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OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, UNIV. OF ABERDEEN. BERLIN, H. REUTHER'S VERLAGSBUCHHANDLUNG. LONDON, NEW YOEK, PARIS, WILLIAMS & NORGATE B. WESTER MANN & Co. MAI8ONNEUVE 14, HENRIETTA STBEET, 838, BROADWAY. & CH. LEOLERC COVENT GARDBJf. 25, QUAI VOLTAIRE. 1839. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NOV3072 H4TERL.IBRARY LOANS IHOV 17 ?9?2 TWO WEEK' 7?r-iA Qr\TE OF RECEIPT ^ E MOV 3 072 UR L lOm-7,'71 (P6348s8) Z-53 PREFACE TO THE GERMAN EDITION. Had I alone been concerned, I should not have undertaken a new edition of the Syriac Porta. For what we need for Syriac, as for most other Semitic languages, is the investigation of special questions, linguistic, historic and other, similar to those which de Lagarde has given us on the figtree and Astarte orWellhausen on the remains of Arabic heathendom, and not fresh presentations of what everybody knows. Moreover, since the appearance of the first edition (1881), I have ceased to have occasion to lecture on Syriac. On the other hand, the speedy sale of my book showed me that it really supplied a want, and accordingly I have done what I could for the new edition. Like other parts of the Porta, the Syriac grammar no longer appears in Latin but in German and English which explains the arrangement of the second half of the book. The part comprising the Grammar, notwithstanding the addition of a few ob- servations on the Syntax, occupies less space than in the first edition. As regards the Bibliography, I thought 2095318 VI PREFACE. first of omitting almost entirely sections I and II (pp. 3 30), retaining only such books as are still of importance; finally, however, I resolved to make the bibliography in these and the other divisions as com- plete as possible. Somewhere, it seems to me, one ought to find such a record of the labours of our predecessors. Up to p. 30, books which I have not seen myself are indicated as before by an asterisk. The diffi- culties with which I had to contend, in having to work at a distance from a library, can only be understood by those who are similarly situated; even Klatt's Bi- bliography was not accessible. On the other hand I have here to thank a number of friends, particularly abroad, most of them personally unknown to me, who have helped me by sending me their publications, a number of which will be found in the "appendicula" ; I would specially thank Prof. I. H. Hall of New York for the aid he has rendered me in the Bibliography. This section of the book, large enough as it is, I could easily have increased in one direction at least, for I have made a practice of noting down all the reviews with which I have become acquainted; of these, however, I have only occasionally cited one or two, it being still worth while to see, for example, what a scholar like de Sacy had to say to the elder Hoffmann in 11 pages of the Journal des Savants. From A. Miiller's new Oriental Bibliography (I, 1 3) I might have added a few more titles; I mention the PREFACE. VII following as having been overlooked: Baethgen, F., Siebenzehn makkabaische Psalmen nach Theodor von Mopsuestia ZfdatW. 87, 160; Cardahi, Gabriel, Al-Lobab. Dictionnaire syriaque-arabe. Vol. 1 [Con- tient les onze premieres lettres.] Beyrouth, impr. catholique 1887. fr. 30. Wright, W., Notulae Syriacae [Cambridge] Christmas 1887. "Only 150 copies printed for private circulation." 15 pages. In the Clirestomathy I have retained the first four chapters of Genesis, notwithstanding the ob- jections raised by Socin; such translations are ex- ceptionally well adapted for a comparative study both of the vocabulary and of the grammar (with the ex- ception of the Syntax), in the same way as the four versions of the Psalter so conveniently arranged by de Lagarde for Arabic. A systematic comparison of the versions of the bible would give us more and fuller information concerning the relation of the Semitic idioms, as regards their respective vocabularies, than the stray observations and notes on which we have hitherto had to rely. The extract from the N. T. occupies more space with the Leipzig types, than I could calculate from the American impression from which it is taken; still an extract pointed in this way was needed to familiarise the student with the Nestorian punctuation, particularly the distinction between * and , e. In this edition I have given the Vitce Prophetarum VIII PREFACE. in full, notwithstanding their somewhat unattractive contents. With regard to these fragments it has quite recently been suggested that the Syriac texts are the original, the Greek texts only a translation. The latter, in different recensions as in Syriac, will be found not reckoning the editions of Epiphanius (e. g. Migne vol. 43, not in Dindorf's edition) in Tischendorf s Anecdota 110, in the Journ. of the Exeget. Society 1887, 1 ff. by Hall; best, however, in the cod. vat. 2125 (Marchalianus!). Of the legends of the finding of the Cross I give two new recensions with appendix, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Wright, Martin and Bickell. I still hope to fulfil the promise I made in the preface 'to the first edition, to publish a collection of the various fragments. I have left the text precisely as it is given in the manuscripts; e. g. in 113, 12. 116, 57. 117, 78. 124, 222. 131, 76. The extracts in the first edition from Jacob of Edessa (Severus) and Daniel of Salach, I have here omitted as being too difficult; all the words of the first edition, however, have been retained in the glossary, which has in consequence become more comprehensive, and has unfortunately, I cannot doubt, brought with it many of the mistakes of the earlier edition. There will also, no doubt, be things in the gram- mar which need change or correction \v. below]. In 3 I regret not to have done Jacob of Edessa the PREFACE. IX honour to adduce his mnemonic sentence ^*~*/ a^ic ,-loj s-oncf (BH Gr. 1, 194/5); for the Nestorian cf. de Lagarde, Mittheilungen 2, 27. 183 .... Nestorian 'Abdiso' (p. 25, n. 1) appears to stand under Arabic in- fluence. 25, 3 b cf. de Lagarde, Agathangelus 133, n. 2, where, however, the influence of r seems to be over- looked ... I hope also, that the printing, which, towards the close, had to be done very hastily, will be found pretty correct. Ulm a. D., 18. April 1888. The English edition of the Syriac Grammar has had the benefit of a revision of the proofs by Prof. G. Hoffmann of Kiel. Some of his remarks have already been inserted in the text, others I am allowed to put together here: 2. The name Estrangela H. explains on the ground of Fihrist 1, 12, 11 ML -g\ \ U ...t = 0190776X7] (jEtp) i. e. the oldest bookwriting as opposed to still older forms of writing e. g. the ysntt Sn3 of the stone- inscriptions. The passages of Bar Ali and Bar Bahlul (Payne Smith) go all back to Iso'bar Nun of the 9th cent., who already combined Estrang(e)laya with "Evangelium", but wrongly, because he did not under- stand the word. UJJD meaning "Linear- oder Kritzel- schrift" has nothing to do with it. Paule (sic) bar 'Anqa of Edessa (^(j^ the Arabic name of the bird Phoenix), perhaps a brother of the Petros bar c Anqa, who is known as a copyist of MSS. in the 6 th and 7 th centuries (Wright, Catal. 474) seems to have written in the tv^%? 1^^? propably a cloister of the Cap- padocians (of Armenia, v. de Lagarde, Abhandlungen 254), from which this mode of writing has also the name t**aJ (de Lagarde, Praetermissa 96). Regarding the dissemination of Syriac in Armenia v. Hoffmann, Kirchenversammlung in Ephesus 12, 40 (the Armenians had a school in Edessa) [and Agathangelus ed. de Lagarde 77, 5J. For -JfA^ (Arabic ^ -- ^- - J?) we find in Wright Catal. 3, 1302 -OOA^', elsewhere (Land, Anecd. 1, 11) gerisoni; cf. also Assemani in P. Smith 790. The Syrians called themselves as exiles in a strange land Gersonides after Moses among the Midianites. 3. The chief point as to the Nestorian voca- lization is this, that the Nestorians, besides short e s, had also long e=tj, or ; BH understands by the e which according to later and West-Syrian pronunciation had become i. Many examples of long e, in Mss. and in the writings of BH, but not as yet noticed with sufficient accuracy. PREFACE. XI 11. With the modern Nestorians when reading the Pesitta, the stress-accent of an isolated word keeps its proper place ; but the accentuation of the sentence displaces it as in Neo-Syriac. In both cases very often the ultimate is accentuated, e. g. in nouns and verbs un. an, in, en, tt h (adv.): ainaihun, qitlit h , heidin &c. 15. Syriac verse proves the contrary; even the ancient Syrians certainly pronounced two con- sonants at the beginning sans gene, mlek h &c.; hren ; cf. also foreign words like .0^*3, p. 29, n. 1. ^aic&e, Ma[i[i.a)v seems to be a foreign word from the Phoenician Q^ "money" ; compare the inscription of Esmunazar (Corp. Inscrr. Sem. n. 3, p. 14, 5) and that of win ("Tdbnit", Rev. Arch. 1887, p. 2) D3 tel "and (or) any money"; tDDtt perhaps vo{u(o)jia. 40 a that the verbs as have pa'ssed into ^ Dalaih olo Vav _o Zain Teth Yud Ldmadh o Mm Semkath *E ]^ Pe \9^ Sdde Quf ^^J) Rish I Shin oi Tau ref .1 en cv v\ \ >o ! v " _ i ^ QO 9 T r -L on a O. V V ^ JJi 1 fict -- ' spiritus lenis d, 8 h V, W Z in zero ch, h A1V-' y i in n s fiO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 _=. r JC ' A. X i> ^. c guttural sound 70 a a p, f 80 S emphatic 90 jo a q 100 r 200 A x. : sh, s 300 t, 400 3. VOWEL-SCHEME. 5 1) the oldest Majuscle, known as Estrangelo, Gospel-character (jj^j^f = UX^cf Ur, J - D - Mi ~ chaelis, not from atpoffuXo? Assemani N, 1 or Xia), said to have been invented by Paul bar of Edessa, and to have been re-introduced by the brothers Emmanuel and Nache, and Johannes of Kar- temin about 988. 2 From it was developed the char- acter of the Nestorians, still in use among the Syrians of Lake Urumiyah. 2) A smaller character, Se- miminuscle, adopted by the Jacobites. 3) The char- acter of the Malkites, which, according to Land, is an imitation of the Greek, according to Duval and others has more faithfully preserved the oldest forms. It is used only for Palestinian Syriac. Arabic and Malayalirn in Syriac characters is called Gar- shuni ^ji^tf [cf. Gerson, Ex. 2, 22.]; on the cryptography of Bardesanes v. D 13. The indication of the vowels in MSS. and printed books likewise follows a twofold system. 1 N in the sequel = Noldeke (kurzgefasste syrische Gram- matik, Leipzig 1 880), D = Duval (Traite de Grammaire Syriaque, Paris 1881), H = G. Hoffmann, ZDMG = Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. 2 BO [= Bibliotheca Orientalis v. Litt.] 2, 352. 3, 2, 3,78. Lagarde, Praetermissa 95, 73, BH [= Bar Hebraeus v. Litt.], chron. eccl. 1,417. G. Hoffmann, LCB1 79, 1708. Khajjath, Syri orientales 143. Lagarde, Mitteilungen 2, 257. O 3. VOWEI.-SCHEME. 1) The Jacobite with the help of Greek vowels; 2) the Nestorian, which has arisen from the more ancient employment of a single diacritical point. Barhebraeus 1 gives the following table: Example Name Sign Particle Verb Noun East Syrians West Syrians f r -i P ~ 7 7 1*-^' | jo,) %as|Z 1*U J [ A ' *" '^- |2 5 ^T ejo <=1 ' .' \' '" o ' >. r According to the above, the Jacobites distinguish only the five vowels F , 0', e~, T, ?/% contained in the mnemonic word olia2as or ^1^3 VA^O^ JJD; the Nestorians seven, in some cases six or even eight, by giving a double sound to e, z'and u. Mnemonic sentence: |2a-^s ^ V-] ^0^-5^3 (on a v. 6 c). is only another form of , although, later Nest, gram- .P-P .P p marians make equivalent to Ij^'j to |^n ; see the list of BH and 6 c. 1 The last and most important national grammarian (,f 1286) v. infra. 4. PRONUNCIATION AND 5. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONSONANTS. / The pronunciation of the various consonants 4 is widely different according to time, place, and their position in the word. | between two vowels is pronounced almost as y f^\ which is not unfrequently written instead. UD was in later times no longer audible after u: )^^^^ __ suhd. For the six consonants Aja^w-s v. 8. r^ serves, like ^ in the middle and | at the end of words, as mater lectionis. As consonants o and ^. approach the English rv and y respectively. 1 before smooth consonants is pronounced as a smooth (tenuis)', vice versa u before medials is pro- nounced as a medial (media) , before ^ as ^ , e. g. jJll^, \l\x, i^i; lija~ (shame), ^o^u etc.; ^ before medials as -j ; ^s before medials as ^, before t as ^, and by the Palestinian Syrians almost as j. For ^ we find a pronunciation indicated sometimes like w, sometimes like j the latter especially before . ^ often like Arab. , Engl. / (D p. 29 n. 3) ; aspirated 2. almost as /", e. g. ]$2.) 'afro,, cf. Theodore Feodore. The Syrian grammarians divide the consonants 5 1) according to the organs of speech by which they are produced (^.^.1^0^ l^olzf) into gutturals I) ^ w. ei 1; palatals (|^I?) ^o + w; 8 6. VOWELS. *dentals (li^?) or sibilants **linguals ^ ^ ?; ***labials _s >c ^. * with open mouth >* o; Avith the middle of the tongue and upper part of the palate *V '* with the point of the tongue and upper and lower teeth '>. ''* with the point of the tongue and upper teeth . So l5lias of Soba; others only slightly different. 2) According as they accord with each other in the root, or not, into friendly ]LLJ-? and hostile fdfcLx P f] o ^*i frt 1 A. 3) According to their signification into radi- cal iLLLfc^ or jLUjaiT, , and servile The vowels were, in the earliest period, only par- tially indicated by ^ o 1 ; afterwards words written with the same consonants but having a different pro- nunciation were distinguished by a diacritical point (jl^sio )>joj), which is already employed in Palmy- rene to distinguish j (r) and ? (rf). The point over the word served to indicate the stronger and more obscure pronunciation, under the word, the lighter and clearer. ^c' man, ^ men; ius l)dh, oi_c leh; )v^' malkd, )^v^ melkd; ooi hau, on hu; ^ol hai, ^c^is) ; also in the form ^^juo , ^-^~c) | but part, regularly ^ ^ " and ending of 1 pf. A^juo . On the other hand with the passive part, and the derived stems of verbs }J we find I e.g. ji^,, |^c ? J^JLioj elsewhere j in shut and sharpened syllables. On the contrary ) is found before every quiescent / V I or *, especially in the prefixes of verbs ]^: i^cj pf. ; ~ r 7 i . . " f^o\ impf.; also for western e. g. . *S , Pr*l; .* ^ .' .* . .- To the western o) corresponds the eastern d u or oj o, the former also named |z^=.* e|c or j^vs, the latter also lie? or 6. DIPHTHONGS. 11 o not u appears e. g. in the impf. Peal ^a-JuoJ, in the pron. and suff. of 2 and 3 pers. .coi, .a-a &c. ; u on the other hand in the termination .al^joJ of the impf. whereas from |3, on account vf of the contraction, tO^-ai; in the nomen agentis PCL^-O, near a guttural, &c. NOTE I. Regarding the transcription of Greek words see the Lexicon. The representation of Gk. E by Syr. ai Qi)e admits of a simpler explanation than that given by D p. 47 n. 1. A closer examination of these transcribed words throws much light on the pronunciation both of Syriac and of Greek. NOTE 2. The Syriac names of the vowels imply nothing regarding the quantity of the Syr. vowels (in our sense of the word). The majority () and ) being the minority) whether with or without matres lectionis, give no clue to their quantity; * o i *n* a *'* ^ whether e. g. the in ^.A,ja.e, ^>i^.nJ, Joo^J be long or short can only be determined by the laws of Inflexion. As diphthongs may be noted: , 1) au o), for which the E. Syrians always write of 1 , jzoio mautd, not till a later period pronounced mo-, hence t always with Q. (v. 8). 2) ai ^.'j, v.f, JzLs baitd also with Q. ; to be dis- tinguished from A A*? bet h - solitary exception ^f, pro- nounced V7, ,,how". 1 Also before consonantal o with a vowel, and even before o doubled, the Nestorians always write for a e.g. <*&*, ^Jojo-, k, | the only exceptions ace. to BH are the pass, parts. &C. 12 7. ADDITIONAL SIGNS. 3) di ), * ; specially frequent in the termina- tions of adjectives. 4) With suffixes we find additional combinations of vowels, ^,tno , y*So-i , ^oio- and, particularly in Greek words, o) eu or erv. Of. also in the N. T. words SUCh as ^kaalo e For the Hebr. Sewa, whether mobile or quiescent, as well as for the doubling there is no special sign in Syriac any more than in Ethiopic (Gram. JSthiop. 7. 9). The want of a sign corresponding to Dag. forte is all the more comprehensible since the doubling ceased to be audible among the Western Syrians at a tolerably early period. 7 Additional signs. Several of these are clearly extensions of the simple diacritical point. First, the plural points (l^ajjl^o ^jLooj) 1 , employed equally by E. and W. Syrians, particularly with the noun, when the singular and the plural have the same con- sonants: |-v^ malkd, ]^^ malke (with j : l^T), |*-^~ malk e t h a, IT^V'V malkdt h d; also with collectives jiil 'and sheep, j.Lsi rak h d horses. They are likewise used with the verb e. g. 3 f. pi. pf. ^Li k e t h db h , especially with verbs tf, where ^1^. g'lay 3 f. pi. pf. might be con- founded with ^v^. g'ldy imp. sg. The name Ribbui ^os? was first given to these points by later Maronite grammarians from the Hebrew. 8. QUSSAY(A) AND RUKKAKH(A). . 13 A further extension is the diacritical points with the Verb. We have already seen ( 60) how a point over the word was used to distinguish the more fully vocalised forms, such as the part. act. Peal and the Ethpaal from the perf. Peal and the Ethpeel ac- companied by a point under the form (v-c^s, j^l, U~ kdt h eb h , 'dmar, gale from _cLs, ^o|, }! k e t h ab h , 'emar, g'ld, \^\ et h qattal from V^oz] efig*tel). We have now to add that two points (often called p^^ or JyL^os) rendered it possible to distinguish, a third form with the same consonants, e. g. the passive part, of / {] UJ 9*fe (in addition to gale and g e ld above) or in the sing. perf. klxjue 1 m., ^* * 2 m., Vv* ~ 3 f. (last form written by the Nestorians with two points under ^^B). This system was of course still inadequate inasmuch as ^Jx^us may equally well represent three forms of the Pael. Similarly ?SLIC| is 1 p. impf. Peal, ?ousl perf. Afel, ?0 uaio part. Pael, jouaie part. Afel. Cf. D 67. 1) Much more important is the sign for the harder 8 and softer pronunciations of the G ^1=,^=, correspond- ing to the Hebr. Dagesh lene and Rafe. It consists of a small point, generally coloured red by the Nes- torians, placed over Qussay(a) &Z> hardening or under Rukkak h (a) |^ ^ softening these con- sonants. 14 . ' 8. QUAY(A) AND RUKKAK H (A). Jacob of Edessa seems to have been the first both to in- troduce the pj^-alo and to distinguish the harder pronunciation (by a point). 2) The rules for the pronunciation of the Begad- kephath are not so constant as in Hebrew but the following hold good in the main : Q. stands a) at the beginning of a word after a- vowelless consonant 1^5 A^A,^ ; hence after h mappicalum of the 3 pers. pron. " and oT; b) likewise in the middle of a word \^, mal-kd, kef-bet 1 , particularly after diphthongs and c) when a consonant is doubled jjaa sabbar, appeq, except at the end of a word ^cu^f 'acheb(b). 3) R., on the other hand, is found a) at the beginning of a word after a vowel b) likewise in the middle of a word, even after the slightest vowel sound, hence, in particular, after a doubled consonant and when preformatives have been added, e. g. wo-,a and ^^> ; c) always with the suffixes of the 2 pi. ^ and ^^, except after the diphthong ,/ of the plural. NOTE 1. Thus far the Sj-riac usage is the same as the Hebrew; an important distinction, however, appears in the fact that in Syriac even unaccented syllables with a long vowel may be shut, i. e. may be followed by Q., e.g. stat^ eniph. and fern, of P m p p the part. <^&s, l-s^j ^**i/ : " (Exceptions 38#); while, on 9. MARH E TANA AND M E HAGG E YANA. 15 the other hand, the feminine may be aspirated after syllables with a short vowel. V 2. By 2 b and 3 b is explained the difference between !~i-v and \2'r^ (jfS and J*J), l^r* and l^JjP* (of- ^? and "^ from fi-cba). v 3. After a the fern. 2. has mostly R. : IZ^&fe, .077 (Exception I ^ i f^) ; in exceptional cases after a, e ff- 9 " always with 2. of the adjectival termination p^; Q. always with .0 .P' P in the fern, of adjs. in (-., \L* . 4. An additional helping-vowel does not affect the earlier pronunciation, thus and jksioJ, jZ^Lca^ and .o]J and Q-S|J (in poetry). P 7 !> 7 5. For the distinction between y.'2.f and ^2 r ,s: P X 7 and ^^aoij v. 39. 47c; for the hardening of the first radical in the 1 impf. Pael 38, of the vowelless prefix of the impf. after o and 5 49. 6. Of \^, and ^ we find a third and even a fourth pronun- ciation current. While aspirated ^a corresponds to the modern Gk. cp, the Gk. T: is harder than >_s with Q, and in accurate MSS. is indicated sometimes by a point in the vJ, sometimes, among the Nestorians, by two points under it, and, finally, in Palestinian Syriac by an inverted e^ (so also with 7), while the Nestorians indicate by . the almost vocalic _s in such words as Mlal, ^^2^aJ, IjJOsas, J-^sJ Mt. 3, 12 etc. cf. ZDMG 32, 746. The signs li3r* an d }J-Lai^:, chiefly used in poetry, indicate respectively the shorter or more hurried, and the longer or fuller pronunciation of a word or of 16 10. PUNCTA EXTRAORDINARIA. a consonant without or with vowels. The former is a horizontal or (Nestor.) sloping stroke over the con- sonant, e. g.: ]b-,\. 'es-q e t h d, not'e-seq-^d', the latter the same stroke under the consonant: \i J ]de-chel-t h a, not dech-l e t h a or dechlt h d, .001,10^ chamerhon, not chamrhon. Both strokes are in frequent use to dis- tinguish the Ethpeel from the Ethpaal. I The so-called lineola occultans, an extension of jo^oijio, is placed by some authors over, by others under a silent consonant; it is especially frequent with 01 of the enclitic auxiliary verb ]coi, with j of the pron. of the 1 and 2 pers., with of the 3 pers., with P- . " j- 7 7 ^ij), Mr*j, wc*-,, 2jJ= OCC. c In accurate MSS. other signs are found, such as a hyphen between two words, corresponding to the Hebr. Makkeph: also f> *.<> a line above the end of a word j?o~3, meant to draw the tone o P y to the following word; another under, j.1 *i,$ Vi meant to retain the tone on the first, e. g. j-flfe ^--.V-/-, and \^i*1I, >oolj. There is no doubt, however, that originally the tone lay on long terminations like ^vJ^ ^v^, ^t,-v.J^ We find rhetorical accents mentioned as early 12 as the 5 th century; at a later period, i. e. from about 600 A. D. onwards , there existed a very elaborate accentual system with as many as 30. to 40 accents and marks of interpunction. The four principal are i-ooiis, closing the apodosis or second half (jj&os), and jIL*!k, closing the protasis or. first half of the sentence (jl?oo^); l-^s dividing the former, jj^, 1 or jJo] dividing the latter into several members, as re- presented in the following scheme. ') Name and form correspond to the Hebrew Sewa. Njestle, Syriac Grammar. JJ 18 13. THE NUMBERS. 14. THE CONSONANTS. In some printed books '. is found at the end of an interrogative sentence. For details Phillips, Martin, D. pp. 137 161 may be consulted. 13 The numbers were in earl} 7 times represented by the letters of the alphabet, the numerical values of which have been given in the table. For 500 it was customary to write ^o, for 600 ?z, for 900 *&. The stroke over the respective groups serves to distin- guish them from vocables having the same letters. In recent times dates are written in the Arabic manner 1888. Special numerical signs and ciphers, the so called Arabic ciphers, are found at a tolerably early date in ancient inscriptions and in certain manuscripts. Cf. ZDMG. 16, 577. Land, Anecd. I, Tab. 25. Wright's Catalogue. B. PHONOLOGY. ( 1418.) 14 The relation" of the Syriac consonants to those of a Arabic and Hebrew is represented in the following table, which is confined to the sibilants and the dentals. 1 6 5 4321 ab a babe abab Al'tllt. J0 JO ijO \jG iwi (w. 1 /JM s J* O O? CU Hebr. (t3) B E Sifi3(D)tDDTT t lTDn Syr. v^ ^i ^ . <_ID ^_*. o ^ ? ? 1 Cf. 1 and the remarks of G. Hoffmann LCB1 87, 18, 606 on Noldeke's "Semitic Languages". 15. THE SYLLABLE. 16. CONSONANTAL CHANGES. 19 The student should look up illustrations in Gen. 14. It is to be noted that when, in a root, ^ = ^0 comes into contact with another ^, the first ^becomes ]; cf. Lagarde, Semitica I, 22, N. ZDMG. 32, 405. Every syllable begins with a consonant and withlS one only. Apparent exceptions, such as ]L* (Q.), have a frequently a helping vowel prefixed, in this case e , j4o!Ji^acf ; elsewhere , as often in |< t n>f = -^J'f. r^.- and similar forms are pronounced as if written as they frequently are Jx*| &c. * X Syriac differs from Hebrew in the following points: b 1) Short vowels remaining in the tone-syllable are not confined to the Verb VD (Heb. bttj?) e. g. ^sn? = nnt 2) Short vowels before the tone are not lengthened but dropped vo = btaj?, wnai? = SHT. 3) A long vowel may stand in a shut syllable lib&a, *-iS^ ; but see verbs ak. b In many other cases a consonant is assimilated to a following one in pronunciation ; v. 4. c Vowelless j is assimilated to the following con- sonant, which is thereby doubled: .nlf for an-pek, ^s^ for gerib, ]&* Sattd, \-2\2- f vice versa a doubling is sometimes dissolved by j (or ?) ; lai^, H. ni35, ^icjaa, H. XD3. d The following are not pronounced: 1) | in the beginning of words like ^| , w^Jj ; so p r ) when standing without accent after or instead of a verb; 2) 01 of the unemphatic pronouns ooi, *ci, in the suff'. of the 3. pers. *.Q^, ^o;] the fern. 2. in z^*, new, f. |z^ h e d h attd. Apocope is chiefly found in the 3 pi., where V^o is frequently written for o^Ls or *14^. The Hebr. feminine ending 17. THE GUTTURALS. 21 W appears in the stat. abs. only as cT, a^Nv, ni"; similarly in a few cases ,/ for if. | may be prefixed to foreign words beginning f with two consonants, and to verbs Js, and is frequently inserted as a mater lectionis: -JLJ^l? dallitdni, -^K part. Finally we note the addition of a paragogic x to certain parts of the verb, e.g. 1 p. pi. ^i\^j for ^v f .~ 3, in imper. 2 pi. ^o^Co, x ^^ for o^Lo, ^ie. The gutturals do not affect the vocalization to 17 the same extent as in Hebrew; they even seem to have a been originally capable of being doubled. They prefer a to e, e. g.. in the part. Peal ^j for V^Lo, in the Pael, Afel w*I ? [ for ad h neh', o (u) is frequently retained in the impf. ; the E. Syrians often write a for e, even when there is no guttural, ]&**, l^s, i^ff)^ 1 . The quiescent consonants are pretty much as in 6 Hebrew. 1. |, like the Hebr. n, stands for a and e at thB end of words J^^c, ).r\^' = malkd, malke. 2. In the beginning of words, where it has always a helping- vowel, it surrenders its vowel to vowelless prefixes |^Xo valahd, >o?jJ IdcPdm; the Nestorians how- ever, v e 'aldhd, l e 'dd h dm; but when two prefixes come together they also wrote .ooiosjio M^!~*. I*' elf a v e lab h iihon. 1 List in Martin, Syriens Orientaux et Occidentaux (1872) Tables 18. 22 18. QUANTITY. 3. Without a vowel ), in the middle of a word, quiesces not only in a, \jua} (for m e ass"ydna), but also in e, lL^oi|ic, and 2, ]\^]o (but Nest, memra). 4. In Afel it becomes , more rarely * : Viof, Jx+] ; for 1 between two vowels v. 4. 5. For o in the beginning of words v. 44 , for o in the middle and for the changes it undergoes 46 ft; for s 46 a. Except \L to live and perhaps >is to set, there are no verbs mediae , but very many tertise .. ; on the other hand there are no verbs tertise . 18 Since the Quantity (long or short) of the vowels like the doubling of the consonants, is in most cases no longer recognisable by outward and visible signs, no unfailing rule can be given regarding their per- manence and disappearance; vowels in sharpened syl- lables are of course equally unchangeable with those naturally long. Noteworthy, however, is the ease with which the characteristic vowel of a form may change its position, e. g. in the segolate forms ^L>, 'C.*, *jk,cj_o, alongside of j^ae, |L?, J-?a*; and in the fe- minines |Zj-a_o, 1&XA, lL*oi= alongside of ^ajos; in the imper. 19. THE PERSONAL PRONOUN. 23 II. MORPHOLOGY. ( 19-49.) A. PRONOUN. ( 1923.) / . 1? D ** - - - ? . / I . >-> *..n ^ | <^i A.. j.Vn A., . o \^j The Personal Pronoun (l^olo j^os used 19 independently: I |J[ we thou jf, f. *j you he on, she ^"V - cv^-5, ITL^*? 5 __..-: .aal^*9, . i\?| _,51^i-.5. B. NOUN. ( 2433.) 24 Substantive and Adjective. Nouns are partly primitive (}i g .K.^ |2^^, laia^, partly derivative (j-H^Li^, jjLL^, lllis^i). The latter class may be derived from verbs or from other substantives, and that in various ways. They may be composed simply of the consonants of the root with 25. NOMINAL FORMS. 25 one or more vowels, long or short, or may be formed by the doubling of a radical or by prefixing, inserting, or affixing one or more consonants. Certain formations are employed as adjectives and participles or in particular significations. The following list, in which the forms from strong 25 stems are followed by those from weak stems, and the masculine by the feminine forms, does not profess to give more than the most frequently occurring nominal forms in Syriac. 1. With a short vowel: a) qatl, qetl, qutl, or qtal, qtel, qtul 1 : .^v, |^v^; 'V?*, |L$; ^*o^o, l-^?a~o; a in abs. and constr. states almost entirely confined to final gutturals and r: fLa, |att; xif, l&f; ^P, Ur-5 ^-* ( acc - to Nestorian pronunciation re, acc. to the Jacobite r7s), j_s|?; rarely with a )1L; >oa-, ^ieaJ; ^, }JL, but from ]L^ st. cstr. &^; )\is, ii.ll, ).ba^; ^^, Ul^C. The feminines of the strong form take the vowel with the first or the second radical as may most con- duce to ease of pronunciation: |o^o, iLsj-* as well as Uj-sL*,, l^.? alongside of lilx^, U?H> (Q- because originally U?i-s~ which was also in use), \* -~ ^ and Cf. Heb. "Da and "G? etc., 1X3 and 113, BSia and aid ; Nest. , alongside usual \o*^AVi 26 25. NOMINAL FORMS. .b) With these, as a rule, coincide the forms with (originally) two short vowels (Hebr. Gr. 25), since traces of the second vowel can only be detected here and there, where the second radical has a or the third R.; wccn?, Ipoif; ^.-s.},]; but ^>s, \^^L\ adjective 2.1*, ]lfL (pronounced hata). Feminines: jajaa^j, \ij>~->\, Uj-o-? i^ 1 -^ I^^V^; iLaoS, ]La^ (from |MnS). 2. With a long vowel: a) after the first consonant: a) qatal >abl^, f ^^ ; rare in Syriac. P) qatel, the usual form of the active participle of the Qal, ^zL= P , aJ; ^[; *j^; M^ Y) qatol, nomina agentis |?a^, b) after the second consonant: a) qetal: ] e , l^j, |J^|j |H |3) qatil: the usual passive participle of the Qal: -kic), t S., >O-L.O, Subst. i^iuJ; j-ks. Y) qatul, the Heb. passive part., rare in Syriac; 3. With the middle radical doubled: a) qattal, qettal intensive adjectives and nomina ./. .PC r .epy opificum: ijjj, ).u ? ; *i 25. NOMINAL FORMS. 27 b) quttal, nomina actionis II i^so?, tllo-c, and colour names \^o^of. c) qattil, very many adjectives J-.U, , and part. perf. v.2 d) qattul l?a^J, l^a 4. With formative additions: a) with preformatives : 1) with m: a) the infinitives, (3) the participles of the derived stems, y) many substantives ^ic, jla^io; with long vowel in the stem s, |l 0-^0,1^0^0; with long vowel in the preformative pi^ 1 , cf. |?ooio, H. "lips. 2) with ^, derived from III and V very many feminines b) With afformatives: 1) with an for substantives: especially from stems p.- Jju^.?, it is also the favourite Ace. to Lagarde GGA. 1884, 278 because = .0^0)^0 for i, from a stem corresponding to the Arabic ,4*0. 2 With y a few (foreign?) names of animals and plants (N. 127, 2); with ft, ]^?aJ, a few biblical proper names commencing in Hebrew with y w&^J, _^J; on Nimrod v. Lag. Arm. St. p. 112. 28 25. NOMINAL FORMS. termination for the formation of nomiua agentis from the derived participles and from adjectives, in which a fern, t has often been preserved or, in cases, inserted NOTE. Besides an also on: }jnj.m1, )Jn \ ,. (Loan-words ?) see Lagarde GGN. 1882, 400/404; Kahlfs, BH zu den salomonischen Schriften Leipz. 1887, N LCB1. 87, 25, 851. on is the usual diminutive ending 1 1 \^ ; more rarely rs jjoa^iOj or both combined. 2) ay for derived adjectives, ) ^^^ f. pi. |kie, 1) and 2) may be combined anay, ] \~~t i 3) i, f. tth] j^iosj, IzL^osj^o. Masculine abstract substantives with y (^.) are also formed from verbs ULscgu, | . p ^^. % U^4, of which a st. abs. apparently does not occur. 4) Feminine abstract nouns in uth o*, st. cstr. zo , st. emph. ]lo liao^Lo, specially frequent in scientific terminology. Forms with more than three radicals are not un- frequent, but they are too irregular to be properly clas- sified. A few rare examples of compound words are to be met with, as jzucfLfc foundation, f A^v^r enemy; one or two with vs, ^oj, ^5, none with ^1 and ^j; GH., ZDMG. 32, 755. 26. GENDERS. 27. DUAL. 28. PLURAL. 29 Greek words and proper names have found their way into Syriac in great numbers. c) On the vocalisation of the feminines see 18 and GH., ZDMG. 32, 750. As regards the two genders, the usage is essenti- 26 ally the same as in Hebrew. A considerable number are common gender (D. 269, N. 87). Among feminines without the feminine termination are the names of members of the body occurring in pairs, names of places and materials (D. 268, N. 84), and the numbers from 3 10; e. g. . ^y <*Jf, ^, jol. The dual has left a trace of itself only in ,_^z 2, 27 ^4 200 and ^i^. . The plural has two terminations, m. ^- , f. . ; 28 jo|, , Ia4; iL^&o, ^i-r^. Masculines from tf stems a ending in the sing, in e take ,-. , feminines in and ^ take ^ and ^1 ; |i^, ^-^; o^, & ; 17 P -7 -:-~-l. _^^^_ Many nouns with a masculine form in the singular b take the feminine termination in the plural; oo^ bed, pi. ^-BJ^; *y place, ,oL:f, j^f physician, v . A few have both forms in the plural: j^f father, v. 32, o horn, ^.Ji-j-o and .J-j-o; r- hand, .f and 30 29. CASE. >col day, ^.ve! and ,-0!; V^J strength, st. emph. (v. infr.) jLJ, hence ^ , ^ heart, ^.^s and ^"s. c A few substantives are used only in the singular laLjL. sin, I^QJ and j^ truth, jloli^^ ftTv/^ U*^ (am- putation of the noun in annexion). The short independent form of the noun was known as the absolute state. b In addition to these, we have in Aramaic a third form, the so-called emphatic state which supplies the place of the prefixed definite (determining) article (wanting in Aramaic) and which is formed by affixing the termination I ] to the noun. The masculine plural ends in e ]~ (st. cstr. + GH. in LCB1. 87, 18, 607), from )1 stems aiyd (ayya) ]L. This form, we 29. EMPHATIC STATE. 31 may add, has become so common that it frequently stands where determination is not implied, and in many cases is the only form in use. The following table gives a summary of the various classes of nouns and their inflexion: Sing. Plur. st. abs. and cstr. st. emph. st. abs. st. cstr. st. emph. a ..'vv* king jASv b V^? foot U^? c ^o^c sanctuary ]_ ? O_D d ^1 child e >oo^ day fa: ^ n v /i HB^to^ eye f SOT-* SGcl r^*^. --* f v/^ Vfl^. v^v^Vp f 1 v^v/^ ^ h iSi, rest ]+ fa >o^ eternity lb jSufl witness jjbvs? T - fa Jk+ banquet i!?C.J ^ IHi. . 7 . . .7 ^ ~ 7 7 .- 7 vision ) ^i ^v^ *}.*** ++^jii* There is little to add by way of detail: a) Class I comprises the nouns \pth one short vowel, from which those with (originally) two short vowels ( 25 1 &) can no longer be distinguished. From e and a of the shorter form, it is impossible to infer the vowel of the longer form: 7 fSja 32 30. THE FEMININE. b) Like ^C is inflected the diminutive ]v-.vV st. cstr. ^-Vv ; |LkS takes zu.^; from jjcoireason and colour the W. Syrians form -<* and ^.. c) Nouns from <^ stems repeat the consonant only in the plur. of )^ people and ]^L sea. d) The part, of verbs |i deserves special attention The active is |i, jl, ; the passive U d Peculiar are certain masculine plurals with an in- serted, with which Phoanician and Assyrian may be compared, such as ^ ^Z ruler jijL^, ^l great, with reduplication jis?c* ; see the list in N. 74. 30 The Feminine. The rarely occurring stat. abs. ends in the sing, in , like the emph. state of the masc., the constr. in t z, the emph. in t + d ]!., Sing. Plur. st. abs. cstr. emph. abs. cstr. emph. T P * , 7i p f 1 P-r^ city M -^ \ yi . i ^ II i^?f widow rJ^jf 1&\sn?f a jjal companion (f.) - \l^s^ V^,I knowledge maiden IV ^-vJ kingdom 30. THE FEMININE. Sing. Plur. st.-abs. cstr. emph. abs. cstr. emph !a oiflj image Zoic? jZalasj .0^05 b cu^ request c ^s creation i^s VI A iV* part P 7- NOTE 1. Class I suffers no change because the last syllable begins with a consonant. 2. Class II, on account of the two consonants, requires some- 077 c v . ** y times a as )A^>i>o?), sometimes e as ]^-*.zZ, |i^^=Z request in this respect, however, the eastern pronunciation is often at - variance with the western sometimes u as in \ M-~\*, (does it occur?) ]&*d.).*^.. For the uncertainty as regards Q. and K. of the Z, see above. 3. Class III comprises the segolate feminines with the change in the position of the vowel mentioned in 18. To this class belong also the forms under V and VI from {3 stems, which must not be confounded with those of class IV. 4. For the double plural of certain substantives v, 286; to e P7 I t> o v o " * p " . * p f P P "* p these add Uo-l, l^ojio, I'-JoJ and l^oboJ. |^| sign, |Zo^); ||ic hundred |Zojio have only the feminine form. f , " 7? ,| takes |Zu^*J. 5. Adjectives in form the feminine in , pi. JA.ti'^g-,. ; those in ^, -J , on the other hand, p p p take |L, pi. |k- 1 On U s. Philippi, ZDMG. 40, 650; de Lagarde, Mitt. 2, 358 f., xaatiras = Uo-fcjs. Nestle, Syr. Gramm. C a 34 31. NOUN VTITH SUFFIXES. 3J The appending of the suffixes presents little diffi- culty. The singular forms given in 23 (withv.?) when joined to the plural of nouns become ^_I; b With the suffixes the noun generally assumes the form of the st. emph., dropping the terminations a and e\ no change occurs except where ease of pronunciation demands the insertion or restoration of a vowel, or a change in its position, especially before the vowelless and consonantal suffixes ^; as, ,_^; .001, ,--01. In the case of the masculines, in the above paradigms e. g., the position of the vowel is shifted only in d. compared with ^xvJ Insertion in ., . similarly in *![, ^omilf alongside of ,ozf, v e because in the st. abs. vi-kio, which is, at the same time, the form with the suffix of the 1 pers.; in the same way In the plural of these words the radical y is some- times dropped and sometimes retained, . .^? and . ^, and ^aol^ ^oiajL* and ^oioLaJ with sub- 32. IREEGULAR SUBSTANTIVES. 35 stantives, as distinguished from adjectives and parti ciples, it seems to be more frequently dropped: Of the f e in i nines those ending in tit, it, at always d remain unchanged, as do the rest always before the vocalic suffixes, frequently also before .,, while they generally insert a helping-vowel before the 2 and 3 plur.; in this case they assume the same form as in the st. constr. Thus we find alongside of each other *> 7 1" I** i*&s$oa, ana ^A-x^, ^/y^.j alongside of - ^CCTZ,-,^ alongside of ^en^^ie. Cf. also ^20^1 my maid, but ^,2^= my daughter. More or less irregular in their formation are a 32 number of substantives, of which the following are the most important. jjsf father, wanting (ace. to BH) in abs. and const., with suff. 1 p. s-kif, before the others oaf, thus ^.os), naif, .osf; in the pi. ^-ousf, loiLf and, metaphorically, .oiJi'f, llaLsj 7 , then pronounced otiba. \L] brother, with suff. like &[, pi. ^-^f; in the same way >o-^, )^~ father-in-law, with suff. of 1 p. , before other suff. ^^ pi. laijscL-. J sister, pi. v LJf, |laj. another, f. jl^,], pi. jj-^l, f. laHaJ-J? . c* 36 33. THE NUMERALS. mother, ^^f, diof, pi. maid, pi. J^acJf. likjf or jiaJf 1 (pronounce 'att e t h d, ata) woman, cstr. ^&jf, pi. ^ i, jJli. jLfcC house, uj=, contracted s^s, pi. ^&a, l&o (note Q.). fL SOn, )rs, ^JJB, t ^s, n^s, ^09^0, pi. r?^i daughter, cstr. ^^, ^4fS>, but - iljio lord, cstr. |^o; s* discarded before suff., thus ^, ^, ^ (1 Cor. 16, 21), pi. |IJio P and V^, ^.-^ or liojio, fern ]-l-^> (Map&a, Q.). water, ^-^ ^^, bef. suffixes with or without . l:Ljj3 city, abs. jj_o, cstr. &I?a*; pi. 33 The Numerals. The cardinals (J^L^s simple) from 1 to 10 have separate forms for both genders, and, as in the other Semitic languages, in the case of the numbers 3 to 10, the feminine forms are used with masculine substantives and vice versa. They are placed in apposition sometimes before the more usual position sometimes after the object numbered. 1 In inscriptions also aiZZ) ZDMG. 36, 147. 33. THE NUMERALS. 37 masc. f <--'>- jklsz U M L^V.~ 1 2 . 3 4 ., 5 fern. l_ masc. I&A j^.si^ UJ^DZ 6 7 8 9 ' 10 fern. &* To form the numbers from 11 to 19 - t ^. is added 6 for the masculine, |ia for the feminine, to a shortened form of the units, masc. 11 _; 12 fern. masc. i (v)V-<| MV A vp.. masc. 14 ^iviv^^;j 15 ^MV^^V^^ 16 fem. )-^MVx>v-.i| ].J~MV A.V^ ^ masc. ^.TffSnA. i fflsfyz masc. 17 -^^^^. jg ^ja^aoi^z 19 Several variations are found in the orthography, especially of the feminine; e. g. ~ is often wanting over L Of IfflLii. The tens are the plural forms of the units, (in- , eluding ^jiL) and are of the common gender. _,& 20, 30, A v ") 40, nCvi^ 50, _,i^ 60, .V-VA- 70, , also written ,_.|jioz 80, _^A-Z 90. They are joined to the units in such a way that the larger number is placed first, followed by the 38 33. THE NUMERALS. smaller, which shows the gender and is always accom- panied by c, e.g. ^L 9 ^-^aiL and j^.o , aL The object numbered is generally placed after in the absolute plural. d The remaining cardinal numbers are used as proper substantives. 1J^ 100, in st. ernph. |zU=Fr. une centaine (pi. Izoj:*) ^>1\ (dual!) 200, j^^z 300, lU^if 400, I^L^LI 500 &c.; ^^, emph. jl^T 1000, v < ^vz 2000, ^.~\: l&L: 3000, ^X jlajf 4000 &c.; (jzoi* 10000; -^' IzLrf 50000). e The numbers from 2 to 10 receive the deter- mination by means of suffixes, which occasion certain changes in the form: you two, they two, ^jLzjz; .6 = ) .1 .VZ Barely U-JZ. 34. VERB. 39 NOTE. In 4, 6, 7 the Nestorians pronounced the second con- sonant hard. Further formations of this kind are preferably avoided, and even for those given above ^-*'5<4 on, coi lLiz? &c. were t)ften used. The cardinal numbers also serve to indicate the day of the month ^Lc, ^Js&~> or jl'Ska, ]L>nn, l^aii^ka (Esth. 3, 12) &c. The distributives are expressed by repetition of 9 the numeral: y_I j^, |^ |^ (pi. PJ-rA f- iLj^-J some), more rarely by a^s, vL*, wu= each. A few fractional numbers are found as in Hebrew: ]L^o^ (with silent ^ 6) jJ^oo-^; once and twice lias-); fold, is expressed by ^1 with ^s e. g, sevenfold \^^^^ ^ hundredfold JJ^CLC r J. For the names of the days and months see the Glossary. C. VERB (iL^i) ( 3448). In addition to the two verbal forms of the perfect 34 and imperfect, Syriac employed, more than did the other Semitic languages, the participle with or without the auxiliary verb to be to express the pre- sent, in this respect approaching the Indo-Germanic family. The Syriac grammarians under Greek in- fluence even went the length of regarding the above con- 40 35. 36. CONJUGATIONS AND INFLEXION OF VERB. struction as a third tense, which they named (present, in addition to ^v |jLaf past and future). 35 The Syriac conjugations or stems may be most conveniently arranged in three groups of two, in all six conjugations. These are: the simple stem, the intensive stem, and the causative stem, each with its corresponding reflexive or passive, as represented in the usual paradigm: 1. Peal vLa and Ethpeel 2. Pael vLs and Ethpaal 3. Aphel V^af and Ettafal To these we must add a few other formations, e. g. a second causative form, the Saphel and its reflexive, Estaphal (Aethiop. Gram. 43), in some cases a Paiel or Pauel (Aeth. Gr. 40) and other quadriliteral forms. 36 The inflectional endings are: a) in the perfect: 1 2 f . 2m. 3 f. 3 m. Sing. ._-- & & y_ Plur. ^J) v _ ^ b) in the imperfect: Sing. __] <^~-* Plur. _j ^ . p -s 37. MOODS. 38. STRONG VERBS. 41 c) in the imperative: Plur. Sing, f. m. f. ra. (^) (\) * - NOTE. Where longer and shorter endings are found side by side, the former are to be regarded as secondary or derived. 1 The Syrians distinguish two moods (jjj^ or )_], 37 also lLIo), the indicative () ) and imperative a (l?3-aa). The jussive 2 , and the apocopated and emphatic forms of Arabic are wanting; the infinitive and the participle (j^L* 2^0, )^A^) belong rather to the Noun. The strong verbs are called by the Syrians |io^L, 6 the weak llrL^s. Verbs of the simple stem are either transitive 38 (iLIa-^so), or intransitive (lLL.s?); the latter have" generally e in the perfect V-I? fear, ,_o be pregnant; in some cases the vowel varies according to the signi- fication: ^\ lay waste, ^^be waste; in other cases there is no change i^m vert ere and se vert ere, ^f2 part and go apart. There is no reflexive with n, corresponding to the b Hebr. Niphal. The significations of the derived stems 1 GH, ZDMG. 32, 757. 2 Are traces of it to be found Jer. 10, 11 and in the in- scription of Teima 11 (V not ",1)? Berl. Sitz.Ber. 84,817. 87,448. 42 38. STRONG VERBS present the same variety as in Hebrew; thus the Pael is frequentative, intensive, causative &c., while the reflexive takes the place of the passive, which is wanting. c Forms with more than three radicals are derived to a large extent from nouns; even words like vjj^ajzf, w^j^zf, ^x*|4^o^f are invented by the theologians and cited by the grammarians. For Paradigm see following page. NOTES a) v-SiLa is more suitable for a model than *\J^s or 'V^uo on account of B. and Q. b) In the MSS. the silent endings o and * the latter especi- ally in the plural of the perfect and in the imperative are frequently omitted. For proofs that they were once audible see note to 16 e and compare Mk. 5,41. raXiOa xooju (cod.AD), with XOUJJL (N BC). On the longer forms in .o , _> , and J of the 1 pers. v. 36 note. c) Intransitive verbs with e retain their vowel (so in Arab, but not in Hebr. 54> and Aeth. 56). ?osu5 Job 7, 5. 30, 30 is cited by the grammarians as solitary example of an intrans. perfect med. ; ace. to N also >oai| (but Q., v. D p. 225 n. 1). d) In the impf. and iniper. the intransitive have usually a, which is treated quite as the u of the paradigm ^\^* but v_w*>, ^ccwAJ, i-^i-o, ^ojjaJ ; not many have e as: sell and r ^> make, <~>}J and ^ ^ V1 , with a few s v. 42. e) The eastern Syrians write 6 i. e. o not o in the pf. .OJE&, impf. and imp. ^^;6^aJ , ^soL^ ; o u, on the other hand, in .o2taJ, .a^D^oZ (v. )i and p. 10); the prefix of the impf. they point with (e, later i). T- I i. F;, ,p*H 3 'b- 02 o> H 5 F"* tr>- b- ^-. 38. STRONG VERBS. .G .G i' ^> r>;^ ^ B. 'L^ 1 L G^ .G^ G F*" C* * F*" b .b-o .b K^i K. K; /I A .b / |, 5,1 -U . ^. 1 r p 4 /i r* i. F-^ .b r 1 to 1-^ i } tC S ? i ^ r 15 r N r p-f O- .b P" * -b .b ^^ r to 3 .u. 1,. P 1; .fc. k 1- CO I: .6' F i < r ""^ b^ p |> 'is .K B O M r .G .ft .G, K .G o .ft K. !: I- 1. 10 3 .G r i N .G o .ft Ni fr fr p*. * u ^ u.^ I: r * .G ? o r* 5 c/i >" ^' b 3 0<3 .G r G , 4 B r r .G fe .G, r G o 1 i .G b J 3 "-' ^ 'b- CO B CD P CD CD tr* CD CD CD e- "3 3- 3 "3 ^fl .3 fee 1 S- . *O N. V *o "1 *N **1 **"! ^ "Q H 4'0 4'Q 'H 'H '0 <] q. d- d' ^. 4^. d J *<}. 4< j- ^<{- C) ' and "'~~ in Daniel. i) No confusion can arise between the reflexive or passive forms of the simple stem and those of the intensive, that is, between Ethpeel (Vi^sZ}, with the diacritical point '\^s.]) and Ethpaal ^-^s2l) if the second or third radical is one of the In other cases, the 3 f. and 1 sg. of the perf., the 2 f. sg. and the 3 and 2 pi. of the imperf. and generally the imperative ts 5^ * V 7 ** are written alike, so that ^L^DZ] , ZuiLjuoZ) may be read either as et h qatlat h , et h qatlet h of the simple stem, or as et h qatt e lat h , et h qatt e lefi of the intensive. When the vowel of the imper. is thrown back, however, we can distinguish between ^.A**^] of the simple, and -?'*-~ y M of the intensive stem. The Eastern S}*rians give the latter form a second vowel on account of the doubling and conse- 39. STRONG VERB WITH SUFFIXES. 47 quently do not distinguish it from the perfect. The W. Syrians do the same in cases like >oozT. In printed texts the diacritical point developed into a diacritical line over (Ethpaal) and under (Ethpeel) the middle radical. k) The Ethpeel often takes the place of the Ettaphal (X^sZzf ) ; in the 3 f. and 2 m. and f. impf. of the latter only 'two fs are written *jsco2.2; it is, however, like the Estaphal, comparatively rare. The strong verb with suffixes. 39 Notes on the paradigm (pp. 44 45). a) One or two of the forms are found only in the works of Syrian grammarians; the suff. 2 f. pi. is omitted, since it is treated exactly like the masc. ; .oJJ and < J| serve as suffixes of the 3 pi. b) In the perfect the 3 f. sg. is distinguished from the 1 sg. with suffixes of the 2 and 3 pers. only by the B. of the ^; from the 2 m. with 1 pers. by R. and the difference of vowel. In the 3 pi. suffixes are also appended to the lengthened forms P *. V 9 * 7 0*7 %jJJa_cIo, .*JJU-c*j: &c., which others point as ^ - *"^ " ; cf. in ^ a. P . o. the imperative *-Ja_S.4 a - a alongside of ^JJaicI.i. d) When the impf. represents the imper., it takes the suffixes of the latter, hence the 2 impf. often in ordinary cases *l*3&u. e) For <^oi_ and ^oio* we find, especially in the dialect of the Peshitta, 01 , cuc&rJ, oiio&aJ; the form (*oio- - ) is also found in some instances with the inf., which, with the ex- ception of the suff. of the 1 pers., is otherwise treated like a noun f) Pael, Aphel and the derived stems append their suffixes after the analogy of the Peal. In the m. sg. and in the lengthened plural forms, the imper. Pael frequently retains the vowel of the 48 40. GUTTURAL VERBS. 41. VERBS }... 7 7 7 second radical ^1 * >*) A> 5 so sometimes the impf. Peal; cf. y1t^o^>2 KvD. ed. Wright [v. Utter, p. 57] 166 n. 3; 172 n. 2. 40 Verbs with gutturals are not to be reckoned in a Syriac among the weak verbs since those primce gutt. and in most cases those medicegutl. present no deviation from the inflexion of the strong verb. Even those tertice gutt. differ from the above only in respect that they take a 1) for e (part. act. Peal, Ethpeel, Pael, Aphel) and 2) often for o (impf. and imp.) the latter especi- ally in verbs ending in CT . In some cases we find both o and a (^olaj and ^llai), in one or two o alone. It is not always possible to say with certainty whether a given form is an example of 1) or of 2) ; e. g. in ,_a^, >_ajj, the former may represent an original z ei eq, or the latter may be for nez'-oq^ but cf. Hebr. p#2, p?ap. b In a few verbs | appears as third radical: \Ls> comfort, ]^4 defile (both Pael), and gives up its vowel to the second radical when the latter isvowelless: $4 (3 f.) zVin^ (2 m.); in the pi. oJ-Ls, ace. to the Syrian grammarians, the o is still audible, perhaps bayya'u. (In the same category we would place the subst. Ilia hater, cf.30c^.). ||w (as original part.) is found alongside of the later ji#, jjjjs, ^T 41 In verbs j^s, the | at the beginning of the word takes a full vowel instead of a Sewa, viz: in the part, pass, of the Peal (j-^f) and in the imper. with i, ^laf, 42. VERBS ,a. 49 j', and e in the perf. Peal and in Ethpeel, ^f, Vaf, &c.; in a few perfects a is written by the E. Syrians for e, as ^Ll for ^^ &c. The E. Syrians further distinguish the perfect -^ from the imperative jioj. After the preformative, ) quiesces in e when the b vowel of the second radical is o, in i when it is a: Vaf, ; the follg. have o: vf, ^f, ^f, ^f, Jf ; the follg. a : ] and ^.^f v. 48. The first consonant of e y ^m _la_CTi, from _^oj , points to a Hebrew origin. Verbs ^s. 42 The first consonant is apocopated in the imper. a Peal, and assimilated to the second when it would other- Nestle, Syr. Gramm. D 50 42. VERBS .. wise stand without a vowel in the close of a syllable; hence there is no irregularity in the perf. and part. Peal, in the Pael, Ethpeel and Ethpaal. b Assimilation does not take place in a considerable number of verbs, especially those with 01 for the middle radical: >C30, ?nj ; the same applies to the apocope in the imper. (thus jo^j notwithstanding impf. jc^i), especially with such verbs as are also tertiae *. c The vowel of the imper. follows that of the impf.; a is often found even where the perf. has ; e. g. . ^i take, ^su, sjoiaj; j_j keep, j4, j^u and i&4, _ea, v_caki; ^a-^, Zo-Ii ; with 6 ^ ^\ Vs, Doubly weak are e. g. |^j, ]^j, j^j. Peal. Imp. of . *<*^ : - ** / 0.00.3, of ri 1 : ri of -^ : rl Impf. _=c_sj , ^ n Z, uaoa^, . P^> &."" p. ^sxaJ, T-A-S^, ^oae^l, naJ, Inf. Aphel. Perf. i^af, ^ko^j 57 , Loif, Imp. Impf. ^f, ^.^asZ, uaJl, ua^Z, f> 7 . . Inf. oAaLo; Part. act. _*<, pass. 43. VEBBS ^. 51 Ettaphal. Perf. uaii^f, Impf. ^oalaJ, Imp. _as24l. Verbs ^1. 43 In the part. pass. Peal, in the Ethpeel, Pael, and a Ethpaal instead of the two last often Palpel and Ethpalpal verbs of this class present no irregularity, except that in such Ethpeel forms as . the double radical is written only once, Elsewhere the identical consonants are fused into b one, and the vowel thrown back on the first radical. Thelatter after preformatives is pronounced hard, which is the case with the other radical in the perf. and part. only when it was originally followed by a vowel. Thus wsoli, waif, cf. Hebr. a^; ajis, aJLs, but o_as and .osos; on the other hand again Imper. and impf. have a ; o appears in ^o, ^a^i ; c for e is cited only ,j>, ,^1, .cyai, imp. ^ c ^s, forms which D 185 assigns to a root ^ (but cf. ijas, T). The uninflected part. act. Peal is formed like that d of verbs al: ^JLa, but ^as, ^*as; still we find, especi- ally with V^, also ^>v J |y In the Aphel, too, there frequently appears a similar ] 52 43. 44. VERBS Perf. Peal. Sing. 3 m. 3f. L& 2m. 5^ 2f. V, 1 aJ Plur. 3 m. 7. 3f. wz 2m. \ 1 ^"* ** ! y \ Impf. Sing. 3 m. 2f. x. * Plur. 3 m. fr. * ^. e> ^ j 3f. ,-Lii Imp. Sing. m. Plur. m. v _" ^ Aphel. Ettaphal. 44 > 7 -:--' n ii'3 Verbs as and Part. Peal act. sg. in. f. pi. m. f. f ! act. pass. Part, Ett. Inf. Peal. Aph. Ett. a There remain but two as verbs in Syriac, the defective participle jJo it is becoming, and the Pael ,0 assemble with its passive. As in Hebrew, verbs as have passed into the class ^, from which they are scarcely to be distinguished except in the Aphel. 44. 45. VERBS WA.3, j.-. 53 The first radical, where it should have Sewa, takes b an i, which passes over to the vowelless consonant of the preformative, 2+* iret h not yireP, also frequently written zj-f , Ethpeel ^1\ (Nest, r^-4 ). In the perf. Peal non-gutturals take e, in the impf. accordingly , 1 being written in place of : ^jj, so inf. f\c. In the Aphel ua-f and \j-f alone show the c original y, v appearing in all the others : ^of, z*o( &c. ^sll and ^ apocopate the ^. in the imper. Peal, d while after preformatives it is assimilated to the follow- ing consonant: V. 48, # 5. Verbs jl. 45 These transfer (with the Jacobites) the vowel of the ) to the preceding vowelless consonant, and have usually e in the perf. ^j^s, ^)4, .Uo; 1 between two vowels is pronounced as y, and in some cases the latter consonant is written instead, e. g. Pael ^ala. Imp. ws^) i m p ^=i-aJ; part. act. os, J^Ls, pass. ^-' In the Aphel, in many cases either the 1 is dropped or it is placed before the first radical ^\L (cf. 43 d) ; similarly the Ethpeel of ^^ is not unfrequently written ^o|2f; so ^|2 it displeases for 54 46. VERBS sil. 46 Verbs ol. a A verb med. y is perhaps to be seen in >QJC set (v. 17,5), for its imper. is >a.-js and its impf. >a-joj ; in the perf., inf. and part, it is not to be distinguished from the other verbs of this class. 1 b When the first radical is vowelless, o unites with the following a to form a ; with e and i it becomes , with u and o, it becomes w; when it would be doubled in Pael and Ethpaal it usually becomes *. as also in the part. act. Peal before inflectional additions. The pre- formativeof theEthpeel is usually written with two z's, so as to reach the same weight with the strong verb. Perfect ^ ea *' Ethpeel. Pael. Aphel. Sing. 3m. >aj 3 f . 2 m. 2 f. 1 Plur. 3 m. *^ 3 f. -V* n 2 m. f. 1 i I* -* 1J_*2..C f AlV^ A ._e *-A rf^-S^AiP \ \ * ^^ 1 On these verbs r. A. Muller, ZDMG. 33, 698, Noldeke, ib. 37, 525; Hebr. Gr. 71, 72. 46. VERBS 55 ZZ >CCUJ1 n^ni nl f- P , >OJLfl . i. 9 7 ^ V^> . nkn n V< nVo Peal. Ethpeel. \ Pael. Aphel. Imp. Sing. >ca-c . >s_fcj;Zzf Plur. Impf. Sing. 3 m. 2 f . 1 Plur. 3 m. Inf. Part. act. pass. NOTE 1. The verb Ziio die has alone retained in the perf. x 7 * ' Peal a trace of the intransitive pronunciation L^a, Zfiw^io, Z2.* :, >Z^>o &c., elsewhere quite as >G.J. 2. Z. attend forms its Aphel like verbs ^ik Z.|, and similarly the first radical must be pronounced hard after the pre- form, in \.AS) measure and *-=) make ready, while other- wise the preforms, are vowelless; only in poetry do we find here and there ^caa.3 &c. 3. The inf. Peal is sometimes written with an o to which it & p 1*. has no claim: oJf^c, cj^-lc. 4. Instead of the doubled * (Hebr. Gr. 71, b), o appears "7 ">7 T-777 77 in .o*Xj* show, oioZ, ?oZ b e astonished, ]orejoice P 7 y (but 1^,), 5Sj. be white (but j.-. see). According to N. these 56 46. 47. VERBS ok, x are mostly denominatives, and by no mean traces of a formation older than that of ordinary med. e verbs. 6. A Palpel and an Ethpalpal are formed e. g. from }ci be high, >c^9 raise, JcjiciZ); from ^c}, V|^1 shake, 7. In the Ethpeel frequently but one 2. is written, and in- version and assimilation are dispensed with in the case of sibilants, thus >&AZ|, ^1-4, j-.^2u_io ; but in Ethpaal ^fl?, >olzuf. 47 Verbs *.. a This class comprises the two classes of Hebrew verbs, n"b (originally i"b, = no longer appears in Syriac as third radical) and x"b, which are treated in all respects like verbs fi"b. On the few that retain 1 see 39&. b The paradigm shows in the intransitives V as a consonant in the 3 f. sg. perf., but in all the other forms it has become fused with the preceding i to form ; in the transitives it be- comes , at in the 3 sing., disappears entirely in the 3 pi., and forms a diphthong with the preceding in the other persons. According to the traditional teach- ing of the grammarians, the termination c in c_i^Ls and is still audible, thus : s e g h iu, g'ldu. Note Q. in L^=2 sg. to distinguish it from with R.=l sg., following the analogy of the strong verb. 47. VERBS 57 The imper. of |L one expects to end in ay, which, d however, is now found only in ^nl swear and *L*f drink. In the Ethpeel, the E. Syrians, following the analogy of the strong verb, pronounce et h gal, which they usually write ^W^i, in place of .^L^f. The W. Syrians do the same in certain words e. g. ^isz] or ,_s2f fy 6, 5. The lengthened form is frequently found in the plural of the imper., and is usually written with Aleph: n ^ and .otl^s, .opl; in the fern, the lengthened form alone occurs ^-J^o. The vocalisation of the impf. is in all verbs the e same. The plural differs from the corresponding Hebrew in showing a trace of the last radical, namely in the ending of 3 m., which is pronounced (by the East Syrians) on (^6) not un ( o). The e V of the passive forms (also in the part. pass. Peal) is written by the E. Syrians not ; so here and there in other forms. The i of the 1 p. s. pf. they write Perfect. Sing. 3 m. 3 f . 2 m. ' 2 f. 1 Peal. , V 2bk^h~ Ethpeel. Pael. Aphel 58 47. VERBS Peal. Plur. 3 m. 3 f . 2 m. 2 f . 1 Imp. Ethpeel. Pael. i Aphel. M . Impf. Sing. 3 m. 2 f . 1 Plur. 3 m. 3 f . Part. act. pass. Inf. f How the suffixes are appended is shown by the table on pp. GO 61. 48. DOUBLY WEAK AND DEFECTIVE VERBS. 59 NOTE 1. In the inf. Peal, in the Pael and Aphel (3 m. and f. sg. and pi. of perf.) the y retains its power as a consonant, except 7 * f / 7 7 p 7 before .c_s and r^*- 2 ? thus: . *1 .j n Vi, ^_i_o^c. wJU.X~, ) &' 2. The 2. of the 2 s. perf. is hard. 3. The decomposed diphthong au (3m. pi. perf. and pi. imper.) * ? *. 7 *7 is written c) or 60 , or even oo| . 4. Barhehrseus does not admit the lengthened forms of the O ., 7 3 m. pi. perf. with suffixes of the 2 and 3 pers., ^JoaJx*, nor yet P P" . Op " the short forms of the fern. pi. imper. 1 * > ,. , * -^ and others. .77 7 7 7 I*" 7 5. Lt.z. usually forms v^Jj^jc, fM- 2 ) u^Jc)-*^, hut also 7 7 Doubly weak and defective Verbs. 48 When, in a verb, two weak consonants immediately a follow each other, the first of the two is not treated as a weak letter (see, however, /); cf. ,_a and ^JL, ,J, ^s and al, ^aj, -MJ ; so a! and }S. ]Lk. ; we need only discuss jooi be and [1* live. |oui is, as a rule, regular, except that in the perf. b the si is not pronounced when the verb is used enclitic- ally. The o is sometimes dropped in the impf., especially in the jussive and in poetry: loCa, \a. a CO B< i j B 'E J '4 1 ' ? i i ^l' 1 ^ '^ 1 1 '1 A A |j ^ a 8 *** S * a %_; f2 ^ CO I "s "i '1 '3 * * n. * 4 o 6 H J "? 1 -d '^ *1 1 ^ t .* I 4 .U :. 1 ^ '^ "3 .u : b n H1 1 1 g) S * g S ^ .S CO (M i CO CO CO co T <\ S S S S k c. .U Q.I* i..fc D. .! c. :!. E S 62 48. DOUBLY WEAK AND DEFECTIVE VERBS. \L is regular in the perf. and imper., but the iiu- perf. is formed as if from a verb [a or < P.P ft. D V part. Uie; imp. Ul; int. r- . M y.. Verbs which are at the same time ^'s and |JL, U and }.'L, w^a and )jk share the peculiarities of the two classes to which they respectively belong. 1. VaJ injure, ^oi(Pael) tempt, ]^j quarrel, i^j forget; impf. 5, )i, 2. Aphel ^^f, ^sf, part. 2. jlf come, j^f bake, Jjf bewail. jlf, ^4 (E. Syr. ^ij), iu-Ji, 1 a^2f; ozf, ^zf; imp. ^z, cz, ^z (^-Jlz); impf. |z)j; inf. |z|^. Aphel *| r , IfiLJ, imp. |L.r, inf. aliLio; Ettaf. L,zz|. laf , |^U, H (Lev. 26, 26 by some ,_Is|j) ; Ethpe. Pf, pi. f. , 1 -T; impf. ijj; imp. y > I? >_^sj Pael, heal; impf. )jp, }jj; imp. jjsj, Ethpa. liaJ swear, )^I (H. ^2^) bud; o impf. J^jj, )^)j; inf. )^|^, j^j^; imp. ^J (y. f. . ^!; Aph. w^scof, WA^O]"; so also ^.?ol". )1 and jS: ]|j scold, ^ be weary; perf. impf. IJ^j; imp. ^)J, inf. ]L^S, part. lj^; Ethpe. Pa. ^jl; 3 f. aJy, 2 m., 1 M; pi. o-fl, ^P; impf. 49. PARTICLES. 63 Aph. 4ff. |)J, )J}J; ^4-i, ^'jl are found only in the participle; so with jjo be becoming, _o^, }_ ? ] be convenient. The following are irregular: 1) Vjf go, in which "\ g is silent, whenever ] can receive its vowel \^\] 'dzd, ^^f '#zm; pf. AlL]f Vz#; impf. .Q^I|J rilzun (Nest. j); imp. ^. 2) .^'vm go up with assimilation of I wherever o can take its vowel, thus impf. uanj, and consequently .oajoj; imp. ^x, s^nio; Aphel ua^f. 3) u^JLkf find, impf. ^ -^ (v. 38A). 4) ^^f drink, part. \Ji, impf. IzL^j; imp. ^L*] ( 47 rf); Aph. <**L*\. 5) >_C(n!l give, in poetry also ^coiJ, without impf. and inf., ^SOT^O only as inf. absol., ^oovl, a^oiJ; imp. oi, _^oi, with o: wSoio, With SUn. I, ace. to others votAS; similarly with V c On Q. with the z of the impf. after o and on words beginning with ] 17 & 2. d L! has been introduced from the Palestine Targum into 15 passages as sign of the definite accusative (Gen. 1, 1. 1 Chr. 4, 41, the rest in Eccles. and Cant.); also |il being, nature used reflexively; oiLI ^o of one's own accord. e ^ is not joined to the following word except in a few expressions such as |^^ instantly (seldom from here, \^Lf whence? v*kio or thus, >colio^o something. on account of, before suffixes ^o^o, e.g. (st. cstr., also ? p^v) over against, v^ v *" T\ 4- ** p ***. *.** ^v ^ *\ \ ^> ^<^ \ out \^-^ <*. \ /^ \ ^^ r> \ The following also take the suffixes of the singular: from, >oL with, zo^ to, towards, zlsflike, , jLnz-s behind, after (with retained before 1 sg., 2 and 3 pi.); with the plural suffixes '^I over, ^- instead of, ?^ around, ^ after, ^v^ except, only, >o^o before, ZQ^Z (2u^-i) under. 50. GENERAL. 51. SYNTAX OF PRONOUN. 65 III. NOTES ON THE SYNTAX ( 5056). Syriac resembles Ethiopic in the greater freedom 50 it enjoys in regard to the arrangement of the different members of the sentence as compared with Arabic and Hebrew. In later writers, however, imitation of the Greek sentence construction resulted in a style so clumsy and that not alone in translations from Greek authors as to give rise to complaints among the Syrians themselves. The pronoun is more extensively employed than 51 in Hebrew, e.g. for the subject comprised in the verb : ^] ^ o, or with repetition of the preposition with or without emphasis |^ol~ aus on that (very) day. Finally we note the employment of the pronoun to express the so-called Ethic Dative ov^ ^if, and its reflexive use in expressions like aiia4JBl? ^a^oj^ Simeon of his pillar = Simeon the Stylite. The position of the demonstrative pronoun is b sometimes before, sometimes after the substantive. Nestle, byr. Gramnt. E 66 52. THE VERB. e In the case of a genetive with its n o m e n r e g e n s , the suffix is always appended to the second sub- stantive when the first is in the construct state, ze^uoJ .oo^o something (N. Mand. Gram. 150). For the reciprocal pronoun we find \^L and jij^L. "companion", not confined to persons; >coi^s every day, j^col ailxs the whole day. 52 The Verb. a The impersonal finite verb stands generally in the feminine, A-*r-T and *-*^L accidit, the participle (and adjective) more frequently in the masculine ( 48/.) ; these verbs also show a fondness for the passive: ^ psUf, x v? ^ -"^ v oo^ ^2^e, dixi, audivimus, quaesiverunt; more rare are expressions like 001 -DO}^J ^ev*?j Lagarde, Psalt. Hier. p. 156. b The perfect has the force of a future-perfect in the protasis of a conditional sentence, but it is seldom found in the apodosis; the perfect of emphatic assur- ance is rare, except in the Old Testament. 52. THE VERB. 53. THE AUXILIARY. 67 Our present is scarcely ever expressed by the c imperfect; on the other hand, after verbs requiring another verb to complete their meaning (such as will, begin, &c.) the imperfect is regularly found, with and without ? or . Either both verbs stand in the same mood, with or without o, or the second appears in the imperf., with or without > ; the participle and the in- finitive with L are less frequent in this construction. ? frequently serves to introduce direct speech. The proper form for the present is the participle, d which completely supplanted the imperfect in later Syriac. It also stands in dependent clauses, even after an imperative v o~.<~ a^oei eppcooo. c) The perfect Jen expresses: a) with another perfect, the pluperfect (Matt. 14, 3) or the simple perfect; 6) with an imperfect, the conjunctive of the present; 7) with a participle, the imperfect of the indi- cative, in conditional sentences the conjunctive. d) The imperfect with participles and adjectives denotes the subjunctive. e) For b e iL.f with suffixes is more usual than |ooi, *: jovX *^-, l.X? ]i^-?, or In this construction, a great variety of small words especially the copula (pron.) may stand between the . two substantives, and the genetive may even, as in Greek, precede its nomen regens (cf. Aeth. Gr. 132). The position of the attributive adjective is generally c after its substantive, as often before it, however, when expressing an honourable title or quality. The adjective usually agrees in state with the substantive, but, in exceptional cases, both the other possible variations occur, least frequently the emph. st. of the adjective with the absolute of the noun. Miscellaneous. 56 Instead of ^ in the comparative, we often find, a as a result of Greek influence, of, ^ Matt. 11, 22. 24. In addition to the simple negative p there is the b more emphatic form jooi JJ (|Jo $ neither nor), all; ]e ne serves as subjective negative, and is em- ployed in questions implying a doubt ([AYJTI), and in jcf in clauses expressing fear or purpose. To introduce impossible conditional clauses we find c and j] is very seldom omitted. d 70 READING EXERCISE. AIDS TO TRANSLATION. READING EXERCISE. Matt. 6, 1013. . , 7 , "l * " T V * [> V V S. 7 fotnJ ..^.^aa,S\? |Z|Z ..jSn^ i4,yo&J VA'TA.SJ .ai?j , " , 7 .7 7 i " i 7 i" i " r 7 i " * f " * )^~^ ,_-^ ~c-i -:-^(_b ^| f_klo^S9 p-=u.j ./I **?> f" \ 7 ? .'*" ' V 7 n-i n^o . (.TVn . _J_aJai09 ~ e v ,S?> ".*>* t 77 .? Fpr, ? V' -^S (jf ( 1" .Ml \ \Vy JJO .pi' ^.V n^ A.. ^w d'fiasmdya, ne&qdddas s'ma^. t~i&e malku&a'%; nehveh sef3yanu%, aikdnna o'jSasmdya ft(f> b'dr a. hd/3-lan Idhma frsunqZnan yaumUna; vas e {26q-lan haubain aikdnnu ^a(f> Jinan s e {2aqn I'hayydfiain. v e la &dlan l e nesyona, ella (bdssdn men bisd; mettul d*l$~ila%-ht malku&a v e haila d I'alam, al'rnin, amen. AIDS TO TRANSLATION. v? i] 32. heaven, which though always plural in form is also construed as singular ( 28 c); st. abs. ^*-:, cstr. ^LO^. w^-oiJ 3 ra. sg. irapf. Ethpaal from denomin- ative verb wA^e (Pael); indicative and jussive are not distinguished. ; ^ from >o^ name, with suflf. 2 m. sg., emph. 1^-, with suff. OLIO^, .ol^, in the plural, with inserted , cf. 21. 22. ^f also, cf. Hebr. and Aram, t$ \&]~ (E.Syr. jl*]js)==i^f emph. from <5j[=Hebr. ynx, Aram. jn, K3pK, Arab. t ( 140; 26 fem.) + prep. ^ 17 & 2. wen 48^5 ,J^ 49 &; in later Syriac written as one word ^Lsoi. ]^-^, st. emph. from abs. >ol.^, H. onb ^.Lijatf?=? to express the genetive ( 55&) + ,-fljcjr, jxaJaa m. subst., need, necessity, from the stem . *i* need of Peal only part. pass, in use + suffix, which in such a combination is almost always appended to the second member, although belonging strictly to the first or to the whole expression ( 51 c). jiioaJ, adj. ace. to 25, 4 & 1 from >oal, j^oal 29, 1, e. wjon>o imp. sg. m. of . ^- pardon; for 6 v. 6c; 38 c, e; the prefixing of o does not produce a firmly closed syllable, hence ^> with R. ^ v. supra. l, our debts, from |Jca^, st. cstr. and abs. 30, I e, pi. ^bcul, lieJ-i-suflF. 1 p. pi.; the E. Syrians write ^^-- ace. to G d 1, so jjjJaJ above, and *s] v. sup. i^ 19 ^ n ^*- shorter 72 AIDS TO TRANSLATION. form of the 1 pi. perf., 36 a. ^^v~v our debtors; dative partic. ^ + plur. of intensive noun . -^ 25, 3tf from a root med. o, the passing into *. 46 b. flo and not, |3=non and ne ^V lead us 2 m. sg. impf. Aphel (Vl) from the root ^s> with suif. of 1 per. pi., 43. As in Hebr., the imper. cannot stand with the negation. jjolmi^, prepos. ^, which also denotes motion and direction + jJilsij=H. ps: 25, 4&, 1 note, from the root jjaj, only in Pael. jif but, doubtless contracted from J if and JJ not. .^1 deliver us, m. sg. imp. Pael of ]^s with suff. 1 p. pi., 47. | ?* ^ from the evil (one); preposition ^ 49 c; ]'** st. abs. msc. of *^ (cf. Aram. tja); if to be rendered "from evil" (neutr.), we should expect iL^is ( 26). V&e prep., (from ^04^0, ^04^9 with 1,, lf\4**) on account of ( 49/); with follg. > becomes a conjunction. ^iL? 23. _oi the fern. pron. ( 19), as copula more correctly written as enclitic *,. iLJ 28&; 29, 1, /. ]*-*.? (ace. to others z with R.) 30 A. 2, plur. lLla*2 of Pael ^^ praise. >-^v st. constr., which still appears, especi- ally in a connexion like the present ( 29, 110). ^.^j' we prefer to derive from the Gk. a|r/jv, rather than from the Hebr. 'pos in spite of Jer. 28, G. LITTERATURA SYRIACA. *Hebediesu [f 1318], tractatus continens catalogum librorum chal- daeorum, tam ecclesiasticorutn quam profanorum, ed. Abraham Ecchellensis. Rom, 653. 12. sh. 5. M. 7. 50. Index of Biblical and Ecclesiastical "Writings, Drawn up by Mar Abd "Seshua, Metropolitan of Nisibis and Armenia, A. D. 1298. Appendix A. in G. P. Badger, the Nestorians and their Eituals. 1852. 2, p. 361379. Joseph Simonius Assemanus Syrus Maronita [f 1768], Bibliotheca orientalis clementino-vaticana, in qua manuscriptos codices syriacos recensuit . . . Rom, fol. I, 719 de scriptoribus syris orthodoxis II, 721 de scriptoribus syris monophysitis III, 1, 725 de scriptoribus Nestorianis cont. Catalogum Ebediesu. Ill, 2, 728 de Syris Nestorianis. Vol.1. M. 15. M. 200. 400. 425. J. S. Assemanns orientalische bibliothek oder nachrichten von syri- schen schriftstellern. in einen auszug gebracht von Aug. Friedr. Pfeiffer. Erlangen, 776, 2 ps. [8 + 16] 594 S. M. 1.50. 2. 4. 4.50. Bibliothecae apostolicae vatieanae codicum manuscriptorum catalogus in tres partes distributus. Steph. Evoditis Assemanus archiepi- scopus Apameensis et Jos. Sim. Ass. Rom, fol. Partis I tomus II, 758 et Partis I tomus III, 759 complectens codices chaldaicos sive syriacos. [Angela Mai (f 1854)], scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus edita. Tom. V. Rom, 831. 4. Codices chaldaici sive syriaci vaticani assemaniani, p. 1* 82*. Indices alphabetic! auctorum et operum codicibus syriacis, hebraicis, et copticis comprehensorum. T. V. p. 243/51. Summa codicum orientalium vaticanorum in Tomo IV et V de- sc'riptorum, additis etiam hebraicis et syriacis, quos Assemanus tribus tonus impressis descripsit . . . Syriaci 459. T. X (2) 374. *) De asterisco vide praefationera. Nestle. 2 Litteratura. Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae et Palatinae codicum mss. orien- talium catalogus . . . Steph. Evod. Assemanus archiep. Apameae recensuit . . . Antonio Francisco Gorio curante. Flor. 742 fol. cum tabb. M. 25. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Bri- tannico asservantur. Pars prima codices syriacos et carshunicos amplectens [ed. Rosen et Forshall]. Lond. 38 fol. sh. 12. Catalogue of the syriac manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1833. By W. Wright. [Lond.] 3 ps. 70. 71. 72. 4. (70 sh.) M. 50. 70. vol. 2. M. 15. *T. J. Lamy, les manuscrits syriaques du Musee britannique. Bulletin Acad. d'arch. belgique. 49 e annee, 2 e Serie, 1880. Catalog! codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bodleianae pars sexta, codices syriacos, carshunicos, mandaeos complectens. Confecit B. Payne Smith. Oxon. 64. 4. [sh. 21.] M. 16. Manuscrits orientaux. Catalogues des manuscrits syriaques et sabeens (mandaites) de la bibliotheque nationale [ed. H. Zotenberg}. Paris 74. 4. 8. 246. [2]. M. 10. Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Kurzes Verzeichnis der Sachau'schen Sammlung syrischer Handschriften von E. SacJiau. Nebst Uber- sicht des alten Bestandes. Berlin, 85. 28. 35. M. 1. 50. *E. Bodiger, Ub. d. oriental. Handschriften aus Etienne Quatremere's Nachlass in Hiinchen. 8, br. Extr. (Brill). fl. . 50. B. Dorn, Uber 4 von der kaiserlichen offentl. Bibliothek zu St. Peters- burg im Jahr 1852 erworbene syr. Handschiiften. St. Peters- burg 1854. A. 16 pag. M. 60. De codice palim'psesto graeco-lat.-syriaco cf. Cozza, Sacr. Bibl. Vet. fragm. 1867; de codice evangeliorum Gerhardino: Irmischer, Handschriften-Katalog der Koniglichen Universitats-Bibliothek zu Erlangen n. 19. J. Fr. Gaab, Uber die Litteratur der christlichen Syrer. Paulus, Neues Repertorium. 3 (1791) 358 ff. Andr. Theoph. Hoffmann, kurze geschichte. der syrischen literatur vide Berthold, Journal XIV (22) 225/91. C. v. Lengerke, de studio litterarum Syriac arum theologis quam maxime commendando comment. 1. 2. 2 part. Kegim. 1836. M. . 50. 1. Giist. Bickell, conspectus rei Syrorum literariae additis notis biblio- graphicis et excerptis anecdotis. Monast. 71. 112. M. 2. 40. (Pars I, p. 1 58 separatim prodiit.) Neve, F., de la renaissance des etudes syriaques. Paris 1854. La litterature syriaque. Rep. franc.. 1876, Jan. 7. L'abbe P. Martin, Rapport sur les progres des etudes Arameennes. Compte rendu de la l^e Sess. du congres d. Orient. 1873. t II. Pierre Dowai et la poesie sacree chez les Maronites ibid. Litteratura. 3 P. Pick, Syriac Litterature. Mac Clinstock & Strong's Cyclop. Vol. 10. (1881). Frothingham , A. L., Historical Sketch of Syriac Literature and Culture I. Amer. Journ. of Philol. V, 2, 200220. W. Wright, Syriac Literature. Encyclopedia Britannica. vol. 22. p. 824 856. [opus plenissimum, 1237 notae marginales.] I. GRAMMATICAL CHRESTOMATHIAE ET LEXICA. *1 1539 Ambrosius, Theseus, . . . introductio in chaldaicam linguam, syriacam atque armenicam et decem alias linguas. [Papiae] fol. (Weigel 15 R.) M. 18. 22.50. 25.50. 2 1554 Angelus Caninius, institutiones linguae syriacae, assyriacae atque thalmudicae, una cum aethiopicae atque arabicae collatione. Paris, Stephanus. 4. M. 2. 3 1556 [Joh. Alb. Widmanstadtius] Syriacae linguae . . . prima elementa. quibus adjectae sunt christianae religionis solennes quotidianaeque precationes. Viennae Austriacae. 40. [56 pp.] M. 2.50. 4.50. 6. 10. 11. 30. *4 1560 Joh. Mercerus, tabulae in grammaticen linguae chaldaeae, quae et syriaca dicitur. Paris, Morelli. 4. 5 1569 Grammatica chaldaea et syra Immanuelis Tremellij [Genevae], Stephanus [in appendice N* T* et seorsim], M. 2. 10. 4. 80. 6 1571 Syrorum peculium. hoc est vocabula apud syros scriptores passim usurpata: targumistis vero aut prorsus incognita: aut in ipsorum vocabulariis adhuc non satis explicata. Andr. Masius [Du Mas f 1573] sibi suae memoriae juvandae caussa colligebat. Antverp., Plantin. fol. (in Bibl. Polygl. T. VI). 6 1571 Grammatica linguae syriacae inventore atque auctore Andrea Masio: opus novum, & a nostris hominibus adhuc non tractatum . . . Antverp., Plantin. fol. (in Bibl. Polygl. T. VI). 7 1572 Dictionarium syro-chaldaicum Guidone Fabricio Boderiano [Fevre de la Boderie] collectore et auctore. Antverp., Plantin. fol. [in Bibl. Polygl. T. VI]. [de autographis Pabri et Masii cf. Serapeum 45. 16. 272.] [4 ff.] 23pp. M. 10. 8 1572 [Joh. Alb. Widmanstadt et Guide Fevre de la Boderie] Syriacae linguae prima elementa. Antverp., Plantin. 4. cf. n. 3. 9 1574 Bonavent. Cornel. Bertramus, tV comparatio grammaticae hebraicae & aramicae, atque adeo dialectorum aramicarum inter se: concinnata ex hebraicis Antonii Cevallerij praeceptionibus, aramicisque doctorum aliorum observationibus. [Genevae,] Vig- non. 4. M. 4. 20. 4. 50. 4 Litteratura. 7 *10 1579 Joh. Mercerius, tabulae in grammaticen linguae chaldaicae, quae et syriaca dicitur. Vitebergae. 8. cf. 4. 11 1594 Institutio linguae s3Tae ex optimis quibusque apud Syros scriptoribus, in primis Andrea Masio collecta a Casparo Wasero Tigurino. Lugd. Bat. 4. *12 1594 Victor ius Petrus paradigmata de quatuor linguis orientalibus praecipuis arabica, armena syra aethiopica. Paris. 4. M. 12. 13 1596 Grammatica syriaca sive chaldaica Georgii Michaelis Amirae Edenensis e Libano. Komae. 4. *14 1602 Grammatica chaldaica descripta ex tabulis Merceri . . . ita mutata . . . ut plane nova grammatica dici possit (opera Drusii.) Franeqer. 15 1606 L'harmonie etymologique des langues hebrai'que, chaldai'que, syriaque, grecque, latine. fran?oise, italienne, espagnole, allemande, ' flamende, angloise etc. par M. Estienne Quichard. Paris. M. 10. 16 1611 Gymnasium syriacum ... ex novo testamento syro et aliis rerum syriacarum scriptoribus collecta novis & genuinis charac- teribus adornata a M. Christoph. Crinesio, Schlaccowaldo-Bohemo Wittebergae. 4. M. 2. *ll 1612 = 9. Amstelodami. 4. 18 1612 Lexicon pentaglotton, hebraicum, chaldaicum, syriacum, tal- mudico-rabbinicum et arabicum ... ex testamento novo syriaco . . . concinnatum a ... Valentino Schindlero Oederano . . . opus novum nunc post authoris obitum ex ipso autographo fidelissime descrip- tum. Hanoviae. fol. sh. 10. M. 7. Ib. *19 1612 = 18. Francofurti. fol. M. 7. 75. 20 1612 Lexicon syriacum, e novo testamento et rituali Seven patriarchae quondam Alexandrini syro collectum . . . atque . . . tredecim disputationibus propositum, auctore et praeside M. Chri- stoph. Crinesio. Wittebergae. 4. 21 1615 Jo h, Buoctorfi [filii] grammaticae chaldaicae et syriacae libri III. Basileae. M. 2. 22 1616 Joh. Gasbar Myricaeus, prima elementa linguae syriacae . . . quibus adjecta sunt exercitia etc. Colon. Allobrog. *23 1617 Grammatica aramaea h. e. chaldaicae et syriacae elementa. Bremae. *24 1619 = 22. Genevae. 4. (Grammaticae syro-chaldaeae libri duo.) M. 2. 4. *25 1619 = 11. C. Waser, grammatica Syra. Leidae. 4. sh. 7. 6 d. *26 1619 Henr. Opitius, Sj'riasmus restitutus et hebraismo chaldais- moque harmonious Lips. 4. M. 3. 27 1622 Lexicon chaldaicum et syriacum; quo voces omnes . . . Litteratura. 5 quotquot ... in novi testamenti translatione syriaca reperiuntur . . . a M. Joh. Buxtorfio jun. Basileae. 4. M. 4. 4. 50. 10. 28 1622 Joh. Bapt. Ferrari, Nomenclator syriacus Bomae. 4. 29 1623 Mart. Trost, lexicon syriacum ex inductione omnium exem- plorum novi testamenti syriaci adornatum. Cothenis Anhaltino- rum. 4. M. 2. 3. 4. 10. 30 1627 Hieron. Avianus, clavis poeseos sacrae, trium principalium linguarum orientalium, hebraeae, chaldaeae ac syrae rhythmos exhibens. Lips. *31 1627 Herm. Nicolai, idea linguarum aramaearum per compara- tionem . . . Copenh. 32 1628 Abrahami Ecchellensis collegii Maronitarum alumni linguae syriacae sive chaldaicae perbrevis institutio ad eiusdem nationis studiosos adolescentes. Rom. 12. M. 3. *33 1628 Ludovici de Dieu grammatica linguarum oriental,, Hebraeo- rum, Chaldaeor. et Syror. inter se collatarum. Lugd. Bat. *34 1628 M. Thorn ae Erpenii grammatica chaldaea ac syra opera et cura Constantini I'Empereur de Oppijk S. 8. T. D. et L. H. ac C. P. in Acad. Lugduno Batav. in lucem edita. 35 1635 Harb. Thorndyke, epitome lexici hebraici, syriaci, rabinici et arabici una cum observationibus circa linguam hebraeam et grae- cam. Londin. fol. 36 1635 Schindleri lexicon pentaglotton ... in epitomen redactum a Gr. A. [Gulielmus Alabaster]. Lond. fol. 37 1636 Thomas a Novaria Obicinus, thesaurus arabico-syro-latinus. Romae : Index alphabeticus ad formam dictionarii pro thesauro ... a P. P. Marco Bouelio Lucensi editus ib. eod. 38 1636 Isaac Sciadrensis, Maronita e Libano, archiepisc. Tripolis Syriae, grammatica linguae syriacae. Rom." 39 1637 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti syriacae graecae latinae cum observationibus. quibus praemittuntur rudimenta grammaticae sy- riacae opera Joh. Mich. Dilherri. Jenae. 12. 40 1 638 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti', syriacae, graecae latinae. cum notis et observationibus ita explicatae ut . . . adbibitis gram- maticae syriacae rudimentis antehac excusis attentus lector linguam syriacam proprio marte possit addiscere. Adduntur indices locu- pletissimi et manuale lexici syriaci. Jenae. 12. *40 b 1643 Senertus, A., Trosti grammatica ebraea eademq. univers. hypotyposis harmonica linguarum Orient. Chaldaeae, Syrae, Ara- bicaeque c. matre Ebraea. 4. M. 2. 41 1646 Circulus conjugationum perfectarum orientalium, ebraeae, chaldaeae, syrae, arabicae, aethiopicae juxta methodum Schickardi. Jenae. 4. 42 1647 Schickard, institutiones linguae ebraeae noviter recognitae 6 Litteratura. et auctae. ace. harmonia perpetua aliarum linguarurn orientalium, chaldaeae, syrae, arabicae, aethiopicae opera Joh. Ern, Oerhardi. Jenae. 4. 43 1647 Josephus Acurensis, graimnatica linguae syriacae. Rom. *44 1647 Christ. Ravis, discourse on the original tongues, viz. Ebrew, Samaritan, Calde, Syriac, Arabic and Aethiopic, together with a general Grammar of the said tongues. Load. 12. *45 1649 =18. Hanoviae. fol. 46 1649 [Joh. Ern. Gerhard] ^KiaypcKpitx linguae syro-chaldaicae cum analyseos syriacae specimine. Hallis Saxon. 4. *46b 1649 = 42. (Witteberg[?]>. M. 1.80. 47 1650 Joh. Buxtorfi grammaticae chaldaicae et syriacae libri III. . . . editio secunda auctior et emendatior. Basileae. M.I. 1.20. 2. 48 1651 Andr. Sennert , grammatica chaldaica et syra. Wittenberg. 4. 49 1652 Joh. Henr. Hottinffer, Tigurinus, grammaticae chaldaeo- syriacae libri duo ; cum triplici appendice chaldaea, syra et rabbi- iiica. Tiguri. *50 1653 Briani Waltoni introductio ad lectionem linguar. orient. Hebr. Chald. Samaritan. Syriac. Arabic. Persic. Armenic. Copticae. Londin. 12<>. 51 1653 = 18 etc. Francof. fol. M. 5. 7. 20. 52 1658 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti syriacae graecae latinae cum observationibus. quibus praemittuntur rudimenta grammaticae syriacae opera Joh. Mich. Dilherri. Jenae. 12. [ed. 3 a ] 26. 250. (4) pp. 53 1668 Joh. Leusden, scholae syriacae libri tres. una cum disser- tatione de' literis et lingua Samaritanorum. UltrajectL M. 1. 1.75. 3. 54 1658 Qulielm. Beveridffius, grammatica syriaca tribus libris tra- dita . . ut menstruo spatio . . ipsa linguae medulla exugatur . . in usum bibhorum jroXuyXccrrarajy Waltoniensium. [Accedit eiusdem: de linguarum orientalium praesertim hebr., chald., syr., arab. et samar. praestantia necessitate et utilitate.] London. M. 3. 55 1658 Joh. Henr. Hottinffer, grammatica quatuor linguarum hebraicae. chaldaicae, syriacae et arabicae harmonica . . . accedit technologia linguae arabicae theologico-historica. Heidelbergae. 4. *55 b 1659 Th. Erpenius, grammatica hebraea generalis ed. Ill, cui accessit Grammaticae syrae et chaldaeae eiusd. auctoris ed. II. L. Bat. [sec. Brill.] fl. 1.25. 56 1661 Joh. Henr. Hottinffer, etymologicum orientale; sive lexicon harmonicum effrayXccrrov, quo . . et chaldaicae S3Tiacae . . . dialec- torum . . . voces juxta seriem radicum hebraicarum exhibentur . . . accessit brevis apologia contra Abrahamum Ecchellensem Maronitam. Francofurti. 4. 57 1662 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti, syriacae, graecae latinae. Litteratura. 7 cum notis et observatiouibus ita explicatae ut . . . adhibitis gram- maticae syriacae rudimentis antehac excusis attentus lector linguam syriacam proprio marte possit addiscere. Adduntur indices locu- pletissimi et manuale lexici syriaci opera /. M. Dilherri . . . qui novam addidit Praefationem. Jenae. 12. *58 1664 = 56 Hottinger, Etymologicum orientale. Turic. 4. *59 1664 Andr. Sennert, scrutinium linguarum orientalium ebraeo- chaldaeo-syro-arabico-persico-aethiopicae. Vitebergae. 4. 60 1665 M. Dav. Grafunder, grammatica syriaca cum Syntax!. Wittebergae. M. 1.50. *61 1666 Andr. Sennert, Grammatica orientalis eademque harmo- nica etc. seu (ab altera tituli parte) Ebraismus, Chaldaismus, Syriasmus, Arabismus etc. Wittenberg. 4. M. 3. 62 1667 Aegid. Gutbir, lexicon syriacum continens omnes N. T. syriaci dictiones et particulas . . .. Hamburgi. M. 2. 30. 63 1669 Edm. Castle, lexicon heptaglotton, hebraicum, chaldaicum, syriacum, samaritanum. aethiopicum, arabicum conjunctim, et persicum separatim . . . cui accessit brevis et harmonica . . . grammaticae omnium praecedentium linguarum delineatio. Authore Edmundo Castello, S. T. D. . . . Londini, Koycroft fol. (Appendix Bibl. Polygl. Walt.) M. 75. 2.16. 4.4. 64 1670 Joh. Friedr. Nicolai, Hodegeticum orientale harmonicum quod complectitur I Lexicon linguarum ebraicae, chaldaicae, syriacae, arabicae, aethiopicae et persicae harmonicum II gramma- ticam linguarum earundem . . . Ill dicta biblica . . . Jenae. 4. M. 4. 65 1672 Joh. Leusden, schola syriaca una cum synopsi chaldaica et dissertatione de literis et lingua Samaritanorum. Editio secunda. Ultrajecti. M. . 50. 1. 20. 2. 50. *66 1676 Jac. Ailing, synopsis institutionum chaldaearum et syrarum. Francofurti. *67 1677 Christoph Cellaring, porta Syriae. Cizae. 4. 68 1678 Henr. Opitius, syriasmus facilitati et integritati suae resti- tutus simulque hebraismo et chaldaismo harmonious, regulis iisdem quinquaginta absolutus. . . . cura M. Daniel. Hasenmulleri ika- varoX/KoyXcoTTou. Lipsiae. 4. M. 3. 69 1679 Joh. Wilh. Hilliger, summarium linguae aramaeae i. e. chaldaeo-syro-samaritanae. Wittebergae. 4. M. 1. 50. 70 1682 Christoph. Cellarius, porta Syriae patentior sive gramma- ticae novae . . . editio secunda. Cizae. 4". M. . 80. 1.20. 1.25. 1.50. 2.20. 71 1683 Christoph. Cellarius, glossarium syro-latinum, nuper vulgatis utriusque testamenti excerptis accommodatum. Cizae. 4. M. . 75. 8 Litteratura. 72 1683 Ludov. de Dieu . . . grammatica linguarum orientalium Hebraeorum. Chaldaeorum et Syrorum inter se collatarum. ex recensione David Clodii. Francofurti. 4. 73 1686 Edmund Castle, lexicon heptaglotton . . . Londini impr. Th. Ro5 r croft, sumptibus Robert! Scott, fol. = 63 cum novo titulo. *74 1686 J. Nicolai, Hodegetici Orientalis pars II. editio 2. inscripta: critica sacra. Francof. et Hamburg. 75 1686 Caroli Schaaf opus aramaeum complectens grammaticam chaldaico-syriacam : selecta targumim . . . lexicon chaldaicum . . . Ludg. Bat. sh. 7. M. 3. 4. 50. 6. 7. 50. *76 1689 Joh. Aug. Danz, aditus Syriae reclusus. Jenae. M. . 70. 77 1691 Henr. Opitius, syriasmus etc. [= 26] secunda vice multis in locis auctior editus. Lipsiae. M. 1. 1.50. 2. 10. *78 1694 Herm. von der Hardt, syriacae linguae fundamenta. Helmst. 79 1695 Talent. Schindler, Lexicon Pentaglotton. Francofurti. fol. 80 1695 Andr. Muller, opuscula nonuulla orientalia uno volumine comprehensa. Francof. ad O. 4&. [cf. ZDMG. 35, XV. N. 19]. 81 1696 Brevis institutio linguae syriacae, J. H. Maji hebraicae atque chaldaicae nuper emissis harmonica ad collegiorum usum conscripta a M. G. C. B. Francofurti. 4. *82 1699 Christ. Ludovicus, hebraismus, chaldaismus, targumico- talmud.-rabbinism. et syriasm. harmon. etc. Lips. s. a. (1699?) (? = "Wittebergae 1699. 4. Ludovici, Ckr. Syriasmus ex Opitio in compendium redactus. 4. M. 1). M. 1.50. 83 1700 Joh. Aug. Danz, Aditus Syriae reclusus . . . editio secunda. Jenae. 84 1701 Jac. Altinff, synopsis institutionum chaldaearum et syrarum. Francofurti. in: Fundamenta etc. ed. sexta. 85 1702 Geo. Otho, palaestra linguarum orientalium, h. e. quatuor primorum capitum Geneseos I textus originalis II targumim I chaldaicae . . II syriaca ... ex bibliis poty'glottis anglicanis Francofurti 4 [ace.] glossarium linguarum orientah'um octuplex. M. 2. 2. 40. 86 1706 Sim. Ockleij, introductio ad linguas orientales. Cantabrig. *87 1707 Joh. Phil. Hartmanni hebraicae, chald. syr. et samaritanae linguarum institutio harmonica. Francofurti. 4. 88 1709 Carol. ScJiaaf, lexicon syriacum concordantiale . . . (cum novo testamento). Lugd. Bat. 4. M. 10. 12. 15. *88 b 1714 Element, lingg. syr. sam. aeth. Patav. 12. *89 1715 Joh. Aug. Danz, aditus Syriae reclusus editio 3. Jenae. 90 1717 Carol. Schaaf, lexicon syriacum concordantiale . . . editio secunda, priori emendatior et auctior. Lugd. Bat. 4. M. 22. 40. 91 1717 Jac. Altinff, synopsis institutionum chaldaearum et syrarum. Francofurti. M. 1.50. Litteratura. 9 92 1722 J. A. Danz, Aditus Syriae reclusus. editio quarta Jeiiae. M. 1. 75. 93 1725 Sam. Fridr. Bucher, thesaurus orientis s. compendiosa et facilis methodus linguarum hebraeae, chaldaeo-targumicae, talmu- dico-rabbinicae, syriae, samaritanae, arabicae, persicae. Prancofurti et Lipsiae. 4. 94 1730 Jac. Alting, synopsis etc. in: Pundamenta editio octava. *94 b 1731 F. Masclef, grammatica hebr. ... 2 voll. Ed. II. Ace. grammat. chald. syr. et samaritana. Paris. M. 3. 50. 6. 95 1741 Christ. Btned. Michaelis, syriasmus id est grammatica linguae syriaeae. Halae Magdeburgicae. 4. M. 1. 1.20. 1.25. 1.40. 1.50. 96 1742 Ant. Zanolini, grammatica syriaca. Pataviae. 4. M. 1.50. 97 1742 Ant. Zunolini, lexicon syriacum. ibid. M. 4. 98 1746 Jac. Alting, synopsis etc. in: Pundamenta editio nona Francofurti. 99 1747 Jac. Alting, id. M. 3. 100 1751 J. A. Danz, A.ditus Syriae reclusus. editio novissima. innu- meris in locis correctior et emendatior reddita a M. Joh. Christoph. Mylio. Prancofurti. *101 1754 Jac. Scherking, Nyckelen til de fyra Oriental Spraken, Hebraik, Chaldaik, Syriak, och Arabisk. Skara. *102 1758 J. G. Kals , Grammatica Hebraeo-harmonica cum Arab, et Aramaea. Amstel. 103 1759 Ign. Weitenauer, hierolexicon linguarum orientalium hebrai- cae, chaldaicae et syriaeae . . . et cujusque harum linguarum grammatica. August. Vind. 104 1759 Ign. Weitenauer, trifolium syriacum, sive nova gramma- ticae methodus qua intra aliquot horas explicare canonem biblio- rum sj'riacum possis ibid. *105 1762 Ign. Weitenauer, S. J., Hexaglotton geminum intra bre- vissimum tempus docens linguas Gallic. Ital. Hispan. Gi-aec. Hebr. Chald. Anglic. German. Belgic. Latin. Lusit. Syriacam etc. August. Vind. et Prib. Brisg. 4^. 2 voll. M. 4. 106 et 107 1768 Joh. Dav. Michaelis, abhandlung von der syrischen sprache, und ihrem gebrauch: nebst dem ersten theil einer syri- schen chrestomathie. Gottingen, Barmeier 768. M. 1. . 75. 1. 50. 107& 1791 J. Fr. Gaab, Conjecturen iiber einige Stellen in der syr. Chrestomathie von Michaelis. Paulus, Neues Repert. 3 (1791) 366 ff. 108 1772 Joh. Dav. Michaelis, id. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck [novus titulus]. 109 1773 Joh. Lor. Isenbiehl, beobachtungen von dem gebrauche des syrischen puncti diacritici bei den verbis. Gottingen. 4. 10 Litteratura. 110 1783 Joh. Dav. Michaelis, sj-rische chrestomathie , erster theil. zweite unveranderte auflage. Gottingen. 111 1784 Joh. Dav. Michaelis, grammatica syriaca. Halae. 4. M. 1. 1.20. 1.50. 2. 112 1784 Jac. Ge. Christ. Adler, brevis linguae syriaca e institutio in usum tironum edita. Altonae. M. 1. 113 1786 Joh. Dav. Michaelis, abhandlung von der syrischen sprache . . . zweite auflage mit zusatzen. Gottingen. 124. 118 pp. M. 2. 50 [pretium reductum M. 1], *114 1787 et 1789 Innoc. Fessleri, Institutiones linguar. orient. Hebr. Chald. Syr. et Arab. Vratisl. Halis et Jen. 115 1788 Edm. Castelli lexicon syriacum ex eius lexico heptaglotto seorsim typis describi curavit atque sua adnotata adjecit Joann. Dav. Michaelis. Gottingae. 4. pars I. pp. VIII. 1 476. pars II. pp. 477 980. (P. 1. M. 6. 8.) M. 25. 30. 45. 50. 53. 54. 58. 60. 70. 75. fr. 45. sh. 32. 42. 115 b J. Fr. Gaab, Wunsche bei Castellus syrischem Lexikon nach Michaelis Ausgabe. Paulus Memorabilien. 1 (1791) 82 ff. 115<5 G. W. Lorsbach, Archiv : Uber die Mangel des syrischen "Wb'rter- buches von Castellus. 100pp. M. 4. 116 1788 Joan. Godofr. Hasse, lectiones syro - arabico - samaritano- aethiopicae. Begiomonti et Lipsiae. M. 1. 1. 50. 117 1788 Wilh. Friedr. Hezel, syrische sprachlehre, durchaus nach seiner hebraischen eingerichtet. Lemgo. 4. M. 1. 1.50. 118 1789 Geo. Guil. Kirsch, chrestomathia syriaca maxhnam partem historic! argumenti cum lexico syriaco. Hofae. M.I. 1.50. 1.80. 119 1789 Jos. Ant. Schneller, flores philologici ex linguis hebraica, syriaca, chaldaica et graeca . . collect!. Dillingae. *119 b 1789 J. A. Fessler, institutt. linguar. oriental, hebr., chald., syr. et arabic. 2 partes. Vratislav. = 114. M. 1.80. 120 1791 Joh. Gottfr. Hasse, praktisches handbuch der aramaischen oder syrisch-chaldaisch-samaritanischen sprache. des praktischen unterrichts der gesammten orientalischen Sprachen dritter theil. Jena. (8)203(4). M. 1. 20. 1,50. 121 1793 Olai Gerh. Tychsen elementale syriacum sistens gramma- ticam chrestomathiam et glossarium, subiunctis novem tabulis aere expressis Kostochii. M.I. 20. 1.25. 1.50. 122 1793 Joh. Jahn, aramaische oder chaldaische und syrische sprach- lehre fur anfanger. Wien. M. 1. 1. 50. 123 1795 Heinr. Adolf Grimm, neue syrische chrestomathie mit glossarium. Lemgo. M. 1. 60. 2. 124 1802 Friedr. Theod. Rink und Joh. Sever. Vater, arabisches, syrisches und chaldaisches lesebuch . . . mit verweisungen auf Litteratura. 1 1 die grammatik und mit erklarenden wortregistern. Leipzig. Pars chald. et syr. pp. 172. M. 1.50. 125 1807 Gust. Krws , chrestomathia syriaca maximam partem e codicibus manu scriptis collecta. Gotting. M. 3 pret. reduct. 1 . *126 1816 C. M. Agrelli, Otiola Syriaca (de particulis ling. Syr., de ratione, qua Syri verba aliorum referunt etc.) Lund. 4. M. 1. 50. 127 1817 Joh. Sev. Vater, handbuch der hebraischen, syrischen, chal- daischen und arabischen grammatik. zweite ausgabe. Leipzig (pars syr. et chald. p. 99 246). M. 4. 50. *128 1819 Thomas Yates, Syriac Grammar principally adapted to the new Testament in that language. Lond. M. 3. 50. 129 1820 Joannis Jahn, . . . elementa aramaicae seu chaldaeo-syria- cae linguae latine reddita et nonnullis accessionibus aucta ab Andrea Oberleitner. Viennae. (M. 8.) M.I. 1.20. 1.50. 1.75. 2. 3. 4. Lire 4. *130 1824 Hampus Tullberg, Elementale Syr. P. I et II. Lond. 131 1825 Aug. Hahn et Friedr. Lud. Sieffert, chrestomathia syriaca sive S. Ephraemi carmina selecta ediderunt notis . . et glossario locupletissimo illustraverunt. Lipsiae. (M. 4.) M.I. 1.50. 1.75. 2. 2.25. fr. 2. 50. 132 1826 Paul Ewald, Lehrbuch der syrischen Sprache. Erlangen. M. 1. 20. 133 1826/7 Andr. Oberleitner, chrestomathia syriaca una cum glossa- rio syriaco-latino huic chrestomathiae accommodato. Viennae. Pars prior,, chrestomathiam cont. 26. posterior pars, glossarium cont. 27 (M. 21). vol. I. M. 2. M. 5. 6. 7.75. 8. 9. 134 1827 Andr. Theoph. Hoffmann, grammaticae syriacae libri III. cum tribus tabulis varia scripturae aramaicae -genera exhibentibus. Halae. 4. 16. 418 pp. M. 8. 9. 10. 11. Leipz. Lit. Ztg. 1829, 1538ff., de Sacy, Journal des Savants 1829, 579/90. *135 1829 Christ. Bened. Michael-is, grammatica Syriaca Romae [= 94]. fr. 2. 50. 136 1829 Joh. Dav. Michaelis , chrestomathia syriaca. editio tertia glossario adnotationibusque instructa a J. 0. C. Doepke. Gottingae. Joh. Christ. Carol. Doepke, glossarium chrestomathiae syriacae J. D. Mich, accommodatum. ib. 4. 192 pp. M. 2. 50 pret. reduct. 1. H[offmann] Jen. Lit. Ztg. 1830. 12. 137 1829 Friedr. Uhlemann, elementarlehre der syrischen sprache, mit vollstandigen paradigmen, syrischen lesestiicken und dem dazu gehorenden worterbuche fur akademische vorlesungen bearbeitet. Berlin. (M. 6.) 26. 254. 23. 19pp. M. 1. 50. 1.80. 2. 2. 50. 12 Litteratura. *137 b 1831 A. Brunton. Extracts from the Old Test, with outlines of hebrew, chaldee and syriac grammar. 3d edit. Edinb. M. 9. M. 1. 80. 138 1832 Geo. Heinr. Aug. Ewald, Abhandlungen zur orientalischen und biblischen literatur. Erster [einziger] theil. Gottingen. ,,III. Ueber das syrische punktationssystem nach syrischen haud- schriften." p. 55129. M. . 75. 2. 139 1832/6 Ge. Guil. Kirschii, chrestomathia syriaca cum lexico denuo edidit Ge. Henr. Bernstein. Lipsiae. pars prior, chrestomathia ex codicibus manuscriptis emendata et aucta 1832. pars posterior. lexicon penitus novatum. 1836. 8. 582. 226. 12 pp. M. 5. 50. 6.50. 7. 7.50. 8.10. 140 1833 .L^ walM? ]^> [liber abecedarius] h'thogr. Malta 1833. M. 1.50. 141 1834/38 Caroli Magni Agrellii, supplementa syntaxeos syriacae praefatus est Joann. Godofr. Ludov. Kosegarten. Gryphiswaldiae. appendicula ad supplementa sua ibid. 1836. appendicula posterior ibid. 1838. M. 4. *142 1836/7 H. K. Tullberg, initia linguae syriacae. 3 partes Lund. M. 3. 50. 4. 50. *143 1837 George Phillips [f 1886] ; , elements of syriac grammar. Cambridge. (sh. 5.) M. 2. 5. 6. 144 1838 Aemil. Roediger, chrestomathia syriaca edita et glossario explanata ab Ae. B. annexae sunt tabulae grammaticae. Halis Saxon. M. 1. 50. 2. 2. 50. 3. 4. 145 1839 C. M. Agrellii, supplementa ad lexicon syriacum castellianum ed. Lindgren. Fasc. I. Ups. 4. M. 2. 146 1843 Gregorii Barhelraei qui et Abulfarag' grammatica linguae syriacae in metro Ephraemeo. textum e cod. bibl. Gottingensis edidit vertit, annotatione instruxit Ern. Bertheau. Gottingae. 16. 135. M. 2.75 pret. reduct. 1.20. 147 1843/5 Henr. Andr. Chr. Haevernick, supplementorum ad lexica syriaca particula prima Begiomonti Borussorum 43; particula secunda ib. 45. 4. [programmata universitatis.] I. M. . 40. M. 1.30. 2.50. *148 1845 Ge. Phillips, elements of syriac grammar, second edition. Cambridge. sh. 7. 6. *149 1845/6 J. C. Swyghuisen-Groenewoud, institutio ad grammaticam aramaeam (cum append, specimina vers. syr. Peschito). 2 voll. Traj. ad Bhen. (M. 12.) M. 6. 9. 150 1847 [Lagarde, Paulus de], horae aramaicae: scripsit Paulus Boetticher. Berolini. II explicatio vocabulorum CX e linguis jafetiticis in dialectos aramaicas transsumptorum p. 16 46. M. 1. 1. 75. Litteratura. 13 151 1848 [Lagarde, Paulus de], rudimenta mythologiae semiticae, supplementa lexici aramaici scripsit P. B. Berolini. M. 1. 1.50. *152 1854 Uhlemann's syriac grammar, translated from the german by Enoch Hutchinson, with a course of exercises in syriac grammar, and a chrestomathy and brief lexicon prepared by the translator. New- York & Edinburgh. sh. 14. 153 1857 Friedr. Uhlemann, grammatik der syrischen sprache mit vollstandigen paradigmen, chrestomathie und worterbuch fiir akademische vorlesungen und zum selbststudium bearbeitet. zweite iiberarbeitete und vermehrte ausgabe. Berlin. 12. 276. 64. 63. pp. M. 7. 50. 10. fr. 12. 50. 154 1857 Lexicon linguae syriacae collegit digessit edidit Geo. Henr. Bernstein. Volumen primum Fasciculus I [et II, 1, 240 coll.] Berolini. fol. sh. 7. M. V. 2. 50. 3. 3. 60. 5. *155 1858 B.Harris Cowper, syriac grammar translated and abridged from Hoffmann. London. sh. 7. 6. 1860 C. M. Agrelli, supplementa. Berolini. 156 1860 Jos. Guriel, elementa linguae chaldaicae, quibus accedit series patriarcharum Chaldaeorum a J. G. exarata. Bom. 256 pp. M. 4. 50. 157 1866 Joann. Bapt. Wenig, S. J., schola syriaca complectens chre- stomathiam cum apparatu grammatico et lexicon chrestomathiae accommodatum. pars prior, chrestomathia cum apparatu gramma- tico. Oeniponte. M. 5. 7. 50. 158 1866 [Abecedarium cum precibus nonnullis et psalmis] titulo caret. Alep imprimerie Maronite. *158 b 1866 Phillips [= 143. 8] 3d edit, revised and enlarged. M. 6. 159 1867/70 Adalb.Merx, grammatica syriaca, quam post opus Hoff- manni refecit A. M. Halis. particula prima 67. part, secunda 70. 8. 387 pp. M. 10. 11. 15. 160 1868 Chrestomathia syriaca quam glossario et tabulis grammaticis explanavit Aem. Eoediger, editio altera aucta et emendata. Halis. (M. 7. 50.) . M. 4. 25. 5. *160 b 1869 jJ-'j-s x>^ioV^% \js\b^, (Elements de lecture . . .) [grammatica syriaca per Abdyesum Khaiath] Mossoul impr. des Chaldeens. 161 1870 Herm. ZschoJcke, institutiones fundamentals linguae aramaicae seu dialectorum chaldaicae ac syriacae in usum juventutis acade- micae editae. Vindobonae. (lire 6. 25.) lire 4. M. 3. 50. 5. *162 [1871] Fragments of j-ooul jl^^*^ .io^i or syriac grammar of Jacob of Edessa, edited from mss. in the British Museum and the Bodleian library by W. Wright, LLD. Only fifty copies printed for private circulation. [London.] 4. M. 3. 14 Litteratura. 163 1871y3 Cbrestomathia syriaca edita a P. Pio Zingerle. Romae. 71. Lexicon syriacum in usum chrestomathiae suae elaboratuni a P. P. Z. Komae. 73. (M. 14.) M. 12. I Lire 6. 50. sh. 9. II sh. 3. 6. 164 1872 Oeuvres grammaticales d'Abou 'Ifaradj dit Bar Hebreus edi- t6es par M. 1'abbe Martin Tome I contenant le k'tovo d'tsem'he. 61. 271. Tome II contenant la petite grammaire en vers de sept syllabes et le traite n de vocibus aequivocis" texte et com- ment aire. Paris [authograph.] 16. 127 pp. M. 20. 22. sh. 27. cf. Th. Noldeke ZDMG. 26. 828/35. 165 1873[74] Abbe P. Martin, syro-chaldaicae institutiones seu intro- ductio practica ad studium linguae aramaeae. Parisiis 73. [alius titulus: grammatica chrestomathia et glossarium linguae svriacae a P. M. Paris 74.] 7. 102 pp. 166 1874 Syrisch-arabische glossen. erster band autographic einer gothaischen handschrift, enthaltend Bar All's lexicon von alaf bis mim hei ausgegeben von Georg Hoffmann. Kiel. 4. (M. 20.) [cum novo titulo 1886. M. 10]. 8. 284 pp. 167 1876 Livre de lecture syrien. Mossoul, imp. des peres Domini- cains (Paris, Challamel). 168 1876 Frid. Field, Otium Norvicense pars altera tentamen de quibusdam vocabulis syro-graecis in B. Payne Smith S. T. P. Thesauri Syriaci fasciculis I III reconditis. Oxonii [non prostat], 4<>. 4. 28pp. 169 18[68 ]79 Thesaurus Syriacus collegerunt Stephanus M. Quatre- mere Georgius Henricus Bernstein G. W. Lorsbach Albertus Jac. Arnoldi Carolus M. Agrell F. Field Aemilius Eoediger auxit digessit exposuit edidit H. Payne Smith, S. T. P. Tomus I. ]^s. Oxonii. (M. 105.) col. 11866. M. 82. 85. fasc. 6 (1883) col. 1867 2256 >o^ 7 (1886) 2700. ,-SJ Ad fasc. 2 vide de Lagarde GGA. 71. 28. 10811114 = Sym- micta(I) 78 99. ad fasc. 6 J. Loew, ZDMG. 37. (83) 469/76; ad fasc. 7. 41. 359364. 17. M. 125. 170 1879 Eliae Nisibeni interpres. vide P. de Lagarde, praetermisso- rum libri duo. Gottingae. pp. 1 96. *170 b 1879 Grammaire de la langue Arameenne selon les deux dia- lectes syriaque et chaldaique comp. avec 1'arabe, 1'hebreu et le babylonien par sa Grandeur Mgr. David Archeveque Syrien de Damas. Mossoul, impr. des Peres Dominicains. [arabice.] M. 6. 171 1880 J-4-.5CJ3 jiV'^v^ .?c/ oder syrische grammatik des Mar Elias von Tirhan. herausgegeben und iibersetzt von Friedrich Baethgen. Leipzig. 61. 47pp. M. 7. 10. Litter atui a. 15 172 Alb. Schultens, institutiones aramaeae. p. 1 232 [s. 1. et a. in- ter annos 1745 et 49]. 4. 173 [Grammatica syriaca in dialecto neo- syriaca. Urmia 96 pp. 4. perfect?] 174 A syriac lexicon to the new testament by E. Henderson. London, Bagster ca. 1865. sh. 1. 6. (sh. 2. 6.) M. 2. 75. 175 [c. 1851] Syriac Beading Lessons: consisting of copious Ex- tracts from the Peshito version of the Old and New Testaments; and the Crusade of Richard I from the Chronicles of Bar Hebraeus, grammatically analysed and translated: with the Elements of Syriac Grammar. By B. Davidson. London, Bagster. sh. 5. sh. 3. 6. 1. 6. 176 1880 | &~*s- Al 'Yhkam seu linguae et artis metricae Syrorum institu- tiones auctore P. Gabriele Cardahi Libanensi linguarum arabicae et syriacae in Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide professore. Bomae ex typographia polyglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide MDCCCLXXX. 82 + 1. 8. Loscher. M. 3. 75. 5. 6. 177 1880 Th. Noldeke, Kurzgefasste syrische Grammatik. Mit einer Schreibtafel von Julius Euting. Leipzig, "Weigel. 32. 279 (2). GGA. 1880, 51. P. Martin, Bullet, crit. 81, 7. H. Strack, ThLBl. 82, 5. G. Hoffmann, LCB1. 82, 10. M. 9. 12. 178 1881 Eb. Nestle, Brevis linguae syriacae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario. In usum praelectionum et studio- rum privatorum scripsit. Carolsruhae et Leipzig. Beuther. 6. 78. 148. Porta linguarum orientalium. Pars V. M. 4. 5.40. Bull. crit. 81, 7. 132/4; Fr. Baethgen, DLZ. 81, 9; Athenaeum 2783, 296; H. Strack, ThLBl. 82,5; V. Byssel, ThLZ. 82, 5; LCB1. 83, 11. prior editio praesentis operis. 179 1881 Traite de Grammaire Syriaque par Rubens Duval, Paris, Vieweg. 40, 447. M. 20. H. Derenbourg, Bev. Crit. 81. 49. 433447; E. Drouin, Bev. de Ling. 15 Janv. 82. 180 C. R. Brown, an Aramaic method Ps. 2. Elements of grammar. Chicago, Am. Publ. Soc. of Hebrew. 96 p. 12. cloth 1 D. 1884 Outlines of Syriac Grammar. For the use of Classes in Hamilton Theological Seminary. By S. Burnham. Hamilton, 1 6 Litteratura. N. Y., Van Slyck, printer Eepublican Office. 8. 34pp. cum appendice. Cetera Grammaticorum indigenarum opera e. gr. Hunaini Her- theni Eliae Sobhensis vide sub IV. APPENDIX. 181 J. C. WaJcii, kurze Anzeigung, wie nemlich die uralte teutsche Sprache meistentheils ihi-en Ursprung a. d. Celtisch- od. Chal- daischen habe, u. das Bayerische vom Syrischen herkomme. Reg. 1713. Hpgt. M. 3. 182 Alb. Homoet, Encomium linguae Aramaeae. Messopoli Zelando- rum 1726. 4. 183 J. H, Lysius, De usu linguae syriacae. Begiom 1726. 4. M. . 60. 184 M. J. 6. Hasse, de dialectis linguae syriacae diss. 4. Regiom. 1787. M. .75. 185 E. Quatremere, Journal Asiatique Janvier-Mars 1835. 186 Dr. F. Larsow, Societatis Asiaticae Parisiensis sodalis, De Dia- lectorum linguae Syriacae reliquiis. Formis expressum acade- miae regiae Berolinensis 1841. 1 28. 4. Einladung des Gymnasiums zum grauen Kloster. M. . 75. 1. 1.50. 2. 187 Tornberg, de linguae aramaeae dialectis. Upsala 1842. 4. M. 1. 50. 188 P. de Lagarde, Beitrage zur baktrischen Lexikographie (1868) p. 79 sq. 189 De linguae Syriacae recentissimae indole et structura cum anti- * quiore comparatis. Scripsit Otto Fraatz Clausthaliensis. Com- mentatio Gottingae, 1843. VI. 41. 4. 190 Th. Noldeke, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der araniaischen Dialecte. ZDMG. 21 (67) 183200. 22 (68) 443 527. 3. Ueber Ortho- graphie und Sprache der Palmyrener 24 (70) 85 109. 191 M. I' abbe Martin, Syriens orientaux et occidentaux. Essai sur les deux principaux dialectes Arameens. Paris 72. 183. 20 tabb. Journal Asiatique extrait no. 4. Avril-Mai 305 488. 192 M. I'abbe Martin, Tradition Karkaphienne, ou la Massore chez les Syriens. Paris 70. 135. 19. 7 tabb. Journal Asiatique extrait no. 13. (1869.) Oct. Nov. VI Ser. torn. XIV. 245379. 193 M. I'abbe Martin, Histoire de la Ponctuation ou de la Massore chez les Syriens. Paris 75. 128. VI. Journal Asiatique extrait no. 3. Fevrier-mars-avril 75. 194 Zur geschichte der syrischen punctation. von dr. Eberhard Nestle. ZDMG. 30. (76) 52533. Litteratura. 17 195 Caroli M. Agrell, S. Th. Doct. Commentatio de varietate generis et numeri in 11. oo. Hebraea, Arabica et Syriaca. P. I. VI. 1 82. Lundae MDCCCXV. Litteris Berlingianis. Pars posterior ibid. eod. 83146. (1). 196 Gonradus "Kessler, de formatione quorundam nominum syriacorum. Marpurgi ad Loganam 75. 58. 8. M. 1. 50. cf. Th. Noldeke ZDMG. 29. (75) 64654. 197 Siegmund Franlcel, die Aramaiscben Fremdworter im Arabischen. (Eine von ,,het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen" gekrb'nte Preisschrift.) Leiden, Brill. fl. 5.25. 198 J. A. Corcoran, Syriac Grammars Am. Cath. Quart. Kev. Oct. 1877. II. BIBLIA. I. versio simplex, Peschittho. a. tola billia. 1 Biblia polyglotta Parisiensia Michaelis le Yay. Lutetiae , Vitre 1645. fol. Syriace. Pentateuchus T. VI. 632. Josue-Paralipomena T. VII. 642. Esdras-Sirach T. VIH. 635. Isaia-Macchab. T. IX. [645]. Nov. Test. T. V, 1 Evv. 630. V, 2. Act. Epp. Apoc. 633. T. VI. M. 10. 2 Biblia sacra polyglotta Londinensia Briani Walton Londinii, Roy- croft. 657. T. I Pentateuchus 654. T. II 655, III 656 ceteri libri cano- nici T. IV 657 libri deuterocanonici T. V Nov. Test. T. VI appen- dix. [T. VII et VIII Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton]. 24. 42. M. 500. 510. T. V M. 48. T. VI M. 45. 3 Londini 823/6. 4. [sic] }.u2Cl j.i.^1^?? j_ci,~ 01 )_*-,- ].sLs vide 7. '" M. 7. b. partes bibliorum. 4 Epitome bibliorum continens insigniora veteris ac novi testamenti dicta hebraice chaldaice syriace graece latine et germanice in usum scholarum collecta . . . a M, . Valentino Scftindfejlero Oederensi. Vitebergae 578. Nestle. R 18 Litteratura. *5 Geneseos capita V. priora cum aliis dictis Biblicis [Dt. 6, 3. 3It. 4, 10] hebraice, chaldaice, syriace, arabice, aethiopice et persice per Joh. Frider. Krebsium. Jenae 692. *6 Valentimis Friderici, dicta sacrae scripturae, hebraea, chaldaea ac syra secundum articulorum theologicomm seriem intra privates parietes, Deo adjuvante resolvet, eadem non minus philologice quam theologice illustraturus. Lipsiae, s. a. pp. 32. c. vetus testamentum. 7 Vetus Testamentum syriace eos tantum libros sistens, qui in canone hebraico habentur, ordine vero quoad fieri potuit, apud Syros usitato dispositos. In usum ecclesiae Syrorum Malabareu- sium jussu societatis biblicae recognovit et ad fidetn codicum mss. emendavit, edidit S. Lee. Londini 24. 4. [alia exx. 1823] 705 pp. M. 20. 28. fl. 5. [saepe cum novo testamento colligatum cf. n. 3.] 8 _^0 ) o^QQ . [Vetus testamentum syriace et neosyriace. Urmiae 52. 4.] 9 Translatio syra Pescitto veteris testamenti ex codice Ambrosiano sec. fere VI photolithographice edita curante et adnotante Sac. Obi. Antonio Maria Ceriani. Mediolani. fol. Pars I. 76, II. 77, III. 79, IV. 83. 330 ff. a M. 40, in charta grandiore a M. 60. d. paries veteris testamenti. 10 Excerpta veteris testamenti syriaci cum latina interpretation e nova et adnotationibus Christ. Cellarii. Cizae 682. 4. M. 1.20. 1.50. 2.20. 4. 11 Pentateuchus syriace ex polyglottis anglicanis summa fide edidit M. Geo. Guil. Kirsch. Hofae . . . Lipsiae 787. 4". M. 3. 4. 12 Geo. Otho, palaestra linguarum orientalium Francofurti 702. 4". vide I, 85. *13 [tit syr. Psalterium syriacum et carshunicum. typis monasterii St. Antonii de Kozchaya mentis Libani 1585.] fol. *14 [tit. syr. idem, ibidem 1610.] fol. 15 [tit. syr. Liber psalmorum syro-latinorum, edidit Gabriel Sionita Edenensis.] Parisiis mense martio 624. 4. [Kosenthal 35, 330. 1625. 275 ff. 40. M. 18.] 16 Psalmi Davidis regis et prophetae lingua syriaca nunc primum ex antiquissimis codicibus manuscriptis in lucem editi a Thoma Erpenio qui et versionem latinam adjecit. Lugd. Bat. 625. 4. (8) 346 pp. M. 3. Litteratura. 19 17 Liber psalmorum Davidis idiomate syro verbo divino salvatori nostro dicatus (per Thomam Evam). Romae 737. 4. M. 1. 1. 50. 1. 80. 18 Psalterium syriacum recensuit et latine vertit Thomas Erpenius notas philologicas et criticas addidit Joan. Aug. Dathe. Halae 768. 40. 324. (2).' M. 1. 1.50. 1.80. 19 Psalterium Syriace. Londini, Soc. Bibl. 822. [pp. 251 cum ps. 151.] 20 Psalterium Syriace. Londini, Soc. Bibl. 825. [pp. 249.] M. 2. 3. 21 [tit. syr. Liber psalmorum beati David regis et prophetae. Urmiae 1841. 4. (cum canonibus.)] *21 b Psalterium Chaldaicum Eomae 42 vide inter libros eccle- siasticos. *22 [Liber Psalmorum Constantinopoli editus a Mar Jacob ante 860.] *23 [Liber Psalmorum Mausili 866 (cum canonibus)]. 12. 23 b -*-J ^ 1868. 143. 8. [neo-syr.] 23 [1874] 151 pp. nova impressio 1878, revisa 1886. 24 Psalterium syriacum ad fidem plurium optimorum codicum habita ratione potissimum hebraici textus nunc accuratissime exactum a Josepho David chorepiscopo Syro Mausiliensi cui accedunt X cantica sacra Mausili 77. 56. 376 pp. M. 5. 9. 25 Psalterium syriacum e codice Ambrosiano seculi fere sexti in usus academicos imprimendum curavit Eberardus' Nestle. Lugduni Batavorum, Tubingae. 79. 4. . M. 3. 50. *28 Psalmus VI octoglottos, et quidem gallice, arabice, .graece, hebraice, latine, chaldaice, anglice et syriace [ed. Jac. Gerscho- vius]. Gryphiswaldiae 636. 4". *27 Psalterii Davidici hexaglotti et decastyli decas prima, cum hexa- glottarum et ogdostylarum concordantiarum Centuriis quinque . . . [ed.] Jacobus Laurentii F. Michaelis N. Gerschovius. Gryphis- waldiae. 640 fol. *28 Septem psalmi poenitentiales. Romae 584. *29 iidem ibidem 1642. 30 Psalmi poenitentiales syriaci cum versione latina v. cl. Thomae Erpenii et punctis vocalibus atque latina interlineari expressione in usum facilioris et accuratioris lectionis instruct! a M. D. H[asenmiiller]. [Lipsiae et Prancofurti 678]. 4. 31 Psalmus CXIX hebraice, chaldaice syriace arabice cum commen- n* 20 Litteratura. tariis hebraicis Sal. Jarchi et Aben Ezrae . . . opera Balthusaris Scheid. Argentorati 700. 4. [aliis 1665]. M. 1. 20. 31 b = 89. *31 C Viccars decapla in psalinos: sive comment, ex X liuguis; (liebr., arab., syriac., chald., rabbin., graec., rom., ital.. hispau. et gallic.) Una c. specim. ling, copticae, persic. et anglic. Fol. London 1655. M. 7. 75. 32 Specimen philologicum, quo Obadias propheta hebraice chaldaice syriace et arabice cum commentariis rabbinorum Jarchi, Kirachi et Aben Esrae . . . exhibetur a Ludorico Michaele Crocio. Bremae 673. 4". *33 Jonae & Obadia oracula syriace. Notas philologicas et criticas addidit H. A. Grimm. Duisburg 805. *34 The book of Jonah in four oriental versions; namely chaldee. syriac, aethiopic and arabic with corresponding glossaries edited by W. Wright. London 57. (sh. 7. 6.) sh. 4. M. 3. 50. 5. *34 b Die 5 Megilloth nebst dem syr. Targum gen. n Peschito" z. erst. Male in hebr. Quadratschrift mit Interpunctation edirt etc. Prag ]866. 8. M.S. e. libri apocryphi veteris testamenti. 35 Libri veteris testamenti apocryphi syriace e recognitioue Pauli Antonii de Lagarde. Lipsiae et Londinii 61. 39. 273 pp. (M. 20.) M. 14. *35 a Das Buch Sirach mit aramaischer Ubersetzung und Erklarung. Breslau 1798. M. 2. *35 lj Josua ben Sirach hebraisch deutsch und aramaisch iibersetzt von Ben Sew. 2. verb, und vermehrte Auflage. Wien 1807. *36 The first epistle of Baruch translated from the syriac with an introduction by the Rev. Dr. Jolmoicz. London 55 (Syro-Egyp- tian Society). 37 Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim Bibliothecae Ambrosianae Mediolani. 4. torn. V. fasc. 2 (71?) Liber IV Esdrae Syriace p. 41 111, Apocalypsis Baruch syriace 113 180. ed. M. A. Ceriani. 37 b Parva Genesis: Monumenta 2, 1. p. 9. 37 Jul. Caes. Scaliger. Libroram Esrae admirabile ac divinum Compendium apud me est, Syra conscriptum lingua. Exerc. 308. 37 d Some apocryphal Psalms in Syriac. By Professor Wright. Reprinted from the r Proceed. of the Soc. of Bibl. Arch.," June, 1887. 11 pp. f. novum testamentum. cf. Jac. Geo. Christian Adler, Novi Testamenti Versiones Syriacae Simplex. Philoxeniana et Hierosolj r mitana. Denuo exa- Litteratura. 21 minatae et ad fidem codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecarum Vaticanae, Aagelicae, Assemanianae, Mediceae, Regiae aliarum- que novis observationibus atque tabulis aere incisis illustratae. Hafniae 1789. (8) 206. (4) 8 tabb. 40. M. 1.80. 38 Liber sacrosanct! evangelii de Jesu Christo domino et deo nostro . . . div. Ferdinandi Rom. imperatoris designati jussu & libera- litate characteribns et lingua syra . . . scriptorio prelo diligenter expressa [ab Jo. Alb. Widmanstadt et Moses Mardinensis] Viennae Austriae 555. 4 Ed. Pr. [alia exemplaria a tergo primi folii Viennae Austriae excudebat Michael Zymmermann . . . Anno 1562". Quae f. 2 V sub V. VII citantur n dedicationes" in omnibus desunt exemplaribus , quae sub III, in multis. Pauli epistolae XIIII locum variant.] sh. 7. 6. 14. M. 10. 45. 50. 54. 39 r, KUM; cia^Ki; testamentum novum XpTiiT auctore Imman. Tremellio. excudebat Henr. Steptainus. anno 569. fol. M. 7. *40 eadem editio. Lugduni in bibliopolio Salamandrae 571. fol. .' D V 41 rr t s Kou-jrp cia^,r,Kr,i7 anavra. *JZ|_* j_a.A_.? novum Jesu Christ! D. N. testamentum. sacrorum bibliorum tomus quintus. Ant verpiae, Plantinus 571 Kal. Febr. fol. [editor Guido Fevre de la Boderie]. 42 JOin xpimi typis hebr. titulo caret. [Antverp., Plantin. c. 573]. 43 Xrnn XpVi'n novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriace. Antverpiae, Plantin. 575. 16. (lit. hebr., in fine: variae lectiones ex N' T' syrici manuscripto codice Coloniensi nuper a Franc. Raphfelengio] collectae. M. 2. 4. 50. 6. 44 xmn Xp^n^l r, Kany ^ta^KT] novum Jesu Christi D. N. testa- mentum ex editione Guidonis Fabricii Boderiani. Parisus apud Jo. Benenatum. Excud. Steph. Prevosteau. 584. 4". alia exx. : ap. Hil. Le Bouc et Jo. Gueffier. 1586. 40. Fl. 3. 75. 45 Novum testamentum dni nri Jesu Christi syriace, ebraice, graece, latine, germanice, bohemice, italice, hispanice, galh'ce, anglice, danice, polonice studio et labore Eliae Hutteri Germani. Nori- bergae 599. fol. 2 voll. M. 21. 24. 46 Novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriace cum ver- sione latina, ex diversis editionibus diligentissime recensitum. accesserunt in fine notationes variantis lectionis ex quinque im- pressis editionibus diligenter collectae a Martino Trostio. Cothenis Anhaltinomm 621. 4. M. 2. 50 3. 47 ut 46, in fine operis eodem die ,,26 Sept." sed ,,1622". M. 3. 48 a) .Novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriace, cum 22 Litteratura. punctis vocalibus & versione latina Matthaei . . . pleue et emen- date editum, accurante Aegidio Gutbirio. SS. Th. D. & Prof. P. Clavis operis, lexicon, grarnmaticam SJT. & notas complexa, seorsum prodit. Hamburg! 664. pp. ,,606"; praecedit alius titulu> aere incisus n anno M. DC. LXIII." b) alia exemplaria pp. 604. M. 2. 2. 50. 3. 3. 80. 4. 4. 50. Nescio quot impressiones exstant anni ,,1664"; magnopere inter >e differunt exemplaria: a. quoad titulum 1) Gutbirio 88. Th. D. et Prof. P 2) D. et Gymn. Hamb. Prof. P. 3) D. Log. Metaph. et linguarum orient. Prof. P. b. quoad praef ationem : 1) prima plaga desinit : hujus formulae et arabica aetbiopicaque verba paginae 17 bebraicis scribuntur literis. 2) prima plaga desinit auspiciis alictijus et pag. 17 arabici aethiopicique chaiac- teres inveniuntur. 3) ut 2) sed prima plaga minutioribus literis ex- presaa est. o. quoad zifros margiuales Evangelii Mattbaei 1) aunt minutissimi. 2) sunt majores, iidem qui in reliquis libris. d. quoad paginationem 1) a 523 ad 526 usque 606 pergit. 2) paginae recte numeratae suat 523 usque 604. e. quoad textum: 1) Apoc. 21, 24 in ima pagina 604 (d, 1) una linea omi^a. deinde extra formam paginae addita est. 2) hac linea in eequentem paginam transposita omnes lineae usque ad finera libri suo loco motae sunt. f quoad colophonem syriacum 1) qnatuor lineis (21 verbis) constat. 2) quin- que verbis constat. 49 xmn KpT^T novum domini nostri Jesu Chi'isti testamentum syriace. Sulzbaci. ex officina Job. Hoist 1684, prostat Xorin- bergae apud Wolfg. Endterum. 12. 192 pp. lit. hebr. M. . 60. 1.50. *50 = 48 novo titulo. Hamburgi 694. 51 Novum Jesu Christi testamentum juxta editionem pol}-glottam etc. Londini, ap. Smith et Walford 698. fol. [=* 2 torn. V. novo titulo.] 52 Sacrosancta Jesu Christi evangelia jussu sacrae congregationis de propaganda fide ad usum ecclesiae nationis Maronitarum edita. Bomae 703. fol. (syriace et carshunice.) (34) 341. (14) pp. M. 39. pars 2, acta apostolorum epistolae catholicae et divi Pauli cum apocalj-psi d. Joannis ibid. eod. (16) 519 [^i^l] (6) pp. 53 = 48. Hamburgi 706. novo titulo. M. 'J. 54 Novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriacum cum versione latina cura et studio Johannis Leusden et Caroli Schaaf editum. Ad omnes editiones diligenter recensitum et variis lec- tionibus magno labore collectis adornatum. Lugd. Bat. 709. 4". Ace. Schaaf, C., Lexicon syriacum concordantiale ibid. eod. 5 fl. M. 10. 50. 12. 30. 55 Biblia sacra quadrilinguia novi testamenti graeci cum versionibus syriaca, graeca vulgari latina et germanica . . . sjTiacis ex poly- glottis anglicanis et ed. Schaafii petitis . . . accurante J/. Chri- stiana Reineccio. Lipsiae 713. fol. 31. 6. 6.60. Litteratura. 23 56 = 49, novo titulo Norirnbergae, sumptibus AVolfg. Maur. Endteri 715. 120. M. 1. 57 = 54 novo titulo: secunda editio a mendis purgata. Lugd. Bat. 717. 4". [10] 799 pp. 7 fl. M. 15. 58 = 48 novo titulo. Francofurti 731. M. 2. 50. 3. 80. 4. 59 = 55 vovo titulo. Lipsiae 747. 24. 968 pp. 60 = 48 novo titulo. Hamburg! 749. 604 pp. 61 Novum testamentum syriace denuo recognitum atque ad h'dem codicum manuscriptorum emendatum. Londini, (soc. bibl.) Watts. 816. 40. 552 (1) pp. M. 4. 5. 6. 8. 50 (titulus latinus in multis exx. deest; item notitia ,,Brevi prodi- bunt codicum mss. collationes ad quorum fidem emendata est haec editio"; denuo" respicit ad Nr. 71. cf. The Syriac New- Testament of the British Foreign and Bible Society. Reprinted from the Quarterly Record," Nr. 55, of the Trinitarian Bible Society for January, 1874. 8 pp.) 62 -i i^)|c U-'- pp .,2*^.^2. :]!' * > 4V pp. [N. T. syr. et carsh. cur. Silv. de Sacy Paris 1824. 4.] M. 14. 20. 24. 40. 63 [tit. syr. Novum testamentum syriace. Londini, soc. bibl. 26. 360 pp. 4'V] 63 b | :xn:iin -,1:^3 | n^xmn cnnnx | = | :xni'aan | xmn xpn-n jsniaoT p"sb oi^Ta yattja n:iaa 12. foil, yp N. T. syr. litteris hebraicis (Macintosh [1]836). '64 Syriac New testament. London, Bagster [40?]. 4. sh. 2. 65 [tit. syr. Novum testamentum syriace et neosyriace. Urmiae 46.] 4. 829 pp. M. 10. 65 b )&-*>) ^-^ )-^A.fto | "* *.v ) 4,*; : J-4.JC-.? ^oi9 >o.^ V-?&^o : U-*-*-^ I --!- I 4 * a ? - >ri .^^c|) i.j.J=^.li^c.r; ]i.-i? ]i ^V^M^ ^f~>=J .!-- 1868. Nov. Test. syr. New York 621. 8<>. [iieo-syr.] 65 - N. T. syriace. New York 1874. 637. [accedunt Psalmi], altera impressio 1878, tertia revisa 1886. 24 Litteratura. 66 The syriac new testament with an english translation, in parallel columns. London, Bagster [?]. 4. 1876. g. paries novi testamenti. 67 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti syriacae graecae latinae. cum notis et observationibus ita explicatae ut . . . adhibitis grammaticae syriacae rudimentis antehac excusis attentus lector linguam syriacam proprio marte possit addiscere. Adduntur indices locupletissimi et manuale lexici syriaci. Opera Joh. Mich. Dilherri. Jenae 638. 12. (editio anni 646 , Halae et typis Oelschlegeliam's grammaticam [et manuale] sistit, eclogas omittit.) *68 Jenae 658. 69 Jenae 662. (36) 503 [=523] (111) pp. 70 Excerpta novi testamenti syriaci cum latina interpretatione auctore Christoph. Cellario. Cizae 682. M. 1. 71 Evangelia sancta, nee non Acta Apostolorum syriace, cum inter- pretatione latina, Broxbourne, Soc. Bibl. (Watts). 815. 4. 519 pp. [curavit Buchanan]. M. 5. 8. 15. *72 Novum testamentum triglottum graece syriace et latine (vulg. ed.). Ace. subsidia critica. Evangelia. Londini 28. 4. [curavit Greenfield; Evv. tantum]. M. 7. 50. 72 [tit. syr. Quatuor evangelia syriace characteribus nestorianis exa- rata.] Londini, soc. bibl. 29. 4. sec. codicem ms. Jos. "Wolf ed. T. Pell Platt. 284 pp. *73 b B. Schultz, Ho Emreh daloho (Verba dei ad peccatores ex 4 evangelistis collecta). Syriace. Halae. 8. M. 1. 50. *73 C Clavis Syriaca: a Key to the Ancient Syriac Version, Called ,,Peshito", of the Four Holy Gospels. By the Rev. Henry F. "Whish, M. A., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. London: George Bell and Sons. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell and Co. 1883.- 12. 74 Sanctus Matthaeus syriace graece latine germanice bohemice italice hispanice gallice anglice danice polonice ex dispositione et ador- natione Eliae Hutteri Germani. Noribergae 599. 4. *75 S. Matthaeus syriace et latine. Cothenis Anhaltinorum 621. 4". 76 Evangelium s. Matthaei syriacum una cum punctis vocalibus . . . editum accurante Aegidio Gutbirio. olim impressum Hamburg! typis et impensis autoris anno 663 nunc invenitur Longosalissae Thuring. apud haeredes Gutbirianos, ubi totum quoque novum testamentum syriacum prostat. 77 Sanctus Marcus syriace graece latine . . . [ut 74]. Noribergae 600. 40. 78 S. Marci evangelistae evangelium syriace. literis et punctis hebrai- cis apposita e regione versione latina. in gratiam linguarum orien- Litteratura. 25 talium tyronum seorsim excusum. Cothenis Anhaltinorum 622. 4. 56 pp. M. 6. 79 Postilla sacramentalis ab amicis dicta polyglotta , herfiirgegeben von Gothofrido Kiliani, pastorn in Gliickstadt. Gliickstadt, in verlegung des autoris, druckts Melchior Koch. 668. 4. *80 a) Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi syriace, juxta quatuor evan- gelistas. Parisiis Anton Vitre. 635. 12. b) idem, ibidem ab eodem 672. 12. 81 Historia passionis et mortis Jesu Christi ejusque resurrectionis et ascensionis in coelum ex lingua lusitanica in syriacam transcripta et secundum quatuor evangelistas collecta opera et studia B[en- jamin] S[chultz]. Halae Magdeburgicae 755. M. 1. *81 b Historia Passionis D omini nostri Jesu Christi. Ex textu syriaco desumta. Cum elementis linguarum syriacae, samariticae et aethio- picae. Patav. 1714. 12. M. 2. 82 Acta apostolorum syriace. seorsum recudi curavit D, Joh. Henr. Callenbergius. Halae 747. (lit. hebr.) 83 Epistola 8. Pauli ad Romanes lingua syriaca ... ex testam. syr. Viennensi desumpta inque gratiam ^/Xw/joyXcefrav publici juris facta . . . studio M. Ghristoph. Crinesi. Wittebergae impensis Lach. Schurer, typis Gormannianis (alia exemplaria: typis et sumptibus Johannis Gormanni) 612. 4. M. 2. *84 Ludovici de Dieu animadversiones in Pauli epistolam ad Romanes cum versionibus Syri, Arabis. Lugd. Bat. 646. 4 U . r. 12. 85 Epistola S. Pauli ad Romanes syriace. seorsim recudi curavit D. J. H. Callenbergius. Halae 747. (lit. hebr.) 86 Pauli Apostoli prior epistola ad Corinthios syriace. seorsum recudi curavit D. J. H. Callenbergius. Halae 747. (lit. hebr.) Acced. epistola secunda sine titulo latino ijb. 747. *87 a ' e Epistola D. Pauli ad Galatas , syriace litteris hebraicis cum versione latina Antonii Cevallerii ; vide ejusdem Rudimenta hebr. linguae [Genevae] 560. 4". ib. 567. 4. (M. 2.) Wittebergae 574. 4. Lugd. 575 fol. Genevae 590 [91. 92.] 4. (M. 2. 50.) *88 Epistola s. Pauli ad Galatas, syriace et latine studio Tremellii. Genevae, Perrin 570. 4. 89 Dyodecas aureorum psalmorum Davidicorum, eorum qui sunt praecipue prophetici de Jesu Christo . . . nempe 2. 8. 16. 22. 40. 45. 68. 69. 72. 97. 110. 118 hebr. chald. cum latina versione, et graece ex LXX interpretibus. Item epistola S. Pauli ad Galatas graece, syriace, latine et germanice, seorsim nunc edita pro studiosis earum linguarum. Bremae 614. 90 Epistola S. Pauli ad Colossenses syra in gratiam auditorum suorum cum vocibus tarn primitivis tarn derivativis separatim edita a 26 Litteratura. J[oh.] C[hristoph.] Wfichmannshausen]. (mendose aliis W[agen- seil]). Vitembergae 702. 40. M. 2. 91 Epistola s. Pauli ad Titum lingua syriaca cum interpretatione latina a Christophoro Crinesio s. 1. [Vitternbergae] e typographeo Job. Gormanni 613. 4. *92 Epistola s. Pauli ad Titum. syriace. Hafniae 626. 93 Epistola d. Pauli ad Titum et Philemonem syriace adjunctis versions latina litteris vocalibus et ligaturis Syrorum in usum philo-syrorum tyronum excusa, edi curante Balthas. Scheidio. Argentorati 668. 4. 12 pp. 94 eaedem. Argent. 700. 4. *94^ S. Pauli ep. ad Philemonem spec, loco ed. 7. H. Petermann. Berol. 1844. [Sachau, Catal. p. VI. n]. 95 Divi Johannis apostoli et evangelistae epistola catholica prima syriace adjunctb e regione charactere hebraeo et versione latina . . . praemittitur alphabetum syriacum velut manuductio quaedam ad eius linguae lectionem faciliorem, opera et studio Mart. Trosti. Cothenis Anhaltinorum 621. 4. (4} 22 pp. M. 5. *96 Epistola I S. Johannis, syriace et latine. Lips 632. 4". 97 Epistola d. Johannis apostoli et evangelistae catholica prima syriace juxta exemplar Cotheniense . . . adjuncto e regione charactere ebraeo itemque versione latina . . . editore Andrea Sennerto. (Wittebergae) 652. 4. 21 pp. M. 3. 98 Epistolae quatuor, Petri secunda, Johannis secunda et tertia, & Judae fratris Jacobi una. ex celeberrimae bibliothecae Bodleianae Oxoniensis ms. exemplari nunc primum depromptae et charactere hebraeo, versione latina, notisque quibusdam insignitae, opera & studio Edicardi Pococke, Angli-Oxoniensis. Lugd. Bat. 630. 4. [10] 66 pp. 98 Williams Manuscript || The Syrian Antilegomena Epistles 2 Peter. 2 and 3 John, and Jude Written A. D. 1471 by Suleiman of Husn Keifa || Edited by Isaac H. Hall Baltimore, Maryland Publication Agency of the John Hopkins University 1886, fol. [8ff. letterpress, 17ff. photogr.] 31. 15. 99 Epistola II Johannis syriace cum interpretatione latina Ed\v. Pocockii vide Cellarius Porta, Cizae 677. 4. 31. . 50. 100 Apocalypsis s. Johannis ex manuscripto exemplari e bibliotheca clariss. viri Josephi Scaligeri deprompto. edita charactere syro et ebraeo, cum versione latina et notis, opera & studio Ludovici de Dieu. Lugd. Bat, Elzevir. 627. 4. 20. 211 pp. M. 2. 2.40. *101 Eevelatio quae facta est super Johannem evangelistam a Deo in Pathamun insula, in quam ejectus fuit a Nerone Caesare. vide Ludcv. de Dieu criticae sacrae p. 763/861. (Amstelaedami) 693. fol. Litteratura. 27 102 Sylloge canticorum novi testament! syriace et latine a Sebastiano Schrottero edita. Erfurti 650.*) appendix : 103 Remains of a very ancient recension of the four gospels in syriac hitherto unknown in Europe; discovered, edited and translated by William Cureton. London 58. 4. 95. 87. 160 pp. (M. 24.) M. 15. 16. 17. cf. Ewald, Jahrb. 9, 69/87. GGA. 58. 1712/6. Edinburgh Rev. 59. 168/90. *104 Fragments of the Curetonian Gospels edited by W. Wright. [London 72.] 4. 4ff. ,,Only one hundred copies printed for private circulation." M. 2. 75. 3. 50. *104 b primus edidit Roediger in: Monatsberichte der Berliner Akade- mie 1872. Juli 557. 104 C Evangelienfragmente. Der griechische Text des Cureton' schen Syrers wiederhergestellt von Friedrich Baethgen. Leipzig 1885. 96 92 pp. M. 10. h. libri apocryphi novi testamenti. *105 Contributions to the apocryphal literature of the new testament, collected and edited from syriac manuscripts in the british museum with an english translation and notes by W. Wright. London 65. cf. Bickell, Theol. Quart. Schr. 1866. 468/79. (sh. 7. 6.) M. 3. 50 5. 50. 7. 50. *105 b B. H. Cowper, the Apocryphal Gospels. 1867. 106 Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, edited from syriac manuscripts in the british museum and other libraries by W. Wright. London 71 . Vol 1. the syriac text. 17. 333 vol. 2: the english trans- lation. 298. M. 12. cf. Noldeke, ZDMG. 25, 670/9; Geiger, ibid. 26, 798/804. 106 b Syrische Lieder gnostischen Ursprungs. Eine Studie iiber die apokryphen syrischen Thomas-Acten. Von Karl Macke. ThQS. 74. 170. 107 The departure of my lady Mary from this life edited and trans- lated by W. Wright. Journal of sacred literature and biblical record, 4 th series, vol. 6 & 7. Jan. & Apr. 65. London. 108 Fragments du livre gnostique intitule Apocalypse d'Adam, ou Penitence, ou Testament d'Adam , publics d'apres deux versions syriaques, par M. Ernest Benan. Journal Asiatique. Ser. 5. Tom. 2. 417/71. Nov. Dec 1853. Paris. *) Omisi alphabeta cum appendieibus, orationes dominicas, similia. 28 Litteratura. *108 Apocalypsis Pauli germanice a P. Zingerle in: Heidenheim, Vierteljahrsschrift 4, 139; cf. Perkins, Journ. Amer. Or. Soc. 8, 182 = J. f. Sacr. Litt. Jan. 65, 372. II Versio Thomae Heradeensis, Philoxeniana. 109 Syriace fragmenta Esaiae versionis ex graeco probabiliter Phi- loxenianae et recensionis Jacob! Edesseni etc. Monumenta sacra et profana T. V. fasc. 1, 1 40 2. Mediol. 73. 4. Lire 18. 110 Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio syriaca Philoxeniana ex codd. mss. Ridleianis in bibl. coll. Nov. Oxon. repositis nunc primum edita: cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi White. Oxon. 778. 4. 2 voll. T. 33. 652 pp. cf. Doederlein, Theol. Bibl. 1, 163, Michaelis, Orient. Bibl. 16, 167. M. 15 (110 et 113 M. 28). 111 [Actorum Apostolorum & epistolarum versio Philoxeniana ex domestica typographia Jos. White Oxoniensis. sine titulo: extant non nisi 6 exemplaria, impressa post ann. 790 et ante 798.] 190 pp. 40. 112 Prolegomena in versionem syriacam Philoxenianam novi testa- menti edidit J. White. Oxon. 798. [Ace.] versionis Philoxenianae specimen cum adnot. 113 Actuum Apostolcrum et Epistolarum tarn catholicarum quam paulinarum, versio syriaca Philoxeniana ex codice ms. Kidleiano nunc primum edita: cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi White, Oxonii 4. M. 12. 60. torn. 1. actus apost. et epist. cathol. complectens. 799. 275. 52 pp. cf. de t. 1. GGA. 1802. 35/6. torn. 2. epistolas paulinas compl. 803. 19. 399pp. 114 Das heilige Evangelium des Johannes, syrisch in harklensischer iibersetzung mit vocalen und den punkten kuschoi und rucoch nach einer vaticanischen handschrift nebst kritischen anmerkungen von Geo. Heinr. Bernstein. Leipzig 53. (M. 8.) 5. fr. 6. cf. ZDMG. 10, 628. 114* 1 Syriac Manuscript | Gospels of a Pre-Harklensian Version Acts and Epistles of the Peshitto Version || Written (probably) between 700 and 900 AD. By the Monk John Presented to the Syrian Protestant .College by 'Abd ul-Messiah of Mardin. [Letterpress 4 ff. 3 photogr. ed. /. H. Hall, Philadelphia.] Litteratura. III versio hexaplaris Pauli Tellensis (a. 616/7). 115 Josua imperatoris historia illustrata atque explicata ab Andrea Masio. Antverpiae, Plantin. 574 fol. 154. 350 (29). [c. nov. tit.(?) Amst. 1609.] 116 Specimen ineditae et hexaplaris bibliorum versionis syro-esthran- ghelae cum Simplici atque utriusque fontibus graeco et hebraeo collatae, cum duplici lat. vers. ac notis. edidit ac diatribam de rarissimo codice Ambrosiano unde illud haustum est, praemisit Johannes Bern, de Rossi. Parmae 778. 4 P . (ps. 1.) 16 pp. M. 1.50. 1.75. de cod. Ambr. cf. epistolam J. J. Bjornstahl (Mediol. 2 Mart. 1773) Samlaren 8. 126 p. 234, aliam eiusdem ad White cum epistola Brancae ad Bruns Rep. 3. (78), von einem syrisch- hexaplarischen Manuscripte in der Ambrosianischen Bibliothek zu Mayland. 166/187; ibid, de Rossi 187/212 von der syrisch- hexaplarischen Handschrift zu Mayland, nebst einem Vorbericht von Joh. Gottfr. Eichhorn. 117 repetivit Eichhorn, Repertorium 3 (78) 209. 118 Libri IV regum syro-hexaplaris specimen, e manuscripto parisiensi syriace edidit J. G. Hasse. Jenae 782. M. 1.20. 1.75. 119 Codex syriaco-hexaplaris ambrosianus-mediolanensis editus et latine versus a Matth. Norberg. Londini Goth. 787. 4. [22] 501 pp. M. 4. 5. 6. 10. 120 Daniel secundum editionem LXX. interpretum ex tetraplis desump- tam. ex codice syro-esthrangelo bibliothecae ambrosiauae syriace edidit, latine vertit, praefatione notisque criticis illustravit Caie- tanus Bugatus. Mediolani 788. 4. [10] 32. 168. M. 3. 4. fr. 7. 121 [Psalmi sec. ed. LXX interpretum, quos ex cod. syr. estrangh. bibl. Ambrosianae syriace imprimendos curavit C. Bugatus sine titulo 1. & a. Mediolani 820]. 40. [aliis 1798.] Petrus Ciffhera, de vita et scriptis Gaietani Bugati . . . com- mentarius additus praefationis loco ejusdem versioni psalmorum nunc primum in lucem prodeunti. ib. eod. M. 7. 9. fr. 10. 122 Codex syriaco-hexaplaris. liber quartus regum e codice parisiensi, Jesaias, duodecim prophetae minores, proverbia, Jobus, canticum, threni, ecclesiastes e codice mediolanensi edidit et commentariis illustravit, Henrietta Middeldorpf. Berolini 35. 4. Pars 1 textus syriacus. pp. 12. 400. pars 2 commentarii. pp. 401/658. (M. 24.) 5. 6. 7. 50. 8. 123 Libri Judicum et Ruth secundum versionem syriaco-hexaplarem ex codice musei britannici nunc primum editi graece translati notisque illustrati . . . ed. Thomas Skat Rordam. Havniae 59/61. 40. 893(2). M. 1. 25. 6. 30 Litteratura. 124 Monumenta sacra et profana ex codicibus praesertim bibliothecae ambrosianae. Mediolani. 4. a. Tom. 1, fasc. 1 .... Baruch, Threni et Epistola Jeremiae ver- sionis syriacae Pauli Telensis cum notis et initio prolegomenon in integram eiusdem versionis editionem. edidit S. O. Antonio Maria Ceriani. 61. 8. 1 72. b. T. 2, fasc. 1 4. Pentateuchi syro-hexaplaris quae supersunt cum notis. accedunt nonnulla alia fragmenta syriaca. edidit S. O. A. M. Ceriani. 63. 24. 344 pp. L. 46. c. T. 7. Codex Syro-hexaplaris ambrosianus photolithographice editus curante et adnotante Sac. Obi. Ant. Maria Ceriani. Me- diolani 74. fol. 140. 2. 193 ff. M. 105. 115. 160. 125 Mittheilungen aus der syrischen hexapla-handschrift der psalmen im brit. museum, [add. 14,434 ps. 56 (h. 57)] von Dr. A[. Heidenheini. Deutsche vierteljahrsschrift fiir englisch theologische forschung und kritik. Gotha. 1. 275/8. 126 Veteris testamenti ab Origene recensiti fragmenta apud Syros servata quinque. praemittitur Epiphanii de mensuris et ponderi- bus liber nunc primum integer et ipse syriacus. Paulus de La- garde edidit. Gottingae 80. 4. 356. [Ex. Nu. Jos. Kegn. 3. 4.] M. 20. IV versio palaestinensis. 127 Evangeliarium hierosolymitanum ex codice vaticauo palaestino deprompsit, edidit, latine vertit, prolegomenis ac glossario ador- navit comes Franciscus Miniscalchi Erizzo. Veronae. 4. torn. 1 61. 3. 580 (1) tabb. 2. t. 2 64. 51. 89. 1. M. 60. 64. 80. cf. Zahn, Forschungen 1, 329/50. 128 Fragmenta syro-palaestina [bibliorum tarn veteris quam novi testamenti etc.] vide Land, Anecdota T. 4. Lugd. Bat. 75. 4". pp. 177/233. 103/224. 128 b J. P. N. Land, de zoogenaamde hierosolymitaansche of christe- lijk-palestynsche Bijbelvertaling. 31. . 80. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Acad. d. Wetensch. Afd. Letterk. Tweede Reeks, Deel 5, bl 196/208. 128 Th, Noldeke, Ueber den christlich-palastinischen Dialect. ZDMG. 22. 443/527. [Haeredes comitis Fr. M. Erizzo typos Evangeliarii Acade- miae dei Lincei dono dederunt (Atti 1884/5 Bendiconti, 1. 6. 15 Febr. 85. p. 169), Paulo de Lagarde permissionem reimpressionis.] Litteratura. 3 1 III. LIBBJ ECCLESIASTICI (LITURGICI, RITUALES)*) Missale ohaldaicum ex decreto s. congreg. de propaganda fide editum. Born/ 767. fol. 616 pp. M. 30. 90. 100. fr. 250. Ordo chaldaicus missae beatorum apostolorum iuKta ritum ecclesiae malabaricae. Rom. 774. ace. Ordo chaldaicus rituum et lectionum iuxta morem ecclesiae ma- labaricae. Rom. 775. Rom 844. Missale syriacum iuxta ritum ecclesiae antioch. Syrorum. fol. Rom 843. M. 16. 25. 30. Missale clialdaico-malabaricum. Romae 1857. 4. M. 30. Missale chaldaicum iuxta ritum eccl. nationis Maronitarum. Rom 1592/94 (3 ff.) 288 pp. fol. M. 300. alia editio + 4ff. praef. arabice et latine. R. 1604. M. 300. Missale syriacum iuxta ritum eccl. antiochenae nationis Maronitarum. Rom 716. fol. M. 45. . Kozchayae 816. idem. ibid. 838. ibid. 855. Liber ministri missae iuxta ritum ecclesiae nationis Maronitarum. Rom 596. 4". 2. 10. Diaconale syriacum iuxta ritum ecclesiae antiochenae nationis Maro- nitarum. Rom 736. idem. Romae 715. editio 7. Kozchayae 854. The liturgy of S. Celestine ed. W. "Wright in: Journal of sacred literature. April 867. p. 332. London. M. 1. 25. Codex liturgicus ecclesiae universae in XV libros distributus . . . Joseph Aloysius Assemanus . . . castigavit, recensuit. Romae 4. 749/66. Syriaca 1, p. 174/276. 2, 211/350. 3 (750) 136/237. 4, 2 = t. 5 (752) 131/226. 6, 4 = t. 7 (754) 91/108. 8, 2. (756) 1/228. S, 3 = t. 9 (758) 1/119. 8, 6 = t. 12 (766) 1/224. vol. 112. M. 460. D. Severi alexandrini quondam patriarchae de ritibus baptismi et *) sec. Bickell, conspectus sect. 710. 32 Litterattira. sacrae synaxis apud Syros christianos receptis liber, nunc primum in lucem editus : Giiidone Fabricio Boderiano exscriptore et inter- prets. Antverpiae, Plantin. 572. 4. M. 10. 2. 2. Ordo chaldaicus ministerii sacramentorum ss. , quae perficiuntur a sacerdotibus iuxta morem ecclesiae malabaricae [versio syriaca ritualis romani]. Rom 845. Bltus administrandi nonnulla sacramenta ad usum ecclesiae antioche- nae Maronitarum. Rom 840. Sacerdotale ecclesiae antiochenae nationis Maronitarum. Rom 752. M. 8. Rituale aliaeque piae precationes ad usum ecclesiae Maronitarum. Rom 839. Ordo baptismi adultorum [catechumenorum] iuxta ritum ecclesiae malabaricae Chaldaeorum. Rom 859. [versio ordinis baptismi romani a Josepho Guriel edita.] Officium defunctorum ad usum Maronitarum Gregorii XIII. impensa chaldaicis characteribus impressum. Rom 585. 91 ff. 4 [ex. defect. M. 45] M. 100. Psalterium cbaldaicum in usum nationis chald. editum. [= seq. bre- viarium], Rom 842. Breviarium chaldaicum in usum nationis chald. a Josepho Guriel secundo editum. Rom 865. 16. t?o >c,_o ).*. (opera Ebedjesu Chayat.) Mossul 866. Breviarium feriale syriacum ss. Ephraemi et Jacobi Syronim iuxta ritum eiusdem nationis, quod incipit a feria II usque ad sabbatum inclusive, additis variis hymnis ac benedictionibus . ab Athan. Saphar episcopo Mardinen. Rom 696. Breviarium feriale syriacum ss. Ephrem et Jacob Syrorum iuxta ritum eiusdem nationis a feria II usque ad sabbathum iuxta exemplum editum anno 1696 . . . nunc accedit officium domini- cale. Rom 787. 4. Officium feriale iuxta ritum ecclesiae Syrorum. Rom 851. Liturgiae syriacae septimanae passionis dom. n. Jesu Christi excerptum e cod. ms. bibl. Lipsiensis ed. ac notis illustr. J. Ch. Clodiiis. Lips. 720. 42 pp. 4. M. 1. 20. 1. 50. 2. Officia sanctorum iuxta ritum ecclesiae Maronitarum. pars hiemalis [cura Fausti Nairon]. Rom 656. fol. [inde a dominica dedi- cationis ecclesiae usque ad purificationem B. M. V.] Vol. II. Breviarii chaldaici aestiva pars, [incip. a festo s. Nuhrae martyris]. Rom 666. Officium simplex septem dierum hebdomadae ad usum ecclesiae Maronitarum. Rom 624. Litfceratura. 33 altera editio Innocentii X. ibid. 717. tertia editio e revisione Stephani Evodii patriarchae. ib. 731. Officium feriale iuxta ritum ecclesiae Syrorum Maronitarum , Inno- centii X Pont. Max. iussu editum, denuo typis excusum regnante Pio VIII. P. 0. M. ed. 3. Eom 830. [ed 4 a ] Bom 835. M. 6. Breviarium syriacum, officium feriale iuxta ritum ecclesiae Syrorum Maronitarum, Innocentii X. P. M. iussu editum, denuo typis excusum, ed. 5. Bom 863. [ace. officium defunctorum.] UJc-j^? U,^? ] f * ^| |^VI*MA. Kozchayae 855. Carmina ecclesiae syriacae curavit Ludovicus Spieth in : H. A. Daniel, thesaurus hymnologicus. torn. 3. Bin beitrag zur kunde der syrischen hymnologie. von prof. dr. Pius Zingerle in: Heidenheim, deutsche vierteljahrsschrift fur englisch- theologische forschung und kritik. Gotha 2, 336/45. Offices en 1'honneur des Saints-Pierre et Paul. 1 pffice Nestorien 67 pp. [autogr.] in: Saint Pierre et saint Paul dans 1'eglise nestorienne par M. I' abbe Martin . . . extrait de la revue des sciences ecclesiastiques. Amiens 75. Officium feriale (Schehime). Prima impressio in monasterio Sajidet Tarnish in Kesrawan (Libanon) facta 1872. 591 pp. M. 12. denuo reimpressum Beryti ex typographia P. P. Soc. Jesu. 1876. 12 [in duabis certe formis]. Service de la messe privee selon le rite syrien -AS\kXfc-)l Mossul, Dominic. 1868. 239. 12 (approbatio, praefatio, titulu's, rubricae arabice, verba administrantis syriace). ,,Die Wasserweihe nach dem Bitus der Syrier." In n Liturgie zum Tauf-Fest der aethiopischen Kirche" etc., von Carl von Arnhard, Miinchen, 1886. Textus Syriacus editus a Bichard J. H. Gottheil. 4. Aus einer handschriftlichen Taufliturgie in: Vater (1802) 33/9. e codice Orphanotrophei Halensis, de quo vide: La Croze, Histoire du Christianisme des Indes 3, 230; J. D. Michaelis, Einleitung N. T. Th. 1. 11; Marsch, Anmerkungen und Zu- satze (iibersetzt von E. F. K. Bosenmiiller 1, 162). versio litteralis huius fragmenti in: Wagnitz, Joumal fur Litm-gie 2, 1. Zingerle, P., Das syrische Festbrevier oder Festkranze aus Libanon's Garten. Aus dem Syrischen. 2 Theile. Villingen 1846. 8. Proben syrischer Hymnologie, aus dem Urtext iibersetzt. ThQS. 1873. 462/509. Nestle. P 34 Litteratura. Analecta Syriaca. Hyninen, Proclamationen und Martyrergesange des Nestorianischen Breviers. Aus dem Syrischen iibersetzt. Mit Einleitung und Erlauterungen von D. J. M. Schonfelder. ThQS. 48 (1866), 179/200. Duval, B., Lettre sur le breviaire nestorien. Journ. asiat. 1884. janv. 106/8. cf. Swainson, C. A., The greec liturgies. Cambridge 1884. 4 C '. (15 sh.) Morinus, de sacris Ecclesiae ordinationibus. Paris 1653. fol. IV. LITTERATDRA SYRORUM GENERALIS. Hall, I. H., Syriac version of Epistle of King Abgar to Jesu*. (Hebr. 1885. Apr. p. 232/5.) Caspar!, C. P., Jesu apokryfiske Brev til den edessenske Konge Abgarus i udvidet middelalderlig Skikkelse bestemt til at tjene som Amulet. Theol. Tidsskrift . . . i Norge 3 Eaekke 1, 3 (1886) 427/8. Lipsiiis, B,. A., Die Edessenische Abgarsage kritisch untersucht. Braunschweig 1880. 92 pp. Matthes, K. C. A., Die Edessenische Abgarsage auf ihre Fort- bildung untersucht. Leipzig 1882. 77 S. Abraham Bethrabbanensis cf. Breviarium Mossulense p. 57. Abraham Cascarensis regulae monachorum Ebedjesu, Nomocanon tract. 7. Abulfaragius vide Gregorius. Acta sanctorum martyrum orientalium et occidentalium ia duas partes distributa adcedunt acta s. Simeonis stylitae omnia nunc primum . . . e bibliotheca apostolica vaticana prodeunt Stephanies Evodius Assemanus archiepiscopus apameensis chaldaicum textum recensuit . . . latine vertit admonitionibus, perpetuisque adnotationibus illu- stravit. Eomae 748. fol. 2 voll. M. 120. )_-J-^. jjjac w^i-ioj |^X4/Z Acta Sancti Maris, Assyriae, Babyloniae ac Persidis Seculo I Apostoli, Syriace sive Aramaice. Juxta Manuscriptum Alqoschianum adjectis aliorum Codicum lectionibus variantibus, Versione Latina et Annotationibus illu- strata. Edidit nunc primum J.-B. Abbeloos, S. T. D., Domus Pontificalis Praesul, Archiepiscopi Mechlinensis Vicarius generaHs. Bruxelles, Societe Beige de Libraire, 12 Eue des Paroissiens, 12. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1885. 8. cf. Th. Noldeke, Ostr. Monatsschr. f. d. Or. 11, 10. Hoffmann, Georg. Ausziige aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer, Litteratura. 35 iibersetzt und durch Untersuchungen zur historischen Topographic erlautert. Leipzig, 1880. Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 7, 3. 325 pp. M. 10. 14. Echte Akten heil, Martyrer des Morgenlandes. Aus dem Syrischen iibersetzt von P. Pius Zingerle. 2 Theile. 8. Insbr. 1836. 24 Bog. fl. 1.6 o. W. Acta Sti Mar Abdu'l Masich. Aramaice et lat., ed. nunc prim, ex cod. Londin. et illustr. J. Corluy. Bruxell. 1886 (S. A.) M. 2. Acta 8. Pelagiae syriace edidit Joannes Gildemeister. Bonn, Marcus 79. 40. 15, 12 pp. ThLZ. 79, 14, LCB1. 79, 46. M. 2. 3. Acta 8. Silvestri: Anecd. 3, 46/76. Acta synodi Carthaginiensis anni 256: LR.*) 62/88. The doctrine of Addai, the apostle, now first edited in a complete form in the original syriac, with an english translation and notes. by George Phillips, DD. London, Triibner 76. 15. 52. 53 pp. cf. Zahn, Forschungen 1, 350/82. sh. 7. 6. M. 5. Alexandri magni ad Aristotelem litterae fictitiae: Roediger 2 112/20. ad Pseudo-Callisthenem conf. Theod. D. Woolsey JAm. Or. Soc. 1854, 357/428 B. H. C[owper] the Acts of Addi. Journ. of. S. Lit. & Bibl. Rec. July 1858 ; Eimheld, Beitrage zur Geschichte und Kritik der Alexandersage. Hersfeld, Progr. 1873. 4. Dr. H. Christensen, Beitrage zur Alexandersage; Hamburg, Wilh. Gymn. Ib. 1883. 4. Notice of a Life of Alexander the Great translated from the Syriac by Rev. Dr. Justin Perkins, with Extract from the same, by Theodore D. "Woolsey. cf. Zingerle ZDMG. 8 835/7. 9. 780/4. Bin altes syrisches Alexanderlied. tibersetzt von P. Zingerle. Briinn 1882. (S.-A.) M. 1. 20. Sancti Alexandri Alexandrini quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 196/200; lat. 430/4. Alexandri episcopi Alexandriae sermo de anima et corpore deque passione domini in: Novae patrum bibliothecae tomus secundus [ed. A. Mai]. Romae 44. 4. 531/9. 539/40. Ambrosius, hypomnemata [== Pseudo-Justinus oratio ad Graecos]. Curet. Spic. 38/42. Analecta Nicaena. Fragments relating to the council of Nice, the syriac text from an ancient ms. in the british museum, with a translation, notes etc. by B. Harris Cowper. Lond. 57. 4. M. 6. Analecta sacra Spicilegio Solesnaensi parata edidit Joannes Baptista Card. Pitra Tom. 4 Patres Antenicaeni \orientales addidit titulus exterior] Parish's ex publico Galliarum typographeo 1883 [tit. *) LR. = Lagarde, reliquiae juris ecclesiastic! syriace. 3H Litteratura. extr. A. Boger et F. Chernoviz, bibliopolis] 34. 518 [non 158] pp. ed. P. Martin, p. 1 257 text., 261 ff. versiones, citatur: Pitra 4. Syriac Miscellanies or Extracts relating to the first and second general Councils, and various other Quotations, Theological, Historical and Classical. Translated into English from MS 8. in the British Museum and imperial Library of Paris. "With Notes. By jB. H. Gowper. Will. & Norg. London 861. 112 pp. cf. Heidenheim: Vierteljahrsschrift 1. 465/9. M. 3. P. Lagardii Analecta Syriaca. [Lips.] Lond. 58. exemplaria facta sunt 115. M. 21. 20. 12. 16. Anonymi hymnus ad tonum hymnorum Ephraemi de paradiso in: S. Ephr. Syri . . . opera selecta. ed. J. J. Overbeck. Ox. 1865. 351/55. Antonius rhetor [7s.], carminis contra calumniatores scripti exordium. Roed. 2 110/1. [cf. de Lagarde, Mitth. 1, 56 sq.] The homilies of Aphraates, the persian sage, edited from syriac ma- nuscripts of the fifth and sixth centuries in the british museum, with an english translation by W. Wright. Lond. 69. 4. Vol. 1 the syriac text. (M. 41.) 25. 35. 36. cf. Th. Noldeke GGA. 1869. 39. 1521/32; Bickell, in Bibliothek der Kirchenvater Kempten 1874. 102/3, Schonfelder ThQS. 187fc. 195/256, C. Fr. Sasse [f 3. Juli 1880] Prolegomena in Aphraatis sapientis Persae sermones homileticos. Lips. 1878. 40(1) pp. M. .80. 1.20; Forget, Jac., de vita et scriptis Apliraatis Sa- pientis Persae, Lovanii 1882. 377 S. M. 5. Byssel, St. & Kr. 1883. 2. 306/36. De hermeneuticis apud Syros Aristoteleis Jo. Georgius Ern. Hoff- mann scripsit adiectis textibus et glossario. Lips. 69. M. 3. 7. 13. editio secunda immutata. Leipz. 73. 7. 218 pp. M. 4. [Pseudo-]Aristoteles itspt KOJ/WJ irpoa A\etzv$poy: LA.*) 134/58. The festal letters of Athanasius, discovered in an ancient syriac ver- sion and edited by William Cureton. Lond. 48. sh. 18. (In- troductio sep. M. 2.) M. 6. 5. 3. 50. 3. 2. 50. etiam apud Mai, NPB. 6, 1/160. Das Athanasius dem grossen zugeschriebene glaubensbekenntniss icspi Tti<3 aapKicoeuff TOV eov Xoyou in syrischer iibersetzung aus einer nitrischen handschrift des britisch museum: analecta Nic. p. 37. Caspari, Quellen zur altesten Geschichte des taufsymbols. 1. 66. 143/60. Babai (senior) ex Beth-Ainatha carmina cf. Breviarium Mossul. p. 39. 42. 47; de eo Thomas Margensis apud BO. 3, 1, 88/92. Babai bar Nesibinaye duo carmina: Brev. Moss. p. 41. 42. *) LA. = Lagardii Analecta. Litteratura. 37 Baethgen s. Fragmente, Philoxenus, Sindban. Balaeus chorepiscopus (c. 430), carmina: Ephraemi, Balaei aliorum- que opera selecta ed. Overbeck. Oxf. 65 p. 249/336 et: Wenig, Schola syriaca (66), 160/2. Thalhofer, Bibliothek 41, 67 et 44. Bardesanes (11. Juli 154/222) [discipulus ejus Philippics] de fato l^oJZl? LaoLoJj \sL^> Spic. 121. cf. Wright, Apocryphal Acts p. 274 Lipsius, die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten 1, 292; Noldeke, qui acta Thomae e lingua Syriaca in Graecam, non e Graeca in Syriacam translata esse censet. Hahn, Aug., Bardesanes gnosticus Syrorum primus hymnologus. Lips. 1819. (M. 1. 20.) . 75. cf. Clark's Ante Nicene Christian Library vol. 22, 25, Merx. Bardesanes (1863) 25. Barhebraeus vide Gregorius. Barsaumas Nisibenus cf. Brev. Moss. p. 58. Barsuma, frater Gregorii Barhebraei vid. Greg. B. H. [Bar ZubiJ traite sur I' accentuation chez les Syriens orientaux pai M. I' abbe Martin. Paris 77. 630. 21 autogr. pp. Fr. 3. 3.50. [Actes de la societe philologique, tome 7, n 1.] Anaphora divi Basilii episcopi Caesareae Cappadociae ex vetustissimo codice Syrica lingua, & charactere seripto traducta per Andream Masium. ' cf. Mosis Bar Cephae de Paradise p. 235/54. ibid.: 254/6 Precatio Divi Basilii, qua solet operatus sacris uti apud Deum, tralata ex Syrico per eundem Andream Masium Bruxellanum. [iam ante Masium tralatio a Mose Mardinensi facta impressa est, ubi? quando?] The tradition of the syriac church of Antioch, concerning the pri- macy and the prerogatives of S. Peter and of his successors the roman pontiffs, by the most rev. Cyril Benham Benni, syriac archbishop of Mossul (Niniveh). translated, under the direction of the author, by the rev. Joseph Gagliardi. London, Burns 71. M. 7. Bezold, die Schatzhohle. 1883. Die Schatzhohle nach dem syrischen Texte der Handschriften zu Berlin, London und B,om nebst einer arabischen Version nach den Handschriften zu Bom, Paris und Oxford, hrsg. von Carl Bezold. Leipzig 1888. 20. 273. ThN. LCB1. 88, 8. M. 20. Etiam sub titulo: Die Schatzhohle syrisch und deutsch. 2. TeiL Pars I (versio germanica) prodiit 1883. Liber thesauri de arte poetica Syronim nee non de eorum poetarurn 38 Litteratura. vitis et carminibus per P. D. Gabrielem Cardahi Maronitam e Libano. Eom, Prop. 75. 201 (3) pp. M. 13. t$ Jl )^s^ (^5* (.J-*** Calendarium Syriacum Auctore Cazuinio. Arabice Latineque edidit et notis instruxit Gulielmus Volck. Lip- siae 1859. 8. Calendarium syrum in: Genebrardus, Psalmi Davidis. ed. V. Antv. 1592. On a Syriac Table for finding Easter in years of the Seleucid Era by Prof. Hall. Proc. A. Or. Soc. for. Oct. 1885 (extr.).p. 4/10. I. H. Hall, On a Modern Nestorian MS. Ecclesiastical Calendar. Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. Oct. 1886. Journ. 13, 140/4. Carolus Magnus die ante mortem suum evangelia quatuor cum Graecis et Syris optime correxisse dicitur a Thegano in vita Ludovici. Chronicon Edessenum: BO. 1, 388/417, Michaelis, Chrest. 46 74. translat. angl. in: Journ. of Sacr. Lit. 1864. 5 (n. 3.) 28. dementis Alexandrini quae syriace et armenice supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 35; lat. 305. dementis romani recognitiones syriace. Paulus Antonius de Lagarde edidit. Lips, [et] Lond. 61. (M. 20.) 7.50. 8. 10. 11. 12. 14. Epistola prior [et posterior] Beati dementis discipuli Petri Apostoli [de Virginibus], in: N. T. Grace. J. J. Wetstenii. Tom. 1 (1751) Proleg., sy- riace et latine, p. 1 14. 14 26. Colophon: n Ex Typographia Eliae Luzac. 1752." Funk, die syrische Uebersetzung der Clemensbriefe. ThQS. 59, 3. Hilgenfeld, A., die Briefe des romischen Clemens und ihre sy- rische Uebersetzung. Zfw. Th. 20, 4. Sancti patris nostri dementis romani epistolae binae de virginitate syriace . . . edidit Joannes Theodorus Beelen. Accedunt fragmenta nonnulla exegetici argument! . . . nunc primum edita. Lovanii 56. M. 5. 6. 7. 50. 8. 9. 10. 12. Sancti dementis Romani quae syriace et armenice supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 1. 2, lat. 276. Syrische Bijdragen tot de Patristik (door J. P. N. Land) I. Cle- mens Bomanus de virginitate. n. Bardesanes de fato. (Over- druk uit de Godgeleerde Bijdragen voor 1856,7). 8. Codicum syriacorum specimina, quae ad illustrandam dogmatis de coena sacra nee non scripturae syriacae historian! facerent, e museo britannico elegit, explicuit, tabulisque sex lapidi incidi curavit Franciscus Dietrich. Marburgi 55. 4. [progr. acad.] M. . 80. 1. 50. Litteratura. 39 Commentarius anonymus in Canticum canticorum (ex codice anni 861): Mo*) 2, 9/31. M. 4. Ancyrae concilii canones. Pitra 4, 2-15/21; lat. 444/9. Neocesareae concilii canones. Pitra 4, 221/3; lat. 449/51. Concilii Nicaeni quae syriace supersunt. Pitra 4, 224/37; lat. 451/62. Concilium Seleuciae et Ctesiphonti habitum anno 410. textum syria- cum edidit, latine vertit notisque instruxit. T. J.Lamy. Lovan. 68. 4. Constitutiones apostolicae vide LB. 232. 44 60. Cosmas presbyter, [c. 474] epistola ad Symeonem [stylitam] : BO. 1, 237/9. Act. S. Mart. 2, 394. Cureton vide Ignatius, Spicilegium. Cyprianus ad Quintum et chorepiscopum epistolae; LB. 88/93. ad ^fo^^3 93 seqq. Sancti Cypriani quae supersunt syriace. Pitra 4, 72/9; lat. 338/44. 8, Cyrilli Alexandrini archiepiscopi commentarii in Lucae evangelium quae supersunt syriace e mstis apud museum britannicum edidit Bob. Payne Smith. Oxon. 58. 4. M. 16. 18. 22. Fragments of the homilies of Cyril of Alexandria on the gospel of S. Luke, edited from a nitrian ms. by W. Wright. Lond. [74J. 4. "only one hundred copies printed for private circulation." M. 3. 2. 50. A Commentary upon the Gospel according to Luke, by S. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria. Now first translated into English from an ancient Syriac Version. By B. Payne Smith, M. A. Oxford 1859. 2 partes. 8. Cyrilli Alexandrini librorum contra Julianum fragmenta Syriaca ed. E. Nestle in: Juliani imperatoris librorum contra Christianos quae supersunt Coll. ... C. J. Neumann Lips. 1880 p. 42 63. Die Gedichte des Cyrillonas (a. 396) nebst einigen anderen syri- schen ineditis. mitgetheilt von Dr. G. Bickell: ZDMG. 27(73) 566/625. Bickell, G., Berichtigungen zu CyriUonas. ZDMG. 35 (1881) 531 f., cf. Thalhofer, Bibliothek 41, 9/63. Overbeck 379/81 ubi Isaco tribuuntur, quae sec. Bickell p. 57 Cyrillonae runt. Dadjesu regulae, vid. Ebedjesu, Nomocanon tract. 7. Damasus episc. Bomae (f 384) fragmenta duo: Mo 2, 5/7. Daniel, H. A., Thesaurus hymnologicus. vol. 3. Jos. David [chorepiscopus Mossulensis], Antiqua Ecclesiae Syro-Ohal- daicae traditio de principatu Petri. Bom 1870. E Danielis Salachensis explicatione verborum selectorum Davidis Prophetae. Nestle, Gramm. Syr. 86/90. Debs, Jos., sacerdos maronita, confutationes contra assertiones sac. *) Mo = Monumenta syriaca. 40 Litteratura. Jos. David, syr. ed., lat. vertit H. N. Dahdah. Beryti. 1871. 352 pp. M. 3. Didascalia apostolorum syriace [ed. P. de Lagarde]. Lips. 54. L'ouvrage n'a fete tire qu'a cent exemplaires. (M. 12.) 6. 12. Diodes [Peparethius, historiae romanae fragmentum] jZols^Laiic )Vi*nM wion .\n .?;: LA. 201/5. Diodonts Tarsensis (f c. 394), excerpta: LA. 91/100. [Anaphora Diodori Tarsensis] text. syr. ed. Bickell ZDMG. 27 (1873) 608/13 transt. Consp. p. 71 f.; cf. ZDMG. 35, 1881, 532 et apud C. S, Hammond, the ancient liturgy of Antioch and other litur- gical fragments. Oxf. 1879. Sancti Dionysii episcopi Alexandrini quae syriace supersunt frag- menta. Pitra 4, 169/75; lat. 413/17. Epistola beati Dionysii ad Timotheum de morte apostolorum Petri et Pauli, syriace. Pitra 4, 241/9; lat. 261/71. Dionysius Barsalibi [f 1171 aliis ,,1172", ,,non ante 1207"], excerpta: BO 2, 157 sqq. comnientarii, ordo de poenitentibus, tractatus de unione corporis Christi etc. Dionysii Tellmalihrensis [f 22. Aug. 845] chronici liber primus, fc cod. syr. vatic, ed. illustr. 0. F. Tullberg, Ups. 50. 4. M. 13. 50. 15. excerpta BO. 1, 359/86 = Michaelis 16/46 BO. 2, 72/7. Berattelse om Alexander den Store, ofversattning fran syriskan meed anmarkningar. [ex Dionysii Tellm. chronico]. icademisk afhand- ling . . . af Carl Axel Hedenskog. Lund. 68. cf. Bezold, Dormienti, Eusebius. cf. Schonfelder, ThQS. 1865, 699/704. Dionysii Thracis Ars grammatica . . . Edidit Gustavus Uhlig. Prae- missa sunt praeter Prolegomena: Adalberti Merxii de versione Armeniaca disputatio atque Syri interprets lectione. Leipzig 1883( 84). Teubner 100. 224. p. 57/73. Dioscorides, cf. Low, Aram. Pflanzennamen p. 13. Doctrina Addaei (cf. Addai) LR. 32/44. Doctrina Apostolorum = Doc. 24/35. Doctrina Petri: LE. 99/116. Anci%nt syriac Documents relative to the earliest establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the neighbouring countries, from the year after Our Lord's ascension to the beginning of the fourth century; discovered, edited, translated and annotated by the late W. Cwreton. with a preface by W. Wright. London 64. 4. 14, 196. 112 pp. M. 24. 28. 30. 31.50. Ebediesu metropolita Sobae et Armeniae (f 1318) catalogus libroram cf. p. 1 et BO. 3, 1. 3/362. collectio canonum ex chaldaicis bibliothecae vaticanae codicibus Litteratura. 41 sumpta et in latinam linguam translata ab Aloysio Assemano. praecedit Epitome canonum apostolicorum auctore eodem Ebed- iesu : A. M[ai], scriptonun veterum nova collectio. Bomae. 4. torn 10, 41. p. 1/22. 23/168. syr. 169/90. 191/331. cf. de Lagarde, Praetermissa 90/3. Ebediesu liber Margaritae de veritate christianae religionis. ibid. (2) 317/41. lat. 342/66. -^ A translation of The Jewel, Written by Mar Abd Yeshua, Nesto- rian Metropolitan of Nisibis and Armenia, A. D. 1298. Appendix B. in: Badger, G. P., The Nestorians & their Bituals. London 1852. 2, p. 380/422. Paradisus Eden cf. P. Zingerle in: ZDMG. 29 (75) 496/555. Ebedjesu. Ein Bild aus der Martyrer-Zeit der persischen Kirche des 4. Jahrhunderts. Von M. v. Z. Mit Einleitung von W. K. Beischl. Begensburg 1871. M. 1. 60. Elias (Darensis?) vid. Johannes Tellensis (Kleyn). Elias, III, patriarcha 1176 90. Preces inter Psalmodiam 291/4. Elias bar Schinaya, episcopus nisibenus [975 f 7. Mai 1049]. annales in: Baethgen, Fragmente syrischer und arabischer Histo- riker. Leipzig 1883. grammatical j__7c_i2 jlVv^^ , JoJl A treatise on syriac grammar by Mar(i) Elia of S6b h a edited and translated from the manu- scripts in the Berlin Boyal Library by Richard J. H. Gottheil. A dissertation . . . Leipzig 1886. 32. 20. 15 pp. [Introductio et capp. 14.] M. 1. 75. hymni: in Cardahi 83 ; 4. decisiones ecclesiasticae, vide Ebediesu, collectio, imprimis sect. 3. des Metropoliten E. v. N. Buch vom Beweis - der Wahrheit des Glaubens [aus dem Arab.] iibersetzt und eingeleitet von L. Horst. Colmar 1886. 28. 127 pp. interpres vide I, 37 et 170 excerpta: Aphraates 38/9. epistolae: BO. 3, 1. 272/4. Sauvaire, H., A treatise on weights and measures by Eliya, Arch- bishop of Nisibin. Journ. Boy. As. Soc. Lond. N. S. 12, 1. Suppl. to vol. 9 pp. 291/313 Written in French. Elias Tirhanensis, grammatica cf. 1, 171. Elias patriarcha (1615) epistola ad Fratres Minores in Alepo, BO. 3, 1. 600/1, ai Paulum 5. ib. 602. Elxai cf. Hitzig ZDMG. 12, 318; M. A. Levy ib. 712 sec. Ign. Stern, FP33n "p (Szegedin 1858); de Lagarde, Mitteilungen 2, 363. Ephraem Syrus (f 373). opera omnia quae exstant graece syriace latine in sex tomos 42 Litteratura. distributa . . . nunc primum . . . e bibliotheca vaticana prodeunt syriacum textum recensuit Petrus Benedictus S. J. Komae. fol. Tom. 1 syriace et latine 737. 2 740. 3 743 syr. text. rec. post obitum P. Benedict! Maronitae S. J. Stephanus Evodius Asse- manus. (T. 13 graece et latine 732/46.) M. 150. 160. 180. 240. (voll. 3 syr. M. 70). Ephraem Syrus (f 373). - S 1 E' S*, Eabulae, Balaei aliorumque opera selecta edidit J. J. Overbeck. Oxon. 65. p. 1156. 339351. 355362. (sh. 21.) M. 12. 16. 18. Die Gedichte des h. Ephrcim gegen Julian den Apostaten, iiber- setzt von Professor Dr. G. Bickell. ZfkTh. 3, 335/56. carmina nisibena additis prolegomenis et supplemento lexicorum syriacorum primus edidit, vertit explicavit Dr. Gust. Bickell, Lipsiae 66. (M. 16.) 8. 8. 50. 10. carmina selecta vide Hahn et Sieffert 1, 131. - E 4 S 1 carminis textus syr. sec. cod. bibl. Angel, ed. ac vers. et arfnotat. instr. [ ?]. Getting. 1837. M. 1.20. hymni de p"aradiso ex opp. 3, 562/73 apud Uhlemann 2 39/53. sermones duo ex codicibus syr. romanis edidit. a P. P. Zingerle. Brixiae 68 (69?). (M. 2. 40.) 1.50. excerpta ex operibus s. Ephr. in Mo 2. 33/51. Pelt, L. et Reinwald, H., Homiliarium Patristicurn. (Voluminis Primi Fascic II.) Berolini, Enslin, 1829. 8. etiam sub titulo: Bibliotheca Concionatoria, Sectionis Primae Vol. 1. S. 263/338. (301/28). Acta ex anonymo syro excerpta: BO. 1. 25/6. 26/55 = Uhlem. 1.1/23. .2 1/27, uberius Opera 3. 2363. S 1 E l S 1 Hymni et sermones quos e codd. Londiniens., Parisiens., et Oxoniens. descripsit, edidit, Latinitate donavit . . . Thomas Josephus Lamy. Mechliniae 1882. 2 voll. 4. M. 18. 22. cf. Noldeke, GGA. 82. 48. 1505/14. de testamento E' cf. BO. 1. 141/6. -. the repentance of Niniveh, a metrical homily. With some smaller pieces. Translated from the Syriac with notes by H. Burgess. Lond. 1853. sh. 10 ] /2- M. 5. Burgess, Select metrical Hymns and Homilies of Ephraem Syrus. Translated from the original Syriac, -with an Introduction, and historical and critical Notes. London 1853. gr. 8? ZDMG. 10, 628. 9, 215 ff. Zingerle, P. Pius. MarienrosenausDamaskus. Gesange zu Ehren der allerseligsten Jungfrau. Aus dem Syrischen. Zweite durch vollstan- dige Uebersetzung der Gebete des heil. Ephraem an die aller- seligste Jungfrau vermehrte Ausgabe. 12. 1865. Fl. . 88. Hymnen aus dem Zweistromeland. Dichtungen des hi. Ephrem des Syrers aus dem syrischen Urtext metrisch ins Deutsche iiber- Litteratura. 43 tragen und mit erklarenden Anmerkungen versehen von Carl Macke. Nebst einem Anhang. Mainz, Kirchheim, 1882. 16. 270 pp. Ephraem Syrus (f 373). P. Martin iiber Ephram's Hymnen auf den h. Eremiten Abraham. ZfkTh. 1880. 3. E. des heiligen Kirchenvaters ausgewahlte Schi-iften aus dem Griechischen und Syrischen iibersetzt von P. Pius Zingerle. 6 voll. 18456. fl. 8. 40. 1. Band: Bekenntnisse u. Reden liber die vier letzten Dinge. 2. Sechsundsiebenzig Ermahnungen zur Busse. 3. Die Tugendschule ; eine Sammlung ascetischer Schriften. 4. Die heilige Muse der Syrer. 5. Gesange gegen die Griibler iiber die Geheimnisse Gottes. 6. Beden iiber die Busse und Zerknirschung sammt mehreren anderen verschiedenen Inhalts. Einzeln jeder Band fl. 2. 12. - Zingerle, Pius. Tiber sechssylbige Verse bei Ephraem dem Syrer. ZDMG. 2. 66/73. die Reden des h. E. gegen die Ketzer . . . ubers. v. P. P. Z. Kempten 1850. - E. des Syrer's Reden iiber Selbstverleugnung und einsame Lebensweise. Mit einem Briefe desselben an Einsiedler . . . iibersetzt von P. P. Z. Innsbruck 1871. Kayser, C., Ein Brief E.'s des Syrer's an die ,,Bergbriider" iiber- setzt Z. f. kirchl. W. u. k. L. 1884, 5. 251/66. - Passionspredigten von E. d. S. ibid. 83. 10. 527/41. Das Leben des h. E. d. S., als Einleitung zu einer deutschen und syrischen Ausgabe der Werke Ephraem's iibersetzt und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen versehen. Nebst einer Abhandlung: ,,Untersuchungen iiber die Chronologie Ephraem's" und einem Anhang ,,die Werke Ephraems." Berlin 1853. 8. M. 1. 25. - S 1 E 1 S 1 commentariorum in sacram scripturam textus in codi- cibus Vaticanis manuscriptis et in editione Romana impressus. Commentatio critica quam scripsit Antonius Pohlmann. Part, prima Brunsbergae (1863). p. 2. (64). cf. Himpel, ThQS. 45, 515/20. ZDMG. 15, 648. Lengerke, C. A., commentatio critica de E S s. script, interprete. Qua simul versionis syriacae quam Peschito vocant lectiones variae ex E 1 commentariis collectae exhibentur. Hah's Sax. 1828. 4. M. 1. - Lengerke, C. A., de E 1 S 1 arte hermeneutica liber. Regim. 1831. 4. 20. M. 1. 50. 44 2 Litteratura. Ephraem Syrus (f 373). Gerson, D., Die Commentarien des Ephraem Syrus im Verhaltniss zur jiidischen Exegese. 4 Abhandlungen. - Skat Rordam, T., Zehn Gedichte Afram's des Syrers (Ephraem Syrus) rythmisch iibersetzt mit Einleitung Theol. Tidskr. Kjobh. 1878. 4/5. J. D. Michaelis. De Syrorum vocabulis ex Ephraemo. in: Coru- mentationes . . . per annos 1758/62 praelectae oblatae ed. 1. 4. Bremae 1763. M. 1. 50. Ed. 2. 40. Bremae 1774. - J- Fr. Gaab, Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schrifterklarung aus Ephraem dem Syrer. Paulus Memorabilien 1 (1791) 65 ff. Ziige zu einer pragmatischen Biographic von Ephraem dem Syrer. ibid. 2. 136 if. Nilles, J., Dogmatische Stellen aus neuedirten Keden und Hymnen des hi. Ephrem. ZfkTh. 4, 3. 578/80. Lamy, T. J., Studies in oriental patrology. St. Ephrem (Dublin Rev. 1885 July p. 20/44. Testi orientali inediti sopra i Sette Dormienti di Efeso publicati e tradotti del socio Ignazio Guidi. Reale Accademia dei Lincei (Anno 282, 1884/5). cf. Th. Noldeke, GGA. 1886. 11. 453/9. Epiphanius, episcopus Cypri (f 403). de mensuris ac ponderibus liber nunc primum integer et ipse syriacus. Paulus de Lagarde edidit. Getting. 80. vide II, 126. des Epiphanius buch iiber masse und gewichte zum ersten male vollstandig in: P. de Lagarde, Symmicta 2, 149/216. [Pseudor?] Vitae prophetarum (quatuor maiorum) (e tribus codi- cibus Musei Britannici). Nestle, Gramm. Syr. 53/61. I. H. Hall, Proc. Am. Or. Soc. IS, 150. Esrae apocalypsis de regno islamitico v. Baethyen, Fr., Beschreibung der syrischen Handschrift n Sachau 131" auf der kbniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. ZfdatW. 6 (86) 193/211. Eusebius Caesareensis (f c. 340). historia ecclesiast. 1, 1 4 ed. Krehl in Eus. opp. recognovit Dindorf 4. 71. p. 18 56. c. 13 in: Cureton Documents p. 1 -5; 1. 6. 16. 17. 25 in: Lagarde, Praetermissa 249/52. Hist. eccl. 15 descripsit e cod. lond. Tullberg, cf. ZDMG. 7, 408. on the Theophania or Divine manifestation of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, a syriac version, edited from an ancient manuscript recently discovered, by Samuel Lee, London, printed for the society for the publication of oriental texts. 42. M. 15. 5. 12. Eusebius Bischof of Caesarea on the Theophania or Divine Mani- festation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into Litteratura/ 45 English with Notes, from an ancient Syriac version of the Greek original now lost; to which is prefixed a vindication of the ortho- doxy, and prophetical views, of that distinguished writer. In- scribed by permission to his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. By Samuel Lee, D. D. Cambridge 1843. 119. (1. 1 facs.) 344. Eusebiiis Caesareensis (f c. 340). - Syrisches. Von Dr. Geiger. ZDMG. 17 (63) 725/9. Emendationes ad Theophaniam 42, 43. History of the Martyrs of Palestine, edited and translated by W. Cureton, London 61. M. 7. 50. a panegyric on the Christian Martyrs : Journal of sacred literature 4 1 ' 1 ser. vol. 5 (64) p. 403; cf. vol. 6, 129. - chronicon, operis historic! capita ex Eus. chronicis (?) excerpta. Koediger 2 105/9 et ed. Schoene 2 (67). - Eusebii Canonum Epitome ex Dionysii Telmaharensis Chronico petita sociata opera verterunt notisque illustraverunt Carolus Sieg- fried et Henricus Gelzer, Lipsiae. In aedibus B. G. Teubner, 1884. 4. - H. A. v. Gutschmid, Untersuchungen iiber die syrische Epitome der Eusebischen Canones. Stuttgart 1886. 43 pp. 4. [prog. acad. Tubingensis.] - (pseudo-) on the Star edited by W. Wright: Journ. of sacred lit. 66. 9, 117. 10, 150. M. 1.50. - Meroc, A., De Eusebianae historiae ecclesiasticae versionibus, sy- riaca et armeniaca. Atti del IV Congresso intern, degli Orientalisti. Sancti Eustathii Antiocheni quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 210/3; lat. 441/3. I. H. Hall, On the Syriac text of the book of the Extremity of the Romans. Am. Or. Soc. Proc. May 1887, 4f. Journ. 13, 155 f. Fragmenta syro-palaestinensia: in Land, Anecdota 4 103/224. 177/233. Fragmente syrischer und arabischer Historiker, herausgegeben und iibersetzt von Friedchri Baethgen. Leipzig 1884. M. 7. 50. Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 8, 3. cf. E. Duval. Rev. crit. 84, 41. Galenus, ars medica c. 23. 24. 28/31: SI.*) 88/94. , de alimentorum facultatibus 1. 2 c. 58 fin. 61 : ibid. 94/7. , Proben der syrischen Uebersetzung von Galenus' Schrift iiber die einfachen Heilmittel. Von A. Merx. ZDMG. 39 (1885) 237/305. *) SI. = Sachau, Inedita Syriaca. 46 Litteratura. Galenus, Low, Bemerkuugen zu Merx, Proben der syrischen Ueber- setzung von Q-alenus' Sclirift iiber die einfachen Heilmittel. ZDMG. 40. 4. 763/5. Geographica. Ardrijkskundige Fragmenten uit de Syrische Literatur der zesde en zevende Eeuw. (Meet en Schetskaartje.) Mededee- ling van /. P. N. Land. Overgedruckt uit de Verslagen en Mede- deelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdee- ling Letterkunde, 3de Beeks, Deel 3. Amsterdam, 1886. Geoponicon in sermonem syriacum versorum quae supersunt. P. La- ffardius edidit. Lips., Lond. exemplaria facta 150. (M. 12.) 8. de Geoponicon versione syriaca scripsit A. P. de Lagarde, Dr. Berlin 1855. 40. Jahresbericht iiber die Louisensta Itische Beal- schule. (Bepetit. in: Gesammelte Abhandlungen 1866). Georgius Arabum episcopus (c. 714), epistola: LA. 108/34 et Aphraa- tes p. 19/37. de Sapiente Persa capita tria, ex epistola Georgii episcopi Arabum excerpta (syr. et lat.) in: Forget, Jac., de vita et scriptis Aphraatis Sapieatis Persae. Lovanii 1882. p. 1 56. - Byssel, V., Ein Brief Georgs, Bischofs der Araber, an den Pres- byter Jesus, aus dem Syr. iibersetzt und erlautert. Mit eiuer Einleitung iiber sein Leben und seine Schriften. Erweiterter Separatabdruck aus den M Theol. Stud. u. Krit." Gotha 1883. (2. 278/371) 118pp. Georgius Arbelensis commentarius de liturgia excer])ta in BO. Georgius Nisibenus hymnus Brev. Moss. p. 54 = Off. Mar. p. 242. Georgius Patriarcha litania germanice a Schonfelder. Das bald dem Concil von Nicaea, bald einer antiochenischen Synode zugeschriebene Bekenntniss gegen Paul von Samosata in grie- chischer und syrischer Sprache: C. P. Caspari, alte und neue quellen zur geschichte des taufsymbols und der glaubensregel p. 161 175. Christiania 79. Grabinschriften vid.: Inscriptiones. Ein Gregor von Nazianz (f 389/90) beigelegtes Glaubensbekenntniss in syrischer Sprache aus einer nitrischen Handschrift des British Museum, ibid. 1 160. Carmen e carminibus iambicis Gregorii (theologi) : Adler, institutio 62/4. Gregorius Nyssenus (f 394) explicatio exordii orationis dominicae: Mo 1 111/6. Gregorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286). Chronici excerptum: de rebus gestis Bichardi Angliae regis in Palaestina. Syr. et Lat. ed., not. illustr. P. J. Bruns. Oxon. 1780. 4. 20 (31?) pp. M. 1.20. 4. cf. Vater, Chrestomathie p. 15 33, inde germanice a Bruns, Bepertorium 7, 183/99. - Chronicon syriacum e codicibus Bodleianis descriptum conjunctim Litteratura. 47 ediderunt Paulus Jacobus Bruns et Georgius Guilielmus Kirsch. Lipsiae 789. 4. 2 voll. [prospectus editionis 1787.] Gregorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286). descripsit, maximam partem vertit notisque illustravit Bruns . . edidit, ex parte vertit notasque adjecit Kirsch. M. 45. 60. cf. Lorsbach in: Archiv f. d. Morgenl. Lit. 1. Marburg 1791. 199301, Paulus Neues Eepertorium 3. Jena 1791. 82114. zur berichtigung der syrischen chronik des BH. von P. J. Bruns in: Paulus, Memorabilien 3. Leipzig 792. 196/8. Buch der Konige von Barhebraus c. 1 5. cf. Hasse. Bibl. orient. Aufsatze. Konigsberg 1793. p. 7 17. Arnoldi, A. J., Chronici Syriaci Abulpharagiani e scriptoribus Grae- cis emendati, illustr. specimen. Marp. 1805. 4. M. 1. 1.50. Beytrage zu einer richtigen iibersetzung der syrischen chronik des Gr. BH. oder berichtigung verschiedener stellen der lateini- schen iibersetzung des BH., welche P. J. Br. und G. W. Kirsch herausgegebenhaben. vonFerd. Greg. Mayer. Wien819. M. 2. 6. Nachtrag zu den beytragen Wien 1820 etin: Wiener Jahrbiicher, Vol. 13, 1821. Anzeigeblatt p. 39/40. append: Berum seculo quinto decimo in Mesopotamia gestarum librum e codice bibliothecae bodleianae syriaco edidit et interpre- tatione latina illustravit Dr. Ottomar Behnsch. Vratislaviae 38. 4. M. 2. 50. chronic! syriaci e codd. mss. passim emendati atque illustrati specimen primum . . . scripsit Geo. Henr. Bernstein. Lips. 22. 4. M. 1. - 6?. H. Bernstein, die syrische Chronik des Bar-Hebraeus. 11 pp. [Sept. 1846]. Druck von Grass, Barth & Comp. in Breslau. vide etiam Verhandlungen der DMG. 1845. p. 33. ankiindigung und probe einer neuen ausgabe und iibersetzung der syrischen chronik des Greg. BH. von G. H. Bernstein. Berlin. 47. chronicon ecclesiasticum quod e codice musei britannici descriptum coniuncta opera ediderunt, latinitate donarunt annotationibusque theologicis historicis, geographicis et archaeologicis iUustrarunt Joannes Baptista Abbeloos . . . et Thomas Josephus Lamy. Lo- vanii 4. Tomus 1 72, 2 74, 3 77. 2 voll. M. 40. 48. 55. 60. extrait de la vie du patriarche Denys de Telmahre qui se trouve dans la 2 e partie de la chronique de Gr. BH.: Abd-Allatif, relation de 1'Egypte par M. Silv. de Sacy. Paris 810. 4. p. 501/8. 552/7. cf. Kirsch 2 143/5. Origines ecclesiae Syriacae sive Chronici partis tertiae initium in: S. Ephraemi Syri . . . opera selecta . . . ed. J. J. Overbeck. Ox. 1865. 414/423. 48 Litteratura. Gregorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286). horreum mysteriorum sive commentaries in testamenti veteris efc novi libros sacros e codicibus manuscriptis syriacis musei britan- nici londinensis bibliothecae bodleianae oxoniensis regiae biblio- thecae berolinensis primum edidit commentariis instruxit diffici- liores locos transtulit atque explanavit Fridericus Ferdinandtts Larsow. [1] Lipsiae 58. 4. 4 8 pp. [Consociatis Borussorum et Britannorum regnis nuptias auspicatissimas felicissimas Friderici Guilelmi et Victoriae pia mente congratulatur F. F. L. Berolini die VIII M. Febr. 1858.] M. 3. Seholien zu gen. 49. 50. exod. 14. 15. deut. 32 34 und jud. 5. veroffentlicht von Dr. K. Sehroter: ZDMG. 24 (70) 495/562. scholia in Jobum cf. Kirsch 2 186/210. scholia in librum Jobi ex codd. mss. emendata denuo edidit diffi- cilionim locorum interpretatione illustravit notis criticis instruxit D. Geo. Henr. Bernstein. Vratislaviae 58. fol. (4) 16 pp ! 4 (Academiae Jenensi . . . gratulatur acad. Vratislaviensis.) M. 1.20. 1.50.^ specimen quaestionis de syriaca carminis Deborae jud. V. versione, scholiis, quae ad earn a BH. conscripta sunt, integris additis. dissert, quam . . . defendet auctor Joannes Mauritius Winklerus. Vratislaviae 39. 32 pp. in librum psalmorum adnotationes e recognitione Pauli de La- gar de. in: Praetermissorum libri duo Gottingae 79, 97/252. in psalmos [1. 2. 22. prooem.] scholiorum specimen e codicibus mss. syriacis musei brit. lond. et bibl. bodl. oxon. edidit latine reddidit et annotationibus illustravit Dr. O. F. Tullberg. Upsalae 42. 40. 17. 10 pp. scholia in psalmum 5 et 18 e codicibus bibl. bodl. apographo Bernsteiniano edita translata et annotationibus prolegomenisque instructa. dissert, quam . . . defendet auctor Joan. Theoph. Quil. Henr. Ehode. Vratislaviae 32. 5 84 [1. 93]. (1) pp. M. . 75. Seholien des BH. zu ps. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9 15. 23. 53 nebst dessen vorrede zum neuen testamente. veroffentlicht von lie. dr. R. Sehroter: ZDMG. 29 (75) 247/303. M. l.J scholia in ps. 8. 40. 41. 50 e codice berolinensi primum edita cum codicibus bodl. florent. vatic, collata translata et annotationi- bus instructa. dissert, quam . . . defendet auctor Bob. Gust. Feed. Schroeter. Vratislaviae 57. (M. 2. 75.) .50. .1.50. scholia in ps. 68 e codicibus mss. syr. bibl. florent. et clement.- vatic. et bodl. oxon. primum edita et annotationibus illustrata. dissert, quam . . . defendet Cyrillus Knobloch. VratisJ aviae 52. 57. (4) pp. Des Gregorius Abulfarag genannt Bar Ebhroyo Anmerkungen zu Litteratura. 49 den salomonischen Schriften herausgegeben von Alfred Rahlfs. Leipzig 1887. Drugulin. 10. 29 pp. 8. cf. ThN. LCB1. 87, 25. Duval, Rev. d. Et. Juives. 15, 155/8. Gregorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286). in Jesaiam scholia e codd. mss. syr. musei brit. lond. et bibl. bodl. oxon. edidit et annotationibus illustravit Otto Frider. Tullberg. Upsalae 42. 4. 22. 36 pp. M. 2. scholia in Jeremiam e codd. mss. syr. edita et annotationibus in- structa quae ... p. p. Mag. Gust. Freder. Koraen et Carolus Ericus Wennberg. (p. 1.) Upsalae 52. 4. p. 2. Koraen et Joh. Aug. Zach. Wittlock. p. 3. Koraen et Sveno Andr. Gust. Sundberg. in duodecimprophetasminores scholia, ad triumcodicumfidemrecen- suit-BerH/i.-Mim'te. Lipsiae: typisB.G.Teubneri. 1882.32pp. M. 2. in evangelium Matthaei scholia e recognitione Johannis Spanuth. Gottingae 79. 4. [typis Lugd. Bat. Brillianis.] 71 pp. [cap. 18, pp. 130 separatim prodierunt cf. Cat. ZDMG-. 4512.J M. 2. 2. 50. in evangelium Johannis commentarius. e thesauro mysteriorum desumptum edidit B. Schwartz [f 13. Jun. 79, Lagarde, Symm. 2,98], Gottingae 78. 28pp. M. . 80. 1. in actus apostolorum et epistulas catholicas adnotationes syriace e recognitione Martini Klamroth. Dissert, inaug. Gottingae 78. 30 pp. M. 1. 1. 50. opera grammaticalia vide I, 145. 163 et Jacobus Edessenus. Berichtigungen und Zusatze zum fiinften Kapitel der barhebrai- schen kleinen Grammatik auf Grand des Textes von Abbe Martin (Paris 1872) nebst Einleitung. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde. Eingereicht von Abraham Ulch. Leipzig 1885. Druck von W. Drugulin. 7 29. (1) pp. M. . 75. 1. 20. carmina. veteris philosophi Syri de sapientia divina poema aenigmaticum ed. Gabriel Sionita. Paris 638. - Carmen de Divina Sapientia. Auctore celeberrimo Viro Abul- pharagio Gregorio Filio Haronis Bar-Hebraeo. Accedunt adnota- tiones et interpretationes P. Joannis Notayn Darauni Libanensis. Bomae : ExTypographiaPolyglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide. 1880. 48 pp. [cum titulo arabico.] M 2. 50. 3. 3. 50. 4. 4. 50. - Greg. BH. (aliorumque) carmina syriaca aliquot adhuc iuedita [ed.- Caesar a Lengerke~\. Begiomonti Borussorum, 4. 4 paries 1. 2. 36. 3. 4. 38 (progr. acad.). M. 1. 75. 2. 50. carmina a patre Augustino Scebabi monaco Maronita h'banensi aleppensi correcta ac ab eodem lexicon adjunctum. B/om 77. L. 12. M. 9. 10. 15. cf. etiam Benan, de philosophia peripatetica apud Syros p. 67. Nestle. T) 50 Litteratura. Gregorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286). - narratiunculae e ji^aias l_joZ> ]^&a : Adler, inst. 39/44. (Kirsch 1 2, Tychsen, Bernstein). L. Morales, Aus dem Buch der r ergotzenden Erzahlungen" des Bar-Hebraus. ZDMG. 40. 410/456. A List of Plants and their Properties, from the M e narat h Kud h se of Gregorius Bar t Eb h raya. Edited by Richard J. H. Gottheil, B. A. For Private circulation only. [1886.] 8. 26 pp. autogr. 4. A Synopsis of Greek Philosophy by Bar 'Ebhraya. By Richard J. H. Gottheil. Hebraica 3, 4. 249/54. (latine tantum) ecclesiae antiochenae Syrorum nomocanon a Gr. Ab. . BH. syriace compositus et a Josepho Aloysio Assemano in latinam linguam conversus in: Script, vet. nova collectio X. 2 (38) 1/268. 4. vita (ex chron. eccles.) BO. 2, 248/63, Mich. 81/104, Roed. 1 2. de morte Gr. a Barsauma fratre, BO. 2, 264/75, Mich. 104/16, Eoed. i 2. Tabulae chronologicae ab orbe condito usque ad excidium Hiero- solymitanum in : Chronicon orientale Petri Rahebi (Ibn el Rahib). 2. edit. Ven. 1729, 103 ss. (ab Assemani lat. redditae). vide quae Prick in Hoxter et Doerwald in Ohlau promiserunt in BerL Phil. Wochenschrift 1886, 22. splendidissimus codex historiae Dynastiarum arabicae in collec- tione Kremeriana; vide Kremer, Acad. Berol. 1885. 109. 1. 156. Grefforius Thaumaturgus (f 270). ad Philagrium de homousia: LA. 43/6. ad Theopompum de impassibilitate et passibilitate dei: ibid. 46/64. fragments, varia: ibid. 64/7. (pseudo = Apollinaris) r, Kara pepoer iriaria: ib. 31/42. Sancti Gregorii Thaumaturgi quae syriace supersunt opera et fragmenta. Pitra 4, 81133, lat. 345386. V. Ryssel, Gregorius Thaumaturgus. Sein Lebenu. seine Sehriften. Nebst Uebersetzung zweier bisher unbekannter Sehriften Gregors aus dem Syrischen. Leipzig 1880. 8. 160. M. 3. 50. 5. cf. E. N., ZDMG. 35, 784/5. O. P. Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen zur Geschichte des Tauf- symbols und der Glaubensregel. 1879. 1 ff. Draseke, J., Zu Victor Eyssel's Gregorius Thaumaturgus. ZfprTh. 83. 4. 634/40. Hierotheus, liber mysticus vid. Stephanus. Hippolytus (f c. 275) in Danielem, de psalmis, cant, cant.: LA. 79/91 et de Lagarde, anmerkungen zur griechischen iibersetzung der proverbien. Leipz. 63. p. 71. Sancti Hippolyti quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 36 64, lat. 306331. Litteratura. 51 Historia urbis Carcae Beth-Seleuciae et martyrum qui in ea pass sunt (c. 415): Mo 2, 63/75. Historia S. Crucis bis inventae (e cod. Londin. add. 12174 anni 1196). Nestle, Gramm. Syr. 6178. (Thomas, Jaballaha, Jacobus et Denha Indiarum episcopi) historia Indorum benedictorum deque ipsorum in urbem Gazartae Zebe- daeae adventu (1509): BO. 3, 1, 589/99. Historia Syrorum in ripa Malabarica (c. 1730) in: Anecd. 1, 24/30. 123/7. 179/84. Historia Josephi justi et Asenethae in: Anecd. 3 15/45. OppenJieim, Gust., Fabula Josephi et Asenethae apocrypha e libro Syriaco latine versa. Diss. inaug. Berolini 1886. 50. 2 pp. 8. cf. de Lagarde, Mitth. 2, 240. Hunain Herthensis, medicus et grammaticus (f 873). cf. Opuscula Nestoriana. Ein melkitischer hymnus auf die jungfrau Maria, veroffentlicht von Friedrich Baethgen. (mit einer tafel): ZDMG. 33 (79) 666/71. [I. H.J Hall, f)n a newly discovered Syriac Manuscript Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. Oct. 1886. Journ. 13, 126/0. Historia Jabalaha Ca- tholic! et Rabban Sauma visitatoris generalis. (c. 1317). Jacobus Baradaeus (Burde'ana) (f 578). Kleyn, H. G., J. B. de stichter der syrische monophysietische Kerk. Academisch Proefschrift. Leiden 1882. 210. Jacobus episcopus Edessenus (f 5. Juni 708). de versione bibliorum vide 2, 109. Journal des Savants (reim- press. Amstelod.) Oct. 1765. 1, 67/99. Scholia on passages of the old testament by mar Jacob, bish. of Ed., now first edited in the original syriac, with an english trans- lation and notes by George Phillips. Lond. 64. 8 (4) 51. 32 pp. sh. 2. M. 4. 5. specimina exegetica a commentariis J. Ed. e codice syr. vaticano 103: Adler, Inst. 50/9. cf. etiam S. Ephraemi opera syriaca, in quibus haud pauca Scholiorum Jacobi inveniuntur. BO. 1, 489/93. - Fragments of the syriac grammar: cf. I. 161. - a letter by mar J., b. of Ed., on syriac orthography; also a tract by the same author, and a discourse by Gregory bar Hebraeus on syriac accents, now edited in the original syriac, from mss. in the brit. mus., with an engl. translation and notes, by Geo. Phillips, to which are added [3] appendices. Lond. 69. 8. 96. 45 pp. M. 2. 50. 3. 5. 6. 50. epistola ad Georgium episcopum Sarugensem de orthographia syriaca. textum syr. edidit, latine vertit, notisque instruxit J. P. Martin . . . subsequuntur eiusdem Jacobi nee non Thomae dia- 52 Litteratura. coni, tractatus de punctis aliaque documenta in eandem materiam. Paris 69. (autogr.) 12. 16 pp. M. 1. 50. Jacobus episcopus Edessemis (f 5. Juni 708). P. Martin, Jacques d'Edesse et les voyelles Syriennes. Paris 69. 36. Journal Asiatique Extrait n. 7. (6. Ser. torn. 13. 447/82.) epistola de antiqua Syrorum liturgia: BO. 1 479/86. two epistles syr. with notes Wright: Journal of sacred literature, new series vol. 10 (67). p. 430 sqq. M. 1. 25. erster brief an Johannes den styliten, veroffentlicht von dr. Robert Schroter: ZDMG. 24 (70) 261/300. M. 1. 1. 20. canones ecdesiastici: Lamy dissertatio de Syrorum fide 98/171. LE. 117/144. (Mai, Scr. Vet. N. C. 5.) Kayser, Die Canones Jacobs von Edessa iibersetzt und erlautert, zum Theil auch zuerst im Grundtext veroffentlicht. Leipzig 1886. (?) Liber generalis ad omnes gentes (s. de causa causarum) heraus- gegeben von Pohlmann ZDMG. 15, 649/63. Ex Homiliis Severi patriarchae Antiocheni (512 518) secundum translationem a Jacobo Edesseno anno 701 confectam et scholiis illustratam [Add. MSS. 12159. A. Chr. 868]. Nestle, Gramm. Syr. 79/83. E Jacobi Edesseni epistula de regibus Magis. e cod. Lond. Add. 12172 (c. 9. saec.). Accedunt nomina eorum e Cod. londin. add. 12143 (anni 1229) et paris. 232 (7. saec.) ibid. 83/85. de Chronico vide Baethgen, Fragmente. iiber den schem hammephorasch und andere gottesnamen. von dr. Eberh. Nestle: ZDMG. 32 (78) 465/508, 735/7. Jacobus episcopus Sarugensis (451 f 29. Nov. 521). sermo de Thamar ex codice vaticano 117 editus a Josepho lingerie. Oeniponte 71, cf. eiusdem Chrest. Syr. p. 360 386. Abbeloos, J. B., de vita et scriptis s. J. Batnarum Sarugi in Mesopotamia episcopi, cum ejus syriacis carminibus . . . duobus integris ac aliorum aliquot fragmentis. Lovan. 67. 106/231. M. 5. 6. proben syrischer poesie aus J. von Sarug von Zingerle: ZDMG. 12 (58) 117/31. 13 (59) 44/58. 14 (60) 679/91. 15 (61) 629/47. 20 (66) 511/26. gedicht iiber den palast den der apostel Thomas in Indien baute. veroff. von R. Schroter. ibid. 25 (71) 321/77. 28 (74) 584/626. M. 1. 50. discours sur la chute des idoles par M. I'abbe Martin, ib. 29 (75) 107/47. lettres aux moines du couvent de mar Bassus. et a Paul d'Edesse, relevees et traduites par M. I'abbe Martin, ib. 30 (76) 217/75. trostschreiben an die himyaritischen christen, veroff. von R. Schroter. ib. 31 (77) 360/405. M. . 80. 1. Litter atur a. 53 Jacobus episcopus Sarugensis (451 f 29. Nov. 521). oratio de Habibo, Guria et Shamuna martyribus, de Edessa in: Curet. Doc. 86/107. - de curru Ezechielis etc. in Mo 1 21/96. 2 52/63. 76/167. in: Weniff schola 155/9. encomium S. Simeonis stylitae in: Acta Mart. 2 230/44. preces quas ipse puer memoriter recitabat in: S* E 1 S 1 ... opera selecta . . . edidit J. J. Overbeck. 1865. 382 s. homilia de virginitate, de fornicatione et de conjugio iustorum. ibidem 384/91. tractatus de Synodo Nicaena ib. 392/408. epistola ad Stephanum bar Sudaili; vide Stephen b. S. de Alexandra magno (spur?) in: Knos, Chrest. (1807) 66, germa- nice ab A. W[eber], Des Mor Yakub Gedicht iiber den glaubigen Konig Alexandras. Berlin 185*2. Frothingham, A. L., 1'omelia di Giacomo di Sarug sul battesimo di Costantino imperatore, pubblicata, tradotta ed annotata da A. L. P. 53. 25. 40. Roma 1882. (Atti della r. accad. dei Lincei. vol. 8.) M. 3. 50. 4. ordo baptizandi cf. codex liturgicus ecclesiae universalis. 2, 309. 3, 184. cf. Officium sanctorum (Rom 666). Breviarum feriale (Bom 787). Sechs Homilien des h. J. v. S. Aus syr. Hdschr. iibersetzt von P. P. Zingerle. Bonn 1867. 12. 107. M. 1. tiber und aus Reden von zwei syrischen Kirchenvatern iiber das Leiden Jesu. Von P. Pius Zingerle. ThQS. 1870. 92/114 [Isaac Ant.] 71. 409/36 [Jac. Sar.| P. P. Zingerle. Mitteilungen iiber und aus acht Reden des h. J. v. S. Bischofs von Batna in Mesopotamien iiber das Leiden Christi oder seine Kreuzigung. ThQS. 53 (76) 465/75. - vitae compendium ex anonymo syro in: BO. 1 286/9. Saint Jacques de Saroug par Thomas Jos. Lamy. Extrait de la Revue Catholique. Louvain. M. I' abbe Martin, un eveque-poete au V e et au VI e siecles ou Jacques de Saroug, sa vie, son temps, ses oeuvres, ses croyances. Revue des Sciences Ecclesiastiques. 4 e Serie, T. 3. Oct. Nov. 76. 77 pp. [Jacobus Tagritensis f 1241], de la metrique chez les Syriens. par M. I'abbe Martin. Leipz. 79. 71 pp. Abhandlungen fiir die kunde des morgenlandes 7, 2. Presbyteri Jesaiae carmen in Tamerlanum. in: Knos, Chrest. 108/19. de Jesaja religiose qui Timothei Aeluri temporibus vixit in: Anecd. 3 346/56. Jesujab, Adiabenus (f 660), epistolae in: BO. 3, 1. 114/23. 127/37. Yesu'yabh (of Gadala) Pseudo-, R. J. H. Gottheil, A Syriac Bahira 54 Litteratura. Legend. Am. Or. Soc. Proc. May 1887. 2731 = Journ. 13, 177/81. from Sachau 10. 87. Ignatius Antiochenus (f 107). the ancient syriac version of the epistles of s. J. to st. Polycarp, the Ephesians and the Bomans: together with extracts from his epistles, collected from the writings of Severus of Antioch, Timo- theus of Alexandria and others, edited with an engl. transl. and notes ... by Will. Cureton. Lond. 45. Corpus Ignatianum : a complete collection of the Ignatian epistles, in syriac, greec and latin, by W. Cureton. Lond. 49. M. 10. etiam: Berlin, Asher & Co. Reprinted from the London Edition, and authorized by the proprietor for circulation on the continent only. 1849. M. 9. 10. 18. supplementum Corporis Ignatiani a Giulielmo Curetono editi pu- blici juris factum a dr. Georgia Moesinger. Oeniponti 72. cf. Anecd. 1, 32/5. M. 1. 25. the Apostolic Fathers, ed. lAghtfoot Part II. S. Ignatius, S. Poly- carp etc. vol. I et vol. II, sect. II. London 1885 [nondum vidi], Cureton, W., Vindiciae Ignatianae, or the genuine writings of St. Ignatius, as exhibited in the ancient Syriac version, vindicated from the charge of heresy. London 846. 8. M. 3. Lipsius, B. A., iiber das Verhaltniss des Textes der 3 syr. Briefe des Ignatios zu den iibrigen Becensionen der Ignatian. Literatur. Leipzig 859. gr. 8. (S. A.) 41/2 M. M. 2. 50. Meletemata Ignatiana. critica de epistolarum Ignatianarum versione Syriaca commentatio. Diss. inaug. quam. in ... universitate Viadrina . . . 1861 . . . publice defendet auctor Adalbert Merx Bleicherodensis. Vratislaviae, typis Grassii, Barthii et socii (W. Friedrich). (3). 82 (1). M. 1. 50. Inedita syriaca. eine sammlung syrischer iibersetzungen von schriften griechischer profanliteratur. mit einem anhang. aus den hand- schriften des britt. museums herausgegeben von dr. Ed. Sachau. Wien 70. [citatur SI.] (M. 6.) 3. Inscription es. Merx, A., Bemerkungen iiber bis jetzt bekannte aramaische In- schriften. Leipzig 1868. A. M. . 80. Levy, M. A., Siegel und Gemmen mit aramaischen . . . und alt- syrischen Inschriften. Breslau 1869. M. 2. Christlich-palastinische inschriften. von Th. Noldeke. ZDMG. 32 (78) 199/200. Oratio dominica c. 6. saec. in Deir el-bahari parieti capellae cop- ticae inscripta. vid. J. Euting, Epigraphische Miscellen. Zweite Beihe. Sitz. Ber. Akad d. WW. zu Berlin 1887, p. 416, tab. 9, 114. Sachau, E., Edessenische Inschriften. ZDMG. 36 (82) 142/67. Litteratura. 55 Nb'ldeke, Th., Bemerkungen zu den von Sachau herausgegebenen palmyrenischen und edessenischen Inschriften. ZDMG. 36. (82.) 664/8. Sachau, eine dreisprachige Insehrift aus Zebed [griech., syr., arab.] Monatsber. d. Akad. zu Berlin. Febr. 1882. S. 169/90 mit Tafel. Zur Trilinguis Zebedaea. Von Ed. Sachau. ZDMGr. 36 (82) 345/52 [non 532]. Renan, Deux monuments epigraphiques d'Edesse. Journ. As. 8 ser. fevrier-mars 1883, 246. cf. Cl. Ganneau, mission en Phenicie. Cinquieme Rapport. Paris 1884, n. 116 p. 132 s. et pi. 9. Pauthier, (?., 1'inscription syro-chinoise de 8i-Ngan-Fou. Monument nestorien, eleve en Chine 1'an 781 de notre ere et decouvert en 1625. Paris 1856. av. facs. PI. 2. 50. I. H. Hall, on the Syriac Part of the Chinese Nestorian Tablet. Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. Oct. 1886. Journ. 13. 124126. Inscriptions Syriaques de Salamds, en Perse, par M. Rubens Duval. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. Paris 1885. 28 pp., 3 tabb. (8 Ser. T. 5, Nr. 1. Janv. 1885. 39/62). Memoires de 1'Acad. Imper. des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 7* Serie. Tome 34, No. 4. Syrische Grabinschriften aus Semirjetschie, herausgegeben und erklart von D. Chwolson. Mit einer Tafel. Presents a 1'Aca- demie le 1. Avril 1886. St. Petersbourg, 1886 etc. 4. Mahler, Ed., Ueber eine in einer syrischen G-rabinschrift erwahnte Sonnenfinsterniss. Wien, Gerold. Sitz. Ber. d. k. Acad. d. WW. Wien (1887) 8 pp. M. . 20. Johannes bar Abgar patriarcha (c. 900), canones de altari, eucharistia, excerpta; BO. 3, 238/49. Johannes Bethrabbanensis. cf. Breviarium Mosslil. p. 61. Johannes Chrysostomus (f 407), sermo de divitiis et paupertate. Mo 1, 117/33. cf. de Lagarde, Ankiindigung einer neuen ausgabe der griechi- schen iibersezung des alten testaments. Gottingen 1882. 51. Johannes Darensis (sec. 9.) de sacerdotio 4 libri : exec, in : Ephraemi ... all. opera selecta (65) p. 409413 et Mo 1, 105/10. Aus dem handschriftlichen syrischen Werke des Johannes von Dara iiber das Priesterthum. Von P. Pius Zingerle. ThQS. 49 (67) 183/205. 50 (68) 267/285. Johannes episc. Ephesi (Asiae f c. 585) monophysita. the third part of the ecclesiastical history of John bp. of Eph. now first edited by Will. Cureton. Oxford 53. 4. (M. 32.) 15. 24. the third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John Bishop of Ephesus. Now first translated from the Original Syriac by R. 56 Litteratura. Payne Smith. M. A. Sublibrarian of the Bodleian Library. Ox- ford, at the University Press, 1860. 8. Johannes episc. Ephes-i (Asiae f c. 585) monophysita. Land, J. P. N., cand. theol., Joannes Bischof von Ephesos, der erste syrische Kirchenhistoriker. Einleitende Studien. Mit einer Tafel. Leyden, E. J. Brill 1856. 11. 200. M. 4. Die Kirchengeschichte des Johannes von Ephesits. Aus dem Syri- schen iibersetzt. Mit einer Abhandlung iiber die Tritheiten von Dr. J. M. Schonfelder, Kaplan etc. Miinchen 1862. 16. 311. 8. cf. Hefele, ThQS. 44 (62) 674/84. scripta historica quotquot adhuc inedita supererant. syriace edidit J. P. N. Land. Anecdotorum syriacorum tomus secundus. Lugd. Bat. 68. 4<>. excerpta apud Dionysium Tellmahr. servata: BO. 1, 359/86. Ein glaubensbekenntniss des bischofs Johannes von Jerusalem (f 417) in syrischer iibersetzung aus einer nitrischen handschrift des bri- tish museum (sammt allem was uns sonst von Johannes iibrig geblieben) in: Caspari, quellen zur geschichte des taufsymbols 1 (66) 185 sq. Johannes metropolita Mardae (f 1165) ejus gesta, ejus memoria. BO. 1, 217/30. ex cod. Syr. 28 (32) fol. 140. f Johannes Mosulensis] 1^-2 o? \ - * ed. Milos episc. 'Aqrae. Rom 68. 12. Johannes Saba (6 saec.), senno et: responsio. Mo 1, 102/4. Johannes bar Cursus Tellensis (f 538) canones in: Lamy, dissertatio 62/97. het Leven van Johannes van Telia door Elias. Syrische Tekst en Nederlandsche Vertaling. Academisch Proefschrift, door H. G. Kleyn. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1882. 91 83 pp. vide Elias. Josephus, Flavins, [f post 100], de bello judaico liber sextus, edere coepit Ceriani, in: Monum. sacra et profana. Mediol. 4. t. 5. fasc. 2. (71?) 181/92; edidit 1883 "(supra 2, 9). Das sechste Buch des Bellum Judaicum etc. nach der Paschittha- handschrift iibersetzt und kritisch bearbeitet von Dr. Heimann Kottek. Berlin 1866. [duo capita tantum; cave lector!] 8. Josephus Huzaya (VI s.) primus Syrorum grammaticus. cf. Opuscula Nestoriana. [Josephus, Nestorianorum patriarcha f 566.] epistola synodica patriarcharum occidentalium ad orientales. BO. 3, 1. 52/4. Chronique de Josue le stylite, ecrite vers I'an 515, texte et traduction par M. VabM Paulin Martin. Leipz. 76. 86 (1) 82 pp. Abhandlungen fur die kunde des morgenlandes 6, 1. M. 9. The chronicle of Joshua the Stylite. composed in Syriac A. D. Litteratura. 57 507, with a translation into English and notes by W. Wright. Cambridge 1882. 10. 84. 92 pp. Irenaeus Lugdunensis (f c. 190). fragmenta duo in: Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense, alia in: Mo 2, 10/1. in: Libri V adv. Haereses ed. W. W. Harley. 2 vol. Cambr. 1857. vol. 2, 431/61. Sancti Jrenaei episcopi Lugdunensis quae syriace supersunt frag- menta. Pitra 4, 17/30; lat. 292/302. S. Isaaci Antiocheni, doctoris Syrorum (f c. 460), opera omnia ex omnibus quotquot exstant codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lec- tione sjTiace arabiceque primus edidit, latine vertit, prolegomenis et glossario auxit dr. Gust. BickeH. Gissae pars 1, 73. 9, 307. p. 2, 77. 353 pp| M. 17. quae apud OverbecJc, S* E 1 S J etc. 379/81 Isaaci esse dicuntur, Cyrillonae esse videntur; cf. Bickell, ZDMG. 27/571 n. 1. Mo 1, 13/20, Zingerle, Chrest. Syr. 299. 387, ThQS. 70, 92/114. Cardahi 21/5. Isaac Ninivita (6 saec.), operis ascetici capita duo in: Mo 1, 97/101. Bickell, G., ausgewahlte Schriften der syr. Kirchenvater . . . Isaak v. Ninive, zum ersten Male aus dem Syrischen iibersetzt. Kempten 1874. p. 273 412. (Thalhofer, Bibliothek). Isocrates eia AypoviKov in: LA. 167/77. Julianos der Abtriinnige. Syrische Erzahlungen. Herausgegeben von Johann G. E. Hoffmann. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1880. 18, 250. 4". M. 12. 20. - Ueber den syrischen roman von Kaiser Julian von Th. NoldeJce. ZDMG. 28 (74) 263/92. Ein zweiter syrischer Julianusroman. id. ib. -660/74. Sexti Julii (?) African! fragmentum. Pitra 4, 71; lat. 337. cf. Eusebius, Epitome. Julius episcopus romanus [f 357 pseudo-] epistolae in: LA. 67/79. epistolae nonnullae sub Julii I nomine divulgatae, emendatae, vocalium notis instructae, latine versae. dissert, inaug. quam . . . defendet auctor: Joseph. Franc. Aug. Veith. Vratislaviae, 62. 27. 20 pp. ex LA. 67/79. M. 1. fragmenta septem in: Mo 2, 1/5. j Justinus Martyr (t 166) fragmentum in: Mo 2, 7/8. Sancti Justini quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 11 16; lat. 287292. The book of Kalilah and Dimnah translated from Arabic into Syriac edited by W. Wright, LL.D., Prof. etc. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. London Triibner 1884. 81. 406 (1). M. 15. conf. "Wright, Journ. E. As. Soc. [1874] 7, 1 Appendix. [Spe- 58 Litteratura. cimen of a syriac version of the Kalilah wa Dimnah with an engl. transl.] M. 1. 50. 2. The book of Kalilag und Damnag. alte syrische iibersetzung des indischen furstenspiegels. text und deutsche iibersetzung von Oust. BicJcell. mit einer einleitung von Theod. Benfey. Leip- zig 76. M. 18. 24. Kalilah and Dimnah : or the fables of Bidpai. Being an account of their literary history. With an english translation of the later syriac version of the same and notes by Keith-Falkoner. 8. 406 S. Cambridge, Warehouse [1884]. sh. 7. 6. Thomas a Kempis, imitatio Christi, a Jos. Guriel, Persa-Chaldaeo, chaldaice editum [sic?]. Rom. 57. fr. 6. M. 6. Georg. Ebedjesu Khayyath, Syri Orientales, seu Chaldaei, Nestoriani et Romanorum Pontificum primatus commentatio historico-philo- logico-theologica . . . accedunt appendices duae . . . Romae, Propag. 70. 10. 207. M. 6. Anecdota syriaca, collegit, edidit, explicuit J. P. N. Land Lugd. Bat. 40. T. 1. 62. 2. 68. 3. 70. 23. 356. 4. 75. 15. 223 (1) 224 tab. 5 [cit: Anecd.] M. 44. 45. 50. de vol. 1 conf. W. Wright, Anecdota Syriaca Reprinted from "The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record", for April, 1863. For Private Circulation. London, Mitchell and Son. 18 pp. Leges saeculares imperatorum Constantini, Theodosii, Leonis in: Anecd. 1, 30/64. 128/55. 184/98. f Liber chalipharumj opus chronographicum (Thomae presbyteri 7. sec.?) in: Anecd. 1, 1/22. 103/21. 165/77. Liber paradisi sive Vitae patrum aegyptiacorum particula in : codicum specimina etc.: ed. Tullberg. Ups. 51, 4. M. 1.50. Low, I., Aramaische Pflanzennamen. Mit Unterstiitzung der k. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Wien. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1881. M. 20. Meleagros aus Gadara und die Flora Aramaea. Als Manuscript gedruckt. Szegedin Mai 1883. 22 SS. [H. Steinthal gewidmet], Catechesis minor R. P. Martini Lutheri avsv iKfypasiuia Syriasmo donata. in Crinesius Gymnas. Syr. 1611. Pars altera practica. Lucianus irspt TOM pi; pe&iccy itianvsn S/ajSoXi? in: SI. 1/16. Mara bar Serapion, epistola ad filium: in Curet. Spic. 43/50. Marabbas Canones. cf. Ebedjesu, Nomocanon tract. 2 et 9 Brevia- rium Mossul. p. 46. epistolae synodicae fragmentum. BO. 3, 1, 77/8. Mares vide Acta S. Mart. An ancient syriac martyrology from a ms. of the year 411. ed. by W. Wright in : Journal of sacred literature 4th. ser. T. 8. Oct. 65. p. 45 sqq. 423 sqq. M. 1. Litteratura. 59 cf. Bickell, ThQS. 1866. 466/68. Nilles, Calendarium Manuale. 1, 1879. 30. Acta Sanctorum Oct. 1. 12, 183/5; ibidem suppl. (Oct.) Victor de Buck. Egli, E., altchristliche Studien Zurich 1887. 1/58. 103/11. Harnack ThLZ. 87, 13. Dillmann, A., Ueber die apokryphen Martyrergeschichten des Cyriacus mit Julitta und des Georgius. Sitz. Ber. der k. pr. Akad. der WW. in Berlin 1887. 339/56. Maruthas episc. Tagritensis (c. 430), acta martyrum persarum in: Ass. acta mart. 1. scholia duo in Exod. 16, 1. Mt. 26, 6/14 in: Mo 2, 32. Melito episcopus Sardum (?), apologia (xspi aXij^aj ?), fragmenta alia in: Curet. Spic. 22/3, et Pitra Spic. 2. 38/66. apologiae ad Marcum Aurelium fragmentum e syriaco vertit E. Eenan. Ex Spic. Solesm. t. 2. seorsim cusum: Paris 55. 19 pp. Pr. 2. Th. Noldeke, iiber die Apologie unter JMelito's Namen in Cure- ton's Spicilegium Syriacum. JfprTh. 13, 2. Menandri sententiae in: Anecd. 1. 64/73 et: SI. 80. Sancti Methodii, Episcopi et Martyris, quae syriace supersunt frag- menta. Pitra 4, 201/6; lat. 434/9. Monumenta syriaca ex romanis codicibus collecta. praefatus est P. Pius Zingerle. Oeniponti. vol. 1. 69. 6 (2). 44. 123. - edita a dr. Georgia Mosinger vol. 2. ibid. 78. 15 26. 174. (M. 8.) 5. Moses Agellensis (c. 550) vide: historic/, Josephi et Aseneth, quam transtulit ut et Glaphyra Cyrilli. Moses bar Cepha (f 903) de paradiso transt. A. Masius. Antw. 1569. 40. Mosis Mardeni theologica de sacrosancta trinitate contemplatio, scripta ab ipso, anno CIO CI LIT. et ex autographo ' syrico ad verbum tralata, per eundem Andream Masium. 273/6. Fidei Professio, quam Moses Mardenus Assyrius, Jacobita, Patriarchae Antiocheni Legatus, suo & Patriarchae sui nomine est Komae professus Anno CIO CI LII. ex ipso profitentis autographo Syrico traducta ad verbum, per Andream Masium Bruxellanum p. 257/64. Andreae Mulleri Greiffenhagii symbolae syriacae sive I. epistolae duae syriacae amoebaeae Mosis Mardeni et Andreae Masii cum versione et notis. ut et II. dissertationes duae de rebus itidem syriacis et e reliquis Mardeni epistolis maxime. Berolini 673. 4. M. 1.25. 1.50. conf. de Andrea Miiller ZDMG. 35 p. 13 n. 5. Mundhir III und die beiden monophysitischen Bischofe. Von Ign. Guidi. ZDMG. 35. (81). 142/46. 'namso' grammaticus (c. 650). cf. Opuscula Nestoriana 2/49. Narcissi episcopi (a. 350) quae fertur epistola in: Boediger 2 102/4. 60 Litteratura. Narses (f 496). cf. Breviarium Eomanum 441 Mossul. 66. editio praeparata a C. Macke (vide Hymnen aus dem Zweistrb'meland p. 13). Das Nicaenum und Nicaeno-Constantinopolitanum in syrischer iiber- setzung aus einer handschrift des british museum in: Caspar!, quellen zur geschichte des taufsymbols 1. 100/12. vide etiam: Analecta, concilia. Th. Noeldeke, zur geschichte der Araber im 1. jahrh. d. H. aus syri- schen quellen in: ZDMG. 29 (75). 76/98. Opvscvla Nestoriana syriace. tradidit Georgivs Hoffmann Professor Kiliensis. 'Naniso'nis Hd^aijab^eni et Hun aim Hert h eni liber canonum de aequilitteris. c Ab h diso t nis Gazarteni carmen heptasyllabum de aequilitteris. Anonymi interpretatio vocum dimcilium biblicarum. Anonymi scholia biblica. Kiliae G. von Maack 1880. Parisiis, Maisonneuve et Soc. 23. 163 autogr. 4. M. 20. ed. 2. (novo titulo) 1886. M. 10. Otia syriaca = Anecd. T. 4. 75. Paulus Persa (c. 570), logica ad regem Chosroem in: Anecd. 4. 1/32. 1/30. 99/113. De condemnatione Pauli Samosateni quae syriace supersunt frag- menta. Pitra 4, 183/6; lat. 423/5. Petnis Alexandrinus (a. 306) epistola canonica in: LB. Sancti Petri Alexandrini episcopi et martyris quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 187/94; lat. 425/9. Philoxenus (Aksenaya) ex Mabbogh (occisus c. 523) epistola". (ex- cerpta in BO. 2, 30/46, Wright, Cat. 1315) v. Martin, Gramm. Syr. p. 71; Ign. Guidi, la lettera di Filosseno ai Monaci di Tell 'Adda (Teleda) Borne 1886. Beale Accademia dei Lincei (anno 282 1884/5); Frothingham, Stephen bar Sudaili p. 28. Philoxenus von Mabug iiber den Glauben. Von Friedrich Baeth- gen in Kiel. ZfKG. 5. 1. 122/38. Translatio 2. homil. ex Add. MS. 12163 fol. 9. Philosophorum de anima sententiae in: SI. 5/7. 76/9. consilia: SI. 82/3. Physiologus syrus seu historia animalium 32 in s. scriptura memora- torum, ed. 0. G. Tychsen. Bostochii 795. M. 1.50. 2. leydensis: Anecd. 4. 33/102. 31/98. 115/76. Plato [pseudo-] consilium ad discipulum: SI. 57/9. - definitiones (opoi): SI. 56/7. 59. Plutarchus, vspi aop-ffaiao: LA. 186/95. , de exercitatione : LA. 177/86. Litteratura. 61 Plutarchus, [Ps.-] Plutarchos icspi aanrpeus. Uebers. a. d. Syr. von Gildemeister & Biicheler. Bonn 72. 8. SA. M. 1. Syrische poesien, aus zwei handschriften des Vatican (Cod. Vatican 63 und 64) enthaltend den ehe-ritus der Nestorianer. mitgetheilt von dr. p. Pius Zingerle: ZDMG. 17 (63) 730/5. Sancti Polycarpi quae supersunt syriacc et armenice fragmenta. Pitra 4, 5; lat. 282. cf. the Apostolic Fathers ed. Lightfoot. Pythagoras, sententiae: LA. 195/201. cf. Gildemeister, Hermes 4, 81 ff. W. Wright, JBAS. 1874, App. ; Kalilah and Dimnah, Praef. ; Schenkl, Wiener Studien 8, 2, 262/81 Pythagoreerspruche in einer [gr.] Wiener Handschrift. Probus (5 saec.), translator Aristotelis ; v. Hoffmann, de henneneuticis. Burton, F., Proverbia communia syriaca. (Journ. of the As. Soc. 1871.) 8<>. 29 pp. M. 1.25. Babbula (f Aug. 435). in: S. Ephraemi Syri Rabulae episcopi Edesseni Balaei aJiorumque opera selecta . . . edidit J. J. Over- beck. Oxonii 1865. p. 159 (210) 250. G. Bickell, ausgewahlte Schriften der syrischen Kirchenvater . . . Babulas . . . zum ersten Male aus dem Syr. iibersetzt. Kempten 1874 (Thalhofer, Bibliothek) 8. 153271. Syrisch-romisches Bechtsbuch aus dem fiinften Jahrhundert. Mit Unterstiitzung der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus den orientalischen Quellen herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erlautert von Karl Qeorg Bruns und Eduard Sachau. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1880. 4. M. 36. Bemerkungen zu Bruns-Sachau: Syrisch-Bb'misches Bechtsbuch aus dem fiinften Jahrhundert." Von Dr. Perles, Babbiner. ZDMG. 1881, 139/41. 725/7. Reliquiae iuris ecclesiastic* antiquissimae. syriace primus edidit Ant. P.deLagarde. [cit: LB.] (Lips.) 56. (M. 13. 50). M. 10. 12. Sabhriso' I. [596604]. Guidi, Ign., die [angebliche] Kirchenge- schichte des Catholikos Sabhriso' I. ZDMG. 40. (86) 559/61. [e cod. vat. syr. 183, 367, a]. Salomo Bassorensis (c. 1222). The book of the bee the syriac text edited from the Manuscripts in London, Oxford, and Munich with an English translation by Ernest A. Wallis Budge M. A. Oxford 1886. 15 (l). 155 (1). 180. (Anecdota Oxoniensia. Se- mitic Series. Vol. 1. Part 2.) M. 18. liber Apis, syriacum arabicumque textum latine vertit J. Schon- felder. Bamberg 66. M. 1. 50. Schieferdecker, J. D., nativitas Jesu Christi Syro ore depraedic. 4. Cizae 1682. M. . 75. Messias exinanitus et exaltatus, stilo Dauidis syre et arabice c. lat. 62 Lifcteratura. interpret. Th. Erpenii, Viet. Scialae et Gabr. Sionitae. 4. Cizae 1680. M. . 75. Serapionis, Thmuilae episcopi, quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 214/5; lat. 443/4. Sergius archiater Ras'ainensis (saec. 6.), de effectu lunae: SI. 101/24. - de motu solis: SI. 125/6. Severus, Patriarcha Alexandrinus (512/8) homiliae enthronisticae. vide Jacobus Edessenus. Sexti Sententiarum recensiones Latinam Qraecam Syriacas coniunctim exhibuit Joannes Qildemeister Professor Bonnensis, Bonnae ad Ehenum apud Adolphum Marcum 1873. 56. 107. cf. Lagarde, Analecta. Charakter und Ursprung der Spriiche des Philosophen Sextivs dargestellt von Professor Meinrad Ott, Rottweil. Druck von M. Rothschild 1861. (Progr.) 71 pp. 4. Die syrischen ,,Auserlesenen Spriiche des Herm Xistus Bischofs von Bom" nicht eine Xistusschrift, sondern eine iiberarbeitete Sextiuschrift nachgewiesen von Prof. M. Ott. ib. 1862 (Progr.) 48 SS. 4. Cont. ib. 1863 (Progr.) 137 S. 4. Simeon bar Sabba'e (filius tinctorum, martyr 339/40). hymnus in: S* E* S* ... opera selecta . . . ed. J. J. Overbeck 1865. p. 424. Simeon episcopus Betharsamensis (510/25) epistola de Nestorianismo : BO. 1. 346/58, Michaelis 1/15. Simeons bref om Nestorianerna. Ofversattning fran Syriskan jemte Kommentarier. Akademisk Afhandling . . . af Axel G. G. Tomer. Filos Kandidat af Blek. Nationen, Adjunkt vid, Wexioh. Elem.- Laroverk. Lund, tryckt uti Berlingska Boktryckeriet, 1862. ^28. ad mar Simeonem Gabulae abbatem de martyrio Homeritarum BO. 1. 364/79, Michaelis 22/39. Guidi, la lettera di Simeone de Vescovo di Beth-Aram sopra i Martiri Omeriti. Beale Accademia dei Lincei. anno 278 Roma 1881. M. 2. 80. Uhlmann, Fr., die Christenverfolgungen in Persien im 4. u. 5. Jahrh. Aus gleichzeit. syrischen Originalquellen 1861. 8. (A). 162 p. Harrass. 79, 193. M. 1. 50. Simeon Kukaja (6 s.) 30. hymni. paginae a P. Martin autographicae, nescio an alicubi publicatae. Simeon Stylita (f c. 459). vita: Assemani, Acta S. mart. 2, 268/77. Uhlemann 2 53/63. Zingerle, Pius, Leben und Wirken des h. Symeon Stylites. Inns- bruck 1855. 120. Simon Kephas, praedicatio. cf. Lipsius, Apocryphe Apostelgeschichten. Litteratura. 63 Sindban oder die sieben weisen Meister. syrisch und deutsch. von Friedr. Baethgen. Leipz. 79. 38. 26 pp. M. 1. 2. 2. 80. Socrates sive Herostrophus, dialogus de anima: LA. 158/67. Die Fabeln des Sophos, syrisches original der fabeln des Syntipas, in berichtigtem vocalisirtem texte zum ersten male vollstandig mit einem glossar herausgegeben, nebst literarischen vorbemerkungen iiber das vaterland der fabel von dr. Julius Landsberger. Posen 59. M. 3. 3. 80. 6. Spicilegium syriacum: containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Am- brose and Mara bar Serapion. now first edited with an english translation and notes by the rev. William Cureton. London 55. sh. 9. 20. 36. M. 18. 20. 24. 25. Fragmenta e Spicilegio translata in: Clark's Antenicene Library vol. (21.) 22. 1871 by William Fletches D. D. (of 2 & 3 cent.) et vol. 24. 1872 by William Macdonald, George Rose Merry, D. Do- naldson (Early Liturgies). Stephen bar Sudaili, the Syrian Mystic and the book of Hierotheos, by A. L. Frothingham Jr. Brill, Leide 1886. gr. 80. Fl. 2. 50. cf. Baethgen, ThLZ. 87, 10. K Duval, Rev. Crit. 87, 40. On the book of Hierotheus by a Syrian Mystic of the Fifth Century, by Mr. A. L. Frothingham, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Am. Or. Soc. Proc. at Bait. Oct. 84. 9jl3. Epistola populi Nestoriani quam anno CIO 10 LII. ex Mozal, hoc est, Seleucia Parthorum scribebat ad Pontificem Romanum pro Patriarcha initiando, traducta ex autographo Syrico ad verbum, per Andream Masium. post Mosis BCephae de Paradiso (1569) 264/6. Epistola Nestorianorum qui electum Patriarcham suum usque ad Je- rusalem deduxerant: scripta ex Jerusalem ad Pontificem Romanum de eadem re, & traducta ex Autographo Syrico ad verbum, per Andream Masium. post Mosis BCephae, de Paradiso (1569) 266/9. Professio fidei, quam Siud sive Sulaka, electus Patriarcha ab Nesto- rianis, ore & scripto est professus Romae anno CIO 10 LIII. tra- ducta ex Autographo Syrico ad verbum, per Andream Masium. post Mosis BCephae de Paradiso (1569). 269/72. Symbolae Syriacae = Anecd. T. 1. M. 10. An ancient syriac document purporting to be the record, in its chief features, of the second synod of Ephesus, aud disclosing historical matter "interesting to the church at large"; of which document an attempt at an entire reproduction in fac-simile characters and at a translation is now first made by the rev. S. G. F. Perry, M. A. Part I. Oxford 67. 4. privately printed. 23. tab. 20 (1). (cum tab. photogr.) secundam synodum ephesinam, necnon excerpta quae praesertim 64 Litteratura. ad earn pertinent, e codicibus syriacis manuscriptis in museo britanico asservatis primus edidit Samuel G. F. Perry, M. A. Oxonii 75. [priv. printed.] 336 pp. Quo post mortem autoris (Jan. 81) exemplaria impressa per- venerint, nescitur; cf. Wright, Syriac Literature 829, 26. An ancient syriac document purporting: to be the record. The second synod of Ephesns. Acts. English Version with notes, by Bev. S. G-. F. Perry, M. A. Cantab. Dartford 1877. (8) 387 pp. M. 6. 10. - Verhandlungen der Kircheuversammlung zu Ephesus am 22. August 449 aus einer syrischen Handschrift vom Jahre 535 iibersetzt von Dr. Georff Hoffmann, ordentlichem Professor der morgenlandischen Sprachen. Kiel, Mohi- 1873. Festschrift Herrn Dr. Justus Ols- hausen etc. (7) 107. 4<>. M. 2. Actes du Brigandage d'Ephese. Traduction faite sur le texte Syria- que contenu dans le manuscrit 14530 du Musee Britannique, par M. I'Abbe Martin. Extrait de la Revue des Sciences ecclesiasti- ques. Amiens 74. 182 (1). - M. I'abbe Martin, le Pseudo-Synode connu dans 1'histoire sous le nom de Brigandage d'Ephese etudie d'apres ses actes retrouves en Syriaque par M. 1. M. Paris, Maisonneuve, 75. 21. 214. Narratio ex historia Syntipae sive de septem sapientibus sumta : Eoediger 2 100/1. Die Fabeln des Syntipas. Von Dr. Landsberger. ZDMG-. 12 (58) 149/59. Das taufbekenntnis der Nestorianer aus cod. orient. 147 der konig- lichen hof bibliothek zu Miinchen : Caspari, quellen zur geschichte des taufsymbols 1, 113/42. Theano, sententiae: SI. 70/5. ThemistiuSj Kepi apsrrp: SI. 17/37. Themistios -nspi aps-cya. Nach einer syr. Uebers. bearbeitet v. Gilde- meister & Biicheler. Bonn 72. 8. (S. A.) M. 1. nept i\i/za: SI. 38/55. Theodori Mopsuesteni (f 428 [429?]) fragmenta syriaca e codicibus musei britannici nitriacis edidit in latinum sermonem vertit Ed. Sachau. Lips. 69. M. 4. 7. excerpta: LA. 100/8. Der Psalmenkommentar des Th. v. M. in syrischer Bearbeitung. Von Friedrich Baethgen. ZfatW. 5 (85) 53/101. Flunk, Theodora v. Mopsuestia Psalmenkommentar. ZfkTh. 87. 1. 181 f. Les sentences symboliques de Theodose patriai'che d'Antioche (887/96). text syriac public et traduit par H. Zotenberg : Journal asiatique, sept. ser. tome 8 Nov.-Dec. 76. 425/76. De Theodosii ep. hierosolymitani [post 451] obitu: Anecd. 3. 341/6. Litteratura. 65 Schaaf, C., relatio historica ad epistolam syriacam a Maha Thome i. e. Magno Thoma ad Ignatium et ipsa ilia episcopi Indi epistola syriacac. vers. lat. etc. Lugd. Bat. 1714. 4. PI. . 75. M. 1. 50. Thomas Edessenus (hymnus). cf. Breviarium Mossul. p. 59. Thomas Margensis (9 saec.) historia monasterii Beth' abensis : plurima excerpta BO. 3. 1; cf. imprimis 463/501. Titi Bostreni (post 360) contra Manichaeos libri quatuor syriace. Paulus Antonius de Lagarde edidit. Berolini 59. exemplaria facta 160. (4) 186 pp. JM. 18.) 10. cf. de Lagarde, Anmerkungen zur griechischen Ubersetzung der Proverbien. 1863. p. 94/5. Vita Alexandri magni: LA. 205/8. Vita Secundi philosophi taciturni, fragmentum: SI. 84/8. Horae syriacae seu commentationes et anecdota res vel litteras syriacas spectantia. auctore Nicolao Wiseman, tomus primus [unicus.] Bom. 28. M. 5. Xysti episcopi romani yvupai: LA. 1 31. Zachariae rhetoris episcopi Melitinensis [Mitylenes Lesbiae c. 518] historiae ecclesiasticae capita selecta ex codice syriaco vaticano: A. M[ai], script, vet. nova coll. T. 10 (38). 332/60. M. 8. Z. episcopi Mitylenes aliorumque scripta historica graece plerumque deperdita. syriace edidit J. P. N. Land. Lugd. Bat. 70. 4 = Anecd. torn. 3. J. Guidi, il testo siriaco della descrizione di Roma, nella storia attribuita a Zacaria Betore. Bulletino della commissione archeologica communale di Eoma. Ser. 2. Anno XII. Ott-Dic. 1884. [s. Eoma 1885] p. 218239. APPENDICULA. Duval, Rubens. Notes sur la Peschitto. 1 Edom et Borne. 2 Le flls du toit: Bevue des Etudes Juives. Nr. 27. Janv.-Mars 1887. 4952. 3 Le Semadar. ib. 28. Avril-Juin 1887. 277281. [cf. Nr. 29. p. 160]. Becensio, quam suo loco non enumerari, Thesauri Syriaci 1 7. Journ. Asiat. Extrait Nr. 13. (1887), 8 pp. Gottheil, Richard J. H. On a Syriac manuscript of the New Testa- ment belonging to the Bev. Mr. Neesan. Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. May 1887. 3133 = Vol. 13, 181183. On the manuscript of a Syriac lexicographical treatise, belonging to the Union Theological Seminary of New York City; ibid. p. 34 s. = 184 s. Nestle. E 66 Litteratura. Hall, I. H. On a Syriac Manuscript of the Acts and Epistles. Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. Oct. 1884. p. IS 21 [Williams MS., supra 2, 98 b], ibid. Proc. May 85 p. 5 8 [de epistola Abgari (v. supra p. 34), nonnullis mss. fragmentis]. ibid. Proc. Oct. 85 p. 4 [adnotatio de Versione Karkaphensi sec. P. Martin]. On Some Syriac Manuscripts recently acquired by the Union Theological Society. Journ. of the Exeget. Soc. (1887) p. 93100. - The Lives of the Prophets, ibid. p. 2830. Notes on the "Lives of the Prophets" ibid. p. 97102. ibid. p. 102 et rursus 105 de translatione Apocalypsis Esrae, quam Baethgen edidit et vertit (supra p. 44) ab ipso edita in Presbyterian Quarterly about a year ago. The Lost Ussher Manuscript ibid. 103 105. Martin, P. cf. 1, 165. 191 193 p. 33. 35 ss. [quindecim hymni (madrase) S. Ephraemi de Abraham Kidunaya e cod. lond. 14592: pp. 1 32 autographice redditae, nescio an alicubi publicatae, in quarum ultima hymnos Simeonis Kukaya e cod. lond. 14520 describere incepit; corrige supra p. 62.] - Introduction a la critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament. Partie theorique. Lemons professees a 1'Ecole Superieure de Theologie de Paris, en 18821883. Paris, Lecoffre. 13 712 pp. autogr. 4. 24 tabb. p. 97 309 des versions syriennes v - Saint Pierre et le Bationalisme devant les Eglises Orientales. Extrait de la Rev. des Sciences ecclesiastiques. Amiens 1876. 58 pp. - Saint Pierre et Saint Paul dans 1'Eglise S5 T rienne Monophysite. ibid. [1877?] 115pp. continet translationem officii in honorem S. Pauli et Petri e cod. par. 164. Phillips, Geo. Syriac Accents. From the Journal of Philology. Vol. 9. 9 pp. Ryssel, Victor. Ueber den textkritischen Werth der syrischen Ueber- setzungen griechischer Klassiker I. Theil. Leipzig 1880. 48 pp. 4. [Progr. Gymn. Nicol.] II. Theil. [1881] 56 pp. 4 [dissert, eiusdem gymnasii gratu- latoria T. A. Eckstein oblata]. Syrien. PEE 2 15 (1885) 168192. 18 (1888) 705718. CHRESTOMATHIA. I. QUATTUOR PRIMA CAPITA GENESEOS. CAPUT I. 2 5 1 1 7 '\ *H. \ ' ' I |i> A * A i *~' ,,. , ^ . : | joaio . 15 20 25 so 18 10 ft* -V^?. ft*?, lne ^ 1S5 19 ' 2 -- . "< . . . * ; qi ml ,. N ^ a -^? : . , 7 7 7 7 7 . n XVon . n tfin ~, 35 . a ( *.V*~ * V .o v .o V . o v o V 93 JOOIO " ocio : ! i-^L^i^^ C * ^-fl-X-|-r ^ t9|9 - . " 40 o ji * ? y * 070 o .. . j' ^ V *~i ^^ri |_ ^Vo A.O |A^4-^OO : ( ^ ^ . A In 1 ^^ v 97 1 " . -^^ 7. * it ^% TV^ 28 ^i i oai-i lojo :| 1 1 *" 31 .oro.c^ -> 7 jaio : fi*i ^-s lo " -1*7^- K^:QCU=) r oocn 10 "* ^ K'OOQ jilflo lao 8 .rClLu ,TiV^ Kbcno = _^tt .rdi-jj -**v ti.lp^ rfacno rrLt_u.i f^At5aail 15 -uajo : "XL. .K$uc3:io p^ua.i r^^i^.T*.! rtlllKb 20 iK* cnlsA i?U*.i oon : ^OJU& 12 r.i ** . onDULO 13 . n^Aoi-rD.t rC^Klko KlsAoiub 25 ^.irf cn\!A i.tM.i am : ~j& A\rc'.i ocn : xJLu.i .r^^A^.i K^cnis OOJSLJLO u GOD i.TXAra cnn*aT.O pa.irtlA rforAr^ Klt) 30 ncca-inr rc_T-=>3 .Tn^a 16 . > CT3CU1 X^^G OOCVt>> \ <\\x :crA t^9 V.l rdiLrf ^)0 17 :Acv p^o\ 35 . . . Q " .^ *". \ a^G iy .aoa\c\Arc Klii.t^si caA : _ A^o : ^GoaA K'i-o 40 }o'l'<' K'TnO 20 .cnSajL GOO GOT? cb\iA [orA] K'.T-JJ .a ring :V^SO.IQ ^a.Trf A-L r^ i \ T , ^A >i:ir^ ^33 ajatU.'l rdiAt<' r^orArV ij'iX rfA=D\ rC^oo .^airf 'V^JrC'o 23 pa.iK 24 oocna . =J KlXcv C A P U T III. ooi OA 2 . \ 5 IT u- -L 5 ih oiiio 13 . UQ-* jicjo 4 \ 10 ." ^i: 01 VJS -.-- '^ >0 ' . Llsclpi .Ofllii 15 .i :-* ,.'-: >c,_c . O PI 10 20 : -^_ .^/i.QS? )J.V^r< .. j - * + ".^ ">^ j 9 oeno . ^ ^^ ^ \ . 01X00 jjjso 20 .^CLSOI^ Ij^lJ^o AJ| ? 35 lc . ,^ -_ V r-/ ;i ^r* ^ .*rf P 7 & 7 CAPUT IV. (Secundum codicem Ambrosianum seculi fere sexti.) Ktoco n oc crii= anra o K'nao J . cai= cuirs o 10 jV rrfcn 7 .vAri' X2>a^^r<' rdisaio .. i^\ As. .i ocpo . . >cnc\jjr<' \.~IQQ \ 15 fCDCLuK' Ainco Ai ^*r \nu~> .jcucp .t^. vwiJ3.vo .v\C A..^. ocn L.T rdl vvCXjjK. 20 25 orA i99Kb 15 . >1 \\ynl U r 35 era! .nma ^ cnax.Q r^.l^. ^TJJ.I onsox, o . 40 .r^ilAO K'iixAB .Txwr^.T A \ \ Klar^ Ktoen aop .^in \ ->0&A ^.iL. ,co 45 Q iri\ e ^\a^ l=> b\ \ \ n ^\ 1 \ ->o . .acrx.i -^rj . .xi. cnsax. ^^ tr 50 K'To .K'Ha crA .iJu&rf .orA ^r^ ^\j.Ao- II. EVANGELII MATTHAEI CAPUT QUINTUM. [ex editione Americana, supra nr. 65 c]. jaioo : KlziA ^op -iop.i : ^ocn n \ -> ^-^.l.l 10 nVrc'.i ,coQ i .1 rr^-inW >ft ns\ ^^OCOASCX 9 10 . 11 15 r<3Li_=> r\lra A_A ^ W . V x. ^^sar^o :_cu^A 12 rcn<7u*nf A.i_ iij.i sn A^i Nestle. ocn J3Lt4ja :r AnncA K* caA rdi^K' : rdujsai.i HO VOOX. _ O.13.1 rC=3 ^1 .?3O 40 V^ -* .^*l> 41 : . vsXt C\A- 1-^3 ^r<* cnA J3CXHJL \* \ V . V ^ . 85 KlA vyJ_=73 A \KL3i rfj^.t .J99O .cnA .3 03 X 1 ' ' - _^0^> S *1 T. 43 .,< . . . . \ \ ' \ I^OK* fx *<*<< 44 ' "A 7"*^ ? f ia> 9 : "\ 7:^ . 90 .iQ.i ocn : so :rJLi=> A^ . * 46 -:..r ^^O-sA t t"iMirq.i 95 ^ ^_^ 1 * 47 -:-..^.i IN. rc'.tcn >co rdfioJLs V . ,co _oiort' AiAon aooo 48 : . ... .003 HI. VITAE PROPHETARUM. (E tribus codicibus Musei Britannici.) :oocn .r^acn -j. 5 10 orA oi.iivi.r^ K'.UJfiwo .rdiita r^ivxii >\ "U.TQ 15 \ \ \ ^ rf -1-1:1 iv-n -u^. OArdi. .rtUJSO errs Ktvcn cvocn V s oocn ^iW.! ,_i acniK' rdl r&xxA& ^.'UK' .r^jjso ocvcn S Kliz. 2O .rtli^QCul rdSO.Vh. 20 ^ & .1^=3.1 25 nc'irxD i&Vfioa .r^M^.l K'inn rdoa .1^1^. T^ ^^osaA .1 oocn ca\ ^UK'.I > en K'&vU.iSJ ^n rdcujji.i so >cno&ir<'Q .^..T*^U r .'U rq3.i 35 taJtft K'iao KlAio .ooaa3.i\s->\ '. P^J\ST. >CT3 2Q 40 a Ktocn 45 ^^_Oonl2Q r^lT^^C* TI^L r^Ocn v^^- . > cnO.TAf^lra 1-^3^ J.X\OQ r^w^CXj-v) r ^=j rd^.CU\ CT 85 .rcxi^l rc^Lvf cao < t-mio en nn m^. CDO2Q.T3 ^o^uxa 105 ocn r<^\s. .00^. ir^ a .r O03 rC'ocn i -iJ^ .1^ r =3V=c\ - .i rcno^vr<' 130 rdlcn !35*lcuJ2a:i .1^.10 ^ .1.1 K^ni\ Ami ^.i GOOD .. x^ .1 1 .T-3 .r.i r^oco r^JiOO.lA\ Jl^J^K'O .ndjin^ vy-.K' ctocn At -^ 140 ^90 K'ocn > cpo^K r ^Kla.i 145 oq3 .1^0 : r^OOO .r^-iA ribcn >eoaAu r <'a -. rlca^.cuorc'.TO r^'.iOcaA i a 150 > rdicn . orA Ktoeo ,cpc\^v,r<' .T=r
  • -1.1 r^nlcvx. r^ocnj rclxrai\:i .Kl^.iK' aii^.i ocp 200 ..ST.OCTJ rc'ocn t Q\iT~ 205 .laa-) ifio^.'i^ rcoo^vr< r 215 K'ocn >cnG&\-r^ T<> T.ird^q ocn '. >ODO.iajjA cnLt.i 225 .I\QV K'aon >cnc\&urc' rdicn .poi .03^1^33 .V-lQO K'^rdx^fiD t^O .rerjaivr^ rdaco .K'OOD .i om r^ocn V Nestle. .engirds -ti>A r^ r^l >Q K'ocn rc'CUU criinXo ca& ^un r r^ K' caX K'cuu.i ii r^aco Kl=> .rClAK*.! >cna. < vrl= 250 .i re'ocn rfocb.i .vfo.i 255 A^. K'i'vK' .= co_C\ . r^_r.i n^ocn V \i .t .rC^W orA^ Aj^a 260 .oc.cinAK' ^w K'ocn >cno^\*r<' K'.ien icoa .r^.irir^ rd^ir^ pa dxu^.i rc'icu caA n^.* T-^ .1 i^- K'Avsa-iO .>ocn 265 02=3 270 rtlieo .i 275 r^oeo Q* \ AnT. ^..i . n A^v-io . 280 .K'.ld.-A) ^CV\ _Sk vs&cno .A^r^o.T^ K^cx-ix- .aooo Aii-i K'ocnct V X V- relA JC-JKlAcx .fjdsr^ 1 .rfocn.i v ti. Anr: .r^icncu Ai\n 290 ..Ao^ULSn KlicOobr^ ^_C\ca*'iA>.i rdtio .AAo 295 irua^Kh Ausaa 300 r^ rf\ \ p^*sn s .1 KlucL^ A s. co .1 ni'.icn crAo .rOoo ^^oan ajL.oKl=o 310 >on . .> \ T .i A s . f*i n crA rrfnoo r^i ' orA r^oan iruQ Kla^. cni^ rrflico K'Oon > cora K^ciiil") rfoco V)r<'. < i vwre Klz^i nfacn ^vA.i pc'^v^axrs K'ocn.i .i cuc : r^ocn r^- Ocp 330 K"ocn orA r^ocn ^Iba.i r^ocn ocpo >^ > u -T^O .va^^so -^-^Tr >cr>avr<'i ir cni*L2w . , en cv.xs^ .1 cu 335 ..A\r..i rf^u^a oiAx-K' KlwioKl=).T ^..T* ocn T 8 crn.TJt. .< 340 a\ i T. orAsao caA - >t \ > .i rt'aco r&iK* ca\\^n.i' oon i "i n&K'O ..i 1 s .1 r^\ s A-s. >i '.i ac .rfcuaflo ^20 >cnoAur^ reiiv^. 355 .:! r^^< i i T \ pn \ T ioK' ,50^fl rd^/ir^ pa rfocn > p) 360 ,VhA\ i Kl^irtla rcfocn il K'ocn oocn ^Artflz. rfcV\v.U2 >*iojj K'cK&acnAjLO .cnA oocn ^L2ki&2n K'ioJ.i 365 .^aijc.ior ..tL^rf .T^ r^rf ocn rilicarao .I ocn . 375 rt'ocn >< .t ocn ouc -- * \^ rdicnA ^cnoAnr.o . ...can ^oon .*icn ^n . ^cr3OcYir>r^ oooo r> \ TJ ^cp O.xZLl^nf.1 P^-lOP .^CUCTD .tSIT... > UU O .Ac\r V -^ .. *-> wr> "i *^ A ^ gi r n S? c0i 5 ^91 .^OiaL^t 09jl09 ) 1 1 q ff>] .^OOJJO ) 0>\4.9 L*^^ ^VVn A. oA^j ^C l^Aj) J901 .) * * 4 V? _ -u_ (, col. 2.) . 90^ lAl ' r^? ^si-**! *? o V^D . Sl^M iil.* csi . | M * A So ^*i* ;? * -i_ 20 u- | ^.1^ ^.V ^ n o A VVj^ A.. . . ? (ft, col. 1) I L- 1- i-C 25 H=^ ^ ^^ ^ - -^ . Soi . ^-:- 30 _A ^01 )j -^r>^ (J? . qiVi\ OO91 . >q ^o]? I i^--. ? 35 (6, col. 2) .- . | A ^ " 1 *^ ,0 /n A o 1 | ~-* ^ V^ P --^ >o_po . i? p _- . . .oNVi^l M . ]j * s/rr?\ oiV 40 Ll'l .oJtn 45 -l_ . _ 50 _^._n ) * ^ IVVrt , CfuMJc . .oai ^Viv^ i_a? T._ jooi .jo^AVi jj'l ^0)9 55 9 . \ q A P] , o >\qi ^o . )jgi l (^ 294, <7, ol*] f ^ " "i ilrJ U_iL . ^ O9I . -jJ-C ^ (//, 2.) 9i^ Sn 4^ ) * 1 1 ^ V 09il^9 j " "^ j.^;c . jA^^o 60 |Jo . otn 091 A n^lO . 001 Alfl^ij --i-^. i j^C . yA..n^ A,Ak 65 col. 1.) ^091 (-4.^. . ^091 M )^?aLo9^ J991 0^.9 ^I^i 70 ^*9 | ".^ *^ ) q A 0] ,-A -i^? r^1 r~ | A^A A Vn< j ro ^. o> | Q A nl V V 75 2)^4 _^9 U?o* . IT U 80 Cj^LS^i (&, COl. 2.) . |^0>0 U' 1' - . T-2 -- >0|-0? . *-~* . . ]ooio .^310. 85 ^Jcc^j: Jc n 'J.Ll'l P ^c . i-nl.jj com . 90 UU OO01 -^ 1 . J0919 rv i ) t*Si> 0001 (fol. 295, a, col. 1.) ^.A A V^ V .O9QJO . o ". ~i A 1 ^.V -^ A. . -- -- 95 ]?| 4 ">? . oS*|3 | ^.^ *.<^ . . r-=" ^910^1 _cc_=l-AC . nL. -j ^ 0010 . b~-=^r (J-nl. ^9ialHk i otn , alco 0001 _ k *'l ^^OO . .CTUk^'^ )_|4^_4^I 100 2) e codice Mus. Brit. Add. 14,644. | ) ^S? im-^o w^sA^l Ua^l? U S4,^ (18 r.) l ^ |n\Vi . f^n 1 . 71 1 ^n n u - Al 4*n ^o o A 7 {.1^,71 ^001 i^-' - _- . ) M A V ^O^A ^i^O 10 )oai ^As *-* nn ^ r -lo AliaLaM jj .^.*loa^ "(ALA1- jA-J-c Nestle. 15 _-cc iAJ-kjLe? LLl ^ Q^| . : ^_k!_- 1* " -:c . )g^ t ,n _1^ i'n^L ^oA^otn 25 o " ^" ^ t 0< ~^^ JOS1 |_S >9 _^^_^C N. 0> ' Vj" \ __^ 9 -* -LC .^M* I-,-*.' ])0ial^0 . . rJjJ- ^ U r^ | *ViTT>? . ^i-klj- ^J! l*-i "_'_-: .cA^^M ! J__^.- " ~*^ -1 ^1_ A.1^1 . ,^-rzli.L 30 .-J-T .--'._.:_ i^aloJ _^- r *.- x ^^l . . .CTULs O^JOO . A^9 Z\^M t O TL^lCj-C ^ ,-J! Q^AA|O . ^ L^IL y-kl )^>alaj ^v ; . . : -i_ I- jlio5 .OAO-L^4 j-k. jj . ^flT.AjS 0^0,0 35 x x> \> *j (_ITI ^ AVffft . ii^9 oiA^^Li^ xv v n ^ -> i ^| j . 9 . i^o] ,-kOj j^. U^a^ . jj^a^ . oa^ b] |ooio . . Qjgio . A-^- v/^o A^S7 t" 1 '-'^ r i 40 . ^ ^. _t .^11.^ U A? " J- w r ci .oA^ooi (fol. 19 rect.) . . | r- ? A J U * ! 7 |,^i^^HU^V 7i^ ^ * \ H* 55 Ojicj _*? . - . , ^ . ill: _* _*JJ JA^ . _l^l_s-J^'-tc 1* . 4j r L'_^.-.^ )J_SJ *v^ y.* _M w . -- t\t] -^.^ ii-1 w00^9 , 60 oosi r-^lo] ^-f 1 r- ? -- . . 9 _*? .cnJLo ^ . ]Aa\Sr) L 001 65 V?i^. s 13 ^-A? Jo . i^K. >c-| . , r '^ rcJ-iJ -e .^t^lo ^rvch jiejo ^t-aj (fol. 19 vers.) _*-L^! ^_ J ^-i__J_^ 001 70 -."1- cooi --^ ^lr ,_: _Lo '< *S] ." c.^.^_ ^_ ^^\| ASro -*. r ..' o0vl) .^oi U . jiej 0^001 VnV ^V v^V^ 0010 . i 9lj^> ^* 75 0*0919 _*9Uij 0091 LI c . >-ic.l_ 0091 -Ajlc!? i-^, O091 .) Mi 4V 0*091 ,]"> 0091 ^^,^9 .^9IO^O70 llil-i 80 . CTT.L _t9i , .091^ J091 M^ ".C-A-*. 091 _- . i-.l-J! iw.^ loo .t^9ioi_^co ) ^ ^"1 Is 0091 ^^f J091 _^OA9I 85 ) * * y ^ ^>n^VV QO91 O^l "*; " r = | loo ^ C9io .^*9i U ^flD .|^o|o o.i_.C *^^ * - ^ , O91 \oj_4, <_s) .".2-4-ki 'n JcJ.1^4*^-: f^!!c 90 . jcsi > o\q j^iLi ]Jc_LLscLcc .)o9i ^ . ) lt> i4Vm 9LO 0091 _^1^0*9lLc9 \^1* JO91 w9i O9I .=-!? ^9id^ 1U^ (f- 20 i-'ect.) lloik |ooi | "-^^ ^ 95 ^j_O J ? 001 li-O9 hi-*- AlSruoi . _* ^ ^"i- ^- --rv M >*i i U.- ^1. AO010 . ovo _*? ,jc .^mL^aM ) i HP] j 100. >^ IOQI i " e >^ ^c| ^nViATf? . >\gi .f-o^ ^i'<^V u cnJ| . .iiL j^ALo jJlc ^J| ^oAS-Sn^, ^pAj| ]oio ^ U-^J UA^S Ulo . *,Sgi >ooALo ID ! . oil. cj c]o \ 1 ^:^j (jb01O . i ^ ^^^ * |3 IL'-C^ -^11-C i ^ ^^ ^ * 105 J ^013.^0.^^ )V)S? i^oAlo ) i 4 P^ ,_^ 0001 UlrcnV |l\SnVt fSO . ,zJ| o^oojo . ^02^ | -^^ . n 1 "i 1? n *~ A] MC ,CTL!_ ? p _^9 .QjOl . .ii 01 Sn 4,9 't-^-- i-J"i? r , . UU |ooi ]| ^ i_o . A 1 V-, V^ OOCI O93Ltf] }ZC->312} J901 fiO 115 ^^Vn .fll^Q^ V/s Qjj AJ] ik9^ e (f. 20 vers.) 11 .!, o) .111*0 'U^ U^ ^tlo^o -*j] >OAIQJ .1 . I Vo ^ \ . A^ A Vn *i ^t^i >*< I V^ m .^jlo] |Aa^k> .|^is Vsilo^ w^i^jA^ ll^j^^ 1^01120 iloj .L^^Lso Ulc-A.^ L^J* )^^9 A^>,9 \^sJi onJl . . VJ* g ^ \ . >. A A Vrt La^|o . LSi^l9 Ll2_4_C . ^iA A V^ I ^ >.| ^..x _^9 wtoi . 125 ,-l*o . j -^- J 0(31 ^i Ale . . OOS1 . *Vl 1^ ? SI _^9 _1^ . ^^^^ . *\ai 130 ,_c Is ~c| -^9 Al] . . flri |90<3i^ . j^\ Sn 1 Vi g . jj] .^fLe] j^^SV .^^j^c ^o]o A^Lo? Uj-oAic? if*' -*-- '-** '- c' -"n " ~z.~x -J! . 90<3i^ . ^, -= 9 .^^^9l|9 001 U! 131 ^ pi 1 A A -""" 't-2-^ iicrukL 13? -i*^ (fol. 21 rect.) - jA^J 1: 1900U P^, . _^J-:^ ll^.^, li-o o^, ^.Lo - 11 ^^H ^alLo pi pis .^1o l^js o^. )M< AST? (31 q t n]9 1A09 .=-=1* Pi 1 2-*l= PtC .1931 150 . lL 139 K v^ |j | A i v i ^ 13? ^tSSailo ,c3uJ^s . ^ A A v.^ ^ A V _ "Vs \ic osi Aj] . OI^LM&A,^ ^| 155 jj-n 001 y 1 A *-> .9 051 ,J ^fle } ^-^ .^0^ ^0 99Ajk,]9 051 i S ^ ]Lz~ ^^ai Q_^ .jo5i ^a^ ^ Sr g .Jon ^>lo ^e'+ jA^Al. lA-kLo A^o ^o |3o .|o5i 5Qlo5^ ]?51 i ^^ yl^ jj| [V^ ^j^o j^,51 wSJ 160 v o . ^ n]? Ul w^i Labile j^affl9 !i-.'J-. avLLo u2.sH j -^ > ^k 9 9A^ 165 J031 ^.(_ ]A099 (TLlLo U.A.1 j.lfl.2S? (U^- 95LJAJ9 (fol. 21 vers.) Ml .^ai^* --^ f^ p ^j.l= .yl^r U] ill^ . +Zr\ n ^ 170 051 . ^*i w^C.l^.Jjr] ij>C2j ^IiL >*1^\1SP -i * I *^^ j_L^^J I ^vV A. ffl Vi A -^ I IVAO *. ^tj iVi ^9 ,- V.'p-) 001 .ooilic ,oJ0i oc0i Acco . ^fc) ffi-sn ^ . . 4\4. ^.Ar^? {jf^SO . j.***AV? 01 M.QO A. 001 0010 . '(.iY "T ' Al " v ^ t^ -A.31 . ^j r -*? (ICTL* . loci 001 001 >CL&7 ,.0 . 001 lA^Lo >c_o |Jo . . r n MO 40 . o;0t oc0i 4, v a>,p _A^ CTLO . ax> 001 J001 t SV>9 001 -lus:? 0ilLo c0i U? "=-** -CCJ )J01 -llr .j^clc i^xOO . ]^' t ' * 4 ^ 190 ^TL^A^AJ' ^2-4-* -/^.Sf o) . ] ]Sn\S O . ^Lil^-1- J001J9 jj] ULc^a 1900LA 0010 (f. 22 rect.) *>-> 90 ,-c.L. I illo U,>=_ ^L A^n A,] . p'| ^s^ 195 0319 u^r ) ^^.1 A. A *-> ^ - Vj J ^_ cai 310^9 ,-Lo 001 ij-SL^ J091 wtJ 01 AS 4,, CO i^k^9 A\^ iiL-n ] A ^1^^ 7 0910 .|A^-C-0 Jci )^_Alo9 ^(31 lAfiO^O I fl- AJ.SO <^AV^- ^ ji A^^ ] | J_ll^-knJ_c _^9 -.n . -I 031 Ll^.'j-C, -uc _!:_! iosi ^ncJ-kh 091 U:=-=_L^LJ 210 9Ui ,^^ f0 . JOSI qi t VlS] 001 -si? \^110 c ! LLca.'J- j^nSV ^001 ^^loi . -'-' j .31^0^ io ]Jo -W? Ul ^_ 225 ^s| . Jon . 31 >Q n DO . ooei 230^ jj| l ? olo jlejo |ruk ^s^ iX^o 31^ V^ josi PI -^-T-C . U? = TV*.? !^-is.|-* M 1^ ^J-_*w^l ^flo *^ i-*.., Lc j-C . _!M , *A 1-i ^ __c - svo josi ^^*|1 Ulo-t 1-= ^i (fol. 23 rect.) ]oai J^p? + ^0199 i^slej-e ^9) a^. Lo .oJsi t . v ooA(31 ||.^9 -AlL.9 ^A| . ^gj 0^9 j^L^ 240 s)] !v v-- .O3t^ so n.m q W^OAAO^ >lia-' csi ,cJ . C Ttllo gnQS^! JJI>09 ^031 )n AttAloO . . fLe t,t4Vl\ 245 . gn > tt . . ^90n9 Uft099 |Jc^^_C . _-4. 9 31 1 *Sg ^ A^lC9|o . >O* r C -.1^? ++} 31 1 A\9 i 1 ' i', . i^.^ Pi-CCjl. |03I^9 (Jc-C.^ ,03Lllo J031 0031 _*93LOlo9 | ^ """ *|9|o . j-^ |nSSp9 M,^: nl- J03LJ9 . ?}- M? 255 ^> lc_IJ |^r>i Ui-sJ-E |-^A-^ i AliLc? . oili, |o9iJ O91 |-4.?S.i j_*:rG_2? 1^909 -.091 J .^miLs . *\qi 260 ^091 ^,-OSC AlQ-^l 9 (f. 23 vers.) j^nn* ^o 5oavA '|5Lll\ 265 . ) q A 0*19 ,^9 ^"] ^ ._ 270 ? . <>SA] .O9i\nnS . . ,_ . l-^* 9L^9 i^ Ai 3) e Cod. Vat. syr. 148 (a. Chr. 1267). [ex explanatione officiorum ecclesiasticorum a Georgio Arbelensi conscripta.] (I, 24.) ) AVi A,; ^| tttVo jjlcA^, AJ^JS . Lc.*_. .-.i_.^.' i^Ja^ j vr?S >.Aa 5 . U 10 |^ '- ^ ",*. " AfSQ^O il-: --A. UJ M (corr. _201 L^ i-^ -- ^-^ * ^ V ]A^o .)>**4V? Ll'-i* T.'-; . r ^.- _'-^- . r - : " -iJ^l-.-....' Li: r Y-^ . LC.A .* 20 U^X^jjJj^l . _r :.!*-. 1.'. r:i:i_ , -' '-^ L^A.r >.* ; J Ji r s . *.i _.._ . . -. _. * I 25 |501 U il^.' ^h 091 . L.'-: r ^ LA.'_'_H V 1 . ._ 30 -Ai^] lO) == U^J ! i-l v ^ --- u- . . . r .~_ J .o, oSI ]A 040 35 a inclusa a secunda manu. A ^.Sr t " ]AloAio v^^^n a *. eras urn. b inclusa a secunda manu. Nestle. A \V|i^ ja j V<*i r| *~> 40 . _9oo . kjaukoo o^lo ootn 45 ' " ' * w * * I "\ 9LLo'| r._C _*9u^9A ^"^r^ ^^ . >a^po _OOj_S9 91^al^ v ,A^ T-+I5L* ) 2. .1V^lo9 . ]^.JtrtA> 50 . O91O 0091 Vo 55 | --*^ r - . O001 . loci JAJ-4, >-iS>!TA,9 Ui-*-s? . lA-fclc9 aiASn'1o -*_.._ >"lSn 4^9 .J90LJP90 ) 4V) 4? * l-i-. 1^ . > , 60 ^so^ : _Lc5a_5 ^OL^a . r^? Qi^aJj n t Vin /, M! |^ MI 4. '^^^ )j^?a^lmJ JU? ^TVS _a.9 . r _l*. N ^ 1 - A uu. qi^Mi A.? L^c-^r. . i--^_-A._._ ^.l^^nJ r - . _- 65 )jai __: __^- '..^-4. . _^J-J " ~\1^ _A9 (551 .^910^ O91 ^ 70 S.A_ . 0910 . .-*--*. I ( . 1 tj^lSp -n:_-' 0019 1^V^ ^ r i . a pnmo b a secunda manu. . , _ t . cci |-D9 ? ^ ^ . s*\ ^V AVnV ^V. )j^oi 75 oiilc I Vrt **.n ]+ Li 0019 ." c *l^ 85 90 -1 132 Menses anni syriaci. MENSES ANNI SYRIACI INCIPIENTIS AB INTEELUNIO SEPTEMBRIS. 1. >a[-p [J-H>^ Oct - 2. 4-1 [J/H^ NOV. 3. >a[-]J-o ^[, ?T _^ ^ f j wie dieser, eiu soldier such. ^0, auf solche Weise | in such a way. Buff., wie like. (Cf. G. Hoffmann, ZDMG 32, 753.) auf solche Weise, z. B. in such a way, e. g. zugleich together. || jlo=) nachdem, entsprechend according to, corresponding to. wo? where? || oLf = on }JLf wo ist (er)? where is (he)? || |lL,f ^ woher? whence? || ^L,f, )il-f auf welche Weise? | in what way? cum. > relative. v. vLf. V-1 h. bx 3. jliLf m. Baum | tree, ^f, | wahrhaftig, gewiss | truly, certainly. ]L] '21 wer? | who? || ? \L] 22. etiam es 1 V* >.*| . es ist, sind | there is, are ; hebr. v\ \\ ]om war there was. ich habe I have. JLf etc. ich bin | I am. || LX=M V es ist nicht it is not. f. das Wesen | being, existence. f., pL 136 Glossarium. v. ^j. sf Impf. M, 41 QSSQH eat. || .oLJ^af 19, a. \ /. Speise, Lebensunterhalt | food, victuals. impf. w, schwarz sein | be black. Aph. schwarzen | make black. Part. pass, jo^oio geschwarzt) blackened, schwarz I black. v. >t- |.; , a, 41 sorgen | attend to. 25 Bauer | peasant. . Zorn, Arger I wrath, vexation. * 13f= v f wenn, j3 nicht; aber, sondern | if not, but. (Cf. aXXd.) || j" jjf wenn nicht, nach einer Negation | if not (after a negation) o^f v. 5. m. Gott God. || JkiTgo'ttlich | divine. || llokil f. Gottheit | divinity. 41 Zorn halten | keep his anger. /., pi ^-^X, |i^ h. yx 14, b Rippe | rib. ^ q's,! et , q^f , impf. . ^)? lernen | learn. Pael. lehren teach. || ua^Igelehrt| learned. teacher. || ]lz Gelehrsamkeit j learning. || 25, 4, b 1 Lehre | doctrine. T 1000, 33, d. St. emph. sg. scribit Nold. pro )>V editio americana Apoc. 6, 11; 7, 1 4; 14, 1 (19, 18) UaX. . 17 & Schiff | ship. Glossarium. 137 v T, impf. M, drangen, driicken press, oppress, j es war notig | it was necessary. || jj^cfw. Bedrangnis, Not oppression, calamity. f /. Mutter | mother. 32. bestandig constant. (Etiam = a\rif>.) Adv. A .) i j^f . j lx*cf Handwerker artisan. || l^oi^of Hand- werk, Kunst trade, art. Aph. ^.in-si, "pE^n glauben) believe. :| jzoiia-oi Glaube faith. || ^11,0-^, f. ikiiiLdCo glaubig, treu | faithful, true. f, impf. a, sprechen | speak. |j ^e)^e, ]*\^ m. Wort, Predigt, Abhandlung | word, sermon, treatise. m. Lamm | lamb. wann? | when? wenn if. || > oouj, ^? Jwenn aber | but if. || a^ haufig in nicht erfiillten Bedingungssatzen (often for conditions not likely to be fulfilled). , )jj ich I. PL ^.L* wir | we. 19. /*. ivBtxTioiva, indictio. v. ooi, -i. ,' y , " o 5 a ' 9 F- jzM , /. IkAttss*^*) opaooo?o?. w, ausgiessen, vergiessen pour out, shed. V. ""*' \1\, 48 rf 2 kommen, ankommen | come, arrive. ^/?^. bringen,fiihren| bring, leadJ IzLzj^o, IzL^o Aukunft arrival. ]1| Zeichen | sign, token s. p. 134. 9 If, |izf w. Ort, Gegend | place, region. PL \l&\- \ i& praep. nach | after ( 49, h) j^ ^ et ^ ^i?c spater | later. Cf. de Lag. Mitth. 1, 77. ^ praep. in, von Ort, Zeit, Zustand, Ursache, Instru- ment in (prepos. denoting place, time, circumstance, reason, instrument). lijj-:, \-fZ h. "isa, 9peap(?) Brunnen, Cisterne | well, cistern. ^A,)^=, impf. w^j^ai schlecht sein be bad. Ethpe. ^^)^2f, (w^Uf) nestor. ^*,].>\ , ct/m ^ es missfiel ihm | it displeased him, ** bose j bad, wrong. || - ***Z*-~. etwas Schlechtes | something wrong. ]%** Ver- brechen, Unheil | crime, mischief. || )2ol-^s f> Schlechtigkeit | wickedness. '' ]."*; 6 arm | poor. 140 Glossarium. s p. 27 puerulus; pupilla. (w) suchen, untersuchen seek, investigate. Pa. be- zeichnen | mean. va(w)j9#.zerstreuen disperse. .EY^prt.zerstreutwerdenl be dispersed. h. ni'ttSTia. D impf. a sich schamen | be ashamed, ji^ovc /. Schande | disgrace. h. ina. vel ^) pa- ^^ erklaren | explain. Ethpa. ver- stehen | understand. || vilos Erklarung explanation. c, aa^s, contr. * ^ zwischen | between. Plerumque sequente ^. " alter cod. Jja^ons, Scholion |i^, = poraXoc, pdxXoc, baculus. . M pliindern | plunder. Ethpe. gepliindert, in die Gefangenschaft gefiihrt werdeu | be robbed, be led into captivity. || )2> /. Beute | prey. impf. a, miissig sein, Zeit haben | be idle, have time. Ethpe. cum ^ eifrig sein | be busy. Pa. auf- horen machen, abschaffen | stop, abolish. U^a-s dpyia, Tragheit | idleness. ^^^ verhindernd j being a hindrance. c /. Terebinthus. PL ^^^ die Frucht derselben its fruit. impf. a empfangen, schwanger werden | conceive, Glossarium. 141 be pregnant. Ethpe. empfangen werden | be con- ceived. Empfangnis | conception. 40 b. 47, 5 trosten | comfort. V. ^_^. pL |.Cv et ji Ei u. Eiformiges, z. B. (Him-) Schadel | egg, and what looks like an egg, e.g. skull. (Bar Ali \i=> cum R). V. --A.LC. cf. 32, Haus, Ort, Statte | house, place. Topferwerkstatte | pottery. ]^Q a^ u. Grabstatte | cemetery. weinen weep, das Weinen | weeping. ,/. lijjxcfruhreif I premature, j^^a'z^^zuerstreif I firstling, swallow, what ripens first. 11 l^soa, pl> Ifaos Erstling p/. , verschlingen, (Schlage) erleiden suffer (blows). Ethpa. verzehrt werden be devoured. s bauen | build. Ethpe. errichtet werden | be con- structed. I ] " ."i ^ m. Gebaude | building. P V . D (>.. 7 I&JLS V. j^i. ". a, suss sein, sich ergotzen] be sweet, rejoice. Wohlgeruch, Salbe | perfume, ointment (st. abs. et. cstr. ap. PSm. bis >oias). || ^*Z siiss, wohl- wollend sweet, benevolent, agreeableness. Annehmlichkeit j Fleisch meat. 142 Glossarium. suchen, fordern, bitten j seek, demand, request. l!ao /. Bitte | request. ]si f. das Suchen, die Frage | petition, question. s, iLs Herr, Besitzer | lord, owner. i-V^'vC^ pi. enemy. llsL^EJ^IsFeindschaft I en- mity. ^LjJi^GegnervorGerichtj opponent (in court). coll., h. "VlPa plerumque /., das Vieh cattle. suchen, fragen | investigate, ask. vermindern diminish, ^s adj. et adv. abuehmend, weniger | diminishing, less. ^ X* ^^ beinahe about, i v. IJ^D. , \'fS> m. das unbebaute Feld j uncultivated field. || ^ ^ r v draussen out of doors. ^ ^v ausser | without. , \-f> 32. Der Sohn | son. In Zusaramensetzungen (in composition) j^lj^ v. w*jj Mensch man. b f o^ ^ Glacis (obzumvorhergehenden j^?ifitdoesnotbelong to the preceding ji). || l^x^ ^ zur Stunde, sogleich at once. || \l- r Tochter | daughter. 32. || fie^, Vip na Wort~voice. P/. liiias Worte, Rede words, speech. schaffen, machen | create, make. Ethpe. geschafifen werden | be created. jaLfs /. Schopfung creation. Pl> \&^ Creaturen | creatures. || Uc^s 25 Schopfer | creator. Glossaiium. 143 f>m., in pi. plerumque f, beryllus. Perle | pearl. impf. u, sich beugen, niederknien | bow down, kneel. ||^-v!o gesegnet | blessed. Pa. segnen | bless. Part. pass. ^L^o gesegnet | blessed. || j^sioa A Segen | blessing. aber, im Gegenteil but, on the contrary. (impf. u} blitzen lighten. Aph. strahlen j radiate. m. Blitz | lightning. a reifen, kochen | ripen, boil. || |L*oa gekochte Speise | meat, I8ea[xct. V. 1^.0 Sub 2u~>. a f. Jungfrau virgin. |j ila^oiTa Jungfraulichkeit| virginity. |L , jJl^T glanzend, herrlich | splendid, glorious. ]3, m. Pfeil | arrow (V ). . Gerichtsdiener | officer. I- M bilden, formen | form, shape. Ethpe. pass. Mann | man, v. j.-o^. jJa^if 38 (BH. Gr. 1, 48). , Pa. schmahen,lastern ] revile, blaspheme. Ethpa.pass. 144 Glossarium. +^impf. a, sich treffen, ereignen (unpersonl.) | chance, happen. et JJoL^/. Tesvva. , \L1 Mitte, das Innere middle, interior, o^o inner- halb | within. | o^ hinein | in, inwards. Aph. antworten | answer; dbtoxpifHjpKtt. . et ]&aJ^f. Cisterne cistern. Cf. de Lagarde., Mittheilungen 2, 354 A. 2. I-"- * Rauber, Dieb | robber, thief. ^! ehebrechen | commit adultery, c. ace. faa.^ Ehe- bruch | adultery. ) ^=HK f- Entscheidung | decision, nemlich | namely, for. (Arab, Kreis, Rad | circle, wheel. offenbaren, entdecken reveal, discover. Ethpe.pass. Pa. aufdecken | uncover. || 1 1 ^~ (jjollx. 25) Offenbarung | revelation. || t.J.l'^J offeutlich [ pub- licly. || lloll^tec OfFenbarung | revelation. ^V^ rn YXwaaoxojjiov (PSm. j-v^n ). impf. u, wegnehmen, berauben | take away, rob. Beraubung | robbery. impf. u, aushauen | hew out, carve, jj ) "^ la^^ Bildhauerkunst j sculpture. impf. u, vollenden | finish. Impf. a, vollendet sein be complete. || Ul *'r^ ^ Q den Willen thun who Glossarium. 145 do the will. || j.:>a^ vollig, vollstandigj completely. || vollkommen | perfect. et ^a^ st. abs. et cstr., \^ pi. x -*^ die Seite| side. |j v_ai^ VL neben | by the side of. ); M^^ 1 ^ kraftig strong. verborgen, geheim | hidden, secret. to yevo?. ausspeien spit out. Ethpe. pass. schreien cry. j li^ , /. Geschrei | cry. Af. zuteilen, anvertrauen | commit to, entrust. , impf. u, schelten scold. pl. ^; Ellen | cubits (= ^?). r\ 8 5 m - Aussatz | leprosy |j -sj^., l^4 aussatzig leprous. j^, jI^Nord (Wind u. Gegend) | North (of wind & region). |[) ff^- y nnrrllip.h northern. Pro wSi_? p^| leg. vid. >^, I^OP^. m. Knochen | bone. <^*.S m Leib, Korper | body. . a ^ impf. u, beruhren, betrachten touch, consider. ?) Particula relationis, genitivi; Conjunctio weil because. l? h. SST 25 Wolf | wolf. Nestle. K 146 Glossarium. L?, impf.u, opfern sacrifice. \^y m. Opfer sacrifice., m. Altar | altar. anhaugen | cleave to. Pa. verbinden | join. ? , impf. a, fiihren, leiten | lead, guide. Eihpe. pass. ; Pa. leiten, regieren | guide, rule. ]^c? Feld field. |j Ips^ Wiiste | desert. || lp=c? Lebensfiihrung | way of living. || Jj^b^so Leiter, Vorsteher leader, ruler. l!ajsas die (Heils-)Okonomie | economy, plan (of salvation). || ^ ? (^> ?) = h. ipyi Allerheiligstes the holy of holies. || |jLJa-c? /. Biene | bee. Pa. liigen | lie || V^/? liignerisch | lying, false. | ? Luge | falsehood. oi?, p=ffi? m. Gold | gold. || ^oi^c vel ^so^io part. pass. pa. vel af. vergoldet | gilt. st. cstr. &b ?, emph. ]ic? Ort place (o-/iov? impf. c^j, richten | judge. || )X.? Gericht | court. | Vil? Richter | judge. || tL^e, iKi^^c, st. cstr. ao-^o Stadt | town. part. jV, /. )^-? jubeln | rejoice. |>> m. = h. *\*n Generation | generation. ? mit Fiissen treten | tread down. Eihpe. pass. ?, impf. a, fiirchten fear. || V^J? fiirchtend u. zu furchten | fearing & formidable. IL,>, j^-f /. Furcht, Verehrung, Gegenstand der Verehrung fear, devotion, object of worship. PL Glossarium. 147 m. pers. Damon | demon, pi. j^ c. suff. ex ^ et ^ 23. Be, aber, namlich | but, for. aZu? una formarum pluralis vocis be pure. Part. pass. fa rein pure i Ethpe. gedenken | remember. memory. ^, )^ Mannchen | male. o? m. Scheidung | divorce. Gedachtnis V. }.io. >oj, i^B? m. Blut | blood (pi. jio>). ^j ahnlich sein be like. Ethpe. ahnlich gemacht werden | be made alike. Pa. vergleichen, phantasiren compare, rave. j| jloio? Bild | likeness. || liaioji ovL in eben dieser Weise | in the very same way. ^?, impf. a, schlafen | sleep. /. pi. j.iioj Thranen | tears. !? Ethpa. sich wundern wonder. ^Ij^ Wunder | miracle.- ? , impf. a, aufgehen rise. Af. aufgehen lassen cause to rise, raise, vlj? m. Osten, Licht, Erscheimmg east, light, epiphany. j| v-Jijio, \^^ m. Osten east. ^o? m. Schweiss | sweat. i?>?^/. ]?*> Diesteln | thistles .i ? , impf u, eintreten enter. Ethpe. begriffen werden | be understood. |j |4oia??^ Begreifbarkeit compre- hension. l^soi? f. 148 Glossarium. ? impf* u, iiben, lehren practice, teach- Part. pass. Pa. ^Y,o geiibt, erfahren | practised, experienced. ]oi particula demonstrativa, siehe, hier lo, here. || en m v-8i f., pi. m. .ajoi, _*J !> t, t> <* ? s. ~~ *. .01, Uci | .c.Jn. _iJoi V. |n : .oJoi, _kJoi V. 001. ^sn, mj?/. w, wenden, haufiger intrans. sich wenden turn, more frequently intrans. Ethpe. gewendet werden | be turned. Ethpa. umhergetrieben sein be driven about, be agitated. iicoioi, pi. iiooVoi TO ap(|Aa. " " " I'**"* , &t " " " -*"* QlpSTlXOt. i".*" i"" i ' p L^?i, ^^01 V. joi. e o copula und, sogar | and, even. 49 b. j^o ^". versammeln, zusammenkommen | assemble, meet. 44 a. f\]'l, st. c. z^, p/. ]^^ h. rt'i? Ver- sammlung, Kirche | congregation, church. 1 " m. Zeit time. j| ^\s> einmal once. j|^s^... bald . . bald I sometimes . . . sometimes. I PI. 150 Glossarium. LSI Falle cases. F. Zeit time. PI. ^ klingeln | ring the bell. (wj?i) Part. wo?i etf. jj^ es geziemt sich | it is becoming, j zooi |J?i es hatte sich geziemt | it would have been be- coming. || l_D?j m. Gerechtigkeit | justice. || |2Lo?i f. Almosen | alms. wn->] gerecht | just. )CTllauter,trefflich pure, excellent Adv. &l]l^ st. cstr. pi. praep. ringsum | round about. \ ]l^ Umkreis, Zirkel j circuit, circle. Pa. erneuern j renew. Pa. zeigen, beweisen | show, prove. || ]LIso^ Infinitiv. \L ( 48 c.) leben live. ^, \LL, f. }L*L lebendig living. Subst. \bLZ pi. iLLT/". die Hebamme | mid- wife. ,_.kJ, ]L das Leben life. (j_k^o j_a4 }.!?). j; jlo-LI /.I) Lebenskraft | vigour. 2) Tier | animal. St. cstr. 2.LJ*. PI. \1^.L (p. 32, n. 1). \1L* Er- loser | saviour. /. ^iT^ lebengebend life-giving. Vll Pa. starken strengthen. Ethpa.y&ss. |] V^/ Kraft strength, force. PI. jjv.^ et saepius Truppen | troops. J^LI stark, machtig | strong, mighty (Zebaoth). ];~<:.^f. Schwache weakness. , erkennen | recognise, j l^ia^, st. cstr. f. Weisheit, Erkenntnis wisdom, knowledge, weis | wise. ^4^^! n. Milch I milk. JL., suss I sweet. 154 Glossarium. iL., impf. M, mischen mix. Pa. einfiigen insert. . i *<~ vermischt, zusammenhangend | mixed, coherent. ^ gesund, kraftig, ganz | sound, vigorous, whole. ,, impf. u, verandern change. !l walL.7?rtf/?. anstattj L verandern change. Part. pass. verschieden | various. II ]s~$^A- *C f. instead. ^.i (a M^T stark sein | be strong) stark machen, aushalten | strengthen, endure. m. Wein | wine. etc. 5, 33. impf. ,alj, sich erbarmen | have mercy. Ethpe. ^iXsoua&ai, Barmherzigkeit erlangen | find mercy. v. pi 19. m. unrein, Heide | unclean, heathen. |j l4asi*I f. Unreinheit, Heidentum | uncleanness, heathendom. holy; oaio?; Bischof j bishop. . . beschimpfen revile. 1^1 m. Schande, Schimpf j disgrace, insult. |j (Ip.n^ Gnade | grace.) >asL, impf. u, beneiden | envy (c. ^). envy. entbehrend | deficient. j^iLI weniger, ungefahr | more or less, about. Pa. verbergen, bedecken conceal, cover. Bedeckung veil. |LJL.I |f ofifen | openly. LI Pa. den Eifer locken, ermahnen exhort, admonish, m. Neid mehr oder f. Glossarium. 155 E -At eifrig | diligent. Adv. ^f^^, jlia^L* f. Eifer | zeal. || lioi^al^ /. Ermahnung | advice. , impf. M, grab en | dig. M spalten, abhauen, herausreissen | split, cut off, pluck out. , l^J pi- ^JgZ, (ri>"0 m. Brust | breast. oLT m. Schnitter | reaper. , |LJ f., pi. )LI Acker | field. m. Streit | dispute, contest. , MM/?/". M, verwiisten | waste, j ^^, ^m/?/". , zer- stort sein be destroyed. ; J^s^I/. Schwert sword. ' . Wiiste, Zerstorung wilderness, destruction. Eidechse, Krokodil | lizard, crocodile. v - Hl- scharf, schnell | adv. sharp, swift. pi. 1.JLT Leiden | passion; TrdOo?. /j9/. M, denken, berechnen, schatzen | think, count, estimate. Ethpe. beisichiiberlegen deliberate. bestiramt zu| appointed for. ^sl^iul Gedanke thought. m. Gebrauch | use. La 0.1*1 1. adj. dunkel dark. 2. subst. Finsternis darkness. m. Sturm, Wellen | tempest, waves, sorgfaltig, genau I adv. carefully, accurately. v. 156 Glossarium. >o:L., impf. w, versiegeln seal. seal, token. m. Siegel, Zeichen \jo\4, pa m. Geriicht, Sage | rumour, tradition. , impf. , untertauchen (intr.) \ immerse. Ethpe. untergetaucht werden | be immersed. j gut \ good. ! F. Seligkeitj blessedness, are . = m - sa selig die - blessed ! selig 11 1 blessed. f (a bereiten | prepare) Bereitung preparation. - f- U4, Gnade mercy. fliegen fly. 4 iiberstromen j overflow. Aph. anschwellen j increase. o TOTUO?. oaaj Pa. bilden | form. m. Berg j mount. m. Zeitraum, Distanz | space of time, distance. bestreichen | besmear. Pa. verunreinigen | defile. xd^i?. '- M .^J Pa. ordnen, an order, arrange. m. Knabe | boy. PL X; & ) :