LIBRARY OF THE .. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OIKT OF" Received U/C^. , 1896? . Accession No.>tf . 'doss No. PALEO. LIBRARY THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 'Of '^0? . IVI^. FOSSIL BRYOZOA IN THE DEPARTMENT OP GEOLOGY CATALOGUE OF THE FOSSIL BRYOZOA IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). THE JURASSIC BRYOZOA. BY J. W. GBEQOBY, D.Sc., F.G.S., F.Z.S. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS AND CO., 39, PATERNOSTER ROW. B. QUARITCH, 15, PICCADILLY. DULAU AND CO., 37, SOHO SQUARE, S.W. KEGAN PAUL AND CO., CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 1896. I wu HERTFORD : PRINTED BY STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS. PREFACE THE present Catalogue, by Dr. J. W. Gregory, F.G.S., forms an acceptable addition to those previously printed, by order of the Trustees, upon the various groups of fossils, both Vertebrate and Invertebrate, preserved in this Depart- ment, and of which twenty-two volumes have already been issued, while four others are in progress. Certainly no group needed more careful and critical revision and examination than the Bryozoa ; and it is hoped that Dr. Gregory will be able to complete the Catalogue of both the earlier and later forms, which at present remain to be worked out in detail. HENRY WOODWARD. GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), May, 1896. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE selection of the Jurassic Bryozoa for the first Catalogue may seem capricious ; but it was made deliberately. The two orders of Bryozoa that prevailed in the Palaeozoic era became extinct or greatly reduced in importance at its close. It is among the Jurassic deposits that we have to seek the ancestors of existing types of Bryozoa. They occur there, moreover, with the primary lines of divergence well marked, and not obscured by the extreme secondary variations of later periods. It seemed, therefore, necessary to work out the Jurassic fauna before attempting the description of that of the Cretaceous, which of all British Bryozoa faunas is most in need of further investigation. I must express my indebtedness to the Rev. T. Hincks, F.R.S., for useful advice ; to Mr. Beeby Thompson, F.G.S., and to Mr. E. Walford, F.G.S., for the gift to the Museum, or loan, of specimens. Mr. C. D. Sherborn, F.Z.S., has kindly permitted me to refer to his MS. Index Generum 6t Specierum Animalium ; and my colleagues, Messrs. R. B. Newton, G. C. Crick, and F. A. Bather, have helped in the identification of fossils encrusted by Bryozoa. For ever ready assistance in examining the recent collections of Bryozoa, and the opportunity for frequent AUTHOR'S PREFACE. consultation in reference to points on classification, I am much indebted to Mr. E. Kirkpatrick, of the Zoological Department. I must also express my thanks to Miss G. M. Woodward for the preparation of the very elaborate and beautiful drawings of the Bryozoa which illustrate this Catalogue and the cases of specimens in the Geological Gallery. J. W. GREGORY. GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), IZth May, 1896. CONTENTS. PART I. INTRODUCTION ...... ,, II. SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS . . 37 ,, III. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES : Tubuliporidae ... . 41 Idmoniidae .... Entalophoridae . . . - 137 Fascigeridae . . .166 Osculiporidae . . . 172 Theonoidae .... .172 Clausidae I 84 Reticuliporidae . . . .191 Ceramoporidae . . . 193 Amplexoporidae ... . . 195 Heterotrypidse Membraniporidae Microporidae . . . 214 APPENDIX A. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS . . . .217 B. LIST OF SPECIES WITH DISTRIBUTION . 220 ,, C. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 224 INDEX OF SPECIES AND GENERA. ILLUSTKATIONS IN TEXT. PAGE FIG. 1. Diagram of structure of typical Bryozoon ... 9 ,, 2. Diagrams of zooecia of Bryozoa 11 ,, 3. Longitudinal section through a frond of Diastopora . . 13 , , 4. Base of Diastopora, showing basal Berenecoid encrustation and erect frond 16 ,, 5. Section through frond of Diastopora lamellosa, Mich., var. cervicornis, to show multiple growth . . . .17 ,, 6. A Diastopora giving off shoots in the condition of Entalophora . . . . . . . .17 ,, 7. The initial Stomatoporoid cell of a Diastopora, and expansion to Berenecoid condition . . . .20 ,, 8. Stomatopora smithi (Phil.) : part of type specimen . . 56 ,, 9. Transverse section across part of a zoarium of Repto- multisparsa, sp., showing concentric layers . . .113 ,, 10. Longitudinal section through half of zoarium of Spiropora richmondiensis (Vine) ....... 154 , , 11. Two parts of same zoarium of Haplocecia straminea (Phil.), showing worn and unworn condition . . . .158 ,, 12. Part of zoarium of type specimen of Haplooecia straminea (Phil.) 160 ,, 13. Longitudinal section of zoarium of Ceriocava corymbosa (Lamx.), showing central axis and marginal zooecia . 164 ,, 14. Longitudinal section of zoarium of Ceriocava laxata, Greg. 165 ,, 15. Part of longitudinal section through zoarium of Multi- clausa kaimei, Greg 185 16. Longitudinal section through end of branch of Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamx. . . . . . . .190 ,, 17. Transverse section across branch of Terebellaria ramo- sissima, Lamx. ........ 190 ,, 18. Longitudinal and transverse sections through Ceriopora globosa (Mich.) 196 ,, 19. Longitudinal and transverse sections through Heteropora conifera (Lamx.) ........ 205 ,, 20. Two parts of one zoarium of Heteropora conifera (Lamx.), showing irregularity in distribution of mesopores . . 205 ,, 21. Membranipora jurassica, Greg. . . . . .213 ,, 22. Onychocella flabelliformis (Lamx.) ..... 213 " The suggestion that it may be as well to give up the attempt to define species, and to content oneself with recording the varieties .... which accompany a definable type . ... in the geographical district in which the latter is indigenous, may be regarded as revolutionary ; but I am inclined to think that sooner or later we shall have to adopt i." HUXLEY, 1880. PART I. INTRODUCTION. 1. The Problem of Tubular Fossils. 2. The Affinities of the Bryozoa. 3. The Structure of a typical Bryozoan. 4. The Terminology of the Shells of the Cyclostomata and Trepostomata. 5. The Value of Generic Divisions in the Cyclostomata. 1. Simplicity of Structure. 2. The Stomatopora-Diastopora Series. 3. Are there any Genera in Cyclostomata ? 4. Circuit. 6. Specific Groups and Individual Variation. 1. The Variation of Zooecia. 2. The Comparison of Equivalent Zooecia. 3. Variational Formulae. 4. Continuous Variation. 7. The Classification of the Cyclostomata. 1. The four orders of Gymnolaema. 2. Previous Classifications. 3. The Classification proposed. 8. Previous work on the Jurassic Bryozoa. 9. The British Museum Collection. 10. The Jurassic Sequence. PART I. INTRODUCTION. 1. THE PROBLEM OF TUBULAR FOSSILS. of the most familiar ways in which aquatic animals seek protection from their enemies, is by surrounding themselves with a tube, formed either of foreign particles held together by slime, or of material secreted by the external surface of the body. As these tubular shells are the most easily acquired of all effective methods of defence, they have been adopted independently by animals occupying very different zoological positions, and they vary in complexity from simple tubes, to elaborate, specialized skeletons. Examples of shells formed of primitive open tubes occur in most of the phyla of the animal kingdom. Thus, in the Protozoa there is the Foraminifer Syringammina ; in the Coelenterata there are the Hydroid Tubularia and the coral Cladochonus ; among the worms we find the order Tubicola and the tube-building rotifers such as Melicerta ; and among the Bryozoa there is the order Cyclostomata. The same type of skeleton is developed by some of the Mollusca, such as the Gasteropod Ccecum, the Scaphopod Dentalium, the Lamellibranch Teredo, the so-called Pteropod Conularia, and the earliest Cephalopods ; and it even occurs among the jointed Arthropods, as in the case of the larval caddis-fly. Not only, however, is a skeleton consisting of a simple open tube found in most groups of the Invertebrata, but the variations of this tube, both in arrangement and structure, are similar in different groups. Thus, the tubes may be single and straight, as 4 INTRODUCTION. in most of the cases above cited ; or they may be gregarious, and either grow into massive bundles of parallel tubes, as in the coral Favosites, the worm Galeolaria filiformis (Sow.), and the Bryozoan Heteropora ; or again, they may be gregarious, but contorted, forming dense tangled masses, as in the worm Galeolaria plexus (Sow.), the Gasteropod Siliquaria, the Lamellibranch Teredina. Similarly the structure of the tube, as a rule, does not give any clue to the systematic position of the animal that made it. The shells are often formed of miscellaneous fragments of foreign, material, as in the sandy tubes of the Foraminifer Hyperammina, of the rotifer Melicerta, or of the worm Sabella ; or as in the muddy pipes of the Hydroid Tubularia or the worm Terebella ; or, again, as in the short cylinders of sticks, shells, or fish scales, which protect the Iarva3 of such insects as the caddis-worm. Or the shells may be secreted by the external wall of the animal, as in the case of most of those worms, Bryozoa, and Mollusca, which have adopted the habit of dwelling in tubes. Moreover, when the tubes become specialized and more complex, the same modifications appear in those of different animal groups. Thus, when tubes which are long and narrow, still further lengthen, the older part is left empty, and is cut off by the formation of horizontal plates across the tubes. These plates are found alike in the tubular shells of the corals, Bryozoa, worms, and Mollusca ; they are known as tabulaB and diaphragms respectively in the two first, and as septa in the two last. When, on the other hand, the tubes are short and broad, the walls are strengthened by the formation of loose, spongy tissue : this is found in such corals as Diphyphyllum, in which it is called "vesicular endotheca"; in such Bryozoa as Prasopora, in which it is said to be made up of cystiphragms ; or in such worms as Cornulites, and such Brachio- pods as Cyrtina, in which it is simply described as "vesicular tissue." The fact that animals which belong to very different groups have skeletons, which are based on the same plan, are built of similar materials, possess the same parts, and vary within the same limits, is of great interest to the zoologist. Excluding a few forms which bore through floating wood, most of the tube-dwelling animals live in shallow waters exposed to the scour of powerful currents and tides, and therefore needing shelter from the drift of sand and shingle. Hence they either occur imbedded in sand or INTRODUCTION. 5 mud, or attached to rocks. Under either condition the power to grow rapidly in height is essential to existence. Otherwise those animals that adopt the former mode of life would be buried by the accumulation of silt, while those that adopt the latter would be choked by the growth of sea- weed, or be starved owing to the capture of all the food by taller rivals. To the zoologist, who can base his classification upon the soft parts of the animal, as well as upon the hard, these tubicolar forms present no exceptional difficulties. They are, indeed, of especial interest, for they show how close a resemblance may exist between animals of different groups, owing to adaptation to suit the same conditions of life ; and they supply the most emphatic warning that similarity in structure does not always imply community of origin. To the paleontologist, however, who cannot check his con- clusions by the evidence of vascular anatomy or embryology, these tube-dwelling animals are a vexation and a puzzle. There is so frequently no correlation between the structure of the tube and of the creature that made it. Hence the vast majority of the fossil worm tubes are now ignored by palaeontologists ; their study has been abandoned in despair, for, so far as we can see at present, they can give no aid in the classification of the group to which they belong, or in tracing its life history. In the study of the Jurassic Bryozoa we are faced by the initial difficulty that their shells are tubular. In periods earlier than the Jurassic, many of the Bryozoa belonged to the order Cryptostomata ; and in later times the order Cheilostomata was well represented. In these two groups the skeletons of the individual members of the colony are complex, and offer fairly reliable diagnostic characters. But in Jurassic times the former order was extinct, and the latter was represented by only two rare species; 98*5 per cent, of the forms have left no traces, except their tubular skeletons. Nevertheless, these fossils cannot be ignored like the worms, for, with the two exceptions noted, they belong to orders either wholly extinct or now of dwindling importance. Their evidence, therefore, must be considered in any attempt to trace the evolution of the Bryozoa. As tubicolar skeletons occur in so many different groups of animals, in the study of the fossil Bryozoa we are faced at the outset by the problem, how to recognize the fossil members of this class. It must be at once admitted, that there are no diagnostic I 6 INTEODUCT10N. characters by which we can positively say, whether a given fossil be a- Bryozoan or not. There are some large groups of Palaeozoic fossils which may belong either to the Bryozoa, Actinozoa, or Hydrozoa. There are also numerous Jurassic fossils whose affinities have loag been matter of dispute. Nevertheless, by means of detailed investigation of some existing allied animals, and by microscopic investigation of the fossils, it is possible to settle the probable affinities of these doubtful forms. Hence certain fossils, which have been often assigned to the Corals, are included in the present Catalogue as Bryozoa ; and others, such as the genera Acanthopora, Neuropora, and Chrysaora, which have been previously considered to be Bryozoa, are excluded as Hydrozoa. 2. THE AFFINITIES OF THE BRYOZOA. Unlike most animals we cannot refer the Bryozoa to any one of the eight phyla, or great divisions of the animal kingdom. Although their anatomical structure is well known, their systematic position is uncertain. When first studied they were regarded as plants, which was the orthodox view until the middle of the last century. Peysonnel, indeed, had discovered sufficient to show the erroneous nature of this conclusion; 1 but his arguments were unheeded owing to the opposition of Reaumur, who reported Peysonnel's observations to the Academie des Sciences in 1727. It was not till 1742 that Jussieu 2 figured the creatures that form the skeletons, and conclusively proved their animal nature. But even then this theory was not accepted. Baster, 3 in 1760, explained the polypi as only parasites on the surfaces of aquatic plants ; and Linneus, 4 even in his latest work, separated the zoophytes from the corals, and expressed his conviction that " sunt enim stipites 1 De Reaumur. Observations sur la formation du Corail et des autres pro- ductions appellees Plantes pierreuses : Mem. Acad. roy. Sci. 1727, pp. 276-7. 2 Bernard de Jussieu. Examen de quelques productions marines qui ont ete mises an nombre des Plantes, et qui sont 1'ouvrage d'une sort d'Insectes de iner : Mem. Acad. roy. Sci. 1742, pp. 290-302, pis. ix., x. 3 Jobus Basterus. Opuscula subseciva Harlem, t. i. lib. 2, 1760, p. 61. 4 Systema Naturae, ed. 12, t. i. pars 2, 1767, p. 1287. INTEODUCTION. vera plantce qua metamorpliosi transeunt in flores animates (vera In spite, however, of the influence of the great Swedish systematist, naturalists had come before the end of the eighteenth century to a general agreement as to the animal nature of these plant-like structures, which were all associated together under the name zoophytes. That this was not a single homogeneous group, was known to some last-century observers. Spallanzani remarked that the polypi are independent, and are bent in their cells like a bow, instead of being continuous downward into the central fleshy axis, as they are in such zoophytes as Sertularia. Loefling 1 pointed out that in Flustra pilosa the different polypi (zocecia) act independently, and that the irritation of one does not cause them all to withdraw into their cells, as it does in such forms as Sertularia. These observations prepared the way for the work of those who by description of the anatomical structure of these animals, showed that the polypes are based on several very different plans. Renier, 2 in 1793, discovered that some of the zoophytes agree in anatomical structure with Ascidia, and not with Hydra ; in consequence one group was transferred to the Mollusca. Grant, 3 in 1827, described the animal of Flustra, and showed that it is equally advanced above the Hydra type. His work was followed by that of Vaughan Thompson 4 on some species of Sertularia, the cells of which he found to be inhabited by a new animal, the Polyzoa, " which agrees more closely with the AscidiaB than with the Hydrae." He suggested that the "species of Sertularia in which the animals have been determined to be Polyzoae may perhaps be referred to one genus," which he separated from Sertularia under the name of Vesicularia (op. cit. p. 97). 1 Pehr Loefling. Beskrifning pa tvaenne sina Coraller : Handl. k. Sven. Vet. Acad. vol. xiii. (1752) pp. 109-22, pi. iii. 2 Benier. Opusc. Scelt. t. xvi. p. 256, t. 1. 3 R. E. Grant. Observations on the Structure and Nature oiFlustra : JSdinb. New Phil. Journ. vol. iii. (1827) pp. 107-18, 337-42. * John Vaughan Thompson. On Polyzoa, a new animal discovered as an inhabitant of some Zoophites with a description of the newly instituted Genera of Pedicellaria and Vesicularia, and their species : Zool. Researches, No. v. pp. 89-102, pis. i.-iii. 8 INTRODUCTION. Thompson only treated this type of structure as of generic importance, and it was reserved for Ehrenberg, 1 a few months later, to use it as the basis of a new zoological group. This he named the Bryozoa, and made a subdivision of his class Phytozoa Polypi; his diagnosis, " Ore anoque distinctis, tubo cilario perfecto" when taken in conjunction with the context, is quite satisfactory. Ehrenberg, however, left the Bryozoa as close allies of the Anthozoa; but later zoologists grouped them with the Brachiopods and Ascidians to form the " subkingdom Molluscoidea." The removal of the Ascidians to the Chordata took away one of the three classes that formed this group ; and the evidence for the alliance of the Bryozoa and Brachiopoda is not conclusive. The two classes agree only in the presence of the lophophore and the epistome, and in the absence or great reduction of the pra3-oral region. The value of the evidence in these points is uncertain ; for the lophophore appears to rise from a lobe in front of the mouth in the Brachiopoda, and in most of the Bryozoa; whereas in one group of the latter (the Entoprocta) it is a postoral structure. Again, in the Entoprocta the lip-like epistome may be homologous with the foot of the type of Molluscan larva, known as the Trochosphere ; but in the Brachiopods and the rest of the Bryozoa it is the remnant of a prse-oral lobe. Until these difficulties are removed it is impossible to determine the exact affinities of the Bryozoa. On the one hand, the Ento- procta approximate to the Mollusca; and on the other, the Ecto- procta approach the Worms. 3. THE STRUCTURE OF THE BRYOZOA. i The main facts in the anatomy of the Bryozoa may easily he determined by the examination of a common form such as the Hornwrack Flustra fok'acea, Linn. In this species the whole Bryozoon consists of broad chitinous fronds, which expand rapidly in width and branch repeatedly. The surface, when examined by the naked eye, is seen to be marked by small lozenge-shaped 1 C. G. Ehrenberg. Symbols Physicse sen Icones et Descriptiones Animalium Evertebratorum, Dec. 1. Dated 1828. Text issued 1831. Fol. Polypi, a. INTEODUCTION-. 9 areas, each of which represents one individual of the colony or (to use Proudho's term) a Bryozoite. If we separate one of the Bryozoites from the colony (or zoarium), we find it consists of a double-walled cell (or zooecium}, and of a zooid which lodges within it. FIG. 1. Diagram of structure of typical Bryozoa. an. anus; ap. aperture; b.c. body cavity ; c.p. communication pore ; d. diaphragm ; ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; /. f uniculi ; n. nerve ganglion ; o. orifice ; oss. oesophagus; op. operculum; r.m. retractor muscle; st. stomach; T. tentacles ; t.s. tentacle sheath. The zocecium is the skeleton or shell in which the zooid lives ; but it was at one time believed to be an independent individual, modified for protective purposes. This view, however, is now known to be erroneous ; the zocecium and zooid together form an individual Bryozoite, just as an oyster and its shell together form an individual Mollusc. The zooid consists, essentially, of a closed digestive tube, shaped somewhat like a fish-hook with the curved part greatly thickened. The longer arm begins with a funnel- shaped oesophagus, at the top of which is the mouth ; the shorter arm ends with the anus. The expansion at the curve is the stomach. The mouth (or " orifice") is surrounded by a circle of ciliated tentacles, which form the structure known as the " lopho- phore." There is one small nerve ganglion beside the mouth, situated between it and the anus. The zooid lives either crowded into the cell-like zooecium, or rising from it with its tentacles expanded. The space between the zooid aud the wall of its 1 INTRODUCTION. habitation forms the body cavity or coelome; this is closed by "the diaphragm," a muscular band around the zooid, which connects it with the wall of the zooecium. When the zooid is withdrawn into its cell, the muscular band closes the aperture ; while a horny plate (the "operculum") formed on the side of the diaphragm opposite the anus, affords additional protection. The zooid is held in its position by a series of cords (or " funiculi") and muscles ; the largest of the latter is the " retractor muscle," by which the zooid is withdrawn into the zooecium. The zocecium of Flustra foliacea consists of a chitinous case shaped like a flat oblong box, arched at the oral end. The wall consists of two layers, the chitinous and partly calcareous "ectocyst" and the internal " endocyst." The walls are com- plete except for some small pores (or " communication plates"), by which a certain connection is established between adjoining zocecia. This is the structure of a typical member of the colony of Flustra, but two other types are present. In the first, one part of the zooecium bulges out to form a shallow marsupium or pouch in which the young are reared. Such marsupia are only modified organs, or parts of normal zocecia; these are known as ooecia. [In some other Bryozoa they are formed by the modifica- tion of entire zooecia, when they are called " goncecia," or of parts of the zoarium, when they are named " gonocysts."] Other individual Bryozoites in the Flustra colony are modified in a different way. The Bryozoite is dwarfed, and there is no zooid ; the operculum is enlarged into a triangular plate, which is hinged, and can be used as a beak, to hold anything that falls within its grasp. Such a Bryozoite is an " avicularium " of the simplest type. If we turn from Flustra to other Cheilostomata, we find important zocecial differences. The avicularia become more specialized, and instead of the marsupia being only ocecia, they are gonoecia. But, nevertheless, the characters of the animal of the normal Bryozoites remain very much the same throughout the order. In fact, the differences between the zooids of the Cheilostomata, and those of Ctenostomata and Cyclostomata, are comparatively insignificant. Hence Flustra serves as a type for the whole group of Gymnolaemata, which includes all the fossil Bryozoa. INTRODUCTION. 11 It is unnecessary further to refer to the soft parts of the Bryozoa, but the skeleton must be considered with greater care. We may, however, neglect the skeleton of the Cheilostomata, for only two species belonging to this order are known in the Jurassic series. Attention may therefore be confined to the elements of the shell of the orders Cyclostomata and Trepostomata. 4. THE TERMINOLOGY OF THE SHELLS OF THE CYCLO- STOMATA AND TREPOSTOMATA. Zooecium. The tubular skeleton of the Bryozoite. Its simplest form among the Cyclostomata is a simple open tube. The first advance on this is for the distal end of the tube to be bent round, or reflexed, as in Stomatopora (Fig. 2b). In some cases the 0^-v abed f FIG. 2. Diagrams of zooecia of Bryozoa. a-c. typical Cyclostomatous zooecia; a. simple form, as in Tubulipora ; b. reflexed peristome, as in Stoma- topora ; c. lateral aperture, as in Haplocecia ; d. zooecion with diaphragms ; e. zooecion with cystiphragms ; /. section of three zooacia with mesopores ; g. section across a Cheilostomatous zooecion with ooecion. a.= aperture; m. = mesopore; ov. = ooecia ; z. = zooecia. distal ends of zooscia; with such reflexed peristomes, are enlarged, or continued beyond the aperture; in such cases the aperture is somewhat contracted, so that it is smaller than the diameter of the zocecium, and is lateral in position, as in the genus Haplocecia. In such cases the zooecia closely resemble those of simple forms of Cheilostomata. The zooscia are generally of uniform diameter ; but some are larger in one part than in others, and maybe ** bulging," "fusi- form," or "pyriform." The zooecia are usually open throughout, but sometimes they are divided by transverse " diaphragms." The wall of the zooecium is calcareous, and is usually somewhat porous in structure. When the pores are large the shell is said 1 2 INTRODUCTION". to be " punctate"; when the pores are small it is " punctulate." The shell is usually simple, but in some cases it is strengthened by an internal layer of vesicular tissue, to the constituents of which IJlrich has given the name " cystiphragms." Goncecia (the "cistern cells" of Walford). Bryozoites specially modified to serve as marsupia ; as in Entalopliora nididata. PL VIII. Fig. 2. Gonocyst. A form of marsupial chamber produced by expan- sions within the zoarium, and not by the modification of a single zooecium ; as in Berenicea parvitubulata. PL IV. Fig. 5. Dactylethrce. [From Sa.KTv\r}0pa, a finger-stall.] A name pro- posed for a form of aborted " zocecia," consisting of short caecal tubes, closed externally. They occur, for example, in Terebellaria. (See PI X. Fig. 5.) Mesopores. Aborted zoeecia, which are smaller in diameter than the normal zocecia. They occur in the Heteroporidae, etc. (See PL XI. Fig. 3, and Fig. 2/, p. 11.) Median tubuli (Ulrich). Minute tubes between the zocecia and the zoarial lamina of some foliate Bryozoa. Cancelli. 1 Passages between the zocecia of some genera, as in Lichenopora. They may be definite, closed tubes, in which case they may be regarded as only a variety of median tubuli ; or they may be irregular, loose passages, cavities left between the zocecia, the walls of which do not coincide. Acanthopores. Tubular spines found in many Palaeozoic Bryozoa. They arise from tubules which may be seen running along the walls of zooecia. They are typical of the Trepostomata, and may be limited to that order. Diaphragms? Transverse plates which cut across the zooecia, either completely or incompletely. (Diaphragms close to the apertures, or the ends of broken zocecia, have been described as opercula.) (Fig. 2d.) Cystiphragms. Curved calcareous plates which grow on the tubes of some Bryozoa; they form a vesicular lining round the tube, which is thereby strengthened. (Fig. 2e.) 1 This term was used by Busk for the structures for which Ulrich' s name of mesopores is here adopted. 3 This term is also used for the muscular band around the oesophagus in the Cheilostomata. INTRODUCTION-. 13 Epitheca. An external calcareous crust, deposited upon some zoaria. In most cases it consists of a compact layer upon the basal portions of the zoaria, as in Apsendesia. But in others it consists only of a thin irregular deposit, filling up the depressions between zocecia, which appear to be immersed, as in some species of Berenice a. The transverse ridges which cross some zooecia (as Berenicea) are probably epithecal growths. Intervesicular tissue. Cellular calcareous tissue, which separates the zocecia in some genera, such as Fistulipora. Zoarial lamina. The supporting layer present in foliaceous genera such as Diastopora (Fig. 3). It is the "lame gerrninale " FIG. 3. Longitudinal section through a frond of Diastopora, showing zoarial lamina. From Great Oolite, Bath. D. 2246. of D'Orbigny, which he described in Stellocavea. The term lamina cannot be used without a qualifying adjective, as alone it has a different meaning in Membraniporidae. Median lamina is used by Ulrich, but this can hardly be applied to unilaminate zoaria, such, as Diastopora lamourouzi, M. Edw. Lunar ium. Crescentic projecting plates, below the aperture, formed by the thickening of the peristome on the side opposite the anus, as in Chilopora. Terminology of Apertures. " Orifice," The oral opening of the digestive tubes; it is there- fore the mouth of the zooid. Aperture. The opening or mouth of the zooscium. 14 INTRODUCTION". 5. THE VALUE OF GENERIC DIVISIONS IN THE CYCLOSTOMATA. 1. Simplicity of Structure. Examination of this list of the structures of tubicolar Bryozoa, shows that the skeleton is never a very complex one ; and as many of the above structures are confined to the Trepostomata, or to exceptional genera of Cyclo- stomata, the majority of the members of the latter order have characters, which are both simple and variable. This renders the accurate diagnosis both of genera and species difficult, if not impossible. Among the Cheilostomata there is, at least, an ap- proximation to an agreement as to the taxonomic value of the different skeletal elements. Thus, the suborders are founded on the thyrion or front wall; the families upon the nature of the openings to the exterior, and upon the presence of ooecia or gonoecia ; and the genera on the characters of the zocecia, and the arrangement of the avicularia and appendages. But when we turn from those Bryozoa in which the zorecia are box-shaped, and there are spines, avicularia, and vibracularia, to those in which we have to rely solely upon the modifications and grouping of simple tubes, agreement as to the range of genera ceases. 2. The Stomatopora-Diastopora Series. As an example we may take the series of forms grouped round Berenicea. Haime, in his monograph on the Jurassic Bryozoa, accepted four genera, Stomatopora, Proboscina, Berenicea, and Diastopora. Hincks, how- ever, with a similar series of variations in recent specimens, has merged these into the two genera Stomatopora and Diasto- pora. Ulrich, again, has made a genus, Hitoclema, for a Silurian Bryozoon, and, in reply to criticisms, maintains that it is quite different in structure from Entalophora ; nevertheless, Waters and Vine claimed it as a normal species of that genus, and the former even placed it in the species Entalopliora verticillata, Goldf. Haime included in the genus Heteropora specimens which D'Orbigny had distributed among the following fourteen genera : Cava, Ceriocava, Ceriopora, Crescis, Heteropora, Multicrescis, Multinodicrescis, Nodi- cava, Nodicrescis, Polytrema, Reptomulticava, Reptomulticrescis, Reptonodicava, and Reptonodicrescis. Haime even included within INTRODUCTION-. 15 one species, specimens which D'Orbigny divided among five genera, and thought he ought also to have added specimens from two more genera. These examples show how wide are the differences of opinion between those who, like D'Orbigny, attribute generic value to trivial differences, and those who, like Hincks and most British students of recent Bryozoa, prefer to limit the number of genera. Others, again, like Haime, try to avoid the reckless multiplication of names, but find it impossible to apply to the rich fossil faunas the elastic definitions possible when dealing with the few living representatives of the Cyclostomata. To understand the meaning of these differences, let us consider the case of the Berenicea series more closely. Haime divided the series into four genera : Stomatopora, including those in which the zooecia are encrusting, and occur in single lines ; Proboscina, those which are encrusting, but in which the zooecia are grouped into multiple ribbon- shaped bands ; Berenicea, which again are encrusting, but which spread out into sheets ; and Diastopora, in which the sheets rise as erect fronds. This arrangement is objected to by those who prefer to restrict the number of genera, on the ground that these divisions are not persistent. Thus, in the case of Stomatopora and Proboscina, they point out that specimens may be found in which the zoarium begins as a single series and ends as a multiple series. Again, they would urge that no sharp line of distinction can be drawn between ribbon-shaped bands which expand slightly in the middle, and encrusting sheets; and thus the division between Proboscina and Berenicea breaks down. Similarly with Berenicea and Diastopora ; both forms originate from encrusting zooecia, which are identical in character : give the Bryozoon a broad, smooth surface over which to grow, and it will remain as an encrusting Berenicea', but if there be no room for this, then the edge may grow upwards into a frond and become a Diastopora (Fig. 4). Hincks therefore sinks Proboscina in Stomatopora, and Berenicea in Diastopora. Pergens has described 1 a specimen which begins 1 E. Pergens. Revision des Bryozoaires du Cretace figures par d'Orbigny: Bull. Soc. beige Geol. t. iii. (1890) p. 327. 1 6 INTRODUCTION. as a Stomatopora, then becomes a Proboscina, and ends as a Berenicea. It is therefore urged that the four genera in question must be united into one, as it is absurd to treat as genera what are only individual variations in growth. The authors, however, who accept this argument in theory, only apply it partially in practice, and do not carry it to its logical conclusion. In spite of such specimens as that described by Pergens, Hincks keeps Stomatopora and Berenicea apart; though with the fossils it is much easier to FIG. 4. Base of Diastopora, showing basal Berenecoid encrustation and erect frond. Diastopora davidsoni, Haime. Bathonian: Ranville. 60381. separate Berenicea from Diastopora, than from Stomatopora. Pergens, moreover, accepts the evidence of one half of his specimen, and merges Stomatopora and Proboscina, but he does not accept that of the other half, and keeps Proboscina and Berenicea distinct. If the question of merging genera ended here, it would be less important than it is. In typical Diastopora the zoarium consists of two layers of zooecia, one on each side of the zoarial lamina; the two surfaces of the zoarium are parallel, and the frond is therefore thin. But in some species the fronds are narrow flat ribbons, as in Diastopora calloviensis, D'Orb. ; in others, such as D. lamellosa var. cervicornis, the zooecia are crowded and the fronds thickened, until they are biconvex in section (Fig. 5). In many zoaria of the variety mentioned, branches may be found which are circular in section, and in which the zooecia are grouped into bundles instead of into sheets (Fig. 6). Such branches are indistinguishable from those of some species of the genus Entalophora. If, therefore, the Stomatopora-ProboscinaBerenicea-Diastopora series is to be included in one genus, Entalophora must also be included with INTRODUCTION. 17 it. And the lumping of genera does not end here. "Waters l has pointed out that in some specimens of JEntalophora, the zooBcia are distributed irregularly in some places, and in regular rings round the stem in others. Waters therefore regards Spiropora as a synonym of JEntalophora, and this genus must therefore be merged with the rest. Again, in some species of Spiropora, the apertures FIG. 5. Section through frond of Diastopora Zamellosa, Mich., var. cervicornis, to show multiple growth. Inferior Oolite : Leckhampton. D. 2244. FIG. 6. A Diastopora giving off shoots in the condition of Entalophora. Bathonian: Eanville. D. 2221. 1 A. W. "Waters. On Fossil Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from Australia : Quart. Journ. Gfeol. Soc. vol. xl. (1880) p. 680. C 1 8 INTRODUCTION. of the zocecia have the normal arrangement of rings in some parts of the zoarium, while elsewhere they occur in alternate lines as in Idmonea. This type was made by D'Orbigny into a genus, with the name of Bisidmonea, which has been accepted by some later authors such as Walford. But Tubigera antiqua, D'Orb., differs from Bisidmonea only by having an oval instead of a tetragonal section ; and Pergens includes that species among the erect forms of Idmonea. The adnate forms of Idmonea are also brought within the same group by variation along another line from the same starting-point Stomatopora. The only definite distinction between Proboscina and the true adnate Idmonea, is that in the latter the apertures are arranged in regular alternate lines on either side of the zoarium. But such a species as Idmonea virgula, D'Orb., 1 is exactly intermediate between Proboscina and Idmonea. So close do these genera run to one another, that D'Orbigny named a series of species Idmonea on his plates and Proboscina in his text. Hence, if the series Stomatopora, Proboscina, Berenicea, and Diastopora are to be united into two genera, we are equally bound to unite them into one, and also to include with this Spiropora, JZntalophora, Bisidmonea, and both the adnate and erect Idmonea, as well as various massive, intermediate types such as Reptomultisparsa. Practically, that is to say, we unite the forms which Busk split up into the three families IdmoniidaB, Tubuliporidse, and Diastoporidse, into a single genus. In the other groups of Cyclostomata similar transitions can be traced, and the whole order could be reduced to some half-dozen genera. Any such changes in nomenclature would be fatal to progress in the classification of the group. Great disturbance would be produced in the specific terminology ; for the same names are frequently used in different genera, and will have to be changed if the genera be merged. 3. Are there any Genera in Cyclostomata^ It may be objected that to accept these transitional forms as genera is indefensible; for we are not justified in abandoning sound methods of nomen- clature, either because the results are inconvenient, or because D'Orbigny. Pal. fran9 Terr. cret. t. v. pi. DCXXXI. figs. 15-17. INTRODUCTION. 1 9 those who try to diminish the number of genera do not act consistently. It may be said that if two of the eggs of a single Bryozoon may grow into different forms, those forms must be regarded as the same species, and that to assign them to different genera is subversive of all ideas of nomenclature. This raises the question whether there are such things as genera and species among Cyclostomatous Bryozoa. If we take the Echinoidea, we find that the term genus has in that class a fairly definite value. Two individuals belonging to different genera may have had a common ancestor, but that ancestor must have lived many thousands of generations ago. For example, the two commonest living English Echinoids are Echinus esculentus, L., and Echinus mitiaris, O.F.M. The dis- tinctions between these species were nearly as well marked in the period of the Crag (Lower Pliocene or Plaisancian) as they are at present. They probably had as their common ancestor Echinus serresi, Desml., from the Helvetian or Middle Miocene. Let x represent the number of generations which lived in that division of geological time known as an "age"; then these two species have been distinct for at least 5# generations; and their common ancestor lived Ix generations ago. Similarly with genera. The closest ally of the genus Echinus is a group of small, uniformly tuberculate species, to which palaeontologists give the name Psammechinus : the differences between the two groups are usually regarded as only subgeneric ; nevertheless, the two have been distinct for 9# generations. This illustration reminds us that to find the common ancestor of similar closely allied species of Echinoids, we have to go back a very long way ; and to find the common ancestor of two subgenera, we have to go back still further. But in the case of the Cyclostomatous Bryozoa, great structural differences may be produced in only a few, or perhaps even within a single generation. For example, in the seas in which were deposited the Great Oolite of Normandy and of the Cotteswold Hills, there lived many specimens of the erect, frondose Bryozoa (here accepted as Diastopora] ; whereas the encrusting specimens (Berenicea) were very rare or absent. The conditions were favourable to erect forms, and all the young of these frondose forms adopted the same mode of growth as their parents. At Bradford, in Wiltshire, the geographical conditions changed rather suddenly, and the Bradford Clay was deposited 20 INTRODUCTION. instead of the Bath Oolite Limestone ; Diastopora at once disap- peared, and Berenicea became very abundant. The British Museum Collection includes 47 specimens of Berenicea from the Bradford Clay, and only 7 specimens from the Great Oolite. All Diastopora begin in a Berenicea stage (Fig. 7) ; and it is not at all improbable FIG. 7. The initial Stomatoporoid cell of a Diastopora, and expansion to Berenecoid condition. Diastopora davidsoni, Haime. Bathonian: Kanvillo. 60381. that, owing to the changed conditions, the young of the erect forms continued to grow in the encrusting form. Thus, perhaps in a single generation, all the Diastopora changed to Berenicea. When later on the deposition of clay ceased, and the limestones of the Forest Marble were laid down in the same locality, the conditions then were generally unfavourable to Bryozoa, so that specimens of the class are rare. But those which are found are Diastopora, and not Berenicea', so that the encrusting forms may have given birth to a frondose generation. It may be suggested that such a sudden change of habit is improbable, and that it is more likely that the Diastopora were killed when the muddy conditions came, and that the Berenicea came from some adjoining area and replaced them. But this does not appear to be the true explanation; we do not know of any area in which Berenicea were abundant at the time, while there is a certain parallelism between the variation of Diastopora and Berenicea. Thus, Diastopora foliacea, Lamx,, resembles Berenicea compressa (Gold.), for both have long tubular zocecia and distant apertures. Similarly Diastopora davidsoni, Haime, may be the erect form of Berenicea scolinula (Mich.), for both have fairly long INTRODUCTION. 2 1 zooecia and low peristomes arranged on long, curved, regular lines. Dimtopora michelini (Blv.) is similarly analogous to Berenicea concatenates, Reuss. It may be urged that if this parallel series proves anything, it proves the uselessness of the retention of the divisions Berenicea and Dimtopora ; and it certainly does suggest that an interchange of form may he produced by a sudden change of environment. But in other periods the erect and encrusting forms both lived together, and then frondose individuals probably gave birth to frondose young, and adnate individuals to adnate young. Hence in these cases the distinctions probably obtained for an indefinite period, and to ignore the great zoarial difference in this case would be a greater mistake than to accept it in others. Zoarial characters are the only ones available for systematic work among the Cyclostomata ; and, as the differences appear to hold as long as the conditions remain approximately the same, I feel bound to accept the divisions based upon them. These examples, however, show that variations in this group are of very different value from those on which genera are based, in some other groups of Invertebrates. Diastopora and Berenicea have been taken as illustrating the value of zoarial characters in the Cyclostomata, and they seem to prove two things 1st. That under similar conditions there is a tendency for suc- cessive generations to have the same habit of growth. 2nd. That a sudden change in environment may lead to a sudden change in zoarial habit. In consequence, alternative courses are offered us in respect to the treatment of zoarial characters. They may be ignored, and forms placed by most authors in different families may be included in one genus; or we must admit that there are no true genera among Cyclostomata, but only certain convenient, but artificial, groups of species. The latter alternative is the one to which I have been driven, I must confess, rather reluctantly; for it means that there is no hope in this order of ever establishing divisions with the same absolute diagnoses as in most other groups of Invertebrates. 22 INTRODUCTION. 4. Circuli. I therefore accept the terms Stomatopora, Prolo- scina, etc., as names for convenient groups, which are not altogether artificial, but which are not genera in the sense in which that term can be used among Echinoidea and Mammals. They could be better described as circuli than as genera. A circulus was one of the small groups of individuals who clustered round speakers in the Roman forum. Most of the individuals in the forum were definitely attached to a particular group ; the groups were less crowded around their margins, and between them people were irregularly scattered and crossed from circulus to circulus. They thus prevented any rigid division of the crowd into definite groups. The groups of Cyclostomata appear to me much the same ; in a collection of specimens of Stomatopora, Proboscina, and Berenicea, the vast majority of the specimens can be assigned their position without the slightest hesitation; but occasionally specimens are intermediate between the typical forms, and cannot be so easily placed. Nevertheless, there seems no reason why most of the specimens should not be grouped simply because a few do not exactly fall into line. 6. SPECIFIC GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL VARIATION. 1. The Variation of Zocecia. "When we pass from the genera or large groups of specimens, to the species or smaller groups of specimens, we find that the same variability renders absolute diagnoses again impossible. The specimens may, however, be easily grouped around certain central types. Such groups are based on the characters of the zocecia, viz.: their length and shape, the form of the peristome, and whether the zorecia are crowded or scattered. Variations in the shape of the zoarium are un- important, so long as they do not affect its structure. The zooecia, however, themselves vary greatly, and it is there- fore necessary, in order to determine the value of these specific groups, to estimate the range of variation of the zocecia. If this be so great that the same forms are often produced by independent variation from different stocks, at different periods or in distant places, then the time spent in trying to define species or specific INTRODUCTION. 23 groups among the Cyclostomata is wasted. But, so far as I am. able to judge, this has not happened so frequently as might be expected : an occasional specimen of a Berenicea from the Miocene may be so much like a Jurassic species, that it is impossible to separate them by a verbal diagnosis ; but I have never met with any case in which a series of Miocene specimens could not be easily recognized as different from a Jurassic series. 2. The Comparison of Equivalent Zooecia. In estimating the vari- ations we must remember that the Bryozoa are colonial, and that colonial animals have always been recognized as especially difficult of specific diagnosis. Thus, most recent workers on the corals admit that different parts of the same mass vary so greatly, as to throw grave doubts on the use of defining species or genera. The same difficulty is experienced with animals which, like the Pteropods, live in vast shoals, subject throughout to precisely the same conditions. Similarly with the Bryozoa; the colonies are constituted of swarms of zooecia, most of which live under almost identical conditions. Thus, one specimen of Theonoa bowerbanki, Haime, in the British Museum Collection, consists of over 17,000 zooecia. But a Bryozoan colony not only includes a shoal of individuals, but zooecia in many different stages of development. It is impossible, therefore, to compile a diagnosis which shall be equally true for every member of so extensive a series of zooacia, including individuals of all ages, and some which have been dwarfed or aborted by overcrowding in the zoarium. Barrois, 1 when advocating the taxonomic value of the larval stages in the Bryozoa, remarked that " il me semble en effet tout- a-fait indispensable, pour des animaux SL caracteres si difficiles a saisir que les Bryozoaires, de tenir compte en meme temps de toutes les formes a la fois. Tine classification basee sur la seule forme des zooeciums est encore, quelle que parfaite qu'elle soit, tres- insuffisante." The principle of Barrois's argument is sound, but a system which would necessitate the inclusion of larval characters in diagnoses is too complex for general use. It is sufficient, however, to compare equivalent zocecia in a colony; just as in determining worms, echinoids, or amphibians, the comparisons are made between equivalent setae, plates, or stages. 1 J. Barrois. Recherches sur 1'Embryologie des Bryozoaires, p. 251. Lille, 1877. 24 INTRODUCTION. 3. Variational Formula. The range of variation within the limits of a certain specific group may be conveniently shown by formulae. Pour main characters are used in the diagnosis of these groups of specimens: 1. The elevation of the peristome or of the free portion of the zooscial tube (p). 2. The shape of the zocecia (c}. 3. The length of the zooscia (I). 4. The nature of the zoarium (r). In compiling the formulae, only normal equivalent zocecia can be used. Each letter of the general formula, p, e, I, r, is replaced by a figure to show the extent of the development of the character represented. Thus, if the aperture of the zooecion be flush with the surface of the zoarium, p is replaced by ; if the peristome be slightly raised, it is shown by the substitution for p of 1, if well raised of 2, if highly raised of 3. Thus, in the genus Stomatopora the terms of the formula are as follows : Peristome. Shape of Zooecia. Length of Zooecia. Zoarium. P- c. I. r. Flush. Cylindrical. Short. Uniserial ; long thin series. 1 Slightly raised. Fusiform. Median. TJniserial ; branches tufted at ends. 2 Well raised. Pyrifonn. Long. Uniserial ; branches tend to become double at ends. 3 Highly raised. Hippothoiform. Very long. Multiserial. Intermediate variations may be indicated by the use of dashes beside the figures. Thus, we may at once recognize the differences between three species of the genus Stomatopora by comparing their formulae : p. c. I. r. S. dichotoma (Lamx.) = 2011 S. dichotomoides (D'Orb.) = 1 2 1 S. waltoni, Haime = 1020 The formulae also readily enable us to compare the species of one age with those most closely allied to them which lived in other INTRODUCTION. 25 periods. Thus, the affinities of the same three species may he shown in the following comparisons : S. dicliotoma series. p. c. L r. S. dichotoma (Lamx.) 2 1 1 Jurassic. S. granulata, M. Edw. (non auct.} 2' 0' 1 1 Cretaceous. S. divaricata, Reuss 2' 0' 1' 0" Miocene. S. trahens, Couch (S. granulata, Johnst.) 2" 0" 1 2 Eecent. S. dicJiotomoides series. S. dichotomoides (D'Orb.) ... S. phcata, D'Orb S. vesiculosa (Mich.) S. waltoni, Haime ... S. longi.scata, D'Orb. S. reussi, n. nom. ... 1 2 1 Jurassic. ... 1 2' 1 Cretaceous. (Ornamen- tation differs.) ... 1 2" 1 Miocene. S. waltoni series. ... 1 2 Jurassic. ... 1" 2 Cretaceous. 2020 Miocene. Similarly we may contrast the Jurassic species of Proloscina amongst themselves by a list of their formulas : P. eudesi, Haime P.jacquoti, P. desoudini ( ) P. cunningtoni, Greg P. rigauxi (Sauv.) P. morinica (Sauv.) P. liassica, Quenst 4-7 1-12 1-2 1-3 1-12 1-4 3-5 "We may also contrast the Proloscina species with those of a later period, as follows : P. eudesi series. p. c. L r. P. eudesi, Haime ... ... 102 4-7 Jurassic. P. radiolitorum (D'Orb.) 1' 2 4-7 Cretaceous. P. jacquoti series. P.jacquoti, Haime 203 1-12 Jurassic. P. ramosa (Hag.) 2 2' 1-8 Cretaceous. P. dilatans (Johnst.) 2 3 2-8 Eecent. 1 In these formulae r stands for the number of zooecia in a band. * Tn 26 INTRODUCTION. P. desoudini series. p. c. I. r. P. desoudini (Haime) ... ... ... 1' 2 2 1-2 Jurassic. P. intermedia. Novak ... 1 1" 3 1-2 Cretaceous. .P. echinata (Miinst.) ... ... ... 211 1-3 Cainozoic. These formulae also enable us to estimate the general stages of development in the Bryozoa at any period. The main line of progress in the Cyclostomata has been from single encrusting forms to those which are erect. Those which were able to raise their crown of tentacles highest above the sea-floor were able to obtain most food. Under the influence of the struggle for exis- tence, there appears a constant tendency in the Cyclostomata to secure some method by which the originally encrusting forms can become erect or raised. Single series become multiple ; multiple series spread into sheets ; and sheets give a sufficiently firm found- ation for one part to rise as a frond or tuft. All through the Cyclostomata we find the families beginning as encrusting linear series or sheets, with low peristomes. Thus, the Tubuliporidae begin with Stomatopora, the Idmoniidae with the adnate Idmonia, the FascigeridaB with Defrancia, the Theonoidae with Actinopora. In some cases the necessary increase of elevation is obtained simply by the elongation of individual zooecia, or by the whole of the distal portion being erect and free, as in Tubulipora. But such isolated tubes are very readily broken off, and hence the elevation is more permanently effected by the union of several zooecia into tufts. But even in these cases there appears a competition between the adjoining zooecia; and the influence of the ever-constant effort towards an increase in the elevation of the peristome may be seen. Hence the degree of increase in the height of the mouth appears to serve as some measure of the progress effected along any particular line of development. This is seen in the case of the representative species of different geological ages, as is shown in the following average formula of the previously mentioned species of Stomatopora : p. c. I. r. Jurassic 1' 0" 1' 0' Cretaceous 1" 0'" 1' 0' Miocene 1" 1 1' 0' But the formulae for all the Jurassic and all the Recent species of a genus show that the progress has, on the whole, been great, though numerous cases of degeneration occur. INTRODUCTION. 27 4. Continuous Variation. Comparisons between the formulae of allied species belonging to different geological periods show that the differences between them are often very small. The species are often so much alike that it is impossible to indicate the distinctions by general diagnoses, for there appears to have been a continuous variation from one species or specific group to the next. We cannot, however, refer to such continuous variation without considering Mr. Bateson's l recent discussion of the nature of variation, and his conclusion of the greater importance of discon- tinuous than of continuous variation in the origin of new species. ]\Ir. Bateson has shown (e.g., op. cit. p. 41) that the individuals included in a species are not distributed uniformly among the different variations included with the limits of that species. The great majority of the members of the species agree with one or two types, and comparatively few members are scattered near the bounds of the limit of variation, or far from the main centres of organic stability. This is exactly the idea of a circulus. Each circulus is a "centre of organic stability," and the variation around it is of continuous and almost imperceptible gradations. Bateson takes as his first axiom 2 that " The forms of living things are various, and, on the whole, are discontinuous or specific." He concludes 3 "that the discontinuity of species results from the discontinuity of variation." Elsewhere he tells us that ' ' such discontinuity is not in the environment : may it not, then, be in the living thing itself?" 4 The study of the Cyclostomata does not appear to me to support these views. Bateson's axiom is doubtless true for living Bryozoa, and was doubtless true for the Bryozoa that lived at any one previous epoch. But it is not true if we compare the Bryozoa of successive faunas instead of different individuals of the same fauna. The nearest contemporary ally of Stomatopora dichotoma (Lamx.) differs from it by an amount expressed by formula as 1201 The nearest ally of that species, found in the succeeding geo- logical period, differs from it only by 0' 0' 1 "W. Bateson. Materials for the Study of Variation, treated with special regard to Discontinuity in the Origin of Species. 1894. a Op. cit. p. 3. 3 Op. cit. p. 568. * Op. cit. p. 17. 28 INTRODUCTION. And this in turn was succeeded by a form with a difference of only (X 0" That is to say, that if we compare the forms of Bryozoa that lived in one particular zone, the species are discontinuous ; but if we compare the forms of Bryozoa that lived in successive zones, the species are continuous. Variation in this case is therefore con- tinuous in time and discontinuous in space. And the latter neetj not surprise us when we remember the evidence advanced by Darwin in support of his argument, that the rarity of existing intermediate varieties is only to be expected, for ''the very process of natural selection constantly tends, as has been so often re- marked, to exterminate the parent forms and the intermediate links." l It is because the element of time necessarily enters into the idea of a circulus that it supplies instructive analogy as to the nature of specific groups. The occurrence of individuals well separated from the main mass of the circulus (but still so much nearer to it than to any other as to be unquestionably members of it) presents us with a case of discontinuous variation ; and such discontinuous variation has almost certainly taken place in the Bryozoa. The sudden change from Diastopora to Berenicea, as we pass from the Great Oolite to the Bradford Clay (p. 20), supplies a marked case of discontinuous variation. Bateson's position is that the " discontinuity is not in the environment" ; whereas, as we have seen, in that case it was due to a direct change of environment. But such cases are exceptional. The general evidence of the fossil specimens, and the great difference of opinion as to the range of specific variation between those who multiply species indefinitely, and those who place Silurian and recent individuals in the same species tend to show that most of the forms of Cyclostomata have arisen by slow, imperceptible, continuous variation. 7. THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE CYCLOSTOMATA. It is the fact that continuous variation has played the leading part in the evolution of the Cyclostomata, that renders the 1 C. Darwin. The Origin of Species, 6th ed., 1882, p. 138. INTRODUCTION. 29 diagnosis of genera so difficult, but their classification remarkably complete. Most of the well-known families can be arranged in series, beginning with simple adnate forms and ending as erect fronds or tufts. This is shown for three families by the following table : Families. Linear Series. Attached Sheets. Massive. Erect. Tubuliporidae Fascigeridae Theonoidse Proboscina Berenices Defrancia A-Ctinopora Beptomultisparsa Apsendesia Kololophos Diastopora Fasciculipora Theonoa The possibility of discontinuous variation, however, renders the classification in some respects uncertain, until the limits of the discontinuity are known. Thus, the Cretaceous and Cainozoic Bryozoa, which are provided with cancelli, are here grouped into a suborder, the Cancellata. But it is possible that the whole of these genera are not descended from one ancestor, but that cancelli may have arisen independently in different families of Tubulata. Until this is settled, it seems wisest to leave the cancellate forms in a separate group. 1. The Four Orders of Gymnolcema. The Jurassic Bryozoa all belong to that section of the subclass Ectoprocta known as the Gymnolserna (p. 38). This is usually regarded as divisible into three orders the Cheilostomata, Ctenostomata, and Cyclostomata. The two first may be dismissed at once, as there are only two Jurassic species known to belong to them, and these are both members of the Cheilostomata. The last order of these three, the Cyclostomata, is defined by Hincks as follows : " Zooecia tubular, with a plain, inoperculate orifice ; marsupia and appendicular organs wanting." Three out of the five statements in this diagnosis are negative ; and the only positive characters are that the zooecia are tubular and the orifice (i.e. aperture) is plain. But both characters are also met with among the Cheilostomata, for Dr. Hincks commences his diagnosis of the JEteidse with " Zooecia tubular," 1 and in the same family the aperture is terminal and plain. 1 Hincks. Brit. Mar. Polyz. p. 1. 30 INTRODUCTION. Ulricli has divided the Bryozoa which are tubular and asetose into two groups the Cyclostomata and the Trepostomata. So great is the difference in structure amongst the Bryozoa included in these two divisions, that Ulrich's proposal seems to me wise. In his important monograph on the Paleozoic Bryozoa of Illinois, 1 he has given general descriptions of these divisions rather than definite diagnoses, and he has included among the Trepostomata forms which I prefer to leave with the Cyclostomata. The fol- lowing diagnoses show the sense in which I accept Ulrich's new order. Cyclostomata. Zooecia tubular and simple in structure. Aper- tures terminal (and rarely subterminal) ; inoperculate. Appen- dicular organs, mesopores, and acanthopores absent. Dactylethra3 and cancelli may be present. Trepostomata. Zocecia consisting of prismatic or cylindrical tubes, generally forming massive zoaria or thick sheets. Aper- tures always terminal ; crowded. Zooecia divided into a proximal, immature, thin-walled part, which is simple in structure ; and a distal, mature part, of which the walls are thick and complex, and in which the zooecia are crossed by diaphragms. Mesopores and acanthopores often present ; no avicularia or vibracularia, but spines may occur. The formation by TJlrieh of this group of Trepostomata consider- ably simplifies the classification of the old order, the Cyclostomata. The step was foreshadowed by Mr. "Waters, who in 1887 proposed to divide the Cyclostomata into the Parallelata and the Hectangu- lata. Had he formally diagnosed these groups, his names would have had priority over Ulrich's ; but, as it is, it would be unfair to the American author to reject the terms which he has based on careful descriptions and elaborate microscopical investigations, for others tentatively advanced. 2. Previous Classifications of the Cyclostomata. I have no in- tention of attempting here to discuss the respective value of the classifications of the Cyclostomata which we owe to D'Orbigny (1851), Hagenow (1851), Busk (1859 and 1875), Smitt (1865), Hincks (1880), MacGillivray (1887), Pergens and Meunier (1887), Waters (1885), Jullien (1883), Novak (1877), or Marsson Geol. SUIT. Illinois, vol. viii. sect. vii. 1890. INTRODUCTION. 31 (1887). This could not be done without reference to and description of many Cretaceous forms. I hope, therefore, to consider the question in greater detail when describing the Cre- taceous Bryozoa. Classifications founded only on recent species are of little value ; for the existing fauna includes but a small number of Cyclostomata, which are not representative of the varied types met with in the Mesozoic. The first serious attempt to classify the Cyclostomata was that of D'Orbigny in 1851, whose "Bryozoaires Centrifugines " include this order. He divided this group into two suborders, one of which practically corresponds with Busk's division, the Articulata. The rest, or the Centrifugines empates, consists of the Cyclostomata, Inarticulata, and of many Paleozoic forms now included in the Cryptostomata. His first division was named the OpercuUs, but as it was based on an entire misconception of the forms included within it, it may be ignored. The rest, however, of D'Orbigny's major divisions seem to me to be based on truth. His scheme is as follows : Division B. Fasciculines. Zooecia grouped in bundles. Fam. 1. Fascigeridce. No mesopores. 2. Fasciporidce. JVXesopores present. ,, C. Tubulines. Zocecia tubular and more or less free. Fam. 1. Tubigerida. Apertures in transverse series. ,, 2. Sparsidce. Apertures scattered. ,, 3. Clausidce. Aborted zocecia present. ,, 4. Crisinidce. Zooecia on one face, and intermediate pores on the other. ,, 5. Caveida. Zocecia and mesopores on one face, and intermediate pores on the other. ,, D. Foramines. Zocecia not projecting above surface of zoarium. Fam. 1. Ceidce. Zocecia funnel-shaped. ,, 2. Cavidce. Zocecia not funnel-shaped. ,, 3. Cytisida. Intermediate tubuli. ,, 4. Crescisidce. Mesopores present. This classification seems to me to contain a good deal of truth. It recognizes the importance of mesopores, and that the forms included within it may be divided into three main types of zoarial structure those in which the zocecia occur as masses of tubes (Trepostomata or Kectangulata), in bundles, and in varied congeries of tubes. 32 INTRODUCTION". The subdivisions of these groups accepted by D'Orbigny have been recognized by nearly every subsequent worker to be artificial and useless, and the amount of truth the classification contains has therefore not been recognized. Busk followed in 1859 with a classification, of which the only part that is now accepted is the separation of the Crisiidae from the rest as the Articulata. Srnitt in 1865 accepted this arrangement,, and two of D'Orbigny's divisions, for which he used the same names but in a Latin form, viz. Tubulinea and Fasciculinea ; as he dealt only with recent species, he had not to consider the forms included in the division Foramines. Hincks in 1880 and MacGillivray in 1887, also each dealt only with living species, which are so few in number that family divisions are sufficient in their classification ; Hincks therefore referred the British species to four families, and MacGillivray those of Victoria to five. Pergens and Meunier, who in the same year described the Cretaceous Bryozoa of Faroe, also used only family divisions, ten in number. Marsson in 1887 divided the Cyclostomata into two groups, the Solenoporina and the Metopoporina, including in the latter only Melicertites and its allies. Pergens in 1890 accepted the same division, though he abandoned the name Metopoporina; and he made many great changes in the families. 3. The Classification proposed. Without attempting a formal revision of the classification of the whole order of the Cyclostomata, which to be of value must be based upon, and prove applicable to, the Cretaceous fauna, it will be useful to show the grouping into which the Jurassic representatives of the order may be arranged. The Jurassic species are few in comparison with the Cretaceous, but they offer the great advantage of showing the commencement of the lines of development, which by the succeeding period had given rise to extraordinarily varied forms. The lines of evolution can therefore be recognized unobscured by the great secondary variations of the Cretaceous fauna. The Articulata section of Cyclostomata is not known to be repre- sented in the Jurassic, and thus this group may be dismissed. The Jurassic Cyclostomata fall fairly readily into two groups. In the first, all the zocecia are functional, open, and tubular; in the second, normal zocecia occur surrounded by aborted, closed zocecia (or dactylethrse), which generally form a large proportion of the zoarium. In the Cretaceous period there is a third type, in INTEODUCTIOtf. 33 which cancellated interzocecial tissue is present; but so far, I cannot verify the occurrence of any species of this group in the Jurassic. The differences between these three groups seem to me more im- portant than variations in zoarial form, for they involve differences in zooecial structure. I therefore propose to call them the Tubu- lata, the Dactylethrata, and the Cancellata. The subdivisions of these orders must depend on zoarial characters. It is natural to commence with the largest of the three, which is also the most difficult, because the most simple. The most primitive form is a simple linear zoarium Stomatopora. This serves as the starting-point of several different lines of de- velopment. On the one hand, the zocecia grow into ribbon-shaped bands ; these expand into sheets, which may remain encrusting or rise as fronds. For this group we may adopt the name Tubuli- poridae. A second family is formed by the primitive zocecion giving rise to banded zoaria in which the apertures are arranged in regular transverse rows, instead of having them scattered irregularly. The adnate bands give rise to erect forms, in which the zooecia only open on one side. These form the family Idmoniidae. Those Bryozoa which arise from a similar embryonic zooecion, but give rise to solid bundles, instead of to sheets or unilateral dendroid forms, represent a third group, for which we may accept Pergens' name Entalophoridae. The second group of Tubulata arises from a different larval form, which was originally described as the genus Pelagia or Defrancia. The young stage of the zoarium is cupuliform, instead of stomato- poriform. The zoaria may be discoid, as in Actinopora, or the zocecia may be elongated into such types as Apsendesia and Fasci- culipora. The Dactylethrata is a much smaller group, and contains the three types, Reticulipora, Multiclausa, and Terebellaria. The Cancellata do not appear until the Cretaceous. The following summary of the classification includes the Jurassic families, while a few of the principal families found in later periods are mentioned, in order to suggest the lines of development subsequently followed. The Cretaceous genera seem to fall easily into places in this scheme. 34 INTRODUCTION. Order CYCLOSTOMATA. Suborder I. ARTICULATA. Fam. Crisiidcs. ,, II. TUBULATA. () Young stage. Stomatoporiform or Probosciniform. Fam. 1. Tubuliporidce. Fam. 3. Idmoniida. ,, 2. Entalophoridce. ,, 4. Horneridce. (b] Young stage. Cupuliform or discoid. Fam. 5. Fascigeridce. Fam. 7. Theonoidce. ,, 6. Osculiporidce. ,, III. DACTYLETHRATA. Reticuliporidce. Multiclausidce . Terebellariidce . ,, IV. CANCELLATA. Discoporellidce. Order TEEPOSTOMATA. Families represented in the Jurassic Fam. 1. Ceramoporidce. Chilopora. ,, 2. Heterotrypida. Heteropora. ,, 3. Amplexoporidce. Ceriopora. 8. PREVIOUS WORK ON THE JURASSIC BRYOZOA. The study of the Jurassic Bryozoa is facilitated by the fact that this group was practically unrecognized in the first half-century of the study of systematic zoology. The first work which contains any information of much importance upon this subject is Lamouroux's "Exposition Methodique des Polypiers," published in 1821. In this were figured specimens of most of the common forms found in the Bathonian deposits of Normandy ; they were fairly well figured and described, and no less than nine Jurassic genera date from this work. These names gained general acceptance by zoologists, who unfortunately have used some of them in a sense different from that in which they were proposed by Lamouroux. Thus, Idmonea is generally said to be "erect" in zoological diagnoses; whereas the type species is encrusting. Milne Edwards (1838) and Michelin (1840-6) added some new species to those described by Lamouroux, and D'Orbigny, both in his Prodrome and the "Pale- ontologie franchise" (1850-2), named many new forms; but he gave such imperfect diagnoses that most of them are indeter- minable. In 1854 appeared the monograph of Ed. Haime, which is the most valuable work published upon this group. He accurately figured and described most of the principal forms, all INTRODUCTION. 35 of which he included in one family. The monograph is worthy of Haime's great reputation. Since this time there has been no general work on Jurassic Bryozoa as a whole ; and we have only to notice papers on separate faunas, or the descriptions of isolated species in works on general Jurassic Paleontology. A list of these papers is given in the Appendix ; and it is only necessary to say that the most important contributions will be found under the names of Reuss, Brauns, "Waagen, Sauvage, and Friren for Continental species, and of Walford and Vine for those of England. 9. THE BRITISH MUSEUM COLLECTION. Jurassic Bryozoa are upon the whole scarce. In some horizons they may be abundant, but as a rule the Jurassic limestones may be searched in vain for recognizable specimens. From some English members of the Jurassic sequence, in which, from the conditions of deposition, numerous Bryozoa might be expected, I am not aware that a single specimen has ever been found. No species has been previously recorded from either the British Port- landian, Kimeridgian, or Corallian deposits. The British Museum contains, however, a fine series of Jurassic Bryozoa, both English and foreign, most of which have been obtained from the following collections : Brodie Collection. Rich in Inferior Oolite specimens from the Cotteswolds. Purchased from the Rev. P. B. Brodie, F.G.S., in 1895. Brauns Collection. Bryozoa from Bavaria. Purchased in 1838. Bright Collection. Many specimens from Normandy. Presented by Benjamin Bright, Esq., in 1873. Cunnington Collection. Specimens from the Jurassic of Wiltshire. Purchased from Wm. Cunnington, Esq., F.G.S. Holl Collection. Mainly Inferior Oolite. Purchased from Executors of late H. B. Holl, M.D., F.G.S., in 1887. Tesson Collection. An extensive series from the Bathonian deposits of Nor- mandy. Purchased of M. Tesson, 1857. Vine Collection. Types of Vine's species from Cornhrash of Northamptonshire. Purchased of Executors of G-. R. Vine, Oct. 1893. 10. THE JURASSIC SEQUENCE. The following table shows the Jurassic sequence and the time divisions used in the present Catalogue. The principal localities from which the Bryozoa have come are given in the two last columns. W te H rfl P .-^6 cs To .- f. Q} C rQ <3 > O ill 'el II i? o -d a &o I S J 119 IB 3 05 ^1 13 3 a o H If |S2- I ill I II 3 & P*. S (^ ^sJss 'i 1^^^^ M Pur III s 't 's i s b 5 S^ J.* g| P Hi PART II. SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS, CLASS BRYOZOA, Ehrenberg, 1831. 1 Diagnosis. Coelomate Metazoa, the individual members of which are small in size. The body is surrounded by an ectocyst and endocyst, the former of which secretes a cuticle. There is a single nerve ganglion. The digestive canal is ciliated and bent into a U shape, the mouth and anus being situated close together. The mouth is within a circular or horseshoe-shaped ridge, bearing ciliated tentacles (the lophophore). The anus opens either within or outside the lophophore. The larva is free-swimming. The Bryozoa are usually fixed, and compound. The individual animals or JBryozoites grow by gemmation into zoaria. 1 In the discussion as to which of the terms, Polyzoa or Bryozoa, is to be taken as the name of the class, it is assumed that Thompson's name predates Ehren- berg's. Thompson's work is usually quoted (e.g. by Engler) as 1831-4, whereas Memoir No. 5, containing that on Polyzoa, is assigned to 1830 by Busk (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, t. x. p. 352) and Hincks (Brit. Mar. Polyz. p. 589). The confusion is probably due to the statement in Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. vii. p. 656, December 1834, that Memoir No. 5 had been "just published" ; but this was a mistake for Memoir No. 6, as the subject is mentioned in the reference. Thompson's series dates from 1828-34 ; the memoir on the Polyzoa was issued in December, 1830, as a long review of it was given in the number of Ferussac's Butt. Sci. Nat. for January 1831. The dates of publication of the various parts are as follows : Memoir 1. ... 1828. Fide Ferussac, Butt. Sci. Nat. t. xvi. 1829, p. 473. ,, 2. Apr. 1829. ,, ,, t. xx. 1830, p. 312. ,, 3. Jan. 1830. ,, t. xxii. 1830, p. 331. 38 SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS. SUBCLASS I. ENTOPBOCTA, Mtsche. Both mouth and anus within the lophophore, which is prae-oral in origin. [No fossil representatives known.] SUBCLASS II. ECTOPROCTA, Mtsche. The lophophore postoral in origin ; it does not enclose the anus. Section 1. PHYLACTOL^EMA, Allman. Lophophore horseshoe -shaped. A movable epistome overhangs the mouth. [No fossil representatives known.] Section 2. GYMNOL^EMA, Allman. Lophophore orbicular. No epistome. Order 1. CTENOSTOMATA, Busk. Zocecia never calcareous. Orifices guarded by setae-like processes. [No certain fossil representatives of this order are known, the unity of which is very doubtful.] Order 2. CYCLOSTOMATA, Busk. Bryozoa in which the zocecia are simple, elongated, and cylin- drical, and typically grow in tufts or sheets formed of radiating zooecia. Mesopores are rarely (if ever) present. Mouths circular, and generally raised above the surface of the zoarium. Ocecia of enlarged zooecia. Appendages absent. Lr *' } Dec. 1830. Fide Ferussac, Butt. Sci. Nat. t. xxiv. 1831, pp. 79-82. ,, 6. ... 1834. Fide Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. vii. 1834, p. 656. Ehrenberg's name Bryozoa was apparently not published until 1831, although the date on the cover of the part of Symbolae Physic in which it appeared is 1828 ; the plates were issued in that year, but the text was not issued till 1831, if we may trust the authority of Isis, 1832, p. 1274, for reference to which I am indebted to Mr. C. D. Sherborn's MS. Index Generum et Specierum. SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS. 39 Suborder I. Articulata. Zoarium divided into internodes, by horny tubes at the nodes ; joints usually flexible. Fam. 1. Crisiida. JSTo Jurassic representatives. Suborder II. Tubulata. Zoarium formed of monomorphic zocecia, not divided into internodes; zooecia of elongated tubes grouped into bundles or sheets, or linear series. Section 1 . Young zoarium Stomatoporiform or Probosciniform. Fam. 1. Tubuliporida. See p. 41. ,, 2. Entalophorida. See p. 137. ,, 3. Idmoniidce. See p. 133. ,, 4. Horneridce. No Jurassic representatives. Section 2. Young zoarium. Cupuliform. Fam. 5. Fascigeridce. See Pt. III. . Osculiporid tufts; these may radiate from a centre, to form a circular zoarium. The branches begin uniserially, and may end in sheets containing twelve zooacia in width. Zocecia regularly cylindrical. Front wall ornamented by a transverse wrinkling. Of medium length, broad. Peristomes with somewhat thickened rims. Slightly raised. Formula p, c, I, r= 1, 0, 1, 1-3. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Fuller's Earth : Bruton. Cornbrash : Chippenham ; Corsham. Description of Figures. PL II. Fig. 4. Part of a colony encrusting Zeilleria ornithocephala (J. de C. Sow.), X 17 dia. Fuller's Earth : Bruton. Cunnington Coll. 88742. PI. II. Fig. 5. One sector of a circular colony encrusting Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow., showing terminal expansions of the branches, X 10 dia. Cornbrash : Corsham, Wiltshire. W. Buy Coll. No. 23852. Affinities. This species is well characterized by its loose Stoma- topora-like zoarium. Some branches end in sheets, and these ally it to P. rigauxi (Sauv.). From this, however, it may be distin- guished by the looseness of the zoarium. Its nearest ally is the recent P. major (Johnst.). (See Hincks, Brit. Mar. Polyz. p. 427, pi. Iviii.) This, however, has a formula 2, 0, 2, 1-4, and may be distinguished by the greater elevation of the peristomes and length of the zooscia. The species is named after William Cunnington, Esq., from whom the British Museum received the specimen taken as the type, and whose careful collection has added greatly to the knowledge of Jurassic paleontology. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 88742. On Zeilleria ornithocephala (J. de C. Sow.). Fuller's Earth. Bruton. Cunnington Coll. 97617. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Cornbrash. Chippenham. Waterhouse Coll. Presented by Sir E. Owen. 23852. On Terebratula maxillata var. submaxillata, Morr. Cornhrash. W. Buy Coll. PROBOSCINA. 69 5. Proboscina rigauxi (Sauvage), 1889. SYNONYMY : Stomatopora rigauxi, H. E. Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, sr. 3, t. xvii. p. 42, pi. iii. figs. 6-8. ,, sp. G. R. Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. iv. p. 204, pi. i. fig. 2. Proboscina ,, Gregory, 1895, Eev. pt. ii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvi. p. 449. Proboscina Clementina var. minuta, Vine, 1893, Polyz. Thrapston: Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. p. 256, pi. xiii. fig. 9. ,, var. depressa, Vine, 1893, ibid. p. 256. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium forming dense circular tufts. The branches end in crowded tufts, which almost form Heremcea-like sheets. Zocecia cylindrical, short, thick. Front wall with a well- marked transverse ribbing. Surface punctulate. Peristomes raised into a thickened rim, but not reflexed. Formula. p, c, I, r = 1, 0, 2, 1-12. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Cornbrash : Rushden. FOREIGN : Bathonian Fuller's Earth: Hydrequent, near Boulogne (fide Sauvage). Description of Figure. PI. II. Fig. 6. Part of zoarium en- crusting Terelratula intermedia, J". de C. Sow., X 12 dia. Cornbrash : Rushden. B. 4846. Affinities. This species is extremely well marked. It was care- fully described and figured by M. Sauvage. It is distinguished by the broad expansions at the ends of the branches, which often greatly resemble Berenicea. There is, however, always a marked difference between the fenestrated zoarium of this species and that of the nearest forms of Berenicea. Even in such species as Bere- nicea compacta (Norman), 1 which have greatly divided zoaria, the characteristic distinction between this and Proboscina can be seen. Though including the two varieties of P. Clementina in this species, 1 See Stomatopora compacta, Hincks. Brit. Mar. Polyz. p. 435, pi. Ixiii. figs. 1, 2. 70 PROBOSCINA. I express no opinion as to the affinities of the type form of that species. Among well-descrihed Cretaceous species, that which approaches nearest to this is Proboscina subelegam, D'Orb. 1 ; but the zoarium is more convex and the branches are not flabelliform. SPECIMEN. B. 4846. "With Berenicea diluviana, Lamx., on Terebratula intermedia, J. de C. Sow. Cornbrash. Kushden. Figd. PI. II. Fig. 6. 6. Proboscina morinica (Sauvage), 1889. SYNONYMY : Stomatopora morinica, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Butt. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 41, pi. iii. fig. 5 ; pi. iv. figs. 6, 7. Proboscina ,, Gregory, 1895, Rev. pt. ii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvi. p. 450. Proboscina obscura, Vine, 1893, Polyz. Thrapston : Proc. Torks. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. p. 255, pi. xiii. fig. 7. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of an irregular, reticulate encrustation. Branches made up of from one to five zocecia. Zocecia short, thick, with wide orifices. Shape in places almost hippothoiform ; otherwise elliptical. Peristomes irregular, slightly raised. Formula. p, c, I, r = 2, 2, 1, 1-4. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Cornbrash : Thrapston. Inferior Oolite Pea Grit : Gloucestershire. FOREIGN : Oxfordian : near Boulogne. Description of Figure. PI. VII. Fig. 1. Inferior Oolite: Cleeve. Part of zoarium, X 17dia. Holl Coll. D. 1840. 1 D'Orbigny, op. cit. p. 853, pi. Dcclix. figs. 8-13. For characters of zooecia see Pergens, op. cit. p. 332, pi. xi. fig. 3. PBOBOSCINA. 71 ities. This species is most nearly allied to P. desoudini^ Haime, of which it may be a synonym. Some of the zooecia appear identical, but whereas these are associated in P. desoudini with regularly cylindrical, tubular zocecia, in this species they occur with hippothoiform zocecia. Not having seen specimens, I must leave the matter in doubt. Its nearest Cainozoic ally is that described by Hincks as Stomatopora fasciculata. 1 The formula of this is 2, 2, 1, 1-4, whereas that of P. morinica is 1, 2, 0, 1-4. The recent species may be distinguished by not having the short, stumpy zocecia, and by having lower peristomes than its Jurassic ally. I cannot identify Vine's type of P. olscura in his collection, and feel doubts as to the correct position of the species ; but it appears to be a young specimen with a loose zoarium. SPECIMEN. D. 1840. Inferior Oolite Pea Grit. Cleeve HiU. Holl Coll. 7. Proboscina spatiosa, Walford. SYNONYMY : Proboscina spatiosa, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. pp. 566-7, pi. xvii. figs. 1-3; pi. xviii. figs. 1-5. ,, Gregory, 1895, Rev. pt. ii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvi. p. 450. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of irregular, narrow, irregularly branching bands, each composed of from one to four zocecia in width. Zooecia pyriform or subpyriform, of medium length, coarsely wrinkled and punctate. Peristomes much raised. Apertures elliptical or circular. Formula. p, c, I, r = 3, 2, 1, 1-4. 1 Stomatopora fasciculata, Hincks, non Reuss, Brit. Mar. Polyz. p. 441, pi. lix. figs. 4, 5. This name is preoccupied by a Cretaceous species, and I have therefore had to rename it, which I have pleasure in doing, after the author who has so well described the recent form, Proboscina hincksi. 72 PROBOSCINA. DISTRIBUTION. Inferior Oolite : Shipton Gorge, Dorsetshire. Affinities. This species is most nearly allied to P. desoudini (Haime), from which it may be separated by the greater elevation of the peristomes and the shorter zooecia; the zoarium appears, moreover, less irregular than in that species. The formula of Mr. Walford's species is p, c, I, r = 3, 0-2, 1, 1-4, whereas that of P. desoudini is J', 0-2, 2, 1-3. Its nearest Cretaceous ally is Proboscina fasciculata (Reuss). 1 From this, however, it is very distinct. The formula of P. fasci- culata (Reuss, non Hincks) is 2, 1-2, 0, 1-2. P. echinata (Miinst.) is more nearly allied to this species than to P. desoudini, Haime, with which it has been contrasted in the description of the latter. The species is separated from P. spatiosa, Waif., by having less raised peristomes and shorter zooecia. The Pliocene and recent Prob. repens is also allied, as Walford as remarked ; but it has shorter, squatter zooecia, and a stronger transverse marking. P. spatiosa, Waif., is not represented in the Museum collection. 8. Proboscina liassica (Quenstedt), 1852. SYNONYMY : Diastopora liassica, Quenstedt, 1852, Handb. Petref. p. 637, pi. Ivi. fig. 10. ,, ,, Oppel, 1854, Mittl. Lias Schwab, p. 130. Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, pp. 280, 292. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1867, Handb. ed. 2, p. 765, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 10. ,, Quenstedt, 1885, op. cit. ed. 3, p. 984, pi. Ixxix. fig. 28. ,, ,, Lepsius, 1875, Beitr. Kenntn. Juraf. Unter-Elsass, p. 13. Walford, 1879, Mid. Up. Lias Banbury, pp. 16, 20. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Thompson, 1889, Mid. Lias Northptnsh. p. 59. Proboscina ,, Gregory, 1895, Rev. pt. ii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvi. p. 450. Aulopora Quenstedt, 1878, Petref. Deutschl. Bd. vi. Abth. 1, p. 113, pi. cxlvii. fig. 28. 1 Diastopora fasciculata, Reuss, Verst. bohm. Kreidef. p. 666, pi. xv. figs. 35-7. Proboscina fasciculata, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. t. v. p. 857, pi. DCXXXIV. figs. 10-13. PEOBOSCINA.. 73 Berenicea Edwardsi, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle, p. 26. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. min. dep. Moselle, p. 290. Proboscina Terquem and Piette, 1865, Lias inf. Est France : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. viii. p. 125, pi. xiv. figs. 21-2 (non 25-6, as in text). ,, prorepens, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. pp. 535, 647, pi. xxxiii. fig. 3. ,, cf. ,, "Walford, 1883, Kelation Northptn. Sd. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. p. 239. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. inf. ool. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, sdr. 2, t. vii. p. 45. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of narrow branching bands, composed of from three to five zooecia in width. Zooscia cylindrical, of medium length; fine transverse lines traverse the walls. Peristomes slightly raised ; orifices somewhat elliptical. Formula -p, c, I, r 1, 0, 1, 3-5. DISTEIBUTIOK ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : Coombe Hill, Oxfordshire (fide Walford). Middle Lias spinatus zone and transition bed: Appletree, near Banbury (fide Walford) ; Northamptonshire (fide Thompson). FOREIGN : Bajocian : Montvaux and Plappeville, near Metz (fide Friren). Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, Wiirtemberg. Lytoceras jurensis Marl: Silzbrunnen, Elsass (fide Lepsius). Lias : Heiningen. Middle Lias : Ohmenhausen (fide Oppel). Affinities. The formula for this species, as far as the figure given by Terquem and Piette enables one to judge, is p, c, I, r = 1, 0, 1, 3-5. It is distinct from either of the species pre- viously described. The authors of the species compare it with Haime's P. alfredi, with which it may be identical. This latter species, however, was founded on such a very imperfectly preserved specimen that I cannot be sure of its affinities. The whole zoarium appears to have been eroded, and all the superficial characters have been destroyed. Thus it is impossible to say whether the peristomes were raised or flush. Its formula is 74 PROBOSCINA. !,(?), 1, 3-5. P. liassica is therefore a near ally of P. alfredi, if not identical with it. Its nearest ally among the previously described species is P. eudesi, from which it differs in the greater irregularity in the distribution of the orifices and the flatness of the zoarium. The species is not represented in the Museum collection. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES. 1. Proboscina alfredi, Haime. SYNONYMY : Proboscina alfredi, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 168, pi. vi. fig. 8. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 144. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Friren, 1893. Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 46. Reptotubigera Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 28. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. min. dep. Moselle, p. 292. Distribution. Bajocian : near Metz. 2. Proboscina ammonitoriim (D'Orb.). SYNONYMY : Idmonea ammonitorum, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 378. Proboscina D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 846. Distribution. Oxfordian : France. 3. Proboscina complanata (D'Orb.). SYNONYMY : Idmonea complanata, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 288. Proboscina ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 846. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1857, Syst. ool. inf. Calvados: Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. ii. p. 328. Distribution. Bajocian and Bathonian: France. PBOBOSCINA. 75 4. Proboscina divisa, Yine (non fitall.). SYNONYMY : Proboscina divisa, Vine, 1893, Polyz. Thrapston : Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. p. 256, pi. xiii. fig. 8. Distribution. Cornbrash : Thrapston. Vine's type cannot be recognized, but a second specimen, labelled "P. divisa, poor," has upon it a young P. desoudini and several zoaria of P. jacquoti. 5. Proboscina elegantula (D'Orb.). SYNONYMY : Idmonea elegantula, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 288. Proboscina D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 845. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1857, Syst. ool. inf. Calvados: Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. ii. p. 328. Distribution. Bajocian and Bathonian : France. 6. Proboscina expansa, Etallon. SYNONYMY : Proboscina expansa, Etallon, 1860, Jura Graylois : Ann. Sci. phys. nat. Lyon, ser. 3, t. iv. p. 175. Name only. Distribution. Corallian substage Glyptician : Chassiguy, France. 7. Proboscina gracilis, D'Orbigny. SYNONYMY : Idmonea gracilis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. Proboscina ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9 Terr. cret. t. v. p. 846. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. Distribution. Bathonian : Ranville. SYNOPSIS OF SPECIES. I. Zocecia all cylindrical. Peristomes well raised ; zoarium flat ... ... jacquoti, Haime. Peristomes low ; zoarium in linear bands, mostly biserial, frequently branched cunningtoni, Greg. Multiserial, seldom branched Zoarium flat ... liassica (Quenst.). Zoarium ridged ... eudesi (Haime). Zoarium in tui'ts and sheets rigauxi (Sauv.). 76 BERENICEA. II. Zooecia pyriform. Peristomes well raised ... ... ... ... spatiosa, "Waif. Peristomes low ; zooecia long ... desoudini (Haime) Zooecia short ... ... morinica (Sauv.). BERENICE A, Lamouroux, 1821. Diagnosis. Tubuliporidae in which the zoarium is a thin, flat, encrusting sheet. The zooecia are tubular. The peristome is either flush with the surface or somewhat raised. Type species. B. prominens, Lamx. [The B. olelia (Johnst.).] Affinities. Berenicea was founded by Lamouroux for a recent Mediterranean species, generally known among zoologists by the name given to it by Johnston twenty-six years later. The genus, as here accepted, includes the flat, encrusting Tubuliporidae, while Diastopora includes the erect, foliaceous forms. It has often been proposed to merge the two, but the distinction is so convenient that it is advisable, if possible, to retain it. The evidence that one species is sometimes erect and sometimes encrusting, is very insufficient. Eeuss 1 has made a species, D. corrugata, which, he says, is sometimes erect and sometimes adnate. His figures, how- ever, show marked differences between the two. In some recent species growing upon the stems of seaweeds, I have seen cases where the two sides of a Berenicea have met, and, pressing against one another, have formed a small, free, bilaminate expansion. But an exceptional and abnormal growth such as this hardly seems sufficient to destroy a distinction, so well marked in the vast majority of cases. A distinction which it is more difficult to define is that between this genus and Tubulipora. The separation can only be based on the condition of the distal ends of the zocecia. In the typical species of Berenicea the peristome is either flush with, or raised but slightly above, the general surface of the zoarium. In Tubuli- pora, a great length of the distal end of the zooacia is free and reflexed. There are some species, however, of Berenicea, such as e.g. Berenicea spatiosa (see PI. Ill, Fig. 1), in which the peristomes 1 A. E. Reuss. Tert. Bry. Kischenew in Bessarabia : Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. Ix. Abth. 1, 1869, p. 510, pi. i. figs. 6, 7 ; pi. ii. figs. 1-5. BERENICEA. 77 are well raised ; these represent an approach to the condition of Fubulipora, and it is not easy to draw the line between the two genera. 1. Berenicea allaudi (Sauvage), 1889. SYNONYMY : JRosacilla allaudi, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 46, pi. iv. figs. 1-5. Berenicea, ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 60. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 44. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium a large thin disc, somewhat irregular at the border. Surface flat. Zocecia cylindrical, somewhat fusiform ; visible throughout ; of medium length, punctulate ; front wall traversed by slight undu- lations. Peristomes slightly elevated ; irregularly arranged. Formula. 1 p, c, I, r = l, 1, 1, dO. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite : Cox's Pit, Bedford. Inferior Oolite : Burton Bradstock. (York Museum.) Lower Ragstone : Cold Comfort, near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Inferior Oolite Callovian and Oxfordian : Boulogne. Description of Figure. PI. III. Fig. 6. Part of a zoarium from Inferior Oolite, X 16 dia. ; it is worn, and thus does not show the ornamentation. Brit. Mus. D. 1795. Affinities. Among the British Jurassic species, B. allaudi most resembles B. striata, from which, however, it differs by the shortness of the zocecia in the former, as well as in the flabellate arrangement of the zocecia in the latter. The species is well marked ; it is rare in England, but a good series of figures of it has been given by M. Sauvage. Its closest Cretaceous ally is 1 In the last term of the formulae for Berenicea, d= discoid ; /= flabellif orm ; i irregular ; 0,1, and 2, refer to the crowding of the peristomes. 78 BERENICEA. B. regularis^ D'Orb., 3 and especially the form figured by him as B. densata? It differs, however, from this by the zocecia in the Cretaceous species being more uniformly cylindrical and more crowded. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2072. On Ostrea sp. Great Oolite. Cox's Pit, Bedford. D. 1794. On Terebratula plicata, Buckm. Inferior Oolite. D. 1795. On Terebratula plicata, Buckm. Inferior Oolite. Figd. PL III. Fig. 6. B. 4855. On Astarte obliqua, Lam. Inferior Oolite Lower Eagstone. Cold Comfort. Holl Coll. 2. Berenicea compressa (Goldfuss), 1829. SYNONYMY : Aulopora compressa, Goldfuss, 1829, Petref. Germ. Bd. i. p. 84, pi. xxxviii. fig. 17. ,, ,, Lepsius, 1875, Beitr. Kennt. Juraf. Elsass, p. 5. Stomatopora ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 1201 ; 1849, Enum. p. 139. Cellepora Quenstedt, 1851, Flozgeb. Wiirtemb. ed. 2, p. 357. Diastopora ,, Quenstedt, 1852, Handb. Petref. p. 637, pi. Ivi. figs. 11, 12. ,, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 457, pi. Iviii. fig. 1. (Fig. indet. ) ,, Quenstedt, 1867, Handb. Petref. ed. 2, p. 765, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 11, 12. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1878, op. cit. ed. 3, p. 984, pi. Ixxix. fig. 29. ,, Brauns, 1869, Mittl. Jura, p. 301. ,, ,, Brauns, 1874, Ob. Jura, im nordw. Deutsch. p. 400. Berenicea ,, ex. syn. Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. p. 645. ,, Gregory, 1896, Kev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 42. Diastopora lamourouxi, pars, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. p. 225. Aulopora Jlabellulum, Quenstedt, 1878, Petref. Deutschl. Bd. vi. Abtb. 1, p. 112, pi. cxlvii. fig. 27. Berenicea insignis, Eeuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin : Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 6, pi. i. figs. 4a-b. 1 D'Orbigny. Op. cit. p. 865, pi. DCXXXVI. figs. 9, 10 ; pi. ocxxxvii. figs. 1-4. 2 Ibid. pi. Dcxxxvii. figs. 1, 2. BEEENICEA. 79 Diastopora stomatoporoides, Vine, 1881, Further Notes on Diastoporidae : Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. vol. xxxvii. p. 384, pi. xix. figs. 1-10. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. rit. Assoc. 1883, p. 187. ,, ,, Wilson and Crick, 1889, Lias Tilton: GeoL Mag. dec. 3, vol. vi. p. 342. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium thin, irregular, in flabelliform sheets; sometimes sub- orbicular in shape. Zocecia very long ; cylindrical, sinuous ; visible throughout their length. Some zooecia expanded just below the aperture. Walls punctate. Peristomes very slightly raised; distant; very irregularly arranged. Gonocysts large ; low rounded domes or pyriform ; coarsely punctulate. Formula. p, c, I, r=l, 0, 3, /O. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Corallian Calcareous Grit : Hinton-Trowbridge. Cornbrash : Thrapston. Bradford Clay : Bradford, Wilts. Great Oolite : Gloucestershire. Inferior Oolite : Leckhampton ; Cold Comfort, near Cheltenham. Upper Lias Zone of Lytoceras cornucopia. Middle Lias Marlstone: Tilton, Leicestershire (fide Wilson and Crick). Zone of JEgoceras henleyi : Cherrington, Oxfordshire. FOREIGN : Corallian: Mehle, Germany (fide Brauns). Bathonian Braun Jura : Balin, Austria. Bajocian Braun Jura, 5 : Eisenoolith, Dettingen. Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Rabenstein, Franconia ; Gingen, Wiirtemberg. Toarcian Zone of Earpoceras opalinum : Gundershofen, Elsass (fide Lepsius) . Middle Lias : Grotz, Franconia. Description of Figures. PL III. Fig. 2. Part of zoarium from .Bradford Clay. Bridgewater Quarry, Bradford. D. 1782. 80 BERENICEA. X 12 dia. PI. III. Pig. 3. Part of a zoarium with gonocyst, from Cornbrash. Thrapston. D. 924. X 18 dia. Affinities. This species is most closely related among English Jurassic Bryozoa to B. sauvagei, Greg. ; the differences between them are noted in the description of that species. Vine includes with it, though doubtfully, the two species B. crussolensis (Dum.) and Diastopora liassica (Quenst.). The latter is, however, a Pro- loscina, and I see no especial affinity between the former and the species under consideration. The zoo3cia greatly resemble those of B. normani (D'Orb.), but the peristomes are more raised than in that species, and the zoarium more irregular and flabelliform. Among Cretaceous species the one most nearly allied to this is B. folium, Novak. 1 This has the same long sinuous zocecia, and slightly raised peristomes. The only difference I can detect between them is in the structure of the gonocysts. These are rounded or pyriform in B. compressa, but broad and irregular in B. folium. I had for some time adopted Novak's name, as it is prior to Vine's, but the difference of the gonocysts seems sufficient to keep them apart. Two other Bohemian Cretaceous species, which are allied to the present, are B. lacri- mopora, Nov., and B. pilosa, Nov. The former 2 differs by having a raised rim round the peristomes, and having the distal ends of many of the zocecia considerably expanded in breadth. The zocecia, moreover, are more irregular in form and distribution. Berenicea pilosa? Nov., is distinguished by a greater ornamentation, as well as having the zooecia less regularly cylindrical and the peristomes more elevated. Another species which belongs to this group is Berenicea papy raced, D'Orb., pars ; this differs by having straight zocecia 4 and a regular zoarium. The sinuosity of the zooecia in B. compressa is not well shown in PI. III. Fig. 3, which is given to illustrate the gonocyst ; but it is well shown in Vine's figures, and is indicated in PL III. Fig. 2. 1 0. Novak. Beitr. Kennt. bohm. Kreidef. : DenJc. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxxvii. Abth. 2, 1877, p. 96, pi. iv. figs. 11-14. 2 Ibid. p. 97, pi. iv. figs. 23-4. 3 Ibid. p. 21, pi. iv. figs. 1-10. 4 D'Orbigny. Op. cit. p. 868, pi. Dcxli. figs. 3, 4 ; non pi. Dcclviii. figs. 14-16, which has been made into a new species, Diastopora mutata, Pergens. Eev. Bry. Cret. D'Orb. : Butt. Soc. beige Geol. 1890, t. iii. Mem. p. 335. BERENICE.*. 81 LIST OF SPECIMENS. 24685. On Perna sp. Corallian Calcareous Grit. Hinton-Trowbridge. Cunnington Coll. D. 924. Specimen with gonocyst. Cornbrash. Thrapston. Vine Coll. Figd. PI. III. Fig. 3. D. 938. OnNucleolites orbicularis (Phil.}. Cornbrash. Thrapston. Vine Coll. D. 940. On Ostrea. Cornbrash. Thrapston. Vine Coll. 51342. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. With B. diluviana, coartata, verrucosa. Specimen has gonocysts. D. 1782. On shell. Bradford Clay. Bridgewater Quarry, Bradford. Figd. PI. III. Fig. 2. B. 4862. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Great Oolite. Wright Coll. D. 13. On D. 1803. On Terebratula perovalis, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. D. 1807. On Zeilleria hckenbyi (Walk.). Inferior Oolite. Leckhampton. D. 1791. On Terebratula curvifrons, Oppel. ,, ? ,, D. 1844. On Perna quadrata, Sow. ,, Cold Comfort, near Cheltenham. Holl Coll. D. 2073. On Belemnites. Braun Jura, 8. Eisenoolith. Dettingen. D. 2074. On fragment of shell. Braun Jura, 5. Eisenoolith. Dettingen. D. 2077. On fragment of shell. ,, ,, ,, 1908. On fragment of shell. Mid. Lias. Grotz, Franconia. Brauns Coll. 3. Berenicea normani (D'Orb.), 1849. SYNONYMY : Diaslopora normaniana, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 288. Diastopora verrucosa (non M. Edw.), Michelin, 1840, Icon. Zooph. p. 10, pi. ii. fig. 11 ; 1840-4, p. 112 ; non 1846, p. 242, pi. Ivi. fig. 14. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium discoid, thin. Zocecia visible throughout their length; very long, sinuous; cylindrical, but inclining to become trumpet- shaped ; punctulate. Peristomes low, very slightly raised. Apertures distant and irregularly arranged. Formula. p, c, I, r = l f , 0, 3, dO. DISTRIBUTION. FOREIGN. Bajocian : Bayeux and Moutiers, France. Affinities. The species is most closely allied to B. portlandica, Greg., but it differs from this by the zooacia being plain instead of ornamented by transverse ridging. G 82 BERENICE!. Michelin gave three figures, which he referred to B. verrucosa, M. Edw. D'Orbigny recognized that one of these clearly did not belong to Milne Edwards' species, and named it Diastopora normani. Waagen made a suggestion that this might be the same as the B. compressa (Goldf.), a species to which it is unquestionably closely allied. Goldf uss has not figured or described the zoarium,' but there can be little doubt that it is irregular in form, and agrees with those figured by Quenstedt. The two species therefore differ by B. compressa being irregular instead of discoid, and having the zooecia flabelliform ; the peristomes are also less raised in B. normani than in B. compressa. Milne Edwards' suggestion that B. compressa is indistinguishable from his D. lamourouxi was not fortunate. 4. Berenicea sauvagei, Gregory, 1896. SYNONYMY : Berenicea sauvagei, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 43. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of large, thin, circular discs. Zooecia very long; cylindrical ; sometimes expanded a little below the orifice ; visible throughout their length ; slightly sinuous ; minutely punctulate. Peristomes slightly raised. Distributed regularly in a quin- cuncial pattern. Formula. p, c, I, r=l, 0, 3, dl. DISTRIBUTION. Bradford Clay : Bradford, Wilts. (B. 194, Brit. Mus.) Upper Lias : Moulton, near Northampton. Description of Figure. PI. III. Fig. 4. Part of zoarium on Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Some worn zocecia show perforated diaphragms. Bradford Clay : Bradford, x 15 dia. Presented by B. Bright, Esq. B. 194. Affinities. This species resembles B. archiaci in its long zooecia, but it has no known ocecia ; the zoaria are larger ; the zocecia are longer, more sinuous, and not so markedly radial in arrangement. It is nearer to B. allaudi, from which it differs in the quincuncial arrangement of the orifices and the greater length of the zocecia. BERENICEA. 83 Among the species with irregular zoaria it must be compared with B. compressa (Goldf.). With this it agrees in the length of its zooecia, their faint punctulation, and the slight expansion just below the raised portion of the aperture. The species differ, how- ever, in the greater distance of the apertures in the old species, and their very irregular distribution. One has only to compare the crowded regular quincuncial orifices of B. sauvagei with Vine's figure (op. cit. pi. xix. figs. 3 and 7) to see the extent of this difference. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 194. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. Pre- sented by Benj. Bright, Esq. Figd. PI. III. Fig. 4. D. 2271. Upper Lias. Moulton, near Northampton. Presented by Beeby Thompson, Esq., F.G.S. 5. Berenicea portlandica, Gregory, 1896. SYNONYMY : Berenicea portlandica, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 43. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium small, discoid. Zooecia arranged at first on a somewhat flabelliform plan. Borders of zoarium a little irregular. The zoarium is a thin sheet. Zooecia long, cylindrical. Front wall ornamented by several sharp ridges : usually five or six on each zocecium. Zocecia visible throughout their length. Peristomes flush or raised on lower margin. Circular. Formula. p, c, I, r=0-0', 0, 3, dQ. DISTRIBUTION. Portland Oolite. Tisbury, Wilts. Brit. Mus. D. 1853. Presented by J. W. Gregory. Description of Figure. PI. III. Fig. 5. Zoarium. X 12 dia. Affinities. This species greatly resembles Haime's figure of Berenicea striata (Bry. jurass. pi. vii. figs. 8a-b), owing to the transverse ribbing. The two species are closely allied ; thus B. striata has a formula of 1, 1, 2, /O. The differences between the zooecia of the two species are, that those of B. striata, have 84 BEEENICEA. higher peristomes, are more fusiform, and shorter. These seem sufficient to separate them, apart from the differences in the zoaria, which in B. striata are irregular and flabelliform. The specimens occur on an Ostrea, found in the Portland Oolite at Tisbury, and they are of interest, as the only Bryozoa known from this stage in England. The species is well marked ; its nearest Cretaceous ally is B. Clementina, D'Orb., 1 which is, however, nearer to B. striata. B. portlandica differs from B. Clementina in having a discoid zoarium, the apertures more scattered, and longer zooecia. 6. Berenicea striata, Haime, 1854. SYNONYMY : Berenicea striata, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 179, pi. vii. figs. Sa-b. ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. Et. inf. Lias Lux. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 334. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 15. ,, ,, Terquem and Piette, 1865, Lias inf. Est France: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. viii. p. 124, pi. xiv. figs. 19, 20 (non 23, 24 as text). ,, cf. ,, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. p. 646, pi. xxxiii. fig. 4. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 231. non ,, ,, Manzoni, 1875, Brioz. Castrocaro, p. 44, pi. vi. fig. 74; pi. vii. fig. 79. ,, ,, Vine, 1880, Rev. Fam. Diastoporidoe : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 357. Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 14. ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. pp. 50 and 62. ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Eep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 60. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 44. Diastopora Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. non ,, ,, Neviani, 1893, Sec. contrib. Brioz. foss. Ital. : Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. vol. xii. p. 133. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium flabellate ; irregularly lobed or discoid. Forms a thin sheet. 1 D'Orbigny. Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 865, pi. ocxxxvi. figs. 1, 2. BERENICEA. 85 Zovecia somewhat fusiform ; very long ; ornamented by sharp transverse ridges. Zocecia visible throughout. Peristomes slightly raised. Formula. p, c, I, r = l, 1, 3, /O. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : Leckhampton. Lower Lias : Stroud (fide Witchell). FOREIGN : Sinenmrian Calcaires a Gryphea arcuata : Valieres-les-Metz and Grigy ; Lothringen. Zone of Belemnites acutus: Etales. ,, ,, bisulcatus: Valiere. ,, ,, angulatus: Jamoigne ; Luxembourg, Belgium. Affinities. Amongst Jurassic Bryozoa this species most clearly resembles B. portlandica, Greg. ; the differences between them are noted in the description of that species (p. 84). It is still more allied to B. Clementina, D'Orb., which is its Cretaceous repre- sentative. The differences between them are, that the zooscia of the Cretaceous species are shorter and more uniform in diameter, they being regularly cylindrical. The formula for B. Clementina is 1, 0", 1",/0. Manzoni and Neviani have both included in this species some Italian Pliocene specimens, for which the formula would be 1, 1, 2, dQ. It seems to me that their species is quite distinct, for it is not striated, but punctulate, and has a much thicker zoarium. LIST OF SPECIMENS. ? D. 1785. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? ?D. 2215. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. Berenicea striata var. discoidea. SYNONYMY : Berenicea striata, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 7, pi. i. fig. 5. ,, cf. ,, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. p. 646, pi. xxxiii. fig. 4. 86 BEEENICEA. DISTRIBUTION. Bathonian Braun Jura : Balin. Bajocian. Affinities. This species agrees precisely in its zooecial characters with the type form figured by Haime. The zoarium, however, is discoid instead of very irregularly lobed. The difference may therefore be taken as varietal. 7. Berenicea spatiosa (Walford), 1889. SYNONYMY : Tubulipora spatiosa, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 567, pi. xviii. figs. 10-12. Berenicea spatiosa, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 41. Diastopora diluviana (non Lamx.), Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 787. ,, microstoma (non Mich.), Vine, 1884, ibid. p. 788. ,, lamourouxi (non Edw.), Vine, 1884, ibid. p. 789. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium an irregular, thin, encrusting sheet. Zocecia visible throughout. The distal portions are reflexed at right angles. The general aspect is therefore that of a number of rings irregularly scattered over a thin crust. The raised portions taper slightly towards the free end. Peristomes highly raised. Apertures circular. Gonocysts somewhat pyramidal. Formula. p, c, I, r=3, 1, 2, 0. DISTRIBUTION". ENGLAND : Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath. Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville. Braun Jura, S : Germany. Description of Figure. PI. III. Fig. 1. Great Oolite : Hampton. Part of zoarium, x 22 dia. Holl Coll. D. 30. Affinities. This is a very well-marked species. The extremely BEKENICEA. 87 high, reflexed peristomal portions of the zocecia are sufficient to characterize it. It corresponds to D. foliacea in the Diastopora series, and to S. dichotoma (Larax.) in that of Stomatopora. Mr. Walford has also described a Diastopora spatiosa and a Proloscina spatiosa, and it is not altogether clear whether he regards these as three species belonging to three different genera, or as one species, which, nevertheless, belongs to three different genera. The D. spatiosa and the P. spatiosa are both referred to Proboscina. An allied species is Berenicea megapora (D'Orb.), 1 which agrees with this in consisting of an irregular sheet, and having highly raised peristomes. The Cretaceous species, however, has the peristomes far more raised, while they are more crowded. The Cainozoic species which most resembles the present is B. flabellum (Reuss), 3 from the Leithakalk of Austria ; but in that species the peristomes are less raised, and the zoarium is regularly flabelliform. The three species can be compared by their formulae as follows: spatiosa 312 iO. megapora 3* 1 1 i'2. flabellum Ill iO. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2174. Bradford Clay. Bradford. Brodie Coll. D. 30. Great Oolite. Hampton, near Bath. Holl Coll. Figd. PI. III. Fig. 1. D. 209, D. 1908, D. 1922, D. 1923, D. 1924. Great Oolite. Richmond boring, 1205ft. Presented by Professor J. W. Judd, F.R.S. The D. diluviana of Vine. D. 1918, D. 1920. Great Oolite. Richmond boring, 1205 ft. Presented by Professor J. W. Judd, F.R.S. The D. microstoma of Vine. D. 1921, D. 1925. Great Oolite. Richmond boring, 1205 ft. Presented by Professor J. W. Judd, F.R.S. The D. lamourouxi of Vine. D. 2195. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2085, D. 2089. On annelid tubes. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. B. 4524. On Dictyothyris coarctata (Park.). Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. D. 2218. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 2090. Braun Jura, 8. Eisenoolith. Dettingen. 1 D'Orbigny. Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 863, pi. DCXXXV. figs. 4, 5. 2 Reuss. Foss. Polyp. Wien. Tert. : Naturw. Abh, Bd. ii. 1847, p. 51, pi. vii. fig. 9. 88 BEEEN1CEA. 8. Berenicea denticulata, Terq and, 1871. SYNONYMY : Berenicea denticulata, Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Mon. Bath. Moselle: Mem. Soc. ffe'ol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. p. 142, pi. xiv. figs. 13, 14. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium irregular, thick. Zocecia visible throughout their length ; plain. Peristomes reflexed; highly raised; with a denticulate border. Arranged in loose, curved lines. Formula. p, c, I, r = 3, 0, 2, dQ. DISTRIBUTION. FOREIGN : Bathonian Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni : Clapes, Moselle. Affinities. This species is characterized by its denticulate peri- stome. Its two closest allies are B. tennis, D'Orb., and B. spatiosa (Waif.). From the former it is distinguished by the walls being plain, instead of striated; from the latter by the irregularity and thinness of the zoarium in that species. In later periods the species which most reminds me of this one is that which was described by Reuss * as Diastopora sparsa. Prom this it differs in having the zocecia more crowded, and the peristomes less raised, and the peristomes denticulate. The distal ends of the zocecia in Reuss' species are, however, so much raised, that the species must be included in Tuoulipora. "Waters and Neviaoi both place it as a synonym of Diastopora laiomarginata, D'Orb., a conclusion with which I am disposed to agree, removing this species to Tululipora. 9. Berenicea tenuis (D'Orb.), 1850. SYNONYMY : Diastopora, tenuis, D'Orbigny, 1850, Prod. Pal. t. ii. p. 55. Berenicea ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 861. Rosacilla ,, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol, France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 48, pi. iv. figs. 8, 9. non Berenicea tenuis, Eeuss, 1854, Beitr. Char. Kreid. Ostalpen: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. vii. p. 136, pi. xxvii. fig. 9. 1 A. E. Eeuss. Foss. Polyp. Wien. Tert. : Naturw. Abh. Bd. ii. 1847, p. 51, pi. vii. fig. 10. BERENICE A. 89 DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium a circular disc, very thin. May have a lacuna around the primitive zocecia. Zooecia long and cylindrical, separated from one another ; visible throughout their length. Slight transverse striation. Peristomes well raised. Formula. p, c, I, r = 2, 1, 2, dO. DISTRIBUTION. FOREIGN : Mid. Portlandian : Boulogne. Affinities. This species was so very inadequately described by D'Orbigny that it is only on M. Sauvage's description that it can be retained. His figures are clear. The species is most nearly allied to B. allaudi (Sauv.), from which it differs in that the zocecia are separated, and the peristomes more raised. This species is not represented in the British Museum Collection. The name was given by Heuss in 1854 to a form which he had previously described as D. gracilis (M. Edw.), he having over- looked the twice prior use of that name by D'Orbigny. In spite of the shortness of the latter's diagnosis, the mention of the locality renders it recognizable. Reuss' use of the name cannot therefore be continued. 10. Berenicea diluviana, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Berenicea diluviana, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 81, pi. Ixxx. figs. 3, 4. ,, Conybeare and Phillips, 1822, Geol. England and Wales, p. 214. ,, ,, Lamouroux, 1824, Encycl. Meth. Zooph. p. 140. Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 43, pi. vii. fig. 4. ,, ,, Defrance, 1826, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xlii. p. 391. ,, Fleming, 182S, Brit. Anim. p. 533. ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 410, pi. xliii. fig. 4. ,, Lonsdale, 1832, Oolitic Bath.: Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. iii. p. 273. ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. d'Act. p. 445, pi. Ixv. fig. 4. ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 264. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, p. 240, pi. xvi. fig. 8. 90 BERENICEA. Berenicea diluviana, Archiac, 18 i3, Descr. geol. dep. Aisne : Mem. Soc. geol. France, t. v. pt. ii. pp. 341, 348. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 177. pi. vii. figs. "2a-d. ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Sue. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Maqon: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. pp. 13, 30, 35. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Eeuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 6, pi. i. figs. 1, 2. ,, ,, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. pp. 548, 564, 646. ,, ,, Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. pp. 142, 156. ,, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 325. ,, ,, Branco, 1879, Unt. Dogger Deut. Loth. : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. ii. Ht. 1, p. 132. ,, Vine, 1880, Eev. Fam. Diastoporid : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 357. ,, ,, "WitcheU, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, Schlippe, 1888, Bath, oberrhein. Tieflande : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. iv. Ht. 4, pp. 65, 96. ,, ,, Bigot, 1892, Esq. geol. Basse-Norm. : Bull. Lab. Geol. Caen, i. ii. p. 24. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 46. ,, ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 60. Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iii. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvi. p. 45. Diastopora ,, pars, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. pp. 228, 238, pi. xv. fig. 3, nun pi. xiv. fig. 4. ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 35. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 241, pi. Ivi. fig. 13. non ,, Eeuss, 1846, Verst. bohm. Kreidef. Abth. 2, p. 65, pi. xiv. fig. 14. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, pp. 194, 229, 238. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 121. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 30. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 296. BERENICEA. 91 Diastopora diluviana, Phillips, 1571, Geol. Oxford, pp. 239, 302, pi. xi. figs. 22-3 ; pi. xii. fig. 2 (figs, indet.). Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. rit. Assoc. 1882, pp. 256, 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : ibid. p. 187. ,, ,, pars, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. GeoL Soe. vol. xl. p. 787. ,, ,, Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. iv. p. 206, pi. i. figs. 12-16. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen : ibid. vol. v. p. 13. ,, ,, Thompson, 1889, Mid. Lias Northamptonshire, p. 59. ,, ,, Fox-Strangways, 1892, Jur. Rks. Britain, vol. ii. : Yorks. Tables of Fossils, pp. 148, 200. Reptomultisparsa diluviana, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franq. Terr. eret. t. v. p. 876. diluviana, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 138. Rosacilla ,, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 44, pi. iv. fig. 11. Diastopora spatiosa, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 573, pi. xvii. figs. 7, 8. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium in large, irregular, encrusting sheets. Young forms are flabelliform. Zocecia of medium length, cylindrical. Young central zocecia visible throughout; the more adult, peripheral zocecia are crowded, and thus not wholly seen. 1 Front wall plain, or crossed by faint, transverse ridges, best seen in young zoaria. Peristomes slightly raised in peripheral zooecia; central ones almost flush. Irregularly distributed ; but in large zoaria they are in places sub-linear. Gonocysts pyriform ; rather narrow ; usually but slightly broader than the zooecia. Formula. p, c, I, r = 1-1", 0, 2, iQ. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Lower Calcareous Grit : Yorkshire (fide Hudleston) . Oxford Clay : St. Clements (fide Phillips). Cornbrash : Rushden and Thrapston ; Islip (fide Phillips) ; and Yorkshire (fide Fox-Strangways) . Bradford Clay : Bradford ; Box ; Corsham. 1 Reuss' two figures (Reuss, op. cit. \b and 2a) well show the difference between the central and crowded peripheral portions of the zoarium. 92 BERENICEA. Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath ; Stanton ; Kichmond boring ; Kirtlington (fide Phillips). Fuller's Earth : Wiltshire. Inferior Oolite : Cotteswolds. Lias spinatus beds : Northampton. FOREIGN : Corubrash : Vogesheim, Baden (fide Schlippe). Oxf ordian : Meuse (fide Buvignier) . Bathonian Hauptrogestein : Merdingen, Baden, and Buchsweiler, Elsass (fide Schlippe) . Zone of Parldnsoniaferruginea : Neiderweiler, Baden (fide Schlippe) . Marnes Bradfordiennes : Meuse (fide Buvignier). Calcaire gris marueux: Aubenton, Eparcy (fide Archiac). Calcaire oolithe miliare : Les Vallees (fide Archiac). Calcaire a polypiers : Ranville ; Caen; Luc; Gueret (fide Haime). Bajocian Zone of Cosmoceras subfurcatum : Longwy ; Moselle (fide Terquem). Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, Wiirtemberg ; Flace, near Ma9on ; Cheveuges, Ardennes (fide Ferry and Waagen) ; Ars, Lothingen (fide Branco) ; Plappeville-les-Metz (fide Friren). Calcaire a Collyrites ringens: Pouilly, near Mac,on (fide Ferry). Calcaire a Terebratula, phillipsi : Tramayes, near Ma9on (fide Ferry) . Description of Figures. PI. IV. Fig. 4. Bradford Clay : Box Tunnel, Wilts. Encrusting Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Part of zoariuin, X 13 dia. B. 4251. PI. II. Fig. 6. A young zoarium (the Diadopora spatiosa, Walford). Cornbrash : Rush- den. Encrusting Terebratula intermedia, J. de C. Sow. X 12 dia. B. 4846. Affinities. This is the best known and commonest of the British Jurassic Bryozoa; and it is surprising, considering the length of the list of references, how simple the synonymy is. The only important difference of opinion is whether B. verrucosa (M. Edw.) is a distinct species or a young form. Milne Edwards figured the two forms, and these appear very distinct. Haime gave a good illustration of a zoarium, which he identified as a young B. diluviana, and which he regarded as the same as, Milne Edwards' B. verrucosa. I feel no doubt that Haime's figure was that of a young diluvtana, but cannot accept it as B. verrucosa. The species appear to me to be separated by several well-defined differences. B. verrucosa has higher peristomes, and the zocecia are shorter and more crowded ; the zoarium, moreover, is discoid, whereas in B. diluviana it occurs as flat sheets, while the young forms are flabellate, as is shown in Haime's figure (op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 2c). BERENICE A. 93 A form which appears to me to be prohahly a synonym of this species is Diastopora spatiosa, Waif. 1 It has the irregularly raised peristomes, wrinkled front walls, and flabellate arrangement of the zocecia characteristic of the young zoarium of B. diluviana. This species differs from B. boloniensis (Sauv.) by having longer zooscia, less crowded and less regularly arranged peristomes ; from B. parvitubulata, Greg., by the greater diameter of the zooecia ; and from B. archiaci, Haime, by the form of the zoarium and the shape of the ooacia. Its nearest Cretaceous ally is B. gracilis (M. Edw.), 2 which appears to differ only in having a smaller and more regular zoarium. But this character is so unimportant that the Cretaceous species ought probably to be reckoned as a variety. It is not here formally included in B. diluviana, for I have not seen any Cre- taceous specimens of B. gracilis, in which the zoaria completely swamp the shells on which they grow, as the Jurassic specimens often do. B. foliacea (Reuss), 3 from the Austrian Miocene, may be a Tertiary representative of this type ; but Manzoni's figures suggest that this species may belong to Tubulipora, in which Reuss origin- ally placed it. The greater elevation of the peristomes enables it to be readily distinguished from B. diluviana. LIST OF SPECIMENS. BRITISH : D. 928, D. 929, D. 930. On Nucleolites orbicularis (Phil.). Cornbrash. Thrapston. Vine Coll. D. 937. Qn. Nucleolites orbicular is (?}i\\.} . Cornbrash. Thrapston. Vine Coll. Young specimen. B. 4846. On Terebratula intermedia, J. Sow. Cornbrash. Rushden. Young specimen. Figd. PI. II. Fig. 6. B. 4251. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Bradford Clay. Box Tunnel. Figd. PI. IV. Fig. 4. 1 Walford. Bry. Shipton Gorge, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 573, pi. xvii. figs. 7, 8. 2 M. Edwards. Recherches sur les Polypes : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. 1838, p. 237, pi. xiv. fig. 3. Also D'Orbigny, op. cit. p. 864, pi. DCXXXV. figs. 10-13. 3 A. E. Reuss. Foss. Polyp. Wien. Tert. : Naturw. Abh. Bd. ii. 1847, p. 49, pi. vii. fig. 5. See also Manzoni, Brioz. foss. Mioc. Aust. Ungh. pt. iii. : Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxxviii. Abth. 2, p. 13, pi. xii. fig. 47. 94 BEREN1CEA. 60535. D. 24. B. 4842. D. 2168. 46239. 51342. 24958. D. 2166. 46240. B. 4851. D. 1817. D. 26. 23857. 23857. B. 4859. 38597. B. 194. B. 4841. D. 2091. B. 4843. 60535. D. 1910, D D. 1943. D. 1809. D. 1796. D. 2216. D. 7. D. 16. D. 1801. FOREIGN 25987. D. 1831. D. 1837. On Terebratula intermedia, J. Sow. Bradford Clay. "Wiltshire. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. The verrucosa stage of Haime (non M. Edwards). Baber Coll. On Apiocrinus eltgans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. Bower- bank Coll. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). (With B. archiaci, Haime, and B.verrucosa, M.Edw.) Bradford Clay. Bradford. Brodie Coll. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. On Apiocrinus elegans. (With B. compressa, Goldf., etc.) Bradford Clay. Bradford. On Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay. Bradford. On Coll. On Apiocrinus elegans, root. Coll. On Apiocrinus elegans, root. On Terebellaria ramosissima. Bradford Clay. Bradford. Brodie Bradford Clay. Bradford. J. Wood Bradford Clay. Bradford. Lamx. Bradford Clay. Bradford. On Exogyra nana (J. de C. Sow.). Bradford Clay. Corsham. On Oxytoma costata (Smith). Bradford Clay. Box. Buy Coll. On Oxytoma, sp. Bradford Clay. Box. Buy Coll. On Gri/phea, sp. Bradford Clay. Box. Holl Coll. On Ostrea acuminata, J. de C. Sow. Bradford Clay. Bradford. J. Wood Coll. On Apiocrit . ld \slightly striated; plain tennis (D'Orb.). B. Central zocecia visible throughout. Peripheral ones only at ends. Zoarium irregular ; ( apertures of normal size diluviana, Lamx. peristomes low \ apertures small ... parvitubulata, Greg. Peristomes raised ... ... boloniensis (Sauv.). Zoarium discoid ... ... ... archiaci, Haime. C. Zocecia visible only at ends. Zocecia irregularly arranged. Zoarium irregular exilis, Reuss. Zoarium discoid ... ... ... ... verrueosa (M. Edw.). Zocecia regularly arranged ; {zocecia short, peristomes very crowded .. ... concatenata, Eeuss. zocecia long, peristomes not crowded scobinula (Mich.). quincuncial ; zoarium irregular ; zooecia very crowded .., ... ... ... ... coartata, Greg. REPTOMULTISPARSA, D'Orbigny, 1852. SYNONYMY : Berenicea, pars, auct. Rosacilla, , , Diastopora ,, ,, Diagnosis. Tiibuliporidae in which the zoarium is encrusting, and consists of thick, multilamellar sheets. The zocecia are cylindrical, and parallel to the surface upon which the zoarium has grown. The peristome is flush or slightly raised. EEPTOM ULTISPAHS A . 113 Type species. R. microstoma (Mich.), i.e. B. diluviana, Edw. and Mich, (non Lamx.). Affinities. This genus was founded by D'Orbigny for thick, multilamellar species allied to Berenicea. The division seems to me convenient. The first species included in the five which the FIG. 9. Transverse section across part of a zoarium of Reptomultisparsa, sp., showing concentric layers. Inferior Oolite. D. 3. author of the genus referred to it, is the I). diluviana, Edw. and Mich., non Lamx. This, however, I regard as the same as Michelin's D. microstoma. MacGillivray founded a genus Demipora * for what he regarded as a massive form of Diastopora. The species was described about the same time by Mr. Waters, 2 who rightly referred it to Heteropora. It may be questioned whether Reptomultisparsa is worthy of recognition as a distinct section of the TubuliporidaB. Considering, however, how shadowy and uncertain generic characters are among the Cyclostomata, it may be regarded as valid. Young forms are, of course, less massive than adults, and are intermediate between this and Berenicea. In the same way Berenicea can be linked to Proboscina, and Proboscina to Stomatopora, and it could be main- tained that the whole of the Tubuliporida3 ought to be formed into one genus. So long as it is recognized that the genera in this group are of no absolute value, but are only used as a matter of relative convenience, it is wisest to accept them, and Repto- multisparsa has as good a claim to recognition as the rest. 1 P. H. MacGillivray. On two new genera of Polyzoa : Trans. Roy. Soc. Viet. vol. xvii. (1881) pp. 16, 17, pi., fig. 2. 2 A. "W. Waters. On the occurrence of Eecent Heteropora : Journ. Roy. Micro. Soc. ser. 2, vol. ii. (1879) p. 392, pi. xv. figs. 9-11. 114 EEPTOMTJLTISPARSA. 1. Reptomultisparsa microstoma (Michelin), 1846. SYNONYMY : Diastopora microstoma, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 243, pi. Ivii. fig. 1. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, pp. 256, 264. Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : ibid. 1883, p. 187. non ,, ,, var. connectens, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 789. ? ,, ,, Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. iv. p. 207. Eeptomultisparsa D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9 Terr. cret. t. v. p. 877. non Berenicea Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 178, pi. vii. fig. 3. non ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. pp. 35, 42. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm.: Mtm. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. non ,, ,, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin : Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 8, pi. i. fig. 6. non ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 47. Rosacilla ,, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 45, pi. iv. fig. 10. Diastopora diluviana, non Lamx., Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. p. 228, pi. xv. fig. 3. ,, incrustans, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 288 (fide D'Orb. 1852). Reptomultisparsa diluviana, non Lamx., D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 877, pi. Dcclxi. fig. 7. DIAGNOSIS : Zocecia long, slender, and cylindrical. The surface is punctulate and not wavy. Peristomes slightly raised, and regularly arranged in long, curved lines. In some parts of the zoarium this arrange- ment is disturbed. Gonocysts pyriform ; regular ; very large. DISTRIBUTION. Bathonian: Ranville. Bajocian: Conlie, Sarthe (fide D'Orbigny). LIST OF SPECIMENS. 60221. Bathonian. Ranville, Normandy. Tesson Coll. D. 2113. 60242. BEPTOMULTISPARSA. 115 2. Reptomultisparsa undulata (Michelin), 1846. SYNONYMY : Diastopora undulata, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 212, pi. Ivi. fig. 15. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, microstoma var. connectens, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 789. Berenicea undulata, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 860. ,, microstoma, non Mich., Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 178, pi. vii. fig. 3. ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. pp. 35, 42. ,, Friren 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 47. DIAGNOSIS : Zonrium in large, thick, irregular encrusting sheets, which in the adult completely bury the shell they encrust. Young forms are nabelliform. Zocecia long or medium in length. Young zocecia are seen throughout. The more adult peripheral zocecia are crowded, and thus not wholly seen. Surface traversed by sinuous raised ridges. Peristomes slightly raised. Irregularly distributed. Formula. p, c, I, r=\-\", 0, 2, *0. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLISH : Lower Oolite : Loc. ? Bradford Clay : Bradford. Great Oolite : Richmond boring. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville and Boulogne, France. Bajocian : Pouilly, near Ma9on, France (fide Ferry) ; Plappeville, Montvaux, Germany (fide Friren). Description of Figures. PL VI. Fig. 2. Lower Oolite. Loc. ? Part of a zoarium, x 10 dia. B. 4850. PL VI. Pig. 3. Bradford Clay: Bradford. Some zocecia, X 18 dia. 35250. Affinities. The zooecia of this species are closely allied to those of B. dilmiana, Lamx., and the two species have the same formula. The most striking difference between the individual zocecia of the two species is the prominence of the sinuous transverse ridges in the form under consideration. This species has been regarded 116 DIA.STOPORA. as a synonym of B. microstoma (Mich.), as e.g. by Haime and Sauvage. This course is not followed here, as the ornamentation is different ; the zooacia, moreover, are shorter and thicker, and the apertures are irregularly arranged. In later times the species which seems most nearly allied to this is B. corrugata, Reuss, pars. 1 But the Russian species has longer zooecia, and these are more clearly marked off from one another, instead of being submerged in the general surface of the zoarium. The latter character is often produced by the weathering of a zoarium ; but that this does not explain it in the present case, is shown by the preservation of the ornamentation. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 35250. Bradford Clay. Bradford, Wilts. J. Wood Coll. Figd. PI. VI. Fig. 3. D.2126. Bradford Clay. 35249. On root of Apiocrinus. Bradford, Wilts. J. Wood Coll. B. 4850. Lower Oolite. Figd. PL VI. Fig. 2. D. 1911. Great Oolite. Richmond boring, 1205ft. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. The type of Diastopora microstoma var. connectens, Vine. D. 2088. On annelid tube. Bathonian. Eanville. 60346. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Tesson Coll. DIASTOPORA, Lamouroux, 1821, emended. SYNONYMY : Diastopora, pars, Lamouroux, 1821. ,, Milne Edwards, 1838, et auct. Mesenteripora, Blainville. Bidiastopora, D'Orbigny, 1849. Elea, D'Orbigny, 1852. Multelea, D'Orbigny, 1852. Cisternifera, pars, Walford, 1894. Diagnosis. TubuliporidaB in which the zoarium is erect and foliaceous. (These may be simple fronds ; or may be split up into multifid segments ; or may grow into hemispherical masses 1 A. E. Reuss. Tert. Bryoz. Kisch. Bessarabien: Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wim. Bd. Ix. 1869, p. 510, pi. i. figs. 6, 7, non pi. ii. figs. 1-5. DIASTOPORA. 117 by the crumpling of the fronds; or may he cylindrical or reteporiforra.) The zoarium is unilaminate or bilaminate. The zocecia are tubular. The peristomes flush, or raised only a small proportion of the length of the zooecia. Goncecia are often present. Type species. D. foliacea, Lamouroux. Affinities. This genus was founded by Lamouroux, 1 on some fossil species from the Bathonian of Normandy. His diagnosis clearly shows that he included in it both bilaminate and uni- laminate forms. The erectness of the zoarium was, however, clearly an essential character of the genus. Blainville 2 dismem- bered the genus, retaining Diastopora for the unilaminate, and founding Mesenteripora for the bilaminate forms. Many later authors, on the other hand, have enlarged the genus by including in it all the adnate encrusting forms, here regarded as Berenicea. Pergens 3 has retained the genus for the unilaminate forms, transferring Bidiastopora and Mesenteripora to the Entalophoridse. He also retains Elea as one of the Melicertitida3. They are, however, all here included as synonyms of Diastopora. The two first are thus placed, as the distinction between unilaminate and bilaminate forms does not appear to me to be of generic value. Elea has generally been taken as founded on Michelin's figures of Diastopora cervicornis (Icon. Zooph. pi. Ivi. fig. 12), but inter- preted according to his figure of Eschara ranvilliana (il. pi. Ivii. fig. 12) and Haime's figure of Diastopora lamellosa (Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. pi. ix. fig. Ic). Haime and Pictet, how- ever, recognized that the genus was thus founded only on worn specimens of Diastopora, and with that view I fully concur. Multelea, D'Orb., falls also with Elea. In connection with this genus it is necessary to refer to Longe's paper "On the relation of the Escharoid Forms of Oolitic Polyzoa." 4 The discussion in this paper is mainly founded on specimens of Diastopora ; the author concludes by establishing a family DiastoporidaB, including not only such Cyclostomata as 1 Expos. Meth. (1821) p. 42. 2 Man. Act. 1834, pp. 430 and 432. 3 Pergens. Eevision Bry. fig. par D' Orbigny : Bull. Soc. beige Geol. t. iiL Mem. p. 326. 4 Geol. Mag. 1881, dec. 2, vol. viii. pp. 23-34, pi. ii. 118 DIASTOPOEA. Diastopora and Entahphora, but many Cheilostomata, as Lepralia, Jfyriozoum, Cellepora, etc. Such a classification shows the absurdity of the ideas, on which it is based. Mr. Walford's recently founded genus Cisternifera must also be mentioned, but I regret that I cannot understand it. It is not clear whether it is founded on a species, which was new at the time of the foundation of the genus, or on one previously described as Tubulipora incomtans, Waif. 1. Diastopora foliacea, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Diastopora foliacea (pars], Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 42, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 1, 2 (non figs. 3, 4). ,, ,, Lamouroux, 1824, Encycl. Meth. Zooph. p. 2oO. ,, ,, Defrance, 1826, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xlii. p. 392, pi. xli. figs. 1, la (non figs. \b and Ic). ,, ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 395. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 430, pi. Ixiii. figs. 1, la, Ic. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. ZooL ser. 2, t. ix. p. 224, pi. xv. fig. 1. non ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 3-5. non ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 239, pi. Ivi. fig. 8. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, ,, Bronn, 1851, and Romer, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 88, pi. xv. fig. 4. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9.. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 826. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 18*, pi. viii. fig. 3. non ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 121. non ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 13o. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm.: Mt-'m. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. non ,, ,, Huxley and Etheridge, 1865, Cat. Foss. M.P.G. p. 223. Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Brit. Foss. Polyz. : Sep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 16. ,, ,, Bigot, 1892, Geol. Basse-Norm. : Bull. Lab. Geol. Caen, Ann. 2, No. 1, p. 24. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 152. DIASTOPORA. 119 Eschara foliacea, Broun, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 241. JSlea ,, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 313, pi. vi. Berenicea ,, G. R. Vine, 1880, Review Diastoporidae : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 357. Diastopora eudesiana, M. Edwards, 1838, op. cit. p. 226, pi. xiv. fig. 1. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 240, pi. Ivi. fig. 9. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesozoic Radiata: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 419. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, op. eit. p. 185, pi. viii. fig. 4. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. ,, Morris, 1854, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 121. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1864, Notes Geol. Calvados, art. 3: Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. viii. p. 225. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz.: Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. Mesenteripora ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 808. non ,, ,, Manzoni, 1878, Brioz. foss. Mioc. Aust. pt. iii. : Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxxviii. Abth. 2, p. 13, pi. ix. fig. 36 ; pi. xii. fig. 49. ,, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 50. Berenicea ,, Vine, 1880, op. cit. p. 357. Bidiastopora meandrina, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. Mesenteripora ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 807. Diastopora mettensis, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 190, pi. viii. fig. 10. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. ,, ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 290. ,, ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 52. ,, (Mesenteripora} mettensis, Brauns, 1879, op. cit. p. 329. Bidiastopora macropora, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 799. ? Diastopora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 191. ,, petaloides, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 645. 120 DIASTOPORA. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium loose and open, the fronds being generally broad, thin, and only slightly contorted. Bilaminate. Zocecia visible throughout, the zooecia being long, and the aper- tures distant from one another and irregular in arrangement. The zooacia are regularly cylindrical. The peristomes well raised, giving a rough aspect to the zoarium. Formula. p, c, I, r = 2, 0, 3, fr. iQ. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Cornbrash : Thornboro', Bucks. Great Oolite : Bath ; Bredon ; Minchinhampton. Inferior Oolite : Stroud (fide Witchell). FOREIGN : Bathonian : Marquise and Wast, near Boulogne ; Caen, Langrune, Lebisey, St. Aubin, in Calvados. Bajocian Calcaire ferrugineuse : Saint Quentin, near Metz. Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, "Wiirtemberg. Description of Figure. PI. VI. Fig. 4. Part of zoarium with gonoecium, X 15 dia. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Holl Coll. D. 5. Affinities. There is the usual confusion as to the form to which this name belongs, and therefore as to the type of Diastopora. Lamouroux, as Milne Edwards pointed out, clearly included two species in his D. foliacea. The latter author, however, regarded one of these as encrusting, and for this he retained the name ; but his text, footnotes, and explanation of the plate do not agree. Milne Edwards figured as D. foliacea the form shown in Lamouroux's figures No. 1 and 2 ; and in this sense the name has been accepted. I include in this species D. eudesiana, M. Edw., which was described as differing from D. foliacea by its greater flatness. This appears, however, to be due to the lowering of the peristomal portion of the zocecia by wear. A frond from Ranville (Brit. Mus. iS'o. 60239) is of the D. eudesiana type in one portion, and else- where is a typical foliacea. The species D. mettensis, Haime, appears to be founded on eroded fragments, which show promi- nently the sutures between the zooecia. DIASTOPOEA. 121 The nearest Cretaceous ally of this species is D. marginata (D'Orb.), 1 in which the zooecia are even more scattered and irregular. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2151, D. 2152. Cornbrash. Thornboro', Bucks. Brodie Coll. ID. 2150. D. 2222. Great Oolite. Loc. ? D. 5. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Holl Coll. Figd. PI. VI. Fig. 4. D. 2148, D. 2147. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckharnpton. Brodie Coll. D. 8. (Form mettensis, Haime.) Inferior Oolite. Bredon, Worcester- shire. Holl Coll. B. 4836. Lower Oolite. Loc. ? 60039,60217,60222. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60351. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. B. 4523. D. 2220. Young specimen. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. B. 4565. (Form eudcsiana.} ,, ,, ,, ,, Tesson Coll. B. 4567. (Form eudesiana.} (With D. lamourouxi.) Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. B. 4839. (Form eudesiana.) Bathonian. Boulogne. Wright Coll. 2. Diastopora davidsoni, Haime, 1854. SYNONYMY : Diastopora davidsoni, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 185, pi. viii. fig. 9. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : ibid. 1883, p. 188. ,, ,, Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. iv. p. 207, pi. i. figs. 17-19. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 153. ,, wrighti, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 186, pi. viii. fig. 5. ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1857, Syst. ool. inf. Calvados : Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. ii. p. 328. 1 Mesenteripora marginata, D'Orb., Pal. fran9 Terr. cret. t. v. p. 809, pi. Dcclxxxv. figs. 1-3. 122 DIASTOPORA. Diastopora wrighti, "Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, ,, Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. p. 164. ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 264. j, ,, Vine, 1884, op. cit. p. 188. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, foliacea, non Lamx., Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 35 (fide Haime) . ,, terquemi, Haime, 18-54, op. cit. p. 187, pi. viii. figs. 1a-d. ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), pp. 26, 28. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, pp. 290, 292. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 264. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 52. non ,, scobinula, Michelin, 1840, op. cit. p. 10, pi. ii. fig. 12. non ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 288. ,, ,, (non Mich.), Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 186, pi. viii. fig. 6. ,, ,, (non Mich.), Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 292. ,, (non Mich.), Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. p. 164. ,, (Mesenteripora} scobinula (non Mich.), Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 330. ? ,, scobinula (non Mich.), Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 18. ,, ,, (non Mich.), Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, ,, (non Mich.), Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 52. Mesenteripora ,, (non Mich.), Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 49. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium loose, composed of broad and fairly flat fronds. Bilaminate. Zocecia visible throughout their length, or almost so. Their length is medium, and in shape they are regularly cylindrical. The peristomes are slightly raised, but not reflexed, and they are mostly arranged in fairly regular oblique lines. Formula. p, c, I, r = 1, 0, 2, rO. DIASTOPOKA. 123 DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Cornbrash : Bedford (fide Vine). Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath. Inferior Oolite : Postlip. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Marquise, near Boulogne ; Ranville. Bajocian: Chavier, Haute- Saone; Croixille, Calvados (fide Michelin) ; Gueret, Sarthe (fide D'Orbigny) ; St. Quentin and Montvaux, near Metz ; Plappeville (fide Friren). Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni : Fontoy and Gorze (fide Terquem). Description of Figures. PI. VI. Fig. 5. Part of zoarium of a normal variety, X 18 dia. Great Oolite: Hampton Common. B. 2302. PL VI. Fig. 6. Part of base of a zoarium with gonocyst, of var. wrighti, X 18 dia. Inferior Oolite: near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2142. Fig. 7, p. 20, shows initial cell of a colony. Fig. 4, p. 16, shows the transition from the Berenecoid to the Diastoporoid condition. Affinities. In this species I include D. terquemi, Haime, which appears to be founded on a part of the zoarium where the lines of peristomes are more oblique, and the apertures therefore some- what quincuncial. The figure given by Haime of D. davidsoni is exceptionally regular, and the normal distribution is shown in PI. VI. Fig. 5. D. wrighti must also be included in this species, as it has all the essential characters. Haime's specimens appear to be young and worn. This species may be distinguished from D. foliacea, Lamx., by having a lower peristome, shorter zooacia, and regularly distributed peristomes. The species is represented in the Cretaceous by D. campicheana (D'Orb.). 1 LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 2302. Great Oolite. Hampton Common. Figd. PI. VI. Fig. 5. B. 2301. B. 4837. ,, Loc.? Holl CoU. D. 2142. Form wrighti. "With gonocyst. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. Figd. PI. VI. Fig. 6. 1 Bidiastopora campicheana, D'Orbigny, Pal. franq. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 800, pi. Dcclxxxiv. figs. 6-8, which shows both the regular and irregular distribution of the peristomes. 124 DIASTOPORA. D. 2148. Form wrighti. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckharapton. Brodie Coll. D. 2139, D. 2140, D. 2144, D. 2145, D. 2199. Form wrighti. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. B. 4838, D. 1781. Inferior Oolite. Loc.? D. 15. ,, ,, Wright Coll. 60219. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson Coll. 60381. With other species. Shows both the fixed base and commencement of the frond. Fig. No. 4, p. 16, and Fig. 7, p. 20. 8891. Bajocian. Chavier, Haute-Saone. Mantell Coll. With Spiropora ccespitosa, Lamx. 3. Diastopora michelini (Blainville), 1830. SYNONYMY : Mesenteripora michelini, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 397. ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 432, pi. Ixxi. fig. 5. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc,. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 808. Diastopora ,, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris.: Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. p. 226, pi. xiii. figs. 1-lrf. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 240, pi. Ivi. fig. 10. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soo. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 188, pi. viii. fig. 8. ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), pp. 26, 28. Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. OoL: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. JuraBalin: DenJc. k.Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 10. ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. gol. dep. Moselle, pp. 290, 292. Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle: Mem. Soc. gdol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. p. 156. Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz.: ibid. 1883, p. 188. ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 17. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 153. DIASTOPOEA. 125 Bidiastopora michelini, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. Mesenteripora dcedalea, Blainville, 1830, op. cit. p. 397. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, op. cit. p. 432, pi. Ixxi. Diastopora foliacea (non Lamx.), Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 239, pi. Ivi. fig. 8. Bidiastopora microphylla, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. Mesenteripora ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 808. Diastopora ,, ? Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 191. Bidiastopora latifolia, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 799. Diastopora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 191. ? ,, conferta, Eeuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin: DenJc. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 10, pi. ii. fig. 6. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium hemispherical, formed of interlocking, contorted, bi- larninate fronds. The surface appears cerebriform, as the sinuous edges of the fronds are separated by narrow depressions. Zocecia short and very crowded. Only visible at the distal ends. Peristomes well raised. Zocecia fusiform. The distribution of the peristomes is along irregular curved lines ; but in some places the linear arrangement is not apparent. Formula. p, c, I, r = 2, 1, I", rl. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Great Oolite : Hampton. Inferior Oolite : Postlip ; Stroud (fide Witchell). FOREIGN : Batbonian : Lebisey and Eanville, Calvados ; La Jonneliere, Sartbe (fide Haime). Braun Jura: Balin. Bajocian : Montvaux. Zone of Cosmoceras subfurcatum : Amanvilliers (fide Terquem). Description of Figure. PL VII. Fig. 2. Part of a zoarium, X 17 dia. Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. 24770. Affinities. This species is well characterized by its crowded, short, fusiform zocecia. The form figured as Diastopora scolinula by Michelin has the same features, and is regarded as a synonym of this species. But the name D. scobinula was applied by Haime and subsequent authors to a form which does not appear to me to be the same as that to which Michelin gave it, but to a form of D. davidsoni. 126 . DIASTOPOEA. D. michelini differs from D. foliacea, Lamx., and D. daiidsoni, Haime, by the above-mentioned characters. Its crowded zooecia and raised peristomes distinguish it from D. lamellosa, Mich., which is allied to it, by the shape of the zooecia. D. neocomiensis (D'Orb.) l is a Cretaceous species, which agrees with this in the crumpled fronds and obliquely placed zorecia ; but these are less crowded than in the Jurassic species. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 24770. Forest Marble. Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. Figd. PL VII. Fig. 2. 60218. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60373. 46785. 60244. D. 1832. Bathonian. Normandy. B. 177, B, 209, B. 180. Bathonian. Ranville. Presented by Benj. Bright, Esq. 4. Diastopora lamellosa, Michelin, 1846. SYNONYMY : Diastopora lamellosa, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 241, pi. Ivi. fig. 11. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, En-urn, p. 141. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 188, pi. ix. figs. \a-d. ,, ,, Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1884,4th Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Joitrn. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 17. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 154. Mcsenteripora ,, Sauvage, 1889, Bry. jur. Boul. : Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. p. 50. non Bidiastopora lamellosa, D'Orbigny, 1850, Prod. Pal. t. ii. p. 266. 1 Mesenteripora neocomiensis, D'Orbigny, Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 808, pi. Dcclvi. figs. 7-9. DIASTOPORA. 127 Hschara ranvilliana, Micbelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 243, pi. Ivii. fig. 12. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 471. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enura. p. 134. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 316. ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 30. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 123, pi. xc. fig. 26. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 296. Elea D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9_ Terr. cret. t. v. p. 628. Lateromultelea D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 629. Itiastopora cervicornis, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 241, pi. Ivi. fig. 12. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p 420. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 189, pi. ix. fig. 2. ,, ,, Deslongcbamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd liep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. Bidiastopora ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Genr. nouv. Bry. : Rev. Mag. Zcol. ser. 2, t. i. p. 502. Elea ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. 1 v. p. 628. Bidiastopora ramosissima, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. Diastopora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 190, pi. ix. fig. 3. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. ,, ,, Deslongcbamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 290. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 265. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, op. cit p. 17. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 53. Elea D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 628. Entalophora ,, Vine, 1884, op. cit. p. 188. Bidiastopora luciana, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. Multisparsa luceana, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 870, pi. Dcclxi. figs. 1-3. ? Diastopora lucensis, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 191. ,, fenestrata, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin: Denk. k. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 11, pi. ii. fig. 5. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium bilaminate, forming either thin, broad, crumpled fronds or thick, narrow branches. Zoceew short and broad; fusiform. Peristomes slightly raised' not crowded ; quincuncially arranged. Formula. p, c, I, r = 1, 2, 1, rO. 128 DIASTOPORA. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Bradford Clay : Pound Pill ; Corsham. Great Oolite : Bath ; Hampton. ? Inferior Oolite : Postlip (fide Haime). FOREIGN : Bathonian : Eanville ; Luc ; Marquise, near Boulogne ; La Jonneliere, Sarthe ; Moselle (fide Terquem). Braun Jura: Balin. Bajocian: St. Quentin (fide Haime) ; Montvaux (fide Friren). Description of Figure. PL VII. Fig. 3. Fragment of a zoariura, x 17 dia. Great Oolite: Ancliff, near Bath. 24521. Affinities. The almost lozenge-shaped zocecia of this species are very different from those of the cylindrical zooecia of all the preceding species, and it is therefore easily distinguished from any of them. D. michelini (Blv.) has an approach to this form, but the zooecia in that species are very crowded, and the peristomes are more raised. The main difficulty in regard to this species is whether D. cervi- cornis, Mich., ought not to be kept distinct. The difference is that D. lamellosa has broad, thin fronds, and D. cervicornis narrow, thick ones. At first sight, the difference appears of specific value ; but in some specimens (such as B.M. D. 2092) the terminal expansions are on the D. lamellosa type, and the lower, older parts of the zoarium on that of D. cervicornis. D. ramosissima appears to be only a fragment of this species, with the peristomes worn down. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 24521. Great Oolite. Ancliff, near Bath. Cunnington Coll. Figd. PL VII. Fig. 3. D. 2223. Great Oolite. Loc. ? B. 2301. Great Oolite. Hampton. Var. cervicornis. D. 10, D. 12. Great Oolite. Hampton. Holl Coll. Var. cervicornis. D. 2135, D. 2137, D. 2141. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. 60220. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60367. 60371. ,, ,, ,, Var. cervicornis. D. 2219 (7 specimens). Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. Var. cervicornis. 60369. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. With Entalophora cellarioides. D.2092. D. 2114. ,, ,, (1\&Multisparsaluceana,T)'Qi\).} DIASTOPORA. 129 5. Diastopora calloviensis (D'Orbigny), 1852. SYNONYMY : Elea calloviensis, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 629. Diastopora calloviensis, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 191. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 154. ? ,, sulramosa, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 645, pi. xxxiii. fig. 8. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of loose tufts; composed of bands which branch irregularly ; bilaminate. Zocecia long, broad, and regular in shape. Peristomes distant and well raised ; irregularly distributed. Zooecia visible through- out their length. Formula. p, c, I, r = l", 0, 2", 0. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bathonian: Ranville, Normandy. CaUovian: Gueret, Sarthe (fide D'Orbigny). Description of Figure. PL VII. Fig. 5. Part of a tufted zoarium, x 13 dia. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers : Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60368. Affinities. This species is most closely allied to D. davidsoni, Haime ; from this it differs by having higher peristomes and longer zocecia, and by the irregular distribution of the peristomes. The most conspicuous difference is that the zoarium consists of bands, instead of fronds ; but, unless this were accompanied by zocecial differences, I should not venture to regard it as entitling the form to specific distinction. The zoarium resembles that described by Haime as D. ramos- ^ss^ma, but the zooecial characters show the species are distinct, for in Haime' s form the peristomes are regularly quincuncial, and the zooecia lozenge-shaped. D'Orbigny' s diagnosis is very short, and was not accompanied by any figure. Hence the species has generally been dismissed as a doubtful record. The description, however, exactly represents both the zoarial and zooecial characters of this species. JL 1 30 DIASTOPOKA. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 60368. Bathonian. Eanville. Tesson Coll. Figd. PI. VII. Fig. 5. D. 2256. TD.2200. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. 6. Diastopora lamourouxi, M. Edwards, 1838. SYNONYMY : Diastopora, lamourouxi, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. p. 225, pi. xv. fig. 2. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1846, Atlas rcgne anim. Cuvier (Zooph.) pi. Ixxii. fig. 2. ,, Miclielin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 239, pi. Ivi. fig. 7. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 420. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, p. 184. ,, ,, Hairae, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 183, pi. viii. figs. \a-b. ,, Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Eeuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 9, pi. ii. fig. 4. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 264. ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 15. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. iv. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 155. ,, foliaeea, pars, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. pi. Ixxiii. fig. 3. ,, ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 25, pi. vi. fig. 8. ,, ,, pars, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 395. ,, pars, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 430, pi. Ixiii. fig. lb. pars, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 135, pi. xci. fig. 12. ,, waltoni, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 184, pi. viii. figs. 2a-b. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, op. cit. p. 135. ,, ,, "Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 264. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, op. cit. p. 188. ,, ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 52. . DIASTOPORA. 131 DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium unilaminate, growing in irregular tubes, which may branch repeatedly or open to funnel-shaped expansions. ZooBcia usually visible throughout, the zooecia being long and the apertures usually distant. The peristomes (in well-preserved specimens) are highly raised, and irregular in distribution, though occasionally there is a tendency towards a quincuncial system. Zooecia regularly cylindrical. Formula. p, c, I, r = 3, 0, 2, iO. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton ; Postlip ; Stroud (fide "Witchell) . FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville ; Lebisey, Calvados. Braun Jura : Balin. Bajocian: Plappeville (fide Friren). Description of Figure. PL VII. Fig. 4. Part of a funnel- shaped end of a zoarium, x 17 dia. Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2194. Affinities. The zocecia of this species are much like those of D. foliacea, but differ in being slightly shorter, and having the peristomes raised more highly. Moreover, the zoarium is uni- laminate instead of consisting of two layers of zooacia. The irregularity of the distribution of the apertures distinguishes it from D. davidsoni, and the wide distance between these from D. michelini. The main difficulty in this species is whether D. waltoni, Haime, is to be included within it. Some specimens in the British Museum (such as 60238) have the peristomes in places crowded and regular, and pass into the waltoni form ; elsewhere, on the same zoarium, they are distant and irregular, and thus are on the lamourouxi type. I have therefore felt bound to merge the species. The nearest Cretaceous ally of this species is D. tululus, D'Orb. 1 Pal. fran9. Terr..cret. t. v. 1852, p. 829, pi. Dcxli. figs. 9, 10. 132 DIASTOPOBA. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2194. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. Figd. PI. VII. Fig. 4. B. 4521. Bathonian. Calvados. 60238, 60352, 60354. Bathonian. Eanville, Calvados. Tesson Coll. D. 4567, 60243. Bathonian. Ranville, Calvados. Tesson Coll. 7. Diastopora retiformis, Haime. SYNONYMY : Diastopora retiformis, Haime, 1854-, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 191, pi. vii. fig. 9. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. j_, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dp. Moselle, p. 290. ,, ,, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 331. ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 53. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium retiform ; about six zocecia in each branch. Zooecia cylindrical, of medium length ; peristomes low, arranged on somewhat irregular, oblique lines. DISTRIBUTION. Bajocian : Saint Quentin and Montvaux, near Metz. Affinities. This species is known only from the description and figure given by Haime, from specimens in the Terquem Collection. It is quite distinct from any other Jurassic form. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. Diastopora inconstans (Walford), pars (non Bean). SYNONYMY : Tubulipora inconstans, Walford, 1887, Polyz. Lias: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xliii. p. 633, pi. xxv. figs. 1-9 and 12. Cistemifera inconstans, "Waif ord, 1894, Cheil. Bry. Mid. Lias: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. L. p. 80, pi. v. ; pi. vi. ; pi. vii. figs. 10, 12-16. Distribution. Middle Lias : King's Sutton, Northamptonshire. Transition bed to Upper Lias, Appletree, near Banbury, and Badby, near Daventry. DIASTOPOEA. 133 SYNOPSIS OF SPECIES. I. Zocecia cylindrical. A. Zoarium bilaminate. a. Zocecia visible throughout. Zoarium frondose. peristomes well raised ; peristomes irregular foliacea. peristomes slightly raised; peristomes sub- regular davidsoni. Zoarium ribbon-shaped. peristomes raised ; peristomes irregular ... calloviensis. b. Zooecia visible at ends michelini. B. Zoarium unilaminate lamourouxi. C. Zoarium reticular retiformis. II. Zocecia lozenge-shaped lamettosa. Family IDMONIIDJE. SYNONYMY : Tubigerldce, pars, D'Orbigny. Tubuliporidce, pars, Johnston ; Smitt ; and Hincks. Idmoniidte, pars, Busk ; MacGillivray ; Pergens and Meunier ; Marsson. Diagnosis Cyclostomata Tubulata in which the zocecia are simple, open tubes, and grow into adnate or erect branching zoaria. The zoarium is branched, and the zooecia open only on one side of it. The apertures are disposed in regular transverse series, usually alternately arranged. Affinities. This family was founded by Busk in 1859 for a group including Hornera, Terebellaria, Idmonea, Pustulopora, Cricopora, and Cyrtopora. Smitt removed Hornera from this group as a separate family, and though this course has not been adopted by MacGillivray or Pergens, it seems to me wisest to accept it. Pergens, in 1886, raised Pustulopora and its allies into the family Entalophoridae, and also pointed out that Cyrtopora belonged to another distinct type. Moreover, Terebellaria is more different from Idmonea than is any of the others. The Idmoniidae are therefore left as a small group, embracing those Tubulata in which the zooecia open on one side only of the 134 IDMONEA. zoarium, and the apertures are arranged in regular transverse rows. It differs by the first character from the Entalophoridse, and by the second and by the branched zoarium from the Tubuliporidae. IDMONEA, Lamouroux, 1821. [Expos. Meth. p. 80.] Diagnosis. Zoarium adnate, or erect. Branches ridged or triangular in section. Zooecia in regular transverse and usually alternate series. The zoarium divides into branches, and the branches usually radiate from a centre. The branches sometimes anastomose. Type species. Idmonea triquetra, Lamx., 1821. Affinities. The genus Idmonea was founded by Lamouroux for a species found in the Calcaire a polypiers at Ranville, which is always an encrusting form. Later authors, however, not only include the erect branching forms in Idmonea, but frequently exclude the type species from the genus. Thus, Busk ("Crag Bryozoa," p. 94) uses the erect mode of growth as one of the diagnostic characters of the family Idmoniida3, while D'Orbigny founds the genus Reptotubigera on the type species of Idmonea. Either the term Idmonea must be used for both the erect and adnate forms, or must be kept for the latter, and the former be renamed. The former course seems to me to be the most con- venient, as some adnate forms often curl up at the ends, and the zoarium becomes semi-erect. This is therefore a case in which the distinction between the erect and encrusting mode of growth is not of generic, if even of specific, importance. Idmonea triquetra, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Idmonea triquetra, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 80, pi. Ixxix. figs. 13-15. ,, ,, Defrance, 1821, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xxii. p. 564. ,, Lamouroux, 1824, Encycl. Meth. Zooph. p. 462. Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. pp. 21, 43, pi. vi. fig. 12. ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 420, non pi. Ixviii. fig. 2. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 249, pi. xvi. fig. 11. ,, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. sr. 2, t. ix. p. 215. IDMONEA. 135 Idmonea triquetra, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 40. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 234, pi. Ivi. fig. 16. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 607. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 87, pi. xvi. fig. 11. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran^. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 729. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soo. geoL France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 171, pi. vii. fig. 1. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit Foss. ed. 2, p. 125. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. vol. xl. p. 790. ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. S<>c. vol. v. p. 7. non ,, ,, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. vol. xlv. pp. 568-9, pi. xviii. fig. 13 ; pi. xix. figs. 3, 4. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 48. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 194. Reptotubigera D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 751. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 139. Idmonea gracilis, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 317. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium composed of triangular branches, beside each of which is a thin flat selvage. The branches dichotomize repeatedly. Zocecia from four to seven in each series. Peristomes open along the summit of a low ridge. Zooecia slender and cylindrical in adult; short, thick, and angular in young stages. "Walls punctulate. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Bradford Clay : Bradford ; Box ; Pound Pill. Great Oolite : Minchinhampton ; Richmond boring. FOREIGN : Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers : Ranville, Luc, and Caen, in Calvados, France. Description of Figure. Plate VII. Fig. 6. Part of a young zoarium, X 32 dia. Great Oolite : Minchinhampton. Byne Coll. 20730. Affinities. This is the type species of the genus, and it is fairly common in the Lower Oolitic rocks of England and France. 136 IDMONEA. B. 4250. 50775. 67568. B. 4831. 23837. B. 4840. B. 4830. B. 4861. B. 4876. B. 4857. D. 2115. 20730. ID. 1899 D. 2207. LIST OF SPECIMENS. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Bradford Clay. Box Tunnel. On On On Loc. ? Morris Coll. Box Tunnel. H. B. Holl Coll. On Terebratula maxillata, ,, ,, ,, Buy Coll. On Terebratula maxillata, ,, ,, ,, J. G. Lowe Coll. On Terebratula sp., J. de C. Sow. Great Oolite. Loc. ? J. Wood Coll. On Ostrea sp. Bradford Clay. Box. On Dictyothyris coarctata (Park.). Bradford Clay. Box. On Avicula costata, J. de C. Sow. Bradford Clay. Bradford. H. B. Holl Coll. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Box. Buy Coll. Young stage on Pileolus lewis, Sow. Great Oolite. Minchinhampton. Figd. PI. VII. Fig. 6. Byne Coll. -1901. 3 slides. Great Oolite. Eichmond boring, 1205ft. Pre- sented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. Batbonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. INDETERMINABLE RECORDS. 1. Idmonea ammonitorum, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 378. Distribution. Oxfordian : La Yen dee, France. 2. Idmonea complanata, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 288. Distribution. Bajocian : Bayeux, France. 3. Idmonea claviformis, "Walford, 1889, Bry. Sbipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 569, pi. xix. figs. 1, 2. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : Shipton, England. 4. Idmonea depressa (D'Orbigny), 1852. Syn. Reptotubigera depressa, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc,. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 752. Distribution. Bathonian : Langrune, France. 5. Idmonea elegantula, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 288. Distribution. Bajocian : France. 6. Idmonea triquetra (non Lamouronx) , Walford, 1889. ,, var. \-formis, Walford, 1889, Bry. Sbipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 568, pi. xix. figs. 3, 4. ,, ,, parkinsoni, Walford, ibid. p. 569, pi. xviii. fig. 13. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : Shipton, England. ENTALOPHORA. 137 Family ENTALOPHORID^. Diagnosis. Cyclostomata Tubulata in which the zoarium is erect and dendroid ; the branches consist of solid bundles of zocecia. The zocecia are monomorphic, and open on all sides of the stems. ENTALOPHORA, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Pustulopora (non Blainville), Busk, Hagenow, etc. Pergensia, "Walford. Clavisparsa, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. EntalophoridaB in whi^ch the zoarium consists of thin stems, each of which is composed of a small number of zocecia. The peristomes are scattered irregularly. The zocecia are cylindrical. Type species. E. cellarioides, Lamx. Affinities. This species was founded by Lamouroux for a species from the Bathonian rocks of Normandy; his figure was so mis- leading that Blainville, who next referred to the genus, regarded it as probably a Hydroid zoophyte. Busk, in the second part of his " Challenger Monograph," also suggested that it might be a coralline. These suggestions were due to the "trumpet-shaped" appearance of the zocecia in Lamouroux' s figure. Specimens from the same locality leave no doubt that this is only a mis- representation by the artist, for the zocecia are of the normal Cyclostomatous type. The doubt as to the meaning of Lamouroux's figure has led to unfortunate confusion in synonymy, for Busk and some other authors have accepted Pustulopora, Blv., instead of Entalophora. D'Orbigny, Smitt, Hincks, and Waters, however, have adopted Entalophora, and I feel no doubt as to the wisdom of their decision. Pustulopora,, as proposed by Blainville, is really not a synonym of JEntalophora, but of Spiropora. The first species given by Blainville is one figured byGoldfuss 1 as Ceriopora madreporacea. The type specimen has been refigured by Hagenow, 2 but it is 1 Petref. Germ. p. 35, pi. x. fig. 12. 2 Bryoz. Maastr. Kreideb. pi. i. fig. 8. 138 ENTALOPHOBA. so worn that its exact affinities are not quite certain. The most definite character of the form is that the apertures occur in annular series. Blainville states, in his diagnosis of the genus, that the zocecia are "regularly disposed," and he even includes in it the well-known species S. verticillata (Goldf.). These three facts show that Pustulopora, as used by Blainville, is a synonym of Spiropora, instead of EntalopTiora. The limitation of Entalophora is a difficult task. As used by "Waters it includes three different types 1. Species in which the zocecia are long and cylindrical, and irregularly arranged. 2. Species in which the zocecia are long and cylindrical, and arranged in regular lines. 3. Species in which the zooecia are short and hexagonal. The question is whether these are all to be regarded as one genus or as three. The early writers on the group kept them distinct, while D'Orbigny even added many other divisions. Thus, the first group was regarded as Entalophora, the second as Spiropora (Cricopora), and the third as Melicertites. Waters ! has shown that in one part of a zoarium the peristomes may be arranged in lines (as in Spiropora) and in another irregularly (as in Entalophara). He therefore proposes to merge the two groups. This evidence is conclusive that the distinction between these two types is not absolute. But in the vast majority of the fossil forms the distinction holds, except sometimes at a point of bifurcation, where irregularity results from overcrowding. It is therefore very convenient to retain the distinction, for to merge the genera would necessitate the renaming of many species. I accordingly accept Spiropora as a section of Entalophora. In regard to the group of species with hexagonal zocecia, it is also true that we may find a few hexagonal zocecia in zoaria, 2 of which the majority are tubular. If we are to act on the 1 A. "W. Waters. Fossil Cycl. Bry. Australia : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. vol. xl. (1884), p. 680. North Ital. Bry. pt. ii. : ibid. vol. xlviii. (1892) p. 158. 2 As e.g. in Busk's careful figure of E. regularis, MacG. (Chall. Bry. pt. ii. pi. iv. fig. 2). ENTALOPHORA. 139 evidence of these occasional zooecia, then the two groups of species must be united. But in the' Mesozoic faunas there are many species in which all the zocecia are regularly hexagonal ; these are so strikingly unlike the irregular tubular zooecia of Entalophora, that the difference has been regarded as of family, or even of ordinal, value. It seems unnecessary to ignore this great and fairly constant difference owing to the occurrence of a few abnormal zooecia. The name to be applied to this group of species with polygonal zooecia must be either Pustulopora, Helicertites, or a new name. The first was defined by Blainville 1 in 1830, and the second by Homer 2 in 1841. Neither genus as given by these authors was homogeneous. Blainville took as his type a specimen figured by Goldfuss, of which the only determinable character is the annular arrangement of the peristomes. The 1 other specimens figured by Hagenow had hexagonal zocecia, and it is quite possible that Goldfuss' type had the same. But as that cannot be discovered, Pustulopora must stand as a synonym of the Spiropora group of Entalophoridae. 1. Entalophora, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Entalophora cellarioides, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 81, pi. Ixxx. figs. 9-11. ,, ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 27, pi. vii. fig. 10. ,, ,, Defrance, 1826, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xlii. p. 392. ,, ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 453. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 489, pi. Ixxxii. fig. 1. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 243, pi. xvi. fig. 24. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 233, pi. Ivi. fig. 4. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 462. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 141. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, Bronn, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 87, pi. xvi. fig. 24. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 199, pi. ix. fig. 8. 1 Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 382. 2 Verst. norddeut. Kreidegeb. p. 18. 140 ENTALOPHOBA. Entalophora cellarioides, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 134, pi. xci. fig. 10. ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1864, Geol. Calvados, art. 3 : Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. viii. p. 225. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 261. ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen and Ranville : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 8. ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 55. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 195. ,, lazipora, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 318. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 779. ,, subgracilis, D'Orb., var. corrugata, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 573, pi. xviii. fig. 14. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium csespitose, composed of thin fragile branches, about 1 mm. in diameter. Zocecia long ; the free, distal portion is often very long ; the peristomes are irregularly quincuncial in arrangement. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite: Hampton, near Bath (fide Haime). Inferior Oolite : Shipton, Dorset. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville, St. Aubin, Normandy ; Marquise and "Wast, near Boulogne. Description of Figure. PI. VIII. Fig. 1 . Part of a zoarium, showing the long, free portions of the zocecia, X 17 dia. Calcaire a polypiers : Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 2257. Affinities. This species is the type of the genus. Lamouroux's figure was diagrammatic, and has been the cause of much confusion. The specimens since found and described have not such crowded zocecia, but they probably belong to Lamouroux's species. The Cretaceous representative of this thin, irregular form is Entalophora ENTALOPHORA. 141 waunensis, D'Orb., 1 which appears, however, to have the peristomes more scattered and less reflexed. Entalophora horrida, D'Orb., 8 on the other hand, has the peristomes far more crowded and reflexed more regularly at right angles. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2257. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll/ u Figd. PI. VIII. Fig. 1. 60359. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. ,, ,, 60369. With Diastopora lamellosa, Mich., etc. 60224. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. ,, ,, "With Spiropora annulosa, Lamx. B. 4518. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. ,, ,, "With Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamx. 2. Entalophora nidulata (Walford), 1894. SYNONYMY : Pergensia nidulata, "Walford, 1894, Bry. Shipton, pt. ii. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. L. p. 73, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2. ,, major, Walford, 1894, ibid. p. 74, pi. ii. figs. 3, 4. ,, porifera, "Walford, 1894, ibid. p. 75, pi. ii. fig. 6. ,, galeata, Walford, 1894, ibid. p. 76, pi. iii. fig. 27. ,, minima, Walford, 1894, ibid. p. 74, pi. ii. fig. 12. Entalophora richmondiensis var. pustulopora, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 792. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium short, clavate ; cylindrical in section. Zocecia cylindrical ; partly immersed, but a free distal portion, the extent of which varies greatly. The apertures are irregularly arranged, but a tendency to a spiral form occurs in the proximal portion of the zoarium. Goncecia large, spherical. Distribution. Bathonian Great Oolite : Richmond. Inferior Oolite : Shipton Gorge. Description of Figure. PI. VIII. Fig. 2. Young zoarium, X 26 dia. Great Oolite : Richmond boring. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, P.R.S. D. 1931. 1 Pal. franq. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 781, pi. ocxvi. figs. 12-14. 2 Ibid. p. 789, pi. Dcxxi. figs. 13-15. 142 ENTALOPHORA. Affinities. This is a typical young Entalophora, and is closely allied to the Cretaceous E. clavata, D'Orb. 1 The two specimens from the Richmond boring which Vine took as the type of his var. pmtulopora of his E. richmondiensis, do not seem to me related to that species. They agree exactly with the series of specimens figured by Walford from the Shipton Gorge. E. clavata, D'Orb., represents this type in the Cretaceous ; the zocecia in that species have a ribbed ornamentation, instead of being punctate, and none of the specimens figured show ooacia. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 1931, D. 1933, D. 1934. Great Oolite. Eichmond boring, 1205 ft. Vine's type of E. richmondiensis var. pustulopora. 3. Entalophora magnipora, Walford, 1889. SYNONYMY : Entalophora magnipora, Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 572, pi. xix. figs. 11, 12. ?,, subirregularis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 778. ,, raripora, non D'Orb., Walford, 1889, op. cit. p. 572, pi. xix. fig. 10. ,, raripora var. anomala, Walford, 1889, op. cit. p. 573. Cisternifera clausa, "Walford, 1894, Cheil. Lias, pt. ii. vol. L. p. 82, pi. vii. figs. 11, 17. ,, inconstans, pars, "Walford, 1894, ib. pt. ii. vol. L. p. 80, pi. vii. fig. 16. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of thin, regularly cylindrical branches, composed of about twelve zooecia. Branches from 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. Zocecia long, cylindrical, with only a small portion free. Aper- tures irregular in distribution ; distant. Surface wrinkled. DISTEIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite : Murhead, near Bath. Inferior Oolite : Shipton Gorge, Dorset. Middle Lias : King's Sutton, Northamptonshire. FOREIGN : PBajocian: Ste. Honorine, Calvados. 1 Clavisparsa clavata, D'Orb., Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 776, pi. Dcxxi. figs. 8-12. ENTALOPHOKA. 143 Description of Figure. PL VIII. Fig. 3. Part of zoarium, X 17 dia. Great Oolite : near Bath. Presented by J. "W. Gregory. D. 2098. Affinities. This species appears to me to be very different from the E. raripora, D'Orb., 1 which has very few zooecia in a zoarium, and more highly raised peristomes. It is more nearly allied to a form figured as E. raripora by Beissel, 2 but the evidence is not sufficient to show their identity. The species differs from E. cellarioides, Lamx., by the greater regularity of the branches and of the arrangement of the zocecia ; for E. cellarioides, as known from specimens, is closely allied to E. raripora. The species here described also differs from E. nidulata, owing to the greater length of the branches, which are regularly cylindrical and not clavate. D'Orbigny's brief diagnosis of his E. sulirregularis suggests that it is this species. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2098. Fragment from Great Oolite, Murhead, near Bath. Figd. PI. VIII. Fig. 3. Presented by J. "W. Gregory. D. 2099. Three slides of fragments, probably the same, but too rolled for determination, from same locality. D. 2100. Mass of limestone from Murhead, "with fragments of same species. Presented by A. M. Davies, Esq. D. 2154. Middle Lias Marlstone. King's Sutton. Brodie Coll. D. 2201. SPECIES INDETERMINABLE OR NOT REPRESENTED IN COLLECTION. 1. Entalophora amphoralis (Walford), 1894. Syn. Pergensia amphoralis, "Walford, 1894, Bry. Shipton, pt. ii. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. L. p. 75, pi. ii. figs. 5-8 ; pi. iii. figs. 21-4. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : Shipton, England. 1 Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 787, pi. DCXXI. figs. 1-3. 2 Bry. Aach. Kreidebild. : Natuurk. Verh. holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, ser. 2, vol. xxii. 1865, pi. x. fig. 123. 144 SPIROPORA. 2. Entalophora calloviensis, D'Orbigny, 1852. D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran(j. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. Distribution. Callovian : Pizieux, France. This species is probably an Haplocecia. 3. Entalophora jug ata (Walford), 1894. Syn. Pergensia jugata, Walford, 1894, op. cit. p. 76, pi. ii. figs. 9-11 ; pi. iv. figs. 6-15, 18-21. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : Shipton, England. SPIROPORA, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Entalophora, pars, Hincks, Waters. Pustulopora, Blainville. Cricopora, Blainville. Diagnosis. Entalophoridae in which the apertures of the zooecia open in regular annular or spiral lines. The zooecia are regularly- cylindrical. Type species. Spiropora elegans, Lamx., 1821. Affinities. The reasons for the retention of this name is given in the discussion of the genus Entalophora (vide pp. 138-9). 1. Spiropora elegans, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Spiropora elegans, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 47, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 19-22. ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 21, pi. vi. fig. 3. ,, ,, Defrance, 1827, Diet. Sci. nat. t. L. p. 300, pi. xlv. fig. 1. ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 707. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 194. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 132. ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm.: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 11. ,, ,, Bigot, 1892, Geol. Basse-Norm. III. : Bull. Lab. Geol. Caen, Ann. 2, p. 24. SPIROPORA. 145 Cricopora elegans, Blainville, 1820, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 385. Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 421, pi. Ixvii. fig. 1. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 453. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 247. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 234, pi. Iv. fig. 13. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ,, ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 89. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium formed of loose tufts. Branches dichotomize repeatedly. Branches rather stout. Zocecia long, regularly tubular. Peristomes slightly elevated; arranged in regular, horizontal rows. jFrom five to seven peristomes are seen on one side of a branch. The rows of peristomes are distant, the zooecia being long. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite : Bath ; ? Richmond boring. FOREIGN : Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers : Ranville, Langrune, Lebisey, Luc, in Calvados ; Vassy, Yonne (fide Michelin) . Description of Figure. PI. VIII. Fig. 4. Part of a zoarium, X 17 dia. Great Oolite : near Bath. 60173. Affinities. As this is the type species of the genus, it is unnecessary to refer to its affinities at any length. The species is common in the Great Oolite of Ranville, and its characters are constant. The regularity of the circles of peristomes and their distance from one another are constant throughout the zoarium. In the older parts of the zoarium the peristomal circles are closer than on the higher parts; the same is also the case just before a bifurcation. The nearest Cretaceous ally to this species is Spiropora antiqua, D'Orb., especially the variety originally described as a distinct species under the name of Cricopora annulata, D'Orb. 1 D'Orbigny 1 Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. pi. DCXV. figs. 10-12. 146 SPIROPORA. has assigned a great range of variation to his species ; if all his synonyms are to be included within one species, it varied far more than did its Jurassic representative. Marsson goes further than D'Orbigny, and reduces S. antiqua to a synonym of S. verticillata. The greater thinness of the tufts seems to characterize the Cre- taceous specimens, and may enable this series to be kept distinct. Otherwise they must be included within S. elegans. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 60173. Great Oolite. Near Bath. Etberidge Coll. Figd. PI. VIII. Fig. 4. TD. 1936. ,, Richmond boring, 1205 ft. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. Small fragment, probably of this species. 60223. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. B. 4516. (Six fragments.) Bathonian. ,, ,, 60227. (Illustrates variations in distances of peristomal circles.) Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 46785, 60226. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. B. 179. ,, ,, Presented by B. Bright, Esq. D. 2095. Loc.? 2. Spiropora ammlosa (Michelin), 1847. SYNONYMY : Cricopora annulosa, Michelin, 1847, Icon. Zooph. p. 339, pi. Ivi. fig. 3. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 419. ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. Spiropora ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 197. Cricopora verticillata, non Goldf., Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 236, pi. Ivi. fig. 3. , non Goldf., Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, ,, non Goldf., Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ? non Goldf., Reuss, 1847, Foss. Polyp. Wien. Tert. : Naturw. Abh. Bd. ii. p. 40. LaterotuUgera ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 715. Cricopora subverticillata, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, tessonis, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 236, pi. Ivi. fig. 6. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad.: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 419. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, p. 224. SPIEOPOEA. 147 Cricopora tessonis, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 121. Entalophora ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 779. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 134. Spiropora Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 195. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongcbamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Hep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, Scblippe, 1888, Fauna Bath, oberrh. Tien. : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. iv livr. 4, p. 97. straminea, non Pbill., Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 196, pi. ix. fig. 6. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle, p. 26. ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Maqon : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 14. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 54. Entalophora Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 331. Spiropora ccespitosa, non Lamx., Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 195 (ex. syn.}, pi. ix. fig. 7. ,, compressa, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 197, pi. ix. fig. 5. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongcbamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz.: Sep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. Tubigera compressa, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 139. Entalophora ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 10. Cricopora acutimargo, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 641, pi. xxxiii. fig. 7. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium forming very loose tufts. Branches dichotomize irregularly; of medium thickness. Section of branches circular, oval, or compressed. Zocecia regularly cylindrical, rather short. Peristomes raised and arranged in regular rows; these are horizontal or slightly oblique. Prom five to seven peristomes can be seen on one side of a branch. The distance between the rows of peristomes is short. 148 SPIROPORA. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite : Skillington, Hampton, Minchinhampton. Inferior Oolite : Bredon, Worcestershire ; Leckhampton. Witchellia Grit : Cold Comfort, near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Oxfordian : Montsec, Meuse (fide Buvignier). Bathonian : Ranville, Luc, Lebisey. Bajocian : Mt. Ceindre, near Lyon ; St. Quentin, Montvaux, near Metz. Calcaire a entroques : Flace, near Ma9on. Description of Figure. PL VIII. Fig. 5. Part of a branch, X 26 dia. Inferior Oolite : Bredon Hill. Holl Coll. B. 4864. Affinities. This species was well figured by Michelin, who in his text named it S. verticillata, which was preoccupied by Goldfuss. He apparently discovered this, for he named the species in the description of the plates S. annulosa. This name has been overlooked, and S. verticillata generally employed. The species agrees in most of its characters with S. elegans, from which it differs in the shortness of the zocecia and the proximity of the peristomal rows. This is well shown in Michelin's figures and the Museum specimens. The shape of the branches varies considerably, and Haime's species S. compressa I regard as only a form with flattened branches. A certain tendency to irregularity in the arrangement of the orifices occurs at the points of bifurcation of the branches (as in B. M. B. 4866). S. straminea, Haime, non Phill., is here considered as such a case. Haime's specimen of S. ccespitosa I also include here, as it differs from the type form of that species, which is probably identical with S. lajocensis. The species is most nearly allied to 8. cenomana, D'Orb., 1 which is, however, more massive and has more numerous zocecia. Keuss has referred to this species a specimen from the Tegel of the Vienna Basin, and his figure has all the essential characters of this species. It is also allied to S. conferta, Eeuss. 2 1 Pal. franc,. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 708, pi. DCXV. figs. 1 -9. 2 A. E. Reuss, Pal. Stud. alt. Tertiarsch. Alpen: Denk. Jc. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxix. 1869, p. 287, pi. xxxvi. fig. 3. Also Manzoni, Brioz. foss. Mioc. Aust. Ungh. pte. iii. : ibid. Bd. xxxviii. Abth. 2, 1878, p. 12, pi. x. fig. 39. SPIROPORA. 149 LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 2304. Great Oolite. Hampton Common. D. 2101. Great Oolite Limestone. Skillington, Lincolnshire. Presented by J. "W. Gregory. D. 2102, D. 2104, D. 2108. 6 slides from Skillington, Lincolnshire. Presented by J. W. Gregory. D. 2103. Var. compressa. Skillington, Lincolnshire. Presented by J. W. Gregory. 56829. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. Thin section. B. 4864. Bredon. Holl Coll. Figd. PI. VIII. Fig. 5. B. 4866. ,, ? ,, ? [Specimen showing the irregii- larity of the form straminea, Haime (non Ph.), at bifurcations.] D. 1772. Inferior Oolite Upper Witchellia Grit. Cold Comfort, near Leck- hampton. D. 1770, D. 1771. Inferior Oolite Lower Witchellia Grit. Cold Comfort, near Leckhampton. B. 2228. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Specimen similar to B. 4866. D. 2120-2, D. 2124, D. 2125. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2123. Inferior Oolite. Cleeve. Brodie Coll. 56829. ,, Leckhampton. Etheridge Coll. (Specimen, slide and thin section.) B. 2282. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? 60224. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson Coll. (With E. cellarioides, Lamx.) B. 4522. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson Coll. B. 181. ,, ,, Pres. by B. Bright, Esq. D. 2096. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. Var. compressa, Haime. 60348. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson Coll. Var. compressa, Haime. D. 1776. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. D. 1829. 4 specimens. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Normandy. D. 1833, D. 1836. 3 specimens. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Normandy. D. 1773. Couche a Bryozoaires. Mt. Ceindre, near Lyon. ?D. 1775. 3. Spiropora abbreviata (Michelin), 1846. Blainville MS. 1830. SYNONYMY : Cricopora abbreviata, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 386. ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 421. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 236, pi. Ivi. fig. 2. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. 150 SPIROPORA. Entalopliora abbreviata, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc;. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 134. Spiropora ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 195. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Kep. Foss. Polyz. : Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, deslongchampsi, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 13. ,, ,, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 642. Pustulopora arborea, "Waagen, 1868, ibid. p. 640, pi. xxxii. fig. 8. Spiropora ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 54. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium tufted ; branches thick and short. Zocecia short. Peristomes well raised; quincuncially arranged, the series being oblique and close together. DISTRIBUTION. Bathonian: Eanville, Calvados. Bajocian : near Ma9on, Saone-et-Loire ; Gingen, "Wiirtemberg ; Plappeville, near Met/. Affinities. This species is not represented in the British Museum, and I accept it on the evidence of Michelin's figure. It is allied to S. ccespitosa, Lamx., by the arrangement of the peristomes, but differs owing to the massiveness of its stems. It may be easily distinguished from S. elegans, Lamx., and S. annulosa, Mich., as the peristomes are not arranged in regular horizontal series. This species is represented in the Cretaceous by Spiropora Irevissima (D'Orb.), 1 which may be a synonym. Ferry's S. deslongchampsi is shown by the description to have the same characters as this species, having thick stems (3 mm. in dia.), crowded rows of well-raised peristomes, and branching in the same manner. Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 794, pi. DCXXV. figs. 5-10. SPiROPOEA. 151 4. Spiropora caespitosa, Lamx., 1821. SYNONYMY : Spiropora ccespitosa, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 86, pi. Ixxxii. figs. 11, 12. ,, ,, Defiance, 1827, Diet. Sci. nat. t. L. p. 300. non ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soe. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 195, pi. ix. fig. 7. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. MoseUe, p. 26. ,, ,, E. E, Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 260. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soe. Hist. nat. Mete, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 54. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v.: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 197. Cricopora ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 386. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. \ct. p. 421. ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 453. ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 247, pi. xvi. fig. 10. ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 34. ,, ,, Murchison, 1845, Geol. Cheltenham, ed. 2, p. 72. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 235, pi. Ivi. fig. 1. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ,, ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 89, pi. xvi. fig. 10. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 121. Entalophora ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 134. ,, ,, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz: Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 333. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz.: Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen and Ranville : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 9. Spiropora capillaris, Lamouroux, 1821, op. cit. p. 47. Cricopora ,, Blainville, 1830, op. cit. p. 386. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, op. cit. p. 421. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, op. cit. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 453. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. Intricaria bajocensis, Defrance, 1822, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xxiii. p. 546, pi. xlvi. fiff. 1. 152 SPIROPORA. Intricaria bajocensis, Blainville, 1830, ibid. t. Ix. p. 420. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 456, pi. Ixviii. fig. 1. ,, ,, Bronn, 1835, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 242, pi. xvi. fig. 13. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Anim. s. Yert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 195. ,, ,, Murchison, 1845, Geol. Cheltenham, ed. 2, p. 72. ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 231, pi. Ivi. fig. 5. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 613. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 129. ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. ,, Bronn and Eomer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 84. Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 196. Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on, pt. i. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 42. E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : ibid. t. xiv. p. 151. Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 265. Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Butt. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 54. D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 715. D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 779. Pictet, 1857, op. cit. p. 134. Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerlyi : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 641. Spiropora Laterotubigera ,, Entalophora , , Pustulopora tennis, DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium growing in dense tufts of long, slender, cylindrical branches. These dichotomize repeatedly, and occasionally anas- tomose. Zocecia regularly cylindrical. Peristomes slightly raised. Three or four orifices seen on each side of a branch. Peristomal rows very oblique, and crowded, therefore giving the apertures an apparently quincuncial arrangement. At the ends of branches the peristomes are irregular and low (form c&spitota, Lamx. and Mich., non Haime). DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Great Oolite : Hampton ; Bradford, Wiltshire. Inferior Oolite : Nutgrove, Cheltenham. SPIROPOEA. 153 FOREIGN : Bathonian: Eanville ; Luc; Lebisey ; Langrune ; Marquise, near Boulogne. Bajocian : Gorze, Plappeville, and St. Quentin, near Metz ; St. Floxel, near Bayeux. Calcaire a entroques : Ma9on (fide Ferry). Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, Wiirtemberg ; Jun- gingen, Hohenzollern. Description of Figure. PL VIII. Fig. 6. Part of terminal branches, x!7dia. Eorest Marble : Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. 24770. Affinities. This species differs from 8. elegans, Lamx., and S. annulosa, Mich., by having fewer zocecia in the branches, and by having the peristomes arranged irregularly or obliquely, and not in horizontal rows. I include Michelin's S. caspitosa here, as specimen 60231 shows both ,the type of that form and the normal, regular S. lajocensis (Defr.) ; but I exclude Haime's S. ccespitosa, as in that the branches are stouter and contain more zooecia, and as the peristomes are on the type of S. annulosa, Mich., of which I regard it as a synonym. The S. bajocensis is an eroded form. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 24770. Forest Marble. Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. 60231. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. Illustrates the normal form and that of S. ccespitosa, Mich. 60232. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 26243, B. 4564. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 5. Spiropora richmondiensis (Vine), 1884. SYNONYMY : Entalophora richmondiensis, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring : Quart. Journ. Geol Soe. vol. xl. p. 791, fig. 3. ,, var., Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : ibid. vol. xlv. p. 571. Spiropora ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 198. Terebellaria? increscens, Vine, 1884, op. cit. p. 793, fig. 4. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium of thin, bifurcating stems, from 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. 154 SPIEOPOEA. Zocecia numerous, in regular spirals. Below the points of bifurcation the rows of peristorues become less oblique, and rise to ten in number. Elsewhere seven or eight zooecia can be seen in a single row across one face of the stem. Zooacia are short and cylindrical ; peristomes well raised. FIG. 10. Longitudinal section through half of zoarium of Spiropora richmondiensis (Vine), X 22 dia. Great Oolite: Richmond boring. D. 1929. DISTRIBUTION. Great Oolite: Richmond boring (1205 ft. deep). Inferior Oolite : Dorset (fide Watford). Description of Figure. PL IX. Pig. 2. Part of Vine's type, X 17 dia. Great Oolite : Richmond boring. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. D. 1935. Affinities. This well-marked species resembles E. ccespitosa, Lamx., by the thinness of its branches, but from this it differs by the greater number of zooecia in these, and consequently the greater number of apertures in a series. It differs from 8. elegans, Lamx., and 8. annulosa, Mich., by having the rows of apertures spiral instead of horizontal. It resembles 8. abbreviata by the elevation of the peristomes and the closeness of the apertures. But in the Richmond species the branches are thinner, and the rows more regular : these seem to entitle it to a specific distinction ; but it must be placed as a close ally of 8. abbreviata. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 1935. Great Oolite. Richmond boring (1205ft.). Vine's type. Figd. PI. IX. Fig. 12. D. 1897-8, D. 1907, D. 1929-30, D. 1932. Richmond boring (1205ft.). SPIEOPORA. 155 6. Spiropora tetragona, Lamx., 1821. SYNONYMY : Spiropora tetragona, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 85, pi. Ixxxii. figs. 9, 10. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 197. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 198. Cricopora ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 386. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 421. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 453. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 235, pi. Iv. fig. 12. ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. ,, ,, Huxley and Etheridge, 1865, Cat. Foss. M.P.G. p. 223. Entalophora ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fram?. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 134. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 10. Spiropora tetraquetra, Lamouroux, 1821, op. cit. p. 47. Cricopora ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 247. ,, ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 90. non Bisidmonea tetragona (Lamx.), Walford, 1889, Bry. Shipton, pt. i. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlv. p. 571, pi. xix. figs. 7-9. ,, antiqua, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 720, pi. Dcclxii. figs. 10-12. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium composed of thick tetragonal stems, which dichotomize repeatedly, but irregularly ; they form a loose tuft. Zocecia short. Peristomes slightly raised, arranged in alternate horizontal series (as in Idmoned]. On each face of a stem there occur two rows of apertures, placed alternately on the left and right sides of the face. The distance between two rows on the same side is of medium length. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Inferior Oolite : ? Gloucestershire. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville ; Luc ; Lebisey ; Langrune. 156 SPIROPOEA. Description of Figure. PL IX. Fig. 1. Part of a branch, X 8 dia. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Presented by F. Harford, Esq. B. 3829. ^Affinities . This species may be readily distinguished from any Jurassic species by the Idmoniiform arrangement of the peristomes. It is the type species of Bisidmonea of D'Orbigny, and this may be worthy of recognition as a subgenus. But there is only the one species, and the Idmoniiform arrangement of the apertures is not constant throughout the whole zoarium in the Museum specimens. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 3829. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Presented by F. Harford, Esq. Figd. PL IX. Fig. 1. 60212-3. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson Coll. B. 210. Pres. by B. Bright, Esq. D. 2097. Tesson Coll. SPECIES INDETERMINABLE OR NOT REPRESENTED IN COLLECTION. 1. Spiropora diadema. Syn. Cricopora diadema, Huxley and Etheridge, 1865, Cat. Foss. M.P.G. p. 223. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : England. 2. Spiropora liassica, Tate, 1875. Syn. Spiropora liassica, Tate, 1875 : Geol. Mag. new ser. dec. 2, vol. ii. p. 205, fig. 1. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 260. Entalophora ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. Distribution. Lias : England. 3. Spiropora sarthacensis (D'Orbigny). Syn. Entalophora sarthacensis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. Clausa ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 894. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 140. Spiropora ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 198. t Entalophora bajocina, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. i. i. p. 289. ? ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 779. HAPLOCECIA. 157 ? Spiropora bessinensis, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 198. ,, bessina, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1857, Syst. ool. inf. Calvados : Butt. Soc. linn. Norm. t. ii. p. 328. Distribution. Bajocian : France. HAPLOCECIA, Gregory. Prom cnrkovs ' simple ' and OIKOS ' a house. [Gregory, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 199.] SYNONYMY : Cricopora, pars, Morris, et auct. Entalophora, pars, D'Orbigny, et auct. Melicertites, pars, Romer, non Pergens. Escharites, pars, Hageiiow. Diagnosis. Entalophoridae in whicn the zooscia are short, and angular in form. The peristomes are never greatly raised; the orifices are small ; and they are arranged either lineally or quincuncially. Type species. Haplooecia straminea (Phillips), 1829. Affinities. The genus Melicertites was founded by Romer in 1840 for three species from the Cretaceous. Of these, the first was the Ceriopora gracilis of Goldfuss, 1 a species founded on a worn fragment, which is generically indeterminable. The species has, however, been accepted, and again figured by Romer 2 and Yon Hagenow. 3 According to the former it is a Cheilostomatous form, closely allied with the typical species of his genus Escharites. Hagenow, impressed by this resemblance, merged the two genera ; but his figures (notably 15 / and 15^) show that his form is truly Cyclostomatous, and is probably a Spiropora. The type species must therefore be left quite uncertain, as the ultimate type is indeterminable, Romer's being Cheilostomatous, and Hagenow's being indistinguishable from Spiropora. Romer's two other species are of a very different character, and both belong to the Entalophoridee with hexagonal zocecia and small apertures. His 4 figures of his M. porosa, and the third species, 1 Petref. Germ. p. 35, pi. x. fig. 11. 2 Verst. norddeut. Kreidegeb. p. 18, pi. v. fig. 13. 3 Bryoz. Maastr. Kreideb. 1851, p. 56, pi. i. figs. Iba-h. 4 Romer. Op. cit. p. 18, pi. v. fig. 12. 158 HAPLOCECIA. M. romeri (Hag.), 1 are both typical members of this group. Reuss 2 has used the term in this sense, as has also Zittel. 3 It might be convenient to accept Melicertites for this group of species, in spite of the uncertainty as to the type form ; but the confusion in which that genus is involved is inextricable ; and as the genus was based on an erroneous interpretation of facts, it seems advisable to drop it. Pergens has recently used the term in another sense, and the one figure he gives of a member of this group appears to me to be that of a Spiropora. The most important point to be determined in connection with this genus is whether the form and position of the apertures, on which the group of Melicertitina is based, are characters of any great value. Some allied species have been referred to the Cheilostomata, while Pergens places them in a distinct group of Cyclostomata. In the first place, in regard to the lateral position of the aperture : this does not seem to me a point of more than generic value, even if it be always worthy of recognition to that extent. In some species of Stomatopora, such as Stomatopora dicfiotoma, Lamx. (see PL I. Fig. 2), the aperture is as truly lateral and as restricted in size as it is in many of the Bryozoa referred to the Melicertites group. The form of the aperture appears to be due to the oblique truncation of the raised peristomes. In order to illustrate this point, two figures are given of different parts of the same zoarium of a specimen from Ranville : Fig. lla FIG. 11. Two parts of one zoarium of Haplocecia straminea (Phil.), X 10 dia. Calcaire a polypiers: Ranville. B. 4566. Showing worn and unworn conditions. 1 Ceriopora romeri, Hagenow, Mon. Rug. Kreide-Verst. : Neues Jahrb. (1839), p. 285, pi. v. fig. 7. 2 In Geinitz. Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. Th. 1, pt. iv. Palaeont. Bd. xx. Th. 1, p. 120. 3 Handb. Palseont. Bd. i. Lf. 4 (1880), p. 606. HAPLCKECIA. 159 is a normal Haplocecia straminea ; Fig. 115 is a worn fragment, where the apertures are triangular. 1. Haplooecia straminea (Phillips), 1829. SYNONYMY : Millepora straminea, Phillips, 1829, Geol. Torks. pt. i. pp. 144, 149, pi. ix. fig. 1. ,, ,, Bean, 1839, Cat. Foss. Cornbr. Searb. : Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. iii. p. 58. ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, p. 184. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 368, pi. Ix. fig. 3. Haplooecia Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 199. Cricopora Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 34. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 14fo. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 121. ,, ,, Huxley and Etheridge, 1865, Cat. Coll. Foss. M.P.G. p. 228. ,, ,, Phillips, 1871, Geol. Oxford, p. 239. ,, ,, Hudleston, 1874, Yorks. Ool. : Proc. Geol. Assoc. vol. iii. p. 309. ,, ,, Keeping and Middlemiss, 1883, Sections at Cave: Geol. Mag. 1883, p. 216. non Intricaria ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. non Laterotubigera straminea, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc,. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 715. Entalophora straminea, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc.. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 779. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ei 2, t. iv. p. 134. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, 4th Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 188. ,, ,, Fox- Strangways, 1892, Jurass. Rks. Britain, Yorks. vol. ii. p. 148. non Spiropora ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 196, pi. ix. fig. 6. ,, ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. pp. 12, 28. ,, ,, Judd, 1875, Geol. Rutland, p. 277. Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, ,, Walford, 1883, Relation Northptn. Sd. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. pp. 227, 239. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 260. Pustulopora Gregory, 1893, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Rep. Torks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 60, fig. 2. Melicertites rhomboidalis, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franq. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 617. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 122. 160 HAPLOCECIA. Ptistulopora quenstedti, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Oeogn. PaLBeitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 641, pi. xxxii. fig. 10. ,, ,, Lepsius, 1875, Beitr. Juraf. Unter-Elsass, p. 28. ,, ,, Branco, 1879, Unt. Dogger Deut. Loth.: Abh. geol. Specialk, Elsass-Loth. Bd. ii. Ht. 1, p. 154. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium tufted, loose, and irregular. Branches of medium thickness. Zocecia in regular, horizontal, closely adjoining series. Usually hexagonal and bisymmetrical, but variations in growth pressure render some irregularly polygonal. Aperture transversely ellip- tical. Peristomal area slightly raised. Front wall punctate. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Cornbrash: Islip (fide Phillips). Forest Marhle : Islip (fide Phillips). Bathonian Millepore Limestone : Gristhorpe, Lyon's Nab, "Westow, etc. Inferior Oolite : loc. ? Holl Coll. ; near Stroud (fide Witchell) ; Coombe Hill, near Banbury. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Banville, Calvados. Bajocian Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Elsass. Zone of Harpoceras humphriesianus : Mietesheim, Elsass. Affinities. This species was figured so imperfectly by Phillips, that it has been variously interpreted by foreign authors. The figure (No. 12), from a specimen in the York Museum, shows its FIG. 12. Part of zoarium of type specimen of Haplocecia straminea (Phil.). York Museum. hexagonal zocecia and small orifices. Haime has referred to this species a specimen which is here regarded as a Spiropora annulosa, Mich. The figures (Fig. 11, p. 158) from a specimen from Ranville show the typical characters of this species, and also the varying aspect HAPLOCECIA. 161 presented by the branches when eroded. The greater width of the apertures in the specimen figured in the Catalogue of the Bryozoa of the York Museum (Fig. 12), is due to the wearing away of the raised peristomes. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 750. Millepore Limestone. Near Scarboro'. Bean Coll. D. 751. B. 4875. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Holl CoU. B. 4566. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Fig. 11, p. 158. B. 4867. Lower Oolite. France ? Mantell Coll. D. 2109. Millepore Limestone. Gristhorpe. Presented by J. "W. Gregory (a slide with three specimens, of which one shows the zooecial characters) . D. 2202. In block of limestone. Millepore Limestone. Gristhorpe. BrodieColl. D. 2203. In pieces of limestone. ,, ,, ,, ,, D. 2204. Fragments and slide. ,, ,, ,, ,, D. 2191. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. 