THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES (!l)retmt0. LONDON : GILBERT & RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. John's square. X twins : SHORT PRAYERS IN VERSE, SUNDAYS AND HOLY DAYS, SUGGESTED ET THE SERVICES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. --^M^'^^-w;^;^:?? ■ O Tlinu that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come." Psalm Ixv. 2. FRANCIS & JOHN RIVINGTON, ST, Paul's church yard, and waterlog place. 1852. ?R S-^»l o' TO THE LEARNED, THE TENERABLE, THE PIOIS, MARTIN JOSEPH ROUTH, D.D. NOW MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS PRESIDENT OF SAINT MARY MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD, THESE PAGES ARE, BY PERMISSION, GRATEFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED. 918031 ikthu. ^'HAT those wlio are sincerely attached to the Chiu'ch of England may have a ready means of fixing in their minds the spu'it of her supphca- tions, the Anthor has endeavoured to make the Collects of her Liturgy the groundwork of a Man vial of Prayer, varied in rhythm, and easy to be retained in the memory. And if, as he has too much reason to fear, he should have built but a frail and unenduriug superstructure upon those ancient and beautiful formularies, he yet will have reason to bless Him, to Whose glory he dedicates it, if by this little book one dormant spark of devotion shovJd be kindled in one single heart, and if one lowly spirit should be brought by its means into closer communion -with our Father Wliich is in Heaven. Magdalen College, Oxford, April 2ith, 1852. atbnit 5untiag. ,,^0D of might and majesty ! Hear Thy children when they cry ; Give us grace from day to day Deeds of wrath to cast away ; And in this our earthly life Arm us for the faithful strife. II. Once, that we might be forgiven, Cheist our Saviour came from Heaven. may we. His servants, prove "Worthy our Eedeemer's love, When, to judge all mortal men, Cheist our Lord shall come again ! OREMUS. ^econ^ Suntiafi in ^tibent. Jg^j^oucHSAFE, good and gracious Lord, 0iiS'^ Our wayward hearts to turn ; And as we hear and read Thy word, Teach us to mark and learn. II. So shall our souls, through His dear grace Who died for us of old, Thy teaching patiently embrace. Thy blessed promise hold. OREMUS. Cijirti Suntiai) in atibrnt. ^ Jesu Cheist, AVho, when Thou earnest first, i'4. Thy messenger before Thy face didst send Thy Advent to proclaim, And make Thy footsteps kno'rni ; II. Grant that Thy mysteries, to us revealed By ministers and stewards of Thy -^nll, May through Thy grace be made The landmai'ks of Thy way ; III. And let our once rebellious hearts be turned To muse on wisdom's law ; that we may live On earth Thy duteous sons, Thy chosen Saints in Ileaven ! Ti 2 OEEMUS. jFourtf) Suntfnj) in atibent. I. |3^^A.isE up Thy power, iS^^^ Lord, and come among us, and with might Succour Thy soldiers in the fearful fight Of Sin's dark hour. ir. Good Lord, deliver Thy servants, for the sake of Thy dear Son ; Help them their daily duteous course to run, And shield them ever. UT. So shall they cherish Thy love on earth, and bless Thy Holy Name ; And chant glad adoration to the Lamb When time shall perish. OREAIUS. I. 1^ GrOD, by whose eternal love ^5^ Thy Sou, descending from above, Deign'd at this time the fleshly gear Of our mortality to wear, And, careless of contempt and scorn, AVas of the lowly Mary born ; Yet stUl remain' d our mighty Lord, God upon earth, th' incarnate Word. II. Bless Tliou Thy Church of faithful men. In Holy Baptism born again, Adopted children of Thy grace, Thy own redeemed, chosen race ; Eefresh their souls, their hearts renew With Thy swest Spirit's heavenly dew. The wliilc they seek with sacred mirth To celebrate their Saviour's birth. 6 OllEMTJS. St. S^tfpljrn's 2Dnt). ^& LoED of Hosts, our sure abiding place, ^i lu all tte trials of our faith below, Grant us Thy Holy Spirit's saving grace To cheer us when we faint with earthly woe. II. So, like Thy Martyr Stephen, may we learn Blessing our enemies, on Thee to cry ; Like him, may we Thy face in Heaven discern, And suffering, sleep in Jesus when we die. 5t SJofjn ti)e ©bangclist's Bap. I. ^^^ Lord of mercy, clieer our sight i^^H. AVith those pure rays which, beaming bright Forth from the fouut of G-ospel light, Thy Church illume ; II. And, by her ministry, dispel The darkling mists of Death and Hell, That ages yet unborn may tell How that deep gloom, III. Once low'ring o'er their dark abyss, Melted in radiant floods of bliss At His sure Word, that was, and is. And is to come ! OREMUS. Ci)c ?t?oli) Jnnorcnts* lBat>. fg^SSouNTAiN of love, Whose perfect praise, 1^^^ Attuned to infant's tongue, Is sweeter than the sweetest lays That ever poet sung. II. "Whose glory shone in purest light When babes and sucklings died ; Grant us, like children, in Thy sight For ever to abide. Ill, Teach us, Thy servants, while we strive On Jesus to rely. Like Him, in innocence to live. In constancy to die. OEEMUS. 9 5)untiag after aHjiigtmais Bag. I. BBA, Eather, Lord of ligbt, Who liast given us to inlierit, By Thy Son's eternal merit, E-egions far beyond the sight Of mortal eye, Thy servants cry For graces of Tliy Holy Spirit. II. Father, we are vow'd to Thee, Who hast made us heirs of Heaven ; Purse us from the sinful leaven Of malice and hypocrisy, So may we come To Thee, by AVhom Jesus to save our souls was given. 10 OEEMUS. Cije (*Incumctsion. ^OD Almighty, AVho liast sent us Here on earth to do Thy will, Let Thy grace through Christ prevent us, Let Thy Holy Spirit stiU Mortify our lusts before Thee ; Make us honour, love, adore Thee. II. Christ fulfill' d the hard condition, When His earthly course began ; May Thy very Circumcision Cleanse in us the inner man, And from year to year, we pray Thee, Teach us better to obey Thee. ^|)f in Ucnt. I. ^/"p^REAK and defenceless, ^&S Sinful and frail, Without our Redeemer We cannot prevail, II. Outwardly, inwardly, Body and soul, Cleanse us, O Jestjs ! And we shall be whole. III. Keep us from danger, Keep us from sin ; From open temptations, Trom proud thoughts within. IV, So shall we serve Thee In faith and in fear. And welcome Thy summons When death shall draw near. 24 OKEMUS. I. OD Almighty, Lord of all ! # c;!^ Listen to Thy creatures praying, Hear Thy servants when they call. II. Let Thy mighty hand outpour Life and health and strength, displaying All the blessings of Thy store. III. Shield our souls from every ill ; Guard our bodies, subject ever To the workings of Thy Will ; IV. "While we seek with strong desire Thee, of every good the giver, Till the lamp of Life expire ! ^ourtf) Suu"t(aj} in ILrnt. 1^; .^•^ORTHY of Thy utmost blame, Guilty slaves of sin aud shame, Lord, to hear Thy words we press, Hungering after righteousness. II. Should'st Thou mark each evil deed Death eternal were our meed : Yet Thy mercy may forgive, — " He who turns from sin shall live." III. vouchsafe us sure relief From the anguish of our grief. And to each believing soul Say, " Thy faith hath made thee whole !" 26 OEEMTJS. jFiftf) Sun^aj) in Uent. I. ^tfnou great High Priest of good, »***>*» Who, by the sacrifice Of Thy most precious blood, Hast made our glad souls rise Tar from the world below to seek Thee in the skies ; II, In mercy look upon The creatures of Thy hand, And lead us ever on To that far distant land, Where Saints and Angels dwell. Thy bright Im- mortal baud ! OREMUS 27 Suntrag next before lEnstcr. T. ORD of oiir life ! Lord of our love ! Thou wlio hast sent us Christ from above ; Jesl's our Savioiu", Jesus Thy Son, Bearing the burden Of deeds we have done, Deeds of wrath, Deeds of shame, Hear us, forgive us For Jesus His Name ! II. Jesus the humble, Jesus who died To save us from bondage Of lust and of pride ; Jesus who calls us To walk in His ways ; Jesus redeemed us ! O sing we His praise. Living, dying, Lord, hear our cries, Grant us, like Jesus, In glory to rise ! T. FOB Chrtst Jesus' sake, who bled Wi lu fearful agony, Whose life-di'ops on the cross were shed Lest sinful man should die, Hear when we call, with hands outspread, And voices lifted high, And hearts intent on Jestjs dead, — " Behold Thy family!" II. Head of Thy Church, hear when we call ; Jesus, receive our prayer. We supplicate alike for all Who dwell beneath Thy care. To feel Thy grace, our hearts of gall And stubborn wills prepare. And let Thy Holy Spirit fall And ever sojourn there. 30 OREMUS. HI. God of all mercy ! "Wlao hast made And lovest all below ; Though by their bauds Thou wast betray'd, To idols though they bow, Though from Thy fold they once have strayed, Keceive and bless them now : Be they in one fair flock displayed, Their one good Shepherd Thou ! ©aster (Pbcn. ^EAJSTT US, good Lord, who once baptized were Into the death of Christ Thy blessed Son, To mortify and curb Our flesh continually. II. That so, our every evil thought suppressed, And evil deed forefended, we, Thy sons, May buried be with Him, And passing through the grave III. And gate of death with Him, with Him may share Our joy fid resurrection ; for His sake, Jesus, Thy only Son, Our Saviour and our Lord ! 32 OEEMTJS. dra^ttx Bat). vj^OD, who by Thy only Son mM jir^^j^ the sevenfold chain undone, Which, life's portals all around, Unrelenting death had bound ; GrOD, who by Thy only Son, (Victor in the mortal strife) Openest thus to every one The gate of everlasting life, Alleluia II. Let Thy Holy Spirit still Guard our souls from every ill ; And whene'er Thy grace inspires Heavenly thoughts and good desires. Let Thy Holy Spii-it stUl All Thy mighty power accord, Strengthening us to work the will Of Christ, our dead and risen Lord Alleluia ! dFtist 5untja8 after (Jrastcr. God Almighty, hear ! 4 Thou, by "Whose love Thy only Son Avas given To die that we might live ! O bring us near And nearer still to Heaven ! II. for His wondrous love Who rose that sinners might be justified, Lead us to living waters, far above The world's polluted tide. III. Chuist Jesus is our King ! Teach us on earth His glory to proclaim In aU our words and works ; in Heaven to sing Hosannas to His Name ! D 34 OKEMUS. 011' Sicconti ^untag after iSastcc. I. Jrant, Lord, to our expectant eyes '^^^ Thy saving grace to see ; Thy Son has been our sacrifice ; His bright exaiaple most we prize ; God of mercy ! hear ovir cries, And help our misery ! II. Teach us with thankful heai-ts to own The blessings thou hast given ; And for His sake, Whose blood alone And merits can for sin atone, CaU us roimd Thy radiant throne To dwell with Thee in Heaven. OREMUS. 35 djirt S)Untia|) attn '^a.sUu 1. " LITTLE wliile," good Lord, and Thou Deignest witli us to dwell ; Thy sure accepted time is now, For who, O who can tell Whether to-morrow's sun shall rise To greet his eyes ? II. O bid our erring souls improve And use that " little while ;" Let no false pleasures win our love, No tempter's art beguile Our faithless hearts ; but set us free To follow Thee ! D 2 'M OllEMUS. jf ouvtf) £untint) after iSastev. I. ■y/^^AViouE of men ! AVhose everlasting power S^zl Alone may order man's unruly will; Whose grace alone, in hell's triumphant hour, Can with the balm of heavenly solace fill The broken spirit and contrite heart, until Its bitter anguish all be charm' d away ; Whose good and perfect gifts, unvarying still, Are shower'd on all the sons of earth, that they May in Thy service keep their gladsome holy-day ! II. Wlaat Thou commandest, give us grace to love ; What Thou dost promise, make our hearts de- sire: So, while on earth our stranger bodies rove, Our souls, enlighten'd by celestial fire, Such as Thy Holy Ghost can aye inspire, May surely there be fix'd, where eai'thly joy Shall melt in heavenly bliss : th' angelic choir AVelcoming the spirits redeem' d, whom earth's alloy Avail' d not to corrupt, nor Satan to destroy. dFiftf) Sunt(aj) after IHastrr. I. EVEELASTrNa Lord ! from whom ^^1 AH good things come, Teach us, Thy humble servants, here On earth to fear Thy great and glorious Majesty, And evermore to thiak of Thee ! II. Let Thy free Spirit still incline Our wills to Thine ; And for our Saviour's sake, Thy one Co-equal Son, Guide Thou our footsteps day by day, And keep us iu Thy perfect way ! 38 OEEMUS. ascension Hag. PBAISE our fainting hearts, Lord ! And all Thy aiding grace accord, That like as we believe Our Saviour Chbist all gloriously To have ascended up on high, So may our spirits receive Strength and guidance to ascend Heavenward, and when Time shall end And Death at last shall die. Perfect in holiness, to dwell With Him "Who burst the gates of hell, In blest eternity ! OREMUS, 39 Suntia}) after Ascension IBag. Ieab us, O King of Grlory, Wlio hast brought Thy Son triumphant to His heavenly throne; Nor leave us comfortless, whom Jesus taught To seek salvation in His Name alone ! II. I Lend Thou Thy Holy Spii-it, as of old, To comfort all whom faith in Him hath blest, The mysteries of Thy saving grace unfold. And lead us onward to eternal rest ! 40 OBEMUS. TMijiU^xm'na)). '^/i^OD, "Who as at this time didst send The fire of Pentecost, to blend Glorious with earthly gloom ; bend Our hearts of stone ! Teach us Thy bidding to attend ; Make us Thiiie own ! II. G-uide Thou our hearts to read aright Thy will by that celestial light, And gladden with Thy presence bright The Christian's eye. Till faith herself be lost in sight Eternally ! OEEMUS. 41 Crinttg Sun^aj). I. ^^jS^OD, "Wlio from Thy holy place, al^ Unto us, Thy chosen race, Dost impart Thy heavenly grace ; II. God of might, Whom elders hoar Join with infants to adore, Praising Thee for evermore ; III. Saviour of Thy people lost ; Euler of the heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; IT. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, Mighty Father, blessed "Word, Co-eternal Spirit adored ; — 42 OBEMUS. Y. Uncreated Trinity ! Undivided Unity ! Three in One, and One in Three ! TI. Author of our life and breath ! Keep us stedfast in the faith, Save us in the hour of death. TII, Save us in the dreadful day. When with all their proud array Heaven and earth shall pass away ! dFirst 5un^a|) after Crinitg. ^^ God, tlie strenetli of all who trust ii In Christ to save, When dust returns to kindred dust Down in the grave ; II. In mercy hear the earnest prayer Of sinners frail, "Who unassisted by Thy care Cannot prevail. III. Teach us our every deed to frame To Thy good will, O Thou Who wast and art the same, And shalt be still ! 41 OREMUS. Scconti Suntrnfi after Etinit}}. I. i/iit\^ Lord, the never-failing tower ti Of all wlio own Thy mighty power, Enable ns in sin's dark hour From him to flee, "Who, seeking whom he may devour, Comes stealthily. II. Be Thou our Eock and strong defence, Protect us by Thy providence. Nor let the fleeting joys of sense Avail to sever Our love from Thine ; but lead us hence To serve Thee ever ! OBEMUS. 45 Cijtrti S)Untiaj) after Crinitg. I. (n^'^E ask: — O let our souls receive ') The plenteous store tliat Thou canst give : "We seek :■ — teach us how to find The blessing of a peaceful mind : "We knock: — O hear us as we wait, And open wide Thy mercy-gate. II. In all of evil, wrath, and woe That erring man can undergo, O God, our everlasting Friend, Do Thou, our wandering souls defend, Succour and comfort, so that we Forsaking all, may follow Tliee. 46 OBEMTJS. JiFourtij Suntiag after Crinitj). I. M^^ Tiiou "WTio shieldest all Thy Saints, Whose s^^% everlasting arm Encompassing this dangerous world, defends our souls from harm, "Without Whose aid all holiness must cease, aL courage fail. And Satan and his legions with our sinning hearts prevail ; II. Increase and multiply on us Thy mercy and Thy love, Be Thou our Euler here on earth, oui* Guide to Heaven above, Till, for His sake Who died for man upon the accursed tree, Passing through all things temporal, we come at last to Thee. OEEMUS. 47 jf'iUi) SwntiaB after Crinttg. I- PRAXT, we beseech Thee, Lord, that this W^ world's course, Ordered by Thee in peace. May smoothly flow, unruffled by the force Of storms that never cease. II. Then, in all godly quietness and joy, Thy Church shall ever bless Her Holy Spouse, while free from sin's annoy She dweUs in holiness. 48 0EEMU3. ^ixtt 5untinj) after CrtnitK* I. OED, AVho liast ^auglit us that unless We pass in deeds of righteousness The scribes and Pharisees, We may not enter at Thy gate ; O hear us as we supplicate With lowly hearts and knees. II. Teach us to love Thee more and more, And give us, from Thy bounteous store Of heavenly joys above, Those blessings which by Thy good care Eor all Thy saints prepared are In Thy bright realms of love ! OEEMUS. 49 Sfbfutfj Suntiaj) after Cttnitj). g|.OED of everlasting might ! ^^^ Aiitlior of eternal good ! Let Thy presence cheer our sight ; Feed us with Thy heavenly food ! II. Graft upon our wilderiag hearts Love and honour of Thy N'ame ; Fair religion's sacred arts Foster with cele&tial flame. III. Make us serve Thee as we ought, And our grovelling spirits raise, Till each word, and deed, and thought. Echo Thy immortal praise ! E 50 OBEMDS. ©igi^tlb Suntjag after minitj), I. JoD, wliose never-failing care, l^i^ God, whose power and love Order aU on earth that are. Or in Heaven above, II. Save us from aU hurtful things, And when fearfully Death his mantle o'er us flings, Bring us home to Thee ! OREMUS. 51 i^intij 5«ntiaB after Ctinitj). Y^^END US, O God Omnipotent, ^^^ Thy Paraclete, to move Unstable souls and powerless, Unworthy of Thy love. With welcome sweet Tliy presence to greet. Beaming from Heaven above. n. So shall our pilgrim bodies, nerved By His Almighty aid, Fare forth along the rugged road That sin and death have made, To meet in the bright glad city of light The heavenly cavalcade. E 2 52 OBEMTJS. Ccntf) 5untiai> after Ciinitj). i^PEisr Thy merciful ears Jm K^lTo us, wliose sighs and tears Besiege the gate of heavenly love That bars us from Thy realm above. II. Give us (that we may obtain The blessings of Thy reign) Faith, Hope, and Charity, and all Thy gifts and graces spiritual. III. Teach Thy disciples to pray, Thou that art the Way, The Truth, the Life ! that we may still In each desire obey Thy will. OEEMTTS. 53 dfrlcbcnti) 5untiaj) after Crinitg. iV^^ Thof, Who Thy Almighty power declarest a^^i In daily showing forth to men below Thy mercy, and compassion which Thou bearest Tow'rds us, for whom Thou deign' dst to undergo Our every trial, and the cup of woe To drain even to the dregs ; teach us, forgiven For Thy dear sake, from Wliom all blessings flow, To celebrate Thy praise from morn tiU even, Climbing the rugged path that leads to highest heaven. 54 ohemfs. STbjclftl) Su«'t'fll> after Etinit)}. ^EAB Thou from Heaven, Thy dwelling-place, ^h For Thou art ever readier far To give, than we to seek Thy grace, Great Jehovah ! II. In Thy abundant goodness pour The blessings of Thy mercy down ; And be Thy never-failing store Our earthly crown. III. All that our conscience fears, forgive. And though in oiu' unworthiness "We may not see Tliy face and live, Stm do Thou bless ! OEEMUS. 55 ^f)i^tccntij SuntJag after ^xiniti^* I. ^S GrOD Almighty, merciful, H By "Whose good gift the chosen throng Of saints work out Thy holy will With faithful hearts and strong, II. So let us serve Thee, resting here, That finally our souls obtain Thy gracious promises, and rise With Thee in bliss to reign. 56 OREMUS. dfFourtcfntij Suntiat) amc Crtnitg. UR Father ! hear us praying ! At Thy feet we bow, we fall ; Send Thy Holy Spirit, conveyiBg Grifts to contrite sinners all ; Grifts to all who trust in Thee, Of Faith, and Hope, and Charity. II. Grant us that our souls, obtaining That which Thou dost promise, may love All that Thou commandest, reiffnino: King of kings, in Heaven above. For the sake of Thy dear "Word, Jesus, our eternal Lord ! OBEMTJS. 57 dFtftffntf) Suntiai) after Ktinit^. W^ KEEP Thy lioly Church, good Lord, 3^^i With Thy coutinual mercy, and because Eeft of the guidance of Thy word, Mau's frailty fails t' obey Thy righteous laws, II. Keep us from aU things that may harm Our bodies or our souls ; and ever lead, AYith Tliy right hand and holy arm. Thy servants to the joys Thou hast decreed III. For all who love Thy sacred Name, Nor e'er in willing service are outvied By those who stiU unceasing aim At worldly weal, and earth's poor pomp and pride. 58 OREMTJS. I. ITT our sorrows, Lord of life, Aud cleanse oiu* hearts within; Nor let Thy Church on earth be rife With unremitted sin. II. Vain are our frail attempts to scan The works that Thou hast made ; Yain is the strength of guilty man "Without Thy gracious aid. III. Look Thou, good Lord, in mercy down, And hear us, and forgive ; Let pity smile, though justice frown. And bid Thy servants live. OREMIIS. Sebrntfcnti^ 5unt)a|) after Crinitfi. OED, in all humility, INIiserable oifenders, we, Lowly kneeling, worship Thee ! II. Ever be Thy grace outpoured On us, who with one accord Seek Thy face, O holy Lord ; III. Still preventing, following still All who own Thy faith, until All obedient work Thy will. IT. So shall we, in Faith secure, Strong in Hope, in Christ's Love sure. Serve Thee while Thy works endure ! t!5(gi)tffnt!) Siintini? after Crtnitj). ,^'^E sinners wait '■Am. In doleful state, To supplicate Thy holy aid. O Thou whose care Lives every where, Hear, hear the prayer Our souls have made. II. Omnipotent ! Omniscient ! God ! Who hast sent Thy Holy One !For lis to die ! We magnify Thy Name, and fly To Thee alone. OEEMUS. 61 III. Teach us, combiued With purest mind And heart inclined To follow Thee, By works to prove Our earnest love To God above, One God in Three ! 62 OREMUS. iaincfrentlj Suntiag after Ctinitt>. OE that frail mortals may not be Accordant with Thy holy will, Nor pleasing in Thy sight, until Forsaking all, they follow Thee ; II. With Thy free grace prevent us, Lord, And ever dwell our souls within, Cleansing our hearts from taint of sin. That armed with the ghostly sword III. Of Love, and Hope, and Faithfulness, "We may go forth with resolute mind To meet our foe ; with heart inclined To work Thy will, Thy name to bless. OEEMUS. 63 CbDcntiftf) 5unt)ag after ^xinit^. ^^§5\0ST merciful, Thy mercy show ! Most bounteous, make Thy bounty flow ! And let that flood Of life and light regenerate Our souls, redeemed from sinful state By Jesus' blood. II. Clothe us in faith, and bid us don The wedding garments of Tliy Son, Whose purity (The emblem of salvation sure) Accepted for our lives impure, Draws us to Thee ! 64 OEEMUS. Ctoenti)=fir!3t Suntiai> after ^rtnitt). I. 1,^^ Jesu ! Whose triumphant reign 4 Holds in illimitable chain The gates of death's usurp' d domain, Our faith increase ! O Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Grant vxs Thy peace ! II. Pardon, O pardon, Lord of love, The sins our wayward hearts approve, Purge us from pride, our guilt remove. And still incline Our souls toward Thy fair realm above. Our wills to Thine ! Ctoentjj^gifronti Sunliaj) after Cttnitg. LoED, Thy liolj Church implores I Thy mighty grace to save ; The power eternal she adores That frees the fetter' d slave From chains of sin, and him who roars Round the greedy grave. n. Uplifted be Thine arm, to quell The hateful enemy ; Save Thou Thy Church from gates of hell, And set Thy followers free, With works and words the praise to tell, Jesu, Lord, of Thee. GO OEEMUS. Cb)cntj)iti)irti Suntiai) after Criniti). I. t^ksfUTHOR of ffodliness, Giver of good, ^^m, Feed Thou Thy sheep with Thy heavenly food; Briug them to pastures where life's rivers flow, Save them in soitow, and save them in woe. II. Hear Thou from Heaven Thy faithful, who pray Jesus to guide them through life's rugged way; Crown them on earth with the blessings of peace, Crown them with glory when this world shall cease. OEEMUS. G7 5rb)cntj)-fciurtfj SuntJaj) after Crinitg. I. ^^i(HOU Who canst loose us from the bands ^"■^^^ Of Satan roiind our souls entwined ; Thou Who canst strengthen oiu? weak hands. Thou Who canst nerve our feeble mind, Thou Who saidst, " Seek, and ye shall find ;" II. O wash us throughly from our sin ; Absolve us, who in grief confess Ourselves unmeet to enter in Where Saints and Angels ever bless And worship Thee in holiness ! F 2 68 OREMUS. Ctoentjj^fiftf) 5)untiat) aftct Cvinitg. I. ffM GOOD and gracious Lord, m Make our weak wills accord "With aU that He desires, whose Name we bless, Thy Son, ouv Advocate, Who lives to mediate 'Twixt Thee and us, the Lord our Eighteousness. II. Let our sad sovils receive The blessings Thou canst give, "Who for our sake hast shed Thy precious blood ; That, living but for Thee, Thy Saints may plenteously Bring forth the fruits of faith in deeds of good. OEEMUS. 69 St antireto's Bag, Tnou "VVlio calledst from tlie sea ^^ The fishermen of Galilee, "With words of grace, " Come, follow Me ;" We cry, Saviour of all mankind, to Thee ! II. Thou who art worshipp'd and adored By earth and Heaven, Thy grace accord, That we, like Andrew, at Thy word Mayfly To follow Thee, our only Lord ! 70 OEEMUS. St. ^i)oinas* Sag. ^YEELIVING GrOD of inigllt ! ^^ Who, to teach the wavering will To wallc by faith, and not by sight. Didst Thy servant Thomas fill With thoughts of doubt — lest Thou should' st be The risen Christ, the very He ! II. Faith shall guide our steps to heaven ! Grant us perfectly to see By the light which Thou hast given, Christ, our risen Lord, in Thee ! Stni Thy gracious words receiving, " Be not faithless, but believing !" ^■^i aronbcnstott of 5t. %iauL Ieise and sliine, Vl G-reat Sun of Eigliteousness ! and with the beams Of Gospel light dispel our earthly dreams, And make us Thine ! II. For he, whose rage Yet breathing threats and slaughter, led him on Against the followers of Thy Holy One Wild war to wage ; III. In that great hour Illumined by the wonder-working ray. Which Christ in glory shed upon his way, Confess'd Thy power. IV. May wo, like Saul, Wlio once have grieved Thy Holy Spirit, confess Jesus, our Life, our Light, our Holiness, The Lord of all ! 72 OEEMUS. purification of tijc VitQin i¥laig. Esus Christ ! our souls confess Thee, the Lord our Eighteousness, AVTiom, on this our holy day, Thy blessed mother did convey Where Thou might' st presented be Before the Grod of Majesty, In substance of our flesh, the will Of Him who made us to fulfil. II. God, our Father ! let Thy care Bend Thee to Thy servants' prayer! Let Thy mercy, ever sure, Cleanse our hearts, and make them pui'e, So that we like Jesus brought To be presented at Thy court. May like Him accepted be. And dwell for evermore with Thee ! OEEMUS. 73 St. Hflattfjias' Sag. I. 1^ God omnipotent ! Who made ^^ The hosts of heaven without our aid, And earth's secure foundations laid, That man might own Thy reign ! Thy Son, by mortal man betray' d, By mortal men was slain ! II. Yet didst Thou will, for His dear sake, AVho deign'd our nature to partake. More trial of our faith to make ; And in the traitor's place Didst choose Matthias, to awake Dead souls to know Thy grace. III. O let Thy Church on earth be fed For ever with the holy bread Of life, Thy fostering word : and led By pastors true, to see The way of Truth : till perfected Thy Saints shall dwell with Thee ! r4 ouEMua, annunciation of tlje Uirgin JHarg. I. Sow on oiu' knees we sinners fall ■^^^ Before the sovereign Lord of all ; Into our hearts the boundless store Of Thy refreshing grace outpour. II. As we, by Angels taught, have known The message sent from Thy great Throne, That mortal flesh, assumed by Thee, Should veil th' Incarnate Deity ; III. So by Thy Cross and Passion brought To own Thee in our every thought, May we at last triumphant rise To meet our Saviour in the skies ! OREMUS. 75 St. IH aria's Sag. 1^ Thou, wliose wondrous grace hatli taught 1^ The holy Cliurch which Jesus boiight "With His pure blood, Thy everlasting Gospel, sent To be to every penitent The heavenly food : II. Let Mark, Thy true Evangehst, Our wild unstable hearts assist With doctrine sure ; And guide us to that Home, where we, Establish'd in Thy faith, with Thee May rest secure ! 76 OKEMUS. St. ^ijtltp nnti St. SJames' Bag. I, I GrOD, Whom truly to perceive, f Is immortality To all wlio in Thy word believe, And own Thy presence nigh ; II. Grrant us so perfectly to know In Thy eternal Son, The way wherein we ought to go, The truth we ought to own, III. The bread of life we ought to seek For our enduring food, Broken for wayward souls and weak, And moisten' d vdth His blood ; IV. That we, like James and Philip, still Unwavering may abide In life obedient to Thy will ; In death be glorified ! S)t iSarnafias* Bap. ^■Q^LOEious God, "Whose glad salvation, Erst througlLout the world was spread, "When the Son of Consolation, Full of grace, Thy people led Onward to their heavenly prize, Ai'ise ! Be Thy beams of radiance shed On our dark eyes. II. Saviour of mankind, Whose blessing Ever with the righteous rests. Teach our willing soids, possessing Thee, to follow Thy behests, "Whom to serve is liberty ! That we May obtain our sad requests, And dwell with Thee. 78 OEEMUS. St, .^oljn ISnptisf s Bag. I. Plmightt ! who sendest Thy ministers forth, ^^M "Where chill blows the wind from the icicled north, Or hot rays descend on the tropical sand, Or ocean encircles the far-distant land, To teU us the kingdom of God is at hand ! II. O give us repentance and faith, to secure The earnest on earth of Thy promises sure ; Nor let his rapt preaching be lost to our ear, "Who bade men repent, for Thy kingdom was near ; But guide us, that hearing, we rightly may hear. OEEMTJS. 79 St. Jeter's Bag. ^OD, AVho hast buHt Tliy lioly Church Upon that Eock secure, ■Which shall defy the gates of hell, In Thy foundation sure, And on Thy promise evermore Eelying, shall endure : IT. God, who commandedst him of old To feed Thy wandering sheep ; Shedding upon his ministry The fountain, still and deep, Of that life-giving grace, which he, Thy steward, still should keep : 80 OREMUS. III. To Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, all Thy consecrated band, On whom that saving grace descends. By Apostolic hand Imparted, when Thy Church obeys Her great High Priest's command, IT. Thy blessing give : that they may lead Sad erring souls to Thee ; And, preaching faithfully Thy word. May bring continually Sinners to seek enduring rest In immortality ! OEEMUS. 81 5t fames tijc Apostle. f)e5^ERCiFTrL God ! Whose blessed Son, ^) AVell knowing all his inmost soul, Did in the list of Saints enrol His servant James : Thy will be done ; Thou art our Friend, our Father Thou, make us love and cleave to Thee, Like the good son of Zebedee, Eeady at jESrs' feet to bow, Leaving all earthly ties, forsaking All carnal pleasures, joys of sin, And vanity of the world, to win Thy everlasting crown ; till breaking Forth from our prison of trial, we In perfect freedom worship Thee ! G 82 OEEML'S. St. 13aiti)olonub*gi ©ap. T. ^^a^HRiST ! by "Whose grace Bartholomew iSE^^Learn'd with the eye of faith to view Thy blessed life ; Christ ! by Whose grace Thy servants learn Thy Gospel, and by faith discern The Christian strife : II. Grant to Thy Chui^ch to love Thy word ; Be Thy appro\Tng nod preferr'd To worldly weal ; And whUe our tongues Thy Name confess, To our glad hearts Thy righteousness Do Thou reveal ! St. iEattijcto's Bag. Thou, Whose earnest voice 5 Awaken' d Matthew's heart To know Thee, and rejoice Prom earthly gains to part, Content that he Might follow Thee : II. Give us Thy heavenly grace, That we may learn to hate The world, whose smiling face Even the regenerate Would fain allure With thoughts impure. III. For he withstood its wiles ; And we, by faith, may stand Firm, when false Mammon smiles. Ready at Thy command From earth to flee. To follow Thee ! a 2 84 OREMUS. 5t. iHicljael anti nil xln0els. ^!|^Y Augels and by men, whose ministry X^^ In wondrous wise combines to glorify Thy Name, holy Father, be Thou adored : Thou art the Lord ! II. By all the heavenly Host, and all who wear Thy mark upon their brow, nor shrink to bear The burthen of Thy Cross, be Thou adored : Thou art the Lord ! III. By ministering Spnits, of Thee inspired, By righteous souls in robes of white attired. And sanctified by Thee, be Thou adored : Thou art the Lord ! OREMUS. 85 i 5t. ilufec tije ©bangclist's 13aj). JEBEEMEE of men, "VVlio didst call c§^ Saint Luke tlie Physician to Thee, That, preaching Thy Gospel to all. The physician of souls he might be II. O heal us with medicine pure, The milk of Thy life-giving word ; Our souls of their sicknesses cure. And teach us to follow our Lord ! 86 OEEMTJS. I. ra^EEAT Architect of all, ^^^ Thy Church, securely built, Though storm' d by siu and guilt, Shall never fall ! II. Apostles, Prophets, these Her sure foundation form ; And though the pitiless storm Of rage increase, III. Which Sin and Satan send Against her walls to beat, Firm in her heavenly seat She doth not bend. IV. Cheist is her corner-stone ! Knit in her unity, Be we the Church of Tliy Anointed One ! OEEMUS. 87 mi Saints' Sag. I. 1^ Eathee, to Thy throne we fly, i And bow m guilty agony : On Thee each contrite sinner lays His biu'den, whispering as he prays, Humilior ! II. Thou Who revivest souls that faint, "Who hearest the mourner's sad complaint, "Who givest Thy blessing to the meek, Oft as he comes Thy face to seek, Humilior ! III. Thou, "Who the thirsty soul dost bless. And hungry after righteousness ; "Who to the merciful wilt show Thy mercy, when he cries in woe, Humilior ! IT. Thou, Whom the pure in heart shall see, Whose child the peacemaker shall be, And he, who here reviled and spurn'd, On earth Thy password sure hath learn' d, Humilior ! T. Teach us our Saviour to confess, And emulate His lowliness ; For he shall be exalted high Who learns to live, who learns to die Humilior ! /^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUN 3 19G0 Form L9-32m-8,'57(.C8680s4)444 3 1158 00965 6280 PR S3h9 S2810 UC SOUTHERf^ REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 374 606 ■* BOUND BY '^ lIMI'mifl'MMniMMMMlllllI' S!^;i iilC Hjinr 1 •'!(• tiitttitiur lllitlilMinliiiiiiili: