handsome crimson ground Brussels Carpet, as planned to room, 40 ft. by 23 ft. 75 A handsome 5 ft. 9 Spanish mahogany Table, fitted for books, with sliding trays on castors, enriched with gilt mouldings, top covered in crimson cloth. 76 A 7 ft. 6. Centre Settee of elegant design, thickly stuiFed, and covered in crimson Utrecht velvet 77 A handsome 4 ft. walnut wood CENTRE SALOON TABLE, THE top inlmd with THE FAMILY ARMS, ou a riclily carvcd pillar and claw. NINETEENTH DAY's SALE. 175 VENETIAN ROOM. 78 Six rosewood frame chairs, 2 having arms, fancy rush seats, and 2 footstools, covered in chintz. 79 A circular rosewood frame sofa, stuffed spring seats, and covered in crimson Utrecht velvet. 80 A ditto ditto, the companion. 81 A grand piano forte, in a mahogany case, by Mott. 82 A pair of 3 ft. 9 enclosed mahogany bookcases, inlaid with various woods, fitted with numerous shelves. 83 A BEArmFDL needlework Screen, mounted on a richly carved and gilt stand. 84 A 16 ft. brass curtain pole with rings, and 2 carved eagles at the ends. 85 A rosewood vis a vis couch, stuffed seat, covered in crimson damask 86 The bordered crimson ground Brussels carpet, as planned to the room, 30 ft. by 24 ft. LANDSCAPE GALLERY, 87 A handsome polished steel fender, and a set of fire irons. 88 A BEAUTIFUL AuBUSSON Carpet, bordered, and worked in scrolls, 30 ft. by 23 ft. 89 Four occasional chairs, stuffed seats, covered in crimson Utrecht velvet, and a pair of rosewood pole fire screens. 90 A ball frame rosewood vis-a-vis couch, stuffed seat, and top covered in striped crimson damask. 91 A thermometer, foot stool, covered in needlework, and a hearth brush. 92 A 4 ft. rosewood loo table, on carved pillar and claw. 93 A pair of ditto card tables to match, lined with crimson cloth. 94 A pair of 2 ft. 3. mahogany bookstands, fitted with drawers, gilt enrichments. 95 A handsome 4 ft. 6. walnut wood loo table, the top inlaid in Marqueterie, on carved pillar and claw. 96 A 4 ft. stained loo table, and 18 yds. of Brussels carpet. 176 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. cabinp:t room. 97 The bordered Brussels carpet, crimson ground, as planned, 24 ft. by 1 8 98 Eight carved frame rosewood chairs, stuffed seats, covered in Utrecht velvet. 99 A pair of pier glasses, in gilt frames. 100 Two occasional chairs, seats stuflPed and covered, and a deal bookcase. 101 A handsome walnut wood Davenport, fitted with numerous drawers, gallery top, covered in leather. 102 A pair of 2 ft. mahogany book stands, or-molu mounted, fitted with 3 drawers each. 103 A 7 ft. centre ottoman, thickly stuffed, and covered in crimson damask. 104 A pair of papier machee bellows, 2 magnifying glasses, 2 thermo- meters, and 2 picture glasses. 105 A3 ft. mahogany bookcase, gilt mouldings, and a book stand. 106 A handsome papier machee coffee table — subject after Landseer. DINING ROOM. 107 A handsome steel fender, with standards, set of fire irons, and a small mahogany table. 108 A crimson Brussels carpet, planned to room, 32 ft. by 23 ft. 109 A CAPITAL 10 ft. 3. Spanish mahogany SIDEBOARD, on carved legs, fitted with 2 drawers. 110 EIGHTEEN DITTO DINING ROOM CHAIRS, stuffed seats and backs, covered in crimson in Utrecht velvet, at per chair. 111 A set of Spanish mahogany Dining Tables, in parts, extending 18 ft. by 5 ft. 6. 112 A PAIR of DITTO Fire Screens, with 3 leaves, ruled joints, covered in crimson damask. 113 Two pairs of rich crimson damask window curtains, brass pole, 31 ft. long, rings, ends, and ornaments complete. 114 A mahogany paper and envelope case, expensively fitted. PARLOUR. 115 A polished steel fender, with standards, and a set of fire irons, and 2 hearth brushes. 116 The crimson ground Brussels carpet, planned to room, 21 ft. by 16 ft. NINETEENTH DAY's SALE. 177 117 A pair of drab tabaret window curtains, brass pole, 20 ft. long, rings, holders, &c. complete. 118 Six stained frame chairs, cane backs and seats, loose cushions covered in crimson damask. 119 A large sofa, thickly stuffed, 3 loose squabs, covered in drab tabaret. 120 A mahogany frame easy chair, cane back and seat, loose cushions, covered in crimson cloth. 121 A handsome rosewood centre table, satin wood border, inlaid with brass. 122 A 4 ft. mahogany bookcase, fitted with secretaire, with glazed folding doors. 123 A glass in mahogany frame. 124 A rosewood Davenport, fitted with drawers, top covered in leather. 125 A rosewood case, with glass doors, 2 spill cases, 2 pen wipers envelope case, waste paper basket and a rosewood letter case. 126 A VERY EXPENSIVE ROSEWOOD Print Case, 14 ft. by 3 ft. 6, richly carved and ornamented with gilt enrichments, enclosed by six doors filled with brass net-work. 127 Two 5 ft:, mahogany hall benches and a 4 ft. table on carved legs LIBRARY. 128 A handsome polished steel fender, with standards, and a set of fire irons. 129 A crimson ground Brussels carpet, planned to room, 22 ft:, square. 130 A brilliant plate chimney glass, in a rich gilt frame, carved orna- mental top ; the plate 76 by 54. 131 Four stained frame chairs, cane seats, loose stuffed seats, covered in crimson damask. 132 A ball frame rosewood double headed settee, hair and spring stuffed, covered in crimson Utrecht velvet. 133 A handsome 5 ft. rosewood loo table, on carved pillar and claw. 134 A pair of crimson and drab tabaret window curtains, trimmed with gimp, and holders fitted to brass pole, rings and ends complete. 135 A maple wood book stand, with drawers, and a foot-stool covered in needlework. 136 A HANDSOME AuBUSsoN Table Cover, Worked in gold. A A 178 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. CIRCULAR ROOM. 137 A length of Brussels carpet, 30 ft. by 5 wide, and another 21 ft. by 4 ft. 6. 138 Four rosewood chau*s, cane seats. 139 A HANDSOME OVAL SHAPE ROSEWOOD Centre Table, on carved pillar and claw. 140 A satin wood writing table, with drawers, top covered in leather, and a mahogany miniature case, gilt door. 141 A set of draftmen in ivory, and a similar set of wood. 142 Two 4 ft. mahogany tables, on carved legs. INNER HALL AND STAIRCASE. 143 The oil cloth as planned, 25 ft by 13. 144 About 60 yds. of 36 in. bordered Brussels stair carpet. 145 Thirty-six brass stair rods. 146 A pair of handsome table lamps, on twisted spiral ebony columns, marble base. 147 Two door porters, deal table, piece of drugget, and chair to form steps. 148 Housemaid's box, various brushes and brooms, dust pan, hammer, pincers and a screw driver, 2 door porters and a piece of cai'pet. 149 Two copper coal scuttles. 150 Three pieces of oil cloth, 2 patterns, piece of carpet, and 3 mats. 151 A pair of 10-tread painted steps. £nd of the Nineteenth Day's Sale, TWENTIETH DAY'S SALE. On FRIDAY, the 26th day of AUGUST, 1859, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. CHAMBER OVER SALOON. LOT 152 The brown and white Brussels carpet as planned, about 35 yards, and a hearth rug to match, fringed. 153 A pierced fender, steel mounted ; hearth brush, and a stool covered carpet. 154 A HANDSOME 6 FT. SPANISH MAHOGANY 4-POST BeDSTEAD, moulded cornice and expensive chintz furniture, fringe trimmings, and a palliasse to fit, 155 A capital feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows. 156 Three large blankets, and a Marseilles quilt. 157 Birch frame easy chair, spring stuffed, covered m striped cotton, and a bedside cupboard, marble slab, tray top. 158 Two pairs of chintz window curtains and draperies, moulded cor- nices, to match the bedstead. 159 Four birch frame chairs, cane seats, and a mahogany bedside cup- board, marble slab, tray top. 160 Mahogany towel horse, and a 5 ft. deal dressing table, 2 drawers. 161 A rosewood frame easy chair on castors, cane back and seaL 162 A deep seat birch frame arm chair, cane seat 163 A handsome Spanish mahogany frame toilet glass, on richly carved standards, moulded base, plate 30 ft. by 20. 164 A 4 ft. 6 Spanish mahogany wardrobe, fitted with 4 drawers and 4 trays, the upper part enclosed by 2 panel doors. 165 A curious chimney glass, in compartments of Vauxhaii plates, m a gilt frame. 180 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. 166 A pair of pole fire screens, with drawings. 167 A 4 ft. painted wash stand, with 2 drawers, and a set of toilette fittings, viz., ewer and basin, sponge tray, soap and brush tray> foot bath, large water jug, slop pail, candlestick, water bottle and tumbler. 168 A HANDSOME Cheval DRESSING GLASS, ou solid pillar supports and base, of choice Spanish mahogany, plate 44 by 24. DRESSING ROOM. 169 A drab and brown Brussels carpet, hearth rug, high wire fender, brass mounted, set of fire irons. 170 A HANDSOME 4 ft. SPANISH MAHOGANY FrENCH BEDSTEAD, On CastorS, tent cornice and expensive chintz furniture lined, and a palliasse to fit. 171 Wool mattrass in a linen case, bolster, and a pillow. 172 Feather bed, 3 blankets, and a quilt. 173 A mahogany bed-side cupboard and a boot and shoe horse. 174 Three birch chairs, cane seats, a painted wash stand, 2 drawers, blue and white fittings, water bottle and a tumbler. 175 A handsome Spanish mahogany chest of 5 drawers. 176 A 5 ft. deal dressing table, 2 drawers, mahogany towel horse, stool covered with carpet, and a pair of chintz window curtains, ma- hogany cornice. 177 A toilette glass, on carved Spanish mahogany column supports and base, plate 24 by 20. CHAMBER OVER DINING ROOM. 178 The Venetian carpet as planne covered in crimson damask. PRINCIPAL GALLERY. 218 The crimson ground bordered Brussels carpet, 80 ft. by 17 ft. 219 An ornamental steel and iron fender, with standards, and a set of mounted fire irons. 220 A carved frame rosewood couch, with end, stuffed and covered in crimson velvet 221 A ditto ditto to match. TWENTIETH DAY'S SALE. 183 222 Four rosewood chairs, fancy seats. 223 An ottoman seat needlework cushion, and 2 hearth brushes. 224 A chimney glass, in an ornamental gilt frame, plate 74 by 38. 225 A pair of oval shape card tables, on carved pillar and blocks, and. claw feet, the tops lined with crimson cloth. 226 A 6 ft MAHOGANY Table, fitted with 12 drawers, cupboards, and print shelves. GIOTTO ROOM. 227 The nearly new crimson ground Brussels carpet, as planned, 23 ft. by 19 ft. 228 A carved frame rosewood couch, stuffed and covered in crimson Utrecht velvet. PARTHENON ROOM. 229 Two lengths of crimson ground Brussels carpet, each 19 ft. long by 6 ft. 9 wide. 230 Two ditto ditto, 28 ft. by 6 ft. 9, and 11 ft. by 4 ft. 6. 231 A carved rosewood fi:^me circular-shaped back sofa, stuffed and covered in crimson Utrecht velvet. 232 A ditto ditto to match 233 A FINE-TONED FINGER ORGAN, in grained maple case, gilt pipes, 12 stops. 233* Three Vauxhall plates, in gilt frames. TITIAN ROOM. 234 Crimson drugget, as planned, 24 ft. by 18 ft- 235 A rose-wood frame double-headed couch, stuffed and covered with crimson Utrecht velvet. ENTRANCE HALL. 236 Eight brass stair rods, 8 door mats, iron scraper, and a foot brush. 237 The oil cloth as planned, 25 ft. by 13 ft. 238 A handsome sexagon shaj^ed brass hall lamp, shades, &c., complete, and a long chain. 184 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. 239 Four stained hall chairs, with crest. 240 A mahogany hat and umbrella stand. 241 A barometer, in a mahogany case, by DoUand. 242 A flight of 16-tread painted steps. 243 A ditto of 10-tier, and a mahogany table with tray top. LINEN. 244 Four pairs of fine linen sheets. 245 Four pairs of ditto, coarser. 246 Three pairs of ditto, large size. 247 Three pairs of ditto 248 Five pairs of linen sheets. 249 Five pairs of ditto. 250 Five pairs of ditto. 251 Four pairs of ditto, and 10 pairs of pillow cases 252 Ten pairs of pillow cases and 6 damask toilet covers. 253 Nine diaper toilet covers, 12 diaper chamber towels and 6 pillow cases. 254 Twelve fine diaper chamber towels, and 24 others. 255 Two fine large damask table cloths, large size (nearly new). 256 Five damask table cloths. 257 Five ditto. 258 Five ditto and 15 dinner napkins. 259 Eight breakfast table cloths. 260 Seventeen damask dinner napkins. 261 Twelve ditto. 262 Twelve ditto and 12 breakfast napkins. 263 Twenty-four dinner napkins. 264 Four hall table cloths and 4 housekeeper's ditto. 265 Five table cloths and 3 others. 266 Three round towels, 4 kitchen table cloths, 4 rubbers, 2 dishing-up cloths and 25 glass cloths. 267 Six new fish cloths and 12 old ditto, 6 new pastry cloths and 14 old ditto, 25 glass cloths, 12 knitted d'oyleys and 12 coloured ditto. TWENTIETH DAT's SALE. 185 PLATED WAKE. 268 Eight oval dish covers in sizes. 269 Eight ditto ditto. 270 Two butter coolers, with glass liners. 271 Two goblets on feet, gilt inside. 272 Two chamber candlesticks and extinguishers, with glass shades. 273 Eight knife rests and a coffee pot. 274 An egg stand with 6 cups and 6 spoons, gilt inside. 275 A plated tea kettle, with stand and lamp. 276 A soufflet dish, cover and liner. 277 Two large chamber candlesticks and extinguishers and glass shades. 278 A large venison dish, and a lamp and stand. 279 A coffee pot, stand and lamp. 280 A boat-shape cruet frame with 7 glasses, and a toast rack. 281 A pair of high candlesticks, and 3 chamber ditto with extinguishers. 282 Four wine lables and 4 decanter stands. 283 A pair of high candlesticks, with shifting branches. 284 An iron-bound oak chest, with locks and keys. 285 A handsome plated epergne, with branches, and cut glass dishes. PLATE, AT PER Ounce. 286 Six oval-shaped sauce boats and covers with handles, and lion on top. 287 Six circular salts, with chased edges, and 6 spoons gilt inside. 288 A tea service, consisting of tea pot, sugar basin, and cream ewer. 289 A coffee pot and stand. 290 A pair of high table candlesticks. 291 A lemon strainer. 292 Two dozen plain table forks. 293 Two dozen and six ditto, to match. 294 One dozen dessert forks. 295 Eighteen table spoons. 296 Eighteen ditto. 297 Eighteen ditto dessert spoons. 298 Eighteen tea s^xwus. 299 A soup ladle, 2 sauce ladles, and 2 gravy spoons. 300 A soup ladle and 4 sauce ladles. B B 186 THE FURNITTJKE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. 301 Two gravy spoons, 2 sauce ladles, and a salad fork. 302 Asparagus tongs and a marrow spoon. 303 Four wine lables and a mustard spoon. 304 Four vegetable dishes and covers, with lion handles. 305 Fortj-eight silver handled table knives. 306 Twelve silver handled dessert knives and a pair of carvers. THE CELLAR OF WINES. Bin 1, 307 Two dozen and 6, more or less, St. Peray. Bin 2. 308 One dozen Tinta Madeira. Bin 3. 309 Two dozen and 3, more or less. East India Madeira. Bin 4. 310 Two dozen St. Peray. 311 Two dozen ditto ditto. 312 Two dozen ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 5. 313 Two dozen and 8, more or less, Madeira. Bin 6. 314 One dozen and 9, more or less. Red Hermitage. Bin 7. 315 Two dozen St. Perat, 316 Two dozen ditto ditto. 317 Two dozen and 9 ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 8. 318 Two dozen St. Peray. Bin 9. 319 Three dozen Port. 320 Two dozen and 8 ditto ditto, more or less. TWENTIETH DAt's SALE. 187 Bin 10. 321 Three dozen Malmsey Madeiba. 322 Two dozen and 11, more or less. Bin 11. 323 Two dozen Malmsey Madeira (Pints) 324 Two dozen ditto ditto. Bin 12. 325 Two dozen Malaga (Pints). 326 One dozen and 9 ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 13. 327 Two dozen West India Madeira. 328 Two dozen ditto ditto. 329 One dozen and 8 ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 14. 330 Two dozen West India Madeira. 331 Two dozen ditto ditto. 332 Two dozen ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 15, 333 Two dozen Hock. 334 Two dozen ditto ditto. 335 Two dozen ditto ditto. 336 Two dozen and 6 ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 17. 337 Two dozen and 6, more or less, St. Pebay. Bin 18. 338 Two dozen and 10, more or less, Claret. Bm 19. 339 One dozen and 9, more or less, Madeira. 340 Six bottles Clabet, and 6 bottles Brandy. Bin 21. 341 Two dozen Moselle. 342 Two dozen ditta Ill 188 THE CELLAB OF WINES AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. 343 Two dozen Moselle. 344 Two dozen ditto. 345 Two dozen ditto. 346 Two dozen and 4, more or less. Bin 23. ^ 347 One dozen and 8, more or less. Champagne. Bin 24. 348 Two dozen and 11, more or less. Claret. Bin 25. 349 Two dozen and 11, more or less, St. Perat. Bin 26. 350 Two dozen and 11, more or less. Mousse Au, S-. P. Bin 27. 351 Two dozen Old Madeira. 352 Two dozen ditto ditto. 353 Two dozen ditto ditto. 354 Two dozen and 1 1 ditto, more or less. Bin -28. 355 Two dozen Marsala. 356 Two dozen ditto. 357 Two dozen ditto. 358 One dozen and 1 1 ditto, more or less. Bin 29. 359 Two dozen Lachryma Christi. 360 Two dozen ditto ditto. 361 Two dozen and 8 ditto ditto, more or less. Bin 30. 362 Six bottles Tokay, 4 bottles Lunelle, and 5 ditto Old Rum, more or less. Bin 31. 364 Two dozen of Fine Old Port. 365 Two dozen ditto. 366 Two dozen ditto. TWENTIKTH DAT*S SALE. 189 367 Two dozen Fine Old Port. 368 Two dozen ditto. 369 Two dozen ditto. 370 Two dozen ditta 371 Two dozen ditto. 372 Two dozen ditta 373 Two dozen ditto. 374 Two dozen ditto. 374* Two dozen and 6 ditto, more or less. Bin 33. 375 Two dozen and 6, more or less. Old Port. Bin 34. 376 One dozen and 9, more or less. Old Hock. Bin 37. 377 Two dozen and 2, more or less. Red HERifiTAaE. Bin 38. 378 One dozen and 2, more or less. White HERMiTAaE. Bin- 39 379 Two dozen Champagne. 380 Two dozen and 2, more or less. Burgundy. Bin 42. 381 One dozen and 3, more or less. Light Dinner Wine. Bin 43. 382 Ten bottles Hock, and eleven ditto Olabet, more or less. Bin 44. 383 Seven bottles of Port, and 8 samples, more or less* Und of ike TioetOieth Bay's Sale, TWENTY-FIRST DAY'S SALE. On MONDAY, the 29th day of AUGUST, 1859, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. SOUTH CHAMBER. LOT 384 The Venetian carpet as planned to room, hearth rug, high wire fender brass mounted, and a set of polished steel fire irons. 385 A 4 ft. 6 handsome Spanish mahogany French bedstead, on castors, canopy and expensive chintz furniture, and a palliasse to fit. 386 A thick wool mattress to fit. 387 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow. 388 Three blankets and a quilt. 389 Three painted chairs, cane seats, mahogany towel horse, leg rest, chair back, and a reading stand. 390 A mahogany bedside table, tray top, and an easy chair, spring, stuflFed and covered in linen. 391 A japanned coal box and scoop, hearth brush, towel horse, and a footstool, covered in carpet. 392 A chimney glass, in a carved and gilt frame, plate 78 by 36. 393 A mahogany Pembroke table with drawer, and a bidet, white liner. 394 A painted tray top washstand, 2 drawers, and a 5 ft. dressing table, 2 drawers. 395 A Spanish mahogany commode front chest of 6 drawers. 396 Two pairs of chintz window curtains, lined, and 2 Spanish mahogany cornices. 397 A mahogany frame swing dressing glass, on scroll supports, plat« 26 by 20. TWENTT-FIBST DAY's SALE. 191 EAST CHAMBER. 398 The Venetian carpet as planned, 5 yards square, hearth rug, and carpeted footstool. 399 A pierced fender, set of polished steel fire irons, japanned coal scuttle and scoop, and a hearth brush. 400 A 4 FT, 6 Spanish mahogany French Bedstead, scroll ends, canopy- top, expensive chintz hangings, and palliasse to fit. 401 A thick wool mattress and linen case. 402 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow. 403 Three blankets and a Marseilles quilt, 404 A mahogany bedside cupboard, tray top, and 3 painted chairs, cane seats. 405 A rosewood chair, spring, stuffed and covered in striped cotton, and a mahogany towel horse. 406 A chimney glass, in a neat gilt fii-ame, plate 78 by"_^36. 407 A painted tray top washstand, blue and white fittings, water bottle, and tumbler. 408 Three china candlesticks, match pot, blotting book, inkstand, and a folding mahogany towel horse. 409 A mahogany bidet, white liner, and a 5 ft. dressing table, with 2 drawers. 410 A 3 ft. 6 Spanish mahogany chest of 5 drawers. 411 Two pairs of chintz window curtains, lined, and 2 mahogany cornices. 412 A swing toilet glass, on scroll standards and base, plate 22 by 18. 413 A mahogany Pembroke table, with drawer. SOUTH EAST CHAMBER. 414 A tent bedstead, chintz fumitui'e, and a hair niattrass. 415 A- feather bed and bolster. 416 Three blankets and a coverlet. 417 A feather bed and pillow. 418 A swing toilet glass in mahogany frame, folding towel horse, wire fender, set of fire irons, hearth brush, and a piece of Brussels carpet, 14 ft. by 8. * . 419 A painted chest of 5 drawers and 3 chairs, rush seats. 420 A painted wash stand, blue and white fittings, and a toilet table with drawers. 192 THE FURNITTJKE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. NORTH EAST CHAMBER. 421 A tent bedstead, chintz furniture^tmd wool^mattrass, 3 blankets and a coverlet. 422 A feather bed and bolster. 423 Mahogany frame swing glass, boot horse, 3 painted chairs, rush seats, and a towel horse. 424 A painted chest of 5 drawers, dressing table, 1 drawer, and a wash stand and part of fittings. SERVANT'S BED ROOM— No. 3. 425 A stump bedstead, feather bed, and bolster. 426 A mattrass, 3 blankets, and a coverlet. 427 A washstand and fittings, towel horse, chair, piece of carpet. 428 A mahogany chest of drawers, bed-side table, and a toilet glass. COACHMAN'S ROOM. 429 A stump bedstead, feather bed and bolster, 2 blankets and a coverlet. 430 A painted chest of drawers, deal table, chair, and a hanging glass. SERVANT'S BED ROOM. 431 A French bedstead, hair mattrass, and chintz hangings. 432 A feather bed, bolster, pillow, 3 blankets, and 2 coverlids. 433 Three chairs, rush seats, 2 painted tables, and a toilet glass. 434 A mahogany chest of 5 drawers. 435 A ditto ditto. 436 A table and fittings, wire fender, brass mounted, fire irons, and a coal box. 437 Drab curtains for 2 windows, painted towel horse, night commode, and a painted chest of 5 drawers. SERVANT'S BED ROOM-No. 2. 438 A stump bedstead, feather bed, bolster, and 2 coverlets. 439 A similar lot. 440 Three blankets, 2 chairs, and a towel horse. 441 A washing stand and fittings, dressing table, toilet glass. 442 An elm chest of drawers, deal towel horse, soap box, lock and key, tin foot bath, and 2 clothes baskets. TWENTY-FIBST DAY's SALE. 193 HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 443 A wire fender and standards, fire irons, coal box, hearth brush, a copper tea kettle, and two pieces of oil cloth. 444 A Brussels carpet, 21 ft. by 15, and a rug. 445 An easy chair, stufied and covered in linen, deal table and cover. 44<6 Six chairs, cane seats and loose cushions, and 3 painted chairs, rush seats. 447 A pair of green damask window curtains, long brass rod, and a mahogany table, 2 flaps. 448 Two tea trays and 3 waiters, brass pan, two tin tea kettles, and a pair of copper scales. 449 Seven tin canisters, 2 coffee biggins, hanger and shade, Dutch oven, beer can, pair of nippers, 2 brass candlesticks, flat candle- stick, snuffers and tray, a mahogany knife box, and 20 pieces of cutlery. 450 Three spa ornaments. SERVANTS' HALL. 451 A strong polished elm dining table, 16 ft by 3 ft. 452 Three ditto forms, and a stool. 453 A table covered with baize, 3 Windsor chairs, iron fender, an, fire irons. 454 An elm cupboard, fitted with drawers. 455 A square table, 2 beer cans, tea tray, 4 horns, 2 salt cellars, box 8 pieces of cutlery, and a pierced fender. KITCHEN. 456 A deal table, 9 ft. by 3 ft., and 6 Windsor chairs. 457 Two small deal tables, 2 wood coal boxes, and an 8-day clock. ^ 458 A copper stock pot, and 9 stew pans. 459 A ditto frying pan, 2 beer cans, and 4 saucepans. 460 Two moulds, 3 saucepans and lids, preserving pan, baking sheet, and cutlet pan. 461 A large fish kettle, and a pot. 462 A fish kettle, and a turbot kettle. 463 A return iron fender, set of fire irons, and a large deal meat screen, lined with tin. 464 Two large copper tea kettles, and a warming pan. c c 194 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. LARDER. 465 A stone mortar and wood pestle and cover, on a clock. 466 Two meat safes and 4 selves, chopping board, paste board, and a rolling pin. 467 A set of scales and weights. 468 Nine white basins, bread pan, jelly stand, 2 wine coolers, teapot, and various ware. 469 Five mats, wood coal box, pair of steps, umbrella stand, footbrush and scraper. SCULLERY. 470 A strong deal table, and a set of steps. 471 Wood coal boxes, wood bowl, 2 chopping blocks, 2 dish tubs, and 4 sieves. 472 A stone salting pan, 4 wood chopping boards, clothes basket, stool and a slop pail. 473 A gridiron, 3 coflFee pots, steamer, pudding tin, iron pan and skimmer, and 5 tin dish covers. 474 Ten tin dish covers. 475 A coffee roaster, 3 basting spoons, flesh fork, meat safe, 4 choppers, baking tin, tin can, chop tongs and iron stand, plate, iron stew pan, and a small saucepan. 476 A soup ladle, bottle jack, 6 candlesticks, 3 spits, 7 iron saucepans, gridiron, dripping pan and stand. 477 Two large tin steamers, brass tops, and one ditto smaller. BUTLER'S PANTRY. 478 A handsome or-molu sideboard lamp for two lights, with shades. 479 A gilt candle lamp with shade, and an oil lamp, with blue china pillar. 480 Three camphine lamps, shades, &c. 481 Two camphine lamps, 2 reflectors, 2 reading lamps, and a bronzed pillar and lamp. 482 Two Wedgwood water bottles, and 2 Oriental china hot water plates. 483 A bronzed tea urn, a mahogany luncheon tray with handles, and 2 mahogany knife boxes. TWENTT-FIBST DAY's SALE. 195 484 Two pair of carvers, 6 dessert knives, and 8 knives and forks, buck horn handles. 485 Eighteen pewter hot water plates. 486 Three chairs, piece of oil cloth, mat, fender and fire irons, and a mahogany table. 487 Two butler's mahogany trays and stands, and 2 tea trays. 488 Three trays, 4 small oil lamps, 2 beer cans, and a napkin press. 489 Eighteen richly gilt dessert plates. 490 A mahogany medicine chest, 2 inkstands, and letter weight CHINA AND GLASS. 491 Two quart and 4 pint cut decanters. 492 Two quart decanters, 2 water bottles, and a butter tub and stand. 493 Two water jugs, and two ground glass sugar basins. 494 Three claret decanters, and a pickle vase, and 7 custard cups. 495 Eighteen cut finger glasses, and 15 wine coolers. 496 Nineteen blue finger glasses and 4 claret glasses 497 Twenty champagne glasses, and 1 1 liqueur glasses. 498 Forty-seven wine glasses — various. 499 Twelve ale glasses, 10 tumblers, 20 wines, and 18 ice plates. 500 A blue and white china breakfast and tea service ; viz., nine break- fast cups and saucers, 12 tea cups and saucers, 12 coffee cups and saucers, 2 dishes, 12 plates, 2 muffin plates and covers, butter dish and cover, 6 egg cups, slop pail, and milk jug. 501 Part of a tea and coffee service, white and gold edge, 4 jugs, green glass flower vase, water jug, hyacinth glass, 20 lamp glasses, and 5 oil lamps. 502 A blue and white dinner service, consisting of soup tureen, cover and stand, 4 vegetable dishes, covers and stands, 3 sauce tureens, covers and stands, fish drainer, 4 pie dishes, 18 soup plates, 53 meat plates, and 36 pie plates. 503 A handsome French china dessert service, painted in flowers and richly gilt, consisting of a centre, 10 compotiers, 2 ice pails, 2 sugar vases and covers, and 24 plates. 504 A cut glass centre dish, and 4 small ditto. 505 Part of Wedgwood dinner and dessert service, 170 pieces various. End of Ticenty-jirst Day's Sfxle. TWENTY-SECOND DAY'S SALE. On TUESDAY, the 30th day of AUGUST, 1859, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. LAUNDRY, &c. LOT 506 A patent mangle, by Wilkinson. 507 An ironing stove and piping, shovel and tongs. 508 A wood coal box, 7 flat irons, 3 deal clothes horses, deal table, bench and stool, ironing blanket, and mangle cloth, 2 iron stands, ironing board and blanket. 509 A saw, hatchet, wood bench, shovel, clothes horse, pail, deal box, carriage jack, and dog's house. 510 Five paint pots and brushes, 5 oil cans, paint stone and knife, 2 pitch pots, iron ladle, rope and pullies. 511 Seven iron bound pails, iron stove, coal box and tongs. 512 A coal box, bench, saddle horse, 2 rugs, table, chair, 2 halters, 4 brushes, and an oil lamp. UNDER GALLERIES. 513 A high wire fender, deal table, 2 flaps, and a chair. 514 A 'mahogany picture case, 2 doors, a rosewood ditto, and a hair brush. 515 A table, 2 picture cases, and boxes, various, and sundry panes of glass. 516 A fire-wood box, paper hangers' bench, 2 baskets, and wood coal box. 517 Twelve scaffold planks, 8 poles, boards, ropes, pulleys, and blocks. 518" A wheelbarrow, 4 trestles, 2 tubs, and 4 painted pedestals. 519 A quantity of glazed frame work, and part of a conservatory. 520 A set of flue tools, shovels, coal boxes, hammers, and implements connected with stoves. TWENTY-SECOND DAT's SALE. 197 521 Two ladders. 523 A carpenters' level, a flight of steps 16 tiers, and a stone truck. 524 An iron windlass and frame. 525 New doors and frame work. 526 A quantity of plasterers' tools, wheelbarrows, &c. 527 A large gilt picture frame. 528 A deal table, bench, knife board, stand and steps, 2 mats, and sundries. 529 An old store, and various tin and iron. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS AND OUT DOOR EFFECTS. 530 Three spades, a shovel, 3 forks, pick axe, stock axe, garden line and pair of shears. 531 Daisy rake, 3 small rakes, 5 hoes, pair of small shears, edging iron and turf beater. 532 Two scythes, extra blade, mallet, trowel, and grass barrow. 533 A small barrow, grindstone, and about 25 dozen of pots various. 534 A similar lot. 535 Four line posts, and quantity of fire wood, hard. 536 A cart and a hand barrow. 537 A garden engine with hose. 538 Seven flower pots, set of steps and a small timber truck. 539 A carriage ladder, 2 com bins, and chaff" box. 540 Eleven small flower tubs, 13 flower shapes, and 5 stages. 541 Five wood snow shovels, 2 forks, shovel, 6 seakale pots, nest of seed shelves, 4 baskets, pair of shears, and turfing iron. 542 A painted corn bin, ladder, set of steps, and 2 box frames. 543 A ladder with 21 rounds. 544 An iron roller, with balance handles. 545 A nailing ladder, shovel, set of steps, and a gun. 546 A short ladder, 6 flower sticks, 5 hand lights, and 5 watering pots. 547 Two thermometers, set of steps, and brass syringe. 548 Two iron garden seats. 549 Two large iron flower pots. 550 Two thermometers, step ladder, rake, scraper and flower stand. 551 552 Two Camellias, 5 Azaleas, and 30 pots various. 553 Six Azaleas, and 40 pots of various plants. 554 Fifty jwts of plants various. 198 THE FURNITURE AT THIRLESTANE HOUSE. 555 Fifteen Myrtles. 556 Fifteen ditto, in tubs. 557 Two Cacti, 1 Hydrangea, and 4 Veronicas. 558 An iron stove and piping, and a flower stage. 559 Two work benches, 2 saw benches and a set of steps. 560 A similar lot. 561 Two oak gate posts and a quantity of old wood. 562 About 136 ft. of red deal, and 12 elm boards. 563 An iron vice, about a half cwt. of nails, various sizes, and some screws. 564 About 126 ft. of spruce deal. 565 A nest of shelves, 2 scaffold boards, plank, and a block, 23 ft. 566 567 A pair of mahogany picture easels. 568 A mahogany picture frame, 4 ft. by 3, and a rosewood ditto, with doors. 569 A. mahogany music stand, 4 brass sconces. 570 A large Spanish mahogany picture screen, on castors and sunk handles. 571 Two ditto ditto, double, on castors and brass handles. 572 A pair of library steps, with banisters, and a rosewood picture screen. 573 A deal picture case, mahogany ditto, and a carved and gilt frame, 26 in. by 20. 574 Fourteen laths, 5 ft. 6 long, and 8 glazed sashes and gilt mouldings. 575 An ebony picture frame, 6 ft. 6 by 3 ft. 6, and a small one glazed, and a large gilt frame. 576 Six screen mounts, quantity of gilt ornaments, and a glass frame 577 Twelve French castors, plans of Thirlestane House, and various wood work. 578 579 580 TWENTY-SECOND DAT*S SALE. 199 STATUARY FIGURES, BUSTS, &c. in GARDEN. 581 AJine antique bronze bust — Maecus Aurelius. 582 A DITTO DITTO ^NeRO. 583 A pair of large terra cotta vases, carved in relief — called the Norihwick vases. 584 An antique marble bust of Cicero. 585 A ditto ditto — Augustus when young 586 A very fine marble bust of ALEXANDER, colossal size. 587 A ditto ditto — ARIADNE. 588 An antique marble bust — Augustus. 589 A small whole length figure of Venus with the apple, in terra cotta. 590 A marble bust of Faustina. 591 A terra cotta tazza, 2 ft. 9 in diameter. 592 An antique marble bust — Antonia Agrippa. 593 A ditto ditto — Agrippina. 594 A stone figure of BACCHUS, 4 ft. 6 high. 595 An antique marble bust of Septimus Geta. 596 A fine antique Head of Venus, in alabaster. 597 A marble Head of Aristotle. 598 A marble Head of Jean Jaques Rousseau. 599 A pair of terra cotta vases, 3 ft. high. 600 A fine stone figure Thorwaldsen's Shepherd, 5 ft. in height 601 A ditto ditto, Hebe, 5 ft. 6 high. 602 A pair of terra cotta vases. 603 Two antique marble heads. 604 A pair of plaster busts, and a pair of terra cotta ditto. 605 A pair of figures in Roman cement, of Tragedy and Comedy. 606 An antique marble Head of Julia Seven, and another of Marcus Aurelius. 607 A large terra cotta flower pot. 608 A large Torso, in Roman cement 609 A pair of stone vases. 610 A pair of terra cotta ditto, 3 ft. 6 high. 611 A set of 4 cleverly modelled stone figures of the Elements, on stone pedestals. 612 An antique marble bust, on a cippus. 200 THE FTJRNITtmE AT THIBLBSTANE HOUSE. 613 A large figure, in Roman cement — the Dancing Fawn. 614 A ditto ditto — the Discobolus. 615 A marble head of Cicero, and another of Augustus 616 A large figure of the Discobolus, in Roman cement. 617 A large plaster figure. 618 A small marble Head of Plotina, and another of Julia. 619 A figure with a dolphin, in Roman cement, forming a fountain. 620 621 622 FINIS.^ ^ V^ I RETURN MAIN CIRCULATION TO^^ ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 14 1996 MAR 01199 7 RECEIVED JAN 2 9 1997 ClRPf fl AT*i'>K' i '^ NOV 3 01997 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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