2. Haplooecia irregulare, Gregory, 1896. [Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 200.] DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium composed of small, cylindrical stems, which dichotomize irregularly, and usually at short intervals. Zocecia usually hexagonal, but occasionally heptagonal or pen- tagonal ; often irregular. Zooecia irregularly quincuncial in arrangement. Apertures large, circular (or, when worn, trans- versely elongate). Front wall coarsely punctate. DISTRIBUTION. BRITISH : Great Oolite : Ancliff, near Bath. Lincolnshire Limestone : Stamford. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Normandy. Description of Figure. PL IX. Fig. 3. Fragment, x 24 dia. Lincolnshire Limestone : Stamford. S. Sharpe Coll. D. 44. Affinities. This species is separated from the former one by the irregularly quincuncial arrangement of the zooacia. 1 62 CERIOCAVA. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 27-9. Great Oolite. Ancliff, near Bath. Daniells Coll. D. 40. ,, ,, ,, Cunnington Coll. D. 44-7. Lincolnshire Limestone. Stamford. S. Sharpe Coll. Figd. PI. IX. Fig. 3. D. 1830. Bathonian. Normandy. D. 2228. Great Oolite Limestone. Skillington. Presented by J. W. Gregory. D. 2181. ,, ,, ,, Hampton, near Bath. Brodie Coll. INDETERMINABLE KECOBD. Ifaplocem'a? bathonica (D'Orhigny). Syn. Melicertites bathonica, D'Orbigny. 1852, Pal. franq. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 617. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 122. Distribution. Bathonian : Calvados, Prance. CERIOCAVA, D'Orbigny. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora, pars, Goldfuss, et auct. Cava, pars, D'Orbigny. Nodicava, pars, D'Orbigny. Eeptomulticava, pars, D'Orbigny. Meptouodicava, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. Entalophoridae in which the zoarium consists of thick, massive stems, each of which is composed of a large number of zorecia. The zooscia are funnel-shaped. The apertures crowded; the peristomes flush. The axis of the zoarium consists of fine zooecia, densely packed. The outer zone consists of zooacia which are usually reflexed and of much greater diameter. Type species. 1 Ceriocava corymlosa (Lamouroux), 1821. Affinities. This genus includes a series of erect, thick, dendroid bryozoa, usually included in Ceriopora. The latter genus, however, must be taken as defined by Blainville ; and thus the Cretaceous C. micropora, Goldf., is the type. This species is a massive form, 1 D'Orbigny does not mention any species as typical. He included thirteen species in the genus. I therefore take the first recognizable species in his list, as it is the oldest and best known. CEKIOCAVA. 163 with short zocecia and abundant diaphragms, and is here placed among the Trepostomata. Microscopic study of the branching forms shows that they are of much the same type as the thicker species of Entalophora and Spiropora. Comparison of Fig. 10 with Fig. 13 shows that the zocecia are fundamentally the same, and are arranged on the same plan. Hence these massive branching forms must be included in the Entalophoridse. Their thick, irregularly branching habit enables them to be readily separated from either Entalophora or Spiropora, even when the external layer and the peristomes are not shown. The genus differs from Entalophora, as in the latter there is no separation into a central axis of narrow tubes, and a peripheral zone of broader tubes. 1. Ceriocava corymbosa (Lamouroux), 1821. Mittepora corymbosa, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 87, pi. Ixxxiii. figs. 8, 9. non Ceriopora ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 246, pi. Ivii. fig. 9. non ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 261. non ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 143. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Ceriocava D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1016. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 157. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. v. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 200. Heteropora ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 212. Ceriopora neptuni, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 324. Ceriocava D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 1016. Ceriopora conifera (non Lamx.), Micbelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 245, pi. Ivii. fig. 8. ,, ,, (non Lamx.), Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 261. ,, ,, (non Lamx.), Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 143. ,, dumetosa, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 245, pi. Ivii. fig. 7. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 261. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 143. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Cava D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1019. ,, Pictet, 1857, op. cit. p. 157. Ceriopora pustulosa, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 245, pi. Ivii. fig. 6. ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 418. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 143. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 261. 164 CERIOCAVA. Ceriopora pustulosa, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 120. Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 59. Monticulipora D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Nodicava D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1014. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 159. Heteropora ,, pars, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 336. DIAGNOSIS : Zoarium dendroid, erect; growing in thick, solid branches, which anastomose occasionally. The branches are regularly cylin- drical or compressed (form dumetosa). The surface is level, or raised into pustules (var. pustulata). Zocecia thin- walled ; diaphragms numerous. Aborted zooscia scattered irregularly through the zoarium. FIG. 13. Longitudinal section of zoarium of Ceriocava corymbosa (Lamx.) to ahow central axis and marginal zooecia. X 10 dia. Bathonian Calcaire apolypiers: Ranville. 60233. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Cornbrash: Thornboro', Bucks. Great Oolite : Bath. FOREIGN : Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers : Eanville and Bernieres, in Calvados. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2149. Cornbrash. Thornboro', Bucks. Brodie Coll. ? D. 33, D. 39. Fragments on slides. Great Oolite. Ancliff, Bath. Cunning- ton Coll. D. 2264. Bathonian. Loc. ? Holl Coll. CERIOCAVA. 165 60233. B. 181. 60211. D. 2238. . 4526. 60230. D. 2241. D. 2229. D. 2234. D. 2230. D. 2261. Var. dumetosa, Mich., non Lamx. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. Section. Fig. No. 13, p. 164. Specimen and section. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Presented by B. Bright, Esq. Specimen, section, and fragment on slide. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. Specimen and section. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Var. pustulosa, with section. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Tesson Coll. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. ,, ,, Pres. by B. Bright, Esq. ,, ,, Bernieres, Calvados. Fragment on slide. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson CoU. i YOUNG ZOARIA, THE Reptonodicava OF D'ORBIGNY. B. 4870. Inferior Oolite. Bredon. Holl Coll. B. 4869. Loc. ? D. 17. On Aulacothyris carinata (Lam.). Inferior Oolite. Crickley. 67667. On Rhynchonella obsoleta, Sow. Bradford Clay. Bradford. 2. Ceriocava laxata, Gregory, 1896. SYNONYMY : Ceriocava laxata, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 201. Diagnosis. Zoarium with branches fairly regularly cylindrical. Peristomes irregular in shape, size, and arrangement. Number of zooecia in a branch comparatively limited. Those of the central axis few, and forming a rather loose bundle. FIG. 14. Longitudinal section of zoarium of Ceriocava laxata, Greg. X 12 dia. Inferior Oolite: Leckhampton. 51130. 166 CERIOCA.VA. Distribution. Inferior Oolite : Leckhampton. Description of Figures. PI. X. Fig. 6. Part of a zoarium showing worn and unworn conditions, X 12 dia. Inferior Oolite: Leckhampton. 51130. Fig. 14. Longitudinal section through part of the same, X 1 2 dia. Affinities. This species is most nearly allied to Ceriocava corymbosa (Lamx.). The differences can be clearly seen when a longitudinal section is examined. The central axis has far fewer zooecia, and these are not so tightly packed. It is not easy to separate the specimens of the two species by the external characters, but the regularity of the apertures in C. corymbosa enables this to be done. A comparison of Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 shows the difference between the two species. SPECIMEN. 51130. Specimen and section. Inferior Oolite. Leckhampton. Figd. PI. X. Fig. 6 ; and Fig. 14, p. 165. Family FASCIGERID^l, D'Orbigny. SYNONYMY : Fascigerida, pars, D'Orbigny. TheonoidcB, pars, Busk. Cerioporidce, pars, Busk. Cerioporina, pars, Hagenow. Frondiporidce, Smith, Busk, MacGillivray. Corymboporidce, Smith. Fasciporidce, Pergens and Meunier. Diagnosis. Cyclostomata Tubulata in which the zooecia are simple, open tubes. These arise from a small cupuliform or discoid base (the Pelagia or Defrancia stage). The zocecia are mono- morphic and greatly elongate. The zoarium consists of tufts, and the apertures all occur at the ends of the tufts. Affinities. As its name implies, this family consists of Bryozoa of which the zocecia are grouped in tufts. It differs from the Osculiporidae by the fact that the apertures are always at the ends of the tufts, instead of in clusters along them. It differs from FASCICTTLIPOBA. 167 the Theonoidse by having the zooecia in more or less disconnected tufts instead of upon the summits of fairly regular, continuous ridges. The most primitive genus in the family has a small funnel- shaped zoarium. The first advance consists in the upward growth of the zooecia into stem-like branches (Fasciculipora}. In the next stage these stems grow into tufts, which may become so crowded as to form hemispherical masses (Apsendesia). In another type the zoarium consists of irregular, encrusting, branching ridges. FASCICULIPORA, D'Orbigny, 1 1846. Diagnosis. Fascigeridse in which the zoarium consists of long, tubular zooecia, grouped into bundles which branch irregularly. These form a loose, open, tufted zoarium, for the bundles are not connected by platforms, nor do they anastomose. The apertures are at the ends of the branches, and never on the sides, and occur in isolated groups. Type species. F. ramosa, D'Orbigny, 1839-1846. Affinities. This genus differs from Apsendesia by having the tufts of zocecia free, instead of grouped into masses. The open, tufted form of the zoarium distinguishes it from Fascicularia (Macandropora, D'Orb.), as it has no platforms, and the branches do not unite into a dense, massive zoarium. The absence of groups of apertures on the sides of branches distinguishes it from Cyrtopora. Fasciculipora waltoni, Haime. SYNONYMY : Fasciculipora waltoni, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, sr. 2, t. v. p. '200, pi. x. fig. 4. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 127. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, pp. 262, 265. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 46. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 287. 1 D'Orbigny. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, t. v. pt. iv. Zooph. plates, 1839 ; text, 1846, p. 20. 168 APSENDESIA. Diagnosis. The branches of the zoarium each contain about 30 zococia. The branches are marked externally by longitudinal ridges. The branching is irregular. Distribution. Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath. Affinities. This species is not represented in the British Museum, and the only known specimen is in the Walton Collec- tion at Cambridge. Fragments of Apsendesia might be mistaken for it, but Haime's figure 4a seems sufficient to show that the specimen on which he founded the species is a true Fasciculipora, and not a broken fragment of Apsendesia. APSENDESIA, 1 Lamouroux, 1821. [Lamouroux, Expos. Meth. p. 81. The name is spelt Apseudesia by some authors.] SYNONYMY : Pelagia, Lamouroux. Def randa, pars, Broun. Discotubigera, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. Fascigeridae in which the zoarium rises from a cup- shaped disc. The bundles of zocecia in the adult are long, and are grouped into long, irregularly sinuous series. There are no platforms. The zooscia all open upon the summits of the ridges, and never upon their sides. The under side of the zoarium is covered by an epitheca. Type species. A. cristata, Lamouroux. Affinities. This genus differs from Fasciculipora, D'Orb., by the branches being densely crowded, so that the zoarium is massive ; the groups of apertures occur in long, irregular series, and not completely isolated. It differs from Fascicularia, M. Edw., by the absence of platforms or lateral anastomoses, so that the zoarium is open. The fact that the zocecia all open on the surface of the zoarium, separates it from Cyrtopora, D'Orb., and its allies. 1 The spelling of this name is accepted as Lamouroux wrote it. Blainville, Agassiz, Bronn, and Romer have corrected it to Apseudesia, regarding the original spelling as only a misprint. Bronn and Romer, however, admit (Leth. Geogn. 1851, ed. 3, Bd. ii. p. 94) that though this alteration gives the word a possible etymology, it does not give it a meaning when applied to this genus. It seems therefore advisable to accept Apsendesia as a senseless name. APSENDESIA. 169 1. Apsendesia cristata, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Apsendesia cristata, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 82, pi. Ixxx. figs. 12-14. ,, ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 18, pi. v. fig. 7. ,, ,, Defrance, 1826, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xlii. p. 391, pi. xliii. fig. 3. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 409, pi. Ixv. fig. 3. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 290. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 248, pi. xv. fig. 7. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 30. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 230, pi. Iv. fig. 5. . ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 88. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 145. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851,, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 94, pi. xv. fig. 7. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 683. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 201, pi. vii. figs. 6a-k. ,, Morris, 1854, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 119. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 129, pi. xci. fig. 5. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm.: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 318. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. JBrit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 45. ,, ,, Bigot, 1892, Esq. geol. Basse-Norm. : Bull. Lab. Geol. Caen, Ann. 2, p. 24. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 55. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 288. Discotubigera ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 19. Apsendesia clypeata, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, op. cit. p. 151. ,, ,, Brauns, 1879, op. cit. p. 319. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 265. ,, Walford, 1883, Relations Northptn. Sd. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. p. 239. Pelagia D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. t. i. p. 317. Discotubigera ,, Vine, 1888, op. cit. p. 19. Defrancia ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 405. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 145. 170 APSENDESIA. Defrancia clypeata, Bronn and Romer, 1851, op. cit. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 94, pi. xvi. fig. 18. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, op. cit. p. 129. Diagnosis. Zoarium small, dense, and hemispherical. It grows from a low, funnel-shaped, central disc ; from this arise the radiating bundles, which unite into irregular, twisted lamina. The apertures occur in series, or in isolated teeth. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Bradford Clay : Bradford. Great Oolite : Burford ; Bath. Inferior Oolite: near Leckhampton ; Coombe Hill (fide "Walford). FOREIGN : Bathonian: Ranville, Lebisey, and Luc, Calvados; Marquise, near Boulogne. Bajocian : Montvaux, near Metz ; Les Moutiers. Description of Figures. PI. IX. Fig. 4. Part of a zoarium, X 6 dia., showing the Fasciculiporoidal appearance of the individual tufts, and their serial arrangement. Forest Marble : "Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. 24770. PL IX. Fig. 5. A young zoarium in the Defrancia stage, X 5 dia. Great Oolite : Burford, Wiltshire. 38596. Affinities. This is the type species of the genus. Its nearest ally is a Neocomian species, Apsendesia neocomiensis, D'Orb. 1 ; this differs from it by the elongate, ovoid shape of the zoarium, and by having most of the apertures in regular, isolated bundles, though these are in places connected by bands formed of series. The main problem in connection with this species is whether the Bryozoa which Lamouroux described under the names Apsendesia cristata and Pelagia clypeata belong to the same species, and even to the same genus. Most authors have accepted them as distinct, and Bronn substituted the name Defrancia for Pelagia owing to the prior use of the latter by Peron. Haime, however, merged the two genera, in spite of their striking differences of form. There is fortunately a good series of specimens in the 1 D'Orbigny. Prod. Pal. t. ii. p. 87; Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 683, pi. Dccxliii. figs. 12-14. APSENDESIA. 171 Cambridge Museum, and these leave no doubt as to the correctness of Haime's conclusion. Haime, however, kept the species distinct, apparently regarding those in which the radial crests do not reach the centre of the zoarium, as the young of another species. Six specimens in the Museum collection (D. 2227) show that this distinction does not hold, and that therefore the Pelagia dypeata of Lamouroux is the young stage of Apsendesia cristata. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 24770. Forest Marble. "Wiltshire. Cunnington Coll. Figd. PI. IX. Fig. 4. D. 23. Bradford Clay. Bradford, Wilts. D. 1761. Great Oolite. Bath. Gray ColL 38596. The Defrancia stage. Great Oolite. Burford, Wilts. J. Wood Coll. Figd. PI. IX. Fig. 5. D. 2185. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie CoU. D.2206. D. 2227. The Defrancia stage. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 2118. Just beyond the Defrancia stage. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 2226. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60369. With Entalophora cellarioides, etc. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60364. Bajocian. Les Moutiers, Vienne. Tesson Coll. 2. Apsendesia parvecristata (Waagen), 1868. SYNONYMY : Theonoa? parvecristata, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 613, pi. xxxii. fig. 11. Diagnosis. Zoarium massive, encrusting. The zooecia open in small groups, each of about three or four zooecia in number. These are irregularly arranged. DISTRIBUTION. FOREIGN : Bajocian Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, Wiirtemberg. ? ,, ,, ,, Flace, near Ma9on. Affinities. This species is characterized by the small, irregu- larly distributed groups of zooecia, which at once distinguish it from all the Jurassic species. It is not represented in the British Museum Collection. 172 TETRAPOKA. Family OSCULIPOEID^E. SYNONYMY : Osculiporidce, Marsson. Fasciculiporidte, Pergens and Meunier. Fascigeridce, pars, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. Cyclostomata Tubulata in which the zooecia are simple, elongate, open tubes, which pass (? always) through a Defrancia stage. The zocecia are monomorphic and very long. They are grouped into stems. The apertures open in clusters at intervals along the stem. Affinities. This family is allied to the Fascigeridae and the Theonoidae. It differs from the former by having clusters of apertures at intervals along the stems, instead of having them all terminal in position. It differs from the latter by having the apertures in clusters, instead of along ridges. The family contains many important Cretaceous genera, such as Desmeopora, Osculipora, and Cyrtopora. The only Jurassic Bryozoan which appears to be referable to this family is a fragment figured by Quenstedt. His figure is clear, but the magnification is low, and I feel doubtful about accepting it. Nevertheless, if the figure is to be trusted, the specimen is certainly an Osculiporoid Bryozoan. TETRAPOKA, Quenstedt, 1858. This generic name was used without diagnosis for the following species : Tetrapora suevica, Quenstedt. SYNONYMY : Tetrapora suevica, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 666, pi. Ixxxi. figs. 77-8. Distribution. "Weisser Jura, 7 : Bollert, "Wiirtemberg. Family THEONOID^E, Busk, emended. SYNONYMY : Theonoida, pars, Busk. Radioporidce, pars, Marsson. Tubigeridce, pars, D'Orbigny. ACTINOPOBA. 173 Diagnosis. Cyclostomata Tubulata in which the zooecia are simple, short, open tubes. They pass through a Defrancia stage (? always). The zooecia are monomorphic. The apertures occur along raised ridges. Affinities. This family is here accepted for a series of forms which have the apertures occurring along raised ridges, instead of in disconnected tufts, as in the Fascigeridae. The character of the young zocecia (as in B. 2295) shows that the zoarium of Theonoa begins with typical, Tubulate zocecia; while D'Orbigny's 1 figure of a member of this group shows that it passes through an Apsen- desia stage. The simplest form of the zoarium is a flat, adnate disc, which agrees with Lichenopora, except for the absence of cancelli : that this form arises from a Defrancia larva cannot be proved ; but Haime's figure of Actinopora phillipsi, with its central depression and its radiating ridges, presents such a striking resemblance to the Pelagia or Defrancia stage of Apsendesia cristata, Lamx., that this is highly probable. To produce Actinopora from "Pelagia clypeata" we have only to thicken the epitheca so as to give the zoarium an attached habit, and then allow of the formation of the peripheral selvage by further growth. In the Theonoidae as here defined, Actinopora is the primitive form. The first advance from this is a compound zoarium of many Actinoporoid discs growing into an encrusting sheet. This is the genus Kololophos. By a further development, erect, frondose zoaria are produced the genus Theonoa. Growth into masses forms the genus Multitubigera. ACTINOPORA, D'Orbigny, 1852. [Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 762.] SYNONYMY : Lichenopora, Haime, non Defrance. Defrancia, pars, Hagenow, non Bronn. Tubulipora, pars, M. Edwards. Diagnosis. Theonoidse in which the zoarium is a flat, simple, adnate disc. The zoarium consists of a central depression ; a rim crossed by radiating ridges ; and usually a flat, peripheral selvage. 1 D'Orbigny. Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. pi. Dcclxiii. figs. 10-12. 174 ACTINOPOKA. Type species. Actinopora regularis, D'Orbigny, 1852. Affinities. This is the simplest type of the family Theonoidse. It differs from Kololophos by having the zoarium simple and not multiple. In its general form it resembles Zichenopora, from which it differs by the absence of cancelli. 1. Actinopora phillipsi (Haime). SYNONYMY : Lichenopora phillipsi, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 206, pi. x. fig. 10. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 151, pi. xci. fig. 30. ? ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ? ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 794. ? ,, Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. iv. p. 209. ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 48. Diagnosis. Zoarium regular and circular. Radial ridges about 22 in number, straight, regular, unbranched ; the apertures are biserial. New ridges arise from the interradial valleys. A broad expansion surrounds the zoarium: this is low and flat, and is not crossed by the radial ridges. DISTRIBUTION. Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath. ? ,, Richmond boring, 1205 ft. Affinities. This species is represented in the British Museum only by a doubtful specimen from the Richmond boring. It is also known to me by two specimens in the Cambridge Museum, one of which was Haime' s type. The species differs from the type species of the genus by the greater size of the central depression, and the smaller number of radial ridges. D. 1894. ? Actinopora phillipsi. Great Oolite. Richmond boring, 1205ft. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. ACTINOPORA. 175 2. Actinopora diplopora (Branco), 1879. SYNONYMY : Defrancia diplopora, Branco, 1879, Unt. Dogger Deut. Loth.: Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. ii. Ht. 1, p. 131, pi. vi. fig. 9. Actinopora ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 57. ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 289. Diagnosis. Zoarium large and thin, and several often grow together into a semi-confluent encrustation. The ridges are from 35 to 50 in number. They are very thin, irregular, and high, and extend to the margin of the zoarium. They sometimes branch. "No peripheral selvage. In some zoaria var. alta the ridges are very high, and the central depression accordingly very deep. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Great Oolite : near Bath. Inferior Oolite : near Stroud, and near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Ars and Montvaux, near Metz. Description of Figure. PL IX. Fig. 6. Part of a zoarium, X 12 dia., and the whole zoarium natural size. Great Oolite: near Bath? B. 2295. Affinities. This species is most closely allied to A. pJiillipsi (Haime), of which I at first regarded it as a large variety. It differs from this, however, by three characters: (1) it has no flat margin, as the ridges reach to the edge of the zoarium ; (2) the ridges are thinner, more distant, and nearly twice as numerous; (3) the ridges are irregular, being sinuous, and often not continuous. These characters appear sufficient to demonstrate the distinctness of this species. This may be the Defrancia ranvilliana, D'Orb., 1 but D'Orbigny's diagnosis is so short that his species is quite indeterminable. 1 D'Orbigny. Prod. Pal. t. i. (1849) p. 317. 176 ACTINOPORA. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 2295. Great Oolite. Near Bath (?). B. 2296. On Terebratula perovalis, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. Dorset? D. 18. On ,, curvifrons, Oppel. ,, Marl. Probably near Stroud. Wright Coll. This specimen contains two young zoaria, 4mm. in dia., which are more nearly allied to A. phillipsi than the adults. D. 22. On Terebratula globata, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. Stroud. S. P. Woodward Coll. D. 19. On Terebratula perovalis, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Wright Coll. D. 21. On Terebratula bucJcmani, Dav. Inferior Oolite. Stroud. S. P. Woodward Coll. D. 1805. On Terebratula curvifrons, Oppel. Inferior Oolite. D. 1788. On ,, maxillata, J. de C. Sow. ,, D. 1838. Inferior Oolite Pea Grit. Cleeve Hill. Holl Coll. D. 2190. Inferior Oolite. Crickley. Brodie Coll. D. 2127. Near Leckhampton. ,, D. 2184. Cleeve. B. 4525. On shell fragment. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 1792. On Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Bajocian. France? Var. alta. D. 1951. OnPernaquadrata,Sow. Inferior Oolite. Cold Comfort. Holl Coll. D. 2205. ,, ,, ,, Leckhampton. ,, D. 1791. On Terebratula curvifrons, Oppel. Inferior Oolite. Leckhampton. D. 20. On Aulacothyris carinata (Lam.). ,, Gloucestershire. Wright CoU. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES. 1. Actinopora orbignyi (Etallon), 1860. Lichenopora orbignyi, Etallon, 1860, Jura Graylois: Ann. Sci. phys. nat. Lyon, ser. 3, t. iv. p. 162. Distribution. Callovian : Grain and Percey-le- Grand. 2. Actinopora, sp. White Lias : Itchington; Shipston- on- Stour. B. M. Coll. No. 67485. ZOLOLOPHOS. 177 KOI/OLOPHOS, Gregory, 1896. Prom icoXos 'broken' and Xo'0o9 'a ridge.' [In Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 289.] SYNONYMY : Constellaria, 1854, non Dana, 1848. Radiopora, pars, Pictet, non D'Orbigny, 1852. Diagnosis. Theonoidse in which the zoarium consists of flat, encrusting sheets, formed of numerous radial groups of zocecia. The radial ridges are broken up into groups, the arrangement of which is irregularly linear. Type species. KololopJios terquemi (Haime), 1854. Affinities. The type species of this genus was referred by Haime to Dana's genus Constellaria, Which at that time was mis- understood. The American fossil has been redescribed by Ulrich, 1 and it is quite different from this species. There is a certain superficial resemblance, due to the prominence of radial, non- poriferous lines; but in Constellaria these lines are solid " maculae" (of Ulrich), and in Kololophos they are depressions between zooscial ridges. The nearest ally of this genus is Actinopora. Prom this it differs by the confluence of several radial groups into one sheet, and the broken, interrupted character of the ridges. Kololophos terquemi (Haime), 1854. SYNONYMY : Constellaria terquemi, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 207, pi. x. fig. 6. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 290. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 56. Radiopora ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 153. Kololophos ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 289. 1 E. 0. Ulrich. Palseont. Illinois, pt. ii. sect. vi. Palaeozoic Bryozoa : Geol. Surv. 111. vol. viii. 1890, p. 374. 178 THEONOA. Diagnosis. Zoarium formed of several confluent discs. Eadial ridges broad and compact ; broken up into short groups or bands. The bands have from 2-4 zooecia in breadth. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : Birdlip Hill and Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bajocian: Plappeville, near Metz (fide Friren) ; Moselle (fide Terquem) . Description of Figure. PL X. Fig. 1. Part of a zoarium encrusting Terebratula globata, J. de C. Sow., X 12 dia. Inferior Oolite: Birdlip. 67613. Affinities. This is the type and only known species of the genus. Its nearest ally is Actinopora diplopora (Brauns), in which a tendency to the breaking up of the radial ridges can be seen. In K. terquemi (Haime), however, this is carried to an extreme ; the ridges are broader, closer, and flatter, and less numerous. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 67613. On Terebratula globata, J. de C. Sow., var. birdlipensis, "Walk. Inferior Oolite. Birdlip. D. 2189. On Terebratula globata, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 1802. On Terebratula perovalis, J. de C. Sow. Inferior Oolite. THEONOA, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYM : Tilesia, pars, Lamouroux. Diagnosis. TheonoidaB in which the zoarium is massive, and consists either of dense, rounded masses, thick encrustations, or erect, thick fronds. The surface is crossed by broad, well-marked ridges. The ridges may expand in some species into broad, tabular elevations. Type species. T. clathrata, Lamouroux, 1821. Affinities. Lamouroux, in 1821, founded the two genera Tilesia and Theonoa. Haime, in 1854, merged these, retaining for the genus the name Theonoa, though this was the later in description. As the two genera were published simultaneously, it would be THEONOA. 179 absurd to return to Tilesia, especially as the type species of Theonoa is far more characteristic of the genus than that on which Tilesia was based. Theonoa is allied to Actinopora and Kololophos, from which it differs in having the zoarium either massive or in erect, thick fronds, instead of in thin, unilaminar sheets. 1. Theonoa clathrata, 1 Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Theonoa clathrata, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 82, pi. Ixxx. figs. 17, 18. ,, ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 21, pi. vi. fig. 20. ,, Defrance, 1828, Diet. Sci. nat. t. liii. p. 470. ,, ,, Blainville, 1830, ibid. t. Ix. p. 373, pi. xlv. fig. 2. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 408, pi. Ixvii. fig. 2. ,, ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 318. ,, ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 250, pi. xvi. fig. 14. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 45. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 233, pi. Iv. fig. 6. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 1268. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 145. ,, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 92, pi. xvi. fig. 14. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 204, pi. x. fig. 1. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 129. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 130. ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on, pt. i. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 14. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm.: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 643. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 290. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soe. vol. v. p. 20. 1 Lamouroux spelt the name chlatrata, and this spelling has been adopted by many later authors. As this, however, is meaningless, and is clearly a misprint for clathrata (or lattice -like), the correction proposed by Michelin is here accepted. 180 THEONOA. Theonoa clathrata, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Butt. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 55. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 290. Diagnosis. Zoarium dense, massive ; roughly spherical. The surface of the zoarium is broken into ridges, which are short, broad, and blunt. They never rise into high, bilaminate sheets. Four or five apertures occur together, in one width of a ridge. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Great Oolite: Bath (fide Morris). FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville ; Lebisey ; Caen ; Oustreham and St. Aubin (fide Michelin). Bajocian : Plappeville-les-Metz and Montvaux ; Flace, near Ma^on, Haut-Saone. ?. This is the best known species of the genus, of which it is the type. It reminds one, by its low, blunt ridges, and the structure of the zoarium, of Alveolaria semiovata, Busk, of the Crag ; but the ridges do not unite into such sharply angular closed figures, and have no well-marked central lamina. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 4561. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60237. ,, , , 2. Theonoa bowerbanki, Haime. SYNONYMY : Theonoa bowerbanki, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass.: Mem. Soc. gtol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 205, pi. x. fig. 3. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 130. ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 49. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 56. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 290. THEONOA. 181 Diagnosis. Zoarium composed of many erect, irregular sheets. The sheets are tall, irregularly siuuous, and branched, having loose, funnel-shaped cavities between them. The zoarium is roughly hemispherical in form. The radial ridges are long and fairly continuous. The summits are flat, and contain generally three or four apertures in width ; but in places they expand, and contain six or seven in width. The ridges occur on both sides of the sheets. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : Postlip, near Cheltenham ; Cleeve Hill. FOREIGN : Bajooian: Montvaux and Vittonville, near Metz (fide Friren). Affinities. This species is very well marked by its erect, thick fronds or sheets. It was well figured by Haime, and the British Museum contains some fine specimens belonging to the Brodie Collection. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2117. Inferior Oolite. Cleeve. Brodie Coll. D. 2197. Young form. Inferior Oolite. Cleeve. Brodie Coll. D. 2128, D. 2134, D. 2187. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2129. Inferior Oolite. England. Brodie Coll. 3. Theonoa distorta (Lamouroux), 1821. SYNONYMY : Tilesia distorta, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 42, pi. Ixxiv. fig. 6 (non fig. 5). Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. pp. 21, 42, pi. vi. fig. 5. ,, ,, Defrance, 1829, Diet. Sci. nat. t. liv. p. 365. ,, Blainville, 1830, ibid. t. Ix. p. 380, pi. xli. fig. 5. ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 415, pi. Ixiii. fig. 5. ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2. t. ii. p. 316. n Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 232, pi. Iv. fig. 7. ,, ,, ex. syn. Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 1264. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 143. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 316. 182 THEONOA. Tilesia distorta, Bronn and Romer, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 92, pi. xv. fig. 8. non ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 205, pi. x. fig. 2. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 130. Theonoa ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 267. ? ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hint. Soc. vol. v. p. 21. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 290. Diagnosis. A thick encrustation. The surface is covered by numerous irregular ridges, the width of which usually contains two or three apertures. The depressions between the ridges are deep, and usually as wide or a little wider than the ridges. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bathonian : near Caen, France. Description of Figure. PL X. Fig. 2. Part of zoarium, x 14 dia. Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 2186. Affinities. Lamouroux figured two specimens as the types of this species, but, as Haime pointed out, their characters are not the same. Michelin, however, figured a specimen which is certainly a Theonoa, and is possibly the same species as that of the second of Lamouroux's figures (pi. Ixxiv. fig. 6). Haime accepted and refigured Michelin's specimen as the type of Lamouroux's species ; and as it is clearly a Theonoa, he merged the genus Tilesia within this. Lamouroux's type specimens have been lost, and his figures are not so satisfactory as they generally are. His figure 5 probably represents a specimen of Chrysaora spinosa, Mich. ; and we may take No. 6 as the type of Tilesia distorta, as Michelin and Haime have done so. I doubt, however, whether their interpretation of this species is correct, for their specimen has broad, continuous areas occupied by apertures. There is a specimen in the Brodie Collection which agrees exactly with Lamouroux's figure : this I take as Theonoa distorta. It has narrow, irregular ridges. The THEONOA. 183 form with broadened ridges I feel bound to separate as a distinct species, and it may well be named after the author who first described it, T. michelini. SPECIMEN. D. 2186. Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. Figd. PL X. Fig. 2. 4. Theonoa michelini, n.sp. SYNONYMY : Theonoa distorta (non Lamx.), Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 232, pi. Iv. fig- 7. ,, ,, (non Lamx.), Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 205, pi. x. fig. 2. Diagnosis. Zoarium massive ; roughly cylindrical. The zocecia open on the upper surface, in great groups, which occupy a broad expanse of the surface. Distribution. Bathonian : Langrune, near Caen. Affinities. This species is accepted on the authority of the figures of Michelin and Haime. It differs from Th. distorta, Lamx., by occurring in cylindrical masses instead of being en- crusting, and by having the apertures in broad sheets instead of narrow ridges. It differs from T. clathrata, to which it is more nearly allied, by the form of the zoarium, and by having the depressions between the apertures as a few broad areas instead of many small, disconnected, round patches. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES. Theonoa ? sulcata, Ferry. Theonoa sulcata, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Ma9on, pt. i. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 14. ,, ,, "Waagen, 1868, Zone ^.mm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 643, pi. xxxii. fig. 11. Distribution. Bajocian : Place, Saone-et-Loire. Affinities. Ferry's description suggests the possibility of this form being an Actinopora, but Waagen remarks that it may be the same as his Theonoa (Apsendesia?) parvecristata. 184 MTJLTICLAUSA. Suborder DACTYLETHRATA. Diagnosis. Cyelostomata in which the normal zooecia are elongate, simple tubes, of the same general character as those of the Tubuliporidae. Dimorphism occurs, and the zoarium consists of normal zooecia, separated by numerous dactylethrso, which often form the major part of the zoarium. Zoarium usually large and complex. Family CLAUSHLE, D'Orbigny, em. SYNONYMY : Clausidce, pars, D'Orbigny. Tubuliporidce, pars, Haime. Idmoniidce, pars, Marsson. Diagnosis. Cyelostomata Dactylethrata with a stout, branching zoarium. The zocecia open on all sides of the zoarium. The dactylethrse are collected into zones, or are scattered regularly or irregularly among the zooecia. MULTICLAUSA, D'Orbigny, 1852. [D'Orbigny. Pal. franc,. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 899.] Diagnosis. Clausidae in which the zoarium is thick and arborescent. The apertures occur irregularly or quincuncially scattered over the surface of the zoarium. Dactylethra3 very numerous. Type species. M. compressa, D'Orbigny, 1852. Affinities. D'Orbigny's type species has the apertures arranged quincuncially, but in the case of the Clausidae it does not seem necessary to place the regular and irregular forms in different genera. 1. Multiclausa haimei, Gregory, 1896. SYNONYMY : Multiclausa haimei, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 291. Berenicea lucensis, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geoL France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 180, pi. vii. fig. 4. MTILTICLAUSA. 185 Berenicea lucensis (Haime, non D'Orb.), E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 155. Berenicea (Multisparsa) lucensis, pars (Haime, non D'Orb.), Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 328. Diastopora lucensis, pars (Haime, non D'Orb.), Eeuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balm: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 9. ,, (Haime, non D'Orb.), Vine, 1884, 4th Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, p. 187. non Bidiastopora lucensis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 317. non Multisparsa luceana, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9- Terr. cret. t. v. p. 870, pi. Dcclxi. figs. 1-3. non ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 137. Diastopora diluviana, pars, M. Edwards, 1838, Mem. Cris. : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. pi. xiv. fig. 4. Diagnosis. Zoarium branching repeatedly and irregularly, and sometimes anastomosing. Branches stout. Zocecia long, cylin- drical. Apertures distant and irregularly placed. Peristomes low. Walls with thin, sinuous ridges. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Cornbrash: Laycock. Bradford Clay : Pound Pill. Great Oolite : near Bath ; Bradford. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Caen ; Marquise, near Boulogne ; Balin, Austria. PBajocian: St. Quentin, near Metz (fide Haime). Description of Figures. PI. X. Fig. 3. Part of a branch, X 12 dia. Great Oolite: Hampton. Holl Coll. B. 4874. Pig. 15. Part of a longitudinal section of a zoarium to show the central axis and peripheral Berenecoid layers, X 12 dia. Bradford Clay : Bradford. D. 2268. FIG. 15. Part of longitudinal section through zoarium of Multiclausa haimei, Greg, x 12 dia. Bradford Clay : Bradford. D. 2268. 186 MULTICLAUSA. ities. This species was founded by D'Orbigny for a dendroid Bryozoan, which Milne Edwards had regarded as only an arborescent Berenicea. D'Orbigny named it M. luceana, and made it the type of the genus Multisparsa. There is a specimen in the Tesson Collection (No. D. 2114) which agrees exactly with D'Orbigny's figure; and this shows that his type is a Tubulate form, and is, in fact, a specimen of Diastopora lamellosa, Mich. Haime redescribed the form originally figured by Milne Edwards, which is here taken as altogether distinct from that of D'Orbigny, and is named after the palaeontologist whose careful figures enable its affinities to be determined. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2268. Bradford Clay. Bradford. Fig. 15, p. 185. B. 4874. Great Oolite. Hampton. Holl Coll. Figd. PI. X. Fig. 3. D. 2179, D. 2164. Great Oolite. Bath. Brodie Coll. 24768. Great Oolite. Bradford. Cmmington CoU. B. 4879. Hampton. Holl CoU. D. 36. Ancliff. B. 2283. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? D. 2237. Thick variety. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. 60355. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60375. Specimen and section. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson CoU. 2. Multiclausa jellyae, Gregory, 1896. SYNONYMY : Multiclausa jellyce, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 292. Diagnosis. Zoarium growing in large dense tufts of thick, irregular branches. Zooecia cylindrical, long; peristomes raised. Surface punctate. Apertures arranged irregularly, not very distant, and often in irregular lines. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Bradford Clay : Bradford ; Box Tunnel ; Tetbury Road. Inferior Oolite. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville. TEREBELLAEIA. 187 Description of Figure. PL X. Fig. 4. Part of a branch, X 14 dia. Bradford Clay : Box, Wilts. Holl. Coll. B. 4872. Affinities. This species is allied to M. haimei, Greg., but differs from it by the greater elevation of the peristomes, and by having the zooacia more crowded, and the apertures closer, and often in irregular lines. The differences are shown by the two figures (PL X. Figs. 3 and 4). LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 1764. Cornbrash. Woodstock. Brodie Coll. D. 2175. Forest Marble. Kellington, Oxfordshire. Brodie Coll. B. 4872. Bradford Clay. Box Tunnel, Wilts. Holl CoU. Figd. PI. X. Fig. 4. B. 4873. Bradford Clay. Box Tunnel, Wilts. Holl Coll. Large tuft, 5 inches in diameter. B. 2305. Bradford Clay. Loc. ? D. 1824. Bradford, Wilts. D. 1819, D. 1820. Bradford Clay. Tetbury Road, Wilts. D. 2156, D. 2161. Bradford, Wilts. Brodie Coll. D. 1784. Inferior Oolite. Gloucestershire. D. 2212. Bathonian. Banville. Tesson CoU. TEREBELLjARIA, Lamouroux, 1821. [Lamouroux. Expos. Meth. p. 84.] Diagnosis. Clausidae in which the zoarium is arborescent and thick. Zoarial growth is by the addition of Berenecoid colonies on to the ends of the branches ; each colony sends an expansion downward around the stem. (Hence growth is acropetal and exogeneous.) The zocecia are reflexed. The apertures occur in zones separated by interzones of dactylethrse. Type species. T. ramosissima, Lamouroux, 1821. Affinities. This genus differs from Multiclausa by having the apertures in regular zones instead of scattered throughout the zoarium. It differs from Spiroclausa, D'Orb., by the mode of growth, for in that form (which probably belongs to the Tubulata) the zocecia curve upward and outward, instead of downward. 1 1 The species named T. increscent, Vine, 1884, is an Entalophora with gono- cysts : see p. 153. 188 TEREB ELL AKIA . Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamouroux, 1821. SYNONYMY : Terebellaria, ramosissima, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 84, pi. Ixxxii. fig. 1. ,, ,, Conybeare and Phillips, 1822, Geol. England, p. 214. ,, ,, Fleming, 1828, Brit. Anira. p. 531. ,, ,, Defrance, 1828, Diet. Sci. nat. t. liii. p. 112, pi. xlv. fig. 5. ,, ,, Blainville, 1830, Diet. Sci. nat. t. Ix. p. 374. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 409, pi. Ixvii. fig. 5. ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 318. ,, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. ed. 2, Bd. i. p. 246, pi. xvi. fig. 12. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 45. ,, ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 231, pi. Iv. fig. 10. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 1225. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 146. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ' D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 885. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 173, pi. vi. fig. 13. Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 129. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 141, pi. xci. fig. 17. ,, Huxley and Etheridge, 1865, Cat. Foss. M.P.G. p. 227. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongehamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, Phillips, 1871, Geol. Oxford, p. 302. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Hep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 254. ,, ,, Bigot, 1892, Esq. geol. Basse-Norm, pt. iii. : Butt. Lab. Geol. Caen, Ann. 2, p. 24. ,, ,, Fox-Strangways, 1892, Jur. Yorks. vol. ii. p. 200. ,, ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry.' York Mus. : Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 60. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 292. Terebellaria antilope, Lamouroux, 1821, op. cit. p. 84, pi. Ixxxii. figs. 2, 3. ,, ,, Bronn, 1825, Pflanzenth. p. 20, pi. vi. fig. 13. ,, ,, Defrance, 1828, op. cit. t. liii. p. 112, pi. xlv. fig. 6. ,, ,, Blainville, 1830, op. cit. p. 374. ,, Blainville, 1834, op. cit. p. 409, pi. Ixvii. fig. 6. ,, ,, Edwards, 1836, op. cit. p. 318. ,, Bronn, 1837, op. cit. p. 246, pi. xvi. fig. 12. TEREBELL ARIA . 189 Terelellaria antilope, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 232, pi. Iv. fig. 11. ? ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 419. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 145. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 1225. ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, Bronn, 1851, Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4, p. 93, pi. xvi. fig. 12. ,, ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc;. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 885, pi. Dcclxiii. figs. 14-18. ? ,, ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 67. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 129. Millepora sp. Win. Smith, 1816, Strata ident. p. 30, pi. xvii. fig. 5. Terebellaria tennis, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. t. i. p. 318. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 885. Diagnosis. Zoarium massive, branfehing irregularly. Apertures in rows of from 3-5 ; the lower limit is straight, but the upper is very irregular. Apertures in these bands crowded and quincuncial. Peristomes slightly raised. DISTRIBUTION". BRITISH : Cornbrash : Stanton. Forest Marble : Islip. Bradford Clay : Bradford ; Box ; Fairford ; Tetbury Road. Great Oolite : Bath ; Hampton ; Bradford. Fuller's Earth : Fairleigh ; Hungerford. Inferior Oolite : Cleeve Hill, near Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Caen, Ranville, Lebisey, Langrune, Luc, Benouville, St. Aubin, etc., in Calvados. Description of Figures. PI. X. Fig. 5. Part of a branch, with zones of zooscia and interzones of dactylethra?, X 12 dia. Bradford Clay: Box, Wilts. Buy Coll. 23857. Figs. No. 16 and 17. Longitudinal and transverse sections of a specimen from the Great Oolite, Bath, x 10 dia. D. 1762. Affinities. As this is the type and only known species of the genus, it is unnecessary to discuss its affinities. Its structure is of great interest, and is illustrated by the accompanying figures. Pig. 17 shows a transverse section across part of the central axis of a colony, surrounded by concentric layers of zooacia. The mode 190 TEREBELLARIA. of growth of these is shown in the longitudinal section (Fig. 16) : upon the summit is a layer of young tubular zooscia, which in section agree with those of a Reptomultisparsa. Below this the FIG. 16. Longitudinal section through end of branch of Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamx. x 10 dia. Great Oolite : Bath. D. 1762. FIG. 17. Transverse section across branch of Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamx. x 10 dia. Great Oolite: Bath. D. 1762. section passes longitudinally along the zocecia: it shows them to be simple, JBerenicea-\ike tubes, which are sharply reflexed downwards around the stem. Many of these zooecia are cut off by the overgrowth of the layer next above them, and are thus aborted into dactylethraB. TEEEBELLARIA. 191 LIST OF SPECIMENS. 23857. Bradford Clay. Box. Buy Coll. Figd. PI. X. Fig. 5. D. 1762. Longitudinal and transverse sections. Great Oolite. Bath. Nos. 16 and 17. Bradford Clay. Wiltshire. Great Oolite. Loc. ? Batharapton. H. B. Holl Coll. ,, Hampton. H. B. Holl Coll. ,, Near Bath. ,, Bradford. W. Cunnington CoU. ,, Hampton, near Bath. Brodie Coll. Bradford Clay. Bradford. Figd. B. 2281. 11510. B. 4648. B. 4880. 51344. 21768. D. 2165. B. 4645, B. 4646. D. 1812, D. 1823. 32495. Bradford Clay, B. 4647. 24958. D. 25. D. 2155. D. 2160. (7 specimens.) Fairford. Box, Wiltshire. Loc. ? Baber ColL Bradford, Wilts. Brodie Coll. Bradford Clay. Bradford, Wilts. Bradford Clay. Brodie Coll. Bradford, Wilts. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Bathonian D. 2169, D. 2170. Bases of zoaria. Brodie Coll. B. 4649. Inferior Oolite. Cleeve. H. B. HoU Coll. B. 2281. Lower Oolite. Loc.? B. 4518 (with E. cellarioides, Lamx.). Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60382. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. Tesson ColL B. 4517, 60214, 60215, 60240, 60361, D. 2214, D. 2240. Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. D. 2110, D. 2111. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. D. 2112. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Luc. B. 163. ,, ,, ,, Ranville. Pres. by B. Bright, Esq. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES. Terebellaria cervicornis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 289. Distribution. Bajocian : France. Terebellaria gracilis, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. p. 289 ; Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. (1852) p. 884. Distribution. Bajocian : France. Family RETICULIPORID.E. SYNONYMY : Crisinidce, pars, D'Orbigny. Tubuliporidce, pars, Haime. Idmonidea, pars, 192 BETICULIPOE A . Diagnosis. Cyclostomata Dactylethrata with a branching zoarium composed of a central lamina, upon each side of which are crowded zocecia and dactylethras. The zooecia open only on one face of the zoarium. Affinities. This family differs from the ClausidaB by having the zocecia opening only on one side of the zoarium. It thus occupies the same relation to the Clausidae in the Dactylethrata, that the Idmoniidae do to the EntalophoridaB in the Tubulata. RETICULIPORA, D'Orbigny, pars, 1849. [Rev. Mag. Zool. ser. 2, t. i. 1849, p. 501.] SYNONYMY : Apsendesia, pars, Blainville. Retelea, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. ReticuliporidaB in which the zoarium consists of long, compressed branches, consisting of a vertical zoarial lamina, on each side of which are many short, closely packed zocecia and dactylethra3. The zoarium is erect, and may be retiform or composed of radial branches. Type species. Reticulipora dianthus (Blainville), 1834. Reticulipora dianthus (Blainville), 1834. SYNONYMY : Apsendesia dianthus, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 409, pi. Ixix. fig. 2. ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 290. ,, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 230, pi. Iv. fig. 4. Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 88. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 145. Reticulipora ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 316. n D'Orbigny, 1849, Genr. nouv. Bry. : Rev. Mag. Zool. ser. 2, t. i. p. 501. ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 192, pi. ix. figs. 4a-d. E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 18. Retelea transversa, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 635. CHILOPORA. 193 Diagnosis. Zoarium irregularly branching; branches dichoto- mize. The branches are all in approximately the same plane. The central lamina is erect, and there are two or three series of closely packed, subpolygonal apertures on either side. Below this are from six to ten rows of dactylethrse. Distribution. Bathonian: Ranville, Lebisey, in Calvados, Prance. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2116. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60228. 60379. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, B. 178. ,, ,, ,, ,, Presented by B. Bright, Esq. Order TREPOSTOMATA, Ulrich. Bryozoa in which the zoarium consists of prismatic or cylindrical zocecia, which are arranged parallel to one another. The zoarium is either massive or composed of encrusting or erect lamina). The zooecia are either closely packed or separated by mesopores or by interzocecial vesicles. The zooecia begin as thin, simple, immature, cyclostomatoid tubes. Diaphragms are generally present. Generally dimorphic. Family CERAMOPORID^l, Ulrich. Diagnosis. Zoaria encrusting, massive, or foliaceous. Zocecia provided with lunarium. Walls formed of irregular, laminated material. No interzocecial vesicular tissue. Diaphragms few and horizontal. Remarks. This family has not hitherto been used to include any forms found later than the Devonian. CHILOPORA, Haime, 1854. Diagnosis. Zoarium erect, of thick, flat, bilaminate fronds. Mesopores numerous,, in rings completely separating the apertures of the zocecia. Lunaria simple, lip-shaped, slightly reflexed. Aperture somewhat transversely elliptical. 194 CHILOPORA. species. C. guernoni, Haime. ities. This genus was founded by Haime on a single specimen from the Bathonian of Ranville. It is very closely allied to Cliiloporella, Ulrich, from the Cincinnati group of Ohio. I cannot point to any character that will separate the two genera.. Chilopora guernoni, Haime, 1854. SYNONYMY : Chilopora guernoni, Haime, 18o4, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 213, pi. x. fig. 5. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 162, pi. xcii. fig. 10. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Rep. Foss. Polyz. : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. Diagnosis. Zoarium flat, frondose. Thickness of frond about twice as great as that of an ordinary Diastopora. Surface irre- gular, but not definitely pustulate. Mesopores large ; very irregular in distribution, but generally abundant. Apertures generally circular ; often oval or irregular through crowding ; a crescentic lunarium on the lower margin. Distribution. Bathonian : Ranville. Affinities. This species is represented in the British Museum by two specimens, one of which was sent in the Tesson Collection identified as such. The lunaria, however, were not shown in the specimen, and thus it agreed in its characters with Heterotrypa, as a new species of which I was inclined to regard it. Its general appearance so closely resembled Haime's Chilopora guernoni, that I felt it was probably the same species, though, as matters stood, I was bound to put them into separate families. A second specimen has since been found in the collection which reconciles the former with Haime's figures. In some parts of the zoarium the lunaria can be recognized, though in the rest of it they have been worn away ; thus such parts are reduced to the condition of Heterotrypa. LIST OF SPECIMENS. 60235. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60355. CERIOPORA. 1 95 Family AMPLEXOPORID.E. Diagnosis. Trepostomata in which the zocecia are simple, prismatic, or subcylindrical, with a well-marked divisional line between the walls of adjoining cells. Mesopores absent. (Aborted zooecia occur and sometimes resemble mesopores.) Diaphragms horizontal. Affinities. The family Amplexoporida? has hitherto been regarded as exclusively Paleozoic. It was denned by Ulrich to include the genera Amplexopora, Monotrypella, Petalotrypa, etc. ; but I cannot see any definite character whereby to separate from it the Jurassic species of Ceriopora. CERIOPORA, Goldf., 1827. Diagnosis. Amplexoporidae with prismatic or subcylindrical zooscia. Mesopores absent. Acanthopores probably absent. Walls of zooecia thin. Diaphragms horizontal, numerous. Zoariuin massive or branching. Type species. C. micropora, Goldf uss, 1827. 1. Ceriopora globosa, Michelin, 1846. Ceriopora globosa, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 246, pi. Mi. fig. 5. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, JNew Mesoz. Had. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 418. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 261. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 143. ,, ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, p. 184. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1852, Handb. Petref. p. 641, pi. Ivi. fig. 43. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 120. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1867, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 769, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 43. ,, ,, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. JBeitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, pp. 534, 644. P 1 ,, cf. ,, Brauns, 1874, Ob. Jura im nordwest. et Deutsch. p. 95. ? ! ,, ,, Struckmann, 1878, Ob. Jura Umgegend Hannover, pp. 26-7. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1885, op. cit. ed. 3, p. 989, pi. Ixxix. fig. 60. ,, Schlippe, 1888, Fauna Bath, oberrh. Tiefl. : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. iv. livr. 4, p. 98. 1 These references are probably based on Ceriopora t^lberosa, Quenst. 196 CERIOPORA. Ceriopora globosa, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 58. ,, ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 61. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 293. Monticulipora globosa, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Reptonodicava ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1015. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 159. Diagnosis. Zoarium massive; either spherical or of irregular lobed masses, generally with a broad base, protected by epitheca. The surface is level and ornamented with irregularly scattered tubercles. [These are only seen in well-preserved specimens, as in PI. XI. Pig. 5 ; they may be acanthopores.] Diaphragms abundant. Young zooacia are fairly abundant, and being smaller in size resemble mesopores. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Bradford Clay : Tetbury. Great Oolite : Hampton, near Bath- Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton ; Ravensgate Hill. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Ranville, France ; Buchsweiler. Bajocian Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi : Gingen, "Wiirtemberg ; Flace, Saone-et- Loire ; Plappeville. Description of Figures. PI. XI. Pig. 5. Part of a spherical zoarium, X 22 dia. Great Oolite : Hampton Down. B. 4248. Pig. 18. Part of longitudinal section through marginal zooecia, X 12 dia. Inferior Oolite. Holl Coll. D. 2267. Pig. 18. FIG. 18. Sections through Ceriopora, globosa (Mich.), x 12 dia. Fig. 18a: Longitudinal section through marginal zooecia, showing diaphragms. Fig. ISb: Transverse section through central zooecia. Inferior Oolite. D. 2267. CERIOPORA. 197 Part of a transverse section through central zocecia of same specimen. LIST OF SPECIMENS. D. 2173. Bradford Clay. Tetbury Road, Wilts. Brodie Coll. B. 4877. Globular form. Inferior Oolite. Cold Comfort, near Leckhampton. Holl Coll. D. 2267. Globular form. Loc. ? Holl Coll. Fig. No. 18. B. 2. Inferior Oolite. Holl Coll. D. 1841. ,, ,, Gloucestershire. Holl Coll. 60347. Bathonian. Ranville. Tesson Coll. 60377. FORM MASSIVE, BUT SOMEWHAT IRREGULAR. B. 4248. Great Oolite. Hampton Down, near Bath. Figd. PL XI. Fig. 5. B. 4886. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? HoU CoU. Specimen with broad base and epitheca. ' B. 4868. Inferior Oolite Pea Grit. Cleeve Hill. B. 4887, D. 9. Loc. ? Holl Coll. B. 4882. Pea Grit. Cleeve HiU. Holl Coll. D. 2243. (5 specimens.) Inferior Oolite. Near Leckhampton. Brodie Coll. D. 1765, D. 1766. Inferior Oolite. Chipping Campden. Bravender Coll. D. 1767. Inferior Oolite. Dover's Hill, near Chipping Campden. Bravender CoU. 2. Ceriopora arborescens, "Waagen, 1868. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora arborescens, "Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 644, pi. xxxiii. fig. 2. ,, ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 59. ,, ,, Gregory, 1896, Eev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 293. Diagnosis. Zoarium of thick, massive branches or irregularly lobed masses. Zocecia very long ; walls thin. Diaphragms numerous near distal end. Apertures irregular. No acanthopores. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Great Oolite : Bradford. Inferior Oolite : Crickley Hill ; Leckhampton. FOREIGN : Bathonian : Eanville. Bajocian : Montvaux, near Metz ; Gingen and Jungingen, Hohen- zollern. 198 CERIOPORA. Description of Figure. PI. XI. Fig. 6. Part of massive, thick- branched zoarium, X 16 dia. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? B. 2286. Affinities. The figures of sections of this species clearly show that it is a true Ceriopora. It has been previously regarded as only a massive form of the species called Ceriopora corymbosa (Lamx.), which has been here referred to the genus Ceriocava. The species differs from C. globosa, Mich., by its erect habit and the absence of the tubercles around the apertures. Worn fragments cannot be absolutely separated from Ceriocava corymbosa (Lamx.) by external characters ; but the examination of microscopic sections at once enables them to be distinguished. As a rule, the general aspect of the zoarium enables the two species to be distinguished, as the branches of Ceriopora arlorescens are more massive, lobed, and irregular. Those of Ceriocava corymlosa are thinner and more regularly cylindrical. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 2286. Inferior Oolite. Cotteswolds. Figd. PL XI. Fig. 6. B. 2287. Crickley Hill. D. 2163. Great Oolite. Bradford, Wilts. Brodie CoU. B. 4888. Inferior Oolite. Leckhampton. Holl Coll. D. 2252. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. D . D. 2235. Specimens and section. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Eanville. "? 60377. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES AND RECORDS. 1. Ceriopora clavata, Goldfuss, et auct. A Neuropora. 2. Ceriopora compacta, Quenstedt, 1858. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora compacta, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 665, pi. Ixxxi. figs. 62-3. ,, ,, Oppel, 1866, Zone Amm. Iransversarius : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 2, p. 296. Distribution. Zone of Peltoceras limammatus : Bollart. Lower Oxfordian Peltoceras transversarius : Oberbuchsiten, Switzerland. Affinities. This is probably a Neuropora. CEBIOPORA. 199 3. Ceriopora compressa, D'Orbigny, 1852. SYNONYMY : Nodicava compressa, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franq. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1014. Heteropora ,, Haime, 1854, Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 212. Distribution. Bathonian : Calvados. 4. Ceriopora corallina, D'Orbigny, 1849. SYNONYMY : Polytrema corallina, D'Orbigny, 1850, Prod. Pal. t. ii. p. 41. Reptomulticava corallina, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. p. 1033. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 158. Heteropora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 212. Distribution. Corallian : Tonnerre, Sainpuits, in Yonne. 5. Ceriopora fibrosa, Miinst. MS. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora fibrosa, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 418. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. Distribution. Great Oolite : Minchinhampton. 6. Ceriopora grandipora, MUnst. MS. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora grandipora, M'Coy, 1848, op. cit. p. 418. ,, M'Coy, 1854, op. cit. p. 66. Distribution. Great Oolite : Minchinhampton. 7. Ceriopora leda, D'Orbigny. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora leda, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 222. Ceriocava D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1016. Heteropora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 212. Distribution. Sinemurian : Yillefranche, Saone-et-Loire. 200 CEKIOPOEA. 8. Ceriopora mutabilis, Miinst. MS. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora mutabilis, M'Coy, 1848, op. cit. p. 418. ,, M'Coy, 1854, op. cit. p. 66. Distribution. Great Oolite : Minchinlianipton. 9. Ceriopora radiciformis, Goldfuss, 1827. SYNONYMY : Ctriopora radiciformis, Goldfuss, 1827, Petref. Germ. p. 34, pi. x. fig. 8. D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 387. Oppel, 1866, op. cit. p. 297. Quenstedt, 1867, Handb. Petref. p. 765, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 13. Quenstedt, 1885, op. cit. ed. 3, p. 984, pi. Ixxix. fig. 30. Heteropora Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 212. Distribution. Callovian (Lower Oxfordian) Zone of Peltoceras transversarius : Oberbuchsiten, Solothurn, and St. Claude, Jura. Weisser Jura, 7 : Bollart. 10. Ceriopora ramulifera, Etallon, 1861. SYNONYMY : Heteropora ramulifera, Etallon, 1862, Etud. Haut-Jura Cor. : Mem. Soc. Emul. Doubs. ser. 3, t. vi. p. 214. Distribution. Diceratian : Valfin, Haut-Jura. 11. Ceriopora sarthacensis, D'Orbigny, 1849. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora sarthacensis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 293. Ceriocava ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1016. Heteropora ,, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 212. Distribution. Bajocian : Conlie, Sarthe. 12. Ceriopora subcompressa, D'Orbigny, 1849. SYNONYMY : Ceriopora subcompressa, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 324. Cava ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 1020. Distribution. Bathonian : St. Aubin, France. HETEROPORA. 201 13. Ceriopora tenuissima, Etallon, 1861. SYNONYMY : Heteropora tenuissima, Etallon, 1862, op. cit. ser. 3, t. vi. p. 214. Distribution. Diceratian : Yalfiu and Septmoncel, Haut-Jura. Family HETEROTRYPID^, TJlrich. Diagnosis. Trepostomata in which the zooecia are simple, pris- matic, or cylindrical, with a well-marked divisional line between the walls of adjacent zocecia. Mesopores present. Diaphragms numerous and horizontal. Neither cystiphragms nor interzooecial yesicles present. HETEROPORA, Blainville, 1834. SYNONYMY : Millepora, pars, Laraouroux, etc. Ceriopora, pars, Goldfuss, etc. Monticulipora, pars, D'Orbigny. Spiropora, pars, Def ranee. Cricopora, pars, Blainville. Reptomulticrescis, D'Orbigny. Multicrescis, D'Orbigny. Crescis, D'Orbigny. Polytrema, D'Orbigny. Nodicrescis, D'Orbigny. Diagnosis. Heterotrypidse with prismatic or suh cylindrical zooecia. Mesopores numerous. Acanthopores absent. Walls of zooecia thin. Diaphragms horizontal ; numerous. Zoarium branching or massive. Type species. Heteropora cryptopora (Goldfuss), 1827. Affinities. This genus was originally included by Goldfuss under his genus Ceriopora. Blainville separated it for those Ceriopora-like forms in which the zocecia are of two distinct sizes. As a rule, most subsequent palaeontologists have accepted the genus; the most important exception is Haime, who denied that the dimorphism was even of specific value. Instead of this, I am constrained to place them in distinct 202 HETEROPORA. families. Heteropora takes its place in the family Heterotrypidae, which has not hitherto been recognized, except in the Palaeozoic. The genus is most closely allied to the genus Heterotrypa, Nicholson, from which it differs by the absence of acanthopores. D'Orbigny made a most unnecessary number of genera for this group of Bryozoa, and of these I regard no less than five as synonyms of Heteropora. 1. Heteropora conifera (Lamouroux), 1821. SYNONYMY : Millepora conifera, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Metli. p. 87, pi. Ixxxiii. figs. 6, 7. ,, Defrance, 1824, Diet. Sci. nat. t. xxxi. p. 84. Heteropora ,, M. Edwards, 1836, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anini. s. Vert. ed. 2, t. ii. p. 318. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 39. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 124. ,, ,, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. pp. 208-9, pi. xi. figs. la-, except \x, ly, 1)8, ITJ. ,, ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. ,, ,, Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. Maqon: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. p. 14. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, 1865, JUT. inf. Norm.: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin : Denk. k. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 12, pi. i. figs. 10-12; pi. ii. fig. 1(? fig. 2). ,, ,, Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. p. 156. ,, pars, Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 337. ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, ,, Walford, 1883, Northptn. Sd. of N. Oxon : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. p. 242. ,, ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz. : Sep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ,, ,, pars, Vine, 1884, Polyz. Richmond boring: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 794. ,, ,, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 22. ,, ,, Schlippe, 1888, Fauna Bath, oberrh. Tien. : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. iv. livr. 4, p. 98. ,, ,, Woods, 1891, Cat. Type Foss. Woodw. Mus. p. 47. ,, Gregory, 1896, Rev. pt. vi. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xvii. p. 294. HETEROPORA. 203 non Ceriopora conifera, Michelin, 1846, Icon. Zooph. p. 245, pi. Ivii. fig. 8. Ceriopora conifera, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 324. ,, ,, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi: Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 644. Midticrescis ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franc;. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1074. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 160. Millepora dumetosa, Lamouroux, 1821, op. cit. p. 87, pi. Ixxxii. figs. 7, 8. Spiropora ,, Defrance, 1827, Diet. Sci. nat. t. L. p. 300. Cricopora ,, Blainville, 1830, ibid. t. Ix. p. 386. ,, ,, Blainville, 1834, Man. Act. p. 421. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 348. ,, ? ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 140. Heteropora ,, M. Edwards, 1836, op. cit. t. ii. p. 308. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, op. cit. p. 39. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, op. cit. p. 125. non Ceriopora dumetosa, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 245, pi. Irii. fig. 7. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mfesoz. Ead. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 418. non ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. ,, ,, Buvignier, 1852, Stat. geol. dep. Meuse, p. 224. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1854, Contrib. Brit. Pal. p. 66. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 120. Crescis dumetosa, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1072. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, op. cit. t. iv. p. 161. ? Millepora pyriformis, Lamouroux, 1821, op. cit. p. 87, pi. Ixxxiii. fig. 5. ? ,, ,, Morris, 1843, op. cit. p. 41. Heteropora ,, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 244, pi. Ivii. fig. 3. ,, piriformis, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 586. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 142. Polytrema ,, D'Orbigny, 1849, op. cit. t. i. p. 323. Multicrescis D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1074. Pictet, 1857, op. cit. t. iv. p. 160. "Ramose milleporite," Parkinson, 1808, Organic Rem. vol. ii. p. 71, pi. viii. figs. 3, 11. Millepora ramosa, Fleming, 1828, Brit. Anim. p. 529. ,, ,, Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 41. ,, ,, Mantell, 1850, Atlas Foss. Remains, p. 99, pi. xl. figs. 3, 11. Heteropora ,, (non M. ramosa, Fleming), Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 244, pi. Ivii. fig. 4. non ,, ,, Romer, 1840, Verst. norddeut. Kreidegeb. p. 24. ,, ,, M'Coy, 1848, New Mesoz. Rad. : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. p. 419. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 142. ,, ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 586. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1852, Handb. Petref. p. 641, pi. xlvi. figs. 42-3. ,, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. p. 1069. 204 HETEROPORA. Heteropora ramosa, Quenstedt, 1852, Handb. Petref. p. 641, pi. Ivi. fig. 42. ,, ,, Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss. ed. 2, p. 125. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857, op. cit. t. iv. p. 160, pi. xcii. fig. 6. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1867, op. cit. ed. 2, p. 769, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 42. ,, ,, Quenstedt, 1885, op. cit. ed. 3, p. 989, pi. Ixxix. fig. 59. ,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 59. ,, reticulata, Haime, 1854, op. cit. p. 211, pi. ix. fig. 9. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), p. 26. ,, Ferry, 1862, op. cit. p. 14. ,, ,, Waagen, 1868, op. cit. p. 644. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, p. 290. ,, Vine, 1883, op. cit. p. 265. Ceriopora ramosa, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Heteropora ficulina, Michelin, 1846, op. cit. p. 244, pi. lyii. fig. 2. ,, ,, Bronn, 1848, Nomencl. p. 586. ,, Bronn, 1849, Enum. p. 142. ,, ,,, Friren, 1893, Bry. ool. inf. Metz: Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. p. 60. ,, Gregory, 1894, Cat. Jur. Bry. York Mus. : Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, p. 61. Polytrema D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 323. Eeptomulticrescis fieulina, D'Orbigny, 1852, op. cit. t. v. p. 1079. ,, Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 161. ? Heteropora calycina, Bruder, 1881, Juraabl. Sternberg: Sitz. k. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. Ixxxiii. Abth. 1, p. 89, pi. ii. fig. 6. ,, n.sp., Gregory, 1894, op. cit. p. 61. Diagnosis. Zoarium of erect branches, which are generally cylindrical, and either grow in irregular, stumpy branches (typical form), or expand into thick, pyriform masses (var. pyriformis], or into lobed, alcyonium-shaped masses (var. ficulina\ or regular cylindrical branches (var. ramosa). The branches dichotomize, and may sometimes anastomose (var. reticulata). The surface is level. Zocecia crowded. Diaphragms numerous. Mesopores irre- gular in distribution; frequently only at the angles between the zocecia, but sometimes completely surrounding these. DISTRIBUTION. ENGLAND : Great Oolite : Bath ; Minchinhampton ; Eicbmond boring ; boring at Meux'g Brewery, Tottenham Court Road. Inferior Oolite : Dorset ? ; Crickley ; Otley Hill. HETEROPORA. 205 FOREIGN : ? Callovian : Mauoourt, Meuse (fide Buvignier) ; Sternberg, Bohemia (fide Bruder). Bathonian : Ranville, Bernieres, Calvados ; Longwy, Moselle (fide Terquem) ; Buchsweiler and Niederweiler (fide Schlippe) ; Egger (fide Quenstedt) . Bajocian : Montvaux and Genivaux, near Metz (fide Friren) ; Flace, etc. , Saone-et- Loire ; Pommer, Franconia (fi de Waagen) . Description of Figures. PI. XI. Fig. 1. Zocecia and mesopores, X 22 dia. Inferior Oolite. Loc.? Holl Coll. B. 4881. Fig. 19. Longitudinal and transverse sections, X 12 dia. Inferior Oolite. Holl Coll. B. 4885. Fig. 20. Two parts of same zoarium, showing varying arrangement of mesopores, X 12 dia. Bathonian : Ranville. D. 2209. FIG. 19. Sections through Heteropora conifera (Lamx.) . x 12 dia. Fig. 19a: Longitudinal section through marginal zocecia, showing diaphragms and mesopores. Fig. 19i : Transverse section through central zooscia. Inferior Oolite. B. 4885. FIG. 20. Two parts of same zoarium of Heteropora conifera (Lamx.), to show irregularity in distribution of mesopores. x 12 dia. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. D. 206 HETEBOPOEA. LIST OF SPECIMENS. B. 4883. Great Oolite. Minchinhampton. Holl Coll. D. 1890. Three young specimens with rare mesopores. Great Oolite. Rich- mond boring, 1205 ft. deep. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. D. 1891, D. 1892, D. 1893. Three slides with fragments. Great Oolite. Rich- mond boring, 1205ft. deep. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. D. 1938. Two specimens. Great Oolite. Boring at Meux's Brewery, 1000-64 ft. deep. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. D. 211, D. 1902, D. 1903. Three slides with fragments. Great Oolite. Richmond boring. Vine Coll. D. 34, D. 35. Two slides with fragments. Great Oolite. Ancliff. Cunnington Coll. Three young specimens with rare mesopores. Great Oolite. Bath? Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? With S. dichotomoides (D'Orb.). (Typical form.) Inferior Oolite. England. Holl Coll. Var. ramosa. Three specimens. Inferior Oolite. Dorset? Var. Jiculina. Inferior Oolite. (Typical form.) ,, PL XI. Fig. 1. Var. ficulina. Inferior Oolite. Inferior Oolite. Holl Coll. Var. ficulina. Inferior Oolite. ,, ,, Four specimens. 56778. D. 1798. B. 4881. B. 2299. B. 4871. B. 4881. Cotteswolds. Wright Coll. Holl CoU. Fiffd. B. 4885. D. 4884. D. 2266. B. 2287. B D. 1768. 60363. 60362. B. 4570. 60374. D. 2236. D. 1836. D. 2250. D. 2251. D. 2209. Holl Coll. Fig. No. 19. Holl Coll. Inferior Oolite. Crickley Hill. Hill. Inferior Oolite. (Typical form.) Coll. (Typical form.) ( ) ( ) One specimen and slide. Inferior Oolite. Crickley Chipping Campden. Bravender Coll. Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Tesson TessonColl. ,, Tesson CoU. TessonColl. Var. piriformis. ,, ,, ,, Var. reticulata. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Bathonian Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. Fig. No. 20. D. 1778, D. 1780. (Typical form.) Bathonian. Ranville. D. 2232. Calcaire a polypiers. Bernieres, Calvados. D. 2231. D. 2248, D. 2249. Two specimens and sections. Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. D. 2265. Five specimens and two sections. Calcaire a polypiers. Ranville. HETEROPORA. 207 2. Heteropora pustulosa, Haime. SYNONYMY : Heteropora pustulosa, Haime, 1854, Bry. jurass. : Mem. Soc. geol. France, p. 210, pi. xi. figs. 1g, h, j, 1; non 2i, m; ?2a-f, h; also ex. syn. ,, ,, Terquem, 1855, Pal. dep. Moselle (sep. copy), pp. 26, 28, 30. non ,, ,, Busk, 1859, Crag Polyz. p. 122, pi. xx. fig. 1; pi. xix. fig. 6. ,, ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Ool. : Quart. Journ. Geol Soc. vol. xvi. p. 12. Ferry, 1862, Bajoc. MaQon : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. pp. 14, 23. ,, ,, E. E. Deslongchamps, ' 1865, Jur. inf. Norm. : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. p. 151. ,, ,, Terquem, 1868, in Jacquot, Descr. geol. dep. Moselle, pp. 290, 292, 296. ,, ,, Terquem and Jourdy, 1871, Bath. Moselle: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. pp. 156, 164. non ,, ,, ex. syn. Brauns, 1879, Bry. mittl. Jura Metz : Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. p. 336. ? ,, ,, Witchell, 1882, Geol. Stroud, p. 48. ,, Vine, 1883, 3rd Eep. Foss. Polyz.: Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, p. 265. ? ,, Vine, 1887, Jur. Polyz. Northptn. : Journ. Northptn.Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. iv. p. 209, pi. i. figs. 22-3. ,, ,, pars, Vine, 1888, Polyz. Caen: ibid. vol. v. p. 22. Monticulipora incequalis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod Pal. t. i. p. 323. Nodicrects D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. franQ. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1065. ,, ,, Pictet, 1857 Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 162, pi. xcii. fig. 2. Diagnosis. Zoarium arborescent, of thick, massive branches, which fork occasionally. Surface covered by numerous small pustules. DISTRIBUTION. Bathonian : Ranville. Bajocian: St. Quentin, near Metz ; Fla Novak. Op. cit. pp. 94-5, pi. iii. figs. 12-16. APPENDIX A. MISCELLANEOUS RECOKDS. 1. Bullopora rostrata, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 580, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 28. Probably not a Bryozoon. 2. Ceriopora michelini, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 324. 3. Entalophora proboscidea, Vine (PD'Orb.), 1888, Polyz. Caen: Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 23. 4. Escharites rhombifer, Waagen, 1868, Zone Amm. sowerbyi : Geogn. Pal. JBeitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, p. 642, pi. xxxiii. fig. 6. ? Ceriocava. 5. Homceosolen jurensis, Etallon, 1861, Etud. Haut-Jnra Cor. : Mem. Soc. Emul. Doubs. ser. 3, t. vi. p. 215. ? Reticulipora. 6. Hornera infra-oolithica, Waagen, 1868, op. tit. p. 642, pi. xxxiii. figs. 9, 10. 7. Inversaria milleporacea, Vine ( ? Hag.), 1888, Polyz. Caen : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. p. 23. 8. Millepora macrocaule, Lamouroux, 1821, Expos. Meth. p. 86, pi. Ixxxiii. fig. 4. Syn. Ceriopora macrocaulis, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 324. Multicrescis D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. frans. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1074. Affinity. Probably a sponge. 9. Pavotubigera minuta, Reuss, 1867, Bry. braun. Jura Balin : Denk. Jc. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. p. 3, pi. ii. fig. 8. 10. Eeptomulticava gradata, D'Orbigny, 1852, Pal. fran9. Terr. cret. t. v. p. 1034. Pictet, 1857, Traite Pal. ed. 2, t. iv. p. 158. 11. Semimulticlausa orbignyi, Terquem and Piette, 1865, Lias inf. Est France : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. viii. p. 124, pi. xviii. figs. 7-9. ? Ceriopora. 218 APPENDIX. 12. Spathipora incerta, Fischer, 1866, Et. Bry. perf. Terebriporides : Nouv. Arch. Mm. Hist. nat. Paris, t. ii. p. 310. Probably not a Bryozoon. 13. Terebripora antiqua, D'Orbigny, 1849, Prod. Pal. t. i. p. 318. ,, ,, Fischer, 1866, Et. Bry. perf. Terebriporides: Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, t. ii. p. 304. 14. arachne, Fischer, 1866, op. eit. p. 303. 15. ,, ? michelini (Terquem), Fischer, 1866, op. cit. p. 305. Wurmlocher, Quenstedt, 1858, Der Jura, p. 48, pi. iv. figs. 1, 2. Vioa michelini, Terquem, 1855, Pal. Hettange : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. p. 334, pi. xxvi. fig. 6. Haimeina michelini, Terquem, 1868, Lias inf. Est France: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. viii. p. 134. 16. ,, producta, Fischer, 1866, op. cit. p. 303. 17. ,, propinqua, Fischer, 1866, op. cit. p. 304. 18. ,, ? quenstedti, Fischer, 1866, op. cit. p. 306. [The above species (13-18) of Terebripora are often included among the Bryozoa; but the author sees no sufficient reason to regard them as such.] 19. Tubipora acervalis, Bean, 1839, Cat. Foss. Cornbr. Scarb. : Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. iii. p. 58. ,, Wright, 1860, Subdiv. Inf. Oolite : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 28. 20. ,, incrustam, Bean, 1839, op. cit. p. 58. ,, ,, Wright, 1860, op. cit. p. 28. 21. strues, Fleming, 1828, Brit. Anim. p. 529. [Not Jurassic as stated.] 220 APPENDIX. 1 M I I M I M M M M I M M I 1 M 1 d II I I M M M I M M M I? 3 I M I * I ' I ri I I' I I I umnoCeg; I d J* I I log* || Md M M M M M M d M I I M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I I II II II M II II II * I P JO J X I II I M I II I M II I I I II II II II II II I I I II M HHH II I X I I piojptug; I H H = H Tl | | M J | J I I I I I I H* I I I I I I H I I I I I I H H H I H A* s IJiJ iTll ills* I .f^-J s i 1 (N CO APPENDIX. 221 I II life II I II I II II I I I II II II II I II I II I I I II I II I I Md I II II I II I II I II I II I II I I I I I M II I 1 1 1 1 II I M ll II II I I II II '2 M M i M i i M i i M M M i M II I II I I w I I I I I 1 I I I I I * I I M 1 I I I I I *2 I fed I I I I? II? Id |gJ5 i i rh i rh i 2 I I ^2 I o^oo I eo 1 1 I I I I I II I I d I I I I II I I I I II M M I II ! I I I I I * II I II II I I II I I II II I II I II II I II II I I I I I II II II II I II I N I II II I I II I 11*111 II II I I M II II i I II I I I II I 111111*11*111111 I II II II II I II II I I I M I M I II I II I II II II II II I II M II II II II II II * * II I I I ** II I II II I I II II II II I II I II I II II II I I II * II I II II II I I I I I I I 1*1*111*1111*1111 II I I II * I * I II I I I II I I I I I II I I I II II II II I 1 1 MM | | | * | I I ! ***-** I I Mxll >5 |I|ll-i1|l|i!|l|li 5 (> co CO S APPENDIX C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JURASSIC BRYOZOA.* - [Works which are referred to in the text in connection with general questions, or in respect to the definition of genera occurring in the Jurassic, are not included.] Archiac, E. J. A. D. de S. 1843. Description geologique du departement de 1'Aisne: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 1, t. v. pt. ii. pp. 129-418, pis. xxi.-xxxi. Bean, "W. 1839. A Catalogue of the Fossils found in the Cornbrash Limestone of Scarboro' ; with figures and descriptions of some of the undescribed species : Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. iii. pp. 57-62. Beesley, Thomas. 1886. The Lias of Fenny Compton, Warwickshire. "Warwick, 1886. 3 + 22 pp. Reprinted, "with additions and corrections to end of 1885," from Proc. Warwickshire Nat. and Arch. Field Club, 1877. Bigot, A. 1892. Esquisse geologique de la Basse-Normandie, chap, iii.: Bull. Lab. GeoL Caen, Ann. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-26. Blainville, H. M. D. de. 1830. Zoophytes : Diet. Sci. nat. Ix. pp. 1-546, 68 pis. 1834. Manuel d' Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. Branco, W. 1879. Der untere Dogger Deutsch-Lothringens : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. ii. Ht. 1, pp. 1-160, pis. i.-x. Brauns, D. 1869. Die mittlere Jura im nordwestlichen Deutschland, von den Posidonienschiefern bis zu den Ornatenschichten. 8vo. Cassel. 1874. Die obere Jura im nordwestlichen Deutschland. 8vo, x. + 434 pp., 3 pis. Braunschweig. 1879. Die Bryozoen des mittleren Jura der Gegend von Metz: Zeit. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. xxxi. pp. 308-38, pi. vi. Bronn, Heinrich G. 1825. System der Urweltlichen Pflanzenthiere durch Diagnose, Analyse, und Abbildung der Geschlechter erlautert. fol., iv. +47 pp., 7 pis. Heidelberg. 1837. Letheea Geognostica, oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der fur die Gebirgs-Formationen bezeichnendsten Yersteinerungen. Edit. 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart. [Bry. Bd. i. 1837, pp. 240-51, pis. xv., xvi.] APPENDIX. 225 Bronn, Heinrich G. 1848-9. Handbuch der Geschichte der Natur, Bd. iii. : Index palseontologicus. A. Nomenclator palseontologicus, 1848. 8vo, Ixxxiv. + 1381 pp. B. Enumerator palseontologicus, 1849. 8vo, 980 pp. Bronn, H. G. and Eomer, P. 1851. Lethsea Geognostia, ed. 3, Bd. ii. Th. 4. Oolithen-Periode. 8vo, 571 pp. Stuttgart. (Bry. pp. 83-95.) Bruder, Georg. 1881. Zur Kenntniss der Juraablagerung von Sternberg bei Zeidler in Bohmen: Sitz. k. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. Ixxxiii. Abth. 1, pp. 47-99, pis. i., ii. Buvignier. 1852. Statistique geologique, miner alogique, minerallurgique, et paleontologique du departement de la Meuse. 8vo, Ii. + 694 pp., fol. atlas, 32 pi. Paris. Conybeare, W. D. and Phillips, W. 1822. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales. Pt. i. Ixi. + 470 pp. Coquand, H. 1860. Description physique, geologique, paleontologique, et mineralogique du departement de la Charente. t. i. 1858 ; t. ii. 1860. Credner, Heinrich. 1863. Uber die Gliederung der oberen Juraformation und der Wealden-Bildung im nordwestlichen Deutschland. 8vo, xi.+-192 pp., 11 pis. Prag. Credner, Hermann. 1864. Die Pteroceras-Schichten (Aporrhais-Schichten) der Umgebung von Hannover: Zeit. deut. geol. Ges. Bd. xvi. 1864, pp. 196-248, pis. ix.-xi. Defrance, J. L. M. 1824. Millepore: Diet. Sci. nat. t. xxxi. pp. 80-5. 1826. Polypiers : ibid. t. xlii. pp. 372-97. 1827. Spiropore : ibid. t. L. pp. 299, 300. 1828. Theonee : ibid. t. liii. p. 470. 1828. TerebeUaire: ibid. t. liii. pp. 111-12. Dumortier, Eugene. 1864-74. Etudes paleontologiques sur les Depots Juras- siques du Bassin du Rhone. 8vo. t. i. 1864, 189 pp., 30 pis. ; t. ii. 1867, 253 pp., 50 pis. ; t. iii. 1869, 349 pp., 45 pis. ; t. iv. 1874, 337 pp., 62 pis. Paris. Etallon, A. 1860. Paleontostatique du Jura. Jura Graylois : Ann. Sci. phys. nat. Lyon, ser. 3, t. iv. pp. 145-77. 1862. Etudes paleontologiques sur les terrains Jurassiques du Haut- Jura. Monographie de 1'Etage Corallien, Partie i. : Mem. Soc. Emul. Doubs. ser. 3, t. vi. 1861, pp. 53-216. Eudes-Deslongchamps, Eugene. 1856. Note sur la presence du cornbrash a Lion-sur-Mer : Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. i. pt. i. pp. 24-7. 1857. Description des couches du Systeme oolithique inferieur du Calvados: Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. ii. pp. 312-67. 1863. Notes pour servir a la geologic du Calvados, 3 e article : Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. viii. pp. 206-43. 1865. Etudes sur les Etages Jurassique inferieurs de la Normandie : Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xiv. 1865, pp. 1-296, pis. i.-iii. Q 226 APPENDIX. Eudes-Deslongchamps and Eugene Eudes-Deslongchamps. 1858. Memoire sur la couche a Leptaena intercalee entre le lias moyen et le lias superieur du Calvados: Bull. Soc. linn. Norm. t. iii. pp. 132-95, pis. ii.-vii. Ferry, H. de. 1862. Note sur l'E*tage Bajocien des environs de Ma9on (Saone- et-Loire). Pt. i. Etage Bajocien: Mem. Soc. linn. Norm. t. xii. 46 pp. Fischer, P. 1866. Etude sur les Bryozoaires perforants de la famille des Terebriporides : Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, t. ii. pp. 293-313, pi. xi. Fleming, John. 1 828. A History of British Animals. 8vo, xxiii. + 565 pp. Edinburgh. Fox-Strangways, C. 1892. Vol. ii. Yorkshire Tables of Fossils: Mem. Geol. Surv. The Jurassic Rocks of Britain. 8vo, 250 pp. London. (Bry. p. 148.) Friren, A. 1893. Melanges Paleontologiques. Art. iii. Les bryozoaires de 1'oolithe inferieure des environs de Metz : Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz, ser. 2, t. vi. 1893, pp. 39-64. Goldfuss, Aug. 1827. Petrefacta Germanic. Vol. i. pt. i. (Bry. pp. 23-41, pis. viii.-xii.). Pt. i. pp. 1-70, pis. i.-xxiv. 1827; pt. ii. pp. 71-168, pis. xxv.-li. 1829 ; pt. iii. pp. 169-240, pis. lii.-lxxi. ; pt. iv. pp. 241-52, 1833. Gregory, J. W. 1894. Catalogue of the Jurassic Bryozoa in the York Museum : Hep. Yorks. Phil. Soc. 1893, pp. 58-61. York. 1894. On some Jurassic Species of Cheilostomata : Geol. Mag. dec. 4, vol. ii. pp. 61-4. 1895-6. A Revision of the British Jurassic Bryozoa. Pts. i.-vi. ^ 1895. Pt. i. The Genus Stomatopora : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xv. pp. 223-8. V- ,, ,, ii. The Genus Proboscina: ibid. vol. xvi. pp. 447-51. V 1S96. iii. The Genus Berenicea: ibid. vol. xvii. p. 41-9. ^ ,, ,, iv. The Genera Reptomultisparsa and Diastopora: ibid. pp. 151-5. V ,, ,, v. The Families Idmoniidae and Entalophoridse : ibid. pp. 194-201. V ,, ,, vi. The Fascigeridae, Theonoida3, Dactylethrata, and Tre- postomata : ibid. pp. 287-95. Haime, Jules. 1854. Description des Bryozoaires fossiles de la formation Jurassique: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. pp. 156-218, pis. vi.-xi. Huxley, Thomas H. and Etheridge, Robert. 1865. A Catalogue of the Col- lection of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo, Ixxix. + 381 pp. London. APPENDIX. 227 Judd, J. W. 1875. The Geology of Rutland and the parts of Lincoln, Leicester, Northampton, Huntingdon, and Cambridge, included in Sheet 64 of the one -inch map of the Geological Survey. Appendix ; with tables of fossils by R. Etheridge : Mem. Geol. Surv. 8vo, xv. + 320 pp., 3 pis. London. Koch, Fr. C. L. and Bunker, W. 1837. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der norddeutschen Oolithgebildes und dessen Versteinerungen. 4to, 64 pp., 7 pis. Braunschweig. Lamouroux, J. 1821. Exposition Methodique des genres de 1'Ordre des Polypiers. 4to, viii. + 115 pp., 84 pis. Paris. 1824. Encyclopedic Methodique : Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes ou Animaux Rayonnes. 4to, viii. + 819 pp. Paris. Lepsius, Richard. 1875. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Juraformation im Unter- Elsass. 8vo, viii. +64 pp., 2 pis. Leipzig. Longe, F. D. 1881. On the relation of the Escharoid Forms of Oolitic Polyzoa : Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. viii. pp. 23-34, pi. ii. Lonsdale, Wm. 1832. On the Oolitic District of Bath: Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. iii. 1832, pp. 241-76. Mantell, G. A. 1850. A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains. 4to, 207 pp., 74 pis. London. Martin, Jules. 1863. Paleontologie Stratigraphique de 1'Infra Lias du departement de la Cote d'Or, suivie d'un ape^u paleontologique sur les m ernes assises dans le Rhone, 1'Ardeche, et 1'Isere : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. vii. pp. 1-100, pis. i.-viii. M'Coy, Fred. 1848. On some new Mesozoic Radiata : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. ii. pp. 397-420. 1854. Contributions to British Paleontology, or first descriptions of 360 species and several genera of fossil Radiata Articulata, Mollusca, and Pisces, from the Tertiary, Cretaceous, Oolitic, and Palaeozoic strata of Great Britain. 8vo, viii. + 272 pp., 1 pi. Cambridge. Michelin, Hardouin. 1840-7. Iconographie Zoophytologique, description par localites et terrains des Polypiers Fossiles de France et pays environnants. 4to, xii. + 348 pp., 79 pis. Paris. Dates of parts, as pp. 1-16, pis. i.-iv. 1840. pp. 17-148, pis. v.-xlii. 1841-3. pp. 149-178, pis. xliii.-xlvi. 1844. pp. 179-220, pis. xlvii.-liii. 1845? pp. 221-306, pis. liv.-lxxiii. 1846. pp. 307-348, pp. i.-xii. pis. Ixxiv.-lxxix. 1847. Milne Edwards, H. 1836. In Lamarck, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Yertebres, ed. 2, t. ii. 8vo, 684 pp. 228 APPENDIX. Milne Edwards, H. 1838. Memoire sur les Crisies, les Horneres, et plusieurs autres Polypes, vivans ou fossiles, dont 1' organisation est analogue a celle des Tubulipores : Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. ser. 2, t. ix. pp. 193-238, pis. vi.-xvi. - 1846. Zoophytes, in Cuvier, Le Eegne Animal. 8vo, 160 pp , 97 pis. Paris. Morris, John. 1843. A Catalogue of British Fossils, ed. 1. 8vo, x. + 222 pp. London. - 1854. Ibid. ed. 2. viii. +374 pp. Murchison, E. I. 1845. Outline of the Geology of the Neighbourhood of- Cheltenham. 2nd edit., revised by James Buckman and H. E. Strickland. xvi. + 109 pp., 13 pis. London. Oppel, Albert. 1853. Der mittlere Lias Schwabens : Wurtb. naturwiss. Jahreshefte, Bd. x. pp. 39-136, pis. i.-iv. - 1866. (Edited by Waagen, W.) Uber die Zone des Ammonites transversarius : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 2, pp. 205-317. Orbigny, Alcide D'. 1849. Description de quelques genres nouveaux de Mol- lusques bryozoaires: Eev. Mag. Zool. ser. 2, t. i. pp. 499-504. 1849-52. Prodrome de Paleontologie stratigraphique, Universelle. 8vo. t. i. 1849, lx.+ 394 pp. ; t. ii. 1850, 427 pp. ; t. iii. 1852, 196 pp., and index 191 pp. Paris. 1851-2. Paleontologie franchise. Terrains cretaces, t. v. : Bryozoaires. 8vo. Texte 1192 pp., pis. DC.-DCCC. Paris. The wrappers in which the livraisons of this work were issued were not dated. The dates accepted here are pp. 1-584, 1851 ; pp. 585-end, 1852. Probably part of the end was not issued till 1853, or even early in 1854 ; but this does not affect the priority of any Jurassic species contained in it. Parkinson, James. 1808. Organic Eemains of a Former "World. Vol. ii. The Fossil Zoophytes. 4to, xvi. + 286 pp., 19 pis. London. Passy, A. 1832. Description geologique du departement de la Seine-Inferieure. 4to, xvi. + 371 pp., with map and 20 plates. Eouen. Phillips, John. 1829-35, 1875. Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire, or a description of the Strata and Organic Eemains of the Yorkshire Coast. 4to. York. Ed. 1, 1829, xvi. + 192 pp., 14 pis. Ed. 2, 1835. Ed. 3 (by E. Etheridge) ; London, 1875. 1871. The Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames. 8vo, xxiv.+523 pp. Oxford. Pictet, F. J. 1857. Traite de Paleontologie, ed. 2, t. iv. xvi. + 768 pp. [Bry. pp. 87-171, atlas, pis. xc.-xcii.] Pillet, L. and Fromentel, E. de. 1875. Description geologique et paleonto- logique de la colline de Lemenc sur Chambery : Mem. Acad. Savoie, ser. 3, t. iv. pp. 69-199, 15 pis. Platnauer, H. M. 1891. List of Figured Specimens in York Museum : Ann. Rep. YorJcs. Phil. Soc. 1890,, pp. 56-89. APPENDIX. 229 Quenstedt, Fr. Aug. 1851. Das Flozgebirge "Wurtembergs. Mit besonderer Eiicksicht auf den Jura. 2nd edit. 8vo, viii. + 580 pp. Tubingen. 1852-85. Handbuch der Petrefaktenkunde. Tubingen, 1852. pp. iv. 4-792, atlas, 62 pis. ; 2nd edit. 1867, 982 pp., 86 pis. ; 3rd edit. 1882-5, 1239 pp., 100 pis. - 1858. Der Jura. 8vo, 842 pp., 100 pis. Tubingen. - 1878-81. Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands, Bd. vi. Abth 1. Korallen (Rohren- und Sternkorallen) . 1093 pp., atlas, 42 pis. Leipzig. Reuss, A. E. 1866. Die Bryozoen, Anthozoen, und Spongiaren des braunen Jura von Balin bei Krakau : Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. liii. pp. 229-31. 1867. Die Bryozoen, Antbozoen, und Spongiaren des braunen Jura von Balin bei Krakau: Denk. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. xxvii. 1867, pp. 1-26, pis. i.-iv. Roraer, Fr. Ad. 1836-9. Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolithen- Gebirges. 4to, ii. + 218 pp., 16 pis. Hannover, 1836. Nachtrag. 4to, 59 pp., 5 pis. (pis. xvii.-xx., tab. a). Hannover, 1839. (The Bryozoa described in the Appendix are from the Hilstbon, i.e. Low. Cret.) Sauvage, H. E. 1889. Note sur les Bryozoaires jurassiques de Boulogne: Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, t. xvii. pp. 38-53, pis. iii., iv. Schlippe, A. Oskar. 1888. Die Fauna des Bathonien im oberrheinischen Tieflande : Abh. geol. Specialk. Elsass-Loth. Bd. iv. Ht. 4. 267 pp., 8 pis. Struckmann, C. 1878. Der obere Jura der Umgegend von Hannover. 4to, viii. + 169 pp., 8 pis. Hannover. Tate, Ralph. 1875. On some new Liassic Fossils: Geol. Mag. new series, dec. 2, vol. ii. pp. 203-6. Terquem, 0. 1855. Paleontologie du departement de la Moselle (from "Statis- tique du departement de la Moselle"). 8vo, 40 pp. Metz. 1855. Paleontologie de 1'etage inferieur de la Formation Liasique de la province de Luxembourg, Grand Duche (Hollande), et de Hettange, du departement de la Moselle : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. v. pp. 219-343, pis. xii.-xxvi. Terquem, 0. and Piette, E. 1865. Le Lias Inferieur de Test de la France, comprenant la Meurthe, la Moselle, le Grand Duche de Luxem- bourg, la Belgique, et la Meuse: Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. viii. pp. 1-175, pis. i.-xviii. Terquem, 0., in Jacquot, E. 1868. Description geologique et mineralogique du departement de la Moselle. 8vo, viii. + 490 pp., 5 pis. Paris. Terquem, 0. and Jourdy, E. 1871. Monographie de 1'Etage Bathonien dans le departement de la Moselle : Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, t. ix. pp. 1-175, pis. i.-xv. 230 APPENDIX. Thompson, Beeby. 1889. The Middle Lias of Northamptonshire. 8vo, 149 pp. London. Vine, G. R. 1880. A Review of the Family Diastoporidse for the purpose of classification: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. pp. 356-60, pi. xiii. 1881. Further Notes on the Family Diastoporidse, Busk. Species from the Lias and Oolite: ibid. vol. xxxvii. pp. 381-90, pi. xix. - 1882. The Diastoporidse, or the Natural History of a Family Type : Science Gossip, Apr., July, Nov. 1882, pp. 81-3, 145-7, 244-7. 1883. Third Report of the Committee .... on Fossil Polyzoa (Jurassic species British area only): Rep. JBrit. Assoc. 1882, pp. 249-66. 1884. Fourth Report of the Committee .... on Fossil Polyzoa : Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1883, pp. 161-209. 1884. Polyzoa (Bryozoa) found in the boring at Richmond, Surrey, referred to by Prof. Judd, F.R.S. : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. pp. 784-94. - 1887. Jurassic Polyzoa in the Neighbourhood of Northampton : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Field Club, vol. iv. pp. 202-11, 2 pis. 1888. Notes on the Polyzoa of Caen and Ranville now preserved in the Northampton Museum : Journ. Northptn. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. v. pp. 1-24. 1893. Notes on the Polyzoa, Stomatopora and Proboscina groups, from the Cornbrash of Thrapston, Northamptonshire : Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. 1893, pp. 247-58, pis. xii., xiii. Waagen, W. 1868. liber die Zone des Ammonites sowerbyi : Geogn. Pal. Beitr. Bd. i. Ht. 3, pp. 507-668, pis. xxi.-xxxiv. Walford, E. A. 1879. On some Middle and Upper Lias Beds in the Neigh- bourhood of Banbury : reprinted from Proc. Warwickshire Nat. and Arch. Field Club. 8vo, 23 pp. - 1883. On the Relation of the so-called "Northampton Sand" of North Oxon to the Clypeus-Gciii : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. pp. 224-45. 1887. Notes on some Polyzoa from the Lias : ibid. vol. xliii. pp. 632-6, pi. xxv. - 1889. On some Bryozoa from the Inferior Oolite of Shipton Gorge, Dorset, pt. i. : ibid. vol. xlv. 1889, pp. 561-74, pis. xvii.-xix. - 1894. On some Bryozoa from the Inferior Oolite of Shipton Gorge, pt. ii. : ibid. vol. L. pp. 72-8, pis. ii.-iv. 1894. On Cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the Middle Lias: ibid. pp. 79-84, pis. v.-vii. Wilson, E. and Crick, W. D. 1889. The Lias Marlstone of Tilton, Leicester- shire : Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. vi. pp. 296-305 and 337-42, pis. ix., x. APPENDIX. 231 Witchell, E. 1882. The Geology of Stroud. 8vo, viii. + 108 pp., 3 pis. Stroud. Woods, H. 1891. Catalogue of the Type Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge. 8vo, xvi. + 180 pp. Cambridge. Woodward, H. B. The Jurassic Rocks of England : Mem. Geol. Surv. 1893. Vol. iii. The Lias of England and Wales (Yorkshire excepted). 8vo, xii.+399 pp., and map. (Bry. p. 365.) 1894. Vol. iv. The Lower Oolitic Bocks of England (Yorkshire excepted). 8vo, xiv. + 628 pp. (Bry. pp. 580-2.) 1895. Vol. v. The Middle and Upper Oolitic Eocks of England (Yorkshire excepted). 8vo, xiv. + 499 pp. (Bry. p. 386.) Wright, T. 1860. On the Subdivisions of the Inferior Oolite in the South of England, compared with the equivalent beds of that formation on the Yorkshire Coast : Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvi. pp. 1-48. i INDEX. abbreviata (Cricopora), 149. (Entalophora), 150. (Spiropora), 149-50, 154. acervalis (Tubipora), 218. Actinopora, 26, 29, 33, 173-9. acutimargo (Cricopora), 147. Alecto, 43, 50, 52, 54, 56-9. alfredi (Proboscina), 73-4. (Reptotubigera) , 74. allaudi (Berenicea), 77-8, 82, 89, 100, 105, 112. (RosaciUa), 77. Alveolaria, 180. ammonitorum (Idmonea), 74, 136. (Proboscina), 74. amphoralis (Entalophora), 143. (Pergensia), 143. Amplexopora, 195. annulata (Cricopora), 145. annulosa (Cricopora), 146. (Spiropora), 141, 146-50, 153-4, 160. anomala (Entalophora raripora var.), 142. antilope (Terebellaria), 188-9. antiqua (Bisidmonea), 155. (Spiropora), 145-6. (Stomatopora), 44, 48. (Terebripora), 218. (Tubigera), 18. ia (Apseudesia), 29, 33, 93, 167-71, 173, 177, 183, 192. arachne (Terebripora), 218. arborea (Pustulopora) , 150. (Spiropora), 150. arborescens (Ceriopora), 197-8. archiaci (Berenicea), 54, 82, 97-100, 105, 107, 112. (Dacryopora), 97. attenuata (Stomatopora), 51, 55. Aulopora, 44, 55, 57-8, 62, 72, 78 sis (Alecto), 54. (Entalophora), 152. bajocensis (Intricaria), 151-2. (Laterotubigera), 152. (Spiropora), 148, 152-3. (Stomatopora), 54. bajocina (Entalophora), 156. bathonica (Haplooecia), 162. 1 (Melicertites), 162. (Onychocella), 214. belemnitorum (Berenicea), 109. (Diastopora), 109. Berenicea, 12, 14-18, 20-2, 28-9, 54, 60, 70, 73, 76-117, 119, 184. bessina (Spiropora), 157. bessinensis (Spiropora), 157. bicolor (Berenicea), 104. Bidiastopora, 116, 119, 123, 125-7, 185. bipunctata (Cellepora), 213. (Membranipora), 213. Bisidmonea, 18, 155. boloniensis (Berenicea), 93, 96-7, 99, 102, 112. (Rosacilla), 96. boryi (Proboscina), 60. bouchardi (Stomatopora), 42, 50, 52. bowerbanki (Theonoa), 23, 180-1. brevissima (Spiropora), 150. buchi (Proboscina), 61-2. Bullopora, 217. csespitosa (Cricopora), 151. (Entalophora), 151. (Spiropora), 124, 147-8, 150-4. calloviensis (Alecto), 58. (Diastopora), 129-30, 133. (Elea), 129. (Entalophora), 144. (Stomatopora), 58. calycina (Heteropora) , 204. campicheana (Bidiastopora), 123. (Diastopora), 123. capillaris (Cricopora), 151. (Spiropora), 151. 234 INDEX. capilliformis (Chaetetes), 209. (Heteropora), 209. (Polytrema), 209. {Reptomulticava), 209. cava (Reptomulticava), 14, 162-3, 200. Cellaria, 56. cellarioides (Entalophora), 128, 137, 139-41, 143, 149, 171, 191. Cellepora, 67, 78, 103, 213. cenomana (Spiropora), 148. Ceriocava, 14, 54, 162-6, 198-9. Ceriopora, 14, 34, 137, 157-8, 162-4, 195-201, 203, 211, 217. cervicornis (Bidiastopora), 127. (Diastopora), 17, 117, 127-8. (Elea), 127. (Terebellaria), 191. Chilopora, 13, 34, 193-4. Chrysaora, 182. Cisternifera, 116-7, 132, 142-3. clathrata (Theonoa), 178-80, 183. Clausa, 156. clausa (Cisternifera), 143. clavata (Ceriopora), 198. (Clavisparsa), 142. (Entalophora), 142. claviformis (Idmonea), 136. Clavisparsa, 137, 142. Clementina (Berenicea), 84-5. (Proboscina), 69. clypeata (Apsendesia), 169. (Defrancia), 169-70. (Discotubigera), 169. (Pelagia), 169-71, 173. coartata (Berenicea), 81, 101, 104, 106, 108-9, 112. compacta (Berenicea), 69. (Ceriopora), 198. (Stomatopora), 69. complanata (Idmonea), 74, 136. (Proboscina), 74. complicata (Ceriopora), 210. (Crescis), 210. (Heteropora), 210. compressa (Aulopora), 78. (Berenicea), 20, 78-83, 112. (Cellepora), 78. (Ceriopora), 199. (Diastopora), 78. (Entalophora), 147. (Heteropora), 199. (Multiclausa), 184. (Nodicava), 199. (Spiropora), 147-9. (Stomatopora), 78. (Tubigera), 147. concatenata (Berenicea), 21, 105-6, 112. conferta (Diastopora), 125. (Spiropora), 148. confluens (Berenicea), 99, 100. conifera (Ceriopora), 163, 203. - (Heteropora), 202-6, 208. - (Millepora), 202. - (Multicrescis), 203. connectens (Diastopora microstoma Constellaria, 177. corallina (Alecto), 58. -- (Berenicea), 97, 106-7. -- (Ceriopora), 199. -- (Heteropora), 199. - (Polytrema), 199. -- (Reptomulticava), 199. - (Rosacilla), 96. - (Stomatopora), 58. corrugata (Berenicea), 116. - (Diastopora), 76. corymbosa (Ceriocava), 162-6, 198. - (Ceriopora), 163, 198. - (Heteropora), 163. - (Millepora), 163. Crescis, 14, 201, 203. Cricopora, 133, 138, 144-7, 149, 151, 155-7, 159, 201, 203. - (Berenicea), 109. - (Diastopora), 101. cristata (Apsendesia), 168-71, 173. - (Discotubigera), 169. crussolensis (Berenicea), 80, 110. -- (Diastopora), 110. cryptopora (Heteropora), 201. cunningtoni (Proboscina), 25, 67, 75. cypris (Membranipora), 213. Cyrtopora, 133, 168, 172. Dacryopora, 97. daedalea (Mesenteripora), 125. davidsoni (Diastopora), 16, 20, 121-6, 129, 131, 133. (Proboscina), 61-2. (Stomatopora), 61. deflexa (Tubulipora), 48. Defrancia, 26, 29, 33, 166, 168-71, 173, 175. densata (Berenicea), 78. Densipora, 113. denticulata (Berenicea), 88, 112. depressa (Idmonea), 136. (Reptotubigera), 136. deslongchampsi (Spiropora), 150. Desmeopora, 172. desoudini (Proboscina), 25-6, 66-7, 71-2, 76. (Stomatopora), 66. INDEX. 235 diadema (Cricopora), 156. (Spiropora), 156. dianthus (Apsendesia), 192. (Reticulipora), 192-3. Diastopora, 13-18, 20-1, 28-9, 60, 62-3, 67, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86-91, 95, 97-8, 101-3, 106, 108, 110-133, 185, 215. dichotoma (Alecto), 43, 50, 52. (Aulopora), 44, 58. (Stomatopora), 24-5, 42-9, 51-3, 58, 87, 100, 108, 158. dichotomoides (Alecto), 50. (Stomatopora), 24-7, 50-5, 57, 59, 100, 206. dilatans montlivaltiformis (Stomato- pora), 44, 48. dilatans (Proboscina), 25, 65. dilatata (Berenicea), 110. (Diastopora), 110. (Proboscina), 65. diluviana (Berenicea), 70, 81, 87, 89- 95, 97, 99, 104-5, 110, 112-3. (Diastopora), 86, 90-1, 108, 113-4, 185. (Reptomultisparsa), 91, 114. (Kosacilla), 91. diplopora (Actinopora), 175-6, 178. (Defrancia), 175. disciformis (Berenicea), 99, 100. discoidea (Berenicea striata wr.), 85-6. Discotubigera, 168-9. distorta (Theonoa), 181-3. (Tilesia), 181-2. divaricata (Aulopora), 55. (Stomatopora), 25, 47, 55. divisa (Proboscina), 75. dumetosa (Cava), 163. (Ceriopora), 163, 203. (Crescis), 203. (Cricopora), 203. (Heteropora), 203. (Millepora), 203. (Spiropora), 203. ecbinata (Cellepora), 67. (Diastopora), 67. (Proboscina), 26, 67, 72. echinulata (Tubulipora), 106. edwardsi (Berenicea), 73. (Proboscina), 73. Elea, 116-7, 119, 127, 129. elegans (Cricopora), 145. (Spiropora), 144-6, 148, 150, 153-4. elegantula (Idmonea), 75, 136. (Proboscina), 75. elongata (Stomatopora), 59. Entalophora, 12, 14-18, 60, 127-8, 137-44, 147, 149-53, 155-7, 159, 163, 171, 191. Eschara, 117, 119, 127, 216. Escharites, 157, 217. eudesi (Proboscina), 25, 60-3, 65, 74. eudesiana (Berenicea), 119. (Diastopora), 119-21. (Mesenteripora), 119. exilis (Berenicea), 101-2, 109, 112. expansa (Proboscina), 75, (Proboscina jacquoti var.), 64-6. Fascicularia, 168. fasciculata (Diastopora), 72. 1 (Proboscina), 72. (Stomatopora), 71. Fasciculipora, 29, 33, 167-8. fenestrata (Diastopora), 127. fibrosa (Ceriopora), 199. ficulina (Heteropora), 53, 204, 206. - (Polytrema), 204. (Eeptomulticrescis), 204. flabelliformis (Eschara), 214. (Flustra), 214. (Onychocella), 213-6. flabellum (Aulopora), 78. (Berenicea), 87. (Diastopora), 111. Flustrina, 213. foliacea (Berenicea), 93, 119. (Diastopora), 20, 87, 117-23, 125-6, 130-1, 133. (Elea), 119. (Eschara), 119. folium (Berenicea), 80. galeata (Pergensia), 141. garnieri (Berenicea), 110. globosa (Ceriopora), 195-8. (Monticulipora) , 196. (Eeptonodicava), 196. gracilis (Berenicea), 93. (Ceriopora), 157. (Diastopora), 89. (Idmonea), 135. (Terebellaria), 191. gradata (Heteropora), 210. (Reptomulticava) , 217. grandipora (Ceriopora), 199. granulata (Stomatopora), 25, 47, 48. guernoni (Chilopora), 193-4. 236 INDEX. hagenowi (Berenicea), 99. (Onychocella), 216. haimei (Multiclausa), 184-7. (Stomatopora), 45, 48. Haimeina, 218. Haplooecia, 11, 157-62. Heteropora, 14, 34, 53, 113, 163-4, 199-211. Heterotrypa, 194. hettangensis (Heteropora), 210. hincksi (Proboscina) , 71. Hippothoa, 56. Homoeosolen, 217. Hornera, 133, 217. horrida (Entalophora), 141. icaunensis (Entalophora), 141. Idmonea, 18, 26, 34, 66, 74-5, 133-6. insequalis (Monticulipora), 207. (Nodicrescis), 207. incerta (Spathipora), 218. inconstans ^Cisternifera), 132, 142. (Diastopora), 132. (Tubulipora), 108, 118, 132. incrassata (Stomatopora), 47. increscens (Terebellaria) , 153, 187. incrustans (Diastopora), 114. - (Heteropora), 210. (Monticulipora), 210. - (Multinodicrescis), 210. (Tubipora), 218. infra -oolitica (Hornera), 217. insignis (Berenicea), 78. intermedia (Alecto), 57. (Aulopora), 57. (Proboscina), 26, 67. (Stomatopora), 57-8. intennixta (Stomatopora), 51. Intricaria, 151-2, 159. Inversaria, 217. irregulare (Haplooecia), 161. jacquoti (Proboscina), 25, 64-6, 75. (Reptotubigera), 64. (Stomatopora), 64. j'ellyae (Multiclausa), 186-7. jugata (Entalophora), 144. (Pergensia), 144. jurassica (Membranipora), 212-4. jurensis (Homceosolen), 217. Kololophos, 29, 173-4, 177-9. koninckiana (Cellepora), 215. (Discopora), 215. lacrimopora (Berenicea), 80. lamellosa (Bidiastopora) , 126. (Diastopora), 17, 117,126-8, 133, 141, 186, 215. (Mesenteripora) , 126. laminata (Heteropora), 208. lamourouxi (Diastopora), 78, 82, 86-7, 121, 130, 133. Lateromultelea, 127. Laterotubigera, 146, 152, 159. latifolia (Bidiastopora), 125. (Diastopora), 125. latomarginata (Diastopora), 88. (Tubulipora), 88. laxata (Berenicea), 110. (Ceriocava), 16-5-6. (Diastopora), 110. laxipora (Entalophora), 140. leda (Ceriocava), 199. (Ceriopora), 199. (Heteropora), 199. liassica (Aulopora), 72. (Diastopora), 72, 80. (Entalophora), 156. (Proboscina), 25, 72, 74-5. (Spiropora), 156. Lichenopora, 173-4, 176. longiscata (Stomatopora), 25, 55. lorieri (Ceriopora), 211. (Heteropora), 211. luceana (Multiclausa), 186. (Multisparsa), 127-8, 185-6. lucensis (Berenicea), 184. (Bidiastopora), 185. (Diastopora), 127, 185. (Multisparsa), 185. luciana (Bidiastopora), 127. lyra (Membranipora), 214. macrocaule (Millepora), 217. macrocaulis (Ceriopora), 217. - (Multierescis), 218. macropora (Bidiastopora), 119. - (Diastopora), 119. madreporacea (Ceriopora), 137. magnipora (Entalophora), 142-3. major (Pergensia), 141. - (Proboscina), 48, 68. - (Stomatopora), 48. marginata (Diastopora), 121. - (Mesenteripora), 121. margopunctata (Berenicea) ,111. meandrina (Bidiastopora), 119. (Mesenteripora), 119. megapora (Berenicea), 87. Melicertites, 32, 138-9, 157- Membranipora, 212-4. 162. INDEX. 237 Mesenteripora, 116-7, 119, 121-2, 124-6. mettensis (Diastopora), 95, 119, 120. (Mesenteripora), 119. michelini (Bidiastopora) , 125. (Ceriopora), 217. (Diastopora), 21, 124-6, 128, 131, 133. (Haimeina), 218. (Mesenteripora), 124,. (Terebripora), 218. (Theonoa), 183. (Vioa), 218. microphylla (Bidiastopora), 125. (Diastopora), 125. (Mesenteripora), 125. micropora (Ceriocava), 162. (Ceriopora), 195. microstoma (Berenicea), 95, 114-6. (Diastopora), 86-7, 113-5. (Reptomultisparsa), 95, 113-4. (Rosacilla), 114. Millepora, 159, 163, 189, 201-4. milleporacea (Inversaria) , 217. niilleporite (Ramose), 204. minima (Berenicea), 107. (Pergensia), 141. minuta (Pavotubigera), 217. Mitoclema, 14. Monotrypella, 195. Monticulipora, 164, 196, 201, 207. montlivaltiformis (Stomatopora), 44-5, 48. morinica (Proboscina), 25, 67, 70-1, 76. (Stomatopora), 70. Multelea, 116-7. Multiclausa, 33, 184-7. Multicrescis, 14, 201, 203. Multinodicrescis, 14. Multisparsa, 127-8, 185-6. Multitubigera, 173. mutabilis (Ceriopora), 200. mutata (Diastopora), 80. neocomiensis (Apsendesia) , 170. (Diastopora), 126. (Mesenteripora), 126. neptuni (Ceriocava), 163. (Ceriopora), 163. nidulata (Entalophora), 12, 141-3. (Pergensia), 141. Nodicava, 14, 162, 164, 199. Nodicrescis, 14, 201, 207. normani (Berenicea), 80, 82, 112. (Diastopora), 82. normaniana (Diastopora), 81. obelia (Berenicea), 76. obscura (Proboscina), 70-1. oceanica (Berenicea), 107. Onychocella, 213-6. oolitica (Berenicea), 98. (Diastopora), 98. orbiculata (Berenicea), 103, 105. (Cellepora), 103. (Diastopora), 103. orbignyi (Actinopora), 176. (Lichenopora), 176. (Semimulticlausa), 217. ornata (Proboscina), 64-5. Osculipora, 172. oviformis (Heteropora) , 209. papillosa (Berenicea), 107. papyracea (Berenicea), 80. parkinsoni (Idmonea triquetra var.), 136. parvecristata (Apsendesia), 171, 183. (Theonoa), 171. parvitubulata (Berenicea), 12,93, 95-6, 112. Pelagia, 33, 166, 168-71, 173. Pergensia, 137, 141, 143-4. petaloides (Diastopora), 119. Petalotrypa, 195. phillipsi (Actinopora), 173-6. (Lichenopora), 174. (Stomatopora), 51. pilosa (Berenicea), 80. piriformis (Eschara), 216. (Heteropora), 203. (Multicrescis), 203. (Onychocella), 216. (Polytrema), 203. plicata (Stomatopora), 25, 52. polystoma (Berenicea), 104. Polytrema, 14, 199, 201, 203-4. porifera (Pergensia), 141. porosa (Melicertites), 157. porrecta (Stomatopora), 45, 48-9. portlandica (Berenicea), 81, 83-5, 112. proboscidea (Entalophora), 218. Proboscina, 14-18, 22, 25-6, 29, 48, 59-76, 87, 113. producta (Terebripora), 218. prominens (Berenicea), 76. propinqua (Terebripora), 218. Pustulopora, 133, 137-9, 144, 150, 152, 159, 160. pustulopora (Entalophora richmondi- ensis var.), 141-2. pustulosa (Ceriopora), 163-4. (Heteropora), 164, 207. (Monticulipora), 164. 238 INDEX. pustulosa (Nodicava), 164. pyriformis (Heteropora) , 203. (Millepora), 203. quenstedti (Pustulopora), 160. (Terebripora), 218. radiciformis (Ceriopora), 200. (Heteropora), 200. radiolitorum (Proboscina), 25, 63. Eadiopora, 177. ramosa (Aulopora), 62. (Ceriopora), 203. (Diastopora), 62-3. (Fasciculipora), 167. (Heteropora), 203-4, 206. - (Millepora), 204. (Proboscina), 25, 62-3, 65. (Reptotubigera), 62-3. " Ramose milleporite," 204. ramosissima (Bidiastopora), 127. (Ceriopora), 211. (Diastopora), 127-9. (Elea), 127. (Entalophora), 127. (Heteropora), 211. (Terebellaria), 49, 141, 187-191. ramulifera (Heteropora), 200. ranvillensis (Heteropora), 211. ranvilliana (Defrancia), 175. (Elea), 127. (Eschara), 117, 127. (Lateromultelea), 127. raripora (Entalopbora) , 142-3. recurva (Stomatopora), 45. regularis (Actinopora) , 174. (Berenicea), 78. (Entalopbora), 138. (Flustrina), 213. (Membranipora), 214. repens (Proboscina), 72. Reptomulticava, 14, 162, 199. Reptomulticrescis, 14, 201, 206. Reptoraultisparsa, 14, 18, 29, 91, 95, 112-6, 190. Reptonodicava, 14, 162, 165, 196. Reptonodicrescis, 14. Reptotubigera, 59, 62-4, 74, 134-6. Retelea, 192. reticulata (Heteropora), 204, 206. Reticulipora, 33, 192-3, 217. retiformis (Diastopora), 132-3. reussi (Stomatopora), 25, 55. rhombifer (Escharites) , 217. rhomboidalis (Melicertites), 159. richmondiensis (Entalopbora), 141-3. (Spiropora), 153-4. rigauxi (Proboscina), 25, 68-70, 75. (Stomatopora), 69. rb'meri (Ceriopora), 158. (Melicertites), 158. Rosacilla, 77, 88, 91, 96, 112, 114. rostrata (Bullopora), 217. rotula (Berenicea), 99, 100. rugosa (Berenicea), 111. rupellensis (Alecto), 59. (Stomatopora), 59. santonensis (Escbara), 216. (Onychocella), 216. sarthacensis (Ceriocava), 200. (Ceriopora), 200. (Clausa), 156. (Entalophora), 156. (Heteropora), 200. (Spiropora), 156. (Stomatopora), 62-3. sauvagei (Berenicea), 80, 82-3, 112. scobinula (Berenicea), 20, 99, 106-9, 112. (Diastopora), 106, 122, 125. (Mesenteripora), 122. Semimulticlausa, 217. semiovata (Alveolaria), 180. serpens (Reptotubigera), 63. smitbi (Alecto), 56. (Cellaria), 56. (Hippothoa), 56. (Stomatopora), 56-7. solea (Biflustra), 216. (Onychocella), 216. sparsa (Berenicea), 88. (Diastopora), 88. Spathipora, 218. spatiosa (Berenicea), 77, 86-8, 112. (Diastopora), 87, 91-3. (Proboscina), 71-2, 76, 87. (Tubulipora), 86. spinosa (Chrysaora), 182. spirata (Stomatopora), 45, 48. Spiroclausa, 187. Spiropora, 17, 18, 124, 137-9, 141, 144-57, 159, 160, 163, 201, 203. stelliformis (Tubulipora), 104. Stomatopora, 11, 14-18, 22,24-7, 33, 42-64, 66, 69-71, 78, 87, 95, 100, 108, 113, 158, 186, 206. stomatoporoides (Berenicea), 110. (Diastopora), 79. (Idmonea), straminea (Cricopora), 159. : (Entalophora), 147, 159. INDEX. 239 straminea (Haplocecia), 157-61. (Pustulopora), 159. (Intricaria) , 159. (Later otubigera), 159. (Millepora), 159. (Spiropora), 147-9, 159. striata (Diastopora) , 84. (Berenicea), 77, 83-4, 86, 112. strues (Tubipora), 218. subcompressa (Cava), 200. (Ceriopora), 200. subelegans (Proboscina), 70. subflabellum (Berenicea), 111. subgracilis ( Kntalophora) , 140. subincrustans (Heteropora), 211. = (Polytrema), 211. (Reptomulticrescis), 211. subirregularis (Entalophora), 142-3. subramosa (Diastopora), 129. substriata (Berenicea), 111. subverticillata (Cricopora), 146. suevica (Tetrapora), 172. sulcata (Theonoa), 183. tenera (Berenicea), 106. tennis (Berenicea), 88-9, 112. (Diastopora), 88. (Pustulopora), 152. (Rosacilla), 88. (Terebellaria), 189. tenuissima (Ceriopora), 201. (Heteropora), 201. Terebellaria, 33, 49, 133, 141, 153, 187-91. Terebripora, 218. terquemi (Constellaria), 177. (Diastopora), 122-3. (Kololophos), 177-8. (Radiopora), 177. (Stomatopora), 45, 48. tessonis (Cricopora), 146-7. (Entalophora), 147. (Spiropora), 147. tetragona (Bisidmonea), 155. (Cricopora), 155. (Entalophora), 155. (Spiropora), 155-6. Tetrapora, 172. tetraquetra (Cricopora), 155. (Spiropora), 155. Theonoa, 29, 171, 173, 178-84. thrapstonensis (Proboscina), 64-5. Tilesia, 178, 181-2. toucasiana (Proboscina), 63. trahens (Stomatopora), 25, 48. transversa (Retelea), 192. triquetra (Idmonea), 134-6. (Reptotubigera), 135. tuberosa (Ceriopora), 195. (Membranipora), 214. Tubigera, 18, 147. Tubipora, 218. Tubulipora, 26, 48, 76, 86, 88, 104, 106, 108, 118, 132, 173. tubulus (Diastopora), 131. undula^a (Berenicea), 95, 115. (Diastopora), 115. velamen (Cellepora), 213. (Membranipora), 213. ventricosa (Berenicea), 97- (Diastopora), 97-8. verrucosa (Berenicea), 81-2, 92, 101-5, 112. (Diastopora), 81, 102. verticillata (Cricopora), 146. (Laterotubigera), 146. (Spiropora), 138, 146, 148. vesiculosa (Alecto), 52. (Stomatopora), 25, 52. Vioa, 218. virgula (Idmonea), 18. waltoni (Diastopora), 130-1. (Fasciculipora), 167-8. (Stomatopora), 24-5, 45, 49, 51, 53-5, 95. wrighti (Diastopora), 121-4. Wurmlocher, 218. Y-formis (Idmonea triquetra var.), 136. PRINTED BY STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, HERTFORD. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. FIG. 1. Stomatopora dichotomy, Lamx. Encrusting Apiocrinus elegans (Defr.). Bradford Clay : Bradford. Zoarium nat. size, and part, x 25 dia. [B. 4833.] FIG. 2. Stomatopora dichotoma, Lamx. Bradford Clay : Box, Wilt- shire. Part of zoarium, x 25 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4860.] FIG. 3. Stomatopora dichotomoides (D'Orb.). Great Oolite : Ham- castle, near Bath. Part of zoarium encrusting Multiclausa, sp., x 20 dia. [B. 4249.] FIG. 4. Stomatopora dichotomoides (D'Orb.), var. attenuata (Waif.). Cornbrash : Thrapston, Northamptonshire, x 20 dia. Vine CoU. [D. 927.] FIG. 5. Stomatopora waltoni, Haime. Fuller's Earth : Gloucestershire. Zoarium encrusting Terebratula aff. plicata, Buckm., nat. size, and some zooecia, X 22 dia. Presented by G. K. Waterhouse, Esq. [97083.] FIG. 6. Proboscina jacquoti, Haime, var. expansa. Cornbrash : Thrapston. Part of zoarium encrusting Nucleolites orbicu- laris (Phil.), showing gonocysts, X 25 dia. Type of P. ornata, Vine. Figd. Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. (1893) pi. xiii. fig. 10. Vine Coll. [D. 2063.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA PI . i , x25 x25 anl cbl.eUitli. West, Uewnan imp Stomatopora & Pro"boscirLa,. PLATE II. FIG. 1. Proboscina eudesi, Haime. Inferior Oolite Pea Grit: Gloucestershire, x 20dia. Holl Coll. [D. 1843.] FIG. 2. Proboscina jacquoti, Haime, var. expansa. Cornbrash : Thrapston. Encrusting Nucleolites orbicularis (Phil.), X 11 dia. Vine Coll. [D. 921.] FIG. 3. Proboscina desoudini, Haime. Cornbrash : Thrapston. En- crusting Nucleolites orbicularis (Phil.), X 12 dia. Vine Coll. [D. 1010.] FIG. 4. Proboscina cunningtoni, Gregory. Fuller's Earth : Bruton. Part of a zoarium encrusting Zeilleria ornithocephala (J. de C. Sow.), X 17 dia. Cunnington Coll. [88742 ] FIG. 5. Proboscina cunnington i t Gregory. Cornbrash : Corsham, Wilts. Part of a worn zoarium encrusting Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow., var. submaxillata, Morr., to show tufted ends of branches, X 10 dia. W. Buy Coll. [23852.] FIG. 6. Proboscina rigauxd (Sauv.). Cornbrash : Eushden. Part of a zoarium encrusting Terebratula intermedia, J. de C. Sow., X 12 dia. [B. 4846.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA. Pl.IL 12 G.M .Wo o Award del etlith Proboscma. PLATE III. FIG. 1. Berenicea spatiosa (Waif.). Great Oolite: Hampton, near Bath, x 22 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 30.] FlQ. 2. Berenicea compressa (Goldf.). Bradford Clay : Bridgewater Quarry, Bradford, x 12 dia. [D. 1782.J FIG. 3. Berenicea compressa (Goldf.). Cornbrash : Thrapston. Part of a zoarium with gonocyst, x 18 dia. Vine Coll. [D. 924.] FIG. 4. Berenicea sanvagei, Greg. Bradford Clay : Bradford. Part of zoarium encrusting Apiocrinus. Some worn zooecia show the perforated diaphragms, x 15 dia. Presented by Benj. Bright, Esq. [B. 194.] FIG. 5. Berenicea portlandica, Greg. Portland Oolite : Tisbury, Wiltshire, x 12 dia. Presented by J. W. Gregory. [D. 1853.] FIG. 6. Berenicea allaudi (Sauv.). Inferior Oolite. LOG. ? Part of a worn zoarium encrusting Terebratula plicata, Buckm., x 16 dia. [D. 1795.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA, PI. III. G M .Woodward del et lith. . West^Newrnan. irrrp I&4IPO' PLATE IV. FIG. 1 . Berenicea archiaci, Haime. Bradford Clay : Bradford, Wilt- shire. Part of a zoarium with gonocyst growing on root of Apiocrinus, X 6 dia. J. Sharp Coll. Whole zoarium shown natural size. [51342.] FIG. 2. Berenicea archiaci, Haime. Corn brash: Thrapston. Zoarium encrusting Ostrea, sp., X 7 dia. With gonocysts. Vine Coll. [D. 919.] FIG. 3. Berenicea archiaci, Haime. Cornbrash : Thrapston. En- crusting Nucleolites orbicularis (Phil.). Zoarium without gonocysts, x 11 dia. Vine Coll. [D. 920.] FIG. 4. Berenicea diluviana, Lamx. Bradford Clay : Box Tunnel, Wiltshire. Encrusting Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow. Part of zoarium, x 13 dia. [B. 4251.] FIG. 5. Berenicea parvitubulata, Greg. Great Oolite : Richmond boring. Part of zoarium with gonocysts, x 18 dia. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. [D. 1912.] FIG. 6. Bere^iicea parvitubulata. Part of worn zoarium encrusting Terebratula intermedia, J. de C. Sow., with gonocysts, x 16 dia. Cornbrash : Rushden. Cunnington Coll. [60535.] B.M.JUK.BRYOZOA. PI. W. G M Woodward deletlith We s t,Ne vnna.n rmp . Beremcea.. PLATE V. FIG. 1. Berenicea boloniensis (Sauv.). Bradford Clay : Busfield. Part of zoarium encrusting Terebratula maxillata, J. de C. Sow., x 18 dia. [50777.] FIG. 2. Berenicea coartata, Greg. Inferior Oolite : Crickley. Part of zoarium encrusting Terebratula plicata, Buckm., x 18 dia. [67553.] FIG. 3. Berenicea scobinula (Mich.). Bradford Clay : Box, Wiltshire. Part of zoarium encrusting Oxytoma costata (Smith), X 16 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4858.] FIG. 4. Berenicea verrucosa (M. Edw.). Inferior Oolite : Broad Winsor. Zoarium encrusting Holectypus hemisphcericus (Ag.), x 4 dia. [B. 2284.] FIG. 5. Berenicea verrucosa (M. Edw.). Bradford Clay : Bradford. Part of zoarium encrusting Apiocrinus, X 18 dia. [B. 4867.] FIG. 6. Berenicea exilis, Reuss. Great Oolite : Hampton Common. Part of zoarium encrusting limestone, x 18 dia. [B. 2301.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA. PLY. G.M.Woo6Lwa.rd deLetHth. West, Newman imp. JSeiremcea,. PLATE VI. FIG. 1. Berenicea exilis, Eeuss. Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton. Part of zoarium, x 18 dia. Brodie Coll. [D. 2217.] FIG. 2. Reptomultisparsa undulata (Mich.). Lower Oolite. LOG. ? Part of zoarium, x 10 dia. [B. 4850.] FIG. 3. Reptomultisparsa undulata (Mich.). Bradford Clay : Wilt- shire, x 18 dia. J. Wood Coll. [35250.] FIG. 4. Diastopora foliacea, Lamx. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Part of zoarium, x 15 dia. Holl CoU. [D. 5.] FIG. 5. Diastopora davidsoni, Haime. Great Oolite: Hampton Common. Normal forms. Zooecia, x 18 dia. [B. 2302.] FIG. 6. Diastopora davidsoni, Haime. (Form wrighti.} Inferior Oolite : near Leckhampton- Part of base of a zoarium, with gonocyst, x 18 dia. Brodie Coll. [D. 2142.] HM.JUR.BRYOZOA PI .ATI. G.M.Wb o Award del etlith. . West, Newman, imp . Berenice a Reptozn-altisparsa&Diastopora.. PLATE VII. FIG. 1. Proboscina morinica (Sauv.). Inferior Oolite : Cleeve, near Leckhampton. x 18 dia. Brodie Coll. [D. 1840.] FIG. 2. Diastopora michelini (Blainv.). Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Part of zoarium, x 17 dia. Cunnington Coll. [24770.] FIG. 3. Diastopora lamellosa, Mich. Great Oolite : Ancliff, near Bath. Fragment, x 17 dia. [24521.] FIG. 4. Diastopora lamourouxi, M. Edw. Inferior Oolite: near Leckhampton. Part of funnel-shaped end of zoarium, x 17 dia. Brodie Coll. [D. 2194.] FIG. 5. Diastopora calloviensis (D'Orb.). Bathonian Calcaire k polypiers : Ranville. Part of tufted zoarium, x 13 dia. Tesson Coll. [60368.] FIG. 6. Idmonea triquetra, Lamx. Great Oolite : Minchinhampton. Part of a young zoarium, x 32 dia. Bjne Coll. [20730.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA PL:VIL. G.M.Wbodward del. et lith . West, Newman imp . Diastopora^Idmonea. PLATE VIII. FIG. 1. Entalophora cellarioides, Lamx. Bathonian Calcaire k polypiers : Ranville. x 17 dia. Tesson Coll. [D. 2257.] FIG. 2. Entalophora nidulata (Waif.). Great Oolite : Richmond boring. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.R.S. Young zoarium, x 26 dia. [D. 1931.] FIG. 3. Entalophora magnipora (Waif.). Great Oolite : near Bath. Presented by J. W. Gregory, x 17 dia. [D. 2098.] FIG. 4. Spiropora elegans, Lamx. Great Oolite: Bath. Branch, x 17 dia. [60173.] FIG. 5. Spiropora annulosa, Mich. Inferior Oolite : Bredon. Part of branch, X 26 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4864.] FIG. 6. Spiropora ccespitosa, Lamx. Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Branch, x 17 dia. Cunnington Coll. [24770.] B. M . JUR.BRYOZQA. PL VIII. G -M.WoocLwa.rdL del .et lith . West, Newman imp . Entaloplaora&SpjroporsL. PLATE IX. FIG. 1. Spiropora tetragona, Lamx. Inferior Oolite. LOG. ? Part of branch, x 8 dia. Presented by F. Harford, Esq. [B. 3829.] FIG. 2. Spiropora richmondiensis, Vine. Great Oolite : Richmond boring. Vine's type. Presented by Prof. J. W. Judd, C.B., F.RS. x 17 dia. [D. 1935.] FIG. 3. Haplocecia irregulare, Gregory. Lincolnshire Limestone : Stamford, x 24 dia. S. Sharpe Coll. [D. 44.] FIG. 4. Apsendesia cristata, Lamx. Forest Marble : Wiltshire. Part of zoarium, x 6 dia., showing the Fasciculiporoid shape of the tufts, and their serial arrangement. Cunnington Coll. [24770.] FIG. 5. Apsendesia cristata, Lamx. Great Oolite : Burford, Wilt- shire. Young zoarium in the Defrancia stage, x 5 dia. [38596.] FIG. 6. Actinopora diplopora, Brauns. Great Oolite : near Bath ? Part of a zoarium, x 12 dia. ; and the whole zoarium nat. size. [B. 2295.] B.M.JUR.BRYOZOA. PI. IX. 12 G.}O/ood.arddel.etlatB. West.Newman imp. Spiropora,,Haplocecia,,Apsendesia- & Actinopora. PLATE X. FIG. 1. Kololophos terquemi (Haime). Inferior Oolite : Birdlip. Part of a zoarium encrusting Terelratula, x 12 dia. [67613.] FIG. 2. Theonoa distorta (Lamx.). Inferior Oolite : near Leck- hampton. Part of a zoarium, x 14 dia. Brodie Coll. [D. 2186.] FIG. 3. Multiclausa haimei, Greg. Great Oolite : Hampton. Part of a branch, x 12 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4874.] FIG. 4. Multiclausa jellyce, Greg. Bradford Clay : Box, Wiltshire. Part of a branch, x 14 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4872.] FIG. 5. Terebellaria ramosissima, Lamx. Bradford Clay : Box, Wiltshire. Part of a branch with zones of zooecia and interzones of dactylethrse, x 12 dia. Buy Coll. [23857.] FIG. 6. Ceriocava laxata, Greg. Inferior Oolite : Leckhampton. Part of a zoarium showing worn and unworn conditions, x 12 dia. [51130.] B.M.JUR.BRYDZOA Pl.X 12 G.M.WoodwArd del.etlith. "West,.lTewma3T. amp. Kololoylaos , TKe onoa , Multicla^sa ,Tere]o ellari a &Ceriocava. PLATE XL FIG. 1. Heteropora conifera (Lamx.). Inferior Oolite. LOG. ? Zooscia and mesopores, x 22 dia. Holl Coll. [B. 4881.] FIG. 2. Heteropora laminata, Greg. Inferior Oolite : Dorset ? Zorecia and mesopores, x 22 dia. [B. 2300.] FIG. 3. Heteropora laminata, Greg. Inferior Oolite : Dorset ? Surface of part of zoarium, x 18 dia. ; transverse section, x 13 dia. [D. 2255.] FIG. 4. Heteropora oviformis, Greg. Bradford Clay : Bradford, x 16 dia. [D. 2176.] FIG. 5. Ceriopora globosa, Mich. Great Oolite : Hampton Down, x 22 dia. [B. 4248.] FIG. 6. Ceriopora arborescens, Waagen. Inferior Oolite. Loc. ? Part of massive, thick-branched zoarium, x 16 dia. [B. 2286.] B .M. JUK . RRYQ Z OA PI .XT. West.Newxna-n amp. HeteropoTa, <3c Ceriopora. U.C. BERKELEY LIBP 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-50m-4,'63 (D6471slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES