— Itfp w -j^-^ THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON >, -'J^' HORACE TEMPLETON ' Who arc you ? ' said the Countess.' HOBACB TBMPI.KTO*f HORACE TEMPLETON BY CHARLES LEVER AUTHOR OF CHARLES O MALLEY WITH ILLUSTRATIONS , i ■ 3 J > o a 5 . o O , 1 1 a > LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS The Broadway, Ludgate NEW YORK: 416 BROOME STREET 4 « O 4 1 O i i i i i J LONDON : rRIXTKD Br WOODPALL AND KINDER, MILFORD LANE, STHANP, W.C. • _ • •. • • • C « • 4 « • • ! « • • . mo > J 3 3 HORACE TEMPLE TON. S CHAPTER I. W Hotel des Pkinces, Paris. Cu It is a strange thing to begin a " log " when the voyage is nigh ended ! A voyage without chart or compass has it been : and now is land in sight — the land of the weary and heart-tired ! Here am I, at the Hotel des Princes, en route for Italy, whither my doctors have sentenced me ! What a sad record would be preserved to the world if travellers were but to fill up, with good faith, the police formula at each stage of the journey, which asks, " the object of the tour! " How terribly often should we read the two short words — " To Die," With what sorrowful interest would, one gaze at the letters formed by a trembling hand ; and yet how many would have to write them ! Truly the old. Italian adage, " Vedere Napoli e poi morire^'' has gained a new signification ; and, unhappily, a far more real one. This same practice of physicians, of sending their patients to linger out the last hours of life in a foreign land, is, to my thinking, by no means so reprehensible as the generality of people make out. It is a theme, however, on which so many common places can be strung that common-place people, who,aboveall others, love their own eloquence, never weary of it. Away from his children — from his favourite haunts — • ■3:32289 2 HORACE TEMPLETON. from the doctors that uuclerstood liis case — from his comfort- able house — from the family apothecary — such are the changes thoy ring ; and if dying were to be done often, there would be much reascu in all this. But it is not so ; this same change occurs but once, and its approach brings with it a. ne.vy train of thoughts and feelings from all that we have ever felt before. In that twilight hour of life, objects that have escaped our vision in the blaze of noon- day become clear and distinct ; and, even to the least reflecting of minds, an increased power of perception and iudsfment is accorded — the viaticum for the cominof journey ! I remcmlior being greatly affected by the stories in the " Diary of a Pliysician," when first I read them : they were powerfully written — and so real ! N^ow this is the very quality they want : they are altogether unreal. Terrific and heart-stirring as the death-bed scenes are, they are not true to nature : the vice and the virtue are alike exaggerated. Few, very few persons can bring themselves by an effort to believe that they are dying — easy as it seems, often as we talk of it, frequent as the very expression becomes in a colloquialism, it is still a most difficult process ; but once thoroughly felt, there is an engrossing power in the thought that excludes all others. At times, indeed, Hope will triumph for a brief interval, and "tell of bright da3-s to come." Hope ! the glorious phantom that we follow up the Rhine — through the deep glens of the Tyrol, and over the Al^^s ! — Only content to die when we have lost it ! There ai'e men to whom the truth, however shocking, is always revealed — to whom the lawyer says, "You have no case," and the physician confesses, " You have no constitution." Happily or unhappily — I will not deny it may be both — I am one of these. Of the three doctors summoned to consult on my health, one spoke confidently and chceringly ; he even assumed that kind of profes- sional jocularity that would imply, " the patient is making too much of it." The second, more reserved from temperament, and graver, counselled caution and great flOKACE TEIIPLETON. B care — hinted at the danger of the malady — coupling his fears with the hopes he derived from the prospect of climate. The third (he was younger than either of the others, and of inferior repute) closed the door after them, and resumed his seat, I waited for some time expecting him to speak, but he sat in silence, and seemingly in deep thought. " And you, my dear doctor," said I at length, " are you equally con- fident as your learned colleagues ? Will the air of Italy ? " He lifted up his eyes as I got so far, and their expression I shall not readily forget — so softly tender, so •full of compassionate pity, did they beam, ^ever did a look convey more of sorrowing regret, nor more of blank despair, I hesitated — on his account I feared to finish what I had. begun ; but, as if replying to the expression of his glance, I added, "But still you advise me to go ? You counsel the journey, at least ? " He blushed deeply before he could answer. He felt ashamed that he had failed in one great requisite of his art. I hastened to relieve him, by saying with a joyous air, "Well, I will go. I like the notion myself; it is at least a truce with physic. It is like drawing a game be- fore one has completely lost it." And so here I am — somewhat wearied and fevered by the unaccustomed exertion, but less so than I expected. I sincerely hope it is only the fastidiousness of a sick man, and not that most insufferable of all affectations — exclusiveness ; but I will own I never disliked the mixed company of a steam-boat so much before. It is always an unpleasant part of our English travelling- expei'ience, that little steam trip from our own coast to the French or Belgian shore. The pleasuring Cockney, only sufferable when sick — the runaway bank-clerk — the Hamburg Jew — the young lady going to Paris for spring fashions — the newly-married, barrister, with bis bit of tawdry finery from ISTorwood, silly, simpering, and fidgetty — the Irish landlord, sulky and familiar by turns ; all, even to the danseuse, who, too refined for such associa- tion, sits in her carriage on deck, have a terrible same- ness when seen, as I have done them, something like fifty B 2 4 HORACE TEMPLETON. times ; nor can I suppose their united attractions greatly- heightened by the figure of the pale gentleman, who coughs so incessantly, and whose wan cheek and colourless eye are seen to such formidable contrast with the bronzed and resolute face of the courier beside him. Yet I would far rather think this want of due tolerance for my travelling companions was a symptom of my malady, than of that truly English disease — self-import- ance._ I know of nothing that tracks our steps on the Continent so invariably, nor is there any quality which earns for us so much ill-will. It is quite a mistake to suppose that these airs of superiority are only assumed by persons of a certain rank and fortune— far from it. Every denizen of Cheapside and the Minories that travels abroad, deems himself immeasurably above " the foreigner." Strong in his City estimation, and charged with the leader in the Times, he struts about like an upstart visiting the servants' hall, and expecting every possible demonstration of respect in return for his condescension. Hence the unhappy disparity between the situation of an Englishman and that of any other native abroad. Instead of rejoicing at any casualty which presents to him a cliance meeting with a country- man, he instinctively shrinks from it. He sees the Frenchman, the Italian, the German, overjoyed at recog- nition with some stranger from his own land, while he acknowledges, in such a contingency, only another reason for guardedness and caution. It is not that our land is wanting in those sterling qualities which make men respected and venerated— it is not that we are not, from principle and practice, both more exacting in all the re- quisites of good faith, and more tenacious of truth, than any people of the Continent ;— it is simply that we are the least tolerant to everything that differs from what we have at home, that we unscrupulously condemn whatever IS un-English; and, not satisfied with this, we expect foreigners to respect and admire us for the very censure we pass upon their institutions. There is, therefore, nothing so compromising to an HORACE TEMPLETON. 6 Englishman abroad as a countryman ; except — Itelas that I should say so ! — a countrywoman ! Paris is very beautiful in spring. There is something radiant and gorgeous in the commingled splendour of a great city, with the calmer beauties of leafy foliage and the sparkling eddies of the bright river. Better, however, not to dwelllonger on this theme, lest my gloomy thoughts should stray into the dark and crime-trodden alleys of the Bois de Boulogne, or the still more terrible filets de St. Cloud ! How sad is it when one's temperament should, as if instinctively, suggest the mournful view of each object! Rather let me jot down a little in- cident of this morning — an event which has set my heart throbbing, and my pulse fluttering, at a rate that all the prussic acid I have learned to take cannot calm down again. There come now and then moments to the sick man, when to be well and vigorous he would consent to be poor, unfriended in the world — taking health alone for his heritage. I felt that half an hour ago — but it is gone again. And now to my adventure, for, in my unbroken dream of daily life, it seemed such. I have said I am lodged at the Hotel des Princes. How different are my quarters from those I inhabited when first I saw this city ! This would entail a cf nfes- siou, however, and I shall make it some other day. My salon is No. 21, the first drawing-room to the right as you turn from the grand staircase, and opening by the three spacious windows on a balcony overlooking the Rue de Richelieu. It is, indeed, a very splendid apartment, as much so as immense mirrors, gilding, bronze, and ormolu can make it. There are soft couches and chairs, and ottomans too, that would inspire rest, save when the soul itself was restless. Well, I lounged out after breakf;ist for a short stroll along the Boulevards, where the shade of the trees and, the well-watered path were most inviting. Soon w^earied — I cannot walk in a crowd — I returned to the hotel ; shortly toiled up-stairs, waking the echoes with my teasing cough ; and, instead of turning to the right, I HORACE TEMPLETON. went left, taking the wrong' road, as I have so often done in life ; and then mistaking the numei-als, I entered No. 12 instead of No. 21. Who would credit it, that the misplacement of a unit could prove bo singular ? There was one change alone which struck me. I could not find the book I was reading — a little volume of Auerbach's village stories of the Schwartz- Walders. There was, however, another in its place, one that told of humble life in the provinces — not less ti'uthful and heart- appealing — but how very unlike ! It was Balzac's story of " Eugenie Grandet," the most touching tale I have ever read in any language. I have read it a hundred times, and ever with renewed delight. Little troubling myself to think how it came there — for, like an old and valued friend, its familiar features were aways welcome — I began again to read it. Whether the result of some peculiar organization, or the mere consequence of ill-health, I know not, but I have long remarked, that when a book has taken a sti'ong hold upon me — fascinating my attention and engaging all my sympathies, I cannot long continue its perusal. I grow dreary and speculative ; losing the thread of the narrative, I create one for myself, imagining a variety of incidents and scenes quite foreign to the intention of the writer, and identifying myself usually with some one person- age or other of the story — till the upshot of all is, I drop off asleep, to awake an hour or so afterwards witha very tired brain, and a very confused sense of the reality or unreality of my last waking sensations. It is, therefore, rather a relief to me, when, as iu the present case, the catasti'ophe is known to me, and all speculation on the future denied. Poor Eugenie, how 1 felt for all your sorrows ! — wondrous spectacle of a heart that could transmute its one absorbing passion into another, and from love, the fondest and most confiding, beget a pure and disinterested friendship! At last the book glided unnoticed from my hand, and 1 slept. The sofa where I hiy stood in a part of the room where a deep shadow fell from the closed jalousies of a, HORACE TEMPLETON. 7 window, so that any person might easily have entered or traversed the apartment without noticing me. I slept calmly and without a stir — my dreaming thoughts full of that poor girl's love. How little does any first passion depend upon the excellence of the object that creates it ! How ideal, purely ideal, are those first emotions of the heart ! I knew something of this, too ; for, when young, very young, and very impressionable, with a strong dash of I'Dmance^in my nature, that lent its Claude Lorraine tint to all I looked at, I fell in love. Never was the phrase more fitting. It was no gradual or even imperceptible declension, but a headlong, reckless plunge; such as some confident and hardy swimmer, or very often a bold bather, makes into the water, that all may be quickly over. I had been appointed attacM at Vienna, where Lord Newington was then ambassador — a widower with an only daughter. I was very young, fresh from Woolwich, where I had been studying for the Artillery service, when the death of a distant relative, who but a year before had refused to see me, put me in possession of a very lai'ge fortune. My guardian. Lord Elderton, an old diplomatey at once removed me from AVoolwich, and after a short sojourn at his house near Windsor, I was introduced into what Foreign-office people technically denominate " The Line,'" and what they stoutly uphold as the only career for a gentleman. I must some day or other jot down a few recollections of my life at Gortham, Lord Elderton's seat, where, with Grotius and PufFendorf of a morning, and old >Sir Robert Adams and Lord Hailieburay of an evening, I was believed to be inhaling the very atmosphere of learned diplomacy. Tiresome old gentlemen, whose thoughts stood fast at the time of Fox and Pitt, and, like a clock that went down in the night, steadily pointed to an hour long bygone. How wearied I was of discussions as to whether the King of Prussia would declare war, or the Emperor of Austria make peace ! whether we should give up Malta and lose Hanover ! Pitt, must, indeed, have been a man of " dark counsels, for whether he wished for an alliance with 8 HORACE TEMPLETON. France or not was a nightly topic of debate witliout a cliance of agreement. All these discussions, far from tending to excite my ardonr for the career, served to make me dread it, as the most tiresome of all possible pursuits. The light gossip, too, over which they regaled themselves with such excel- lent relish, was insupportably dull. Who could care for the pointless repartees of defunct Grand Dukes, or the meaningless caprices of long-buried Archduchesses ? If, then, I was glad to escape from Gortham and its weary company, had I formed no very sanguine expecta- tions of pleasure at Vienna. I saw very little of the Continent in this my first journey. I was consigned to the charge of a cabinet messenger, who had orders to deliver me " safe " at Vienna. Poor M'Kaye, slight as I was, lie left me veiy little of the small coupe we travelled in. He weighed something more than twenty stone, a heaving mass of fat and fretting : the great misery of his life being that Washington Irving had held him up to European ridicule, for he was the original " Stout Gentleman " whose heavy perambulations overhead suggested that inimitable sketch. We arrived at Vienna some hours after dai'k, and after speedily traversing the narrow and winding streets of the capital, drew up within the parte cocJiere of the English embassy. There was a grand ball at the embassy — a sovereign's birthday, or a coronation, I forget which — but I can well remember the dazzling splendour of the grand staircase, a blaze of waxlights, and glittering with the brilliant lustre of jewelled dresses and gorgeous uniforms; but, perhaps, even more struck by the frequent announce- ment of names which were familiar to me as almost historical personages — the Esterhazeys, the Schwarzen- bergs, and the Lichtensteins, when suddenly, with almost a shock, I heard my own untitled name called aloud, " Mr. Horace Templeton." It is, I believe, a very old gentry name, and has maintained a fair repute for some half- dozen centuries; but, I own, it clinked somewhat meagre on the ear amid the hiijh-sounding svllables of Austrian nobility. HORACE TEMPLETON. 9 I stood witliin the doorway of the grand salon, almost stunned by the sudden transition from the dark monotony of a night journey to the noonday blaze of splendour before me, when a gentle tap from a bouquet on my arm aroused me, and a very silvery voice, in accents every one of which sank into my heart, bade me welcome to Vienna, It was Lady Blanche Newington that spoke — the most lovely oreatui'e that ever beauty and station combined to form. Fascinations like hers were new to me: she mingled gentleness of manner with a spiritual liveliness, that seemed ever ready to say the right thing at the right moment. The ease with which, in different languages, she addressed the various individuals of the compan}", employing all the little delicate forms of those conven- tionalities French and Italian so abound in, and through all, an unobtrusive solicitude to please, that was most captivating. My whole occupation that night was to steal after her unobserved, and gaze with delight at traits of manner that my ardent imagination had already elevated into graces of mind. I was very much in love — so much so that, ere a few weeks went over, my brother attaches saw it, and tormented me unceasingly on the subject. Nay, they went further : they actually told Lady Blanche her- self, so that I dreaded to meet her, not knowing how she might treat my presumption. I fancied all manner of changes in her bearing towards me — reserve, coldness, perhaps disdain. Nothing of the kind ! She was only more familiar and cordial than evei\ Plad I known more of the world, or of the feminine part of it, I should have read this differently : as it was, it overwhelmed me with delight. There was a frankness in her tone towards me, too; for now she discussed the temper and character of our mutual acquaintances, and with a shrewdness of criticism strange in one so young. At last we came to talk of a certain Count de Favancourt, the secretary of the French embassy ; and as I mentioned his name, she said, some- what abruptly, — " I half suspect you don't like tlie Count ? " " Who could ? " replied T, cagoily ; " is he not a 'Fat .?' " 10 HORACE TEMPLETON. — usiug that precious monosyllable by -wliich his country- men designate a certain class of pretenders. She laughed, and I -went on, not sorry to have an oppor- tunity of severity on one for whom I had conceived an especial hatred — indeed, not altogether without cause, since he had, on more than one occasion, marlvcd the difference of our official rank in a manner sufficiently pointed to be offensive ; and yet, the rigid etiquette ob- servable to another embassy forbade all notice of whatever could be passed over. Like a very young man, I did not bound my criticism on the Count by what I saw and observed in his manner, but extended it to every possible deduction I could draw from his air and bearing ; winding up all by a very bi'oadly- hinted doubt that those ferocious whiskers and that deep baritone were anything but a lion's skin over a very craven heart. The last words were scarcely uttered, when a servant announced the Count de Favancourt. There is something, to a young person at least — I fancy I should not mind it now — so overwhelming on the sudden appearance of any one on whom the conversation has taken a turn of severity, that I arose confused and uneasy — I believe I blushed ; at all events, I perceived that Lady Blanche remai-ked my discomfiture, and her eyes glanced on me with an expres- sion I never observed before. As for the Count, he advanced and made his deep revereuce without ever notic- ing me, nor, even while taking his seat, once showed any consciousness of my presence. Burning with indignation that I could scarce repress, I turned towards a table, and affected to occupy myself tossing over the prints and drawings that lay about — my maddened thoughts rendered still more insufferable from fancying that Lady Blanche and the Count seemed on far hotter and more intimate footing than I had ever known them before. Some other visitors being announced, I took the occasion to retire unobserved, and had just reached the lauding of the stairs when I heard a foot behind me. I turned — it was Favancourt. For the first time in my life, I perceived HORACE TEMPLETON. 11 a smile upon his countenance— an expression, I own, that became it even less than liis habitual stern scowl. " You have done me the honour, sir," said he, "to make some observations on ray manner, which, I regret to learn, has not acquired your favourable opinion. Now, I have a strong sense of the inconvenance of anything like a rupture of amicable relations between the embassy I have the honour to serve and that to which you belong. It is, then, exceedingly un^^leasant for me to notice your remarks — it is impossible for me to let them pass unnoticed." He made a pause at these words, and so long that I felt bound to speak, and, in a voice that passion had rendered slightly tremulous, said — " Am I to receive this, sir, in the light of a rebuke ? because, as yet, I only perceive it conveys the expression of your own regret that you cannot demand an explanation I am most ready to afford you." " My demand is somewhat dififei-ent, sir, but, I trust, will be as readily accorded. It is this : that you resign your position as attache to this embassy, and leave Vienna at once. There is no necessity that any unfavourable notice of this affair should follow you to another mission, or to England." " Stop, sir, I beg of you ; I cannot be answerable for my temper, if you persist to outrage it. While you may press me to acknowledge that, while half an hour ago I only deemed you a ' Fat,' I now account you an ' im- becile.'" " Enough ! " said the Count, passing down the stairs before me. When I reached my lodgings, I found a " friend " from him, who arranged a speedy meeting. We fought that same evening, behind the Prater, and I received his ball in my shoulder — mine pierced his hat. I was I'ecalled before my wound permitted me to leave my bed. The day I left Vienna, Lady Blanche was married to Count Favan- court ! Some fourteen years had elapsed since that event and the time in which I now lay sleeping on the sofa ; and yet, after a.11 that long interval — with all its scenes of 12 HOEACE TEMPLETON. varied interests, its stormy passions, its hopes, its failures, its successes — the image of Blanche was before my mind's cje, as brightly, joyously fair, as on the evening I first beheld her. I had forgotten all that time and worldly knowledge had taught me, that, of all her attractions, her beauty only was real — that the graceful elegance of her bearing was only manner — that her gentleness was manner — her winning softness and delicacy mere manner — that all the fair endowments that seemed the rich promise of a gifted mind, united to a nature so bounteously endowed, were mere manner. She was spirituelle, lively, animated, and brilliant — all, from nothing but manner. To this knowledge I did not come without many a severe lesson. The teaching has been perfect, however, and made me what I am ! Alas ! how is it that mere gilding can look so like solid gold — nay, be made to cover more graceful tracery, and forms more purely elegant, than the real metal ? I have said that I slept ! and, as I lay, dreams came over me— dreams of that long-past time, when the few shadows that fell over my path in life were rather spots where, like the traveller on a sunny road, one halts to breathe awhile, and taste in the cool shade the balmy in- fluence of repose. I thought of Blanche, too, as first I had seen her, and when first she taught my heart to feel the ecstasy of loving, breathing into my nature high hopes and longings, and making of life itself an ideal of delight and happiness. And, as I dreamed, there stole over my senses a faint, thrilling memory of that young joy my heart had known, and a feeling like that of health and ardent buoyancy, which for years long I had not ex- perienced. Her voice, tremulous with feeling, vibrating in all the passionate expression of an Italian song, was in my ears — I could hear the words — my very heart throbbed to their soft syllables as she sung the lines of Metastasio, — "E tu. qui sa si te Ti sovrerai di me." I started — there she was before me, bending over the HORACE TEMPLETON. 13 harp, whose cords still trembled with the dying sounds ; the same Blanche I had known and loved, but slightly- changed indeed ; more beautiful perhaps in womanhood than as a girl. Her long and silky hair fell over her white wrist and taper hand in loose and careless tresses, for she had taken off her bonnet, which lay on the floor beside her; her attitude was that of weariness — nay, there was a sigh ! Good heavens ! is she weeping ? My book fell to the ground ; she started up, and, in a voice not louder than a whisper, exclaimed, "Mr. Templeton ! " " Blanche ! — Lady Blanche ! " cried I, as my head swam round in a strange confusion, and a dim and misty vapour danced before my eyes. "Is this a visit, Mr. Templeton ? " said she, with that soft smile I had loved so well ; " am I to take this sur- prise for a visit? " " I really — I cannot understand — I thought — I was certain that I was in my own apartment. I believed I was in Paris, in the Hotel des Princes." " Yes, and most correct were all your imaginings ; only that at this moment you are chez moi — this is our apart- ment, No. 12." " Oh, forgive me, I beg. Lady Blanche ! — the similarity of the rooms, the inattentive habit of an invalid, has led to this mistake." " I heard you had been ill," said she, in an accent full of melting tenderness ; while taking a seat on a sofa, by a look rather than an actual gesture she motioned me to sit beside her : " you are much paler than you used to be." " T have been ill," said I, struggling to repress emotion and a fit of coughing together, " It is that dreadful life of England, depend upon it," said she, eagerly ; " that fearful career of high excitement and dissipation combined — the fatigues of pai-liaraeut — the cares and anxieties of party — the ti'emendous exer- tions for success — the torturing dread of failure. Why didn't you remain in diplomacy?" " It looked so very like idling," said I laughingly, and endeavouring to assume something of her own easy tone. 14 HORACE TEMPLETON. " So it is. But wliat better can one have, aftei' all ?" said she, with a faint sigh. " AVhen they are happy," added I, stealing a glance at her beneath my eyelids. She turned away, however, before I had succeeded, and I could merely mark that her breathing was quick and huri^ied. "I hope you have no grudge towards Favancourt ? " said she hastily, and with a manner that showed how difficult it was to disguise agitation. " He would be de- lighted to see you again ! He is always talking of your success in the House, and often prophesies the most brilliant advancement for you." " I have outlived resentment," said I, in a low whisper : " would that I could add, other feelings were as easily forgotten." Not at once catching my meaning, she turned her full and lustrous eyes upon me, and then suddenly aware of my words, or reading the explanation in my own looks, she blushed deeply, and after a pause said — "And what are your plans now? do you remain here some time ? " " ISTo, I am trying to reach Italy. It has become as classic to die there nowadays, as once it was to live in that fair land." " Italy ! " interrupted she, blushing still deeper. " Favancourt is now asking for a mission there — Naples is vacant." This time I succeeded in catching her eyes, but she hastily withdrew them, and we were both silent. " Have you been to the Opera yet ?" said she, with a voice full of all its habitual softness. "You forget," said I, smiling, " that I am an invalid: besides, I only arrived here last night." " Oh, I am sure that much will not fatigue you. The Due de Blancard has given us his box while we stay here, and we shall always have a place for you ; and I pray you to come ; if not for the music, for my sake," she added, hastily : " for I own nothing can be possibly more stupid than our nightly visitors. I hear of nothing but minis- terial intrigue, the tactics of the centre droit and the op- HOEACE TEMPLETON. 15 position, with a little very tiresome gossip of the Tuileries ; and Favancourt thinks himself political, when he is only prosy. Now, I long for a little real chit-chat about London and our own people. Apropos, what be- came of Lady Frances Gunnington ? did she I'eally marry the young cornet of dragoons and sail for India ? " " The saddest is to be told : he was killed in the Pun- jaub, and she is now coming home a widow." " How very sad ! — was she as pi'etty as they said ? — handsomer than Lucy Fox, I have heard ! " " I almost think so." " That is great praise from you, if there be any truth in on difs. Had not you a kind of tenderness in that quarter ? " "Me!" " Nay, don't affect surprise ; we heard the story at Florence, and a very funny story it was : that Lucy insisted upon it, if you didn't propose for her, that she would for you, since she was determined to be mistress of a certain black Arabian that you had ; and that you, fearing consequences, sent her the horse, and so com- promised the affiiir." " How very absurd ! " "But is it not true? Can you deny having made a present of the steed ?" " She did me the honour to accept of a pony, but the attenuating circumstances are all purely imaginary." " Si nan e vero e hen trovafo. It was exactly what she would do ! " "An unfair inference, which I feel bound to enter a protest against. If we were only to charge our acquaint- ances with what we deem them capable of " " Well, finish, I pray you." " I was only about to add, what would become of ourselves ?" " Meaning you and me, for instance ? " I bowed an assent. ^^' Qui s'eivcuse, s'accuse,' sajs the adage," rejoined she, gail}^ : "/ neither do one nor the other. At the same time, let me confess to one thing of which I am capable, 16 HOEACE TEMPLETON. which is, of detesting any one who in this age of the world affects to give a tone of morah'zing to a conversa- tion. Now I presume you don't wish this. I will even take it for granted, that you would rather we were good friends, as we used to be long ago. — Oh, dear, don't sigh that way ! " " It was you that sighed." " Well, I am very sorry for it. It was wrong of me, and very wrong of you to tell me of it. But dear me ! is it so late ? can it really be three o'clock ? " " I am a quarter past ; but I think we must both be fast. You are going out ?" "A mere drive in the Champs Elysees, where I shall pay a few visits and be back to dinner. Will you dine with us?" " I pray you to excuse me — don't forget I am a sick man." "Well, then, we shall see you at the Opera?" " I fear not. If I might ask a favour, it would be to take the volume of Balzac away with me." " Oh, to be sure ! But we have some others, much newer. Tou know ' Le Recherche de I'Absolu ' already ? " " Yes ; but I like ' Eugenie' still better. It was an old taste of mine, and as you quoted a proverb a few moments ago, let me give you another as trite and as true, — ' Od revient toujours.' " " ' A ses premiers amours,' " said she, finishing; while with a smile, half playful, half sad, she turned toward the window, and I retired noise- lessly, and without an adieu. Heigho ! how nervous and irritable I feel ! The very sight of that handsome barouche that has driven from the hotel, with its beautiful occupant lying listlessly back among the cushions, has set my heart a-beating far, far too hurriedly. How is it that the laws that govern material nature are so inoperative in ours, and that a heart that never felt can make another feel? Heaven knows ! It is HORACE TEMPLETON. 17 rot love ; even ray first passion, peihaps, little merited the name : but now, reading her as worhiliness has taught me to do — seeing how little relation exists between at- tractions and fascinations of the veiy highest order and any real sentiment, any true feeling — knowing how "Life" is her idol, how in that one idea is comprised all that vanity, self-love, false pride, and passion can form — how is it that she, whom I recognize thus, that she can move me? There is-nothiug so like a battle as a sham fi"ht in a review. o 18 HOBACE TEMPLETON. CHAPTER II. I MUST leave Paris at once. The weather is intolerably hot ; the leaves that were green ten clays ago already are showing symptoms of the sear and yellow. Is it in com- pliment to the august inhabitant of the palace that the garden is so empresse to turn its coat? Shame on my ingratitude to say so, for I find that his Majesty has sent me a cai'd of invitation to dine on Friday next. Another reason for a hurried departure ! Of all moderate endur- ances, I know of none to compare with a dinner at the Tuileries. " Stay !— halt ! " cries Memory ; " I'll tell you of one worse again — a dinner at Neuilly ! " The former is sure to include a certain number of dis- tinguished and remarkable men, who, even under the chill and I'estraint of a royal entertainment, venture now and then on some few words that su|)ply the void where con- versation should be. At Neuilly it is strictly a family party, where, whatever ease may be felt by the illustrious hosts, the guests have none of it. Juvenal quaintly asks, If that can be a battle where you strike and I am beaten ? so one is tempted to inquire if that can be called society where a royal personage talks I'apidly for hours, and the listener must not even look dissent ? The King of the French is unquestionably a great man, but not greater in any thing than in the complete mystification in which he has succeeded in enveloping his real character, mingling up together elements so strange, so incongruous and .seem- ingly inconsistent, that the actual direction or object of any political move he has ever made will always bear a double appreciation. The haughty monarch is the citizen king; the wily and secret politician, the most free-spoken 'jind candid of men : the most cautious in an intrigue, the HORACE TEMPLETON. - 19 very rashest in action. How is it possible to divine the meaning, or guess the wishes, of one whose nature seems so Protean? His foreign policy is, however, the master-stroke of his genius, — the cunning game by which he has conciliated the party of popular institutions and beguiled the friends of absolutism, delighting Tom Duncombe and winning- praise from Nicholas. Like all clever men who are vain of their cleverness, he has always been fond of employing agents of inferior capacity but of unquestionable devotion to his interests. What small intelligences — to use a phrase more French than English — were the greater number of the French ministers and seci'etaries I have met accredited to foreign courts! I remember Talleyrand's observation, on the remark being made, was, " His Majesty always keeps the trumps in his own hand." Though, to be sure, he himself was an evidence to the contrary — a " trump " led boldly out, the first card played ! So well did that subtle politician comprehend the futur*- turn events must take, that on hearing, at two o'clock in the morning, that his Royal Highness the Due d'Orleans had consented to assume the crown, he exclaimed, " And lam now ambassador at St. James's!" It must have been what the Londoners call " good fun " to have lived in the days of the Empire, when all manner of rapid eleva- tions occurred on every hand. The commis of yesterday, the special envoy to-day ; a week ago a corporal, and now gazetted an officer, with the cross of the Legion — on the grande route to become a general. A General ! why not a Llarshal of France — ay, or a King ? We have seen somethiuf; of this kind in Belerium within a few years back — on a small scale, it is true. What strange ingredients did the Revolution throw up to the surface ! what a mass of noisy, turbulent, self-opinionated incapables, who, because they had led a rabble at the Porte de Flandre, thought they could conduct the march of an army! And the statesmen ! — good lack ! the miser- able penny-a-liners of the Independant and the Lion Beige, that admJrable symbol of the laud, who carries his tail between his legs. The really able, and, I believe, honest c 2 20 HORACE TEMPLETON. men -were soon overwhelmed by the influence of the priest party— the vultures who watched the fight from afar, and at last descended to take all the spoils of the victory. Wandeweycr and Nothomb are both men of ability, the latter akind of Brummagen Thiers, with the same taste for intrigue, the same subtle subserviency to the head of the state, and, in his heart, the same cordial antipathy to England. But v/hy dwell on these people? they will scarce occupy a foot-note in the old "Almanach." The diplomatic history of our day, if it ever be written, will present no very striking displays of high-reaching intellect or devoted patriotism; the men who were even greatest before the world were really smallest behind " the fact." We deemed that Lord Aberdeen and Lord Palmer- ston, and Messrs. Guizot and Thiers, and a few more, were either hui^rying us on to war or maintaining an admirable peace. But the whole thing resolves itself into the work of one man and one mind ; neither very conspi- cuous, but so intently occupied, so devotedly perseverino-, that persistence has actually elevated itself to genius ; and falling happily upon times when mediocrity is sublime, he has contrived to make his influence felt in every state of Europe. I speak not of Louis Philippe, but of his son- in-law, King Leopold. "Let me make the ballads of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws," said the great statesman ; and in something of the same spirit his Majesty of Belgium may have said, "Let me make the royal marriages of Europe, and any one who pleases may choose the ministry." Apropos of the Roi Leopold, is it not difficult to under- stand a Princess Charlotte falling in love with his good looks P There is no disputing on this point. The must eminently successful man I ever knew in ladies' society was Jack Beauclerc— " Caucasian Jack " we used to call him at Brookcs's. Everybody knows Jack was no beauty. Heavy beetling brows, a dark, saturnine, ill-omened expression, was ever on his features. Nor did his face light up at times, as one occasionally sees with such men ; he was always the same sad misanthropic-looking fellow. Neither could one call him agreeable — at least I, Meeting HORACE TEMPLETON. 21 him very often, never found him so. But he vras of a determined, resolute nature ; one of those men that appear never to turn from any object on which they have set a strong wilL This may have gone very far with ladies, who very often conceive a kind of esteem for whatever they fear. He said himself that his secret was, " always using them ill ; " and certainly, if facts could bear out ^uch a theory, one might believe him. Probably no man ever cultivated these tastes with such assiduity — these, I say, for play and duelling were also passions with him. He was attnclie to our mission at Naples before he was t^ixteen, and had the honour of wounding the old Marquis d'Espagua with the small sword at the same precocious era. The duel originated after a truly Italian manner ; and as there are at Naples maiiy incorrect reports of it, I will take the trouble to give the real one. The Marquis was an old man, married to one of the most beautiful women in Italy. She was a Venetian, and if ray memory serves me right, a Guillardini by birth. She married him at eighteen to escape a convent, he being the richest noble under the rank of the blood royal at Naples. Very unlike the majority of Italian husbands, the Marquis was exces- sively jealous, would not permit the most innocent freedoms of his young and lovely wife, and eventually secluded himself and — worse still — her from all society, and never appeared except at a court ball, or some such festivity that thei^e were no means of avoiding. It was at one of these festivities that the King, who liked to see his ball-room put forth its fairest aspect, bantered the Marquis on the rumour that had even reached the ears of royalty, as to his inordinate jealousy. The IMarquis, \vho?e old spirit of courtiership predominated even as strongly as his jealousy, assured his Majesty that the worthy people of Naples did him great injustice, and that, although conscious of the Marchesa's great beauty and attractive- ness, he had yet too high a sense of the distinguished place he and his family had always held in the esteem of his sovereign to feel jealous of any man's pretension ; adding, " If I have not admitted the conventional addition of a cavaliere servante to my household, I would beg your 22 HORAClii TEMPLETON. Majesty to believe it is simply because I have seen no one as yet worthy to hand la Marchesa to her carriage or fold her shawl." " Admirably spoken, Marquis ! " said the King; "the sentiment is quite worthy of one who has the best blood of Sicily in his veins. But remember what an artificial state of society we live in ; think of our conventional usages, and what a shock it gives to public opinion when one placed in so exalted a position as you. are so palpably affronts universal and admitted custom ; recollect that your reserve involves a censure on others, less suspicious, and, we would hope, not less rigidly honourable men, than yourself." "But what would your Majesty counsel ? " " Select a cavaliere yourself, as little likely to excite your jealousy as you please ; as little agreeable as possible if you prefer it : but, comply at least so far with the world's prescription, and do not shock our worthy Nea- politans by appearing to reflect upon them. There, what say you to that boy yonder ? he is only a boy — he has just joined the English mission here. I'm sure he has formed no tender engagements to jirevent your adopting him, and you will at least seem to conform with the usages of 3'our neighbours." " If your Majesty commands " " Nay, Marquis, I but advise." " Your Majesty's wish is always a command. I feci proud to obey." "Then, I am very happy to say I wish it," said the King, who turned away, dying to tell the court-party how miserable he had made the old marquis. Such are dehauche kings; the glorious prerogative of power becomes the mere agent of perverted ingenuity to work mischief and do wrong ! The poor Marquis lost no time to follow out the royal commands, and at once made acquaintance with Beau- clerc — only too happy to be noticed in such a quarter. I know not whether the lady was much gratified by the result of this kingly interposition in her favour : soma said, Yes, and that the youth was really gifted and HORACE TEMPLETON. 23 spirifuel, with a vein of quiet, caustic Imrnoui", most amusing ; others, and I half incline to this notion — pro- nounced him dull and uninteresting. At all events, the Marchesa enjoyed the liberty of appearing often in public, and seeing more of the world than heretofore. She usually visited the San Carlos, too, twice a week ; a great improvement in her daily life, as previously the Opera was denied her. Imraediately over the Marchesa's box was the large box, or rather salon, belonging to tlie club of the Italian nohili, who frequented the theatre far less for the plea- sures of the opera and the ballet than for the more ex- citing delights olfaro and ecarte ; and hei-e, nightly, wei"e assembled all the most dissipated and spendtlarift youth of a capital, whose very gravest and most exemplary citizens would be reckoned "light company" anywhere else. High play, with all its consequences of passionate out- breaks, ruin, and duelling, were the pastimes of this ill- fated loge; and, notwithstanding the attractions the box underneath contained, Jack Beauclei'c was far oftener in the second tier than the first. He was, indeed, a most inve- terate gambler ; and the few moments which he devoted to attending the Marchesa to her box or her carriage were so many instants of pregnant impatience till he was back at the play-table. It Avas on one evening, when, having lost a very heavy sum, that his turn came to deal ; and, with the super- stitious feeling that only a play-man can understand, he resolved to stake a very large amount upon the game. The attention of the bystanders — never very deeply en- gaged by the scene — was now entirely engrossed by the play-table, where Beauclerc and his adversary were seated at ecarte. It was that critical moment when the cards were dealt, but the trump not yet turned, and Beauclerc sat enjoying, with a gambler's ''malign" delight, the eager anxiety in the other player's countenance, when suddenly a voice said : "Ha, Beauclerc! the Marchesa is rising — she is about to leave the theatre." 24 nOKACE TEMPLETON. " Impossible ! " said he; "it is only the second act.** " It is quite true, though," rejoined another ; " she 13 putting on her mantle." " N^ever mind our party, then," oried Beauclerc's antago- nist ; " I will hold myself ready to play the match out whenever you please." "1 please it now, then!" said he, with a degree of energy that heavy losses had, in spite of him, rendered uncontrollable. " II Signer Beauclerc ! " said a servant, approaching, "the Marquis d'Espagna desires to see you.." " Tell him I am engaged — I can't come," said Beau- clerc, turning up the trump-card, which he held out triumphantly before his adversary, saying, " The king ! " At the same instant the old Marquis entered, and, approaching the table, whispered a few words in his ear. ]f an adder had pierced him with its sting, Beauclerc could not have started with a more agonised expression ; and he sprang from the chair and rushed out of the theatre, not by the door, however, where the Marchesa's carriage was yet standing, but by a private passage, which led more easily towards his lodgings. "What is this piece of news, that all are so amused by ?" said the King, the next morning, as he was rising. " Your majesty alludes to the Marquis d'Espagna, no doubt," said Count Villafranca. "He challenged the young English attache last night, at the theatre, and they have been out this morning ; and, strange to say, that the Marquis, the very best swordsman we have ever had here, was disarmed and run through the side by his antagonist." " Is the wound dangerous ? " said the King, coolly. " I believe not, your Majesty. Beauclerc has behaved very well since it happened ; he has not left the Marquis for a moment, and has, they say, asked pardon most humbly for his oflTencc, which was, indeed, a very gross neglect of the Marchesa no husband could pardon." " So I heard," said the King, yawning. " The Mar- quis is very tiresome, and a great bore : but, for all that, he is a maa of spirit ; and I am glad he has shown this HORACE TEMPLETON. 25 young foreigner that Italian honour cannot be outraged with impunity !" Such is the true version ; and, let people smile as they like at the theory, I can assure them it is no laughing matter. It is, doubtless, somewhat strange to our northern ideas of domestic happiness that a husband should feel called on to punish a want of sufficient atten- tion to his wife, from the man whom tho world regards as her lover. AVe. have our own ideas on the subject; and, however sensitive we may feel on this subject, I sincerely hope we shall never push punctilio so far as the Neapolitans. Such, without the slightest exaggeration, are the pic- tures Italy presents, fir more impressive on the minds of our travelling youtli than all that Correggio has touched or Raphael rendered immortal. Will their contempla- tion injure us ? Shall we become by habit more lenient to vice, and less averse to its shame? or shall we, as some say, be only more charitable to others, and less hypo- critical ourselves ? I sadly fear that, in losing what many call "our affected prudery," we lose the best safeguard of virtue. It was, at the least, the "livery of honour," and wc showed ourselves not ashamed to wear it. And yet there are those who will talk to you — ay, and talk cou- rageously of the DOMRSTIC LIFE OF ITALY ! The remark has been so often made, that by the mere force of repetition it has become like an acknowledged truth, that, although strangers are rarely admitted within its precincts, there exists in Italy and in Italian cities a state of domestic enjoyment to which our boasted home- life in England must yield the palm. Never w'as there any more absurd assertion less propped by fact — never was the '■'' ignotmn" so easily taken '''fro heatijico.''^ The domestic life of England has no parallel in any part of Europe, save, perhaps, in some of the French pro- vinces, where the old " vie du cludeau''^ presents something similar ; but, even there, it rather lingers like the spirit of a departed time, the relic of bygone associations, than in the full reign of a strong national taste. In Germany, notwithstanding the general impression to the contrary 26 HOEACE TEMPLETON. there is still less of it : the passion for liousebold duties by the woman, the irresistible charms of beer and tobacco to the men, suggest different paths ; and while she in- dulges her native fondness for cookery and counting napkins at home, he, in some wine-garden, dreams away life in smoke-inspired visions of German regenei'ation and German unity. In Italy, however, the points of contact between the members of a family are still fewer again: the mealtimes, that summon around the board the various individuals of a house, are here unknown ; each rises when he pleases, and takes his cup of coffee or chocolate in soli- tary independence — unseen, unknown, and, worse still, unwashed ! The drawing-room, that paradise of English home-exist- ence, has no place in the life of Italy. The lady of the house is never seen of a morning ; not that the cares of family, the duties of a household, engross her — not that she is busied with advancing the education of her children, or improving her own. No : she is simply en deshahille. That is, to be sure, a courteous expression for a toilet that has cost scarce five minutes to accomplish, and would require more than the indulgence one concedes to the enervation of climate to forgive. The master of the family repairs to the cafe: his whole existence revolves around cei-tain little tables, with lemon- ade, sorbets, and dominoes ; his physical wants are, in- deed, few, but his intellectual ones even fewer; he cares little for politics — less for literature ; his thoughts have but one theme — intrigue"; and his whole conversation is a sort oi chronique scandaleuse on the city he lives in. There is a tone of seeming good-nature — an easy mock charity, in the way he treats his neighbours' backslidings — that have often suggested to strangers favourable im- pi-essions as to the kindliness of the people ; but this is as great an error as can be : the real explanation of tho fact is the levity of national feeling, and the little impres- sion that breaches of morality make upon a society dead to all the higher and better dictates of virtue — such offences being not capital crimes, but mere misdemeanours. The dinner-hour occasionally, but not always, assembles HORACE TEMPLETON. 27 the family to a meal that in no respect resembles that in more civilized communities. The periodical return of a certain set of forms — those convenances which insjaire, at the same time, regard for others and self-respect — the ad- mixture of courtesy with cordial enjoyment — have no repi'esentatives around a board where the party assemble, some dusty and heated, others wrapped up in dressing- gowns — all negligent, inattentive to each other, and weary of themselves — tited of the long unbroken morning, which no occupation lightens, no care beguiles, no duty elevates. The Siesta follows, evening draws near, and at last the life of Italy dawns — dawns when the sun is set- ting ! It is the hour of the theatre — the Theatre, the sole great passion of the nation, the one rallying point for every grade and class, Thitber, now, all repair; and for a brief interval the silent streets of the city bustle with the life and movement of the inhabitants, as, on foot or in carriages, they hasten past. The " business of the scene^' is the very least among the attractions of a theatre in Italy. The opera-box is the drawing-room, the only one of an Italian lady ; it is the club-room of the men. Whist and faro, ombre and piquet, dispute the interest with the prima donna or the danseuse in one box ; while in another the fair occupant turns from the ardent devotion of stage-passion to listen to the not less impassioned, but as unreal, protestation of her admirer beside lier. That the drama, as such, is not the attraction, it is suf- ficient to say that the same piece is often played forty, fifty, sometimes seventy nights in succession, and yet the boxes lose few, if any, of their occupants. Night after night the same faces re-appear, as regularly as the actors ; tlie same groupings are formed, the selfsame smiles go round ; and v/ere it not that no trait of ennui is discernible, you would say that levity had met its own punishment in the dreariness of monotony. These boxes seldom pass out, of the same family ; from generation to generation they descend with the family mansion, and are as much a part of the domestic property of a house as the rooms of the residence. Furnished and lighted up according to the 28 HORACE TEMPLETON, taste and at the discretion of the owner, they present to eyes only habituated to our theatres the strangest variety, and even discordance, of aspect : some, brilliant in wax- light and gorgeous in decoration, glitter with the jewelled dresses of the gay company ; others, mysteriously sombre, show the shadowy outlines of an almost shrouded group, dimly visible in the distance. The theatre is the very spirit and essence of life in Italy. To the merchant it is the Bourse ; it is the club to the gambler, the cofi! to the lounger, the drawing-room and the boudoir to the lady. But where is the domestic life ? nOKACE TEMPLETON. 29 CHAPTER HI. Akother note from Favancourt, asking me to diue and meet Alfred de Vigny, whose " Cinque Mars" I praised so highly. Be it so ; I am curious to see a Frenchman who has preferred the high esteem of the best critics of his country to the noisy popularity such men as Sue and Dumas write for. De Vigny is a French Washington Irving, with more genius, higher taste, but not that heartfelt appreciation of tranquil, peaceful life that the American possesses. As episode, his little tale, the " Canne de Jonc," is one of the most affecting I ever read. From the outset yoa feel that the catastrophe must be sad, yet there is nothing harass- ing or wearying in the suspense. The cloud of evil, not bigger than a man's hand at first, spreads gradually till ifc spans the heavens from east to west, and night falls solemn and dark, but without storm or hurricane. I scarcely anticipate that such a writer can be a bril- liant converser. The best gauge I have ever found of an author's agreeability is in the amount of dialogue he throws into his books. Wherever narrative, pure narra- tive, predominates, and the reflective tone prevails, the author will be, perhaps necessarily, more disposed to silence. But he who writes dialogue well, must be himself a talker. Take Scott, for instance ; the very chax'acter of his dialogue scenes was the type of his own social powers : a strong and nervous common sense ; a high chivalry that brooked nothing low or mean ; a profound veneration for antiquity ; an innate sense of the humorous ran through his manner in the world, as they display themselves in his works. See Sheridan, too; he talked the " School for Scandal" 30 HORACE TEMPLETON. all his life ; whereas Goldsmith was a dull man in com- pany. Taking this criterion, Alfred de Vigny will be quiet, reserved, and thoughtful ; pointed, perhaps, but not brilliant. Apropos of this talking talent, what has be- come of it? French caitserie, of which one hears so much, was no more to be compared to the racy flow of English table-talk some forty years back, than a group of artificial flowers is fit to compete with a bouquet of richly-scented dew-spangled buds, freshly plucked from the garden. Lord Brougham is our best man now, the readiest — a great quality — and, strange as it may sound to those who know him not, the best-natured, with anecdote enough to poiut a moral, but no story-teller; using his wit as a skilful cook does lemon-juice — to flavour, but not to sour the plat. Painters and anglers, I have remarked, are always silent, thoughtful men. Of course I would not include under this judgment such as portrait and miniature painters, who are about, as a class, the most tiresome and loqua- cious twaddlers that our unhappy globe suffers under. Wilkie must have been a real blessing to any man sen- tenced to sit for his picture : he never asked questions, seldom, indeed, did he answer them ; he had nothing of that vulgar trick of calling up an expression in his sitter ; provided the man stayed awake, he was able always to catch the traits of feature, and, when he needed it, evoke the prevailing character of the individual's expression by a chance word or two. Lawrence was really agreeable — so, at least, I have always heard, for he v/as before my day ; but I suspect it was that officious agreeability of the artist, the smartness that lies in wait for a smile or the sparkle of the eye, that he may transmit it to the panel. The gi'eat miniature painter ofourday is really a speci- men of a miniature intelligence — fhe most incessant little driveller of worse than nothings : the small gossip that is swept down the back-stairs of a palace, the flat common- places of great people, are his stock-in-trade ; the only value of such contributions to history is, that they must be true. IS'one but kings could be so tiresome ! I remember once sitting to this gentleman, when only just recovei'ing HORACE TEMPLETON. 31 from an illness, and when possibly I endured his forced and forty-horse power of small talk with less than ordinary patience. He had painted nearly every crowned head in Europe — kings, kaisers, archdukes, and grand-duchesses in every principality, from the boundless tracts of the Czar's possessions to those states which emulate the small green turf deposited in a bird's cage. Dear me ! how wearisome it was to hear him recount the ordinary traits that marked the life of great people, as if the greatest Tory of us all ever thought kings and queens were anything but men and women ! I listened, as though in a long distressing dream, to narratives of how the Prince de Joinville, so terribly eager to burn our dockyards and destroy our marine, could be playful as a lamb in his nursery with the children. How Louis Philippe held the little Count de Paris fast in his chair till his portrait was taken. (Will he be able to seat him so securely on the throne of France ?) How the Em- peror of Austria, with the simplicity of a great mind and a very large head, always thought he could sit behind the artist and watch the progress of his own picture ! I lis- tened, I say, till my ears tingled and my head swam, and in that moment there was not a "bounty man" from Ken- tucky or Ohio that held royalty more cheaply than myself. Just at this very nick, my servant came to whisper me, that an agent from Messrs. Lorch, Rath et Co., the wine merchants of Frankfort, had called, by my desire, to take an order for some hock. Delighted at the interruption, I ordered he should be admitted, and the next moment a very tall, pretentious-looking German, with a tremendously frogged and Brandenburged coat, and the most extensive beard and moustaches, entered, and with all the cere- monial of his native land saluted ns both, three times over. I received him with the most impressive and I'espectable politeness, and seemed, at least, only to i^esume my seat after his expressed permission. The artist, who under- stood nothing of German, watched all our proceedings with a " miniature eye," and at last whispered gently, « Who is he ? " 82 HORACE TEMPLETON. " Heavens ! " said I, in a low toue, " don't you know ? —he is the Crown Prince of Hanover ! " The words were not uttered when my little friend let fall his palette and sprang off his chair, shocked at the very thought of his being seated in such presence. The German turned towards him one of those profoundly austere glances that only a foreign bagman or an American tragedian can compass, and took no farther notice of him. The interview ovei', I accompanied him to the ante- chamber, and then took my leave, to the horror of Sir C , who asked me at least twenty times '* why I did not go down to the door." "Oh, we are old friends," said I; "I knew him at Gottingen a dozen years ago, and we never stand on any ceremony together." My fiction, miserable as it was, saved me from further anecdotes of royalty, since what private history of kings could astonish the man on such terms of familiai"ity with the Crown Prince of Hanover ? Talking of Hanover, and a ixropos of "humbugs," re- minds me of a circumstance that amused me at the time it occurred. Soon after the present king of Hanover ascended the throne, the Orangemen of Ireland, who had long been vain of their princely Grand Master, had suffi- cient influence on the old corporation of Dublin to carry a motion that a deputation should be despatched to Hanover, to convey to tlie foot of the throne the sincere and respect- ful gratulations of the mayor, aldermen, and livery of Dublin on the auspicious advent of his Majesty to the crown of that kingdom. The debate was a warm one, but the majority which carried the measure large, and now nothing remained but to name the happy individuals who should form the deputation, and then ascertain in what part of the globe Hanover lay, and how it should be come at. Nothing but the cares of state and the important consi- derations of duty, could prevent the mayor himself accept- ing this proud task : the sheriffs, however, were free. Their office was a sinecure, and they accordingly were appointed, with a sufficient suite, fully capable of representing to ad- HORACE TEltPLETON. 33 vantage abroad the wealth, splendour, and intelligence of the "ancient and loyal corporation." One of the sheriffs, and the chief member of the mission, was, if I remember aright, a Mr. Timothy Brien ; the name of the " lesser bear " I have forgotten. Tim was, however, the spokesman, whenever speaking was available; and when it was not, it was he that made the most signi- ficant signs. I was at the period a very young aflaclie of the mission at Hanover; our secretary, Melmond, being cliarge d'afaires in the absence of our chief. Melmond was confined to bed by a feverish attack, and the duties of the mission, limited to signing a passport or two once a month, or some such form, were performed by me. Despatches were never sent. The Foreign Office told us, if we had anything to say, to wait for the Russian courier passing through, but not to worry them about nothing. 1 therelore had an easy post, and enjoyed all the dignities of office without its cares. If I had only had the pay, I could have asked nothing better. It was, then, of a fine morning in May that Count Beul- witz, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, was announced, and the same moment entered my apartment. I was, I own it, not a little fluttered and flattered by this mark of recog- nition on the part of a minister, and resolved to play my part as deputy-assistant charge d'alfaires to my very utmost. " I come, Mr. Templeton," said the minister, in a voice not quite free from agitation, *' to ask your counsel on a question of considerable nicety; and as Mr. Melmond is still unable to attend to duty, you must excuse me if I ask you to bestow the very gravest attention upon the point." I assumed the most Talleyrand of looks, and he went on. " This morning there has arrived here in four carriages, with great pomp and state, a special mission, sent from Ireland to convey the congratulations of the Government on his Majesty's accession to the throne. Now we have always believed and uuderbtood that Ireland was a part of the British empire, living under the same monarchy and 34 HORACE TEMPLETON. the same laws. If so, liow can this mission be accredited ? It would be a very sei^ous thing for us to recognise the partition of the British empire, or the separation of an integral portion, without due thought and consideration. It would be also a very bold step to refuse the advances of a State that deputes such a mission as this appears to be. Do your despatches fi*om England give any clue by which we may guicU our steps in this difficulty ? have you heard latterly w^hat are the exact relations existing between England and Ireland ? Ton are aware that his Majesty is at Bei-lin, and Barring and Von der Decken, who know England so well, are both with him ? " I nodded assent, and, after a second's silence, a strong temptation to quiz the Minister crossed my mind ; and without even a guess at what this mysterious deputation might mean, I gravely hinted that our last accounts from Ireland were of the most serious nature. It was certainly true that kingdom had been conquered by the English and subjected to the crown of Eugland, but there were the most well-founded reasons to fear that the arrangement had not the element of a permanence. The descendant of the ancient sovereigns of the land was a man of bold and energetic and adventurous character ; he was a prince of the house of O'Connell, of which, doubtless, his Excellency had heard. There was no saying what events might have occurred to favour his ambitious views, and whether England might not have found the advantage of restoring a troublesome land to its ancient dynasty. " How does the present mission present itself — how accredited ?" " From the court of Dublin, with the great seal, so far r,s T can understand the representation, for none of the embassy speak French." " That sounds very formal and regular," said I with deep gravity. " So I think it, too," said his Excellenc}-, who really was imprepscd by the state-coach of Sherilf Timothy and three footmen, in bag-wigs. "At any rate," said he, " we must decide at once, and there can be no hesitation about the matter. I suppose we must give them an HORACE TEMPLETON. 35 audience of the Crown Prince, and then let all rest till Lis Majesty returns, which he will do on Friday next." __Without compromising myself by any assent, I looked as if he had spoken very wisely, and his Excellency departed. That same afternoon two state-carriages of the court, with servants in dress livery, drew up at the Hof von London, the hotel where the deputation had taken up their quarters, and a mareclial de cour alighted to inform the " Irish ambassador " that his Royal Highness the Crown Pinnce would receive their homage in the absence of the Kiag. The intimation, more conveyed by pantomime than oral intelligence, was replied to by an equivalent telegraph ; but the sheriffs, in all their gala, soon took their places in the carriage and set out for the palace. Their reception was most flattering ; enough to say, they had the honour to address and be I'eplied to by one of the most courteous princes of Europe. An invitation to dinner, the usual civility to a newly arrived mission, ensued, and the Irish embassy, overwhelmed with the brilliant success of their journey, returned to the hotel iu a state of exaltation that bordered on ecstasy. Their corporation address, formidable by its portentous parchment and official seal, had puzzled the Foreign Office in no ordinary waj^ and was actually under their weighty consideration the following day, when the King most unexpectedly made his entree into the capital. King Ernest heard with some amazement, not uumingled by disbelief, that an Irish diplomatic body had actually arrived at his court, and immediately demanded to see their credentials. There is no need to recount the terrible outbreak of temper which his Majesty displayed on dis- covering the mistake of his ministers. The chances are, indeed, that, had he called himself Pacha instead of King, he would have sentenced the Irish ambassador and his whole followiiio- to be hansfed like onions on the one string. As it was, he could scarcely control his passion ; and whatever the triumphant pleasures of the day before, when a dinner-card for the palace was conveyed by an D -1 36 HOEACE TEMPLETON. , ^ , , gc .__.. ._ •unmolested, and betook themselves to their homeward journey, the chief of the mission by no means so well satisfied of his success in the part of the "Irish Am- bassador." Now to dress for dinner. I wish I had said " No " to this same invitation. Nothing is pleasanter vi^hen one is in health and spirits than a ■peiif diner ; nothing is more distressing when one is weak, low, and dejected. At a large party there is iilwnys a means of lying perdu, and neither taking any share in the cookery or the conversation. At a small table one must eat, drink, and be merry, though ihep^athe your doom and the talk be your destruction. There is no help for it ; there is no playing " supernumerary " in fai'ce with four characters. Is it yet too late to send an apology ? — it still wants a quarter of six, and six is the hour. I really cannot endure the fatigue and the exhaustion. Holland, besides, told me that any excitement would be prejudicial. Hei'e goes, then, for my excuse. ... So! I'm glad I've done it. I feel myself once more free to lie at ease on this ottoman and dieam awav the hours undisturbed. "Holloa ! what's this, Legielle ?" " De la part de !Madame la Comtesse, sir." How provoking! — how monstrously provoking! She writes me, "You really must come. I will not order dinner till I see you. — Yours, &c., B. de F ." What a bore! and what an absurd way to incur an attack of illness ! There's nothing for it, however, but submission ; and to-morrow, if I'm able, I'll leave Paris. " Legrelle, don't forget to order horses for to-morrow at twelve." " What route does monsieur take?" "Avignon- — no, Strasbourg — Couill}^, I think, is tlio first post. I should like to sec Munich once more, or, at HORACE TEMPLETON, 37 least, its gallery. The city is a poor thing, woi'thy of its people, and, I Nvas going to say — no matter \Yhat ! Germany, in any case, for the summer, as I am sentenced to die in Italy. I feel I am taking what the Irish call ' a long day ' in not crossing the Alps till late in autumn ! " How many places there are which one has been near enough to have visited, and somehow always neglected to see ! and what a longing, craving wish to behold them comes over the heart, at such a time as this! What, then, is " this time," that I speak it thus? ****** How late it is ! De Vigny was very agreeable, com- bining in his manner a great deal of the refinement of a highly cultivated mind, with the shrewd perception of a keen observer of the world. He is a Legit imistc^ I take it, without any hope of his party. This, after all, is the sad political creed of all who adhere to the " elder branch." Their devotion is indeed great, for it wai'S against convic- tion. But where can an honest man find footing in France nowadays? Has not Louis Philippe violated in succession every pledge by which he had bound himself? Can such an example of falsehood so highly placed be without its influence on the nation ? Can men cry "Shame!" on the Minister, when they witness the turpitude of the Monarch ? But what hope does any other party offer ? — None. Henri Cinq, a Bourbon of the vieille roclie, gentle, soft- hearted, sensual, and selfish, who, if he returned to France to-morrow, would never believe that the long interval since the Three Days had been anything but an accident; and would not bring himself to credit the possibility that the succession had been ever endangered. I believe, after all, one should be as lenient in their judgment of men's change of fealty in France as they are indulgent to the capricious fancies of a spoiled beaut}-. The nation, like a coquette, had everything its own way. The cold austerities of principle had yielded to the changeful fortunes of success for so many 3-ears, that men very naturally began to feel that instability and uncer- tainty were the normal state of things, and that to hold 132289 S8 HOKACE TEMPLETON. fast oue set of opinions was like casting anclior in a stream when we desired to be carried along by the current. Who are they who have risen in France since the time of the Great Revolution ? Are they the consistent politicians, the men of one unvarying, unaltered faith ? or are they the expediency makers, the men of emergencies and crises, yielding, as they would phrase it, to " the en- lightened temper of the times " — the Talleyrands, the Soults, the Guizots of the day — not to speak of one higher than them all, but not more conspicuous for his elevation than for the subserviency that has placed him there ? Poor Chateaubriand ! the man who never varied, the man that was humblest before his rightful sovereign, and prouder than the proudest Marshal in presence of the Emperor, how completely forgotten is he — standing like some ruined sign-post to point the way over a road no longer travelled ! A more complete revolution was never worked in the social condition of a great kingdom than has taken place in France since the time of the Emperor. The glorious career of conquering armies had invested the soldiei-'s life with a species of chivalry that brought back the old days of feudalism again. Now, it is the hour- geoisie are uppermost. Trade and money-getting, rail- roads and mines, have seized hold of the nation's heart ; and where the baton of a Marechal was once the most coveted of all earthly distinctions, a good bargain on the Bourse, or a successful transaction in scrip, are now the highest triumphs. The very telegraph, whose giant limbs only swayed to speak of victories, now beckons to an expectant crowd the rates of exchange from London to Livorno, and with a far greater certainty of stirring the spirits it addresses. I fell into all this moody reflection from thinking of an incident — I might almost call it story — I remembered hearing from an old cuii-assier oflBcer some years ago. I was passing through the north of France, and stopped to dine at Sedan, where a French cavalry regiment, three thousand strong, were quartei'ed. Some repairs that •were necessary to my carriage detained me till the next HOEACE TEMPLETON. 89 day ; and as I strolled along the shady boulevards in the evening I met an old soldier-like person, beside whom I dined at the table-d'liote. He was the very type of a chef-cV escadron of the Empire, and such he really proved to be. After a short preamble of the ordinary common-places, we began to talk of the service in Avhich he lived, and I confess it was with a feeling of surprise I heard him say that the old soldier's of the Empire had met but little favour from the new dynasty ; and I could not help ob- serving that this was not the impression made upon us in England, but that we inclined to think it was the especial policy of the-present reign to conciliate the affections of the nation by a graceful acknowledgment of those so in- strumental to its glory. "Is not Soult as high, or rather, is he not far higher, in the favour of his sovereign, Louis Philippe, than ever he was in that of the Emperor? Is not Moncey a man nobly pensioned as Captain of the Invalides?" " All true ! But where are the hundreds — I had almost said thousands, but that death has been so busy in these tranquil times with those it had spared in more eventful days — where are they, the old soldiers, who served in inferior gi'ades, the men whose promotions for the hard fighting at Montereau and Chalons needed but a few days more of prosperity to have confirmed, but who saw their best hopes decline as the sun of the Emperor's glory descended? What rewards were given even to many of the more distinguished, but v/hose principles were known to be little in accordance with the new order of things ? What of Pajol, who captured a Dutch fleet with his cavalry squadrons ; — ay ! charged the three-deckers as they lay ice-locked in the Scheldt, dismounted half of his force and boarded them, as in a sea-fight? Poor Pajol I he died the other day, at eighty-three or four, followed to the grave by the comrades he had fought and marched beside, but with no honours to his memory from the King or his government. No, sir, believe me, the present people never liked the Buonapartists ; the sad contrasts presented by all their attempts at military renown with those 40 HORACE TEMPLETON. glorious spectacles of the Empire were little flattering to them." "Tlien you evidently think Soult and some others owe their present favour less to the eminence of their services than to the plasticity of their principles ? " " Who ever thought Soult a great general ?" said he, abruptly answering my question by this transition. "A great military organizer, certainly — the best head for the administration of an arm}^ or the Emperor's staff — but nothing more. His capacity as a tactician was always third rate." I could not help acknowledging that such was the opinion of our own great captain, who has avowed that be regarded Massena as the most accomplished and scientific general to whom he was ever opposed. " And Massena's daughter," cried the veteran, indig- nantly, " lives now in the humblest poverty — the wife of a very poor man, who cultivates a little garden near Brussels, where feimnes de cJiamhre are sent to buy bouquets for their mistresses ! The daughter of a Mareclial de France, a title once that kings loved to add to their royalt}', as men love to ennoble station by evidences of high personal desert ! " " How little fidelity, however, did these men show to him who had made them thus great ! How numerous were the desertions ! — how rapid too ! " "Yes, there was an epidemic of treason at that time in France, just as you have seen at different epochs here, other epidemics prevail : in the Revolution the passion was for the guillotine ; then came the lust of military glory — that suited us best, and lasted longest; we in- dulged in it for twenty years: then succeeded that terrilih' revulsion, and men hastened to prove how false-hearted they could be. Then came the Restoration — and the passion was to be Catholic ; and now we have another order of things, whose worst feature is, that there is no prevailing creed. Men live for the day and the hour. The King's health — the state of Spain — a bad harvest — • an awkward dispute between the commander, of our squad- ron in the Pacific with some of your admirals, — anything HOKACE TEMPLETON. 41 may overturn the balance, and our whole political and social condition may have to be built up once more." " The great remedy against this uncertainty is out of your power," said I : " you abolished the claims of Sovereignty on the permanent affection of the people, and now you begin to feel the want of ' Loyalty.' " " Our kings had ceased to merit the respect of the nation when they lost it." " Say, rather, you revenged upon them the faults and vices of their more depraved, but bolder, ancestors. You made the timid Louis XVI. pay for the hardy Louis XIV. Had that unhappy monarch but been like the Emperor, his Court might have displayed all the excesses of the re- gency twice told, and you had never declared against them." " That may be true ; but you evidently do not — I doubt, indeed, if any but a Frenchman and a soldier can — feel the nature of our attachment to the Emperor. It was something in which personal interest partook a large part, and the hope of future advancement, throurjh liim, bore its share. The army regarded him thus, and never forgave him perfectly, for preferring to be an Emperor rather than a General. Now, the very desertions you have lately alluded to would probably never have occurred if the leader had not merged into the monarch." " There was a fascination, a spirit of infatuating ecstasy, in serving one whose steps had so often led to glory, that filled a man's entire heart. One learned to feel that the rays of his own splendid achievements shed a lustre on all around him, and each had his portion of undying fame. This feeling, as it became general, grew into a kind of superstition, and even to a man's own conscience it served to excuse many grave errors, and some direct breaches of true faith." " Then, probably, you regard Nay's conduct in this light ? " said I. " I know it was of this nature," replied he, vehemently. " Ney, like many others, meant to be faithful to tho Bourbons when he took the command. He had no thought of treachery in his mind ; he believed he was 42 HOEACE TEMPLETON. marching against an enemy until Le actually saw the Em- peror, and then " " I find this somewhat difficult to understand," said I, dubiously. " Ney's new allegiance was no hasty step, but one matui'ely and well considered. He had weighed in his mind various eventualities, and doubtless among the number the possibility of the Emperor's return. That the mere sight of that low cocked-hat and the reclingote gris could have at once served to overturn a swoi-n fealty and a i^lishted word " " Have you time to listen to a short story? " interrupted the old dragoon, with a degree of emotion in his manner that bespoke a deeper interest than I suspected in the subject of our conversation. " Willingly," said I. " Will you come and sup with me at my hotel, and we can continue a theme in which I feel much interest ?" " Nay ; with your permission, we will sit down here — on the ram.parts. I never sup: like an old campaigner, I only make one meal a day, and mention the cii'curastance to excuse my performance at the table d'hote : and here, if you do not dislike it, we will take our places under this lime-tree." I at once acceded to this proposal, and he began thu3 : — HORACE TEMPLETON. 43 ^ CHAPTER IV. ToTJ are, pei-haps, aware, tliat in no part of France was the cause of the exiled family sustained with more perse- verance and courage than Auvergne. The nobles, who, from generation to generation, had lived as seigneurs on their estates, equally remote from the attractions and ad- vantages of a court, still preserved their devotion to the Bourbons as a part of religious faith ; nor ever did the evening mass of a chateau conclude without its heartfelt prayer for the repose of that "saint roi," Louis XV"!., and for the blessing of heaven on him, his rightful suc- cessor, now a wanderer and an exile. In one of these antique chateaux, whose dilapidated battlements and shattered walls showed that other enemies than mere time had been employed against it, lived an old Count de Vitry : so old was he, that he could remember the time he had been a page at the court of Louis XV., and could tell many strange tales of the Regency, and the characters who flourished at that time. His family consisted of two grandchildren, both of them orphans of his two sons. One had fallen in La Vendee ; the other, sentenced to banishment by the Directory, had died on the passage out to Guadaloupe. The children were nearly of the same age — the boy a few months older than the girl — and regarded each other as brother and sister. It is little to be wondered at if these children imbibed from the veiy cradle a horror of that system and of those men which had left them fatherless and almost friendless, destitute of rank, station, and fortune, and a proportionate attachment to those who, if they had beau suflfei'ed to 44 HORACE TEMPLETON. reign, would have preserved them in the enjoyment of all their time-honoured privileges and possessions. If the members of the executive government were then remembered among the catalogue of persons accursed and to be hated, the names of the royal family were repeated among those saintly personages to whom honour and praise were rendered. The venerable Pere Duclos, to whom their education was confided, certainly neglected no available m?ans of instilling these two opposite principles of belief; and if Alfred de Vitry and Blanche were not impressed with this truth, it could not be laid to the charge of this single-hearted teacher ; every trait and feature that could deform and disgrace humanity being attributed to one, and all the graces and ennobling virtues of the race associated with the name of the other. The more striking and im- pressive to make the lesson, the Pere was accustomed to read a comment on the various events then occurring at Pans, and on the campaigns of the Republican army in Italy ; dwelling, with pardonable condemnation, on the insults offered to the Church and all who adhered to its holy cause. These appeals were made with peculiar force to Alfred, who was destined for an ecclesiastic, that being the only career Avhich the old Count and his chaplain could satisfy themselves as offering any hope of safety ; and now that the fixmily possessions were all confiscated, and a mere remnant of the estate remaining, there was no use in hoping to perpetuate a name which must sink into poverty and obscurity. Blanche was also to become a member of a religious order in Italy, if, happily, even in that sacred land, the privileges of the Church were destined to escape. The good Pere, whose intentions were unalloyed by one thought unworthy of an angel, made the mistake that great zeal not unirequently commits — he proved too much ; he painted the Revolutionary party in colours so terrible that no possible reality could sustain the truth of the por- traiture. It is true the early daj'S of the Revolution war- ranted all he did or could say ; but the party had changed greatly since that, or, rather, a new and a very differently minded class had succeeded. Marat, Danton, and Robes- HOEACE TEMPLETON. 45 pierre liad no resemblance with Sieyes, Carnot, and Buona- parte. The simple-minded priest, however, recognised no distinction : he thought that, as the stream issued from a tainted source, the current could never become purer by flowing ; and be delighted, with all the enthusiasm of a devot, to exaggerate the evil traits of those whose exploits of heroism might have dazzled and fascinated unthinking understandings. Alfred was about sixteen, when one evening, nigh sun- set, a peasant approached the chateau in eager haste to say that a party of soldiers were coming up the little road which led toward the house, instead of turning off, as they usually did, to the village of Puy de Dome, half a league further down the valley. Pere Duclos, who assumed absolute authority over the household since the old Count had fallen into a state of childlike dotage, hastened to provide himself with the writ of exemption from billet the Directory had conferred on the chateau — an amende for the terrible misfortunes of the ruined family — and advanced to meet the partj^, the leading files of which were already in sight. Nothing could less have suggested the lawless depre- datoi's of the Eepublic than the little column that now drew near. Four chasseurs-a-pied led the van, their clothes I'agged and torn, their shoes actually in ribbons ; one had his arm in a sling, and another carried his shako on his back, as his head was bound up in a handkerchief, whose blood-stained folds showed the marks of a severe sabre-cut. Behind them came a litter, or, rather, a cart with a canvas awning, in which lay the wounded body of their officer ; the rear consisting of about fourteen others, under the command of a sergeant. They halted and formed as the old Pere approached them, and the sergeant, stepping to the front, carried his hand to his cap in military salute ; and then, without waiting for the priest to speak, he began a very civil, almost an humble, apology for the liberty of their intrusion. " We are," said he, " an invalid party, en route for Paris, with an officer who was severely wounded at the bridge of Lodi." And here he lowered his voice to a whisper: " The 46 HOKACE TEMPLETON. poor lieutenant's case being hopeless, and his constant wish — his prayer — being to see his mother before he dies, we are pushing on for her chateau, which is near St. Jean de Luc, I hear." Perhaps the mention of the word chateau — the claim of one whose rank was even thus vaguely hinted at — had nearly an equal influence on the Pere with the duties of humanity. Certain is it he laid less stress than he might have done on the writ of exemption, and blandly said that the out-offices of the chateau should be at their disposal for the night; apologising if late events had not left its inhabitants in better circumstances to succour the un- fortunate. " We ask very little, Pcre," said the sergeant, respect- fully — "some straw to sleep on, some rye-bread and a little water for supper ; and to-morrow, ere sunrise, you shall see the last of us." The humility of the i-equest, rendered even more humble by the manner in which it was conveyed, did not fail to strike the Pere Duclos, who began to wonder what reverses had overtaken the " Blues " (the name the Republicans were called), that they were become thus civil and respect- ful ; nor could he be brought to believe the account the sergeant gave of a glorious victory at the Ada, nor credit a syllable of the bulletin which, in letters half-a-foot long, proclaimed the splendid achievement. A little pavilion in the garden was devoted to the recep- tion of the wounded lieutenant, and the soldiers bivou- acked in the farm-buildings, and some even in the open air, for it was the vintage time and the weather delightful. Thei-e was nothinGf of outrao'e or disturbance committed by the men ; not even any unusual noise disturbed the peaceful quiet of the old chateau ; and, except that a lamp burned all night in the garden-pavilion, nothing denoted the presence of strangers. Before day broke the men were mustered in the court of the chateau ; and the sergeant, having seen that his party wei'e all regularly equipped for the march, demanded to speak a few words to the Pere Duclos. The Pere, who was from his window watching these signs of approaching HORACE TEMPLETON. 47 clepartui-e with some anxiety, hastily descended on hearing the request. " We are about to march, reverend father," said the sergeant, saluting, " all of us, save one — our poor lieuten- ant ; his next billet will be for another, and, we hope, a better place." " Is he dead ? " asked the Pere, eagerly. *' Not yet, father ; but the event cannot now be far off. He raved all through the night, and this morning the fever has left him, but "Vithout strength, and evidently going fast. To take him along with us would be inhuman, were it even possible — to delay would be against my orders ; so that nothing else is to be done tlVan leave him among those who would be kind to his last houi-s, and minister to the wants of a death-bed." The Pere, albeit very far from gratified by his charge, promised to do all in his power ; and the sergeant, having commanded a " pi'esent arms" to the chateau, wheeled right-about and departed. For some days the prediction of the sei'geant seemed to threaten its accomplishment at eveiy hour. The sick man, reduced to the very lowest stage of debility, appeared at moments as if struggling for a last breath ; but by de- grees these paroxysms grew less frequent and less violent : he slept, too, at intervals, and awoke seemingly refreshed ; and thus between the benefits derived from tranquillity and rest, a mild and genial air and his own youth, his recovery became at length assured, accompanied, however, by a degree of feebleness that made the least efi'ort impos- sible, and even the utterance of a few words a matter of great pain and difliculty. If, during the most sad and distressing periods of the sick bed, the Pere indirectly endeavoured to inspire Alfred's mind with a horror of a soldier's life — depicting, by the force of the terrible example before him, the wretchedness of one who fell a victim to its ambition — so did he take especial care, as convalescence began to dawn, to forbid the youth from ever approaching the pavilion, or holding any intercourse with its occupant. That jjart of the garden was sti-ictly interdicted to him, and the very 48 HORACE TEMPLETON. mention of the lieutenant at last forbidden, or only alluded to when invoking a Christian blessing upon enemies. In this way matters continued till the end of autumn, when the Pere, who had long been anxiously awaiting the hour when the sick man should take his leave, had one morning set off for the town to make arrangements for his departure, and order post-horses to be ready on the following day. It was a calm and mellow day of autumn, and Alfred, who had at first determined to set out on a fishing excur- sion, without any reason changed his mind, and sauntered into the gai-den. Loitering listlessly for some time, from walk to walk, he was at length returning to the chateau, when he beheld, seated under the shade of a walnut tree, a young man, whose pale and languid look at once bespoke the invalid, even had not the fact been proclaimed by his dress, the uniform of a lander rouge. Mindful of the Father's precept, and fully impressed with an obedience never violated, the youth was turning hastily away, when the wounded man slowly arose from his seat, and removing his cap, made a salute of deep and most respectful meaning. Alfred returned it, and stood irresolute. The eyes of the sick man, full of an expression of mild and thankful beaming, were on him. What should he do ? to retire without speaking would be a rudeness, even a cruelty : besides, what possible harm could there be in a few words of fi'iendly greeting with one so long their guest ? Ere he could resolve the point, the wounded officer was slowly advancing towards him, still uncovered, and in an attitude betokening a most respectful gratitude. " I pray you will permit me, Mons. le Cumte," said he, " to express my heartfelt thanks for the hospitality and kindness of your treatment. I feared that I should leave this without the occasion of saying how grateful I feel for the remnant of life your care has been the means of preserving." Alfred tried to answer: but a dread of his disobedience and its consequence?, and a strange sense of admiration for HOEACE TEMPLETON. 49 tbe stranger, whose manner and appearance had deeply impressed him, made him silent. " I see," said the lieutenant, smiling, " that you are in- disposed to receive an acknowledgment for what you set such small store by — a kindness to a mei'e ' soldier of tho Republic ;' but when you wear a sword yoars df, Mens, le Comte, as you will doubtless one of these days " " No," said Alfred, hastily interrupting him, "never ! I shall never wear one.^' " How, never ! What can you mean ? " " That I shall never be a soldier," said Alfred. " I am to be a priest." " A priest ! You, Mons. le Comte de Vitry, of the best blood of Auvergne —you, a monk ! " " I did not say a monk," said Alfred, proudly ; " there are other ranks among churchmen. I have heard tell of Prince-bishops and Cardinals." "And if one were to begin life at the age they usually take leave of it, such a career might not be held so cheaply; but for a young man of good birth and blood, witli a heart to feel proudly, and a hand to wield a weapon — no, no, that were a shame not to be thought of" Stung alike by the severity of the sarcasm, and animated by the old spirit of the pere's teaching, Alfred hastily answered, — " And if men ot rank and station no longer carry arms as their forefathers did, with whom lies the blame ? Why do they now bend to adopt a path that in former days was only trodden by the weak-hearted and the timid ? Be- cause they would not draw the sword in a cause they abhor, and for a faction they despise ; neither would they shed their blood to assure the triumph of a rabble." " Nor would I," interposed the lieutenant, while a slight flush coloured his cheek. " The cause in which I perilled life was that of France, my country. Tou may safely trust that the nation capable of such conquests will neither be disgraced by bad rulers nor dishonoured by cowardly ones." " I have no faith in Republicans," said Alfred, scorn. fully. E 50 HOEAOE TEMPLETON. " Because they were not born to fi title, perhaps ! But do you know how many of those who now carry victory into foreign lands belong to this same class that includes all your sympathy r — prouder, far prouder, that they sus- tain the honour of France against her enemies, than that they carry the blazon of a marquis or the coronet of a duke on their escutcheon ? You look incredulous ! Nay, I speak no more than what I well know : for instance, the humble lieutenant who now addresses you can claim rank as high and ancient as your own. Tou have heard of the Liancourts?" " Le Due de Liancourt ? " "Yes; I am, or rather I was, the Due de Liancourt," said the lieutenant, with an almost imperceptible struggle : " my present rank is Sous-Lieutenant of the Third Lan- cers. Now listen to me calmly for a few moments, and I hope to show you that in a country where a dreadful social earthquake has uprooted every foundation of rank, and strewed the ground with the ruins of everything like prescription, it is nobler and better to show that nobility could enter the lists, unaided by its prestige, and win the palm, among those who vainly boasted themselves better and braver. This we have done, not by assuming the monk's cowl and the friar's cord, but by carrying the knapsack and the musket ; not by shirking the struggle, but by confronting it. Where is the taunt now against the nobility of France ? Whose names figure oftenest in the lists of killed and wounded ? Whose lot is it most frequently to mount first to the assault or the breach ? No, no, take to the alb and the surplice if your vocation prompt it, but do not assume to say that no other road is open to a Frenchman because his heart is warmed by noble blood." If Alfred was at first shocked by hearing assertions so opposed to all the precepts of his venerated tutor, he was soon ashamed of ofi'ering opposition to one so far more capable than himself of forming a just judgment on the question ; while he felt, inwardly, the inequality of the cause for which he would do battle against — that glorious and triumphant one of which the young ofiicer assumed the championship. HORACE TEMPLETON. 51 Besides, De Liancourt's history was his own ; he had been bred up with convictions precisely like his, and might, had he followed out the path intended for him, been a priest at the very hour that he led a charge at Lodi. " I was saved by an accident," said he. "In the march of Berthault's division through Chalons, a little drummor- boy fell off a waggon when asleep, and was wounded by a wheel passing over him : they brought him to our chateau, where we nursed and tended him till he grew well. The cure, wishing to sna4,ch him as a brand saved from the burning, adopted him, and made him an acolyte ; and so he remained till one Sunday morning when the ' Chasseurs gris ' marched through the town during mass. Pierre stole out to see the soldiers ; he heard a march he had often listened to before ; he saw the little drummers step- ping out gaily in front ; worse too, tliey saw him, and one called out to his comrades, ' Regarde done le Preti'e ; ce petit drole la — c'est un Pretre.' " * Du tout,' cried he, tearing off his white robe, and throwing it behind him, ' Je suis tambour comme toi,' and snatching the drum, he beat his ' Ran tap-plan ' so vigorously and so well, that the drum-major patted him on the head and cheek, and away marched Pierre at the head of the troop, leaving Chalons, and cure, and all behind him, without a thought or a pang. " I saw it all from the window of the church ; and suddenly, as my eyes turned from the grand spectacle of the moving column, with its bannei'S flying and bayonets glistening, to the dim, half-lighted aisles of the old church, with smoky tapers burning faintly, amid which an old decrepit priest was moving slowly, a voice within me cried, — 'Better a tambour than this!' I stole out, and reached the street just as the last files were passing. I mingled with the crowd that followed, my heart beating- time to the quick march. I tracked them out of the town, further and further, till we reached the wide open country. " ' Will you not come back, Pierre ? ' said I, pulling him by the sleeve, as, at last, I reached the leading files, where the little fellow marched, proud as a tambour-major. E 2 52 HOEACE TEMPLETON. "'/go back, and the regiment mavching against the enemy !' exclaimed he, indignantly ; and a roar of laugh- ter and applause from the soldiers greeted his words. " * Nor I either ! ' cried I. And thus I became a soldier, never to regret the day I belted on the knapsack. But here comes the Pere Duclos: I hope he may not be dis- pleased at your having kept me company. I know well he loves not such companionship for his pupil — perhaps he has reason." Alfred did not wait for the priest's arrival, but darted from the spot and hastened to his room, where, bolting the door, he threw himself upon his bed and wept bitterly. AVho knows if these tears decided not all his path in life ? That same evening the lieutenant left the chateau ; and in about two months after came a letter, expressing his gratitude for all the kindness of his host, and withal a present of a gun and a chasseur's accoutrement for Alfred. They were very handsome and costly, and he ■was never weary of trying them on his shoulder and looking how they became him ; when, in examining one of the pockets for the twentieth time, he discovered a folded paper. He opened it, and found it was an appoint- ment for a cadet in the military school of St. Cyr. Alfred de Vitry was written in pencil where the name should be inscribed, but very faintly, and so that it required sharp looking to detect the letters. It was enough, however, for him to read the words. He packed up a little parcel of clothes, and, with a few francs in his pocket, he set out that night for Chalons, where he took the malle. The third day, when he was tracked by the pere, he was already enrolled a cadet, and not all the intei'est in France could have removed him against his consent. I will not dwell on a career which was in no respect different from that of hundreds of others. Alfred joined the army in the second Italian campaign — was part of Dessaix's division at Marengo — was Avounded at Aspern, and finally accompanied the Emperor in his terrible march to Moscow. He saw more service than his -pro- motion seemed to imply, however ; for, after Leipsig, Dresden, Bautzen, be was carried on a litter, with some HORACE TEMPLETON. 53 other dying comrades, into a little village of Alsace — a lieutenant of hussars, nothing more. An hospital, hastily constructed of planks, had been fitted up outside the village — there were many such on the road between Strasbourg and Nancy — and here poor Alfred lay, with many more, their sad fate rendered still sadder by the daily tidings, which told them that the cause for which they had shed their blood was hourly becoming more hopeless. The army that never knew defeat now counted nothing but disasters. Before Alfred had recovered from his vv'ound, the allies bivouacked in the Place du Carrousel, and Napoleon was at Elba ! When little dreaming that he could take any part in that general joy by which France, in one of her least- thinking moments, welcomed back the Bourbons, Alfred was loitering listlessly along one of the quays of Paris, wondering within himself by what process of arithmetic he could multiply seven sous — they were all he had — into the price of a supper and bed ; and while his eyes often dwelt with lingering fondness on the windows of the restaurants, they turned, too, with a dreadful instinct towards the Seine, whose eddies had closed over many a sorrow and crime. As he wandered thus, a cry arose for help : an unfoi'tu- nate creature — one whose woes were greater, or whose courage to bear them less, than his own — had thrown herself from the Pont-Neuf into the river, and her body was seen to rise and sink several times in the current of the rapid stream. It was from no prompting of humanity — it was something like a mere instinct, and no more — mayhap, too, his recklessness of life had some share in the act — whatever the reason, he sprang into the river, and after a long and vigorous struggle, he brought her out alive ; and then, foi'cing through the crowd that welcomed him, he drew his miserable and dripping hat over his eyes. He continued his road — Heaven knows he had little pur- pose or object to warrant the pei'sistence ! He had not gone far when a number of voices were heard behind him, calling out, — 54 HOKACE TEMPLETON. " That 13 he !— 'there he is ! " and at the same instant an officer rode up beside him, and, saluting him pohtely, said that her royal highness the Duchess of Berri desired to speak to him ; — her carriage was just by. Alfred was in that humour when, so indifferent is every object in life, that he would have turned at the bidding of the humblest gamin of the streets ; and, wet and weaiy, he stood beside the door of the splendid equipage. " It was tliou that saved the woman ? " said the Duchess, addressing him, and using the conventional " Tu," as suitable to his mean appearance. " Madame," said Alfred, removing his tattered hat, "I am a gentleman ! These rags were once — the uniform of the Guard." "My God! — my cousin!" cried a voice beside the Duchess ; and, at the same instant, a young girl held out her hands towards him, and exclaimed, — '* Knowest thou not me, Alfred ? I am Alice — Alice de Vitry — thy cousin and thy sister ! " It would little interest you to dwell on the steps that followed, and which, in a few weeks, made of a wretched outcast — without a home or a meal — an officer of the Guard du Corps, with the order of St. Louis at his breast. Time sped on, and his promotion with it ; and at length his Majesty, graciously desiring to see the old nobility resume their place and grade, consented to the union of Alfred with his cousin. There was no violent love on either side, but thei'e was sincere esteem and devoted friendship ; and if they neither of them felt that degree of attachment which becomes a passion, they regarded each other with true affection. Alice was a devoted Royalist ; all that she had suffered for the cause had endeared it to her ; and she could forgive, but not forget, that her future husband had shed his blood for the Usurper. Alfred was what every one, and with reason, called a most fortunate fellow ; a colonel at twenty-eight — a pro- motion that, under the Empire, nothing but the most distinguished services could have gained — and yet he was HORACE TEMPLETON. 55 far from happy. He remembered with higher enthusiasm his first grade of "corporal," won at Aspern, and his epaulettes that he gained at Wilna. His soldiering had been learned in another school than in the parade-ground at Versailles, or the avenue of the Champs Elysees. "Come, tnon ami!^' said Alice, gaily, to him one morning, about ten days before the time appointed for their marriage ; " thou art about to have some occasion for thy long-rusting ^sword : the Usurper has landed at Cannes." " The Emperor at Cannes ! '' "The Emperor, if thou wilt — but without an Empire." " No matter. Is he without an army ? " said Alfred. " Alone — with some half-dozen followers, at most. Ney has received orders to march against him, and thou art to command a brigade." " This is good news ! " said Alfred ; for the very name of war had set his heart a-throbbing ; and as he issued forth into the streets, the stirring sounds of excitement and rapid motion of troops increased his ardour. Wondering groups were gathered in every street, some, discussing the intelligence, others, reading the great placards, which, in letters of portentous size, announced that " the Monster " had once more polluted by his presence the soil of France. Whatever the enthusiasm of the old Royalists to the Bourbon cause, there seemed an activity and determination on the part of the Buonapartists who had taken service with the King to exhibit their loyalty to the new sove- reign ; and Ney rode from one quarter of Paris to the other, with a cockade of most conspicuous size, followed by a staff equally remarkable. That same day Alfred left Pai'is for Lyons, where his regiment lay, with orders to move to the south, by forced marches, and arrest the advance of the small party which formed the band of the invader. It was Alice herself fastened the knot of white ribbon in his shako, and bade him adieu with a fondness of affection he had never wit- nessed before. 56 HORACE TEMPLETON. From Paris to Lyons, and to Grenoble, Alfred hastened with promptitude. At Lesseira, at last, he halted for orders. His position was a small village, three leagues in advance of Lesscim, called Dulaure, where, at nightfall on the 18th of March, Alfred arrived with two companies of his regiment, his orders being to reconnoitre the valley towards Lesseim, and report if the enemy should present himself in that quarter. After an anxious night on the alert, Alfred lay down to sleep towards morning, when he was awoke by the sharp I'eport of a musket, followed immediately after by tlio roll of the di'ura and the call for the guard to "turn out." He rushed out, and hastened towards the advanced picket. All was in confusion ; some were in retreat ; others stood at a distance from their post, looking intently towards it ; and at the picket itself were others, again, with piled arms, standing in a close group. What could this mean? Alfred called out, but no answer was returned. The men stared in stupid amazement, and each seemed waiting for the other to reply. " Where is your officer? " cried De Vitry, in an angry voice. " He is here ! " said a pale, calm-featured man, who, buttoned up in a great surtout, and with a low chateau on his head, advanced towards him. " You the officer ! " replied Alfred, angrily; "you are not of our regiment, sir." " Pardon me, Colonel," rejoined the other; " I led the twenty-second at Rovigo, and they were with me at Wagi'am." " Grand Dieu ! " said Alfred, trembling ; " who are you, then ? " "Your Emperor, Colonel de Vitry ! " Alfred stepped back at the words. The order to arrest and make him prisoner was almost on his lips. He turned towards his men, who instinctively had resumed their formation ; his he;id was maddened by the conflict wilhia it ; his eyes turned again towards Napoleon — the struggle was over — he knelt and presented his sword, HORACE TEMPLETON. 57 " Take mine in exchange, General do Vitry," said the Empercr ; " I know you will wear it witli honour."' And thus, in a moment, was all forgotten — plighted love and sworn faith — for who could resist the Emperor ? The story is now soon told. Waterloo came, and once more the day of defeat descended, never to dawn upon another victory. Alfred, i-ejected and scorned, lived yeais in poverty and obsc irity. When the fortunes of the Revo- lution brouo'ht UD once more the old soldiers of the Empire, he tought at the Qaai Voltaire and was wounded severely. The Three Days over, he was appointed to a sous-lieutenancy in the dragoons. He is now clcf-d'-esca- ('ron, tie last of his race, weary of a world whose vicissitudes have crushed his hopes and made him broken- hearted. The relator of this tale was Alfred de Vitry himself, who, under the name of his maternal grandfather, St. Amand, served in the second regiment of Garabiniers. 58 EOEACE TEMPLETON. CHAPTER V. 12 o'clock, Tuesday night, May 31st, 184—. " Que bella cosa " to be a king ! Here am I now, re- turned from Neuilly, whither I dreaded so much to venture, actually enchanted with the admirable manner of his Majesty Louis Philippe, adding one more to the long list of those who, beginning with Madame de Genlis and John- son, have delighted to extol the qualities whose pleasing properties have been expended on themselves. There is, however, something wonderfully interesting in the picture of a royal family living en hourgeois — a King sitting with his spectacles on his forehead and his news- paper on his knee, playfully alluding to observations whose fallacy he alone can demonstrate ; a Queen busily engaged amid the toils of the work-table, around which Princesses of every European royalty are seated, gaily chatting over their embroidery, or listening while an amusing book is read out by a husband or a brother : even an American would be struck by such a view of monarchy. The Due de Nemours -is the least prepossessing of the princes ; his deafness, too, assists the impression of his coldness and austerity ; while the too-studied courtesy of the Prince de Joinville towards Englishmen is the reverse of an amicable demonstration. I could not help feeling surprised at Ihe freedom with wliich his Majesty canvassed our leading political charac- ters ; for his intimate acquaintance with them all, I was well prepared. One remark he made worth remembei'ing, — " The Duke of Wellington should always be your Min- ister of Foreign Affairs, no matter what the changes of party. It is not that his great opportunities of knowing HORACE TEMPLETON. 59 the Continent, assisted by his unquestionable ability, alone distinguish him, but that his name and the weight of his opinion on any disputed question exert a greater influence than any other man's over the various sovereignties of Europe. After the Emperor himself, he was the greatest actor in the grand drama of the early part of the century ; he made himself conspicuous in every council, even less by the accuracy of his views than by their unerring, un- swerving rectitude^. The desperate struggle in which he had taken part had left no traces of ungenerous feeling or animosity behind, and the pride of conquest had never disturbed the equanimity of the negotiator." What other statesman in England had dared to ratify the Belgian revolution, and, by his simple acknowledg- ment, place the fact beyond appeal? It is with statesmen as with soldiers ; the men who have been conversant with great events maintain the prestige of their ascendency over all who "never smelt powder;" and Metternich wields much of his great influence on such a tenure. Apropos of Metternich ; the King told a trait of him which I have not heard before. In one of those many stormy interviews which took place between him and the Emperor, Napoleon, irritated at the tone of freedom as sumed by the Austrian envoy, endeavoured by an artifice to recall him to what he deemed a recollection of their relative stations, and then, as it were, inadvertently let fall his hat for the Prince to take it up ; instead of which Metternich moved back and bowed, leaving the Emperor to lift it from the ground himself. Napoleon, it would seem, was ever on the watch to detect and punish the slightest infraction of that I'espect which " doth hedge a king," even in cases when the offender had nothing further from his mind than the intention to transgress : a rather absurd illustration was mentioned by the King. The Emperor was one day seek- ing for a book in the library at Malmaison, and at last discovered it on a shelf somewhat above his reach. Mar- shal Moncey, one of the tallest men in the army, who was present, immediately stepped forward, saying, " JPermettez, Sire. Je suis plus grand que votrc Majestc! " " Vous 60 HOEACE TEMPLETON. vonlez dire plus long, Mareclial,'' said the Emperor, ■with a frown that made the reproof actually a severity. From the tone of his Majesty's observations on our nobility, and the security such an order necessarily creates, I thought I could mark a degree of regret at the extinc- tion of the class in France. How natural such a feeling ! For how, after all, can a monarchy long subsist with such a long interval between the crown and the people ? The gradations of rank are the best guarantees against any assault on its privileges ; a House of Lords is the best float- ing breakwater against the stoi'ms of a people in revolt. With a marked condescension, his Majesty inquired after my health and the object of my journey; and when I mentioned Kaplcs, hastily remarked, " Ab, well ! 1 can promise you a very agreeable house to pass your evenings in : we are going to send Favancourt there as envoy, and Madame la Comtesse is your countrywoman. This, however, is a secret which even Favancourt himself is ignorant of." I am not casuist enough to say if this intimation of the King is binding on me as to secrecy ; but, possibly, I need not risk the point, as I shall not be likely to see Favan- court or Madame de Favancourt before I start to-morrow. I am already impatient for the hour to go ; I want to be away — afar from the gorgeous glitter of this splendid capital. Something nigh to misanthropy creeps over me at the sight of pleasures in which I am no more to take a part, and I would not that a feeling thus ungenerous should be my travelling companion. I do not experience the inordinate love of life which, we are told, ever accom- panies my malady. If I have a wish to live, it is to frame a different kind of existence from what I have hitherto followed, and I believe most sick people's love of life is the desire of dwelling longer amid the pursuits they have followed. And now for the map, to see how I may trace a route, and see — shame that I must say so ! — fewest of my countrymen. Well, then, from Strasbourg to Fri- bourg, and through the Hohlen-Thal. So far, so good ! This is all new to me. Thence to Munich, or direct to Inuspruck, as I may decide later on. This, at least, avoids HOKACE TEMPLETON. 61 Switzerland, and all its radicalism and roguery, not to speak of the " Perkinses," who are "out" by this time, touring it to Lausanne and Chamouni. What a tremendous noise a carriage makes coming through these portes-coeJieres ! Truly, the luxury is heavily paid for by all the inhabitants of a house. Is that a tap at my door ? * * * » » A few lines before I lie down to sleep ! It is already daybreak. What would poor Dr. S say if he knew I had been sitting up to this hour, and at ?i 2ictit souper t^o, with some half-dozen of the wealthiest people iu Paris, not to speak of the prettiest ? Madame de F would take no refusal, however, and averred she had made the party expressly for me ; that V H had declined another engagement to come ; and, in fact — no matter v^hat little flatteries — I went ; and here I am, with my cheek flushed and my head on fire, my brain whirling •with mad excitement, laughter still ringing in my ears, and all the exaltation he feels who, drinking water while others sip champagne, is yet the only one whose faculties are intoxicated. What a brilliant scene in a comedy vfould that little supper have been, just as it really was ; scenery, decora- tions, people all unchanged ! the dimly lighted boudoir, where all the luxury of modern requirement was seen through a chiaroscuro, that made it seem half unreal; and then, the splendid brilliancy of the supper-room beyond, where, amid the gorgeous display of vaisselle and flowers, shone still more brightly the blaze of beauty and the fire of genius. How often have I remarked in these little "jousts of the table," where each man puts forth his sharpest weapons of wit and pleasantry, that the conqueror, like an Ivanhoe, is an unknown knight, and with a blank shield. So was it, I remember once, where we bad a sprinkling of every class of celebrity, from the Chamber of Deputies to the Theatre Fran^ais ; and yet the heart of all was taken by a young Spaniard, whom nobody seemed to know 62 fiOKACE TEMPLETON. whence or liow lie came, — a liandsorae, dark-ejed fellow, with a short upper lip that seemed alive with energy, combining in his nature the stern dignity of the Castilian and the hot blood of Andalusia. It was the Marquis de Braban^on brought him, presenting him to the lady of the house in a half whisper. There are men it would be utter ruin to place in positions of staid and tranquil respectability, and yet who make good names. They are born to be adventurers. I remained the last, on purpose to hear who he was, feeling no common curiosity, even though — as so often happens — the name, when heard, conveys nothing to the ear, and leaves as little for the memory. I could not avoid remarking that he bore, in the mild and thoughtful character of his brow, a strong resemblance to the portraits of Claverhouse. " Alike in more than looks," said the hostess: *'they have many traits in common, and show that the proud Dundee was no exceptional instance of humanity uniting the softness of a girl with a courage even verging upon ferocity." The stranger was the Spanish General Cabrera ! " And now that you have seen him, let me tell you a short anecdote of him, only worth remembering as so admirably in colouring with his appearance on entei'ing. " Last year, at the head of a division of the army, the Bishop of Grenada, accompanied by all his clergy, received him in a gi'and px'ocession, and safely escorted him to the episcopal palace, where a splendid collation was prepared. The soldierlike air and manly beauty of the young General were even less the theme of admii-ation than his respectful reception of the Bishop, to whom he knelt in devout reverence, and kissed the hand with deep humility, walking at his side with an air of almost bashful defer- ence. " At table, too, his manner was even more marked by respect. As the meal proceeded, the Bishop could not fail remarking that his guest seemed deeply possessed by some secret cai'e, which made him frequently sigh, in a manner betokening heavy affliction. After some pressing, EOEACE TEMPLETON. 63 /fc came out ; the source of the grief was, the inabilit}^ of the General to pay his troops, for the military chest was quite empty, and daily desertions were occurring. The sum required was a large one, 20,000 centos, and the venerable Bishop hastened to assure him, with unfeigned sorrow, that the poor and suffering city could not com- mand one-fourth of the amount. Cabrera rose, and paced the room in great excitement, ever throwing, as he passed, a glance yito the courtyard, where a party of grenadiers stood under arms, and then, resuming his place at the table, he seemed endeavouring, but vainly, to join in the festivity around him. " ' It is evident to me, my son,' said the Bishop, * that some heavier sorrow is lying at your heart ; tell it, and let me, if it may be, give you comfort and support.' Cabi-era hesitated ; and at last avowed that such was the case. Considei'able entreaty, however, was necessary to wring the mystery from him : when at last he said, in a voice broken and agitated, ' You know me, Holy Father, for a good and faithful son of the Church — for one who reveres its ordinances, and those who dispense them. Think, then, of my deep misery when but I cannot — I am utterly unable to proceed.' After much pressing he resumed, with sudden energy, ' Yes — I know I shall never feel peace and happiness more, for although I have done many a hard and cruel deed, I never, till now, had the dreadful duty to order a Bishop to be shot ! This is what is breaking my heart — this is my secret misery.' " It is scarcely necessary to say, that he was speedily recovered from so dreadful an embarrassment, for the Bishop was too good a Christian to see a devout soldier reduced to such extremity. The money was paid, and the Bishop ransomed." Our celebrity of to-night was of less mark — indeed, nominall}^, of none — but he has but to escape " rope and gun," and he will make a name for himself. He is a young Frenchman, one who, beginning at the lowest rung of the ladder, may still climb high Strange paths are open to eminence nowadays, and there is no 64 HORACE TEMPLETON. reason why a man may not begin life as a '* Vaudevillist," and end it " Paii' de France." Jules de Russigny — whence the " de " came from we must not inquire — like most of the smart men of the day, is a Provencal ; he was educated at a Seminaire, and destined for the priesthood. Some slight irregularity caused his dismissal, and he came to Paris on foot to seek his fortune. When toiling up a steep ascent of the road at St. Maurice, he saw before hiin on the way a heavily laden travelling cai^iage, which, with the aid of the struggling post-horses, was also labouring up the hill ; an elderly gentleman had descended to walk, and was plodding wearily after his lumbering equipage. As Jules reached the crest of the ridge, all were gone, and nothing but a deep column of dust announced the course of the departed carriage : at his feet, however, he discovered a paper, which, closely written, and, by its numerous corrections, appeared as closely studied, must have fallen from the pocket of the traveller. Jules sat down to inspect it, and found to his surprise it was a species of memorandum on the subject of the cducationary establishments of France, with much statis- tic detail, and a great amount of information, evidently the result of considerable labour and research. There were many points, of course, perfectly new to him, but there were others with which he was well acquainted, and some on which he was so well informed as to be able to detect mistakes and fallacies in the memorandum. Con- ning the theme over, he reached a little wayside inn, and inquiring who the traveller was that passed, he heard, to his surprise, it was the Minister of Public Instruction. When Jules reached Paris, it was about a fortnight before the opening of the Chambers, and the newspapers were all in full cry discussing the various systems of education, and with every variety of opinion pronouncing for and against the supposed views of the Government. Most men, in his situation, would have sought out the Minister's residence, and, I'estoring to him the lost paper, retired well satisfied with a very modest recompense for a service that cost so little. HOEACB TEMPLETON. 65 Not SO Jules ; he established himself in a cheap corner of the Pays Latin, and spent his days conning over the various journals of Paris, until, by dint of acute study and penetration, he had possessed himself of every shade and hue of political opinion professed by each. At last he discovered that the Steele was the most decidedly ob- noxious to the Government, and the Monifeur most favourable to the newly projected system. To each he sent an article: in one, setting forth a dim, but sugges- tive idea, of what the Minister might possibly attempt, with a terrific denunciation annexed to it ; in the other, a half defence of the plan, supported by statistic detail, and based on the information of the manuscript. These two papers both appeared, as assertion and re- joinder : and so did the polemic continue for above a week, increasing each day in intei^est, and gradually swelling in the number of the facts adduced, and the reasons for which the opinion was entertained, Considerable interest was created to know the writer, but although he was then dining each day, and that his only meal, for four sous in the " lie St. Louis," he preserved his incognito unbroken, and never divulged to any one his secret. At last came an announcement in the Siecle, at the close of one of the articles, that on the next day would appear a full dis- closure of the whole Government measure, with the mechanism by which its views were to be strengthened, and the whole plan of conception on which it w'as based. That same evening a young man, pale and sickly-looking, stood at the porte-cochere of a splendid mansion in the Rue St. George, and asked to see the owner. The rude repulse of the porter did not abash him, nor did the inso- lent glance bestowed on his ragged shoes and threadbare coat cost him a pang of displeasure : he felt that he could bide his time, for it would come at last. " His Excellency is at the Council ! " at last said the porter, somewhat moved by a pertinacity that had nothing of rudeness in it. "With a calm resolve he sat down on a stone bench, and fell a-thinking to himself. It was full three hours later when the Minister's carriage rolled in, and the V 66 HORACE TEMPLETON. Minister, hastily descending, proceeded to mount tlie stairs. " One word, your Excellency," ci-ied Jules, in a voice collected and firm, but still of an almost imploring sound. " Not now — at another time," said the Minister, as he took some papers from his secretary. " But one word, sir — I crave no more," repeated Jules. " See to that man, Delpierre," said the Minister to his secretary ; but Jules, passing hastily forward, came close to the Minister, and whispered in his ear, " M. le Mini- stre, je suis Octave," the name under which the Steele articles appeared. A few words followed, and Jules was ordered to follow the Minister to his cabinet. The article of the Steele did appear the next day, but miserably ineffi- cient in point of ability ; and so false in fact, that the refuta- tion was overwhelming. The Moniteur had a complete triumph, only to be exceeded by that of the Minister's own in the Chamber. The Council of Ministers was in ecstasy, and Jules de Russigny, who arrived in Paris by the mail fi'om Orleans — for thither he was despatched, to make a more suitable entry into the great world — was in- stalled as a clerk in the office of the Finance Minister, with very reasonable hopes of future advancement. Such was the fortune of him who was one, and, I repeat it, the pleasantest of our convives. This is the age of smart men — not of high intelligences. The race is not for the thoroughbred, but the clever liackney, always " ready for his work," and if seldom pre- eminent, never a dead failure. Of my own brief experience, all the first-rate men, without exception, have broke down. All the moderates — the "clever fellows" — have carried the day. Now I could pick out from my contemporaries, at school and university, some half-dozen brilliant, really great capaci- ties, quite lost — some, shipwrecked on the first venture in life — some, disheartened and disgusted, have retired early from the contest, to live unheard of and die broken- hearted. But the smart men ! What ci-owds of them come before my mind in high employ — some at home, HORACE TEMPLETON. 67 some abroad, some waxing rich by tens of tliousands, some running high up the ambitioiis road of honours and titles ! There is something in inordinate self-esteem that buoys up this kind of man. It is the only enthusiasm he is capable of feeling — but it serves as well as the " real article." For the mere adventurei', the man of ready wit and a fearless temperament, politics offer the best road to for- tune. The abilities that would have secured a mere mediocrity of position in some profession will here win their way upwards. The desultory character of reading and acquirements, so fatal to men chained to a single pur- suit, is eminently favourable to him who must talk about everything, with, at least, the appeai'ance of knowledge ; while the very scantiness of his store suggests a reckless- ness that has great success in the world. In England we have but one high road to eminence — Parliament. Literature, whose rewards are so great in France, with us only leads to intimacy with the " Trade " and a name in "the Row." It is true, Parliamentary reputation is of slow growth, and dependent on many circumstances totally remote from the capacity and attainments of him who seeks it. Are you the sou of a great name in the Lords, the representative of an immense estate, or of great commercial wealth P are you high in the esteem of Corn men or Cotton men? are you a magnate of Railroads, or is your word law in the City ? then your way is open and 3^our path easy. Without these, or some one of them, you must be a segment of some leading man's j^arty. My own little expei-ience of Parliament — about the very bi'iefest any man can recall — presents little pleasurable in the retrospect. Lord Collyton was one of my Christ- chui'ch acquaintances, and at his invitation I spent the autumn of 18 — ■ at his father, the Duke of Wrexinaton's. The house was full of company, and, like an English house in such circumstances, the most delightful iejour imaginable. Every second day or so brought a relay of new arrivals, either from town or some other country house, full of the small-talk of the last visit — all that F 2 68 HORACE TEMPLETON. strange but most amusing farrago which we designate by the humble title of " gossip," but which, so far as I can judge, is worth ten thousand times more than the boasted caiisei'ie of Fi-ance, and the perpetual effort at smartness so much aimed at by our polite neighbours. The guests were numerous, and presented specimens of almost every peculiai^ity observable in Englishmen of a certain class. We had great lords and high court func- tionaries, deep in the mysteries of Buckingham House and Windsor; a sprinkling of distinguished foreigners; ministers, and secretaries of embassy ; some parliamentary leaders, men great on the Treasury benches or strong on the Opposition. Beauties there were too, past, present, and some, coming ; a fair share of the notorieties of fashion, and the last winner of the Derb}', with — let me not forget him — a Quarterly Reviewer. This last gentle- man came with the Marquis of Deepdene, and was, with the exception of a certain pertinacity of manner, a very agreeable person. Although previously unknown to the host, he had come down " special" under the protection of his friend Lord Deepdene, hoping to secure his Grace's interest in the borough of Collyton, at that time vacant. He was a man of very high attainments, had been an ojytime at Cambridge, was a distinguished essayist, and his party had conceived the very greatest expectations of his success in Parliament, Of the world, or at least that portion of it that moves ■upon Tournay carpets, amid Vandykes and Velasquez, with sideboards of gold and lamps of silver, he had not seen much, and learned still less ; and it was plain to see that, in the confidence of his own strong head, he was proof against either the seductions of fashion or the sneers of those who might attempt to criticize his breeding. Before he was twenty-four hours in the house he had corrected his Grace in an historical statement, caught up the B of D in a blunder of prosody, detected a sapphire in Lady Dollington's suite of yellow diamonds, and exposed an error of Lord Sloperton's in his pedigree of Brown Menelaus. It is needless to say he Avas almost universally detested, for of those he had suffered to pass EOBACE TEMPLET014. 69 free, none knew how soon his own time might arrive. His patron was miserable ; be saw nothing but faikire where he looked for triumph. The very acquirements he had built upon for success were become a terror to every one, and " the odious Mr. Kitely " became a proverb. His political opponents chuckled over the "bad tone " of such men in general ; the stupid ones gloried over the fall of a clever man ; and the malignant part of the household threw out broad hints that he was a mere adventurer, and they should not wonder if actually an Irishman ! Indeed, he had been heard to say " entirely " twice upon the same evening in conversation, and suspicion had almost become a certainty. It was towards the end of my first week, as I was one day dressing for dinner. Lord Collyton came hastily into my room, exclaiming, " By Jove, Templeton ! Mr. Kitely has done the thing at last, as he would say himself, entirely." " How do you mean ? what has he done ? " "You know ray father is excessively vain of his land- scape-gardening, and the prodigious improvements which he has made in this same demesne around us. Well, com- passionating some one whom Kitely was mangling, onore sico, in an argument, he took that gentleman out for a walk, and, with a conscious pride in his own achievements, led him towards the Swiss cottage beside the waterfall. Kitely was pleased with everything ; the timber is really well grown, and he praised it ; the view is fine, and he said so. Even of the chalet he condescended a few words of approval, as a feature in the scene. The waterfall, how- evei", he would not praise ; it might foam, and splash, and whirl as it would ; in vain it threw its tiny spray aloft, and hissed beneath the rocks below ; he never wasted even a word iipon it. " ' You'd scarce fancy, Mr. Kitely,' said my father, whose patience was sorely tried ; ' you'd scarce fancy that river you see there was only a mill-stream.' " ' I'd scarcely think of calling that mill-stream a river, my lord,' v/as the I'eply. " Hence the borough of Collyton is still open, and I 70 HORACE TEMPLETON. have como, by his Grace's request, to say that if you desire to enter Parliament it is very much at your service." This was my introduction to the House. My parliamentary life was, as I have said, a brief one, but not without its triumphs. I was long enough a mem- ber to have excited the ardent hopes of my friends, and make my name a thing quoted in the lists of party. Had I remained, I was to have spoken second to the Address on the opening of the new session. There was, 1 own, a most intoxicating sense of pleasure in the first success. The moment in which, fatigued and almost over- powered, I sank into a chair at Bellamy's, with some twenty around me, congratulating, praising, flattering, and foretelling, was worth living for ; and yet, perhaps, in that same instant of triumph were sown the seeds of my malady. I was greatly heated; I had excited myself beyond my strength, and spoken for two hours — to myself it seemed scarce twenty minutes ; and then, with open cravat and vest, I sat in the current of air between a door and window, drinking in delicious draughts of iced water and flattery. I Avent home with a slight cough, and something strange, like an obstruction to full breathing, in my chest. Brodie, who saw me next day, I suppose guessed the whole mischief; for these men look far ahead, and, like sailors, they see storm and hurricane in the cloud not bigger than a man's hand. I often regret — I shall continue to do, perhaps, still oftener — that I did not die in the hai-uess. To quit the field for the sake of life, and not secure it after all, was a paltry policy. But what could I do ? a severe and contested election would have killed me, and for Collyton it was impossible I could continue to sit. Irish politics would seem the rock ahead of every man in the House. On these unhappy questions all are ship- wrecked : the Premier loses Party — Party loses confidence — members displease constituents, and proteges offend their patrons. Such was my own case. The Duke who owned the borough of Collyton, resolved on making a great stand and show of his iulluence in both Houses. All his followers, myself among the number, were summoned HORACE TEMPLETON. 71 to a conference, when the tactic of attack should be adopted, and each assigned his fitting part. To me was allotted the office of replying to the first speaker of the Treasury Bench — a post of honour and of danger, and only distasteful because impossible : the fact was, that my own opinions were completely with the Government on the subject in dispute, and consequently at open variance with those of my-«wn friends. This I declared at once, endeavouring to show why my judgment had so inclined, and what arguments I believed to be unanswerable. Instead of replying to my reasons, or convincing me of their inefiiciency, my colleagues only appealed to the "necessity of union" — the imperative call of party — • and "the impossibility," as they termed it, "of betraying the Duke." I immediately resolved to resign my seat, and accept the Chiltern Hundreds. To this thei-e was a unanimous cry of dissent, one and all pronouncing that such a step would damage them more even than my fiercest opposition. The Duke sat still and said nothing. Somewhat ofi^ended at this, I made a personal appeal to him, resolving by the tone of his reply to guide my future conduct. He was too old a politician to give me any clue to his sentiments, shrouding his meaning in vague phrases of compliment to ray talents, and his perfect confidence that, however my judgment inclined, I should be able to show sufficient reasons for my opinion. I went home baffled, worried, and ill. I sent for Brodie. " You cannot speak on the coming question," said he ; " there is a great threat of hemorrhage from the lungs — you must have rest and quiet. Keep beyond the reach of excitement for a few weeks — don't even read the newspapers. Go over to Spa — there you can be quite alone." I took the advice, and without one word of adieu to any one — without even leaving any clue to my hiding- place — I left London. Spa was as quiet and retired as Brodie desci^ibed it. A little valley shut in among the hills, that a Cockney would have called mountains ; a clear little trout stream, and some shady alleys to stroll among, being all I wanted. Would that I could have 72 HOEACE TEMPLETON. brought there the tranquil spirit to enjoy them ! But my mind was far from at ease. The conflict between a sense of duty and a direct obligation, raged continually within me. What I owed to my own conscience, and what I owed to my patron, were at variance, and never did the sturdiest Radical detest the system of nomination boroughs as I did at this moment. Each day, too, I reofretted that I had not done this or that — taken some line different from what I adopted, and at least openly braved the criticism that I felt I had fled from. To deny me all access to newspapers was a measure but ill calculated to allay the fever of my mind. Expecta- tion and imagination were at work, speculating on every possible turn of events, and every likely and unlikely version of my own conduct. The first two days over, all my impatience returned, and I would have given life itself to be once again back " in my place," to assert my opinions, and stand or fall by my own defence of my motives. About a week after mv arrival I was sitting under the shade of some trees, at the end of the long avenue that forms the approach to the town, when I became suddenly aware that, at a short distance off", an Englishman was reading aloud to his friend the report of the last debate on the " Irish Question." My attention was fettered at once; spell bound, I sat listening to the words of one of the speakers on the Ministerial side, using the very argu- ments I had myself di-scovered, and calling down the cheers of the House as he proceeded. A sarcastic allusion to my own absence, and a hackneyed quotation from Horace as to my desertion, were interrupted by loud laughter, and the reader laying down the newspaper, said, — " Can this be the Duke of Wrexington's Templeton that is here alluded to ? " " Yes. He wrote a paper on this subject in the last Quarterh/, but the Duke would not permit of his taking the same side in the House, and so he affected illness, they Bay, and came abroad." "The usual fortune o^ your protege members — they have fiORACE TEMPLETON. 73 the pleasant alternative of inconsistency or ingratitude. Why didn't he resign his seat ? " " It is mere coquetry with Peel, They told mo at Brookes's that he wanted a mission abroad, and would ' throw over ' the Duke at the first opportunity. Now Peel gives nothing for nothing. For open apostasy lie will pay, and pay liberally ; but for mere defalcation he'll give nothing." " " Templeton has outwitted himself, then ; besides that, he has no standing in the House to play the game alone." " A smart fellow, too, but no guidance. If he had been deep, he must have seen that old Wrexington only gave him the borough till CoUyton was of age to come in. It was meant for Kitely, but he refused the conditions. ' I cannot be a tenant-at-will, my lord,' said he ; and so they took Templeton." I could bear no moi-e. How I reached my inn I cannot remember. A severe fit of coughing overtook me as I ascended the stairs, and a small vessel gave way — a bad symptom, I believed ; but the doctor of the place, whom my servant soon brought to my bedside, applied leeches, and I was better a few hours after. The first use I made of strength was to write a brief note to the Duke, resigning the borough. The next post brought me his reply, full of compliment and assurance of esteem, accepting my resignation, and acknowledging his full concurrence in the reasons I had given for my step. The division was against him ; and he half-jestingly remarked, it might have been otherwise if I had fought on his side. The letter was civil throughout, but in that style that shows a tone of careless ease had been adopted to simulate frankness. I had had enough of his Grace, and of politics too! 74 HOEACE TEMPLETON. CHAPTER VI. So, all is settled ! — I leave Paris to-morrow. I hate leave-takings, even where common acquaintanceship only is concerned. I shall just write a few lines to the Favan- courts, with the volume of Balzac — happily I know no one else here — and then for the road ! Why this haste to set out, I cannot even tell to myself. I know, I feel, I shall never pass this way again ; I have that sense of regret a last look at even indiflerent objects suggests, and yet I woiild be eti route. There are places and scenes I wish to see before I go hence, and I feel that my hours are numbered. And now for a moonlight stroll through Paris ! Already the din and tumult is subsiding — the many- voiced multitude that throngs the streets long after the roll of equipage and the clattering hoofs of horses have ceased. How peacefully the long shadows are sleeping in the garden of the Tuileries ! and how clearly sounds the measured tread of tbe sentinel beneath the deep arch of the palace ! ISTot a light twinkles along that vast fagade, save in that distant pavilion, where a single star seems glistening — it is the apartment of the King. " The cares of Agamem- non never sleep ; " and royalty is scarce more fortunate now than in the days of Homer. Louis Philippe has a task not less arduous than had Napoleon to found a dynasty. There is little prestige any longer in the name of Bourbon ; and the members of his family, brave and high-spirited though they be, ai'e scarcely of the stuff to stand the storm that is brewing for them. As for the Emperor, the incapacity of his brothers was HORACE TEMPLETON. 75 a weight upon his shoulders all through life. His family contributed more to his fall than is generally believed : it was a never-ending struggle he had to maintain against the childish vanity and extravagance of Josephine, the wrongheadedness of Joseph, the simple credulity of Louis, and the fatuous insufl&ciency of Jerome and Lucien. All, more good _than otherwise, were manifestly unsuited to the places they occupied in life, and were continually mingling up the associations and habits of their small identities with the great requirements of newly-acquired station. Napoleon ci'eated the Empire — the vast drama was his own. However he might please to represent royalty, however he might like to ally the slendours of a throne with the glories of a great captain, it was all his own doing. But how miserably deficient were the others in that faculty of adaptation that made him de pair with every dynasty of Europe ! Into these thoughts I was led by finding myself stand- ing in the Eue Taibout, opposite the house which was once celebrated as the " Cafe du Roi " — a name which it bore for many years under the Empire, and, in conse- quence, was held in high esteem by certain worthy Legitl- misies, who little knew that the "King" was only a pretender, and, so far from being his sainted majesty Louis Dix-huit, was merely Jerome Buonaparte, King of Westphalia. The name originated thus : — One warm evening in autumn, a young man, somewhat ovei'dressed in the then mode, with a very considerable border of pinkish silk stocking seen above the margin of his low boots, drevers, and a most inordinate amount of coat-collar, lounged along the Boulevard des Italiens, occasionally ogling the passers-by, but oftener still throwing an admiring glance at himself, as the splendid windows of plate-glass reflected back his figure. His whole air and mien exhibited the careless insouciance of one with whom the world went easily, asking little from him of exertion, less still of fore- thought. He had just reached the angle of the Rue Vivienne, and 76 HORACE TEMPLETOlSf, was about to turn, when two persons advanced towards him, whose very different style of dress and appearance bespoke very different treatment at the hands of Fortune. They were both young, and, although palpably men of a certain rank and condition, were equally what is called out-at-elbov/s ; hats that exhibited long intimacy with rain and wind, shoes of very questionable colour, coats suspiciously buttoned about the throat, being all signs of circumstances that were far from flourishing. " Ah, Chopard, is't thou ? " said the fashionably dressed man, advancing with open hand to each, and speaking in the "/?<" of intimate friendship. "And thou, too, Bris- sole, how goes it ? What an age since we have met ! Art long in Paris ? " "About two hours," said the first. "Just as I stepped out of the Place des Victoires I met our old friend here ; and, strange enough, now we have come upon you: three old schoolfellows thus assembled at hazard!" "A minute later, and we should have missed each other," said Brissole. " I was about to take my place in the malle for Nancy." " To leave Paris ?" exclaimed both the others. " Even so — to leave Paris ! I've had enough of it," " Come, what do you mean by this?" said Chopard; " it sounds very like discouragement to me, who have come up here with all manner of notions of fortune, wealth and honours." " So much the worse for you," said Brissole, gaily ; " I've tried it for five years, and will try it no longer. I was vaudevillist, journalist, novelist, feuilletonist — I was the glory of the Odeon, the pi^op of the Jifonifeur, the hope of the Steele — and look at me " " And thou ? " said the fashionable, addressing him called Chopard. " I have just had a little opera damned at Lyons, and have come up to try what can be done here." " Poor devil ! " exclaimed Brissole, shrugging his shoulders ; then, turning abrujitly towards the other, he said, " And what is thy luck ? for, so far as externals go, thou seemest to have done better." HOKACE TElNn'LETON. 77 " Ay, Jerome," claimed in Chopard, " tell us, how hast thou fared ? — thou wert ever a fortunate fellow." "Pretty well," said he, laughing. "I've just come from St, Cloud — they've made me King of West- phalia!" "The devil they have!" exclaimed Chopard; "and dost know, ^jar hazard, where thy kingdom lies on the "Why should he torment himself about that?" said Brissole. " It's enough to know they have capital hams there." "What if we sup together," said Jerome, "and taste one ? I am most anxious to baptize my new royalty in a glass of wine. Here we are in the Kue Taibout — this is Villaret's. Come in, gentlemen — I'm the host. Make your minds easy about the future: you, Brissole, I appoint to the office of my private secretary. Chopard, you shall be maitre de chapellc.'" "Agreed," cried the others gaily; and with a hearty shake of hands was the contract ratified. Supper was quickly prepared, and, in its splendour aad profusion, pronounced, by both the guests, worthy of a king. Villaret could do these things handsomely, and as he was told expense was of no consequence, the entertain- ment was really magnificent. Nor was the spirit of the guests inferior to the feast. They were brilliant in wit, and overflowing in candour ; concealing nothing of their past lives that would amuse or interest, each vied with the other in good stories and ludicrous adventures — all their bygone vicissitudes so pleasantly contrasting with the brilliant future they now saw opening before them. They drank long life and reign to the King of Westphalia in bumpers of foaming champagne. The pleasant hours flew rapidly past — bright visions of the time to come lending their charm to the happiness, and making their enjoyment seem but the forerunner of many days and nights of festive delight. At last came day break, and, even by the flickering of reason left, they saw it was time to separate. " Bring the bill," said Jerome to the exhausted-looking 78 HORACE TEMPLETON. waiter, who speedily appeared witli a small slip of paper ominously marked "eight hundred francs." " Diable ! " exclaimed Jerome; "that is smart, and I have no money about me. Come, Brissole, this falls among your duties — pay the fellow." ^^ Parhleu! then — it comes somewhat too soon. I am not yet installed, and have not got the key of our treasury." "No matter — pay it out of thine own funds." " But I have none — save this ; " and he produced two francs, and some sous in copper. " Well, then, Chopard must do it." "I have not as much as himself," said Chopard. " Send the landlord here," said Jerome ; but indeed the command was unnecessary, as that functionary had been an anxious listener at the door to the very singular debate. " We have forgotten our purses, Villaret," said Jerome, in the easy tone his last ten hours of royalty suggested ; " but we will send your money when we reach home." " I have no doubt of it, gentlemen," said the host, obsequiously ; " but it would please me still better to i-eceive it now — particularly as I have not the honour of knowing the distinguished company." "The distinguished company is perfectly satisfied to know you : the cuisine was excellent," hiccupped Brissole. " And the wine unexceptionable." " The champagne mighthave been a little move fmjype," said Brissole ; " the only improvement I could suggest." " Perhaps there was a nuance, only a nuance, too much citron in the o'ognons a la hroclie, but the Jilets de sole were perfect." " If I had the happiness of knowing messieurs," said Villaret, " I should hope, that at another time I might be more fortunate in pleasing them." " Nothing easier," said Chopard. " I am victifre de chapeUe to the King of Westphalia." Villaret bowed low. " And I am the Pi'ivate Secretary and Privy Purse of his Majesty." HORACE TEMPLETON. 79 Villaret bowed again — a slight smile of very peculiar omen flitting across his cunning features, while, turning hastily, he whispered a word in the ear of the waiter. " And this gentleman here ?" said he, looking at Jerome, M'ho, with his legs resting on a chair, was coolly awaiting the termination of the explanation. " And this gentle- man, if I might make so bold, what office does he hold in his Majesty's service ? " " J. am the King of Westphalia ! " said Jerome. " Just as I suspected. Fran9ois," said the landlord insolently, " go fetch the gendarmes." " No, no, parhleu ! " said Jerome, springing up in alarm ; "no gendarmes, no police. Here, take my watch — that is surely worth more than your bill ? When I reach home I'll send the money." The landlord, more than ever convinced that his sus- picions were well grounded, took the watch, which was a. very handsome one, and suffered them to depart in peace. They had not been gone many minutes when, on examining the watch, the landlord perceived that it bore the emblematic " N " of the Emperor within the case, and at once suspecting that it had been stolen from some member of the imperial household, he hurried off in terror to communicate his fears to the commissary of police. This functionary no sooner saw it that he hastened to Pouche, the minister, who, making himself acquainted with the whole details, immediately hurried off to the Tuileries and laid it all before the Emperor. The watch had been a present from Napoleon to Jerome ; but this was but a small pai^t of the cause of indignation. The derogation from dignity, the sacrifice of the regard due to his station, were crimes of a very different order ; and, summoned to the imperial presence, the new-made king- was made to hear, in terms of reproachful sarcasm, a lesson in his craft that few could impart with such cutting severity. As for the onaiire cle cliapelle and the Secretary, an agent of the police waited on each before they were well awake, with strict injunctions to them to maintain a perfect secrecy on the whole affair ; and while guarantee- 80 HORACE TEMPLETON. ing them an annual pension in their new offices, assuring them that the slightest indiscretion as to the mystery would involve their ruin and their exile from France for ever. It was years before the landlord learned the real secret of the adventure, and, in commemoration of it, called his house " Le Cafe du Roi," a circumstance which the Government never noticed, for the campaign of Russia and the events of 1812-13 left little time to attend to matters of this calibre. The " Cafe du Roi " is now a shop whei^e artificial flowers are sold ; as nearly like nature perhaps, or more so, than poor Jerome's royalty resembled the real article. Horace templeton. 81 CHAPTER VII. Baden-Baden. It is like a dream to me now to think of that long, dusty road from Paris, with its rattling pavement, its noisy jiostilions, shouting ostlers, bowing landlords, dirty waiters, gai^lic diet, and hard beds ; and here I sit by my open window, with a bright river beneath my feet, the song of birds on every side, a richly wooded mountain in front, and at the foot a winding road, which ever and anon gives glimpses of some passing equipage, bright in all the butterfly glitter of female dress, or, mayhap, resounding with merry laughter and sweet-voiced mirth. How brilliant is everything ! — the cloudless sky, the sparkling water, the emerald grass, the foliage in every tint of beauty, the orange-trees and the cactus along the terraces, where lounging parties com? and go ; and then the mea- sured step of princely equipages, in all the panoply of tasteful wealth ! Truly, Vice wears its holiday suit in Baden, and the fairness of this lovely valley seems to tbrow a softened light over a scene where, as in a sea, the stormy waves of every bad passion are warring. When, in all the buoyant glow of youth and health, I remembered feeling shocked as I st rolled through the pro- menade at Carlsbad, at the sight of so many painful objects of sickness and suffering ; the eager, almost agonising, ex- pressions of hoping convalescence ; the lustreless stare of those past hope; the changeful looks of accompanying- friends, who seemed to read the fate of some dear one in the compassionate pity of those who passed, were all sights that threw a chill, like death, over the warm current of my blood. Yet never did this feeling convey the same intense a 82 HOEACE TEMPLETON, Lorror and disgust that I felt last night as I walked through the Cursaal. To pass from the mellow moonlight, dappling the path- way among the trees and kissing the rippling stream, from the calm, mild air of a summer's night, when every leaf lay sleeping and none save the nightingale kept watch, into the glare and glitter of a gilded saloon, is somewhat trying to the jarred nerves of sickness. But what was it to the sight of that dense crowd around the play-tables, where av'arice, greed of gain, recklessness, and despair are mingled, giving, even to faces of manly vigour and open- ness, expressions of low cunning and vulgar meaning ? There is a terrible sameness in the gambler's look, a blending of slavish terror with a resolution to brave the worst, almost demoniacal in its fierceness. I knew most of the persons present; I need not say, not personally, but from having seen them before at various other similar places. Many were professed gamblers, men who starved and suffered for the enjoyment of that one passion, living on the smallest gain, and never venturing a stake beyond what daily life demanded ; haggard, sad, wretched-looking creatures they Avere, the abject poverty of their dress and appearance vouching that this metier was not a prosperous one. Others farmed out their talents, and played for those who were novices. These men have a singular existence ; they exact a mere percentage on the winning, and are in great request among elderly ladies, whose passion for play is modified by the fears of its vicissitudes. Then there were the usual sprinkling of young men, not habitually gamblers, but always glad to have the opportunity of tempting Fortune, with here and there some old votary of the " table " satisfied to witness the changeful temper of the game without risking a stake. Into many vices men are led by observing the apparent happiness and pleasure of others who indulge in them. Not so with regard to play. No man ever became a gam- bler from this delusion, there being no such terrible warn- ing against the passion as the very looks of its votaries. But it is not in such a low tripot of vice I care to linger. Is was a ball-night, and I turned with a sense of relief HORACE TEMPLETON. 83 from the aspect of sordid, vulgar iniquity to gaze on its more polislied brother {qucere, sister ?) in the salle de danse. Here there was a large — I might almost call it a brilliant — company assembled: a less exclusive assemblage cannot be conceived ; five francs and clean gloves being the only qualification needed. The guests were as varied, too, in nation as in rank. About equal numbers of German and French, several Russians, and a large proportion of Eng- lish, with here and there a bilious-looking American, or a very dubious marquis from beyond the Alps. Many of the men I knew to bo swindlers and blacklegs of the very lowest stamp ; some others I recognised as persons of the highest station in my own country. Of the lady part of the company the disparities were even greater. There was, it is true, a species of sifting process discern- ible, by which the various individuals fell among those of their own order ; but though this was practicable enough where conversation and grouping were concerned, it was scarcely attainable in other circumstances, and thus, the mazurka and the polka assembled ingredients that should never have been placed in close propinquity. The demoralising influence of such reunions upon the daughters of our own land need not be insisted upon. Purity of mind and simplicit}^ of character are no safe- guard against the scenes which, in all the propriety of decorum, are ever occurring. And how terribly rapid are the downward steps when the first bloom and blush of modesty have faded ! It demands but a very indifiei'ent power of observation to distinguish the English girl for the first time abroad from her who has made repeated visits to foreign watering-places ; while even among those who have been habituated to the great world at home, and passed the ordeal of London seasons, there is yet much to learn in the way of cool and self-possessed efi'rontery from the habits of Baden and its brethren. I was dreadfully shocked last night by meeting one I had not seen for many years before. How changed from what I knew her once ! — what a terrible change ! When first I saw her, it was during a visit I made to her mother's house in Wales ; her brother was an Oxford friend, and G 2 84 KORACE TEMPLETON. bi'ouglat me down witli liim for the shooting season to Merionethshire. Poor fellow ! he died of consumption at two-and-twenty, and left all he possessed — a handsome estate — to his only sister. Hence all her misery! Had she remained comparatively portionless, rich only in her beauty and the graces of a manner that was fascination itself, she might now have been the happy wife of some worthy Englishman — one, whose station is a trust held on the tenure of his rectitude and honour ; for such is public feeling in our country, and such is it never elsewhere. She was then about eighteen or nineteen, and the very ideal of what an English girl at that age should be. On a mind highly stored and amply cultivated, no unworthy or depreciating influence had yet descended ; freedom of thought, freshness almost childish, had given her an ani- mation and buoyancy only subdued by the chastening modesty of coming womanhood. Enthusiastic in all her pursuits, for they were graceful and elevating, her mind had all the simplicity of the child with the refinement of the highest culture ; and, like those who are brought up in narrow circles, her affections for a few spread themselves out in the varied forms that are often scattered and diffused over the wider surface of the world. Thus her brother was not merely the great object of her affection and pride, but he was the companion of her rides and walks, the con- fidant of all her secret feelings, the store in which she laid up her newly acquired knowledge, or drew, at will, for more. With him she read aud studied ; delighted by the same pursuits, their natures blended into one harmonious cliorde, which no variance or dissonance ever troubled. His death, although long and gradually anticipated, nearly brought her to the grave. The terrible nature of the malady, so often inherent in the same family, gave cause for the most anxious fears on her account, and her mother, herself almost broken-hearted, took her abroad, hoping by the mildness of a southern climate and change of scene to arrest the progress of the fell disease. In this she was successful ; bodily health was indeed secured. But might it not have been better that she had wasted slowly away, to sleep at last beneath the yews of HOKACE TEMPLETON. 85 her own ancient cliurchyard, than live and become what she has done ? Some years after this event I was, although at the time only an attaclie of the mission, acting as charge d'affaires at Naples, during the absence of the minister and the secretary. I was sitting one morning reading in my garden, when my servant announced the visit of an Italian gentleman, il Signer ^alvatori. The name was familiar to me, as belonging to a man who had long been employed as a spy of the Austrian government, and, indeed, was formerly entrusted in a secret capacity by Lord W. Ben- tinck in Sicily — a clever, designing, daring rascal, who obtained his information no one knew how ; and although w'e had always our suspicions that he might be " selling " us, as well as the French, we never actually traced any distinct act of treachery to his door. He possessed a con- siderable skill in languages, was very highly informed on many popular topics, and, I have been told, was a musician of no mean powers of performance. These and similar social qualities were, however, never displayed by him in any part of his intercourse with us, although we have often heard of their existence. As I never felt any peculiar pleasure in the relations which office compels with men of his stamp, I received him somewhat coldly, and asked, without much circumlocution, the I'eason of his visit. He replied, with his habitual smile of self-possession, that his present duty at " the Mission " was not a busi- ness-call, but concerned a matter purely personal ; — in fact, " with his Excellency's permission, he desired to get married." Not stopping him on the score of his investing me with a title to whicla, no one knew better than himself I had no pretensions, I quietly assured him that his relation with " the Mission" did not, in any way, necessitate his asking for such a permission — that, however secret and mysterious the nature of his communications, they were still beyond the pale of affairs personally private. He suffered me to continue my explanation, somewhat scornful as it was, to the end, and then calmly said,^- 86 HORACE TEMPLETON. " Your Excellency will pardon my intrusion, wlien I in- form you that the marriage should take place here, at ' the Mission,' as the lady is an Englishwoman." Whether it was the fact itself, or his manner of deliver- ing it, that outraged me, I cannot now remember; but I do recollect giving expression to a sentiment of surprise and anger not exactly suitable. He merely smiled, and said nothing. " Yery well, M. Salvatori," said I, corrected by the quietude of his manner ; " what is your day ? " '■Wednesday, if your Excellency pleases." " Wednesday be it, and at eight o'clock." "As your Excellency desires," said he, bowing and re- tiring. It had never occurred to me to ask for any information about the happy fair one ; indeed, if I had given a thought at all to the matter, it would have been that she was of the rank of ?ifemine de chamhre, or, at least, some unhappy children's governess, glad to exchange one mode of tyranny for another. As he was leaving the room, however, some sense of remorse, perhaps, at the brusquerie I had shown towards him, suggested the question, " Who might the lady be ? " "Mademoiselle Graham." "Ah! a very good name indeed," said I; and so, with a word or two of common-place, I bade him good- tye. Tlie Wednesday marning arrived, and two carriages drove into the court of " the Mission : " out of one sprang Signer Salvatori and a very bearded gentleman, who ac- companied him as his friend ; from the other alighted, first, an elderly lady, whose dress was a mixture of wedding finery and widow's mourning ; then came a very elegant- looking girl, veiled from head to foot, followed by her maid ; and, lastly, the chaplain to " the Mission." They were some minutes too early, and I equally behind my time ; but I dressed hastily, and descended to the salon, where M. Salvatori received me with a very gracious expression of his self-satisfaction. Passing him. by, 1 advanced to address a few words to the old lady, HORACE TEMPLETON. 87 who had risen from her seat ; when, stepping back, I ex- claimed, — " Mrs. Graham — my old friend, Mrs. Graham ! Is this possible ? " ' " Oh, Caroline, it is Mr. Templeton ! " said she ; while her daughter, drawing her veil still closer over her face, trembled dreadfully. Meanwhile Mrs. Graham had seized my hand with cordial warmth, and pressed it in all the earnestness of friendship. Her joy — and it was very evi- dent it was such — was little participated in by her son-in- law elect, who stood, pale and conscience-stricken, in a distant part of the room. " I must entreat these gentlemen's permission to speak a few words hero alone, as these ladies are very old friends I have not seen for some years." "I would humbly suggest to your Excellency that, as the ceremony still waits " " I wish it, marquis," said Mrs. Graham, in a tone half- command, half-entreaty ; and, with a deep bow of sub- mission, Salvatori and his friend withdrew, accompanied by the chaplain. " The title by which you have just addressed that per- son, Mrs. Graham," said I, in a voice trembling from agi- tation, " shows me how you have been duped and deceived by him, and in what total ignorance you are as to his real character." " Oh, Mr. Templeton ! " broke in her daughter, novs speaking for the first time, and in accents I shall never forget, such was their heai't-thrilling eaimestness, — " Oh, sir, this does indeed exceed the licence of even old friend- ship ! We are well aware how the Marquis of Salvatori has suffered from persecution ; but we little expected to have found you among the number of his enemies." " You do me great wrong. Miss Graham," said I eagerly; "in nothing greater than supposing me capable of being the enemy of such a man as this. Unvv'orthy as the sentiment is, it at least implies a sense of equality. Now, are you certain of what this person is ? are you aware in what capacity he has been employed by our government, and by that of other countries ?" 88 HORACE TEMPLETON. *' We know that the marquis has been engaged in secret Biissions," said Miss Graham, proudly. " Your reply, brief as it is, conveys two errors. Miss Graham. He is not a marquis; little as the title often implies in Italy, he has no right to it. He asked Lord William Bentinck to let him call himself marquis, and so to address him, as a means of frequenting circles where important information was accessible. Lord William said, ' Call yourself what you please — grand duke, if you like it — I am no dispenser of such designations.' The gentle- man was modest — he stopped at marquis. As to his diplomatic functions, we have a short and expressive word for them — he was and is, a spy !" Not heeding the scornful reception of the daughter, I turned towards Mrs. Graham, and, with all the power I possessed, urged her, at least, to defer this fatal step — that she was about to bestow her child upon a man of notori- ously degraded character, and one whose assumption of rank and position was disregarded and despised in the very humblest circles. The mother wept bitterly ; at one moment turning to dissuade her daughter from her rash- ness, at the next appealing to me against what she called my unjust pi-ejudices against the marquis. Miss Graham scornfully refused to vouchsafe me even a word. I confess more than once my temper prompted me to abandon the enterprise, and suffer wilfulness to reap its own bitter harvest ; but then, my better feelings prevailed, and old memories of rriy poor friend Graham again en- listed me in defence of his sister. Of no avail was it that I followed these worthier promptings. It seemed as if the man had thrown a spell over these two unhappy women, one being perfectly enthralled, the other, nearly so, by the artful fascinations of his manner ; and yet he was neither young, handsome, rich, nor of high lineage. On the contrary, the man was at least fifty-three or four, a perfect monster of ugliness, with an expression of sardonic sycophancy actually demoniac. If I were not relating "a fact" — one of which I can answer, that many now living can entirely corroborate— HORACE TEMPLETON. 89 I would hesitate about dwelling on a case where improba- bilities are so strong, and where I have nothing to offer like an explanation of them. Wilkes has long since convinced the world how litlle good looks are concerned in winning a woman's heart, and how, indeed, a very considerable share of ugliness can be counterbalanced by captivations of manner and personal agreeability. Bu^ judging from the portraits — even Ho- garth's fearful sketch — Wilkes was handsome compared to Salvatori ; and in point of reputation, low as it was, the libeller and the satirist was still better than the spy- To go back again : I argued, I entreated, begged, threatened, and denounced. I went further — I actually transgressed the limits of official authority, and refused to sanction the ceremony — a threat which, I soon remem- bered, I dare not sustain. But, do what, say what, I would, they were equally resolute and determined ; and nothing was left for me but to recall M. Salvatori and his friend, aiid suffer the affair to proceed, I do not remember, among the varied incidents of ray life, one whose effect weighed more heavily upon me. Although acquitted by my conscience, I felt at moments horror-struck at even my share in this infamy, and would have given anything that it had never occurred. It may be believed I was happy to hear that they all left Naples the same day. Years rolled over, and I never even heard of them, till one morning, when waiting along with a diplomatic friend for an interview with the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, a person hastily passed through the room, saluting us as he went. " I have seen that face before," said I to my friend ; " do you know him ?" " To be sure ! " said he, smiling ; " one must be young in diplomacy not to know the Mephistophiles of the craft; and I guess why he is here, too. That fellow is in the pay of the Prince de Capua, but has sold him to Louis Philippe. The reconciliation with Naples would have been long since effected but for the King of the French." 90 HORACE TEMPLETON. " And his name — this man's name— what is it ?" " Salvatori." " What ! the same who married an English girl at Naples ? " " And sold her to the Marquis Brandini for ten thousand sequini. The very man. But here comes the messenger to say his Excellency will receive us." My friend quitted Paris the moment his interview ended, and I heard no more. Last night I saw her in the Cursaal — beautiful, perhaps more beautiful than ever ! At least there was a lofty elegance and a splendour about her that I never remember in her girlish days ; nor was it till she smiled that I could now believe that the queen-like beauty before me was the timid, delicate girl I first saw tripping along the narrow path of a Welsh mountain. Even from the gossip of Baden I could learn no more about her than that she was a Sicilian countess of great wealth, and a widow ; that she was intimately received into the very highest circles — even of royalty — and con- stantly was seen driving in the carriage of the Arch- duchess. It was, then, possible that I might be mistaken, after all ! Great people are not accessible so easily. I tried in various quarters to get presented to her — for she showed not the slightest sign of having ever met me — but failed everywhere : they who knew her did not do so intimately enough to introduce me. The reminiscences I have just jotted down have made me miserably feverish and ill ; for, although I now begin to doubt that I ever saw this countess before, the sad story of Caroline Graham is ever present to my mind — a terrible type of the fortune of many a fair English girl left to the merciless caprice of a foreign husband ! I am not bigot enough to fancy that happy, eminently happy, marriages do not exist abroad as well as with us ; but I am fully minded to say that the individuals should be of the same nation, reared in the midst of the same traditions, imbued with feelings that a common country, language, and religion bestow. I know of nothing that presents so pitiable a picture of HORACE TEMPLETON. 91 ■unhappy destiny, as a fair and delicately-minded English girl the wife of a foreigner ! How I wish to resolve my doubts in this case ! for although I began this memoran- dum fully persuaded it was Caroline Graham that I had seen, every line I write increases my uncertainty. 92 nORACE TEMPLETON^ CHAPTER VIII. It was witTi a rare audacity that the devil pitched his tent iu Badeii ! Perhaps on tlie whole conliuent another spot could not be found so fully combining, iu a small circuit, as many charms of picturesque scenery ; and it was a bold conception to set down vice, in all its varieties, in the very midst of — in open contrast, as it were, to — a scene of peaceful loveliness and beauty. I do confess myself one of those who like living figures in a landscape. I like not only those groupings which artists seem to stereotype, so nearly alike they all are, of seated foreground figures, dark-shadowed observers of a setting sun, or coolly watering cattle beneath a gushing fountain. I like not me*'elv the red-kirtled peasant knee- deep in the river, or the patient fisherman upon his rock ; but I have a strong regard — I mean here, where the scene is Nature's own, and not on canvas — a strong regard for those flitting glimpses of the gayer world which in the brightest tints that fashion sanctions, are caught, now in some deep- dell of the Tyrol, now on some fjuow-peaked eminence of a Swiss glacier, beside the fast- rolling Danube or the sluggish Nile. I have no sympathy for those who exclaim against the incongruity of pink parasols and blue reticules in scenes of mild and impressive grandeur. Methinks it speaks but scanty store of self resources in those who thus complain, not knowing anything of the feelings that have prompted their presence there. No one holds cheaper than I do the traveller who, under the guidance of his John Murray, Bees what is set down for him through the eyes of the '• Handbook " — mingling up in his addled brain crude Dotions of histoi-y and antiquarianism, with the names of HORACiJ TEMPLETON. 93 inns and post-houses — counsels against damp slieets — cheating landloi'ds — scraps of geology, and a verse of *' Childe Harold." This is detestable : but far otherwise is the meeting with those whose dress and demeanour tell of the world of fasliion — the intertwined life of dissipa- tion and excess in solitai'y unfrequented places. Far from being struck by their inaptitude and unfitness for such scenes, I willingly fall back upon the thought of how such people must be impressed by objects so far beyond the range of daily experience, of objects whose wondrous meaning speaks to hearts the most cloyed and jaded, "as never man spoke." lean luxuriate in fancying how long-forgotten feelings, old memories of the past, long buried beneath the load of daily cares, come back fresh and bright under the influence of associations that recall purer, happier hours. I can dwell in imagination on the sudden spring made from the stern ordinances of a world of forms and conventionalities, to that more beautiful and grander world, whose incense is the odour of wild flowers and whose music is the falling cataract. I love to speculate how the statesman, the wily man of forecasting thought and deep devices, must feel in presence of agencies which make those of mere man's contrivance seem poor and contemptible ; and how the fine lady, whose foot knows no harder surface than a velvet carpet, and whose artificial existence palls by its own voluptuous- ness, contemplates a picture of grand and stern sublituity. Disguise it how they will, feign indifierence how they may, such scenes always are felt, and deeply felt ! Tlio most accomplished lounger of St. James's Street does not puff his cigar so coolly as he affects to do, nor is that heart all unmoved that throbs beneath the graceful folds of a rich Cashmere. Now and then some Brummagem spirit intrudes, who sees in the falling torrent but a wasted *' water-power : " but even he has his own iar-rcaching thoughts imbued with a poetry of their own. He sees in these solitudes new cities arise, the busy haunts of acting heads and hands ; he hears in imagination the heavy bang of the iron hammer, the roar of the furnace, the rush of steam, the mauy-voicud multitude called by 94 HORACE TEMPLETON. active labour to new activity of mind ; and perhaps he soars away, in thought, to those far-off wilds of the new woi"ld, whose people, clothed by these looms, are brought thus into brotherhood with their kindred men. I myself have few sympathies in common with these ; but I respect the feelings that I do not fathom. " Nihil humani a me alienum puto.^' What has suggested these thoughts ? A little excursion that I made this evening from the village of Lichtenthal towards the Waterfall, a winding glen narrowing as you advance ; wilder too, but not less peopled ; every sheltered spot having its own dwelling-place — the picturesque chalet, with its far-stretching eave, and its quaint galleries of carved wood, its brightly shining windows sparkling between the clustering vine leaves, and its frieze of Indian corn hung up beneath the roof to dry. Leaving the carriage, I followed the bank of the stream — just such a river as in my boyish days I loved to linger by, and fancy I was fishing. It was no more than fancy : for although my rod and landing-net were in most fitting perfection, my hackles and orange bodies, my green drakes and may-flies, all that could be wished, I was too dreamy and distrait for " the gentle craft ; " and liked Walton better in his rambling discursions than in his more practical teaching. What a glorious day for scenery, too ! Not one of those scorching, blue-sky, cloudless days, when a general hardness prevails, but a mingled light of sun and cloud shadow, with misty distances, and dai'k, deep foregrounds on the still water, where ever and anon a heavy plash, breaking in widening circles, told of the speckled trout : save that, no other sound was heard. All was calm and noiseless, as in some far-ofi" valley of the Mississippi, a little surging of the water on the rocky shore — a faint melancholy plash — scarce heard even in the stillness. I sat thinking, not sadly, but seriously, of the past, and of that present time that was so soon to add itself to the past ; for the future I felt, by sensations that never deceive, it must be brief! My malady gained rapidly on me; symptoms, I waa told to guard against, had already HOEACE TEMPLETON. 95 sliown tliemselves, and I knew that the battle was fought and lost. " It is sad to die at thirty," saith Balzac somewhere ; and to the Frenchman of Paris, who feels that death is the cessation of a round of pleasures and dissipations, whose hold is hourly stronger ; who thinks that life and self-indulgence ai^e synonymous ; whose ideal is the cease- less round of exciting sensations that spring from every form of human passion nurtured to excess; — to him, the sleep of the grave is the solitude and not the repose of the tomb. To me, almost alone in the Avorld, to die suggests few sorrows or regrets ; without family, without friends, save those the world's complaisance calls such ; with no direct object for exertion, nothing for hope or fear to cling to ; no ambition that I could noui'ish, no dream of greatness or distinction to elevate me above the thought of daily suffering ; life is a mere monotony — and the monotony of icaiting. While watching the progress of my malady, seeing day by day the advancing steps of the disease that never sleeps, I I'ecognise in myself a strange adaptation in my mind and feelings to the more developed condition of my illness. At first, my cough irritated and fevered me. It awoke me if I slept — it worried me as I read ; my fast and hurried breathing, too, exciting the heart's action, rendered me impatient and discontented. Now, both these symptoms are in excess, and yet, by habit and some acquired power of conforming to them, I am scarcely aware of their existence. I have learned to look on them as my normal, natural condition. My cough on awaking in the morning — my hectic as night falls — only tell of the day's dawn and decline. I fancy that this dreamy calm, this spirit of submissive waiting that I feel, is dependent on my infirmity ; for how otherwise could I, if strong in mind and body, endure the thraldom of my present life ? The watchful egotism of sickness demands the mind of sickness. In the whole phenomena of malady, nothing is more striking than the accommodation of the mind to the con- dition of suffering. I remember once — I was then in all 9G iiOKACE TEMPLETON, the strength and conficlence of youth and health — di'sousf5-= ing this point with a friend, a physician of skill and emi- nence, now no more, and was greatly struck by a theory which was new, at least to me. He regarded every spe- cies of disease, from the most simple to the most compli- cated, as a sanatory process, an effoi't — not always suc- cessful, of course — on the part of Nature to restore the system to its condition of health. He instanced maladies the most formidable, some of them attended by symptoms of terrible suffering ; but in every case he assumed to show that they were efforts to oppose the march of some other species of disorganization. So far from thei'e being any taint of Materialism in these views, he deduced from them a most devout and conscientious belief in a Supreme Power ; and instead of resting upon Contrivance and Design as the great attributes of the Deity, he went fur- ther, and made the Forethought, the Providence of God for His creatures, the great object of his wonderment and praise. His argument, if I dare trust my memory, was briefly this : the presence of a superintending guardian spirit, ever watchful to avert evil from its charge, is the essential diflerence which separates every object of God's creation from the mere work of man's hand. The inge- nuity that contrived the mechanism of a steam-engine or a clock was yet unable to endow the machinery with latent powers of reparation ; secret resources against accident or decay, treasured up for the hour of necessity, and not even detectable, if existent, before the emergency that evoked them. Not so with the objects of creation. They are each and all, according to various laws, provided with such jTowers ; their operations, whether from deficient energy or misdirection, constituting what we call disease. What is dropsy, for instance, save the resolution of an inflammatory action that would almost inevitably prove fatal ? Formidable as the malady is, it yet affords time for treatment; its march is comparatively slow and uniform, whereas the disease that originated it would have caused death, if effusion of fluid had not arrested the violence of the inflammation. Take the most simple case — a wounded blood-vessel, a HORACE TEMPLETON. 97 cut finger : by all the laws of hydraulics, the blood must escape from this small vessel, and the individual bleed to death as certainly, though not so speedily, as from the largest artery. But what ensues ? after a slight loss of blood, the vessel contracts — a coagulum forms — the bleed- ing is arrested — the coagulum solidifies and forms a cica- trix ; and the whole of these varied processes — a series of strange and wondecful results — will follow, without any interference of the will, far less any aid from the indi- vidual himself, being powers inherent in the organization, and providentally stored up for emergency. The blood poured out upon the brain from an apoplectic stroke must, and does, prove fatal, save when the vis medicatrix is able to interpose in time, by encircling the fluid, enclosing it with a sac, and subsequently by absorp- tion removing the extraneous pressure. All these are vital processes, over which the sufferer has no control — of which he is not even conscious. The approach of an abscess to the surface of the body, by a law similar to that which determines the approach of a plant to the surface of the earth — the reparation of a fractured bone, by the creation and disposition of elements not then existing in the body — and many similar cases, warranted him in assuming that all these processes were exactly analogous to what we call disease, being disturb- ances of the animal economy accompanied by pain ; and that disease of every kind was only a curative effort, occa- sionally failing from insufficient energy — occasionally from the presence of antagonistic agency, — and occasionally from our ignorance of its tendency and object. I feel I have been a lame expositor of my friend's theory. I have omitted many of his proofs— some of them the best and strongest. I have, besides, not adverted to objections which he foresaw and refuted. Indeed, I fell into the digres- sion without even knowing it, and I leave it here in the same fashion. I fancy a kind of comfort in the notion that my malady is, at least, an attempt at restoration. The idea of decay — of declining slowly away, leaf by leaf, branch by branch — is very sad ; and even this conceit is not without its consolation. 98 EOEACE TEMPLETON. And now to wander homewards. How houseless the roan is who calls his iun his home ! Ifc was all very well for Sir John to say, " I like to take mine ease in mine inn ;" and in his day the thing was practicable. The little parlour, with its wainscot of walnut-wood and its bright tiles, all shining in the tempered light through the dia- mond-paned window ; the neatly-spread table, whei'e smoked the pasty of high-seasoned venison, beside the tall cup of sack or canary ; and the buxom landlady her- self, redolent of health, good spirits, and broad jest ; — these were all accessories to that abandonment to repose and quiet so delightful to the weary-minded. But think of some " Cour de Russie," some " Angelo d'Oro," or some " Schwarzen Adler," all alive with dusty arrivals and frogged couriers — the very hall a fair, with fifty bells, all ringing ; postboys blowing — whips crac-king — champagne corks flying — and a babel of every tongue in Europe, making a thorough-bass din that would sour a saint's temper ! I'll leave at once — I'll find some quiet little gasthaus in the Tyrol for a few weeks, till the weather moderates, and it becomes cool enough to cross the Alps— and die ! HORACE TEMFLETON. 99 CHAPTER IX. These watering-place doctors liave less tact than their confreres elsewhere : their theory is, "The Wells and Amusement;" they never strain their faculties to compre- hend any class but that of hard-worked, exhausted men of the world, to whom the regularity of a Bad-ort, and the simple pleasures it affords, are quite sufficient to relieve the load of over-taxed minds and bodies. The " distrac- tions" of these places suit such people well ; the freedom of intercourse, which even among our straight-laced countrymen prevails, is pleasant. My Lord refreshes in the society of a clever barrister, or an amusing essayist of the Quarterly. The latter puts forth all his agreeability for the delectation of a grander audience than he ever had at home. But to one who has seen all these ranks and conditions of men — who finds nothing new in the morgue of the Marquis, or the last mot of the Bench — it is some- what too bad to be told that such intercourse is a part of your treatment. My worthy friend Dr. Gackhardt has mistaken me ; he fancies my weariness is the result of solitude, and that my exhaustion is but ennui ; and, in consequence, has he gone about on the high roads and public places inquiring if any one knows Horace Templeton, who is " sick and ill." And here is the fruit ; a table covered with visiting cards and scented notes of inquiry. My Lord ToUington — a Lord of the Bedchamber, a dissolute old fop — very amusing to very young men, but intolerable to all who have seen anything themselves. Sir Harvey Clifford, a Yorkshire Jesuit, who travels with a sochis from Oscot and a whole library of tracts controversial. Reginald St. John, a "levanter" from the Oaks. Colonel Morgan O'Shea, absent without H 2 100 HOEiCE TEMPLETO^f. leave for iaaving shot his father-in-law. Such are among the first I find. But whose writing is this ?....! know the hand well .... Frank Burton, that I knew so well at Oxford ! Poor devil! he joined the 9th Lancers when he came of age, and ran through everything he had in the world in three years. He married a Lady Mary some- body, and lives now on her family. What is his note about ? " Dear Tempy, '* I have just heard of your being here, and would have gone over to see you, but have sprained my ancle in a hopping-match with Kubetskoi — walked into him for two hundred, nevertheless. Come and dine with us to-day at the France, and we'll show you some of the folk here. That old bore, Lady Bellingham Blakely, is with us, and gives a pic-nic on Saturday at the Waterfall — rare fun for you, who like a field-day of regular quizzes ! Don't fail — sharp seven — and believe me, " Yours, "F. B." This requires but brief deliberation ; and so, my dear Frank, you must excuse my company, both at dinner and picnic. What an ass he must be to suppose that a man of thirty has got no farther insight into the world, and knows no more of its inhabitants, than a boy of eighteen ! These " quizzes," doubtless, had been very amusing to me once — just as I used to laugh at the " School for Scandal" the first fifty times I saw it; but now that I have epuise les ridicules — have seen every manner of absurdity the law of Chancery leaves at large — why hammer out tho impression by repetition? What is here by way of postcript ? " Lady B. has made the acquaintance of a certain. Sicilian Countess, the handsomest woman here, and has engaged her for Saturday. If you be the man you used to be, you'll not fail to come." " Dear F *' I cannot dine out. I can neither eat, drink, nor talk HORACE TEMPLETON. 101 nor can I support the heat or ' confuz ' of a dinner ; but, if permitted, will join your party vjij ^a.ti^rday for. half an hour. ' > f',* ' ^,'' \ } '*" "Tours truly," Now has curiositjr — I have no worthier name to bestow on it — got the better of all my scruples and dislikes to such an agglomeration as a picnic ? Socially I know nothing so bad ; the liberty is license, and the license is an intolerable freedom, where only the underbred are at ease. NHmporte — I'll go ; for while I now suspect that I was wrong in believing the Countess to have been my old acquaintance Caroline Graham, I have a strange interest, at least, in seeing how one so like her, externally, may resemble her in traits of mind and manner. And then I'll leave Baden. I am really impatient to get away. I feel — I suppose there is nothing unusual in the feeling — that, as I meet acquaintances, I can read in their looks those expressions of compassion and pity by which the sick are admonished of their hopeless state ; and for the very reason that I can dare to look it steadily in the face myself, I have a strong repugnance to its being forcibly placed before me. My greatest wish to live — if it ever deserved the name of wish — is to see the upshot of certain changes that time inevitably will bring out. I have watched the game iu some cases so closely, I should like to know who rises the winner. What will become of France under a regency ? How will the new government turn the attention of the mauvaises tetes, and where will they carry their arms ? "What will Austria do, when the Pope shall have given the taste for free institutions, and the Italians fancy that they are strong enough for self-government? What America, when the government of her newly acquired territory must be a militnry dictation, with a standing army of great strength ? What Ireland, when the landlords, depressed by an increasing poor-rate, have brought down 102 HORACE TEMPLETON, the gentry to a condition of mere subsistence, witli Romanism hourly assuming a bolder, higher tone, dictating ;its terms' wi\il| the Minister, and treating the Governtnent de pair ? What Prussia, v\heu democracy grows quicker, when C oh sli'ttiiao'r'.al Liberty and 'Freedom of the Press get a-head of the Censor? For Belgium and Switzerland I have little interest. Priest-ridden and mob-ridden, they may indulge their taste for domestic quarrel so long as a general war is remote ; let that come, and their small voices will be lost in the louder din of far difierent elements. As for the Peninsula, Spain and Portugal are in as miserable a plight as free institutions combined with Popery can make them. If Romanism is to be the religion of the State, let it be allied with Absolutism. The right to think, read, and speak are incompatible with the dictates of a Church that forbids all three. Rome is the type. It is a grand and a stupendous tyranny. Gare ! to those who try to make it a popular rule ! So . . . I find that all Baden is full of our great picnic ! Ours, I say, for here lies Lady B B 's respectful compliments, &c., and my own replication is already delivered. It seems that we have taken the true way to create popular interest, by trespassing on popular enjoy- ment. We have engaged M. Gougon, the chef of the Cursaal ; engaged the band who usually perform before the promenade ; engaged all the saddle-horses, and most of the carriages — in fact, we have enlisted everything save the genius loci, the hump-backed croupier of the roulette-table. Why we should travel twelve miles or so, out of our way, to bring Baden with us I cannot so cleai-ly see. Why we cannot be satisfied with vice without a change of venne I do not understand. But with this I have nothing to do. Like the Irishman, " I am but a lodger." Indeed, I believe my own poor presence was less desired at this fete than that of my London phaeton and my two black HOEACE TEMPLETON. 103 ponies, whicli, I am told, are very much admired bere — a certain sign that they are not in the most correct taste. However, I have my revenge. As Hussars, when invited to dine out at questionable places, always appear in pluin clothes, so shall I come to the rendezvous in a fiacre; though, I own, it is very like obtaining a dinner under false pi'etences. Already the littleJ;own is astir ; servants are hastening to and fro ; ominous-looking baskets and hampers are seen to pass and repass ; strange quadrupeds are led by as saddle-horses, their gay head-stalls and splendid saddle- cloths scarce diverting the eye from " groggy " fore-legs and drawn-up quarters ; curiously dressed young gentle- men, queer combinations of Jockeyism with an Arcadian simplicity, stand in groups about ; and, now and then, a carriage rolls by, and disappears up some steep street in search of its company. Ah! there go the Tollingtons ! and in a " conveniency," too, they'd scarcely like to be seen with in Hyde Park, What a droll old rattle-trap ! and what a pair of wretched hacks to draw it ! After all, one cannot help avowing that these people, seated thei'e in that most miserable equipage, ■where poverty exhibits its most ludicrous of asjDects, even there they preserve as decisive an air of class and rank as — as — yes, I have found the exact equivalent — as almost every foreigner seated in a handsome carriage does of the opposite. Prejudice, bigotiy, narrow-mindedness, or any- thing else of the same kind it may bo ; but, after a great part of a life spent abroad, my testimony is, that for one person of either sex, whose appearance unmistakably pro- nounces condition, met, abroad — I care not where — at least one hundred are to be seen in England. So much for the nation of shopkeepers ! Ah ! a tandem, by Jove ! and rather well got up. Of course it could be no other than Burton — " the rulinsr passion strong in ' debt ! ' " Well, he may have forgotten his creditors, but he has not forgotten how to hold the ribbons. What's this heavy old coach with a cabriolet over the rumble ? — the Russian minister, Kataff'sky ! Lord bless 104 HOEACE TEMPLETON. U9 ! from all the strong braces and bars of wood and iron, one would say that it was built to stand a journey to Siberia. "Who knows but it may travel that road yet ! . . . . Pretty woman the Princess, but with all the charac- teristic knavery of her race in the eyes. Paul was right when he refused to license Jews in Eussia, because he knew his subjects would cheat them ! " Bon jour, marquis^ Monsieur de Tavanne, a very absurd bat a chivalrous Frenchman of the old school. They say that, meeting the late Due d'Orleans at Lady Grenville's, he took a very abrupt leave, expressing as his reason that he did not know her ladyship received des gens comme cela." A Vienna coupe, with a Vienna coachman, and a Vienna countess inside, are very distinctive in their wa3^ The Grafin von Lowenhaufen, one of those pretty intri- guantes of modern political warfare who frequent watei-ing- places and act as the tirailleurs for Metternich and Guizot. Talleyrand avowed the great advantage of such assistance, which he said was impossible for an English minister, for " les Anglaises" always fell in love and blabbed ! Here comes a showy affair ! — a real landau with four horses, as fine as bouquets and worsted tassels can make them ! No mistaking it — Erin go hragh ! Sir Roger M'Causland and my lady and the four Misses and Master M'Causland. They are the invincibles of modern travel ; they have stormed every court in Europe, and are the terror of Grand Marechals from Naples to the Pole. Heaven help the English Minister in whose city they squat for a winter ! He would have less trouble with a new tariff or a new boundary than in arranging their squabbles with court functionaries and the police. Sir Roger must know the King and his Ministers, and expound to them his own notions of the government, with divers hints about free trade and other like matters. My lady must be invited to all court balls and concerts, and a fair propor- tion of dinners ; and this, de droit, because "the M'Caus- land " was a King of Ballyshandera in the year 4, and my lady herself being an O'Dowde, also of blood royal. People may laugh at these absurd, shameless pretensions, but HORACE TEMPLETON. 105 "iZ rit le mieux qui rit le dernier,'' says the proverb ; and if the sentiment be one the M'Causlands' dignity permit, they have the right to laugh heartily. Boredom, actual boredom — a perseverance that is dead to all shame — a persistence that no modesty rebukes — a steady resolve to push forward, wins its way socially as well as strategically ; and even the folding-doors of court saloons fly open before its magic sesame. " And who are these gay equestrians with prancing hack- neys, flowing plumes, and flaunting habits? — The Fother- gills, four handsome, dashing, effronts girls, who, under the mock protection of a small schoolboy brother, are really escorted by a group of moustachioed heroes, more than one of whom I already recognize as scarcely fit com- pany for the daughters of an English church dignitary. Mais que voulez-vous ? They would not visit the curate's wife and sister in Durham, but they will ride out at Baden with blacklegs and swindlers ! The Count yonder, Mon- sieur de Mallenville, is a noted character in Paris, and is always attended, when there, by an emissary of the police, who, with what Alphouse Kai^r calls an empressemenf de bonne compagnie, never leaves him for a moment. And here we have the " dons " of the entertainment, la Princesse de Rubetzki, as pretty a piece of devilry as ever Poland manufactured to sow treason and disaffection, accompanied by her devoted admirer the Austrian general, Count Cohary. Poor fellow ! all his efforts to appear young and volage are as nothing to the difficulties he endures in steering between the fair Princess's politics and her affection. An Austrian of the vieille roche, he is shocked by the Liberalism of his lady-love ; and yet, with Spielbei'g before him, he cannot tear himself away. They who are not acquainted with the world of the Continent may think it strange that society, even in a watering-place, should assemble individuals so different in rank and social position ; but a very little experience will always show that intercourse is really as much denied between such pai'ties as though they were in diff'erent hemispheres. As the Rhone rolls its muddy current through the blue waters of the Lake of Greneva, and never 106 HORACE TEMFLETON. mingles its turMd stream with the clear waves beside it, so these people are seen pouring their flood through every assemblage, and never disturbing the placid surface in their course. To effect this, two requisites are indispen- sable to the company — a very rigid good-breeding and a very lax morality. No one can deny that both are abundant. And here, if I mistake not, comes my own cliar-a-hanc. Truly, my excellent valet has followed my directions to the letter. I said, " Something of the commonest," and he has brousrht me a fiacre that seems as moribund and creaky as myself. No matter, I am ready. And now to be off ! HORACE TEMPLETON, l07 CHAPTER X. Kow has there happened to me one of the strangest adventures of my sti^ange life, and before I sleep I have determined to note it down, for no other reason than this: that mj waking thoughts to-morrow Avill refuse to credit mere memory, without some such corroboration. Nay, I have another witness — this glove ! Were it not for this, I should have chronicled our /c^ which really was far more successful than such things usually are. Not only was there no contretemps, but all went off well and pleasantly. The men were witty and good-tempered ; the women — albeit many of them hand- some — were aimahle, and disposed to be pleased ; the weather and the champagne were perfect. They who could eat — which I couldn't — say that Gougon was admirable ; and the band played some of Donizetti's pieces with great precision and effect. Ainsi, the elements were all favourable ; each instrument filled its part ; and the ensemble was good — rather a rare event where peojDle come out expressly bent on enjoyment, and determined to take pleasure by storm. Premeditated happiness, like marriage for love, is often too much premeditated. Here, however, " the gods were propitious." Unlike most picnics, there neither was rain nor rancour ; and con- sidering that we had specimens of at least half-a-dozeu diff'erent nationalities, and freqviently as many different languages going at once, there was much amusing conversation, and a gr-eat deal of pleasant gossippiug anecdote : not that regular story-telling which depends upon its stage-effect of voice and manner, but that far more agreeable kind of narrative that claims interest from being about people and places that we know beforehand, 108 HORACE TEMPLETON. conveying traits of character and mind of well-known persons, always amusing and interesting. There was a French secretary of legation for Berne, a most pleasant convive; and the Austrian general was equally amusing. Some of his anecdotes of the campaign of 1805 were admirable : by the way, he felt dreadfully shocked at his own confession that he remembered Wagram. The Countess Giordani came late. We were returning from our ramble among rocks and cliffs when she appeared. I did not wish to be presented ; I pre- fei'red rather the part of observing her, which acquaint- ance would have prevented. But old Lady B— - — did not give me the choice : she took my arm, and, after a little tour through the company, came directly in front of the Countess, saying, with a bluntness all her own, — " Madame la Comtesse, let me present a friend whose long residence in jour country gives him almost the claim of a countryman: — M. Templeton." If I was not unmoved by the suddenness of this introduction — appealing as it did, to me at least, to old memories — the Countess was composure itself: a faint smile in acknowledgment of the speech, a gentle expression of easy satisfaction on meeting one who had visited her country, were all that even my prying curiosity could detect. " What part of Sicily have you seen ? " said she to me. " My friend Lady B -," said I, "has made me a greater traveller than I can pretend to be : I have been no further south than Naples." " Oh ! I am not Neapolitan," said she, hastily, and with an air like disappointment. I watched her closely as she spoke, and at once said to myself, " No ! this is not, this cannot be, Caroline Graham." We conversed but little during dinner. She evidently did not speak French willingly, and my Italian had been too long in rust for fluency. Of English she showed not the least knowledge. There were stories told in her hear- ing, at some of which to avoid laughter would have beeu HOKACE TEMPLETON. 109 scarcely possible, and still she never smiled once. If I wanted any additional evidence that she was not of Eng- lish origin, chance presented one, as she was referred to by the Russian for the name of a certain Sicilian family where a "vendetta" had been preserved for two entire centuries ; and the Countess replied, with a slight blush, " The Marquis of Bianconetti — my uncle." I own that, whi4e it was with a sense of relief I learned to believe that the Countess was not the sister of my jaoor friend, I still could not help feeling something akin to disappointment at the discovery. I felt as though I had been heaping up a store of care and anxiety around me for one I had never seen before, and for whom I could really take no deep interest. One husbands their affections as they grow older. The spendthrift habit of caring for people without even knowing why, or asking wherefore, which is one of the pastimes — and sometimes a right plea- sant one, too — of youth, becomes rarer as we go further on in life, till at last we grow to be as grudging of our esteem as of onr gold, and lend neither, save on good interest and the best security. Bad health has done for me the work of time, and 1 am already oppressed and weary of the evils of age. Something, perhaps, of this kind — some chagrin, too, that the Countess was not my old acquaintance, though, Heaven knows, it had grieved me far more to know she had been — some discontent with myself for being discon- tented — or " any other reason why," — but so was it, I felt what in fashionable slang is called " put out," and, in consequence, resolved to leave the party and make rny way homeward at the first favourable opportunity. Before setting out I had determined, as the night would be moon- lit, to make a slight detour and thus avoid all the fracas and tumult of driving home in a mob; and, with this intention, had ordered my phaeton to meet me in the Mourg Thai, at a small inn, whither I should repair on foot, and then make my tour back by the Castle of Eber- stein. A move of the company to take coffee on a rock beside the waterfall gave me the opportunity I desired, and I 110 HOKACE TEMPLETON. sauntered along a little path which in a few moments led rae into the Pine Forest, and which, from the directions I had received, I well knew conducted over the mountain, and descended by a series of steep zigzags into the valley of the Mourg. Although 1 had quitted the party long before sunset, the moon was high and bright ere I reached the spot where my carriage awaited me. Exhilarated by the unwonted exertion — half-gratified, too, by the consciousness of sup- porting a degree of fatigue I had been pronouncecl incapable of, — I took my seat in good spirits, to drive back to Baden. As I ascended the steep road towards Eberstein, I observed that lights were gleaming from the windows of the large salon of the castle, that looks towards the glen. T knew that the Grand Ducal family were at CarLsruhe, and was therefox'e somewhat surprised to see these signs of habita- tion in one of the state apartments of the chateau. Alternately catching glimpses of and again losing these bright lights, I slowly toiled up the steep acclivity, which, to relieve my ponies, I ascended on foot. We were near the top, the carriage had preceded me some fifty yards or so, and T, alone, had reached a deeply-shaded spot, over which an ancient outwork of the castle threw a broad shadow, when suddenly I was startled by the sound of voices, so close beside me that I actually turned to see if the speakers were not following me ; nor was it till they again spoke that I could believe that they were standing on the terrace above me. If mere surprise at the unexpected sound of voices was ray first sensation, what was it to that which followed, as I heard a man's voice say, — " But how comes this M. Templeton to be of any con- sequence in the matter ? It is true he was a witness, but he has no intei'est in troubling himself with the affair. He is an invalid besides — some say, dying." " Would he were dead ! " interrupted a lower voice ; but although the accents were uttered with an unusual force, I knew them — at once I recognised them. It was the Countess spoke. " Why so, if he never recognised you ? " '* How am I certain of this ? " said she again. " How HORACE TEMPLETON. Ill sliall I satisfy my own fears, that at every instant ai'e ready to betray me? I dread bis reserve more than all." " If he be so very inconvenient,'' interposed the man, in a half-careless tone, " there may surely be found means to induce him to leave this. Invalids are often superstitious. Mia'ht not a civil intimation that his health was sufferiuG: from his sejour incline him to depart r " The Countess rrlade no reply ; possibly the bantering tone assumed by her companion displeased her. After a brief silence, he resumed, — " Dues the man play ? does he frequent the Saal ? There surely are a hundred ways to force a quai'rel on him." "Easier than terminate it with advantage," said she,, bitterly. I heard no more; for, although they still continued to speak, they had descended from the terrace and entered the garden. I was alone. Before me, at the turn of the road, stood my servant, waiting with the horses. All was still as the grave. Was this I had heard real ? were the words truly spoken, or were they merely some trick of an overwrought, sickly imagination ? I moved into the middle of the road, so as to have a better view of the old " Schloss ; " but, except a single light in a remote tower, all was shrouded in darkness : the salon I believed to have been lit up lay in deepest shadow. There was nothing I had not given, at that instant, to be able to resolve my doubts. I v/alked hurriedly on, eager to question my servant both as to the voices and the lights ; and as I went my eye fell ujion an object before me in the road. I took it up — it was a glove — a lady's glove ! How came it there, if it had not fallen from the terrace ? With increased speed I moved forward, my convictions now strengthened by this new testimony. My servant had neither seen nor heai'd anything ; indeed, his replies to me were conveyed in a tone that showed in what light he regarded my questioning. It was scarcely possible that he could not have been struck with the bright glare that illuminated a portion of the castle, yet he had not 112 HORACE TEMPLETON. seen it : and as to voices, be stoutly averred that, although he could distinctly note the clatter of the mill in the valley below us, be bad heard no human sound since we left the little inn. It was to no purpose that I questioned and cross- questioned. I soon saw that my eagerness was mistaken by him for evidence of wandering faculties ; and I per- ceived, in his anxiety that I should return, a fear that my malady bad taken some new turn. So far, too, was he right. My head was, indeed, troubled — strange fancies and shadowy fears crossing my excited mind as I went; so that, ere I reached my inn, I really was unable to collect my faculties, and separate the dream-land from the actual territory of fact. And now it is with painful effort I write these lines, each moment doubting whether I should not erase this, or insert that. Were it not for this glove, that lies on my paper before me, I should believe all to be mere illusion. What a painful struggle this is, and how impossible to allay the fears of self- deception ! At one moment I am half resolved to order saddle-horse and return to Eberstein — for what ? — with what hope of unravelling the mystery ? At the next I am determined to repair to the Countess's villa near the town, and ask if she has returned : but how shall I venture on such a liberty ? If my ears bad not deceived me, she is and must be Caroline Graham ; and yet would I not rather believe that my weary brain had wandered, than that this were so? But what are these sounds of voices in the antechamber? I hear Guckhardt's voice! Yes : my servant had thought it prudent to fetch the doctor, and he has been here and felt my pulse, and ordered cold to my temples, and a calming draught. It is clear, then, that I have been ill, and I must write no more ! HORACE TEMPLETON. 113 jCHAPTER XI. Gasthaus, Zum Bar, Dallas, Tyrol, It is exactly seven weeks this day since I last opened my journal. I promised Guckliardt not to look into it for a month, and so I have well kept ray woi'd ! It would seem, indeed, a small privation in most circumstances to abstain from chronicling the ebbing hours of a life ; but EsTotism is next of kin to Sickness, and I can vent mine more harmlessly here than if spent in exhausting the patience of my friends. Some listener must be found to the dreamy querulousness of the invalid, and why not his own heart ? Even to those nearest and dearest to our afiections, there is always a sense of shame attendant on the confessions of our weakness, more so than of our actual vices. But what a merciful judge is Self ! how gentle to rebuke ! how reluctant to punish ! how sanguine to hope for reformation ! Hence is it that I find a comfort in jotting down these " meras " of the past ; but from a friend, what shaking of the head, what regretful sorrow- ings, should I meet with ! How should I hear of faculties and fortune — life itself — wasted without one object, even a wish, compassed ! When I reflect upon the position in life attainable by one who starts with moderate abilities, a large fortune, reasonable habits of industry, and a fair share of well-wishers, and then think of what I now am, I might easily be discontented and dispirited ; but if I had really reached the goal, can I say that I should be happy ? can I say that all the success within my reach could have stilled within me the tone of peaceful solitude I have ever cherished as the greatest of blessings ? But why speculate on this ? I never could have been highly I 114 HOEACE TEMPLETON. successful. I have not the temper, had I the talent, that climbs high. I must always have done my best at once ; put forth my whole strength ou each occasion — husbanded nothing, and consequently gained nothing. Here I am at Dallas, in the Tryol, a wild and lonely glen, with a deep and rushing river foaming through it. The mountain in front of me is speckled with wooden chalets, some of them perched on lofty cliffs, not distinct from realms of never-melting snow. All is poverty on every side ; even in the little church, where Piety would deck its shrine at any sacrifico, the altar is bare of ornament. The cure's house, too, is humble enough for him who is working yonder in his garden, an old and white-haired man, too feeble and frail for such labour; and already the sun has set, and now he ceases from his toil; for the " Angelus " is ringing, and soon the village will be kneeling in prayer. Already the bell has ceased, and through the stilly air rises the murmur of many voices. There was somewhat of compassionate pity in the look of the old man who has just passed the window ; he stopped a moment to gaze at me — at the only one whoso unbended knee and closed lips had no brotherhood in tho devotion. He seemed very poor, and old, and feeble, and yet he could look with a sense of pity upon me, as aa outcast from the faith. So did I feel his steady stare at least ; for, at that instant, the wisli was nearest to my heart that I, too, could have knelt and prayed with tho rest. And why could I not ? was it that my spirit was too stubborn, too proud, to mingle with the humble throng ? did I feel myself better, or nobler, or greater than the meanest, there, when uttering the same words of thankfulness or hope? No, far from it ; a very different, but not Jess powerful barrier interposed. Education, habits of thought, prejudices, convictions, even party spirit, had all combined to repre-ent Romanism to my mind in all the glaring colours of its superstitions, its cruelties, and its deceptions. Then arose before me a kind of vision of its tyranny over mankind, — its inquisitions, its persecutions, its mock miracles, and its real bloodshed j HORACE TEMPLETON. 115 and I could not turn from the horrible picture, even to the sight of those humble worshippers who knelt in all tlie sincerity of belief. I actually dreaded the sway of the devotional influence lest, when my heart had yielded to it, some chance inter- ruption of ceremonial, some of those flmtastic forms of the Church, should turn my feelings of trust and worship to one of infidelity and* scorn. There, all is over now, and the villagers are returning homeward — some to the little hamlet — others are wend- ing their way upwards, to homes high amid the moun- tains — and hepe I sit alone, in my little whitewashed room, watching the shadows as they deepen over the glen, and gazing on that mountain peak that glows like a car- buncle in the setting sun. It is like a dream to me how I have come to sojourn iu this peaceful valley. The last entry I made was in Baden, the night of that party at the Waterfall. The next day I awoke ill — fevered from a restless night. Guckhardt came early, and thinking I was asleep, retired without speaking to me. He laid his hand on my temples, and seemed to feel that I required rest and quiet, for he cautioned my servant not to sufier the least disturbance near me. I conclude I must have been sleeping, for the sudden noise of voices and the tramp of many feet aroused me. There was evidently something strange and unexpected going forward in the town. What could it mean ? My servant seemed most unwilling to tell me, and only yielded to my positive commands to speak. Even now I tremble to recall the tidings — a murder had been com- mitted ! One of the guests at our late jete^ a young Englishman named Lockwood, had been discovered dead on the side of the road about two miles from the Water- fall ; his watch, and purse with several gold pieces, were found on his person, so that no robbery had been the i^ea- son of the crime. I remember his having come on foot, and hearing that I should not require my cliar-a-hanc to return, he engaged it. The driver's story is, that the stranger always got out to walk at the" hills, usually I 2 116 HORACE TEMPLETON. lingering slowly in his ascent of them ; and that at last, at the top of the highest, he had waited for a considerable time without his appearing, and growing weary of expec- tancy he returned, and at the foot of the hill discovered something dark, lying motionless beside the pathway ; he came closer, and saw it was the stranger quite dead. Three wounds, which from their depth and direction seemed to have been given by a dagger, were found in the chest ; one entered from the back between the shoulders ; the fingers of the right hand were also cut nearly through, as though he had grasped a sharp weapon in his struggle. Death must have been immediate, as the heart was twice wounded ; probably he expired almost at once. The direction and the position of the wounds re- futed every idea of a suicide — and yet how account for the crime of murder r* The stranger was scarcely a week in Baden, not known to any one before his arrival here, and since had merely formed those chance acquaintance- ships of watering-places. There was not, so far as one could see, the slightest ground to suspect any malice or hatred towards him. The iew particulars I have here set down were all that my servant could tell me. But what from the terrible nature of the tidings themselves, my own excitable state when hearing them, but, more than either, the remembrance of the dialogue I had overheard the nigbt before — all combined and increased my fever to that degree that ere noon. I became half wild with delirium. What I said, or how my wandering faculties turned, I cannot — nor would I willingly — remember. There was enough of illness in my ravings, and of method in them too, to bring Guckhardt again to my bedside, accompanied by a high agent of the police. The attempt to examine a man in such a state relative to the circumstances of a dreadful crime could only have entered the head of a irrefet de police or a juge, d' instruction. What my re- velations were I know not ; but it is clear they assumed a character of independent fancy that balked the scrutiny of the official, for he left me to the unmixed cares of my doctor. By his counsel I was speedily removed from Baden, HORACE TEMPLETON. 117 under the impression that the scene would be prejudicial to my recovei'y. I was indifFerant where, or in what way, they disposed of me ; and when I was told I was to try the air of the Lake of Constance, I heard it with the apathy of one sunk in a trance. ISTor do I yet know by what means the police, so indefatigable in tormenting the innocent, abandoned their persecution of me. They must have had their own sufficient reasons for it ; so much is certain. And now, once more, I ask myself, is all that I have here set down the mere wanderings of a broken and dis- jointed brain ? have these incidents no other foundation than a morbid fancy ? I would most willingly accept even this sad alternative, and have it so ; but here is evidence too strong to disbelieve. Here before me lies an English newspaper, with a paragraph alluding to the mysterious murder of an English gentleman at Baden. The dates, circumstances, all tally in the minutest particulars. Shall I discredit these proofs ? The Countess is married to the Marquis de Courcelles ; a distant relative of the Archduchess, it is said. Let me dismiss the theme for ever'— that is, if I can. And now for one whose interest to me is scarcely less sad, but of a very different shade of sadness. This is my birthday, the 31st August. " Why had the month more than thirty days?" is a question I have beeu tempted to hazard more than once. Nor is it from in- gratitude that I say this. I have long enjoyed the easy patli in life ; I have tasted far more of the bright, and seen less of the shady side of this world's high road thau falls to the share of most men. With fortune more than sufficient to supply all that I could care for, I have had, without any pretension to high talent, that kind of readi- ness that is often mistaken for ability ; and, what is pro- bably even more successful with the world, I have had a keen appreciation of talent in other men — a thorough value for their superior attainments ; and this — no great gift, to be sure — has always procured me acceptance in circles where my own pretensions would have proved feeble supporters. And then, this delicacy of health — • 118 HORACE TEMPLETON. ■what many would have called my heaviest calamity — has often carried me triumphantly through difficulties Avhere I must "have succumbed. Even in "the House " have I heard the pi^ognostications of what I might have been, "if my health permitted ; " so that my weak point ministered to me what strength had denied me. Then, I have the most intense relish for the life of idle- ness I have been leading: : the lounOTntr " do-nothin How I approached the subject on which my heart was set I cannot now remember — abruptly, I fear; imperfectly and dubiously I know : because Sir Gordon, one of the most patient and forbearing of men, suddenly interrupted me by a violent exclamation, " Hold ! stay ! not a word more! Templeton, this cannot be; once for all, never recur to this again ! " Shocked, almost terrified by the agitation in his looks, I was unable to speak for some seconds ; and while I saw that some misconception of my meaning had occurred, yet, in the face of his prohibition, I could scarcely dare an attempt to rectify it. While I remained thus in painful uncertainty, he seemed, by a strong effort, to have subdued his emotion, and at length said, "Not even to you, my dear friend — to you, to whom I owe the hope that has sustained me for many a day past can I reveal the secret source of this sorrow, nor say why what you propose is impossible. I dreaded something like this — I foresaw how it might be; nay, my selfisnness was such that I rejoiced at it, for her sake. Theit — there, I will not trust myself with more. Leave me, Templeton ; whatever your griefs, they are as nothing compared to mine." I left him, and, hastening towards the lake side, soon lost myself in the dark groves of chestnut and olive, the last words still ringing in my ears — " Whatever your griefs they are as nothing compared to mine," Such complete pre-occupation had his agitation and trouble over my mind, that it was long ere I could attempt to recall how I had evoked tliis bui'st of passion, and by what words I had stirred him so to address me. Suddenly the truth flashed boldly out; I perceived the whole nature of the error. He had, in fact, interrupted my explanation at a u 2 292 HOBACE TEMPLETON. point which made it seem that I was seeking his grand- daughter in marriage. Not waiting to hear me out, he deemed the allusions to my name, my family arms, and my fortune, were intended to convey a proposal to make her my wife. Alas ! I needed no longer to wonder at his repugnance, nor speculate further on the energy of his refusal. How entertain such a thought for his poor child. It were, indeed, to weave cypress with the garland of the Bride! ' Impatient any longer to lie under the misconception — at heart, perhaps,vexed to think how wrongfully he must have judged me when deeming me capable of the thought — I hastened back to the Villa, determined at once to rectify the eiTor and make him hear me out, whatever paiusthe interview should cost either. On gaining the house I found that Sir Gordon had just driven from the door. Miss Howard, who for two days had been indisposed, was still in her room. Resolving, then to make my explanation in writing, I went to my room ; on the table lay a letter addressed to me, the writing of which was scarcely dry. It ran thus : — " My dearest Friend, " If J, in part, foresaw the possibility of what your words to-day assured me, and yet did not guard against the hazai'd, the sad circumstances of my lot in life are all I can plead in my favour. I have never ceased to re- proach myself that I had not been candid and open with you at first, when our intimacy was fresh. Afterwards, as it became friendship, the avowal was impossible. I must not trust myself with more. I have gone from home for a day or two, that when we meet again the im- mediate memory of our last interview should have been softened. Be to me — to her, also — as though the words were never spoken; nor withdraw any portion of your affection from those you have rescued from the greatest of all calamities. "Yours ever, " Gordon Howard." HORACE TEMPLETON. 293 The mystery grew darker and more impenetrable ; harassing, maddening suspicions, mixed themselves up in my brain, with thoughts too terrible for endurance. I saw that, in Sir Gordon's error as to my intentions, he had unwittingly disclosed the existence of a secret — a secret whose meaning seemed fraught with dreadful im- port ; that he would never have touched upon this myste- rious theme, save under the false impression my attempted proposal had induced, was clear enough ; and, that tlius I had unwittingly wrung from, him an avowal which, under other circumstances, he had never been induced to make. I set about to think over every word I had used in our last interview — each expression I had employed, torturing the simplest phrases by interpretations the most remote and unlikely, that thereby some clue should present itself to this mystery : but, charge my memory how I could, reflect and ponder as I might, the words of his letter had a character of more deep and serious meaning than a mere refusal of my proposition, taken in what sense it might, could be supposed to call for. At moments, thoughts would flash across my brain so terrible in their import, that had they dwelt longer I must have gone mad. They were like sudden paroxysms of some agonizing disease, coming and recurring at intervals. Just as one of these had left me, weak, worn out, and exhausted, a carriage, drawn by four post-horses, drew up to the door of the villa, and the instant after my servant knocked at my door, saying, " La Comtesse de Favancourt is arrived, sir, and wishes to see you." Who was there whose presence I would not rather have faced ? — that gay and heartless woman of fashion, whose* eyes, long practised to read a history in each face, wouUl soon detect in my agitated looks that "something haa occurred," nor cease till she had discovered it. In Sir Gordon's absence, and as Lucy was still indisposed, I had no alternative but to receive her. Scarcely had I entered the drawing-room than my worst fears were realized. She was seated in an arm- chair, and lay back as if fatigued by her journey ; but on 294 HORACE TEMPLETON. seeing me, without waiting to return my greeting of wel- come, she asked, abraptlj, — "Where's Sir Gordon? — where's Miss Howard? Haven't they been expecting me ? " T answered, that Sir Gordon had gone over to the Brianza for a day ; that Miss Howard had been confined to her room, but, I was certain, had only to learn her arrival to dress and come down to her." "Is this said de ho7ine foi?^^ said she, with a smile where the expression was far more of severity than sweetness. "Are you treating me candidly, Mr. Teniple- tou ? or is this merely another exercise of your old tunc- tiuns as diplomatist?" I started, partly from actual amazement, partly from a feeling ot indiLrnant shame, at tiie accusation ; but re- covering at once, assured her calmly and respectfully that all I had said was the simple fact, without the slightest shade of equivocation. " So much the better," said she gaily ; " for I own to you I was beginning to suspect our worthy friends of other motives. You know what a tiresome world of puritanism and mock propriety we live in, and I was actually disposed to fear that these dear souls had got up both the absence and the illness not to receive me." "Not to receive you ! Impossible!" said I, with un- feigned astonishment. " The Howards, whom I have always reckoned as your oldest and most intimate friends " " Oh, yes ! very old friends, certainly : but remember that these are exactly the kind of people who take upon them to be severer than all the rest of the world, and are ten times as rigid and unforgiving as one's enemies. Now, as I could not possibly know how this affair might have been told to them " " What affair ? I'm really quite in the dark to what you allude." " I mean my separation from Favancourt." "Are you separated from your husband, Lady Blanche?" asked I, in a state of agitation in strong contrast to her calm and quiet manner. HORACE TEMPLETON. 295 *' What a question, when all the papers have been dis- cussing it these three weeks ! And from an old admirer, too ! Shame on you, Mr. Templeton ! " I know not how it was, but the levity of this speech, given as it was, made my cheek flush till it actually seemed to burn. " Nay, nay, I didn't mean you to blush so deeply," said she. " And what a dear, sweet, innocent kind of life you must have been leading here, on this romantic lake, to be Capable of such soft emotions ! Oh dear ! " sighed she, weariedly. "You men have an immense advantage in your affairs of the heart ; you can always begin as freshly with e.ich new affection, and be as youthful in sentiment with each new love, as we are with our only passion. Now I see it all ; you have been tiettiug up a ' tendre ' here for somebody or other : — not Taglioni, I hope, for I see that is her Villa yonder. — There, don't look indignant. This same lake of Como has long been known to be the paradise of danseiises and opera-singers ; and I thought it possible you might have dramatized a little love-story to favour the illusion. Well, well," said she, sighing, " so that you have not fallen in love with poor Lucy Howard " " And why not with her ? " said I, starting, while in my quick-beating heart and burning temples a sense of torturing pain went through me. " Why not with her ? " reiterated she, pausing at each word, and fixing her eyes steadfastly on me, with a look where no affected astonishment existed; " why not with her? — did you say this ? " " I did ; and do ask, What is there to make it strange that one like her should inspire the deepest sentiment of devotion, even from one whose days are so surely num- bered as mine are — so unworthy to hope to win her? " " Then you really are unaware ! Well, I must say this was not treating you fairl3^ I thought every one knew it, however ; and I conclude they themselves i^easoned in the same way. Come, I suppose I must explain ; though, from your terrified face and staring eyeballs, I wish the task had devolved on some other. Be calm and collected, 296 HORACE TEMPLETON. or I shall never venture upon it. — "Well, poor dear Lucy inherits her mother's malady — she is insane ! '' Broken half-words, stray fragments of speech, met my ears, for she went on to talk of the terrible theme with the volubility of one who revelled in a story of such thrilling horror. I, however, neither heard nor remem- bered more ; passages of well-remembered interest flashed upon my mind, but, like scenes lit up by some lurid light, glowed with meanings too direful to dwell on. How I parted from her- — how I left the Villa and came hither, travelling day and night, till exhausted strength could benr no more — are still memories too faint to recall ; the realities of these last few days have less vividness than my own burning, wasting thoughts : nor can I, by any effort, separate the terrible recital she gave from my own reflections upon it. I must never recur to this again — nor will I reopen the page whereon it is written : I have written this to test my own powers of mind, lest I too Shakspeare, who knew the heart as none, save the inspired, have ever known it, makes it the test of sanity to recall the events of a story in the same precise order, time after time, neither changing nor inverting them. This is Lear's reply to the accusation of madness, when yet his intelligence was unclouded, — " I will the matter re-word, which madness would gabble from." Horace templeton. 297 CHAPTER XX. Lerici, Gulp of Spfzzia, AjjOTHFR niglit of fever ! The sea, beating heavily upon the rocks, prevented sleep ; or worse — filled it with images of shipwreck and storra. I sat till nigh midnight on the terrace — poor Shelley's favourite resting-place — watching the night as it fell, at first in gloomy darkness, and then bright and starlit. There was no moon, but the planets, reflected in the calm sea, were seen like tall pillars of reddish light; and, although all the details of the scenery were in shadow, the bold outlines of the distant Apennines, and of the Ponto Venere and the Island of Palmaria, were all distinctly marked out. The tall masts and taper spars of the French fleet at anchor in the bay were also seen against the sky, and the lurid glow of the fires spangled the surface of the sea. Strange chaos of thought ■was mine ! At one moment, Lord Byron was before me, as, seated on the taflfrail of the Bolivar, with all canvas stretched, he plunged through the blue waters; his fair brown hair spray-washed and floating back with the breeze; his lip curled with the smile of insolent defiance; and his voice ringing with the music of his own glorious verse. Towards midnight the weather suddenly changed ; to the total stillness succeeded a low but distant moaning sound, which came nearer and nearer, and at last a " Levanter," in all its fury, broke over the sea, and rolled the mad waves in masses towards the shore. I have seen a storm in the Bay of Biscay, and I have witnessed a "whole gale" ofi" the coast of Labrador, but for sudden- ness, and for the wild tumult of sea and wind commingled, I never saw anything like this. Not in huge rolling mountains, as in the Atlantic, did the waves move along, 298 HORACE TEMPLETON. but in short, abrupt jets, as though impelled by some force beneath ; now, skimming each over each, and now, spirting up into the air, they threw foam and spray around them like gigantic fountains. As abruptly as the storm began, so did it cease ; and as the wind fell, the waves moved more and more sluggishly ; and in a space of time inconceivably brief, nothing remained of the hurricane save the short plash of the breakers, and at intervals some one, long, thundering roar, as a heavier mass threw its weight upon the strand. It was just then, ere the sea had resumed its former calm, and while still warring with the effects of the gale, I thouglit I saw a boat lying keel uppermost in the water, and a man grasp- ing with all the enei-gy of despair to catch the slippery planks, which rose and sank with every motion of the tide. Though apparently far out at sea, all was palpable and distinct to my eyes as if happening close to where I sat. A grey darkness was around, and yet at one moment — so brief as to be uncountable — I could mark his features, beautifully handsome and calm even in his drowning agony ; at least so did their wan and wearied expression strike me. Poor Shelley ! I fancied you were before me ; and, long after the vision passed away, a faint, low cry, continued to ring in my ears — the last effort of the voice about to be hushed for ever. Then the whole pic- ture changed, and I beheld the French fleet all illuminated, as if for a victory ; the decks and yards crowded with seamen, and echoing with their triumphant cheers ; while on the poop-deck of the Souverain stood a pale and sickly youth, thoughtful and sad, his admiral's uniform carelessly half-buttoned, and his unbelted sword carried negligently in his hand. This was the Prince de Join- ville, as I had seen him the day before, when visiting the fleet. I could not frame to my mind where and over whom the victory was won ; but disturbed fears for our own naval supremacy flitted constantly across me, and every word I had heard from the French captain who had accompanied me in my visit kept sounding in my ears : as, for instance, while exhibiting the Paixhan's cannons, be added, — "!Now, here is an arm your ships have not HORACE TEMPLETON. 299 acquired." Sucli impressions must have gone deeper than, at the time, I knew of, for they made the substance of a long and painful dream ; and when, awaking sud- denly, the first object I beheld was the French fleet restincr still and tranquil in the bay, my heart expanded with a sense of relief unspeakably delightful. So, then, I must hence. These Levanters usually con- tinue ten or twelve days, and then are followed by the Traniontana, as is called the wind from the Apennines; and this same Tramontana is all hut fatal to those as weak as I am. How puzzling — I had almost said, how impossible — to know anything about climate ! and how invariably, on this as on most other subjects, mere words usurp the place of ideas ! It is enough to say " Italy," to suggest hope to the consumptive man; and yet, wiiat severe trials does this same boasted climate involve 1 These scorching autumnal suns; and cold, cutting breezes, wherever shade is found ; the genial warmth of summer, here ; and yonder, in that alley, the piercing air of winter — vicissitudes that make up the extremes of every climate, occur each twenty-four hours. And he, whose frail system can barely sustain the slightest shock, must now learn to accommodate itself to atmospheres of every density ; now vapour charged and heavy, now oxygenated to a point of stimulation that, even in health, would be felt as over-exciting. There is soraetlimg of the same kind experienced here intellectually : the every-day tone of society is trifling and frivolous to a degree ; the topics discussed are of a character which, to our practical notions, never rise above mere levity ; and even where others of a deeper interest are introduced, the mode of treating them is superficial and meagre. Yet, every now and then, one meets with some high and great intelligence, some man of wide reflection and deep research ; and then, when hearing the words of vpisdom in that glorious language, which unites Teutonic vigour with every Gallic elegance, you feel what a people this might be who have such an interpreter for their thoughts and deeds. In this way I remember feeling when first I heard Italian from the lips of a truly great 300 HORACE TEMPLETON. and eloquent speaker. He was a small old man, slightly bowed in the shoulders — merely enough so to exhibit to more advantage the greater elevation of a noble head, which rose like the dome of a grand cathedral ; his fore- head, wide and projecting over the brows which were heavy, and would have been almost severe in their meaning save for the softened expression of his large brown eyes ; his hair, originally black, was now grey, but thick and massive, and hung in locky folds, like the antique, on his neck and shoulders. In manner he was simple, quiet, and retiring, avoiding observation, and seeking rather companionship with those whose unob- trusive habits made them unlikely for peculiar notice. When I met him he was in exile. Indeed I am not certain if the ban of his oflTence be recalled ; whether or not, the voice of all Italy now invokes his return, and the name of Gioberti is associated with the highest and the noblest views of national freedom. Well, indeed, were it for the cause of Italy if her progress were to be entrusted to men like this — if the great principles of reform were to be committed to intelligences capable of weighing difficulties, avoiding and accommodating dangers. So late as the day before last I had an opportunity of seeing a case in point. It is but a few weeks since the good people of Lucca, filled with new wine and bright notions of liberty, compelled their sovereign to abdicate. There is no denying that he had no other course open to him ; for if the Grand Duke of Tuscany could venture- to accord popular privileges, supported as he was by a very strong body of nobles, whose possessions will always assure them a great interest in the state, the little kingdom of Lucca had few, if any, such securities. Its sovereign must either rule or be ruled. Now, he had not energy of character for the one — he did not like the other. Austria refused to aid him — not wishing, probably to add to the complication of Ferrara ; and so he abdicated. Now comes le commence- ment dwjin. The Luccese gained the day : they expelled the Duke — they organized a national guard — they illuminated, they protested, cockaded, and — are ruined! HORACE TEMPLETON. 301 Without trade, or any of its resources, this little capital, like almost all those of the German duchies, lived upon "the Court." The sovereign was not only the fount of honour, but of wealth ! Through his household flowed the only channel by which industry was nurtured : it was his court and his dependants whose wants employed the active heads and hands of the entire city. The Duke is gone — the palace closed — the court-yard even already half grass-grown ! Not an equipage is to be heard or seen ; not even a footman in a court livery rides past ; and all the recompense for this is the newly conferred privileges of liberty, to a people who recognize in freedom, not a new bond of obligation, but an unbridled license of action. The spirit of our times is, however, against this. The inspired grocer?, who form the Guardia Civica, are our only guides now ; it will be curious enough to see where they will lead us. When thinking of Italian liberty, or Unity, for that is the phrase in vogue, I am often reminded of the Irish priest who was supposed by his parishioners to possess an unlimited sway over the seasons, and who, when hard- pushed to exercise it, at last declared his readiness to procure any kind of weather that three farmers would agree upon, well knowing, the while, how diversity of interest must for ever prevent a common demand. This is precisely the case. An Italian kingdom to comprise the whole Peninsula would be impossible. The Lombards have no interests in common with the Neapolitans. Venice is less the sister than the rival of Genoa. How would the haughty Milanese, rich in everything that con- stitutes wealth, surrender their station to the men of the South, whom they despise and look down upon ? None would consent to become Provincial ; and even the smallest states would stand up for the prerogative of separate identity. " A National " Guard slowly paces before the gate, within which Royalty no longer dwells ; and the banner of their independence floats over their indigence ! Truly, they have torn up their mantle to make a cap of Liberty, and they must bear the cold how they may ! 802 HORACB TEMPLETOM. As for the Duke himself, I believe he desei'ves the epithet I heard a Frenchman bestow upon him — he is a I^anvre Sire ! There is a fatal consistency, certainly, about the conduct of these Bourbon Princes in moments of try- ing emergency ! They never will recognize danger till too late to avert it. The Prince of Lucca, like Charles Dix, laughed at popular menace, and yet had barely time to es- cape from popular vengeance. There was a ball at the palace on the very night when the tumult attained its greatest importance ; frequent messages were sent by tho Ministers, and more than one order to the troops given duinngthe progress of the entertainment. A despatch was opened at the supper-table ; and as the Crown Prince led out his fair partner — an English beauty, by-the-by — to the cotillon, he whispered in her ear, " We must keep it up late, for I fancy we shall never have another dance in this salle ! " And this is the way Princes can take leave of their inheritance; and so it is, the " divine right " can be understood by certain "Rulers of the people." If the defence of monarchy depended on the lives and characters of monarchs, how few could resist Republican- ism ! though, perhaps, everything considered, there is no station in life where the same number of good and grace- ful qualities is so certain to win men's favour and regard. Maginn used to say that we "admire wit in a woman as we admire a few words spoken plain by a parrot." The speech was certainly not a very gallant one ; but I half suspect that our admiration of royal attainments is founded upon a similar principle. Kings can rarely be good talkers, because they have not gone through the great training-school of talk — which is, conversation. This is impossible where there is no equality ; and how often does it occur to monarchs to meet each other, and when they do, what a stilted, unreal thing, must be their intercourse! Of reigning sovereigns, the King of Prussia is perhaps the most gifted in this way ; of course, less endowed with that shrewd appreciation of character, that intuitive perception of every man's bias, which marks the ]\Ionarch of the Tuileries ; but possessed of other and very ditferent qualities, and with one as- HORACE TEMPLETON. 303 pecially which never can be over-valued — an earnest sin- cerity of purpose in everything. There is no escaping from the conviction that here is a man who reflects and wills, and whose appeal to conscience is the daily rule of life. The nationality of Germany is his great object, and for it he labours as strenuously — may it be as successfully ! — as ever his " Great " predecessor did to accomplish the opposite. What a country would it be if the same spirit of nationality were^to prevail from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and " Germany" have a political signification as well as a oreographical one ! After all, if we have outlived the age of heroic monarchy, we have happily escaped that of royal debauches. A cele- brated civil engineer of our day is reported to have said, in his examination before a parliamentary committee, that he regarded "rivers as intended by Providence to supply navigable canals ; " in the same spirit one might opine certain characters of royalty were created to supply materials for Vaudevilles. What would become of the minor theatres of Paris if Louis XIV., and Richelieu, and the Regency were to be interdicted? On whose memory dare they hang so much of shameless vice and iniquitous folly ? Whei'e find characters so degraded, so picturesque, so abandoned, so infamous, and so amusing ? What time and trouble, too, are saved by the adoption of this era! No need of wearisome explanations and biographical details of the dramatis personcB. When one reads the word " Marquis," he knows it means a man whose whole aim in life is se- duction ; while " Madame la Marquise " is as invariably the easy victim of royal artifice. It might open a very curious view into the distinctive nature of national character to compare the recognized class to which vice is attributed in different countries ; for while in England we select the aiistocracy always as the natural subjects for depravity, in the Piedmontese territory all the stage villains are derived from the mercantile world. Instead of a lord, as with us, the seducer is always a manufacturer or a shipowner ; and vice a captain of 304 HORACE TEMPLETON. dragoons, their terror of domestic peace is a cotton-spinner or a dealer in hardware. Let it not be supposed that this originates in any real depravity, or any actual want of honesty, in the mercantile world. No ! the whole is attributable to the " Censor." By his arbitrary dictate the entire of a piece is often re- cast, and so habituated have authors become to the pre- vailing taste, that they now never think of occasioning him the trouble of the correction. Tradesman tliere stands for scoundrel, as implicitly as with us an Irishman is a blunderer and a Scotchman a knave. Exercised as this power is, and committed to such hands as we find it in foreign countries, it is hard to conceive any more quiet but effectual agent for the degradation of a national taste. It is but a few weeks back I saw a drama marked for stage representation in a city of Lombardy, in which the words " Pope " and " Cardinal " were struck out as irreverent to utter ; but all the appeals — and most impious they were — to the Deity were suffered to remain unmutilated. And now I am reminded of rather a good theme for one of those little dramatic pieces which amuse the public of the Palais Royal and the Varietes. I chanced upon it in an old French book, called " Memoires et Souvenirs de Jules Auguste Prevost, premier Valet de Charge de S. A. le Due de Courcelles." Printed at the Hague, anno 1742. I am somewhat sceptical about the veraciousness of many of M. Prevost's recitals ; the greater number aie, indeed, little else than chronicles of his losses at Ombre, with a certain Mdlle. Valencay, or narratives of pefits soupers, where his puce-coloured shorts and coat of amber velvet were the chief things worthy of remembrance. Yet here and there are little traits that look like facts, too insignifi- cant for fiction, and preserving something of the character of the time to which they are linked. The whole bears no trace of ever having been intended for publication ; and it is not difficult to see where the new touches have been laid on over the original picture. It was in all probability a mere common-place book, in which certain circumstances of daily life got mixed up with the written details of his Bt3,tion iu the Duke's household. HORACE TEMrLETON. 305 Neither its authenticity nor correctness, however, are of any moment to my purpose, which was to jot down — from memory if I can — the subject I believe to be invested with dramatic material. M. Prevost's narrative is very brief; indeed it barely extends beyond a full allusion to a circumstance very gene- rally known at the time. The events run somewhat thus, or at least should do so, in the piece. At the close of a brilliant/e^e at Versailles, where every fascination that an age of unbounded luxury could procure was assembled, the King retired to his apartment, followed by that prince of vaudeville characters, the Marechal Richelieu. His Majesty was wearied and out of spirits ; the pleasures of the evening, so far from having, as usual, elevated his spirits and awakened his brilliancy, had depressed and fatigued him. He was tired of the unvarying repetition of what his heart had long ceased to have any share in; and, in fact, to use the vulgar, but most fitting phrase, he was bored ! Bored by the courtiers, whose wit was too prompt to have been unprepared ; by the homage, too ser- vile to have any sincerity ; by the smiles of beauty, per- verted as they were by jealous rivalry and subtle intrigue ; and, above all, bored by the consciousness that he had no other identity than such as kingly trappings gave him, and that all the love and admiration he received were accorded to the monarch and nothing to the man. He didn't exactly, as novel writers would say, pour his sufferings into Richelieu's ear, but in very abrupt and forcible expressions he manifested his utter weariness of the whole scene, and avowed a very firm belief that the company was almost as tired of him as he was of the company. In vain the Marechal rallies his Majesty upon successes which were wont to be called triumphs ; in vain he assures him, that never at any period was the domestic peace of the lieges more endangered by his Majesty's condescen- sions: in fact, for once — as will happen, even with kings now and then — he said truth ; and truth, however whole- some, is not always palatable. Richelieu was too subtle an adversary to be easily worsted ; and after a fruitless 806 HORACE TEMPLETON. effort to obliterate the gloomy impression of the king, he, with a ready assurance, takes him in flank, and coolly attrilmtes the royal dissatisfaction to the very natural weariness at ever seeing the same faces, however beautiful, and hearing the same voices, however gay and sparkling their wit. " Your Majesty will not give yourself the ci-edit due of winning these evidences of devotion from personal causes, rather than from adventitious ones. Happily, a good opportunity presents itself for the proof. Your Majesty may have heard of Madame de Vaugirarde, whose husband was killed at La Rochelle ? " " The pretty widow who refuses to come to court ? " " The same, sire. She continues to reside at the antique chateau of her late husband, alone, and without compan- ionship ; and, if report speak truly, the brightest eyes of France are wasting their brilliancy in that obscure retreat." "Well, what is to be done? You would not, surely, order her up to Versailles by a ' leitre de cachet? ' " " No, sire, the measure were too bold ; nay, perhaps my counsel will appear far bolder ; it is, that since Madame de Yaugirarde will not come to court, your Majesty should go to Madame de Vaugirarde." It was not very difficult to make this notice agi'eeable to the king. It had one ingredient pleasurable enough to secure its good reception — it was new — nobody had ever before dreamt of his Majesty making a tour into the provinces incog. This was quite sufficient ; and Richelieu had scarcely detailed his intentions than the king burned with impatience to begin his jourue}". The wily minister, however, had many things to arrange before they set out ; but of what nature he did not reveal to his master. Cer- tain is it that he left for Paris within an hour, hastening to the capital with all the speed of post-horses. Arrived there, he exchanged his court suit for a plain dress, and in a fiacre drove to the private entrance of the Theatre Fran^ais. " Is M. Duroset engaged ? " said he, descending from the carriage. HOEACE TEMPLETON. 307 " He is on the stage, monsieur," said the porter, who took the stranger for one of the better bourgeois of Paris, coming to secure a good lege by personal intercession with the manager. Now, M. Daroset was at the very moment occupied in the not very uncommon task of giving a poor actor his conge, who had just presented himself for au en- gagement. As was the case in those days — we have changed since then — the Director, not merely content with declining the proiTered services, was actually adding some very caustic remarks on the pretension of the applicant, whose miserable appearance and ragged costume might have claimed exemption from his gratuitous lecture. '' Believe me, mon cher," said he, " a man mast have a very different air and carriage from yours who plays ' Le Mnrquis' on the Parisian boards. There sliould be some- thing of the style and bearing of the world about him — his address shoulcl be easy, without presumption — his presence commanding, without severity." "I always played the noble parts in the provinces. I acted the ' Regent' " " I've no doubt of it ; and very pretty notions of royalty the audience must have gained from you. There, that will do. Go back to Nancy, and try yourself at valet's parts for a year or two — that's the best counsel I can give you ! Adieu ! adieu ! " The poor actor retired, discomfited and distressed, at the same instant that the graceful figure of Richelieu ad- vanced in easy dignity. " Monsieur Duroset," said the Marechal, seating himself, and speaking in tlie voice so habituated to utter commands, *' I would speak a few words with you in confidence, and where we might be certain of not being overheard." " Nothing could be better than the present spot, then," said the manager, who was impressed by the style and bearing of his visitor, without ever guessing or suspecting his real rank. " The rehearsal will not begin for half-an- hour. Except that poor devil that has just left me, no one has entered this morning." " Sit down, then, and pay attention to what I shall X 2 308 fiOEACE TEMPLETON. say," said the Marechal. The words were felt as a com- mand, and instantly obeyed. " They tell me, M, Duroset, that a young actress, of great beauty and distinguished ability, is about to appear on these boards, whose triumphs have been hitherto won only in the provinces. Well, you must defer her debut for some days ; and, meanwhile, for the beneft of her health, she can make a little excursion to the neighbour- hood of Fontainebleau, where, at a short distance from the royal forest, stands a small chateau. This will be ready for her reception ; and where a more critical taste than even your audiences boast will decide upon her merits." " There is but one man in France could make such a proposition ! " said the manager, starting back, half in aniiizement, half in respect. "And I am exactly that man," rejoined the Marechal. " There need never be secrets between men of sense. M. Duroset, the case is this : your beauty, whose manners and breeding I conjecture to be equal to her charms, must represent the character of the widowed Countess of Vautrirarde, whose sorrow for her late husband is all but inconsolable. The solitude of her retreat will, however, be disturbed by the accidental arrival of a stranger, who, accompanied by his friend, will demand the hospitality of the chateau. Grief has not usurped every faculty and devoir of the fair Countess, who consents the following morning to receive thje respectful homage of the travellers, and even invites them, weary as they seem by travel, to stay another day." " I understand — I understand," said Duroset, hastily interrupting this narrative, which the speaker poured forth with impetuous rapidity ; " but there are several objections, and grave ones." " I'm certain of it," rejoined the other ; " and now to combat them. Here are a thousand louis ; five hundred of which M. Duroset will keep — the remainder he will expend, as his taste and judgment may dictate^ in the costume of the fair Countess." " But Mademoiselle Bellechasse ? " HORACE TEMPLETON. 309 ' Will accept of these diamonds, wbich will become her to perfection. She is not a blonde?" "No; dark hair and eyes." " This suite of pearls, then, will form a most graceful addition to her toilette." " They are magnificent ! " exclaimed the manager, who, with wondering eyes, turned from one jewel case to the other ; " they are splendid ! Nay " — then he added, in a lower accent^ and with a glance, as he spoke, of inveterate cunning — " nay, they are a princely present." " Ah, M. Duroset, uti homme d'esprit is always so easy to treat with ! Might I dare to ask if Mademoiselle Bellechasse is here ? — if I might be permitted to pay my respects ?" " Certainly ; your Excell— " "Nay, nay, M. Duroset, we are all incog. y'' said the Marechal, smiling good humouredly. "As you please, sir. I will go and make a brief expla- nation to Mademoiselle, if you will excuse my leaving you. May 1 take these jewels with me? Thanks." The explanation, was, indeed, of the briefest; and he returned in a few seconds, accompanied by a young lady, whose elegance of mien and loveliness of form seemed to astonish even the critical gaze of Richelieu. "Madame la Comtesse de Vaugirarde," said the Director, presenting her. " All, helle Comfes-te ! " said the Marechal, as he kissed the tips of her fingers witli the most profound courtesy ; " may I hope that the world has still charms to win back one whose griefs should fall like spring showers, and only render more fragrant the soil they water! " " I know not what the future may bring forth," said she, with a most gracefully affected sadness; "but for the present, I feel as if the solitude of my ancient chateau, the peaceful quiet of the country, would best respond to my wishes : there alone, to wander in those woods, whose paths are endeared to me- " "Admirable ! — beautiful 1 — perfect ! " exclaimed Riche- lieu, in a transport of delight ; " never was the tribute of affection more touching — never a more graceful homage 310 HORACE TEMPLETON* rendered to past happiness ! N'ow, when can you set out?" " To-morrow." " Why not to-day ? Time is everything here," "Remember, monsiem% that we have purchases to make — we visit the capital but rarely." " Quite true ; I was forgetting the solitude of your retreat. Such charms might make any lapse of memory excusable." " Ob, monsieur ! I should be, indeed, touched by this flattery, if I could but see the face of him who uttered it." " Pardon me, fair Countess, if I do not respond to even the least of your wishes : we shall both appear in our true colours one of these days. Meanwhile, remember our proverb that says, ' It's not the cowl makes the monk.* When you shall hear this again, it will be in your chateau of Vaugirarde, and " "Is that the consigne, then ? " said she, laughing. " Yes, that is the consigne — don't forget it;" and, with a graceful salutation, the Marechal withdrew to perfect his further arrangements. There was a listener to this scene, that none of its actors ever guessed at — the poor actor, who, having lost his way among forests of pasteboard and palaces of painted canvas, at last found himself at the back of a pavilion, from which the speakers were not more than two paces distant. Scarcely had the Marechal departed, than he followed his steps, andjmadeall haste to an obscure a ubeiye outside the barriei'S, where a companion, poor and friendless as himself, awaited him. There is no- need to trace what ensued at this meeting. The farce writer might, indeed, make it effective enough, ending as it does in the resolve, that since an engagement was denied them at Paris they'd tr\' their fortune at Foutainebleau, by perso- nating the two strangers, who were to arrive by a hazard at the Chateau de Vaugirarde. The whole plot is now seen. They set out, and in due time arrive at the chateau. Their wardrobe and appear- ance generally are the very reverse of what the fair HOEACK TEMPLETON. 811 Couniess expected, but as their stage experiences supply a certain resemblance to rank and distinction — at least to her notions of such — she never doubts that they are the promised visitors, and is convinced by the significant declaration, that if their wayworn looks 'and strange costume seem little indicative of their actual position, yet the Countess should remember, "It is not the cowl makes the monk." The constraint W4th which each assumes a new character forms the second era of the piece. The lover, far from suspecting the real pretensions he should strive to per- sonate — the Countess, as much puzzled by the secrecy of her guest's conduct, and by guesses as to his actual rank and fortune. It is while these doubts are in full conflict, and when seated at supper, that the King and Hichelieu appear, announced as two travellers, whose carriage being overturned and broken, are fain to crave the hospitality of the chateau. The discomfiture of Richelieu and the answer of the King at finding the ground occupied, contrast well with the patronizing graces of the mock Countess, and the insolent demeanour of the lover, who whispers in her ear that the new arrivals are strolling players, and that he has seem them repeatedly in the provinces. All Richelieu's endeavours to set matters right, unobserved by the King, are abortive ; while his Majesty is scarce more fortunate in pres.-ing his suit with the fair Countess, by whose grace and beauty he is fascinated. In the very midst of the insolent badinage of the real actors, an ofticer of the household arrives, with important dispatches. Their delivery brooks no delay, and he at once presents himself, and, kneeling, hands them to the King. Shame, discom- fiture, terror, and dismay, seize on the intruding players. The King, however, is merciful. After a smart reproof all is forgiven ; his Majesty sagely observing, that al- though "the cowl may not make the monk," the ermine has no small share in forming the monarch. 312 HOIUCE TEMFLETON. CHAPTER XXL Florence. What did Shelley, what does any one, mean by their raptures about Florence? Never, surely, was the epithet of La Bella more misapplied. I can well understand the enthusiasm with which men call Genoa II Superho. Its mountain background, its deep blue sea, its groves of orange and acacia, the prickly aloe growing wild upon the very shore in all the luxuriance of tropical vegetation, indicative of an almost wasteful extravagance of produc- tion ; while its amphitheatre of palaces, proudly rising in terraced rows, are gorgeous remembrances of the haughty Republic. But Florence! dark, dirty, and discordant! Palaces, gaol-like and gloomy, stand in streets were wretch- edness and misery seem to have chosen their dwelling- place — the types of feudal tyranny side by side with modern destitution. The boasted Arno, too, a shrunk-up, trickling stream, not wide enough to be a river, not clear enough to be a rivulet, winds along between hills hot and sun-scorched, where the brown foliage has no touch of freshness, but stands parched and shrivelled by the hot glare of eternal noon. The white-walled villas glisten in the dazzling heat, not tempered by the slightest shade, but reflecting back the scorching glow from rocks cracked and fissured by the sun ! How disappointing is all this ! and how wearisome is the endeavour, from the scattered objects here and there, to make any approach to that Florence one has imagined to himself! To me the abstraction is impossible. I carry about with me, even into the galleries, before the triumphs of Rafi'aelle and the wonders of Michael Angelo, the sad HOEACE TEMPLETON. 313 discordant scenes through which I have passed. The jarred senses are rendered incapable of properly appre- ciating and feeling those influences that should diffuse their effect upon the mind ; and even the sight of the " Guardia Civica," strutting in solemn mockery beneath the archways where the proud Medici have trod, are con- trasts to suggest rather a sense of sarcasm than of pleasure. Here and there you do come upon some grand and imposing pile of building, the very stones of which seem laid by giant hands ; but even these have the fortress character, the air of strongholds, rather than of princely dwellings, as at Genoa. You see at once how much more defence and safety were the guiding principles, than elegance of design and beauty of proportion. No vestibule, peopled with its marble groups, opens here to the passer- by a glimpse of a noble stair rising in spacious amplitude between walls of marble. No gate of gilded fretwork shows the terraced garden, with the plashing fountains, and the orange-trees bending with their fruit. Like all continental cities where the English congregate, the inhabitants have a mongrel look, grafting English notions of dress and equipage upon their own, and, like most imitators, only successful in following the worst models. The Casciui, too, exhibits a very motley assem- blage of gaudy liveries and dusky carriages, riding-grooms dressed like footmen, their masters no bad resemblance to the " Jeunes Premiers " of a vaudeville. The men are very inferior in appearance to the Milanese ; they are neither as well-built nor well-grown, and rarely have any pretensions to a fashionable exterior. The women are' mostly ill-dressed, and, in no instance that I have seen, even well-looking. They have the wearied look, without the seductive languor, of the South ; they are pale, but not fair ; and their gestures are neither plastic nor grace- ful. In fact, in all that I have seen here, I am sadly dis- appointed — all, save the Kaffaelles ; they are above my conception of them. How much of this lies in myself I dare not stop to inquire ; a large share, perhaps, but assuredly not all. This climate should be avoided by those of weak chest. 814 HOKACE TEMPLETON. Symptoms of fui'tliei^ "breaking-up " crowd upon me each day ; and this burning sun and piercing wind make a sad conflict in the debihtated frame. But where to go, where to seek out a quiet spot to linger a few days and die ! E/Ome is in all the agonies of its mock liberty — Naples in open revolt : here, where I am, all rule and government have ceased to exist; the mob have everything at their mercy : that they have not abused their power, is tbovg owing to their ignorance than their honour. When the Irish rebels carried the town of Ross by storm, they broke into the grocers' shops to eat sugar ! The Florentines having bullied the Duke, are only busied about the new uniforms of their Civic Guard ! Hitherto the reforms have gone no further than in organizing this same National Guard, and in thrashing the police authorities wherever found. Now, bad as this police was, it was still the only protection to the public peace. It exists no longer ; and Tuscany has made her first step in liberty " eii Americaine," by adopting " Lynch Law." I was about to note down a singular instance of this indignant justice of the people, when the arrival of a letter, in a hand unknown to me, suddenly routed all my intentions. If I am able to record the circumstance here, calmly and without emotion, it is neither from that philos- ophy the world teaches, nor from any higher motive — it is merely on the same principle that one would bear with tolerable equanimity the break-down of a carriage when within a few miles of the journey's end ! Tlie fact, then, is simply this, that I, Horace Templeton, whose drafts a few days back might have gone far into the " tens of thousands," without fear of " dishonour," am now ruined ! When we read this solemn word in the newspapers, we at once look back to the rank and station of him whose ruin is predicated. A Duke is " ruined " when he must sell three packs of hounds, three studs of horses, four of his five or six mansions, part with his yacht at Cowes, and his racers at Newmarket, and retire to the Continent with a beggarly pittance of some fifteen thou- sand per annum. A merchant is ruined when, by the HOEACE TEMPLETON. 315 sudden convulsions of mercantile affairs, he is removed from the unlimited command of millions to pass his dajs, at Leamington or Cheltenham, on his wife's jointure of two thousand a year. His clerk is ruined when he drops his pocket-book on his way from the bank, and loses six hundred pounds belonging to the firm. His is more real ruin, for it implies stoppages, suspicion — mayhap loss of place, and its consequences. , But I have lost everything ! Hamerton and Scott, my bankers, have failed ; their liabilities, as the phrase is — meaning thereby what they are liable to be asked for, but cannot satisfy — are enormous. My only landed property is small, and so heavily mortgaged as to be worth nothing. I bad only waited for the term of an agreenaent to redeem the mortgage, and clear off all encumbrances ; but the *' crash " has anticipated me, and I am now a beggar ! Yes, there is the letter, in all cold and chilling civility, curtly stating that " the unprecedented succession of calamities, by which public credit has been affected, have left the firm no other alternative but that of a short sus- pension of payment! Sincerely trusting, however, that they will be enabled " and so forth. These announce- ments have but one burden — the creditors are to be mulcted, while the debtor continues to hope ! And now for my own share in the misfortune. Is it the momentary access of excitement, or is it some passing rally in my constitution ? but I certainly feel better, and in higher spirits, than I have done for many a day. It is long since I indulged in my old habit of castle-building; and yet now, at every instant, some new notion strikes me, and I fancy some new field for active labour and exertion. To the present Ministers I am slightly known — sufficiently to ask for employment, if not in my former career, in some other. Should this fail, I have yet power- ful friends to ask for me. Not that I like either of these plans — this playing " anficJiambre" is a sore penance at my time of life. Had I health and sti'ength, I'd emi- grate, I really do wonder why men of a certain rank, younger sons especially, do not throw their fortunes into 816 HOKACE TEMPLETON. the colonies. Apart from the sense of enterprise, there ia an immense gain, in the fact that individual exertion, be it of head or hand, can exercise, free from the trammels of conventional prejudices, which so rule and restrain us at home. If we merely venture to use the pruning-knife in our gardens here, there, we may lay the axe to the root of the oak ; and yet, in this commonwealth of labour, the gentleman, if his claim to the title be really well founded, is as certain of muiiitaining a position of superiority as though he had remained in his own country. The Yer- nons, the Greys, and the Courtenays, have never ceased to hold a peculiar place among their fellow-citizens of the United States ; and so is it observable in our colonies, even where mere wealth was found in the opposite scale. But let me not longer dwell on these things, nor indulge in speculations which lead to hope ! Let me rather reflect on my present position, and calculate calmly by what economy I may be able to linger on, and not exhaust the means, till the lamp of life is ready to be quenched. I am sure that most men of easy, careless temperament could live as well on one-half of their actual incomes, having all that they require, and never feeling any unusual privation; that the other half is invariably mange by one's servants, by tradespeople, by cases of mock distress, by importunity, and by indolence. I well know how I am blamable upon each of these several counts. Now, for a note to my banker here, to ascertain what sum he holds of mine ; and then, like the shipwrecked sailor on his raft, to see how long liie may be sustained on half or quarter rations ! So, here is the banker's letter : — " I have the honour to acknowledge," and so on. The question at issue is the sum — and here it stands : Three hundred and forty-two pounds, twelve shillings, and fourpence. I really thought I had double the amount; but here I find cheques iunu- merable. I have, no doubt, given to many, now far richer than I am. Be it so. The next point is — How long can a man live on three hundred and forty pounds ? One man would say, Three weeks — another, as many months— HORACE TEMPLETON. 817 and another, as many years, perhaps. I am totally ignorant what guidance to follow. In this difficulty I shall send for Dr. Hennesy — he is the man in repute here — and try, if it may be, to ascertain what length of tether he ascribes to my case. Be it a day, a week, or a month, let me but know it. And now to compose myself, and speak calmly on a theme where the slightest appearance of excitement would create erroneous suspicions against me. If H. be the man of sense I deem him^ he will not misconstrue my meaning, even should he guess it. Gilbert reminds me of what I had quite forgotten — • that yesterday I signed an agreement for a villa here : I took it for six months, expecting to live one ! It struck me, when driving out on the Bolocrna road, both for architecture and situation ; I saw nothing equal to it — an old summer-palace of the Medici, and afterwards inhabited by the Salviati, whose name it bears. A princely house in every way is this ; but how unsuited to ruined fortunes ! I walked about the rooms, now stopping to examine a picture or a carved oak cabinet ; now to peep at the wild glens, which here are seen dividing the hills in every direction ; and felt how easy it would be to linger on here, where objects of taste and high art blend their influence with dreams of the long past. Now, I must address my mind to the different question — How to be released from my contract ? H. has just been here. How difficult it was to force him into candour ! A doctor becomes, by the practice of his art, as much addicted to suspicion as a police agent. Every question, every reply of the patient, must be a " symptom." This wearies and worries the nervous man, and renders him shy and uncommunicative. For myself, well opining how my sudden demand, "How long can I live?" might sound, if uttered with abrupt sincerity, I submitted patiently to all the little gossip of the little world of this place — its envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness — which certainly are prime features in an English colony on the Continent— B18 HORACE TEMPLETON. all, that I miG-ht at last establish a character for soundness of nntid and calmness of purpose, ere I put my qucere. The favourable moment came at last, and I asked in full earnest, but with a manner that showed no sign of dread, — " Tell me, Dottore mio, how long may such a chest as mine endure ? I mean, taking every possible care, as I do ; neither incurring any hazai'd nor neglect ; and, in fact, fighting the battle bravely to the last ?" He tried at first, by a smile and a jocular manner, to evade the question ; but seeing my determination fixed, he looked grave, felt my pulse, percussed my chest, and was silent. " Well," said I, after a very long pause, " I await my sentence, but in no mood of hope or fear. Is it a month ? — a week ? — a day ? — nay, surely it can hardly be so near as that ? Still silent! Come, this is scarcely fair ; I ask simply " " That which is perfectly impossible to answer, did I concede that I ought to reply, as categorically as you ask." " Were I to tell my reasons, doctor, you might judge more harshly of my intelligence than I should like ; besides, you would certainly misinterpret my meaning. Tell me, therefore, in the common course of such changes as my disease involves, can I live a year? You shake your head ! Be it so. Six months ? — Three, then ? — Have I three? The winter, you say, is to be feared. I know it. AYell, then, shall I own that my convictions anticipate you at each negative ? I feel I have not a month — nay, not half of one — a week will do it, doctor ; and now excuse scant ceremony, and leave me." Alone — friendless — homeless- — ruined, and dying ! Sad words to write, each of them ; sadder when thus brought in brothei'hood together. The world and its pageants are passing fast by me, like the eddies of that stream which flows beneath my window. I catch but one glimpse ;^-nd they are gone, beneath the dark bridge of Death, to mingle in the vast ocean of Eternity. How strange to see the whole business of the world going on, the moving multitude the tumult of active HORACE TEMPLETON. 319 mincls and bodies — at the very moment when the creeping chill of ebbing life tells of days and hours numbered ! I arn alone — not one to sit by me to combat thoujThts that with the faintest help I could resist, but which unaided are too strong for me. In this window-seat where now I rest, who shall sit this day week? The youth, perhaps, in gushing pride of heart and buoyancy, now entering upon life, ardent and high-souled — or the young bride, gazing on that same river that now I watch, and reading in its circles wi'eathed smiles of happy promise. Oh, may no memories of him, whose tears fall fast now, haunt the spot and throw their gloom on others ! I am friendless — and yet, which of those I still call friends would I now wish beside me ? To drink of the cup of consolation, I must first offer my own of misery •^nay, it is better to endure alone ! Homeless am I, too — and this, indeed, I feel bitterly. Old familiar objects, associated with ties of affection, boand up with memories of friends, are meet companions for the twilight hours of life. I long to be back in my own chosen room — the little library, looking out on the avenue of old beeches leading to the lake, and the village spire rising amid the dark yew-trees. There was a spot there, too, I had often fancied — when I close my eyes I think I see it still — a little declivity of the ground beneath a large old elm, where a single tomb stood sur- rounded by an iron railing ; one side was in decay, and through which I often passed to read the simple inscrip- tion—" Courtenay Templeton, Armiger, getatis 22." This was not the family burying-place — why he was laid there was a family mystery. His death was attributed to suicide, nor was his memory ever totally cleared of the guilt. The event was briefly this : — On the eve of the great battle of Fontenoy he received an insult from an officer of a Scotch regiment, which ended in a duel. The Scotchman fell dead at the first fire. Templeton was immediately arrested ; and instead of leading an attack, as he had been appointed to do, spent the hours of the battle in a prison. The next morning he was discovered 820 HORACE TEMPLETON. dead ; a great quantity of blood had flowed from his mouth and nose, which, although no external wound was found, suggested an idea of self-destruction. None sus- pected, what I have often heard since from medical men, that a rupture of the aorta from excessive emotion — a broken heart, in fact — had killed him : a death more fre- quently occurring than is usually believed. "Ruined and dying " are the last words in my record ; and yet neither desirous of fortune nor life ! At least, so faint is my hope that I should use either with higher purpose than I have done, that all wish is extinguished. Seriously I believe that love of life is less general than the habit of projecting schemes for the future — a vague system of castle-building, which even the least speculative practises ; and that death is thus accounted the great evil, as suddenly interrupting a chain of events whose series is still imperfect. The very humblest peasant that rises to daily toil has his gaze fixed on some future, some period of rest or repose, some hour of freedom from his lite-long struggle. Now, I have exhausted this source ; the well, that once bubbled with eddying fancies of days to come, is dry. High spirits, health, and the buoyancy that result from both, when joined to a disposition keenly alive to enjoyment, and yet neither cloyed by excess nor depraved by corrupt tastes, will always go far to simulate a degree of ability. The very freedom a mind thus constituted enjoys is a species of power ; and its liberty exaggerates its range, just as the untrammelled paces of the young colt seem infinitely more graceful and noble than the matured regularity of the trained and bitted steed. It was thus that I set out in life — ardent, hopeful, and enthusiastic : if my mental resources were small, they were always ready at hand, like a banker with a weak capital, but who could pay every trifling demand on the spot, 1 lived upon credit ; and upon that credit I grew rich. Had I gone on freely as I began, I might still enjoy the fame of wealth and solvency, but with the reputation of affluence came the wish to be rich. I con- tracted my issues, I husbanded my resources, and from that hour I became suspected. To avoid a " run " for HORACE TEMPLETON. 321 gold, I ceased to trade and retired. This, in a few words, is the whole history of my life. Gilbert comes to say that the carriage is waiting to convey me to the villa — our luggage is already there. Be it so: still I must own to myself, that going to occupy a palace for the last few hours of life and fortune is very much like good Christopher Sly's dream of Lordliness. 322 EOEACE TEMPLETON. CHAPTER XXII. SOME REVERIES ABOUT PLACES. What would the old school of Diplomatists have said if they saw their secret wiles and machinations exposed to publicity as is now the fashion ? When any " honourable and learned gentleman" can call for "copies of the cor- respondence between our Minister at the Court of and the noble Secretary for the Foreign Department ; " and when the Times can, in a leader, rip up all the flaws of a treaty, or expose all the dark intentions of some special compact? The Diplomatic " Holy of Holies " is now open to the vulgar gaze, and all the mj-steries of the craft as commonplace as the transactions of a Poor-law Union. Much of the prestige of this secrecy died out on the establishment of railroads. The courier who travelled formerly with breathless haste from Moscow to London, or from the remotest cities of the far East, to our little Isle of the West, was sure to bring intelligence several days earlier than it could reach by any other channel. The gold greyhound, embroidered on his arm, was no exag- gerated emblem of his speed ; but now, his prerogative over, he journeys in " a first-class carriage " with some fifty others, who arrive along with him. Old age and infancy, sickness and debility, are no disqualifications — the race is open to all — and the tidings brought by " our messenger " are not a particle later, and rarely so full, as those given forth in the columns of a leading journal. How impossible to affect any mysterious silence before the '■ House! " — how vain to attempt any knowledge from exclusive sources ! " The ordinary channels of informa- tion," to use Sir Robert's periphrasis, are the extra- HORACE TEMPLETON. 323 ordinary ones too, and not only do they contain whatever Ministers know, but very often " something more." Time was when the Minister, or even the secretary at a foreign court, appeared in society as a kind of casquet of state secrets, — when his mysterious whispers, his very gestures, were things to speculate on, and a grave motion of his eyebrows could make " consols " tremble, and throw the " threes " into a panic. Now, the question is, Have you seen the city article in the Times ? What does the Chronicle say ? Kg doubt this is a tremendous power, and very possibly the enjoyment of it, such as we have it in England, is the highest element of a pure democracy. Political information of a very high order establishes a spe- cies of education, which is the safest check upon the dan- gers of private judgment, and hence it is fair to hope that we possess a sounder and more healthy public opinion in England than in any of the states of the continent. At least it would not be too much to infer that we would be less accessible to those sudden convulsions, those violent coups de main by which governments are overturned abroad ; and that the general diffusion of new notions on political subjects, and the daily reference to such able ex- positors as our newspaper press contains, are strong safe- guards against the seductive promises of mob-leaders and liberty-mongers. In France, a government is always at the mercy of any one bold enough to lead the assault. The attempt may seem often a " forlorn hope " — it rarely is so in reality. The love of vagrancy is not so inhei'ent in tlie Yankee as is the destructive passion in the Frenchman's heart ; but it is there, less from any pleasure in demolition than in the opportunity thus offered for reconstruction. Mirabeau, "Rousseau, Fournier, Lamennais are the social architects of French predilection, and many a clearance has been made to begin the edifice, and many have perished in laying the foundations, which never rose above the earth, bat which ere long we may again witness undertaken with new and bolder hands than ever. Events that once took centuries for their accomplishment are now the work of days or weeks. Steam seems to have ^ y2 324 HOEACE TEMPLETON. communicated its impetuosity to mind as well as matter, and ere many years pass over, how few of the traces of Old Europe will remain as our fathers knew them ! I have scarcely entered a foreign city for the last few years without detecting the rapid working of those changes. Old families sinking into decay and neglect — time-honoured titles regarded as things that "once were." Their very homes, the palaces, associated with incidents of deep his- toric interests, converted into hotels or ^' pensionnafs." The very last time I strolled through Paris I loitered to the quartier which in my young ambition I regarded with all the reverence the pilgrim yields to Mecca. I remembered the first soiree in which I was presented, having dined at the Embassy, and being taken in the even- ing by the ambassador that I might be inti'oduced to the Machiavel of his craft, Prince Talleyrand. Even yet I feel the hot blush which mantled in my cheek as I was passing with very scant ceremony the round-shouldered little old man who stood in the very doorway, his wide black coat far too large for his figure, and his white hair trimly brushed back from his massive temples. It did not need the warning voice of my introducer, hastily calling my name, to make my sense of shame a perfect agony. " Monsieur Templeton, Monsieur le Prince," said the ambassador ; " the young gentleman of whom I spoke ;" and he added, in a tone inaudible to me, something about my career and some mention of my relatives. " Oh, yes," said the. Prince, smiling graciously, " I am aware how ' connection,' as you call it, operates in Eng- land ; but permit me, monsieur," said he, turning towards me, " to give one small piece of advice. It is this : ' If you can win by cards never score the honours.' " The precept had little influence on himself, however. No man ever paid greater deference to the distinctions of rank, or conceded more to the prestige of an ancient name. Neither a general, an orator, nor an author — not even the leader of a faction — this astonishing man stood alone, in the resources of his fertile intellect directing events which he appeared to follow, and availing himself of resources which HORACE TEMPLETON. 325 he had stored up for emergency, but so artfully that they seemed to arise out of the natural current of events. Never disconcerted or abashed — not once thrown off his balance — not more calmly dignified when he stood beside Napo- leon at Erfurth, then master of Europe itself, than he was at the Congress of Vienna, when the defeat of France had placed her at the mercy of her enemies. It was in this same house, in the Rue Saint Florentin, that the Emperor Alexander lived when the Allies entered Paris, on the last day of March, 1814. His Majesty occu- pied the first floor ; M. de Talleyrand, the rez de chaiissee. He was then no more than ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs ; neither empowered by the Bourbons to treat for the Re- storation, nor by the nation for the conditions of a govern- ment — he was merely "one among the conquered;" and yet to this man all eyes were turned instinctively, as to one who possessed the secret of the future. That rez de chaiissee was besieged with visitors from morning till night; and even when, according to the custom of the French, he made his lengthened toilette, his dressing-room was filled by all the foreign ministers of the conquering mouarchs, and Nesselrode and Metternich waited at these daily levees. In all these discussions M. de Talleyrand took the lead, with the same ease and the same aplomb, dis- cussing kings to make and kingdoms to dismember, as though the clank of the muskets, which now and then interrupted their colloquy, came from the Imperial Guard of Napoleon, and not the Cossacks of the Don and the Uhlans of the Danube, who crowded the stairs and the avenues, and bivouacked in the court. Here the Restoration was decided upon, and Talleyrand himself it was who decided it. The Emperor Alexander opposed it strongly at first, alleging that the old spirit and the old antipathies would all return with the elder Bourbons, and suggesting the Due d'Orleans as king. Talleyrand, however, overruled . the objection, asserting that no new agent must be had recourse to for governing at such a juncture, and that one usurpation could not be succeeded by another. It is said that when the news readied Vienna, in 1815, that Napoleon had landed from 32G HOKACE TEMPLETON. Elba, the Emperor Alexander came hurriedly over to where Talleyrand was sitting, and informing him what had occurred, said, " I told you before, your plan would bo a failure ! " " Mais que faire ? " coolly retorted the calm diplomate ; " of two evil courses it was the better — I never said moi-e of it. Had you proclaimed the King of Rome you had been merely maintaining the power of Napoleon under another name. You cannot establish the govern- ment of a great nation upon a half measure. Besides that, Legitimacy, whatever its faults, was the only Principlr that could prove to Europe at large that France and Napoleon were parted for ever ; and, after so many barter- ings of crowns and trucklings of kingdoms, it was a fine opportunity of showing that there was still something — whether it be or be not by right divine — which was supe- rior to sabres and muskets, generals and armies." It was the sanctity of right — whether of kings, people, or individuals — which embodied Talleyrand's conception of the Restoration ; and this is it which he so admirably expressed when arriving at the Congress of Vienna, the ambassador of a nation without wealth or army. " Je viens," said he to the assembled kings and ministers of conquering Europe—" Je viens, et je vous apporte plus que vous n'avez, — je vous apporte I'idce du droit!" This was happily expressed ; but no one more than he knew how to epigrammatize a whole volume of thought. In private life the charm of his manner was the most perfect thing imaginable : his consciousness of rank and ancient family divested him of all pretension whatever, and the idea of entering the lists with any one never occurred to his mind. Willingly availing himself of the talents of others, and their pens upon occasion, he never felt any embittering jealousy. Approachable by all, his unatfected demeanour was as likely to strike the passing observer as the rich stores of his intellect would have excited the admiration of a more reflecting one. Such was he who has passed away from amongst us — perhaps the very last name of the eventful era he lived in which shall claim a great place in history .' A singular picture of human vicissitude ia presented to HORACE TEMPLETON. 327 UR in the aspect of those places, but more particularly of those houses wherein great events have once occurred, but where time's changes have brought new and very dif- ferent associations. A very few years in this eventful cen- tury we live in will do this. The wonderful drama of the Empire sufhced to impress upon every city of Europe some great and imposing reminiscence. A small unpre- tending- little house, beside the ducal park at Weimar, was Niipoleon's resting»place for three days, when the whole world was at his feet ! The little salon whei-e his receptions were held at evening — and what receptions were they ! the greatest ministers and the most distinguished generals of Europe! — scarcely more than an ordinary dressing-room in size, remains to this hour as he left it. One arm-chair, a little larger than the others, stands at the window, which always lay open. A table was placed upon the grass-plot outside, where several maps were laid. The salon, itself was too small to admit it, and here, from time to time, the Emperor repaired, while, with eagle glance and abrupt gesture, he marked out the future limits of the continen- tal kingdoms, creating and erasing monarchies, fashioning Dations and joeoples, in all the |)roud wilfulness of Omnipo- tence ! And now, while thinking of the Emperor, let me bring to mind another local association. In the handsomest part of the Chaussee dAntin, sur- rounded on every side by the splendid palaces and gor- geous mansions of the wealthiest inhabitants of Paris, stands a small, isolated, modest edifice, moi-e like a Roman villa than the house of some northern capital, in the midst of a park ; one of those pleasure-grounds which the French — Heaven knows why — designate as " Jardin An- glais." The outer gate opens on Rue Chantereine, and here to this hour you may trace, among the time-worn and dilapidated ornaments, some remnants of the strange figures which once decorated the pediment : weapons of various ages and countries grouped together with sphinxes and Egyptian emblems ; the faint outlines of pyramids, the peaceful-looking ibis, are there, among the helmets and cuirasses, the massive swords and the death-dealing arms of our modern warfare. In the midst of all, the number 828 HORACE TExMPLETON. 52 stands encircled with a little garland of leaves ; but even they are scarcely distinguishable now, and the num- ber itself requires the aid of faith to detect it. Within, the place speaks of neglect and decay; the shrubs are broken and uncared for ; the parterres are weed-grown ; a few marble pedestals rise amid the rank grass, to mark where statues once stood, but no other trace of them remains: the very fountain itself is fissured and bi'oken, and the water has worn its channel along the herbage, and ripples on its wayward coui'se unrestrained. The villa is almost a ruin, the sashes have fallen in in many places ; the roof, too, has given way, and fragments of the mirrors which once decorated the walls lie strewn upon the floor with pieces of rare marble. Wherever the eye turns, some emblem of the taste of its former occupant meets you. Some fresco, stained with damp and green with mildew ; some rustic bench, beneath a spreading tree, where the view opens more boldly ; but all are decayed. The inlaid floors are rotting ; the stuccoed ceilings, the richly-carved architraves, fall in fragments as your foot- steps move ; and the doomed walls themselves seem scarce able to resist the rude blast whose wailing cadence steals along them. Oh, how tenfold more powerfully are the memories of the dead preserved by the scenes they inhabited while in life, than by the tombs and epitaphs that cover their ashes ! How do the lessons of one speak home to the heart, call- ing up again, before the mind's eye, the very images them- selves ! not investing them with attributes our reason coldly rejects. I know not the reason that this villa has been suffered thus to lapse into utter ruin, in the richest quarter of so splendid a city. I believe some long-contested litiga- tion had its share in the causes. My present business is rather with its past fortunes ; and to them I will now return. It was on a cold dai'k morning of N^ovember, in the year 1799, that the street we have just mentioned, then called the Rue de la Victoire, became crowded with equipages and horsemen ; cavalcades of generals and their HORACE TEMPLETON. 829 staffs, in full uniform, arrived and were admitted within the massive gateway, before which, now, groups of curious and inquiring gazers were assembled, questioning and guessing as to the unusual spectacle. The number of led horses that paraded the street, the long lines of carriages on either side, nearly filled the way ; still there reigned a strange, unaccountable stillness among the crowd, who, as if appalled by the very mystery of the scene, repressed their ordinary tumult, and waited anxiously to watch the result. "^ Among the most interested spectators were the inhabi- tants of the neighbouring houses, who saw, for the first time in their lives, their quiet quarter tlie scene of such excitement. Every window was filled with faces, all turned towards that portal which so seldom was seen to open in genei-al ; for they who dwelt there had been more remarkable for the retirement and privacy of their habits than for aught else. At each arrival the crowd separated to permit the equipage to approach the gate ; and then might be heard the low murmur — for it was no louder — of " Ha ! that's Lasalle. See the mark of the sabre-wound on his cheek ! " Or, " Here comes Augereau ! You'd never think that handsome fellow, with the soft eye, could be such a tiger." "Place there! place for Colonel Savary ! " "Ah, dark Savary ! we all know him." Stirring as was the scene without, it was far inferior to the excitement that prevailed witliin the walls. There, every path and avenue that led to the villa were thronged with military men, walking or standing together in groups, conversing eagerly, and with anxious looks, but cautiously withal, and as though half fearing to be over- heard. Through the windows of the villa might be seen servants passing and repassing in haste, arranging the preparations for a magnificent dejeuner' — for on that morning the generals of division and the principal military men in Paris were invited to breakfast with one of their most distinguished companions — General Buonapai-te. Since his return from Egypt, Buonaparte had been living 830 HORACE TEMPLETON a life of apparent privacy and estrangement from all public affairs. The circumstances under which lie had quitted the army under his command — the unauthorized mode of his entry into France, without recall, without even per- mission — had caused his friends considerable uneasiness on his behalf, and nothing short of the unobtrusive and simple habits he maintained had probably saved him from, being called on to account for his conduct. They, however, who themselves were pursuing the career of anibition were better satisfied to see him thus, than hazard anything by so bold an expedient. They believed that he was only great at the head of his legions ; and they felt a triumphant pleasure at the obscurity into which the victor of Lodi and the Pyramids had fallen when measured with themselves. They witnessed, then, with sincere satisfaction the seeming indolence of his present life. They watched him in those soirees which Madame Buonaparte gave, enjoying his repose with such thorough delight — those delightful evenings, the most brilliant for all that wit, intellect, and beaaty can bestow ; which Talleyrand and Sieyes, Fouche, Carnot, Lemercier, and a host of others frequented ; and they dreamed that his hour of ambition was over, and that he had fallen into the in- glorious indolence of the retired soldier. While the greater number of the guests strolled list- lessly througli the little park, a small group sat in the vestibule of the villa, whose looks of impatience were ever turned towards the door from which their host was expected to enter. One of those was a tall, slight man, with a high but narrow forehead, dark eyes, deeply buried in his head, and overshadowed by long, heavy lashes ; his face was pale, and evinced evident signs of uneasiness, as he listened, without ever speaking, to those about him. This was General Moreau. He was dressed in the uniform of a General of the day : the broad-skirted, embroidered coat, the half-boot, the embroidered tricolour scarf, and a chnpeau with a deep feather trimming — a simple, but a handsome costtime, and which well became his well-formed figure. Beside him sat a large, powerfully-built man, whose long black hair, descending in loose curls on his HORACE TEMPLETON. 331 neck and back, as well as the jet-black bi^illiancy of liis eye and deep olive complexion, bespoke a native of the South. Though his dress was like Moreau's, there was a careless jauntiness in his air, and a reckless abandon in his manner, that gave the costume a character totally diiferent. The very negligence of his scarf-knot was a type of himself; and his thickly-uttered French, inter- spersed here and there with Italian phrases, showed that Muiat cared little'T.o cull his words. At his left was a hard-featured, stern-looking man, in the uniform of the Dragoons — this was Andreossy ; and opposite, and leaning on a sofa, was General Lannes. He was pale and sickly ; he had risen from a bed of illness to be present, and lay with half-closed lids, neither noticing nor taking interest in what went on about him. At the window stood Marmont, conversing with a slight but handsome youth, in the uniform of the Chasseurs. Eugene Beauharnois was then but twenty-two, but even at that early age displayed the soldier-like ardour which so eminently distinguished hini in after-life. At length the door of the salon opened, and Buonaparte, dressed in the style of the period, appeared ; his cheeks were sunk and thin ; his hair, long, flat, and silky, hung straight down at either side of his pale and handsome face, in which now one faint tinge of colour marked either cheek. He saluted the rest with a warm shake of the hand, and then stooping down, said to Murat, — " But Bernadotte — where is he ? " "Yonder," said Murat, carelessly pointing to a group outside the terrace, where a tall, fine-looking man, dressed in plain clothes, and without any indication of the soldier in his costume, stood in the midst of a knot of officers. " Ha ! General," said Napoleon, advancing towards him ; " you ai'e not in uniform. How comes this ?" " I ain not on service," was the cold reply. "No, but you soon shall be," said Buonaparte, with an effort at cordiality of manner. " I do not anticipate it," rejoined Bernadotte, with an expression at once firm and menacing. 382 HORACE TEMPLETON. Buonaparte drew liim to one side gently, and wliile lie placed bis arm within his, spoke to him with eagerness and energy for several minutes ; but a cold shako of the bead, without one word in reply, was all that be could obtain. "What!" exclaimed Buonaparte, aloud, so that even the others beard him — " what ! are you not convinced of it ? Will not this Directory annihilate the Revolution ? have we a moment to lose ? The Council of Ancients are met to appoint me Commander-in-chief of the Army ; — go, put on your uniform, and join me at once." " I will not join a rebellion," was the insolent reply. Buonaparte shrunk back and dropped his arm, then rallying in a moment, added, — " 'Tis well ; you'll at least remain here until the decree of the Council is issued." "Am I, then, a prisoner ? " said Bernadotte, with aloud voice. " I^o, no ; there is no question of that kind : but pledge me your honour to undertake nothing adverse to me in this aflfair." " As a mere citizen, I will not do so," replied the other; " but if I am ordered by a sufficient authority, I warn you." " What do you mean, then, as a mere citizen ? " '• That I will not go forth into the streets, to stir up the populace ; nor into the barracks, to harangue the soldiers." "Enough ; I am satisfied. As for myself, I only desire to rescue the Republic ; that done, I shall retire to Mal- maison, and live peacefully," A smile of a doubtful but sardonic character passed over Bernadotte's features as he heard these words, while he turned coldly away, and walked towards the gate. "What, Augereau ! thou here?" said he, as he passed along, and with a contemptuous shrug he moved forward, and soon gained the street. And truly, it seemed strange that he, the fiercest of the Jacobins, the General who made his army assemble in clubs and knots to deliberate during the campaign of Italy, that he should now lend himself to uphold the power of Buonaparte ! HORACE TEMPLETON. 383 Meanwhile, tlie salons were crowded in every pnrt, parfy succeeding party at the tables; where, amid tlie clattering of the breakfast and the clinking of glasses, the conver- sation swelled into a loud and continued din. Fouche, Bei'thier, and Talleyrand were also to be seen, distinguish- able by their dress, among the militaiy uniforms; and here now might be heard the mingled doubts and fears, the hopes and dreads of each, as to the coming eveiits ; and many watched the pale, care-worn face of Bourienne, the secretary of Buonaparte, as if to read in his features the chances of success ; while the General himself went from room to room, chatting confidentially with each in turn, recapitulating as he went the phrase, " The country is in danger ! " and exhorting all to be patient, and wait calmly for the decision of the Council, which could not, now, be long of coming. As they were still at table, M. Garnet, the deputation of the Council, entered, and delivered into Buonaparte's hands the sealed packet, from which he announced to the assembly that the legislative bodies had been removed, to St. Cloud, to avoid the interruption of popular clamour, and that lie. General Buonaparte, was named Commander-in-chief of the Array, and intrusted with the execution of the decree. This first step had been effected by the skilful agency of Sieyes and Roger Duces, who spent the whole of the preceding night in issuing the summonses for a meeting of the Council to such as they knew to be friendly to the cause they advocated. All the others received theirs too late ; forty-two only were present at the meeting, and by that fragment of the Council the decree was passed. When Buonaparte had read the document to the end, he looked around him on the fierce, detei'mined faces, bronzed and seared in many a battle-field, and said, "My brothers in arms, will you stand by me here ? " "We will ! we will! " shouted they, with one roar of enthusiasm. "And thou, Lefebvre, did I hear thy voice there ? " "Yes, General ; to the death I'm yours." Buonaparte unbuckled the sabre he wore at his side, and 334 HOEACE TEMPLETON. placing it in Lefebvre's hands, said, " I wore this at the Pyramids ; it is a fitting present from one soldier to anothei'. I^ow, then, to horse ! " The splendid cortege moved along the grassy alleys to the gate, outside which, now, three regiments of cavalry and three battalions of the 17th were drawn up. Never was a Sovereign, in all his pride of power, surrounded with a more gorgeous staff". The conquerors of Italy, Ger- many, and Egypt, the greatest warriors of Europe, were there grouped around him — whose glorious star, even then, shone bright above him. Scarcely had Buonaparte issued forth into the street than, raising his hat above his head, he called aloud, •' Vive la Republique ! " The troops caught up the cry, and the air rang with the wild cheers. At the head of this force, surrounded by the generals, he rode slowly along towards the Tuileries, at the entrance to the gardens of which stood Garnet, dressed in his robe of senator-in-waiting, to receive him. Four colonels, his aides-de-camp, marched in front of Buonaparte, as he entered the Hall of the Ancients — his walk was slow and measured, and his air studiously respectful. The decree being read, General Buonaparte replied in a few broken phrases, expressive of his sense of the confi- dence reposed in him ; the words came with difficulty, and he spoke like one abashed and confused. He was no longer in front of his armed lej^ions, whose war-worn looks inspired the burning eloquence of the camp — those flashing images, those daring flights, suited not the cold assembly, in whose presence he now stood — and he was ill at ease and disconcerted. It was only, at length, when turning to the generals who pressed on after him, he addressed the following words, that his confidence in himself came back, and that he felt himself once more, — • " This is the Republic we desire to have — and this W9 shall have ; for it is the wish of those who now stand around me." The cries of "Vive la Eepublique!" burst from the officers at once as they waved their cliapeaux in the air, mingled with louder shouts of " Vive le Generall" HORACE TEMPLETON. 835 If the great events of the day were now over with the Council, they had only begun with Buonaparte. " Whither now, General ? " said Lefebvre, as he rode to his side. "To the guillotine, I suppose," said Andreossy, with a look of sarcasm. "We shall see that," was the cold answer ofBuona- parte, while he gave the word to push forward to the Luxembourg. This was but th"e prologue, and now began the great drama — the greatest, whether for its interest or its actors, that ever the world has been called to witness. We all know the sequel, if sequel that can be called which our own days would imply is bat the prologue of the piece 330 HORACE TEMPLETON. CHAPTER XXIIL Villa Salviati, near Florence. I HATE had a nioht of ghostly dreams and horrors ; the imagination of Monk Lewis, or, worse, of Hoffman him- self, never conceived anything so diabolical. H., who visited me last evening, by way of interesting me, related the incidents of a dreadful murder enacted in the very room I slept in. There was a reality oiven to the narra- tive by the presence of the scene itself — the ancient hang- ings still on the wails — the antique chairs and cabinets standing as they had done when the deed of blood took place ; but, more than all, by the marble bust of the murderess herself: for it was a woman, singularly beau- tiful, young, and of the highest rank, who enacted it. The story is this : — The Villa, which originally was in possession of the Medici family, and subsequently of the Strozzi's, was afterwards pui-chased by Count Juliano, one of the most distinguished of the Florentine nobility. With every personal advantage — youth, high station, and immense wealth — he was married to one his equal in every respect, and might thus have seemed an exception to the lot of humanity, his life realizing, as it were, every possible element of happiness. Still, he was not happy ; amid all the voluptuous enjoyments of a life passed in successive pleasures, the clouded brow and drooping eye told that some secret sorrow preyed upon him, and that his gay doublet, in all its bravei'y, covered a sad and sorrowing heart. His depression was generally attributed to the fact that, although now married three years, no child had been born to their union, or any likelihood that he should leave an heir to his great name and fortune. Not even HORACE TEMPLETON. 337 to Ms nearest friends, however, did any confession admit this cause of sorrow ; nor to the Countess, when herself lamenting over her childless lot, did he seem to show any participation in the grief. The love of solitude, the desire to escape from all society, and pass hours, almost days, alone in a tower, the only admittance to which was by a stair from his own chamber, had now grown upon him to that extent, that his absence was regarded as a common occurrence by the^ guests of the castle, nor even excited a passing notice from any one. If others ceased to speculate on the Count's sorrow, and the daily aversion he exhibited to mixing with the world, the Countess grew more and more eager to discover the source. All her blandishments to win his secret from him were, however, in vain ; vague answers, evasive replies, or direct refusals to be interro- gated, were all that she met with, and the subject was at length abandoned — at least by these means. Accident, however, disclosed what all her artifice had failed in — the key of the secret passage to the tower, and which the Count never entrusted to any one, fell from his pocket one day, -when riding from the door ; the Countess eagerly seized it, and guessing at once to what it belonged, hastened to the Count's chamber. The surmise was soon found to be correct ; in a few moments she had entered the winding stairs, passing up which, she reached a small octagon chamber at the sum- mit of the tower. Scarcely had her eager eyes been thrown around the room, when they fell upon a little bed, almost concealed beneath a heavy canopy of silk, gorgeously embroidered with the Count's armorial bearings. Draw- ing rudely aside the hangings, she beheld the sleeping figure of a little boy, who, even in his infantine features, recalled the handsome traits of her husband's face. The child started and awoke with the noise, and looking wildly up, cried out, " Papa ; " and then suddenly changing his utterance, said, " Mamma," Almost imme- diately, however, discovering his error, he searched with anxious eyes around the chamber for those be was wont to see beside him. 338 HOE ACE TEMPLETON. "Who are you?" said tlie Countess, in a voice that trembled with the most terrible conflict of teri'or and jealousy, excited to the verge of madness. "Who are " II Conte Juliano," said the child, haughtily ; and showing at the same time a little medallion of gold em- broidered on his coat, and displaying the family arms of the Julianos. " Come with me, then, and see your father's castle," said the Countess ; and she lifted him from the bed, and led him down the steps of the steep stairs into her hus- band's chamber. It was the custom of the period that the lady, no matter how exalted her rank, should with her own hands arrange the linen which composed her husband's toilet, and this service was never permitted to be discharged by any less exalted member of the household. When the Count returned, toward night-fall, he hastened to his room — an invitation, or command, to dine at the Court that day compelling him to dress with all speed. He asked for the Countess as he passed up the stairs, but paid no attention to the reply, for as he entered his chamber he found she had already performed the accustomed office, and that the silver basket, with its snow-white contents, lay ready to his hand. With eager haste he proceeded to dress, and took up the embroidered shirt before him. When, horror of horrors ! there lay beneath it the head of his child, severed from the body, still warm and bleeding — the dark eyes glaring as if with but half-extinguished life, the lips parted as if yet breath- ing ! One cry of shrill and shrieking madness was heard through every vaulted chamber of that vast castle ; the echoes were still ringing with it as the maddened father tore wildly from chamber to chamber in search of the murderess. She had quitted the castle on horseback two hours before. Mounting his swiftest horse he fol- lowed her from castle to castle ; the dreadful chase con- tinued through the night and the next day ; a few hours of terrible slumber refreshed him again to pursue her; and thus he wandered over the Apennines and the vast HORACE TEMPLETON. 839 plain byond them, days, weeks, months long, till in a wild conflict of his baffled vengeaucc and insanity he died ! She was never heard of more ! Such is the horrid story of the chamber in which I sit ; her bust, that of a lovely and gentle girl, fast entering into womanhood, is now before me; the forehead and the brows are singularly fine ; the mouth alone i-eveals any- thing of the terrible nature within ; the lips are firm and compressed — the under one drawn slightly — very slightly — backward. The head itself is low, and for the comfort of phi'eiiologist's, sadly deficient in " veneration." The whole character of the face is, however, beautilul. and of a classic order. It is horrible to connect the identity with a tale of blood. With this terrible tragedy still dwelling on my mind, and the features of her who enacted it, I fell asleep. The room in which I lay had witnessed the deed. The low portal in the corner, concealed behind the arras, led to the stairs of the tower ; the deep window in the massive wall looked out upon the swelling landscape over which she fled, and he, in mad fury, pursued her: these were enough to seize and hold the mind, and, blending the actual with the past, to make up a vision of palpable reality. Oftentimes did I start from sleep. 'Now, it was the fancy of a foot upon the tower stair; now, a child's fairy step upon the terrace ovei-head ; now, I heard, in imagination, the one wild, fearful cry, uttei'ed as if the reeling senses could endure no more! At last I found it better to rise and sit by the window, so overwrought and excited had my brain become. Day was breaking, not in the cold grey of a noi'thern dawn, but in a rich glow of violet-coloured light, which, warmer on the mountain- tops, gradually merged into a faint pinkish hue upon the lesser hills, and became still fainter in the vallevs and over the city itself. A light, gauzy mist tracked out in the air the course of the Arno ; but so trail was this curtain that the sun's i-ays were already rending and scHttering its fragments, giving through the breaches bright peeps of villas, churches, and villages on tho moaiitain sides: the great dome, too, rose up in solemn z 2 340 EOKACE TEMPLETON. grandeur ; and the tall tower of Santa Croce stood, sentinel like, over the sleeping' city. Already the low sounds of labour, awakening to its daily call, were heard ; the distant rumbling of the heavy waggon, the crashing noise of branches, as the olive-trees beside the road brushed against the lumbering teams ; and, farther off, the cheering voices of the boatmen, whose fast barques were hurrying along the rapid Arno ; — all pleasant sounds, for they spoke of life and movement, of active minds and labouring hands, the only bulwarks against the corroding thoughts that eat into the sluggi&h soul of indolence. For this fair scene — these fresh and balmy odours — this brilliant blending of blue sky and rosy earth, I could unsay all tliat I have said ot Florence, and own that it is beautiful ! I could wish to sit here many mornings to come, and enjoy this prospect as now I do. Vain thought ! as if I could follow my mind to the contemplation of the fair scene, and so rove away in fancy to ail that I have dreamed of, have loved and cared for, have trusted and been deceived in ! I must be up and stirring — my time grows briefer. This hand, whose blue veins stand out like knotted cordage, is fearfully attenuated ; another day or two, perhaps, the pen will be too much fatigue ; and I have still '" Good- bye," to say to many — friends ? — ay, the word will serve as well as another, I have letters to write — some to read over once again ; some to burn without reading. This kind of occupation — this " setting one's house in order " for the last time — is like a rapid survey taken of a whole life, a species of overture, in which fragments of cwerj air of the piece enter, the gay and cheerful succeeded by the sad and plaintive, so fast as almost to blend the tones together ; and is not this mingled strain the very chord that sounds through human life ? Here, then, for my letter-box. What have we here? — a letter from the Marquis of D , when he believed him- self high in Ministerial favour, and in a position to confer praise or censure : HORACE TEMPLETON. 341 "Carlton Club. " Dear Tempt, " Your speech was admirable — first-rate ; the quotation from Horace, the neatest thing I ever heard ; and as- tonishing, because so palpably unpremeditated. Every one I've met is delighted, and all say that, with courage and the resolve to succeed, the prize is your own. I go to Ireland, they s*ay, or Paris. The latter if I can ; the former if I must. In either case, will you promise to come with me? The assurance of this would be a vei'y great relief to " Yours truly, "D ." What have we pinned to ihe back of this? Oh, a few lines in pencil from Sir C S -, received, I see, the same evening. " Dear T., " Sir H is not pleased with your speech, although he owns it was clever. The levity he disliked, because he will not give D any pretence for continuing this system of peisonnlities. The bit of Horace had been better omitted ; Canning nsed the same lines once before, and the rechaiijje — if it were such — was poor. The Mar- quis of D was twice at Downing Street, to say that he had 'crammed' you. This, of course, no one believes; but he takes the merit of your speech to himself, and claims high reward in consequence. He asks for an I.inbassy ! This is what Lord L calls 'too bad.' Come over to-morrow before twelve o'clock. " Believe me yours, " C S ." Another of the same date : — *' Go in and win, old boy ! You've made capital running, and for the start too — distanced the knowing 342 HORACE TEMPLETON. ones, and no mistake ! The odds are seven to four that you're in the Cabinet before the Dtrby day. I've taken equal fii'ties that Tramp wins the Goodwood, and that you're in — double event. So look out sharp, and don't baulk " Tours ever, " Frank Lushington." A fourth, tied in the same piece of ribbon : — "Wilton Crescent. •' Dear Friend, " We have just heard of your success. Brilliant and fascinating as it must be, do not forget those who long to share your triumph. Come over here at once. We waited supper till two ; and now we are sitting here, ■watching every carriaoe, and opening tlie window at every noise in the street. Come then, and quickly. " Augusta Beverly." And here is the last of the batch :— " The D of B presents his compliments to Mr. Templeton, and begs to inform him that his ' ancestor was not the Marquis of T' who conducted the negotia- tions at Malaga;' neither were 'thirty thousand pounds voted by the last Parliament to the family by way of secret service for parliamentary support,' but in com- pensation for two patent offices abolished — Inspectorship of Grold Mines, and Ordnance Comptrollership. And, lastly, that ' Infiimous speech,' so pathetically alluded to, was made at a private theatrical meeting at Lord Mud- bury 's, in Kent, and not ' on the hustings,' as Mr. T. has asserted." So much for one event, and in itself a trivial one ! Who shall say that any act of his life is capable of ex- citing even an approach to unanimous praise or censure? This speech, w-hich on one side won me the adhesion of some half-dozeu clubs, the praise of a large body of the HORACE TEMPLETON. 343 Upper House, the softest words that the "beauty of the season" condescended to utter, brought me, on the other, the coldness of the Minister, the chilling civility of mock admiration, and lost me the friendship — in House of Commons parlance — of the leading member of the Govern- ment ! And here is a strange, square-shaped epistle, signed in the corner " Martin Havei-stock." This rough-looking note was my firgt step in Diplomacy ! I was a very young attache to the mission at Florence, when, on re- turning to England through Milan, I was robbed of my trunk, and with it of all the money I possessed for my journey. It was taken by a process very well known ia Italy, being cut off from the back of the carriage, not improbably, with the concurrence of the driver. How- ever that might be, I arrived at the "Angelo d'Oro" without a sou. Having ordered a room, I sat down by myself, hungiy and penniless, not having a single acquaintance at Milan, nor the slightest idea how to act in the emergency. My very passport was gone, so that I had actually nothing to authenticate my position — not even my name. I sent for the landlord, who, after a very cold interview, referred me to the Consul ; but the Consul had on that very morning left the city for Verona, so that his aid was cut off. My last resource — my only one, indeed — was to write to Florence for money, and wait for the answer. This was a delay of seven, possibly of eight, days, but it was unavoidable. This done, I ordered supper — a very humble one too, and befitting the condition of one who had not where- withal to pay for it. I i^emember still the sense of shame I felt as the waiter, on entering, looked around for my luggage, and saw neither trunk nor carpet-bag — not even a hat-box. I thought — nay, there could be no mistake about it, it was quite clear — he laid the table with a certain air of cai'eless and noisy indifference that bespoke his contempt. The very bang of the door as he went out was a whole narrative of my purselcss state. I had been very hungry when I ordered the meal, I 844 HOEACE TEMPLETON. Lad not tasted food for several hours, and yet now I could not eat a morsel; chagrin and shame had routed all appetite, and I sat looking at the table, and almost wonder, ing why the dishes were there. I thought of all the kind friends far away, who would have been so delighted to assist me ; who, at that very hour perhaps, were speaking of me aflPectionately ; and yet I had not one near, even to speak a word of counsel, or say one syllable of encourage- ment. It was not, it may well be believed, the moneyed loss that afflicted me — the sum was neither large, nor did I care for it. It was the utter desolation, and the sense of dependence that galled me — a feeling whose painful tortures, even temporary as they were, I cannot, at this hour, eradicate from my memoiy. Had I been left enough to continue my journey in the vei'y humblest way, on foot even, it would have been hap- piness compared with what I felt. I arose at last from the table, where the untasted food still stood, and strolled out into the streets. I wandered about listlessly, not even feeling that amusement the newly seen objects of a great city almost always confer, and it was late when I turned back to the inn. As I entei'ed, a man was standing talk- ing with the master of the house, who, in his broken English, said, as I passed, "There he is!" I at once suspected that my sad adventure had been the subject of conversa- tion, and hurried up the stairs to hide my shame. In my haste, however, I forgot my key at the porter's lodge, and was obliged to go back to fetch it. On doing so, I met on the stairs a large coarse-looking man, with a florid face, and an air of rough but of simple good-nature in his countenance. " You are a countryman, I believe?" said he in English. " Well, I've just heard of what has hap- pened to you. The rascals tried the same trick with me at Modena ; but I had an iron chain around my trunk, and as they were baulked, and while they were rattling at it, I got a shot at one of them with a pistol — not to hurt the devil, for it was only duck-shot ; not a bullet, you know. Where's your room ? — is this it ?" I hesitated to reply, strange enough ; though he showed that he was well aware of all my loss. I felt ashamed to HOEACE TEMPLETON. 845 show that I bad no baggage, nor anything belonging to me. He seemed to guess what passed in my miud, and said, — " Bless your heart, sir, never mind me. I know the rogues have stripped you of all you had ; but I want to talk to you about it, and see what is best to be done." This gave me courage. I unlocked the door, and showed him iu. " I suspected how it was," said he, looking at the table, where the dishes fftood untouched ; "you could not eat by yourself, nor I either: so come along with me, and we'll have a bit of supper together, and chat over your business afterwards." Perhaps I might have declined a more polished invita- tion ; whether or not, it was of no use to reiuse him, for he would not accept an excuse ; and down we went to his chamber, and supped together. Unlike my slender meal, his was excellent, and the wine first-rate. He made me tell him about the loss of my trunk, twice over, I believe ; and then he moralized a great deal about the rascality of the Continent generally, and Italy in particular, which, however, he remembered, could not be wondered at, seeing that three-fourths of the population of every rank did nothing but idle all day long. After that he inquired whether I had any pursuit myself ; and although pleased when I said " Yes," his gratitication became sensibly diminished on learning the nature of the employment. "I may be wrong," said he, "but I have always taken it that you diplomatic folk were little better than spies in gold-laced coats — fellows that were sent to pump sovereigns and bribe their ministers." I took a deal of pains, " for the honour of the line," to undeceive him ; and, whether I perfectly succeeded or not, I certainly secured his favour towards myself, for, before we parted, it was all settled that 1 was to travel back with him to England, he having a carriage and a strong purse, and that he was to be my banker in all respects till I reached my friends. As we journeyed along through France, where my knowledge of the language and the people seemed to give 346 HORACE TEMPLETON. tlie greatest pleasure to my companion, he informed me that he was a farmer near ISTottingham, and had come abroad to try and secure an inheritance bequeathed to hiai by a brother, who for several yeai-s had been partner in a great silk factory near Piacenza. In this he had only partly succeeded, the Government having thrown all possible obstructions in his way ; still he was carrying back with him nearly twenty thousand pounds — a snug thing, as he said, for his little girl, for he was a widower with an only child. Of Amy he would talk for hours — ay, days long ! It was a theme of which he never wearied. According to him, she was a pai'agon of beauty and accomplishments. She had been for some time at a boarding-school at Brighton, and was the pride of the establishmeni;. " Oh, if I could only show her to you ! " said he. "But why couldn't I? what's to prevent it? When yon get to England and see your friends, what difficulty would there be in coming down to Hodley for a week or two ? If you like riding, the Duke himself at Retton Park has not two better bred ones in his stable than I have ! " No need to multiply his arguments and inducements : I agreed to go, not only to, but actually with, him — the frank good-natui-e of his character won on me at every moment, and long before we arrived at Calais I had conceived for him the strongest sentiments of aflPection. From the moment he touched English ground his enthusiasm rose beyond all bounds ; delighted to be once back again in his own. country, and travelling the well- known road to his own home, he was elated like a school- boy. It was never an easy thing for me to resist the infectious influence of any temperament near me, whether its mood was grave or gay, and I became as excited and overjoyed as himself; and I sup])ose that two exiles, returning from years of banishment, never gave themselves up to greater transports than did we at every stage of our journey. I cannot think of this without astonishment, for, in honest truth, I was all my life attached to the Continent — fi^onr my earliest experience I had preferred the habits and customs to our own, and yet, such was the HORACE TEMPLETON. 347 easy and unyielding compliance of my nature, that I actually fancied that my Anglo-mania was as gi'eat as his own. At last we reached Hodley, and drove up a fine, trimly- kept gravel avenue, through several meadows, to a long comfortable-looking farmhouse, at the door of which, in expectant delight, stood Amy herself. In the oft-renewed embraces she gave her father I had time to remark her well, and could see that she was a fine, blue-eyed, faii'- haired, handsome g1id — a very flattering specimen of that good Saxon stock we are so justly proud of; and if not all her father's partiality deemed as regarded ladylike air and style, she was perfectly free from anything like pre- tension or any affectation whatever. This was my first impression: subsequent acquaintance strengthened it. In fact, the Brio-hton boarding'-school had done no mischief to her ; she had not learned a great deal by her two years residence, but she had not brought back any toadying subserviency to the more nobly born, any depreciating sense of her former companions, or any contempt for the thatched farmhouse at Hodley and its honest owner. If our daily life at the farm was very unvarying, it was exceedingly pleasurable; we rose early, and I accompanied Martin into the fields with the workmen, where we remained till breakfast. After which I usually betook myself to a little brook, where there was excellent fishing, and where, her household duties over. Amy joined me. We dined about two ; and in the afternoon we — that is, Amy and myself — rode out together ; and as we were admirably mounted, and she a capital horsewoman, usually took a scamper "cross country," whenever the fences were not too big and the turf inviting. Home to tea, and a walk afterwards through the green lanes and mossy paths of the neighboui'hood, filled the day; and however little exciting the catalogue of pursuits, when did I feel time pass so swiftly ? Let me be honest and avow that the position I enjoyed had its peculiar flattery. There was through all their friendship a kind of deferential respect — a sense of looking up to me, which I was young enough to be wonderfully taken by : and my experiences at 348 HORACE TEMPLETON. Foreign Courts — which Heaven knows were few and meagre enough — had elevated me in their eyes into some- thing hke Lord AVhitworth or Lord Castlereagh j and I really believe that all the pleasure my stories and descrip- tions afforded was inferior to the delight they experienced in seeing the narrator, and occasionally the actor, in the scenes described, their own guest at their own table. It was while revelling in the fullest enjoyment of this pleasant life that I received a Foreign ( ffice letter, in reply to ail application I liad made tor promotion, rejecting my request, and coolly commanding my immediate return to Florence. These missives were not thi-:gs to disobej-, and it was in no very joyful mood I broke the tidings to my host. " What's it worth ?" said Martin, abruptly. " Oh, in point of money," said I, "the appointments are poor things. It is only that there are some good prizes in the wheel, and, whether one is lucky enough to gain them or not, even Hope is something. Mj salary is not quite two hundred a year ! " ]\Lirtin gave a long, low whistle, and said, — " Why, dang it ! my poor brother George, that's gone, had six hundred when he went out as inspector over that silk factory! Two hundred a year!" mused he ; "and what do you get at your next promotion ? " " That is not quite certain. I might be named aifaelie at Vienna, which would, perhaps, give me one hundred more — or, if I had the good fortune to win the Minister's favour, I might be made a secretary at some small lega- tion and have five hundred — that is, however, a piece of luck not to be thought of" "Well, I'm sure," sighed Martin; "I'm no judge of the>e matters ; but it strikes me that's very poor pay, and that a man like myself, who has his ten or twelve hundreds a year — fifteen in good seasons — is better off than the great folk dining with kings or emperors." "Of course you are," said I; "who doubts it? But we must all do something. England is not a country where idleness is honourable." "Why not turn farmer?" said Martin, energetically; " you'd soon learn the crait. I've not met any one this fiORA.CE TEMPLETON. 849 many a year picks -up tlie knowledge about it like yourself. Yoa seem to like the life too." " If you mean such as I live now, I delight in it." " Do you, my dear boy? " cried he, grasping my hand, and squeezing it between both his own. " If so, then never leave us. You shall live with us — we'll take that great piece of land there near the haugh — I've had an eye on it for years back; there's a sheep run there as fine as any in Europe. I'Jl lay down the whole of those two fields into meadow, and keep the green crops to the back altogether. Such partridge-shooting we Avill have there yet. In winter, too, the Duke's hounds meet twice a-week. I've got such a strapping three-yeai'-old — you haven't seen him, but he'll be a clipper. Well, don't say nay. You'll stay and marry Amy. I'll give her twenty thousand down, and leave you all I have afterwards." This was poured forth in such a voluble strain that an interruption was impossible; and at last, when over, the speaker stood with tearful eyes gazing on me, as if on my reply his very existence was hanging. Surprise and gratitude for the unbounded confidence he had shown in me were my first sensations, soon to be fol- lowed by a hundi-ed other conflicting and jar-ring ones. I should shame — even now, after years have gone by — to own to some of these. Alas ! our very natures are at the mercy of the ordinances we ourselves have framed ; and the savage red man yields not more devotion to the idol he has carved than do we to the fashion we have made our Deity ! I thought of the Lady Georginas and Caro- lines of my acquaintance, and grew ashamed of Amy Haverstock ! If I had loved, this I am sure would not have been the case, but I cannot acquit myself that pi'inciple and good feeling should not have been sufiicient without love ! Whether from the length of time in which I remained without answering, or that in my confusion he read something adverse to his wishes, but Martin grew scarlet, and in a voice full of emotion said, — " There, Mr. Templeton, enough said. I see it will not do — there's no need of explaining. I was a fool, that's all ! " 350 HORACE TEMPLETON, " Bat will you not let me, at least, reflect ? " " No, sir ; not a second. If my oflPer was not as frankly taken as made— ay, and on the instant too — I am only the more ashamed for ever making it : but there's an end on't. If you would be as good friends parting with me as we have been hitherto, never speak of this again." And so saying, Martin turned on his heel and walked hastily away. I followed him after a second, but he waved me bfick with his hand, and I was forced to comply. That day Amy and I dined alone together. Her father, she said, " had got a bad headache ; " and this she said with such evident candour, it was clear she knew nothing of our interview. The dinner was to me, at least, a very consti-ained aflf-iir ; nor were my sensations rendered easier as she said, " My father tells me that you are obliged to leave us this evening, Mr. Templeton. I'm very sorry for it ; but I hope we'll meet soon again." We did not meet soon again, or ever. I left the farm that night for London. Martin came to the door from his bed to wish me good-bye. He looked vei'y ill, and only Bpoke a few words. His shake-hands was, however, hearty ; and his " God bless you," uttered with kind meaning. 1 have never seen that neighbourhood since. It was about two years after that I received a letter — the very one now befoi'e me — superscribed Martin Haver- stock. It was brief, and to this eft'ect : — The Secretary for Foreign Affairs being a candidate for the representa- tion in Parliament of the county in which Martin held a large stake, had, in acknowledgment of his friend Mr. Haverstock's exertions in his support, been only too happy to consider the application made respecting Mr. H.'s young friend, who, by the next Gazette, would be announced for promotion. And thus I was made Secretary of Legation at Studt- gart ! There was a postscript to Martin's letter, which filled me with strange and varying emotions : — "Amy is sorry that her baby is a little girl ; she'd like to have called it • Horace.' " HORACE TEMPLETON. 851 This packet I need not open. The envelope is super- scribed, " Hints and Mems for H. T. during his Residence at the Court of M ." They were given in a series of letters from old Lord H , who had long been a resi- dent Minister there, and knew the people thoroughly. 1 followed, very implicitly too, the counsels he gave, and was said to have acquitted myself well, for I was cliarqe d'affaires. But what absurdity it is to suppose that any exclusive information is ever obtainable by a Minister, except when the GFbvernment itself is disposed to aflTord it ! I remember well, the spy we employed was also in the pay of the French Embassy. He was a Sardinian, and had spent some years of bis life an Austrian prisoner in a fortress. We all believed, whatever the fellow's sentiments on other subjects, that he was a profound hater of Austria. Well, it turned out that he sold us all to Metternich. Old Sir Robert W used to say to his attaclies, *' Never tell me secrets, but whenever anything is publicly discussed in the clubs and cafes, let me hear it." In the same way, he always rejected the authenticity of any revelations where Talleyrand, or Metternich, or Pozzo di Borgo's names appeared. " These men," he always used to say, " were their own confidants, and never leaked save to serve a purpose." It was from Sir Robert T heard a story first, which has since, I believe, been fully corrobo- rated. An under-secretary of Talleyrand, during the Prince's residence as French ambassador at St. James's, informed his Excellency one morning that a very tempt- ing offer had been made to him if he would disclose the contents of his master's writing-desk. He had not accepted nor altogether declined the proposal, wishing to know from the Prince how it might be made available to his plans, and whether a direct accusation of the author, a person of high station, would be deemed advisable. Talleyrand merely said, "Take the money; the middle board of the drawer in my secretary is removable by a very simple contrivance, which I'll show you. I had it made so at Paris. You'll find all the papers you want there. Take copies of them." 352 HOEACE TEMPLETON. " But, Monsieur le Prince " " Pray make your mind at ease. I'll neither compro« mise myself nor you." The Secretary obeyed ; the bai'gain was perfected, and a supposed '* secret correspondence between Talleyrand and Arnim," deposited in Lord T 's hands. About a week afterwards Lord T ■ invited the Prince to pass some days at his seat in Herefordshire, where a distin- guished party was assembled. The ambassador accepted ; and they met like the most cordial of friends. When tho period of the visit drew to its conclusion, they were walk- ing one morning in the grounds together, engaged in a conversation of the most amicable candour, each vying with the other by the frankness and unreserve of his com- munications. " Come now, Prince," said Lord T— — •, *' we are, I rejoice to find, on terms which will permit any freedom. Tell me frankly, hov/ do you stand with Prussia ? Are there any understandings between you to which we must not be parties ? " " None whatever." "You say this freely and without reserve? " ** Without the slightest reserve or qualification." Lord T seemed overjoyed, and the discussion con- cluded. They dined that day together, and in the evening a large company was assembled to meet the Prince before his departure for London. As usual at T House, the party contained a great show of distinguished pei'sons, political and literary. Among the subjects of conversa- tion started was the question of how it happened that men of great literary distinction so rarely could shine as statesmen ; and that even such as by their writings evinced a deep insight into political science, were scarcely ever found to combine practical habits of business with this great theoretical talent. The discussion was amusing, because it was carried on by men who themselves occupied the highest walks in their respective careers. To arrest a somewhat warm turn of the controversy, Lord T , turning to the Prince, said, " I suppose, HORACE TEMPLETON. 353 ]\ronsieur le Prince, you have selJom been able to indulge in imaginative composition? " " Pardon me, my lord, I have from time to time dissi- pated a little in that respect ; and, if I must confess it, with a very considerable degree of amusement." The announcement, made with a most perfect air of candour, interested at once the whole company, who could not subdue their murmured expressions of surprise as to the theme seleeted by the great diplomatist. " I believe," said he, smiling, " I am in a position to gratify the present company ; for, if I mistake not, I have actually with me at this moment a brief manuscript of my latest attempt in fiction. As I am a mere amateur, without the slightest pretension to skill or ability, I feel no reluctance at exposing my efforts to the kind criticism of friends. I only make one stipulation." " Oh, pray, what is it ? anything, of course, you desire ! " was heard on every side. " It is this. I read very badly, and I would request that T , our kind host, would take upon him to read it aloud for us," Lord T was only too much flattered by the pro- posal, and the Pi-ince retired to fetch his papers, leaving the company amazed at the singularity of a scene which so little accorded with all they had ever heard of the deep and wily Minister; some of the shrewdest persons significantly observing, that the Prince was evidently verging on those years when vanity of every kind meets fewest obstacles to its display. " Here are my papers, my lord," said the Prince, enter- ing with his manuscript. " I have only to hope that they may afford to the honourable company any portion of the amusement their composition has given me." The party seated themselves round the room, and Lord T , disposing the papers on the table before him, arranged the candles, and prepared to begin, " The title of the piece is missing," said he, after a pause. " Oh, no, my lord ; " you'll find it on the envelope," replied Talleyrand. "Ah, very true; here it is!—' Secret Correspon- A A 354 HORACE TEMPLETON. dence '— — " Lord T stopped — his hands trembled — the blood left his face — and he leaned back in his chair almost fainting. " You are not ill ! — are you ill ? " broke from many voices together. "No; not in the least," said he, endeavouring to smile ; " but the Prince has been practising a bit of plaisanterie on me, -which I own has astounded me." " Won't you read it, my lord ; or shall I explain ? " "Oh, Monsieur le Prince," said Lord T , crushing the papers into his pocket, " I think you may be satis- fied ; " and with this, to the company, very mysterious excuse, his lordship abruptly retired; while Talleyrand almost immediately set out for London. The nature of the mystification was not disclosed till long afterwards ; and it is but justice to both parties to say, not by Talleyrand, but by Lord T himself. With what facility men whose whole daily life is arti- fice can be imposed on, is a very remarkable feature in all these cases. The practice of deceit would actually appear to obstruct clear-sightedness and dull the ordinary exercise of common sense. Witness that poor Dutch ambassador Fabricius, who, a few years ago, was imposed on at Paris by Boutfe, the comedian, representing himself to be the first Secretary of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and offering, for a sum of money, to confide to him the secret negotiations between M. Guizot and the Belgian Government! Fabricius, deceived by the great resemblance of Bouffe to the person he represented, agreed, and actually wrote to the King of Holland a triumphant despatch, announcing his own diplomatic dexterity. Every post saw a huge jiacket of letters to the king, containing various documents and papers ; some assuming to be in the handwriting of Guizot — some, of Nothomb — some, of the Duke of Welling- ton — and two or three of King Leopold himself. The task of undeceiving the unhappy dupe was taken by his Majesty Louis Philippe, who having, at an evening recep- tion at Neuilly, exposed his attempted corrugation, coolly turned his back and refused to receive him. HORACE TEMPLETON. 355 Another dive into this chaotic mass of reminis- cence ! A letter from poor Granthorpe, whose sad suicide remains the unexplained and unexplainable mystery of all who knew him. A man whose mind was remarkable for its being so deeply imbued with sen- timents of religious truth — whose whole life was, so to say, devotional— is found dead, the act being by his own hand ! No circumstance of domestic calamity, no pecu- niary difficulty, not even a passing derangement of health, to account for the ferrible event. Here is his note ; we were but new acquaintances at the time, and it begins, — " Dear Sir, ** From the conversation we held together lately at Lord N 's table, I believe I shall not misinterpret your sentiments by supposing that any new fact con- nected with Waterloo will interest you strongly. I there- fore enclose you a memoir, drawn up a few evenings back at W . It was begun by way of a regular relutatiou of Alison, whose views are so manifestly incorrect ; the idea of publication is, however, abandoned, and I am at liberty merely to show it to such of my friends as take a moi"e than common interest in the transaction. " Truly yours, " S. Granthoepe.'' The memoir which accompanied this is curious for two reasons : first, from its authenticity ; and, secondly, from the fact that, being dictated from beginning to end, it is as clear, as consecutive, as free from unnecessary, and as full of all necessary, detail as if the events were of a few days' back, and that no recital of them had yet been given to the world. Two or three anecdotes (new to me, at least) were interspersed here and there, not for themselves, but as circumstantially evidencing facts of some impor- tance. One, I remember, alkided to a Prussian statement by a Captain Hahnsfelder, who stated that two British guns, placed on the height above La Haye Saiute, were captured A A 2 S56 HORACE TEMPLETON. bv the French as early as eleven o'clock. The passage in th.e memoir is this: — "Untrue; these guns were in the lield at seven in the evening, in the same position in which they stood at the beginning of the battle. They are in advance of Adam's left, and were so far unprotected that the artillerymen who served them had to retire after each discharge. The Cuirassiers made several attempts to carry them off. but as orders were given that, after each fire, one wheel should be taken off each gun, the cavalry failed in their object. They tried to lasso them, but this also failed, besides losing them some men." Alison's strategy, for he went so far as to plan a cam- paign of his own, is very ably exposed, and tbe necessity of posting troops in particular distiicts clearly explained from circumstances peculiar to the localities, such as stationing the cavalry at Enghein, where alone foraa:e was procurable. The controversy, if it can be so called, is worthless. They whose opinions are alone valuable are exactly the persons who will not speak on the subject. A strange-looking letter is this from C , enclosino- the proof of a paper I wrote on Irish Educational matters, yery laconic and editorial : — " Dear T., "Ton are all wrong:: as blue and vellow, when mixed, form green, so will your Protestant and Papist Leaeue make nothing but rampant infidelity. In any great State scheme of education there must be one grand standard of obedience — the Bible is the only one I've heard of yet. ^eep this one, then, till you hear of betttr. " Yours, "H. C." Another of the same hand :— ** H ■ desires me to inclose you these two letters : Jne I know is an introduction to Guizot ; the other, I suppose, to be * Ein emptehlungs Brief ' to the ' GraSn.' Take care to say as little as possible to the one, and to HORACE TE.MPLETOJJ. 857 have, in Irish parlance, as little as possible ' to say ' to the ether. At Paris you want no cruidauce ; and at Vienna the Abbe Discot is your man. Coloredo is out of favour for the moment ; but he can afford to wait, and, waiting, to win. Be assiduous in your visits at B y's ; and •when the Countess affects ignorance, let us always hear from yon. *' Yours ever, "H. C." This is a very rose-coloured and rose-odoured docu- ment : — " Dear Mr. Templeton, " I have to make two thousand excuses ; one each for two indiscretions, I believed I had your box at the Opera for last evening ; and I also fancied — think of my absurdity ! — that the bouquet of camellias left there was meant for me. Pray forgive me ; or, rather, ask the fair lady who came in at the ballet to forgive me. I never cau think of the incident without shame and self-reproach; du reste, it has given me the opportunity of knowing that your taste in beauty equals your judgment in flowers. " Tery much yours, " Helix Collttos. " Sir H bids me say that he expects you on Wed- nesday. We dine earlier, as the Admiral goes on board in the evening:." D* This was an absurd incident ; and, trivially as it is touched on here, made of that same Lady CoDyton a very dangerous enemy to me. Tills is not a specimen of caligraphy, certainly :^ " IS you promise neither to talk of the Catholic Ques- tion, the Kildare Place Society, nor the ' Glorious Eevolution of 16S8,' P will have no o ejection to 858 HORACE TEMPLETON. meet j^oii at dinner. Hammond, you've heard, I suppose, has lost his election ; he polled more voters than there "were freeholders registered on the books : this was proving too much, and he must pay the penalty. Y is in, and ■will remain if he can ; but there is a hitch in it — ' as the man who lent him his qualification is in gaol at Bruges.' Write and say if you accept the conditions. " Tours, " riiEDERicK Hamilton." There are some memorials of a veiy different kind — they are bound up together; and well may they, they form an episode quite apart from all the events before or after them ! I dare not open them ; for, although yeai'S have passed away, the wounds would bleed afresh if only breathed on ! This was the last I ever received from her. I have no need to open it — I know every line by heart I — almost prophetic, too ! " I have no fear of offending you now, since we shall never meet again. The very thought that the whole world divides us, as completely as death itself, will make you accept my words less as reproof than warning. Once more, then, abandon the career for which you have not health, nor energy, nor enduring strength. Brilliant dis- plays, discursive efforts, however effective, will no more constitute statesmanship thati fireworks sufiice to light up the streets of a city. Like all men of quick intelligence, you undervalue those who advance more slowly, forgetting that their gleaning is more cleanly made, and that, while 3'ou come sooner, they come more heavily laden. Again, this waiting for conviction — this habit of listening to the arguments on each side, however excellent in general life, is inapplicable in politics. You must have opinions pre- viously formed — you must have your mind made up, on principles very different and much wider than those a debate embraces. If I find the pei'son who guides me through the streets of a strange city stop to inquire here, to ask this, to investigate that, and so on, I at once con- HORACE TEMPLETON. 359 ceive — and very reasonably — a doubt of liis skill and intelligence ; but if he advance with a certain air of assui'ed knowledge, I yield myself to his guidance with implicit trust : nor does it matter so much, when we have reached the desired goal, that we made a slight divergence from the shortest road. " Now, if a constituency concede much to your judg- ment, remember that you owe a similar debt to the leader of your party, who jf ertainly — all consideration of ability apart — sees farther, because from a higher eminence, than other men. " Again, you take no pleasure in any pursuit wherein no obstacle presents itself; and yet, if the difficulty be one involving a really strong effort, you abandon it. You require as many conditions to your liking as did the commander at Walcheren — the wind must not only blow from a particular quarter, but with a certain degree of violence. This will never do ! The favouring gale that leads to fortune i^ as often a hurincane as a zephyr ; some are blown into the haven half-shipwrecked, but still safe. "Lastly, you have a failing, for which neither ability, nor address, nor labour, nor even good luck, can compen- sate. You trust every one — not from any implicit reliance on the goodness of human nature — not that you think well of this man, or highly of that, but simply from indolence. ' Believing ' is so very easy — such a rare self- indulgence ! Think of all the deception this has cost you — think of the fallacies, which you knew to be fallacies, that found their way into your h( ad, tainting your own opinions, and mingling themselves with your matured convictions. Believe me, there is nothing bat a strict quarantine can prevail against error ! " Enough of these, — now for an incremation : would that, Hindoo-like, I could consume with them the memory to which they have been wedded ! * " * # * # Dr. H has been here again ; he came in just as the last flicker was expiring over the charred leaves ; he guessed readily what had been my occupation, and seemed to feel 360 HORACE TEJIPLETON. relieved that the sad office of telling bad tidings of my case Avas taken off his hands. Symptoms seem now crowding on each, other — they come, like detached bat- talions meeting on the field of battle when victory is won, only to show themselves and to proclaim how hopeless would be resistance. The course of the malady would, latterly, appear to have been rapid, and yet how reluctant does the spirit seem to quit its ruined temple ! I wish that I had more command over my faculties ; the tricks Imagination plays me at each moment ai'e very painful : scai"cely have I composed my mind into a calm and patient frame, than Fancy sets to work at some vision of returning health and strenorth. — of home scenes and familiar faces — of the green lanes of Old England, as seen at sunset of a summer eve, when the last song of the blackbird rings through the clear air, and odours of sweet flowers grow stronger in the heavy atmosphere. To start from these, and think of what I am — of what so soon I shall be ! What marvellously fine aspirations and noble enter- prises cross the sick man's fancy ! The climate of health is sadly unfavourable to the creatures begot of fancy — one tithe of the strange notions that are now wai-ring in my distracted brain would make matter for a whole novelist's library. Thoughts that are thus engendered are like the wines which the Germans call " Ausgelesene," and which, falling from the grape impressed, have none of the impurities of fabrication about them. After all, the things that have been left undone by all of us in this life, would be far better and greater than those we have done. Oh, the fond hearts that have never been smitten, And all the hot tears that have never been shed ! Not to speak of the books that have never been written ; And all the smart things that have never been said ! ***** "Weaker and weaker ! — the senses fail to retain impressions, and, like cracked vases, let their contents ooze out by slow degrees. Objects of sight become commingled with those of sound; and I can half HORACE TEMPLETON. 3G1 ■understand the blind man Locke tells us of, who imagined " the colour scarlet to be like the sound of a trumpet." Mesmerism. aflPects the power of transferring the operations of one sense to the organs of another ; can it be that, in certain states of the brain, the nervous fluids become intermixed ? It is night — calm, still, and starlit ! How large are the stars compared with what they appear in noi'thern hititudes ! And the moonlight, too, is pale as silver, and has none of the yellow tint we see with us. Beautifully it lies along that slope of the mountain yonder, where the tall dark yew-trees throw their straight shadows across the glittering surface. It is the churchyard of St. M and now in the church I can perceive the twinkle of lights — they ai'e the candles arounl the coffin of him whose funeral I saw this morning. The custom of leaving the body for a day in the church before consigning it to the grave is a touching one. The dimly-lighted aisles, and the solemn air of the place, seem a fitting transition from Life to the sleep of Death. I have been thinking of that very old man, who came past the window yesterday, and sat down to rest himself on the stone-benc-h beside the door. Giordano never took a finer head as a studj^ : lofty and massive, with the temples deeply indented ; and such a beard, snow-white and waving^ ! How I lono-ed for strens^th enouo-h to have wandered forth and seated myself beside him ! A strange mysterious feeling was on me — that I should hear words of comfort from his lips ! This impression gi^ew out of his own remarkable story. Yes, poor and humble as his dress, lowly as his present condition maj seem, he was a " Cap. tain of the Imperial Guard" — a proud title once! He was taken prisoner during the retreat from Moscow, and, with hundreds more, sent away to eternal exile in Siberia At that period he was in all the pride of manhood, a true specimen of his class — gay, witty, full of daring, and a sceptic ; a Frenchman of the Revolution grafted on a gentleman of the old regime! The Fatalism that sus- tained them — it was their only faith — through long years 362 HOKACE TEMPLETON. of banishment, bi'ou gilt many in sadness to the grave! It was a gloomy religion, whose hope was but chastened despair! He himself lived on, the reckless spirit of a bold heart hardening him against grief as elfectually as it excluded memory. When, at length, as time went on, and his companions dropped off around him, a severe and cheerless melancholy settled down upon him, and he lived on in a state of dreamy unreality, less like sleep than death itself! And yet, through this dense cloud a ray of light pierced and fell upon his cold and darkened spirit, like day descending into some cleft between the moun- tains ! He was sitting at the door of his hut one evening, to taste the few short moments of sunset, when, unwrapping the piece of paper which surrounded his cigar — the one sole luxury the prisoners are permitted — he was proceed- ing to light it, when a thought occurred that he would read the lines, for it was a printed paper. He opened the bit of torn and ragged paper, and found there three verses from the Gospel of St. John. Doubtless he had often sat in weariness before the most heart-stirring appeals and earnest exhortations; and yet these few lines did what years of such teaching failed to do. The long-thirsting heart was refreshed by this one drop of clear water! He became a believer, firm and faithful ! His liberation, which he owed to the clemency of the Emperor Alexander, set him free to wander over the world as a missionary, and this he has been "ever since. How striking are his calm and benevolent features among the faces which pass you in every street ! — for ^ve live in times of eager and insensate passion. The volcano has thrown forth ashes, and who knows how soon the flame may follow ! How long this night appears ! I have sat, as I believe, for hours here, and yet it is but two o'clock ! The dreary vacuity of weakness is like a wide and pathless waste. I see but one great spreading moorland, with a low, dark horizon : no creature moves across the surface — uo light glimmers on it. It is the plain before the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Poor Gilbeit ! —how soundly he sleeps, believing that I HORACE TEMPLETON. 3G3 am also sunk to vest ! The deep-drawn breathings of his strong chest are strange beside the fluttering hurry of my respiration. He was wearied out with watching — wearied, as I feel myself: but Death comes not the sooner for our weariness ; we must bide our time, even like the felon whose sentence has fixed the day and the hour. Three o'clock !-^ What a chill is on me ! The fire no longer warms me, nor does the great cloak with which I braved the snows of Canada. This is a sensation quite distinct from mere cold — it is like as though my body were itself the source from which the air became chilled. I have tried to heap more wood upon the fire, but am too weak to reach it. I cannot bear to awaken that poor fel- low. It is but enduring a little — a very little longer — and all will be over ! There was a man upon the terrace below the window, walking slowly back and forwards. What can it mean, so late ? It has made me nervous and irritable to watch his shadow as it crosses before me. There! — how strange! — he has beckoned to me ! Is this real ? Now I see no one I Some trick of imagination ; but how weak it has left me ! My hand trembles, too, with a sti^ange fear. It has struck again ! It must be four ; and I have slept. What a Ions: night it has been ! Life ! Life ! how little your best and highest ambitions seem to him who sits, like me, waiting to be released ! Now and then the heart beats full and strong, and a momentary sense of vigour flashes across my mind ; and then the icy current comes back, the faint struggle to breathe shaking the frame as a wrecked vessel trembles with each crashing wave ! Day breaks at length — that must be the dawn ! But my eyes are failing, and my hands are numbed. Poor Gilbert ! how sound is his sleep ! He has turned — and now he dreams ! What is he muttering? Good night! good night ! Even so — good night ! *^ A% ^ ^ Tt* •JV" •W •«• *^ Jb 4E, ^ TP TP ^ TP How cold — how very cold I feel ! I thought it had been over ! Oh, for a little longer of this dalliance here ! 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