OARL FI80HER ; ; JEMIMTEP Cp«f Ssjuar* $31 WMhJi IWItWMjIWMMWWMWIMMj*^^ M> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t i ii i w it w i iimi iii um tii Bi iwwuwiMiMwiwwiMtiMMiiM m i nim ii gy W IWWWiWW M tWW WWJ ^t^ •S«SJS^S im % $AS& ft*?*** $sw !*** Sir Henry Heyman Memories of a® Musical Life $ # * > ♦ < ♦ Rev. H. R.. HAWEIS, m. a. ® ® @ # @ ® ® @ $ n NEW YORK BOSTON CARL FISCHER Cooper Square JEAN WHITE PUB. CO. 521 Washington St. Copyright 1909 By Carl Fischer, New York \AV i At \10l i k CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Reminiscences of Youth. — Fiddle Shops. — The Men- delssohn Mania. — Bottesini 5 CHAPTER II. Some of my Teachers. — Tennyson 17 CHAPTER III. College Days 31 CHAPTER IV. Hearing Music. — Concerts. — Music as a Healer . 39 CHAPTER V. Old Violins and their Makers. — The Anatomy of the Violin. — About Strings. — The Italian Schools. — Maggini. — Stradivarius. — Guarnerius. — Bergonzi and guadagnin1 53 CHAPTER VI. Paganini . 71; i)i>^'>*> i CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PAGE Richard Wagner. — Wagner in Paris. — Personal Traits. — Wagner's Death. — His Popularity . . 105 CHAPTER VIII. Parsifal. — Act I. — Act II. — Act III 134 CHAPTER TX. The Ring of the Nibelung. — I. Rheingold. — II. Wal- kdre. — III. Siegfried. — -IV. The Gotterdammerung. 15. CHAPTER X. Liszt. — "Death of Young Liszt" 16S MEMORIES MUSICAL LIFE CHAPTER I. REMINISCENCES OF YOUTH. I THINK it was Lord Beaconsfield who said that a man was usually interesting in proportion as his talk ran upon what he was familiar with ; and that as a man usually knew more about himself than about anything else he sel- dom failed to be tolerable if his self-centred talk turned out to be unaffected and sincere. To talk about one's self and to be dull is, nevertheless, possible. In the early pages of this volume I shall have to do t'he first to a considerable extent ; let me hope to avoid the second. Music is not the business of my life, but it remains its sweetest recreation ; and there is one opinion which used to be widely held by my friends in the old days, and to which I subscribed for many years. Nature, they often said, in- tended me for a violinist. There is something about the shape of a violin — its curves, its physiognomy, its smiling and genial / \'s — which seems to invite and welcome inspection and hand- ling. Tarisio, the Italian carpenter, came under this fascina- tion to good purpose. He began by mending old fiddles ; he played, himself, a little ; he got more enamored of these M'EM'Gk'lES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. mysterious, lifeless, yet living companions of his solitude, until he began to " trade in fiddles." At the beginning of this century, hidden away in old Ital- ian convents and wayside inns, lay the masterpiece of the Amati, Stradivarius, the Guarnerii, and Bergonzi, almost unknown and little valued. But Tarisio's eye was getting cultivated. He was learning to know a fiddle when he saw it. "Your violino, signor, requires mending," says the itin- erant pedler, as he salutes some monk or padre known to be connected with the sacristy or choir of Pisa, Florence, Milan. " I can mend it." Out comes the Stradivarius, with a loose bar or a split rib, and sounding abominably. " Dio mio ! " says Tarisio, "and all the blessed saints! but your violino is in a bad way. My respected father is prayed to try one that I have, in perfect and beautiful accord and repair ; and permit me to mend this worn-out machine." And Tarisio, whipping a shining, clean instrument out of his bag, hands it to the monk, who eyes it and is for try- ing it. He tries it ; it goes soft and sweet, though not loud and wheezy, like the battered old Strad. Tarisio clutches his treasure. The next day back comes the pedler to the cloister, is shown up to the padre, whom he finds scraping away on his loan fiddle. " But," he exclaims, " you have lent me a beautiful vio- lino, and in perfect order." " Ah ! if the father would accept from me a small favor," says the cunning Tarisio. " And what is that? " " To keep the violino that suits him so well, and I will take in exchange the old machine which is worn out, but with my skill I shall still make something of it ! " A glass of good wine, or a lemonade, or black coffee, clinches the bargain. Oft' goes Tarisio, having parted with a characterless German fiddle, — sweet and easy-go- ing and " looking nice," and worth now about £5 ; in per- fect order, no doubt. — and having secured one of those gems of Cremona which now run into £300. Violin-col- lecting became the passion of Tarisio's life. The story- has been told by Mr. Charles Reade, and all the fiddle- MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. world knows how Tarisio came to Paris with a batch of old instruments, and was taken up by Chanot and Vuil- laume, through whose hands passed nearly every one of those chefs-d'oeuvre recovered by Tarisio in his wander- ings, which now are so eagerly contended for by English and American millionaires whenever they happen to get into the market. I have heard of a mania for snuff-boxes ; it was old La- blache's hobby. There are your china-maniacs, and your picture-maniacs, and your old-print connoisseurs who only look at the margin, and your old book-hunters who only glance at the title-page and edition, and your coin-collectors and your gem-collectors, who are always being taken in ; but for downright fanaticism and "■gone-cooniness," if I may invent the word, commend me to your violin-maniac. He who once comes under that spell goes down to the grave with a disordered mind. FIDDLE SHOPS. I said that I was, perhaps, intended for a violinist by nature. I can understand Tarisio's passion, though I never followed out that particular branch of it which led him to collect, repair, and sell. I could not buy violins, — the prices have risen since the days of the Italian pedler. I could not cheat people out of them ; the world was too knowing for that, — and then I was too virtuous. I could not " travel" in violins. It was not my vocation ; and one may in these days go far and get little, for it is now about as easy to find a Stradivarius as a Correggio. But long before I had ever touched a violin I was fascinated with its appearance. In driving up to town as a child — when, standing up in the carriage, I could just look out of the win- dow — certain fiddle shops, hung with mighty rows of violoncellos, attracted my attention. I had dreams of these large editions, — these patriarchs of the violin, as they seemed to me. I compared them in my mind with the smaller tenors and violins. I dreamed about their brown, big, dusty bodies and affable, good-natured-looking heads and grinning J\'s. These violin shops were the great points watched for on each journey up to London from Norwood, where I spent my early days. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. Youth is the great season of surprises, as it certainly is of delights. There never were such buttercup- he Ids and strawberry-ices as in the days of my childhood. Men try to make hay now, but it is poor work ; and as for the mod- ern ices they are either frozen amiss or ill-mixed. They are not good enough for me who can remember what they were in the exhibition of 1851. One of my keenest musi- cal impressions is connected with that marvellous show. I shall never see such another. As I stood in the gallery of the great crystal transept, and looked down upon a spectacle such as has been witnessed since, but had never before been seen, a feeling of intoxication — there is no other word for lt — came over me. I remember perfectly well falling into a kind of dream as I leaned over the painted iron balcony and looked down on this splendid vista. The silver-bell-like tones of an Erard — it was the 1,000-guinea piano — pierced through the human hum and noise of splashing waters, but it was a long way off. Suddenly, in the adjoining gallery, the large organ broke out with a blare of trumpets that thrilled and riveted me with an inconceivable emotion. I knew not then what those opening bars were. Evidently something martial, fes- tal, jubilant, and full of triumph. I listened and held my breath to hear Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" for the hist time, and not know it ! To hear it when half the peo- ple present had never heard of Mendelssohn, three years af- ter his death, and when not one in a hundred could have told what was being played, — that was an experience I shall never forget. As successive waves of fresh, inexhaustible in- spiration flowed on, vibrating through the building without a check or a pause, the peculiar Mendelssohnian spaces of cantabile melody, alternating as they do in that march with the passionate and almost fierce decision of the chief proces- sional theme, I stood riveted, bathed in the sound as in an element. I felt ready to melt into those harmonious, yet turbulent, waves and float away upon the tides of " Music's golden sea setting towards Eternity." The angel of Tenny- son's vision might have stood by me whispering : — '■' And thou listenest the lordly music flowing from the illimitahle rears." Some one called me, as I was told afterwards, but I did not MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIFE. hear. They supposed that I was following; they went on, and were soon lost in the crowd. Presently one came back and touched me, but I did not feel. I could not be roused, my soul was living apart from my body. When the music ceased the spell slowly dissolved, and I was led away still half in dreamland. For long years afterwards the " Wed- ding March," which is now considered banale and claptrap by the advanced school, affected me strangely. Its power over me has almost entirely ceased. It is a memory now more than a realization — " eheu ! fugaces, Posthume, Posthume, labuntur anni — " THE MENDELSSOHN MANIA. This was in 1S51 ; but it must have been about the year 1S46 that I was taken up to a concert at Exeter Hall, and heard there for the first time what seemed to me to be music of unearthly sweetness. The room was crowded. I was far behind. I could only see the fiddlesticks of the band in the distance. Four long-drawn-out, tender wails on the wind rising, rising ; then a soft, rapid, flickering kind of sound, high up in the treble clef, broke from a multitude of fiddles, ever growing in complexity as the two fiddles at each desk divided the harmonies amongst them, pausing as the deep, melodious breathing of wind instruments suspended in heavy, slumberous sighs their restless agitation, then recom- mencing till a climax w r as reached, and the whole band broke in with that magnificent subject which marks the first complete and satisfying period of musical solution in the overture to the " Midsummer Night's Dream." I was at once affected as I had never before been. I did not know then that it was the Mendelssohn mania that had come upon me. It seized upon the whole musical world of forty years ago, and discolored the taste and judgment of those affected, for every other composer. The epidemic lasted for about twenty years at its height ; declined rather suddenly with the growing appreciation of Schumann, the tardy recognition of Spohr, and the revival of Schubert, receiving its quietus, of course, with the triumph of Wagner. People noiv "place" Mendelssohn; then they worshipped him. IO MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. As my ideas group themselves most naturally about my favorite instrument — the violin — I may as well resume the thread of my narrative in connection with my earliest violin recollections. I became possessed, at the age of six years, of a small, red, eighteen-penny fiddle and stick, with that flimsy bow and those thready strings which are made ap- parently only to snap, even as the fiddle is made only to smash. I thus early became familiar with the idol of my youth. But familiarity did not breed contempt. I pro- ceeded to elicit from the red eighteen-penny all it had to give ; and when I had done with it, my nurse removed the belly, and found it made an admirable dust-pan or wooden shovel for cinders, and, finally, excellent firewood. Many went that way, without my passion for toy fiddles suffering the least decline ; nay, it rather grew by that it (and the fire) fed on. It may not be superfluous to add that I had by this time found means to make the flimsiest strings yield up sounds which I need not here characterize, and to such pur- pose that it became a question of some interest how long such sounds could be endured by the human ear. I do not mean my own. All violinists, including infants on eighteen- pennies, admit that to their own ear the sounds produced are nothing but delightful ; it is only those who do not make them who complain. As it seemed unlikely that my studies on the violin would stop, it became expedient that they should be directed. A full-sized violin was procured me. I have every reason to believe it was one of the worst fiddles I ever saw. I had played many times with much applause, holding a full-sized violin between my knees. I was about eight years old when the services of the local organist — a Mr. Ingram, of Norwood — were called in. His skill on the violin was not great, but it was enough for me ; too much, indeed, for he insisted on my holding the violin up to my chin. The fact is, he could not play in any other position himself; so how could he teach me? Of course the instrument was a great deal too large ; but I strained and stretched until I got it up ; for, as it would not grow down to me, I had to grow up to it. And here I glance at the crucial question, Ought young children to begin upon small-sized violins? All makers say "Yes;" naturally, for they supply the new violins of all sizes. But I emphatically say " No." The MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. sooner the child gets accustomed to the right violin intervals the better ; the small violins merely present him with a series of wrong distances, which he has successively to unlearn. It is bad enough if in after years he learns the violoncello or tenor. Few violinists survive that ordeal, and most people who take to the tenor or 'cello after playing the violin keep to it. Either they have not been successful on the violin, or they hope to become so on its larger, though less brilliant, relation ; but they have a perfectly true instinct that it is difficult to excel on both, because of the intervals. Yet in the face of this you put a series of violins of different sizes into the pupil's hand, on the ground that, as his hand enlarges with years, the enlarged key-board will suit his fingers better ; but that is not the way the brain works, — the brain learns intervals. It does not trouble itself about the size of the ringers that have got to stretch them. A child of even seven or eight can stretch most of the ordi- narv intervals on a full-sized violin finger-board. He may not be able to hold the violin to his chin, but he can learn his scales and pick out tunes, sitting on a stool and holding his instrument like a violoncello. Before the age of eight I found no difficulty in doing this But the greater the difficulty the better the practice. The tendons cannot be too much stretched short of spraining and breaking. Mere aching is to be made no account of; the muscles can hardly be too much worked. A child will soon gain surprising agility even on a large finger-board. Avoid the hateful figured slip of paper that used to be pasted on violin finger- boards in my youth, with round dots for the ringers. I remember tearing mine off in a fit of uncontrollable irrita- tion. I found it very difficult, with the use of my eyes, to put my fingers on the dots, and even then the note was not always in tune, for of course the dot might be covered in a dozen ways by the finger-tips, and a hair's breadth one w r ay or the other would vary the note. But the principle is vicious. A violin-player's eyes have no more business with his fingers than a billiard-plaver's eyes have with his cue. He looks at the ball, and the musician, if he looks at any- thing, should look at the notes, or at his audience, or he can shut his eyes if he likes. It is his ears, not his eyes, have to do with his fingers. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. I was about eight years old. My musical studies were systematic, if not well directed. Every morning for two hours I practised scales and various tunes at a double desk, my father on one side and I on the other. We played the most deplorable arrangements, and we made the most detestable noise. We played Beethoven's overture to "Prometheus," arranged for two fiddles; Callcott's Ger- man melodies with pianoforte accompaniment, and without the violoncello part ; and Corelli's trios, also without the third instrument. I had somehow ceased to take les- sons now. My father's knowledge of violin-playing was exactly on a level with my own ; his skill, he modestly owned, was even less, but had it not been for him I never should have played at all. Our method was simple. We sat for two hours after breakfast and scraped. In the evening, with the addition of the piano, we scraped again — anything we could get hold of; and we did get hold of odd things: Locke's music to "Macbeth," old quadrilles, the " Battle of Prague," " God save the Emperor," and the "Huntsman's Chorus." I confess I hated the practising ; it was simple drudgery; and, put it in what way you will, the early stage of violin-playing is drudgery, but it must be gone through with. And then I had my hours of relaxa- tion. I used to walk up and down the lawn in our garden playing tunes in my own fashion. I got very much at home on the finger-board, and that is the grand thing, after all. No one ever gets at home there who has not begun young, — not so young as I began, but at least under the age of twelve. I was soon considered an infant phenome- non on the violin, stood on tables, and was trotted out at parties, and I thus early got over all shyness at playing in public. The finest lesson a young player can have is to hear good playing. So my father thought. We had both come to a kind of stand-still in our music. We seemed, as he ex- pressed it, to have stuck. It now happily occurred to him to subscribe to certain quartet concerts then announced to take place at Willis's Rooms. In those days such things were novelties. With the exception of Ella's Musical Union, then in its early days, I believe no public quartets have been given in Lon- don, except perhaps as a rare feature in some chamber con- MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIFE. l 3 cert. At each concert some bright, particular star appeared as a soloist. BOTTESINI. On a certain afternoon there was neither solo pianist nor violinist down on the programme, but a player on the contre- basso was to occupy the vacant place. I remember my dis- appointment. Who is that tall, sallow-looking creature, with black mustache and straight hair, with long, bony ringers, yet withal a comely hand, who comes lugging a great double-bass with him ? Some one might have lifted it up for him ; but, no, he carries it himself, and hoists it lov- ingly on to the platform. He seems familiar with its ways, and will allow no one to help him. Why, there are Sainton, Hill, Piatti, and Cooper, all coming on without their fiddles. They seem vastly interested in this ungainly couple, — the man and the big bass. He has no music. People behind me are standing up to get a better sight of him, although he is tall enough in all conscience. I had better stand up too ; they are standing up in front of me, I shall see nothing ! — so I stood on a chair. The first curi- osity over, we all sat down, and, expecting little but a series of grunts, were astonished at the outset at the ethereal notes lightly touched on the three thick strings, harmonics of course, just for tuning. But all seemed exquisitely in tune with the piano. This man was Bottesini, then the latest novelty. How he bewildered us by playing all sorts of melodies in flute-like harmonics, as though he had a hundred nightingales caged in his double-bass ! Where he got his harmonic sequences from ; how he hit the exact place with his long, sensitive, ivory-looking fingers ; how he swarmed up and down the finger-board, holding it round the neck at times with the grip of a giant, then, after eliciting a grumble of musical thunder, darting up to the top and down again, with an expression on his face that never seemed to alter, and his face always calmly and rather grimly surveying the audience ; how his bow moved with the rapidity of lightning, and his fingers seemed, like Miss Kilmansegg's leg, to be a judicious com- pound of clockwork and steam, — all this, and more, is now a matter of musical history, but it was new then. I heard him play the " Carnival de Venice." I have heard him *4 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. play it and some three or four other solos since at intervals of years. His stock seemed tome limited; but when you can make your fortune with half a dozen, or even a couple of solos, why play more? At one time he travelled with Lazarus, the matchless clarionet-player ; and I shall long remember the famous duet they invariably played, and which was always encored. Then Bottesini was fond of conducting and of composing. He got a good appointment in Egypt, and I suppose got tired of going " around " playing the same solos. I never wearied of his consummate grace and finish, his fatal precision, his heavenly tone, his fine taste. One sometimes yearned for a touch of human imperfection, but he was like a dead-shot : he never missed what he aimed at, and he never aimed at less than