GIFT OF 1 R <>; ^IAKaIJUtML^K. JWJUL^ DR. SHEDD'S WORKS Dogmatic Theology. Two vols., 8vo. Third Edition, $7.00 A History of Christian Doctrine. Two vols., crown 8 vo. Tenth Edition, .... 5.00 Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. Crown 8vo. Tenth Edition, 2.50 Literary Essays (with Portrait). Crown 8vo. Revised Edition, ..... 2.50 Theological Essays. Crown 8vo. Revised Edition, ..... 2.50 Commentary on Romans. Crown 8vo. Second Edition, with Appendix, . . 2.50 Sermons to the Natural Man. Crown 8vo. Third Edition 2.50 Sermons to the Spiritual Man. Crown 8vo, . 2.50 The Doctrine of Endless Punishment. Crown 8vo. Second Edition, . ..... 1.50 Calvinism : Pure and Mixed, ..... 1.00 CALVINISM: PURE AND MIXED A DEFENCE OF THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS BY WILLIAM G. T. SHEDD, D.D. w NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1893 ov" Copyright, 1893, by CHAKLES SCRIBNER'S SONS PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY, NEW YORK. PREFACE The object of this work is to define and defend the tenets of Calvinism in their original purity and self-con- sistence, as distinguished from proposed modifications of them for the purpose of an alleged improvement. It has grown out of the proposal introduced into the Northern Presbyterian Church, to revise the Westminster Stand- ards. It contains the substance of a pamphlet which the author published in opposition to this proposal when it was first made, together with discussions of several im- portant subjects that have subsequently come up for ex- amination during the controversy in the Church. Of these, pretention, common and special grace, original sin, infant salvation, the " larger hope," and the inerrancy of Scripture, are the most prominent. The controversy lias disclosed the fact, that some Presbyterians deny that God may justly pass by any of mankind in the bestow- ment of saving grace ; and assert that common grace may become saving grace by the sinner's co-operation, that original sin is not deserving of eternal deatli and there- fore that infants are not liable to it, that the West- minster Standards teach that all the heathen are lost, and that the autographs of the inspired writers contained more or less of error. The writer endeavors to show that the first opinion is fatal to the doctrine of Divine sovereignty in election ; that the second is Arminian syn- 371538 IV PREFACE ergism, not Calvinistic monergism ; that the third de- stroys the doctrine of infant salvation, by making it only a quasi-salvation and a matter of obligation on the part of God ; and that the fourth and fifth are misstatements of the contents of the Confession. When the revision of the Standards was first suggested by a few presbyteries, the great majority of the denomina- tion had expressed no desire for it, and the measure seemed to be the scheme of only a dissatisfied few. But it soon appeared that such dissatisfaction with the denomina- tional creed was considerably widespread. The presby- teries voted to revise their creed by a decisive majority. This majority soon showed itself to be composed of a con- servative and a radical wing. The former have endeav- ored to revise in conformity with the vote of the General Assembly, that no changes shall be made that impair the integrity of the Calvinistic system. The latter have pro- posed alterations, relating principally to the doctrines of election and pretention, which, the writer endeavors to prove, seriously impair it. The history of the revision movement, thus far, con- firms the author in his opinion, expressed at the very first, that the revision of a creed is latitadinarian in its nature and influence. The proposal to revise a creed is commonly made, not for the purpose of preserving its strictness, and still less to make it stricter, but in order to make it looser or more " liberal," as the phrase is. This explains the fact, that there has never been a revision of any of the great creeds of Christendom. When latitudinarian parties have arisen in the Church, and have attempted to change the received symbols, the result has been that new creeds were formed for the new parties, and the old re- mained unaltered. The Semi-Arians and Arians could not induce the Ancient Church to revise the Apostles', PREFACE V Nicene, and Constantinopolitan creeds, in accordance with their views of an improved Trinitarianism. The Middle Ages witnessed no attempts to revise the great oecumen- ical symbols. Kone of the creeds of the Reformation, Lutheran or Calvinistie, have been revised. The only examples that border on revision are the Augsburg Yar- iata and the Formula Concordiee. The first was only the individual work of Melanchthon, who wished to introduce synergism into the Lutheran monergism, and not that of a church demanding it ; and the last claimed to be, and ac- tually was, a closely reasoned and logical development of the Augsburg Confession — the onlv instance that we recall in which revision resulted in a stricter orthodoxy. The reduction of the Forty-two Articles of Edward the Sixth to the Thirty-nine Articles of Elizabeth, cannot be called a revision. The attempt of the Remonstrants to Armini- anize the Heidelberg and Belgic Confessions was a fail- ure, and resulted in the Five Articles of the new creed. These facts go to show that revision, speaking generally, means the alteration of doctrinal statements by injecting into them more or less of foreign elements not properly belonging to them, in order to meet a change of views in a larger or smaller part of the denomination. By this method, Calvinism, or Arminianism, or Socinianism, or any creed whatever, becomes mixed instead of pure; a combination of dissimilar materials, instead of a simple uncompounded unity. This is the destruction of that self- consistence which is the necessary constituent of true science, and indispensable to permanent power and in- fluence. The purest and most unmixed Socinianism, Ar- minianism, Lutheranism, or Calvinism, is the strongest in the long run. While the author contends that such is the nature and tendency of creed -revision, he believes that many of those Vi PREFACE who are advocating a revision of the Westminster Stand- ards have no desire to weaken their statements or their influence. The distinction between doctrines and per- sons, projects and their advocates, is a valid one. One may have no confidence in a doctrine or project, and yet may have confidence in a particular advocate of it, because a person may be different in his spirit and intention from the nature and tendency of his doctrine or project, while this is a fixed quantity. Coleridge, in a conversation with a Unitarian friend, said : " I make the greatest difference between ans and isms. I should deal insincerely with you, if I said that I thought Unitarianism is Christianity ; but God forbid that I should doubt that you and many other Unitarians are in a practical sense very good Chris- tians." ("Table Talk," April 4, 1832.) "When the opponent of revision asserts that revision is anti-Calvinistic in its logic and tendency, he does not assert that all of its advo- cates are anti-Calvinists. The writer believes that the natural effect of the proposed changes in the Confession, especially those of the radical wing, will be to w r eaken and break down the Calvinistic system contained in it, and endeavors to prove it ; but he does not believe or sa} r that this is the desire and intention of all who urge them. The spirit of revision, it is said, is " in the air," and this is assigned as a reason why it should be stimulated and strengthened. This would also be a reason for the increase of malaria. It is undoubtedly true that the de- sire to revise the Calvinistic creed is pervading Pan- Presbyterianism to a degree not imagined at first. If it continues to increase, there can be little doubt that the historical Calvinism will be considerably modified ; and doctrinal modification is an inclined plane. In an age of materialism in philosophy, and universalism in religion, when the Calvinistic type of doctrine is more violently PREFACE Vll opposed than any other of the evangelical creeds, because of its firm and uncompromising nature, the Presbyterian Church should not revise the creed from which it has de- rived its past solidarity and power, but should reaffirm it ; and non-revision is reaffirmation. The aim of the author is twofold : first, to explain some of the more difficult points in Calvinism, and thereby promote the reaffirmation of the Westminster Standards pure and simple, precisely as they were adopted by both schools in the reunion of 1870, instead of the revision of them as now proposed, which had it been urged at that time would have been fatal to the cause of reunion ; and secondly, to justify and defend before the human under- standing, that intellectual and powerful system of theol- ogy which had its origin in the Biblical studies and per- sonal experience of the two most comprehensive and scientific theologians of Christendom, Aurelius Augus- tine and John Calvin. New York, February, 1893. CONTENTS PAGE Inexpediency op the Revision of the Westminster Con- fession, 1 Objections to the Revision of the Westminster Con- fession, 13 Are there Doctrinal Errors in the Westminster Con- fession ? . . .18 The Westminster Standards and the Universal Offer of Mercy, 24 The Meaning and Value of the Doctrine of Decrees, . 30 Preterition Necp:ssary to the Sovereignty of God in Election, . . . .72 Preterition and the Lopsided View of the Divine De- cree, 78 The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin, . . 88 Common and Special Grace, 9G The True Proportion in a Creed between the Univer- sal and the Special Love of God, 107 Infant Salvation as Related to Original Sin, . . .112 The Westminster Standards and the " Larger Hope," . 121 The Westminster Affirmation of the Original Inerrancy of the Scriptures, 137 Calvinism and the Bible, 151 Denominational Honesty and Honor, 158 CALVINISM: PUKE AND MIXED A DEFENCE OP THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. i. INEXPEDIENCY OF THE REVISION OF THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION. 1 The question whether the Westminster Confession shall be revised, has been referred to the whole Church represented by the presbyteries. The common sentiment of the denomination must determine the matter. The expression of opinion during the few months prior to the presbyterial action is, therefore, of consequence. It is desirable that it should be a full expression of all varieties of views, and as a contribution towards it, we purpose to assign some reasons why the revision of the Confession is not expedient. 1. In the first place it is inexpedient, because in its ex- isting form as drawn up by the Westminster Assembly it has met, and well met, all the needs of the Church for the past two centuries. The Presbyterian Church in the United States since 1700 has passed through a varied and sometimes difficult experience. The controversies in the 1 New York Evangelist, September 5, 1889. « » • 2 v.'i ?•*:.« : cAIivwisM.:../ beginning between the Old and New Lights, and still more the vehement disputes that resulted in the division of the Church in 1837, have tried the common symbol as severely as it is ever likely to be. But through them all both theological divisions were content with the Confes- sion and Catechisms as they stood, and both alike claimed to be true to them. Neither party demanded a revision on any doctrinal points ; and both alike found in them a satisfactory expression of their faith. What is there in the Presbyterian Church of to-day that necessitates any different statement of the doctrine of decrees, of atone- ment, of regeneration, or of punishment, from that ac- cepted by the Presbyterian Church of 1837, or 1789 ? Are the statements upon these points any more liable to mis- conception or misrepresentation by non-Calvinists now than they were fifty or a hundred years ago ? Are there any more "weak consciences" requiring softening expla- nations and relaxing clauses in the Church of to-day than in former periods? And with reference to the allowable differences of theological opinion within the Presbyterian Church, is not a creed that was adopted and defended by Charles Hodge and Albert Barnes sufficiently broad to include all who are really Calvinistic and Presbyterian in belief ? What is there, we repeat, in the condition of the Presbyterian Church of to-day that makes the old Con- fession of the past two hundred years inadequate as a doc- trinal Standard ? All the past successes and victories of Presbyterian ism have been accomplished under it. Suc- cess in the past is guaranty for success in the future. Is it not better for the Church to work on the very same old base, in the very same straight line ? 2. Revision is inexpedient, because the reunion of the two divisions of the Church was founded upon the Con- fession as it now stands. A proposition to unite the two PURE AXD MIXED 3 branches of Presbyterianism by first revising the "West- minster documents would have failed, because in the revi- sion individual and party preferences would have shown themselves. But when the Standards pure and simple were laid down as the only terms of union, the whole mass of Presbyterians flowed together. It is to be feared that if a revision of the Confession should take place, there will be a dissatisfied portion of the Church who will prefer to re- main upon the historic foundation ; that the existing har- mony will be disturbed ; and that the proposed measures for union with other Presbyterian bodies will fall through. 3. Revision is inexpedient, because it will introduce new difficulties. The explanations will need to be ex- plained. The revision that is called for is said by its more conservative advocates, not to be an alteration of the doctrine of the Confession, but an explanation only. Now good and sufficient explanations of a creed require more space than can be afforded in a concise symbol in- tended for use in inducting officers and members. Such full and careful explanations have been made all along from the beginning, and the Presbvterian Board of Pub- lication has issued a large and valuable library of them. No one need be in any doubt respecting the meaning of the Confession who will carefully peruse one or more of them. He who is not satisfied with the Westminster doc- trine as so explained, will not be satisfied with it at all. But if brief explanations are inserted into the Confession itself, their brevity will inevitably expose them to mis- understanding and misconception. Take an illustration. An able minister and divine, whose Calvinism is unim- peachable, suggests that Confession iii. 3 shall read : " By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto ever- lasting life, and others foreordained [for their sins] to 4 CALVINISM : everlasting death." If the clause in brackets is inserted without further explanation, the article might fairly and naturally be understood to teach that the reason why God passes by a sinner in the bestowment of regenerating grace is the sinner's sin. But St. Paul expressly says that the sinner's sin is not the cause of his non-election to re- generation. " The children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, it was said, The elder shall serve the younger. Esau have I hated" (Rom. 9: 11-13). The reason for the difference between the elect and non-elect is not the holiness or the sin of either of them, but God's sovereign good pleasure. " He hath mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth" (Rom. 9 : 18). An explanation like this, without further explanation such as the proposer would undoubtedly make, would not only contradict Scripture, but change the Calvinistic doctrine into the Arminian. The reason for non-election would no longer be secret and sovereign, but known and conditional. All this liability to misconstruction is avoided by the Confession itself as it now stands. For in Confession iii. 7, after saying that the " passing by " in the bestowment of regenerating grace is an act of God's sovereign pleasure, " whereby he extendeth or withholdeth mercy as he pleaseth," it then adds that " the ordaining to dishonor and wrath " is " for sin." Sin is here represented as the reason for the judi- cial act of punishing, but not for the sovereign act of not regenerating. The only reason for the latter, our Lord gives in his, " Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight." Other illustrations might be given of the difficulty of avoiding misconception when a systematic creed is sought to be explained, particularly in its difficult points, by the brief interpolation of words and clauses. The method is PURE AND MIXED too short. More space is required than can he spared. It is better, therefore, to let a carefully constructed and concisely phrased creed like the Westminster stand ex- actly as it was drawn up by the sixty-nine commissioners, in the five weekly sessions for nearly nine years, and have it explained, qualified, and defended in published trea- tises, in sermons, and especially in catechetical lectures. Had the ministry been as faithful as it should in years past in catechetical instruction, there would be little dif- ficulty in understanding the Westminster creed. The remedy needed is in this direction, not in that of a re- vision. 4. Revision is inexpedient, because there is no end to the process. It is like the letting out of water. The doc- trine of the divine decrees is the particular one selected by the presbytery whose request has brought the subject of revision before the General Assembly. But this doc- trine runs entirely through the Westminster documents, so that if changes were made merely in the third chapter of the Confession, it would be wholly out of harmony with the remainder. Effectual calling, regeneration, per- severance of the saints, are all linked in with the divine decree. The most cursory perusal will show that a revi- sion of the Confession on this one subject would amount to an entire recasting of the creed. 5. Revision is inexpedient, because it may abridge the liberty of interpretation now afforded by the Confession. As an example of the variety in explanation admitted by the creed as it now stands, take the statement that " God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in the beginning, created or made from nothing the world, and all things therein, in the space of six days." He who holds the patristic view that the days of Genesis were periods, and he who holds the modern opinion that the days were 6 CALVINISM : solar, can subscribe to the Westminster statement. But if revised in the interest of either view, the subscriber is shut up to it alone. Another example is found in the statement respecting the guilt of Adam's sin. The advo- cate of natural union, or of representative union, or of both in combination, can find a foothold, provided only that he holds to the penal nature of the first sin. An- other instance is the article concerning " elect infants." As the tenet was formulated by the Assembly, it has been understood to mean, (a) that all infants dying in infancy are elected as a class, some being saved by cov- enanted mercy, and some by uncovenanted mercy ; (b) that all infants dying in infancy are elected as a class — all alike, those within the Church and those outside of it, being saved by divine mercy, nothing being said of the covenant ; (c) that dying infants are elected as individ- uals, some being elect, and some non-elect. Probably each of these opinions had its representatives in the Assembly, and hence the indefinite form of the state- ment. The writer regards the first-mentioned view as best supported by Scripture and the analogy of faith ; but there are many who advocate the second view, and perhaps there may be some who hold the third. The liberty of opinion now conceded by the Confession on a subject respecting which the Scripture data are few, would be ill-exchanged for a statement that would admit of but one interpretation. 6. Revision is inexpedient, because the Westminster Confession, as it now reads, is a sufficiently broad and liberal creed. We do not say that it is sufficiently broad and liberal for every man and every denomination ; but it is as broad and liberal for a Calvinist as any Calvinist should desire. For whoever professes Calvinism, professes a precise form of doctrine. He expects to keep within PUKE AND MIXED 7 definite metes and bounds ; he is not one of those religion- ists who start from no premises, and come to no con- clusions, and hold no tenets. The Presbyterian Church is a Calvinistic Church. It will be the beginning of its decline, as it already lias been of some Calvinistic denom- inations, when it begins to swerve from this dogmatic position. It must therefore be distinguished among the Churches for doctrinal consistency, comprehensiveness, and firmness. But inside of the metes and bounds es- tablished by divine revelation, and to which it has vol- untarily confined itself, it has a liberty that is as large as the kingdom of God. It cannot get outside of that kingdom, and should not desire to. But within it, it is as free to career as a ship in the ocean, as an eagle in the air. Yet the ship cannot sail beyond the ocean, nor the eagle fly beyond the sky. Liberty within the immeasura- ble bounds and limits of God's truth, is the only true liberty. All else is license. The Westminster Con- fession, exactly as it now reads, has been the creed of as free and enlarged intellects as ever lived on earth. The substance of it was the strong and fertile root of the two freest movements in modern history: that of the Protes- tant Reformation and that of Republican Government. No Presbyterian should complain that the creed of his Church is narrow and stifling. And here we notice an objection urged against the Confession relative to the tenet of limited redemption. It is said that it is not sufficiently broad and liberal in announcing the boundless compassion of God towards all men indiscriminately, and in inviting all men without exception to cast themselves upon it. But read and ponder the following statements : " Repentance unto life is an evangelical grace, the doc- trine whereof is to be preached in season and out of 8 CALVINISM : season by every minister of the gospel, as well as that of faith in Christ. It is every man's duty to endeavor to repent of his particular sins, particularly. Every man is bound to make private confession of his sius to God, praying for the pardon thereof, upon which, and the forsaking of them, he shall find mercy. Prayer, with thanksgiving, being one special part of religious worship, is by God required of all men. Prayer is to be made for all sorts of men living, or that shall live hereafter, but not for the dead. God is to be worshipped everywhere in spirit and in truth, and in secret each one by himself. God in his Word, by a positive moral commandment, binds all men in all ages. The grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, in that he freely provideth and offer- eth to sinners a mediator, and life and salvation in him. The ministry of the gospel testifies that whosoever be- lieves in Christ shall be saved, and excludes none that will come unto him. God is able to search the heart, hear the requests, pardon the sins, and fulfil the desires, of all." These declarations, scattered broadcast through the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, teach the uni- versality of the Gospel, except no human creature from the offer of it, and exclude no human creature from its benefits. Their consistency with the doctrine of election is assumed, but not explained, in the Confession of Faith. And no revision of this by the mere interpolation of a few words or clauses, will make the subject any clearer, or stop all objections. 7. Revision is inexpedient, because the Westminster Standards already make full provision for those ex- ceptional cases, on account of which revision is claimed by its advocates to be needed. It is said that there are some true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who cannot PURE AND MIXED 9 adopt all the Westminster statements, who yet should not be, and actually are not, excluded from the Presbyterian Church ; that there are tender consciences of good men, whose scruples are to be respected. But these cases are referred by the Form of Government to the church session, and power is given to it to receive into member- ship any person who trusts in the blood of Christ for the remission of sin, although his doctrinal knowledge and belief may be unsatisfactory on some points. He may stumble at predestination, but if with the publican he cries " God be merciful to me a sinner," he has the root of the matter in him, and is a regenerate child of God. But why should the whole Presbyterian Church revise its entire creed, so as to make it fit these exceptional cases? Why should the mountain go to Mohammed ? Why should a genuine but deficient evangelical knowledge and experience be set up as the type of doctrine for the whole denomination ? These "babes in Christ" need the educa- tion of the full and complete system of truth, and should gradually be led up to it, instead of bringing the system down to their level. There is sometimes a misconception at this point. We have seen it stated that the member- ship of the Presbyterian Church is not required or ex- pected to hold the same doctrine with the officers ; that the pastor, elders, and deacons must accept the Confession of Faith " as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures," but that the congregation need not. But this error arises from confounding the toleration of a deficiency with the endorsement of it. Because a church session tolerates in a particular person, who gives evidence of faith in Christ, an error respecting foreordination, or even some abstruse point in the trinity, or the incarna- tion, it does not thereby endorse the error. It does not sanction his opinion on these subjects, but only endures 10 CALVINISM : it, in view of his religious experience on the vital points of faith and repentance, and with the hope that his sub- sequent growth in knowledge will bring him to the final rejection of it. The Presbyterian Church tolerates thea- tre-going in some of its members : that is to say, it does not discipline them for it. But it does not formally approve of and sanction theatre-going. A proposition to revise the Confession by inserting a clause to this effect, in order to meet the wishes and practice of theatre-go- ing church-members, would be voted down by the pres- byteries. The position that the officers of a church may have one creed, and the membership another, is untenable. No church could live and thrive upon it. A Trinitarian clergy preaching to an Arian or Socinian membership, would preach to unwilling hearers. And although the difference is not so great and so vital, yet a Calvinistie clergy preaching to an Arminian membership, or an Arminian clergy to a Calvinistie membership, would on some points find unsympathetic auditors. Pastor and people, officers and members, must be homogeneous in doctrine, in order to a vigorous church-life. If, there- fore, a certain class of members is received into a church, who do not on all points agree with the Church creed, this is not to be understood* as giving the members gener- ally a liberty to depart from the Church creed, or to be a reason for revising it. 1 The case is different with the officers of the church. 1 The question whether there shall be a short creed to be used in the admission of members into the Church, is entirely distinct from that ol revision. Such a creed ought not, of course, to contain anything contradictiyfy to the larger creed which makes a part of the constitution of the Church, and is used in the induction of ministers, elders, and theological professors. PURE AND MIXED 11 There is no exceptional class in this instance. Neither the session nor the presbytery have any authority to dis- pense with the acceptance of any part of the Confession of Faith, when a pastor, elder, or deacon is inducted into office. There is no toleration of defective views provided for, when those who are to teach and rule the Church are put into the ministry. And this for the good reason that ministers and elders are expected to be so well indoctrin- ated, that they are " apt to teach " and competent to " rule well." Some propose " loose subscription " as a remedy, when candidates of lax or unsettled views present themselves for licensure and ordination. This is demor- alizing, and kills all simplicity and godly sincerity. Bet- ter a thousand times for a denomination to alter its creed, than to allow its ministry to " palter with words in a double meaning;" than to permit an Arian subscription to the Nicene Symbol, an Arminian subscription to the Westminster Confession, a Calvinistic subscription to the Articles of Wesley, a Restorationist subscription to the doctrine of endless punishment. For these reasons, it seems to us that the proposed re- vision of the Westminster Confession is not wise or ex- pedient. The revision of a denominational creed is a rare occurrence in ecclesiastical history. Commonly a denom- ination remains from first to last upon the base that was laid for it in the beginning by its fathers and founders. And when revision does occur, it is seldom in the direc- tion of fulness and precision. Usually the alteration is in favor of vague and looser statements. Even slight changes are apt to be followed by greater ones. The dis- position to revise and alter, needs watching. In an age when the general drift of the unregenerate world is away from the strong statements of the Hebrew prophets, of Christ and his inspired Apostles, it is of the utmost ira- 12 CALVINISM : portance that the regenerate Church, in all its denomina- tions, should stand firm in the old paths, and hold fast to that " Word of God which is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit." PURE AND MIXED 13 II. OBJECTIONS TO THE REVISION OF THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION. 1 The first question sent down to the presbyteries is the most important of the two; namely, "Whether a revision of the Confession is desired. If this is answered in the neg- ative, it will mean that the Presbyterian Church of the present day is satisfied with its ancestral faith, as formu- lated in its Standards, and accords with the Church of the past in this respect. It will be a formal and positive re- affirmation of the historic Calvinism, at a time when this system of doctrine is charged with being unscriptural, er- roneous, and antiquated by modern theological progress. If it be answered in the affirmative, it will mean that the Church of the present day is more or less dissatisfied with the doctrines of the "Westminster Assembly, and is no longer willing to endorse and preach them as that body of divines defined and stated them. Revision is alteration, more or less. The object is not merely to make sure that the creed just as it stands is understood ; but to modify it either in its structural plan, its component parts, its em- phasis, or its general perspective. The second question, How much revision is desired ? is comparatively of less consequence, because it is the first question alone that decides the vital point, whether the Presbyterian Church 1 New York Presbytery, November 20, 1889 ; Northwestern Presby- terian, November 23, 1889. 14 CALVINISM : has drifted at all from the old anchorage. For this rea- son, we present in a brief form the following objections to the revision of the Westminster Confession : 1. Kevision is objectionable, because the project origin- ated in too small a fraction of the Church. Only fifteen presbyteries out of two hundred and two united in over- turing the Assembly in its favor. The remaining one hundred and eighty-seven will have to be argued and per- suaded into it. But so important a step as the revision of the doctrinal basis of a denomination should begin in a general uprising of the whole body, and be the spontane- ous and strongly expressed desire of the great majority of its members. The revision of secondary matters, like the form of government and discipline, does not require this in the same degree. As the case now stands, fifteen presbyteries have asked one hundred and eighty-seven presbyteries if they do not want to amend the Confes- sion. There should have been a far wider dissatisfac- tion with the Standards than this indicates, to initiate re- vision. 2. Revision is objectionable, because the Confession is a correct statement of " the system of doctrine contained in the Scriptures." The system meant in this phrase is uni- versally known as the Calvinistic; not as resting upon the authority of Calvin, but as a convenient designation of that interpretation of Scripture which is common to Au- gustine, Calvin, the Reformed theologians, and the West- minster divines. The term "evangelical" does not define it, because there are several evangelical systems, but only one Calvinistic. The systems of Arminius, of Wesley, and of the Later-Lutherans, as well as that of Calvin, are alike evangelical, in distinction from anti-evangelical sys- tems like Socinianism and Deism. They are all alike derived from the Bible, and contain the doctrines of the PURE AND MIXED 15 trinity, the incarnation, the apostasy, and the redemption. But the Calvinistic interpretation of Scripture, which is the one formulated in the AVestminster Standards, differs from these other "evangelical" systems, in teaching un- conditional election and pretention, instead of conditional ; limited redemption (not atonement) instead of unlimited ; regeneration wholly by the Holy Spirit instead of partly ; the total inability of the sinner instead of partial. The Calvinistic system, as thus discriminated from the other " evangelical " systems, has been adopted by American Presbyterians for two centuries. Neither Old Lights, nor New Lights ; neither Old School, nor New School ; have demanded that these tenets which distinguish Calvinism from Arminianism should be eliminated from the creed. They were accepted with equal sincerity by both branches of the Church in the reunion of 1870, and there is no rea- son for altering the formulas that were satisfactory then, unless the belief of the Church has altered in regard to these distinctive points of Calvinism. 3. The revision of the Confession is objectionable, be- cause the principal amendments proposed by its advocates will introduce error into it, so that it will no longer be " the system of doctrine contained in the Scriptures." The four following alterations are urged upon the Church : (a) To strike out the doctrine of the sovereignty of God in pretention, leaving the doctrine of election unlimited and universal, (b) To retain pretention, but assign as the reason for it the sin of the non-elect, (c) To strike out the statement that the number of the elect and non- elect is a so certain and definite, that it cannot be increased or diminished" by "angels and men." (d) To strike out the statement that no man who rejects the " Christian re- ligion," or the evangelical method of salvation, can be saved by the legal method of living " according to the 16 CALVINISM: light of nature," or some system of morality which he " professes." If these changes are made, the Westminster Standards will no longer contain a class of truths that are plainly taught in Scripture, and will cease to be that "sys- tem of doctrine" which their authors had in mind, and to which the present generation of ministers and elders have subscribed like their fathers before them. 4. Revision is objectionable, because it will be a conces- sion to the enemies of the Standards that their aspersions of them are true. The charges that have been made by the opponents of them from time immemorial are, that Calvinism represents God as a tyrannical sovereign who is destitute of love and mercy for any but an elect few, that it attributes to man the depravity of devils, deprives him of moral freedom, and subjects him to the arbitrary cruelty of a Being who creates some men in order to damn them. A few ministers and elders within the Presbyte- rian Church endorse these allegations ; and many assert that the Confession contains no universal offer of salva- tion, teaches that none of the heathen are saved, and that some infants are non-elect and lost. The great reason assigned by such Presbyterians for revising the Standards is, that they inculcate unscriptural and offensive doctrines that cannot be believed or preached. But this is to con- cede that all preceding Presbyterians have been grossly mistaken in denying that the Confession contains such doctrines, either directly or by implication. It is an acknowledgment that one of the most carefully drawn and important of all the Reformed symbols, inculcates in a latent form some of the most repulsive tenets conceiv- able by the human mind. Presbyterians of all schools have hitherto met this calumny on their creed by contra- dicting it, and trying the issue by close reasoning and de- bate. Revision proposes, in the legal phrase, to give a PURE AND MIXED 17 cognovit, admit the charge, and alter the standards to suit the enemy who made it. 5. lievision is objectionable, because it will reopen the old discussions and controversies upon the difficult doc- trines, without resulting in any better definitions of them than they already have in the Church. On the contrary, the great variety of changes that will be urged, from the very conservative to the very radical, will introduce a pe- riod of speculative dispute and disagreement that will seriously impair the existing harmony of the denomina- tion, and divert its attention from the great practical in- terests of Christ's kingdom in which it is now engaged. These iive objections, it seems to us, are conclusive reasons why the Presbyterian Church should not alter, but reaffirm the doctrines of the Westminster Standards, and continue to teach and defend them as they have been by all the past generations of Presbyterians. 2 18 CALVINISM III. ARE THERE DOCTRINAL ERRORS IN THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION ? ■ The strongest reason presented for the revision of the Westminster Confession is the allegation that the phrase- ology of some of its sections contains serious error, or is liable to be understood as containing it. Is this true ? In order to answer this question, we shall examine a few of the principal sections which are asserted to be errone- ous either in their direct teaching or in their implication. 1. Confession iii. 3 asserts that " By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto everlasting life, and others fore- ordained to everlasting death." It is contended that this section teaches, or is liable to be understood as teaching, that the decree of God in election and reprobation has no connection with sin and the fall of man, but that God by an arbitrary decree, wholly irrespective of sin, creates some men in order to save them, and some men in order to damn them. To correct this alleged error, or liability of interpretation, several advocates, of revision propose to insert the clause, " On account of their sins," to qualify the clause, " Foreordained to everlasting death ; " and one advocate of revision proposes to strike out the entire section concerning election and reprobation. We maintain that the Confession neither teaches the 1 Philadelphia Presbyterian, October 19, 1889. PURE AND MIXED 19 error aforesaid, nor is fairly liable to be understood to teach it. According to Confession iii. 6, both the elect and non-elect are " fallen in Adam/' and are thereby in a common guilty state of sin. The former are delivered out of sin by regenerating grace, and the latter are left in sin. Why are the latter left in sin ? Because " God so pleased," is the reason given by the Confession. " On account of their sins," is the reason which the reviser would insert into the Confession. But this, surely, can- not be the reason why God leaves a sinner in his sin. I see two suicides who have flung themselves into the water. I rescue one of them, and the other I let drown. They are both alike in the water, and by their own free agency. But his being in the water, is not the reason why I do not rescue the one whom I let drown. I have some other reason. It may be a good one or a bad one. But whatever it be, it certainly is not because the man is in the water. Similarly God does not leave a sinner in his own voluntary and loved sin because he is in sin. He has some other reason why he makes this discrimination between two persons, both of whom are in sin, neither of whom has any claim upon his mercy, and neither of whom is more deserving of election and regeneration than the other. God's reason, in this case, we know must be a good one. But it is a secret with himself. The only answer to the inquiry, "Why didst thou elect and regen- erate Saul of Tarsus, and didst not elect and regenerate Judas Iscariot % " is, " Because it seemed good in my sight." The allegation that there is error in this section of the Confession arises from misunderstanding the meaning of the clause, "Foreordained to everlasting death." It is the omission to regenerate, not the punishment of sin, that is intended bv it. When God " foreordains " a sinner 20 CALVINISM : " to everlasting death," lie decides to leave him in the sin which deserves everlasting death and results in it. The non-elect sinner has experienced the operation of common grace. It is an error to say that God shows no kind or degree of mercy to the non-elect. But he has resisted and defeated it. God decides to proceed no further with him by the bestowment of that special grace which regen- erates, and " makes willing in the day of God's power." The elect sinner has also experienced, resisted, and de- feated common grace. God decides to proceed further with him, by effectual calling and regeneration. The par- ticular question, therefore, in this paragraph of the Con- fession is, " Why does God leave a sinner to his own wilful free agency ? " and not, " Why does God punish him for it ? " The answer to the first question is, " Becanse of his sovereign good pleasure." The answer to the second is, " Because of the ill-desert of sin." The reason why God omits to take the second step, and exert a yet higher degree of grace after his first step in exerting a lower de- gree has been thwarted by the resistance of the sinner, is entirely different from the reason why he inflicts retribu- tion upon the sinner's sin. This is more fully explained in the seventh section of the third chapter, which should always be read in connection with the third. Here, the reason for God's "passing by," or omitting to regenerate a sinner, is found in " the unsearchable counsel of his own will whereby he extendeth or withholdeth mercy as he pleaseth." This first negative part of reprobation, which is properly called " pretention," is not qualified by the clause, " for their sin," as the correct punctuation in the Board's edition shows. This latter clause qualifies only the sentence, li And to ordain them to dishonor and wrath." Sinners are punished " for their sin," but sin is not the reason why God does not regenerate them. If sin PURE AND MIXED 21 were the reason for non-election, holiness, logically, would be the reason for election. If some men are not regen- erated because they are unbelieving, others would be re-" generated because they are believing. This is the Ar- minian doctrine, not the Calvinistic ; and this is the reason why the Westminster Assembly did not qualify the words, " pass by," by the proposed clause, " for their sins," but left " passing by," or " foreordination to ever- lasting death," to be a purely sovereign act according to " the good pleasure " of God. 2. Confession iii. 4 teaches that " the angels and men thus predestinated and foreordained are particularly and unchangeably designed ; and their number is so certain and definite that it cannot be either increased or dimin- ished." One advocate of revision proposes that this whole section be struck out of the Standards, because it " is not a scriptural form of expression ; it is mislead- ing." What is the meaning of this section ? " Increased or diminished " by whom f What is the ellipsis intended to be supplied by the framers of the statement ? Plainly they meant that the number of the elect and non-elect cannot be increased or diminished by the "angels and men " spoken of in the connection : that is, by any finite power. Neither the human will, nor the angelic, can de- termine the number of God's elect and non-elect, because this depends wholly upon " the counsel of his own will." Of course, the Assembly did not mean to say that God could not have made the number of his elect larger or smaller, if " the counsel of his own will " had so deter- mined. Probably no advocate of revision understands the Confession to teach this. But will any advocate of it say that the number of the regenerate and saved can be made greater or less by the decision and action of either 22 CALVINISM : the unregenerate world, or the regenerate church ? This would contradict the statement of St. John, that the elect " sons of God are born not of blood, nor of the will of the' flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." It would also contradict the corresponding statement in the Confession which teaches that "ill effectual calling man is altogether passive, until being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit, he is thereby enabled to answer the call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed by it " (Confession x. 2). This fourth section of the third chapter is simply another way of teaching the common doctrine, running all through the Standards, that the sinful will is in bond- age to sin, and cannot regenerate itself, and that conse- quently the number of the regenerate depends wholly upon the will and decision of God. 3. Confession x. 4 asserts that " men not professing the Christian religion cannot be saved in any other way what- soever, be they never so diligent to frame their lives ac- cording to the light of nature, and the law of that relig- ion they clo profess." This is alleged to be erroneous by an advocate of revision, because " every promise and every warning of God is addressed to man as a free agent, and not as one who cannot be saved." Who are the persons " not professing the Christian re- ligion ? " They are those who reject it, either formally, or in their spirit and disposition. The class here spoken of are the legalists of every variety, who repudiate salva- tion through Christ's blood and righteousness, and rely upon "diligently framing their lives according to the light of nature, and the law of that religion which they do pro- fess" — which is some other than "the Christian religion," which they do not " profess," but contemn. The Chris- tian religion is evangelical religion, and this they dislike. They expect to be saved by morality and personal virtue, PUttE AND MIXED 23 and not by faith in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. The doctrine then, in this section is, in brief, that no man can be saved by good works ; by any endeavors how- ever " diligent " to obey the written law of the decalogue, as the Christian legalist does, or the unwritten law of conscience, as the heathen legalist does. Now concern- ing this class of persons St. Paul explicitly says that " they cannot be saved." " By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified." St. Peter says the same. "There is no other name under heaven given among men, where- by we must be saved." There is nothing in this section that denies the possi- bility of the salvation of any sinner on earth who feels his sin, and trusts in the sacrifice of Christ in case he lias heard of it, or would trust in it if he should hear of it. It does not teach that no heathen is or can be saved. This fourth section, so often misunderstood and misrepre- sented, is aimed at the self-righteous moralist, whether in Christendom or Heathendom, who has no sorrow for sin, feels no need of God's mercy as manifested in Christ, and has no disposition to cast himself upon it, but claims the rewards of eternity on the ground of personal character and obedience to " the light of nature " and the maxims of morality. It is only a bold and strong assertion of the great truth, that no sinner can be saved by his most strenuous endeavors to keep the moral law. It is not strange, therefore, that this section closes with the affir- mation that " to assert and maintain the contrary is very pernicious and to be detested." If this is the correct explanation of these three sections of the Confession, it is evident that they neither teach nor imply error, and therefore do not need any revision. 24 CALVINISM : IV. THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS AND THE UNIVERSAL OFFER OF MERCY. 1 The Westminster Standards are now meeting an attack from some who have adopted them as their religions creed. Formerly the onset came from the enemy on the outside, now it comes from within the Church. When so many presbyterians are objecting to the Confession as containing " offensive articles that wound the consciences of tens of thousands of loyal and orthodox presbyterians," it is proper for an ordinary presbyterian to say a good word for the time-honored symbol which has been sub- scribed by the present generation of ministers and elders, and was dear to all the former generations. May it not be that these "offensive articles" are not in the Stand- ards, and that the advocates of revision, in order to find a sufficient reason for their project, are inventing and fight- ing men of straw ? Let ns look at one of these alleged offences. It is strenuously contended that the Standards contain no declaration of the love of God towards all men, but limit it to the elect ; that they make no universal offer of salvation, but confine it to a part of mankind. The following declaration is found in Confession ii. 1. " There is but one only living and true God, who is most loving, gracious, merciful, long suffering, abundant in 1 New York Observer, November 14, 1889. PURE AND MIXED 25 goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, the reward er of them that diligently seek him." Of whom speaketh the Confession this? of the God of the elect only ? or of the God of every man ? Is lie the God of the elect only ? Is he not also of the non-elect ? Is this description of the gracious nature and attributes of God intended to be restricted to a part of mankind ? Is not God as thus delineated the Creator and Father of every man without exception ? Can it be supposed that the authors of this statement meant to be understood to say that God is not such a being for all men, but only for some ? If this section does not teach the unlimited love and compassion of God towards all men as men, as his creatures, it teaches nothing. The following declaration is found in Confession xv. 1, Larger Catechism, 159. " Repentance unto life is an evangelical grace, the doctrine whereof is to be preached in season and out of season by every minister of the gos- pel, as well as that of faith in Christ." This certainly teaches that faith and repentance are the duty of all men, not of some only. No one contends that the Confession teaches that God has given a limited command to repent. u God commandeth all men everywhere to repent." But how could he give such a universal command to all sin- ners if he is not willing to pardon all sinners ? if his benevolent love is confined to some sinners in particular? How could our Lord command his ministers to preach the doctrine of faith and repentance to " every creature," if he does not desire that every one of them would believe and repent ? And how can he desire this if he does not feel infinite love for the souls of all ? When the Confes- sion teaches the duty of universal faith and repentance, it teaches by necessary inference the doctrine of God's uni- versal compassion and readiness to forgive. And it also 26 CALVINISM : teaches in the same inferential way, that the sacrifice of Christ for sin is ample for the forgiveness of every man. To preach the duty of immediate belief on the Lord Jesus Christ as obligatory upon every man, in connection with the doctrine imputed to the Confession by the reviser, that God feels compassion for only the elect, and that Christ's sacrifice is not sufficient for all, would be self- contradictory. The two things cannot be put together. The reviser misunderstands the Standards, and reads into them a false doctrine that is not there. Confession xv. 5, 6, declares that "it is every man's duty to endeavor to repent of his particular sins particu- larly. Every man is bound to make private confession of his sins to God, praying for the pardon thereof, upon which, and the forsaking of them, he shall find mercy." How shall every such man find mercy, if the reviser's understanding of the Confession is correct ? if it teaches that God's love for sinners is limited to the elect, and that Christ's sacrifice is not sufficient for the sins of all ? According to the revised version, the meaning of the Westminster divines in this section is, that some men who "pray for pardon and forsake sin" shall "find mercy," and some shall not. Larger Catechism, 160, declares that " it is required of those that hear the word preached, that the} r attend upon it with diligence, preparation and prayer; receive the truth in faith, love, meekness and readiness of mind, as the word of God ; hide it in their hearts, and bring forth the fruit of it in their lives." Would God require all this from every hearer of the word, if he were not kindly disposed towards him '( if he did not love and pity his immortal soul, and desire its salvation ? Does not this declaration mean that God will encourage, assist, and bless every hearer of the word without exception who PUKE AND MIXED 27 does the things mentioned ? What shadow of reason is there for alleging that it means that God will help and bless some of these hearers, and some he will not ? But in order to make out that the section does not teach the universal offer of mercy, this must be the allega- tion. Larger Catechism, 95, declares that " the moral law is of use to all men, to inform them of the holy nature and will of God ; to convince them of their disability to keep it, and of the sinful pollution of their nature ; to humble them in the sense of sin and misery, and thereby help them to a clearer sight of the need they have of Christ, and of the perfection of his obedience." But what is the use of showing every man his need of Christ, if Christ's sacrifice is not sufficient for every man ? What reason is there for convincing every man of the pollution of his nature, and humbling him for it, unless God is for every man " most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin ? " The doctrine taught in this section, that all men are to be convicted of sin, like the doctrine that all men are to repent and to pray, supposes that God sustains a common benevolent and merciful relation to them all. Confession xxi. 3, declares that " prayer with thanks- giving, being one special part of religious worship, is re- quired by God of all men." How could God require prayer from every man, if he were not disposed to hear the prayer of every man ? And does not this imply that he loves the soul of every man ? The duty of prayer sup- poses a corresponding kind and gracious feeling in God that prompts him to answer it ; that " he is the hearer of prayer, and that unto him all flesh should come." In order to make out his "offensive doctrine," the reviser must explain this section by appending to it : " Though 28 CALVINISM : God requires prayer from all men, lie is the hearer of prayer for only the elect." Confession vii. 3, declares that " man by his fall hav- ing made himself incapable of life by that (legal) cove- nant, the Lord was pleased to make a second, commonly called the covenant of grace : wherein he freely offered to sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ, requiring of them faith in him, that they may be saved, and promising to give unto all those that are ordained unto life, his Holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe." Two distinct and different things are mentioned here: (a) an offer of salvation • (b) a promise of the Holy Spirit to make the unwilling sinner willing to accept it. The num- ber of those to whom the offer of salvation is made is un- limited; of those to whom the promise of the Spirit to "make them willing" is made, is limited by "ordination to life" or election. It is clear that God may desire that to be done by man under the influence of his common grace in the common call, which he may not decide and purpose to make him do by the operation of his special grace in the effectual call. His desire that sinners would hear his universal call to repentance may be, and is un- limited ; but his purpose to overcome their unwillingness and incline them to repentance may be, and is limited. God offers Christ's sacrifice to every man, without excep- tion, and assures him that if he will trust in it he shall be saved, and gives him common grace to help and encour- age him to believe. This is a proof that God loves his soul and desires its salvation. But God does not, in addition to this universal offer of mercy, promise to overcome every man's aversion to believe and repent and his resistance of common grace. Election and pretention have no ref- erence to the offer of salvation or to common grace. They relate only to special grace and the effectual application of PURE AND MIXED 29 Christ's sacrifice. The universal offer of mercy taught in this section evinces the universality of God's compassion towards sinners. Larger Catechism, 63, declares that " the ministry of the gospel testifies that whosoever believes in Christ shall be saved, and excludes none that will come unto him." The reference here is not to the members of the visible Church, as one reviser contends who denies that the universal offer is in this section, because the persons spoken of are those who have not yet believed in Christ, and have not yet come to him. The motive is held out to such persons, that if they r will believe and come, they shall be saved by the infinite and universal mercy of God which " excludes none that will come unto him." With what show of reason can it be said that a symbol containing such declarations as these respecting the nature and attributes of God, his requirement that every man confess sin to him, repent of it, pray for its forgiveness and trust in his mercy, contains no announcement of his infinite love and compassion ? This great and blessed truth is worked and woven all through the Standards, as the doctrines of the Divine existence and the immortality of the soul are through the Bible. The Bible is nonsense without these latter, and the Confession is nonsense with- out the former. The Westminster creed is being wounded in the house of its friends. To a spectator it appears amazing that so many who have "received and accepted" it as teaching "the system of doctrine contained in the Scriptures" should charge so many and so great errors upon it. If the Confession and Catechisms really are w T hat they have been alleged to be, during the last six months, by some advo- cates of revision, they ought not to be revised at all, but to be repudiated. 30 CALVINISM : Y. THE MEANING AND VALUE OF THE DOCTRINE OP DECREES. 1 The proposal to revise the Westminster Standards has brought the doctrine of the Divine Decrees into the fore- ground. The controversy turns upon this pivot. Other features come in incidentally, but this is capital and con- trolling. This is the stone of stumbling and rock of of- fence. If election and reprobation were not in the Con- fession and Catechism, probably the fifteen presbyteries would not have overtured the Assembly. It is for this reason that we purpose to discuss the Meaning and Value of the Doctrine of Decrees, so plainly inculcated in the Scriptures, and from them introduced into the Westmin- ster symboL We are certain that the Biblical truth of the sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinners, and of his just liberty to determine how many he will save from their sin, and how many he will leave to their self-will in sin, is greatly misunderstood by some who profess the Presbyterian faith, and who describe it in much the same terms with the anti-Calvinist, and inveigh against it with something of the same bitterness. Though differing greatly from one another in personal feeling and attitude towards the Confession, the conservative and the radical reviser nevertheless practically meet together at this point, and while the former has no desire to make any changes 1 By permission, from the Presbyterian and Reformed Review, Janu- ary, 1890. PURE AND MIXED 31 in the doctrine of decrees that will essentially impair the integrity of the Calvinistic system, he yet unintentionally aids the radical in bringing about a revolution in the sen- timent and creed of the Presbyterian Church concerning one of the most distinctive articles of its belief. Because revision, be it conservative or radical, contends that there is more or less that is un- Scriptural in the tenets of elec- tion and reprobation as they are now formulated in the Standards, and that they are bad in their influence. The amount of error in them, and the degree in which they are injurious, is variously stated by advocates of revision. But the general opinion of this class is, that they require more or less amending to get rid of certain elements that are derogatory to the character of God, and are inconsist- ent with the Christian redemption. Anti-revision denies this. The only question of importance, therefore, in this juncture, is: Revision, or Konrevision. And this, as we have said, turns mainly upon the third chapter of the Confession, entitled " Of God's Eternal Decree," together with the kindred declarations growing out of this, in other parts of the Standards. It will therefore be our aim to show that the doctrine of decrees, as it is found in the Westminster Standards, is neither un-Scriptural nor erro- neous ; and that it is a highly useful and edifying doctrine in the formation of the Christian character. We heartily adopt the affirmation of the Thirty -nine Articles, that " the godly consideration of predestination, and our elec- tion in Christ, is full of sweet, pleasant, and unspeakable comfort to godly persons, and such as feel in themselves the workings of the Spirit of Christ, mortifying the works of the flesh and their earthly members, and drawing up their minds to high and heavenly things, as well because it doth greatly establish and confirm their faith, and fer- vently kindle their love towards God." 32 CALVINISM : In carrying out our purpose, we shall mention certain characteristics of the Westminster doctrine that are both Scriptural and rational, and of great value both specula- tively in constructing the Christian system, and practically in forming the Christian experience. 1. The first characteristic of the Confessional statement that we mention is, that it brings sin within the scope, and under the control of the Divine decree. Sin is one of the " whatsoevers" that have "come to pass," all of which are " ordained." Some would have the doctrine that sin is decreed stricken from the Confession, because in their view it makes God the author of sin. The Con- fession denies this in its assertion that by the Divine de- cree " violence is not offered to the will of the creature, nor is the liberty of second causes taken away, but rather established." In so saying, the authors had in mind the common distinction recognized in Calvinistic creeds and systems, between the efficient and the permissive decree, though they do not use the terms here. The latter, like the former, makes an event certain, but by a different mode from that of the former. "When God executes his decree that Saul of Tarsus shall be "a vessel of mercy," he works efficiently within him by his Holy Spirit " to will and to do." When God executes his decree that Ju- das Iscariot shall be " a vessel of wrath fitted for destruc- tion," he does not work efficiently within him " to will and to do," but permissively in the way of allowing him to have his own wicked will. He decides not to restrain him or to regenerate him, but to leave him to his own ob- stinate and rebellious inclination and purpose; and accord- ingly " the Son of man goeth as it was determined, but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed " (Luke 22 : 22; Acts 2: 23). The two Divine methods in the two cases are plainly different, but the perdition of Judas was PUKE AND MIXED 33 as much foreordained and free from chance, as the con- version of Saul. Man's inability to explain how God can make sin certain, but not compulsory, by & permissive de- cree, is no reason for denying that he can do it or that he has done it. Appendix, Note 2. It is sometimes argued that the Confession excludes the tenet of the permissive decree, by its declaration that the " providence of God extendeth itself even to the first fall, and all other sins of angels and men, and that not by a bare permission " (Conf . v. 4). The " bare permission " which the Assembly rejects here is that of the Tridentine theologians, who asserted that sin arises from the " mere permission " of God. The Reformed theologians under- stood this to mean, that in respect to the fall of angels and men God is an idle and helpless spectator (deo otioso spectante), and that sin came into the universe without any positive decision and purpose on his part. This kind of " permission " implies that God could not have pre- vented sin had lie so decided, and is really no permission at all ; because no one can properly be said to permit what lie cannot prevent. In order to exclude this view of " permission," the Assembly assert " such [a permission] as hath joined with it a most holy, wise, and powerful bounding and otherwise ordering and governing of [the sins of angels and men], in a manifold dispensation, to his own holy ends ; yet so as the sinfulness thereof pro- ceedeth only from the creature, not from God, who neither is nor can be the author of sin.'''' This last clause declares that God's relation to the sin which he decrees, is not that of efficiency, but permission. For if God worked directly and efficiently in angel or man " to will," when lie wills wickedly, the " sinfulness of sin " would " proceed from God," and God would be " the author of sin." The per- missive decree is taught also in Larger Catechism, 19. 3 34 CALVINISM : " God by his providence permitted some of the angels, wilfully and irrecoverably, to fall into sin and damnation, limiting and ordering that, and all their sins, to his own glory." The permissive decree is supported by Scripture, in the statement that God " in times past suffered (etacre) all na- tions to walk in their own ways " (Acts 14 : 16) ; that " the times of this ignorance God overlooked " (v7repiSoov) (Acts 17: 30); that God "gave rebellions Israel their own desire (Psalm 78 : 29) ; that u he gave them their request " (Psalm 106 : 15). This phraseology is never employed when holiness is spoken of. The Bible never says that God permits man to be holy, or to act right- eously. He efficiently inliuences and actuates him to this. Accordingly the other Reformed creeds, like the Westminster, mark the difference between God's relation to holiness aiKl sin. The Second Helvetic, Ch. viii., says : " Quotiescunque Dens aliquid mali ill Scriptura facere dicitur atque videtur, non ideo dicitur, quod homo malum non faciat, sed quod Deus fieri sinat et non prohibeat, justo suo judicio, qui prohibere potuisset, si voluisset." The Belgic Confession, Art. 13, asserts that God's "power and goodness are so great and incomprehensible, that he orders and executes his work in the most excellent and just manner even when the devil and wicked men act un- justly. "We are persuaded that he so restrains the devil and all our enemies that without his will and permission they cannot hurt us." The Dort Canons, i. 15, teach that "God, out of his sovereign, most just, and unchangeable good pleasure hath decreed to leave some men in the com- mon misery into which they have wilfully plunged them- selves, and not to bestow upon them saving faith and the grace of conversion, hut per initting them in his just judg- ment to follow their own way, at last, for the declaration PUKE AND MIXED 35 of his justice, to condemn and punish them forever, not only on account of their unbelief, but also for all their other sins." And here is the place to notice the error of those who represent supralapsarianism as differing from infralapsa- rianism by referring sin to the efficient decree, thereby making God the author of it. Dr. Schaff, for example, asserts that " Calvin carried the doctrine of the Divine decrees beyond the Augustinian infraiapsarianism, which makes the fall of Adam the object of a permissive or pas- sive decree, to the very verge of snpralapsarianism, which traces even the first sin to an efficient or positive decree" (Creeds, i. 453). But both schemes alike refer sin to the permissive decree, and both alike deny that God is the author of sin. Supralapsarians like Beza and Gomar re- pel this charge, which anti-Calvinists made against both divisions of the Calvinists. Brandt, who was on the Ar- minian side, so understood Gomar. In describing the difference between Arminius and Gomar, he says of the latter : " Gomarus maintained that it was appointed by an eternal decree of God, who among mankind should be saved, and who should be damned. From whence it re- sulted that some men should be drawn to righteousness, and being drawn were preserved from falling ; but that God suffered all the rest to remain in the common corrup- tion of human nature, and in their own iniquities " (Re- formation in the Low Countries, Book xviii.). Calvin, Inst. III. xxii., says that " man falls according to the ap- pointment of Divine providence, but falls by his own fault." * The difference between them relates to an alto- 1 Shedd : Dogmatic Theology, i. 409 (Note). A remark is in place here, upon the often cited "decretum horribile " of Calvin. The Di- vine sovereignty in the salvation of sinners when properly viewed, in- spires a solemn and religious awe hefore that Infinite Being who, in the 36 CALVINISM : gether different point : namely, the order in which the decrees of election and reprobation stand to that of crea- tion. The supralapsarian asserts that in the logical order of nature (not of time, for all the decrees are eternal), the decree to elect and reprobate certain men is before (supra) the decree to create them ; the infralapsarian, that it is after (infra). The former contends that God begins by electing some men and reprobating others, and in order to execute these two decrees creates man and permits (not efficiently causes) the fall. The infralapsarian contends that God begins by creating man and permitting (not causing) the fall, and then out of this fallen and guilty race elects some to life, and leaves others to their volun- tary sin and its just penalty. The supralapsarian order is liable to the charge that " God creates some men in order to damn them," because creation follows from reprobation. The infralapsarian order is not liable to this charge, be- cause creation does not follow from reprobation, but pre- cedes it. 1 The Westminster Assembly, in common with language of Elihu, " giveth not account of any of his matters " (Job 83 : 13). This is the meaning of Calvin's " decretum quidem horn bile fateor " (Inst. III. xxiii. 7). Those who quote this in disparagement of the doctrine of predestination, suppose that he used "horrible" in the modern vulgar sense of "hateful" and "repulsive," a.s when persons speak of a "horrible stench," or an "awful noise." Of course he could not have intended to pour contempt upon what he believed to le a truth of revelation, by employing the word in this popular and some- what slangy signification. Calvin was a highly educated classical scholar, and his Latin U as accurate and elegant as any since the days of Cicero and Virgil. In the classical writers, " horror " sometimes sig- nifies awe and veneration. Lucretius, for example, describes the wor- ship of the gods' as originating in the " mortalibus insitns Iwrror" (De Natura, v. 1164). The feeling of reverential fear is expressed in Jacob's words, " How dreadful is this place ! " (Gen. 28 :17). In this sense of the word, the doctrine of predestination might be called "a dreadful decree," without disparaging it in the least. 1 The Arminian Remonstrants stated the difference between the two PURE AND MIXED 37 the Calvinistic creeds previously made, adopted the infra- lapsarian order, though some theologians, like the elder Hodge, find a concession to the supralapsarians in some of their phraseology. The doctrine of the permissive decree has great value in two respects : {a) In taking sin out of the sphere of chance, (b) In explaining the tenet of pretention, or " foreordination to everlasting death." First, by the permissive decree, sin is brought within the Divine plan of the universe, and under the Divine control. Whatever is undecreed must be by hap-liazard and accident. If sin does not occur by the Divine pur- pose and permission, it occurs by chance. And if sin oc- curs by chance, the deity, as in the ancient pagan theolo- gies, is limited and hampered by it. He is not " God over all." Dualism is introduced into the theory of the universe. Evil is an independent and uncontrollable prin- ciple. God governs only in part. Sin with all its effects is beyond his sway. This dualism God condemns as er- ror, in his words to Cyrus by Isaiah, " I make peace and create evil ; " and in the words of Proverbs 16 : 4, " The Lord hath made all things for himself ; yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." " We believe," says the Bel- divisions of Calvinists as follows: "Our opponents teach, First, that God, as some [i.e., supralapsarians] assert, has ordained by an eternal and irresistible decree some from among men, whom he does not con- sider as created much less as fallen, to eternal life, and some to ever- lasting perdition, without any regard to their obedience or disobedience, in order to exert both his justice and his mercy. Secondly, that God, as others [i.e., infralapsarians] teach, considers mankind not only as created but fallen in Adam, and consequently as obnoxious to the curse ; from which fall and destruction he has determined to release some, and save them as instances of his mercy, and to leave others under the curse for examples of his justice, without any regard to be'ief or unbe- lief 1 ' (Brandt: Reformation in the Low Countiies, Book xix ). 38 CALVINISM : gic Confession, Art. 13, " that God after he had created all things did not forsake them, or give them np to for- tune or chance, hut that he rules and governs them ac- cording to his holy will, so that nothing happens in this world without his appointment ; nevertheless, God neither is the author of, nor can be charged with, the sins which are committed." Secondly, by the permissive decree, the pretention of some sinners and thereby their " foreordination to ever- lasting death " is shown to be rational as well as Scriptu- ral, because God, while decreeing the destiny of the non- elect, is not the author of his sin or of his perdition. Pretention is a branch of the permissive decree, and stands or falls with it. Whoever would strike the doc- trine of pretention from the Standards, to be consistent must strike out the general doctrine that sin is decreed. If God could permissively decree the fall of Adam and his posterity without being the cause and author of it, he can also permissively decree the eternal death of an in- dividual sinner without being the cause and author of it. In pretention, God repeats, in respect to an individual, the act which he performed in respect to the race. He permitted the whole human species to fall in Adam in such a manner that they were responsible and guilty for the fall, and he permits an individual of the species to remain a sinner and to be lost by sin, in such a manner that the sinner is responsible and guilty for this. The Westminster Standards, in common with the Cal- vinistic creeds generally, begin with affirming the univer- sal sovereignty of God over his entire universe : over heaven, earth, and hell ; and comprehend all beings and all events under his dominion. Nothing comes to pass contrary to his decree. Nothing happens by chance. Even moral evil, which he abhors and forbids, occurs by PURE AND MIXED 39 " the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God ; " and jet occurs through the agency of the unforced and self-determining will of man as the efficient. Why should such a tenet as this, taught by Scripture and supported by reason, be stricken out of the Confes- sion ; or if not stricken out, so minimized as to declare that God decrees holiness but not sin, elects but does not pass by ? On the contrary, why should it not be pro- claimed boldly and everywhere, that above all the sin, and the misery caused by sin, in this world of mankind, there sits on the throne a wise, benevolent, and omnipo- tent Sovereign who for reasons sufficient in 3 lis view permitted, but did not cause or compel, the fall of angels and men, with the intention of guiding the issue of it all to an ultimate end worthy of himself — namely, the mani- festation of his two great attributes of mercy and justice : of mercy, in the salvation from sin of " a great multitude whom no man can number ; " of justice, in leaving a multitude that can be numbered to the sin which they love and prefer, and its righteous punishment. 2. The second characteristic of the Westminster doc- trine of decrees is the union of election and pretention. It includes both tenets, and is consistent in doing so. The discontent with the Confession is greater upon this point than upon the first that we have mentioned. Many do not object to what the Standards say upon the abstract subject of the Divine decree, who particularly dislike its concrete teaching upon election and pretention. The dis- crimination which the Confession makes between sinners ; the Divine purpose to save some and not all ; they as- sert to be un-Biblical and unjust. " The foreordination of some men to everlasting life, and of others to everlast- ing death, and pretention of all the non-elect, are equally inconsistent with a proper conception of Divine justice," 40 CALVINISM : is the assertion of a strenuous advocate of revision. Some would strike out both election and pretention ; others would strike out pretention and retain election. We shall endeavor to show that one of these proposals is as destruc- tive of the integrity of the system as the other ; that both tenets must stand, or both must go. That individual election is taught in the Bible is very generally conceded. But individual pretention is taught with equal plainness. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners, is as explicit upon this subject as he is upon that of endless punishment. Upon two occasions (Matt. 13 : 14, 15 ; John 12 : 38-40), he quotes the words of God to Isaiah, 6 : 9, 10 : " Go and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not ; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes ; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed." The prophet was instructed to declare the pretention of a part of Israel, and our Lord endorses the doctrine. And he frequently connects the voluntary and guilty rejection of his gracious offer of mercy with the eternal purpose and plan of God. The impenitence of Capernaum and of Chorazin and Bethsaida was guilty, and punishable with a punishment greater than that of Sodom ; yet these sin- ners were " the wise and prudent " from whom the " Lord of heaven and earth" had "hid the things" of salvation (Matt. 11 : 20-26). " Many," he says, " are called, but few are chosen " (Matt. 22 : 14 ; Luke 17 : 34-36). With grief and tears over the hardness of heart and the bitter enmity of the Jerusalem sinners, he at the same time de- clares their reprobation by God. " Upon you shall come all the righteous blood shed upon earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias. Behold your PURE AND MIXED 41 house is left unto you desolate " (Matt. 23 : 35-38). That the Apostolical Epistles teach pretention, we need not stop to prove. One principal objection made to the Paul- ine Christianity by its opponents is, that it is full of pre- destination both to holiness and sin. The Dort Canons, I. vi., enunciate Paul's doctrine in the following state- ment : " That some receive the gift of faith from God, and others do not receive it, proceeds from God's eternal decree. According to which decree, he graciously softens the hearts of the elect, however obstinate, and inclines them to believe; while he leaves the non-elect in his just judgment to their own wickedness and obduracy." " Unto you," says our Lord, " it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given " (Matt. 13 Til). .Not only are both individual election and pretention taught in Scripture, but both are necessary in a creed in order to self-consistence. Pretention is the contrary of election, and one of two contraries necessarily implies the other. Right implies wrong ; light implies dark- ness. No one would contend that there is light but not darkness ; right but not wrong. And no one should contend that there is an election of individuals, but not a pretention. 1 It is impossible to think of individual elec- 1 The qualifying epithet <; individual" is important here; because while individual election implies individual pretention as its contrary, classical election does not. If a whole class (say dying infants) are elected, no individuals of it are passed by. The true contrary to clas- sical election is classical pretention, not individual preterition. In clas- sical election, there cannot be the salvation of a part and perdition of a part, as there can be in individual election. The whole c'ass must either be elected, or else the whole class must be passed by ; the whole of it must be the objects of mercy, or else the whole of it must be the objects of justice. All must be saved, or else all must be lost. No dis- crimination is possible between individuals, as is the case in individual election. 42 CALVINISM : tion alone by itself, or to teach it alone by itself. Indi- vidual election implies and suggests individual reprobation. The elect himself (that is, one who hopes he is of the elect) sometimes fears that he is one of the non-elect. St. Paul kept his body under, lest he should be a reprobate " cast away." That Christian who denies the doctrine of pretention, and does not sometimes fear that God may pass him by, is not a model for imperfectly sanctified men. If God does not elect a sinner, he must of course pass him by. If God decides not to convert a sinner into a saint, he must of course decide to let him remain a sinner. If God does not purpose to make Judas Iscariot " a vessel of mercy," he must of course purpose to leave him " a vessel of wrath." Individual election without its anti- thetic pretention is only one-half of the circle of Divine truth. When God operates efficiently in the sinner's heart, to overcome his resistance of common grace, and his enmity to the law of God, this is election. When God does not work efficiently, but permissively leaves the sinner to himself, this is pretention. And he must do one thing or the other, in the instance of every sinner. And he must purpose to do one thing or the other, in every instance. And the purpose is an eternal one. Con- sequently to affirm in a creed the decree of individual election, and deny that of pretention, is the height of ab- surdity. Accordingly, the Reformed creeds contain both doc- trines ; sometimes both of them verbally expressed, and sometimes pretention implied from election verbally ex- pressed. Both doctrines are specified in the following symbols : Second Helvetic, Gallican, Belgic, First Scotch, Irish, Lambeth, Dort, Westminster. Election alone is specified in Augsburg, First Helvetic, Heidelberg, and Thirty-nine Articles. That the decree of individual elec- PURE AND MIXED 43 tion necessarily involves the antithetic decree of individual pretention, is evinced by the fact that Ursinns, one of the authors, and the principal one, of the Heidelberg Cate- chism, which verbally affirms election but not pretention, presents an elaborate statement and defence of reproba- tion in his Christian Theology (Qn. 54), composed in ex- planation of this creed. 1 What is pretention ? It is God's passing by a sinner in the bestowment of regenerating, not of common grace. All men are blessed with common grace. There is no 1 Dr. Schaff, in the Evangelist, for November 14, 1889, asserts that the Gallican, Belgic, Second Helvetic, First Scotch, and Dort symbols, "are silent on the decree of reprobation and pretention. " The follow- ing extracts from his Creeds of Christendom show that this is an error. Gallican, Art. 12 : " God calleth out of corruption and condemnation those whom he hath chosen without consideration of their works, in order to display in them the riches of his mercy ; leaving (laissant) the rest in this same corruption and condemnation, in order to manifest in them his justice." Belgic, Art. 16: "God is merciful, since he delivers from perdition all whom he hath elected in Christ Jesus, without any respect to their works ; just, in leaving (laissant) the others in the fall and perdition wherein they have precipitated themselves." Second Helvetic, Cap. x. 4, 6 : " Though God knows who are his, and sometimes the fewness of the elect is spoken of, yet we are to have hope for all, and no one is rashly to be numbered with the reprobate. We do not approve of the impious words of those who say : 'If I am elected, I shall be saved, however I may act ; if I am one of the reprobate, neither faith nor repentance will be of any use, since the decree of God cannot be altered.' " First Scotch, Art. 8 : ll For this cause we are not afraid to call God our Father, not so much because he has created us, which we have in common with the reprobate, as that he has given to us his only Son to be our brother.'' Dort Canons, i. 15: "Holy Scripture testifieth that not all, but some only, are elected, while others are passed by in the eternal decree ; whom God out of his sovereign good pleasure hath decreed to leave in the misery into which they have wilfully plunged themselves, permitting them to follow their own way. And this is the doctrine of reprobation, which by no means makes God the author of sin (the very thought of which is blasphen'y), but declares him to be a righteous judge and punisher of sin." 44 CALVINISM : election or reprobation in this reference. God's mercy in this form and degree of it is universal and indiscriminate. But common grace fails to save the sinner, because of his love of sin, his aversion to holiness, and his unbelief. The martyr Stephen's words are applicable to every man in respect to common grace: "Ye stiff-necked, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost" (Acts 7:51). Conse- quently, in order to save any sinner whatsoever requires a still higher grade of grace which, in the phrase of the Larger Catechism (67), "powerfully determines" his will by regenerating it. Here is where the Divine discrimina- tion comes in. It is with reference to this kind and de- gree of grace that God says : " I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy " (Ex. 33 : 10 ; Kom. 9 : 15). And this is the Scripture truth which is now on trial in the Pres- byterian Church. This is the particular doctrine which excites animosity in some minds, and which it is con- tended must be cut out of the Confession like cancerous matter that is killing the body. Let us consider the ob- jections that are made to it. 1. It is objected that pretention is inconsistent with the infinite compassion of God for the souls of all men, and cannot be squared with such assertions as, "As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die? God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoso- ever believeth in him might not perish but have everlast- ing life." The first reply to this is, that these and many similar affirmations of the Divine pity for the sinful soul and desire for its salvation, are written in the same inspired volume that contains such assertions as the following: "Many shall seek to enter in and shall not be able. lie PURE AND MIXED 45 hath blinded their eves and hardened their hearts, that they should not see with their eyes, and be converted, and I should heal them. The Son of man goeth as it was determined ; but woe unto that man by whom he is be- trayed. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compas- sion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. The chil- dren being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth, it was said, The elder shall serve the younger. The disobedient stum- ble at the word, whereunto also they were appointed." Since both classes of passages come from God, he must perceive that they are consistent with each other whether man can or not. Both, then, must be accepted as eternal truth by an act of faith, by every one who believes in the inspiration of the Bible. They must be presumed to be self -consistent, whether it can be shown or not. But, secondly, there are degrees of mercy. Because God does not show the highest degree of it to a particular sinner, it does not follow that he does not show him any at all. He may grant him the mercy of common grace, and when this is resisted and nullified by his hostile self- will and obstinate love of sin, he may decide not to bestow the mercy of special grace, and yet not be chargeable with destitution of love and compassion towards him. 1 Any degree of love is love ; and any degree of compassion is compassion. To contend that the Divine love must be of exactly the same degree towards all creatures alike or else 1 Man is compelled to speak of God's decision or decree in this way, though strictly there is no before or after for him. All his decrees are eternal and simultaneous. Yet there is an order of nature. Special grace supposes the failure of common grace. 46 CALVINISM : * it is not love, is untenable. It is certain that God can feel love and pity towards the souls of all men, as his creatures and as sinners lost by their own fault, and mani- fest it in that measure of grace which " leads to repent- ance " (Rom. 2 : 4), and would result in it if it were not resisted, and yet not actually save them all from the con- sequences of their own action. The Scriptures plainly teach that God so loved the whole world that he gave his only-begotten Son to make expiation for " the sins of the whole world ; " and they just as plainly teach that a part of this world of mankind are sentenced, by God, to eternal death for their sins. The Arminian and the Calvinist both alike deny the doctrine of universal salvation, yet believe that this is compatible with the doctrine of God's universal benevolence. Both deny the inference that if God does not save every human being, he does not love the soul of every human being ; that if he does not do as much for one person as he does for another, he is unmer- ciful towards him. It is a fallacy to maintain, that unless God does all that he possibly can to save a sinner, he does not do anything towards his salvation ; as it would be fal- lacious to maintain, that unless God bestows upon a person all the temporal blessings that are within his power, he does not show him any benevolence at all. This fallacy lies under the argument against pretention. It is asserted that if God "passes by" a sinner in the bestowment of regenerating grace, he has no love for his soul, no desire for its salvation, and does nothing towards its welfare. But if God really felt no compassion for a sinner, and showed him none, he would immediately^m?mA him for his sin, and the matter w T ould end here. The sinner's doom would be fixed. Just retribution would follow transgression instantaneously, and forever. And who can impeach justice? "As all men have sinned in Adam, PURE AND MIXED 47 and are obnoxious to eternal death, God would have done no injustice by leaving them all to perish, and delivering them over to condemnation on account of sin, according to the words of the Apostle : ' That every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God ' " (Dort Canons, I. i.). But God does not do this. He suffers long and is forbearing with every sinner with- out exception. There is not a transgressor on earth, in Christendom or Heathendom, who is not treated by his Maker better than he deserves ; who does not experience some degree of the Divine love and compassion. God showers down upon all men the blessings of his provi- dence, and bestows upon them all more or less of the common influences and operation of the Holy Spirit. This is mercy to the souls of men universally, and ought to move them to repent of sin and forsake it. This com- mon grace and universal benevolence of God is often spoken of in Scripture. " Despisest thou, O man, the riches of God's goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffer- ing, not knowing [recognizing] that the- goodness of God leads [tends to lead] thee to repentance; but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath ? " (Rom. 2 : 4, 5). Here is the common grace of God enjoyed by men universally, and thwarted by their love of sin, and obstinate self-will in sin. But is God unmerciful and destitute of compas- sion towards this man, if he decides to proceed no further with him, but leave him where he is, and as he is ? Is all that God has done for him in the way of long-suffering, forbearance, kindness, and inward monitions in his con- science, to count for nothing ? If this treatment of the sinner is not benevolence and compassion, w T hat is it? It is mercy in God to reveal to every man the law of God, nay even " the wrath of God against all ungodliness and 48 CALVINISM : unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unright- eousness," for by this revelation the man is warned and urged to turn from sin and live. This is one way in which God says to the sinner, "Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die? As I live I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth." It is mercy in God, and is so represented by St. Paul, when he " does not leave himself without witness, in that he does good, sending rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling men's hearts with good and gladness, and makes of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and determines the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us " (Acts 14 : 17 ; IT : 26, 27). That this gracious and fatherly interest in their souls' welfare is repelled and nullified by their preference for sin and love of worldly pleasure, and comes to naught, does not alter the nature of it as it lies in the heart of God. It is Divine mercy and love for human souls, not- withstanding its ill success. Common grace is great and undeserved mercy to a sin~ ner, and would save him if he. did not resist and frustrate it. In and by it, " God commandeth all men everywhere to repent," and whoever repents will find mercy. In and by it, God commands every hearer of the written word to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and whoever believes shall be saved. The common grace of God consists of the written, or in the instance of the heathen the unwrit- ten word, together with more or less of the convicting operation of the Holy Spirit. Says Hodge (ii. 667), u The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of truth, of holiness, and of life in all its forms, is present with every human mind, enforcing truth, restraining from evil, exciting to good, and imparting wisdom, or strength, PURE AND MIXED 49 when, where, and in what measure seemeth to him good. In this sphere, also, lie ' divideth to every man severally as he will.' " Whoever is in any degree convinced of sin, and is in any degree urged by his conscience to con- fess and forsake it, is a subject of common grace. And whoever stifles conviction, refuses confession, and "holds down the truth in unrighteousness," resists common grace. St. Paul charges this sin upon both the heathen and the evangelized. Common grace, we repeat, is great and un- deserved mercy to a sinner, and by it God evinces his pity for his soul, and his desire for its salvation. But man universally, unevangelized and evangelized, nullifies this form and degree ol the Divine mercy, by his opposi- tion. The opponent of pretention comes in here at this point, and contends that God is bound to go yet further than common grace with sinful man, and subdue his en- mity by creating him anew in the spirit of his mind ; and that if he " passes him by," and leaves him where he is, and as he is, he has no love for his soul. The sovereignty of God in this matter of bestowing regenerating grace is denied. To bestow it upon Jacob but not upon Esau, upon some but not upon all, is said to be injustice and partiality. Scripture denies that God is under obligation to follow up his defeated common grace with his irresistible special grace. It asserts his just liberty to do as he pleases in regard to imparting that measure of grace which produces the new birth, and makes the sinner " willing in the day of God's power." The passages have already been cited. And reason teaches the same truth. Mercy from its very nature is free and optional in its exercise. God may mani- fest great and unmerited compassion to all men in com- mon grace and the outward call, and limit his compassion if he please to some men in special grace and the effectual 4 50 CALVINISM : call. He may call upon all men to repent and believe, and promise salvation to all that do so, and jet not incline all men to do so. No one will say that a man is insin- cere in offering a gift, if he does not along with it produce the disposition to accept it. And neither should one as- sert this of God. God sincerely desires that the sinner would hear his outward call, and that his common grace might succeed with him. He sincerely desires that every- one who hears the message : " Ho, every one that thirst- eth, come ye to the waters ; yea, come buy wine and milk without money," would come just as he is, and of his own free will, " for all things are ready." The fact that God does not go further than this with all men and conquer their aversion, is consistent with this desire. No one con- tends that God is not universally benevolent because he bestows more health, wealth, and intellect upon some than upon others. And no one should contend that he is not universally merciful, because he bestows more grace upon some than upon others. The omnipotence of God is able to save the whole world of mankind, and to our narrow vision it seems singular that he does not ; but be this as it may, it is false to say that if he does not exert the whole of his power, he is an unmerciful being towards those who abuse his common grace. That degree of for- bearance and long-suffering which God shows towards those who resist it, and that measure of effort which he puts forth to convert them, is real mercy towards their souls. It is the sinner who has thwarted this benevolent approach of God to his sinful heart. Millions of men in all ages are continually beating back God's mercy in the outward call and nullifying it. A man who has had common grace, has been the subject of the Divine com- passion to this degree. If he resists it, he cannot charge God with nn mercifulness, because he does not bestow PURE AND MIXED 51 upon liim still greater mercy in the form of regenerating grace. A beggar who contemptuously rejects the five dollars offered by a benevolent man, cannot charge stingi- ness upon him because after this rejection of the five dol- lars he does not give him ten. Any sinner who complains of God's " passing him by " in the bestowment of regen- erating grace after his abuse of common grace, virtually says to the High and Holy One who inhabits eternity, " Thou hast tried once to convert me from sin ; now try again, and try harder." 2 God's desire that a sinner should " turn and live " under common grace, is not incompatible with his pur- pose to leave him to " eat of the fruit of his own ways, and be filled with his own devices " — which is the same thing as u foreordaining him to everlasting death." A decree of God may not be indicative of what he desires and loves. He decrees sin, but abhors and forbids it. He decrees the physical agony of millions of men in earthquake, flood, and conflagration, but he does not take delight in it. His omnipotence could prevent this 1 An advocate of revision remarks that "the Calvinist is doubtless right in saying that God is under no obligations to save us. Still, even if this be the case, God may be, and I believe is under obliga- tions to afford every man an opportunity to be saved ; that he has no right to 'pass by' anyone." Two criticisms upon this suggest them- selves. First, God in the outward call does afford every man an oppor- tunity to be saved. To every evangelized man he saj-s, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." This is " an oppor- tunity to be saved." To every unevangelized man he says, " Repent of thy sins, and I will forgive them." This is ''an opportunity to be saved." That in both instances the opportunity is rejected, does not destroy the fact. Secondly, if God is " under obligations to afford the opportunity to be saved," then salvation is an act of justice and the performance of a duty. In affording man the opportunity to be saved, God discharges his obligations. In this case, " grace is no more grace " (Rom. 9 : 6). 52 CALVINISM : suffering in which he has no pleasure, but he decides for adequate reasons not to do so. Similarly he could pre- vent the eternal death of every single member of the human family, in which he takes no pleasure, but decides not to do so for reasons that are wise in his sight. The distinction between the revealed will and the secret will of God is a valid one ; J and the latter of these wills may be no index of the former, but the exact contrary of it. This is particularly the case when evil is the thing decreed. 2 2. Secondly, it is objected to pretention that it is par- tiality. It would be, if sinners had a claim upon God for his regenerating grace. In this case he could make no discrimination, and must regenerate and save all. Par- tiality is impossible within the sphere of mercy, because the conditions requisite to it are wanting. It can exist only within the sphere of justice, where there are rights and duties; claims and obligations. A debtor cannot pay some of his creditors and " pass by " others, without partiality. But in the sphere of mercy, where there is no indebtedness, and no claim, the patron may give to one beggar and not to another, if he so please, because he " may do what he will with his own " — that is, with what 1 God's revealed will, or will of desire, is expressed in Isa. 55 : 1 ; Ezek. 33 : 11 ; 1 Tim. 2:4; Tit. 2:11. His secret will, or will of de- cision and purpose in particular instances, is expressed in Mat. 13 : 11 ; John 6: 37, 44, 65; Rom. 9 : 16, 18, 19. 2 The difference between will as general desire and inclination, and will as a particular volition or decision in a special instance, is seen in human action, and is well understood. For sufficient reasons, a man may decide in a particular case to do by a volition something entirely contrary to his uniform and abiding inclination. He is uniformly averse and disinclined to physical pain, but he may decide to have his leg amputated. This decision is his "decree," and is no index of what he is pleased with. PURE AND MIXED 58 he does not owe to any one. The parable of the talents was spoken by our Lord to illustrate the doctrine of the Divine sovereignty in the bestowment of unmerited gifts ; and the regeneration of the soul is one of the greatest of them. This is a conclusive answer to the charge of partiality and injustice, but some would avoid the charge by striking out the tenet of pretention, and retaining that of election. In this case, election becomes universal. If no men are omitted in the bestowment of regenerating grace, all men are elected. This is universal salvation, because all the elect are infallibly regenerated and saved. And this is the manner in which the Later Lutheranism handles the doctrine. It denies pretention, and strenuously opposes this article of the Reformed creed. If the Presbyterian Church, after having adopted pretention for two centu- ries, shall now declare that it is an un-Scriptural and erro- neous tenet, the meaning of the revision will be, that God has no sovereign liberty to c pass by" any sinners, but must save them all. This is the form in which election is held by Schleiermacher and his school. They contend that there is no reprobation of any sinner whatsoever. All men are elected, because to pass by any is injustice and partiality. " Calling (vocatio)," says Dorner, " is universal, for the Divine purpose of redemption is just as universal as the need and capacity of redemption so that the notion of a Divine decree to pass by a portion of mankind, and to restore freedom of decision only to the rest, is out of the question " (Christian Doctrine, iv. 183). It is this form of Universalism, which postulates the offer of mercy to all men as something due to them, if not in this life then in the next, and denies that the regener- ating work of the Holy Spirit is confined to earth and time, but goes on in the intermediate state, that is per- 54 * CALVINISM : colating into the Scotch and American Calvinism from the writings of one class of German divines. Should the presbyteries reject the doctrine of pretention thev will help on this tendency. A creed like the Heidel- berg, or the Thirty-nine Articles, may not have preten- tion verbally stated, and yet imply it by its statement of election and by other parts of the symbol. But if a creed like the Westminster, which has both doctrines verbally stated, is subsequently revised so as to strike out pretention, then this tenet cannot be implied. It is positively branded as error, and rejected by the revising Church. If therefore the presbyteries shall assert that God does not " pass by " any sinner in respect to regener- ating grace, they will commit themselves to universal salvation in the form above mentioned. Election will no longer be balanced and limited by pretention, but will be unlimited and universal. And with this will be connected another fatal error : namely, that God is tender obligation to elect and regen- erate every man. If justice forbids him to " pass by " any sinners, and " ordain them to dishonor and wrath for their sin," he is bound to elect all sinners and " predestinate them to everlasting life." He has no liberty or sover- eignty in the case. lie cannot say, " I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and whom I will I harden [do not soften] " (Rom. 9 : 18). This transmutes mercy into justice. Pardon becomes a Divine duty. The offer of Christ's sacrifice, nay even the providing of it, becomes a debt which God owes to every human creature. This is the assumption that lies under all the various modes of Universalism. Sinful men, loving sin, bent on sin, are told that they are entitled to the offer of mercy and re- generating grace ; that they must have a " fair opportu- nity " of salvation, if not here, then hereafter. Sinful men, PURE AND MIXED 55 full of self-indulgence, confessing no sin and putting up no prayer for forgiveness, and who have all their lifetime suppressed the monitions of conscience and quenched the Holy Spirit's strivings with them in his exercise of com- mon grace, are taught that if God shall pass them by, and leave them to the sin that they prefer, he is an unmerci- ful despot. And here is the point where the practical value of the doctrine of election and pretention is clearly seen. With- out it, some of the indispensable characteristics of a gen- uine Christian experience are impossible. Hence it is that St. Paul continually employs it in producing true re- pentance for sin, deep humility before God, utter self-dis- trust, sole reliance on Christ's sacrifice, and a cheering hope and confidence of salvation, founded not on the sin- ner's ability and what God owes him, but on God's gra- cious and unobliged purpose and covenant. This is the doctrine which elicits from him the rapturous exclama- tion, " O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. For who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again ? For of him, and through him, and to him are all things : to whom be glory forever. Amen." This is the doctrine which in- structs the believer to ascribe all his holy acts, even the act of faith itself, to the unmerited and sovereign grace of his redeeming God, and with Charles Wesley to sing : ' ' Hangs my helpless soul on Thee. " It is said that the doctrine of pretention is not and can- not be preached. It does not require technical terms and syllogistical reasoning, in order to preach a doctrine. Who so preaches the doctrine of the trinity, or of regen- eration, or of original sin, or of vicarious atonement, or of endless punishment? The doctrine of pretention is 56 CALVINISM : preached whenever the herald proclaims to the transgres- sor of God's law that sin is guilt and not misfortune ; that the criminal has no claim upon the pardoning power for pardon ; that the Supreme Judge might justly inflict upon him the penalty which his sin deserves ; that his soul is helplessly dependent upon the optional nnobliged decision of his Maker and Saviour ; and that it is noth- ing but God's special grace in regeneration that makes him to differ from others who go down to perdition. That these humbling and searching truths are taught more thoroughly at some times than others, is true. That they will empty some pews at all times, is true. It may be that they are less taught now than formerly ; and if so, this is not the time either to revise or construct creeds. But whenever the Divine Spirit is present with his illum- ination, and the Scriptures are plainly preached, they come into the foreground. If they shall be revised out of the Confession, it is certain that they will be taught less and less, and will finally disappear from the religious ex- perience. The sinner's acknowledgment that God might justly pass him by, and leave him in his resistance of common grace, is a necessary element in genuine repentance. Whoever denies this, lacks the broken and contrite heart. Such was the sorrow of the penitent thief : " We are in this condemnation justly ; for we receive the due reward of our deeds." Such was the penitence of the prodigal son : " Father, I have sinned against heaven, and am no more worthy to be called thy son ; make me as one of th v hired servants." Such was the temper of the leper: "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." No one of these penitents took the ground that God owed him pardon and regeneration, and that to pass him by and or- dain him to the eternal death which sin deserves would PURE AND MIXED 57 be an act dishonorable to God. To deny God's sover- eignty in his exercise of mercy, is to set np a claim for salvation, and whoever does this evinces that he has no true view of sin as ill desert, and no true sorrow for it as such. There is need of this doctrine in all ages, owing to the pride of the human heart, and its unwillingness to bend the knee and renounce all merit and confess all de- merit before God. And there is special need of it in our age, w T hen the Christian experience is defective at this point, and redemption is looked upon as something which God owes to mankind, and is bound to provide for them. Unless this important truth is repristinated, and restored to its proper place in the consciousness of the Church, the current of Eestorationism will set stronger and stronger, and the result will be a great apostasy in Christendom. This is no time to eradicate it from the Calvinistic creeds, but on the contrary to reaffirm it with confidence, and defend it out of Scripture. Some say that pretention is liable to be understood as "preventing a sinner's salvation, and would have an ex- planation added to the doctrine, to the effect that this is not its meaning or intent. We would respect the opin- ion of any Christian believer who sincerely thinks that the language of the Standards is unguarded, and who does not desire to change their doctrines but only to make sure that they are understood. This is not revision, but explanation ; and a declarative statement similar to that of the United Presbyterians, which leaves the Confession un- touched, is the least objectionable of all the plans before the Presbyterian Churches. But if it be borne in mind that pretention is by the permissive, not efficient decree, what call is there for such a guarding clause ? How does or can God's decision to leave a sinner to do just what he likes, hinder the sinner from faith and repent- 58 CALVINISM : ance ? How does or can God's purpose to save another sinner, prevent this sinner from smiting on his breast, saying, u God, be merciful to me, a sinner? " " It is not the fault of the gospel/' say the Dort Canons (I., iii. iv. 9), " nor of Christ offered therein, nor of God who calls men by the gospel and confers upon them various gifts, that those who are called by the ministry of the word re- fuse to come and be converted. The fault lies in them- selves." There is nothing causative in the decree of pret- ention. John Bunyan's statement of the matter is plain common sense. " Eternal reprobation makes no man a sinner. The foreknowledge of God that the reprobate will perish, makes no man a sinner. God's infallible de- termining upon the damnation of him that perisheth, makes no man a sinner. God's patience and forbearance until the reprobate fits himself for eternal destruction, makes no man a sinner" (Reprobation Asserted, xi.). Whatever God does by a permissive decree, excludes causation on his part. God is not the author of the sin in which he leaves the sinner ; or of the impenitence to which he gives him over. His action in pretention is in- action, rather than action. lie decides to do nothing to prevent the free will of the sinner from its own action. With what color of reason can it be said that God forces a man into perdition, when this is all he does to him ? that God hinders a man from faith and repentance, when he lets him entirely alone ? To put the proposed expla- nation and caveat into the Confessional doctrine of pret- ention, would be like writing under Landseer's lions, " These are not sheep," or under Paul Potter's bull, " This is not a horse." The pretention of a sinner is not his exclusion from salvation. Exclusion is a positive act ; but pretention is a negative one. When God gives special regenerating PURE AND MIXED 59 grace to only one of two persons, he does not work upon the other to prevent him from believing and repenting under the operation of the common grace which he has bestowed upon both alike. He merely leaves the other to his own free will to decide the matter ; assuring him that if he repents he will forgive him ; that if he believes he will save him. The bestowment of common grace upon the non-elect shows that non-election does not ex- clude from the kingdom of heaven by Divine efficiency, because common grace is not only an invitation to believe and repent, but an actual help towards it ; and a help that is nullified solely by the resistance of the non-elect, and not by anything in the nature of common grace, or by any preventive action of God. The fault of the failure of common grace to save the sinner, is chargeable to the sinner alone ; and he has no right to plead a fault of his own as the reason why he is entitled to special grace. It is absurd for him to contend that God has no right to re- fuse him regenerating grace, because he has defeated the Divine mercy in common grace. The true way out of the difficulty for the sinner is, not to demand regenerating grace as a debt by denying that God has the right to withhold it, but to confess the sinful abuse and frustra- tion of common grace, and to cry with the leper : " Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." Having thus demonstrated the Scriptural and self-con- sistent character of the doctrine of decrees as contained in the Westminster Standards, we turn now to consider two erroneous conclusions that are drawn from it, which are urged as reasons for their revision : First, that it shuts out the entire heathen world from Christ's redemption ; and, second, that it implies the damnation of a part of those who die in infancy. Some advocates of revision seem, unintentionally prob- 60 CALVINISM : ably, to load down the Confession with faults not belong- ing to it. They put the worst interpretation upon its terms and phraseology ; insist that its defenders have no right to its necessary implications and natural inferences in determining what it really means ; and that an analytic and positive affirmation of every particular point must be found in it. Interpreting in this prejudiced manner, they assert that the Standards do not declare the universal love and compassion of God ; that they teach that God creates some men in order to damn them ; ' that their doc- trine of election discourages ministers from making the universal offer of Christ's salvation., and hinders sinners from accepting it ; and that he who adopts them as they read cannot consistently believe that any of the heathen are saved, and that no dying infants are lost. They carry a wrong idea of election and reprobation into their exege- sis of the Standards. They suppose that these necessarily imply that only a very few are elected, and that very many are reprobated. But there is nothing in the nature of either election or pretention, that determines the number of each ; nothing that implies that the elect must be the minority, and the non-elect the majority, or the converse. 1 A false exegesis of Romans 9 : 20 is sometimes employed to prove that God creates men sinners. " Shall the thing- formed (7r.\aa>ta) say to him that formed (7r\a