! ^^gmummiiiiiiiiiipmiiim^ UC-NRLF $B MS'^ ^3 Mulhern Donation /a Digitized by the Internet Archive ~ in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofmanxcOOkermrich CATALOGUE OF MANKS CROSSES. ♦ CATALOGUE OF THB MANKS CROSSES WITH THE RUNIC INSCRIPTIONS AND VARIOUS F\EADINGS AND RENDERINGS C OJA PARED. BY P. M. C. KERMODE, F.SJi. Scot. ISLE OF MAN : C. B. HEYES, RAMSEY COURIER OFFICE IXJNDON : WILLIAMS * NGRGATE, 14, Henrietta Street, OovcBt Garden. F.dinbubgh: WILUAMS ft NORGATE, 20, South Frederick Street. /7tHA.-£-/.ot.^»v^ fnttrtb »t Stationtr«' Sail. CC3 TO GEORGE STEPHENS, F.S.A., HON. DOCTOR OF LETTERS, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND, PROFESSOR OF OLD ENGUSH AND OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE UNIVSRSITY OF COPENHAGEN, ETC., ETC., (Kljift gittU f^olnme i« |pebii;ateb« AS A SLIGHT TRIBUTE OP RESPECT AND ADMIRATION FOR HIS GREAT WORK ON "THE OLD NORTHERN RUNIC MONUMENTS OP SCANDINAVIA AND ENGLAND." M62f>'190 preface io ^econb ©Mtlan* INCE this little Catalogue was first published, more of our ancient Crosses have been brought to light, short descriptions of which are here included. The Author gladly avails himself also of the opportunity to correct several errors which, unfortunately, crept into the First Edition, in consequence of its having been put through the press very hurriedly. Besides this the Ogham Inscriptions are now added. An alteration is made in the arrangement, some, which in the First Edition were added separately as being of rather different character and of earlier date, being here included and numbered with the rest. The descriptions have been all carefully revised, and some of them entirely re-written. By the kind courtesy of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, three most interesting Crosses figured in their Proceedings,* from photographs by Mr G. Patterson, are here reproduced. The larger work referred to in the Introduction is still in hand — the expense uf illustrations, such as ihe Author wishes to have, being more than at present he can undertake. He hopes, * NoT>.— Prooeedinga of the Society of Antiquoriea of Scotland, 1886-87, p.p. 3^ and 331 ; and lHbU-o9, p.p. 333, 336, 337 and 338, wliere they form Uluatrations to valoable papers on tbese OroMea by Mr Georga C Black, viii. ^vtfaci* however, to be able before long to publish a limited number of copies for subscribers. One advantage of the delay will be that some Crosses not before known will now be figured and described. The Author has himself had the good iortuae to have been instrumental in bringing to light a dozen Crosses or their remains, some from walls into which they had beec built, one from a flight of steps, one from a pig-stye. There are at least three others which he would like to have taken oat to be figured, namely, two at Maughold, one a lintel over the door' way and one over the east window, and one in the Cathedral wall at Peel. As regards the reference to profits (First Edition, Introduction p. 7) those who have had a wider experience than the Author in such matters will not be surprised to hear that there were none, — in fact he was out of pocket by the transaction. He feels greatly encouraged, however, by the very friendly and sympathetic way in which his Catalogue was reviewed, both by Newspapers and Scientific Journals, at home and abroad, and is gratified to think that it has been of some service in spreading the knowledge of these most valuable and interesting remains and the desire for their preservation. In the meantime he is having made a complete set of Casts, only a few having been prftviously taken, of which some are much damaged, while all the moulds have been destroyed! This being a costly work and a matter of more or less national concern, the Author will not refuse subscriptions towards it if any who are interested in the preservation of the Manks Crosses be inclmed tu share in the expense. Bamgey, Isle of Man, Maxoli, 1892. Bind RuN£ Cross, Andreas (4). ^'A: INTRODUCTION. HE ISLE OF MAN is peculiarly rich in monu- mental remains of about the 12th century, erected for the most part by the Scandinavians who then occupied the land, it is dithcuit to assign a precise date, but probably those which bear the names of Norae sculptors such as Gaut, Thorbjorn, and Thurith, may be subsequent to the visit of Magnus 13arefoot, King of Nor- way, who in 1098 arrived to find the Island well-nigh depopulated by internecine strife, and who, as we learn from the Chronicon Manniae and other sources, encouraged new colonists to come over from Norway, and formed large settlements in Man and the Isles, but the custom of erecting crosses as memorials to their dead had pre- vailed among the Celtic inhabitants before their pagan invaders first arrived, and the art of decorating them with elaborate geometric designs had doubtless made consider- able progress before the Norsemen, who had now adopted the religion of the earlier inhabitants, adopted also their custom of raising these sepulchral monuments, borne very primitive looking ancient slabs are still to be met witti in out of the way places, and many no doubt are lost or destroyed ; there are also a few of later date and a different character, but, the greater number appear to belong to the early part of the 12th century. In the following Catalogue these have been arranged according to the parishes in which they have been respec- tively discovered, and to which let us hope those which have been removed may yet be returned, the parishes being arranged in alphabetical order. Ihe most simple in design and ornamentation, which in many instances are no doubt also the earliest, are placed first in each parish, followed in order by others as they grow more complex or conventional. ^anh» (S^v0»»cii* References are made to the illustrations in Cumming's "Runic Remains," which unfortunately, however, are often inaccurate; very few others have been published, and they are not generally accessible. The descriptions are pretty full — the Author trusts also clear — his object being not only to allow the crosses to be identified, but to help the reader to classify them by the ornamentation, and to enable those who have not seen the Crosses to form some idea of their beauty, character, and general appearance. The slabs, except Nos. 24 and 25 in the Catalogue, are all of the local rock, clay-slate, in some cases tough and blue, in others running into trap and harder than granite; generally it is evident that the stone has been procured in the immediate neighbourhood. The designs are for the most part sculptured in low relief. When incised the fact is expressly mentioned in the Catalogue. In all instances the Inscriptions are incised, and, being generally on the edge, are much injured and rendered difficult to decipher owing to the cracks and seams in the stone caused by exposure to the weather, which makes it sometimes impossible to distinguish more than the line of the stem of a Rune; it is evident, however, that had they been carved on the face, the same amount of weathering would have completely obliterated them, as in too many cases it has the pattern. The terms " Runic" and " Rune" are frequently mis-applied. The Runes are simply the characters in which these inscriptions are carved, and have nothing to do with the language, which, in the Manks inscriptions is Scandinavian of the 12th century. To speak of a stone which bears an inscription in runes as a Runic Stone is as though we should call a modern tombstone a Roman Stone because the inscription is carved in Roman capitals. As to the origin and development of Runes the reader should consult Canon Isaac Taylor's admirable Httle book " Greeks and Goths," where their origin is clearly traced to a Greek source, namely the Thracian or Second Ionian Alphabet, which through the intercourse of the Greek colonists at the mouth of the Danube with the Goths south of the Baltic, was intro- duced in a modified form into Northern Europe, and, had become established as a Runic Futhork certainly as early as the Christian era. The main stages of development are classified by Canon Taylor as the Gothic, the Anglian, IfnhrdtmcHim* and the Scandinavian. The Manks runes clearly belong to the latter, but, as might be expected from the isolated position of Man, show some sHp^ht diversities, both of form and value, of which the following are the most characteristic : the form for E is with us a stung-rune, i.e., an I with a central dot ; the form for S is a half stem ending in a dot ; that for B is the Scandinavian O, with the twigs on the left side only of the stem ; and O has the twigs on the right side of the stem and falling from left to right. It has always been held that H — hagal, is absent, but Canon Taylor in the Academy [March 12th, 1887, No. 775] takes an N-form in one of the inscriptions to stand for H, the twig on the left side broken off. The writer would suggest that the same form as used for E served also for H. Professor Stephens, to whom he would here record his grateful acknowledements for kind and valuable assistance in deciphering many of the inscrip- tions, informs him that all forms from the stung-rune to the fully developed hagal may be met with in various inscriptions ; and in this way can be explained the spelling of EIN, or, as here given, HIN — THE, and the like. The runes in all the inscriptions are of the same form, allowing for difference of workmanship, of material, and of space ; but there is one exception. On a slab at Michael, 62 in the Catalogue, are two legends, both of which have the following four runes differently formed : — S, which is the usual Scandinavian S turned backwards, and N, A, T, which have their respective twigs on both sides of the stem instead of one only, and, with regard to N and A, finished by dots deeply punctured. There is. however, one other important exception, namely, the Andreas slab, 4 in the Catalogue, which is the only instance yet met with in Man of the Bind-runes, i.e., three or four runes having one stem in common, and forming, in fact, a monogram. But the Ornamentation of the Manks Crosses is as in- teresting as the Inscriptions. A regular development may be observed from the most simple Plait and Twist to the most complex and beautiful geometric designs, and from the geometric to the zoomorphic. A striking feature is the realistic and admirably drawn forms of birds and beasts of the chase and of men, though the latter are not generally a success, occasionally the human form with heads of birds, or wings. Of course this is not the place to give a detailed account of the patterns, but the author cannot 4 SKtttnk* 0tt^j^s«««* help drawing attention to the vtry beautiful developments of the Twist pattern in especial, culminating in the lovely Loop-form on one face of 4, and in what he has ven- tured to call the Tendril -pattern as seen in 4, g, 20, 61, and others, these forms being moreover peculiar to the Isle of Man. Besides the purely decorative work, we are fortunate in having on three of our Cross slabs illustrations from the old Norse Sagas, namely the story of Fafni's Bane, which is represented on stones at Andreas, Jurby, and Malew — Nos. 5, 39, and 47, in the Catalogue. At Andreas, Sigurd is shown roasting the heart of the Dragon Fafni, which he holds on a spit over the fire with one hand, his other being raised to his mouth; behind him are figured his horse Grana and one of the Talking Birds. Below is another figure of Sigurd in the act of stabbing the Dragon. On the Jurby Cross the Dragon is the main feature, Sigurd crouched under him, running his sword through his body. Below is another figure of Sigurd with his thumb in his mouth. At Malew, Sigurd again appears roasting the heart over the fire. Scriptural subjects are almost absent, but on a large Cross at Braddan, 14, is a representation of Daniel in the Lion's Den, and at Bride, on a slab which appears, however, not to have been part of a Cross, 25, is a mediaeval carving of the Fall of Adam, a peculiarity of which is the absence of tke Serpent. The slabs themselves are in general rectangular, some- times having the upper corners rounded off, and sometimes the whole head in what has been called a Wheel-cross. Occasionally the spaces between the limbs and the sur- rounding circle are pierced, and, in a few instances, the slab is itself cruciform. Usually both faces are sculptured, and in all cases the cross is the chief, if not the only feature. This is of the type known as " Celtic," i.e., a modified Maltese cross within a circle, but having the shaft prolonged and the other limbs generally projecting slightly beyond the circle. The great number and variety of modified forms of this type are a study in themselves. The writer hopes before long to be able to publish a work now for some time in preparation, giving a full description and account of all these beautiful Crosses, with a large- sized Plate of each face and edge of every one of them, from photographs taken by Mr Patterson, of Ramsey. There are, however, known to be some still built into Itntroimrtlcm. Churches and walls, and he is anxious to include figures of them, as well as of any others which may be brought to light. Meanwhile this little Catalogue may be of use and interest both to residents and to students and antiquaries, who may not have such opportunities of seeing the actual Crosses. If it serve to arouse an additional interest in them, and promote ever so little the movement for their protection from weather and from accidents, he will be well repaid the trouble of preparing it— a trouble which is a great deal more than the size or appearance of the work might lead a stranger to suppose, but, at the same time, is with him a labour of love. Of all the antiquities in which our Island is so rich, our ancient Crosses appeal most strongly to our feelings for protection with a loving care. Their original purpose and venerable age, their historical associations, and their artistic merits, demand at our hands a better treatment than they have met with ; and though we cannot now restore or improve them, we can prevent their further injury and decay, and can at least hand down to those who come after us the fragments that are left us. ■ "And those quaint old fragments that are left us, Have their power in this, — the carver brought Earnest care, and reverent patience, only Worthily to clothe some noble thought." Fig. 2. Fafni's Bane,JAndreas, 5. CATALOGUE OF MANKS CROSSES. ANDREAS. Within the South Porch of the Church. (i^ I. (Gumming, Fig. lo.) Formerly on the Green in front of the Church, a rectangular slab measuring 8ft i Jin. by lyin. to i8in. wide and 5in. thick. Each face with shafted cfcs and circle. Ornament, the shaft on either face with Plait of five cords, the spaces right and left of the shaft having on one face Twist and a loop-form of the Tendril pattern, and on the other face, Twist-and- ring, and the Key-pattern. Inscription up one edge. (2) II. A fragment, 24in. by gin. and 4^in thick. On each face the foot of a shafted cross. Ornament, on one face the Vertebral and Key-patterns, on the other Twist and Interlacing. (3) III. A fragment, formerly in the Rectory yard, lyin. by 24in. and 2iin. thick. One face chipped away, the other with remains of Interlacing, apparently on a portion of the shaft of a cross. (4) IV. A fragment, 22}in. by lOr^in. and 2fin. thick. Ornament, one face, on the shaft the Tendril pattern, space to the right Key pattern ; the other face Twist-and-ring on the shaft, a loop form of Tendril pattern to the right, and, running up space to the left. Inscription in Bind- Runes. [See Fig. i.] (5) V. A fragment, 2ft. 3in. by ift. 4in. and 3in. thick. Each face with portion of shaft of cross and part of circle surrounding its head. Ornament, Interlacing merging into Zoomorphic. On one face, shaft with dragon interlace- ment; space to the left, representation of Sigurd roasting the heart of the dragon Fafni ; above, his horse Graaa 6 8 W^attkn (S^rjcr««e«* and one of the talking birds ; below, another dragon with interlacing and Sigurd with a sword stabbing it. [See Fig. 2.] The other face, on the shaft, a robed figure, probably Loki, manacled, attacked by a serpent. A strange mixture of Christian symbolism and illustrations of the Sagas and ancient Northern Mythology. [See Fig. 3.] (6) VI. (Gumming, Fig. 9.) A rectangular slab 6ft. si by I5in. and 4^ to 5i^in. thick. Each face with cross but no surrounding circle. Ornament, one face has on the shaft a Plait of four cords bordered by Key and Step- patterns, and, on either side, figures of birds and beasts; the other has the Vertebral pattern on the shaft, birds, beasts, and serpents at either side, with peculiar square knotwork; below the cross, a robed figure seated side- ways on horseback, in front of which is a band with Tendril- pattern. Beneath this the figure of a hound incised. Inscription up one edge. (7) VII. A fragment, i4in. by y^in. and ajin. thick. Each face shows a limb, and portions of the shaft of a cross without surrounding circle. Ornament, on shaft, both faces, Vertebral pattern, and, at the side which remains, square knotwork, human figures, beasts, birds, and ser- pents. Inscription running down one edge. [See Figs. 4» 5. 6.] (8) VIII. A fragment, 2ft. loin. by yin. and 3in. thick. One face chipped away. The other with traces of the head and shaft of a cross as in 6 and 7. Ornament, shaft with Vertebral pattern, space to right with Plait. Inscrip- tion up one edge. In the Churchyard is a slab showing, on one face, the drawing of a Cross never carved. The other face has been utilized as a modern tombstone. BALLAUGH. (9) I. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 2.) Within the Old Church, a slab with rounded head and expanding base measuring 4ft. 6in. by 2oin. across the head, i4in. across fust, and i8in. across the base; and 3in. thick. Each face with shafted cross surrounded in one case by the usual circle. Orna- ment, on one face, no surrounding circle ; above the arms two lozenges interlaced, joined over the head, and finished by elaborate flourishes ; the head with pelleted ribbons interlacing round a central boss and breaking into the Tendril pattern on the shaft, the space to the left is occupied by the Key pattern, and that to the right by the Vertebral pattern terminated by a small cross. The other face has a plait of pelleted ribbons round a central boss, breaking on the shaft, into a very elaborate loop-form of Tendril pattern with pelleted rings round the loop and interlaced with it. The space to the right with plait of four cords, that to the left being occupied by the Inscription, which terminates in the cavity between the arms and the surrounding circle. BRADDAN. (lo) I. Set up on a mound about 8 yards south of the Church, a broken slab about 35iin. by 5^in to 6iin., and 6in. thick. One face with remains of shafted cross and circle in relief, plain and very rudely carved. The cross has the angles at the junction of the limbs without the usual cup-like hollows, but the limbs expand. (ii) II. (Gumming, Fig. 38.) In the Churchyard, set up near the stile at the north-west corner, a slab 2qin. above the surface of the ground by igin. wide and a^in. thick ; one face a cross pate6, plain, the lower limb extending beyond the raised circle which encloses the other limbs. In the centre an incised circle. (12) III. In Churchyard on mound with 10, a rec- tangular slab 3ft, loin. above the ground by ij'm. and 2in. t0 4in. thick. Each face with shafted cross and circle. One is almost entirely worn away, but shows by way of Orna- ment on one side of the shaft traces of the Key-pattern ; the other face has on the shaft the Vertebral pattern, and to the left of it a plait of four cords, the space to the right being occupied by the Inscription. The head is unfor- tunately broken off just above the centre. It seems to have borne a novel and beautiful design of four bands at right angles to four other bands, interplaited in the centre, and looped heart-shaped rings at the extremities. (13) IV. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 12.) Now in Mr Wallace's Museum, Distington, a fragment I5^in. by gin. by 3iin. Each face with remains of head of cross without surround- ing circle. Ornament, interlaced lozenges slightly foliated. Inscription running up the shaft of the cross and space to the left of the head. tt i^itnh« (Rt0»»t»* (14) V. (Gumming, Fi^. 21.) Set against south wall of Church, round-headed slab, the head 38in. diameter. The fust, which is yin. out of the ground, is 23in. across. Ornament, continuous interlacing on the cross excepting the upper limb, which bears two animals supporting a mask between them. Between the limbs, each segment has, betwixt raised borders ornamented with a plait of four cords, the figure of some beast. (15) VI. (Gumming, Fig. 16.) In Ghurchyard, set up beside 11, a slab with rounded head but limbs slightly projecting, 5ft. 6in. above the ground f4in below) by i3in. across the neck, and lyin. across the widest part, and 3 to 3^in. thick. Ornament, one face, shaft with looped plait - not elsewhere found on the Manks Crosses. Head with knotwork within a circle of Twist-and-ring pattern — the spaces between the limbs pierced. The reversed face shows an incised cross and remains ot circle. (16) VII. (Gumming, Fig. 23.) On mound with 10, the broken shaft of a pillar cross 3ft. Sin. above the surface, 7^in. wide where broken off, increasing to i2in. at the surface of the ground, and 3 to 3iin. thick. Ornatnent, one face, two pelleted dragons with knotwork more foliated than on the next, a border with step pattern below and a flat bordered rope-pattern on either side ; the other face a plait of six cords in a panel, below, a panel of elaborate knot- work, the panels divided by bands having the step-pattern, a smooth raised border at either side. One edge is occu- pied by the step-pattern, the other by the Inscription, both having raised borders. (17) VIII. (Gumming, Fig. 22. 1 In Ghurchyard, set up on mound with the last, a monolith rectangular pillar cross, 4ft. Sin. above the surface (4 to 6in. below) ; g|in. across the head (the total width of which when perfect was about I2in.) — 5fin. across the neck, increasing to gin. at the surface of the ground ; thickness 3iin at the neck, in- creasing to 5fin. at the surface. Ornament, one face— the head bears an equal-limbed cross with four bands plaited across its centre, surrounded by circle ornamented by the Twist pattern — the spaces between the Hmbs pierced ; on the fust are four pelleted dragons, interlaced with intricate knotwork. The other face is very similar. One edge has a single dragon from top to bottom with similar interlacing. The Inscription runs up the other edge. Each face is bordered by ropewoik moulding. (i8) IX. In Government Office; a fragment from Baldwin, 21 in. by loin. by 3in. Plain, except that it bears remains of Inscription running up the middle of one face. (19) X. In Mr Wallace's museum, Distington, a frag- ment dug up by Lieut. Charlton in his garden adjoining the Churchyard. It measures 6^in. by ifin. by ^in., and appears to have been flaked off the face (about the centre) of a Cross similar to, if not identical with 13. It shows by way of Ornament the remains of two crossed bands pelleted. (20) XI. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 39.) Now lost. Appears to have been perfect when seen by Kinnebrook, who figures it, but does not mention it in his descriptive letter-press. To judge from his Figure (21) the total length of the stone (by comparison with one alongside which it stands) might be about two feet ; diameter of circle about 12 in. It bore simply a linear Cross within a circle, with a small circle between each limb, all incised. On the west gable of the Church is a small cross, having on the east-face a crucifix. BRIDE. In the Church Pohch. (21) I. A slab, 3ft. Sin. by ift. 2in. and ain. thick. Both faces show lower portion of shaft of cross. Ornament, shaft with plait of five cords, the space to the left having four ribbons interplaited with diamond-shaped rings, breaking mto the Key-pattern on the portion now lost ; that to the right a beautiful development of the Loop or Tendril-pattern, and the figure of an animal; the other face has on the shaft the Vertebral pattern, to the right of it the 1 endril and to the left a repetition of the Loop-pat- tern. Inscription running up one edge. (22) II. A fine slab rounded at the top, 5ft. 6in. by ift. gin. and 3in. thick. Each face with equal-limbed cross within circle, the spaces between the limbs pierced. Ornament, one face Twist-and-ring, Key-pattern, and Plail-of-four running one into the other round the circle ; the limbs with an irregular Key-pattern, the lower one 12 ^cmk« ^V0»»ei* with a Plait-of-four ; above the circle, a panel with diagonal Key-pattern (with Step-pattern border), at either side of which incised figure of a man and a triangle ; be- low the circle, a panel with similar Key-pattern with a rope-border ; from the panel to tne bottom a band down the middle with Step-pattern ; to the right of this the figure of a man, with a spiral device above his shoulder ; below, a plait-of-nine, below a horse or stag (the back broken ofl") with figures of men, two seated and one prostrate under him ; to the left of the band, the figure of a bird, below, a man by the side of which a coiled rope- work serpent ; below, a small figure of a man ; below, a man with arms a-kimbo and legs outspread, the spaces between his limbs being filled with knotwork ; below a Step-pattern border and square of diagonal Key-pattern ; below, a double volute from right to left. There are three small Triquetras in the patterns ; both sides of this face are bordered by a parallel rope and a step-pattern. The other face has, round the circle Twist-and-Ring pattern, and, on the limbs of the Cross knot-work and compressed diagonal Key-pattern ; above the circle a panel with diagonal Key- pattern, at either side a cock, and a Triquetra (that to the left broken off") ; below the circle a panel with double spirals from which a narrow band runs down the middle, having the Vertebral pattern; to the right of this band the figure of a Man with a Net, over his left shoulder an CO -shaped device ; below a bird and a stag, ornamented with interlaced work, and having a knot between its limbs, — at back and front of which is a hound; below, a square of diagonal Key-pattern ; below, two hounds with collars — the rest is broken off. To the left of the band the figure of a Bird, a Man with a spear, and a Stag; under the Stag a Man with a knife, at its back a hound, below another hound and Key-pattern, the whole has a border of Step-pattern, outside of which is a rope-border, terminating at the right in a Serpent's head. (23) III. (Gumming, Fig. 6.) In Mr Wallace's museum, Distington, a fragment, ift. 3jin. by gin., showing dragon- head and interlaced work. Removed from the Church- yard about 1840. (24) IV. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 41.) In the Porch. The broken shaft of a small pillar-cross of new red sandstone, 33in. above the ground (original length about 4ft.), ijin wide at the base and loin. above ; 7111. thick. Unfor- tunately the head is now broken oflf and lost ; it appears as etched by Kinnebrook in 1841, to have been crucitorm in shape and ornamented merely by incised circles m each limb, connected one with the other by straight lines; a hne alsD joins the upper and lower circles, the latter being further connected by lines running to the angles below each arm of the cross. A careful examination convinces me thai it has been ornamented with a plait on the same face. (25) V. In the Porch. A square slab of sandstone measuring i2in. high by I4in. wide, with a representation of the Temptation. Adam to the right and Eve to the left, m prohle, the Tree without overhanging branches, and no berpent. Many pieces of "picture stones" I am informed by one of the masons concerned, were broken de- liberately and built into the present Church. CONCHAN. (26) I. (Gumming, Fig. 26). In S. Catherine's garden, a loose slab shaped not unlike the lid of a cothn, 3ft. 9m. by ift. 7m. and 2in. thick. Each face with a plain incised cross and circle, — an equal-limbed within a shafted cross. Inscription irregularly over the surface of both laces. (27) II. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 25.) In Churchyard north side of tower, a rectangular slab 4ft. 7in. above the ground, by 2ft. 3in. and 6 to b^in. thick. Each face with incised shafted cross and circle. Ornament^ one face, a plain circle on head of cross, with hmbs expanding, and having a plain border; a tillet forming a square by passing over the face of the cross and under and over the circle in heart-shaped loops between tne limbs; the shaft has a design of tour bands iuterplaiied with diamond-shaped rings, the other face with hve bosses, one in the centre ana four between the limbs of the cross outside tiie circle. The shatt with interlaced design. (28) III. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 17.) In Churchyard, a slab with rounded top 4it. bin. above the giouud, Dy iit. 7iii. wide and 3^1^* thicR. One face with shafted cross and circle. Ornament^ on cross and circle a cunanuous plait of i4 ittrtnk« (tv0»»s»* lo cords,— at either side of shaft a grotesque animal with volutes and scrolls, a band of scroll-ornament below the shaft. Below, a Fylfot with spiral termination. (29) IV. (Gumming, Fig. 18.) In S. Catherine's garden, a loose fragment 4ft. lin. by i8in. and i^m. thick. Ornament, a sort of looped Figure-of-eight and other plaits on the cross and circle, dog-headed figure, and spirals. (30) V. By the side of 25, a broken slab 2ft. 6in. above the ground by i4in. and i^in. One face with equal-limbed cross on circle. Ornament, continuous, but irregular plait on cross, and plait-of-four on circles ; be- low, in sunk panel, figures of beasts, a geometrical device and one of three pellets in a triangle. Train makes mention of another stone as being ** at the entrance to the Church," havmg a "Danish warrior in complete armour" carved upon it. In S. Caiheiine's Garden there is a Gable Cross on the gable of the old Church which is there set up. GERMAN. (31) I. In the Cathedral, Peel, are some slabs with incised linear crosses on their faces, otherwise quite plain, namely in the west wall of the north transept one measuring 3ft. gin. by 2oin., with a Latin cross, the head terminated by two small circles, and four circles between the limbs. (32) II. In the same wall, a slab i5in. by i2in., with cross patee, the upper and lower limbs about twice the thickness of the other two. (33) III. In the east wall of the samie transept, a slab gin by iSin., having a somewhat similar cross to the last, but the shaft more prolonged. (34) IV. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 5.) In porch of S. John's Church, a fragment 3ft: gin. by i5in., and 4 to 4iin. thick. One face sculptured showing Iwwer portion of shaft of cross. Ornament, Veitebral pattern on the shait : one edge shows traces of Twist or Twist-and-ring pattern. Inscrip- tion up the other edge. (35) V. In the Guard-house, Peel Castle, a fragment, I Bin. by 4 to 7 Jin. and i^in. thick, showing on one face the remains of a shafted cross and circle with interlaced design. The other face chipped off. f&evtttatt* 15 (36) VI. (Gumming, Fig. 27.) Fragment built into wall of the Cathedral, 2ft. 3in. long and 2in. thick. The remains of the Inscription on one edge is all that is visible. Near Cronk-ny-Keeillane was a cross which many years ago was buried, as it was supposed to have caused a murrain among the cattle. It is to this Mr Kneale lefers when he says in his Guide (p. 124): "Some years ago a slab engraven with characters which no one can decipher was dug up in this parish." JURBY. (37) I. In the Treen Chapel, West Nappin, a slab measuring I7in. hy I2in., by i^ to i^in thick, incised upon one face, an equal-limbed cross formed by two lines at right angles, having diagonal lines to mark the expansion at the extremities of the limbs. (38) II. At the West Nappin Chapel, a broken slab of which two portions have been recovered from the gable wall into which they were formerly built ; one measures 6ft. 3in. by iiin. to gin. wide at a distance of two feet from the top from which it tapers to a point, and 3^ to 5in. thick; the oiher 4ft. lin. by Sin. by 4in. On each lace has been a shafted cross with circle. The larger piece shows on one face the remains of the shaft with a Plait-of-five, to the left elaborate interlacing, the circle is plain with moulded borders; on the other tace the shaft is flaked ofl except a few inches at the bottom, the space to the right has the 1 endril-pattern. The end oi the right limb remains, showing a device similar to that of 39, with the diamond-shaped ring pelleted ; the poi tion of the circle between this limb and tue shaft bears a Plait-of-four betneeu plain moulded boiders. Ihe tmaller piece bears on one face the remaius of ihe shaU with t^iait-of-tave, and on the space to the right the Vertebral-pattern; the other face is entirely flaked away. One edge ^Gumming, Fig. 31), formerly exposed inside the ruined gable, bears the Key-pattern. (39) III. Set up as a Gate-post to a field at the en- trance to the Church-yard ; a slab 7fc. by i -2oin. wide and 6^iQ thick. Each face with remains of shafted cross 1 6 iiSianh» ©*!>«»««♦ and circle. Ornament, circle plain with raised borders. To the right a dragon scored, and man piercing him with a sword — another illustration of Fafni s Bane. Below, Sigurd sucking his thumb ; below, a horse. The other face is almost worn off but shows left arm of cross, and, near the bottom, remains of the Tendril-pattern. (40) IV. (Gumming, Fig. 11.) In porch of Church, a fragment 3oin. by i6in. and 2in. thick. Each face with head of shafted cross, but no surrounding circle. Ornament, one face, plait breaking into a loop-form of Tendril-pattern on the shaft; on space at left side Key-pattern, and on the other side an elaborate loop-form knot ; above the left arm of the cross a robed figure, another over the other arm is now broken off. The other face has a Twist of four cords on the shaft, above the arms figures of men (one with a long horn or trumpet issuing Irom his mouth;, the space right of the shaft a curious knot, that to the left with Inscription running up and then down. (41) V. (Gumming, Fig. 7.) In the Ghurch a loose fragment, 31 in. by 2oin. and sin. thick. Each face shows the lower portion of shaft of a cross. Ornament, shaft with Plait-and-ring, pelleted, as in 33, on the right a Boar, below, a btag ; on the left a robed figure with Trident, below, figure with pole over his shoulder and a man hang- ing by a rope at the end of it. The other face has on the shaft the Vertebral pattern, to the right a device of pellets surrounded by Step-pattern border, to the lelt 'lendril- pattern. LEZAYRE. (42) I. In the Masonic Rooms, Ramsey, a loose frag- ment 2oin. by I4in. and 4in. thick, sculptured on each face with cross and circle in high relief ; with bosses in sockets at the junction of the limbs. Ornament, one face has a large flat boss in the centre with a beautiful design consisting of a band so turned upon itself as to form a cross surrounded by a double circle ; each limb has borne a design but the stone is too broken to make them out. The other face bears in the centre a device of four Tn- quetras formed by an endless band, and divided by a deeply incised linear cross. One limb has borne a design of two Triquetras round a linear cross ; another a circle with an endless band looped round it four times, Sonan* 17 LONAN. (43) I. (Gumming, Fig. 34.) In Government Office, a round-headed slab broken across the middle : about 5ft. long by 22in. across the head, and I4in. tapering to 12m. across the fust, and 3in. thick. One face with plain shafted cross (with pedestal) and circles. (44) II. (Gumming, Fig. 40.) At Glionroy farm-house, a loose fragment ift. 3in. by loin. wide and 4in. thick. In an adjoining farm the rest of the cross is at present built as a lintel over the stable door. It was correctly figured by Kinnebrook (14), but very badly by Gumming. The former gives the dimensions as 3lt. 2^in. (this would be as it stood with the head broken oS), by 2oin. wide. One face had shafted cross and circles, the shaft terminating in two volutes between which two triangles of three pehets each. (45) III. In old Parish Ghurch, a loose fragment of Silurian grit ibin. by i8in. and 5in. ihick at the top. One face wim portion of head of cross upon circle. In the centre a small boss m a socket. (46) IV. (Gumming, Fig. 20.) In old Ghurchyard, a round-headed blab 5ft. 5in. above the ground, by 3ft. 2in. wide; one face with equal-limbed cross upon two circles in relief. Ornament, continuous plait on the cross and plaits of four and three on the segments of the circles, the spaces between the circles have uesigns of lozenges inter- laced. Below, four bands across the fust, with plaits alternately of four and three. MALEW. (47) I. (Gumming, Fig. 15.) In Churchyard, near the entrance, a DroKeu slab 5tt. by lit. 6in. and 2in. to 3in. thick. Each face with shalt ot cross. Ornament, one lace — shatt with aragon-headed knotwork and, at either side interlac- ing ; the othei shatt with Twist-and-ring breakiug into a plait ; at the right side, hgure of Sigurd (as pointed out by Jfrof. G. b . Browne) armed with a sword, and holuing on a spit the heart of the dragon Fafni ; below, separated by a broad band, an elaborate knot ; at the iett, hgure of a horse broken ott at the neck; below, separated by a band, iome device sow broken otl« i8 &leginning at the bottom of the slab and running up it. Between these is an Ogham Inscrip- tion, and, on the sculptured face an Ogham Alphabet. (74) IV. (Gumming, Fig. 3.) Within the tower, two loose fragments, one 23in. by i6in. and 3in. thick, the other iSin. by 14m. and 2^in. thick ; tne original height of the slab must have been over five feet. Each face bore a shafted cross and circle, a small portion of the latter re- maining on the smaller piece. In the way of Ornament, one face has on the shaft Plait-and-ring, the ring and the outer band pelleted ; left of the shaft Twist-and-ring breaks into a simple plait ; on the right we find the Tendril pattern fully developed. The other face has, on the shaft, the Vertebral pattern \ to the left, at the top, figure of a man ^4 W^attka ^va^it^s* with nimbus, below this have been three other figures of men — one upside down — with beaks like birds, and below, a boar ; on the other side is a boar followed by a hound, a bird-headed man with bare knees, armed with sword and spear, below, a fish. The Inscription runs up one edge. {75) V. (Gumming, Fig. 13.) On horse-block in front of Church-gates, a rectangular slab 7ft. 4in. above the surface, by ig-2oin. wide and 5-7in. thick. Each face with shafted cross and circle. Ornament, the cross (with volutes at the foot and where circle joins the shaft) is ornamented by a continuous plait of 8 cords. Each of the four corners is occupied by a 1 riquetra ; beneath the Volute on either side a beautiml cross with circle, terminating in Triquetra knots ; below, a device of four detached Triquetras formmg cross and circle, below, on the left side stags and hounds at their backs, at the right a man on horseback followed by a spare horse. Below the cross are two dragon-like figures, pelleted, interlaced with knotwork. Below, separ- ated by a broad band having the step-pattern, a stag with a hound at its back. The other face has, above the cross, the figure of a stag followed by a hound. On the back of the stag a small bird pursued by a falcon. The cross has on the shaft the Plait-and-ring pattern, ornamented by diagonal lines, terminating in spirals at the foot of the shaft. To the left of shaft a man (bearded) on horseback, below, figures of animals ; on the right are figures of animals. On one edge is a Cock, below, Twist with diamond shaped rings, pelleted. The other edge bears the Inscrip- tion, and at the top the figure of a warrior, with round shield and spear. (76) VI. (Gumming, Fig. 8.) In Church tower, a loose fragment, i8^in. by ly^in. and 3in. Each face shows upper part of cross and circle. Ornament, on head, plait of pelleted ribbons and rings, above, at the left a pelleted dragon with top-knot interlaced, at the right a kilted figure attacked by an eagle. The other face has the plait on the head more foliated, in the centre, a figure with nimbus fringed and bearing three small incised crosses, having the arms outspread as if in the act of blessing, below the feet five large pellets ; above the circle on the left the figure of a cock on a branch showing the loop-pattern of I ; to the right a winged figure beneath which is a Tri- quetra. The last three words of the Inscription run up (77) VII. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 17.) In the tower, a round- heaued slab 4ft. 6^iD. by 22m., tapering to i4^in. at the end of the pattern (about i2^in. trom the bottom) below which it is broken, and 2iin. thick. Each face with cross and circle, the spaces between the limbs pierced. Ornavient^ very elaborate and rather conventional interlacing on the cross, plait-of-four on the segments of the circle between the limbs ; at either side dragon-headed figures with pro- longed top-knots and pointed tails. The other face of similar design and appearance. As in the Lezayre cross (42) the tool marks of a pointed instrument are very distmct. Col. Townley in his Journal [vol. I., p. 173] men- tions having "rescued" a cross from some rubbish outside the Churchyard, "displaying the figure of some mighty Danish chief in complete steely" which he carried *'m triumph to Douglas." it should be possible to trace and recover this cross. PATRICK. " (78) I. At Ballelby, a few yards from the farm-house, a slab, 4ft. gin. by 2ft. On one face a cross formed by five linear squares, one in the centre, united. RUSHEN. (79) I. At Bradda-mooar, a slab 3ft. sin. by ift. 8in« and 3in. thick. One face with equal-limt)ed cross formed by four square shallow cup-Uke excavations, each 3iin. in diameter, and 4J|in. apart. Within each arm and aDove and below the other limbs, are four incised lineal crosses, aiin. by 2^in. (80) II. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 14.) At comer of road from Port Erin to Fori St. Mary, a rectangular slab 8ft. by 2ft., with shatted cross and circle on each face. Ornament, both faces appear to have had continuous plait oa tne cross, and pcriiaps on the spaces at siaes, but it is npw so worn as to mai^e it almost impossible to decipher. Two of the spaces between the limos are pierced auu this seems rather to be the result of accident than design. (81) III. (Gumming, Fig. 30.) In the possession of Mrs Quayie, of Castietowu, a tragment from the Calf of Man, 3tt. 2m. by 9^in. and i^in. thick. On one face portion of a pAQd coatammg cruutUi at oae side a soldier with spear« ^6 ptttnk« &vo»«e»* Christ is represented with head erect and eyes open, clothed in the "Tunicata Palmatae," sleeved and reaching to the feet. The soldier with arms bare. (Gumming, Fig. 43.) At Rushen Abbey, a "Coffin - lid," bearing in relief an elaborate shafted cross with a sword by its side. SANTON. (82) I. A slab of about Seventh Century, 3ft. gin. by gin. and 4|in. thick, now in Government Office. One face bears a deeply cut Inscription, in Roman Capitals. (83) II. Slab from Ballacorris, about 5ft. long. On one face a shafted cross. (84) III. (CuMMiNG, Fig. 32.) A fragment now supposed to be lost. One face with cross patee in circle, below knot- work, below a man on horseback. Fi8.S. The Bound Loki, Andreas (3). RUNIC INSCRIPTIONS. JARIOUS renderings of our Runic Inscriptions having at different times been published, it will be serviceable to have these brought together in a handy form for reference and comparison. It is unnecessary to repeat the earlier readings made before the runes were clearly deciphered or understood, most of which are quite impossible. The first to read them correctly was Prof. P. A. Munch, who saw copies of the Casts taken by Bally in 1841. His readings of these, with a Plate showing the Runes, were first published in the Transactions of the Soci6t6 des Antiquaires du Nord — Vols, for 1845-49. This was pub- lished as a separate work by the University of Christiania in i860. The quotations here given are taken from the latest form in which they appeared as finally revised by his hand, viz., "The Author's Preface" to the "Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys," as published by the Manx Society, Vol. xxii., 1874. In 1841 W. Kinnebrook published his " Etchings of the Runic Monuments in the Isle of Man." The Etchings, 26, are fairly accurate, but on too small a scale ; the inscrip- tions, however, are hopelessly bad. Dr. Daniel Wilson, in the Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, 1851, gives six of our inscriptions, acknowledging "the assistance of Prof. P. A. Munch in translating them." Probably they were taken from the copies of the Casts at Edinburgh. In 1852 was published "An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland," by J. J. A. Worsaae. This work refers to the Crosses in Man, of which Worsaae had seen the Casts at Edinburgh, and at Canons Ashby. Figures are given of five which have Inscriptions. The Rev. J. G. Cumming, in 1857, published his "Runic and other Monumental Remains of the Isle of Man," Uluitrated by Figures taken from photographs of Casts, 30 ittank« €v0»M0* which, by the assistance of Sir Henry Dryden, of Canons Ashby, he was enabled to have made. Where the In- scriptions, as shown in Runes on his lithographed figures, differ from his letter-press, is here pointed out. Some of these Casts (of which unfortunately the moulds are now fallen to pieces) still remain, and are preserved in a room at Castle Rushen ; in all, there are twenty-five pieces, more or less perfect, including eleven Inscrip- tions. On the back of one which is broken, the writer has found the name of the Italian engaged to take the Casts, together with the date, viz., " L. Canepa, 1 2th May, 1853. Viva V Italia e la liberta; morte a le Tiranni della patria," a pious wish realized when, eight years later, the first Italian Parliament met at Turin. As the Casts do not always tally with Cumming's translitterations, read- ings are here added of those which still remain, which have been carefully examined and transcribed for this purpose. An earlier set of Casts was taken by W. Bally in 1 84 1, for a Mr Jones, of Manchester, and these, eleven in all, are in the possession of Sir Henry Dryden. For the most part they are of the same Inscriptions as those in Castle Rushen. Mr Cumming subsequently, in 186S, contributed an essay on "The Runic Inscriptions of the Isle of Man," to the Manx Society, Vol. xv. As the renderings, and especially the translations there given frequently differ from his former readings, and some new Inscriptions are added, these also are here quoted or referred to in each instance. This Essay is accompanied by a Plate giving the Inscriptions in Runic Characters, and where discrepancies exist between the Plate and the letter-press, they are pointed out. Mr William Kneale, of Douglas, in i860, brought out a Guide to the Isle of Man. Since the first edition of this Catalogue was published, a copy of this little work (long out of print) was kindly lent to the writer, from which he has been able to revise the quotations. The latest authority on the subject is Dr. Vigfusson, of Oxford, who contributed an article, " The Manx Runic Inscriptions Re-read," to the " Manx Note Book," No. 9, January, 1887, from which the readings and translations here given under his name are taken. These are the more important since, to quote his own words, " Every reading given above is the result of careful, and in some cases re- peated, examination of the Inscriptions on the spot, between the 30th September and the 6th Ocfkober, 1886." In the Academy [Feby. 26, 1887 No. 773], the writer pointed out some errors into which Dr. Vigfusson's somewhat hurried visit had appeared to lead him, and, at the same time, Canon Isaac Taylor showed from Bally's Casts taken in 1841, and "Squeezes" taken by Sir Henry Dryden, that many of his readings were erroneous. Since the first edition of this little work appeared, we greatly regret to have lost this learned scholar, and it is but justice to his memory to record that, upon paying a second visit to the Island expressly to examine the Inscriptions again, he called upon the writer to acknowledge that in some instances he had fallen into error. Together we visited Andreas and Bride, and when we parted, it was in the full hope of further friendly meetings. Since the last edition also, namely, in the summer of 1890, G. F. Browne, Disney Professor of Archaeology, visited the Island and made a careful examination of the Crosses for the purpose of his series of lectures delivered in Cambridge, with a copy of the Plate of Illustrations of which he has favoured the Author. In the following pages the writer has given first what he himself believes to be the proper renderings of the Inscriptions, and each of these is followed in order of date by the different readings, if any, given by others. The originals, though in many instances sadly injured, are still in existence, and anyone able to read Runes, may satisfy himself as to which is correct. The figures in brackets appended to the Inscriptions, refer to the foregoing Catalogue, by reference to which the slabs may be more easily identified. Up to the present, the Author has met with 24 Runic Inscriptions. One is so fragmentary that but a trace of four runes remains; another in Bind-runes (Fig. i) has not yet been deciphered; the rest are here set down. Unfortunately their epitaphic nature and brief simplicity reduce their historic interest, as they contain no certain reference to any political event, nor throw any light on other records. It is notable that the sculptors' names which appear are all Norse, viz., Gaut, the son of Biam, Onon, i.e. Anund (?), Osruth, Thorbjom, and Thurith. The other names are for the most part such as were Si PtonH* (&v0mn9* -nil II ir-n>Vi«ai^rti if ' common at the period, and give no clue to the individu- ality of the persons. Out of a total of forty-four names (leaving out the name "Jesu Christ") thirty-two are those of men, eight of women, and four are nicknames. Of man's names nineteen are Norse, nine Celtic, three doubtful, and one Pictish. Of woman's names six are Norse, two Celtic. Two of the nicknames are Norse, and two doubtful. There are also three Place Names. Doubtless those in whose memory the Crosses were erecfled were great chiefs and distinguished in their day, but who they were or what they did we shall probably never learn. And now these handsome monuments erected "to make their memories for ever live," are many of them almost worn to nothing, so truly may we say with Spenser " All such vain moniments of earthlie masse, Devoured of Time, in time to nought do passe." rig, c, Thorwold Cross, Andreas (7). READINGS AND RENDERINGS. ANDREAS. (i) I. . . . THANA : AF : UFAIK : FAUTHUR : SIN : IN : KAUTR : KIRTHI : SUNR : BIARNAR : FRO KULI. [A ,B, erected] this [cross] in memory of Ufaik his father, but Gaut the son oj Biom of Cooiley carved it. Ccx)iley (alone or in composition) is not an uncommon place-name in the Island. As shown by Canon Isaac Taylor the Cast taken by W. Bally (1841) bracketing all defe(5tive letters, reads: — . . th[a]na : [a]f : upaic : fauthur : SIN : [b] N : CAUTR : cirthi : sunr : biarnar : fro : CUL [i] . MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii. p. 28.) — 6 . . thana af vpaic favthvr sin in cavtr cirthi svnr biaknar cvbcvli, — . . . hanc ( sc. crucem) post Ufeigum patrem suum^ sed Gautus fecit, fUius Bjomonis, WORSAiE has the same, omitting the last two words. CUMMING. (Runic Remains p. 22) — . , , crus : thana : ap : ufaig : fauthur : sin : in : gautr : gutthi : sunr : biarnar : (cub : culi ?). i.e. A.B. erected this cross to Ufaig his father, but Gaut BJornson made it. The runes in Fig. 10, PI. III. correspond with this reading, except that the cr of the first word is omitted and that the ninth word appears as kirthIi 36 ^ank» ®ror«»««« (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 26,) Inscription as in Fig. 10. Translation as before, with the further suggestion that the last two words may be an "agnomen of Gaut and signify 'bealkiller.'" In the Plate — No II. — the runes appear, as before, with crus in full; but the ninth word is now spelled kurthi, and the last eight runes of the inscription are dotted, as being " doubt- ful." KNEALE. In the Plate of Inscriptions, No. 16, gives the same reading as the last, omitting the last two words. This is repeated at p. 164, and translated — (N.N, erected) this ( cross j to his father Ofeig, but Gaut Bjornson made it. VIGFUSSON. 4 AFTIR : UFAAC : FAUTHUR : SIN : EN : CAUTR : CIRTHI : SAUNR : BiARNAR : FRA : cuLi. (N. raised this cross) to the memory of Ufaac \P'Faac\ his father. But Gaut the son of Biorn of Cult worked it. (4.) II. Inscription in Bind Runes not yet deciphered. See Fig. i, p. z. (6) III. SONT ; ULF : HIN : SUARTI : RAISTI : KRUS : THONA : AFTIR : ARIN : BIAURK : KUINU : SINA. Sandulf the Biock erected this cross to the memory of Arinbjorg his wife, MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p. 28.) — 13. saNTULF ein svarti RAISTI KRVS thaNA AFTIR ARIN BIAVRC CVINV SINA : — Sandulfus mger erexit crucem hanc post A rinbjargam uxorem suam. WORSA^. SANDULF EIN SVARTI RAISTI KRUS THANA AFTIR ARIN BiAURG KUINU SINA. — Satidulf the Swarthy erected this cross to his wife Ambm§, TUe ir'late, at p. 2^2, gives THONA iiad SINO« GUMMING. The Cast in Castle Rushen, — sont : ulf : hin : suarti : KAisTi : KRus : THONA : AFTiR : arinbi|,aJurk : Kui[Nju : sini_aJ. (Runic Remains, p. 22.)— sand : ulf : bins : suarti : raisti : KRUS : thona : aftir : akin : biaurk : kuino : SI NO, i.e. Sandulf tlu Black erected this cross to his wife Artntjorg. The runes figured in Fi. ill., Fig. 9, give the same reading. (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 30.) Inscription as before, ine translation also is tne same, except that the word " bwaithy " is substituted for " Black." KNEALE. SANDULF : BIN : SUARTI : RAISTI : KRUS : THANA : AFTIR : ARiN : BiAURG : KuiNU : siNA. In the Plate of Inscrip- tions, 14, he gives the same, but divides the hrst word and gives the o rune in thona and sing. VIGFUSSON. 13. SONT : ULF : BIN : SUARTI : RAISTI : CRUS : THONO : aft£r : ARIN : BiAURC : cuNU : SINA. Sandulf the Black raised this cross to the memory of Arinbiorg his wife, (7) IV. THURUALTR i RAISTIKRUS j TH[ON . Thorwold erected this cross Ito the memory of A.B.^ 6*c.] See fig- 16 p. 33- VIGFUSSON. 12. THURUALTR : RAISTI 5 CRUS : THO— . Thofwold raised this cross (8) V. RAISTI : KRUS : THAANA , AFTIR . . , lA .B.] erected this cross to the memory of \,C,D,] &>c* BALLAUGH. (9) I. OULAIBR : LIUTULBSUNR : RAISTI : KRSi THANA : AIFTIR : U[L]B : SUN. SIN. Olave the son of Liutwolf raised this cross to thi mmnry of 38 ^anka (S^v^sasn* MUNCH. (Manx Society, Vol. xxii, p. 27.) 3. thorlibr thivtvlb SVNR RAIST CRVS thaNA AIFTIR VB SVN SIN. ThorlcifuS Thjodulfi (Thiostulfi J filius evexit cvucem hanc post Ubbonem ( Ulfum } fiUum suum. (The Plate gives the runes aibr as the ending of the first word.) GUMMING. Cast — ouLAiBR I [lJiutulb. sunr : [raisti : k]rs. TH[a]nA AIFTIR : u[lJB : SUN. SIN. Canon Taylor takes the first name to be thurlaib [i] r, and the next to begin with th not l. He also reads r[aJsti : CRUS : th|Jn[aj : aft : f. (Runic Remains, p. 17.) thorlaibk : thoriulb : sunr : RAISTI : crs : thona : aiftir : ulb : sun : sin : i.e., Thorlaf the son of Tliovjolf erected this cross to Olave his son. The runes are given in accordance with this reading in the Plate — 1. Fig. 2a. (Manx Society, Vol. xv., p. 30.) The above reading is repeated ; and in the Plate, No. X, the runes are the same, except that thana stands for thona, and the eighth word is in dotted letters, the last rune of all being also dotted. KNEALE. In the Plate 13. thorlaibr : thoriulb : sunr : raisti : krus : THONA : AIFTIR : ULB : sun : sin ; but in the body of the Guide, p. 167, this is given : — tharlibr THARIULB SUNR RAISTI KRUS THANA AFTIR ULB SUN SIN, i.e., Thorlaf Thorjolfson erected this cross to his son Ulf. VIGFUSSON. 6. OULAIBR i LIUTULBSUNR • RA — — US ; THONA j AFTIR : ULBSUNSiN. Aulaib [i.e., Olaf] the son of Liutwolf [t.e., Leod-wolf] ralisedj this lcr]oss to the fnemory of Wolf his son. BRADDAN. (X2) I. X [TH . . ] FEAAK : RAISTI : KRUS : THANO : IFT : UFAAK : SUN : KRINAAS. X [Tk , .jfeaac crwted this cross to th mmory of Ufaac th son of Qfima, GUMMING. (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 31.)— thurketil : raisti : crus : THANO : AFT : UFAiG : SUN : KLiNAis. ThorketU erected this cross to Vfaig Klitiaison. The Plate (XI) gives the runes of above reading, but the first word in dotted letters. KNEALE. In his Guide, p. 45, thurstein raista krus thann eft iiFAAG SUN KLINAIS. Thorstevi erected this cross to Ofcig Klinais'dn. And at p. 94, thur raisti krus thann, &c., as above, adding '• The last five runes in the first name have been almost obliterated and are illegible." VIGFUSSON. 5, [MAjLFIAAC : RAISTI : CRUS ! THANA I IFT : UFAAC : SUN : CRiNAAS. (Ma)lfiaac raised this cross to the memory of Ufaac [i.e. O'Faac] the son of Crinaa. Prof G. F. Browne reads the first word ulfeaak, and and the last krinais. The first name however is certainly neither Ulfeaak nor Malfiaac, the first two runes are perfeiftly distincfl and certainly thu ; the next is broken, but is a possit)le r. Whether such a name as thurfeaak be known the Author cannot say, but can make nothing else of this. (13)11. . . [N or H?l ROSKITIL : UILTI :I :TRIKU : AITHSOARA : SIIN. Hvosskitil betrayed in a truce his ffellou ) oath suearer. The first part of the Inscription runs up the shaft of the cross, the last two words in another line, above the words I : triku. MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p. 28.) — 12 . . . r asKiTiL vilti I TRicv AITHSOARA SIIN. Quettt AscatHlus decepit in treuga consacramentalem suum. Wilson gives this, p. 540, oskitil uilti i trigu aith- SUARA SINN. Oskitil betrayed in truce his sworn friend. And WoRSAiC p. 283, the same, but the first word with an a and the next to the last saara, translating — Whom Asketil deceived in security, contrary to his pledge of peace. P 4(3 Ikitctnk* ®ro«««ji* -- - — ■■■ — - — — ... -■ — ^ . — ^— ^ GUMMING. Cast— [N ?]ROSKiTiL : uiLTi : I : triku : aithsoara : sun. Canon Taylor thinks the first letter must certainly have been h. The last word sina or sino. (Runic Remains, p. 24.) — . . r : oscitil : vilti : i : TRiGU : AiTH : soARA : sun. Whom Osketel deceived under the security of his pledge of peace. The runes for above reading are given in Plate III., Fig. 12 b. (Manx Soc. Vol. xv. p. 31.)— er : osketil : vildi : i : DRiKU : AITH : soARA : sun. Here Osketel bewailed in a drinking feast Aitha his mother-in-law. The Plate gives in runes, No. XII., . . [o]r : oskitil : and the remaining runes as above. KNEALE. Plate of Inscriptions, 3, oskitil : risti : i : triku : AITHSOARA : SUN. At p. 94 of the Guide — askitil viLTi I TRIGU aithsaafa siin, i.e.. Whom Askettl deceived in security, contrary to his pledge of peace. VIGFUSSON. 20 . . . N : ROSCiL : uiLTi : i : tricv[m]: aithsoara : SIN. (But) Horsecel betrayed his oath-fellow under his faith. (16) III. UTR : RISTI : KRUS : THONO : AFT : FROKA 1F]ATH[UR:SIN : IN :THU. . J Odd erected this cross to Froca his [father, but Thor . . ] MUNCH. (Manx Society, Vol. xxii, p. 27.) 4, vtr risti crvs THaNa aft FRacA fathvr sin thvrbiavrn . . . Ottarus (Gautus) erexit crucem hanc post Franconum patrem suum, sed Thorbjornus . . . (The Plate shows the word in between the last two words.) GUMMING. (Runic Remains, p. 31.) — As above, with the addition of the following — thu)rbiaurn : sunr : (n. n. GiRTHi) i e , Ottar erected this Cross to Froga, his Father, but Thorbjorn son of (N. N. made it.) In the Plate VIII., Fig. 23, the runes read as in the letter- press. ^ro^b^an ^necvipii^na* 41 (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 26.) The same reading and rendering as above, and in the Plate (III) the runes for the same are given, but the last word in dotted letters. KNEALE. Plate, 2 — UTR : risti : krus : thong : aft : froka : FATHURSIN : IN : THURBIAURN : SUNR. At p. 93 of the Guide this is given — uir risti krus thana aft fraka FATHUR SIN IN THURBIAURN SUNK, i.e., Ottar erected this cross to his father Frakka, but Thorbjorn the son (of N, N, made it), VIGFUSSON. 17, UTR : RISTI : CRUS : thono : aft : froca — — . Odd raised this cross to the memory of Froca, (17) IV. THURLABR : NEAKI : RISTI : KRUS : THONO 5 AFT : FIAK : SUN : SIN : BRUTHUR : SUN : EABRSx Thorlaf Neacit Brother's son to Eab, raised this cross to the memory of Fiac his son, MUNCH. (Manx Society, Vol. xxii., p. 29.) 16. thvrlabr neaci RISTI CRVS THaNA AFT FIAK SVN IN BRVTHVR SVN lABRS. Thorlavus Neakt erexit crucem hanc post Fiac Jilium {suum) sed fratris filiumjabri The plate gives thono as the spelling of the filth word. Wilson, p. 542, gives the same reading, but i for a in the first word, and bracketing s and b in the eighth and tenth. WoRSAiE also, p. 281, gives the same, but omits svn IN. He translates— r/jor/a/ Neaki erected this cross to Fiah . . brother^ a son of Jabr. GUMMING. Cast— thurl[a]br : neaki ; risti : krus : thono : aft { rux : 6[ «<.«.«] : bruthur : sun : babrs, 4^ ^anh» (tvofS&ti* (Runic Remains, p. 29.) As above. Tkorlaf Neaki erected this cross to Fiak his son, brother's son to Jabr. The runes— Plate VIII., Fig. 22, give the same reading. (Manx Society, Vol. xv., p. 27.) The same reading, but FIAK is spelled with an e for i. The same reading is given m runes, Plate No. IV. In the translation the seventh word is spelled Feake, and the last word Jaf. KNEALE. Plate, I, THURLABR : NEAKI : RISTI : KRUS : THONO : AFT : FIAK : SUN : SIN : bruthur : sun : eabrs. At p. 92, he translates, — Thorlaf Neaki erected this cross to Fiach his son, the nephew (brother's son) of Eabr, VIGFUSSON. 16. THURLIBR : NEACI : RISTI : CRUS : THONO : AFT : FIAK : SUN : SIN : bruthur : sun : eabs. Thorlaf Neaci, brother's son to Eab, raised this cross to the memory of Fiak, his son. (18) V. THURBIAURN : RISTI : KRUS : TH Thorbjorn erected this cross \to the memory of C.D„ &c,] VIGFUSSON. 15. THURBIAURN : RISTI : KRUS : THON . Thorbjom raised this cross BRIDE. (21) I. TRUIAN : SURTUFKALS : RAISTI . KRSTHINA : AF[K]ATHMIU[L] : KUNU : SINA : i.e.. Druian, the son of Dugald, raised this cross to the memory of \K]athmaoil his wife. Near the village of Bride is a Quarterland which still bears the name of Glion Truan. VIGFUSSON. 2 TRUIAN : SUR ; TUFKALS : RAISTI : OR : THINA : AFCATHMIUL CUNU : SIN [a] . — Druian the son of Dufgal raised this cross to the memory of Cathmaoil his wife. CONCHAN. (26) I. ( . . . bruthu)R SUNR x RAISTI X AFTI X UINI[A]SINA MURKIALU X M. . . . X UKIKAT X AUKRATHIFRIT . . A X NI . . On the other face of the slab, the words — X KRUrS] X ISUKRIST THURITH X RAIST x RUNER. . . fA,B., CD's. , , . brothejr's son x raised (this) to the memory of his friends Murkialu M. . . . Ugigat X and Rath/rid . . X The Cross X Jesus Christ Thurith X carved X (these) runa MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p. 29.) 17, CKVs—crucem. isvcrist —Jesu Krist. thurith raist rvnar — Thurida sculpsit literas. svnr raisti aftir svn sina mvrkiblv. — Tak- ing svN to be a mis-spelling for cunv and the b in the last word tor a, he thus translates this portion: — . . Jiiim erexit (crucemj post uxorem suam MurUllam, vciCAT AsviK ATHicRiT AM . , NTH — un- translated. GUMMING. Cast — . KRU[s] . ISUKRIST. On the other face, [rJaisti . [a] fti [uinia] sina MURKi [a] lu rathi [kj RiT. The rest being broken ofif. (Runic Remains, p. 33.) cru isuchrist thurith raist : RUNER . . . SUNR : RAISTI : APTIR : SUN : SINA : MURKIBLU UGIGAT : ASUIR : ATHICRIT AM : I Cross. Jesus Christ. Thurith engraved for made) th$ runes. {N.N's) son erected this to his son , Murkiblu. In the Plate X., Fig. 26, the runes are given for th« above reading. 44 0latth» Ctra«»««^ (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 28.) The same reading, but a totally different and quite impossible translation, namely — " . . am I . . . [lies buried) over agains our Athigrit {N.N's)son erected (this) to his son in mourning The rest of the legend is given as before. In the Plate (VII.) the Runes are given as before. KNEALE. In Plate 17. krus . . sunr x raisti x ift X KUINUSINA X MURKIALU X M . . X UKIKAT X AUKR X ATHIKRIT X IN X K . . THURITH X RAIST X RUNER . . ISUKRIST. In the body of the Guide, p. 109— krus . . . sunr RAISTI EFT KUINU SINA MYRGIALU M . . . UGIGAD AUKR ATHIGRID . . . THURITH RAIST RUNER .... isu KRisT, i e., [A.B.] son of [C.D.,\ erected [this] cross to Mirgiul his wife, mother of Hugigud, Haukr, [and] Athigrid, Thurid engraved [these] Runes . . . Jfesus Christ, VIGFUSSON. 18 — — SUNR X RAISTI X IFT [3 letters] LUSINA — the son raised this after his ? MURCIOLU X m[0THUR . SINA] X ucifat . AUKRATHicR XT.... and of wise counsel (auk rathigr) . iesucrist crist thurith raist runir. Thurith carved the runes. Canon Taylor points out that crist is plainly crus ; and Cumming's reading, aftir sun sin agrees better with the Cast than Vigfusson's ift . . . lusina, of which he makes no sense. The reading aucraithev^ he thinks impossible. GERMAN. (34) I. INOSRU [TH] R : RAIST : RUNAR : THSAR X He Osruth carved these runes, MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p, 39.)— 14 . . iNaiRViR raist RVNAR THAER AFTIR . « [ineirvir ?) sculpsit Hteros hosci (Rirtnan |rn«cvif»Hon«. 45 GUMMING. (Runic Remains, p. 19.) inosruir : raist : runar j THENR AFTiR . . . Inostuir carved these funes to . The proper runes for this reaHinp;, omitting the first and the last letters, are given in Plate II., Fig. 5. (Manx SocietVi Vol. xv., p. 37.) Same reading as above, but in the fourth word an s instead of w. In the Plate (VI.), the runes are given as above, but the last five runes of the first word, the a of runar, and the last four runes of aftir, in dots. KNEALE. 5, iNos ruir : RAIST RUNAR THSNR. — In the body of the Guide, p. 181, this is given. — ina svrtr raist runar THSER, I.e., Ina the swarthy engraved these runes, VIGFUSSON. 19, INOSRUTHR : RAIST : RDNAR '. THSAR X But Osruth carved these runes. (36) II. . . . US. THENSI. IFTER. ASRITHI. KUNUSINO. [T]U[T]URUT. . . . R. A. . . . [A.B. raised this cr]oss to the memory of Asrith his wife [daughter of J GUMMING. (Runic Remains, p. 33.) . . us. thensi. efter. ASRITHI. KPNU SINA : DUTUR : UT. . . RAISl . . . i.e. . A .B. erected this cr)oss to Asrith his wife: the daughter of Ut [r] ^Oter ?) — CD. carved these rurus. Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 32.) Same as above, but i instead of e in iftir. In the Plate (XVI.) the runes are the same but the r of krus is given, and the word tutvu as well as the 3rd and 4th runes of the last word are dotted, as though doubtful or not clear. KNEALE. Plate 6. — US : theni : eftir : asrithi : kunu : sina : tutur : UTR — And, at p. 171, us thena evtir ASRITHI KUNU SINA DUTUR UTR— i.e. {N.N. erected) this cross to his wife Asrid, daughter of Ottar. 4^ W^a%tk» ®vcr««««« VIGFUSSON. 14. — us • THENEI • IFTER ' ASRITHI • CUNU ' SINO (4 strokes) URU • t— — [N. raised) this {cr)oss to the memory of Asrith his wife — — JURBY. (40) I.... UN : SIN : IN : ONON : RAITI, .e., .... his son but Onon writ.., MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p. 29.) 15 ...rv svn in enan HAITI fairthur ial rce filium sed aliam (crucem) erexit Fairthur us Jal... GUMMING. Cast— [. .UN . . . . ]n : onon : raiti : . . . fairthur : [BR.. .J (Runic Remains, p. 23.) ... ru : sun : in : onon : rasti : AFT : FAiTHUR : BR Ro's SOU hit Onon erected it to his father's brother. Plate III., Fig. 11, gives the runes for the same reading, but the sixth word is not clear. (Manx Society, vol. xv., p. 30.) Same reading as before, but an I instead of s in raiti, and the last rune is followed by u. Translation as above. In the Plate (VIII) the runes read the same, except that the seventh word is spelled fairthur; the first rune r, and the last two RU, are dotted. KNEALE. 12. RU : SUN : IN : onon : raisti : aft : fauthur : br... In the body of the Guide (p. 167) this is given — ...ru sun in anan raiti aft fairthur BR... i.e. ...ru's son, but Annan erected it to (his) father's brother... VIGFUSSON. II. — n : AN : ONON : raiti : — — TV. Btit Onon wrote — f MAUGHOLD. (58) II. [HIR L1]KI[A I]N KRISTH : MALAKI : OK BATHRIC : ATHANMAN : UNAL . SAUTHAR : lUAN ARIST : IKURNATHAL. [Here lie i]n Christ Malachi and Patrick Adamnan Uttal (O'Neill) Sheep-John carved {these runes) in Kurna Dale. (70) I. A fragment has been found in this parish showing traces of an Inscription, too broken however to decipher. It is to be hoped the rest of the cross may yet be found. MICHAEL. (71) I. . . . [KRU]S : THNA : AFT[IR] . [A .B. erected] this cross in memory of [CD.] MUNCH. (Manx Soc, Vol. xxii., p. 28.) (7) ...crvs than aftir... "In than the final 'a' is omitted because the next word begins with an 'a.' Crucem hanc post. GUMMING. Cast — fKRU]s : thna : af[tir] (Runic Remains, p. 19.) . . . crus : thna : aftir : i.e , This cross to, "the names having altogether disap- peared." In Plate II, Fig. 4, the runes give above reading, — the top of the last r broken off. (Manx Society, Vol. xv, p. 32.) Same reading and translation ; and the plate, xv, gives the runes as above. KNEALE. 4 KRUS : THAN : AFTIR. VIGFUSSON. 10 CRus : THAN : aftir. (72) II. X MAIL : BRIKTI : SUNR : ATHAKANS : SMITH : RAISTI : KRUS : THANO : FUR : SALU : SINA : SIN : BRUKUIN : KAUT X Then on the face of the Cross, on the space to the right above the circle, KIRTHI : THANO : AUK terminating on the corresponding space to the left of the bead of the Cross, ALA : I MAUN x Mc$l Brigd, son of Athakan, smith, raised this cross for his soul, his tenant Gaut carved this and all in Man, i 4^ ^atxha Cri>»«je»» MUNCH. (Manx Soc, Vol. xxii., p. 27.)— 5. mail bricti svnr ATHACANS SMITH RAISTI CRVS THaNA FVR SALV SINA SIN BRVCVIN CAVT CIRTHI THANa AVC ALA IMAVN. Mucl- bngidtis filius A thacani fabri evexit crucem hanc pyo anima sua (peccatrice) Gautus fecit hanc {sc. crucem) et omnes in Mannia. Wilson, at p. 539, gives in his figure the runes as read by Munch, but sini for sina, and kaut[s] for kaut. He translates — Mailbrikti, son of Athacan, the smith, raised this cross for his soul, and that of his faithful friend Gaut, who made this [cross] and all [the crosses] in Man. WoRSA^, p. 284, also follows Munch, but gives sini, THANA, and MANN, which, however, in the figure appear as sina, thano, and Maun. His translation is the same, omitting the word brukuin, as Munch had done. GUMMING. (Runic Remains, p. 16.) mail : brigdi : sunr : athakans : smith : RAisTi : crus : thano : fur : salu : sini : sin : BRUKUIN : gaut : GiRTHi : thano : AUK : ALA : I maun ; i.e. Malbrigd, the son of Athakan the smith, erected thts (cross) for his soul, but his kinsman (?) Gaut made this and all in Man. The runes for same reading are given in the Plate I, Fig. I. (Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 22.) — Same reading as above, but AUK : ALA written as one word, — augala. The translation greatly differs, viz.: — Mailbrigd, the son of A thakan, as a work of art, erected this cross for his soul. His betrothed (or bride) made {or caused) Gaut to chisel it in Man. The Plate, I, gives the runes as in " Runic Remains." KNEALE. II. MAIL : BRIKTl : SUNR : athakans : SMITH : RAISTI KRUS : THANO : FUR : SILU : SANA : SIN : BRUKUIN : kaut : KiRTHi : THANO : AUK : ALA : IMAVN — At p. 183 he gives the same reading, but a for o in thano, and SALU SINA for SILU SANA. His translation is the same as W0RSA£'8* t^icljaei ^necvipiionn* 49 VIGFUSSON. 3. MAL : BRICTI : SUNR : ATHAKANS CRUS : THANO : FUR : SALU : SINA GOUT : CIRTHI ; : THANO : AUG : ala : SMITH : RAISTI : : SIN : BRUKUIN I MAUN. Malbricti the Smithy son of Athacan, raised this cross for his own soul. His surety-friend Gout warked this (cross) and all in Mann. Canon Taylor reads mail or mabl, thono, and gaut on the Cast. (73) III. (a) MAL : LUMKUN : RAISTI : KRUS : THENA : EFIER : MAL . MURU : FUSTRA : SINE : TOUR: TUFKALS KONA : [A]S : ATHI5L : ATI. Mai-Lumkun raised this cross to the memory of Mal-muru his foster [•daughter?] the daughter of Dugald, whom Athisl had {to wtfe). (6) ETRA : ES : LAIFA : FUSTRA : KUTHAN : THAN : SON : ILAN. Better is tt to Uzve a good foster than a bad son, MUNCH. (Manx Soc, Vol. xxii., p. 26.) a. 1. mal lvmcvn RAISTI CRVS THANA KFTER MAL MVRV FVSlRA SINA TOTER tvfcals OS ATHISL ATI. MaUum\un erexit crucem hanc post Malmuram educatricem suam, Jiliam Dugaldi, quam Adislus habuit [i.e., in matrttnonioj. The ir'iate shows the word kona between tufkals and os. b. 2. ...ITRA ES LAIFa FVSTRA CVTHAN SVN ILAN. ••Of 'itraes' nothing satisfactory can be made out. ...Lei f a, ace. form of L e i i 1, seems to be the name of the p.rson or one of the persons m question." Uf the remaming four words i-rot. Muncn says — *^ educat^rem, bonum^JiUum malum^ curious words, showing that thtse inscriptions were not only panegyrics. Whether, however, botti epiihets refer to one ^.erson or to two, is impossible to say, as we have not tne whole. Wilson, p. 54Z. Maliymcun raised thix cross after Malmor hts foster son, WokSAiB, p. 283. Mal Lumkun erected this cross to his foster father, Maimor, 50 ^anka ((lvo»»e»* GUMMING. All that can now be read on the Cast at Castle Rushen is A : EFTIR : MAL : MURU : FUSTRA : SI[NE] : TOTIR : TUFKALS : KONA : [ ] s : ATHiSL : ATI. The other legend does not appear to have been taken by Canepa. (Runic Remains, p. 34.) a. nial : lumkun : raisti : CRUS : THANA : EFTIR : MAL : MURU : FUSTRA : SINA : DoTiR : DUFGALS : KONA : OS : ATHisi : ATI ; i.e., Niel Lumkun raised this cross to Maelmor his foster-mother, daughter of Dugald the keen, whom Athisi had (to wife). b, ...TRA : ES : LAIFA : FUSTRA : GUTHAN : THAN SON : ILAN This, which Cumming supposed to be another inscription on a separate stone, is not translated. The Runes shown in Plate XI, Figs. 28b and 29, are iu accordance with the letterpress, but in "a" the next to the last word has a t for th. (Manx Society, Vol. xv., p. 33.) a. Same as in Runic Remains, translating — Niel Lumgun erected this cross to Maelmore his foster-child, the daughter of Dugald, whose wife {widow) A thisi he possessed. ^' (P- 35') The first word begins with s, — stra ; otherwise as before. He adds Mr. Carr's rendering, than which he "can conjecture no better": to foster- father Isleif, the good foster-father, towards an evil son. In the Plate, XVII. and XVIII., the runes read as in " Runic Remains," but, in the tenth word s, i, and a are dotted, and in the following word t and o. The other part of the Inscription [h) begins with s dotted, KNEALE. Plate, 8 — MAL : lumcun : raisti : krus : thana : eftir : MAL : MURU : FUSTRA SINA : TOTIR : TUFKALS : KONA : IS : athisi : ATI ; and, 15 — tra : es : laifa : fustra : KUTHAN : SUN : ILAN. At p. 184 this is given : Mai Lumkun erected this cross to Malmora his foster-mother, daughter of Dugald the Keen (or clever) whom A thisi had to wife. VIGFUSSON. I. MAL : LUMCUN : RISTI : CRUS : THENA : efter : mal-muru : fostra : sina : tqter : tupcals : cono : ES : ATHisL : ATTi. Mol-Lumcutt [i.e. Mael-Lomchon] raised this cross to the memory of Mal-Muru his foster- mother ^ daughter of Dtifgal, the woman whom A thtsl had to wife. The motto is : — [be] tra : es : laifa : fustra : cuthan : THAN : SON : ILAN. Better it is to leave a good foster than a had son. Canon Taylor reads raisti^ fustra^ totir, cona, and ati, Mai instead of Nial he thinks undoubtedly correct. (74) IV. KRIM : RISTI : KRUS : THNA : AFT : KUMUN IN. i.e. Grim erected this cross to the memory 0/ Hromund his— — . MUNCH. (Manx Soc. Vol. xxii., p. 28.)— 9. . . . svac raisti CRUS THAN EFT RVMVN . . . UT.—Svangus crexit crticem hanc post Romondum. , . CUMMING. Cast :— suAK : risti : krus : thna : [a] ft : rumun. . . The Cast certainly has the first word as here given. (Runic Remains, p. i&).— suak : risti : crus : thna : EFT : rumun . . NT. Suag erected this cross to Rdmdn» The runes in Plate II, Fig. 3, correspond. Manx Soc. Vol. xv., p. 32.)— svig, &c , as above. The runes in the Plate, XIV, are in accordance with this reading, the last two letters of the &rst word dotted. KNEALE. 9. KRIM RISTI : KRUS : THAN : EFT : RUMUN— Gnw erected this cross to Hromund. VIGFUSSON. 9. [grimr : IN : suaJrti : risti : crus : than : aft : RUMU [13 letters] in. He has "little doubt" the legend ended,— RUMU [nd : bruthur . sun : s]in. *'As different readings have been given of the beginnmg of the existing part of the legend, and the runes are a little damaged, it is better to add that there is no doubt that rti ii the proper reading." 5fl itlrtnk* ', concluding that they might have been obtained from the Tuatha De Danann, whom he is inclined to identify with the Jutes from Jutland, •• whose settlement in Kent and the Isle of Wight is the earliest Teutonic migration into Britain which can be called historical." Dr. Grant, Prof. Rhys, Prof. Stephens, and others, have ascribed different origins ; that most recently suggested is by Prof. G. F. Browne, namely, from *• finger signs " [Academy, xxxviii, p. 343.] Over 150 Inscriptions have been found in Ireland, chiefly in the counties of Kilkenny, Waterford, Cork, and Kerry ; some in Scotland and the Isles, and a few in Wales. The first discovery of Oghams in the Isle of Man was in 1874, by the Rev. F. B. Grant, then Curate of Rushen, who submitted a drawing of one of the Ballaqueeney 58 iW(»nk« CtM>«»je», Inscriptions to Mr Kneale, of Douglas, by whom it was deciphered. It appears not to have been published, how- ever, till 1886, whtn the Rev. E. B. Savage contributed an account of it to the Manx Note Book. The writer in 1889 was so fortunate as to discover on the face of the Mai Lumkun Cross at Michael, below the sculpturing, a perfect, though very faintly scratched and much worn, Ogham Alphabet. It is in the usual form and order, the vowels being full length twigs across a stem line, not notches, as with our other Oghams, where the "stem lime" is formed by the corner of the stone, which appear to be older. ARBOR Y. (1) I. Within the Friary, a slab of clay slate, 4ft. 4-5in. by I2in. by 6^in. The Inscription reads from left to right, up the edge of the stone ; the legible portion occupying a space of ift. gin. Evidently some is worn away from the beginning, as there are traces of Oghams 18 to 24in. below, and the end has been cut off. ..... CUNAMAGLI MA[Q] . . . . [ ] of Cmatmglus son [of N,N,] RHYS. (Manx Note Book, April, 1887 ; Academy, xxxiv., June, 1886.) CUNAMAGLI MA [qi] &C. BROWNE. (Academy, xxxviii. p. 343, 0(51. 1890). — The same read- ing. In Plate of illustrations to Lectures, given as above, in Oghams. (2) II. Within the Friary, a granite boulder, i7in. by i6in. by 8 to 6in. thick. Inscription round the edge, occupying a space of about i8in. M AQLEOG Mac Leog, RHYS. (Academy, xxxiv., June, 1886.)— maqleog or macleogo (modern '< Claque "}. BROWNE. (Academy, xxxviii., p. 343.) The same. In Plate, MAQLEOGU. MICHAEL. (3) I. On the back of the Mai Lumkun Cross (No. 73 in the foregoing Catalogue] between the two runic legends, a Scratch Ogham, almost impossible now to decipher. SOUTHESK. (Academy, xxxv , p. 359, Nov. 1887). — The Earl of Souihesk describes this from a drawing and des- cription by Mr J. M. Nicholson and Rev. E. B. Savage, as follows : — MUUCOMALL API UA MULLGUC. Mucomael, son (grandson ? or descendant ?) of O'Maelguc, (4) II. On the face of the same cross, as though to preserve a knowledge of the characters, with a view to letting the last inscription be read, is a perfect Ogham Alphabet — B, l, f, s, n, h, d, t, c, q, m, g, NG, ST, R, A, o, u, E, I. It is to the right, and a little below, the sculpturing, occupying a space of gin. long, the Oghams from fin to i^in. long, on a stem line; it reads from below upwards. (See Fig. 7.) BROWNE. In Academy xxxviii, p. 343 (Oct. 1890) gives a des- cription of it. RUSHEN. (5) I. At Ballaqueeney, a small slate stone, now measuring about ift. 8fin. by 5iin. square. Most un- fortunately it has been shattered to pieces by exposure to the weather, but the characters, well cut and well preserved, are nearly all in existence. The Inscription commencing 5^in. from the bottom, reads up the right edge of the stem, and round the top. BIFAI [ ] NAS M[A]QI MUCOI CUNAFA. {Th€ Stont) 0/ Bifai [do] n son 0/ Mucoi ConaJ. 6o Rankin ^V0«&e»* KNEALE. (Manx Note Book, October, 1887, P- 163. BIFAIDONAS MAQI MUCOI QUNAFA. [The Stone\ of Bifaidon, the son of Mticoi Conaf, RHYS. (Manx Note Book, October, 1886, p. 146.) The stone described by Rev. E. B. Savage, who gives Prof. Khys' reading : — BIVAICUNAS MAQI MUCOI CUNAVA. In the Manx Note Book, April, 1887, P* 64> ^^ suggests "dd " for " c " in the first name. (6) II. At Bailaqueeney, a slab of lower Silurian Sand- stone, measuring 3tt. 7m. by i4^m. by 4in. The Inscription occupies 2ft. ii|m., of which i3-^in. is left blank, dividing the word maqi. This must be, as suggested by Prof. Rhys, that the stone just there is capped by quartz of extremely hard texture. DOVAIDONA MA (space) QI DKOAT {The Stone) of Dovaido, son 0/ the Drutd, RHYS. (Manx Note Book, October, 1886, p. 147.) Described by Rev. E. B. Savage, who gives the following reading by Prof. Rhys, by whom it was examined in the summer of that year : — DOVAIDONA MAQI. (Academy, xxxviii, p. 134, August i6ih, 1890; Yn Lioar JVlanmnagh, Iso. 0, p. 179;. ir'roi. Khya having again veiy careiully examined the stone, gives the reading as tolluws : — DOVAIDONA MAQI DROATA. Dovaido, son 0/ {the) Druid, BROWNE. In Plate of Illustrations gives the Oghams for DOVAIDONA MAQI DROATA. PKINTKO BY CHARLKS BJIKNAHO HSYS8, KAM8SY, ISLS OF MAN« 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY-— TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR lO 1969 »iJ BtCCIB O W ^g.^ ^ 9-^ '^ fv,\l^ \^ ^?± APR 41 9 85 NOV 8 200 » LD 21A-40m-2,'69 ( J6057slOJ 476 — A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBBABY.u.C.BEBKEUy BOQ07S'iOao