THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WOLFE 4AL BANK BUILDING ESVILLE, VIRGINIA FARM LAN! M. 7. H.Volfe, COL. JOHN BOWIE STRANGE 19TH VIRGINIA REGIMENT, C. S. A. Killed at Boonesborough, Sept. 14, 1862 "Non ille patria timidus perire" MEMORIAL HISTORY OF THE JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP, UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS including some account of others who served in the Confederate Armies from Albemarle County together with brief sketches of the ALBEMARLE CHAPTER OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY AND THE R. T. W. DUKE CAMP, SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS " No nation rose so white and fair ; None fell so pure of crime." Publishing Committee : C. B. LINNEY CHANNING M. BOLTON JOHN Z. HOLLADAY Edited by HOMER RICHEY Adjutant R. T. W. Duke Camp, S. C. V. Press of THE MICHIE COMPANY Charlottesville, Virginia 1920 TO THE ALBEMARLE CHAPTER OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY <: whose fealty and untiring devotion to our Camp has evoked our deepest and most lasting gratitude, and without some account of which our history would be incomplete, this volume is affectionately dedicated by JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP o o x. o o iJ ttl z 448800 PREFACE. It is no mean purpose that seeks to perpetuate the memory of those who have contributed to that which is best and noblest in the moral, intellectual and spiritual uplift of a community. Be- lieving, therefore, that they voice the sentiment and wishes of a large number of the citizens of Charlottesville and Albemarle, it is the purpose of the John Bowie Strange Camp, aided by the Albemarle Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the R. T. W. Duke Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, to per- petuate in this memorial volume, not only the history of the Camp as an organization, but to honor the memory of those who wore the gray by giving short sketches of the lives and services of its individual members, living and dead, as well as some account of others who served in the Confederate armies from Albemarle County, though never actually members of this Camp. To this end, we have included, in addition to the above, a complete roster of the Camp and a number of the addresses de- livered upon Memorial Day and Lee Birthday occasions and at the dedicatory exercises of the monuments to Colonel John Bowie Strange and to our Confederate soldiers. It is very much regretted that the magnificent monuments to Robert Edward Lee and Stonewall Jackson, the gifts of that noble philanthropist; Mr. Paul G. Mclntire, which are soon to adorn the parks presented by him to his native city, are not yet in place, and that it is impossible, therefore, to include any ac- count of their dedication, or even cuts thereof, in this book. To those who have so willingly and graciously contributed Memorial and Lee Birthday addresses and sketches for this me- morial book; to the Michie Publishing Company who have so generously aided us in its publication; and to Mr. Homer Richey who has so painstakingly edited .it, we make our profound ac- knowledgments and return our sincere thanks. In presenting the book to the public, let it be said that it i> VI PREFACE done in the full belief that the time will never come in the his- tory of our Southland when any effort to perpetuate the mem- ory of those who wore the gray will need an apology. The stately and costly monuments to the memory of our great leaders, soon to be unveiled in our handsome parks, and our beautiful Memorial Day exercises, instituted by the Daughters of the Confederacy, bear indisputable evidence of our devotion to those who made the supreme sacrifice as well as to others of our fathers who have contributed in large measure to the his- tory of our city and community. We present this souvenir of a glorious past trusting that it may not only adorn your library, but have an appreciative place in your affections. C. B. LINNEY, CHANNING M. BOLTON, JOHN Z. HOLLIDAY, Publication Committee from John Bowie Strange Camp. MRS. GLASSELL FITZHUGH, Miss SALLY DOSWELL, MRS. IRWIN SCHNEIDER, MRS. J. FULTON WILLIAMS, Miss MINNIE MEADE, Historical Committee of the Albemarle Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. HENRY W. BATTLE, Commander of the R. T. W. Duke Camp, Sons -of Confederate Veterans. CONTENTS. PAGE OFFICERS OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP 1 ROSTER OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP 2 SKETCH OF Jomsr BOWIE STRANGE CAMP 6 THE ALBEMARLE CHAPTER OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY Presidents of the Chapter 11 History of the Chapter 12 Mrs. James Mercer Garnett, sketch 17 Miss Sallie J. Doswell, sketch 19 Mrs. Glassell Fitzhugh, sketch 21 Charles Beale Linney, a tribute from the Daughters ... 22 THE R. T. W. DUKE CAMP, SONS OF CONFEDERATE VET- ERANS, sketch 23 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP. . 24 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP 152 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS The Monument in University Cemetery v Major Robert Stiles' address 182 The Monument in Court Square Account of dedication, by J. H. Lindsay 190 Captain Carlton McCarthy's speech '. 190 Major John W. Daniel's address 192 Congressman McCall 192 Reunion and banquet 192 The Monument to Colonel John Bowie Strange Account of dedication 193 Dr. Battle's prayer. . .- 194 Judge R. T. W. Duke's address 195 The Washington Reunion and the Dedication of the Lee Monument at Gettysburg Mr. C. B. Linney's account 203 VI II CONTENTS The Lee and Jackson Monuments in the Charlottesvillc Parks PAGE Resolutions and correspondence 205 MKMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Memorial Day, May 30, 19 Professor Wm. M. Thornton's address 208 Memorial Day, May 30, 1916 Account, of, from Daily Progress 218 Dr. Petrie's prayer 219 Rev. H. B. Lee's address 221 Memorial Day, May 30, 1917 Account of, from Daily Progress 225 Mr. Tucker's prayer . 227 Mr. Linney's introduction 227 Dr. Henry W. Battle's address 228 Memorial Day, May 30, 1918 Dr. Petrie's prayer 231 Mr. Albert S. Boiling's address 232 Memorial Day, May 30, 1919 Account of exercises 234 Mr. Mason's prayer 235 Major Bartlett Boiling's address 235 Rev. Russell Bowie's address . ; ' 236 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES Judge R. T. W. Duke's address 238 Dr. George L. Petrie's address 250 Dr. Richard Heath Dabney's address 257 Dr. Thomas Fitzhugh's address 270 APPENDIX 281 OFFICERS OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP. 1889-1919. COMMANDERS. 1889-1892. Major General Thomas L. Rosser. 1892-1896. Captain J. Mercer Garnett. 1897-1898. Major General Thomas L. Rosser. 1898-1899. Judge John M. White. 1899-1900. Captain Micajah Woods. 1900-1901. Major General Thomas L. Rosser. 1901-1905. Captain H. Clay Michie. 1905-1909. Captain Micajah Woods. 1909-1911. C. H. Walker. 1911-1913. W. C. Payne. 1913-1914. Captain H. Clay Michie. 1914-1918. Major Channing M. Bolton. 1918- Bartlett Boiling. CHAPLAIN. 1889- George L. Petrie, D. D. ADJUTANTS. 1889-1890. Colonel C. C. Wertenbaker. 1890-1891. Major Horace W. Jones. 1891-1906. Lieutenant W. N. Wood. 1906-1909. Lew Wood. 1909- Charles Beale Linney. [i] ROSTER JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP. 1889 to 1919. MAJOR GENERAL. Thomas L. Rosser. A. L. Long. R. T. W. Duke. A. L. Grigsby. John W. Mallet. W. E. Peters. C. H. S. Baxter. William N. Berkley. C. M. Bolton. James G. Field. Horace W. Jones. James Y. Bragg. J. C. Culin. Eugene Davis. J. M. Garnett. J. P. Jones. C. M. Louthan. L. S. Marye. BRIGADIER GENERAL. COLONELS. C. S. Peyton. Bennett Taylor. C. S. Venable. C. C. Wertenbaker. MAJORS. R. F. Mason. William Peake. Green M. Peyton. John D. Watson. CAPTAINS. H. Clay Michie. William W. Minor. Thomas R. Price. S. V. Southall. C. E. Vawter. L. Q. Williams. Micajah Woods. LIEUTENANTS. Everett W. Early. C. D. Fishburne. W. M. Fontaine. George L. Gordon. Mason Gordon. Milton W. Humphreys. Eugene O. Michie. Dr. W. E. Norris. John D. Watson. Wm. Nathaniel Wood Charles E. Young. [2] ROSTER OF CAMP John William Jones. CHAPLAINS. George L. Petrie. SURGEONS. C. E. Chancellor. T. M. Dunn. George Tucker Harrison. John R. Page. W. C. N. Randolph. Archibald Taylor. NON-COM MISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES. J. M. Anderson. J. R. Baber. J. B. Baker. James C. Bailey. R. G. Bailey. Henry J. Balz. J. H. Barksdale. W. S. Bashaw. Robert Bass. J. R. Battaille. W. S. Beasley. Newton Beckwith. Lewis W. Bellamy. C. P. Benson. Elwood Beyers. A. P. Bibb. Jonathan Bishop. D. M. Blain. J. S. Blake. Bartlett Boiling. Ezra M. Brown. John M. Brown. James R. Bryant. R. E. Buffom. James S. Burcher. Smith Burchest. B. F. Burgess. R. N. Burgess. W. J. Burke. D. W. Burnley. W. R. Burton. James B. Butler. R. H. Carr. John P. Carter. Robert Christian. John W. Christmas. S. S. Clements. J. N. Clifton. N. G. Clifton. Judge John L. Cochran. W. P. Connell. A. D. Cox. L. W. Cox. Thomas J. Craddock. W. H. Crockford. Thomas M. Crosby. George W. Culin. Daniel Davis. Wilber B. Davis. Marshall Dinwiddie. Walthall Dinwiddie. R. L. Dobbins. J. W. Dolin. J. A. Druin. R. W. Duke. W. R. Duke. ROSTER OF CAMP M. M. DuPree. Frank S. Durrett. John D. Durrett. S. M. Edwards. F. M. Estes. M. Ferneyhough. R. H. Fife. P. W. Fitch. W. W. Flannagan. Joseph Frank. John O. Fretwell. W. J. Fretwell. J. L. Fry. P. W. Garland. John O. Garrison. H. N. Gianniny. J. E. Gibson. W. G. Gillispie. George Walker Gilmer. Willis H. Gooch. Joseph Griffin. C. H. Guatkins. R. W. Hall. L. T. Hanckel. J. F. Harlan. George W. Harlow. Fred Hartnagle. A. L. Holladay. John Z. Holladay. H. M. Hope. J. S. Hopkins. H. M. Humphreys. J. N. James. J. L. Jarman. E. T. Jessup. George I. Johnson. Marcellus Johnson. John R. Jones. Thomas S. Jones. W. T. Jones. Wilber J. Keblinger. W. R. Kent. J. W. King. William Lankford. W. H. Leathers. C. B. Linney. W. F. Lobban. J. T. Madison. Auburn Mann. H. C. Marchant. P. H. Marshall. R. A. Marshall. John G. Martin. J. W. Martin. Thomas R. Maupin. N. C. McGee. James D. Mclntire. John McKinney. R. S. Meade. J. F. Melton. John P. Melton. H. B. Michie. George R. Minor. James P. Moon. I. K Moran. John H. Morris. W. M. Morris. R. A. Munday. J. M. Murphey. Hugh T. Nelson. P. W. Nelson. W. W. Norvell. G. W. Olivier. Hillary Pace. J. C. Painter. W. N. Parrott. ROSTER OF CAMP A. W. Payne. W. C. Payne. W. G. Payne. Georgq Perkins. James Perley. William E. Perley. R. C. Pitman. L. S. Pleasants. James M. Poates. W. H. Ponton. H. D. Potter. D. J. Purvis. Oscar Rierson. John A. Rix. John S. Robson. T. H. Rothwell. John A. Shackelford. Z. N. Shackelford. Horace Shiflett. Samuel Siders. Cephas Sinclair. C. G. Sinclair. George A. Sinclair. Charles G. Skinner. J. Massie Smith. J. W. Smith. Thomas H. Smith. W. J. Smith. C. B. Sommerville. George W. Spooner. John Spooner. Daniel W. Stratton. Granville E. Taylor. N. A. Terrell. W. M. Thomas. William Beverly Towles. T. A. Trice. John J. Utz. R. C. Vandegrift. C. H. Walker. W. Dalton Warren. C. E. Watts. C. M. Wayt. W. C. Webb. Joseph X. Wheat. W. D. Wheeler. Judge John M. White. E. W. Wilkerson. J. Edward Williams. T. J. Williams. B. B. Wills. Fred M. Wills. A. Coke Wingfield. C. H. M. Wingfield. J. F. Wingfield. Walker M. Wingfield. W. H. Wolfe. Lew Wood. John F. Yancey. VV. M. Young. GLIMPSES OF JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP. BY C. B. LINNEY. The most sanguinary conflict of all time had dragged its slow-length along through four years of varying successes and defeats. Southern valor and chivalry had been put to the test, and had vindicated its right to supremacy. Patriotism had touched its highest reach, and the godly women of the South had adhered to the cause with a tenacity and devotion, demand- ing more moral courage than that of the battle field. Gettys- burg, Antietam, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor and Shiloh had suffered nothing by comparison with the great mili- tary conflicts of the world, and the smoke of the midnight as- sault on the Federal lines at Petersburg that was to test the su- premacy of the contending armies had scarcely passed away, when the curtain was to fall on the great military drama at Ap- pomattox. The picture suddenly changes. Through a rift in the cloud the rainbow of hope, which springs eternal in the human breast, appears to brighten the sombre scene. The house of our fathers was to be set in order. Was there to be any solace for those who wore the weeds of mourning; could tbe vacant place at the fireside ever be filled ; could time be found in the mighty struggle for existence to pay adequate homage and tribute to the heroic dead? The answer was the Daughters of the Confederacy. For, after all, what is the Camp without the Chapter? It is as the shadow without the substance, the dross in the crucible after the refiner has extracted the pure gold, and as the passing of the storm, without the bright effulgence of the bow of promise. Their quick conception of duty and privilege evolved and insti- tuted the beautiful Memorial Day exercises that have brought comfort and cheer to thousands who had been stricken and sad- dened by reason of the war; while the Lee Birthday celebra- te] SKETCH OF CAMP 7 tions, with their delightful social features, have ever been the inspiration and charm of the veterans. Their manifold and continuous charities have brightened the life of many a poverty- stricken follower of Lee, and the remnants of Lee's army, in- spired by their lofty patriotism, have not been unmindful of the trust and obligation to the sacred dead, committed to their keeping. All over our Southland they assembled to devise means and plans to perpetuate the memory of the heroic cham- pions of constitutional rights. Stately and costly monuments have been erected on court greens and in the cities, bearing silent 'but eloquent tribute to the virtues of those who paid the supreme sacrifice. Confederate camps were organized in every community. John Bowie Strange Camp was among the first to respond to the call and was number fourteen in the list of camps. The organization was effected August 22nd, 1889, in the quaint old Court House on the Square, Albemarle's court of justice and mercy, twin attributes of our Maker, and by which we are to be judged at the great assize. It was a notable gathering. All branches of the service were represented. Major General Thomas L. Rosser, the brave and intrepid cavalryman, was chosen Commander. Dr. George L. Petrie, whose able Gospel sermons and godly life, and whose tender, loving ministration in the field and in the camp had endeared him to the heart of every soldier, was elected Chaplain. The University's contribu- tion was a Mallet, Humphreys, Price, Venable, Harrison, Towles, Fontaine, Peters, Garnett, Davis and Page, a galaxy of names which has brought prestige and honor to that distin- guished institution of learning, and soldiers all, no less re- nowned in war than in the field of letters. Then there was the brave and fearless Colonel R. T. W. Duke, of the Forty-sixth Regiment, who was honored with the First Lieutenant Com- mander's place in the organization. The fearless leader of the Fifty-sixth Infantry, Colonel A. J. Griggsby, a master of the art of "cussing," whom General Jackson denominated the emphatic Griggsby," was another of the original members. Others had been members of A. P. Hill's "Bloody Thirteenth Regiment," a 8 SKETCH OF CAMP regiment whose flag-bearer was seven times severely wounded in as many battles, and who returned each time to take his flag. But we pause, lest there be no place for that indispensable ele- ment of the service, the private soldier, whose heroic deeds are seldom perpetuated in bronze or marble, notwithstanding he shed his blood by thousands on many a gory field "to lift one hero into fame." But it is the social feature of the Camp that has ever been its chief delight and pleasure. With so interesting a theme, and with many of its members adepts in the art of speaking, the Camp has repeatedly enjoyed addresses from its own and visiting speakers. Would you see the Camp at its best. Lee's Birthday has ar- rived. The Daughters of the Confederacy have extended a gracious and insistent invitation to the Camp to be present at the exercises. The Adjutant has exhausted his vocabulary to find words that would adequately express the gratitude of the members for these frequent manifestations of their kindness and regard. The veterans have donned their best military at- tire, and are entering the hall, their breasts swelling with con- scious pride and pleasure as they pass the long line of the Daughters' reception committee. They are seated, and the Chaplain has invoked the divine blessing on the occasion. The orator of the day has been introduced and is discoursing elo- quently of the virtues and military genius of the great com- mander. The luncheon has been announced, and the smiling and aged veterans are feasting on viands and delicacies "found in king's palaces." The luncheon over, they repair to the hall, where the thrilling events and stories of the war are to be re- produced. The first speaker has seen much of the erstwhile actors in the mighty conflict, but with mock modesty has lit- tle to tell. The second speaker has seen little but relates much. His vivid imagination has full sway, and he is picturing battle fields so realistic and lifelike that you can almost imagine you are in the midst of the fight. The stories over, music, the poet's song, the lover's theme and the soldier's inspiration on the field of battle, begins. Albemarle's prima donnas have reproduced SKETCH OF CAMP "Maryland, My Maryland" and ''Home Sweet Home;" and the inspiring notes of "Dixie" have scarcely died away when "Tenting To-night on the Old Camp Ground" is concluding the program. Your veteran has now assumed an easy nonchalant attitude. His head is slightly inclined to the rear. His eyes are dream- ily closing, and the smoke of his Havana is shaping fantastic figures in the air, while his foot is keeping perfect time with the music. His summum bonuni has been reached, and such ecstatic joy is seldom seen this side the great white throne. Again the picture changes. These gray hairs, beclouded vi- sions, and faltering steps are indisputable evidences that our Camp, which we so highly prize and honor, will soon be a thing of the past; grim reminders that we shall soon come to the parting of the way and the crossing of the bar, and that the places which now know us, will soon know us no more forever. We have had our seasons of joy and good fellowship, and, thanks to the Daughters of the Confederacy (God bless them), who have never forsaken us, we have enjoyed many happy oc- casions together. Sorrow has often mingled with our joy, as one by one our comrades have passed over the river, but there has always been the silver lining in the cloud pointing to a happy and joyous reunion hereafter. On every Memorial Day we have met to place the flower of our devotion on the graves of our departed comrades, and each recurring birthday of our great commander has found us paying highest tribute to his many virtues and noble character. And so, today, we have reached the supreme moment in our history when we are called upon to put in substantial and enduring form our hearts' best tribute of praise Our memorial book dedicated to the Daughters of the Confederacy. On beautiful Broadway, New York, two groups of Federal and Confederate soldiers are approaching each other. Greet- ings are exchanged, for soldiers bear no animosity. The bat- tle of Gettysburg is the theme of converse. The Federals were participants in that world-famed conflict, and bear generous tes- timony to the splendid valor of the Confederate soldiers as ex- 10 SKETCH OF CAMP hibited on that eventful day Pickett's regiments had been re- duced to companies ; companies to squads ; when there ap- peared on the Federal front a mere handful of Confederates, led by their captain, struggling to reach the wall. His hat and sword were extended above his head, and amidst the tumult and din of the battle his clarion voice was ringing out, "Come on, men; come on! My God, would you live forever?" To the soldier patriot, it was the expression of the intense emotion of a soul, on fire for liberty; to us of today, the burn- ing question of the hour, "Would you live forever?" U P ID gg O n^ .55 B 5 ^ IJ o 2 S THE ALBEMARLE CHAPTER OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY. "Love Makes Memory Eternal." Presidents of Albemarle Chapter No. 1. 'HONORARY PRESIDENT. Mrs. James Mercer Garnett.* SECOND HONORARY PRESIDENT. Mrs. Simon Leterman. PRESIDENTS. Mrs. James M. Garnett. Miss Morelle Davis. Mrs. Charles C. Wertenbaker. Mrs. Moses Leterman. Mrs. Noah K. Davis. Miss Fannie Berkeley. .Miss Sallie J. Doswell. Mrs. George W. Olivier. Mrs. Charles C. Wertenbaker. Miss Sallie J. Doswell. Mrs. Glassell Fitzhugh. 'Editor's Note: Mrs. Garnett died December 8th, 1919, just after this volume went to the printer. She was buried at Middleburg, Maryland, December 10th, 1919. [Ill HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER. The Albemarle Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con- federacy was organized May 15th, 1894, largely through the efforts of Mrs. James Mercer Garnett, who became its first president and afterwards first president of the Grand Division of Virginia. The organization of the Chapter, the first in the South (six months prior to the Nashville Chapter), came about in this way: In May, 1894, the John Bowie Strange Camp, U. C. \ ., which had been organized August 22nd, 1889, sent a request, through Dr. Garnett, to the ladies of the Confederate Me- morial Association, of which Mrs Garnett was treasurer, ask- ing them to form an auxiliary to the Camp to aid in the care of sick and needy Confederate soldiers. Mrs. Garnett laid the request before the society at a meeting held at Mrs. C. C. Wertenbaker's home, urging that the request of the Camp be granted. The -majority of the society "de- clined to join in the enterprise in any way, or to change their 1-lans." Mrs. Garnett, undiscouraged, wrote a note to the Camp at once, pledging herself to form an auxiliary to be called "The Daughters of the Confederacy," and to interest enough friends to begin work at once for the Camp. The Camp accepted her offer in a most cordial note, which is still preserved, and she lost not an hour in calling on those she felt were in sympa- thy with the veterans. Pursuant to her call, Mrs. Xoah K. Da- vis, Mrs. F. H. Smith, Mrs. C. C. Wertenbaker, Miss Cynthia Berkeley, Miss Gillie Hill, Miss Mary Yandegrift and Mrs. William Southall met at Professor Garnett's home on West Lawn, the 15th day of May, 1894, and organized the Chapter. Mrs. Garnett was elected President, Mrs. Wertenbaker, Yice- President, Miss Berkeley, Secretary, Miss Mary Vandegrift, Treasurer, and Mrs. Francis H. Smith, Chaplain. The latter, with Mrs. Davis, Miss Hall and Mrs. Southall, formed the Executive committee. [12] HISTORY OF THE DAUGHTERS 13 In the absence of certain ladies who wished to join the Chap- ter, the next meeting was postponed from June to October 15th for adoption of a formal constitution, by-laws and badge. The badge, designed by Mrs. Garnett, was adopted as the Virginia badge. The printed by-laws of that time state these facts in full, and the minutes of that October meeting show that the following ladies were enrolled as charter members : Misses Cynthia, Edmonia and- Fannie Berkeley, Miss Jose- phine Cox and her nieces, Misses Mary, Annie, Amelia and Josephine Cox, Mrs. Noah K. Davis, Mrs. T. W. Elsom, Mrs. Sophie Eiseman, Mrs. James M. Garnett, Mrs. J. H. Gilmore, Mrs. Louis Hanckel, Miss Gillie Hill, Mrs. Milton Humphreys, Misses Louise, Nannie, Jennie and Mary Humphreys, Mrs. M. Kaufman, Mrs. Simon Leterman, Mrs. Moses Leterman, Mrs. Phil Leterman, Mrs. M. M. S. Long, Miss Mary Long, Miss Lizzie Mclntire, Miss Minnie Meade, Mrs. W. E. Norris, Mrs. Green Peyton, Mrs. Wilson Randolph, Mrs. John R. Sampson, Mrs. Francis H. Smith, Mrs. William Southall, Mrs. W. D. Towles, Mrs. R. C. Vandegrift, Misses Rosa, Mary and Lizzie Yandegrift, Mrs. Charles S. Venable, Mrs. W. D. Warren, Mrs. Charles C. Wertenbaker and Miss Ella Wertenbaker. In April, 1895, the Albemarle Chapter, as the first in the State, exercised the right of organizing other chapters. By February 12th, 1896, a division of twelve chapters was formed, named the "Grand Division'' in honor of the Grand Camp of the United Confederate Veterans. This division was formed at the home of Dr. Garnett at the University. As but three chap- ters are necessary for a division, it could have been formed six months earlier, the Newport News Chapter having been organized in May, 1895, and the Petersburg and Roanoke Chap- ters in August of that same year. But as Richmond and other chapters were forming and wished to take part in the first general convention at Nashville, the organizing of the Virginia division was delayed that they might be included therein. This accidental delay led to the forming of two divisions in the State in this way: At the Nashville Convention, Headquar- ters, after welcoming Albemarle, and stating that a charter had been sent authorizing her to organize other chapters in Virginia, 14 .HISTORY OF THE DAUGHTERS proceeded to authorize Alexandria (organized in 1895) to do the same thing; so that in the fall of that year (1896) the Alexan- dria Chapter organized another division of three chapters. However, both were working for the same cause, and what seemed at first a complication was happily adjusted at Lynch- burg, the two divisions meeting there and uniting under the common name, "The Virginia Division." At this time sixty chapters nad 'been organized, by the Grand Division, forty in one year through constant appeals from Mrs. Garnett by letter to every place where a chapter seemed possible. On November llth, 1897, when the U. D. C. met in Balti- more, the Grand Division was enrolled with them, an accident having prevented it being done a year before. Mrs. Norman V. Randolph cast sixty-five votes for the Grand Division, thus ad- ding about two thousand members to the General Society. One of the principal objects of the Albemarle Chapter is the relief of the unfortunate veterans in the city and county, and although the number grows smaller each year, there are still a few on the list who receive their monthly check. In addition to this, well filled 'baskets go to them at Christmas, and money is sent to those of the Albemarle veterans who are in the Sol- diers' Home at Richmond. Two widows of veterans have been helped and one is still on the list, and the Chapter owns two rolling chairs which are loaned to invalids who are unable to procure them otherwise. Flowers and fruit are sent to the sick veterans in the local hospitals, and the "stranger within the gates" is never turned away if help is necessary. While no war work was done by the Chapter as an organiza- tion during the late world-conflict, its members individually did their "bit," and through the generosity of the author of "The War Time Dixie" (the words of which were composed by Dr. P. B. Barringer of the University, Virginia), the Chapter was enabled to dispose of a good many copies, the money being contributed to war work. A check was sent towards endowing beds in a hospital in Neuilly, France, dedicated to the memory of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, and contributions have been made to various HISTORY OF THE DAUGHTERS 15 monuments at home and in other states; also to the Y. M. C. A., District Nurse, Education, Museum and Relief Funds, The Hall of Fame Window for Confederate Women in the South (at Washington), the Tablets to the Dead Alumni of the Uni- versity of Virginia on the Rotunda portico; and the greater part of the money for the Confederate Monument in the Court House Square in this city, was raised by the Daughters of the Confederacy. Shortly after the Chapter was organized the members had the pleasure of being received by Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, she being at the time a guest in the home of Dr. Paul B. Barringer at the University of Virginia. During October, 1908, when the Grand Camp of the Virginia veterans held its meeting in Char- lottesville, the Daughters entertained the veterans and Sons of Veterans at a reception at the Red Land Club. When the Dis- trict Convention met in Charlottesville in 1910, the Daughters were hostesses at a large 'reception at Madison Hall. And in June, 1912, when the University of Virginia presented bronze war medals to the survivors of the Confederate Alumni, the Daughters assisted in their entertainment by giving a luncheon in their honor, and later presented buttons and small silk Con- federate flags to each veteran alumnus. The Memorial Day celebrations on May 30th of each year were instituted by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and the exercises are always under their direction. Lee's Birthday is always the occasion for a luncheon by them for our town and county veterans. It is the custom of Albemarle Chapter to bestow Crosses of Honor twice during the year in connection with the annual Lee Birthday celebration, and with the observance of Memorial Day at the Confederate Cemetery at the University of Vir- ginia. Almost every Confederate veteran in the county wears a cross received from this chapter. In recent years many crosses have been bestowed upon widows and descendants of veterans who had died without receiving the cross. This mat- ter was for a number of years in the hands of the late Mrs. C. C. Wertenbaker and since her death has been attended to for 16 HISTORY OF THE DAUGHTERS the Chapter by Mrs. John W. Goss and Miss Isabelle H. Goss. Numerous rules govern the bestowal of Crosses of Honor and only veterans are permitted to wear this emblem. When a Confederate veteran of the town or vicinity answers the last call, Albemarle Chapter sends a Confederate battle flag of silk to be laid upon the casket. The custom, suggested by Mrs. James E. Irvine, a member of the Chapter, and adopted by it twelve years ago, has seemed fitting as an impartial ex- pression of the love and reverence which the Daughters feel for all our heroes of the 'sixties. To perpetuate the memory of our dear old veterans of '61- '65, Albemarle Chapter, U. D. C. No. 1, is placing an iron cross at the grave of every soldier in the city cemeteries. They have already put in hundreds of them, and as the roll is called and each old hero passes over the river, this work will go on. This suggestion was put before the Daughters by Miss Lizzie Mcln- tire and Misses Carrie and Sallie Burnley, and is carried out by the committee in charge Mrs. Lawson Turner, Mrs. Noble Sneed and Miss Gillie M. Hill. The present (1919) officers of Albemarle Chapter are: President, Mrs. Glassell Fitzhugh. First V ice-President, Mrs. J. Cook Grayson. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Lawson H. Turner. Recording Secretary, Mrs. John H. Moomau. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Monte Rea. Treasurer, Mrs. George Perkins. Registrar, Mrs. J. Fulton Williams. Historian, Miss Sallie J. Doswell. Custodian of Crosses, Miss Isabelle H. Goss. MRS. JAMES MERCER GARNETT FIRST PRESIDENT ALBEMARLE CHAPTER, U. D. C. SOME -PRESIDENTS OF THE ALBEMARLE CHAPTER MRS. JAMES MERCER GARNETT. BY MRS. E. H. MCPHERSON. Mrs. James Mercer Garnett, founder and first president of the Albemarle Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed- eracy, No. 1, and of the Grand Division of Virginia, was born in Middleburg, Loudoun County, Virginia, the second daugh- ter of Major Burr Powell Noland, C. S. A., and spent her life there until April 19, 1871, when she married Dr. Garnett, Presi- dent of St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, remaining there ten years, before coming to the University of Virginia. Though a child at the beginning of the war, Mrs. Garnett re- members every event of those trying days that her family and friends underwent at the hands of the Northern armies pass- ing through Loudoun and laying waste all in their path. Her mother, with six children and a governess in her home, and her family servants, had no protector, but knew not the meaning of the word fear, even when facing rough foes who rushed into their home in the dead of night to search and steal. After the battle of Manassas offers were made by the citizens "to care for some wounded." Fifteen hundred were sent to Middleburg, though the population was but three hundred, in- cluding the negroes. The white men were all in the army ; even the ministers of the gospel were arrested and put in the old Capitol Prison in Washington. Mrs. Noland's home and the cottage on the place were filled with the wounded ; General York, of Louisiana, being one of them. The Episcopal Church and yard next door were utilized, as well as all the othe/ churches, and every private home. Mrs. Garnett remembers the nightly visits with her mother to carry fruits and cooling drinks to these poor men. To those who died, a monument, probably the first of its kind in the country, was erected in 1866 in Mt. Sharon Cemetery, "To the [171 18 CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Unknown Dead." On the tombstones at the head of these graves, arranged in a circle, are the names and states of those known. The lot is well cared for and the graves are decorated with flowers and flags on Memorial Day by. the Daughters of the Confederacy and others. Colonel Mosby and his men were frequent visitors at Mrs. Noland's home a resting place sometimes between the north- ern "raids;" and in Mrs. Garnett's hall, among other Confed- erate pictures, with the battle flag and the Virginia flag waving over all, is a fine picture of Colonel Mosby, sent to her from San Francisco; also three photographs of his raids inscribed by him as follows : 1. " Mosby 's Battalion Crossing at Snickersville Gap, Vir- ginia, August 12, 1864." 2. "Mosby's Battalion Attack on Sheridan's Train, Berry- ville, Va., August 13, 1864." 3. "Mosby's Battalion Returning from Berryville, August 13, 1864." On the back of these pictures, under glass, Colonel Mosby wrote the names of his officers ; and on one is the inscription : "Forsan haec olim meminisse juvabit Presented to my dear friend, Mrs. Kate Noland Garnett. John S. Mosby." Reared amid such scenes and under such influences, Mrs. Garnett could not have been other than intensely Southern in her sympathies. Accordingly, we find that her entire life has been one long chapter of devotion to the principles of the Lost Cause and of loving and untiring service to the survivors of the legions which followed Lee and Jackson. Of her services in founding the Albemarle Chapter, which was the pioneer chapter of the United Daughters of the Con- federacy, little need be said, as a full account of her activities in that connection has been given in the historical account of that chapter elsewhere in this book. Mrs. Garnett was President of the Albemarle Chapter until 1896, when she left Virginia ; and of the Grand Division of Vir- ginia until 1898, when she declined re-election, introducing a Miss SALLIE J. DOSWELL HISTORIAN AND FORMER PRESIDENT Albemarle Chapter, U. D. C. CHAPTER PRESIDENTS 19 resolution, which was duly adopted, that, "the President shall reside in the State." She had, while President of the Grand Division, enrolled it in the General Society of the U. D. C., and as Chairman of the union of the two divisions in Virginia, had carried it through successfully, and so felt that her special du- ties could be now given over to others, though her interest in the Albemarle Chapter, which was especially dear to her, contin- ued unabated. She was made Honorary President and Custodian of Badges, which office she still holds. She served several years as Vir- ginia Historian and has contributed many papers and book re- views to history. She was also "Chairman of History" of the General Society for two years, the office now called "Historian," and arranged the historical plan now generally adopted by the states. She has served continuously on history committees and shows unfailing interest in all Confederate matters. Mrs. Gar- nett says, "My home is in Maryland, but my heart is in Vir- ginia !" SALLIE J. DOSWELL. BY MRS. J. FULTON WILLIAMS. Sallie J. Doswell, daughter of Major Thomas W. Doswell (aide to General William E. Stark C. S. A) and Frances Anne Sutton, was born in Richmond, Virginia, where the early years of her life were spent. Soon after graduating from the Virginia Female Institute, Staunton, Virginia, she. with her family, re- moved to the old Doswell home, "Bullfield," near Hanover Junction, Virginia, now known as "Doswell." in honor of her father. After Major Dos well's death she came with her mother and three sisters to live at the University of Virginia, where she and one sister, Miss Norma Doswell, still reside. She transferred her membership from the Richmond Chap- ter U. D. C. to the Albemarle Chapter, the history of which would indeed be incomplete without an honest tribute to the whole-souled enthusiasm and splendid executive ability, which has characterized her work in this field. "Not to sympathize is not to understand ;" so it is but natural 20 CHAPTER PRESIDENTS that as the daughter of a brave Confederate officer, and having spent her early life in and around Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, she came to us with an understanding that has been one of the greatest assets of the Albemarle Chapter U. D. C. She has held consecutively the offices of president, vice- president and Chapter historian. In 1897 she became president of the Chapter, succeeding Mrs. Fannie Berkely Williams. She resigned this office after four years, but was induced to serve another term as president after the death of Mrs. G. W. Olivier. She again resigned the presidency and Mrs. Glassell Fitzhugh was elected to the office, Miss Doswell becoming vice-president. During her terms of office Miss Doswell had the privilege of witnessing the unveiling of the handsome Confederate Monu- ment on the Court House Square and the beautiful bronze tab- lets on the north front of the University Rotunda, erected by the special efforts of the Ladies' Confederate Memorial Asso- ciation. In 1915, she was made Chapter historian, when with the aid of the officers she revised for publication the Constitution and By-Laws, and included a brief sketch of the Chapter. Besides her interest in the work of the Daughters of the Con- federacy, Miss Doswell became a member of the Albemarle Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in which or- ganization she filled the office of historian for a term of two years, resigning her membership at the end of that period to devote herself more fully to the duties of President of Albe- marle Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy. She seems at all times to have considered it a sweet privilege to have part in the work of the Albemarle Chapter, and she has indeed established true claims to the gratitude of its large mem- bership for her loyalty, her graciousness and the wonder- ful results of her untiring efforts to keep the Chapter worthy of its tradftions. She may be justly regarded as the guardian spirit of the Albemarle Chapter U. D. C. MRS. GLASSELL FITZHUGH PRESIDENT ALBEMARLE CHAPTER, U. D. C. Children: Slaughter and Margaret CHAPTER PRESIDENTS 21 MRS. GLASSELL FITZHUGH. BY MRS. E. H. MCPHERSON. Orie Slaughter Fitzhugh, daughter of the late Reuben Moore Slaughter and Lucy Watson Turner, was born in Airmen t County, Virginia. Her father was a brave Confederate sol- dier, serving as a member of the Little Fork Rangers Cav- alry. Her mother died when she was an infant and she was reared by her aunt, Mrs. Annie Slaughter Wingfield, of Cul- peper a lovely woman whose memory Ctilpeper delights to honor. Mrs. Wingfield was a charter member of the Culpeper Chap- ter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and it was through Mrs. Fitzhugh's early association with this Chapter that she be- came deeply interested in the work. In 1906 she came to Char- lottesville as the bride of the late Glassell Fitzhugh. Transfer- ring her membership from the Culpeper Chapter to the Albe- marle Chapter, she has been a most enthusiastic worker for the Daughters and for the Confederate veterans. In 1913 she was unanimously elected president of the Albemarle Chapter to succeed Miss Sallie Doswell, which office she still holds. Albemarle Chapter U. D. C. is among the largest and most influential chapters of the Virginia Division, and through the twenty-five years of its history has enjoyed the honor of a suc- cession of presidents who were women of rare charm of man- ner, splendid executive ability and a deep reverence for the sac- rifices made by the Southern soldiers and their families for the Confederate cause. Mrs. Fitzhugh has proven no exception, and by her winsome personality has won the love and admira- tion of those who are in touch with her splendid work. W'hen Mason Gordon Junior Auxiliary Chapter was organ- ized, the names of Mrs. Fitzhugh's small son and daughter, Glassell Slaughter and Margaret Conway, were among the first enrolled. CHARLES BEALE LINNEY. Adjutant of John Bowie Strange Camp. (A tribute from the Daughters) BY GERTRUDE MANN. The Daughters of the Confederacy feel that their contribu- tion to this book, which seeks to perpetuate the brave deeds of "our boys in gray," who are members of the John Bowie Strange Camp United Confederate Veterans, would be incomplete with- out some recognition and appreciation of the devoted and self- sacrificing services rendered by Mr. Charles Beale Linney, Ad- jutant of the Camp. Mr. Linney came among us a number of years ago to make his home, and there has never been a time that he has not been manifestly interested in the "Veterans." Since his election as Adjutant of the Camp about ten years ago to succeed the late Mr. Lew Wood, he has found no service too hard to perform when looking after his comrades. Wherever there is sickness and sorrow, wherever there is want, wherever there is advice to be given, there he is found at his post willing and anxious to serve. And what has been said about his helpfulness to the "Veterans" may also be said in regard to his cooperation with the "Daughters." No Memorial Day exercises are complete without him, and at the celebration of Lee's Birthday he is al- ways ready and willing to lend himself to the success of the oc- casion, and yet going about it with such modest mien that one has to put together the many little acts of kindness in order that they may see the whole beautifully blended, and thus catch the real spirit of the man and the soldier. No wonder then with his mind so filled with devotion to the cause, and for those with whom he served, that he should have caught "the vision" and had a desire to see recorded the deeds of those brave men who are so dear to the hearts of the South- land. Phillips Brooks once said, "It is a joy to do something which shall not merely touch the present, but shall reach for- ward to the future," and it was with this thought in mind that Mr. Linney has given of his time and his strength to get to- gether the data for this interesting and valuable book. [22] CHARLES B. LJNNEY Co. D, 25TH VA. BAT'L'N INF., C. S. A. Adjutant John Bowie Strange Camp R. T. W. DUKE CAMP, SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS. The R. T. W. Duke Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, was organized Tuesday, April 18th, 1893, in Charlottesville, Virginia, and named for Colonel R. T. W. Duke, a sketch of whose life appears in this volume. The first officers were: R. T. W. Duke, Jr., Commander; James Lindsay Gordon, Lieutenant Commander; John S. White, Adjutant; George R. B. Michie, Treasurer; with about one hundred members. The Camp, with almost its entire strength, took part in the re-interment of President Jefferson Davis at Richmond, Va., on May 31st, 1893, and on- June 7th, 1893, took part in the dedi- cation of the Confederate Monument in the cemetery at the University of Virginia, on which occasion Major Stiles deliv- ered the address, parts of which are contained in this volume. The Camp, at various times at its meetings, has been addressed by a number of distinguished soldiers. Colonel John W. Mal- let, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia, and a distinguished officer in the Ordnance Department of the Con- federate States, delivered a very interesting and instructive ad- dress on the Ordnance Department of the Confederate Gov- ernment. Professor Milton W. Humphreys of the University, spoke on "How it feels to go into a battle." The present (1919) officers of the Camp are: Commander, Henry W. Battle. Lieutenant Commander, John S. Patton. Adjutant, Homer Richey. Treasurer, W. W. Waddell. The motto of the camp is "Patria et Virtus Patriae." [23] Sketches of the Dead. GENERALS. MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS L. ROSSER. BY L. ROSSER, JR. Thomas L. Rosser, the first Commander of the John Bowie Strange Camp, was born on October 15th, 1836, in Campbell County, Virginia. His father, Colonel John Rosser, moved with his family to Texas in 1849, and it was from that state that Thomas L. Rosser was appointed to the U. S. Military Acad- emy at West Point in 1856. He was in the graduating class of 1861 when the Civil War began, but, after the firing on Fort Sumpter, left the Academy and came South, receiving a com- mission as First Lieutenant of Artillery in the Confederate Army. He was in the First Battle of Mannassas and soon aft- erwards was made a captain. He won the admiration of his commanding officers and rose rapidly, receiving his promotion as Brigadier General on October 15th, 1863, his twenty-seventh birthday, and the following year was made a Major Geneial. The following quotations from the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, published by the U. S. War Department, illustrate the high esteem in which Rosser was held by his fel- low officers. On October 31, 1862, General J. E. B. Stuart re- ported, "There is no cooler or more intrepid man in action than Rosser." And again on March 17th, '63, General Stuart wrote General Lee, "Severely wounded at Kellysville, he (Rosser) remained in command at the head of his regiment until the day was won." In recommending Rosser's appointment as Briga- dier General, General Lee wrote, "He is an excellent officer in the field ; is prompt, cool and fearless, and has been twice wounded in this war." In the winter of 1863, by capturing a large wagon train near Patterson Creek, he again won the praise of General Lee, who wrote on February 6th, 1864, "Gen. Rosser has shown great energy and skill and his command de- [24] MAJOR GENERAL THOMAS L. ROSSER COMMANDER OF ROSSER'S CAVALRY DIVISION, ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA First Commander of John Bowie Strange Camp SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 25 serves great credit." And after the fight at Ashland on June 2nd, 1864, General Lee, ''Expresses his gratification at the hand- some conduct of Rosser's command and his thanks for their having so gallantly defeated the enemy;" and General Wade Hampton wrote to, "add his thanks for your valuable assistance and to say that he deems the success of yesterday mainly due to your skill and the services of your command." After th; engagement at Reams Station General Hampton again reported, "General Rosser, though not recovered from his late wound, went through the entire fight, showing the ability and gallantry which have always characterized his conduct." In reporting the raid of November 28th, 1864, when, with about a thousand men, Rosser surprisecl and captured the fortified town of New Creek, W. Va., losing only two men and returning with a large quantity of sorely needed supplies, General Lee wrote, "Tl e boldness and energy exhibited by General Rosser deserves much praise." In the midst of a winter which General Sheridan in his re- ports describes as the coldest he had ever experienced and one in which his men and horses were frozen to death, Rosser with three hundred picked men rode across the mountains, and on January llth, 1865, surprised and captured the fort at Beverly and took back to the distressed Southern army 700 prisoners and a large number of cattle, as well as other military supplies. A great tribute from Sheridan to the daring and boldness of General Rosser was the instructions of this Federal general to his officers to double their pickets when Rosser was in their neighborhood. During the war, on May 28th, 1863, Rosser married Betty Barbara Winston, of Hanover County, Virginia. The war left him penniless. He had been trained a soldier and had no other profession. He tried law and attended lectures at Lexington, Virginia, under Judge Brockenborough, but in '69 decided to abandon this pursuit and go to Minnesota, leaving his wife and three children in Virginia. There his energy soon found an opening, and in the spring of '70 he went to work for the North- ern Pacific Railroad which was then starting to build from Duluth. He remained with the Northern Pacific for some years 26 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD and then went to the Canadian Pacific Railroad as Chief Engi- neer, when it started to build west from Winnipeg. In 1885 Rosser, having accumulated a fair estate, returned to Virginia and bought a home near Charlottesville, where he spent his remaining years. In the war with Spain he was com- missioned a Brigadier General of Volunteers and was stationed at Chickamauga. He died at Charlottesville on March 29, 1910. BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN MARSHALL JONES. BY GILLIE MARSHALL HILL. General John Marshall Jones was the -son of Colonel John Russell Jones and Gillie Marshall Jones. General Jones was born at Social Hall (now owned by Dr. J. F. Williams), Charlottes- ville, Virginia. He was a professor at West Point. When Vir- ginia called her sons he promptly answered, and became Briga- ier-General. He was killed at the battle of the Wilderness in 1864. His life-long friend and neighbor, J. Thompson Brown, was killed the same day at Locust Grove, Orange County. Their remains were brought to their old homes, which were opposite each other, and from there the two processions wended their way to Maplewood where, in opposite sections, their bodies at the same time were lowered into their last resting places. In Colonel Jones' section at Maplewood the little memorial crosses mark the graves of five Confederate officers, namely : The above mentioned General John M. Jones; Lieutenant James L. Daniel, Company B, Nineteenth Regi- ment Virginia Volunteers, killed in battle near Richmond, 1862; Major T. T. Hill, Judge Advocate of his brother A. P. Hill's Corps ; Lieutenant Thomas Russell Hill, Lieutenant in Poague's Bat- talion; and Captain Walter Bowie, Captain in the Fortieth Regiment, In- fantry, Virginia Volunteers. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 27 GENERAL LUCIUS BELLINGER NORTHROP. BY MARIE FLOYD NORTHROP. Lucius Bellinger Northrop, who was Commissary General of the Confederacy, was born at Charleston, South Carolina, Sep- tember 8th, 1811, and graduated at West Point, N. Y., in 1829, in the class with Jefferson Davis, President of the Southern Confederacy. They served together in the West against the In- dians. He was in the Seminole War in Florida, where he was severely wounded, and then retired on half pay. He then stud- ied medicine in Philadelphia and on his return to Charleston practiced occasionally for charity only. When South Carolina seceded he resigned his commission as Captain in the United States Army and became Commissary General of the Confed- eracy. A few months before the fall of Richmond he went to North Carolina and engaged in farming near Egypt in that State. In July, 1865, he was arrested by the National authorities and confined fn Richmond in what was known as "Castle Thunder" until the following November, when he was released on his pa- role that he was not to leave the State of Virginia without noti- fying the Federal Government. In 1867 he bought a farm near Charlottesville, Virginia, upon which he resided until sometime after he was paralyzed, February 4th, 1890. He died in the Soldiers' Home, Pikesville, Maryland, February 9th, 1894. He was six feet tall, straight as an arrow, erect as a column and a very Cincinnatus. He hated publicity in any form. With regard to his life during the years that he resided near Charlottesville, there is but little to tell. He lived a very re- tired life. With the exception of a trip to Charleston, South Carolina, he was never out of the State after settling upon the farm near Charlottesville, until he went to Maryland, where he died as previously stated. After coming to Charlottesville his most intimate friends were Professors Holmes, Smith and Page and others of the older professors of the University, all of whom, except Professor Smith, are long since dead. 28 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD BRIGADIER-GENERAL ARMISTEAD LINDSAY LONG. BY WM. F. LONG. General Armistead Lindsay Long (1825-1891) was a son of Colonel Armistead Lindsay Long, of Amherst County, Virginia. He graduated at the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1850. From 1850 to 1861 he was an officer in the United States Army. When the war broke out he resigned his commission and offered his services to the Confederacy. He served as Major from 1861 to 1862, as Military Secretary to General Lee from 1862 to 1863, and as Brigadier General from 1863 to the close of the war. Shortly after the close of the war General Long received the following testimonial from General Lee : "General A. L. Long entered the Confederate service in 1861, and served continuously till the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, 9th April, 1865. His conduct during that time was marked by zeal and gallantry. A graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, in addition to a military edu- cation, he has had long experience in the military service. He was with me as Chief of Artillery in the winter of 1861-62 in the Southern Department, and became a member of my staff when appointed to the command of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia. He was promoted Brigadier-General in 1863, and made Chief of Artillery of the Second Army Corps, Army of North- ern Virginia, which position he held till the surrender of the army, 9th April, 1865." R. E. Lee, "General." After the war General Long became blind, and to overcome the inactivity to which loss of sight subjected him, he sought occupation in writing a life of his beloved General, and in 1886 published his ''Memoirs of Robert E. Lee." General Long married Mary Heron Summer, daughter of Major General E. V. and Hannah Foster Summer. There were three children of this marriage : E. V. S. Long, a civil engineer, who died of typhoid fever when only twenty-four years old ; Virnie, wife of Col. Robert Alexander Brown, U. COL. R. T. W. DUKE IN 1880 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 29 S. A. ; and Eugene McLean Long, Civil Engineer, of New York City. General Long is buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Char- lottesville, Virginia. On the granite monument over his grave, these words are inscribed : "Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty." COLONELS. COLONEL RICHARD THOMAS WALKER DUKE. BY His SON, W. R. DUKE. Richard Thomas Walker Duke, the son of Richard Duke and Maria Barckley Walker, his wife, was born June 6th, 1822, at Mill Brook, locally known as the Burnt Mills, in Albemarle County, Virginia. He attended private schools, among his teachers being the late Judge William J. Robertson, his life long friend. He was appointed State cadet to the V. M. I. in 1842, and graduated second in his class in 1845. He taught school in Richmond, also in Lewisburg, Virginia, now \Vest Virginia. On the death of his father in 1849, he moved to Morea and studied law, graduating in 1850. Again he taught school and at the same time practiced law in Charlottesville. He was elected Commonwealth's Attorney in 1858. After the John Brown raid he organized the Albemarle Rifles, Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, and was elected Captain. He went to Harper's Ferry on April 17th, 1861, and was at First Manassas. In the summer of 1862 he was elected Colonel of the Forty-sixth Virginia Infantry. He resigned during the spring of 1864, came home, and was ap- pointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Battalion of Re- serves, and served in the trenches and at guarding prisoners in Richmond. He was captured, together with his command, at Sailors Creek, April 6th, 1865. He was in Washington the night President Lincoln was as- sassinated. He remained a prisoner at Johnson's Island until July, 1865. Upon his release he returned home and resumed the practice of 30 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD law. He was removed from the office of Commonwealth's At- torney by military authority. He was elected to congress in 1870 and served until 1873. He was one of the charter members of the John Bowie Strange Camp, Confederate Veterans, its first Second Lieuten- ant Commander, and afterwards Commander. During this period he continued to practice law and was elected to the legislature in 1881, serving one term. He died at Sunny Side, July 2nd, 1898, and was buried in Maplewood Cemetery. COLONEL ANDREW JACKSON GRIGSBY. BY ISABELLE H. Goss. Colonel Andrew Jackson Grigsby was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia November 2nd, 1819. When war with Mex- ico was declared, he was residing in Missouri, and enlisted in Colonel Doniphan's well known regiment which distinguished itself in that war. In the spring of 1861 he was living in Giles County, Virginia, and at once entered the service of his State, becoming successively Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel of the Twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment one of the five regiments of the noted "Stonewall" Brigade. He served with this brigade through the campaigns of 1861 and 1862, becom- ing its commander after Colonel W. H. S. Baylor was killed at "Second Manassas." At the battle of Sharpsburg, after the retirement of General J. R. Jones injured by concussion from the bursting of a shell and the death of General W. E. Starke, who was killed early in the action, he became commander of Jackson's old division, and led it with conspicuous ability and gallantry. Indeed, the gallantry of Colonel Grigsby was conspicuous on every field on which the "Stonewall" Brigade was engaged, so that his regi- ment acquired the sobriquet of "The Bloody Twenty-seventh." At the battle of Port Republic his sword belt was shot away, and he was wounded in a later engagement. In the fall of 1863, after the promotion of General E. F. Pax- ton, former Major of his regiment and at that time Adjutant SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 31 General of Jackson's Corps, to the command of the "Stonewall" Brigade, Colonel Grigsby resigned. He was then in feeble health and unable to render further active service. He retired to the home of his relatives, the Goss family in Albemarle County, where he afterwards resided. On Decem- ber 18th, 1895, he was taken with pneumonia, and died Decem- ber 23rd, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was laid to rest on Christmas morning in the burying ground of the Goss family, near Stony Point. COLONEL JOHN BOWIE MAGRUDER. FROM A SKETCH BY COL. WM. HENRY STEWART OF PORTSMOUTH, VA. John Bowie Magruder, eldest son of Benjamin Henry Ma- gruder and Maria Louisa Minor, was born in Scottsville, Albe- marle County, Virginia, November 24th, 1839. His parents moved to "Glenmore," in the same county, when he was five years old. He was educated at John Bowie Strange Military Academy and the University of Virginia, receiving the degree of Master of Arts at the latter in 1860. Planning to study law later, he was teaching at Smith's Academy in Culpeper when the Civil War began. He graduated in thirty days in military tac- tics at the Virginia Military Institute. He organized the "Ri- vanna Guards," and was commissioned its Captain in July, 1861. This Company (H) was first assigned to the Thirty-second Virginia Infantry, and that fall to the Fifty-seventh Virginia In- fantry, commanded by Colonel Kean and then later by Armi- stead. Magruder first served south of James River; then north, par- ticipating in the Seven Days Battle around Richmond, and los- ing at Malvern Hill half his company. He was made Lieuten- ant Colonel for gallantry in 1862. He was in the battle of Fredericksburg and was made Colonel, January 12th, 1863, of the Fifty-seventh Virginia Infantry, Armistead's Brigade, Pick- ett's Division, Longstreet's Corps. In April, 1863, he was with Longstreet in the siege of Suffolk. He distinguished himself with an independent command near Edenton, N. C., where with 1,300 men he defeated 5,500 Federals in two battles, for which 32 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD he was highly complimented by General Longstreet. He foil mortally wounded in Pickett's charge at Gettysburg July 3rd, 1863, within twenty steps of the enemy's cannon, shouting to his men as he fell, "They are ours." He refused to be carried back and ordered his men to "go on and do their duty." When in retreat they offered to take him back he told them, "Sore yourselves as I am hopelessly wounded." He died a prisoner in Gettysburg July 5th, 1863. He was a member of the Epsilon Alpha Fraternity and a frater sent his remains and personal effects in a metallic coffin to "Glenmore," where he lies buried. Had he survived Gettysburg he would have been a Brigadier General before attaining the age of twenty-four years. Prior to Gettysburg many of his command criticized his in- tricate maneuvres in charging over and around obstacles as a needless sacrifice of energy; but in Pickett's Charge a dwelling, outbuilding, and garden in the way were passed without delay, impairing alignment, or sheltering skulkers. Magruder was small in stature but muscular, finely educated, of splendid character and executive ability, superb courage and soldierly qualities, a fine disciplinarian but thoughtful of the comfort of his men to whom he was courteous and kind. His soldierly conduct, bearing, and qualities won the admiration and praise of both superiors and subordinates. He died a Chris- tian patriot. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN WILLIAM MALLET. BY MILTON W. HUMPHREYS. John William Mallet was born in Dublin, Ireland, October 7th, 1832, and died at the University of Virginia, November 7th, 1912. His father was Robert Mallet, F. R. S., and his mother Cordelia Watson. After thorough preliminary training, he studied alternately at Trinity College, Dublin, and at Gottingen, receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the latter Uni- versity in 1852, and A. B. at Dublin in 1853. In 1853 he came to America on business for his father with- out any intention of remaining in this country, but was induced to give temporary instruction in German and French at Am- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 33 herst College, Massachusetts, and in 1854 he was made Pro- fessor of Analytical Chemistry in that institution. Before the session ended he was appointed chemist to the Geological Sur- vey of Alabama, and at once was induced to act as temporary Professor of Chemistry in the State University at Tuscaloosa, and afterwards became regular professor. In the fall of 1861 he joined as a private a cavalry company that was being organized at Tuscaloosa, but before this com- pany was mustered in he accepted a position as aide-de-camp on the staff of general Rodes, and was commissioned as first lieutenant on the 16th of November of that year. Rodes' bri- gade spent the winter at Manassas and in the spring repaired to the peninsula and served in the campaign up to and including the battle of Seven Pines. On the day of this battle he re- signed from Rodes' staff, having been commissioned as Captain of Artillery May 21st, 1862, with orders to take general charge under Colonel (afterwards General) Gorgas of the production of ammunition for all arms. Being sent on a tour of inspection of all the various arsenals and ordnance depots with instruc- tions to confer with the various officers as to distribution of the work, the avoidance of orders prductive of confusion, etc., and to collect all needful facts, he made a report to the Chief of Ordnance. This report, with its recommendations, led to the erection of a great central ordnance laboratory at Macon, Geor- gia, which, however, was not put ,. into full operation before the war ended. Dr. Mallet, as Superintendent of Laboratories, was required every month to visit the principal ordnance establish- ments, the headquarters of the principal armies, and each im- portant fortified port, for conference with other ordnance offi- cers. He had to make tests of ordnance products and perform experiments with a view to finding substitutes for materials that had become exhausted or could not be obtained. During the siege of Charleston in 1863, when visiting that place, he re- ceived a slight wound. To give a detailed account of his labors in this field would require much space. Dr. Mallet was made Major June 28th, 1863, and Lieutenant- Colonel of Artillery February 29th, 1864. General Wilson advanced on Macon at the very end of the 34 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD war, and an engagement was in progress when a joint telegram from Sherman and Johnston, addressed to Federal and Confed- erate commanders, ordered an immediate cessation of hostili- ties. Mallet was paroled with others in like situation. Dr. Mallet was engaged now in practical scientific work for three years in addition to being Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department of the University of Louisiana. In 1868 he was called to the University of Virginia, where, as Pro- fessor of Chemistry, he remained until his death in 1912, with the exception of two sessions; one (1883-4) spent at the Uni- versity of Texas as Professor of Chemistry and Physics, be- sides being Chairman of the Faculty; and the other (1884-5) as Professor of Chemistry in the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Dr. Mallet's ability as an analytical chemist caused him very often to figure as an expert witness in cases of poisoning, and to be employed for the analysis of ores, water, and, in short, everything an analysis of which was desired. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society (F. R. S.), London, and a fellow or member of a score of other scientific societies on both continents, and belonged to a considerable number of other organizations. He did not write any books, but his articles in scientific pub- lications number about a hundred, not to mention many that appeared in popular periodicals. His fame brought him many honors. Honorary degrees (M. D., LL. D., etc.,) were showered upon him, and he was often appointed to discharge special temporary duties, such as serv- ing as judge in exhibitions, delivering lectures at other institu- tions, etc. He was extraordinarily versatile, and not only kept abreast of progress in the sciences, but maintained remarkable knowl- edge of the ancient languages, and in almost every department of human knowledge his accuracy was amazing. His general characteristics are excellently stated in the action of the faculty of the University of Virginia on the occasion of his death : "Great as have been his world-wide acknowledged intellectual achievements in science, these seem to fade into in- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 35 significance when compared with the impress of character which he has stamped upon the generation of men who have sat at his feet in this University. He was the soul of honor, truth and courage ; he hated sham, deceit and charlatanism in all their forms, and, regardless of consequences, never permitted himself to swerve a hairbreadth from what he recognized to be a prin- ciple." . He married, first, Mary E., daughter of Judge John J. Or- mond, of Alabama, in 1857. She passed away in 1886, and in 1888 he married Mrs. Josephine Burthe, of Louisiana, who survives him. He retired from active teaching in 1908 and was made Pro- fessor Emeritus. An attack of influenza subsequently impaired his health, and on the seventh of November, 1912, he passed away after a brief acute illness. He never became naturalized as an American citizen, a fact possibly due to his having embraced the Confederate cause, and later (after 1877) to his desire to remain a Fellow of the Royal Society, a distinction limited to British subjects. Dr. Mallet was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a man of the purest moral character, whose example could have only an ennobling effect upon all who came in contact with him. COLONEL JOHN S. MOSBY. BY R. T. W. DUKE, JR. John S. Mosby, one of the greatest partisan leaders of mod- ern times, was born at the home of his grandfather, James Mc- Laurine, in Powhatan County, Virginia. When he was a child his father purchased a farm near Charlottesville in Albemarle County, and upon this farm Colonel Mosby was raised. He was educated at private schools and at the early age of sixteen entered the University of Virginia. Here he showed quite an aptitude for languages, graduating in Greek. An unfortunate altercation with a man named Turpin, in which Colonel Mosby shot him, led to his conviction of unlawful shooting and a fine and imprisonment. Had the law at that time allowed Mosby to 36 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD testify, there would have been very little doubt of his acquittal. The fine was remitted and he was pardoned by the Governor. The Attorney for the Commonwealth, Judge Wm. J. Robert- son, although he prosecuted young Mosby with unusual vigor, took great interest in him, visited him frequently while in jail, and lent him law books. So well did he use his time, that on leaving his prison he received a license to practice law, and in 1855 moved to Bristol, Virginia, where he opened a law office and soon began a very successful practice. At the outbreak of the War between the States Colonel Mosby promptly volunteered in a cavalry company and was later in Colonel (afterwards General) J. E. B. Stuart's regiment, and was in the First Battle of Manassas and subsequently was with Stuart in his famous ride around McClellan. For valuable services in that ride he was recommended for a captaincy by Stuart. In January, 1863, he organized his celebrated battalion, which became one of the most valuable arms of the service. He was commissioned Captain and recommended by General Lee to the President for a major's commission. The deeds of Mosby and his magnificent regiment are too many and too full of incident to allow more than a reference. Suffice it to say that they threw dismay and anxiety into the campaigns of. the Federal troops in Virginia, and in the lan- guage of Sheridan, Mosby's men were the most redoubtable partisans he ever met. History has immortalized them. He was promoted from time to time and his battalion grew into a regiment of the most daring, fearless and splendid sol- diers the world has ever seen. Their gallant commander led them into battle, was wounded time and again, and when the war closed he was a colonel, having been desperately wounded late in 1864 and commissioned as Colonel January 6th, 1865. He surrendered his command on April 21st, 1865. He was not paroled until February 6th, 1866, and was subjected to much petty annoyance by the Federal authorities. He resumed the practice of law in Warrenton, Virginia, and was appointed consul to Hong Kong by President Hayes, serving in that position until 1885, when he became attorney for the Southern Pacific Railroad and remained in the service of that SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 37 Company, living in California, for some sixteen years. Re- turning to Virginia he divded his time between his old home, Wafrenton, and Washington, dying in the latter city on May 30th, 1916. Colonel Mosby was a superb soldier, a stainless gentleman, loved to idolatry by his men, and dying he left behind him a memory of which any man might be proud. To know him was to love and admire him, and one of the most precious posses- sions of the writer of this brief sketch is a letter written but a short time before his death, in which the Colonel said, speaking of a visit to Albemarle : "I am a rich man the reception I re- ceived in dear old Albemarle, where I was raised, was proof to me that I possess some things that gold cannot buy." And he had that which nothing can buy fame love immortality. COLONEL WM. ELISHA PETERS, A. M., LL. D. BY PROP. F. H. SMITH. He was born in Bedford County, Virginia, August 18th, 1829. He died at the University of Virginia, March 22nd, 1906. He was educated at the New London Academy ; graduated at Emory and Henry College; studied at the University of Virginia, and for two years at the University of Berlin. He was Professor of Latin and Greek at Emory and Henry from 1852, resigning to enter the Confederate service, as private, in 1861. He was quickly promoted, finally becoming Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Cavalry. He surrendered at Appomattox in 1865. He was elected Professor of Latin at the University of Virginia in 1866, resigning his chair in 1902. Of his merit as a Latinist, a colleague does not presume to speak ; but he impressed us as one who passed by grammars and drew his inspiration from the immediate well of Latin unde- filed. He studied not Kuehner, but Cicero. His value as pro- fessor extended far beyond his classes. Many a bright fellow, giving way for a time, was put again on the right path by his timely and kindly counsel ; how many, eternity only will show. Especially attentive was he to the sons of old friends. These had always a welcome to his office for advice and to his dwell- 448800 38 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ing for hospitality. He was a noble man, just suited to his place. When the occasion arises, Virginia seems always to have the fitting person. I may give two characteristic pictures from his life : When General Early invaded Pennsylvania and drew near to Chambersburg, he sent a written order, through General Bradey Johnson, to Colonel Peters, to march his regiment into the city and burn it. Colonel Peters refused, saying that he had enlisted to fight men, not women and children. He was ar- rested, deprived of his sword, and exposed to court martial and death. His wise and gallant general found a way to save a no- ble officer and yet carry out General Early's order. He passed the order to another colonel, who had no scruples in the mat- ter. Chambersburg was burned, as Virginia towns had been. After the war a great newspaper of Philadelphia offered Col- onel Peters a large sum to give his own account. of the matter. He promptly declined the offer, because he did not wish for praise of the act from the North. Colonel Peters had that mark of a genuine teacher, in giving supreme eminence to his own chair, in the scheme of education. A witty colleague reports a walk he took with Colonel Peters on a moonlight night. After a long silence, -w r hich any one else would have broken by some reference to the sky, the Colonel exclaimed with a deep sigh, "Ah ! I fear much those boys will miss that delicate use of the subjunctive." If the joke was not true, it was well invented. COLONEL JOHN BOWIE STRANGE. BY R. T. W. DUKE, JR. Colonel John Bowie Strange was born in the year 1823 in Fluvanna County, Virginia. He entered the Virginia Military Institute in 1842 and was one of the first graduates of that in- stitution. After graduation he went to the city of Norfolk and taught there for a couple of years, organizing a military school and carrying it on with much success. He then came to the county of Albemarle and organized a school at Bloomfield, the old SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 39 Garland place now owned by the estate of J. Tatnall Lea. In his faculty at Bloomfield he had Professor Toy, the great He- braist of Harvard, and L. M. Blackford, afterwards the prin- cipal of the Episcopal High School ; also Mr. Tebbs and Mr. English. He then removed to Charlottesville, and in 1856 started a military school on the Court House Square in a building now demolished. In a short while he moved his school to the far end of Ridge Street and erected a large schoolhouse and out- buildings. Here he conducted a very large and prosperous mili- tary school until the outbreak of the Civil War. He was elected Colonel of the Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, and re-elected at the reorganization in 1862. He made a superb officer, a. fine disciplinarian, of dauntless and almost reckless courage. The Nineteenth under his leadership became noted as one of the most splendid regiments in the Confederate army. He led his men in the battle of Boonesboro, Maryland, and was killed on the 14th day of September, 1862. Colonel Strange was a man of high ability, splendid character and superb courage. One son of Colonel Strange survives him, a resident of Texas. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL BENNET TAYLOR. BY THOS. J. RANDOLPH. Lieutenant-Colonel Bennett Taylor, while not born in Albe- marle County, but in the county of Jefferson, when it was still a part of the Old Dominion, was always identified with its peo- ple, being one of the many descendants of Thomas Jefferson who imbibed that great patriot's beliefs and tenets of freedom and independence. He was a son of the late John C. R. Taylor and Patsy Jefferson Randolph, his wife, the latter being one of the talented daughters of Colonel Jefferson Randolph of Edge- hill, Albemarle County, and Jane Hollins Nicholas, his wife. He was brought up under the same wholesome, enlightened sur- roundings that marked the Virginia gentry of the era that was closed forever by the Civil War. Bennett Taylor had qualified himself for the practice of the 40 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD law, when the bugle-call to arm in defense of his native State summoned her sons of all classes to enter the ranks of her ar- mies of defense. He enlisted in June, 1861, in a company from Albemarle, Company I, of the famous Nineteenth Virginia In- fantry, being later promoted to the rank of captain. As such he served with gallantry and address during the first two years of the disastrous war, in which the fate of the Confederacy was so uniformly favored by fortune, and the prospects seemed so bright for the winning of that independence and freedom for which his forbears had given their all of talent, thought and property. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of his regiment just prior to the eventful campaign of Gettys- burg, which was to register the "high-water mark" of his coun- try's hopes. On those fateful July days in far-off Pennsylvania he proved the mettle of his ancestry and his worthiness to serve at the fore-front of danger with the gallant men who immortalized Southern chivalry and manhood on those serried heights. He was in the midst of Pickett's never-to-be-forgotten charge against Cemetery Ridge on July 3rd, 1863, and in that heroic but fruitless effort was riddled with shot and shell, until his very life was despaired of. But he recovered, in the mercy of Heaven, and lived to finish the brave fight made by his coun- try, serving till the end of the internecine and bloody contest. Returning after the war to his old Albemarle home, Colonel Taylor lived out his days among his own people, following his profession of attorney-at-law with honor and success, and for several terms being honored by election to the position of Clerk of the Circuit Court. He was a noble exemplar of the principles of honor, chivalry and unselfish devotion to duty and native land, that made up the crown of glory for Virginia and her people that shall never fade. He departed this life lamented and honored by all who knew him and came within the influence of his manly, upright and unselfish character. He was born on the 15th day of Au- gust, 1836, and died on the 4th day of August, 1898. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 41 COLONEL CHARLES SCOTT VENABLE. BY PROF. WM. THORNTON. The life of Colonel Venable for under this military title we all knew and spoke of him, except when in love for his high gentlemanhood we called him endearingly Old Ven tfalls easily into three great periods. COLLEGE STUDENT AND PROFESSOR. 1827-1861. Born at Longwood, the country home of his family, near Farmville, Virginia, April 19th, 1827, he came of an English stock full of vitality with abounding energy and keen vision of practical affairs. He matriculated in Hampden-Sidney College as a sophomore in 1839, graduated in 1842, and served as tutor in Mathematics until 1845. In the fall of 1845 he entered the University of Virginia for post-graduate study, spending two years there under Courtenay and his colleagues, and later one year at Berlin and Bonn under Encke, Argelander, Lejeune Di- richlet and Dove. He held chairs of Mathematics successively at Hampden-Sidney College (1846-1855); at the University of Georgia (1855-1856); and at the University of South Carolina (1856-1861). SOLDIER AND STAFF OFFICER. 1861-1865. The outbreak of the Civil War found Venable at Columbia, South Carolina, in the very focus of that great political and military movement. He volunteered at once, and as Second Lieutenant of the Congaree Rifles was present at the fall of Fort Sumter (April 13th, 1861). The summer of that year found him in Virginia, fighting as a private at first Manassas (July 21st, 1861) in the South Carolina Governor's Guards, and then patrolling the Potomac as a volunteer aide on the staff of Gen- eral Wade Hampton. Promoted to be Lieutenant of Artillery, he was ordered to Louisiana, and there shared in the ineffectual defense of New Orleans. Later he was under General M. L. 42 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD Smith in organizing the fortifications of Vicksburg. During the winter of 1862 the Confederate Congress created the office of "Military Adviser to the President." General Robert E. Lee was selected to fill the position and entered at once upon his du- ties (March 13th, 1862). The staff allowed him was a military secretary with the rank of colonel (Armistead L. Long) and four aides each with the rank of major (Randolph Talcott, Walter H. Taylor, Charles S. Venable and Charles Marshall). Venable was promoted Lieutenant Colonel November 4th, 1864. He served continuously on Lee's staff from 1862 until the sur- render of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, April 9th, 1865, brought the war to its heroic close. UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR AND EXECUTIVE. 1865-1900. The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met in August, 1865, and proceeded to reorganize the school upon a peace basis. Colonel Venable was elected Professor of Mathe- matics, and assumed his new duties on October 1st. Thence- forward his ample training as a geometer and his rare powers of administration were consecrated to the service of the Uni- versity of his native state. Equally eminent as a professor and an executive, beloved and trusted by his colleagues and his stu- dents, wise in council and vigorous in action, he projected his life into the life of the school, and by his leadership largely governed its development. Mainly through his influence and ac- tivity new courses were added in Applied Mathematics, in Ap- plied Chemistry, in Geology, in Natural History and in Prac- tical Astronomy. His efforts were potent in securing the en- dowment funds contributed by the alumni and by Mr. Cor- coran, Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Miller, and Mr. McCormick. His old companions in arms heard him gladly, and as members of the State Legislature, voted for larger annuities to the Univer- sity and for modernized plans of educational work. During two periods (1870-1874 and 1886-1888) he served as Chairman of the Faculty, governing earnestly and strictly, yet with such pene- trating and genuine sympathy for the characters and motives of SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 43 young men as to augment and intensify their general love and respect. Only in June, 1896, when thirty rich and crowded years had left their permanent strain on his physical powers, did he ask for release. His last four years were sweetened by the care and affection of an adoring family, by the honour and rever- ence of his troops of friends, by the changeless love of his old students, and by the sacred assurances of a deep and precious religious faith. On August llth, 1900, with life's earnest and faithful labours nobly ended, he entered into his everlasting rest. CHARLES C. WERTENBAKER. BY JOHN S. PATTON. Charles Christian Wertenbaker was born in Charlottesville in 1835 and died in Waynesboro, Va., April 9th, 1919. He was the son of William Wertenbaker whom Jefferson appointed Li- brarian of the University of Virginia, in which office William Wertenbaker died. His first wife was Mary Ella Poindexter, daughter of the late Dr. James W. Poindexter. The children of that union were : Dr. Charles P. Wertenbaker, who for many years and at the time of his death was a medical expert con- nected with the United States Marine service ; Mrs. George M. Saunders of Clermont, South Carolina; Mrs. Henry G. Fergu- son of Waynesboro ; and Mrs. Douglas Lef twich, deceased. The second Mrs. Wertenbaker was Fannie Thomas Leftwich. The children of this union were : Dr. William Wertenbaker of Wil- mington, Del. ; Colonel L. Wertenbaker, U. S. A. ; and Dr. Thomas J. Wertenbaker of Princeton, New Jersey. His first military service was as a member of Company A of the Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, known as the Monticello Guard, with which he went to Harper's Ferry in 1859 on ac- count of the John Brown insurrection. He was elected first lieutenant of his company when it entered the Civil War and later was appointed adjutant of his regiment. At the close of the war he returned to Charlottesville and became a manufac- turer of cigars, famous throughout the country for their excel- lence. He was captain of the Monticello Guard for many 44 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD years and until elected colonel of the Third Virginia Regiment of the State militia. Colonel Wertenbaker was deeply interested in all good social movements and in the work of the Baptist Church, of which he was a devoted member to the end of his life. Few men have had a larger number of attached friends and no one was ever more loyal or generous. He was a typical Virginian, with some of the attractive faults of his class and practically all of the charm that goes to make up the character we have in mind when we use the designation "old Virginia gentleman." MAJORS. MAJOR C. H. S. BAXTER. BY His DAUGHTER, MRS. W. G. STRICKLER. Major C. H. S. Baxter was born in Christiansburg, Mont- gomery County, October 9th, 1839. He belonged to the Pulaski Guards and at the outbreak of the Civil War was one of the first to enlist in defense of his Country. He entered the war as a private in Company D, Fourth Virginia Infantry, ^Stonewall Brigade. His devotion to his commander was nothing short of idolatry. He worshipped and revered his name to the day of his death. He was with him in his Valley Campaign, in the First and Second battles of Ma- nassas, at Cedar Mountain, Port Republic, Malvern Hill, Fred- ericksburg, The Wilderness, Harper's Ferry, Winchester, Mid- dletown and Front Royal. He was severely wounded at Cedar Creek, being shot five times. The last time his horse was shot from under him, and in falling crushed his limb, leaving him a cripple for the remainder of his life. At the battle of Monocacy he gave his horse to General John B. Gordon, the latter's horse having been shot from under him. For this act he received, thirty years later, a life-size portrait of General Gordon, and a letter telling of the wonderful courage and devotion of the Southern soldier. He served with great distinction throughout the war, and at its close went to Front Royal, Va., and engaged in the hotel business. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 45 In 1871 he married Miss V. V. Grant, a near relative of Gen- eral U. S. Grant. He moved to Charlottesville in 1888, and died January 20th, 1917, aged seventy-eight years. There never lived a braver soldier nor a truer sympathizer, his daily conversation was his beloved South and his thrice loved commander. He has joined him in the great beyond, where there is no more sorrow. MAJOR WM. N. BERKELEY. BY F. L. BERKELEY. William Noland Berkeley, second son of Lewis Berkeley, o.f Barn Elms, Middlesex County, later of Aldie, Loudoun County, Virginia, and of Frances Callander Noland, his wife, was born at Aldie, February 28th, 1826. He attended the Episcopal High School and William and Mary College, where he was graduated in 1845, with the de- gree of Bachelor of Arts. After completing the Law course, he passed his examination and was admitted to the bar, but never practiced his profession, devoting himself to the man- agement of his father's business affairs. Upon the death of his father he inherited the estate at Aldie. He married in 1851, Cynthia White Smith, daughter of Briga- ier-General Thomas A. Smith, U. S. A., by whom he had five children : Lucy Beverley, Cynthia White, Francis Lewis, Mary Edmonia and Frances Callander, of whom the last mentioned married Rev. H. H. Williams, and now, (1919), lives at "The Grove," in Charlottesville. Francis L. married Ethel Crissey, and now lives on his farm, Rockland, near Red Hill, Albemarle County. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, William N. Berkeley was chosen (at the election held for the purpose), Captain of Company C, of the Eighth Virginia Regiment, and his young- est brother, Charles F. Berkeley, First Lieutenant of the same regiment. This company had been organized sometime before the war and was called "Champe Rifles" (in honor of Sergeant Champe, of Revolutionary fame, and had been commanded by William 46 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD Berkeley's youngest brother, Norborne, who was now promoted to be major of the Eighth, commanded by Colonel Eppa Hunton. The eldest brother, Edward, had also been chosen captain by his men ; and thus the four Berkeley brothers all became offi- cers of that splendid regiment, afterwards known as the "Old Bloody Eighth." In the battle of Gettysburg Captain William Berkeley and two of his brothers, Edward and Norborne, were seriously wounded, and the youngest, Charles, found himself, as the sole surviving officer, in cdmmand of sixteen men all of the gallant Eighth to return from that bloody field. After the promotion which followed Gettysburg, the officers of the Eighth were : Norborne Berkeley, Colonel ; Edward Berkeley, Lieutenant Colonel; William N. Berkeley, Major; and Charles F. Berkeley, Senior Captain, and it was commonly called "The Berkeley Regiment." In 1876, Major William N. Berkeley removed to his planta- tion, "Hays," in King William County, and a few years later, to Albemarle County, where he lived until his death in 1907. MAJOR WILLIAM LYNN COCHRAN. BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. Major William Lynn Cochran was born in May, 1838; died September 22nd, 1875. He was the fifth son of John Cochran and Margaret Lynn Lewis, his wife. He was educated in the schools of Albemarle and at the University of Virginia, gradu- ating at the University in both the Academic and Law Depart- ments. In early youth he was afflicted with "white swelling," which left one leg very much shorter than the other, rendering him unfit for military duty. Being determined to take part in the Confederate service, he entered the Quatermaster's Department, and was commissioned Major. He served during the entire war, being stationed principally in Southwest Virginia with quarters near Dublin. After the war he settled down to the practice of law in Char- lottesville. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 47 In 1868, he was elected mayor of the town, which office he held until his death. He was an active member of the order of Masons, Odd Fel- lows, Knights of Pythias, and of the Monticello Guard. He never married. MAJOR JAMES GAVIN FIELD. BY W. ALLAN PERKINS. James Gavin Field was born at "Walnut," Culpeper County Virginia, February 24th, 1826, the son of Lewis Yancey and Maria (Duncan) Field, and a descendant of an old English family, his first American ancestors having landed at James- town in 1631. In his early life he taught school for a short time, and then engaged in the mercantile business at Culpeper under Major Thomas Hill, the father of General Ambrose Powell Hill, C. S. A. In 1848 he went to Mexico as assistant to Major Henry Hill, chief paymaster of the United States Army in the war with Mexico. At the close of that war he went to California with the army of occupation and while there was chosen secretary of the convention that framed the first constitution of that state in 1850. In October of the same year he returned to Virginia and com- menced the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1852 and continued in active practice until his death. He was Com- monwealth's Attorney for Culpeper County during 1859-61. At the opening of the war he enlisted in the Culpeper Min- ute Men and accompanied that company to the attack and cap- ture of Harper's Ferry. Soon thereafter he was appointed on the staff of General A. P. Hill, who was then Colonel of the Thirteenth Virginia Regiment, and continued to serve on Gen- eral Hill's staff during the subsequent promotions of the latter, until he became Chief Quartermaster of Hill's corps with the rank of Major, in which position he served until his surrender with General Lee's Army at Appomattox. Twice he received slight wounds, but at the battle of Slaugh- 48 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ter's Mountain, August 9th, 1862, he lost a leg. As soon as he was sufficiently recovered he set out for the army, and reached Gettysburg during the third day's fight there. Thereafter he was continually with Hill's corps until Appomattox. After the close of the war he resumed his law practice at Cul- peper. In 1877 he was appointed by Governor James L. Kem- per Attorney General of the State, to fill the unexpired term of Raleigh T. Daniel, deceased, and at the subsequent election was chosen to fill this office during the term of Governor Holladay. In 1892 he was nominated by the Omaha Convention as a Peoples Party candidate for vice-president of the United States, on the ticket with James B. Weaver for president, and received twenty-two electoral votes and 1,041,028 popular votes. His title "General" was acquired from his appointment by Governor Kemper in 1876 to the honorary rank of Major-Gen- eral of Virginia Volunteers (militia), but he always greatly preferred to be addressed as "Major," which title he had earned by active service in the Civil War. His last years were spent on his farm, "Windsor," in Albe- marle County, where he died on May 12th, 1902. He was buried at Culpeper. MAJOR HORACE W. JONES. JUDGE A. D. DABNEY. Major Horace W. Jones, of the famous Pickett's Division, was born in Fluvanna County, Virginia, July 29th, 1835, of dis- tinguished parentage. In 1854 he entered the University of Virginia. The next year he began teaching the career he so long and so well adorned. When the war began he left his teacher's desk for the sterner task, and enlisted as a private in Company D of the famous Albemarle Rifles. His great executive ability and devotion to duty soon earned his commission, and he became regimental and then brigade quartermaster, with the rank of Major, on the staff of General George E. Pickett. In all the engagements of this fighting division, including that immortal charge at SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 49 Gettysburg, Major Jones bore his part well and bravely with his characteristic sublime devotion to duty. Immediately on laying down his sword at Appomattox, the faithful teacher again took up his book. He started a little school at his farm near Charlottesville. At first there were only six pupils, but as the number increased, he moved into the town, and soon had so large a school as to require help, and he formed a partnership with Mr. W. R. Abbott. Subsequently he moved to Hanover and taught with his equally famous brother, Col- onel Hilleary P. Jones, at the celebrated Hanover Academy. Afterwards "The Major," as he had by then become affection- ately known to all his "boys," returned to Charlottesville and opened the "Jones University School," which he continued with great success until a short while before his death on June 2nd, 1904. Major Jones left a widow, formerly Miss Sue J. Duke, of that celebrated Albemarle family, and four sons and three daughters. Few men have left a greater impress for good than Major Jones. Not only did he have the wonderful faculty of impart- ing his great knowledge to hundreds of our young manhood, but better still he left to them the precept of his sternly noble character, molded more perfect by the fires of war for the Lost Cause. MAJOR ROBERT FRENCH MASON. BY LACY L. IRVINE. Major Robert French Mason, son of JVTaynadier and Vir- ginia (French) Mason, both of whom were members of prom- inent Virginia families, was born at "Clermont," the handsome old estate of his father on Analoston Island, Fairfax County, Virginia. He was a direct descendant of George Mason of Gunston Hall, who was one of the signers of the "Bill of Rights." The greater part of Major Mason's life after the Civil War, was spent in Charlottesville and in Albemarle County, where he was engaged in various railroad and mining enterprises. 50 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD He married Miss Margaret Kearnes Cooke, of "The Brook," near Rio. To them were .born five children: Robert French, George Lee, Maynadier, Virginia (Mrs. Benjamin S. Minor) and Margaret Cook. Surviving are the following, all of whom reside in Washington: Dr. Robert French Mason, George Lee Mason and Mrs. Benjamin S. Minor. Major Mason possessed the qualities of kindness, generosity and fair dealing, which won for him the highest regard and greatest admiration of a host of friends. As a mere boy he joined the army of the Confederacy, in which he served with dis- tinction for four years as a member of General Fitzhugh Lee's staff. He has to his credit many acts of unusual bravery, and well deserved the name of "Fighting Bob," by which he was known to those with whom he was associated during the war. MAJOR M. GREEN PEYTON. BY F. P. DUNNINGTON. Moses Green Peyton, the son of General Bernard Peyton, of Richmond, Virginia, and Julia Amanda Green, of Culpeper, Virginia, was born July 6th, 1828, at Liberty Hall near Cul- peper. His early life was passed chiefly in Richmond. In 1846 he entered the University, where he received the degrees of A. B. and C. E. As an engineer he worked under Mr. Wm. Mahone, later General Mahone, in the building of the Norfolk & Western Railroad, and was Chief Engineer at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the year 1850, he married Martha Champe Carter, daugh- ter of Dr. Charles Carter of Charlottesville, by whom three children, Bernard, Charles and Champe, were born prior to 1861. At the secession of Virginia, he volunteered and was ap- pointed Lieutenant A. D. C. to Brigadier General R. E. Rhodes. Later he was on the staff of General Rhodes, of General Bryan Grimes and of General John B. Gordon, with whom he was serving at the cessation of hostilities. From the memoirs of General Gordon, we read: "Maj. Peyton was the ranking staff SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 51 officer in the corps, and his fidelity, courage and great efficiency had long been recognized in the field and by the War Depart- ment in Richmond. His never-failing cheerfulness and hope, his words of encouragement and good humor under the most trying circumstances, made him a delightful companion on the march, at the mess, around the campfire, and everywhere." Throughout the war, he was accompanied by a faithful negro body servant, Humphrey Shelton, who cared for his wants as earnestly after the emancipation as he had while a slave in his master's possession. After the war "Uncle Humphrey" became a trusted servant to the University, where he served faithfully and efficiently for almost fifty years, and was pensioned by the Visitors during the last five years of his life. After the surrender, Major Peyton gave assistance to Mr. James Southall in editing "The Weekly Chronicle," a newspa- per in Charlottesville, and in 1868 was elected Proctor and Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings at the University of Virginia, which position he held, with a short interruption, un- til his death in 1897. Quoting from the records of the Visit- ors : "For a period of more than twenty-five years, he was a faithful and trusted officer of the University, giving to the dis- charge of the duties of the office he so ably filled, all the energy and talents with which he was so remarkably endowed." CAPTAINS CAPTAIN JAMES YATES BRAGG. BY H. P. BRAGG. Captain James Yates Bragg, son of James Ross and Sarah Yates Bragg, was born near Lindsay, Albemarle County, Va., November 4th, 1843. He entered the Confederate service in April, 1861, at the age of eighteen, holding the rank of first sergeant of the company he helped to organize Company E, Nineteenth Virginia Regi- ment of Infantry. He was in Pickett's famous charge, and was twice promoted on the field. He saw every man in his com- 52 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD pany fall in that great charge, and was one of the few who reached the^ stone wall and broke through the first line of de- fense. He was taken prisoner, but the spirit and fearlessness of the young officer was shown when he refused to surrender his sword to a Yankee sergeant who rudely attempted to dis- arm him. "I will surrender my sword only to an officer of my own rank," he said, "and the only way you can get it is to kill me." An officer near by, noting the contention, approached and courteously intervened. On the receipt of the sword the offi- cer stated that he would always keep it as a memento of the occasion and incident, and later showed the young prisoner many favors. This sword was a gift from Colonel C. S. Peyton, who in later years spoke of Captain Bragg as, "A gallant offi- cer of soldierly bearing, well fitted for his position, and always performing his duties in a most satisfactory and military man- ner." Captain Bragg was imprisoned at Fort Delaware, Point Lookout, and finally taken to the officers' prison on Johnson's Island, Lake Erie. He was later exchanged, and surrendered with Lee at Appomattox. After the surrender he returned to his native country, and in a short time married Miss Ella V. Eitz, daughter of the late James Fitz, prominent citizen and author. He made his home near Stony Point, Albemarle County, Virginia, where he en- gaged in farming for many years. Owing to a paralytic stroke in 1912, he was forced to retire from active life, and his re- maining years were spent among his children. He was full of reminiscences of the great struggle, and never tired of telling of the many and interesting experiences of that eventful period. Captain Bragg died at the home of his son, Henry P. Bragg, of Richmond, Virginia, on the 9th of April, 1919, in the 77th year of his age, and on the fifty-fourth anniversary of Lee's surrender at Appomattox. He left a widow and eight children. In obedience to his last request, he was buried in the Confed- erate Soldier's Section in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 53 CAPTAIN HOWE PEYTON COCHRAN. BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. Howe Peyton Cochran, fourth son of John Cochran and his wife Margaret Lynn Lewis, was born in Charlottes ville, Vir- ginia, September, 1834, and died in Staunton, Virginia, Sep- tember 28th, 1892. He was educated at "Hanover Academy" and at the University of Virginia, graduating from the latter in- stitution. He married, first, Miss N. L. Carrington, who left one son. His second wife was Miss Jennie Lewis Kent, by whom he had one daughter. He devoted himself to literary pursuits and attained an en- viable reputation as a scholar. Before the war he was Assist- ant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Virginia. He entered the army at the first call, and was in Magruder's com- mand near Williamsburg, with the title of Captain. In 1863 he was transferred to the Ordnance Department of Pickett's Di- vision with the title of Major. He was a member of the Charlottesville Presbyterian Church. CAPTAIN JOHN LEWIS COCHRAN. BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. John Lewis Cochran was the eldest of eight brothers, six of whom grew to manhood and served in the Confederate States Army. He was educated entirely in Virginia and was a graduate of the University of Virginia. He was born August 22nd, 1827, the son of John Cochran and his wife Margaret Lynn Lewis, and was reared in Char- lottesville. After graduating he began the practice of law here. He was for some years editor of the Charlottesville Advocate, and was early elected Commonwealth's Attorney. After the close of the war he was made Judge of the County Court, and in this capacity had charge of the organizing and building of the Miller School near Crozet. 54 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD He married (August 27th, 1868) Mrs. Alary James Massie of Chillicothe, Ohio, to which union three children were born John Lewis Cochran of Denver, Colorado, Mary Massie Coch- ran (Mrs. Lee Thurman of Columbus, Ohio) deceased, and William Lynn Cochran, who died upon reaching manhood. Through his father Judge Cochran was the descendant of the families of Moffett and McDowell, and through his mother, of the Prestons and Lewises, all names well and honorably known in the history of America as soldiers, statesmen and patriots. Judge Cochran was always, to the end of his life, interested in everything pertaining to the uplift and growth of Charlottes- ville and Albemarle County. He was a Mason and held promi- nent offices in the organization. Late in life he was confirmed in the Episcopal church by Bishop Whittle. He died March 16th, 1900, mourned by the entire community, for he was be- loved and admired by all who knew him. John Lewis Cochran volunteered at the first call to arms and entered the Confederate service as First-Lieutenant, Albemarle Rifles, Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment of which R. T. W. Duke was captain. He succeeded to the captaincy when Captain Duke was promoted, and as such was with the company in several campaigns until he was elected Judge Ad- vocate of Longstreet's Corps, in which capacity he served until the end of the war. \ By reference to letters, written on the field and in camp, we find he was present at the following battles and skirmishes : Fairfax Court House; Fredericksburg, December, 1862; The Maryland Campaign, under Captain Duke; Chancellorsville, May, 1863; Spotsylvania C. H., May 13th, 1864; Cold Harbor, second fight, June 3rd, 1864; and "The Crater" at Petersburg, July 1864. His military court was for many months stationed at various places in the southwestern part of the State, and in east Tennessee at Russellville, Jonesboro, Morristown and Bristol ; but from June, 1864, until the end, between Richmond and Petersburg. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 55 CAPTAIN JOHN C. CULIN. BY C. B. LINNEY. Captain J. C. Culin was a native of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, and as a young man moved to Richmond, where he was an active member of the Richmond Grays. Previous to the war he came to Charlottesville to live, and was elected Captain of the Monticello Guard, Company A, Nineteenth Virginia In- fantry. He served during the war, and was wounded seven times, in fact, wounded in nearly every battle in which he par- ticipated. He was a born soldier and a fine drill master. He lost a leg at the battle of Five Forks, and was taken prisoner. After the war he engaged in business in Charlottesville, and was al- ways an active member of the Monticello Guard. In 1881, he was appointed Assistant Quartermaster of the Third Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. He was generous to a fault, kind- hearted, and had many friends. He died December 14th, 1890. CAPTAIN EUGENE DAVIS. BY DR. JOHN STAIGE DAVIS. Eugene Davis, son of John A. G. Davis and Mary Jane Ter- rel, his wife, was born at Prospect Hill, Middlesex County, Vir- ginia, March, 1822. He was brought to Albemarle County in 1824, living first in Charlottesville for two years at the "old corner" on High Street. His parents then moved to "The Farm," which his father had purchased from the Lewis estate. He attended the University of Virginia from 1835 to 1840, and graduated with the degrees of M. A. and B. L. His marriage to Miss Patsy Morris, of the Green Springs, took place in 1844. He practiced law in Charlottesville up to the death of his wife in 1847. Thereafter until the outbreak of the Civil War he engaged in farming, to which he was always devoted, and which he resumed after the surrender. On the outbreak of hostilities in* 1861, he collected a troop of cavalry, called the Albemarle Light-Horse, and was elected its Captain. In this capacity he fought through the First Battle of 56 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD Manassas, but was afterward attacked by a severe digestive dis- order, from which he never entirely recovered. After a year's illness he regained his health in some degree and for several months was attached to General Pendleton's Staff during the battles around Richmond. After this voluntary detail, he en- listed as a private in the Clark Cavalry and saw service in a number of engagements during the next two years, until he was captured at the battle of Yellow Tavern. His first incarceration was at Point Lookout, Maryland, but later he was transferred to Elmira, New York. There he worked and suffered many hardships during the fall and winter of '64 and '65. During this time a large school amongst his fel- low prisoners was started by him, the few necessary books be- ing supplied by some generous and considerate Northern friends. He was finally exchanged and reached home a few days before Lee's surrender. From that time Charlottesville was his residence, until 1874, when the move was made to his cherished farm, "Willoughby," two miles south of the city, and where he died on May 19th, 1894. Up to his last day he maintained an active and efficient in- terest in the civic and religious life of the community. He served one term as Mayor of Charlottesville, was the first County Superintendent of Sunday Schools, and was a mem- ber of the vestry of Christ Church for forty years. CAPTAIN JAMES MERCER GARNETT. BY MILTON W. HUMPHREYS. James Mercer Garnett was born at Aldie, Loudoun County, Virginia, April 24th, 1840, and died in Baltimore, Maryland, February 18th, 1916. His father was Theodore Stanford Gar- nett, his mother Florentina Isadora (Moreno) Garnett. Having been prepared at the Episcopal High School of Vir- ginia, he entered the University in 1857 and received the de- gree of Master of Arts in 1859. Having taught school a year, JAMES MERCER GARNETT CAPTAIN, ROCKBRIDGE ARTILLERY, C. S. A. Prof. English Language and Literature, University of Virginia SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 57 he was pursuing a graduate course at the University in 1860-61, when he went out with one of the two companies of volunteers formed there, and on July 13th he became a member of the Rockbridge Artillery. He participated in the battle of Ma- nassas and subsequent engagements with distinguished bravery. In 1862 he was made First Lieutenant of Infantry and later Second Lieutenant of Artillery. He rendered very efficient service as aide-de-camp, and having been promoted to the rank of Captain, he was assigned to ordnance duty. To the end at Appomattox he was Chief of Ordnance of Rodes's (Grimes's) Division. He is repeatedly cited in reports by his superior offi- cers, including "Stonewall" Jackson, for gallantry and general efficiency. After the war he devoted himself to education and author- ship. The positions he held were as follows : 1865-6, Licentiate in Ancient Languages, University of Vir- ginia. 1866-7, Professor of Greek and Mathematics, Louisiana State University. 1867-8, Assistant Principal, Episcopal High School of Vir- ginia. 1869-70, Student in Berlin and Leipsic. 1870-1880, President of St. John's College, Annapolis, Mary- land. 1880-82, Principal of Garnett's University School, Ellicott City, Md. 1882-1896, Professor of English, University of Virginia. 1896-7, Professor of English, Goucher College, Baltimore. He spent the remainder of his life in Baltimore, teaching privately and doing literary work. Professor Garnett published histories and sketches of several members of his paternal line, all men of distinction, and made numerous important contributions to Virginia and Confederate history, including a history of the University of Virginia (1904). He ably advocated scholarly methods in teaching English and 58 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD was the author of several papers and addresses on the subject, and also of several text-books, including an excellent transla- tion of Beowulf. He also published articles on various other subjects, especially biblical. He was a member of numerous organizations, including the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and was president of the American Dialect Society ( 1890-91 ) and of the American Philological As- sociation (1893-4). He was an ardent lover of the Confederate cause and was largely or chiefly instrumental in the formation of the John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans, of which he was a Lieutenant-Commander from its organization in 1889 until 1892, when he became Commander, and so remained until he removed from Charlottes ville in 1896. On April 19th, 1871, he married Katherine H. Noland, of Middleburg, Virginia, who, with some other ladies, organized at his residence the Albemarle Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Professor Garnett was an earnest and zealous member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and on Sundays instructed a class in the Greek New Testament. He was a man of profound scholarship, grave demeanor, firm convictions, devotion to duty, fidelity to friends, and strict moral principles ; an enemy of all sham and superficiality. CAPTAIN JOHN P. JONES. BY C. B. LINNEY. Captain John P. Jones enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Company D, Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment, at the beginning of the war, and served with marked distinction to the close. He was wounded during the Seven Days battles around Richmond, captured at Gettysburg, and remained a prisoner un- til the surrender at Appomattox. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 59 CAPTAIN CARTER McKEIN LOUTHAN. BY G. L. PETRIE. Carter McKein Louthan was born at Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, May llth, 1838. He was educated at schools in Berryville and at the University of Virginia. While at the University he participated in the organization of the Y. M. C. A., the first College Y. M. C. A. in the world, and it was his privilege fifty years after to be present and participate in its semi-centennial celebration. He enlisted in the Confederate army, May 31st, 1861, as pri- vate in Company I, Second Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Jack- son's Brigade. He was with Jackson in the Bath and Romney Campaigns, January, 1862. After this, because of shattered health, he was discharged from the army. Seven weeks later he joined Brooks' Battery, Poague's Battalion, and was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristow Station and Mine Run. Shortly after this he was captured and was a pris- oner for three months at Camp Chase, Ohio, and for seventeen months at Fort Delaware. He obtained release about two months after the surrender at Appomattox. After the war he taught school for four years. He was ad- mitted to the bar at Berryville, and was Commonwealth's At- torney for Clarke County for about eight years. He was County Superintendent of Schools for five years. He was Deputy Collector of internal revenue under Presidents Harri- son, McKinley and Roosevelt. Originally a Democrat, he became a member of the Republican party in 1884. He was a devout and earnest member of the Baptist Church, and was for sev- eral years presiding officer of the Albemarle Baptist Association. He lived in Clarke County till 1886, then removed to Madi- son County, where he resided till 1901. After that he resided in Charlottesville. He was twice married, first, to Miss Ella Burns; second, to Miss S. Edna Tyler, who survives him. He was a brave and faithful soldier and made an honorable record in the military service of the Confederate States. He possessed the affection and confidence of those who knew him. He had a vigorous, active mind, was a forceful speaker, and a 60 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD graceful, strong writer. He was an entertaining companion, possessing fine conversational powers. As a member of John Bowie Strange Camp, his memory is cherished as his comradeship was enjoyed. Though he has passed away from us, his name is honorably enrolled amongst those who faithfully served the cause they loved : a soldier, a patriot, a Christian. CAPTAIN JAMES DAVIS McINTIRE. BY R. T. W. DUKE, JR. Captain James Davis Mclntire was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1840. He was a son of George M. Mclntire, Esq., a prominent business man of this city, and Catherine Ann Clarke, his wife, who was a native of Virginia. His grand- mother was a sister of the distinguished John A. G. Davis, Professor of Law in the University of Virginia. Young Mclntire attended private schools in Charlottesville until the year 1859, when he entered the' University of Virginia, where he was a student for the session of 1859-60. At the out- break of the War between the States he entered the service of the C. S. A. as a second-lieutenant of Company F of the Nine- teenth Virginia Infantry, being subsequently elected First-Lieu- tenant and later Captain of that company. He was adjutant of his brigade and a most excellent, gallant and efficient officer. He was wounded at Second Manassas, and in the historic charge of Pickett's Division at Gettysburg he received another severe wound. After the surrender he returned to his native city, later mov- ing to Richmond, where he engaged in the insurance business with marked success. He married Miss Pauline Ould Griffeth, of Baltimore, on October 10th, 1874, and had three children, one of whom died in infancy. The others, Miss Katherine Ang- ela Mclntire and Miss Helen Jeffrey Mclntire, survive him. Mrs. Mclntire died some years previous to the death of her husband. Mr. Mclntire was a gentleman of high qualifications, a gal- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 61 lant and distinguished soldier, a sincere friend and a prominent and useful citizen. He died in Richmond, Virginia, on Feb- ruary 5th, 1910. CAPTAIN GEORGE NORRIS. By W. E. NORRIS. George Norris was a native of Charlottesville, Virginia. He was born in 1837, and was an alumnus of the John Bowie Strange Military Academy. In 1861 he abandoned his studies at the University of Vir- ginia and entered the V. M. I. for a short course in military instruction and training. He was elected Lieutenant of the "Border Guard," a volun- teer Albemarle Company, recruited and commanded by Captain R. D. Crank. The company was mustered into the service, June 23rd, 1861, and assigned to the Wise Legion at Lewisburg, Vir- ginia. The Legion served through a campaign in Western Vir- ginia, during which it fought in the engagement of Scarey Creek where probably the first war casualties in battle occurred among Albemarle County men. The Wise Legion was captured at Roanoke Island and pa- roled. When an exchange of the prisoners had been effected, the command was reorganized. The Border Guard then elected George Norris Captain, and was made Company D of the Forty- Sixth Virginia Infantry. The command was thereafter known as the Wise Brigade. Captain Norris followed the fortunes of the command to the end of the war, ever present at his post of duty in the defense of Charleston, S. C. ; in the battles immedi- ately preceding the establishment of the lines of defense about Petersburg ; the dreary, disheartening service in those trenches ; the battles of Hatcher's Run and Five Forks ; and on the re- treat, the battle of Sailors Creek, and in other affairs of less magnitude. Though stern in his requirements in the line of military duty, his men adored him, and at his orders rendered the best that was in them. Outside of the line of strictly military duty his 62 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD manner was remarkably quiet and gentle and he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of his fellow officers. He surrendered at Appomattox with his Company, including his lieutenants, W. E. Norris, Frank S. Durrett and William Harris. Frank Durrett was a big-hearted, lovable man and a patriotic and efficient officer. George Norris and William Harris were natives of Char- lottesville and Albemarle County. They were not members of John Bowie Strange Camp as they did not live to see it organ- ized. CAPTAIN THOMAS RANDOLPH PRICE. BY PROFESSOR R. H. DABNEY. From Thomas Price, who came from Wales to Virginia about 1740, was descended Thomas Randolph Price, who was born in Richmond, March 18th, 1839, and died in New York, May 7th, 1903. Among his ancestors was Richard Channing Moore, second Bishop of Virginia. He married Lizzie Campbell Trip- lett, who still survives him. After taking the degree of Master of Arts at the University of Virginia, he pursued his studies at the Universities of Ber- lin, Kiel, Athens and Paris. Had he been cowardly or selfish, he might have remained in Europe when the Northern hosts in- vaded the South in 1861. But, being conspicuously the reverse, he promptly ran the blockade and offered his services to the Confederate Government. Assigned to .duty as Lieutenant on Jeb Stuart's Staff, he was later transferred to the Corps of En- gineers under General Gilmore, and rising to the rank of Cap- tain, served gallantly and efficiently to the close of the war; being sent by Lee in the last days of the Confederacy to tell President Davis in Danville that surrender was inevitable. Price's love for the Confederacy was based upon a profound conviction of the righteousness of the Southern cause. For, al- though he spent the last twenty years of his life in New York, he scorned those Southern renegades .who loudly gloried in the fact that the South had been whipped. Indeed, a Northern colleague of his at Columbus, Professor Woodbury, so respected SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 63 his splendid fidelity to the Lost Cause that he begins his "Reg- imen" to Price's memory with the line Sleep, Soldier of the South, who loved me well! and eulogizes the "sweet patience" with which, after enduring the supreme grief of seeing the Confederacy fall, he bore all the lesser ills of life. For thou hadst borne the worst, and learned to bear All lesser sorrows in one great despair. O much enduring soul who enterest peace, Still shall our love for thee on earth increase; Now, poet, scholar, soldier, on death's plain Sleep with thy early friends in battle slain. At the close of the war, after teaching for a time in a classi- cal school established by himself and John M. Strother in Rich- mond, he became Professor of Latin and Greek at Randolph- Macon College; and then, dropping the Latin, became the first Professor of English in the South. In 1876, however, he suc- ceeded Gildersleeve in the chair of Greek at the University of Virginia. Here he did splendid and happy work; but, when summoned in 1882 to be the first Professor of English at Co- lumbia, listened to the call of his mother tongue and devoted the rest of his life to the duties of his chair. Though an ardent and inspiring teacher of English, he was no narrow specialist; for he was familiar with three ancient and six modern languages ; was a member of the Greek Club in New York ; spoke frequently before the American Oriental Society ; was President of the Modern Language Association ; delivered numerous addresses; and wrote scholarly articles on various literary and linguistic topics. All in all he was morally, intellectualy and socially one of the finest products of the Old South. 64 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD CAPTAIN STEPHEN VALENTINE SOUTH-ALL. BY R. T. W. DUKE, JR. Stephen Valentine Southall was born in Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, on April 27th, 1830, and died on November 20th, 1913. He was a son of the distinguished lawyer Valentine Wood Southall of Charlottesville, Virginia, whose mother was a niece of Patrick Henry. Mr. Southall attended the University in the sessions of '47, '48, '49 and '50, read law in the office of his father, and commenced the practice of his profession in Lynch- burg, Virginia, but remained there only a short while, return- ing to his native city, where for a long period of years he was one of -the most prominent members of the distinguished Albe- marle Bar. At the beginning of the Civil War he entered the Confederate service and was commissioned Captain at the reorganization of the army in May, 1862. He served as Adjutant in Long's Ar- tillery, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, and surren- dered with General Lee at Appomattox Court House on the 9th of April, 1865. After the war he returned to Charlottesville and entered into partnership with the distinguished lawyer and jurist, William J. Robertson, and on Judge Robertson's retiring from active prac- tice, Mr. Southall continued to practice alone. He was a law- yer of great ability, a powerful advocate before juries, and a re- fined and cultivated gentleman of the highest integrity and per- sonal worth. He served one term in the legislature after the reorganization of the State government, and whilst taking an active part in politics and in all civic matters, was never again a candidate for any political office. He married Miss Emily Voss and left surviving him S. V. Southall, Jr., a prominent attorney of Emporia, Miss Mary Southall and Mrs. Emily Dunn, wife of Reverend Joseph Dunn, of Lynchburg, Virginia. One daughter, Mrs. Dollie Waters, predeceased her father, leaving one child. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 65 CAPTAIN CHARLES ERASTUS VAWTER. BY PROF. F. H. SMITH. Charles Erastus Yawter was born June 9th, 1841, in what is now Monroe County, West Virginia, and died at the Miller School, October 27th, 1905. He entered Emory and Henry College in 1858, and left in 1861 to enter the Confederate Army. He was a member of the Stonewall Brigade, rising to the rank of Captain. He was a prisoner at Fort Delaware in June 1863. He re-entered his college, graduating in 1865. He took spe- cial courses in higher mathematics with distinction at the Uni- versity of Virginia, while serving at Emory and Henry. He spent part of his time, the second year, at Charlottesville. He was Professor of Mathematics at Emory and Henry from June 1868 to 1878, when he was elected Superintendent of the Miller Manual Labor School of Albemarle County, Virginia. He died in its service. He also, while in this office, acted as member of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg. He acted as Superintendent of Sunday-School work in Albe- marle County and as member of the Board of Visitors of the Colored Institute at Petersburg, Virginia. In every field he proved to be a valued citizen, leaving everywhere the results of fine work. I close with two pictures' of him : One was when in 1878 two professors of the University of Virginia spent two long days in studying the testimonials of a great multitude of candidates for the place of Superintendent of the Miller School. Among them were distinguished soldiers. One had been the honored head of the most successful depart- ment of the Southern Government. At the end of the second day, one of the judges addressed his senior: "Well, Colonel, whom do you pick out?" "I'm for Vawter," said the man ad- dressed. "So am I," exclaimed his companion. The selection, a wonder to those who did not know Vawter, proved to be a most happy one for the school, the first of its kind in our land. After years of experiment, it is to-day carrying on its magnifi- cent work, largely on lines laid down by Captain Vawter. 66 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD Our second picture finds Captain Vawter years later on a car sweeping down the Valley. Captain Vawter spoke aloud, and said, "What a glorious Valley it was, without a single defeat for the great Stonewall." "What about Kernstown?" said a loud voice from the other end of the car, "Oh, well !" exclaimed the Captain with a laugh, "that was the only action I was not in and I can say nothing personally of it." He sought out the in- terrogator, and found him to be a gallant Federal officer. They became good friends. But the Captain might have said that our army never regarded Kernstown as a defeat. It was fought to keep General Shields and his army from crossing the Blue Ridge, and this it did. CAPTAIN MICAJAH WOODS. BY LYON G. TYLER, OF WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA. Micajah Woods was born May 17th, 1844, at "Holkham," in Albemarle County, Virginia. His parents were Doctor John Rodes Woods and Sabina Stuart Creigh. On both sides of his family he was descended from Scotch-Irish Ancestors. His first American progenitor on his paternal side was Michael Woods, who, in 1737, received a patent for a large tract of land in what was then Goochland County, from which Albemarle County was formed in 1744. Michael Woods' son, William Woods, the great-grandfather of Micajah Woods', was a mem- ber of the legislature of Virginia from Albemarle County in 1798 and 1799, and his son Micajah Woods was a member of the Albemarle County Court from 1815 to 1837, and high sher- iff of the county at the time of his death. Doctor John Rodes Woods, the latter's son, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was a wealthy planter of Albemarle County and was for many years considered the leading authority upon scientific agriculture and stock-raising in Virginia. After the usual round in the elementary branches, Micajah Woods was, in 1855, sent ^o the Lewisburg Academy, where he MICAJAH WOODS CAPTAIN, C. S. A. PRESIDENT VIRGINIA BAR ASS*N Former Commander John Bowie Strange Camp SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 67 remained one year. He then attended the Military Academy in Charlottesville conducted by Colonel John B. Strange, where he remained two years, after which he studied two years at the Bloomfield academy taught by Messrs. Brown, and Tebbs. In 1861, he entered the University of Virginia, but soon quit the academic shades for the field of war. He first served, when barely seventeen years of age, as a volunteer on the staff of General John B. Floyd in the West Virginia campaign of 1861 ; in 1862, as a private in the "Albemarle Light Horse," in the Virginia cavalry^; afterwards as First Lieutenant in the Vir- ginia State Line; and in May, 1863, he was elected and com- missioned First Lieutenant in Jackson's Battery of Horse Ar- tillery, Army of Northern Virginia, in which capacity he served till the close of the war. Among the battles in which he par- ticipated were Carnifax Ferry, Port Republic, Second Cold Harbor, New Market, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Winches- ter, Fisher's Hill and Gettysburg. At the close of the war he returned to the University of Vir- ginia, graduating in law in 1868. He immediately began the practice of his profession in Charlottesville, Virginia, and in 1870 was elected Commonwealth's Attorney for the County, which position he filled with credit and distinction up to the time of his death, in 1911. In 1872 he was made a member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, a position which he held for four years, having been at the time of his appointment the youngest member of that board ever selected. Captain Woods was a Democrat, and, in 1880, he declined a unanimous nomination for congress tendered him by the Democratic party in Albe- marle County. He was permanent chairman of the Virginia Democratic Convention which met in Staunton in 1896 to elect delegates to the National Convention. In 1881 he was elected Captain of the Monticello Guard at Charlottesville, and commanded that famous old company at the Yorktown celebration in October, 1881. In 1893 he was made Brigadier-General of the Second Brigade of Virginia Confederate veterans, which rank he held until 1901, when he 68 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD declined re-election. In August, 1908, he was elected President of the Virginia State Bar Association. On the 9th of June, 1874, he was married to Miss Matilda Minor Morris, of Hanover County, Virginia, and had five chil- dren. When asked to review the experiences of his career for the benefit of the young and to make some suggestions regarding the best way to attain success, Captain Woods replied: "Be thorough." And, indeed, such was this exemplary man's prin- ciple of action through life. He was a thorough lawyer, a thorough student of books, and a thorough Virginian in heart, soul and action. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 69 LIEUTENANTS. EVERETT W. EARLY. BY CAPTAIN HENRY CLAY MICHIE. Everett W. Early was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, on the 29th day of February, 1844. When his State seceded from the Union in April, 1861, Lieutenant Early, seeing that war was inevitable, went to the Virginia Military Institute to prepare for the struggle. In June or July, 1861, he was or- dered to Manassas to aid in preparing the thousands of green troups who were assembling there for the approaching conflict. He was assigned to the 49th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, com- manded by Colonel (ex-Governor) William Smith, who soon made him Sergeant-Major of the Regiment, in which capacity he served in the First Battle of Manassas, where he was wounded. For meritorious services in this battle he was pro- moted to a lieutenancy in one of the Amherst companies of the 49th regiment. In this capacity Lieutenant Early served in 1862 in the Battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Seven Days Bat- tle around Richmond, Second Battle of Manassas, the capture of Harpers' Ferry, and the Battle of Sharpsburg (or Antietam). In the last named battle he commanded the skirmishers of General Jubal Eearly's Brigade. He served under Jackson, December 15th, 1862, in the desperate fighting at Fredericks- burg; also at Chancellorsville in 1863, where he was badly wounded. After sufficient recovery he attended lectures at the University of Virginia, but returned to his old Company dur- ing the battles in Spottsylvania County in 1864. He was taken prisoner by Sheridan on Monticello Mountain in March, 1865, and confined in the jail at Charlottesville, but escaped when the enemy was taking him North, and so missed the worst ex- perience of a Confederate soldier a Northern prison. Lieu- tenant Early passed away about the year 1896. 70 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD CLEMENT DANIELS FISHBURNE. BY J. N. WADDELL. Clement Daniels Fishburne was born in Waynesboro, Vir- ginia, on May 26th, 1832, and died in Charlottesville, Virginia, on May 16th, 1907. He was the son of Daniel Fishburne, of Waynesboro, and of Ann Blackwell Rodes Fishburne, of Albemarle County. In his earlier years, he attended school in Waynesboro, and afterwards entered Washington College at Lexington, Virginia, from which institution he graduated. After leaving college he taught in Christiansburg, Virginia, for one year, and the following year entered the University of Virginia. Shortly after the opening of the session he was elected Professor of Applied Mathematics at Davidson College, North Carolina, which was at that time under the charge of Major D. H. Hill, afterwards General Hill of the Confederate army. He was afterwards elected by the trustees of that insti- tution Professor of Greek. In 1860 he resigned his position at Davidson College with a view to studying law, and entered the law school of the Uni- versity of Virginia in the fall of 1860. In the spring of 1861 Virginia seceded from the Union, and in June of that year he left the institution to join the Rockbridge Artillery under the captaincy of W. N. Pendleton. He served in the Rockbridge Artillery for a year or more, and was then transferred to other departments of the army. When the .war closed he was First-Lieutenant in the Ordnance Department. After the war he returned to the University -of Virginia, and finished his course in law, and started practicing in Charlottes- ville, where he lived for the remainder of his life. While en- gaged in his profession, he was elected cashier of the Bank of Albemarle, which position he held until his death. He was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County for many years, and was also a member of the council of the town and city of Charlottesville. He was one of the trustees of Washington and Lee University, of which he was a graduate, and on him was conferred by that University the honorary de- gree of M. A. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 71 He was married while at Davidson College to Sarah Wad- dell of Lexington, Virginia, who died about one year later. He afterwards married Elizabeth Wood, of Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, who, with three sons, Judge John W. Fishburne, Clement D. Fishburne, Jr., and George P. Fishburne, survives him. He was a strong and vigorous writer, and at one time edited The Chronicle, a well known weekly paper published in Charlottes- ville for some years after the war. Few men in his day and generation were held in higher es- teem by the people of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. Ready always to give counsel to those who sought his advice, his judgment was rarely wrong, and many to-day live to testify to the strong, lovable character of Clement Daniels Fishburne Soldier, Scholar, and Citizen! WILLIAM MORRIS FONTAINE. BY PROFESSOR J. -M. PAGE. William Morris Fontaine was born on December 1st, 1835, in Louisa County, Virginia, and was the son of James and Juliet (Morris) Fontaine. He was a worthy scion of old and distin- guished families in Virginia, being of Huguenot descent on his paternal side, and a lineal descendant of that John de la Fon- taine who was martyred at La Mans, France, in 1561. - Young Fontaine was prepared for the University of Virginia at the famous old "Hanover Academy." He entered the Uni- versity in 1856, and was graduated with the degree of Master of Arts in 1859. He then taught school for a short time, but en- tered the Confederate Army at the outbreak of the War' be- tween the States, serving as a second-lieutenant until 1862. Then he was made First-Lieutenant of Ordnance, in which ca- pacity he served until the close of the war. From 1865 to 1869 he taught school and farmed. During 1869 and 1870, he was a student in the Royal School of Mines, Freiburg, Saxony. In 1873, he was elected Professor of Chemistry and Geology in the University of West Virginia, which position he filled un- til 1879. In 1879, he was called to the Corcoran Chair of Nat- 72 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ural History and Geology in the University of Virginia. He was also appointed Curator of the Brooks Museum of the Uni- versity of Virginia, and served until September 1911, when he retired on the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. From this date until his death in 1913, Professor Fontaine divided his time between his home at the University and his other home in Hanover County. He was the author of numerous papers in scientific journals, and in the publications of the United States Geological Survey and the U. S. National Museum. He was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America in December, 1888, and was a member of the Huguenot Society of America. He was ranked as an expert of the highest order in paleo-botany, in which field his work stands out as of the highest importance and value, especially in the application of paleo-botany to the broader fields of stratigraphic geology. Professor Fontaine was of an extremely modest and retiring disposition, and generous to a fault. He was devoted to music and literature; and those who were so fortunate as to knovv him well were devoted to him, not only on account of his large intellectual endowments, but on account of his splendid traits of character. He was never married. ADJUTANT GEORGE LOYALL GORDON. BY ARMISTEAD C. GORDON. George Loyall Gordon, son of General William Fitzhugh Gor- don and his wife, Elizabeth Lindsay, was born at his father's home, "Edgeworth," in Albemarle County, about five miles west of Gordonsville, Virginia, on the 17th day of January, 1829. His twin brother was Captain Charles Henry Gordon, of Fau- quier County, Virginia, who was a lieutenant in the "Black Horse Cavalry," C. S. A., and later on the staff of General Beverley Robertson. George L. Gordon received his primary education in schools conducted by private tutors at his father's home, and at the neighboring homes of the Pages and Rives. In 1848 he en- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 73 tered the University, where he studied in the Academic De- partment and later in the School of Law. After leaving the University, he settled in Alexandria, Virginia, where he prac- ticed law in partnership with Mr. W. L. Marbury under the firm name of Gordon & Marbury, and at the same time edited a Democratic daily, "The Alexandria Sentinel,'' and took an ac- tive part in in the politics of the State, gaining a distinguished reputaton as a political speaker. On the 20th of December, 1854, he married at Halifax, North Carolina, Miss Mary Long Daniel, eldest daughter of Judge Joseph J. Daniel of the Supreme Court of that State, and his wife Maria Stith. Of this marriage were born five children, two of whom died in childhood. The three remaining children were Armistead C. Gordon, now a resident of Staunton, Vir- ginia, the late James Lindsay Gordon of Albemarle County and New York City, and Mary Long Gordon, who married Dr. Richard H. Lewis, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and died there in 1895. In 1857 George L. Gordon moved to Louisa County, Vir- ginia, where he resided and practiced his profession, at the same time conducting his farm known as "Longwood," situated about a mile and a half from Lindsay's on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. At the beginning of the War between the States, he was visiting, with his wife and children, his wife's sister, Mrs. Turner W. Battle, in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Hence it was that he enlisted there as a private in an infantry company raised in that county by his brother-in-law, Captain Battle, and known as the Edgecombe Light Infantry, which be- came a part of the Fifth (later the Fifteenth) North Carolina Regiment, under Colonel Robert McKinney, and afterwards under Colonel William McCrae. In the latter part of June, 1861, the regiment was ordered to Virginia, and was in service at Yorktown, Williamsburg and Suffolk, and participated in the battle at Lee's Farm, in which it lost twelve killed, including Colonel McKinney, and had forty-four wounded. The enemy suffered casualties in killed and wounded amounting to one hun- dred and eighty-three. This regiment reorganized on the 3rd of May, 1862, and 74 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD George L. Gordon became regimental adjutant, being promoted from the ranks and commissioned June 10th, 1862 (Moore's Roster of N. C. Troops, Vol. I, p. 545). On July 1st, 1862, at Malvern Hill, the Fifteenth Regiment, forming the right of Cobb's Brigade, and constituting a part of the first line of battle, attacked the enemy who had concentrated a heavy force of ar- tillery and infantry on the hill. The attack was made "through an open field of several hundred yards, broken by ravines, and exposed to a murderous fire of grape and canister from the ar- tillery and mortar shells from the gun boats on the James River, and a heavy fire from the infantry in front." (Clark's Hist, of N. C. Regiments, 1861-1865, Vol. I, pp. 737-739.) In this charge George L. Gordon led the Confederate line and was killed within twenty yards of the Federal batteries. MASON GORDON. BY ARMISTEAD C. GORDON. Mason Gordon, youngest son of General William Fitzhugh Gordon, of Edgeworth, Albemarle County, Virginia, and his wife, Elizabeth Lindsay, was born at his father's home, situated about five miles west of Gordonsville, September 17th, 1840. He was educated by teachers at home, and at Bloomfield School in Albemarle County, and at the beginning of the War between the States was a student in the academic' schools of the University of Virginia, which he had entered in the session of 1859-1860. At the outbreak of hostilities he left the University, and became a private in the Albemarle Light Horse, a gallant cavalry organ- ization, which was afterwards known as Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, General Munford's old regiment, Elizabeth Lee's Brigade. In this company he became a corporal, and served with his troop in the First Battle of Manassas, and later with Jackson and Ashby through the V r alley Campaign of 1862. He was in the Second Battle of Manassas and in the frequent skirmishes in Maryland and in the battle of Sharpsburg. After the last named battle, he was detached from his regiment and ordered to report to General Robertson, with whom he served SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 75 as second-lieutenant, and was detailed as drill-master of recruits at Weldon and other points in North Carolina. At a later date he was attached to the command of General Whiting at Wilm- ington, where he continued in active service until the fall of Fort Fisher and the evacuation of the city early in 1865. He then joined the army of General Joseph E. Johnson, and par- ticipated in the battle of Bentonville in March, 1865. After Johnson's surrender he returned to Albemarle and again took up his studies at the University of Virginia in the Law School under Professor John B. Minor. In 1866 he opened a law office in Charlottesville, where he practiced his profession in partnership with William L. Cochran under the firm name of Gordon & Cochran. The firm was dissolved, after several years, by the death of the junior member, and the senior continued in the practice until his death which occurred at his residence, "Stonefield," near Charlottesville, June 9th, 1914. He was a gallant soldier, a faithful and intelligent officer, and a conscientious and painstaking attorney. He served many years as Commissioner in Chancery of the Albemarle Circuit Court, and as Commissioner of Accounts of the County. For four years he was a member of the Board of Visitors of the Univer- sity of Virginia by appointment of his old commander, Gov- ernor Fitzhugh Lee. A friend and fellow-member of the Al- bemarle Bar bore tribute to the esteem in which he was univer- sally held, in these words : "He was a man thoroughly honest in his character and impulses. In his nature he was as far re- moved from deceit or double dealing as any man could be. He was unselfish and lovable, and bore ill-will toward no man, and I do not believe there was a human being who bore ill-will or malice towards him." He married Miss Harriett G. Hart of Wilmington, North Carolina, whom he survived ; and of their marriage were born three children : Harriett, who married Thomas L. Rosser, Jr. ; W'illiam Robertson, who died before his father; and Nancy Burr Gordon. His military record is included in the manuscript volumes of Confederate Records, Vol. 8, pp. 209, 212, in the Virginia State Library. 76 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD EUGENE O. MICH IE. BY CAPTAIN HENRY CLAY MICH'IE. Eugene O. Michie was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, in the year 1841. He entered the Confederate service in May, 1861, as Second Lieutenant of Company H, Fifty-sixth Regi- ment of Virginia Volunteer Infantry. This regiment was sent to southwestern Virginia in the autumn of 1861 and incorpo- rated into Floyd's Brigade, which served through the winter and spring of 1862 in Tennessee and Kentucky. Lieutenant Michie commanded his company in the battle of Fort Donelson. In May, 1862, the Fifty-sixth Regiment returned to Richmond, reorganized and was assigned to Pickett's Brigade. Lieutenant Eugene O. Michie, declining re-election, joined Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, a company from his native county. He was severely wounded in one of the battles of 1864. His record in the service was highly creditable. He passed away about the year 1895. ADJUTANT JOHN DAVIS WATSON. BY G. N. WATSON. John Davis Watson was born in Charlottesville, January 21st, 1841, being the son of E. R. Watson and Mary Kelley Watson. His entire life was spent in Charlottesville, with the exception of the two or three years he lived in Port Republic. He was twice married, his first wife being Susan Henry Smythe, and his second, Josephine Emma Norris. By his first marriage five children were born: John Richard, Lewis Ran- dolph, George Norris, Hunter and Annie Watson. At the outbreak of the Civil War, John D. Watson was a student at the University of Virginia, but resigned and volun- teered his service, joining Southall's Battery of Artillery as a private. He served with this company about eight months on the peninsula below Richmond. In January, 1862, he was made Second Lieutenant of Company D, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, and went to Roanoke Island, North Carolina, where he was captured with his entire command by General SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 77 Burnside. Upon the reorganization of his command he was made First Lieutenant, but had served only a few weeks when he was ordered to report to Colonel John B. Magruder as Ad- jutant of the 57th Virginia Infantry, Armstead's Brigade, Pick- ett's Division, Longstreet's Corps. He was wounded at the bat- tle of Gettysburg, from which wound he never fully recovered his strength. John D. Watson died on the 28th day of Novem- ber, 1916. WILLIAM NATHANIEL WOOD. BY EMMA G. WOOD. William Nathaniel Wood was born in the northern part of Albemarle County, Virginia, November 16th, 1839. When quite young he entered mercantile life in Charlottes- ville. On July 18th, 1861, he left Charlottesville, joining the Monticello Guard, Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, at Lewis' Ford on "Bull Run," and participating in his first bat- tle that memorable July 21st, 1861. He was soon promoted to a lieutenancy, and for much of the latter part of the war was in command of the company. At the battle of Gettysburg he led the company to the stone wall under that terrific fire. His clothing was riddled with shot, but he escaped with a slight scratch under the arm. His regiment never fired a gun in battle in his absence. Three days before Lee surrendered, on April 6th, 1865, he was captured at Sailor's Creek and taken to Johnson's Island in Lake Erie, remaining there till June 1865. He returned to Charlottesville from prison, and went into business. Later he went to New York, and at the time of his marriage, 1870, was living in Baltimore. After four years there he came again to Charlottesville, but close confinement to business had injured his health, and by the advice of his phy- sician he went to the country and lived on a farm. Fifteen years later he returned to Charlottesville, where he lived until his death on February 10th, 1909. He was a staunch Baptist and was for many years a deacon in the First Baptist Church. He was a member of Masonic Lodge No. 60. 78 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD CHARLES E. YOUNG. BY ROGER A. YOUNG. The following is an extract from a resolution unanimously adopted at a meeting of Stonewall Jackson Camp" held April 4th, 1905, at their hall in Staunton, Virginia : Whereas Charles E. Young departed this life March llth, 1905, this Camp desires to put on record some expression of their sorrow and respect for his memory: Comrade Young was born in Augusta County in 1836. He was a student at the University of Virginia and was prompt to respond to the call of his native state when she threw herself into the breach to resist tyranny and oppression. He enlisted June, 1861, in a company of students that went from the University of Virginia, which company was enrolled as a part of the Wise Legion, then doing service in what is now West Virginia. Early in the year 1862 the company was disbanded by order of the Secretary of War. In March of the same year he en- listed in the Rockbridge Artillery, then commanded by Captain (afterwards judge) McLaughlin. After service of several months, owing to the overgrowth of the company, he was, with several others, transferred to the Danville Artillery, Shumakers Brigade. After a service of five or six months, he was transferred back to the Rockbridge Ar- tillery, where he remained until after the Battle of Gettysburg. He was then commissioned Lieutenant of Engineers, and served below Richmond and around Petersburg until the retreat from Richmond to Appomattox, where he surrendered and was pa- roled. The writer of this was with Comrade Young during his serv- ices in the Rockbridge Battery and can testify to his faithful service, all duties being cheerfully and promptly performed. He was always ready and willing to do his full share, whether it consisted in pushing the cannon out of the mud, or running it up after recoil for another shot. As a veteran, in after years, he took much interest in all that SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 79 concerned the old Confederates, and especially the Stonewall Jackson Camp. He was promoted to its highest office and served as its com- mander with dignity and efficiency. He loved the cause for which he had fought and suffered so much none the less because it seemed to have failed, believing with the poet that "Eternal right, though all things fail, Can never be made wrong." CHAPLAIN. REV. J. WILLIAM JONES, D. D. BY DR. H. W. BATTLE. Any history of our Camp that did not contain an appreciative recognition of the sterling moral character and distinguished services of the late Rev. J. William Jones, D. D., who, during the period of his Chaplaincy at the University of Virginia, was a most loyal and enthusiastic member, would be flagrantly in- complete. Dr. Jones was born at Louisa Courthouse, Virginia, September 25th, 1836, of good old Virginia stock. His father was Francis William Jones, an honored and beloved merchant, and his mother was Ann Pendleton Ashby. On his maternal side, Dr. Jones was closely allied with historic families whose achievements imparted luster to many of the State's proudest pages. He was married, December 20th, 1860, to Judith Page Helm, a descendant of illustrious ancestors. Of this marriage was born ten children, four of whom have risen to eminence in the Baptist ministry Carter Helm, of Philadelphia, and Ashby of Atlanta, have won national fame. When the war between the states came on, Dr. Jones enlisted as a private, and served to the close, never permitting his sacred responsibilities as a Chaplain to interfere with his duties as a soldier. Profoundly religious, personally courageous, and in- tensely Confederate, he wielded a mighty influence over thou- 80 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD sands of soldiers in the Army of Northern Virginia, and many a battle-begrimed hero felt on his brow where the death-dew was gathering a touch gentle as a mother's, and heard a voice all broken with emotion as "the fighting chaplain" commended his passing spirit to "the God of all compassion." Dr. Jones was Chaplain of the 13th Virginia regiment, and Missionary Chaplain of General A. P. Hill's Corps. The war over, Dr. Jones returned to the pastorate and served with eminent success in a number of important fields ; but per- haps he was most widely known by the numerous and varied productions of his brilliant pen. As pastor of the First Bap- tist Church of Lexington, he was brought into almost daily as- sociation with his revered and beloved chief, Robert E. Lee, and thus peculiarly fitted to portray, with pen and voice, the character of that matchless man. So uncompromising was his devotion to the cause espoused by Lee and Jackson (the rea- lized ideals by which he measured all human excellence), and so bold his spoken and written words, that he became a national example of fidelity unreconstructed and unreconstructible. Pa- thetic it may have been, but sublimely loyal. As Secretary of the Southern Historical Society, 1876-1887, Dr. Jones contributed many valuable papers and collected much material for future historians. He was the author of numerous works of permanent historical value, all of which reflect the deathless devotion of their author to the traditions and achieve- ments of the South. In 1890 he was made Chaplain-General of the United Confederate Veterans. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by Washington and Lee University. Death found him, as he had lived, a patriot and a Christian, pure, magnanimous, and unafraid. Dr. Jones died in Rich- mond, March 17th, 1909. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 81 SURGEONS. DR. JAMES EDGAR CHANCELLOR. BY JOHN S. PATTON. Dr. James Edgar Chancellor was born at Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania County, Virginia, in 1826, and died at the Uni- versity of Virginia September llth, 1896. He was a son of George Chancellor. Dr. Chancellor wa's educated at the University of Virginia and at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He began the practice of his profession at Chancellorsville. The war com- ing on, he was commissioned First Assistant Surgeon and then Surgeon in the Confederate Army, and assigned to duty at the general hospital at Charlottesville, continuing in the service un- til the end of the war. After the war he was made demonstra- tor of anatomy in the University of Virginia, where he remained until his health imperatively demanded his retirement. He be- came president of the Medical Society of Virginia, and during his term the State Board of Medical Examiners of Virginia was organized, of which he became a member in 1890, and in which office he continued till his death. For twenty years he had been a member of the American Medical Association and of the American Public Health Association. His first wife was Miss Josephine Anderson, of Spottsylvania County, who bore him six children Dr. E. A. Chancellor of St. Louis; Alexander Clarendon Chancellor of Columbus, Geor- gia; Thomas Sebastian Chancellor of New Orleans; Samuel C. Chancellor of the University of Virginia; and Josephine Chan- cellor, now deceased. His second wife was Mrs. Gabriella May Chancellor. DR. HENRY KING COCHRAN. BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. Henry King Cochran was the son of John Cochran and his wife Margaret Lynn Lewis. He was born in Charlottesville, August 5th, 1832, and studied medicine- at the University of 82 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD Virginia and at Jefferson College, Philadelphia. After gradu- ation he practiced in Bellevue Hospital, Baltimore, later settling in Lynchburg for the practice of his profession. Here the out- break of the war found him. He volunteered at once and served through the entire war as a surgeon, being stationed at points in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina. He was in the western campaign and at the siege of Corinth. He was for many months at "Old Seabrook Hospital" near Petersburg, and later at Wilmington, Nortel Carolina, where he contracted chills from which he never wholly recovered. The latter part of his life was spent in Smythe County, Vir- ginia, where he practiced medicine, doing a great amount of charity work. Late in life he embraced the Catholic faith, the seeds of which had been planted by a zealous and pious aunt. He never took the oath of allegiance and grew to be a stronger Confederate as the years advanced. He died at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. M. Preston, No- vember 28th, 1903. DR. THOMAS MARTIN DUNN. BY MRS. SALUE THOMPSON DUNN. Dr. Thomas Martin Dunn, son of Rev. Thomas Rivers Dunn and Jane Bennett Carr Salmon, was born at the old Carr home- stead near Free Union, Albemarle County, on September 1st, 1836. He studied medicine at Richmond Medical College, Rich- mond, Virginia, and was graduated in February, 1857. He be- gan the practice of his profession before he was twenty-one years of age. On November 15th, 1859, he was married to Miss Sallie Shepherd Thompson of Free Union, Albemarle County. From this marriage, there were three children, all of whom survive Percival Thomas Dunn, Lelia Shepherd Dunn Miller, and Bessie Carr Dunn. During the Civil War he was surgeon at Chimborazo Hos- pital, Richmond, Virginia, and while Jackson was operating in the Valley of Virginia he was transferred to the hospital at SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 83 the University of Virginia, and later to a local hospital at White Hall, Albemarle County. While he was practicing medicine in the hospitals in Albe- marle County, he was Captain of Company D of the Albemarle County Local Battalion. At the time of General Lee's surren- der he was serving at Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond. After the war he practiced his profession, locating at Free Union, Albemarle County, Virginia, where he practiced the re- mainder of his life, with the exception of the time he was in the legislature of his state and in the United States Government service. He was elected to the legislature from Albemarle County for the first time in 1875, and again in 1877, 1879, 1881, and 1883. In 1885 he was appointed Deputy Collector of Internal Reve- nue for Northern Virginia, under President Grover Cleveland. He served in this office till 1889. In 1889 he was elected to the Virginia Senate, representing Greene and Albemarle Counties, and served till 1892. In 1893, he was again appointed Deputy Collector for North- ern Virginia, under President Grover Cleveland, and served un- til he was elected to the legislature in 1897, where he served continuously until he retired from public life in 1911. He died from heart trouble on April 4th, 1916. DR. JOHN RANDOLPH PAGE. BY REV. C. B. BRYAN, PETERSBURG. John Randolph Page, son of Mann Page of Shelly, Glouces- ter County, Virginia, and Anne Jones Page of the same county, was born at Greenway in Gloucester County, May 10th, 1830. He married in 1856 Delia Bryan, eldest daughter of John Ran- dolph Bryan (of Eagle Point, Gloucester, and of Carysbrook, Fluvanna County) and Elizabeth Tucker Coalter. Dr. Page graduated from the University of Virginia in 1850 with the degree of M. D. and then spent several years in Paris attending medical and surgical clinics. He returned to Vir- ginia and practiced medicine in his native county. 84 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD During the Civil War he was with General J. B. Magruder. He organized and was in charge of the hospital at Yorktown, and was in hospital service during the Seven Days fighting around Richmond and at Malvern Hill. In his profession he was especially successful as a diagnos- tician, and was advanced and sound in his views on sanitation and hygiene. During the last years of the war he was chief surgeon in a hospital in Lynchburg. Dr. Wilson C. X. Ran- dolph, his able colleague there, declared that in organizing and managing a hospital from a sanitary and hygienic point of view, Dr. Page had no equal in his knowledge, and that the hospital under his charge in Lynchburg was the best in the Confederacy. He is said to have been the first surgeon in the Civil War to use bichloride of mercury in the treatment of infected gunshot wounds. He also used tar water the antiseptic property being creosote and crude carbolic acid and this at a time when the antiseptic treatment of wounds was not recognized. He recog- nized the infectious and fatal nature of glanders in horses and condemned and destroyed all the horses and stables infected with glanders within the sphere of his work. After the war he taught in the Louisiana State Seminary at Alexandria, Louisiana. From there he went to Baltimore, where he was Professor of Medicine in the Washington Med- ical College. From 1872 to 1887 he was Professor of Agricul- ture, Zoology and Botany in the University of Virginia. Re- signing his chair, he went to Birmingham, Alabama, and became Chief Surgeon of the Georgia Pacific Railroad and of the Sloss Iron and Steel Works. His health failing, he returned to the University of Virginia, where he died March llth, 1901, and is buried in the University Cemetery. Dr. Page was ever a devout, pure-minded and chivalrous Christian gentleman. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 85 DR. WILSON GARY NICHOLAS RANDOLPH. BY THOS. J. RANDOLPH. Descended, as the subject of this sketch was, from the old Vir- ginia family of Randolph, Tuckahoe branch, and of President Thomas Jefferson, of Albemarle County, it is not surprising that Dr. Wilson C. N. Randolph should have thrown in his lot with the Confederate States when the Old Dominion at last became a member of that independent aggregation of sovereign States in 1861. His father was Thomas Jefferson Randolph, of Edgehill, Albemarle County, who contributed all his sons and practically all his available fortune, that free and independent government might live in America as handed down by the fa- thers, among whom were reckoned his own forbears from the beginning of the Commonwealth. Dr. Randolph was an honor-graduate in medicine of the Uni- versity of Virginia, and had just entered upon the successful practice of his profession in his native section when the call to arms in defense of the Mother State enlisted the services of all her sons of military age. He enlisted for this service on May 8th, 1861, only a few weeks after the Ordinance of Secession had been adopted by the Vir- ginia Convention at Richmond, and was commissioned as a sur- geon in the Army of Virginia (later to become the Army of Northern Virginia) under the skilful Joseph E. Johnston and the matchless Robert E. Lee. He was assigned for duty with the Richmond Howitzer Battalion of Artillery. With this glorious aggregation he saw one year's service in the field, and after- wards was stationed at Lynchburg as Surgeon in charge of Gen- eral Hospital No. 2. Dr.- Randolph's achievements in this difficult but necessary role of army service were notable, distinguished, and in keeping with his great talents in medicine and surgery, and the efficiency natural in a graduate of the great school which he was proud to call his Alma Mater. Despite the handicaps which were inevitable from the unprepared condition of the Confederacy, and the many obstructions placed around the civilized care of the sick and wounded by the unexpected and questionable sever- 86 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ity of the enemy as to blockade and deprivation of medical sup- plies, he made an enviable and distinguished record for the effi- ciency and care which he exercised over the helpless wounded entrusted to his treatment. Paroled on May 8th, 1865, after four successive years of un- remitting service, Dr. Randolph returned to his native county, and spent the remainder of his long life in practising among his own people, with whom his name became a household word. He was born in the year 1834 in the county of Albemarle, and departed this life on April 23rd, 1907, in his seventy-fourth year, beloved by all and honored as few men have been in his day and time for his sterling qualities of head and heart, and devotion to his native land and the heroic people who sprung from it. DR. ARCHIBALD TAYLOR. BY C. B. LINNEY. Archibald Taylor entered the Confederate service in April, 1861, as Second-Lieutenant of the Charles City Troop, and was commissioned Assistant Surgeon afterwards. He served at va- rious stations, last at Richmond, Virginia. He continued in the service until the close of the war. After the war he resided at Charlottesville, where he practiced his profession. SKETCHES Of THE DEAD 87 NON-COM MISSIONED OFFICERS! AND PRIVATES. JAMES BUTLER SIGOURNEY ALEXANDER.* James Butler Sigourney Alexander was born in Charlottes- ville, January 6th. 1836. He graduated at the U. S. (West Point) Military Academy, in June, 1856, and was a second-lieu- tenant in the U. S. Army until April, 1861, when he resigned and was appointed Captain in the Army of Northern Virginia. Later he became Assistant C. M. and Q. M. General in the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Garnett and General Jackson. He died at Alleghany Springs, August 13th, 1861. He is buried in the cemetery at Charlottesville. WILLIAM WILLS ALEXANDER.* William Wills Alexander was born in Charlottesville, August 25th, 1838. He was Second-Lieutenant of Company B, Nine- teenth Virginia Regiment; was in the battles of Bull Run and Manassas ; served in the medical department in Lynchburg ; aft- erwards was Adjutant of the Forty-sixth Virginia Regiment; wounded in 1864, and killed March 29th, 1865, at the battle of Hatcher's Run, near Petersburg. He is buried in the cemetery at Charlottesville. J. M. ANDERSON. J. M. Anderson was a son of Colonel John T. Anderson and originally from Hanover County, Virginia. He was a fine sol- dier and served his country well. He engaged in business after the war and was highly esteemed as a man and citizen. He was an active member of John Bowie Strange Camp. R. G. BAILEY. R. G. Bailey enlisted in Company A, Nineteenth Virginia In- fantry, and served during the war. After the close of hostili- ties he lived in Charlottesville and kept a place of entertainment. *These sketches came in late, and through oversight were omitted in making up the sketches of deceased officers. 88 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD J. B. BAKER. J. B. Baker enlisted in the Confederate Army May 1st, 1861, as an orderly sergeant of Company H, First Virginia Cavalry. He was wounded at First Manassas and disabled from further service in the army. A fine soldier and citizen. HENRY JUSTUS BALZ. BY ALBERT G. A. BALZ. Henry Justus Balz was born in Frankenburg, Hesse-Cassel, Germany, on February 25th, 1840. He came to the United States as a youth of seventeen. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in an artillery company organized by a Captain Wag- ner, a Prussian soldier of fortune who gave his services to the Confederacy. He saw service at Fort Sumter, but later was in Company 1A, Lucas's Battalion, Armv of Northern Virginia. After the war Henry Balz returned to Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, where, on April 7th, ' 1870, he married Mary Hartman. He remained in Charlottesville until his death, which occurred on October 25th, 1902. He was instrumental in organizing the Monticello Guard, and was for many years Second Warden of the Volunteer Fire Company. JOHN H. BARKSDALE. BY W. R. BARKSDALE, His SECOND SON. The subject of this sketch, John Henry Barksdale, was born March 8th, 1828, at the old Barksdale homestead in Albemarle County, known as Pleasant Hill. He came of a long line of ancestors, dating back to the early part of the seventeenth cen- tury, when Sir William Barksdale, the first of the name, so far as known, emigrated to America from England and settled in Virginia. He was the second son of Rice Garland Barksdale and Eliza- beth S. White, his wife, and was educated in the country schools of the neighborhood. At the age of twenty-eight (No- vember 18th, 1856), he married Miss Mattie Catherine Dun- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 89 kum, of Green Hill, Albemarle County. Soon afterward he bought the Robinson place, then known as Locust Grove, where he engaged in farming until called to arms in the spring of 1864, under Captain Pannell, of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry. He served only a few weeks, however, before he was shot through the left hand at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, the same engagement in which his commanding general, the immortal Stuart, was killed.* After recovering from his wound sufficiently, he went into the Commissary Department and bought and drove cattle for the subsistence of the army. Prior to the war he was very ac- tive in organizing and drilling the State militia, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, by which title he was called by his old associates during the rest of his life. At the close of the war, or soon afterward, being in straight- ened circumstances on account of the loss of all his slaves and the impoverished condition of the country, and finding it hard to make a living for his family on the little and poor farm, he obtained an appointment as deputy-sheriff, and at the end of the term was elected sheriff, which office he filled iwith credit. After retiring from public life, having lost his home on ac- count of inability to meet the payments, he moved back to the old home at Pleasant Hill, and engaged in farming again for some years. Afterward he bought and moved to the Wingfield place, just across the road from Temple Hill Church, where, a few years afterwards, on March 15th, 1899, he had the misfortune to lose his lifetime partner. From that time he made his home with his oldest son, J. O. Barksdale, at what was one time the Gary place, where he departed this life on September 2nd, 1912, just a few months before his 85th birthday. His remains lie in the family section in the cemetery at Mount Olivet Church. *There is no record of the other engagements in which he took part. 90 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD W. S. BASHAW. W. S. Bashaw enlisted in June, 1861, in the Fluvanna Ar- tillery. He was discharged, but re-enlisted and served nearly four years in the Confederate service. He resided in Char- lottesville, following the occupation of a liveryman. ROBERT BASS. Robert Bass enlisted in the Confederate Army in 1862, and was discharged April 9th, 1865, serving three years. He was originally from Fluvanna County, but moved to Charlottesville, where he engaged in carpentering. NEWTON BECKWITH. Newton Beckwith was a native of Fredericksburg, Virginia. He served four years in the Confederate army as a member of Company C, 30th Virginia Regiment, under Captain Wisten Wallace of Fredericksburg. He was a gallant soldier, bearing privations and sufferings gladly for his beloved country. He died in Charlottesville, Virginia, January, 1917. CHARLES PAGE BENSON. BY C. B. L. Charles Page Benson was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, and served faithfully in the War between the States as a mem- ber of the Albemarle Artillery. After the war he was a drug- gist for many years. He died in Richmond, Virginia, March 6th, 1904. He had a host of friends. His generous spirit and pleasant manner made him a very enjoyable companion, and few men ever lived who did more to cheer the sick and comfort the sorrowing. He was a valuable and active member of John Bowie Strange Camp. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 91 ALBERT PENDLETON BIBB. BY R. H. WOOD. Albert Pendleton Bibb, born of patriotic blood, did not wait to be called, but at the age of sixteen volunteered in the serv- ice of the Confederate .States of America. By reason of poor health he was not able to continue in the service very long, but while he was in, he rendered valuable service as orderly ser- geant, never sparing himself, but giving the best that was in him to the work in which he was engaged. On his return home he entered into the dry goods business with his father, John H. Bibb, who, as a leading business man, was one of the most in- fluential citizens of Charlottesville. When his father retired from the business, A. P. Bibb con- tinued it most successfully for a number of years, but his health giving away entirely, he, too, was compelled to follow a life that took him more out of doors. Early in life he united with the Charlottesville Baptist Church and continued one of its most active and efficient members un- til his marriage to Miss Nannie Leitch, when he withdrew from the Baptist Church and with her entered the Charlottesville Presbyterian Church. In this church his usefulness soon be- came apparent, and in a short time he was elected a ruling elder, in which office he rendered valuable service to the Church and the cause of Christianity. He was also elected to, and for a number of years held, the office of Superintendent of the Sab- bath School, which he filled most acceptably to the officers, teachers and scholars of the school, as well as to the members and officers of the church, all of whom deeply regretted when, by reason of impaired health, he had to resign his office. There was never a man in Charlottesville who had more friends than A. P. Bibb. He made friends easily, and re- tained them. His energy knew no bounds, and he never spared himself where he could be of service to his friends, his church, or his country. His nature was to love everybody, and every- body loved him. 92 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD JONATHAN BISHOP. Jonathan Bishop entered the Confederate army from Char- lottesville, Virginia, as a gun corporal in Southall's Battery of Artillery. He was a fine soldier, serving in the same company until the close of the war. He engaged in mercantile business in Charlottesville at the close of hostilities, and died at the Sol- dier's Home in Richmond, Virginia. REV. DANIEL BLAIN, D. D. BY R. WALLER BLAIN. Daniel Blain, eldest son of Rev. Samuel Wilson Blain, was born in Cumberland County, Virginia, November 20th. 1838. He was prepared for college by his father and Dr. R. L. Dabney, and at the preparatory school of Jacob Fuller in Lexington, Vir- ginia. In 1854 he entered Washington College (now Washing- ton and Lee University), graduating with the degree of A. B. in 1858. The next two years were spent as the assistant of the Rev. Wm. H. Foote, D. D., in Potomac Academy, Romney, Virginia, having united with the Lexington Presbyterian Church under the ministry of Rev. Wm. S. White, D. D., in 1854. In the fall of 1860 he entered Union Theological Seminary, Vir- ginia, and continued there until March, 1861, when he went to the neighborhood of Petersburg to teach. In May, 1861, he entered the Confederate army as a private in the Rockbridge Artillery, Stonewall Brigade. After being wounded he was made Ordnance Sergeant, and served first on the staff of General J. B. Magruder and subsequently as assist- ant to Major Jno.'G. Barn well on. the staff of General W. N. Pendleton, Chief of Artillery of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia. He served from May, 1861, to April, 1865, and was pa- roled at Appomattox. In the winter of 1865 he returned to the Seminary, where he completed his studies in 1866. Soon after this he entered upon his first pastorate at Collierstown, Rockbridge County, Virginia. On January 3rd, 1867, he was married to Mary SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 93 Louisa, daughter of Dr. Jno. C. Mercer, at Williamsburg, Vir- ginia. In 1871 he accepted a call to the church at Chrstians- burg, Virginia, which he served for seventeen years. The remainder of his life was spent in educational work in additon to his ministerial service. After two years of private school work and preaching in Williamsburg, Virginia, and in Amherst and surrounding counties, he moved, in 1890, to Covesville, Albemarle County, where for sixteen years he conducted the Cove Academy and served the Cove and River- side churches, besides several mission points. Here on October 4th, 1906, after a few months illness, his faithful service on earth came to an end and his Great Commander summoned him to join the saints above. He left six sons, three of whom are Presbyterian ministers, while others are in the eldership of the church. He was a brave, faithful, consecrated soldier of the Confed- erate States and of the cross. In both relations he was a com- rade honored, useful and beloved. EZRA M. BROWN. Ezra M. Brown was a son of Dr. Charles and Mary Brown, and resided near the University of Virginia at a place known as "Valley Point." He died at the ripe old age of seventy-seven years in the room in which he was born. ^ He enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Com- pany K, Second Virginia Cavalry, known as the Albemarle Light Horse, and was a gallant soldier, participating in many battles. He was three times wounded. JAMES R. BRYANT. James R. Bryant enlisted April 9th, 1861, as a sergeant in Company B, Eighth Virginia Cavalry, and served during the war. He was originally from Nelson County, but after the war lived in Charlottesville, Virginia. His occupation was that of a miller. 94 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD R. E. BUFFUM. R. E. Buffum came to Charlottesville, Virginia, after the war, from the Mississippi Department, where he had made a fine rec- ord as a soldier. He was an active and honored member of John Bowie Strange Camp, and a pronounced Christian gen- tleman. BENJAMIN F. BURGESS. Benjamin F. Burgess, son of John W. Burgess and Bettie Gianniny, was born at Bell Air, Albemarle County, January 6th, 1832. He entered the service of the Confederacy as a member of Company I, Forty-sixth Virginia Infantry, and served gallantly in the war until he was severely wounded at Petersburg. He married Miss Bettie C. Gillespie of Albemarle County, November 12th, 1874. From this union there resulted two children. Going to Nelson County, he engaged in farm- ing on Joe's Creek until 1889, when he moved to Charlottesville, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died at the home of his son November 22nd, 1917. ROBERT NICHOLAS BURGESS. Robert Nicholas Burgess, son of John and Elizabeth Bur- gess, was born September 20th, 1839, in Albemarle County, Vir- ginia. He served in the Confederate States army from 1861 to 1865 in Company I, Forty-Sixth Virginia Regiment. He married Miss Willie Gillespie in August, 1865. She died June 6th, 1870. On January 23, 1871, he was marred to Miss Lucy M. Gillespie, who still survives. He began farming immediately upon his return from the army, and continued as farmer and overseer in Albemarle County until April 1881, when he moved to Charlottesville and accepted a position as policeman, working at that position for a few years, until he accepted a position as baggage agent with the Virginia Midland Railroad, afterwards known as the Rich- mond and Danville Railroad and later as the Southern Ralroad. He occupied this position until, on account of physical disabili- DRURY W. BURNLEY SOUTHALL'S BAT. OF LIGHT ARTILLERY, C. S. A. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 95 ties, he took a lighter position as crossing watchman, which po- sition he held until his death, which occurred in Charlottesville, December 18th, 1911. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, He is survived by his wife and the following children: J. H. Burgess, of Roanoke; Mrs. J. L. Almond, of Locust Grove, Vir- ginia; and J. W. and R. T. Burgess, of Charlottesville. W. J. BURKE. W. J. Burke enlisted as a private in Company G, Ninth Vir- ginia Cavalry, and served four years in the Confederate army. He was a farmer by occupation and lived near Charlottesville, Virginia. DRURY WOOD BURNLEY. BY CARRIE C. BURNLEY. Drury Wood Burnley was born at Stony Point, Albemarle County, Virginia, September 4th, 1826. His father, Nathaniel Burnley, was a native of Louisa County, but in early life moved from thence to Albemarle where he married Sarah Sutton Wood, a daughter of Drury Wood of Park Hill near Stony Point, later making his home at Hydraulic on the Rivanna River, where he engaged extensively and successfully in milling, merchandising and farming. On November 24th, 1847, Drury Wood Burnley was united in marriage to Cornelia Winston Clarke. She was born in Au- gusta County, June 2nd, 1822, and was a daughter of Dr. Thomas King Clarke, who married Elizabeth Garth, a daughter of Thomas Garth of Albemarle. Of Scotch ancestry, Dr. Clarke was a native of Augusta County, practicing his profes- sion there and also in Albemarle. Drury Wood Burnley became a public official before he was twenty-one years old, serving as deputy-sheriff, sheriff, com- missioner of the revenue, assessor, internal revenue officer, clerk and deputy-clerk alternately of Albemarle county court, holding the latter office at the time of his death, January 28th, 1906. On May 1st, 1861, he enlisted in the Virginia Light Artillery, 96 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD serving as First Sergeant of Battery A (Southall's Battery) Magruder's Brigade, Johnston's Division, until August 25th, 1862, when he returned home to assume again his duties as a public official. His battery, a part of the command of the Pol- ish colonel, Sulakowski, was stationed several miles below York- town during the autumn of 1861. A letter to his family writ- ten at that time, gives a graphic account of the inadequateness of the army of defense which, under the skilful disposition of General Magruder, was holding at bay McClellan's vastly supe- rior numbers. ELWOOD BYERS. Elwood Byers enlisted in Carrington's Battery of Artillery from Maryland. Afterwards he was transferred to Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, Albemarle Light Horse. He was a fine soldier and an educated and refined gentleman. He served during the entire war, and died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the railroad service. R. HENRY CARR. R. Henry Carr was the oldest member of Company K, Sec- ond Virginia Cavalry, Albemarle Light Horse. He enlisted in the Confederate service in 1862, serving with gallantry until the close of the war. His brother James G. Carr was killed at Fork Kennan in May, 1864. He engaged in farming after the war and was a valuable citizen to the community. JOHN W. CHRISTMAS. John W. Christmas was born in Fluvanna County, Virginia, and in 1862, joined the Confederate army as a private in Wood- fork's Battery of Artillery. He served to the close of the war. After the war he moved to Charlottesville,' Virginia and en- gaged in auctioneering. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 97 S. S. CLEMENTS. S. S. Clements enlisted in the Confederate army from Ivy, Virginia, in I. W. Williams' Company, Forty-sixth Virginia In- fantry, Wise's Brigade, and served with that company for one year. He was then transferred to Southall's Battery of Artil- lery, participating in many battles with that command. He was wounded at Bristoe Station and Second Cold Harbor, and at Sailor's Creek. He was then taken prisoner and carried to Point Lookout, thus closing his war record. NATHANIEL GREEN CLIFTON. Nathaniel Green Clifton enlisted in Company E, Thirty-first Regiment Georgia Infantry, in November 1861, as first cor- poral, and was afterwards musician. He served with this com- mand until April 9th, 1865, and was paroled at Appomattox. He was a loyal and faithful soldier, taking part in many bat- tles of the Confederacy. He located in Charlottesvlile after the war; was active in business, and highly esteemed as a worthy and valuable citizen. GEORGE MOFFETT COCHRAN. BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. Son of John Cochran and his wife Margaret Lynn Lewis, George Moffett Cochran was only eighteen years old when war was declared. He was very anxious to join the army, but his father thought him too young. After much pleading his father's consent was granted, and he joined Carrington's Battery, under command of Captain James McDowell Carrington, and served in that company until late in the war, when he was transferred to General Long's staff as courier. He had two horses shot from under him in the raid on Washington, and was wounded at Chancellorsville. After the war he entered the mercantile business with Mr. John C. Patterson, in Charlottesville, in which partnership he continued until his death. He was a zealous Knight of Pythias 98 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD and a man warm-hearted and of generous impulses. He joined the Presbyterian Church while in the army. He was born April 10th, 1843; Died March 8th, 1883. JAMES COCHRAN BY MRS. JOHN M. PRESTON. The subject of this sketch was the second son of John Coch- ran and his wife Margaret Lynn Lewis. He was born June 5th, 1830, and died November 2nd, 1897. He was educated in the schools of Albemarle County, and graduated in Law from the University of Virginia, but never practiced. He married Miss Elizabeth Brooke, and lived quietly and happily at their home, "Folly," Augusta County. On account of frail health he did not go into the army at once, but put in a substitute. Later he took an active part, being in the cavalry with Wickham's Bri- gade, Colonel Sproul, Ninety-third Regiment, in November, 1864. After the war he returned home and lived quietly, surrounded by a large circle of loving friends. Beneath a brusque exterior and eccentricity of manners he had a warm and sympathetic heart. Without ostentation he did much to aid the needy. S. I. COFFMAN. S. I. Coffman entered the Confederate army as a sergeant in Carrington's Battery of Artillery, and served during the war. He was well known as an educator, filling positions in Tenn- essee and Virginia colleges and conducting a very successful school at Ivy, Virginia. As a man and citizen he was highly esteemed. He died at Ivy, September 25th, 1919. W. P. CONNELL. "W. P. Connell enlisted in the Confederate army from Char- lottesville as a member of the Albemarle Rifles, of Colonel R. T. W. Duke's regiment, and served during the war. He was a contractor, and resided in Charlottesville until his death. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 99 THOMAS M. COSBY. Thomas M. Cosby enlisted in Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, known as the Albemarle Light Horse, at the beginning of the war, and participated in some thirty battles. He was wounded November 9th, 1864, in the Valley Campaign. He was noted for his fine soldierly qualities. He was a son of William Cosby, near Ivy, Virginia, and a man of sterling character. A. D. COX. FROM "THE CONFEDERATE VETERAN," JUNE, 1914. In the death of A. D. Cox, on May 1st, 1913, Virginia lost a loyal citizen and a gallant soldier of the Confederacy. Azell Donop Cox was born October 18th, 1842, in Albemarle County, Virginia. The family removed to Charlottesville in 1849 and were pioneers in the development of that city. At the time of his death Mr. Cox was one of its largest taxpayers. All of his dealings with his fellow men were characterized by a high sense of honor and an-inflexible business integrity. At the beginning of the War between the States, he, with his brothers. Eugene M., Lucian X., and Leroy W 7 esley Cox, en- tered the Confederate service. He was lieutenant in Company I, 46th Virginia Regiment, and his army career was one of un- usual interest. Among other engagements, he was in the Bat- tle of the Crater, near Petersburg, Virginia. While prisoner of war at Fort Delaware and Point Lookout, he suffered many hardships. His exceeding modesty kept him from speaking of his service to his country, but he showed his loyalty to the Con- federacy by his generosity to needy soldiers. Dr. William Cox, his father, being too old for active army service, was a member of the home guard. His house was used as a private hospital for sick and wounded Confederates, and his wife and daughters, with the faithful family servants, min- istered to the needs of many unfortunate Southern and some Northern soldiers. At the close of the war Dr. Cox's daughter Adelaide became the wife of Lieutenant Samuel Comer, of 100 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD South Carolina. The other daughter, Josephine, and son, L. W. Cox, are the surviving members of Dr. Cox's family, and are living at the old home in Charlottesville. EUGENE 'MONTRAVILLE cox. BY W. E. NORRIS. Eugene Montraville Cox, born May 13th, 1833, was among the members of the Border Guard at its organization. This was an Albemarle company recruited by Captain R. G. Crank. The company was mustered into service at Lewisburg, Virginia, June 23rd, 1861, and became a part of the Wise Legion. He and his brothers, A. D. and L. W. Cox, were present with the company in the engagement at Scarey Creek, July 17th, 1861, where Theodorick Smith was killed and John T. Mallory wounded. These were the first casualties that occurred among Albemarle County men in battle in defense of the Confederate cause. The Wise Legion was captured at Roanoke Island and pa- roled. After the exchange of prisoners had been effected, the command was reorganized, and the Border Guard was then known as Company D, Forty-sixth Infantry, Wise's Brigade. E. M. Cox resigned his sergeantcy in Company D and was trans- ferred to Company I of the same regiment. He was captured at Hatcher's Run, March 29th, 1865, and held prisoner until after the close of the war. He then located in Petersburg, Vir- ginia, where he engaged in the practice of law until his death, which occurred October 22nd, 1885. LUCIAN NAPOLEON COX. BY L. WESLEY Cox. Lucian Napoleon Cox was born May 7th, 1838, and enlisted in the Albemarle Rifles. Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Regi- ment, in April 1861. He was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines. On December 22nd, 1862, while on his way to Char- lottesville, he was instantly killed in a railroad wreck near Han- over Junction. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 101 THOMAS JEFFERSON CRADDOCK. Thomas Jefferson Craddock resided near Milton, Virginia. He entered the Confederate army as a member of General Thomas L. Rosser's command of cavalry, and was a fine sol- dier. He had a genius for carving, and his remarkable canes were noted far and near. W. H. CROCKFORD. W. H. Crockford enlisted when a boy of seventeen or eigh- teen in the Confederate army as a member of Company A, Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, April 19th, 1861. He partici- pated in thirty-seven battles and was twice wounded. He re- sided in Charlottesville after the war and died there. He was an active member of John Bowie Strange Camp and justly proud of his war record. GEORGE M. CULIN. BY L. M. Cox. George M. Culin left Charlottesville with the Monticello Guard Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, in 1861, and served with distinction until April 6th, 1865, when he was cap- tured at Sailor's Creek. He was a brother of Captain J. C. Cu- lin and of William Culin, who was killed in the Seven Days battles around Richmond. He was a splendid soldier and good citizen, and resided in Charlottesville after the war. F. B. DAVIS. F. B. Davis resided near Ivy Depot, and enlisted in South- all's Battery of Artillery in July, 1861, but afterwards trans- ferred to Company F, Thirty-fifth Virginia Cavalry. After the war he lived in Charlottesville, following the trade of a car- penter. 102 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD MARSHALL DINWIDDIE. BY EDGAR E. DINWIDDIE. Marshall Dinwiddie, seventh son of William Walthall Din- widdie and Nancy (Bryan) Dinwiddie, was born in Campbell County, Virginia, November 7th, 1845. When about twelve years old, the family moved to Greenwood in Albemarle County, where the remainder of his boyhood was spent. At the age of seventeen he entered the Confederate army, McGregor's, for- merly Pelham's. Battery of Stuart's Horse Artillery, serving to the end of the war. McGregor, soon made Major, selected him for his courier and quasi-secretary, in which position he ren- dered faithful and satisfactory service. After the war he married Lucy Austin Leake, a niece of Hon- orable Shelton F. Leake. Their three children survive : Mrs. R. Newton Spencer, Washington, D. C. ; Marshall Leake Din- widdie, Alexandria, Virginia; and Mrs. Mary B. Spencer, Ar- rington, Virginia. He was with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad for twenty years as agent and telegraph operator, going from this road to the Southern in its car record office at Atlanta, after the death of his wife; but not liking his work, was shortly after placed by the Southern as an agent in Virginia, and served as such un- til he married some years later Mrs. Sammie O. Durrette of Albemarle. She died some years before him. He was prominent in Masonic circles, being for years secre- tary of Widow's Son's Lodge No. 60, Keystone Royal Arch Chapter No. 58, and Commandery No. 3, Knights Templar of Charlottesville, and member of Acca Temple, Richmond. He was strong in his religious convictions and died in the full hope of a glorious immortality. His death occurred May 15th, 1916, in the 71st year of his age, at the home of his daughter at Arrington, and his body lies in the cemetery adjoining the Methodist Church there. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 103 WALTHALL DINWIDDIE. BY A FRIEND (J. S. P.) Walthall Dinwiddie, better known as Walter Dinwiddie, the eighth son of William Walthall Dinwiddie and Nancy (Bryan) Dinwiddie, was born in Campbell County, Virginia, December 3rd, 1847. When he was about ten years of age the family moved to Greenwood, Virginia, where the rest of his boyhood was spent. At sixteen he entered the Confederate army, and served with courage and devotion as a member of McGregor's Battery, Stuart's Horse Artillery, until the close of the war. After the war he married Miss Eliza Stanley Shepherd of Albemarle County. She survives him. The surviving children are: William Walter of Orange, New Jersey; Harman A., Mary Louise, Harry E., and L. Estelle of Charlottesville ; Mrs. William J. Buchanan, Charlottesville; Mrs. Daniel Colcock, Jr., New Orleans; Dr. J. Gray Dinwiddie, Wilmington, Delaware; and Robert S. Dinwiddie, Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Dinwiddie was for many years ticket agent in Charlottes- ville for the Southern Railway Company. From this position he went to the Charlottesville Perpetual Building and Loan Com- pany as secretary and treasurer, and continued as the chief ex- ecutive officer of that corporation until his death, which oc- curred October 24, 1909. He was a member of the City School Board of Charlottes- ville for many years. It was during his service in that body that the High School building was erected and furnished and other constructive things done under his inspection as chair- man of the Board's building committee. In this position, and in others of trust and service, in the church, in fraternal and personal relations, and particularly at the head of his family, he met every obligation with devotion and integrity, fearing nothing but God, after the manner of the Dinwiddies. He was prominent as a Mason and widely known through this and other fraternal affiliations, holding membership in Widow's Sons Lodge No. 60, A. F. and A. M., Keystone Royal Arch Chap- ter, Charlottesville Commandery No. 3 (Knights Templar), and Acca Temple, Richmond. 104 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD J. W. DOLAN. J. W. Dolan, a member of Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, entered the Confederate army at the beginning of hos- tilities, and was actively engaged in service until the close of the war. After the surrender of Lee he engaged in the insurance business, and was active in all social and church work. He died at the Soldiers' Home in Richmond in 1918. J. A. DRUIN. J. A. Druin enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Reuben Bos- ton of Albemarle County. He was a fine soldier and a worthy citizen of Charlottesville, Virginia, where he was engaged in business. R. W. DUKE. BY W. R. DUKE. R. W. Duke was born in Taylorsville, Kentucky, September 21st, 1845. He was the only son of William Johnson Duke and Emily Anderson Duke, his wife. Just 'before the war, his father, with his family, moved to Virginia. In 1863, soon after the Gettysburg campaign, he joined Car- rington's Battery and served with it until the fight of the Bloody Angle, at Spottsylvania Courthouse, in which fight all of the company were killed, wounded, or captured, except eigh- teen, who escaped. As the enemy came over the works, their captain gave the order for the men to take care of themselves. After this battle he, with the other remaining members of the company, were attached to Garber's Battery, and served with it during the rest of the war. After the war he studied in the schools in or near Charlottes- ville and in a few years moved to Kentucky, where he taught school until his father's death in 1875, when he returned to Virginia. He was offered a position as teacher in the Char- 105 lottesville school, and taught for some years, giving up the po- sition when he was appointed Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court, Colonel Bennett Taylor being the Clerk. On May 29th, 1886, he was appointed Clerk, and in May, 1887, he was unanimously elected Clerk, leading the whole ticket by 38 votes. This of- fice he held until his death, which occurred on the 12th day of February, 1909. He was buried in Riverview Cemetery. MARSHALL MILTON DU PRE' Marshall Milton DuPre was the son of Louis Du Pre, his fa- ther being one of three brothers who settled in Charleston, South Carolina, after having been banished from France by Louis the Fourteenth. He volunteered from Georgia in the Eighth, a regiment from that state, and served the Confederacy for four years in the Army of Northern Virginia, to the close of the war. After the surrender he settled in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Afterwards he removed to Charlottesville where he spent the remainder of his life. He engaged in jour- nalism, and was associated with the Charlottesville Progress. He was active in musical and social circles, and church work, and highly esteemed by all. FRANK S. DURRETTE. BY W. R. DUKE. Frank S. Durrette, the son of Thomas Durrette and Mary Early his wife, was born on the North Side of Albemarle County, July 14th, 1843. In 1863, he joined Company D, Forty-sixth Regiment Vir- ginia Infantry. He rose to be a lieutenant in his company and served until the surrender at Appomattox. He was a brave and faithful soldier. After the war he married Maria Samuel Moon and lived at Farmington on the north side of the North Fork of the Ri- vanna River. This home was one of the pleasantest places to visit. Frank, as he was lovingly called by his many friends, was 106 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD a good performer on the violin and many were the joyous oc- casions at which he gave much pleasure to his young friends. He died April 27th, 1898, and was buried at Farmington on the land that had belonged to his forbears for many generations. "Peace to his Ashes." JOHN D. DURRETT. John D. Durrett resided near Owensville, Virginia, and en- tered the Confederate army at the beginning of the war as a member of Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He was a fine soldier. At the battle of Williamsburg he saved the life of his comrade, Walker Wingfield, by killing a Federal soldier who was in the act of killing him. His occupation was that of a farmer. WILLIAM DURRETT. BY AUBURN MANN. William Durrett was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, at the old Durrett homestead, North Garden, February 1st, 1843. He was the son of Captain Marcus and Anne Moore Durrett, and the grandson of Marshall Durrett, who was the nephew of Chief Justice Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. He was educated at Gibson's Academy, conducted by "Parson" Gibson. Practically all of his life was spent at North Garden, where he was engaged in farming. "Bill," as he was affectionately called by his associates, vol- unteered for service at the outbreak of the war. He was then about eighteen years of age, and with his three brothers, Mar- cus, Henry and James, entered the service of his country. He was with the Tenth Virginia Cavalry, Company F, and his many acts of daring and bravery were done with a fearlessness which never faltered. Price Maury, son of the late Jesse Maury, who at the time of the war was quite a young boy, was taken pris- soner by a number of Yankees, and was rescued single-handed by Mr. Durrett. His three brothers came out of the service without having been wounded, but not so with him. He was SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 107 seven times wounded, most severely at Gettysburg, where he was shot through the breast. But for the prompt attention given him by his cousin, Dr. Martin, he would doubtless have succumbed to his wounds. He was married to Miss Delicia Kate Betts, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Watts Betts, formerly of Deal, Kent County, England. In November, 1907, Mr. Durrett departed this life, leaving surviving him six children. He was buried at the old homestead. S. W. EDWARDS. S. W. Edwards enlisted in the Confederate army May 10th, 1861, and served until the close as a member of Company E, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He resided near. Burnleys, Al- bemarle County, Virginia. His occupation was that of a farmer. F. M. ESTES. F. M. Estes enlisted in the Confederate army in 1862 and served until the close in Company D, Thirty-fourth Virginia Infantry. He was wounded July 30th, 1864. He was born in Greene County, Virginia, but moved to Charlottesville where he practiced law. MILTON FERNEYHOUGH. BY W. R. DUKE. Milton Ferneyhough was born in Orange County, September 22nd, 1830. Before the war he managed for several gentlemen, one of whom was Captain Thomas L. Farish at "The Farm," then one of the finest farms in the country. In the spring of 1862 he enlisted in Carrington's Battery, and served until its capture at the Bloody Angle, where he escaped. 108 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD He was then assigned to Garber's Battery and served with it until the surrender. After the war he contracted for several years and then en- gaged in farming. He was a worthy citizen. He died in August, 1904, and was buried at Free Union, Albemarle County. ROBERT HERNDON FIFE. BY R. T. W. DUKE, JR. Robert Herndon Fife was born at "Rockhill," Park Street, Charlottesville, August 27th, 1843. His father, Rev. James Fife, came from Edinburg, Scotland, in 1811, and lived in Gloucester, later in Goochland, where a village is named after him. With his wife, Margaret Herndon of Spottsylvania, he moved to Charlottesville in 1839, where he purchased "Oak- lawn," the present family residence, in 1847. Herndon Fife attended Strange's Military Academy, Bloom- field Academy, and Alleghany College in Greenbrier. He en- tered the University of Virginia in 1861, but withdrew in 1862 to enlist in the Charlottesville Artillery, with which he served in the Seven Days Fight around Richmond, and in all the ma- jor actions of the army of Northern Virginia until May 12th, 1864, when his battery was destroyed in the "Bloody Angle" at Spottsylvania Court House, he himself escaping by a hair's breadth. He then joined the Staunton Artillery, sharing in the famous Valley Campaign of 1864. He was captured in Lee's gallant stand at Petersburg, but escaping the same night, he rejoined his command on the retreat to Appomattox and was paroled as Battery Sergeant at the Surrender. After the war he engaged in farming at "Oaklawn;" in 1882 he was Bursar at the University; in 1883-85 he was postmaster there. In 1898 he entered the service of the Charlottesville & Albemarle Railway Company, remaining with it until his death. As superintendent of car service he won the travelling public and established warm personal relations with the employees. He possessed enduring youth in vigorous health and constant SKETCHES OF THE DEAD . 109 cheerfulness, which, with loyalty of character, brought into his circle of friends, not only men of ante-bellum days, but many of the younger generation. His death occurred after a brief illness,, August 16th, 1919. He was borne to his grave under the cedars of "Oaklawn" by his friends among the railway employees, followed by the sur- vivors of John Bowie Strange Camp. He held the war medals awarded by the University of Virginia and the Daughters of th Confederacy. He was for sixty-one years a member, and for many years a deacon in the Baptist Church, and for thirty-three years Super- intendent of the Sunday School. He married, in 1867, Sarah Ann Strickler of Madison County, who survives him, with seven children : Daisy F. Rinehart, Dr. Robert Herndon Fife, Jr., Colonel James Douglas Fife, Mar- garet Tucker, William Ormond Fife, Ella Katherine Fife and Shelton Strickler Fife. P. W. FITCH. P. W. Fitch came to Charlottesville from Fluvanna County in 1888, and engaged in business. He was a son of P. W. and Margaret Fitch. He enlisted in the army in 1861, and was se- verely wounded in the battle of Mine Run. He was a member of Company E, Fifth Virginia Infantry, and served three years, when he was disabled. He was active in all matters pertaining to the civil and religious matters of the city. FRANCIS CONWAY FITZHUGH. BY MRS. JAMES STUART FITZHUGH. Died on May 12th, 1910, at his home in Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, Francis Conway Fitzhugh, at the age of 72 years. He was born at Barboursville, Orange County, Virginia. His fa- ther having died, leaving a large family, it became necessary for Francis Conway to go to work early in life. This deprived him of the opportunity to attend college, but being fond of 110 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD reading and study, he acquired a good education by his own ef- fort. At the commencement of the War between the States he was employed at Jones' Bookstore at the University of Virginia. He promptly enlisted in Company F, Thirteenth Virginia Regiment of Infantry. His health was so bad at this time the surgeon re- jected him. His diary, which is well preserved, says : "March 15th, 1862, mustered into the Confederate service in the Virginia Battery, Captain J. M. Carrington one hundred and fifty men and six guns. "May 17th, 1862, left the University to join General Jackson in the Valley of Virginia." His battery was engaged with Jackson in the Valley at Front Royal, Winchester, Harper's Ferry, Port Republic, etc. He was also at Malvern Hill and Cold Harbor. His diary tells of the battle of Chancellorsville, where Jackson was wounded. Here Carrington's battery was placed in an open field in front of the Chancellor House, around which General Hooker had massed a large force of artillery. At one time the firing was so severe that the few men left to serve the guns had to seek shelter. A member of his battery says that as soon as the enemy's fire would slacken, Fitzhugh would run to his gun, load and fire until the fire of the enemy would again become too hot. This he repeated until he was wounded and carried from the field. This wound prevented his accompanying his battery into Pennsylvania, but he rejoined it again in the Valley. At the Bloody Angle at Spottsylvania Carrington's Battery was captured. In the darkness and confusion Fitzhugh and a few of his company succeeded in getting away, and when Gen- eral Gordon advanced to recapture the works, Fitzhugh picked up a musket and joined the infantry in the counter attack. The guns of the battery were retaken, and he then put down the musket, ran to his guns and assisted in firing them until the am- munition was exhausted. On the retreat he stayed with his guns until the last, and was placed in position to support Gen- eral Gordon in the last charge of Lee's Army at Appomattox. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 111 There he saw his guns turned over to the enemy, and it is said he wept like a child. He fought a good fight, both as a soldier of his beloved Southland and as a soldier of the Cross. JOHN O. FRETWELL. John O. Fretwell resided near Charlottesville and was en- gaged in farming when the war began. He enlisted in Carring- ton's Battery as a private and served to the end of the war. W. J. FRETWELL. W. J. Fretwell was from Albemarle County, and entered the Confederate army as a member of Carrington's Battery of Ar- tillery. After the war he was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Charlottesville, Virginia. JESSE LEWIS FRY. BY Miss FRANK FRY. Jesse Lewis Fry was a direct descendant (being the fifth in line) of Colonel Joshua Fry of Viewmont, Albemarle County, Virginia, who was appointed Colonel of the First Continental Regiment, with Washington as his Lieutenant, and won distinc- tion in the French and Indian War. He (Jesse L. Fry) was the son of J. Frank Fry and Mary I. Barksdale, and was born June 20th, 1829. He died December 19th, 1901. Jesse L. Fry served through the war as a private in the Albe- marle Light Horse Cavalry, Thirteenth Regiment Virginia Vol- unteers, C. S. A., with Captain Eugene Davis in command. He was a devoted and loyal Southerner, ready at all times to do his duty and make any sacrifice for the Confederacy that might be necessary. At the close of the war he assisted his father, J. Frank Fry, then Commissioner of Revenue, in his office until the latter's death, at which time he was elected to succeed his father, hold- 112 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ing the office until his death in 1901. He was widely known and highly respected throughout the State, no county officer ever being more beloved or more highly honored than he. He married Miss Frances Dunkum and is survived by five children : Jesse L. Fry, Harry L. Fry, Miss Frank Fry, Mrs. D. W. Fowler of Charlottesville, and Mrs. W. M. Moore of Kentucky. P. W. GARLAND. P. W. Garland was the son of of Goodrich and Mary E. Gar- land, and lived near Ivy Depot, Virginia. He was engaged in farming, and entered the army the last year of the war. He was a member of the 10th Virginia Cavalry! JOHN O. GARRISON. John O. Garrison enlisted May the 10th, 1861, in Company K. Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and was discharged in Decem- ber 1861, but reenlisted in Carrington's Battery of Artillery, serving with that company until the close of the war. He re- sided near Charlottesville, and engaged in farming. HORACE N. GIANNINY. t Horace N. Gianniny entered the army as a member of Captian John B. Magruder's Company, Fifty Seventh Virginia Infan- try, Armistead's Brigade, and served throughout the war a faithful adherent of the Confederate cause. He resided near Pantop's Acadamy, and was a worthy citizen of his community. GEORGE W. GILMER. BY GEORGE GILMER. George W. Gilmer was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, July 10th 1845. He was a son of George Christopher Gilmer and nephew of Governor Thomas Walker Gilmer of Virginia. He enlisted in Company C of Second Virginia Cavalry of the SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 113 Confederate Army at Snicker's Gap, June 16th, 1863. His first engagement was a skirmish at Rockville, Maryland, where the Confederates captured one hundred fine new wagons and teams which were being sent to General Meade's army. A lit- tle later in the march to Gettysburg his horse was shot from under him at Westminister, Maryland. At Gettysburg on the evening of the third day, he was se- verely wounded in the shoulder. He did not leave the field at once. About twenty minutes later another bullet struck him in the head and put out one of his eyes. This bullet was removed in February, 1897. When the Confederates retired, he was taken prisoner and carried to David's Island, New York. Here he received every attention from Southern ladies living in New York and from the hospital surgeons. After being in prison three months he was exchanged and sent home with the sight of one eye gone and his right shoulder disabled. Dr. Simmons, of the Northern Army, accompanied him to Norfolk, Virginia, when he was ex- changed, and personally put him on the train for Richmond. At the time George W. Gilmer was exchanged, it was consid- ered that he was permanently disabled, but he volunteered again in April, 1864, as a courier for General Wickham. He was in the battles of Spottsylvania Courthouse, Yellow Tavern, and many others. On account of the bullet lodged against his brain, the heat affected his head so that he again had to leave the army. Early in 1865 he again volunteered ; this time under Colonel J. S. Mosby, and was with him when the war ended. After the war George W. Gilmer was a prominent and suc- cessful farmer in his native county, displaying the same indomi- table will, energy and courage which marked his career as a soldier. In 1868 he married Miss Frances Brown. In 1871 he bought a large farm on the James River near Warren, where he spent the remainder of his life. On August 13, 1918, he died after a life of usefulness to his fellow countrymen as a soldier, farmer, road commissioner, member of school board and elder in the church. He is survived by his wife Frances H. Gilmer, and six children : Lena Gilmer, Margret Cabell Gilmer, Ed- monia Preston Gilmer, Ludwell Harrison Gilmer, George Wal- ker Gilmer and John Harmer Gilmer. 114 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD WILLIS H. GOOCH. Willis H. Gooch resided near Keswick, Virginia, and entered the Confederate army as a private in Company K, Second Vir- ginia Cavalry, known as the Albemarle Light Horse. He was distinguished for gallantry and soldierly qualities. He was wounded three times in the 1864 compaigns. After the war he resided at his home in Albemarle, an honored and esteemed cit- izen. JOSEPH GRIFFIN. Joseph Griffin resided in Maryland at the beginning of the Confederate war, and entered the service as a member of the Maryland Line. He was afterwards transferred to Colonel Mosby's command, where he did fine service for two years, un- til the close of hostilities. C. H. GW ATKINS. C. H. Gwatkins resided in Charlottesville, Virginia. He en- listed as a private in Company G, Eleventh Virginia Infantry, and served four years in the Confederate army. After the war he held the office of tax collector. He was highly esteemed as a man and citizen. R. W. HALL. R. W. Hall enlisted in June, 1862, as a private in Company D, Fifth Virginia Cavalry, and served three years in the Con- federate army. He resided in Charlottesville, where he was engaged in the livery business. He was highly esteemed as a man and a worthy citizen. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 115 LOUIS TRAPMAN HANCKEL. BY Louis T. HANCKEL, JR. Louis Trapman Hanckel was born in Charleston, South Car- olina, on June 3rd, 1847. He was the second son of James Stuart Hanckel, D. D., and Fannie Trapman Hanckel, his wife. During the war his father and mother moved to Spartan- burg, South Carolina. In June 1863, he enlisted in Company B, Ballinger's Battalion, Blanchard's Division, on the South Carolina coast; was wounded at Comlahee Ferry, in January 1865, and was captured and held a prisoner until after the war. His oldest brother, James Stuart Hanckel, was also in the serv- ice and was killed at Sharpsburg, Maryland, a member of the Second South Carolina Infantry. In 1869, his father, the Rev. James Stuart Hanckel, D. D., came to the Rectorship of Christ Episcopal Church of Char- lottesville, Virginia, and Louis Trapman Hanckel entered the University of Virginia the same year. There he studied law under Professors Minor and Southall. In 1870 he was admitted to the Bar of Albemarle County and Charlottesville, and began the practice of law with Colonel R. T. W. Duke and James D. Jones, under the firm name of Duke, Jones & Hanckel. contin- uing therein until 1875. In 1882 he and Judge George Watts Morris became associated as Hanckel & Morris, a copartnership which continued until Judge Morris went upon the bench as Judge of the Corporation Court of Charlottesville. After that he associated with him his son, Louis T. Hanckel, Jr., in the practice of law, which partnership continued until his death, which occurred on July 21st, 1914. In addition to the practice of law, he, in partnership with his eldest son, James Stuart Hanckel, conducted a fire insurance business, perhaps the larg- est in this section. He was buried in Maplewood Cemetery. GEORGE W. HARLOW. George^, W. Harlow resided near Keswick, Virginia, where he engaged in farming. He enlisted July 1st, 1861, in South- all's Battery of Artillery, and served during the war. 116 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD ALBERT L. HOLLADAY. BY WM. W. MINOR. Albert L. Holladay was the third son of Reverend Albert L. Holladay and Anne Minor, his wife. He was born February 17th, 1844, in Persia, where his father was a missionary of the Southern Presbyterian Church for ten years. He was edu- cated in private schools in Albemarle County, and at the Uni- versity of Virginia, and was an excellent student and good scholar. At the age of eighteen he volunteered as a private in the Albemarle Artillery, commanded by Captain James McDow- ell Carrington, and served gallantly and faithfully- in this com- pany, participating in most of the great battles of the Army of Northern Virginia, until he was taken prisoner, along with most of his company, at the ''Bloody Angle" in the battle of Spottsyl- vania Courthouse, May 12th, 1864. He was taken to Fort Dickerson and held a prisoner there until the summer of 1865, when he was released and returned to his home near Charlottes- ville. He entered the University of Virginia in October, 1865, as an academic student. Having very small means, he was unable to pursue his Uni- versity course consecutively, and taught school at Oxford, Miss- issippi and other places in order to pay his way through college and help his widowed mother and younger brother and sister. At a very early age he joined the Presbyterian Church of Char- lottesville, and was soon chosen an elder and proved a most ac- tive and useful officer. About 1872 he removed to the home of his uncle, Dabney Minor, near Eastham, Virginia, and aided him most effectively in the management of the farm. In 1875 he was happily mar- ried to Miss Nanny W. Eastham, a most faithful and helpful wife. He continued to live on this farm with her and their only son, William D. Holladay, till his death, February 1st. 1918, making a specialty of grape culture, in which he achieved great success. Mr. Holladay was a man of great intelligence, sterling char- acter, and untiring industry, a most devoted, consistent Chris- tian, and useful elder, first in Charlottesville and afterwards in SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 117 Bethel Church. In the latter he served most acceptably for nearly thirty years till his death. A gallant Confederate sol- dier, a loving husband and father, a most faithful friend and kind neighbor, and singularly unselfish, his influence for good included his entire community, in which he was universally be- loved and respected. His .loss is still most deeply felt. JAMES M. HOLLADAY. James M. Holladay, second son of Rev. and Mrs. Albert L. Holladay, was born in Persia, where his parents were mission- aries of the Southern Presbyterian Church, in 1842. He en- tered the Confederate army as a private in the spring of 1861, and died of disease in camp the following summer or fall. He was a faithful soldier and humble Christian. JOHN STEPHENS HOPKINS. The subject of this sketch, the son of Rev. John Stephen, and Sarah Wingfield Hopkins, was born in Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, November 5th, 1843. After his mother's death, when he was only nine years old, he went to live with his uncle, the late Richard W. Wingfield. Reared in a Christian home, he had a solid foundation laid upon which he stood all his life. At the outbreak of hostilities between the states he enlisted in the "Albemarle Light Horse," Company K, Second Virginia Regiment, and was with his company in practically every en- gagement up to .the battle of Gettysburg, where he was captured and" sent a prisoner to Point Lookout, Maryland. He was a prisoner there eighteen months. After being exchanged he went home in a very run-down condition, but returned to his colors, after gaining a little strength, and remained until the close of the war. Men and horses were shot down all around him but he escaped without a scratch. On April 15th, 1869, he married Miss Sarah Francis Parrott, 118 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD daughter of William T., and Francis Thompson Parrott, of Free Union, Virginia. His children are: Chas. B., John Wm., Edward P. and Mrs. S. F. Nuttycombe. Two brothers, Joseph Jackson and Wil- liam, preceded him to the grave. Two living sisters, Mrs. J. D. Bowles of Crozet, and Mrs. Lew Bryant of Fabers, Virginia, also survive him. One of his chief thoughts was the care of the old Confederate veterans and their widows. He was very active in getting the special levy in Albemarle for the benefit of the Confederate soldiers and widows. In 1897 he was elected Superintendent of the Albemarle County Home, a position he filled until his death, looking after the fee- ble inmates with the tenderest care. Every old Confederate in- mate was his brother and comrade. He died January 14th, 1916, leaving to his loved ones that best of all legacies, the heritage of a noble character. He was laid to rest in Riverview Cemetery with the last rites of the Masonic order, of which he was a member. A Confed- erate cross honors his grave. EDWARD THOMAS JESSUP. BY MARGARET B. JESSUP. Pell Jessup, a young man interested in agriculture, came to the Valley of Virginia from Long Island and settled in Rock- bridge County near Lexington. There were six children. Edward, the eldest, was born May 24th, 1844. Early education was by hired teachers in the home community, and later in Lexington under the Rev. F. M. Ed- wards, from whose school he withdrew at seventeen years of age, to enlist as one of the thirty who left on July 19th, 1861, by wagon for Staunton. the nearest railroad station, from whence they expected to go to Harper's Ferry for training. But the demand for men was so great that these boys were hur- rie to Manassas to join the Rockbridge Rifles who had left Lex- ington under Major T. J. Jackson on April 18th, 1861. They SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 119 were designated as Company H, Twenty-seventh Virginia In- fantry, First Virginia Brigade. Arriving on the eve of battle, they were in time to witness some of the horrors of war while awaiting equipment. Torn and mangled bodies were scattered over the bloody field, and piles of newly-amputated arms and legs were thrown from the windows of the hospitals. They heard the boom of cannon, the din of battle, and saw on the face of stalwart men care, anxiety, hope and fear "for their beloved South. But not one of these boys felt a desire to back out and return home. There was only an anxiety to become equipped, to make one more to help oppose the enemy. As a member of the above mentioned company, Edward Thomas Jessup participated in the battles of Kernstown, first Winchester, second Winchester, Port Republic, Malvern Hill and Cold Harbor. At Cedar Mountain he was knocked out by a piece of shell, but was at Second Manassas, then at Freder- icksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and others. Made lame by a piece of bursting shell, he was captured and taken prisoner, and at the close of the war he was still confined at Fort Delaware. In 1874, he married Louisa Anna Mallory of Orange County, and lived in Staunton until 1897, when he removed with his family to Charlottesville, where he became associated with the John Bowie Strange Camp of United Confederate Veterans. Edward Thomas Jessup died on the 7th day of August, 1917, beloved by his wife and children and highly respected in the community in which he lived. GEORGE THOMAS JOHNSON. George Thomas Johnson was a member of the .Monticello Guard and was with that company when ordered out in 1861. He served all through the war until he was taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg. He was carried first to Fort Dela- ware and then to Point Lookout. He was in prison twenty- one months, bare-footed on an earth floor. 120 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD MARCELLUS JOHNSON. Marcellus Johnson, at the age of twenty years, entered the Confederate army as a private in Company B, Nineteenth Vir- ginia Infantry, serving nearly three years. He resided in Char- lottesville where he was a tinner. THOMAS SCOTT JONES. BY W. W. SCOTT, STATE LIBRARIAN. Thomas Scott Jones was born at "Beaumont," Orange County, May 9th, 1847, and died at his home near the Univer- sity of Virginia, November 17th, 1918. He married Miss Lillie Coleman May 4th, 1869, who survives him, as do, also, four sons and five daughters, as follows : Dr. William Russell Jones, of Richmond, James Lawrence Jones, Thomas Edward Jones, John Bochet Jones, Mary Scott, Mrs. Spotswood H. Parker, Mrs. Wm. H. Campbell, Lily Carey, and Irene Ingraham. He was a son of Dr. James L. Jones, a beloved physician and zealous advocate of the temperance movements of his time ; a nephew of John Marshall Jones, officer of the regular army who resigned at the beginning of the war, and who attained the rank of Brigadier General in the Confederacy, and was killed in the battle of Mine Run, Virginia. Tom Jones was beloved of many friends. He was of a singu- larly kind and amiable disposition, and of very gentle and at- tractive manners. He joined the Richmond Howitzers while still quite young, and served with praiseworthy courage and fidelity to Appo- mattox. He was a brave soldier, a virtuous citizen, and a consistent and earnest Christian. The end of such a life is peace. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 121 W. T. JONES. W. T. Jones entered the Confederate army as a member of Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He was in active service until the battle of Williamsburg, where he was severely wounded and taken prisoner. After six months imprisonment he was discharged from active service. His brother, James R. Jones, was killed in the battle of Seven Pines. W. T. Jones was elected paymaster of John Bowie Strange Camp and was an active member until his death. He was the first City Treas- urer of Charlottesville, a valuable citizen and prominent in church work. WILBER J. KEBLINGER. Wilber J. Keblinger was the son of Postmaster Keblinger of Charlottesville, and enlisted in Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, in 1863. He was wounded at Gettysburg and was a brave and fearless soldier, continuing in the service until the close of the war. WARNER R. KENT. Warner R. Kent enlisted April 21, 1861, in the Fourth Bat- talion of Georgia Infantry as Major. He was born in Flu- vanna County, Virginia, but moved to Charlottesville after the war and engaged in merchandising. J. W. KING. J. W. King served during the war as a bugler in Massie's Battery of Artillery from Fluvanna County. He was a fine sol- dier and delighted to recall incidents of the battles in which he participated during the war. 122 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD WILLIAM LANKFORD. William Lank ford enlisted in the Confederate Army in May, 1861, as a private in Company F, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, serving four years. He resided near Carter's Bridge, in Albe- marle County, where he followed the occupation of farming. W. H. LEATHERS. W. H. Leathers enlisted in Company C, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, at the beginning of the war. He participated in the First Manassas, and in that and many other engagements he developed the true qualities of a soldier. He was a son of Jon- athan and Kitty Ann Leathers. He had two brothers James A. of the Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and John P. Leathers, of the Rockbridge Artillery, both of whom were noted for con- spicuous gallantry. J. T. MADISON. J. T. Madison enlisted in Company F, Thirty-fifth Battalion of Cavalry, in April, 1861. He served four years in the Con- federate army. He resided in Charlottesville after the war until his death. HENRY CLAY MARCHANT. BY HENRY CLAY MICHIE. Henry Clay Marchant was born in Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, on the 1st day of April, 1838. At the age of seventeen he went to Petersburg, Virginia, and engaged in the merchan- tile business, which he continued until the war broke out in 1861. He enlisted in April, 1861, in Company A, 12th Regi- ment Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and served nobly until des- perately wounded and disabled for active service in the field, in the latter part of June, 1862, in the Seven Days Battle around Richmond. Returning to his native county after the close of the war, he became an active participant in its industrial, educa- SKETCHES Of THE DEAD 123 tional, charitable and religious life. For over forty years he was a vestryman of Christ Church, Charlottesville, and its sen- ior warden at the time of his death, October 10th, 1910, which ocurred in Cincinnati, Ohio, while attending the General Con- vention of the Episcopal Church as a Delegate from Christ Church, Charlottesville. It was the privilege of the writer to know comrade Marchant, to serve long with him as a vestry- man, and as a member of the County Pension Board, and he can testify to his unflinching devotion in the discharge of all du- ties confided to him. JOHN G. MARTIN. John G. Martin enlisted in Company K, Nineteenth Vir- ginia Infantry, April, 1861, and served with marked distinction for two years. He was wounded at Boonsboro, South Moun- tain, Maryland, captured, and was a prisoner at Frederick, Maryland, for thirteen months. He served the county of Al- bemarle as deputy sheriff and jailor faithfully, and was a use- ful and highly esteemed citizen. J. W. MARTIN. J. \V. Martin enlisted in May, 1861, at the age of thirty-six years, as a corporal in Company K, Nineteenth Virginia In- fantry, and served throughout the war. He lived near Green- wood, Virginia, and engaged in merchandising. THOMAS STAPLES MARTIN.* BY JUDGE R. T. W. DUKE, JR. Thomas Staples Martin was born in Scottsville, Albemarle County, July 29th, 1847, and has resided during his life in that county. He attended private schools until March 1st, 1864, when he entered the Virginia Military Institute, at which insti- tution he remained until April 9th, 1865. in the Cadet Corps. A considerable part of this time he spent in the military serv- Editor's Note: Senator Martin died at the University of Virginia Hospital, November 12, 1919, after this sketch was written. 124 SKETCHES CflF THE DEAD ice of the Confederate States with the battalion of cadets, and was in Richmond with that battalion engaged in the guarding of prisoners during the summer of 1864. Just before the sur- render of General Lee young Martin attempted to enter the regular Confederate Army, but the surrender occurred before he was able to attain his purpose. In October, 1865, he en- tered the University of Virginia and was in the academic de- partment of that institution for two years. Soon after leaving the University of Virginia he commenced the study of law by a course of private reading at home, and was licensed to practice in the fall of 1869. Very soon after his qualification at the bar he began an extensive and lucrative practice, and it was not many years before he became recog- nized as a lawyer of the highest integrity, ability and learning. He took an active part hi behalf of the Democratic party of his native Commonwealth and did much to lead that party to vie- tory in die hard fought fights against the Republicans. He was appointed a member of the Board of Visitors of the Miller Manual Labor School of Albemarle County, which position he still holds, and he was lor one term a member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia. He never sought po- litical office or preferment until in December, 1893, he was elected United States Senator from Virginia for the term com- mencing: March 4th, 1895. He was re-elected in 1899, 1905, 1911 and 1917. His election the last time was without opposi- tion. Senator Martin hi a very short while took a commanding po- sition, and upon the Democrats obtaining control of the Sen- ate, was appointed Chairman of the important Committee on Appropriations, and has for a number of years been the Demo- cratic leader m that body. He has always been noted as a man amongst men; a born leader, quiet and unostentatious, but a forceful speaker and able statesmen. He has brought back his native State to the position it formerly held in the Senate and he is regarded and respected as one of the ablest members of that great body. He is no less noted for the warmth of his SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 125 friendship and the devotion of his friends, and Virginia is proud of the man who now for over twenty-six years has so ably represented her in the great council of the Xation. NATHANIEL C. McGEE. Xathaniel C. McGee, son of Edward H. McGee, was born in Hanover County. Virginia, February 2nd, 1838. He came to Albemarle County in 1859, and in 1861 enlisted in the Albe- marle Light Horse Cavalry, afterwards known as Company K, Second Cavalry. During the greater part of the struggle he acted as one of the special couriers of General Munford, who frequently spoke of him as one of his most courageous and in- trepid men. He was slightly wounded at the Battle of Five Forks and again very severely about two weeks before the sur- render at Appomattox Courthouse. After the war he returned to his home at Ivy. In 1867 he married Miss Mary M. Lobban. For a number of years he served as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle. In 1904 he was elected Treasurer of the Count}- and moved his family to Charlottesville, where he resided until the date of his death, May llth, 1919. Such is the brief record of a singularly fine life. Whether as citizen, soldier or public official, he exemplified the finest traits of honor, integrity and exalted faithfulness. His very name stood as a synonym for fair dealing and high courage. His word was indeed as good as his bond, and those nearest to him in public and private life felt that his friendship was as minium 11 as the Rock of Gibraltar. The same stamina and faithfulness that carried him with honor through the Civil War, carried him with equal honor and success through the political period of his life. His friends felt that his record, was as clean as his heart, and that both were far beyond the reach of petty and unjust criticism. As County Treasurer of Albemarle for sixteen years, he exemplified every virtue of exalted public sen-ice. His private life was beautiful in its devotion and stainless 126 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD purity. His passing has left a sad spot in the hearts of hun- dreds of friends and an unhealing wound in the hearts of those nearest and dearest to him. His county and state are richer for his service; both are poorer for his leaving. JOHN McKINNEY. John McKinney came to Charlottesville, Virginia, from Ire- land, and at the beginning of the Civil War joined Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He was a good soldier, and an active member of John Bowie Strange Camp. After the war he engaged in the mercantile business, and resided in Char- lottesville, where he died. HENRY BOWYER MICH IE. BY T. J. MICHIE. Henry Bowyer Michie was born in Staunton, February 12th, 1839, and married Virginia Bedinger in Loudoun County on the 3rd day of October, 1866. He was a son of Thomas John- son Michie, a very prominent lawyer of Staunton, and of Mar- garet Garber his wife. When the war broke out he at once en- tered the Confederate army and served until the end, first in the Staunton Artillery, Imboden's Battery, and at the last in the Clark County Cavalry. After Lee's surrender he, with one or two other Staunton young men, attempted to make their way south to join Kirby Smith, but had not gone far on their jour- ney before they heard of the surrender of that General. He took part in all the great battles in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, but was wounded only once and then but slightly. Henry Bowyer Michie, after the war, studied law at Washing- ton and Lee University and became the partner of his father, Thomas Johnson Michie, in Staunton. His health, much im- paired by his service in the army, broke down entirely in 1878 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 127 and he was forced to retire from the practice of law to his farm in Loudoun County, where he dwelt with his family until Sep- tember, 1883, when he removed to Charlottesville, Virginia, having purchased the "Charlottesville Chronicle," which paper he edited until his death, March 15th, 1895. Upon taking up his residence in Charlottesville he became a member of John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans. Henry Bowyer Michie was a man of brilliant ability and of a strong literary bent an interesting talker and very deeply read. He is survived by his widow, Virginia Bedinger Michie, and his three sons, Thomas Johnson Michie, George Rust Bedinger Michie and Armistead Rust Michie, all residents of Charlottes- ville. ORIN MICHIE. BY CAPTAIN HENRY CLAY MICHIE. Orin Michie was born in 1839 in Albemarle County, Virginia. He enlisted in the Confederate Service in Company H, Fifty- sixth Regiment, Virginia Volunteer Infantry, in May, 1861, and served through the campaigns of 1861-'62-'63 up to and in- cluding the Battle of Gettysburg. He was in the charge of Pick- ett's Division and was mortally wounded while serving as color corporal of the Regiment. He had previously served in the battles of Fort Donelson, July 1862, Gaines Mill, June 27th, 1862, Fraziers Farm, June 30th, 1862, Manassas, August 29th and 30th, 1862, and Boonsboro, Maryland, September 14th, 1862. In this last named battle he was dangerously wounded and taken prisoner. Orin Michie was as gentle as a woman and as faithful a soldier as any who served the Confederacy. GEORGE R. MINOR. BY W. W. MINOR. George R. Minor, son of Hugh Minor and Mary Ann Carr, his wife, was born at the family home, "Ridgeway," Albemarle County, March 4th, 1839, and died November 10th, 1913, on 128 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD his farm near Eastham, Virginia. He was educated at "Ridge- way School" under Franklin Minor. He taught school for sev- eral years and then helped his Uncle Franklin on his farm un- til late in 1860. He volunteered as a private in the Albemarle Light Horse, Captain Eugene Davis commanding, afterwards known as Com- pany K, Second Virginia Cavalry, Wickham's Brigade, Fitz- hugh Lee's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. He was a gallant and faithful soldier, participating with his command in all of its battles until the close of the war. In April, 1865, he was married to Miss Sally M. Carr, daughter of Major James L. Carr, C. S. A., of Charleston, West Virginia. He settled on his father's farm near Eastham with his most estimable wife, and reared a large family of fine children. He was a man of fine sense, unswerving integrity, a warm friend, and kind neigh- bor. He was a member of the Bethel Presbyterian Church from his thirteenth year, and was a useful and active officer of that church for more than forty years, serving until his death. He took an active interest in the public questions of his day and was noted for his fearless honesty and detestation of all that was not straightforward and honorable. He was genuinely hospitable and had much genial humor. JAMES P. MOON. James P. Moon entered the war in Captain Cole's Company, a part of the Wise Legion. He was captured at Roanoke Island. Later he exchanged, and his company reorganized as Company I, Forty-sixth Virginia, Wise's Brigade. He participated in all the battles around Petersburg, the Crater, Hatcher's Run, and other engagements, and surrendered at Appomattox. THOMAS CLARK MORRIS. BY MRS. FLORENCE HULL. Thomas Clark Morris, son of Samuel F. and Mary Richard- son Morris, was born near Union Mills, Fluvanna County, Vir- SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 129 ginia, October 2nd, 1836. When old enough he engaged in farm- ing until about twenty-five years old, at which age he entered the Confederate service. In November, 1867, he married Miss Rena C. Payne, of "Lin- den Hill," Fluvanna County, who survives him. He also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Florence M. Hull, and a son, Mr. Russell C. Morris of Washington, D. C. After the war Mr. Morris went into the mercantile business with Mr. Magruder, and pursued this line of work most of his life. He was book-keeper for Mr. R. P. Valentine in Charlottes- ville for some time, but later an accident having robbed him of an eye, he then went to work for the Charlottesville & Albemarle Railway Company, in whose employ he remained until unable to work. During the Civil War Mr. Morris served as a gallant officer in Company C, Fourteenth Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., of which Colonel Robert Poore was commander. He was noted for his bravery. He took part in nearly all the important bat- tles of the war, including that of Pickett's Charge at Gettys- burg, where he was captured, with Captain Henry Clay Michie and Captain Bragg, and sent to Johnson's Island, where he served twenty-one months as a prisoner. Mr. Morris had un- tiring energy, and although a great sufferer from an incurable disease, he remained active until a few months before death. When the summer sun was setting behind the hills of Albe- marle, July 28th, 1917, the spirit of Thomas Clark Morris, Con- federate Veteran and good American, passed on into the great unknown. The funeral services were held at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Hull, on North Park Street, the Rev. J. K. Joliff, D. D., of the first Methodist Church, officiating. The in- terment was at Maplewood Cemetery, where the procession was met by a delegation from the John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans. After the body, clothed in its uni- form of gray, had been consigned to its last resting place, and the grave covered with flowers, Major C. M. Bolton, in behalf of the Camp, stepped forward and affectionately spread the colors of the Confederacy upon his resting place as their last fond remembrance to their old comrade in arms. 130 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD RICHARD A. MUNDIE Richard A. Mundie was born in Essex County, Virginia. He entered the Confederate army when quite young, and served the Confederate cause with fidelity and devotion. He moved to Charlottesville after the war, engaging in the mercantile business, and was highly esteemed. He died July 24th, 1915. HUGH THOMAS NELSON, M. D. BY HUGH THOMAS NELSON, JR. Hugh Thomas Nelson, a distinguished physician of Virginia, was privileged as a youth to be -prominently associated with the great war for Southern independence. He was born at Clover- field, Albemarle County, Virginia, in 1845, the son of Robert W. and Virginia L. Nelson, and entered the military' service in July, 1862, just after the successful campaign before Richmond. He was first a private in the Morris' Artillery of Hanover County but was subsequently on detached duty at the headquar- ters of the chief of artillery through the campaigns in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, until the capture of his battery at the "bloody angle'' near Spottsylvania Court House. He was then transferred to troop F, Fourth Regiment of Cavalry, Fitz- hugh Lee's Brigade. During his cavalry service he had two horses shot from under him, one at Cold Harbor and one at Rude's Hill, in the Valley. After an illness in the hospital he was detained as a courier for General Breckenridge, and went with him to Carolina. While serving as a courier it became his duty to carry to President Davis, at Danville, the first tidings of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. He was present without the building where the last cabinet meeting of the Con- federate States government was held. Returning to Virginia in June, 1865, he was paroled at Richmond, and after graduat- ing from Washington and Lee University at Lexington and teaching school for several years, he was graduated in medicine at the University of Virginia, in 1875. He practiced his pro- fession in Halifax County, and then removed to Charlottesville, where he resided from 1881 until 1906, the date of his death. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 131 He contributed numerous scientific papers to medical litera- ture; was president of the Medical Society of Virginia; was for four years secretary of the Medical Examining Board of the State, and then president of that body, an honor which he resigned to become instructor in clinical surgery at the Uni- versity of Virginia. For many years he was a member of the City Council, and was instrumental in obtaining for the city a modern water and sewerage system. P. W. NELSON. BY Miss SELMA NELSON. Philip W. Nelson was born on February 1st, 1835. His fa- ther was Dr. Wm. Nelson of Clarke County, Virginia, and his mother, Miss Nancy Mitchell of Charleston, South Carolina. He studied at the University of Virginia, and shortly before the Civil War, began farming at Rosney, in Clarke County. Immediately after the opening of the war, he enlisted as a private at Harper's Ferry. He served throughout the war in Company C, Second Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade, and was present at most of the prominent battles, though at times absent from his company, in consequence of wounds, or sick- ness. Slightly wounded at Front Royal, and more severely wounded at the Second Battle of Manassas, and at Spottsyl- vania May 12th, 1864, he escaped without permanent injury, and was in command of the remnant of Company C at the time of the surrender. After the war he removed to Albemarle County, and in 1875 bought the farm of Oak Hill in the same county, where he re- sided until the time of his death in 1908. He married Miss Emily McGuire of Tappahannock, daugh- ter of Rev. John P. McGuire of Essex County, who was, at the time of the war, principal of the Episcopal High School near Alexandria. 132 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD HILLARY PACE. Hillary Pace resided near Crozet, Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, and entered the army as a member of Company C, Car- rington's Battery of Artillery. He was a fine soldier in this justly celebrated company. His father was John J. Pace, a highly respected farmer and citizen. REV. J. C. PAINTER.* My career as a Confederate soldier was not very extended or thrilling. I was eighteen years old the 10th day of July, 1863, and on the 17th I joined the Otey Battery, made up chiefly of Rich- mond boys, and commanded by Captain D. X. Walker of that city. The battery was raised and first commanded by Captain Otey of Lynchburg. The Otey Battery, Davidson Battery, and Dickerson's Battery constituted the Thirteenth Battalion of Vir- ginia Artillery, which was commanded by Colonel J. Floyd King, of Georgia. The first winter after my enlistment, after a period of stren- uous marching up and down the Valley of Virginia and in the mountains of West Virginia, was spent in East Tennessee un- der Longstreet. In the spring we returned to Virginia and joined Lee's army around Richmond and Petersburg. My com- pany lost heavily in killed and wounded in the long siege of Petersburg. I, myself, escaped with no worse disaster than hav- ing a horse shot from under me near the Old Blanford Church at Petersburg. Personally I was much worse scared and much worse hurt when, in camp near Gordonsville, a blind artillery horse ran over me as I lay asleep in the edge of the woods near camp. I was in the disastrous march from Richmond to Appomat- tox, and with the majority of my company surrendered in Lynchburg and was paroled on April 14th. I then footed the hundred miles to my old home in Pulaski. *Died October, 1919, after this sketch was written. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 133 As I said, my career was not a thrilling one, but one of the proudest memories of the past is, that I, with five brothers in the ranks, and two others in the government service, consti- tuted a part of what I believe to have been the grandest army that ever trod this globe. WILLIAM NATHANIEL PARROTT. William Nathaniel Parrott, the son of William T. and Fran- ces Thompson Parrott, was born September 18th, 1842. He joined the army at the beginning of hostilities. He was a mem- ber of Company I, Seventh Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Bri- gade, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. He was slightly wounded several times, but was with his colors at the surrender. His elder brother was killed at Hatcher's Run in 1865. While in the railway mail service, he received injuries in the Flat Nancy wreck from which he never recovered. He died May 21st, 1911, and was laid to rest in the family section at Highland, near Free Union, Virginia. A. W. PAYNE. A. W. Payne resided near Keswick, Virginia, and was pay- master in the Quartermaster's Department. His father, Joseph H. Payne, was first Lieutenant of Artillery, and was killed by the enemy's sharpshooters at Gaines's Mill. John L. Payne, an- other brother, served with him in the same company. He was highly respected, both as a soldier and citizen. GEORGE PERKINS. BY G. L PETRIE. During the summer and falj of 1864 George Perkins was with a regiment of reserves, composed of old men and boys, at High Bridge in Cumberland County, Virginia. The regiment was commanded by Colonel John Scott. Captain William Wilson 134 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD was in command of the company. The chief service rendered there was working with pick and shovel making forts and breastworks in anticipation of a Federal attack. In November 1864, while he was still under eighteen years of age, he joined the cavalry company of which his father had been captain. This company was known at home as the Cum- berland Troop. In the field it was Company G, Third Virginia Cavalry, Wickham's Brigade. He joined the company as pri- vate near New Market, Shenandoah County, Virginia. He was sent with his command on a raid into West Virginia. .Return- ing, he went into winter quarters in Orange County, Virginia. He returned to General Lee's forces in the early spring of 1865, but saw no fighting until the retreat from Richmond be- gan. He was in the battle of Five Forks and a number of en- gagements, more or less important, between Richmond and Farmville. Passing within a few miles of his home, he ob- tained leave of absence for a day or two to go home and get a fresh horse. He went home, obtained a new mount, and started to rejoin his company, but did not reach it. The surrender oc- curred before he got to the command. He was never wounded and never captured. The war being ended, he returned to his home to share with his people their poverty, and to help in the building again of their shattered fortunes. George Perkins, as a Confederate veteran, became a member of the John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans and was honored by a term of service as Lieutenant Commander of the Camp. His life, of great energy, of high tone, of marked achievement, of lofty ideals, of supreme devotion, was a splen- did contribution to his country in the trying years of recon- struction and through the happier times of returning prosper- ity and complete re-establishment of governmental, commer- cial, professional, economic and social order. He was a devout Christian, a faithful elder in the Presbyte- rian Church, eminent lawyer, a valued citizen, a loved and hon- ored comrade. In private life he was an exemplar. In public life he measured up to the highest standard. All who knew him delight to do him honor. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 135 JAMES PERLEY. BY JOHN W. PERLEY. James Perley was the son of James and Elizabeth Perley, and was born in Alexandria on July 3rd, 1833. The family moved to Fredericksburg in 1839, and after a two years' resi- dence there came to Charlottesville, where the remainder of his life was spent. Upon the formation of a local military company, known as the Monticello Guard, Mr. Perley enlisted and soon rose to the rank of sergeant, serving with the company when it was called to Charles Town upon the occasion of the execution of John Brown. Accompanying the Guard to Manassas on April 16th, 1861, where it was merged into Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, Garnett's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Mr. Perley served continuously to the close of the war, participating in all the battles of the Nineteenth Virginia Regiment and was a true and brave soldier. He was captured at Sailor's Creek, a few days before the surrender and carried to Point Lookout, and was there when the war closed. In 1855 Mr. Perley married Miss Mary Jane Mooney, of Al- bemarle County, and to this union were born six children James Vincent, Annie E., John W., Charles M., Mary V., and Rosa Lee. In 1867 he entered the furniture and undertaking business in Charlottesville, succeeding John B. Dodd. The business grew steadily and in 1885 had reached such propor- tions that Mr. Perley decided to form a partnership, admitting his sons to the business, under the firm name of James Perley & Sons, and continued as directing head of the concern un- til his death on January 10th, 1915, having reached the ripe age of 82 years. Throughout his long life Mr. Perley was active in all public efforts to advance the welfare of the community, and took a deep interest in the affairs of his church. 136 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD WILLIAM PERLEY. William Perley was born in Alexandria, Virginia. He came to Charlottesville in 1841 and engaged in the drug business. He was a member of Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and served during the war. He was a brother of Sergeant James Perley of the same regiment, and fought a good fight for the Confederate cause. He died at the Soldier's Home in Richmond, Virginia, in 1892. R. C. PITMAN. R. C. Pitman enlisted at Harper's Ferry in May, 1861, as a corporal in Company F, Thirteenth Virginia Infantry, and served throughout the war. He resided near Ivy Depot, his oc- cupation being that of a millwright. He was a fine soldier in a noted regiment. JAMES M. POATES. James M. Poates resided near Batesville, Virginia, and en- tered the Confederate army as a member of the Fluvanna Ar- tillery. This company was afterwards consolidated with an- other company of artillery, and he was sent to West Virginia as enrolling officer, where he remained until the close of the war. HENRY DANIEL PORTER. BY R. P. VALENTINE. Henry Daniel Porter was born in Louisa County, Virginia, April 10th, 1838, a son of Joseph and Susan (Daniel) Porter. He entered the Confederate army in 1861, and was a member of Company K,, Second Virginia Cavalry, Rosser's Brigade, and served through the war, being present at the surrender at Ap- pomattox in 1865. In 1865 he married Miss Mary B. Payne of Linden Hall, Fluvanna County, Virginia. He resided in that county as a SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 137 farmer until 1887, when he moved to Charlottesville and was superintendent of the first car line of that city. He was a man of unusually fine qualities, of a genial disposition, and esteemed by all who knew him. He was regarded as a man that could be counted on at all times. He was a member of the first Bap- tist Church of Charlottesville and died in 1896. Three children survived him : Mr. H. P. Porter, Miss Lula and Miss Anna Porter, all living at this time in Charlottesville, Virginia. D. J. PURVIS. D. J. Purvis enlisted in the army from Missouri, in the cav- alry service, and was wounded in the arm. After the war he resided in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he engaged in the mercantile business until his death. OSCAR REIERSON. BY His FRIEND, W. R. DUKE. Oscar Reierson, the son of John X. and Henrietta (Waly) Reierson, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 29th, 1837. His father spent two years examining North America, being sent out from Norway by an association looking to emigration. He selected as the most desirable spot for a home the then Re- public of Texas (1843). The following year he brought out his family, together with some two hundred Norwegians. They settled in the county now known as Henderson. In 1858 Oscar Reierson left home to attend the University of Virginia, where he was graduated in 1862. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Captain George T. Ferneyhough's Independent Cav- alry Company. After the Second Battle of Manassas the com- pany was incorporated in White's Independent Thirty-fifth Bat- talion. Oscar Reierson served through the war and for some years 138 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD practiced law in Charlottesville, Virginia, the firm being Blakey & Reierson. He was a genial gentleman and much loved by his friends. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Poindexter Drane, on May 10th, 1913, and was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky. JOHN A. RIX. John A. Rix resided on the south side of the county of Albe- marle, and enlisted in Company G, Forty-ninth Virginia Infan- try. He was a faithful soldier of the Confederacy. After the war he was an active member of John Bowie Strange Camp. He was a good citizen. JOHN S. ROBSON. John S. Robson was a student in Charlottesville at the begin- ning of the Confederate War and enlisted as a private in Com- pany D, Fifty-second Virginia Infantry. A fine soldier, and served four years. T. H. ROTHWELL. T. H. Rothwell was a son of Benjamin C. and Harriett C. Rothwell, and served with the reserves around Richmond, Vir- ginia. After the war he was engaged in business in Charlottes- ville. He died in that city. JOHN A. SHACKELFORD. John A. Shackelford lived in Albemarle County, near Char- lottesville. He enlisted at the age of forty-five years as a pri- vate in the 'Albemarle Artillery, and served until the close of the war. After the war he engaged in farming. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 139 Z. N. SHACKELFORD. Z. N. Shackelford was born and reared in Spottsylvania County, Virginia. He enlisted at the age of seventeen years in the Fifty-fifth Virginia Infantry, which was a part of Hill's Di- vision, and engaged in many noted battles of the Civil War. He was captured in the early part of 1862 and confined at Point Lookout for eleven months. After being exchanged, he served in the Confederate army until Lee surrendered at Appomattox. After the war he moved to Albemarle County, Virginia, where he engaged in farming until 1890, when he moved to Charlottesville and engaged in the grocery business, which he conducted successfully until his death, which occurred very suddenly, on May 5th, 1906. Mr. Shackelford was a man of sterling qualities. Quiet in de- meanor, he possessed many friends and few enemies, and his life was that of the typical soldier who followed the leadership of Jackson and Lee, always the gentleman and good citizen. HORACE SHIFLETT. Horace Shiflett enlisted in the Fluvanna Artillery at the com- mencement of the Confederate War, and served until the close of hostilities. He lived in Charlottesville after the war and died at the Soldier's Home in Richmond, Virginia. He was an ed- ucated and cultivated man, and highly respected by all who knew him. GEORGE A. SINCLAIR. George A. Sinclair, son of George and Ruth Sinclair, entered the Confederate army as a member of Colonel John S. Mosby's command, and served with distinction to the close of the war. He was for twenty years engaged in the mercantile business in Charlottesville, and was also active in social life and church work. 140 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD CHARLES G. SKINNER. Charles G. Skinner enlisted in the Confederate army as a pri- vate in Company A, Seventh Virginia Cavalry, and served three years. He resided in Charlottesville, Virginia, and engaged in the mercantile business. J. MASSIE SMITH. BY C. W. ALLEN. John Massie Smith, son of Captain John Massie Smith of Nelson County, Virginia, and Jacintha Tazewell Rhodes of Al- bemarle County, Virginia, was born August 29th, 1843, and died the 10th day of October, 1909, at his residence at Shadwell, Al- bemarle County, Virginia, in the 67th year of his age. In 1861, young Smith, then less than eighteen, and a student at Columbia University, volunteered for duty in the service of the Confederacy, entering the war with the Albemarle Rangers Tenth Virginia Cavalry .and with this organization he par- ticipated in more than thirty of the hardest battles of the war. He was intrepid and fearless and always ready for action, however perilous, and these qualities brought him many spe- cial details, the duties of which often exacted a courage and daring of which many good soldiers were incapable. Filled with patriotic fervor and love for his native land, he exempli- fied the spirit and morale of the best product of the South. Two years after the surrender, May 21, 1867, young Smith the veteran, married Miss Nellie Timberlake of Charlottesville, and as a result of this union five children were born, two of whom died early. The other three still survive, namely : Rosa Bibb, now wife of Judge Wm. F. Rhea of Richmond ; Edward Massie Smith and Miss Sallie Willie Smith the two latter re- siding at Shadwell. After the war Mr. Smith purchased and resided upon a por- tion of the farm at Shadwell once owned by Peter Jefferson, and upon which Thomas Jefferson was born. With the excep- tion of a few years during which he served as Secretary of the SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 141 House Committee on Claims and Elections, Mr. Smith spent the remainder of his life there. His wife preceded him to the grave, and they now lie side by side in the cemetery at Char- lottesville. In his domestic life Mr. Smith was genial, kindly, indulgent and patient with his family, beloved by his neighbors and friends, and always exhibiting a due regard for the opinions and feelings of others. In the broader field of the citizen, he was endowed with a clear conception of duty to his community, his stat'; and the national government. His mind was vigorous and filled with useful information, and few men were so well equipped to understand and appreciate the effect of the trend of public events. He was modest and retiring in disposition but withal kept pace with the movements of the times in which he lived. He was a man of deep convictions, of sincere and exalted pur- pose, a good citizen, brave soldier and a true patriot. J. W. SMITH. J. iW. Smith resided near Crozet, Albemarle County, and en- listed in the Confederate army in April, 1864, as a corporal in Marquiss' Battery of Artillery and served until the close. His occupation was that of a plumber. THOMAS H. SMITH. Thomas H. Smith, at the beginning of the Confederate war, enlisted as a (private in Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Infan- try, and resided in Charlottesville, where he was engaged as a grader. W. J. SMITH. W. J. Smith enlisted in the Confederate army in 1862, and served three years. He was detailed for special service under Major Richards at Gordonsville. and after the war resided at Charlottesville, Virginia. 142 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD JOHN SPOONER. John Spooner enlisted in the Confederate army as a cor- poral in Carrington's Battery of Artillery, and was afterwards promoted to sergeant. He was captured at Spottsylvania Court House on the 12th of May and remained a prisoner to the close of the war. GUSTAVUS WALLACE SPOOXER. BY REV. GEORGE H. SPOONER. The subject of this sketch was born at "Montebello/' the old home place adjoining the grounds of the University of Vir- ginia, December 6th, 1827. In 1852 he was married to Miss Dorothy Durrette of North Garden. He entered the Confederate army in May, 1861, as sergeant in Company B, 19th Virginia Infantry, and served two years. He was a faithful soldier. Shortly after the war he began his business career in the city of Charlottesville as an associate with J. M. Lobbin in the hard- ware business. Later he was the senior member of the firm of Spooner & Norris; and still later, of the firm of Spooner & Keller. In the early eighties he established the architectural and construction company of G. W. Spooner & Son, associating with him his eldest son, M. M. Spooner. This firm designed and constructed a number of public and private buildings in the city. He was a steward in the Methodist Church, a member of the ^city council, and at one time city engineer. He died September 6th, 1904, leaving the legacy of an hon- orable record, a lofty character and a respected name in places of duty and service. W. M. THOMAS. W. M. Thomas enlisted in 1861 in Company K, Forty- fourth Virginia Infantry, and served during the entire war. He was originally from Fluvanna County, but subsequently moved to Overton, Albemarle County. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 143 WILLIAM BEVERLY TOWLES, M. D. BY P. B. BARRINGER. William Beverly Towles was born at Columbia, Fluvanna County, Virginia, on the 4th day of March, 1847, and died at the University of Virginia, September 15th, 1893. He was the son of Dr. William B. Towles and Harriett Washington John- son his wife. His father was a prominent physician in Flu- vanna, who later moved to Cumberland County, and it was here that young Towles was raised. During the early years of the War between the States he was attending the local schools of that county and then a high school in Buckingham. Soon, however, the alarums of war began to call louder than the bells of peace, and in the fall of 1863, when about sixteen years of age, he entered the Reserve Corps of the Confederate Army, usually called "The Home Guard." With a command hastily called together by Colonel Baker of Farm- ville, he aided in the defense of the Staunton River Bridge in Charlotte County, and here for gallantry was made sergeant, notwithstanding his youth. His next duty was guarding the eastern end of the "High Bridge" over the Appomattox River near Farmville. Soon, Colonel Baker, seeing the end near, dis- banded his command in spite of the protests of his young hot- spurs. Young Towles went to his home not far away, and mounting a horse set off with a favorite negro to join Colonel Mosby, only to find that that officer also had surrendered. Much chagrinned, he had to return and surrender. This was a pro- found shock to the great-grandson of Colonel Oliver Towles of the Sixth Continental Line of the Revolution and the grandson of Major Oliver Towles of the war of 1812. But this was war. Young Towles entered the University of Virginia in 1867, and received the degree of M. D. on June 1st, 1869. He prac- ticed in Missouri for a time, but in 1872 was appointed Demon- strator of Anatomy in the University of Virginia under Pro- fessor John Staige Davis. Here he served so satisfactorily that on the death of Dr. Davis in 1885 he was elected as his suc- cessor. Although like his predecessor, a gifted lecturer, he also maintained that human anatomy could be taught only on the 144 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD cadaver, and made the dissecting hall the chief province of his work. He nobly mintained the traditions of this famous school of anatomy and added new lustre to its name. For some years he also taught in the University of Vermont Summer School of Medicine. The writer first knew Dr. Towles in 1876, and he was even then a man of striking characteristics ; but it was in his later years that he developed into a man of marked dignity and dis- tinction. While agreeable and courteous to all, his system of human classification was unique. To him the world consisted of his friends, on the one hand, and the rest of mankind on the other; and no man was ever more steadfastly loyal to his friends. T. A. TRICE. T. A. Trice was born at Frederick's Hall, in Louisa County. He was the son of T. N. and Alary Moon Trice. He entered the Confederate service at the age of seventeen years in Dance's Battery of Artillery, where he remained until the close of the war. Foregoing his anticipated college education, he set to work to restore the ravages the war had made on his home af- fairs. In 1892 he moved to Charlottesville, where his services on the police force were highly appreciated. For several years he was Chief of Police in that city. JOHN UTZ. John Utz entered the Confederate army as a member of Com- pany B of the Culpeper Minute Men, Thirteenth Virginia Regi- ment of Infantry. He was transferred to the cavalry service, where he distinguished himself for bravery. In an engagement with the enemy in the streets of Orange Court House he re- ceived severe saber cuts in the head, which disqualified him from further active service. He engaged in the carriage busi- ness in Charlottesville after the war, and was a man highly es- teemed for his worth and service in the city. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 145 CHARLES HENRY WALKER. BY JOHN W. WALKER. Charles Henry Walker was born at Louisa, Virginia, July 29th, 1845, and was a son of John W. and Martha (Hughson) Walker. His father was a railroad contractor of the firm of Mason & Walker. His maternal grandfather was Samuel Hughson of the Green Springs section of Louisa County. His paternal grandfather, Austin Walker, lived in Piedmont, Vir- ginia, and was the father of a numerous family. As a boy Mr. Walker attended John P. Thompson's private school at Louisa, the famous old Dinwiddie School at Green- wood, Virginia, and was a student at the Crenshaw school in Amelia County when, in 1863, at the age of eighteen, he en- tered the Confederate army as a member of the command of Colonel John S. Mosby, known as Mosby's Battalion. On August 13th, 1864, while taking part in the capture of a wagon train at Berryville, Mr. Walker was seriously wounded while in the forefront of a charge on a body of infantry that had taken refuge behind a stone wall. He was within a few feet of this wall when a minnie ball from an enemy musket shat- tered his left arm. Eight months later he was not sufficiently recovered to return to his command. A few years after the close of the war he came to Charlottes- ville to enter business. He soon took a position with T. J. Wertenbaker. In January 1875 he established himself at Rec- tortown, Virginia, in a mercantile business which he conducted with a large measure of success for twenty-two years. His capital outgrowing the needs of his own business led to his or- ganizing, in association with D. P. Wood of Warrenton, the business of D. P. Wood & Company. Also, in 1889, he estab- lished with J. E. Wood the business that is now the Charlottes- ville Hardware Company. In 1897, retiring from the Rector- town business, he came back to live in Charlottesville, and joined the John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans. He was thrice chosen commander of the camp but declined to serve the third term though unanimously elected. He was ap- pointed city treasurer and filled that office by successive elec- 146 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD tions until his death. He was a director in the Albemarle Na- tional Bank and in various other enterprises. He was an elder of the Christian Church for about twenty years and Superin- tendent of its Sunday School for a number of years. In every- thing bearing upon the material or moral progress of the com- munity he took an active part. His last residence was the hand- some old colonial home of Ex-Governor Gilmer. He was married in Danville, Virginia, in May, 1873, to Ro- berta Carroll, who was born in Albemarle County, the daugh- ter of Major Andrew Carroll and Mattie C. (Payne) Carroll. She was a faithful companion until her death in July, 1911. On December 10th, 1912, he married Mrs. Mattie (Terrell) Wills, the daughter of N. A. Terrell, and widow of F. Cary Wills. Mr. Walker's benefactions were many and probably no man who ever lived in the city helped more people. He died March 21st, 1917. C. M. WAYT. C. M. Wayt was a resident of Charlottesville, Virginia, at the beginning of the war, and enlisted in Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment of Infantry. He was a fine soldier. He en- gaged in business after the war, and was book-keeper for the Bank of Albemarle. He was highly respected as a man and citizen. W. DYER WHEELER. W. Dyer Wheeler was the son of Bryant and Elizabeth Wheeler and entered the Confederate army as a member of Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry. He was distinguished for his gallantry and fine soldierly qualities. He was wounded four times. He came from Fluvanna County to Charlottesville, where he was actively engaged in business. He was highly es- teemed as a man and citizen. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 147 JUDGE JOHN M. WHITE. BY WM. F. LONG. Judge John M. White was born in Norfolk County on the 16th day of November, 1846, and died at Charlottesville on the 6th day of March, 1913. When he was sixteen years old he en- tered the Confederate army and was a member of Company G, Forty-third Battalion of Cavalry, under Mosby's Command, and served until the close of the war. After the war he entered the University of Virginia and studied law under Professor John B. Minor. After leaving the University Judge White married Miss Gay Leake, the daughter of Honorable Shelton F. Leake, and commenced the active prac- tice of his profession in partnership with Mr. Leake under the firm name of Leake & White. He took an active part in poli- tics and was for several years chairman of the Democratic Party in his county and also a member of the State Democratic Committee. In 1885, he was elected county judge, which of- fice he held by successive elections until the adoption of the constitution of 1904, when he was elected judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, which office he held until his death. While he was county judge the Miller Manual Labor School of this county came under his jurisdiction and the welfare of that institution was his greatest care and pride. He was presi- dent of the board of trustees under the Samuel Miller deed for the benefit of the Agricultural School of the University of Vir- ginia. From 1895 until his death Judge White was president of the Peoples National Bank, which under his able guidance and di- rection became one of the leading banking institutions of Vir- ginia. For more than ten years Judge White was a member of the vestry of Christ Church and was regular in his attendance, al- ways taking an active interest in the proceedings. For many years he occupied the position of treasurer and for nearly three years was the senior warden of the church. Some years after the death of his first wife he married Miss Hilah White, whose beautiful and lovely life came to an end 148 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD just a short time before his own. By his first wife he had two children John S. White, of the firm of White & Long, now postmaster of Charlottesville, and Louise, wife of Colonel Hun- ter Pendleton of the Virginia Military Institute. Of his second marriage three children survive Henrietta, wife of Dr. Wil- liam Bryan of the United States Marine Corps, Joan, wife of Professor George L. Bardin, of the Virginia Military Institute, and Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Charles W. Beauchamp of Char- lottesville. Judge White was intensely practical and intensely sympa- thetic. As a judge, he wasted no time with the refinements and technicalities of the law, but brushing these aside, looked straight ahead for the right of the cause. He was patient and forbearing with the older lawyers, and kind and sympathetic with the younger, but allowed nothing to stand in the way of plain simple justice to the litigants in his court. H. QUINT S. WILLIAMS. H. Quint S. Williams was a member of Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, and served with distinction throughout the war. He was wounded at Yellow Tavern, Front Royal, and at High Bridge. His brother, J. Edward Williams, served in the same company, and was badly wounded at Fisher's Hill. They were men of sterling character and highly esteemed by the com- munity in which they lived. BENJAMIN BOWLES WILLS. BY His' NIECE, C. ELL WILLS. Benjamin Bowles Wills was born at "Woodlawn," Fluvanna County, Virginia, August 23rd, 1832, and died December llth, 1915. His parents were Miles Cary Wills and Rebecca Mit- chell Bowles Wills. When a young man he went to Mississippi and became a Southern planter of ante-bellum days, but came back to his na- tive state at the first call to arms. After the war he served as SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 149 colporteur for the Baptist Association of Virginia for many years, and later purchased a farm near Charlottesville where his declining years were spent. During these last years he was especially active in Christian work at the Woolen Mills Union Chapel, and the stone erected at his grave by the Chapel bears silent testimony to the love and esteem of his fellow workers. "Ben," as he was affectionately called by his friends, served during the entire four years of the war. He went in with Car- rington's Battery, and when that officer was captured at Spottsyl- vania Court House, Captain Garber succeeded him. Mr. Charles Sinclair and Mr. Malcolm Mclntire, much younger than he, were especially loved by "Ben," and it was against his judg- ment and advice that Mr. Mclntire went with a foraging expe- dition, fell into the hands of the enemy, and was not heard of for a year. FREDERICK MILES WILLS. BY C. ELL WILLS. Frederick Miles Wills, son of Miles Gary Wills and Rebecca Mitchell Bowles Wills, was born at "Woodlawn" near Wil- mington, Fluvanna County, Virginia, August 14th, 1833. On February 13th, 1861, at "The Barracks," he was married to Sallie Harriett Burnley, daughter of Dr. William Rice Burn- ley and Cornelia Dabney Davis Burnley, both of Albemarle. In 1849 he came to Charlottesville and entered the drug busi- ness, in which he continued for over sixty years, until his death November 8, 1912, but he found time to be in every sense a loyal citizen a devoted friend, a public servant, and a true and fearless Christian gentleman of the highest type. As a druggist, he was exempt from military service. Never- theless he was in the army for possibly two years, serving as First Sergeant of the Albemarle Light Horse, Second Virginia Cavalry, commanded by Captain Eugene Davis, the regiment and brigade being under the commands of Colonel Munford and General Wickham, respectively. In this short period the names of his comrades became indelibly engraved on his memory, and 150 SKETCHES OF THE DEAD a few hours before his death the watchers heard names, strange to them, called as rapidly and clearly as if with the roll before him in the eventful days of the war. . C. H. WINGFIELD. C. H. Wingfield was the son of Anderson Wingfield. He enlisted in Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, as a ser- geant, and continued in the service until the close of the war. He was a fine soldier. He was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness after the war in Charlottesville, where he died. LLEWELLYN WOOD BY Miss NAN D. WOOD. Llewellyn Wood was born near Earlysville, Virginia, Septem- ber 25th, 1843. When sixteen years of age he went to Char- lottesville, where he was employed in the hardware store of Lobbin & Company. He volunteered in the Confederate army February 8th, 1862. going to Richmond with the Heavy Artillery, which was later converted into the Fifth Virginia Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Reuben Boston. Shortly after this he was made First Sergeant of Company I, which office he held until the end of the war. He was twice taken prisoner, first at Yellow Tavern, and again at Aldee. As to his bravery and faithfulness as a Confederate soldier, it was never questioned. In 1876 he engaged in business on his own account and contin- ued it until 1902, when he was made secretary of the Charlottes- ville & Albemarle Raihvay Company, which position he held until his death. Soon after his arrival in Charlottesville he associated him- self with the Baptist Church, and was for many years a deacon of that church. He delighted in working in mission chapels, first teaching for several years in the Woolen Mills Chapel, then taking up the same work at Rose Hill Chapel. He continued this work until the time of his death. SKETCHES OF THE DEAD 151 He was greatly interested in all matters pertaining to the Confederacy and was for many years Adjutant of the John Bowie Strange Camp. He died at his home in Charlottesville, Virginia, January 6th, 1912. JOHN F. YANCEY. John F. Yancey was the son of Alexander Yancey, and lived near Hillsboro, in Albemarle County. He enlisted in Company K, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and served during the four years of the war, participating in the battles of Second Ma- nassas, Cold iHarbor, and other engagements. His occupation was farming. He was a fine citizen and a worthy man. Sketches of the Living. COLONELS. COLONEL C. S. PEYTOX. BY C. B. LINNEY. Colonel C. S. Peyton was born and reared in Albemarle County, Virginia, and entered the Confederate army in 1861 as Captain of Company E, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He lost an arm at the Second Battle of Manassas, and although se- verely wounded in Pickett's charge at Gettysburg, took com- mand of Garnett's Brigade, being the only field officer left in the brigade. Being incapacitated for further field service, he was detailed as enrolling officer, and did fine service at Lynchburg, Staunton and Charlottesville. He was a brave and fearless sol- dier and highly esteemed for his many social qualities and for his good citizenship. MAJORS. MAJOR CHANNING MOORE BOLTON. Channing Moore Bolton was born in Richmond, Virginia, the 24th day of January, 1843. His parents were Dr. James Bol- ton and Anna Maria (Harrison) Bolton. He entered the University of Virginia in 1860, but in the spring of 1861 joined the University Company, Captain Tosh commanding. Before the close of the session he left and re- ported to Colonel Charles Talcott, Chief of Engineers for State of Virginia, and was assigned by him to the charge of the de- fenses of Richmond. Shortly afterwards he was made Lieuten- ant of Engineers and placed in charge of several important pieces of work for the army. Later he was assigned to the staff of Ma- jor General Pender and was with him when the latter received CHANNING M. BOLTON Lieut. Army of Northern Virginia Civil and Military Engineer Past Commander John Boivie Strange Camp, C. V. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 153 his mortal wound at Gettysburg. After Gettysburg he was on the staff of General Chadmas Wilcox when he took command of the division. He was in all the battles in which that division participated until the spring of 1864, when he was ordered to re- port to the First Regiment of Engineer Troops. This regiment acted as infantry in opposing General Grant's movement against Petersburg in 1864. In January, 1865, he was ordered to North Carolina on special service and remained there until the surrender. MAJOR WILLIAM PEAKE. William Peake enlisted in the Confederate army on the 21st ciay of April, 1861, in Company D, First Virginia Infantry. He was transferred to Company G, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, and detailed to Fitzhugh Lee's headquarters the day afterwards. He served with Lee until wounded near Winchester. Recover- ing from his wound, he returned to his company and continued with it until thirty days before the surrender, when he was sent home to procure a horse. The horse provided, he reached his command the day of the surrender. With six others of his com- pany he left to join General Johnson's army, but was ordered back from Danville to gather up recruits from those who had not surrendered. He was at the battles of Bull Run, First Manassas, and prac- tically all the engagements in which the cavalry participated, ex- cept the Maryland campaign. CAPTAINS. CAPTAIN L. S. MARYE. Captain Lawrence S. Marye was captain of a Company of Light Artillery (The Hampden Artillery) and was, during the first year of the war, in Fayette and Kanawha Counties (now West Virginia), his company being attached to the command of Major General Loring. His company was not engaged in any serious battle during 154 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING this campaign, though there was a slight affair, amounting to but little more than a skirmish, at Fayette Court House. In the second year of the war he was appointed captain in the Ordnance Department, and assigned first to the division of General Jubal A. Early and afterwards to the division of Gen- eral Edward Johnson, and was in most of the battles fought be- tween the Army of Northern Virginia and the Federal armies during the war. CAPTAIN HENRY CLAY MICHIE. Henry Clay Michie was born in Albemarle County. Virginia, on the 9th day of January, 1842. He entered the military serv- ice of the state of Virginia, April 17th, 1861, in the Southern Guard, a company of students of the University of Virginia. After serving about two weeks at Harper's Ferry, this company was ordered back to the University and disbanded. He imme- diately entered the Confederate service and served to the end of the war as private, second sergeant, first sergeant, first lieu- tenant and captain. He was not absent from his regiment, the Fifty-sixth Virginia Volunteer Infantry, from October. 1862. to March, 1865, two and one-half years, unless in a hospital or Federal prison. He was wounded in the battle of Gaines's Mill, June 27th, 1862, and again at Second Manassas, August 30th, 1862. He was slightly wounded and taken prisoner in the charge of Pickett's division at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3rd, 1863. Since the close of the war he has been Commander of John Bowie Strange Camp, Confederate Veterans, Brigadier General of the Third Virginia Brigade, United Confederate Veterans, and is now (1919) Brigadier General of the Fourth Virginia Brigade, United Confederate Veterans. CAPTAIN WILLIAM W. MINOR. The subject of this sketch was the son of William W. Minor of Gale Hill and Mary Waters Terrel, his wife. He was born February 2nd, 1840, and was educated at Ridge way School and H. CLAY MICHIE CAPT. Co. H, 56TH VA. INF., C. S. A. BRIG. GEN. 4TH VA. BRIGADE, N. C. V. Past Commander John Bowie Strange Camp SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 155 the University of Virginia, leaving the latter institution April 17th, 1861, as a private in the Southern Guard, one of the infan- try companies organized and trained in the fall of 1860. They first saw service at Harper's Ferry, but in a short time were dis- banded by Governor Letcher, some returning to the University of Virginia to complete their course, but most of them re-enter- ing the Confederate service at once. Among the latter was the subject of this sketch, who, with John B. Magruder and Wil- liam L. Randolph, recruited a company of infantry in Albe- marle, Fluvanna and Greene Counties, of which he was elected First Lieutenant. He served as such with his company, known as Company H, Fifty-seventh Virginia Regiment, Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division, till after the Seven Days Battle near Richmond, when he received a commission as captain in a com- mand then being raised in Southwest Virginia and East Tenn- essee. He was made ordnance officer in the Department of West Virginia and served in this capacity under General Sam Jones, General Breckenridge and General Echols, at different points in this department from 1862 till the end of the war in 1865. In April, 1864, he was married to Mary Elizabeth Howe, daughter of Wm. H. and Mary M. Howe, of Wythe County, Virginia, with whom he lived forty-six years, till her death. He has spent his life as a farmer and fruit grower, and as an active member and elder of the Bethel Presbyterian Church, in whose interest he is still a diligent worker. LIEUTENANTS. MILTOX WYLIE HUMPHREYS. At the age of sixteen Milton Wylie Humphreys voltunteered in the Liberty Hall Volunteers. This was in the spring of 1861, at Washington College, Lexington, Virginia. That company be- ing temporarily disbanded, he enlisted in the Monroe Artillery, better known as Bryan's Battery, 13th Battalion, Virginia Light Artillery. He served in West Virginia until 1864. He was in several engagements in May and June of that year, in the Lynchburg campaign. In July. 1864. the Valley cam- 156 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING paign began under General Early, and Humphreys took part in every engagement in which his battalion or battery partici- pated, except during thirty days spent on detail arresting de- serters. His command was detached at the time Richmond fell, and joined General Echols at Dublin. When the news of Appo- mattox was received, he was, with all the men under Echols, furloughed for two months, this being the form under which that force was really disbanded. He was first a corporal, then sergeant, and in 1864, acting lieutenant. Whatever position he held, he always pointed guns in battle. He devoted much study to the art of hitting, and gave instruction on gunnery to non-commissioned officers. On several occasions he employed indirect fire. He also pointed out the effect of the earth's rotation on the motion of pro- jectiles. An account of his devices for finding ranges, correct- ing errors, etc., was published in the Journal of the United States Artillery, Vol II, No. 4. Editor's Note: Since the war Professor Humphreys has held chairs in various universities in the South, including the chair of Greek at the University of Virginia. In practically every field of knowledge his information seems to be accurate in its detail and encyclopedic in its scope. DR. W. E. NORRIS. W. E. Norris is a native of Lancaster County. Virginia, but was residing in Baltimore, Maryland, when war was declared. He was a member of the Maryland Guard, and enlisted in the summer of 1861 with a Maryland company, commanded by Captain J. Lile Clark of Baltimore, at that time on duty at Suffolk, Virginia. The company had not then been assigned to any regiment, but was later made Company B of the Twen- ty-first Virginia Infantry, and hurriedly sent to the western part of Virginia to reinforce General Garnett. who met dis- aster before assistance could reach him. The regiment having been brigaded with other Virginia and SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 157 Tennessee regiments, was marched to Valley Mountain to en- ter upon a campaign which, though marked by no little priva- tion and suffering, caused largely by most unfavorable weather conditions, resulted in no event of military importance. Operations in that quarter were abandoned and the brigade ordered to report to General T. J. Jackson at Winchester, where .it arrived just in time to take part in the memorable Romney Campaign, leaving Winchester the first day of Jan- uary, 1862. After the army returned to the Valley, followed the battles of Kernstown, McDowell and Front Royal, in which the bri- gade was engaged. The day following the last named battle, Company B was mustered out of service, its term of enlistment having expired. W. E. Norris was then elected Lieutenant of Company D, Forty-sixth Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade. This regiment had been captured at Roanoke Island, paroled on the field, re- cently exchanged and re-organized with George Norris of Charlottesville, Virginia, as Captain of Company D, the for- mer captain, Richard Crank, having declined to reenter the service. The brigade was, for the time being, held in reserve at Chaffin's farm near 'Richmond, but was later sent to aid in the defense of Charleston, South Carolina, where it remained until General Grant began his famous flank movement across James River to invest Petersburg. Here it was engaged in several battles before the final establishment of the lines of de- fense so long held. It remained in this theatre of activities, meeting such attacks as were made on its front, including the Battle of the Crater, until a few days before the retreat, when it was moved to the right, where it took part in the battles of Hatcher's Run and Five Forks. On the retreat it was engaged in the battle of Sailor's Creek and a number of other affairs which were probably not of suf- cient importance to be called battles. Finally it came to Ap- pomattox and surrendered. 158 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING CHAPLAINS. DR. GEORGE LAURENS PETRIE. George Laurens Petrie was born in Cheraw, South Carolina, February 25th, 1840. He was educated in classical preparatory schools, and at Davidson College, Oglethorpe University and Columbia Theological Seminary. He enlisted in the Confed- erate service as a missionary under the direction of the Pres- byterian Church, doing a work similar to that done by the Y. M. C. A. in the recent war. He was soon invited by the Twen- ty-second Regiment of Alabama Volunteers to become its chaplain. Accepting this call, he was regularly commissioned chaplain of that regiment. There being no Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, nor trained nurse organizations in that day, a chaplain not only preached as he had opportunity, and ministered to the religious wants of the men, but sought to make himself useful in a great variety of ways. There was much religious interest in the army, and the chaplain was well received and found a ready response to his endeavors. Many of the offi- cers of all grades gave cordial help to the religious work. Chaplain Petrie was ordained to the ministry on a call from his regiment, being previously only a licentiate. He served un- der General Joseph E. Johnston, then under General J. B. Hood, and again under General Johnston. He was in the bat- tles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Ben- tonville and Kinston ; also in the campaign that culminated in the battle of Sumter, South Carolina, a battle fought after the surrender, tidings of which had not been received at Sumter at that time. After the war he taught a classical school in Montgomery, Alabama, two years, and was Professor of Latin at Oak 1 and College, Mississippi, two years. He then became pastor suc- cessively of the Presbyterian Church in Greenville, Alabama, Petersburg and Charlottesville, Virginia. At the organization of John Bowie Strange Camp, he was elected Chaplain of the Camp, an office which, by annual elections, he has held with- out intermission for thirty years. GEORGE L. PETRIE, D. D. CHAPLAIN, C. S. A. Pastor Presbyterian Church 1878-1919 Charlottesville, Va. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 159 SURGEONS. DR. GEORGE TUCKER HARRISON. George Tucker Harrison, M.A., M.D., F.A.C.S., was born at the University of Virginia, July 23rd, 1835. He is the son of the late Professor Gessner Harrison, LL.D., who was Pro- fessor of Latin, Greek and Hebrew in the University of Vir- ginia until the school was divided and he became Professor of Latin, which position he held when the war cloud burst upon the Southern Confederacy. Dr. Harrison, the subject of this sketch, went to Richmond in June, 1861, with letters of intro- duction from his father to Governor Letcher, Honorable James A. Seddon and William H. Macfarland. Governor Letcher gave him a note to Surgeon Giteson, at that time, Chief Sur- geon for the State of Virginia. Surgeon Giteson at once ap- pointed him Assistant Surgeon, and ordered him to report to General Beauregard at Manassas. By General Beauregard he was referred to the Medical Director, who appointed him as Assistant Surgeon to the Twenty- fourth Virginia^ Regiment, commanded at that time by General Jubal A. Early, then only Colonel. After the battle of Manassas Colonel Early was pro- moted to the rank of brigadier general. The successor of Gen- eral Early was William R. Terry, afterwards brigadier general. Colonel Terry was succeeded by Richard L. Maury as Colonel. Maury served to the end of the war. The surgeon of the Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry was Dr. Neblett. In the summer of 1862, Dr. Neblett resigned on account of ill health ; whereupon, Assistant Surgeon Harrison was promoted to the rank of surgeon, and held that position until the end of the war, being absent only when he was on detached duty in 1864. The Twenty-fourth Infantry was composed principally of men from Southwest Virginia, who, as a rule, lived in the country and not in towns or villages. Consequently, when measles broke out it spread rapidly through the regiment. As a result, typhoid fever ensued, and it was very difficult to pro- vide proper places for the care and treatment of the patients. It was impossible to procure tents, so it became necessary to utilize two farm houses with their barns and other outbuild- 160 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING ings. One of the farms had been occupied by Germans, who had abandoned it. The better way of treating the typhoid cases proved to be by distributing them among the neighboring small farmhouses. Practically all the cases sent to these small houses recovered. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES. J. K. BARER. J. K. Baber entered the Confederate Army as a member of Company A, Twenty-second Virginia Infantry, and served three years. He was captured at the battle of Winchester and sent a prisoner of war to Point Lookout, Maryland. He was not released until the close of hostilities. He resides near Greenwood, and is engaged in farming. J. R. BATTAILLE. J. R. Battaille, a native of Orange County, Virginia, enlisted in the Confederate Army, April 17th, 1861, as a member of Company C, Gordonsville Grays, known as the "Bloody Thirteenth," and served during the war until March 27th, 1865, when in the midnight assault and capture of Fort Sted- man by one hundred and twenty men of his regiment, he lost an eye and was in the hospital when Lee surrendered at Appo- mattox. To have been of the number of that immortal "120" is glory enough for one soldier. He lives to bear his honors. WILLIAM LEWIS BEASLEY. William Lewis Beasley, son of the late James Bennett Beas- ley, was born and raised in Greene County, Virginia. He vol- unteered for service April 17th, 1864, being only seventeen years of age. He enlisted in Company C, Fourth Virginia Cav- alry, and saw service at Cold Harbor, Five Forks, Chapin Farm and in many other battles. He was with General Lee at the surrender at Appomattox, April 9th. 1865. BARTLETT BOLLING Co. D, 43RD VA. CAVALRY, C. S. A. Commander John Bowie Strange Camp SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 161 LOUIS W. BELLAMY. Louis W. Bellamy, son of Arthur Bellamy, resided near the University of Virginia at the beginning of the war and en- listed in Company B, Nineteenth Infantry, in 1862, and con- tinued in the service until March 9th, 1863, when by a railroad accident he lost his left leg and was incapacitated for further service. He resides near Keswick. JOHN L. BLAKE. John L. Blake, son of the late George S. Blake of Albemarle County, enlisted in the Civil War, March 1st, 1864, at Char- lottesville, as a member of Company B, Second Virginia Bat- talion of Infantry. He served with said company until about March 1st, 1865, and participated in several of the battles fought around Richmond. He was then transferred to the Second Richmond Howitzers, Colonel Cutshaw's Battalion. BARTLETT BOLLING. Bartlett Boiling was born in Petersburg, Virginia, Februarv 6th, 1845. He entered the Confederate service in 1863, enlist- ing in the Forty-third Battalion of Cavalry, Company D, Mosby's Rangers. He was wounded, made prisoner and held at Harper's Ferry, Wheeling, Camp Chase, and Fort Delaware. After six months' imprisonment, he was exchanged and re- turned to his command. He participated in many battles, among them being Mt. Carmel, Charleston, Berryville, Ham- ilton, and numerous raids, the activities of his 'command con- tinuing unabated until Lee's surrender at Appomattox. In Alexandria, Virginia, May 4th, 1881, he was united in marriage with. Meta Lomax Stuart, daughter of Colonel Charles E. Stuart, attorney-at-law, and Roberta Lomax. Dur- ing the same year he made his home in Albemarle County. His sons Albert S., attorney-at-law, Charlottesville, and Douglass T., a student at the University of Virginia volun- 162 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING terred for the World War, wearing the khaki until mustered out in June, 1919. Albert S., enlisted in July, 1918, receiving his commission as a lieutenant of infantry, and serving as such until honorably discharged. Douglass T., first served with the French army as a volunteer ambulance driver, from August, 1916, until the spring of 1917, when he returned home and en- tered the service of his country. He was later commissioned a first lieutenant of infantry and assigned to Company G, 317th Infantry, with which organization he served from September, 1917, to June, 1919, one year of which time this regiment was with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The subject of this sketch is a son of the late Colonel Rob- ert B. Boiling, attorney-at-law, and Sarah Melville Minge, of "Center Hill," Petersburg, Virginia. JAMES M. BROWN. James M. Brown was a son of Clifton R. and Parthenia Brown, of Charlottesville, Virginia. He entered the Confed- erate army as a private in Company F, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, at the beginning of the war, participating in the bat- tles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines and the Seven Days fight around Richmond. In the battle of South Mountains, Mary- land, he lost his right arm, which incapacitated him for further service. JOHN P. CARTER. John P. Carter enlisted in the Confederate army in May, 1862, in Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry. He lost his leg in the Second Battle of Cold Harbor in 1864. He resides in Charlottesville, Virginia, and has followed the business of shoemaking industriously since the war. LEROY WESLEY Cox COLOR BEARER 46TH VA. INF., C. S. A. Supply Co. and Regt. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 163 LEROY WESLEY COX. Leroy Wesley Cox, born November 22nd, 1845, is probably the youngest man in this section who served on the firing line throughout the four years of the War between the States. He enlisted in May, 1861, in the Border Guard, commanded by Cap- tain R. G. Crank, in Charlottesville, Virginia. The members of this company were mustered into Wise's Legion at Lewis- burg, Virginia, June 23rd, 1861. Later, after the fall of Roa- noke Island, L. W. Cox came home and enlisted in the Char- lottesville Battery of Field Artillery, commanded by Captain J. McDowell Carrington, where he served as "number one" at the gun. On Sunday morning, June 8th, 1862, L. W. Cox, with three other privates, Gardner, Goodwin and Shreeve, played a very important part in checking the enemy, thus saving the bridge at Port Republic. After Carrington's Battery was captured on May 12th, 1864, at Spottsylvania, he, with George M. Cochran and - Pinckney, served on General Long's staff as orderlies until after Early's campaign down the Valley and into Maryland. He then rejoined his old command, Company D, Forty-sixth Virginia Regiment, Wise's Brigade, while that organization was in the ditches at Petersburg. Later he was placed on the . color guard, and still later served as color sergeant, thus serv- ing on the firing line from start to finish. R. L. DOBBINS.* R. L. Dobbins was from Cumberland County, Virginia, and enlisted in the Confederate army as a private in Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, serving four years. He made a fine record as a soldier, and after the war, lived in Charlottes- ville, where he followed his trade as a shoemaker. He now lives in Cumberland County, Virginia. *Died since this sketch was written. 164 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING WILLIAM RICHARD DUKE. BY W. R. DUKE. William Richard Duke, the son of Colonel R. T. W. Duke and Elizabeth Eskridge, his wife, was born at Lewisburg, Vir- ginia (now in West Virginia) July 1st, 1848. His services to the Confederacy consisted in going out with the Home Guards in July, 1863, during the Gettysburg Cam- paign, when, with others, he was stationed at Gordonsville to keep off raiders. Again, in 1864, he was stationed on the north side of Monti- cello Mountain, guarding the Virginia Central Railroad (now the C. & O.) bridge across Moore's Creek and the Rivanm. River. To his sorrow he was not in the regular service. He was the oldest child, and his father being in the service during the whole period of the war, it was necessary for him to stay at home and help care for the family. He was not seventeen years old until after the close of the war. J. E. GIBSON. J. E. Gibson, son of Ballard E. Gibson, entered the Confed- erate Army in April, 1861, in Company A, Monticello Guard. Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and participated in the first bat- tle of Manassas. He was afterwards disabled for active serv- ice in the field and was discharged from the army at Char- lottesville. He reenlisted in Captain Mallory's Company of Reserves and was in this company until the close of the war. W. G. GILLESPIE. W. G. Gillespie enlisted in the Confederate army from Al- bemarle County in June, 1861, in Company D, Forty-sixth Vir- ginia Infantry. He was in the Scarry Creek battle in Kanawha Valley Campaign. He was captured at Roanoke Island, and after being exchanged, participated in the fight at Dunlap Sta- W. R. DUKE SECOND LT. COMMANDER John Bowie Strange Camp JOHN Z. HOLLADAY Co. K, SRD VIRGINIA CAVALRY, C. S. A. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 165 tion on the Hewlett Line. He was in all the engagements around Petersburg and at Hatcher's Run. He was again captured at Sailor's Creek, Thursday preceding the surrender, and re- mained at Point Lookout until June 14th, 1865. JAMES F. HARLAN. James F. Harlan, son of B. F. W. Harlan, of Nelson County, Virginia, was one of four brothers who entered the Confeder- ate army. He volunteered in Company B, Fifty-second Vir- ginia Infantry, and was in active service until April, 1862, when he was disabled by reason of a fractured limb and as- signed to light duty until the fall of 1864. He then returned to the regular army and in December of that year was ordered to Petersburg, where he remained in the trenches until the evacuation. He was captured and imprisoned at Point Look- out until June 6th, 1865. He resides in Charlottesville, and is, active in business and in church matters. JOHN ZACHARY HOLLADAY. BY DUPUY HOLLADAY. John Zachary Holladay, son of Dr. Lewis Littlepage and Jeane Thompson Holladay, was born in Spottsylvania County, July 31st, 1843. He was educated at private schools and at Hampden-Sidney College. At the outbreak of the war he, with the other students, organized the "Hampden-Sidney Boys," with President J. M. P. Atkinson as Captain. They were mus- tered into the Confederate service in Richmond, as Company K, 20th Virginia Volunteers, and were soon ordered to what is ' now West Virginia. They fought McClellan at Rich Moun- tain, and becoming separated from the command, with the en- emy between them and their friends, they were faced with the alternative of starving to death in the mountains, or coming in and surrendering. They chose the latter, and surrendered at Beverly. After nine months' imprisonment, Holladay was ex- changed, and was soon appointed ordnance courier for Gen- 166 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING eral Lee. He served in this capacity until after the battle of Gettysburg. On the retreat from Gettysburg he rescued ten abandoned cannon, dismounted them, loaded them into empty wagons in the wagon train, and brought them to Virginia. He then joined Company K, Third Virginia Cavalry, Fitzhugh Lee's Brigade. He has to his credit, one killed single handed at Amelia Springs and two at High Bridge; also five prisoners captured single handed and eleven others with the aid of an artillery of- ficer. He is the only survivor of a squadron of cavalry that made the last charge on Grant's forces at Appomattox; this charge being made after the surrender of Lee's army, and just before sundown on the 9th of April. His brigade, being a part of Fitzhugh Lee's division, did not surrender. After the war he engaged in farming until he moved to the University of Vir- ginia to educate his children. Mr. Holladay says: "I fired the first shot at General Mc- Clellan's army when it advanced on Rich Mountain, West Vir- ginia, in June, 1861. I also fired the last shot at General Grant's forces a few minutes before sundown on April 9th, 1865, at Appomattox. I did what I could to both start and finish the controversy." JOHN N. JAMES. John N. James entered the Confederate army as a member of the Fifth South Carolina Regiment of Infantry, and partic- ipated in the battles of First and Second Manassas, Williams- burg, Sharpsburg, Seven Pines, and three days of the Seven Days Battles around Richmond. He was wounded at Gaines's Mill, but served around Petersburg. He was captured at Sail- or's Creek on the 6th day of April preceding the surrender at Appomattox. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 167 JOHN L. JARMAN.* John L. Jarman, son of Dabney M. Jarman, entered the Confederate army from Charlottesville, Virginia, in Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment of Infantry, and served in that company for two years ; afterwards in Company D, Forty- ninth Virginia Infantry, until the close of the war. He was in the First Battle of Manassas, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Gaines's Mill, Malvern Hill and Hatcher's Run. He has lived in Charlottesville since the war and is active in business and church affairs. JOHN R. JONES. John R. Jones enlisted at the beginning of the war as a member of Company A, Fifth Virginia Infantry, Stonewall's Brigade. He participated in the battles 'of First Manassas, Kernstown, Port Republic, Cold Harbor, Indian Hill, Win- chester and Second Manassas. He was captured on North Run and remained in prison three months, making his escape from Cumberland, Maryland. He was with Rosser at New Creek where he was wounded and again captured and impris- oned at Elmira, New York. Since the war he has resided in Charlottesville. CHARLES BEALE LINNEY. Charles Beale Linney was born October 3rd, 1845, and was reared in the old ancestral Gordon home in Orange. He enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Com- pany D, Twenty-fifth Virginia Infantry, and participated in the battle of Yellow Tavern, where the gallant Stuart gave his life so heroically that he might save the Capital of the Confed- eracy. With thousands of others he endured the untold suffer- ings and hardships of the trenches around Petersburg, surren- dering with Lee at Appomattox. But of that eventful week (April 2nd-9th), the writer would prefer to pay tribute to the *Mr. Jarman died December 6th, 1919, after this sketch was written. 168 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING memory of a near kinsman, James N. Beale, one of the im- mortal "one hundred and twenty," who gave his young life so heroically in the midnight assault and capture of Fort Sted- man, and to the boy soldier brother, who with Ewell, at Sail- or's Creek, fought the last pitched battle of the war, surren- dering after all hope of success was gone, to be imprisoned at Point Lookout. Recalling the dreary midnight marches, with corn for a ration, the pall of gloom that settled over the dramatic scene at Appomattox, when strong men wept at the loss of cherished hopes, the tramp homeward, the family meeting and story of the loss of son and grandson, a sacrifice demanding more moral courage than the battle, is, at this distant day, like a dream when one awaketh, and never to be effaced from memory. W. F. LOBBAN. W. F. Lobban enlisted in the Confederate army in 1861 as a member of Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, known as the Albemarle Light Horse, and served throughout the war. He participated in the First Manassas and in the Valley Cam- paign. He was taken prisoner in Fauquier County, February 18th, 1864, and remained in Fort Deleware seventeen months. He was released in June, 1865. C. E. MAHANES. C. E. Mahanes resides near Keswick, Virginia. He enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Sturdivant's Battery of Artillery in March, 1863, and continued serving until the close of the war, surrendering with Lee at Appomattox. He participated in the battles around Petersburg, where this noted battery did fine service. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 169 AUBURN MANN. BY GERTRUDE MANN. Auburn Mann was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, near North Garden, on October 15th, 1838. He was the eld- est son of John P and Martha Suddarth Mann, and a great- grandson of Patience Sumter, whose brother, General Sumter, was a great military leader of his day, and for whom Fort Sumter, South Carolina was named. He received his educa- tion at Gibson's Academy in Albemarle County, a school con- ducted by "Parson" Gibson. At an early age he joined the Albemarle Rangers, and was a member of this organization at the beginning of the war. He and his brother, John P. Mann, Jr., served in the Confed- erate army from the outbreak of the war, and later his two younger brothers, LeGrand and Richard, enlisted. He first saw active service in the West Virginia Campaign under General Henry A. Wise. Afterwards he was with Major General J. E. B. Stuart, and at the close of the war with Company F, Tenth Virginia Cavalry, under General W. H. F. Lee, as a member of the Signal Corps. His brother John lost a leg in the fighting around Spottsylvania Court House, but neither he nor his other two brothers were injured, although in some of the big battles. On October 22nd, 1866, he married Miss Virginia Lightfoot Wheeler, and from this union two children were born, Mattie Mann Warwick and Gertrude C. Mann. He was at one time in the mercantile business with his father; but later entered the service of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company, where he held a clerical position until about eighteen years ago, when he lost his eyesight, since which time he has been entirely in- capacitated for active service of any kind. At the outbreak of the war with Germany his three grandsons, Linwood, Auburn and Randolph Warwick, were called to the colors, but only the latter saw active service. It was with pride that he read that General Pershing had said of the Thirty-eighth Infantry, Third Division U. S. Army, of which his grandson was a member, that they had written one of the brighest pages in the annals of the war in the the battle of the Marne. 170 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING P. H. MARSHALL. P. H. Marshall entered the Confederate army from Albe- marle County in Company K, Albemarle Light Horse Cavalry. He participated in practically all the battles fought by this fine company of cavalry until the 15th of February, 1864. when he was taken prisoner. Making his escape from Fort Delaware in September following, he reported at Richmond for duty. He was discharged from service upon the surrender of Lee's army. T. R. MAUPIN. T. R. Maupin entered the Confederate army as a member of Sturdivant's Battery from Free L'nion, Albemarle County. Virginia- He enlisted May 1st, 1862 and continued to serve until the close of the war. He participated in a number of battles and was slightly wounded. After the war he resided at Free L'nion and engaged in farming. G. W. MAYS. G. W. Mays enlisted in Company H, Nineteenth Virginia Re|fiment of Infantry, and served throughout the war. He -was in many battles, and was captured at Sailor's Creek, near Farmville, Virginia, April 6th, 1865. He was imprisoned at Point Lookout, Man-land, and pardoned after his release. JOHN P. MELTON. John P. Melton enlisted in the Confederate army at the be- ginning of the war in Company A, Fluvanna Artillery, and participated in the battles fought by this fine company of ar- tillery. He is an active member of John Bowie Strange Camp. I. K. MORAN Co. D, 14TH VA. INF'Y, C. S. A. Third Lt. Comdr. John Bowie Strange Camp. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 171 L. F. MELTON. L. F. Melton entered the Confederate army as a member of Company A, Fluvanna Artillery, and participated in the vari- ous battles in which that company engaged. He was noted for his splendid services and soldierly qualities. I. K. MORAN. I. K. Moran, the subject of this sketch, was born in Law- rence County, Ohio, August 12th, 1845, but was reared among the hills of Rockbridge County, Virginia. He was a private in Company D, Fourteenth Regiment, Virginia Infantry, Colonel William H. White, Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps. His father, Charles N. Moran, was a member of the 5th Regiment, Stonewall Brigade. With other boys of the county I. K. Moran saw service in the Shenandoah Valley until 1863, when he was transferred to field service with the command above mentioned. He engaged in its forced marches and battles around Richmond and Peters- burg, receiving severe wounds in the fierce attack and defeat of Butler's army at Drewry's Bluff on May 16th, 1864, where with the amputation on the field of his left leg above the knee, his active service as a soldier of the Confederacy came to an end. JOHN H. MORRIS. John H. Morris enlisted in Company C, Fourteenth Virginia Infantry, in 1862, and served until the close of the war. He participated in Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor and other battles, and now resides in Charlottes- ville. JAMES MASON MURPHY. James Mason Murphy was born at Middleway, Jefferson County, Virginia, on the 21st day of July, 1839, and was edu- cated in the public schools of Jefferson County. At an early 172 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING age he went with his brother, who was the editor of the "Shen- andoah Democrat." He married Miss Ellen Miller, of Madison County, on the 29th day of June, 1863. The following are their children : Mrs. Daniel Harmon, of the University of Virginia ; Frank P. Murphy, of Madison, W. Va. ; James Edgar Murphy, of Jacksonville, Fla ; and Fred M. Murphy, of Springfield, Ohio. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Company G, Tenth Regiment of Infantry, C. S. A., and served with that company during the entire war. He was wounded both at the First Battle of Manassas and at Chancellorsville. After the war he moved to Gordonsville, where he was ap- pointed agent for the Adams Express Company. He was sub- sequently transferred to Charlottesville, and resided there until the fall of 1918, when he moved to Madison, Boone County, West Virginia, where he now resides. W. W. NORVELL. W. W. Norvell was a resident of Nelson County at the be- ginning of the war and enlisted in Company F, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry. He participated in the battle of Williams- burg and was wounded at Seven Pines, losing his right leg. Returning home he entered school ; but not being satisfied out of the service, he applied to the government for an assignment and was sent to Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond, where he remained until the close of the war. After the war he re- moved to Charlottesville, and has retained the office of City Constable since first elected. GEORGE W. OLIVIER. George W. Olivier, son of Warner Lewis Olivier and Frances Ann Olivier, volunteered in 1862 in Company A, Twelfth Vir- ginia Infantry. He was at the evacuation of Norfolk and later with the JAMES PERLEY SERGT. Co. A, 19TH VA. INF'Y, C. S. A. W. C. PAYNE Co. A, 19TH VA. INF'Y, C. S. A. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 173 army of Northern Virginia at Seven Pines, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, at which latter place he was taken prisoner. He was thence carried to the old Cap- itol Prison in Washington, but after ten days was exchanged. He was in hospitals in Richmond and Petersburg for several months. In October, 1863, he was transferred to Pegram's Virginia Battery, which was ordered to North Carolina under General Hoke and took part in the capture of Plymouth. The battery was ordered to Petersburg in May, 1864, and remained at the front until the evacuation, April 2nd, 1865. He was in several minor engagements on the retreat to Ap- pomattox and was at the surrender, April 9th, 1865. During the last seventeen months of the war he never lost a single day from active duty. W. C. PAYNE. W. C. Payne joined the Monticello Guard in 1857 and re- mained a member of that company until 1862, when he was discharged from the army by the Secretary of War on account of the almost total loss of eyesight from typhoid fever con- tracted in the army. He was with his company at the hanging of John Brown at Charles Town in 1859. In 1861 he left for the front with his company and remained until his discharge the latter part of 1862 as above stated. After the war he joined the John Bowie Strange Camp. He attended the Confederate Reunion in Washington in June, 1917, and in a rolling chair, headed the Virginia division, carrying in his hand, amid the shouts of thousands, an old Confederate flag that had been through the battles of Northern Virginia. W. H. PONTON. W. H. Ponton entered the Confederate army in 1861 from Albemarle County as a member of Company G, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. He served with gallantry throughout the 174 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING war, participating in the battles of Seven Pines, Second Ma- nassas, Williamsburg, Gettysburg and other engagements. He was captured at Gettysburg and remained a prisoner until the close of the war. CEPHAS HEMPSTONE SINCLAIR. Cephas Hempstone Sinclair was born near Charlottesville, Virginia, December 4th, 1847. His father was George Sin- clair, of Loudoun County, born in May, 1806, and died on December 31st, 1845. His mother was Ruth Anne Belt, of Montgomery County, Maryland, born May 12th, 1812, and died December 17th, 1891. C. H. Sinclair joined the Staunton artillery under Captain Garber on December 4th, 1864. The Garber Battery was in- creased by the remnant of Carrington's Battery of Charlottes- ville, which escaped capture in May, 1864, at the battle of the Wilderness. Says Mr. Sinclair for himself : "While Garber's Battery was near Harrisonburg, Virginia, I joined it on December 4th, 1864, and before the end of Jan- uary, 1865, while in winter quarters near Waynesboro, about ten members of the company were permitted to take a horse apiece from the battery to winter near Charlottesville, Virginia. Early in April, 1865, Lieutenant Fultz, of Garber's Battery, came to Charlottesville and collected all ten of us to join Gen- eral Lee's army, which was then retreating from Petersburg. We crossed the James River at Scottsville and the next day heard that the Yankee cavalry was between us and the army. We turned to go by Lynchburg but that night were told by a passing soldier that General Lee and his army had surrendered April 9th. The next day we returned to Charlottesville." "After taking the degree of C.M.E. and B. Sc. in the Engi- neering School at the University of Virginia in 1873, I entered the United States Coast Survey (afterwards the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey) on November 14th, 1873, and have been associated with it ever since." SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 175 CHARLES G. SINCLAIR. Charles G. Sinclair entered the Confederate army as a member of the Charlottesville Artillery, Carrington's Battery, in the early part of 1863, at the age of sixteen. He partici- pated in the battle of Spottsylvania Court House and other en- gagements, and continued in active service until the close of the war. He engaged in farming after the war and now re- sides in Charlottesville. CURRAN BRIGGS SOMERVILLE. Curran Briggs Somerville, son of Dr. Walter and Mary H. Somerville, of Culpeper County, Virginia, is the only sur- vivor of five brothers who were in the Confederate army. He was a corporal in Company F, First Regiment of Engineer Troops, C. S. A., and served with his company until the sur- render at Appomattox, when he was paroled. E. GRANVILLE TAYLOR. He was one of the original members of the Albemarle Rifles, organized in 1860, soon after the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry. He was a private in the company when it entered the service of the State of Virginia the 17th of April, 1861, and was still with the company when it became Company B of the Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, being then just a little over eighteen years of age. He was continuously in active service from that time until he was disabled in battle in 1863. With his company and regiment he was actively engaged in the following battles: In 1861, First Manassas ; in 1862, York- town (skirmish) ; Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Gaines's Mill, Frazier's Farm, Second Manassas, Boonesboro, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, and in 1863, Gettysburg. Here he was partially disabled and placed on detached service for the rest of the war. He was born near Springhill, Augusta County, but came to Charlottesville with his parents when quite a small lad and was a primary pupil in the private school of Thomas Woodson on 176 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING High Street. He attended various schools in Charlottesville, ending with two years in the Albemarle Military Institute un- der Colonel John Bowie Strange. N. A. TERRELL. N. A. Terrell enlisted in Carrington's Battery of Artillery in April, 1862, and joined General Jackson at Harper's Ferry. His battery was actively engaged in the battle of Port Repub- lic, preventing the enemy from burning the bridge, and re- ceived high praise from General Jackson, who said, " I am glad to see that you could render me such efficient service with your raw recruits." He was afterwards made bugler for the battery and promoted to Headquarters' Bugler of Cutshaw's Battalion. He served in all the battles of any importance, namely, Seven Day Battles around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Mine Run, Gettysburg, Bell Grove, Cedar Creek, Winchester, and closed his service at Ap- pomattox. He is one of the few who did General Lee a favor on the battlefield, and saw the last shot fired on the enemy at Appo- mattox by Cumberland G. Dodd of Poague's Battalion. He is now engaged in the jewelry business in Charlottesville. ROBERT CARSON VANDEGRIFT. R. C. Vandegrift was a member of the Monticello Guard when that organization was ordered to the front to take part in the War between the States. The guard became a part of the Nineteenth Virginia Infan- try, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. After the battle of Gettysburg he was transferred and pro- moted to a sergeantcy in Company G, First Engineers, Army of Northern Virginia, in which capacity he served until the surrender at Appomattox. He was with the immortal Lee at the surrender. He served all four years of the war and was wounded but once, and that was at the Second Battle of Manassas. SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 177 CHARLES EDWARD WATTS. I am one of six brothers who. served in the Army of North- ern Virginia in defense of Southern rights. I enlisted in Company H, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, at the time it was organized and commanded by John T. Ellis (afterward Lieutenant Colonel), who was killed at Gettysburg. In the fall of 1861, I transferred to Whitehead's Company, Second Virginia Cavalry, with which I served in most of the raiding, scouting, and fighting experiences of that company until May 6th, 1864, when I was disabled by a gunshot wound through the body. I was at First Manassas and received a slight wound at Stevensburg, where I also had my horse killed. In 1865, being pronounced permanently disabled for field service, I secured, through General Wickham, a detail from the Secretary of War to "go to school," with orders to report at Charlottesville. G. S. WEBB. I was a member of the Charlottesville Band when the war broke out and went to war as a member of Company A, Nine- teenth Virginia Regiment, Monticello Guard, and served as a member of the band one year. Then the band disbanded, and I enlisted as a private in the same regiment. I was wounded on the 6th day of April, 1865, and was sent to prison at Point Lookout. I left there on the 24th day of June, 1865, for home. W. C. WEBB. W. C. Webb, son of Captain Spottswood Webb, left Char- lottesville in April, 1861, with the Monticello Guard (of which organization he was already a member), Company A, Nine- teenth Virginia Regiment. At Culpeper Court House he was detailed a member of the regimental band, and remained a member of the same until the reorganization of the army. He then reenlisted for the war and was detailed as bugler, with rank of sergeant, and contin- ued to serve in that capacity until the surrender of the army at Appomattox Court House in April, 1865. 178 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING JOSEPH N. WHEAT. Joseph N. Wheat served during the Civil War in Company D, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, participating in the battles of Brandy Station, Trevillian's, Stewart's raid around McClellan, and Yellow Tavern. He was captured September 19th, 1864, at the battle of Winchester, and was paroled June 15th, 1865. E. W. WILKERSON. E. W. Wilkerson resided in Orange County at the beginning of the war and enlisted in Company C, Thirteenth Virginia In- fantry. This regiment was known as the "Bloody Thirteenth," and was reputed to be the best regiment in the army. It was commanded by General A. P. Hill, General Terrell, General James A. Walker, Colonel Goodman and Colonel Crittenden. Wilkerson shared in this distinguished honor, participating in the battles of Hatcher's Run, Winchester, Cold Harbor, Fish- er's Hill, Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and lives to enjoy this honored and hard-won distinction. THOMAS JEFFERSON WILLIAMS. Thomas Jefferson Williams, son of David Williams, has re- sided in Charlottesville for sixty-two years and is one of our oldest citizens. He entered the Confederate army in 1861 as a member of Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, and served the four years of war. He has been an active member of our camp since its organization. He has been chief of the Charlottesville Fire Department for many years and holds the unique position of being the oldest fire chief known. EDWARD B. WILLIS. Edward B. Willis enlisted in the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Company A, Forty-sixth Virginia Regiment, Wise's Legion, in August, 1861. He was taken prisoner, with his command, in the battle of SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 179 Roanoke Island, North Carolina, February 8th, 1862, and was paroled on the 21st of February, 1862, at Elizabeth City, North Carolina. He was exchanged and reentered the service in August, 1862. In 1863 he was transferred to Company A, Fifteenth Virginia Regiment, Corse's Brigade, but was dis- charged from field service that same year on account of physi- cal disabilities. He was detailed to the Quartermaster's De- partment under Major W. B. Richards, at Gordonsville, Vir- ginia, in 1864. Still later in 1864 he was transferred to the Quartermaster's Department under Captain T. W. Wood, at Charlottesville, Virginia, where he remained until the war ended in April, 1865. A. COKE WINGFIELD. A. Coke Wingfield enlisted in the Confederate army from Albemarle County in Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Infan- try, at the beginning of the war, and served until the close. He took part in the battles of Williamsburg, First Manassas and Seven Pines. Having been wounded at Seven Pines, he was detailed for special work at Charlottesville, where he re- mained until the surrender. He resides near Hardware Church, Albemarle County. J. R. WINGFIELD. J. R. Wingfield was born December 14th, 1845. He re- signed from the Virginia Military Institute and volunteered in the Army of Northern Virginia, Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry, Company E, about the middle of April, 1864. He says : "After General Grant crossed the Rappahannock I partici- pated in three days' fighting the fifth, sixth and seventh of May our division of cavalry being on General Lee's right wing. "On the evening of the seventh of May, General Grant threw a heavy force of infantry which attacked us near Todd's 180 SKETCHES OF THE LIVING Tavern, and our line of dismounted cavalry was outflanked. Colonel Munford, in command of our brigade, ordered me to take his horse and ride down the line to give the order to fall back. In so doing I was shot through the right lung. The regiment fell back immediately afterwards. I became a prisoner and was removed to a field hospital, where I was left, unparoled, when General Grant moved his army to the left in his advance on Richmond. "I recovered from my wound sufficiently to rejoin the army the latter part of .February, 1865, and participated in the bat- tle of Five Forks and in several minor engagements, of which I can mention Amelia Springs and High Bridge near Farm- ville, on the retreat from Petersburg." M. WALKER WINGFIELD. M. Walker Winfield was the son of Colonel F. F. Wingfield, and was one of five brothers to enter the Confederate army at the beginning of the war. He enlisted in Company A, Nine- teenth Virginia Infantry, and participated in the battles of First Manassas, Williamsburg and Seven Pines. Having been wounded at Seven Pines, he was detailed for special service at Charlottesville until the close of the war. He resides with his son in Charlottesville, Virginia. W. H. WOLFE. W. H. Wolfe enlisted in the Confederate army in May, 1861. in Company I, Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division. He was engaged in the following battles: Williamsburg, May 5th, 1862; Seven Pines, May 31st, 1862; battle of Plymouth, N. C., April 20th, 1863; Drury's Bluff, in May, 1864; Cold Harbor, June 3rd, 1864; Hatcher's Run, March, 1865; Five Fork's, April 1st, 'l865. He was wounded at Seven Pines and disabled for several months. At Five Forks he was taken prisoner and carried to Point Lookout, where he remained a prisoner of war until SKETCHES OF THE LIVING 181 June 22nd, when he returned to Charlottesville, June 26th, 1865. His brother, Luther T. Wolfe, enlisted in April, 1861, in Company B, Nineteenth Virginia Infantry, Pickett's Division. He was in nearly every battle in which his division participated and was badly wounded in the Second Battle of Manassas, and again at Gettysburg. He was promoted from the ranks to the position of Sergeant-Major for his bravery, which position he held until mortally wounded in the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3rd, 1864, from which wound he died the following day. Dedication of Monuments THE MONUMENT IN UNIVERSITY CEMETERY. Extracts From Address at the Dedication of the Monument to the Confederate Dead, University of Virginia, June 7th, 1893. BY MAJOR ROBERT STILES. On the outskirts of the historic city of Virginia, between it and the great battle fields, out of the midst of sixteen thousand graves, rises a simple granite shaft with this inscription : "The epitaph of the soldier who falls with his country is written in the hearts of those who love the right and honor the brave." Today, in this silent camp, we unveil another sentinel stone, bearing this legend: "Fate denied them Victory, but clothed them with glorious Immortality." There is a naked simplicity and sincerity of right in the man who defends his hearth-stone, which does not belong to him who invades it. Let' it never be forgotten that this God-im- planted, spontaneous, irrepressible right was on our side in the late war, and that it tore away from their quiet studies here and hurried to the front, largely over one-half of the 604 stu- dents at this institution in the spring of 1861, while there joined the first army of invasion but 73 out of the 896 students on the roll of great Harvard the same year. It gave to the Confederate service, from 1861 to 1865, more than 2,000 men of our University, of whom it buried in soldiers' graves more than 400, while but 1,040 Harvard men served in the armies and navies of the United States during the four years of the war, and only 155 of these lost their lives in the service. MONUMENT TO THE FOURTEEN HUNDRED CONFEDERATE DEAD IN THE CEMETERY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 183 Lee. The most eloquent tongues and pens of two continents have labored to present, with fitting eulogy, the character and ca- reer of the great Cavalier, who is today recognized, the world over, as the representative of the soldiery of the South. Not only is it true of him that he uniformly acted from the high- est motive presented to his soul, but so impressive and all- compelling was the majesty of his virtue, that it is doubtful whether any one ever questioned this. It is perhaps not too much to say, that the common consensus of Christendom- friend and foe and neutral ranks him as one of the greatest captains of the ages, and attributes to him more of the noblest virtues and powers, with less of the ordinary weakness and littleness of humanity, than to any other representative man in history. Indeed, if commissioned to select a man to represent the race, in a congress of universal being, whither would yon turn to find a loftier representative than Robert Edward Lee? Jackson. What, now, of our marvellous Roundhead? This certainly, that the world believes in his intense religion and ( his supreme genius for war, and receives every fresh rev- elation of him with something of the profound and eager in- terest that attaches to the abnormal and the miraculous. In explaining the apparent presumption of this humble contribu- tion, I can not avoid the egotism of a personal explanation. Probably no two general officers in the Confederate service knew more of the inner being of Stonewall Jackson and his characteristics as a soldier, than General D. H. Hill and Gen- eral Ewell the former his brother-in-law, the latter his trusted lieutenant. It was my privilege to be honored with the per- sonal friendship of both these officers General Hill early in the war, General Ewell later. Both talked freely with me of Jackson and I eagerly absorbed from both all I could concern- ing him. General Hill, during the winter of 1861-2, frequently ex- 184 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS pressed to me his unbounded confidence in Jackson's un- bounded genius, and predicted that, if the war should last six years, and Jackson live so long, he would be in supreme com- mand. Dear, queer, chivalric, lovable "Dick Ewell" first worshipped Stonewall Jackson, and then Stonewall Jackson's God. With his own lips he told me, what is related with slight variation in Mrs. Jackson's life of her husband, that the first religious im- pression of which he was ever conscious took the form of a desire to get hold of the wondrous power which inspired his great commander after prayer. Elymas the sorcerer, Simon Magus, if you please but dear old Dick's simony led him up to "pure and undefiled religion." Ewell used to say the secret of Jackson's success as a soldier lay in his emphasis of the maxim, "Time is everything in war" more than numbers, preparation, armament more even than all these and all else. I am satisfied this is but part of the secret. My father was a minister of the gospel, but possessed strong military instincts and would have made a superb soldier. He was a sort of chaplain-general in the army of Northern Vir- ginia, and spent much of his time and did much of his work in the lightning corps of Jackson. Being an intense Christian and an intense Calvinist, he and Jackson became warm friends, and he was much at headquarters, even in the General's tent. I distinctly recall his saying, "If required to state wherein Jackson differed most from other men, and wherein lay the great secret of his power, I should say he came nearer putting God in God's place, than any other human soul I ever met." A Member of the Stonewall Brigade. During the winter of 1864-5, two or three of General Alex- ander's field officers, First Corps Artillery, A. N. V., were sent to Chaffin's Bluff, for the purpose of toning up the garrison there, which had been demoralized by the disaster at Fort Har- rison, the capture of their commanding officer and other unto- ward incidents. The morale of the men had decidedly im- proved before the final crash came, but that was enough to try DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 185 the mettle even of the best troops in the highest condition. The men of the fleet and of the James River defenses were ordered to leave the river about midnight of the 2nd of April, explod- ing magazines and iron clads, and joining the army of North- ern Virginia on its retreat. The troops at Chaffin's, having been long in garrison and rightly deeming this the beginning of the end, were greatly shaken by the orders, and the sublime , terrors of that fearful night certainly did nothing to steady them. The explosions began just as we got across the river. When the magazines at Chaffin's and Drury's Bluffs went off, the solid earth shuddered convulsively ; but, as the iron clads, one after the other, exploded, it seemed as if the very dome of heaven would be shattered down upon us. Earth and air and the black sky glared in the lurid light. Columns and towers and pinnacles of flame shot upward to an amazing height, from which, on all sides, the ignited shell flew on arches of fire and burst as if bombarding heaven. I distinctly remember feeling that, after this, I could never more be startled, no, not by the catastrophes of the last great day. I walked in rear of the battalion to prevent straggling, and as the successive flashes illumined the cimmerian darkness, the blanched faces and staring eyes turned backward upon me spoke volumes of nervous demoralization. I felt that a hare might shatter the column. We halted at daylight at a country cross-road in Chester- field, to allow other bodies of troops to pass, the bulk of my men lying down and falling asleep in a grove; but, seeing oth- ers about a well in the yard of a farm house over the way, I deemed it best to go there, to see .that nothing was unnecessa- rily disturbed. I sat in the porch, where were also sitting an old couple, evi- dently the joint head of the establishment, and a young woman dressed in black, apparently their daughter, and, as I soon learned, a soldier's widow. My coat was badly torn, and the young woman kindly offering to mend it, I thanked her and, taking it off, handed it to her. While we were chatting, and groups of men sat on the steps and lay about the yard, the door 186 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS of the house opened and another young woman appeared. She was almost beautiful, was plainly but neatly dressed, and had her hat on. She had evidently been weeping, and her face was deadly pale. Turning to the old lady as she came out, she said, cutting her words off short, "Mother! tell him if he passes by here, he is no husband of mine," and turned again to leave the porch. I rose, and placing myself directly in front of her, extended my arm to prevent her escape. She drew back with surprise and indignation. The men were alert on the instant, and battle was joined. "What do you mean sir?" she cried. "I mean, madam," I replied, "that you are sending your husband word to desert, and that I cannot permit you to do this in the presence of my men." "Indeed! and who asked your permission, sir? And pray, sir, is he your husband or mine?" "He is your husband, madam, but these are my soldiers. They and I belong to the same army with your husband and I cannot suffer you or anyone, unchallenged, to send such a demoralizing message in their hearing." "Army! do you call this mob of retreating cowards an army ? Soldiers ! if you are soldiers, why don't you stand and fight the savage wolves that are coming upon us defense- less women and children?" "We don't stand and fight, madam, because we are soldiers, and have to obey orders, but if the enemy should appear on that hill this moment, I think you would find that these men are soldiers, and willing to die in defense of women and children." "Quite a fine speech, sir, but rather cheap to utter, since you very well know the Yankees are not here, and won't be, till you've had time to get your precious carcasses out of the way. Besides, sir, this thing is over, and has been for some time. The government has now actually run off, bag and baggage, the Lord knows where, and there is no longer any government or any country for my husband to owe allegiance to. He does owe allegiance to me, and to his starving children, and if he DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 187 doesn't observe this allegiance now, when I need him, he needn't attempt it hereafter, when he wants me." The woman was quick as a flash and cold as steel. She was getting the better of me. She saw it, I felt it, and worst of all, the men saw and felt it too, and had gathered thick and pressed up close, all around the porch. There must have been a hun- dred or more of them, all eagerly listening and evidently lean- ing strongly to the woman's side. This would never do. I tried every avenue of approach to that woman's heart. It was either congealed by suffering, or else it was encased in adamant. She had parried every thrust, repelled every ad- vance, and was now standing defiant, with her arms folded across her breast, rather courting further attack. I was des- perate, and, with the nonchalance of pure desperation no stroke of genius I asked the soldier question: "What command does your husband belong to?" She started a little, and there was a slight trace of color in her face, as she replied, with a slight tone of pride in her voice : "He belongs to the Stonewall Brigade, sir."* I felt rather than thought it, but had I really found her heart? We would see. "When did he join it?" A little deeper flush, a little stronger emphasis of pride. "He joined it in the spring of '61, sir." Yes, I was sure of it now. Her eyes had gazed straight into mine ; her head inclined and her eyelids drooped a little now, and there was something in her face that was not pain and was not fight. So I let myself out a little, and turning to the men, said: "Men, if her husband joined the Stonewall Brigade in '61, *The Stonewall Brigade was, of course, not so named until after the first battle of Manassas, and it did not exist as an organization after May, 1864; but men who had at any time belonged to one of the regiments that composed it, ever after claimed membership in the brigade. Among soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia, and yet more among their families and friends, once of "The Stonewall Brigade," always of that immortal corps. 188 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS and has been in the army ever since, I reckon he is a good sol- dier." I turned to look at her. It was all over. Her wifehood had conquered. She had not been addressed this time. Yet she answered instantly, with head raised high, face flushing, eyes flashing. "General Lee hasn't a better in his army." As she uttered these words, she put her hand in her bosom and drawing out a folded paper extended it toward me, say- ing: "If you doubt it, look at that." Before her hand reached mine she drew it back, seeming to have changed her mind, but I caught her wrist, and, without much resistence on her part, possessed myself of the paper. It had been much thumbed and was much worn. It was hardly legible, but I made it out. Again I turned to the men. "Take your hats off, boys. I want you to hear this with un- covered heads." And then I read an endorsement on applica- tion for furlough, in which General Lee himself" had signed a recommendation of this woman's husband for a furlough of special length, on account of special gallantry in battle. During the reading of this paper the woman was transfig- ured, glorified. No madonna of old master was ever more sweetly radiant with all that appeals to what is best and holiest in man. Her bosom rose and fell with deep, quiet sighs ; her eyes rained gentle, happy tears. The men felt it all all. They were all gazing upon her, but the dross was clean purified out of them. There was not, upon any one of their faces, an expression that would have brought a blush to the cheek of the purest womanhood on earth. I turned once more to the soldier's wife: "This little paper is your most precious jewel, isn't it?" "It is." "And the love of him whose manly courage and devotion won this tribute is the best blessing God ever gave you, isn't it?" "It is." "And yet, for the brief ecstasy of one kiss, you would dis- DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 189 grace this hero husband of yours, stain all his noble reputation, and turn this priceless little paper to bitterness ; for, the rear- guard would hunt him from his own cottage, in half an hour, as a deserter and a coward." Not a sound could be heard save her hurried breathing. The rest of us held even our breath. Suddenly, with a gasp of recovered consciousness, she snatched the paper from my hand, put it back hurriedly in her bosom, and, turning once more to her mother, said : "Mother, tell him not to come." I stepped aside at once. She left the porch, glided down the path to the gate, crossed the road, surmounted the fence with easy grace, climbed the hill, and, as she disappeared in the weedy pathway I caught up my hat and said : "Now men, give her three cheers." Such cheers ! O God ! shall I ever again hear a cheer which bears a man's whole soul in it! I could have hurled that battalion against an embattled world. The Monument Unveiled. Comrades : We are about to unveil a monument to "The Confederate Dead" but, one interesting feature of this occasion is its ten- der association with a Confederate, thank God, yet living. When little Sallie Baker shall draw aside yonder veil, and reveal the noble figure behind* it, her act will also serve to re- call the pathetic figure of the hero father to whose superb gal- lantry she owes her distinguished part in the ceremonies of this hour comrade James B. Baker, a soldier who never fal- tered till he fell, and who had borne his wounds as bravely as he had worn his sword. And now, we leave this holy acre, we close this holy hour. We turn again to what we call "life." We leave these gallant brothers whom we call "dead." Yes, leave them here in silence and with God. God will distill the gentlest dews of heaven upon these flow- 190 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS ers. He will direct the mildest stars of heaven upon these graves. God and his angels will guard their repose until the roses bloom again, then we will return and renew our flowers and our -faith. THE MONUMENT IN COURT SQUARE. BY J. H. LINDSAY. The Confederate monument which stands in the Court House Square, in the City of Charlottesville, was unveiled May 5th, 1909, the anniversary of the organization of the Monticello Guard (Company A, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment). One of the largest crowds ever seen in Charlottesville wit- nessed the ceremony, which was preceded by a procession which included the local Masonic orders, the Albemarle band, Monti- cello Guard, Confederate Veterans, Sons of Veterans, Univer- sity band and students, Fire Company with drum corps, and 1200 children of the public schools carrying Confederate flags. Captain H. Clay Michie acted as general marshal. The exer- cises at the monument were in charge of Widows' Sons' Lodge No. 60 A. F. and A. M. Miss Sallie Stuart Woods, daughter of Captain Micajah Woods, drew the veil from the shaft, and as she did so the Monticello Guard fired a salute, which was followed by a salute of thirteen guns fired from the two twelve pound Napoleon guns recently presented by the U. S. Gov- ernment, and placed on either side of the monument. Captain McCarthy's Speech. The first speaker of the day was Captain Carlton McCarthy of Richmond. Captain McCarthy -began his address with a graceful tribute to truth, upon which we must rely since his- toric details fade away. He claimed for the Confederate dead far more than courage, devotion and sacrifice, insisting that their cause was a righteous cause, their service intelligent and honorable, and their principles fixed in eternal truth. He painted Robert E. Lee as the typical Confederate soldier, who gave all MONUMENT TO CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE AND COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dedicated May 5th, /pop DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 191 and refused everything, and who, if living, would not consent to be lauded at the expense of the cause he served. "Who, of all his critics," said the speaker, "has been his equal or worthy to be his judge? He was a man akin to truth in that he needed not much from any source." Captain McCarthy resented the thought that the monuments in the South stand to honor trea- son, for not one of all the host of that section has been con- victed. The great monument for all the South will be reared, sculptured, adorned and unveiled when the world sees the truth. "Even the ministers of good things are like torches a light to others ; waste and destruction to themselves." What glorious torches flamed and burned when those we meet to honor lighted up for a while the whole world ! Touching upon emancipation as one of the great results com- monly claimed for the war, Captain McCarthy contended that slavery was not abolished, but changed in form and degree, and in its victims. It is more widely distributed than the slav- ery of the blacks, since it is a change from the blacks to all, and from one section to the whole land. The real freedom is to come out of the past through the reestablishment of the public virtues which unhallowed and wicked power had destroyed. The overthrown ideals of civic virtue and patriotic sacrifice must be restored and the noble history of this State reenacted in the lives of their growing sons. We are the minority, but the majority is not necessarihy in possession of the sum of all virtue, truth or justice. By its power the imperishable principles may be set aside. The majority needs restraining; it needs law. In this land the constitution is the law and the restraint. When the majority rebels against that, it is a tyrant. The spiritual things which our poor monuments strive to ex- press, the inspiring motive of the "immortal deeds," surviving the wreck of worlds, will be the firm realities of eternity. The ideal but absent good of this life will be the very atmosphere of the new heavens and the new earth. The hope of heroes is es- tablished in the very topography, and lights the landscapes of eternity. Sentiments which here and now are a mere breath may be granite boulders in the land of the mysterious ideal. The poet's dream will be there, and the vision of the seer. The 192 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS myraid prayers of countless hosts of all ages will perfume the air. Shall we not see then our heroic dead trooping up from the valley of death to inhabit forever the immortal plains! The vague longings of our souls, the grief, the fear, the bit- ter agony of parting, may all appear worked into the architec- ture of the many mansions with exquisite beauty, and even the blackness of despair may add new bursts of gorgeous color to the panorama of an endless life. Major Daniel's Address. Captain McCarthy was followed by Senator John W. Dan- iel who discussed with his old time vigor and felicity many of the campaigns of the Civil War, and revived the romance of that struggle with Lee, Jackson, Forrest and many others as the heroes of his moving tale. It was inevitable that he should use the witchery of his eloquence in praise of the Confederate soldier and of the Confederate women, who, more than the sol- dier, in his view, deserved to be remembered with eternal grati- tude for their sacrifices. He retold vividly the story of the final interview between Lee and Grant at Appomattox, and attributed great dignity and gen- erosity to the conquering chieftain in that memorable confer- ence. A number of old soldiers and others, who loved with equal devotion the memories of the war, grouped about the speaker, applauded him liberally, and were proud, as Senator Daniel him- self declared, that he was one of the boys in the great strug- gle of '61-65. Congressman McCall. Congressman S. J. McCall, of Massachusetts, followed Sena- tor Daniel in a brief but eloquent speech. Reunion and Banquet. At six o'clock in the evening the survivors of the Albemarle Light Horse, Company K, Second Virginia Cavalry, held a re- union and banquet at the Colonial Hotel. DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 193 Captain Micajah Woods, chairman of the organization, pre- sided as toastmaster. General Munford delivered a very beau- tiful and touching address to the members of his own company. He announced that he had reached his seventy-eighth year, but he looked quite as gay as when he led his troops in action with a prowess not surpassed by Henry of Navarre. Congressman McCall, of Massachusetts, in response to a sen- timent, delivered a very delightful address, capturing the old veterans and his audience by his wit and eloquence. The remarks of the Boston Congressman were liberally applauded, and the concensus of opinion among those who heard this gentleman's speech during the unveiling ceremonies and those who heard his remarks at night, is that he is a broad- minded and liberal statesman, and our people highly appreciate his coming among us and participating with us in the exercises attending the unveiling of the Confederate monument. Senator Daniel responded in very eloquent terms and re- ceived a loving ovation from his old comrades. MONUMENT TO COL. JOHN BOWIE STRANGE, C. S. A., APPROPRIATELY AND ELOQUENTLY DEDICATED. In the old historic Court House, Albemarle's Hall of Fame, with its galaxy of distinguished jurists, advocates and soldiers, were assembled, in December, 1916, the followers of the daunt- less leader of the famous Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. Thither came also the ever-present Daughters of the Confederacy, the Sons of Veterans, and a host of admiring friends, drawn to- gether with a common and united purpose to hear the eloquent tribute of Judge Duke to the memory of an honored and beloved soldier. In the unavoidable absence of Commander, Major C. M. Bolton, Captain H. Clay Michie, Past Commander of the Camp, presided, expressing great pleasure at being permitted to participate on such an occasion, and regretting that the unfa- vorable weather had prevented the exercises being held at the monument. 194 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS Dr. Battle's Prayer. The Chaplain, Dr. George L. Petrie, being absent, the Rev- erend Dr. Henry W. Battle invoked the Divine blessing, in the following words : "Thou great and gracious God, we thank Thee that in every age Thou has raised up men capable of un- selfish heroism. We rejoice that in every generous bosom Thou has planted a chord that thrills sympathetically to the story of the sacrifice of life itself for country and the right. We have assembled to pay tribute to the memory of one who, in martyr spirit, wore the white flower of a stainless life into the sepul- chred chambers of death. "Comrades and friends have honored themselves in erecting this monument, thereby giving evidence of soul kinship with the hero whose noble virtues and deeds of courage fill our thoughts and swell our bosoms today. And so, God of our fathers, may it ever be! May no day that finds on Virginia's historic soil a people unappreciative of sublime courage, or un- grateful for supreme sacrifice, ever dawn. Oh keep us and those who shall come after us, we beseech Thee, true to a glori- ous past; then, shall we, guided and upheld by Thy spirit, se- renely meet, with unfaltering trust, whatever tests the un- known future may bring to our land. Our Country's God, in the midst of world-wide turmoil, conflict and distress, we hum- bly invoke upon our entire people Thy blessing, and the inspira- tion of that .Spirit that kindles and nurtures the rlame of self- sacrificing heroism in the human breast. Bowing before Thy great throne today, we beseech Thy favor through Jesus Christ, the Savior. Amen. After the invocation the local quintet of the Sons of Veterans rendered appropriate selections of music. DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 195 Judge Duke's Address. Captain H. Clay Michie, the presiding officer, introduced Judge R. T. W. Duke in a few appropriate remarks. Judge Duke spoke as follows : Comrades of the John Bowie Strange Camp, Daughters of the Confederacy, Ladies and Gentlemen : I feel a great pity for the man who could have stood today where we were expected to stand, around the simple granite monument erected to Colonel Strange, without feeling his pulse beat high and every noble emotion aroused in his bosom. The place is a simple place, a very modest graveyard. The great oaks shadow part of it and the younger maples bud in the spring time and blush later with the touch of the autumn sun. And yet it is holy ground. Xo man can stand by the granite monument that today you have come to dedicate without think- ing of the sacred dust that sleeps within that little God's acre and realizing that it is among the most sacred spots on earth. Westminister Abbey with all its magnificence, with all of the great names that meet you at every step you take within that historic fane, becomes a mere nothing to me when I stand yon- der where sleep the ashes dearer to me than any ashes can be on this earth. And almost within touch of that noble man who was my exemplar and the author of my being, my father and my friend who taught me what the fatherhood of God meant and later on the brotherhood of man almost within a step are men who fought under him and some of whom fought, bled and died along with the noble gentleman in whose memory we are meeting today. Just a step away lies Colonel J. Thompson Brown, dead at the moment of victory; a step nearer lies the youngest brigadier general of the time and two other soldiers, his kinsmen, who were sacrificed on the altar of their country. And just on the other hand, but a step away, the gallant young adjutant of my father's company, William Alexander, who en- tered that company as adjutant and followed him, and later fol- lowed his regiment, until at Hatcher's Run he gave up his life for his native Commonwealth. Hardly had the couch from which his dead body had been removed grown cold ere a cousin 196 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS was laid in it, shot in the arm that dear old veteran, Andrew Craven, who still lives in a vigorous old age, and who if not here in person is here in spirit with us today. But another step away from Colonel Strange's monument is an assemblange of humble modest slabs dedicated to the memories of men who died in the hospital here, and the cemetery at the University not having been established, their bodies were buried by Lodge No. 60 of the Masonic order of which they were members. But a step away I noticed only this morning the tomb of a young man from Alabama, but nineteen years of age, and his epitaph, "He gave his life for his country." And a step further down, where I never look at the little bit of modest marble that I do not feel a strange thought of pity for the body of the young Corsican which lies there : a member of my father's company who was but eighteen years of age when he gave his life for his adopted country and a worthier and a better man than the great Corsican who sleeps now in the shadow of the Invalides. It is holy ground; it is ground on which men should tread lightly and with uncovered heads ; it is ground of which this commu- nity should be proud and whose care to the utmost end of time should 'be their sacred duty, even when those of this and the new generation have passed away. And the man for whose memory this monument has come into being was hi every sense as great a man as many who sleep in Westminister Abbey, in St. Paul's and Les Invalides, or in any of the great structures of the world. John Bowie Strange was a soldier from his childhood; he taught men to be soldiers ; he led men who were soldiers, and he died a soldier's death. In a few brief moments I shall give you a short summary of his life. He was born in old Fluvanna County, once a part of Albemarle. . He entered the Virginia Military Institute in 1842 and was one of the first graduates in the first class of that institution. I take it he was a State stu- dent toothing for a man to be ashamed of in those days. There, in accordance with an old rule in that institution, he obligated himself to give two years of his life to the education of the young in exchange for the bounty of the State. In accordance with that obligation, John Bowie Strange went to the city of DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 197 Norfolk and there taught for a couple of years, and at the end of that time organized a military school in the city of Norfolk. He taught with success, and finally came back to his old home and to the city of Charlottesville in 1856. He taught for a while in that old block of buildings we older men speak of as the "post office," and which is sometimes spoken of today as the McKee block,* though with the old men that would not be understood unless you spoke of it as the old "post office." It stands there as the corner building of the block at the inter- section of Jefferson Street and the alley between the Court House and the block. Colonel Strange commenced his teaching in Charlottesville in that building and then moved his school to the end of Ridge Street, erecting those three buildings that some of you can remember, on the southern end of the street, the last of which was pulled down only a few years ago. The house of Dr. Sparks is now upon the site of one of these buildings. He established there and built up one of the finest military schools in the State; a school well noted all over the country for its teachers and teaching. I should have said that when he first came to Charlottesville he did not commence his teaching in the building first alluded to as the old post office building, but went first to Bloomfield not having written what I am saying, I may be somewhat discursive and he taught there for two years be- fore he came here. Colonel Strange had as teacher with him the afterwards celebrated Professor Toy, the great Hebraist of Harvard, and L. M. Blackford, afterwards the great principal of the Episcopal High School. Bloomfield was some few miles beyond the University of Virginia, and he taught in a school kept by Mr. Tebbs and then Mr. English. After he finished teaching there he came to Charlottesville. Of his pupils I know of five today that are living. One I see here is Comrade Fife, who has furnished me with some of the facts, and there are Frank Lobban, Nat Terrell, S. B. Yates and John Dobbins. It is from some of these men that I have had the pleasure of hearing personal testimony as to Colonel Strange's ability, not *Editor's Note: The square just west of the Court House; now converted into Jackson Park. 198 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS only as a disciplinarian but as a teacher a man who had the ability to impart the knowledge he possesssed. Pie put into his pupils the desire to increase their knowledge and at the same time taught them strict discipline and the power of controlling themselves. That school had one hundred pupils at the begin- ning of the Civil War, and like its great neighbor, the Univer- sity of Virginia, it closed with one consent, and I suppose that every pupil entered the Confederate service when he 'became old enough to do so. Colonel Strange at once volunteered his services and was elected Colonel of the Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, that splendid 'body of men upon whose banners nearly every great battle named in Virginia could have been inscribed ; which marched from victory to victory, and only surrendered when their great chieftain told them the hour of surrender had come. Fellow citizens, we do not realize the legacy that this hon- orable regiment has left us, for the greatest legacy that man can leave to man is the legacy of an honorable name, and this, the immortal Nineteenth has left to this country. Colonel Strange carried into his regiment the same ability for discipline and en- couragement that he carried into his school. His regiment was noted for discipline, and it was noted for the ability of its men to do what they were told without questioning. Had Colonel Strange lived, no doubt his ability would have been recognized further and he might have been able to command the brigade in which the splendid regiment fought its way into immortal- ity ; but it was to be otherwise. At the 'battle of Boonesboro it was his fate to lead his reg- iment into the thick of the battle. The account of his death was brought to the attention of his kinspeople and friends in a strange way long after his death. A package of bloodstained papers was sent to one of his friends or relatives by a Federal officer, who stated that he took them from the body of a Con- federate colonel who was killed at Boonesboro. The same courage that actuated him all through his life carried him through that day. He had been wounded and was lying upon the ground and the surging ranks of the enemy were approach- ing, but the idea of surrender never entered his mind. It was DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 199 so antagonistic to his nature, and he was so anxious to do what he could to check the onslaught, that he drew his re- volver, and raising himself, began to fire into the lines of the enemy as they approached him, regardless of consequences. This enemy bayoneted him where he lay and this package of papers bore his life blood. His regiment sent his body home and buried it in the old cemetery, and now today, fifty-four years and nearly three months after his death, a stone has been erected to hand down to posterity the name of this gallant gen- tleman and soldier who died in defense of his native common- wealth. Chateaubriand has said, that "Monuments are for little men; for the great, a stone and a name," and a truer thought was never uttered. How soon a name fades away! Go into any cemetery and walk along and unless something strange or ec- centric attracts you, you pay no attention to names. You look at epitaphs no matter where you go with a smile of apprecia- tion of the sentiment. You may walk through the great halls of Westminister Abbey where great kings and lords and ladies lie buried, and their names mean nothing to you. The names are quickly forgotten, but that which is carved upon the slabs often makes the blood leap and the senses quicken. No man can stop in (Westminister Abbey and see a little marble slab upon the wall, where are inscribed John Wesley's last words, "The best of all, God is with us," (though his ashes do not sleep there) without feeling the strongest emotion; nor around the corner where the few lines of Tennyson are inscribed to the memory of that heroic sailor soul, and not stand in mute reverence and profound admiration. In future years, in walking through this cemetery and others like it, the names of Strange, of Duke, or Brown or Zibana may mean nothing, but when underneath are read these words "A Confederate Soldier," no matter how many years have elapsed, nothing will make them pause quicker than that sentence and bow their heads before the honorable ashes of the honorable men who fought for the most honorable cause that the world has ever known. Xames mean but little. You may take the great roll of the great Book of Books with its roll of heroes and 200 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS how many of them do you recall? You may take the names with which St. Paul concludes his epistles, sending greetings to this man and that man, and all of a sudden you come across one name with a few words that tell you everything about that man you want to know : "Appelles, approved in Christ." All the biographies of the world couldn't give you any more informa- tion that you might want to know about that man, because you know his life was good and pure and noble and his end was peace. So today the man who walks through these cemeteries and finds those three words : "A Confederate Soldier," engraved upon a man's monument, knows all about the man he wants to know. He knows that he was a soldier ; that he was a hero ; that he was true to his commonwealth, and being true to his commonwealth, was true to his God. When Basil Gildersleeve, the great professor of Greek of the University and of Johns Hopkins, and the greatest philologist of the world, was asked to select an epitaph for a slab that was to be erected to the dead alumni of the Episcopal High School at Alexandria, he selected the following from Ovid's Heroides : Qui bene pro patria cum patriaque jacent "Who nobly for their country with their country fell." When you first consider it you think there is a note of pessimism about it, but when you begin to reason; when you think of the real meaning of the sentence, you come to an- other conclusion, for if they nobly fell and their country fell nobly with them, we, like the men of the Scriptures, may ex- pect another and a better country to rise above the ruins of the old. We have a right to expect this, but no country can ever be better than that country for which these men fought, and for which these men died. For it was a country in which honor represented everything and money but little ; it was a country of pure policies, and it was a country of pure women and of brave, inspired, honest men; it was a country where the right princi- ples of government ruled ; where the whole of the beginning of the government was based upon the home. Sometimes I begin to wonder when I think of that country whether I have any country now. That seems like a startling statement to make, and I make it so as to make it startling. I wonder sometimes, DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 201 although I was but a boy when the war closed, whether I have a country; for my country was Virginia, first, last and all the time, and my country today is Virginia. Men may talk about the glorious union of the states, and with reason. Virginia helped to make it. Men may talk about the greatness of the Federal Union. It is great. My people helped to make it great. But with all of its greatness, from Maine to Texas, from Cali- fornia to the Atlantic, but for the State of Virginia the Union would never have existed, and without her, liberty upon this continent would never have existed. That seems like a broad and startling statement for me to make, and I am not going to take up the time to prove it, but merely appeal to history. The crises in this country have always been met and overcome by Virginia and Virginians. The first blow for freedom upon this continent was struck by Nathaniel Bacon in 1676, just one hun- dred years before an Albemarle man wrote the Charter of Free- dom; and it was another Virginian, George Washington, who made it possible, not only on the battlefield, but in another strug- gle, to unite all the parts of this great country together in a more perfect union. And at all times, it makes no difference when, Virginians have been at the fore; in '14, in '48, and in '61 ; and I am glad to say that today, in this period of interna- tional strife and struggle, a Virginian stands at the helm, please God, and will tell us what to do and preserve this country in peace with honor. I say that I do not know that I have a country until I begin to realize that I am a member, a citizen, of this great Common- wealth, and being a citizen of it, I am a citizen of this Union. I desire a better country ; I desire to make this country better this country whose foundation stones were cemented with the blood of your compatriots ; ye men who fought for all that makes any country great. For the need of a better country grows apparent every day. Often, when in the Northern states, I have been taunted with the statement that this war in which you fought was a battle of slaveholders against freedom. I sometimes wonder how many men in the immortal Nineteenth owned slaves. I doubt if one- half of them did. The Nineteenth Virginia Regiment did not 202 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS care any more about slaves than it cares today for the dead fly in the ointment of the apothecary that lies in the buried cham- ber of the pyramids. These men fought for and some died for the principle of government by the states. That was what they were fighting for, and that was the victory you struggled for. And that country which you fought for and some died for, my country, won the greatest country in the world, the country of freedom, loyalty, virtue and purity, and your struggle was not in vain to perpetuate it. The memory of your deeds and those of the gallant soldier whose bravery and honor we commemo- rate today will forever leave its mark upon this nation, and all progress which it makes for betterment will bear the traces of your self-sacrifice. The night of the 16th of April, 1861, when you gathered on this court green here, will ever live. I can almost see it now. I can remember Colonel Strange on that occasion, the only time I recall seeing him, and he was erect, with a remarkably keen eye, a mustache and a goatee, bearing every mark of a soldier. I can remember him that night, though, as I say, I cannot re- member seeing him on any other occasion. I knew that sweet, beautiful daughter of his, at the feet of whose loveliness and beauty I laid a boyish devotion. She is gone now, and but one of her father's children lives, I 'believe, in a far state. If some one had told me that night that fifty odd years later I should stand in this courthouse and speak to the survivors of you who gathered there, as soldiers of a lost cause, I, a boy, even as I was, would have laughed at the man who told me ; and today I should say that you are not the survivors of a lost cause, but a cause which has gained more for the good of your common country than any other cause in the history of the world. "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfills himself in many ways." God's work is never wrong in this world. Nothing that He ordains is ever lost. There is no movement in this world, from the falling of a sparrow to the wreck of an empire, that is not in some way God fulfilling himself. We may not be able to understand it ; we cannot see it now ; we are like the weavers LEE MONUMENT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL PARK Dedicated June 8th, 79/7 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 203 of the Gobelin tapestry, who work ever at the reverse of that tapestry and do not know until their work is finished whether it is to be sublimely beautiful or a complete failure. We know that the time shall come when we shall see and understand the meaning of the great pageant in which all of us have been hum- ble workers, and you will recognize then that all the bitter struggle through which you passed, and all the bitter memories which come from a sense of failure, have been but a part in the great design of the great God to fulfill himself. You shall see then that your work has been a part of His work, and with Him you shall pronounce it, as He did at the end of His creation, "good." THE WASHINGTON REUNION AND DEDICATION OF THE LEE MONUMENT AT GETTYSBURG (June 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1917). BY C. B. LINNEY. It seldom falls to the lot of man to have more of communion and good fellowship not to say the making of history than that which made up the eventful days of June 5th, 6th and 7th, 1917, devoted to our veterans at the Washington Reunion. The visit to the 'historic home of the Father of the Republic, which nature with a lavish hand has embellished with so much charm of situation and surroundings, to say nothing of its precious and sacred memories, was enough to satisfy the most fastidious seeker after pleasure ; but to have been a participant in and thrilled by the martial music, shouts of veterans and sons of veterans, and captivated by the charm and beauty of sponsors, and maids of honor, looking as handsome as only Southern women can look, was indeed soul inspiring. The quiet, staid denizen of Washington had heard the solemn tread of the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, flushed with victory, and imagining themselves equal to the conquest of the world ; they had heard the glad shouts of the populace as they marched up the avenue to acclaim a Wilson, king; but the sedate and dignified senators, and the venerable 204 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, as they marched by the side of Lee's sleeveless immortals, and heard them give the "Rebel Yell," chant "Dixie" and sing "The Girl I Left Behind Me," caught more inspiration and real patriotism in an hour, than all the combined oratory of the Senate could ever evoke. The dedicatory exercises of the Lee Monument at Gettys- burg on the 8th, were in accord with old Virginia simplicity and modesty. The beautiful and appropriate invocation of Dr. James Power Smith, aide and chaplain to General Jackson, Governor Stuart's handsome introduction of Leigh Robinson, and his masterly address, not to speak of the incomparable luncheon from Richmond, combined to make an occasion long to be remembered. The Federal Government has lavished its millions on this historic bivouac of the dead. The Northern states have vied with each other in profligate expenditure of money to perpetu- ate in marble the deeds of their fallen braves. But Virginia, in the erection of this magnificent monument to her distinguished son, has placed the capstone upon all their endeavors. Sur- passingly grand in its conception and execution, surrounded by a group representing all branches of the service, and looking forward through a vista of surpassing beauty and splendor, it fills the beholder with admiration and delight. As I gazed upon that face of inexpressible greatness, depicted by the sculptor, I thought of how the torrid heat of summer, the withering frost and relentless snows of winter, would beat upon that uncovered head ; but thought also that the same divine hand that tempers the storm to the shorn lamb would cover that defenseless head with the shadow of His wing. And as we left the sacred place, I fancied some beautiful au- tumnal eve, with its sylvan quietness, the fast receding sun with its resplendent rays gilding the foliage with kaleidoscopic love- liness, transforming the scene into one of indescribable beauty and covering all with a halo of surpassing splendor and gran- deur I fancied that on such a day, perchance, the mighty host of Confederate dead now lying in unmarked and unknown graves between what were once the opposing lines, after long years of ceaseless vigil by their great commander, might emerge PAUL GOODLOE MC!NTIRE Honorary member of the John Bowie Strange Camp, C. V ., founder of the chair of Art and Music at the University of Virginia, whose generous gifts to his native city of parks, public library, monuments of Lee, Jackson, Lewis and Clark, and of George Rogers Clark, have endeared him, not only to the heart of every Confederate veteran, but to our entire community, and won for him the title of PHILANTHROPIST DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 205 from their tenements of clay to wing their flight to the great white throne. And as I allowed my fancy (almost in spirit as it were), to dwell upon that resurrection scene, I beheld each immortal, ere taking his final flight, pause for a moment about this sacred shrine to chant his praise, with the happy refrain, "It was his genius, nobility of character, and lofty Christian life and faith that inspired it all." THE LEE AND JACKSON MONUMENTS IN THE CHARLOTTESVILLE PARKS. As stated in the preface, it is very much regretted that no account of the unveiling of these monuments can be given, neither monument being in place at the time this book goes to press. But when the veterans of John Bowie Strange Camp learned of Mr. Mclntire's superb gift of the Lee Monument, they at once called a meeting, which resulted in the resolutions and correspondence below. It will be noted that in neither the resolutions nor in the cor- respondence is any mention made of the Jackson Monument. This is because it was not known at the time that Mr. Mclntire contemplated presenting to the city a second park, the chief ornament of which is to be an equestrian statue of Lee's great right arm, the "Mighty Stonewall." The resolutions and correspondence follow : Charlottesville, Va. February 21, 1918. At a meeting of the Confederate veterans of the city and county held in the City Hall yesterday to express their gratitude to Mr. Paul G. Mclntire for his munificent gift to our city of an equestrian statue of General Lee, Major C. M. Bolton was elected chairman and Mr. C. B. Linney secretary. Major C. M. Bolton, Bartlett Boiling and C. B. Linney were con- stituted a committee on resolutions, and made the following report, which was unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Resolved: That it is with peculiar pleasure and appreciation that the Confederate veterans of Charlottesville and the county of Albe- marle have learned of Mr. Paul G. Mclntire's magnificent gift to 206 DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS this city of a beautiful park and an equestrian statute of our great commander, General Robert E. Lee. We recognize in this generous act, not only a splendid tribute to one of earth's greatest citizens and soldiers, but a living memorial to the donor's high-minded and honored parents; to the loyal serv- ices of 'his brothers in a holy and righteous cause; and to his own fealty and devotion to his native city. If "a country without mon- uments is a country without a history,'' then indeed this lavish consecration of wealth has been made to pay tribute to high and noble purpose. The old veteran, with bowed head, will come to this shrine to drop the tear of his affection; our soldier boys will come and find in the contemplation of lofty character and true nobility in this truly great man their patriotism and love of country christened with a fresh baptism of consecration to service; the youth of the city and of our schools and colleges will come; and the students of our great University, a-s they assemble from all parts of our land, will also come, and in their coming catch fresh inspiration and find their standard of excellence lifted to higher ideals and nobler purposes of living. In making our acknowledgments to Mr. Paul G. Mclntire, we but voice the sentiments of every true soldier who followed Lee. Resolved, Therefore, that these resolutions be spread upon our minutes, and that a copy be sent to Mr. Paul G. Mclntire, and an- other to the Charlottesville Progress with request to publish. Charlottesville, Va. Feb. 21, 1918. Mr. Paul G. Mclntire, 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. My dear Mr. Mclntire: I assure you it is with the greatest pleasure I hand you the with- in resolutions adopted by the Confederate veterans of Charlottes- ville and Albemarle County, expressive of their high appreciation of your munificent gift to this your native city of a beautiful park and monument to General Lee. It comes with peculiar significance to us, the followers of Lee, and while we very inadequately express our appreciation, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to the giver. No man can seek to perpetuate the virtues and memory of Lee without honoring himself, and I bespeak for you the esteem and gratitude of this nation, which will be a great reward. With much respect, I am, Very truly yours, C. B. LINNEY, Secretary. DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS 207 New York, Feb. 26th, 1918. Maj. C. M. Bolton, Bartlett Boiling, C. B. Linney, Charlottesville, Va. My dear Friends: (If you will so allow me to address you.) It was with the greatest pleasure and happiness that I received the resolutions adopted by the Confederates of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, the more so, as it was entirely unexpected. There is no name that stands higher for the noblest in man than that of our beloved Lee, and I hope that when the monument is unveiled we will all be there to honor him who showed the world how he could be greater in de- feat than in victory. We recall the stanza from Father Ryan's poem, "The Sword of Lee." "And they who saw it waving there, And knew who bore it knelt to swear, That where that sword led they would dare, To follow or to die." And we carry through life the memory of his greatness. Gentle- men, I envy you the honor you had in following such a leader. I have the honor to remain, Sincerely yours, PAUL G. Memorial Day Exercises Memorial Day Address BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM M. THORNTON. Robert Edward Lee's Country. "Virginia is my country. Her I ^vill obey, hoivever lament- able the fate to which it may subject me." (Light-Horse Harry Lee.) Off the Atlantic coast, at the southeastern corner of the State of Georgia, lies Cumberland Island. In January, 1862, a steamer passing through the channel which separates it from the mainland, drew up at a plantation wharf and disem- barked two officers, uniformed in Confederate grey. For some distance they followed a road, shaded by live oaks and mag- nolias, and leading into the extensive grounds surrounding a deserted mansion. The grounds were dotted with groups of olive, orange and lemon trees, and adorned with glowing masses of subtropical shrubbery. They entered the house and after admiring for a moment the richly carved frames of the windows, which lighted the spacious hall, and the stately stair- way, which wound its spiral course to the upper floors of the building, they descended a flight of steps into a garden, which even in its neglected state, gave proof of the taste and care of its exiled owners. Passing on they came presently to a dilap- idated wall enclosing a cemetery, and entering, stood in rev- erential silence above a lonely grave. The officers were General Robert E. Lee and his military secretary, Colonel A. L. Long. The place was Dungeness, the home of Nathaniel Green, the friend of Washington and next to Washington, the most famous soldier of the Revolutionary War. The grave was the grave of Light-Horse Harry Lee, once the brilliant young leader of Lee's Legion, the man who was said by another great general to have "sprung a soldier MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 209 from his mother's womb." Robert E. Lee was a little lad of six years when his illustrious father, with health wrecked by cruel injuries received at the hands of a political mob in Bal- timore, left his Virginian home for the West Indies in vain hope of restoration. After years of loneliness and sadness and suffering he once more turned his face homeward; but on the voyage his illness returned with augmented power. He was landed by his own request on Cumberland Island, and there in the home of his old commander, and comforted by the care of Green's daughter, the brilliant soldier of the Revolution, the beloved friend of Washington, the eloquent eulogist of the Father of his Country, passed the anguished hours of his last days on earth. Only twice was Robert E. Lee able to visit a spot so sacred to him. Eight years later on the last journey of his life, in April, 1870, he stood once more at Dungeness over his famous father's grave. His daughter was with him and covered the tomb with beautiful fresh flowers. The island had been dev- astated by the Union troops during the Civil War and the home of Green's daughter had been burned by the soldiers of the government which owed its existence to the valor of her noble father. Only the bare walls remained. "No civilized nation," wrote Lee after first seeing Dungeness, "within my knowledge has ever carried on war as the United States Gov- ernment has against us." Today we may write the closing chapter in the story of this home of one of our Revolutionary heroes. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who has caused the erection of so many memorials for the perpetuation of his own name, bought Cumberland Island, and to make room for a modern mansion, tore down the massive walls of Dungeness, and used the materials to pave his roads. Such is the reverence shown by the modern millionaire for the ancient virtue of our patriot captains and for their dwelling places. Robert Edward Lee's beautiful fidelity to the memory of an illustrious father gives us the key-note to his character and genius. It seems almost a sarcasm on the boastful claims, which our present day pundits make for the forces of educa- tion, that the greatest soldier of the American Civil War 210 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES should have been reared by a gentle, pious woman, and fitted for West Point by a God-fearing Quaker. Light-Horse Harry Lee never saw this son after he was six years old, nor did the father at any time exert direct influence over the child. The mother held his training altogether in her own hands and the relation between them grew into a rare tenderness and in- timacy. When he left her to go to the military academy, his mother was heard to say, "How can I live without Robert? He is both son and daughter to me." Yet Robert showed no traces of doubt as to his own vocation. The son of a great soldier, he went straight to his predestined work. Never was there a more complete demonstration of the dominant force of heredity, and the comparative importance of early environ- ment. We have many pictures of Lee which illustrate his military genius and his inborn taste for the soldier's life. The scene of one of the earliest is laid at Cerro Gordo, where Santa Anna and his army guarded the approach to the Mexican capital. The position was admirably chosen and seemed at first im- pregnable ; the Mexican troops were powerfully posted and the surrounding hill-tops bristled with their artillery. Captain Lee of the U. S. Military Engineers was charged with the re- connoissance of the region. He succeeded in discovering a possible approach to an unoccupied height, to which Santa Anna said afterwards he "thought not even a goat could climb." The reconnoissance was as dangerous as it was diffi- cult. Once Lee ventured alone so far from his supporting column that he found himself in the very midst of a squad of his enemies. He hid himself under a fallen log and lay there for some time, while the Mexican soldiers actually sat down on the log to chat and rest. The result of Lee's work was the occupation of this commanding point by an American battery, the successful storming of the heights of Cerro Gordo, and the complete rout of the Mexican Army. This exploit is only one of many illustrations which might be drawn from the Mexican War showing Lee's native genius for the military art, his dauntless personal courage, his serene presence of mind in moments of peril, and the skill with which MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 211 he could utilize the knowledge won by his audacity. General Scott's reports are full of commendations of his daring and in- defatigable reconnoissances as well as of his coolness and courage under fire, and Scott classes Lee's exploration of the Pedregal at Contreras a jagged waste of lava swept by the Mexican guns as "the greatest feat of physical and moral courage performed by any individual during the campaign." Scott's exalted estimate of Lee, whom he had selected to suc- ceed him in command of the United States Army, is well known to every one. It is not uninteresting to add the estimate of another famous American, who served also in the Mexican War. This contemporary estimate by Raphael Semmes, the brilliant admiral of the Confederate States Navy, is less well known ; in fact I have never seen it quoted. "The services of Captain Lee were invaluable to his chief. En- dowed with a mind which has no superior in his corps, and pos- sessing great energy of character, he examined, counseled, and ad- vised with a judgment, tact, and discretion worthy of all praise. His talent for topography was peculiar; he seemed to receive im- pressions intuitively, which it cost other men much labor to ac- quire." I believe Generals McClellan, Pope, B.urnside, Hooker, Meade and Grant would all have endorsed the last item in this estimate. Between the genius and character of our own Lee and those of his illustrious father, numerous and interesting parallels might be traced. In the art of war we find in both the same reasoned audacity in conception and in execution. Both used a strategy based always on the psychology of their adversary. In both there was the same contempt of physical danger, the same ardour for the fray, the same terrific suddenness to strike. Both shewed the same tender care for the well-being of their soldiers and the same humanity toward the innocent victims of the cruelty of war. In both there was the same ex- ultant confidence of victory, the same magnificent resilience under disaster. But Harry Lee was more than a soldier ; he was an orator, a statesman, a patriot. The whole world is familiar with the golden phrase which sprang from his lips when he 212 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES was called upon by Congress to pronounce the official eulogium upon the great Washington, his chief, his neighbor, his familiar friend. "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his coun- trymen, he was second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life. Pious, just, humane, temperate, serene, uniform, dignified, and commanding; his example was as edifying to all around him as the effects of that example were lasting. * * * He survives in our hearts, in the growing knowledge of our chil- dren, in the affection of the good throughout the world." Hardly less eloquent and fuller of significance for the his- tory of Virginia was Harry Lee's tribute to his native state. Permit me to tell you of this utterance, so interesting to us be- cause in the crisis of his fortunes it controlled the destiny of Robert Edward Lee. Soon after Harry Lee's resignation from the Continental Army in 1782, he married his cousin, Matilda Lee, the heiress of Stratford, the ancient seat of the Lees in Virginia, which thus became in time the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. The four years now given by the young soldier to domestic life were years of chaos for the new American republic. They demonstrated the impotence of the Confederation Congress and proved that under the Articles of Confederation the United States government was drifting into anarchy. Once more this ancient commonwealth stepped into the breach and saved the country. The people of Virginia, moved by a sense of the public peril, sent to the legislature of 1786 their best men. This legislature, under James Madison's leadership, called a national convention, and this convention initiated the movement which, in 1787, created the Constitution of the United States. This was the movement which swept Harry Lee into political life and made him delegate to the legislature of 1786, representative in the Confederation Congress of 1786- 88, and member of the Virginia Convention of 1788, which rat- ified the Federal Constitution. Harry Lee was an ardent Federalist. Washington, the guide and protector of his militant youth, was the model of his ma- turer years, and Lee was earnest to bring to fulfilment Wash- MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 213 ington's ideal of "an indissoluble union of the States under one Federal head." Yet despite his Federalism no one can question Harry Lee's unshaken allegiance to his native state. In 1792, while he was Governor of Virginia, Madison offered him an important military command in the United States ser- vice. His reply was as follows : "One objection I should only have, and that js the abandoning of my native country, to whose goodness I am so much indebted. Xo consideration on earth could induce me to act a part, however gratifying to me, which could be construed into disregard or for- getfulness of this Commonwealth." Two years later he was commissioned by President Wash- ington to surpress the Whiskey Boys' Insurrection ; but though commissioned by the President he went as Governor of Vir- ginia and commander of her troops; he went upon invitation of the state of Pennsylvania; and he went by authority of the state of Virginia. In the famous debate upon the Virginia Resolutions of 1798 he again took perfectly clear ground on the side of the Commonwealth, and then in more concise and more eloquent phrase he renewed that confession of Political faith, already made in his letter to Madison, "Virginia is my country. Her I will obey, however lamentable the fate to which it may subject me." ' This came from the man whose blood flowed in the veins and beat in the heart of Robert Edward Lee. This was the key to our Lee's character, the map of his destiny, the creed of his life. When the Secession Convention assembled in Richmond in February, 1861, Lee was Lieutenant Colonel of the Second U. S. Cavalry, in command of the Department of Texas. He was promptly recalled to Washington, and on March 1st he re- ported at the War Department. General Scott had described him as "the very best soldier I ever saw in the field," and again, as "not only the greatest soldier of America, but the greatest soldier now living in the world." Impressed by Scott's exalted opinion of his powers, the Federal adminis- tration made every proper effort to retain Lee's services for the Union. He was at once promoted Colonel of First U. S. 214 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Cavalry, and on April 18th the command of the Union army about to be brought into the field was offered to him by au- thority of President Lincoln. This offer Lee at once declined ; though opposed to secession, he refused to take any part in the invasion of the Southern States. On the same day news reached Washington of the passage of the Ordinance of Seces- sion by the Virginia Convention. Virginia's action brought Lee to face the crisis of his life. He foresaw that he might at any hour be called upon to take up arms against his native state. This he had resolved never to do, and no allurement of high rank, no bribe of wealth or fortune, no fear of inevitable disaster, could shake his constant mind. On April 19th he called upon his beloved and admired chief, General Scott, to give the reason for his refusal to accept the command of the Union army. On the same night he wrote his letter, resigning his commission in the U. S. Army; and on April 20th, 1861, Lee ceased to be an officer of the Federal government. The explanation of Lee's splendid act of renunciation is easy for those who remember his noble inheritance of chivalric ideals and lofty traditions. For six generations the Lees had been Virginians and, whether in weal or woe, faithful to the cause of the Old Dominion. At the time of the Revolutionary War there were two Lee brothers who had returned to the old country and made for themselves homes in England; even they took the side of the revolting colonies and came back to Vir- ginia to share her fortunes. All the Lees felt with Harry Lee that Virginia was their country and that the noble part was to keep faith with their mother-state. Robert E. Lee was an of- ficer in the United States Army and devoted to his calling; but he was likewise a Virginian, faithful and a loving son to a noble mother. His citizenship was in her, and from her he could not be divided. As Virginia went, so Lee went. He hated slavery, he condemned secession ; he knew the strength of the North and the weakness of the South ; but the path of duty lay plain before him, and when Virginia called the roll of her sons, Lee answered, Present. We owe to Mrs. Lee the only direct testimony we possess as to that night upon the heights of Arlington when Lee at last MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 215 resolved to resign his commission in the army of the United States. What follows is recorded as coming from her lips : "After his last interview with General Scott he returned to Ar- lington deeply affected by the circumstances which surrounded him, and anxious to decide what was his present duty. The night his letter of resignation was written he asked to be left alone for a time, and while he paced the chamber above, and was heard fre- quently to fall on his knees in prayer for divine guidance, she watched and waited and prayed below. At last he came down calm, collected, almost cheerful and said, 'Well Mary, the ques- tion is settled. Here is my letter of resignation, and a letter I have written General Scott.' " What heart can gaze unmoved upon this scene of sacrifice and duty, of fidelity and devotion? Lee was too good a sol- dier, too wise a man, too true an American not to know what war between the states would mean. Upon the altar of his country, Virginia, he laid that night his martial fame, his worldly fortunes, and his patriot pride. But let us not forget that fragile Mary Custis shared too in the offering. She gave the home of her childhood and her love, with all that to a woman makes life precious and earth dear. She resigned wealth and comfort and wordly ease and all the sweet tran- quilities of the social order in which she was born. She left behind her the sacred ashes of her parents, the noble memo- rials of Washington's affection for his adopted son, and every sweet memento of her childhood and girlhood and womanhood and wifehood. Which was the greater hero Lee or his gen- tle wife? Let Him, who reads the hearts of men, give the an- swer. In recent years two New Englanders of distinction and cul- ture have given to the public painstaking studies of Lee's char- acter and career. It has been said that at least one of them be- gan these studies with a hostile mind and was won over from enmity to admiration by the beauty and nobility of the soul he studied. Let us hear in brief the verdict they render on Lee's decision at this crisis of his fate. "As to Robert E. Lee, I can only repeat what I have already said. If in all respects similarly circumstanced, I hope I should 216 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES have been filial enough and unselfish enough to have done as Lee did. Such an utterance on my part may be traitorous; but I here render that homage." This from a Union soldier, Charles Francis Adams, who for four years fought against the Army of Northern Virginia. The other, from Gamaliel Bradford, Jr., is no less explicit : "I do not hesitate to say that in the certainly most improbable, but perhaps not wholly impossible contingency of a future sectional separation in the country, however much I might disapprove of such separation and its causes, I should myself be first, last, and always, a son and a subject of New England and of Massachusetts." Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, standing in his place in the Senate of the United States, said that he did not propose to speak of Lee, but was content to "hand him over to the avenging pen of history." We may see in these two cases how in the Massachusetts of today the avenging pen of history is dealing with the great Confederate Captain. Speculations as to what would have happened if Lee had de- serted Virginia for the Union side are perfectly futile. For Lee the act would have been impossible ; but in another case we know what did happen. George Henry Thomas was also a Virginian from Southampton County. He was educated at West Point, was assigned to the Artillery, saw service in the Seminole and Mexican wars, and in 1860 was in Texas under Lee's command. Of the twelve officers in the same regiment who attained high rank in the Civil War, six were Southern- ers. All six intended to resign and offer their services to their native states. Five did so; but Thomas, after applying for an appointment to the Governor of Virginia, changed his mind. In the favourite phrase of the other side, he was "true to the Union," and in May, 1861, he was promoted Colonel and given Lee's old regiment. Thenceforward he served brilliantly and effectively on the Union side, but with meagre recognition. His name was put into the congratulatory order published after Mill Springs, the very first Union victory (19th January, 1862), but was stricken out. "He is a Virginian," said Lin- coln, "let him wait." He was slated to succeed Buell after Perryville, but at the last moment the order was changed and MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 217 still he waited. Murfreesboro came, Chickamauga came, Mis- sionary Ridge came, and still Thomas waited. Even while he held the Confederates at bay before Nashville in December, 1864, he was threatened with removal. Then like a thunder- bolt came his crushing defeat of Hood, the most brilliant vic- tory won by any Union general during the entire war. Con- gress, for very shame, acted at last, and, when the war was practically over, made Thomas a major-general. Two years later he was offered the brevet of lieutenant-general and re- fused it. He had taken his thirty pieces of silver; he could do no more ! The story is told in Eastern Virginia, that after the war, Thomas came back to Southampton County, where his two maiden sisters still lived in their old home. The Union officer went to a little country inn near by, and sent thence a note to the Thomas ladies, saying that their kinsman, Major-General .G. H. Thomas, U. S. A., would be glad to call upon them. The two ladies returned a reply, written with perfect simplic- ity and courtesy, that they had suffered many losses and many sorrows, and in consequence, lived in quiet and retirement; that they had no living relatives of their own name, so that General Thomas must be in error in describing himself as a kinsman ; that they once had a dear brother named George, but to their deep grief he died in 1861 ; that they begged there- fore to be excused from receiving General Thomas. Such are things which happened to a great soldier; one of the greatest in the Civil War, because he was a Virginian, who was "true to the Union." How, finally, shall we assess Lee's action in the hour of his trial? That he denied the right of secession and believed that mutual forbearance and wise tolerance of acknowledged evils would have averted war between North and South, is most true ; so felt and believed tens of thousands of other Virgin- ians, who, in their humbler places, gave up life and fortune without a murmur in obedience to the summons of their na- tive state. That he believed slavery to be a moral wrong and a social evil, a burden to the white race and a degradation to the black, is also most true; the greatest statesmen of Virginia 218 -MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES had felt as he felt; had spoken as he spoke; and even in 1861 there were thousands of other Virginians, who, like Lee, would have willingly liberated every slave in the South, if thus peace and harmony could have been restored to a distracted country. That he cherished for the army of the United States a devoted love and an exalted esteem ; that he felt in his call- ing as soldier a noble pride; that all of hope and ambition and aspiration in his lofty soul yearned toward the flag of the Union and the profession of arms, is beyond cavil and beyond doubt. The anguished night on the heights of Arlington, when he penned his letter of resignation, was the Gethsemane of his life, and listening, angels heard from his lips the fervent prayer, "Father, let this cup pass from me !" But it is no less certain and no less true that he never doubted his duty ; that he never for one single hour faltered or feared to tread its ar- duous and thorny path. Virginia was Lee's country, and her he was resolute to obey, however lamentable the fate to which it might subject him. ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES, MAY 30, 1916. FROM THE Daily Progress. The annual memorial exercises were held at five o'clock yes- terday afternoon at the University Cemetery, and a large as- semblage was present to do honor to the heroic Confederate dead who lie 'buried there. The exceptionally interesting program was impressively car- ried out, Major Channing M. Bolton, Commander of the John Bowie Strange Camp, presiding. The invocation was offered by Dr. Petrie, Chaplain of the Camp, and the address of the occasion was made by Dr. H. B. Lee, who pleased his hearers greatly by his beautiful tributes to the Confederate dead, to the Confederate women, and to the faithful slaves. The bestowal of crosses was next in order, Mrs. Goss, cus- todian of crosses, delivering them. The Mason Gordon Auxili- ary Chapter and the Boy Scouts added greatly to the interest MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 219 of the occasion. The former sang sweetly "Maryland My Maryland," and "Tenting Tonight," Miss Laura Wood accom- panying them and Mrs. Hudson and Miss Constance Leach- man leading. After the decoration of the graves the Monticello Guard fired salutes. Dr. Petric's Prayer. The prayer, offered by Dr. Petrie, was as follows : "O Thou who wast and art and art to come, author of all our gifts, Thou hast endowed us with memory, whose vivid pictures can never be effaced ; whose recollections shall endure. The teeming interests of fifty years blot not out the thoughts of the now distant scenes of arduous struggles and fierce warfare. So, thinking back, we recall the sorrows, when Thou wast our only Comforter. We remember the poverty, when Thou wast our supply. We forget not the want, when Thou only gavest to us; the trouble, when no voice to help but Thine was heard ; the perils, amidst which only Thou wast our shelter ; when no door of bounty was open to us but that of Thy abun- ance; when to our cry of distress, there came no answer from all the world but the answer of Thy abiding Word. In the battle, on the march, in the camp, in the home, severed from all the world, we were not severed from Thee. But in light, in darkness; in want, in wealth; in quiet, in tumult; in pain, in pleasure ; in storm, in calm, Thou wast ever near to hear our call, to strengthen our hand, and to encourage our heart. Thy presence was our support in the years of our severe soli- tude. When every gateway leading out into the great world of na- tions closed fast, and no message of love and no gift of kind- ness came to remind us of the human bond, Thy daily blessings were like angels, fresh from our Father's throne, bearing tid- ings of His love. These visions of the past are still radiant. Nothing can dim their brightness ; nothing impair their beauty. We bring Thee memory's offering of praise and gratitude, as 220 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES through the vista of fifty years we gaze with wonder at Thy unfailing love. O Thou who art, Thou givest us today an appreciation of the mercies that bless us now. How wonderful have been Thy dealings with us ; how marvelous the transformations of our beloved land ! They have been more brilliant than the boldest prophet who dared to tell us ; brighter than any wanderer on Bethel's height could ever dream.- Because the hand of Thy beneficence has touched us, and the heart of Thy love has poured out its treasures to us, and the voice of Thy guidance has been heard, we are encompassed with blessings beyond all that we might have hoped. The scenes of strife that became Aceldamas have been transformed into gardens of beauty and delight. So we have lost the very traces of desolations. It is marvelous in our eyes. It is because Thou didst it. While in the long ago we were the center of human conflict, and the nations of the world looked on from their peaceful lands, in Thy leading we to-day, well nigh alone of earth's great nations, dwelling in serenest peace, look with wonder on the world at strife. How calm and quiet is every day to us, in our well-favored land; how full of comfort and happiness, of all that is fitted to make life dear and desirable, while the thunders of war are heard elsewhere, and human carnage reaps its hor- rible harvest. O Thou who art, we offer praise to Thee for the favor be- stowed upon us now. O Thou who art to come, Thou has endowed us with a forward look. Thou hast kindled in us the light of hope. Hope inspires in us great desire. We make our prayer to Thee. From now through all the coming years consecrate us to what is best. Give us high aims, noble purposes, firm resolves. Make us brave, keep us brave. Enable us to achieve greater things. Whatever is wrong in us set right. In life's great battle, make us victors. Prepare us for the wreath of triumph. Bless the fair daughters who have convened us here. May their abounding love for this sacred cause be the measure of all blessings that shall enrich them. MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 221 Bless the soldiers of today. May their readiness to serve and their brave hearts be the sweet guarantee of peace. Bless the veterans. May Thy care of them in the past be the sure prophecy of Thy constant and continuous care. Bless our Southland. Bless this nation. Bless the President of the United States. Preserve his life and health. Give him all needful wisdom to guide this nation through these trying times. In his guidance may this nation serve the cause of peace in all the world. May this nation, by neutrality well preserved, at the opportune moment, arbitrate and meditate to bring peace to those who are at war. Bless Thy servant, who brings to us the message of the hour. May the lingering light of the heroic days and men commemo- rated by us brighten our paths and beautify our lives, Thou Jesus Christ, Amen. Address by Rev. H. B. Lee, D. D. Major Bolton introduced Dr. H. B. Lee, Rector of Christ Church. In an interesting and appropriate manner, D'r. Lee said: Veterans : O how I wish it were in my power to call you comrades ! I feel, whenever I appear before you men wfao fought in the war, that I must apologize, because I am neither a veteran nor a son of a veteran. The only reason why I am not a veteran nor a son is, that I was too young and my father too old to enter the army. In my boyhood days a popular question for discussion in our debating society was, "Do men make crises, or do crises make men?" Were I now called on to debate this question, I think I would do as some men did during the war between the Con- federate States of America and the United States, namely, take both sides ; and that, not because I want to "tote water on both shoulders," but because, in a sense, both are true. It is conceded that there are two sides to every question. Cer- tainly there are to this. Whether men make crises, or crises make men, one thing is certain, a crisis develops men. I mean by this, that the crisis which confronted the South in 222 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES > 1861, developed in our people a courage of conviction, a loyalty to the state, and powers of endurance, of which they themselves were ignorant. It brought out soldierly qualities in men which those most intimate with them never dreamed of their possess- ing. Let me illustrate : First, I will take the case of a man from the ranks whom I knew. This boy's father and mother were plain, simple, 'hard- working people, who lived a quiet, peaceable life. He had been apprenticed to a carpenter, which business he despised because it required him to work, a thing he had never been known to do willingly, and from which he invariably escaped, if there was any way of escape ; and being possessed of great resources in the matter of dodging, a capacity which stood him in good stead later, he generally managed to get away from work. This boy was named William Clemmens, familiarly known as "Billy." At the age of 15, or under, Billy went into the army as a sub- stitute. But in about six months he decided that he would add to the strength of the Confederate army by going in on his own hook, and so notified his principal, who was promptly conscripted. Billy was considered a great coward, as well as lazy. But his cowardice was not so great as his laziness, for he thought that in the army he would have no work to do. It was not long before Billy's heart became fired with as intense loyalty to the cause as that of any soldier in his regiment. In a little while he was as noted for his daring courage, as among his boy- hood companions, he had been conspicuous for cowardice. He became as active and energetic in all duties in camp and on the march, as he had been indolent. It is really a pity that a full biography of this soldier boy could not be written. He was killed in the raid which General Rosser made on Beverly, West Virginia, in, I think, the winter of '64 '65. Billy represents a class of soldiers which largely formed the ranks of the Confederate army. I beg you not to think that all, or even a goodly portion of them, were either lazy or cowardly. This would be slanderous. What I mean is, that the crisis of '61 developed splendid soldierly qualities which none ever dreamed our young men possessed. MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 223 My purpose in calling attention to this fact is two-fold : first, to pay honor to our private soldiers, living and dead. My sec- ond object is to say that, should another crisis arise, I am satis- fied you will find abundant material ready to hand for any emergency. While from my heart I pray Almighty God we may never have another call to arms, yet should foreign foe set foot on Amercan soil there will be millions like Billy. I am not arguing against what is known as "preparedness." Common sense teaches precaution. The spirit of '61 is still aglow in the hearts of the manhood and womanhood of our people. We do not have to forget or to apologize for Manassas or Appomattox, nor need we forget the principles for which our soldiers fought to make -us loyal, brave and true to the flag that now floats over an undivided country. While loyal to the country as she now is, we will say, con- cerning our beloved Confederacy, "If I forget Thee, O Jeru- salem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not re- member thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy." Without disloy- alty you may substitute "Confederacy" for "Jerusalem." That crisis developed leaders which astounded the world; leaders whose fame will last as long as history is written and read. Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis were known as good men and true, as may be said of many oth- ers ; but it required that terrific crisis to develop their marvel- ous and unrivaled gifts. Our late revered and honored townsman, Colonel Charles Venable, of blessed memory, in writing of General Jackson, says : "He was noted for his great devotion to the duties of his calling (that of Professor in the V. M. I.) ; sternness in the enforcement of discipline; great purity of life and character; professed religious fervor; strong will, and intensity of pur- pose. Yet who would have imagined that the quiet Professor would accomplish such wonderful results as he did between April, '61, when he took charge of the Confederate forces at Harpers Ferry, and two years later, when he fell mortally wounded at Chancellorsville. 224 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Major Thomas J. Jackson was known, respected and ad- mired in his limited sphere of activities; but it took a crisis to bring out, and place before the world, "Stonewall" Jackson. Robert Edward 'Lee, from boyhood to manhood, was the type of that refinement, culture and loyalty for which his state was noted. His Christian character, soldierly qualities and noble bearing, made him a man of mark in every company, and in all walks of life; but that fiery crisis of '61-'65 made him "Ole Marse Robert," the Peerless. To my mind, it is useless to draw comparisons between General Lee and any soldier who ever commanded an army; he stands alone. Mr. Davis had many rivals, it may -be peers, before '61, but in his sphere of useful activity during the war he, too, stands alone. In my mind, and in my heart, he is the embodiment of Chris- tian statesmanship, Christian culture, Christian patriotism and self-sacrifice. In his grave lies buried a nation's hope, a nation's glory, and a nation's love and devotion. There was but one Southern Confederacy, so there was but one Davis, one Lee, one Jackson; but let another crisis arise and that crisis will de- velop men for any emergency. That crisis developed in the women of the South courage, endurance, and cheerful sacri- fice which rivaled, if it did not exceed, the bravery of our sol- dier boys. I would I had the power to speak in fitting terms of the Southern women, but I have not, and so will not attempt it. No monument which the skill and wealth of man could erect would do her justice. Indeed, she needs none. Her character is far more enduring than marble, granite or bronze; for time will wear these away, or cause them to crumble, but as long as men admire the true, the beautiful and good, they will look back to the women of the South of '61 to '65. That crisis brought out in the Southern slaves traits of char- acter that call for recognition. Their loyalty to master and mis- tress; their fidelity, watchfulness, and courage, were great and most surprising. The teachers of the negro race, if they would find the best possible examplars for their pupils, should them- selves study the character of the Southern slave of the war pe- riod and portray the same as clearly as possible. In closing, I say, God bless you, veterans. May your declin- HENRY W. BATTLE, D. D. CHAPLAIN-IN-CHIEF OF THE UNITED SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS Commander of the R. T. W. Duke Camp, S. C. V. MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 225 ing years be as peaceful and quiet as your early days were stormy and tempestuous ; when in the vigor of your manhood you engaged in the defense of your homes and firesides. In thus raising Davis, Lee and Jackson to such an exalted position, I do not mean to derogate from the high character and splen- did courage of the army at large. Some are of the opinion that "the breed has run out." This is not true; for should such another crisis arise, Virginia has in these boys and youths the material which will make soldiers and statesmen equal to any emergency. I thank you most cordially for giving me the honor and the privilege of addressing you to-day. MEMORIAL DAY IS OBSERVED. UNIVERSITY CEM- ETERY, MAY 30th, 1917. ABLE ADDRESS BY DR. HENRY W. BATTLE. The Memorial Day exercises on Thursday, by the Confed- erate veterans and the ladies of Albemarle Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, were unusually beautiful and impressive. The simplicity and solemnity of the occasion deeply impressed all present. Nature with a lavish hand has embell- ished this sacred bivouac of the dead with much of beauty and charm. The day was perfect. The scene, with its sylvan quietness, was solemnly impressive and indescribable. The fast receding sun, with its resplendent rays gilding the foliage with ever changing views and with kaleidoscopic loveliness, transformed it into one of inexpressible beauty, and covered all with a halo of surpassing splendor and grandeur. With the Nation astir with preparation for war once again against a foreign foe, these heroic remnants of the proud bat- talions that marched under the Stars and Bars, assembled in their annual parade to pay their memorial tribute to the brave ones who fell on the stricken fields from '61 to '65. As usual, the ladies of the Daughters of the Confederacy led in the simple exercises of honoring the noble dead who lie bur- 226 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES led in the different cemeteries in the city, and the morning was spent in the placing of new-cut flowers on the graves in Oak- wood Cemetery, where sleep, many who fell for the cause of the Confederacy. A touching feature of the occasion was the presentation of Confederate crosses to the following additional persons who have been reported to the chapter of the Daughters and found entitled to the same : Messrs. W. B. Wood, Robert W. Johns and Professor Har- ris Hancock ; and Mrs. Fannie M. Harris and Mrs. James H. Jones. The gathering then marched into the quiet "City of the Dead," and decorated the graves of those who rest beneath with the beautiful flowers of the season, in token of love and remembrance. 'According to a recent plan, designed to mark permanently every soldier's grave, the Daughters of the Confederacy had placed at the head of each a metal cross, eighteen inches in height, made impervious to the weather by waterproof paint, and bearing the following simple legend : On the upper portion, "1861-1865," and on the cross piece, the letters, "C. S. A." The parade was composed of the following units and organi- zations : Fire Department Drum Corps; John Bowie Strange Camp, Confederate Veterans ; R. T. W. Duke Camp, Sons of Veterans ; Company D, First Virginia Regiment N. G. (the Monticello Guard) ; Albemarle Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Boy Scouts. At the University Cemetery the exercises consisted of the invocation, the Memorial address, by Rev. Henry W. Battle, D. D., and a Memorial Ode, by Mr. James McManaway, of the University. C. B. Linney, Adjutant of the John Bowie Strange Camp, presided, presenting Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, of Christ's Epis- copal Church, who offered the following eloquent and appro- priate invocation : MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 227 Reverend Tucker's Prayer. O Almighty God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth, we, Thy humble servants, do turn unto Thee for guid- ance and strength. We have heard with our ears, and our fa- thers have declared unto us, the noble works that Thou didst in their day and in the old time before them. We yield Thee high praise and hearty thanks for all those thy servants, who, in the hours of their country's need, fought the good fight, kept the faith, and laid down their lives for their friends. And we be- seech Thee that, in this new day of testing, we may dedicate ourselves in the spirit of our fathers to our country's call. Bless our leaders with vision and strength in upholding the high cause of human liberty. Shield from every evil the men who serve in the army and navy, and inspire them with a holy enthusiasm. Animate the minds of the people with the unifying spirit of sacrificial patriotism. O Lord God of hosts, strengthen and guide this nation and our allies, that we may labor with valor for the establishment on earth of Thy reign of law and love, of freedom and righteousness, and crown our endeavors with speedy victory and lasting peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Captain. Amen. Mr. Linney's Introduction. Mr. C. B. Linney then introduced Dr. Battle in the follow- ing elegant and appropriate remarks: The women of our Southland are admired the world over for their beauty and for their many graces of mind and heart, but it was reserved for the Daughters of the Confederacy to insti- tute these beautiful and appropriate memorial exercises com- -memorative of the gallant deeds of our dead, but ever living, heroes. Would you know the secret of their devotion? It is found in their unshaken belief that this little spot of earth is more sacred than storied urn or consecrated dust of kings. Be- lieving that the choicest things of life are often found at our very doors, the Daughters of the Confederacy present, as their orator on this occasion, our own Dr. Battle, son of that gallant soldier, General Cullen A. Battle, of Alabama, a distinguished 228 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES divine, orator, and now Chaplain General of the Sons of Vet- erans. He loves the cause he represents, and lives, moves and has his being in a supreme devotion to the traditions and pre- cious memories of the Old South. He has bright visions of good things to come, and loves to paint happy pictures of her future glory and achievements. DR. BATTLE'S ADDRESS. Mr. Chairman, Confederate Veterans, Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, members of the Monti-cello Guard, Boy Scouts, Ladies and Gentlemen : By the good providence of God we dwell in a highly favored land. The great Creator has lavished His blessings upon us. Locked in the natural coffers of our mountains are inexhausti- ble stores of mineral wealth ; our fertile fields yield abundant harvests; our majestic rivers pulsate with the arterial life of a vast commerce ; our climate is unsurpassed. But a people's richest possessions are not the products of soil and climate ; they are not the things which minister to human cupidity ; they may not be seen or handled; for they are immaterial and invisible, yet more precious than gold. "For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are unseen are eternal." A people's most precious possessions are its sacred memories. If there be one spot on this terrestrial ball that enshrines the dust of heroes, there is earth's most fertile ground ; the seed sown in bitter tears and heroic blood will ripen from age to age into a harvest of moral grandeur and 'beauty "Till the sun grows cold And the stars are old, And the leaves of the Judgment Book unfold." Such is our glorious heritage, and we have assembled that we may gather from this hallowed spot some of the fruits of solemn remembrance prompting to patriotic gratitude. The dead need not our tributes ; they cannot hear our praises ; they cannot inhale the perfume of our flowers ; they need not our tears. I speak not for them ; they have their reward. I MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 229 speak for the living : venerable men who have come down to us from a former generation, and who wear on their bosoms the badge of the South's highest nobility, more honorable than star and garter; to revered matrons, the "elect ladies" of a period when the crowns of Southern womanhood in serene beauty sparkled with jewels more resplendent than the stars of a tropic night ; to sons and daughters of the Confederacy and members of the rising generation, who must be taught that the titanic conflict that closed at Appomattox was no odious rebellion, but a mighty war, waged by the South, according to the dictates of the loftiest patriotism, for what she believed to be her rights under the Constitution, against arrogance, oppression and wrong. The civilized world held its breath in amazement and awe while we were giving it an exhibition of how Americans fight. Such courage, such endurance, such devotion to duty regardless of cost, the world had never before seen. We who are separated from those tremendous days by the passing of more than half a century, and who know nothing of them by actual experience, find it almost impossible to form any conception of the magnitude of the struggle or the nature and extent of the sacrifices involved. One thing we do know and let us guard the proud consciousness as our most precious pos- session the Southern soldier came out of the terrific ordeal without one reproach from his conscience or a stain on his flag. The private in the ranks, though often ragged, barefooted and half starved, kept his gun bright, his heart undaunted and his honor as fair as a star above an ocean of clouds. The Confederacy's great leaders walked in the midst of the fiery furnace heated seven times over /majestic and serene, and without the smell of moral taint on their garments ! Davis, Stephens, Steward, the Johnstons, Gordon, Jackson and Lee "Ah, muse; you dare not claim A nobler name than he Nor nobler man hath less of blame, Nor blameless man hath purer name, Xor fame another Lee!" 230 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Our beloved country is once more at war, but not within her own borders, thank God! If ever there was a holy war in this universe, I believe that upon which we have entered is one. We seek no new territory ; we covet no military glory ; we would not purchase commerical preeminence at the cost of the precious blood of our sons. The God of Heaven has made us strong and rich, but we would not use our strength and riches to hang crape on one door knob in all the world, or to fling one orphan's cry on the pitiless breeze. We deplore war. God hasten the time, by prophet sung, when nation shall not rise up against nation, nor man's inhumanity to man to make countless millions mourn! But we must pro- tect the lives of our men, women and children ! We must main- tain our sovereign rights as a free and independent nation along the commercial highways of the ocean ! We fought back our rage, feeling that the nation's honor was safe in the hands of our President, when the Lusitania, struck by a cowardly assassin, went down with its priceless cargo of American lives to its ocean grave. We shuddered over the wrongs of Armenia, and wept over Belgium, until the cup of diabolical iniquity, filled with cruelties that might claim primacy in hell, overflowed, and then we wiped away our tears to grasp our swords ! Oh Ger- many, wrecker of fair cities, despoiler of homes, ravisher of women, and murderer of little children! God's finger is writing on the eternal wall for thee, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.'' God's executioner, from a land thou hast despised, is waking to a sublime but terrible mission for humanity. North and South, "A people sane and great, Forged in strong fires, by war made one, Telling old battles over without hate,' 1 stand shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart. At last the flag of the Union floats above an undivided and indivisible people Oh Union, strong and great, and good, live forever! May no star on thy flag ever suffer eclipse ! Old Glory, whether proudly borne where millions fight and die ; by the willing hands and stout hearts of the sons of those who wore the gray and of those MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 231 who wore the blue ; or waving from the masthead of ships that dare to plow the deep with unfettered prows; or, far above the whirling east, mixing thy stars with God's fretwork of golden "fire'' flag of my country, "be thou in heaven above, on the earth below, on the waters under the earth, the hope of the oppressed, the oriflamme of liberty! Assembled at this sacred place, in the presence of our hero- dead, we dedicate ourselves anew to God, Truth and Humanity ! MEMORIAL DAY 1918. The program began with the following prayer by the Chaplin of the Camp, Dr. George L. Petrie : Prayer by Dr. Petrie. We ask Thy benediction on us, O God, assembled at this sacred place, this quiet resting place of the dead, to commemo- rate their virtues and their valor. By their consecration to a beloved cause; their self-sacrificing devotion to their Southland; their high ideals of patriotism; their unfaltering courage in the camp, on the march and in the battle, they have written their names high in the role of the world's greatest heroes. We would do them honor by recalling their valorous deeds. We would express our love by wreathing their monuments and graves with earth's sweetest flowers. We thank Thee for this privilege, esteemed none the less by its frequent repetition. Our love for them and our admiration of their lives and our gratitude for their service, have experi- enced no diminution by the lapse of years, the change of our surroundings, nor by our appreciation of the present blessings of peace and prosperity. We recognize Thy providential blessing of a united people, a great nation, a benign government, a splendid destiny, and a solemn responsibility. Yet Thou has not called us to forget the past, nor to neglect those whose blood was freely poured out in the great sacrifice by which the present was made .a beauti- ful possibility. In Thy presence and at Thy throne, we now 232 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES thank Thee that such heroic men have lived, and, dying, have left imperishable examples to stir our hearts and inspire us to nobility of life and character. Bless the aged veterans that linger with us still and deserve and receive our honor and esteem. Bless the Daughters of the Confederacy by whose invitation we are here, and who have done as much to preserve the memory of the heroic dead as their mothers did to cheer the living heroes in their day. Bless these young soldiers who so worthily assume the re- sponsibility which their soldier fathers have been compelled to lay aside. Grant that there may never arise a need for the sacri- fice of their precious lives. Bless all who in high places are earnestly seeking to make a highway of peace for all earth's na- tions. Grant an issue of peace to all our national complications. And now bless him who shall address us this afternoon. May the message which he brings crown this occasion with its chief charm and make it a benediction to us all. We ask, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Mr. Boiling's Address. Albert S. Boiling, son of Major Bartlett Boiling, delivered the address, as follows : What memories must come flooding to the minds of you vet- erans to-day! There is a picture you hold in your memories, and the picture of this present time. But of that first picture Far away in the bygone years, was the Old South, the land of true men and modest women. On the broad acres of its plantations were the homes of its people; in its groves and fields and by its pure streams were its altars. The first allegiance was to the state, emphasizing the prin- ciple of local self government, rather than fealty to the Union; and yet the Union had been created largely by the South. Thirty of the stars on its flag reflect the work of Southern men. The war of the Revolution, of 1812, of Texas Independence and with Mexico, had Southern generals as their leaders. Sam Houston was born in Rockbridge County across yonder moun- tains. So the War between the States was fought not so much MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 233 to destroy the Union as to preserve the rights of the states com- posing that Union, and to uphold the principle of local self gov- ernment. Those questions, however, are forever settled. You fought not for conquest, not for gain, but for principle; and never before in the annals of time did so few stand up for so long against so* many. The verdict of history and of your sons and grandsons is, "Well done." The private soldier in the Confederate armies of tattered uniforms but bright bayonets won undying fame. Rightly can he share in the lustre of the names of knightly Ashby, dashing Forrest, Stuart the Superb, Taylor, the Johnstons and Robert E. Lee. It has been said that when the Lord Almighty willed that the Confederacy should fail, He found it necessary to remove from earth one man: that man who, at First Manassas, Second Manassas, in the Valley, around Richmond, and at Chancellors- ville, had gained a place among the foremost captains of his- tory Stonewall Jackson. Nor must we forget the debt to the women of the South whose matchless fidelity and undying loyalty attest your valor and their devotion. And let us not forget the words attributed to Grant at Appo- mattox, when the guns had been made ready for a salute "Stop those guns ! It has taken four years to capture those 8,000 men. Let no salute tie fired!" This was typical of the best of the North. Both sides took a lot of licking. A second picture now unfolds itself. The sons of your op- ponents and of yourselves are now in France, and others are crowding thither on every boat leaving our. shores. Who can say that the years from 1861 to 1865 were in vain? America must win the war, and when America wins the war, well may the writer of history trace back the heroism and the fortitude of our boys to those qualities of their fathers who fought fifty- odd years ago. That Virginia lieutenant who thrilled us some days ago by leading his platoon "over the top" in France, may well have been inspired by another soldier who began as a lieutenant and ended a lieutenant general gallant John B. Gordon, of Georgia. Just as you to-day pay devoted homage to the memory of 234 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES those who have gone before, we of this generation must feel in- spired to honor and support in every way possible those who are today giving their lives for us. You did your utmost ; they are doing their utmost; and the question all of us (who have not yet gone) should ask, is, "Are we doing our utmost?" And as we today place flowers on the graves of our heroic dead, let us remember those brothers and sons fighting in far- away France, and consecrate ourselves anew to a spirit of stead- fastness and self-sacrifice. MEMORIAL DAY, UNIVERSITY CEMETERY, May 30th, 1919. The Memorial exercises were marked by more interest, en- thusiasm, and genuine display of patriotic feeling than any held here in recent years, and the large concourse of men, women and children proved the deep hold that the Confederate heroes, and the cause for which they fought and died, still have upon the people who revere their memory. The veterans who wore the gray, with the veterans of the war in Europe, and scores of interested spectators and patriotic people, went out to honor the dead and to listen to the recital of the deeds of the men whose fame is immortal. An escort of some fifty members of the Albemarle Rifles, under command of Liuetenant C. E. Mo- ran, gave the modern touch to the military feature, and their natty olive drab uniforms, of 1918, contrasted vividly with the gray, forever the honored and beloved color of the people of the Southland. The exercises 'were most impressive and in- spiring, and deeply moved all present because of their solemnity and appropriateness. Veteran Bartlett Boiling, Commander of the Camp, presided at the exercises and moved the audience to cheers by his digni- fied, eloquent, and appropriate address. He is well known as one of Mosby's men, with whom he served for two years as a member of the partisan Rangers. The invocation was by the Rev. W. Roy Mason, of Christ Church, and was as follows : MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 235 Prayer by Rev. Wm. Mason. Oh God, Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee that the noble lives and glorious deeds of our brave soldiers of the 'sixties are not forgotten by those of us who are left to enjoy the blessings of this golden age. We are glad to gather here and have our minds refreshed with memories of the splendid deeds and undaunted courage of our fathers, and proud to pay our tribute to those who fought and died for their sacred rights. Especially do we feel this necessary now when all the world is giving honor to the heroes of the present day. May God's richest blessings rest upon the old veterans who still sojourn with us, upon the Daughters of the Confederacy, so faithful in commemoration, and upon each one that scatters flowers on these sacred graves. And grant, Oh Father, that the speaker's gifted tongue may be inspired by Thee to stir our hearts afresh with gratitude and determination to prove worthy of our noble heritage. ADDRESS BY BARTLETT ROLLING, COMMANDER, JOHN BOWIE STRANGE CAMP. Veterans, Daughters, Ladies and Gentlemen : I want to thank, in behalf of the John Bowie Strange Camp, the Daughters of the Confederacy for their invitation to be present with them today; for their cheer and comfort always, and for keeping green, all these years, the graves of our com- rades. A chaplet we would place upon their fair brows, as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. We have assembled here today, as is our annual custom, to pay tribute to the dead, and to place flowers upon the graves of our fallen heroes, who made the supreme sacrifice for a cause that cannot, and will never die. The address on this memorial occasion will be made by a gifted son of Virginia, himself the son of a veteran. He once resided in Albemarle, and is there- fore no stranger to many of our people. As Chaplain of the McGuire Hospital unit, he has but recently returned from the shell-torn, bloody fields of Flanders and France, and will tell of his personal experiences over there. He will tell us, too, of 236 MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES the hardships endured, and of the brave deeds of the boys of '61 to '65, who fought bravely for their state in a cause which they believed in their souls to be just and right. Some of them are here to-day some who followed for four long, weary years the great Generals, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. We old veterans take a just pride in the valor and achieve- ments of those days, and also now in the fame and achievements of our sons and grandsons, in this world war. It is my privilege, as well as pleasure, to present to this au- dience the Rev. W. Russell Bowie, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond. ADDRESS BY REV. RUSSELL BOWIE. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, ^^here Lee and Presi- dent Davis both worshipped during the fratricidal contest. His remarks were elegant and touching in the extreme, and thrilled the audience till the end. Reverend Mr. Bowie spoke as follows : Our thoughts to-day are of two wars. Today the Eightieth division is marching through the streets of Richmond the tri- umphant army through the flag-hung streets. A half century ago another army went through those streets in weariness, marching toward Appomattox, and the end. Note the contrast in conditions ! And yet the spiritual values and suggestions are the same. What are the things we honor in the thoughts of men who have fought their great fight well? First The inspiring fact of human courage the capacity of men to conquer the flesh, to dare, to endure, to die. The trenches in France the fields of the Civil War. Second The love of the homeland ; the sense of the pre- ciousness of the land, the sky, the people ; the genius of the land that is one's own ; the sentiment of the negro in Base Hos- pital, No. 45, who "wouldn't give one foot of ole Virginia for dis here whole French Island !" ; the zeal of the men who did not understand many of the complicated issues of war, but MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES 237 carried in their hearts the belief that somehow they were fight- ing to save all the high things for which their country stood. Third The glory of sacrifice men who died that others might live in security and freedom. What shall these things mean to us? First The challenge to courage in the tests of peace ; faith or moral triumph faith in the capacity of human will to ac- complish any great deed it sets itself to reach ; the courage and character of the men who came out of the civil war to rebuild Southern civilization from its ruins ; the challenge to us for an equal moral courage; a costly loyalty to right ideals in the midst of our prosperous time. Second Widening out our sympathy to understand the meaning of patriotism to other peoples the value of their na- tional life and their ideals; America's ideal not to dominate, either by arms or by commercial conquest ; to help build up a fuller human life everywhere. Third Sacrifice. Why did men die? To make the world different. We must rise as the President is trying to call us to the faith, the national self-control, the constructive wisdom which shall build a world leagued in justice and in lasting peace. Only so shall the sacrifice of men who have laid down their lives be made redeeming. Graves Decorated. Then followed the procession to the cemetery and the dec- orating of the graves that lie around the beautiful Confederate monument set in its center. The Daughters of the Confederacy had charge of this annual ceremony of love and reverence, and in the midst thereof a selected quartet of male voices sang the old Confederate camp song, "Tenting To-night." There was an unusually large attendance at this ceremony of filial love and the occasion was one of the most moving and uplifting ever seen at this last resting place of so many of the bravest and the best of the South. Lee Birthday Addresses. ADDRESS OF JUDGE R. T. W. DUKE. January igth, 1891. An Address delivered before the John Bowie Strange Camp C. V., by R. T. W. Duke, Jr., on January 19th, 1891, the first commemoration of the Birthday of General Robt. E. Lee held in Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Chairman, Veterans of the Confederate Army, Ladies and Gentlemen : The invitation to address you came to me amidst the noise and tumult of one of the greatest cities of the world : a city of all others most given to the getting and spending of worldly wealth. It reached me in. a great building, before whose front, day after day, rings out to unheeding ears sweet chimes from a temple dedicated to God, and at whose side runs that street of all others most devoted to the worship of Mammon It found me busily engaged amidst complicated accounts, worried and harrassed by the multitudinous cares attendant upon business transactions ; but, unlike the bells of Trinity, it rang upon no unheeding ears. It recalled me from the little- ness of gain to the grandeur of a heroic and noble life. Around me was a new order of things, totally unlike our quiet Virginia life, and I was amidst scenes but little calcu- lated to aid thought in the contemplation of a serene and noble memory. Within a stone's throw of where I stood, magnificent pal- aces, filled with all that luxury and love of ease could ask, overlooked throngs of men and women who hurried on to the great marts, where lay exposed for sale "the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones ; of pearls and fine linen ; of purple and silk and scarlet; of all manner of vessels of HON. R. T. W. DUKE, JR. LAWYER, POET, ORATOR Honorary member of John Bowie Strange Camp, C. V. Past Commander of R. T. W. Duke Camp, S. C. V. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 239 ivory, of most precious wood, and of brass and iron and mar- ble ; of beasts and sheep ; of horses and chariots, and of the souls of men." Luxuriousness and woe, idleness and toil, wealth greater than that of Croesus, and gaunt poverty and despair, elbowed one another in the crowded streets about me ; and as I opened the telegram you sent me, a great tumult of emotions swelled within my heart, and old-time memories flooded my eyes with unaccustomed tears. Back to me came the old days of a boyhood spent amidst the stern alarms of war. Years when suspense and agony, grim want and starva- tion chilled the young, bright heart, that should have had no thoughts save those of joy. Thoughts of the days which dragged so heavily, watching a mother's agony for him she deemed dead upon the field of battle, agony only growing less in degree when we knew that the prison house held him who could return we knew not when. Memories of a beautiful May night when you, old soldiers, young then with bright and happy hearts, amidst the blare of bugles and the shouts and plaudits of our little town, went forth with many, oh, so many! who came not back again. No empty sleeves then ; no bowed heads over which had passed the shadow of a great despair; no tears. How far off and strange it all looks now ! For a moment I stood lost in thought, recalling all these things ; re- calling my boyish recollections of Manassas, Petersburg and Appomattox ; recalling the storms of war, the lull of our hope- less peace, and then, with a recollection of almost yesterday, the clutching at the heart when the news came, "Lee is dead." For a moment I hesitated, doubting whether amidst alien scenes and in the limited time given me, I could do any sub- ject justice ; but when I realized the full meaning of your mes- sage and felt how proud a privilege it was to speak to you upon this day, consecrated to the memory of that immortal man, I felt that I had no right to decline. He who today would refuse to lay his tribute upon the bier of our great chief- tain, would deserve a thousand times the reproach hurled at the sluggard by Polyxena's funeral pyre: 240 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES "Thou drone! Dos't thou stand idly here? Hast thou no robe, no ornament, Nothing to deck this high heroic spirit, This peerless excellence?" And so I have come to you ; and yet as I look upon your faces, remembering all that you have endured, all that you fought for, all that you have lost, all that so many of you still suffer, with a noble patience, I pause, well knowing that I can- not put in words that which makes "the mother swell up to- wards my heart." You today, like myself, along with proud remembrance, taste many bitter thoughts. The great wealth of a great part of this nation had its foundation in your poverty. The great prosperity which spreads over north and west took root in soil watered by your blood ! The victorious army that came from east and north and west has not knocked in vain at the door of a treasury enriched with your spoliation. For you no pension keeps the wolf from the door. No grand army bands you to- gether to demand from truckling politicians pay for that which to the true patriot can have no price. You staked your life, your fortune and your sacred honor for the cause for which you fought. Life you imperilled, for- tune you lost, but honor, Oh, thank God! you brought back with you, crowning today your poverty with her laurel, and giving to your children the priceless legacy of your fame. And now as I look upon you, old soldiers, many of you my own dear father's men ; when I contrast our straightened means, our simple life and plain old-fashioned ways with the wealth, luxury and ambition I have just left, and remember the occasion that calls us all together, I feel no doubt nor hes- itance of the grandeur of the lives of my own people ; no fear of their future so long as they remain true to their old tradi- tions, and faithful to all that made a Lee possible to them ; and for my subject tonight I wish to speak to you of that great man in an aspect which may seem to you strangely familiar, and it may be deemed by some all too trite. I shall not speak to you of Lee as the soldier. You followed him ; you fought with him as such. Nor shall I speak to you LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 241 of Lee in all the varied aspects of his life, such as have been the theme of poet and orator. You, who heard the oration, when in bronze his counterfeit was unveiled at Richmond, would tire of aught that I might say, contrasting it with those winged words. Tonight I wish to speak to you of "Lee, the Virginian." You may well ask wherein Lee, as the Virginian, differs from Lee, the American; Lee, the man? I answer you: In no respect whatsoever. Then why, you ask again, is such a theme to be selected? I answer, the need is great. Today one dan- ger which threatens this great land of ours is that men are for- getting the allegiance they owe to their native states! Aye! are well-nigh forgetting there are such things as states ; and it may not be a waste of time to recall, on an occasion like this, memories of what one man a great exemplar thought, acted, gave up, suffered and endured for his native state. Do not fear that I shall abuse your patience with theories political as to what are or what are not states' rights ; nor that I shall counsel you to harbor unpatriotic thoughts against the great Union in which the states are now inseparably bound. Born in war, severed by war, welded now together, as it were by links forged with the sword, I trust to see those links yet grow more and more into cords of love, and the perpetuity for which- every true patriot yearns, become one perpetual union of hearts. I know that in speaking to you I speak to the truest patriots, and that if the flag against which you fought four long years should ever be threatened, no swords would leap sooner from their scabbards to its defense than the swords of Lee's own men. But I wish, in recalling Lee as a Virginian, to recall to your minds, and to impress upon the minds of the generation younger than yours, the great importance of a proper appre- ciation of our own state, the necessity upon our part of a zealous regard for her proper position in the galaxy of states, and to speak to you and them of how much love they owe her, and what they should be willing to give up for her welfare. I know I shall lay myself open to criticism in much that I 242 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES may say. I may be called vainglorious but I shall not be hypo- critical. I may be said to repeat things stale and trite. Some may laugh, as we all do when we hear a well-worn song or story, and smile at what may seem self-adulation. I believe, in the last few years maybe months one man has publicly thanked God he was not born in Virginia. In view of much that properly should be spoken somewhere else ; in view of the littleness in high places ; the partisan spirit in positions that should be above the low plane of politics, we may well thank God that one man was not. Lee Virginia ! What a sunburst of glorious memory those two words call up. Lee a name as old as the State, linked inseparably with her earliest days as a commonwealth, and in her later, wedded with her sublimest glory to the end of time. Virginia! Do you, my younger brethren, realize what the words mean? It has become rather popular of late to sneer at Virginia and things Virginian. "Oh, we know all about that," they say. "Your Washington and Madison and Jefferson and Henry and Monroe and Marshall, and all that sort of thing ; but all that is gone now. The old State is played out effete. Be- yond the time of the conception of great men." "Unus sed Leo," Aesop tells us was the reply of the lioness to the many- whelping ape. Show me any commonwealth that within one hundred years ended the century with a Washington, and in sixty years gave a Lee to the world, and I will admit I am wrong. We are used to the privileges and liberties we enjoy ; we do not realize to what we owe them. Religious freedom : Those two words alone how pregnant with blessings to the children of men ! It was Virginia that first made "conscience as free as the breath." Independence the freedom of man the freedom of the colonies : Perhaps there are some of you younger men who think, like I once thought, under the influence of school books published in another section, that all these things first originated on Boston Common and in Philadelphia. It was in this old Commonwealth, beginning with Bacon, continuing rit LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 243 Williamsburg, and ending when a Virginian introduced the resolution that "these united Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states," that this idea first took root ; and at Yorktown, on her own soil, the sword of one Virginian made a reality of the declaration drawn by another. And the influence of these free colonies these free states this free America : Who can tell its influence, as far-reaching and continuing as it is? The world to-day is better, men are happier, oppression less, because America is free ; and the origin of American freedom was due to the impulse given it by Virginia. In the law : Virginia first originated the great change in the law of inheritance, once so unfair and conducive to wrong. And the greatest Chief justice that ever sat upon the bench, and who gave tone and temper to the whole body of Federal law, drew his inspiration from a Virginian breast and lived his life on Virginian soil. In Education : The Virginia idea the elective system to- day taking possession of every school and university in this Union but followed out the idea of universal freedom of which she was the originator. The Emancipation of the slave since accomplished as a war measure, pure and simple, was a Virginia idea attempted by her at the foundation of this government to be carried into effect; and the first actual, earnest political movement to eman- cipate the slave was commenced in Virginia, and was almost on the eve of success when the fanaticism of others in the North- ern states checked and destroyed the movement in this. I do not say these things in any vainglorious spirit, but sim- ply to recall to you the fact that our state, as a state, has in the years of her existence done that which, should she never do another great act, would render her the pride of her children throughout all time. To Lee's generation to your generation, old soldiers, these things I speak to you are household words. Woe to us when we forget them ! We therefore must con- sider Lee, the Virginian, as he stood when Virginia's fate hung in the balance, and the question presented itself : "Where shall I go with the Union, or with Virginia?" 244 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES Lee had been raised amongst men who gave more attention to the question of the respective rights of the state and the Union than to any other political question. The spoils of of- fice, personal pecuniary benefits by means of politics, were un- known factors in their political arithmetic. They remembered that there had been a time when Virginia stood free in her own right, an independent colony, uniting with her sister colonies in defense against a common enemy. They were keen observ- ers of all the circumstances and conditions under which the state adopted the Federal Constitution and had the Bill of Rights at the tips of their mental fingers. They never doubted the axiom that governments were instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that all rights not expressly delegated to the Federal Government, were ex- pressly reserved to the state. If .any one state left the Union, the Union was thereby dissolved and the allegiance to the state followed as a matter of course. In Lee's time, and in my recollection, aye up to the time of the birth of the youngest man who listens to me, there was no such thing as a citizen of the United States; for until the four- teenth amendment was adopted, citizenship in the United States only came by means of citizenship in the state. A man was a citizen of New York, Pennsylvania or Virginia, and be- ing such a citizen, was entitled to share in the rights and im- munities due to the citizen of a state in the Federal Govern- ment. Being not a citizen of the Union but a citizen of the state of Virginia, Lee owed no other allegiance to the general govern- ment than that which he owed through the state government. When that state resumed her rank amongst the nations of the world, he remained her citizen and hers alone. Thus much in passing to remind you that in Lee's mind, as is plainly shown both by his conduct and written expressions, there could necessarily have been not a question as to where his allegiance was due. But in order to realize what it cost him to do his duty and go with his native state, we must con- sider what Lee, the Virginian, gave up. With the glories of the Union he had much in common. His LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 245 ancestors had shared in them. He himself had done his part and was recognized as head and shoulders above any officer of his rank. An offer had been made to him which might well have daz- zled any even the purest minded man. The commandership of the armies of that Union he had loved so well; the adulation of thousands of his fellow beings; wealth, honor, fame, all were offered him, if he would accept that side on which lay the Union. What was on the other side? Loss of fortune! He foresaw with prophetic eye that the beautiful home overlooking the Po- tomac would be taken from him. Privation, obscurity, sor- row and want ! Never in the history of man has there been an occasion where so much was offered to tempt on one side and so much to deter on the other. Yet, there never seemed to have been in Lee's mind one thought of hesitancy. Sorrow there was. Regret that it might not have been ordered otherwise ; but of doubt or hes- itance there was not a thought. With an unswerving patri- otism, with a heroic soul as dauntless as ever faced death or depair, Lee, the Virginian, put behind him every thought but Virginia, little deeming that thereby he placed himself for all time to come as the first Virginian, the exemplar and pattern of her sons for all the ages. I have but two lessons to draw from his life tonight, and here I draw the first. Young Virginian, old Virginian, you, who are thinking of leaving the old mother to better your fortune or to make your fame, to you tonight, Lee, though dead, yet speaks, and in his name I speak to you. If the constant drain of our young men to other states goes on in the future as in the past, we may soon have an effete Virginia a Virginia shorn of her glory and discrowned of her greatness. Come, let us reason together a little tonight, if there be any such here, and haply my voice may through you reach others. Why are you leaving, or thinking of leav- ing the old state? You answer, "She is poor; it is hard to make a living in her borders ; we want riches, fame, wealth, and we must go elsewhere to get them." So said not Lee, at 246 LEE BIETHDAY ADDRESSES the supreme moment when wealth and fame and office bade him leave her. Can you not say the same ? Far be it from me to discourage worthy ambition or desire for success. But I believe so firmly success can be won in Virginia as well as elsewhere, and so serious do I deem the drain of the young men from her borders that I bid you and them awaken to what yon owe her, and give up something to help build her up. I have not without a purpose reminded you of her glorious past; for with your help I believe her capable of as glorious a future. It may be you will have to work harder here than in the great West; endure more and have less pleasure than in the crowded cities where so many have gone, but it lies within your power by patterning after Lee's self-denial, by emulating his stern sense of duty, to build up the waste places in the old Commonwealth and make her bloom and blossom like the rose. It may not be in your lot to be sublime figures in your coun- try's history, but in the ranks of those who made her great you will have your place, and surely he who does his duty well shall, if not here, at least hereafter, take his stand amongst those to whom the King will say, "Well done." Lee, the Virginian one other picture, one other lesson, and I am done. From the private citizen up through gradations to the idol- ized commander of the grandest army the world ever saw, our hero has risen. Victory after victory, is his until over- whelmed by superior numbers and resources, the end comes. In all history I know not such a figure. Returning to his home alas! not his old home; of that he had been despoiled he took up the burden of life again with an uncomplaining and heroic submission. Again wealth lured him to leave his native state. You know the story: how a nobleman in the grand little island from whence, I thank God, we draw our pure unmixed blood and our love of liberty of- fered him a magnificent home and a competency. A great corporation tendered him a salary larger than that of the President, for the simple use of his name. "I cannot leave my people," he said. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 247 \Yealth and honor had failed to tempt him then. Wealth and honor could not tempt him now. And here I draw my second and last lesson from the life of Lee. the Virginian. There was no longer any doubt as to the result. When he made his former choice there was the element of uncertainty; the risk of danger. Xow, there was no doubt. Poverty had come : the utter wreck and ruin of all he held dear was around him, and again he refused to leave his people and his native state, preferring poverty with them to wealth and honor amongst others. With quiet dignity- he chose a life of honest toil, refusing wealth and ease, and once again set an example to his people worthy to be followed. Here then let us emulate him again. This is the day of mad rushing after wealth and ease. In the struggle all is forgotten, but the wealth that per- ishes. From the highest to the lowest we hear again the mock- ing quip of "honest" lago. "Put money in thy purse/' Patri- otism, state pride, old honest methods, integrity these are but made subordinate to the acquisition of that which man heapeth up in vain and cannot tell who shall gather. To the far-seeing patriot the generation now forging to the front in the South resembles, more than any other, that which followed the great change of the first French Revolution. Be- hind it was a past entirely destroyed, but still throbbing under its ruins : before it the dawn, trembling on the horizon, the first gleam of the future. The present age, that which separated the past from the future, and was neither the one nor the other: which resembled both at the same time, and in which no one could tell at any step he made whether that upon which he trod was a springing seed or the fragment of ruin: of that gen- eration it is said three voices clamored aloud. The rich said: "There is nothing true but wealth. Everything else is a dream; let us enjoy and die/' And those of moderate fortune said: "There is nothing true but forget fulness. All the rest is a dream: let us forget and die." And the poor said: "There is nothing true but misery. All the rest is a dream: let us blas- pheme and die." Today it seems to me we hear the first voice crying in the 248 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES street, and unlike wisdom all men regard her. And yet abroad throughout this land come now and then, dim mutterings that warn us that the other voices may yet come. Virginians, shall they come to us? We are on the dawn of a new prosperity. We grow bright and cheerful with the thought that a new era, golden and glorious, begins to send its sun-rays over our mountain tops and into our deepest valleys. I would stay it not ; tiptoe I would stand to see the first beam, and welcome it as the traveller does the earliest sun in the Arctic morn. But if gaining wealth, in gaining prosperity, we are to turn our backs upon all that has made us glorious in the past, then despite the temptation of worldly wealth, Oh God, grant us Lee's spirit. Thou gave us Lee, and let us, like our noble chieftain, choose the right, the true, the good, with Vir- ginians* for Virginia : the old time honor, even with the old time poverty. Well has his native State in her calendar set apart this day. Few festal days our lives have given us. One to the Child, im- mortal, eternal, invisible ; one to the New Year's first light footsteps; one to the man Virginia gave the Union; one to the day Virginia gave the Declaration to the world ; one to Thanks- giving for the fruits and harvest of the field. And now Vir- ginia adds to her calendar a day consecrated to her greatest modern son. She has done well. His memory consecrates the day ; and you, who through fire and sword followed him, have done well to gather here. Would that some voice more fitting could have been chosen to sound his praises. And yet, how vain, how empty are idle words ! Serenely placed beyond the need of praise, beyond the reach of blame, his majestic figure fills another niche in the great temple of Virginia's heroes. Lee, the Virginian ! Long may the survivors of his hard- fought fields meet on this day to renew the memories of his glory. May they gather with them the generations that come after them, and teach them lessons of love for liberty, love for the Union, love for the cause they fought for, yet to triumph in the Union. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again, The eternal years of God are hers." LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 249 I do not despair. Almost with prophetic eye I can see the day come when throughout all this land to have been a soldier of Lee will, by North as well as by South, be recognized as the highest crown of honor. When against the giant forces of centralization and paternalism in government shall arise the majesty of the States, the supreme will of the people ; then will all recognize the grandeur of your struggle, the patriotism of your aim. Young men of my generation, of the generation younger than mine, never in your presence let a word of dis- paragement be spoken against Lee's cause, Lee's memory, or Lee's old men. Old soldiers, to you my heart goes out in thanks for this op- portunity to tell you how I love you and how I shall teach my children to love you. To me in your gatherings there is a depth of pathos unspeakable. For the first time perhaps for the last I have spoken to you assembled Confederate Vet- erans. Day by day your ranks will thin and the time soon come when all shall stand to answer at the last great muster roll. But in the memory of a grateful land your names shall live as long as patriotism has a place or virtue holds her seat. When in the years to come I shall gather my children, and haply my children's children, about my knees, they shall learn the lessons of your noble lives. To them I shall leave as a priceless legacy the stainless sword my father wore, the grey coat consecrated by the years of war, and if honors may be mine, amongst them all I shall bid them count as one in no de- gree the least, that Lee's men bade me speak to them of Lee. and listened lovingly to every word I spoke. 250 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES ADDRESS OF DR. GEORGE L. PETRIE. Delivered before the John Bowie Strange Camp at their re- quest, in the Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, Va., Sun- day, 8 P. M., Jan. ipth, 1902, by George L. Petrie, chaplain of the John Bowie Strange Camp. Allow me, first of all, to express a deep sense of the honor conferred upon me in your request that I should address you on this occasion, the anniversary of General Lee's birth. It gives me great pleasure to greet the John Bowie Strange Camp on this memorable anniversary. The sacred day, the sacred place, the extraordinary hero commemorated, and the high calling in which it is my privilege to serve God, the church and mankind throw certain restrictions around me, and to some extent de- termine the course of my remarks. I do not propose an extensive eulogy of General Robert E. Lee. For such a task I am not competent, and, were I compe- tent, he does not need it from me or from any other man. All verbal panegyrics fall too short of the illustrious subject to approve the vain attempt. Ours is the humble effort, perhaps we may say the more sel- fish effort, to place ourselves in the light that radiates from his noble life: not to increase his glory, which we cannot aug- ment, but by it ourselves to be enriched. To know the great and good is an inestimable blessing: to come into contact with such is a benediction on human life. He who stands amidst the grand objects of nature, if he has an appreciative and responsive soul, is inspired to high thought and great resolves by surrounding magnitude and majesty. He is lifted and strengthened and stimulated and enabled be- yond the ordinary possibilities of his nature. He is stirred to nobler hope and greater endeavor and higher destiny. We always catch a little of the glory that we gaze upon ; and are changed from glory to glory by a vision of the glorious. To see the beautiful, to think and to know the great : these are creative in the soul, creative of the beautiful, the good, the great. An eminent English painter refused to look on inferior art. He feared its detractive power. Every life is a resultant LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 251 of all the powers that touch it round about. Let us get near and keep near the good and great. Where are shed the rich- est blessings of personal influence, there it is well to be. There are persons whose presence is a benediction, and whose mem- ory is equally so. Amongst men a more illustrious example of this happy formative power I do not know than of him whose name is the bond of our presence here this evening. They were helped who lived with him. We are helped by thinking of him and speaking of him here. This service has a prompting from within us. There is that in us, divinely engrafted on our nature and ever cherished by us, which forbids that what is great and good, noble and worthy, shall ever be forgotten. A perpetual "In Memoriam" in the human heart celebrates the praises of true worth. By masterly touch of art. the features of our loved are faithfully preserved and kept vividly before us. By bronze or marble shaft their well-earned glories are kept forever fresh. As in the days of the "blind old bard of Scio's rocky isle," so ever human lives are set to the music of human songs, and are sung into immortality of fame. The rapid annalist gathers up and preserves for future use treasures of human words and hu- man deeds. The statelier historian, impartial, makes up the destiny of human names, and assigns to each its niche in the Temple of Historic Fame. So by all means at our command, we will not let the memory of our loved, honored and admired fade "while life and thought and being last, or immortality endures." On many a hill of Israel's land, by God's command, stood and shone conspicuous memorial stones, silent witnesses, but eloquent in silence, of great events, when God revealed His mighty hand in Israel's defense. In Deuteronomy we read : "These words shall be in thine heart. Thou shalt teach them to thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand. They shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. Thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates." 252 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES So do we commemorate the great and good man, General Lee, honored and beloved by all the world, but by no others with that tenderness, pathos, and devotion which touch the hearts of all in this Southland. Memorials of stone and bronze there are, but we offer a tribute better than these, the pure love and sincere devotion of our hearts. Unwilling to forget, if we could forget; unwilling that the lines which trace to human view his great character and bril- liant career shall ever grow dim and fade away, those lines we would retouch and retrace by the fresh recital of our love. So by our rude hands, untutored and unskilled, we would brush away from the picture all that has gathered to dim or hide its charms. This is our heart prompting. These are the thoughts that breathe, and these the words that burn. This the prompting to which we yield, when we speak lovingly of him who stood for us and with us in the day of need, amid the raging of the storm, till the muttering of the thunder passed away. There was a sturdy greatness about General Lee. This is so splendidly true, that the remark seems almost commonplace. There are lives that never die : lives over which death has no power. Men sometimes live so that they never die. They dis- appear, but they live. They cease to be seen, but they live. Their voices are hushed, but they live. Their records are made up ; but they live. They cease to frequent the thorough- fares of men, but theirs is a sacred life: a light that dims not, a power that loses naught of its strange, true might. Their lives are memorials, which we build not, but only recognize : each built by the hero's extraordinary character and career. They are not rendered illustrious by aught we may do to com- memorate them. They are illustrious. They have made them- selves so. We cannot add to the brightness of their fame; but we may rejoice to draw near and stand in the light, the bright, pure light of their noble lives. By universal acclaim, General Lee was a great soldier. When some one criticised General Joseph E. Johnston, General Lee remarked : "If General Johnston is not a soldier, we have no soldier." We may apply the remark to General Lee himself. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 253 If he was not a great soldier, there has not been a great sol- dier. His military fame is decreed beyond revision or repeal. It is a well established fact that it was more than hinted to him, before he resigned his commission in the United States army, at the muttering of a coming war, that the command of the United States army was within his reach. General Scott earnestly and long prayed him not to resign. It is saying but little, that General Lee's military career confirmed the judg- ment formed of his great genius as he stood facing the morn- ing with life's day still largely before him and life's great work still largely to be achieved. But I am in haste to turn our thoughts to the grandeur of General Lee's character as a Christian man. I wish to feel and to help others to feel the marvellous power of his life for good. He was good. Note that. In him goodness was in union with greatness. Goodness is thus seen in its best light, and receives its noblest stamp. In such a life we see that good- ness is not a sickly feeble thing. It is not weakness. It is not effeminacy. It is never more in place than when it adorns the strong, the sturdy, the majestic, the great. Goodness is great- ness in the moral world. Than this lesson there is no richer legacy left us by the great war of which it is our honor to be veterans. Men have said that the worst effects of war are its moral disturbances and upheavels. This is probably true. But out of those dark shadows there gleams a wondrous light burning on quenchless and forevermore : the unsullied purity and unsurpassed goodness of great Christian heroes like Gen- eral Lee. It is worth all the deep darkness of a night to see a star of unusual splendor glow in the shadowed sky. It is worth vast sacrifice to see how good a great man can be in the times that try men's souls. In the darkness we have seen the light. Such a life is a new interpretation of goodness for mankind. A painter puts on his pallette a stone of standard color to look at from time to time in order to tone up his vision of the true color. From time to time God gives us a noble type of good- ness to tone up our judgment of what real goodness is. Good- ness is strong, manly, brave and true. 254 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES In the presence and memory of such a character we are strengthened in our appeals to men to be clothed with Chris- tian grace. There is a man. Every inch a man. His crown- ing glory was the gospel grace that beautified his life. His fa- ther said of him : "Robert was always good." The boy who was good became a good man, and when a chieftain in war, bowed his head at the camp-fire prayer meeting the most de- vout of worshippers. When President of Washington and Lee University, he said : "I shall not be content till these boys come to be Christians." It is manly to be good. Of all that is human there is no bet- ter ideal for the youth of the land than this illustrious hero in whose life shone the twin stars of greatness and goodness. He was loyal to duty. A marked feature of General Lee's character was his devotion to duty. To be right was supreme. No temptations to swerve from the right seemed to have power with him. No offers of rich reward or brilliant prospects of preferment availed to detach him from the course he believed to be right. He judged not others who differed from him. He was no censor of his fellow men. But his own principles were set- tled as the adamant of the mountains, and he lived by them. His own convictions were deep as the foundation of the hills, and he abode by them. His charity, a great wide mantle, was thrown over all the world. What a splendid model for us in this! There were greatness and goodness in sweet and happy union. One day General Lee stood at his gate talking to a humble man, who seemed greatly pleased at the courtesy of the great chieftain. The man went away. General Lee remarked to a familiar friend : "That is one of our soldiers in necessitous circumstances." Then he added: "He fought on the other side." The soldier went away enriched by a generous contri- bution -from the great chieftain's purse. When the storm of war had passed over, and peace had come with its new trials and its perplexities and cares, no one more nobly adjusted himself to the new conditions than he who had led our armies in the days of war. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 255 The results of war left no rancor in his soul. The failure of the cause marked no failure in the grand character that es- poused the cause. It is a worthy lesson. A man needs never to fail. He may see all go down around him. His plans may be broken up. His riches may leave him. His hopes may be sadly disturbed. His conditions may be severely changed. His surroundings may be utterly confused. Yet the man can stand triumphant amid all the debris and ruin, himself a peerless victory. General Lee never failed', nor was he ever conquered. Personally he was as triumphant in defeat as in the blaze of victory. A lady, who had lost her husband in the war, brought her son to college to General Lee. She was very bitter in her ex- pressions toward the North. General Lee said to her: "Madam, do not train up your children in hostility to the Gov- ernment of the United States. Remember that we are one country now. Dismiss from your mind all sectional feeling, and bring them up to be Americans." Here is a life that was a great success. It is not to be meas- ured by the success or failure of the special cause in which its energies were freely spent. It stands above all temporary sur- roundings : victorious amid ruins, unimpaired by disasters, un- touched by the failures of little human plans. Within itself and of itself it is ever a grand success. It makes not so much difference where a man may be if the man is there; what sphere he may fill if he fills the sphere; what external conditions may be his within the limits of what is honorable, if the spirit of the man be there. Then glory crowns his life. Only be the man. Let God direct the rest. Victory will crown the fight. When all the jealousies and rivalries of war are buried in the deep, dark past, here is a name, the brightness of which, shall never dim. Here are glories that shall be claimed by the world as a rich heritage. Perhaps not merely because he was great ; others as great have not had the glory ; nor merely be- cause he was good ; others as good have not had the sound of praise. But because these two bright lights blended their mar- vellous rays in one : great as good and good as great, to shed 256 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES their combined and helpful light on the shadowed pathways of the world. The light of this great hero's life was a kindled and re- flected light. Kindled from the Great Light, reflected from the real. The true light was superior, supreme. Let us be guided by all that is admirable in him to all that is most ad- mirable in the perfect character of the Supreme Chieftain. In literature there is a beautiful allegory of "The Great Stone Face." A village rested in the shadow of a great moun- tain. There was a great stone face carved by the ages in the rocky mountain side. A prophecy there was that there would come a man who would be a blessing to the village and that his features would be like the great stone face. Many heard the prophecy and saw the great stone face and thought of it no more. A youth of earnest soul treasured the prophecy, and thought there should be some preparation made for the good work of the coming man. So he humbly began to speak help- ful words and do helpful deeds. When he became old, and his whitened hair about his head was like the mist of the moun- tain, the villagers said : "The man has come. He is with us. He has long been with us and has been a great blessing to us all. He caught the spirit of the prophecy as he gazed on the stone face of the rocky mountain side." Let us gaze on the splendid example -of human greatness and goodness. Let us catch its spirit and grow into its likeness. Let us fulfil its prophecy, so by its guidance and its help we shall ever draw nearer to that Supreme One whom to know is eternal life, and who in us becomes the hope of glory. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 257 DR. RICHARD HEATH DABNEY'S ADDRESS. Lee's Anniversary. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS NOT REBELS AND TRAITORS. At the close of Dr. Richard Heath Dabney's address on Lee's Birthday to the Albemarle Chapter of the Daughters of the Con- federacy, the veterans of the John Bowie Strange Camp, and the Monticello Guard, it was voted that he be requested to write out the address for publication in the Progress. As he spoke from only a few scrappy notes, it is, of 'course, impossi- ble for him to repeat the exact language of the address. He has consented, however, to attempt an approximate reproduc- tion of his remarks, which were substantially as follows: Daughters of the Confederacy, Veterans, Guardsmen : I was told a few days ago that the late Rev. J. William Jones was suddenly requested, upon an occasion similar to this, to take the place of a speaker who had failed to turn up. Without a mo- ment's hesitation he agreed to do so, with the remark that he was ready at any time, even if awakened in the middle of the night, to talk about General Lee. But Dr. Jones, whose ardent soul always burned for the Confederate Cause, had actually been a follower of Lee. His mind and heart were full to over- flowing with memories of his great commander, and he was, moreover, gifted with fluent speech. As for myself, however, I attempt with trepidation the task assigned me. You expected to hear that distinguished Confederate soldier, Colonel Bumgard- ner, but, because of his unfortunate illness, are reduced to the necessity of listening to one who is merely a Confedrate sol- dier's son. I commiserate you. Yet what can I do? The Daughters of the Confederacy have requested me to speak ; and to a veteran's son a request from the Daughters is equiva- lent to a command. His not to reason why, His not to make reply, His but to do or die ! It was suggested by the ladies that, as I was asked to speak on such short notice, I should repeat what I said on Memorial 258 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES Day two or three years ago. On that day I attempted to defend the Confederate soldiers against the charge that they had died in defense of the institution of slavery and the pecuniary value of their slaves. But, as a number of those hefle to-day were present then, I cannot bring myself to risk boring them by a twice told tale. It may be remembered, however, that the sud- den approach of rain on that occasion forced me to curtail my speech. I had intended to defend the Confederate soldiers against another charge also, the charge, namely, that they were rebels and traitors. With your permission I shall endeavor to do now, in more detail, what the threatening storm prevented me from doing then. What is a "rebel?" In my dictionary I find a rebel to be "one who revolts from the government to which he owes alle- giance." Note particularly the words : "to which he owes al- legiance." What is a "traitor?" "One guilty of treason.'' And what is "treason?" According to the United States Constitution, "trea- son against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." But, as a matter of course, such treason can only be committed by a citizen of the United States. A for- eigner cannot commit treason. A German cannot commit trea- son against France, nor a Frenchman against Germany. Was Lee a citizen of the United States when he drew his sword against them? Did he then owe allegiance to the United States government? Let us examine the origin of that govern- ment before, answering these questions. It was asserted by Joseph Story and Abraham Lincoln, among others, that the Union was older than the States, and had ac- tually created them. This assertion is absolutely untrue; and, unless we are willing to accuse these illustrious men of wilful falsehood, we are driven to the alternative of declaring that the' assertion was due to historical ignorance on their part. Let us look at the facts. One of these bed-rock facts is that Virginia not only sent delegates to the Continental Congress to propose that all the col- onies should declare themselves independent, but adopted her LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 259 own constitution (including her famous Bill of Rights), and ac- tually declared herself an independent state on June 29th, 1776, just five days before the Continental Congress issued the Dec- laration of Independence for all the states. Shall we say, then, that the "Union" created the state of Virginia? Or shall we not rather say that the state of Virginia took the lead in helping to create the "Union?" Let us not be deceived by this abstract noun, the "Union." It is a pure abstraction. Thirteen colonies took joint and con- current action in proclaiming themselves independent. They took united action in defending themselves against Great Britain (just as thirteen individuals, if attacked by highwaymen, might unitedly defend themselves), but they were "United" States, in no other sense at that time. Not for five years after the Dec- laration of Independence did they establish any federal govern- ment whatever. During all that time, as before that time, the Continental Congress was nothing but a very large advisory committee with no legal power whatever. It could and did is- sue, in the shape of paper currency, its promises to pay as, for that matter, any individual or group of individuals could have done but it could not make that currency legal tender. It could merely advise the sovereign states to do so, and they did. It could levy no taxes whatever, but could only, on almost bended knee, entreat the sovereign states to contribute money for the prosecution of the war and for the redemption of its promises to pay. Where, then, was the "Union" which, in Lin- coln's imagination, antedated the states and brought them Into being? So far from being the mighty creator of the states, the latter contemptuously ignored, to a great extent, the congres- sional entreaties for money, and forced the impotent advisory committee at Philadelphia to repudiate practically the whole of the Continental currency. Had Lincoln's "Union" been more than a fiction, it could and would have imposed its will upon its "creatures," the states. But, as a matter of fact, there was no legal union whatever un- til the adoption of the Articles of Confederation in 1781, a few months before the battle of Yorktown. And even that union was but the shadow of a shade. For the states still refused to 260 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES grant the general government any power to raise taxes or to deal directly with individual citizens in any way. The states alone could levy taxes, and they alone could act directly upon individuals. In the very first of the Articles it was declared : "Each state retains its Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence." Can a state, any more than a man, "re- tain" what it does not already possess? If sovereignty had in- hered in the ''Union" and if the states had been merely its crea- tures and underlings, the article would have enumerated the rights graciously conferred upon these underlings by this pow- erful sovereign. But there was no such enumeration, because there was no such sovereign. On the contrary it was the states that, each and all, "retained" the sovereignty which they al- ready possessed, and that doled out to their creature, the Union, such feeble and meagre powers as they chose to confer. So powerless, indeed, was the alleged "government" of the "United" States at that time that the individual states went their several ways, almost forgetful of the existence of Con- gress. In that body, each state, large or small, had but a sin- gle vote. No important measure could be passed save by a vote of nine of the thirteen states. Yet frequently less than half of the states had delegates present ; even the ratification of the treaty of peace with Great Britain being delayed for lack of a quorum. Connecticut put higher tariff duties on goods from Massachusetts than upon goods from England ; there were in- terstate boundary disputes almost leading to war; and in some respects the states treated each other as if they had been foreign nations. In short the "Union" was a farce, and, when this fact had at last become sufficiently manifest, all the states except Rhode Island (which seemed satisfied with independence without union with her sisters), sent delegates to the celebrated convention of 1787, at Philadelphia, to see whether the Articles of Confedera- tion could not be so amended as to make the Union something more than a name. As the articles themselves forbade any amendment save by unanimous consent of the states, the out- look was blue. But the members of the Convention were able and resolute, and the result of their labors was the new Consti- LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 261 tution of the United States. The old articles had declared not only that no amendment could be made except by unanimous consent, but also that. the Union, under the articles^, should be "perpetual." Yet the framers of the new Constitution, appar- ently, considering this word to be as meaningless as it is when used in treaties of peace between foreign nations, calmly de- cided to break up the "perpetual" Union, and put into the new Constitution the provision that whenever as many as nine or more of the states chose to ratify this Constitution, it should go into effect for those states so ratifying it. In other words, the framers of this new instrument of government invited any nine or more states to secede from the "perpetual" Union and form an entirely new Union. They knew, of course, that neither they nor anyone else could legally coerce a sovereign state into the acceptance of this or any other Constitution. Even after its completion, the Constitution was still a mere proposal ; still had to be laid before a specially chosen Convention in each state ; still had to be ratified by such conventions in at least nine states before acquiring legal validity in a single one of them. It turned out that eleven of the states decided to ratify the Constitution. These eleven sovereign states, therefore, seceded from the old "perpetual" Union and, in accordance with the provisions of their new Constitution, chose a House of Repre- sentatives, a Senate and a President of the United States. What- ever the word "perpetual" in the old Articles of Confederation may have been intended to mean, the new Constitution contains no such word. Why not? Was it not because the framers of the Constitution, about to recommend secession from one "per- petual" Union, saw the futility of the word in describing the new Union they were attempting to promote? They hoped, of course, that this new union would be more enduring than the old ; but they well knew that states which had already seceded from the British Empire, which, in their Articles of Confedera- tion, had each retained its "Freedom, Sovereignty and Inde- pendence," and which were now about to secede from the Union created under those articles, would regard their right to secede from the new Union as a matter of course. Why, then, label this new Union "perpetual?" If there were some individuals 262 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES who regarded secession from this new Union as illegal, there can be no doubt in the mind of any judicial historian that the vast majority thought otherwise. New York, indeed, accom- panied her ratification of the Constitution with the plain asser- tion that "the powers of government may be reassumed by the people whensoever it shall become necessary to their happiness." Virginia, similarly, declared that "the powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States, may be resumed by them, whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression." If all the states failed to make similar declarations, the reason is probably that they, in the act of seceding from one Union, considered a declaration that they could secede from another to be self-evident and there- fore superfluous. It so happens that, just as George Washington was elected President of eleven seceded states, Jefferson Davis, more than seventy years later, was also elected President of eleven seceded states. Was Davis a "traitor?" If, so, what was Washington? Moreover, when we reflect that Rhode Island and North Car- olina were not in the Union at all when Washington was inaugu- rated, that for some time afterwards they had no more legal connection with the United States than England or France, and that they later entered the Union only when they, of their own free and sovereign will, chose to do so, what shall we say of Lincoln's statement that the Union created the states? The truth is that for many years after the adoption of the Constitution most Americans regarded it merely as an experi- ment. Many did not regard it as even a hopeful experiment. Alexander Hamilton, for example, spoke of it in 1802 as a "frail and worthless fabric," and in 1804 called democracy a "poison" and "our real disease." Could he have had his way, we should have gone to the "British form" of government, which in his day was oligarchic, the House of Commons being little more than a caudal appendage to the House of Lords. But there were others who, instead of desiring a centralized aristocracy, desired and even threatened or planned secession. In New England particularly, secession sentiment was strong, and was frequently outspoken. Such was the case, for example, from LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 263 1807 to 1809, while the Embargo Act was on the statute books. Such also had been the case when the territory of Louisiana was purchased from Napoleon in 1803 ; and when the bill to ad- mit the state of Louisiana was being debated in 1812, Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts said: "If this bill passes, it is my de- liberate opinion that it is virtually a dissolution of the Union; that it will free the states from their moral obligation; and, as it will be the right of all, so it will be the duty of some defi- nitely to prepare for a separation, amicably if they can, forci- bly if they must." Again, during the war with Great Britain, to which New England was opposed, threats of secession were heard, and, if the war had not ended when it did, it is by no means impossible that the deliberations of the Hartford Con- vention would have been followed by actual secession. So strong, indeed, was the New England conviction of the right of secession that as late as 1843 thirteen congressmen, headed by no less a man that former President John Quincy Adams, is- sued a statement declaring that the annexation of Texas would be equivalent to a dissolution of the Union. If in none of these cases secession actually took place, it was not because the right was disputed, but simply because the ex- pediency of such action was not clear to a sufficient number of persons. In December, 1860, however, South Carolina considered se- cession to be not only right but expedient, and her convention, accordingly, repealed the act by which she had entered the Union. As Virginia had declared herself independent on June 29th, 1776, without waiting to see what the other colonies would do, so South Carolina, without waiting for action by the Southern States, resumed all the governmental powers which she had temporarily granted to the Union she had helped to create. By February 1st, 1861, six other states had also se- ceded, and soon a new Confederation was born. But the seven Confederate states desired no war. They wished only to be let alone and to dwell peacefully beside the Union to which they no longer cared to belong. They did not begin the war. Abraham Lincoln began it. If A and B have a quarrel, and A, seeing B draw his pistol, swiftly then draws 264 LEE- BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES his own and fires, who is the aggressor? The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, it is true, but only after Seward's promises to evacuate the fort had been broken and the hostile fleet with reinforcements and supplies was well on its way. The people of Virginia passionately loved the Union which they had done so much to create. On April 4th, her Con- vention had refused to secede by a vote of 89 to 45. Had Abraham Lincoln left her alone, she would not have seceded at all. Nor, in my opinion, would North Carolina, Tennessee or Arkansas have seceded. Indeed, I venture to express the opinion which is of course merely an opinion that, had Lincoln made no attempt to coerce the seven seceded states, they would ultimately have returned to the Union. Many Northern people had regarded Southern threats of secession as mere bluff, and some had declared that even South Carolina could not be kicked out of the Union. Many Southerners, therefore, had favored secession in order to open the eyes of the North to the fact that the South, in asserting her rights, was in deadly earnest. Such Southerners believed that, if the Southern States actually seceded, they could get better terms, than within the Union. Unquestionably many Northerners disbelieved in the right of the United States to coerce the South, and were eager to make such concessions as might bring the seceded States back into the Union. Had such con- cessions been offered, reunion might well have been the result reunion without bloodshed. But such was not to be. Those Northerners who agreed with Horace Greeley that they did not care to live in a Union in which some of the states were pinned to the others with bayonets and who were willing to let the "erring" Southern sisters "depart in peace," did not have their way. Lincoln chose to draw the sword, and not simply to draw the sword : he chose to force Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas to draw it also ; for in calling upon their governors to furnish troops to conquer the Confederate States, he forced each state to decide whether she would participate in or re- sist his aggression. For Virginia, who had always upheld the principles of state sovereignty, the alternatives were craven LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 265 submission and dishonor on the one hand, or stern resistance to Lincoln on the other. It did not take her long to decide. Her governor promptly refused to furnish troops for Lincoln's use in crushing the South, and her Convention with quick de- cision reversed its former attitude and declared for secession by 88 votes to 55. With quick decision, but with agony and grief at the thought, that Virginia, to escape dishonor, had been driven to separation from that Union which she had done more than any other state to create and mould, the ordi- nance of secession was referred to popular vote and carried by 128,884 yeas to 32,124 nays. But those voting nay, either in the Convention or at the popular election, almost unanimously acquiesced in the decision of the majority. Jubal Early, who- voted nay in the Convention, is said to have signed the ordi- nance with iron tears rolling down his cheeks ; and the strong unionist, John B. Baldwin, when asked what the Union men in Virginia were going to do, replied : "We have no Union men in Virginia now. But those who were Union men will stand to their guns, and make a fight that will shine out on the page of history as an example of what a brave people can do after exhausting every means of pacification." One of the best cartoons brought forth by the great war now raging in Europe depicts the Kaiser, pointing, with cyni- cal leer, to the ruined villages and cities of Belgium, and say- ing to King Albert: "See! You have resisted my will, and have lost all!" But the King replies: "Not my soul!" Of material things Virginia lost almost all. Her soil was drenched with blood and tears. But, like heroic Belgium, she saved her soul. An.d Lee? What was his attitude when his native state severed her legal ties with the old Union and cast her lot with the new Confederacy? Had he chosen to sell his soul for power and place, he could have been Commander-in-Chief of the United States army ; that army with which he had been as- sociated all his life, that army to whose glory he had contrib- uted so much by his valor and skill in the Mexican War. Gen- eral Winfield Scott, his old commander, implored him not to resign, and the temptation for him must have been tremendous. 266 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES "My husband," wrote Mrs Lee to a friend, "has wept tears of blood over this terrible war: but he must, as a man and a Vir- ginian, share the destiny of his state, which has solemnly pro- nounced for independence." And so, with deep sorrow, but with firm resolution, he sent his resignation to General Scott and added the memorable words: "Save in defense of my na- tive state, I never desire again to draw my sword/' Was this man a "rebel?" \\ as this man a traitor?" Were the men who followed his banner rebels and traitors? In the historical facts which I have laid before you the answer to these questions may be found, and needs no further statement from me. But before closing I wish to quote from two addresses de- livered shortly after Lee's death by two of his most distin- guished followers. These quotations will give you a vivid im- pression not only of Lee's courage and grandeur in battle, but also of his tenderness and his nobility of soul. I first invite your attention to the words of Colonel Charles Marshall, Lee's Chief of Staff, and I may add father of my friend and col- league, Dr. Ham- Marshall, of the University Medical Fac- ulty. "On the morning of May 3. 1863, as many of you will re- member, the final assault was made upon the Federal lines at Chancellorsville. General Lee accompanied the troops in per- son, and as they emerged from the fierce combat they had waged in the depths of that tangled wilderness, driving the su- perior forces of the enemy before them across the open ground, he rode into their midst. The scene is one that can never be effaced from the minds of those who witnessed it. The troops were pressing forward with all the ardor and enthusiasm of combat. The white smoke of musketry fringed the front of the line of battle, while the artillery on the hills in the rear of the infantry shook the earth with its thunder, and filled the air with the shrieks of the shells that plunged into the masses of the retreating foe. To add greater horror and sublimity to the scene, the Chancellorsville House and the woods sur- rounding it were wrapped in flames. In the midst of the aw- ful scene. General Lee mounted upon that horse which we all I.KK HJKTHJMV ADDRESSES 267 remember so well, rode to the front of his advancing battal- ions. His presence was the signal for one of those uncon- trollable outbursts of enthusiasm which none can appreciate who have not witnessed them. The fierce soldiers, with their faces blackened with the smoke of battle ; the wounded, crawl- ing with feeble limbs from the fury of the devouring flames, all seemed possessed with a common impulse. One long, un- broken cheer, in which the feeble cry of those who lay helpless on the earth blended with the strong voices of those who still fought, rose high above the roar of battle and hailed the pres- ence of the victorious chief. He sat in the full realization of all that soldiers dream of triumph ; and, as I looked upon him in complete fruition of the success which his genius, courage and confidence in his army had won, I thought it must have been from some such scene that men in ancient days ascended to the dignity of the gods. His first care was for the wounded of both armies, and he was among the foremost at the burning mansion where some of them lay. But at that moment, when the trans- ports of his victorious troops were drowning the roar of battle with acclamations, a note was brought to him from General Jackson. It was brought to General Lee as he sat on his horse near the Chancellorsville House, and unable to open it with his gauntleted hands, he passed it to me with directions to read it to him. The note made no mention of the wound that General Jackson had received, but congratulated General Lee upon the great victory. I shall never forget the look of pain and anguish that passed over his face as he listened. With a voice broken with emotion he bade me say to General Jackson that the vic- tory was his, and that the congratulations were due to him. I know not how others may regard this incident, but, for myself, as I gave expression to the thoughts of his exalted mind, I for- got the genius that won the day in my reverence for the gen- erosity that refused its glory. "There is one other incident to which I beg permission to re- fer, that I may perfect the picture. On the 3rd day of July, 1863, the last assault of the Confederate troops upon the heights of Gettysburg failed, and again General Lee was among his baffled and shattered battalions as they sullenly retired from 268 LEE BIRTHDAY. ADDRESSES their brave attempt. The history of that battle is yet to be writ- ten, and the responsibility for the result is yet to be fixed. But there, with the painful consciousness that his plan had been frustrated by others, and that defeat and humiliation had over- taken his army, in the presence of his troops, he openly assumed the entire responsibility of the campaign and of the last battle. One word from him would have relieved him of this responsi- bility, but that word he refused to utter until it could be spoken without fear of doing the least injustice. "Thus, my fellow-soldiers, I have presented to you our great commander in the supreme moments of triumph and defeat. I cannot more strongly illustrate his character. Has it been sur- passed in history? Is there another instance of such self-ab- negation among men? The man rose high above victory in one instance; and, harder still, the man rose superior to disaster in the other." The address from which these words have been extracted was delivered at Baltimore on October 15th, 1870, three days after General Lee's death. On the same day, at Atlanta, Gen- eral John B. Gordon said, among other things, the following, in reference to the closing scene at Appomattox : "I can never forget the deferential homage paid this great citizen by even the Federal soldiers, as with uncovered heads they contemplated in mute admiration this now captive hero as he rode through their ranks. Impressed forever, daguerreo- typed on my heart, is that last parting scene with that handful of- heroes still crowding around him. Few indeed were the words then spoken, but the quivering lips and the tearful eye told of the love they bore him, in symphonies more eloquent than any language can describe. Can I ever forget? Xo, never can I forget the words which fell from his lips as I rode beside him amid the defeated, dejected, and weeping soldiers, when, turn- ing to me, he said, 'I could wish that I was numbered among the fallen in the last battle.' " And now, in conclusion, let me read you a tragically beautiful poem by the English poet and historian, Percey Greg, a man who so loved and admired the South that he bitterly censured his own country for failing to aid the Confederate Cause. This is the poem : LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 269 THE 9TH OF APRIL, 1865. It is a nation's death cry; yes, the agony is past, The stoutest race that ever fought, today hath fought its last; Aye! start and shudder well thou may'st; veil well thy weeping eyes; England, may God forgive thy part man cannot but despise. Aye, shudder at that cry that speaks the South's supreme despair Thou that couldst save and savedst not that would, yet did not dare; Thou that hadst might to aid the right and heart to brook the wrong; Weak words of comfort for the weak, strong hands to help the strong. That land, the garden of thy wealth, one haggard waste appears The ashes of her sunny homes are slaked in patriot tears Tears for the slain who died in vain for freedom on the field Tears, tears of bitter, anguish still for those who live to yield. The cannon of his country pealed Stuart's funeral knell; His soldiers' cheers rang in his ears as Stonewall Jackson fell; Onward o'er gallant Ashby's grave swept war's successful tide; And Southern hopes were living yet when Polk and Morgan died. But he, the leader, on whose words those captains loved to wait, The noblest, bravest, best of all, hath found a harder fate; Unscathed by shot and steel he passed o'er many a desperate field; Oh, God ! that he hath lived so long, and only lived to yield ! Along the war-worn, wasted ranks that loved him to the last, With saddened face and weary pace the vanquished chieftain passed; Their own hard lot the men forgot, they felt what his must be: What thoughts in that dark hour must wring the heart of General Lee. The manly cheek with tears was wet the stately head was bowed, As breaking from their shatter'd ranks, around his steed they crowd; "I did my best for you" 'twas all those trembling lips could sav Ah ! happy those whom death hath spared the anguish of today. Weep on Virginia ! Weep those lives given to thy cause in vain The sons who live to wear once more the Union's galling chain The homes whose light is quenched for aye the graves without a stone, The folded flag the broken sword the hope forever flown. Yet raise thy head, fair land, thy dead died bravely for the right; The folded flag is stainless still the broken sword is bright; Xo blot is on thy record found no treason soils thy fame; Weep thou thy dead with covered head we mourn our England's shame. 270 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES POST-BELLUM MEMORIES AND THE BATTLE FLAG OF THE CONFEDERACY. An address to the Veterans on General Lee's Birthday Jan. ip, 1918. BY PROFESSOR THOMAS FiTzHucn OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. As often as I look into the faces of our dear old veterans of the Confederancy and recall that I did not enjoy the privilege of being introduced to this strange old world until October of 1862, I am pointedly reminded that all my memories of the great event in which they bore a leading part only begin where their experiences ended. And yet we of the generation that followed your heroic day have our little memories too, and they all cluster proudly about the things through which you lived and fought and suffered. The earliest recollection of my childhood was of an oval gold- rimmed photograph of my uncle, my mother's youngest brother, Major Carter Henry Harrison, of the Eleventh Virginia Regi- ment, who fell mortally wounded in the battle at Manassas on the 18th of July, 1861, and died on the following morning at the age of thirty years. I remember that throughout my earliest childhood that was the proudest recollection I had, and one which every child in the house was keen to tell the stranger and visitor about. I shall never forget one day, so far back in my life that I can no longer tell when it was or how old I was, that I v/as walking along Main Street in Fredericksburg, led by the hand by my father, when suddenly he stopped still, and pointing quickly to a noble, martial figure in grey with dark slouch lu.t just turning the corner ahead of us, he said: "My son, yon- der goes General Lee." That was the first and the last time that I ever saw the Great Commander. I remember too very distinctly the Federal garrison that was left in Fredericksburg after the war, and I have the im- pression, as I try to think back into those early days, that they were a very quiet, unobtrusive set of men, who acted as LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 271 though they had received orders to make themselves as. little conspicuous as possible. I cannot remember ever seeing one of them in uniform beyond the immediate precincts of the bar- racks where they were quartered and where their daily drilling and evolutions were performed. But the most realistic impressions of the war came to me when my father carried the family to Chancellorsville to spend the hot summer months in the country. Here I began to get into the very thick of its thrilling memories. I learned to know the very place in the woods where Stonewall Jackson fell, mortally wounded by the cross-fire of his own out-posts. In one of my relic-hunting excursions in the neighborhood one day, I descried at the root of a tree where I was resting, what appeared to be the weatherworn' end of a small leather strap sticking suspiciously out of the ground. It pulled loose when I caught hold of it, and upon digging through the mold I un- earthed what seemed to me then a fabulous treasure a crum- bling cartridge-box with a considerable number of minnie- balls and several coins. I thought myself the richest kid in the wilderness at that time. I guess since then small boys have gotten better off. I know that at that time we were mighty hard up, and such a find was a big thing. Our two main ways of earning a little money in the summer time were cutting sumac and hunting for bullets, fragments of shells, copper, and old iron in the rain-washed gullies, and especi- ally in the cornfields after a rain. Many a pound of minnie- balls did I send or carry to town to sell to Thomas Knox & Sons, who always gave us the best market price, or its equiva- lent in dried prunes and cake chocolate. I remember one summer as we returned from Chancellors- ville for the winter sojourn in Fredericksburg, I saw standing in the corner of my father's law-office a tree trunk some eight or ten feet high and as large around as a man's body, which looked as if it had been shattered from top to bottom by some strange inner explosion. It had come from Bloody Angle, at Spottsylvania Court House, and was on its way to the War Department at Washington. It was said to have been literally cut down at the knee by the blasting fire of bullets and canister 272 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES there where it stood at the corner of the woods. It was torn into thongs and shreds, and the deeply buried and smashed minnie-balls had burrowed and torn every square inch of its length and circumference. On the battlefield of Fredericksburg itself we never suc- ceeded in finding much lead or other relics of the strife the ground had been hunted over too often before we came on the scene. But we found a world of interest in the breastworks and clear topography of the battlefield with its sharp-cut lines of opposing ridges and the long intervening open plain be- tween. They pointed out to us from the high ground a gap in the railroad where a whole company of Federal troops huddled together had been destroyed by a well-directed cannon-shot from Marye's Heights. There too was the famous cut in the county road opening out in the plain below Marye's Heights, where General Cobb and his Georgians poured murderous fire into the flanks of successive waves of Federal infantry as they attempted to cross the field between Marye's Heights and Fed- eral Hill and storm General Lee's position. The tradition is that the very shell that killed General Cobb was fired from Federal Hill, the place of his birth.- One summer when I had returned to Fredericksburg after a long absence, I found that the exact spot where General Cobb fell mortally wounded had been marked by a great granite block with an inscription re- cording the heroic event. The only minnie-ball I ever succeeded in finding on the battlefield of Fredericksburg, I picked up amid a host of pebbles at the foot of the low stone wall that runs along the base of Marye's Heights, and only a few yards from the Cobb monument. It had evidently been shot from close quarters, and, hot from the muzzle, the leaden apex was flattened into the rim of the base. My first and only personal contact with one of the great leaders of the war was at the Bingham School in North Car- olina, where I taught for Colonel Robert Bingham during the session of 1881-2. In May of 1882 our barracks were de- stroyed by fire, and General Joseph E. Johnston, who was then connected with some fire insurance company in the South, came to Mebaneville to investigate the fire and assess losses for the LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 273 company. Sitting out in the moonlight one night in May of 1882, he told us a story of the latter months of the war, when his men were hard pressed for food, clothing, and ammunition. It was a cold winter morning with deep snow on the ground, and he had gone out at day-break to inspect his camp. Every- thing was wrapped in stillness in the early dawn of morning. The smoldering campfires were surrounded by prostrate forms radiating like spokes of a wheel from the beds of coals and ashes in the center, while the poorly clad, often half naked, feet were protruding perilously near the glowing embers. After riding along for some moments without observing any signs of life, he came to the outskirts of the encampment where some sharpshooters had their little batch of tents. Here his attention was attracted by low voices in earnest conversation behind one of the tents, and riding up unobserved he stopped his horse within hearing distance. A tall, raw-boned sharp- shooter, while busily cleaning his rifle, was giving some good advice to a young recruit, who had recently come in from the mountains to join the service, and was himself planning to make something of a sharpshooter. The older veteran was telling him earnestly but cheerfully of the desperate plight of the army, how the men were miserably shod and even ammu- nition was low, so that great care had to be observed and no bullets wasted that would not tell in the very best way. "For example," said he, "I was on the lookout the other day, when I seen a nice-looking Yank sauntering over the hill. I took aim and was just about to pull the trigger when I said to myself, 'his boots will be too small for me, I better wait a while.' I had'n more'n said it to myself, when here comes a great big fine-looking fellow 'bout my size, and I drew a bead on him, and them's the boots!" I learned first fully to realize the magnitude of Lee's mili- tary genius when I went to Europe some years later to study, and heard from German military men of their transcendent ad- miration for him. At a gathering of German officers I was told by one of them that General Lee's campaigns were the text-book of their War Department, and that every German officer in their military school was required to make a careful 274 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES study of them. He said that the most wonderful thing about it all was, not merely the brilliant victories that Lee won over incredibly superior numbers, but the fact that for four years, while often standing at bay, he was able to fight off over- whelming strength backed by the whole power of the national government. When the Daughters of the Confederacy invited me to en- tertain our Veterans with my Post-Bellum Memories, they re- quested that I should also rehearse the story of the Battle- Flag of the Confederacy. This I can best do in the words of Carlton McCarthy in his Soldier Life in the Army of North- ern Virginia, Richmond, 1884, p. 219: "This banner, the witness and inspiration of many victories, which was proudly borne on every field from Manassas to Ap- pomattox, was conceived on the field of battle, lived on the field of battle, and on the last fatal day ceased to have place or meaning in the world. But the men who followed it, and the world which watched its proud advance or defiant stand, see in it still the unstained banner of a brave and generous people, whose deeds have outlived their country, and whose final defeat but added lustre to their grandest victories. "It was not the flag of the Confederacy, but simply the ban- ner, the battle-flag, of the Confederate soldier. As such it should not share in the condemnation which our cause received, or suffer from its downfall. The whole world can unite in a chorus of praise to the gallantry of the men who followed where this banner led. "It was at the battle of Manassas, about four o'clock of the afternoon of the 21st of July. 1861, when the fate of the Con- federacy seemed trembling in the balance, that General Beau- regard, looking across the Warrenton turnpike, which passed through the valley between the position of the Confederates and the elevations beyond occupied by the Federal line, saw a body of troops moving towards his left and the Federal right. He was greatly concerned to know, but could not decide, what troops they were, whether Federal or Confederate. The sim- ilarity -of uniform and of the colors carried by the opposing LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 275 armies, and the clouds of dust, made it almost impossible to decide. "Shortly before this time General Beauregard had received from the signal officer, Captain Alexander, a dispatch, saying that from the signal station in the rear he had sighted the col- ors of this column, drooping and covered with the dust of journeying, but could not tell whether they were the Stars and Stripes or the Stars and Bars. He thought, however, that they were probably Patterson's troops arriving on the field and re- enforcing the enemy. "General Beauregard was momentarily expecting help from the right, and the uncertainty and anxiety of this hour amounted to anguish. Still the column pressed on. Calling a staff officer, General Beauregard instructed him to go at once to General Johnston, at the Lewis House, and say that the en- emy were receiving heavy reinforcements, that -the troops on the plateau were very much scattered, and that he would be compelled to retire to the Lewis House, and -there re-form, hoping that the troops ordered up from the right would arrive in time to enable him to establish and hold the new line. "Meanwhile the unknown troops were pressing on. The day was sultry, and only at long intervals was there the slightest breeze. The colors, of the mysterious column hung drooping on the staff. General Beauregard tried again and again to de- cide what colors they carried. He used his glass repeatedly, and handing it to others begged them to look, hoping that their eyes might be keener than his. "General Beauregard was in a state of great anxiety, but finally determined to hold his ground, relying on the promised help from the right ; knowing that if it arrived in time victory might be secured, but feeling also that if the mysterious column should be Federal troops the day was lost. "Suddenly a puff of wind spread the colors to the breeze. It was the Confederate flag the Stars and Bars! It was Early with the Twenty-Fourth Virginia, the Seventh Louisiana, and the Thirteenth Mississippi. The column had by this time reached the extreme right of the Federal lines. The moment the flag was recognized, Beauregard turned to his staff, right 276 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES and left, saying 'See that! The day is ours!' and ordered an immediate advance. In the meantime Early's brigade de- ployed into line and charged the enemy's right ; Elzey, also, dashed upon the field, and in one hour not an enemy was to be seen south of Bull Run. "While on this field and suffering this terrible anxiety, Gen- eral Beauregard determined that the Confederate soldier must have a flag so distinct from that of the enemy that no doubt should ever again endanger his cause on the field of battle. "Soon after the battle he entered into correspondence with Colonel William Porcher Miles, who had served on his staff during the day, with a view to securing his aid in the matter, and proposing a blue field, red bars crossed, and gold stars. "They discussed the matter at length. Colonel Miles thought it was contrary to the law of heraldry that the ground should be blue, the bars red, and the stars gold. He proposed that the ground should be red, the bars blue, and the stars white. Gen- eral Beauregard approved the change, and discussed the mat- ter freely with General Johnston. Meanwhile it became known that designs for a flag were under discussion, and many were sent in. One came from Mississippi ; one from J. B. Walton and E. C. Hancock, which coincided with the design of Colonel Miles. The matter was freely discussed at headquarters, till, finally, when he arrived at Fairfax Court House, General Beauregard caused his draughtsman (a German) to make drawings of all the various designs which had been submitted. With these designs before them the officers at headquarters agreed on the famous old banner the red field, the blue cross, and the white stars. The flag was then submitted to the War Department, and was approved. "The first flags sent to the army were presented to the troops by General Beauregard in person, he then expressing the hope and confidence that they would become the emblem of honor and of victory. "The first three flags received were made from ladies' dresses by the Misses Carey, of Baltimore and Alexandria, at their residences and the residences of friends, as soon as they could get a description of the design adopted. One of the Misses LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 277 Carey sent the flag she made to General Beauregard. Her sis- ter presented hers to General Van Dorn, who was then at Fair- fax Court House. Miss Constance Carey, of Alexandria, sent hers to General Joseph E. Johnston. "General Beauregard sent the flag he received at once to New Orleans for safe keeping. After the fall of New Or- leans, Mrs. Beauregard sent the flag by a Spanish man-of-war, then lying in the river opposite New Orleans, to Cuba, where it remained till the close of, the war, when it was returned to General Beauregard, who presented it for safe keeping to the Washington Artillery, of New Orleans. "This much about the battle-flag, to accomplish, if possible, two things : first, to preserve the little history connected with the origin of the flag; and, second, to place the battle flag in a place, of security, as it were, separated from all the political significance which attaches to the Confederate flag, and de- pending its future place solely upon the deeds of the armies which bore it, amid hardships untold, to many victories." And who shall tell the heroic incidents that marked the his- tory of the four years of that battle-flag's life ! Who more beautifully than Mrs. Margaret J. Preston in her poem, The Color Bearer, which was the proudest declamation of my boy- hood days, and which I want to recite to you in concluding: The shock of battle swept the lines, And wounded men and slain Lay thick as lie in summer fields The ridgy swaths of grain. The deadly volleys belched their fire, The raking cannon pealed, The lightning flash of bayonets Went glittering around the field. On rushed the gallant "Twenty-Fourth" Against the bristling guns, Whose blaze could daunt or dazzle them No more than could the sun's. 278 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES It mattered not though heads went down, Though stately steps were stayed Though rifles dropped from bleeding hands, And ghastly gaps were made. "Close up!" was still the stern command. And with unwavering tread They held right on though well they knew They tracked their way with dead. As fast they pressed with laboring breath, Clinched teeth and knitted frown, The sharp and sudden cry rang out : "The Color-Bearer's down!" Quick to the front sprang eagerly The youngest of the band, And caught the flag still tightly held- Within the fallen hand. With cheer he reared it high again, Yet claimed an instant's pause To lift the dying man and see Whose pallid face it was. "Forward!" the captain shouted loud, Still "Forward!" and the men Caught madly up the shrill command. And shrieked it out again. But moveless stood the fair-faced boy Without a foot's advance, Until the Captain shook his arm, And roused him from his trance. His home had flashed upon his sight That blest and sunny spot He did not hear the crashing shells, Nor heed the hissing shot. LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES 279 He saw his mother wring her hands, He heard his sister's cries; And tears were on his girl-like cheek, And grief was in his eyes. The touch dissolved the spell he knew, He felt the fearful stir ; He raised his head and softly said: "He was my brother, Sir!" Then grasping firm the crimson flag He flung it free and high, While patriot passion stanched his tears, And drank his sorrow dry. Between his close-set teeth he spake, And hard he drew his breath "I'll bear this flag to victory, Or bear it, Sir, to death !" The bellowing batteries thundered on, The sulphurous smoke rose higher, And from the columns in their front Poured forth the galling fire. But where the bullets thickest fell, Where hottest raged the fight, The steady colors tossed aloft Their trail of crimson light. Firm and indomitable still The "Twenty-Fourth" moved on A dauntless remnant only left, The brave three-score were gone! And now once more the cry arose, Which not the guns could drown "Ho, boys! Up with the flag again! The Color-Bearer's down!" 280 LEE BIRTHDAY ADDRESSES They sought to loose his grasp, but fast He clung with iron will "The arm that's broken is my left, So I can hold it still." And "Forward ! Forward ! Twenty-Fourth !" Rang out above the roar, When suddenly the guiding flag Sank and was seen no more. And when the fiery fight was done And from the bloody field The battered "Twenty-Fourth" withdrew, Because they would not yield They found a boy whose face still wore A look resolved and grand A rent and riddled flag close clutched / Within his shattered hand. Appendix ALBEMARLE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR (Taken mainly from the summary of R. A. Brock, Secretary of the Virginia Historical Society, in the Special Virginia Edition of Hard- esty's Encyclopedia, 1884.) The fortunes of war left the muster rolls of the Confederate States government mainly in the possession of the enemy, and it is believed that the following Roll of Honor of the soldiers who fought for the Lost Cause from Albemarle is as complete as it can be made. Where no other date of enlistment is given, it was in the first year of the war. Where no other date is given of death or dis- charge, the service was till the close of the war. Where no rank is given, the enlistment was as private. In the miscellany are rosters of some now residents in this county, who enlisted and served from other counties. NINTEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, HUNTON's BRIGADE, PICKETT's DIVISION, LONGSTREET'S CORPS. [Regimental history furnished by Adjutant C. C. Wertenbaker.] The 19th Regiment of Virginia Infantry was composed of the following companies: Co. A, Monticello Guard, from Charlottes- ville, commanded by Capt. W. B. Mallory at the time it was called into service; Co. B, Albemarle 'Rifles, Capt. R. T. W. Duke from Charlottesville; Co. C, Scottsville Guards, Capt. A. W. Gantt; Co. D, Howardsville Guards, Capt. Josiah Faulkner; Co. E, Piedmont Guards, Capt. Charles Peyton, from the Stony Point neighborhood; Co. F, Capt. Bennett Taylor, raised in different parts of Albemarle county; Co. G, Capt. Thomas Boyd, from Nelson county, in the Ty e River neighborhood; Co. H, Capt. Ellis, from Amherst Courthouse, Virginia; Co. I, Capt. Taylor Berry, Amherst county; Co. K, Albe- marle County men. The first colonel of the regiment was Philip St. George Cocke, of Powhatan, who, up to the time the Virginia troops were turned over to the Confederate government commanded the whole of the Virginia forces in Northern Virginia. He never took command of the regiment, and the only official act he ^ver performed as colonel of the Nineteenth was to appoint First Lieutenant C. C. Werten- 282 APPENDIX baker, of Co. A, as adjutant of the regiment. Gen. Cocke com- manded the Third Brigade (in which the Nineteenth was) and after the first battle of Manassas was promoted brigadier general. He committed suicide soon after, and- the writer has no doubt that his having been taken from the supreme command of the Virginia army, and reduced to a regimental commander, was what caused his death. Lieutenant-Colonel John Bowie Strange was the actual com- mander of the regiment, and to him was due the drill and discipline of the command. Major Henry Gantt, of Scottsville, was the third field officer. Companies A and B went to the first capture of Harper's Ferry, but were ordered back by Governor Letcher, and after a few days at home in Charlottesville, spent in equipping themselves for the struggle they knew was coming, they were ordered to Culpeper Courthouse. There the other seven companies joined them, and the command was sent to the front at Manassas. They were not fully engaged at first Manassas, as they were holding Lewis Ford in the early part of July 21, but got into the battle just before its close. They lost one man killed and several wounded. The Nineteenth from this time forward was a part of Longstreet's command, and was hotly engaged in nearly all of the battles in Virginia Wil- liamsburg, Seven Pines, Seven Days Fight Around Richmond, the battles in Maryland, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, Five Forks, Sailors Creek, etc. They saw service in North Carolina, etc., indeed, were in nearly all the battles. Col. Strange was killed at Boonsboro, on South Mountain, Col. Ellis at Gettysburg. Col. Henry Gantt was badly wounded at Gettysburg. Major Woodson was killed whilst commanding the regiment at second Cold Harbor. Col. Charles Peyton lost an arm in Maryland, and many men were killed in battle and many died from wounds and exposure. The regiment numbered about 800 men when first formed. Its conduct was always excellent in the field, and its "esprit dc corps" was ex- cellent to the last. It, together with the remnant of Pickett's Di- vision, was captured at Sailors Creek just before the surrender. The battle flag of this regiment, now in possession of Sergeant James Perley, of Charlottesville, was the one used by the Nine- teenth for a portion of the time it was in service. When it became too much shot to pieces to hold together, a new flag was substi- tuted. The regiment had several whilst in service. The men who served in this regiment have, since the war, been quiet and hard- working citizens, and, with few exceptions, are respected and law- abiding men. The roster of many of this regiment from Albemarle county will be found in the miscellaneous service. APPENDIX 283 COMPANY A, NINTEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. (Monticello Guard) Captain, William B. Mallory, discharged April 16, 1862. First lieutenant, C. C. Wertenbaker. Second lieutenant, John W. C. Stockton. Third lieutenant, John C. Culin, promoted captain; wounded seven times. First sergeant, H. F. Dade. Second sergeant, R. W. Bailey, promoted second lieutenant. Third sergeant, W. B. Littelier, captured at Yorktown, June 4, 1862; held at Point Lookout. Fourth sergeant. S. F. Wingfield. First corporal, C. H. Wingfield. Third corporal, G. A. Galley. Allen, John A. Bacon, W. O. Brown, W. H. Browman, J. H. Buck, James R., Lookout. captured June 3, Fifth sergeant, A. H. Huffman. Second corporal, James Seeley. Fourth corporal, C. Lightbicker. Bailey, G. M. Bacon, D. M. Brown, J. J. Barkland, J. F. 1862, at Yorktown; held at Point Batcheller, John. Collier. H. H. Culin, William. Culin, George W. Cloa, John W. Cloa. W. J. Cloa, J. L. Clark, W. D. Christian, Samuel J., wounded June 29, 1863, at Westminster. Degan, Henry. Doud, John W., Jr. Dobbins, R. L. Foster, W. K. Dewitt, John D., wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Franks, William M. Frease, H. P. Goolsbey, J. M. Goodwin, G. T. Gibson, James. Houchins, Thomas M. Houchins, J. W., captured July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; held at Fort Delaware. Hill, John W., promoted third lieutenant; captured July 3, '63, at Gettysburg. Johnson, G. T. Johnson, W. A. Jones, J. R. Kidd, W. P. Kiley, S. H. Jones, S. S. killed August 30, 1862, at Manassas. Jones, William T. Kinnie, C. Lady, A. G. Lorsh, Henry, wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Mallory, James E., promoted first lieutenant; wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Mallory. George J. McMullen, R. L. Moran, G. N. McKinnie, John. Manns, W. W. Manley, T. J. Mooney, Joseph, enlisted September, 1862; wounded and captured at Hatchers Run, March 31, 1865; held at Fortress Monroe. O'Toole. P Perley, W. E. Pierce, W. X. Pierce, M. L. Paine. W. M. Pourts, T. S. L. Quache, J. M. Randolph, T. J. X. Rainbough, J. E. Slayton, J. W. 284 APPENDIX Sargent, N. R. Shannon, R. Snead, Gideon. Twitie, S. C. Vaughn, W. H. Vandegrift, S. C. Vandegrift, R. C. Wortenbaker, T. G. Wingfield, R. F., killed July 30, 1862, near Richmond. Wingfield, M. W., wounded September 2, 1862, at Seven Pines. Wingfield, A. C. Wingfield, R. S. Wingfield, T. H. Wingfield, George W. COMPANY E, NINTEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Barksdale, Frank, captured at Yorkstown, 1862; held at Fort Dela- ware. Bragg, J. Y., sergeant; promoted lieutenant and captain; captured at Gettysburg, 1863; held at Johnsons Island. Byers, D. H., wounded at Seven Pines, 1862. Gilliam, James S., discharged 1861. Goss, John W., discharged 1862. Goss, W. W., lieutenant; promoted captain; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, '63. Johnson, William W., wounded and captured at Yorktown, April, 1862; held at Fort Delaware. McCallister, W. T., discharged 1862. Minor, Peter, killed at Gettysburg, 1863. Mooney, Madison, accidentally shot near Richmond; died August 1, 1864. Sandridge, J. J, color bearer; wounded June 27, 1862, at Seven Pines; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Salmon, Thomas B., promoted corporal; wounded 1862" at Williams- burg, and 1864 at Selma, Alabama; captured 1865 at High Bridge; paroled. Thurman, B. W., lieutenant; discharged 1862. Vaughan, C. G. Vaughan, W. J., detailed to quartermaster's department. Wood, Alfred T. Wood, Robert, wounded at Seven Pines, 1862; discharged 1862. COMPANY K, NINETEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Babert, T. F., wounded at second Manassas, August 9, 1862; dis- charged November 20, 1862. Bailes, John T., wounded at Fairfax C. H., 1861; captured at Boonesboro 1862; paroled. Bailes, M. G., enlisted 1862; captured at Boonesboro 1862; paroled. Barksdale, James I. Barksdale, William I. Black, Nicholas J., first sergeant; wounded and captured at Gettys- burg, July 3, 18631; held at Baltimore. Black, N. M., third sergeant. Black, Robert, wounded 1865 at Hewlett House; died June 12, 18*67. Black, William, promoted color bearer; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Burton, B. L., enlisted March 3, 1862; promoted corporal; wounded September 5, 1862, at Coffins Farm; July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg; March 27, 1865, at Hewlett House; captured April 6, 1865, at Sailors Creek; held at Newport News; discharged June 15, 1865. Dollins, Alexander M., died August 25, 1861. APPENDIX 285 Dollins, John A.; died February, 1862. Dollins, S. M. C. Dollins, William R., died October 7, 1861. Grimstead, James H., first lieutenant; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; died July 7, 1863. Grimstead, Richard J., promoted second lieutenant; wounded at Five Forks, March 27, 1865. Hawkins, Samuel A., enlisted May 10, 1862; color bearer; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Point Look- out. Humphries, William, died August 1, 1861. Jeffries, J. T. Lane, Xehemiah. Leathers, James A., wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; captured at Roanoke, February, 1862; paroled. Leathers, W. H., corporal. Martin, Henry, wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Martin, James D., enlisted 1862; wounded at Sharpsburg, 1862; cap- tured at Frederick City, 1862. Martin, J. J., wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862; held at Frederick City; discharged January 9, 1863. Martin, Joseph X., died March 4, 1863. Martin, J. W. Martin, Joel X., enlisted 1862; dead. Martin, S. G., lieutenant; promoted captain; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Johnsons Island. Martin, Sylvester, promoted third lieutenant and captain; wounded at Gainesboro, 1863; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Johnsons Island; discharged February 10, 1864. Martin, William T. Powell, James A., promoted first sergeant. Powell, Thomas A. Rea, John A., captain. Rea, J. H., wounded at Gaines Mills, July 7, 1862. Robertson, A. J., second lieutenant; wounded at Cold Harbor; killed at Gaines Mills. Roles, Charles E., third lieutenant. Troter, Lewis, killed at Boonesboro, '62. Woods, John J., wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held in hospital; died July 20, 1863. Woods, John J., corporal; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, '63; died July 16, '63. Woods, Robert H., captured at South Mountain, September 15, 1862; paroled, four months afterwards exchanged. Wood, William H., wounded June 3, 1862, at Seven Pines. Woodson, D. P., wounded Xovember 30, 1865, Hatchers Run. Woodson, James, killed at Boonesboro, 1862. Woodson, James Garland, first lieutenant; promoted captain and major; wounded at Sharpsburg and Gettysburg; killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, '64. Wolf, George, killed at Boonesboro, 1862. Wolf, William, killed at Boonesboro, 1862. Yancey, John F., sergeant. COMPANY E, FORTY-SIXTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, WISE'S BRIGADE. Enlisted May 9, 1861. Captain J. C. Hill, promoted major; wounded at Petersburg, June 1864. First lieutenant, J. M. Page, promoted adjutant; discharged 1863. 286 APPKNWX Second lieutenant, J. C. Chercans, promoted captain. First sergeant, D. N. Patterson, promoted 3d lieutenant; killed at Petersburg. Second sergeant, J. J. Noel, promoted third lieutenant; discharged Third sergeant, John S. Watts. McAllister, W. T., enlisted 1862. Mallory, W. I . Moon, Scarlar, killed June 15, 1804, at Petersburg. Tapscote, James N., enlisted March 1, 1862. COMPANY I, FORTY-SIMM VIKC.INIA JNI'ANTKY, WISF/S HKKJADI. Harris, James O., died May, 1872. Jones, B. P., corporal; captured December, 1861, at Roanokc Is- land; paroled. Jones, Jefferson L., captured December, 1861, at Roanokc Island; paroled. Jones, N. W. Jtmes, Robert M., enlisted June 1, 1863; wounded at Petersburg, February 5, 1865; died March i, isn.v Jones, W. H., wounded at Petersburg, November <">, IH62; died No- vember 6, '67. Keller, Jacob F., enlisted August 12, 1862. Kidd, George M., enlisted April. 1862; promoted second sergeant; wounded August 3, 1864, at Petersburg. Kritxer, J. I., promoted corporal; wounded and captured at Hatch- ers Run, March 31, 1865; held at Fortress Monroe; discharged July 1, 1865. Moon, Jacob, captured April I, 1865, at Five Forks; held at I'oint Lookout; discharged June 25, 1865. Moon, James P., enlisted July 20, 1862. Reeves, Tucker, wounded June 17, 1864, at Petersburg; killc-d April I, 1S65, at Five Forks. Shackleford, William, killed June 17, 1864, ai Wash, C. C., captured at Roanoke Island, December, 1861; paroled. 'I III. IIFIV HXTH AND FIPTY-SKVKNTII INFANTRY Received each a company of men from Albemarlc county. The former was assigned to Hunton's, the latter to Armstead's Brigade, and both brigades were a part of Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. The two companies from M bemarle that went out with these regiments have the glorious rec- ord that has rendered that division the admiration of the world to- day, and will forever perpetuate its deeds among the most heroic of military annals, and the following rosters will show the costly price that was cheerfully paid by Albemarlc comity nn-n toward that end. COMPANY II, I'JI-'TY-SIXTII VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Captain, J. A. Michie. First lieutenant, T. G. Michie, discharged April 20, 1862. Second lieutenant, G. W. Early. APPENDIX Third lieutenant. E. O. Michie, discharged 1862, First sergeant. J. T. Durrette. promoted hospital steward and act- ing assistant surgeon. Second sergeant. H. C. Michie. promoted captain. .ant. James R. Maupin. wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Fuly 3. 1863; held at Davis Island; discharged XovembV Third sergeant. John R. Maupin. promoted second lieutenant. .tnt, William R. Wood, promoted orderly sergeant: wounded and captured at Farmville. April 6. IS65; held at Point Look- out. Corporal. William Ballard. killed. Corporal. Orion Michie. killed. Corporal David G. Maupin, wounded at Gaines Mills; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Rallard. Joseph M.. died February. 186*. Ballard. J. T.. captured at Fair Oaks. June 30, 186$; held at Fort Delaware. Hallard. William G.. killed at Gettysburg. July 3, 1863. Bcddo\\s. Xash, deserted and shot. Bellew. John R.. died March. 1S64. Brown. Richard, corporal. Brown, Thomas, killed. Bowen. L. M., enlisted 1863; captured July 3. 1S63. at Gettysburg; held at Point Lookout; discharged July 4, 1862. Bowen, f oseph A., enlisted 1863. Bailey. Blackwe'll. R. B.. enlisted March. 1S62; captured July 3, 1863. at Gettysburg; held at Baltimore: wounded at Howlett House, June 17. 1S64. in Chesterfield county. Virginia. Blackwell. James, promoted orderly sergeant: wounded and cap- tured at Gettysburg. July 3. 1863; held at Baltimore; released after three months: wounded at Gaines Mills. Coleman. William G., enlisted March 20. l>*2; wounded June. 1863, at Gaines Mills. Dunn. Elijah J.. enlisted Augx> - wounded July 3, 1863. at Gettysburg; captured April 2. isrt.%. at Hatchers Run; held three months at Petersburg. Dunn, Thomas \V.. enlisted March 17. 1862; killed at Gettysburg, July 3. 1863. Dunn, George M.. enlisted March IT. 1$&J; died September. 1S64. from injuries received in the service. Davis, M. P., enlisted 18. Dudley. P. Robert, killed 1S63, at Gettysburg. Garrison. White. Harlow, Samuel. Gibson. Merriman. enlisting March is. 1S62; captured March 29, 1864. at Hatchers Run: held at Point Lookout; discharged July 20, Gibson. Peter, enlisted March IS. 1862; discharged on account of over age. Gibson. Henry T.. enlisted March 17. 1862: killed at Gettysburg. July 3. 1863. Herring. Frank. Herring. George, died. Jones. John A., sergeant; captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Point Lookout. Jordan. . Kirby, James. Kirby, . McCauley. . Murry. . Murry. Tames, died 1861. Morris, Eli. Moms, . Miller, . McAllister. , killed 1863, at Gettysburg. 288 APPENDIX Maupin, Clifton P., enlisted August, 1864. Maupin, Burnett C., killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Maupin, Carson B., killed at Gettysburg, 1863. Norris, James H., enlisted March 17, 1862; captured July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; held at Point Lookout and Fort Delaware; dis- charged June 15, '65. Rhodes, H., wounded 1862, at Gaines Mills; 1863, twice near Rich- mond; 1864, at Cold Harbor. Rhodes, Hezekiah. Rice, Rhodes, Franklin, killed 1862, at Malvern Hill. Richards, Dr. John S., enlisted 1862; lieutenant; promoted assistant surgeon 7th North Carolina Infantry; discharged, 1863. Shiflett, Smith. Shiflett, Durrett. Shiflett, Marshall, shot by mistake as deserter. Sandridge, George W., killed July 3>, 1863, at Gettysburg. Sandridge, Wm., died 1863. Tappee, Charles. ' Via, W. H., enlisted June, 1862. Wood, C. C., enlisted April 25, 1862; wounded at Cold Harbor; cap- tured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Fort Delaware. COMPANY H, FIFTY-SEIVENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Captain, John B. Magruder, pjomoted major, lieutenant colonel and colonel; killed at Gettysburg, 1863. First lieutenant, William W. Minor, Jr., discharged May, 1862. Second lieutenant, William L. Randolph, discharged May, 1862. Third lieutenant, R. Lewis Rogers, promoted captain; killed 1864. Orderly sergeant, J. B. Ward, died February, 1862. First sergeant, William Thompson, promoted second lieutenant and captain. Second sergeant, C. N. Rogers, discharged 1862, on account of ill health. Third sergeant, George A. Wood, promoted hospital steward and acting assistant surgeon. Fourth sergeant, Thomas W. Thompson, promoted first lieutenant. First corporal, James A. Biggins, killed 1862, at Malvern Hill. Second corporal, A. H. Saunders. Third corporal, C. C. Wood, promoted first sergeant. Fourth corporal, J. B. Ward, died 1862. Allen, Edgar. Bragg, R. F. Bragg, Coleman. Bragg, H. L. Bragg, H. R., died 1863. Bragg, James T. Bacon, W. D. Belleney, B. F. Bellamy, George W. Black, J. T., died 1862. Bowran, Jacob R. Bowran, William J. Bybee, John A. Cox, William. Catterton, A. M., enlisted May, 1862; wounded at Malvern Hill, and Gettysburg July 3, 1863. Carr, John O., promoted captain of Co. T, 26th Virginia Infantry. Carver, W. D. Crenshaw, J. G. B. Coleman, . Duff, S. B. Dunn, Leroy E., killed at Malvern Hill, 1862. Elliott, P. H. Eads, James, died 1864. Eastham, Edward, discharged 1862. Eddins, Theodore T., enlisted 1862; third sergeant; wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; died December 15, 1867. APPENDIX 289 Eddins, Charles C., enlisted '63; wounded at Halls Shop, '64; died March 20, '69. Fitch, R. H. Ford, James A. Gillespie, J. W. Giannini, Horace M. Gibson, R. O. Harlowe, James, N. Harlowe, Joseph. Hawley, W. R. Hawley, Schuyler. Jones, Schuyler H. Lupton, J. C., enlisted 1862; wounded and captured at Williams- port, July, 1863; held at Harrisburg. Lilley, Willis. Maupin, Gabriel N. Maupin, Gabriel O. Morris, James B., died 1863. Morris, John W., died 1863. Morris, James R. Morris, John R. Morris, R. J. Morris, Wm. N. Morris, Wm. Morris, A. J., killed 1862, at Malvern Hill. Morris, John. Morris, Davis. Morris, Alexander. Mayo, John W. Mayo, W. B., killed 1862, at Malvern Hill. McCauley, Miles. Mooney, John T. Mponey, George W. Marshall, Wesley B., died 1863. Minor, R. T., transferred to Co. K, 2d Virginia Cavalry. Naylpr, John T. Pace, Benjamin H. Norris, John W., died in Richmond, March, 1863 1 . Powell, Edward, captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Point Lookout; died 1865. Reinhart, W. W. Seamand, John G. Seamand, H. J. Snow, P. P. Sprouse, John, discharged 1862. Sprouse, Gideon, discharged 1862. Shifiett, O. M., promoted color-bearer; died 1863. Shiflett, F. Shiflett, Isaac. Tyler, Joseph W. Tyler, T. R. Via, Thompson S. Via, John W. Via, William F. Wood, H. L. Wood, J. B. THE SECOND VIRGINIA CAVALRY Was among the first Virginia troops to respond to her call to arms, entering the field in May, 1861, and assigned to Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division. It took gallant part in the first Manassas bat- tle, and through the remainder of 1861 was in all the skirmishing and fighting under the brilliant cavalry leader, "Jeb" Stuart; went into winter quarters five miles west of Manassas Junction, until after Christmas, then broke camp and moved to Leesburg, in Lou- doun county, remaining there until the spring of 1862. Took active part in Jackson's summer campaign, chasing Banks across the Po- tomac, fighting Fremont at Cross Keys, and driving Shields down Page valley; then crossing the Blue Ridge the regiment took cars for Richmond, arriving there in season to participate in the "Seven Days Battles." Went under Jackson to Gordonsville, and at Man- aponax Church, en route for Fredericksburg, in August, 1862, at- tacked two brigades of Federal Cavalry, and routed them. Took part in the battles of Cedar Run, pursued Pope across the Rappa- 290 APPENDIX hannock, righting at Kellys Ford; engaged at Catlctts Station, cap- turing Pope's private baggage, horses, wagons, and a number of prisoners. Engaged with heavy loss at second Manassas, then in the Maryland Campaign, sharing in the capture of Harpers Ferry, then hurrying back to participate in the Sharpsburg battle. Re- turning to the valley, skirmished there until winter headquarters were made at Berryville. Shared in the movement of Lee's army in 1863, until after the Pennsylvania invasion, including Gettysburg, cutting the telegraph lines at Chambersburg, raiding Emmettsburg and Hopestown; then returning to the Potomac, via Frederick City, Maryland, fighting Pleasanton's cavalry on the way. Spent the fall and winter of 1863 in the Virginia valley, with winter headquarters at Culpeper C. H., and from that time until the close of the war was joined in fortune with the Army of Northern .Virginia. Com- pany K of this regiment was mainly Albemarle county volunteers. COMPANY K, SECOND VIRGINIA CAVALRY. Anderson, M. L., enlisted July, 1862; killed October 8, 1864, near Woodstock. Baxter, Thornton; killed 1864, near Trevilian Depot. Bragg, V- T. Carr, James, killed '64, at Fort Kernan. Cosby, Thomas M., wounded in the Virginia valley, October 9, 1864. Garth, J. D., enlisted 1862; captured 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware. Garth. S. D., enlisted March, 1862; captured May 8, 1864, at Spot- sylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware. Garth, W. A., wounded and captured at Spotsylvania C. H., 1864; recaptured; discharged 1864. Goss, John W., enlisted 1862; captured near Charlottesville; paroled. Good, Albert H., second lieutenant; captured and wounded at Get- tysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Davis Island; died August 3, 1863. Goodwin, F. C., killed at Appomattox C. H., 1865. Goodwin, William W., wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor; died next day. Grayson, Joseph H., enlisted July 13, 1863; wounded- at Charles City C. H., May 23, 1864; discharged June 14, 1864. Harris, Robert X., wounded at Hellars Ford and Stevensburg. Leslie, J. O., promoted captain; wounded 1862 in the valley of Vir- ginia; killed 1864 at Front Royal. Lobban, W. F., captured February 18, 1864; held at Fort Delaware thirteen months, at Washington four months. Lowis, James T., sergeant; promoted adjutant-sergeant. Magruder, James, sergeant; promoted first lieutenant; killed 1864 at at Meadow Bridge. Marshall, George B., wounded near Surrey, September, 1864; dis- charged September, 1864. Marshall, William, enlisted 1862; killed 1862 in the valley of Vir- ginia. McGhee, Frank, wounded September 2, 1862, at Leesburg; June 24, 1864, at Shop. McGhee, N. C., sergeant. Maupin, J. L. P. APPENDIX 291 Michie, E. O., enlisted 1862; wounded September, 1863, at Jacks' Shop. Minor, George R. Minor, William B.; died 1863. Mundy, E. C., enlisted 1862. Nelson, Frank, killed 1864, at Fort Kernan. Newman, Thomas, killed 1863 in Loudon county. Railey, James P., Corporal. Rothwell, J. W., enlisted 1862; died 1862. Shackelford, Dr. W. C., promoted assistant surgeon, 2d Virginia Cavalry. Sneed, Charles. Sneed, Edward. Sneed, Horace A., died April 12, 1864. Sneed, John A. Tebbs, W. B.; promoted captain; killed 1862 near Richmond. Thurman, B. W., enlisted 1862. Thurman, T. L., promoted corporal; wounded in Fauquier county, 1862. Trevilyan, H. N., enlisted 1863. White, B. T., died 1861. White, William A., enlisted October, 1864. Williams, Q. L., promoted lieutenant. Wood, Joseph T., enlisted 1862. Woods, J. Mann, enlisted 1862. Woods, John J., adjutant-sergeant; wounded at Jacks Shops. Woods, W. P., enlisted April 9, 1863; wounded at Long Bridge, April 6, 1865; captured at Burksville next day; held at Lincoln Hospital, Washington. COMPANY I, FIFTH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, LOMAX's BRIGADE, W. H. LEE'S DIVISION. Craddock, A. J., enlisted February 1, 1862; wounded October 12, 1864, at Petersburg. Craddock, Thomas J., enlisted February 1, 1862; wounded February 20, 1863, at Hamilton's Crossing. Craddock, William R., enlisted February 1, 1862. Hoard, George M., enlisted January 3, 1862; second lieutenant; wounded June 17, 1863, at Aldie; captured same day at Field Hospital; exchanged. Gilliam, James L., enlisted 1864. McGhee, John W., enlisted in spring of 1862; promoted sergeant; captured at Point Lookout 1864; held seven months. Staehlin, W. R., first lieutenant: captured April 4, 1864, at Yellow Tavern, held at Fort Delaware; discharged July 6, 1865. COMPANY F, TENTH VA. CAVALRY. This company was organized in April, 1861, and joined the Wise Legion. It was sent to West Virginia and sworn into the service at Goulay Bridge in June, 1861, for a term of twelve months. At the end of twelve months the command was reorganized and new offi- cers elected. The Wise Legion now became the 10th Regiment. Later it became a part of Lomax's Brigade, W. H. F. Lee's Divi- sion. Tn the list given below, the letter "R" occurring after a name, indicates that the soldier was a recruit, and not one of those en- listing at the time of the first organization of the troop. 292 APPENDIX FIRST OFFICERS. Captain, James Timberlake. Third Sgt., James Durrett. First Lt., Dr. Goodman. Fourth Sgt., William H. Kable. Second Lt., Richard Shepard. First Corp., A. M. Goodloe. Third Lt., John Grayson. Second Corp., Oscar Head. First Sgt., Mark Durrett. Third Corp., Andrew Sutherland. Second Sgt., Jerry White. Fourth Corp., Auburn Mann. SECOND OFFICERS. Captain, Henry Delton. Second Lt., Wash. Martin. First Lt., Wm. H. Kable. Third Lt., Walker Martin. First Sgt., Andrew Sutherland (afterwards Captain). PRIVATES. Aplin, Ned. Arstop, Jack (R). Baber, James R. (R); enlisted Oct. 1, 1863; captured at Five Forks, April 3, 1865; held at Point Lookout; discharged, July 3, 1865. Bates, Robt. H. (R); enlisted May 20, 1864. Boyd, A. P. Collins, Wash (R). Burton, John. Dettor, Ad (R). Burton, Cliff. Dettor, John. Carr, John. Dettor, Robert (R). Carr, Tom. Dettor, William. Collins, George (R). Dillard, Jesse. Collins, Jeff (R). Dillard, Joe. Collins, John. Dollins, John. Collins^ Press. Dring, Tom. Durrett, Frank (R); enlisted Tune 1, 1863; wounded at Brandy Sta- tion, June 9, 1863. Durrett, Henry. Durrett, James, promoted 2d Lieut.; wounded June 9, 1863, at Brandy Station. Durrett, Mark, second sergeant. Durrett, William, wounded in November, 1861, at Chapmanville; July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; struck by balls seven times, three of which he still carries. Edge, Benjamin, died November 25, 1862. Edge, John E., enlisted May 20, 1862; wounded at Brandy Station, July 12, 1863; killed at Reams Station, August 24, 1864. Edge, Philip (R). Elson, John (R); killed August 24, 1864, at Reams Station. Fears, George (R). Fretwell, Bright (R). Ferguson, Frank (R). Fretwell, Tom (R). Fox, Jobe. Garland, Peter W. (R); enlisted March, 1864. Giles, Joseph H., killed September, 1864, at Stony Creek. Goodloe, Ad. Hall, Henry. Goodloe, Benton (R). Hall, John. Goodman, Harris. Hall, Lucian. Goodwin, John. Hall, Richard (R). Goodwin, Lewis (R). Hamner, Nick. Goodwin, Warwick. Harden, Henry. Grayson, John. Harmon, William (R). Harris, W. C. (R); enlisted January 1, 1865; captured at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. APPENDIX 293 Head, Oscar. Hicks, William. Herndon, James. Hopkins, John (R); enlisted April 3, 1862; killed at Reams Station, August 24, 1864. Hopkins, William (R). Humphrey, John (R). Hudson, Charles. Johnson, Lewis B. (R); enlisted October 3, 1864. Johnson, William A. Kable, William. Kennedy, Harden. Lewis, John O. Lipscomb, Campbell. Lobbin, William (R). Kennan, John. Kincaid, Clark. Lane, William. Kennan, Charles (R). Lewis, John M. (R); enlisted October 28, 1864. McCue, James (R). McCue, William (R). McGee, Junius (R). Mann, Auburn, promoted sergeant. Mann, John, wounded June 28, 1864, at Spottsylvania C. H.; "dis- charged July 25, 1864. Mann, J. Legrand (R); enlisted May 12, 1862; promoted sergeant. Mann, Richard C. (R); enlisted May 20, 1863. Martin, Samuel W., discharged August 15, 1861. Martin, T. R. Maupin, Charles (R). Martin, Walker. Milton, Robert (R). Martin, Wash. Moon, J. Summerneld (R); enlisted September 10, 1863. Morris, John (R). Xorris, Walter (R). Nash, John (R). O'Brien, John. Oliver, John H., promoted second sergeant. Omohundro, Cal (R). Scott, Jack (R). Page, Robert. Scott, James (R). Powell, Leonard (R). Shelton, Cliff (R). Rogers, James. Shepard, Albert. Shepard, Richard. Smith, Edward. Smith, John. Smith, J. Massie, wounded at Yorktown, 1862; Five Forks, 1865. Smith, Makry (R). Smith, Willis (R). Stagall, Henry. Rogers, V. F. Rudisil, John (R) Scott, Alfred (R). Smith, Roads (R). Smith, Tom. Stagall, Richard (R); enlisted October 1865, at Five Forks. 20, 1862; wounded April 3, Strange, James (R). Strouse.D. B. (R). Sutherland, Andrew, corporal, sergeant and captain. Southard. William. Taylor, Charles (R). Tate, William. Timber-lake, Clark. Timberlake, James. Toole, John. Towers, James (R). Via, Frank. Wallace, Charles I., fourth sergeant. Wallace, George P. (R); enlisted January 1, 1862; wounded and captured at Brandy Station, July 23, 1863i; held at Point Look- out; died June 4, 1864. Wallace, Hardy. Walters, James. Walcott, Gideon (R); enlisted April 3, 1862; killed June 9, 1863, at Brandy Station. White, Garrett. White, James. White, Jerry M., second sergeant. White, John S., promoted corporal. 294 APPENDIX White, Milton. Wingfield, Willoughby (R). White, William J. Witt, Asa (R). Wingfield, Fuller. Wood, William L. Wingfield, Walker. Yates, S. B. THE SEVENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY Was brigaded successively under Generals Early, Longstreet. Ewell, A. P. Hill, Kemper and W. R. Turey. Company I was en- listed in Albemarle county and entered the field in June, 1861. As- signed to Pickett's Division, the regiment was actively engaged in the brilliant series of movements of the army of Northern Vir- ginia, and its battles included Bull Run, first Manassas, Williams- burg, Seven Pines, Fraziers Farm, second Manassas, South Moun- tain, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Bermuda Hundreds, the seven days fighting around Richmond, the battles around Petersburg, and the fighting on the retreat to Appomattox, where it was surrendered. At Gettysburg only three members of I Company in the action fell back unwounded from the charge of Pickett's Division on the Heights, while many of its members gave their lives in that heroic endeavor to turn the tide of battle. The Company was from time to time recruited, mainly from Albemarle county. We are indebted to Sergeant W. N. Parrot for the following roster: COMPANY I, SEVENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Captain, J. J. Winn, discharged May 1, 1862. First lieutenant, J. W. Rodes. Second lieutenant, Basil G. Brown, wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, held at Forts Pulaski and Delaware; died July, 1865, at home. Third lieutenant, W. B. Maupin. First sergeant, T. J. Golden, wounded at second Manassas; dis- charged August, '62. Second sergeant, J. E. Wyant, promoted first lieutenant; wounded at Williamsburg, May 5, 1862; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Johnsons Island; discharged June 22, 1865. Third sergeant, D. O. Etherton, wounded at Manassas July, 1861; discharged '61. Fourth sergeant, William A. Brown, promoted second lieutenant: wounded at Williamsburg, May 5, 1862; died May 8, 1862, at Mrs. Honsford's. Fifth sergeant, Chas. B. Brown, promoted third lieutenant; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Johnsons Island; dis- charged June 20, 1865. First corporal, W. P. Walters, promoted third lieutenant; killed at Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. Second corporal, B. Fretwell, died at Centreville, Virginia, 1861, of measles. Third corporal, J. P. Jones, wounded July 21, 1861, at Manassas; discharged '61. Fourth corporal, W. N. Parrott, promoted second sergeant: APPENDIX 295 wounded July 3, 1863', at Gettysburg, and March 31, 1865, at Dinwiddie C. H. Ambroselli, John B., killed July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Ballard, C., enlisted 1864, killed March 31, 1865, at Dinwiddie C. H. Ballard, Marion, enlisted 1862; killed June 30, 1862, at Fraziers Farm. Bowen, F. A., killed May 5, 1862, at Williamsburg. Blackwell, Henry Clay, captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Blackwell, Henry C., wounded at Seven Pines. Blackwell, H. C., discharged 1862. Bailey, J. T., promoted sergeant; captured July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg; held at Fort Delaware. Bellew, J. T., captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Fort Delaware. Bellew, William T., captured. at Appomattox C. H., April 6, 1865; held at Point Lookout; died December, 1876. Brown, W. H. H., wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff; captured near Richmond. Brown, B. G. Brown, W. G., died 1862. Brown, R. C., captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Clark, I. L., captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout; died there, 1865. Clark, G. P., promoted sergeant; captured July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg; held at Fort Delaware. Clark, Tobias, captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout; died there, 1865. Clark, William N., captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout; wounded at Seven Pines; captured at Drakes Island; held at Point Lookout. Clark, T. C., enlisted 1862; captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. Clement, Joe. Clements, M. J., wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Clements, M. E., wounded May 31, 1862, at Seven Pines; captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. demon, J. L., wounded at Strawberry Plains, 1864; captured twice near High Bridge; held at Fort Delaware and Point Lookout. Chapman, W. S., enlisted 1864; captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks: held at Point Lookout. Coleman. J. L., wounded at Strasburg, 1864; captured in Prince Ed- ward county, held at Point Lookout; captured near High Bridge, held at Fort Delaware. Cox, N., captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Look- out; died there, 1865. Dore, David, died 1862. Davis, P. L., captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. Davis, H. T., wounded and captured July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; held at Fort Delaware: captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. Fulcher, T. J., promoted corporal; wounded and captured July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; held at Fort Delaware. Fisher, G. R. Fielding, Junius, captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Fielding, Eppa, promoted corporal; captured April 1, '65; held at Point Lookout. 296 APPENDIX Fielding, W. B., wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Fort Delaware; exchanged and three times cap- tured. Fielding, B. F., killed July 18, 1861, at Bull Run. Fielding, J. E., enlisted February, 1862; wounded, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Gardner, Elzie, died 1861, of measles. Garrison, J. T. Good, A. H., promoted lieutenant; wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg; died July, 1863. Harris, James, enlisted 1865; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Herring, W. H., enlisted 1863; killed July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Herndon, W. G., enlisted 1863; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout, and died there, 1865. Hustin, E. D. Iseman, J. P., discharged October, 186-1. Jarman, W. D., promoted corporal; wounded September 14, 1862, at Boonesboro, Maryland. Jones, John P., wounded at first Manassas, July 18, 1861; died February, 1884. Kidd, I. L., wounded May 31, 1862. Keyton, W. L., promoted sergeant; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout; died of diphtheria, October, 1866. Lane, J. M., died 1862. Lowery, George died of measles, 1862. Maupin, J. T., died of measles, 1861. Maupin, C. B., killed July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. McQuary, W. H. Marshall, T. A., died 1872. Powell, L. W., wounded July 21, 1862, at Manassas. Racer, Charles, enlisted 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Rea, R., enlisted June 3, 1862. Ryan, J. W., wounded September 14, 1862, at Boonesboro, Mary- land. Slater, J. R., captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Sneed, John, wounded July 21, 1861, at Manassas; April 3, 1865, at Five Forks. Sneed, R. Sandridge, Richard W. Sandridge, Zach., wounded June, 1863, at Gaines Mills. Sandridge, W. O. Sandridge, R., captured at Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout, and died there, 1865. Toombs, William L., killed July 11, 1861, at Bull Run. Toombs, R. A., enlisted April, 1862. Taylor, J. W., died 1862 of heart disease. Thurston, J. N., wounded and captured July 3, 1863', at Gettysburg; held at Point Lookout. Thurston, Andrew J., wounded at second Manassas, August 27, 1862; captured at Hatchers Run; died April, 1881. Thurston, R. J., enlisted April, 3862; wounded at second Manassas, August 27, 1862; captured near Petersburg, April 5, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Thurston, George, fell from team and killed, 1863. Thurston, R., wounded May 31, 1862., at Seven Pines. Thurston, John. APPENDIX 297 Thurston, J. T., wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; captured April 1, 1865, at Five Forks; held at Point Lookout. Via, R. C., wounded at Manassas, July 2, 1861. Via, Tom. Ward, E. H., promoted corporal; wounded July 1, 1862, at Fraziers Farm; at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Ward, John. Ward, Samuel. Walton, J. W., died in hospital, 1862. Wheeler, R. F., wounded at Manassas, July 21, 1861; discharged 1861. Wood, A. F., captured June 30, 1862, at Fraziers Farm; held at Governors Island, New York; Five Forks, April 1, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Woods, W. P., promoted corporal; discharged April 9, 1863; re-en- listed same day. Woods, Jos. H., enlisted May 1, 1864. Wood, W. T., killed July 3, 1863-, at Gettysburg. Woods, W. W., wounded August 27, 1862, at second Manassas; died September, 1862, in Albemarle County. Wood, William, wounded at second Manassas; killed at Gettys- burg, July 3, '63. Wolfe, E. M., wounded June 30, 1862, at Fraziers Farm. Wolfe, Thomas B. Wyant, J. A., kijled at Dinwiddie C. H., March 31, 1865. Wiseman, J. F. /promoted sergeant. THE BORDER GUARD. FIRST IN THE; FIRST REGIMENT OF WISE LEGION AND AFTERWARDS CO. D, FORTY-SIXTH VIRGINIA REGIMENT. Following is the company roll of the "Border Guard," organized at Charlottesville, Va., in June, 1861, and mustered into the First Regiment of the Wise Legion, at Lewisburg, West Virginia, on the 23rd of June, 1861; later, company D, 46th Virginia Regiment, Wise's Brigade, Bushrod Johnson's Division, C. S. A. OFFICERS. Captain, R. G. Crank, died since the war. First lieutenant, Wm. H. Crank, resigned 1861. Second lieutenant, George Norris, died since the war. Third lieutenant, Wm. Henning Wood, died since the war. First sergeant, E. M. Cox, transferred to Co. I, 46th Va.; died since the war. Second sergeant, James Braton. died since the war. Third sergeant, James A. Harris. Fourth sergeant, John S. Horton, died since the war. First corporal, A. D. Cox. later lieutenant in Co. I, 46th Va. (Capt. Tucker Rives Company). Second corporal, J. W. Scribner. Third corporal, John J. Wood. Fourth corporal, George E. W. Brown, died since the war. LATER. Captain, George Norris, died since the war. First lieutenant, W. E. Norris. 298 APPENDIX First lieutenant, John D. Watson, served about three months; transferred and made adjutant 57th Va. Regiment, Pickett's Division. Second lieutenant, Frank S. Durrette, died 1898. Third lieutenant, James A. Harris. Lieutenant, John S. Horton, died since the war. Lieutenant, William H. Harris. First sergeant, John F. Brown. PRIVATES. Acree, Smith. Agney, William. Bailey, John H., died since the war. Birkhead, Richard, died since the war. Bruce, George W., killed at Petersburg. Bruce, Wallis, wounded at Petersburg, 164. Brown, John F. Burrus, Robert D., wounded at Sailor's Creek, 1865, died since the war. Ballard, . Clauss, H. L. Catterton, William, died since the war. Cooney, Patrick, died since the war. % Cox, L. W., after capture of Roanoke Island came home and joined Carrington's Battery, served 2 years, transferred to Co. D, 46th Va., while in trenches at Petersburg and served to end of war as color guard. Craig, William. Dandridge, George W. Craig, Sam. Dunn, Willis, died since the war. Croley, W. Dunn, Luther M. Dodd, Marcus, transferred to Mosby's Command; died since the war. Dunn, Albert S., died since war. Dobbins, James, wounded March 31, '64, died since the war. Durrett, James W. Frazier, James A., died since the war. Frazier, Thomas J. Garrison, George C. Garrison, Robert, killed at Petersburg, 1864. Gillispie, William. Gardner, Walker R., wounded '64, at Petersburg and died from wounds. Garrison, Franklin W., died since the war. Garrison, Henry, died since the war. Garrison, Will. Harris, William H., later lieutenant. Hall, Julian, wounded at Petersburg. Hall, Rick. Hall, Ebenezer, killed at Petersburg. Hoy, James H., deserted and executed. Haney, Smith, died since the war. Head, Montgomery W., died since the war. Joyce, . Keyton, Edward, died since the war. Keyton, , killed at Petersburg. Lamb, Newton, killed at Petersburg in 1864. Lamb, John W. Loffland, George M., transferred to cavalry. Mallory, John T., wounded at Scary Creek, 1861 APPENDIX 299 McAllister, William. Madison, James M., killed at Petersburg, 1864. McGrath, Morris, killed at Petersburg, 18G4. McCormick, William. Marshall, William H.> died in the war. Marshall, Buck. Marshall, John, wounded at Hewlett House, 1864. Madison, James, transferred to cavalry. Norris, Fendal F., wounded at Petersburg, '63. O'Conner, Michael, died since the war. Peyton, Bernard H., died since the war. Price, William. Rodes, Walker, killed March 29, 1865, serving as color guard. Shiflett, Benjamin F., died in prison, Elmira, N. Y. Shiflett, Lindsay, died since the war. Shiflett, John F., transferred to cavalry; died since the war. Shiflett, Chapman B., transferred to cavalry; killed at Brandy sta- tion. Shiflett, Montgomery, died at Elmira (N. Y.) prison. Shiflett, Micajah B., killed at Petersburg. Shiflett, Killis, died since the war. Shiflett, Leake, died since the war. Shenalt, , Snow, Richard, died during the war. Shackelford, Richard I., died since the war.- Snow, Theodore. Sullivan, Ira H. Smith, Theodrick B., killed carrying the colors at Scary Creek, 1861; first man from Albemarle killed in war. Shoemaker, , killed at Petersburg. Shafer, , killed at Petersburg. Sutherland, . Trevillian, Garrett C. Thurman, Fendal, wounded in the trenches at Petersburg. Tharpe, . Wood, Edward. Wood, Horace W., wounded at Petersburg. Watson, John W. Wood, Joseph F., died since the war. Wood, Winston. Wilkerson, John S. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE. Abell, J. R., enlisted May 4, 1862, with commissary department; quartermaster; discharged August, 1864. Alexander, T. W., enlisted April 19, 1861; -Co. H, 5th Virginia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade, Jackson's Division; wounded and captured at Spotsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864; held at Fort Delaware; discharged June 12, 1865. Andrews, John S., enlisted April, 1861; Co. H, 4th Alabama, Rees' Brigade; promoted surgeon; discharged May, 1863. Austin, Dr. H. O., enlisted 1861; 19th Virginia Infantry, Cocke's Brigade; Ewell's Division; assistant surgeon; discharged 1862. Austin, William H., enlisted April 18, 1861; Co. C. 1st Virginia Cavalry, Wickham's Brigade, Pickett's Division; thrown from a horse at Manassas; captured September 15, 1864. at Waynes- boro; held at Harpers Ferry. 300 APPENDIX Austin, William T., enlisted July 29, 1861; Wyatt's Battery, Poague's Battalion; captured November, 1863, at Earlysville; held at Washington four months and Fort Delaware twelve months. Baber, W. J., enlisted November 7, 1862; Battery A, Virginia Light Artillery, McGregory's Division, Stewart's Brigade. Baber, C. L., enlisted June 12, 1861; Co. E, Battery Virginia Light Artillery, Purcell's Brigade, Pegram's Division; wounded Feb- ruary 4, 1865, at Petersburg; died July 6, 1883*. Bass, John C., enlisted February 28, -1863; Co. F, 5th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; wounded and captured October 19, 1864, at Strasburg; held at Baltimore; wounded and captured June 17, 1863, at Aldie; exchanged; dis- charged December 1, 1864. Bass, William E., enlisted February 20, 1862; Co. F. 5th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; wounded Oc- tober 19, '62, at Strasburg. Barksdale, William I., enlisted May 10, 1861; Co. K, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Bellew, J. H., enlisted February, 1864; Co. H, 7th Virginia Artillery. Bellew, George T., enlisted April, 1864; captured; and held at Fort Delaware. Bebb, James D., enlisted April 20, 1862; 3d Battalion Virginia Light Artillery, Sturdevant's Battery. Bishop, A. G., enlisted March 15, 1862; Co. B. 1st Artillery, Car- rington's Brigade, Swell's Division; wounded September 15, 1862, at White Post, and wounded and captured May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware. Blackwell, J. H., enlisted 1862; Co. A., Mosby's command. Blackwell, Joseph, enlisted 1861; Co. B, 19th Virginia Infantry; wounded September 14, 1862, at South Mountain. Blair, J. T., enlisted April 1, 1861; Co. C, 19th Virginia; promoted first lieutenant and commissary; wounded August 27, 1862, at first Manassas. Black, Samuel, enlisted August 20, 1864; Co. D, 10th Virginia Cav- alry, W. H. Lee's Division. Black, William Powers, enlisted January 3, 1863; Co. E, 3d Bat- talion Virginia Light Artillery, Pendleton's Brigade, Nelson's Division. Booker, George E., enlisted July 6, 1861; Co. A, 58th Virginia In- fantry, Johnson's Brigade, Jackson's Division; captain; promoted major. Boiling, Bartlett, enlisted 1864; Co. D, Mosby's command; wounded near Berryville, 1864; captured in Fauquier county, 1864; held at Fort Delaware. Bowen, M. A., enlisted February, 1862; 39th Virginia Cavalry; courier for General R. E. Lee. Bowen, F. A. W., enlisted April, 1861; Co. I, 56th Virginia Regi- ment; killed at Williamsburg. Boyd, James A., enlisted October 1, 1864; Co. G, 49th Virginia In- fantry, Pegram's Brigade. Boyd, J. H., enlisted November 3, 1864; Co. G, 49th Virginia In- fantry, Pegram's Brigade. Bragg, John G., enlisted 1862; Walker's Battery. Breckinridge, James, enlisted 1861; Captain Breckinridge's Com- pany, 2d Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stewart's Divi- sion; killed 1865 on retreat. APPENDIX 301 Breckenridge, Gilmer, enlisted 1861; Breckinridge's Company,/ 2d Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stewart's Division; killed '65, at Fort Kernan. Bramham, N., enlisted 1865; Co. C, Mosby's command; captured 1865, near Charlottesville; escaped. Brown, B. B., enlisted April 1, 1861; 4th Virginia Cavalry, Wick- ham's Brigade, Stewart's Division; captured at Catlett Station. Brown, John P., enlisted April, 1861; Co. D, 46th Virginia Infan- try, McGruder's Brigade, Pickett's Division; orderly sergeant; captured and held at Point Lookout. Brown, George W. E., enlisted April, 1861; Co. D, 46th Virginia Infantry, McGruder's Brigade, Pickett's Division; corporal; wounded at Elizabeth City; held at Roanoke Island. Brown, Lucian B., enlisted October, 1861; Co. B, 1st Artillery, Car- rington's Brigade, Swell's Division; wounded May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware; died July 19, 1864. Brown, James R., enlisted April, 1861; Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Battery; sergeant; wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Brown, Williamson D., enlisted May 12, 1864; 1st Virginia Reserves, Colonel R. T. W. Duke. Browning, E. C., enlisted May 10, 1861; Co. I, 2d Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division; wounded April 4, 1864, at Yellow Tavern. Browning, F. M., enlisted May 10, 1861; Co. I, 2d Virginia Cav- alry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division. Bryan, J. R., Jr., enlisted 1861; McGruder's command; second lieu- tenant and drill-master; promoted aide-de-camp, discharged 1862; re-enlisted 1862, McLane's Division, orderly sergeant; promoted captain and inspector of field transportation. Burcher, J. S., enlisted May 10, 1861; Co. C, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Burnley, D. W., enlisted May 1, 1861; Battery A, Virginia Light Artillery, McGruder's Brigade, Johnston's Division; first ser- geant; discharged August 25, 1862. Burton, John A., enlisted March 20, 1863; Co. B, 59th Virginia Re- serves, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division. Campbell, Charles A., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. C, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; wounded Au- gust 28, 1862, at second Manassas; died 1869. Carter, J. H., enlisted November, 1864; Co. D, 49th Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Brigade. Clark, Charles D., enlisted August 20, 1861; Co. E, Battalion Vir- ginia Light Artillery, Pendleton's Brigade, Nelson's Division; wounded September 3', 1862; at Kellys Ford. Clark, George M., enlisted July 18, 1861; SouthalFs Battery; served fourteen months; discharged for non age; re-enlisted in Sep- tember, 1864; 49th Virginia Infantry, Pegram's Brigade, Division; wounded below Petersburg, March 25, 1865; cap- tured at Richmond; held at Newport News; discharged July 2, 1865. Cobbs, George E., enlisted May, 1864; Poague's Battalion, Sturde- vant's Battery; killed at Petersburg, August 20, 1864. Cole, John G., enlisted 1862; Co. B, 2d Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division. Coleman, Chester C., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. C, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; killed May 8, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H. 302 APPENDIX Ccleman, Robert, enlisted June 1, 1862; Co. H, 19th Virginia In- fantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; wounded July 21, 1861, at Manassas. Cook, G. W., enlisted August 1, 1864; Co. B, 19th Virginia Heavy Artillery, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division. Crickenbarger, W. A., enlisted 1861; Co. I. 33d Virginia Infantry, stonewall's Brigade; captured at Spotsylvania C. H., 1864; held at Fort Delaware. Crockford, S. H., enlisted 1862; Johnson's Battalion Artillery; ser- geant; promoted first lieutenant and adjutant. Davis, Burnett, enlisted 1862; Sturdevant's Battery. Davis, James F., enlisted 1861; Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Bat- tery. Davis, M. V., enlisted 1861; Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Battery. Davis, William H., enlisted 1864; Sullivan's Artillery. Day, William, enlisted June 1, 1861; Co. A, 10th Virginia Infantry; Elzy's Brigade, Jackson's Division: wounded at second Ma- nassas. Dobbins, James A., enlisted June, 1861; Co. D, 46th Virginia In- fantry; Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; promoted cor- poral: wounded at the Crater. Dolan, J. E., enlisted June 9, 1861 ; 25th Battalion Virginia Reserves, Critchfield's Brigade, Custis Lee's Division. Dollins, Tyra, enlisted August 1, 1863; Co. B, 18th Battalion Vir- ginia Heavy Artillery, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division. Delaine, W. P., enlisted April 16, 1861; Co. H, 19th Virginia Infan- try, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division: musician; wounded June 20, 1864, at Chester Station. Dunn, Edward, enlisted April 1, 1861; Co. B, 19th Virginia Infan- try, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; killed. Dunn, James T., enlisted May 12, 1864; reserved force under Colonel R. T. W. Duke, of Albemarle County. Drew, James A., enlisted May 10 1861; Co. C, 19th Virginia Infan- try, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Durnette, Dr. James T., enlisted 1861; 56th Virginia Infantry, Hun- ton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; orderly sergeant; promoted acting assistant surgeon. Durrett, Frank S, enlisted 1863; Co. D, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; second lieutenant. Early, J. A., enlisted October, 1864; 49th Virginia Infantry, Walker's Brigade. Ellinger, Andrew, enlisted March 14, 1862; Co. F, 5th Virginia In- fantry, Swell's Brigade, Jackson's Division. Elliott, M. D., enlisted October, 1864; Co. D, 49th Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Brigade, Pickett's Division: captured at Peters- burg, March 26, 1865; held at Point Lookout; discharged May 28, 1865. Farris, J. N., enlisted June 7, 1861; Co. E, Battalion Virginia Light Artillery, Pendleton's Brigade, Nelson's Division; wounded and captured at Sharpsburg, September 14, 1862; held at Baltimore; discharged June 23, 1865. Farish, Thomas L., enlisted 1862; Robertson's Brigade, Stewart's Division; acting assistant inspector-general; transferred in same capacity to General J. A. Walker; captured near Charlottesville, March, 1865; paroled. Fisher, James H., enlisted April 16, 1862. Forrer, John K., enlisted July 1, 1861; Co. C, 52d Virginia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade, Early's Division. APPENDIX 303 Forrer, Samuel, enlisted July 1, 1861; Co. C, 52d Virginia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade, Early's Division. Foster, John W., enlisted September 27, 1863; Co. B, 18th Bat- talion Virginia Heavy Artillery, Custis Lee's Brigade, Swell's Division. Fretwell, John T., enlisted spring of 1862; served as courier to Gen- eral R. E. Lee till close of war. Gardner, Ira B., enlisted April 1, 1861; Crenshaw's Battalion, Car- rington's Battery; wounded April 6, 1865, at Farmville. Gardner, John B., served two years in the Mexican war; four years in the late civil war; captured near Appomattox C. H., April 9, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Garland, James B., enlisted February 1, 1864; Co. G, 5th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; corporal; cap- tured May 11, 1864, at Yellow Tavern; held at Point Lookout; discharged February 20, 1865. Garnett, J. M., enlisted 1865; Richardson's Battalion couriers. Garnett, R. E., enlisted 1864; Co. H, 5th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division. Gibson, Abraham, enlisted May 1, 1861; Co. A, 52d Virginia Infan- try, Elzy's Brigade, Pegram's Division; wounded July 19, 1864, at Winchester. Gillam, A. P., enlisted April, 1864; Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Bat- tery, Heth's Division. Goodman, David R., enlisted 1851; Co. B, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; wounded 1862 at Wil- liamsburg and second Manassas. Goodwin, J. S., enlisted 1862; Carrington's Artillery Company. Goss, J. P., enlisted 1864; Co. F, Duke's Virginia Reserves. Goss, L. L., enlisted 1861; Sturdevant's Artillery Company; pro- moted captain; captured at Hatchers Run, 1865; held at Point Lookout. Grayson, John, enlisted June 10, 1861 ; Co. K, 3d Virginia Cavalry, Davis' Brigade, Wise's Division: third lieutenant; discharged May 25, 1862. Grigsby, Andrew J., enlisted 1861; 27th Virginia Infantry, Stone- wall's Brigade: major; promoted colonel; wounded at Walnut Hill, 1862; discharged 1862. Hall, Lucien, enlisted April 23, 1862; Nelson's Brigade, Walker's Division; assistant surgeon; promoted brigade surgeon. Haniner, A. J., enlisted May 1, 1862; Co. B, 18th Virginia Heavy Artillery, Critchfield's Brigade, Custis Lee's Division. Hamner, Clifton, enlisted March 15, 1864; Co. G, 10th Virginia Cav- alry, Lomax's Brigade, W. H. Lee's Division. Hamner, W. G., enlisted October 1, 1864; Co. G, 49th Virginia In- fantry, Walker's Brigade, Pegram's Division. Hamner, James B., enlisted May 10, 1861; Co. H, 19th Virginia In- fantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; killed at Wil- liamsburg, June 5, 1862. Hamner, John B., enlisted May 20, 1861; Mosby's Cavalry. Hancock, P. B., enlisted 1861; Co. G, 23d Virginia Infantry, Stew- art's Brigade, Ewell's Division; corporal; promoted sergeant; wounded August 28, 1862, at second Manassas. Hancock, Richard J., enlisted June 11, 1861; Co. D, 9th Louisiana, Taylor's Brigade, Ewell's Division; third lieutenant; promoted first lieutenant, then captain, then colonel; wounded August 28, 1862, at second Manassas; July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, and September 19, 1864, at Winchester. 304 APPENDIX Harmon, J. R., enlisted October 20, 1864; Co. F, 13th Virginia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade, Early's Division; wounded and cap- tured at Petersburg, March 25, 1865; held at Newport News. Harris, Burnett B., enlisted April 15, 1861; Co. B, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Harris, Henry T., enlisted October, 1864; Co. D, 49th Infantry Regiment; Pegram's Brigade, Pickett's Division; captured at Petersburg, March 26, 1865; held at Point Lookout; died May 28, 1865. Harris, H. G., Co. D, 43d Battalion, Mosby's command; captured in Loudoun county, October 28, 1864; held at Washington and Boston. Harris, James E., enlisted April, 1861; Wyant's Battery Artillery, Poague's Battalion. Harris, William H., enlisted April 1, 1861, 1st Virginia Cavalry; courier for General Stuart; killed May 2, 1863, at Chancellors- ville. Hart, S. J., enlisted August, 1864, Co. A, 8th Virginia Light Artil- lery, McGregor's Battalion, Lee's Division. Henry, Charles, enlisted April 20, 1861, Co. E, 7th Virginia Cav- alry, Derring's Brigade, Rosser's Division; wounded July 3, 1863, at Fairfield, Penn. Henry, Hugh, enlisted July 1, 1864, Co. E, 7th Virginia Cavalry, Derring's Brigade, Rosser's Division; wounded April 3, 1865, at High Bridge. Hoard, R. L., enlisted May 25, 1861, Richardson's Corps, Virginia Light Artillery, Battery A; twice captured and assigned to duty as surgeon. Horden, Hopkins, enlisted June 25, 1861, Co. C, 19th Virginia In- fantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; second lieutenant; wounded July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg. Horden, John, enlisted June 28, 1861, Co. K, 44th Virginia Infan- try, Elzy's Brigade, Swell's Division; died April 20, 1862. Horden, Mortimer, enlisted June 25, 1861, Co. K, 44th Virginia In- fantry, Elzy's Brigade, Swell's Division; second lieutenant; wounded at McDowell, October 28, 1861; died December 11, 1861. Horden, William, enlisted June 25, 1861, Co. K, 44th Virginia In- fantry, Elzy's Brigade, Swell's Division; wounded three times, once at Brandy Station, February 28, 1862. Hornner, James B., enlisted May 10, 1861, Co. H, 19th Virginia In- fantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; killed at Wil- liamsburg, June 6, 1862. Hornner, John B., enlisted May 20, 1861, Co. I, 41st Virginia Cav- alry; Mosby's Battalion. Houchen, J. C., enlisted July 21, 1861, Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Battery, Heth's Division; wounded at Washington, North Car- olina, April 3, 1863. Houchins, William Thomas, enlisted July 21, 1861, Co. C, 1st Vir- ginia Artillery. Houchins, George T., enlisted July 21, 1861, Battery B, 1st Virginia Light Artillery; died June 13, 1862. Humphreys, George A., enlisted March, 1863. Humphries, Thomas P., enlisted December 1, 1863, Co. B, 18th Virginia Heavy Artillery, Custis Lee's Brigade, Swell's Divi- sion. Jackson, Andrew, enlisted 1863, Houston's Co., Duke's Albemarle Co. Reserves. APPENDIX 305 Jarman, J. H., enlisted April, ]8fi2, Co. D, 49th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division; commissary. Jarman, Thomas T., enlisted July, 1861; died September 20, 1864. Jeffers, V. B., enlisted April 1, 1861, Co. G, 3d Virginia Cavalry; second sergeant; promoted orderly sergeant; discharged 1864. Jcntrey, E. D., enlisted 1863, Co. D, Booker's Infantry Reserves. Jones, Allen L., enlisted 1861; killed near Winchester. Jones, Frank, enlisted May 12, 1864, 1st Virginia Reserves under Colonel Duke; died from exposure January, 1865. Jones, John T., M. D., enlisted April, 1861; promoted surgeon of the 14th Alabama; served eighteen months; promoted surgeon of same. Kase, Alvah, enlisted 1861, Co. A, 4th Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division; detailed on special duty; wounded, 1862, at Ashland; captured, 1863, in Prince William county; held at Point Lookout. Keener, J. Albert, enlisted 1862, Co. A, 25th Virginia Infantry, Pe- gram's Brigade, Gordon's Division; wounded at Chancellors- ville, May 3, 1863. Keener, L. S., enlisted May 12, 1861, Co. A, 25th Virginia Infantry, Pegram's Brigade, Gordon's Division; wounded at Frederick City, Maryland, July 9, 1863.; captured and held at Baltimore. Killian, G. H., enlisted April 17, 1861, Co. H, 5th Virginia Infantry, Stonewall's Brigade, Johnson's Division; promoted captain; wounded at Kernstown; captured at Wilderness, held at Fort Delaware. Kirby, J. "R., enlisted April 25, 1862, Co. K, 44th Virginia Infantry, Johnson's Brigade,' Swell's Division; wounded May 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H.; captured May 12, 1864; held at Elmira, New York; discharged June 27, 1865. Kirby, John S., enlisted April 20, 1863, Co. D, 49th Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Battalion; wounded March 29, 1865, at Hatchers Run. Lackie, R. J., enlisted July 14, 1861, Co. H, 12th Virginia Cavalry, Rosser's Brigade, Hampton's Division. Leake, W. P., enlisted May 1, 1862, Battery B, Virginia Light Ar- tillery, Otey's Brigade, Longstreet's Division. Lipscomb, O. C., enlisted September 1, 1861, Co. A, 52d Virginia Infantry, Pegram's Brigade, Johnson's Division; second ser- geant; promoted first lieutenant; wounded May 24, 1864, at Bethesda Church; captured September 19, 1864, at Winchester; held at Fort Delaware; discharged June 15, 1865. Lupton, James X., enlisted 1864, 61st Virginia Infantry, Mahone's Division. Macon. Littleton, L., enlisted April 10, 1861, Co. A, 1st Battery Vir- ginia Light Artillery, Pcndleton's Brigade, Jackson's Division; second sergeant; wounded June, 1862, at Cold Harbor; dis- charged May 20, 1863. Madison. William B.. enlisted August. 1862, Poague's Battalion, Wyatt's Battery; wounded August 17, 1864, at Dunlap Station. Magruder, H. E., enlisted 1864, Rockbridge Artillery; captured. 1864, in Caroline county; held at Point Lookout. Magruder, John B., enlisted 1861, Rivanna Guards, Hunton's Bri- gade, Pickett's Division: captain; promoted colonel of 57th Vir- ginia Infantry: wounded and captured at Gettysburg, 1863; died in prison, 1863. Malbry, W. F., enlisted May, 1861, Co. E, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division. 306 APPENDIX Marchant, H. C., enlisted 1861, Co. A, 12th Virginia Infantry; wounded, 1862, at Richmond. Marchant, John A., enlisted 1861, Mosby's command. Marshall, Richard A., enlisted 1864, Co. G, 51st Virginia Infantry, Wharton's Brigade, Early's Division. Martin, Benjamin, enlisted July 15, 1861, Co. B, 46th Virginia In- fantry, H. A. Wise's Brigade, Johnston's Division; sergeant; wounded near Richmond, December, 1862; died November 3, 1877. Maupin, G. X., enlisted June, 1861, 57th Virginia Infantry, Hun- ton's Brigade. Pickett's Division, discharged March 10, 1862; re-enlisted Jan. 13, 1864, in the 56th Virginia Infantry; cap- tured near Farmville, April 6, 1865; held at Point Lookout; re- leased June 28, 1865. Maupin, G. W., enlisted November, 1864, Co. D, 49th Virginia Reg- iment, Pegram's Brigade, Gordon's Division. Maupin, P., enlisted March, 1862, Co. K, 2d Virginia Cavalry, Wickham's Brigade, Stuart's Division. Maupin, R. W., enlisted June, 1861, Co. H, 1st Virginia Artillery; promoted second sergeant. Mays, George W., enlisted May 1, 1861, Co. H, 19th Virginia In- fantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; wounded at Seven Pines, May 12, 1862. Mayo, Jacob V., enlisted June 25, 1861, Co. K, 44th Virginia In- fantry, Elzy's Brigade, Swell's Division; wounded May 28, 1863, at Petersburg; captured May 27, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware; discharged June 25, 1865: Mayo, L. R., enlisted spring, 1862, Co. B, 2d Virginia Cavalry, Wickham's Brigade, F. W. Lee's Division. McWilliams, Sam R., enlisted 1863; wounded at Point of Rocks, Loudon county, and at Five Forks, Dinwiddie county. Melton, J. P., enlisted 1861, Co. A, Nelson's Battalion Artillery, Early's Division. Melton, Cornelius J., enlisted 1861, Co. F, 19th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; wounded at second Ma- nassas, 1863; captured 1865, at High Bridge; held at Point Lookout. Michie, O. G., enlisted 1863, Wyatt's Battery Artillery, Poague's Battalion; died at Atlas Station, C. & O. R. R., 1864. Michie, Orin, enlisted July, 1861, Co. D, 46th Virginia Infantry, Mc- Gruder's Brigade, Pickett's Division; corporal; captured at Elizabeth City; held at Roanoke Island. Michie, T. A., enlisted July 1861, McGruder's Division; assistant surgeon. Monday, C. L., enlisted July 20, 1861; assigned to provost duty in hospital. Moon, James N., enlisted June 1, 1861, Co. C, 19th Virginia Infan- try, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Moon, Richard C., enlisted May 1, 1864, Co. B, 1st Virginia Infan- try. Moon, Schuyler, enlisted July 1, 1861. Moxwell, J. H., enlisted June 26, 1861, Co. G, 46th Virginia Infan- try, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; wounded February 28, 1862, at Roanoke Island; captured and paroled. Nalle, E. P., enlisted 1861, Co. B, 49th Virginia Infantry, Smith's Brigade, Swell's Division; discharged 1863.. Nelson, P. W., enlisted 1861; Co. C, 2d Virginia Infantry, Stone- APPENDIX 307 wall Brigade; promoted first lieutenant; wounded in 1862 at Port Republic and second Manassas; 1864 at Spotsylvania. Xorris, William, enlisted May 12, 1864; discharged June 24, 1864. Owens, C. W., enlisted June 1, 1861; Co G, 49th Virginia Infantry, Pegram's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division. Payne, B. G., enlisted May 1, 1861; Co. A, 5th Virginia Infantry, Payne's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division. Pendleton, D., captured July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg; held at Point Lookout; discharged June 25, 1865. Phillips, O. P., enlisted June, 1863; Co. C, 6th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Stuart's Division. Phillips, T. W., enlisted 1861; Co. C, 10th Virginia Infantry, Stone- wall Brigade; wounded 1863, at Chancellorsville; 1864, at Wil- derness. Pitman, R. C., enlisted April 17, 1861; Co. F, 13th Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Brigade, Early's Division. Powell, Frank, enlisted August 1, 1864; Co. D, 49th Virginia In- fantry; Elzy's Brigade, Pegram's Division. Powell, Lewis W., enlisted April 1, 1861; 1st Virginia Cavalry, Stuart's Brigade; wounded July, 1861, at Manassas; discharged for disability. Powell, Sharod, enlisted January 1, 1864; Co. G, 10th Virginia Cav- alry, Fitz Lee's Brigade. Powell, William H., enlisted August 1, '64; Co. D, 49th Virginia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade, Pegram's Division; wounded March 31, 1865, at Hatchers Run; captured at Sailors Creek, April 3, 1865; held at Point Lookout; discharged June 25, 1865. Payne, John A., enlisted 1863; Co. C, 39th Battalion; courier. Priddy, Anthony, enlisted 1864; Early's 'Company, Virginia Re- serves, Custis Lee's Division. Pugh, Silas G., enlisted January 20, 1862; Co. G, 46th Virginia In- fantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnston's Division; captured at Roa- noke Island, February, 1862; held at Elizabeth City; wounded September 28, 1864, at Chester Station. Railey, L. R., Jr., enlisted April, 1861; Crenshaw's Battalion, Car- rington's Battery; captured May 5, 1863., at Spotsylvania C. H.; held at Fort Delaware. Railey, William B., enlisted April 17, 1861, 19th Virginia Infantry; promoted orderly sergeant. Rawlings, R. H., enlisted 1862; Co. I, 6th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; wounded at Brandy Station in 1863 and 1864; Cold Harbor in 1864. Robinson, Richard W., enlisted August 1, 1864; Co. D, 47th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; 2d lieutenant; wounded February 4, 1865, at Petersburg. Roder, Thomas L., enlisted 1863; Co. C, 39th Battalion; courier. Rogers, J. H., Co. G, 6th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; wounded August 12, 1861, at Burnetts Ford, and January 3, 1864, at Front Royal. Rothwell, J. B., enlisted 1864; loth Virginia Cavalry; twice wounded; died August, 1864. Rothwell, Joseph Warren, enlisted April, 1862; Co. D, 56th Virginia Infantry, Wickham's Brigade, Longstreet's Division; died August 6, 1864. Sandridge, George M., enlisted April, 1862: Virginia Artillery. Sandridge, Ira L., enlisted June 6, 1863; Virginia Artillery. Schwartz, John M., enlisted May 13, 1861; Co. A, 3d Virginia 308 APPENDIX Cavalry, Ashby's Brigade, Stuart's Division; wounded at Cold Harbor. Shackleford, James, enlisted August 1, 1863; Co. G. 49th Virginia Infantry, Gordon's Brigade, Early's Division; wounded May 29, 1864, at Trevallion; captured March 25, 1865, at Petersburg: held at Point Lookout; discharged June 5, 1865. Shay, A. R., enlisted 1861; Louisiana Guard Battery, Hays' Brigade, Swell's Division; wounded 1862, at Cedar Mountain. Shelton, A. G., enlisted March 15, 1862; Co. D, 49th Virginia In- fantry, Pegram's Brigade, Jackson's Division. Shepherd, C. R., enlisted May, 1863; Co. C, Duke's Virginia Reser- ves, C. Lee's Division; discharged August, 1863. Shepherd, J. S. M., enlisted April 1, 1862; Battery B, Virginia Light Artillery, Elzy's Brigade, Early's Division; captured at Spot- sylvania C. H., May 12, 1864; held at Fort Delaware; dis- charged. Shiflett, Andfield H., enlisted June, 1862; 12th Virginia, Poague's Battalion, Sturdevant's Battery; wounded at Seven Pines, June 27, 1862. Shifflett, Levi G., enlisted 1863; Poague's Battalion, Sturdevant's Battery. Shultz, Martin, enlisted July 20, 1861; Co. B, 52d Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Brigade, Johnson's Division: discharged January 3, 1864. Smith, D. H., enlisted 1864; Co. F, Duke's Virginia Reserves, Cus- tis Lee's Division. Smith, George T., enlisted 1862; Captain French's Company, Ros- ser's Brigade; captured at Brandy Station; held at Washington. Smith, George W., enlisted 1864; Early's Company Virginia Re- serves, Custis Lee's Division. Smith, G. W., enlisted March 16, 1862; Wyatt's Battery, Poague's Battalion, Heth's Division; wounded at Gettysburg July 3, 1863. Smith, Henry J., enlisted 1861; Rivanna Guards; wounded at Seven Pines, '62. Smith, James D., enlisted '64; Co. A, 13th Virginia Infantry, Walker's Brigade. Smith, James D., enlisted 1864; Co. F, Duke's Virginia Reserves, Custis Lee's Division. Smith, J. H., enlisted September 1, 1861; Rockbridge Light Artil- lery; Lewis' Brigade, Early's Division; first lieutenant. Snead, C. L., enlisted 1862; Co. G, 49th Virginia Infantry; Pe- gram's Brigade, Early's Division; captured 1865, at Petersburg; held at Point Lookout. Snead, Miles, enlisted 1861; Carrington's Battery. Snead, William H., enlisted 1862; Co. G, 49th Virginia Infantry, Pegram's Brigade, Early's Division. Sutherland, Arthur B., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. F, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; second sergeant: promoted first lieutenant: captured February 2. 1862, at Roa- noke; paroled. Sutherland, Edward, enlisted May 10, 1861: Co. G, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division: died September 23, 1864. Sutherland, John H., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. F, 46th Virginia Infantry, Wise's Brigade, Johnson's Division; wounded and captured at Roanoke, February 28, 1862; paroled. Sprouse, Martin A., enlisted May 1, 1861; Co. A, 52d Virginia In- APPENDIX 309 fantry, Elzy's Brigade, Pegram's Division; wounded August 29, 1861, at Williamsburg. Tapp, Henry L., enlisted spring of 1861; 18th Virginia Infantry. Cox's Brigade, Pickett's Division; discharged May, 1862; died June, 1862. Tapp, William D., enlisted spring of 1861. Taylor, E. G., enlisted April 17, 1861; Co. B, 19th Virginia Infan- try, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division; promoted first ser- geant; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; held at Baltimore. Taylor, William W., enlisted May 12, 1861; served as wagon master, then mechanic. Temple, Roy, chaplain; enlisted May 1, 1861; Battalion King Wil- liam County Artillery, Rode's Brigade, Jackson's Division; wounded at Seven Pines. Thompson, N., enlisted 1863; Co. C, 39th Battalion; courier. Tillman, John T., enlisted June 3, 1865; Co. B, 9th Battalion Vir- ginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Brigade, Stuart's Division. Tillman, T. W., enlisted May 13-, 1862; Co. D, 39th Virginia Cav- alry, R. E. Lee's Division; wounded June 11, 1865, at Shady Grove. Timberlake, C. G., enlisted March, '64; Co. D, 43d Battalion, Mos- by's command. Tooley, I. F., enlisted May 1, 1862; Co. B, 15th Virginia Cavalry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division; wounded at Spotsylvania C. H., October 28, '64. Tyler, John W., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. I, 13th Virginia Infan- try, Pegram's Brigade, Early's Division; wounded June 26, 1862, at Fraziers Farm. Van Doran, M. L., enlisted March 8, 1863; Co. B, 1st Virginia Cav- alry, Wickham's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division. Vaughan, A. W./ enlisted 1862; Sturdevant's Light Artillery. Vaughan, Joseph G., enlisted 1863; courier to General Lee. Vawter, C. E., enlisted May 9, 1861; Co. D, 27th Virginia Infan- try, Elzy's Brigade, Jackson's Division; promoted third ser- geant and captain; wounded June 19, 1862, in the Virginia val- ley; captured March 2, 1865, at Waynesboro; held at Fort Del- aware; discharged June 19, 1865. Via, P. M., enlisted April 15, 1861; Boggs' Battalion, Stewart's Bat- tery. Voorhies, G. F., enlisted April 18, 1861; Co. D, 2d Virginia Infan- try, Elzy's Brigade, Jackson's Division; wounded May 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania C. H. Wallace, James H., enlisted May 15, 1862; Co. B, 3d Battalion Vir- ginia Light Artillery, Swell's Brigade, Jackson's Division. Wayland, J. Finks, enlisted July 4, 1861; 3d Battalion Virginia Light Artillery, Ewell's Brigade, Jackson's Division; wounded and captured at Spotsylvania C. H., May 12, '64; held at Fort Del- aware; discharged May 25, '65. Wheeler, D. H., enlisted May 20, 1861; Co. E, 49th Virginia Infan- try, Wise's Brigade, Johnston's Division. Wheeler, J. J., enlisted February 14, 1862; Co. G, 5th Virginia Cav- alry, Lomax's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division. White, J. C., enlisted April, 1861; 10th Virginia Cavalry, Stewart's Brigade, W. H. Lee's Division; wounded at Butl Run. W'hite, N. V., enlisted April, 1861; loth Virginia Cavalry, Stewart's Brigade, W. H. Lee's Division. 310 APPENDIX 1B; hfd at Alton, Illinois. Virginia Light Jul y 3. ; held at Point Lookout Cay . ; : discharged May Wrenn!^eph T.. enlisted 1S64; Co. B. 1st Virginia Reserve, August. 20. IK*; 19th Virginia Infan- Co. D. 46th Virginia Infan- 3 B en^te e d 1861; Southall's Battalion Artillery: dis- -Unlisted 1864, Co. K. ** Vn^nia l Pegram's Brigade. E well's Division: wounded Isbo. at ers Run. rs... cLLii=ut^ - . f , -p-.- vision- captured 1S63. at Hewlett's Farm: held at Elmira. \Vood. Joseph T., enlisted 1S61: Co. F. 13th \irgmia Infantry, Elzy's Brigade. A. P. Hill's Division: third lieutenant: dis- charged 1862. Wood. R. A., enlisted May 4. 1S61: Co. F. 7th Virginia Infantry. Hunton's Brigade. Pickett's Division: wounded and captured at Fraziers Farm. June 2. 1862; held at Fort" Delaware. Wood, Robert E.. enlisted spring of 1861: Co. F. 7th Virginia In- fantry. Longstreet's Brigade. Pickett's Division; wounded and captured at Gaines Mills. 1S63: held at Governors Island. Wood, T. H.. enlisted May 1. 1S51. Battery C. Virginia Light Ar- tillery, Xelson's Brigade. Pendleton's Division: wounded at Kellys Ford. March 17. ISA. Wood. Z. T., enlisted April 1. 1S61: Co. E. 52d Virginia. Johnston's Brigade. Jackson's Division. Wood. Wilson D.. enlisted May. 1S62: Co. K. 2d Virginia Infantry, Wickham's Brigade. Fitz Lee's Division; wounded M< at Spotsylvania. Woodson, Powhatan, enlisted May 20, 1861: Co. B, 34th Virginia Infantry. Wise's Brigade. Johnson's Division: captured tune at Petersburg: held at Palmyra. New York. Woodson. William F.. enlisted February 1. 1862. Co. B. 34th Vir- gicria Infantry, Wise's Brigade. Johnston's Division: discharged June 2.5. 1865. Wooledge. W. W.. enlisted 1861: Co. A. 13th Virginia Infantry, ELry's Brigade. A. P. Hill's Dfvision: detailed in 1862 as wagon master and purchasing agent. Worthmgton, C. A., enlist C, 1st Mary-land Infantry; captain: captured in Maryland 1861; held in Washington: dis- char. I; re-enlisted 1864, Co. A. 1st Maryland Battalion Cavalry. Johnson's Brigade. Lomax's Division; wounded 1864. Appendix, Part II SUPPLEMENTAL AND CORRECTED LISTS FROM THE REC- ORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY. The foregoing part of this appendix contains the lists, or partial lists, of four or five companies not spread upon the county records. The county records, on the other hand, contain lists of three or four companies not found in the foregoing part of this appendix- The count}* records also give many additional names for some of the companies already set out. We have inserted all these additional names below, as well as the lists of the three or four companies found only in the county records. Taking this appendix altogether, it now furnishes the most complete roster that will ever be given, perhaps, of Confederate soldiers who served from Charlottesville and Albemarle. The lists in the clerk's office are interspersed with con- siderable historic data respecting the various organizations which we are not able to include here owing to lack of space. COMPANY B, NINETEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. Captain. R. T. \V. Duke; elected Colonel 46th Virginia Regiment- First lieutenant. John L. Cochran; elected Captain- Second lieutenant R- West Wirt; promoted to Captain. Third lieutenant, Chas. W. Wayt; died 1*91. Orderly sergeant. Wm. Alexander : killed March 2&th, 1865. Second" sergeant. G. W. Spooner: afterwards Sergeant Major. Third sergeant. T. W. Lipop; died after war. Fourth sergeant, Bennett TaA-lor; promoted Lieutenant Colonel 19th Regiment. S. M. Keller; detailed in 1- Third corporal. J. W. Dolin; then Sergeant. W. T. Twyman: dead. Quartermaster, P. Jacheri; dead. PRIVATES. Bibb. James T.; dead. Barker. John E.; in Roncerverte in 1895. Bowyer. L. R.: killed at Gettysburg. Barker. Wm. : dead. Blackwell. Joseph. Bellamy. Lewis W.; wounded by falling from train. Bellamy, John: in Alexandria, Va. (1894). Barker, Archie; dead. Cornell. W. P.; assigned to Ordnance Department. Cravey. Peter H.: died l~ Cox. Lucien H.; accidentally killed while on furlough, Crigler. H. T.: promoted to Post Office Department. Clark. Henry: dead. Craven. A. j.: made Second Comm. Sergt. Cochran, John L.; made Captain. 312 APPENDIX, PART II Daniel, James L. ; killed. Day, Samuel R.: died at home. Dunnaway, \Y.: Rockbridge Co., Va. Durrett, James M.; killed at Frazier Farm, 1862. Dudley, John \V.: died at hospital 1861. Dunn, Edward: killed. Dunn, Pink; died in 1890. Dunn, Luther M.; Hinton, W. Va. Darden; killed by falling from cars. Frey, Charles T.; dead. Ford, Charlie; dead. Frazier, Z. Lee; wounded at Frazier Farm. Garnett, George \Y.; died in Texas. Garten, S. F.; in Valley of Virginia preaching Gospel. Garrison, Tyree E.; Albemarle County. Goodman, David R. ; wounded. Gordon, Wm. F.: never enlisted; clerk of House of Delegates; in Texas. Garth, James. Garth. William; wounded. Hamner, N. B.; killed at Williamsburg. Hamner. B.: killed at Boonesboro. Hamner, W. P.; promoted Lieutenant. Holloday, J. M.; died since war. Hoppe, F. A.; dead. Hawley. John A. Hughes. John. Harris. Bernard; wounded at Gettysburg. Harris, William; killed at Chancellorsville. Jones. George T.; promoted: Reg. and Brig. Quarter Master. Jones, Horace W.; promoted: Major and C. Commissary. Johnson. M. D.; wounded and killed at Hatcher's Run. Jordan. John D.; killed at second Manassas. Jarman, John L. : in Charlottesville, Va. 1895. Jones. William: killed at Bermuda. Jones. James D.; discharged. Keiley, Pat; dead. Keiley, John; died from wounds. Keblinger, Wilber J.; wounded in Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg. Keller, S. M.; dead. Kidd, B. W.; transferred to Albemarle Light Horse. Laine, Thomas E.; died 1862. Lindenborne. P.; killed at South Mountain, Md. Lumsden, Wm. J.; killed at South Mountain, Md. Lightner, John; died since the war. Lipop. J. W., sergeant; died at home since the war. Lumsden. Dick; badly wounded and discharged. Leake, Walker; killed at Gaine's Mill. Marcellus Johnson, dead. Marchant. James B.; died in 1873. Mooney. James M.; died in 1888. Moore. J. B.; died in 1893. Munday, Samuel; lives at Trevillians (1895). Mullen, W.. sergeant: killed at Seven Pines. Michie, H. Clay; Captain 56th Virginia Regiment. Morris, Alec; killed at Gettysburg. APPENDIX, PART II 313 Meeks, Lewis; dead. Moon, James H.; Scottsville, Va. Munday, R. H.; served two months, then discharged. Xoel. John; killed at Cold Harbor. O'Brien, Timothy; deserted in Howlett House line. O'Connor, Mike; dead, wounded at Gettysburg. Pearsons, J. T.; near Augusta Co., Va. Pearsons, E. J.; killed at Hatcher's Run. Points, Polk; wounded at Gettysburg, afterwards died from wounds. Porter, L. P.; died from wounds. Points, Leonidas; died during the war. Railey, Wm. B.; served one year. Robertson, John A.; discharged on account of ill health. Rodes, Walker; killed. Robertson, Wm. J. ; died from wounds. Reynolds, R. F.; killed at Sharpsburg. Richards; killed at South Mountain, Md. Ross, Wm. Robertson, James H.; detailed in 1895. Ross, Daniel. Robertson, Rev. James; dead. Randolph, Dr. W. C. N.; Charlottesville. Seiler, Samuel; in Albemarle County Co. (1895). Shepherd, M. J.; killed at Boonsboro. Shepherd, D. S.; killed at Boonsboro. Shepherd. Wm. H.; died since war. Sutler, W. M.; deserted and then joined cavalry. Smith, Thos. H.; died in Charlottesville, 1897. Sutler, Asa; wounded at Gaine's Mill. Sutler, John T.; wounded at Gettysburg. Stephens, John R. ; in King and Queen 1895. Sprouse, G. W., first sergeant; in Charlottesville 1895. Thomas, Wm.; dead. Taylor, E. G. ; promoted, Gettysburg. Terrell, G. W.; in Baltimore in 1894. Tombs, Geo. P.; died since war. Thomas; killed. Thompson, Thomas; died since the war. True, John. Twyman, W. T. ; promoted Guard. Sgt., dead. Thomas, Wm.; dead. Wallace, John L ; Post Carrier. Wolfe, Luther T., sergeant major; killed at second Cold Harbor. Whitesel, D.; killed at Gettysburg. Watkins. J. T.; died in 1894. Wheeler, B. F.; wounded at first Manassas. Walton, Richmond; in Augusta Co., Va., near Shenandoah 1895. Wood, Richard; killed in Pennsylvania. Conscripted in 1864. Scott, John. Humphreys; dead. Lewis. Henry. White. Hall. Transferred from Cavalry. Alrick. Brittle, Peyton; Xelson County. Achres; in Petersburg in 1895. Jesse Porter. Harrapp, Tom. Rosser. Garrett. Proved by the oath of J. W. Dolin, third sergeant of 19th Regi- ment Co. B. Teste: D, W. Burnley, Deputy for W. L. Maupin, Clerk 314 APPENDIX, PART II THE MONTICELLO GUARD. COMPANY A, NINETEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. (Additional to Roll on p. 283, ante.) Wingfield, Thos. F., fourth sergeant; served through the war. Bailey, Rice G., quartermaster sergeant; discharged in '61; over age. Perley, James, second corporal; served through the war. Gulley, George A., third corporal; served through the war. PRIVATES. Burkhead, Joseph R. ; died in Soldier's Home, age 90 years. Collier, John W. H.; deserted; living. Collier, James; killed at Seven Pines. Crank, George L. ; transferred to Cavalry. Cloar, John W. Christian, John J.; killed. Juller, Joseph; died of disease. Franks, Wm. B.; detailed in 1862. Goolsby, James M.; served through the war. Goodwin, Lewis C.; detailed; now dead. Jones, Lucian S.; killed at Gettysburg. Lee, John W. ; died since war. Mallory, Joseph E.; promoted to Second Lieutenant. McMullen, J. W.; died of disease. McMullen, G. A.; died of disease. Maury, Wirt M.; died since war. Mooney, T. J.; served through war. Points, Polk; killed at Gettysburg. Pearce, John Newton; served through the war. Payne, Wm. C. (still living). Points, Jas. D. Quicks, Jas. M.; promoted to Second Lieutenant. Remsbaugh, Jacob; dead. Shannon, Pat; served through the war. Sales, Mathews G.; dead. Trotter, Louis C. Vandergrift, Christian W.; wounded at Williamsburg. Wilkins, Geo. W. ; transferred; died in Charlottesville. Webb, W. W.; served through war. Webb, W. C.; bugler (still living). Webb, Geo. S.; transferred to Co. K. Wood, W. N.; promoted to First Lieutenant. Williams, T. J. (still living). Harman, Chas. H.; detailed. Hudson, Andrew; detailed. Added at Reorganization 1862. Brown, A. J. Humphries, J. E. Birkhead. J. F. Lane, T. E. Birkhead. X. F. Thomas, J. W. Copeland. X. F. Bowen, Jno. A Lane, Lorenzo. APPENDIX, PART II 315 Added in May 1863 1 . Brooks, A. J.; served through war. Wingfield, T. F.; died at home. Haw, Thos. ; deserted. Leaky, Daniel. Harrison. C. H.; served through war. Harlow, G. N.; deserted. Herron, W. A.; served through war. Dudley, Wm.; dead. Dennis, J. M. Added in October 1863. Harlow, Jas. M.; dead. Jones, Jas. H.; substitute. Herron, I. A. Roades, C. W.; wounded. Added in April 1864. Click, Wm. Baldwin. Wirt. THE CHARLOTTESVILLE SILVER CORNET BAND. (Enlisted in the Monticello Guard.) The Charlottesville Silver Cornet Band enlisted in Co. A, 19th Virginia (Monticello Guard) and Jeft with it for Culpeper Court House, Va., on the return of the Company from Harpers Ferry. The band constituted a part of Co. A, but acted as Regimental Band. It was considered the best band in the Army of Northern Virginia with the exception of the 1st Regiment Virginia Infantry Band. As the band only enlisted for one year, at its expiration most of the members scattered to other organizations. W. C. Webb became Regimental Bugler for the 19th, retaining his member; hip in Co. A, and his brother G. S. Webb reenlisted in Co. B, 19th Vir- ginia. MEMBERS. G. A. Tetlow, first cornet and band master; died since war. James Munday, first B. flat cornet; died since war (drowned). Wm. H. Johnson, second B. flat cornet; died since war. Wm. C. Webb, first E. flat alto; business manager (still living). James T. Johnson, first B. flat tenor; died since war. Richard Hughes, second B. flat tenor; died since war. Thomas, Dolin B. flat baritone; died since war. John Wesley Johnson, first B. flat bass (now living in Charlottes- ville). William Dolin, snare drummer (now living in Brooklyn, N. Y.) James Curtis, cymbals. George S. Webb, bass drummer (transferred to Co. K, 19th Vir- ginia). BLUE RIDGE RIFLES. COMPANY K, NINETEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. (Additional to Roll on p. 284, ante.) Captain, Rea, Jno. R.; died since war. Second lieutenant, Rails, Chas. E.; died since war. Third lieutenant, Dettor, Wm. F.; still living. Abell, M. L., private; killed at. Cold Harbor, 18G4. 316 APPENDIX, PART II Alander, W. A., sergeant; died in service. Baber, Samuel, private; wounded. Burch, R. H., corporal; died since war. Clark, Ed., private; died since war. Cleveland, J. T., private; died since war. Cranwell, Henry, private; died since war. Davis, Geo. D., private; died since war. Fettor, A. C., private; died since war. Fisher, W. J., private, died since war. Foster, Geo. A. J., private; still living. Garrison, Jno., private; still living. Gibson, Wesley, died since war. Gibson, J. E., private; fate unknown. Gibson, Alex, private; killed just before Cold Harbor. Gibson, Joel, private; still living. Gilliam, T. Mann, private; still living. Harlow, J. M.; private; died at Soldiers' Home. Harris, Ben, private; still living. Harris, Wm., private; killed. Hawkins, R. A., private; died since war. Hawkins, R. A., Jr., private; died since war. Hawkins, S. A., private; died since war. Hays, Thos., private; killed. Herron, Willis A., private; died since war. Hecks, R. M., sergeant; died since war. Johnson, Jas., private; disappeared during war. Jones, Francis, private, died since war. Kennon, H. A., sergeant; died since war. Keyton, Ben, drummer. Kane, Jas., private; still living, Afton, Va. Leake, J. Samuel, private; died since war. Lindsay, A. D.; corporal; died since war. McCauley, Ryland, private; died since war. McSparran, Robt. M., corporal; killed at Booneboro, 1862. Martin, W. L., private; died since war. Martin, Jas. G., private; badly wounded. Martin, Jno. A., private; died since war. Mathews, Jno., private; nothing known of him. Morrisett, P. F., private; died since war. Morrisett, J. M., private; died since war. Moyer, Jacob, private; died in service. Railey, W. B., sergeant. Rea, Absalom, private; died. Reynolds, J. R., private; died since war. Robertson, Jas. H.; private; died in 1906. Robertson, Rev. J. C., private; died. Robinson. J. F., private; died. Rothwell, F. E., private; died since war. Scott, Jas. M., private; killed. Scott, private; killed. Shepherd, Robt., private; died 1861. Shepherd, Wm. B., private; died 1861. Sprouse, private; fate unknown. Thacker, Frank, private; died since war. Taylor, Randall, private; killed 1864. Tilliman, Wm. X.; private; accidentally shot APPENDIX, PART II 317 Tisdale, Lewis, private; died since . war. Wayland, W. R., private; accidentally shot. Webb, Geo. S., private; still living. Wheeler, A. S., corporal; fate unknown. Wood, W. D., private; died since war. Wood, J. M., private; still living. Wood, Richard, private; died since war. Woolford, Henry, private; still living. Woodson, J. L., private; still living. Wyant, J. D., private; died since war. Yancey, J. R., sergeant; supposed to be dead. Yancey, Chas. K., private; died since war. A German, recent (unkown); disappeared. A German (Sub. for Cleveland); disappeared. A German (Sub. for J. A. Yancey); disappeared. COMPANY "E," THE PIEDMONT GUARDS, NINETEENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY. (Additional to Roll on p. 284, ante.) OFFICERS. Captain, Charles S. Peyton; wounded at Second Manassas. First lieutenant, William R. Pritchett; died of smallpox March 3rd, 1863. Third lieutenant, Benjamin W. Thurman. First sergeant, Albert G. Taylor; accidentally shot. Second sergeant, Anthony Foster; discharged over 35 years of age. James Salmon; killed at Hatchers Run, March, 1865. First corporal, Robert M. Gilbert; died at Cold Harbor. Second corporal, Samuel W. Edwards. Third corporal, James J. Sandridge; wounded. Fourth corporal, Reuben P. Ferguson;; wounded. PRIVATES. Bowles, John W. ; detailed brigade blacksmith. Bellamy, Andrew J. Brockman, James P. Brockman, Bertley; severely wounded at Second Manassas. Butler, Jacob W.; killed. Brockman, Waller D.; died at home. Beck, Thomas J.; died Sept. 14th, 1861. Bramham, John H. Bramham, James G.; severely wounded. Garden, William B.; killed. Garden, John A.; wounded. Corden, A. J. Carpenter, John F.; killed at Gettysburg. Condrey, Jony. Carver, James C.; died. Dowell, Major M. Durrett. Thomas D. Dowell, R. E. Dowell, Ezekiel. Duncan, J. B. Draper, John; discharged on regular detail. 318 APPENDIX, PART II Edwards, Tazewell S.; discharged. Edwards, Brice J.; wounded in head. Eastin, Henry; killed. Easten, Granvills; wounded and died from wounds. Eheart, Adam Gratten; wounded in left arm. Eastham, David C.; promoted to fifth sergeant. Ferguson, Charles M. Flynt, James T.; wounded. Flynt, William D.; wounded in right arm. Gilbert, Beverly; wounded. Gerold, Garland F.; wounded. Garnett, William J.; wounded in right arm. Garnett, Milton. Gregory, Benjamin F. Gore, James; discharged. Goss, Ebenezer. Harlow, Samuel M. Herring, Henry A., detailed brigade teamster. Herring, John Henry. Hill, William H.; wounded in Second Manassas. Hall, Henry J.; killed. Hall, William S.; wounded. Hill, Joseph M. Hall, E. B.; honorably discharged. Harlow, Lucian M. Johnson, W. W.; died in the service. Jones, B. C. Kendricks, J. M. Kite, William H.; enlisted Oct. 30, 1864, transferred to 39th Battal- ion, Virginia Cavalry. Leake, William J.; enlisted May 10th, 1861. Leake, John W.; wounded May 5, 1862, at Williamsburg, mortally wounded in battle at Seven Pines, June 1st, 1862, died from wounds. Lane, Nehemiah; detailed to other services. LeTellier, Joseph C.; wounded in battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63. LeTellier, William B.; promoted second lieut. ; wounded, captured, and died in hospital, April 26th, 1862. Madison, James A.; captured at Yorktown. Mundat, Johnathan B.; wounded in battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Munday, Isaac L. ; enlisted May 10th, 1861. Munday, Thomas Walker, promoted to second lieut. and wounded and killed in 1863. Munday, Henry B.; died Nov. 3, 1861. Meeks, Henry M.; captured at Yorktown. Mahanes, Tavenor O.; wounded at Gettysburg. Mitchell, W. F. Martin, Timothy. McCleune, H. T. McCleune, W. M. - Nprvell, Joseph B.; captured and killed at Gettysburg. Nimmo, Hiram; enlisted March 15th, 1862, deserted April 6, 1S62. Freddy, James. Pritchett, Bellfield, wounded 3 times. Pritchett, James D.; wounded. APPENDIX, PART II 319 Freddy, Obadiah; discharged; over age. Routt, O. P. Simms, William J.; captured at Yorktown. Smith, James A.; enlisted May 10th, 1861. Sampson, George W. Salom, Thomas B.; detailed at Chimborazo hospital. Thomas, Tazewell S.; died Aug. 3, 1862 in hospital. Thomas. Jerry; died at home of typhoid fever. Thomas. James C; died at home. Taylor, John R. killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1863. Twyman, Travis; captured at Yorktown. Teel, Lewis; discharged under age. Wood, James F.; detailed teamster. Wood, Marian; badly wounded June 27th, 1862. Wood, W. M.; detailed teamster. Wood, W. L. Wood, C. T.; enlisted October 16, 1864. Wood, William; killed in battle. Wood Lemuel E.; promoted to Second Lieutenant. Wood, Washington, enlisted May 10th, 1861. Zibinia, Antonia; killed at Second Manassas. COMPANY I, SEVENTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, C. S. A. (Additional to Roll on p. 294, ante.) PRIVATES. Brown, B. G.; second lieutenant. Etherton D. O.; third sergeant. Brown, Wm. A.; fourth sergeant. Fretwell, B. F.; second corporal. Brown, C. B.; fifth sergeant. Golding, T. J. O.; sergeant. Blackwell, H. C. Herndon, Wm. H. Bailey, T. J. Lasly, Hamilton. Belew. J. T. Maupin, W. B.; third lieutenant. Brown, W. H. H. Maupin, Carson. Brown, B. G. Parrott, W. N. ; fourth corporal. Brown, W. G. Rodes, J. W. ; first lieutenant. Ballow, Marian. Winn, J. J.; captain. Clark, J. S. Wyant, J. E.; second sergeant. Dove, David. Walters, W. P.; first corporal. Clements, W. S. Wood, S. F. Clements, Joe. BORDER GUARDS. COMPANY D, FORTY-SIXTH VIRGINIA INFANTRY, WISE BRIGADE. (Additional to Roll on p. 297, ante.) PRIVATES. Bailey, James H. McCauley, M. R. Garrison, Frank W. Barnett, Anderson; died in S. C. Madison, John W.; killed at Petersburg. Donald, Jack. Kollette, Frank. Easton, John D. Lane. Joice, Thomas. 320 APPENDIX, PART II ALBEMARLE LIGHT HORSE. COMPANY K, SECOND REGIMENT, VIRGINIA CAVALRY, C/ S. A. (Additional to Roll on p. 290, ante.) PRIVATES. Allegree, Albert G. Anderson, David; died after war. Brown, Ezra M.; wounded twice. Bishop, Wm.; wounded. Burnley, Wm. H.; wounded twice. Bodeker, A.; died since war. Bodeker, Wm. ; died since war. Bragg, James M. Byars, Elwood. Ballard, James H.; fourth last captain; wounded several times. Ballard, Thos. Edgar; died since war. Boston, Reuben; killed. Brockman, T. B. Boston, Fountain; died after war. Boston, James N; died after war. Bibb, John R., died after war. Creel, Benjamin. Carter, John P.; wounded. Colston, Edward; wounded. Cleveland, Hames; wounded. Cole, John G. Carr, R. Henry, commonly called "Brig." Clark, Christopher; killed. Clark, Wilber F. Clarkson, Joseph; died after war. Cave, Benj. B.; wounded. Carr, F. E. G.; first lieutenant of Co. 1861-2; died since war. Davis, Fontaine B. Day, John B. Dolin, Robert; sergeant. Dolin, James. Duke, George W. Daniel, Montgomery; died since war. Dunn, Pascal. Daniel, H. Vattel; died since war. Daniel, John M.; wounded. Davis, Eugene; captain. English, t Wm. O. Eastharri, James; died since war. Ferguson, Reuben. Ford, Charles, orderly sergeant. Fry, Jesse L.; died 1901. Fitz, James L. Ferneyhough, Geo. N.; died 1902. Fielding, John J. Gordon, Mason; corporal. Gooch, Willis H.; second lieutenant of Co., died 1902, wounded three times in battle. Gentry, James; wounded. Gentry, Charles. APPENDIX, PART II 321 Garth, Hugh; killed. Geiger, George H.; first lieutenant, killed at Gettysburg. George, Tucker. C.; died 1899. Gooch, Octavius; died since war. Harris, James O.; died since war. Haden, Lilburn. Haden, Joel; wounded. Haden, Osborne. Hall. John E. Hancock, David E.; died since war. Hopkins, John S.; captured at Gettysburg. Harrison, Peachy G.; sergeant. Holcombe, Wm. J.; died 1901. Hodges. James. Harris, William; killed. Howe, Howison. Howard, Douglas: oldest member of Co., died after war. Head, Mercea; died since war. Head, Montgomery; died since war. Head, Algretas. Jacobs, James; killed. Jones, John D.; died since war. Johnson, Joseph; wounded. Kidd, Benj. W. Lasley, John; third captain of Co.; killed at Front Royal, Sept., 1S65. Lewis, Robert W.: died 1901. Minor, Richmond Terrell. Marshall, Patrick H. Maddox, John C. Morton, James M.; wounded. Moss, J. B. T. Michie, Henry Clay. Maupin, Wm. B.; wounded. Michie, Octavius; killed. Minor, Frank; wounded. Mapie, Nathaniel Hardin; died since war. Nelson, Hugh; wounded. Noland, Lloyd; died since war. Newman, Nathaniel. Nelson, Kinlock; died after war. Norvell, Polk; died of fever. Peyton, Eugene O.; died August, 1899. Porter, H. D.; died since war. Page, Thomas W.; died since war. Powell, Hunter. Powell, Ceraleton P. Perkins, Joseph; wounded. Peyton, Thomas P.; died after war. Pace. Minor; died since war. Proffitt, James A.; died since war. Rogers, J. Thornton; wounded. Rogers, William. Robertson, Constantine; died during war. Reynolds, H. F. Reynolds, Chesney; died 1861. Rogers, John A.; died since war. 322 APPENDIX, PART II Randolph, Thomas Jefferson; lieutenant. Ramsey, Albert. Scruggs, James. Scruggs, William. Snead, William. Scruggs, Samuel. Snead, Luther R. Snead, John A.; died after war. Scruggs, Scott. Salmon, John H.; died after war. Simms, William; died after war. Taylor, A. J. Taylor, B. Warwick. Teel, Lewis. Tucker, James. Tompkins, Alexander C. Taylor, Alexander. Thompson, James. Taylor, John; died since war. Via, Wade R. Wood, Wm. H. Wood, Wilson D.; wounded. White, Frank; died during war. Woods, James T. Woods, Micajah. Wheeler, W. Dyer. Wills, Fred M. Wyant, Wm. C. Willis, John. Walker, James M. Williams, J. Edward. Wood, George. Wood, John. Wood, W. Durrett. Woods, James. Wheeler, Wm. Watson, John; mortally wounded. Wright, Wm. G.; died since war. Young, William. COMPANY F, TENTH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, C. S. A. (Additional to Roll on p. 291, ante.) Appling, Edel; dead. .Key, Wm.; dead. Coutter, George. Nash, Alex. Elsom, Wm.; killed at Reams Station. Powell, Levi; dead. Ferguson, Jas.; wounded. Powell, Lewis; dead. Spears, George; wounded. Roberts, Milton; dead. Goodloe, A. M.; dead. Rudasyl, Jas.; dead. Hamner, J. N.; dead. Ransom, Jas. Harmon, Wm. Smith, Gary; dead. Smith, Wm. Shelton, Cliff; wounded Shepherd, Thomas; dead. Stargall, Henry; dead. Suddarth, Wm. Wisscott, Gid; killed at Brandy Station June 9th, 1863. Wingfield, Wilber; dead. White, Newton; dead. White, J. W. A. APPENDIX, PART II 323 CHARLOTTESVILLE ARTILLERY, CARRINGTON'S BATTERY. OFFICERS. Captain, Jas. McDowell Carrington. Lieutenant, James Dinwiddie. Lieutenant, J. H. Timberland; dead. Lieutenant, A. B. Cochran. Lieutenant, French S. Bibb; killed. Lieutenant, Rodes Massie. Lieutenant, Frank W. Swoop. SERGEANTS. Harris, H. H. Harman, C. H. Q. M. S. Hunter, John, Jr. Kenneth McCary; killed. Holladay, Walter. Calvert. Spooner, John H. Harris, jerry M. Fife, Herndon. Martin, Pat. Wills, Thomas C. Carrington, Geo. Coffman, Samuel F. Davis, W. T. Spooner. CORPORALS. Wayland, James F. McCarthy, Michael. Lewis. Atkins, James H. Terrell, Nathan A.; bugler. PRIVATES. Atkins, James. Abell, Caleb. Berry. Birsy, William. Burgoin, Geo. Bishop, A. D. Bowen, W. M. Brown. James. Brown, Lucian B. Barksdale, J. Isaac. Barksdale, W. J. Boyden, Hansford. Baylor, Alex. Byers, Edward. Belew; killed at Fort Bibb, J. H., Jr. Bibb, G. W. Brown, James. Baker, Edward. Berry; captured. Cochran, Geo. M. Clements, J. W. Channey. Cocke, T. L. P. Cason, Ned. Craven, Jesse. Cox. L. W. (see Co. Clark, T. J. Craven, Dabney. Creel, Jas. Dobbins, Richard. Dollins, R. H. Dodd, Ben. Douglas, Geo. Dillard, A. H. Deverix, Alonzo. Duke, R. W. Day, John B. Duncan, G. S. Durrett, Wm. S.; killed. Elliton, Fleming. Fretwell, Jno. A. Fitzhugh, F .C. Ferneyhough, Milton. Flint, Sim. Delaware Garver. Goodwin, Julius D. Garrison, Julius. Garrison, John. Gruber, F. Goodwin, John. Garrison, James. Gardner, Ira B.; wounded Farmville, April 6, 1865. Gillispie; captured. Hornsey. Harrison, Harry. D, 46th Virginia Infantry). Houston, Arch. Houston, Jno. Harlow, Jno. Harding, W. M. 324 APPENDIX, PART II Hill, Henry; major. Haulback, Jno. W. Holliday, Waller. Humphreys, Alex. Holliday, A. L. (Major Jones Batty.) captured. Isemann, Isaac. Pace, Hilery P. Jenkins, Henry; colonel. Pendleton, Phil.; killed. King, Dr. W. W. Preston, Walter C.; wounded. Lowney, Geo. T. Perry, Benj. Loyd, David. Pinkney. Martin, W. L. Pritchett, J. W. Martin, Pat. Page, H. C. Madison, Jack. Pattie, J. M. Marshall, S. M. Pritchett, H. W. Maupin, Gary. Rpdes, Tom. Maupin, B. F. Ricks, Jno. W. Massie, E. B. Rodes, Jas. McEntire, Malcolm G. Roller, A. B. Mallary, Andrew. Roller, John Housell. Miller, James. Roller George S. Milton, Turney; captured. Rodes, Schuyler. Miles, B. B. Riley, Jno. Norvel, Wm.; killed. Railey, L. R. Jr. captured at Spot. C. H. Strange, Tucker. Thacker, Wm., Jr. Shepherd, Jas. S. M. Thompson. Sinclair, C. G. Timberlake, Jno. W. Shreve, A. Via, Lyman; killed. Sneed, Milo. Wills, Ben. Sneed. Wills, Wm. S. Starke, A. W. Wills, Alex. Scantling, W. N. Waddell, Alex. Shiflett, L. G. Wash, P. T. Sprouse, L. K. Wyant, James R. Smith, Ira G. Wood, Ed. S. Shiflett, Anfield; captured. Wood, Jno. R. Timberlake, W. Clark. Wheat, Alonzo. Terrell, John A. White. Thos. B.; killed. Terrell, N. A.; killed. Waltom, Chap. Thacker, Wm. Wade, Good. ALBEMARLE ARTILLERY, EVERETT REGIMENT, SOUTHALL'S BATTERY. Captain, Wm. H. Southall; resigned. First lieutenant, W. Leroy Brown; resigned; Lt. Col. Ordnance. First lieutenant, Green Peyton; resigned; Major and A. A. General. Second lieutenant, David Watson; resigned; Major of Artillery Orderly sergeant, M. N. Fleming; commissioned Ajs. Surgeon. Quartermaster sergeant, James Ross; resigned. Sergeant, John D. Watson; commissioned Lieutenant; Ajgt. 57 Vir- ginia Regiment. Sergeant, Howe P. Cochran; commissioned Lieutenant Ordnance. Sergeant, Wm. Thurmond; commissioned Lieutenant Miss. Infantry. Captain, J. W. Wyatt; Captain Artillery; killed. First lieutenant, Charles M. Rivers; killed. Sergenat, Drury W. Brunley; Orderly Sergeant. Corporal, Robert Falligant; Sergeant; Captain Artillery. APPENDIX, PART II 325 Corporal, G. W. Richards; commissioned Ajs. Surgeon. Corporal, Fred W. Page; detailed Quartermaster. Corporal, Henry T. Coalter; Sergeant; Lieutenant Adjutant 53rd Vir- ginia Infantry. Corporal, C. F. Johnson; Captain Artillery. Corporal, Ed. T. Harrison; Sergeant; Lieutenant Artillery. Corporal, W. K. Woodhouse; Lieutenant Artillery. Corporal, Ernest 'Blum; transferred. Corporal, John P. Michie; discharged. Corporal, John Selden; Sergeant; Lieutenant Ordnance. Corporal, G. H. Catterton; discharged. Corporal, G. W. Gentry; deserted. PRIVATES. Anderson, W. R.; deserted. Ayers. Wm. P. Ayers; captured at Earlysville. Boyd, Charles. Bellamy, F. W.; died in hospital. Burnley, W. R. Bass, J. C.; discharged in 1862. Bellamy, James W. Becks, J. W. Bibb, Henry H.; captured at Appomattox Court House. Bailey, John A.; died at home. Brown, James R.; wounded at Cold Harbor. Bishop, Jonathan. Byers, W. M.; served at Appomattox Court House. Byers, John. Bronaugh, W. L. ; Ajs. Surgeon. Bronaugh, F. S. Bruce, James H.; discharged. Burch, Samuel; in Lynchburg in 1898. Benson, Charles P. Clark, Geo. M.; discharged and reenlisted in 1864. Carr, James B.; corporal. Carper or Casper, A. G. Carr, Geo. W. ; discharged. Cole, J. L. ; discharged. Craddock, S. G. Chapman, N. T. ; discharged. Chimsolm, Wm.; killed. Collins, Tandy; died in hospital Clements. Louis; wounded at Cold Harbor. Clements, R. M.; killed at Cold Harbor. Davis, R. O.; dead. Davis, M. V. Davis, P. M. Davis, D. H. Davis, B. F. Davis, James E. Davis, E. A.; deserted. Darnella, H. M.; discharged in 1862 on account of age. Delake, Wm.; killed at Petersburg. Dobbs, Ira; died in Charlottesville Hospital. Dodd, C. G. ; surrendered at Appomattox Court House; dead. Dobbins, David; wounded at Cold Harbor; dead. Dowell, C. R.; died in hospital. Dollins, J. B.; discharged. Drumheller, L. A.; discharged in 1862. Derryer; discharged. Early, Wm. J.; discharged; drowned in Mechums River. Eddins, C. C.; dead. Fitz, John W. Fitz, Thos. P.; transferred to Cavalry. Fleming, Geo. W.; discharged. Gibson, R.; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Gibson, J. W. ; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. APPENDIX, PAST II Garrison, Win.; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Garland, Goodrich; discharged for disability. Garth. D. G.; wooded and died at home. Garner. E. W.; wounded accidentally and discharged. Garrison. Austin, detailed. Garrison, Chap; dJM imged on account of age. Gibson. M. B.; discharged on account of disability. Gfflespie. Nap; dead. Gatm, A. P. 3snM9) JUhett. Goodman. J. D.; discharged. Goodwin. Jas. E.: died in hospital. Goodson or Goodwin. Wm.: Ritters Battery. Garrison, Geo. T.; discharged. Goodwin, F. C; discharged. Goodwin, Julius; discharged. Gibson, A. Garrison, A.; discharged. Holly. G. D.; surrendered at Appomattox Court Honse. Barlow. A. M. Harlow. G. W. Harlow, H. M.: discharged in 1M2. Harris, R. J.; discharged on account of age. Harris, David; died in hospital. Houchens. Geo. T.; dead. Harris, J. G.; died in hospital. Houchens, J. C. Harris. R_ F. Houchens. Jno. F. Harris, James E. Houchens. \V. T.; dead. Hartnagie. Andrew. Honchens, R. L.; dead. Higgins, R. S. Houchens. G. W.; discharged. Head, G. V.; surrendered at Appomattox Court Honse. Hall, Marion. Henderson, Jno. A.; dead, Hughes. Elijah; killed. Hughes, Richard; discharged on account of age. Harris, H. F. Johnson, J. W.; discharged. Hart, W. P.; discharged. Jones. Thos. R.; killed. Jackson, Warrick; died. Jones, A. Jackson, Ira; died. Kirby. Wm. G.; discharged. Kirby. Wm. R.; died Dec. 7. 191. Keller. Geo.; wounded and died in X. C. Keller, Wm.; wounded and died in hospital. Keys, Wm.; killed. Key, Wm.; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. KiHcolfin, Pat; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Lacey, Tim. Lewis, J. M. Phillip Little, Charles or C. If.; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Lnikenhawkes. H.; wounded and killed at Cold Harbor. 1,mtm*Am Henry. Luckett. H. W.: discharged. Meeks, Hiram.; discharged. Mannoni. Andrew: discharged. Mclntee, Thos.; discharged. Minor. C. C.; sergeant Manpin, James R.; transferred; killed at Gettysburg. Maupin, R, W.; surrendered at Appomatox Court House. ..'-.'. '.' ' -- r~". - - Madison, Wm.; wounded at Dunpals Station. FART n 327 Madison, T. W. MeLaaghfia, J. W. . . '_ ~ 1" "-- ~ _ " ~z. ~ t r ' f ' '- ~ ^ ~- - Mundav. T. H.; died in hospital Michie, H. R.; transferred ia Michie. T. A; cc Michie. J. W. McAllister. Js McAllister, John; wounded at McAllister, Richard; transferred to 56th Regt McAllister, Be.; miuadVn'ri at Appomatox Coart Hoase. : i- i - 7 McDaaieJ, Jaanes Merriaa, Wm. McDamd, Thos. Miller, Joseph; detailed. t I Murray, Wat. H.; kaVd at Cold Harbor. Merritt, G. T.; sarrendered at Appomatox Court Moody, Wm. Moody, Robt.; iaiiiadticd at Appomatox Court Hoase. McKennie, James; naadrd and died in X, C Ximmon, Henry; killed. Phiffips, B. S.; ^"n^a'C*^ on account of age. Perry, Jao. J.; killed at Cold Harbor. Pace, Joseph; sarreadered at Appoantox Coart Hoase. Pagfa. . A: died in Hospital Fort Monroe. Paynes, J- E.; House Sergeaat. Parrott, Geo. \^.; discharged. Pleasants, P. B .'; died ia Hospital Payne, Jaaies. PeadletotL, W'm.; sarreaaeied at Appoatatox Coart Hoase. PollanL Lee. Pollard, C T.; killed at Cold Harbor. Powers, Jaaies; destilcd. Rhoades, J. M.; Ramsey, H. R.; discharged. Rhodes, T. L; Rc>wan. Jaaes; dtMhaigcd. RavDor, Jao. D.; sanendered at Ajipiaailliu Coart Hoase. d. -. i _ir._ j T * . j- I rfc 1 _-^ ML j LIHjl Kgiiva^i, JDO. A., aouBuKjea. aaett. R.; discharged. Scraggs. Wm.; dJ^Jkugcd Shtaett, A_; seat to hospital Santh, WaL P.; discharge Santh, Joha F.; dead. ^ Sanni, G. \vUfis; waaded at Gettysharg. Smith. G W. Snvder. D. S Sayder, C B. ?-j:::r .-.?-* ?'-::*. .":" f-::f ".'- T h ompfans, C. G.; Orderly Sergeaat; deaflL Taylor, Jeff R.; transferred. Taylor, John; .tautadurd at Apppoaxattox Coart Hoase. --, -.- >: :-: Thornlev, ' --- -- : -^ i ifm-cfi TavJor, Wat; dead. Troctor, Geo.; duchjugcd. TerreO. O. H. P.; Terr? i- -=.-ct: Tfcbs, Jmo. W.; 7r.:rr.;>:r N' :-: k 1 1 i: I - : Hi-: :- > i - .. f;' r ~ ; t*7 " i: -. : T : .. L" : \ . : ~T . . : uft Voigbt. L; discharged. Walker, J. A Woods, J. W.; discharged. Walker. J. .; discharged. 328 APPENDIX, PART II Woods, P. E.; discharged. Walker, L. A.; wounded. Woods, J. R. Wayland, James; discharged. Woods, Iral G. ; discharged. Ward, Joseph; discharged. Woods, W. R. Ward, R. H. Ward, H. T.; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Woodson; T. E. Woodson, T. S.; died in hospital. Woodson, A. J.; transferred to 56th Regiment. Walton, J. R.; discharged. Walton, G. E. T. ; surrendered at Appomattox Court House. Wilkerson. Jno. A. Whitehurst, L. ; wounded at Cold Harbor. Wilson, H.; deserted. Woods, J. Warrick. Wood, Eli. Wood, L. S.; wounded at Williamsport, Md. Proved by James Ross and D. W. Burnley. Teste: D. W. Burnley, Dep. Clerk. Under the 'reorganization in 1862 the following officers \\ere elected, viz.: Captain, James W. Wyatt; killed at Cold Harbor. First lieutenant, Charles M. Rives; killed at Cold Harbor. Second lieutenant, C. F. Johnson. Third lieutenant, W. K. Woodhouse. STURDIVANT'S VIRGINIA BATTERY, TWELFTH BATTALION, C. S. A. Captain, N. A. Sturdivant, Richmond, Va. ; captured and exchanged as Pro. Maj. First lieutenant, T. W. Hewett, Richmond, Va.; resigned/ Second lieutenant, W. H. Weiseger, Richmond, Va.; wounded Third lieutenant, C. T. Darracott; wounded and promoted to Captain. Fourth lieutenant, iB. H. Garrell, Culpeper; wounded and promotedi Laurece, J. C. E.; first sergeant. Gilliam, Dr. F. F. ; surgeon. Thompson, Dr, Wady; assistant surgeon. Jenkins, C. J.; second sergeant. Day, Edward; third sergeant. Shepherd, D. A.; fourth sergeant. Brown, Jno. A.; fifth sergeant. Reppeto, James T.; wounded and died. Lee, John; first corporal. Jefferies, R. C.; second corporal. Harris, W. D.; third corporal. Brown, H. N.; fourth corporal. Pendleton, H. iC.; fifth corporal. Bradley, W. W.; sixth corporal; wounded at Petersburg. Patton, H. M.; seventh corporal. Bibb, James, D.; eighth corporal. Darracott, Geo. T.; ninth corporal. Cosier, J. S. S.; tenth corporal. APPENDIX, PART II 329 Maxwell, W. H.; sergeant. Sowell, B. A.; quarter master sergeant. Smith, J. R. W. Jamison, Phillip; bugler. Thurman, B. F.; artillery. Orster, Dr. R.; artillery. Lang, N. J.; artillery. Locker, Jno. A.; artillery. PRIVATES. Atkinson, Presley. Blackwell, Joseph. Brown, R. H. Brown, C. F.; died since war. Brown, E. P.; killed. Burton, Robert. Burton, Jno. L. Bell, James T. Bell, C. W.; deserted. Birdsong, J. T. J. Bowler, W. W.; died since war. Hall, Wiley. Edwards, H. C.; wounded. Ferguson, Jas. R.; captured. Gladden, Isaiah; deserted. Goodwin, A. T. Goodwyn, A. M. Gwathmey, W. O. P. Goss, Lynn L. Groome, J. C.; wounded. Harris, Joe E. Hall, Broker, C. Boyd, P. P.; teamster. Boyd, W. W.; teamster. Boyd, Thos. P.; teamster. Boyd, James; teamster. Beck; killed. Buck. J. H. Boiling, Thos. Carver, R. A.; died in service. Carver, J. D.; died in service. Carver, L. C.; wounded. Childs, W. F. Cobb, Geo. E.; killed. Duff, B. R. Darracott, Jno. V. Darricott, Robt. Dobie, James; wounded. Dobie, R. A. Dobie, John; wounded. Drumight, J. E.; wounded. Hamm, H. H.; died. Howlett, Wm. Hoffman, J. J. Isbell. T. H. Jackson, Felix C. Jackson, C. F. Jamison, Minnis. Johnson, W. F. Johnston, W. F. Jacobs, Wm. ; killed. Jefferies, John E. Jennings, H. P. Jennings, Toby. King. Locker, J. M. Locker, George. Lamb, Montgomery. Lamb, Reuben; wounded. Lamb, Thomas. Davis, B. C.; wounded at Petersburg. Daniel, G. T. Edmondson, B. W.; died in service. Lilly, Wm. Marhanes, W. S. Moore, Nathan; deserted. Moore, W. T. Mahard, W. H. B. Mahanes, Charles. Munday, James W.; captured. Maupin, Thos. R. ; wounded. Major, Wm.; wounded at Petersburg. Major, Samuel. Noel, W. M. Mason. Obenchine, W. F. Marks, Samuel. Pollard, J. H. Norford, J. .M. Potts, R. Norford, T. G. Maupin, N. J. Maupin, B. P. Maupin, W. W. Munford, E. W. Marshall, G. W. Martin, Peter. Martin, Jas. 330 APPENDIX, PART II Peake, George; wounded at Petersburg. Pritchett, Thos. W.; wounded. Sandridge, G. M. Pritchett, John; died in service. Pettman. Pride. Rhodes, D. R. Rippeto, John E.; wounded. Richardson, Chas. Roe, E. Sandridge, J. D.; died in service. Shepherd, Henry; captured and wounded. Via, J. W. Via, C. E. Via, P. M. Via, J. D. Wood, Jeff. White, Mose. Sandridge, Ira L. Shiflett, H. B. Shiflett, Thos. S. Shiflett, M. B. Shiflett, Anfield. Sisk, Lemuel; deserted. Simpson, Louis; deserted. Simms, A. M. Stewart, P. H. Salmon, J. H. Salmon, L. M. Short, R. A.; badly wounded. Smith, G. M. Turner, Geo. W. Taliaferro, D. A. Thacker, E. A. Tompkins, A. J. Thompkins, Thos. W. Timberlake, died in service. Usedom, Theo. Urquhurst, M. M. Urquhart, Burgess. Vaughan, Asa. Via, H. W. Via, C. F. Via, J. R. White, J. Nimmo. Whyte, Edward. Walton, J. T. Walton, D. F. Walton, E. R. Walton, M. P. Walton, C. R. Whitehurst, J. W. West. Waldrop, Robert. Yeamains, J. W.; died in service. Zimmerman, A.; killed. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. 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