perfection. Another afternoon there came on a boy with a shock head of light hair, who was received with a storm of applause. He was about sixteen, and held a violin. His name was Joachim. He laid his head upon his Cremona, lifted his bow arm, and plunged into such a marvellous performance of Bach's " Chaconne " as was certainly never before heard in London. The boy seemed to fall into a dream in listen- ing to his own complicated mechanism. He shook out the notes with the utmost ease and fluency. It all seemed no trouble to him, and left him quite free to contemplate the masterpiece which he was busy in interpreting. Mendels- sohn, after hearing him play the same masterpiece on one occasion, caught him in his arms and embraced him before the audience. About this time I heard Jullien's band at the Surrey Zoological Gardens. The siege of Gibraltar was going on at night, with explosions and fireworks of inconceivable splendor ; the great card-boai-d ships looked quite real to me, — they were blown to pieces every evening, — and the fort, with the sentinels pacing up and down on the ramparts, as large as life. The band played in a covered alcove, not far from the water's brink. The effect on a summer's even- ing was delightful. Jullien's enormous white waistcoat and heavily gilt arm-chair made a good centre. I can see his large, puffy, pale face and black mustache now, as he lolled back exhausted in the gorgeous fauteuil ; then sprang MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. *5 up, full of fire, patted the solo cornet on the shoulder with "Pratiquez!" I happened to overhear him. " Pratiquez, il faut toujours pratiquez." Bottesini also played there in the still summer evenings, with magical effect, accompanied by Jullien's band. Days and nights of my childhood, what music ! what fireworks ! At this time Jenny Lind and Ernst were both in Lon- don ; and Liszt, I believe, passed through like a meteor. I never heard any of them in their prime, though I did hear Madame Lind-Goldschmidt sing the " Ravens" at a concert years afterwards, and it was my privilege to hear Ernst before he had lost his cunning, nor shall 1 ever hear his like again. He played once at Her Majesty's Opera- House, when the whole assembly seemed to dream through a performance of the " Hungarian Airs." The lightest whisper of the violin controlled the house ; the magician hardly stirred his wand at times, and no one could tell from the sound when he passed from the up to the down bow in those long, cantabile notes which had such power to en- trance me. I heard Ernst later at Brighton. He played out of tune, and I was told that he was so shaken in nerve that, playing a Beethoven quartet in private, and coming to a passage of no great difficulty, which I have often scram- bled through with impunity, the great master laid down his fiddle and declared himself unequal to the effort. Great, deep-souled, weird magician of the Cremona ! I can see thy pale, gaunt face even now ; those dark, hag- gard-looking eyes, with the strange veiled fires, semi- mesmeric ; the wasted hands, so expressive and sensitive ; the thin, lank hair and emaciated form, yet with nothing demoniac about thee, like Paganini, from whom thou wast absolutely distinct. No copy thou, — thyself all thyself, — tender, sympathetic, gentle as a child, suffering, always suf- fering ; full of an excessive sensibility; full of charm ; irre- sistible and fascinating beyond words ! Thy Cremona should have been buried with thee. It has fallen into other hands. I see it every season in the concert-room. Madame Norman- Neruda plays it. I know she is an admirable artist. I do not hear thy Cremona ; its voice has gone out with thee, its soul has passed with thine. I heard other great players: Sivori, delicate, refined, 16 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. with a perfect command of his instrument, — a pupil of Paganini's, playing all his pieces, and probably no more like him than a Roman candle is like a meteor ; Chatterton, on the harp, a thankless instrument, without variety and never in tune, whose depths are quickly sounded, — arpeggio, a few harmonics, a few, full, glorious chords and ethereal whis- pering, and da capo I Piatti on the violoncello, — a truly disembodied violoncello, so pure and free from catgut and rosin came the sound ; and pianists innumerable in latter davs. But if, looking back and up to the present hour, I am asked to name oft-hand the greatest players — the very greatest I have heard — I say at once, Ernst, Liszt, Ruben- stein. MEM OK IKS OK A MUSICAL LIFE. 17 CHAPTER II. SOME OF MY TEACHERS. FROM such heights I am loth to return to my own in- significant doings, but they happen to supply me with the framework for my present meditations ; they are, in fact,, the pegs on which I have chosen to hang my thoughts. I was at a complete stand-still ; I sorely needed instruction. I went to the seaside for my health. One day, in the morning, I entered the concert- room of the town hall at Margate. It was empty, but, on a platform at the farther end, half-a-dozen musicians were rehearsing. One sat up at a front desk and seemed to be leading on the violin. As they paused I walked straight up to him. I was about twelve then. " Please, sir," I began, rather nervously, " do you teach the violin ? " He looked round rather surprised, but in another moment he smiled kindly, and said : — " Why, yes — at least," he added, "that depends. Do you mean vou want to learn ? " " That's it," I said ; " I have learned a little. Will you teach me ? " " Wait a bit. I must finish here, first, and then I'll come down to you. Can you wait? " he added, cheerily. I had been terribly nervous when I began to ask him, but now I felt my heart beating with joy. " Oh, yes," I said, " I can wait ! " and I waited and heard them play, and watched every motion of one whom I already looked upon as my master. And he became my master — my first real Piaster. Good, patient Mr. Devonport ! I took to him, and he took to me, at once. He got me to unlearn all my slovenly wavs, taught me how to hold my fiddle, and how to finger, and how to bow. It seems I did everything wrong. He used to write out Kreutzer's earlv exercises over his breakfast, and iS MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. bring them to me all blotted, in pen and ink, and actually got into disgrace, so he said, with his landlady, for inking the table-cloth ! That seemed to me heroic ; but who would not have mastered the crabbed bowing, the ups and downs, and staccatos, and slur two and bow one, and slur three and bow one, and slur two and two, after that? And I did my best, though not to his satisfaction ; but he never measured his time with me, and he had an indefinitely sweet way with him which won me greatly, and made me love my violin — a five-pound Vuilhaume copy of Stradiva- rius, crude in tone — more than ever. When I left the sea I lost my master. I never saw him again. If he is alive now, and these lines should chance to meet his eye, I will join hands with him across the years. Why should he not be alive? Hullah, and Sainton, and Piatti, and Mine. Dolby, and Mme. Lind-Goldschmidt, and I know not how many more of his contemporaries, and my elders, are alive. Only there was a sadness and delicacy about that pale, diaphanous face, its hectic flush, its light hair, and slight fringe of mustache, — I can remember it so well ; and I must own, too, there was a little cough, which makes me fear that Devonport was not destined to live long. Some one remarked it at the time, but I thought nothing of it then. I made a great stride under Devonport, and my next master, whom I disliked exceedingly, was a young Pole, Lapinski, who could not speak a word of English. Our lessons were very dull. He taught me little, but he taught me something, — the art of making my fingers ache, — the great art, according to Joachim. My time with him was pure drudgery, unrelieved by a single glow of pleasure or gleam of recreation. He was a dogged and hard taskmaster, knew exactly what he meant, and was utterly indifferent to the likes and dislikes of his pupil, — the very opposite to Devonport, whom in six weeks I got positively to love. In music you learn more in a week from a sympathetic teacher, or at least from some one who is so to you, than from another, however excellent, in a month. You will make no progress if he can give you no impulse. What a mystery lies in that word " teaching" ! One will constrain you irresistibly, and another shall not be able to MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. l 9 persuade you. One will kindle you with an ambition that aspires to what the day before seemed inaccessible heights, whilst another will labor in vain to stir your sluggish mood to cope with the smallest obstacle. The reciprocal relation is too often forgotten. It is assumed that any good master or mistress will suit any willing pupil. Not at all — any more than A can mesmerize B, who goes into a trance im- mediately on the appearance of C. All personal relations and teaching relations are intensely personal ; have to do with subtle conditions, unexplored, but inexorable and instantly perceived. The soul puts out, as it were, its in- visible antennae, knowing the soul that is kindred to itself. I do not want to be told whether you can teach me anything. I know you cannot. I will not learn from you what I must learn from another ; what he will be bound to teach me. All you may have to say may be good and true, but it is a little impertinent and out of place. You spoil the truth. You mar the beauty. I will not hear these things from you ; you spoil nature ; you wither art ; you are not for me and I am not for you — " Let us go hence, my songs, — she will not hear." My next master was Oury. I fell in with him at Brighton when I was about sixteen. He had travelled with Paganini, and was a consummate violinist himself. He was a short, angry-looking, stoutly built little man. Genial with those who were sympathetic to him, and sharp, savage, and sar- castic with others, — he made many enemies, and was unscrupulous in his language. I found he had been unlucky, and I hardly wondered at it, for a man more uncertain, un- stable, and capricious in temper I never met ; but he was an exquisite player. His fingers were thick and plump, his hand was fat and short, not unlike that of poor Jaell, the late pianist. How he could stop his intervals in tune and execute passages of exceeding delicacy with such hands was a mystery to me ; but Jaell did things even more amaz- ing with his, — stretching the most impossible intervals, and bowling his fat hands up and down the key-board like a couple of galvanized balls. I was at this time about sixteen, and a member of the Brighton Symphony Society. We played the svmphonies of the old masters to not verv critical audiences in the Pa- MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIEE. vilion, and I have also played in the Brighton Town Hall. It was at these meetings I first fell in with Oury. I noticed a little group in the anteroom on one of the rehearsal nights ; they were chattering round a thick-set, crotchety-looking little man and trying to persuade him to do something. He held his fiddle, but would not easily yield to their entreaties. They were asking him to play. At last he raised his Cremona to his chin and began to im- provise. What fancy and delicacy and execution ! What refinement ! His peculiar gift lay not only in a full, round tone, but in the musical k4 embroideries," the long flourishes, the torrents of multitudinous notes ranging all over the in- strument. I can liken those astonishing violin passages to nothing but the elaborate embroidery of little notes which in Chopin's music are spangled in tiny type all round the subject, which is in large type. When Oury was in a good humor he would gratify us in this way, and then stop abruptly, and nothing after that would induce him to play another note. He had the fine, large style of the De Beriot school, combined with a dash of the brilliant and romantic Paganini, and the most exquisite taste of his own. In those days De Beriot' s music reigned supreme in the concert- room until the appearance of Paganini. It had not yet gone out of fashion, and I remember hearing Oury play De Beriot's showy first concerto with a full orchestra, at the Pavilion, in a way which reminded me of some conqueror traversing a battle-field ; the enthusiasm he aroused was quite remarkable in that languid and ignorant crowd of loitering triflers. He certainlv brought the house down. He was a great player, though past his prime, and he knew how to score point after point without ever sacrificing his musical honor by stooping to clap-trap. From Oury I received, between' the ages of fifteen and seventeen, my last definite violin instruction. After that I studied for myself and heard assiduously the best players, but I was never taught anything. Oury had been trained himself in the old and new schools of Rode, Baillot, and De Beriot, and only grafted on the sensational discoveries, methods, and tricks of Paganini, Ernst, and Sivori. But he was artist enough to absorb without corruption and ap- propriate without mimicry. He always treated me with a semi-humorous, though kindly, indulgence. He was ex- MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. tremely impatient, and got quite bitter and angry with my ways, stormed at my self-will, said I had such a terrible second ringer that he believed the devil was in it. I had a habit of playing whole tunes with my second finger on the fourth string. It seemed more muscular than the rest, and, from his point of view, quite upset the equilibrium of the hand. He had a habit of sighing deeply over the lessons. " You should have been in the profession. What's the use of teaching you? Bah! you will never do anything. I shall teach you no more." Then he would listen, as I played some bravura passage in my own way, half-amused, half-surprised, half-satirical ; my method was clearly wrong, but how had I got through the passage at all? Then, taking the violin from me, he would play it himself, without explanation, and then play on and say : — "Listen to me, that is your best lesson, you rascal! I believe you never practise at all. Nature has given you too much facility. Your playing will never be worth any- thing. You do not deserve the gifts God has given you." At times poor Oury took quite a serious and desponding view of me. He would sit long over his hour, playing away and playing to me, telling me stories about Paganini's loosening the horse-hair of his bow and passing the whole violin between the stick and the horse-hair, thus allowing the loosened horse-hair to scrape all four strings together, and producing the effect of a quartet. He described the great magician's playing of harmonic passages, and showed me how it was done, and told me how the fiddlers when Paganini played sat open-mouthed, unable to make out how he got at all his consecutive harmonics. In his lighter moods he taught me the farm-yard on the violin : how to make the donkey bray, the hen chuckle, the cuckoo sing, the cow moo. He taught me Paganini's lt Carnaval de Venise" variations ; some of them — especially the canary variation — so absurdly easy to any fingers at home on the violin, yet apparently so miraculous to the uninitiated. But it remained his bitterest reflection that amateur I was, and amateur I was destined to be ; other- wise I believe I should have been a pupil after his heart, for he spent hour after hour with me, and never seemed to reckon his time or his toil by money. 22 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. If I did not acquire the right method it was not Oury's fault. He taught me how to hold the violin ; to spread my ringers instead of crumpling up those I was not using ; to bow without sawing round my shoulder. " In position," he used often to say, " nothing is right unless all is right. Hold your wrist right, the bow must go right ; hold your fiddle well up. or you cannot get the tone." Above all he taught me how to zv/iip instead of scraping- the sound out. This springing, elastic bowing he contrasted with the grinding of badly taught fiddlers, who checked the vibration. Some violinists of repute have been " grinders." but I could never bear to listen to them. Oury poisoned me early against the grinders, and all short of the men of perfect method. He instilled into me principles rather than rules. I caught from him what I was to do, and how I was to do it. He did not lecture at me like some masters ; he took the violin out of my hands without speaking, or with merely an impatient expletive, of which I regret to sa\* he was rather too free, and played the passage for me. His explanations I might have forgotten ; this I could never forget, and I could tell at once whether what I did sounded like what he did. Oury taught me the secret of cant ab He playing on the violin ; how to treat a simple melody with rare phrasing, until it was transfigured by the mood of the player. He taught me Rode's Air in G, — that beautiful melodv which has been, with its well-known variations, the piece de resistance of so many generations of violinists and soprani. I was drilled in every note, the bowing w r as rigidly fixed for me, the whole piece was marked, bar by bar, with slur p and_/*, rait and crescendo. I was not allowed to depart a hair's breadth from rule. When I could do this easily and accurately Oury surprised me one day by say- ing :"— "Now you can play it as you like ; you need not attend to a single mark ! " " How so?" I said. "Don't you see," he said, "the marks don't signify: that is only one way of playing it. If you've got any music in you you can plav it in a dozen other ways. Now, I will make it equallv good," and he took the violin and played it through, reversing as nearly as possible all the p's and_/"\s\ MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. " bowing " the slur and slurring the "bow," and it sounded just as well. I never forgot that lesson. At other times Oury was most punctilious about what he called " correct" bowing. He complained of my habit of beginning a forte "attaque" with an up bow, — an unusual perversity I admit, — but I replied, in my conceit, I had observed Richard Blagrove do the same thing. Oury said, as sharply as wisely, " When you play like Blagrove you may do it too ; until then, oblige me, sir, by minding your up and down bow, or I cease to be your violin tutor." Oury detested Jullien ; why, I could never make out. I was fond of maintaining that Jullien had done much for music in England, introduced classical works, was a famous conductor, and good composer of light music him- self. " He knows nothing, I tell you ; he is an ignorant, affected charlatan. He cannot write down his own com- positions, he borrows his subjects, he steals his treatment, and he bribes a man to lick it into shape for him. Mellon, his leader, is a good musician ; but don't talk to me of Jullien. You admire the way his band plays the overture to the ' Midsummer Night's Dream ; ' but those men learnt it under Mendelssohn's bdton! Mendelssohn took an infinity of trouble with those very men. They knew the music by heart before Jullien touched it, and they played away without even looking at him." I used about this time to hear some very good quartet- playing at Captain Newberry's, Brunswick square. The captain had some fine violins ; one I specially coveted ; he held it to be a genuine Stradivarius : it was labelled 171 2 ; quite in the finest period, and of the grand pattern, — the back a magnificently ribbed slice of maple in one piece ; the front hardly so fine ; the head strong, though not so fine as I have seen, — more like a Bergonzi ; but the fiddle itself could never be mistaken for a Bergonzi. It had a tone like a trumpet on the fourth string ; the third was full, but the second puzzled me for years, — it being weak by comparison ; but the violin was petulant, and after having it in my possession for thirty years I know what to do with it if I could ever again take the time and trouble to bring it into oerfect order, and keep it so, as it was once my pride to do. 2 4 MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL II EE. On Captain Newberry's death that fiddle was sent me by his widow, who did not survive him long. She said she believed it was his wish. This violin was my faithful companion for years. I now look at it under a glass case occasionally, where it lies un- strung from one end of the year to the other. It belonged to the captain's uncle ; he had set his heart on it, and having a very fine pair of carriage-horses, for which he had given JC1S0, he one day made them over to his uncle and obtained the Strad. in exchange. This was the last price paid for my violin, some fifty years ago. It came into the hands of Newberry's relative early in the present century ; how, I know not. Many years ago I took this fiddle down to Bath, and played it a good deal there in a band conducted by the well-known Mr. Salmon. I found he recognized it immediately. I there made acquaintance with the score of Mendelssohn's " Athalie," playing it in the orchestra. I studied the Scotch and Italian symphonies in the same way. No amateur should omit an opportunity' of orchestral or chorus work. In this way you get a more living acquaint- ance with the internal structure of the great masterpieces than in any other. I first made acquaintance with the k ' Elijah " and " St. Paul " in this way. What writing for the violin there is in the chorus parts ! What telling passages are those in " Be not afraid," where the first violins lift the ohrases, rise after rise, until the shrill climax is reached and the aspiring passage is closed with a long drawn-out^"/ When the violins pealed louder and louder, mounting upwards, it was always a delight to me to hear my own powerful first string thrilling through all the others. The conductor used to know this passage, and the way in which it told on my Strad., and invariably gave me a knowing nod as he heard my violin at the first fiddle-desk through all the others. I may add that, as a rule, when any particular. violin in a band is heard above the rest it usually belongs to a bungler ; but there are passages where the leading vio- lins have carte blanche to play up, and then, if you can, you may be allowed to sing through the rest ; and, if this be anywhere allowable, it is of course so at the first violin desk. MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIEE. 2 5 Most boys find it difficult to keep up their music at school ; with me it was the reverse ; my ill-health was the making of my music. I had been an invalid on and oft* up to the age of seventeen. When I was sixteen it became evident that I was not going to die ; my health was still feeble, and my general education defective. I was sent to an excellent tutor at the Isle of Wight, the Rev. John Bicknell. That good man never overcame my dislike to mathematics, but he got me on in Latin, and he was kind enough to tolerate my violin. Oury had already begun to direct my violin studies. I had ample time at school in the Isle of Wight for practis- ing, and I practised steadily, nearly every day. I had a faculty for practising. I knew what to do, and I did it. I always remembered what Joachim had said about tiring out the hand ; and with some abominable torture passages, invented for me by that morose Pole, Lapinski, I took a vicious pleasure in making my fingers ache, and an intense delight in discovering the magical effects of the torture upon my execution. I put my chief trust in Kreutzer's exercises, — admirable in invention and most attractive as musical studies, — the more difficult ones in chords being little violin solos in themselves. I perfected myself in certain solos at this time. I had no one to play my accompaniments, and no one cared to hear me play at school, except some of the boys, who liked to hear me imitate the donkey and give the farm-yard entertainment, including the groans of a chronic invalid, and a great fight of cats on the roof which never failed to be greeted with rapturous applause. I said no one cared to hear me play at Freshwater. Yes, some people did. One autumn whilst I was at Freshwater, an old house, Farringford, with a rambling garden at the back of the downs, was let to Baron A. — an eminent light of the Bench — and his charming family. I forget how they discovered my existence ; but I dare say Lady A. and the young ladies found the place rather dull, and they were not the people to neglect their opportunities. I received an invitation to dinner ; my violin was also asked. I did not reply like Sivori, when similarly invited MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. to bring his violin with him, " Merci ! raon violon ne dine pas ! " I saw to my strings and screws, put together my solos, and went, and enjoyed the occasion highly. TENNYSON. Soon after the A.'s left Farringford it was taken by the Poet Laureate. At that time I was rapidly outgrow- ing Longfellow, and my enthusiasm for Mr. Tennyson amounted to a mania : he was to me in poetry what Mendelssohn was in music. I can now place him. I can now see how great he is. I can now understand his rela- tion to other poets. Then I could not. He confused and dazzled me. He took possession of my imagination. I suppose the continued play of one idea upon my brain was too much for me. To live so close to the man who filled the whole of my poetic and imaginative horizon with- out ever seeing him was more than I could bear. I walked over the neglected, grass-grown gravel between the tall trees yellowing in the autumn, and up to the glass- panelled doors, as bold as fate. " Mr. Tennyson," said the maid, " saw no one." I was aware of that. Was Mrs. Tennyson at home? Perhaps she would see me. The servant looked dubious. I was a shabby-looking student, sure enough ; but there was some- thing about me which could not be said nay ! I evidently meant to get in, and in I got. In another moment I found myself in the drawing-room lately tenanted by the Baron and Lady A. There was the piano, beside which Miss M. stood and sang very shyly, and under protest, in her simple white mus- lin dress and a rose in her hair; there — but the door opened, and a quiet, gentle lady appeared, and bowed silently to me. I had to begin then. I had no excuse to make, and so I offered no apologv. I had called desiring to see Mr. Tennyson, that was all. The lady looked surprised, and sat down by a little work- table with a little work-basket on it. She asked me very kindly to sit down too. So I sat down. I said that mv ad- miration for Mr. Tennyson's poems was so great that, as I was living in the neighborhood, I had called with an ear- nest desire to see him. I then began to repeat that I con- M EMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. zf sidered his poems so exquisite that — a smile was on the kind lady's face as she listened for the thousand and first time to such large and general praises of the laureate's genius. But the smile somehow paralyzed me. She evi- dently considered me a harmless lunatic, not an impertinent intruder. This was fortunate, for had I been summarily shown the door I should not have been surprised. I should not have gone, for I was desperate and prepared to show fight, and be kicked out, if needful, by the laureate alone ; but the fates were propitious. Said Mrs. Tennyson, " My husband is always very busy, and I do not at all think it likely he can see you." " Do you think he would if you ask him?" I stammered out. Said Mrs. Tennyson, a little taken aback, " I don't know." " Then," said I, pursuing my advantage with, if any calm at all, the calmness of a calm despair, " would you object to asking him to see me, if only for an instant? " What passed in that indulgent lady's mind I shall never know ; the uppermost thought was probably not flattering to me, and her chief desire was, no doubt, to get rid of me. " He won't go till he has seen my husband — he ought never to have got in ; but, as he is here, I'll manage it and have done with him ; " or she might have reflected thus : " The poor fellow is not right in his head ; it would be a charity to meet him half-way, and not much trouble." At any rate at this juncture Mrs. Tennyson rose and left the room. She was gone about four minutes by the clock. It seemed to me four hours. What I went through in those four minutes no words can utter. At last I heard a man's voice close outside the door. " Who is it? Is it an impostor? " In another moment the door opened. The man whose voice I had heard — in other words, Mr. Tennyson — entered. He was not in court-dress ; he had not got a laurel- wreath on his head, nor a lily in his hand — not even a harp. It was in the days when he shaved. I have two portraits of him without a beard. I believe they are very rare now. 28 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. I thought it would be inappropriate to prostrate myself, so I remained standing and stupefied. He advanced towards me and shook hands without cordiality. Why should he be cordial? I began desperately to say that I had the greatest admiration for his poetry ; that I could not bear to leave the island without seeing him. He soon stopped me, and taking a card of Captain Crozier's, which lay on the table, asked me if I knew him. I said I did, and described his house and grounds in the neighborhood of Freshwater. I have no recollection of anything else, but I believe some allusion was made to Baron A., when the poet observed abruptly, " Now I must go ; good-by ! " and he went. And that was all I saw of Mr. Tennyson for nearly thirty years. The next time I set eyes on him was one Sunday morning, about twenty-eight years later. He came up the side aisle of my church, St. James, Westmoreland street, Marylebone, and, with his son Hallam, sat near the pulpit, almost in the very spot that had been pointed out to me when I was appointed incumbent as the pew occupied by Hallam the historian and his son Arthur, — the Arthur of the " In Memoriam." But I have not quite done with the interview at Fresh- water. As the poet retired, Mrs. Tennyson reentered and sat down again at her work-table. To her surprise, no doubt, I also sat down. The fact is, I had crossed the Rubicon, and was now in a state of considerable elation and perfectly reckless. I thanked her effusively for the privilege I had had ; I believe I made several tender and irrelevant inquiries after the poet's health, and wound up with earnestly requesting her to give me a bit of his hand- writing. This was, perhaps, going a little too far ; but I had now nothing to lose, — no character for sanity, or prudence, or propriety ; so I went in steadily for some of the poet's hand- writing. The forbearing lady pointed out that she treasured it so much herself that she never gave it away. This would not do. I said I should treasure it to my dying day, any little scrap, — by which I suppose I meant that I did not require the whole manuscript of " Maud," which the poet was then writing, and which is full of Freshwater scenery. I MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 29 might be induced to leave the house with something short of that. With infinite charity and without a sign of irritation she at last drew from her work-basket an envelope in Mr. Tennyson's handwriting, directed to herself, and gave it to me. It was not his signature, but it contained his name. Then, and then only, I rose. I had veni, I had vidi, I had vici. I returned to my school, and at tea-time re- lated to my tutor, with some little pride and self-conceit, the nature of my exploit that afternoon. He administered to me a well-merited rebuke, which, as it came after my indis- cretion, and in no way interfered with my long-coveted joy, I took patiently enough and with all meekness. I have been a martyr to bad accompanists. All young ladies think they can accompany themselves; so why not you or any other man ? The truth is that very few ladies can accompany at all. To accompany yourself properly you must do it with ease and accuracy ; nothing is so charm- ing and nothing is so rare. To accompany well you must not onlv be a good musician, but you must be mesmeric, sympathetic, intuitive. You must know what I want before I tell you ; you must feel which way my spirit sets, for the motions of the soul are swift as an angel's flight. As from the age of seven I have always played the violin more or less publicly, I entered upon my amateur career at Brighton without the smallest nervousness. My facility was very great, but my execution, although showy (and, I blush to add, tricky), was never as finished as I could have desired. My tone, however, was considered by Ourv remarkable, and except when drilling me with a purpose he would never interfere with my reading of a solo. It was the only point in which he gave in to me. " I never taught you that," he would say sharply. " Shall I alter it?" I would ask. " No, no, let it alone ; follow your own inspiration ; you must do as you will, the effect is good." Indeed, no one ever taught me the art of drawing tears from the eyes of my listeners. Moments came to me when 3o MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. I was playing — I seemed far away from the world. I was not scheming for effect — there was no trick about it. I could give no reason for the rail, the p, the pp, the f. Something in my soul ordered it so, and my fingers fol- lowed, communicating every inner vibration through their tips to the vibrating string until the mighty heart of the Cre- mona pealed out like a clarion, or whispered tremblingly in response. But those moments did not come to me in mixed, buzzing audiences ; then I merely waged impatient war with a mob. The}' came in still rooms, where a few were met. and the lights were low, and the windows open toward the sea. They came in brilliantly lighted halls, what time I had full command from some platform of an attentive crowd gathered to listen, not to chatter. They came when some one or other sat and played with me, whose spirit-pulses rose and fell with mine, — in a world of sound where the morning stars seemed always singing together. I was such a thorn in the side of my accompanists that at last they got to have a wholesome dread of me. In this way I often got oft' playing at houses where people asked me to bring my violin impromptu, because I happened to be the fashion. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. CHAPTER III. COLLEGE DAYS. I WENT up to Trinity College in 1856. I was com- pletely alone. I had an introduction to Dr. Whewell, the Master of Trinity. But what w;is Dr. Whewell to me, or I to Dr. Whewell? Something, strange to say, we were destined still to be to each other. Of this more anon. Soon after passing my entrance examination I was sum- moned into the great man's presence. In the course of our interview I ventured rashly to say that I understood Cam- bridge was more given to mathematics than to classics. Dr. Whewell replied, with lofty forbearance, that when I had been a little longer at Cambridge I should possibly correct that opinion. As I had entered under the college-tutor, Mr. Munro, perhaps the most famous Latin scholar of the day, my remark was, indeed, an unfortunate one, most fully displaying my simplicity and ignorance. The master questioned me as to my aims and ambi- tions. I had none, — I told him so very simply, — I played the fiddle. He seemed surprised ; but from the first moment of seeing him I took a liking to him, and I believe he did to me. He had been seldom known to notice a fresh- man personally, unless it were some public-school boy of distinction. After mv first interview I was closely ques- tioned at dinner in hall, when I found that Whewell was regarded as a sort of ogre, not to be approached without the utmost awe, and to be generally avoided if possible. Of this I had heen happily ignorant, and, indeed, there had been nothing to alarm me in the great man. The master married, during my term of college life. Lady Affleck, a charming person, and from the time she became mistress at the Lodge the rugged old lion seemed to grow affable and gentle, and apparently eager to do what he could to make people "'at home." When he married, the master did a very graceful thing. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. He sent for me one morning, brought Lady Affleck in the drawing-room, and said, in his bluff way, "Mr. Hawe 1 wish you to know Lady Affleck, my wife. She is musics she wishes to hear your violin." The master then left 1 with her, and she got me to arrange and come and play the Lodge on the following night at a great party. I was bring my own accompanist. I had played at Dr. Whewel before that night, but that night the master paid me spec attention. It was part of his greatness and of his tr humility to recognize any sort of merit, even when tru different in kind to' his own. Whewell's ability was of a truly cosmic and univen character ; but nature had denied him one gift, — the gift music. He always beat time in chapel, and generally sa atrociously out of tune. I do not think he had any e;i music to him was something marvellous and fascinating ; could talk learnedly on music, admire music, go to concer have music at his house, W'orry over it, insist upon silen when it was going on ; and yet I knew, and he knew tha knew, that he knew nothing about it ; it was a closed woi to him, a riddle, yet one he was incessantly bent upon so ing, and he felt that I had the key to it and he had not. On that night I played Ernst's " Elegie," not quite hackneyed then as it is now, and some other occasior pieces by Ernst, in which I gave the full rein to my fan( The master left his company, and, taking a chair in front where I stood, remained in absorbed meditation during t performance. I was naturally a little elated at this mark of resp< shown to an unknown freshman in the presence of so ma "Heads" of Houses and the elite of the University. played my best, and indulged rather freely in a few mc or less illegitimate dodges, which I thought calculated bewilder the great man. I was rewarded, for at the clc Dr. Whewell laid his hand upon my arm. "Tell me o thing: how do you produce that rapid passage, ascendi and descending notes of fixed intervals?" I had simply a tour of force glided my whole hand up and down t fourth open string, taking, of course, the complete series harmonics up and down several times and producing tl the effect of a rapid cadenza with the utmost ease; < trick only requires a certain lightness of touch, and MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 33 knowledge of where and when to stop with effect. I replied that I had only used the series of open harmonics which are yielded, according to the well-known mathematical law, by every stretched string when the vibration is interrupted at the fixed harmonic nodes. The artistic application of a law, which, perhaps, he had never realized but in theory, seemed to delight him intensely, and he listened whilst I repeated the cadenza, and again and again showed him the various intervals on the finger-board, where the open har- monics might be made to speak ; a hair's-breadth one way or the other producing a horrid scratch instead of the sweet, flute-like ring. It struck him as marvellous how a violinist could hit upon the various intervals to such a nicety as to evoke the harmonic notes. I replied that this was easy enough when the hand was simply swept up and down the string as I had done, but that to hit upon the lesser nodes for single harmonics was one of the recognized violin diffi- culties. I then showed him a series of stopped harmonics, and played, much to his surprise, a tune in stopped har- monics. He was interested to hear that Paganini had been the first to introduce this practice, which has since become common property. After the anxiety of my entrance examination at Trinity College, which I passed without glory, I solaced my loneli- ness by making as much noise as ever I could on my violin. My mathematics may have been weak, and my classics uncertain, but it was impossible to ignore my existence. I had not been up a fortnight when the president of the Cam- bridge University Musical Society called upon me. He believed I played the violin. " How did he know that?" I asked. He laughed out, "Everybody in the place knows it." Then and there he requested me to join the Musical Society, and play a solo at the next concert. I readily agreed, and from that time I became solo violinist at the Cambridge Musical Society and played a solo at nearly every concert in the Town Hall for the next three years. I confess to some nervousness on my first public ap- pearance at a University Concert. It was a grand night. Sterndale Bennett, our new professor of music, himself conducted his "May Queen," and I think Mr. Coleridge, an enthusiastic amateur and old musical star at the Univer- m MEM OK. CAL LIFE. Sity, since very well known in London. sang, ha lected as my chevaJ de bataillc, Kode's air in G wth varia- tions, and to my own surprise, when my turn cane to go on. I was quite shaky. The hall was cranned. the master of Trinity sat in the front row, with othe heads of colleges and their families. I tuned in the nteroom. Some one offered me a glass of wine. I had nevi resorted to stimulants before playing, but I rashly drank it it was in my head at once. Sterndale Bennett conducted ie to the platform. I was a I >tal stranger to the company, - a fresh- man, in my second month only. My fingers fell imp and unrestrained, my head was half swimming. 1 e crowd looked like a mist. I played witli exaggerated i nession. I tore the passion to tatter-. I trampled on th time. I felt the excess of sentiment was bad, and special!) bhorrent to Sterndale Bennett, who followed my vagaries i — bless him forever ! But the thing took. The style was new; at 1 unconventional and probablv daring, for I reav hardly knew what I was about. The air was listened i in dead .silence, half out of curiosity no doubt; but a bust of ap- plause followed the last die-away notes. I pluged into the variations; I felt my execution slovenl) an beneath my usual mark; but I was more than once inteiupted by applause, and at the close of the next cantabile lovement of extreme beauty, which I played better, — a soi if medi- tation on the original air. — the enthusiasm ros to fever pitch ; men stood up in the distant gallery and w ■■ ed their cap-, and I remained holding my violin, unable i proceed with the last rapid variation. When silence was Stored I played this atrociously : I hardly played it at al it quite wild. Sterndale Bennett, seeing that it W8 all up with me that night, hurried and banged it through. nyhow : but the critical faculty of the room was gone, s was my head. I had won by a toss, and although then, iu\ often afterwards, owing to neglect of practice. I was equently not up to my own mark, my position as solo violiist at the [ ty Concerts was never disputed up to theime that 1 >k i;,-. degree. My most extensive effort was De Beriot's first oncerto. ! played through by heart, of course, nth full orchestra. It did not go well ; the band was no MEJk RIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 35 drilled and too ften smothered me ; but I was bent on playing with a 11 orchestra, and I had my will ; but I never repeated tl experiment at those concerts. As I was invariably encon I taxed my ingenuity to devise new sen- sations. " Old og Tray," the words of which were at that time very fa;iliar, was a favorite encore, the first verse taken cheerfully. ind each verse up to the sausage verse in- creasing in pathc and emotion until the climax was reached in — ' rnie tempting mutton pies In which I recognize he flavor of my old dog Tray. Old dog Tray, he was faithful," etc., etc. The audience vere never tired of following the sound- drama conducte by me through its various stages, until the sausage verse imriably broke down amidst roars of laughter. One day, as I as sitting in my arm-chair, with an open book upon my hee, a knock came at the door. Opening the door brusqily, I was confronted by a strange figure, with a sort of 1 le plaid waistcoat, well-made frock-coat. heavily dyed th whiskers, and dark wig, yellow gloves, and patent boot Middle-aged? No, — in spite of the wig and showy get-p, — old, very old ; but oddly vigorous, in- clined to embofi int ; ruddy, florid, perhaps choleric face, marked feature.