Southern Branch of the University of California Lo8 Angeles Form L 1 x^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below MAR 1 3 1^33d ^f^ 10 i954 RECEIVE, MAIN LOAN DESI^ AUG 2 1 1964 ^u»^ e\^e' P.M. I Form L-9-15m-8,'24 s/- ^y SCOTISH PASQUILS. A B O K UK SCOTISH PASQUILS. 1568-17 15. EDINBURGH: WILLIAM PATERSON, 74 PRINCES STREET. MDCCCLXVIII. r ,r '• 4 38 c c t t « c .0 N O 4 V Forty years have elapsed since the third and con- cluding portion of a collection of satirical pieces of poetry, usually in Scotland called Pasquils, issued t* from the press. From the limited impression and '^ the destination of the greater part of the copies for private circulation, they were speedily exhausted, and for many years past, complete sets, whenever they occurred for sale, brought a much higher price than "^ their size or merit might be supposed to warrant. Subsequently a variety of similar verses occasion- ally turned up, — and it having been suggested that a new edition, containing the original text, whicli was in many instances inaccurate, enlarged by addi- tional new matter, and accompanied by illustrative remarks and notes, might be acceptable to those per- sons who take an interest in the relics of olden times, as tending to throw some additional light upon the VI INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. history of dissensions which, for upwards of a cen- tury, so seriously affected the tranquillity of Scot- land, this present Book of Pasquils is offered to the Pubhc. In these satires there is great coarseness of expres- sion and bitterness of feeling, which may not be a recommendation to the general reader, but they can- not fail to interest the historical student, as preserving A^aluable evidence of the state of popular feeling in the reigns of Charles I. and his descendants, and as illustrating the habits and morals of the people of Scotland for upwards of a century. Rugged as the versification in many instances certainly is, there is in almost the whole of these Pasquils vigour and power, and not unfrequently the satire is cleverly pointed and merited. The only material rejection of pasquils contained in the volumes originally printed, are some indelicate attacks on the Rev. David Williamson, a divine who was bold enough to encounter matrimony seven times, and an elegy on the death of the first Duke of Argyle, omitted for its great indecency. But in a work relating to a remote period, calculated to su})2)ly matter illustrative of the .state of Scotland during very turbulent times, and to elucidate passages in its civil and religious history during the seventeenth century, suppression of pas- sages and epithets otherwise objectionable could not be justified. TIk; first article of the collection is taken from the Bannatyne MS. It is a satire upon the want of faith in the fair sex, and has never previously INTRODUCTOUY KEMAKKS. VU been i^rinted. Similar productions might have followed, but their introduction would have extended the work far beyond the limits originally contem- plated, and excluded the principal object in view, which was to collect together those fugitive and evanescent pieces which, although now existing only in manuscript, at one period, no doubt, were circulated in the guise of single sheets, denominated broadsides, and were scattered over the country with a lavish hand during the contest betwixt the Episcopalians and the Covenanters, which originated in the ill-judged attempt of Archbishop Laud to force the Service Book upon the denizens of North Britain. A very few of these broadsides, believed to be unique, are still preserved in Sir James Balfour's collection of State Papers in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. The verses relating to these times are generally interesting, — neither are those less so Avhich followed upon the restoration of Episcopacy in 1660, and the repudiation of the Solemn League and Covenant. After the Revolution, when William of Orange patronised the doctrines of Calvin, the tables were again turned, and the Jacobites consoled themselves by libelling the Monarch who had saved them from Papal supremacy, and by abusing those eminent persons who had aided him in a measure which, however unpalateable to the advocates of the divine right of kings, had the bene- ficial effect of saving the monarchy. Specimens of these effusions form not the least valuable portion of the present volume. The " perfervidum ingonium Scotorum," may ex- viii INTRODUCTORY RKMARKS. plain the love the nation had for satirical ballads and songs — a passion which may be traced to a remote date. A pasquinade by the Scots upon Edward I. was the cause of the dreadful vengeance that mon- arch took upon the unlucky citizens of Berwick. The defeat of his efteminate son at Bannockburn produced verses in derision of the conquered. Unfortunately all that remain in both instances are fragments. Many admirable specimens of satire occur in Dun- bar, Avho may fairly take his place as one of the greatest poets of his native land. Sir David Lynd- say's satire of the Three Estates, boldly given to the world at a period when its Author might have suffered for his opinions, contains passages of great coarseness ; — but to this charge even the great reformer himself is obnoxious, as those readers who have perused his reasoning with the Abbot of Crosraguel must be perfectly aware. Lyndsay sowed the seeds of that reformation, which gradually germinated, and which, under the fostering care of Knox and his associates, came to maturity, and latterly spread almost over all Scotland. The same monarch who patronised Sir David Lyndsay, nearly got himself into trouble with his uncle, Henry the Eighth, for certain libels and ballads alleged to have been written against him by some of his Scotch subjects. James condescended to address Lord Wharton, the Warden of the West Marches between England and Scotland, on the subject, and in a letter to that nobleman, expressed his disbelief of the verity of the accusation. But in a later epistle INTUUDUCTUKY HEMAKKS. IX uf the same monarcii, addressed to the Bishop of Landaff, his Majesty evidently had arrived at a different conclusion, as he intimated to his Lordship that he would take every measure in his power to find out the authors, and would put down the circulation of the libels in every way he could devise. Both of these letters, which are preserved among the Cot- tonian manuscripts in the British Museum, will be found in the Appendix. At a later date the publication of libellous verses again formed the subject of complaint, and govern- ment interfered, especially pointing out two of the most offensive, "Pasculus," and "The Bair." As no copies of these have come down to posterity, their nature can only be guessed at, but that "Pasculus" is just the Scotch word Pasquil latinised can hardly be doubted. In Zedler's Universal Lexicon there is this definition of the word Pasquil, "a paper written by a concealed author annuo Infiwuindi, accusing a party of a crime which would result in ' infamia ' or loss of honour in the person accused." King James VL had so great a dislike to composi- tions of this kind, that he suppressed them on every occasion when he had the means of so doing. Shortly after his accession to the English throne, a flight of arrows sharply pointed was directed from Scotland against his Majesty's English subjects, intended, as he thought, to perpetuate the bad feeling which had previously existed between the two nations. With the view of extinguishing any further abuse of the kind, he, with consent of Parliament, passed the curious X INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. act which \vill also be found in the Appendix, and which has been disinterred from the vahiable but cumbrous edition of the Scotish Statutes, published under the authority of Parliament, by the late Thomas Thomson, Esq., Deputy Clerk Register. Neither did James allow foreigners to indulge in satires, where the honour and dignity of Scotland was assailed. Of this there is a singular instance in the case of a Pole, by name Stercovius, who was capitally punished for having ventured to defame the Scotish nation. It appears that Stercovius had been induced to visit Scotland, where he met with anything but a hospitable reception. His retaining the costume of his country exposed him to derision, as we learn from a scarce poem, entitled a "Counter Cuff to Lysimachus Nicanor,"* where it is stated that : — " Hither be came, clade all in antique sort. Where, seen in streets, the subject of a sport He scene became to childish gazers, who. With skriechs and clamours, hiss him to and fro, Till forced he was with shame and speed to pack him, And to his feet and loathsome cabin take him." As might be expected, on returning home, he penned and published " A Legend of Reproaches " against the nation by which he had been insulted. The fact of publication having come to the ears of King James, he was at great pains to procure the punishment of the enraged satirist, and in this he was successful. This vindictive act is said to have cost the King the * Printed in 1G40, 4to. INTRODUCTUKY REMARKS. XI large sum ut" six liuudicd pounds sterling ; but in what way it was expended is not easy to imagine, unless bribery of foreign officials was resorted to. This sum his Majesty very ingeniously tried to impose upon the Koyal Burghs of Scotland ; and there is preserved in the Charter-Chest of the City of Edinburgh, an extract of a decreet of the Lords of the Secret Council, dismissing the claim : their Lord- ships having adopted the views urged by the Burghs, that they "can nawyse be Judges Competent to cognosce on this cans, in respect the same is foundit upon the pajntnent of ane soume of money and not ui)oun ane fyne for ony ryot comitit be thame, and thairfore should be remitit to the Judge-ordiner ; and farder, it was allegit be the saidis conMnissionaris, that the said actioun was foundit upon ane impositioun upon the burrowis of this realme, being ane of the three estates of this kingdome, A\dthout the consent of the saidis estatis, quhilk could nawyse be done bot be ane generall conventioun of the same, or ane Parlia- ment, and thairfore that the saidis Lords of Secrete Counsaill sould be nawyse Judges Competent in this matter." Accordingly, their Lordships "findis an«l declairis that they are nawyse Judges in the said Cans, and thairfore have remitted and remittes the decisions thairof to the Judge Competent." In the poem from which we have already made an extract, Stercovius' libel consisted of: — " A legend of reproaches stuflf't with lies. Wna bolril 1706, 366 A Curse against the Unionists and Revolutionists, 368 Epitaph on the first Earl of Stair, . . 370 On the Union Parliament, . . . 372 Upon the Rogues in Parliament, 1704, . . 379 Verses on the Scots Peers, 1706, . . 385 A Litanie anent the Union, . . . 386 Lines on the first Duke of Montrose, . . 390 On the Death of Louis XIV., . . . 393 CoLviLLE's Ode on Bishop Burnet, . . 394 Dispute between Satan and the Devil of Clerk- ENWELL KOi; BisHOP Burnet's Soul, . . 396 XXVI CONTENTS. of The Marquis of Wharton and Bishop Burnet Reception into Hell, . Dialogue between Argyle and Mar, Minor Satirical Verses, Pasquinade, . . • • On the Amours of Charles Second, at time the Dutch War, . . , On the Flight of Lord Chancellor Hyde, On Mr Patrick Falconer of Monktown, On King James VII., by Mr Taikeor, Another Epitaph on King James VII., by Mr Calder, On William III., " Epitaph on Wilham III., Lynes to John Carnagie, Lines on David Baillie, The Blessing with the Black Sclvidge On the Kirk of Scotland, On the Grand Plot, . The French King's Conspiracy, TheCaU, Epigram, Thanksgiving, 7th June 1716, On the Abjuration, . Poj'L'LAR Rhymes, Page 398 402 406 406 406 406 407 407 407 408 408 409 409 410 410 411 411 411 412 412 413 413 CONTENTS. XXVll APPENDIX. Page 1. Letter from James V., King of Scots, to Sir Thomas TVhartoN, Warden of the West Marches, . . . . .417 2. Letfer from James V,, King of Scots, to John HoLGATE, Bishop of Landaff, . . 418 3. Ane Act anent Defamatouris, . . 420 4. Act against Scandalous Speeches .vnd Lybellis, 24 June, 1609, . . .420 5. Some Account of Robert Mylne, . . 422 G. Verses in Honour of Robert Mylne : — 1. On my dearly beloved friend, Robert Mylne, ane Acrostick, . . . ' . 428 2. Other verses on the ingenious wrytcr, Robert Mylne, .... 429 3. On the piety of my dear friend, Robert Mylne, 429 4. Carmen extemporanium compositum per Jacobum Campbell de Auchincloch, . 430 5. On my near and dear friend Robert Mylne, the ingenious searcher into the antiquities of his countrie, . . . .430 0. Acrostic on Robert Mylne, wryter, . 431 XXVIU CONTENTS. Page C. Verses in honour of Robert Mylne, — Continued. 7. James Spence having promised Robert Mylne a Highland plaid, and having only sent him a halfe plaid, Mr Robert Calder made the following lynes thereon, . 431 8. The following sent by Mr Spence of Alves, when he sent me halfe a Highland plaid, he offered me the haill, which refuseing, yittafter got it about, 1711, . . 482 7. Some Account of the Reverend John Govean, Minister of Mockart, father-in-law of Robert Mylne, .... 433 8. Letter from a gentleman m Edinburgh to a relative in the country, giving an account of some proceedings of the general Assembly, ..... 435 9. Prospects of the Roman Catholics in 1712, 436 10. Papist and Presbyterian, anno 1730, . 438 THE BOOK OF SCOTISH PASQUILS. m9 WOMAN'S TRUTH. These verses occur in the Bannatyne MS.,* and have never previously been printed. Their object is to satirize the fair sex, by stringing together a variety of impossibilities which finish with a declaration, that if ever realized, then " wenien will be trew." The author never imagined that two centuries aiid a half afterwards, a blind man might be taught to read a "buke alane," or that dogs could be instructed to perform stranger things than "tell pennies.'" * Page 1.35. 4" woman's truth. Some of the words used are not common. "Mai wart," does not frequently occur ; it is presumed to mean Moudie- wart, or Mole. Maw — a Sea-^faw or Gull. Hurcheon — a Hedge-hog. The slakes are waste lands bordering on the seashore, which are covered with water when the tide conies in. The word is common in Northumberland, where the slakes between the Mainland and Holy Island, are much frequented by sportsmen for wild-duck shooting. Probably the most curious portion of this strange produc- tion is the haudless man playing at Caichpule — evidence of the antiquity of the game of tennis — still popular in Scotland. j^.^JfO/y*^^ »'wi T geid the gait wes nevir gane 1 fand the thmg wes nevir fund I saw vnder ane tree bowane A lowss man lyand bund Ane dum man hard I full lowd speik Ane deid man hard I sing Ze may knaw by my talking eik That this is no lesing And als ane blind man hard I reid Vpoun a buk allane. ' Ane handles man I saw but dreid 1 In caichpule faste playane. As I come by zone forrest flat I hard thame bark and brew. Ane rattoun in a window satt Sa fair a seme coud schew (sew) woman's truth. And cimiinund l)v luch Idjuoiit huch Aug malwart trcJ^ Ji maw, Gife ze trow not this sang be suth Speir ze at thame that saw. I saw ane guss ^drry a fox Rycht far doune in yone slak. I saw ane la^Tock slay ane ox Richt hie up in zone stak. I saw a weddir wii-ry (a) wouf Heich up in a law. The kitting with her meikle mowth Ane scoir home lowde scho blaw Tlie partane with her mony feit Scho spied the niuk on feild. In frost and snaw, wind and weit The lapstar deip furris teild I saw baith bukk, da, and ra - In mercat skarlet sell. Twa leisch of grewhoundis I saw alswa The pennyis douu cowd tell. I saw ane ■\\Tan ane Avatter maid Her clais wer kiltit hie Vpoun her bak ane milstaue braid Sche bure, this is no lie. ' Tred — Pursue or chase. * I saw both buck, doo, and roe. WOMAN S TRUTH. Tlie air [hard] come hirpland to the toun The preistis to lek to spell. The hurcheouu to the kirk maid boun To ring the commou bell. The mowss grat that the cat wes deid That all her Idn mycht rew. Quhen all thir tailis ar trew iu deid All Wemen will be trew. THE FOUR ARCHBISIIol'S OF ST. ANDIIKWS. THE FOUR ARCHBISHOPS OF ST. ANDREWS. From the Rev. John IJow's Kirk-History.* The " godly fact " of the assassination of Cardinal Bethune, came off in his own palace at St Andrews, on Saturday, 29th Jlay 154(1. His successor was John Hamilton, a natural son of James, Earl of Arran, by a lady of the name of Boyd, said by Keith to have been of a good family in Ayrshire. He was a staunch adherent of Queen Mary, and having, after the battle of Langside, taken refuge in Dumbarton Castle, was surprised by his enemies, carried to Stirling, and there hanged on a gibbet, the first of April, 1572. He was the author of a catechism, printed at his own expense, at St. Andrews, in small 4to, black letter, 29th August 1552. A work of which only a few copies can now be found, and valuable for its having been written in "the Vulgar Tongue." Patrick Adamsou, a native of Perth, a man of cultivated mind, was made Archbishop of St Andrews in the year 157G. In Sir John Graham Dalziel's Scotish Poems of the Sixteenth Century, there has been printed a contemporary MS. called the legend of the Archbishop of St Andrews, a most scandalous production. It has the initials R. S. at the end, meaning perhai^s Robert Semple, the author of the Testament of King Henrie Stewart, which was printed by Lekprevik, at Edinburgh, shortly after the murder of that ill-fated youth. Adamson died in the year 1591. After his death the rents of the Archbishoprick were pocketed by the Duke of Lennox, and a successor was not appointed until 160G, when George Gladstanes or Gledstanes was translated from Caithness to St Andrews. * Page 3(H. 8 THE FOUR ARCHBISHOPS OF ST. ANDREWS. Row's opinion of tliis dignitary will be found prefixed to the Epitaph on his memory, page 12. EPITAPHIUM. • Restis Hamiltonum necat, ensis ut ante Betonum, Diraque Adamsonum siLstulit ecce fames. Quid tibi Gladstoni quarto tua fata relinquunt ] Hseredem cum te tres statuere trium. Dira fames, crux prisca; novum nova fata decebunt, Flammse animam, comedeut, pinguia colla canes. Englished thus: — The bastard Bishop Hamiltoun was hang'd, And Cardinall Beatoun stob'd, Proud Adamson with famine much Of all comfort was rob'd, Gladstane's thou'rt fourth, thy destinie What hes it left to thee 1 For certainlie wee'U serve thee heire To all the former three : Famine and gallows are not eneugh, Some new wrath Avaits for thee : By hellish flames thy soule, by doggs, Fat-necke, devoured bee. THK LKCKND Ol' LLMMERS LIVES. 9 THE LEGEND OF LIMMERS' LIVES. See Row's "Kirk History," p. 295. Heir is a breefe Ijut a most tnie narration, Of the Scots Bishops' lives and conversation ; First to tlie erection of old Abbacies They all consented and of Priories, Only to get their own erections past : Though now them to undoe they seek at last, Next, they are j^ura' Fidei transgressares, Whereas they should be Fidei defensores, Make rhetorick of ane oath, swear and forswear, Recks not God's mercies nor his judgements fear. To eat, to drink, to card, to dice, to play In Princes Courts placebo night and day, They endeavour et vigilante cura, Daylie to seeke for castra, prata, rura, Thus they desire to be Episcopati, In nothing else but to be elevati ; And though God's Law cryes ne quis perjuraret, Ne quis adidterium fnrtuinve jMtraret, Yet they lyke hirelings seek but gregis lanam, And live prophanlie, sectantes viam vanam ; Yea, they doe ride per imiltas mmuli plagas, To get great pomp and leave their oune sheep vagas, I know they'll say they have their substituts. But I say these are not Clirist's constituts ; For they are not Mith libertie electit. Pmt contrair wayes intrusively erected ; 10 PASQUIL AGAINST THE BISHOPS. Thus tliongli til ey seem to have true religion, Yet craftillie in them they hyde ambition. [And as for] those Avho their hlest ministrie Discharges well, for not conformitie Before the High Commission they are called, Confyned, deprived, imprisoned, and thralled. Thus from a worse estate to worse tliey fall. And so but change may look for worst of all.] ■ PASQUIL AGAINST THE BISHOPS, 1610. The following lines form a suitable supplement to the Legend of Linimers. They were for the first time printed in Row's Histoiy. "VMiat shall we say now when we see, The preachers of humilitie. With pompe practise the Papall pride, With potentats to sit and ryde. And strive for state in Parliament, Like lords in their abulziement. They blew against the Bishops lang, And doctrine in the people dang ; That Ministers should not be Lords, But now their words and works discords, Their braverie breaks their owne Kirke acts, Such change mal-contentment makes, Fy on that faith that turns with tyme, Turne home, and I shall turne my ryme. * From Maitland Chil) edition of ' ' Row's Historic. " ANDKO MELVILLS I'ASyUIL. ANDKO MELVILL'S PASQUIL, 1G08. Melville admitted the authorsliip of the following lines, which had found their way into the hands of James I. He attacked subsequently Barlow, Bisliop of Gloucester, who had eulogized Prelacy and panegyrized Archbishop Bancroft. lie concludes his last, but not particularly brilliant, Epigram as follows : Praxitiles Venerem pinxit Divamne lupamve ? Pastorem Barlo pinxerat anne lupum ? 'Tis asked, did Praxitiles paint a goddess or an whoore. Did Barlo paint a pastor, or a wolf that doth devoure Andre was lodged in the Tower of London for his handi- work, which, to say the least cf it, was both uncalled for and impertinent. Cur stant clausi Anglis libri duo, regia in ara Lumina coeca duo, pollubra sicca duo 1 Num sensum culturaque Dei tenet Anglia clausum Lumine coeca suo, sorde sepulta sua 1 Romano et ritu dum re£ralem instruit aram Purpureum pingit religiosa lupam. Thus translated : — On Kingis chappoU altar stands Blind candlestick, closed book, Dry silver basons, two of each Wlicrrfoie says ho who looks? 12 ANDRO MELVILL'S PASQUIL. The raiude and worship of the Lord Doth Iiigland so keep closse Blind in hir sight and buried in Hir filthiness and drosse 1 And while with Roman rites she doth Her tiny altar dresse -Religiously a purpur'd whoore To trim she doth professe.* * Row, p. 236. ARCHBISIK^P GLADSTANES' EPITAPH. 13 ARCHBISHOP GLADSTANES' EPITAPH. From the ^Vodrow edition of Row's " Historic of the Kirk of Scothmd," 1842, 8vo, p. 303. It is prefaced thus : — "Anno 1615 in the moneth of Maie, Mr George Glad- stanes, Arclibishop of St Ancbois, departed this life. He lived a filthie belliegod ; he died of a iilthie and loathsome disease. In the tyroe of his sickness he desyred not any to visit him, or to speak comfortablie to him, neither that they should i)ray publicktlie for him ; but he left a supplication behind him to the King that he might be honourablie buried, and that his wife and bairns might be helped, because of his greiit povertie and debt at his death, (behold the curse of God, on Bishops' great rents and revenues). All whilk was done, for albeit his iilthie carion behoved to be buried instantlie after his death, be reason of the most loathsome ruse it was in ; .yet the solemnitie of the funeralls was made in the moneth of Junii following. The day of the funeralls being a windie and stormie day, blew away the pall that was caried above his head, and marred all the honours that, was caried about his coffin." The Rev. gentleman, after declaring that the poor Arch- bishop was "a wyld iilthie beUie-god beast," concludes with his Grace's evening prayer, which the reader will find on page 30-1 of this curious specimen of "Kirk" History, but which is much too coarse for repetition here. Judging by the calumnies lavished upon all church dignitaries by their opponeiits, it may be assumed that Glad- stones great crime was being an Archbishop, and a staunch upholder of Episcopacy. He was a Dundee man — had been a minister at Arbroath in Angus, afterwards at St Andrews ; from whence he was made Bishop of Caithness, and ulti- 14 ARCHBISHOP GLADSTANE'S EPITAPH. iiiately translated to St Andrews. Whether he was of the old southern families of Gledstanes of that Ilk, and of Cocklawi in Tweedale, supposed to be extinct in the male line, is uii- certain. Nisbet says, " Gladstanes of that Ilk boars argent, a savage's head eouped, distilling drops of blood, and there- upon a bonnet, composed of bay and hoUy leaves, all proper, within an orb of eight martlets, sable, crest — a griffin issuing out of a wreath holding a sword in its right talon — ^proper- Motto, ' Fide et virtute.' " A martlet, iu Latin '■'■■merula, is coimted one of the bii-ds of passage that goes and comes to countries at certain seasons of the year, as the green plover or doterel." The bleeding head of the Saracen points to the crusades, and the martlets indicate that the Gladstanes were a flighty and fickle race." THE EPITAPH OF MR GEORGE GLADSTANES, WHO TOOK UPON HIM TO BE A BISHOP IN THIS THEIR LAST RISING, IGIO. Here lyes beneath tliir laid-stanes, The carcase of George Glaid-stanes, Wherever be his other half, Loe here, yee's have his Epitaph. Heavens abject, for he was an eartlilie beast, " Earth's burthen for his belHe was his god, A Bacchus Bishop for a fleshlie feast, And for religion, but a Romish rod, Als false in heart, as fyrie in his face, Of civill conversation tlie shame. And lacked, what he lov'd be stylled, Grace, His life was still repugnant to that name ; As by his death his life ye may determine, A lazie life draws on a lowsie death, A fearful thing ! sith vile Herodian vermine. Did stop that proud presumptious Prelat's breath. PASgUILLUS CONTRA EPISCOros. 15 PAS(^UILLUS CONTKA EPISCOPOS, 1638. The Latin Pasquil upon the Scotish Bishops, according to Sir James Balfour, of Denmyhi, amongst whose manuscript collections it was found,* "wes written by Ja. Cleye, School- master of Dundee, in Appryle 6, 1638." It is in one or two places not very intelligible, the paleness of the ink liaving made it difficult to decypher. The translation that follows is also from the Balfour MSS., but the name of the author has not been given. In violence it exceeds the original. Both poems are singular illustrations of the extent to which religious intolerance can be carried. Atheus Andreas est, Stultus Glasgiia, Brechin Moechus, Edinensis Saccus Avaritiae est, Gallua papista est, Dive.s Caledonius auri. Aulicus est Rossen : Lismoriensis a:dax. Pauper Aberdonius : Morravius vafer : ebriae satis Duniblanen : fraudem dira Sodora ferax. Arcum Orcus tractat, Cathaneus pliarma, Christi (Proli pudor) his sacrum prostituisse gregem. Atlieus Andreas tremit et mens conscia rupti Ftederis, vltorem non cupit esse Deum. Glasgua stultescit cerebri nutritius humor Fhixit, et huie barba gravis est caputque leve. Moechatur Brechin, sponsi conteraptor Jesu, Servet legitimi quomodo jura thori * Pasquinades, M.S.. 19, 3, S. 1 6 PASQUILLUS CONTRA EPISCOroS. Parens Eden et auarus auet terreiia ; nee vlla est Turgidula Cliristum prendere cnra manu. Gallua papauus quare esf? Iinmite furentis Ingeuium Recto non petit astra pede. Cur dives Caledon 1 fa vet liuie nam Plutus aniico Post habito coluit quod sua regna Jove. Aulieus est Rosseu : pater illi et Regia coeli Sordet, honor, comites, principis aula placet. Hie patre plebeio, furiosa mater, catellus Prodiit, et fulmen fronte minasque gerit. Cur gula tarn Argadio cordi est, quin quamlibet off am Vir pius et simplex autumat esse deum Vexat Aberdonium paupertas, quasque parabat Divitias animte pro capione volant. Cur Morravius vafer est, putat ipsum demona teetius Vincere, et incautos caliditate viros. Ebibis et laticem Lambis Dumblane, Gehenna; Nee memor addiseis hie tolerare sitim. Insula quod gignat fraudes, nihil ipse moretur Infamis vitium est muneris atque soli Demon erat Christi, ex duodenis vnus, et omnis, MUitat hsee stygio turba seelesta Deo. Arcum Orcus tractat ; Recte collimat, at illi Nervus amor, Christus mseta, sagitta fides Corporis atque Animse euras Cathanese salutem Praesulis et medii munera solus obis. THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. 1 7 THE PASQUIL AGAINST THE BISHOPS VERSIFIED. The insane extent to which hatred of Episcopacy wad carried in Scotland at the time of the Ghsgow Assembly can hardly be better instructed than by the following liberal versification of the preceding Pasqud, which is more of a paraphrase than a transktion. One of the excellent persons libelled was Bishop Wedder- burn, a native of Dundee, who studied for some time either in Oxford or Cambridge. He was a prebendary of Wliite- church, in the Diocese of Wells in 1631, subsequently Professor of Divinity at St Andrews and Bishop of Dunkeld. After his deposition he returned to England, where he died the next year, and was buried in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, with the following Inscription on his grave- stone, within the chapel of the Virgin ^lary : — Reverendissimus in Christo Pater Jacobus Wedderburuus, Taoduni In Scotia natus, Sacelli Regit Ibidem Decanus. Dumblanensis Sedis per annos IV Episcopus : Antiquaj probitatis et fidci ; Magnumque ob excellentem Doctrinam ; patriae su£e ornamentum. In explanation of this Scotish Deanery, Bishop Russell, in his edition of Keith (p. 182), remarks in a note " th;it he was Dean of the chapel-royal, only as he was Bishop of Diimblane, and this Deanery was annexed by King James VI., whereas it was formerly in the See of Galloway." B 18 THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. From the Bishop having been a native of Dundee, it is no unreasonable conjecture that he may have been a descendant of the James Wedderbm-n of that place, who is mentioned, imder the year 1540, by Calderwood as the author of many "comedies and tragedies in the Scotish Tongue " exposing the corruptions of Popery. Sydserff was successively Bishop of Brechin and Galloway.' He was deposed by the Glasgow Assembly, but, upon the Kestoration, was translated to Orkney. He was the only Scotish Bishop that survived the Restoration. He died in Edinburgh in 1663. His body lay in state in St Giles's Chinch, and a funeral sermon was preached on the occasion by Mr William Annan. The Bishop was the father of the versatile and clever Thomas Sydserff, author of a comedy called " Tarugo's AYiles," 1668, 4to, which was successful in London, and which is highly eulogized in the curious little volume entitled " Covent Garden Drollery." He was the compiler of the Mercurius Caledonius — the first newspaper printed in Scotland, and of which a complete set, forming a small 4to volume, will be found in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. During the great Civil War he was a valuable adherent of the monarchy ; for, assuming various disguises, he traversed > Sydserff was a man of learning and probity. He was unpopular for his exertions to introduce the liturgy, and was nearly murdered on the streets of Edinburgh by an infuriated rabble. His pupil, Lord Tra^piair, coming to his assistance, was soon in as bad a plight as the Bishop, the multitude shouting out, to his Lordship's infinite horror, "God defend those that defend God's cause! God confound the service-book, and all the maintainers of it!" Both the Peer and the Bishop would have been torn to jjieces had assistance not been procured. The lapse of more than two centuries has not abated that intolerance which, under the guise of religion, has proved so injurious to Christianity. THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. 1 'J the country to procure intelligence for the iloyaliste, in which employment he was generally successful. He was very serviceable to Montrose, a fact which Sydserif brings under the notice of the second marquis in his dedication to him of a translation from the French entitled " The entei-tainment of the Cours," London, 1658, and wliich Ls also mentione.'! in the " Covent Garden Drollery,'' 1672, p. S-i : — Once like a Perllar, they have heard thee brag, How thou didst cheat their sight and save thy crag. When to the great Montrose, under pretence Of Godly bakes, thou brought intelhgence. He was also the manager of a Play-house in the Canongate in 1669, and there has been privately printed in the Abbotsford Miscellany, from the records of the Court of Justiciary, a report of certain criminal proceedings which were instituted fur an assault by one Mungo Murray upon him whilst engaged in the Theatre. Sydserff does not appear to have reaped much, if any, pecuniary recompense for his services, and it is not un- likely that he shared the same fate with hundreds who had devoted their energies to the cause of the Stewarts, and who never obtained any recompence for having been so simple. John Guthrie, the Bishop of Moray, was an excellent and benevolent person. Having a fine estate, which came to him by descent, he was independent in his circumstances, and the loss of his Bishoi>rick, as affecting Ids pecuniary resources, did not matter much. He incurred the resentment of the Pious folk because he had in 1633 preached in a suqilice before the King a sermon, in the High Church of Edinburgh. He was ordered by the Gla.sgow Assembly to make a public repentance in the Metropolis for this enormity, under penalty of excommunication. Not choosing to admit 20 THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. either the authority uf the Assembly, or the heinousness of his offence, he refused to obey the Zealots, who deposed him. The necessary consequence was, he suffered the penalty of his disobedience, which, as it did not touch his person, or materially affect his pocket, was of no consequence whatever. He held the See from 1623 until his deposition in 1638. He then took up his abode in Spynie Castle, but in 1640 was forced to surrender it to Colonel Monro, and retire to his own house of Guthrie, in the parish of Arbroath and county of Forfar, where he died peaceably before the Restoration. St Andreus^ is an Athiest, and Glasgow^ is ane gouke : A Venclier Brechin :^ Edinburgh * of auarice a pocke. To popery prone is Galloway :^ Dunkeld ^ is rich in thesaure, ' Spottiswoode, translated from Glasgow to St. Andrews in August 1G15, and made Chancellor in 1634. He died in 1639. ' Patrick Lindsay. Translated from Ross 1633. Deprived and exconununicated in 1638. He died at Newcastle in 1641. 3 Walter Whitford, Subdean of Glasgow, and Rector of Moffat. He was deprived in 1638 by the Assembly, and died in 1643. * David Lyndsay, translated from Brechin 17th September 1634, and deprived in 1638. * Thomas Sydserff, translated from Brechin; he was deprived and excommunicated in 1638 by the Glasgow Assembly. •* Alexander Lindsay, of Evelick. He abjured Episcopacy, submitted to the Presbyterian party, and accepted his former church of St Mados in 1638. THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. 21 A courtier Rosse : ^ but glutton lyke ® Argyle eats out of measure ; Dround AberJein^ in pouertie: vaggo Murrayes^" sub- tile vitt, Dumblaine " the criple, loues the Coupe :^^ Jylles for all sul)ject fitt. Skill'd Orkiiay^" is in archerie, as" Caithness is in droges, quhat a shame Christ's flocke to trust to such vnfaithful doges. St Andreus athiest quakes and shakes, and villanouslie o'rgrouen, With hynous sins doth visch ther wer no God one him to skouin ; Glasgow thy braine is daft and dray, for mother moyster flitts ' John Maxwell, deprived in 1638. In 1640 he was made Bishop of Killala in Ireland, and was translated to the Arch- bishoprick of Tuam in 1645, but died sudderdy in 1646. * James Fairley consecrated Bishop of Argyle 15th July 1637, deprived in 1638 : subsequently Presbyterian minister of Leswood in Mid- Lothian. » Adam Bellenden, son of Sir John BeUenden, the Lord Justice -Clerk, translated from Dumblane, deprived in 1638 ; died soon after in England. "* John Guthrie of that Ilk, deprived in 1638. " James Wedderbumo, deprived in 163S ; died m England the ensuing year, aged 54. " Niel Campbell, parson of Glastrey, Bishop of the Isles, deprived in 1638. " Georgo Graham, translated from Uuuiblaue to Orkney, 1615. '•John Abernethy, parson of Jedburgh, Bishop of Caith- ness, 1624. 0-7 THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. Into thy chin and makes thy beird more vaighty then tliy witts. Wyle Lecher Brechin quho contems thy soulls bryd- groume our Lord. Hou can thou keipe the Vedlocke band and not therfra debord. Vrechit Edinburgh doeth gape for pelfe ; and neuer had the grace, Once Symeon lyke with his full hands, Christ Jesus to embrace. A papist thou art Galloway, in Heaven thoues never duell, Thy crooked soule and fyrie head, will cause ye marche to hell. Dunkell is riche and suims in wealth, God Mammon still he loues. And he more subiect unto him, then to Jehova proues. Kosse is a courtier, bot doeth, the court of heauin disdaine. He pryses earthly princes courts, Vaine glory, pompe, and trayne. Of rascall father, and a dame distracted, doeth dis- cend, I This snarling quhelpe, vithiu hes brou doeth pryde and vrath protend. Argyle ingurgitats and eattes, vith surfeit in a feast, For quhay, the simple soule makes god, each morsell to his taist. Plunged Aberdeine with pouerty, the riches he devor'd, THE PASgUIL VEIISIFIEL. 2:3 By houpe for woodset* of lies soule, ar blasted by the Lord. Slee subtile Murray tliiuks to catch, old Satliau by lies wylles, For he by slikey lyes and wourdes, some sillie nieu begjdles. Dumblaine lickes out and chalice lickes, vnmyndfull that he may. Heir learne to suffer tlirist with those, sail tortur him for iiy. Falsse Jylles that thou loues fraud, scarsse fault it is in the, A Bishope, and ane heighlandman, hou can thou honest bee. OflF all our Lord and Sauiors 12. no traitor wes bot one, Bot all thesse 12 doe firmly ioyne our Sauiour to dethrone. Good Orkney ^^ onlie liueth right : is skilled in ajchery craft. His string is Loue, hes marke is Christ, a steadfast faith hes shaft. * Meaning wadset, i.e. , mortgage. '* Bishop Graham is indebted to his tmckling to the Presby- terian party for these high praises. He is said to have been of the family of Inchbrakie. He was first minister of Scoon, then Bishop of Dumblane, from whence he was translated to the See of Orkney, where he discharged the duties of the Ejjis- copal function for twenty-three years. To avoid the penal consequences of excomniunication, he submitted to the General Assembly at Glasgow, and was deprived 11th December 1G3S; and thus saved his purse at the expense of his reputation. 24 THE PASQUIL VERSIFIED. Both soule and bodey Cathnes '^ cures, tliers none bot only he, Treu pastor and phisitian may only termed be, •* Abemethy seems to have gone farther than Graham ; for we learn from Balfour's Annals, Vol. II. p. 311, that he "re- ceaved sentence of deposition from his office of Episcopacy, and he to be receaved in the office of the ministrie upon his publicke repentance to be made in the kirk of Jedburgh." This benefice Abernethy retained during the time he was Bishop of Caithness — that is to say, from 1624 untU 1638. He had it at least as far back as 1607. " in a Synod held by him at Dornoch in 1623, it was decreed that every entering minister should pay the first year's stipend to the reparation and maintenance of the Cathedral." In this Bishop's time Dornoch was made a Burgh Eoyal. — Keith, p. 217. The bishop was named John; but there was another Abemethie called Thomas, who created a sensation in the memorable year 1638, by taking the covenant. He had been previously a Jesuit, but, "hearing of God's wonderful work, wakened in conscience," and made a public confession "of his apostacie " in the Great Kirk of Edinburgh,* upon the 24th of August, before a crowded and delighted audience. To give additional zest to the exhibition, the Rev. Andrew Kamsay commenced by preaching upon the text, " Come out of Babel "a little before "to make way" for Abemethie's confession and abjuration of poperie. Was this ci-devant Jesuit any relation of the prelate ? The Bishop of Caithness was in 1620 included by James VI. in the letter of commission passed under the Great Seal of Scotland for the purpose of abating an evil which had arisen by "impious and wicked men " guilty of offences cognizant by the Ecclesiastical Court, appealing to the Lords of Council and Session by suspension and advocation, thereby delaying " their trj'ell and punishment." This commission conferred the power of trying all " offenders m doctrine, life, or religion, or any of these holden to be scandalous," and gave ample power to punish all attempts to frustrate its efficacy. * Now the High Church. SATIRE ON THE GLASGOW ASSEMBLY, KiSS. 25 SATIRE ON THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT GLASGOW, 1G38. Tlie followiii^f violent pasquil on tlie Glasrrow Assembly was printed for the first time in the Scots Magazine for 26 SATIRE ON THE * February 1807, with this notice prefixed: — "This curious piece was obligiugly transmitted to us, by a literary gentleman of the first eminence, ' wlio found a copy, probably the only one which exists, written on the blank leaves of an early edition of the Bruce, in a hand of the middle of the 17th century. It was probably com- posed by Afr Thomas Forrester, Episcopal minister of Melrose, a man of considerable humour, who was deposed by the Assembly in 1638 on account of various alleged crimes, of which the chief was doubtless his attach- ment to prelacy, and to the royal cause. MUne, iii his ' Description of the Parish of Melrose,' pp. 38, 41, expresses his surprise that a Satire, which made so much noise in its day, should not have been noticed and preserved by succeed- ing writers. He had searched in vain for a copy. > The piece is well worthy preservation, having much satirical and forcible expression. We have added a few notes, collected from the history of the times, to illustrate the leading characters mentioned in it." Several eiTors occiurediu the transcription, which have been corrected, by collation with an MS. autograph of Robert Mylne, the well-known Scotish Bibliomaniac, who died in December 1747, on his birthday, at the advanced age of one hundred and three years.^ In the year 1724, there was printed " An account of the proceedings of the General Assembly at Glasgow, 1638. Taken verbatim from a letter written by one of the Members present to his Brother in the country." There is a note appended, mentioning that the tract is the " copy of a letter which a Reverend Divine of this church, now deceased, found among his fathers papers, also a minister of the church, who liv'd in the time of our fii-st disturbance mider K. Charles I." ' The late Alexander Henderson, Esq., of the Post Office. 2 British Magazine, vol. i. , p. 6.34, Edin, Gl,ASC;uW ASSEMBLY, 1 638. 27 This tractate has been to a certain extent referred to in the notes below the satire, — but it is so curious, as giving many particulare of the proceedings occurring on an occa- sion so momentous to Episcopacy, that it may not be out of place to make some additional extracts from it. At the outset the Marquis of Hamilton, the King's Commissioner, proposed that before any appointment of a Moderator, "the commissions should be tryed." But this did not please the "Lord of Loudon," who contended "that there behoved to be a settled judicatory before the commissions could be tryed, and no settled judicatory, till the moderator was chosen." Thereupon a "scholar," perhaps the writer of the letter, answered, that the trial of the commissioners should go first, because both the order of nature, and the order of lawful procedure required that the cause should precede and go before the effect. As the " tryed commissioners " are the cause of the moderator's lawful election, the commissions required to be scrutinized first. Reference was made to the possibility of falsehood and treachery if the commissions were not tried before, but after, the election of the moderator, and distinct reference was made to certain practices of a disreputable nature arising "from the subornations of the Tables at Edinburch." Lord Loudon not being able to answer tliis objection "remained Blancatus,''' hut as he had the great majority '■'Reason behoved to yeild unto Will, the master to the servant," and the Peer carried all before him. This resolution was protested against by his Majesty's Com- misioner, but his protest was disregarded. Those present proceeded to elect a moderator, and Mr Alexander Hender- son, was chosen with the fidl consent of all, "yet there was some" secret murmuring against "him that he smelled something of popery, — becixuse he was unmarried." The worthy moderator apologized for his Hving in single blessed- ness, and declared that "he never thought virginity to be 28 SATIRE ON THE a virtue, but that marriage is honourable in all, and the married life is far to be preferred before the single," neither " could he well allow of St. Paul's preferring the single life to the married," "as for himself, he protested it was the coldness of his complexion that debarred him from the felicity of marriage, and that if he were able 'solvere debitum,' he should not be so long unmarried after this, as Luther was when he came out of the cloyster." The suggestion that before a man could competently become Moderator in a General Assembly, he must be married, is amusing; it no doubt arose out of the celibacy of the Roman Catholic Priests, and a mistaken aj^prehension, that it was not from " Vitium naturie,^'' but from an inclination to popery, that Henderson was afraid to take to himself a Avife. The choice of a Clerk came next before the Assembly, when Mr James Sandilands was rejected because he came from "that unsanctiiied place" Aberdeen, and Archibald Johnston was chosen. This election was also ineffectually protested against by the Royal Commissioner. The in- dividual chosen was the famous Johnston of Warriston, whose portrait has been usually painted, according to the political prejudices of those who delineate him. The Covenanters calling him a saint, and the Royalists a sinner. He was chosen "not for any excellence in his person, but as he is come of an holy race, as being one of Rachel Arnot, her posterity, that blessed Saint, whose posterity for her cause wiU be blessed unto the thousandth generation." "In a note the writer explains that this woman was the famous head of all mobs, and grandmother to Johnston, who was uncle to the late Bishop of Sarum (Burnet)." Elizabeth, the mother of Warriston, was a daughter of Sir Thomas Craig of Ricartoun, author of the celebrated treatise De Fendis, whose father, an Edinburgh GLASGOW ASSEMBLY, 1G38. 29 sliopkeeper, had become proprietor of tlie Estate of Warris- ton, near Edinburgh. lu the Deuniyhi collections, the following epitaph will be fouud upon the death of Warriston's mother : — Deevil suell ye Deathe, Aud burete thee lyke a tun ; That took away good Elspet Craig, And left the knave her son. PART FIRST. Frome Glasgow * Eaid to which mad meeting, — ' Huge troups frome all quarters came fleeting, With dags ^ and guns in forme of warre, ^ All loyal subjects to debarre ; Wher Bishops might not shew their faces,* And mushroome elders " fill'd their places. Frome such mad pranks of Catharus, Almighty God deliver us ! li ' Meaning the assemblage of discontented zealots who com- ] ^ H? bined to put down Episcopacy. ' f*^" »Bag8. R.M. w ' The Covenanters came armed to the Assembly, under - f pretence of securing their personal safety against the outrages which were said to have been committed in that neighbour- hood by the clan of the Macgregors. — Stevenson's Hist, of tlie Church, vol. ii. * The General Assembly in 1638, which threw off the King's authority. * The Court was extremely urgent that Bishops should be admitted into this Assembly, aud that one of their number should be moderator ; but this the opposite party, who were bent on the ruin of prelacy, successfully opposed. 30 SATIRE ON THE From sitting in that convocation," Discharged by open proclamation/ Who did not stirr till they had ended All the mischief they had intended ; Frome all their cobbling knobs and knacks, Set out in forme of public acts, And all such pranks, &c. Frome usurping the Kmg's forts, Frome fortifying the sea-ports, To shelter rebels and withstand The King's, nay God's revenging hand ; Frome usurj^ing the King's rent, Frome threescore strange books in print. And all mad pranks, &c. Namely Buchannau's Eegni Jus, Among such books most i^ernicious, Now there is one worse, so God me save. Sent out I thinke from Hell's conclave ; I cannot hit its name, shame fall it, " Defensive armes," I troAV they call it. And all such, &c. * The Court urged also the exclusion of lay elders, wishing the Assembly to consist entirely of clergymen, with the view, doubtless, of excluding those powerful nobles who had espoused the party of the Covenanters ; but this proposal was rejected. ' On the 29th November 1638, a proclamation was made at the Market Cross of Glasgow, prohibiting, under pain of treason, any further meetings of the Assembly. The Assem- bly, however, in defiance of this proclamation, resoh^ed to con- tinue their sittings, and proceeded to the most violent measures against the Court and Bishops. GLASGOW ASSEJIELY, 1638. 31 Frome usurping the King's presse, 80 that no hook could liave accesse, Which might maintaine the Iving's just title, Or crosse the covenant ne'er so little ; Its strange, but trew, books of that straine, Are bai"'J under the highest pain, And all such pranks, &c. Frome displaying the Covenant's banner, Frome taking up in savage maner Horses, comes, cattle, every thing, Frome true men to God and King, Namelie from kirkmen, I am sorie. When I think on Breichen's^ sad storie. And all such pranks, &c. Frome attempting to translate The sacred monuments of state. From the sevententh of December, ' James Wedclerbum, first, Bishop of Dumblain, aud secondly of Brechin. Of all the Bishops he appears to have been the most zealous for Prelacy, aud for the royal authority. When the Ser\-ice-Book first came dowTi, he allowed the clergy of his diocess no alternative, but either of reading it, or of immediate deposition. Afterwards, when di'ead of popular violence deterred the other bishops even from reading it themselves, he "resolved to serve the King at a time when other feeble cowards crouched." Accorilinglj^ wth his family he went armed to church, and having got in before the usual time, shut the doors and read the serA-ice ; but was so roughly handled on his return home, that he never ventured to repeat the experiment. [He was deprived by the Glasgow Assembly, as previously mentioned. — Ed.] 32 SATIRE ON THE Which day with horrour we remember, Frome threatening to renew the play, Hatch't on that black and dismal day, And all such pranks, &c. Frome cassiug acts of Parlament, Without the three estates consent. Nay, if th' assembly do command, The King himself may not withstand, Ecclesiastical decrees Against kirk lawes and liberties, And all such pranks, &c. From abrogating prelacie In Parliament ; one of the three Estates, it cannot be denied But that estate should be supply'd ; But how I pray shall this be done t Unless it be brought from the moone. And all such, &c. From making pricklows and the King Of equal power in every thing. Pertaining to kirk government, And that with Bellarmine's extent ; To all things which in any sense To kirk maters have reference. And all such, &c. From transcendant prerogative Given to a bodie collective, A mutinous muckle trouble-feast, CLASGOW ASSEMBLY, 1 HSS. 33 A prattle, peevish, monstrous beast ; With many heads, and in all things A Puritane; the bane of Kings, And all such, &c. From Boyd's' French "Ruling Elder's hors :" His "Gilead's Balme," a great deal wors, And last of al, his revocatione (For his young sone) of donatione ; Made by himself to pious use ; Frome all such foolries and abuse. And all such pranks, &c. Frome one thing said, another seen, Frome tli' outrage done to Aberdeen ; From hollow hearts and holy faces, Frome ridiculous prayers and graces : From peremptorie reprobatione, Frome Hendersone's ^° rebaptizatione, And all such pranks, &c. * Lord Boyd. He was among the first noblemen who signed the Covenant, and was sent with some others to Glas- gow, in order to overcome the scruples which were entertained against it by some clergymen there. '" Alexander Henderson, minister of Leuchars. Originally a supporter of Prelacy, he rendered himself so veiy un- popular that at his admission the populace blocked up the doors, and his supporters were obliged to break in at the windows. He was converted by a sermon of Mr Robert Bruce, a name famous in the annals of Presbjiiery. From that time he became the prime mover in all the measures against the Court and Bishops. On the meeting of Assembly in 1C38, he was made moderator. (See Introductory notice. He died iu 1G4G. , U 34 SATIRE ON THE First when the baser sort began To act rebellioune, than It was base rebellioune and rage : But when great men entered the stage, And act it over again, strange. It was pure religione from that change, And all such pranks, &c. Frome false and forged informations, Against the King's gracious declarations, Whereby they laboured to persuade, That he forsooth minds to invade His own subjects and to subdue them. Even as a King that never knew them. And all such, &c. Frome Puritane's equivocationes. And from their mental reservationes. Wherein they doe, ther is no doubt, Jesuites in their own bow outshoot ; From all rebellious leagues and unions, Gathering to sections and communions. And all such, &c. From kirkmen's independencie, The main pillar of papacy, Frome censures past on men for l^reaking Of kirks canons before their making ; From ruling elders inspirations, And phanatick ejaculations, And all such, &c. OENERAI. AHS^LMBLY AT (iLASGOM'. 35 From turncoat preacher's supplications, And from their mental reservationes/^ Frome lawless excommunications, Frome laicks household congregations, Frome unsupportable taxations, Ther are the covenanting actions. And all such, &c. THE SECOND PART. Frome Hendersone who doeth ourtope The Patriarcks, for he is Pope, Yet Leckie makes bold to opijose,^^ His holines ev'n to his nose ; Leckie, a covenanting brother, Go to, let one divel ding another. And all such, &c. From Leslie's quondam excellence,'* " Shameless recantations. R. M. '2 The Laird of Leckie, a gentleman of property in Stirling- shire, -who became the head of a sort of inilepeudent sect, and in imitation of some refugees from Ireland, held private meet- ings at his own house, where the Irish form of worship was used. As uniformly happens in religious innovations, he soon got followers. Leckie having spoken disrespectfully of Mr Hari-y Guthi'ie, and other ministers of Stirling, was arraigned before the Assembly, and long discussions took place on the subject. Baillie asserts that "Mr Henderson vented himself on many occasions passionately opposite to these conceits." " Colonel, afterwards General Leslie, who commanded the army of the Covenanters, better known as Earl of Leven. 36 SATIRE ON THE Who want's too long a recompence For his good service ; yet, however, Better he have it late than never ; The same I wish to all arch traitours. To all their favourers and ftiutors, And all such mates, &c. Frome all who swear themselves mensuorne, Frome Louthian, Loudoun, Lindsay, Lome, Prince Rothes, and Balmirrino,^* " So early as 1633, tlie Earl of Lothian, Lord Loudon, Lord Balmerino, the Earl of Rothes, and Lord Lyndsay, are enumerated by Guthrie as avowed supporters of the Pres- byterian interest (Mem. p. 9). Loudon in particular was a most strenuous supporter of this cause. Even in 1626, when the king brought forward his scheme for the revoca- tion of tithes and church lauds, Loudoun, with Lord Rothes, went to London, and petitioned, though without effect, against that measure. These two were always employed in presenting the various reijresentations and supplications which were afterwards made to the king on the subject of the liturgy and Perth articles. Loudoun was one of those employed in 1637 to draw up the complaint against the bishops and when, after repeated remonstrances, the Commissioners were at length admitted before the council, he made a long speech, enumerating all the grievances which Scotland had suffered, and declaring that, far from submitting to be tried by the Bishops, he could prove them guilty of the most shock- ing crimes. When Charles was compelled by his disasters in England to throw himself in the anns cf the Scotish Par- liament, he made Loudon Lord Chancellor. His Majesty having been afterwards reduced to the last extremity, he was one of those that presented the petition calling upon him to take the Covenant ; at which time he is said to have GLASGOW ASSEMBLY, 1038. 37 And devout Lordlings many moe ; Who lead the dance and rule the rost, And forceth us to make the cost, And all such, &c. accosted his Majesty in the following jo/am terms: — "The difference between your Majesty and your Parliament is gro\vn to such a height, that, after many bloody battles, they have your Majesty, with all your garrisons and strongholds, in their hands, Sze. They are in a capacity now to do what they will iu Church and State ; and some are so afraid, and others so unwilling, to proceed to extremities till they know your Majesty's last resolution. Now, Sire, if your Majesty shall refuse your consent to the resolutions, you wU lose all your friends m the House and in the city, and all England shall join against you as one man ; they will depose you and set up another government ; they will charge us to deliver your Majesty to them, and remove our arms out of England ; and upon your refusal we will be obliged to settle religion and peace without you ; which will ruin your Majesty and your posterity." (Scots Worthies, p. 247. ) On the establishment of Cromwell's government he lost all his influence, and was dismissed from his office. The restoration, however, was much worse, when, " it is inconceivable to express the grief this godly nobleman sustained," both on account of the renewal of "Popery, Prelacy, and Slavery," and the dangers which threatened his own person. These affected him so violently, that he died on the 15th of March 16G2, before the meeting of Parliament. Lord Ptothes was equally zealous, and his name is generally coupled with that of Loudoun in the transactions of those times. In the Parliament of lii'S'.i, on the clerk's declar- ing that an important question had been carried in the King's favour, liothes rose and affirmed the contrary. When the King went north shortly afterwards, the Earl of Rothes and Lord Lindesay assemlded about 2000 of the Fife gentry to meet him ; but the King was so incensed at their previous b D ^ ■:> 38 SATIRE ON THE Frome Duns Lawe's rebells rabbled out, Rascalls frome all quarters sought out ; Faire England's forces to defeate, Without armour, money, or meat : True, some had forks, some roustie dags. And some had bannocks in their bags, And all such, &c. Frome the table's emissaries, Frome mutineers of all degrees : conduct, that lie shunned them by taking a by-road to Dun- fermlme. Lord Bahnerino concurred in all the measures of the other Lords, and particularly in a petition which was to have been presented to the King in 1633, but was suppressed from the fear of offending his Majesty. This petition having been found in Balmerino's possession, a criminal process was opened against him, and, by the casting vote of the Earl of Traquair, he was condenmed to die. But, "it was resolved, either to set him at liberty, or to revenge his death on the Court and eight jurymen;" which, Traquair learning, procured his pardon. This transaction, by irritating the Covenanters, and by showing them their strength, proved highly injurious to the Royal cause. Archibald Lord Lome, afterwards Marquis of Argyle, was much slower in declaring himself. He continued long a member of Council, though he is supposed to have made secret remonstrances against the imprudent measures of the Court. But in 1638, when the General Assembly determined to sit, notwithstanding their being dissolved, this nobleman agreed, though not a member, to continue a witness to their proceedings, which the Assembly considered "as the greatest human encouragement they could meet with," but which occasioned a complete breach between him and the Court. GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT GLASGOW. 39 Priests, Lords, Judges, clerks of touns, Proud citizens, poor country clouns ; Who in all courses disagree, Bot joyne to crosse authoritie, And all sucli, ^c. Frome these who put no difference 'Twixt constraint and obedience, St Paul made C?esar supreme judge, To CjBsar had his last refuge ; Fy then on these who dare appeal Frome Caesar in preposterous zeal, And all such, &c. Frome Prelates dumb'^ by self-confession, Frome Priests too nigh the same transgressione, Frome those thAt ne'er gave any prooffe. Of loyalty ; bot hold, alooffe, Frome traitours under trust, yow'll say Ther is non sucli, yet we will pray, From all such mates, &c. Frome Will Dick'" that usurious chuff, His feathered cape, his coat of buff; For all the world a saddled sow, A worthie man and Generall too ; Frome both the Duries," these mad sparks. One brybing judge, two cheating clerks. And all such, &c. '* Daniu'il in the printed copy. '« Probably the rieh ancestor of Priestfiekl. '• Gibsons of Durie. The lairtl of Durie appears, like 40 SATIRE ON THE Frome Hackertouu, if yow would know him, His pointed beard, and breeches show him, A whyted bank of rotten timmer. Is th' upright emblem of that limmer. Thanks to the Covenant, his whoores Live now at rest within his doores. And all such, &c. Frome comer-creeping parlour preachers. Of blind disciples, more blind teachers ; Frome cisternes that no water hold, Frome Aberdeen's base and false gold, Frome daubers with untempered mortar, Frome Eow,^^ the springal pulpit sporter, And all such pranks, &c. Argyll, to have once been a member of the Royal council, tte came over, however, earlier to the other side ; for before the meeting of the assembly, we find him protesting against the substitution of the Confession of Faith for the Covenant. From that time the cause of the Covenant was strenuously supported by himself and all his family, particularly Alex- ander. '* John Row, minister at Camock, the author of the History of the Kirk of Scotland from the year 1558 to August 1837. I suspect Mr Henderson is here mistaken, as probably "Pockmanty Mr James," so called from the celebrated sermon he preached in St Giles's Church, the last Sunday of July 1638, was the person alluded to. He was minister at Monivaird and Strowan, and the fifth son of the minister of Camock. See a very scarce collection of fugitive pieces, called Reliquiae Scoticse, 8vo, Edin. 1828, where an account of him, taken from Mylne's, the younger, MS. genealogy of his mother's relations, will be found. In old Mylne's version the name is Reid. — Ed. GLASGOW ASSEMBLY, 1 G3S. 41 Frome nortlu-rn Dunbar, Murray's chaiitiT, The knave became a covenanter ; To save his lyfe how may that be, The covenant its a sanctuary To felons and to false sirras, And all such cheating rogues as he is, And all such, &c. Frome the most stupid senseles asse, That ever brayed, my consin Casse,'" He is th' assemblyes voyce, and so, Th' assembly is his echo. The fool speaks first, and all the rest To say the same are ready prest. And all such, &c. Frome Eliot, Tueddal's Jackanaips, In pulpit when it skips and leaps, It makes good s])ort, I must confcsse. Its a mad monkie, questionlesse. Frome Selkirke's glory young and old, Selkirke's reproach if truth were told. And all such, &c. Frome ]\Iinniboles Bonner,^" out upon him, I could find in my heart to stone him ; '5 Probably Cassilis. ''" James Boner, minister at Maybole, often mentioned as an active Presbyterian. He was of the family of the " Ijords of Bonnar," as modern genealogists have been pleased to style this respectable Vmt humble race of Bonnet Laii'ds. 42 SATIRE ON THE The knave affirmes that ther's no odds BetAvixt his horses hous and Gods ; Fronie Ecfoord's trumpeter of stryfe, Who worships a deafe idoll wyfe, And all such, &c. Frome kirk Archie knave or foole, He puts our court Archie^^ to schoole ; Frome Lesly, that adulterous whore, And devout palyards by the scoare, Wlio among all whores reject not one. Except the whore of Babylone, And all such, &c. Frome him that's neither cold nor hot, Frome Ker, Salt-Prestone's, sal ties sot, Frome Adamsone, pray know the man, A palyard drunkard charlitan, And principal in al three, its much That any one man should be such. And all such, &c. Frome covenanting familists, Amsterdamian separists, 2' Archy Armstrong, the Court jester. " In Row's "kirk " history will be found a most amusing account of this worthy clergyman's conversion when a youth from Puppyism to Presbyterianism, through the instrumen. tality of Mr John Davidson, the previous minister of Salt- Preston," — Page 462 (Wodrow Edition). Mr John Ker was the son of the Lady Fadensyde. 22 GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT (;LASGO^V. 43 Antinomiaiis and Biowuists, Jesuitizing Calvinists, Murranizing Bucliananists, All monster Misobasilists : These are the maites of Catharus, Almighty God deliver ns. Frome noble beggers, beggennakers, Frome all bold and blood undertakers, Frome hungry catchpoles, knyted lounes, Frome perfumed puppies and babouns, Frome caterpillars, moths, and rats, Hors leiches, state blood-suicking brates, And all such, &c. Frome Sandie Hay, and Sandie Gibsoue,^^ Sandie Kinneir, and Sandie Johnstoun f^ Whose knaverie made them covenanters. To keep their neckes out of the belters Of falshood greid whan yow'U't name. Of treacherie they think no shame. Yet thes the mates of Catharus, Frome whome good Lord deliver us. ^ Alex. Gibson, younger of Durie, advocate. When the King's declaration of the 4th of July was published at Edin- burgh, he protested against it in name of the Barons. He was employed to collect evidence against several of the Bishops, at the time of their persecution by the Assembly in 1638. » Alexander Johnston, better known as Lord Warriston. 44 SATIRE ON THE GLASGOW ASSEMBLY, 1638. -■ADDITIONAL VERSES FROM MYLNE'S MSS.^* From Williamson who had seaven wyves, I tell not how they lost their lyves, But how he pull'd fra his coad piece, The Covenant, as an odd jiiece : I wUl not here relate the story, But all was acted to God's glory. From all thes pranks, &c. From greedie, false, base John Kinnier, In all thrie worse than Lourie^^ or Keir ; A witches son, shame fa' his face, Sa carling lyke, betydes no grace : From churchmen's independencie. The main pillar of poperie. From sic mad mates, &c. 2* These two stanzas are of a more modem date, from the mention of "Mass Da\id Williamson," and his seven wives. Old Robert Mylne seems to have had no great respect for " Dainty Davy ;" and it is not unlikely that he thought this eminent person might, with no great improprietj'^, be intro- duced amongst the worthies described ia the pasij^uil, over- looking the evident absurdity of placing amongst individuals who flourished in 1638-9, a person who then must have been a mere child, and whose purity did not become conspicuous till considerably more than thirty years afterwards. 25 This no doubt was meant for Lowrie or Laurie, Tutor of Blackwood, who figures so prominently in the Ballad of Lady Barbara Erskine's Lament. — See Scotish Historical and Traditionary Ballads, Edin. 1868, vol. ii. IHR NEW LITANY. 4? THE NEW LITANY, From Balfour's MS. Littleton in the fourtli edition of his Latin and English Dictionary gives the following definition of Catharus : — " Cathari qnidani dicti Kvdapoi puri ob siinulatam puri- tatem. Puritans, a sect which denied oaths upon an occa- sion for the deciding of any truth ; they maintained absolute perfection in this life ; whence, with their master, Novatus, they denied repentance to those that fell away from baptism." The three Apostles of the Covenant named in the second stanza of part second were Henderson, the moderator of the Glasgow Assembly of 1638, of whom some account will be found in the preface to the preceding article, Dickson, and Cant. David Dickson was a popular preacher. It it said that an English Merchant, who heard him at Irvine, where he was Minister, " described him as a well-favoured proper old man, with a long beard," wlio showed him all his heart, for he was famt-d for treating of all " cases of conscience." He was author of a " short explanation of the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews," which was priiited by Edward Rabane, at Aber- deen 1635, 12nio. Mr Dickson, moreover, got up a flirtation with the muses, which resulted in the birth of a " Divine Poem," " on Christian Love," reprinted at the beginning of the next centuiy . He composed several theological Treatises. He died in 1662.* Wodrow, in his Analccta,t has preserved * Vol. iii., p. 6. fFour volumes 4to., — The Contribution to the Maitland Club of its late much esteemed President, the Earl of Glas- gow. A book of great interest. 46 THE NEW LITANY. many particulars relative to Dickson. One anecdote may be given. Travelling -with a young man, who proved to be a robber, and sought his purse, he told him " this is a very bad -way of living you are now following, take my advice, if you will needs take my money from me, go and trade Avith it, follow some lawful trade of merchandizing, and leave off this woeful course of yours." The money was taken, and for years nothing was heard more of the rob- bery. Dickson left Irvine, went to Glasgow and lastly removed to Edinburgh, where he was both professor and minister. One day a hogshead of wine was sent to the College for Mr Dickson, but as it had not been ordered by him, he caused it to be put aside. Shortly after a gentleman called, who was received with much courtesy and was treated with a glass of ale, which the stranger greatly commended, but asked if there was no wine in the house. Mr Dickson said there was, and mentioned how it came there. His visitor said he had sent it, and asked if he remembered of being robbed of a purse, with four or five hundred merks, years before. His host " minded " the circumstance. The gentleman said he was the man ; that he had followed the advice given ; had traded and been successful, and that he now returned the money taken, with interest. But of the trio, Master Andrew Cant was the most popular ; Henderson and Dickson were men of talent and learning, but Cant's opinions were held in more esteem by the lower classes. Reference has previously been made to the account of the Glasgow Assembly of 1638, and the picture there presented of the reverend gentleman's eloquence and acquirements is too graphic to be omitted. Mr David Mitchell, an Edinburgh clergymen, having been accused of Armini- anism. Cant was desired by the Assembly to state his views on the point. He veiy "gravely and modestly did excuse himself in that matter, that there were many more learned THK NEW LITANY. 47 than he to speak of that matter; for I/'saith lie, "havebeeu otlierwise exercised than in reaflinp; Arminius's tenets; for after I had spent some yeai-s in the College of Aberdeen, I was promoted to be a doctor (i.e., usher) of the grammar- school there, and in the meantime I did read Becaniis his Theology." There was one sitting beside him who touched him on the elbow, and told him Jhcanii.^ was a Jesuit, and that he should have said liucaiius. He crav'd the whole Assembly pardon, that he should have named a Jesuit, and protested that " he never read three lines either on Jesuit or any other Popish writer; yea," continued he, "I abhor these men whom they call the Fathers, for one told me, who heard it of Mr Charles Ferme, that they smell'd too much of Popery. Bucaiuts have I studied, and some English Homilies, but above all, I owe all I have to the most Reverend Mr Cartwright (the great English Apostle of Presbytery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.) I would have studied Mr Culi:in''s Institutions, but I found them some- what harsh and obscure to be understood."' That is to say, observes the writer, he did not miderstand Latin, for Calvin writes in a plain, intelligible style, and his Latin is as refined as any work in that language this 1600 years; Cant next disclosed the startling fact that "when I should have studied most, I had such a prick in my flesh, that I behoved either to marry or burn, being of a com- plexion quite contrary to our moderator's." Here the narrator explains that tliis " may easily be believed if what is reported of him be true — viz., that he begot his son Mr Andrew upon a Sunday betwixt his forenoon and afternoon sermons." "Therefore, moderator, I request you to seek some other's judgment concerning that, for Pupery, Armini- anuiin, and the Alcoran are all aUke known to me." The motlest Henderson must have blushed to the ears, at this candid admission of Cant's heat of body, especially when the orator contrasted it with his own coldness of temperament. 48 THE NEW LITANY. Wodrow observes that the "malignaats" called Cant one of the Apostles of the Covenant." A still more ridiculous, but more excusable appearance was made by the euUghtened commissioner of Forfar, a mender of soles, not of souls. He declared that, though a man of small learning, he had, by virtue of " Presbyterial commission," as "great a power to speak and decide matters as any that hath imposition of hands from a Bishop. Concerning Arian- ism" — some one bade him say Arminianism — he resumed, " I know not how you call it ; but when I was in Holland buy- ing leather, in order to my vocation, there was one Barna- veld who was arraign'd and beheaded ; I asked what was the fault? They said he was found guilty of Arminianism and treason against the State. So, in my judgment, Arminianism is Treason against the Covenant, aud deserves to be punished with death." Luckily, as the Assembly had not power to order Mitchell's execution, the members merely contented themselves with depriving him of his benefice, although they knew as little about Aiminianism as they did about true Christianity. The author of the account of the Assembly asserts that the real cause of the deprivation was, that Mitchell had given offence to the pious and pure Earl of Rothes. Andrew Cant, the younger, did not follow in the foot- steps of the elder Cant, as he was a staunch Eoyalist ; and when preaching in Aberdeen, spoke with such violence against the " bondage of the oppressours," that some of the soldiers who were in tlie church rushed forward to the pulpit with swords drawn. His colleague, Menzies, in a fright, crept in below the pulpit, but the undaunted Andi-ew stood firm, and exclaimed, "Here's the man that spoke," and opening out his bosom, declared, "here is a heart ready to receive the thrusts, if any will venture to give them, for the truth." His hearers gave no further indication of hostility. Wodrow has preserved this anecdote, adding, in his comraentaiy, that Cant, " had once been a captain, and THE NKW LITANY. 49 was one of the most resolute, bold men of his day." What- ever may have been his original calling, one cannot avoid .idniiriiig the manly courage which ho on this occasion displayed. Henry Rollock, is called Rogue in the account of the (ilasgow Assembly, so often referred to; "the name is Rollock, but it was then, and by some to this day (172G) }n'onouuced Rogue, and never man deserved the name better, if we consult the minutes of that meeting." Andrew liamsay, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, is the other person referred to ; he can hardly be classed with those zealots who endeavoured to override the civil power. The assembly approving of an act of the commission, repealed or attempted to repeal a Parliamentary enact- ment, had enjoined all the clergy to sign an approbatory declaration. Ramsay and Mr William Colville declined to do so, and were deposed. AVhereupon, says Wodrow, * " my Lord Eglinton, Graystcil,t left the house in a pet. That same day John Gilon, a pious but illiterate man who had no language but his mother tongue, was ordained a minister. My Lord, when he came out, said the assembly were going quite wrong. They had put out two great lights in this church, and had set up John Gilon at Lin- lithgow, a ruff and dark lantliorn in comparison with them." liamsay was a man of superior attainments to his brethren. He was author of a small and now rare volume of sacred poems, in Latin vei-se, of great excellence, which were printed at Edinburgh in 1G33, 12mo. It has been conjectured that Milton borrowed from him several of the speeches and descriptions in his Paradise Lost, which was printed subsequently: in an old Edinburgh Magazine several parallel passages have been given. The "glass," mentioned in the fourth stanza, was that used for the purpose of enabling the preacher to know ^\ hen * Vol. iv. p. "271. t His Lordship's sobriquet. 1) 50 THE NEW LITANY. it was time to terminate his discourse. A humorous story has been preserved of one of the Earls of Airlie, who enter- tained at his table a clergyman, who was to preach before the Commissioner next day. The glass circulated, peihaps too freely ; and whenever the divine attempted to I'ise, his Lordship prevented him, saying, "another glass, and then." After "flooring" (if the expression may be allowed) his Lordship, the guest went home. He next day selected as a text, " The wicked shall be punished, and that right KARLY." Inspired by the subject, he was by no means sparing of his oratory, and the hour-glass was disregarded, although repeatedly warned by the precentor, who in common with Lord Airlie, thought the discourse rather lengthy. The latter soon knew why he was thus punished, by the reverend gentleman when reminded, exclaiming, not sotto voce, " another glass, and then." Gutter Jennie, in stanza eleven, refers to the holy woman Viho threw a stool at Archbishop Spottiswood. Kirkton, in his History, says, that as the lirst Keformation that abolished Popery began at Perth "with the throw of a stone in a boy's hand, so the second Reformation, which abolished Episcopacy, began with the throw of a stool in a woman's hand." This heroine of the Covenant was Geddes, but whether called Margaret or Janet is not quite certain. Mr C. K. Sharpe, the Commentater on Kirkton, observes in a note, that it was said she had done penance on the stool of repentance for fornication the Sabbath previous to this exploit. How curious it would be if the cutty stool, as it is commonly called, was the identical one which, after having brought Janet to repentance, should have been the original cause of the popular and successful attempt to abolish Episcopacy. Females were uniformly the great supporters of the Covenant. In Archbishop Sharp's time a female association was formed for the \e.rj /emiiniif purpose of murdering him. » THE NEW LITANY. 51 FIRST PART OF THE XKW LITANY. From knokiiig priests and prelattis croims Without respecte of coates or goii the minds of the populace, such as the use of the organ, the '' kist fu' o' whistles," — incense — candles at the altar — consecrated water — ringing of bells, i^cc. &c. The doctrine of transubstantiation was, in the opinion of Protestants, erroneous, but its belief had nothing to do with Papal floniination, whereas the suhstdiu-r did. The supremacy of a foreign prince as head of the Church of Christ — auri- cular confession — absolution — the priestly power to remit sin — are antagonistic to the well-lx'ing of any country wishing to be free. The arbitrary rule of clunchmen • Row, 116. 60 Thomson's letter not under the control of the civil power, would lead to a despotism worse than that of the most absolute tyrant. Sir James Carmichael was the founder of the family of Ilyndford, and being a devoted adherent of the Koyal cause, was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia on the 17th July 1G27. He held the office of Lord Justice-Clerk in 163-4, bvit resigned this office on being appointed Treasurer- Depute 14th Oct. 1636. On the 27th December 1647 he was made a peer, having been created Lord Carmichael by Charles L — ^an hor.onr confirmed to him by Charles IL 3d January 1651. He died 29th November 1672 in the 94th year of his age. He was the father of the first Earl of Hyndford. Carmichael had a sister in Galloway called by "Wodrow " The L;uly Hairshough or Haircleugh."* She was a widow, was " under an ill fame of a witch," and had been '' debarred from the Table by the Session." Nevertheless she appeared at the tables on " Mr. M'Clelland's last communion." This reverend gentleman, as she had no token, would not allow her to receive the sacrament, and made her rise from the table, whereupon she threatened him, and said he should be made to repent this ere long. There was " likewise " a Laird called " Old Barmagechan," who it seems had incurred the Lady's iU-will, for she prophesied he should never thrive in the world. " By common repute she was deemed a witch." The sapient magistrates of Kirkcudbright committed the Lady Hairshough to prison, but were frightened into speedily liberating her by the threats of her influential brother. Why a subject of Satan could have been so desirous to partake of the Lord's Supper is extraordinary — her anxiety on the subject being at least presumptive evidence that she did not believe that the Father of evil held an hypotliec upon her soul for favours done. * Analccta, vol. ii., j>. .S"2S. TO Slli .lAAIKS ("AKMirilAEL. 61 Wolrow s;iy8 nothing about the fate of (M Hannagechan, Imt records that M'Lelhin sicki'iied " in a little time, dwineJ in a lingering distemper, and died in about a quarter of a year thereafter. Some of the people," continues the Church Historian, " were extremely damped that Satan's instruments hatl got power over him." M'Lellan consoled them by this sensible answer, '* If my father be calling me home, I care not who be the messenger ; and though it should even be brought about by Satan's agency." The date of the reverend gentleman's death is not precisely given — all that is said is that it was about 1G60. The reason why the Devil killed the clergyman because liady Hairshough was not allowed to participate in the communion has the merit of not being very intelligible. The worthy clergj^man himself does not appear to have given any credit to this suggestion of the parishioners. My Lord, your unexjjected post, To courte : made me to misse The hiipijiuess quliilk I loue most, Your Lordship's hand to kisse. Bot tho with .speed ye did depairt, So ye sliall not flee, As to wntay' my louing harte, Wich your conuoy shall be. I neid not to impaii't to you How our church stait does stand, ♦ Untye. 62 THOMSON'S LETTER By this neu seruice book which nou iSo troubells all this land. Nor darre I the small boate adventure Of my most shallow braine, Wpon thesse fearfull seas to enter In this tempestuous maine. Wnless that by authoritie I charged be to doe so, Wich may command and shelter me From shipwreck and from woe. Therfor to God its to dispoisse This causse I will commend, For woefully it is by thoise Abussed quho should it tend. And lyke it is to bring grate ill, Since it intrustet wes, To thesse had nather strenth nor skill To bring such things to pas. Better thesse flames should quenschit be, That they have set one fire, Bot wisdome and authority, That matter doeth requyre. Ane warrlyk nation still we ar, Wich soune may slatrit* be, * Slaughtered. TU .SIR JAMES CARMICHAKL. C'i Not forc'cl, but broken, qiiheu wee ar Most lotli tlien to aggre. So I commend you to the Lord, And shall be glad if I My countrey seruice can afford, My loue to you to try. And housoeuer I remaine Your Lordships quhill I die, And for j'our saue returne again e, Your Beidman I shall be. 64 A CAVEAT FOR SCOTLAXDE. A CAVEAT FOR SCOTLANDE, 1G38-9. From Sir James Balfour's MS. Stand to tliy covenant, read, sworne, and signed, Stand for the treutli Chryst's gospel hath combyn'd, Thy sueet spread leaues in ends for faith and zeall, Sail sure triumphe, God's glorey must i>rewaill. Most pairts of Europe praisse the : ar euclyn'd To pray for grace, to blisse thy constant mynde. These trayells sifft thy wipers, kirk bred slaues, Woulfls cled in lambskins, basse deceauing knaues ; And turne-coate temporizers, this poynts fourth Ther falshood in thy trev/ religious worthe. Flie superstitione then : thy sister soyle Is suallowing Popery : ! she's made a spoyle To pollicey and poyson ; each kirk is forc'd To reare wpe altars, and quhat, (Ach !) is worste They bow ther heads to stockes, books, and blue candells. See hou the Deivell and Popery with them dandells. The factione fast pravaills, and Rome sho guesses That pouer will causse proclaime her idole masses. Ther's heir a misterie tuixt zea and no, Pouer wold punish ; bot terror stopes the blow. Liue then free, Scotland, for ther's non dare grive the, If thou stand fast religione will not leaue the. A CAVEAT FOR SCOTLAND. 65 For (lotting Spootswood,^ that pernitious weeid, Tliat connorant of smouke, that shakis the head, Hes palsey letts, hes conscience quakes, and how To make our heads lyke his to Balaam bow ; Bot last and worste, three snakes from hell arrysse. Three changelings, wold God's worde and kirke surprysse. First Bishope MackivelP Pelagius bastard, That Sterne laced turue coat tyranizing dastard. Curst Canterberries creture : he doniineris Lyke Nuncio Con f and in hes shape appeiris With (lallaway Tarn :* that squint eyed stridling asse, That vinking vrighter, he may a shavelling passe, For spight a scribe : for tjTanney and scorne, Lett Gallway curse the day this wretche wes borne. The youngest snake, Quhytefoord' comes pleading for it, ' Archbishop of St Andrews, afterwards Lord Chancellor — a worthy and able man. - Maxwell, Bishop of Ross. This Prelate, in a pamphlet entitled "Sacra SanctaRegiim Majestas," which was answered by Rutherford in his "Lex Rex," made use of an "apothegm" of King James VI., " that Monarchy and Scotish Presbytery agree as well as God and the DeWl." He was deposed by the General Assembly at Glasgow, 1G38, but was elevated by Charles to the Archbishopric of Tuam, 30th August 1645. » Signior Con, the Pope's Nuncio. A copy of his instruc- tions from Rome will be found in Balfour's Annals, vol. ii., p. 348. See further, p. 75. * This passage does not represent Bishop Sydserff as par- ticularly well-favoured. * Walter \\Tiytefoord, who with Mr David Lindesay, Bishop of Brechin, were deposed and excommunicated, 7th December 1C38. E 66 A CAVEAT FOR SCOTLAND. He cannot preach none, that makes him abhorre it. He loves the barre, as lawers love dissentione, And creel lyke lives in the fyre of contentione. Thesse hoodwinks now, thesse black wasted crowes ar stolne Lyke theives to courte, how, their breists are swolne To be revenged 1 with basse John knaue ther man, Edinburghs foe, hes knaueries quho wold scan. Sail find this sycophant ane odious traitour, A miscreant willaine, a perfideous creture ; WyfFes,' ather stone or hange him, you must doe it, As for the rest, lett Scotland look vnto it. Goe breck ther neckis, els banish them thy border, To live lyke rogues ; the Lord confound the order. ^ Joiiii means John Spottiswood, the Primate. ' An appeal to Elspet Craig, Janet Geddes, Euphan Hen- derson, and their followers. DRUMMONU'S LYNES ON THE BISCHOPE.S. 67 AVIL. DRUMMOND'S LYNES ON THE BISCHOPES, Uth APPRYLL, 1G38. These lines, which do not add to the poetical reputation of the author of the Flowers of Zion, were first printed from the MS. of Sir James Balfour in 1828, and were thereafter included in tlie coinplute collection of Pruminond's Poems, page 404, presented to the Members of the Maitland Club by William Macdowall, Esquire of Garthland, 1832, 4to. This valuable work, which contains several poems not previously printed, was edited by the late Thomas Maitland, Esq., afterwards a Senator of the College of Justice, under the title of Lord Dundrennan. Doe all pens sluiuljer still, darr not one tray In tumbling lynes to lett some pasquill fly 1 Each houer a satyre crauith to display, The secretts of this tragick comick play. If loue should Ictt me vrett, I think you'd see The Perenies and Alpes cum skipe to me, • And lauch themselues assunder ; If I'd trace The hurly-burly of stait bussines. And to the vorld abused once hot tell The Legend of Ignatian Matchiuell ; That old bold smouking monster and the pryde, Of thesse vsurping prelats, that darr ryde Vpon authority, and looke so gay As if, goodmen they ought forsuith to suay ; Church, Stait, and all : plague oue that damned crew, Of such Hell's black-mouth'd hounes ; its of a new 68 drummond's lynes on the bischopes. That Roman pandars, boldly dar'd to ov (woo 1) Nay straine a gentle king tliesse things to doo. That moue the French, Italian, and Spaine, In a luxurious and insulting straine To sing te Deum ; causse they houpe to see The glorie of the popeish prelacie Eaissed aboue hes Royall throne apaice, To droune hes minor light with prouder face ! Thesse hounds they have ingaged him on the stage Of sharpe-eyed Europe, nay, ther's not a page, Bot thinks he may laugh freily quhen he sees, Kings, Buffons acte, and Bishop es, tragedies. Should aney dauly with the Lyon's pau, Then know a distance, serpents stand in aw. Nay, pray you heavens once lend me bot your thunder, I'le crusch and teare thesse sordid slaues assunder, And leuell with the dust ther altars home. With the lasscivious organs, pietie's scorne ; Or let me be as King, then of their skine rie causse dresse lether and fyne Marokin.* To couer coatches (quher they wont to ryde) And valke in bootes and shoes made of ther hyde, Vhipe them at neighbour princes courts to show. That no nouations Scotts zeall can allow. I sacrifisse void such presumptious slaues To my deir people, beat to dust the knaues. Then, if the ponder of ther bones to dray The hare and pereuiget to the popes Lackay. I noblie should resent and take to heart, Thesse pedants pryde that make poore Brittane smart, * Morocco. + Periwig. drummond's lynes on the bischopes. 69 Confound the church, the stait, and all the natinn With appish fooleries and abomination, Leaves churches desolate, and stopes the mouth Of faithful vatchmen, quho dare preach hot treuth ; Incendiary fyrebrands whosse proud wordes Drope blood, and sounds the clattring noysse of suordis. Had I hot half the sj^yte of Gallaway Tom,* That Roman snakie viper I'd fall from Discreitter lynes, and rube ther itching eare With Spanish nouells, bot I ^vill forbeare, Because my foster and my amorous quill. Is not yet hard, proud pasquills to distill. I doe intreat that droll John de Koell To sting them with satyres hatcht in hell. Each doge chyde thesse tobacco-breathed deuyns, Each pen daii't volums of acutest lynes. And print the shame of that black troupe profaine, In liuid vords, -wdth a Tartarian straine. Since I a louer am and know not how To lim a satyre in halffe hyddeous hew Lyke to polyjiragmatick Machuiel, vvi pleasant flame (not stryffe) I loue to duell. Bot nou to Paris back I goe to tell Some neues to plotting Riceleu. Fair you weill. • Sydserf. 70 CHICKE CHACKE FOR THE CHICKE CHAKE FOR THE ANTI- COVENANTERS, 163 9. This was first printed in "a second book of Scotish Pasquils, 1828," but from the difficulty of decyphering Balfour's MS., many errors crept into the text, which are now corrected. The key given by Sir James, wiU be found at the end, printed precisely as he penned it ; the editor not choosing to delete what the Lyon Iving at Arms thought it fitting to preserve. The accusations both in the Satire and the Key are pal- pable exaggerations. Whatever may have been the demerits of Archbishop Laud, assuredly immorality was not among his vices, — neither do we believe that Lord Stirling was a drunkard. His poetical abilities have never received the praise which they deserve. Mixed up with bombast and pedantry, passages occur in his dramas of infinite beauty. His Aurora, not included in the folio collection of his works, and now very rare, may rival the similar composi- tions of any poet of his time. Those persons who will take the trouble of going through his Lordship's " Recreations with the Muses," will be amply rewarded for their pains. There is a curious specimen of King James's critical acumen in a sonnet — the original of which will be found in one of the Denmiln folios, with corrections in his majesty's hand, addressed to Sir William Alexander. It is called — anti-covenanters. / 1 The complainte of the muses to Alexander upon himselfe for hip. ingratitude towards them, by hurting them with his hard hammered words, fitter to be used upon his mineralles. holde your hande, holde, mercie, mercie, spare, Those sacred Niiie that nurst you many a year, Full oftt, alace, with comforte and with care, Wee bathed you in Castalias founteynes cleare, Then on our winges aloft wee did you beare, And set yow on our statelie forked hille, Where yow your heavenlie harmonies did heare, The rocks resounding with their echos still, Although your neighbours have conspired to kille That arte that did the lawrell croune obteyne, Who borowing from the Raven theyr ragged quille, Bewray their hard, harsh, trotting, tum1)ling veyne, Such hammering hard youre metles harde require, Our songes arc filled with smooth o'erflowing fire.* The date of this severe attack upon Sir William's "hard harsh, ' trotting,' tumbling veyne," was perhaps 1G13, when he, Thomas Fouhs, and Paul Pinto, got a Grant of the Silver mines at Hiklerston, in the county of Linlithgow — the working of which the monarch assumed had given cause for the tuneful nine to complain. In the Pasquil Lord Stirling is designed as of " Menstrie," although he had at its date been created first viscount, and subsequently Earl of Stirling. The barony of Menstrie is in the comity of Clackmannan, and now belongs to Lord Abercromby, whose predecessor. Sir Ralph, it is asserted was born in an antique edifice in the village, traditionally reported to have been the residence of the poet. The s;itirist styles his Lordship, •The words "youre," "harde," "smooth," "o'er," are in the hand-writing of the king. 72 C'HICKE CHACKE FOR THE "that Copper Scot." Is this an allusion to the "Copper Captain," in " Rule a Wife and Have a Wife," that delight- ful comedy of Fletcher, once so popular, though now banished the stage? It had been acted probably about the period when Lord Stirling figures in the poem. Oddly enough the American Earl — connected with the Alexanders of Menstrie, as nearest heir male — is also intro- duced as a drunkard, in a strange little drama pubhshed at Edinburgh during the American war, called the "Battle of Brooklyn." The Earl is brought on the stage as a distinguished commander of the rebel forces, but his chief exploits consist in a series of intoxicating exhibitions which must have been very edifying to the audience. The cause of the last Lord Stirling deserting his native country, resulted from an ungracious and injudicious attempt to negative his right to the peerage. He was an able general, and honest politician ; as a man his character could not be impeached, and all that can be said against him was that he repudiated his connection with the home of his birth, a step which the treatment he received sufficiently justified. To return to the first Peer, Scotstarvit observes (p. 72.) that Lord Stirling got " great things from his majestie, as especially a liberty to create a hundred Scotsmen Knights- Baronets ; from every one of whom he got two hundred pounds sterling or thereby ; a liberty to coin base money, far under the value of the weight of copper, which brought great prejudice to the kingdom. At which time he built his great lodging in Stirling and put on the gate thereof : per mare per terras, which a merry man changed, per metre per tamers, meaning that he attained to his estate by poesy, and that gift of base money." The building mentioned was a proof at least of Lord Stirling's admiration of the beauties of nature. When originally built it must have been a glorious place — standing above the town of Stirling, on an elevation — having Hurley- ANTI-COVENANTERS. 73 llacket, where AlliaTiy, his children, and kinsmen were judicially niur(lereyson the fontaina of religion and policy." George Dunbar was twice depose:".ttcl of tin Soul, p. 218. T 32 SCOTLAND'S TRIUMPH OVER ROME. For preassing from their bondage to be free. BraA^e Scots, go on, shrink not for any fo, God who began will cro^-n this Avork also. And shall those Anaks, and curst Babel's crew, With dint of his two-edged sword subdue. You gallant English sprits, lay this to heart, And with the Lord against his foes take part ; Remember how you were borne dowai so long, And suffred Christ's blest gospel get such wrong ; Join hearts and hands with Leslie's thundring band, To chace those Romish locusts from your land. The blinded Lish cry, with weeping eye, For tymous help, least they in darknesse die. Our Scots and English bretliren there Avho live, Opprest l>y Romish rights, much sigh and grieve ; God's barn-doors open'd noAv, make no delay, Embrace Christ's calling in this gracious day : So you to Christian Kings shall break the ground. To loath the scarlet whoor, and her confound. ! if my muse had power your mindes to move, Such Cavaliers for Christ's cause now to prove, Then joyful I blest you above all nations, Who instruments were of such reformations ; Lord blesse your sagest English Parliament With a blest successe, and so glade event, That Ro.mish foes may mourne, true Christians sing, And these dominions three still blesse our King. Lord make our wise and valiant Generall, Our Nobles, Cavalliers, and Souldiers all. SCOTLAND S TRir:\IPlI OVEK RriME i:?:} For to retuni willi glad iil-w.s to our soyl, With Sion's triumpli and lioiiie's eiidlesse foyl, That hence all ages who their storie read, May blesse the time when first they marcht ou'r Tweed. Before tlie fourtie-one year gpy, let us pray With Mosos on the Mount alwav. 134 A ENGLISH CHALLENGE A ENGLISH CHALLENGE AND REPLY FROM SCOTLAND. FROM THE MS. OF SIR JAMES BALFOnR. Question. Oh ! how now, Mars, what is thy humour 1 That thou on us begins to frowne, Wliat is the meaning of this rumor. Of warres that flieth up and downe ? Or to what end, does thou intend, 'Twixt friend and friend to make debate. And cause the one the other hate ! Ansiver. You English Poetes, hearken, I pray, I tell why Mars doth on you frowne. Because like men you'll not assay To pull the Romish myter downe. Since ye want hearts, to acts your parts, Mars called hath the valiant Scots, To make the Bishops quite their coats. Question. Hath Vulcane any wise displeased thee ? Or Cupid, that unhappy lad ? That Venus' smyles cannot appease thee, Or is it Bachus makes thee mad 1 What planet darre move Jove to warre ? Durst ever Luna Sol withstand ? Or Juno Jupiter command ? AM) RLPLY FROM SCOTLAND. 135 Answer. We are not planets, but fixed starres, We prove not wandering from the riglit, Our liglit with darknesse is not mix't As yours, that sliincs hut in tlic night. Of Yulcane'd ire, or Cupid's fire, Or Venus' toyes, no compt we make, From Bacluis we no courage take. Question. Til en haughty Scot, what does thou mean Presumptuously thus to attempt 1 You'll better let these warres alone. Then thus from us thy selfe exempt : Thou does not well, for to rebell, And stand against so good a king, Whose fame throughout the world does reigne. Answer. May we not justly for our nation, Prevein all dangers may ensue, Should we not make a separation, A\nien God commands, from Babel's crew ? Tlien with our Kini; 'gainst Rome's oft'- And all their trash we'll stoutly fight, [spring And to the death maintaine our rikdit. •C3' Qnesiion. We that together in one nation. So long have been Great Britaine called 13G A ENGLISH CHALLENGE Why does tliou seek a separation 1 Ai't thou from us securely walled ? Oh ! do not so, lest that thy woe And sf)rrows more and more do breid, If once we passe the river Tweid. Answer. We love all English loyall subjects, From them we'll not exempted be, But of all Bishops' popish projects, We stand no fear to make us free ; Tho' Wales we lack, to hold you bake, I wash our joyes may still abide, Untill you passe the river Tweid. Question. What, does thou think the English powers So weak, that thou canst make us flee : Wlio will not sufier any Gowries For to performe conspiracie 1 Art thou so strong, to profer wrong. Seditiously to worke such plots. And thus become rebellious Scots 1 Answer. In vain ye l)oast your English powers. As if your Gihoes and great horses. Your walled townes and fenced towres, Were able to resist our forces ; While as you blot, the valiant Scot, AMI RITLY FROM SCOTLAND. IM With treacherous doings without reason, You may think on the powder-treason. QMCstion. Ther's not a coward so faint-lieartod, I tliinlc, which will not dar to fight, But into valour will be converted, And staufl up for his Coiintreyes right. When Cannons rattle, into Battel!, And Bullets thick amongst us flee, 8t. George for England still we cry. Ansiver. I'm sure when any Popish faisart. For Prelats' quarrels dar to fight, There is not a Scots-man, but he'll haizart For to defend his Countreyes right ; Wlien canons rumble, and bullets tumble, And English men before us flee. The Covenant for Scots we cry. Question. The Welch-men in his Prince's honour, Hath vowed ho \vi\\ not be to seek. But will display St. David's banner, And unto him present a leike. Both men and boy, that springs from Troy, Doth swear, if once they set upon it. They'll make the Scots-man waile his bonnet. 138 A ENGLISH CHALLENGE Answer. The Welcli-man voavs he no way feareth To make the Scots-man wail his bonnet, But he performs not what he sweareth, At Newburn so was seen upon it, Wlien trumpets blew, and bullets flew, The Welch-men's courage was to seek : Wliere was St. David, with his leike 1 Question. The French, the Irish, and Italian, Also the Danes and Spaniard too, The Persian, Pagan, and each alien, Doth seek rebellion to subdue. Then seek thy peace, let rumours cease, And not attemjst to doe such thing, Or move to wrath so good a king. Answer. The Irish, French, and Danes assist you, And Rome with all her bastard blood ; Through God we are able to resist you, Because our quan*el is just and good ; We wish our king, ay still may reigne, "While Scots prove false and Papists true, And Antichrist Christ's truth subdue. Question. Least bogie Scot we cry have at thee. The mark's so fair we cannot misf*e. AND REPLY FROM SCOTLAND. 139 Yet, never since tliy dady gat thee, 'I'hou could liave fairer play nor this ; Which we will shew to thee;, our foe ; Thou cannot hold us much to blame, For thou thyself have wrought the same. Answer. Y"our crying will no wheit dismay us, For the' ye shoote ye may well misse ; Come when ye will, ye may assay us, To fight we will not be ronii.sse. Ye shall say laddies, got of Scots tladic^s, Will make the Pope curse his mishaji, And Prelats wail their corner'd cap. Question. And if the serjant chance to presse me, I will be ready for the same, ■ And not seek any to release me. But boldly fight for c(juntries fame. Or if not so, then will I go A voluntier among the rest. If otherwise I be not prest.' Answer. Since brain-sick poets can but prattle, I would advise you not to fight. Lest if they you to the battell. You turn a voluntier in Hiirht. Since it is so, friend, do not goe 140 A ENGLISH CJIALLEXOE. To fight, lest ye, when canons rumble, With shame for fear, cry barlafumble. Question. Thus to conclude my resolution, As willing for to fight as sing ; I'll drink a health to his confusion. That beareth armes against our King ; Whom I do love, and still will proAc A loyall subject to his Grace, In England or in any place. Aiiswer. Then to conclude, that poet lyeth, That sayes he will not sing but fight, But poets figlitmg, always fleeth, Except with pottles in the night. For me I'll sing, God save our kirig,* And drink a health to all true Scots, That loves the truth, and hates false plots.t * Can this refer to the existing national anthem, about the origin of which there has been so much controversy. t In the MS. of Balfour, the Challenge is printcil first, and the answer afterwards ; but in the present collection, a printed cotemporary broadside has been used for the text, collated with the MS., in which the answer follows the Challenge. I'ASoUlL ON Sill ALKXANDKIl GIDSON. 14 1 COLVILLE'S PASQUIL ON SIK ALEXANDER GIBSON. Tlii«, in Balfcnir MS., i.s oalK'il ■' Mr Saimicl Colveilk-s ]^as(|uil on Sir Alexander Gibson younger of Durie, Clerk Register, 1643." Samuel Cohalle was a younger son of Jolni rolville, iU- jure Lord Colvilleof (Julros, by Elizabeth Melville, daughter of Sir James Melville of Ilallhill, a lady kno^vn as the authoress of " Ane Godly Dream, compylit in Scottish Metre," originally printed in .small 4to, black letter, by Kobeit Charteris, Edinburgh, 1(JU3, and of which the kust and best version will be found in Dr. Laing's '' Early Metrical Tales," Edinburgh, 182G, small 8vo. His elder brother, Alexander Colville, D.D., was Professor of Divinity at Sedan, from whence he AViis preferred to be Principal of St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. He was a man of great learning, and well versed in Hebrew, of which he was Pro- fessor. He wrote in Latin various theological dissertations, which were published in 4to, at Edinbm-gh 1650. Charteris in his Catalogue of Scotish 'Writers observes "he was a sharp and learned man." He died in 1666. His brother, Samuel, does not appeal" to have followed any profession or calling. He is cliiefly known as author of a "Mock Poem, or Whigs Supplication," liOndon 1681, 8vo. The second edition has the title of " Whiggs Supplication, in two parts, by S. C.," Edinburgh, 16S7, 8vo. There are various ecUtions of a later date. It remained in MS. many years before it was given to the world. Dr Irving remarks it was composed by Colville in iinitation of Butler, " but he displayes a slender portion of Butler's Avit and humour,''* an ojuuion in which we do not entu-ely concur. Of his * Historj' of Scotish Poetry, ]!. 48."}. 142 PASQUIL ON SIR ALEXANDER GIBSON. history little cau be learned excepting what may be gathered from the apology prefixed to his poem by one John Cockburn, iu which it is said : Samuel was sent to France, To learn to sing and dance, And play upon a fiddle, Now he's a man of great esteem : His mother got hiui in a dream, At Culross on a girdle. He wrote " The grand Impostor discovered ; or an Historical Dispute of the Papacy and Popish religion," part i. Edhi- bvu-gh, 1G73, 4to. He was a zealous Protestant. The period of his demise has not been ascertained. The male descendants of his father and mother must have failed, as the peerage of Colville of Culross was allowed by the House of Peers (27 th May 1723) to John Colville the male repre- sentative of Alexander Colville, coram endator of Culros, brother of the first Lord Colville, in virtue of the remainder in the original patent to heirs male whatsoever bearing the name and arms of Colville, and is now enjoyed by his male descendant. Sir Alexander Gibson, the individual satirized by ColviUe, was a son of Lord Durie a senator of the College of Justice, whose decisions, published in 1688, by his grandson Sir Alexander Gibson, are well known to Scotish lawyers. His Lordship died at his own house of Durie, 10th June 1641. The strange story of his being carried off by one of the Armstrongs, so graphically given by Sir Walter Scott, in his deliglitful Minstrelsy of the Scotish Border, has been dramatized by Dr Richard Poole, now of Aberdeen, with considerable skiU in a play called "WilUe Armstrong," which was performed with some success in Edinburgh several years since. PASQUIL ON SIR ALEXANDER GIliSON. 143 Lord Dune's son, by Margaret Craig, daughter of Sir Thomas Craig, " having been lojig a Clerk of Session was made Clerk Register when the king came last to Scot- land, by the moyen of Williuui Murray, now Earl of Dysart; to whom, it is said, he gave a velvet cassock lined with fine furrings, and a thousand double pieces therein."* This explains Colville's reference to " Vill Murray," and the con- sideration given for his preferment. " He wa.-, very well skilled to be a judge ; but within few years, having gone to England to the engagement with the Marquis of Hamilton, he was thrust from the place, and has lived since that tune as a private man."t His successor in office was Johnston of AVarriston, the grandson of the author of the Jus Feudale, who tlius through his mother was related to his predecessor. Lamont, in his Diaiy, mentions tliat both Durie and his Lady were debarred "from the Tabel, because of their malignauoie." This was in the year 1650. He was one of the Commissioners chosen for Scotland to attend the English Parliament in August 1G52. This shows that he had then renounced his "mahgnaucie," and submitted to tlie ruling powers. He went to London in January 1654, " to be prcfeiTit," but " he was disappointal."^ Perhaps doubts may have been entertained of the sincerity of his conversion. His death occurred in June 1656. Can the line, " Bot -with Job's wife, curse Cod and die," have suggested the verses attributed so unjustly to Zachary Boyd, who has had simdry abominations palmed upon him, commencing Job's wife said to Job, Ciu^e God and die, wliich question is answered by her husband in a manner much too emphatic to admit of repetition? * .Scot.starvct, p. 12.">. f Il>i.kni. + Sec An(r, p. ]]:i 144 PASQUIL OX SIR ALEXANDER GIBSON. eoWiilU'Q ^asqutl on Sir ^If xanlrcr (3ih&on, At first a Puritane Commander, Now a forsuorne seditious bander, Quhill tlier Avas houpes for brybes and budding, You courted God for caikes and pudding, To sliaw A^'ill jMurraj' your contritione, You doe allow the crosse petitione : Yet for his Rolles I dar be bound. He made you pay ten thousand pound,* drunken sottes, good cause spiller, Thou lies sauld Christ, and given thy siller, Thy evill contrived and desparat matters Makes thee fische in drumley waters, Or forseing some tragical closse, Thou leaves Argyle to find Montrose, Then with thy friend the Gray Goose feder, Thou'lt mount its treu but upe the ledder, Nor this no furder can thou flie. Bot with Job's wylfe curse God and die. Quhen thou shalt suffer all this evill, Thou shalt be pitied of the divil. Perhaps he will take you to him sell, For to keepe his Rolles in hell, To registrate into his paperes. The acts of all religion ifchetters. For thy good service quhen he sees, Thou'll get his own place quhen he dies. * Scots, it is prcsumeil. ELECTION OF EDINBURGH MAGLSTIIATES. 11") ELECTION OF EDINBURGH MAGISTRATES, 1G47. The following title is given by Balfour : — " Pasquil made at Election of the Magistrates Edinburgh 1G47. To James Elector of Edinburghe. Jacobus Steuai-tuo, Anagram. Urbis Tuae Castas. "This pasquil made in October 1647, at the election of the Magistrates of Edinburgh, quheu James Steuart, master of the excise, braged boldly that he behove to remove Archibakl Tode from being Provest of Eilinburghe, as he put him in, and for that cause moved Mr Mungo Law to preach an invective sermon against the Provest, railling on him as a malignant, especially for giving his vote for spar- ing of Hartehill's life." In the Coltness Papers, one of the many interesting and valuable works issued by the Maitland Club, there is a long account of the Provost, who was by marriage allied to the family of Hope ; his first wife, Anna, having been a daughter of Henry Hope, a son of John Hope, by Jacqueline de Tot, whom he marrial when in France, where he as a trader had gone to purchase velvets, silk, gold and silver laces. Henry had no sons, but his yoimger brother was the founder of the flourishing famihes of Hope, a Ccidet of which now inherits the Earldom of Ilopetoun. Both the Provost and his Avifo were in trade. " He in the merchant-factor and exchange business, and she following a branch of her father's traffic in the retealing shop trade which she prosecute thereafter to good account, and had her distinct branch of business in accurate accoimt and method."* '' She left at death to her husband and family * Coltness Papers, p. 17. Glasgow 1842, 4to. K 146 ELECTION OF EDINBURGH MAGISTRATES. thirty-six thousand merks thus acquired by her industry (hiring the sixteen or eighteen years the marriage subsisted. She made few demands for family expenses, but answered most of these from her profites in her own way." This estimable lady had by her husband seven sons and one daughter, all of whom she nursed herself — refusing the aid of nurses — giving as her reason, " I have often seen children take more a strain of their nurse than from either parent." She died in 1646. In the end of the same year Sir James, then Provost of Edinburgh, who had succeeded Archibald Tod in that office, took a second wife, Marion M'Culloch, widow of John Eliot, advocate. She had one daughter Margaret, who married in 1659 his eldest son Thomas, afterwards created a baronet. On the 7th of August 1649, the day before the Scots parliament rose, there was a serious dispute about reducing the rate of interest to 6 per cent. Sir James Stewart, who was a dealer in money, opposed this proposition with great energy in name of all the burghs in the kingdom, where- upon all the burgh commissioners, with Sir James at their head, rose and left the assembly. The Earl of CassilUs then proposed to vote the act, as they could do very well without them, which was accordingly done. " Thus," says Balfour, " two estates past this Act without the third."* Sir James " had nothing of insolence or bloody cruelty in his disposition. The Marquis Argyle pursued or prose- cute the unfortunate Montrose with too keen resentment." "What need," said Sir James, " of so much butchery and dis- membering? Has not heading and publickly affixing the head been thought sufficient for the most atrocious state crimes hitherto? We are embroyled and have taken sydes, but to insult too much over the mislead is unmanly. Yet there was no remedy; Argyle pushed the vengeance of Church and State against Montrose, but Sir James liis con- * Annals, vol. iii., 483. ELECTION OF EDINBURGH MAGISTPLVTES. 1 4 7 duct was upon the sydc of huraaiiity. Tlie sentence with cruel inpredients nuist be execute by tlic magistrates of Ediiibiu'gli, and Sir James was the first in oUice : but he treated the prisoner with civilities, and when Montrose desired a conference witli some leading men of the Church to have their sentence of the greater excommunication taken ofF, Sir James attended them with tlie prisoner, and much blamed their using common civilities to a man of his quality, for Montrose offeral the friendly salute, but these saints would not so much as touch hi.s hand. ' Strange,' saiil the Provost ; ' this is tre;itiiig a man worse than a heathen or publican !' The luifortunate marquis sought absolution with tears, and Sir James could not refrain his own upon this melancholy occasion. The clergy were fanatically bigotted."* This is a renuirkable picture, in wliich iVigyle and his fanatical friends are j^ainted in vivid colours by one who held the same religious and political opinions as they professed themselves. The restoration of Cliarles was followed by the imprison- ment of many of the "stiff" Presbyterians, in which nmn- ber Sir James was included. By the influence of Primrose, wl\o was made Lord Clerk Register, and whose life he had saved after the battle of Phihphaugh, he not only procvu-ed his liberation, but obtained a fine of five hundred pounds that had been imjMjsed upon him renutte« Probably Carstairs, »• Probably Urbain Grandier. * Sic. in MS., qu. Sort. 188 TASQUIL ON THE STAIR FAMILY. Ther father fand, uot lost, such near friends got. So Adam fand — lyke Avhom Sir John did wedd And choyc'd a guarden for his church and bed. His Eve '* sought ther no covering for bare thighs, As she doth noAV, to hyde her coach glass'd eyes. Mes Davie Mortoun blest them in the dawing ; Off them ther sprang ane Abell and a Cain ; Would Cain his father as his brother use, It something would the former fact excuse ; Would he give his grandfather the thrid shott, The parracide ^^ would turne a patriot — Famous for what cause, Stanipfield and Dalrye -° Are branded with eternall iufamie. — In all Stair's offspring we no difference know, They do the females, as the males, bestow — So he of ane of his daughter's mariage gave the ward, Lyke a true vassal, to Glenlusse's Laird ; He knew what she did to her master plight. If she her faith to Paitherfurd should slight ; WTiich, lyke his own, for greid he brak outright. Nick did Baldoon's posteriors right deride. And as first substitute, did sease the bride, What e're he to his mistres did or said, He threw the bridegroom, from the nuptial bed, Into the chimney did so his rivall maull, His bruised bones ne're cured but by the fall.-^ " Dundas, Lady Stair. R. M. '9 Stair sliot his eldest brother. R. M. 20 Stampiield, that murdered Sir James his own father was a cussLae of Sir John's : and Dairy murdered Sir George Lock- hart, president. E. M. ^1 Baldoon. He fell and broke his neck at the Quarrell Holes, near Edinburgh, from his horse. R. M. PASQUIL ON THE STAIR FAMILY. IS'J The airie fiend, for Stairs hath land in Air, Possess anotlier daughter ^^ for ther share, ^\^lo, ■\\ntliout wings, can with her rumple flye. No midding-foull did ever mount so high ; Can skip o'er mountains, and o'er steiples soare, A way to petticoats ne're known before. Her flight's not useles, though she nothing catch : She's good for letters when they neid despatch. When doors and Avindows shutt, cage her at home, She'le play the shittlecock through all the roume, This high flown lady never trades a stair, To mount her vryse Lord's castles in the air — ^' It's not Stair's bairnes alone Nick doth infest, His children's children lykewise are possest. Penelope,-* on Avhom Batavia gaz'd. Saw vice deceniall to perfection rais'd, Bove both her sex and age, for Messaline ^* Herselfe had ne're such furie uterin. And Lord Cathcart whither elfes did comand Her unseen vehicle to the fairie land. Or if he to infantum limhis sainted, Elias, antipods, or place enchanted. From his dam's knee so cliverUe he went. That his translation's our astonishment. AVhat may these hardned Pharoahs then expect, AVho do so many and sore plagues neglect] But that lyke reprobates they shall be lost « Lord Crich ton's Lc-uly. R. M. «' He wes a fool. K. M. ** Countess of Dumfriess. K. M. " This Messaline wes a vitioxis Queen. R. M. 190 PASQUIL ON THE STAIR FAMILY. In Ihe Eed Sea, and ne're reach Canaan's cost. Or if their blood's by stranghng, Justice spares, And on a ladder mount that pair of Staires, They'll mount no higher — fye, for that rarie show — To Stair or the Staires when they'r falling low ! This will set right the wrey neck ■with more luck, Which Salton's bottle did f'^ but while it struck That serpent face, which now 'gainst heaven doth braull, Shall prostrate, then look whither it's to fall — Wee then shall sie what Douglass did fortell ; Then and no sooner — Scotland shall be well.'^^ On ilorti Statn False Stair, lament ! Look, look what thou hast done Lament thy country ! lament thy own estate ! Look, look, by doeing, how thou art undone : Lament thy fall ! Lament thy change of state ! Thy faith thou broke ; by thee our freedom's gone. See, see, too soon, what thou laments too late. thou that wert so many men, nay, all, Abridg'd in dust, how hes thy desp'rate fall. Destroyed thy seed, distroyed thyself with all. R. M. « Fletcher. R. M. 2' Amongst Mylne's MSS. occurs tlie following Eintaph " on tlie Viscount of Stair's sister :" Here lyea my honest old Auntie, Whom Death has put in his pockmantie. Three score ten years God did gift her : Here she lyes, and see who will lift her ! PASQUIL ON TllE STAIR FAMILY. 191 Wivon Ujc long totsTjfb for antr tjjimflg Dratl) of tf)e UiQ\)t ^?onouvai)le Zije ilatrg Stair* Mr Charles Kiikpatrick Sharpe printed these satirical lines in his edition of Law's Memorials. Since then -a MS. of Lord Fountainhall containing many corrections and emen- dations was fonnd, which has considerably improved the text. The "Jamie AYyHe," mentioned in the concluding part of the Elegy, was Sir James Stewart, the son of Provost Stewart, and brother of Sir Thomas Stewart of Coltness, and Lord Advocate for many years. He was generally considered a Trimmer who wished to stand weU both with the excited Stewarts and their Dutch successor. "N"eus ! neu8 ! my muse, on Friday being said, It is confirm'd, the Witch of Endor'.s dead, And men wonder what kinde devil thus Off such a monster hath bereaved us ; Now Cerberus at the door of hell, cries out, "With hideous noise, and many a grevious shout. Open your doors, you devils, and prepare A room that's warm for honest Lady Stair. Shall now my muse be longer silent then, "\Mien every poet occupyes his pen : Come on, come on, be quick, its no abuse To whip about the Devil of Glenluce. Cry out for joy, of whatsoever station Whoe's for the poor and welfare of the nation. Let peace possess your minds, your will you've gotten, ;My Lady Stair is dead, and almost rotten : Be glad and joyful at this luckie death, 192 PASQUIL ON THE STAIR FAJMILY. Great Melvin with his faction, Leven and Eaith, Wlio for your sakes at Court did so prevail To make a Secretary Privie Seal. Rejoice old clubbers, Rosse and Skelmorlie, Dalrymple's faction now hath lost ane eye : The moon shall shortly change, be glad and merrie, The Lady Stair is over Charon's ferrie. Johnstoun rejoice with your friend Ormistoun, And you Sir William,^ with Duke Hamiltoun : That the cat that crost the cushen in the church Is dead, and left her kitelings in the lurch ; A strange unluckie fate to power befell, "Wliich sent her thus a cateing into hell. Will Baillie then with Commissar Monroe Rejoice, for Auntie hes got the fatal bloe : She will perplex nor trouble you no more. Hells turn-keey now hath shut the fatal door. Goe to now Mrs Turnbull when you please, And sit upon your own coat tail at ease ; Goe sit on your coat tail, for weel I wott The dog is dead that toar your petticoat. Court Parasites put on your mourning weed. Hells plagued Emissaries, for she's dead Who was the greatest stoup in all the nation To Jamie Wylies cursed generation. Your flying days are done, put on your pumps. That Stair shall shortly fall here is a token. Your strongest pillar's lately fallen and broken ; Though it so very long has stood a gie, Yet surely many shall its ruin see And shortly, great the fall thereof shall be. • Hamilton. THE EPITAPH. 193 . €f)t Gpitapf). Here lyes our aunties Coffine, I am sure, But wliere her body is I cannot tell, Most men affirm tliey cannot Avell toU where, Unless both soul and body be in hell. Its just indeed if all be true that's said. The Witch of Endor was a wicked sinner, And if her coffine in the grave be laid. Her bodie's roasted for the Devil's dinner. N 194 CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1673. CIVIC EOUNDELAY, r673. The folio-wing roundelay " on Sir Francis Kinloch and other Old Baillies, seeking the removal of Sir Andrew Ramsay from the Provost's Chair, 1673," was transcribed from a manuscript entitled Poems, &c., by Thomas David- son, wool merchant, Bowhead. Whether it is his own composition, or merely a copy of the work of another, is uncertain. The proceedings to which these verses bear reference are fuEy detailed in FountainhaU's Historical Notes.* Sir Andrew Ramsay of Abbotshall, who had been Lord Provost for many years preceding, Avas appointed a Lord of Session through the interest of the Duke of Lauderdale. As he had never been an advocate, his elevation to a seat on the bench created siur[3rise and distrust, and the union of the two offices of a chief magistrate and of a Lord of Session was considered incompatible. The consequence was a process before the Supreme Court, the object of which was to declare that no person of a higher rank than a merchant was competent to exercise the office of chief or other magistrate, and that Sir Andrew Ramsay, having been advanced to be a Senator of the College of Justice, and so of a higher quality and rank "than a trafficing merchant," ought to be declared incapable to be a magistrate ia all time coming. There was a farther conclusion, that no Provost should be allowed to remain in office for more than two years. Sir George Mackenzie was the counsel for the Pursuer, and his pleading is amusing enough, but one not calculated to give a high estimate of his abihty as a sound lawyer. He compared Sir Andrew for his tyranny and cmiuing to * Vol. i. p. 33, Bannatyne Club, Edin. 1848. CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. 195 Oliver Cromwell, and declared he was nmch more fitted to be '• a Saltan or the Cham of Tartary," than I'rovost of Edinburgh. AVhat this had to do with the legal jioint of his incompetency to be a magistrate because he was a JiOrd of Session, is not apparent. After this introductory flourish of trumpets, Sir George proceeded to show that Kamsay had already occujjied the position of chief magistrate for upwards of ten years, in the course of which he contrived to burden the city with a debt of between six and seven hundred thousand merks. He asked, "who dui-st ask a compt of this at Sir Andrew, during his government ?" If the accounts of the Provost are to be looked into by the Judge, what the result woidd be is tolerably clear. Sir George introduces Petronius Arbiter — to support him in his arguments — together with Petavius — HoyUns' Cosmography — and the Prophet Nehemiah ! rather an odd combination of authorities. Sir George Lockhart (afterwards Lord President), for the Defence enumerated the great benefits Edinburgh had re- ceived during the rule of Sir Andrew — how he had redeemed the credit of the city — how he had contended with the bench as to " the precedency and grandeur of the Provost of Edinbiu"gh, and had got two hundred pounds English money annexed to the Provostry, payable from Exchequer." Various other instances were adduced of the benefit the town had received at his hands. But in neither of the pleadings of these rival orators did they fairly discuss the legal point, contenting themselves with oratorical displays in which there was more sound than substance. Perhaps the most valuable fact stated in this pleading, wliich FountainhaU says, was " acted to the admiration of all hearers with so much lustre and advantage, that though in other things he surjjassed all his rivals, yet in this he excelled, outdid, and surpassed himself," is the catalogue of instances in which " Senators of the College of Justice and 196 CAIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. Officers of State" had executed "the office of Provostrie vithin this city both of old aud of late tymes." The evi- dence on this head is conclusive to a certain extent-^but not absolutely — for there was no precedent directly applicable, as in the instances adduced, the individuals promoted to the bench were all lawyers : whereas Ramsay had never been anything else than a trader, or shop-keeper. He was a son of the Rev. Andrew Ramsay, whose deposition by the cove- nanters has been already mentioned, and who was the author of those Latin poems from which Milton is said to have bor- rowed some of his brightest passages. The Pursuers lost their cause — but with this quabficatiou, that in future, the office of Provost could only be held for two years. Although Ramsay was successful in getting the action dismissed, he was not equally successful in retaining his two offices. Placed on the bench upon the 23d November 1671 he was compelled by threats of impeachment to resign his legal as well as his civic honours in November 1673. He departed this life 17th January 1688, at his house at Abbotshall, — upon which occasion, NinianPaterson, the Episcopal minister of Liberton, printed an "Elegy to the memory of the in- comparable Sir Andrew Ramsay of Abbotshall — Provost of Edinburgh, Counsellor to His Majesty, Lord of the Session, &c.,"* a production which docs not say much for the poetical talent of its reverend author. Fountaiuhall mentions, "22d January 1688, being Saturday, I went to Fyffe to AbbotshaU's burial, who died the 17th before, aud returned the 24th, being Sunday night." This "incomparable" gentleman was, according to Mal- colm Ijaing,t a bankrupt trader, " created a Lord of Session," in return for seventeen thousand pounds extorted as gifts * Scotish Elegiac Verses, 1629-1728, Svc, Edin. 1849, p. 62. t History, vol. iv. p. 74, Third Edition, 1819, 8vo. CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. 197 from the town. Sir Andrew's son and heir was ruined by Law of Lauriston, whose skill as a g;inibler was as notorious as his ability as a financier. AVitli the assistance of the celebrated Colonel Chai-teris, Abbotshall, with a rental of £1200 per annum, was brought to the hammer, and its owner retired to Florence "Avith his last hundred pound,"* where he died. It was not until the year 1677 that Francis Kinloch ob- tained the object of his ambition, and became Lord Provost. He got the estate of Gilmerton f in a manner not particu- larly reputable. It had belonged to John Hepburn of Wauchtou — but had been burdened by him in 1652, and he had granted a wadset, a redeemable right which enabled the borrower to got his estate back, upon repayment of 15,000 pounds Scots, and the expenses of buiklings, pro- vided tliey did not exiceed a thousand merks Scots. John Cockburn, the creditor, wjus an advocate, and in further security took a disposition of the lands ex facie absolute. Hepburn and his ci'cditor did not get on well together, and one Henry Kinloch, a cousin of Francis Kinloch, who Avas a domestic servant of Hepburn's, suggested that his relation should pay the mortgage, and get a right from Cockburn — which was done in the shape of an absolute dis- position, and a relative back bond or letter of reversion explaining, or pretending to explain, the true nature of the transaction. Kinloch entered on possession of Gilmerton, and built a fine house upon it. Hepburn died, and Sir Andrew Ramsay's son having married his daughter, pro- ceedings were adopted to redeem the lands. The equity was clear enough — but by a cjisting vote, it was detennined that the reversion was not sufticieutly explicit to qualify the absolute disposition. Fountaiuhall, who gives the detail, • Memoirs, Life, and Character of the Great Mr Law and his Brother at Paris, Loudon, 1721, 8vo., p. 14. t In East Lotliian. 198 CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. shows, in tolerably distinct language, the venality of the bench, and we cannot omit his concluding remark: " This decision, for its strangeness, surjM-ised all that heard of it ; for scarce ever any who once heard the case, doubted but it would be found a clear wadset ; and it opened the mouths of all, to ciy out upon it as a direct and downright subver- sion of all our rights and properties." These proceedings fully verify what Lauderdale told to the astonishment of an English gentleman : — " in Scotland the rule is" — quoth his gi'ace, "shew me the man and I'll shew you the law." From a passage in the Pasquil on the Stair family,* it appears that Lord Balmerinowas the original author of this admirable epitome of Scotch law, as admini- stered in Ids time and long afterwards. Eanloch, one way or another, amassed a vast fortune. From the Roundel it is evident that he originally followed the calling of a tailor, but unlike the celebrated English tailor Sir John Hawkwood, raised himseK to a high posi- tion—not by his sword, but his shears. It may be presumed that he is the same person who, upon the 16th January 1662, was served heir of his father, Henry Iviuloch, merchant and burgess of Edinbui'gh, in some land in " Coldbrandspath," in the county of Berwick. That he was of humble parentage is evident from his having a cousin of the name of Henry, a domestic servant in the family of Hepburn of "Wauchton. The late C. K. Sharpe, Esq., had a MS. poem in his possession, with the following pedigree of one "Jacob Kin- loch " — also a tailor, and probably a relative of the Provost. It is entitled "A gentleman's turn to Jacob Kinloch for call- ing him a Dunse in the Coflfee-house, 1674." It commences thus : — How could your baseness, so rash sentence pass, As for to term me loggerhead and ass, * Se*e page 180. CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. 199 I being but a stranger, yon tlierefore Had never seen nor spoke to me before : I'd never heard of you — so in this case Of your acquaintance had not the disgrace. I wonderM much, who and what could you be. Till one did thus extract your pedigree. " His guidsyre was a sexton fairie elf, Liv'd on the dead, and digged graves for pelf He left unto his son, whicli several years He did augment by needle, thimble, shears, Till pride that devill him threw, and did distill Through needle eye, and made him Dean of Gild. His ribbands theu he turn'd to boot and spurs Of uuingrell half, he's neither hound nor curs ; His spouse a litter bore, whereof the shee, Were apes of gentrie, free of modesty," &c., &c. One of his daughters had the Christian name of Manna, and another was called Elizabeth, who " Strove with gownes and petticoat to trail." Fountainhall has noted a case in which Miss Manna Kiuloch nearly got her husband iuto a law suit from her love of finery. She was the wife of one James Charteris, a writer in Edinburgh, and was brought before the Privy Council for breaking the sumptuary laws " in regulating apparell." The proof against her failed — but it was debated amongst the Judges whether when a married woman is convicted of the breach of a penal statute, the husband is liable for the fine, or if the wife c;in herseK be punished by imprisonment, and her effects attached after conviction. Another question was, whether proof by female witnesses of the transgression of the act was competent. Fountainhall was of opinion that the wives ought not to be permitted to burden their husbands, else many would break the act pur- posely to affront or injure them. 200 CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. As both the Kinlochs were tailors, it is not improbable that they were connected in trade ; indeed, Jacob may have been the brother of the Provost. Sir Walter Scott mentioned an anecdote which goes far to verify this con- jecture. A young gentleman of the name was attending a meeting of freeholders to elect a representative for the county of East Lothian, when he met an old gentleman clad in ancient vestments. The younger man, struck with the odd appearance of his fellow freeholder, proceeded to compliment him on the elegance of his attire. "You may well be proud of it, my young friend," said the voter, "for it was cut and sewed by your grandfather." This occurred long before the Reform Bill had altered the system of parliamentary representation in Scotland. Sir Francis from time to time acquired large landed estates in Edinburgh, Haddington, Fife, and Perth. The Nova Scotia Baronetcy was procured 16th September 1686. He married a lady of the name of Macmath — by whom he had a son of the same christian name as himself, who was served his heir 8th November 1699, and who married a daughter of that Protean worthy, David LesUe, Lord Newark. ©tbtc Eountr^lcgt 1673. Gilmurtoune he swears he'll have the Provist outt, . By the chalk and the sheers, Gilmurtoune he swears, By the wrong that he fears and he wants a clout, Gilmurtoune he swears he'll have the Pro\ist outt. The Provist he declairs he's for the town's good, For himself and his aires the Provist he declairs ; This taiUe was told to Stairs, and be it understood. The Provist he declairs, he's for the town's good. CIVIC ROUNDELAY, 1G73. L'Ol Myne honest old Baillies 'gainst tlie Provist rebelle, To seek out his faillcys, myne lionest ohl Baillies, They would cut him all in talyes and eat him them- selves, MjTie honest old Baillies 'gainst the Provist rebelle. Come let us be friens as when we came hither, It's strange Avhat it means, come let us be friens, Wee'l downe to Baillie Dean's* and drink all thegither, Come let us be friens as when we came hither. My Lord got the Cause to drink we abhor it. Wee hate breaken our lawes my Lord got the cause ; But Avee'l kiss your backsides if wee pay not for it, My Lord got the Cause, to drink we abhor it. Now I see cleare your malice is great, Fient ane of you I fear now I see clear, I'll stay still this year before that I flit, Now I see cleare, your malice is great. * Baillie Deans, it appears, was a vintner — very likely related to the Deans — who at the time possessed Woodhouse- lee. This beautiful estate next century had been so much burdened, that the last of the Deans was compelled to part with it. It was diWded into two portions, and one half was purchased by WilUam Tytler, Esq., the vindicator of Queen Mary, whose son, an accomplished gentleman and excellent lawyer, became a judge of the Court of Session, and whose grandson, the late Patrick Fraser Tj-tler, -was the author of the History of Scotland, a work of great research and deep interest. 202 riTCURN'S ROUNDEL ON SIR ROBERT SIBBALD. PITCAIRN'S ROUNDEL ON SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, 1G8G. " SiBBALD," says Bishop Burnet, " who was the most learned antiquary in Scotland, had lived in a course of philosophical virtue, but in gi-eat doubts as to revealed religion, was pre- vailed on by the Earl of Perth to turn Papist ; but he soon became ashamed of having done so, on so little enquiry. He went to London for some months, retiring from all com- pany, and went into a course of study by which he came to see into the errors of Popery. He then returned to Scotland, and published his recantation openly in church." In the autobiography, * printed for the first time in the " Analecta Scotica," Sibbald gives a singular account of the circumstances that induced him to turn Roman Catholic. He had been on terms of intimacy with the Earl of Perth, whose family physician he appears to have been. This led to many discu.ssions on doctrinal subjects, and the autobio- grapher was induced by his patron to write two books in vindication of the antiquity of Scotland and her Monarchs against the Bishop of St Asaphs. The peer frequently said, during these conversations with his physician, that he was opposed to many of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, so that Sibbald thought he "was secure on that head," but alas, the worthy doctor was no match for the Jesuitical lord — as one Sunday, the noble Earl having taken physic, fell a weeping, and announced the fact, that he was a Papist, — that no consideration of worldly interest had been the inducing cause — but the conviction that the Roman Catholic was "the true and ancient Church." This declaration was somewhat startling, — but Sibbald did not then succumb to his patient. In September 1685, * Edin. 1834, 8vo, p. 102. PITCAIRN'S roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD. 203 the Earl took his intended convert to Drunimond Castle to attend the Countess, who was dying, and who on her death- bed had been brought over to her husband's own way of thinking. "Good lady; she, I believe, did it out of the love she had for him," says the simple man, — all that he hoard her say " was what any Protestant believed, and used in the agonies of death to say. So she died, and ceremonies were used at her death." When Sibbald first came to the castle the Earl gave him the Life of " CJregory Lopez and Father Davila" to study, — whose piety and austerity of life greatly moved the reader. Having thus prepared the way by weakening the outworks, the zealous Earl carried the citadel by storm. He had pre- viously assured his victim that the Eomanists beUeved that any good man of a different way of thinking from them, and who had a sincere love to God, would be saved. " I said I was well pleased to hear that." Sibbald should have asked his informer how this charitable belief could be reconciled with the Fires of Smithfield or the Massacre of St Bartholomew. But no time was appar- ently given for any questions, as "about eleven o'clock he called me up to his studio, and there he read me a paper that the Duchess of York (Anne Hyde) had wrote upon her embracing that religion, and discoursed very pathetically upon it. I knew not how it came about. I felt a great ^\■armnes8 of my affections while he was reading and dis- coursing, and therefore, as I thought cestro quodam pietatis jiiotu.i, I said I would embrace that religion." Delighted with the success of his scheme, the Earl took the convert in his arms, and thanked God for the victory. These facts were not generally known, and when the con- version of Lord Perth was bruited about, Sibbald got the credit of having been the cause; indeed, so enraged v/ere the Edinburgh people, that the poor doctor was very nearly murdered in consetjuence of this mistaken notion. 204 PITCAIRN'S roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD. He was attacked in his own house by some three or four hundred miscreants, but contrived to escape by the back door and jump over his " yard dyke." The wretches broke into the house and nearly killed his wife — who was only saved by some one declaring she was a good Protestant. They searched the bed, and then departed, declaring they would " Rathillet"* him. The pubhc feeling was so strong against Sibbald, that he fled to Berwick, and thereafter got safely to London. From what Sibbald learned in the south he began to think he had been too precipitate in his change. He found out that the Jesuits had everything to say at court, and that the people were beginning to show every indication of resisting the restoration of Poi^ery. He had contracted a very bad cold by his forced flight from his own house, and by lying exposed in the field the night of the attack. He was at- tacked by rheumatism, then came erysipelas, accompanied by want of sleep. He resolved to return by sea, which he accord- ingly did, and in eight days arrived at Leith. " When I was come home I wrote to the chancellor my resolution, and declared it to some who visited me, and I went no more to the Popish service, but removed to the county, and went to church ; and in September following, I was received by the Bishop of Edinburgh upon my acknowledgment of my rash- ness, in his house, and took the sacrament according to the way of the Church of England." This narrative, written not for publication, but to explain his conduct to his friends, is probably true in substance, — but perhaps slightly coloured, to remove any impression which they might have entertained, that the learned phy- sician was a somewhat weak-minded pereon. That the Earl purposely set himself to seduce Sibbald is obvious. It must * Meaning assassinate. — Ilalkerston of Rathillet having been a chief actor in the murder of Archbishop Sharp. PITCAIRN'S roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD. 205 have been a vast triumph to his lordship — to convert " tho most learned antiquary in Scothind," as tho Bishop of Salis- bury calls him — to Popery. Nothing couM have ploaseil James the VII. more than such a splendid religious triumph. Hence the attention of the monarch to Sibbald when he was in London. After all, there must have been some httle vanity on the .part of the antiquary, from being placed in so familiar a position by the court favourite. How gratifying to be instructed by one of the noble race of Drummond — a peer of the realm — one who had the King's ear, and who could harangue on the superior excellence of the old rehgion to that of the new one. Then to bo permitted to listen to tho reasons wliy Anne Hyde became a Papist, as they were disclosed by his Patron. No wonder Sir Robert was moved to tears by hearing this Royal docu- ment read to him by a person so elevated in position. One tiling tells favourably for Sibbald, and it is, that he never derived pecuniary benefit or promotion from his con- version, — and that he did not for any length of time remain estranged from Protestantism. The verses by Pitcairn are taken from an original MS. in the Wodrow collection, and it will be kept in view as showing how strong the impression against Sibbald had been, — that his witty and intimate friend, Archibald Pit- cairn, had no scruple to attack him in this Roundell. Subse- quently, when the pervert had returned to his original faith, the old friends became reconciled, and Sibbald wrote a Latin Epitaph on his death, which has been printed in the " Analecta Scotica."* The exact date of the demise of Sir Robert Sibbald is uncertain, but his library was sold by auction in February 1723, when the Faculty of Advocates purchased most of his MSS., and several of the more valuable printed books. Th • Vol. ii., p. lo8. 206 PITCAIRN's roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD. price paid came to £342, 17s. sterling, a large sum in those days. Some difficulty arose in making the purchase from the objections of a few Members of Faculty, who did not think the fimds should be used for any such a purpose. At a later date, an opposition of this description was more successful, for Avhen the valuable collection of MSS. and printed books used by Principal Robertson in writing the Life of Charles V. was offered to the Faculty for the small sum of £100, a venerable advocate, named M'Cormick, who went by the sobriquet of Nicodemus, rose to oppose the purchase, and as his reasons were so admirable as to carry a majority of the learned faculty with him, we cannot refrain from giving them. " To buy such a collection. Dean of Faculty, would be a waste of our funds, — it would just be like a person who, having devoiu-ed a most dehcious pudding, would immediately afterwards set too and devour the shells of the eggs of which it had been made." Of the verity of this anecdote there is no doubt, as it came from the first Lord Meadowbank, who was Faculty-Treasurer at the time, and who advocated the purchase. Archibald Pitcairn, M.D., was born in Edinburgh upon the 25tli of December 1652. He was representative of an ancient family of Scotland, and the direct descendant of Andrew, the posthumous son of Pitcairn of that Ilk, who, with seven sons, was killed at the fatal fight of Flodden. The infant son by this melancholy event became owner of the lands of his forefathers, and had the honour of being progenitor of one of the many distinguished men who flourished in Scotland at the time of the Union. Though an adherent of the Stuart family, Pitcairn had no leaning to Popery, and as little Uking to Presbyterianism, which he took every opportunity of turning into ridicule, Avith considerable humour, as those persons who have read liis amusing comedy called the Assembly, and his satirical poem termed Babel, can hardly deny. That there is much PITCAIRN'S roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD. 207 coarseness in both these productions may be conceded ; but this was the fault of the time, and both Butler and ( "olvillo are liable to a similar charge. As a I^atin poet his abilities are universally conceded, and although his Epigrams, from their personal allusions — not easily oxplainod at the present date — are occasionally diffi- cult to understand, they sparkle with wit. His Kpitaph on the Viscount of Dundee has always been justly admired, and no higher compliment can be paid to it than to say, that Dryden has made it familiar by his spirited translation, to those who have not studied the "humanities" as they are called in the north. Lord Hailes, whose political views were very different from those of Pitcairn, and who, perhaps without knowing it, allows them occasionally to coloiu- his critical opinions — is not inclined to allow the Latin compositions, as some enthu- siasts said, to be the most elegant that had been given to the world since the Augustan age, and considei-s them inferior to Buchanan, Johnston, Vida, and Sannazarius, but he concedes that they possess considerable merit, not so much for their flowing and easy numbers, as " for their humour and poignant satire." * As a physician, the great excellence of Pitcairn has uniformly been allowed. He was the first medical man of his time, and at tlie present day his name stands almost as high in the estimation of the profession as it did in his own. The late Archibald Constable, before his failure, projected publishing the literary remains of Pitcairn, and he had col- lected together a great many of his f vigitive pieces — these he bound up in a foho volimie, which is now in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. It has a very fine impression of the fine print of Pitcairn prefixed. * Sibbald's Edinburgh Magazine — a periodical of great value for the mass of original matter in it, and much superior to the Scots Magazine. 208 PITCAIRN'S ROUNDEL ON SIR ROBERT SIBBALD, ' The clergy of the Established Church of Scotland and Pitcairn were, as might be exj^ccted, continually at war. TTebster, a popular minister, Avho used to say very odd things from the pulpit, accused Pitcairn of being a Deist — a charge, as Lord Hailes allows, altogether unfounded. This led to a lawsuit at the instance of the injured party against the reverend injurer. The cause arose out of these circumstances — at a book sale, a copy of Philostratus' Life of ApoUonius Tyanjeus was put up, and after a keen com- petition bought at a high price. Afterwards a copy of the Bible was put uj), and there were no bidders. When some person present observed that it was a matter of regret that the Holy Scriptures could not find a purchaser, ' ' No wonder," quoth the Doctor, " that it stuck in their hands, for is it not said, ' Vcrhum Dei manet in eternum.^ " Lord FouutainhaU reports the case (18th July 1712), and says — " The Lords considered this process was managed with much zeal, and that Mr Webster was willing to give reasonable satisfaction ; therefore they recommended to the Justice- Clerk, the Lord Ordinary in the cause, to endeavour to settle the parties amicably." This was a judicious way of getting rid of a cause which the Court did not probably wish to decide against Webster, as it must have done had Pitcairn insisted for a decision. In this manner further scandal was avoided. Webster preached in what is called the "Tolbooth Kirk of Edinburgh." Milne, in his MSS., has the following roundel upon liim — There is a man whom God ne'er made, A minister nor wabster. Who has a cracked, distracted head ; There is a man whom God ne'er made. Lord case him with his cap of lead, Or knock him like a labster. Nota. — He was once distracted, and wore a cap of lead. — A. R. M. PITCAIRN'S ROUNDEL ON SIR ROBERT SIBBALD. 20'J There is another roundel upon this popular preacher — The magistrates he did rebuke, And gave them all a chargie The common prayer for to hook. The magistrates he did rebuke, And to burn David Crawford's book And persecute the clergie. The magistrates adopted his advice as to persecution — for the Episcopal ministers were treated in the worst possible manner, and, until the revcrsjil by the House of Lords, after the Union, in the case of tlie Kev. ^Ir Greenshields, they were exposed to every kind of ojipression. "Webster died 17th May 1720. He may have had some excuse for his bitter- ness, as, before the Revolution, lie had endured much j^erse- cution, but the rulei-s and judges of the land deserve great censure for giving sanction to the intolerance of the Presbyterian clergy. Pitcairn's detestation of the Dutch was greatly increased by his dishke to the Prince of Oi-ange, whom he had great difficulty in recognizing as King of England. His Ej^igram upon the Dutch is " poignant," to borrow the expression of Lord Hailes — Amphibious wretches sudden be your fall, May man uudamn you ; and G D you all. The concluding line of his Elegy on Lord Viscount Dun- dee has a sting in it — LHtime Scotorinu, atque ultime Grame vale. The last Grahame was intended as a censure upon the heir of the great Montrose for having gone over to the Revolution party. In one of the northern jounials there is an amusing O 210 PITCAIRN'S roundel on sir ROBERT SIBBALD, anecdote -which is possibly true enough, but for its authen- ticity the editor cannot pretend to vouch. Pitcairn sel- dom troubled the inside of any church, but every Sabbath morning his jug of claret was to be seen on its way from the tavern to his house, just as the more staid poi'tion of the population was going to morning service. The kirk elders were greatly scandalized, and under the pretence of pre- venting Sabbath desecration, used to seize the jug, and confiscate the claret. Pitcairn, having doubts of the purity of the motive for this seizure, one morning put into the wine a dose of tartar emetic. It was as usual seized. The doctor, who was an Episcopalian, to the astonishment of the Presbyterians on that eventful day, took his place in the Kirk. His eyes were directed to the seat of the elders. Worship had not proceeded far when one of the Sabbata- rians I'ushed out of the church, as pale as death — another followed, and in a few minutes the elders' seat was empty, to the bewilderment of all but the contriver of the mischief. Tea at this time was not in use for breakfast, but claret wa.s the ordinary drink in the north before the Union led to the use of the former. Tea gradually came in its place, a beverage which now even the poorest of the land cannot dispense with. By his first wife, a daughter of Colonel Hay of Pitfour, Pitcairn had two children, a son and daughter, who died young. On the death of his first wife, he espoused a daughter of Sir Archibald Stevenson, a distinguished physi- cian, and by her had one son, who, joining in the insurrec- tion of 1715, only escaped the scaffold through the interest of Dr Mead with Walpole, subsequently the minister of the two first Georges. The youth, for he was a mere boy, went to the Continent, where he died. There were four daughters, one of whom became Countess of Kelhe. The doctor's widow died in the year 1754, at a very advanced PITCAIRN'S ROUNDEL ON SIR ROBERT SIBBALD. 211 age, and was remembered by her friends and acquaintance with the highest respect and esteem. Pitcairn died upon the 23d of October 1713, " regretted by science as its ornament, by his country as its boast, and by humanity as its friend." He had collected a most valu- able library of books on all subjects, wliich was after his death purchased by Peter the Creat.* It is singular that Lord Orford's collection of paintings, and Robertson's Spanish collection, should, at a subsequent period, to the disgrace of this country, be allowed to pass into the posses- sion of the Muscovite. The Comedy of the Assembly has been thrice i5rintehe knew why." Johnson says the word is derived from Petit, French. A little fondUiig, a darling, a dear plaything. It is now commonly called " Pet." This we have no doubt is the true meaning of a word used for indicating that the Judges in Scotland had a "Pet," or favomite through whom they might be approached. In the Poor Client's Complaint, translated from Buchanan, in 1707, by the Reverend Andrew Simpson, an Episcopal Clergyman, in which amongst the hardshijDs imposed upon suitors he enumerates, the taxes on his pocket which amount to a " pretty sura." " To maccrs, turnkeys, agents, Catchpoles, pates, Servants, subservants, petty-foggers, cheats. For morning drinks, four-houi-s, half -gills at noon, To fit their stomach for the fork and spoon." This shews that the word was at that date in common use. Whatever may have been its origin, whether derived from 224 ROBERT cook's TETITION against the PKITS. Pat the judge's son or from the French, it meant in Scot- land, a i^erson who was in the habit of extracting what coukl be got from the pockets of cHents, whether rich or poor, for the purpose of perverting Justice. Tlie person whose name is used in tlie Petition against the "Peats" was in all likelihood the individual relative to whom the following notice will be found in Fouutainhall.* — " 2d June 1867. Mr Robert Cook and John Inglis, advocats, formerly laid aside fc l)g Ujag of dialogue i)ftU)i?ett tf^e MuUe anlr §hix Lionel ©almasli* Sir Lionel Talmash, My Lord, disturb'd some years hath been my ghost, To be reveng'd for life and honour lost To that base , whom well thou knowest for pelf Butcher'd thy fame, estate, and last thyself; And look, from what damn'd dunghill first she crept. Next, while unmarried, what intrigues she kept ; Then, when my wife, what part 'mongst w s she bore; Last, when your owns, no less than what before. Duke of Lauderdale. To be revenged on that curst piece of earth, Sent up from hell like serj^ents, to give death To all Avho dare but tutch lier nimljle taUl, Or stroake her cunning breast and act the maill. That were but madnesse ; and of no effect. While she doth live with such allurements deckt : But when she's dead, no doubt. Sir Leonard, She shall in hell receive her just reward. I know her birth from naughty people came, When term'd a maid it's sure she lost her fame ; And while your wife, allace ! there I did tak As mine, what others did behind your back. The traitor Cromwell, Ross, and Broadalbine, Can tell as well as Atholl and Strathalline, DIALOGUE BETWEEN LAUDERDALE AND TALMASH. 245 "VVTiat life was led by that curst hated tiling, Before and since God did restore our Kiuir. Sir Lionel Talmash. You name Strathallane, — it is said below Tliat they are married, and they further show That she hath liyr'd some cu.sing famed* kind. To kill tlie heir, although the boy be blind.+ Duke of Lauderdale. It's very likely that Drummond now may dott, For so I did when age had turn'd me sott. First thou, then I, these feathers wore at large, \Miich, in their foreheads, bulls wear in this age ; Now Drummond shall— 0, rusty, musty tub, — At last in hell thou'll cuckold Belzebub. * Sic in MS. t Does this mean Strathallan's son and successor, William, who married a daughter of the Earl of Melford ; and whose only son predeceased his father. Upon the Litter's demise the title went to Lord Maderty, who was attainted for his acces- sion to the Eebellion 1715. The honours were restored, with those of Kenmure, Naini, and Mar, upon occasion of the -snsit of George IV. to Scotland ; his Majesty considering that these restorations would be regarded by the Scotish nation as indi- cative of the gratification he felt for the enthusiastic reception he met -with on occasion of his visit to the northern portion of Great Britain. 246 THE WHIGS' WELCOME FROM BOTHWELL BRIG. THE WHIGS' WELCOME FROM BOTHWELL BRIG. The MS. from wliich the following verses are printed is a cotemporary one, and the best version the Editor has met with. It has this title, " Your Welcome Whiggs From Bothwell Briggs." The popular song on the subject of this unlucky affair will be found in the second volume of Scotish Songs and Ballads, Edin. 1868, p. 293. Ye're welcome Whiggs from Bothwell Briggs, Your malice is but zeal, boys ; Your holy sprites, the' hyiiocrits. Its sack you drink, not ale, boys. I must aver, you cannot err In breaking God's commands, boys ; Iff ye infringe Bishops and Kings, You have heaven in your hands, boys. Suppose you cheat, disturb the state, And stain the land with blood, boys ; If secretlie your treacherie Be acted, it is good, T)oys. THE WIIIGS' WELCOME FROM BOTHWELL liiUO. 247 Tlic Devil himsell, in midst of hell, The Pope with his intrigues, boys; You'll equalize in forgeries ; Fair fa' you, pious \Miig boys, From murderers to souldiers, You have advanced weel, boys ; Ye fought like devils you're only rebels When ye were at Dunkell, boys. Your wondrous things good laughter brings, Ye kill'd more than ye saw, boys ; At Pentland Hills, ye tooke your heels, Tliough now you seem to craw, boys. On Christmas day you will not pray. But work as ye Avere mad, boys ; Your women spin sack-cloath for sin, Your men use pleugh and gad, boys. You lye in lust, you break your trust. Ye work all kind of evill. Your covenant makes you a sant. Although ye serve the Devil ; Ye will no more, give God the glore. Your groans ye will all mutter. And ye will goe, as homelie to Your God, as to your cottar. You'll him beseech, -with godly speech, From liis coat-tail you'll claime, boys, 248 THE WHIGS' \\^LCOME FROM BOTHWELL BRIG. Lippies of grace, his gairsie face Ye'll kiss, and not blaspheme, boys. If one should drink, or shrewdly think A bishop e're was saved, Noe charitie from Presbyterie Needs more for him be craved. If one should pray, as Christ did say, To shun a Popish evill, Though he were Paul, ye'll give him soul And body to the Devil. Episcopie must quit the cause, And let old Jack* carrear, boys, With fire and sword, o'er land and lord, And keep the State in steer, boys. Let websters preach, and ladies teach The art of cuckoldrie, boys, Whose carnal zeal springs from the taill. Then welcome Presbyterie, boys. * John Cah^n. A LITANY. 219 A LITANY, 1G71. There is no date affixed to tliis Litany, which was found amongst the MSS. of Lord Fountainhall. As Lauderdale was Lord High Commissioner from 1GG9 to 1672, when he was superseded by James VII., then Duke of York and Albany, it must have been Avritten diu-ing the fonner's Vice-Koyalty. Sharp Ls referred to as then living. He was consecrated on the 15th December 1661 Archbishop of St Andrews, and he held the see until his murder on Magus or Magask Moor, on the ;5rd of May 1079, The period of its composition may be placed with safety about the year 1671. John Wliyte the hangman mentioned in the last Une was dead in 1681, as Fountainhall mentions that the fii-st act of his successor, Cockburu, on the 1st June 1681 was to bum some bales of goods imported from England, by one George Fullerton, contrary to the Act of Trade made in April 1680, at 12 o'clock at the Cross of Edinburgh, which was accord- ingly done. Fomitainhall slily noting that it was only the worst bales that were burnt, " but the fyne clath was privily preserved," doubtlessly for the benefit of the members of the Privy Council who ordered the incremation. Cockburn did not hold his office long, for upon the 16th January 1682 he was brought before the Provost and Baillics of Edinburgh, having Lord Fountainhall as their assessor, for murdering in his own house " one of the Mcensed Blew- gown beggars, called John Adanison, aVuts Mackenizie." The proof was " slender," being only by women, a species of evidence Fountainhall did not tolerate, and " was only presumptious." The ''assize" found liim guilty, and " re- ferred his wife, Bessie Gall, to the judges." Tlie Baillies caused him to be hung in chains between Leith and Edinburgh on the 20th of January, " for it seems they are not bound to execute, but only to [ironounce sentence, within three 250 A LITANY. suns after the delict." 'llie wife was banished, for what reason is not explained. Cockburn was succeeded by a man of the name of Monro, who had also a taste for thrashing beggars, for which he was, along vnih Mackenzie his " staffsman," deprived on the 15th August 1684, and " thrust in the theiffs' hole ; and one called Ormiston is created hangman." From an elegy on the death of Hary Ormiston, in the possession of the Editor, supposed to be unique, there seems to have been two Ormistons, George and Harry, brothers, both hangmen, for it commences thus : " An' has auld Death come in his rage Cut Hary's breath, and aff the stage Has pull'd him now ? I dare engage Few can fulfil His j)lace, I'm sure in this age. For art and skill. " He serv'd his time to George his brother, Who was more careful than another, In every point for to discover Folk for to kill. And make them die without a fever Against their will." Sutherland was the successor of Hary Ormiston, for another elegy says, — " He's doubtless dead, and D — 1 me care, For Sutherland's become his air, Who thieves and robbers winna spair, I'U pand a plack, Nor of their spulzie taen a share. To spair their back. A LITANY. 251 a iLitang. From a King without money, and a court full of w s, From an injur'd Parliament tuni'J out of doors, From the Highlands set lowse on our countrie boors, Libera nos, Domine, From this huffing Hector^ and his Queen of Love, From all his blank letters sent from above, From a Parliamentarie Councill that doth rage and rove. Libera, &c. From old Noll's whore' to govern our land, From her bastards innumerable as the sea-sand, From her pyking our pockets by way of a band, Libera, &c. From ane Archbishop* graft on ane Puritan stock, From the Declaration built on ane Covenant dock, From opposite oaths* that would cause a man choak. Libera, &c. From crook-legged la\vyer3 and wry-necked judges,* From all your two-faced subterfuges. From soldiers who serve without set wages. Libera, &c. ' Duke of Lauderdale. « Duchess of Lauderdale. ' Sharp. ' The Test. - .Stair. 252 A LITANY. From the BlanketjTs with their boots of straw, From the Highlaud-Gospel and the Cannon-Law, From a west-couutrie Committee to preach it with a', Libera, &c. From the Archbishop's Hector, readie at a call, From his carabine, charged with a double ball. From John Whyte the hangman, who is last of all. Libera nos, Domine. THE Presbyterian's .iDDRESs. 253 THE prp:.sbyterian's address. These verses are described in Mylne's MS., as " The Presbyterian's address to liis grace the Duke of Hamilton, upon his friendship with Secretary Johnston." The Duke of Hamilton was President of the Convention when James VII. vacated the throne. Upon the assembling of the Parliament, he became Lord High Commissioner. He was by birth a Douglas, and Earl of Selkirk. Having be- come the husband of Anne Duchess of Hamilton in her own right, he was created Duke of Hamilton for life. This was one of the few instances of liferent peerage in Scotland, upon which so much was said in the unconstitutional attempt to seat the late Lord Wensleydale in the British House of Lords as a liferent peer. Defective in English precedents, reference was made to Scotish cases, but they had little appUcatiou. Prior to the Restoration of the Stuarts in 1(J6(), wlienever a com- moner married a peeress he by courtesy acquired her title during the period of his natural hfe, and after her demise he still continued to enjoy the dignity, although the issue of the marriage were of age to take tlie honour. The peer by courtesy could not, if he married again, transmit the title to the cliildren of his second marriage ; the honour was extinguished quoad him, and on his death his first wife's lawful heir took it as a matter of right. It thus happened by the intenentiou of the Law of Courtesy, that the claims of the heii- were suspended during the survivance of the husband. To remedy this, without attempting to legislate on the subject, the device was resorted to of creating a liferent peerage, which en- abled the Lord by courtesy to be a peer irr&spective of his lady. Thus the hu-sband of Lady Semple was made Lord Glasfoord for life; and in like manner the husband of the 254 THE Presbyterian's address. Countess of Wemyss got tlie title of Lord Burntisland. A curious instance occurred in the instance of the Countess of Buccleugh ; she was contracted to marry Scott of High- chester, and on this footing he was made Earl of Tarras, but the Lady died before the marriage, and her title and estates past to her sister, who married the Duke of Mon- mouth, who Avas created Duke and his wife Duchess of Buccleugh ; a fortunate circumstance for the family, as the creation in favour of tlie Lady preserved, notwithstandijig the forfeiture of the Duke, the title to her and her issue. The Duke of Hamilton died at Holyrood House on the 14th of Api-il 1694; he was a proud and overbearing man, and inclined to get unreasonably angry with those who differed from him. Through him the Dukes of Hamilton inherit the MarquLsate of Douglas, as heirs-male of that family ; whereas the Duke of Abercorn is heir-male and chief of the Hamiltons; whilst the Earl of Derby is heir of line. James Johnstoune or Johnston was a son of Warriston, and a kinsman of Bishop Bin-net, who in his Memoirs of His Own Time mentions that he had "formed" him, and had recommended him to the brother of Algernon Sidney, as he "knew him to be both faithful and diligent." This praise was thus qualified in the original ^IS., " He was indeed hot and eager, too soon possessed with jealousy, and too vehement in aU he proposed, but he proved very fit." In the Oxford edition of the Memoirs this and the other suppressed passages have been restored.* Swift describes Johnston " as an aiTant Scotch rogue." Carstairs observes, " he is honest, but something too credulous and suspicious."t The object in view was to influence the Prince of Orange to save the liberties of Great Britain and Ireland, and to induce him to come over. The enterprise was somewhat * Oxford Edition, 1833, 8vo., vol. vii., p. 278. t State Papers, i>. 93. THE Presbyterian's address. 255 dangerous, and no wonder that it wa.s not ontcit'd upon witliout due consideration. It never could liave succeeded had James shown anything like common sense ; but when he gave himself up to priestcraft of a kind so hateful to English- men, in whose minds the remembrance of the burnings and oppressions of Mary Tudor were not as yet effaced, his doom was scaled. Johnstone's fortunes prospered after the Revolution ; King ^\'illiam sent him as his envoy to the Elector of Bran- denburgh, afterwards the first King of Prussia. On his return, he was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland in 1690. Queen Anne conferred upon him the office of Lord Clerk Register in 1704. He died at Bath in May 1737, at the advanced age of ninety-five. Johnston's sister, Elizabeth, Avas the wife of Viscount Strathallan, and mother of AVilliam the second Viscount, the heir to whom the satire on the Duchess of Lauderdale refers; whatever may have been the vnsh of her Grace to put him out of the way, it was extinguished by the death of his father in 16«8, the Lady's attempt to cure him of a fever by her sti-ange method of ti-eatmg it proving un- successful. Welcome, great Duke, with all the joy that's due To the blest union of our friends and you ; The Lord has don't, is all that we can say, But first to reverence, and next to pray; Not free of fears, we beg in the first place For grace of perseverance to your Grace ; For when with holy zeal we think upon The old malignant house of Ilaniilton, 256 THE PRESBYTERIAN'S .VDDRESS. Who our reforming course at first witlistood, At Langside batlied themselves and us in blood, Whilst the next lieir the nation made consent To the five articles in Parliament. And his two sonnes that quarrel scorn'd to yeeld To any but to fate in open field ; For a just axe and a keen bullet sent Them both to their deserved punishment. But what almost would move us to despair If these unhappy men should have an heir, Wlio with bold thoughts their fatall steps pursues Their blood, their principals, and our fears renewes. These are the godles fears, but quickly gone AVlien the great son of martyr'd Warriston Does fill the cup of blessings to the brim, And you're content to truckle under him. I The righteous seed, who else should enterpose With you, who for your patron Bradshaw shows And in a strain of glory him outdone. He judged the father, you forfault the son.^ Not only soe, but in your justice sign The act that did exterminate the line, And those that nicely parallel the cause, Sayes your Sir William was your Dorislaus.'' 1 D. Hamilton, when President of the Convention of Estates in 1689, forfeit K. James the VII.— R. M. 2 Sir William Hamilton. R. M. THE Presbyterian's address. 257 Go on, great Duke, your liaixl is at tlie plougli, For looking back's both sin and folly now; Let Cra^vford,* Cardross,t Melvin you advise, Let Polwart^ flourish out the enterprise ; Here and hereafter both malignantts damn, DowTi o'er their throats the new alledgence cramm ; First fill the prisons till they'll hold no more, Then let the scaff"olds, reeking with their gore, Be the fam'd theatres that shall express Your pious princely zeall to be no less Than old Argyle, when he the maxim prov'd That it was safer to be fear'd than lov'd. Thus we take leave, and all with one accord Does rest your Grace's servants in the Lord. * William, Earl of Crawford. The Lord Whigridden of Pitcaim's Comedy of the Assembly. + Henrj' second Lord Cardross, a zealous supporter of the Covenant. His Lordship sustained great losses for his own and his Lady's attachment to Presbytery — so much so that lie was compelled to leave Scotland and Hy to Carolina. His wife, 19th July 1687, applied to the Privy Council agaiust her stepmother Elizabeth Dickson, the relict of her father. Sir James Stewart of Kirkhill, for aliment. The jointure out of Kirkliill was only 1200 merks, but lady Cardross insisted this was too much, as she was "of a mean quality," and this was sustained as an excellent reason for dividing it between them ! ! An account of the losses of Lord Cardross, founil amongst the Wodrow ilSS., has been privately printed, and forms No. 7 of the Nugae Scoticje, Edin., 1829, Svo. * Sir Patrick Home, afterwards Earl of Marchmont. K 258 CORONATION SONG. CORONATION SONG, 1689. From Mylne's MS. It is there entitled ''The Coronatioa Song, 1689 ; or a dainty fyne King indeed. To the tune of the Gaberhiny Man." The music to which " The Gaberlunzie Man " is now sung would not suit the versification of this abusive production, a few words from which have been omitted in the second part. The caricature desci'iption of William III. shows to what extent political feelings will caiTy partizans. The attack on Queen Mary is unjust. She was a de- voted wife, and her phlegmatic spouse loved her as much as his cold nature would permit. She was bound by her duty to adhere to the fortmies of her husband, and would have been guilty of a grave crime if she had deserted him to follow the fortunes of her infatuated parent. Had William not arrived opportunely in England, there can be very little doubt that a new civil war would have followed, in wliich oceans of blood would have flowed. Even at the present date any attempt to restore the power of the pope would be followed by similar results. There can be no doubt that William saved the monarchy. The reference to the queen's descent from Hyde would tell more in 1689 than at present, as it was then well known that her Majesty's grandmother was of very humble origin. Wi)e ©orotiation Song^ 1689. The eleventh of April has come about, To Westminster went the rabble rout, In order to crown a bundle of clouts ; A dainty fine king indeed. CORONATION SON(J. 259 Descciuled lie is from the oranfre-tree ; But if I can read his destiny, He'll once more descend from another tree ; A dainty, &c. He's half a knave and half a fool, The Protestant joyner's crooked tool, Oh ! its splutters, and nails shall such an one rule ; A dainty, &c. He has gotten jxart of the shape of a man, But more of a monkey, deny it who can ; He has the head of a goose, but the legs of a cran ; A dainty, &c. In Hide Park he rides like a hog in armour, In Whitehall he creeps like a country farmer. Old England may boast of a goodly reformer ; A dainty, &c. Have you not seen upon the stage, come tell ! A strutting thing call'd Punchinello, Of all things it's the likest this fellow ; A dainty, Sec. A carcass supported by a rotten stump, Plaistered about the back and tlie rump ; But altogether it's ane hopefuU lump ; A dainty, &c. And now, brave mobile, shout aloud. You've gotten a king of whom ye may be proud ; There's not such another in all the crowd. A dainty, &c. 20)0 CORONATION SONG. You've viewed enough of his ugly shape, I'll tell you the qualities of the ape — There's none of his rogueries shall escape. A dainty, &c. He is not qualified for his wife, Because of the midwife's cruell knife, But does please to the life. A dainty, &c. He twice to the states did solemnly swear That he would not be statholder there ; Tho' they tied him with oaths they were never the near. A dainty, &c. Some people were glad of the monster's invasion. Had he but stood to his declaration ; But now it's plain he hath cheated the nation. A dainty, &c. Cromwell did but smell at the crown through the rump ; But though three were before Orange, he with a jump, Did venture his neck to saddle his bump. A dainty, &c. The Habeas Corpus Act was quickly suspended, That instead of his body his nose might be mended, And leading by the nose might for wit be intended. A dainty, &c. CORONATION SONG. 201 To his father and uncle, ane unnatural beast, A churle to his wife, which she makes but a jest, For she in requittal will add to his crest, A dainty, &c. One lucky presage on's coronation day Fell out in the midst of anointing, they say ; The heroic Mogen himself did bewray A dainty, &c. Queen Moll and her sister Nanny so bright, As soon as they found his laxative plight, Tho' he nodded and frown'd they giggled outright At a sad s — n king indeed. Lo ! this is the darling of the town, The nation's Jack pudding that wears the crown ; Come, rabble, stand off and make room for the clown ; A dainty, &c. ^i)c CfitrD Part Huzza to King William and his delicate mate. She was a most lovely princess of late. But now a contemptible object of hate ; A dainty fine queen indeed. 0' the father's side she had honour I grant, But duty to parents she barely does want — \Miicli makes her a fiend instead of a saint ; A dainty, &c. 262 CORONATION SONG. Her virtues all cited by the convention, Are too invisible to find any mention ; The hinting thereof was but ane invention ; A dainty, &c. If fraud and ambition, curst falsehood and pride, And a swarm of unnatural vices beside. Be sanctified virtues in the offspring of Hyde, She's a dainty, &c. Then may the confusion that hither hath brought us, Alway attend them, until it has wrought us To bring back King James, as loyalty taught us. Our gracious king again. Our gracious king again.* * The following ' ' Epitaph on William of Orange, usurper, who died 8th March 1702," is from Mylne's MS. Howl, howl ye fiends, your sables deeper die. For here interr'd your greatest friend doth lye ; Your William dead, hurl'd by Jehovah's hand, Flies headlong down, your legions to command. Yet much I doubt the potentate of hell Dare trust his legions to a fiend so fell, But rather use him as ane useless thing, Who, now he's dead, can no more serve your king. I A SHORT SCOTISII LITTANY. 2G3 A SHORT SCOTISH LITTANY. This attack upon the Duke of Hamilton has been pre- served by Wodrow. As his Grace was Lord High Cornuiis- sioner immediately after the revolution, the date may be fixed in 1G«8 or 1689. The Duke did not retain his oflice for any length of time, as he was superseded in 1690 by George, Earl of Melville, a title now merged in that of Leven. His lordsliip, who had previously the Barony of MelviUe, was forfeited in 1683 — but was restored in 1689, and created an Eai-1 the next year. at Sbf^ott BcotiQf^ SLittang. From our new kings' vicegerent that blustering Hector, More fitt to be a factor or custome collector, Who huffs and adjourns us like Noll the protector, Libera nos Domine. From our late king adjureing, sole knight of the garter. Who loyalty and honor for proffit doth barter, AVho for his religione will scarce die a martyr, Libera, &c. . From him whose achievements were ne're worth a louse. Who furiously cross'd the designs of the house, Wlio made our big mountain bring forth but a mouse, Libera, &c. From a Laodicean's hodge-podge reformation, Wlio banish'd dear prelacy out of the nation. Then left our cliureh sitting without a foundation. Libera, c^c. ' Duke of Hamilton. 264 A SHORT SCOTISH LITTANY. From him whose ambition would rule all alone, \Mio turns with all parties, yet is trusted by none, Whose fall few -wise men will be found to bemoan, Libera, &c. That it may please thee to restore Our wonted courage yet once more, That we may tame this foaming boare, Qusesumus. Tliat for religion we may stand, And freedom of our native land. And all may fall who these withstand, Qusesumus. That Satan's agents these years past, Who Israel held in bondage fast, Haman's reward may find at last, Qusesumus. That peace and truth may meet again. Among us ever to remain. Let those desires never prove vain, Qusesumus. #i!l'% AN ADDRESS FltOM TlIK GEESE. '2Q^) AN ADDRESS FROM THE GEESE TO THE PRESBYTERIAN PREACHERS. This and the pasqiiil that follows are from Mylne's MS. — The minister whose extraordinary comparison of the Deity to a " dreeping goose" is mentioned, was the Rev. Robert Blair, minister at St. Andrews. The anecdote is thus told in "Scotish Presbyterian Eloquence Displayed:" — It is given merely, be it observed, as an un dit. " It is reported of Mr Robert Blair at St Andrews that he had this expression in his prayers, " Lord, Thou art a good goose, for thou art stUl dreeping," and several in the meeting- houses of late have made use of it. To wliich they add — Lord thou rains down "middingsof blessings upon us."' This familiar manner of treating the Deity is hardly credible ; yet it has occurred even in the present century. Some forty-five years since, a popular itinerating performer, who preached in St. Cecilia's Hall, was in the habit of saying very odd things. On one occasion, in liis prayer, he said, — " Oh Lord, I have been pestered with anonymous letters — put it in the hearts of those that send them to pay the postage." On another, after giving out a text from one of St. Paul's Epistles, he paused, as if he was con- sidering the meaning of the passage he had read. He then exclaimed in a loud voice, "you're wrong, Paul, you're wrong, I'll bet you half-a-crown, you're wrong," '"Done," quoth St. Paid in a lower voice, '' Done," quoth tlie preacher. After placing half-a-crown on the pulpit, he proceeded with a clever argument pro and co)i in which the Apostle came off Aictor — " you've conquered, Paul, your right — I'm wrong — there's your half-crown," which he re- moved from the place he had put it and returned to his pocket. These religious indecencies are usually confined to the 266 AN ADDRESS FROM THE GEESE popular orators who have no connection with the educated and respected members of the Established Chiu"ch of Scotland, Kennedy was the brother of Hugh Kennedy, the ]\Ioderator of the General Assembly, who has been accused of receiving one hundred pounds as his share of the money paid for the sale by the Covenanters of Charles I. The former once, praying in Clydesdale, said, " Lord grant that all the kings of the world may fall down before Thy Son, and kiss his soals, not the Pope's soals, &c., no, nor his stinking pantons* neither." an atrtrrfBS 6Pttt from tf^e 0eeQe to t\)eix Dear dwining brethren, we the keckling crew With hopes puff'd up address ourselves to you, That pray you faill not in benevolence, To us that put in you such confidence. Ye have the rulmg power in hand, tho' we Did suffer more in tyme of prelacie, For by their coalls, their teeth, their knives, their wives, We were deprived of our poor harmless lives — Though we were ne'er in armes against the king, This did not shelter us from suffering, We suffered in our names, for every sot Was call'd a silly goose or idiot ; But ye dear brethren honour'd us so farr That God himself to us ye did compare. Thus did a brother in a meeting-house, Boldlie declare that God's a goodlie goose, * Slippers. •|'() THE PRESBYTERIAN PREACHERS. 2G7 For " still he's dreciping," said tin; Icarn'd divine ; This daintie figure made his preaching fyne. Noe mortall man amongst you payed soe dear, As we in scorching flames, save Major Weir. A man had hated the Doxologie, The Creed, Lord's Prayer, as weel as ye or we, Dear fellow-sufferers pray you plead our cause. And doe prevent the sanguinarie laws. On Yule that fatal superstitious day. On which the brethren ^viseHe fast and pray. In end think this, Ave seek not all our due, Tho' we be elder brethren than you, For, our fraternity we reckon thus, Ye'r .come of Calvin, we are come of Huss, But yet the older shall the younger serve, Which like yourselves we wittilie observe, This is the way that ye did guide a text, And Ave goe on in our relation next. In our assemblies Ave resemble you. Where twenty speak at once, e'en as we doe. We both indeed make such a gibble-gabble. And such confusion as was heard at Babell ; Think us no Papists, in earnest, or in droll, Tho' our ancestors sav'd the Capitoll. Keep in their homes all of these Christmas ranters. And act like rare and Avorthie Covenanters, Search murdering roumes where your dear brethren are, Let no malignant hands your interest mar ; We'er hussars both, ye know, see then that ye FolloAv your grandsir, Mr Kennedie : Fight for your brethren, ere they be de\oured, And call such fights the battles of the Lord. 268 ADDRESS FOR THE CAMERONIAN GEESE. ADDRESS FOR THE CAMERONIAN GEESE. The following is in the title prefixed by !Mylne to this satire : " The address of the true and sober geese of the Kirk of Scotland for themselves, and in name and behalf of the wild Camerouian geese, to the brethren of the General Assembly." This witty satire, and the preceding one — are very much in the style of Dr Archibald Pitcaim, and from their nature and the vein of humour runnuig through them, are just such compositions as may be conjectured to have proceeded from his pen. We fellow-sufferers for the good old cause, Beg your protections of the present lawes ; All we demand, as ye will find on sight, Is in your grievances and claime of right ; To you we think we need not rejjresent The treatment of the former government. How many were in pyes incarcerat, And for no cryme but that of being fatt ; Wliich, if it were sustain'd as relevant, It would goe hard with many a modern saint. Some were, in contradiction to the lawes. Hung by the heels, and tortured without cause ; Others, against their conscience, which was worse, Were brought to feast at Christmas by (main) force ; While they bedrencht us with malignant wyne. And never a drop of honest forty-nyne. Base popish angells, which first keept that day I ADDRESS FOR THE CAMERONIAN GEESE. 2G9 And ^vith the herds sung the first Hogiiemennay. Our livings taken from us, -svere bestowed On pamper'd pullets, that prelatick brood ; Thus we were Ixitcher'd, persecut, opprest. And all because we could not take the test. 'Twere criminal to doubt of your assistance, Who 'gainst despotick power make such resistance ; Who've rais'd ane army, and depos'd a king, Upon this pious, important designe ; That men on Yule -without a goose might dyne, And much of generous Christian blood have spent, To hinder feasts on Yule, and fasts in Lent, This for ourselves, now one word if you please For our dear brethren, Cameronian geese. We act not by wild principles like them, Nor shun all converse with malignant men ; For, rather than our benefices loose, A kind indulgence we could ne'er refuse. Yet these our brethren cannot be forgot, W\\o Ij^e exposed to malignant shot ; And to the violence of wind and weather, ^^^len persecute in one place seek another. They are by Gilliecrankies much persu'd, "Who do without relenting shed their blood ; Kelieve them, then, according to your powers, Their case is just the very same with ours. 270 THE trouper's prophesie. THE TROUPEE'S PROPHESIE. Tins is entitled iu Mylne's MS. " The Trouper's Prophesie of the Presbyterian Downfall." To the tune of " Hold fast thy Crown." Mylne has in one of his MS. collections the following " Coat of Arms " of Sir John Presbyter : — " He beareth parti per pale indented, God's Glory and his own interest, over all honour, profite, and pleasure, counter-charged ; enseigned with a helmet of Ignorance, opened with Impudence befitting his degree, mantled with Gules and Tyrannic ; doubled with Hypocrisy, over a ^\Teath of Pryde and Covetousness ; for his crest, a smister hand holding up a solemn League and Covenant reversed and torn ; in a scroU imderneath the shield, these words for his motto, xiut hoc, aid nihil. " The Coat of Anns is du-paled with another of four pieces, signifying thereby his four matches. " The first the family of Amsterdame : She bears for her arms on a field, ToUeratione, three Jewes head jjroper, with as many blew caps on them. " The second is the House of Geneva : She bears for her armes, in a field of Separatione, marginal! notes of the Bible falsely quoted. " The third is the country of New England : She bears for her arms in a field of Sedition, a prick't-eared preacher preaching upon a jDulpit, proper, holding forth to the People a schismatical doctrine. " Tlie fourth and last is of Scotland : She bears in her escutcheon the field of Rebellion, charged with a Stoole of Repentance. THE trouper's PROPIIESIE. 271 " To make him chicff of kinn, he ouj^ht to have sup- porters : which may be a schoolboy or a meclianick, armed proper for the rable ; and for a motto under all these — Per fas aid nefas. Soft, soft Sir Prcsb}i;er, ye spur Your speavie mear too fast, As formerly, so it will be. Your Covenant she'll cast; The burden of that bloody bond . It clog'd that beast before ; She stagger'd long, tlio' she was strong, Tlien choak'd ■with blood, gave o'er. Build now your meeting-houses large. But let them be of timber ; Believe this rhpne, they'll last your time, Altho' they be but limber. Preach down the prelates, meek Mass John, Ye'll Avith my lady dine ; Yet here the grace hath little place. Where no man saith. Amen. Pray for our gracious King, pray on. Yet villany still foster, Wliile ye neglect all due respect. Unto the Paternoster. 272 , THE trouper's prophesie. Sing psalms, sing praises, sing aloud, Yea, hallelujahs hie. Your Avhining tone, will ne'er expone, Without Doxologie. Dear Presbyter, that mysterie — Declare, upon what score You pray for king, and yet did hing, Rather than pray before 1 Vivat, Vivat, now is your song, To morrow you'll cry, die. And down with Kings, those heavenly things. Most irreligiouslie. Your great confusions never will Agree with Monarchy, That heavenly way, abhorr'd you ay, And therefore down go ye. Now when in falling you do groan, Then hanging by the crupper, You'll sigh and say, this dismal day Foretold was by a trouper. SATYRE UPON THE DUKE OF HAMILTON, ETC. 273 8ATYKE UPON THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND EARL OF BREAD ALBANE. The first Earl of Breadalbane exercised almost a kingly- power over a great part of the Northern Higlilaiiils of Scotlaud. Free from all scruijles of couscience, he with- out hesitation appropriated to hiuiself whatever he thought it worth his while to take. Whildtonly Laird of Glenurquhay, he had resolved to possess himself of the Earldom of Caithness, and with this intent circumvented the degenerate Sinclair in possession at the time, and got from hiin a right of succession, to the prejudice of the male heir. According to Fomitainhall, the matter stood thus: — "The last Earls right by which he bruiked the title, was not as air served and retoured, but as a singular successor who had bought in a comprising." In other words, the Eai'l of Caithness, who intended to make Glenurquhay his successor, had not taken the Earldom in the usual and proper form by being served heir to his predecessor, but had obtained a right to a comprysing or adjudication affecting it. Hence it was contended that no resignation in the hands of the Crown by a compriser could validly transfer the title to any one. Upon the demise of this compriser, Sinclair of Keiss, the next heir made up his title by a regular service to the Earl last feudally vested in the Earldom. Glenurquhay got himself created Earl of Caithness in September 1677, by charter or patent from the Crown. His opponent in virtue of the recognised rule, that atitle of honour in Scotlaud vests in tiie next heir jure smujuinis, assumed the title, and brought a reduction of Glcnurquhay's cliarter or patent before the Court of Session. Scotish Parliaments had no original jurisdiction to f^djudicate in c 274 SATYRE UPON THE DUKE OF HAlillLTON such competitions : and committees of privileges were under that name unknown in the North. The Privy Council interfered, and in March 1680 Glenurquhay was recognised as Earl of Caithness, and an order was made that in his travels to repossess himself of the lands of which he had been dispossessed by the other Earl, he was to be furnished with "meat and drink." On the 11th November of the same year, the Privy Council had the pleasure of considering a precognition, that is, to an investigatien " of the affair of the two Earles of Caithness." The two peers, unUke the two monarchs of Brentford, did not smell at the same nosegay ; so far from tliis, Earl John, alias Glenurquhay, on the one hand, was abusing the power, by " fire and sword," given him by the Privy Council ; whilst on the other, Earl George, alias Sinclair of Keiss, amused himself by fire-raising, and " wilfuUy burnt doune " his opponent's "principal mansion house." The Privy Council, no doubt heartily tired of these mutual complaints, wisely, upon the 9th of December following, remitted "the two Earls of Caithness" to the Court of Justiciary. — a proceeding wliich apparently brought the rivals to their senses. Glenurquhay was ultimately defeated in his attempt upon the Caithness dignity, and he was compelled, no doubt with many hearty curses, for he was not very particular in this respect, to accept a modem Earldom, with precedence only from the date of the Creation. Accordingly, 13th July 1681, the Privy Council decided " betuixt George Sinclair Earl of Caithness, and Jolin Campbell, likewise Earl of Caithness," "that George should take the place due to that Earl, and Glenurquhy should be created Earl of Braydalban, Lord Pentland, Holland, and Glenurquhy, and of a new date only." It is understood that this decisioniwas brought about by the instrumentality of the Duke of York, who then controlled the kingdom of Scotland. AND EARI, OF BHEADALRAXK. 2/0 The original Caitluioss cliartt r, of 1 10><, \v;is a territorial one, without any special creation of a Peerage, conferring only the Comitatus, nothing more. Under it the Sinclairs, originally Earls of Orkney, sat in the Scotish Parliament as Earls of Caithness until the tleath of the assignee to the comprising. AVhereas the Glenurquhay charter of a modern date, with special creation of the Earldom, was held to be inoperative in competition with the older deed, which merely granted the Comitatus. Glenm-quliay thus beciuue Earl of Breadalbane, and from the extensive remainders in the patent it is not likely that the title will ever be extinct. He obtaiiiefl a pri\nlege to select which of his sons was to be liis successor. This he exercised, and for reasons which have never transpired, nominated his second son, who became in due time the second Earl of Breadalbane, oJthough his elder brother was then alive, and Uved many years afterwards. An alleged descendant of the disinherited heir is at present claiming the title and estates. His claim to the honours is presently before the House of Lords. Lord Breadalbane is, it is almost unnecessary to mention, associated with the massacre of Glencoe, and the curse upon his descendants for his participation in that lamentable business is still remembered in the north. It can hardly be denied that the character of his Lordship given in tliis satire, is tolerably correct. He died in March 1716, in the eighty-tii-st year of his age. His male issue faded upon the death of John, the third earl, upon 26th Januaiy 1782, at the age of eighty-six. Under tiie patent the earldom passed to Campbell of Carwhin, who became fourth earl, and was created a marquis in the peerage of Great Britain. AVith his son the marquisate failed, and the extinction of the Carwhin branch in the male line let in tiie male heii- of Campbell of Glenfalloch. The following motto is prefixed to the satire by Mylne: — •• I>jtiicile est Satyrain non scribcrc." 276 SATYRE UPON THE DUKE OF HAMILTON Mt'sve upon if)e Quite of Hamilton antt eavX of Broatralbtotu Fie for a heraulcl to proclaim a warr Betwixt a Highland and a Lowland Czarr. Th' one vaccats thrones, despiseth higher powers, Without reserve proves absolute by tours. This, hero like, disdains all sacred things, Ungrate to all, he boldly forfeits Bangs. Money's the only Ood he does adore, For which he grinds the faces of the poor, And changeth every shape to hoard up more. He's biggest now, because they^ bear the sway, And they have promis'd fifty pound a day ; For which he'll serve the deill, and God betray. And that he may neglect no mean to thrive,' All his unjust appeals he must revive; But if he miss of what his avarice claims. Then he'll again take pardon of King James ; And in a pett even from the councell run. And baull, and make a noise of all that's done. This is the very game he lately play'd. And so by turns he hath both Kings betray'd. The other hero, cloath'd in a sheep's skin. Gives smoother words, but's as much wolf within ; ' Sic in MS. AND EARL OF BUEADALBAXE. 277 As prone to cast about to th' other sliore, AVlieu once he's sure the stormy blast is o'er. He knows the time, and bargaine when to make, Of each conjunction doth advantage take. At a good rate he sokl a Highhmd peace,* AMiich of its self would serve but a short space, And to the bargaine got himself a place. Of old these champions for their first essay. In martial feats did run a contrair way ; The one whose courage never yet was sunk, When upmost, prov'd a Highland star to Monk ; The other briskly followed Monroe, When forced to tiee from a prevailing foe, But to a charge he scorned e'er to goe. For tho' he baulls and hectors all by's word, Yet he grows pale, and trembles at a sword. The Hattoun Crow,- cliaced from her native seat By her own brood, creats this great debate ; Spcrmaticks sink, true mother of discord, Inflam'd these Hectors at the councell board. * This refers to the general belief that Breadalbine had pocketed a great part of the money remitted from London to pacify the Highland chieftains. ^ Lord Hatton, after Earl of Lauderdale, was said to be cuckolded by ane Crow, and 1)y many more. R. M. •27 S " JACK BOWLES' RANT. •JACK BOWLES' EANT. Redpath bas the following anecdote in his veracious clu'onicle of the actings and doings of the curates during the ascendancy of Episcopacy. "The second curate of Stirling, being accused by his elders of being di'unk when administering the sacrament, was, notwithstanding, con- tinued in his charge by the bishop." Not a very likely story assTiredly. "Nay," continues the writer, " drunken- ness was so ordinary amongst them, that a drunken fellow of Edinburgh, called Jack Bowles, when reproved for being drunk in the morning, answered, that he would not get room to drink in the afternoon, for then the best ale- houses in the town were filled with curates." This charge, asserted to have been made by a drunken blackguard, is too absurd to be beUeved. Mylne's Key renders only a few additional explanations requisite. Forester is meant for James, Lord Forester, who was, upon the 26th of August 1679, stabbed with his own sword in his garden at Corstorphine, by Christian Hamilton, wife of Andrew Munro, merchant in , Edinburgh, and daughter of Hamilton, the Laird of Grange. She was the neice of the first Lady Forrester, and pleaded provocation, the noble Lord having, while in a state of intoxication, used very improper language towards her. There seems little doubt that an improper intimacy subsisted be- tween them. She pleaded pregnancy, but the medical men negatived her assertion. Her cousin, another of the Grange family, had previously murdered her husband, and it was also asserted that the Lady of Warriston, who nearly a hundred years before had strangled her husband, was of tlie same race. The murderess escaped from prison on the 29th of Sep JACK BOWLES' RANT. 'J 70 teiiiber, in male attire, but next day was captured, and on the 1st of October executed. Gilbert Rule was nicknamed Doctor Guiltus, from an exliibition he made of himself in a public lecture, where he remarked, "Si aliquis Virus colebit falsura Deum, seu verum Ueum, ut non prjescriptum est, iste virius est guiltus Tdolatria)." This ignorant and presumptuous man was actually placed in the University of Edinburgh, upon the removal of Dr Monro, a gentleman by birth, a thorough scholar, and an able head of the institution from which he had been extruded by religious fanaticism. Kule Ls drawn with much cleverness by Pitcairn under the name of Mr Salathiel littleseme, in his comedy of the Assembly. Argyle was at a later period created a Duke. His morals were none of the best, and his Lady, the daughter of the Duchess of Lauderdale, was not the person calculated to improve them. The Marquis of Douglas was the hiisband of Lady Barbara Erskine, from whom he was separated by means of scan- dalous insinuations conveyed to him by his chamberlain, Weir of Blackwood. See the Ballad on the subject, Scotish Ballads and Songs, Edin., 1868, vol. ii., p. 362. Take Melville's chin, and Lothian's eye. Join '(I to Squire Weddell's ^ nose and ears> Which head on Raithie's ^ shouklei-s tye, Held by the crooked neck of Stairs : ' This Wcddel was a WTjiier, ami had a verj' big reid nose ; he was pilloried for somt; forgerie. - Lord Kaith- 280 .TACK BOWLES' RANT. Let hiin, like Mortarpiece,^ have gutts, And Mr James Melville's * thighs and knees ; And let his genitals he such As are King William's privities. Let him be arsed like Sutherland, And have the legs of Tittle Tattle ; And let him gormandize like Anne, ^ And take, like George, ^ the other bottle. Let him have Cassill's feet and toes, On's bum put Mr Kirkton's'' breeches ; And on his legs great Monro's * hose, Useing the Marquis of Douglas' speeches. Let him have Forfar's livery coat. And like to Dr Eule be smart ; AVith a short Moderator's cloak. And liberall as a Councell Clerk. With Cardross' and Lord Crawford's sense, And Mr Kennedie's ® moderation — And if we may without oiFence, . We shall allow him Leven's discretion. ^ Monro of Fowlis. ■• A son of E. Mel\411e's. ^ After, Queen Anne. « Prince of Denmark. ' A Presbyterian JMinister. * Major General Monro wore large hose, for hiding bad legs. * This Kennedie was Moderator of the General Assembly ; his two sons were banisht for prophesying, and he fell do\^i in the street himself e dead. JACK BOWLKS' RANT. 281 And let him have M'Kay" his valour, And General Douglas' " gratitude, And hardiness of Cornet Lawder, Who at Kuuroric swam in blood. And let him have Argyle's religion, And the Lord Seaforth's faithfulness. And chaste like sweet Mass David \Yilliamson,'- With RoUo and Forrester's pleasures. Let him have Morton's devotion ; Wlien angrie, like the Duke to huff ;^^ And let him with Captain M'Kay his motion Artificially take a snuff. Let him have ^vit like Annandale, And be as politick as Ross ; First let him plott, and then reveal, Like children when they are cross. Let him be loyall like a Campbell, And trusty like Duke Hamilton ; And be as courteous as that female Who uses some besides her own. '" Tie fled away from Killiecranky. " This rogiie treacherouslie deserted King James 7th. '« A Presbjiierian Minister that had seven wives. '» Duke of Hamilton. Balcarres complains that the Jacobites were outvote^l in every thing, and were compelled to sit and hear the Duke "bawl and IJuster, his u.iiial cuskmi." Memoirs, 2d Edition, p. 99. 282 JACK BOWLES RANT. Let him, that he may be compleat, Be pious like Blackbarronie ;* Tliis done, let him but walk the street, And deill a boy shall follow me. Sic scritur. Jack Bowles. * Murray of Blackbarony. mac-queen's AI'OLOGETICAL LEITKR. 283 MAC-QUEEN'S APOLOGETICAL LETTER. Amongst the Scotish Prelates who were most disliked by the Presbyterians, there was no one more persistently abused than John Paterson, who was promoted to the See of Gallo- . way on the 23d of October 1674, and thereafter translated to the See of Edinburgh on the 29tli of March 1G79, which he held until the year 1687, when he was elevated to the Arch- bishojn-ick of Glasgow, of which he was deprived by the Revolution of 168S, and the abolition of Episcopacy in Scotland. He died at Edinburgh on Wednesday the 8th of December 1708, In the 76th year of his age. Amongst his detractors the principal was George Redpath, who, in his answer to Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, has ac- cused Paterson of the grossest immoralities ; and if crecht were to be attached to half of what he said about him, the prefer- ment of such a man to ecclesiastical places of the highest description was an insult to Scotland of the gravest nature. Judging from the virulence which seems invariably to attend reUgious as well as political controversialists in their disputes, we ventiu-e to place Uttle credit in these defamatory fabri- cations, in which there may occasionally be some few atoms of truth disguised and perverted by an infinity of falsehood. In 1822 Sir Walter Scott edited a work called " Chrono- logical Notes on Scottish Affairs from 1680 till 1701, chiefly taken from the Diary of Lord Fountamhall," Small 4to. This description was to a certain extent true, but in reality it was Fountainhall expurgated by Robert Mylne, — that is to say, the former, a Whig, is corrected and altere 1690. From underminers and cut throats, And those who use gun-pouder-plots ; From those who subtile counsel gives, All for to take their neighbours lives ; From those who are sworn to do evil, And have their reward from the Devil ; From those that swear for to be rich, Although they rob it off the church ; From those who by pretence of grace, Do cheat their neighbour of their place ; From those that mock at the good Cause, And laugh at all the Holy Laws ; From those that swear and think it not, And in their heart there is a plot ; ANOTHER LITANA', 1090. 293 From Gi-umbletonians who desire That Popery may rule this Empire, Good Lord deliver us. From those that counsel our King and Queen To slave their subjects, as they have been, Let their last end at Tyburn be seen. Amen. ^notfjrr llitang, leoo. From all these apparent Atheists, Call'd Protestants, defending Papists ; From oaths so made against the Pope, That brings true Protestants to rope ; From Friers, Priests, and Jesuits, And these new cut-throat proselytes ; From all those of a wavering mind. That change their judgment ^ like the vnnd ; From those who live by cheats and quirks, And those who organs bring to kirks ; From those that useth holy water, And secretly, their beads do patter. From cuckolds that wear gilded horns. And those who raise the price of corns ; And those their neighbours that backbite, And in the same do take delitrht ; From those that lie for scant of news. From those in Atholl that wear trews ; From those that hate our I^ng and Queen, Or any way molest their reign, Libera nos Domine. ' Religion. 29-t MOCK LINES ON MOCK LINES ON KING WILLIAM'S COWARDICE. Upon the 5tli of March 1696, King William embarked at Margate, and landed in Holland on the 7th of the same month. He returned to England on the 6th of October following, nothing decisive having been done on either side — tlie French not having attempted any siege, and not entering upon any considerable action during this inglorious campaign. The reason assigned for the inactivity of the English, was the scarcity of money in England from recoining the silver this year. Both the confederate and opposing armies chiefly subsisted on the plunder they got from the inhabitants of those countries which were the seat of war. The Jacobites, as might be expected, gladly availed them- selves of such an excellent excuse for turning the King into i-idicule, and he was accordingly unjustly accused of cowardice. Mybie was an ultra Jacobite, as has already been mentioned, and no doubt felt great pleasure in writing down the ensuing stanzas which he calls, " Mock Lines on King William. Three staves sung in the Parish Church of ^\"[estminster] last thanksgiving day (in imitation of Mister Hojikin's) composed by the Reverend Mr. Vicar." The idea in the last four lines of the second stanza is very like the .celebrated one attributed to Butlei" — " The man that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day ; But he that is in battle slain. Will never rise to fight again." KiNc William's cowaudice. 295 £Qock Utttfs on ^UxQ MilliamG ©ctoarirtcf, liejoyce ye peojile all, and some Throughout this happie nation Our King is woundless now come home, Save in his reputation. The merv^elous deeds that he hath done, AVould please you much to see 'em, And for the battles he has -svone, The French now sing Te Deum. The seas most rough, and foes most fell, The first -with ease he past, But when the foe he could not quell, He them outran at last. But when there is no remedie. That man doth honour get, Who uses heels most manfullie, And stayes not to be beat. Then let us all with mirth and glee. Sing and drink with merry hearts, For we have had such victory, As best suits our deserts. Now to conclude, let all that's here Join in this pious wish. That the success of this nixt year Mav be the same with this. 296 PROPHECIE CONCERNING THE PRAYER BOOK. PROPHECIE CONCERNING THE PRAYER BOOK. Mylne describes these lines " as ane prophecie concerning the prayer book against the Whiggs."* The ritual of the Church of England is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful compilations in existence, and has been thought so by many of the sincerest members, clerical and laick, of the Church of Scotland. With an anxious wish to detect error and to cavil at words, many captious followers of Calvin have endeavoured to impugn, but ineffectually, this ad- mirable companion of the Bible. Perhaps in these times, when change has such a charm for the public, one or perhaps two of the forms of worship for particular days might be omitted without material injury to the volume ; but the Editor cannot find any sufficient reason for this castration : if it be injudicious to return thanks to the Deity for the dis- covery of the Gimpowder Plot, or the restoration of the extruded family of the Stewarts, such services might be dispensed with, without touching the book itself. There is an old proverb, "let weU alone," which should be duly considered before amateur religionists are allowed to tamper with the prayer book. * Mylne has these lines also upon the Whigs — "Great Guttous, Stealls Muttons, Bellied Gluttons, Fudling Drinkers. " False Teachers, Whigg Preachers, Wealth Leachers, Wanton Jinkers." PROPHECIE CONCERNING THE PRAYER BOOK. 297 ^top^Hit cottcnnitiQ Vt)e Eraser Uooft* Filthie leachers, False teachers, Cursing preacliers, Never calme ; Be hook or crook Ye'll never brook The Sen-ice Book, In this reahne. Spyte of the "Whigs, Your cantings, jiggs, And Bothwell Briggs, And all your worth, The Common Prayer Shall mount up stair. Both here and there, In South and North. RaUeing Ranters, Covenanters, For all your banters This I fortell,— The book shall spread. And shall be read, Spjle of your ded The deUl of hell. 298 PASQUILS ON THE LORD ADVOCATE STEWART. PASQUILS ON THE LORD ADVOCATE STEWAET. Siu James Stewart has had the misfortune of incurring the displeasure of both Jacobites and of Revolutionists, — both parties considering him to be a trimmer, and both applying to him the significant sobriquet of " Jamie TVylie." There appears, so far as materials exist, no sufficient reason for branding him with a nickname indicating cunning and duplicity. James Stewart was the second son of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, whose controversy with Provost Tod forms the subject of a Pasquil which will be found in a previous part of this Collection, and where some account of the worthy magistrate, his admirable wife Anne Hope, and his family, is given. After the Restoration, the Provost was subjected to great hardship. He found the assistance and advice of the future Lord Advocate of infinite service, and it may be truly said that it was to the exertions of his anxious son that he ultimately was liberated from the unjust imprisonment to which he had been subjected by the tyramiy of those to whom the administration of public affairs in Scotland had been entrusted by Charles 11. The successful defence of the father by the son rendered the latter obnoxious to Lauderdale, and he thought it prudent to remove himself from Scotland and seek shelter elsewhere. He had been educated for the bar, and had every prospect of rising high in his profession, but in the existing state of tilings, it was in vain for him to meet with justice in a Court where the decision of a cause depended not on the law but on the venaUty and caprice of the judge. Show me the man and I will show you the law, was a maxim originating with Balmerino and recognized by the arbitrary PASQUILS ON THE LORD ADVOCATE STEWART. 299 Uuke, aud no person would h*' 328 IIANNOCKS OF BEAR-MEAL. BANNOCKS OF BEAR-MEAL. In the Jacobite Relics this satire on the Whigs is ascribed to Lord Newbottle, and in all probability correctly, for although Hogg does not say from what MS. he procured the copy printed, there is no doubt that it was from one of Robei-t Myhie's, whose notes are tolerably accurate, although not unfrequently tinged by a strong party feeling for the Stewarts. Robert, Earl of Lothian, Earl of Aucrum, and Lord Newbottle, was the eldest son and successor of William, the third earl. Notwithstanding this clever but violent attack on the Revolution party, his Lordship was open to con- viction, and, after due con.sideration, thought it better, both on his own account and that of his country, that he should obtain increase of dignity and comfortable places under the government of the king defacto^ than waste his talents in solitude and obscurity lamenting the exile of the king de jure. He accordingly gave his services to the public, as Lord Justice General and Lord High Commissioner to the Church of Scotland, and in 1701 was rewarded by AVilliam with the Marquisate of Lothian. He married a daughter of the Earl of Argyle, and by her, who died 31st July 1712, had his successor William, who, as the following extract from AVodrow's Analecta indicates, did not stand very high in the reverend gentlemans estimation: — "I am told," says Wodrow, in 1725, " the young Marquis of Lothian is one of the most promising of our young noblemen. He was still sober, but now is recoued religious. May it hold, as, alace ! his father's did not."* In the printed version, Chinnie is called Clunie, an error no doubt arising from Mylne's autograph, which occasionally is rather crabbe7TU I'SAI.M. 3»1 Many yeare have now passed away since William Hone was jirosecuted criminally for printing and circulating political religious parodies. Of the impolicy of such a measure, there can sin-oly be little difference of opinion. It was injurious to the Crown, as indicating a determination to put down a man whose opinions were offensive to those in power for doing tliiit which had been done without objection for more than a century previously. Lord Ellenborough, Avho tried the three separate indictments, never, it is said, recovered from the effects of the verdict of the Jury against his charge. At Athole's feet we sat and w ept When Bothwell Ave thouglit on, And Pentland Hills, where we were wont To randesvouze upon. II. When he required of us a sang, A song of our own nation, The de'el a sang had we to sing -But the Oath of Abjuration. III. Our gracious Queen, she is not lyke Our griefes for to turne over ; But we maun flee to our elect, The Emperour and Hanover. 352 pitcairn's .\ddress tu gkay. PITCAIRN'S ADDRESS TO GRAY, "VTIRSiriED. From Fountainhall's MSS. : — " The following poem is a burlesque upon Dr. Gregory's Elegy, writ by Dr. Archibald Pitcairn, and inscribed to Dr. Robert Gray. Dr. Brown of Dolphington (a man of a whimsical fancie) is author of the said merry poem." Brown was author of the " Character of the True Public Spirit," and a tract, in two parts, entitled " Essay on the Xew Process for a Land Mint," 8vo, Edin. 1705. ROBERTO GRAIO, Scoto, Loncliiii, Medicinam profitenti, ARCH. PITCARXIUS, ScotuS. S.* Die, qui terris latitat Britannis, Solus, aut nuUo sapiens amico, Ille quam debet miser inquefelix Vivere, Grai ? Audiit nunquam, meditante Stoto Carmina Eoas domitura tigres, Proximum aut Plioebo Priorum canentes Dulce Camoenas. Ille quid credat redeuntia astra Solus ac Lunse sibi dedicari, Se nisi ut solum miserumque possit Ssepe videre ? * Selecta Poemata Archibald! Pitcarnii et aliorum. Edin- burgi 1727. F. 46. I'lTC'AIRN's ADDRESS TO OKAV. 35.3 pttcatrn*0 SlUUrfBs to ©rag, brrsiflflr i)g Broun of Qolpfjtngton. Archy Pitcairn, the Scot's address, To Robie Gray, a Scot beguess, At Loudon pliysick does profess, Sends the great letter S, Quod est — healthiness. He who alone in Brittain's land darn'd lies. Or wants a friend with whom he may be wise, How mis'rable un and happy lives he, pray Tell me, Rob Gray ? For he ne'er heard the umqiihile sweet singing Stot, Who Eastern tygers could quail with his nott, Nor how wont to Apollo, prayers, praise. Sweet Muses raise. Why should he think the course of Sun and Moon, Are dedicat to him, but that he thereby soon Himself alone — and wretched too to be As often seen. How can it by my lonely mind be borne, From ])Oor wretched me so many comrades torn. That none almost is left but thee, my dea- rest Gray, but thee '? z 354 pitcairn's address to oray. Quid putes ml nunc auimi esse soli, Postque tot raptos inopi sodales, Te fer^ solo superante, te ca- rissime Grai ? Namque nos liquit decus illud sevi Scotici, sic Dl voluere, liquit Regies stirpis decus atque fama Gregoriauae. Ille Neutonum incolumem lubenti Narrat Euclidi, siculoque Divo. Miraque augusti docet almus Angli Coepta stupentes. Deinde Pergaeum reducem novumque Acris Halleii studiis, sed ipse, Quam graves nuper tulerit labores Dicere parcit. Ista nequicquam memoramus : ille Immemor nostri, patruoque gaudens, Nos ope et curd sapientis orbos Liquit amici. riTCAIRN S ADDRESS TO GRAY. 355 For fled's the honour of the Scottish age, The Gods so wish'd — I fear they're in a rage — Of Gregory's Royall lyne, the fame and glore Shines here no more. Now gracious he, Euclid and Archimede, Which the ricli news of Ne^vton's health makes glad, With wonders th' august English man hath done, He doth them stain. Then how Pergfeus restor'd is and made new, By the smart Hally's pains, too, he doth shew. But how of late himself hath laboured Not a word said. But we these mind in vain, forgot by him are we, Who's gone, his Uncle to enjoy, not see. And needy we of a mse friend to boot. Left destitute. 35 G THE COUNTESS OF WEEMS AND ON THE COUNTESS OF WEEMS HER MATCH WITH THE VISCOUNT OF TARBET. The Countess of Wemyss's mamage with Lord Tarbet, (afterwards Earl of Cromarty), which took place 11th April 1700, afforded some merriment on account of the disparity in the ages of the parties — after all it was not such as to create much astonishment. His Lordship was a vigorous old man of seventy, undoubtedly — but his I^ady could not have been much under forty — if indeed she was not above it. Had she been twenty years younger there might have been some cause for censure. Strange to say, Lord Cromarty survived his wife (who died in the year 1705) nine years, and departed this life, the 17th day of August 1714, aged eighty-four. The verses are spirited — the allusion to one of the strange exploits of St. Francis is very happy. This holy personage, as we are informed in the ' ' Alcoran des Cor- deliers," — " fut tente de prendre femme, et lors il s'encourout tout nud au milieu de la neige, se faisant une femme et des enfans de neige." Upon another occasion, when tempted by order of the Emperor Frederic, who caused a beautiful female to be concealed in his bed-chamber, the Saint adopted an opposite course, and as the explanation sub- joined to the ciirious print on the subject tell us, " II se mit au milieu d'un grand feu, lui disant que c'etoit la son lit." Vol. ii. p. 68. Amsterdam, 1734. ©n tf)c ©ountess of Wiecm& f^ev mutcf^ tDtt]^ tfic Fiscount of EavheU With Tarbet match'd, the gods betrayed your charms, A victim to his cold and wither'd arms. THH VISCOUNT OF TARBET. 357 TIio' liaughtie you, whose proud but beauteous eyes Did all your noblest blood, your slaves, despise ; Whose rigid cruelty with scorne did treat The young and brave that languish'd at your feet ; Even your contempt the captive Strephon bore. That noble youtli could give you two times more Thau e're you felt within your zone before. And now to wed ane old unsavory thing. Who to your bed will cramps and stitches bring, Will serenade in coughs the niglit away, And then present a ghastly sight all day. A\Tiat is't, fool dame? what ^vild, what strange pretence Has in that aukward choice debauch'd your sense 1 AVas't with the frigid lump to quench the fire, When thoughts of pleasure but renew'd desire, And the young did your softer breasts inspire 1 The good St. Francis did your cure allow, He hugged and tumbled with his Avife of snow ; Thus quell'd the heat with which his breast did glow. Was it (his) wit and humour you pretend. Scorning the lover to possess the friend 1 Then caged by your bed, he might have hung. Where you'd enjoyed his only gift, — the tongue ; But for to stain your sheets he ne'er was meant, I swear by all the gods there's witchcraft in't.* * His Lonlskip's marriage gave rise to the following lines : Fortunate senex nusquam non numine notiis Siccinc amore senem, te coluere dese. Thou soncie aulil carle, the world hes not thy like. For ladies fa' in love with thee, tho' thou be ane :uild tyke. 358 JOHN plain's representation. JOHN PLAIN'S REPEESENTATION. The following Pasquil is entitled " The humble Repre- sentation and Petition of John Plain, unto the Deacon Conveiner, and the remanent Deacons of all the Incorporate Trades in this City." It occurs in Davidson's MS., and gives a curious picture of the corrupt civic election practices in 1700. Renouned Burghers, now into September, The tyme approaches as wee may remember, When toyles are made amongst Incorporations, Which have their end in pretty large collations. Wlien in Conveining-houses tradesmen meet. And o'er a mutchkin whUes doe make their leit ; When proud aspiring Romans through ambition. In pynts of wyn to Deacons make petition ; When nightly such caballs our taverns fill, And votes are bought and sold for double gill ; By such unmanly, base, and droucken actiones, Our free election is oerturned with factions. By men, whom a just God for such hath sent. To plague us with unhappie government, A mixed Councell, of ill polished tools. Some knavish witts, and other some stark fools. Some weighed so with will, they neither dow. Nor able are, to bear it up the bow. Frantikly furious and taking quick offence, And some so silly they can scarce speak sence ; JOHN plain's reprksentation. 359 Some honest men, indeed, thougli with sore heart, Wee must confess these form the smallest part. Alas ! for such are dayly passing hence ; Witness old Thomson, and brave Master Spence, Wlio's zeal and faithfulness did so appear, For Edinburgh, as made the rogues to fear. Our noble Provost, of renowned name. With severall whom I need not name, Have as our cities circumstances craved, For ought we know, most honestly liehaved. But sure there have been, and are knaves among us, Or whence was all the copi of Muir and Menzies, From copper turners, turned to golden guinea.s, WTiose stock not long ago of goods and geir. Was not worth half, is now their rents l)y th' year ; A\liy are a great part of our guards discharged. Although our stents and burdens are inlarged ? Pray how is all our common good destroyed And to what uses is that good employed ? Our debts instead of lessening are increased. The proud exalted, and the poor oppressed ] Our publick servants, to our great disgrace. Are most pert knaves, or such as need no place, Who's crimson noses which in taverns haunt. Declare they feed, whilst more deserving want. We've needles Hospitals contrived by those, AMio lead our burgher-masters by the nose. To please some tradesmen, and to toom our purses, And stead of Ijlessings win the poor folks curses : And some affirme that it is no reflectione, That F— — * did libb our volluntar collectione ; * Bailie Ferg\ison. 360 JOHN plain's representation. And sure M'Lellancl's* trade did never thrive, So well before as since the nyntie-five ; A\niich tilings, and many men we right well know, Before John Hunter's cock left off to croAv, Have made our citizens to think, I fear. Our Michael Musick stands us very dear. Therefore, my brethren, let me now exhort you. As you would have your conscience to comfort you, Upon a deathbed be persuaded then, To mind your trust and quit yourselves like men ; Let private interest and base selfish ends, Which through all corners of our land extends. Be laid aside ; let it be understood You'll sacrifice such for the publick good ; Vote wicked men to doores, and all who wrong you. And purge the publicans quite from among you, Be zealously couragious ; sett your face Against all such as are not fit for place ; Of qualified and faithful men make choice, Who's government may make us to rejoice ; And he who does of all things take inspection, Will aid your Counsell in this Election. This is a speech made by John Plain, To Magdalen Chapels honest men. And to all tradesmen of the town, Except the rogue and the baboon. Edinburgh, 1700. * Sir James Maclellan, Provost of Edinburgh ; his son James claimed the Peerage of Kircudbright in 1741, but never l)ronght the matter before the House of Peers. ON THE DEATH UF IIA.AHLToN OF WHYTLAW. 3GI OX THE DEATH OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON OF WHYTLAW. LoCKHAirr of Carnwath's account of Lord Jiistice-Clerk Whytlaw is imfavouiable. He owed his elevation to his jx)litical zeal; he "displayed a forward haughty mind. Betwixt man and man, where he had no particular concern, he was just, but extremely partial where his friend or his own politics interfered. He had a sound, solid judgment, but all his actions were accompanied with so much pride, vanity, ill-nature, and severity. But he was odious to everybody." * He only held the office of Justice-Clerk a few months before his death, which happened in December 1704. Lord AMiytlaw amassed upwards of seven thousand ster- ling, a large sum in 1704, all which he left to his wife, in order to enable her to buy, as was said, a young husband. epttap!) on 22l|)gtlaU3, Stand, passenger, and pass not by, Till that ye know who here doth lye. A Lord he was, some t\iiie ago deceast, Abhorer of King, Prophet, and of Pi-iest. And of Archbishops, Bishops, and their kynd ; Brawler of men who were not of his mynd. His means were still his God, his dog his child, His wife the Dalilah who him beguiled ; ♦ Lockhart's Papers, vol. i., p. 107. This was (Jeorge, the President's eldest sou. — He died in March 1732. 302 ON THE DEATH OF HAMILTON OF WHYTLAW. His Scripture- creed, and his new Gospel light, Were all confined into his claim of right ; For which he's damned, and his body rotten ; He's mock'd by the age, and his practiques forgotten. In hell for ever, he ryves the claim of right, And giv'st King William for liis a to dight. ©n tije Banfe anlr smj^gtlato* II. When bank is broak, and Whytlaw dead. The rump will run ow'r the head ; When credit's gone, our laws are under, Scotland's low, who can wonder 1 When we're Glencoed by land and sea, Who will relieve us 1 What think ye 1 III. Old Nick was in want of a Lawyer in Hell, To preside o'er the Court there of Session ; So old Wliytlaw he took, for he suited him well For his tyranny, pride, and oppression. 'Twixt the Devil and Wliytlaw, the poor wretches damned. Will be sore put about in that hot land ; For since the fierce Justice-Clerk's got the command, They could hardly be worse oft" in Scotland. t)N I'llIESTFIELD's LEAD CUFl'lN. 3G:] ON PRIESTFIELD'S LEAD COFFIN. Of Sir Jamos Dick of Piiostfiekl, now called Prestonfield, the reader has already heard, in the amusing account of his lawsuit with the Duchess of Lauderdale, relative to the swans in Duddingston Loch. He was an extensive speculator, and held at one time the office of Lord Provost of Edinburgh. He used to purchase at the Exchequer sales, a right to such taxes as were exposed to auction, and endea- voured to get a good bargain if he could. In 1G86, tlie InLvnd Excise upon the breweries having been exposed to competition. Sir James would only offer £19,000 sterling for it, and as this sum, with the excise upon foreign commo- dities, would not make up the King's quota of £40,000, his offer was rejected. But the Lords, who were the ex- posers, judiciously put the thing right by subdividing the tax, and in tliis way some became tacksmen for the excise of the ale of one shire, and some for the ale of another — thus the deficiency was made up. The Lord-Clerk Register, Sir George Mackenzie, afterwards Viscount Tarbet and Earl of Cromarty, thought fit to claim £30 from each of the tacks- men ; but " the Loi'ds Exposera " ordered him to subscribe the tacks without any gratuity, the buyers "having it so dear ; tho' he called it his due." * A curious proceeding occurred in December 1684, very different from our modern notions of Parliamentary usage. Sir James Dick, and WUliam Borthwick, a surgeon, had been conmiissiouei's to Parliament for Edinburgh, and it had been the practice that he who had been " chosen for a burgh in the beginning of a Parliament, contuiues during the whole sessions and cm-rency of that Parliament." f Nevertheless * Fouutainhall. vol. ii.. p. 703. t Il>i'l., p. 586. 364 ON PRIESTFIELD'S LEAD COFFIN. both were summarily set aside, and Sir George Drummond, the then Provost of Edinburgh, and William Watson, a " Cordiner," put in their place. The pretences were — 1st, that Sir James, in August 1682, more than two years before, had offered a bribe to Lord Hatton " at Privy Council; " and that, 2dly, Sir James could not sit in " the Convention of Royal Burrows," but only the actual Provost; and that it was " unreasonable he should represent them in Parliament who cannot be present at the Convention of Burrows." As to Borthwick, it was not considered necessary to assign any reason whatever for his expulsion. Amongst other speculations of Sir James, was that of importing playing cards from abroad. One Peter de Braweis had procured from the Privy Council the sole right of making playing cards, and an order discharging theii- im- portation after the 1st of April 1682. This person was, it seems, not a Protestant, but a Papist ; and the gift was in contravention of the Act 1660.* Nevertheless, Braweis pro- secuted Sir James, and one Thomas Young, who appears to have been a sharer in the speculation, who defended them- selves on the ground that they had imported the cards before the gift from the Privy Council. The Privy Council refused to allow the foreigner to take possession of the cards thus imported, but found, lest it should wrong his manufacture, that " Su- James and Young should either sell them to De Braweis (who sought two pennies to affix his mark to every stock of them) if they could agree on a price, or to export them, or to keep them at home and sell none of them, under the pain of escheat, for a year or two, tiU it might appear whether De Braweis will be able to furnish the country with that commoditie himself." From this it may be gathered that gambUng with cards was prevalent in Scotland before the Revolution ; and that previous to the gift to De * Fountainhall, vol. i., p. 377. OS TRIESTFIELD'S LEAD COFFIN. 3G5 Braweis, their importation from abroad miist have been profitable. rriostfield was burnt about eight at night, 11th January 1G81, by the students of Echnburgh College, during the riots occasioned by the apprehension of the re- establishment of Popciy. Sir James was at the time Provost of Edin- burgh, and it was falsely reported that he had set fire to it himself, but why he should have done so, is not very intelli- gible. Wipon prtfBtfifltr'B iLratr eoflSn. Death works great wonders now the Miser's dead, And he that fed on silver 's turned to lead ; We fear he will not rest, because we're told He ne'er sleept sound, except 'mongst baggs of Gold. Perhaps he has retired, through perfect greed, To extract quick-silver from tlie buried lead. 366 THE TREATY OF UNION. A SONG ON THE TREATY OF UNION, 16th April, 1706. From Mylne's MSS., who prefixes this fitting notice — " There were 31 rogues following that put the bryd in her bed." He adds it is to be sung to the tune of " Fy, let us all to the Wedding." A version of the song was pubUshed in the Jacobite Relics. ^f)t Errats of Slnt'on, Fy, let us all to the treaty, As there "will be wonders there, For Scotland's to be a bryde, And married be the Earle of Stair. There's Queensberry, Seafield, and Marr, And Morton comes in by the by ; Tliere's Lothian, Leven, and Weems, And Sutherland, frequently dry. V Tliere's Roseberry, Glasgow, and Dupplin,* Lord Archibald Campbell,! and Ross ; The President, Francis Montgomerie, WTio'll amble like any pac'd horse. There's Johnston,]: Daniel Campbell and Stewart, § Whom the Court has still in their hench ; * Earl of Kinnoul. t Earl of Islay. X Provost of Edinburgh. § Campbell of Shawfield and Lord Advocate Stewart. Tilii TREATY OF LNIOX. 3G7 There's solid Pitmedden and Forglcn,* Who minds to jump on the bencli. There's Onnistone, and Tilliecoulry, And Smollett for the town of Dumbaiton ; There's Amiston, and Carnwath, Put in by his uncle, Lord ^Vharton.t There's young Grant, and young Pennycook, Hugh Montgomerie, and David Dalrymi)le ; And there is one who will shortly bear bouk, Prestongrange, that indeed is not simple. Now, the Lord bless the gimp one-and-thirty, If they prove not Traytors in fact ; But see their bryde weil dressed and pretty. Or else — the Deel take the pack ! * Two Judges of the Court of Session. t Afterwards Marquis of AMiarton. His Lordship's sister, Philadelphia, became the wife of Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath. The articles of marriage bear date the 2d Septem- ber 1679, and are recorded in the Books of Session 1 1th January 1715. The lady's tocher was five thousand pounds, in return for which she was pro\'ided with a jointure of six hundred pounds sterling a-year. Sir George was an eminent lawj'er and Lord President of the Court of Session. He was mur- dered by Chiesloy of Dairy, .31st March 1089, on a Sunday lunrning, from motives of private revenge. There is a very beautiful painting of Sir George belonging to the Facultj' of Advocates. His widow married Captaui John Ramsay, son of James, Lord Bishop of Ross, Mho was deprived of his See at the Revolution, and died at Edinburgh, '22d Octoder 1G96. 368 A CURSE AGAINST THE UNIONISTS A CURSE AGAINST THE UNIONISTS AND EEVOLUTIONISTS. Mylne calls this " A Curse against those that were for the Union and late Revolution." It is severe enough in aU conscience. Scotland and England now must be United in one nation ; So we again perjur'd must be, And taik the abjuration. The Stuarts', antient true bom race. We must now all give over ; We must receive into their place The mungrells of Hanover. Curst be the Papists who first drew Our King to their persuasion ; Curst be that covenanting crew. Who gave the first occasion, To a stranger to ascend the throne, By a Stuart's abdication ! Curst be the wretch who seiz'd his throne. And marr'd our Constitution ; Curst be all those who helped on Our cursed Revolution ! AND REVOLUTIONIST. 300 Curst be those treacherous traitors who, By their perfidious knaverie, Have brouiirht the nation now unto Ana everlasting slaverie ! Curst be the Parliament that day They gave the Confirmation ; And curst for ever be all they Shall swear the abjuration. 370 EPITAPH ON THE FIRST EARL OF STAIR. EPITAPH ON THE FIEST EAEL OF STAIR. This nobleman was the eldest son of the Viscount of Stair, and was raised to the dignity of an Earl in 1703, by Queen Anne. He was very unpopular, and his participation in the Glencoe Tragedy made him so deservedly. He married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Sir John Dundas of New- liston, in the county of Linlithgow. His exertions during the long debates on the Union, were, it was asserted, the cause of his death in January 1706. His eldest son, John, the second Earl, was a man of dis- tinguished merit. He served under IMarlborough, and was Ambassador Extraordinary to France ; was appointed a Field-Marshal of the forces, and Commander-in-Chief of the allied forces, in 1743, till George H. personally took the command at the battle of Dettingen. He died at Edinburgh in May 17-47. ©pitaj)]^ on t}f( first &atl of ^tair. Stay, passenger, but shed no tear, A Pontius Pilat lyeth heir, 'Wliose Lineage, Lyfe, and finall state, If ye'll have patience I'll relate. A bratt of ane unhurried Bitch, Gott by Belzebub on a witch, Whose malice oft was wreck't at home, On the curst cubs of her own womb. This her old sone, and treu born heir, Of (his) parents vice, had double share ; Bred up in treacherie and trick, By crook'd Craigie,* and Old Nick ; Wherein he hes such progress made, • "Crook'd Craig'd Dadie" in another MS. EPITAPH UN THE FIRST KARL OF STAIR. 371 As to outstripe both Devil and Duid, Ungrate, rebellious, and unjust, A slave to Avarice and Lust. Wlio alwayes turnetl his spyte and scorne, 'Gainst head wher he had planted home ; * He mock'd at muithoring a single man, His noble aime roachit a whole clan. + Lest ought but hell sould equal's guilt, Man, Wyfe, and Bairnes blood must be spilt ; Tho' they were innocent, no mater, The complement to a friend the greater. But these being crymes below his station, He's bravelie since murdered his nation. All thes being done by his advyce. He hes ridden post to gett his pryce ; For tho' religione allwayes cloak 'd him, Yet now at last the Devil has choak't him ; For of him he had no more neid Since Cain his heir was to succeid, Now Passenger, pass off with speid. For seldome lyes the Devil dead ; Make haste, if thou thy safety prize. For legions haunt wherever he lyes. * Nota. He cuckolded Lord Raith, yet wes ane inveterat enemie to his father, Lord Melville. — R. M. t Massacre of Glencoe. Fletcher of Salton said of him in Parliament, that had there been an Act against Ministers of State for giving bad advice to the King, and acting contrary to Law, ' ' his Lordship had long ere now been hanged, for the ad\'ices he gave King James, the murder of Glencoe, and his conduct since the Union." 372 ON THE UNION PARLIAxMENT. ©tt ti)e Union parliament* From a MS. which belonged to late J. A. ilaconochie, Esq. Our senate has had many (a) fiery debate, About settling the kirk and securing the state, But if its decrees "will determine their fate, They're wiser than I can tell. It's a split into parties and different factions, And managed by secret caballing and factions, What the public will gain by these cunning transactions, He is wiser, &c. Each party pretends they're for serving the crown. And for that dear interest they'd renounce all their own. But who speaks sincerely, or who plays the loun, He is wiser, &c. The staunch revolutioners pretend all their care Is securing religion by a Protestant heir. But if they'd vote for a Papist who offered them mair, He is wiser, &c. All the pretence of the Torian class Is that laws for our honour and interest may pass. But whether or no there's a snake in the grass, He is wiser, &c. ON THE UNION PARLIAMENT. 373 The crosier and crown to fix sicut ante, Is the noble pretence of squadron^ volante, But whether they'll prove brigada constajite, He is wiser, &c. If the proto deserter who now rules the roast,* Be true to his country in his eminent post, Or if he serves England at old Albion's cost. He is \viser, &c. If the traitor by whom our trade was undone,* Instead of repenting be still sinning on. Or if he'll do something his crimes to atone, He is wiser, &c. If the border protester^ be as wise as he's bold, If his zeal be inspired by conscience or gold, Or if he'll turn stout or honest when old. He is wiser, &c. If the Highland seal keeper* deal faithful and just. Or if all having cheated, any party should trust A man who is honest, but when he needs must, He is wiser, &c. If the gallant and great but mysterious Duke,* Designe the true heir his (own) kingdom should bruik, Or if coin and commission be the bait for his hook. He is wiser, (fee. > Duke of Queensberry. ■ Earl of Seaficld. ' Probably Annandale. * Athol. * Hamilton. 374 ON THE UNION PARLIAMENT. If the traitor spawned Duke/ and the hackney whore lover, His soul and estate will redeem by Hanover, Or if both are too deeply engaged to recover, He is wiser, &c. If the charming young Marquis'' with the innocent face, Will equal the glories of his honoured race. Or if honour and Presbytrie can thrive in one place, He is wiser, &c. If the east country Marquis^ with the politick air, Will atone for the crimes of Monsieur son Pere, Or if of the spoil he's but seekmg a share, He is wiser, &c. If the Marquiss Dragoon ^ bona fide doth move In religion or loyalty, friendship or love, Or if traytors ex tradice can honest men prove. He is wiser, &c. * If the crafty old Peer,^" whom both jiarties suspect, With his youthful bravados and seeming neglect. Designs to crown all by a finishing trick, He is wiser, &c. * Argyle. ' Montrose. * Tweedale. * Lothian. * In another copy thus : — If the crafty old Peer who keeps the black box, Will go through and not brmg his friend upon blocks, Or if he has most of the serpent or fox, He is wiser, &c. '" Tarbet, ON THE UNION PARLLUIENT. 375 If the Gard de Corj^s Count,'^ with the very dull air Of prudence and politicks has got a good share, Or if his head and his coffers be equally bare, He is wiser, &c. If the crouch backed Count,'^ and cunning deceiver, Will follow the steps of his once worthy father, Or if he'll be honest, or loyal, or neither. He is wiser, &c, * If the Count'* who of yore at St Germains has been From trimming and treason has kept himself clean, Or if he be a leper both without and within, He is wiser, &c. If the Count'* who married the coquette his daughter. Will by his intrigues afford us more laughter. Or if he'll be wise and more prudent hereafter, He is wiser, &c. If the long chin'd Count '^ who murdered his brother, Did atone for his crimes by's vote for Hanover, Or if doing the one was as ill as the other, He is wiser, &c. " Perhaps Crawford. " Mar. * In another MS. it runs thus : — If the Saint German Earl with the scurf on his skin, Designed any harm by his franlc conung in, &c. " Colin, third Earl of Balcarras. " Lord Wigtou divorced his first wife, a daughter of Lord Balcarras, for an amour with Lord Belhaven (1708). (Com- missary Court Record). — She had previously eloped with the Duke of Montrose (Carstair's Letters), hut her kind Lord for- gave her. '* Melville. 376 ON THE UNION PARLIMIENT. If the madcap his son '* will fill's father's place, By acting the crimes of his villanous race, Or if these be the signs of your true babes of grace, He is wiser, &c. If the Merchian Count " who stood out so long, Has stumbled on treason amid all this throng. Or if he be willing his treason to own. He is wiser, &c. If the Count ^^ who the eldest baton doth sway. Be as good at politicks as making of hay, Or if Madam thinks most of what Monsieur doth say. He is wiser, &c. If the Count ^^ who the second baton doth wear. Be as free of debauch erie as treason or fear, And as chaste as he's thoughtless in getting of gear, He is wiser, &c. If the Count ^^ who in Flanders had used to carouse, At home be considering what party to choose. Or if constant debauch any thinking allows. He is wiser, &c. If the Count ^^ who proposed the abjuring his prince, Be still on a level with the Monarch of France, Or if God has deiDrived the rogue of his sense, He is wiser, &c. " Leveii. '' Hume. '" Errol. " Marishal. '■'* Sutherland. " Marchmont. ON THE UNION PARLIAMENT. 377 If the Peer *^ that thought murder would for loyalty- pass, Htis been guilty of worse among the Hanover class, Or if guilt can be fixed on a rattle-brained ass. He is wiser, &c. If Koxburgh the young, the rich, and the wise. Be true to his country, and parents despise, Or if Saltoun and Johnstone has taught him the guise, He is, &c. If the potent red Earl, whase badge is the rose,'" By the Rumplean race be led by the nose. Or if patent be the bribe the country to expose. He is, &c. If the new mounted Earl of antient repute. Plays the rogue for little, and gets to the boot. And thinks by what means his estate to recruit,* He is, &c. -' Perhaps Stair. « Probably Roseberry. * This, it is presumed, means Sir James Stuart of Bute, Baronet, who was created, by Queen Anne in 1703, Earl of Bute, Viscount Mountstuart and Kingarf, Baron Cumra and Inchmarnock. The baronetcy of Nova Scotia was conferred on the Earl's ancestors in 1G27. The Earl was the male representative of Sir John Stuart, a natural son of King Kobert II. , as Duncan Stewart honestly discloses, but according to the polite compilers of the Scotish peerage, the illegitimacy is struck out, and the Earls of Bute, by this sUfjht omission, are converted into the male repre- sentatives of the royal house of Stuart. The Bute earldom is now merged in a marquisate, and tha 378 ON THE UNION PARLIAMENT. If old Jamie Wylie ^* to his mistress prove true, Or as he did his master, betray her not too, Or if catching of money be all in his view, He is wiser, &c. If Saltoun ^ for freedom attd property cry, While tyrant may be read in his tongue and his eye ; If shagrin and oppression did give him the lie, His tenants and servants can tell. If the Galloway Earl had mounted the stairs. To get places of profit for himself and his heirs, If providing it be not for his country he cares, He is wiser, &c. estate "recruited " so much, that it is at the present date one of the finest in Great Britain. ^ Sir James Stewart, Lord Advocate. ** Andrew Fletcher of Salton. Ul'UiN THK KUGUES IN PARLlAilENT. 37U HjJOtt tf^t tslogufs t'n ^avliamcnU 1704. Our Parliament is met on a hellish designe ; 'Gainst God and the true heir knaves doe combine, To play the game over of old forty-nine, But unless they repent they'll be damn'd. Some the son of a whore * would have placed on the throne. Which makes each Cavalier pray, sigh and grone, And damn the whole pack who to this are now prone, Since without Repentance they're damn'd. And cursed for ever be the sixth of July, If that Hanover come in so unduly, And those who excluded the heir viro soli, Without Repentance are damn'd. When thrones are disposed of by Atheists and Knaves, Who their countrie have sold, and to England are slaves. And the true Royall heir of all just right bereaves. Such cannot escape a damnation. Thou false misled Twedale, thy fiither thou'lt trace, By abjureing the true heir of the old Royall race, And damn your owii soull to purchase the place, For which good morrow repentance. • The Duke of Monmouth. 380 UPON THE ROGUES IN PARLIAMENT. Thou turn about Chancellour,* trimmer and wheedler, Now honest, now knave, unfixt and a medler, In thy honour and soull thou'rt like a Scots pedler, Like the bush to each wind a readie complyer, Thou base blustering Annandale, false and unjust, Unfaithful to all and unworthy of trust ; To kings and friends false, slave to oaths, drink, and lust^ For which sin on and be damn'd. Thou old dotterel Georget whom we thought mysteri- ous, It's plane you're ane old fool, a damn'd knave and serious, And since your tricks are so black and damn'd deleterious. Sin on, your fate is the gallows. Thou troaker, thou traytor, thou false Jamie Wylie, Who endeavours to break king Fergus' old Tailzie, Thy sins for damnation do call without failyie, ^^^le^efore sin on and be damn'd. Thou Johnstoun,! thou spawn of a villain and traytor, A varlot by birth, education and nature. Old Scotland's base cut-throat and false England's creature, For which sin on and be damn'd. * James Ogilvie Earl of Seafield, last chancellor of Scotland, t George, Earl of Cromarty, previously Viscount of Tarbet. X Secretary Johnston, son of Sir Archibald Johnston, better kno^vn as Lord Wariston. UPON THE ROGUES IN PARLIAMENT. 381 Thou snarling base Rothes, brave Fyfe's great disgrace, These desemblers thy good father and grandiather thou'lt trace, False to the brave Duke* whilst rogues you embrace, Ther's great odds betwixt market dayes. You Roxburgh, you Haddington, thou knave, and thou fooU, You're a Deist and thou's for the ABC schooll, And both joined in one your Hanover's toole, Ungrate Robt and Thorn of the Cowgate.| You Melvill, you Leven, you're original! traytors, Whose villanie's plain from your practice and features, You're hearth-money cheats, to the king you are haters. So nought but atonements can save you. Balcarras, thou casts off all honour and law, Not conscience, but pension keeps thee in awe. Your estate is crackt, in your head there's a flaw, For morrow your Lordship and Abjureing old Marchmont, Jack Presbyter's darling, The spawn of ane old rotten Geneva carling, * Hamilton. t Afterwards second Duke of Roxburgh. X The sobriquet of the first Earl of Haddingtou. 382 UPON THE ROGUES IN PARLIAMENT. Not worthy to drink \vith Luckie M'Farling,* You see an young rogue is ane old one. Ye, John, Earl of Stair, Hugh and David Dalrym- ple's, Who plague the whole nation with your damn'd tricks and whimples, Pleadings, decreets, and Glenco, are excellent samples. How much of your fathers you trace. Thou apostate Hamilton, John, Lord Belhaven,-|- Who to thy countrie's interest hes bide good even, And entered the league with the damn'd factious seven. Thy last year's speeches will damn thee. Thou Atheist, thou factious, thou infidell Yester,J Thy grand-sir's true heir ; old Noll is thy master, Tliy sores are beyond all physick and playster. Wherefore sin on and be damn'd. Thou furious reprobate pratling Wliitelaw,§ Who with streatches and false claimes does bluster and blaw. Thou mocks Eeligion, Succession and Law, Wherefore sin on and be damn'd. * This is evidently the lady who afterwards shot Commis- sioner Cayley. See note on " Peveril of the Peak," vol. 28, page 93. Best edition, 12mo. t Lord Belhaven, according to Lockhart, "was moved by avarice and ambition to desert his party." — See Lockhart Papers, vol. I., page 115. t Charles, Lord Yester, subsequently the Marquis of Twoedale. § See page 361, ante. UPON THE ROGUES IN PARLIAMENT. 383 Morose Jerviswood and affected Sir John, And vain Will Bennet* are to the enemie gone, Their country they have sold, their honours undone, Wherefore sin on and be damn'd. Ye Sutherland, Lawderdale, and the Forbes the tall. Ye Glencairn, ye Lothian, and Ilyndford, ye're all A drunken, rebellious and senseless caball, And unless ye repent ye'U be damn'd. You Maxwell and such as ne'er had pretence To honour, good manners, or any grain of sense, Twixt heaven and earth you'll be in suspense. If timber and rope can be had. Thou Francis:}: of Giffan, thou's bigot as hell, And Brodie § in nonsense in this does excell, For rebellion ingrained, you may each bear the bell, Wherefore sin on and be damn'd. Ye Lamington, Stevenston, Gib, and Cavers too. Your equalls in villainie you quite outdoe, For the rising sun to a phantom you bow, You'll forfaulted be and then hanged. • Bennet, younger of Gruhbet. t Montgomery, second son of Hugh, seventh Earl of Eglington. § Brodie of that Ilk. 384 UPON THE ROGUES IN PARLIAMENT. Ye Campbells, ye Johnstons, by yourselves you're a sect. You're false robbers and thieves none should you pro- tect, From Go,d and from Csesar you remove all respect, Your slughons are falsehood and plunder. In such an array of rogues Argyle may come in, Whose blood bears the stain of originall sin. And if he's like to goe on as they did begin. Then he'll follow the fate of his grandsire. Thou Queensberry,* once the abjuration did slight, And now gives thy squadrone to defend Scotland's right. For which we'll excuse your youthful old plight, If your father's advice you will follow. * "The Duke of Queensberry,'" Lockhart remarks, "did not think fit to come to the beginning of this session of Parlia- ment, being desirous to see how affairs would go before he ventured himself in a country where he was generally hated and abhorred ; and therefore he sent the Duke of Argyle down as commissioner, using him as the monkey did the cat in pulling out the hot roasted chestnuts." — Lockhart Papers, vol. I., page 114. VERSES ON TIIK SCO'l'S PKEItS. :\f<5 Frrsfs on tl^e Scots ^tevQ, 170G. From an anonymous MS. in the Advocate's Library. A somewhat mutilated version occurs in Davidson's MS. Our Duiks wer deills, our Marquesses were mad, Our Earls were evills, our Viscounts yet more bade, Our Lords were villains, and our Barons knaves, Quho with our burrows did sell us for slaves, They sold the church, they sold the State and Natione, They sold ther honour, name and reputatione, Tliey sold ther birthright, peerages and places, And now they leave the house with angrie faces. And now they frowne, and fret, and curse their fate. And still in vain lost libertie regrate, And are not these raire merchants nycelie trick't, Quho wer old Peers, but now are deils belikt,* Barons and burrows equally rewar him in his paws, Sir^ DIALOGUE BETWEEN ARUYLK .\S\> -MAR. 405 And that perhaps ere it Ije long, We'll make him stand in aw, Sir ; For lo, a conjunct company, Both of Scots and Dutch Men, They're at call, on Mar to fall. There never sure were such men. Besides great numbers of gentlemen. Whom they call Volunteers, Sir, The most and best whereof consist, Of valiant Scotish Peers, Sir. t^*^' V MINOR SATIRICAL VERSES. Minov Satirical Fevscs The following iniaor satirical verses have been, except when otherwise mentioned, collected from the memoranda of Robert Mylne, many of which were written on the fly leaves of books formerly in liis Library. PASQUINADE. From Balfour's MSS. To save a maid St George a dragon slew, A brave exployt if all that's said is true, Some think there are no dragons, nay, 'tis said, There was no George ; pray God there be a maid. ON THE AMOURS OF CHARLES SECOND, AT TIME OF THE DUTCH WAR. Imbelles, imbellis amas, belloque repugn,a,s, Et bellatori sunt tibi, bella Thori. ON THE FLIGHT OF LORD CHANCELLOR HYDE. Our Lord is pleased when he avengeth him. The world is pleased when that a knave doth die, The Devil is })]ea8ed when he a soule doth win. Now all are pleased when Chancellor Hyde doth fly. MINOR SATIRICAL VERSES. 407 UN MR PATRICK FALCONER OF M0NKT(JWX. Hard is thy name, but harder is thy fate, Choak'd with great wealth, yet in a stormy state, Kyud heaven has blest thee with this world's pelfe, Just heaven will damn thee for murderyng thyselfe. ON KING JAMES VIL, BY MR TAILZEOR. King James the seventh's mortality's laid down, No Nassau now can rob him of his crown. Reader no more, for as the Times goe now. None dare give God, nor dare give James his due, ANOTHER EPITAPH ON KING JAMES VIL, BY MR C^VLDER. King James the seventh, alas, is dead, And gone to good St. Paull, These thirteen years I wanted bread,* King James the seventh, alas, is dead, Good Lord turn Willie heills o'er head. And send him to king Saiill, King James the seventh, alas, is dead, And gone to good St Paull. * Another MS. has this line : — His nephew strove to baik his Vnoad. 408 MIXOR SATIRICAL VERSES. ON WILLIAM III. Benting^ the goblet hold's, Carmarthen^ the goblet fills, And Gilbert^ he consecrates, And William the liquor swills. Tlie goblets full of treason and sedition, The health's damnation to the true succession, In this carouse the health goes round the hall, But few observe the writing on the wall.* EPITAPH ON WILLIAM III. From an anonymous MSS. Here lyes the unnaturall nephew, sone, Ambitious as wes Absolom, For which all good men did him hate, From horse he fetch'd a fall by fate, Of which at last he did expire, A sacrifice to God's just ire, Scotland rejoice, now quyt of a most cruel foe. Oh ! starv'd in Caledon, and martyr'd in Glenco, The ambitious monster's name accurst may it be, Abym'd in deepest gulfs of blackest infamie. ' Bentinck, the Earl of Portland. ^ Afterwards Duke of Leeds. ' Bishop Burnet. * Mene Tekell, R. M. MINOR SATIRICAL VERSKS. 409 LYNES TO JOHN CARNAGIE. Oh ! John Carnagie in Dunlappie, Thou hes a wyfe both blythe and sappie, A bottle that is both wliyte and nappie ; Tliou sits, and Avith thy Httle cappie, Thou drinks, and never leaves a drappie, Until thou sleepest lyke a tappie, ! were I John, I would be happie. LINES ON DAVID BAILLIE. Lines on David Baillie, pilloried for Argyle's plot and Queensberry's against the Dukes of Hamilton and Athol, 1704. He was execut for killing his own brother at London, AprU 28, 1708. This I to Jamie Wylie ' owe, And to the curs'd DalrjTnples, Curst with the murder of Glencoe ; This I to Jamie Wylie owe. And to that cripple bitch - alsoe. Whose gi-andsire cut cow's rumples.'^ ' Sir James Stewart, R. M. ■^Marques, i.e. Marchioness of Annandale. R. M. ' This was Thomson, a flesher, father of Sir William Thomson, Town ( "lerk of Edinburgh, R. M. 410 MINOR SATIRICAL VERSES. THE BLESSING WITH THE BLACK SELVIDGE. From aa anonymous MSS. When Israel's sires invoked the living Lord, He scourged their sins with famine, plague, and sword, They still rebell'd — He in his wrath did fling, No thunder bolt among them, but a king, A George like king was Heaven's avenging rod. The utmost fury of an angry God. God in his wrath sent Saul to punish Jewry, But George to Britain in a greater fury. For he in sin as far exceeded Saul, As Gibby Burnet did the great St Paul. ON THE KIRK OF SCOTLAND. The Jacobites are foppish, our Jacobites are foppish, Our King, Defender of the Faith, both Protestant and Popish ; But let them say and do on, but let them say and do on, Our kirk which never had a head, hath now both she and he one. MIKOK SATIRICAL VERSES. ON THE GRAND PLOT. Short lifed was our grand plot, Noe man did ever .see it, Till Johnston christened* it by vote, And Ormistount said so be it. THE FRENCH KING'S CONSPIRACY. The French King is not saucie, the French King is not saucie, AMio with M'Lurg and his wife hath made a con- spiracie. The same in Latin. Rex Gallise se prostravit, Eex Gallise se prostravit, Cum Lurgio et Lurgia uno conjuravit. THE CALL. If there be any traytor, viper, or wigeon, That will fight against God for the true religion, That to maintain the Parliament's votes Of all true subjects will cut the throats, * Secretary Johnstone, the son of Lord Wariston. t The Loril-Justice-Clerk Cockbuni of Ormistou. He was agreat whig, and made himself "uuivcrsally liated in Scotland ; and when ladies were at cards playing the nine of diamonds, commonly called the Curse of Scotland, they called it the Justice-Clerk. He was indeed of a hot temper, and violent in all his measures." Houston's Memoirs, p. 92. London 1747, 8vo. 412 MINOR SATIRICAL VERSES. That for the King and his countries good, Will consume all the land with fyre and blood. I SAY If any such traitor, viper, mutineer be born, Let him repair to the Lord* vdth the double gilt home. EPIGRAM. One seing an Irish babie (bawbee) witli Georgius Rex, without the words Dei Gratia, made the following lynes thereon. R. M.t Oh, German Prince, whose character is odd, Georgius Eex without the Grace of God. THANKSGIVING, 7TH JUNE 1716. Mylne prefixes the following note : — Lines put into the bason of tlie Tron church on the thanksgiving day for Perth and Preston, 7th June 1716. BY CHRISTIE FKANK. Did ever men play such pranks, As for murder to give thanks ; Hold Damned Preacher, go no furder, God accepts not thanks for murder. * Marlborough. R. M. t Is this Mylne's own composition ? POPULAR RHYMES. ON THE ABJURATION. Our fathers took oaths as men take their wyves, For better for worse the whole lease of their ly^'es ; Now like common strumpets, we take 'em for ease, And whore and rogue part whenever they please. Popular Jxfjgnteo* Fools out of favour, grudge at knaves in place, And men are always honest in disgrace. Court preferment makes men knaves by course, If tliosc that's out were in, they would be worse. Wise men slight favour and preferment scorn, WHien knaves can claim it and better serve the turn : AMiat have the just to do, where rogues take place, Or who would purchase honours with disgrace. AVhen King and Laws begin to disagree. And Court and Countrie advocat the plea ; Knaves here are hjT'd it's true but are not made. They're sent befoir, and serve bot as they're paid. Wise men suffer, good men grieve. Knaves decrie and fools believe ; Help, Lord ! send aid unto us. Else knaves and fools will quite undoe us.* • These last four lines are given in the Gentlemen's Magazine for 1733, as original and applied to the Ministry then in power. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. LETTER FROM JAMES V., KING OF SCOTS, TO Slli THOMAS WHARTON, WARDEN OF THE WEST MARCHES. To our well-belouit Schir Thomas Warthoun Wardane, of the West Merches of Inglaad foraneat Scotland. — These WElL-beloiiit frend we gret you well. And forsamekil as we have considerate be your vrytings, sic ballats and buks of deffamatioun as ye allege ar made be oure legis to the despleasoure of our derrest vncle, quhairof we ar rycht miscontentit gif sua beis ; and hes presentlie directit scharpe charges to all partis of our bordours to defend sic thiugis to be wsit be ony [of] oure legis, and to get knawledge of the auctors of it ye WTit is done, to the intent that thai may be punyschit for their demerits as accords. Bot because we ueuer hard of sic thingis of befoir, we suspect rather the samyn to be imaginate, and deuisit be sum of your awin natioun and leigis of our derrest uncle. Farther in this behalfe, we haue geuin charge to the Lord Maxwell, Wiirden of oure West Merchis, as he will schaw you, quhame Grod conserue. At oiu-e palace of Linlytgow, the last day of Januar. 2d 418 APPENDIX. II. LETTER FROM JAMES V., KING OF SCOTS, TO JOHN HOLGATE, BISHOP OF LANDAFF. Reuerend father in God, — This clay we resauit youre writing send vnto us of the cietie of York, the 26th of Januare by past, hes sene and cousiderettlie Tennoure thairof omittand all uther circumstancis of wordis. We thank you as ane treu and faithfull counsalloure to oure derrest vncle youre souerane, and gude freynd unto us, wishland as we persaue cleirlie, the sincere and faithful lufe and tenderness standing betwix oure said derrest vncle and us baith be maist tender knott of blude and uther wais band, consideratioun to remane perpetuallie vnuiolat vnbroken and unassalit be ony manner of occasioun, throw quhatsomeuer euill ingynis and malicius myndis, and speciallie of youre aduirtisement of certaine despitfull and slandarus ballads maid be sum of oure legis, as is beleuit to the displesoure and detractioun of oure said derrest vncle, his honoure and ryall maiestie, and be the expreinyng of wane and fantastic prophecyis as zoure saidis letteris mair amplie proports. We beand aduertiset of this mater of before be Schyr Thomas Wartoun, Knycht, Wardane to oure said derrest vncle on his west Marches, gart incontinent direct oure scharp charges and commandis to all oure officiaris outhrouch all the bordour and utheris in wart partis within oure realme to have serchit and soucht quhare ony sic injurius and displesand ballads and rymis and makaris thairof could be gotten and apprehended, and to this houre we could get nane aduertisement thairof, nor can get ony man in oure realme that evir hard, red, or saw ony sic lyke quhill the copy thairof wes now presentit. Quairfore we can nocht presume bot the samyn ar deuisit be the con- sait of sum invious personis one of oure said derrest vncles APPENDIX. 419 subjects vpouii the l)ordours, or be ouie rehullLs resident and iuterteyuit witliin his realm, qiihais niyndis will neuer be tliair crafty toill and subtile wayis that is in thaiue to ingener, and mak nuiter and occasiouu to bring cure saiil derrost vncle and us to caiddness and besynis quhilk (Jod willing sail nocht be in thair power. We, heirfure, for the declaratioune of oure uiynde, and be the lufe that we bi'ir unto oure said derrest vncle, hes send oure vther scharp chargis and comandLs to ceis and destroy all sic slanderous baUadis and ryniis, and that naue be fundin within oure realme, proponyng gude reward to ony ane tliiit will schaw to ws and oure otticiaris of justice the consauiris, niakars and deuisars; and frathis forth the liauars of the samyu certifyuig you, it is nocht less heuy and thouchtful unto ws to here sic despleasour, or (it) may be vnto cure said denest vncle or to you and quhat suld be oure cayre to the extinguishing of all thir occasiouns of desplesoiu", ye sail nocht alanerlie knaw this tym be our provisioun and letteris past there- upon, bot (in) tym to cum, be effect and deid putting our scharp chargis to scharp executioun. Exhortand you, oure gude freind, and all oure derrest vncles trew counsiillouris and serwandis. nocht to gif regard nor to be pensive of sic trumporyis, proceding as apperis of Ucht myndis. And as to thir fantastic prophecyis, we neuir lak or sail lak regard to thame as thingis proceding without foundmeut and agauis the gude Christin faith quhair intill we leif assuritlie : and thus, reverend fader and gude freynd, faire ze weill. At oure palice at Edinburgh, the fifth day of Fcbruar, and of oure regue the XXVI. zeir. To ane reverend fader in God, The Bischop of Landeth, President of the north partis of England. 420 APPENDIX. III. ANE ACT ANENT DEFAMATOURIS. Register of Acts and Decreets, under the date May Slst 1543, volume 1st, foUo 368 :— "Anent the artiklis proponit for remeid of sclanderous billis, writings, ballatis, and bukis that ar dalie maid, writtin, and prentit to ye defamatioun of all estatis baith spirituale and temporale, and gevis occassioun ilk ane to leische and contem vtheris, and for remeid heirof it is Sta- tute and Ordanit yat na maner of man tak upoun hands to mak, write, or iraprent ony sic billis, wiitings, ballatis defamatiouris or sclanderous bukis, vnder the pane of deid and confcscatioun of all thir gudis movable, and also ordanis all prentoui-is and vtheris that hes sic bukis that yai destroy and burne the samin within xlviij houris nixt after thai be chargit, be opin proclamatioun at the market croce of Edin- burgh, and at the market croces of vtheris buiTOwis and in speciale ye new dialogue callit Pasculus and ye ballait caUit the bair that ar als prentit and sett furth, and all utheris siclik that nane haif, hald privatlie or apart ony bukis or warkis of condampnit heretikis and of thair appimzionis of liereseyis conforme to ye aetis of Parliament maid thair vpoune of befoir and under ye pains contenit in ye samin." IV. ACT AGAINST SCANDALOUS SPEECHES AND LYBELLIS, 24 June, 1609. Our Suveragne Lord, foirseeing that there is nathing sa necessair for the perpetuall weill and quietness of all his subjcctis of this monarchie, as the fui'therauce and accom- pleshment of tlie unioun of his twa famous and iiuiist ancient APPENDIX. 421 kingdomes of Scotland and England, whereof his majostie out of his fiithoilie care of the peace and liappiness of his good and faitlifiil people, and haveing raaist instantUe and earnestlie solicited the perfectiouu, and by the worthiest meuaberis of baith kingdomes, sa eflfectuallie advanced the samen, as lie hojics (God willing) in his regne to see the wished end of that great work, quhilk in his royall persoue lies ressauit sa miraculous and happie a beginning ; and neuirtheless finding therein sic maUcious lettis, as the Devill and his supportis do usuallie suggest to the hinderance of all just and godlio interj)rises, speciallie by false and calum- nious bruttis, speeches, and wryttis craftelie vtterit and dispersit be some lawles and saules people of this realms, alsweill in privat conferences, as in their meittings at tavornis, aillhousis and playis, aud by their pasfjuillis, lybellis, rymes, cokalanis, commedies, and siclyk occasionis whereby they slander, maUigne, and revile the people, estait, and country of England, and diverse liis maiesties honourable counsalloi's, magistratis, and worthie subjectis of that his majesties kiugdome, the continuance wheirof being liable to incense the people of England to just greif and niiscontent- meut, may uocht onlie hinder the intendit vnioun of all the good subjectis of tliis monarchie, bot stirre vp in them sic inconcUiable ewill will, as with tyme micht bring f urth maist dangerous aud hairmfuU effectis; forremede and preventing wheiroff his majestic remembering how strait and seveir puuishement hes by the laws and actis of his maist noble progenitoure, Kings of this reahne heiretofore bene ordanit to be inflictit vpoun sic as sould devyse or utter false and slanderous speeches aud wryttis, to mak dissentionis betwene the Prince and his subjectis, or raiss seditioun in the realme, and Considering that all sic pui-poses and wrytis as may breed dislyking betwene the Inhabitants of the saidis king- domes of Sootlaml and England, being now all become his Majesties liege people equalie subject and cqualie belowed 422 APPENDIX. by bis higbnos teiidis to maist dangerous disseusioun and Beditioun amongis liis subjectis: Tbairfoir, bis majestie witb advyse and consent of the haill estaitis of this Parliament Statutes and ordainis, that -whasoever shall heirefter be word or wryt devyse vtter or publishe ony fals slanderous or reproachful speeches or wryttis of the estate people or countray of England, or of ony counsellor thair, tending to the rememberance of the ancient grudges borne in tyme of biepast troubles ; the occasioun whereof is now happilie abolished by the blessed Coniunction of the saidis kingdomes vnder his majestie's souereignitie and obedience, or to the hinderancc of the wished accompUshment of the perfyte uuioun of the saidis kingdomes, or to the slander and reproche of the estait, people, or country of England, or dis- honor or prejudice of ony counsallour of the said kingdome, whereby haitrent may be f oistered or entertauy t or mislyking raisit betwene his majesties faithf uU subjectis of this He : theauthoris of sic seditioas, slanderous and injurious speeches or wryttis or dispersaris thairof, efter tryell tane of thair offence either before his majesties Justice, or the Lordis of his heighnes privie Counsall sail be seueirlie punished in thair persones and goodis, by Imprisonment, banishment, f ynning, or mair rigorous Corporal pane, as the quahtie of the offence shall be foundin to merite at his majesties plesure : and all sic as heiring and getting knawledge of ony sic speeches or wryttis shall conceil the samyn and nocht revile them to his majesties ordinar ofBciaris, magistratis, or counsaillouris whereby the authouris and disperseris thereof may be punished shall underly the lyk tryell and pane. V. SOME ACCOUNT OF ROBERT MYLXE. It is to this gentleman that the preservation of the greater proportion of the political satires of the reigns of Charles APPENDIX. 423 II., James II., William and Mary, and Queen Anne, is principally owing. There is in the Ubrary of the Society of Antiquaries for Scotland a MS. compiled by a son of Mylne, entitled " The Descent Probative, Branches, and Relations of K(obert) M(ylne), engraver in Edinburgh, by tlie Mother," containing a genealogical account of the different families with which the writer was maternally connected. This MS. was corrected by the elder Mylne, and it states that upon the 29th of August 1G78, Robert Mylne, writer in Edin- burgh was married in the Tolbooth Church betwixt the hours of 8 and 9 at night, by the Rev. Wm. Meldrum, to Barbara, second daughter of the Rev. John Govan, Minister, at Muckart. Of this marriage there were twelve childi-en, Mrs Mylne died after having "laboured under the palsy for six years," upon the 11th of December 1725. Her husband survived her two-and-twenty years and departed this life on the 21st day of December 1747. The following entry of his death is to be found in the British Magazine, or London and Etliuburgh Intelligencer for the year 1747. — " Robert Mylne, writer, aged 103. He enjoyed his sight and the exercise of his undei-standing till a little before his death, and was buried on his birth-day." The Scots Magazine, in noticing his demise, states his age to have been 105. Of late there has been a great controversy about centenarians, and serious doubts have been ventilated as to authenticated instances of individuals surviving their hundredth year. The longevity of Robert Mylne however affords evidence of at -least one authentic instance of the fact. Mylne survived all his family with the exception of his daughter Margaret, who married John M'Leod, writer iu Edinburgh. AVhen Robert the yoimger died has not been ascertained, but a notice in the handwriting of his parent, in the genealogical MS. previously mentione