Detroit. Board of education. Revised rules and regulations ^^^^^^^^^=^^g^;^p^^.... ... -.^^^^ m ^r M. THE REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF DETROIT, ACC(f!ilPANIED BY THE LAWS ESTABLISHING FREE SCHOOLS. ALSO, A SCHEDULE OF THE REVENUES OF THE BOARD, FEBRUARY 20, 1816. DETROIT : PRINTED BY CHARLES WILLCOX. 1846. REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS. ARTICLE I. ^ Section 1. The Board shall hold four regular qaarlerly > meetings in each year, on the first Mondays of May, Au- » gust, November and February, and such special meetings 3 as may be called by the President or Secretar}^ who shall, upon the request of any two members in writing, call a meeting of the Board. ju Sec. 2. The officers of the Board shall be a President, ^ Secretary, Treasurer and Collector. M Sec 3. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Board; to call special meetings thereof at the request of any two members, or when he may deem it necessary, on a notice of at least twenty-four hours; to act as the organ of communication between the Board and the city authorities; to notify the Common Council of vacancies; to visit at least once in each year all the schools under the direction of the Board ; to exer- cise a general supervision over the interests of education in this city ; and it shall be his duty, as far as possible, to see that the rules and regulations adopted b}' the Board are fully carried out and conformed to. A President j>r(^ tern, may be appointed by the Board in the absence of both of the presiding officers provided for by law. Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep a full and faithful re- cord of the proceedings of the Board, and of the names of the members present at each meeting thereof, which shall be read at the next subsequent meeting. He shall notify committees of their appointment through their chair- man, and shall, at the re(iuest of the President, or of any two members in writing, call special meetings of the \ 4: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF Board, and notify the members thereof. He shall furnish copies of any proceedings, motions, votes or resolutions of the Board, for publication, when requested or directed by a majority of the Board. He shall keep in his charge safely and file all papers, reports or proceedings belong- ing to the Board ; draw warrants on the Treasurer for au- dited accounts; act as librarian, and perform such other duties as usually pertain to his office, or which may be reasonably requested by the Board. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds belonging to the Board, and shall be responsible for their safety. He shall keep his account with the Board sepa- rate from his account with the city; and shall at least once in each year, and as much oftener as required by a major- ity of the Board, submit a full report of the amount of moneys received by him since entering on' the duties of his office, or since his last preceding report; of the amount of his payments, to whom paid, and the money in his hands belonging to the Board. And he shall, with his annual report, return to the Board for their examination, all warrants or vouchers upon which any payments made l^ by him have been made. He shall execute a good and h sufficient bond with two good and sufficient sureties, who * shall justify to the amount of the penalty named in such r bond, that he will ftiithfully perform his duties, and ac- #/ count for and pay over all moneys belonging to the Board* which may come into his hands; which bond shall be in a j)enalty not less than the amount of the school tax for the cur- rent year. The Board may, at any time, remove any Treasurer who shall not comply with the provisions of this rule, or reFuse fciithfully to performhis duties, and appoint another in his place. Sec. G. The Collector shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond to the Board, in a iic- nal sum at least equal to the amount of the school tax for the current year, conditioned for the faithful performance of THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. O his duties. He shall place the amount of the taxes of each person for the purposes of education in a separate column in his tax roll, and shall collect and keep separately and apart from all other funds in his hands, all mone3^s which may be due and which may come into his hands on ac- count of the said tax, for the purposes of education pro- vided for by the law under which this Board is organized, and the ordinance of the city authorities made by autlior- ity thereof. ARTICLE II. Sec. 1. The President shall take the chair precisely at the hour of meeting, and if a quorum be present, call the meeting to order. He shall decide all questions of order, and may speak to points of order in preference to other members ; but an appeal from his decision may be made to the Board. Sec. 2. A division shall be directed by the chair when the vote is doubtful ; and the yeas and nays shall be call- ed when requested by any member of the Board. Sec. 3. The President shall rise to address the Board, but may put the question sitting. He may speak on any question before the Board; but shall first leave the chair and appoint a temporar}^ chairman in his place, which he is empowered to do. But he may state facts in the chair, and give his opinion on questions of order, without leaving the chair. Sec. 4. Questions shall be put in the order in which they are made, unless the subsequent motion shall be pre- vious in its character ; except, that when times or sums are stated in a resolution or motion, the largest sum and the longest time shall be put first. Motions to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate. Sec. 5. The previous (piestion shall be put wlicn \'oted by a majority of the Board present, and shall cut oft' all further amendments or debate ; and shall be put as fol- V RULES AND REGULATIONS OF lows : " Shall the main question now be put ?'' Motions for the previous question are not debateable. Sec. 6. All motions must he seconded, and shall be re- duced to writing when requested by any member. When a question is under debate, the following motions only shall be in order : To adjourn ; to lay on the table ; the pre- vious question ; to postpone ; to commit ; and to amend : and these shall have precedence in the order in which they are named. A motion for commitment, until decided, shall cut off all amendments of the main question. Sec. 7. Members shall rise in their places and address the chair, and it shall not be in order for any member to speak sitting. Every member speaking shall confine himself to the question under discussion, and shall avoid all personalities. No member shall refer to another by name, but shall designate him b}^ his ward or other re- spectful designation. The person entitled to the floor shall be designated by the chair; and no person shall be in- terrupted while speaking, except by calls to order or to correct a mistake, and any member may, and it shall be the duty of the President, to call a member to order when in his or their opinion such member is out of order. Sec. 8. Any member may move a reconsideration of any vote, and if seconded, the question shall again be open for debate and shall be disposed of by the Board. If such motion is not made at the same meeting with the original vote, a vote of two-thirds shall be necessary for a reconsideration. Every member must vote, unless ex- cused. A division of any question may be called by an}"" member, and the question shall be divided and put in ac- cordance with such call. Sec. 9. Members called to order shall sit down, unless permitted to explain by the President ; and if the decision of the chair is appealed from, the Board shall decide the question without debate. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave, or more THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 7 than once until all members wishing to speak shall have spoken. Sec. 10. The following shall be the order of" business at meetings of the Board : 1. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Motions and resolutions. 3. Reports of committees. 4. Unfinished business of former meeting. 5. Miscellaneous business. 6. Adjournment. Sec. 11. Any rule or by-law may be suspended by the vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board present. Sec. 12. The chairman of the committee of the whole shall, for the time being, be invested with all the powers of the President. ARTICLE III. Sec. 1. There shall be the following standing commit- tees of the Board, each of which, except the auditing committee, shall consist of three members, to be appoint- ed by the President, viz : 1. A committee on teachers and school books. 2. A committee on school houses. 3. A committee on schools. 4. An auditing committee, which shall consist of two members. Sec. 2. The committee on teachers and school books, shall examine teachers and give certificates of qualifica- tion, which shall be valid for one year, unless revoked for good cause; and no person shall be chosen, or shall act as a teacher in the schools of the Board, without such cer- tificate, and who shall not be qualified to teach reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, and such other branches as may be directed by the Board. They shall designate the books to be used in the schools established by the Board ; but their designation shall be subject to review by the Board, whose decision on the 8 - UULES AND KEGULATIONS OF mailer shall be final and conclusive: but no books ot" a sectarian character shall be adopted or used in any of the schools of the Board. They shall visit each of the schools established by the Board at least once in each quarter of twelve weeks, to inspect its condition; to as- certain the improvement of the scholars, and to give the teacher such hints, or suggestions, in relation to the con- duct of his or her school as may be advisable, and not inconsistent with the action of other committees and the regulations of the Board. Sec. 3. The committee on school houses shall provide school houses, or school rooms, for the schools established by the Board, and shall see that the same are kept in re- pair and furnished with necessary furniture, benches, &c. They shall see that the schools are provided with proper fuel and stoves, or other means of warming the same, and that the rooms and yards are kept neat and clean, so that the health of the pupils may not suffer. They shall have power to make contracts for the renting of school houses and school rooms, and for all necessary repairs of the same ; for the purchase of all necessary fuel and necessary furniture or fixtures, for said rooms or houses ; and the Board shall be responsible for all contracts made by them in the performance of their legitimate duties : Provided, however, that all contracts for renting buildings or rooms, and all contracts for repairs or furniture which shall amount to fifty dollars or upwards, shall be ratified by a vote of the Board, which shall be certified by the President on the back or some other part of the same and witnessed by the Secretary. Sec. 4. The committee on schools shall have all the schools under their immediate charge ; shall see that the teachers thereof comply with all the regulations of the Board; shall have power to suspend or expel scholars for good cause ; to regulate admissions in accordance with the rules of the Board, and with a view to the proper dis- THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. ii Iributioti of scholars among the different schools of the city; they shall advise with the teachers in all cases of difficulty, and for the performance of their duties shall visit each school at least once in each month, or as much oftener as they, or any member thereof, shall see fit, with- out previous notice to the teacher of such visit. Sec. 5. The auditing committee shall audit all accounts and claims against the Board, and reject or allow the same; but they shall allow no claim for services perform- ed, or materials furnished, or for any other purpose, without due pi-oof in writing, signed by the chairman of the com- mittee within whose particular department said expendi- ture has been incurred, that the account presented is cor- rect and the prices therein charged reasonable, or unless the same is for services performed or materials furnished in accordance with, and by virtue of a special vote of the Board; and in the case last mentioned shall require satis- factory proof that the services have been actually perform- ed, or the materials furnished, for which the Board may have voted any moneys under its control, and that the ac- counts presented are correct and reasonable. No warrant on the Treasure»*§hall be issued by the Secretary for any account which is not audited and signed by the auditing committee, and no money shall be paid by the Treasurer without the warrant from the Secretary. No such warrant shall be issued in any case where the expenditure has not been incurred by the committees of the Board in the ex- ercise of the powers specially delegated to them, without the special direction of the Board. Sec. 6. No standing committee of the Board shall have power to make any contract which shall be binding on the Board without previous ratification at a meeting thereof, except such as arc herein before specifically enumerated. Sec. 7. Any two members of a committee may act in all cases, and it shall be the duty of all the standing com- niittees above named, to report to the Board in writing, at 2 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF each of its regular quarterly meetings ; and in addition to furnish the Board at any of its meetings their proceedings in any matter submitted to them on which they have acted, when requested by the President or a majority of the Board. Sec. 8. The report of the Board to the Superinten- dent of Public Instruction, for the purpose of obtaining the apportionment of the public moneys belonging" to this city, shall be made out by the Secretary, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the count}^ on or before the first day of October in each year, nnd shall contain all the necessary statements required bylaw to entitle this Board to receive the proportion of public school moneys accruing to the city. S^c. 9. It shall be the duty of the President to make an annual report, at the end of each school year, to the Board, of iheir proceedings during the year, with such suggestions as he may deem proper for the improvement of the schools of the Board, and the general interests of edu- cation in this city. Sec. 10. The members of the Board from each ward respectively, shall act as a vigilance CSg'mmittee for the school or schools located in their particular ward; and shall examine into the condition of the same, at least once in each month, reportingtheir observations and opinions to the " said respective standing committees on all matters within their special jurisdiction. Sec. 11. Any member of the Board neglecting to per- form any duty required by the rules and regulations thereof, as a committee man or otherwise, or who shall be absent from any regular, or for two successive special meetings of the Board, shall pay a fine not exceeding five dollars, at the discretion of the chair; and the avails of such fine shall be paid to the Treasurer for the use and support of the Library. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 11 ARTICLE IV. Sec. 1. There shall be established in this city, under the direction of the Board, two classes of schools, to be called primary and middle schools ; the former to bear the same proportion to the latter, as near as may be, as three to one in number, and be taught by females, while the latter shall be taught by masters. Sec. 2. All teachers of schools shall be chosen b}-- a vote of a majority of ihe Board, and, at the time of such choice, their pay or salaries and time of service shall be specified, and the appropriations therefor voted ; but no person shall be so chosen who is not of good moral char- acter, and has not received a certificate of qualification from the proper committee. All teachers shall be chosen for the year, or so much thereof as the respective schools for which they are chosen may be continued by the Board ; their salaries shall be payable quarterly ; and the Board shall reserve power to dismiss all teachers at any time for wilful violation of the regulations of the Board, or for gross misconduct or inability. Sec 3. Teachers shall adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the Board. They shall resort to the com- mittee on schools for advice in cases of difficulty; but may, in all cases of collision between them and said com- mittee, appeal to the Board, whose decision shall be final. They shall not engage in an}^ other avocation, study or profession, without the consent and vote of a majority of the Board. Sec. 4. The schools shall be opened on the first Mon- day in May of each year, and shall, unless otherwise spe- cially ordered by the Board, continue from that period four quarters, to consist of twelve weeks each, one week intervening between said quarters. Besides the four weeks intervening the quaiters, there shall be no school kept on the afternoon of SaturdfiA's, nor on the fourth of .July, Christmas, New-year's day, and sucli da}' as may 12 KULES AND REGULATIONS OF be appointed by the state authority as Thanksgiving- day. Sec. 5. Previous to the first Monday in November the schools shall be punctually opened at half past eight o'clock, and continue until half past eleven o''cloclc in the forenoon ; and in tlie afternoon shall open at half past one, and be continued until lialf past fata- o\lock ; and after the first Monday in November, the time of opening and continuance in the forenoon shall be retarded half an hour, and in the afternoon advanced the same length of time. Sec. 6. The teachers of the Board shall be responsible to it for the faithful performance of their duties. It shall be their duty to see that their respective school houses and yards are kept clean and well ventilated ; to keep stiict order in their schools without resorting to corporal pun- ishment, except when absolutely necessary; and to en- deavor to exert, at all times, in and out of school, a moral influence over the scholars entrusted to their charge. They shall not permit their scholars to remain in or about the school house after their dismissal at night, or to use pro- fane or indecent language with impunit}^ They shall have power to suspend or expel scholars from their respec- tive schools for good cause; subject, however, in all ca- ses, to the decision of the committee on schools. And it shall be their duty to read publicly in their respective schools, at the beginning of each quarter, and at least once in each month during the term, the rules and regula- tions of the Board in relation thereto. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every teacher to keep a quarterly school list, or register, and on the last day of the quarter to deposit the same, with a true copy thereof, with the chairman of the committee on schools. And on or before the first day of the next succeeding quarter, the teacher must go to said chairman, who will deliver two blank school rolls for the ensuing quarter, and also the said original, to be preserved in ihe school ; retaining the copy THE BOARD OF EDUCATION'. 13 aforesaid, to be filed with the Secretory of the Board. Said roll or register shall embrace the following particu- lars, to wit ; 1. The names, residences, ages, particular studies, dai- ly attendance, and number of scholars each day. 2. A list of all scholars suspended, expelled, or permit- ted to change to any other, and ^^'hat public school, du- ring the quarter. 3. A statement of all visits to the school In^ each com- mittee or member of the Board, including the number and times of such visits. 4. The aggregate number of scholars attending during the quarter, the average attendance, and the numbers in all the particular studies. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of every teacher to keep an inventory or memorandum of, and see that, the maps, books, and other property of the Board, are properly used and kept in his or her school ; and at the end of eacli quarter, or at any time, when required, to return said inventory, or a copy thereof, Avith all the keys used in and about his or her school, into the custody of the chairman of the committee on schools ; and any teacher who shall fail to give a satisfactory account for the loss or destruction of any such property, shall be liable to the Board for the value thereof, which shall be deducted from his or her wages or salary. And no bill for the wages of any teacher shall be audited, until said chairman shall be satisfied that the rules of the Board have been complied with on the part of the teacher, unless under the special direction of the Board. Sec. 9. Every school shall be open to the admission of scholars for the first four weeks, or so much thereof, of every quarter, as shall be necessary to fill its complement on the school roll; which admission shall be regulated as follows, viz : The middle schools shall receive all boys from ten, and girls ^rom fourteen, up to seventeen years, in- 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF elusive ; and the prunary schools shall receive all under those ages down io five years, inclusive. Sec. 10. Scholars not being in school vi\\h\n ffteen min- utes of the regular time for opening, shall be marked tardxj ; for repetition of the offence, without good excuse, more than twice in any week, they may be suspended from school by the teacher, temporarily ; and for continu- ance of the offence after one suspension, they may be ex- pelled for the quarter. They are expected, under the di- rection of the teacher, to provide the necessary books recommended by the Board ; and after sufficient oppor- tunit}^ to do so, until compliance therein, they may be excluded from school: Provided, however, that the teach- er shall first report the names of children who are not supplied with such l)ooks to the committee on schools, who shall enquire into the ability of their parents or guar- dians to furnish the same ; and if said committee are satisfied that the parents or guardians, sending such des- titute children, are utterly unable, they shall report the fact to the committee on school books, who shall direct the necessary books to be furnished to such scholars at the expense of the Board. Steady and punctual attendance in the schools to which they belong, is required ; and any scholar neQ-lectins: to attend his or her school for three days in any month, without satisfactory excuse in writing from his or her parent or guardian, shall be excluded from school for the remainder of the quarter. As a general rule, they will attend the schools located in the ward, division, or part of the city where they reside ; but, without the consent of the committee on schools, duly noted on the school roll, when their names have been entered in one school, they shall not be permitted to change to another during the quarter. The wards and divisions of the city are set off from the centre lines of streets, avenues, or roads, as follows : First ivard. — All west of Shelby and south of Michigan. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 15 Second ward. — All south of Monroe and Michigan and between Shelby and Randolph. Third icard. — All south of Croghan and between Ran- dolph and St. Antoine. Fourth ivard. — All east of St. Antoine and south of Gra- tiot. Fifth ward. — All north of Michigan and west of Wood- ward and Saginaw. Sixth ward. — All east of Woodward and north of Mon- roe, Croghan and Gratiot, and west of St. Antoine. First division. — All west of Woodward and Saginaw. Second division. — All between Woodw^ard and Beau- bien. Third division. — All east of Beaubien. The city limits. — All between and including the Jones and Dequindre farms. Sec. 11. In addition to the two classes of schools here- in before enumerated, there shall be established a school for the education of the colored children of the city, under the direction and subject to the control of the Board. Said school shall be open to all the colored children of every age in the city, and shall receive for its support from the public moneys under the control of the Board, its just share thereof, to be ascertained by reference to the school census for the proportion of colored children as exhibited therein. Its regulations shall be the same as those of the other schools of the city ; its teacher shall be chosen by the Board, subject to the same rules, to perform the same duties, and be under like responsibility to the Board as are the teachers of the other schools, except that the residence of the scholars need not be noted in the school roll. Sec 12. There shall be quarterly examinations of all the schools under the direction of the Board, at which it shall be the special duty of the committee on teachers and school books, and the ward committee of the school to hr examined, to attend; and once in each year there shall be 16 RULES AND REGULATIONS OP a })ublic examination of each of the schools, at which it shall be the duty of all the members of the Board to at- tend. Sec. 13. All previous rules and regulations contrave- ning or concurrent with any thing contained in this or the foregoing articles, are hereby suspended. Note. — Tlie foUoiving list com/prises all the a2)]iaratus and hooTcs adopted hij the Board, at the time of the adoj)tion of the ]^rcceding Revised Rules, Feb. 20, 1846, viz. THE PROPERTY OF TPIE BOARD. One set of Holbrook's apparatus, twelve sets of outline maps, with two hundred and fifty two keys, by Mather ; ten maps of the United States, and three maps of the world. THE PROPERTY OF SCHOLARS. McGuffey's Primer and Spelhng, Webster's Spelling, McGuffey's Eclectic series of Readers, comj^lete; Root's Writing series, Mather's Penmanship, Mayhew's Compu- tation Cards, Ray's second Arithmetic, Colbourn's Arith- metic, Davis' Arithmetic, Parley's first book of History, Hazen's Definer, Hale's History of the United States, Brown's Grammar, Bullion's Grammar, Smith's Geogra- phy, Olney's Geography'-, Olmsted's Philosophy, Haskin's Astronomy, Colbourn's Algebra. S. BARSTOW, ) A. T. McREYNOLDS, ) Committee. G. ROBB, ) Detroit, February 20th, 1846. 17 CO •* C} -* CO 75 CJ C^ O CO T-H (>} --; <^> ^ ^] ^ ^? "^ '^ '"i '^^. 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T S5 •punj oji:jg uiojj poAiooag •XBJ XjIO UIOJJ sposDOJd }0^ •sujtijaj .sjojoaiioo jod atiQ •sjojoanoo luojj and ■0^ 'sjuarassassB asjB^j ••HiaiO ^J!0 ^q piBJ •S3DJ jSJojoaiioo •sjojooiioo Aq piBj ^-nSct?; 5 ©■^ wco -T Tj O CO ■■o i OS 1 AjS (N s 1-: i oi = 'S 1 3 — l^ TT *" »"' '■=-■" ^' s ?1S 1 « S=:g 3 X 1^ i 161 87 83 18 50 00 S#)3 K ts If; cots o •sjiiainssassy C3 tr: r- O •Noixvonna jo aavoa ■aDut![Bq J9X •piBCl SltllBlO •op JO spaaoojd ja>j •o:!y 'sinq 5)UBq ua>iojq ut paAiaoaa •op JSIUB3B suiiEio pajjodag •sanp paj-iodaa s.i-oiaxsin a^io 'iX o] e luojj snsuao AN ACT Relative to Free Schools in the city of Detroit. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Michigafi, That the city of De- troit shall be considered as one school district, and here- after all schools organized therein, in pursuance of this act, shall, under the direction and regulations of the Board of Education, be public and free to all children residing within the limits thereof, between the ages of five and seventeen years, inclusive. Sec. 2. In lieu of the school inspectors now required to be elected in said, cit}', there shall be twelve school inspec- tors to be elected in the manner following: at the next annual charter election, there shall be elected in each ward of said city, two school inspectors, one of whom shall hold his office for two years, and the other for one year; and at every annual charter election thereafter, there shall be elected in each ward, one school inspector, who shall hold his office for two years. No school inspector shall be en- titled to receive any compensation for his services. Sec. 3. In case of a vacancy in the office of school in- spector, the common council of the city of Detroit may fill the same, until the next annual election, when, if such vacancy happen in the first 3'^car of the term of said of- fice, the electors of the proper ward may choose a suita- ble person to fill the remainder of such term : Provided^ the city clerk shall give notice of such vacancy prior to such election, as may be required in other cases. Sec. 4. Every person elected to the office of school in- spector, who, without sufficient cause, shall neglect or re- fuse to serve, shall forfeit to the board of education for the use of the library, the sum of ten dollars, to be re- 20 AN ACT RELATIVE TO FREE SCHOOLS covered in an aclioa of delH in some competent court: Frov'tdcd, no person shall he compelled to serve two terms successively; and the said board shall make all necessary rules and regulations relative to its proceedings, and pun- ish by fine, not exceeding five dollars for each offence by any member of the board, who may, without sufficient cause, absent himself from any meeting thereof, to be col- lected as they may direct. Sec. 5. The school inspectors, together with the mayor and recorder of said city, (who are declared to be ex offi- cio school inspectors,) shall be a body corporate, by the name and style of "The Board of Education of the city of Detroit," and in that name may be capable of suing and being sued, and of holding and selling, and convey- ing real and personal property, as the interest of said com- mon schools may require ; and shall also succeed to, and be entitled to demand all moneys and other rights belong- ing to or in possession of the board of school inspectors, or any member thereof, or any real and personal property or other rights, of any such district in said city, and the clear proceeds of all such property which ma}^ come into the possession of said board, as last aforesaid, shall be ac- counted for and distributed among the several persons of whom the same may have been collected, in such manner as the said board may deem just and proper. Sec. 6. The board of education (eight members where- of may form a quorum,) may meet Irom time to time at such place in said city as they may designate : the mayoF shall be president of the board, and shall preside at all meetings thereof, but in case of his absence, or the ab- sence of the recorder, a majority of the inspectors pre- sent at any meeting, may choose one of their number president pro tempore. Sec. 7. The clerk of the said cit}' shall be ex officio clerk of said board, and shall perform such duties as the board of education may reasonably recjuire. In case of I>J THE CITY OF DETROIT. 21 the absence of said clerk, o]- for any oilier cause, llie Ijoard may choose some suitable person to perform his duties, either as principal or deputy clerk. Sec. 8. The recorder of said city shall be entitled to a seat at the meeting of said board, for the purpose of de- liberation, and of acting on committees, but shall have no vote therein, except when the mayor shall be absent, in which case he shall act as president. I^Ec. 9. The board of education shall have full power and authority, and it shall be their dut}- to purchase school houses, and apply for and receive from the county treas- urer or other officer, all moneys appropriated for primary schools and district library of said city, and designate a place where the library may be kept therein. The said board shall also have full power and authority to make by- laws and ordinances relative to taking the census of all children in said city between the oges of five and seven- teen years ; relative to making all necessary reports and transmitting the same to the proper offices, as designated by law, so that said city may be entitled to its proportion of the primary school fund ; relative to visitation of schools ; relative to the length of time schools shall be kept, which shall not be less than three months in each year ; relative to the employment and examination of teachers, their powers and duties; relative to regulation of scljools and the books to be used therein; relative to the ap|)oinl- ment of necessary officers, and prescribe their powers and duties ; relative to any thing whatever that may ad- vance the interest of education, the gooil government and prosperity of common schools in said city, and [ihe] wel- fare of the public concerning the same. Sec. 10. The mayor's court shall have jurisdiction of all suits wherein the said board may be a party, and of all prosecutions for violation of said by-laws and ordinan- ces. Sec. 11. The said board shall annuallv, in the month 22 AN A<'T RELATIVE TO FIJEE POUOOI-S of Febniaiy, publish in scniie newspaper of the cay, a statement of the number of schools in said city, the num- ber of pupils instructed therein the year preceding, the several branches of education pursued by ihena, and the expenditures for all things authorized by this act, during the preceding 3'ear. Sec. 12. The board of education shall establish a dis- trict library, and, for the increase of the same, the com- mon council are authorized annually to lay a tax on the real and personal property within said city, of a sum not ex- ceeding two hundred dollars, which tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as the mone^^s raised to de- fray the general expenses of said city. Sec. 13. The common council of said city are hereby authorized, once in each year, to assess and levy a tax on all the real and personal property within said city, accor- ding to the city assessment roll of that 3'earj which shall not exceed one dollar for every child in said city between the ages of five and seventeen years; the number of children to be ascertained by the last report on that sub- ject, on file in the office of the clerk of tlie county of Wayne, or in the office of the clerk of said board of edu- cation, and certified by the president thereof, and the said tax shall be collected in the same manner as the moneys raised to defray the general expenses of said city ; all such moneys shall be disbursed aiid expended by the au- thority of the said board for the support and maintenance of said schools, and for no other purpose whatever. Sec. 14. The treasurer of said city shall be the treas- urer of said board, unless otherwise directed by said board ; he shall keep all moneys belonging to said schools separate from the raonej^s belonging to the corpo- ration of said city; and he shall not pay out or expend the school moneys, without the authority of the said board. Sec 15. The collector of the said city, wljen he shall IN THE CITY OF DETROIT. 23 liavc paid any school moneys to said treasurer or other person, shall take a receipt therefor, and file the same with the clerk of said board ; and it shall be the further duty of the collector, when he shall have made his final return concerning the collection of the said tax, to make a report to said board, stating the whole amount of school tax, the amount collected, and the amount returned by him to the common council as unpaid or uncollected. Sec. 16. The collector and treasurer shall, before they enter on their duties under this act, enter into such bonds to said board, and with such sureties as may be deem- ed necessary, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties respectively, under this act. Sec. 17. All parts of acts, so far as they relate to the city of Detroit, inconsistent with this act, are hereby re- pealed. And it shall not be necessary to elect any school district oflicers in said city, as heretofore required by law. Sec. 18. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved February 17, 1842. AN ACT To amend an act, entitled ''An act relative to free schools in the city of Detroit. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rci)- resentativcs of tlic State of Michigan, That all taxes whicli have been, or may hereafter be assessed and levied by the common council of the city of Detroit, under and by virtue of the authority conferred on snid council by the thirteenth section of an act, entitled "an act relative to free schools in the city of Detroit," shall be set forth in the assessment roll of said city, in a separate column, apart, and distinguished from all other city taxes; and that tlic collector of said city, shall collect, and, is herel)y autliori- zed and required to collect said taxes in money, and saitl UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-0 2Jm-10. "44(2491) . V i.vcii V' OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY { 001 177 548 3 LB Detroit. Board ^jthern regional ub^^ 2802 of education - ^6r The revis e d 1846 rules and re- gul ations of the Board of education of .Git5^..£f^£e tr oi%^ LB 2802 D6r 1846 'H \^