-- verspread now with a beaming smile and a knowing twinle in the rather rheumy eyes. I never saw s h an odd man. I laughed out almost, and instinctively ext ided my hand and shook that of the irre- sistible stranger /armly, although I did not know him from Adam. " Beg pardoi " he said ; " may I come in ? I tell you, my friend, my nam s Venua — never heard of me — no matter — old Venua kno^ you ; heard you play at the Town Hall — got the stuff ii , ou ; you can play d d well ; you can play better den it — nature gif you all dis gift — you practise and den you p / like ze d 1 himself. Old Venua, dey say to me, he iow all about it — he can tell you how to play. Forty y.r ago you should have heard me play de fiddle by — I iay de fiddle now ; gif me your fiddle — vonderful tone >ur fiddle — where is your fiddle?" All this was ttered without a pause, very rapidly. 36 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. The strange, rambling, stuttering, energetic, decided old creature had now rolled into my room ; he had sat down and pulled out an enormous silk pocket-handkerchief, then an old gold snuff-box. " This gif me by ze Grand Duke of Hesse Darmstadt. You take a pinch. Oh, no ! You are young man. You know noding of snuff — bad 'abit — young man, bad 'abit ! never you take snuff! Old Venua can't get on widout his snuff. All de bigwigs take snuff with old Venua — but where is your fiddle? Bring him out, I say. Vonderful tone — let me see him." What a jargon ! Was it Italian, French, or German- English? I could never make out. In an old book, only the other day, I met with a short biography of a certain Venua, violinist, who flourished at the beginning of this century. Old Venua, of Cambridge, was undoubtedly this man. He was very long past his prime and utterly for- gotten. I brought him out the fiddle ; he put it to his chin ; in a moment I could see he had played ; his touch, execu- tion, all but his intonation, were gone, but his style was first-rate, and his expression admirable in intention. From that day I and old Venua became close allies. He used to ask me to dine with him, generally on Sunday, and his ceaseless flow of anecdote and dramatic style of conversation amused me greatly. He had known Paganini, he had seen Beethoven, he had chatted with Spohr, he remembered the first Napoleon. He mimicked Haydn's style of conversation, violin in hand, as though he had been intimate with him too. Yet this was in 1859, and Haydn died in 1809. " Gif me a sobjech," says Haydn. " Zo ! — here — Tra- la-doi-e-dee-dee, etc., etc. Zat will do, mein freund. Haydn — make you on zat sobjech — a beautiful melody, and work it wonderful ; gif you him a start off, he do all the rest. No quartet like the Haydn quartet, my young freund — he is the great master of the string instrument — he knows the just combinazione — he gif all their due. Spohr he all first fiddle — he make all de rest lacqueys to first fiddle. Men- delssohn he make an orchestra of his quartet. Beethoven vonderful always. Mozart he learn all of Haydn — he come after him and die before him. He never write quartet better zan de Papa Haydn — he find new ideas and he write new things — he great master of vat you call de form — of his MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 37 composition — but in de string quartet Haydn ze great creator — a Brince — a real Brince and founder of ze quartet art ! " Venua loved the violin, and his impromptu lectures upon it taught me much — always characteristic, humorous, genial, and to the point. "If you want to make a man irritable, discontented, restless, miserable, give him a violin." "Why?" said I. " Because," he replied, — and I will now resume to some extent the use of my own language, — " the violin is the most exacting and inexorable of non-human things. A loose joint somewhere and he goes ' tubby ' (a term used to ex- press a dull vibration), a worn finger-board and he squeaks, a bridge too high and his note grows hard and bitter, or too low and he whizzes, or too forward and one string goes loud, or too backward and two strings go soft and weak ; and the sound-post (/.s and innocent, Pity-enlightened." Thev hand him the phial of balsam, and presently, whilst the lovelv forest music again breaks forth, the king is carried on to his bath, and Kundry. Gurnemanz, and the two esquires hold the stage. As the old knight, who is a complete repertory of facts connected with the Grail tradition, unfolds to the esquires the nature of the king's wound, the sorceries of Klingsor. the hope of deliverance from some unknown " guileless one," a sudden cry breaks up the situation. A white swan, pierced bv an arrow, nutters dying to the ground. It is the swan beloved of the Grail brother- hood, bird of fair omen, svmbol of spotless purity. The slaver is brought in between two knights. — a stalwart youth, fearless, unabashed. — whilst the death music of the swan, the slow distilling and stiffening of its life-blood, is marvellouslv rendered bv the orchestra. Conviction of his fault comes over the vouth as he listens to the re- MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE [ 39 proaches of Gurnemanz. He hangs his head, ashamed and penitent, and at last, with a sudden passion of remorse, snaps his bow, and flings it aside. The swan is borne oft', and Parsifal (the "guileless one," for he it is), with Gurnemanz and Kundry, — who rouses herself and surveys Parsifal with strange, almost savage curiosity, — hold the stage. In this scene Kundry tells the youth more than he cares to hear about himself: how his father, Gamuret, was a great knight killed in battle ; how his mother, Herzeleide (Heart's Affliction), fearing a like fate for her son, brought him up in a lonely forest ; how he left her to follow a troop of knights that he met one day winding through the forest glade, and being led on and on in pursuit of them never overtook them and never returned to his mother, Heart's Affliction, who died of grief. At this point the frantic youth seizes Kundry by the throat in an agony of rage and grief, but is held back by Gurnemanz, till, worn out by the violence of his emotion, he faints away, and is gradually revived by Kundry and Gurnemanz. Suddenly Kundry rises with a wild look, like one under a spell. Her mood of service is over. She staggers across the stage; she can hardly keep awake. "Sleep," she mutters, " I must sleep — sleep ! " and falls down in one of those long trances which apparently lasted for months, or years, and formed the transition periods between her mood of Grail service and the Klingsor slavery into which she must next relapse in spite of herself. And is this the" guileless one" ? This wild youth who slays the fair swan; who knows not his own name, nor whence he comes, nor whither he goes, nor what are his destinies? The old knight eyes him curiouslv ; he will put him to the test. This youth had seen the king pass once ; he had marked his pain. Was he " enlightened by pity " ? Is he the appointed deliverer? The old knight now invites him to the shrine of the Grail. "What is the Grail?" asks the youth. Truly a guileless, innocent one ; yet a brave and pure knight, since he has known no evil, and so readily repents of a fault committed in ignorance. Gurnemanz is strangely drawn to him. He shall see the Grail, and in the Holv Palace, what time the mv-tic light streams forth and the assembled knights how themselves in 140 MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIEE. prayer, the voice which comforted Amfortis shall speak to his deliverer and bid him arise and heal the king. Gurnemanz and Parsifal have ceased to speak. They stand in the glowing light of the summer-land. The tide of music rolls on continuously, but sounds more strange and dreamy. Is it a cloud passing over the sky? There seems to be a shuddering in the branches — the light fades upon yonder sunny woodlands — the foreground darkens apace. The whole scene is moving, but so slowly that it seems to change like a dissolving view. I see the two figures of Gurnemanz and Parsifal moving through the trees ; they are lost behind vonder rock. They emerge further off, higher up. The air grows very dim ; the orchestra peals louder and louder. I lose the two in the deepening twilight. The forest is changing, the land is wild and mountainous. Huge galleries and arcades, rock-hewn, loom through the dim forest; but all is growing dark. I listen to the murmurs of the" Grail," the " Spear," the " Pain," the " Love and Faith " motives, — hollow murmurs, confused, floating out of the depths of lonely caves. Then I have a feeling of void and darkness, and there comes a sighing as of a soul swooning away in a trance, and a vision of waste places and wild caverns ; and then through the confused dream I hear the solemn boom of mighty bells, only muffled. They keep time as to some ghostly march. I strain my eyes into the thick gloom before me. Is it a rock, or forest, or palace? As the light returns slowly, a hall of more than Alhambra- like splendor opens before me. My eyes are riveted on the shining pillars of variegated marble, the tessellated pave- ments, the vaulted roof glowing with gold and color ; beyond, arcades of agate columns, bathed in a misty moon- light air, and lost in a bewildering perspective of halls and corridors. I hear the falling of distant water in marble fonts ; the large bells of Montsalvat peal louder and louder, and to music of unimaginable stateliness the knights enter in solemn procession, clad in the blue and red robes of the Grail, and take their seats at two semicircular tables -which start like arms to the right and left of the holy shrine. Beneath it lies Titurel entranced, and upon it is presently deposited the sacred treasures of the Grail itself. MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIFE. 1 4 1 As the wounded King Amfortis is borne in, the assembled knights, each standing in his place, a golden cup before him, intone the Grail motive, which is taken up by the entering choruses of servitors and esquires bearing the holy relics. Gurnemanz is seated amongst the knights ; Parsifal stands aside and looks on in mute astonishment, " a guileless one." As the Holy Grail is set down on the altar before the wounded king, a burst of heavenly music streams from the high dome ; voices of angels intone the celestial phrases, " Take, eat" and " This is my blood 7" and blend them with the Faith and Love motives. As the choruses die away, the voice of the entranced Titurel is heard from beneath the altar calling upon Amfortis, his son, to uncover the Grail that he may find refreshment and life in the blessed vision. Then follows a terrible struggle in the breast of Amfortis. He, sore stricken in sin, yet guardian of the Grail, guilty among the guiltless, oppressed with pain, bowed down with shame, craving for restoration, o'erwhelmed with unworthi- ness, yet chosen to stand and minister before the Lord on behalf of his saints ! Pathetic situation, which must in all times repeat itself in the history of the Church ! The un- worthiness of the minister affects not the validity of his consecrated acts. Yet what agony of mind must many a priest have suffered, himself oppressed with sin and doubt, whilst dispensing the means of grace, and acting as a minister and steward of the mysteries. The marvellous piece of self-analysis in which the conscience-stricken king bewails his lot as little admits of description here as the music which embodies his emotions. At the close of it angel voices seem floating in mid-air, sighing the mystic words : — "Wait for my chosen one, Guileless and innocent, Pity-enlightened." And immediately afterwards the voice of Titurel, like one turning restlessly in his sleep, comes up from his living tomb beneath the altar: " Uncover the Grail!" With trembling hands the sick king raises himself, and with a great effort staggers towards the shrine ; the cover- 142 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. ing is removed — he takes the crystal cup — he raises it on high — the blood is dark — the light begins to fade in the hall — a mist and dimness come over the scene ; we seem to be assisting at a shadowy ceremony in a dream — the big bells are tolling — the heavenly choirs from above the dome, which is now bathed in twilight, are heard : ''''Drink ye all of this I" Amfortis raises on high the crystal vase ; the knights fall on their knees in prayer. Suddenly a faint tremor of light quivers in the crystal cup, then the blood grows ruby-red for a moment. Amfortis waves it to and fro, the knights gaze in ecstatic adora- tion. Titurel's voice gathers strength in his tomb : — " Celestial rapture ! How streams the light upon the face of God ! " The light fades slowly out of the crystal cup ; the miracle is accomplished. The blood again grows dark ; the light of common day returns to the halls of Montsalvat, and the knights resume their seats, to rind each one his golden goblet filled with wine. During the sacred repast which follows, the brotherhood join hands and embrace, singing : — " Blessed are they that believe ; Blessed are they that love ! " and the refrain is heard again far up in the heights, re- echoed by the angelic hosts. I looked round upon the silent audience whilst these astonishing scenes were passing before me ; the whole assembly was motionless ; all seemed to be solemnized by the august spectacle, — seemed almost to share in the devout contemplation and trance-like worship of the holy knights. Every thought of the stage had vanished ; nothing was further from my own thoughts than play-acting. I was sitting as I should sit at an oratorio, in devout and rapt contemplation. Before my eyes had passed a symbolic vision of prayer and ecstacy, flooding the soul with over- powering thoughts of the Divine Sacrifice and the mystery of unfathomable love. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. \ 43 The hall of Montsalvat empties. Gurnemanz strides excitedly up to Parsifal, who stands stupefied with what he has seen — " Why standest thou silent? Knowest thou what thine eyes have seen?" The k ' guileless one " shakes his head. " Nothing but a fool ! " exclaims Gurnemanz, angrily ; and, seizing Parsifal by the shoulder, he pushes him roughly out of the hall, with : — " Be off! look after thy geese, And henceforth leave our swans in peace." The Grail vision had, then, taught the " guileless one " nothing. He could not see his mission ; he was as yet un- awakened to the deeper life of the spirit : though blameless and unsullied he was still the " natural man." Profound truth! — that was not first which was spiritual, but that which was natural : before Parsifal wins a spiritual triumph, he must be spiritually tried ; his inner life must be deepened and developed, else he can never read aright the message of the Grail. The life of God in the spirit comes only when the battle for God in the heart has been fought and won. Fare forth, thou " guileless one " ! thou shalt yet add to the simplicity of the dove the wisdom of the serpent. Thou art innocent because ignorant ; but thou shalt be weighed anon in the balance and not be found wanting ; and then shalt thou reconquer the holy spear lost in Sin, rewon in Purity and Sacrifice, and be to the frail Amfortis the chosen savior for whom he waits. The foregoing events occupied about an hour and a quarter. When the curtain fell the vast audience broke up in silence. The air outside was cool and balmy. In the distance lav the city of Bayreuth, with the tower of the Alte Schloss and the old church standing up gray against the distant Bavarian hills. All around us lay the pine woods, broken by the lawns and avenues that encircle the theatre and embower it in a H4 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. secluded world of its own ; even as the Palace of the Grail was shut oft' from the profane world. Here, indeed, is truly the Montsalvat of the modern drama, — a spot purified and sacred to the highest aims and noblest manifestations of Art. In about an hour the Spear motive was the signal blown on the wind instruments outside, and I took my seat for the second act. ACT II. A restless, passion-tossed prelude. The " Grail " subject distorted, the "Spear" motive thrust in discordant, the " Faith and Love " theme fluttering like a wounded dove in pain, fierce bursts of passion, wild shocks of uncontrolled misery, mingling with the k ' carnal joy " music of Klingsor's magic garden and the shuddering might of his alchemy. The great magician, Klingsor, is seen alone in his dun- geon palace, — harsh contrast to the gorgeous halls of Mont- salvat. Here all is built of the live rock, an impenetrable fastness, the home of devilish might and terrible spells. Klingsor is aware of the coming struggle, and he means to be ready for it. He owns the sacred spear wrested from Amfortis ; he even aspires to win the Grail ; he knows the " guileless one" is on his way to wrest that spear from him. His only hope is in paralyzing the fool by his enchantments as he paralyzed Amfortis, and the same woman will serve his turn. " Kundry ! " The time is come, the spells are woven ; blue vapors rise, and in the midst of the blue vapors the figure of the still sleeping Kundry is seen. She wakes, trembling violently ; she knows she is again under the spell she abhors, — the spell to do evil, the mission to corrupt. With a shuddering scream she stands before her tormentor, denying his power, loathing to return to her vile mission, yet returning, as with a bitter crv she vanishes from his presence. Parsifal has invaded Klingsor's realm ; the evil knights have fled before his prowess, wounded and in disorder. Kundry is commissioned to meet the guileless youth in the enchanted garden, and, all other allurements tailing, to subdue him by her irresistible fascinations and hand him over to Klinsrsor. MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIFE. 145 In a moment the scenery lifts, and a garden of marvellous beauty and extent lies before us. The flowers are all of colossal dimensions, — huge roses hang in tangled festoons, the cactus, the lily, the blue-bell, creepers and orchids of enormous size and dazzling color wave in mid-air, and climb the aromatic trees. On a bright hill appears Parsifal, standing bewildered by the light and loveliness around him. Beautiful girls, dressed like flowers, and hardly distinguishable from them at first, rush in, bewailing their wounded and disabled knights ; but on seeing Parsifal fall upon their new prey, and, surround- ing him, sing verse after verse of the loveliest ballet music, whilst trying to embrace him, and quarrelling with each other for the privilege. About that wonderful chorus of flower-girls there was just a suggestive touch of the Rhine maidens' singing. It belonged to the same school of thought and feeling, but was freer, wilder, more considerable, and altogether more complex and wonderful in its changes and in the marvellous confusion in which it breaks up. The "guileless one " resists these charmers, and they are just about to leave him in disgust, when the roses lilt on one side, and, stretched on a mossy bank overhung with flowers, appears a woman of uneaithly loveliness. It is Kundry transformed, and, in the marvellous duet which follows between her and Parsifal, a perfectly new and original type of love duet is struck out, — an analysis of character, unique in musical drama; a combination of sentiment and a situation absolutely novel, which could only have been conceived and carried out by a creative genius of the highest order. First, I note that the once spell-bound Kundry is devoted utterly to her task of winning Parsifal ; into this she throws all the intensity of her wild and desperate nature, but in turn she is strangely affected by the spiritual atmosphere of the " guileless one " ; a feeling comes over her in the midst of her witchcraft passion, that he is in some way to be her savior too ; yet, woman-like, she conceives of her salvation as possible only in union with him. Yet was this the very crime to which Klingsor would drive her for the ruin of Parsifal. Strange confusion of thought, feeling, aspiration, longing ! — struggle of irreconcilable elements ! How 1^6 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. shall she reconcile them? Her intuition fails her not, and her tact triumphs. She will win by stealing his love through his mother's love. A mother's love is holy, — that love she tells him of; it can nevermore be his, but she will replace it ; her passion shall be sanctified by it ; through that passion she has sinned ; through it she, too, shall be redeemed. She will work out her own salvation by the very spells that are upon her for evil. He' is pure ; he shall make her pure, could she but win him ; both, by the might of such pure love, Would surely be delivered from Klingsor, the corrupter, the tormentor. Fatuous dream ! How, through corruption, win incorruption ? How, through indulgence, win peace and freedom from desire? It is the old cheat of the senses, — Satan appears as an angel of light. The thought deludes the unhappy Kundry her- self; she is no longer consciously working for Klingsor; she really believes that this new turn, this bias given to passion, will purify both her and the guileless, pure fool she seeks to subdue. Throughout this scene Parsifal's instinct is absolutely true and sure. Everything Kundry says about his mother, Herzeleide, he feels ; but every attempt to make him accept her instead he resists. Her desperate declamation is splen- did. Her heart-rending sense of misery and piteous prayer for salvation, her belief that before her is her savior could she but win him to her will, the choking fuiy of baffled passion, the steady and subtle encroachments made whilst Parsifal is lost in a meditative dream, the burning kiss which recalls him to himself, the fine touch by which this kiss, whilst arousing in him the stormiest feelings, causes a sharp pain, as of Amfortis' own wound, piercing his very heart. All this is realistic if you will, but it is realism raised to the sublime. Suddenly Parsifal springs up, hurls the enchantress from him, goes forth from Klingsor's realm. She is baffled ; she knows it; for a moment she bars his passage, then succumbs ; the might of sensuality which lost Amfortis the sacred spear has been met ar.d defeated by the guile- less fool. He has passed from innocence to knowledge in his interview with the flower-girt girls, in his long converse with Kundry, in her insidious embrace, in her kiss ; but all these are now thrust aside ; he steps forth still MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 147 unconquered, still " guileless," but no more a " fool." The knowledge of good and evil has come, but the struggle is already passed. " Yes, sinner, I do offer thee redemption," he can say to Kundry ; " not in thy way, but in thy Lord Christ's way of sacrifice ! " But the desperate creature, wild with passion, will listen to no reason ; she shouts aloud to her master, and Klingsor suddenly appears, poising the sacred spear. In another moment he hurls it right across the enchanted garden at Parsifal. It cannot wound the guileless and pure one as it wounded the sinful Amfortis. A miracle ! it hangs arrested in the air above Parsifal's head ; he seizes it ; it is the sacred talisman, one touch of which will heal even as it inflicted the king's deadly wound. With a mighty cry and the shock as of an earthquake the castle of Klingsor falls shattered to pieces, the garden withers up to a desert, the girls who have rushed in lie about amongst the fading flowers, themselves withered up and dead. Kundry sinks down in a deathly swoon, whilst Parsifal steps over a ruined wall and disappears, saluting her with the words, kt Thou alone knowest when we shall meet again ! " The long shadows were stealing over the hills when I came out at the second pause. Those whom I met and conversed with were subdued and awed. As the instruments played out the Faith and Love motive for us to reenter, the mellow sunshine broke once more from the cloud-rack over city, and field, and forest, before sinking behind the long, low range of the distant hills. ACT III. The opening prelude to the third and last act seems to warn me of the lapse of time. The music is full of pain and restlessness, — the pain of wretched years of long waiting for a deliverer who comes not ; the restlessness and misery of a hope deferred, the weariness of a life without a single joy. The motives, discolored as it were by grief, work up to a distorted version of the Grail subject, which breaks off with a cry of despair. 14S MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. Is the Grail, too, then turned into a mocking spirit to the unhappy Amfortis ? Relief comes to us with the lovely scene upon which the curtain rises. Again the wide summer land lies stretching away over sunlit moor and woodland. In the foreground wave the forest trees, and I hear the ripple of the wood- land streams. Invariably throughout the drama, in the midst of all human pain and passion, great nature is there, peaceful, harmonious in all her loveliest moods ; a para- dise in which dwell souls who make of her their own purgatory. In yonder aged figure, clad in the Grail pilgrim robe, I discern Gurnemanz ; his hair is white ; he stoops with years ; a rude hut is hard by. Presently a groan arrests his attention, moaning as of a human thing in distress. He clears away some brushwood, and beneath it finds, waking from her long trance, the strange figure of Kundry. For how many years has she slept we know not. Why is she now recalled to life ? She staggers to her feet ; we see that she, too, is in a pilgrim garb, with a rope girding her dress of coarse brown serge. " Service ! service ! " she mutters, and, seizing a pitcher, moves mechanically to fill it at the well, then totters but half awake into the wooden hut. The forest music breaks forth, — the hum of happy insect life, the song of wild birds. All seems to pass as in a vis- ion, when suddenly enters a knight clad in black armor from top to toe. The two eye him curiously, and Gurnemanz, approaching, bids him lay aside his armor and his weapons. He carries a long spear. In silence the knight unhelms, and, sticking the spear into the ground, kneels before it, and remains lost in devotional contemplation. The Spear and Grail motives mingle together in the full tide of orchestral sounds carrying on the emotional undercurrent of the drama. The knight is soon recognized by both as the long-lost and dis- carded Parsifal. The " guileless one " has learned wisdom, and discovered his mission ; he knows now that he bears the spear which is to heal the king's grievous wound, and that he himself is appointed his successor. Through long strife, and trial, and pain he seems to have grown into something of Christ's own likeness. Not all at once, but at last he has found the path. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 149 He returns to bear salvation and pardon both to Kundry and the wretched king, Amfortis. The full music flows on whilst Gurnemanz relates how the knights have all grown weak and aged, deprived of the vision and sustenance of the Holy Grail, whilst the long- entranced Titurel is at last dead. At this news Parsifal, overcome with grief, swoons away, and Gurnemanz and Kundry loosen his armor, and sprinkle him with water from the holy spring. Underneath his black suit of mail he appears clad in a long white tunic. The grouping is here admirable : Gurnemanz is in the Templar's red and blue robe ; Parsifal in white, his auburn hair parted in front, and flowing down in ringlets on either side, recalls Leonardo's favorite conception of the Saviour's head ; and, indeed, from this point Parsifal becomes a kind of symbolic reflection of the Lord Himself. Kundry, sub- dued and awed, lies weeping at his feet; he lifts his hands to bless her with infinite pity. She washes his feet, and dries them with the hairs of her head. It is a bold stroke ; but the voices of nature, the murmur of the summer woods, come with an infinite healing, tenderness, and pity, and the act is seen to be symbolical of the pure devotion of a sinful creature redeemed from sin. Peace has at last entered into that wild and troubled heart, and restless Kundry, delivered from Klingsor's spell, receives the sprinkling of baptismal water at the hands of Parsifal. The great spaces of silence in the dialogue, broken now by a few sentences from Parsifal, now from Gurnemanz, are more eloquent than many words. The tidal music flows on in a ceaseless stream of changing harmonies, returning constantly to the sweet and slumberous sound of the summer land, full of teeming life and glowing happiness. Then Gurnemanz takes up his parable. It is the blessed Good Friday on which our dear Lord suffered. The Love and Faith phrases are chimed forth, the pain-notesof the Cross agony are sounded and pass, the Grail motive seems to swoon away in descending harmonies, sinking into the woodland voices of universal nature, — that trespass-pardoned nature that now seems waking to the day of her glory and innocence. In that solemn moment Parsifal bends over the subdued MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. and humbled Kundry, and kisses her softly on the brow ; her wild kiss in the garden had kindled in him fierce fire, mingled with the bitter wound-pain ; his is the seal of her eternal pardon and peace. In the distance the great bells of Montsalvat are now heard booming solemnly ; the air darkens, the light fades out, the slow motion of all the scenery recommences. Again I hear the wild cave music, strange and hollow sounding ; the three move on as in a dream, and are soon lost in the deep shadows ; and through all, louder and louder, boom the heavy bells of Montsalvat, until the stage brightens, and we find ourselves once more in the vast Alhambra-like hall of the knights. For the last time Amfortis is borne in, and the brother- hood of the Grail form the procession bearing the sacred relics, which are deposited before him. The king, in great agony and despair, bewails the death of his father and his own backsliding. With failing, but desperate, energy he harangues the assembled knights, and, tottering forward, beseeches them to free him from his misery and sin-stained life, and thrust their swords deep into his wounded side. At this moment Gurnemanz, ac- companied by Parsifal and Kundry, enter. Parsifal steps forward with the sacred spear, now at length to be restored to the knights. He touches the side of Amfortis, the wound is healed, and as he raises the spear on high the point is seen, glowing with the crimson glory of the Grail. Then, stepping up to the shrine, Parsifal takes the crystal cup, the dark blood glows bright crimson as he holds it on high, and at that moment, whilst all fall on their knees, and celestial music ("Drink ye all of this") floats in the upper air, Kundry falls back dying, her eyes fixed on the blessed Grail. A white dove descends and hovers for a moment, poised in mid-air above the glowing cup. A soft chorus of angels seems to die away in the clouds beyond the golden dome : — "Marvellous mercy! Victorious Saviour ! " Words can add nothing to the completeness of the drama, and no words can give any idea of the splendor and com- MEMORIES OE A MUSICAL LIFE. *5i plexity of that sound ocean upon which the drama floats from beginning to end. The enemies of the Grail are destroyed or subdued, the wound they have inflicted is healed, the prey they claimed is rescued ; the pure and blameless Parsifal becomes the consecrated head of the holy brotherhood, and the beatific vision of God's eternal love and Real Presence is restored to the Knights of the Sangrail. When I came out of the theatre, at the end of the third and last act, it was ten o'clock. The wind was stirring in the fir trees, the stars gleamed out fitfully through a sky across which the clouds were hurrying wildly, but the moon rose low and large beyond the shadowy hills, and bathed the misty valleys with a mild and golden radiance as of some celestial dawn. When the curtain fell on the last performance of" Par- sifal," at Bayreuth, which, on the 30th of July, 1SS2, brought the celebration month to a close, the enthusiasm of the audience found full vent in applause. The curtain was once lifted ; but no calls would induce the performers to appear a second time or receive any individual homage. This is entirely in accordance with the tone of these excep- tional representations. On each occasion the only applause permitted was at the end of the drama, and throughout not a single actor answered to a call or received any personal tribute. Behind the scenes there occurred a touching incident. The banker Gross led Wagner's children up to the assembled actors, and, in the name of their dead father, thanked the assembly for the care and labor of love expended by each and all in producing the last work of the great dead master. Siegfried, Wagner's son, thirteen years old, then, in a few simple words, stifled with sobs, thanked the actors person- ally, and all the children shook hands with them. The King of Bavaria charged himself, upon Wagner's death, with the education of his son. l 5 2 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. CHAPTER IX. THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG. /. — Rheingold. THE heat at Bayreuth (August, 1876) was intense. The Emperor of Germany, who attended some of the performances, expressed his astonishment at the endur- ance of the orchestra, who had to work by a great power of gas, sunk in a pit beneath the stage. " I should just like," said his Imperial Majesty, " to go down below and see where my Kapellmeister Richter sweats," — and he went. Notwithstanding the excessively sultry weather, a vast company of Art Pilgrims ascended the hill outside the city, and took their seats nearly every day in Wagner's theatre for a month. As I contemplate Bayreuth, in that same month of August, 1876, I perceive the whole city to be given over to a kind of idolatry of Wagner. The town is hung with wreaths and flags ; in the shops nothing but Wagner portraits, busts, medals of all sorts and sizes, Wagner's works, " Wag- ner's Life and Genius," and an immense German and French literature on the Nibelungen Saga. The performance of the "Rheingold" will live long in my memory as the extreme realization of weird beauty steeped in atmosphere such as may be, in some other planet, flushed with sunset or moonrise. This music is like a land of dreams, into which the spirit breaks at times, and, hurry- ing back a million of years, discovers, on the surface of far- off' seas, or dim caverns, the light that has long since gone out forever. The elemental prelude of deep and slumberous sound wafts us away from all account of time and space of the present. The vast hall, full of silent human beings, has been touched by the magician's wand. All grows dark, and the dim gray-green depths of the Rhine alone become MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. r 53 visible. We strain our eyes into the dimness, and are aware of the deep moving of the Rhine water. The three Rhine daughters grow visible, swimming midwater, swimming and singing, guardians of the Rheingold. What unearthly, unhuman, magical snatches of sweetest song ! There is at last realized the creature of legend, the Undine at once more and less than human. The hideous King of the Undergrounds, or Nibelungen, sits watching these lovely water-maidens ; he courts them in vain. The orchestra weaves on its divine Rhine music, without which we almost feel the scene must vanish. The soft cries and unearthly but musical laughter of the Undines, swimming ceaselessly, begin to give us a strange feeling of limited, monotonous life, pointing subtilely to the difference between such natures and our own. But they, too, are waiting for something. This dim green water is growing oppressive. We feel ourselves immersed in its depths. At first it was a dream scene of exquisite beauty ; now it is almost a prison ; in another moment we should struggle to be free ; but suddenly the Rheingold begins to brighten. A shaft of radiance strikes through the water. The Un- dines scream with joy. The Underground King, Alberich, blinks with astonishment. Then through the whole depth of the Rhine streams an electric light, glowing upon a distant rock, dimmed to softest yellow only by the water. " Rheingold ! Rheingold ! " a wild shout arises — joy of the Rhine daughters ! Haydn has produced the effect of light in the "•Creation" by a great burst of sound : " And there was Light ! ! " But, sublime as is that one chord on Light, the effect here is far more subtle. We have been kept in dark water for half an hour. The whole system is made to pine and cry out for light. It comes at last — the light of the Rheingold ! Every fibre in the body quivers with it. It is as oxygen to the lungs. The eye and whole nervous system drink it in. We could shout like children with the Rhine girls over the joy of the Rheingold ! The whole of this water-scene is of indescribable beauty and without a trace of vulgar pantomimic effect. A lesser man would have made the Rhine water lighter at first. As it is, for some seconds after the curtain rises we can hardly see any- thing. Slowly the eye discerns the floating women ; but we still follow them chiefly by their voices. Alberich is i54 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. hardly visible ; the music itself seems to keep down the light ; but then the dawn of splendor of the Rheingold ! That explains all ; the effect is consummate. Wagner, it is evident, has superintended every detail. I will here briefly allude to the plot of the " Rheingold." How Alberich, the King of the Undergrounds, renounces the love of the Rhine girls to clutch the gold. How he leaves the Rhine dark, and flies with his treasure to his own underground caverns, there to maltreat his wretched hordes of slaves, and compel them to turn the Rheingold into sumptuous vessels, amongst them a magic helmet and a ring whose wearer can change himself at will into any- thing. How the gods meanwhile have been bribing the giants with the promise of the beautiful Freia, their sister, to build them their Walhalla palace. How the giants on the completion of the palace claim Freia, and only give her up upon the gods extorting the Rheingold from Alberich and his undergrounds and paying it over to the monstrous architects. How at last the gods, with Freia, go over to the Rainbow bridge into the Walhalla to the sound of heavenly music, whilst upon the ambrosial air comes from afar the fitful wail of the Rhine daughters : — " Rheingold ! Clear and pure, Show thy glory in the depths, There alone is Truth and Trust, False and faithless all above, Who rejoice ! " All this the reader may possibly be familiar with. To dwell upon each scene is here impossible. The " Rheingold" lasts for two hours and a half at a stretch, during which time there is no pause in the music, but there is also no sign of fatigue in the audience, who sit in rapt attention to the close. II. — Walkure. With the "Walkure," or Warrior Daughters of god Wotan (Wodin), begin the famous three da} T s to which the " Rheingold," described in my last, was the introduction. The god Wotan in his earthly wanderings became the MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. *55 father by a mortal woman of Siegmund and Sieglinde. Upon the interest of one of the Walkiire, Briinnhilde, in this couple, and her final sacrifice of Virgin deity in their cause, this next drama, in three acts, turns. The curtain rises. A wild cabin, into which out of the storm enters Siegmund, throws himself, dead with fatigue, before a rude fire, and sleeps. In steals Sieglinde, his sister, the forced wife of Hunding, a savage hunter. Thus brother and sister, separated from the cradle, meet unknown to each other. We are at once completely outside all con- ventional moralities, — in an age and faerie sphere in which human passion has to be contemplated apart from all civil- ized conditions. We thus follow breathlessly, without shock, the inexorable development of the various phases of recognition, self-abandonment, confession, and ecstasy which follow. The wild music flowing to the wild life of the wandering Siegmund, as he pours it all out to his new friend and protectress, who revives him with a cooling draught, consoles him, and already claims him as her deliverer ; the entrance of Hunding ; the fight between him and Siegmund, which is to take place on the morrow ; the sleeping potion administered to him by Sieglinde, and the long scene at night, where she steals out, all in white, to Siegmund, — these are graphic and awe-inspiring situations ; the moon spreads through the room, and the fire dies, and through the open door are seen the fair, moon-lit woods, and all is peace, — this the reader must imagine for himself. Nothing more searching in delineation of passion was ever con- ceived than this scene between lovers about to risk all, with fate overhanging them, and hearts filled alternately with the pain of dread forebodings and an inextinguishable love. As the last spark on the hearth dies the music becomes flowing and deep, like a broadening river. A strange red light — the light of Wotan — falls on the giant oak-tree, showing the hilt of a sword plunged in there by a mysteri- ous stranger. He who could draw it should alone free Sieglinde from her brutal husband. Siegmund rises and draws it, amidst a great burst of triumphant sound. This, on the morrow, should give him victory over the coarse Hunding, for the sword is Woton's own, hidden there for his son Siegmund. The deep wealth of sound upon which 156 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. the lovers are now buoyed up as they fall into each other's arms is like the mingling of oceans and rivers and clouds ; and the strong, terrible chords, to which the curtain again falls, are as the might of resistless love, hurrying to its fate- ful close. The second act reveals to us the wild Briinnhilde — War Walkiire. With spear in hand she scales the rocks ; the clouds are about her ; she shouts to her companions, and her voice mingles with the winds. As she mounts each crag her notes rise higher and higher, — a melody of be- witching, boisterous wildness. How Wotan bids the War Walkiire defend his favorite Siegmund in the coming duel with Hunding ; how Fricka, his jealous wife, burns for the death of Siegmund, the mortal bastard ; how the god gives in weakly, and bids Briinnhilde to destroy him ; how Briinn- hilde, a dear, good creature, protests, and goes at last to her mission, clad in mail and scarlet, with a heavy heart, — must be told in few words. From this moment to the end of the act the excitement, without pause, goes on, changing in form, but ever increasing. Now the flying lovers rush on to the rocky stage ; the sound of Hunding's horn, the cry of his dogs, is in their ears ; then all is again ecstasy, until Sieglinde breaks out in a strange scene of passionate remorse at having been the wife of an unloved man. Her intense love for Siegmund makes her past life seem too vile. But hark ! — and the sound of dogs and horns, the rushing of wind and crashing of branches, swells in the orchestra, and Sieglinde faints, and is laid resting on a rock. Then a passage of unspeakable solemnitv occurs with the reentrance of Briinnhilde. She stands before Siegmund. — come on her fatal errand. — and the music grows sweet and solemn, with the majestic Wotan " motif; " she tells the hero that whoever looks on her must shortly die ; that she takes the w r arrior to Walhalla, but that he must fall in fight. Meas- ured and slow as fate, yet strangely full of tenderness, is her terrible message. With knightly calm he listens, and at last, with a burst of love which shakes Bviinnhilde's own heart, he declares that he will kill himself and his beloved, but they shall not be divided. The Walkiire, at last over- come, and faithless to Wotan's command, promises protec- tion. But the orchestra resumes the stormy music ; the battle- MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 157 hour approaches ; clouds hurry restlessly through the sky ; Hunding is close at hand amongst the high crags yonder. With a burning kiss the hero leaves Sieglinde, and hurries to meet the foe. She rises, all is wild, and the air grows stormy and dark around her; she calls Siegmund wildly, and rushes forward ; but too late, she never sees him alive again. On the topmost rocks we hear, behind the clouds, the warriors shouting and the arms clashing. It is a fearful moment, and the orchestra is taxed to the uttermost. The clouds part for a moment only ; the bright Briinnhilde is seen floating above her hero, clad in shining steel and crim- son. In vain ! Wotan himself appears, and shatters Sieg- mund's magic sword with his spear. The hero is slain. The clouds now roll aside ; in terrible red smoke and blinding light the angry god stands out. At a word Hund- ing, the coarse hunter, falls dead before him ; but the god turns upon poor Briinnhilde, and, as the curtain falls, curses her for her disobedience. The storm music and the thunder roll away ; and, after a tension probably unexampled in dramatic art, we issue forth into the now cool and darkened air ; eighteen hundred people disperse upon the hill and roadside, and discuss for an hour in the temporary cafes their experiences. Liszt I found with his daughter, Madame Wagner, and other ladies, chatting to a group. The prince and poet of the Romantic School has a long cigar in his mouth and a large bock of beer in his hand. People hurry up and are intro- duced at times ; he receives all cordially with " Schon ! Schon ! " I remember that Wagner was loudly called for at the end of the second act, but did not appear. But, oddly enough, before the last act, when the theatre was half empty, he came on the stage and bowed, and was cheered wildly. The last act opens with a scenic effect which it was anticipated would tax any theatre to render adequately. The chorus of the Walkiire on the rocks, half hidden with clouds, as they wait for Briinnhilde, their Amazon sister, unconscious of her catastrophe, is quite unparalleled in its wild and spontaneous splendor. The cries and shouts are hurled from rock to rock with waving of arms and clashing of spears and shields. The troubled sky is in ceaseless motion, the air is filled with boisterous elemental mirth, and 158 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. the bursting cries of unbridled animal spirits are, somehow, all woven into a kind of chorus, resting upon such an ocean of orchestral sound as has certainly never before been heard or conceived by mortals. Amid thunder and flashes Briinn- hilde, dragging poor, rescued Sieglinde, now suddenly appears on the stage, and what follows must be merely summarized. The despair of Sieglinde ; the devotion of the tender, reckless Briinnhilde, inconceivably touching symbol of the devotion which good women are capable of for each other ; the wild recrudescence of joy which seizes Sieglinde when Briinnhilde hands to her, with fervid song, the fragments of Siegmund's magic sword, — all that is left of him now, yet enough for vengeance, enough to win the Rheingold from the Giant Fafner, enough for the hero Sieglinde is about to bear. She is then hurried away to safety, and, with the appropriate recurring strains in the orchestra, the god Wotan at last approaches. The favorite Walkiire, deprived of her arms, comes forth to learn the doom of her disobedience. Some divine necessity compels her banishment from Walhalla, and infi- nitely subtle and complex are the music and sentiment which follow. Briinnhilde has been drawn earthwards by human sympathy, — she will become whole woman by-and-by, who has thus stooped to human affection, — but earthly love shall destroy her divinity ; and, meanwhile, parted forever from her sisters and her father, who still love her fondly, she shall sleep amid wild and lonely rocks encircled with fire, waiting for the lover who, dauntless, shall find her and wake her there, and make her his earthly bride. The flight of the sister Walkiire in the storm, with a wild chorus full of despairing screams, is followed by a pro- tracted and inconceivably touching parting between the resigned Briinnhilde and the father, Wotan, whose anger has died away as the sunset sky has slowly faded into deeper and deeper gray. Then, to long-drawn-out and en- chanting melody, Bninnhilde's head sinks on her father's breast, and his mind wanders back to the happy time when she, the War Maiden, his pride, brought new warriors, the boldest and best, to fill the Walhalla courts. The poor Walkiire can but sob that she has loved her father, Wotan, and Walhalla, and implore him, if she is to become a mortal's bride, to surround her rock with fire, to bar her MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. *59 from all but the bravest. It is now almost dark ; a faint red light lingers on the supple, yet lordly, form of Briinn- hilde. A strange swoon seems to have already seized her ; the god lays her gently prostrate on the rock, then waves her into her long sleep. Then, retiring suddenly to the back of the stage, he calls for the Fire god, Loge ; a burst of fire breaks out and runs round the stage ; in another moment the whole background is an immense wall of rose- colored flame, which gradually creeps round the rock. To the most enchanting and dream-like music of silver bells, harps, and flutes, with an under-current of bass strings, the sleep of the Walkiire begins ; the god scales the rocks, stands for a moment in the midst of the fire, then passes through it out of sight, as the curtain falls to the silver, peaceful, unearthly cadences, repeated again ai.a again, swelling and falling, and ceasing at last, leaving the heart, after so much fierce storm, at rest. III. — Siegfried. The grotesque music given to both Mime and Alberich, like so much of Wagner's misunderstood recitative, aims, no doubt, at following the inflections of the human voice as it is affected often by very commonplace moods, as well as by the meaner impulses of arrogance, vexation, anger, and spite. What we lose in musical charm we gain in a certain ingenious sense of reality. I think the power of Wagner, the solidity of his work, largely turns upon this. He is never afraid of length, of silence, even of dulness, caused by protracted or delayed action. Like De Balzac, he knew well how to work up slowly and surely to a consummate effect, and his effect never hangs fire, nor is it ever liable to an anticlimax, that bane of second-rate artists. A cavern rocky — somewhere deep in a forest — lies before us ; and Mime, the misshapen thing, — fit brother of Alberich, the lord of Niebelheim, or fog-land, — works away at a forge to make a sword fit for — who? In he comes, the wild, robust child of the forest, reminding me of the first appearance of that other wild, robust creation, Parsifal. In he comes, driving a fierce brown bear, bridled in sport. Mime, the dwarf, shrinks back ; Mime, who has been foster-father to this Siegfried, son of Sieglinde and Sieg- 160 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. mund. He has brought him up in ignorance of his paren- tage, knowing well the dash of Deity in his blood, and knowing also that could the fragments of the magic sword, given up by Sieglinde as her most precious legacy, be somehow welded together again, Siegfried, her son, would be able to wield it with resistless might and slay the dragon Father who keeps the gold. This accursed gold-heap — eternal symbol of ill-gotten wealth and the curse of it — forms the magic centre around which all the actors in this cycle of dramas, consciously or unconsciously, move. The character-contrast between Mime, the mean, double- dealing, cringing, cowardly creature who hopes to use the young hero for its purposes, and Siegfried, the free, noble, daring youth, with a presentiment of great destinies before him, — both are drawn in large outline. Great distinction of type, great simplicity of conception and straightforwardness of execution ; the master is sure of his touches and lays them on with a free, bold hand. Siegfried throughout revolts against Mime ; yet Mime holds secrets which he burns to know. Who were his father and mother? What means his wild, secluded, lonely life? He cannot taste broth at Mime's hands without disgust ; he cannot talk with him without quarrelling ; he can hardly bear the sight of him ; will not believe that Mime is his father at all ; wants a sword that he cannot break ; will have the fragments of the magic sword Nothung welded ; shatters Mime's welding of them, pro- ceeds to weld them himself. The welding of Nothung, hammer on anvil in the gloomy cavern, with the regular puffing and blowing of the rude bellows ; the protracted song, most tuneful, almost con- ventional in form, broken off and resumed, and itself, as it were, welded with every blow into the sword Nothung, — produces a very singular and " seizing " elfect. The actors appear to be entirely lost in their business ; the audience have come upon a forge in a very rocky forest cave ; diffi- cult work is going on, to very long-winded accompaniment, full of varied realistic detail. If we want to see the work put through we must stop ; if not, we may go. But the work cannot be hastened, — the welding of that sword is the turning-point of the drama ; the wielding of it secures the gold, the ring, and the helmet ; and the spell of these secures MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 161 Briinnhilde for Siegfried ; the transfer of these treasures wrecks Briinnhilde and brings on the final catastrophe. The action is delayed ; but the welding is thorough, and when, with a mighty stroke, the anvil is cloven in twain we know that the young hero is at last fitted with an irresistible weapon, and that the drama has moved through one of its most critical and decisive stages. The dragon's cave, the summer woods, the coming together of the various people interested in the gold, — these are the elements of the next act. There is the Wanderer, the god VVotan in disguise, who originally stole the gold from Alberich, who in his turn had filched it from the Rhine girls, and who now thinks he may get it back some- how from Fafner the giant. Fafner, in the form of a great dragon, lies on it day and night. There is Alberich, the first robber, hovering about the Neid-hole, or cavern, in the hope of getting back the treasure ; there is Mime, who about this time makes sure of the prize in his own mind, as he fancies Siegfried is in his power, and proposes to employ him to kill Fafner. Then he will poison him with a draught, and clutch both magic sword and treasure. The grimness and hideousness of the cavern and the worm-dragon seem to resume the spirit of all the unlovely wickedness and avarice of Siegfried's rivals. The dragon is, no doubt, the weak point. I believe Mr. Dannreuther gave three hundred pounds for him in London, and brought him over with the utmost care. His tail, I am told, was worked by one man inside him, and his jaws by another ; but somehow he could not be got to show fight at the right time. He was a poor beast ; the steam came out of his mouth too late ; his tail stuck half-way on the wag, and he had evidently some difficulty in opening his jaws. He was easily slain, and rolled over conveniently enough,, leaving the treasure in the hands of Siegfried. Otherwise the weirdness of the whole scene was inde- scribable. That enchanting summer land ; that delicious burst of woodland melody ; that strong contrast between the blazing sheen of emerald and amber-lighted trees and the gloomy cavern hard by ; that sudden poetic, trance- like pause, full of wild birds and love-dreams, just before the sharp attack on the dragon, followed by the repulsive murder of Mime, and the resumption of the same bright 162 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. love-dream immediately afterwards, — this can never fail to impress the dullest sensibility with its extreme beauty. Vogel"s Siegfried, as an impersonation, was on a level with Materna's Briinnhilde. The music to which the curtain falls on the second act, as Siegfried, wild with anticipation, follows the bird that flies before him singing, and showing him the way to Brunnhilde, who lies on her fire-girt rock waiting for him; that ocean of summer woodland music upon which a hero's spirit passes into the consciousness of first love, — is beyond these halting words. I suppose it will be generally allowed that Wagner is the greatest master of love duets that ever wedded words to music. The absorbing picture of love and jealousy in " Lohengrin ; " of pure and impure love subtly contrasted in " Tannhauser" — passion of love and death in " Tristan and Isolde ; " the unique passages between Parsifal and Kundry, — passion essentially primeval touched with a certain divine intensity, as is fit in demi-gods. like Siegfried and Brunn- hilde. — these are essential manifestations of dramatic force and profound intention, beside which even the love passages in Gounod's "Faust and Marguerite" seem like mere child's play. The moment has arrived. The majestic Brunnhilde wakes with all her divine war-maiden instincts still upon her; confronts the hero who is to win her, at first with terror ; realizes slowly, painfully, then irresistibly and ecstaticallv, the might of human passion, and surrenders the old heroism of a crumbling Walhalla, and the dreams of godlike power and independence, at the burning touch of human love. Better that touch of real life than all the flimsy visions of a decaying mvthologv ; nobler the sincerity of human feel- ing, that seizes its object and concentrates its sympathies, than the vague, restless wanderings of old reprobates like Wotan, or the war-lust of fiery, death-hungry Walkiire, such as Brunnhilde was, — such as the bride Walkiire will never be again. Hear her : — " O Siegfried ! Lightener — world's delight — Life on earth — And laughing lord. Leave, ah ! leave me! " MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 163 And Siegfried but replies : — "Awaken, Briinnhilde! Waken, thou maid ! Live to me, laugh to me, Sweetest delight : Be mine ! be mine ! " No translation seems to give an adequate vigor or do justice to the strength and passion of the dialogue, which ends in a long paean of triumph as the curtain falls and Siegfried takes his prize : — " Hail, thou Sun, That shinest around me ! Hail, thou morn, From out the dark! Hail, thou world, That wakes Briinnhilde ! She wakes ! she lives ! She laugheth back, My splendid star, My Briinnhilde's glow. Mine, ever mine, All of her mine, And only mine! {Briinnhilde throws herself into SitgfriecTs arms.) Come, life of me ! Thou light of love ! Thou laughing Death ! " IV. — The Gotterdammerung. The "Nibelung's Ring" closes with the " Dusk of the Gods." The truly prodigious way in which all the leading subjects are repeated, inverted, and worked up in the music of this last colossal drama, cannot be described. The Wotan Melody, — perhaps the finest, — blown on trumpets outside the theatre, rang out far over hill and dale, and floated like an ominous blast to the town below. At the familiar sound the people flock to their seats in the theatre. The first melodies of the " Rheingold " break from the orchestra, and the Norns or Fates are seen weaving the last of their ropes ; they see, as they weave, the story of Siegfried and Briinnhilde ; 164 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. they see the gods growing old ; they trace the history of Wotan's earth love ; they start with horror as they at last see the flames rising in a vision round Walhalla. The rope breaks ; the Norns vanish. The day dawns to a clear subject worked in skilful coun- terpoint, and the farewell scene between Biuinnhilde and her new mate, Siegfried, as he parts from her to seek knightly adventures, now absorbs us. Her sorrow at parting is almost drowned by her feeling of pride in him and the thought of glorious war ; and here the Walkiire nature breaks out in her. She would fain follow him, but this may not be ; and as she is about to be left again on her fire-girt rock, she scales one height after another, shouting a wild and ecstatic adieu to the hero, who is heard galloping away to a strange mixture of Rhine music and a peculiar, joyous, scampering subject, which, together with his horn-blast, always herald his coming and going. But the curse of the gold is upon him, and death, and worse than death, is brewing for him in the house of Hagen, hateful bastard son of Dwarf Alberich, by a mortal woman. Hagen lives with his brother on Rhine banks, when Sieg- fried, as a wandering knight, appears at his halls. Hagen, Ghunter, the brother, and the fair sister, Gutrune, are sit- ting together. Hagen, the instrument of Alberich, is wholly bent on getting back the Rheingold. He tells Ghunter of the sleeping Briinnhilde, who can alone be ap- proached by Siegfried, and inflames his desire to seize her. At this moment Siegfried's horn is heard ; he enters, and the plot thickens. He is soon given a drink, which makes him forget every woman he has known before, even poor Briinnhilde. Siegfried, thus bewitched, then proceeds to fall in love with Gutrune, and listens to the tale of Briinn- hilde on the flame-girt rock with astonishment, swears friendship to Ghunter, and undertakes to assume his friend's shape by magic, cross the flames, seize his own Briinnhilde, and hand her over to Ghunter. From this moment the horrible plot is harrowing in the extreme. No art, no music, no magic, can reconcile us to what follows ; the horror is piled up. The scene changes. Briinnhilde waits on her rock ; hears a horse and Siegfried's horn, but with something jarring and false about it ; but she heeds not that, — he returns ! The fire is crossed, a warrior MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 165 appears on the height. She flies to throw herself into his arms, — the form of Ghunter is before her ! How he coolly hands her over to the real Ghunter, who is waiting ; her horror and bewildering despair ; his callous indifference and complete absence of all memory of her, which she cannot revive in him ; the meeting of the two couples, Briinnhilde and Ghunter with Siegfried and his new bride, Gutrune ; the terrible scene between Briinnhilde and Siegfried before the household and retainers of Hagen, in which she declares Gutrune's husband to be hers ; the jealous frenzy of Ghunter and the death of Siegfried, which is now plotted and pres- ently carried out by stabbing in the back, — all this it is impossible here to do more than summarize. A brief and exquisite episode between the Rhine daughters and Siegfried, chiefly a treble trio by the floating nymphs of sustained and enchanting beauty, relieves the pressure of horror we have just been going through from the despair and fury of Briinnhilde, whose wild cries and heart-rending gestures can never be forgotten. Then comes, at last, the beginning of the end. Siegfried, seated with Hagen, Ghunter, and warriors, drinks of a cup which restores his memory, and begins to relate his past life ; as he advances in his narrative, full of wondrous dec- lamation and music, he at length nears the Briinnhilde episode ; snatches of the Walkiire and the fire-sleep music break out ; a strange fervor seizes him ; he tells of the em- brace on the rock, and his mind begins to reel with sudden perplexity. But it is enough. At this point Hagen stabs him in the back. As he dies his thoughts grow clear. Briinnhilde's first love returns ; he sees but her, dreams of her in his dying swoon ; although she is not present, she, his first, last love, fills his latest consciousness. The struggle for the Ring which follows, the suicide of Ghunter, the sudden apparition of Briinnhilde, introduce the last episode of striking beauty. The scenery from this