Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bluegoldbeingrecOOunivrich 73 3i Copyrighted, 1912 by Clare Morse Torrey and Richard Whitney Rust Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor San Francisco ,® P^KSSG^r^^^far ^V^Br®Jr>l niJBj^.JS^" %^* '©JW ! & >, TO JAMES KENNEDY MOFFITT REGENT OF THE UNIVERSITY A WORKER IN THE SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED ALIFORXIA is a State University. The spirit of California the Western State is, too, the spirit of California, the Western University. The history of days of Spanish occupation, of gold seeking in '49, of the more modern progressive- ness and independence of the greatest Pacific State, are the common heritage of both State and University. For the freedom of California, the State, finds true expression in the spirit of California, the University ; and those other elements which make California an institution among the really great are, after all, but indications in the younger sons of California of the spirit of romance, of breadth, of tolerance and freedom which have been stuff of the very soul of California. It has been our intention to make this book representa- tive of the spirit which imbues both State and University. We have tried to show, in a series of articles, written by those best acquainted with Western life, the intimacy of relationship existing between the two, which are, after all, one. The con- nection is close ; it is for the present undergraduates to foster and cherish, both now and hereafter, the tie which makes both but different phases of California. We are indebted to the authors of the articles which follow more than we can say. They have, in no small measure, made the book. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE Jftat Hux! Wbat can toe tiring tbee, Jfllotber, toe, tfjj> broob (0f ruggeb nurslings caugfjt fast in tb' embrace (^f tfjp great, pearning, tenber amplitube, ?KBbat offering of bue praise, of meetest grace ? (Kfjou tooulbst not gifts of golb, — pet Sucb a botoer WL&& bear unto tbe beart of many a queen, — J£or tbat tobicb sabors of tbe perfunctorp tjour OTtjeretn is justice torougbt toitb naugfjt bettoeen ; ilor bost tfjou asfe tbat toe return anon, Rearing tfjee toreatbs, trim cbaplets, all intact ; M unbesmircbeb, pet mag it brabelp bone (To beem tbat tficst mere all tljott cottlbst babe lacfeeb ? iHotber of Higbt, entbronib tobere tfje bills £>toeep boton as from tb' €ternal, anb tbe sea Haps eager toitb lorn boice tbat neber stills Jts questing for tbe GTrutb tbat mafeetb free, &lma iWater, grant tb? cbilbren rise 9* suppliants, clasping of tbp knees, anb claim QDbe guerbon of tbp bope in bigb emprise! Coucb us, enboto our souls eben uuttlj tljp flame ! Uorratne gnbretos, '12 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE The Spirit of Service HE UNIVERSITY is a State university in a wideness of mean- ing that few comprehend. The great mass of its students — forty-five hundred of them — are assembled at Berkeley. This is the place where the teaching is done. Setting of standards and search for truth are, however, obligations upon it as well as teaching. The University exists in the Pathological Laboratory at Whit- tier, the Forestry Station at Santa Monica, the Citrus Station at Riverside, the Imperial Valley Station at Meloland, the Marine Biological Station near San Diego, the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, the Kearney Farm at Fresno, the Physiological Seaside Laboratory at Monterey, the Forestry Sta- tion at Chico, the University Farm at Davis, and the Affiliated College build- ings in San Francisco. At all of these places work is being done for the good of the State. The provision for support made by the State is scattered over all these institutions. The figures look large in the unqualified total, but really the sum provided is utterly inadequate for the range and impor- tance of the enterprises involved. So great is the range that the forty-five hundred students at Berkeley come sadly short. But on the other hand the students, even if they do sit on window seats at the lectures, have the joy of participating in a State-wide work. They belong to something great and worth while. Perhaps those boys that sit on the window seats will get just as much as if they sat in the midst of elbow room with vacant desks on each side of them. They know there is power and movement in the development of this great undertaking, even though its deficits and its defects be large as they are patent. It is an institution that is trying to serve the State in all matters where scientific determinations can be utilized by the government of the State. It deals in its hygienic laboratory with the testing of disease, in another department with the applications of the pure food law, in another laboratory with the testing of fertilizers, in another with the diseases of trees and plants. It might well be entrusted, through its department of political science, with most of the business of framing the devices required by new legislation, if not the form of the legislation itself. It stands to serve the schools wherever it can, to forward the cause of good taste and morals every- where in life. It never was called upon yet by the State that it did not hearken — it stands here ready to serve. Benj. Ide Wheeler. 13 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE What Has the University Done for California? T WAS the desire of the young- men of '49 that California should have a splendid free public school system, crowned by a great free university. Themselves without wives and chil- dren, none of them purposing to remain longer here than would be necessary to take from the mines modest competen- cies, the youthful pioneers of California laid deep and broad in the State's first constitution the foundation upon which now stands our University. That University is intended to fill the higher-educational wants of all the people of this State. Do California's farmers need expert advice con- cerning their soils, their crops, the duty of irrigation water, the kind of fer- tilizer needed to keep up their fertile acres, or any other aid or advice, or knowledge — the experts at the University, paid by the people of the State, are at their disposal. Does the planter of wheat, the grower, of citrus of deciduous fruits, the viticulturist, the possessor of timber, the breeder of livestock, the dairy- man want to know what is best for him to do under certain contingencies — the University people are ready and willing and glad to furnish him with the best knowledge possessed by the world in that matter. Do the rancher's sons or daughters want to become scientific, expert farmers, the University's College of Agriculture, with its attendant Univer- sity Farm, is open to them. If our young men or young women desire to become electrical, or min- ing, or civil engineers; or to study chemistry in any or all its branches, or 14 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE THE LICK OliSERYATORY. MOl'NT HAMILTON to become acquainted with the science of commerce, or to learn the modern languages, acquaintanceship with which California's rapidly developing trade and commerce are rendering necessary; or to devote themselves to any of the arts and sciences that tend to the material advancement of the business of the State — California's University gives them the opportunity to do so. Our University's alumni are known to and trusted by all the world. Are mining engineers wanted to develop and manage the mines of California and other States, of Mexico, of Central and South America, of South Africa — University of California men are called upon to do it. The active manage- ment of the De Beers diamond mines has been for many years in the hands of a California alumnus. Are chemists needed on sugar plantations and in sugar mills at home or abroad — our graduates are sought for. Are trained consuls and diplomatic attaches needed to represent this nation in foreign countries — our University furnishes its share of them. In short, there is no avenue of material advance- ment for California and the world that is not traversed by some of those who have worn the Blue and Gold. The law and medicine also have their colleges in connection with our Univer- santa monica forestry station 15 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE SAN DIEGO MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION sity and the world-famous Lick Observatory furnishes astronomers to observa- tories in every part of the western hemisphere. There are those who hold that a State University, supported by the hard-earned money of the people, should spend neither time nor money in teaching "the dead languages." California would be ashamed were her University inferior in any particular to the best university our country possesses. It would be inferior did it not give to those who desire it the opportunity to study the classics. And so, as a matter of course, California's University teaches "the dead languages" as well as she teaches the material arts and sciences. In short, as it is needed and called for, no branch of human knowledge is neglected at the State's great school. It is the people's clearing house for learning and knowledge — the people's educational forum. As such it must supply the State with every kind of knowledge and learning that is needed to fit such of its men and women as desire to avail themselves of it for that station in life to which they may aspire. But these are not the only things the University is doing for the State. It is fitting our youth to take their places in the State's public life. Her sons and daughters are busying themselves, as all good men and women should, more and more with their politics, the politics of the State. They are giving California's politics a higher tone, they are fighting political corrup- tion, they are striving for a better government for the people and for themselves. At every session of the Legislature there go to the State Capitol those who have worn the Blue and Gold. Two Justices of our Supreme Court and two Governors have hailed from Berkeley's great institution. Mayors, city 16 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE eouncilmen, district attorneys, superior judges and many other public ser- vants look back to the years they spent beneath the Berkeley oaks. Does the University repay the people of California for the money they have invested in it? Does it pay the people of a State to have educated men and women, scientific men and women, expert men and women, learned men and women, high-principled men and women, patriotic men and women who know the dangers that beset popular government and are alive to offset those dangers? If so, the University of California repays the people of California for the money they have spent at Berkeley. The University is giving the State just those kinds of men and women. Is the University a democracy where merit alone counts, and wealth and station cut no figure? The spectacle of students waiting on the tables of their classmates and performing other so-called menial services, and losing neither their own self-respect nor the respect of their fellows, proves that the University is a democracy, at which many of the young men and women of this State are being fitted to take part in Californian and American democracy. Out of many similar examples I have in mind one member of my own class, who, as did others of our classmates, worked his way through college and was not ashamed to perform, nor were his fellows ashamed to see him perform, any sort of service to -support himself. Since graduation that man has perfected mining processes which have saved the people of this State many times all that the University ever will cost them. Neither he nor others who have done much for the people of the State could have gotten their educations had the people not given them a free University. Such examples of the democracy and worth of the University are so common that those who are acquainted with them have long since ceased to regard them as anything but the everyday incidents of University life ; as anything more than the expected, regular and sure products of the University's educational grist. California and the world are better, richer and more livable because our University has given to many, many men and women the opportunity to excel-— an opportunity which never could have been theirs had it not been for the People's University at Berkeley. California's people have done much, very, very much, for their Univer- sity. And the University, in its turn, has done, as it should, much, very much for the people of California. George C. Pardee. 17 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE The University and the State E love the University of California most of all because of her ideal of service to the State. As alumni, we take pride in the knowl- edge that the lesson which she teaches most earnestly is the duty and privilege of citizenship. Immensely more important than the mastery of facts or the acquisition of polish is the advancement of the happiness and prosperity of the great mass of the people of this State. Knowledge alone, training alone, ability alone are not sufficient to attain this end. We need men who will apply these qualities in the light of ideals of service to their fellowmen. It is not enough for a university to teach the truth. The world needs men of character and determination who will go out into the world with enthusiasm and inspiration to fight for the truth. We rejoice that the University of California, fully mindful of her duty and privilege as bene- ficiary of the State, has as her highest ambition to give to the State men of such type. In her vistas of mountain and sea, the wealth of her rivers and fields, the blue of her skies and the gold of her sunshine, and the enterprise, refinement and broad humanity of her people, California is the favored daughter of our Union. It seems most fitting and appropriate that in these surround- ings there should grow up one of the greatest universities of the world — great in the learning and ability of her faculty, in the wealth and beauty of her buildings and in the number and zeal of her students, but, greatest of all in her endeavor to aid in the solution of the living problems which affect the happi- ness and prosperity of the State and its people. To accomplish this end. two conditions at least must concur — the University must continue to attract students who are democratic, ambitious and willing to work, and she must 18 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE remain true to her present great ideal which springs from her position as a State institution. Recent events have demonstrated strikingly the loyalty of the University of California's alumni. This is not a loyalty merely of locality or association. The feeling goes deeper than that. It is a loyalty to the University because of the things for which she stands in the life of the State. It is a loyalty which finds expression in this wish — May the University so act and may her sons and daughters so do their work that when the student of the future, long after the granite walls on our campus shall have crumbled to dust, turns over the pages of the history of the State of California and comes to the page which tells the story of our alma mater, he shall find there, written in letters of gold, this legend : The University of California. A university of sympathy, humanity, service. The daughter of the State. The mother of good citizens. Max Thelen. KEARNEY ESTATE — AN ENTRANCE 19 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE The Spirit of California AM bidden to write on the Spirit of California as represented in the University of California upon the lines of a talk I had the honor of being asked to deliver at the Freshman Rally in the Greek Theatre. Others are to write on more concrete subjects connected with the growth and organization of the University. Theirs is the easier task, for they can use statistics and fill their papers with facts and valuable information, whereas I have to call upon my memory for the ideas inspired by looking upon the massed crowds of students collected in the Greek Theatre upon one of the significant occasions of the University year. It is one thing to speak to an audience of thousands on a great occasion ; it is quite another to gather up such ideas and set them down in the limits of a brief article, even if it is intended for so special a class of readers as the readers of the Blue and Gold. The Spirit of California! It is the spirit of many civilizations and many races here forged into one people looking westward over the Pacific Ocean and knowing that it can not leap that ocean and spread any further. All these civilizations are represented in the University of California. Look over a list of the students in the University and you will be struck by the variety of names and the diversity of races represented. Here, in the class-room or in the Greek Theatre, can be found representatives of the various European civilizations. — Englishmen, filtered through New England or Virginia and preserving the marked effect of American life upon the original stock,— Scotchmen either of direct importation or filtered through American experi- ence but always preserving their marked characteristics, — Irishmen with the 20 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE THE ALBATROSS never-dying enthusiasm for Old Ireland and its distinc- tive qualities, — Germans from both North and South, Protestant and Catholic, — Scandinavians with their fair hair and blue eyes, — Frenchmen with their pride in being the interpreters of new ideas, — Italians with the memories of their long primacy in things intellec- tual, — Spaniards who feel at home in a land so full of Spanish names and Spanish traditions, — and with them mingled yet older and more ancient peoples, whose traditions antedate those of European civilization, such as Armenians and Syrians and Hindus and Chinese and Japanese. To all of these races California has been a kindly foster mother and all of them find a welcome in her State University. The California Spirit is cosmopolitan ; it welcomes all religions and all races. It has grown out of a boundless hospitality, and it receives its broad and tolerant character from the mingling within its borders of all who would come to make their home under its shelter. First and foremost, then, the Spirit of California is broad, tolerant and hospitable. But the Spirit of California is not only broad, it is also pre-eminently romantic. Other States of America, other countries of the world, are pre- eminently industrial or commercial, military or naval, religious or political, but California is above all the land of romance. This romance is in part his- toric. The first explorations of her coast, the first settlements of Spanish soldiers in her presidios and of Spanish friars in her missions, have given to her the glamor of an age not represented in the early history of other Ameri- can States. The rush of immigration in the days of gold brought to the land of sleepy memories of Spanish civilization an heroic race of pioneers. And since that time the flood of immigration into the United States has only sent the strongest and the most daring to its westernmost limits. The students of the University of California represent all these different stocks, and there is hardly a family without the tradition of some heroic ancestor, who made his way hither far from his native land amidst peril and hardship. The romance 21 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE of her settlement has contributed its share to the Spirit of California and can be seen in the University as well as in the other enterprises of the State. But the romance of California is not all in her history. It is also born of the beauty and variety of the State. The charm of Greece rests on the mountains and the olive groves of California; the blue sky of Italy rouses the same delight here as in the home of Virgil and of Dante ; California is a land of the sunshine and the ocean and draws from them the sense of breadth and beauty that has aroused poets and painters in all ages of the past. This romance of California, a romance of history and of beauty, has led to a develop- ment of art and literature in the growing State and must lead to further developments hereafter. The students of the University feel in Berkeley that they inherit this Spirit of romance and the influence it spreads in literature and in art. The very existence of the Greek Theatre and the endeavors of the students to give worthy performances there show that the Spirit of Cali- fornia is embodied there as elsewhere in the State. Broad hospitality, deep romantic feeling, and the qualities that go with them have produced a California character that is as distinct as the California atmosphere. The habit of living out of doors close to nature, intimacy with great spaces and great heights, the absence of overwhelming traditions and narrow-minded prejudices, have given the Californians, both men and women, a more reckless courage and a greater sense of daring- than other people. But with this has come a gaiety of heart that comes not from ancestry or sur- roundings, but from the spirit that California has engendered. The gay courage of the people of San Francisco after the great fire of 1906 roused the admiration of the world and gave an opportunity for all civilized peoples to show their appreciation of California. The California Spirit was as evident among the students at the University as it was upon the other side of the Bay. Those of us who lived through those days remember how the students got MM(**T±]0fi* ■^Jt 1 "* 4 KEARNEY FARM 22 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE AT HARVARD together to aid the refugees who came over from San Francisco. We shall ever bear in mind the camps on California Field and on the old baseball grounds, the hos- pital in Hearst Hall, the ready service of meals in the circles by the bridge, but most of all we remember not only the helpfulness of the students, both men and women, but their cheerfulness. Though they lost their extravaganza and the other delights of Commencement Week, they held together and carried out such parts of their annual ceremonies as they could with unabated cheerfulness and good humor. The Spirit of California, which is the Spirit of the University of California, can not be analyzed and divided into its component parts, and only certain of its most marked characteristics can be alluded to in such a brief paper as this. What I desired to impress upon the Freshmen in the speech that I have more than half forgotten was that they should inherit this Spirit of tolerance and romance and gay courage, and that they should hold to it as the particular characteristic not only of the State of California but of its University. It is hard to live up to high ideals, but we can be aided if we know that such ideals exist, and we can do our best to make them real as well as ideal. The Uni- versity of California is not only an institution of learning, it is not only a place of education for the children of the State ; it is the place where the Spirit of California should be most steadily cultivated and where the genera- tions to come after us should learn the breadth of thought, the love of beauty, and the kindliness of courage, which have been characteristic of Californians in the past and must be characteristic of Californians of the future. Henry Morse Stephens. 23 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE Student Citizenship ITH the growth of colleges has come an increased meaning of student life. The period at a university, according to the old con- ception, was regarded not as a part of real life, but merely as a preparation for it. We still use the name "Commencement Day," but the general idea which gave it currency has been lost. For it seems to be the belief, on the part of students of this day at any rate, that the four college years are just as truly a part of life as any years that are to follow. Our college citizenship is real and genuine. And it should be regarded, not merely as a means of preparation for something which is to follow, but as a period of experi- ence which has a value and importance in itself. The expression that the University is a miniature world, employed so frequently as to be well nigh outworn, has for us taken on a new meaning, for we have come to realize that we are in truth our own community, that our problems are in a sense just as real, and our relations just as vital as those of the outside world. The main difference is that here they are more limited and, by the nature of things, are only temporary. Here, as in other relations of life, there are two sorts of activity, the working for oneself and the working for the community. The one is individual, the other social. It is with the latter, with the principles of association, upon which the under- graduate life of the University has been organized, that this article is concerned. The purpose here is to set forth the civic import of Student Self-government. At California, by the grace of University authority, we have developed our peculiar form of student government. To a wide extent we have been entrusted with the conduct of our extra-academic affairs. Our equally wide acceptance of such responsibilities has surrounded us with something akin to a 24 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE complex governmental system. We have the necessary framework of government in our A. S. U. C, with agencies more or less adap- ted to register the steady current of public opinion. And we have the forces which make public opinion in our Daily Calif ornian, Senior Singing, honor societies and various other or- ganizations. Thus there is the formal side of student government, calculated to assure, through cen- tralization in an executive committee and a Graduate Manager, efficient settlement of questions which are largely administrative or financial. The executive committee is vested with sufficient power to regulate the course of all so-called "student activities." In addition there is the less clearly defined, but more essential, part of our student gov- ernment. With such questions as the Honor Spirit in examinations, and the other issues to which the Student Affairs and Welfare committees can be no development along arbitrary or fixed HARVARD — THE YARD YALE PHELPS HALL have addressed themselves, there lines. It is here that the attitude of mind on the part of the individual is the determining factor. This application of the standards which have been growing steadily in the student body is largely the result of what we know as "Senior Control." At best this is an intangible thing; but it is none the less impor- tant, because it is difficult to apply. The building up of the spirit which has been fos- tered through this agency is a true application of the "con- sent of the governed." It re- 25 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE WISCONSIN — UNIVERSITY HALL suits from the growth of a campus-wide attitude of service to the University, of a wholesome public-spiritedness. And the effectiveness of upper class adminis- tration lies in the fact that it comprises guidance rather than iron-bound rule ; that it is government by example and experience rather than by attempted coercion. Happily, the fact has been realized that Senior Moderation and Senior Example are integral parts of the system of Senior Control. The conclusion to be drawn, then, is that the benefit of student govern- ment, and whatever real significance it possesses as an experience in citizenship, we find in the development of a sort of civic sympathy. Surely it is such an underlying spirit which is the essential thing in any government — without which the most ideal constitution is mere paper, and the most perfectly devised institutions will prove cumbersome. The actuating ideal, not only of co-opera- tion and of mutual confidence, but of civic interest which is not self-interest, this mental attitude is the main thing we gain from our student life, and in particular from our student government. It is this which will be of benefit to us and to the State. Newton Bishop Drury. 26 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE __lv The Individualism of California N an interesting passage of his autobiography, Goethe tells us of the building of the New Theatre. The curtain had been painted by Oeser, who had taken the muses out of the clouds, and with statues of Sophocles, Aristophanes and other dramatic writers, adorned the vestibule to the Temple of Fame. Through the open center a man in a light jerkin, without troubling himself about the distinguished company present, was proceeding directly up to the temple. "Now this man," says Goethe, "was to represent Shakespeare, who, without predecessors or followers, without concerning himself about models, went to seek immortality in his own way." By some such figure as this, Californians are wont to regard themselves, their great State, their great city of San Francisco, and their University. Without troubling thoughts as to predecessors or followers, with slight regard for the conventions of older and less independent civilizations, con- fidently and unabashed, California has moved to meet immortality in her own way. This separation from outside influence and freedom from outside models — a quality born of the intense individualism of the early history of the State and of its isolation from the rest of the republic — gives to California and to the University of California a striking individuality. There are no other institutions with which California may be particu- larly compared. This does not mean, however, that the faith and quality of other centers of culture and instruction have not been built into her fiber. California arose largely through the efforts of men who were graduates of Harvard and of Yale, and their traditions were dominant in our early his- 28 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE tory. Soon thereafter, due to the calling- here of men of great strength, the influence of other American universi- ties came to be felt, among these the universities of Mich- igan, Cornell and Johns Hop- kins. The influence of Ger- man universities upon the lives of conspicuous instruc- tors assisted, too, in contribu- ting to the quality of our spirit. Then, at a critical time there arose the sister in- stitution of Leland Stanford Junior University, whose in- fluence upon the reinvigora- tion of this institution cannot be measured, and whose pres- ence as a neighboring source of light and teaching has com- pensated for the solitary posi- tion which California previ- ously occupied. In recent years, as the pur- pose of the University has taken on a larger aim of promoting the well-being of every interest of the State, California has felt the exam- ple of the University of Wis- consin, which stands perhaps foremost in vital connection between university life and commonwealth activities. But the example set in this regard by Wisconsin cannot be at- tained here with the same fa- cility, nor possibly by the same methods. The States are too dissimilar, and for California \(;KI( Tl.TCRAI. HALI. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE m*,.^* I "if* s ' J f if i • .-as* *v. - ^..^^ :^» -.-"li ^ CORNELL — ON THE CAMPUS the task is one of much greater magnitude and consequent difficulty. The great size of California, its extraordinary physical variety, embracing mountain, valley and desert counties, and a population whose interests are dis- tributed between mining, stock-raising, lumbering, fruit-raising, and commerce, make the object of ministering to the well-being of these diverse interests a pe- culiarly difficult one. The population of California is singularly heterogenous in its origin. The original American stock not only came from the north and the south, but to its citizenship early were added considerable numbers from Great Britain and Ireland, from France, Italy and other Latin countries. It is the diversity of talent represented by diversity of mental type which has given the University its large interest in music, dramatics, art and lit- erary production. The extraordinary growth of population in southern Cali- fornia in the last decade adds a new problem to the work of the University. Nearly half of the population of southern California are recent settlers in the State, unfamiliar with its history and as yet unaffec- ted by the strong spirit which tends to unite all sections of *? *LJfoA' i i i 1 1 - 30 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE the commonwealth. The Uni- versity of California is not sufficiently well known to them, nor appraised at its true value, and perhaps the most serious effort before our in- stitution at the present time is to make its influence strong- er in the southern counties of the State. One of the most valuable qualities of the University, I am pleased to think, is its spirit of generosity and toler- ation. Our University is singularly free from the spirit of bigotry and ungener- ous depreciation. Students of all classes and many races mingle here in a fellow- ship which is growing steadily more intellectual and more helpful. This may be equally said of many universities of America. Cornell has a student body that is remarkably cosmopolitan. But perhaps no institution in the country has an equal opportunity with our own to make its influence felt upon the countries of the Pacific. I wish the same could be said of the present influence of the University upon countries of Spanish America. The appropriateness of close relations between ourselves and Spanish American countries and educational conditions is evident. It found notable recognition in the invitation of the Mexican Republic to the President of this institution to take part in the centennial celebration of Mexican independence a year ago. But in spite of the fact that California is an old Spanish colony and has many descendents of Spanish pioneers among its citizen- ship, and that our equipment for the study of Spanish-American history is un- rivaled, we have as yet attracted small numbers from Spanish American countries. President Madero of Mexico and his brother were students here in 1892-3, but not long enough to receive a deep impression from our life. I believe that eight of the ten cabinet advisors of President Madero have received an English educa- tion, but the disposition in Spanish America is to go to institutions of the Middle West and of the East rather than come here. Finally, no institution exerts a stronger influence upon the leadership within its own State than our own. Graduates of Eastern institutions, coming from all parts of the country and returning" to their native States, contribute relatively little in proportion to their numbers to the life of their common wealth in which 31 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE their alma mater is situated. This is not true of California. The great bulk of her graduates have their homes in this State or on the Coast, take up their resi- dence here and rapidly attain a position of influence and leadership to which their education fits them. Gradually in this way there is being built up through the alumni a very close relationship between the University and the public and private activities of the State. It is perhaps the most encouraging tendency manifested in the progress of our institution. There is a decided disposition in California, especially in the southern coun- ties, for people of means to send their sons and daughters to Eastern institutions whose reputation, they imagine, may contribute more to the academic degree attained than the degree of this University. But there is a consideration which should not be lost sight of, and it is that the student who graduates from the University of California graduates as a member of a compact class, and has hundreds of acquaintances and friendships already formed among the future leadership of the State. He is one of a body whose attention is already fixed upon the needs and problems of the State. This is an experience and a prepara- tion which few young men and women who intend to unite their future with the future of California can afford to forego. „ i-» n David P. Barrows. THE DOE LIBRARY 32 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE Student Life at Oxford University IX companies of Rhodes scholars, each representing" virtually every State and Territory of the Union, have now been sent to Oxford University ; four of them are already returned after the allotted three years' residence. Americans, and more particularly American college men, are expressing an interest hitherto unknown in student life at Oxford. The American matriculating at the English university enters an environment utterly new. If he is an uncompromising apostle of extreme Ameri- canism, he may find congenial companions at the American Club with whom to associate during terms and travel in vacations ; but he will return to America unacquainted with English students and with English student life. If, on the other hand, he is ready to participate with zest in the activities and interests of the English undergraduate, the members of his college will receive him with cor- diality as sincere, if not as outspoken, as that to which he has been accustomed at home, and the doors of opportunity in the athletic, social and intellectual life •of Oxford will be thrown wide open to him. Michaelmas term opens about the middle of October and lasts eight weeks. There are six weeks vacation at Christmas and at Easter, with Hilary and the continuous Easter and Trinity terms intervening, and then comes the long summer vacation. The emphasis on the vacations is not undue, they are the genuine working periods of the Oxford student. He must take "collections," as the •college examinations are called, when he "comes up" to Oxford at the beginning of term, not at the end before he "goes down." During term he attends lectures, as may seem good to him and his tutor, works steadily, if he is an honors man, but not overmuch, and lays out a severe program of study for the approaching vacation. Residence at Oxford, save for the year immediately preceding the 33 'TOM S ' TOWER, NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE "schools" or final examina- tions for the degree, is the season of respite from close application to the curriculum. It is, however, very decidedly not a period of idleness ; the activities at Oxford are infin- ite in number and variety. The editor of the Blue and Gold asks for some account of this student life at Oxford, more particularly at points of contrast with the life here. It is mostly contrast. Students live during the first two years at least in one of the twenty-one colleges that make up the university. The college, with its separate group of buildings, gardens and athletic fields, is a house- hold that commands in ex- traordinary degree the affec- tion and loyalty of its mem- bers. The head of the col- lege (variously styled Master, President, Warden) and many of the fellows or "dons'' reside like the students within the college gates. Every student has a study and bedroom. They break- fast in their rooms, but seldom alone, for eight o'clock is emphatically a social hour, and the men linger round the table in groups to discuss the parliamentary debates of the day before or the probable outcome of an approaching political election until nine or ten o'clock, when lectures begin. Lunch is meager, in view of the boating, football or hockey that follow immediately in the early afternoon. There are no gymnasiums, but every student plays some game. The colleges vary in membership from forty to three hundred men, but even the smaller col- leges have teams in six or seven different sports. The streets of Oxford are crowded every afternoon with students in athletic attire trotting to the fields or the oval or the river. Lightness of lunch followed by hard exercise account for the alacrity with which the students hurry back to "tea," which implies hot buttered A PULPIT — RELIC OF OLD OXFORD 35 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE buns, muffins, crumpets and cake as well as tea, strictly so called ; and tea in this inclu- sive sense accounts in turn tor the lateness of the dinner hour, which may be seven or seven-thirty o'clock. Tea like breakfast is a social hour in the students' rooms. The in- terim from five to seven is a time for reading and study. Dinner is served in the college hall at long tables, crossed by the "high table" where the master and tutors dine. The societies meet in the evenings. There are literary, historical, philosophical and political societies in each of the colleges, as well as larger intercollegiate groups. These meetings afford the English student ample opportunity to indulge his fondness for pub- lic speaking. Public speaking A GLIMPSE OF THE HIGH, OXFORDS FAMOUS r. - ft t & thoroughfare in an English university is not confined, as it tends to be here, to formal debate on the part of teams long and laboriously trained for forensic combat. Men speak often and readily and with more lightness of touch than we do. They are not afraid to tell a story occasionally; they even dare to speak in epigrams or try jokes, and they are frequently known to begin formal debates without stating in introduction that they are going to prove "the following four points." They are not weighed down by the awful responsibility of capturing that decision by dry and logical presentation of a case to the judges after the manner of lawyers arguing from a brief ; they speak to the audience and decisions are awarded by vote of their hearers. Limericks were just coming into vogue when I first heard a debate in the Oxford Union, and the speeches sparkled with good lines, in which cabinet ministers figured delightfully. Debating does not imply solemnity. The smaller college societies meet in the rooms of stu- 36 THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE dents or tutors. Refreshments are served in the course of the evening. Papers or addresses are followed by general and lively discussion. Writers and members of Parliament frequently come to Oxford to participate in the larger gatherings. I recall hearing G. K. Chesterton, H. G. Wells and Bernard Shaw at college societies, and Winston Churchill, Secretary Master- man and Bonar Law, now leader of the Opposition, at the Oxford Union. Even athletes are expected to be speakers in England. There are few large public meetings in the college town to which the president of the boat club, who is to Oxford what the captain of the football team is to California, is not invited and called on for a brief speech. Opposing athletic teams regular- Jy meet to banquet together on the evening of the game, and after dinner speeches are a regular part of the program. This custom apparently persists in the colonies. Coach James Schaeffer relates that he was everywhere pestered for speeches on the Australian football tour. The happiest time of the year at Oxford is May Week, when the college eights race daily and the old town is crowded with visitors. Each college puts at least one eight on the river, some of them two or three. The races occur in three divisions, at two, four and six o'clock. A boat's length separates the crews at the start, the place of each college being that at which it con- cluded the preceding year. These are "bumping races." The aim is to drive the prow against the stroke oar or rudder of the boat ahead. A bump puts the successful crew one place higher up for the next day. College students armed with pistols and megaphones run along the tow-path abreast of their respective colleges, and other partisans shout encouragement to their favorite crews from the colleges' barges that fringe the opposite shore. Between races the Isis and Cherwell are alive with punts and canoes. Advance of five places within the week guarantees a college a "bump supper," a cele- bration not easy to earn but worth many years of waiting. The greatest glory that a college can enjoy athletically is to have its crew "head of the river." Student journalism is backward at Oxford. There are two weekly publi- cations — the Isis and the Varsity — but no daily paper and no annual. The general conception of the annual as a vivid record of the college year is new to the English student. Farnham P. Griffiths. 37 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT S HOUSE College of Letters HEX the College of California gave up its life and all its property to the new university in 1868, a solemn covenant was made between the Trustees, the State of California and the Regents of the new University that there should forever be maintained at Berkeley not only colleges of engineering and agriculture, but also "an aca- demical college of the same grade and with courses of instruction equal to those of Eastern colleges." At that time courses in Greek and Latin were always required in the colleges of the East for the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; and the Regents of the University, with the scrupulous care with which they have always administered the trusts confided to them, have declined to follow the example of most universities in granting the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the end of any four years' course that is not strictly professional. Every person who has ever received the degree of A. B. in the University of California has studied Greek and Latin, and also the other literary and philosophical subjects that formerly everywhere were considered indispensable to a liberal education. The College of Letters is thus the oldest college in the University, and by law is a continuation of the old college of California which was established in i860. The College of Cali- fornia was organized by Yale graduates and patterned after Yale : and Yale fol- lowed closely the English universities, particularly Cambridge ; and Cambridge goes back to the revival of learning in Europe. Thus the College of Letters pre- 40 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY serves the tradition of the old liberal culture, and in the progress of years has also admitted the modern subjects with which a liberally educated citizen of the twentieth century should be familiar. So long as the University exists, the College of Letters will stand for general culture and the art of living, rather than for immediate preparation for vocational careers, however necessary and desirable the latter may be in a modern university. ,,, A , T \\ iu.iam A. Merrill. College of Social Sciences The College of Social Sciences is the center of the group of Colleges of General Culture. It originated as a branch of the College of Letters, but was organized separately in 1893. This college offers perhaps the broadest basis of culture for an unprofessional career, while at the same time it may include funda- mental training toward later specialization, as it partakes somewhat of both the College of Letters and the College of Natural Sciences. Its popularity is marked by the increasingly large enrollment, which for some years has exceeded that in any other college. Graduates from the College of Social Sciences receive the degree of Bachelor of Letters. Lucy Stebrins. College of Natural Sciences The College of Natural Sciences as established in 1892 was one of the three colleges of general culture, each of which stood for a definite ideal. The dis- tinctive purpose of the College of Natural Sciences was then conceived to be, the training of its students to tell the exact truth about the natural phenomena of the material world. Graduates receiving from the University the hallmark. Bachelor of Science, were expected to possess acuteness of perception, to have judicial minds, reserving decision until all facts and conditions were known, and to have active and vivid imaginations, capable of forming quickly new combina- tions of the factors of a problem, and following the resulting train of events. Recent changes in the schedule of admission requirements for the various colleges and in the liberty of choice of major work in each college, seem to threaten the continued existence of the clearly differentiated culture colleges. The problem now pressing for consideration is whether the original conception of the value of the segregation of the work of this college, and the conferring of its special degree, is so vital that the College of Natural Sciences shall hold to its old ideal, or whether there is an essential unity in the aims and the training of the culture col- leges which is tending toward practical verification. „ _, TT te K RULIFF S. HOLWAY. 41 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY College of Commerce Another uneventful but successful year has been passed by the College of Commerce. Since the establishment of this College there has been a gratifying growth, not only in the actual number of students, but also in the percentage of all undergraduates enrolled therein. In 1900 only two per cent of the under- graduates were in the College of Commerce ; in 1904 five per cent, in 1906 six per cent, in 1908 seven per cent, in 191 1 seven and eight-tenths per cent. It is pleasing to note that this growth is not due to any lowering of standards, for the requirements are still exceptionally high, both as to the number of units necessary for graduation, and as to the amount of mathematics and foreign languages specifically prescribed. Indeed, coincident with the growth of numbers there has been an improvement in the standard of scholarship. As an indication of this may be mentioned that three of the eighteen elected to Phi Beta Kappa from the present Senior Class are members of the College of Commerce. Henry Rand Hatfield. College of Agriculture The great event of the year in the agricultural activities of the University is the completion of the new Agriculture Hall — one of the permanent buildings of the University, constructed of steel, concrete and granite at a cost of about $220,000, wholly apart from the expenditure required for interior fittings, furni- ture and equipment. This new building will contain administrative offices, library, document and mailing rooms, etc., of the Agricultural Department and will provide also lecture and class rooms, offices and spacious laboratories for four or five subdivisions of the department dealing with closely related subjects. These sub- divisions have been working at great disadvantage for years in the various dis- connected places which could be found for them upon the campus. The occupa- tion of the new building will allow needed expansion of several subdivisions, which will continue their work in the old agricultural building until they can be installed in other new buildings of the agricultural group, which will be con- structed as funds become available. Other indications of the growth of the College of Agriculture are found in the registration of 144 new students in the Berkeley departments of the College during the first half of the current year, a greater number than ever before ; in the erection of several new buildings on the University Farm and large additions to instructional equipment, especially in purchase of fine animals representative of the different breeds of live stock. This growth is also to be noted in the enlarge- ment of the Plant Disease Laboratory at Whittier, the erection of a new building 42 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY THE CENTER OF THINGS at the Citrus Experiment Station at Riverside, the establishment of a new sub- station and the erection of suitable buildings in Imperial Valley upon valuable land donated to the University by Imperial County ; the increase of research work upon the Kearney Estate at Fresno, etc. The Agricultural Department is receiving the most interested and generous attention from the administration of the Uni- versity in its effort to meet the great popular demand for service to the leading industry of the State. _, T . 17 . J E. J. WlCKSON. College of Chemistry The College of Chemistry was founded in 1871, incorporated in the Political Code of California and adopted March 12, 1872. This was subsequent to the establishment of the Colleges of Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Mining and Mechanics. The University was then in Oakland. Prof. Willard B. Rising, who had been instructor in the University of Michigan, was appointed Professor of Chemistry, and spent some time in Europe, studying the subject of laboratories, and came to Berkeley and immediately took up the task of equipping the laboratory and organizing a course of instruction. About half of South Hall was devoted to this purpose, and a very complete plant was installed. The classes grew until the quarters in South Hall became too small for their accommodation. In 1890 a new Chemistry Building was erected, and the depart- 43 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY SOUTH HALL merit took up its new quarters in this structure in 1891. At this time there was ampk room for the number of students then in attendance, but the department, in common with the rest of the University, has grown so fast that in spite of sev- eral additions which were made at different times, the quarters are now far too small. Provisions have been made to take care of some of the overflow by the erection of a new lecture room, but a new and modern laboratory is imperative in the future. Plans are being drawn for such a laboratory. At the present time over 2,200 students are taking various courses in chemistry. The laboratories were built to accommodate no more than 500 comfortably, so the need of a new building is very evident. „ ,_,. T J Edmoxd O Neill. College of Mechanics The work of the College of Mechanics is closely identified with the interests of the State. Not only are many of the graduates of this college now in responsi- ble relation to the important engineering problems of the entire Pacific Coast, but the courses of instruction are to a great degree directed toward these develop- ments of the resources of the State. Broadly grouped, the curriculum of the college covers instruction in hydrau- lics, steam engineering and electrical engineering. Beginning in January of this year, a complete and comprehensive course in gas engineering has been added, and the facilities for such work will include for the coming year a well-equipped 44 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY laboratory for experimental work in the manufacture and distribution of gas for all purposes, including the generation of power with gas and oil engines. The University is indebted to the Pacific Coast Gas Association, one of the prominent members of which is Regent John A. Britton, for its most generous gift which has made possible this most important addition to the work of the College of Mechanics. To the consistent generous treatment of the college by the University must be added the gifts of private individuals and organizations, such as Clarence Mackay and his mother, Mrs. John W. Mackay, Mrs. Hollidie, wife of one of the best friends the college has ever had, the late Regent Hollidie, and many other loyal and helpful citizens of the State. With the bountiful provision made for our work, it is at once with a great responsibility and a great pleasure the duty of the members of the department and the students of the college to loyally and cheerfully make the greatest use of the engineering opportunities which have been so generously granted to us. C. L. Cory. College of Civil Engineering The College of Civil Engineering aims to present its special fields of study with the broadest viewpoint. Thus, we emphasize schedules which specialize in structural engineering, sanitary engineering, railway work and irrigation. But these four groups of specified engineering aims are no more important to the student than the earlier, preparatory, basic subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing, the languages, history and economics. The ambition of the college is to increase gradually and logically the requirements for matriculation and graduation. We want our men to be broad. The typical, the successful, the ideal engineer of the future must be a constructor, an economist, a business man, a scholar and a gentleman. The last ten years have witnessed great growth in our civil engineering inter- ests. A department of irrigation has been firmly established. Courses in forestry and public health service are being planned. Sanitary studies form a definite part of the curriculum. Instructors in municipal and sanitary engineering are co- operating with the medical departments, with bacteriology, with animal industry, and hygiene. They are directing the work in domestic science. Professors of sanitation and irrigation are vitally concerned with the practical agricultural school at Davis. They are co-operating with Pacific Coast cities, counties, and with the State to develop further a sane public opinion regarding water supply, sewerage, and other health problems. Our structural departments are associated with architecture no less than with engineering. Surveying courses lead to 45 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY HEARST S MINING BUILDING instruction in geodesy through which channel our engineers are brought in contact with the Department of Astronomy. Through railroad work we touch upon economics. By the writing of contracts and specifications we lean upon the law. In the design of buildings we become interested in fireproof construction, fire protection and prevention, and are led to commune with the departments of eco- nomics and insurance. All of these relationships now exist, are daily developing and bringing civil engineering into closer sympathy and bond with the whole University. ^ „ , Charles Derleth, Jr. College of Mines During the last year over ten thousand dollars has been spent in the equip- ment of the Hearst Mining Building. Since the completion of the building, over seventy thousand dollars has been spent in its equipment. Of this sum, Mrs. Hearst has already expended nearly fifty thousand dollars. Over ten thousand dollars of the remaining has been due to gifts from a large number of manufac- turers of mining machinery. Among these are : Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon Co., of Cincinnati ; Joshua Hendy Machine Works of San Francisco ; The Whifley Concentrator Co. ; The Lehner Water Hammer Drill Co. ; Murphy Air Hammer Drill Co. ; Shaw Air Hammer Drill Co. ; The Ingersoll Eclipse and Rand Company. 46 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY During the recent visit of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Mr. Saunders, President of the Ingersoll Sargent Drill Co., expressed himself thor- oughly pleased with the arrangements made in the Hearst Mining Building for the testing of rock drills. He said that the arrangements made there were better than he had seen in any mine. He has ordered a number of the latest forms of rock drills manufactured by his company to be sent to the building as a gift. The mining students have greatly benefited by the removal of the Geology Department to their new quarters in Bacon Hall during the present year. This has greatly added to the facilities of that department for the instruction of mining students in geology. The development of the oil fields of California has caused a considerable demand for mining graduates who can be useful in that line, and special attention is being given to arranging courses along these lines in the departments of mining, chemistry and geology, all of which will be available to mining students. S. B. Christy. California School of Design The California School of Design was established in 1874 by the San Francisco Art Association. In 1893 the Association became the occupant of the buildings and grounds on the corner of California and Mason Streets, thereafter known as the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, and at the same time became affiliated with the University. After the great fire in 1906, in which the Art Institute, museum and school buildings, were destroyed, another building of a temporary character was erected on the same site, wherein the school and art collections of the Associ- ation have since been housed, under the title of the San Francisco Institute of Art. Almost from the outset of its career the school achieved prominence, and now after nearly forty years it is recognized both at home and abroad as one of the leading art schools of America. A University Certificate of Proficiency is awarded to students completing a prescribed course, and a Normal Certificate to those taking the teachers' course. A medal and scholarship is awarded each year by the Julian Academy of Paris, and the Art Association also awards annually six scholarships ; the Art Students League of New York awarded two scholarships, one for drawing and one for modeling, to the school during the past year. Exhibi- tions of the work of the school are held at the close of the school year. Robert H. Fletcher. College of Medicine Our College of Medicine began as a private institution, established in 1862 by the late Doctor H. H. Toland, and known as Toland Medical College. It was 47 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA HALL transferred to the University of California in 1873 as an unconditioned gift. The University's resources were limited, and as the prevailing University ideals did not include medicine as a part of University activities, the College remained practically an affiliated institution until the beginning of the administration of President Wheeler. The faculty realized that for its proper development a college of medicine must be closely allied to the academic departments, for medicine rests upon physics, chemistry and biology. The faculty therefore petitioned the Board of Regents to take complete control, changing the status of the College so that it would have the same relation to the University as have the academic branches. Under this enlightened policy supported by the Board of Regents, the President and the faculty, the College of Medicine has become an institution scientific in its methods, devoted to the best University ideals and surrounded by University atmosphere. . . ^, , '.■«*■* A. A. D Ancona. College of Dentistry The College of Dentistry was created by the Regents as an integral part of the University in 188 1. It was originally conducted jointedly with the Medical Department, then located in Toland Hall, in San Francisco. The rapid growth of the College made it necessary to seek more spacious and convenient quarters 48 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY in the Donohoe Building, at Market and Taylor streets, where it remained until the State Legislature generously provided a permanent home. This is now the most easterly building of the group of Affiliated Colleges. The progress of dentistry within recent years has been very rapid, and it has always been the aim of the department to keep abreast of the demands. In conformity with that policy, constant improvements and additions have been and are being made to both the equipments and curriculum. College of Pharmacy The California College of Pharmacy was organized forty years ago by the California Pharmaceutical Society. The public-spirited members of this society realized that some instruction was necessary to supplement the training given to young men studying to become druggists on the Pacific Coast under the old apprentice system, a system which still survives in part. For the College is but an aggregate apprenticeship. Thus the College of Pharmacy came into life because needed. It continues to live because it still furnishes what the young druggists want and what the older druggists approve. The College occupies one of the group of buildings of the Affiliated Colleges of the University of California, on Parnassus Avenue in San Francisco, overlooking the Park, the Golden Gate and the Pacific Ocean. „ _ -, Frank S. Greex. College of Law In 1878, S. C. Hastings, who had been the first Chief Justice of California, gave to the State $100,000, on condition that it should give the annual interest thereon of seven per cent to the maintenance of a law school. On this founda- tion the Hastings College of the Law was erected. For many years it was the only law school in the State, and among the large number of its graduates have been found many of the prominent judges, lawyers, and public men of California. The curriculum covers three years and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Laws. The requirement for admission has been the equivalent of high school graduation with Latin. In 1912 this requirement will be raised to the equivalent of the Junior certificate in the University. The department of jurisprudence was formally organized in 1894. Prior to that time, from 1882, courses had been given, within the department of history, first in Roman law, and then in constitutional law, in the theory of jurisprudence and in international law. These were assembled together under the new depart- ment. In 1896 a first year in professional subjects was added, and in 1901 a full 49 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY BOALT HALL OF LAW three years' professional curriculum was organized. The first class in law gradu- ated in 1903. The work of the department is articulated with the University col- leges, so that a student may take his first year of law as a University Senior. The second and third years may only be pursued as strictly graduate work. The degree conferred on completion of the course is Juris Doctor. William Carey Jones. Lick Observatory The Lick Observatory, situated on the summit of Mount Hamilton, in Santa Clara County, California, forty-two hundred feet above sea level, forms a research department of the University of California. The observatory, constructed by the James Lick Trust, was completed early in 1888. On June 1, 1888, the institution passed to the control of the President and Regents of the University ; and from that date the staff of astronomers has been busily engaged in pushing forward the boundaries of human knowledge concerning the celestial bodies which sur- round us. Formal instruction is not provided for students, but a few graduate students, who are qualified to serve as assistants in current researches, are received to the extent of the limited living accommodations on Mount Hamilton. Capable stu- dents are in due time given opportunities to prosecute researches on their own account, and in many cases the results have been presented as theses in partial 50 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University. W. W. Campbell. Department of University Extension The work of the Department of University Extension was carried on during the year 1910 and 191 1 along the lines laid down by Prof. H. Morse Stephens when he established it on a new basis in California in 1902. Instruction has been given entirely by the lecture method, supplemented by collateral reading and class work in conjunction with the lectures. There has been no instruction by corre- spondence or lectures requiring any illustrative apparatus other than the stere- opticon. In spite of an occasional demand, the department has resisted the tempta- tion to give individual lectures, and in the great majority of cases, the lecture courses have been based upon carefully prepared syllabuses. The personnel of the department was as follows : Acting Director, Prof. Donald E. Smith. Lec- turers, Ruliff S. Holway, Richard F. Scholz, Thomas H. Reed, and Benjamin F. Kurtz. The centers where the courses were given during the last year were San Francisco, Napa, Sonora and Sacramento. Don. E. Smith. Summer Session, 1911 The Summer Session of 191 1, with its enrollment of nineteen hundred and fifty students, — not including the Summer School of Surveying, — was the largest in the history of the University. Upward of two hundred courses were given by a faculty of about ninety instructors. Many of the departments and courses were new, owing to the increasing demand for Summer Session work. In addition to the regular University instructors, a number of professors and teachers from other institutions were invited to strengthen the work in the various departments. Among the visiting professors who attracted the largest classes were Mr. Arthur Foote, Dr. J. Duncan Spaeth, and Professor George Santayana. Throughout the entire session there was evinced a fine enthusiasm on the part of both faculty and students. The agreeable summer climate of Berkeley was a delight and surprise to the Eastern visitors. And the well-known hospitality and co-operation of the Berkeley people contributed in a large measure to the success of the Summer Session of 191 1. C. H. Rielen. Military Department The Department of Military Science and Tactics had its real beginning in 1873 when an officer of the United States Army was detailed at its head, since 51 COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY which time it has not only been subject to the University administration, but also under the fostering care of the Federal Government, which, in addition to furnishing an officer for appointment as Professor of Military Science and Tactics, also provides arms, equipments and ammunition. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF OFFICERS UNIVERSITY CADETS Captain and Adjutant W. P. Tufts Captain and Quartermaster R. McHenry First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, First Battalion H. T. Carlton First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, Second Battalion F. W. Jacobs First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, Third Battalion B. D. Dexter First Lieutenant, Inspector of Rifle Practice R. A. Lee Sergeant Major, Regimental V. C. Gaines Commissary Sergeant E. J. Sinclair Battalion Sergeant Major, First Battalion R. W. Coane Battalion Sergeant Major, Second Battalion T. B. Copeland Battalion Sergeant Major, Third Battalion J. R. Douglas Color Sergeant O. D. Reager Color Sergeant F. F. Lyons BAND Chief Musician (Captain) L. W. Allen Principal Musician (First Lieutenant) C. A. Allen Drum Major R. G. Sproul COMPANY A COMPANY F COMPANY L Capt. T. A. Bither Capt. E. D. McNear Capt. H. L. Wyrick 1st Lieut. M. R. Robbins 1st Lieut. C. C. Rae 1st Lieut. G. H. Hagar 2nd Lieut. G. B. Wallace 2nd Lieut. C. E. Lutz 2nd Lieut. L. S. Davis COMPANY B COMPANY G . COMPANY M Capt. M. J. Dillman Capt. A. F. Bridge Capt. W. W. Ferrier 1st Lieut. T. I. Storer 1st Lieut. A. W. Guillou 1st Lieut. O. E. Sandman 2nd Lieut. F. B. Delano 2nd Lieut. W. H. Jaenicke 2nd Lieut. H. Myer COMPANY C COMPANY H COMPANY N Capt. A. Eaton Capt. B. S. Clendenin Capt. C. B. Fox 1st Lieut. R. P. Wisecarver 1st Lieut. R. W. Tavenner 1st Lieut. C. H. Thompson 2nd Lieut. S. H. McFadden 2nd Lieut. E. H. Clausen 2nd Lieut. G. M. Simonson COMPANY D COMPANY I COMPANY Capt. H. M. Albright Capt. K. C. Mohrhardt Capt. A. F. Brown lst Lieut. E. N. Murphy 1st Lieut. W. H. Smyth 1st Lieut. J. P. Zipf 2nd Lieut. H. W. Platz 2nd Lieut. J. D. Foster 2nd Lieut. J. B. Parkinson company e company k company p Capt. J. R. Quinn Capt. F. L. Wilson Capt. G. N. Browning 1st Lieut. B. H. Eveleth 1st Lieut. A. B. Tinning 1st Lieut. C. S. Wheeler, Jr. 2nd Lieut. W. P. Stephenson 2nd Lieut. C. L. LeBaron 2nd Lieut. E. Daney 52 3n Jfflemortam GEORGE DAVIDSON Professor of Geography Emeritus CHARLES RAVENSCROFT GREENLEAF Honorary Professor of Hygiene FRANK EDWARD JOHNSON Instructor in Soils ABRAHAM RAPHAEL A Sophomore of the College of Civil Engineering WALLACE KENDALL GAYLORD Assistant in Chemistry HENRY WILSON COFFMAN A Sophomore of the College of Agriculture GOVERNOR HIRAM W. JOHNSON REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Regents Ex Officio His Excellency Hiram Warren Johnson Hon. Edward Hyatt Governor and President of the Regents His Honor Albert J. Wallace Lieutenant-Governor Hon. Arthur H. Hewitt Speaker of the Assembly State Superintendent of Public In- struction Hon. A. Lowndes Scott President of the State Agricultural Society Rudolph Julius Taussig, Esq. President of the Mechanics' Institute Bent. Ide Wheeler, Ph. D., LL.D. President of the University Appointed Regents Isaias William Hellman, Esq. Chester Row ell, ^Sl.D. John Eliot Budd, A. I ). Mrs. Phoebe Apperson Hearst Arthur William Foster, Esq. Garrett William McEnerney, Esq. Guy Chaffee Earl, A.B. James Wilfred McKinley, B.S. Re\ '. Peter Christopher Yorke, S.T.D. John Alexander Britton, Esq. Frederick William Dohrmann, Esq. William Henry Crocker, Ph.B. Truxtun Beale, LL.B. Charles Stetson Wheeler, B.L. Philip Ernest Bowles, Ph.B. James Kennedy Moffitt, B.S. Officers of the Regents His Excellency Hiram Warren Johnson Isaias William Hellman, Jr., Ph.B. President Treasurer Victor Hfndricks Henderson, B.L. Secretary and Land Agent Warren Olnly, Jr., A.B., LL.B. Counsel 56 PRESIDENT BENJAMIN 1DK WHEELER FACULTY FACULTY OF THE ACADEMIC COLLEGES AT BERKELEY Philosophy George Holmes Howison, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus. George Malcolm Stratton, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, on the Mills Foundation. Charles Henry Rieber, Ph. D., Professor of Logic and Dean of the Summer Session. George Plimpton Adams, M.A., Assistant Professor of Philosophy (absent on leave, 1911-12). Arthur Upham Pope, M.A., Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Warner Brown, Ph.D., Instructor in Psychology. Francis C. Becker, A.B., Instructor in Philosophy. Clarence Irving Lewis, Ph.D., Instructor in Philosophy. Education Alexis Frederick Lange, Ph.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Education and Dean of the Faculties. Charles Edward Rugh, A.B., M.L., Associate Professor of Education. Winfield Scott Thomas, A.B., Assistant Professor of Education, and Ex- aminer of Schools. Herbert Galen Lull, M.A., Acting Assistant Professor of Education. Richard Gause Boone, Ph.D., Lecturer in Education. John Swett, Honorary Lecturer in Education. David Prescott Barrows, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Graduate School. Jurisprudence William Carey Jones, M.A., Professor of Jurisprudence. Curtis Holbrook Lindley, Honorary Professor of the Law of Mines and Water. George Henry Boke, Ph.B., M.A., LL.B., Professor of Law. Orrin Kip McMurray, Ph.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. Alexander Marsden Kidd, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law. Lester Henry Jacobs, Ph.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law. Warren Olney, Jr., A.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law (absent on leave, 191 1-12). Max Thelen, B.L., M.A., Lecturer in Law. Joseph P. Chamberlain, LL.B., Lecturer in Law (absent on leave, 1911-12). . 58 FACULTY Carlos Greenleaf White, J.D., Lecturer in Law. Arthur Gould Tasheira, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law. Farnham Pond Griffiths, B.L., B.A. (Oxon.), Lecturer in Law. Matthew Christopher Lynch, J.D., Instructor in Law. William Edward Colby, LL.B., Lecturer in Law of Mines. Maurice Edward Harrison, J.D., Lecturer in Commercial Law. Allan P. Matthew, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer on the Law of Interstate Trans- portation. History Henry Morse Stephens, M.A., LL.D., Professor of History and Director of University Extension. Thomas Rutherford Bacon, A.B., B.D., Professor of Modern European History. Herbert Eugene Bolton, Ph.D., Professor of American History. Frederick John Teggart, A.B., Associate Professor of Pacific Coast History, Curator Academy of Pacific Coast History, Lecturer in University Ex- tension. Jacob Neibert Bowman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medieval History. Richard Frederick Scholz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ancient History. Donald Eugene Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History and Geography, Secretary of the Department of History, Lecturer and Acting Director of University Extension. Eugene Irving McCormac, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of American History. Louis John Paetow, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English History. Political Science Bernard Moses, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of History and Political Science, Emeritus. David Prescott Barrows, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Graduate School. Thomas Harrison Reed, A.B., LL.B., Associate Professor of Government. George Rapall Noyes, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Slavic Languages. Robert A. Campbell, A.B., Lecturer in Government. Economics Adolph Caspar Miller, M.A., Flood Professor of Political Economy and Commerce (absent on leave, first half year, 1911-12). Carl Copping Plehn, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, on the Flood Foundation. . 59 FACULTY Henry Rand Hatfield, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting on the Flood Founda- tion ; Secretary of the College of Commerce (absent on leave, first half- year, 1911-12). Wesley Clair Mitchell, Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy, on the Flood Foundation. Albkrt Wurts Whitney, A.B., Associate Professor of Mathematics and Insurance Methods on the Flood Foundation. Lincoln Hutchinson, M.A., Assistant Professor of Commerce, on the Flood Foundation, Dean of the Lower Division. Jessica Blanche Peixotto, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology. Stuart Daggett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Railway Economics, on the Flood Foundation ; and Secretary of the College of Commerce, first half year, 1911-12. John Graham Brooks, S.T.I)., Lecturer in Social Economics, for the first half- year, 191 1-12. Lucy Ward Stebbins, A.B., Lecturer in Charities and Assistant to the Dean of Women. Fred G. Athearn, A.B., Lecturer in Railway Economics. Anthropology Alfred Louis Kroebfr, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Secre- tary of the Department of Anthropology, Curator of the Anthropological Museum. David Prescott Barrows, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Graduate School. Nels Christian* Nelson, M.L., Instructor in Anthropology and Assistant Curator in the Anthropological Museum. T. T. Waterman, A.B., Instructor in Anthropology and Assistant Curator of the Anthropological Museum. Semitic Languages William Popper, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages. Oriental Languages John Fryer, LL.D., Agassiz Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature. Yoshi Saburo Kuno, M.S., Instructor in Japanese. Sanskrit Arthur William Rydek, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sanskrit. 60 FACULTY Greek Edward Bull Clapp, Ph.D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. Isaac Flagg, Ph.D.. Professor of Greek, Emeritus. James Turney Allen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Greek. Ivan Mortimer Linforth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek. Oliver Miles Washburn, A.B., Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology. Richard Frederick Scholz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ancient History. Latin William Augustus Merrill, Ph.D., L.H.D., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. Leon Josiah Richardson, A.B., Associate Professor of Latin. Clifton Price, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin. Herbert Chester Nutting, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin. Oliver Miles Washburn, A.B., Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology. Torsten Petersson, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin. Monroe Emanuel Deutsch, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin. Sereno Burton Clark, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin. English Charles Mills Gaylev, Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature. Cornelius Beach Bradley, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric, Emeritus. William Dallam Armes, M.L., Associate Professor of American Literature. Chauncey Wetmore Wells, A.B., Associate Professor of English Compo- sition. Martin Charles Flaherty, Ph.B., Associate Professor of Forensics. Walter Morris Hart, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English Philology. Thomas Frederick Sanford, A.B., Assistant Professor of English Literature. Benjamin Putnam Kurtz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English, Lecturer in University Extension. Lucy Sprague, A. B., Assistant Professor of English, and Dean of Women. Charles Don von Neumayer, Instructor in Public Speaking (absent on leave, 1911-12). George Arnold Smithson, Ph.D., Instructor in English Philology. Frederic Thomas Blanchard, M.A., Instructor in English. Herbert Ellsworth Cory, Ph.D., Instructor in English. George Rupert MacMinn, A.B., Instructor in English. Leonard Bacon, A.B., Instructor in English. 61 FACULTY German Hugo Karl Schilling, Ph.D., Professor of the German Language and Liter- ature. Albin Putzker, M.A., Professor of German Literature, Emeritus. Joachim Henry Senger, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German. Ludwig Joseph Demeter, M.A., Assistant Professor of German. Clarence Paschall, M.A., Assistant Professor of German (absent on leave, 1911-12). Wilhelm Robert Richard Pinger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German. Romanic Languages Lucien Foulet, Lie. es L., Professor of the French Language and Literature. Rudolph Schevill, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish. Friedrich Philipp Louis Paul Wilmsen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of French. Samuel Alexander Chambers, M.A., Assistant Professor of French (absent on leave, 1911-12). John Taggart Clark, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Romanic Philology. Gustave Faucheux, B. es L., B. es Sc, Assistant Professor of French Liter- ature. John Allen Child, A.B., Assistant Professor of Italian. Carlos Bransby, M.A., Litt.D., Assistant Professor of Spanish. Charles Harold Howard, M.A., Instructor in Spanish. Emmanuel Benjamin Lamare, Instructor in French. Alfred Solomon, M.A., Instructor in French. Jeanne Harouel Greenleaf, B.L., Instructor in French. Slavic Languages George Rapall Noyes, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Slavic Languages. Mathematics Mellen Woodman Haskell, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. George Cunningham Edwards, Ph.B., Professor of Mathematics. Derrick Norman Lehmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics (absent on leave, first half-year 1911-12). Albert Wurts Whitney, A.B., Associate Professor of Mathematics and In- surance Methods, on the Flood Foundation. Thomas Milton Putnam, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. John Hector McDonald, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Benjamin Abram Bernstein, A.B., Instructor in Mathematics. 62 FACULTY Charles Kuschke, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics. Baldwin Munger Woods, M.S., Instructor in Mathematics. Frank Irwin, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics. Thomas Buck, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics. Physics Frederick Slate, B.S., Professor of Physics. Exum Percival Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of Physics. William James Raymond, B.S., Associate Professor of Physics. Ralph Smith Minor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics. Elmer Edgar Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics (absent on leave, first half-year, 1911-12). Thomas Sidney Elston, Ph.D., Instructor in Physics. Raymond Barrington Abbott, B.S., Instructor in Physics. Astronomy Armin Otto Leuschner, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Students' Observatory. Russell Tracy Craweord, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Practical Astronomy (absent on leave, 1911-12). Daniel Walter Morehouse, M.S., Instructor in Astronomy. Joseph Haines Moore, Ph.D., Acting Astronomer, in charge of the D. O. Mills Expedition to Chile. Sturla Einarsson, A.B., Instructor in Practical Astronomy. William Ferdinand Meyer, B.S., Instructor in Astronomy. Geography Ruliff Stephen Holway, A.B., M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Geog- raphy. Lincoln Hutchinson, MA., Assistant Professor of Commerce on the Flood Foundation. Donald Eugene Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History and Geography, Secretary of the Department of History, Lecturer and Acting Director of University Extension. William Gardner Reed, M.A., Instructor in Climatology. Chemistry Edmond O'Neill, Ph.B., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. Walter Charles Blasdale, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. Henry Chalmers Biddle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. William Conger Morgan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. 63 FACULTY Edward Booth, Ph.B., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. C. E. Burke, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry. Botany William Albert Setchell, Ph.D., Professor of Botany. Willis Linn Jepson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Dendrology. Harvey Monroe Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economic Botany and Assistant Botanist to Agricultural Experiment Station. Arthur Russell Moore, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology. Zoology Charles Atwood Kofoid, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. William Emerson Ritter, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. John Campbell Merriam, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Palaeontology and Historical Geology. Harry Beal Torrey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology. John Franklin Daniel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology. Joseph Abraham Long, Ph.D., Instructor in Zoology. Physiology Samuel Steen Maxwell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology. Thorburn Brailsford Robertson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physio- logical Chemistry. Arthur Russell Moore, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology. Theodore Crete Burnett, M.D., Instructor in Physiology. Hygiene George Frederick Reinhardt, B.S., M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Uni- versity Physician. Wilbur A. Sawyer, A.B., M.D., Director of the State Hygienic Laboratory. Eleanor Stow Bancroft, M.D., Lecturer in Hygiene and Medical Examiner (absent on leave, 1911-12). Ernest Bryant Hoag, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in Public Hygiene. John Nivison Force, M.D., M.S., Lecturer in Hygiene and Assistant Medical Examiner. Florence Mabel Sylvester, M.D., Lecturer in Hygiene. Romilda Paroni, M.D., Lecturer in Hygiene and Medical Examiner. Palaeontology John Campbell Merriam, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Palaeontology and Historical Geology. Bruce Laurence Clark, M.S., Instructor in Palaeontology. 64 FACULTY Geology Andrew Cowper Lawson, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mineralogy and Geology (absent on leave, first half-year, 1911-12). John Campbell Merriam, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Palaeontology and Historical Geology. , George Davis Louderback, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology. Harry Oscar Wood, M.A., Instructor in Mineralogy and Geology. Charles Laurence Baker, B.S., Instructor in Geology and Mineralogy. Mineralogy Andrew Cowper Lawson, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mineralogy and Geology (absent on leave, first half-year, 1911-12). Arthur Starr Eakle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mineralogy. Charles Laurence Baker, B.S., Instructor in Geology and Mineralogy. Harry Oscar Wood, M.A., Instructor in Mineralogy and Geology. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Clarence Linus Cory, M.M.E., John W. Mackay Jr. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Director of the Electric Light and Power System, Dean of the College of Mechanics. Herman White Reynolds, B.S., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing (absent on leave, 1911-12). Joseph Nisbet LeConte, B.S., M.M.E., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Robert Sibley, B.S., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Harmon Francis Fischer, B.S., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Charles Fletcher Gilcrest, B.S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering. Arthur Boouer Domonoske, M.S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. Civil Engineering Charles Derleth, Jr., B.S., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering. Frank Soule, Professor of Civil Engineering, Emeritus. Charles Gilman Hyde, B.S., Professor of Sanitary Engineering. Thomas Bartlett Sears, C.E., Associate Professor of Railroad Engineering. Henry J. Kesner, A.B., B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. Arthur Carl Alvarez, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. Horace Seth Griswold, C. E., Instructor in Civil Engineering. Adolphus James Eddy, B. S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. George Inness Gay, B. S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. 65 FACULTY Irrigation Bernard Alfred Etcheverry, B.S., Associate Professor of Irrigation Engin- eering. Albert Edward Chandler, B.S., Assistant Professor of the Institutions of Irrigation. Mining and Metallurgy Samuel Benedict Christy, Ph.B., Sc.D., Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, and Dean of the College of Mining. Edward Benjamin Durham, E.M., Associate Professor of Mining. Ernest Albion Hersam, B.S., Associate Professor of Metallurgy. Curtis Holbrook Lindley, Honorary Professor of the Law of Mines and Water. Walter Spangenberg Morley, B.S., Assistant Professor of Metallurgy. Drawing Hermann Kower, C.E., Associate Professor of Drawing. Charles Chapel Judson, Assistant Professor of Drawing. Willson Joseph Wythe, B.S., Assistant Professor of Drawing. Henry Babad Monges, Jr., M.S., Instructor in Drawing. Karl Eugen Neuhaus, Instructor in Drawing. Architecture John Galen Howard, Professor of Architecture. William Charles Hays, B.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture. Melvin Earl Cummings, Professor of Modeling (A), Instructor in Modeling. Henry Washington Sea well, Instructor in Water-Color and Pen-and-ink Drawing. Warren Charles Perry, B.S., Instructor in Architecture. Agriculture Edward James Wickson, M.A., Professor of Agriculture; Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Eugene Woldemar Hilgard, Ph.D.,LL.D., Professor of Agriculture, Emeritus. Robert Hills Loughridge, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Emeritus. Leroy Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Practice and Superintend- ent of University Farm Schools. Meyer Edward Jaffa, M.S., Professor of Nutrition, in charge of the Poultry Station. 66 FACULTY Charles William Woodworth, M.S., Professor of Economic Entomology. Ralph Elliott Smith, B.S., Professor of Plant Pathology, Superintendent of the Southern California Pathological Laboratory and Experiment Station. George Wright Shaw, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Experimental Agronomy and Agricultural Technology. Ernest William Major, B.Agr., Associate Professor of Animal Industries and Manager of the University Farm (absent on leave, 1911-12). Frederic Theodore Bioletti, M.S., Associate Professor of Viticulture. Warren Thompson Clarke, B.S., Associate Professor of Horticulture and Superintendent of University Extension in Agriculture. John Sedgwick Burd, B.S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, in charge of Fertilizer Control. George Elden Colby, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Henry Josef Quayle, A.B., M.S., Assistant Professor of Entomology. Clarence Melvin Haring, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science (absent on leave, second half-year, 191 1 -12). Ernest Brown Babcock, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education. W'illiam Brodbeck Herms, M.A., Assistant Professor of Entomology. William T. Horne, B.Sc, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology. Charles Bernard Lipman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Soils. Erwin J. Lea, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. John Henry Norton, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. J. Eliot Coit, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pomology. Howard Phillips, Instructor in Animal Industries. Emil Henry Hagemann, Instructor in Dairying. Robert Edwin Mansell, Instructor in Horticulture, in charge of the Agri- cultural Grounds. Bliss S. Brown, B.S., Instructor in Horticulture. W. G. Hummel, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Education. Cyril Adelbert Stebbins, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Education. Leon Milehane Davis, Instructor in Dairy Industry, University Farm. J. I. Thompson, B.S.A., Instructor in Animal Industry. John Colburn Bridwell, B.S., Instructor in Entomology. Carl Howard McCharles, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Chemistry. H. A. Ruehe, B.S.A., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry. Paul Llewellyn Hibbard, B.Sc, Instructor in Agricultural Chemistry. Frank Edward Johnson, M.S., Instructor in Soils. Leon Oswald Bonnet, Instructor in Viticulture. Friedrich Carl Hermann Flossfeder, Instructor in Viticulture. 67 FACULTY Fred Harvey Bolster, A.B., Instructor in Botany and Horticulture C. O. Smith, Instructor in Plant Pathology, Whittier. Elizabeth Hight Smith, Instructor in Plant Pathology. Bennie Adolph Madson, B.S.A., Instructor in Experimental Agronomy. Fred Montreyille Hayes, Instructor in Veterinary Science. Military Science and Tactics Edward M. Lewis, Major United States Infantry, Graduate of the United States Military Academy, Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Physical Culture Walter Edmund Magee, Professor of Physical Culture. Victor Vladimir Ligda, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Culture. Anatomy Robert Orton Moody, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy (absent on leave first half-year, 191 1- 12). Antonio Menotti dal Piaz, M.D., Instructor in Anatomy. Richard Warren Harvey, M.S., Instructor in Anatomy. Pathology and Bacteriology Frederick Parker Gay, A.B., M.D., Professor of Pathology. John G. Fitz-Gerald, M.B., Associate Professor of Bacteriology. Glanville Yeisley Rusk, A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology. Adelbert W. Lee, M. D., Instructor in Pathology. Music John Frederick Wolle, Mus.D., Professor of Music (absent on leave, 1911-12). Richard Frederick Scholz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ancient History. The Library Joseph Cummings Rowell, M.A., Librarian. Harold Lewis Leupp, A.B., Associate Librarian. Administrative Officers Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, Presi- dent, ex officio, of the Senate. James Sutton, Ph.B., Recorder of the Faculties, Secretary of the Academic Senate. 68 FACULTY OF THE AFFILIATED COLLEGES Hastings College of the Law Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. Edward Robeson Taylor, M.D., Professor of Law, Dean of the Faculty of the Hastings College of the Law. Louis Thecdore Hengstler, Ph.D., Professor of Law. Robert Waite Harrison, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law. James Arthur Ballentine, A.B., Assistant Professor of Law. Richard Calhoun Harrison, A.B., LL.B., Instructor in Law. Golden W. Bell, Instructor in Law. California College of Pharmacy Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. Franklin Theodore Green, Ph. G., Professor of Chemistry, Director of the Chemical Laboratories, and Dean of the Faculty of the College of Phar- macy. William Theodore Wenzell, Ph.M., M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus. Albert Schneider, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacognosy, Economic Pharmaceutical Botany, Histology and Bacteriology. Henry Benjamin Carey, B.S., M.D., Professor of Botany, Materia Medica and Physiology. Frederick William Nish, Ph.G., Professor of Pharmacy, Director of the Pharmaceutical Laboratories. Harley Rupert Wiley, A.B., LL.S., Lecturer on Pharmacal Jurisprudence. Robert Alexander Leet, Ph.G., Lecturer in Pharmacy. Valentine Schmidt, Lecturer in Pharmacy. Franklin Currier Smith, Lecturer in Pharmacy. Haydn Mozart Simmons, Ph.G., M.D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Lecturer on Toxicology. College of Dentistry Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. James Graham Sharp, D.D.S., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, Dean of the Faculty of the College of Dentistry. William Fuller Sharp, D.D.S., D.M.D., Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry. Joseph Dupuy Hcdgen, D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry. Henry Benjamin Carey, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Anatomy and Histology, Materia Medica and Therapeutics. John Burnside Tufts, D.D.S., Professor of Dental Pathology, Therapeutics, and Orthodontia. 69 FACULTY George Lusk Bean, D.D.S., Professor of Dental Porcelain. Guy Stillman Millberry, D.D.S., Professor of Dental Chemistry and Metal- lurgy and Superintendent of the Infirmary. Samuel Steen Maxwell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology. H. T. Moore, Lecturer on Surgery. A. H. Suggett, Lecturer and Clinical Instructor in Orthodontia. Louis de Fontenay Bartlett, Ph.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Dental Jurisprudence. Otto P. Roller, D.D.S., Special Instructor in Dental Porcelain. Roscoe A. Day, Instructor in Orthodontia Technic. Sherrell Woodworth Hall, D.D.S., Instructor in Extracting. Elmer Ellsworth Evans, D.D.S., Assistant Instructor in Dentistry. Malcolm Goddard, B.S., D.D.S., Instructor in Comparative Anatomy. John Edwin Gurley, D.D.S., Instructor in Dental Chemistry. F. E. Hart, Instructor in Dental Technics. College of Medicine Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. Arnold Abraham D'Ancona, A.B., M.D., Dean of the Faculty of the College of Medicine, Superintendent of the University of California Hospital. Robert Armistead McLean, M.D., Professor of Clinical and Operative Sur- gery, Emeritus. William Breakey Lewitt, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics. George Herman Powers, M.A., M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, Emeritus. William Watt Kerr, M.A., M.B., CM., Professor of Clinical Medicine. Douglass William Montgomery, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin. Charles August Von Hoffman, M.D., Professor of Gynecology. Harry Mitchell Sherman, M.A., M.D.. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Herbert Charles Moffitt, B.S., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Prac- tice of Medicine. Thomas Waterman Huntington, A.B., M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. Harry Everett Alderson, M.D., Assistant in Diseases of the Skin. John Campbell Spencer, A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery. Wallace Irving Terry, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery. Robert Orton Moody, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy (absent on leave, first half-year, 1911-12). Howard Morrow, M.D., Assistant Professor of Diseases of the Skin. August Jerome Lartigau, M.D., Assistant Professor of Gynecology. Samuel Johns Hunkin, M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery. 70 FACULTY Philip King Brown, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Pathology. Raymond John Russ, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Surgery (absent on leave, April I, 191 1, to October 1, 191 1). Sanford Blum, A.B., M.S., M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics. Henry Anthon Lewis Ryfkogel, M.D., Instructor in Surgery. Harold Brunn, M.D., Instructor in Surgery. George Elliott Ebright, M.D., Instructor in Medicine. Carl Seigfried Gunther Nagel, M.D., Ch.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology. Haydn Mozart Simmons, Ph.G., M.D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Instructor in Materia Medica and Lecturer on Toxicology. Herbert Williams Allen, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Pathology. Rachel Leona Ash, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Medicine. Walter Scott Franklin, M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology. Tracy George Russell, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Surgery. Adelbert W. Lee, M.D., Instructor in Pathology. William G. Moore, Instructor in Gynecology. Henry Behrend Albert Kugeler, M.D., Instructor in Surgery. Albert J. Houston, M.D., Instructor in Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. San Francisco Institute of Art Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. Theodore Wores, Professor of Drawing and Painting, Dean of the Faculty of the California School of Design. John Aloysius Stanton, Professor of Drawing and Painting. Melvin Earl Cummings, Professor of Modeling, Instructor in Modeling. Charles Chapel Judson, Assistant Professor of Drawing. Alice B. Chittenden, Assistant Professor of Drawing. Robert Howe Fletcher, Assistant Professor of the History of Art. Charles Frank Ingerson, Assistant Professor of Decorative Design (absent on leave, 1911-12). Pedro Joseph Lemos, Assistant Professor of Decorative Design. Frank van Sloun, Assistant Professor of Drawing and Painting. Gertrude Morin Withers, Instructor in Drawing. Lick Observatory Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. William Wallace Campbell, Sc.D., LL.D., Director of the Lick Observatory, and Astronomer (absent on leave, June 9 to September 29, 191 1). Richard Hawley Tucker, C.E., Astronomer (absent on leave, from July 1 to October 1, 191 1). 71 FACULTY Heber Doust Curtis, Ph.D., Astronomer. Robert Grant Aitken, M.A., Sc.D., Astronomer, and Acting Director of the Lick Observatory (to September 25, 1911). William Hammond Wright, B.S., Astronomer. College of Medicine, Los Angeles Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University, President. W. Jarvis Barlow, A.B., M.D., Dean of Faculty and Professor of Medicine. J. P. Widney, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Emeritus Dean and Professor of Medicine. E. A. Follansbee, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Diseases of Children. Henry S. Orme, A.B., M.D., Emeritus Professor of Hygiene and State Medicine. J. H. Utley, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Medicine. Joseph Kurtz, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. George W. Lasher, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery. Granville MacGowan, M.D., Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases. H. G. Brainerd, A.B., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology. H. Bert Ellis, A.B., M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology. Melvin L. Moore, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics. Carl Kurtz, M.D., Professor of Gynecology. Stanley P. Black, A. M., M.D., Consulting Professor of Pathology. Ralph Williams, M.D., Professor of Dermatology. Hill Hastings, M.D., Professor of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. George H. Kress, B.S., M.D., Secretary of Faculty and Professor of Hygiene. W. W. Richardson, M.D., Professor of Surgery. P. V. K. Johnson, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics. Tiios. J. Orbison, M.D., Professor of Applied Therapeutics. Walter Brem, M.D., Professor of Pathology. Hugo A. Kieffer, A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology. Titian J. Coffey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics. Dudley Fulton, M.D., Assistant Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine. Donald Frick, M.D., Assistant to the Dean and Assistant Professor of Clini- cal Medicine. A. L Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Professor of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryn- gology. John C. Hollister, M.D., Assistant Professor of Gynecology and Surgery. Edmund Myer Lazard, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics. Henry H. Lissner, M.D., Assistant Professof of Clinical Medicine. 72 FACULTY L. M Powers, M.D., Lecturer on Public Health and State Medicine. Ross Moore, A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. F. D. Bullard, A.M., M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology. A. Soiland, M.D., Instructor in Electro-Therapeutics and Radiology. W. R. Molony, M.D., Demonstrator in Surgical Anatomy. Bertnard Smith, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Medicine. Eliot Alden, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Surgery. Charles Lewis Allen, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology. W. T. McArthur, M.D., F.R.C.S., Instructor in Clinical Surgery. Francis L. Anton, M.D., Instructor in Gynecology. Gurney Newlin, LL.B., Instructor in Medical Jurisprudence. Robert L. Cunningham, A.B., M.D., Assistant Instructor in Clinical Medicine. Rea Smith, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Operative Surgery. Harvey McNeil, M.D., Instructor in Dietetics. R. T. Bullard, M. D., Instructor in Gynecology. A. Tyroler, M.D., Instructor in Physical Diagnosis. C. C. Hunter, M.D., Instructor in Medicine. E. C. Seymour, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Microscopy. W. H. Kiger, M.D., Instructor in Surgery. C. E. Zerfing, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery. George E. Malsbary, M.D., Instructor in Medicine. Harold Smith, M.D., Instructor in Therapeutics. W. H. Dudley, M.D., Instructor in Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat. C. H. Montgomery, M.D., Instructor in Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat P. O. Sundin, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics. I. C. Bancroft, M.D., Clinical Instructor in Diseases of the Skin. C. L. Bennett, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine. J. C. White, M.D., Instructor in Medicine. J. E. Colloran, M.D., Instructor in Surgery. E. C. Moore, M. D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery. J. J. Von Kaathoven, M. D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery. 73 SENIOR CLASS SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS H. N. ROGERS C. S WHEELER, JR. First Term PRESIDENT H. N. ROGERS FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT MISS MILDRED JORDAN SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT C. S. WHEELER, JR. SECRETARY MISS GRACE WEEKS TREASURER S. G. WILDER SERGEANT-AT-ARMS C. L. BUTLER YELL LEADER J. R. QUINN Second Term PRESIDENT C. S. WHEELER, JR. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT MISS MAY CHASE SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT R. L. SHURTLEFF SECRETARY MISS GRACE HAMILTON TREASURER L. S. BLACK SERGEANT-AT-ARMS J. G. SWEET YELL LEADER J. R. QUINN 76 1912 SENIOR RECORD THE UPPER CLASS BENCH Roy Charles Abbott, Natural Sciences, Ontario Edwin Allen Abeel, Mechanics, Santa Rosa S * E ; T B n ; Student Welfare Committee (4) ; Chairman Committee on Per- manent Organization. Edna Little Adams, Natural Sciences, Springville Robert Thomas Aitken, Natural Sciences, Mt. Hamilton 2E. Horace Marden Albright, Social Sciences, Bishop Del Rey; Economics Club; Secretary-treasurer Commerce Club (3); League of the Republic; Bench and Bar Law Club; Blue and Gold Staff (3); Soph- omore Informal Committee ; Sophomore Smoker Committee ; Captain Co. D (4). Anna Theresa Alexander, Social Sciences, Riverside Women's Orchestra (3), (4) ; Sprechverband (3), (4). Irene Elizabeth Alexander, Social Sciences, Oakland Chester Arthur Allen, Social Sciences, Everett, Mass. Abracadabra ; Golden Bear ; Winged Helmet ; "Big C" Society ; Custodian of Ax; Varsity Football (2), (3), (4); Varsity Baseball Team (1), (2), (3); Captain (4) ; Junior Day Committee ; Senior Ball Committee. Leroy Walton Allen, Commerce, Alameda Abracadabra; Golden Bear; Band Captain (4); Vice-President University Or- chestral Society (3), (4) ; Commerce Club; Glee Club; Senior Extravaganza Committee. Gerald Miner Allen, Commerce, Livermore Del Rey ; Glee Club ; Commerce Club. Lillian Edna Amos, Social Sciences, Portland, Ore. *BK. 77 1912 SENIOR RECORD Edward Otto Amundsen, Agriculture, Chicago, 111. Agricultural Club, Treasurer (4). Charles Allen Anderson, Natural Sciences, Oakland 2*E; Mandolin Club, Secretary (3); Director (4); Cadet Band. Leo James Anderson, Agriculture, Mare Island Casimir ; A Z ; Agricultural Club. James Christian Andreason, Agriculture, Alice Lorraine Andrews, Letters, Ferndale Berkeley r*B; *BK; Prytanean; English Club; Y. W. C. A.; President Equal Suf- frage Study Club (3) ; President A. W. S. (4) ; Winner Bonnheim Essay Prize (1), (2); Winner Cook Poetry Prize (3); Blue and Gold staff (3); Woman's Day Occident (4); A. W. S. Student Affairs Committee; Proctor Senior Women's Hall. William Harry Archer, Mechanics (Electrical), Pirate; TBn. Santa Barbara Oakland Harry Arthur Armstrong. Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Association; Librarian (4). Mary Edna Armstrong, Social Sciences, Redlands Art History Circle. James Alexander Arnott, Mechanics, San Francisco "Big C" Society; Vice-President A. E. and M. E. (4); Track Team (3). May Atkinson, Social Sciences, Azusa r*B. Ulysses Sheldon Attix, Electrical Engineering, Portland, Ore. 2 * E ; A. E. and M. E. David LeRoy Babcock, Mechanics, Fruitvale A. E. and M. E. Garabed Stevens Baboyan, Civil Engineering, Los Angeles freshman-sophomore pushball 78 1912 SENIOR RECORD Markell Craig Baer, Social Sciences, Cloverdale League of the Republic, Treasurer (3), Vice-President (4) ; Football Squad (3); Congress; General Committee Senior Week. Floyd Philip Bailey, Mechanics, Healdsburg Pirates; A. E. and M. E. Roy VanEton Bailey, Social Sciences, Long Beach Clara Alice Baker, Social Sciences, Pasadena Gladys Page Baker, Letters, Lompoc Y. W. C. A. ; Das Deutsche Kranzchen ; Governor Senior Women's Hall (4) ; Senior Advisory Committee ; Senior Women's Banquet ; Caesar and Cleopatra (3). Jerome Eric Barieau, Civil Engineering, San Francisco. Calvin Rankin Barnes, Letters, San Diego Dwight; Cast Junior Farce (3); Blue and Gold staff. Earl Desmond Barnett, Mining, Berkeley Mary Robinson Barr, Social Science, Sanger A. W. S. Fantasy (2). Mary Louise Barron, Commerce, Berkeley Fencing Team (3). John Moody Basham, Mining, Hayward Mining Association, Vice-President (4) ; Polydeucean Club (1), (2), (3). President (4). Violet May Bathgate, Natural Science, Orange Harold George Baugh, Mechanics, Petaluma Abracadabra. Cora Alice Bauml, Social Sciences, Berkeley William ita Bee Bayley, Social Sciences, Livermore Cranford; A. W. S. Finance Committee (3); Book Exchange Committee (3). Eunice Newell Beal, Natural Sciences, San Andreas Helen Lowell Beckwith, Social Sciences, Oakland AAA; Junior Farce Cast; Blue and Gold (3); Associate Editor of Occident; Senior Advisory Committee. Stanley Elgin Clinton Behneman, Civil Engineering, Alameda Civil Engineering Association. Gilda Belloni, Social Sciences, Ferndale Copa de Oro. Roland Bendel, Civil Engineering, Oakland Acacia. Irwin Campbell Berry, Agriculture, Berkeley Z^'; ONE; Freshman Track Team ; University Assembly Committee. William Anthony Binsacca, Mining, Soledad Casimir ; Mining Association. Tom Allen Bithfr, Civil Engineering, Berkeley 3 ; Civil Engineering Association ; Cadet Officers' Club ; Captain Company A ; Blue and Gold staff (3) ; A. S. U. C. Committee on Undergraduate Work (4) ; Finance Committee Senior Week. Lyston Sorelle Black, Social Sciences, Los Angeles AX; Bench and Bar; Congress, Treasurer, (2), (3); League of the Republic (2), (3) ; Class Treasurer (4) ; Cast "Mary Stuart" (3) ; Blue and Gold staff; Chairman Special Blue and Gold Committee (4). 79 1912 SENIOR RECORD Watsonville Ferndale Berkeley Santa Cruz Alameda freshmen! get wood! James Byers Black, Mechanics, Oakland X#; 0NE; Golden Bear; Skull and Keys; A. E. and M. E. ; California Branch of A. S. M. E. (3); Polydeucean Club (2), (3), (4); Undergraduate Students' Affairs Committee (4) ; Freshman Football Team (1) ; Second Var- sity Football Team (2), (4) ; Sophomore Hop Committee (2) ; Junior Prom Committee (3) ; Senior Ball Committee. Wallace Bradford Boggs, Civil Engineering, Los Amigos; Civil Engineering Association. Harry Peter Bonnikson, Agriculture, ■ Atherton ; Agricultural Club. Edna Boone. Social Sciences, Winifred Bowen, Social Sciences, Dolores Elizabeth Bradley, Natural Sciences, Prytanean ; Junior Curtain Raiser Cast ; Chairman Sports and gram Committee (4) ; Senior Advisory Committee. Arthur Franklin Bridge, Mechanics, Belvedere Jeannie Ellison Brock, Social Sciences, Redlands Rediviva ; Charter Day Committee ; Managerial Staff Woman's (4) ; Senior Advisory Committee. Arnold Thornton Brown, Civil Engineering Alameda 2X; Boat Club, Director (4); Civil Engineering Association; Captain Co. O (4). Marianne Glasgow Brown, Natural Sciences, K K r ; Junior Prom Committee. George Norman Browning, Commerce, 9 A X ; Captain Co. P ; Junior Curtain Raiser. Roy H. Bryson, Social Sciences, Geoffrey Armstrong Buddle, Mining, Abracadabra ; T B n ; 9 T ; Mim Kaph Mini ; President Camera Club ; Freshman Track Team; Blue and Gold Staff; A. S. U. C. Committee on Undergraduate Work. Jennie Olivette Bunce, Social Sciences, Enewah Club; Senior Advisory Committee. 80 Pastimes Pro- Day Occident San Francisco Alameda Auckland, New Zealand 1912 SENIOR RECORD Muriel Estelle Burnham, Social Sciences, San Francisco KA9;. Alfred Stevens Burrill, Social Sciences, Yreka Acacia ; Les Bavards ; Bench and Bar Law Club ; Congress ; Junior Farce. Selina Burston, Social Sciences, Berkeley Aubrey Cleo Butler, Social Sciences, Healdsburg Charles Le Roy Butler, Agriculture, Oakland X * ; A Z ; Winged Helmet ; Golden Bear ; "Big C" Society ; Floor Manager Ju- nior Prom; Track (1), (2), (3); Golf (4); Chairman Pacific Coast Interschol- astic Committee ; Chairman Students' Welfare Committee. Raymond Henry Butzbach, Natural Sciences, Millville Los Amigos ; Mim Kaph Mim. John P. Buwalda, Natural Sciences, North Yakima, Wash. 2 AE; GT Floralyn Cadwell, Social Sciences, Carpinteria Laura Cairns, Social Sciences, Lindsay Treble Clef (2). John Joseph Carden, Jr., Natural Sciences, Honolulu, H. I. Henry Theobald Carlton, Mechanics, Berkeley Rifle Club (1), (2), (3), (4); President (3); Rifle Team (1), (3), (4); In- tercollegiate Gallery Team (1), (3), (4); Track Squad (2), (3), (4); A. S. U. C. Committee on Undergraduate Work; Finance Committee Senior Week. Clarence Carpenter, Social Sciences, lone Sinclair Ernest Carpenter, Civil Engineering, Modesto TBII; Freshman Track Team; Winner of Punting Contest (1). Carlos Newton Carter, Agriculture, Duarte Agricultural Club. Morse Adams Cartwright, Natural Sciences, Hollywood X^ ; *A$; Golden Bear; Winged Helmet; English Club; John Marshall Law Club; Cast Junior Farce; Daily Califomian (1), (2), (3), (4); Editor (4) ; Blue and Gold Staff (3); General Chairman Sophomore Hop Committee; Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee (4) ; Permanent Blue and Gold Committee; Pacific Coast Interscholastic Committee (3); Extravaganza Com- mittee Senior Week. Sarah Edith Chambers, Social Sciences, Berkeley Tsoo-Zung Chang, Agriculture, Shanghai, China Elton Ralph Charvoz, Medicine. Betteravia $2K; AKK; Harvey Club. I Harold Stewart Chase, Natural Sciences, Santa Barbara B0n ; Mandolin Club (1), (2), (3); President (4); Varsity Relay Team (1), (2) ; Junior Farce Curtain Raiser; Assistant Manager Blue and Gold; Freshie Glee, Sophomore Hop Committees. May Bensel Chase, Natural Sciences, Berkeley K A ; Prytanean ; Class Vice-President (4) ; Senior Record Committee ; Senior Advisory Committee; Chairman Womans Banquet Committee; Welfare Com- mittee. Lucy Hung Yi Cheng, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Monlin Chiang, Social Sciences, Shanghai, China Wa Chan Ching, Chemistry, Canton, China David Gustav William Christen, Social Sciences Anaheim 81 1912 SENIOR RECORD IN THE GYM Paul William Christman, Natural Sciences, Edith Dwight Clapp, Letters, KA9. Pasadena Berkeley London, England Felt on Robert Hazeltine Clark, Social Sciences, Oakland K2; *A#; Winged Helmet; Senate; Editor in Chief Blue and Gold (3) ; Ju- nior Day Committee ; Permanent Blue and Gold Committee ; Chairman Decor- ation Committee Senior Ball. Roy Elwood Clauson, Agriculture, Ontario, Cal. A Z. Montague Cleeves, Natural Sciences, David Lock Clement, Mechanics, Beverly Stuart Clendenin, Social Sciences, Lakeport 4>2K; $A$; Economics Club; John Marshall Law Club; Class Treasurer (2); Congress ; Blue and Gold Staff ; Freshie Glee Committee ; Smoker Committee (2); Senior Assembly Committee; Students' Welfare Committee. Louise Dexter Cleveland, Social Sciences, Berkeley Ernest George Clewe, Commerce, Sonoma Z * ; G N E ; * B K ; Golden Bear ; Winged Helmet ; Mask and Dagger ; Eng- lish Club; President (4); Economics Club; Class Treasurer (2); House of Rimmon (1); Shoemaker's Holiday (2); Nero (2); Caesar and Cleopatra (3); Mary Stuart (3) ; Paolo and Francesca (4) ; The Schoolmistress (2) ; Can- dida (3); Capt. Jinks of the Horse Marines (4) ; Junior Farce; Golden Jubilee Committee (2); Junior Day Committee; Rally Committee (3); Extravaganza Committee Senior Week. Harry Leeds Coles, Mining, San Francisco Del Rey; Glee Club. Merton Clyde Collins, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Civil Engineering Association. Donald Isaac Cone, Mechanics, Berkeley Y. M. C. A.; A. E. and M. E. 82 1912 SENIOR RECORD William Harold Conlin, Commerce, San Francisco AT; Commerce Club; Vice-President (4); U. N. X.; Senate; Senior Banquet Committee. Russell Henry Cooley, Mechanics, Oakland Extravaganza Committee Senior Week. Benjamin Callister Corlett, Agriculture, Napa AKE; Assistant Baseball Manager, Northern Trip (3); Junior Informal Com- mittee. Everett Parsons Cornell, Agriculture, Oakland Hazel May Cotey, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Alice Crabbe, Letters, Pomona AX ft; Plaudertasche; A. W. S. Fete (3); Senior Advisory Committee. Axxe Elizabeth Craven, Social Sciences, Selma Class Basketball Team (3), (4); Class Crew (3), (4). Isobelle Marguerite Creighton, Social Sciences, Honolulu, H. I. AX ft; Women's Orchestra, President (3), (4). Alice Crooks, Social Sciences, Benecia Geori;k Cullen Crowe, Mining, Alameda Mining Association; Glee Club; Chairman Pilgrimage Committee Senior Week. Robert Spencer Cl/rrey, Agriculture, Dixon T A ; X E ; Skull and Keys ; Sophomore Hop Committee. William Paul Custer, Mechanics, Covina Pirates ; A. E. and M. E. ; University Orchestral Society. Frank Charles Czarnecki, Mechanics, A. E. and M. E. Mary Florence Connelly, Social Sciences, Robert Locke Cook, Natural Sciences, Arthur Burton Daly. Civil Engineering, Acacia; Art Staff; 1911 Blue and Gold. Hazel Rosanna Daugherty, Social Sciences, Elizabeth Adelaide Davis, Natural Sciences, Treble Clef; Y. W. C. A. Oakland San Francisco Oakland Colusa Salinas Sonoma summer camp S3 1912 SENIOR RECORD THE CALIFORNIAN" OFFICE Sherwin Bennett Davis, Mining, 2X; TBII; GT Berkeley Berkeley Dio Louis Dawson, Natural Sciences, Pyra; Class Relay Team; Swimming Meet (4). Marshall Dawson, Social Sciences, Nashville, Tenn. Senate (2), (3) ; Bonnheim Essay and Discussion Prizes (1); Peace Discussion Prize (2). Italia Lillian Juanita de Jarnette, Social Sciences Louisville, Ky. Equal Suffrage Club, Vice-President (4) ; Fencing Championship (2), (3) ; Manager Fencing Team (3) ; Captain Fencing Team (3), (4) ; Chairman Swim- ming Committee (4) ; Class Crew (1), (2), (3) ; Finance Committee Senior Week. Augusta L. de Laguna, Letters, Oakland Blanche Camille de Large, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Harold de Normandie, Mining, Pasadena Kathleen Devine, Social Sciences, Berkeley Treble Clef (4). Joseph Aloysius Dias, Civil Engineering, Oakland Civil Engineering Association; Newman Club; U. C. Rifle Team (3), Manager (4), Captain (5); First Lieutenant Co. E (4) ; Freshman Intercollegiate Crew; Class Crew (3), (4). Michael Joel Dillman, Jr., Agriculture, Sacramento AKE; Glee Club (3), (4); Freshman Track Team; Senior Swimming Team; Dormitory Committee (4) ; Hilgard Memorial Committee (4) ; Capt. Co. B ; Extravaganza Committee. Monroe L. Dinkelspiel, Commerce, Oakland Golden Bear; English Club; Mandolin Club (3); Class President (2); Author Junior Farce; Editor Pelican (4) ; Daily California*, (2); Rally Committee (4) ; Dormitory Committee (3) ; Junior Prom Committee (3) ; Labor Day Committee (4) ; General Chairman Senior Extravaganza. John Franklin Dodge, Mining, Los Angeles Mining Association, Secretary (3). Howard Thomas Douglas, Commerce, Covina * r A ; 9 N E ; Skull and Keys ; Captain Freshman Track Team. , 84 1912 SENIOR RECORD Florence Edith Doyle, Natural Sciences, Berkeley A*; Prytanean; Treble Clef, Treasurer (2); Vice-President of A. W. S. ; Cast of Junior Farce, Cast of "Gondoliers," "Erminie," and "Mikado"; Art Staff of 1912 Blue and Gold; Chairman of A. W. S. Standing Social Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee ; Junior Prom Committee ; Senior Assembly Com- mittee ; Senior Extravaganza Committee. Leo Walter Doyle, Civil Engineering, Milford Pirate. George Pressley Dozier, Agriculture, Oakland A Z ; Freshman Track Team. Theodore Parker Dresser, Jr., Mining, Berkeley Earle Preston Durley, Natural Sciences, Bisbee, Ariz. A. E. and M. E. ; Football Squad (2), (3). David Durst, Natural Sciences, Dunnigan Los Amigos. Newton Bishop Drury, Social Sciences, Berkeley * A

A#; John Marshall Law Club; Bonnheim Discussion Prize (2); Cap- tain University Cadets. Ralph Edward Feusier, Mechanics, San Francisco Atherton; A. E. and M. E. ; Captain University Cadets (4). Dorothy Campbell Fish, Natural Sciences, Los Angeles A r ; Prytanean ; Y. W. C. A., Secretary ; Treasurer A. W. S. ; Executive Com- mittee A. W. S.; A. W. S. Students' Affairs Committee; Class Crew (1), (2); Editor Woman's Day Pelican; Freshie Glee Committee; Managerial Staff Woman's Day Pelican (4) ; Managerial Staff Blue and Gold ; Junior and Senior Informal Committees ; Chairman Senior Advisory Committee ; Dormi- tory Committee ; Executive Committee for Spring Festival ; Chairman Senior Ball Committee. Edwin Alfred Fisher, Commerce, Berkeley Del Rey; Economics Club, President (4); President Commerce Club (4); President Cathay Club (3) ; Secretary Senior Hall (4) ; Cast, Junior Farce (3); Cast, "All for a Rose" (3). Irene Flanagan, Natural Science, Berkeley A Oil; Treble Clef; Opera "Erminie" ; "Nero" Cast; Blue and Gold staff; Freshie Glee Committee; Sophomore Informal Committee; Junior Prom Com- mittee. Daniel Joseph Flanigan, Natural Sciences, Eureka 86 1912 SENIOR RECORD •A/ w #r .,. 7 * ** . ,%-• SOPHOMORES GUARDING Harold Augustus Fletcher, Natural Sciences, X<£>; Business Manager Occident (4). Byington Ford, Letters, AKE Christopher Bernhardt Fox, Social Sciences, Acacia. •Clarence Lynn Fraser, Mechanics, Reno, Nev. San Francisco Oakland Dinuba Walter George Frederickson, Letters, Berkeley Deutscher Verein, Treasurer (4) ; Konversations-klub, Secretary (2), (3), President (4) ; "Dramatic Section of Deutscher Verein" (4) ; Cast Hans Sachs Plays (3). Benjamin Marsh Frees, Natural Sciences, Monrovia AKK; "Big C" Society; Tennis Team (2), (3), (4), Captain (3) ; Junior Prom Committee; Chairman Tennis Court Erection Committee; Senior Ball Com- mittee. Rose Fountain, Social Sciences, Los Angeles Eleanor Carolin French, Social Sciences, Berkeley T 4> B ; Deutscher Verein. Justin Keyser Fuller, Natural Sciences, San Francisco Irving Furlong, Chemistry, San Rafael Mim Kaph Mini. Harry G. Gabbert, Agriculture, Ventura X ^ ; Golden Bear ; Skull and Keys ; Winged Helmet ; "Big C Society, Secre- tary (3), Vice-President (3), President (4); President Junior Class; Captain Freshman Track Team; Varsity Track Team (1), (2), (3), .(4); Dormitory Committee (2) ; Rally Committee (3) ; Board of Governors, Senior Hall (4) ; Chairman Interscholastic Committee (4) ; Executive Committee Labor Day (4) ; Senior Ball Committee. George Augustus Gallagher, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Edith Juanita Garner, Natural Sciences, Lodi Enewah. 31arion Gay, Social Sciences, Sacramento KKT; Prytanean ; Y. W. C. A.; Treble Clef; President Junior Class; Jubitee Pageant Committee (2) ; Manager Woman's Day Pelican (4) ; Song Leader A. W. S. (4) ; Chairman Labor Day Committee; General Senior Week Ex- travaganza Committee. 87 1912 SENIOR RECORD Anson J. Gerner, Civil Engineering, Sanger Civil Engineering Association; Polydeucean Club. Stephen Howell Gester, Natural Sciences, Berkeley 9T Eleanor Grace Gibson, Social Sciences, Eureka ASA Ray Millard Gidney, Commerce, Santa Barbara Dahlonega Club ; ; Prytanean; Blue and Gold Staff, 1912; Junior Day Committee; Hop Committee ; Senior Advisory Committee ; Extravaganza Committee. George Harrison Higbee, Jr., Agriculture, Berkeley Clara Hinze, Social Sciences, Los Gatos Marion Elizabeth Hitchcock, Natural Sciences, Hanford AXQ Edith Lillian Hoag, Social Sciences, Ukiah Enewah ; Senior Advisor Y. W. C. A., 3rd and 4th years. Arne Knud Bours Hoisholt, Social Sciences, Stockton 2 X ; 6 X E ; Deutsche Verein ; Die Plaudertasche ; Mandolin Club ; English Club; University Orchestra, Secretary-Treasurer; Editor California Occident; Lieutenant Cadets ; Extravaganza Committee. George Thomas Holbrook, Commerce, Berkeley Laura Eugenie Holmes, Natural Sciences, Tucson, Ariz. Domestic Economy Club, Secretary (4). Henry Leopold Holzberg, Natural Sciences, San Francisco Harvey Club; Konversations Klub; Les Bavards, President (1), (2). Esther May Hood, Letters, Gold Run William Homer Hooker, Civil Engineering, Redlands Harry Heywood House, Mining, Riverside S ; Mandolin Club ; Mining Association. William Harvey Housh, Jr., Social Sciences, Los Angeles junior plug 90 1912 SENIOR RECORD SKULL AND KEYS RUNNING Donna Hawthorne Hubbard, Letters, Los Angeles Senior Advisory Committee. Alfred Huber, Jr., Civil Engineering, Berkeley Goldie California Hulbert, Social Sciences, Del Rey Aldebaran. Hazel Helena Hund, Letters, Ventura Newman Club, Secretary (3) ; Staff Woman's Day Calif or nian (3) ; Senior Advisory Committee; Senior Women's Banquet Committee; Chairman A. W. S. Rooms Committee ; Junior Farce Committee ; Labor Day Committee. Edith Lewis Hunt, Natural Sciences, Alameda Margaret Mae Hurley, Social Sciences, Phoenix, Ariz. A n ; Newman Club, Secretary (4) ; Book Exchange Committee (A. W. S.) ; Senior Advisory Committee ; Senior Women's Banquet Committee. Norm\n Clay Hutt, Social Sciences, Berkeley KA. Leland Leroy Hyde, Commerce, Dixon Unity; Economics Club; Commerce Club, Vice-President (4) ; Freshman Track. Edwin Ambler Ingham, Civil Engineering, San Fernando Abracadabra; TBLT; Civil Engineering Association, President (4); Basketball (3). Raymond Clifford Ingram, Agriculture, Irvington 2N; Winged Helmet; Skull and Keys; Golden Bear; Freshman Crew; Class Crew (2); Associate Editor Daily Calif ontian; Sophomore Hop Committee; Blue and Gold Advisory Committee ; Chairman Rushing Agreement Commit- tee; Manager Blue and Gold; Chairman Finance Committee Senior Week. Eugene Ireland, Mining, Ventura Reuben Ray Irvine, Mining, San Francisco ©S. Annie Ethel Isaacs, Social Sciences, Hazel Claire Jarvis, Natural Sciences, Copa de Oro; Chemistry Fiends. Henry Eugene Jackson, Commerce, 91 Sacramento Fortuna Alameda 1912 SENIOR RECORD Louis McCrory Jackson, Agriculture, Berkeley B9n ; English Club; Occident Staff (1), (2), (3), (4); Blue and Gold Staff (3). Frederick William Jacobs, Mechanics, San Francisco Cercle Franqais; Polydeucean Club;. 1st Lientenant Co. K. Leslie Louis Jacobs, Social Sciences, Oroville Elliott Johnson, Commerce, Oakland News Editor Daily Calif omian; General Committee Senior Week; Extravagan- za Committee. Carl Rudy Johnston, Agriculture, Berkeley Agricultural Club, Vice-President (4) ; Special Committee on Undergraduate Work; Pilgrimage Committee Senior Week. George Ira Johnstone,. Natural Sciences, Berkeley Edna Mae Jones, Social Sciences, Oakland Gilbert Lawrence Jones, Social Sciences, Fruitvale Paul Sidney Jones, Civil Engineering, San Jose Pirate; Civil Engineering Association; First Lieut. Co. A (4). Mildred Washburn Jordan, Natural Sciences, Berkeley AXO; Prytanean ; Class Vice-President (4); Blue and Gold (3); Woman's Day Pelican Staff (4) ; Chairman Dormitory Committee (3), (4) ; Senior Ad- visory Committee. Louis Elwood Joses, Civil Engineering, lone Herbert Charles Kelly, Natural Sciences, San Diego $2K; *A; Golden Bear; Winged Helmet, Sword and Scales; Economics Club; "Big C" Society; Commerce Club; Congress; Rally Committee (3); Chairman (4) ; Blue and Gold Staff (3) ; Coxswain Freshman Crew (1) ; Var- sity Crew (3) ; Debating Council (4) ; Bonnheim Discussion (2), (3), (4). Harrison Carlos Kelsey, Social Sciences, Berkeley League of Republic (2); Congress; Class Debating Society (2). Gerald Driscoll Kennedy, Agriculture, San Francisco B9II; AZ; Skull and Keys; U. N. X.; Agricultural Club, Secretary; Newman Club; Football Squad (2), (3), (4). Pearl Margaret Kenyon, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Enewah; Blue and Gold Staff; Senior Advisory Committee; Senior Ball Com- mittee. Katherine Casey Kerns, Social Sciences, San Francisco William Francis John Kerr, Natural Sciences, Dorris N2N; BKA; Harvey Club (2), (3); President (3); Cabinet Y. M. C. A. (3) Vice-President (4) ; Class Crew (3). Nellie Kerrigan, Natural Sciences, Eureka Charlotte Frances Kett, Social Sciences, Berkeley Anna Rodman Kidder, Natural Sciences, Berkeley AAA; Prytanean; First Vice-President of Class (3) ; Second Vice-President of A. W. S. ; President of Sports and Pastimes Association (4) ; Class Basket- ball Team (2), (3), (4); Chairman Senior Advisory Committee; Chairman of Boarding House Committee (4). Florence Amelia Kierulf, Social Sciences, Berkeley Helen Kinell, Social Sciences, Berkeley Deutscher Verein. 92 1912 SENIOR RECORD Tracy Barrett Kittredge, Letters, Antioch Atherton ; John Marshall Law Club; Congress, Clerk (2); Speaker pro tern (3) ; Speaker (4) ; Board of Governors Boalt Hall (4) ; Board of Governors Historical Association (4) ; Secretary Debating Council (4) ; Intercollegiate Debating Team (4) ; Carnot Team (3), (4) ; Bonnheim Contest (3) ; Congress Team (1), (2), (3); Blue and Gold Staff (3; Associate Editor Daily Califor- nian (2); Intercollegiate Chess Team (1); Senior Ball Committee; Senior Record Committee (4). Lily Kong, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Harrold Brook Knowles, Social Sciences, Alameda ATfi; John Marshall Law Club. Joseph Ernest Kreling, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Ida May Kriegel, Social Sciences, Los Alamos Lowell Gaynor Krigbaum. Mining, San Francisco U. N. X. ; Mining Association ; Chairman Senior Banquet Committee. Olive Rebekah La Clair. Natural Sciences Ontario, Cal. AXfi; Senior Advisory Committee ; Senior Women's Hall Furnishing Com- mittee. Charles Joachim Lamp, Civil Engineering San Francisco Hazel Land, Social Sciences, Oakland Oscar William Lanzendorf, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Jennie Larkin, Social Scienres, Berkeley Andrew Werner Lawson, Natural Sciences, Berkeley $K2; T. Harry Rogers Lawton, Commerce, Berkeley * r A ; e N E ; Skull and Keys ; Freshman Football Team ; Freshie Glee and Junior Prom Committees; Floor Manager Junior Informal; General Committee Senior Week ; Arrangements Committee Senior Ball. Lillian Bentelsen Leale. Social Sciences, Berkeley Chairman Book Exchange (4) ; Senior Advisory Committee (4) ; Chairman Arrangements Committee Senior Women's Banquet. Josephine Le Conte. Letters, Berkeley T*B; Cast of Junior Curtain-Raiser (3); Chairman Sophomore Banner Com- mittee ; Senior Advisory Committee. Thomas Joseph Ledwich, Social Sciences, Grass Valley Atherton ; $ A ; President of Freshman Debating Society ; John Marshall Law Club; Congress Debating Society; Alternate Congress Team (2); Bonnheim Dissertation Prize (4); Students' Welfare Committee; Pilgrimage Committee Senior Week. Richard Arthur Lee, Natural Sciences, Fulton Cecil Viola Levy, Social Sciences, San Francisco Paul Jack Levy, Social Sciences, San Francisco Freshman Track Team; Varsity Track Team (2), (3). Gladys Marie Lewis. Social Sciences, Berkeley IIBB; Prytanean; Agricultural Association (2), (3), (4); Secretary (3); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (3), (4); Senior Advisory Committee (3), (4); Senior As- sembly Committee (4); Extravaganza Selection Committee Senior Week; Chairman Hearst Hall Committee (4) ; Editorial Staff Women's Day Pelican (4). Elmo Neil Murphy, Civil Engineering, Ukiah Secretary Civil Engineering Association (4); Freshman Track Team; First Lieut. Co. D. Harold Myer, Electrical Engineering, San Francisco A. E. and M. E. ; Freshman Track Team. Kaizo Naka, Natural Sciences, Kurume, Japan Hans Nathan, Natural Sciences, Austin, Texas Architectural Association. Owen Benjamin Nelson, Chemistry, Riverside Mim Kaph Mim ; Freshman Track Team. Yargen Nelson, Civil Engineering, Crockett Herbert Stanley Newman, Commerce, Anaheim Editor University of California Calendar (4). Leslie John Nickels, Agriculture, San Francisco Alice Nickerson, Letters, Redlands AXfi; Masquerade Committee (4); Senior Advisory Committee; Senior Wo- man's Finance Committee. Edward Douglass Nickerson, Civil Engineering, Redlands Bachelordon ; Civil Engineering Association ; Freshman Football Team ; Sopho- more Informal Committee. Lawrence Nicol, Natural Sciences, Stockton A X ; Congress. Aha Margaret Nielsen, Social Sciences, Oxford, Neb. Der Deutscher Verein ; President of Art History Circle (3), (4); President Der Deutscher Zirkel (4); Secretary (3); A. W. S. Executive Committee; Spring Festival Committee ; Senior Advisory Committee. Aron Christian Nielsen, Civil Engineering, Selma Civil Engineering Association. "> '^31 t^k^^CF'^^ ^KflBw^- 498 C^k U4.Mfc£ fTg^TV^Mfcii " ^^BBBte»«» «*" / , . jaiiy. vmb^. ... . A .^sjt0 *■» WOMAN S DAY BOAT RACE 97 1912 SENIOR RECORD Rose Annetta Nigg, Natural Sciences, Covina Cranford ; Sprechverband. Walter Hall Nixon, Agriculture, Santa Barbara AZ; Agricultural Club, President (4); Blue and Gold Staff (3). Berkeley North Fork Sebastopol Exeter Piedmont Berkeley Berkeley Sacramento San Francisco Berkeley Grace Marion Noble, Social Sciences, Ralph Ernest Noddin, Natural Sciences, Walter Charles Nolan, Natural Sciences, Dahlonega Club. Mildred Elvira Norcross, Social Sciences, 2K. Eva Nordwell, Social Sciences, KA9. Benjamin Norton, Mechanics, Norma Noteware, Letters, Book Exchange (2), (3); Senior Assembly (4). George Edward Noyes, Mechanics, Unity; Senior Ball Committee. Franklyn William Oatman, Mining, Los Amigos ; Mining Association. Ellen Frances Ord, Agriculture, r B ; Prytanean ; Women's Mandolin and Guitar Club, President (3) ; New- man Club; A. W. S. Social Committee (2), (3). To mas Fitch Orr, Commerce, Lemoore Die Plaudertasche (3); International Club; Commerce Club; Circulo Hispani- co. Chesley Ellis Osborn, Mechanics, Turlock © S ; A. E. and M. E. ; A. I. E. ; Senior Assembly Committee. Annis Myrtle Ostrander, Social Sciences, Oakland Charles Douglas Yelverton Ostrom, Civil Engineering San Francisco Secretary Civil Engineering Association (5) ; Captain Co. L (4), Colonel (5) ; Military Ball Committee (4). Edwin Clarence Overholtzer, Letters, Glendora Ralph Warren Palmer, Commerce, Alameda Harry Hutchinson Parker, Mechanics, Oakland John Joseph Parker, Agriculture, Visalia K ^ ; Skull and Keys ; Agricultural Club ; Newman Club. John Bonte Parkinson, Natural Sciences, Sacramento Junior Farce Cast ; Reception Committee Senior Week. Charles Willis Payne, Social Sciences. Los Angeles 2N; Vice-President Class (3); Assistant Yell Leader; Chairman Junior Prom Arrangements Committee. Edith Ella Pence, Social Sciences, San Francisco *BK; Prytanean; English Club; Deutscher Verein ; Y. W. C. A.; Plauder- tasche, President (4); Class Vice-President (1); Class Secretary (3); Class Basketball Team (1), (2), (3); German Play Casts (1), (2), (3); Daily Cali- fornian (3), (4) ; Editor Women's Day Calif omian (4) ; Occident Editorial Staff (2), (3), (4); Occident Managerial Staff (2); Manager Women's Day Occident (3); Women's Day Pelican (1), (3); Blue and Gold Staff; Junior Day Committee ; Senior Assembly Committee ; Chairman A. W. S. Rooms Com- mittee ; A. W. S. Students' Affairs Committee ; A. W. S. Executive Committee (4) ; Dormitory Committee ; Undergraduate Work Committee (4) ; Senior Record Committee ; Permanent Organization Committee. 98 1912 SENIOR RECORD INTERCLASS CREW RACE Louise Kemper Perkins, Natural Sciences, II B* Nacogdoches, Texas Amanda Edith Peterson, Social Sciences, San Luis Obispo Ferd Somers Peterson, Natural Sciences, Belvedere *T; Glee Club (2), (3); President (4); De Koven Club (2), (3), (4); Senior Men's Banquet Committee. Helen Marie Phelan, Social Sciences, Watsonville 2 K ; Newman Club ; Circulo Hispanico ; Senior Advisory Committee. Dorothy Distro Phillips, Social Sciences, Berkeley Junior Farce; Woman's Day Pelican (4); Senior Advisory Committee; Senior Records Committee; Extravaganza Committee; Women's Masquerade (4). Allen Cleveland Phelps, Social Sciences, Boulder, Col. Lawrence Miller Phillips, Social Sciences, Hanford Carl Albert Phleger, Commerce, Sacramento * A 9 ; Golden Bear ; Winged Helmet ; Skull and Keys ; Chairman Intercollegiate Agreement Committee ; Freshman Track Team ; Freshman Football Team ; Varsity Football Team (1), (2), (3), (4), Australian Football Trip (3). Herman Horatius Phleger, Natural Sciences, Sacramento

; TBLT; Civil Engineering Association, Vice-President (3), President (4) ; California Journal of Technology, Associate Editor (2) ; Senior Ball Committee. Harry James Snook, Natural Sciences, Greeley, Colo. Charles Carroll Snyder, Mechanics, Los Angeles ^T Ida Mansfield Spasoff, Social Sciences, Berkeley Stanley Adrian Spellmeyer, Mining, Los Angeles Dwight. Doris Churchill Spencer, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Prytanean; Architectural Association, Secretary (4) ; Women's Orchestra; Treas- urer of Sports and Pastimes (3) ; Captain Varsity Basketball Team (4) ; Cap- tain Class Basketball Team (2), (3), (4); Varsity Basketball Team (1), (2), (3), (4) ; Intercollegiate Fencing (3) ; Women's Day Pelican Staff (4) ; Fur- nishing Committee for Senior Women's Hall (4). Anna Kalfus Spero, Social Sciences, Berkeley Mabel Spicker, Natural Sciences, Los Angeles Chester Joseph Staley, Social Sciences, Berkeley Circulo Hispanico; Cercle Francaise ; La Parlotte ; Y. M. C. A. ; President Social Progress Club (2). Elaine Maud Standish, Natural Sciences, Berkeley A n ; Mandolin Club, Vice-President (4) ; Sophomore Hop Committee ; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Assembly C ommittee. 103 1912 SENIOR RECORD Wolcott Pratt Stanton, Alining, San Francisco AKE; 0T; Glee Club (2), (3), (4); Mining Association (3), (4) Informal Committee; Decoration Committee Senior Ball. Sophomore Berkeley Tern (4) ; Senior Banquet San Luis Obispo Mill Valley Senate (2), (3) ; Uni- Assembly Com- Esther Starkweather, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Effa Mae Steele, Social Sciences, Berkeley Erna Steindorff, Social Sciences, Berkeley Secretary Konversations Klub (2) ; President Konversations Klub (3) ; Treble Clef. Stanley Roman Sterne, Letters, Bench and Bar Law Club; Congress, Speaker Pro Committee. Jeanette Stewart, Social Sciences, Cranford; Y. W. C. A. Harry Ellis Stocker, Social Sciences, Calimedico ; League of the Republic, Secretary (3), (4) versity of California Club (4). Elsie Marion Stoddard, Social Sciences, Merced AXQ; Senior Advisory Committee ; A. W. S. Open House Committee (2) ; Plaudertasche. Reginald Carlyle Stoner, Natural Sciences, Bakersfield ATO; "Big C" Society; Varsity Baseball (1), (2), (3), (4); mittee. Tracy Irwin Storer, Natural Science (Zoology), Oakland Harvey Club; Blue and Gold Staff (3); First Lieut. Co. B. Vera La Rue Sturges, Natural Sciences, San Diego John Robert Suman, Mining, Hollywood AT; TB.n ; 9T; Mining Association. Joe Goodrich Sweet, Natural Sciences, Fresno La Junta; ; Golden Bear; Sword and Scales; Senate (1), (2), (3), Presi- dent (4) ; Senate Debating Team (3) ; Carnot (3) ; Blue and Gold Staff (3) ; Junior Prom Committee ; Junior Men's Banquet Committee ; Undergraduate Stu- dents' Affairs Committee ; Senior Record Committee ; General Committee Senior Week. Loren Bennett Taber, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Ralph Tavenner, Chemistry, Independence, Ore. Mini Kaph Mini. Arthur Winfield Taylor, Social Sciences, Santa Paula La Junta ; A ; "Big C" Society ; Congress Debating Society ; Class Treasurer (4); Freshman Track Team; Varsity Track Team (1), (2), (3), (4); Chair- man Senior Assembly Committee. Ellis Wing Taylor, Mechanics, Los Angeles *K2; A. E. and M. E. ; Mandolin Club. Caroline Teichert, Natural Science, Sacramento KKF; Prytanean; President of Treble Clef (4); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (4); Senior Record, Junior Farce, Senior Advisory and Spring Festival Committees ; Extravaganza Committee Senior Week. Lillian Gladys Thaxter, Letters, Berkeley Robert Rugge Thomas, Natural Sciences, Berkeley 2X Charles Henry Thompson, Jr., Social Sciences, Berkeley Congress; League of the Republic; La Parlotte (2) ; Bench and Bar (4) ; Junior Farce Cast; First Lieut., Co. N. 104 1912 SENIOR RECORD LABOR DAY James Harrison Thomson, Civil Engineering, Seattle, Wash. B © n ; Varsity Rifle Team (3) ; Treasurer Civil Engineering Association (4) ; Captain and Regimental Adjutant (3). Percy William Thompson, Mining, Pasadena Frederick G. Tickell, Mining, Sacramento ATA; 9 T. Ingvart Holm Tielman, Civil Engineering, Fresno Helen Vaux Tillotson, Social Sciences, Santa Cruz Co-author of Pelican Prize Story (3) ; Women's Day Pelican Staff (4) ; Senior Advisory Committee; Women's Masquerade Committee (3). Emily Hilton Timerman, Social Sciences, Oakland Archibald Bruce Tinning, Natural Sciences, Martinez Ben Charlotte Genevieve Touhey. Social Sciences, ASA; Newman Club. Katherine Tresler, Social Sciences, Harriet Williamson Tuft, Social Sciences, Aldebaran ; Y. W. C. A. ; Class Basketball Team Y. W. C. A. Social Committee. Warren Porter Tufts, Commerce, Portland, Ore. Economics Club, Vice-President (4) ; President Cadet Officers' Club (4) ; Presi- dent Portland Club (4) ; Commerce Club (3), (4) ; Der Sprechverband (1), (2); Freshman Track Team; Captain and Adjutant (4); General Chairman Military Ball (4). Alice Kate Tupman, Letters, Los Angeles Carnarvon. San Francisco San Francisco Fresno A. W. S. Finance Committee ; Pearl Jeannette Tuttle, Natural Sciences, AXS! Los Angeles Elbert Merritt Vail, Commerce, Oakland B n ; "Big C" Society ; Freshman Track Team ; Varsity Track Team. Cyrus Eugene Van Deventer, Social Sciences, Redlands Dahlonega ; N 2 N. 105 1912 SENIOR RECORD Lilian Van Dyke, Social Sciences, Los Angeles K A 6 ; Senior Assembly Committee ; Senior Women's Hall Furnishing Com- mittee. May Van Maren, Natural Sciences, Fair Oaks KKF; Blue and Gold Staff; Senior Advisory Committee; Senior Ball Com- mittee ; A. W. S. Finance Committee. Francis Edward Vaughan, Mining, Los Angeles Mining Association. Walter Samuel Rip Van Winkle, Mechanics, Long Beach A. E. and M. E., Secretary (3) ; Y. M. C. A.; First Lieut. (Staff Officer) (3), (4). Thomas William Veitch, Agriculture, Oakland ATA; Skull and Keys; English Club; Blue and Gold, Occident and Pelican Staffs; Extravaganza Committee Senior Week. Reid McDowell Venable, Social Sciences, Berkeley Prytanean ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (4) ; Women's Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee (4) ; Senior Advisory Board (4) ; Chairman Book Exchange Com- mittee (2) ; General Chairman Women's Masquerade (4) ; Permanent Organiza- tion Committee (4). Benjamin Harrison Viau, Natural Sciences, Sanger Dahlonega. Jorge Andres Villegas, Mechanics, Santiago, Chile Circulo Hispanico; Newman Club; Los Secuestradores (4); El Rev Que Rabio (4). Royal Arnold Vitousek, Commerce, Healdsburg Pirate; "Big C" Society; Congress (1), (2), (3), (4); Cathay Club; Der Deutsche Kranzen ; Class President (2); Track Team (2), (3), (4); Varsity Relay Team (3) ; Senior Ball Committee. Ralph Chetlaine Waddell, Letters, Oakland Thomas Brainard Waddell, Civil Engineering, Oakland tbii Catherine Lois Walker, Letters, San Francisco Xfi; Prytanean; English Club, Secretary (3) ; Blue and Gold; Occident, Liter- ary Editor Women's Day Edition (4) ; Standing Social Committe A. W. S. (4) ; Extravaganza Committee Senior Week. James Edwin Wallace, Social Sciences, Hollywood Pirate; Freshman Track Team; Varsity Track Team (2), (3), (4). Jessie Douglass Wallace, Social Sciences, Berkeley Charles Leroy Walton, Natural Sciences, Sanger Los Amigos; Mim Kaph Mim; Levi Strauss Scholarship (3), (4). Earl Warren ; Social Sciences, Bakersfield La Junta ; U. N. X. ; Chairman Reception Committee Sophomore Hop ; Senior Banquet Committee. Ina Polson Warwick, Letters, Berkeley La Parlotte (2) ; Der Deutsche Zinkel (3) ; Editorial Staff Women's Day Occi- dent; Editorial Staff Women's Day Calif ornian ; Senior Advisory Committee ; Spring Festival Committee ; Chairman Senior Women's Register Committee ; Pil- grimage Committee Senior Week. Edward Louis Watts, Mechanics, Berkeley X#; 0NE; Winged Helmet; Skull and Keys; Golden Bear; "Big C" Society; A. E. and M. E. ; Freshman Football Team; Varsity Football Team (1), (2), (3), (4) ; Freshman Track Team; Coach Freshman Football Team (4) ; Chair- man Students' Welfare Committee; Chairman P. C. I. Circus; Reception Com- mittee Senior Ball. 106 1912 SENIOR RECORD De Witt Clinton Weeks, Natural Sciences, Alhambra Grace Yale Weeks, Social Sciences, Oakland A II ; Prytanean; Architectural Association, Secretary (2), Vice-President (3) ; Class Secretary (4) ; Blue and Gold, Women's Day Pelican (2), (3), (4), and Occident (3), (4) Staffs; Senior Advisory Committee; A. W. S. Boarding House Committee; Senior Extravaganza Committee. Caroline V. Welts, Social Sciences, Bakersfield Senior Ball Committee Senior Week. Alice Babette Weber, Natural Sciences, Berkeley Manager of Fencing (3), (4) ; Rowing (1), (2), (3), (4). Julian Henry Weissbein, Natural Sciences, San Francisco Polydeucean Club (2) ; Debating Society (1) ; Assistant Manager "Caesar and Cleopatra"; "Big C" Committee (1); News Editor Daily Calif 'ornian (3). Eugene Welch, Social Sciences, San Jose Albert Fabian Welin, Natural Sciences, San Francisco Agnes Ballard Welsh, Social Sciences, San Francisco K A 9 ; Senior Advisory Committee ; Sophomore Hop Committee. Herbert Armand Werle, Civil Engineering, San Francisco Albert Marine Weston, Natural Sciences, Monrovia Del Rey; Mim Kaph Mim. Helen Gould Weston, Social Sciences, Berkeley kkt Lydia Wethern, Social Sciences, Oakland Class Women's Crew (4). George Jenner Wheat, Mechanics, Los Angeles 6 S ; A. E. and M. E. ; U. C. Branch A. I. E. E. Charles Stetson Wheeler, Jr., Letters, San Francisco B0n ; "Big C" Society ; Winged Helmet ; U. N. X ; Class President (4) ; Under- graduate Student Affairs Committee (4) ; Freshman Football Team; Varsity Football Team (3); Senate; Blue and Gold Staff; Chairman Junior Banquet; Chairman Senior Record Committee. ; Dormitory Committee. Hortense Genotelle White, Social Sciences, San Francisco Mabel Jeannetta White, Natural Science, Berkeley Senior Advisory Committee ; Book Exchange ; Committee on Permanent Organ- ization ; Charter Day Committee. Roy Willbanks White, Civil Engineering, Lakeport Clayton James Wight, Agriculture, San Diego Agricultural Club. Samuel Gerrit Wight, Agriculture, Honolulu, H. T. A K E ; N E. Veva Corinthia Wight, Social Sciences, Riverside Stuart Gardiner Wilder, Social Sciences, Berkeley X>3>; Bench and Bar Law Club; Treasurer of Class (4) ; Class Crew (3) ; Class Swimming Team, Captain (4) ; Varsity Swimming Team (4) ; Freshman Foot- ball Squad ; Chairman Arrangements Committee Junior Prom ; Chairman Senior Assemblies Committee ; Chairman Inter-Class Swimming Committee (4) ; Senior Week Finance Committee. Marshall Gould Williamson, Natural Sciences, San Francisco K 2 ; B K A. Gilbert Willoughby, Agriculture, Beverly Hills ATA; Glee Club (2), (3), (4); De Koven Club (2), (3)' r ^4), Frank Lake Wilson, Mining, Spokane, Wash. © T; Mining Association, Librarian (3), President (4) ; Capt. Co. K (4). 107 1912 SENIOR RECORD Los Angeles Berkeley Pasadena Bench and Bar Law Club ; Berkeley James Wentrup Wilson, Civil Engineering. Ralph Elmer Wilson, Social Sciences, George Dillard Wimp, Social Sciences, Congress, League of the Republic. President (4) ; Y. M. C. A.; Senior Ball Committee. Rodert Percy Wisecaryer, Social Sciences, Treasurer La Parlotte Club (2); League of the Republic (2). (3) President (1); Senate; Dormitory Committee (4); Chairman A. S mittee on Undergraduate Work (4) ; First Lieut., U. C. Cadets. Carmelita Woerner, Social Sciences. San Francisco r # B; Junior Farce ; Senior Ball Committee ; Junior Prom Committee more Hop Committee. William David Woi.fi:, Mechanics, A. E. and M. E. ; Y. M. C. A.; Freshman Track (2), (3). Henry Norisert Wolff, Agriculture, B9n ; AZ; Senate; Agricultural Clul Catherine Woodhead, Social Sciences, J. Homer Woolsey. Natural Sciences, A A $ ; N 2 N ; Freshman Track Team. Harrison Leroy Wyrick, Mining, Atherton ; Mining Association; Capt. Co. L (4). Edna Louise Yates, Social Sciences, Harry Stanley Yates, Natural Sciences, Skulls; AZ. (4); U. C. Class Com- ^ Vallejo "earn; Varsity Sopho- frack Team San Francisco Prize Song Bleecher Contest. Berkeley Oakland Marysville Oakland Pomona John Phillip Zipf, Mechanics, T B II William Edward Zuill, Agriculture, Z*; ONE; Skull and Keys. Max Young, Mechanics, Edward Hans Zeitfuchs, Chemistry, San Francisco Los Angeles Carpenteria Portland, Ore. the gateway 108 JUNIOR CLASS JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS R. G. SPROUL MISS RUTH WARE First Term PRESIDENT R. G. SPROUL VICE-PRESIDENT MISS IRMA FOVEAUX SECRETARY F. D. STEPHENS TREASURER C. W. SNOOK SERGEANT-AT-ARMS J. A. POTTER YELL LEADER M. W. SAHLBERG AUDITING COMMITTEE MISS DOROTHY PETERSON S. L. ARNOT L. A. SLOANE Second Term PRESIDENT MISS RUTH WARE VICE-PRESIDENT L. A. SLOANE SECRETARY LYMAN GRIMES TREASURER C. L. LE BARON S ERGE ANT- AT- AR M S WM. N. KING YELL LEADER E. P. COOK AUDITING COMMITTEE MISS EMILY CHURCHILL H. A. STERN 110 Doris Aden Arthur Allyn Elizabeth Anthony William Ashley Elizabeth Bailey Frances Albee John Altman Stanley Arnott Helen Ayer Donald Baker Fred Allen Victor Anderson Mabel Arnington Merle Baden Clara Baldwin Ray Allin Mary Andreason Walter Aschenbrenner William Bagby James Ball 111 William Ball Ethel Beard Edward Beeson Elsie Biedenbach Flora Black William Barnhill Willard Beatty Donald Bennett Donald Billick Tesse Blain Annie Bass John BecK Kowena Benson Daniel Bisson Frederick Blocli Lesley Bates Archie Beckett Roscoe Berglund Emma Black .Mary Bogue 112 Albert Bradley Mervyn Brenner Elsiedora Brinck A. M. Brown Frank Booth Cora Brandt Eveline Bridgett Lucetta Bromley Charles Brown William Booth David Brant Edward Brier Lloyd Brooks Gertrude Brown James Boyd Vera Branthaver William Brier Rena Brooks Sarita Brown 113 Edna Browning Leonard Buck Milton Campbell Sidney Carlton Isis Carter 114 Harold Bruhns Glenn Bundy Roy Campbell Kenneth Carpenter John Carver Nan Brunk Denair Butler Bessie Cantley Leland Carrell Roland Chamberlain Stanley Bryan Lawrence Byers Katherine Carlton Ethel Carroll William Chamberlain Ella Chaplin Emily Churchhill John Clark Elna Clifford Harold Cogswell William Chessall Arthur Clark Ervin Clausen Raymond Clifford Irving Cohn May Christal Frank Clark Louise Cleveland Ada Cline Julian Cohn James Church Harry Clark Neal Cleveland Ralph Coane Zella Colburn 115 Gladys Cole Gertrude Comfort John Connolly Leonard Coombs Eric Craig 116 Byron Coleman Ralph Comstock Thomas Connolly Thomas Copeland Thornton Craig Victor Collins Ashley Conard Paul Cook Arthur Cortelyou Bessie Cranston Eda Colvin Alice Connick Florence Cook Mabel Cowell Anita Crellin Roy Crites Eugene Daney Constance Davis Rollo Davis F. Derham William Culp Jennie Davidson Louis Davis Susanna Davis Ruth Dewit J. A. Cunha Florence Davies Mary Davis Frank Delano Mary Dewitt Jean Cunningham Brython Davis Percy Davis Donna Deluce Arnold Dickel 117 Laurence Dickey Roy Douglas Mary Dunn Arthur Eaton Randolph Eisenhauer Howard Dickson Rudolph Dresel Thomas Dunne Emily Edgerley Gertrude Elliot Grace Dorey Daniel Drumheller Edgar Dutton Pearl Edgerley Austin Ellis Mary Dotta William Duncan Ermon Eastman Joseph Ehrman Grace Ewing 118 ■^MMHBHMI Rose Farrell Naomi Fieweger Clarence Flanagan Jonathan Foster Percy Frater Harold Farmer Harriet Figg Godfrey Fletcher Lewis Foulke Herbert French George Faught John Fisher John Flodin Beryl Fountaine Fay Frisbie Frances Ferrier Philip Fisher Kim Fong Irma Foveaux Kendall Frost 119 Blanchett Fryer Jennie Gardner William Gay Margery Glass Samuel Goodall Victor Gaines Endicott Gardner Ruth Genung Lois Glidden Louis Goodman Thornbrough Gale Kebekah Gardner J. George Frederick Gnarini Orville Goss Marjory Gardiner Francis Gautier Matthis Gerend Franklin Gobar Armin Graff 120 Harold Gray Lyman Grimes Ross Guy Robert Haggard Ruth Halloran William Greig Marjorie Grinnell Minnie Haack Henry Haines Elizabeth Hamilton John Gribner Charles Grunsky O. A. Haberdier Gabrielle Hall Charles Hampton Ronald Griffin Robert Gunn Sadie Hageman Arthur Hallberg Alfreda Hanna 121 Evelyn Hanna Mignon Harmon James Harvey John Hassheider Hans Hentschke Ray Hanson Theresa Harrington Margaretta Harvey Royal Havens Helen Herdeg Herold Hare Harry Harris Marguerite Hazeltine Harold Hazen Charles Herriott James Hare Jacob Hartman Arthur Haslam Antonea Henrich Gerald Herrmann 122 Harlan Heward Erie Hill William Hiney Edna Hollingsworth R. B. Howell Inez Hewitt Ray Hill Margaret Hodgen Alma Honegger Isabel Hoyt Charles Heyer Richard Hill Carl Hohwiesner Warren Horner Edgar Hughes Hudson Hibbard Mattie Himes Charles Holliger George Howder W. W. Hughes 123 Osman Hull Felix Hurni Aaron Isaacs Marion James Helen Johnson Charles Humphreys Willis Huson Louelle Jackson Raymond Jeans Mabel Jones Ray Ingles Jesse Jacobus Renaldo Jeffry Richard Jones Mildred Hunter Grace Inwood William Jaenicke Carl Johnson Robert Tones 124 Maurice Joses Irma Kendrick Martha Kerns Frank Kessler William King Harriet J John Kennedy Daniel Koshland William Kew II. B. Kirkland vard Kavanagh Margaret Kenny Jay Kerr Mary Keyes Bertram Kline Lucy Keith Calvin Kephart Kathleen Kerr George Keyston James Knowles 125 Frederick Koester Laura Lamoureux Clyde Le Baron Jeanne Leroux Frederick Linde Edna Kreyenhagen Egidio Laraia David Lee Lucile Lewek Charlotte Linden 126 Benjamin Laflin Walter Larson Shun Lee Elizabeth Lewis Donald Lippincott Bertha Lais Berthold Latz Victor Lenzen Otto Liersch Marion Lipman Margaret Locan Denham Lord Florence Lucas Katherine McCabe Alice McComb Hope Lockridge William Lovett Wilbur Luxton Madge McCarthy James McCormack Paul Loewenthal Ivy Lower Tames MacDonald Harry McClelland Florence McCoy Clarence Logan Irma Lucas Anna McAfee Mamie McCollum Ralph McCurdy 127 Jennie McDonald Donald MacLean Daniel McPeak Hazel Malcolm Florence Marvin Melville McDonough William McMillan Margaret McSweeney Edmund Margrave Spencer Mastick Stanley McFadden Donald MacMullen Phyllis Maguire Ella Martine Mabel Mattern James McKinley Joseph McNamara Robert Maile Albino Martinetti Phoebe Matthews 128 Veleda Mattison Agnes Mayo Herman Mende Edwin Merrill John Miller Sante Mattson Frank Mayo Georgia Meredith Eleanor Merritt Martin Mini Maude Mayenbaum Edwin Meddaugh Wynne Meredith Earl Miller Daisy Monroe Ruth Mayer Whitney Mee Roy Merrick William Miller Graham Moody 129 Thomas Moody Myrl Morris Francis Moulton Jennie Murray Gladys Nielson 130 Florence Moore Benjamin Morrison Luray Mouser C. Musante Roy Neily Vincenta Moorshead Roy Morse Melton Mowbray Lloyd Myers Charles Nelson Laird Morris ohn Morton ary Mulvaney Barbara Nachtrieb Frank Nelson fi Robert Nelson Fred Nielson Oscar Norton Ferda Ogle Allen Owen Daisy Newby Frank Nilon Willard Notting Koyd Oliver Myron Page Roy Newton Haymond Noble George Oakes Jesse O'Neill Albert Paine Carl Nichols Jack Northup David Oberg George Oshinji Edwin Parker 131 Meredith Parker John Peaslee Peter Peterson Pauline Pierson Kthel Porter 132 Marguerite Parr Gertrude Percival Margaret Pewtress Hope Pinkley Harriet Porter Joseph Pavliger Anna Peterson Katherine Phileo Forrest Plant Ruby Poston Sterling Peart Dorothy Peterson Clark Phillips James Popkens Julius Potter Jessie Preble Thomas Pring Eda RamelH Chauncey Reed John Relifiscli Elwin Purrington Ray Randall Rhoda Reed Gus Reis Maude Price Cyril Quill Ralph Raven Thomas Reed Jacques Resleure Milton Prince Leo Rabinowitz Henry Ray Mary Reese Alice Reynolds 133 Ralph Reynolds Harry Richardson Rose Rosenthal Cassius Rowe Marian Ryan Eric Rhodes Eunice Ricketts Jesse Rosenwald John Ruddock Florence Ryle Floyd Rice Hiram Ricks James Ross Ruth Ruddock Manley Sahlberg Rex Rice Howard Robinson W. E. Ross Richard Rust Peter Sala 134 Edward Salomon Frederick Schmutzler James Shafer Clara Sherwood Roy Silent Lenore Salsig Margaret Schultz Jeannette Shafer Robert Shields Arthur Silverman Hal Sams Henry Searls Elnora Shannon Tames Short F. V. Simonton Lillian Sandholdt Marguerite Seiffert Otis Sharp Pearl Sifford Earl Sinclair 135 John Simpson Benjamin Small Ormond Smith Frank Stack Evelyn Steel Gail Sipes Walter Smallwood Edgar Snell Leslie Stahl Irma Stein Ralph Sisson Charles Smith Wade Snook Walter Stairs Dorsey Stephens Lloyd Sloane .Minnie Smith Robert Sproul Ruth Stark William Stephenson 136 Henry Stern Howard Stover Edgar Sullivan Lloyd Taliaferro Estelle Tennis Lester Stern Alice Streets Edwin Sullivan Thomas Tavernetti Cecil Thomas Thomas Stewart Roland Stringham Ada Swortzel Ralph Taylor Ira Thomas George Stone John Stroud John Tadich Russell Taylor Harry Todd 137 Frank Tolf Edward Trout Archie Twogood Gladys Van Mater Edwin Voorhies 138 Clare Torrey Muriel Trull Tames Underhill Evans Varner Murray Vosburg Ida Trask Arlo Turner Addie Vadney Kenneth Volk Myer Wahrhaftig John Tripp Ovid Tuttle Marie Vaissade Elsa Von Wintzingerode Amy Waite Carolyn Waite Lawrence Ward Enid Watkins Lore Weber Florence Wheeler Lillian Waite Mabel Ware John Watson Alice Webster Rollo Wheeler Clarence Waldner Ruth Ware Helen Weber Hugh Webster Will Whelan Gerald Wallace Maude Wason Henry Weber Hugh Weldon Beulah Whipple 139 Charles White Francis Wilson Clerimond Withers Harry Wood James Wright Marshall White Gladys Wilson Freeman Witt Horace Woolley W. C. Wright Dorothy Wilkinson Burt Winslow Mark Witt Dale Worthington Fred Wyatt S. A. White Georgia Wiseman Walter Wong Earnest Wright Oliver Wyllie 140 William Yelland Oliver Young Cleo Zinn Gordon Zander Martin Zoller David Zellerbach Photographs in 1913 Blue and Gold are by ijushnell 141 SOPHOMORE AND FRESHMAN CLASSES SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS First Term PRESIDENT E. R. CRABBE VICE-PRESIDENT MISS ETHEL MURRAY SECRETARY C. P. MATHE TREASURER A. I. SMITH SERGEANT-AT-ARMS A. W. DRURY YELL LEADER EVERETT BARNARD Second Term PRESIDENT THEODORE GRADY VICE-PRESIDENT MISS JESSIE HARRIS SECRETARY M. C. NATHAN TREASURER L. D. WATKINS SERGEANT-AT-ARMS J. J. MEIGS YELL LEADER A. I. SMITH FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS First Term PRESIDENT C. R. HILLS VICE-PRESIDENT MISS C. ANDERSON SECRETARY L. R. TAUSSIG TREASURER HAROLD MILLER SERGEANT-AT-ARMS HARCOURT BLADES YELL LEADER W. G. WILSON Second Term PRESIDENT C. R. HILLS VICE-PRESIDENT MISS RUTH JOHNSON SECRETARY A. W. CHRISTIE TREASURER P. L. CRANE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS A. K. SHERWIN YELL LEADER W. G. WILSON 144 QTfje College gear THE COLLEGE YEAR Surveying at Camp California HE Summer School of Sur- veying for 191 1, like all pre- vious camps, started in the third month of May. Be- ing duly resigned to under- go the trial of a month's hard labor as embryo engineers, we were pleasantly surprised at the ideally beautiful situation of Camp California. When the Ocean Shore Limited nosed its way around the last bend of Scott's Creek and dropped us off at the cook-house, we felt, even at the beginning, that the scenery alone would surely compensate for whatever work we should have to do. Promptly on our arrival "gow" was served, and that event, too, changed con- siderably our viewpoint toward the galley slave existence that we had been led to believe would be our portion at Summer Camp. The apparent disorder was dissipated immediately after dinner by Professor Sears and we were assigned parties and tents, and problems for the next day. Already we were slipping into the routine of the month that was to follow in the organized Summer Camp. Nearly all the Juniors and most of the Freshmen had a perfectly good opinion of Les Ready, but on that first morning at 5:15 P. X., when he blew his little bugle, many of us changed it. "Needs must when the devil drives"' or Les blows, otherwise no breakfast, for we had to get "dressed," washed (?), and to the dining room in fifteen minutes if we wanted any. However, we got over that just as we learned to forget our poison oak and sunburn. We did not work all the time. After 3 130 the wind was so strong that accurate work was impossible, so the rest of the day until 5 130 was spent in playing horse-shoes, cards, or loafing around camp. The many walks and tramps available after dinner, on Saturdays and Sundays, will always come back as pleasant remembrances to us. The ramble along the Swanton Road to the "P. O.", to Mill Creek, to Big Creek BONING UP 146 THE COLLEGE YEAR Dam, and to Primrose Valley, and the strolling back together in the dusk, all combined to make the four weeks a real vaca- tion. The gathering around the camp-fire, the singing of the "Summer Camp Quartette," the rides on the logging train, the hiking out in the crisp morning air with the cries of "Yea Bo" echoing across the canyon and taken up again from dis- tant triangular stations, the crabbing as to who should pack the "gun" (transit), all these things served to make up the context of our life at camp. Finally it was three more days, two more days, and then eventually the last night came and we got together, a hundred strong, around the twenty- foot bonfire. Here to the music of several parodies by Gay and Kennedy, Ltd. (it should have been unlimited), we closed the session for 191 1. We sang the last parody — "Down On the Farm" : I've been working down at Swanton, all the live-long day, I've been working down at Swanton, just to pass that course 3A ; Don't you hear our Prof. Sears calling, earl-y in the morn, Don't you hear our Prof. Sears calling, "Eric ! blow your horn," and then "All Hail" floated through the beautiful moonlit canyon of redwoods and Summer Camp was over. A TRIO OF TRANSIT-MEN 147 THE COLLEGE YEAR European Tour of Glee Club ARLY in the evening of May 17, 191 1, car number 1405, Porter Dawson aid commanding, was boarded by some thirty-seven members of the Glee and Mandolin Clubs, thirteen of the former bent on an undertaking which to the skeptic seemed an almost foolhardy venture — nothing less than a tour of Europe. Much might be written of the trip to Chicago, but as this resume must confine itself principally to a recital of conquests in foreign lands, a detailed description of the Eastern trip is impossible. After a stay of about five days in Chicago, the "original 13" went on to New York, via Niagara Falls. A week was spent in viewing the wonders of the Great White Way. On June 14th the thirteen singers lock-stepped up the gang-plank of the Pretoria — Hamburg-American Line — and a few minutes later, amidst a variety of noises which in the aggregate might be described as "bedlamese," the steamer slid slowly away from the pier. One mighty oski and the trip was on. The voyage "am bord dem Postdampfer Pretoria" was filled with all those incidents which characterize ship-board life. None of the party was subject to that dread disorder, sea-sickness, due, no doubt, in large measure to the prompt use of that best of tonics, "dunkel bier" — German for Coca- Cola. The last night on board was celebrated by the rendition of a musical program, which included several numbers by the Glee Club. The next day a landing was made at Boulogne, and that afternoon the 148 THE COLLEGE YEAR Club took the train for "Gay Paree," the "citee beautiful" of the Frenchman, and "some burg" to the equally expressive American. Ten days were spent in Paris. Baedekers were overworked. The treasures of the Louvre and Luxem- burg were subjected to the cool gaze of the critic, while a quartette Ba l Tabaran, Pre Catalan, Moulin Rouge, Raton Mort and Maxim's gave the desired real Parisian at- mosphere. The Fourth of July in Paris was not all that an American could have desired, the only chance for a burst of patriotism being given that evening at a concert at the American Chamber of Commerce Club, where the Club ren- dered the Star Spangled Banner amidst the cheers of the Americans present. The night of July 5th the concert was given at "Salle des Agriculteurs." Its success was even greater than the club had anticipated and hoped for. When the medley of American songs, ending with "Dixie" and "Star Spangled Banner," was sung, it was quite evident that the crowd was entirely American. The next day the Club left for London town, via that rough district, the English channel. "Six bob thrupence hapenny" took the place of dix franc, trois centimes, causing a tremendous struggle with mental arithmetic. Three loyal Californians proceeded to "show the boys a good time." The Club went as their guests to the Harvard - Yale vs. Cam- bridge-Oxford track meet. An oski by the California section stood out in decided contrast to the somewhat tame British shouts of en- couragement. The London concert, given in Aeolian Hall, was even more success- ful than that given in Paris. A LAKE IN GERMANY 149 THE COLLEGE YEAR The day after the concert the Club left for Berlin, via Boulogne, where it met the steamer Pennsylvania, Auxhaven and Hamburg. Berlin is all that the Germans claim — a truly wonderful city. Three concerts were given there. A dance was held after the last concert by the American Woman's Club. At last, on July 30. the Club took the train for Hamburg and Auxhaven, from which latter place it sailed on the Graf Waldersee. ON THE WAY The voyage home was without incident. Finally the old U. S. A. loomed up over the starboard rail, and everyone felt a long-to-be-remembered thrill akin to that "it's good to be here" feeling. In Philadelphia the "original 13" became a thing of the past. Some went directly home, others via Washing- ton, others via Atlantic City and the Boardwalk, others via New York. Thus ended the first American Glee Club trip abroad. Those who took it will never forget it, and those good Californians who didn't take it must surely find some pleasure in contemplating the fact that California led the way. 150 THE COLLEGE YEAR Vr t\ Mandolin Club Hawaiian Trip IXTEEN men of the University Mandolin Club left San Francisco December 16, 191 1, on the Oceanic steamer "Sierra," for the first annual tour of the Hawaiian Islands. The outward voyage was marked by smooth and balmy weather, and the passengers were treated to college yells and informal concerts on deck every night. On the morning of the sixth clay everyone enjoyed the wonderful spectacle of sunrise over the Island of Molokai, and an hour later the brilliant queen mountain of Oahu hove in sight, and the ship dropped anchor in Honolulu harbor. Four concerts were given in Honolulu and vicinity, and under the most efficient leadership of R. J. Hill, Jr., '13, the men were given a reception such as never had been accorded any performance given in Honolulu. A week of entertainment followed which only the hospitability of the extreme West can equal. The warm tropical climate permits surf riding and bathing at all times of the year, and each day the men spent hours in the warm, rolling surf or riding in the native canoes. An interesting feature of the trip was the welcome accorded the Club by the native singers, from whom Hawaiian selections were obtained and featured bv the Club at successive concerts. 151 THE COLLEGE YEAR THE PILGRIMAGE AT NORTH HALL Senior Week After the jubilee of 1910, its color and life, its hilarity and merriment, and its more serious aspect of commemoration and remembrance, the 191 1 Senior Week promised little. But, when the time came, 191 1 went forth from the Campus in a flare of glory, whose brilliance was surpassed not even by that occasioned by 1910's departure. The 191 1 Pilgrimage, the 191 1 Commence- ment, the 191 1 banquets, the 191 1 Phi Beta Kappa address, are events to be treasured in one's memory. 191 i's Senior Week was truly California!!. Senior Pilgrimage ENIOR Pilgrimage assembled under Senior Oaks on Class Day, Monday, May 15th. After a short talk by President R. H. Moulton, four hundred graduates, the women dressed all in white and the men wearing white ducks and Senior plugs, moved up to California Hall, headed by the University Band. George Alfred Haines, President of the Associated Students, spoke of the class ideals, outlining the progress that had been made. Everett Loran Ball, standing on the steps of Boalt Hall of Law, urged the graduates to maintain the spirit of honor, integrity and persistence. At South Hall, Professor Henry Morse Stephens, as he had welcomed them for the faculty four years before, bid the Seniors God-speed. Andrew Judson Sturtevent, Jr., speaking from a window in the Agricultural Building, traced the rapid growth of the College of Agriculture. Miss Edna Higgins, at Hearst Hall, explained the value of athletic training for women ; while, at Senior Hall, George Armstead Work spoke of student self-government and Senior control. George McMonies Hunt, at the Chemistry Building; George Cambridge Grubb, at the Civil Engineering Building; George Miles Collins, at the Mining Building, and Lawrence O. Wilson, at the Mechanics 152 THE COLLEGE YEAR Building, described the work of their colleges and praised the efforts of their faculties. At the old library, Miss Rose Gardner sketched the three hundred differ- ent libraries, each representing an important branch of study. Ralph B. High, speaking from North Hall steps, told of the value of old traditions which center there. This, with "All Hail" and a farewell oski closed the most impressive ceremony of the year. Phi Beta Kappa Address OODROW WILSON, Governor of New Jersey, ex- president of Princeton University, delivered the 191 1 Phi Beta Kappa address in the Greek Theatre. His speech dealt with the political and economic problems which America faces today, and his analysis of the situation was exceptionally sane, just and penetrating. Mr. Wilson gave an impartial review of the evils to which modern social conditions have given rise, the causes under- lying such evils and the reme- dies most likely to give re- lief. As a special point about which his general remarks were grouped, Mr. Wilson told of conditions, past and present, in New Jersey ; how the laxity of that State's laws had allowed questionable methods to enter into corpor- ations' policies, how legisla- tion on sound principles was attacking these malpractices. Throughout his discussion the speaker showed that his advent into politics had not dulled his scholarship ; his ap- preciation of the fundamental principles of economics to present conditions was in marked contrast to the displays of pyrotechniques by which so many modern public speakers seek to gain applause. With more men of Mr. Wilson's caliber in public affairs we might have fewer hit-or-miss solutions of national problems. GOVERNOR WILSON SPEAKING 153 ON THE PILGRIMAGE THE COLLEGE YEAR Commencement Day S the University grows year by year and degrees are conferred upon an ever increasing number of students, the Commence- ment exercises inevitably lose in ceremonial value. The be- stowal of an individual title upon a large group of people necessarily lacks the personal element which in the small college made Commencement a sacred day and the degree conferred a University's benediction. In spite of this obvious disadvantage of numbers the Forty-eighth Com- mencement of the University was a solemn occasion to many in the large crowd that gathered under a cloudy sky in the Greek Theatre where five hun- dred and twenty-three members of the Class of 191 1 received their degrees. In a University where student self government has become a fact it is peculiarly fitting that the commencement speakers should be members of the graduating class. The first speaker of this year was Robert Harrison Moulton, President of the Class, who explained the Problem of the Modern University and the effort which the University of California is making for the solution of this problem in the advisorial system for freshmen and the co-operation of fraterni- ties with the faculty in an endeavor to uphold standards of scholarship. Aaron Leland Sapiro, of the Hastings College of the Law, spoke of the Social Sphere of the Law among other professions, its purpose the creation of citizenship. Rose Gardner, President of the Associated Women Students, spoke of the Self Government of College Women, which is an ideal realized at Cali- fornia. Miss Gardner pointed out that the responsibility which women have taken upon themselves in the work of the Student Affairs Committee makes for good citizenship here and hereafter, so that this committee, which is a result of some of the evils attendant upon co-education, becomes its strongest argument and justification. Howard Hamel Kreuger spoke eloquently on the essential practicality of real poetry, maintaining that it is necessary for the fullest appreciation of life. In his address to the candidates for degrees, President Wheeler reminded them that the life beyond the Campus gate is surprisingly like the life within and yields to each man only that which he brings to it. ''And now you go forth all into the same world, but it will be as many worlds as you are many. 155 THE COLLEGE YEAR AT THE CHEMISTRY BUILDING You may own of it just as much as by use and understanding you can earn. Go forth into your world ; go forth and earn." With this brief and effective speech the Commencement Exercises were brought to a close, and not even the rain, which had fallen intermittently dur- ing the hour, caused anyone in the audience to leave until the hymn had been sung and the Class of 191 1 had gone out from the Campus with the Univer- sity's blessing upon them. 156 Pushball Contest OR the second time since its institution as a substitute for the old lower class rush, the annual pushball game failed to demon- strate the superiority of either class in the art of rough and tumble. Two strenuous halves, marked by an intensity of feeling and roughness of play that made the referee's whistle the busiest thing on the field, left the score still o-o. Despite the ex- hausted condition of many of the players, a tug of war was then resorted to as a means of determining the question of Freshman-Sophomore supremacy. Here the Freshmen won a decisive victory, weight and numbers overcoming the desperate struggle that 1914 put up to save itself from the unwelcome distinction of being the first Sophomore class to meet defeat in the annual mock rush. Three minutes of desperate straining on opposite ends of a three hundred-foot hawser and 191 5 marched off California Field, exulting in the knowledge that, as pioneers in the game of humbling the Sophomore, their place in history was assured. THE COLLEGE YEAR FOULKE AND STROUD Skull and Keys Running ARADING before the eyes of the Campus on the clay of the Freshman Glee last October, the neophytes of Skull and Key, as usual, clad in track pants and dress coats, went through the public rites of initiation with as good grace as they could muster. The "runners" were J. J. Parker, '12; H. H. Phleger, '12; C. M. Price, 12; T. B. Rice, '12; B. A. Swartz, '12; C. K. White, '12; G. D. Ken- nedy, '12; H. T. Douglas, '12; A. W. Elliott, '12; H. G. Gabbert, '12; R. W. Hawley, '12 ; S. B. Peart, '12 ; Ff. A. Stern, '13 ; J. A. Stroud, '13 ; F. F. Rose, '13 ; M. S. Vosburg, '13; R. C. Wheeler, '13; O. C. Wyllie, '13; W. L. Bagby, '13; D. O. Brant, '13 ; W. W. Gay, '13 ; L. M. Foulke, '13 ; C. W. Heyer, '13, and W. N. King, '13. 159 THE COLLEGE YEAR Labor Day HEN the memorable morning of February 29th arrived, eighteen hundred loyal Californians gathered on the Campus at 8 o'clock to show their devotion to Alma Mater. The occasion was not a rally, nor an athletic contest ; it called for no outburst of enthusiasm such as the post-rally serpentine usually evokes. A quieter and deeper enthusiasm was present, for the day was Labor Day. We got together and did something — the road from Arch Street to the Agricultural Building is witness of the fact. The tradition — for come one of our sa- cred ones — had its gen- esis in 1896, when Regent Reinstein di- rected the , , flN.\m ■* iTJiM labors oi a willing student Hl ] Ij-jP EtUftJT^V H@ i_ MJ^amWfmms^M Vtf I body. Since then, every leap year, on m) > ■ Bff&E^fl ■P6BS3C5i3i*iS* the day oi all days most appro- ■ J - J priate for a quadren- nial celebration, to wit: February 29 — each loy- al Californian has worked with pick and shovel, root- ing and digging and praying for California. The fourth celebration of its kind started with a blast of some shrillness and dura- tion from the power house whistle. The men of each college gathered at some appointed place and upon the stroke of eight the motley crew, marked off one from another by distinctive garb and unique banners, among which the Social Science "boiled" shirt was conspicuous, started with no small display of speed for the field of action. This was the hitherto trackless waste be- tween Arch Street and the center of things on the Campus, and not ten minutes had passed before it was peopled by those of the genus under- graduate — and graduate — each individual soul of whom was wielding pick or shovel. The sun peeping through the clouds now and again, looked down 160 THE KINGS RETINUE PULLING A SCRAPER THE COLLEGE YEAR upon a scene in which flannel shirts, flying arms, uplifted picks, quick-moving shovels and spades and hurtling clods were no less conspicuous than the evident and frantic willingness of the average workingman to do as much as he could, with a majestic disregard for scientific management and the efficiency of a labor unit. Until one o'clock did the work last. The five hours were enlivened by each college in its own way. The agriculturists, between tugs at scrapers and puffs at rustic corn cobs, waved their straw hats and bandanas in an unmusical but effective rendition of that famous yell which has as its inception the rural phrase, "Bossy cow-cow." The miners, in jumpers and wearing caps with miniature lamps, entered into the spirit of the day in a workmanlike manner, giving vent now and again to a few ribald shouts. Social Scientists, wearing the white carnation approved by Dame Fashion — the business men of commerce, stirred to further productive labor, whose direct results led to an attempted corner on the food supply later on, worthy of the shrewedest of entrepreneurs — the mechanics, accompanied by "Pat, the Janitor" and their own ebullitions of youthful vigor — the C. E. men, of doughty prowess, the Romans and Greeks. Belgae and Aquitani, from the College of Letters, the men of Natural Science, the Chemists, even the graduate students, op- pressed as they usually are by the cares of life — all, all were there, digging and working with merry hearts for California. Lunch was served on California Field by the women. That none of it was left is testimony to its goodness, and sufficient witness of the appreciation of the men. The rapidity and efficiency of service were nothing short of marvelous. In the afternoon blistered hands and sore backs were forgotten. Play followed work and it was entered into with fully as much vim, if not so much determination as the labor of the morning. There could not have been a more appropriate beginning for the con- tests and knightly jousts than the royal procession which encircled the field before the games commenced. Headed by maidens in classic draperies, strew- ing flowers, the pageant, in which the contestants-to-be were conspicuous, clad as they were in multi-colored draperies and heathenish costumes, moved in stately fashion before the eyes of those in the bleachers. Not the least in the parade were the Kink and Queen — H. A. Stern, '13, and G.D. Kennedy, '12. After a fanfare of trumpets, Announcer Sproul read the edict of the day, which was well received. The nine teams in the pie-eating contest, after the inevitable had happened and fragments, here and there, of the original confection, had found their 161 THE COLLEGE YEAR respective ways down respective throats, were finally sifted down to two. From the final struggle Lyman Grimes, '13, for the College of Letters, emerged victorious. Followed the cracker-eating contest, which was won by G. C. Crowe, 12, of the College of Mining. Then came the pillow- fighting contest, in which THE HOSPITAL CORPS the contestants sat astride a crossbar, high above the ground, and attempted to unseat one an- other by vigorous whacks with straw-stuffed sacks. Neai Cleve- land, '13, of Mechanics, was the victor, whereupon the "kink" crowned him with a pie. After an exciting Japanese fencing match the jousts were run. OBSTACLE RACE MINERS AT WORK The teams entered consisted of a man acting as a beast of burden, who carried upon his shoulders the knight, equipped with a long, stout staff, padded at the end, the object being to unseat with the weapon an opponent similarly situated. R. C. Knight, '13, and M. S. Gerend, '13, Mechanics, carried off the laurels. Then there was an obstacle race and a greased pig race. Suffice it to say that neither was without its full share of interest and excitement. So ended the afternoon. In the evening a smoker was held in Harmon Gymnasium, featured by boxing and wrestling matches, the singing of quartettes and trios, and fancy dancing. 162 THE FIELD OF ACTION THE LUNCHEON A HARD-FOUGHT JOUST A SCRAPER TEAM 'palms OF victory" FANCY DANCING THE COLLEGE YEAR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Such was Labor Day — full of work and play, of physical fatigue and never-ending merriment — a day for Californians. It will never be forgotten, although others will come and go ; the deeper meaning of the tradition is treasured in the mind of every participant. For the unparalleled success of the day and the efficient arrangements made, thanks and appreciation are due H. H. Phleger, '12, in charge of the morning's work, and H. G. Gabbert, '12, who supervised the afternoon and evening amusement. 'Sports and Pastimes" Masquerade NYONE within three blocks of the Campus on the evening of November 4th must have marveled somewhat at the shrill chorus of shrieks which continued without intermission like a siren whistle for three hours in Harmon Gym. The annual Sports and Pastimes Masquerade was in full swing. For one night several hundred University women forgot their dignity and returned to the days of Dutch cuts and short dresses. The gymnasium was transformed into a model playground, completely equipped with sand- piles, swings, see-saws and slides. A short program to amuse the children was provided. It consisted of a Swing Song, by six girls ; a dance, by eight Teddy Bears; a short skit, "The College Woman," and a series of pantomimes from "Alice in Wonderland." During the latter part of the evening the Women's Orchestra furnished music for dancing, and the Refreshment Com- mittee in the guise of hokey-pokey men served ice-cream cornucopias. 164 THE COLLEGE YEAR Women's Last Senior Singing at Hearst Hall fjFTER Senior Singing, on the twenty-sixth of October, the Senior women presented an entertainment which was to serve as a farewell to Hearst Hall, the old meeting place for many- Senior Singings, as their own long talked-of hall was ready to be used for future meetings. The "piece de resistance" of the entertainment was a military drama, "By the Enemy's Hands," enacted entire- ly by Senior women. Refreshments were served and the Senior women and their guests left their old home with only the kindest memories. SENIOR WOMEN SINGING IN THE NEW HALL Opening of Senior Women's Hall T was a happy event, the opening of Senior Women's Hall, and the women of 1912 feel themselves undeservedly fortunate that the wish of Senior women for two years past should have been realized during the 1912 Senior year. On November twenty-third, the new bungalow in Strawberry Canyon, just south of the Greek Theatre, was formally opened. In the afternoon the Seniors were hostesses at a tea for graduates and faculty women, and in 165 THE COLLEGE YEAR the evening, after the visitors had left, the girls(?) gathered around the fire for a basket supper, which was followed by Senior singing and a very enjoyable musical program. The white dresses shone in the cheerful glow of the fire- light and there was a buzz of happy voices. From the kitchen came the rattle of cups and certain willing maidens carried in steaming coffee. Every- body was smiling. What friends they all were ! The women of 1910 were the first to hold Senior Singing. Immediately they realized the inadequacy of Hearst Hall for the purpose, as there was sel- dom an evening when it was not used for something else. They began to raise money by entertainments and subscriptions for a hall of their own, and the women of 191 1 continued the work faithfully. Miss Julia Morgan contributed the plans for the hall, which was finally built in the summer of 191 1, under the supervision of Miss Hazel Jordan, '10, chairman of the build- ing committee. The women of 1912 have been the first to enjoy Senior Women's Hall. If asked what has impressed them most they would probably answer, its possibilities. Each Senior Singing they have appreciated more and more what opportunities it affords, this center of the California feminine — this second heart of the University. THE MASQUERADE Prytanean Fete HE annual fete was held by the members of the Prytanean Society on February 10th, in Harmon Gymnasium. An after- noon program was dispensed with in order to afford more time in preparation of the Partheneia, but the Mardi Gras Ball was given as usual in the evening. The decorative scheme was black and gold, Prytanean colors, with greens containing the stage and the lights shaded softly with yellow. Various booths for the sale of candies, ice-cream, punch and favors did an encouraging business. 166 ^§5 <3 Hu i£%&\ B&3 zfEl THE COLLEGE YEAR AN EXCITING MOMENT Woman's Day EBRUARY 22, following" tradition, the Campus assumed a femi- nine aspect, in honor of what has been known for several years as Woman's Day. College publications were edited and managed by women, who throughout the term had been proving their capability. Catherine Walker was editor-in-chief of the Occident, Dorothy Fish of the Pelican, Edith Pence of the Daily Caiifornian. Athletic events were held during the morning and afternoon. An inter- class regatta occured on Lake Merritt and immediately after a basket-ball game was held for the purpose of trying out material for the Nevada game in March. The fencing contest with the Stanford team was very close and no result was announced. THE JUNIOR CREW 167 THE COLLEGE YEAR Charter Day ORTY-FOUR years ago the College of California turned over its assets, material and otherwise, to the new-born University. It was in celebration and commemoration of this fact that March 23rd — Charter Day — was set apart as a day marked off from other days by outward display and an inward sense of renewed loyalty. It was especially fitting, upon the day when the magnificent new Doe Library was to be dedicated and formally received as a unit of the Univ.er- ENTERING THE GREEK THEATRE sity, that Dr. Herbert Putnam should be the speaker. He is himself a librarian of note, holding as he does the position of Dean of the Congressional Library in Washington. Faculty, Regents and Alumni assembled at the Doe Library, and at 10 o'clock the body started in columns of twos to the Greek Theatre, where students and visitors were already seated. The procession, solemn and dignified as it was, impressed one with the more serious meaning of the clay. After the invocation, pronounced by Rev. A. W. Palmer, '01, and the rendition of "The Heavens Declare" by the University Chorus, President Wheeler spoke. He told of the numerous gifts the University had received during the year just past. He thanked the benefactors for the University, referring to Mrs. Hearst in particular as a staunch friend of California. 168 THE COLLEGE YEAR Dr. Putnam was introduced by President Wheeler. His address, "The Quick and the Dead," dealt with the lasting value of the printed page ; the never-ending worth of the book and of the library. He particularly em- phasized the fact that every book has its place in the world of human knowl- edge, and contended that no one work is to be condemned because it deals with a narrow or technical subject. Doe Library was the terminal of the recessional march. Here Li- brarian J. C. Rowell opened the dedication services with a review of the history of the University and the growth in importance of its library. Dr. Putnam dwelt on government aid to libraries, while Mr. Loring Doe spoke for the donor, recalling his life and his ambition to be of service to the world by building a truly great library. The ceremony ended with an illuminating prophecy of the future function of Doe Library in the machinery of the University of California. President Wheeler predicted that the building would be the center of the scholastic university of the future in a physical as well as an intellectual sense. In the evening Doe Library was crowded with those who had taken advantage of the invitation of the Regents to attend the Charter Day recep- tion. President and Mrs. Wheeler, Dr. Putnam and members of the Regents and Faculty received. It was a significant Charter Day. Not only was California's nativity fittingly commemorated, but a great and noble building was formally received into the University. y ■ 1 H- ^L ~ - - AT THE DOE LIBRARY 169 K§> ^3 S8 THE COLLEGE YEAR The Partheneia HE most notable achievement of the students of the University of California in 1912 was the presentation of The Partheneia, . I Masque of Maidenhood, by Miss Anna Rearden, a Senior in the College of Letters. This spectacle, wrought with delicate sym- bolical consistency to represent the transition from girlhood to womanhood, the sorrow and the hope, came like quiet magic to the little band of enthusiasts assembled by Miss Lucy Sprague, the Dean of Women, as judges of a competition designed to stimulate the women students of the University in the production of some dramatic spectacle to be fulfilled with beauty and informed with memorial ritual. It is enough to say that Miss Rearden's scenario silenced on the lips of the most academic the epithet "undergraduate." Under the spell of Miss Sprague's superb energy and dramatic enthusiasm, and with the rare help of Mr. Porter Garnett's versatile technique in plays ' out-of-doors, the women students united in a delightful spirit of creative sympathy. By a gray altar under the low-boughed oaks, "at the quiet-colored end of afternoon," the parti-colored apparitions streamed in : Maidenhood, the regal guardian, in blue, "helmeted in shining bronze," girls who entered in laughter and play to find sorrow in the reality of life, but to learn tempered joy under the min- istrations of Nobility, Joy-in-Life and Service ; Hope, with her arms full of white flowers, Dryads from the grove of eucalyptus trees beyond, water-sprites leaping up from the deep bed of the stream that loitered by, buttercup, cyclamen, columbine, trillium, poppy, stealing from the shelter of the leaf-spirits ; Light flashing in with her gorgeous retinue. As the gay concourse thronged from the scene in joyous procession, the last shaft of the sun followed the last retreating figure, Light. The music was happily chosen from the compositions of Edward MacDowell, who has so subtly interpreted both natura maligna and natura benigna in America. The harmony of masque and music can be appreciated only by those who saw the stately Spirits of the Past, Saint Elizabeth, Beatrice, Lady Jane Grey, Joan of Arc; move by the altar with gracious gifts, while the violins dreamed over those phrases from the "Keltic Sonata" in which MacDowell has thought of Deirdre, and only by those who heard the clear voice of Miss Constance Davis sing perfectly the "Song of Hope" to the melody of "To a Wild Rose." All the dawns that shall be Lie like half-closed flowers, Dewy from dark hours, Waiting for thee. 170 THE COLLEGE YEAR Thro' the great starless night, Sleep and I soft treading — Fragrance shedding — Lull thee till light. Winds at last, blowing cold, Whisper low of daybreak; All my dawnflowers wake Showering their gold. Close thy drowsy eyes, Fairy dreams I bring thee, Age-old lullabies, Forest-crooned, I'll sing thee, Softer, slower, sing thee Sleep .... Sleep till dawn. Herbert E. Cory . — , , „ , , ' ' WlLm p^p WW 1 ' l^fcv ■ « la . • -^" I. " • ' - ' k ' ' ■ ^.< * nk * ,v # m I'-''' .:' '1? 1: , :F ■ - _ ^ ¥ t 1 * ^fc ■ uTbI ■f jE ' v I r.t RALLIES Varsity Smoker Rally FINAL Varsity Rally, even in our bleakest years is a big thing, the culmination of that intangible something we call college spirit, which so glorifies and rejuvenates our work-a-day Uni- versity life. But when every prospect is full of hope, when we know our team is of the best and the chances are a trifle more than even, the combination of our loyalty, gratitude and enthusiasm makes a rally whose spirit is far beyond description. Such was the last football rally of 191 1. Throughout the evening the wildest enthusiasm held sway, and with the appearance of the Varsity it reached a point such as many of us will prob- ably never again witness. A prolonged uproar of cheers shook the roof of old Harmon as it has seldom been shaken before. Pandemonium reigned and none cared to stop it. The speakers of the evening, among whom was John R. Glascock, all dwelt on the lurking danger in the brightness of our chances, and warned the rooters to be ready every minute with their support. Congratulation Rally CONGRATULATION RALLY, an annual event, was held the Monday after the game, and was characterized by the usual bashfulness on the part of the team, and the consequent strenu- ous efforts of the yell leader and his assistants to capture them and make them speak. The most notable feature of the rally was the talk of President Wheeler, in which he spoke of the men of the team as "Good Californians whom all University men would do well to pattern after," and in which he also started a wave of Rugby, which for a while spread to the remotest corner of the campus and had every able-bodied Cailfornian chasing "the elusive pigskin." Track Rally ALIFORXIA'S track team was given its final send-off at Har- mon Gymnasium on the night of April 18th. Old track cap- tains told of the past and predicted victory in the future ; a spirit of confidence was in the air which had its justification on the Stanford oval two days later. Enthusiasm ran riot, and that California spirit which carried all before it in November cropped out in visible form everywhere. The rally broke up with the serpentine on the old baseball field. 187 PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS E. M. EINSTEIN M. A. CARTVVRIGHT R. L. SHURTLEFF Daily Californian Under the guidance of a competent staff and the supervision of the A. S. U. C. the Daily Californian has, during the past year, successfully continued its policy of giving all the news all the time. Representing neither clique nor faction it has rendered unbiased information on all college matters, and through its editorial columns has been a potent factor in the development of student body opinion. Its circulation includes all members of the A. S. U. C. Unlike other student dailies, the work of publication has been so system- atized that all drudgery and responsibility does not rest on the shoulders of the editor alone. Two associates, assisted by several Freshmen, and under the supervision of a news editor, have complete charge of each issue. The editor, however, is the general executive and writes all editorials. The Daily Californian is now on a paying basis, and because of its extensive advertising columns, nets the student body $1000 profit annually. It has passed out of the embryo state and, both from a financial and literary standpoint, is one of the best college journals in the country. The staff for the foregoing year follows : First Term: Editor, E. M. Einstein, '12; Managing Editor, M. A. Cartwright, '12; Woman's Editor, Miss Edith Pence, '12; Business Manager, R. L. Shurtleff, '12. Second Term: Editor, M. A. Cartwright, '12; Managing Editor, J. L. Simpson, '13; Woman's Editor, Miss Edith Pence, '12; Business Manager, R. L. Shurtleff, '12. News Editors: J. R. Douglas, '13; E. H. Trout, R. R. Randall, '13; H. C. Mc- Clelland, '13; J. L. Simpson, '13. Associate Editors: W. C. Binkley, '14; R. M. Eaton, '14; P. L. Edwards, '14; C. A. Edwards, '14; D. C. Baker, '14; J. Kalousdian, '14; L. W. Georgeson, '14; R. C. Ogden, '14; J. H. Quire, '14; E. Von Allmen, '14; O. L. Haines, '14. 190 PUBLICATIONS California Occident Standardization has been the aim of the California Occident during the past year. Already established on a firm foundation, it has been the object of the staff to improve the magazine in both appearance and subject matter. Editor, Arne K. Hoisholt, '12; Woman's Day Editor, Miss Catherine Walker, '12; Managing Editor, Lloyd Myers, '13; Literary Editor, Miss Evelyn Steel, '13; Art Editor, Roy Neily, '13. Literary Board — Dr. George A. Smithson ; Rose Gardner, '11; Edith Pence, '12; Catherine Walker, '12; Nelson Hackett, '12, and Lonis Jackson, '12. Associate Editors — Raymond Jeans, '13; Mary De Witt, '13; Margaret Hodgen, '13; Margery Glass, '13; Emma Black, '13; Enid Watkins, '13. Assistant Editors — Roland Foerster, '14; Warren Lane, '14; Sarah Hammond, '14; Marjorie Sutherland, '14; Hilda Brandenstein, '14; Lawrence Levy, '14; Harold Frasier, '14; Anne Squier. '14. Business Staff — Manager, Albert A. Hinchman, Jr., '14 (first semester); Harold A. Fletcher, '12 (second semester). , California Pelican Excelling in both quality and size, the Peli- can during the past year has shown a distinct advance. Not only has the subject-matter been improved upon, but the appearance of the maga- zine, as well, exceeds all previous attempts. Each issue is featured by well-selected and tasteful cartoons, while new joshes and comical stories form an endless and novel variation of subject-matter. a. Editor, Monroe L. Dinkelspiel, '12; Managing Editor, Raymond W. J Manager, Albert J. Evers, '11. M. L. DINKELSPIEL J. EVERS eans, '13; 191 1913 BLUE AND GOLD Editorial Staff EDITOR Clare Morse Torrey MANAGING EDITORS John Lowrey Simpson, in charge of Copy James Roy Douglas, in charge of Printing. Edgar Francis Sullivan, in charge of Photographs Barbara Grace Nachtrieb, in charge of Art. ASSISTANT EDITORS Hudson Packer Hibeard ) . , . _ . . t- TT t-, ,,,, -in charge of Printing Francis Harrington Partridge, 14 j LITERARY BOARD Lyman Grimes Hudson Packer Hibbard Evelyn Steel UNIVERSITY Charles Wade Snook Emma Frances Black Charles William Heyer, Jr. THE CLASSES Enid North Watkins Lewis Morris Foulke COLLEGE YEAR Robert Gordon Sproul Margaret Trabue Hodgen Arlo Verner Turner Evelyn Agnes Steel Edward Huntsman-Trout SOCIETY Ada Cline DRAMATICS Roswell Gray Ham DEBATING John Janney Miller ATHLETICS Harry Charles McClelland Harriet Stewart Judd Arthur Eaton Rose Rosalee Farrell 192 PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS John Jacob Beck ORGANIZATIONS Richard Ray Randall Myrtle Lenore Salsig Frederick Dorsey Stephens Helen de Ette Ayer FRATERNITIES In a Dorothy Peterson Nicholas Lloyd Taliaferro CLUBS Erle Gladstone Hill Elsiedora Brinck Edgar Wallace Dutton ART Barbara Grace Nachtrieb Gertrude Elizabeth Comfort Godfrey Bockins Fletcher Frank Veach Mayo Roy McGregor Neily Afong Waianuenue Heen STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Jolen Endicott Gardner, Jr. JOSHES Lloyd Arthur Myers Raymond William Jeans Florence Louise Wheeler Lloyd Alexander Sloane Constance Davis John Thomas Gribner Ashley Hearn Conard Roland Irving Stringham Donald Knudsen Lippincott Business Staff R. W. Rust, Manager ADVERTISING MANAGERS George Howard Robinson" William Robert Greig ASSOCIATES Margery Ethel Glass Frederick George Linde Edwina Fay Frisbie Frederick Bloch Stanley Fisk Bryan 193 Bramattcs DRAMATICS l/^t§S ^tS H 2§S!I The Spirit of the Greek Theatre HE moon creeps up from behind the mass of stirring eucalyptus, which robes the theatre in dark mystery. The night is slowly with- drawn in waves of retreating shadow, revealing to us another age, decked in the trappings of an ancient day. Here is the City of Rimini, heaving above plot and rebellion ; here the sheen of silk, rustling of trains, dark eyes flashing beneath a mist of veils, clash of armor, unsheathing of daggers. Here is the spirit of cities, quivering with vitality, not before a canvas screen with painted streets, but amid the whirls and eddies of life. Here beneath this Italian moon boils, like a seething devil's cauldron, into its frightful denouement the tragedy of "Paolo and Francesca." Time is obliterated in the moan of Giovanni, "Paolo, Paolo, my little Paolo! " Behind the pines sinks the moon, leaving in our hearts the dull cry burning with tragedy. 195 PAOLO AND FRANCESCA DRAMATICS An Appreciation N producing Stephen Phillips' "Paolo and Francesca," the English Club has successfully accomplished its most difficult attempt thus far. Less than in any drama so far given could the players take refuge in the gorgeous pageantry the Greek Theatre allows. For, picturesque and striking as were the opening and closing scenes, with their bridal and funeral processions, they but framed the play. The play was the thing, the most intense and unvaried, as well as the subtlest in our list. By the same token, this was our best success. The club has done several notable things — "Abraham and Isaac," "The Winter's Tale," "Nero," "Caesar and Cleopatra" — but in the writer's judgment ( he hadn't the good fortune to witness "Caesar") none so well. Never have we heard the noble English tongue so well pronounced by any student actors. Mr. Clewe's reading of Paolo's closing speech filled the ear with the music of those splendid lines. Perhaps the loveliest and the most significant passage in the play, Francesca's "And yet, Nita, and yet can any say How sorrow first doth come?" etc., perfectly pronounced by Miss Nachtrieb, was drowned by the college clock, which at that mo- ment perversely boomed out nine. But each and every member of the case seemed to have a reverent and intelligent feeling for his lines, as well for their lyrical beauty as for their dramatic force. Each had learned to identify him- self with his part, and, what is yet a higher thing, had learned to blend his part under the heat of the tragic passion, into the resist- less movement of the action. The tense interest of the audience is witness to this. Only once in the "PAOLO AND FRANCESCA' 197 DRAMATICS evening, in the great scene where Lucrezia (Miss Stone) revealed to Giovanni (Mr. Wilson) the name of Francesca's lover, was the act- ing interrupted by applause, and that was irresistible. Yet there were other moments equally im- pressive, if not equally brilliant — e. g., the two love scenes between Paolo and Francesca, especially the garden scene, in which the lovers read together the story of Launcelot and Guinevere. Of the comic scenes, it is enough to say that they were just broad enough to give momentary relief from the tragedy, but not so gross as to in- trude themselves upon the tragic interest of the spectators. "Paolo and Francesca" makes clearer than ever before the func- tion of the Greek Theatre in our college dramatics, and in the in- tellectual life of the University. The plays which we select each semester, espe- cially the plays which the committee must reject as unsuitable for one reason or another, are making apparent the limitations, no less than the opportunities of that unique theatre. It is evident, of course, that we must give plays, indoors or out, which are within the scope of amateurs, that we cannot compete on even terms with professional actors of long training and finish. That Mr. Garnet Holme can drill his raw recruits into presentable and effective form in the six weeks of each semester is to me an astounding though recurrent miracle. If with each new performance he could begin where he left off in the former, what things might he not accomplish? Still, although we cannot equal professional actors in discipline and maturity, we can surpass all but the best in spirit and literary appreciation, and we should choose our plays accordingly. We should choose plays academically suitable, plays not to be seen elsewhere or not to be seen so effectively done. So long as "L'Aiglon," "As You Like It," "She Stoops to Conquer," hold the regular stage, we should not attempt them unless we can some- how make our productions distinctive. There remains for us a sufficient list of new and old plays academic in appeal, in a good sense of that mis- used word — that is, choice both in the literary and in the drematic sense, MARY STUART 198 DRAMATICS and suited to a University audience. 'Twas a happy stroke that hit upon "Csesar and Cleopatra" and "Nero" among modern plays, and upon "The Little Clay Cart" and "Abraham and Isaac" among ancient. The fitness of Greek tragedy in English hardly needs urging. Last May the writer had the good fortune to witness "CEdipus Rex" in the Teatro Romano at Fiesole, a partly ruined Greek theatre, not unlike our own. This ancient masterpiece was brilliantly acted in Italian by Gustavo Salvini, his great old father looking on ; yet my companion, who had once seen Mounet-Sully's French version, "CEdipe Roy," was quite certain that our own "Oedipus," in English, May, 1910 (Mr. von Neumayer's coaching), surpassed both, in beauty and in tragic solemnity. Certain plays, though academic in a special sense, the Greek Theatre forbids our presenting. The play which presupposes indoor setting and which derives a considerable part of its significance from that fact we cannot give. Only one or two of Moliere are even possible, only one or two of Ibsen. Nor can we make use of plays abounding in minute subtleties of thought or of action or of facial expres- sion. All our effects, comic, tragic, poetic, must be large. For one thing, we must have lines which will carry in large mass to the auditors back of the dia- zoma, and these lines must not be broken or the voices of the actors will drop out of hearing. For, acoustically, the Greek Theatre is a treacherous place. Perfect for oratory and for sustained drama of a certain emotional pitch, it is a trap for rapid dialogue, quick retorts and asides. It goes without saying that all our productions should be picturesque, not in the sort that depends on stage devices and mechanical illusion — happily the 1913 TUNIOR FARCE 199 DRAMATICS severity of the great stage-wall denies us those subterfuges— but picturesque in costume and in grouping of crowds, in processions and ceremonials. If a comedy is chosen, it should be of this type. "Caesar and Cleopatra," "The Shoemaker's Holiday," not only abound in humor, robust and apparent, of a quality to carry to the remotest corner of the theatre, but they allow for a mise en scene full of color, movement and appeal to the visual imagination. The one tragi-comedy, "The Winter's Tale," and the tragedies "Abraham and Isaac" and "Paolo and PAOLO AND FRANCESCA Francesca" bear out the argument. These, too, are at once picturesque and long- range dramas, so to speak, and are suited to the dignity and the capacities of the place. Why not go further? How delightful to witness a double bill of Plautus* Menaechmi, followed by the Shakespearean redaction, "Comedy of Errors"; or, say, the "Frogs" of Aristophanes, or the "Wasps" — in English, of course! The writer has for eight years timidly suggested "Comus," set to Lawes' music (the original, still extant) for a moonlight evening of spring. Surely those who 200 DRAMATICS remember the Ben Greet Players in "Midsummer Night's Dream"' should welcome "Comus " Even Hauptmann's "Sunken Bell," mystical as it is, is not beyond the powers of students who could interpret "Paolo and Francesca," nor is Maeter- linck's "Monna Vanna." Why not the "Book of Job" — never yet attempted, so far as the writer knows, except in dramatic reading, yet a real and powerful drama and capable of a wonderful presentation? All these suggestions presuppose a really interested student-body, alive to an opportunity such as perhaps no other university can equal. Alas! at English Club plays — even faculty attendance, for that matter — is slight enough. Our average audience of about two thousand, though it would overflow any other available theatre, is not large enough for a university community like ours. Our largest audiences, those that attended the "Little Clay Cart" and "Nero," were but thinly sown with undergraduates. Of course, there is always the theatre manager's dictum — "No excuse for a poor house" ; if the audience is thin, 'tis the fault of the play or of the advertising agent But that is a rule we dare not adopt. If the present taste does not sup- port plays of a certain hall-mark, the taste, not the standard, must be changed. Let us hope that we have got beyond the point where an editor of the Occident could say of the English Club plays, as one editor actually did say to the writer a few years ago: "Oh, no, I don't go to those things; if I'm to spend money on the theatre, I want to have a good time; I ought to be educated for nothing." Our opportunity is unique ; there is but one Greek Theatre in America. Is it too much to hope that its influence will modify our dramatic and literary taste a little, so that even the Junior Farce and Senior Extravaganza shall not disdain to be finely academic, so that the vaudeville shall not have everything its own way? Chauncey Wetmore Wells. 201 DRAMATICS 'Mary Stuart" HE deep-toned bells were tolling from the Castle of Fotheringay with the last farewells of Mary Stuart. She stood between lines of flaming torches, a cross of consolation held high above her head, erect and alone. A woman's cry was heard as a masked red figure, with headsman's ax, stood revealed for a moment at the portal. The Scottish Queen mounted the steps, hesitated a moment, half turned, and, waving to her followers, crossed the threshold. The flaring torches followed. The staee was cloaked in darkness. MARY STUART 202 PAOLO AND FRANCESCA DRAMATICS In this, the twelfth production of the English Club, it is only fair to say that art triumphed over the lines. Miss Leigh Stafford brought grace, dignity, modu- lation and fire to the exacting role of the unfortunate Mary. The sustained power of her farewell to her sorrowing retainers has never been surpassed on an English Club stage. Schiller's Elizabeth was not a character of historical fidelity. It is fortunate, indeed, that such an accomplished actress as Miss Louise Ramsdell was cast for the role. E. G. Clewe gave a subtle portrayal of the duplicity of Lord Leicester. Other rather happy characterizations were those of J. H. Catton, R. G. and J. W. Rankin. It remained, however, for R. R. Weber to furnish the sensa- tion of the production. His suicide scene could scarcely have been better in acting effect. The success of "Mary Stuart" was largely due to the flawless stage direction of Garnet Holme, assisted by Professor William Popper. The production was ably managed by Roy Silent. "Paola and Francesca" AOLO and Francesca," October 7, 191 1, a drama living up to the highest traditions established by the English Club, takes its place in the ranks of past productions. Wrought with great poetical beauty, it allowed also for the deepest passion and sweep of senti- ment ; and a cast happily lacking in the blase spirit of the profes- sional carried it forward to success by the force of enthusiasm. The splendid work of the leads is treated upon more fully elsewhere. Too high praise cannot be given them. The others who deserve special mention are Roy H. Silent, in the portly character of Corrado, a small role, but a distinct hit ; Maryly Krusi, as the breezy Nita; John W. Rankin, as Pulci, the drug-seller, a piece of clever charac- terization, and Denman McNear, who tossed off a drinking song with great gusto. Garnet Holme coached the play, the success of which is all the praise that can be given. Professors Wells and Popper lent much helpful advice, while the Uni- versity Orchestra furnished the music. The production was managed by Albert J. Evers, '11. 204 WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME I/^S' ®S5 m m DRAMATICS When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1 ' HIS bright American opera was presented at Idora Park, November 3, 191 1, In selecting "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" for its annual production, the Treble Clef Society showed a rare genius. To a public ear filled of late with sentimental "Marsovian" ditties, it was a most pleasing departure, and a large audience showed delight in the surprise. The performance throughout evidenced a snap and a dash, the singing was of the highest order, and the choruses in their enthusiasm typified the spirit of the entire production. As for the stars, there were many. Miss Phyllis Maguire,. cast in the difficult role of Kate Pemberton, developed a colora- tura soprano of exquisite quality and brilliancy of range. As Mrs. Pemberton, Miss McComb brought to bear, in addition to beautiful velvety tones, a consider- able histrionic ability, while a catching piquancy and humor was given the part of Cordelia Allen by Miss Grace Ewing. As for the men, Henry A. Stern, as "Johnny," with his full, rich baritone, was much appreciated, and Ralph High in the role of Jonathan Phoenix, was rich in his humorously conceived stage business. Among the minor roles, Theodore Haley and Ralph McGee were quick to catch the eye. The rest of the cast was above average. To the excellent coaching of Fred Carlyle and Paul Steindorff too much praise cannot be given. To them was due the well ordered ensemble. The production was ably managed by Edwin S. Walker, '11. 'WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME 206 DRAMATICS 'The Hop King" — 1911 Senior Extravaganza INETEEN-ELEVEN'S extravaganza was dazzling in scenic effects,, in a profusion of rich and whirling colors, while its tuneful melo- dies were hummed for more than a passing night. It was the work,, libretto and score, of Edwin S. Walker. The plot was placed upon the Campus of the University and the Island of Guampan, H. T. It dealt, in a fanciful manner, with the adventures which befel upon the drinking of a magic brew ; how strangely assorted couples fell in love upon first speech with each other, and how a broken romance was healed. The leads were taken by Miss Mabel Clinch and William H. Greenlaw, in the respective parts of Mabel Ketchem and Jack Strong. Miss Clinch delighted her hearers with a pure lyric soprano voice. Miss Antoinette Miklau, in her moonlight song, achieved one of the successes of the evening, as did Miss Edna Higgins in a clever portrayal of Mrs. Dyer Ketchem. Harold Brayton added excellent acting to a rich voice, cast as Father John of Guampan. Mention must also be made of the comic hits of the extravaganza — Irving V. Augur and Ralph B. High, in the parts of the Hop King and Lord Algernon Sidney. 1911 SENIOR EXTRAVAGANZA 207 DRAMATICS The successful production was trained by Frederick Carlyle. The cast follows : Hans Wagner, the Hop King Irving V. Augur Jack Strong, a "cow college" stude William H. Greenlaw Tom Dexter, his friend Arthur C. Saxe Lord Algernon Sidney Ralph B. High Frank f « f Robert H. Moulton Phil i students of U. C J Robert J. Leebrick Bill John W. Barnett Charlie Noble Hamilton The Spirit of Days Gone by Harry Maxwell Father John of Guampan Harold Brayton Tito, the Jap Delger Trowbridge Mabel Ketchem, of U. C Mabel Clinch Kitty Sweet, her friend Antoinette Miklau Helen Ketchem, her sister Jennett Miller Mrs. I. Dyer Ketchem, her mother Edna Higgins Students, Basket Ball Girls, London Girls, Baby Doll Girls, Yankee Doodle Girls, etc. 1911 senior extravaganza 208 DRAMATICS "Peach" — -1913 Junior Curtain-Raiser EACH," by Roy A. Silent, marked a considerable departure in curtain-raisers, with its delicate rather than broad lines of humor. It made an admirable forerunner to the play to follow. The story was of a brig race between the middies from American and British men-of-w?r. By the maneuvers of the American coach, "Peach" Russell, whose love affair rested upon victory, the former slipped over the line first. Mixed up in this was an English lady of nobility and one British admiral, vast in his appreciation of the eternal superiority of British midshipmen. Then, of course, there was the girl, Gwendolyn. Lady Herbert's wayward fancy was well portrayed by Miss Enid Watkins, the Gwendolyn of beauty and vivacity lightly handled by Miss Amy Waite. The honors of the production, however, were undoubtedly divided between Lady Herbert and the Admiral. James B. Oliver was the pig-head to perfection. CAST George Russel, U. S. N. (known as "Peach"), of the U. S. S. "Okla- homa" Henry A. Stern Sir Christopher Weslinghsm, K. C M . commanding British China Squadron James B. Oliver Blessington, his flag lieutenant Robert G. Sproul Claudie Wallowshire. midshipman on the "Glorious" John J. Beck Orderly Leslie W. Stahl Lady Herbert Miss Enid Watkins Miss Gwendolyn de Crespigney Miss Amy Waite 211 DRAMATICS 1913 JUNIOR CURTAIN-RAISER 'Too Much Goat"— 1913 Junior Farce ECLARED the best in a college generation, the 191 3 farce, Too Much Goat," by Victor C. Gaines, was staged at Ye Liberty Play- house, December 1, 191 1. The central idea, while not entirely novel, pressed the laugh to the limit. About it were woven side complications, new and most refreshing. The gamut of humor was run, from the slap-stick to the Shawian, and a contagion of laughter swept from box to gallery. Its author deserves all the praise that can be meted him. An errant goat was the center of the plot. Sent by mistake to the recorder, smashing and destroying with splendid technique, it set the detectives upon the trail of a care-free fraternity. The young hero of the escapade is disguised in feminine habiliments, getting much enjoyment therefrom in his role of confessor to the various fair ones — incidentally to an English lord, who succumbed to her or his charms, but alas ! there comes home the goat ; and the brave Nickolovitch, who knows not the reason, is arrested. Somehow the matter is straightened out ; there are flowers and more flowers. 212 DRAMATICS The farce was born under a lucky star, for it also, managed to escape the deadly anesthetic of makeshift acting, the parts of Elizabeth, Nickolovitch, Crew- kern, Wally Douglas, the Freshman, being quickeners to the dead and dying. Miss Nachtrieb, as "Dots," carried her role succesfully with a grace and dramatic charm. Miss McComb, the Elizabeth of few love affairs but responding nobly to the "higher duty," twisted the audience, as well as Nickolovitch, about her little finger ; and the ardent, the formidable Russian, Forrest Plant, was — well, an uproarious success. Miss Brooks, Miss Ware and Miss Cleveland all handled their parts with a delicate touch. As lover-in-chief in the plot, John Miller put much fire and action into his work. John T. Gribner, Roy A. Silent, Wade Snook and Victor Collins made a splendid group of minor comedy stars. In the role of the Freshman, John C. Altman assumed the difficult lead. He was typical in his dual character and a decided hit. The production was coached by Garnet Holme, with all his comedy talent to bear, and managed by John R. Simpson. A new scheme was tried of using the University Orchestra for music, and from the success, one stops to wonder why it was never done before. And so another farce is docketed and higher standards set. CAST Robert Short, "Bobby," in love with "Dots" John J. Miller Roland Dills, "Pinkie" John T. Gribner Wally Douglas, "Fat," in love with "Puss" «. Roy A. Silent Lord Crewkern C. Wade Snook Hamilton Boggs, Jr., Freshman John C. Altman Nicholas Nickolovitch, "Stude" Forrest A. Plant Donald Harding, of the Alpha Kappa Fraternity. .. .Stanley H. McFadden Mr. Mitchell, Recorder Victor F. Collins Rudolph Burns, a great detective F. Dorsey Stephens Hamilton Boggs, a good sport Richard D. Jones Sergeant of the Police Arlo V. Turner Miss Dorothy Mitchell, "Dots" Miss Barbara Nachtrieb Grace Allison ) ( Miss Rena Brooks Helen Tusstler } Colle S e Women j Miss Ruth Ware Rose Bowers, "Puss," a Romantic Stenographer Miss Carolyn Waite Elizabeth Rossana Crossett, Pelican Miss Alice McComb Mrs. Boggs, a loving mother Miss Louise Cleveland 213 1913 JUNIOR FARCE DRAMATICS "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines" On the evening of March 14, 1912, the annual Mask and Dag- ger comedy gaily stepped across the University stage into the files of things pleasantly remem- bered. The play, Captain Jinks, was admirably adapted to col- lege production because of its exuberant vitality and spark- ling fun. Those who had seen other productions of the FitcM comedy and other Mine. Tren- tonies, quickly forgot them in the freshness of Miss Xachtrieb's airy buoyancy of interpretation. An air of decorous refinement was breathed into the play by the presence of three gentlewomen, as characterized by Miss Lurita Stone, Miss Charlotte Kett and Miss McComb. The beau of the town, the dashing lady killer, was done to the queen's taste by Ernest Clewe. John Rankin played upon his role with a "Music Master's" tenderness and latent fire, while Gladstone Wilson donned the "new- sey's" character with an easy familiarity. Favorable mention must be made of Roy Silent and John Gribner as companion dandies, and of J. J. Miller as the official detective. The effective coaching of Garnet Holme was frequently visible. Such a production as "Captain Jinks" renders certain another large house for the next Mask and Dagger comedy. WSM m* cHa~' *" ' ai #41 Ai \m 1 ^H 215 gtfjleticg ATHLETICS Captain's Statement Just once more let me say for the team of 191 1 that we appreciated beyond measure the support given us so loyally on all sides. With just such, with the same man at the helm, we'll win and keep winning. With deep regret some of us have to step out of the active game, but we must always remember that there is a larger field open to us to help California, and we will do it, in whatever way we can. Amos W. Elliott. Coach's Statement Another football season has gone down in history, this time as a victory for California. But that victory should not be taken too much for granted. It was only obtained after a long, tiring season of hard work, and the thanks of every Californian should be given the various factors that brought it about. It is impossible to overestimate the excellent work of the men who wore the stripes in the final contest with Stanford. Their spirit, their loyalty and fighting determination was certainly a revelation. No less praise must surely be due to the members of the squad, who did much of the disagreeable work throughout the season with no hope of making the Varsity. Without their sacrifices a winning team would be an absolute impossibility. That only fifteen men participated in the game is sufficient evidence of the wonderful condition of the players. Thank Charlie Volz for that. Another factor which had a great deal to do with the final result was the harmonious co-operation between the men and the coaches, without which no success could be hoped for. May the season of 1912 be as en- couraging as the one just past. James G. Schaeffer. 219 ATHLETICS VARSITY SQUAD Preliminary Season LL the fears of the Student Body for a California defeat in 191 1 were set at rest on August 21st, when twelve veterans, who had already felt the strain and thrill of one or more intercollegiate foot- ball games returned to college. In less than a week the largest squad in the history of rugby at California lined up on California field for the first practice. Here the season was opened with a talk by "Jimmie" Schaeffer, Coach. Nineteen eleven was a remarkable season. In the first place, it marked the final triumph of intercollegiate rugby on the Pacific Coast. Those who had clung tenaciously to the old game, about which so many traditions had centered, at last admitted the superiority of the present style ; for there is in rugby an aggressive- ness, an openness of play, a freedom of passing, and a quickness of action, which in the old game was impossible. Team-work is, of course, the very keynote of the new game, and this element, too, did its great part to bring forth effectively the undoubted advantages of rugby over the American style as now played. That it has come to stay cannot be doubted. A spirit of confidence, almost of over-confidence, pervaded the campus dur- ing the preliminary contests — a feeling founded, no doubt, on the absolute faith we had learned to place in "Ji m rm e " Schaeffer and on the personnel of the team led by Amos Elliott, himself a mainstay. The places left vacant by such men as Dwiggins, Jordan, Harris and Ashley were filled, however, only after the candi- dates for them had been tested through a whole season. The teams against which the Varsity was pitted this year were strong. To this fact is attributable the efficiency and fight, combined with clock-like team- 220 ATHLETICS work, which our fifteen showed on Stanford Field November nth. The Barbarian and Olympic clubs especially were formidable opponents, and had it not been for their devotion to rugby and general sportsmanlike attitude, the English game would not have reached its present high position on the Coast. Never during the season was the Varsity defeated, nor was a man seriously hurt. To the work of Schaeffer, Christie and Volz, that unbeatable combination, such a showing is due. Scores of the more important contests follow : Varsity, 11; Barbarians, Varsity, 16; Varsity, 8; Olympics, Varsity, 14; Varsity, 31; Barbarians, 3 Varsity, 18; Varsity, 60; Olympics, Nevada Game On October 7th, the California players journeyed to Reno to engage the Nevada Varsity in the annual contest. The willing spirit of that team always ensures a good contest, but the California players were feeling on their mettle that day. After California scored 29 points, the Nevada players made such a valiant attempt to cross the Blue and Gold line that the victors were forced to fight like mad to prevent a score. The return game was to be played in Berkeley, but by an unfortunate circumstance a disagreement took place and the contest was canceled, but not without the regret of the whole Student Body. Olympics, Barbarians, Olympics, PARRISH CARRYING THE BALL — FRESHMAN GAME 221 ATHLETICS PAL7I.Y DRIBBLING — VANCOUVER GAME Vancouver Games Two weeks before the big game, the followers of rugby were given an oppor- tunity to see the Varsity in fine fighting form, which surely boded well for the fortunes of the Blue and Gold. Against a team picked from the best players of both Victoria and Vancouver, Schaeffer's men had little trouble in carrying off the honors. The series promised to be interesting for many reasons ; it would be an index by which the relative merits of the two Varsities could be judged ; it proved to be interesting because it demonstrated the great strides which rugby has made since its inception five years ago. So wonderful had been the improvement that the Northerners were swept off their feet by the aggressiveness and superior condition of the home team. The first contest resulted in a 21-0 score in a game marked by the clever work of Morris and Stroud. The opponents were tired after the hard trip from the north,, and promised better things for the next game on Saturday, October 28th ; but they reckoned without their hosts. Fighting every inch of the way, the Canadians were forced to take the defensive early in the game, but the California spirit was not to be denied, and at the end the men from the north had to submit to a 24-O' score, but they gave an exhibition of cleverness and valor which was good to see. 223 ATHLETICS C. A. PHLEGER K. CARPENTER H. II. PHLE'.iER Freshman Game Following out the policy of preventing Freshmen from taking part in inter- collegiate contests, Stanford this year canceled the annual Freshman game. Nevertheless Coach Schaeffer prepared to put a baby team in the field, and Mana- ger Farmer made arrangements with U. S. C. Varsity to substitute in place of the Cardinal players. Because of the size of the 191 5 Class, much was expected of the entrants, but the squad at first was a disappointment to both coaches and bleachers. Time after time the team met defeat at the hands of inexperienced high school players. Whether it was lack of that spirit which is born of enthusiasm, or sheer lack of ability, no one seemed to know. The fifteen players clad in the blue of their Alma Mater who came running out on California Field to uphold the honor of the class against a whole university had a look of determination on their faces which was a good omen. From the beginning of the contest to the end the bleachers were on their feet continually cheering the aggressive tactics of the blue-jerseyed forwards and the well-timed passing and quick dodging of the well-trained backs. The U. S. C. Varsity was an unknown quantity, but not once were the Southern players able to start a rush which would bring the play in the danger zone. Captain Bogardus at full-back led the attack, and before the whistle sounded, ending the game, five trys were chalked up in favor of the Freshmen, and the stone-wall defense of California prevented the opposition from once crossing the Blue and Gold line. The game ended with the score standing, California, 15; U. S. C, o. 224 ATHLETICS Following the mediocre showing which the same team made throughout the season, the excellent account which the Freshmen gave of themselves was not short of marvelous and was a standing testimonial to the spirit of the class and the ability of the coaches and trainers who had the handling of the aspirants. California Bogardus (Captain). Parrish Peddycord Dawson HARDY . HANSEN The Line-up U. S. C. Fullback Wright .Three-quarters Wallace . Three-quarters Huston Three-quarters Rubio Fenstermacher Five-eighths Foss Driver Five-eighths Milliken Canfield Halfback Alber Chapman Forward Keller McKim Forward (Huntington) Livernash Newell Forward Harrell Crane Forward Adamson Miller Forward (Cummins) Oleson Hoskins Forward Tesch Hunt (Doyle) Forward Swartz Holden Forward ( Maddock) Kaprillan 225 ATHLETICS The Big Game N T A few brief moments all the ignominy of the defeats of the past, all the hopes crushed and anticipations unrealized, were finally and effectually banished when for the third time in as many years the Blue and Gold of California waved in triumph over the Cardinal of Stanford. It was a glorious game, played under the most favor- able weather conditions on the beautiful green sward of Stanford Field. A slight ATHLETICS breeze was blowing up the enclosure, catching the banners of the supporters of the two varsities, mingling the Blue and Gold and the Cardinal in a perfect sea of brilliant coloring. Never was there such a crowd gathered on that field as journeyed to Palo Alto on November nth. Fully an hour before the starting whistle sounded, the two rooting sections were filled to overflowing and hurled across the field the deafening challenges which always mark the war of sound which is as a preliminary to the main event. All the enthusiasm pent up for months was now given loose rein, and the deafen- ing roar of all the rooters floated through the air, but above it all, clear and loud, could be heard the mighty "Oski." All the shouting before was as nothing when compared to the roar which greeted the entrance of the two Varsities ; on one side the red confetti filled the air and settling disclosed the great white "S," which has cheered so many Stanford teams on to victory in the past. On the other side, after the team had trotted from the training house, as the first big "Oski" rent the air, a great mass of Blue and Gold streamers were thrown aloft, and as they set- tled was seen the form of a California bear standing out in blue against a white background and a golden "C" in the middle. And then the game was on. As soon as the Stanford man put his boot to the ball, the California rooters started that old battle song, "Boola," and the whole arena seemed to take up the refrain as the blue-jerseyed forwards, led by Pauly, rushed the ball to mid-field. In the numerous line-outs which followed, the oppos- ing forces fought like mad. After a few moments of whirlwind playing, a Cali- fornia score seemed inevitable, but with a "do-or-die" spirit the Cardinal always 228 ATHLETICS managed to worm out of danger. The California forwards seemed to get the ball on the throw-in, even from the mighty Dole, and the "hookers" seemed to have little trouble in securing from the cardinal front-rankers in the scrum, but the winning pace which admits no opposition had not as yet been reached. But the California spirit was not to be denied for long, for the players tight- ened their belts, and, amid the shouting of the bleachers, Captain Elliott and Stroud brought the spectators to their feet as they carried the ball to the very shadows of the Stanford goal posts. Only fifteen yards remained. The strain was intense. Unconsciously the bleachers struck up the refrain of "Boola," which trailed off in a mighty shout as Morris scooped the ball which came bounding out of the scrum, and, as Harrigan bore down, passed the sphere to Elliott who plunged through the defense. Then out of the ruck the ball was passed to Evans, who handily grounded safely in the corner of the field. Stroud failed to convert from this difficult angle. The score stood thus ten minutes after the game started. This only served to make the Stanford team fight the harder, and after a few minutes of the fiercest kind of playing, the score was tied. Following the drop-out, the Cardinal forwards following up beautifully took the play in the danger zone, but a free kick allowed Peart to boot out of danger. The respite was only momentary, for Harrigan put his boot to the ball for a well-placed kick to the corner flag. Try as they could the California players were helpless before the well-timed attack of the Stanford breakaways, and when the referee's COMING OUT OF THE RUCK 229 ATHLETICS PEART KICKING OUT OF DANGER whistle sounded, telling of the try, their supporters went wild with enthusiasm. It was well they took this opportunity to give vent to their spirit. This was the only time that the Cardinal crossed the Blue and Gold line. Brown failed to con- vert. Score 3-3. This seemed to give the Cardinal a new lease on life, for this last score was a signal for the hardest play of the game. Superior kicking gave the opposition a distinct advantage, and Kern by some clever dodging brought the play to the five-yard line. The California supporters took a deep breath of relief as the theatre of action moved down the field. It was the next play that electrified the spectators. A passing bout, a long kick by Allen, which fell in the arms of Cap. Phleger, netted sixty yards. As soon as the scrum was formed, the ball came flying out to Amos Elliott, who was equal to the occasion, for he circled the entire pack before he was downed directly behind the posts. From now on, slowly but surely, the veteran team started such a fast pace that it brooked no delays. The half ended with the ball in the middle of the field and the score board reading, California, 8; Stanford, 3. The second half was like the first, and was an uphill fight from the start. Knowing well that the combination of the well-trained team of veterans from across the Bay and the unconquerable spirit of the winners were too much for them, the Cardinal fought on, asking no quarter and giving none. But the play had hardly been resumed before the husky forwards led by Swartz and Pauly had taken the battle well in the enemy's territory, and before the tide could be 231 1 1 fc#*» • * n T# * ' . r ' 5 ? .«► «i» 1 .<*.'- ^ •« i U$ 4 ~ *' 23 » :• t* CAPTAIN ELLIOTT TAKING THE B.S RUSH — WATTS INTERFERING ATHLETICS turned, the ball was pushed over the line, with Pauly securely in possession. Captain Elliott was entrusted with the kicking, but the angle was too difficult. Score, 1 1-3. The crowd had hardly settled again when they were on their feet, cheering as Pauly slid through from a five-yard scrum. Amid the silence of the Stanford bleachers, Amos converted handily, making the score 16-3. Following the kick-off, Brown carried off the honors in a punting duel, but by dint of hard, fast work, the play centered around the twenty-five yard line. It was then up to Evans to carry the pigskin across the line. Dashing down the field, the fleet little wing picked the ball from the loose, and before the defence could interfere, he dashed through and planted the ball on the turf behind the bars. Stroud converted, making the final score read 21-3. Even then the enthusiasm-mad rooters began to pour down from the bleachers to make ready for the serpentine, which was a most fitting ending to a great game and a great day. It is difficult to pick the "stars," for every man on the Varsity played with the grim determination and coolness of a tried veteran. This game marked the passing of many of the players whose names have become by-words on the campus. It is most fitting that their last game should have been a victory. No matter what happens in the future or what is in store for the fortunes of Cali- fornia, the memory of the Varsity of 191 1, led by Amos Elliott, coached by Schaeffer and Cerf, and trained by Volz, will ever be fresh. Not a substitute was used. Following is the way the teams lined up : CALIFORNIA S TRY 234 ATHLETICS California Carpenter Forward H. H. Phleger Forward C. A. Phleger Forward ...... Hardy Forward Hansen Forward Pauly Forward King Forward Stanford . . Woodcock . . . . Sanborn Smith . . . Partridge Dole Frank . . . Schaupp Swartz Morris Elliott (Captain). . . Forward Gard . . Halfback ( Captain) Erb .Five-eighths Harrigan Stroud Five-eighths Allen Center Three-quarters . Watts Three-quarters. . . . Evans Three-quarters Peart Noble Kern Geissler Risling . Fullback Brown CALIFORNIA S FIFTEEN ARRIVES THE BEAR 236 ATHLETICS THE STEAMER CALIFORNIA S TEAM The Cooper-Keith trophy, symbolic of the rugby supremacy on the Pacific Coast, was returned to its original home in Canada, when California Varsity was defeated by the Victorian players during the Christmas vacation. The initial contest, played on Christmas Day on a field sloppy from the recent rains, resulted in a o to o tie. While the type of rugby seen in this game was not brilliant, the crowd enjoyed the struggle because of the grim determination and fight displayed by both teams. In the second game, played three days later, the blue-jerseyed athletes were swamped by the great number of free kicks awarded Victoria, which finally resulted in two goals and six points, against the one try not connected which was secured by California. The last and deciding game was a repetition of those gone before. The muddy field and slippery ball made it impossible for the Blue and Gold backs to get in their good kicks, and one of the British Columbia players, Gillispy. gave a wonderful exhibition of kicking, twice dropping the pigskin over the goal for points sufficient to win. The following men made the trys : Swartz, Pauly, Carpenter, Peart, Stroud, Evans, Crane, Hunt, Holden, Miller, Malatista, Hollister, J. R. Allen, McMahon, Campbell, Mini, W. N. Hale, Bogardus and Dolan. The team was accompanied by Coach Schaeffer, Trainer Volz and Manager Farmer. . "' -• ;* : - a -"' ^wfti .--" " • THE SERPENTINE 237 Daseboll Conklin, pitcher Allen, third base (Capt.) Coane, left field Chapman, pitcher 240 Rubke at bat Goodwin fouling Dodson, first b^se Forker, pitcher Ford, center field Stoner, catcher ATHLETICS California vs. Japanese Universities — 1911 Two baseball teams from Japanese universities visited the Campus after the intercollegiate series and created a great deal of interest. The Japanese players showed an excellent knowledge of the game, and good judgment in their plays. The results of the games were as follows: Uni- versity of Keio 3, California 3; University of Waseda 4, California 1. Northern Trip Baseball— 1911 By defeating the University of Washington baseball team, the California players won the intercollegiate championship of the Pacific Coast. In all seven games were played while in the north, five of which were California victories, the other two being very close. The first game was with the Washington team, on May 23rd, and re- sulted in a score of 3 to 2 in favor of California. The second game proved to be the most interesting of the series, and resulted in a California victory by 7 to 2, but this hardly tells the story as the game was a pitching duel between Forker of California and Johnson of Washington. In the tenth frame California scored five tallies, thereby winning the Coast championship. The third game was won by Washington with a score of 6 to 4. The first game with Oregon resulted in a California defeat, with a score of 9 to o, the home team not being in the best condition. California came back at Oregon in the second game, winning with a score of 4 to 3. The re- sults of the other games played on the northern trip were as follows : Tacoma High School 3, California 8 ; Multnomah Athletic Club o, California 2. Forker, Haskell and Chapman made up the pitching staff of the team, and Stoner caught throughout the series. The rest of the men who made the trip were: Greenlaw (Capt.), first base; Goodwin, second base; Allen, third base ; Gay, Coane, Salisbury and Ford in the field. Schaeffer, coach, and ^Corlett, manager. 241 OBEAR STOPPING WILD THROW — RUBKE SAFE ATHLETICS Freshmen Lose at Baseball N innovation was introduced this year in the way of an inter- collegiate Freshmen baseball contest. Judging from the brand of ball played and the interest which was aroused, the experi- ment was entirely successful. On March 23rd the 1915 team crossed bats with the University of Southern California, and while the babies were on the short end of a 5 to 3 score, the game was well worth seeing, and clearly demonstrated that Freshmen took to the new sport with a will. Coach Barieau had the Freshmen squad in hand, and by having a great number of preliminary games throughout the season, turned out a steady, fast team of ball players. Abbott held the visitors down for six innings but in the seventh frame they solved his delivery and were swinging on his offerings freely when replaced by Sweet. For the first few minutes he served little better, for the first man up hit for two bases, driving in two runs. The Freshmen came early and scored their runs in the fourth inning. With two on Schon hit for three bases and scored both Holden and Shep- herd. Schon himself came in on a miscue by the third baseman. Haskell steadied down after this and, try as they would, the Freshmen could not break through the strong defense. Holden, the first year captain, played an ex- cellent game at first base. The score follows : SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AB. R. BH. PO. A. E. Foss, 2b 5 3 1 Wright, ss 3 1 4 Bridwell, rf 1 2 1 Lynch, rf 2 1 Millikan, cf 4 1 3 2 O'Connor, c 4 1 6 1 Bryan, lb 4 9 Spencer, 3b 4 3 2 Rives, If 4 1 2 2 Haskell, p 4 2 1 3 FRESHMEN AB. R. BH. PO. A. 4 1 3 1 8 2 1 1 2 7 2 1 Hunt, cf 5 1 Rice, rf 4 Young, 3b 4 Holden, lb 4 1 1 Sherrard, ss 4 1 1 Schon, 2b 3 1 2 Glenny, c 4 Abbott, p 2 Sweet, p 1 Robinson, If 3 Total 35 5 9 27 9 2 123456789 Runs 3 1 1—5 Hits 2 1 1 1 3 1—9 Total 34 3 5 27 6 3 123456789 Runs 3 0—3 Hits 3 1 1—5 Summary: Struck out — By Haskell, 5; by Abbott, 5; by Sweet, 3. Hit by pitcher — Bridwell, Robinson, Abbott. Three-base hit, Rives. Two-base hit, Hunt. Double play — Sherrard to Schon to Holden; Foss to Bryan. Time of game — 2 hours. Umpire — Nealon. 243 Baseball ATHLETICS PRELIMINARY SEASON ITH Jimmie Schaeffer on the coaching line and seven veterans returned to college, the hopes of the California rooters for a successful conclusion of the 1912 baseball season seemed very bright. From the first game until the final victory over Stan- ford on California Field, the California players worked with greater precision and finish than they had ever before exhibited. A long season of ideal weather conditions and a good schedule of preliminary games, with strong aggregations about the bay, all tended to develop the Varsity to its strongest efficiency. For the first time in years California succeeded in besting St. Mary's on the diamond, and the fact that the collegians were defeated by a six to five score is evidence of the merits of Schaeffer's charges. During the season twenty-four games were played, fourteen of which resulted in victories. This is an exceptional record considering the strength of the teams which formed the opposition. Following is a record of games for the season : California 9-11 Ireland California 3- 1 Zamlock California 3- 2 All Stars California 1-0 Zamlock California 4-18. .. .Santa Clara California 8- 6 Zamlock California 5- 3 Marines California 3- 5 Zamlock California 0-11 Olympic California 1-2 Zamlock California 3- 1 All Stars California 6- 5 St. Mary's California 3- 2 Ireland California 2- Zamlock California 3-4 Ireland California 2- Scrub Nine California 2-0 Ireland California 2- 3.... Oak. P. C. L. California 12- 4 Zamlock California 3- 9 Ireland California 3- 6 Olympic California 7-8 U. S. C. California 3- 2 U. S. C. Won 14 games ; lost 10 games. THE FIRST GAME Stanford's new baseball diamond was duly christened on March 30th, when California Varsity won by a score of eight to five, in a game which, while replete with errors, was nevertheless made exciting by heavy hitting and a valiant rally by the Cardinal players in the latter stages of the contest. The Blue and Gold started their scoring early, and by the end of the third inning had a lead of six runs, three scored in the second and three again in the third, due to good batting and Stanford's errors. Forker was in the box for California, and from the beginning had the op- position well in hand. Six hits, which netted Stanford five runs, were all that could be secured from his delivery. The Cardinal started the seventh inning off with a will, and two hits, coupled with some careless playing by Cali- 244 ATHLETICS fornia, netted them two runs. They kept up the same rally in the eighth inning and this time managed to put across three more tallies. For a while it looked as if the Blue and Gold were to have victory snatched from them, but the team steadied down and stopped all scoring. Following is the story of the game : CALIFORNIA STANFORD _ . . AB - R - BH - PO. A. E. AB. R. BH. PO. A. E. Rubke, ss 4 2 13 3 1 Argabrite, If 5 Coane, If 5 1 2 3 1 Obear, lb 5 2 11 Goodwin, 2b 3 1 4 3 Terry, ss 4 1 3 3 Allen, 3b 5 2 2 10 1 Cass, 2b 3 10 14 1 Dodson, lb 3 1 2 10 1 Beeger rf 3 2 1 2 Shepherd, rf 4 1 1 Gault, 3b 4 3 Forker, p 3 3 Noble, cf 3 113 2 Ford, cf 4 Schofield, c 4 2 7 2 Stoner, c 2 10 5 Couch, p 1 — — — — — — Howe, p 4 2 Total 33 89*26 94 ______ 123456789 Total 35 5 6 27 12 6 California ...03301001 0—8 123456789 Base hits.... 2 3 110 2 0—9 Stanford 2 3 0—5 Base hits.... 1 10 12 1 0—6 *Beeger out, hit by batted ball. Summary: Three-base hit — Coane. Two-base-hits — Allen, Goodwin, Dodson. First base on called balls — Off Forker, 4; off Couch, 1; off Howe, 5. Struck out — By Forker, 4; by Couch, 2; by Howe, 5. Left on bases — California, 8; Stanford, 6. Stolen bases — Stoner (2), Rubke (2), Shepherd (2), Obear, Terry, Cass. Balk — Howe. Wild pitch, Forker. Passed ball — Stoner. Time of game — 1 hour and 55 minutes. Umpire — Brady. *Childs batted for Henshaw in ninth. FINAL GAME— 3-1 One week later Stanford journeyed to California to get revenge, but again the gods were kind, and in a hair-raising contest, California won by the close score of three to one. From every standpoint the game was better than that before; the fielding of both teams was spectacular and the hitting came just at the time it meant most. Shepherd, who had carried himself so well in the game before, sprained his ankle, necessitating Forker taking his place in right field. Conklin was sent in and for six innings held the opposition at bay. In the third inning, while fielding a bunt, he was spiked in the face by the runner, which caused him to weaken a bit. Chapman was then put in the box, and held the opposing batters to a single hit. Captain Allen figured in starting the game to victory. With two down and Goodwin at third, Allen brought the first run across by a grounder to third. Stoner's playing was the sensation of the day. Not content with poling out two clean hits, he brought the crowd to its feet by making two beautiful put outs at home plate. If he had failed in either case the tale might have been different. 246 ATHLETICS The following is the score : STANFORD AB. R. BH. PO. 1 9 CALIFORNIA Terry, ss 4 1 1 Gault, 3b 4 1 Obear, ib 3 Beeger, rf 4 Cass, 2b 3 Hahn, cf 3 1 Argabrite, If 4 1 *Henshaw, c 3 2 Howe, p 3 Chikls 1 A. 4 2 1 Rubke, ss 4 Coane, If 4 Goodwin, 2b 4 Allen, 3b 4 Dodson, lb 4 Forker, rf 3 Stoner, c 3 Conklin, p 3 *Chapman, p Ford, cf 3 R. BH. PO. 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 12 1 3 Total 32 1 6 24 8 3 123456789 Stanford 10 0—1 Base hits.... 10 12 2 0—6 Total 32 3 8 27 16 2 123456789 1 1 '0 1 x— 3 3 10 1110 x— 8 California Base hits. 1 *Chapman succeeds Conklin in first of seventh. Summary: Three-base hits — Goodwin. Two-base hits — Argabrite, Stoner. Stolen bases — Coane, Forker (2), Obear. First base on called balls — Off Chapman, 2. Struck out — By Conklin, 2; Howe, 7. Hit by pitcher — Cass, Forker. Double plays — Allen to Dodson. Time of game — 2 hours, 5 minutes. Umpire — "King" Brady. 247 250 Wood, sprinter Allen, broad jumper Arnott, miler Wood, miler Meyer, relay Hill, high jumper Todd, quarter miler ATHLETICS Pacific Coast Interscholastic Palo Alto High School, 191 1, won a decisive victory in the first annual Pacific Coast Interscholastic Meet, held on the California oval, in April, iqii, with a total of 22 points. The nearest competitors could only score eleven points. Three high schools tied for second — Oakland, Orange Union and Woodland — while Berkeley came third with 10 points. The meet was marked by close races and splendid performances on the part of several of the individual participants. Kelly and Templeton for Orange and Palo Alto, respectively, shared the honors for individual point winning, each capturing n for his team. The visit of the high school men was marked by two monster enter- tainments, a vaudeville and circus. The vaudeville was given by the Glee Club and was a great success, while the circus the following night, the first of its kind ever held on the Campus, was novel, and did much to make the meet such an un- qualified success. 251 ATHLETICS Pacific Coast Conference The second annual Pacific Coast Conference Meet, held last April, was a complete California victory. The Cardinal athletes pressed closest on the wearers of the Blue and Gold, but were defeated by a score of 60 to 42. Washington came next with 17 points, while Oregon's 12 points only gave her last place. H. H. Wood, '13, cut one second off his time in the mile run, while Beeson, '13, lowered his record in the 120-yard hurdles, covering them in two-fifths of a second better time than the week before. A CLOSE FINISH IN THE CENTURY Western Conference Meet Represented by a team of only four men, California gained third place in the Western Intercollegiate Track Meet held at Minneapolis on June 3, 191 1. Missouri, winner of the contest, scored 35 points, Chicago took second with 25, while California's third place was gained by a score of 20. The feature of the clay was Allen's performance in the broad jump. Besides being good for five points, his leap of 23 feet 1 inch exceeded the former record by a quarter of an inch. Beeson tied for first in the high jump at a height of 5 feet g]/ 2 inches. Second place in the low hurdles was also captured by Beeson, as well as fourth in the high barriers. H. H. Wood was a point winner in the distances, his second place in the mile and a third in the two mile adding four points to the California score column. The mile was won in 4:27, and Wood was caught a couple of seconds slower in 4:29. The time of the two-mile event was 9:50. The shot put netted another point, as Hale's distance of 41 feet 10 inches- was good for third place. First place was won by a put of 42 feet 8 inches. 252 ATHLETICS ALLKN MAKING RECORD Preliminary Season Not overconfidence, but reasoning based on actual facts, prompted Cali- fornians at the opening of the 191 2 track season to look upon their prospects of success in a sanguine frame of mind. Those who had smashed records in the 191 1 meet returned with few exceptions; the squad was big, and willing. Under the able tutelage of Walter Christie, Charlie Volz and Captain Kretsinger, a well- rounded and well-conditioned team was turned out. Its record speaks for it. 1912 will go down in history as a famous track year. The only blot came with the abolition of the Freshman contest with Stanford. For this a meet with the University of Southern California was substituted, which proved entirely suc- cessful. Early Meets After the interclass, won by the Sophomores with very little trouble, real training began. On March 16th the Freshmen met Pomona. They were badly defeated by the exceptional team representing the Southern institution, by the score of 7*/Y2 to 44^ . On the same day the Varsity displayed its superiority over U. S. C, winning 66^/3 — SS 2 A- Shattuck's throw of 160 feet 3 inches in the hammer was the only sensational performance. On March 30th the Varsity met Pomona's representatives on her own track. The team which had gained a victory over the Freshmen was no match for the Varsity, which won by 99 points to 23. Fast times were made, ominous of the overwhelming victory to come. The last preliminary meet in which the Varsity competed was that with the Olympic Club, on April 13th, a week before the big meet. The showing made by the California entries was gratifying in the extreme, and the victory was well won. 253 Stanton, sprinter Taylor, high jumper Gabbert, hammer thrower 254 Vail, pole vaulter Hale, shot putter Kretsinger, broad jumper Kathbone, two miler ATHLETICS TODD WINNING THE QUARTER Freshman Track Meet X spite of the fact that the class of 1915 was deprived of the pleasure of meeting the Freshmen from Stanford this year, the track men of the entrants were able to show their ability and win their numerals with University of Southern California. The meet was held on California oval on March 23. Since the Varsity track team was only able to best the athletes from the south the week before by a narrow margin, the most enthusiastic had few hopes for a Freshman victory. The first year men sprung a very agreeable surprise, and were only nosed out of first place by the narrow margin of 4^3 points, the score board reading at the completion of the relay : U. S. C, 63% ; Freshmen, 58^3. The score follows: 255 Wallace, high hurdler Beeson, hurdler Smith, half miler Shattuck, hammer thrower Crabbe, two miler Rice, shot putter Maclise, hurdler 256 ATHLETICS Mile run: (i) Torrance (U. S. C), (2) Smith (U. S. C), (3) Cooper (C). Time 4 .^-3. 100-yard dash: (1) Throop (U. S. C), (2) Stanton (C), (3) Bradway (C). Time, :io-i. High hurdles: (1) Kelly (U. S. C), (2) McKim (C), (3) Riddick (C). Time, :i6-i. 440-yard dash: (1) Todd (C), (2) Hodges (U. S. C), Harlowe (C) and Davis (U. S. C.) tied. Time, :5i-4. Two mile: (1) Swiggett (U. S. C), (2) Gregory (C), (3) Millar (C). Time, 10:16-3. 220-yard dash: (1) Throop (U. S. C), (2) Stanton (C), (3) Hanson (U. S. C). Time, :23. 880-yard run: (1) Heisen (C), (2) Tipton (U. S. C), (3) Vedder (C). Time, 2 :03~3. 220-low hurdles: (1) Kelly (U. S. C), (2) Freeman (U. S. C), (3) Wiley (C). Time, -.27. Hammer throw: (1) Coolidge (C) ; distance, 146 feet 4 l / 2 inches. (2) Wiley (C) ; distance, 121 feet 8^ inches. (3) Kelly (U. S. C.) ; distance, in feet 10^2 inches. Shot put: (1) Thomas (C) ; distance, 41 feet 4% inches. (2) Kelley (U. S. C), (3) Coolidge (C). Pole vault: (1) Watkins (U. S. C.) ; height, 11 feet. (2) Gower (C), Muege (C), and Cookman (U. S. C.) tied; height, 10 feet 6 inches. High jump: (1) Rector (C), Earle (U. S. C), Bradway (C), Chaffee (U. S. C.) tied; height, 5 feet 8 inches. Broad jump: (1) Earle (U. S. C), (2) Bogardus (C), (3) Bradway (C) ; distance, 21 feet 11*4 inches. Relay won by California — Ellis, Falk, Todd and Stanton. U. S. C. team — Earle, Hodge, Cookman and Hanson. THE HARVARD STADIUM 257 Shattuck making record throw Crabe lowering two-mile time Rice's famous put Vail vaulting 258 ATHLETICS Inter-Collegiate Track Meet HEN Walter Christie made the statement at the Track Rally that California had the best track team in the United States, many of the athletic experts smiled and intimated that Walter was carried away by his loyalty. But had those experts been at Stanford Oval on April 20th, and had seen the Blue and Gold march forward to such a victory, they would have agreed to every word of praise given the team. Even the most enthusiastic were given the surprise of their lives when Captain Kretsinger led his men to a victory by such a great margin. Despite the fact the weather conditions were anything but ideal, as a stiff breeze blew across the track, eight California-Stanfords were smashed and others dangerously threatened. The mile race was the first surprise of the day and rather disheartened many who had everything so neatly planned out beforehand. Both Wood and Murray of Stanford were looked upon as contenders, but in the last laps a dark horse appeared in the form of Fletcher, of Stanford, who passed both Wood and Murray near the tape, and estab- lished a new mile record of 4:28^. The cardinal sprinters, on whom their supporters pinned their faith, failed to make a showing, and the jolity on the California bleachers can hardly be imagined when the Freshman Stanton and Fui Wood carried away the honors of the day in both the 100-yard and 220-yard dash. Tom Coleman, the skipper of the opposition, ran third in the century and was unable to enter the two-twenty. Maclise was working well and established a new mark of 15:2 in the high hurdles, with Beeson but a few inches behind. Wallace was disqualified for knocking down too many hurdles, thus allowing Smith to annex the extra point. The 440-yard race furnished plenty of excitement for the bleachers. Todd, the speedy freshman sprinter ran Campbell off his feet and broke the tape ahead. Dodge, of Stanford, took second. First points in the half-mile were won for the Cardinal by Bennett, but Smith and Heisen acquired the other places. While the athletes on the track were winning laurels, the competition in the field events was every bit as exciting and quite as successful. Shat- tuck won another record in the hammer, with a throw of 161 feet two inches. Rice was not to be denied a laurel crown and, putting his great weight behind the shot, recorded a put of 46 feet 7^ inches — a new mark for the future weight men to try for. 259 ALLEN BREAKING BROAD-JUMP RECORD TODD WINNING THE 440 ATHLETICS Allen, not content with his former record in the broad jump, tightened his belt and after being closely pressed by Morrison, made a wonderful leap of 23 feet % inches. Horine and Beeson furnished close competition in the high jump for some time, but in the end the Stanford man was successful, making a new record of 6 feet 3% inches. In the pole vault, Miller and Vail tied for first at 12 feet. The relay resulted in a victory for Stanford's team, which made a new record of 4:22^. Following is a complete score of the meet, which in many respects was the most wonderful ever held on the Coast : One-mile run: Won by Fletcher (S) ; Wood (C), second; Murray (S), third. Time 4:28^5. 100-yard dash: Won by Stanton (C) ; Wood (C), second; Coleman (S), third. Time, 10:1. 120-yard hurdles: Won by Maclise (C) ; Beeson (C), second; Smith (S). third. Time, 15 .2. 440-yard dash: Won by Todd (C) ; Campbell (S), second; Chase (C), third. Time, 50:3. Two-mile run: Won by Crabbe (C) ; Dodge (S), second; Hurni (C), third. Time, 9:55^- 880-yard run: Won by Bennett (S) ; Smith (C), second; Heisen (C), third. Time 2 :oo. 220-yard hurdles: Won by Maclise (C) ; Beeson (C), second; Kern (S), third. Time, 25 :i. 220-yard dash: Won by Stanton (C) ; Woods (C), second; Brown (S), third. Time, 22 :2. Relay : Won by Stanford. Time, 3 :22^. Hammer throw: Won by Shattuck (C) ; Rice (C), second; Woolley (S), third. Distance, 161 feet 2 inches. Shot put: Won by Rice (C) ; Hale (C), second; Woolley (S), third. Distance, 46 feet 7^ inches. High jump: Won by Horine (S) ; Beeson (C), second; Airola (C) and Hill (C), tied for third. Height, 6 feet 3% inches. Broad jump: Won by Allen (C) ; Morrison (S), second; Argabrite (S), third. Distance, 23 feet 4% inches. Pole vault: Vail (C) and Miller (S), tied for first; Smith (C), Potter (C), Young (C), Bangs (C), Stevens (S) and Boulware (S), tied for third. Height, 12 feet. 263 ATHLETICS THE VARSITY EIGHT Northern Trip — 1911 OR the first time in the history of rowing at California two crews were sent north to row against Washington University at Seattle. In addition to the Varsity crew, the freshman crew which met the Stanford freshmen was also sent. The crews went north via boat on May 17th. The races took place on May 26, 191 1. The first race was between the Freshman crews. The Washington fresh- men caught perfectly, but the California freshmen broke water and secured a poor start. The Washington crew was ahead only a short distance at the first mile. It was here that the only accident occured to mar the day, the oarlock of No. 5 breaking in the California boat. The freshmen gamely tried to continue the race, but, seeing it was useless, dropped out, the race going to Washington. It was six o'clock before the two Varsities assumed position off Leschi for the great event of the day. The first mile was a heartbreaking pull, the two crews keeping up a terrible pace, while neither crew could seem to gain decided ad- vantage. After passing the mile post Washington was seen to commence to pull away from the California crew. Washington continued to open up the clear water and finished seven lengths ahead, having covered the three miles in the fast time of 16 minutes and 22 seconds. 266 ATHLETICS VARSITY IN ACTION Boating NTEREST displayed in previous years in boating was main- tained throughout this entire season. On the morning of February 24th the intcrclass regatta was won by the 1914 crew. The first heat, which was between the two underclass crews, resulted in a victory for the second year men. They covered the mile and a half course in 6 minutes and 57 seconds. The heat between the two upperclass crews was won by the juniors, who, after a short rest, rowed in the finals with the sophomores. A series of unfortunate accidents to the 1913 boat lost them the race to the sophomores in the fast time of 6 minutes and 57 seconds. JUNIOR CREW 267 ATHLETICS FRESHMEN ON THE ESTUARY Freshman Race Little was known as to the relative ability of the freshmen crews as they took their positions before the starting line. The Stanford crew had a slight advantage in weight over California. California's stroke was taken sick two days before the race and No. 2 moved to stroke. The freshman race was a sensation from the beginning and at no time could the spectators who thronged the shore predict who would finally win. In the last quarter of a mile the boats were neck and neck, Stanford winning by one-third of a length in the last few yards. The two miles were done in ten minutes flat. The line-up of the freshmen crews follow : F. D. Halbert bow B. D. Sinclair G. H. Wilson 2 J. S. Jeffers C. Z. Sutton 3 G. A. Jacomini Herbert Hardy 4 E. B. Wolford B. T. Rocca 5 G. E. Haggert R. N. Hallner, Capt 6 F. E. Rehm L. C. Morehead 7 1. M. Hulsman R. E. Merritt stroke F. O. Olmstead H. H. Hope cox L. F. Rememan 268 ATHLETICS lUHWWHIWWIWW^rtiHIIUIIIIIJIIIII— • = » iW« £»"»<> i t i i H-fr- f '' U> ' U h '- FINISH OF THE FRESHMAN RACE Varsity Race The Stanford Varsity, with four veterans, was a perfect rowing machine, and close followers of rowing predicted a victory for them, although the entry of the northern crew brought into the race an element of uncertainty. Captain Maynard's men, after months of hard training and early morning work, were in the best possible condition, and fought out a losing race to the very finish. The race started shortly before 10 o'clock, Stanford being on the Oakland side, Washington on the Alameda side, with California in the center. Wash- ington closed over toward the Stanford crew, forcing California back. At the two-mile post California rallied, but could not regain any of the distance they had lost. Stanford finished one length ahead of Washington, with Cali- ornia five lengths behind. The time for the race was 16 minutes 43 seconds. This was much slower than last year's time, owing to the wind and rough water. Stanford maintained a steady stroke of about 38 to the minute, while California's stroke was shorter and faster, Washington maintaining a mean between the two. 1 SBrSrl vv * iff / JuJti ' Am^ ^J3imm hH w Jfl ^■S^^E\^^^K7 x ^fc^ B V FRESHMAN EIGHT 269 ATHLETICS THE VARSITY SQUAD Basketball Minor sports during the college year just past have flourished. In- terest in them has grown steadily, and basketball has more than kept pace with the rest. In the games of the P. A. A. this year, California's five came to the front in fine style. After defeating Stanford, the holder of the San Francisco sub- league unlimited title, and after eliminating every good team on this side the bay, California's Varsity team went to Stockton on March 2nd to contest with the Stockton All-Stars for the permanent silver cup. This had been won twice previously by the interior five ; a third win meant continued possession. A hard fight ensued in which Stockton came out victorious by a 29-17 score. The 145-pound team won the P. A. A. championship by besting Cogswell Polytechnical College, 32-15. The Varsity five was made up as follows : Forwards, C. Carpenter, '12; S. L. Jory, '12 (captain). Centers, Maurice Joses, '13; R. A. Gilbert, '12 (substitute). Guards, O. S. Norton, '13; L. E. Joses, '12; R. Fischer, '13 (substitute). O. S. Norton, '13, has been elected captain for next year. 272 ATHLETICS Swimming OT the least of the University's acquisitions during the past year was the swimming pool. This has proved itself to be one of the most valuable and useful units of the many which go to make up a well-rounded athletic equipment. For men who, prior to the opening of the pool, had not had an opportunity to learn to swim, the open-air tank was invaluable. As a strictly athletic center it served as the meeting ground for the inter- class races in the fall. Its future possibilities are too great to be minimized, not only in this regard, but in those of personal training as well. It is open to male members of the A. S. U. C. The A. W. S. expects the new Hearst pool to be built shortly, which will accommodate their needs. It is evident that the new pool has been the main stimulus to the greater interest taken in swimming during the past year. California now ranks, in swimming records, with most of the Eastern universities. 273 ATHLETICS Fall Swimming The initial interclass swimming meet was held last fall in the new swimming tank in Strawberry Canyon, and the success attending the meet assured it a permanent place in student athletics. Sophomore swimmers carried off the honors, obtaining a score of 28 points. The Juniors ranked second with 24 points, while the Seniors took 14 and the Freshmen 6. 9 i 274 ATHLETICS Soccer Football Soccer football has taken its place in the front rank of minor sports during the past year. Almost daily practice was held during the fall under the direction of T. A. Davidson, '10, and matches were arranged with nearby teams. In the intercollegiate series with Stanford, California was defeated by a close margin. It is not too much to expect that, in the near future, soccer will become a sport which bids high for actual intercollegiate recognition. Tennis Winning three out of five matches, Stanford defeated California in the 1912 tennis tournament, held on the California courts April 6th of this year. The matches were closely contested and it was not until the very end that the Cardinal finally triumphed. In the singles Captain H. N. Rogers was defeated by Sheldon of Stan- ford, a powerful and heady player, who proved himself strong at critical moments. The score was 6-0, 6-3. Following this match, Frees and Breeden, the second doubles team, defeat- ed a corresponding duo of Stanfordites, winning three decisive sets and victory. Score — 6-3, 6-2, 6-1. On Saturday morning R. L. Murray, Stanford's captain, bested C. A. Rogers in a close and exciting match. Rogers won the first set, 6-4, lost the second, 10-8, and after a determined stand dropped the third, 7-5. Frees of California then met Morgan of Stanford, losing 3-6, 8-10. With this loss went the tournament. Lastly came the final doubles match between Rogers brothers of California and Murray and Morgan of Stanford. Here the Blue and Gold waved once more, the score standing 2-6, 6-2, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. 275 ATHLETICS C Wearers of the "C" I. G. Markwart, '10 H. H. Ashley, '10 C. W. Pauly, '11 J. DWIGGINS, '11 B. A. SWARTZ, '11 D. P. Hardy, '11 C. A. Phleger, '12 E. L. Watts, '12 A. W. Elliott, '12 L. M. Morris, '13 J. A. Stroud, '13 M. T. Farmer, '09 C. A. Allen, '12 C. W. Evans, '12 C. S. Wheeler, '12 S. B. Peart, '13 J. R. Fairbanks, '11 L. K. Carpenter, '12 J. G Schaeffer, '09 H. H. Phleger, '12 G. D. Hansen, '12 W. N. King, '13 C. W. Vilas, '11 G A. Kretsinger, '11 W. G Donald, '11 A. J. Evers, '11 C. L. Butler, '12 R. M. Hill, '13 R. C. McGee, '12 J. A. Potter, '13 H. G. Gabbert, '12 L. S. Ready, '12 A. W. Taylor, '12 E. N. Chapman, '11 C. Claudius, '12 A. J. Rathbone, '12 J. A- Arnott, '12 D. G Maclise, '14 E. R. Crabbe, '14 R. A. Vitousek, '12 L. S. Rathbone, '14 A. I. Smith, '14 G F Hale, '12 G D. Wood, '14 K. W. Shattuck, '14 J. U. Calkins, '11 L. W. Meyer, '14 F. H. Allen, '13 E. M. Vail, '12 O. R. Smith, '13 E. I. Beeson, '13 F. B. Rice, '14 S. L. Brown, '11 H. H. Wood, '13 D. G. Christen, '09 R. C. Stoner, '12 W. W. Gay, '13 R. W. Coane, '13 W. M. Forker, '12 F. W. Rubke, '14 J. E. Barieau, '11 C. V. Goodwin, '14 W. H. Greenlaw, '11 T. A. Davidson, '10 W. H. Schroeder, '10 R. Maynard, '12 S. Malatesta, '12 H. C. Kelly, '12 M. H. Long, '10 B. M. Frees, '12 H. N. Rogers, '12 C. A. Rogers, '14 Honorary Members Walter Christie Charlie Volz 276 WOMEN'S ATHLETICS Tennis After weeks of hard practice the University of California Women's Tennis Team proved its superiority over the Cardinal representatives in five hard- fought matches played at Stanford on the Encina Hall courts. A high wind, which blew directly across the courts, made the playing of accurate tennis particularly difficult, and all credit should be given to the California women for their brilliant playing under such trying conditions and on strange courts. Those who braved the elements were amply rewarded both in the class of tennis played and in the seeing of another California victory added to the long list of triumphs achieved over the Cardinal which has marked this year. Singles: Marian Hall (C) defeated Laura Herron (S), Elsie Parker (S) defeated Constance Davis (C), Mary Taney (C) defeated Elizabeth Bingham (S). Doubles: Constance Davis and Marian Hall (C) defeated Laura Herron and Elsie Parker (S), Frances Jackling and Marion Arendt (C) defeated Joyce Wauch and Catherine Cox (S). Basketball The basketball season culminated this year in a game with the Univer- sity of Nevada, held on March 16. The contest was fast but the California nine showed its speed and ability to such advantage that Nevada was held down to but 12 points, while California scored 38. The line-up follows : Nevada — Forwards, Lena Hauss, Lysle Rusby, Martha Noble ; guards, Frances Smith, Ethel Brown, Lillian Davey ; centers, Dora Nelson, Sylvia Bawer, Betty Riley. California : Forwards, Katherine Asher, '11, Daisy Newby, '13, Mattie Himes, '13; guards, Doris Spencer, '12, Edith Frisbie, '14, Agnes Madsen, '15; centers, Frances Jacklin, '14, Ysabel Forker, '15, Lorena Buck, '14. The winning team was captained by Doris Spencer and coached by Mary Shafter, to whom great credit is due. Boating Woman's Day saw the annual interclass regatta, held on Lake Merritt. In the light crew race the junior boat reached the goal first, but little ahead of the fast freshman skiff. The winning crew consisted of Patricia Moors- head, stroke and captain; Kathryn McCabe, bow; Helen White, coxswain. 1914 won the heavy crew race, getting off to a good start and besting the others handily. The juniors were second, the freshmen third and the seniors last. The winning crew was Amy McLauchlan, stroke ; Ethel Mur- ray, bow; Edith Small, coxswain. 277 ATHLETICS The Intercollegiate Record FOOTBALL 1892— Stanford 14-10 1892— Tie game 10-10 1893 . 1893— Tie game 6-6 1894. 1894— Stanford 6-0 1895 . 1895— Tie game 6-6 1896. 1896— Stanford 20-0 1897. 1897— Stanford 28-0 1898. 1898— California 22-0 1899. 1899— California 30-0 1900. 1900— Stanford ..' 5-0 1901 . 1901— California 2-0 1902. 1902— California 16-0 1903. 1903— Tie game 6-6 1904. 1904— Stanford 18-0 1905. 1905— Stanford 12-5 1906— Stanford 6-3 1907. 1907— Stanford 21-11 1908. 1908— Stanford 12-3 1909. 1909— California 19-13 1910. 1910— California 25-6 1911. 1911— California 21-3 1912. TRACK CALIFORNIA STANFORD 91 90 67 56 62/ 88 74 81 85 76/ 58/ 53 72% 1906 No meet 57 63/s 56 55/ 87/ 3 80/ 3 35 36 45 56 49/ 38 38 43 32 43/ 63/ 3 69 49/ 65 583/s 66 663/s 34/ 3 41/ INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK RECORDS 100-yard dash 10 seconds 220-yard dash 22 seconds 440-yard dash 50 seconds 880-yard run 1 minute 58/ seconds , 1-mile run 4 minutes 28/ seconds . 2-mile run 9 minutes 553/5 seconds . 120-yard hurdles 15/ seconds 220-yard hurdles 25 seconds Shot put 46 feet 7$£ inches Hammer throw 161 feet 2 inches Pole vault 12 feet 6/ inches Broad jump 23 feet 4j^ inches Cadogan (C) Coleman (S) . Wyman (S) .. Dowd (C) Fletcher (S) . Crabbe (C) . Maclise (C) . . Beeson (C) . ... Rice (C) Shattuck (C) ... Scott (S) ... Allen (C) High jump 6 feet 3/ inches Horine (S) Relay 3 minutes 22/; seconds Stanford 278 DANCES DANCES SENIOR BALL Dorothy Fish, General Chairman C. W. Evans, Floor Manager RECEPTION COMMITTEE Brenta Haynes, Chairman Agnes Scholl Alice Maxwell Katherine McElrath Elaine Standish Elsa Schilling Gladys Lewis J. B. Black J. B. Parkinson Rey Maynard H. G. Gabbert B. M. Frees E. L. Watts ARRANGEMENTS H. E. Haven, Chairman Goldie Hulbert Carmelita Woerner Dolores Bradley Grace Griffiths Pearl Kenyon Jeanette Steward H. R. Lawton DECORATION COMMITTEE R. H. Clark, Chairman Lulu Rubke May Van Maren Hollace Shaw Grace Moore Grace Hamilton Helen Runyon E. C. Livingston H. S. Yates W. P. Stanton J. J. Parker T. B. Rice R. A. Vitousek A. W. Elliott COMMITTEE N. P. Searls B. D. Dexter G. N. Browning W. H. Smythe T. B. Kittredge G. E. Noyes G. M. Simonson G. D. Wimp 280 DANCES JUNIOR PROM H. C. McClelland, General Chairman Junior Day S. B. Peart, Floor Manager ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE W. W. Beatty, Chairman J. E. Gardner J. T. Gribner A. W. Paine J. A. Owen R. L. Chamberlain F. D. Stephens E. H. Rhodes L. A. Myers Enid Watkins Constance Davis Elna Clifford Margaret Locan Ruth Ruddock Margery Glass Rose Farrell DECORATION COMMITTEE J. A. Stroud, Chairman R. W. COANE D. E. Alvord D. M. Drumheller Burt Winslow Arthur Eaton H. M. Woolley R. M. Hii.l Nan Brunk Licetta Bromley May Christal Margaret Hodgen Elsiedora Brink RECEPTION COMMITTEE C. M. Torrey, Chairman R. L. Berglund R. P. Shields Lloyd Sloane A. V. Turner M. K. Campbell A. P. Cortelyou E. G. Hill Jean Cunningham * Ruth Ware Jennie McDonald Lenore Salsig Clerimond Withers Ada Cline 281 DANCES SOPHOMORE HOP Rhett McMahon, General Chairman D. G. Maclise, Floor Manager E. S. Schweninger, Assistant Floor Manager ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE M. P. Griffiths, Chairman Hazel Ingels Deborah Dyer Genevieve McGinnis Isabel Hall Jennie- Kreyenhagen Eleanor Webster C. A. Rogers W. J. Goebel L. E. Doan J. E. Hanna W. W. SORRICK W. C. Tupper DECORATION COMMITTEE M. B. Reed, Chairman Hertha Herrmann Helen Waterman Marie Phleger Minerva Osborn Helen Dabney F. F. Howard C. L. Thiele A. A. Hinchman L. A. Eggleston F. D. Hihn 282 RECEPTION COMMITTEE C. A. Buckley, Jr., Chairman Rosalie Ogden Eleanor Jackson Marguerite Amoss Hermine Henze Gracella Scotford J. J. Meigs J. D. Basye E. H. Downing H. W. Fleming E. C. Brown DANCES FRESHIE GLEE D. C. Mitchum, General Chairman T. E. Haley, Floor Manager ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE Harcourt Blades, Chairman Mabel Bontz Clara Cooper Elizabeth Page Beth Johnson Hazel Pfitzer F. G. Steward W. D. Ellis J. W. Tully H. M. Pierce H. L. Jones DECORATION COMMITTEE E. T. Parrish, Chairman Alice Freuler Louise Roberts Ysabel Forker Florence Copeland Erma Taggart Lurline Browning S. M. Wynne V. H. Doyle A. K. Sherwin F. G. Knoop R. M. Allen D. J. Bogardus H. W. Harlowe RECEPTION COMMITTEE W. B. Hubbard, Chairman Catherine Robinson Antoinette Dye Irma Riley Gertrude Rosenthal Pearl Pierce Evelyn Wacener L. R. Turner L. A. Daugheriy H. A. McNeill K. C. Ables C. J. Wetzel J. A. Waters 283 DANCES UNIVERSITY ASSEMBLY Irwin Campbell Berry, Chairman Harold Augustus Fletcher Cecil Temple Thomas Archie James Beckett Benjamin Callister Corlett Bert Betheford Banta FRATERNITIES Zeta Psi Chi Phi Delta Kappa Epsilon Beta Theta Pi Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Chi & *^' * . * * * ... . » % t * 4 ♦ l *■•♦•■ t *• h 1 t> 1 « \ '' -vdB ^fe: mz~ -^-s— - ■ ' ■m |||S|B^" 284 DANCES MILITARY BALL Captain W. P. Tufts, General Chairman K. C. Mohrhardt, Floor Manager ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE Captain A. F. Bridge, Chairman Captain H. M. Albright Captain L. W. Allen Captain T. A. Bither Captain M. J. Dillman Lieutenant B. D. Dexter Lieutenant A. B. Tinning Lieutenant C L. Le Baron Lieutenant L. S. Davis RECEPTION COMMITTEE Captain F. L. Wilson, Chairman Captain E. D. McNear Captain A. T. Brown Captain J. R. Quinn Lieutenant C. S. Wheeler Lieutenant M. R. Robbins Lieutenant C. C. Rae ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZATIONS Alumni Association URING the past year, the Alumni Association, which was founded in 1872, has been represented by an unusually efficient set of officers. This is the third consecutive year during which President James K. Moffitt has served as head of the Association. The University has conferred in its history 9,372 degrees, and every living alumnus is included in the Alumni Association by its constitution. The interest of the graduates has been invited by various opportunities for alumni activity. The organization of local clubs, the entertainment of University pro- fessors and other officials in various parts of the country, the exposition of the true purpose of the University as a single head of a single and united system of public instruction, and the conduct of the California Alumni Weekly constitute some of the opportunities. Together with the president of the Alumni Asso- ciation, President Wheeler made an extended visit early in November on behalf of the Alumni Association and chiefly concerned with the meeting of California alumni. They were hospitably received by the graduates in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Diego and Visalia. The officers of the Association are: President, James K. Moffitt, '86; first vice-president, Orrin K. McMurray, 90; second vice-president, Miss Jessica B. Peixotto, '94; treasurer, Perry T. Tompkins, '92; secretary, Milton T. Farmer, '09. Councilors: Frank Otis, 73; Geo. Edwards, '84; Wallace I. Terry, 90; M., '92; C. Chapel Judson, Haydn M. Simmons, Ph.G., 95; T. A. Perkins, '96; Duncan McDuffie, '99 ; Louis Graham, D.D.S., 04 ; Max Thelen, '04 ; Farnham P. Griffiths, 06. University of California Clubs The year just closed has been marked with prosperity for University of California Clubs, and particularly so for the one in San Francisco. A number of new clubs have been founded in California and in more remote portions of the country. The San Francisco Club has been the headquarters for graduate as well as undergraduate men in that city. A feature of the work this year has been the monthly dinners, at which addresses by well known members of the University faculty and alumni body have been made. The officers of the San Francisco Club are : President, A. E. Graupner, '97 ; vice-president, Louis Bartlett, '93 ; secretary, Wm. J. Hayes, '09 ; treasurer, Dr. C. B. Porter, '96. 288 ORGANIZATIONS i2sPS S3S5 H n Associated Graduate Students HE Associated Graduate Students is an outgrowth of the Graduate Club which was formed in 1895, with 30 or 40 mem- bers. In 1903 a constitution was adopted under the present name, and now, with the enrollment increased to more than 450 members, the constitution has become inadequate for the needs of the organization and is at present undergoing a thorough revision. The registration of graduate students for the whole year is 555, repre- senting about 100 universities altogether, among which are six in foreign countries. California graduates make up about half the number, the other universities furnishing anywhere from one up to. twenty, Stanford being the highest, with the latter number. For this reason the organization of the Associated Graduate Student Body is difficult to establish and maintain. It is a collection of scattered units which have no continuous connection with any • other organization ; it is compelled to organize anew each year and to elect officers at the beginning of the fall semester, who have no small job to bring the graduates together. Bit is gratifying to see that the Associated Graduate Students organization is serving a useful purpose in the University ; it affords a means whereby the graduates from other universities can get ac- quainted and become Californians in spirit, both in social and aca- demic circles. Questions regarding degrees and regulations are discussed fully with the faculty. The organization serves to make the life of the graduate student a real pleasure, rather than a tedious grind for a high degree. Officers: President, A. J. Eddy, '10; vice-president, T. A. Davidson, '10; secretary, Miss Rose Gardner, '11; treasurer, Ray Hays, '11. 289 ^ s*ts W2 Is ORGANIZATIONS Associated Students H ROUGH the support of the largest membership in its history the Associated Students has accomplished several things during the past year. The way has also been paved for the settlement of numerous questions confronting the A. S. U. C. In the fall term there were 2955 members, in the spring, 2065. Of these the number of women holding A. S. U. C. cards was, in the first term, 1039; in the second, 682. The figures show that the increase in membership of the Association is proportionate to the growth of the student body. Most important among the things accomplished is the securing of a per- manent site for a new running track. The Associated Students has agreed to purchase and deed to the Regents $22,000 worth of land not now owned by the University, in return for which a promise has been given that the site now occupied by Hearst Hall and several other buildings of a temporary nature will be set aside for use as a permanent quarter-mile track. Graduate Manager Milton T. Farmer has already asserted the options on several pieces of property in that tract and has deeded them to the Regents. The A. S. U. C. will also bear the expense of moving the buildings. The total cost of the undertaking will be around $50,000. The entire transaction can be completed without involving the Association in debt. The track, it is expected, will be completed in 1915. Various matters of permanent improvement, such as the installing of drain wells under the surface of California Field and the repairing of bleachers, have been effected, at an expense of about $2000. Following the agitation started last year, a radical change has been brought about in the organization of the Students' Co-operative Society. Under the new constitution of the store, every member of the A. S. U. C. holding member- ship in the Society is entitled to rebates on purchases, and has a vote for the directors, while the graduate manager and president of the A. S. U. C. are ex officio members of the board. A surplus fund has been put into the hands of the Regents, to be kept until needed for the equipment of permanent quarters. All the students of the University turned out on Labor Day, February 29, and showed their loyalty to California in the construction of a permanent main roadway provided for in the Hearst plans. Other matters have been dealt with by the officers and committees of this Association. Supplementing the work of the Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee in dealing with cheating in examinations and in' building up the Honor Spirit in all student relations there has been created the Undergraduate Student Welfare Committee. This committee has power to recommend, to the proper authority, action on all matters of concern to the student body. 292 N. B. DRURY LYMAN GRIMES ORGANIZATIONS It is representative of the women as well as the men, and is drawn from the four classes. The committees for 1911-12 were: Executive Committee : President, N. B. Drury, '12; vice-president, R. C. McGee, '12; secretary, Lyman Grimes, '13; athletic representative, first term, A. W. Elliott, '12; second term, C. A. Allen, '12; faculty representative, Prof. Edmund O'Neill; alumni representative, Mr. S. C. Irving; graduate manager, M. T. Farmer, '09. Intercollegiate Agreement Committee: Chairman, C. A. Phleger, '12; Judge E. J. Brown, '98; M. T. Farmer, '09. Football Rules Committee : Chairman, J. G. Schaeffer ; M. T. Farmer, '09 ; A. W. Elliott, '12. Rally Committee: Chairman, H. C. Kelly, '12; H. N. Rogers, '12; M. L. Dinkelspiel, '12; H. H. Phleger, '12; L. R. Miller, '12; R. A. Silent, '13; J. J. Miller, '13; E. F. Sullivan, '13; F. H. Allen, '13. Dormitory Committee: Chairman, E. G. Clewe, '12; E. C. Livingston, '12; R. P. Wisecarver, '12; M. J. Dillman, '12; G. B. Moody, '13; T. B. Dunn, '13; O. R. Smith, '13; W. G. Marvin, '14; C. H. Howard, '14; R. B. Watt, '14. Debating Council: Chairman, F. M. Shipper, '12; from the Senate — J. G. Sweet, '12, and J. U. Calkins, Jr., '11 ; from the Congress — H. C. Kelly, '12, and T. B. Kittredge, '12 (secretary). Student Affairs Committee : Chairman ex officio, N. B. Drury, '12; J. B. Black, '12; M. A. Cartwright, '12; J. G. Sweet, '12; C. S. Wheeler, Jr., '12. Student Welfare Committee: Chairman spring term, E. L. Watts, '12; chair- man fall term, C. L. Butler, '12; B. S. Clendennin, '12; E. A. Abeel, '12; T. J. Ledwich, '12 ; S. L. Arnot, '13 ; R. G. Sproul, '13 ; R. C. Branion, '14 (secretary first term); H. Flemming, '14 (secretary second term); E. J. Fenstermacher, '15; May Chase, '12 (chairman women's committee) ; Alice Morse, '12; Ethel Lockhart, '12; Evelyn Steel, '13; Ada Swortzel, '13; Gertrude Hawk, '14; Etta Broughton, '15. Blue and Gold Advisory Committee: Chairman, E. M. Einstein, '12; R. H. Clark, '12; R. C. Ingram, '12; M. A. Cartwright, '12; C. N. Hackett, '12; C. M. Torrey. '13; R. W. Rust, '13; F. H. Partridge, '14; M. P. Griffiths, '14. Labor Day Committee: General chairman, H. H. Phleger, '12; publicity, M. L. Dinkelspiel, '12; entertainment, H. G. Gabbert, '12; organization, J. R. Quinn, '12; engineering, L. S. Ready, '12; equipment, R. A. Silent, '13. 293 ORGANIZATIONS J/^tS ^S m Associated Woman Students HE Associated Woman Students of the University of California was organized in 1894 for the control of all matters of special interest to the women students. The primary purpose of the organization is to bring the women more closely together by foster- ing democratic social activities, and by interesting them in the vari- ous athletic, musical, literary and artistic pursuits of the Campus. The women of the University inaugurated a new custom during the year 1911-1912 by giving a large open-air pageant. It is to be hoped that this initial attempt will so far succeed as-to insure the continuance and growth of this project into a performance which shall yearly bring out real creative talent, and become a tradition of intrinsic worth to the University and its friends. On November 23, 191 1, the Senior Women's Hall was auspiciously opened by the women of 191 2 and the graduates — a most happy occasion. The hall will LORRAINE ANDREWS, '12 HARRIET JUDD, '13 inevitably render the work of the Association more effective from now on. A joint committee of men and women, known as the Student Welfare Committee, 294 ORGANIZATIONS has been created and endeavors to work in conjunction with the two Student Affairs Committees in creating and upholding the Honor Spirit in the University. The Executive Committee of the Associated Woman Students follows : Lorraine Andrews, '12, President Florence Doyle, '12, First Vice-President Anna Kidder, '12, Second Vice President Amy Waite, '13, Treasurer Harriet Judd, '13, Secretary Miss Lucy Sprague, Dean of Women Miss Lucy Stebbins, Assistant Dean of Women Dorothy Fish, '12, President of Prytanean Carolin Teichert, '12, President of Treble Clef Velma Lewis, '12, President of Mandolin and Guitar Club Ada Nielson, '12, President Art History Circle Marguerite Creighton, '12, President Women's Orchestra Edith Pence, '12, Woman's Editor of the Calif ornian Grace Hamilton, '12, Chairman of Mass Meeting Committee 295 ORGANIZATIONS Big "C" Society S ITS members, the Big "C" Society has all athletes who, under the laws of the Associated Students, have the right to wear Big "C"s. The object of this Society is the advancement of athletics and the encouragement and development of inter - ^1 collegiate sports among the students of the University, as well as the fostering of harmonious relations between the University and outside athletes. The Big "C" Society was organized on February 12, 1905, with a mem- bership of thirty-eight men in college, while in December, 191 1, there were seventy-four Big "C" men in college. Whenever representatives of preparatory schools or other outside athletes are present on the Campus as guests of the University, the Big "C" Society does all in its power for their reception and entertainment. Under the auspices of the Society successful relay carnivals have been held, as well as the Annual Pacific Coast Interscholastic Track and Field Meet, which brings hundreds of athletes from different parts of the State to our Campus. Officers: President, A. W. Elliott, '12, and H. G. Gabbert, '12; vice- president, G. A. Kretsinger, '11, and J. U. Calkins, Jr., '11; secretary, H. H. Wood, '13, and C. A. Rogers, '14; treasurer, R. W. Coane, '13, and F. H. Allen, '13; athletic representatives to the A. S. U. C. Executive Committee, A. W. Elliott, '12, and C. A. Allen, '12. 296 ORGANIZATIONS Boating Association The Boating Association is one of the older athletic organizations of the University, and it was due to the efforts of this Association that rowing was first established and later became an intercollegiate sport. Two very successful functions were held during the past year. The Boating Informal raised a good sum of money, to be used in training the Amador. The Boating Smoker was a big rally for boating and drew out a large crowd. Officers : President, A. Eaton ; vice-president, L. A. Sloane ; secretary- treasurer, E. S. Parker. Directors: Rey Maynard, J. R. Northup, O. W. Young, H. E. Gray, L. P. Wilton, O. F. Montandon Polydeucean Club The Polydeucean Club affords its members an opportunity to become pro- ficient in the art of boxing and self defense. Its object is to instill in a man that self-confidence and self-reliance which comes from the knowledge that he is able to take care of himself. The Club has quarters in the gymnasium and holds meetings semi-weekly. Under the instruction of Walter Christie the members make rapid progress, and each year a public exhibition is held to stimulate interest in the work. Officers: Fall term — President, J. M. Basham, '12; vice-president, H. E. Sandoval, '12; secretary-treasurer, R. G. Wagenet, '14. Spring term — President, H. E. Sandoval, '12; vice-president, A. Gerner, '12; secretary-treasurer, A. W. Paine, '13. 297 ORGANIZATIONS THE RIFLE TEAM Rifle Club This year has seen a great revival of interest in rifle shooting. Membership in the Club has more than doubled and the number of matches has been greatly augmented. The Club has entered a team in the Intercollegiate Rifle Shooting League, carried on under the auspices of the National Rifle Association, with which the Club is affiliated. It is now possible for members of the Club to secure medals as sharpshooters and marksmen for proficiency shown on the Gallery Range. Last spring, Richard A. Lee, '12, won the bronze medal offered by the Association for the highest score at the annual shoot. Officers: President, E. J. Sinclair, '13; vice-president, J. T. Fisher, '13; secretary, W. E. Davis, '14; treasurer, G. H. Hagar, '12. 298 ORGANIZATIONS Congress The Students' Congress, dating back to 1868, when the Durant Literary Society was organized in the old College of California, can trace a continuous existence of more than half a century. In 1894 the Congress took on its present form, after a combination of the then existing societies, the Durant and the Neolean. Since 1901 it has had the Senate as a rival, but has won six out of the seven inter-society debates that have been held. In the last year Congress furnished three out of four men for both the Intercollegiate and Carnot teams. But the success of the society has been in encouraging its own members to par- ticipate in frequent formal and extemporaneous discussions of questions of both local and general interest. . Officers for 1911-12: First semester — Speaker, F. M. Shipper, '12; speaker pro tern, S. R. Sterne, '12; clerk, Hugo Waldeck, '13; treasurer, L. S. Black, '12; executive committee, B. S. Clendenin, '12 ; T. B. Kittredge, '12 ; J. W. O'Neill, '13 ; Second semester — Speaker, T. B. Kittredge, '12; speaker pro tern, L. E. Goodman, '13; clerk, J. D. Foster, '13; treasurer, E. R. Crabbe, '14; executive committee, F. M. Shipper, '12; L. S. Black, '12; Hugo Waldeck, '13. Sophomore Debating Society The Sophomore Debating Society exists for the purpose of joining together those Sophomores interested in debating. From its membership the class team which debates with the Freshmen is chosen, and before the Society the tryouts for the team are held. Active work throughout the year is largely dispensed with, with the exception of a few weeks before the interclass event. The officers for the year were : President, W. G. Marvin ; vice-president, R. C. Foerster ; secretary, A. W. Drury ; treasurer, H. W. Knoop. 299 ORGANIZATIONS Senate The Senate Debating Society has undergone a decided change of policy in the last semester. By making Sophomore standing prerequisite to membership and by opening its debates to the college public the Senate has materially raised its standard. Its place among the undergraduate organizations is of obvious importance. Officers : First term — President, J. G. Sweet, '12; vice-president, H. H. Phleger, '12; secretary, A. W. Drury, '14; treasurer, S. Barrows, '14. Second term — President, H. H. Phleger, '12; vice-president, E. F. Sullivan, '13; secretary, G. C. Duque, '14; treasurer, K. L. Blanchard, '14. Members : Arthur Allyn, '13 ; M. J. Bleuel, '14; T. G. Chamberlain, '15 ; W. H. Conlin, '12; J. R. Douglas, '13; A. W. Drury, '14; J. W. Dunlop, '15; G. C. Duque, '14; Paul Fleming, '13; Kenyon Green, '15; E. C. Lipman, '14; J. W. McKinley, '13; W. G. Marvin, '14; W. R. Matthews, '14; J. S. Moore, '14; W. W. Lovett, '13; R. W. Montandon, '15; H. H. Phleger, '12; J. L. Simpson, '13; E. K. Sturgis, '15; W. L. Schafer, '14; E. F. Sullivan, '13; J. G. Sweet, '12; W. L. Ware, '15; R. P. Wisecarver, '12; H. N. Wolff, '12; A. H. Conard, '13; H. L. Heward, '13; S. A. Pleasants, '15; V. H. Gains, '13. 300 ORGANIZATIONS Young Men's Christian Association HE Y. M. C. A. has broadened the scope of its activities during the year. Under the leadership of B. M. Cherrington, general secretary, the various phases of the work were carried on. Mission study classes, enrolling two hundred men, ran through the year ; religious meetings for all college men were held weekly, the fra- ternity and house club phase of Bible study was successfully developed, interest in outside work was shown by deputation service, and the organizing of the social service department, appealing for the aid of college men in social and religious work. The board of directors has been reorganized and the finances established more soundly, with Mr. Devendorf, financial secretary, in charge. The officers for the year were: President, R. C. McGee, 12; vice-president, W. Kerr, '12; corresponding secretary, F. H. Allen, '13; recording secretary, R. P. Shields, '13; treasurer, R. G. Sproul, '13. Committee chairman, E. Vail, '12; B. S. Clendenin, '12; W. G. Donald, '11 ; A. Rushforth, '12; J. D. Foster, '13; W. G. Marvin, '14; E. L. Shirrell, '14. Young Women's Christian Association The purpose of the Young Women's Christian Association among the women of the University has been accomplished during the year by emphasizing the spiritual life and strengthening mutual helpfulness in the social problems of the women. Frequent sound talks and thoughtful study, followed by informal teas and fireside suppers, have been the means of creating an atmosphere of purpose and whole-souled comradeship on which the Association bases its strength. The officers for the year have been: President, Rachel Miller, '12; vice- president, Ora Muir, '12; treasurer, Katherine Carleton, '13; secretary, Fanny Whitman, '14. treasurer, J. B. Johnson. Freshman Debating Society An earnest effort has been made during the past year to render the Freshman Debating Society a really valuable training school for the Freshmen who compete in the annual debate with the Sophomores. Meetings have been held regularly twice each month, and it is hoped that the Society has really accomplished some good. The officers are : First semester — President, R. E. Hoyt ; vice-president, F. Hauck; secretary, F. E. Green ; treasurer, E. S. Thomas. Second semester- President, F. Hauck; vice-president, S. A. Pleasants; secretary, A. Allin ; 301 ORGANIZATIONS St. Anne's Guild St. Anne's Guild was organized seven years ago for the purpose of bringing into closer relationship all college women who are affiliated with the Episcopal Church. Meetings are held twice a month at the home of Mrs. C. W. Wells. Talks are given by the members on topics of interest, and general discussions follow, with occasional outside speakers. The officers for the past year were: President, Margery Glass, '13; secre- tary, Kathleen Dawson, '14; treasurer, Helen Moody, '14. 1 |5a* "^3^^^-^a^. & ■muni HH iSK # J | SSfeyggySp I _ Newman Club Roman Catholic students of the University find the center and stimulus of their spiritual life in the Newman Club, in spirit the unifying force bringing those students together in a common cause. The Club has recently erected a handsome structure to serve as its home, at the corner of Ridge Road and La Loma Avenue. Here there are cosy clubrooms, cheerful fireplaces and comfortable lounging spots. The building includes a chapel, in which Sunday services are held. 302 ORGANIZATIONS English Club T is the purpose of the English Club to provide means for the expression of dramatic and literary talent in the University. At the present time this purpose is fulfilled by the presentation each semester of some great play and by the monthly publica- tion of the Occident and Pelican. In its dramatic work the Club is aided and supported by the Musical and Dramatic Committee of the University, with the result that English Club plays are awaited with eagerness and remembered with delight. As an incentive to literary work the Club also offers a perpetual trophy to the writer of the best short story each year. The work of the Club is carried on almost entirely by its various committees, so that the meetings, held every three weeks, are given over to talks, readings or other informal entertainment. Since its inception the Club has produced the following plays : Shakspeare, "The Merry Wives of Windsor." King Shudraka, "The Little Clay Cart." Ben Jonson, "The Hue and Cry after Cupid." Shakspeare, "The Winter's Tale." Arthur W. Pinero, "The Cabinet Minister." Henry Van Dyke, "The House of Rimmon." Thomas Dekker, "The Shoemaker's Holiday." Stephen Phillips, "Nero." Schiller, "Maria Stuart." Stephen Phillips, "Paola and Francesca." Shakspeare, "Henry V." 303 ORGANIZATIONS College Hall Woman's Dormitory Officers FIRST TERM - SECOND TERM President Ida Kriegel, '12 Irma Blunck, '12 Vice-President Sue Davis, '13 Elnora Shannon, '13 Secretary Mary Smith, '14 Tene Campbell, '15 Treasurer Wilhelmina Wickenden, '14 Alma Pennington, '14 Judicial Committee FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Estelle Tennis, '13 (chairman) Irene Couley, '10 Ida Kruegel, '12 Irma Blunck, '12 Irene Couley, '10 Ida Kriegel, '12 Inez Hewitt, '13 Jewel Fay, '12 Vera Brooke, '11 Mary Tawney, '12 Social Committee first term second term Sue Davis, '13 (chairman) Elnora Shannon, '13 Gladys Baker, '12 Brenta Haynes, '12 Elnora Shannon, '13 Inez Hewitt, '13 Kathleen O'Brien, '14 Beatrice Lightner, '14 Tene Campbell, 'IS Tene Campbell, '15 304 ORGANIZATIONS Treble Clef OFFICERS President Carolin Teichert, '12 Vice-President Alice McComb, '13 Secretary Grace Ewing, '13 Treasurer Margaret Kenny, '13 First Soprano Josephine Bevan, '14 Margaret Kenny, '13 Grace Ewing, '13 Phyllis Maguire, '13 Mary Fairchild, '12 Leila Nielson, '15 Fay Frisbie, '13 Emilie Poppe, '15 Hazel Guiberson, '15 Carolin Teichert, '12 Rita Keane, '14 Second Soprano Constance Davis, '13 Claudia Massie, '14 Lenore Salsig, '13 Erna Steindorff, '12 Fannie Laird, '14 Lois Voswinkel, '14 Oneida Madison, '15 Willa Yolland, '15 First Alto Florence Andruss, '15 Helen Schweitzer, '12 Emma Black, '13 Dorothy Wilkinson, '13 Alice McComb, '13 Cecelia Ulrich, '14 Second Alto Marion Gay, '12 Myrtle Maxwell, '12 306 ORGANIZATIONS Women's Mandolin and Guitar Club OFFICERS Director Richard J. Carpenter President Velm a Lewis, '12 Vice-President Elaine Standish, '12 Secretary Gertrude Comfort, '13 Treasurer Mary Mulvaney, '13 goldie hulin, '14 Elaine Standish, '12 Ellen Ord, '12 Minnie Walton, '13 MEMBERS First Mandolins Esther Starkweather, '12 Mary Mulvaney, '13 Theresa Harrison, '12 Daisy Monroe, '13 Second Mandolins Ruth Ruddock, '13 Elizabeth Boynton, '14 Mabel Lockhart, '12 Elzaida Hansen, '14 Mary Bogue, '13 Alma Honeggar, '13 Arline Baugh, '14 Ethel McConnell, '12 Velma Lewis, '12 Gertrude Comfort, '13 Elizabeth Worthen, '12 Guitars Jane Davidson, '13 Estelle Ruddock, '15 Leila Neilson, '15 Violincello Dorothy Yates, '15 308 ORGANIZATIONS University of California Glee Club OFFICERS First Term President F. S. Peterson, '12 Vice-President T. A. Stroud, '12 Secretary C. A. Pitchford, '14 Manager F. G. Linde, '13 Director Clinton R. Morse, '96 Second Term E. M. Einstein, '12 S. L. Arnot, '13 C. A. Pitchford, '14 F. G. Steward, 'IS Clinton R. Morse, '96 MEMBERS L. W. Allen, '12 J. Hunt, '15 G. Judd, '15 G. D. MacDonald, '15 E. F. Parrish, '15 L. E. Rushton, '14 S. L. Arnot, '13 I. Davis, '15 A. Elliott, '12 S. Harding, '14 A. W. Haslam, '13 A. W. Heen, '13 H. ITlGBY, '15 W. B. Le Hane, '15 L. B. Bailey, '15 A. C. Dickel, '13 M. J. Dillman, '12 S. L. Harris, '15 F. G. Linde, '13 R. M. Neily, '13 M. L. Cohn, '13 G. Crowe, '13 E. W. Dutton, '13 E. M. Einstein, '12 A. C. Felt, '14 R. Grinstead, '10 T. C. Haley, '15 First Tenor H. Wolff, '12 Second Tenor First Bass Second Bass R. M. Tapscott, '15 R. W. Rust, '13 C. N. Smith, '12 J. A. Stroud, '13 L. Stroud, '15 J. F. Thomas, '15 G. Willoughby, '12 A. B. Martin, '15 F. N. Murphy, '12 J. A. Owen, '13 S. B. Peart, '13 C. A. Pitchford, '14 A. C. Saxe, '11 W. P. Stanton, '12 II. B. Webster, '13 F. S. Peterson, '12 J. E. Squires, '15 F. G. Steward, '15 H. P. Williams, '14 S. N. Wyckoff, '14 R. Yelland, '15 C. Herriott, '13 L. P. Hunt, '14 H. L. Jensen, '12 R. Knight, '13 E. J. Lange, '13 R. S. Maile, '13 M. C. Nathan, '14 310 ORGANIZATIONS University Orchestra Conductor Mr. Steindorff President Professor Scholz Vice-President L. W. Allen, '12 Secretary-Treasurer H. P. Nachtrieb, '14 First Violins J. H. Todd/Jr., 'IS M. McDonough, '13 O. R. Smith, 13 F. B. Hornick, '14 P. Lowenthal, '13 M. L. Brenner, '13 R. H. Hills, Jr., '15 H. P. Hare, '13 Z. Pietrzck, '15 J. D. Cohn, '13 Second Violins K. Steindorff, '14 S. H. Fountaine, '15 A. A. Jungerman, '14 S. L. Quimby, '15 O. J. Bergman, '15 L. E. Fleming, '14 W. R. Catching, '15 V. B. Anderson, '13 J. H. Popkens, '13 S. G. de Mahy, T4 L. Taussig, '15 'Cellos H. P. Nachtrieb, '14 C. S. Mauzy, 15 G. Morgan, '15 A. Huber, '12 C. Reed, '13 E. Zeitfuchs, '12 Bass G H. Briggs, '14 Oboe F. H. Bosbyshell, '15 Cornets H. H. Wood, '13 E. N. Arnot, '13 G. W. Thanen, '15 A. W. Christie, '15 A. D. Ellis, '13 J. V. Baldwin, '15 Flutes O. Goldman, '12 A. C. Felt, '14 F Gross, '15 E. H. Wilson, '15 J. B. Frisbie, '15 C. B. Castle, '15 Horns Clarinets Melophone L. A. C. Waite, '15 P. B. Taylor, '13 L. D. Watkins, '15 W. D. Horner, '13 H. E. Kaiser, '15 Piano E. W. Unangst, '15 Trombones H. C. Beebe, '15 E. M. Wright, '13 H. W. Cochran, '14 H. A. Mallum, '15 312 ORGANIZATIONS University Cadet Band Commissioned Officers Chief Musician L. W. Allen, '12 Principal Musician C. A. Allen, '12 Drum Major R. G. Sproul, '13 Non-Commissioned Officers E. W. Dutton, '13 C. A. Harwell, '14 M. L. Cohn, '13 G. H. Briggs, '14 E. M. Wright, '13 W. H. Dunn, '14 J. Pavliger, '13 C. Stock, '14 M. Young, '12 H. W. Cochran, '14 C. C. Way, '13 H. H. Wood, '13 Privates E. J. Albrecht E.-R. Lasell E. N. Arnot H. L. Mallum V. S. Brown G. H. Martin W. Bigelow R. Mathew J. C. Campbell E. R. Merritt C. B. Castle L. W. Meyer M. H. Childress G. Morgan H. H. Coolidge L. Newfield Band R. I. Daley L. E. Fleming L. W. Fowler C D. Hart R. R. Holeman S. S. Parker A. L. Parmelee L. A. Waite R M. Yelland H. E. Kaiser T. D. Cooper R. E. Gunn L. H. Moore L. S. Rathbone Trumpeters C. Z. Sutton E. Young A. McLaughlin R. B. Morin 314 ORGANIZATIONS ■ ' ' i- ■ ■ _ ^~ J= ^5^BBga Mandolin Club OFFICERS President H. S. Chase, '12 Vice-President A. V. Turner, '13 Secretary H. G. Adams, '12 Associate Council S. H. Day, '10 Director R J. Hill, '13 First Mandolins R. J. Hill/ 13 H. B. Mills, '14 R. L. Shurtleff, '12 Kenneth Monteagle, '14 E. R Dickover, '12 E. W. Taylor, '12 C. A. Anderson, '12 Second Mandolins H. S. Chase, '12 L. A. Eggleston, '14 H. G. Adams, '12 R G. Graham, '12 R. R Randall, '13 I. B. McDaniel '15 J. E. Gardiner, '13 G. B. Caswell, '15 Guitars S. H. Day, '10 R. M. Gidney, '12 F. T. Henshaw, '15 Kenneth Carey, '15 A. V. Turner, '13 Mandola S. F. Bryan, '13 'Cello Drum H. P. Nachtrieb, '14 V. S. Brown, '14 316 ORGANIZATIONS Architectural Association IXCE its organization in November, 1905, the Association has always had in view the advancement of its members and the improvement of the Department of Architecture. A number of informal talks by prominent men of the profession are given each semester. These take the form of social gathering? as well as lectures. The "Annual Exhibition and Jinks" is held in January, and is always well attended by an interested public, the work of the year being exhibited at that time. The Year Book, published for the first time in April, and containing all the best work of the department, marks a great step forward, and will give California a much higher standing among the other architectural schools. The officers for the year have been: President, A. J. Evers, '11, and J. H. Mitchell, '12; vice-president, Grace Weeks, '12, and Gertrude Comfort, '13; secretary, Doris Spencer, '12, and Margaret Locan, '13; treasurer, L. Jory, '12, and W. J. Graham, '12; massier, W. J. Graham, '12, and Charles Claudius, '12. AN OFFICE BUILDING (Courtesy of Architectural Year Book) 317 ORGANIZATIONS El Circulo Hispanico El Circulo Hispanico was founded in 1903 to give the students of the University an opportunity to use Spanish. This end has been sought by fort- nightly meetings, often of a purely social nature, and often to hear an address in Spanish. Once, sometimes twice, each year the society presents a Spanish play. Officers: Presidente, T. F. Lopez; vice-presidente, Vera LaRue Sturges, '12; secretaria, Mrs. Beatrice Cornish. German Clubs ORTNIGHTLY meetings have been held throughout the semester by the different clubs under the German Department, but no dramatic productions were undertaken last fall. The |> Dramatic Circle was organized for the first time this year, in connection with the Deutscher Verein, which is the honor society of the department. Four plays will be presented before the Verein during the spring semester, in preparation for a play in the Greek Theatre, to be, produced next fall. The supervision of this work is in the hands of the Dramatic Circle. DEUTSCHER VEREIN President Professor Schilling Vice-president Elda Eggert, Tl Secretary Harriet Ehrenberg, '12 Treasurer W. G. Frederickson, '12 SPRECHVERBAND President W. J. Aschenbrenner, '12 Secretary C. H. Bruns, '14 Treasurer Signe E. Soderberg, '12 DRAMATIC CIRCLE President Professor Demeter Vice-president Clotilde Grunsky, '14 Secretary W. G. Frederickson, '12 KONVERSATIONSKLUB President W. G. Frederickson, T2 Vice-president Hazel Malcolm, '13 ; Mildred Lincoln, '14 Secretary-treasurer Kurt Steindorff, '14 PLAUDERTASCHE President Edith Pence, '12 Vice-president . Clotilde Grunsky, '14 Secretary Ethel James, '11 Treasurer W. E. Chamberlain, '13 DAS DEUTSCHE KRAENZCHEN President Fred Goldman, '12 Vice-president Grace Gallagher, '14 Secretary F. C. Allen, '15 Treasurer Frederick Gross, '15 318 ORGANIZATIONS Law Association The Law Association is a body composed of all the students enrolled in the Department of Law. Its purpose is to foster the best interests of the University by providing for organized work on the part of the students. To the Association is given the control of Boalt Hall, and a board of governors is appointed each year to enforce regulations concerning the use of the building. The members of the board are : S. H. Day, chairman ; G. A. Work and T. B. Kittredge. The most important work before the Law Association at present is the matter of publishing a Law Review. With the earnest co-operation of the faculty the work is well under way and publication is expected in the near future. The officers for the current year — August, 191 1, to May, 1912 — are: Presi- dent, W. W. Kergan, '11; vice-president, J. U. Calkins, Jr., '11; secretary, Brand, '10; treasurer, W. K. Powell, '11. John Marshall Law Club The John Marshall Law Club was organized in 1901 for the purpose of giving the students in the professional law course practice in discussing and handling moot cases. The Club membership is limited to twenty men of the department, who hold fortnightly meetings, thereby giving each member ample opportunity for practice. At intervals mock trials are held in conjunction with the Sword and Scales, a member of the faculty presiding. The officers for the year were: Chancellor, W. H. Pillsbury, '09; clerk, T. C. Wisecarver, '10; bailiff, G. A. Work, '11. 319 ORGANIZATIONS C T .noa Lillian Long Class of 1912 Isabelle Marguerite Creighton* **Maeel Winifred Farrington Gertrude Ann Rice Alice Nickerson Marion Elizabeth Hitchcock Elma Scott Elsie Marion Stoddard **Altce Crabb Mildred Washburn Jordan **Olive Rebekah LaClair ** Pearl Jeannette Tuttle Fdwina Fay Frisbie Kathleen Minerva Kerr *Elna Blaine Clifford Lottie Blain Bocarde Alice Minerva Osborn Class of 1913 Florence Elizabeth Marvin Alice Choate Streets Florence Marie Cook Ethel Beard Class of 1914 Francis Jackling Nellie Blanche Winham Ethel M. Bartlett Hazel Alice Pfitzer Fa ye Marjorie Cortner Class of 1915 Leila Neilson Jessie Clifford Lucile Batdorf Ruth Swasey * Absent on leave. 'Affiliated. 348 Mildred Jordan Pearl Gertrude Rice Faye Cortner Elma Scott Klsie Stoddard Kathleen Kerr Alice Nickerson Alice Streets Nellie Winham Tuttle Mabel Farrington Eda Long Marion Hitchcock Leila Neilson Alice Crabb Olive La Clair Ethel Beard Isabelle Creighton Elna Clifford Fay Frisbie Lottie Bocarde Ethel Bartlett Florence Marvin Florence Cook Minerva Osborne Lucile Batdorf Hazel Pfitzer 349 SORORITIES ZK Sigma Kappa Founded at Colby College in 1874 Lambda Chapter — Established in 1910 MEMBERS Graduate Elda Marie Eggert Olive Myrtle Chubb Elma McCann Class of 1912 Eva Lucile Marshall Helen Marie Phelan Mildred Elvira Norcross Grace Hamilton Class of 1913 *Eda Lorena Colvin Ruth Anna Ware Helen Clover Johnson Hope Lockridge Florence Payne Moore *Nell Wait Class of 1914 Grace Van Dyke Bird Jennie Olga Kreyenhagen Natalia Nevada Durney Alta Marie Struckmeyer Class of 1915 Frances Jane Patton Ella Livingston Ethel Carey Eveleth Mabel Ruth Johnson Minnie Marguerite Cron Anna Maude Bowden *Absent on leave. 350 Grace Hamilton Ruth Ware Elda Eggert Olive Chubb Eda Colvin Helen Phelan Lucile Marshall _ Helen Johnson Hope Lockridge Grace Jennie Kreyenhagen Natalia Durney Ethel Eveleth Minnie Cron Elma McCann Ella Livingston Mildred Norcross Florence Moore Bird Alta Struckmeyer Frances Patton Ruth Johnson 351 rr FRATERNITIES Zeta Psi Founded at the College of the City of New York in 1847 Iota Chapter — Established in 1870 MEMBERS Faculty George Cunningham Edwards Orrin Kip McMurray Joseph Nisbet LeConte Carl Copping Plehn Wallace Irving Terry Joseph Rowell Class of 1912 Ernest George Clewe Irwin Campbell Berry *William Edward Zuill **Raymond William Hawley Class of 1913 Gustav Crittenden Reis Remi Chabot Knight William Norris King Daniel McPeak Richard Olcott Burr *Bedford Boyes David Duncan, Jr. Class of 1914 George Mearns Finley William Howard Finley Ivan Andrew Ringheim Class of 1915 Roswell Miller Charles Zook Sutton Bonner James Gordon Walter Schilling Sidney Eliott Bretherton Lloyd Straube Gilmour Charles Henry Davis John Albert Cole Waters Alvah Putnam Conklin Alexander Mann King •Absent on leave. * Affiliated. 354 Ernest Clewe Irwin Berry William Znill Raymond Hawley Gustav Reis Ivan Ringheim William King Daniel McPeak David Duncan Richard Burr John Waters Lloyd Gilmour 15onner Gordon Charles Davis Charles Sutton Alvah Conklin Walter Schilling Sidney Rretherton Roswell Miller 355 FRATERNITIES Chi Phi Founded at Princeton in 1824 Lambda Chapter — Established in 1875 MEMBERS Regent of the University Hiram Warren Johnson Faculty *Joseph Chamberlain Graduate Albert John Evers Class of 1912 Edward Louis Watts **Charles LeRoy Butler Harold Augustus Fletcher James Byers Black Class of 1913 * Meredith Parker * Fargo Fenton Rose Lewis Morris Foulke Sidney Gaskill Carleton Arthur Peronneau Hayne Class of 1914 Charles Albert Edwards, Jr. *Chester Allen Hollister *Albert Augustus Hinchman, Jr. *William John Goebel William Charles Tupper Class of 1915 Joseph de Lindeth Waithman *Gladstone Reed Tracy Wilmerding Harron *Sydney Mezes Wynne *Hubert Stanley Emanuels *John Pressley Phillips Robert McKee Sherrard ♦Absent on leave. ""'Graduated 1911. 356 Louis Watts Albert Evers Roy Butler Harold Fletcher James Black Meredith Parker Lewis Fotll!:« Sidney Carlton Carl Edwards Albert Ilinchman Tracy Ilarron Chester Hollister Hubert Emanuels William Goebel William Tupper John Phillips Gladstone Reed Joseph Waithman Sydney Wynne 357 FRATERNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon Founded at Yale in 1844 Theta Zeta Chapter — Established in 1876 MEMBERS Faculty Henry W. Ballentine Charles G. Hyde William Augustus Merrill Carlos Bransby Adolph Caspar Miller Class of 1912 Benjamin Callister Corlett Michael Joel Dillman, Jr. Wolcott Pratt Stanton Samuel Gerrit Wight Byington Ford Class of 1913 ***Marcus C Stearns Class of 1914 John Jerrold Meigs Edward Meacham Barn ham *James Stuart Jolly Ernest Ford Nolting Chester D. Bonestell Class of 1915 Fritz Tubbs Hens haw *Henry Ridgway Vail William Lloyd Hook Edwin Locksley Stanton Hector A. McNeill Chandler Parks Barton * Absent on leave. '♦♦Affiliated. 358 liyington Ford Ben Ccilett Wolcott Stanton Joel Dillman Samuel Wight Stuart Jolly Jen-old Meigs Edward Burnham Hector McNeill Ernest Nolting Fritz Henshaw John Evans Edwin Stanton Lloyd Hook Ridgway Vail Chester Bonestell Chandler Barton Marcus Stearns 359 FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi Founded at Miami University in 1839 Omega Chapter — Established in 1879 MEMBERS Regents of the University Charles Stetson Wheeler Guy Chaffee Earl Faculty Warren Olney, Jr. Louis de Fontenay Barti.lti William Dallam Armes George Malcolm Stratton Herbert Charles Moffitt Henry James Kesner Henry Rand Hatfield Ernest Bryant Hoag Class of 1912 Charles Stetson Wheeler, Jr. Harold Stuart Chase James Harrison Thomson Archibald Bruce Tinning Louis McCrory Jackson Elbert Merritt Vail Henry Norbert Wolff Gerald Driscoll Kennedy Class of 1913 Raymond Moffet Hill Lloyd Alexander Sloane Cecil Temple Thomas Nicholas Lloyd Taliaferro Stanley Fisk Bryan Class of 1914 Eliot Huff Downing *Benjamin Henry Wyman Taylor *Sidney Coe Howard Frank Bigelow Cook Oliver Lincoln Haines Class of 1915 *Constant Havens Robinson Frank Garcelon Steward Joe Frederick Hunt George Walter Wolff Frederick John Moller *Charles John Lindgren *Charles Hubbard Thomas * Absent on leave. 360 Harold Chase Archibald Tinning Jame Thomson Arthur Saxe Charles Wheeler Lloyd Sloane Elbert Vail Gerald Kennedy Raymond Hill Louis Jackson Frank Cook Oliver Haines Eliot Downing Henry Taylor Nicholas Taliaferro Charles Lindgren George Wolff Cecil Thomas Frederick Moller Stanley T'ryan Joe Hunt Constant Robinson Charles Thomas Frank Steward 361 FRATERNITIES Phi Gamma Delta Founded at Jefferson College in 1848 Delta Xi Chapter— Established in 1886 MEMBERS Faculty George Holmes Howison Charles Derleth Graduate George Gross Harlowe Class of 1912 Stanley Demalayne Cowden Harry Rogers Lawton Robert Spencer Currey Howard Thomas Douglas Frank Samuel Hudson Class of 1913 Archie James Beckett James Frederick MacDonald Louis Spencer Davis John Thomas Gribner Paul Dana Bartlett Donald Geary Frank Philip Gribner Le Roy Philip Hunt Ormond Ralston Smith Charles Wade Snook Class of 1914 Ernest Randolph Lasell Harry Porter Pohlman Warde Wood Sorrick Harold Parrish Williams George Dwight Wood Class of 1915 *Frank Edward Agar Kenneth DeWitt Fobes *Merritt Barton Curtis Henry Wood Harlowe John Welby Dinsmore Alpheus Stewart Robert Eunson Mills Leo Edward Noonan 'Absent on leave. 362 Robert Currey Frank Hudson Harry I. John Gribner James Mac Donald Spencer Davis Harry Pohlman Ormond Donald Geary Paul Bartlett Harold Williams Ward Sorrick Kenneth Alpheus Stewart Henry Ilarlowe awton Stanley Cowden George Harlowe Wade Snook Howard Douglas Smith Archie Beckett Frank Gribner I.eKoy Hunt Ernest Lasell Fobes Frank Agar Robert Mills .Merritt Curtis lohn Dinsmore 363 FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta Founded at Miami University in 1848 California Alpha Chapter— Established in 1873; re-established in 1886 MEMBERS Faculty Samuel Benedict Christy George Frederick Reinhardt Edward Booth Victor Hendricks Henderson William Cakey Jones George Wright Shaw- Harry Beale Torrey Herman White Reynolds Emmett Le Roy Wemple Graduate Harold Harrison Ashley Class of 1912 **Charles Warren Pauly Harold Eastman Haven Carl Albert Phleger Herman H. Phleger Walter Hugo Schroeder Albert John Rathbone Class of 1913 Spencer Mastick Hugh Kling Berkley Class of 1914 Charles Seffens Dodge Frederick Bruner Hornick Samuel Halsey Thompson Harold Pasmore Nachtrieb Phelps Dodge Jewett Leland Sereno Rathbone *Edward Rankin Brainerd, Jr. William Everett Barnard *Laurence Berkley Class of 1915 Roeert Edward Christy James Hamilton Todd, Jr. Stanley Powell James Frederick Thomas Victor Hugo Doyle Carroll Lyon Kauffman Carleton D. Dethlefsen Harry Lippincott Dunn ***Paul Fletcher Cadman Reuben Wilmarth Hills, Jr. Edgar Woods Maybury •Absent on leave. **Graduated Dec, 1911. ***Affiliated. 364 Albert Rathbone Charles Harold Haven Leland Rathbone Walter Schroeder Phelps Jewett Kverett Barnard Carroll Kauffman James Thomas Pauly Herman Phleger Harold Ashley Spencer Mastick Harold Nachtrieb Charles Dodge Edward Brainerd Stanley Powell Fred Hornick Harry Dunn Robert Christy James Todd Carleton Dethlefsen Paul Cadman Victor Doyle 365 FRATERNITIES Sigma Chi Founded at Miami University in 1855 Alpha Beta Chapter— Established in 1886 MEMBERS Faculty Charles Albert Noble Arthur Wurts Whitney George Rupert MacMinn William Hammond Wright Elmer Edgar Hall James Lyman Whitney Graduate Edwin Alexander McKanna Class of 1912 Arne Knud Bours Hoisholt Sherwin Bennett Davis Arnold Thornton Brown Clarence Merle Price Robert Rugh Thomas John Sanford Halbert Class of 1913 William Bennett Miller Harold Edwin Gray Charles Grunsky Jacob William Hartman Class of 1914 Warren Bronson Lane David Wells Conrey Latimer Emery Doan Melvin Dudley Boyd Bert Betheford Banta Hughes Madeley Ernest Creswell Brown Charles Edward Lutz Hamilton Cecil Cautley Maurice Junior Bleuel Class of 1915 Arthur Lee Cuningham, Jr. Eustace James Angwin Lester Amiel Daugherty John Leslie Spear Frank Dunn Halbert George Murch Dick 366 Arnold Brown Robert Thomas .Merle Price Sherwin Davis Arne Hoisholt Jack Hartman William Miller Charles Grunsky John Halbert Harold Gray Maurice Bleuel David Conrey Charles Lutz Warren Lane Hamilton Cautley Frank Halbert Bert Banta Ernest Brown Melvin Boyd Hughes Madeley Lester Daugherty John Spear George Dick Arthur Cunningham 367 FRATERNITIES Sigma Nu Founded at Virginia Militaiy Institute in 1869 Beta Psi Chapter — Established in 1892 MEMBERS Faculty George Henry Boke Hastings College of Law Anthony Caminetti Leroy Vernon Hitchcock ** + George Waldo Weeks, Jr. Samuel Stanclift Stevens Class of 1912 Raymond Clifford Ingram Thomas Briggs Rice Class of 1913 Charles William Heyer, Jr. Stephen Kent Mead *Rex Rice Eric Kenneth Craig Class of 1914 *Charles Harold Turner Fred Day Hihn Rhett McMahon Vincent Calley Dickinson Edward Geoffrey Van Dyke Bangs Delmar Rogers Jacobs Class of 1915 Jasper William Tully Albert Colis Mitch um Roland Eugene Doan Fred Holberg Reimers *Benjamin Carroll Haile Ted Rice Gerald Westfall Olaf Lindblom *Absent on leave. ***Affi1iated. 368 Rex Rice George Weeks Raymond Ingram Samuel Stevens Thomas Rice Fred Hihn Charles Heyer Delmar Jacobs Eric Craig Rhett McMahon Vincent Dickinson Fred Reimers Edward Bangs Colis Mitchum Benjamin Haile Roland Doan Jasper Tully 369 FRATERNITIES > 4p '-■/ 7 22 22 22 27 Total Fraternities 26 Total Active Members. .602 Sororities in the Academic Colleges Of the University of California Kappa Alpha Theta < Omega Gamma Phi Beta Eta . . Kappa Kappa Gamma . Delta Delta Delta Pi Beta Phi Alpha Phi Chi Omega Alpha Omicron Pi ' Sigma Delta Gamma Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Xi Delta . . Sigma Kappa .... Pi Pi ....... California Lambda . Mu FOUNDED Beta. Gamma . . Pi ....... California Lambda . 1890 1894 1880-1897 1900 1900 1901 1902 1907 1907 1909 1909 1910 ACTIVE MEMBERS 33 32 34 28 30 27 20 34 28 29 23 21 Total Sororities 12 Total Active Members 339 425 HONOR SOCIETIES HONOR SOCIETIES Golden Bear Senior Honor Society — Established in 1901 MEMBERS Honorary Benjamin* Ide Wheeler Eugene Waldemar Hilgard Albert Bonnheim Charles Mills Gayley Henry Morse Stephens Faculty William Carey Jones Horace A. Davis Arthur W. Foster Edward James Wickson Chauncey Wetmore Wells Alumni Members Associated With the University Victor Hendricks Henderson George Cunningham Edwards Alexander Marsden Kidd Monroe Emanuel Deutsch James Kennedy Moffitt Martin Charles Flaherty Charles Stetson Wheeler Robert Sirley Edmond O'Neill Max Thelen Harry Beal Torrey Warren Olney, Jr. Farnham Pond Griffiths James Sutton Ralph Palmer Merritt Milton Thomas Farmer Irving Grover Markwart Lincoln Hutchinson William Henry Greenlaw, James Garfield Schaeffer Thomas Milton Putnam Guy Chaffee Earl Maurice Edward Harrison Ik. Graduates George Armistead Work John Uberto Calkins, Jr. Harold Harrison Ashley William Goodricke Donald Karl Clayton Leebrick •GEORGE Alfred Haines George Arneke Kretsinger *Burton Alexander Swartz *Arthur Curtis Prendergast David Phillip Hardy *Jay Dwiggins, Jr. *Charles Warren Pauly Joseph Goodrich Sweet Amos William Elliott Chester Arthur Allen James Byers Black *Charles Le Roy Butler Morse Adams Cartwright Ernest George Clewe Class of 1912 Newton Bishop Drury Edwin Moritz Einstein Harry G. Gabbert Raymond Clifford Ingram Herbert Charles Kelley Ralph Campbell McGee Laurel Revel Miller Carl Albert Phleger Herman Horatius Phleger John Robertson Quinn Roy Lothrop Shurtleff Edward Louis Watts Le Roy Walton Allen Monroe Lincoln Dinkelspiel. Lester Seward Ready 'Degree conferred Dec., 1911. 428 HONOR SOCIETIES Winged Helmet Junior Honor Society — Established in 1901 MEMBERS President Benjamin Ide Wheeler Professor Charles Oilman Hyde Professor Armin Otto Leuschnek Professor Chauncey W. Wells Professor James Turney Allen Professor Edward Bull Clapp Professor Leon Josiah Richardson Professor Milton Thomas Putnam Faculty Professor Wm. Conger Morgan Professor Grover Chester Noble Professor Lincoln Hutchinson Professor Richard Fred. Scholz Professor Donald Eugene Smith Mr. James Sutton Mr. Max Tiielen Dk. Maurice Edward Harrison Milton Thomas Farmer Graduates William Goodricke Donald *George Alfred Haines Class of 1912 Chester Arthur Allen *Charles Le Roy Butler Morse Adams Cartwright Robert Hazeltine Clark- Newton Bishop Drury Harry Gabbert Raymond Clifford Ingram Herbert Charles Kelly Ralph Campbell McGee Carl Albert Phleger Herman Horatius Phleger Roy I.othrop Shurtleff Edward Louis Watts Amos William Elliott ** Ernest George Clewe Laurel Revel Miller Chas. Stetson Wheeler, Jr. Fred Harold Allen- Edward Ives Beeson Harry Homer Wood John Lowrey Simpson Edgar Francis Sullivan John Allen Stroud, Jr. Laird Monterey Morris Class of 1913 Stirling Benjamin Peart Raymond Moffett Hill Wilfred Melton Forker Richard Whitney Rust Lewis Morris Foulke Milton Kerr Campbell, Jr. *Jack Jerome Alexander Henry Armstrong Stern Harry Charles McClelland Clare Morse Torrey Arthur Eaton Robert Gordon Sproul Roy Arthur Silent William Norris King Lyman Grimes *Absent on leave. 'Graduated Dec, 1911. 429 HONOR SOCIETIES Skull and Keys Senior and Junior Honor Society Established in 1892 MEMBERS Faculty Martin Charles Flaherty Edmond O'Neill Thomas Frederick Sanford William Albert Setchell Henry Morse Stephens Walter Magee George Smithson Benjamin Ide Wheeler Class of John Wheelwright Barnett James Byers Black Robert Spencer Currey Howard Thomas Douglas Amos William Elliott Harry G. Gabbert George Dinsmore Hansen Raymond William Hawley Ralph Brooks High Raymond Clifford Ingram Gerald Driscoll Kennedy Harry Rodgers Lawton * William Edw 1912 John Joseph Parker **Charles Warren Pauly Carl Albert Phelger Herman Horatious Phelger *Clarence Merle Price Thomas Briggs Rice **Walter Hugo Schroeder **Burton Albert Swartz Thomas William Veitch **Edwin Scott Walker Edward Louis Watts Charles Kenneth White ard zuill Class of 1913 William Landon Bagby * David Otto Brant William Wilson Gay Lewis Morris Foulke Charles William Heyer, Jr. William Norris King Sterling Benjamin Peart Henry Armstrong Stern John Allen Stroud, Jr. *Fargo Fenton Rose Murray Slauson Vosburg *Rollo Clark Wheeler 'Absent on leave. *Oliver Creighton Wyllie 'Graduated Dec., 1911. 430 a a- ffi ? S* ? ^- 431 HONOR SOCIETIES ONE Theta Nu Epsilon Zeta Chapter — Established in 1881 MEMBERS Honorary Garrett Cochran Addison W. Kelly Arthur Charles Nahl George Lyell Cadwalader Walter Christy George A. Smithson William James Howe Class of 1912 Stanley Demalayne Cowden Howard Thomas Douglas William Edward Zuill Edward Louis Watts Ernest George Clewe James Byers Black Albert John Evers Arne Bours Knud Hoisholt John Wheelwright Barnett Frank Samuel Hudson George Gross Harlowe Robert Spencer Currey Irwin Campbell Berry Samuel Gerrit Wight Harry Rogers Lawton Henry Hiram Ray Class of 1913 John Allen Stroud, Jr. Oscar Sargent Norton Rollo Clark Wheeler Oliver Creighton Wyllie William Raymond Martin Meredith Parker Harold Cushman Lewis David Otto Brant Murray Slauson Vosburg John Thomas Gribner Charles Wade Snook Lewis Morris Foulke Class of 1914 ''I'trcdbgvtdeerTbrcdi ( o) trgc • WredcbgvAdcbvfetrgbdje ( I ) ****Actbgvrdjt] Ooogla Fdcrbgvetrd oTbrbrcdlca]** YtjcbgdefrvjdcbgvrtIbveio( ) IstiOvbrgdtcflaioWrcdjdfgb £vbcdef*gCrtjivbcigroiSo $7890123456 E78901 234560098 E123456*7C890|123|78*|S* HvbcdeoigrtigrtS|Tdgrtj . . , Y903274568104327189I215|*( ) YllekNeesErehYdobyna IstiOvbrgdtcflaioWrcdjdfgb ^trcdbgvtdeerTbrcdi ( o ) trgc ( | ) ****ACTBGVRDJT | OOOGLA Fdcrbgvetrd oTbrbrcdlca I ** 432 HONOR SOCIETIES Mask and Dagger Dramatic Honor Society MEMBERS Class of 1912 Ernest George Clewe Charlotte Kett John W. Rankin Class of 1913 Barbara Nachtrieb Roy Arthur Silent Class of 1914 Lurita Stone Class of 1915 Gladstone Wilson 433 HONOR SOCIETIES Torch and Shield Founded in 1907 MEMBERS Class of 1909 Violet Ottoman Leila McKibben Elda Eggert Ruth Fuller Rose Gardner Class of 1910 Marguerite Ogden Class of 1911 Jennett Miller Cheryl Merrill Scholz Mabel Sadler Margaret Witter 434 HONOR SOCIETIES Prytanean MEMBERS Faculty Miss Lucy Sprague Dr. Jessica Peixotto Miss Lucy Stebbins Dr. Romilda Paroni Miss Ethel Sherman Marguerite Ogden Rose Gardner Elba Eggert Mabel Sadler Margaret Witter Florence E. Doyle Dorothy C. Fish Mildred M. Jordan Edith E. Pence Alice L. Andrews Mary B. Chase Marion Gay Mary G. Hamilton Anna R. Kidder Katherine Carlton May Christal Graduates Katherine Asher Ethel Burke Anne Hunt Hazel B. Jordan Georgie Del McCoy Jennett L. Miller Class of 1912 Dolores Bradley Alice M. Hiestand Mildred Porter Doris C. Spencer Caroline Teichert Reid Venable Catherine Walker Grace Weeks Penelope Murdoch Class of 1913 Harriet Judd Barbara Nachtrieb Amy M. Waite 435 HONOR SOCIETIES Sword and Scales Honor Society of the Department of Jurisprudence MEMBERS Faculty William Carey Jones Orrin Kipp McMurray Alexander M. Kidd George H. Boke J. P. Chamberlain Farnham P. Griffiths Lester H. Jacobs Matthew C. Lynch Maurice E. Harrison Class of 1910 Merton Aurel Albee Samuel Hamilton Day Clyde Holman Brand Arvin Benjamin Shaw Class of 1911 Allard Anthony Calkins Ray W. Hays John Uberto Calkins, Jr. William H. Snyder *George Alfred Haines George Armistead Work Class of 1912 Newton Bishop Drury Herman Horatius Phleger Herbert Charles Kelly . Joe Goodrich Sweet 436 HONOR SOCIETIES Mim Kaph Mim Chemistry Honor Society Established in 1901 MEMBERS Faculty Benjamin Ide Wheeler Edmund O'Neill Walter Charles Blasdale William Conger Morgan Henry Chalmers Biddle Edward Booth Meyer Edward Jaffa George Davis Louderback Carl Howard McCharles Paul McCreary William Cruess Charles E. Burke Graduates Oscar Leo Brauer Wallace Kendall Gaylord Charles Barrow Bennett Walter Pearson Kelley Leslie Theodore Sharp Class of 1912 Irving Furlong Paul William Christman Elmer Walker Gruer Raymond Henry Butzbach Charles Walton Owen Benjamin Nelson Edward Zeitfuchs Geoffrey Armstrong Buddle Ralph Tavenner Albert Marine Weston William Newton Davis Colin Campbell Rae Class of 1913 Graham Blair Moody William James Barnhill Arthur Eaton Albino Martinetti Ermon Dwight Eastman Frederick George Linde Laurence Winant Dickey Herold Pittman Hare Joseph Pavliger 437 HONOR SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa Society Alpha Chapter in California — Organized December 14, 1898 Robert G. Aitken Arthur C. Alvarez Ernest B. Babcock Frederic T. Blanchard Walter C. Blasdale George H. Boke Cornelius B. Bradley Russell J. Crawford J. Frank Daniel Charles Derleth, Jr. Monroe E. Ueutsch Adolphus J. Eddy J. Sidney Elston Bernard A. Etcheverry Isaac Flagg Martin C. Flaherty Charles M. Gayley Farnham P. Griffiths Walter M. Hart Mellf.n W. Haskell Henry R. Hatfield Eugene W. Hilgard George H. Howison Albert H. Allen Lilian E. Amos Della Bayley Paul Boehncke Ethel M. Burke Clinton C. Conrad Mabel L. Frisbie Alice Lorraine Andrews Muriel E. Burnham Edith D. Clapp Ernest G. Clewe Ray M. Gidney Cornelius N. Hackett Bertha A. Lais 438 MEMBERS Faculty Lincoln Hutchinson Frank Irwin Willis L. Jepson William C. Jones Henry J. Kesner Charles A. Kofoid Alexis F. Lange Joseph N. Le Conte Derrick N. Lehmer Armin O. Leuschner Edward M. Lewis E. Percival Lewis Ivan M. Linforth George D. Louderback John H. McDonald Orrin K. McMurray William A. Merrill Adolph C. Miller Ralph S. Minor Wesley C. Mitchell William C. Morgan Bernard Moses Charles A. Noble Administrative Officers Victor H. Henderson Graduates Rose Gardner Louis A. Giamboni Arthur R. Williams Frances Lytle Gillespy Lillian I. Harber Louise L. Huebner Class of 1912 Hazel H. Hund Robert A. Monroe Graham B. Moody Grace Moore Norma Noteware Edith E. Pence Class of 1913 Victor F. Lenzen Barbara Nachtrieb George R. Noyes Herbert C. Nutting Jessica B. Peixotto Torsten Peterson Carl C. Plehn William J. Raymond Leon J. Richardson Charles H. Rieber William E. Ritter Charles E. Rugh Arthur W. Ryder Richard F. Scholz William A. Setchell Robert Sibley Henry Morse Stephens George M. Stratton Max Thelen Harry B. Torrey Chauncey W. Wells Benjamin Ide Wheeler Carlos G. White William H. Wright James Sutton Marie K. Lazarus Geneva W. Mower Franz Schneider Signe E. Soderberg Henry D. B. Soule Walter P. Taylor Lester S. Ready Laurence H. Smith Warren P. Tufts Lilian Van Dyke Ralph C. Waddell Tohn L. Simpson HONOR SOCIETIES Sigma Xi Faculty Robert Grant Aitken Arthur Carl Alvarez Leroy Anderson Ernest Brown Babcock David Prescott Barrows Benjamin Abram Bernstein Henry Chalmers Biddle Walter Charles Blasdale San ford Blum Theodore Crete Burnett William Wallace Campbell Albert Edward Chandler Samuel Benedict Christy Warren Thompson Clarke Clarence Linus Cory Frederick Gardner Cottrell Arnold Abraham D'Ancona Russell Tracy Crawford George Davidson Charles Derleth Arthur Starr Eakle Adolphus James Eddy S. Einarsson Thomas Sidney Elston Harold Child Bryant Bruce Clark Carl Howard McCharles Maurice Barstow Nichols Vyacheslav Petrovsky Baldwin Munger Woods William Harry Archer Robert Percy Brandt Arthur Franklin Bridge Geoffrey Armstrong Buddle Carlos Newton Carter Roy Elwood Clausen Donald Isaac Cone Sherwin Bennett Davis Bernard Alfred Etcheverry Elmer Edgar Hall Harvey Monroe Hall Clarence Melvin Haring Mellen Woodman Haskell William Brodbeck Herms Ernest Albion Hersam Frederick Godfrey Hesse Eugene Woldemar Hilgard Rui.iff Stephen Holway Myer Edward Jaffa Willis Linn Jepson Henry James Kesner Charles Atwood Kofoid Herman Kower Alfred Louis Kroeber Charles Kuschke Joseph Nisbet Le Conte Derrick Norman Lehmer Aarmiro Otis Leuschner Exum Percival Lewis Charles Lipman Joseph Long George Davis Louderback Robert Hills Loughridge Graduates Albert Lloyd Barrows Frank Stanley Baxter Walter Pearson Kelley Carl Clarence Kiess Paul Willard Merrill Daniel Walter Morehouse Class of 1912 John Franklin Dodge Richard Ferdinand Felchlin George Cleveland Haun Frank Samuel Hudson Edwin Ambler Ingham Robert Ansley Monroe Graham Rlair Moody Walter Hall Nixon Tay Marion Read Samuel Steen Maxwell John Campbell Merriam Frederick Meyer Ralph Smith Minor Robert Orton Moody William Conger Morgan Charles Albert Noble Edmond O'Neill Thomas Milton Putnam William James Raymond Herman White Reynolds William Emerton Ritter William Albert Setchell Frederick Slate Ralph Elliott Smith Frank Soule George Malcolm Stratton Frederick Horace Tibbetts Harry Beal Torrey Albert Wurts Whitney Edward James Wickson Harry Oscar Wood Charles Willliam Woodworth Hammond William Wright Fred Eugene Pernot John Hines Pitman Albert Holmes Rowe Arthur Herbert Saxer Edward Haslam Walters Reynold Young Lester Seward Ready Laurence Hammond Smith William Harris Smyth Harry James Saook Tracy Irwin Storer Percy William Thompson Thomas Brainerd Waddell Marshall Gould Williamson 439 HONOR SOCIETIES Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Founded at Lehigh University in 1885 Alpha Chapter of California — Established in 1907 MEMBERS Faculty Arthur Carl Alvarez Samuel Benedict Christy Charles Linus Cory Charles Derleth, Jr. Bernard Alfred Etcheverry Harmon S. Fischer Adolphcs James Eddy Charles Gilman Hyde Henry James Kesner Andrew Cowper Lawson Joseph Nesbit Le Conte Robert Sibley Frank Soule Graduate Elmer Fred Davis Class of Edwin A. Abeel William Harry Archer Goeffrey Armstrong Buddle Sinclair Ernest Carpenter Sherwin Bennett Davis Richard Ferdinand Felchlin Alfred Victor Guillou John Sanford Halbert Harold Bernard Ham mill 1912 Edwin Ambler Ingham James Frederick Pollard Lester Seward Ready Horace Earl Sandoval William Harris Smyth John Robert Sum an Percy William Thompson Thomas Brainard Waddell John Philip Zipf Class of 1913 Tom Allen Bither Calvin Ira Kephart Donald Isaac Cone Nicholas Lloyd Taliaferro Arthur Eaton Otto Christian Tretten William Hugo Jaenicke James Latham Underhill 440 HONOR SOCIETIES Alpha Zeta Agricultural Technical Fraternity Founded at Ohio State University in 1897 California Chapter — Established in 1908 MEMBERS Faculty Eugene Waldemar Hilgard Robert Hills Loughridge Edward Albert Setchell Ernest Brown Babcock Henry Josef Quayle William Brodbeck Herms Clarence Melvin Haring Charles Bernard Lipman Meyer Edward Jaffa William T. Harne Graduates Frank Cuthbert Clarke Leslie Theodore Sharp Class of *Jay Dwiggins, Jr. *Charles Warren Pauly Henry Norbert Wolff Walter Hall Nixon Niles Pond Searls ^Charles Le Roy Butler Gerald Driscoll Kennedy 1912 George Dinsmore Hansen Albert John Rath bone George Pressley Dozier Harry Stanley Yates Thomas Clay Mayhew Leo J. Anderson Nelson Scott Mickel Roy Elwood Clausen Class of 1913 Edwin Coblentz Voorhies James Vernon Short 'Graduated Dec, 1911. 441 HONOR SOCIETIES Beta Kappa Alpha iiological Honor Society — Established in 1910 MEMBERS Faculty Samuel Steen Maxwell Charles Atwood Kofoid Harry Real Torrey William Brodbeck Herms Robert Orton Moody Frederick Parker Gay John Campbell Merriam William Emerson Ritter Arthur Russell Moore Henry Josef Quayle Charles William Woodworth Graduates Ivan Clifford Hall Albert Holmes Rowe Ernest Winton Cleary Clifford Daniel Sweet Robert Guy Sharp Harold Child Bryant Earl Hamilton Cornell Thomas Harper Goodspeed Bruce Laurence Clark John G. Bridwell Richard Harvey T. Brailsford Robertson Wilbur A. Sawyer Willis Linn Jepson Glanville Y. Rusk Joseph Grinnell Joseph A. Long J. Frank Daniel Theodore Crete Burnett Harvey Monroe Hall Walter Penn Taylor Frank Cuthbert Clarke Ruby Lacy Cunningham Myrtle Elizabeth Johnson Sarah Rogers Atsatt Lyman Luther Daines Charles Laurence Baker William Bell Parker Edward Haslam Walters Elizabeth Heald Class of 1912 William Francis John Kerr Marshall Gould Williamson Jay Marion Read Clarence Edgar Wells Robert Percy Brandt Class of 1913 Frederick George Linde John Carroll Ruddock Benjamin Yoe Morrison Graham Blair Moody Tracy Irwin Storer Fred Herman Kruse John P. Buwalda Harry James Snook Hugh Kling Berkley 442 HONOR SOCIETIES Theta Tau Founded at University of Minnesota in 1904 Epsilon Chapter— Established in 1911 MEMBERS Faculty George Davis Louderback Henry James Kesner Graduate Artemus Dalton Wilcox George Burger Dillingham Randolph Rising Vail William Ladele Moody George Miles Collins Charron Monell Staples George D. Smith Chas. Morton Heron Ernest E. Behr Elmer Fred. Davis George Clark Gester Class of Ralph Countryman Walter Hugh Schroeder Guy Leonard Goodwin Wolcott Pratt Stanton Stephen Howell Gester John Robert Suman Frederick George Tickell Geoffrey Armstrong Buddle John Peter Buwalda Chester Arth 1912 Frank Samuel Hudson N. John Lund Ralph Brooks High Percy W. Thompson Sherwin Bennett Davis Burdette Arnold Otis Graham Blair Moody Andrew Werner Laws< >n Frank Lake Wilson ur Allen Class of 1913 Arthur Eaton 443 HOUSE CLUBS HOUSE CLUBS Enewah Organized 1900 MEMBERS Graduate Florence Abbie Rolfe Nelda Gertrude Eaton Hallie Kathleen Owen Class of 1912 Jennie Olivette Bunce Mary Elizabeth Fairchild Edith Juanita Garner Shirley Schnoor Edith Lillian Hoag Lulu Edith Hair Pearl Margaret Kenyon Class of 1913 Pearl Grace Sifford Class of 1914 Frances Mary Lane Helen Tonner Myer Hedwig Elizabeth Ballaseyus Lillian Mary Moore Class of 1915 Aline Brovvder Mary Ruth Hill Lucile Stephens 446 Edith Garner Florence Rolfe Hallie Owen Nelda Eaton Jennie Bunce Edith Hoag Shirley Schnoor Mary Fairchild Pearl Kenyon Lulu Hair Hedwig Ballasegus Lillian Moore Frances Lane Helen Meyer Pearl Sifford Aline Browder Lucile Stephens Mary Hill 447 HOUSE CLUBS Rediviva Organized 1903 MEMBERS Graduate Bertha Eleanor Lowden Clara Anne McLaurix Rowena Evelyn Symmonds Marie Ethel Hitchcock Class of 1912 Hollace Joy Shaw Rltth Wet more Shinn Jeanie Ellison Brock Ethel Beatrice Lockhart Class of 1913 Alice Elizabeth Webster Elsiedora Brixck Ada Louise Swortzel Rebekah Gardner Marie Marcella Coates Class of 1914 Gertrude May Grey *Edxa May Staxglaxd ♦Lucy May Gidney Class of 1915 Frieda Elizabeth Tarke Jamie Marguerite Butterfield Leona Jones Verna Donna McLean * Absent on leave. 448 Ethel Lockhart Jeanie Hrock Frieda Tsrke Ethel Shinn Alice Webster Rebekah Gardner Marie Coates Klsiedora l'rinck Gertrude Grey I.eona Jones Ada Swortzel Yerna McLean ramie Butterfield 44U HOUSE CLUBS Copa de Oro Organized 1905 MEMBERS Graduate Ethel Mary Burke Edith Ash more Bliss May Louise Seitz Kate Bigelow Hazel Flood Pearl Elizabeth Heath Aln. a Landis Class of 1912 Hazel Claire Jarvis Gilda Belloni Sadie Vesta Milliken Class of 1913 Bertha Agnes Lais Hazel Estelle Malcoi M Class of 1914 Valeria Elizabeth Mixer Mary Alice Cowden Isaeelle Virginia Caples Class of 1915 Ruth Rochester Bliss Helen Howard Sterling 450 Pearl Heath Edith Bliss Bertha Lais Valeria Mixer Kate Bigelow Hazel Jarvis Sadie Milliken Mary Cowden Ethel Burke Gilda Belloni Isabelle Caples Mila Landis May Seitz Hazel Malcolm Ruth Bliss Helen Sterling 451 HOUSE CLUBS Cranford Organized 1908 Honorary Amanda M. Hicks Graduate Myrtle Elizabeth Johnson Vera Isadore Bagot Elizabeth Roulette- Rhoades Class of 1912 Ruth Elce Pitman Rose Annette Nigg Jeanette Stewart William ita Bee Bayley Class of 1913 Ruth Martha de Witt Florence Elizabeth Ryle Lillian Eva Waite Mable Fern Jones Class of 1914 Helen Ranke Hall Doris Boggs Esther Maria Bomgardner Edith Hazel Waterhouse Class of 1915 Lura Maria de Camp 452 Myrtle Johnson Elizabeth Rhoades Vera Bagot Rose Nigg Ruth Pitman Williamita Bayley .Mabel Jones Ruth I)e Witt Lillian Waite Jeanette Stewart Florence Ryle Esther Bomgardner Helen Hall Edith Waterhouse Doris Boggs Lura De Camp 453 HOUSE CLUBS Ida Louise Rinn Aldebaran Organized 1909 MEMBERS Graduate Elsa Ludeke Beulah Hershiser Class of 1912 Goldie California Hulbert Edna Quay Harriet Williamson Tuft Class of 1913 Clara Anne Sherwood Erma Blanche Lucas Veleda Delila Mattison Beulah Whipple Maude Elizabeth Price Minnie Walton Hope Eugenia Pinkley Class of 1914 Dorothy May Ludeke Ella Elizabeth Scott : *Myrtle Libby Hazel Tindell Class of 1915 Louena Little Helen Ross *Absent on leave. 454 Elsa Ludeke Edna Quay Harriet Tuft Ida Rinn Goldie Hulbert Hope Pinkley Minnie Walton Erma Lucas Beulah Whipple Maud Price Dorothy Ludeke Clare Sherwood Ella Scott Myrtle Libby Veleda Mattison Beulah Hershiser Hazel Tindell Helen Ross Lovena Little 455 HOUSE CLUBS Carnarvon Organized 1910 MEMBERS Graduate Amy Berlin Mead Lily Cliberon Esme Tierney Amy Thomas Louise Helen Hansen Irene Amy Patchett Helen Warren Chase Ida May Shrode Leora May Smith Class of 1912 Mabel Bessie Taylor Hazel Catherine Remsen Alice Kate Tupman Class of 1913 Hazel Gillette Daisy Lee Monroe Isis Caroline Carter Lois Glidden Kathryn Delia McCabe Class of 1914 Dorothy Louise Smith *Susanna Martin *Evelyn Adriance *Winnia Atkinson Class of 1915 Jessie Josephine Todman Grace Holmes Helen Folwell Cummins *Absent on leave. 456 Irene Patchett Helen Chase Lily Cliberon Ida Shrode Louise Hansen Amy Thomas Alice Tupinan Hazel Remsen Amy Mead Leora Smith Daisy Monroe Mabel Taylor Isis Carter Kathryn McCabe Lois Glidden Helen Cummins Jessie Todman Dorethy Smith Grace Holmes 457 HOUSE CLUBS Kel Thaida Organized 1911 MEMBERS Honorary Mrs. Edna Little Adams Graduate Clara Nelle Haryett Marian Ward Otillia Regina Kohlberg Class of 1913 May Christal Lucile Aline Lewek Mary Margaret Dotta Ruth Mayer Katherine Lawton Kelly Ikma Felice Stein Ethel Righetti Class of 1914 Virginia Bronsted Spencer Class of 1915 Grace Merrill Alvarado Ruth Elma Rourke Genevieve Marie Ball Ethel Esther Frieberg Leota Adelaide Provines Hilda Brandenstein Janet Elizabeth Smith Camille Lasky Clara Emily Biaggi Rose Eleanor Wolf 458 Mary Dotta Lucile Lewek Otillia Kohlberg Ruth Mayer Clara Haryett Virginia Spencer Leota Provines Irma Stein Ethel Righetti May Christal Genevieve Ball Grace Alvarado Janet Smith 459 HOUSE CLUBS Bachelordon Organized 1894 MEMBERS Class of 1912 Edward Douglas Nickerson Rey Maynard Edward Mead Bordwell John Robertson Quinn Class of 1913 Daniel Montgomery Drum- Clarence Edward Waldner heller, Jr. Harold Lewis Hazen William Douglas McMillan, Jr. Class of 1914 James Rodney Allen Edward Francis Mullaly George Frost Burgess *Earl Marion Hart Charles Jackson Abrams *Fredrich Carl Cordes Class of 1915 Hammond McDougal Monroe Carl Frederick Biedenbach Sardis Wilcox Templeton John Bruce Junor William H. Abrams *■ Absent on leave. 460 Edward Bordwell Clarence Waldiier Edward Nickerson Rey Maynard John Ouinn William McMillan Edward Mullaly Charles Abrams Harold Ilazi-n Daniel Drumheller Carl Biedenbach James Allen Sardis Templeton (ieorge Burgess Hammond Monroe 461 HOUSE CLUBS Abracadabra Organized 1895 MEMBERS Graduate Merton Aurel Albee Raymond Wilson Hayes Leslie Sharp Class of 1912 Chester Arthur Allen Geoffrey Armstrong Huddle Leroy Walton Allen Harold George Baugh John Ralph Fairbanks Edwin Ambler Ingham Louis Walker Layne Class of 1913 Fred Harold Allen Edgar Francis Sullivan Eric Houghton Rhodes Robert Gordon Sproul James Latham Underhill Class of 1914 Otoe Francis Montandon Frederick Paul Keen Clair Vernon Goodwin Russell Gordon Wagenet William Hood Hall Carroll Sharp Class of 1915 Lyman Waite John Vimont Baldwin Ronald Wesley Montandon Allan Frank Williams 462 Louis Layne Edwin Ingham James Underhill Leslie Sharp Otoe Montandon trie Edgar Sullivan Baul Keen Clair Goodwin Allan Williams Harold Baugh Geoffrey Buddie Rhodes ^ ired Carroll Sharp John Baldwin Merton Albee Ray Hays Roy Allen Chester Allen Allen Gordon Sproul Will Hall Gordon Wagenet Ronald Montandon Lyman Waite 463 HOUSE CLUBS Dwight Organized 1900 Graduate Harold Child Bryant MEMBERS Class of 1912 Stanley Spellmeyer Leland Byron Raab Earl Alfred Slater William Howard Spear Calvin Rankin Barnes Class of 1913 Myron Ellsworth Page Erle Gladstone Hill Wilbur Frederick Luxton Ray Russell Ingels Arthur Allyn Class of 1914 Joseph Arthur Wilson Sydney Robert Smith Class of 1915 Ivan Almer Slater Irving Franklin Davis Edwin Gower, Jr. Frederick George Knoop James Kenneth Lochead 464 Harold Bryant Leland Raab Earl Slater William Spear Calvin Barnes Stanley Spellmeyer Myron Page Ray Ingels Wilbur Luxton " Erie Hill Joseph Wilson Sydney Smith Irving Davis Frederick Knoop Arthur Allyn Ivan Slater James Lochead Edwin Gower, Jr. 465 HOUSE CLUBS La Junta Organized 1901 MEMBERS Medical Clifford Daniel Sweet Class of 1912 Joe Goodrich Sweet William Goodricke Donald Burton Alexander Swartz George Arneke Kretsinger Earl Warren Arthur Winfield Taylor Class of 1913 Kenneth Lloyd Carpenter Jessie Jay Jacobus Joseph Allen Owen Harold Day Farmer Thomas Brantley Copeland Class of 1914 Herbert H. Burbank *Claude Van Dyke Richard Caleb Shaw *Roy C. Miller Karl Snyder Hazeltine Class of 1915 Thomas Ralph Sweet George Harold Slyter Fred Wilson Beck Carroll F. Glenny * Absent on leave. 466 Hurt Swartz Arthur Taylor William Donald Kenneth Carpenter George Kretsinger loe Sweet Thomas Copeland Earl Warren Jay Jacobus Allen Owen Herbert Burbank George Slyter Richard Shaw Karl Hazeltine Clifford Sweet Harold Farmer Tom Sweet Fred Beck Carroll Glenny 467 HOUSE CLUBS ATHERTON. Atherton Organized 1904 MEMBERS Faculty Alfred Solomon Graduate ♦Roy Henry Blosser James Herbert Mitchell Class of 1912 ♦Lawrence Henry Saxon Harrison Leroy Wyrick Thomas Joseph Ledwich Tracy Barrett Kittredge Harry Peter Bonnickson Ralph Edward Feusier Class of 1913 Peter Theodore Petersen James Warren Knowles Charles Leon Hampton Class of 1914 Thomas Alexander Grieg Ernest Wykeham Dickman George Versell Williams Class of 1915 Cyril Wesley McLean Philip Van Devender Xeff Clive Everett Baugh Albert Gustav Rinn Edward Sampson Falk •Absent on leave. 468 Tracy Kittredge Thomas Ledwicb Harry Bonnicksos James Mitchell Harrison Wyrick Ernest Dickman James Knowles Charles Hampton Peter Petersen Ralph Feusier Edward FaJk Philip Neff Thomas (irieg Albert Rinn (ieorge Williams Cyril McLean 469 HOUSE CLUBS 1W03 Unity Organized 1903 MEMBERS Graduate Walter Atheling English Class of 1912 Roy Willbanks White William Homer Hooker Leland Leroy Hyde George Edward Noyes Class of 1913 Ferda Joe Ogle Joseph Patrick McNamara John Samuel Watson * Howard Combs Stover *Garret Van Riper *Manley William Sahlberg Frederick Harrold Gnarini Gordon Gladstone Gale Class of 1914 Owen Benton Smith Hugh Dix McMillan Archie Hood Class of 1915 Chester Clifford White Irving Hunt Royston Samuel Fred Hollins Temple Crank 'Absent on leave. 470 Leland Hyde Roy White Walter English William Hooker George Noyes Joseph McNamara John Watson Frederick Gnarini Howard Stover Manley Sahlberg Irving Royston Archie Hood Ferda Ogle Owen Smith Hugh McMillan Samuel Hollins Chester White 471 HOUSE CLUBS l6jb Pirates Organized 1903 MEMBERS Graduate Ralph Edward Bkrry Class of 1912 William Harky Archer Floyd Philip Bailey William Paul Cl t ster Leo Walter Doyle Paul Sidney Jones Ixgvart Holm Teii.man Royal Arnold Vitousek James Edwin Wallace Class of 1913 John Cecil Altman Enos Pall Cook EDGAR Wallace Dutton James Albert Ross Melville McDonough Thomas Black Reed Class of 1914 James Davis Basye, Jr. Bertram Kellogg Dunshee Frank Herbert Lathro;\ Jr. Class of 1915 Alfred Henry Oak George Dennison Mallory Eugene Shirrell Kellogg 472 Paul Jones Ingvart Tcilman Floyd Bailey Leo Doyle William Archer John Altman Thomas Keed Paul Cook William Custer Edgar Dtttton James Ross Melville MeDonough James Basye Frank Lathrop Andrew Weiant Alfred Oak Bertram Dunshee George Mallory Eugene Kellogg 473 HOUSE CLUBS Del Rey Graduate Archibald Ray Tylor Class of 1912 Horace Marden Albright Edwin Alfred Fisher Gerald Miner Allen Clifford Melvin Goss Jonathan Burdette Brown Charles Franklin Masten Harry Leeds Coles John Wesley Masten Albert Marine Weston Class of 1913 James Boyd, Jr. William Hugo Jaenicke *Harry Joseph Cullinane Otto Bismarck Liersch Royal Frederick Havens Donald Marcus Maclean Charles William Humphreys Jay Hamilton Price *Laurence Arthur Byers Class of 1914 George Leslie Albright, Jr. John Deter McNary Parker Allen Reische Class of 1915 William Bigelow Lee Clinton Morehead Frederick Edmond Danner William Robertson Ralston Joseph Eugene Stanton "■Absent on leave. 474 Jonathan Brown Charles Humphreys Jay Price Donald Maclean Parker Keische Charles Masten Horace Albright James Boyd Clifford Goss Lawrence Byers Frederick George Albright William Ralston Lee Morehead William Bigelow Edwin Fisher Harry Coles Gerald Allen John Masten Havens Otto Liersch William Jaenicke John McNary Joseph Stanton Frederick Darner 475 HOUSE CLUBS Calimedico Organized 1905 MEMBERS Faculty Arthur Russell Moore Medical Harold Lund Jensen Jay Marion Read Clarence Edgar Wells Dental Robert Bliss Howell Graduate Dunleigh Corey William Harrison Snyder Walter Penn Taylor Class of 1912 David Locke Clement Harry Ellis Stocker Roy Everet Warren Class of 1913 Stanley Lincoln Arnot Frederick George Linde John G. Clark Graham Blair Moody Brython Perry Davis John Carroll Ruddock Randolph Churchill Eisenhauer Thomas Dale Stewart Warren Douglas Horner Robert Patterson Shields Edward 11 untsm an-Trout Class of 1914 Fletcher Brandon Taylor Marsden Scott Blois Class of 1915 Eugene Nathaniel Arnot Earl Barton Birmingham Clifford Grant Canfield Howard Alexander Houston 476 Harry Stocker Dunkigh Corey Clarence Wells Graham Moody Robert Shields William Corey Robert Howell Fred Linde Stanley Arnot Marsden Blois Harold Jensen Koy Warren Brython Davis Warren Horner Clifford Canfield Marion Read Eugene Arnot David Clement John Clark Thomas Stewart Earl Birmingham William Snyder Fletcher Taylor Howard Houston Walter Taylor Edward Trout Carroll Ruddock Randolph Eisenhauer 477 HOUSE CLUBS Los Amigos Organized 1907 MEMBERS Faculty Raymond B. Abbott Benjamin D. Moses Graduate Sherman Luzern Brown Oscar Leo Brauer Ernest Samuel Alderman George Charles Jensen- Wallace Bradford Boggs Class of 1912 Raymond Henry Butzbach David M. Durst Franklin William Oatman Charles Leroy Walton Class of 1913 Frank Martin Booth Harry Stanley Clark Ralph Gordon McCurdy George Howden Ralph DeLamatyr Taylor Class of 1914 Albert Augustus Jungermann Edwin Frederick Smyth Frank Bernhard Lenz Strother Perry Walton Class of 1915 Robert Ingersoll Daley Roy Maxwell Hagen Howard Ellsworth Gilkey Otto Richard Jungermann Ward Saunders 178 George Jensen Wallace Boggs Raymond Butzbach David Durst Oscar Brauer Frank Booth Ralph Taylor Charles Walton George Howden Franklin Oatman Edwin Smyth Strother Walton Ralph McCurdy Harry Clark Frank Lenz Roy Hagen Albert Jungermann Howard Gilkey Otto Jungermann Robert Daley 479 HOUSE CLUBS Dahlonega Organized 1909 MEMBERS Graduate George Robert Livingston Class of 1912 Ray Millard Gidney Benjamin Harrison Viau Clarence Nevil Smith Edward Conant Livingston Walter Charles Nolan Cyrus Eugene VanDeventer *Roy Van Eton Bailey Class of 1913 Ralph Waldo Coane Otis Allen Ozro Sharp Frank Raymond Tolf Ralph Whitney Reynolds Burt Winslow Will James Whelan Oliver William Young Fred Shelford Wyatt James Wallace Spofford Class of 1914 Henry Stevenson Bailey Harry Baldwin Mills George Kane O'Hara Russell Frey O'Hara Arthur Fayette VanDeventer Raymond Alonzo Waite Class of 1915 Grover VanDeventer David Edward Culver * Absent on leave. 480 Benjamin Yiau Ray Gidney Clarence Smith Conant Livingston Walter Nolan Frank Toll Fred Wyatt Ralph Reynolds Eugene Van Devtnter Will Whelan Arthur Van Deventer Oliver Young Otis Sharp 15urt Winslow George O'Hara Raymond Waite Harry Mills Russell OTIara David Culver George Van Deventer 481 HOUSE CLUBS Casimir Organized 1910 MEMBERS Class of 1912 William Anthony Binsacca Thomas Clay Mayhew Leo James Anderson Class of 1913 Bertram Ford Kline Frank Veach Mayo William Culp Thomas Frederick Tavernetti Freeman Charles Witt Mark Logan Witt Herbert Lloyd French John Flodin *Hilliard Lawrence Estes Class of 1914 James Hecht Shields, Jr. William Campbell Binkley Ernest Von Allmen Class of 1915 Erle Arlington Brock 482 John Flodin Leo Anderson Thomas Mayhew Mark Witt William Binsacca Bertram Kline Freeman Witt Frank Mayo Thomas Tavernelti William Gulp Herbert French Erie Brock James Shields 483 HOUSE CLUBS Skulls Organized 1910 MEMBERS Graduate Frank Cuthbert Clarke Charles Fender Robert Guy Sharp Class of 1912 Robert Stanton Sherman Harry Stanley Yates Class of 1913 Xeal Cleveland Frank Albert Kessleb Edward Salomon Class of 1914 Rudolph Joseph Brown Pini Joseph Calvi Eben James Carey Merrill Windsor Hollingsworth Melville Clarence Nathan King Reid Elmo Russell Zumwalt Eugene Howard Barbera Class of 1915 William Victor Clarke Claude Henry Clay 484 Charles Pender Harry Yates Robert Sharp Robert Sherman Prank Clark Edward Salomon Prank Kessler Rudolph Brown Merrill Ilollingsworth Neal Cleveland Pini C'alvi Melville Nathan Elmo Zumwalt Eben Carey Eugene Rarbera Claude Clay William Clark King Reid 485 HOUSE CLUBS Hilgard Organized 1911 MEMBERS Class of 1912 Raymond Marchant Scott Class of 1913 Ross Lawrence Guy Hal J. Sams John Harry Hassheider Raymond Ellis Clifford Ralph Styles Raven Roy William Merrick Class of 1914 Herman Silas Dumke Milton Cutler Gordon Lewis Kalischer Newfield Herbert Carlisle Witherow Cecil Bedford Merrick Curtis Clausen Class of 1915 Kenneth Clifford John Gilbert Boardman Frederick Schiller Faust John Albert Cooper 486 Roy Merrick Ralph Raven Cecil Merrick John Boardman Hal Sams John Hassheider Milton Gordon Herman Dumke Raymond Scott Ross Guy Curtis Clausen Lewis Newfield Raymond Clifford Herbert Witherow Kenneth Clifford Frederick Faust 487 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN Margaret Bruton Madge Spencer Helen Clark Hazel Roemir Vera Metzger Edna Clarke Constance Purrington Edna Strauss. Delta Nu Alpha Chapter — Founded at Hopkins Institute of Art, March 7, 1903. Re-established February 18. 1911. Helen Britton Clark Edna Maye Strauss Edna Clarke Margaret Bruton Madge Estee Spencer Hazel Roemer Marian Levy Active Members I la Putnam Gertrude Morin Withers Edith Brovvnlee Madeline Marie Walsh Lois May Edwards Helen Kendrick Vera Metzger Constance Purrington 488 w % /AVJ \i ©>L of DESIGN ART Let us step down out of the clouds and talk about art. Art is to be had for the buying" at the Art School. There is a commercial odor to this statement that may offend long-haired men and induce them to turn up their noses. As a matter of fact, you cannot get anything in this world without buying it. Paying a price does not necessarily mean money, of course, — your own or the easy funds from home. There is a sort of gold that is sweated out with pick and shovel in the dim recesses of one's own life, refined with much labor of heart and brain, and minted with brush or pen, or your own two lips, or your own two eyes, for that matter. This, philosophers say, is the money that buys the best things of life, among which is art. Some people guess art to be a luxury, but in sober truth it is a necessity. It continually cries out to you like a huckster in old London streets, "Come buy ! Come buy ! " but people go by, as the "end man" used to say, with- out heeding. Perhaps they do not want to pay the price. There are always people who never do want to pay the price for anything; it is so much easier to grumble at its exorbi- tance. Thoughtless people imagine art to be a painting in a gold frame, or a marble statue on a pedestal, and only for the rich ; therefore they decry it, than which nothing is more wrong. For art is a part of our daily life, rich or poor, and might reverently be asked for in the Great Prayer along with our daily bread. For "man lives not by bread alone." 489 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN Modeling A Play upon Words, in One Act and a Tableau. Scene: The Modeling Room. Characters : The Young Ladies of Professor Cumming's Class and John, the Janitor. (As the curtain rises, the young ladies are seen at work at the modeling stands, modeling in damp clay.) First Young Lady — I'd like to know who has taken all my clay ! Second study. 'first J' part of it. My can is almost empty. V. L. — Maybe you did not 'can" your last L. — No, I know I didn't; that's the funny I wet the figure down before I went home and put cloths on it and now I can't find it. Third Y. L.— Well, it can't be in your can if you didn't can it, can it? goodness' sake, don't me dizzy. it's very queer how my reading Shakespeare the and turned to clay, the wind away ! Fourth Y. L. — For talk like that ! It makes First Y. L.— Well, clay walks off ! Fifth Y. L.—l was other day, where he says : Imperious Caesar, dead May stop a hole to keep Maybe her clay was Caesar, and he has walked off. Sixth Y . L. — Oooh ! At midnight, when graveyards yawn, and all that sort of thing ! Seventh Y . L. — What would you take to stay in the Modeling Room alone at night with all these figures draped in wet slimy cloths ? Eighth Y . L. — I know what I'd take. Everybody — What ? Eighth Y. L.— Cold. Everybody — Oh ! (Enter John, the Janitor.) John — I found a whole lot of clay by the door going into the yard this morning. 490 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN Ninth Y. L. — The clay was going into the yard? Tenth Y . L. — No, stupid, the door was going into the yard. First Y. L. — Oh, it is my clay! John — Well, you musn't take the clay out of the Modeling Room ; it is against the rules. First Y . L. — But I didn't take it out. John — Well, by jiminy! I don't know how it got there. It wasn't there last night when I closed up, and I found it there this morning. Chorus — Great Caesar's ghost ! (tableau, curtain.) 491 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN Ars Longa, Vita Brevis! Student, let this be thy song, As thou laboreth with thy brush, "Life is short and art is long!" Xot for thee a maiden's blush ! Thine the charm of line and mass, To thee tint and tone belong; Xot for thee the brimming glass — "Life is short and art is long! " Feast thy eyes on plaster cast, "Antique" shapes thy fancy throng; Thou, a hermit, e'en must fast — "Life is short and art is long!" l'envoi "Away with casts! Thou'dst study 'life'? And with Dan Cupid go a'roving ? " Beware ! beware ! Red lips protest That "Art is much too long for loving!" Honors Julian Academy (Paris) Medal and Scholarship: Emu. Crapuchettes. New York Art Students League. Scholarship for Modeling: Elizabeth Dahl. New York Art Students League, Scholarship for Life Drawing: Marvin Cohn. San Francisco Art Association Scholarships, School of Design: Klir Alfred Beck, Hazel Gowan, Gladys Marie Hop.art, Charles Augustus Knix, Samuel Nabika, Leta Olive Kf/iviiam, William Gaw, 492 "Tod" Wheeler 'Ed" Einstein Harry Gabbert Key Maynard "Zeke" McNear Coane at bat "Kret" Kretsinger 'Stu" Wilder 'Cece" Altman "Bill" Beatty "Spike" Davis Lloyd Myers "Jimmie" Hill "By" Ford Lyman Grimes 494 John R. Quinn "Louie" Watts "Short" Shurtleff "Cove" Sloane 'Newt" Drury 'Heinie" Stern "Bill" 'Doug" Douglas Einstein and Dinkelspiel "Herb" Kelly "Mike" Sullivan "Jerry" Kennedy King "Stan" Arnot "Fritz" Linde 495 "Stu" Wilder "Fat" Silent Myers, Simpson and Sproul "Ed" Trout "Dick" Rust 'Manse" Griffiths "Clint" Evans "Curly" and "Erv" Clausen The Baseball Bunch >ill" Greig "Johnnie" Stroud "Cupe" Cartwright "P.londy" and "Dave" "diet" Allen 496 RAGGING HERE'S HOW! BROWS 497 RAGGING 'WOMAN'S DAY" That Sorority Rag See the shoulders swaying, Watch the band a-playing, Hear the girls a-saying, Do it some more. Delta Gammas ragging, Round the hall zigzagging. Not a couple lagging, Wear out the floor. Alpha Phis and Thetas, Dancing 'round with Betas, O you educators ! Just hear that strain. Chi Omegas crawling, Alpha O's enthralling. Hear the Kappas calling, Play it again. Everybody's learning that sorority rag. Syncopated harmony — and raggy wiggle-wag, The time, the place, the woman, you'll not find in the Cal. — But everybody does it — at the Girls' Spring Festival. 498 MARYLY WE ROLL ALONG RAGGING ROLLO'S TOUR OF THE FRATS SIGMA NU Rollo suddenly grasped Mr. George's hand and, looking up, said : "What is that shingled house with the plumbing outside?" "That," said Mr. George, "is a fraternity." "What is that?" asked little Rollo. "A fraternity is like a small dormitory but you can put a jeweled Greek letter pin in your beer and make enemies with the other fraternities." "What is that one called?" queried little Rollo. "That is the Sigma Nu," answered Mr. George. "Oh ! look at the funny man with the red hair ; is he the Yellow Kid ? " "You must not ask such questions. Xo, that is Blondy Ingram, the last of the Sigma Xuhicans." "Listen to that funny language; is it English?" asked Rollo. "No," answered Mr. George. "It is Sigma Xuamerican." Just then they drew nearer and heard Rex Rice saying to a prep. : "Tonight's me night. None of you gents heard from Monk Dignan lately ? Monk was some guy : shot put, broad jump, cigarette roll ; there's the chair the Monk used to sit in. Blonde sits in its now. Study? I guess not. The Sigs don't come to college to study ; they come for something broader — I don't know what. Well, gents, drop over to the shrine again soon." Little Rollo and Uncle George hastened on. CHI PHI "Who is that bald-headed man standing there?" asked Little Rollo. "Why that is Louis Watts ; he is a Chi Phi," answered Mr. George. "But I though that they were extinct," replied clever Rollo. "Not quite," answered Mr. George ; "but it is a peculiar species of vertebrate that lives on beer and crackers but never ate units." "What are those leaves on the Chi Phi shield for?" asked Rollo. "Those are leaves of absence," Mr. George replied. "Do the Chi Phis graduate?" asked Rollo. "No," said Mr. George ; "they manage the college publications. One of them did gradu- ate, though, about two years ago." "What is that round wooden basket in back of the house?" was Rollo's question. "That," Mr. George replied, "is a keg of nails." Little Rollo looked farther back in the yard and concluded that a great deal of car- pentering was done about the place. 499 RAGGING PHI GAMMA DELTA "Is that the White House laundry building?" asked Rollo. "No," said Mr. George; "that is the Figi House." "Oh, yes," observed Rollo, "I saw their ad. in the Pelican; that is the house that Jack built. My father saw the plans when he was a Freshman." "Is it as expensive as the Zete house ? " "No," answered Mr. George, "but they rent as many rooms and have the original pages of the Pit there." "What is that noise I hear?" queried Rollo. "It is the Figis at luncheon," was Mr. George's reply. "Oh ! it is the Pig Dinner, then," said little Rollo. "Are the Figis and the Tri Delts the same?" was Rollo's next question. "No, but they are very close," said Mr. George. Just then wild shouts rent the air, and Mr. George and Rollo knew that Prent Gray, Spike Woodward or Kales had come back to the Campus. PHI DELTA THETA "Is that the Phlegers' residence?" asked Rollo. "Yes." said Mr. George ; "and the Phi Diddles live there, too." "Who is that handsome man so like Adonis ? " Rollo asked. "That is Schroeder, the perfect man. He sleeps, walks and talks to the members of the fraternity." "That fellow hurrying into the house was a prominent man in college. Now he carries notes for Jim Fisk and Bob Flannery. It is Harold Ashley." "The Phleger boys are very well liked," observed Rollo. "Yes," said Mr. George, "by everybody but some of the upper class Dekes." "Who are the Dekes ? " was Rollo's question. "You must whisper when you speak of them ; they are very exclusive." "Have the Phi Diddles many underclass 'C' men ? " asked Rollo. "No," said Mr. George ; "they are all singers now." At that moment there was much commotion, and Rollo knew some caucus was break- ing up. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON "What is that broken-down house there?" inquired Rollo. "That is the S. A. E. house," said Mr. George. "That is Jack Barnett; I met him here six years ago," said little Rollo. "Where does that blinding light come from?" Mr. George inquired. "It is from Sophomore Buckley's $500 sapphire ring," was Rollo's reply. 500 RAGGING "Do the fellows there study higher art ? " queried Rollo. "Yes, they are connoisseurs on busts," was Mr. George's answer. Suddenly there was a great silence, not even broken by the noise of the snare drum, the Psi U bear or Hill next door inhaling certified milk. Mr. George and Rollo looked up and saw some S. A. E.'s pointing Johnny Stroud out to a couple of open-mouthed preps. DELTA TAU DELTA "What is that man?" asked Rollo. "That is J. J. Miller, a figure of speech," replied Mr. George. "He is a Delta Tau Delta. That's a fraternity, too," Rollo volunteered. "Yes ; it's right over there in the shadows of the trees — and Northcroft. It is a very fine house," Mr. George continued. "Fine feathers don't make fine birds," observed Rollo. "No, but they do make fine hats." Mr. George answered. "I see the fellows are still smoking Obaks. Northcroft smoked them. He became the totem after Booth. J. J. Miller is the totem pro tern. Is he politic?" "No," said Mr. George; "he is a politician." "Are the Delta Tau's very particular?" queried Rollo. "Look ! " said Mr. George, and little Rollo saw some brow being ejected because his collar conformed not with the last Arrow ad. Round the Harmon go the aged pelicans, Gorgeously arrayed, see them on the fade, And the classy ones assemble near. As the big bass drum we hear, All the pellies, queens and class start in the fling; All commence to sing; See them texasing As their feet they raise, And they acclaim the praise of raggin' here. SKULL AND KEY RUNNING It was a dark and stormy day When S. & K. pulled off Their yearly running on the track, And made the co-eds scoff. They'll have to make some great amends To draw a crowd next year, For co-eds have their dignity Which brooks no idle jeer. O S. & K., they're with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. 501 RAGGING INTERCOLLEGIATE CHESS: (K)XIGHT AND PAWN Junior — I've gotten a great deal of pleasure from anticipating a call on a co-ed. Soph. — You know the saying, "Antici- pation is greater than realization"? Junior — That's right ; I guess I'll stay at home and enjoy myself." She — They're always talking about "the man of the hour" ; I wonder if a co-ed couldn't be "the woman of the hour" ? He — Xo ; it would take a co-ed an hour and a half. He — Did you hear about "Soggie" Miller and the Pi Phi ? She — No, what's the excitement? He — Why "Soggie" was eating some chocolate ice-cream with one of the little Pi Phi's during their dance and he said, "Oh, I see you spilled some chocolate ice-cream." "No, Thoggie," she said, "that'th juth a birth-mark." Owed to Scheeline You may talk of "nobby suitings" And the English "skimp cut," too; You may mention Raglan ulsters, Or coats "electric blue" ; Of none of these I'm lacking (As I have said before), And I owe it all to Scheeline — Yes* and a damn sight more. What goes round a buttin'? A goat. No, Beatty and Miller. . '-r^Jk 7 ^ [ ^tmW * m~ ■$& ^^ m am E-JgP m ■ 502 RAGGING FRATERNAL SHIELDS '> v w\ NEW F*V»r> FOO STANFOF > ftTHLETeS. "life" is just 503 RAGGING "'"'"'mini 504 WmStM lkfooat " RAGGING HIRE EDUCATION .F? Bum Is HAVE YOU A DATE FOR THE "GLEE" PUTTING HIS WEIGH THROUGH YET? COLLEGE She — They tell me the Psi U's have quite a menagerie. He — Yes, Hill, a cow and a bear. The Heyer v. Grimes election proved the old adage "the Heyer the fewer." 505 RAGGING Rugby A LAY MADE ABOUT 21 TO 3, NOV. 13, 1911 Prex Wheeler of Berkeley By his Greek gods he swore, His California students Should now play football more, By the Greek gods he swore it Congratulation Day, And mighty was the ans'ring shout, E'en the moss-grown Cal. came out To summon his array. Through the streets and o'er the hills The great report then spread ; To frat, to club, to classroom, What our Big Ben had said. Shame on the weak-kneed person Whose spirit is too tame To join the sport of all sports, After the last big game. The Fratres et Sorores Are ready for the fray, Each man and woman student Awaits the time to play. Alpha Phi and D K E Are training right along, For Theta Xi and Deltas three Won't prove one grand sweet song. Interclub. intercollege, Interclass. interprof. The good Lord only knows how This Rugby will come off. Shall we, our dear instructors, Cry "Rreak!" or "Smear 'em" hear? Who knows? One thing will happen, We'll skin the Reds next year. L. L. L., '14. 506 RAGGING 'ARE COLLEGES OLD Professor Discovers Another "Evil of the Age" Jim Fisk's Widow Dying in Poverty Helpmeet of Famous Man of, Sky Rocket Career Near End of Tragic Life. wonder on ZS$ per hr. J$Q jSuspect Yegg May Be Local Raffles An Assortment of Burglar Tools Is Found on John Miller, ^v^ Whose Pal Has Fled. „ r- WOOER WITH REVOLVER IS SOUGHT BY POLICE "Rattlesnake Jack" Charged With Attacking Escort AUBURN, Feb. 2. — J. J. Miller, other- wise known as "Rattlesnake Jack," is being sought by the police^ for terror- izing women with a revolver and of writing threatening letters. According to the police, he is enamored of a num- ber of women and uses his revolver while wooing. A young man here was escorting two women to their home the other night and says that Rattlesnake Jack crept up behind them and. fired his pistol, afterward threatening the escort. He was chased through town by a crowd of men, but escaped. U C CO-EDS SHOW "GOOD FORM IN ROWING- RACES. -/Miss Hopkins was riding in the rear seat wKh young McCormack and es- caped with slight injuries. Miss Men- lhan was seated beside Howard. >We guess no - IS SUED FOR BILLS Chinese Cook Decamps* With Coin, Causing Chi Psi Men Much Trouble. Among the fraternity -members are I,. S. Gregory, W. W. Norton, C. P. Humphrey. A. L. Beal, M. A Cart-. vvright, W. W Ferner, H. G. Gab- j bert, M. K. Campbell, C B Gordon. Fred Lurabard, J. J. Alexander, RogeV I Keith, Fred Kreuger, W. Wi Salsig, !S. G. Wilder,. R. E. Wilder, J F Sul- ilivan and G. H Sweet. Shy not join Einstein Dinkelspiel and Drury in the suit? 507 RAGGING 'WOMAN'S DAY" Freshie Glee Proves One of Most Pleasing Affairs of Season "'*' CO£JS M/rc/tOA* ' Miss Colis Mitchum and Miss Beth Johnson, active in plans of Freshie Clee. U. C. Cb-Ed Cleared Of Speeding Charge Miss Maryly Krusi Is Freed in Time to Attend Her Classes. Miss Maryly Krusi, a co-ed in the Uni- versity of California, charged with vio- » lating the speed limit, was before Judge Mortimer Smith this morning. She asked that her case be disposed of speedily as she had to attend her class in the univer- sity. Giving her age at 18, she avoided being certified to the juvenile court, and after p'eading guilty and making an ex- planation of the occasion of her violation j of the ordinance, judgment was suspend- ed by Judge Smith. Freshmen Are Hosts of Other Classes al Event Held in Harmon Gymnasium Dudley Gunn might have represe S"he .Pride of the Harem," judging by Vo ."quantities of pearls wound about ,'.s neck and shoulders. It was a Turk- ish costume of baggy trousers of sky line satint a zouave jacket of black elvet embroidered in gold, with a sash 4f old rose satin. Pearl bracelets and bracelets of other jewels gave a coy, fnaidenly air of supreme elegance, and as young Gunn wore the regulation :uiban covering his head, it was diffi- cult to tell whether he was represent- ng a lady or a gentleman,, Dudley Gunn, ex-15. SIGMA CHIS WILL MEET The Sigma Chi class of the Al- varado Christian church will hold its regular meeting tonight at the home of Miss Minnie Sprung, 820 North Coro'nado street. •' All mem- bers are asked to be pres ent. CURLEY REPORTS BACK ON THE JOB JOLLY SOPHOMORE THE NAKED TRUTH Platz, Platz, Religion chats, Liquor drals. He'll save us yet, Our goat he'll get (Don't take the bet). To Platz, Platz, Doff your hats; Rats! Rats!! 508 RAGGING INDOOR ATHLETICS 5.F"J3ryanV3 L POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES TELEGRAM JMSSSSMSW Tl I I Jl TT 1 rv I T al S. F., Feb. 20th, 1912. To C. W. Heyer, German Savings Bank : Don't send allowance yet. Am taking up banking and am doing very well. Unless some- thing happens, I always have a good hand. Things are looking"-up." Have flushes so often, the fellows suggest the Infirmary. Having a Royal time on the straight. Charlie. WHAT CHANCE HAS MONA LISA? 509 RAGGING Girls, Girls! What Cannibal Hearts You'll Shatter! «♦* «>♦<» *♦<» *♦* «♦* <»♦* «♦* <*♦* *♦* Sixteen Sorority Sylphs Sail Smiling Summer Seas SCENE AT SAILING OF STEAMSHIP SIERRA The sea was particularly gay and, frothy and the sun was particularly warm and mellow when the steamer Sierra cut the blue waters of the Golden Gate yesterday, bound for Honolulu. On the deck of the highly favored ship were srxteen of the sweetest mem- bers of.t-JUr'Kappa Kappa Gamma. This, unenlightened one Is THE sorority. Tlie girls are members of the Stan- ford and University of California chap- ters and they are going to cheer up the lonely cannibals on the Sandwich islands'.. i that floated from ,th. Something Is likely to happen on Waikiki beach when these girls ar- rive. They have all purchased new and very fetching bathing suits, etched in the sorority colors. They are plan- ning to spend a good deal of time at this famous beaob. A month will be spent at the Moatia Hotel. Mrs. E. C. Witter will chaperone the party, which includes the Misses Anita Crellin, Helen Bannon, Anita Ebner, Margaret Gardiner, Edith Harmon, Ro- berta Haslett, Leila McKlbben. Mar- Mitchell, Margaret Witter, Mar- garet Hazeltine and Elizabeth Witter.. The leave-taking at the Filbert- wharf was a social affair of magnitude. Present were many young men- from, the fraternity houses, friends of more humble walks In life and ordinary rent-paying fathers. Gay ribbons of the sorority . colors were thrown from the decks by fairy Angers to other Angers on the docks. It would bo hard to tell what n.^„- sages passed along these flaunttag ribj- bon.. Girl friends. were there by the score and the dingy old whaW never had been so bright. The, ship wa> turned over to the girls, and they prob- ably will do everything but shovel ~"e voyage. How about the Thetas and the Alpha Phis? "/hat happened on the Wailkikl teach that has happened to cer tain other sorori- ties right here on the Campus? Here's to the Kappa Press Agent . Here ' s to the Sweet Sixteen and the rent-paying fathers with the rent-malting sons. It^«l¥^^ 4 m *r, . ^^■^■^^^ NOT BUM BENXHES BUT BENCH BUMS 510 RAGGING A FINE BUST Junior — I saw you last Saturday night. Senior — Going or coming? Junior — Neither, midway. SIGN OF THE BARE 511 RAGGING SAM Sam Who shina da shoe, Who blacka da boot? Who maka da mon, Who go on a toot? Sam! Who doa no work, Who sit at his ease? Who answer da bell Whenever he please? Sam ! Who doa da ting Dat for me is a sin? In da Woman's Room Who can goa in? Sam ! EDITORIALLY SPEAKING l'envoi Ah ! Sam, you have a privilege, I only wish were mine ; Could I pass those sacred portals, I'd give them a free shine. HAIL! STANFORD, HAIL! wplev FIGHTING CALIFORNIAN Eng. Prof. — What authors are you familiar with? Stude. — Tommy Carlyle, Bill Shakespeare, Bill Macaulay and Doc Smithson. Prof. — You shouldn't speak so lightly of these great men. Stude. — Well, didn't you ask me which authors I was familiar with. 512 RAGGING TWO WELL- POSTED COLLEGE MEN WITH A LEANING TOWARD THE LAW There was a young fellow named Quinn, The leader of racket and din; With Krig and Todd Wheeler, To 'bus drivers did spiel 'er, Then appeared on the Campus all in. A SOFT JOINT 513 RAGGING Oakland Traction Company OAKLANR CALIFORNIA September 27th, 1511. Mr. C. L. Butler, Chairman, Pajamarlno Rally, Berkeley, Calif Dear Sir: Wo viBii to call your attention to the difficulty we experience and the number of paaoengars dlscommod- ed last year on the evening the UnlverBity of California boye had their pajarino rally. We fully realize It is almost impossible to restrain young men from doing all kinde of things when out on a lark, however we will appreciate all the attention you can grant us on the evening of the 29th instant. Our motives in calling your attantion to the evening in question is on account of the rumors some of our employee heard, to ihe effect that the Pajaua boye would strip the Oakland Traction Company's care of all the fare boxes. Thie may be all idle rumor and we hope it is, as these boxes are expen- sive and difficult to replace. Trusting you ?-ill reoelve this letter in the same kindly epirit it is intended and that you will land your good office in our assistance on the evening in Question, should it be neceesary, we beg to remain INCREMENT Hattie Tallzes, Fine on waltzes, Steps fantastic. Quite elastic Is Hattie. OAKLAND TRACTION COMPANY. Superintendent . A»D ALL THE HAUGHTY BOYS ROT WAS AN ALUMINUM BALL Mary Bagg, Great on rag, Shuffles long, One sweet song Is Mary. Mary's danced. Brows entranced; Hattie's "society. Lacks variety, — (live me Mary. A SHORT HAUL 514 t— t o O m < o o x w W US - <: l-H > w w < RAGGING $©?$& 518 RAGGING Mrs. John Quinn, Of Chicago, charged with responsibility for the death of her husband, and to whom engineers have refused to pay money on a policy on his life. ff/fiJv WMHt MR. JOHN R. QUINN HOW HAVE THE MIGHTY FALLEN? 519 THE UNIVE (Not According few .^., (1( a&> CALIFORNIA :be Hearst Plan) RAGGING About Berkeley A musical Comedy in Two Acts. Cast Busy Bee Drury ) Editor Einsfiiel > Triplets Editor Dinkelstein ) Htm \ ™'S" Erny Clewe Chorus of Coeds., Loafers, and Profs. Act I Scene : Campus. OPENING CHORUS Coeds, and Loafers — We are merry students of our college, We are folks whom no one can surpass ; You may say the meanest things about us, But we're proud to say we ne'er attend at class. Profs, (basso profundo) — Yes, we admit they ne'er attend a class. (Enter Erny Clewe.) (This person is attired in a Norfolk coat and curly hair. He possesses that peculiar air of Zetishness which always denotes the gentleman.) EDITOR DINKELSTEIN AND THE "PELICAN' 522 RAGGING E. C. (sings)— I am the great Dutch Clewe, The pride of all the Zetes ; To fill the shoes of Mansfield. I'm chosen by the fates. I've been Paola to Francesca, And Leicester to Queen Bess ; You'd think that I'd be happy, But I'm kicking ne'ertheless. I fain would make complaint. I fain would make complaint. Although I do Spell my name CIoo, It really truly ain't. (As E. C. makes this complaint, the gang groans at the horror of it all. Suddenly there is a great commotion noticeable in the dim distance. Revolver shots are heard. There breaks through the crowd Cap Phleger, leading little Herm by the hand. In Cap's other hand, there is a smoking Colt's 44. Cap wears a cowboy hat. Herm wears an expression of piety.) Cap — Woopee ! yip ! yip ! ! yip ! ! ! Bing, bang — zowie ! Herm — Control yourself, Carl. Remember 1 am going to be made chairman of six com- mittees this afternoon ; I must hold a meeting, debate against Stanford, and play football all at the same time, so you really must control yourself. Cap — That boy Herm's a fine boy ! Herm — Carl, you know you make me blush. Such compliments ill beseem a brother. E. C — Hah, churls! whence come you? Cap (sings) — I am Cap Phleger. And football is my line. The way I chew up Red Shirts Proves that I'm no shine. I'm wild and woolly. The brows are sure of that ; They know I am a cowboy 'Cause I wear a cowboy hat. A younger brother's lot is not So bad as it is painted; Of the appointments that I got. There's not a one that's tainted. There's Labor Day and Senior Week. Debate and football, too; There's nothing like a Phleger. Unless it may be two ! Cap — That boy Herm's a fine boy. (Far in the distance can be seen a large cloud of dust. It approaches and gradually settles, until a light can be seen shining through the particles. At last three men are seen; it is they who have raised the dust. On a dead run they come down the road. They are the Triplets. Busy Bee Drury is a small slender man who looks gentle but isn't. Editor Dinkel- stein is a small stout man who doesn't look gentle and isn't. They both toddle along beside a somewhat taller man, Editor Einspiel. It is his hair which caused the distant light.) Ed. E. — Don't stop us ; we're in a hurry. Ed. D. — Gotter git some Pelican dope ! B. B. D. — Let us advance, gentlemen. We have decided to permit President Wheeler to take a trip to Los Angeles ; we are about to sign contracts for the new track, and cannot stop. E. C. — What ho ! Caitiffs, know ye not that I am Ernest, own son of Thespis. Ye have not asked my permission. 523 Herm (sings)- RAGGING Cap — Bang! bang!! Yahoo! Yer haven't asked Herm. Herm — I must speak to Carl about this. B. B. D — Gentlemen, I beg Whole Crowd — Kill 'em ! They're trying to run the University without us. resolutions. Down with amendments. Down with bossism ! (Curtain.) Down with Act II Scene : Grizzly Peak. *•*«■■ (Enter the Triplets, out of breath. They have been pursued by a mob of outraged collegians.) TRIO Don't envy us the cares of state — Take our advice, don't do it ; If you should run a place like this, Believe us, you would rue it. Whate'er goes wrong they blame on us, Complaints they're always yelling; What Platz or Beatty will do next There really is no telling. Alas, alas, alas ! (Enter rest of cast.) Gang — There they are! E. C. — Yea, 'tis true ! By me halidom, wilt thou give muh satisfaction ? Cap — Will you give Herm a big job? Herm — Will you take care of Carl ? B. B. D. — Gentlemen, we accede to your wishes. We now give over to Herm the chair- manship of eight more committees. We permit Cap to play front rank in the scrum as long as he is as gentle as he has been in the past. We present Erny Clewe with the Greek Theatre. Is that satisfactory? Gang — Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! (Curtain.) d W -7L ■ W ' / Iw j 13^ ~^B ¥ ' flfl Br lli ALj IlL mm §^alf5i§^i If 1 c X (JOHN SCORING A "TRY") MARTIAL STEAL 524 RAGGING Has 5w»Ma I^ut-- t^Toovr, No i^r 1&njMm Jr.. %>r CS.J^, Oh! do you know Editor "Morse"? His voice is sweet and mellow, not hoarse; His political league Is beyond intrigue; But they get there, you bet, why, of course! There was a professor called "Hutch," Who'd speak at fine banquets and such, Though his speeches were long, No wine, women or song E'er entered with artistic touch. There was a young fellow named Lyman, Who never took chances with Hymen, But with coed, and queen, He often is seen; But, say! you'd not call him a Simon. I say, have you seen William Greig? At Pabst's he's caressing a keg, With a cute Scottish cap And a stein in his lap, A lap ahead is young Bill Greig. 525 RAGGING L»pistSTo&g" CkOvVQ. Don't be aristocratic, But have some "mud" with Bill. Altho' he is dogmatic, lie serves his "racetrack" still — Does Bill. There was a bold fellow named Stern, Who was of a musical turn; With a girl by his side, To St. Peter he'll ride, And from him some tricks she will learn. I say, do you know young Dick Rust? O'er trade ads. his whole frame will bust; With new suit and hat, He's a man for a' that; His motto, "In Nobody Trust." There was a young fellow named "Pink" A shark at the studies we think: But twelve times a year He indulges in beer, At four in the house does he slink. 526 RAGGING WHAT WON'T THE TRAFFIC BEAR? SUMMER SURVEYING AND SOME ARE NOT 527 DENTAL COLLEGE CHOKT OP* ^ lines are selected with special consideration for young men's requirements. Graduates who desire to maintain a reputation for dressing correctly and in good taste, find the "Roos-Made" lines in com- plete sympathy with their ideas. The importance of good clothing as an aid toward the attain- ment of the goal of your career can not be overestimated. Let us co-operate with you in the realization of your ambition. Market and Stockton Streets SAN FRANCISCO <7Z^r BERKELEY'S LADIES TOGGERY A full lino of Ladies' and Children's AVear Always on Hand PHONE 609 Popular Prices 2142 CENTER STREET February 14 — Harris reported very sick. LAKE TAHOE California \s Popular Mountain Resort Season May 15 to October 15 Best trout fishing in the state; excellent hotel accommodations; also camping privileges. Write for descriptive booklets D. L. BLISS, Jr. General Manager Lake Tahoe Railnvay & Transportation Company TAHOE, CALIFORNIA San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Rys. The Comfortable, Convenient and Rapid Way between SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND and BERKELEY Service between Berkeley and San Francisco every 20 Minutes. February 15 — Harris returns with his own tobacco. Lynne Stanley Exclusive Haberdasher PLENTY OF B. V. D's CHENEY TIES and SUMMER SHIRTS 1222 Broadway, Oakland When Tou Eat call on Bill The Dog-Man Telegraph Avenue WELLS FARGO NEVADA NATIONAL OF SAN FRANCISCO Northeast Corner Montgomery and Market Streets. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFIT. .. .$11,037,979.01 DEPOSITS 27,190,440.80 TOTAL RESOURCES 46,211,961.57 BANK Isaias W. Hellman, President I. W. Hellman, Jr., Vice-President F. L. Lipman, Vice-President Isaias W. Hellman Joseph Sloss Percy T. Morgan F. W. Van Sicklen OFFICERS James K. Wilson, Vice-President Frank B. King, Cashier W. McGavin, Asst. Cashier A. B. Price, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS Wm. F. Herrin Wm. Haas John C. Kirkpatrick Hartlanrt Law I. W. Hellman. Jr. Henry Rosenfeld A. Christeson James L. Flood F. L. Lipman A. D. Oliver, Asst. Cashier C. L. Davis, Asst. Cashier E. L. Jacobs, Asst. Cashier J. Henry Meyer A. H. Payson Chas. J. Deering James K. Wilson Students are cordially invited to mike use of all of our facilities. Individual accounts accepted subject to check— Safe Deposit Boxes for rent and valuables taken on storage in our Safe Deposit Department. E. W. BRIGGS The Pioneer Tobacconist vestibule, chronicle bldg. of San Francisco February 16 — Harry was sick. February 17 — Two miners seen in the Library at once. Oakland: 532 Fourteenth Street San Jose: 41 North First Street Sacramento: 422 K Street Special Rates Extended to Students RAFER^ 1142 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO The Jacobi $25.00 Guaranteed Blue Serge Suit is fast winning a name for itself with men both young and old. J. M. JACOBI & CO. Montgomery & Sutter Sts. Labor Day, 9 o'clock — Tom Veitch refuses to work. £2 3?* 2 Labor Day, 10 o'clock — Picture companies arrive. F. C. THIELE VARSITY TAILOR 17 Years of Popularity EXAMINER BUILDING CORNER Market and Third Streets SAN FRANCISCO Labor Day, 10:01 — Veitch starts work.