point becomes indescribable. The moon is full upon the ruffled Rhine waters, ; the tall funeral tapers flash on the steel helms of the retainers ; the body of Siegfried, clad in mail, lies in the middle of the stage, and the stately form of the Walkiire is isolated by his side, as the crowd falls t« right and left. 1 66 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL UEE. While an immense funeral pyre is being built up in the background beside the Rhine waters, Briinnhilde makes her last reconciliation with Seigfried. As she gazes on his pallid face she reads that dying recognition. She under- stands, at last, the magic spell that was on him. Her love tow- ers above everything else ; she stands there the embodiment of the sublime trust in love beyond sight, that believes and lasts out against all adverse shocks, and is faithful even unto death. She has known divine might in the halls of Wal- halla ; she has had the power of the Ring and the power of Gold, and enjoyed all fame of war and victory, and now, with her latest breath, comes solemnly forth, what is the conclusion of the whole drama, "Blessedness, through joy and sorrow, comes to us from Love unquenchable alone ! " With this she moves in the moonlight towards the Rhine. She draws the Ring of the Rheingold — the cause of such grief and manifold pain — from the hero's finger, and flings it back into the Rhine, fiom whence at the com- mencement it was snatched by Alberich. Walkiire's black war-horse has been brought to her ; she waves high a flaming torch, and hurls it upon the bier; the fire rises in lurid columns. She mounts her steed and leaps into the flames. At that moment, in the awful glow of the flaming pyre, the waters, still flashing with moonlight in the background, begin to swell and advance, and the Rhine daughters, sing- ing the wildest Rhine music, are seen floating to and fro. Beyond a ruddier light broadens, until the distant sky discloses the courts of the Walhalla in flames. With a crash in the foreground the house of Hagen falls ; and, whilst the mighty conflagration flares up in the distance, the Rhine waters, to rushing music, advance and submerge the whole of the stage. Thus, with a scene of unequalled dramatic splendor, ends the fourth and last immense drama of the '-Xibelung's Ring." At the close of it the pent-up enthusiasm of the public rose to a pitch of frenzy. They stood up, and, turning to the royal box, which Wagner had left, shouted to the king, who remained seated and bowed graciously. The plaudits continuing his majesty motioned to the stage. The people turned, and in a moment Wagner, dressed in plain black, with his hat in one hand, stepped out from the mid- MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 167 die of the curtain, and spoke very quietly, saying that he had taken many years in preparing this work ; that he had presented a saga of the Nibelung in the belief that it dealt with subjects peculiarly congenial to the Germanic races ; that a new and national development of the drama was now within their reach ; he believed that they had been satisfied with what they had listened to, so that it had been to the many assembled there a real Festpiel. He then thanked the king for his support and encouragement ; and, the curtain being suddenly lifted, all the crowd of musicians and actors who had taken part in the festival stood ranged, and Wag- ner, turning round, thanked them in the warmest terms for their devotion and assistance. So ended the first great Wagner Festival, held at Bay- reuth in 1876. !6S MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. CHAPTER X. LISZT. WHO has not heard of Liszt? Who has heard Liszt? I suppose to most of us in England he is person- ally a great tradition and nothing more ; his com- positions, indeed, form the chief pieces de resistance of our annual crop of piano-forte recitals, but the man and his play- ing are alike unknown. He has already become historical during his lifetime. Only by a happy chance can I reckon myself amongst the few who have lately heard Liszt play. I happened to be staying in Rome, and Liszt kindly invited me over to the Villa d'Este twice. There, at Tivoli, alone with him, he conversed with me of the time — long gone by — of Mendelssohn, of Paganini, of Chopin. There, in the warm light of an Italian autumn, subdued by the dark red curtains that hung in his study, with an old- world silence around us, he sat at his piano once more ; and as he played to me the clock of time went back, and Chopin entered with his pale, refined face, his slight, aristocratic fig- ure ; Heine sat restlessly in a dark corner ; Madame Sand reclined in the deep window niche overlooking the desolate Campagna, with Rome in the distance ; De Lammenais stood at the foot of the piano, — a delicate, yet sinewy and mobile frame, — with his noble, eager face all aglow, his eloquent tongue silent, listening to the inspirations of another believer in another evangelium — the evangelium of the emotions, the gospel of art. One thousand eight hundred and eleven was the year of the great comet, — a year which we are told reechoed with the sounds of the lyre and the sword, and announced so many pioneering spirits of the future. In 1811 was Franz Liszt born. He had the hot Hunga- rian blood of his father, the fervid German spirit of his mother, and he inherited the lofty independence, with none MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 169 of the class prejudices of the old Hungarian nobility, from which he sprang. Liszt's father, Adam, earned a modest livelihood as agent and accountant in the house of Count Esterhazy. In that great musical family, inseparably associated with the names of Haydn and Schuber, 1 Adam Liszt had frequent oppor- tunities of meeting distinguished musicians. The prince's private band had risen to public fame under the instruction of the venerable Haydn himself. The Liszts, father and son, often went to Eisenstadt, where the count lived ; there they rubbed elbows with Cherubim" and Hummel, a pupil of Mozart. Franz took to music from his earliest childhood. When about five years old he was asked what he would like to do. " Learn the piano," said the little fellow. Soon after- wards his father asked him what he would like to be ; the child pointed to a print of Beethoven on the wall and said, " Like him." But there was a certain intensity in all he did which seemed to wear him out. He was attacked with fever, but could hardly be persuaded to lie down until com- pletely exhausted ; then he lay and prayed aloud to God to make him well, and vowed that on his recovery he would only make hymns and play music which pleased God and his parents. The boy's decided bent soon banished all thought of any- thing but a musical vocation, but the res angustce domi stood in the way. How was he to be taught? How was he to be heard ? How to earn money ? That personal fas- cination, from which no one who has ever come in contact with Liszt has quite escaped, helped him thus early. When eight years old he played before Count Esterhazy in the presence of six noblemen, amongst them Counts Amadee, Apponyi, and Szapary. Eternal honor to their names ! They at once subscribed for him an annuity of six hundred gulden for six years. This was to help the little prodigy to a musical education. His parents felt the whole importance of the crisis. If the boy was to prosper, the father's present retired life, with a fixed income, must be changed for an unsettled, wandering, and precarious existence. " When the six years are over, 1 See my " Music and Morals," sections 96, 106, 1st edition. 170 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. and your hopes prove vain, what will become of us?" said his mother, who heard, with tears in her eyes, that father was going to give up the agency and settle down wherever the boy might need instruction, protection, and a home. 11 Mother," said the impetuous child, " what God wills! " and he added, prophetically enough, " God will help me to repay you for all your anxieties and for what you do for me." And with what results he labored in this faith, years afterwards in Paris, we shall see. The agency was thrown up ; the humble family — mother, father, son — went out alone from the little Hungarian village into an unknown and untried world, simply trusting to the genius, the will, the word of an obscure child of eight : ; ' I will be a musician, and nothing else ! " As the child knelt at his farewell mass in the little village church of Raiding many wept, others shook their heads J but some even then seemed to have a presentiment of his future greatness, and said, " That boy will one day come back in a glass coach." This modest symbol represented to them the idea of boundless wealth. Hummel would only teach for a golden louis a lesson, and then picked his pupils ; but at Vienna the father and son fell in with Czerny, Beethoven's pupil, and the famous Salieri, now seventy years old. Czerny at once took to Liszt, but refused to take anything for his instruction. Salieri was also fascinated, and instructed him in harmony ; and fortu- nate it was that Liszt began his course under two such strict mentors. He soon began to resent Czerny's method, thought he knew better, and needed not those dry studies of Clementi and that irksome fingering by rule. He could finger every- thing in half-a-dozen different ways. There was a moment when it seemed that master and pupil would have to part ; but timely concessions to genius paved the way to dutiful submission, and years afterwards the great master dedicated to the rigid^disciplinarian of his boyhood his Vingt-quatre Grandes Etudes in affectionate remembrance. Young talent often splits upon the rock of self-sufficiency. Many a clever artist has failed, because, in the pride of youthful facility, he has declined the method and drudgery of a correct technique. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 171 Such a light as Liszt's could not he long hid ; all Vienna', in 1822, was talking of the wonderful boy. It is a remarkable tribute to the generous nature as well as to the consummate ability of Liszt, that, whilst opposing partisans have fought bitterly over him, — Thalbergites, Herzites, Mendelssohnites versus Lisztites, — yet few of the great artists who have, one after another, had to yield to him in popularity, have denied to him their admiration, while most of them have given him their friendship. Liszt early wooed and early won Vienna. He spoke ever of his dear Viennese and their "resounding city." A concert tour on his way to Paris brought him before the critical public of Stuttgardt and Munich. Hummel, an old man, and Moscheles, then in his prime, heard him, and declared that his playing was equal to theirs. But Liszt was bent upon completing his studies in the celebrated school of the French capital, and at the feet of the old musical dictator, Cherubini. The Erards, who were destined to owe so much to Liszt, and to whom Liszt throughout his career has owed so much, at once provided him with a magnificent piano ; but Cheru- bini put in force a certain by-law of the Conservatoire ex- cluding foreigners, and excluded Franz Liszt. This was a bitter pill to the eager student. He hardly knew how little he required such patronage. In a very short time " le petit Liszt" was the great Paris sensation. The old noblesse tried to spoil him with flattery, the Duchess de Berri drugged him with bonbons, the Duke of Orleans called him the " little Mozart." He gave private concerts at which Herz, Moscheles, Lafont, and De Beriot assisted. Rossini would sit by his side at the piano and applaud. He was only twelve when he played for the first time at the Italian Opera, and one of those singular incidents which remind one of Paganini's triumphs occurred. At the close of a bravura cadenza the band forgot to come in, so absorbed were the musicians in watching the young prodigy. Their failure was worth a dozen successes to Liszt. The ball of the marvellous was fairly set rolling. In 1824 Liszt, then thirteen years old, came with his father to England ; his mother returned to Austria. He went down to Windsor to see George IV., who was 172 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. delighted with him, and Liszt, speaking of him to me, said, " I was very young at the time, hut I remember the king very well, — a fine, pompous-looking gentleman." In London he met Clementi, whose exercises he had so objected to ; Cipriani Potter ; Cramer, also of exercise celeb- rity ; Kalkbrenner ; Neate, then a fashionable pianist, once a great favorite of George III., and whom I remember about thirty years ago in extreme old age at Brighton. He de- scribed to me the poor old king's delight at hearing him play some simple English melodies. " I assure you, Mr. Neate," said George III., " I have had more pleasure in hearing you play those simple airs than in all the variations and tricks your fine players afl'ect." George IV. went to Drury Lane on purpose to hear the boy, and commanded an encore. Liszt was also heard in the theatre at Manchester, and in several private houses. On his return to France people noticed a change in him. He was now fourteen, grave, serious, often preoccupied, already a little tired of praise, and excessively tired of being called " le petit Liszt." His vision began to take a wider sweep. The relation between art and religion exercised him. His mind was naturally devout. Thomas a Kempis was his constant companion. " Rejoice in nothing but a good deed ; " " Through labor to rest, through combat to victory;" "The glory which men give and take is transi- tory," — these and like phrases were already deeply engraven on the fleshly tablets of his heart. Amidst all his glowing triumphs he was developing a curious disinclination to appear in public ; he seemed to yearn for solitude and medi- tation. In 1827 he now again hurried to England for a short time, but his father's sudden illness drove them to Boulogne, where, in his forty-seventh year, died Adam Liszt, leaving the young Franz for the first time in his life, at the early age of sixteen, unprotected and alone. Rousing himself from the bodily prostration and torpor of grief into which he had been thrown by the death of his father, Franz, with admirable energy and that high sense of honor which has always distinguished him, began to set his house in order. He called in all his debts, sold his magnificent grand Erard, and left Boulogne for Paris with a heavy heart and a light pocket, but not owing a sou. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. *73 He sent for his mother, and for the next twelve years, 182S-1840, the two lived together, chiefly in Paris. There, as a child, he had been a nine-days' wonder ; but the solidity of his reputation was now destined to go hand in hand with his stormy and interrupted mental and moral development. Such a plant could not come to maturity all at once. No drawing-room or concert-room success satisfied a heart for which the world of human emotion seemed too small, and an intellect piercing with intuitive intelligence into the " clear-obscure " depths of religion and philosophy. But Franz was young, and Franz was poor, and his mother had to be supported. She was his first care. Sys- tematically he labored to put by a sum which would assure her of a competency, and often with his tender, genial smile he would remind her of his own childish words, " God will help me to repay you for all that you have done for me." Still he labored often wofully against the grain. Of course the gifted young pianist's connection grew rapidly. He got his twenty francs a lesson at the best houses ; he was naturally a welcome guest, and from the first seemed to have the run of high Parisian society. His life was feverish, his activity irregular, his health far from strong ; but the vulgar temptations of the gay capital seemed to have little attraction for his noble nature. His heart remained unspoiled. He was most generous to those who could not afford to pay for his lessons, most pitiful to the poor, most dutiful and affectionate to his mother. Coming home late from some grand entertainment he would sit outside on the staircase till morning sooner than awaken, or perhaps alarm, her by letting himself in. But in losing his father he seemed to have lost a certain method and order. His meals were irregular ; so were his lessons ; more so were the hours devoted to sleep. At this time he was hardly twenty ; we are not surprised anon to hear in his own words of "a female form chaste and pure as the alabaster of holy vessel ; " but he adds, " Such was the sacrifice which I offered with tears to the God of Christians ! " I will explain. Mile. Caroline St. Cricq was just seventeen, lithe, slender, and of ' l angelic " beauty, and a complexion like a lily flushed with roses, " impressionable to beauty, to the '74 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. world, to religion, to God." The countess,' her mother, appears to have been a charming woman, very partial to Liszt, whom she engaged to instruct mademoiselle in music. The lessons were not by time, but by inclination. The young man's eloquence, varied knowledge, ardent love of literature, and flashing genius won both the mother and daughter. Not one of them seemed to suspect the whirl- pool of grief and death to which they were hurrying. The countess fell ill and died, but not before she had recom- mended Liszt to the Count St. Cricq as a possible suitor for the hand of mademoiselle. The haughty diplomat St. Cricq at once put his foot down. The funeral over, Liszt's movements were watched. They were innocent enough. He was already an enfant de la ma/son, but one night he lingered reading aloud some favorite author to mademoiselle a little too late. He was reported by the servants, and received his polite dismissal as music-master. In an interview with the count his own pride was deeply wounded. " Difference of rank ! " said the count. That was quite enough for Liszt. He rose, pale as death, with quivering lip, but uttered not a word. As a man of honor he had but one course. He and Caroline parted forever. She contracted later an uncon- genial marriage ; he seems to have turned with intense ardor to religion. His good mother used to complain to those who came to inquire for him that he was all day long in church, and had ceased to occupy himself, as he should, with music. Love, grief, religion, all struggling together for victory in that young and fervid spirit, at last seemed to fairly exhaust him. His old haunts knew him not ; his pupils were neglected ; he saw no friends, shut himself up in his room, and at last would only see his mother at meals. He never appeared in the streets, and not unnaturally ended by falling dangerously ill. It was at this time that Paris was one morning startled with the following newspaper announcement : — " DEATH OF YOUNG LISZT. "Young Liszt died at Paris — the event is painful — at an age when most children are at school. He had con- quered the public, etc." MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 175 So wrote the JStoile. In fact, he was seriously ill. M. von Lenz, Beethoven's biographer, went to visit him. He was lying pale, haggard, and apathetic ; could hardly be roused to converse except occasionally when music cropped up. Then his eye brightened for a moment like the " flashing of a dagger in the sun." In 1830 the Revolution burst on Paris. This, it seems, was needed to arouse Liszt. The inner life was suddenly to be exchanged for the outer. Self was to be merged in the larger interests, some of them delusions, which now began to pose again under the cunning watchwords of " Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite." Generous souls saw in the quarrel of Charles X. with his people the hope of a new national life. They proposed to exchange the old and effete "Divine right" for the legitimate "sovereignty of the people." " C'est le canon qui l'a gueri ! " his mother used to say. Liszt was hardly restrained by her tears and entreaties from rushing to the barricades. The cure threatened to be worse than the disease. The heroic deeds of the "great week" inflamed him, and he shouted with the rest for the silver-haired General Lafayette, " genius of the liberties of two worlds." The republican enthusiasm, so happily restrained from action out of affection for his dependent mother, found a more wholesome vent in a vigorous return to his neglected art. Just as he was busy revolving great battle symphonies, his whole artistic nature received a decisive and startling impulse from the sudden apparition of Paganini in Paris. Preceded by revolution and cholera, this weird man had come upon the bright city that had sinned and suffered so much, and found her shaken and demoralized, but still seething with a strange ferment of new life in which Saint- Simonianism, communism, and scepticism, side by side with fanaticism, piety, and romance, struggled to make confusion worse confounded. Into the depths of what has been called the Romantic movement of 1830-40 it is not my purpose here to enter. There was war alike with the arti- ficial humdrum of the old French world and the still more artificial revival of the classical world of Greece and Rome. The human spirit was at length to be liberated ; no one, it was held, need believe anything that did not happen to 176 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. commend itself to his fancy or passion. As Heine put it : " The great God, it appeared, was not at all the being in whom our grandmothers had trusted ; he was, in fact, none other than you yourself." No one need be bound by the morals of an effete civilization. In Love the world of sen- timent alone must decide our actions. Every one must be true to nature. All men were brothers, and women should have equal and independent rights. The social contract, most free and variable, must be substituted for marriage, community of goods for hereditary possessions, philosophy for law, and romance for religion. The beautiful and pregnant seeds of truth that lay imbedded in the teeming soil of this great movement have since fully germinated ; its extravagances have already, to a great extent, been out- grown. In spite of theories disastrous to political and social order, the genius of Madame Sand, Victor Hugo, and A. de Musset, — sceptic and sensualist as he was, — have rescued the movement from the despair of raw materialism, and produced works of immortal beauty and spiritual sig- nificance. They helped the European spirit to recover its indepen- dence ; they reacted against the levelling tyranny of the first Napoleon, and were largely instrumental in undermining the third Napoleon's throne of gilded lead. Stained with license and full of waywardness, it was, nevertheless, an age of great and strong feelings, — an age volcanic, vivid, elec- tric. Such an age eagerly welcomed the magicians who set the language of emotion free, and gave to music its myriad wings and million voices. Paganini appeared. The violin was no more the violin. A new transcendent technique made it the absolute minister of an emancipated and fantastic will. The extraordinary power exercised by the Italian violinist throughout Europe was quickened by the electric air which he breathed. The times were ripe. He stood before kings and people as the very emotional embodiment of the Zeitgeist. He was the emancipated demon of the epoch, with power to wield the sceptre of sound, and marshal in strange and frenzied legions the troubled spirits of the time. When Liszt heard Paganini it seemed to him to be the message for which he had been waiting. From him he MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 177 doubtless received that passion for "transcendent execu- tion," that absolute perfection of technique, which enabled him to create the modern piano-forte school, and win for Erard and Broadwood what Paganini won for Stradivarius and Joseph Guarnerius. His transcriptions of Paganini's studies, the arpeggio, thejioriture, the prodigious attaque and elan that took audiences by storm, the meetings of extremes which abolished the spaces on the piano-forte key- board by making the hands ubiquitous, — these and other " developments " were doubtless inspired by the prodigious feats of Paganini. Liszt now suddenly retired from the concert-room. He was no longer heard in public ; he seemed disinclined, ex- cept in the presence of his intimates, to exhibit his won- drous talent ; but he retired to perfect himself, to work up and work out the new impulses which he had received from Paganini. He thus early laid deep the foundations of his unique virtuosity ; and when he reappeared in public he seemed to mount at once to that solitary pinnacle of fame and sur- passing excellence to which the greatest pianists then and ever since have looked up in admiring and despairing wonder. Tausig said, "We are all blockheads by the side of Liszt." Rubinstein has often declared Liszt's per- fection of art and wealth of resource to be simply un- rivalled. For a short time, in his absence at Paris, it was thought that Thalberg would prove a formidable opponent. But Liszt had only to reappear, and Thalberg himself was forced to join in the general applause. When between the various schools there was war it was carried on by the partisans of the great men. Although they freely criticised one another nothing is more remarkable than the kindly personal feeling which obtained between Liszt and his natural enemies, the great pianists of the age, — Mos- cheles, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Thalberg. There were no doubt cabals, and at one time in Paris he met with much detraction ; but he seemed to move in a region of lofty courtesy, in which squabbling for precedence was out of place ; and his generosity of heart and genial recognition of others' talent disarmed criticism and silenced malice. 178 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. With the outburst of the Revolution, with the appearance of Paganini, came also to Liszt a violent reaction against the current religious ideas and the whole of the Catholic teaching. Reading had opened his eyes ; the Catholic system seemed to him not only inadequate, but false. He required a freer atmosphere, one rather more interpretative of human facts and human nature ; he thought he found it in the doctrines of the Saint-Simonians. The " Nouveau Christianisme," by far the best of St. Simon's lucubrations, seemed to show that the Church had misrepresented and outraged the religion of Christ. It failed to take due account of art and science, had no sympathy with progress, refused altogether to assimilate the Zeitgeist, and had evi- dently ceased to lead the thinkers or purify the masses. About this time Liszt came across the eloquent and gifted Abbe de Lamennais. This man it was who, more than any other, saved Liszt from drifting into the prevailing whirlpool of atheism. The heterodox Abbe, who himself had broken with the retrograde religion of Rome, reformu- lated his system, and discovered for him what at that time he most craved for, — a link between his religion and his art. It was towards the close of 1S31 that Liszt met Chopin in Paris. From the first these two men, so different, became fast friends. Chopin's delicate, retiring soul found a singular delight in Liszt's strong and imposing personality. Liszt's exquisite perception enabled him perfectly to live in the strange dream-land of Chopin's fancies, whilst his own vigor inspired Chopin with nerve to conceive those mighty Polonaises that he could never properly play himself, and which he so gladly committed to the keeping of his pro- digious friend. Liszt undertook the task of interpreting Chopin to the mixed crowds which he revelled in subduing, but from which his fastidious and delicately strung friend shrank with something like aversion. From Chopin, Liszt and all the world after him got that tcmfo rubato, that playing with the duration of notes with- out breaking the time, and those arabesque ornaments which are woven like fine embroidery all about the pages of Chopin's nocturnes, and which lift what in others are mere casual flourishes into the dignity of interpretative phrases and poetic commentaries on the text. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 179 People were fond of comparing the two young men who so often appeared in the same salons together, — Liszt, with his finely shaped, long, oval head and profile d'ivoire, set proudly on his shoulders, his stiff hair of dark blonde thrown back from the forehead without a parting, and cut in a straight line, his aplomb, his magnificent and courtly bear- ing, his ready tongue, his flashing wit and fine irony, his genial bonhomie and irresistibly winning smile ; and Chopin, also with dark blonde hair, but soft as silk, parted on one side ; to use Liszt's own words, " an angel of fair counte- nance, with brown eyes, from which intellect beamed rather than burned, a gentle, refined smile, slightly aquiline nose, a delicious, clear, almost diaphanous complexion, all bear- ing witness to the harmony of a soul which required no commentary beyond itself." Nothing can be more generous or more true than Liszt's recognition of Chopin's independent support. " To our endeavors," he says, " to our struggles, just then so much needing certainty, he lent us the support of a calm, unshak- able conviction, equally armed against apathy and cajolery." There was only one picture on the walls of Chopin's room ; it hung just above his piano. It was a head of Liszt. The over-intensity of Liszt's powerful nature may have occasionally led him into extravagances of virtuosity, which laid him open to some just criticism. Robert Schumann observed acutely: 4 ' It appears as if the sight of Chopin brought him again to his senses." The darling of the aristocracy, accustomed from his earliest youth to mix freely with the haute noblesse of Germany and France, Liszt was a republican at heart. He felt acutely for the miseries of the people, and he was always a great player for the masses. " When I play," he once said, " I always play for the people in the top gallery, so that those who can pay but five groschen for their seats may also get something for their money." He was ever fore- most in alleviating the sufferings of the poor, the sick, and the helpless. He seems, indeed, to have been unable to pass a beggar, and the beggars soon find that out ; they will even intrude upon his privacy and waylay him in his garden. Once, when at the height of his popularity in Paris, a friend found him holding a crossing-sweeper's broom at i8o MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. the corner of the street. k ' The fact is, " said Liszt, simply, " I had no small change for the boy, so I told him to change me five francs, and he asked me to hold his broom for him till he returned." I forgot to ask Liszt whether the lad ever came back. I was walking with him one day in the private gardens of the Villa d'Este at Tivoli when some little ruffians, who had clambered over the wall, rushed up to him with a few trumpery weeds, which they termed " bouquets." The benevolent maestro took the gift good-humoredly, and, fumbling in his pocket, produced several small coins, which he gave to the urchins, turning to me apologetically : " They expect it, you know. In fact," he added, with a little shrug, " whenever I appear they do expect it." His gifts were not always small. He could command large sums of money at a moment's notice. The proceeds of many a splendid concert went to manufacturing committees, widows, orphans, sick and blind. He founded pensions and provided funds for poor musicians ; he set up monuments to great artists. A pecuniary difficulty arising about Bee- thoven's statue at Bonn, Liszt immediately guaranteed the whole sum. In the great commercial crisis of 1S34 at Lyons Liszt gave concerts for the artisans out of work ; and in Hungary, not long after, when the overflow of the Danube rendered hundreds homeless, Liszt was again to the fore with his brilliant performances for charity. All through his life he was an ardent pamphleteer, and he fought not only for the poor, but in the highest interests of his art, and, above all, for the dignity of his own class. In this he was supported by such musical royalties as Mendelssohn, Rossini, Paganini, and Lablache. We have heard how in past days the musicians were not expected to mix with the company, a rope being laid down on the carpet, showing the boundary line between the sacred and profane in social rank. On one occasion Lablache, entering the music saloon at a certain great house, observed the usual rope laid down in front of him when he came on to sing in a duet. He quietly stooped down and tossed it aside. It was never replaced, and the offensive practice dropped out of London society from that day. Liszt refused to play at the court of Queen Isabella in MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. 181 Spain because the court etiquette forbade the introduction of musicians to royalty. In his opinion even crowned heads owed a certain deference and homage to the sovereignties of art, and he determined it should be paid. He met Czar Nicholas I., who had very little notion of the respect due to any one but himself, with an angry look and a defiant word ; he tossed Frederick William IV. 's diamonds into the side scenes, and broke a lance with Louis Philippe, which cost him a decoration. He never forgave that thrifty king for abolishing certain musical pensions, and otherwise snubbing art. He refused on every occasion to play at the Tuileries. One day the king and his suite paid a " private view " visit to a piano- forte exhibition of Erard's. Liszt happened to be in the room, and was trying a piano just as his majesty entered. The king advanced genially towards him and began a conversation ; but Liszt merely bowed with a polished, but icy, reserve. "Do you still remember," said the king, "that you played at my house when you were but a boy, and I Duke of Orleans? Much has changed since then." "Yes, sire," replied Liszt, dryly; "but not for the better." The king showed his royal appreciation of the repartee by striking the great musician's name oft* the list of those who were about to receive the cross of the Legion of Honor. The idol of Parisian drawing-rooms at a most susceptible age, with his convictions profoundly shaken in Catholicism and Church discipline, surrounded by wits and philosophers who were equally sceptical about marriage and the very foundations of society as then constituted, Liszt's views of life not unnaturally underwent a considerable change. He had no doubt frankly and sincerely imbibed Mme. Sand's early philosophy, and his witty saying, which re- minds me of something of the kind in Rasselas, that " whether a man marries, or not, he will sooner or later be sure to repent it," belongs to this period. His relations with Mme. Sand have been much misrepresented. He was far more attracted by her genius than by her person, and although for long years he entertained for her feelings of admiration and esteem, she never exercised over him the despotic influence which drove poor Chopin to despair. 1 82 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. Of the misguided countess who threw herself upon his protection, and whom he treated with the utmost considera- tion and forbearance for several years, I shall not have much to say ; but it must be remembered that he was considerably her junior ; that he did his best to prevent her from taking the rash course which separated her from her family and made her his travelling-companion, and that years afterwards her own husband, as well as her brother, when affairs came to be arranged and the whole facts of the case were canvassed in aconseif de JamilleaX Paris, confessed, of their own accord, that throughout Liszt had acted " like a man of honor." Liszt's attempt to preserve his incognito in Italy conspic- uously failed. He entered Ricordi's music-shop at Milan, and, sitting down at a grand piano, began to improvise. " 'Tis Liszt or the devil ! " he heard Ricordi whisper to a clerk, and in another moment the great Italian entreprenetir had welcomed the Hungarian virtuoso and placed his villa, his box at the opera, his carriage and horses, at his disposal. Towards the year 1840 the relations between Liszt and the Countess d'Agoult had become rather strained. The inevitable dissolution which awaits such alliances was evidently at hand. For a brief period on the shores of the Lake of Como the cup of his happiness had indeed seemed full ; but es war ein Traum. " When the ideal form of a woman," so he wrote to a friend, " floats before your entranced soul, — a woman whose heaven-born charms bear no allurements for the senses, but only wing the soul to devotion, — if you see at her side a youth sincere and faithful in heart, weave these forms into a moving story of love, and give it the title ' On the Shores of the Lake of Como.' " He wrote, we may be sure, as he then felt. He was sometimes mistaken, but he was always perfectly open, upright, and sincere. A little daughter was born to him at Bellagio, on the shores of that enchanted lake. He called her Cosima in memory of Como. She became afterwards the wife of Von Biilow, then the wife and widow of Richard Wagner. But in 1840 the change came. The countess and her children went off to Paris, and the roving spirit of the great musician, after being absorbed for some time in composi- tion, found its restless rest in a new series of triumphs. MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. «S 3 After passing through Florence, Bologna, and Rome, he went to Bonn, then to Vienna, and entered upon the last great phase of his career as a virtuoso, which lasted from 1840 to between 1850-60. In 1842 Liszt visited Weimar, Berlin, and then went to Paris. He was meditating a tour in Russia. Pressing invitations reached him from St. Petersburg and Moscow. The most fabulous accounts of his virtuosity had raised expectation to its highest pitch. He was as legendary even amongst the common people as Paganini. His first concert at St. Petersburg realized the then unheai-d-of sum of £2,000. The roads were crowded to see him pass, and the corridors and approaches to the Grand Opera blocked to catch a glimpse of him. The same scenes were repeated at Moscow, where he gave six concerts without exhausting the popular excitement. On his return to Weimar he accepted the post of Kapell- meister to the Grand Duke. It provided him with that settled abode, and, above all, with an orchestra, which he now felt so indispensable to meet his growing passion for orchestral composition. But the time of rest had not yet come. In 1844 and 1845 he was received in Spain and Portugal with incredible enthusiasm, after which he returned to Bonn to assist at the inauguration of Beethoven's statue. With boundless liberality he had subscribed more money than all the princes and people of Germany put together to make the statue worthy of the occasion and the occasion worthy of the statue. The golden river which poured in to him from all the capitals of Europe now freely found a new vent in bound- less generosity. Hospitals, poor and needy, patriotic cele- brations, the dignity and interests of art, were all subsidized from his private purse. His transcendent virtuosity was only equalled by his splendid munificence ; but he found what others have so often experienced, — that great personal gifts and prodigious eclat cannot possibly escape the poison of envy and detrac- tion. He was attacked by calumny ; his very gifts denied and ridiculed ; his munificence ascribed to vain-glory, and his charity to pride and ostentation ; yet none will ever know the extent of his private charities, and no one who 1S4 MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. knows anything of Liszt can be ignorant of the simple, unaffected goodness of heart which prompts them. Still he was wounded by ingratitude and abuse. It seemed to check and paralyze for the moment his generous nature. Fetis saw him at Coblenz soon after the Bonn festival, at which he had expended such vast sums. He was sit- ting alone, dejected and out of health. He said he was sick of everything, tired of life, and nearly ruined. But that mood never lasted long with Liszt ; he soon arose and shook himself like a lion. His detractors slunk away into their holes, and he walked forth victorious to refill his empty purse and reap new laurels. His career was inter- rupted by the stormy events of 1848. He settled down for a time at Weimar, and it was then that he began to take that warm interest in Richard Wagner which ended in the closest and most enduring of friendships. He labored incessantly to get a hearing for the " Lohen- grin " and " Tannhauser." He forced Wagner's composi- tions on the band on the Grand Duke ; he breasted public opposition and fought nobly for the eccentric and obscure person who was chiefly known as a political outlaw and an inventor of extravagant compositions which it was im- possible to play or sing, and odiously unpleasant to listen to. But years of faithful service, mainly the service and im- mense prestige and authority of Liszt, procured Wagner a hearing, and paved the way for his glorious triumphs at Bayreuth in 1S76, 1882, and 1883. At the age of seventy-two Liszt retained the wit and vivacity of forty. He passed from Weimar to Rome, to Pesth, to Berlin, to Vienna; but objected to cross the sea, and told me that he would never again visit England. Lat- terly he seldom touched the piano, but loved to be sur- rounded by young aspirants to fame. To them he was prodigal of hints, and ever ready to lavish all sorts of kind- ness upon people who were sy?npathiqiie to him. At unexpected moments, in the presence of some timid young girl overpowered with the honor of an introduction, or alone with a friend when old days were spoken of, would Liszt sit down for a few minutes and recall a phrase of Chopin, or a quaint passage from Scarlatti, and then, forgetting himself, wander on until a flash of the old fire MEMORIES OF A MUSICAL LIFE. I8 5 came back to his eyes as he struck a few grand octaves ; and then, just as you were lost in contemplation of that noble head, with its grand profile and its cascade of white hair, and those hands that still seemed to be the absolutely uncon- scious and effortless ministers of his fitful and despotic will, the master would turn away, break off, like one suddenly blast, in the middle of a bar, with " Come, let us take a little walk ; it will be cool under the trees ; " and lie would have been a bold man who ventured in that moment to allude to the piano or music. I saw Liszt but six times, and then only between the years 1876 and 1SS1. I have heard him play upon two occasions only ; then he played certain pieces of Chopin, at my request, and a new composition by himself. I have heard Mme. Schumann, Biilow, Rubinstein, Menter, and Essipoff ; but I can understand that saying of Tausig, him- self one of the greatest masters of technique whom Ger- many has ever produced : " No mortal can measure him- self with Liszt. He dwells alone upon a solitary height." UNTVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBEAEY, BEEKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. ' 552567 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley