5 7 3 r; •^ \^ ^ f ADDKD TO Tilt: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, DECEMBER 1, 1868, TO DECEMBER 1 1860. mvfmmf or cAtifOKNu JAN 2^^^ L I B R A R Vi WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1870. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED. anon. Anonymous. b. 1. Black letter. ed. Edition. fol. Folio. 4°. Quarto, 8°. Octavo. 12°. Duodecimo, etc. 1. Leaves. n. p. No place of publication, obi. Oblonsr. pi. Plates. p. 1. Preliminaiy leaves. pp. Pages. p.seudon. Pseudonymous. sm. Small. sq. Square. tab. Tables. unp. Unpaged, The books are described as folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., according to the apparent size of the volume, and not according to the printer's designations derived from the fold of the sheets. In the alphabetical arrangement, the prefix Mc, M\ or Mar, is treated uniformly as a com- ponent part of the word, as if spelled Mac. Thus, McLeod or M^Leoil precedes Maclure. In like manner, the prefixes Neic, La, Dii, etc., are treated as component parts of the words to which they belong. Thus, New England follows NcwcU instead of preceding it, as it would do if the prefix Neio were treated as a separate word. It is one of the aims of the present catalogue to furnish with the titles a sufficiently full col- lation of each work. Thus it is made a part of the description to give the number of pages in the case of all works not exceeding two volumes, together with the number of maps and plates, if any, and the name of the publisher. The information thus conveyed will, it is believed, be found of practical value to readers, as conveying at a glance some idea of the extent of each work, while the addition of publishers' names is useful as supplying a guide to the identifica- tion of editions. In the case of books printed without date, the actual or approximate date is uniformly supplied, in brackets. Brackets in any part of a title indicate that the words included in them are not found in the title, but are inserted. The letter s, affixed to any title, denotes that the work belongs to the library of the Smith- sonian Institution, now deposited with the Library of Congress. CATALOGUE OF ADD1TI0N8. Aanteekeningen, betrekkelyk de kolonie Suriname. [anoji,] 3 p. 1. ] 31 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Arnhem, C.A. T/iieme, 1826. Abadie (Paul). The fireman, and otlier po- ems. 131pp. \8°. Neio York, G. F. Bunce, 18.52. Abailard (Pierre) and Heloise. Letters of Abelard and Heloise ; with a particular ac- count of their lives, amours, and misfor- tunes. [With] poems, by Pope, Madan, Cawthorne, Birch, Seymour, etc. vii, 232 pp. 12°. London, Sherwood, Ncely 8f Jones, 1815. Abauzit(Firmin). (Euvres diverses. Conte- nants ses Merits d'histoire, de critique et de theologie. 2 v. in 1. 1 p.l. xxx, 350 pp. 1 1 ; 2p. 1. 182 pp. 11. 8°. Londres, (HoUande), 1773. Abbadie (Jacques). Le triomphe de la pro- vidence et de la religion ; ou, I'ouverture des sept sceaux par le fils de Dieu, [etc.] 4 v. 16°. Amsterdam, M. C. Le Gene, 1723. Abbatt (Richard). The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, [etc.] 2d ed. xvi, 191 pp. 4 pi- 16°. London, J. Richard- son, 1836. Abbott {Rev. Benjamin). Experience and gospel labors of the rev. Benjamin Abbott, [by himself] ; to which is annexed a narra- tive of his life and death. By John Ffirth. 284 pp. 18°. New York, T. Mason Sf G. Lane, 1836. Abbott (Charles Conrad). Catalogue of ver- • tebrate animals of New Jersey. S°. Neic- ark, 1868. s. [In New Jersey. Geology of New Jersey. (Ap- pendix E). pp. 751-830]. Abbott (Gorham D. II. d.) Mexico and the United States ; their mutual relations and common interests, xvi, 391 pp. 2 portraits. 1 map. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam Sf son, 1869. Abbott (Rev. Jacob). Hoaryhead, and the vallies below ; or, truth through fiction. 308 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Crocker Sf Brews- ter, 1838. The Eollo books. Rollo's experiments. New ed. 180 pp. 4 pi. 16°. New York, Sheldon Sf co. 1867. Rollo's correspondence. New ed. 189 pp. 4 pi. 16°. New York, Sheldon Sf co. 1867. Abbott (Rev. John Sebastian Cabot). History of Joseph Bonaparte, king of Naples and of Italy [Spain]. 391 pp. 9 pi. 16°. New York, Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Lives of the presidents of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time. 520 pp. 8 pi. 8°. Boston, B. B. Russell, 1869. The romance of Spanish history. 462 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 12°. Neio York, Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Abbott (Rev. Lyman). Jesus of Nazareth: his life and teachings ; founded on the four gospels, and illustrated by reference to the manners, customs, religious beliefs, and po- litical institutions of his times. 522 pp. 1 map. 13 pi. 8°. New fork. Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Abbott (Rosa). See Parker (Rosa Abbott). Abelard (Pierre). See Abailard. About (Edmond). Les mariages de province. La fille du chauoine ; Mainfroi ; L'album du regiment fitienne. 3p. 1.430 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Hachette Sf cie. 1868. Abraham Lincoln, foully assassinated April 14, 1865. A poem with an illustration, from the London Punch, for May 6, 1865. \_anon.'\ With an intioduction by A. Boyd. 13 1. 1 pi. 4". Albany, J. Mnnsell, 1668. ACCADEMIA BELLA CRUSCA. ADELUNG. Accademia della crusca. Vocabokrio degli accademici della crusca. 5" impressione. v. 1- 2. [A-B]. 4°, Firenze, M. Cellini c cia. 1866-67. s. — — The same. 5" impressione. Glossario. [A-B]. 40. Firenze, M.Cellini e cia ASQl. Academie royale des sciences. 5ee Institut de France. Acufia (Hernando de). El cavallero deter- niinado. See La Marche (Olivier de). Adair ( James Makittrick, m. d.) A philo- sophical and medical sketch of the natural history of the human body and mind. To which is subjoined an essay on the difficulties of attaining medical knowledge, xxiii, 318 pp. 8°. Bnth, R. CruUicell, 1787. Adamowicz (Alexander). Praktische pol- uische grammatik filr Teutsche, [etc.] 1 p. 1. iv, 200 pp. 12°. Berlin, Ochmigke dcr jllngere, 1794. s. Adams (C. d. d.) Life of Samuel Johnson, 11. d. 345 pp. 7 pi. 16". New York, Carl- ton Sf Lanahan, [1869]. Adams (Charles Baker). Catalogue of land sliells which inhabit Jamaica. 4 pp. 8°. Amherst, {Mass.) 1849. S. {With his Contributions to conchology]. Contributions to conchology : con,- ducted by C. B. Adams, v. 1. October, 1849— November, 1852. iv, 258 pp. 8°. New York, H. Bailliere, [1849-52]. s. Monograph of stoastoma, a new genus of new operculated land shells. 16 pp. 8°. Amherst, {Mass.) 1849. S. [WitJi his Contributions to conchology]. Monograph of vitrinella, a new genus of turbinidse. 10 pp. 8°. Amherst, {Mass.) 1850. s. [ With his Contributions to conchology]. Synopsis conchyliorum jamaicensium, etc. (Extracted from the Proceedings of the Boston society of natural history). Speci- erum novarum conchyliorum, in Jamaica repertorum synopsis. 17 pp. 8°. IBoston, 1845]. s. [With his Contributions to conchology]. Adams (Charles Francis, jr.) A chapter of Erie, iv, 152 pp. 16°. Boston, Fields, Os- good Sf CO. 1869. Adams (F. Colburn). The Von Toodleburgs ; or, the historyof a very distinguished family. 290 pp. 6 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Hemsen Sf Haffclfinger, 1868. Adams (James, -publisher). Three treatises, in which the fundamental principles, doc- Adams— continued . trines, worship, ministry, and discipline of the people called quakers are plainly declared. By W. Penn ; E. Barclay ; J. Pike. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Wilmington, J. Adams, 1783. Adams (John, 2d president of the United States). The political history of the Italian republics. 2 V. 1 p. 1. 451 pp ; 1 p. 1. 528 pp. 18 1. 8°- London, C. Dilly, 1787. [Note. — This work is simply volumes 2 and 3 of the author's " Defence of the constitutions of govern- ment of the United States of America," with a factitious title by a modem bookseller]. Adams (JohnQuincy, Qth president of the Uni- ted States). Lettres sur la Silosie, ecrites en 1800 et 1801, durant le cours d'un voyage fait dans cette province. Traduit de I'An- glais, par J. Dupuy. 4 p. 1. 421 pp. 8°. Paris, Dentu, 1807. Adams (William T.) Down the Rhine ; or, young America in Germany. By Oliver Op- tic. Ipseudon.'] 341 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee 7-1861, dirigida por d. Eduardo Asque- rino, [etc.] 5 v. in 4. fol. Mrt rfmZ, 1857-61. American (The) agriculturist. For the farm, garden, and household. January, 1868, to December, 1869. v, 27-28. 4°. New York, O. Judd Sfco. [1868]. American (The) agricultural annual, 1869, and 1870. Afarmer'syear book, [etc.] Illus- trated. 2 V. 12°. New York, O. Judd Sf CO. [1869-70]. American (The) annual cyclopjedia and register of important events of the years 1867 and 1868. v. 7-8. 6°. New York, D. Appleton Sf CO. 1868-69. American antiquarian society. Archteologia americana. Transactions and collections. V. 3-4. 8°. Cambridge, hy the society, 1850-60. CONTENTS. V. 3. Records of the company of the Miissachusetts bay, to the embarkation of Winlhrop, [etc.] for New England. The diaries of John Hull, with a memoir of the author. Memoirs of hon. Thomas Lindall Winthrop, [by G FoIso)n] : and hon. John Davis, [by T. Kinnicutt]. V. 4. Original documents from the State paper office, liOndon, and the British museum. Edited by E. E. Hale. "A discourse of Virginia." By E. M. Wingtield. Ed- ited by Charles Deane. New England's rarities discovered. By J. Josselyn. Narrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen in the year 1613. [anon. Attributed to R. Fotberby]. Life of sir Ralph Lane. By E. E. Hale. Notice of Samuel Jennison. By S. Salisbury. American baptist publication society. The almanac and baptist register, [etc.] for 1843- [and] 1845. 2 v. 8°. l>hiladclp}iia,l\m%- 44]. S. The same. The baptist almanac and annual register for 1850. 8°. Philadelphia, [1849]. s. The same. The baptist almanac for 1851-53 and 1855. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, [1850-54]. s. American (The) biblical repository. Con- ducted by J. M. Sherwood. January to Oc- tober, 1850. Third series, v. 6. [Complete series, v. 30]. 8°. New York, proprietor, 1850. [Note. — No more published. United ir. January, 18()1, with the Bibliotheca sacra]. American (The) bond detector ; and com- plete history of the United States govern- ment securities ; issued under the sanction of the United States treasury department. 200 pp. 22, 8 pi. obi. 4'^. Washington, Amer- ica n bond and currency detector company, 1869. American dental association. Transactions. Fifth and sixth annual meetings held in Chi- cago and Boston, 1865 and 1866. 3 p. 1. 511 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge Sf son, 1868. American eclectic medical review. Editors, R. S. Newton, m. d. and P. A. Morrow, m. d. July, 1868, to June, 1869. v. 4. 8°. New York, Trow 8f Smith, 1868-69. American educational monthly. See Ne^w York teacher and American educational monthly. American gold quotations, 1862-66, and members of the New York gold exchange. New York stock exchange, open board bro- kers, and petroleum board brokers. 191. 32°. New York, J. C. Mersereau, 1866. American homoeopathic observer ; a monthly journal devoted to the interests of homoeo- pathic physicians. January to December, 1869. V. 6. 6°. Detroit, E. A. Lodge, 1869. American horticultural annual, 1869. Illus- trated. J52 pp. 12°. New York, O. Judd Sf CO. 1868, American (The) journal of the medical sci- ences. Edited by Isaac Hays, m. d. Janu- ary to April, 1841 ; January to April, 1844 ; July to October, 1860; January to April, 1862 ; January to October, 1869. New se- ries, y. 1, 7, 40, 43, and 57-58. Philadel- phia, Lea Sf Blanchard ,1841-69. 11 AMERICAN. AMI. American journal of numismatics, and bul- letin of the American numismatic and arch" ajological society, May, IdiK, to April, 1868. V. 1-2 in 1 vol. 8°. Netv York, Am. ntr- mis. and archceol. soc. [1866-68]. American (The) journal of science and arts. Conducted by B. Silliman, J. D. Duna, [and others]. January to November, 1869. 2d series, v. 47-48. [Complete series, v. 97-98]. 8°. New Haven, editors, [1869]. American literary gazette and publishers' cir- cular. November 1868, to Oct. 1869. v. 12-1.3. 8^. Philadtlphia, G. W. Cliilds, [1869]. American (The) magazine, and repository of useful literature. Devoted to science, liter- ature, and the arts, [etc.] Edited by John S. Wood, m, d. and Barnabas Wood, [etc.] V. ]. [From July to December, 1841] 190 pp. 10 pi. 8°, Albuny, B. Wood, 18il American medical association. Transactions v. 3-4, and 15-19. 1850-51, 1864-68. 8<^ Philadelphia, fur the association, 1850-68. American (The) naturalist, a popular illus trated [monthly] magazine of natural his tory. Edited by A. S. Packard, jr. [and others]. March, 1867, to February, 1869 V. 1-2. 8°. Salem, Essex institute and Pea hody academy of science, 1868-69. American pharmaceutical association. Pro- ceedings. V. 1-16. 8°. Philadtlphia, 1851- 69. American (The) preacher; or, a collection of sermons from some of the most eminent preachers, now living, in the United States, of different denominations in the christian church. Never before published. [Edited by David Austin]. 3 v. 12°. Elizabeth- town, (N.J.) S. KMock, 1791. The same. v. 4. 8°. New Haven, A. Morse, 1793. American (The) presbyterian and theologi- cal review. Editors : H. B. Smith and J. M. Sherwood. January to October, 1863. New series, v. 1. 8°. New York, J. M. Sherwood, 1863. American railroad journal. Steam naviga- tion, commerce, finance, engineering, bank- ing, mining, manufactures. January, 1864, to December, 1869. v. 37-42. (2d quarto series, v. 20-25). 4°. New York, J. H. Schullz, 1864-69. American shipmasters' association. Record of American and foreign shipping, from sur- American shipmasters' association — cont'd, veys made and compiled under the directioa of the American shipmasters' association. 199 1. 4'2. New York, K. C. Rout Sf co. 1869. American social science association. Docu- ments published by the association. Part 1. Constitution, address, and list of members, with the questions proposed for discussion, to which are added minutes of the transac- tions of the association. July, 1866. 64 pp. 8°. Boston, association, 1866. The same. Part 2. Address, at the fifth general meeting. New York, November 19, 1867, by Samuel Eliot, corresponding sec- retary, to which are added lists of papers, members, etc. December, 1867. 65-92 pp. 8°. Boston, association, 1867. Journal. No. 1. April, 1869. 8°. Bos- ton, 1869. American (The) spectator; or, matrimonial preceptor. A collection (with additions and variations) of essays, epistles, precepts, and examples, relating to the married state, from the most celebrated writers, ancient and mod- ern. Adapted to the state of society in the American republic. 286 pp. ] pi. 16°. Bos- ton, D. Jf'esl, 1797, American (The) year-book and national reg- ister for 1869. Astronomical, historical, po- litical, financial, commercial. Edited by David N. Camp. v. 1, 824 pp. 8°. Hart- ford, O. D. Case 8( co. 1869. Americanische (Die) goldgrube; das ist: die kuust des landmauns, seine zcitlichcn guterfiinfzig- bishunderttaltig zu vermehren, [etc.] Ein lehrreiches lese- und rechenbuch, fiir alle wahre patrioten, [etc. anon.'\ viii, 192 pp. 12°. Libanon, (Penn.) H. Sage, 1810. Amerikanisches magazin — Oder authenli- sche beitriige zur erdbeschreibung, staats- kunde und geschichte von Amerika, besou- ders derVereinigtenStaaten. Herausgegeben von professor Hegewisch in Kiel, und profes- sor Ebeling in Hamburg, v. 1. 4 parts in 2 V. 3 p. 1. 190, 106 pp ; 2 p. 1. 200 pp. 2 1. 184 pp. 8°. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1795. Amerique (L') delivroe ; esquisse d'uu poeme sur rindopendauce de I'Amerique. Par L. C. D. L. G. ianon.'\ 2 v. xxiv, 726 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. A. Crajenschot, 1783, Am I a child of God ? [hwoh.] 92 pp. J pi. 18^. Philadelphia, American s. s. union, [1869]. 12 AMICABLE. ANGELL. Amicable Quixote. Historia de Bruce j Emilia, 6 el Quixote de la amistad. Obra ing^lesa. [atton.} Traducida al Frances per el p. Chanin, y extractada libremente al cas- tellano pord. F. E. y C. 2 v. 6 p. 1. 190 pp; 2 p. 1. 216 pp. 16°. Madrid, Repulles, 1808. s- Amoreux (Felix d'). 5ee Saint-Felix (Jules de). Amort (Ensebio). Censnra .sobre el arte de peusar, 6 logica admirable de Antouio Ar- naldo, escritaenLatJn.y traducida en Espanol, por MijTuel Joseph Fernandez, [etc.] 10 p. 1. 171 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. MuTioz del Valle, 1759. S. '[With Arnauld (A.) Arte de pensar, 1759]. Amory (Thomas C.) The military services and public life of major-g:eneral John Sulli- van, of the American revolutionary army. 2 p. 1. 320 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Boston, ]Vigtiin Sf Lunt, 1868. Ampere (Jean Jacques). L'histoire romaine k Rome. 2 v. 2 p. 1. Ixiii, 495 pp. 1 1. 1 map ; 2 p. 1. 577 pp. 1 1. 1 map. 8°. Paris. M. L6vy freres, 1862. — ^— Litterature, voyages et po6sies. Nou- velle 6d. 2 V. 3 p. 1. 336 pp ; 2 p. 1. 504 pp. 16°. Paris, Didier, 1853. Amunategiii (Miguel Luis and Gregorio). La reconquista espanola. Apuntes para la historia de Chile, 1814-1817. ix, 210 pp. 1 1. 8°. Santiago, imprenta cliilcna, 1851. S. Amyraut or Amyrault (Moise). De jure naturre, quod connubiadirigit, disquisitiones sex. Ex Gallica versse a B. II. Eeynoldo, ex bibliotheca G. von Mastricht, qui notas aliaque ejusdem argumenti addidit. 2 p. 1. 384 pp. 1 1. 16°. ' Stadip, H. Brumvier, 1712. Anastasius, hihliothecarius. Historia de vitis romanorum pontificvm a Petro apostolo vsqve ad Nicolavm i. Deinde vita Hadriani ii. et Stephani vi. auctore Gvilielmo biblio- thecario. Accessere varire lectiones, [etc.] 8p. L 352 pp. 6 1. 4=. Mogvntia, I. Al- hinus, 1602. Ancillon (Friedrich). Zur vermittlung der extreme in den meinungen. 2 v. xiv, 427 pp ; iv, 384 pp. 8°. Berlin, Duuoier Sf Humhlot, 1831. CONTEXTS. V. 1. Geschichte und politik. V. 1. Philosophie und poesie. Andala or Rtiirds van Andlahuizen ( — ) Vindicia? veritatis, quam ecclesia; reformatse profitentur de dependentia actionum h. Deo. Andala— continued. Adjecta est disputatio theologica de libero ho- minis peccatoris arbitrio. 4 p. 1. 253 pp. 1 1. IC^. Frnnrqucrae, A. Heinsius, 1713. Andersen (Hans Christian). The two baron- esses. A romance, v, 261 pp. 12°. New York, Hurd Sf Houghton, 1869. Anderson (Charles Frederick). Anderson's American villa architecture. 1st no. 6 1. 15 pi. obi. fol. Neio York, G. P. Putnam Sf CO. 1853. [No more published]. Anderson (John J.) An introductory school history of the United States, arranged on the catechetical plan ; to which are added, the declaration of independence, and the consti- tution of the United States, with questions and explanations. 153, 3S pp. 2 maps. 16°. New York, Clark Sf Maynard, 1867. Anderson (Rufus, d.d.) Foreign missions; their relations and claims. 1 p. 1. xiv, 373 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner Sf co. 1869. Anderson {Jiev. William). Kings of society; or, leaders of social, intellectual, and relig- ious progress, xi, 304 pp. 12°. London, hook society, [1866]. Andrejkovicz ( — ). and Dunk (— ). Gen- eral instructions for the use of aniline colors. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. [In Love, (T.) The art of dyeing]. Andres y Alcalde (Joaquin). Manual esta- distico, historico-politico, geneal6gico y as- tronomico ; 6 vista estadistica del mundo y compendio general de noticias. 16 p. 1. 327 pp. 16°. Madrid, Moreno, 1831. Andre'\?7 Douglas. [A tale. anon.'\ 232 pp. 1 pi. 1S°. Neto York, nat, temperance publ. house, 1868. Anecdotes of eminent persons, comprising also many remains of literature and biogra- phy, with some original letters of dis- tinguished characters. 2 v. xi, 404 pp ; vii, 404 pp. 8°. London, S. Bagster, 1813. Anecdotes du temps de Louis xvi. ^anon.']' 2 p. I. 218 pp. 16°. Paris, L. Hachette Sf cie. 1854. Angelin (Nils Peter). Palseontologia scandi- navica. pars 1". Crustacea formationis transitionis. 1 p. 1. x, 92, 42 pp. 4°. Lipsia, T. O. Weigel, 1854. Angell (John). Stenography ; or, short-hand improved : being the most compendious, lineal, and easy method hitherto extant, [etc. ] 1 p. 1. xxii, xxix pp. 21 pi. 12°. London, A.Miller, [afeowt 1780]. 13 ANGLERIUS. ANNUAL. Anglerius (Petius). Sec Martire d'An- ghiera (Pietro). Augos y Zanditey (Antonio Jose). Sub- sidii et excusati gratire apostolicse, duo- decim observationibus illustrat!x>. 8 p. 1. 128, cxxiii pp. sm. 4°. Matriti, F. del Hierro, [1727]. S. Angstrom (Anders Jons). Spectre normal du soleil. Atlas contenant les longeurs d'onde des raies Fraueuhofeiienue.s donnees en Tu(ToVo5(T TFpag avrov Tpvrapeiag, rr] ke aETiTCfifipLov 1856, EK vEov vvv /lETa EiKOvoypa(j>tuv EKi!ii6o/ie- vog. [An eulogy of Alexander the great], vf, 336 pp. 2 pi. 8°. ^0?;P7?CTt, n. A. 2«K- E/.Kapioq, 1858. S. Aspects of humanity, brokenly mirrored in the everswelliug current of human speech. [««on.] 55 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincolt tj- co. 1869. Assier (Adolphe d'). Le Bresil contempo- rain. Races. — Moeurs. — Institutions. — Pay- sage. — Colonisation. 320 pp. 8°. Paris, Durand Sf Laurel, 1867. Association of medical superintendents of American institutions for the insane. Report of the proceedings at their twenty-second annual meeting, held at Boston, June. 1868. Published by direction of the association. 207 pp. 8°. Hurrishurah, T. F. Scheffer, 1868. Association de la propagation de la foi. An- nales de la propagation de la foi. Recueil periodique des lettres des eveques et des mis- sionaires des missions des deux monde.s, et de tons les documents relatifs aux missions et i, I'oeuvre de la propagation de la foi. Collec- tion faisant suite aux Lsttres 6difiantes. 35 v. 8°. Lyon, iJiteur des annates, 1823-63. Astie (J. F.) Histoire de la republique des Etats-Unis depuis I'etablissement des pre- mieres colonies jusqu'a I'election du presi- dent Lincoln, (1620-1860). Precedce d'une preface par m. Ed. Laboulaye. 2 v. 2 p. 1. XV, 478 pp ; 2 p. 1. 589 pp. 8°. Paris, Grassart, 1865. Astronomic populaire ; ou, esquisse generale du systeme du monde, servant de commen- taire a I'atlas de I'astronomie en tableaux transparents de douze planches. 2"^ ed. 70 pp. 12°. Atlas, 12 col. pi. 4°. Bruxellcs, Kiessling ?.) Submarine warfare, offensive and defensive, Including a discussion of the offensive tor- pedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship systems, and influence upon future uaval Avars. 233 pp. 19 pi. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1869. Barnes (William H.) The fortieth congress of the Uuited States, v. 1. 2 p. 1. 410 pp. 80 portraits. 8°. New York, G. E. Perine, 1869. Barnett (Moses). The tempest [of Shake- spere], as a lyrical drama. 32 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Mitchell, 1850. Barr (Matthias). The child's garland of little poems. With illustrative borders by Giaco- melli. 100 pp. sm. 4°. London, Cassell, Petter 8f Galpin, [1866]. Barr (Rev. T. T.) Blooming hopes and with- ered joys. 286 pp. 18°. New York, Carl- ton 8^' Phillips, 18.55. s. Barrande (Joachim). Defense des colonies. V. l-2iul v. 8°. Prague, etc. auteur, 1861- 65. s. CONTENTS. V. 1. Groupeprobatoire : comprenant la colonie Hai- diuger, la colonie Krejti et la coul6e Krejii. 31 pp. 1861. V. 2. Incompatibilite entre le syst^me des plis et la realite des I'aits materiels. 2 p. 1. 62 pp. 1 pi. 1862. Barratt (.Joseph, m.d.) The Indian of New England, and the northeastern provinces; a sketch of the life of an Indian hunter, an- cient traditions relating to the Etchemin tribe, their modes of life, etc. with vocabu- laries, the most complete that have been ~ given for New England, in the languages of the Etchemin and Micmacs. 24 pp. 12°. Middletoicn, (Conn.) C. H. Pelton, 1851. Barrio (Paulino del). Noticia sobre el terreno carbonifero de Coronel i Lota, i sobre los trabajos de esplotacion en el emprendidos. 107 pp. 1 map. 4 pi. 8°. Santiago, im- prenta nacional, 1857. s. Barrovr (John). Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840. XV, 375 pp. 1 pi. 12°. London, J. Murray, 1841. Barrows (E. P. d. d.) Companion to the bible. 639 pp. 5 pi. 12°. New York, Ameri- can tract society, [1867]. 23 BARROWS. BAXTER. Barrows (William). The general; or, twelve nights in the hunters' camp. A narrative of real life. iv,*2()S pp. 4 pi. Id^. Boston^ Lee Sf Shepard, 18G PP- ^ 1. 272 pp ; ig', 364 pp. 2 1. 8°. Ev A67jvaig, rvKoig <^. Kapa/iiv?] KciL K. Baipa, 1854-57. s. Bretschiieider (Carl Gottlieb). Die grund- lage des evangelischen pietismus ; oder, die lehren von Adams fall, der erbsiinde, und dem opfer Christi, [etc.] xii, 426 pp. 11. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Fogel, 1833. Heinrich und Antonio, oder die pro- selyten der romischen und der evangelischen kirche. 2« auflage. xii, 308 pp. 8°. Go- tha, J. Perthes, 1827. Die religiose glaubenslehre nach der vernunft und der offenbarung flir deukende leser dargestellt. 2" aufi. viii, 406 pp. 8°. Halle, Schwetschke 5f sohn, 1843. Systematische entwickelung aller in der dogmatik vorkommenden begriffe nach den symbolischen schriften der evangelisch-lu- therischen kirche, [etc.] Nebst der litera- tur, [etc.] liber alletheile der dogmatik. 3« auflage. xvi, 870 pp. 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1825. Brewster (Anne M. H.) Compensation; or, always a future. 2d ed. 322 pp. 12°. I'hiladdphia, J. B. Lippincott cj- co. 1870. Brewster {Rev. John) Meditations for the aged ; adapted to the progress of human life. 3d ed. viii, 435 pp. 8°. London, F. C. Sr J. Rivington, 1814. Meditations for penitents, and for those engaged in the important duty of self-exam- ination, xxviii, 366 pp. 8°. London, F. C. cj- J. Rivington, 1813. The meditations of a recluse ; chiefly 3n religious subjects. 4th ed. viii, 387 pp. 30, London, F. C. 4- J. Rivington, 1816. Breynat (Jules). Les socialistes depuis fev- rier. 3" 6d. 304 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, Gur- nier, 1850. Briand (P. Cesar). Le livre de poche du voyageur en France, [etc.] xxxii, 192 pp. 1 map. 32°. Paris, Lavigne, [1833]. Bridger (N.) Stenographic and cry[p]to- graphie ; or, the arts of short-hand and secret- writing, [etc. anon.'] 6 p. 1. 66 pp. 24 pi. 18°. London, author, 1659. Bridgman (William). Translations from the Greek, viz. Aristotle's synopsis of the virtues and vices. The similitudes of Demophilus. The golden sentences of Democrates. And the Pythagoric symbols, with the explana- tions of Jamblichus. [With] the Pythagoric sentences of Demophilus, by T. Taylor. xvi, 135 pp. 12°. London, W. Bridgman, 1804. Brief (A) and impartial history of the life and actions of Andrew Jackson, president of the United States. By a free man. \^anon.'[ 216 pp. 16°. Boston, Stimpson Sf Clapp, 1831. Briefe in die heimath, geschrieben zwischen October 1829 und May 1830, wiihrend einer reise iiber Frankreich, England, und die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica nach Mexico. [flMon.] x, 201 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, und Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1835. [Reisen und landesbeschreibungen, Ce auflage]. Brieven over het bestuur der colouien Esse- quebo en Demerary. Gewisseld tusschen de heeren Aristodemus en Sincerus. Nevens bylagen, tot deeze briefvvisseling, en eeue voorredenvanden nederlandschen uitgeever. [awow.] 12 V. S"^.. Amsterdam, W. HoUrop, 1785-88. Bright {Mrs. A. M.) The three Bernices ; or, Ansermo of the crag. 380 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffelfingfr, 1869. Bright (John). Speeches on questions of pub- lic policy. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. 2 v. xix, 535 pp. 1 portrait ; vii, 567 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan cj- co. 1868. Brion (G.) Illustrations to "Les miserables," of Victor Hugo. Scenes and characters pho- tographed by A. A. Turner, after the original designs of G. Brion. 8 pp. 26 pi. 4°. Netc York, Carlton, 1863. Brisbin {Gen. James S.) The lives of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. 437 pp. 2 portraits. 16°. Cincinnati, C. F. Vent Sfco. 1869. 43 BRISfiE. BROMME. Brisee. lanon.'\ 255 pp. 12° J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1862. Brisson (Pierre Raymond de). Historia do naufragio, e cativeiro de mr. de Brisson, com a descrip<;rio- dos desertos d' Africa, desde o Senegal, ato Marrocos: escrita, e publicada per elle mcsmo em 1789 ; mas agora tradii- zidaem portuguez, [etc.] 265pp. 31. 18°. Llshoa, S. T. Ferreira, 1800, S. Brissot (A.) Voyage au Guazacoalcos, aux Antilles et aux £tats-Unis. 2 p. 1. iv, 390 pp. 1 map. 1 pi. 8°. Paris, A. Bcrtrand, 18:?7. Bristol (Augusta Cooper). Poems. 190 pp. 12^. Boston, Adams S»* co. [1868]. British (Tiic) almanac [and] companion to the almanac, for 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Lon- don, Knight &{ CO. 1869. British archpeological association. The journal of the British archreological association, es- tablished in 1843, for the encouragement and prosecution of researches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. V. 1-22, 1846 to 1866. 8°. London, 1846- 66. s- [v. 10 (no. 36 and 39) and v. 11 wanting]. [Programme and list of officers and members]. 12 pp. 8°. Lo«rfon, 1847. The same. Worcester congress, 1848. 4 pp. 8°. ILondon, 1848]. • Transactions of the British archaeolog- ical association, at its second annual congress, held at Winchester, August, 1845, [and] at its third annual congress, held at Gloucester, August, 1846, [and] at its sixth annual meet- ting, Chester, 1849, consisting of the papers read at the several meetings, together with an account of the exhibitions and excursions made by the association. 3 v. 8°. London, 1846-49, British association for the advancement of Philadelphia, | British museum— continued. Catalogue of diurnal lepidoptera of the family satyrid?e in the collection of the Brit- ish museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, vi, 211 pp. 5 pi. 8°. London, bi/ order of the trustees, 1868. Catalogue of the specimens of blatta- rijB in the collection of the British museum. By Francis Walker, 2 p. 1. 239 pp. 8°. London, 1868. Catalogue of the specimens of dermap- tera saltatoria, and supplement to the blatta- riiu, in the collection of the British museum. 2 p. 1.224 pp. 8°. London, 18Ct9, Catalogue of the specimens of hemip- tera hetevoptera in the collection. By Fran- cis Walker. Part iii. (pp. 419-599), 8°. London, trustees of the British museum, 1868. A guide to the exhibition rooms of the science. Report of the thirty-eighth meeting, held at Norwich in August, 1868. Ixxvi, 520, Bromley (Sir George) departments of natural history and antiqui- ties. 2p. 1, 139 pp. Imap. 8°. [_London'\^ trustees, 1869. British [The] partizan : a tale of the olden time. By a lady of South Carolina. [a«on.] 157 pp. 16°. Macon, (Ga.) Burlic, BoykiK 5t- CO. 1864, Brittan (Harriette G.) Kardoo, the Hindoo girl. 183 pp. 1 pi. 16°. New York, If, B. Dodge, 1869, Brock (Miss Sallie A. editor). The southern amaranth. A carefully selected collection of poems growing out of and in reference to the late war, 1 p.l. 651 pp. 8°. New York, G.S. Wilcox, 1869. Brockett (L,P.) Camp, battle-field, and hos- pital ; or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion. Illustrated. 512 pp. 34 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, national publishing co. 1866. Broken (The) rein. By the author of " Nora's life at Derncleugh." [flnon.] 230 pp. 16^. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, [1869]. A collection of royal 236 pp. 4 pi. 8°. London, J. Murray, 18Q9.S British homoeopathic association. Truths and their reception, considered in relation to the doctrine of homosopathy. [By M. B. Samp- son]. To which are added various essays on the principles and statistics of homoeopathic practice. 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 251 pp. 8°. Lon- don, S. Highlcy, 1849. British museum. Catalogue of the carnivorous, pachydermatous, and edentate mammalia. By J. E. Gray. 8°. London, 1869, letters, written by king Charles the first, and second, king James the second, and the king and queen of Bohemia ; together with origi- nal letters, written by prince Rupert, Charles Louis, count palatine, the duchess of Han- over, and several other distinguished persons ; from the year 1619 to 1665. xl, 320 pp. 5 pi. 1 chart. 8°. London, J. Stockdale, 1787. Bromme (Traugott). Reisen durch die Verei- nigten Staaten und Ober-Canada. 3 v. 12°. Baltimore, C. Scheld ^- co. 1834. 44 BEONTfi. BROWN. Bronte (Anne). Agnes Grey; By Acton Bell. \_pseudon.^ 16°. London, Smith, Elder 8f CO. 1866. [fyith Bronte (E. aud A.) Wuthering heights, etc.l The tenant of Wildfell liall. By Acton Bell, [pseiidon.'] A new ed. 371 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder Sf co. 1859. Bronte (Cliarlotte, Emily, and Anne). Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, [ysendon.'] 165 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder Sf co. 1846. The same, iv, 13—176 pp. 16°. Phil- adelphia, Lea Sf Blanchard, 1848. Bronte (Emily, and Anne). Wuthering heights, by Ellis Bell [Emily Bronte] ; and Agnes Grey, by Acton Bell [Anne Bront6] ; with a preface and memoir of both authors, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Bronte, pseiidon. ] A new ed. xix, 446 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder Sr co. 1866. Brooklyn (The) city and business directory for the year ending May 1, 1870. Contain- ing also a street aud avenue directory, and an appendix. Compiled by George T. Lain. 8°. Brooklyn, Lain Sf co. [1869]. Brooks (Charles). The christian in his closet ; or, prayers for individuals, adapted to the various ages, conditions, aud circumstances of life. 316 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe Sf CO. 184.5. Elementary course of natural history, being an introduction to zoology : intended for the college aud the parlor. Elements of ornithology. 324 pp. 28 pi. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe, 1847. Brooks {Rev. Charles T.) The simplicity of Christ's teachings, set forth in sermons, viii, 342 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols Sf co. 1859. Brooks (Edward). The normal written arith- metic, by analysis and synthesis ; designed for common schools, normal schools, high schools, academies, etc. 337 pp. 12°. Phil- adelphia, Sower) Barnes Sf Potts, [1863]. Brooks (Rev. Thomas). Precious remedies against satan's devices ; being a companion for christians of all denominations. 1st Am. ed. 319 pp. 11 1. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, J. Pounder, 1810. Smooth stones from ancient brooks. By rev. C. H. Spurgeon. Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint say- ings, from the works of that renowned puri- tan, Thomas Brooks. 269 pp. 16°. New York, Sheldon Sf co. 1860. Brooks (Pev. T. S.) Debate on baptism and kindred subjects. See Mathcs (J. M.) and Brooks. Brossard (Alfred de). Considerations his- toriques et politiques sur les r6publiques de La Plata, dans leurs rapports avec la France et I'Angleterre. 2p. 1.471pp. 8°. Paris, Guillaumin Sf cic. 1850. Broiighton (William Robert). Voyage de docouvertes dans la partie septeutrionale de Toccan Pacifique fait pendant les annees 1795-1798 ; dans lequel il a parcouru et visits la cote d'Asie, depuis le 35<^ degr6 nord, jusqu'au 52"= ; les cotes nord, est, et sud dii Japon, etc. Traduit de 1' Anglais par J. B. B. E[yri6s]. 2 v. 3 p. 1. xxxii, 244 pp. 1 1. 1 map ; 2 p. 1. 342 pp. 1 map. 8°, Paris, Dentu, 1807. Broussais (Francois Joseph Victor). Cours de phrcnologie. 2 p. 1. x, 850 pp. 1 1. 1 pi. 120. Paris, J. B. Baillicre, 1836. Brown (Edward). Life lyrics. 1 p. 1.189 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood Sf co. 1869. Brown (Henry T.) Five hundred and seven mechanical movements, embracing all those which are most important in dynamics, hy- draulics, etc. 122 pp. sm. 4°. New York, Brown, Coombs Sf co. 1868. Brown (Mary R.) Maggie aud her friends. A story from real life. 243 pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York, A.D.F. Randolph Sf co. 1868. Browrn (Peter). The fame and glory of Eng- land vindicated, being an answer to [Les- ter's] "The glory and shame of England.'' By Libertas. [pseudon.'] 306 pp. 12°. New York, Wiley Sf Putnam, 1842. Brovrn (Robert, the botanist of the British mu- seum). Miscellaneous botanical works, v. 3. Atlas of plates, 2p. 1. 15 pp. 38 pi. fol. London, 1866. [Ray society pviblicaf ions]. Bro"wn (Samuel). A treatise on the nature, origin, and progress of the yellow fever, with observations on its treatment, comprising an account of the disease, in several of the cap- itals of the United States, [etc.] 112 pp. 8°. Boston, Manning Sf Loring, 1800. Brown (Thomas). The paradise of coquettes, a poem. In nine parts. 201 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1816. Brown (William Wells). The American fu- gitive in Europe. Sketches of places and people abroad. With a memoir of the au- thor. 320 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Boston, J. P. Jewell Sf CO. 1855. 45 BROWN. BRlJNNICH. Bro'wn (W. Leroy). Notes on artillery : from Robins, Hutton, Chcsney, Mordccai, Dalil- gren, Jacob, Greener, Gibbon, and Benton. 76 pp. 8°. Richmond, Jf'cst Sf Johnson, 1862. Brown (Blr. — , son of Rev. Samuel Brown). The captives of Abb's valley ; a legend of frontier life. By a son of Mary Moore, [married to Samuel Brown]. 169 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, prcsbytcrian hoard of pub- lication, [1854] ? .s. Browne (Charles Farrar). Artemns Ward liis book. Ipscudon.'] 224 pp. 13 pi. 16°. New York, Carleton, 1865. Artemus Ward's panorama. (As exhib- ited at the Egyptian hall, London), [pseu- don.'] Edited by his executoi's, T. W. Rob- ertson and E. P. Hingston. 213 pp. 34 pi. 160. NeiD York, G. \V. Carleton, 1869. Browne (D. J.) The etymological encyclo- pajdia of tecbnical words and phrases used in the arts and sciences, and of many words in common use, with popular quotations from foreign languages, and their translations. 258 pp. 18°. Boston, IV. Htjdc Sf co. 1832. Brcwne (Dunn, pscudon.) Sec Fiske (Sam- uel). Browne (John Ross). Adventures in the Apache country ; a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on the silver regions of Nevada. 535 pp. 12°. New York, Har- per Sf brothers, 1869. Resources of the Paciiic slope. A sta- tistical and descriptive summary of the miues and minerals, climate, topography, agricul- ture, commerce, manufactures, and miscella- neous productions of the states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains. With a sketch of the settlement and exploration of lower California. 678, 200 pp. 8°. Neio York, D. Appleton 8; co. 1869. Browne (Junius Henri). The great metrop- olis ; a mirror of New York. A complete history of metropolitan life and society, with sketches of prominent places, persons, and things in the city, as they actually exist. 700 pp. 16 pi. 8°. Hartford, American pub- lishing CO. 1869. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). Casa Guidi windows. A poem. viii, 140 pp. 16°. London, Chapman cS' Hall, 1851. • Lady Geraldine's courtship. 1 p. 1. iv, 74 pp. 12 pi. 8°. New York, C. Scrib- ner if co. 1870. Browning (Elizabeth B.)— continued. Napoleon iii in Italy. And other poems. 72 pp. 16°. New York, C. S. Francis Sf CO. 1860. Browning (Robert). The ring and the book. 4 V. 16°. London, Smith, Elder Sf co. 1868- 69. Bruce (George) son & co. An abridged speci- men of printing types, made at Brnce's New York type-foundry. 166 pp. 4°. Ncto York, G. Bruce, son Sf co. 1869. Bruce (Peter Henry). Memoirs. Containing an account of his travels in Germanj', Rus- sia, Tartary, Turkey, and the West Indies, etc. as also several very interesting private anecdotes of the czar, Peter i, of Russia. 6 p. 1. 446 pp. 4°. London, author's rcidoic, 1782. Briigger (Ch. Gr.) Die thermen von Bormio [etc.] Sec Meyer- Ahrens (—). and Biuq- gerKChr. Gr.) Brun (Charles). Recit des evenemcnts de de- cembre. Oui ou non. Appel a la nation. Vote universel du 21 decembre 1851. 105 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, Ledoyen, 1851. 1 IVith Gallois (N.) "Vie politique de Ledrn-Rollin]. Brunck (Richard Franz Philipp). Anthologia. See Selection (A) of Greek epigrams. Brunet (Gustave, editor). Sec Dinaux (Ar- thur). Les societes badiues, [etc.] Brunet (Jacques Charles). Recherches biblio- graphiques et critiques sur les editions origi- nales des cinq livres du roman satirique de Rabelais, et sur les differences de texte qui se font remarquer, particuli^rement dans le pre- mier livre du Pantagruel et dans la Gargan- tua ; on y a joint uue revue critique des edi- tions collectives du memo roman, et, de plus, le texte original des grandes et inestimables chroniques de Gargantua, complete pour la premiere fois d'apr^s I'edition de 1533, pour servir de supplement Ji toutes les editions des ceuvres de Rabelais. 2 p. 1. 144, 58 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Poticr, 1852. Brunet (Pierre, de Nantes). Voyage il I'lsle de France, dans I'Inde, et en Angleterre ; suivi de memoires sur les Indiens, sur les vents des mers de I'Inde, et d'une notice sur la vie du general Benoit Doboigne, commandant I'ar- meemaratte sous Scindia. 1 p. 1. iv, 390 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Mongic ain6, 1825. Briinnich (Martin Thrane). Ichthyologia massilien.sis, sisteus piscium descriptioiies, eorvmt[ve apud iucolas uomina. Acceduut 46 BRtJNNICH. BUELL Briinnich (Martin) — continued. Spolia maris adriatici. 8 p. 1. 110 pp. 8°. Hafnice, et Lipsia, apud Rothii viduam et Proft, 1768. [ With his Ornithologia borealis]. Ornithologia borealis, sistens coUec- tionem avium ex omnibus, imperio danico subjectis, provinciis insulisqve borealibus Hafnise factam, cum descriptionibus nova- rum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium et icone. 3 p. 1. 80 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Hafnice, J. C.Kall, 1764. Brunno-w (Ernst von). Ulrich von Hutten, der streiter fiir deutscbe freiheit. Historisches gemalde aus den zeiten der reformation. 3 v. 18°. Leipzig, B. G. Teuhner, 1842. Brunson {Rev. Alfred) .and Pitman (Rev. Charles). The sweet singer of Israel: a collection of hymns and spiritual songs, usually sung at camp, prayer, and social meetings, and in revivals of religion. Se- lected and compiled, at the request of the publishers, by the rev. Alfred Brunson, and the rev. Charles Pitman. New ed. much en- larged. 320 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, J. Hannstead, 1840. Bruyas (Jacques). Eadices verborum iro- qua?orum; [or], radical words of the Mohawk language, with their derivatives. 2 p. 1. 123 pp. 4°. New York, Cramoisy press, 1862. s. [Shea's library of American linguistics, v. 10]. Bryan (R. T.) Departmental monthly and daily pay tables. Showing the gross and net pay on all salaries from $60 to $25,000, per annum, with the amount taxable and income tax on all over $1,000 per annum, as paid hj *.h.e executive departments of the United States, under the laws of the thirty-ninth congress. 41 1. 4"^. Washington, government printing office, 1867. Bryant (William Cullen). The embargo ; or, sketches of the times. A satire. 2d ed. enlarged. [With] the Spanish revolution, and other poems. 36 pp. 12°. Boston, author, 1809. Letters from the east. 256 pp. 16°. New York, G. P. Putnam Sf son, 1869. • Poems. 44 pp. 12°. Cambridge, HilliardSf Mcicalf, 1821. Brydges {Sir Samuel Egerton, hart). Atavia3 regia? : consisting of sixty copies only, com- piled for private use. 2 p. 1. 1 18 pp. 3 1. 4 pi. 8°. Florence, J. Marenigh, 1820. Buccellati (Federico, m. d.) Studj teorici e pratici sulle orine. [Extract]. 128 pp. 8°. Milano, annaii universali di medicina, I860. s. Bucer or Kuhhorn (Martin). Judgment con- cerning divorce ; written to Edward vi. in his 2nd book of the kingdom of Christ, and now English'd [by J. Milton], fol. \^Lon- don-]! 1697. [In MILTON (J.) Works. [London] ? 1697. pp. 145-169]. Buchanan {Rev. Claudius, II. d.) The star in the east ; a sermon preached in the parish church of St. James, Bristol, on Sunday, Feb. 26, 1809. To Avhich is added an ap- pendix, containing the interesting report of the rev. dr. Kerr to the governor of Madrass, on the state of the ancient christians in Co- chin and Travancore, amd an account of the discoveries made by rev. dr. Buchanan of 200,000 christians in the sequestered region of Hindostan. 16°. Philadelphia, 1815. [7/1 Woodward (W. W.) A pious selection, pp. 297 to 355]. Bucher (Anton von). Die jesuiteu in Baiern vor und nach ihrer aufhebung. 3 v. 12°. Miinchcn, E. A. Flcischmann, 1819. Biichler (Johann Ulrich). Land- und see- reiseu eiues St. Gallischen kantonsbiirgers nach Nordamerika und Westindien, iiber Amsterdam nach Baltimore, Pitzburg, [etc.] und wieder zuriick nach Amsterdam, in den jahren 1816, 1817 und 1818, [etc.] 228 pp. 16°. St. Gallen, Zollikofer Sf Zilhlin, 1819. Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Choix de mo- ralistes frangais, avec notices biographiques. lii, 783 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Desrez, 1836. CONTENTS. CHARRON (Pierre). De la sagesse. Pascai, (Blaise). Pensees. La Rochefoucauld. Sentences et maximes. La BuuYJCRE. Des caracteres de ce siecle. Vauvenargues. CEuvres. Buck (D. D. d. d.) The closing scenes of the life of Christ [etc. ] Sec Bible {English)- Buds and blossoms of piety, with some fruit of the spirit of love ; and directions to the divine wisdom. Being a collection of papers written by B. A. la^ion.J 4th ed. 4 p. 1. 128 pp. 16°. London, T. S. Ruylton, 1743. Buechler (Johann Ulrich). See Biichler (J. U.) Buell (Jonathan S.) The cider-maker's man- ual ; a practical hand-book, which embodies treatises on the apple, construction of cider mills, cider presses, etc. 174, vii pp. 12°. Buffalo, Haas &i Kelley, 1869. 47 BUFFALO. BURGESS. Buffalo (City of). A directory for the city of Buffalo, containing the names and residences of the heads of families and householders in said city on 1st of July, 18:32. To which is added a sketch of the village, from 1801 to 1832. 122 pp. 16°. Buffalo, L. P. Crurij, 1832. Buffier (Claude). Geographic universelle, expos6e dans les differentes metodes qui peuvent abr^ger I'etude et faciliter I'usago de cette science. Avec le secours des vers artificiels. 3« 6d. 2v.ini. xxiv, 274 pp. 14 maps; 120 pp 4 maps. 16°. Paris, P. F. Giffart, 1722. Histoire chronologique du dernier si6cle. [anon.] 5 p. 1. cccxxix, 70 pp. 29 1. 8°. Paris, P. F. Giffart, 1724. BufEiu ( — ). Dictionnaire des families qui ont fait modifier leurs noms par I'addition de la particule ou autrement en vertu d'ordon- nances ou des d6crets depuis J 803 jusqu'a 1867. 4« ed. 131 pp. 8°. Paris, Bache- lin- Dcflorenne, 1869. Buffuni (Edward Gould). Sights and sensa- tions in France, Germany, and Switzerland ; or, experiences of an American journalist in Europe. 310 pp. 12'^. New York, Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Builder (The) ; an illustrated weekly, for the architect, engineer, archasologist, constructor, sanitary reformer, and art lover. Conducted by Geo. Godwin, 1868. v. 26. sm. fol. Lon don, [ Wyman S( sons, printers, 1868]. Bulfinch (Stephen Greenleaf, rf. d.) Poems. 108 pp. 18°. Charleston, J. S. Barges, 1834. Studies in the evidences of Christianity. vi pp. 1 1. 274 pp. 12°. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1869. Bull (Marcus). Experiments to determine the comparative value of the principal varieties of fuel used in the United States, and also in Europe ; and on the ordinary apparatus used for their combustion, x, 104 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Dohson, 1827. Bull (Thomas, m. d.) The maternal manage- ment of children, in health and disease. From the 3d London ed. 406 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1849. Bullions (Peter). The principles of English grammar ; a new ed. xii, 225 pp. 12°. New York, Pratt, Woodford Sf co, 1851. S. — : See, also, Jacobs (C. F. W.) Latin reader. A bunch of pansies. 16°. New York, J. A. Bullock (Cynthia). [Poems]. 143 pp. Gray, 1852. BuUock (William). Mexiko in 1823; of be- schrijving eenor reis door Nieuw-Spauje van m. BeuUoch, voorafgegaan door eene in- leiding van sir John Byerley, [etc.] Uit het Engelsch. 2 p. 1. 280 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Delft, iceduwe J. Allart, 1825. Bulwer-Lytton (Sir Edward George Earle Lytton, baron Lytton). The last of the bar- ons, xvi, 464 pp. 1 pi. 12°. London, Ruutledge, 1859. Bumstead (John). Ou the wing. A book for sportsmen. 274 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Bos- ton, Fields, Osgood Sf co. 1869. Bungener {Rev. Felix). Three days in the life of a father. From the French. 93 pp. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1867. Bunyan (John). Den heyligen oorlog. Uyt 't Engels vertaalt. 12 p. 1. 518 pp. 6 pi. 18°. Amsterdam, J. Morterre, 1767. The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. With original notes, by Thomas Scott. 360 pp. 6 pi. 1 portrait. 16°. Hartford, S. Andrus, 1830. The same. With notes and a life of the author, by the rev. T. Scott. 1 p. 1. 384 pp. 18°. Middletoicn, fV. H. Niles, 1833. ■ The same. In words of one syllable, by mrs. Edward Ashley Walker. 335 pp. 9 pi. sm.4°. New York, Geo. A. Leavitt, [1869]. Buonamici (Pietro Giuseppe Maria, afterioards Castruccio). De rebus ad Velitras gestis [anno mdccxliv] commentarius. 4 p. 1. 97 pp, 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, (IjUcw), \ 1746. Bureau (The); or, repositoryof literature, poli- tics, and intelligence. By S. C. Carpenter. V. L March 28, 1812, to Dec. 30, 1812. 4°. Philadelphia, editor, 1812. Burgess (Alexander, d. d.) Memoir of the life of the rt. rev. George Burgess, d.d. first bishop of Maine. 419 pp.1 portrait. 8°. Phila- delphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffclfinger, 1869. Burgess ( Rcr. George). The book of psalms ; translated into English verse. 276 pp. 12°. New York, F. J. Huntingdon Sf co. 1840. Burgess (Thomas). An essay ou the study of antiquities. 2d ed. corrected and enlarged. 1 p. 1. V, 142 pp. 8°. Oxford, D. Prince, etc. 1782. 48 BURGON. BUTLER. Burgon (Rev. John William). Euj^land and Rome : three letters to a pervert. 283 pp. 16°. Boston, E. P. Didton Sf co. 1869. Burke {Sir John Bernard). A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 3Ist ed. xlviii, 1316 pp. 8°. London, Harrison, 1869. Burke's weekly for boys and girls. An illus- trated journal of instruction and entertain- ment. T.A.Burke, editor. July, 1868, to June, 1869. v. 2. 4". Macon, {Ga.) J. W. Burke Sf co. 1869. Burnaby ( /?ec. Andrew). Voyages dans les col- onies du milieu de I'Am^rique Septentrionale, faits en 1759 et 1760. Avec des observations sur I'etat des colonies. Traduit d'apres la secoude Edition, par M. Willd. 1 p. I. 181 pp. 1 1. 16°. Lausanne, sociite typo- grapfiique, 1778. Burnet (Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury). History of his own time. v. 2. fol. Dublin, A. Rhames, 1734. S. [v. 1 wanting]. The memoirs of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald. In which an account is given of the civil wars of Scotland. With letters, instructions, and other papers written by kiug Charles the i. Never before pub- lished. 1 p. 1. 440 pp. 61.2 portraits. fol. London, J. G rover for R. Royston, 1677. Buruham {Rev. Richard). Hymns particularly designed for the use of the congregation meeting together in Grafton street, Soho. 1 p. 1. 6,406, xiv pp. 18°, London, J. Whit- ing, 1803. Bums (Robert). Poetical works; with his life. Ornamented with engravings on wood by mr. Bewick. 2 v. 266 pp. 1 portrait ; 8 pi. 270 pp. .5 pi. 16°. Alnvick, W. Davison, 1868. Burrows (Montagu). Constitutional progress. Seven lectures delivered before the university of Oxford, viii, 295 pp. 12°, London, J. Murray, 1869. Burt (Nathaniel C. d. d.) The land and its story ; or, the sacred historical geography of Palestine. 381 pp. 11 maps. 4°. New York, D.Applcton 8f CO. 1869. Burt (W. H. j«. d.) Characteristic materia medica. 460 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, A. J. Tafel 1869 Burton (Alfred). The adventures of Johnny Newcome in tlie navy ; a poem in four can- tos. With plates by Rowlaudson, from the author's designs. 259 pp. 15 col. pi. 8°. London, IF. Simpkin Sf R. Marshall, 1818. Burton (C'tf;j<. Richard Francis). The high- lands of the Brazil. 2 v. 1 p. 1. xii, 443 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. viii, 478 pp. 1 pi. 1 map. 8"^. London, Tinsley brothers, 1869. Burton (Robert). Melancholy anatomized; showing its causes, consequences, and cure. With anecdotic illustrations drawn from an- cient and modern sources, and principally founded on the larger work entitled. Burton's anatomy of melancholy, [awon.] ix pp. 1 1. 292 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, W. Tegg, 1865. Burton (Warren). Cheering views of man and providence, drawn from a consideration of the origin, uses, and remedies of evil, xii, 264 pp. 16°. Boston, Carter, Hendee Sf co. 1832. White slavery ; a new emancipation cause presented to the people of the United States. By the author of " The district school as it was." [^anon.^ 199 pp. 18°^ W-'or- ccster, M. D. Phillips, 1839. Burtt (Andrew). A practical grammar of the English language, synthetic and analytic. 32U pp. 12°. Pittsburgh, A. IL English Sf CO. 1869. Bury (Richard de). Histoire de Saint Louis, roi de France, avec un abreg6 de I'histoire des croisades. 2 v. xii pp. 1 1. 456 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 451 pp. 1 1. 16". Paris, veuve Desaint, 1775. Bushnell (Horace). Moral uses of dark things. 36(» pp. 16°. New York, C. Scrib- ner Sf co. 1869. Women's suffrage ; the reform against nature. 184 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scrib- ner Sf co. 1869. Bushnell (William H.) White wolf. A story of the Santa Fe trail. 100 pp. 16°. Boston, Elliott, Thames Sf Talbot, [1868]. Bustillo (Lorenzo de Santayana). See San- tayana y Bustillo. Butler (Mrs. Caroline H.) The ice king and the sweet south wind. 176 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson Sf co. 1852. Butler (Charles). The silver bell, a new singing book for schools, academies, select classes, and the social circle, arranged with piano-forte accompaniment ; also, a complete course of elementary instruction. 256 pp. obi. 12°. New York, S. T. Gordon, 1869. 49 BUTLER. CALATAYUD. Butler (Frederick). The farmer's manual ; a plaiu practical treatise on tlie art of luis- baudry, designed to promote an acquaintance with the modern improvements inaf^riculture, with remarks on gardening, and a treatise on the management of bees. 1 p. 1. 224 pp. 16°. Weather sficld, \^Conn.'] author, 1821. Butler {Rev. John). AyiaiTTpo2.oyia ; or, as- trology a sacred science. Shewing the excel- lency and great benefit thereof, where it is rightly understood, and religiously observed. 23p.l.Ulpp. 12°. London, 1660, A(TTp'j/j)yia ; or, the most sacred and divine science of astrology vindicated, against dr. More's calumnies, in his Explanation of tlie grand mystery of godliness. 3p. 1.128 pp. 8"^. London, 1030. [ JFith the preceding]. Butler (Josephine E. editor). Woman's work, etc. See Woman's work. Butterfield (Consul W.) History of Seneca county [Ohio] ; containing a narrative of events since its first settlement to the present time ; a history of the Indians that resided within its limits ; geographical descriptions, early customs, biographical sketches, etc. With a brief history of the state, from the discovery of the Mississippi river to 1817, [and] an appendix containing tabular views, etc. 2ri2 pp. 12°. Sa7idus/cy, D. Campbell Sf sons, 1843. Butterfield (Daniel, U. S. a.) Camp and outpost duty for infantry. With standing orders, extracts from the revised regulations for the army, [etc.] 124 pp. 5 pi. 18°. New Yo7-k, Harper Sf brothers, 1863. Buxtorf (Johann). Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum. Accessit lexicon breve rabbini- co-pliilosophicum. Cum iadice vocum lati- no. Accessere huic editioni radices ebraicre cum versione belgica. 8 p. 1. 976 jjp. 70 1. 16°. Amstelodaml, J. Junson, 1054. Buzeta (Manuel) and Bravo (Felipe). Dic- cionario geografico, estadistico, hist6rico, de las islas Filipinas. 2 v. 6 p. 1. vii, 567 pp. 3 1. 7 tab. 2 portraits; 476 pp. 1 1. 18 pp. 1 1. 14 tab. 8°. Madrid, J. C. de la Pena, 1850-51. Byfield (Nathanael). An account of the late revolution in New England. London, 108i). 1 p. 1. 26 pp. 1 1. 4°. New York, J. Sabin, 1865. [Sabin's reprints, uo. 1]. Byington (Cyrus). Holisso anumpa tosholi. An English and Choctaw dcfiuer ; for the Choctaw academies and schools. l.st ed. 258 pp. 18°. New York, S. It'. Bcncdut, 1852. Bynaeus (Antonius). Do natali Jesu Christi libri duo. Accedit dissertatio de Jesu Christi circumcisione. 16 p. 1. 582 pp. 24 1. 34 pp. 3 1. 1 portrait. 4°. Amstclicdami, G. Burs- ting, 1089. Byrn (M. Lafayette, ?«. d.) The mystery of medicine explained ; a family physician, and household companion ; prepared for the use of families, plantations, ships, travelers, etc. 473 pp. 4 col. pi. 8°. New York, M. S. Byrn, 1809. Byron painted by his compeers ; or, all about lord Byron, from his marriage to his death, as given in the various newspapers of his day, shewing wherein the American novelist gives a truthful account, and wherein she draws on her own morbid imagination, \_anon.'} 112 pp. 10°. London, S. Palmer, 1869. Cabanellas (Miguel Josef). Ciencia de la vida ; 6, discurso physiol6gico sobre la doc- trina browniana, [etc.] 8 \). 1. civ pp. 1 pi. 8°. Cartagena, M. Miiuiz, 1802. S. Cabanis (Pierre Jean Georges). Du degr^ de certitude de la medecine. 3« cd. precedee de I'cloge de m. Cabanis par le chevalier Riche- rand. xvi, 158 pp. 8°. Paris, Caille Sf Ravier, 1819. [Mewcal pamphlets, v. 4]. Cadena (Antonio Osorio de la). La virtud en el estrado. Visitas juiciosas. Critica espi- ritual. 4 p. 1. 375 pp. 10°. Madrid, B. Ulloa, 1768. Cadwalader (Gen. John). A reply to gen. Joseph Reed's remarks, on a late publication in the Independent gazetteer, with some ob- servations on his address to the people of Pennsylvania. 54 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Bradford, 1783. Caesar (Caius Julius). De bello gallico com- meutarii vii. Cum scholiis Franc. Hoto- mani, Ful. Vrsini romani, [et] Aid. Manutii. 7 p. 1.213, 173 pp. 10 1. fol. Lugduni, B. Vinccntius, 1574. Calatayftd (Pedro de). Doctrinas practicas, que suele explicaren sus missiones el padre, dispuostas para desenredar, ydirigir las con- ciencias, [etc. ] 2 v. sm. fol. Valencia, and VuWidolid, 1737-45. s. The same. v. 3. Opuscules y doc- trinas practicas, que para el gobieruo iute- 50 CALATAYUD. CAMPBELL. Calatayud (Pedro de)— continued, rior, [etc.] da a luz el padre, sm. fol. Lo- groTio, F. Delgado, J 754. s. Juizio de los sacerdotes, doctrina prac- tica, y anatomia de siis conciencias, [etc.] 18 p. 1. 292 pp. sm.40. ■ Valencia, J. Es- tevan Dolz, 17.36. Calderon de la Barca (Pedro). Mysteries of Corpus Christi. From the Spanish. By Denis Florence MacCarthy. viii, 352 pp. sm, 40. nuhlin, J. Duffy, 1867. CONTENTS. An iutroducfion to tbe Autoa sacramentales, [etc.] From the German of P. Lorinser. An essay on the Autos sacramentales. From the Spanish of E. Gr. Pedroso. Autos sacramentales. Belshazzar's feast. The di- vine Philothea. Appendix. Scene from El Veneno y la triaca. Caldwell (G. C.) Agricultural qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. After E. Wolff, Fresenius, Krocker, and others. 307 pp. 12°. Neio York, O. Judd 5r co. [1869]. Caledoniad (The). A collection of poems, written chiefly by Scottish authors. 2 v. 1 p. 1. ii, 170 pp. 3 1 ; I p. 1. 236 pp. 2 1. 10°. Lon- don, W. Hay, 1775. Calendario democrfitico para 1862, que regala la empresa de la discusiou i. sus suscritores. [anon.^ 113 pp. 11. 16°. Madrid, J. A. Garcia, 1862. S. Calhoun county, {Michigan). Business di- rectory for 1869-70, containing complete alphabetical and classified lists of all profes- sions, trades, [etc.]; together with a history of the county, giving a detailed historical and descriptive sketch of each township, city, and village. 426 pp. 1 map. 8°. Battle creclc, Michigan, E. G. Rust, 1869. California medical gazette. July, 1868, to Aug. 1869. V. 1. 4°. San Francisco, A. Roman Sf co. [1869]. Callieres (Francois de). Tratado dela ciencia del mundo, y de las noticias utiles para la conducta de la vida. Compuesto en Frances. Traducido en Espafiol. 8 p. 1. 269 pp. 16°. Madrid, B. Roman, 1778. Callimachus. Hymnes de Callimaque. Nou- velle ed. avec une version fran^aise et des notes. Par J. F. G. de La Porte* du Theil. 2v.ini. Ip.l.l04pp; 142pp. 24°. Paris, Gail, [1795]. Calliope : a collection of poems, legendary and pathetic. By various authors. 1 p. 1. 308 pp. 1 pi. 24°. Baltimore, E. J. Coale, 1814. Calvert (George Henry). Comedies. 125 pp. 12°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson Sf co. 1856. Calvin (Jean). Opera oninia. Ed. novis- sima. 9 v. fol. Amstelodami, J.J.Schip- per, 1667-71. CONTENTS. V. 1. Commentariain Pentateucbum.et librum losuae. V. 2. Homilia^ in Samueleni, et conciones in Jobum. V. 3. Commentai'ia in Psalmos, et Isaiara. V. 4. Pra?lectiones in Jeremiam, et Ezechielem. V. 5. Prselectiones in Danielem, et prophetas minorea. V. 6. Commentaria in euangelia, et acta apostolorum. V. 7. Commentaria in epistoias Pauli et canonicas. V. 8. Opuscula varia theologica. V. 9. Institntiones religionis Christiana?, qnibus sub- jungiintur epistolse et responsa ad diversos. Cambridge chronicle, (weekly). Dec. 27, 1849, to June 24, 1854. fol. Cambridge, (Mass.) J. Ford, 1849-54. Cambridge (The) directory and almanac for 1850. By John Ford. Ivi, 92 pp. 1 map. 18°. Cambridge, (Mass.) Chronicle office, 1850. Cambridge platform. A platform of church discipline : agreed upon in the .synod at Cambridge in New England, 1648. 16°. Boston, J. Boyles, 1772. [/«WlSE(J.) Works, pp. 181-231]. Cambro-Briton (The). September, 1819 to 1821. 3 V. 8°. London, Mills Sf Rhynd, 1820-21. Camden society publications. 2 v. sm. 4°. London, 1868. CONTENTS. DINGLEY (Thomas). History from marble. [Edited] by J. G. Nichols. 2 v. [No. 94 and 97J. Camerarius (Joachim). Sec Kammermeis- ter (Joachim). Camlan (Gorouva, pscudon.) See Williams (Rev. Eowland). Camp (David N. ) Geography, embracing the key to Mitchell's series of outline maps. 200 pp. 40. Hartford, O. D. Case 8f co. 1857. s. , editor. See American year-book, 1869. Camp (H. editor). The freemen's glee-book : a collection of songs, odes, glees, and bal- lads, with music, [etc.] Published under the auspices of the Central Fremont and Day- ton glee club of the city of New York. 108 pp. 18°. New York, Miller, Orton Sf Mul- ligan, 1856. Campaign (The Washington weekly). June 12 to Oct. 30, 1852. nos. 1-21 in 1 v. sm. fol. Washington, R. Armstrong, 1852. Campbell (Alexander, editor). Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, original and se- lected. Compiled by A. Campbell, W. Scott, 51 CAMPBELL. CAPMANY. Campbell (Alexander)— continued. B. W. Slone, and J, T, Johnson, elders of the christian church. With numerous and vari- ous additions and emendations. Adapted to personal, family, and chmx'h ^vorship. By Alexander Campbell. 2d ed. .511pp. 32°. Bclhany, (Va.) A. Campbell, 1860. Campbell (George Douglas, 8th duke oj Ar- (itjll). Primeval man. An examination of some recent speculations, ix pp. 1 1. 200 pp. 1 pi. 12°. London, Strahan Sf co. 1809. Campbell (John, //. d.) Beknopte histori en tegtnnvooi'dige staat van het spaansche ryk in Amerika : benevens een bj-zonder ver- liaal van den koophandel uit Oud-Spanje, met de galja?nen, flota enz ; en van den verboden haudel der Frauschen, Engelschen, Hollanderen, Denen en Portugezen, in West- Indie. Verzameld mit spaansche schryvers en in't engelsch beschreven. 4 p. 1. 328 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Jan 't Lam, 1745. Campbell (John, haron Campbell, lord high chancellor). Lives of lord Lyndhurst and lord Brougham, lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England. 1 p. 1. xvi, 596 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1869. Campbell (J. F.) A short Americart tramp in the fall of 1864, by the editor of "Life in Normandy." [amom.] vii, 427 pp. 1 pi. 1 map, 8'^. Edinburgh, Edmonston 8f Doug- las, 1865. Campbell (John P.) The southern business directory and general commercial advertiser, [etc.] V. 1, 404, 172 pp. 8°. Charleston, Walker 8f Jarnes, 1854. s. Campbell (Sir Neil). Napoleon at Fontain- bleau and Elba, being a journal of occur- rences in 1814-1815, with notes of conversa- tions. With a memoir of the life and ser- vices of that officer. By his nephew Archi- bald Neil Campbell Maclachlan. xii, 398 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1809. Campbell (Thomas). Gertrude of Wyoming. 12°. Albany, 1864. [Stone (W. L.) The poetry and history of Wyo- ming]. Campi (Pietro Maria). Dell' historia ecclesi- astica di Piacenza. *Con I'historia antichis- sima, n6 mai pid uscita in luce, della fonda- tione della cittii stessa, di Tito Omusio, apol- ogia della vita di Gregorio x. et discorso his- ■ torico circa la patria e nascita di Cristoforo Colombo. 3 V. fol. Piacenza, G. Bazachi, 1651-62. Camp-meeting (The) hymn book : contain- ing the most approved hymns and spiritual songs used by the niethodist connexion in the United States. 6th ed. 125 pp. 32'^. Ithaca, Mack, Andrews Sf Woodruff, 1836. Campo (Manuel del). Coleccion de opuscules, sobre niaterias interesantes en las circun- stancias del dia. 4 parts in 1 . 16°. Mad- rid, Villaamil, 1835. Campos (Ramon). Desigualdad personal en la sociedad civil. 270 pp. 1 1. \(P. Barce- lona, M. Sauri, 1838. Canada (Dominion of). Sessional papers, v. 1-3, 5-7. First session of the first parlia- ment. Session 1867-8. 1-3 [and] 8-38. 6 v. 8°. Ottatca, Hunter, Hose Sf co. 1806-67. Journals of the senate of Canada, being the first session of the first parliament, 1807- 68. V. 1. 8°. [0«aira, 1868]. Journals of the house of commons of the dominion of Canada, 1867-08. v. 1. 8°. lOttaica, 1868]. Canadian (The) portfolio. Conducted by J. A. Roebuck, esq. [etc.] This work will con- tain a faithful exposition on the causes that have produced the civil war in Canada, [etc. ] Nos. 1-3 in 1 v. 8°. London, C. Fox, 1838, Cancelada (Juan Lopez). Conducta del ex- celentisimo senor don Jose Iturrigary, durante su gobierno en Nueva-Espana. Se contesta a la vindication que public6 don Facundo Li- zarza. Cuaderno, tercero y segundo en la materia. 2p.l. 135 pp. 8°. Cadiz, im- prenta del estado mayor-general, 1812. Canfield (Russel). A candid review of Ten letters, containing reasons for not embracing the doctrine of universal salvation, by rev. Joel Hawes. To which are added thirteen friendly letters to a candidate for the ministry. 260 pp. 1 1. 12°. Hartford, author, 1827. Cannon (Charles James). The practical spell- ing book. 168 pp. 16°. New York, E. Duni- gan Sf brother, 1852. s. Cantemir (Demetrius). The history of the growth and decay of the Othman empire. From the year 1300 to 1703. Written origi- nally in Latin. Translated into English by rev. N. Tindal. With the heads of the Turkish emperors. 2 parts in 1 v. 1 p. 1. xvi, 400 pp. 22 portraits. 1 map. fol. London, J. J. Eiaai awo 1827 /icj^p^- 1831, avl7^EysLaai fiev Kai, Kararaxdeiaai (PpovTiai Tuv aSeTi^uv avrov, EKthdeiaai. 6e napa E. A. Bsrav. MeTacppaaOeiaao eic tov TaTCkLnov -irapa Mixan''^'^-^Xi-va- 4 v. 8°. Adjjvrjaiv, rvKoig K. UaaXv, 1841. Capron (S.M.cojnpilcr). School lyrics; a collection of sacred liymns for devotional exercises in schools. 164 pp. 32°. New York, Harper Sf brothers, 1868. Captain Waltham ; a tale of southern India. [071071. Edited by J. W. D. ] 280 pp. 6 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, presbyterian publication co7nmittec, 1869, Carabelli (Georg, cdler von Liinkaszprie). Anatomie des raundes. xvi, 244 pp. 8°. IVieti, Braumiiller 8f Seidcl, 1842. [Imperfect ; 34 plates wanting]. Caracas (Real compana guipuzcoana de). No- ticias historiales practicas de los sucessos, y adelantaniientos de esta compafiia, desde su fundacion auo de 1728, hasta el de 1764, por todos los ramos, que coniprehende siv nego- ciatiou. 183 pp. 8°, [Caracas,] 1765. s. Caraccioli (Louis Antoiue, marquis de). Car- acteres ; 6, sefiales de la amistad. Traducidos de Franc6s en Castellano. Por d. Francisco Mariano Nipho. 4" imp. 4 p. 1. 262 pp. 18°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1787. .s. La conversacion consigo mismo. Tra- ducida de Frances en Castellano por d. F. M. Nipho. xxiv, 388 pp. 2 1. 16°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1782. S. Ultima despedida de la mariscala a sus hijos ; compuesta en Frances, y traducida en Castellano por d. Francisco Mariano Nipho. 2" impresion. 8 p. 1. 390 pp. 16°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1780. s. El universe enigmatico, compuesto en Frances por el marques Caracciolo, y tra- ducido en Castellano, por F. M. Nipho. 2" imp. xvi, 236 pp. 6 1. 16°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1779. s. Verdaderos intereses de la patria. Tra- ducidas de Frances en Castellano por d. F. M. Nipho. 4 p. 1. 295 pp. 18°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1785. S. La vie de madame de Maintenon, insti- tutrice de la royale maison de Saint-Cyr. \_anon.'\ 2« ed. xvi, 316 pp ; 2 p. 1. 306 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, Buisson, 1788. [Portrait wanting]. Cardelli (P.) and Lionnet-Clemandot (J.) Nouveau manuel complet du confiseur et du chocolatier. Nouvclle ed. 397 pp. 5 pi. 18°. Paris, Roret, 1863. [Manuels Rorpt]. Career of the champions ; a history of Tom Sayers and John C. Heenan, and their achievements in the ring. Collated from Bell's life in London, Boxiana, [etc.] With a full report of the great fight for the cham- pionship of the two hemispheres, between Sayers and Heenan, April, 1860. And the rules of the prize ring. [awon.] 105 pp. 2 col. portraits. 8°. New York, F. A. Brady, [I860]. Carenie (Mavle Antonin). Le patissier royal parisien ; ou, traite 61ementaire et pratique de la patisserie ancienne et moderne, de I'en- tremets de sucre, [etc.] suivi d'une revue critique des grands bals de 1810 et 1811. 2 V. 4 p. 1. 482 pp. 32 pi ; 2 p. 1. 448 pp. 38 pl. 8°. Paris, J. G. Dsntu, 1815. Carew (Thomas). Poetical works. 223 pp. 18°. London, H. G. Clarke Ss' co. 1845. Carey (Henry Charles, II. d.) Manual of social science ; being a condensation of the " Prin- ciples of social science " of H. C. Carey, by Kate McKean. 548 pp. 1 pl. 12°. Phila- delphia, H. C. Baird, 1864. Carli (Dionigio). II moro trasportato nell' inclita cittii di Venetia; overo, curioso rac- conto de costumi, riti e religione de popoli deir Africa, America, Asia, e Etiropa. 7 p. 1. 402pp. 91. 4°. Bassano, A. Re7nondini,1687. The same. Der nach Venedig iiber- brachte mohr ; oder, curiose und warhaffte erzehlung und beschriebung aller curiositjiten und denckwlirdigkeiten, welche [ihm] in seiner etlich-jiihrigen mission in Africa, Amer- ica, Asia, und Europa aufgestossen, [etc.] Erstlich in welscher sprach beschrieben, an- jetzo aber in die hoch-teutsche sprache itber- setzt. 7 p. 1. 342 pp. 5 1. 1 pl. 4°. Augspurg, L. Kroniger, 1692. Carli or Carli-Rubbi (Giovanni Rinaldo, conte). Delle lettere americane. 3 v. 12°. Cosmopoli c Cremona, 1780-83. The same. Briefe iiber Amerika. Mit dem dritten theile iibersetzt, von C. G. Hen- nig. 3 V. 16°. Gera, C. F. Bekmann, 1785. Elementos de moral para instruction de la noble juventud. Escritos en Italiano, y traducidos por el capitan don Juan Munar- riz. 4 p. 1. 257 pp. 18°. Valladolid, viuda Sf hijos de Santandcr, 1792. 53 CARNICERO. CASSANY. Carnicero (Joso Clemente). El libcmlismo couveucido por sus niisiuos cscritos; 6, ex- auien critico de la constituciou de la monar- quia espanola publicada en Cadiz, y de la obra de Francisco Marina, "Teoria de las cortes,'' y de otras que sostienen las niismas ideas accrca de la sobcrania de la nacion. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1. 120 pp : 1G8 pp. 8^. Madrid, E. Aguado, 1830. s. Caro y Cejudo (Geronimo Martin). Expli- cacion del libro iv y quiuto del arte nuevo de grannnatica, [etc.] Con nuevas addi- ciones, [etc.] 12 p. 1. 404 pp. IS'^. Scvilla, imprcnta dc los Rccientcs, 1757. S. Caroline Westerley ; or, the young traveller from Ohio. Containing the letters of a young lady of seventeen, written to her sis- ter, lanon.} 233 pp. 18°. New York, J. Sf J. Harper, 1833. [Boys' and girls' library, v. 16]. Carove (Friedrich Wilhelm). Der messian- isnius, die neueu templer [etc.] in Frank- reich, nebst einer iibersicht des gegenwar- tigeu znstandes der philosophic in Italien. 1 p. 1. xvi, 368 pp. 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. llinrirhs, 1834. Der Saint-Simonismus uud die neuere franzosische philosophie. 3 p. 1. 232 pp. 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1831. [ With the prececliug]. Carre de Montgeron (Louis Basil). See Montgeron (Louis Basil Carre de). Carriere (Moriz). Aesthetik. Die idee des schonen und ihre verwirklichung durch natur, geist uud kunst. 2 v. xiv, 531 pp ; xiii, 634 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1859. Carrillo (Martin). Historia o elogios de las mugeres insignes de que trata la sagrada es- critura en el viejo testamento : entretexida con los siicesos mas memorables de los pa- triarcas, pfofetas, reyes, y varones illustres de sus tiempos. 4 p. 1. 448 pp. 1 1. sm. 4°. Madrid, J. Doblado, 1783. Carrion (Jose). Manual del jugador de la loteria primitiva. 192 pp. 12°. Madrid, M. Gonzalez, 1858. s. Carruthers (Robert). The life of Alexander Pope. Including extracts from his corres- pondence. 2d ed. revised and considerably enlarged, xiv, 490 pp. 7 pi. 12°. London, H. G. Bohn, 1857. Carson (Joseph, m, d.) A history of the med- ical department of the university of Pennsyl- vania, from its foundation, in 1765. With Carson (Joseph)— continued, sketches of the lives of deceased professors. xii-17, 227 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lind- say cS- Blakiston, 1869. Carstairs (J.) Practical system of short- hand ; a selection of the practice of the art, divested of all theoretical and extraneous matter, intended to lead tlie young beginner to an immediate acciuaintauce with the use- ful and necessary information requisite for its rapid attainment; containing easy rules and exercises. 1 p. 1. 80 pp. 8°. London, E. Wilson, 1829. Cartera (La) ciibana. Director Vicente An- tonio de Castro. Julio, 1838-octubre, 1840. V. 1-5. 8°. Hahana, D. Fatino, etc. 1838- 40. s. Carver (Jonathan). Travels in Wisconsin. From the 3d London ed. 376 pp. 1 portrait. 2 maps. 4 pi. 8°, A^ew York, Harper Sf brothers, 1838. [A reprint of " Travels thronph the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver." 3d ed. and with the original title reproduced at p. vii]. Cary (R. Milton). Skirmisher's drill and bay- onet exercise, (as now used in the Freuch army), with suggestions for the soldier in actual conflict. Compiled ajrd translated [from the French] for the use of the volun- teers of the state of Virginia and the south. 48pp. 29 pi. 16°. Richmond, {Va.) !Vest Sf Johnston, 1861. Caryl {Rev. Joseph). Seed-thoughts; or, se- lections from Caryl's exposition of Job. With an introductiou by J. E. Rockwell, d. d. 180 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, presbytcrian board of publication, [1869]. Casa (Giovanni della). Opere. Edizioue veneta novissiraa. Con giiinte di opere dello stesso autore, e di scritture sovra le medesime. [Pubblicate per G. B. Casotti e A. F. Seghez- zi]. 5 V. 4°. Venezia, A. Pasincllo, 1728. CON'TENTS. V. 1. Rime, e annotazioni varie sovra le stes.se. v. 2. Spozizioni di Sertorio Quattroinani sopra tutte le rime, e quelle di m. Aurelio Severino, e di Gre- gorio Calopreso sopra i xxi. primi sonneti. V. 3. Prose volgari si stampate, che inedite; ed. al- cnne accresiute di annotazioni da autore auonimo. [Lettere. Galatoo, ovvero dc' costumi — Orazioni]. v. 4. Cose latino : [Carraina. Vita Petri Beiubi et Gasparis Coutareni. De officiis inter potentiores et tenuiores amicos. Epistohv, etc.] V. 5. La vita e '1 testamento, e alcuno cose incdito deir antore, con varie lettere, annotazioni, e ra- giouamenti intorno alia suddetta vita, e iutoruo air opere del nicdesimo. Cassany (Francisco). Arithmetica dcseada. Breves, y claros methodos i)ara iustruirso por si mismo cou mediana aplicacion el que lo 54 CASSANY. CAUSSIN. Cassany (Francisco) — continued, necessite, en las classes de contaduria, co- mercio, y admininistraciones. 4 p. 1. 168 pp. 16°. Madrid, A. Munoz del Vallc, 1763. s. Castelar (Emilio). La civilizacion en los cinco priineros siglos del cbristianismo. Leciones pronunciadas en el ateneo de Mad- rid. 2 p. 1. 474 pp. 1 1. 8o. Madrid, M. G. Marin, 1858. Castelli (Pietro). Optimus medicus. 4°. Haltr, 1726. [ With CONRING (II.) Introductio in universem artem inodicani]. Castlemon (Hany, pseudoni) Frank on a gunboat. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [Gunboat series, uo. 21. . Frank on the lower Mississippi. 236 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [GrUNBOAT Series, no. 6]. Frank on the prairie. 246 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, li. TV. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [Gunboat series, no. 4]. Frank before Vicksburg. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [Gunboat series, no. 5]. Frank in the woods. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [Gunboat series, no. 3]. Frank, the young naturalist. 1 p. 1. 253 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll Sf CO. 1869. [Gunboat series, no. 1]. Tom Newcombe ; or, the boy of bad habits. 346 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Cincitmati, R. W. Carroll Sf co. 1869. [Rolling stone series, no. 1]. Castro (Francisco de). Eeformacion Chris- tiana, asi del pecador, como del virtuoso. 7 p. 1.484 pp. 4°. Madrid, Ruiz, 1804. Castro (loam de). Eoteiro em que se centum a viagem que fizeram os Portuguezes no anno de 1541, partindo da nobre cidade de Goa atee Soez, que he no fim, e stremidade do Mar Koxo, com o sitiS, e pintura de todo o Syno arabico. Tirado a luz pela primeira vez do manuscrlpto original, e acrescentado com o Itinerarium Maris Rubri, pelo doutor Antoliio Nunes de Carvalho. 1 p. 1. liv, ix 333 pp. Ipl. 2 portraits. 8°. Paris, Bau. dry, 1833. Catafago (Joseph, of Aleppo). An English and Arabic dictionary, in two parts, Arabic and English, and English and Arabic, in Catafago (Joseph) — continued, which the Arabic words are repre.sented in the oriental character, as well as their correct pronunciation and accentuation shewn in English letters, xii pp. 1 1. 1060 pp. 12°. London, B. Quaritch, 1858. Catalogue (A) of pedigrees hitherto unin- dexed. [anon.] iv, 70 pp. 8°. London, Wyman Sf sons, 1867. Catechism (A) of scripture history, compiled by the Sisters of mercy. Revised by M. T. Kerney. 1st Am. from last Lond. ed. 343 pp. 18°. Baltimore, J. Murphy Sf co. 1854. S. Catholic's vade-mecum : a select manual of prayers for daily use. 24°. Baltimore, 1865. Catineau-Laroche (Pierre Marie S^bastien). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche de la langue fran^aise, avec la prononciation, compos6 sur le syst^me orthographique de Voltaire. 4<^ ed. 5p. 1. xlviii, 515 pp. 16°. Paris, Lcfcvre, 1812. Catlin (George). Notes of eight years' travels and residence in Europe, with his North American Indian collection. With anecdotes and incidents of the travels and adventures of three different parties of American Indians whom he introduced to the courts of Eng- land, France, and Belgium. 2d ed. 2 v. xvi, 296 pp. 8 pi ; xii, 336 pp. 15 pi. 8°. London, author, 1848. Catoyra (Ignacio). Opusculo o compendiosa obra, que demuestra la venida, y predica- cion evangelica de nuestro santissimo pa- tron tutelar de las Espauas, Santiago el mayor en nuestro hispanico emispherio. 24 p. 1. 238 pp. 16°. Madrid, imprentn del rcyno, 1741. s. Catullus (Caius Valerius) TibuUus (Al- bius) and Propertius (Sextus Aurelius). [Carmina]. 3 parts in 1 v. 32°. Londini, G. Pickering, 1824. CONTENTS. [v. 1]. C. V. Catulli carmina. 61 pp. [v. 2). A. Tibulli carmina. 46 pp. [v. 3J. S. a. Propertiielegiarum libri iv. 93 pp. Caussin (Nicolas). De symbolica ..^Egyptio- rvm sapientia ; in qva symbola, fcnigmata, emblemata, parabolas historical, apologi, hieroglyphica, ex . Horo-ApoUine, Clemente alexandrino, S. Epiphanio, Symposio pocta, cum notis et observationibus, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 150 pp. 5 1. 16°. Colonia Agrippina, J. Kinchivs, 1654. s. [ IVit/i his Polihystor symbolicus, 1654]. 55 CAVALLER. CfiRUTTI. Cavalier (Juan Bautista). Oripjen y espiritu de la politica, y de la legislaciou universal de los imperios. 150 pp. 3 1. 8°. Madrid, F. Diaz, 1846. Caveau (Le) moderne ; ou, le rocher de Can- cale, pour 1815 [et] 181G. (9« et IC an- n6es de la collection). 1 p. 1. 282 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 284 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Paris, A. Eymcry, 1815-16. s. Cavendish (Margaret Lucas, duchess of Newcastle). De vita et rebus gestis nobilis- simi illustrissimique principis Guilielmi duels Novo-Castrensis, commeutarii ex Anglico in Latinum conversi. 8 p. 1. 235 pp. fol. Londini. T. M. 1668. Cavero y Salazar (Jose). Elogio del don Joaquin de Pezuela y Sanchez. 1 p. 1. 68 pp. 12°. Lima, 1816. [LIMA (Real universidad do Saa Marcos de). Coleccion]. Caxton's chronicle. See Cronycles of Eng- londe. Caylus (Anne Claude Philippe de Tubidre, de Grimoard, de Pestels, de Levi, comte de). CEuvres badines complettes. Avec figures. 12 V. 8°. Paris, Visse, 1787. CONTENTS. V. 1-2. Ilistoire du eUevalier Tirau lo blanc. V. 3-4. Le Caloaiulre fidele. V. 5. Soiiees ilii bois de Boulogne. Recueil jo7t.] Cazotte (Jacques). La patte du chat, conte zinzimois. \_anon.'\ 126 pp. 16". Tilloo- balan, [Paris], 1741. Cecil, Ipsciidon.] See Tongue (C.) Cecille (Jean Baptiste Thomas Modee). Cam- pagnc dans les mers de I'lude et de la Chine, k bord de la frigate I'Erigone, comuiaud6e Cecille — continued. en 1841-43, par m. Cecille, et en 1843-44, par m. Roy. Meteorologie et magnetisme, par A. Delaniarche et I. Dupr6. 4 v. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1847-50. s. Cedar creek ; from the shanty to the settle- ment. A tale of Canadian life. lanon.'\ 296 pp. 6 pi. sm.4'^. London, Leisure hour office, [1868] ? Cellarius or Keller (Christopher). Rabbi- nismus ; sive, institutio grammatica, [etc.] rabbiuorum scriptis legendis et intelligendis accommodata. 96 pp. 18°. Lltrajccti, Ap- pels, 1702. [In Rkland (A.) Analecta rabbinica, etc.] Cenni storici e teoretici suUe comete e par- ticolarimente su quelle dell' anno 1832, ri- dotti alia commune intelligenza. [whom.] vii, 127 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Milnno, (I. Pirolq, 1832. Cennick (John). Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. Generally composed in dialogues. 3 parts. 52, 96, 240 pp. 4 1, 24°. Bristol, F. Farley, 1743-45. Censor (The) ; an entirely original work, do- voted to literature, poetry, and the drama. [Sept. 6, 1828, to April 4, 1829]. 1 p. 1. ii,250 pp. 1 1. 8°. London, J. Clements, 1829. Cerda y Rico (Francisco). I. De rhetoribus antiquis, cum gra;cis, tum latiuis. II. De hispanis purioris latinitatis cultoribus. III. De iis, qui hispane tersius et elegantius sunt loquuli. 270 pp. 12°. Matriti, 1781. S. [ry'ith VOSS (Gerard Johann). Rhetorices contracta;, etc.] Ceriol (Fadrique Furi6). El consejo y con- sejeros del priucipe. 18°. Madrid, 1779. [In Narbona (Eugenio). Doctrina politica civil). Cerri (Urbano). Staat van de roomsch catho- lyke religie, door de geheele werreld. Uyt een echt italiaansch handschrift in't engelsch overgezet. Behelzendee en bericht van den staat godsdienst onder de protestanten, ens. Door Richard Steele, uyt het engelsch ver- taald door A. G. L. R. G. 125, 340 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, N. Ten Hoorn, 1715. Certaine plain and casie demonstrations of divers casie wayes and meanes for the im- proving of any manner of barren land, [etc. anon.'\ By J. Sha. [Jeremy Shakcrley]? 22 pp. sm. 4°. London, T. Ley, l()o7. [With PI.ATTES (G.) A discovery of inlinito treasure- ed. 1639]. Cerutti (Joseph Antoine Joachim ). Apologie gcnerale de I'institut et de la doctrine des jcsuites. 2«6d. 2 v. 2p.l.272pp; lj).l. 274 pp. 12'^. Lausanne, F. Grasset, 1763. 56 CESARI. CHAPEL. Cesari (Antonio). La vita di Gesil Cristo, e la sua religione. 5 v. 8°. J^erona, Verede Merle, 1817, Cesena (Am6d^'e de). Introduction et con- clusion [a I'histoire d'un coup d'etat, par P. Belouino] surles causes et les consequences de cette revolution. 8°. Paris, L. Brunct cf cie, 1852. [In Belouino (Paul). Histoire d'uu coup d'etat]. Ceva (Theobaldo, editor) Scelta di sonetti con varie critiche osservazioni, ed una dis- sertazione intorno al souetto in generale. A uso delle regie scuole. xviii, 352 pp. 18°, Torino, G. F. Maircsse, 1735. S. Cevallos (Pedro de). Observaciones sobre la obra del senor Juan Escoiquiz, titulada Idea sencilla de las razones que motivaron el viage del rey Fernando septimo Ti Bayona. I p. 1. 100 pp. 16°. Madrid, Ibarra, 1814. Politica peculiar de Buonaparte en quanto a la religion catolica ; [etc.] 1 12 pp- 1 1. 18^. Madrid, EepuUes, 1812. s. Ceylon government gazette. Supplement, [semiweekly]. Jan. 4, 1834, to April 29, 1837. 4 V. fol. Colombo, P. M. Elders, 1834-37. Challen (Howard). The uniform trade list circular. For the benefit of publishers, booksellers, news-dealers, and stationers, and every branch of trade connected with these interests, v. 1. and v. 2. nos. 1-13. 323 pp ; 670 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. Challtn, [1868]. Challoner (Richard, rf. f/.) Think well on't: or, reflections on the great truths of the chris- tian religion. For every day in the month. 30th ed. corrected. 141 pp. 1 1. 24^. Dub- lin, W. Jones, 1795. Chalmers (George). The life of Daniel De Foe. [2d ed.] 86 pp. 8°. London, J. Stockdale, 1790. [Imperfect : title page and portrait wanting]. The same. 8°. London, J. Stockdale, 1790. [/bDeF0E(D.) The life of Robinson Crusoe, 1790. (v. 2). pp. 367-456, 1 portrait opposite title page]. Chambers (William and Robert). Chambers' atlas to accompany Chambers' encyclopae- dia: a series of 39 colored maps, and a map of the annual revolution of the earth round the sun. 3 p. 1.40 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott S; co. 1869. Chambers's journal of popular litera- ture, science and arts. 1868. 8°. Edinburgh, IF. Ss' R. Chambers, 1863. Chambers (William and Robert)— continued. Elements of natural philosophy. In three parts, [etc.] Edited by D. M. Reese. 12°. Neio York, A. S. Barnes t. John William). The sunny south. An autumn in Spain and Majorca xii, 332 pp. 1 pi. 8°. London, Hurst Sf Blackett, 1869. Cleary (William P.) and co. Business di rectory of the cities of New York, Philadel- phia, Boston, and Baltimore ; and a business register of the principal manufacturers in the eastern states. 1869. 4°. Neio York, W. P. Cleary S,- co. 1869. Cleaveland or Clieveland (John). J. Cleaveland revived : poems, orations, epis- tles, and other of his genuine incomparable pieces. With some other exquisite remains of the most eminent wits of both the uni- versities that were his contemporaries. This 3d ed. besides other additions, is enriched 63 CLEAVELAND. CLUVEK. Cleaveland (Jolm)— fontiimeil. with the author's Midsumiucr-moon; or, Lunacy-rampant. Now at hist pnblisht from his orijjinal copies, by some of his intrusted friends. 8 p. \. 182 pp. 24'^. London, A. Brook, 1662. Cleaveland {Rev. John). Infant baptism " from heaven," and immersion as the only mode of baptism and a term of christian comniuuion " of men ;" or, a short disserta- tion on baptism, in two parts, [etc. With] a short postscript containing a few observa- tions on mr. Foster's divine right of immer- sion. 113, 13 pp. 16°. Salem, S. Hall, 1784. Clef (La) des songes ; ou, I'art cabalistique d'in- terpreter les songes, visions, apparitions, etc. parEbbark. Ipseudon.'] viii, 104 pp. 160. Paris, Bernardin-Bechet, 1867. Clemens (Samuel L.) The innocents abroad ; or, the new pilgrim's progress ; being some account of the steamship Quaker City's pleasure excursion to Europe and the Holy Land ; with descriptions of countries, na- tions, incidents, and adventures as they ap- peared to the author. By Mark Twain. lpscudon.'\ 651 pp. 16 pi. 8°. Hartford, {Conn.) Antcricun pnhlishing CO. 1869. Clemens, atexandrinus {TitusFhiv'ius). Writ- ings. Translated by rev. William Wilson. 2 V. 470 pp ; viii, 542 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. 8f T. Clark, 1868-6'.). f AnTE-NICENE library, v. 4 and 12]. CONTENTS. Exhortation to the heathen ; the Instructor ; the mis- cellanies, or, stroiuata. Stromata, continueJ. See, also, Caussin (N.) De symbolica iEgyptiorum sapieuta. Clemens, romanus. Recognitions. Transla- ted by Thomas Smith. S°. Edinburgh, \S6S. [ASTE-NICENE library, v. 3, pp. 13j to 485]. The two epistles to the Corinthians. A revised text, with introduction and notes. By J. B. Lightfoot, d. d. 2 p. 1. 220 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan Sf co. 1869. Tiie same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. [Ante-nicene library, v. 1, pp. 7-63]. Clemens xiv. [Giovanni Viucenzo Antonio Gaiiganelli]. Breve sobre la reducciou de asilos en todos los dominios de Espaiia y de las ludias, cometida a los ordinarios eclesifis- ticos, expedido a instaucia de s. m. [Carlos iy]. 16°, IMadridr], 1773. [Extract from Mercuric historieo y politico. Marzo, 177.3. S. Clemente (Claudio). Tablas clnonologican, en qve se contii-nen los svcessos eclcsiasticos y seculares de Espafia, Africa, Indias orien- tales y occidentales, desde su principio, hasta el afio 1642. Ilustradas, y afiadidas desde el ano 1642, hasta el preseute de 1689, con las noticias que se hallau entre estas, por V. I. Migvel, 8 p. 1. 275 pp. sm. 4°. Va- lencia, L de Bordazar, 1689. Clemm (Wilhelm). De compositis grrecis quse a verbis incipiunt. x, 173 pp. 8-^. Gissa, Keller, 1867. s. Cler {General). Reminiscences of an officer of zouave^. Translated from the French. viii, 317 pp. 16^. New York, D. Appleton Sf CO. 1860. Cleveland (Ker. Horace A.) Golden sheaves gathered from the fields of ancient and modern literature. A miscellany of choice reading, vi, 583 pp. 8 pi. 8°. Philadel- phia, Zcigler, McCurdy Sf co. [1869]. Cleveland, past and present ; its representa- tive men ; comprising biographical sketches of pioneer settlers and prominent citizens, with a history of the city, [etc.] 3 p. 1. 500 pp. 3 pi. 81 portraits. 8°. Cleveland, M. Joblin, 1869. Cloppenburg (.Johann). Sj'ntagma selecta- ruui exercitationum thcologicarum. 8p. 1. 738 pp. IH'^. Franekercc, H. Sf J. Deuringius, 1645. . Theologica opera omnia, nunc demum conjunclim edita, [etc.] et Didactica. 2 v. 8 p. 1. 1134 pp. 21 1 ; 2 p. 1. 1008 pp.20 1. 4°. 4°. Amstelodami, G. Borstius, 1684. CONTENTS. V. 1. Exegetica et didactica. V. 2. Elenchtica, cum tractatu novo do sabbatho christiano. Clough (Arthur Hugh). Poems and prose remains ; with a selection from his letters and a memoir. Edited by his wife. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 426 pp. 1 portrait ; viii, 502 pp. 12*^. London, Macmillan Sf co. 1869. The bothie of Toper-na-fuosich. A long vacation pastoral. 205 pp. 16°. Cam- bridge, {Mass.)J.Bartlett, 1849. Clubs (The) of London ; with anecdotes of their members, sketches of character, and conversations. \_anon.'\ 2 v. 1 p. 1. 3.52 pp ; 1 p. 1.331 pp. 8°. London, H. Colbuni cj- /». Benllcy, 1832. Cluver (Philipp). Mundus chartaceus ; sive, geographia totius muudi acuratissima cluve- riana; dasist: ausfuhrliche und griindliche 64 CLUVER. COELHO. Cluver (Philipp) — coutinued. bescbieibiuig ties gantzen erd-kreises, [etc.] Riclilig und in reiuer teutscher spvach iiber- setzet, mit karten gezieret. Wobey aiich hinzugethan, die griindliche bescbieibung der eid-kugel nach ibrer beschaffenbeit. 6 p. 1. 622 pp. 19 1. 120 pp. 3 1. 25 maps. 8 pi. 18°. Niirnberg, L. Loschge, 1G83. Clymer (George, surgeon U. S.n.) Tbe prin- ciples of naval staff rank ; and its bistory in tbe United States navy, for over half a cen- tury. By a surgeon in the U. S. navy. [anon.'] 240pp. 8°. \_ Washington] 11869. Coale (Joseph). Some account of the life, service, and suffering of an early servant and minister of Christ, Joseph Coale, collected out of his own writings : w^bo, after near six years imprisonment in Reading goal, died, prisoner for his christian testimony. 6 p. 1. 363 pp. 18°. London, T. Sowle, 1706. Coates (Kcv. Charles). The history and an- tiquities of Reading, xvi, 467 pp. 16 1. 8 pi. 4°. London, author, 1802. Coates (Reynell, m.d.) Reminiscences of a voyage to India. 12°. Phihidclphia, 1833. [Ill GODMAJf (J.) Rambles of a naturalist, pp. 127- 151]. Cobb ( Lyman). New North American reader ; or, fifth reading book, [etc. ] 4.32 pp. 12°. Neic York, J. C. Riker, 1852. s. Cobbett (William). The works of Peter Por- cupine, [pscudon.] 4th ed. Revised, altered, and corrected by the author. 8*^. Fhil- adelphia, T. Bradford, 1796. CONTENTS. Observations on the emigratiou of dr. Joseph Priestly. 88 pp. A bone to gnaw for the democrats, vi, 66 pp. A bone to gnaw for the democrats, part ii. vi, 66 pp. A little plain English, on the treaty with his Britannic majesty. 8, 111 pp. A new year's gift to the democrats. 71 pp. Cobbin (Ingram, editor). The French preach- er ; or, sermons translated from the most eminent French divines, catholic and protest- ant ; with biographical notices of the authors, and a concise account of other distinguished orators of the French pulpit, [with] an his- torical view of the reformed church of France, lii, 570 pp. 8°. London, J. Black, 1816. Cobbler's (The) daughter; or, a summer va- cation, lanon.] 411 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Massachusetts siibbath school society, [1868]. Cobdeu (Richard). England and Russia; being a fifth edition of England, France. Rus.sia, and Turkey, revised, xxiii, 197 pp. 8°. London, Ridgway, 1835. Cochelet (Anasta?e). Calvini infcrnvs ad- versus loannem Polyandrvm ministrum cal- uiuistam. 20 p. 1. 192 pp. 3 1. MP. Ant- verpiw, .Joannes Morctus, 1608. Cocliinat (Victor). Lacenaire, ses crimes, son proces et sa mort, suivis de ses poesies et chansons. 2"^ ed. xii, 336 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Paris, J. Laisne, 1864. Cochrane (Charles Stuart). Reise in Colum- bia in den jabren 1823 und 1824. Vom En- glischen. (Ausdem Ethnographischenarchiv abgedruckt). 1 p. 1. 264 pp. 8°. lena, Bran, 1825. Cockburn {Sir Alexander). Nationality; or, tbe law relating to subjects and aliens, considered with a view to future legislation. I p. 1.217 pp. 8°. London, IV. Ridgway, 1869. Cocq or Cock (Gisbert). Hobbesianismi ana- tome ; qua innumeris assertionibus ex tracta- tibus de homine, cive, Leviathan, juxta se- riem locorum theologise christianse philosophi illius a religione Christiana apostasia demon- stratur et refutatur. 12 p. 1. 632 pp. 6 1. 16°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, F. Hulma, 1680. Codorniu (Antonio). El buen soldado de Dios y del rey armado de un catecismo, y seis platicas, que contienen sus principales obligaciones. 4 p. 1. 202 pp. 3 1. 16°. Mad- rid, Marin, 1797. Desagravio de los autores, y facultades, que oft'ende el Rarbadino en su obra : Ver- dadero mcthodo de estudiar, etc. Segun la traduccion castellana, del todo conforme al original Portugues. 15 p. 1. 236 pp. 1 1. sra.4°. Barcelona, M. A. Marti, 1764. s. Indice de la philosopbia moral, chris- tiano-politica, dirigido a los nobles de naci- miento y espiritu, [etc. ] 2"^ impression. 11 p. 1. 443 pp. 2 1. sm. 4°. Gcrona, A. Oliva, 1753. Coe (Richard). Poems. 200 pp. 16°. Phila- delphia, Smith, English Sf co. 1862. Coe (Spencer W.) Madison square church collection of sacred quartettes, for tbe service of the presbyterian church. 136 pp. obi. 8°. New York, Pond Sf co. 1867. Coelho (Caspar). Sumarium und kurtzer be- richt von den newerfundnen japponischen inseln und konigreicben. Gezogen auss eineni sendtbrieff am obersten uund general der soci- etal Jesu. 1582. [Mit einer] Kurtze relation welcher massen vier priester und ein bruder der societal Jesu, sampt etlich anderu welt- lichen personen, in orieutalischen India, umb 65 COELHO. COLE. Coelho (Gaspar)— coutinued. dess christlichen glaubens wegen, iimbge- bracht, imd grunwlich gemarteit woiden iin jahr 1583. Aus eiuem sclireiben Alexandri Valignani gezogen. 322 pp. 18°. freij- hurg, A. Gemperlin, 1586. [/7iCYSAT(U.) Bericht von denjapponischeniiiseln]. Coen (Cornells .Tansz.) Joiirnaal ophetschip Castricum. See Vries (Maarten Gerritsz.) Coffin (Charles Carleton). Our new way round the world, xviii, 522 pp. 1 pi. 5 maps. 8°. Boston, Fklds, Osgood Sf co. 1860. Coggeshall (William T.) Lincoln memorial. The journeys of Abraham Lincoln : from Spriugtield to Washington, 1861, as president elect, and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as president martyred ; comprising an account of public ceremonies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. 327 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Columbus (O.) Ohio state journal, 1865. Cohen (E. A.) 4.t co's. directory of [congress]. 16°. Washington, 1834. See United States, Congressional directory. Cohen (Jean). Notice historique sur I'arian- isme, depuis la mort de St. Athanase jusqu'^ nos jours. 8°. Paris, 1840. [Ill Mahler (J. A.) Athanase le grand, v. 3, pp. 271- 420]. Cohen (J. Solis, m. d.) The use of the la- ryngoscope in diseases of the throat, [etc.] See Mackenzie (Morrell, m. d.) Coke (Roger). A detection of the court and state of England during the reigns of k. James i. Charles i. Charles ii. and James ii. As also the interregnum. Consisting of pri- vate memoirs, etc ; with observations and reflections. 4th ed. Continued to the death of queen Anne. 3 v. 8°. London, J. Broth- erton Sf IV. Meadows, 1719. Colardeau (Charles Pierre). Astarbe, tra- gedie. iv, 80 pp. 16°. Paris, Bordelet, 1758. [ ff'itk CHArLAiN (F. D.) Melanges de litteraturc]. Colas de La Noue (l5douard). Du pret a i'interet en Grece, a Rome, en Judee, dans le droit canonique, le droit barbare et les coutumes feodales, d'apr^s les ordonnances des rois de France, le code Napoleon, [etc.] 1 p.l. 277 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1867. Colbert (E. ) Astronomy without a telescope ; being a guide-book to the visible heavens, with all necessary maps and illustrations. Designed for the use of schools. 104 pp. 14 9 Colbert (E.) — continued, col. maps. 4^. Chicago, G. Sf C. fV. Sher- wood, 1869. Colburn (Dana P.) Arithmetic and its appli cations, xii, 366 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, II. Cotcpcrthtcait Sc co. 1855. s. The common school arithmetic. 276 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, H. Cowperthicait Sf co. 1858. s. The decimal system of numbers. 210 pp. 12°. Boston, B. B. Mussey Sf co. 1852. s. Colburn (Warren). Ka hope no ka helunaau ; oia na ui e Hanaia'i ma ka papapohaku. ]]6pp. 8°. Oahu, na na misionari i pai, 1835. »• Colburn (Zerah) and Maw (William H.) The water-works of Loudon, together with a series of articles on various other water- works, iv, 165 pp. ^l pi. 8°. London, E. Sf F.N.Spon, 1867. Colburn's New monthly magazine. 5ee New monthly magazine. Colburn's United service magazine and naval and military journal ; January to December, 1869. 3 V. 8°. London, Hurst Sf BlackeU, [1869]. Colby (Charles). Hand-book of Illinois, ac- companying Morse's new map of the state. 36 pp. 1 col. map. 18°. New York, R. Blanchard, 1855. Colden (Cadwallader D.) A vindication of the steamboat right granted by the state of New York [to Livingston and Fulton], in answer to the letter of mr. [W. A.] Duer. 178 pp. 8°. Albamj, Webster Sf Skinner, 1818. The same. 96 pp. 8°. New York, W. A. Mercein, 1819. Cole (Alfred W.) Legends in verse ; humor- ous, serious, sarcastic, sentimental, and su- pernatural, xi, 335 pp. 6 pi. 16°. London, J. Blackwood, 1855. Cole (Frederick Wing). Poems: with a sketch of his life and character; by rev. S. W. Fisher, xxx pp. 1 1. 128 pp. sm. 4°. Albany, Van Benthuystn Sf co. 1845. Cole (Henry). A hand-book for the architec- ture, sculptures, tombs, and decorations of Westminster abbey : with fifty-six embellish- ments on wood, engraved by ladies ; and four etchings by David Cox, jun. By Felix Sum- merly, {psendon.'] xiv, 148 pp. 5 pi. 16°. London, G. Bell, 1852. ee COLECCION. COLLYER. Coleccion de algunos cuentos morales. 2 p. 1. 226 pp. 18°. Barcelona, J. F. Piferrer, ■ \_about 1830]. CONTENTS. El heredero desgraciado. Por el seSor Ymbert. Azema; [o, infauticidio. Por J. B. A. Ymbert]. La educacion pedautesca. Por el seiior Ymbert. Quien j'erra y se enmienda, a Dios se encomienda. Por el senor Ymbert. El convito. Por el seiior Ymbert. La eonsulta. Por el seiior Ymbert. Constanza ; 6, el arrepentimiento virtuoso, [anoji.] Anselmo y Rosaida. [anon.] Coleccion de anecdotas ; 6, sean rasgos carac- teristicos de la vida j viajes de Joseph ii. emperador de Romanos. Sacados de las re- laciones mas veridicas, y de varios papeles piiblicos. [^anon.l 6 p. 1. 443 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Madrid, B. Cano, 1790, Coleman (James). Coleman's general index to printed pedigrees, vii, 156 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Coleman, 1866. Colenso (John William, bishop of Natal). Natal sermons. Second series of discourses preached in the cathedral church of St. Peter's, Moritzburg. 2 p. 1. 349 pp. 8*^. London, N. Trubner Sf co. 1868. Coler ( Johann Christoph). La vie de Ben6it de Spinoza. 16°. Paris, 1842. \In Spinoza (B. de). CEuvres, 1842-43. Ire s6r. pp. 1-50]. Coleridge (Hartley). Poems. With a memoir of his life by his brother [Derwent Colprldge]. 2d ed. 2v. ccxxxii, 168 pp. 1 portrait ; xii, 367 pp. 16°. London, E. Moxon, 1851. Coleridge (Henry Nelson). Zes maanden in de West Indien, in 1825. Vrij vertaald nit het eugelsch door J. G. S. [ajzon.] Ix, 349 pp. 8°. Dordrecht, Bliisse Sf Van Braam, 1826. Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). A dissertation on the science of method ; or, the laws and regulative principles of education, [1818]. 8th ed. 75 pp. 2 1. 12°. London, C. Grif- fin 4- co. [1859]? Coleridge (Mrs. Sara Henry). Phauta.smion : prince of Palmland. '^anon.'] 2v. 197pp; 204 pp, 12°. New York, S. Colman, 1839. [COLMAN's library of romance, v. 1-2]. Coles (Elisha). A dictionary, English-Latin^ and Latin-English, containing all things necessary for the translating of either lan- guage into the other. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Lon- don, J. Richardson, 1677. ■= The newest, plainest, and the shortest short-hand, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 27 pp. 1 portrait. 14 pi. 16°. London, P. Parker, 1674. Coleti (Giandomenico). Dizionario storico- geografico dell' America meridionale. 2 v. in 1. viii, 196 pp. 1 1; 192 pp. 1 map. 4°. Fenczia, Coleti, 1771. Colins ( — ). Qu'est-ce que la science sociale ? 2 V. 432 pp ; 2 p. 1. 507 pp. 8°. Paris, Colins, 1853. Collados (Diego). Dictionarivm ; sive, the- savri lingvre japonicjB compendivm. 355 pp. 4°. Roma, sacr, congr. dc prop, fide, 1632. Collection (A) of poems, on religious and moral subjects. Extracted from the most celebrated authors. 2 p. 1. 124 pp. 16°. Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, 1797. Collection (A) of psalms and hymns, from various authors ; for the use of serious and devout christians of every denomination. New ed. with additions, xxii, 269 pp. 16°. York, Walker <^- Pennington, 1780. Collection (A) of scarce and valuable treat- ises upon metals, mines, and minerals, [etc.] 2d ed. 8 p. 1. 319 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, J. Hodges, 1740. CONTENTS. Barba ToscANO (A. A.) A treatise of metals, mines, etc. Plattes (G.) Discovery of all sorts of mines, from gold to coal. Houghton (T.) Kara avis in terris ; or, the com- pleat miner. CoUectiouneurs (Les) de I'ancienne Rome. Notes d'un amateur. \^anon.'\ 2 p. 1. vii, 128 pp. 1 1. 12°. Paris, A. Aubry, 1867. Collet (Pierre). Traite des devoirs des gens du monde, et surtout des chefs de famille. xxxiv pp. 1 1. 440 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, J. Debure, etc. 1763. S. Collier (Rev. William). A new selection of hymns ; designed for the use of confer- ence meetings, private circles, and congre- gations, as a supplement to dr. Watts' psalms and hymns. 452 pp. 1 1. music. 18°. Boston, S. T.Armstrong, 1812. Collin d'Harleville (Jean Frangois). Thea- tre, et poesies fugitives. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Dumcnil-Lesueur, 1805. Collin de Plancy (Jacques August Simon). Godefroid de Bouillon ; chroniques etlegendes du temps des deux premieres croisades, 1095- 1180. [Illustrated]. 2 p. 1. iv, 479 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, socielS des beaux-arts, 1842. Collyer (William Bengo, d. d.) Hymns, partly collected, and partly original, designed as a supplement to dr. Watts' psalms and hymns, viii pp. 10 1. 956 pp. 6 1. 12°. Lon- don, Longman ij- co. 1812. 67 GOLMAN. COMING. Colman (Henry). First report on the agri- culture of Massachusetts. County of Essex. 139 pp.2 pi. 8°. Boston, \e3S. [Massachusetts. Agricultural survey]. Colmeiro (Manuel). Derecho constitucional de las reptiblicas hispano-americanas. xvi, 387 pp. 1 1. 10°. Madrid, A. Calleja, 1847. Colombo, or Colon (Cristoforo). De insulis in niari indico nuper inuentis, epistola quam Aliander de Cosco ab hispauo ideoinate in latinum conuertit. fol. Basilctc, 1494. [mth VEUAlini (C.) lu laudem Fordinandi]. ■Lettereautografe [una, a Raft'aele Saxis, con teste originale spagmiolo]. Nuovamente stampate [con un dlscorso di Cesare Correnti. Pubblicati da G. Daelli]. xvi, 142 pp. 1 1. 16°. MUanu, G. Daelli cf camp. 1863. Colorado : its resources, parks, and prospects as a new field for emigration ; with an ac- count of the Trenchara and Costilla estates, in the San Luis park. Privately printed. la7ion.'] 2 V. in 1. 1 p. 1. 55 pp ; 3 p. 1. 133, 16 pp. 3 maps. 4". London, Ranken c^- co. 1869. Colt (John C.) The science of double entry book-keeping, simplified, arranged, and methodized. Also, a key, explaining the manner of journalizing, and the nature of the business transaction of the day-book en- tries. With practical forms for keeping books. 3d ed. 209 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, N. G. Burgess Sr co. 1838. Colton (/?er. Charles Caleb). Modern an- tiquity, and other poems, xxiii, 176 pp. IS'^. London, B. B. King, 1835. Colton (Joseph H.) Traveler and tourist's guide-book through the western states and territories. 109 pp. 1 col. map. 18°. New York, J. H. Colton 4- co. 1856. s. Columbia college, {New York city.) Cata- logue of the governors, trustees, and oflicers, and of alumni and other graduates, [etc ] from 1754 to 1864. 112 pp. 8". New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1865. Catalogue of the officers and students Columbian (The)— continued. [etc. Edited by Joseph Hawkins], vol. 1. for 1600. 452 pp. 2 pi. S°. Boston, J. Hawkins, 1800.* Columbian (The) telescope and literary com- piler; being a miscellaneous repository of literary productions. June 16, 1819, to May 20,1820. iv,204pp. 4°. Alexandria, {D. C.) S. H.Davis, 1819-20. Colyer (Vincent). Report of the services rendered by the freed people to the United States army, in North Carolina, in the spring of 1862, after the battle of Newborn. 63pp. 21 pi. 80. New York, V. Colyer, 1864. Comelin (Francois). Voyage pour la redemp- tion des captifs, etc. SeeLaFaye (J. B. de.) Comenius (Ian Amos). See Komensky. Comet (The); or, the earth, in her varied phases, past, present, and future, as deduced from the highest and most reliable authorities. In three parts, [etc.] By Non quis? Sed quid ? A cometite. {pseudon. ] 547 pp. 1 map. 1 pi. 12°. NeiD York, E. J. Haled: son, 1869. Comic (The) theatre. Being a free transla- tion of all the best French comedies. By Samuel Foote and others. 5 v. 12°. Lon- don, D. Leach, 1762. of Columbia college for the year 1867-1868 ; being the 1 14th since its foundation. 127 pp. 8°. Neio York, D. Van Nostrand, 1868. The charter of the [King's] college of New York, in America. 13 pp. fol. New York, Parker Sf IVeijman, 1754. Columbian (The) phenix and Boston review. Containing usoful information on literature, religion, niorality, politics, and philosophy ; V. 1. The young hypocrite ; or, the country poet. "(La fausse Agu6s). [By P N. Destouches]. The Bpendthrift. (Le dissipateur). [By P. N. Des- touches]. X rr. T> The triple marriage. (Le triple manage). [By P. JT. Destouches]. V. 2. The imaginary obstacle. (L'obstacle imprfevu) . [By P. N. Destouches]. The sisters. (L'enfant gat6). [By P. N. Destouches]. The libertine : or, the hidden treasure. (Le tr6sor cache). [By P. N. Destouches]. V. 3. The legacy ; or, the fortune-hunter. (Le legs.) [By P. C. de C. de Marivaux]. The generous artitice ; or, the reformed rake. [By P. C. de C. de Marivaux]. The whimsical lovers ; or, the double infidelity. (La double ineonstance). [By P. C. de C. de Marivaux]. V. 4. The blunderer. (L'6tourdi ; ou, les contretems). [By J. B. P. Moliere]. The amorous quarrel. (Le d6pit amoureux). [By J. B. P. Mohere]. The conceited ladies. (Les pr^cieuses ridicules). [By J. B. P. Molidre]. The forced marriage. (Le mariage force). [By J. B. P. Moliere]. . ,„ ^ „ V. .'1. The man hater. (Le misanthrope). [By J. B. P. Molidre]. The faggot-binder ; or, the mock-doctor. (Le mede- cin malgre lui). [By J. B. P. Moliere]. The gentleman cit. (Lo bourgeois geutilhomme). By J. B. P. Molidre]. Coming (The) of Christ in his kingdom, and the "gates wide open" to the future earth and heaven. Adventism, millennarianism, and a gross materialism exposed and refuted, [etc.] By a congregationalist minister. [««on.] 2 p. 1. 340 pp; 1 1. 1 pi. 12°. New York, N. Tihbals if CO. [1869 J. 68 COMMERCIAL. Commercial (The) and finaucial chronicle ; a weekly newspaper. Jan. to Dec. I8G9. V. 8-9. fol. New York, W. B. Dana 8f co. 1869. . Commercial tales and sketches. [awoM.] 288 pp. 6 pi. sm. 4°. London, Leisure hour office, [1868]. Commines (Philippe de). Selections. See Historical illustrations of Quentin Dur- ward, 182:5. Companion (The) to the bible : intended for bible classes, families, Sunday schools, and seminaries of learning in general. Revised from an English copy, with questions, by F. H. Cuming. Part 2d. Referring principally to the new testament. [^anon.J 154,25 pp. 18°. New York, protestant episcopal s. s. union, [1834]. Companion (A) for the Sunday school teacher. By a teacher. [S. P. G. «woh.] 319 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffelfinger, 1869. Compendio de la vida y acciones militares de Ernesto Gedeou baron de Laudon, feldmaris- cal de las armas imperiales. Agregase una breve explicacion geogrdfica de las plazas y parages en que execut6 sus principales hazaiias. \^anon.'\ 4 p. 1. 151pp. J portrait. 16°. Madrid, B. Cano, 1790. [ With CoLECClON de auecdotas ; 6, sean rasgos earacteristicos de la vida y viages de Joseph ii], Compleat (A) history of magic, sorcery, and witchcraft, [awow.] 2 p. 1. 235 pp. 18'^. London, E. Curll, 1716. Complete historical, chronological, and geo- graphical American atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America and the West Indies, according to the plan of Le Sage's atlas, \_anon.'] 3d ed. corrected and improved. 53 maps. fol. Philadelphia, 1827. Complete (The) history of Thamas Kouli Kan, (at present called Schah Nadir), sove- reign of Persia. In two parts, [etc.] Writ- ten in French, and rendered into English, with improvements. Continued down to the last battle between the Persians and Turks. [With] appendix, by the translator, and index, [etc. anon.'\ 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 140 pp. 8 1. 1 map. I portrait. 16°. London, J. Brindletj, 1746. Comstock (John Lee). Elements of chem istry, [etc.] 16th ed. 422 pp. 5 1. 12°. New York, Pratt, Woodford Sf co. s. CONGREGATIO. Concei9a6 (Apolinario da). Primazia serafica na regiam da America, novo descobrimento de Santos o veneraveis religiosos da ordem serafica, que ennobrecem o novo mundo com suas virtudes, e acfoens. 18 p. 1.366 pp. 1 1. sm. 4°. Lisboa occidental, A. de Sousa da Sijlva, 1733. Conceits and caprices. (Bluettes et bou- tardes). 1 p. 1. 96 pp. sq. 24°. Neio York, Hurd i.] 9 p. 1. 116 pp. 1 1. 24°. London, S. Miller, labout 1700]? Corazza (Cajetano). De arte bene amandi ; sive, de diligendo Deo libri tres [metrici]. 148 pp. 16°. RomcE, A. de Rubcis, 1724. Corbesier (Autoine J.) Principles of squad instruction for the broadsword. 47 pp. 10 pi. 16"=. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 8f co. 1869. Cordier (Alphonse). Martyrs et bourreaux de 1793. 3 v. 16°. Paris, L. Vivds, 1860. Cordus (Henricus Urbanus known as Euri- cius). Bucolicum Ivdricvm. 2* ed. 40 1. sm. 4°. LipsicE, V. Schuman, 1518. Coria (Domingo de). See Soria. s. Cornaro (Luigi). Consejos, y medios faciles para vivir mucho tiempo con perfecta salud : [etc.] 1 p. 1. 106 pp. 16°, Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1782. [WithljV.ys (Leonard) and CORNAUO (Luigi). La BObriedad y sus veutajas]. Corne (Hyacinthe Marie Augustin). Lecar- dinal Mazarin. (1642-61). 2 p. 1.122 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, L. Hachctte Sf cie. 1853. Le cardinal Richelieu. [1623-42]. 2 p. 1. 116pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, L. Hachctte Sf cie. 1853. Corneille (Pierre). CEuvres completes. Sui- vies des oeuvres choisies de Th. Corneille, avec les notes de tous les commentatcurs. V. 1 . 704 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, Didot freres, 1843. Les Horaces, trag6die en cinq actes et en vers. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Fao'cs, 1811. [Markoe pamphlets, v. 10]. The same. Horace. A tragedy. 8°. London, H. Herringman, 1678. [In Philips (K.) Poems. Appendix, pp. 67 to 1241. L'iraitation de Jesus Christ. Traduite etparaphraseeenversfran^ois. fid. nouvelle. 11 p. 1. 546 pp. 3 1. 5 pi. 16°. Paris, C. Os- mont, 1715. s. Pompey, a tragedy. 4 p. 1. 65 pp. 8°. London, H. Herringman, 1678. [Philips (Mrs. K.) Poems. Appendix]. Corner (Julia). The history of China and India, pictorial and descriptive, xvii, 402 pp.31 pi. 8°. London, H. Washburn, 1847. Cornhill (The) magazine. Jan. to Dec. 1869. V. 19-20. 8°. London, Smith, Elder i^- co. 1869. Cornhill (The) monthly and literary recorder. July 15 to Nov. 15, 1868. Nos. 1-5 of v. i. 172 pp. 8°. Boston, D. Lothrop cf- N. P. Kemp, 1868. [No more published]. Corpanclio (Manuel Nicolas). Ensayos po- eticos, [magallanes, etc.] precedidos de varios juicios escritos en Europa y America. Ip. 1.278 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, Maulde tf Renou, 1854. Correa (Caspar). The three voyages of Vas- co da Gama, and his vice-royalty. From the Lendas da ludisi. Accompanied by orig- 72 CORK E A. COUDRETTE. CorrSa (Gaspar) — continued. inal documents. Translated from the Por- tuguese, with notes and an introduction by the hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. 5 p. 1. Ixxx, 430 pp. 1 1. xxxvi pp. 1 portrait. 2 pi. 1 m,ap. 8°. London, Huklmjt society, 1869. [Hakluyt society publications, v. 41]. Correspondance de I'armee franyaise en figypte, interceptee par I'escadre de Nelson ; publiee a Londres ; avec nne introduction et des notes de la chancellerie anglaise, traduites enFran^ais; suivies d'observations, par E. T. Simon. 2 p. 1. Ixxii, 277 pp. 8°. Paris, Garner y, 1799. Correspondenzblatt fiir sammler von in- secten, insbesondere von schmetterlingen. [Verantwortlicher redacteur, dr. Herrich- Scbiift'er]. i [und] ii jahrgang. 1 v. 190 pp. 8°. Regenshiirg, G.J. Manz, 1860-61. s. Corry (John). Domestic distresses, exempli- fied in five pathetic original tales : Francis Goodwin ; Vale of Cluyd ; Edmund and Amelia ; Arthur and Mary ; and Henry Thompson. 5 v. in 1. 12°. London, W. Nichulson, 1806. Corset (The) and the crinoline. A book of modes and costumes, from remote periods to the present time. By AV. B. L[ord ? anon.'] 227 pp. 45 pi. sm. 4°. London, Ward, Lock cf Tyler, [1865]? Corsini (L.) El album del diablo ; 6, las revelaciones. 246 pp. 8°. Madrid, Uzal cj- Aguirre, 1844. Cortes (Hernando). The fifth letter of Hernan Cortes to the emperor, Charles v. containing an account of his expedition to Honduras. Translated from the original Spanish by don Pascual de Gayangos. 3 p. 1. xvi, 156 pp. 8°. London, Hakluyt society, 1868. [Hakluyt society publications, v. 40J. Cortes y Larraz (Pedro, archbishop of Gua- temala). Instruccion pastoral sobre el me- todo practico de administrar con fruto el s*°. Sacramento de la penitencia. Mand^ndola observar a todos los confesores de su dioce- sis. La reimprime el dr. frey Joseph Mata- moros. 203 pp. sm. 4°. Valencia, B. Mon- fort, 1784. Costa e Sa (Manoel Jose Maria da). Breves annota^oes d memoria que o ex™°. sr. vis- conde de S. Leopold© escreveu com o titulo quaes sao os limites naturaes, pacteados e necessaries do imperio do Brazil ? 2 p, 1. pp. 159-244. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, instituto his- lorico-geographico brazileiro, 1839. Costanzo (Salvatore). Discorso sulle vicende politiche della Sicilia dal 1800 al 1840. 2 v. in 1. 130pp.21; 40 pp. 16°. La Paz, J. Ayenuso Orbino cf ca. 1845. s. Costa Rica. Informe del secretario de estado en los departmentos de hacienda, guerra, marina, y caminos, presentado a las camaras legislativas de 1865. sm. fol. San Josi, imprenta nacional, [1866]? s. Coster (G. van Lennep). See Lennep Cos- ter. Cotelier (Jean Baptiste). Ecclesise grsecce monumenta. [Gra-ceet latine]. 2 v. 8 p. 1. 826 pp. 7 1 ; 4 p. 1. 689 pp. 15 1. 4°. Lute- cim Parisiorum, F. Muguet, 1677-81. Cotta (Bernhard von). Geognostische skizze von Thiiringen. 8°. Dresden, lSi3. s. [/)i Geinitz (H. B.) Gaa von Sachsen]. and others. Briefe liber Alexander von Humboldt's Kosnios. Ein commentar zu diesem werke fiir gebildete laien. Heraus- gegeben von B. v. Cotta, [th. 1, 3,5]; J. Schaller, [th.2]; W. C. Wittwer, [4« th. 1« abth: supp. th.] und H. Girard, [4« th. 2« abth.] 5 theile in 7 abth. 6 v. 8°. Leip- zig, T. 0. Weigel, 1848-60, Cottage piety exemplified. By the author of "Union to Christ," '"Love to God," etc. \^anon.'\ 316 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B, Lippincott ^' co. 1869. Cottiii (Marie Josephine Risteau, otherwise Sophie Ristaud). Elizabeth ; or, the exiles of Siberia. [From the French], v, 112 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, Groomhridge cj- sons, [1865]? Cottle (Joseph). Alfred ; an epic poem, in twenty-four books. 1st American from the last English ed. 2 v. in 1. 189 pp; 155 pp. 24°. Newburyport, W. B. Allen Sf co. 1814. Cotton (Charles). The complete angler. See "Walton (Isaac) a7id Cotton. Cotton {Bcv.John). A treatise of the cove- nant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Acts 7-8, [etc.] The 2d ed. corrected by the author. 12 p. 1.250 pp. I 1, 18°. Lon don, J. Cottrel, 1659. Coudrette (Christophe). Histoire generale de la naissance et des progrcs de la com- pagnie de Jesus, et I'analyse de ses constitu- tions et privileges, [par L. A. Lepaige]. nouvelle 6d. [ajiow.] 6 v. 16°. Amsterdam, 1761. 73 COUGHLAN. COYER. Coughlan {Rev. — .) A select collection of psalms and hymns, extracted from several authors, and published for the use of the congregation of Holywell chapel. 5th ed. with an appendix enlarged. 12 p. 1. 336 pp. 24'-\ London, IV. Gilbert, 1771). Council of Trent, Sec Roman catholic church. Country gentleman's (The) magazine, v. 1-2. July, 1868, to June, 1869. 8°. London, S. Marshall ^ CO. 1868. Country towns, and the place they fill in mod- ern civilization. By the author of "Three months' rest at Pau." lanon.} 195 pp. 16^. London, Bell cj- Daldy, 1868. Coiircelles (Jean Baptiste Pierre Jullien de). Histoire geuealogique et heraldique des pairs de France, des grands dignitaires de la cou- ronne, des principales families nobles du royaume et des maisons princieres de I'Eu- rope, precedee de la genealogie de la niaison de France. 12 v. 4°. Paris, J. de Cour- cellts, etc. 1822. Courrier (Le) des fitats-Unis, journal po- litique et litteraire. 1 mars 1828, jusqu'4 23 Janvier 1830, et 4 mars 1841, jusqu'd 16 Janvier 1849, 12 v, fol. New York, \8>8-49. The same. Appendix, 9 mars jusqu'au 28nov. 1848. fol. [Aejc lorA-, 1848]. Court (The) journal and fashionable gazette. January, 1866, to December, 1869. 4 v. fol. London, [ IF. Ratjner'], 1866-69. Courtenay ( Rev. Keginald) The future states, their evidences and nature considered, on principles physical, moral, and scriptural. With the design of showing the gospel reve- lation, viii, 438 pp. 8°. London, IV. Pick- ering, 1843. Courtney (Mrs. E.L.) Twice tried; or, the three influences. 148 pp. 4 pi. 16"^. Phd- udclphiu, Claxton, Remscn, <.^- Haffelfingcr, 1870. Courtney (W. S.) The farmers' and me- chanics' manual. With many valuable ta- bles for machinists, manufacturers, mer- chants, builders, engineers, etc. Eevised and enlarged by George E. Waring, jr. 506 pp. 4 pi. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat c/ CO. 1869. Couto (Jose Ferrer de). See Ferrer de Couto. Couture (Thomas). Methode et entretieus d'atelier. 3 p. 1. 387 pp. 12". Paris, 1867. Covington, {Kentucky). (Williams') direc- tory for 1869. 8°. Cincinnati, 1869. [iViih Cincinnati (Williams') directory for 1869], 10 Covran (John, m.d.) The science of a new life. 405 pp. 3pl. 8^^. New York, Cowan ^- co. 1869. Ccwrdin (Elliot C.) Paris universal exposi- tion, 1867, Report on silk and silk manu- factures. 51 pp. 8'^, IVashinaton, govern- ment printing office, 1868. Cowles (Heury, d. d.) Isaiah, with notes — Jereuiiah, and his lamentations. Sec Bible {English). Co^w^per (William). Posthumous writings, etc. See Hayley (William). Cox (Edward W.) The arts of writing, read- ing, and speaking. .329 pp. 12°. New York, G. IV. Carieton, 1869. Cox (James, editor). A catechism of certain moral, social, and civil duties ; adapted to existing circumstances. By the Wesleyan missionaries of Antigua. 13 pp. 8°. [Dcw- crary, 1837] ? [With ]\[ANS£E (Alexander). The apprenticed la- bourer's manual). Cox (Melville B.) Remains, with a memoir. 240 pp. 1 portrait, 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Liglit Sf Horton, 1835. Cox (Samuel Hanson, rf.rf.) Quakerism not Christianity; or, reasons for renouncing the doctrine of friends. In three parts. 1 p. 1. 636 pp. 8°. NewYork,J.LeaviU,V-i'i^. Cox (Sanford C.) Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash valley. 160 pp. S^. Lafayette, Courier steam book and jolt printing house, 1860. Coxe (Tench). A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written betAveen 1787 and 1794. xv, 439 pp. 8°. Dublin, P. Wogan and others, 1795. Coxe (Re I?. William). Nouvelles d^couvertes des Russes entre I'Asie et I'Amerique. Avec I'histoire de la couquete de la Siberie et du commerce des Russes et des Chinois, Traduit de I'Anglois. xxiv, 320 pp. 8°. Neuchatel, societe typographique, 1781, The same. Die entdeckungen der Rus- sen zwischen Asien und America, nebst der geschichte der eroberuug Siberiens und des handels der Russen und Chineser. Aus dem Englischeu. xi pp.2 1.410 pp. 4 1. 3 maps. 1 pi. 8°. Frankfurt und Leipzig, J. O. Fleischer, 1783. Coyer (Gabriel Francois). La nobleza comer- ciante. Traduccion del Frances, hecha para la utilidad do la Real sociedad econ6mica de los amigos del pais de Mallorca, con un dis- curso preliminar, y varias notas. Por J. M. de Spinosa y Cantabrana. 1 p. 1. Ixxxv, 216 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1781. 74 COZENS. CROFFUT. Cozens (Dr. — ). Fables; addressed to the ladies. 134 pp. IS*^. Philadelphia, W. Spotts- wood, 1788. Cozy-house (The) tales. Bj I. T. H. [rtwon.] lG3pp. 3pl. 18°. Boston, American tract socitty, [1868]. Cozza (Lorenzo). Dubia selecta emergeutia circa soUicitationera in confessione sacra- mental!, juxta apostolicas constitutiones, ex probatis auctoribus digesta, atque discusa. 262 pp. 3 1. 18°. Lovanii, F. Storti, 1750. Crabbd' (Re». George). The life of the rev. George Crabbe, 11. d. by his son. xi, 311 pp. 12°. Cambridge, and Boston, J. Munroe Sf co. 1834. Crafts ( J. M. ) A short course in qualitative analysis, with the new notation, viii, 133 pp. 5 tables. 12°. New York, J. Wiley d: son, 1869. Craik (Dinah Maria Muloch). Christian's mis- take, [rtnon.] 260 pp. 12°. New York, Harper 8f brothers, 18C6. A hero. Philip's book, viii, 173 pp. 4 pi. 18°. London, G. Routledge 8f co. 1858. John Halifax, gentleman. A novel. lanon.'] 485pp. 1 pi, 12°. New York, Carleton, 1866. A life for a life. New and revised ed. iv, 370 pp. 1 pi. 12°. London, Hurst Sf Blac/CEtt, [1869]? Eomantic tales. A new ed. Bv the author of "John Halifax, gentleman," etc. lanon.'\ 4 p. 1. 406 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder . s. Dante, or Durante Alighieri. La divina commedia. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 191 pp. 1 portrait; 1 p. 1. 193-374 pp. 32°. Londra, C. Corrall, 1822. Dapper (Glfert). Dappervs exoticvs cvri- osvs. Das ist des viel-belesenen hn. Odo- ardi Dapperi Africa- America- und Asiatische curiositjiten, so in den drey haupttheilen der welt verwundert vorkommen, [etc.] Zu- sammen getragen von M. J. C. Mtinnling. 7 p.l. 536 pp. 36 1. 184 pp. 18 1. 174 pp. 14 1. 1 pi. 16°. Franchfurt, und Leipzig, M. Eohrlacit, 1717. Dariste (A. J.) Recherches pratiques sur la fi6-»re jaune. Iviii, 242 pp. 8°. Paris, Beauce-Rusaud, 1825. Darrow (David), Meacham (John), and Youngs (Benjamin Seth). Testimony of Christ's second appearing exemplified by the principles and practice of the church of Christ. History of the progressive work of God, extending from the creation of man to the "harvest." 4th ed. 8p. [^Albany'], tmited society of shakers, [1856]. Dart (Putnam C.) Dart's freight computa- tions : a complete work, embracing 88, 223 calculations, from one cubic inch to four thousand feet, at rates from 25 cents to $20. 00 per ton of forty cubic feet, and equiv- alent rates per foot measurement. Electrotype ed. 5, 161 pp. sm. 4°. Neto York, D. Ap- pleton (t CO. 1 868. Daryl (Sidney, pseudon.) Harrow recollec- tions. By an old Harrovian, viii, 124 pp. 16°. London, G. Routledge <$' sons, 1867. Dash (La comtesse, pseudon). See Cisterne de Courtiras (N. vicomtesse de St. Mars). Daudet (A)phonse). Les amoureuses. Nouv. 6d. 2 p. 1. 100 pp. 2 1. 18°. Paris, J. Tar- dieu, 1863. Daul (A.) Das buch von der amerikanischen nahmaschine. Geschichte der erfindung, construktion und fabrikation derselben und besonders ihre bedeutung als familien-nah- maschine. viii, 119 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Hamburg, and New York, C. Fischer, 1864. Daux ( — . curi). Les petits hommes ; ou, recueil d'anecdotes sur les hommes de petite stature, qui se sent fait un nom par leur vertus, leur talens, etc. suivi de I'eloge de la petitesse, dans les divers objets dela creation et dans les chefs-d'oeuvre de I'art. [^anon.'] 2v. 3 p. 1. 279, xvi pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1.312 pp. , xii 1. 16°. Paris, Pigoreau, 1822. 79 DAVENPORT. DAWES. Davenport (Bishop). History of the United States, for the use of schools. New ed. 144 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Marshall d; co. 1837. The same. New ed. Revised by An- derson. 296 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, U. Hunt cf- son, [1867]. Davenport ( Kcp. John). The knowledge of Christ indispensably required of all men that would be saved ; or, proofs from scripture that Jesus is the Christ. 3 p. 1. 87 pp. 4°. London, L. Chapman, 1653. Davenport (The) brothers, the world re- nowned spiritual mediums : their biography and adventures in Europe and America. [a«o«.] 426 pp. 10 pi. 12°. Boston, W. White cl: CO. llQmi. Davidson (James Wood). The living writers of the south, xxii, 635 pp. 12°. New York, Carleton, 1869. Davidson (Lucretia Maria). Amir Khau, and other poems, [etc.] with a biographical sketch, by Samuel F. B. Morse, xxix pp. 1 1. 174 pp. 12°.. Neic York, G. 4' C. 4' H. Carvill, 1829. Poetical remains ; with a biography by [Catharine M.] Sedgwick. 248 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1843. Davies (Charles). Elements of differential and integral calculus. Improved ed. 283 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. S. Barnes 4' CO. I8i3. S. University arithmetic, embracing the science of numbers, and general rules for their application. 454 pp. 12°. New York, A. S. Barnes 4' co. 1866. The same. Key to Davies' university arithmetic, [etc.] 221 pp. 12°. New York, A. S. Barnes 4' co. 1856. s. Davies (Richard, of Cloddiechion, Jf'ales). An account of the convincement, exercises, ser- vices, and travels of that ancient servant of the lord Richard Davies : with some relation of ancient friends, and the spreading of truth in North Wales, etc. 2d ed. [1st American ed.] lOp. 1. 223 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. Chaltin, 1752. Davies (Thomas). The preparation and mounting of microscopic objects, iv, 156 pp. 16°. London, R. Hardwicke, [1868]? Davila (Thomas). Vida, y passion de la santa martyr Eudocia, samaritana, sacada de sus an- tiquissimas actas. 16 p. 1. 188 pp. 11. 2'' imp, 16°. Madrid, P. J. Alonsoy Padilla, 1736. S. Davis (Andrew Jackson). The approaching crisis : being a review of dr. Bushnell's course Davis (Andrew Jackson)— continued. of lectures on the bible, nature, religion, skepticism, and the supernatural. 293 pp. 12°. Boston, iV. White 4' CO. 1869. Tale of a physician ; or, the seeds and fruits of crime. In three parts. Complete in 1 V. 325 pp. 12°. Boston, W. White S^ CO. 1869. Davis (Caroline E. K.) Baby's christmas. 143 pp. 9 pi. sm.40. Boston, H.Hoijt, ]869. A Christmas story. 158 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Boston, H. Hoijt, 1868. Little Maidie. 3 v. 16°. Boston, H. Hoyt, [1869]. Davis (Franklin Carsley), Great western business guide; or, the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago railway, and its con- nections. 284 pp. 1 map. 18°. Philadel- phia, F. C. Davis <(: CO. 18QI. Davis (Henry, d. d.) A narrative of the em- barassment and decline of Hamilton college, iv, vii, 151 pp. 8°. IClinton, Neio York]l 1833. Davis (L. D.) Life in the itinerancy, in its relations to the circuit and station, and to the minister's home and family. lanon.'\ 335 pp. 12°. New York, and Auburn, Miller, Orton <& Mulligan, 1856. .s. Davis (Rev. R. of Rothicell, Northamptonshire). Hymns composed on several subjects, and on divers occasions: in five parts, with a table to each part. 7th ed. corrected, with a recommendatory preface, by John Gill, d. d. Some of the hymns composed by other hands, viii, 184 pp. 18°. London, J. Ward, 1748. Davis {Mrs. Rebecca Harding). Dallas Gal- braith. 242 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B Lippincott 4' co, 1868. Davis (Richard Bingham). Poems. With a sketch of his life, xxvii pp. 2 1. 184 pp. 12°. New York, T. 4- J. Swords, 1807. Davis (Stephen). Notes of a tour in America, in 1832 and 1833. 150 pp. 18°. Edinburgh, Waugh (0 Sunes, 1833. Davis {W. W. H.) Sketch of the life and character of John Lacey, a brigadier general in the revolutionary army. 118,6 pp. 8°. \_ Philadelphia^ ? 1868. The Spanish conquest of New Mexico. xiv, 438 pp. 1 portrait. 1 map. 8°. 'Doyles- town, (Pa.) 1869. Dawes (Richard). Mr. R. Dawes to the rev. dr. [J.] Taylor. 4°. Lowrfon, 1807. [/« Benti.F.Y (II.) R. Bentleii et doctoruin virorum epistola\ (Appendix), pp. 310-330J. 80 DAWES. DEMOCRATES. Dawes (Mrs. S. E.) Hattic May ; or, ways of doing good. 206 pp. 4 pi. 18°. New York, American tract sockty, [1868]. Lindenwood; or, Bertha's resolve. 446 pp. 5 pi. 16°. Neio York, American tract society, [J 868]. Day (Henry N.) An introduction to the study of English literature ; comprising representative masterpieces in poetry and prose, [etc.] xii,539 pp, 12°. New York, C. Scribner ^-co.lSGQ. Day-dreams by a butterfly. In nine parts. lanon.'\ 156 pp. 12^. Kingston, C. W. J. M. Creighton, 1854. Deacon (William Frederick). W^arreniana; with notes, critical and explanatory, by the editor of a quarterly review. [««• co. 1869. ringfield, (Mass.) S. Bowles & co. 1868. Emerson (Frederick). The North American arithmetic. Part second, uniting oral and written exercises. 190 pp. 16°. Philadel- phia, Hogan <£• Thompson, [1835] ? The same. 190 pp. 16°. Windsor, {N. C.) Goddurd, 1840, Emerson (L. O. ) The choral tribute; a col- lection of new church music for choirs, sing- ing schools, conventions, etc. 400 pp. obi. 8°. Boston, O. Ditson, [1869]. and Stark-weather (L. B.) Glad tidings ; a collection of new hymns and music, designed for Sabbath schools, anni- versary meetings, home circles, etc. 128pp. obi. 12°. Boston, O. Ditson <£• co. 1869. Emerson (Ralph Waldo). Prose works. New and revised ed. 2 v. iv, 566 pp. 1 por- trait ; iv, 491 pp. 12°. Boston, Fields, Osgood & CO. 1870. Emiliane (Gabriel d', pseudon.) Sec Gavin Antonio). Emily Douglas ; or, a year with the Came- rons. ByT. R. Y. [anon.'] 252 pp. 16°. NeiD York, A. D. F. Randolph d: co. 1869. Emmius, or Emm Van Dyk (Ubbo). His- toria nostri temporis. In qua duplex con- troversia; altera inter coniitem Frisise ori entalis, et civitatem embdanam separatim ; altera inter comitem, et comitatus ordines. 3 p. 1.346 pp. 4°. Groningic, J. Sipfces, 1732. Emmons (Nathanael, f/ fZ.). A dissertation on the scriptural qualifications for admission and access to the christian sacraments ; com- Emmons (Nathanael)— continued, prising some strictures on dr. Hemmenway's discourse concerning the church. 133 pp. 8°. Worcester, {Mass.) L. Worcester, 1783. EmmoBS (Richard, 771. rZ.) Frcdoniad. Can- to iii. 17 1. 16°. Boston, proprietor, 1834. [JVitli Emmons (VVni.) Biognipliy of R. M. Johnson. Jioston, 1834]. Enemigo domestico el gorriou, perseguido por dos patriotas. Por un zeloso del bien publico y del estado. [anon.] 8 p. 1.200 pp. 16^. Madrid, viuda 6 hijo de Marin, 1802. Engel (Ferdinand) and Schellback (Carl Heinrich). Optiquc descriptive. Avec xxi planches gravees en taille-douce. 1 p. 1. 44 pp. Atlas, 21 pi. obi. fol. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1858. • s. The same. Explanations of the xxi plates containing the graphical representa- tions of optics. Translated from the German. 1 p. 1. 45 pp. 8°. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1858. s. Engel (Samuel). Geographischeund kritische nachricliten und anmerkungen iiber die lage der nordlichen gegenden von Asien und Amerika, [etc.] welcben noch ein versuch iiber einen weg durch norden nach Indien, und iiber die errichtung eiues handels in die Sitdsee beygefiiget ist, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. xvi, 368 pp. 2 maps ; 1 p. 1. 304 pp. 1 1. 3 maps. 4°. Mietau, etc. J. F. Hiuz, 1772. Engelgrave (Henryk). Coeleste pantheon ; sive, ccelvm novvm, in festa et gesta sanc- torvm totivs anni, morali doctrina varie [etc. ] illustratum. 3" ed. 2.v. inl. 4p. 1.342 pp. 20 1; 2p.l. 443 pp.46 1. 4°. Colonia Agrippimc, J. Busceus, 1658. Coelum empyreum [etc. ] 8 p. 1. 910 pp. 51 1. 4°. Colonia, Agrippince, J. Busa:us, 1688. Engelmann (George, jn. d.) Meteorological observations, [etc.] 1843-44. 8°. Wash- ington, Blair !f Rives, 1845. [With Fremo.nt (J. C.) Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountain.s, [etc.] Ore- gon, and North California, [1842-44]. Engelmann ( Henry). Geology of Washing- ton county; Clinton county; Marion county; [and] Jefferson county. 8°. Chicago, 1868. [Illinois (Geological survey of), v. 3, part 1, chaps. 9-12]. S. Geology of Johnson county ; Pulaski county ; Massac county ; and that part of Pope county south of Big bay river; of that part of Pope county north of Big bay river. 8°. Chicago, 1866. S. [ILLINOIS (Geological survey of), v. 1, chaps. 14-17]. 96 ENGINEERING. ERCKMANN. Engineering facts and figures for 1868. An annual register of progress in mechanical en- gineering and constrviction. With notes from the Paris and Havre exhibitions, viii, 398 pp. 16°. London, A. FullartondjM. 1869. Englefield (Sir Henry Charles). A walk through Southampton. 1 p. 1. 100 pp.6 pi. 4°. Southampton, T. Baker, 1801. English churchwomen of the seventeenth cen- tury. 2d ed. lanon.^ xix, 371 pp. 16°. Derby, H. Mozley ^- sons, 1846. English (The) courtier, and the cfitrey gentle- man : a pleasaunt and learned disputation, betweene them both. Wherein is discoursed, what order of lyfe, best beseemeth a gentle- man. [amoM.] 4°. London, E. Jones, 1586. Reprinted, London, Roxhurghe library , 1868. [RoxnuuGHE library. In Hazlitt (W. C.) In- edited tracts: etc. pp 1-93, 1868]. English prose, being extracts from the works of English prose writers, with notes of their lives, lanon.} xvi, 504 pp. 8°. London, J. Moore, 1844. Englishman's [An] sketch-book; or, letters from New York. [anon.'\ Ip. 1.195 pp. 12°. New York, G. # C. Carvill, 1828. Eniner (Dom Anrel, pseudon.) Sec La Solle (Henri Franfois de). Ennis (Jacob ). The origin of the stars, and the causes of their motions and their light. 394 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton d; co. 1867. Ennodius (Magnus Felix). Opera. J. Sir- mondus in ordiuem digesta, eniendavit, ac notis illustravit col. 1360-1915 anno 1611. 81. fol. Parisiis, typographiaregia, 1696. [In SIRMOND (Jacques). Opera varia, v. 1]. Entertaining (The) and marvellous repos- itory : containing biography, manners, and customs, tales, adventures, essays, poetry, etc. [«woH.] 3 V. 16°. Boston, Baker c^- Alexander, 1827. Entretiens sur les prerogatives des deux sex- es, ou Ton niontre que I'ame n'est pas moins parfaite dans la femme que dans I'homme. \^anon.'\ 132 pp. 16°. La Haye, 1753. [With BOUDIER DE ViLLEMERT. L'Auii des fem- inesl. Ephemerides universelles ; ou, tableau re- ligieux, politique, littoraire, scientifique et anecdotique, preseutaut, pour cbaque jour de I'annee, un extrait des Aunalesde toutes les nations et de tons les sidcles, depuis les temps historiques jusqu'au P'^janvier, 1828. [polyon.'\ ; mises en ordre et publiees par m. iSdouard Monnais. 13 v. 8°. Paris, Corby, 1828-33. Epigrams and literary follies, [amow.] 127 pp. .r^"^. Edinburgh, IV. P. Nimmo, [1869]. Epipha ins (St.) ee Caussin (N.) D symbolicre -ZEgyptiorum sapientia, 1654. Episcopius or Bisschop (Simon). Bode- chervs ineptiens ; hoc est, evidens demon- stratio, qua ostenditur N. Bodecherum, ut plus quam servili adsentatione efficacem con- tra-remonstrantium gratiam demereatur, in- epte admodum et nugatorie confessionem re- monstrantium socinismi arcessere nuper esse aggressum. [anon.] 44 pp. sm. 4°. [Lug- duni Batavorvm, J. Marcus \1 1624. [ fFi^ABoDECHER (N.) Sociniano-remonstrantismus). Epistle to Diognetus. [anow.] 8°. Edin- burgh, 1868. [Ante-nicene chriatian library, v. 1. pp. 301-316]. Epistolas indicre. De stvpendis et prfeclaris rebus, quas diuina bouitas in India, et variis insulis per societatem nominis Jesv operari dignata est, in tan copiosa gentium ad fidem conuersione. [In lucem missa3 per Jo. Rut. Berg.] 12p.l. 496pp, 18°. Lovanii, R. Velpius, 1.566. Epitaphs and epigrams ; curious, quaint, and amusing. From various sources. 4 p. 1. 120 pp. 16°. London, S. Palmer, [1869]. Erau due or sono tre, 6 sea gli esposti. Eran dos y ahora sou tres, 6 los exp6sitos ; 6pera bufa en dos actos. [Italiano y castellano, anon] 2 p. 1.99 pp. 16-^. Madrid, L Suncha, 1836. Eraniste (Eusebio,;«eMrfon.). Lettere apologe- tiche ; ovverodifesadella dottrinadeiraugeli- co dottore della chiesa s. Tominasod' Aquino contro le calunnie de' suoi accusatori sulla materia del tirannicidio. Si aggiunge la difesa del r. p. Daniello Concina sulla stesso argo- mento contro I'autore delle lettere ad un conte. 10 p. 1.279 pp. 16°. Venezia, Re- mondini, 1763. s. Erbauliches gebet-buch und unterhaltungen niit Gott, zur beforderung der hiiuslichen gottesverehrung, fur christen von alien be- nennungen, [etc.] Mit fleiss gesammelt aus den bei^teu alten und neuen gebat-biichern von Starke, Zollikofer, Schmolke, Tittmann, Bauer und anderen. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 202 pp ; 1 p. 1.398 pp. 16°. Allentown, U. Ebner cf CO. 1822. Erckmann (fimile) and Chatrian (Alexan- dre). The conscript : a story of the French war of 1813. Translated from the [French]. 330 97 ERCKMANN. ESCRITOR. Erckmann (Einile) — continued. pp. 8 pi. 12°. Ncic York, C. Scribner ^- co: 1869. Waterloo; a sequel to the conscript of 1813. Translated from the French of Erck- mann — Chatrian. 368 pp. 6 pi. 12°. New York, Scribner d- co. 1869. Urdmanu (Axel, director of the gcologicnl sur- vey of Sweden). Expose des formations qua- ternaires de la Su6de. xii, 117 pp. 8°. Atlas, 4 p. 1. 14 col. maps. 4°. Stockholm, 1868. s. {Sweden'. Lever gfeologique de la Su6deJ. Erfurth (Ch. B.) Flora von Weimar, mit borlicksichtigung der culturptlanzen, [etc.] xvi, 320 pp. 16"^. Weimar, H. Bdhlau, 1867. S. lirichseu (John Eric, m. d.) The science and art of surgery, [etc.] Edited by John H. Brinton. 3 p. 1. 19-908 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Blanchard ^- Lea, 1854. S. The same. Being a treatise on surgical injuries, diseases, and operations. From the 5th London ed. With additions by John Ashhurst, jr. m. d. 1228 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, H. C. Lea, 1869. Erickson(D. S.) Carl Bartlett ; or, what can I do? 317 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, H. A. Young 8f CO. 1869. Good measure. A story for boj's. 377 pp. 5 pi. 16°, Boston, H. A. Young, 1869. The station-master's daughter and her friends. 333 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Boston, congre- gational s.s. and pub. society, [1868]. Ernian( Adolf Georg). Reiseumdie erdedurch Nord-Asien und die beiden oceane in den jahren 1828-30 ausgefiihrt. l'«abtheil. histo- rischer bericht. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1833 -48. [Wanting, atlas, fol.] CONTENTS. V. 1. Reise von Berlin bis zum eia meore, 1828. xxiii, 747 pp. V. 2. Reise von Tobolsk bis zum ochozker meere, 1329. vii, 443 pp. V. 3. Die ochozker kiiste, das ochozker meer und die reisen auf Kamtschatkn, 1829. vii, 58i pp. ' The same. 2'° abtheil. Physikalische beobachtungen. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1835-41. CONTENTS. V. 1. Ortsbestiramiingen und declinatlons-beobach- tungen auf dem festen lande. x, 420 pp. V. 2. lucliuationeu und inteiisitaten. Declinations- beobachtungen auf dor see. Periodische decliuatious- veranderungen. xili, 598 pp. The same. Naturhistorischer atlas. (Ver- • zeichniss von thieren und pflanzen, welche auf einer reise urn die erde gesammelt wur- den). vi, 64 pp. 17 pi. fol. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1835. 13 Ernsthafte (Die) christenpflicht ; enthaltend schone geistreiche gebater, woniit fromme christeu-herzen zu alien zeiten und in alien nothen sich trosten konnen. [rt/ion.] 214 pp. 1 1. 16°. Lancaster, iPa.'\ ./. /itfr, 1852. Ersch ( Johaiin Samuel). La France literaire : conteuant les auteurs francjais de 1771 h 1796. [,or\ Das gelehrte Frankreich ; oder lexicon der franzosischen schriftsteller von 1771 bis 1796. 3 V. 8°. Hamhourg, B. G. Hoffmann, 1797-98. The same. Supplement, [and] 2" sup- plement. Contenant les nouveaux articles jusqu'en 1800 [-] 1805; [or], Nachtrag [etc.] Zweiter nachtrag. 2 v. 8°. Ham- hourg, B. G. Hoffmann, 1802-06. Erskine {Rev. Ralph). Christ the people's covenant. A sermon preached immediately before the celebration of the Lord's supper, at Dunfermline, 19th Aug. 1722, [etc.] 112 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, J. Nisbct, 1759. Gospel sonnets : or, spiritual songs. In six parts, [etc.] 24th ed. 1 p. 1. 370 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, S. Doig, 1793. [Imperfect : wanting pp. 1 to 16 and all after 370]. The same. 2d Amer. ed. 360 pp. 16°. Worcester, L Thomas, jr. 1793. Escaloua y Aguero (Gaspar de). Gazophi- lacium regiuui perubicum ; in quo omnes materiiE spectantes ad administrationom juri- um regalium regui peruani discutiantur ej pertractantur. Parte 2. Gazofilacio real de el reyno del Peru. [Hispanice]. 6 p. 1.268, 349 pp. fol. Matriti, B. Roman, 1775. Eschricht (D. F.) and Reinhardt (Johan T. ) On the Greenland right-whale, (balcena mysticetus, Linn.) with especial reference to its geographical distribution and migrations in times past and present, and to its external and internal characteristics. Translated from the [Danish]. 4°. London, 1866. [Ray society publications. In Flower (W. H.) Re- cent memoirs on the cetacea, pp. xi-xii, 1-150, 6 pi.] On the species of the genus orca inhab- iting the northern seas. Translated from the [Danish]. 4°. London, 1866. [Ray society publications. In, P'lower (VV. H.) Recent memoirs on the cetacea, pp. 151-188J. Escritor (El) sin titulo. Discurso primero, dirigido al autor de las Noticias de modo, sobre las que nos ha dado a luz en los dias 3, 10 y 17, de mayo. Traducido del Espauol al Casteilano por el licenciado don Juan ChristovalRomea y Tapia. [pseudon?'\ 359 pp. 16°. Madrid, B. Cano, 1790. 98 ESDAILE. ETTER. Esdaile (James, m. d.) Mesmerism in India, and its practical application in surgery and medicine. 259 pp. 12°. Hartford, S. Aii- drus d- son, 1847, Espejoy Cisneros (Bartolom6 de). Tractatvs de vsvra personata in contractv trino, etc. 21 p. 1. 606 pp. sm. 4°. MulaccE, typ. vidua: M. Lopez Hidalgo, 1698. Espinosa (Jnan). La herencia espanola de los Americanos. Seis cartas criticas a Isabel segnnda. Seguidas de otros escritos de interes publico. 350 pp. 1 1. 18°. Lima, El Correo, 1852. Espinosa (Manuel de). Sermones del ss. Sac- ramento del altar, en la solemne octava que le consagra todos los afios la devocion de la real casa de seuoras de Sigena, [etc.] A que se anadeu otros del mismo sagrado objeto, con el deseo de aumentar su devocion y culto, [etc.] 4 p. 1.252 pp. 8°. Madrid, R. Ruiz, 1792. s. Espinosa y Malo (Felix de Lucio). Adver- tencias politicas, y morales, escritas en co- municada carta al seizor Juan de Matos Fra- goso. 28 pp. 16°. Madrid, P. J, Alonso y radilla, \Ti2. El piucel, sus glorias descrividas. 29- 1S6 pp. 16°. Madrid, P. J. Alonso y Pa- dilla, J722. [With the preceding]. Espy (James Pollard). Second report on meteorology, to the secretary of the navy, [and] third report on meteorology, with di- rections for mariners, etc. 65 pp. 101 maps. 11 tables, obl.fol. [_JVashinato7i, public prin- ter, 1851]. s. CONTENTS. Second report, p. 2. Third report, p. 16 ; Kules for the mariner, p. 53. ; The same. Fourth meteorological re- port. 240 pp. 58 maps. 12 tables. 4°. Wash- ington, A. Q. P. Nicholson, 1857. s. Esquemeling (John). See Exquemelin (Alexandre Olivier). Essay (An) on transcendentalism. [fl?jo?i.] 104 pp. 16°. Boston, Crocker cj- Ruggles, 1853. Essay on a universal language, [anon. ] 1 p. 1. 31,88,260pp. 12°. IBar-le-Duc, L. Guhin, etcie. 1869]? Essays, descriptive and moral, on scenes in Italy, Switzerland, and France. By an American. [anon.'\ 3 p. 1. xi, 265 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, A. Constable tf co. 1823. Essen or Essenius (Andreas). Compendium theologiiu dogmaticum, [etc.] Ed. 2". Ad- jecta est Johaunis Hoornbeckii methodus concionandi. 4 p. 1. 976 pp. 2 1. 70 pp. 1 1. 16°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, F. Halmn, 1685. Essex (The) gazette. [Salem, Mass. Aveekly]. Aug. 2, 1768, to July 16, 1771; July 28, 1772, to December 28, 1773; Nov. 30, and Dec. 14, 1775. 4 v. fol. Salem, and Cam- bridge, S. SfE. Hale, 1768-75. Estell & CO. The Glasgow commercial list. 1869-70, first and second years, fol. Lon- don, 1869. The Liverpool commercial list. 1869- 70, fourth and fifth years. • fol. London, 1869. The London commercial list. 1869-70, eleventh and twelfth years, fol. London, 1869. Manchester commercial list. 1869-70, third and fourth years, fol. London, 1869. Estevan (Francisco). Cathedra de liberali- dad, que el confessor lee, y el peuitenteoye, materia a todos estados conveniente, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 288 pp. 4 1. sm. 4°. Madrid, J. G. In- fanqon, 1710. Estienne (Charles). Dictionarium latino- grrecvm. In quo singula? dictiones ac locu- tiones latinix>, gra^cis vocibus ac sententiis praemissse, magnii vtriusque lingua; comer- cium indicfit. Hujus ante plurima pars ex Budaji vigiliaru ' reliquiis excerpta est. [flwoM.] 1071 pp. 4°. Lutetice, C. Steph- anas, 1554. Thesavrvs M. Tvllii Ciceronis ; sive, concordantia ciceroniana. 3 p. 1. 1591 pp. 6°. Parisiis, C. Stephanas, 1556. Estienne (Henri). De latinitate falso sus- pecta, expostr^latio Henrici Stephani. Eivs- dem de Plavti latinitate dissertatio, et ad lec- tionem illius progymnasma. 8 p. 1. 400 pp. 16°. IGcneva.']! H. Stcphaiius, 1576. Etat present de la Pensilvanie, oil I'on trouve le detail de ce qui s'y est passe depuis la d6- faite du g6neral Braddock jusqu'a la prise d'Oswego, avec une carte particuli^re de cette colonic. [a/ion.] 128 pp. 1 map. 18°. lPaTis;\l 1756. Etrangeis (Les) a Paris, [polyon.} xxxv, 525 pp.1 1.30 pi. 8°. Paris, C. JVaree, [about 1840]. Etter (Joseph). Pocket directory, 16'^'. Washington, 1841. See United States. Congressional directory. 99 EUGENIUS. EVERETT. Eugenius, cpiscopiis tolctanus. Opuscula. Quibus insert! sunt Dracontii libelli duo ab Eugenio eodem olim recogniti. Adjecta item aliorum aliquot veterum scriptorum varia. Edita a J. Sirmoudo anno IfilD. 1 p. 1. col. 877-913. fol. I'lirisiis, typograyhia rcgiri, 1C96. S. [Ill Siioioxu (Jacques). Opera varin, v. 2], Eulenspiegel. Noctvaa speculum, omnes res memorabiles, variasque et admirabiles, Tyli saxonici machinationes complectens, plane nouo more nunc primum ex idiomate ger- mauico latinitate donatum. Adiectis insuper elegantissimis iconibus veras omnium Listo- riarn species ad viuum adumbrantibus, ante- bac nunquam visis aut editis. Avtbore .^gidio Periandro [Gillcs Overman ?] 3 p. 1. 210 1. 18°. Francoforti ad Manum, lb67. Note. — Thomas Muruer is said to have written this book, or, as others contend, translated it into Latin. Eusebius Pamphilus. Opuscula xiv, pri- mum in lucem edita studio et opera J. Sir- mondi. 207 col, 2 1. fol. Farisiis, typo- graphia regia, 1696. [Ill SiRMOND (Jacques). Opera varia, v. 1]. Eustaphieve (Alexis). Demetrius, the hero of the Don. An epick poem. 256 pp. 12°. Boston, Munroe c^- Francis, 1818. Eiitliymius, zigahenus. Victoria ettriumphus de impia et multiplici execrabiliuiu Massa- lianorum secte, qui et Phundaita3, et Bogo- mili, necnon Euchita-, Entbusiastse, Encra- tiaj, et Marcionitse appellautur. [Greece et latine"|. 4°. Trajecti ad Rlicnum, Hal- ma ^' Van de Water, 1696, [TOLLI0S (J.) Insignia itinerarii italic!, pp. 106-126]. Evaiigelisches liederbiichlein fiir sonntag- schulen. 239 pp. 18°. Cleveland, {0.) tvangelischc gcmeinschaft, [1869]. Evans (Augusta J.) Macaria. 469 pp. 12°. New York, Carleton, 1868. Vashti ; or, until death us do part. A novel. 473 pp. 12°. Netc York, Carleton, 1869. Evans {Rev. Evan or leuan prydydd bir). Some specimens of the poetry of the ancient Welsh bards. Translated into English, with explanatory notes on the historical passages, and, a short account of men and places men- tioned by the bards, [etc.] Reprinted from Dodsley's edition of 1764. 211 pp. 8°. Llanidloes, {Montgomery), J. Pryse, lahout 1862]. Evans (E. P.) A progressive German gram- . mar. With notes and a complete vocabulary. iv, 237 pp. 12°. Boston, S. R. Urbinu, 1870. Evans (Frederick White). Autobiography of a shaker, and revelation of the apocalypse. With an appendix. 162 pp. 8°. Alt. Leba^ non, {Col. CO. N. Y.) author, 1869. Brief and useful moral instructions for the young. By a friend of youth and chiN dren, \^anon,~\ 39pp. 18°. Worcester, C. Hamilton, 1858. Evans (John, editor). The Parnassian gar- land ; or, beauties of modern poetry : con- sisting of upwards of 200 pieces, selected from the works of the most distinguished poets of the present age. With introductory lines to each article. Designed for the use of schools and the admirers of poetry in gene- ral. 1 p. 1. 288 pp. 18°. rhdadelphia, M. Carey, 1814. Evans (Marian). The Spanish gypsy. By George Eliot. [pseudon.'i 3d ed. 3 p. 1. 382 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, W. Blackioood tfc sons, 1868. Evans {Dr. Thomas W.) Paris universal ex- position, 1867. Reports on instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgery, and hygiene ; surgical dentistry and the materials which it employs ; anatomical preparations ; ambu- lance tents and carriages, and military sanitary institutions in Europe. 70 pp. 8°. Washington, goternmcnt printing office, 1868. Evening express, [Washington daily]. June 10, 1807, to Sept. 20, 1869. 4 v. fol. Wash- ington, 0. Thorne tt co. and J. D. tfc A. P. Hoover, 1867-68. Evening (The) fire-side, [etc.] 2 v. 3 p. 1. 416 pp ; 3 p. 1. 416 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, J. RaJcestraw if co. 1805-06. Evening post (The) [New York daily]. Jan. to Dec. 1809. 2 v. fol. Netc York, 1869. Everard (John, d. d.) Gospel treasures; or, the holiest of all unvailing ; discovering yet more the riches of grace and glory to the vesels of mercy, [etc.] In several sermons, preached at Kensington and elsewhere. Re- printed. 2 pts. in 1 V. X, 280 pp. xi, 268. 4°. Germantown, {Pa.) C. Sower, 1757. Everest (C.) The music teacher, [etc.] 223 pp. 1 1. obi. 12°. Philadelphia, Lee Sf Walker, [1866]. Everett (Alexander Hill). Amerika, oder allgemeiner ueberblick der politischcn lage der verschiedenen staaten des westlichen festlandes, nebst vermuthungen iibcr deren kiinftiges schicksal. tJbersetzt und mit an- merkuugeu verseheu. 2 v. viii, 270 pp ; 3 100 EVERETT, EXHIBITION, Everett (Alexander Hill) — contmu.ecl. p. 1. 207 pp. 1 1. S'^. Hamburg, Hoffmann Sf Campe, 1828. The same. Cartas de iin Americano sobre las ventajas de los gobiernos republi- canos federativos. [awon.] 3 p. 1. ii, 212 pp. 8°. Lo7idres, M. Calero, 1826. S. Everett (Charles Carroll). The science of thought ; a system of logic, xii, 42:5 pp. 12°. Boston, IV. V. Spencer, 1809. Everett (James). The village blacksmith ; or, piety and usefulness exemplified, in a memoir of the life of Samuel Hick. From the 7th Loudon ed. 352 pp. 18o, Kew Yorlc, G. Lane 8f P. P. Sandford, 1844. Every Saturday : a journal of choice reading selected from foreign current literature. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 7-8. 8°. Boston, Fields, Osgood 8f CO. 1869. Ewald (Alexander Charles). The last cen- tury of universal history : a reference book, containing an annotated table of chronology, lists of contemporary sovereigns, a diction- ary of battles and sieges, and biographical notes of eminent individuals. From 1767 to 1867. vi, 621 pp. 16°. London, F. IFarne Sf CO. 1868. E'wald (Georg Heinrich August von). The history of Israel. Translated from the Ger- man. Edited, with a preface and appendix, by Russell Martineau. 2d ed. Revised and continued to the commencement of the monarchy. 2 v. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sf co. 1869. [Note. — Only a portion of the German work]. Ewald (H. F.) The story of Waldemar Krone's youth. Translated from the Dan- ish. 381 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott Sf CO. 1868. Ewell (James, m. d.) The medical compa- nion ; or, family physician : treating of the diseases of the United States ; the manage- ment and disease of women and children. A dispensatory, etc. 692 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. A. Geer, 1848. s. Ewer ( Rev. Ferdinand C. ) Sermons on the fail- ure of protestantism, aud on catholicity. 168 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton Sf co. 1869. Two eventful nights ; or, the falli- bility of "spiritualism" exposed. 106pp. 120. xcw York, H. Datjton, 1856. Exequia3 de mr. Pitt, canciller del echiquier, [etc.] y primero ministro de Inglaterra, por un Espanol amaute de su patria. \_anon.^ 150 pp. 18°. Madrid, T. Allan, 1806. Exeter hall. A theological romance. \^anon,'\ 186 pp. 8°. New York, American news co. 1869. Exhibition of 1851, (Lonrfow). Reports. 2 v. 4°. [wis.] contents. V. ]. Chemical and pharmaceutical products ; sub- Btances used for food ; manures. V. 2. Milling and mineral products ; ceramics ; fur- niture ; furs. Exhibition of 1 853, {New York). Association for the exhibition of the industry of all na- tions. Official rewards of juries, v, 98 pp. 8°. New York, association, 1853. S. Exhibition of 1862, {London). Esposizione internazionale del 1862. Regno d'ltalia. Catalogo descrittivo pubblicato per cura del r. comitate italiano. 1. Mineralogiae metal- lurgia. (Minerie e saline), xxiii, 116 pp. 16°. Torino, Dalmazzo, 1862. s. The same. 1. Mineralogia e geologia. (Prodotti litoidei). 86 pp. 16°. Firenze, Barbera, 1862. s. ■ — Official catalogue of the fine art de- partment. (Corrected). 6 p. 1.280 pp. 8°. London, her mujesty^s commissioners, 1862. S. Official catalogue of the industrial de- partment. 3d ed. xvi, 432 pp. 8°. Lon- don, her mojesti)''s commissioners, 1862. S. Special catalogue of the zollverein de- partment: Edited by authority of the com- missioners of the zollverein governments, together with advertisements, recommenda- tions aud illustrations, viii, 184, Ixxx pp. 1 col. pi. 8°. Berlin, R. Decker, 1862. s. Exhibition of 1867, {Paris). Exposition uni- verselle de 1867. Catalogue des produits des colonies fran^aises, precede d'une notice statistique. 2 p. 1. cxlvii pp. 1 tab ; 1 p. 1. 155 pp. 8°. Paris, Challamel ain6, 1867. S. The same. Official catalogue of the products of the United States of America, exhibited at Paris, 1867, with statistical notices. Catalogue in English. Catalogue frangais. Deutscher catalog. 3d ed. 2 p 1. 160 pp. 16°. Faris, A. Chaix ei cie. 1867. The same. Rapports du jury interna- tional, publics sous la direction de m. Michel Chevalier. 13 v. 8°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1868. The same. Die erzeugnisse des pflan- zen- und thierreichs und das riistzeug des landwirths, mit ausnahme der maschineu und geriithe auf der welt-ausstellung zu Paris, 1867. Bericht, erstattet dem konig- lich preussischen ministerium fiir die land- 101 EXHIBITION. FAIN. Exhibition of 1867— continued. wirthsbaftlichen angelegcnheiten. Von ver- schiedeneu verfassern. xvi, 376 pp. 17 1. 11 pi. 4°. Berlin, Wkgandl Sf Hempel, 1868. s. Exito, (El) etc. de la miierto correspondiente a la vida de los tres supviestos heroes del siglo xviii, Voltaire, D'Alembert y Diderot, demo- strado cou la simple, y vcrdadera narraclon de su muerte. Anadido im exliorto del obispo de Amiens, sobre la colcccion de las obras do Voltaire, y una descripcion deFerney. Tra- ducido del idioma francos al Italiano, y de este al Castellano por Joseph Domenichini. xix, 291 pp. 16°. Madrid, J. Dohlado, 1792. Exposition uaiverselle de 1867 h Paris. See Exhibition. Exquemelin (Alexandre Olivier). De ameri- caensche zee-roovers. Behelsende een per- tinente en waerachtige beschrijving van alle de voornaemste roveryen, en onmenschelijcke wreedheden, die de engelse en franse rovers, tegens de Spanjaerden in America, gepleeght hebben. 4 p. 1. 186 pp. 2 maps. 10 pi. sm. 4^*. Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1678. The same. Thehistory of thebucaniers. Made English from the Dutch copy : written by J. Esquemeling. ]2p. 1.192 pp. 16°. London, T. Maltlms, 1684. The same. Bucaniers of America. Written originally in Dutch by John Esque- meling ; and thence translated into Spanish. Now faithfully rendred into English. ?> parts in 1 V. 6 p. 1. 390 pp. 3 1.1 map. 5 pi. 4°. London, W. CrooKe, J 684. The same. 2d ed. corrected, and Exquemelin (Alexandre Olivier) — continued. The same. [2« <5d.] 2 v. 12 inlarged with two additional relations, viz: the one of captain Cook, and the other of captain Sharp. 2 v. in 1. 6 p. 1. 211 pp. 6 1. 1 map. 8 pi ; 8 p. 1. 212 pp. 9 1. 2 maps. 4'=. London, W. Croolc, 1684-85. The same. Bucaniers of Amer- ica. V. 2. Containing the dangerous voyage and bold attempts of captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others. From the original journal of the said voyage. Written by Basil Ring- rose. 8 p. 1. 212 pp. 9 1. 1 map. 4°. London, IV. Croolc, 1684-85. [Imperfect: 1 map wauting]. The same. Histoire des avanturiers qui p. 1. 248 pp. 81.2 maps. 3 pi ; 3 p. 1. 286 pp. 8 1.1 map. 1 pi. 16^. Paris, J. Le Ftbcre, 1688. The same. 2v. iul. 16^. Paris, J.LcFehvre, 1688. The same. Piratas de la America, y luz a la defensa do las costas de Indies Occiden- tales [etc.] Traducido del Flamenco en Es- panol, por el doctor [Alonso] de Bucna-Mai- son. [rtwo«.] 3» ed. xxiv, 228 pp. 2 1. sm. 4°. Madrid, R. Ruiz, 1793. See, also, Histoire des avanturiers fli- se sont signalez daUs les Indes. Par A. O Oexmelin. [Traduit de I'Anglais par M. do Frontigni^res]. 2 v. 15 p.l. 342 pp.12 1. 2 maps. 3 pi ; 3 p. 1. 334 pp. 11 1. 1 map. 1 pi. 16<^. Parts, J. Le Febvre, 1686. bustiers ; and History of the bucaniers. Extracts in prose and verse, by a lady of Ma- ryland, with a collection of original poetry, never before published, by citizens of Mary- land, lanon.] 2 v. 364 pp. 4 1 ; 359 pp. 6 1. 12°. Annapolis, F. Green, 1808. Eyzaguirre (Jose Ignacio Victor). Los inte- reses cat61icos en America. 2 v. 2 p. 1. vii, 524 pp; 2 p. 1.475 pp. S°. Paris, G. Hcr- manos, 1859. Ezour-Vedam. Sec Veda. Faber (/?c». Frederick William). Tracts on the church and her offices. 12 pamp. in 1 v. 12°. London, J. G. F. .f- J. Ricinifton, 1840. Fabian y Fuero (Francisco). Coleccion de providencias diocesanas. 2 v. 2 p.l. xx, 610 pp; vi, 591 pp. fol. Valencia, B. Mon- fort, 1792-93. Facetiae cantabrigienses ; consisting of anec- dotes, smart sayings, satirics, retorts, etc. by or relating to celebrated cantabs. Dedicated to the students of Lincoln's inn, by Socius. [pseudon.'\ 3d ed. considerably enlarged, viii, 286 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. London, C. Ma- son, 1836. Facundns, episcopus liermianensis. Pro de- fensione trium capitulorum concilii calche- donensis libri xii, ad Justinianura impera- torem. J. Sirmondi cura et studio primum editi, notisque illustrati, anno 1629. col. 393- 877. fol. Parisiis, typographia regia, 1696. [In SiRMOND (Jacques). Opera varia, v. 2]. Facy (William). The complement of stenog- raphy. Or, the power of the pen displayed, in anew art of charactery, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 70 pp. 16°. London, 1672. Fadette, (pscudon.) Sec Rodney (Minnie Eceves). Fain (Agathon Jean Francois, baron). M6- moires des couteniporains, pour servir h I'his- toire de France, et priucipalement a celle do 102 FAIN. FANNER. Fain (Baron) — continued. la republique et de 1' empire. 2" livr. Manu- scrit de 1814. 3« 6d. xvi pp. 1 1. 455 pp. 1 map. 1 facsimile. 8°. Paris, Bossange, 1825. . Manuscrit de 1813, contenant le precis des 6v6nemeus de cette annee, pour sei"vir k I'histoire de I'empereur Napoleon. 2"' ed. 2 V. 2 p. 1. vi pp. 1 1. 489 pp. 1 map ; 2 p. 1. ii pp. 1 1. 571 pp. 1 map, 8°. Paris, Delau- nay, 1825. Fairbairn (Patrick, d. d.) The typology of scripture : viewed in connection -with the en- tire scheme of the divine dispensations. From the 3d Edinburgh ed. 2 v. 398 pp ; 452 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. S. ds A. Martien, 1859. Fairfield (Sumner Lincoln). The last night of Pompeii; a poem: and Lays and legends 309 pp. 8°. JVew York, Elliott nitente a cout'es- sario coni])lice suo in peccato turpi et inlio- nesto contra sextuui decalogi pra^ceptuni non absolveudo; et [in] posterioreni ejusdem pontiticis declarationem pro mortis articulo, [etc.] 15 p. 1. Ki') pp. sm. 4°. Vulcntuc, S. T. Lucas, 1756. s. renissac (Andre Etienne Jn.st Paschal Joseph Francois d'Audebard, baron de). Mono- graphie des especes vivantes et fossiles du genre uiclanopside, (nielanopsis), et observa- tions gcologiques a leur sujet. 315 pp. 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1823. s. [Extract from Mfiraoires de la aoci6t6 d'histoire natu- rello da Parisl. Fescourt ( — ). Histoire do la double conspi- ration de 1800, centre le gouvernement con- sulaire, et de la deportation, qui eut lieu dans la deuxieme annee du consulat ; contenant des details authentiques et curieux sur la machine infernale et sur les deportes, avec une carte geographique des iles Sechelles et deux plans. 2 p. 1. xii, 330 pp. 1 map. 8°. Paris, Guiltaume ^' cie, 1819. Fesquet(A. A.) Coal tar colors [aniline, etc.] 6°. Pliiladdphia, 18(59. [In O'Neill (C.) A dictionary of dyeing and calico priming. Ittj9, pp. 9-;S8]. Colors derived from coal tar, [etc. ] 8°. Philadelphia, 18ti9. [In Napier (J.) A new system of chemistry applied to dyeing. 1669, pp. 373-392]. Fetridge (W. Pembroke). Handbook for travelers in Europe. See Harpers' Hand- book. Feuillasse ( Alexandre Gaspard de). See Per- rault de Jotemps (A. G. de Feuillasse, vi- comte de). Feuillee or Feuillet (Louis). Journal des observations physiques, mathematicpies et botaniques, faites par I'ordre du roy sur les cotes orientales de TAmerique meridionale, et dans les Indes occidentales, depuis I'ann^e 1707, jusques en 1712. 2 v. 8 p. 1. 504 pp. 1 map. 15 pi ; 4 p. 1. pp. 505-767, 58 pi. 4°. Paris, P. Giffart, 1714. Feval (Paul Henri Corentin). Lc fils dn diable 4v. in2. 12°. Paris, M. Levy frcrcs, I8i8. Few (A) hymns and some spiritual songs. Selected for the little flock. 2 p. 1. xii, 270 pp. 24°. [Lon York, Miller, Matheics Sf Clasback, 1862. Eeport of prof. Valentino Mott's surgi- cal cliniques in the university of New York, session 1859-60. xii,209 pp.3 pi. 16°. New York, S. S. Sf W. Wood, 1860. Francisci [Finx] (Erasmus). Guineischer und amerikanischer blumen-pusch ; welcher einenergetzlichen geruch mancherley merck- licher eigenschafften, wunderlicher thiere, vogel, fische; u. a. m. iuigleichen allerkijuige in Peru und Mexico geschichten und denck- wiirdigen verrichtungen von sich streuet. Nebenst beigedrucktem anhang der hiebeij zugleich neuauffgelegten Michael Hemmer- sam's sel. guineisch- und v^^est-indianischen reisebeschreibung. 3 p. 1. 400 pp. 4 1. 110 pp. 13 1. 23 pi. 16°. NUrnberg, P. Fiirst, 1669. Francisco de Jesus Maria. Arco de paz, y torre de fortaleza. Vida, martyrio, y mil- agros de santa Barbara, virgen y martyr, [etc.] 14 p. 1.198 pp.2 1. 16°. Barce- lona, A. Ferrer, 1722. Francke (August Hermann). Einleitungzur lesuug der heil. schrift, insouderheit des neuen testaments, [etc.] 7^ ed. 10 p. 1. 148 pp. 18°. Halle, tcnysenhaus, 1729. Kurzer auszug aus der einleitung zur lesung der h. schrift, in frage und antwort, fiir diejeuigen welche die jugend irnd einfiilti- gen zur lesung der h. schrift anfiihren sollen. 48 pp. 18°. Halle, tcaysenhaus, 1729. [ IVith. the preceding] . Dorigoni, 1772. Frank Harvey in Paris, and how he spent his Sundays. By the author of " Money," [etc. anon.'] 197 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, prcsbytcrian publication society, [1869]. Franklin (Benjamin). Life. Written by himself. 132 pp. 16°. Salem, Gushing Sf Carlton, 179G. The same. Leven. Door hemzelven beschreven. Benevens deszelfs zede-, staat-, letterkundige en geestige schriflen. Uit bet Engelsch. 2v.ini. 6 p. 1.258 pp ; 1 1.4 p.l. 432 pp. 8°. Groningen, W. Zuidema, 1798- 1800. The same. Der weg zum gliick, oder leben und meynungen des dr. Benjamin Franklin. Von ihm selbst geschrieben. 128 pp 1S°. Reading, (Pa.) H. B. Sage, 1820. Frankliniana ; ou, recueil d' anecdotes, bon mots, [etc.] de Benjamin Franklin. Par un Americain. lanon.] 108 pp. 18°. Paris, Tiger, \_aboi(t 1820]. Frasans (Hippolyte de) and Langlois (Jean Thomas). Memoire pour le chef de brigade Magliore Pelage et pour les habitants de la Guadaloupe, charges par cette colonic, de r administration provisoire, apres le depart du capitaine-general Lacrosse. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 326, xl pp ; vii, 358 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, De- senne, etc. 1802-03. Fraser (AJer. James). Report on the common school system of the United States and Can- ada. See Great Britain. Schools inquiry commissions. Fraser's [monthly] magazine for town and country. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 79-80. 8°. London, Longmans, [1869]. Fravega (Antonio Angel de). Kalendario sa- cro-poetico lirico : vidas de santos en verso. 372 pp.21. 16°. Burgos, J. de Navas, [about 1820]. Fray (J. B.) Essai sur I'origine des corps or- ganises et iuorganises, et sur quelques phe- nomenes de physiologie animale et veg6tale. vi, 317 pp. 8°. Paris, ve Courcier, \8\7. Fredair (Anna). Minor place. 281 pp. 12°. Neic York, E. J. Hale Sf sojts, 1869. 112 FREELAND. FREZIER. Freeland (Humphrey William). Lectures and miscellanies, xi, 229 pp. 8°. London, Longman 8f co. 1857. Freeman (Edward Augustus). The history of the Norman conquest of England, its causes and its results, v. 3. The reign of Harold and the interregnum. 8°. Oxford, Claren- don press, 1869. Freeman (Henry C.) Geology of La Salle county. S°. Chicago, 1868. riLLlNOls (aeological survey of), v. 3, part 1, chap. 14]. Freeman's (The) journal ; or, the North American intelligencer. [Philadelphia weekly]. April 25, 1781, to Dec. 27, 1786 ; Jan. 2, 1783, to May 2, 1792. fol. Phila. delphia, 1781-92. Freeman's journal and Philadelphia mercan tile advertiser. See Philadelphia mercan- tile advertiser. (Daily). Freemason's (The) companion : a ritual of the entered apprentice, fellow craft, and mas- ter mason's degrees, the past master's degree, with the several forms and ceremonies per- taining thereto. Also, the ceremonies for in- stalling the officers of grand lodges. Ar- ranged from the craftsman and templar's text-book. 192 pp. 16^. Cincinnati, J. Ernst Sf co. 1869. Freese (Jacob R.m.rf.) The old world. Pal- estine, Syria, and Asia Minor. Travel, inci- dents, description and history. 458 pp. 1 1 pi. 12". Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1869. Free-trader (The). [New York monthly]. June, 1868, to May, 1869. v. 2. sm. fol. New YorJi, J. Savell, 1868-69. Note.— Vol. 1 is known as " The League. " Free-will baptists. The psalmody: a collec- tion of hymns for public and social worship. Compiled by order of the free-will baptist general conference. 701 pp. 16°. Dover, (N. H.)frcc-icill baptist printing establishment, [1853]. Fremantle {Lieut. -col. Arthur James). Three mouths in the southern states : April-June, 1863. 158 pp. 12°. Mobile, S. H. Goetzel, 1864. French (Benjamin Franklin). Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida, includ- ing translations of original manuscripts re- lating to their discovery and settlement, with numerous historical and biographical notes. New series. 2 p. 1. 2 pp. 1 1. 362 pp. 8°. New York, J. Sabin ^- sons, 1869. French (D'Arcy A.) Parsing made easy; an English grammar, [etc.] 168 pp. 16°. Baltimore, B. Edes, 1831. S. French (Jacob). The psalmodist's compan- ion, in four parts, [etc.] 100 pp. obi. 8°. Worcester, (Mass.) L Thomas, 1793. French (John H. II. d.) Common school arithmetic; combining the elements of the science, with their practical application to business. 336 pp. 12°. Neic York, Harper 8f brothers, 1869. Freneau (Philip). Poems. 3ded. 2 v. iv, 280 pp. 1 pi ; 302, xii pp. 1 pi. 16°. Phila- delphia, Lydia R. Bailey, 1809. Frfere (Edouard). Manuel du bibliographe nor- mand; on, dictionnaire bibliographique et his- torique, [etc.] 2 v. 3p. 1.492 pp; 3p. 1. xiii, 632 pp. 8°. Rouen, A. Le Brument, 1858-60. Freudenthal (A. O.) Om svenska ortnamn i egentliga Finland, [etc.] 22 pp. 8°. Hel- sin^/ors, Finska lilteratursellskapets trycktri, 1868. s. [7?t Finska vetenakaps societeten. Bidrag till kan- nedoiu af Finlands natur och folk. 11 haftet], Om Alands ortnamn. pp. 23-58. 8°. Helsingfors, 1868. .S. [ With the preceding] . Frey (Heimich) and Leuckart (Rudolph). Lehrbuch der anatomie der wirbellosen thiere. 8°. Leipzig, 1847. [Wagxer (R.) Lehrbuch der zootomie, v. 2]. Frey (Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick). The converted jew ; or, memoirs of [his] life, who was born a jew, but is now a min- ister of the gospel. To which is added, an address to christians in behalf of the descend- ants of Abraham. Armstrong's 3d ed. 162 pp. 18°. Boston, T. Armstrong, 18] 6. Freyreiss (Georg Wilhelm). Beitriige zur naheren kenntniss des kaiserthums Brazilien, nebst einer schilderung der colonie Leopol- dina, [etc.] Erster theil. xii, 170 pp. 11. 8°. Franlifurt am Main, J. D. Saucrlander, 1824. Frezier (Amedee Francois). Relation du voyage de la mer du sud aux cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Br6sil, fait pendant les an- nees 1712, 1713, et 1714. 2 v. in 1. xx, 600 pp. 18 maps. 21 pi. 16°. Amsterdam, P. Humbert, 1717. The same. Reis- beschryving door de Zuid-zee, langs de kusteu van Chili, Peru, en Brazil, opgestelt op eene reistocht gedaan in dejahren 1712, 1713, en 1714, [etc.] Nev- ens eene beschryvinge van de regeringe der Yncas, [etc. ] Het eene uit het Fransch ver- taalt, en het andere opgemaaktuit verscheide 113 FRfiZIER. Frezier (Amdd^e Francjois)— coutiiuied.^ | scbryveren, door I. Vcrburg, [etc.] 7 p. 1. 40r. pp. 18 maps. 15 pi. sm. 4°. Amster- 1 dam, R.4- G. lletstciu, 1718. The same. Reise nach dcr Sud-see, und deuen kiisten von Chili, Peru, und Brasilien. Aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzet, [etc.] Zum andermal herausge^^eben, und mit einem anhang aus der in den jabren 1740 bis 1744 von George Anson, nach der Sud-see, oder meistens urn die ganze welt, gethanenen reise vermehret. 3 p. 1. 640 pp. 6 pi. 5 maps. 10°. Hamburg, T. von Wkr. ing^s crheii, 1745. rricius (Valcntinus). Indianischer religion- standt der gantzen uewen welt, beider Indien gegen aufi" vud nidergaug der sonnen : schleinigister form auss griindtlichen histo- rien, sonderbar dess hocbwirdigen vatters Francisci Gonzagen barfusserische ordens- croniken, vnd Didaci Vallades, geistlicber j rhetoric zusammen gezogen,vnd aussm latein in hochteutsch vervvendet. 16 p. 1.200 pp 16°. Ingolstadt, W. Eder, lbS8. Friedmaim (S.) Niederlandisch Ost- und Westiudien. Ihre neueste gestaltung in geographischer, statistiscber, und culturhis- torischer hinsicht, mit besouderer darstellung der klimatischen und sanitatischen verbalt- nisse. 1 p.Lviii,274pp.lpl. 8°. Miin- chen, G. Franz, 1860. Friend (The), an independent monthly. Jan. to Dec. 1868. v. 3. 8°. Neio York, Friend association, 1868. Friend (Julia M.) The Chester family; or, the curse of the drunkard's appetite. 224 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Boston, W. White Sf co. 1869. Friendly (The) crook to guide young lambs. lanon.:\ 38 pp. 9 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, American s.s. union, 1865. Fries (Elias). Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, hue usque cognitas, quas ad normam method! naturalis determinavit, disposuit atque de- scripsit. 4 v. 12°. Lunda, 1821-30. Frobel (Julius), and Heer (Oswald). Mit- theihxngen aus dem gebiete der theoretischen erdkunde. 2 p. 1.277 pp. 8°. 'Zdrich, D. Fiissli ^ cie. 1834. ^• Frobisher (Martin). Les trois navigations pour chercher un passage a la Chine et au Japon par la mer glaciale, 1576-78. Tra- duites de I'Angbis. 16°. Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1720. [Recueil d'arrests de la compaguio d'occident]. 15 FROUDE. Frdhliche (Der) botschafter, und vertheidiger der allgemeinen oder universal-erlosung, 1829-30. 2v.ini. 192pp;192pp. 8°. La.icastcr, G. Grosch ^- J. Myers, 1829-30. Frolics (The) of Puck, lanon.'i 2 v. 232 pp; 211 pp. 12°. Neio York, Harpers- brothers, 1834. Fromberg (Emanuel Otto). An essay on the art of painting on glass. From the German. 2 p. 1. 116 pp. 16"^. London, J. Weak, 1851. Fromond or Froidmont (Libert). Meteoro- 1 logicorvm libri sex. 6 p. 1. 420 pp. 9 1. 4°. Antterpia, ex officina plantiniana, 1627. Vesta, sive ant-aristarchi vindex, ad- uersus lac. Lansbergium Philippi F. medi- cum middelburgensem. In quo decretum s. congregationis S. R. E. cardinalium anno mdcxvi, et alterum anno mdcxxxiii aduersus copernicanos terrjB motores editum, iterum defeuditur. 12 p.l. 174 pp. 1 1. 4°. Ant- verpi- Eiov K. A.vTuvia6ov, 1869. Gough (John). A treatise of arithmetic in theory and practice.. Adapted to the com- merce of Great Britain and Ireland. [With] additions and amendments ; fitting the work for the improvement of the American youth. By Benjamin Workman, a.m. 370 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. McCulloch, 1788. Goulard (Thomas). El cirujano instruido. Modo facil, y barato de curar casi todas las enfermedades externas con el uso de una sola medicina diferentemente modificada. Es- cribi61o en Frances mr. Goulard, y lo traduce J. I. Caballo de Castro. 13 p. 1. 172 pp. 6 1. 8°. Madrid, M. Martin, MIA. s. Gould (Benjamin Apthorp). Investigations in the military and authropological statistics of American soldiers, xiv, 655 pp. 8°. New York, 1869. S. [United States sanitary commission. Sanitary me- moirs]. Gould (John E.) The modem harp, [etc.] See White (E. L.) and Gould. Songs of gladness for the Sabbath school. Also a choice selection of prayer- meeting and choir tunes. 176 pp. obi. 16°. Philadelphia, J. E. Gould, [1869]. Gould (Marcus T. C.) The analytic guide and authentic key to the art of short-hand writing, [etc.] 3d ed. 35 pp. 12 pi. 18". New Haven, T. G. Woodward, 1824. Gould (William Reid). Gould's lawyers' diary, for the year 1868. 137 pp. 73 1. 16°. New York, W. R. Gould, [1868]. Goulding {Rev. F. R.) Frank Gordon; or, when I was a little boy. 179 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton, [1869]. Marooner's island ; or, dr. Gordon in search of his children. 493 pp. 6 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remscn, S,' Haffel- fingcr, 1869. Gouraud {Dr. — , pere). Etudes sur la fievre intermittcute pernicieuse dans les contr^es meridionales. 319,2 pp. 12°. Avignon, L. Aubanel, 1842. Govinet (Charles). Instruccion de la juven- tud en la piedad Christiana. Sacada de la sagrada escritura, y de los santos padres. Compuesta en idioma francos. Traducida en Castellano por d. Juan Antonio Turbique. 6 p. 1. 356 pp. 8°. Barcelona, S. &{ O. Marti, 1795. s. Gozalvo (Marcellin). Vita del padre Em- manuele Padial della compagnia di Gesit, scritta in lingua spagnola e tradotta uel ital- iana dal padre Francisco do Castro, xxiij, 448 pp. 16°. Parma, credi di P. Monti, 1728. Graaff (Nicolaus de). Reysen na de vier ge- deeltens des werelds, als Asia, Africa, America en Europa, [etc.] Als ook een mette dog korte beschrijving van China, [etc.] Hier agter is by gevoegt D'oostindise spiegel, [etc.] 2« druck. 2v.ini. 5 p. 1. 222 pp. 4 1. 6 pi ; 3 p. 1. 84 pp. 4°. Hoorn, F. Rijp, 1704. Grace Harland ; or, Christ's path to happiness, [rtwon.] 264 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1869]. Gracey {Rev. Samuel L.) Anniversary gems ; consisjing of addresses, recitations, conver- sations, and scripture illustrations, for the Sunday-school concert, or anniversary. 215 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Perkinpine Sf Hig- gins, 1870. Gracian (Baltazar). The hero. From the Spanish. With remarks, moral, political, and historical, of the learned father J. de Courbeville. By a gentleman of Oxford. 2 p. 1. ix pp. 1 1. 21 9 pp. 4°. London, T. Cox, 1726. L'homme universel, traduit de I'Espag- nol. [Par J. de Courbeville]. 12 p. 1.312 pp. 12°. La Haye, Gosse Sf De Hondt, 1724. GraflEgny ( Franyoise d'Issembourg d'Happon- court, madarne de). Lettere d'una peruviana, [Trad, del Francese], dal signor G. L. Deo- dati. Nuova ed. 242 pp. 16°. Parigi, Duchesne, [1799]. 125 GRAHAM. GREAT BRITAIN. Graham (Andrew J.) Correspondent's list of word-sigus and contractions of standard pbonograpby. 10 pp. 32°. New York, A. J. Graluim, 1869. Graham (James D. ) Report on the subject of tbe boundary line between the United States and Mexico. 250 pp. 1 map. 8^. IVash- ington, 1853. ^• Graham {Rev. W.) Stenography, or an easy . system of short-band writing. 20 pp. 1 1. 2 pi. 12°. Edinburgh, J. Bell, 1787. Grahame (James). The birds of Scotland, with other poems, vii pp. 1 1. 214 pp. 16°. Boston, D. If'est, 1807. Grammatical (A) sketch of the Ileve lan- guage, translated from an unpublished Span- Tsb "manuscript. By Buckingham Smith. lanon.'i 26 pp. 8°. New York, Cramoisy press, 1861. ^• [Shea's library of American linguistics, v. 3]. Graiiada (Luis de). See Luis de Granada. Grandfather's Nell; or, what happened at the toll-gate. By the author of " Squire Downing's heirs." [etc. anon.'] 363 pp. 4 pi. 16°. New York, R. Carter 8f hros. 1669. Grandma Merritt's storiesi 230 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, American sunday-school union, [1868]. Grandmaster (The) ; or, adventures of Qui- Hi ? in Hindostau. A Hudibrastic poem by Quiz. Ipseudon.] Illustrated by Rowlandson; X, 252 pp. 28 col. pi. 8°. London, T. Tegg, 1816. Grand (The) mystery, etc. L'art de m6diter sur la chaise percee, par I'auteur de Gulliver I'aine. [pseudoii.] Avec un projet pour batir et entretenir des latrines publiques dans la ville et fauxborgs de Paris, sous la direction d'une compagnie, dans laquelle on pourra s'interesser en prenant des actions. 1 p. 1. 54 pp. 16°. Dublin, de V imprimerie du docteur Swift, 1743. [NOTE.— 2d ed. of Le grand mystdre. Traduit de r Anglais par Desfontaines]. "Grandpapa's Charlie;" or, the young sol- dier. ByGano. Ipseudon.] 152 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. Boston, American tract society, [1868]. Grangier (Jean). Examen theologique sur la soci6te du pret a rente. Dialogue entrc Bail et Pontas. 3« ed. 168, 48 pp. 16°. Paris, S. Le Rouge, 1747. Grasty (Rev. John S.) Faith's battles and victories ; or, thoughts for troublous times. 285 pp. 16°. JVew York, A. D. F., Ran- dolph Sf CO. 1869. Grauert (Wilhelm). Leitfaden der weltge- 12°. New York, E. Grauert — continued . schichte. 177 pp. Steiger, 1867. Graves (Robert) and Ashton (S.) The whole art of tachygraphy ; or, short-baud writing made plain and easy. 2 p.l. 72 pp. 6 pi. 18°. York, C. Etiierington, 1775. Gravina (Domenico). Pro sacra fidei catho- licaj et apostolictc deposito fideliter a roman. pont. cvstodito apologeticus. Adversus nova- torvm calvmnias, et prsesertim nouissimi M. Antonii do Dominis, etc. Revisus et illvs- tratvs per A. R. P. F. Thomam de Sarria. 13 p.l. 218 pp. 4°. Colonia. Agrippimc, H. Kraft, 1638. S- Pro sacrosancto ordinis sacramento vindicia? orthodoxa;, adversus hajresiologias Marci Antonii de Dominis. Revis. et illvs- trat. per A. R. P. F. Thomam de Sarria. 8 p. 1. 204 pp. 4 1. 4°. Colonia Agrippina, H. Kraft, 1638. »• [mtli the preceding]. Gray (Alouzo). Elements of scientific and practical agriculture; or, the application of biology, geology, and chemistry to agricul- ture and horticulture, [etc.] 363 pp. 12°. Andorer, Allen, Morrill S( Wardicell, 1842. Gray (Asa). Field, forest, and garden botany ; a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the Mississippi, both wild and cultivated. 336 pp. 8°. New York, Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman Sf co. 1868. Gray (George Robert). Hand-list of genera and species of birds, distinguishing those contained in the British museum. Part 1, Accipitres, fissirostres, teuuirostres, and dentirostres. xx, 404 pp. 8°. London, 1860. Gray (Thomas, jr. ?«. d.) The vestal ; or, a tale of Pompeii, xii, 220 pp. 12°. Boston, Gray S(]Boicen, 1830. Great Britain. Council on education. Science and art department of the committee of coun- cil on education. Catalogue of the special exhibition of works of art of the mediajval, renaissance, and more recent periods, on loan at the South Kensington museum, June, 1862. Parts i, ii,and iii. Edited by J. C. Robinson, xii, 399 pp. 8°. London, sta- tionery office, 1862. -Department of justice. Fac-similes of national manuscripts, from William the con- queror to queen Anne, selected under the direction of the master of the rolls, and pho- tozincographed by command of queen Vic- 126 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain — coutinued. toria, by colonel sir Henry James. With translations and notes, [by William Basevi Sanders]. 4 v. fol. Southampton, ord- nance survey office, 1865-68. Naval department. The navy list. De- cember, 1856; December, 1868; March, June, and September, 1869. 5 v. 16°. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1869. Parliamentary papers. Hansard's par- liamentary debates. 3d series. 26th of June to 31st of July, 1868 ; 10th of December, 1868, to 11th of August, 1869. v. 193-198. 8°. London, C. Buck, 1868. • Report of the royal commission- ers for inquiring into- the laws of naturaliza- tion and allegiance ; Avith an appendix, con- taining an account of British and foreign laws, and of the diplomatic correspondence which has passed on this subject; reports from foreign states, and other papers, xv, 156 pp. 8<^. London, G. E. Eyre if- W. Spoltiswoodc, 1869. Report on the common school system of the United States and Canada By rev. James Fraser, assistant commis- sioner. 435, V pp. 14 pi. 8°. London, Eijre Sf Spottiswoode, 1866. [Parliamentary papers, 1867, v. 26], Public record office. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Eliza- beth, 1595-97. Edited by Mary Anne Ev- erett Green, xxv, 687 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green, Reader 8f Dyer, 1869. Calendar of treasury papers, 1556-1696. Prepared by Joseph Reding- ton. Ivi, 667 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green, Reader,^- Dyer, 1868. Supplement to v. i. and v. ii. of Letters, despatches, and state papers relating to the negociations between England and Spain, preserved in the archives at Simancas and elsewhere, i. Queen Katharine, ii. Intended marriage of king Henry viii. with queen Juana. Edited by G. A. Bergen- roth. Isxx, 467 pp. London, Longmans $f co. 1868. Rerum britannicarum medii sevi scriptores ; or, chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle asres. 14 v. 8°. London, 1860-66. Chronica monasterii S. Albani. Johannis de Troke- lowe, et Henrici de Blaneforde, uecnon quoi'uudara anonymorum chronica et annale8,rfgnaiitibus Heu- rico iii, Edwardo i, Edvvardo ii, Ricardo ii, et Hen- Great Britain— continued. rico iv. a. d. 1259-96; 1307-24; 1392-1406. Edited byH. T.Riley. 8°. Xon(/o?i, 1866. Cockayne (Oswald). Leechdoms, worteunning, and starcraft of early England ; being documents illus- trating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest, v. 1-3. 8'. London, 1864-66. GiRALDUS, cambreitsis (.Silvester Gerald de Barri, commonly called). Opera, v. 6. Itinerarivm Kam- brioe, et doscriptio Kambriai. Edited by J. F. Dimock. 8°. London, 1866. Liber monasterii de Hyda; comprising a chronicle of afifairs of England, from the settlement of the Sax- ons to the reign of king Cnut ; and a chartulary of the abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire. A. d. 455-1023. Edited by E. Edwards. 8^. London, 1866. Ireland. Ancient laws of Ireland. Introduction to Senchus mor, etc. or, law of distress, as contained in the Harleian manuscripts, v. 1. 8^. Dublin, 1865. Nf.ckam (Alexander). De naturis rerum libri duo. With the poem of the same author De laudibus di- vinre sapientiiG. Edited by Thomas Wright. 8°. London, 1863. Oxford (University of). Munimenta academica ; or, documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford. By rev. Henry Anstey. 2 v. 8°. Lorf don, 1868. Pecock (Reginald). Repressor of overmuch blaming of the clergy. Edited by Churchill Babington. 2 V. 8^. London, 1860. Wavrin (Jean de, seigneur dii Forestel). Recueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bre- taigne, a present nomme Engleterre. Edited by William Hardy. 1399-1422. [v. 4-5]. 8°. London, 1868. Record commission. Public records. A description of the contents, objects, and uses of the various works printed by au- thority of the record commission ; for the advancement 'of historical and antiquarian knowledge. [By sir Nicholas Harris Nico- las]. V, 135 pp 8°. London, Baldwin Sf Craduck, 1831. Secretary of state for India. The people of India. A series of photographic illustra- tions, with descrijjtive letterpress of the races and tribes of Hindustan. Edited by J. Forbes Watson and John William Kaye. 226 pi. 4 V. 4°. London, W. H. Allen ^- co. 1868-69. Treasury. The British tariff of cus- toms' duties, in alphabetical arrangement,etc. as adopted at the custom-house, with blank leaves for memoranda. 30th ed. corrected and revised. 66 pp. 32°. London, Letts, son ^' CO. 1867. IVar department. A list of the officers of the army, and marines ; with an index : a list of the officers on half pay ; and a suc- cession of colonels, 1785 to 1798. 14 v. 8°. London, 1785-98. Ordnance trigonometrical sur- vey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the observations and calculations, of the principal triangulation, and of the figure, dimensions, and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived therefrom, etc. Drawn up by capt. A. R. Clarke, under the direc- 127 GREAT BRITAIN. GREENWOOD. Great Britain— continued. tion of It. col. H. James, etc. 2 p. 1. xvii, 782 pp. 11. 1 pi ; atlas. 1 p. l.;29 pi. 4°. Lon- don, printers to the queen, 1858. s. Coiiipaiisous of the standards of length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the ordnance survey office, Southampton, by Greene (Daniel) Green (Richard W.) A key to Green's new arithmetic. [Also,] an essay on the method of teaching. 12.") pp. 16°. Philadelphia, H. Pcrliins,\8Al. Greenbank's periodical library, v. 3. 8='. Philadelphia, T. K. Grcenhank, 1833. [Maukoe pamphlets, v. 7j. Conference hymns, selected capt. A. R. Clarke, under the direction of col. sir H. James, etc. viii,287 pp. 10 pi 4°. London, stationery office, 1866. s. Great Britain ( Royal arcluEological institute of). See Royal archaeological institute "Great (The) Lingard " songster, etc lanon.^i 1 p. 1. 64 pp. 16°. New York, li M. DeWitl, 1869. Great trans-contint^ntal railroad guide, con tainiug a full and authentic description of over five hundred cities, towns, villages, sta tions, government forts, etc. from the Atlan tic to the Pacific ocean. 244 pp. 16 pi. 16~ Chicago, G. A. Crofutt 8f co. 1869. Grece (Charles F.) Facts and observations respecting Canada, and the United States of America: aftording a comparative view of the inducements to emigration presented in those countries. [Also,] an appendix of practical instructions to emigrant settlers in the British colonies, xv, 172 pp. 8°. Lo7i- don, J. Harding, 1819. Greece. No/zof pof'. Ilepi teIuvmhov &aa- /loloyiov. 31 pp. 4°. 'Ev Adrjvaic:, 1867 Tlo'kt.TeiOYpaLKai 'a'kr^pO'^opiaL Trepi 'Eaao- (5of, vTTO A. MavaoXa, etc. ??',211 pp. 8°. Ev A'&nvaic, CKTOV edviKOV -vT:oypa<^ELOv, 1867. S Greeley (Horace). Essays designed to eluci date the science of political economy, while serving to explain and defend the policy of protection to home industry, as a system of national cooperation for the elevation of labor. 384 pp. 16^. Boston, Fields, Osgood cj' co. • 187U. Green (Calvin) and Wells (Seth Y.) A summary view of the millenial church ; or, united society of believers, commonly called shakers. Comprising the rise, progress, and practical order of the society, with the prin- ciples of their faith and testimony. lanon. ] 2d ed. revised and improved, viii, 384 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1848. Green (Charles John). Brachygraphy ; or, a most approved and complete system of short-baud, as practiced by W.B. Guruey, esq. Methodised and arranged. 135 pp. 10 pi. 8°. London, S. Sneet, 1824. from various authors : etc. 54 pp. 32°. Provi- dence, {R. L) Miller S{ Hutchins, 1822. The same. 2d ed. 40 pp. 18°. Provi- dence, (R. /■) Hutchins &{ Cory, 1828. Greene (Joseph II. jr.) Athaliah ; a novel. 378 pp. 12°. New York, Carleton, 1869. Greenhow (Robert). The history of Oregon and California, and the other territories of the northwest coast of North America. [With answers to Falconer's strictures]. 2d ed. 11, xviii, 492 pp. 1 map. 8°. Boston, Little tS- Broicn, 1845. Greenleaf (Benjamin). Key to the new prac- tical arithmetic; with answers to exercises in the new elementary arithmetic. Prepared for the mathematical series of Benjamin Greenleaf, a. m. By a practical teacher. [«„o«.] 148 pp. n^. Boston, n. S. Davis S,- CO. [1867]. Greenleaf (Charles R. m. d.) A manual lor the medical officers of the United States army. 199 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1864. Greenleaf (Simon). A brief inquiry into the origin and principles of free masonry. 1 p. 1. 117 pp. 8°. Portland, A.Shirley, \8-20. Greenwell (Dora). Poems. By the author of " The patience of hope." lanon.'] vni, 315 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, A. Strahan Sf co. 1861. Greenwich {Royal observatory at). Results of the magnetical and meteorological obser- vations, made 1866. 6 p. 1. Ixi, ccciii pp. 1 pi. 4°. Greenwich, 1866. ^- Report of the astronomer royal to the board of visitors of the Royal observatory, Greenwich, read at the annual visitation, 18li9. 24 pp. 4°. Greenwich, 1869. Greenwood (Francis William Pitt, d. d.) A collection of psalms and hymns for christian worship. 37thed. xxvipp.201. 16^. Bos- ton, C. J. Hendee, 1844. Memoir of the rev. Samuel Cooper Thacher. 8°. Boston, 1824. Un THACHEK (S. C.) Sermous, pp. xi-lxx]. Greenwood (James). The hatchet throwers. 1 With 36 illustrations, drawn on wood, by 128 GREENWOOD? GRISWOLD. Greenwood (James) — continued. Ernest Griset, etc. 164 pp. 4°. London, J. Camden, 1866. CONTENTS. The astonishing adventures of three ancient mariners. Brass, brothers, of Bristol; their travels and perils. The crocodile-witch. The purgatory of Peter the cruel. With 36 illustrations, on wood, by Ernest Griset 164 pp. 4°. London, G. Jioutledge Sf sons, 1868. Wild sports of the world ; a book of natural history and adventure. 1 p. 1. 474 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Ncic York, Harper d- brothers, 1870. Gregg (Josiah). Karawanenztige durch die ■westlichen prairieen, und vvanderungen in Nord-Mejico. Nach dera tagebuche des amerikaner J. Gregg bearbeitet von M. B. Lindau. F theil. x, 208 pp. 1 pi. 1 map. 8'^. Dresden 8( Leipzig, Arnold, 184.5. Gregorms, nazianzenus {Saint). Carmina cygnea inedita. [Grsece et latlne]. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, per Halmam 4" Van de Water, 1696. [In TOLLIUS (J.) Insignia itinerarii italici. pp. 1-105]. . Panegyrique de St. Athanase. 8°. Paris, 1840. [In MOHLER (J. A.) Athanase le grand, v. 1, pp. v- Ixvii]. Gregory (John). The works of J. Gregorie. In two parts ; the first containing notes and observations upon several passages in scrip- ture ; the second, his posthuma, being divers learned tracts upon various subjects. 4th ed. 12 p. 1. 175 pp ; 12 p. 1. 329 pp. 4°. London, M. Clark, 1784. Grenoble. Cartulaires de I'^glise cathedrale de Grenoble, dits cartulaires de Saint-Hugues publics par m. Jules Marion, xci, 556 pp. 2 1. 2 pi. 4°. Paris, imprimerie imperiale, 1869. [France. Collection de documents inedits. Ire serie, Histoire politique]. Gretser (Jacob). Libri qvinqve apologetici pro vita Ignatii Loiolaj, edita a Petro Riba- deneira ; contra calvmnias cvivsdam Chris- tiani Simonis Lithi miseni caluinistre. 10 p. 1. 542 pp. 16^^. Ingolstadii, ex typographia A. Sartorii, 1699. Grey (Mrs. — ). The trials of life, [awow.] 2 V. 255 pp ; 202 pp. 12°. New York, W. B. Gilley, 1829. Griffet (Henri). L'insufifisance de la religion naturelle, prouv6e par les v6rit6s contenues dans les livres de I'ecriture sainte avec des dissertations sur la version des 70, sur la vul- Grlffet (Henri) — continued. gate, et sur les nouveaux syst^mes du p^re Hardouin et de I'abb^ de Villefroy. 2 v. xxviii,384 pp; 1 p.1.324 pp. 16°. Liege, J. F. Bassompierre, 1770. G'lifnn (Gerald). The collegians, [anon.'] 2 v. 208 pp; 184 pp. 12°. New York, J. ^ J. Harper, 1829. The rivals. Tracy's ambition. By the author of " The collegians." 2 v. 203 pp ; 185 pp. 8°. New York, J. 4' J. Harper, 1830. Griffin (.John). A child's memorial; or, new token for children ; exhibiting the early piety and happy death of miss Dinah Doudney, of Portsea, delivered to a congregation of chil- dren, in Orange street chapel, on new year's day, 1805. [Also,] an account of miss Sarah Barrow, who was burnt to death April the 4th, 1805. 4thAm. ed. With other lives, addi tions, and corrections. 79 pp. 24°. Utica, N. Y. Seward Sf Williams, 1810. Griffin (Richard, editor). Specimens of the novelists and romancers, with critical and biographical notices of the authors. 1st American from 2d Edinburgh ed. 2 v. 216 pp ; 215 pp. 12°. Neic York, J. Langdon, 1831. Griffith (Ralph T. H.) Scenes from the Ra- mayan, etc. See Valmiki. Grinialdi (Giuseppe Ceva). Sulla riforma de' pesi e delle misure ne' reali dominii di qua dal faro considerazioni. Ed. 2'^ con note deir editore, e una lettera del prof. Flauti. 124 pp. 8o. [Napoli, 1837] ? Grimke (Angelina E.) Letters to Catharine E. Beecher, in reply to an essay on slavery and abolitionism, revised by the author. 130 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Knapp, 1838. Grimshaw (William). An etymological dic- tionary of the English language, etc. 3d ed. 280 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Grigg, El- liot 8f CO. 1848. Hf History of England, from the first in- vasion by Julius Caesar to 1820. With an index. 3d ed. 4 p. 1. 292 pp. 16°. Phila- delphia, Lydia R. Bailey, 1823. The same. To the accession of Victoria. 330 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliot 8f CO. 1847. Questions adapted to Grimshaw's his- tory of England. 84 pp. 16°. Philadel- phia, Lydia R. Bailey, 1823. Gris'wold (Jeremiah). Handbook of adjust- ment of loss or damage by fire, for the use of fire underwriters. 105 pp. sm. 4°. Neio York, Insurance monitor office, 1868. 129 GRISWOLD. GUARD AMINO. Griswold (Rufus Wilmot). The poets and poetry of America. IGtli eJ. G"2'2 pp. 10 portraits. 8°. Philaddphia, Parry ^ Mc- Milhin, ISiw. S. Groesbeck (John). Key to the Crittenden commerciiil arithmetic. 43 pp. IG^. Phil' ailelpliifi, EUlredire Sf brother, 1870. Grollier de Servi^ies (Nicolas, comte). Re- cueil d'ouvrages curieux de math6matique et de niecanique ; on, description du cabinet de monsieur GrollieV do Servieres, [etc. ] 13 p. 1. 100 pp. 5 1. 85 pi. 40. Lyon, D. Forty, 1719. Groom (Edward). The art of transparent puiiitinf^ on glass. Comprising the uiothod of painting, and an account of the imple- ments and materials eniploj-ed in producing eubjects for dissolving views, magic lanterns, etc. 55pp, 5pl. IGO. London, Windsor Sf Newton, 1855. Grosley (Pierre Jean). Memoires del'acade- mie des sciences, inscriptions, belles-lettres, etc. nouvellement etablie a Troyes en Cham- pagne. 173 pp. 8°. Paris, 1787. [hi CaYLUS (A. C. P. eomte de). Oiuvres badiueg compk-ttes, v. 12]. Gross (Samuel D. ?«. d.) A manual of mili- tary surgery ; or, hints on the emergencies of field, camp, and hospital practice. 96 p^. 12°. Richmond, J. W. Randolph, J 862. Grote (George). History of Greece, From the 2d Loudon ed. 12 v. 12°. New York, and JiostoH, Harper S( brothers, etc. 1851-67. Grotius or de Groot (Hugo). Opera omnia theologica. 4 v. fol. Basilcic, ajiud E. Sf J. R. Thernisios, 1732. CONTENTS. V. 1. Vita Hugonis Grotii. Annotationes ad vetus lestamentvni. V. 2. Auuotatioues in qvatvor evangelia et acta apostolorvm. V. 3. AnnotationeB in epistolas apostolicas et apoca- lypsin. v. 4. OpvBcvia di versa, viz. De veiitate religionis Christiana, lib. 1-6. Ordiuvm Hollaudiae ae Westfrisiae pietas. Pliilosophorvm Bententi.'B de fato, et de eo quod 111 nostra est potestate de Gra^co versa-.. Conimeutatio ad loca qusedam iiovi testaiiienti qva; de Auticbiisto agunt, aut agere pu- tautur. Dissertatio de coenaj adrninistratione vbi pas- tores uon svnt. Item, an semper commv- nicaiidvm per symbola. Via ad paccui ecclesiasticam. Gforgii Cassandri do articvlis religionis inter catholicos et protestaiites coiitioversis ad iiuperatores Ferdinandvni i, et Maximi- liauvm ii. fjus successorera consvltatio. Bona tides Sibbrandi Lvbberti. Decretvm illvstrivm ac potentviu ordinvm IIol- landiffi et Westfrisiaj pro pace ecclesiarvm [etc.] Oratio vernacule babita in senatu amstelre- damensi uouo cal. uiaji, nidcxvi. De imperio svniniarvin potestatvm circa sacra coininentarivs posthvmvs. 17 Grotius — continued. Deleusiofldei catholica! de fiatigfaetione Cbristi, adversus Favstvin .Socinvin senensem. Disqvisitio de dogniatibvs pelagianis. Aniniadversioues in aniiuadversioues Andreas Riveli. Votvni pro pace <'cclesiastica. Rivetiani apologetic!, pro schismato contra votvin jiacis facli, discvssio. De svnimo sacerdotio dissertatio bistorica ac politica. De dogmatis, ritibvs, et guberna- tione ecclcsiaj cliristiana>. De dogmatis qv;e reipvblicx noxia sunt aut dicuntur. Index rervm et verborvm. Apologeticvs eorvni qvi HoUandiie Vvestfrisiteqve etjvicinis qiiibusdam nation- ibus ex Icgibus prasfuerunt ante mutationem quse evenit anno ciaiacxviii. Cum refuta- tioneeorumquce adversus ipsum, [Grotium], atque alios acta ac judicata sunt. 12 p. 1. .534 pp. 16°. Parisiis, N. Buon,\&l-i. Grou (Jean Nicolas). Caracteres de la verda- dera devocion. Tradiicida al Castellauo por uu eclesiastico. G p. 1,263 pp. 16^^. Madrid, R. Ruiz, 1796. s. Groves (Anthony N. missionary). Journal of a residence at Bagdad, during the years 1830-31. XV, .306 pp. 12°. London, J. Nisbet, 1832. Gruber (Eberhard Ludwig). Grundfor- scheude fragen, welche denen neuen tau- feru im witgensteinischen insonderheit zu beantvvorten, vorgelegt waren. Nebst bey- gefiigteu kurzen und einfaltigen antworten auf dieselben, etc. von einem tiufrichtigeu mitglied der gemeinde zu Witgenstein, etc. 40 pp. 16°. Lancaster, J. Bar, 1822. [ U'itk FeLBINGF.U (J ) Christlicbe.s handbiichlein]. Grund (Francis P.) Die Americaner in ihren moralischen, politischen und gesellschaftli- chenverhaltnissen. [Aus dem Englischen] in's Deutsche iibersetzt vom verfasser. 4 p. 1. 444 pp. 8°. Stuttgard, und Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1837. Gruno'w ( J. & W. ) Sf co. Illustrated scien tific and descriptive catalogue of achromatic microscopes manufactured by [them], viii, 104 pp. 8°. New Haven, T. J. Stafford, 1857. s. Gruter (Jan). Chronicon chrouicorvm eccle- siastico-politicvm, ex hvivs svperiorisqve aitatis sciiptoribvs conciunatvm, [etc.] collectore .Tohanne Gualterio belga. \_pseu- don.'\ 2 V. 8 p. 1. 741 pp ; 7 p. 1. 652 pp. 12°. Francoforti, in officina arbriana, 1614. Gaulterius (Johannes). See Gruter (Jan). Guardaniiuo (Diego drj. Prontiiario y claves de las coirespomlencias, que eutre si tieuen las monedas, niedidas de gratos, de palmos, 130 GUARDAMINO. GUIDOTTI. Guardamino (Diego de) — cotifmued. y peso sutil de Castilla, con las de varios reyuos, y provincias de la Europa, [etc.] 8p. 1.120 pp. 16°. Madrid, A. Marin, \7b7. Guardioia y Rueda (Manuel). Novenario doloroso de Maria santisima senora nuestra. Sermones pava la novena de sns dolores Sacados de la obra que esciibio Manuel Guardioia y Rueda, por el d. Benito Fran- cisco de Castro y Barbeyto. 2» ed. xvi, 392 pp. 16°. Madrid, Cano, 1804. Guardioia y Saez (Lorenzo). El corregidor perfecto, y juez exactamente dotado de las calidades necesarias y convenientes para el buen gobierno econ6mico y politico de los pueblos, [etc.] 2 p. 1, xxiv pp. 1 1. 277pp. sm,4^. Madrid, A. Lopez, I76r>. Guay (Claude le). See Le Guay. Guays ( J. F, E. Le Bois des). See Le Bois des Guays (J. F. E.) Guelen (Auguste de). Kort verbael van den staet van Fernanbvc. Uit bet Franfois int Nedevduytscb vertaclt. 15 1. sm. 4". Am- sterdam, 1(540. Giiell y Rente (Jose). Leyendas ameri- canas. 1 p. 1. 283 pp. 1 portrait. 12'-^. Madrid, imprenta de las 7iovcdades e iiustraeion, 1856. Traditions americaines. 2 p. 1. 295 pp. 1 1. J2°. Paris, M. Levyfrercs, 1861. Guer (Jean-Antoine). Mceurs et usages des Turcs, leur religion, leur gouvernenient civil, militaire et politique, avec un abrege de I'histoire ottomane. 2 v. 2p. 1. xxiv, 453 pp. 8 1. 12 pi ; 2 p. 1. viii, 637 pp. 1 1. 16 pi. 40. Paris, Coustelicr, 1746. Guericke (Heinricb Ernst Ferdinand). Hand- bucb der kircbengescbicbte. 6^ auflage. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, Gebaucr, 1846. CONTENTS. V. 1. Aeltere kircliengeschichte. V. 2. Mittlere kircheugesehichte. V. 3. Ncuere kircheugesehichte. Guerin-Meneville (Felix fidouard). Rap- port sur les travaux entiepris pour introduire le ver a sole de I'aylantbe en France et en Alg6rie. 2p. 1. 100 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, imprimerie impiriale, 1860. S. Guernsey (Egbert). Pvimary history of the United States of America. 206 pp. 16°. New York, D. Burgess Sf co. 1854. S. Guernsey (Orrin) flKrf Willard (Josiab F.) History of Rock county, [Wisconsin], and transactions of the Rock county agricultu- ral society and mechanics' institute, xii. 350 pp. 3 pi. 1 portrait. 8°. ZanestiUe, Wis. by the society, 1856. Guernsey. Almanach journalier, a I'usage de rile de Guernesey, et des lies voisines. Pour I'annce 1841, etc. 18°. Guernesey, N. Man- ger, 1840. Guerra(La): giornale d'arte, scienza, storia e tecbnologia niilitare, etc. Si pubblica, etc. da Giuseppe Novi. v. 1, fasc. 1-8. 176 pp. 40. Atlas. 8 pi. fol. Napoli, G. Dura, 1860-61. s. [No more published]. Guggenbiihl (J. m. d.) Die heilung und ver- hiitung des cretinismus und ihre neuesten fortschritte. Mittheilungen an die scbweize- rische naturforschende gesellschaft. 3 p. 1. 121 pp. Ipl. 40. Bern, Ruber &i CO. '[Sh^. S. Guibert (Jacques Antoine Hippolyte). Reisen durch Deutschland. 16°. Hamburg, ib05. [Magazin der neuesten und besteu auslandischen reisebeschreibungen, v. 7J. Guicciardini (Francesco). La historia d'ltalia nuouamente ristanipata, con anuotatione de Remigio fiorentino. 24p. 1.4711. 4°. J'e- netia, N. Beuilagua, 1563. The same. La historia d'ltalia. Ris- contrata con tutti gli altri historici, et autori, che deir istesse cose babbiano scritto, per Tbomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione arretino, [etc.] 2v.in], 44 p. 1. 488 1; 112, 8 1. sni. 40. Venetia, E.Baba, 1640. Two discourses of master Frances Guic- ciardini, which are wanting in the thirdeand fourth bookes of his historic, in all the Ital- ian, Latin, and French coppies heretofore im- printed, [etc.] 67 pp. sm,4°. London, fV. Ponsonbie, 1595. [jyith the preceding]. Guiccioli ( — Gamba, countess). Lord Byron, juge par les teuioins de sa vie. My recollec- tions of lord Byron ; and those of eye-wit- nesses of his life. [From the French by H. E. H. Jerningbam]. 670 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Neio York, Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Guide (The), or counsellor of human life ; containing miscellaneous pieces, on a variety of useful and entertainiug subjects, etc. [«no«.] Isted. 191pp. 3 1. 16°. Spring- field, (Mass.) E. Gray, 1794. Guidi (Jean Baptiste Marie). Lettres coute- nant le journal d'lm voyage fait jl Rome en 1773. lanon ] 2 v. xii, 295 pp ; 2 p. 1. 276 pp. 16°. Geneve, 1783. Guidotti (Oiazio and Paolo). Difesa de' dritli della nazioue spagnola sulla real casae chiesa di S. Giacomo degli Spagnola. Nella real camera di s. Chiara. cxvi pp. 4°. [AV<- poli'\, 1761. s. 131 GUILLON. HADLEY, Guillon de Moutleou (L'aWe Aime). Les martyrs de la foi pciuhiut la revolution frau- 9ai.se ; ou, martyrologie des pontifes, pretres, religieux, religieuses, laics de I'un et I'autre sexe, qui perirent alors pour la foi. 4 v. 6°. Parh, G.Mathiot, ]82h Guillore (Francois), lletiro de danias, cou Ids exercicios que deben practicarse en el ; sacado sumariamente del que compus6, en idioma fraucos por el padre d. Alfonso Fernan- do de Irisarri. 4 p. 1. 16G pp. 18'^. Madrid, [. Ibarra, 1783. Guiou. Sec Guy on. Guizot(Franf;ois Pierre Guillaume). Democ- racy in France. 61 pp. 12". Neio York, D. Appleton If co. 1849. s. - — — ^— Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution of the United States of America. Translated from the French, xvi, 188 pp. 16°. Boston, J. Mun- roc (Sc CO. 1840. Gunimere (John). An elementary treatise on astronomy, etc. To which are added solar, lunar, and astronomical tables. 3d ed. 359, ll'ipp.Spl. 8°. Philadelphia, Kimber Sf Sharpless, 1842. .s. — The same. 4th ed. Revised by E. Otis Kendall. 363, 114 pp. 8 pi. 8°. Fhiladtl- phia, E. C. 8f J. Diddle, 1851. S. A treatise on surveying, containing the theory and practice : to which is prefixed a perspicuous system of plane trigonometry. 14th ed. [Also] mathematical tables ; differ- ence of latitude and departure ; logarithms from 1 to 10,000; etc. Stereotype ed. 2 v. in 1. 266 pp. 1 1 pi ; 152 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Kimber 8f Sharpless, 1839. s. Gunning ( — Mrs. general). Memoirs of Mary, a novel. 3d ed. 5 v. 16°. London, J. Bell, 1794. Gurney (Joseph John). Un hiver aux Antil- les, en 1839-40; ou, lettres surles resultats de I'abolition de I'esclavage dans les colonies anglaises des Indes occidentales, adressees il Henri Clay, du Kentucky, et traduites de 1' Anglais sur la 3'^ edition, par J. J. Pacaud. xi, 358 pp. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didutfreres, 1842. The same. Eeen winter in de West- Indiiin, beschreven in gemeenzame brieven aan Henry Clay van Kentucky. Naar den vierden druk, uit bet Eugclsch vertaald door . C. J. Zweerts. 1 p. 1. vi pp. 1 1. 24'!i pp. 8°. Amsterdam, M. H. Binger, 1843. Gurney (Priscilla). Hymns, selected from various authors, for the iise of young per- sons. 3d American from the 9th London ed. xvi, 276 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, II. Long- streth, [about 1840]. Gurney (Thomas). Brachygraphy ; or, an easy and compendious system of short-hand, adapted to the various arts, sciences, and professions ; improved after more than 40 years' practice and experience, by T. Gurney, and brought still nearer to perfection [etc.] by Joseph Gurney. 9th ed. 2 p. 1. iii, xv, pp. 27 1. 1 portrait, 14 pi. on 8 1. 18°. Lon- don, J. Sf M. Gurney, 1778. Guyon (Claude Marie). Histoire des ama- zoues anciennes et modernes. 2 p. 1. Ixlviij, 210 pp. 16°. Bruxelles, J. LSonard, 17AI. s. Guyon (Jeanne Marie Bouvieres de La Mothe, madame). Die heilige liebe Gottes und die unheilige naturliebe nach ihren unterschie- denen wirkungen, in xliv anmuthigen sinn- bildern und erbaulichen versen vorgestellet. Aus dem Franzosischen treulich verdeut- schet, (etc.) 360 pp. 12 pi. 12°. Lancas- ter, (Pa.) J. Schweitzer, 1828. Haage and Schixndt,{gardcners). Ilaupt-ver zeichniss iiber samen und pflanzen. 72, 54 pp. 8°. Erfurt, 1865. S. Habermanu (Johann). Christliches gebet- biichlein, enthaltend morgen und abendsegen aiif alio tage in der woche, [etc. ] wie auch doct. Neuman's Kern aller gebete, [etc.] 128 pp. 24°. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Bar, 1838. Hackett (Horatio B.) Commentary on the Acts of the apostles. See Bible {English). Hadcock (John W. ) Science, illustrated and applied ; a poem, in two parts. To which are added miscellaneous poems, original and selected. 186pp. 12°. Utica, Beardsley S( Lyon, 1851. Haddon (Walter, //. d.) and Fox (John). Contra Hieron. Osorium, eius'q; odiosas in- sectationes pro euangelica> veritatis neces- saria defensione, responsio apologetica. 7 p. 1. 415 1. sm. 4°. Londini, /. Day, 1577. Hadfield (William). Brazil and the river Plate in 186S ; showing the progress of those countries since his former visit in 1853. 271 pp. 4 pi. 8°. London, Bates, Hendy 8f co. 1869. Hadley (James). Elements of the Greek language : taken from the Greek grammar of J. Hadley, [etc.] vi,246pp. 12\ New York, D. Appleton cj- co. 1869. 132 HAEFKENS. HALL Haefkens. See Hafkens. Haeften(Beneclictvan). Rej^iaviacrvcis. xvi, 404 pp. 13 1. 8°. Antvtrpim, H.Sf C. Ver- dusseu, \7Vi. S. Haerlems scliuytpraetjen, op't vedies van de West-Indiscbe compagnie. lanon.l 12 1. sm.40. [Harlem]! 1G49. Hafkens (J.) Reise naar Guatemala. 2 v. in]. 1 p.l. 120pp.2pl; 2p.l. ]]3pp. 8°. Gravenhdge, IV. K. Mandemaker, 1827. Hagedorn (Friedrich von). Odeu und lieder in fiinf biichern. xlii pp. 1 1.276 pp. 12°. Hnmhi.rg, J. C. Bohn, 1747. S. Hagenbach (Carl Rudolf, d. d.) History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the last German ed. with additions, by rev. John F. Hurst, d. d. 2 v. xii, 504 pp ; vi, 487 pp. 8". Neio York, C. Scribner Sf co. 1869. — ^— — ' A text-book of the history of doctrines. The Edinburgh translation of C. W. Buch, revised, with large additions from the 4th German ed. and other sources. By Henry B. Smith, d.d. v. 1.478 pp. 8°. New Yoric, Sheldon 8f co. 1861. Hagner (Charles V. ) Early history of the falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh navigation companies, Fairmount water-works, etc. 102 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Pliila- delphia, Claxton, Remscn otted fever, which prevailed at Gardiner, Maine, in the spring of 1814. xvi, 246 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, IVells Sf Lilly, 1818. Hale (Helen L.) Herbert; or, religion in little things. 30 pp. I pi. 24°. New York, Carlton iS' Lanahan, 1869. — The orphan's aim ; or, faithful in the least. 46 pp. 1 pi. 24°. New York, Carlton Sf Lanahan, 1869. The little straw-braiders ; or, don't get tired. 47 pp. 1 pi. 18°, New York, Carl- ton Sf Lanahan, 1869. Hale (M. P.) Summer at Walnut ridge. 259 pp. 4 pi. 18°. New York, Carlton Sf Lana- han, [1869]. Hales (Stephen, d. d.) A description of venti- lators, whereby great quantities of fresh air may with ease be conveyed into mines, goals, hospitals, work-houses, and ships, in ex- change for their noxious air. An account, also, of their great usefulness in many other respects, as in preserving all sorts of grain dry, sweet, [etc.] xx, 346 pp. 2 1. 5 pi. 8°. London, W. Innys, etc. 1743. Halford {Sir Henry, >«. d.) Essays and ora- tions read and delivered at the royal college of physicians ; to which is added an account of the opening of the tomb of king Charles i. 192 pp.2 pi. 8°. London, J. BTurray, \831. Hall (Basil). Voyage dans les fitats-Unis de I'Amerique du Nord, et dans le Haut et le Bas-Canada, [etc.] 2 v. 2 p. 1. xii, 331 pp. 1 map; 2 p. 1. 351 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bcr- trand, 1834. Hall (Daniel Weston). Arctic rovings ; or, the adventures of a New Bedford boy on sea and land. 171 pp. 16°. Boston, A. Tomp- kins, 1861. Hall (Edward Brooks, d. d.) Hymns for social worship and private devotion, viii, 148 pp. 32°. Providence, B. Cranston Sf co. 1837. 133 HALL. HALLOCK. Hall (E. Hepple). The siinnuer tourist's pocket guide to Americau watering places. AVith map and tables of distances. 5 p. 1. XXX, JoG pp. 11 1. 1 map. 16°. New Yurie, Cathrurt Sf Hall, 1869. Hall (Francis). Travels in Canada and tbe United States, in 181(5 and 1817. 2d ed. xii, 421 pp. ] map. 8"^. London, Longmans, etc. 1819. Hall (Henry). The history of Auburn, [New York], xvi, 580 pp. 12°. Auburn, Dennis brothers resbyterian publication committee, 1869. Hildreth (Emily E.) Lessons from daily life. 120 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf CO. 1869. Hill (Rev. Benjamin M.) Hymns of Zion ; being a selection of hymns for social worship, compiled chiefly for the use of baptist churches. 256 pp. 32°, Netc Haven, Dur- rie Sf Peck, 1829. Hill (George). Titania's banquet. Pictures of woman, and other poems. 3d ed. 175 pp, 12°. New York, D. Appleton 8f co. 1870. Hill (Georgiana). How to cook potatoes, ap- ples, eggs, and fish. Four hundred difterent ways. Adapted for American housekeepers, by an American lady. 178 pp. 16°. New York, Dick Sf Fitzgerald, 1869. Hill (Theophilus H.) Poems, vi, 155 pp. 12°. New York, Hard Sf Houghton, 1869, Hill (Kep. Thomas). Integral education. An inaugural address delivered at Antioch col- lege, September 8, 1859. 31 pp. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown Sf co. 1859. s. Hilliard (A'cc Timothy;. Paradise promised by a dying saviour to the penitent thief on the cross, A sermon delivered at Cambridge, 18th November, immediately preceding the execution of Alexander White, Richard Bar- rick, and John Sullivan. With an appendix, exhibiting some account of their conversation and behaviour in prison, etc, 32 pp. 12'^. Boston, E. Russell, 1785. Hillman (Joseph). The revivalist ; a collec- tion of choice revival hymns and tunes, original and selected. Rev. L. Hartsougb, musical editor. (Revised and enlarged ed.) 264 pp. 16°. Truy, (N. Y.) J. Hillman, 1869. Himene (,Na) Hawaii, me na leomele ; oia ka lua na hapa O ke kurau leomele. 24°. Oahu, na na rnisiotiari i pai, 1834. S. [/reKumu leomele (O ke), pp. 57-360]. 145 HINE. HISTORIA. Hlne (L. A.) Progress-pamphlets. Part 1. no. i-vii. Earth aud man. 1 p. 1. 2*24 pp. 80. Cincinnati, L. A. Hinc,\_\8o3]l S. CONTENTS. Chap. 1. The laUnror. Chap. 2. Tlu! laiidloid. Chap. 3. 'I'ho tenant. Chap. 4. The employer. Chnp. 5. The ciiiployfi. Chap. 6. Land freeiidin. Chap. 7. Supplementary matters. Hinman (Royal Ralph). A catalogue of the names of the first puritan settlers of the colony of Cormccticut, from 16:35 to lfi6.5. Collected from state and town records, ^36 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Harlfurd, E. Glcason, [184G- 48]. [Wanting, no. 1, pp. 1-32]. Hinrlchs (Gustavus). First and second an- nual report ou the geology of Iowa. See Iowa. Hinrichs ( Johann Conrad). Verzeichniss der biicher, landkarten, etc. welche [von 1862 bis zum jahre 1868] neu erschienen sind. 7 v. 16°, Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 18()2-69. Hinsdale (Grace Webster). Coming to the king. A book of daily devotion for children. 114 pp. 24°. New York, Anson D. F. Randolph, 1865. Hinton (John Howard). The harmony of religious truth and human reason asserted in a series of essays. 304 pp. 12°. New York, J. Leucitt, 1833, Hippolytus, {bishop of Rome, or of Portus, or Ostia). The refutation of all heresies; trans- lated by rev. J. H. MacMahon. With frag- ments from his Commentaries on various books of scripture and writings of the third cen- tury ; translated by rev. S. D. F. Salraond. 3 V. in 2. V, 508 pp ; iv, 208, 297 pp. 8^. Edinburgh, I. Sf T. Clark, 1868-69. [ANTE-NICKNE library, v. 6 and 9]. Hippolytus redivivus ; id est remedium con- temneudi sexuui muliebrem. Autore S. I. E. D.V. M. W. A. S. [anon.-\ 96 pp. 18°. [n.p.] 1644. Hirsch {Dr. Theodor, editor). See Scrip- tores rerum prussicarum. His jewels ; or, a story of New England iu war time. Founded on facts. 281 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, congregational sabbath school and publishing society, 1868. Hislop (Alexander). The proverbs of Scot- land ; with explanatory and illustrative notes, aud a glossary. New ed. 367 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, A. Hislop Sf co. 1868. 19 Histoire amoureuse de la cour d'Angleterre ; par I'auteur des Memoires d'Oliver Crom- well, [rtnon.] 2v.ini. 312 pp ; 246 pp. 160. Paris, Delaunny, 1820. Histoire des avanturiers flibu.stiers qui se sont signalez dans les ludes. Par Alexandre Olivier Oexmeliu. Nouv. 6d. corrig^e ot augmeut^e. 4 v. 16°. Tr6toux, par la compugnie, 1744. CONTENTS. V. 1-2. KXQUEMEI.IN (A. O.) Histoire des avantu- riers flibnstierii. V. 3. Ravene,»u de Lussan. Journal du voyage fait & la uu-r du 8ud. v. 4. Johnson (C.) Histoire des pirates anglois. The same. 4 v. 16'^ Trf't par la compngnie, 1775. See, also, Exquemelin (A. O.) and History of the bucaniers. Histoire de la guerre de Hongrie, pendant les campagnesde 1716-1718, [etc. anon.'] 2p. 1. 278 pp. 1 1. 1 inap. 84 pp. 16°. Vienne, Grliffer le jeune, 1 788. [Title page aud map damaged]. Histoire litteraire de la France, ouvrMge com- mence par des religieux benedictius de la congregation de Saiut-Maur, et contiuu^ par des membres de I'academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, v. 25. Quatorzi^me sidcle. Ixxii, {MiW pp. 4°. Paris, F. Dulot, freres, Jils Sf fie. 1869. Histoire niiraculeuse et admirable, de la com- tesse de Hornoc, flamaude, estranglee par le diable dans la ville d' An vers, pour n'avoir trouve son rabat bien godronn^, le quinzi- esme avril 1616. [««««.] Lyon, 1616. 12°. Gand, 1856. Note. — Reimpression tiree A 150 exemplaires. Histoire de Nicolas i. roy du Paraguai, et empereur de Manielus. [«woh.] 88 pp.' 16°. Saint Paul, 1756. EUstoire des papes, crimes, meurtres, [etc.] depuis saint Pierre jusqu'a Gregoire xvi. Histoire des saints, des martyrs, [etc.] Crimes des rois, des reines, et des empereurs. [«H0«.] 10 v. 8°. [/'wris], administration de librairie, 1843-44. Historia de la admiuistracion del lord North, primer ministro de Inglaterra, y de la guerra de la America septentrional hasta la paz. [anoM.] Obra escrita en Ingles, traducida al Frances, y de este al Castellano, con notas del traductor. Por d. P. P. de A. 7 p. 1. 402 pp. 16°. Madrid, iwprenta real, 1806. s. 146 HISTORICAL. HISTORY. Historical (An) account of comprehension and toleration, [etc.] By the author of the Dutch way of toleration. [«won.] 2 parts in 1 V. 4 p. 1. 72 pp ; 1 p. 1. 84 pp. 4°. Lon- don, J. Chantry, 1705. Historical illustrations of Quentin Durward, selected from the memoirs of Philip de Co- mines, and other authors. [««0H.] viii, 166 pp. 3 portraits. 12". London, C. Knight, 1823. Historical (The) magazine, and notes and queries concerning' the antiquities, history, and biography of America. January, 1868, to June, ] 869. 2d series, v. 3-.5. 4°. Mor- risunia, (N. Y.) H.B.Datcson, 1868-69. Historicus. \^fscudon. ] Sec Vernon-Har- court(W. G. G.) Histories (The) of some of the penitents iu the Magdalen-house, as supposed to related by themselves. [^anon.~\ 2v. inl. xxiv, 252 pp ; 1 p. 1. 266 pp. 16°. London, J. Riv- ington, 1760. [Imperfect, pp. 49-73, of v. 1, supplied in ms.] Historisch-geographische beschreibung der in diesem krieg von den Englandern eroberten franzpsiscben antillischen inseln, besonders von Guadaloupe und Martinique [etc. anon.} ■ 4 p. 1. 264 pp 8°. Stuttgart, J. B. Mezlcr, 1762. Historische und geographische beschreibung von Neu-Schottiand. See Geographical history of Nova Scotia. History (The) of the bucaniers of America, from their first original down to this time ; written in several languages, and now col- lected into one volume. The whole newly translated iii^o English. 8°. London, T. Newborough, 1699. CONTENTS. ExQUEMEI.IN' (A. O.) Bucauiers of America. 2p. 1. 180 pp. 1 map. 8 pi. RiNGROSE (B.) The daugerous voyage of capt. B. Sharp. 180 pp. 6 1. 6 maps. Raveneau de Lussan ( — ;. Journal of a voyage into the South Sea, 1684-89. With the voyage of the biuur de Montauban. 2 p. 1. 204 pp. Loudon, 1698. The same. 3d ed. 8^. London, T. Newborough, 1704. Note. — The paging is the same as in the 1st ed. The same. 4th ed. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 354 pp. 2 maps. 7 pi ; 1 p. 1. 406 pp. 1 1 1. 16°. Lon- don, D. Midwinter and others, 1741. The same. [Abbreviated]. 132 pp. 18°. Glasgow, J. Knox, J762. The same. 5th ed. 2 v, 2 p. 1. 318 pp 1 p. 1.360 pp. 61. 16°. London, r. Evans, 1771. History, etc. — continued. The same. 5th ed. [6th]. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 318 pp ; 1 p. 1. 360 pp. 6 1. 16'^. London, T. Evans, 1774. ■ The same, xxiii, 660 pp. 24°. Lon- don, J. Walker, 1810. See, also, Exquemelin (A. 0.) and Histoire des avantnriers flibustiers. History (The) of capt. Thomas Parismas ; containing a particular account of the cruel treatment of the wife of Mr. James Negotio. [anon.'] 35 pp. 18°. In. p.] 1805. History (The) of the Davenport family ; in which is displayed a striking contrast be- tween haughty indolence and healthy activ- ity, in the characters of the young Daven- ports and their cousins, Sophia and Ame- lia Easy. Interspersed with moral reflec- tions. Byll. S. {anon.} 2 v. inl. 144 pp. 12 pi. 24°. Boston, Spotswood $,' Ethcridge, 1798. History of the destruction of Jerusalem, and the desolation of Palestine, with an account of the Jewish nation from the days of Abra- ham to its tinal dispersion, lanon.} 424 pp. 3 pi. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore, IVilstach &f Moore, 1H69. History (The) of Jean-Paul Choppart ; or, the surprising adventures of a runaway. [From the French. Illustrated, anon.} xvi, 174 pp. 16°. London, Lambert 8f co. [1856]. History (The) of jewels, and of the principal riches of the east and west. Taken from the relations of divers of the most famous travel- lers of our age. [anon.} 8 p. 1.128 pp. 24°. London, H. Kemp, 1671. History of the last session of congress, which commenced on the 7th of December, 1801. Taken from the National Intelligencer. lanon.} 196 pp. 8°. Washington, S. H. Smith, 1802. History (The) of Maryland, to which are added brief biographies of distinguished statesmen, philanthropists, theologians, etc. Prepared for the schools of Maryland. latum.} 164 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler 3f co. 1866. History (The) and philosophy of earthquakes, from the remotest to the present times : col- lected from the best writers on the subject. With a particular account of the phseuomena of the great one of November 1st, 1755, in various parts of the globe. By a member of 147 HISTORY. HODGE. History, etc. — continued. the royal academy of Berlin. [«mow.] 2 p. 1. 351 pp. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1757. CONTENTS. i. A methodical account of earthquakes, by Joh. Christ. Stnnnius. ii. Of the nature of earthquakes, bj' Martin Lister, m. d. iii. Discourses concerning earthquakes, by Robert Hooke, m. d. iv. f^arthquakcs caused by some accidental obstruc- tion of a continual subterranean heat, by John Woodward, m. d. V. A physico-chymical explanation of subterraneous fires, earthquakes, etc. by M. Lenicry. vi. Of the volcanos and earthquakes in Peru, by m. Bouguer. vii. The natural history of volcanos and earthquakes, by m. Buffon. viii. A summary of the causes of the alterations which have happened to the face of the earth, by inr. John Ray. ix. Some considerations on the causes of earthquakes, by the rev. Stephen Hales, d. d. X. The philosophy of earthquakes, by the rev. Wil- liam Stukeley, ni. d. Phajnomeua of the great earthquake of November 1, 1755, in various parts of the globe. Added by the editor. History (The) and philosophy of marriage ; or, polygamy and monogamy compared. By a chVistian philanthropist, {anon.'] 256 pp. 16°. Boston, James Campbell, 1869. History of a threepenny bit. lanon.^ 216 pp. .5 pi. 18°. New York, national temper- ance society and puhlicntion house, 1869. Hitchcock (Edward, d.d.) Dyspepsy fore- stalled and resisted ; or, lectures on diet, regimen, and employment: delivered to the students of Amherst college, J 8.30. 2d ed. corrected and enlarged by the addition of an address before the mechanical association in Andover theological institution, Sept. 2], 1830, and notes. 452 pp. 12°. Amherst, J. S. Sf 0% Adams, 1831. Hitchcock (Roswell Dwight, d. d.) Hitch- cock's new and complete analysis of the holy bible ; or, the whole of the old and new testa- ments arranged according to subjects in twen- ty-seven books. On the basis of Matthew Talbot, as improved with indexes, tables, and other valuable matter, by Nathaniel West, d. d. [etc.] Together with Cruden's con- cordance to the holy scriptures, revised by John Eadie, d. d. [etc.] Revised and edited by prof. Roswell D. Hitchcock, d. d. [etc.] xlvii, 1158 pp. 4 1. 6 pi. 1 map. 8°. New York, A.J.Johnson, 1870. Hittell (John S.) Mining in the Pacific states. 224 pp. 16°. San Francisco, 11, H. Bancroft 8f co. 1861. s, The resources of California ; compri- . 'Sing agriculture, mining, geograi)hy, cli- mate, commerce, etc. and the past and future Hittell (John 8.)— continued. development of the state. 5th ed. with an appendix on Oregon, Nevada, and Washing- ton territory, xxiv, 504 pp. 12°. San Fran- cisco, A. RoniMi Sf CO 1869. The resources of Vallejo : containing a statement of the great natural advantages of the place, showing that it is the most con- venient seaport, the safest harbor, the nat- ural railway centre, and the best manufac- turing site, with a prospect of becoming the commercial and financial metropolis of Cal- ifornia. [ano7i.2 1 p. 1. 72 pp. 2 maps. 8°. [ Vallcjol, Stilano county adrcrtiscr office, 1869. Hjelt (Otto E. A.) Geditchtnissrede auf Alex- ander von Nordmann, gohalten am jahres- und festtage der finnischen gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Aus dem Schwedischeu iibersetzt. 61 pp. 8°. Hclsin^fors, Fin- nische litteratur gesellschaft, 1868. s. Naturhistoriens studium i Finland un- der sjuttonde och adertonde seklet. i. Tiden fore Linu6. Bidrag til kiinnedom af Finlands natur och folk, utgifna af finska vetenskaps- societeten. Tolfte htiftet. 3p. 1. J98pp. 8°. Hclsingfors, Finska littrratur-sallskapcts tryckeri, 1868. s. Hoadly (Benjamin, bishop of Bangor). An enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great Britain. 103 pp. 12^. Boston, B. Eliot, 1727. Hobbes (Thomas). Leviathan ; or, the mat- ter, forme, and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiasticall and civill. 3 p. 1. 394 1. 1 tab. fol. London, A. Ckooke, 1651. Hoblyn (Robert). Bibliotheca hoblyniana; sive, catalogus librorum, juxta exemplar quod raauu sua maxima ex parte descriptum reliquit Robertus Hoblyn. vi pp. 1 1. 650 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Londini, J. Murray, 1769. Hochene ( — ). Cuadro historico de los abusos, y espiritu de reforma politica en Espana, por A. Duverne. \^pscudon.'\ Traducido por .J. Jener. liv, 329, vi pp. ]6°. Madrid, Boix, 1840. .s. Hodge (Archibald Alexander, rf. ^/.) A com- mentary on the confession of faith. With questions for theological students and bible classes. 549 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, prcs- byterian board of publication, 1869. Hodge (Charles, d.d.) An exposition of the first epistle to the Corinthians. Sec Bible (English). 148 HODGE. HOLDSWORTH. Hodge (Charles)— continued. The way of life. With an analytical index. New ed. 348 pp. 2 pi. 18°. ridla- flelphia, American Sunday school union, 1869. Hodges (D. F.) Jubilant voices. Sec Ba- ker (B. F.) and Ho Ages. Hodges (RciJ. J. S. B.) The book of common praise : with music for the book of common prayer. 71pp. 12°. Netc York, F. J. Hunt- ingdon cf CO. [1869]. Hodgins (J. George). Sketches and anec- dotes of her majesty the queen, the late prince consort, and other members of the royal family, [etc.] New ed. revised and corrected by John Timbs. 307 pp. 7 pi. IC^. London, S. Lou\ son Sf Marston, 1868. Hodgkin (John Eliot). Monograms, ancient and modern, their history and art-treatment, with examples. 31 1. 43 pi. 32°. London, Lonamnns Sf co. 1866. Hodgson (E.) Swift writing, commonly called short-hand, on an improved plan, the result of long practice. 35 pp. 3 pi. 16°. London, J. St. John, [ahoM 1820]. Hody (Humphry, d. d.) The resurrection of the (same) body asserted ; from the tradi- tions of the heathens, the ancient Jews, and the primitive church. With an answer to the objections brought against it. 4 p. 1. 224 pp. 12°. London, Awnsham, 1694. Hoeii (Moriz Wilhelm). Das verlangte, nicht erlangte Canaan bey deu lust-graberu ; oder ausfiihrliche beschreibung von der uugliick- lichen reise derer jiingsthin aus Teutschland nach dem engelliindischen in America gele- genen Carolina und Pensylvanieu wallenden pilgrim, absonderlich dem einseitigen iibel- gegriindeten kochenthalerischen bericht wohlbediichtig entgegengesetzt. 8 p. 1. 127 pp. 18°. Franckfurl und Leipzig, 1711. Hoffman (Charles Fenno). A winter in the west. By a New Yorker. [««o«.] 2 v. 2 p. I. 337 pp ; 2 p. 1. 346 pp. 12°. New York, Harper Sf hrothers, 1835. Hoffman {Rev. John N.) The broken plat- form ; or, a brief defeuce of our symbolical books against recent charges of alleged er- rors. 96 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Linds'iy Sf Blakiston, 1856. s. Hoffmann (Franz). Climbing the glacier. From the German. 131 pp. 18°. JSew York, A. D. F. Randolph, ]865. Hofland (Barbara, Wreaks). The captives in India; a tale. (Metropolitan edition). 268 pp. §o. Washington, D. Green, 1835. s. Hogan (John Sheridan). Le Canada. Essai auquel le premier prix a ete adjuge par le coiiiite canadien de 1' exposition de Paris. 106 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Montreal, J. Lovell. 1855. Hogarth (William). Hogarth moralized. Be- ing a complete edition of Hogarth's works, [etc.] With an explanation, pointing out the many beauties that may have hitherto escaped notice, and a comment on their moral tendency. [By rev. JohnTrusler, etc.] Now first published, with the approbation of Jane Hogarth, [etc.] 3 p.l. viii,212, viii pp. 80 pi. 8°. London, S. Hooper, and mrs. Hogarth, 1768. Hoge (Mrs. A. H). The boys in blue; or, the heroes of the " rank and file." Compris- ing incidents and reminiscences from camp, battle field, and hospital, with narratives of the sacrifice, sufteriiig, and triumphs of the soldiers of the republic. With an introduc- tion by Thomas M. Eddy, d. d. 477 pp. 7 pi. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat Sf co. 1867. Hogg (Thomas). The fabulous history of the ancient kingdom of Cornwall. 508 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, Ornic cf- co. 1827. Hohenheim. Festschrift zum fiinfzigjahrigen jubilaum der k. land- und forthwirthschaft. lichen akademie Hohenheim, [etc.] 3 parts ill I V. 4 p. 1. 294, viii pp. 2 pi. 8°. Stutt- gart, A. Miiller, 1868. s. Holbrook (Nelson M.) Readers. 5ff Town (S.) and Holbrook. Holcombe (William H. m. d.) In both worlds. 387 pp. 12"^. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott cj- CO. 1870. The sexes here and hereafter. 277 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1869. Holden (Rev. George). The scripture testi- monies to the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, collected and illustrated. 8p. 1. 460 pp. 4 1. 8°. London, F. C. Sf J. Rivington, 1820. Holdhaus (Dr. C.) and Panzer (Dr. R.) Deuksclnift liber die entwicklung der seiden- zucht in nordlicheren landern. Vorgelegt an die handels- und gewerbekammer in Wien. 1 p. 1.211 pp.2 1. 8°. Wien, 1864. Holds-worth (William), and Aldridge (Wil- liam). Natural short-hand, wherein the na- ture of speech and the manner of pronuncia- tion are briefly explained, and a natural reason assigned from thence lor the particular form of every stroke, [etc.] 1 p.l. viii. 78 pp. 28 pi. 8°. London, Wells Sf Grosvenor, iahout 1766]. 149 HOLLAND. ROMANS. Holland (C.) Aspasia. 192 pp. 12°. Phil- nilflpliiii, J. B. Lijipincolt 8f co. 1869. Holland (Josiali Gilbert). Letters to the Joneses. By Timothy Tifcomb. [pscHilon.^ llthed. 347 pp. 12°. New York, C. Srril)- iier, 1.SG4. Holland. Sec Netherlands. Holley(0. L.) The picturesciuo tourist; be- ing a guide through the northern and eastern states and Canada ; giving an accurate de- scription of cities and villages, celebrated places of resort, etc. 3 p. 1. 336 pp. 18°. Ntw York, J. Dislurnell, 1844. Holliday (F. C. d. d.) A bible hand-book, theologically arranged: designed to facilitate the finding of proof-texts on the leading doc- trines of the bible. 332 pp. 12°. Cincin- nati, Hitchcock cj- Waldon, 1869. Hollhigsworth (Robert J.) The five govern- ment tests authorized by the treasury depart- ment of the United States, for detecting coun- terfeit greenbacks and national notes. 2 1. 8°. \^Cincinnali, author, ]8()8]. Hojlingsworth (S.) The present state of Nova Scotia : with a brief account of Canada, and the British islands on the coast of North America. [«ko«.] 2d ed. xii, 221 pp. 1 map. 8°. Edinhurgh, W. Creech, 1787. Holloway (Laura Carter). The ladies of the White House. 1 p. k 058 pp. 2 pi. 13 por- traits. 8°. jN'eio York, United States publish- ing CO. 1870. Holnian (Oliver, stationer). Journal of a voy- age, Letc. a blank form log-book for a fish- iug voyage]. 241. 4°. Boston, 0. Holman, 1852. *^- Holmboe (Christian Andreas). Ezechiels syner og chaldseernes astrolab. 19 pp. 1 pi. 40. Chrisliania, P. T. Mailing, 186fi. s. De prisca re monetaria Norvegi.-e, et de uumis aliquot et ornaraentis, in Norvegia re- pertis. Ed. nova. 60 pp. 7 pi. 8°. Chris- tianicc, J. Dahle, 1854. S- Holmes (Francis S.) Pliocene fossils of South Carolina. Sec Tuomey (M.) and Holmes. Post-pliocene fossils of South Carolina. Nos. 1-12. 118 pp. 24 pi. 40. Charleston, 8. C. Russell Sf Jones, 1858-60. Holmes (George F. U.d.) An elementary grammar of the English language. 1 p. 1. 238 pp. 12°. New York, Richardson 5c co. 1868. Southern university series. The south- ern pictorial fourth reader. For schools and Holmes (George F.)— continued. families. 276 pp. 12°. New York, Rich- ardson Sf CO. [18156]. The same. Holmes' southern fifth reader, [etc.] 408 pp. 12°. New York, Richardson pl. 8". London, A. J. Valpy, 18"2]. Houttuin(H.) Vier registers tot gemak der liefliebbers van de natuurlyke historic en kruid-kunde. 1. Register van de drie rykeu deruatuurnade 12<^''druk van bet Sistema[l] natura> [.'] van C. Lineus, [! etc.] 2. Alpha- betisch register van de hollandsche naamen der planten. 3. Aiphabeti.sch register van de latynsche naamen der planten na de Her- barius amboinensis van G. E. Rumphius. 4. Alphabetisch register van de maleidsche naamen der planten. 67,88,40 pp. 4°. [m. p. about 1780] ? Hovey ( Alvah, d.d.) A memoir of the life and times of the rev. Isaac Backus. 369 pp. 12°. Boston, Gould, tj- Lincoln, 1859. How (Thomas Y.d.d.) A vindication of the protestant episcopal church, in a series of letters addressed to rev. Samuel Miller, d.d. with preliminary remarks, xxxvi, 492 pp. 8°'. New York, Eastbiirn, Kirk .£; co. 1816. HoTW to amuse an evening party. A complete collection of home recreations. [««««.] 131 pp. 16°. New York, DickSf Fitzgerald, 1869. HoTW Jennie found her lord, and how she thanked him. By the author of the "Golden ladder series." [anon.'] 99 pp.3 pi. 18°. New York, R. Curler <)'■ brothers, 1870. 20 HoTW to order any laude, so as it may reteyne all tiie moysture that faileth thereon, and to improve it thereby. [«hom.] 4 1. sm. 4"^. 1 London, about 1650]? [ Ifii/i I'r.ATTlis (G.) A discovery of iufinite treas^ure. 16:3;»1. How Paul became an artist; or, " looking out" and "looking in." [awo/j.] 131 pp. 2 pi. 18°. I'liiladelpliia, American Sunday school union, 1869. How to be saved ; or, the sinner directed to the saviour, [anon. ByJ. H. B.] 126 pp. 18°, St. Louis, J. IV. Mc Inly re, 1865. How^ard (Clarence J.) Howard's book of conundrums and riddles, [etc. ] 162 pp. 16°. New York, Dick ct Fitzgerald, 1869. How^ard (Edward). Sir Henry Morgan, the buccaneer. 1 p. 1. 351 pp. 8°. Paris, Baudry's European library, 1842. Jack ashore. By the author of "Ratlin the reefer," etc. 2 v. 196 pp ; 197 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Carey Sf Hart, 1840. The penitent boy, and other tales. 216 pp. 3 pi. le°. Philadelphia, presbylerian board of publication, 1864. Hovirard (Marion). Annie's influence; or, " she hath done what she ceuld." 251 pp. 3 pi. IS'^. Philadelphia, presbylerian board, [1868]. Howard (T. E.) Outlines of composition. See Zander (H. J.) and Howard (T. E. ) Ho'we (Henry). Historical collections of Vir- ginia. With geographical and statistical de- scriptions, [and] an historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia. 544 pp. 1 map. 14 pi. 8°. Charleston, S. C. Babcock Sf CO. 1846. Howe (Julia Ward). Passion-flowers. [«»<;«.] iv, 186 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed ecle som- mesuous? comedie-vaudeviUe. La raar- chande des modes, parodie de la A es ale. V 23 Melanges, 2e partie. Beaux-arts. Salou de 1817 Salon de 1819. Salon d' Horace Vernet. Discours sur rindustrie ; d6di6 au commerce de France. Exposition de 1819. V 2.3-24. Cecile, ou les passions. 2 v. V 27 Table generale des raatieres. Jove y Muniz (Juan de). El perfecto sacer- dote, formado con algunas tan importantes, como debidas, y oportunas reflexiones, en cinco discursos, [etc.] xii, 344 pp. 1 1. 1 ph 80 Madrid, J. Iharra, 1774. Jovellanos (Gaspar Melchior de). Memoires politiques, accompagnes de notes, d'cclair- 168 JOVELLANOS. JUSTJNUS. Jovellanos (Gaspar Melchiorde) — continued, cissemens historiques et de pieces justifica- tives; precedes d'une notice biographique sur JoveUanos. 2p. 1.316 pp. 8°. Paris, L. G. Micliaud, 1825. Jovius (Paulus). See Giovio (Paolo); Juan de la Concepcion. Historia general de Philipinas. Conqvistas espiritvales y tera- porales de estos espaiioles doniinios, estable- cimientos, progresos y decadencias, [etc.] 14 V. sui. 4°. Manila, etc. A. De la Rosa 8f Balagtas, etc. 1788-92. Juan de San Anastasio. Coloquios can6nico- morales, sobre eleccioues de regnlares. Obra p6stuma. 10 p. 1.226 pp. 5 1. 8°. Mexico, 1816. s. Juan de Santo Thonia. Explicacion de la doc- trina Christiana, y la obligacion de los fieles en creer, y obrar. 12" impression. 8 p. 1. 398 pp. 18°. Madrid, G. Ramirez, 1760. S. Juan y Santacilia (.Jorge) «nrf Ulloa (Antonio de). A voyage to South-America: describing the Spanish cities, etc. on that extensive con- tinent. With the natural history of the country. And an account of their gold and silver mines. Translated from the original Spanish [by John Adams]. 2 v. xvi pp. 4 1. 509 pp. 5 pi; 3 p. 1.420 pp. 2 pi. 8^. London, Davis iS' Reymers, 1758. Juanini (Juan Bautista). Nveva idea physica natvral demonstrativa, origen delas materias qve mveven las cosas. Compvestas de la porcion mas pvra de los elementos fragvadas en el caos, pvrificadas, y passadas de poten- cia a acto en los tres primeros dias de la crea- tion del mundo, [etc.] Parte primera. 17 p. 1.345 pp.19 1. sm.4°. Qaragoqa, here- dcros de D. la Puyada, 1685. [Parte S?a wanting]. Juicio imparcial sobre los bienes eclesiasticos que dedica al venerable clero espanol d. J. L. G. [«MOH.] xi, 231 pp. 2 1. 16°. Madrid, J. Sanz, etc. 1841. S. Julius and his parrot. A story which is partly fable, partly fact. By Una Locke and Frances Lee. [^pseudon ?'\ 148 pp. 2pl. 18°. New York, Carlton 5c Lannknn, 1869. Juncker (Christian). Das guldene und silberne ehreu-gedachtniss d. Martini Lvtheri. In welchem dessen leben, tod, familie und reli- quien, benebst den vornehmsten geschichten der evangelischeii reformation, [etc.] be- schricben, und aus mehr als zweyhundert medaillen [etc.] erklaret Averden. 30 p. 1. 562 pp.61. 12°. Schleusingen, G. W. Gobel,]706. Junghuhn (Franz or Friedrich Wilhelm). Topographische und naturwissenschaftliche reisen durch Java, von dr. Friedrich Jung- huhn. Fiir die kaiserl. leopold. carol, akade- mie der naturforscher zum druck beforderl und bevorwortet durch dr. C. G. Nees von E.senbeck. Mit einem aus 38 tafeln und 2 hohenkarten bestehenden atlasse. x, 518 pp. 1 1. 8°. Atlas, 3 p. 1. 37 pi. 2 tab. obi. fol. Magdeburg, E. Baenscli, 1845. S. Junius (R. ) The cure of misprision: or, selected notes, upon sundry (juestions in controversie (of main concernment) betwen the word and the world, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 176 pp. 7 1. 16°. London, B. Allen, 1646. Juras Keales ( — , baron de). Entretenimientos de un prisionero en las provincias del Rio de la Plata. See Moxa (Benito Maria de). Jurieu (Pierre). Histoire critique des dogmes et des cultes, bons et niauvais, qui out ete dans I'eglise depuis Adam jusqu'a .Jesus- Christ; oil Ton trouve I'origiue de toutes les idolatries de I'aucien paganisme, expliquees par rapport a celles des Juifs. 11 p. 1. 809 pp. 141.1 pi. 4°. Amsterd im,, F. L' Ho,iorf,\7()4. Juste (Theodore). Essai sur I'histoire de I'in- struction publique en Belgique, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'^ nos jours, viii, 392 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Jainar 8f C. Hew, \_ttc.'\ 1844. Justin (Placide). Politische und statistische geschichte der insel Hayti, (St. Domingo, entworfen) nach amtlichen berichten [etc.] des sir James Ber^kett. Nach dem Fran- zosischen bearbeitet von C. G. Hennig. xvi, 503 pp. 8°. Ronnehurg, F. Schumann, 1827. Justinus. Givstino historiographo clarissimo, uelle historic di Trogo Pompeo, nuouamente [de la lingua latina] in lingua tosca tradotto, et con somma diligenza, et cura stampato. 176 1. 8°. Vincgia, Fietro de Nicolini da Sabio, 1535. History, taken out of Trogus Pom- peius : containing the affairs of all ages and countries, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Ro:nan empe- rors. With an account of Justin, from G. J. Vossius. Translated into English, by Rob. Codrington. 5th ed. 7 p. 1. 304 pp. 1 pi. 18°. London, fV. If'hitwood, 1688. Justinus, martyr. W^ritings. Translated by rev. Marcus Dods, rev. George Reith, and rev. B. P. Pratten. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Sf T. Clark, 1868. [A.N"TE-NICENE library, v. 2]. 169 JUTZI. KATSCH. Jutzi (George). Ermabnungen an seine hin- terbliebeneu; nebst einem anbange liber die entstehung cler auiisclien gemeindc, von Sam. Zook. Heran.sgegeben von A. Stntznian. xiv, 336 pp. S°. Somerset, A. Stulzman, 1853. Juvenalis (Dccimns Junius). Satires. With a literal interlineal translation, on the Ham- iltonian system, with the life of Juvenal, by William Giffuel. Translated by Hiram Cor- son. 12°. Philadelphia, Charles DesiUer, 1868, Ka tite tebenimiuang Jezos, ondaje aking. Oom masinaigan ki ojitogoban ka ojitogoba- nen aiamie tipagimo8in masinaigan, 8ak8i enaSiudibanen. 396 pp. lb°. Old niagSn- hikickolon John Lovell, moniarig : ate vie- kateSilwnaieSikamikvng, Kanactageng, 1861. [ Witk Aiamie tipadjiino8i masinaigan etc.] Kabinet dcr natuurlyke bistorien, weten- scbappen,konsteu en handwerken. January, en February, [en] Maart en April, 1719. [a«o«.] 6p. 1. 366 pp. 5 pi. 16°. Amsttr- dam, H. Strik, 1719. Kalidasa. [The messenger cloud.- Trans- lated in verse] by R. T. H. Griffith. 12^. Benares, {India), E. J. Lazarus 4^ co. 1868. [In Valmiki. SceneB from the Ramayan. By R. T. H. Griffith, pp. 131-184]. Sacontali ; or, the fatal ring : an In- dian drama. From the original Sanscrit and Pracrit. [By Sir WiUiam Jones]. xii, 98 pp. 1 1. 4'^. London, Edwards, 1790. Kane (Elisha Kent) — continued. sir John Franklin's in den jahren 1853, 1854, und 1855. [Nach dem Engli-schen von F. Kiesevvetter]. 2« auflage. xii, 288 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 12°. Leipzig, O. Spamer, 1859. Zwei nordpolarreisen zur aufsuchung sir John Franklin's. [Aus dem Englischen] deutsch bearbeitet von J. Seybt. 1 p. 1. xxviii, 298 pp. 2 maps. 12°. Leipzig, C. B. Lorck, 1857. Kansas {State of). Senate journal of the leg- islative assembly of the state of Kansas, be- gun and held at Topeka, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 14th, 1868. 680 pp. 8°. Laicrtnce, {Kansas), J. Speer, 1868. House journal of the legislative as- Kalkbrenner (Friedrich W. M. ) Treatise on harmony, for the pianist, containing general principles of modulation, for the acquire- ment of the art of preluding and of extem- porizing, with examples. Translated by Robert Lincoln Cocks. 2 p. 1. 63 pp. fol. London, R. Cocks Sf co. 1849, Kalna (Pehr). En resa til Norra Amerika, pa kongl. swenska weteuskaps academiens be- fallning, och publici kostnad. 3 v. 16°. Storkhoim, L.Satrius, 1753-61. Kammermeister or Camerarius (Joachim). Vita Pbilippi Melanchthonis. 8 p. 1. 428 pp. 12 1. 18°, Hagm-Comilum, A. Vlacq, 165^. Kampen (Nicolaas Godfried van) and Vee- gens (Daniel). Levens van beroemde nederlanders, sedert het midden der zes- tiende eeuw. 2 v. 2 p. 1. vi pp. 1 1. 376 pp ; xvi pp. 1 1.444 pp. ^°. Haarlem, F. lioliu, 1838-40. Kane (Elisha Kent). Kane, der nordpolfahrer. Arktiscbe fahrten und entdeckungen der zweiten Grinnell-expedition zur aufsuchung '25 sembly of the state of Kansas, begun and held at Topeka, on Tuesday, January 14th, 1868. 1066 pp. 8°. Lawrence, {Kansas), J. Speer, 1868. Kapp (Friediich). Leben des amerikanischen generals Johann Kalb. xiv, 306 pp. 1 por- trait, 8°. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1862. Kardoo, the Hindoo girl, and other stories. Compiled for the presbyterian board of pub- lication. [anon.J 216 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Phila- delphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1869], Karlamaguus saga ok kappa bans. Forttael- linger im keiser Karl magnus og bans lajv- ninger. Udgivet of C, R. Linger, cv, 566 pp. 1 pi, 8°. Chriftiaua, k. nord. univer- sitet, 1860. s. Karr (Jean Alphon.se). Dictionnaire du pe- cheur. Traits complet de la peche en eau douce et en eau sal^e. Histoire, moeurs, habi- tudes des poissons, crustac6s, testaces, [etc. ] 1 p. 1. 336 pp. 12°. I'aris, Gamier frires, 1855. Kat (Hidde Dirks). Dagboek eener reize ter walvischen robbenvangst gedaan in de jaren 1777 en 1778, met eerie kaart van Gruenland. 1 p. 1. viii, 76 pp. 1 map. 6°. Haarlem, de wed. A. Loosjts, 1818. Katholische kircbengebeto lateiuisch und deutsch nach dem romischen missale und brevier, sammt den gewohnlichen andachts- iibungen, [etc, anon}. 237 pp. 32°. Einsicdcln, gehr. K. Sf N. Be.nziger, 1869. Katsch (Johann). Nonnulla de regimine tanitatis, juxta sex res non uaturalesplacita, ex Hippocratis et Galeni libris desumpta cum aliis conitu necessaria. 24°. Rotero- dami, A. Leers, 1677. [With Regimkn sanitatis Balornitanum. ed. 1C77]. 170 KAUFFMANNS. KEMP. Kauffmanns (Johann Gottfried). Pro statu ecclesi.-E catholic£e et legitima potestate ro- mani pontificis, contra Justini Febronii jixris- coDsulti librum ad reuniendos dissidentes in religione christiauos apologeticon tlicologi- cum. 4 p. ]. 518 pp. 2 1. 4°. Colonice Agiip- pincB, F. W. J. Metternich, 1767. s. Kaufman (Peter). Betrachtung iiber den menschen. 244 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, C. Zentler, 1825. Kaulbach (Wilhelm von). Female characters of Goethe, from the original drawings, with explanatory text, by G. H. Lewes. 49 1. 23 pi. sm.40. NeiD York, T. Stroefer, [1868]. Kavanagh (Julia). Beatrice. 520 pp. 12°. NetD York, D. Appleton 8f co. 1865. Dora. 3 v. 12°. London, Hurst ^• Blacken, 1868. Madeline: a tale of Auvergne, founded on fact. New ed. vii, 256 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, R. Bentley, 1851. The same. 300 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton A co. J 857. Kayat (Assaad Yakoob). The eastern travel- ler's interpreter ; or, Arabic without a teacher. 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 172 pp. obi. 32°. London, W. McDowull, 1844. Keach (/?«'. Benjamin). The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to the present day. In an apt and pleasing allegory. 144 pp. 1 portrait. 24°. iVeic York, J. Tiehout, J811. Tpo'iro?.oyia : a key to open scripture metaphors, in four books. To which are pre- fixed arguments to prove the divine authority of the lioly scriptures, [etc.] Together with types of the old testament. 2 v. 4 p. 1. xxiv, 980 pp. 6 1. 8°. London, J. W. Pusham, 1779. Keam (Peter) and Mickleborough (John). A hand-book of map drawing adapted espe- cially to the maps in Mitchell's new series of school geographies. 57 pp.25 col. maps. 4°. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler 4- ro. [1869]. Kecht (J. Sm.) Der verbesserte praktische weinbau in garten, und vorziiglich auf wein- bergen. Den ainerikanischen weinbauern gewidmet von H. B. Saer. vi, 84 1.2 pi. 16°. Reading, H. B. Sage, 1828. Keckeler {Mrs. T. Hartman, m. d.) Thaleia: woman ; her physiology and pathology, in connection with maternity, with hygienic and medical directions, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 357 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Cincinnati, A. T. >,m. Eennedy (Grace). Dunallan; or, know what you judge ; a story. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 371 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 342 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Edinburgh, W. Oliphant ,^- son, 1834. [In »er Works, v. 5-6]. Kennedy (John Pendleton). Horse-shoe Robinson. A tale of the tory ascendancy. 598 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippiiicott 6^ CO. 1865. Kennedy (William). Geographic, naturge- schichte und topographic von Texas. Aus dem Englischen von Otto von Czarnowsky. 212 pp. 1 map. 8*^. Frankfurt am Main, J. D. Sauerltinder, 1845. Kenuett (Basil, d. d.) Romae antiquse noti- lia ; or, the antiquities of Rome, [With] two essays concerning the Roman learning, and the Roman education, loth ed. xxx, 375 pp. 9 1. 14 pi. 8°. London, C. Bathursf^ 1773. Kenrick (Francis Patrick), A treatise on baptism ; with an exhortation to receive it. Translated from the works of St. Basil, the great. To which is added a treatise on con- firmation. 261 pp. 12°. Philadelpliia, M. Fithiait, 1843. Kentucky {State of). Annual report of the condition of public accounts for the year ending October 10, 1867. 525 pp. 8°. Frankfort, (Ky.) J. H. Harney, 1867. Biographical sketch of the hon. Laza- rus W. Powell, governor of the state of Ken- tucky, [etc. By a committee]. Published by direction of the general assembly of Ken- tucky. 135 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Frankfort, (Ky.) S. I. M. Major, public printer^ 1868. Biographical sketch of the hon. John L[arue] Helm, late governor of Kentucky [By a committee]. Published by direction of the general assembly of Kentucky. 144 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Frankfort, iKy.)S. L M. Major, public printer, 1868. I With the preceding]. Kenyon (William Asbury). Poetry of ob- •servation, and other poems, vi pp. 1 1. 104 pp. 16^^. lioston, /F. Crosby cf H. P. Nichols, 1851, Keralio (Louis F^lix Guinement de). His- toire de la guerre des Russes et des impe- riaux, centre les Tures, en 1736, 1737, 1738, et 1739, et de la paix de Belgrade qui la ter- mina. 2 v. vi, 304 pp. 6 maps; 1 p. 1. 324 pp. 21, 7 maps. 12°. Paris, Del/ure, iltiO. s. Keratry (E. comte de). La cr^ance Jecker, les indemnites franiyaises, et les emprunts mexicains. 158 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, librai- rie internationale, 1868. Kerl (Bruno). A practical treatise on metal- lurgy, adapted from the last German edition of prof. Kerl's metallurgy. By \V. Crookes and E. Rolirig. 3 v. 8°. London, Long- mans, 1869. CONTENTS, V. 1, Lead, silver, linc, cadmium, tin. mercury, bis- muth, antimony, nickel, arsenic, gold, plati- num, sulphur, xxviii, 724, x pp. V. 2. Copper, iron, xxiv, 876, ivi pp. V, 3. Steel, fuel; supplement, xxxii, 820, xiv pp. Kerl (Simon). A common school grammar of the English language, iv pp. 1 1. 350 pp. 12°. New York, Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman 4- CO. 1866. A comprehensive grammar of the Eng- lish language. For the use of schools, iv pp. 1 1. 374 pp. 12°. New York, Icison, Phin- ney, Blakeman ^- co. 1868. Elements of composition and rhetoric. Practical, concise, and comprehensive. 408 pp. 12°. Neto York, Icison, Phinney, Blake- man 4" CO. 1869. System of arithmetic on an original plan, [etc.] 162 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, C. DesUver, 1858. s, Kem (Carl). Die haberfeldtreiber. Ober- bayerisches sittenbild. 1 p, 1. 404 pp. 16°. Stuttgart, Halberger, 1855. s. Kerney (M. J.) The first class-book of his- tory ; with questions, adapted to the use of schools. 23d ed, 396 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Bal- tittwre, J. Murphy Sf ce. 1869. Kervigan (Aur^le). L'Angleterre telle qu'elle est ; ou, seize ans d'observations dans ce pays. 2 V. xxvii, 360 pp ; 2 p, 1, 367 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Le Clerc Sf cie. 1860. Kidd (Joseph). Homo?opathy in acute dis- eases. Narrative of a mission to Ireland during the famine and pestilence of 1847. 8°. London, 1849. [In British homosopathic association pablications. Tiuthn, etc. pp. 202-251]. Kidder (Daniel Parish). Consecutive ques- tions on the gospel of Matthew. 180 pp. 18°. New York, Carlton .»• Phillips, 1855. S. 172 KIDDER. KIRCHER. Kidder (Daniel P.)— continued. Consecutive questions on the g'ospel of John. 10(5 pp. 18°. Ncio York, Carlton ^S' l'hiUips,\HbQ. s. Kidder (Jerome, m.d.) Vital resources ; or, how to .become physiolopcically younger and stronger. Being a scrutiny into the domain of the laws to which nature sometimes mar- vellously resorts for aid in its restorative powers. 165 pp. 12°. Nero York, author, [1869]. Kiderlen (William L. J.) Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika, vom jahre 1497-1837. Aus dem Englischeu itber- setztundherausgegeben. viii, 447 pp. 12°. Philudtlphia, Kiderlen ^' Stollmeyer, 1838. Kien (Benjamin). CEuvres litteraires. Po6sie et prose. 778 pp. 3 1. 8^^. Douai, A.d'Au- bers, 1852. s. Kilbourn (John). The Ohio gazetteer; or, topographical dictionary of the state of Ohio, loth ed. 3.36 pp. 1 map. 16°. Columbus, J. Kilbourn, 1831. Public documents concerning the Ohio canals, which are to connect lake Erie with the Ohio river. [From 1818 to 1832. Pub- lished in the "Civil engineer, and herald of internal improvement"]. 452,28,55 pp. 8°. Columbus, I. N. Whiting, 1832-33. Kimball (John F. ) and co. Eastern, western, and southern business directory; containing the cards and circulars of merchants, man- ufacturers, and others, in the principal cities of the east, west, and south. 2d annual issue. vii,G04pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Kimball Sf co. 1846. Kimball's Ohio, Kentucky, and Indi- ana state register. Containing the names of county officers, merchants, [etc.] With statistical information in regard to works of internal improvement, etc. 194 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Kimball Sf co. 1846. [With the preceding]. and James ( — ). Kimball and James' business directory, for the Mississippi valley, 1844. With a brief notice of the discovery and occupation of the Mississippi valley, and a historical and statistical sketch of the principal cities. viii, 546 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Cincinnati, Kendall cj- Barnard, 1844. Kimball (Richard B.) To-day: a romance. 480 pp. 12°. New York, Carleton, 1870. Kimchi (David). Commentarius in aliquot psalmos davidicos e ))rimis, in sermonem latinum versus ab Ambrosio Janvier. 184 pp. 18°. Ultrajecti, Oppcls, 1702. [Fn Reland (A.) Analecta rabbinica, [etc.] Kimpton (fiev. Edward). A new and com- plete universal history of the holy bible, from the creation of the world, to the full estab- lishment of Christianity. 1st American ed. 4 V. 8^'. Trenton, J. .J. Wilson, 1813. Kindersley {Mrs. Nathaniel E.) Briefe von der insel Tenerifia, Brasilien, dem Vorge- birge der guten hoffnung nud Ostindicn. Aus dem Englischeu. 286 pp. 1 pi. 12° Leipzig, Weidmann''s erbcn 4' Reich^ 1777. King (Edward). My Paris: French charac- ter sketches. 336 pp. 16°. Boston, bor- ing, 1868. King (John, m. d. ) The American eclectic dis- pensatory. 1 p. 1. 1391 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach Sf Keys, 1854. S. King (Maria M.) Real life in the spirit land. V. 1.2C9pp. 120. Boston, W. White Sf co. 1870. King (Richard John). Hand-book to the ca- thedrals of England. Northern division. 4 V. in 1. 227 pp. 32 pi ; iv, 229 to 435 pp. 29 pi. 12°. London, J. Murray, 1869. CO.NTKXTS. Fart 1. York, Ripon, Carlisle. Part 2. Durham, Chester, Manchester. King (Thomas). The modern style of cabi- net work exemplitied. 2d ed. 8 pp. 100 pi. 4°. London, H. G. Bohn, 1862. Kingsley {Rev. Charles, jr.) Hypatia: or, new foes with an old face. 5th ed. xxii,487 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols Sf CO. )856. Kinney {Mrs. Hannah). A review of the principal events of the last ten years of [her] life; together with some comments upon the late trial. 87 pp. 12°. Boston, J. N. Brad- Icy Sf CO. 1841. Kinzie (Juliette A.) Walter Ogilby. A novel. By the authoress of " Wau-bun." 2 v. in 1. 619 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- colt Sf CO. 1869. Kiraly (Franz von). Betrachtungen liber so- cialismus und communismus in ihrem ver- haltniss zu den grundformen des rechts, zur politischen oekonomie, zur socialen praxis und zur politik, [etc.] xi, 151 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. s. Kircher (Athanasius). Ars magna sciendi, in xii libros digesta, qua nova et universal! methodo per artificiosum combinationum contextum de omni re proposita plurimis et 173 KIRCHER. KNOX. Kircher (Athanasius;^— contiuuecl. prope iiifinitis ratiouibus disputari, omui- umciue .summaria qusiedam cognitio com- parari potest. 8 p. 1. 482 pp. •'3 1. 1 portrait. 3 pi, fol. Amsteludami, J. Janssunius a Ifiesherse, 1669. ^• Kirk (Edward Norris, d. d.) The waiting saviour. 61 pp. 18^. Boston, American tract society, 1865. Kirkham (Samuel). English grammar in familiar lectures. 43d ed. 228 pp. 16". Roch- ester, Ailing Sf CO. 1837. Kirkwood (James P.) Report on the filtra- tion of river waters, for the supply of cities, as practised in Europe, made to the board of water commissioners of the city of St Louis. 178 pp. 30 pi. 4°. Neic York, D. Van Nos- trand, 1869. Kirton (John W.) The four pillars of tem- perance. 240 pp. 18°. New York, national temperance soc. and pub. house, 1869. Kitty's Christmas tree ; or, the net of the flat terer. [«no«.] 134 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Phila- delphia, American Sunday school union, 1869. Kitty's knitting needles. By the author of "Country sights and sounds." \_anon.'\ 72 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyter ian board of publication, 1866. Klees (Johann Georg). Dissertatio inaugur- alis zoologica sistens characteristicen et de- scriptiones testaceorum circa Tubingam in- digenorum. 45 pp. 3 1. 8°. Tubingce, typis reissinnis, 1818. Klunzinger (Carl). Antheil der Deutschen an der entdeckung von Siidamerika ; oder, abentheuer des Ambrosius Dalfinger und des Nicolaus Federmann, beider von Ulm, des Georg Hohemut von Speier, und des franki- schen ritters Philipp von Hutten unter der herrschaft der Welser von Augsburg in Ven- ezuela. Nach den hauptquellen dargestellt. 4 p. 1. 116 pp. 1 map. 12°. Stuttgart, C. A. Sonnciciild, 18.'37. Knapp (Georg Christian). Narratio de lusto lona, theologo vitebergensi conditreque ab eo evangelicie haleusis ecclesise primordiis, ter- tia evangelicarum ecclesiarum ssecularia in- dicendi causa exposita. Ed. 2^ 100 pp. 1 1. 8°. Halis Saxonum, in libraria orphano- trophei, 1823. Scripta varii argumenti maximam par- tem exegetici. 2v. X, 658 pp. 8o. Halm,e libraria orphanotrophti, 1805. Vorlesuno-eu liber die christliche glau- Knapp (Georg Christian)— continued. lischeu kirche. Mit einer vorrede von C. Thilo. 2v. xlviii,448pp; xii,600pp. 6^. Halle, traiscnhaus, 1827. Knapp (H. S. ) A history of the pioneer and modern times of Ashland county, from the earliest to present date. 555 pp. 1 pi. 8-^. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1863. Knapp (Mrs. Joseph F.) Notes of joy, for the Sabbath school, the social meeting, and the hour of prayer. 176 pp. obi. 18°. JVew York, IV. C. Palmer, 1869. Knapp (Samuel Lorenzo). The genius of ma- sonry, or a defence of the order, containing some remarks on the origin and history, the uses and abuses of the science, with some notices of other secret societies in the United States, in three lectures. 107 pp. 12°. Proo- idence, Cranston 8°. TuhingfF, Bergcr, 177i. Leicester (S«> Peter). 5ec Ley c ester. Leidecker. See Leydekker. Leidy (Jo.seph, m.d.) De.scription of verte- brate fossils. 4°. Charleston, 1860. [In HOLMKs (F.S.) Post-pleiocene fossils of South Caroliua, pp. 99-118, pi. 15-24]. Leigh (Charles). The natural history of Lan- ca.shire, Cheshire, and the Peak, in Derby- shire: with an account of the British, Phoe- nician, Armenian, Gr[eek] and Rom [an] an- tiquities in those parts. 2 v. in 1. 10 p. 1. 194 pp. 12 pi. 1 portrait ; 1 1. 112 pp. 18 1. 21 pi. ful. 0.i]ford, C.Leigh, i700. Leigh (Samuel). Leigh's new picture of Lon- don ; or, a view of the political, religious, medical, literary, municipal, commercial, and moral state of the British metropolis. 2d ed. viii,529,36pp.5 1. 1 map, 14pl. 18°. London, S. Leigh, 1818, [Imperfect: 1 map wanting]. The same. 4th ed. viii, 524, 36 pp. 11 pi. 18°. London, S.Leigh, 1820. [Imperfect : 2 maps wanting and 2 pi. imperfect]. Leighton (The) children, lanon.l 8 v. 18°. Philadelphia, Sunday school union, 1867. CONTENTS. Aunt Priscilla's story. 44 pp. 1 pi. Beity's visit. 62 pp. 1 pi. Coveted (The) bonnet. 57 pp. 1 pi. Hemstitched (The) handkerchief. 62 pp. 1 pi. Mark's composition. 84 pp. 1 pi. Sunday school (The) picnic. 52 pp. 1 pi. Stingy Lewis. 56 pp. 1 pi. Theodore's trouble. 68 pp. 1 pi. Leiste (Christian). Beschreibung dcs brit- tischen Amerika zurersparung derenglischen karten. 572 pp. 1 map. 16°. IVolJtnhiittel, Bindseil, 1778. Leithold (Theodor von). Mijn uitstap naar Brazilie, of reize van Berliju naar Rio de Janeiro, en van daar terug, euz. 'Uit he Hoogduitsch. iv, 228 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Van Kesteren, 1821. Leland (Charles Godfrey). Hans Breitmann's ballads. 118 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson c^- brothers, [1869]. Hans Breitmann's party. With other ballads. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson Sf bros. 1868. Hans Breitmann in politics. 13 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf CO. 1869. Hans Breitmann about town. And other new ballads. 2d series of the Breit- mann ballads. 62 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson Sf bros. 1869. Le Mercier ( Rev. Andrew). The church his- tory of Geneva, in five books. As also a political and geographical account of that republick. 2 v. in I. 5 p.l. 220 pp ; vi,76pp. 1 1. 12°. Boston, S. Gerrish, 1732. A treatise against detraction, in ten sec- tions. 1 p. 1. iv pp. 5 1. viii, 303 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, D. Henchman, 1733. Lemery (Nicolas). Woordenboek of alge- uieene verhandeling der enkele droogeryen, [etc.] In 't Fransch beschreven in. Eu in 't Nederduitsch gebragt door C. V. Puttcn en Isaac de Witt. 10 p. 1. 772 pp. 37 1. 26 pi. 4°. Rotterdam, J. D. Beman, 1763. Le Mire (Aubert). De statv religionis chris- tiante, per Europam, Asiam, Africam, et orbem novum, libri iv. 9 p. 1. 456 pp. 16°. Helmestadii, H. Miilleri, 1670. Lemontey (Pierre fidouard). Raison, folie, petit cours de morale mis k la portee des vieux enfans ; siiivi des observateurs de la femme. [awow. ] 3*^ ^d. [etc.] 2v. 2p. 1. xxviii, 404 pp ; 2 p. 1. 446 pp. 8°. Paris, Deter mite, 1816. Lempriere (William). A tour from Gibral- ter to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant ; and thence over mount Atlas to Morocco. Including a particular account of the royal harem, etc. 3d ed. with addi- tions and corrections. xi, 330 pp. 24°. Richmond, JT, Pritchard, 1800. 185 LEMSTROM. - LE ROUX DE LINCY. Lemstrbm (Carl Selim). Om volta-iuduk- I Leotaud (Vincent)— contiuued. centio, societatis Jesv, exposuit. 6 p. 1. 296 pp. 111. sm. 4°. Lvgdvni, 1654. tionsstroiiimars inteusitetsfiirlopp. Akade- misk afliandling. 2 p. 1. I'.Vi pp. 1 1. 4 pi. 8'^. Hdsingfors. J. C. Frcnckdl <*<• son, 1869. Le MuUier (Henri). Ili.stoire parlementaire de la presidencc, depuis rolcctiou du prince Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte jusqii'au 2 de- cembre 1851. 230 pp. 11. 12^. Paris, Gamier, 1852. Iienuep (Jacob van). De voornaamste ge- schiedeuissen van Noord-Nederland, door j Lepan (fidouard-Marie- Joseph). Vie politi- mr. J. van Lennep aau zijne kinderen ver- j que, litteraire et morale de Voltaire, oix Ton [n7(A LiON'NE (Artus de). Cvrviliueorvra amoeuior coutempUitio, etc.] Lepaige (Louis Adrien). Analyse des con- stitutions et privileges de la compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle ed. 2 v. 16°. Amster- dam, 1761. [C0UDRKTTK(C.) Histoire genferale de la compagnie de Jesus, v. 3-4]. haald. 12 v. 16°. Amsterdam, I'. M. IVar- tiars, 1848-53. Iiennep Coster (G. van). Aanteekeningen, gehouden gedurende mijn verblijf in de West-Indien in de jaren 1837-1840. vii, 359 pp. 3 pi. 8^. Amsterdam, J. F. Schlei- jer, 1842. Herinneringen niijuer reizen naar on- derscheidene werelddeelen. 2 v. xii, 324 pp. 3 pi ; 1 p. 1. \u\: 320 pp. 3 pi. 8°. Am- sterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1836. COSTENTS. V. ]. Reis naar de kust van Africa en West Indie, 1819-21. Aanteekeningeu, gehouden op eenen kruistogt iu de Noidzee, met de haringvloot, ia 1827. V. 2. Aanteekeningen gehouden op eene veize daar de Middellaudsche Zee en Koustantiuople, in 185;5. Lenny's search. By H. A. D. lanon.'i 384 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, cnvgrcgntional sab- bath school and publishing society, [1868]. Lenoir (Marie Alexandre). Mus^e royal des monumens frangais ; ou, memorial de I'his- toire de France et de ses monumens. 216 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Lenoir, 1815. {Markoe pamphlets, v. 36]. Lente (El). Novela satirico moral, traducida del Frances por d. L. L. {_anon.^ 3 p. 1. 224 pp. 18°. Valencia, J. Ferrer de Orga, 1833. s- Leon-Chapelle ( — ). Mes loisirs. Narra- tions, retiexions, maximes et poesies. A" ikl. 352 pp. 8°. Saint-Etiennc, U. Fichon, 18^)5. Leon y Gama (Antonio de). Descripcion hist6rica y cronol6gica de las dos piedras que con ocasion del nuevo empedrado que se est^ formando en la plaza principal de IVIexico, se hallaron en ella el ano de 1790. 3 p. 1. 1 16 pp. 1 1. 3 pi. 12°. Mexico, Zu- niga y Ontivtros, 1792. Leotaud (Vincent). Examen circvli qvad- ratvroe hactenvs editarvm celeberrima}, qvam ApoUonius alter, magno illo Pergjeo non minor geometra r. p. Gregorivs a Sancto Vin- 24 refute Condorcet et ces autres historiens. 2« ed. Augmentee d'un grand nombre de faits, avee la reponse de I'auteur a m. Viennet, I'un des redacteurs du journal de Paris. 2 p. 1.378 pp. 16°. Paris, Migneret, 18]9. Lepe (Pedro, bishop of Calahorra y Calqada). Catecismo catholico, en el cual se coutiene la explicacion de los principales mysterios de nuestra santa fe catholica, y los de mas cosas, qvedebe el christiano saber para sv salvacion. 8 p. 1.401pp. 4°. Madrid, A. Gonzales de Reyes, 1707. Lepelletier de Saint Remy (R.) Saint- Domiugue. Etude et solution nouvelle de la question haitienne. 2 v. Ixxxiii, 374 pp ; 3 p. 1. 554 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1846. L'Epiue (Ernest) La 16gende do Croque- Mitaine. Illustree par G. Dore. 3 p. 1. 274 pp, 4°. Paris, L. Hachctle 8f cie. 1863. Lereu (Hip61ito) and Suarez (Pascual). Lecciones escogidas para los niuos que aprenden d leer en las escuelas pias. 4* impresiou; viii, 326 pp. I 1. 18°. Madrid, E. Aguado,}m]. s. Leroux (Charles). A practical treatise on the manufacture of worsted and carded yarns. From the French, by Horatio Paine, m. d. and A. A. Fesquet. [With] an ap- pendix containing extracts from the reports of the international jury, etc. 1867. 341 pp. 1 1. 12 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. Leroux (Pierre). Job, drame en cinq actes, avoc prologue et epilogue, par le prophete Isaie, retrouve, retabli dans son integrife, et traduit litteralement sur le texte hebreu. [Appeudice. Le Job des 6glises, et le Job de m. Reuan] 2 p. 1. 454 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, E. Dcntii, 1866. Le Roux de Lincy (Adrien Jean Victor). Le livre des Icgendes. Introduction. 1 p. 1. xiv, 286 pp. 8°. Paris, Sihestre, ]8:i6. 186 LE ROY. LETTERS. Le Roy (Jean Baptiste). Resumen de una obra sopre hospitales, [etc. 1787]. 8°. Mad- rid, 1793. [In Memorias leidas sobre la edificacion de hospi- tales, 1793]. Le Roy de Lozembrune (Francois). Pre- cis liistorique et politique de ce qui a donn6 lieu a la rupture du traite de Passarowitz, et a la guerre de 1737, [etc.] 16°. Vicnnc, Gr&ffcr le jeune, 1788. [In HlsTOlRE de la guerre de Hongrie. 1716-18, pp. 245-277]. Lery (.Jean de). Historic van een reyse ghedaen inden lande van Bresillien, aqder- sins ghenoemt America. IVIet een vocabu- laer ofte t'zamensprekingbe in haerlider tale : mitsgaders de bescbryvingbe van veelderly gbedierten, boomeu, cruyden, ende andere by-sonderste dingben van dien lande, ber- waerts over heel vreemt ende onbekeut. Over-geset wt bet Francboys. Met ver- scbeyden scboone figueren. Ill 1. sm. 4°. Amstelredam, C. Ctaesz, 1597. Tbe same. Reise in Brasilien. Nacb der von dem berru verfasser selbst veranstal- teten lateiuiscben ausgabe iibersetzt. Mit anmerkungen und erlauterungen. 4 p. 1. 4 15 pp. 1 1. 8°. Milnster, PUtvcet, 1794. Le Sage (Alain Rene). Tbe adventures of Robert Cbevalier, call'd De Beaucbene, cap- tain of a privateer in New France. 2v. 4 p. 1. 307 pp ; 4 p. 1. 288 pp. 18°. London, T. Gardner, 1745. Note. — Ce n'est point une fiction, niais I'histoire sin- guliere d'un capitaine de flibustiers, qui fut tu6 &. Tours, par des Anglais, eu 1731, redig6 d'aprfis les memoires fournis par sa veuve. QufiRARI). Lescallier (Daniel). Expose des nioyens de mettre en valeur et d'administrer La Guiane. xxiv, 216 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Paris, Buisson, 1791. Lesguillon (Pierre Jean). Amotions. 2 p. 1. 308 pp. 8^. Paris, Bousquet, 1833. Leslie (Rev- Cbarles). A sbort metbod witb tbe deists. Wberein tbe certainty of tbe cbristian religion is demonstrated. In a letter to a friend. 12°. Nezcark, 1795. [/» Ogden (U.) Antidote to deism, v. 2. pp. 319- 342]. Leslie (Frank). Paris universal exposition, 1867, [etc.] Report on tbe fine arts. 43pp. b°. JVashington, government printing office, 1868. Tbe same. [Author's ed.] 43 pp. 3] pi. 4°. Washington, government printing office, 1868. Frank Leslie's chimney corner. Nov. 28, 1868, to Nov. 20, 1869. v. 8-9. fol. ISiew York, F. Leslie, 1868-69. Leslie (Frank) — continued. Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. Sept. 19, J 868, to Sept. 11, 1869. v. 27-28. fol. New York, F. Leslie, 1868-69. The same. Ilustracion americana de Frank Leslie. Oct. 21, 1868, to April 14, 1869. V. 5. fol. New York, F. Leslie, 1869. Frank Leslie's lady's magazine. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 24-25. sm. fol. New York, F. Leslie, [1869]. Frank Leslie's pleasant hours. Devoted to light and entertaining literature. Feb. 1869, to Jan. 1870. v. 6-7. 8°. New York, F. Leslie, 1869-70. Lesquereux (Leo). Report on the fossil plants of Illinois. 8°. Chicago, 1866. [Illinois (Geological survey of), v 2, section 3]. Lessing (Gottbold Ephraim). Nathan, the wise. A dramatic poem of live acts. Trans- lated into English prose, by dr. Isidore Ka- lisch. 1 p.l. ix, 212 pp. 1 1. 16°. New York, Waldheiiner 4' Zenn, 1869. Lessius (Leonardus). See Leys (Leonard). Lessons from biography, for young men. [awon.] 191 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Ameri- can Sunday school union, 1865. Lester (Cbarles Edwards). The glory and shame of England. 2 v. 304 pp ; 2 p. 1. pp. 307-601. 8°. New York, Barlram ^- Les- ter, 1866. Leti (Gregorio). Li precipitii della sede apos- tolica ; 6, vero la corte di Roma, persequitata e perseguitante. 22 p. 1. 887 pp. 18°. Li- one, A. Dernen, 1672. Le Trosne (Guillaume Fran^'ois). Suite de la dispute sur la concurrence de la naviga- tion 6trangere pour la voiture de nos grains, [etc.] viij, 184pp, 16°. Paris, 1765. Letters addressed to lord Liverpool and tbe parliament on the preliminaries of peace. By Calvus. \^yscudon.'\ 1 p. 1. 100 pp. 8°. London, H. Colhurn, 1814. Letters on England. By Victoire, count de Soligny. [■pseudon.'\ Translated from the original mss. 2 v. xvi, 311 pp ; Ip. 1. xi, 316 pp. 12°. London, H. Colburn cf co. 1823. Letters on the force of imagination in preg- nant women. [a»on.] iii, 133 pp. 18°. London, IV. Griffin. 1765. Letters on prejudice. [awow.] 2 v. xv, 436 pp ; XV, 486 pp. 12°. London, T. Ca- dell, 1822. 187 LETTERS. LEWES. Letters to a uoblenian, proving a late prime minister [William Henry Cavendish Ben- tinck, third duke of Portland] to have been Junius ; and developing the secret motives which induced him to write under that and other signatures. With an appendix con- taining a celebrated case, published by Al- moninl768. [By A. G. Johnston, aiion.l XV. 55 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, OrmeSf Brown, 1816. Letters of the southern spy, in Washington and elsewhere, [axoh.] 92,3 pp. 16°. [n. p.] 1861. Letters (The) of Wyoming, to the people of the United States, on the presidential elec- tion, and in favour of Andrew Jackson. Orig- ginally published in the Columbian observer, [aiio/j.] 104 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, S. Simpson cj- J. Conrad, 1824. Letters written from Colombia during a jour- ney from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. lanon.^ viii,208pp. 1 map. 8°. London, G. Cowie cj- co. 1824. Letter-writer's (The) own book, xxx, 15-224 pp. 7 1. 18°. Philadelphia, J. B. Ferry, 1843. ^Imperfect : title page and second leaf wanting]. Leuckart {Dr. Rudolf). Bericht iiber die leistungen in der naturgeschichte der niede- ren thiere wahrend der jahre 1848-1853, 1856. 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861 und 1862. 8°. Berlin, 1854-64. S. [Extracts and reprints from Archiv fiir naturge- schicbte]. . Lehrbuch der anatomie der wirbellosen Lever (Charles). TheBramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Copyright ed. 2 v. 366 pp ; 362 pp. sq. 16°. Leipzig, B. Taif:hnitz,]SG^. Levera (Francesco). Dialogvs contra duas hie transcriptas epistolas, nuper editas in prodromvm Francisci Leverae, in quo eius- dem prodromi doctrina et vsus vberrime confirmatur auctore Saviuio Muto. [_pseu- fZoK.] 1 p. 1.64 pp. fol. Roma, A. Bcr- nabd, 1664. [ (ri(/i /(is Prodromus universa? astronomiiE]. De inerrantium stellarum viribus, et thiere. See Frey (H.) and Leuckart. — Ueber die morphologic und die ver- wandtschaftsverhaltnisse der wirbellosen thiere. Ein beitrag zur charakteristik und classification der thierischen formen. 4 p. 1. 180 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, 1848. S. Leusden (Jan). Clavis hebraica veteris tes- tamenti. 7 p. 1. .^^35 pp. 4°. Ultrajecti, F. Halma, 1683. Philologus hebraeus, continens quees- tiones hebraicas, quse, circa vetus testamen- tum hebrfeum fere moveri solent. ed. 2^ 11 p. 1. 440 pp. 1 portrait. 4°. Ultrajecti, Meinardus a Dreunen, 1672. Levasseur (A.) General Lafayette in Amer- ika, Oder dessen letzte reise durch Amerika in den jahren 1824 und 1825. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt vou A. Levasseur, geb. Zeis. 2 v. in 1. 870 pp. 1 1. 8°. Nattm- burg f. mid, 1829. excellentia, secundum quatuor positus earum insignes, cum tabula decllnationum, ascen- sionura rectarum, [etc.] 106 pp. 4 1. fol. Romm, A. Bernabd, 1664. Prodromus [seu liber primus] vniversse astronomise restitvt«!. De anni Solaris et siderei, ac dierum magnitudine iu omni aeuo, etc. 4 p. 1. 418 pp. 7 1. fol. Roma, A. Ber- nahh, 1663. [ With the preceding]. Levesque (J. Ph.) Le Val-Duonegro ; ou, les frdres du poignard invisible ; suivi des Ruines de Dirckenfeld, ou, le tribunal des fr^res noirs ; histoires du xvi« sitcle. 2 p. 1. 334 pp. 8°. Faris, Locard <$• Davi, 1834. Levesque de Pouilly (Louis Jean). The theory of agreeable sensations. In which, after the laws observed by nature in the dis- tribution of pleasure are discovered, the prin- ciples of natural theology and moral philoso- phy are established. [With] a dissertation on harmony of stile. lanon.'\ Translated from the French, xi pp. 4 1. 266 pp. 18°. London, W. Owen, 1749. Levi (David). Dissertations on the prophe- cies of the old testament. Containing all such prophecies as are applicable to the coming of the Messiah, the restoration of the Jews, and the resurrection of the dead ; whether so applied by Jews or christians. Revised and amended, with a dedication and introduction, by J. King. 2 v. 1 p. 1. Ixxvi, 298 pp; 313 pp. 8°. London, author, \S17. Levin's treasure in bank. By E. R. [rtwon.] 140 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Fhiladelphia, Claxton, Remsen .f Haffelfinger, 1869. Lewes (Charles Lee). Comic sketches ; or, the comedian his own manager. Written and selected for the benefit of performers in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America. Inscribed to the performers in general, xxxv, 194 pp. 1 portrait. 16°, London, H. D. Sy- monds, 1804. 188 LEWIS. LIFE. Lewis (Eliza Gabriella). Poems, v pp. 1 1. 148 pp. 12°. BrouMyn, Shannon cf CO. 1850. Lewis (Enoch). A dissertation on oaths. 100 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, U. Hunt, imti. Lewis (Rev. George). The bible, the missal, and the breviary ; or, ritualism self-illus- trated in the liturgical books of Eome. Translated from the Latin ; with preliminary dissertations and notes, etc. 2 v. viii, 285 pp ; vi, 289 to 809 pp. 8°. Edinhurgh, T. 4' T. Clark, 1853. Lewis (James Henry). The ready-writer; or, ne plus ultra of short-hand : being the most easy, exact, lineal, speedy, and legible method ever yet discovered, [etc.] xix pp. 11. 1 Of) pp. 8°. London, W. Smith cS- CO. 1812. Lewis (J. O.) The aboriginal port-folio. Nos. 1-8. 12 1. 64col.pl. fol. Philadelphia, J. O. Lewis, 1835. Lewis ( Matthew Gregory). Tales of wonder ; written and collected. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 251 pp. 12°. London, fV. Buhner Sf co. 1801. Lewis (Meriwether) and Clarke (William). Eeize naar de bronnen van den Missouri, en door het vaste land van America naar de zuidzee. Gedaan op last van de regering der Vereenigde Staten van America in de jaren 1804, 1805en]80G. Uit het Engelsch ver- taald door N. G. Van Kampen. 3 v. 8°. Dordrecht, A. Bluss6 9y-]()01. [Bry (T. de). Collectiones. Series ii. Pars 2. pp. 1-114. Pars 3. pp. 1-54. 3 luaps. 7 pi.] Eeys-jrheschrift van de uavij^atien der Portugaloysers in orientcn: in-houdende de zee-vaert, so van Portuf^ael na Oost-Indien, als van Oost-Iudien weder uaer roitngael. Alles by een vergadert, ende uyt do portu- galoysche ende spaensche sprake over-ghe- set. ]34pp. fol. Amstdrcdam, J. E. Clop- penburch, 16'^3. [ IVith /lis Itinerarivm. ed. 16231. The same. 134 pp. fol. Amstdrcdam, E. Cloppenburch, 1644. [ With his Itinerarivm. ed. 1C44]. The same. The uauigation of the Port- ingales into the East Indies, containing their trauels by sea, into East India, and from the East Indies into Portingall. Translated out of Dutch by W. P[hilips]. pp. 307-447. 1 map. fol. London, J. Wolfe, 1598. [ With his Discours of voynges iuto the E. and W. In- dies. BookeS. ed. 1598]. The same. Le grand routier de mer. Continant line instruction des routes eteours qu'il convient tenir en la navigation des Indes Orientales. Traduit de Flemeng en Fran- cois. 2 p. 1. 165 pp. fol. Amsterdam, E. Cloppenburgh, 1638. [With his Hi»to\re de [son] navigation es Indes Ori- entales. ed. 1638]. Voyagie, ofte schip-vaert, van by noor- den om langes Noorwegen de Noordt-Caep, Laplandt, Vinlandt, Euslaudt, de kusten van Kandenoes, etc. door de strate ofte enghte van Nassouw tot voor by de reviere Oby. 7 p. 1. 38 1.8 pi. fol. Fra7ickcr, G. Kdd, 1601. [ With his Itinerarivm. ed. 1623. Imperfect]. The same. 2 p. 1. 38 1. 1 1 pi. fol. Am- sterdam, J. E. Cloppenhurg, 162i. [ With his Itinerarivm. ed. Kill]. Lintner (G. A. d.d.) A memoir of the rev. Walter Gunn, late missionary in India, from the evangelical lutheran church of the United States. 156 pp. 18°. Albany, E. H. Pease Sf CO. 1852. Lionne (Artus de). Curviliueorvm amoenior contemplatio. 14p, 1.116 pp. sm. 4°. Lvg- dvni, G. Barbier, 1654. Lippincott (Sara Jane Clarke). Greenwood leaves: a collection ofsketches and letters. By Lippincott (Sara Jane Clarke)— continued. Grace Greenwood, [^pseudon. 1st series]. viii,406pp. 12°. Boston, Ttcknor, Reed Sf Fields, 1850. s. Lippincott's magazine of literature, science, and education. Jan. to Dec. 18G9. v. 3-4. 8°. Piiiladtiphia, .J. B. Lippincott ^ co. 1 869. Lippitt (Francis J.) Field service in war: comprising marches, camps, and canton- ments, outposts, convoys, reconnoissances, foraging, and notes on logistics. 1 p. 1. 158 pp. 12°. New Yorh, D. I'nn Nostrand, 1869. Lipsius (Johann Gottfried), Bibliothcca nu- raavia sive catalogus auctorum, qui usque ad finem seculi xviii de re monetaria aut numis scripserunt, [etc.] Prtefatus est brevi com- memoratione de studij rei numismaticse an- tiquioris vicissitudinibus Christ. Gottl. Heyne. 2 v. xvi, 278 pp ; pp. 279-548. 8°. Lipsia:, Schafer, 1801. Liskeune (Franfois Charles). Resume de I'histoire . des jesuites. 3 p. 1. 366 pp. 18°. Bruxdles, C. J. De Mat Sf H. Remy, 1825. Lisle (Edward). Observations in husbandry. 2d ed. 2 v. 398 pp. 1 1. 1 portrait ; 406 pp. 1 1. 12''. London, J. Hughes, 1757. Lisola (Francois Paul, baron de). Bouclier d'estat et de justice, centre le desseiu mani- festement decoiivert de la monarchie univer- selle, sous le vain pretexte des pretentions de • la reyne de France. la7ion. ] 358 pp. 24°. [Pares]? 1667. S. Listemaun (Bernhard). A method of mod- ern violin playing. 1 p. 1.73 pp. 4°. Bos- ton, 0. Dltson S^ CO. 1869. Lister (Martin). Historic auimalium Angliso, tres tractatus. Unus de araneis, alter de cochleis, turn terrestribus, turn fiuviatilibus, tertius de cochleis mariuis. Quibus adjectus est quartus de lapidibus ejusdera insula? ad cochlearum imaginem figuratis. 4 p. 1. 250 pp.1 1.9 pi. sm. 4°. Londini, J. Martyn, 1678. s. Literary (The) panorama. A review of books, a register of events, a magazine of varieties. [Conducted by C. Taylor]. Oct. 1806. to July, 1819. 24 v. 8°. London, C. Taylor, 1807-19. NoTK. — No more published. Continued as Colburn's new monthly magaziue and literary pauorama. Littell (Jolin). Family records : or, geneal- ogies of the first settlers of Passaic valley (and vicinity), above Chatham, with their an- 192 LITTELL. LOBSTER. Littell (John) — continued. cestors and descendants, as far as can now be ascertained. 2 p. 1. 504 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Felt- ville, {N. J.) D. Felt Sf co. J851. Little (The) brook, and its travels, [anon.'] 24 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American Sunday school union, 1866. Little drops of rain. By the author of ' ' Nell's mission." \_anon.^ 237 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Neio York, R. Carter Sf brothers, 1870. Little Efifie's home. By the author of " Don- ald Eraser," [etc. anon.'\ 266 pp. 1 pi. IGO. New York, R. Carter Sf brothers, 1870. Little {girls' habits. By Zell. [pseudon. ] 60 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1869. Little (The) house in the hollow. 227 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, American Sunday school union, 1868. Little Jack's four lessons. By the author of " Sunday all the week," [etc. anon.'\ 109 pp. 3 pi. 16°. New York, R. Carter d; broth- ers, 1869. Little Joe Carter, the cripple; or, learning to forgive. By the author of " Try." [anon.'\ 144 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyte- rian board of publication, 1864. Little (A) leaven in a little lump. By the au- thor of "Nic at the tavern." \_anon.'\ 109 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American sun- day school union, 1865. Little (The) manual of devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus. [anon.'\ 171,71 pp. 32°. Cincinnati, J. P. Walsh, 1867. Little Margery. By Alice Gray. \^pseudon. ] 150 pp. 3 pi. 18°. New York, R. Carter Sf brothers, 1867. Little (A) more, and other stories. [anon.'\ 216 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadilphia, presbyte- rian board of publication, [1869]. Little (The) preacher. By the author of " The flower of the family." [rtwoH.] 223 pp. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1867. Little (The) watchman. By the author of "Annie Lincoln's lesson." [anow.] 252 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1866. Liverpool, {England). Liverpool, 1816. Gore's directory for Liverpool and its envi- rons ; containing an alphabetical list of the merchants, traders, and principal inhabitants: also, lists of the mayor and council, officers of the customs and excise, etc. iv, 290, 140 pp. 1 map. 16°. Liverpool, J. Gore, 1816. Liverpool (The) repository, of literature, phi- losophy and commerce. By an association of literary gentlemen. 2 p. 1. 792 col. on 198 1. 8°. Liverpool, C. Gray, 1826. Lives (The) and battles of Tom Sayers, the champion of England, and John C. Heenan, "the Benicia boy," with full accounts of their various contests in the ring. [With] the new rules of the ring. [_ano7i.'\ 94 pp. 1 1. 2 portraits. 8°. New York, R. M. De Witt, [I860]. Living thoughts. See Means (C. A.) Livingston (Henry). "The money-maker;" or, how to get rich. Being a guide to business success, [etc.] and designed as a help to those out of employment, [ff/ion.] 320 pp. 18°. New York, H. Livingston, [1868]. Livingston (William). A review of the mil- itary operations in North America, 1753-56. In a letter to a nobleman, [anow. With] col. Washington's journal of his expedition to the Ohio, in 1754, and letters [etc.] found in the cabinet of maj. gen. Braddock, after his defeat near Fort Du Quesne, [etc.] 276 pp. 12°. Dublin, P. Wilson cf J. Exshaw, 1757. Llorente (Juau Antonio). Di.scursos histo- rico-canonicos sobre los beneficios patrimo- niales de las iglesias parroquiales del obis- pado de Calahorra y la Calzada. Parte primera, [etc.] 12 p. 1.259 pp. 16°. Pam- plona, J. A. Castilla, 1789. s. Lloyd {Lieut, col. John Augustus). On the facilities for a ship canal communication, between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, through the isthmus of Panama. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. 1 p. 1. 34 pp. 2 pi. 8°. London, W. Clowes Sf sons, 1850. • [Excerpt minutes of proceedings, v. 9, of the institu- tion of civil engineers]. Lobe (J. C.) Catechism of [musical] compo- sition. Translated by Fanny Raymond Ritter. vii, 183 pp. 16°. New York, J. Schuberth 8f CO. [_]868']. Lobo (Felix). Resumen de la historia de los Judios, de la revelacion, y de la religion Christiana. 6p. 1.139 pp. 16°. Madrid, im- prenta del supremo consejo de Indias, 1782. S. [Imperfect : pp. 1 and 2 wanting]. Lobster (The) boy ; or, the son who was a heaviness to his mother. By the author of "The fisher boy." \_anon.'\ 120 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Boston, American tract society, J 865. loch; 193 LONDON. Iioch (James). Memoir of Georp^e Granville, late duke of Siitliorlaud. 83 pp. 1 portrait. 4°. London, 1834. liOcke (D. R. ) Nasby. Divers views, opinions, and prophecies of Petroleum V. Nasby. [pscudon.^ (jthed. 12°. Cincin- 7111 ti, 1 860. Lodenstein. Sir Lodesteyn, Lodesteyn (Jodocus van). Kort en zedig on- derzoek van't berigt uopende den sabbath, [etc.] Benevens de Laatste gedagteu over de zedelykheit des vierten gebodts, [etc.] 12 p. 1. 724 pp. 3 1. 16°. Groningcn, J. Scheutiiigh, 1746. Loe or Low (Robert). EfiSgiatio veri sabba- tbismi. 1 p. 1. 197 pp. sm. 4°. Londini, I. Norton, 1605. Loe^v. See L6v7. Lof-dicht over de heerlijcke victorie, in bet veroveren van de silver vlote, in de baey van Matauca, onder liet beleyt van den generael Pieter Pieterz Heyu, [1629]. Als oock bet veroveren der twee g.ilioenen, coniende uytdc Honduras. [(inon.'\ 6 1. sm. 4°. Middel- hvrgh, Z. Roman, 1629. Iiogan (Olive). Apropos of women and theatres. With a paper or two on Parisian topics. 240 pp. 12'^. NeiD York, Carleton, 1869. Logau (Friedrich von). Sinugedichte. 8°. Berlin, Voss, 1838. [jriiALESSlNG (G. E.) Sammtliche schriften. v. 5, pp. 104-355J. Lombard (Jean Guillaumo). Mat^riaux pour servir a I'histoire des ann^es 1805, 1806 et 1807 ; dedi6s aux Prussiens, par un ancien compatriote. [««oh.] 216 pp. 16°. Paris, Coluct, lctc.'\ 1808. Lombardini (Elia). Delia condizione idrau- lica della pianura subapenuina fra I'Enza ed 11 Panaro. vii, 176 pp. 1 1. 4 maps and pi. 4°. Milano, tipograjia degli ingegneri, 1865. ~ s. Essai sur Thydrologie du Nil. Traduit de ritalien par I'auteur. vii, 72 pp. 3 pi. 4°. Paris, CItallamel ainS, 1865. S. Delia natura dei laghi e delle opere intese a regolarne I'efflusso. 2" ed. con ag- giuute. 165 pp. 2 pi. 4°. Milano, tipo- grafia dcgli ingegneri, 1866. S. Lombardo (Salvatore). Gramniatica della lingua italiana. Adattata all' uso ed in- telligenza dei Greci ; [_or~\, Tpa/i,uariiiTj n/g 'Iraliiaic y^uoorK, etc. 6 p. 1. 213, t' pp. 12°. AOrjvnic, A. K. Ti;apKnAa, 1858. .s. 25 London. New guide to stage coaches, wag- gons, carts, vessels, etc. for 1814. Being a list of all the inns in London where stage coaches and waggons put up and set out from, with their respective days and hours, [etc.] Likewise a list of coasting vessels, barges, etc. By Critchett and Woods. 12th ed. 4 p.l. 144 pp. 12°. London, J. Richardson, 1814. [ IVith London post-office directory for 1814]. The same, for 1819. 17th ed. 4 p. 1. 156 pp. 12°. London, J. Richardson, 1819. [If'ith London post-office directory for 1819J. The post-office annual directory, for 1814. Being a list of merchants, traders, etc. of London, and parts adjacent, [i;tc.] General information relating to the post-of- fice, [etc.] By Crichett and Woods. 15th ed. 5 p.l. 426 pp. 2 1. 12°. London, pro- prietors, [1813]. The same. The post-office annual di- rectory for 1819. 2Uth ed. 6 p. 1. 440 pp. 2 1. 12°. London, proprietors, [1818], ■ Thie same. London post office directory, by Frederic Kelly, for the years 1847,1848, 1851,1852, 1856,1857, 1858, 1859, and 1860. 9 V. 8°. London, W. Kelly Sf co. 1847-60. London (Anthropological society of). Jour- nal of the anthropological society of Lon- don. V. 1-7. 8°. London, 1863-69. { JVith The anthropological review]. The anthropological review. 1863-69. V. 1-7. 8°. London, 1863-69. (Wanting v. 3 (no. 9-10) ; v. 4 (all) : 17) ; V. 6, V. 7 (no. 26-27)]. (no. 16- London (The) catalogue of periodicals, news- papers, and transactions of various societies, also a list of metropolitan printing societies and clubs for 1869. 28th annual ed. 16pp. 8°. London, Longmans, [1869]. London daily times. See Times (The Lon- don daily). London (The), Edinburgh, and Dublin phi- losophical magazine and journal of science. Conducted by sir R. Kane, and W. Francis. 4th series, v. 36-38. July, 1868, to Dec. 1869. 3v. 8°. London, Taylor Sf Francis, 1868-69. London (Geological society of). Quarterly journal, v. 23-24. 1867-68. 8°. London, Longman ^* co. 1867. Loudon [The] mercury ; containing the his- tory, politics, and literature of England, for the year 1780. 3 p. 1. viii, 392, 151 pp. 8°. T,ondon, J. Murray, 1781. 194 LONDON. LORD. London (The) pocket pilot ; or, stranger's guide. 90 pp. 8°. London, J. Roach, ^aboiit 1790]. [Imperfect: wanting title page and pi.] London (Royal geographical society of). Scf Royal geographical society. London (The) sensation comic songster. Con- taining popular songs, as sung by J. C. Rob- inson, in London, Liverpool, and New York. 64 pp. 16°. Neto York, F. A. Brady, [1869]. London times. See Times (The London daily). Long (George). The decline of the Roman republic, v. 3. 8°. London, Bell iS' Duldy, 1869. Long (John). Voyages chez differentes na- tions sauvage.s de I'Amcrique septentriouale ; renfermaut des details curieux sur les moeurs, usages, etc, des Cahnuagas, des In- diens des Cinq et Six nations, Mohawks, Connecedagas, Iroquois, Chippeways, [etc.] Traduits de I'Anglois avec des notes par J. B. L- J- Bellecocq. 1 p. 1. xxxvi, 320 pp. 1 map. 8°. Paris, Prault, 1794. Long (R. H.) Hunt's gazetteer of the border and southern states ; containing a full dis- cription of the railroad routes, turnpike roads, cities, towns, etc. And showing dis- tances, etc. A hand-book and reliable guide for the soldiers. 272 pp. 1 col, map. 18°. Pittsburgh, {Pa.) J. P. Hunt, [1863]. Long (Stephen Harrimau) and McNeill ( WiU liam Gibbs). Narrative of the proceedings of the board of engineers of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, from its organi- zation to its dissolution, with an exposi- tion of facts, illustrative of the conduct of sundry individuals. 189, 9.5 pp. 8°. Bal- timore, Bailey Sf Francis, 1830. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), The build- ing of the ship. 79 pp. 20 pi. 16°. Boston, Fields, Osgood Sf co. 1870. Poems. 5th ed. 117 pp. 8°. New York, Harper Sf hros. 1848. Saggi de' novellieri italiani d'ogai se- colo ; tratti da' piu celebre scrittori, con brevi notizie intorno alia vita di ciascheduno. vi, 168 pp. 12°. Boston, Gray Sf Botcen, ]832. Longinus, or Dionysius Cassius Louginus. Longinus on the sublime. A new transla- tion, chiefly according to the edition of Weiske. By a master of arts [at] Oxford. 1 p. 1. vi, 92 pp. 12°. London, S. Cornish Sf CO. [1840]. Long Island historical society. Memoirs. V. 2. 8°. Brooliyn, hy the society, 18(!9. CONTENTS. Field (T. W.) The battle of Long Island. Longus. Daphnis and Chloe. A pastoral novel. Now first sclectly translated into English from the original Greek, By Charles Valentine Le Grice. 266 pp. 16°. Pen- zance, T. Vigurs, 1803. Look (Henry M.) Masonic trials, and Mich- igan digest : a treatise upon the law and practice of masonic trials, with forms and precedents. 227 pp. 16°. Pontiac, (Mich- igan), Hanti Sf Turner, 1869. Loomis (Rev. A. W.) Confucius and the Chinese classics ; or, readings in Chinese literature. Edited and compiled. 432 pp. 16°. Sun Francisco, A. Roman cj- co. 1867. Loomis (Elias, II. d. ) Elements of astronomy. Designed for academies and high schools. 254 pp. 12". New Yorl; Harper :? pp. sm. 4°. New York, Hurd cf- Houoh- ion, 1869. Loring (F. W.) and Atkinson (C. F.) Cot- ton culture and the south considered with reference to emigration. 2 p. 1. 183 pp. 12°. Boston, A. Williams ^ co. 1869. Lorinser (Franz). An introduction to the Autos sacramentales. sm. 4°. Dublin, i867. [In Caldero;^ de la Barca (P.) Mysteries of corpus christi, pp. 1-67]. Losa (Francisco de). The holy life, pilgrim- age, and blessed death of Gregory Lopez ; a Spanish hermit in the West Indies. 2d ed. 28 p. 1.232 pp. 18^. London, IF. C. 168(i. The same, lanon.'] Edited by J. Eyre. 123 pp. 18°. Neio York, J. Eyre, 18A\. Losada (Domingo). Compendio chronologico de los privilegios regulares de Indias, desde Leon X. creado el ano de 1513, hasta Cle- mente xii. creado el ano de 1730. 23 p. 1. 4()B pp. 8 1. sin. 4°. Madrid, 1737. Lossada (Luis de). Institutiones dialectics, vulgo summuloe, ad primam partem philo- sophic! cursus pertinentes. 2 p. 1. 194 pp. 1 1. 8°. SalmanticcR, F, Garcia Onorato y San Miguel, 1721. Iiossing (Benson J.) The pictorial field-book of the war of 1812^ or, illustrations, by pen and pencil, of the history, biograplsy, scenery, relics, and traditions of the last war for American independence. 1 p. 1. 1084 pp. 3 pi. 8°. NeiD York, Harper ° Christo de Burgos. 12 p. 1. 220 pp. 1 1. 8°. Burgos, J. de Astulez, 1740. s. 196 LOW. LUIS DE GRANADA. Lo^w (Hermann). Diptera Americfe seplen- trionalis indigena. (Ceuturia r""-5''). Ip. 1. 266 pp. 8*^. Berolini, typis A, IV. Schadii, ]«61. s. IiO'w(Johann Adam)? The analysis of nobility, in its origin, as military, mercantile, and lit. erary ; proofs, privileges, duties, acquisition, and forfeiture thereof, interspersed with seve- ral curious monuments of history, relating to laws of chivalry, creations, degradations, tournaments, etc. Translated from the origi- nal German of baron von Lowhen. With notes. 1 p. l.iv pp.3 1. 317 pp. 3 1. 16°. London, J. Robinson, 1754, low (Samuel). Poems. 2 v. 147 pp ; 168 pp. 16°. New York, T. Sf J. Swords, 1800. Lowe (Thomas Hill, editor). Poems chiefly dramatic. 4p. 1.140 pp. 16°. London, IF. Pickering, 1840. LoTvell (James Russell). The cathedral. 1 p.l. r)3 pp. 16°. Boston, Fields, Osgood cj- co. 1870. Poems, xii, 279 pp^ 12'\ Cambridge, Ji Owen, 1844. Poetical works. Complete ["diamond"] fed. 14, 437 pp^ sq. 18°. Boston, fields, Osgood Sew.] 869. A year's life, viii, 182 pp. 16°. Bos- ton, C. C. Little 4- J. Broicn, 1841. Lovwell (Robert Trail Spence). Fresh hearts that failed three thousand years ago; with other things. By the author of "The new priest in Conception bay." vi pp. 1 1. 121 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknorcf Fields, 1860. Lo'wrell (City of, Massachusetts). City docu- ments, 1868-69. 17 V. in 1. 8°. Lowell, 1869. Forty-first annual report of the school committee, with the third annual report of the superintendent of public schools, 1866. 72 pp. 1 tab. 8°. Lowell, Stone 8f Huse, 1867. Lowrie (John M. d. d. ) The life of David. 448 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Philadelphia, pres- byterian board of publication, [1869], The prophet Elisha. To which is pre- fixed a memoir of the author. By the rfev. WilliamD. Howard, d.d. 287 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Philaddphia, presbyterian board of publica- tion, [1869]. Loyal heart : the pale-face hunter, [flwon.] 100 pp. 12°. New York, American news fo. [1868]. Loyola {St. Ignatius de). See Ignatius. Loyson ( Charles, railed pere Hyacinthe ). Discourses on various occasions. Translated by rev. Leonard W. Bacon. With a biograph- ical .sketch, xliv, 198 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam v?.aKog, 1851. Mahan (Dennis H.) A treatise on field forti- fication ; containing instructioiis on the meth- ods of laying out, constrncting, defending, and attacking intrenchnicnts ; with outlines of the arrangement, attick, and defence of permanent fortifications. 4th ed. xxviii, 1G8 pp. 12 pi. 18°. Richmond, {Va.) JVest (f Johnson, 1862. Mahmoud. [awow. ] 2 v. 2 p. 1. 276 pp ; 1 p. 1.274 pp. 12°. New York, Harper A brothers, 1836. Mahony ( Rev. Francis Sylvester). Facts and figures from Italy. By don Jeremy Savo- narola, addressed during the last two winters to Charles Dickens. Being an appendix to bis " Pictures." \^j)seiidon.'\ 2 p. 1. 309 pp. 12°. London, R. Benthy, 1847. Maigret ( — ing6nieiir en chef). Trait6 de la surete et conservation des etats, par le moyen de forteresscs. 5 p. 1. 444 pp. 4 1. 16°. Paris, E. Billiot, 1725. s. Maillard ( — 31. Vahh^). Grammaire de la Ian-- guemikmaque; [or], Grammar of the Mikma- ique language of Nova Scotia, edited from the manuscripts of the abb6 Maillard by the rev. Joseph M. Bellenger. 101 pp. 4°. Ncvs York, Cramoisy press, 1864, s. [Shea's library of Americau liaguistics. v. 13]. Maimbourg (Louis). The history of the cru- sade ; or, the expeditions of the christian princes for the conquest ot the holy land. Englished, ^by John Nalson, 11. d. 10 p. 1. 410 pp. fol. London, T. Bring, \&ti^. Traitc historique de retablissement et des prerogatives de I'eglise de Eome et de ses eveques. 16 p. 1. 303 pp. 11 pi. 24°. Paris, S. Mahre-Cramnisy , 1688. Maimoiiides, or Moses Maimuni. Porta Mosis ; sive, disscrtatioues aliqvota R. Mose Maimonide, suis in varias Mishnaioth, sive tectus Talmudici partes, commentariis prse- niissrc, qua3 ad universam fere Judreorum disciplinam aditum aperiunt ; nunc prinuim arabice, [Uteris hebraicis] prout ab ipso auc- tore conscriptaj suntet latine cdittt^,' una cum appendiconotarum miscellanea, opera, studio- ♦jiie lOdvardi I'ocockii. 12 p. 1. 436 pp. 14 1. 4^, (KfuniiL, II, Hull, 1655. Maimonides— continued. Tiie reasons of the laws of Moses. From the " More nevochim" of Maimonidcs. With notes, dissertations, and a life of the author. By James Townley, d. d. 451 pp. 1 pi. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, Ormc, Brown 8f Green, 1827. Maine (State of). An abstract of the returns of corporations made to the office of the sec- retary of state in January, 1852, for the year 1851, [with other documents of the legisla- ture]. 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1852. • — Annual report of the adjutant general for the year ending December 31, 1862. 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1863. The same. Appendix D to the report of the adjutant general for 1864 and 1865, 8°. Augusta, stale printer, 1866. Annual report of various public officers and institutions for 1868-69, 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1869. Catalogue of the Maine state library. 1856. 439 pp. 8°. Augusta, Fullers, prin- ters to the state, 1856. s. Documents printed by order of the legis- lature during its session 1848, 1849, 1856, 1857, 1863, 1866, 1869-70. 8 v, 8°. Au- gusta, state printer, 1849-69. Eleventh and twelfth annual report of the superintendent of common schools, 1864 and 1865. 2 v. 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1864-65. Journal of the senate and house of rep- resentatives, 1869. Forty-eighth legislature. 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1869. ■Legislative manual, 1869. 8°. Augusta, state printer, 1869. Report of commission fisheries. [N. W. Foster and C. G. Atkins. anon.'\ 8°. [^Reprinted, Augusta, 1868]. [In Maine. Board of agriculture. Abstract of re- turns from the agricultural societies of Maine, 18fi7, pp. 6'J-U)4]. Thirteenth annual report of the secre- tary of the board of agriculture, 1868. 8°, Aug7iiita, state printer, 1868. Maine historical society. Collections. 2d se- ries. Documentary history of the state of Maine. Edited by William Willis, v. 1. Containing a history of the discovery of Maine. By J. G. Kohl. With an appendix on the voyages of the Cabots, by M. d'Ave- zac, of Pans. 2 ]). 1. 535 pp. 22 col. maps. 8°. Portland, BuiUy .t- Noyes, 1869. 204 MAIR. Mail' (Johu). An introduction to Latin syn- tax, [etc.] To which is subjoined an epi- tome of ancient history, [etc. ] xi, 299 pp. 16°. Edmhurgh, R. Morissnn 8f son, 1797. .«i. Mairan (Jean Thomas de). Compendio nnevo de gramatica francesa. 3 p. 1. 166 pp. 1 1. 1 tab. sm,4'^. Madrid, J. Herrera, ]799. s. Maistre (Comte Xavier de). Tlie leper of Aost. Translated from the French of Le- maistre. lanon.'] 37 pp. 12°. Boston, Cummirigs, Hilliard ^' co. 1825. Russian tales. From the French. 197 pp. 16". Philadelphia, H. C. Carey S^- S. MANGUM. See William, Lea, 1826. Maitland (Samuel Roffey, d. d.) Supersti- tion and science ; an essay. 2 p. 1, 89 pp. 16°. London, Rivirigtons, 1855. Major (Johann Daniel). See-farth nach der neuen welt, ohne schiff- und segel; anno 1670, zuerst, und nu wiederumb der gelehr- ten welt vorgestellet. 11 p. 1. 258 pp. 3 1. 1 pi. 18°. Hamburg, G. IVolff, 1683. Malconi (Howard). Travels in southeastern Asia, embracing Hindustan, Malaya. Siam, and China; with notices of numerous mis- sionary stations, and a full account of the Burman empire ; with dissertations, tables, etc. 2 V. 273 pp. 4 pi. 1 map ; 321pp. 2 pi. 12°. Boston, Gould, Kendall ,)'• Lincoln, 1839. Maldoiiado (Lorenzo Ferrer). Viaggio dal mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nordovest, I'anno mdlxxxviii, tradotto da un manoscritto spagnuolo inedito della bibli- oteca ambrosiana di Milano dal sig. cava- liere C. Amoretti, [etc.] 4, 96 pp. 1 map. 4°. Bologna, Musi (f ca. 1812. Malherbe (Francois de). Poesies, xxvii, 325 pp. fol. Paris, Didot Paine, 1797. Mallet (Paul Henri). Northern antiquities; or, an historical account of the manners, cus- toms, religion and laws, maritime expedi- tions and discoveries, language and litera- ture of the ancient Scandinavians, (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and Icelanders). With incidental notices respecting our Saxon an- cestors. Translated from the French, by bishop Percy. New ed. with a translation of the prose Edda from the original old Norse text ; and notes by I. A. Blackwell. [With] an abstract of the Eyrbyggja saga, by sir W. Scott. 2 p. 1. 578 pp. 1 pi. 12C. Lon- don, H. G. Bohn, 1847. Mallock (David). The immortality of the soul ; with other poems. 1st Am. ed. x, 98 pp. 12°. New York, W.Stodart, 183.3. Malmesbury (William of). of Mainn'sb}irij. Malmgren (Anders Johan). Spetsbergen, Groulauds, lslnnds och den Skandinaviska halfons hittills kanda aunulata polych.fta. 1 p. 1. 129 pp. 1 tab. 14 pi. 8*^. Hdsingjors, J. C. FrenckcU ^- son, 1867. .s. Malouet (Victor Pierre). Collection do me- moiies et correspondances otKcielles sur I'ad- ministration des colonies, et notamment sur la (juiane frangaise et hollandaise. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Baudouin, 1802. Mamiani della Rovere (Luigi Vinceuzo). Grammatik der Kiriri-sprache. Aus dem Portugiesischen iibersetzt von H. C. von der Gabelentz. 62 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1852. [Gabei.entz (H. C. von der). Beitrage zur spraehen- kuude. 3es heft]. Mancy (Gindre de). See Gindre de Mancy. Mandeville (Bernard de, m.d.) A modest defence of public stews ; or, an essay upon whoring, as it is now practis'd in these king- doms. By the late col. Harry Mordaunt. Ijjscudun.] 80 pp. 12°. London, S. Scott, 1740? Maueira (Juan Luis). De vita Autonii Lopezii Portilli, Mexici primum, inde Valen- tia3 canouici. 54 pp. 1 1. 12°. Bononice, Lftliiis a Vieipc, 1791. Mauer (Salvador Joseph). Historia metrica- critica de la sagrada passion de nuestro re- demptor Jesu Christo, [etc.] 20 p. 1. 263 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Marin, 1732. s. Manfredi (Fulgenzio). Confirmatione delle consideration! del p. m. Pavlo di Venetia con- tra le oppositioni del r. p. m. Gio. Antonio Bovio. Ove si dimostra copiosamenle qual sia la vera liberta ecclesiastica, et la potesta data da Dio alii priucipi. 454 pp. sm. 4°. Venetia, R. Mcietti, 1606. s. Maugan (C.) Stenography; or, the art of short-hand perfected, [etc. ] 5th ed. 16 jjp. 5 pi. 16°. Boston, R. P. Sf C. Williams, 1819. Maugourit (Michel Ange Bernard de). De- fense d'Ancone, et des departmens romains, le Tronto, le Musoue et le Metaiiro ; par le general Mounier, aux annees vii et viii, [etc.] 2 v. xvi, 318 pp. 1 map. 2 pi ; 2 p. 1. 302 pp. 1 ]. 2 pi. 7 tab. 8°. Paris, C. Pougens, 1802. Mangum ( Rev. Adolphus W. ) Myrtle leaves ; or, tokens at the tomb. 2ded. 132 pp. 16°. Raleigh, (N. C.) Branson 4- Farrar, 1864. 205 MA.NIACS. MANUEL. ManiacB (The); or, fautasia of bos bibens ; characteristic of son.3 of the fanatics who are conspiring the ruin of their country at home. By a West-Indian. [««««•] 128 pp. I'i^. [Kingston, .Jamaica]? 1824. Manifest destiny' or, tlie world a republicau superstructure ou the rock basis of the truth in Christ, whose legend, which has gone forth protestant in the scriptures, and through the march of events iu the centuries, is the universal prevalence of freedom, unity, and peace, as well as immortality beyond. By Sosiosch. [ps,udon.-\ Parti. 159pp. 8". Xrw York, Craft .V Axford, [1869]? Manifest ofte reden van den oorlogh tusschen Portugael. endc de vereeuichde provintieu van do Nederlaudeu. Tot Lisbon in de por- tugesche en castiliaensche taelen gedruckt, inH iaer 1657. Ende nu inde nederduytsche taele overgeset. Mitsgaders manifestatie van de leugenen ende valsheden waer mede het is verwult, ende eeu kort verhael van des conincks van Portugael, ende sijuer onder- sacten trouwloose ende meyneedyge proce duren. \_anon.-] 56 pp. sm. 40. Graven- Haghe, H. Hondius, 1659. Mann (A.Dudley). Die nordamericauischen freistaaten. (Uebersetzung). vni, 326 pp. 8° Bremen, C. Schiincmanii, 1845. Mamiering (May, psendon.) See Nowell (H.P.H.) Manning (J. M.) Peace under liberty. Ora- tion delivered before the city authorities of Bostou, July 4th, 1865. With an account of the municipal celebration of the 89th anniversary of American independence. 108 pp. 8^. Boston, J. E. Farwell .j- co. 1865. Manningham {Sir Richard). An exact diary of what was observ'd during a close atten- dance upon Mary Toft, the pretended rabbet- breeder, [etc.] Together with an account of her confession of the fraud, pp. 21 1-244. 16°. [London, 1726]. Mansie {liec. Alexander). The apprenticed labourer's manual ; or, an essay on the appren- ticeship system, and the duties of the appren- ticed labourers, including several of the per- sonal and relative duties binding on mankind in general. xiii,216 pp. 11. 8°. Urilish Guiana, society for the instruction of the la- bouring classes, 1837. Mansill (Richard). The age and life of our earth ; a small work on cosmography, etc. 134 pp. 1 1. 8°. Rock Island, {Ills.) 1867. No light from the sun, and Planetary motions. 52 pp. 8°. Rock Island, {Ills.) r inth ST. Andre (Nathaniel). A short n.arrative of an e.xtraordiuary delivery of rabbets, etc. J Mansfield (Edwkrd D. ) Popular and authen- tic lives of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. 425 pp. 2 portraits. 1 pi. 5 maps. l2'-\ Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll 4- co. 1868. A popular and authentic life of Ulysses S. Grant. 377 pp. 1 portrait, 1 pi. 12°. Cincinnati, R. IV. Carroll Sf co. 1868. Mansfield (Lewis W.) Up-country let- ters, [anon.] Edited by prof. B. na- tional observatory. 1 engraved title. 331 pp. 1 pi. 12°. New York, D. Appleton Sf co. 1852. IfiGS. MansolaCA.) Ho/ireioypadiiKai ■nltjpo^opLai :rqn EAAa.5of. //',211pp. 8°. Ev A0//- vaig, EK rov edviK'jv Tv-oypaoeiov, 1867. S. Mantilla (Luis Felipe). Reciprocal method for learning Spanish or English. Mctodo bilinglie para aprender el Ingles y el Espanol. X, 250 pp. 12°. Nuem York, D. Appleton y cia. 1869. Manu, Menoo, or Menu. Institutes of Hin- du law : or, the ordinances of Menu, accord- ing to the gloss of Culluca, comprising the Indian system of duties, religious and civil. Translated from the original, with a preface, by sir William Jones. New ed. collated with the Sanscrit text, with notes by Graves Chamney Haughton. 1 p. 1. xxii pp. 1 1. 4.50 pp. 1 1. 4°. London, Ritington 8f Cochran, 1825. Manual del cristiano, con los egercicios de la mas s61ida piedad. Por D. J. de Y. [anon.] 2" ed. por d. Atauasio Davila. 182 pp. 1 1. 16°. Madrid, F. Villalpando, 1819. Manual of the immaculate conception ; a col- lection of prayers for general use, including the most approved devotions to the virgin Mary. 16°. New York, 1867. Manucio. See Manuzio. Manuel du speculateur a la bourse, [anon. ] viii, 354 pp. 12°: Pam,Gar»u«r/reres, 1854. CONTENTS. 1. Une Introduction sur la nature de la speculation, 2. uLTbr6ge de lois et ordonnances qui r6gissent la 3 UuoToUce*8ur chaque esp6ce de yaleur cotee au parquet, rentes, obligations, [etc. J Manuel de s. Josef. El nino instruido por la divina palabra en los principles de la religion, de la moral y de la sociedad. Cate- cismo importante para la educacion de la infancia espafiola, [etc.] 327 pp. 12°. Madrid, imprenta de la adminislracion del \ real orbitrio, 1806. 206 MANUSCRIT. MARGUERITE. Manuscrit venu de St. n61one. Napoleon Buonaparte. Manuscrito reniitido dela isla de Santa Elena por condiicto rcservado. Pub- licado en Londres por Juan Murray en 1817. Nueva traduccion al Castellano por d. M. C. viii, 152 pp. 1 1. 16°. Madrid, Collado, 1820, Manuzio (Paolo). Elegancias de Pavlo Manv- cio. [Tradvzidas por Lorenfo Palmireno]. Agora nvevameute impressas. 8 p. 1. 169 1. 16°. Madrid, L. Sachez, 16]'3. s. Manzini (Giovanni Battlsta). Manzinie, his exquisite academical discourses, upon several subjects. Turned into French by Scuderie, and into English by a lady. 2 p. 1. 150 pp. 4°. London, T. Harper, 1654. Manzoni (Alessandro). I promessi sposi ; or, the betrothed lovers. A Milanese story of the seventeenth century. As translated for the Metropolitan from the Italian, by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. 1 p. 1. 249 pp. 8". fVash- ington, D. Green, 1834. The same. Lucia, the betrothed. From the Italian. 2 v. xviii, 244 pp ; 314 pp. 12°. Neie York, G. Dearborn, 1834. Marache (N. ) Manual of chess ; with the games of backgammon and dominoes. 156 pp. 16^. Neic York, Dick Sf Fitzgerald, 1866. Mai'aua (Giovanni Paolo). Letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris : giving an impartial account to the divan at Constantinople of the most remarkable transactions of Europe, from 1637 to 1682. Written originally in Arabick. Translated into Italian, from thence into English, [by W. Bradshaw, anon."] 11th ed. 8v. 16°. London, G. Strahan and others, 1741. NOTK. — Hallam attributes to Havana only fifty of these letters, forming about half the first volume, and suggests for the rest an English origin ; but mr. Bolton Corney, in the Gentleman's magazine for 1840-41, strongly argues for the genuineness of the whole as Marana's own. Marcel (C. ) The study of languages brought back to its true principles ; or, the art of think- ing in a foreign language. 228 pp. 12°. Ncip York, D. Applcton S; co. 1869. Marcellinus. Marcellini, comitis illyriciani chronicon. col. 348-388. fol. Parisiis, tijpo- (jraphia rcgia, 1696. {In SiRMOND (J.) Opera varia, v. 21 . and Faustinus. Libellus ))recum ad imperatores. I'rimum editus a Jacobo Sir- Marcellinus and Faustinus — continued, mondo, anno 1650. col. 2^4-262. fol. Pa- risiis, typographia regia, 1696. [In SlRMONl) (J.) Opera varia, v. 1]. March (Daniel, d. d.) Night scenes in the bible. 544 pp. 12 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Zeiglcr, McCurdy .J- co. 1868. March (Francis A.) A parser and analyzer for beginners, with diagrams and suggest- ive pictures, vi, 86 pp. 16°. New York, Harper ^' brothers, 1869. Marcou (Jules). Geology of North America; with two reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, -and the Sierra Nevada of California. 3 p. 1. 144, 8 pp. 3 col. charts. 7 pi. 4°. Zu- rich, Ziircher i^ Furber, 1858. s. Mai'cucci ( Vincenzo). Delia legittimita posi- tiva o negativa della pene, principalmente della pena di morte, con I'aggiunta di un trat- tato del duello, e dei mezzi onde estirparlo. 2 p. 1. 323 pp. 2 1. 8°. Lugano, G. Ruggia cj- CO. 1835. Marechal (Pierre Sylvain). Costumes civils actuels de tous les peuples connus, dessines d'apres nature, graves et colories. par m. Grosset de Saint-Sauveur, [avec des notices historiques]. 2"^ 6d. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Dttcrvillc, [1784-87]. Mares (Henri H.) Manual of diseased vines, and results. 120 pp. 2 pi. 12-^. New York, 1869, [/?( Flagg (\V. J.) European vineyards, pp.211 to 232]. Margaret Lawrence, and other stories. [anon.'\ 216 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, preshyterian board of publication, [1868]. Margon (Guillaume Plantavit de La Pause, abbt de). Memoires du marechal de Tour- ville, vice-amiral de France, et general des armies navales du roi. [ a>«on. Nouv. ed?] 3 V. 16°. Amsterdam, [F, Girardi^, 17.58. Marggraf (Georg). Beschrijvinge wegens de acra ende boomgewassen. 16°. Amster- dam, 1694. [I7i HOORN (J. van). Cost- en West-indischc war- rande]. Margraf (J.) Kirche imd sklaverei seit der entdeckung Anierika's; oder, was hat die katholische kirche seit der entdeckung Anier- ika's, theils zur milderung theils zur auf he- bung der sklaverei gethan? viii, 230 pp, 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1865. Marguerite, baroness Leichensteiu, and other poems. By the author of Zelica, etc. [««i>«.] 207 MARGUERITE. MARK HAM. Marguerite— continuctl. KCipp. V>\ ridladclphiu, J. D. Lippin- cott S; CO. 1870. Maria de Jesus de Agreda. Aliento de justos, esppjo de perfectos, consuelode peca- dores, y fortaleza de flacos, en los trabajos de Maria santisima. For el licenciado d. Die. New York, American tract society, [1868]. Martyn (W. Carlos). The Dutch reforma- tion ; a history of the struggle in the Nether- lands for civil and religious liberty, in the sixteenth century. 823 pp. 12°. New York, American tract society, J863. Martyr (Peter). See Martire d'Anghiera (Pietro). Martyrdom of Ignatius. [ano«.] 8°. Ed- inburgh, 1868. [Ante-NICENE cJiristian libraiy. v. 1. pp. 289 to 297]. Marvin (Rev. A. P.) History of the town of Winchendon, (Worcester co. Mass.) from the grant of Ipswich Canada, in 1735, to the present time. 528 pp. 5 maps and plans. 14 pi. 8 portraits. 8°. Winchendon, author, 1868. Marvin (Airs. H. N.) The rabbit snares, and other stories. 128 pp. 3 pi. \b°. Boston^ American tract society, 1867. Marx (Jakob). Die ursachcn der schnellea verbreituug der reformation, zunachst in Deutschland. v-viii, 123 pp. 8°. Arnkeim, J. WUz, 1852. 210 MARY. MASSACHUSETTS. Mary, (queen of Scotland). Lettres de Marie Stuart, publiees avec sommaires, traductions, notes, et fac-simile par A. Toulet. 2 p. 1. xxiv, 448 pp. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didot freres, fits ct cie. 1859. Mary Grey's perplexities, [anon.^ 337 pp. 2 pi. 163. Boston, Massachusetts sabbath school society, [1868]. Maryland (State of). Report of D. Ridgely, librarian, to the executive of Maryland, in relation to the collection of documents, papers, etc. ordered to be deposited in the council chamber. 13pp. 8°. Annapolis, W. McNcir, 1836. Second [and] third report of D. Ridgely, librarian, of examination of public offices for records, papers, etc. 2 v. 17 pp ; 8 pp. 8°. Annapolis, fV. McNeir,1836. [With tlie preceding]. Votes and proceedings of the house of delegates. November session, 1784. No- vember session, 1795, and, November session, 1797. fol. [Antiapoiis, 1785-98]. Votes and proceedings of the senate. November session, 1795, and November ses- sion, J797. fol. lAnnapolis, 1796-98]. [With the preceding]. Maryland (The) journal and Baltimore ad- vertiser. [Semi-weekly]. Jan. 4 to Dec. 30, 1791. V. 18. fol. Baltimore, W. Goddard cfJ.AngcU, 1791. Masdeu (Juan Francisco). Vida del beato Josef Oriol. viii, 230 pp. 1 portrait, sm. 4°^ Barcelona, Jordi, Roca Sf Caspar, 1807. [Imperfect: 19 plates (2-20) wanting]. Mason (Lowell) and Greene (David). Man- ual of christian psalmody ; a collection of psalms and hymns for public worship. 588, X pp. 16°. Boston, Perkins & Marvin, 1840. The same. Church psalmody ; a col- lection of psalms and hymns adapted to public worship, [etc.] 576 pp. 16°. Bos- ton, Perkins cj- Marvin, 1840. The same. 576 pp. 16°. Boston, I. R. Marvin, 1843. and Babcock (R.jr.) Union hymns, adapted to social meetings and family worship. Selected from church psalmody, with additional hymns. 296 pp. 24°. Bos ton, Perkins, Marvin cj- co. 1834. Mason (R. H. G.) Mexikanische bilder. Aus dem Englischen von M. B. Lindau. 2 v. viii, 239 pp ; 1 p. 1, iv, 205 pp. 12°. Dres- den, R. Kuntze, 18.53. Mason (William.) Art's advancement; or, the most exact, lineal, swift, short, and easy method of short-hand writing hitherto extant. 3d ed. 24 1. 1 portrait. 18°. London, author, 1699. [Le.if 13 wanting]. The same. La plume volante. Or, the art of short-hand improv'd. 5th ed. with the addition of the terms of the law, and much amended. 5 p. 1.71 pp. 1 table. 1 portrait. 20 pi. on 10 1. 18°. London, J. Marshall, labont 1706]. . Mason ( Rev. William). The poetical works of the author of the heroic epistle to sir Wil- liam Ciiambers. By Malcolm MacGreggor. Ipscudon.^ 1 p. 1. vi pi^. 1 1. 128 pp. 18°. London, R. Phillips, 1805. Masonic song book, containing a large collec- tion of the most approved masonic songs, odes, anthems, etc. 164 pp.2 1. 3 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1814. Massachusetts (State of). Abstract of re- returns of the keepers of jails and overseers of the houses of correction, for the years 1842 to 1852, [etc.] 9 v. 8°. Boston, state printers, 1843-53. [Returns for 1844 and 1850 wanting]. Abstract of the returns of the overseers of the poor in Massachusetts, for 1841 to 1851, [etc.] 10 V. 8°. [Boston, state printers, 1842-52]. [1843 wanting]. Annual reports to the legislature, rela- ting to the registry and returns of births, marriages, and deaths in Massachusetts. 4th to 11th reports. 1845-52. 8 v. in 1. 8°. Boston, state printers, 1845-53. S. — First report on the agriculture of Mas- sachusetts. By Henry Colman, commissioner. County of Essex, 1837. 8°. Boston, Button Rules and regulations, containing the names of its present members and officers, several important communications, [etc. ] 8°. Boston, T. Fleet, jr. n9G. Massachusetts (The) spy; or, American oracle of liberty. [Worcester weekly]. May 24, 1775, to June 19, 1777. 2 v. fol. IVor- cester, Isaiah Thomas, and Stearns <£; Bigelow, 1775-77. Masson {Rev. John). The .slaughter of the children in Bethlehem, as an historical fact in St. Matthew's gospel, vindicated ; and the suspected Christianity of Macrobius, who also mentions the same fact, disproved ; against the objections raised in The scheme, etc. With a postscript concerning Virgil's fourth eclogue. 54 pp. 12°. London, 1728. [mtk Chandler (Edward). Vindication of the defence of Christianity]. Master and pupil ; or, school life at the old Baldwin. A story for older boys and girls. By E. D. K[endall] ? lanon.] 351 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Boston, D. Lothrop tj- co. 1869. Masterman (George Frederick). Seven event- ful years in Paraguay. A narrative of per- gonal experience amongst the Paraguayans. XV, 356 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, S. Low, son Sf Marston, 1869. Masterpieces of Italian art. lanon.'\ viii, 140 pp. 26 photographs. 4°. London, Bell .J- Daldy, 1868. Masters (Maxwell T. m. d.) Vegetable ter- atology, an accouut of the principal devia- tions from the usual construction of plants, xxxviii, 534 pp. 8°. London, R. Hurdwickc, 1869. Masurel {Dr. L. J.) Des fidvres intermit- tentes, miasmatiques, ou legitimes, deleur na- ture et de leur traitement. Nouvelle thcorie de I'intermittence. viii, 128 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1854. Mata (Pedro). Gloria y martirio. Poema en tres cantos. Dedicado al pueblo y milicia na- cional de Reus. 49 pp. 1 1. 8". Madrid, Manini hermanos, 1851. Matelief (Coruelis, the younger). Ilistoriale ende ware beschrijvinge vande reyse naer de Oost-Indien, wtghetrocken in Mayo 1605, Mitsgaders de belegheringhe voor Malacca, als ooc den slachter zee teglien de Portu- gijssche armade, ende andere discoursseu, 6 1, sm. 4°. Rotterdam, J. Janssz, 1608. Mather (Cotton, d. d.) See Thirty important cases resolved. Mather (Increase, d. d. and others). The an- swer of several ministers in and near Bos- ton, to that case of conscience, whether it is lawful for a man to marry his wives own sis- ter ? 9 pp. 18°. Bolton, {N. IL) B. Green. 1695. Mather {Rev. Nathanael). The righteous- ness of God through faith upon all, without difference, who believe. 2d ed. 4p. 1.142 pp. 18°. London, R. Cruttrnden, 1718. 212 MATHER. MAWE. Mather (Hev. Samuel). The gospel of the old testament : an explanation of the types and figures by which Christ was exhibited under the, legal dispensation. Re-written from the original work, by [Caroline Fry]. 2 V. 2 p. 1. xxiv, 292 pp ; viii, 237 pp. 12°. London, R. B. Seeletj, 1834. — ■ A vindication of the holy bible, wherein the arguments for, and objections against, the divine original purity and integrity of the scripture are proposed and considered. 2 p. 1. iv pp. 6 1. 406 pp, 1 1. 8°. London, J.4- B. Clark, J723. Mathes {Rev. James M.) wwrf Brooks (T. S.) Debate on baptism and kindred subjects, be- tween elder James M. Mathes, of the church of Christ, and rev. T. S. Brooks, of the M. E. church. Held in the town hall in Bedford, Ind. 1868. 321 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, H. S. Bosworth, 1868. Mathews (Alfred E.) Gems of Rocky moun- tain scenery, containing views along and near the Union Pacific railroad. 23 1. 20 pi. 4°. New York, author, 1869. Mathews (Cornelius). The Indian fairy book. From the original legends. With il- lustrations, by John McLenan. 338 pp. 4 pi. 12°. NexD York, Allen brothers, 1869. Mathews (Joanna H.) The Bessie books. Bessie among the mountains. 356 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Neio York, R. Carter h- d. prof.in Lehigh uni- versity). Lecture-notes on physics. Part 1. 1 12, 3 pp. 4 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, from the Journal of the Franklin institute, 1868. Mayer (Franz). Zoll-tarif fiir den waaren- verkehr in Oesterreich mit den vertrags- staateu. See Austria. A', k. handcls-minis- terium. Mayer, or Mayr (.Johann). Epitome croni- corum seculi nioderni, das ist : kurtzes be- gritf vud inhalt aller gedenckwiirdigeu sachen, so von 1500, bisz zu dem 1604 jar Christi, auff dem gantzen erdenkreiss, zu wasser vnd landt sich verlauffen, an jetzt durch den authern selbst corrigiert. 10 p. 1. 339 1. 4°. Munche7i, N. Henricus, 1604. Mayhew (Jonathan, d.d.) Christian sobri- ety : being eight sermons on Titus ii, 6. Preached with a special view to the bene- fit of the yoirng men usually attending the public worship at the West church, in Bos- ton. 1 p. 1. xvi, 344 pp. 12°. Boston, R. 5; S. Draper, 1763. A discourse on Rev. xv, 3-4, occasioned by the earthquakes in November, 1755. De- livered in the west meeting house, Boston, December 18th, following. 72 pp. 1 1. 8°. Bosto7t, Edcs Sf Gill, 1755. Practical discourses delivered on occa- sion of the earthquakes in November, 1755. 3 p. 1.378 pp. 12°. Boston, R. Draper, i^eo. Two discourses delivered Oct. 9th, 1760; being the day appointed to be ob- served as a day of public thanksgiving for the success of his majesty's arms, more espe- cially in the entire reduction of Canada. 69 pp. 8°. Boston, R. Draper, 1760. Maynard (Abbi U. caywn of Poitiers). Saint Vincent de Paul ; sa vie, son temps, ses ceuvres, son influence. 4 v. 8°. Paris, A. Bray, 1860. Mayo (William Starbuck). The berber; or, the mountaineer of the Atlas. A tale of Morocco. 454 pp. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1850. Mazas (Alexandre). Saint-Cloud, Paris, et Cherbourg. Memoires pour servir ii This- toire de la revolution de 1830. Mission de 214 MAZAS. MEEK. Mazas (Alexandre) — continued. m. le due de Mortemart pendant la semaine de juillet. Nouveaux details politiques sur le voyage de Cherbourg. 2«= ed. aumentee. 2p. 1.466 pp. 8°. Paris, Urhain-Cand, 1833. Mazier du Heaume (Hippolyte). Voyage d'un jeune Grec a Paris. 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1. vii, 275 pp ; 1 p. 1. 328 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, Louis, 1824. Meacham (John). Testimony of Christ's second appearing, etc. See Darrovr (D.) Meacham (J.) and Youngs (B. S.) Mead (Charles). Mississippian scenery; a poem, descriptive of the interior of North America. 113 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, S. Potter <£- CO. 1819. Mead (Edward C.) Genealogical history of the Lee family of Virginia and Maryland, from a. d. 1300 to a. d. 1866. With notes and illustrations. 114 pp. 2 pi. 6 portraits. 4°. NeiD York, Richardson tfc co. 1868. Mead (F. late of New Orleans). Leaves of thought. 167 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, R. Clarice cf CO. 1868. Mead (Rev. Matthew). Der beynahe ein Christ entdeckt ; oder der irrige reiigions- bekenner, gepriift und verworfen. Der we- sentliche inhalt von sieben predigten, zuerst gcpredigt zu Sanct Sepulchre's, in London, im jahr J 661. Aus dem Euglischen iiber- setzt, von Daniel Weiser. xxxvi, 192 pp. 4 1. 12°. Selinsffrove, A. Stroh, 1830. A name in heaven the truest ground of joy ; and the power of grace in weaning the heart from the world ; set forth in two dis- courses. 73 pp. 12°, Philadelphia, 1815. [In Woodward (W.W.) A pious selection, pp. 175 to 248]. Mead (Rev. Samuel). A sermon, delivered occasioned by the death 8°. 24 pp. December 29, 1799 of general George Washington. Salem, J. Cushing, 1800. Meade (Richard W.) A treatise on naval architecture and ship-building; or, an expo- sition of the elementary principles involved in the science and practice of naval constrirc- tion. Compiled from various standard au- thorities. 496 pp.21 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ^- co. 1869. Meader (J. W.) The Merrimack river; its source and its tributaries. Embracing a his- tory of manufactures, and of the towns along its course ; their geography, topography, and products, with a description of the niag- Meader (J. W.) — continued. nificent natural scenery about its upper wa- ters. 307 pp. 1 map. 8°. Boston, B. B. Russell, 1869. Means (C. A. compiler). Living thoughts. [An anthology from various writers]. 1 p. 1. viii, 246 pp. sq. 16°. Boston, Lee Sf Shej)- ard, 1869. Words of hope, viii, 256 pp. 16°. Boston, Lee Sf Shepard, 1869. Meares (Capt. John). Reisen nach der uord- westkiiste von Amerika, in den jahren 1786 bis 1789. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt, und mit anmerkungen erliiutert von G. Forster. Nebst einer abhandluug von eben demselben iiber die nordwestkiiste von Amerika, und den dortigen pelzhandel. 1 p. 1. 130, 302 pp. 2 maps. 7 pi. 4°. Berlin, Voss, 1796. Mechanics' (The; magazine and journal of engineering, agricultural machinery, manu- factures, and ship-building. July, 1868, to Dec. 1869. New series, v. 19-22 ; complete series, v. 88-91. fol. London, Robertson, Brooman Sf co. [1868-69]. Medical commentaries. [Edited by Andrew Duncan, m. d.] Sect. 1. An account of books. 16, 129-223 pp. 8°. lEdinhurgh, 1773]. Medical pamphlets, v. 3-7. 8°. Note. — The contents of these vols, will be found under the names of the authors respectively. Medical (The) record. A semi-monthly jour- nal of medicine and surgery. Edited by G. F, Shrady, m. d. March, 1868, to Feb. 1870. v. 3-4. 8°. New York, W. Wood Sf co. [1868-70]. Meddrano (Manuel Joseph de). Breve resumen historial, que contiene las noticias que de Benedicto xiii. se han publicado en varios papeles, desde sa nacimiento, hasta su dichosa exaltacion al poutificado. Y un diario de los dos aiios, qve ha governado felizmente la iglesia. 10 p. 1. 332 pp. 4 1. 16°. Madrid, A. Gonzalez de Reyes, n^l. S. Meek (Fielding Bradford) and Wortheu (Augustus H.) Descriptions of inverte- brates from the carboniferous system. 8°. Chicago, 1866. [Illinois (Geological survey of), v. 1, section 2]. [Lower silurian species ; upper silurian species ; devonian species. Palaeontology : articulate fossils of the coal measures]. Chicago, 1868. [Illinois (Geological survey of), v. 3, part 2]. 215 MfiGANCK. MELCHEKS. Meganck (Francois Dominique). Lettro sui" la piimaute de Saiut Pierre, et de ses suc- cesscurs. Adrcssee a, monsieur Pierre Le Clerc. 2''ed. 143 pp. 8°. [u. p.] 1772. Meigs (J. Forsytli). A practical treatise on the diseases of children. 2d ed. 711 pp. 8°. r/tiladclphia, Linilsnij $f Blaliston, 1853. s. Meikle (James). The miscellaneous works, coutaiuiiig metaphysical maxims, and the remaining pieces of his prose intended for publication. 297 pp, 1 1. 12°. Pitlshur£>h, R. Patterson i^' Lambdin, 1818. The select remains ; or, extracts from manuscripts found among his papers, [etc.] 299 pp. VZ^\ Pittsburgh, R. Patterson cj- Lambdin, ]»]9. Meilan (Mark- Anthony). Stenography; or, short-hand improved. Being a new epitome of the art. 29 pp. sm. 4°. London, author, 1764.' Meiiiers (Christoph). Allgemeine kritische geschichte der religionen. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 522 pp ; viii, 808 pp. 8°. Hannover, Hclwing, ]80(i-07. Meiiiicke (C. E.) Haodbuch der geographic und statistik von Australien. 8°. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1865? [In Stkin (C. G. D.) and HorschklmaNN (F.) Haudbuch der geographie, [etc.] v. 2. pt. 1-2]. Meisel (August Heinrich), Cours de style diplomatique. 2 v. vi, 484 pp ; 2 p. 1. 574 pp. 8°. Paris, J. P. Aillaud, 1826. Meitzen (August, editor). Der boden und die landwirthschaftlichen verhaltnisse des preussischeu staates. See Prussia. Mela (Pomponius). The worke of Pompo- nius Mela, the cosmographer, concerning the situation of the world, [etc.] A booke right plesant and profitable for all sortes of men, [etc.] Translated out of Latine, by Arthur Golding. b. I. 3 p. 1. 94 pp. 1 1. 4°. London, T. Racket, 1585. Melanchthon or Schwarzerd (Philipp). Om- nivm opervm, pars 1-4. [Edente Casparo Peucer]. 4 v. fol. Witteberga:, J. Crato, 1562-77. CONTENTS. V. 1. Catechesis pverilis. Augustana; confessionia cditio prima, 1530 — postrema, 1538. Confessio doctrinaj saxonicarum ecclesiarvm, 1551. Locorum theologicorum postrema editio abso- luta, 1545. Exnraen theologicuni. De coniiigio. Melanchthon — continued. Di- coiitroversia Staiicari. Uetinitiones appellationum in ductrina eccle- six usitutaruin. Respousiouesadarticulosinquisitionisbavaricae. Narratio symbol! niceui prior, editu 1550. V. 2. Epitome reuovata; ecclesiastica; doctrinae. Ratio brevissacrarum coiicionum tractandanim. Do officiis concioiiatorirt. Breuis ratio disceudic llieologiic. Didymi Faventini advcrnus T. Placentimim oratio pro Marlino Lutbero. Adversus parisionsium tbcologastrorum decre- turn apologia. Responsio Philippi ad scriptum quorundam delectonim a clero Becundario Colonix Agrip- pinx scripta Bonnie, 1543. De ecclesia autoritate tierbi Dei. Doctriua de pccniteijtia repetita anno 1549. Defensij coniugij sacerdotum missa ad regem Anglije. Scripta quxdam de iisii inlegri sacramenti. Scriptum contra Steiielil'eldiiim propositum in convontu smulcaldicnsi. anno 1537. Testimouia de eucharistia non administranda nisi adsint quibus ea distribnatur. Annotata a d. Casp. Crucigero Rati.^pona;, ad refutandas pricstigias sopbismatum Eccij. Enarratio symboli uiceni postrema abuoluta, 1557. Coram entarius in Genesin. Argumentiim in Esaiam propbetam. Arguraeutiim in leremiam prophetam. Arguraentum in Threnos leremiiB. In Danielem commentarius, editus 1543. Argumentiim concioniim propbeta; Haggaji. Commentarius in propbetam Zachariam, 1553. Explicationes in iuitium Malacbis, 1553. Commentarii in psabnos, scripti 155.3-55. Euerratio 51 psalmi et aliorum coepta Argelia;, 1552. Euarratio psalmi. Dixit dominus, et aliquot sequentium, publico proposita a Cas. Cruci- gero. Explicatio prouerbiorum Salomonis. Enarratio libri Salomonis cuius tituliis est Ec- clesiastes. Argumentum eiusdem libri, repetitum Witte- bergre, 1.534. V. 3. Enarrationes euaugeliorum dominicalium. euangelii secundum Mattba^um. -^^^ euangelii secundem loannem. epistola; Pauli ad Romanos. V. 4. Enarrationes epistohtt ad Romauof. ad Corintbios. ad Collossenses. ad Timotbeum. Propositiones theologicse. Acta wormatiensia. ratisbonensia. smalcaldensia. Apologia protestantium, etc. Responsio ad crimiuationem Stapbyli. Consilium de moderauda controversia in arti- culis religiouis, etc. Epistola ad regem Angliaj. Melas (Leon). O Tepoaradrje:, r] ava/irjaeic rrjc TTaidiKiig jiov rjXiKiag. 3 parts in I v. 8°. Ev kOjjvaig, EK Tov TV'Koypa(^eiQv Aa^apov A. BiTiapa, 1858. s. Melbourne university. Calendar for the aca- demic year 1868-69. xii, 171, cclxviipp. 16°. Melbourne, government printer, ^ISOSI. s. Melchers (F. editor). Musenkliinge aus dem siiden ; eine sammlung von original ge- dichten, von Hugo Weidemann, Ch. Fried- rich Vogler, Georg Hoti'maun, und F. Mel- chers. viii, 176 pp. 18°. Charleston. (S. C.) F. Mclclicrs, 1858. 216 MELGAREJO. MENAGE. Melgarejo (Pedro). Conipendio de contratos publicos, avtos de pavticiones execvtivos, y de residencias. Col en geuero de papel sellado qve a cada despacho toca, [etc.] 2 p. 1. 378 pp. 3 1. sm.40. Madrid, P. J. A.dc Padilla, 1728. s. Meline (Mary Miller). The Montarg^es legacy ; a tale, by Florence McCoomb. \^pscudon.'] 294 pp. 16°. Pliiladelphia, P. F. Cunning- ham, 1869. Melitoii de Memije (Francisco). De re funebri veterum chiistianorum syntagma. 4 p. 1. 140 pp. 8°. Matriti, P. Marin, 1789. s. Mellen (Granville). Sad tales and glad tales. By Reginald Reverie, [pseudon.'] vi, 185 pp. 12°. Boston, S. G. Goodrich, 1828. Melville (Herman). Typee: a peep at Poly- nesian life. During a four months' residence in a valley of the Marquesas, xv, 325 pp. 1 map. 12°. Neic York, JlHey <^- Putnam, ]8i6. Menimler (Louise H.) Tausendschonchen. Erzahlungen fiir kinder. 79 pp. 2 col. pi. 18°. New York, G. Lauler, [1869]. Memoir [A] of Harriet Ware, first superin- tendentof the Children's home, in Providence. \anon.'] v pp.1 1.151 pp.1 portrait. 16". Providence, (R. I.) G. H. IVhitney, 1850. Menioires historiques et galans de I'acad^mie do ces dames et de ces messieurs. [_poli)on.^ 351 pp. 8°. Faris, Viste, 1787. [hi CaYLUS (A. C. p. co/nte de). ffiuvrcs badines complettes. v. 12]. Menioires de Gaudence de Lucques, prison- nier do I'inquisition, [etc. anon.] 4 v. 12°. Amsterdam, 1777. [Attributed to George Berkeley]. Menioires pour I'histoire des sciences et des beaux-arts. janv. 1701-dec. 1767. 265 v. in 290. 16°. Tr6voux, et Paris, 1701-67. Note. — Only jan.-mai, in 2 v. were issued in 1720. This publication was continued under the name of "Journal des beaux-arts et des sciences." Table methodique des memoires de Tre- voux: (1701-75). Precede d'uue notice his- torique. Par P. C. Sommervogel. 3 v. 12°. Paris, A, Durand, 1864-65 CONTENTS. V. 1. Dissertations, pidces origiuales ou rares, m§- moires. V. 2-3. Bibliographic. Memoires particuliers pour servir jl I'histoire de I'eglise de I'Amerique du Nord. [Conte- nant la Vie de la sreur Bourgeoys et I'His- toire de la congregation, anon, ] 2 v. 1 p. 1. cxviii, 406 pp. 7 pi ; 1 p. 1. xii, 519 pp. 1 fac-simile autograph. 3 pi. 8°. Paris, veuve Poussiclgue- Rusand, 1 853. Memoirs of Andrew Winpenny, count de Deux Sous; comprising numerous adventures in different countries, and exposing the craft and roguery jiracticed in life. By the author of "Ned Clinton," [etc. anon.'\ 1 p. 1.190 pp. 8°. London, ]V. Strange, 1838. Memoirs of ElleanorEldridge. [anon.'\ 128 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. Providence, B. T. Alhro, 1838. Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin. \^anon.'\ From the 3d London ed. With an introduc- tion, by the American editor. 1 ill. title, xxiv, 301 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Cambridge, Hilliard c^' Broicn, 1832. Memoirs of the chevalier Pierpoiut. [anon. ] 4 V. 16°. London, R.cfJ. Dodstey, 1763. Memoirs of the principal transactions of the last war between the English and French in North-America. From the commencement of it in 1744, to the conclusion of the treaty at Aix-la-Chapclle. Containing in particular, an account of the importance of Nova Sco- tia or Acadie, and the island of cape Breton to both nations, [anon. 1757]. 3d ed. 80 pp. 8°. London, Boston, Green Sf Russell, 1758. Memorable accidents and remarkable trans- actions : containing an account of several strange events ; as deposing of tyrants, ship- wrecks, misfortunes, stratagems of war, per- ilous adventures, happy deliverances, [etc. anon.'] Translated from the French, and published in English, by R. B. 142 pp. 18°. Worcester, (Mass.) 1795. Memoria politico-instructiva, enviada desde Filadeltia en Agosto de 1821, a los gefes in- dependientes del Anahuac, llamado por los espanoles Nueva Espana. [anon.] 150 pp. 18°. M&zico, M. Ontiveros, 1822. Memorial (A) of God's last twenty-nine years' wonders in England, for its preservation and deliverance from popery and slavery. From the restitution of Charles the ii. to the abdica- tion of James the ii. [anon.~\ 149 pp. 4'^. London, J. Raiclins, 1689. [ With COMPLEAT collection of papers]. Memorias de la colonia francesa de Santo Do- mingo, con algunas reflexionas relativas a la isla de Cuba, por un viagero espanol. Pub- licalas Ignacio Gala, [anon.] 4p.l 180 pp. 18°. Madrid, H. S. Alonso, 1787. Menage (Gilles). Historia mulierum philoso- pharum. 66 pp. 3 1. 16°. Amstelodami, H. Wetstenius, 1692. MfiNARD. 217 MERIAN. Menard (Ernest). Quiberou. Roman bisto- rique. 2 p. 1. 378 pp ; 2 p. 1. 371 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Dessarts, 1840. Mencke (Johaun Burkhard). De charlatau- eria eruditorum declamationes dure. 7 p. 1. 154 pp.3 I. 1 pi. 16°. LipsicB, J. F. Gled- itscli, 1715. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix). Elijab, an oratorio. Tbe words selected from the old testament, tbe English version by W. Bar- tholomew. 296 pp. 1 portrait. 4^. Boston, G. P. Reed <£• co. [about 1850]. Menden (Tbeodor). Doctrinre de voto expli- catio et refutatio argumentonim adversario- rum. 1 p. 1.102 pp. 8°. Bonnie, A. Henry. 1868. s.' Mendes de Almeida (Candido). Atlas do imperio do Brazil, comprebendendo as re- spectivas divisoes administrativas, ecclesias- ticas, eleitoraes e judiciarias. 37 pp. 28 maps, sq. fol. Rio de Janeiro, Just, phllomathico, 1868. Mendo9aCorte-Real (Diof^o de). Examen et reponse a un ecrit public par la compagnie des Indes Occidentales sous le titre de Refuta- tion des argumens et raisons allegnees par m. Diogo de Mendofa Corte-Real. euvoie extra- ordinaire de Portugal a la Haye, dans son in^moire et I'ecrit annexe presente h leurs hautes puissances le 15 septemb. 1727, etc. 64 pp. 1 map. 4°. \_Paris^, 1727, [With the following]. Traduction de la demonstration de la compagniedes Indes Occidentales, contenant les raisons pourquoi le,s Portugais ne sont point en droit de naviguer vers les cotes de la Haute et Basse Guin^e, etc. et examen et refutation de toutes ces raisons. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1727. Mendoza (.Juan Gonzalez de). See Gonza- lez de Mendoza. Mentz (George W. ) & son. [A] new En- glish-German and German-English diction- ary ; containing all the wordg in general use, designating the various parts of speech in both languages, with the genders and plurals of tbe German nouns. Compiled from tbe dic- tionaries of Lloyd, Nohden, Fliigel, and Sporschil. 2v.ini. English and German. German and English, iv, lix, 498 pp ; 677 pp. 8^. Philadelphia, G. JV. Mentz Sf son, 1834. Menu. See Manu. Menzini( Benedetto). Satire con annotazioni. etc. xi, 306 pp. 1 portrait. 18''. Londru, Livorno si vende, preso T. Masi e comp. 1788. 28 Mephistophiles in England ; or, the confes- sions of a prime minister. \^anon.'^ 2 v. 239 pp ; 220 pp. 12°. New York, Harper tfc brothers, 1835. Mercantile advertiser [New York daily]. Oct. 25, 179 J; Jan. 21 to May 6, and Oct. 26, 1802; April 27, 1808; Feb^ 17, and Juno 13,1808; Jan. 24, 1809, to April 30, 1813; Aug. 25, Sept. 11, Oct. 12, and Nov, 27, 1813; April 21 and July 7, 1814 ; Jan. 9, and May 19, 1815; and Dec. 31, 1821. 9 v. fol. New York, 1799-1821. Mercer (Margaret). Popular Lectures on eth ics,or moral obligation ; tor the use of schools, 228 pp. I 1. 12°. Petersburg, (I'a.) E. 4- J.C.Ruffin, 1841, Merchant's (The) magazine and commercial review. Edited by W. B. Dana. Jan. to Dec. 1869. V. 60-61, 6°. Netc York, JF. B. Dana, 1869, Mercier (Rev. horns). Sermons sur le culte public. 2 V, in 1. 19, 289 pp ; 6, 191 pp. 1 1, 8^. Londres, de Vimyrimerie de R. Noble, 1801, Mercure (Le) de France. Esprit du Mercure de France, depuis son origine jusqu'^ 1792, [etc.] 3v. 8°. Paris, Barba, 1810. Mercuriale (Girolamo). Variarvm lectionvm libri V. In quibus complurium, maximeque medicinjB scriptorum infinita paene loca A-el corrupta restituuntur, vel obscura declarantur. I6p. 1.276 pp. le*'. Basilea, P. Perna, 1576. Mercuric peruarjo de bistoria, literatura, 3' noticias publica?, que da a luz la sociedad academica de amantes de Lima. Y en su nombre d. Jacipto Calero y Moreira. 1791- 94. 12 v, sm. 4°. Lima, imprcnta real de los ninos huerfanos, 1791-94. [Imperfoet]. The same, Peru nach scineui gegen- wartigen zustande dargestellt aus dem Mer- curio peruano. 2 v. xiv, 574 pp. 1 map; xxviii, 380 pp. I map. 8°, Weimar, F. S. pr. Inndes-industriecomptoir, 1808, CONTENTS. V. I. Ei'Bter theilbearbc-itet nach Skinner's eneli-Thern auszuge aus dem zelben [dcr gcgcnu artige zustaud von Peru], von Ch. Weyland, uud he- rausgegeben von F. J. Bertuch. v. 2. Zweiter theil aus der spanischen urschrift iJber- Betzt von K. A. Schmidt, [etc.] Mercury (Tbe) and New Ensrland palladium. See New England palladium. Merian (Mathieu). Historia> sacra? tam veteris quam novi testament!, elegantissimis iconi- bus expressas. Afbeeldingen der Yoornaamste 218 MERIAN. METHODIST. Merian (Mathieu) — continued. liistoiion, soo van bet oude als nieuwe tes- tament, door verseheide van de geestrykste en vermaavd.ste tekenaars en plaatsnyders seer kuustig afgebeeld ; zynde tot verklaringe van ieder afbeeldiuge daar by gevoegt, sinryke rynien, in de latynse, IVanse, engelse, boog- en nederdiiitsetalen, [etc.] Uitgegeven door Nicolaus Visscher. rJv. inl. fol. Amstel- dam, N. Visscher, [about 1640] ? Merimee (Prosper). 1572: a cbronicle of tbe times of Cbarles tbe nintb ; translated from the French. 286 pp. \2^. New York, G. 8f C. Sf H. Carvill, 1830. Merlin ( — Mercedes Jarueo, cumtesse). La Havane. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Amyut, 1844. Merlin ; or, the early history of king Arthur. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. Part i-ii. 8^. Lundun, N. Triibmr 8f co. 1865-66. [Early English text society publications, no. lU and 21]. Merlini (Giovanni). Sulla construzione dei letti degli edificj [etc.] vi, 98 pp. 1 1. 4 pi. 8'^. Mdano, G. Bcrnardoni, 1842. Mermann (Arnold). Theatrvm conversionis gentivni totivs orbis ; sive cbronologia de vocatione omnivm populorum, [etc.] 192 pp.81. HP. Antcerpia, C. Plantinus,\bl'2. Mero (Honorc Joseph). Odes anacreontiques, contes en vers, et autres pieces de poesie, suivies de Come de Medicis,[poeaie epique]_ 2 p. 1. 251 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. Londrcs, 1781. Merridew (John, editor). Kenilwortb festivi- ties : comprising Laneham's description of the pageantry, and Gascoigne's masques, represented before queen Elizabeth, at Kenil- wortb castle, 1575 ; with introductory pref- aces, glossarial and explanatory notes. 2 v. in 1. xvi pp. 1 1. 114 pp. 2 pi; xxxviii, 104 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. JVaricick, and Learn- in o ton, J. Merrideic, 1825. Merrill (William E.) Iron truss bridges for railroads. Methods of calculating strains, with a comparison of the most prominent truss bridges, and new formulas for bridge compu- tations ; also, the economical angles for struts an I ties. 130 pp. 4°. New York, D. Van Nustrand, 1870. Mes (El) de Maria; 6, el mes de mayo con- sagrado a Maria santisima, con la prdctica de varios actos de virtud, (etc. anon.) 136 pp. IB"^. Madiid, E. Aguado, 1830. s. Mes vingt-cinq ans ; ou, memoires d'un jeune hommc, fidelement lediges et recueillis par lui-meme. \_anon.'] 189 pp. 18°. Paris, A. J. Rosruj, 1813. Mesange (Pierre de). La vie, les avan- tures, et le voyage de Greenland, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 7 p. 1. 269 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 283 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, E.Roger, 1720. Messie (Le) des femmes. Par Stebano. [pseudon.1 2 p. 1. 63 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Dcntu, 1863. Messinger (/?cr. Rosewell). An oration, de- livered at Old York, on the death of George Washington. 16 pp. 8°. Ckarlestown, S. Ethcridgc, 1800. Mestre (Miguel). Vida, y niilagros del glorioso San Antonio de Padua, [etc.] 8 p. 1.330 pp. 3 1. 8°. Madrid, imprenta de la nierced, 1742. s. Mestres (Salvador). Tratado elemental de moral y religion, revisada por la autoridad eclesiastica. 3" ed. 134 pp. 12°. Barcelona, T. Gorehs, 1850. s. The same.. 4^ ed. 136 i)p. 12°- Barcelona, T. Gorehs, 1850. s, Metcalf ( Dr. Samuel L. ) A new theory of terrestrial magnetism, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 159 pp. 8°. New York, G. d- C. <£• //. Carrill, 1833. Metcalfe (Tbeophilus). Short-writing, the most easie, exact, lineal and speedy method that hath ever been obtained or taught. 9th ed. 39 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. London, J. Hancock, 1668. The same. 9th ed. 39 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. London, J. Hancock, 1674. Methodist (The) : an advocate of lay repre- sentation. G. R. Crooks, d. d. editor. Jan. 1867, to Dec. 1869. v. 8-10. fol. New York, H. W. Douglas, 1867-69. Methodist episcopal church. A collection of hymns, adapted to the use of the methodist episcopal church, including the whole collec- tion of the rev. John Wesley, \_anon. By S. Hoyt] ? 230 pp. 4 1. 32°. New York, 1836. The same. Principally from the col- lection of the rev. John Wesley, [etc.] Revised and corrected ; with a supjilement. 616 pp. 24°. New York, G. Lane &f C. B. rippctt, 1845. The same. 550 pp. 48°. [Neio York^l [Imperfect : wanting title and last leaf]. The doctrine and discipline of the methodist episcopal church. 1 p. 1. 60 pp. 1 1. 32°. New York, 1836.' [With their Collection of hymns, etc. 1836]. The same. With an appendix. 374 pp. 32°. New York, Carlton Sf Lanahan, 1868. 219 MfiTODO, MEYER. Metodo practico elemental para aprender la leiigua fiancesa, espresamente adaptado ^ la capacidad dc los ninos. Traducido y ar- reglado por Euscbio Guiteras. ]3()pp. 12°. Nucva York, D. Appleton y c'la. 1869. Metrical (A) description of a fancy ball given at Washington, 'Jtli April, 1858. Dedicated to mrs. senator Gwiu. [ahoh.] 40 pp. 4°. Washington, F. Pliilp, 185S. -S. Metropolitan (The). New series, v. 1-3. fol. Georgetown, and if'asltington, S. D. Langtree 4- J. L. O'Sullivan, 1835-37. .s. [Imperfect]. Metropolitan (The) catholic almanac, [etc.] for 1850-51. 2 V. 12°. Baltimore, F. Lu-\ casjjr. 1849-50. s. Mettenheimer (H. J.) Auditor's guide ; be- ing a complete exposition of book-keepers' frauds. How committed, [etc.] Also con- taining a new and safe method of managing the cash department of retail stores, and a purchase account for commission houses. 16 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, author, \Hi\0. Meulen (Jan ver). De fide hajreticis ser- vanda, libri tres. De fide rebellibvs seru- anda, liber vnus. Item unicus, de fide et jvramento, quae a tyranno exiguntur. Bp.l. 214 pp. 8 1. 18°. Colonic, G. xSaint-Germaiu. Catalogue illustre de 79 figures par Arthur Rhone. 188 pp. 3 pi. 8°. Paris, C. Rein- icald, 1869. s. Mortimer (C. B.) Bethlehem and Bethlehem school. 208 pp. 16°. New York, Stanford 4- Delisser, 1858, 229 MORTON. MULLER. Morton (Sarah Wentworth). My miud aud its tlioui^lits, in sketches, tVagineuts, and essays. xx,-JUr)p|). 8°. Boston, mils Sf Lilly, \S2:i. Morton (Tliomas, bishop of Durham). A dis- chaif^e of five imputations of niisallegations, falsely charged upon the (now) bishop of Dvresnie, by an English baron. Shewing that no solid answer is to be expected from the Romish party, to his late booke [against their mass]. 16 p. 1. 278 pp. 16<^. London, A'. Mithoiirnc, 103:?. Moryson (Fynes). An itinerary, written first in the Latin tongue, and then translated by him into English : containing his ten yeeres travell throvgh the twelve domjnious of Germany, Bohmerland, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Tur- ky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. 3 parts in 1 v. fol. London, J. Bcale, 1G17. Moscoso (Francisco Benavides). Exercicios espiritiiales de s. Vicente Ferrer, redvcidos a meditaciones. 16 p. 1. 256 pp. 16°. Mad- rid, A.de Mora, 1735. Mosenthal (Joseph). Anthems for tlie morn- ing and evening service of the episcopal church. For quartette choirs. 112 pp. obi. SO. New York, W. A. Pond, 1870. Mother Goose's melodies for children ; or, songs for the nursery, with notes, music, and an account of the Goose or Vergoose family. And with illustrations, by Henry L. Stephens, and Gaston Fay. xx, 186 pp. 18 pi. 4". New York, Hard 8f Houghton, 1869. Motley (John Lothrop). Historic progress, and American democracy : an address before the New York historical society. Dec. 16, 1868. 2 p. 1. 74 pp. 8°. New York, C. Scribner, 1869. Mott(A'c». George S.) The perfect law. 20*0 pp. 16°. NeiB York, American tract society, 1868. Motteley (J. Charles). Histoire des revolu- tions de la barbe des Fran^ais, depuis I'ori- gine de la monarchic, [anow. ] 46 pp. 1 1. 24°. Paris, Ponthieu, 1826. Note. — Prise, en graude partie, daus I'histoiro des modes, par Mole. Barbier. Motz (Johann Friedrich Wilhelm). Sec Lu- ther (Martin). Leben, meinungen, uud schicksale, [etc.] Moiibach (Abraham). De walvischvangst, [etc.] Sff Zorgdrager(C. G.) Bloeyende opkomst, [etc.] Mouhy (Charles de Fieux de). La paysanne parvenue ; on, les ni6moires de madame la marquise de L. V. 12 v. in 3. 16°. Am- sterdam, 1735. Moxo ( Benito Maria de). Entretenimieutos de un prisionoro en las provincias del Rio de la Plata. Por el baron de Juras Reales. [pla- giarist]. 2 V. 3 p. 1. viii, 334 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 391, 16 pp. 8°. Barcelona, J. Torner, l&iS. Note. — All the burou's dissertatious are inudo up verbatim from Moxo's Cartas mejicaiias, with a few notes added, and the omission of the passages which shew that they were written in Mexico. Rich. Bibl. Amer. v. 2. p. 332. Moya (Juan Perez de). Aritmetica practica, y especulativa. 14" impression. 448 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, J. Otero, 1784. s. Moyens de briller, dediez aux troupes auxi- liaires des Pays-bas, pour leur servir de re- creation. lanon.'\ 6 p. 1. 216 pp. 18°. Bruxelles, J. Leonard, 17U2. Mudge (E. R. ) and Hayes (John L. ) Paris universal exposition, 1867, [etc.] Report upon woo! and manufactures of wool. 143 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1868. Mudge (Z. A.) Views from Plymouth rock ; a sketch of the early history of the Ply- mouth colony. Designed for young people. 451 pp. 5 pi. 1 map. 16°. New York, Carl- ton i^- Lanalian, [1869]. Mudie (Robert). The modern Athens : a dis- section and demonstration of men and things in the Scotch capital. By a modern Greek. [««««.] 2d ed. V, 320 pp. 12°. London, Knight 4- Lacey, 1825. Mueller. See Miiller. Miihleupfordt (Eduard). Versuch einer ge- treuen schilderung der republik Mcjico be- zonders in beziehuug auf geographie, ethnog- raphic und statistik. 2 v. 6 p. 1. 472 pp ; vi, 552 pp. 8°. Hannover, C. F. Kius, 1844. Mujal y de Gibert (Juan Antonio). Deseu- gano al publico con pura y solida doctrina. Tratado de la observancia y obediencia, que se debe ^ las leyes, pragmaticas, sanciones y reales decretos, [etc.] 146 pp. 8 1. 8°. Madrid, F. X. Garcia, 1774. s. Muller (Adam). Manuel de Tirrigateur. See Villeroy (Felix) and Muller (Adam). Muller (Carl Ottfried). Denkmaler der alten kunst, nach der auswahl und anordnung von C. O. Muller gezeichnet und radirt von Carl Oesterley, [1832-39]. Fortgesetzt von F. Wieseler, [1846-56]. 2 v. 1 p. 1.57 pp. 74 pi; 110 pp. 30 pi. obi. fol. Giittingen, Die- terich, 1832-56. s. [Lief. 4-5, V.2, 1853-56, wanting]. Muller (Felix). Flore analytique du centre de la Belgique. See Pire (Louis) and Muller. 230 MtTLLER, MtJNTINGIIE. Muller (F61ix)— continued. Spicilege de la flore bruxelloise. 1"' et 2« fascicules. 8.') pp. 8°. BruxcUes, M. Hayez, 1862. Muller {Prof. Friedrich). Etbnograpliie auf grund des von dr. Karl v. Scberzer gesam- uielteu materials bearbeitet. xxx, 224 pp. 1 1. JOpbot. 4°. U'ien, 1868. s. [Wullerstorf-Urbair (B. von). Reise der No- vara. Anthropologischer theil. 3e abtheil.] Miiller (Fritz). Facts and arguments for Dar- win. Witb additions by the autbor. Trans- lated from the German, by W. S. Dallas, iv pp. 2 1. 144 pp. 12°. London, J. Murray, 1869. Miiller (Heinricb). Bericht iiber einige im berbste 1852 augestellte untersuchungen. Sir Gegenbaur (C.) KoUiker (A.) a7id Muller. Miiller (Johannes) andHenle (Friedrich Gus- tav Jacob). Systomatische beschreibung der plagiostomen. xxii, 200 pp. 2 1. 60 col. pi. fol. Berlin, Vcit cj- CO. ISA] . S. Miiller (Otto). Dr. Goethe's courtship. A tale of domestic life, from the German, xv 271 pp. sm. 4°. London, G. Routlcdge Sf sons, 1866. Miiller (P.) Untersuchungen iiber die ver- kiirzuug der vaginal portion in den letzten mouaten der graviditjit. 1 p. 1. 157 pp. 1 pi. 8^. mirzburg, Stahd, 1868. s. [Separatabdruck aus Scanzoni's beitrage zur ge- burtskimde und gyniikologie]. Miiller (Salomon). Land- en volkenkunde. fol. Leiden, J 839-44. [Teiiminck (C. J.) Verhandelingen over de natu- uiiijke geschiedenisdernederlandische overzeesche bezitt.iugen]. Mullois (Isidore). Manual de caridad ; obra escrita en Frances y traducida de la 10" edi- cion francesa. xi, 304 pp. 18°. Madrid, Tcjtido, 1857. Multatull. lpseudon.1 Max Havelaar. See Dekker (Edward Douwes). Miinch (Ernst Joseph Hermann). Vollstiin- dige sammlung aller iiltern und neuern kon- kordate, nebst einer gescbichte ibres enstete- hens und ihrer schicksale. 2 v. x, 522 pp ; xii, 772 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. Hinriclis, 1830-31. Miinch (Friedrich). Der staat Missouri, ge- schildert mitbesondererriicksicht auf teutsche einwanderung. 237 pp. 2 maps. 12°. Ncic York, L. Hauscr, 1859. Munde (Dr.Carl). Hydrotberapie ; oder, kunst die kvaukbeiteu des meuscblicheu korpers, ohue hilfe vou arzneieu, durch diat, wasser, Munde {Dr. Carl) — continued. schwitzen, luft und bewegung zu beilen, [etc.] 2'^ aufl. xxiv, 456 pp. 12^. Dresden, arnoldischchuchhandliing, 1846. S, Mundt (Clara Miiller). Prince Eugene and bis times. An historical novel. By L. Miihl- h&c\i. [j)seudon.'\ 316 pp. 8 pi. 8°. New York, D. Applelon 8f co. 1869. Two life-paths. A romance. By Louisa Miihlbach. [pseudon.'\ From the German, by Nathaniel Greene. 157 pp. 8°. JVeto York, D. Appleton Jj- co, 1869. Muiioz (Antonio). Aventuras en verso, y prosa del insigne poeta, y su discreto com- panero. 8 p. 1.233 pp. 18°. Madrid, M. Fernandez, 1739. S. Muiioz (Bernardino Antonio Martinez), Dia- rio puntual de las fiestas sagradas que se cele- bran en Espafia, vulgarmente Uamado Pis- cator Sarrabal de Milan, para el afio 1861, [etc.] 128pp. 81. 16°. Madrid, L Sanchez, I860. s. Muiioz (Candido). Question theologico-moral acerca del reo de fe, convi'cto, negative, relax- ado al brazo secular, y sentenciado a muerte, [etc.] 8 p. 1.103 pp. 16°. Madrid, viuda de F. del Hicrro, 1730. Munson (James E.) The complete pbonogra- pherv being an inductive exposition of pho- nography, etc. 236 pp. 12°. New York, Oakley, Mason <^- co. 1869. Lessons in phonography, [etc.] 12 pp. 12°. INew York, Oakley >j- Mason, 1868]. [ With the preceding]. A new classification and arrangement of the consonant signs of phonography, [etc.] 12pp. 12°. INcw York, J. E. Munson, 18G7^. [ Tfith the preceding]. Miinster (Sebastian). Organum uraniciun. 4 p. 1. 70 pp. 18 1. fol. BasileiD, Hcnricus Petrus, 1536. Miinster-Ledenburg (Ernst Friedrich Her- bert, count). Political sketches of the state of Europe, from 1814-67. Containing count Ernst Miinster's despatches to the prince re- gent, from the congress of Vienna. 4 p. 1. 287 pp. 8". Edinburgh, Edmonston 4' Doug- las, 1868. Miiutinghe (Hermann). Syllogo opusculo- rum ad doctrinam sacram pertinentium. 2 V. 6p.l.303pp; 2p. 1.330pp.31. 8". Lug- duni Batavorum, A. Sf J. Honkoop, 1791-93. CONTKNTS. Anton (C. G.) Dissertatio de ratioue piophetias uiessiauaij interpretandi, [etc.] v. 2. 231 MUNTINGHE. MURRAY. Miintinghe (Hermann) — continued. Dathi-; (.1. A.) Dissertatio philologico-exegetica ill fiintk'iiiii IMoBi!*, [etc.] v. 2. ERNKsri (J. C. fx.) Commentfrtio de usu vitae com- munis, [etc.] V. 1. Hksse (J. U. W.) Commentiitio do religlouo chris- tiiiuii, [etc.] V. 1. Knapi' (CI. C.) rrolusio de Chrlsto ad dextram Dei sedente. v. 1. Corameutatio in locum 2 Petr. 1, 19-21, [etc.] V.2. Krausk (J. C. H.) De usu vocabulorum 0co2. Nacion (La) espanola defendida de los insul- tos del Pensador, y sus sequaces, [etc.] Dalo al publico don Francisco Mariano Nipho. 2 parts in 1 V. 214 pp. 16°. Madrid, G. Ramirez, 1764. Nack (James). The legend of the rocks, and other poems. 204 pp. 12^, Neiv York, E. Conrad, 1827. ITafria (Manuel Anselmo, ^^sewr/on.) Loscr- rores de Llorento compatidos y deshechos en echo discursos. viii, 223pp. IG'^. Madrid, F. M. Davila, 1823. s. Nagler(G. K.) Neues allgemeines kiinstler- lexicon ; oder, nachrichten von dem leben und den werken der maler, bildhauer, bau- meister, kupferstecher, [etc.] v. 21-22. 8°. Miinchen, E. A. Fleischmann, 1851-52. Najera or Naxara (Antonio de). Svma as- trologica, y arte para ensefiar hazer pro- nosticos de los tiempos, y por ellos coiiocer la fertilidad, o esterilidad del afio, y las alte- raciones del aire, por el juyzio de los eclypses del sol y luna, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 246 pp. 2 1. sm. 4°. Lisboa, A. Aluarez, 1632. s. Nancrede (P. Joseph G.) L'abeille frangoise ; ou, nouveau recueil de morceaujt brillans des auteurs frangois les plus c^l^bres, [etc.] 352, V, 3 pp. 16°. Boston, Belknap & Young, 1792. Nanny's christmas ; a story for children. 130 pp. 16-'. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen d: Haffelfinger, 1870. Napheys (George H. m. d.) The physical life of woman ; advice to the maiden, wife, and mother. 252 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, G. Maclean, 1869. Napier (James). A system of chemistry ap- plied to dyeing. A new and thoroughly revised edition, completely brought up to the present state of the science, including the chemistry of coal-tar colons. By A. A. Fes- quet, with an appendix on dyeing and calico printing as shown in the universal exposition, Paris, 1867. 422 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. Napiersky (Carl Eduard). Allgemeines schriftsteller- und gelehrten-lexikon der pro- vinzen Livland, Esthland, und Kurland. Sec Recke (J. F. von) and Napiersky. 30 Napoleon i. The officer's manual. Napo- leon's maxims of war. [Translated and edited by col. D'Aguiiar]. l.")9 pp. 18°. Richmond, If'est Sf Johnson, 1862. Napoleon dans I'autre raonde ; relation ecrite par lui-meme, et trouv6e h Ste. Helenc, an pied de son tombeau, par Zongo-Tee-Foh- Tchi, mandarin de 3™« classe. lpseudon.'\ viii, 392 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Londres, Colburn, 1827. Narbona (Eugenie de). Doctriua polilica civil escrita en aphorismos. El concqo y conse- jeros del priucipe por Fadrique Furi6 Ceriol. x.xii pp. 1 1. 424 pp. 18°, Madrid, A. de Sotos, 1779. , Nash (J. A.) Memoir of Seth Bun-oughs, [etc.] 108 pp. 18°. Boston, T. R. Mar- tin, 1829. Nash (Michael)? Stenography; or, the most easy and concise method of writing short- hand. On an entirely new plan, [etc.] xi pp.22 1. 4°. Noricich, author, 1783. Nation (The) ; a weekly journal devoted to politics, literature, science, and art. Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1869. v. 8-9. 4°. New York, E. L. Godlin 4- co. 1869. Nation's (A) manhood; or, stories of Wash- ington and the American war of indepen- dence. By the author of " Sunlight through the mist," [etc. anon.'\ viii, 358 pp. 4 pi. 12°. London, J. F. Shaio Sf co. 1861. National academy of sciences. Annual of the national academy of sciences, for 1863- 64, [and] for 1866. 2 v. 12°. Cambridge, 1865-67. S. Reports of the national academy of sciences, for 1866 and 1867. 2 v. 8°. [ Washington, government printing office, 1867-68]. s. National (The) advocate. [New York daily]. May 10, 1820, to Jan. 12, 1821 ; Dec. 10-31, 1821 ; Dec. 24, 1827, to March 5, 1828. 3 v. fol. New York, N FhUlips, and T. Snozc- den cS' ro. 1820-28. National anecdotes ; interspersed with histo- rical facts, English proverbial sayings and maxims, with a collection of toasts and sen- timents. In three parts, xii, 264 pp. 8°. London, C. Crudock Sf Jr. Joy, 1812. National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin. [Quarterly]. Edited by John L. Hayes, secretary. Jan. to Oct. 1869. v. 1. 8°. Boston, J. Wilson if son, 1869. NATIONAL. 234 NEIGEBAUER. National board of trade. Proceedings of the first meeting, held in Philadelphia, June, 1868. 188,7 pp. 8°. Boston, J. H. East hum, 1868. Proceedings of the first annual meet- ing, held in Cincinnati, December, 1868. xii pp. 21. 371 pp. 8°. Boston, J. H. East- burn, 1868. National commercial convention. Proceed- ings of the convention, held in Boston, Feb- ruary, 1868. viii, 251 pp. 8°. Boston, J. H. Easthurn, 1868. National exhibition of works of art, at Leeds, 1868. Official catalogue. [Sth ed.] 344 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Leeds, E. Baines Sf sons, 1868.* s. National freemason. Jan. 1867, to June, 1868. V. 8-10. fol. New York, national pub. CO. 1867-68. National gazette and literary register. [Phila- delphia tri-weekly]. April 4, 1826, to April 3,1828. 2v. fol. Philadelphia, Win. Fry, 1826-28. National (The) quarterly review. Edited by E.I. Sears, 11. d. Dec. 1868, to Sept. 1869. v. 18-19. 8°. Neio York, E. I. Scars, 1869. National (The) republican. [Washington daily]. July 1, 1868, to Dec. 31, 1869. 3 v. fol . IVash ington , 1 868-69. National (The) temperance advocate. [New York monthly]. The organ of the national temperance society and publication house. Jan. 1868, to Dec. 1869. v. 3-4 in 1 v. fol. New York, J. N. Stearns, 1868-69. Native bards ; a satirical effusion : with other occasional pieces. ByJ. L. M. [anon.l 1'4 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey, Sf A. Hart, 1831. Nature (The), extent, and province of human reason considered, [anon.] xx, 211 pp. 16°. London, R. Edwards, 1792. Naucler or Verge (Johann). Chronica Jo- hannis Navcleri propositi tvbingensis, svc- cintim comprjehendentia res memorabiles secvlorvm omnivm ac gentivm, ab initio mvndi vsqve ad annum Christi mccccc. 20 p. 1. 1123 pp. fol. Colonim, G, Calenius, 1579. Nauman (M. D.) Sidney Elliott: a novel. 235 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Rem- sen S; Haffeljinger, 1869. Twisted threads. 9.02 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffeljinger, i 1870. I Nautical (The) magazine and naval chronicle fur 1869. A journal of papers on subjects connected with maritime affairs. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall 8f eo. 1869. Navarro (Pedro Alvaro). Paz general de la iglesia y del mundo, cuando y por cuanto tiempo, segun las escrituras. 265 pp. 1 1. 8^. Madrid, J. Palacios, 1840. s. Naville (Ernest). H aiuvLog ^utj [ojiiliaL i,''] Kat Mt'/itTTj Tov vno rov K, 'Pei^avof "Btof roil 'I?;c7ot^." MsTatppaaig sk tov PaZ/liKov, I'TTO r. I. Kf^aAa. «(5', 319 pp. 8°. Ev Odr/(j- ao), A. NiTCTe, 1865. S. Neal (John). Authorship : a tale. By a New Englander over-sea. [anon.'] iv, 267 pp. 12°. Boston, Gray cj- Botcen, 1830. Great mysteries and little plagues. 271 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1870. Rachel Dyer : a North American story. 276 pp. 12°. Portland, Shirley ^- Hyde, 1828. True womanhood : a tale. 487 pp. 12°. Boston, Tichior cj- Fields, 1859. Wandering: recollections of a somewhat busy life. An autobiography, viii, 431pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. Neale (Frederick Arthur). Islamism ; its rise and its progress ; or, the present and past condition of the Turks. 2 v. xvi,365pp; x, 315 pp. 12°. London, J.Maddtn, 1854. Nebel (Carlos). Viaje pintoresco y arqueo- lojico sobre la parte mas interesante de la republica mejicana, en los auos transcumdos desde 1829 hasta 1834. 30 1.50 col. pi. fol. Paris, c Mejico, [P. Renouard], 1839. Nebrija (vElius Antoniirs de). See Lebriza or Lebrija (Antonio de). Nederlanden (Vereenigde). See Nether- lands. Neel ( — ). Voyage de Paris a Saint Cloud, par mer, et retour a Paris par terre. [anon. nouv. ^d.] 108pp. 24°. Paris, Delarue, [ISiS]. Negri (Vicente). Clamores y llantos del hijo prodigo ; o, afectos de un anima peuitente, y convertida a Dios. Traducido de Ilaliano por d. Tomas Ruselmi. 12 p. 1. 225 pp. 18°. Madrid, tiuda de Barco Lopez, 1806. Neigebauer (Johann Ferdinand). Das volks- schulwesen in den preussischen staaten [etc.] xvi, 344 pp. 8°. Berlin, [etc.] E. S. Mittler, 1834. 235 NEILL. NETHERLANDS. Neill (John) and Smith (Francis Guruey). An analytical compendium of the various branches of medical science, etc 7 v. in J. 12°, Philadelphia, Lea Sf Blanchard, 184H. CONTENTS. V. 1. A hand-book of nnatomy, etc. 180 pp. V. 2. A liiuiilbook. of physiology, t,'tc. 134 pp. V. 3. A liand-book of surgery. 122 pp. V. 4. A hand book of obstetrics. 114 pp. V. 5. A hand-book of materiamedica and therapeutics. lib pp. V. 6. A band-book of chemistry. 94 pp. V. 7. A hand-book of the practice of medicine. 152 pp. Neily (Kate J.) Fine feathers do not make tiuo birds. 1 p. 1. 174 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee Sf SJicpard, 18G9. [Bradley (M. E.) and Neily. Proverb series, v. 2]. ITelles (Annie). Scraps ; or, sabbath school intluence. 240 pp. 1 portrait. 12"^. Cincin- nati, Miami printing and publishing co. 1869. Nellie's trial. 128 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadel- phia, American Sunday school union, 1866. Nelly's neighbour and other stories. [«?iOH.] 216 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbytc- rian board of publication, 1867. Nelson (D.) [An] investigation of that false, fabulous, and blasphemous misrepresentation of truth set forth by Thomas Paine in his two volumes entitled The age of reason, ded- icated to the protection of the United States of America. By a Delaware waggoner, [rtwoji.] 192 pp. 12°. [Wilmington, about 1800]? Nelson (Henry A. rf.rf.) Seeing Jesus. 172 pp. 4 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbytcrian publication committee, 1869. Nepos (Cornelius). Vidas de los mas famosos capitanes griegos, con las de Hamilcar, y su hijo Hanibal carthagiuenses, y las de M. Porcio Caton, y T. Pomponio Atico romanos, escritas en lengua latina por Cornelio Nepote, e ilustradas con notas castellanas, [etc.] Su autor Alphonso Gomez Zapata, xxxii, 543 pp. 16°. Madrid, J. A. Lozano, 1776. s. Nervo {Baron Eobert de). fitudes histori- ques. Les finances frangaises sous la resto- ration, 1814-1850. Faisant suite aux finances sous I'ancienne raonarchie, la rcpublique, lo consulatetl'empire, [1810-1814]. v. 4. 8°. Paris, M. L6vy frcres, 1868. Nest (The) in the honeysuckles, and other stories. [«wom.] 192 pp. 9 pi. 18°. Phil- adelphia, American s. s. union, 1855. Netherlands {Seven united provinces of the). Accoort endc articulen tusschcn de croone van Portugael, ende de staten geuerael der • vry€ Vereeuichde Ne(.lerlanden, Avegens de Netherlands— continued. west-indischecompaguiedeser landeu. 8 pp. sm.4°. Amsterdam, F. Liefhout, 1641. The same. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Middrlbrrgh, S. Movlcrt, [1641 J. Advijs van den laedt van staten, voort- ghebrach't aen de staten generael der Ve- reenighde Nederlanden. Den 8 October, 1650. [Concerning Brazil]. 2 1. sm. 4°. Gravcnhage, Garret Pietersz, 1650. Articulen van vrede ende confoederatie, gheslooten [den 6 Aug. 1661], tusschen den doorluchtighsteu coningh van PortugaeK ter eenre, ende de staten generael der Vereeuighde Nederlanden, ter andere zyde. 14 1. sm.4°. Graven- tlagc, H. van U'ouw, 1663. Concept van reglement op Brasil, gbe- nomen by haere ho: mo: de staten generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, ende de be- windt-hebberen der geoctroyeerde wcst-in- dische compaignie. 4 1. sm.4°. [Graven- Hage'il 1648. — ■ — Octroy, by de staten generael, verleent aende westindische compagnie, in date den 3<^" Junij 1621. 111. sm. 4°. Graven- Haghc, H. Jacobssz, 1621. The same. Mette ampliatieu van dien, ende bet accoort tusschen de bewint-heb- beren ende hooft participanten vande selve compaignie, met approbatie vande staten generael ghemaeckt. 161. sm. 4°. Graven- Haghe, weduice van H. Jacobssz, van Wuow, 1637. The same. 16 1. sm. 4°. Graven- Haghc, wedmce van H. Jacobssz van IVuow, 1642. The same. [Another ed.] 16 1. sm. 4°. Graven-Haghe, iceduwc van H. Jacobssz van Wuow, 1642. Ordonnantien ende articvlen, beraemt by de heeren staten generael der Geunieerde Provintien, op het toe-rusten ende toe-stellen, van eene west-indische compagnie. Mits- gaders alle privilegien ende gherechticheden de zelve ghegheven ende vergundt. 8 1. sm.4°. lGraven-Haghe'\l 1621. Placcaet. [Van] de staten generael der Vereenichde Nederlanden. [Concerning the capture of San Salvador, and imposing loss of wages for their conduct, on the sol- diers there employed, signed J, Van Goch, 28 Oct. 1625]. folded sheet, sm. 4^'. Gra- ven- Haghe, wi'dmcr, etc. van HiUcbrant Ja- cobssz van Wuow, 1625. 236 NETHERLANDS. NEWBERRY. Netherlands — continued. Tractaet van bestant ende oplioudinge van alle acten ran vyandtschap, als oock van traffijcq, comniercieu ende secours, ge- maeckt, gearresteert ende beslooten in 's Giaven-Hage den 12<^" Junij 1641, voor den tijdt van tien jiren, tusschen de lieer Tristao de Meadoya Fuitado, ambassadeur van Ian de vierde, coniuck van Portugael, ende de beereu gedeimteerden vande staten generael vande vereenighde proviutien der Neder- landen. Translaet, uyt het Latijn inde ne- derlautscbe tale. 18 1. sm. 4°. Gravtn- hage, wedmce, etc. van Hillebrandt Jacohssz ■can JVouic, 1642. . Tbe same. Treslado do Latin na lin- goa portugeza. 8 1. sm. 4°. Haya viuva, etc, de J.Jacohson van Woitw, 1642, The same. Extract : ende dit alles by provisie raeckende de respective plaetsen ende zeen gelegen in Europa ende elders buyten de limiten vande octroyen hier bevo- rens respectivelijck verleent aeu die van d'Oost ende west-indiscbe compagnie re- spective. 4 1. sm. 4°. Graven-huge, icedu- we, etc. van Hillebrandt Jacohssz van Wiiow, 1641. Netherlands (Kingdom of the). Alphabetisch register of de twintig jaargangen, 1849-68, van bet staatkundig en staathuishoudkundig jaarboekje, uitgegeven door de Vereeniging voor de statistick in Nederland. 32 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, 1869. Staatkundig en staathuishoudkundig jaarboekje voor 1864-1868. Uitgegeven door de Vereeniging voor de statistick in Nederland. 4^ series, v. 1-5. 12°. Am- sterdam, 1864-68. Statistisch jaarboek voor het koning rijk der Nederlanden. H"** en 15'^^ jaargan- gen. 2 V. 8°. Gravenhage, Van Weelden & Mingelen, 1 867-68. s. Tarif des konigreichs der Niederlanden. 72 pp. sm.4°. Haag, Van IVeelden ^- Min gelen, 1862. — — Verslag van den staat der hooge- mid- delbare en lagere scholen in het koningrijk der Nederlanden over 1859-67. 9 v. sm. fol. Gravenhage, 1868. S. Verzameliug van stukken aangaande de surinaamsche aangelegenheden, than's aanhaugig bij de tweede kamer der staten- generaal. 2 v. 1 p. 1. viii, 129 pp; 1 p. 1. viii, 184 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, gebrocders Belinfante, 1845. Nettement (Alfred, pseudon.) S«cLamothe- Langon ( Baron £. L. de). Nettleton {Eev. Asahel). Village hymns for social worship. Selected and original. De- signed as a supplement to the Psalms and hymns of dr. Watts. 536 pp. 32°. Hart- ford, Brown ^' Gross, 1858. Neue (Das) und verbesserte gesangbucli, worin die psalnien Davids, samnit einer sanimluug alter und neuer geistreicher lieder, enthalteu siud. Nach einem synodal-schluss zusammen getragen und eingerichtet flir die evangelisch reformirten gemeiuen in den Vereinigten Staaten. 7" aufl. 539, 29 pp. 16°. Sumnytaun, E. Benncr, 1838. Neuhof ( Wilhelm). Der katfee und thee, wie deren sammtliche surrogate, oder ersatz- und erganzungsmittel. viii, 115 pp. 12°. ff'ei- mar, B. F. Voigt, 1861. Neumann (Carl Friedrich). Das kaiserthum Brazilien und die freistaaten Siidamerikas. (Abgedruckt aus dem 12*'"^ bande der " Ge- genwart," Leipzig, 1856). pp. 290-380 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, [1856]. Neuniarck (Georg). Der neu-spiossende teutsche palmbaum ; oder, ausfiibrlicher be- richt, von der hochloblichen fruchtbringen- den gesellschaft anfang, absehu, satzungeu, [etc.] aller dieses palmen-ordens mitglieder, derer nahmen, gewachsen und worten, her- vorgegebeu von dem sprossenden. \^anon.'\ 22 p. 1. 480 pp. 39 1. 26 pi. 16°. NUrnberg, J. Hoffman, l^about 1668]. Nevada {State of). Journal of the assembly during the fourth session of the legislature, 1869. 8°. Carson city, state printer, 1869. Nevins (William, d. d.) Select remains. With a memoir. 398 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. NeiD York, J. S. Taylor, 1836. Nevius (/?e». John L.) China and the Chi- nese ; a general description of the country and its inhabitants ; its civilization and form of government ; its religious and social in- stitutions ; its intercourse with other nations, and its present condition and prospects. 456 pp. 1 map. 8 pi. 12°. New York, Har- per Sf brothers, 1869. Nevw Bedford, (Massachusetts). Supplement to the catalogue of the free public library, New Bedford. 2p. 1.313 pp. 8°. New Bed- ford, E. Anthony Sf sons, 1869. Newberry (John Strong) anrf Worthen (Au- gu.stus H.) Descriptions of new species of vertebrates, mainly from the sub-carboni- 237 NEWBERRY. Newberry (John Strong)— coutimied. ferous limestone aud coal nieasuies of Illi- nois. 8°. MJIiicago, IdlJG. S. [Illinois (Geological survey of), v. 2, section 1]. Nevrburgh, (iVejo York). Carter's Newburgh city directory, with a complete business di- rectory attached. For the year ending May 1, 1870. 192 pp. 1 map. \'Z°. Acicbiirgh, (N. Y.) C. Junnicky, 1869. Ne-wbury (Herbert, pscudon?) May Bell ; or, duty before pleasure. 452 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, D. Lothrop 8( co. 1869. Newbury port, (Mass.) A directory of the city of Newburyport, [etc.] for 1813. [v. 5]. By C. A. Dockham and N. P. Brown. IS*^. Newburyport, H\ H. Huse, 1853. s. Newcastle (Margaret Lucas Cavendish, duchess of). Sec Cavendish. New^comb (Harvey). The four pillars ; or, the truth of Christianity demonstrated iu four distinct and independent series of proofs : together with an explanation of the types and prophecies concerning the Messiah, xii, 293 pp. 12°. Boston, S. Goldsmith, etc. 1842. A practical directory for young chris- tian females ; being a series of letters from a brother to a younger sister. 3d ed. 269 pp. 16°. Boston, Massachusetts sabbath school society, 1847. The young lady's guide to the harmo- nious development of christian character. 3d ed. revised and enlarged. 384 pp. 16°. Boston, J. B. Dote, 1841, NeAwconie (William, d. d.) An attempt ta- wards an improved version, etc. of the twelve minor prophets. Sec Bible. (English). Nev/ and complete tables of the net duties payable, and drawbacks allowed, on goods, wares, and merchandise imported into, ex- ported from, and carried coastwise in. Great Britain, agreeable to the act of the 27 Geo. iii. called the consolidation act, and corrected to the year 1794, [etc. anon.'] 128 pp. 8°. London, D. Steel, 1794. [IVith Steel (David). The Bhip-master's assistant and owner's manual]. New England (The) chronicle; or, the Essex gazette. (Sfc Essex gazette). New Englauder (The). Edited by G. P. Fisher, T. Dwight, and W. L. Kiugsley. Jan. to Oct. 1867. v. 26. 8°. New Haven, T. J. Stafford, 1867. New England (The) farmer. Containing es- says relating to agriculture and domestic economy. T. G. Fes-seudeu, editor. Aug. NEW JERSEY. New^ England farmer — continued. 3, 1822, to July 13, 1831. v. 1-9. 4°. Bos- ton, J. B. Russell, 1823-31. The same. T. G. Fessenden, H. Col- man, A. Putnam, and J. Breck, editors. July 20, 1831, to June 24, 1846. New series, v. 1-15, complete series, v. 10-24. 4°. Boston, J. Breck, 1832-46. Nevr England galaxy aud masonic magazine. Oct. 10, 1817, to Dec. 26, 1823; Aug. 17, 1827, to Dec. 20, 1834. Edited by J. T. Buckingham. 5 v. fol. Boston, 1817-34. Nevy England palladium. [Boston semi- weekly]. Jan. 6, 1801, to June 16, 1807. 7 v. fol. Boston, Young Sf Minns, 1801-07. New England (The) quarterly magazine ; comprehending literature, morals, and amuse- ment. Number i [to] iii. For April, [to] Dec. 1802. 3 v. 8°. Boston, H. Spruguc, 1802. New Granada. Nueva Granada i los Esta- dos-Uuidos de America. Final controversia diplomatica con relacion ^ los sucesos de Panama, del dia 15 de abrilde 1856. 87 pp. sm. fol. Bogota, imprenta del cstado, 1857. New Hampshire ( State of). First to twenty- first annual reports upon the common schools, 1847-67. 21 V. 8°. Concord, 1847-67. New Hampshire (The) gazette and histori- cal chronicle. [Weekly]. March 28, to Dec. 19, 1766; Jan. 5, 1770, to Dec. 25, 1772 ; Jan. 6— June 9, 177.5. 5 v. fol. Portsmouth, (N. H.) D. Sf R. Foicle, 1766-75. New Haven (The) gazette, aud the Connec- ticut magazine, for the years 1786 and 1787. Edited by J. Meigs. 2 v. 4°. Netc Haven, Meigs Sf Dana, 1786-87. New (The) Jamaica almanack and register, calculated to the meridian of the island for the year 1798. Being the second after bis- sextile, or leap year. 2d ed. 1 p. 1. 158 pp. 6 1. 18°. Kingston, Stevetison 8f Aikman, 1798. New Jersey (State of). Documents of the ninety-third legislature — the twenty-Hfth un- der the new constitution. 8°. Hudson city, IV. D. McGregor, 1869. Journal of the twenty-fifth senate. being the ninety-third session of the legisla- ture. 8°. Mount Holly, (N. J.) Herald, 1869. Minutes of votes and proceedings of the ninety-third general assembly, convened January 12. 1869. 8°. freehold, (N. J.) J. S. Yard, 1869. 238 NEW JERSEY. NEWTON. New Jersey — continned. ' (Geological survey). Geology of New Jersey. By autliority of the legislature. George H. Cook, state geologist. Published by the board of managers, xxiv, 900 pp. G maps, etc. 8'^. Atlas, 8 maps, folded 4°. Newark, printed at the Daily advertiser office, 1868. s- CONTEXTS. Introduction, p. 1. Part i. Detailed geology, p. 43. Part ii. Historic geology, p. 331. Part iii. Econo- mic geology, pp. 378-719. [By G. H. Cook]. Appendix A. Synopsis of the invertebrate fossils of the cretaceous formation of New Jersey. [By T. A. Conrad], p. 721-32. Appendix B. Synopsis of the extinct reptilia found in the mesozoic and tertiary strata of New Jersey. By Edw. D. Cope, a. m. p. 733-38. Appendix C. Synopsis of the extinct mammalia of New Jersey. By Edward D. Cope, a. m. p. 739-42. Appendix D. List of minerals in New Jersey. By rev. E. Seymour, p. 743-50. Appendix E. Catalogue of vertebrate animals of New Jersey. By Charles C. Abbott, m. d. p. 751- 830. Appendix F. List of heights of various points in New Jersey, p. 831-52. Appendix G. Heights along the Passaic river, and its branches the Rockaway and Whippany, above Little falls, p. 853-55. Appendix n. Meteorological tables, (etc.) pp. 856- 876. New Jersey (The) gazette. [Trenton week- ly]. Dec. 5, 1777, to July 9, 1783: March 14, 1785, to Nov. 27, 1786. n v. fol. Burling- ton and Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1777-86. New Jerusalem (Church of the). Liturgy for the new church signified by the New Je- rusalem: Rev. 21. 5th ed. revised and en- larged. 182 pp. 160. Chicago, 1869. Newman (John B. m.d.) Origin of the red men; an authentic history of the peopling of America by the Atlantians and Tyrians, the origin of the Toltecs, the description and history of Atlantis, [etc.] legend of Quetzal- coatl, [etc.] 48 pp. I pi. 12°. New York, J. C. Wells, 1852. New (The) monthly magazine. Edited by W. H. Ainsworth. Jan. 1868, to Dec. 1869. V. 142-145. 8°. London, Chapman ^~ Hall, 1868-69. Newnham (William). Essay on superstition ; being an inquiry into the eftects of physical in- fluence on the mind in the production of dreams, visions, ghosts, and other supernat ural appearances, xvi, 430 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Hatchard tf- son, 18.30. New Orleans {City of). Almanach de com- merce pour la Nouvelle-Orl6ans. The New Orleans directory and register. [4th issue], with the tariff of June, 1824. By John Aderas Paxton. 165 1. 18°. New Orleans, author, 1827. New^ Orleans — continued. Graham & Madden's crescent city di- rectory, 1870. Including Jefferson City, Carrollton, Algiers, Gretna, and Milneburg. 8°. New Orleans, 1870. Newport, (i?/io1. fob Alhany, E. Sf E. Hosjord, 18-.i0-2l. New York statesman. See Statesman (The New York daily). New York (The) teacher, and American edu- cational monthly ; devoted to popular in- struction and literature. Jan. 1868, to Dec. 1869. v.5-6. 8°. New York, J. W, Seller- 7ticrliorn 4' co. 1868-69. New York (The) times. [Daily]. .Tan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1869. 2 v. fob New York, 1869. New York weekly trutb-teller. Sec Truth- teller (The New York weekly). New York world. See World (The New York daily). Nibelungenliet. Neuaufgefuudenes brucb- stiick des nibelungenliedes, aus dem xiii jabrbundert. Mit bemerkungen iiber die gesangsweise uiid die gescbicbtlicben perso- nen des liedes, von E. Julius Leicbtlen. 72 pp. 1 tab. 18°. Freiburg im Breisgau, Wag- ner, 1820. s. Nic at the tavern ; or, nobody's boy. By the author of "Katie Lee." [amom.] 102 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American Sunday school union, 1865. Niceron (Jean Pierre) and others. Memoires pour servir h I'bistoire des bommes illustres dans la republique des lettres, avec un cata- logue raisonne de leurs ouvrages. [a«0M.] V. 1. 8 p. 1.390 pp. 13 1. Paris, Driasson, 1727. Nicholas (Abraham). Thoograpbia; or, a new art of short-hand. Being a more natural, grammatical and oasie method than any yet extant. Enlarged and published by Thomas Slater. 1 1 p. 1. 41 pp. 14 pi. 16°. London, H. Mortlork, 1692. 31 Nicholas (Samuel Smith). Conservative es- says, legal and political, v. 4. 8°. Louis- rille, (Ky.) J. P. Morton .^ co. 1869. Nichols (Beach) and others. Atlas of Herki- mer county. New York, from actual surveys* by and under the direction of B. Nichols, assisted by [eight others]. 1 p. 1. 32 1. col. maps. fol. New York, Stranahan <£• Nichols, 1868. Nichols (Thomas L.) Journal in jail, kept during a four months' imprisonment for libel, in the jail of Erie county. 248 pp. 12°. Buffalo, A. Dinsmore, 1840. Nicholson (George). Stenography; or, a new system of short-hand ; included in a sin- gle page, and illustrated by eleven engrav- ings. 4 p. 1. .'')6 pp. 12 pi. 16°. London, G. Nicholson, 1806. Nicholson (George W. S.) Poems of the heart. 120 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Philadel- phia, G. S. Applkton, 1850. Nicolay (Nicolas, sieur d'Arfeville). Lo nav- igati(mi et viaggi, fatti nella Tvrchia. Tra- dotto di Francese in Italiano da Francesco Fiori da Lilla. 12p. 1.191pp. fol. J'entia, F. Zilttti, 1580. Nicole (Pierre). Traite del'usure, [etc.] La question du faux depost y est traitee a fond, et on y trouve la refutation de quelques erreurs communes et populaires touchant l'u.sure, [etc.] 6 p. 1. 220 pp. 4 1. 18°. Paris, F. Babuty, 1720, S. NicoU (Robert). Poems. 3d ed. with numer- ous additions and a memoir of the author. 304 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, W. Tail, 1843. Nienieyer (August Hermann). Grundsatze der erziebung und des unterrichts fiir eltern, hauslebrer und scbulmtinner. 9« ausgabe. 3 V. 8°. Halle, buchhandlung des waisen- hauses, 1834-35. Niemeyer (Felix von, m. d.) A text-book of practical medicine, with particular refer- ence to physiology and pathological anatomy. From the 7th German ed. by special permis- sion of the author, by George H. Hum- phreys, m. d. and Charles E. Hackley, m. d. 2 V. XV, 731 pp ; 770 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton if CO. 1869. • Nieremberg (Juan Eusebio). Historia nat- vrit", maxune peregrina?, libris xvi distiucta. 4 p. 1.602 pp. 52 1. fol. Antrerpiic, B. Mo- ret, 1635. Nieto (Juan). Notice sur les mines de la partie espagnole de S. Doniingue. 6°. i'«n.s-, I8U9. [Ill DOKVO-.Sour.ASTKE. Voyage, oie. pp. 90-99). 242 NIGHTINGALE. NOOIIT. Nightingale (Rev. Joseph). A letter to a friend ; containing a comparative view of the two systems of short-hand, respectively invented by mr. Byrom and dr. Mavor. 2 p. 1.31 pp. 8°. London, J. McCreciy, 1811. A portraiture of methodism ; being an impartial view of the rise, ])rogress, doctrines, discipline, and maimers of the Wesleyan methodists. In a series of letters addressed to a lady. xvi, 496 pp. 8°. London, Longmnn, Hurst, Rees Sf Ormc, 1807. Rational stenography; or, short-hand made easy, in a few familiar lessons, founded on the principles of the late John Byrom, with numerous improvements. 40 pp. 1 por- trait. 3 pi. 12°. London, J. Robins if co. 1823. Nightingale (The) ; or, ladies' vocal com- panion. Ip. 1.121pp. 3 1. 24°. Albany, B. D. Packard, 18U9. [Imperfectl. Nights at mess. [anow.J 187 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, E.L. Carey Sf A. Hart, 1835. Nigrinus or Sch^vartz (Franz). Schauplatz der gantzen welt ; oder, summarische voor- stelliing aller konigreiche, lander, [etc.] in Enropa, Asia, Africa, und America ; auch eine kurtze lebensbeschreibung aller kaiser, konige und regenten. 2 p. 1. 520 pp. 18°. Ncustadt an der Aysch, C. Redelhamtr, 1679. Nimrod, a dramatic poem in 5 acts. [««»«.] 2 p. 1.251 pp. 16°. London, W, Pickering, 1848. Nino (Juanetin). Aphorismi superiorum etiam et inferiorum pro concordia, pace et tran- qnilitate reipublicse conservanda. Et in fine opusculum s. Bouaventurje episcopi s. r. e. cardinalis de sex alis seraphim, quo prselatos instruit ad regimen subditorum. 8p. 1. 480 pp. 16°. Matriti, A.Sanz,M'l'&. S Nippold (Friedrich). Welche wege fiihren nach Rom ? Geschichtliche beleuchtung der romischen ilhisionen liber die erfolgo der propaganda, xviii, 456 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, F. Bassermann, 1869. Nisbet (Richard). The capacity of negroes for religious and moral improvement con- sidered: with cursory hints to proprietors and to government, for the immediate melio- ration of the condition of slaves in the sugar colonies; [with] short and practical dis- courses to negroes, on the principles of re- ligion and morality., xii, 207 pp. 8°. Lo7i- don, J. Phillips, 1789. Noboa (Andres Martinez de). Ejercicios pia- dosos para disponer {i los nifios a los santos sacramentos de la peuitencia i com union, [etc.] 195 pp. 18°. Madrid, E. Aguado, 1841. S. Noctuae speculum. Sec Eulenspiegel. Noehden. Sec Nohden. Noel (Fraugois). Les livres classiques de I'empire de la Chine, recueillis [et traduits en Latin] par le p6re Noel ; [et du Latin en Franfois par F. A. A. Pluquet] prec6des d'observations sur I'origine, la nature, et (les etfets) de la philosophic morale et politique dans cet empire, v. 4-7. 18°. Paris, De Bare, 1785-86. .s. [v. 1-3 wanting]. CONTENTS. V. 4. Suite (la 3e livre classitiiie nomn]6 Le livre des SfUtenees. V. 5-<5. Lo livro dc Mencius. [Meng-Tsee], V. 7. Le livre de la piete filiale. Le livre de I'ecole des eufants. Noel (— ) and Chapsal ( — ). Abridgment of Noel and Chapsal's French grauimar. Trans- lated into English, by a professor. 234 pp. 12°. New York, G. R. Lockicood, 1869. Nogaret (Francois Felix). Le fond du sac ; on, restaut de babioles de m. X**** membre eveille de I'academie des dormans. \_anon.'\ 2 V. vi, 204 pp. 1 pl ; xvi, 200 pp. 32°. Venise. \_Paris, Cazin'],\"Si). Nohden (GeorgHeinrich). Elements of Ger- man grammar. Intended for beginners. 4th ed. 4p. 1.108 pp. 16°. Frankfurt, G. F. Krug, 1830. s. Nolan (Crtp<. Lewis Edward). Cavalry; its history and tactics. 1st Am. from 2d Loud, ed. xii, 202 pp. 18°. Columbia, (S. C.) Evans Sf Cogsiccll, 1864. Nonnotte (Claude Francois). Defensa de los puutos mas interesantes a la religion acometidos por los incredulos ; sacada de las celebres obras que escribio en Frances el sr. abate Nonnotte. Por dr. Josef de Palacio y Viana, [etc.] 372 pp. 21. 12°. Madrid, Pachcco, 1788. Noort (Olivier van). Journael van de wou- derlijcke voyagie, by de Hollanders gedaen, door de straet of enghte van Magellanes, ende voorts den gantschen kloot des aerd- bodems om, met vier schepen, onder het be- leydt van Olivier van Noord, uyt-gevaereu 1598. Med inwerpen, en in desen druck met verscheydene byvoeghselen. 72 pp. sm. 4°. Utrecht, J. van Poolsum, 1708. The same. 64 pp. sm. 4°. [_Utrecht'\, A. Cornelis, 1764. 243 NORA. NORTON. Nora's life at Denicleu^h. 2 pi. 18^. riiiliidclplna t'cliool union, [1809]. Nordenskiold (Nils Adolf Erik) -14. Norie (Jolm William). A complete set of nau- tical tables, containing all that are requisite, with the nautical almanac, in keeping a ship's reckoning at sea, and in ascertaining the [anon. ] 200 pp. ! North Carolina laud company— continued. Amtriran smiday the state in relation to the soil, climate, pro- ductions, minerals, etc. and an account of the swamp lands of the state. 136 pp. 1 map. 8°. Raleigh, {N. C.) Nichols Sf Gorman, 1869. Northern regions ; or, uncle Richard's rela- tions of captain Parry's voyages for the dis- covery of a northwest passage, and Frank- lin's and Cochrane''s overland journeys to other parts of the world. [«now.] 256 pp. 8 pi. 12''\ New York, O. A. Roorbach, 1827. Northrop (N. B.) Pioneer history of Medina county. 224 pp. 16°. Medina, (0.) G. Rcdwoy, 1861. latitude and longitude by celestial observa- 1 Northumberland (The) and New Castle tions ; including a new, accurate, and ex- ' *" '^ tensive table of the latitudes and longitudes 1. 8^. of the principal ports, harbours, capes, etc. in the world, with other tables. 1 p.l. xlviii, 252 pp. 8°. London, author and W. Heather, 1803. Noronha Freire (Joao de). Istoria delle gverre del regno del Brasile accadvte tra la corona di Portogallo, e la repvblica di Olanda. [1626-54], da Giovanni Giuseppe di S.Teresa. 2 V. in J. 6 p. 1. 232 pp. 8 1. 12 maps. 1 por- trait ; 211pp. 10 1. 6 pi. fol. Roma, eredi del Corbellclti, 1698. North American. (S wanton weekly). April 18, 1839, to May 27, 1840. Edited by Cana- dians and Americans, fol. Sicaiiton, (ft.) H.J. Thomas, 1839-40. North (The) American review. [Quarterly]. Jan. 1868, to Oct. 1869. v. 106-109. 8°. Boston, Ticknor Sf Fields, 1868-69. North British (The) review. [Quarterly]. March, 1868, to July, 1869. New series, v. 9-11. [Complete series], v. 48-50. 8°. Edinburgh, Edmonston 8f Douglas, 1868-69. North Carolina {State of). Journal of the convention of the people, held May 20, 1861, [to enact the ordinance of secession. Also] journals of the 2d session, held in Nov. and Dec. 1861 ; 3d session, held in Jan. and Feb, 1862 ; 4th session, held in April and May, 1862. 4 V. in 1. 8^. Raleigh, J. W. Sxjme, 1862. North Carolina almanac for 181tl. See Vir- ginia and North Carolina almanac. North Carolina land company. A guide to capitalists and emigrants ; being a statis- tical and descriptive account of the several counties of the state of North Carolina; to- gether with letters of prominent citizens of Jan.-Dec. 1818. New Castle, J. monthly magazine. 220 pp. 1 portrait. Clark, 1818. [Imperfect : title page aud index wanting]. Northwest company, carrying on trade from Montreal to the Indian territory, [etc. ] The memorial. of messrs. M'Tavish, Eraser and CO. and messrs. Inglis, Ellice and co. on be- half of themselves and others, [on the sub- ject of the proceedings of the earl of Selkirk in the Indian territories of North America]. 43 pp. 4°. London, B. M' Milan, \S\Q. Northwestern farmer. A [monthly] mag- azine of rural life. T. A. Bland and T. B. Taylor, editors. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 4. 4°. Indianapolis, Northictsteru farmer co. 1869. Northwestern review (The) and commer- cial and veal estate reporter, v. 1. nos. 1 to 11. June, 1857, to April, 1658. 12°. IKcokuk, Iowa'], 1857-58. [No more published] t Norton (A. Banning). A history of Knox county, Ohio, from 1779 to 1862 inclusive; comprising biographical sketches, anecdotes, [etc.] ; together with complete lists of the senators, representatives, sheriffs, [etc.] AlsOi a sketch of Kenyon college, and other institutions of learning. 4:?4 pp. 1 pi. 2 por- traits. 8°. Columbus, R. Ncvins, 1862. Norton (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Sheridan). Kate Bouverie, and other talcs and sketches, in prose and verse. 2 V. 208 pp; 189 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey Sf S. Hart, 1835. Old sir Douglas. 3 v. 12'^. London, Hurst 8f Blackctt, 1868. The same. Copy-right ed. 2 v. vi, 313 pp ; 1 p. 1. 300 pp. sm. 4-\ Leipzig, B. Tauchnilz, 1867. 244 NORTON. NOTT. Norton (Caroline)— continued, The undying^ one ; sorrows of Rosalie ; and other poems. .388 pp. 12°. New York, C. S. Francis 5t' co. 1854. The wife and woman's reward, [flwow. ] 2 V. 196 pp ; 213 pp. 12°. New York, Harper 8( hrothers, 1835. Norton (Charles B.) Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of books relating chiefjj to America, 18G6, [etc.] at the store of Charles B. Norton. 1 p.l. 138 pp. 8°. New York, J. A. Gray, 1862. and Valentine ( W. J. ) Paris uni- versal exposition, 1867. Report on the mu- nitions of war. 213 pp. 8 pi. 8°. Wash- ington, government printing office, 1868. Norton (Charles Eliot). Considerations on some recent social theories. [««o». ] 3 p. 1. 158 pp. 12°. Boston, Little, Droicn Sf co. 18.53. Norton (Rev. John, of Boston). Memoir of John Cotton. With a preface and notes, by Enoch Pond. 108 pp. 16^. Boston, Per- kins Sf Marvin, 1834. Norton (Rev. John N.) The life of George Washington, [etc.] 400 pp. 1 portrait. 3 pi. 12°. New York, Fudney Sf Russell, 1860. Sermons to children. 128 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Boston, E. F. Button Sf co. 1869. Norway. Forslag til en forandret ordning af det hoiere skolevjesen. Af den ved kgl. resolution af 14'*'' februar 1865, for at tage under overveielse og afgive forslag til en fo- randret ordning af det hoiere skolev?csen uedsatte kommission. 2 v. vii, 502 pp. 1 1 ; iv, 480, 208 pp. 8°. Christiania, F. T. Mailings bogtrykkrei, 1867. s. CONTENTS. V. 1. Udkast til love ined begrundelse o. s. v. V. 2. Udsigt over nogle fremmede landcs nndervis- ningsvsesen. Med bilag. Norges officielle statistik udgiven i aaret 1861-1867. 7 V. 4°. Christiania, 1861- 67. viz : A. 1. (Departement for kirke- og undcrvis- nings va:scnet). Beretning om almuesko- levsesenets tilstand i kongeriget Norges landdistrikt for 1861-1863. 1866. B. 1. {Kongtlige norske regjering). Crimi- nalstatistiske tabeller for kongeriget Norge for aaret, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863. 1863-66. B. 2. Tabeller vedkommende skiftevajsenet i Norge i aaret 1865, etc. 1867. C. 2. {Deparlement for detindre), Beretning Norvray — continued. om kongeriget Norges ojconomi.ske tilstand i aareue 1856-60. 1862. C. 3. Tabeller vedkommende Norges handel og skibsfart i aaret 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1665. 1861-66. C. 4. Beretning om sundhedstilatanden og medicinalforholdene i Norge i aaret 1859, 1860, 1861, 1852, 1863, 1864.. 1861-66. C. 5. Tabeller over de spedalske i Norge i aaret 1860, 186), 1862, samt aarsberetning for samme aar til departementet for det indre fra overlregerne for den spedalske sygdom. 1861-67. C. 6. Beretning om den hohiere londbrugs- skole i aar fra 1 April 1864 til samme tid 1865. 1866. C. 7. Tabeller vedkommende Norges almin- delige brandforsikriugs-indretniug for byg- ninger, forsaavidt angaaer dens virksom- bed i aareue 1847-1863, begge inclusive, etc. 1865. D. ]. (Kongeligc norske, regjering). Over- sigt over kongeriget Norge.s indtaegter og udgifter i aaret 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865. 1862-67. F. 1. (Marine- og post-departement, etc.) Dea norske stats telegrafs statistik for aaret 1861 , 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. 1862-67. Den norske lods, udgiven af den geo- grafiske opmaaling. v. 3. 8°. Krist'mnia, A. Grondahl, 1867. s. Statuter for den kongelige norske sanct Olafs orden. 1 p. 1. viii pp. 2 col. pi. 4*^ Christiania, W, C. Fabritius, 1847. .S, Tarifer for afgifter, som af varer og fortoier skulle erloegges til statskassen i den fra Iste april 186.'^), indtroedende budget ter- min. Besorget ved K. J. Lundh. 96 pp. 18°. Laurvig, J. Freutz, 1869. Norwich (The) magazine, 1835. [v. 1]. viii, 384 pp. 8°. Norwich, J. Fletcher, 1835. Note (The) book of a country gentleman. lanon.'] 232 pp. 18°. New York, Harper Sf brothers, 1833. Notes and queries ; a medium of inter-com- munication for literary men, general readers etc. July, 1868, to Dec. 1869. 4th series. v. 2-4. sm. 4°. London, [ JY. G. Smith'\, 1868-69. Nott (Charles C. editor). The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church. [In Latin and translated into English. anon.'\ 5th 245 NOTT. NUIX. Nott (Charles C. ) — continued. ed. vi, 15:5 pp. 12°. New York; A. D. F. Randolph cf co. 1868. CONTENTS. Tho celestial country, p. 1. Dies irae, p. 44. Stnbiit muter, p. 96. Mater sptciosa, p. 118. Veni, sancte spiritus, p. 126, Veni, creator spiritus, p. 134. Vexilla re^ia, p. 140. The alleluiatic sefiueiice, p. 140. Nouaillac (Juan Bautista). Lccciones de moral y relijion, arrc<^ladas al prograuia de enscfiauza que hapublicado ladireccion gen- eral de e.studio.s, [etc.] 2" eJ. KiO pp. . 16°. Secilta, J. M. Gejfrin, 1847. s. The same. 4" ed. l.')0 pp. 8°. Se- vitla, J. M. Gcofrin, 1859. i*. Nougaret (Pierre Jean Baptiste). Histoire du donjon et du chateau de Vincenncs, de- puis leur origiue jusqu'ji la chute de Napo- leon Buonaparte. Par P. J. B. N * * *. Jianon. ] Nouv, 6d. revue et augmentee. 3 V. 8°. Paris, Brunot-Labbe, 1814. Honorine Clarins, histoire aiu^ricaine, [etc.] Nouvelle cd. 4 v. 18°. Paris, Louis, 1796. L'indLscret ; ou, les aventures parisi- ennes. [«moh. ] 1 p. 1.280 pp. 2 1. IG*^. Paris, J. F. Bastien, 1779. Les meprises ; ou,les illusions du plaisir ; lettres du comte d'Orabel, pour servir ^ I'his- toire de sa vie. 2 v. 1 p. I. iv, 166 pp ; 1 p. 1. 190 pp. 12°. I'aris, Bastien^ 1780. Nourrisson ( — ). Tableau des progres de la pens6e huniaine depuis Thales jusqu'a Leibniz. 2<'ed. 1 p. 1. iv, 526pp. 16°. Paris, Didicr ct cie. 1859. Nouveau guide aux musee, chateau, et jardins de Versailles. Description exacte, par gale- ries, salles et n"^ des tableaux, portraits et sculpture du palais et ses cours, [etc. ] 136 pp- 2 pi. 1 map. IS°. Versailles, Klcfer, 18^7. s. Nouveau (Le) secretaire du cabinet, contenant des lettres familieres sur toutes sortes des sujets, avec la mani^re de les bien dresser, les complimens de la langue frangoise, [etc, anon.'\ 240 pp. 6 1. 16^3. Paris, T. Le Gras, 1764. s. Nouveaux contes h rire, et aveutiffes plai- santes de ce tems ; ou, recreations fran^oises. Nouv. ed. [«rtOH.] 368 pp. 4 1. 18°. Cologne, K. Bon-Trms, 1709. Nouvelles de I'Amerique; ou, Mercure amcri- quain. Ou sont conteniics trois histoires veritables arrivees de nostre temps. [«ho«.] 248 pp. 18°. Cologne, J. L'liigenu,lG78. Nova Britannia. Offering most excellent fruits by planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. laiion. By R. L] London, 1609. 2,18 1. 4°. New York, [reprinted], J. Sabin, 1867. [Attributed to Ilobert Johutou]. Novela-Folletin (De la), su origen, progresoa i..] ?)', 240 pp. 8°. Adrfvat, rvnoiQ IT. 'Sovran Kai A. Krera, 1860. S. The same. San Minas ; poema lirico epico di T. Orfanide, versione dal Greco mod- erno di Luciano Sissa. xxxi, 115 pp. 2 1. 12°. Ferrara, tipografia Bresciani, 1867. s. HoLjjGEtg. V. i. 8°. Adrjvai, n>KOtc Tl. SoiTffa Kai A. Kreva, 1859. S. Contents. Xioo- SovXr) rronqjia tniKOv. Tipi-Aipi, rj ro Kvvri- ycaiov cv vrjao Supo). Avva Kai (pXiopoc, rj o -rrvp- y'tj rj)a ■aeTpac. Orphans' (The) triumphs ; or, the story of Lily aud Harry Grant. ByH.K.P. lanon.l^ 295 pp. 2 pi. 12°. NeiD York, M. W. Dodd, 1869. Orrery (Roger Boyle, earl of). Scr Boyle (Roger). Orscelar (Marianus). Gloriosvs Franciscvs redivivus, sive chronica observantire strictio- ris, reparatfe, redvctse, ac reformatjB, eius- demque per christianos orbes non solum, sed et Americam. Peru, Chinas, [etc.] diffusse et Orscelar (Marianus) — continued. evangelio fructificautis. 28 p. 1. 8.52 pp. 6 1. sm. 4°. Ingolstadii, IV. Edcr, 1625. Orta or Horta (Garcia da). Aromatvm, et simplicivm aliqvot medicamentorvm apvd Indos nascentivm historia. Ab lusitanica lingua latino sermone in epitomen contracta, [etc.] Carolo Clvsio atrebata. 4^ ed. 217 pp. 3 1. 16°. Antcerpia, ex officina plan- tiiiiana vidua Moreti, 1.593. s. Ortega (Casimir Gomez). Carmiuum libri qua- tuor,cumnonnulloruminterpretationehispan- ica. Accedit liber v, inscriptiones continens. 128 pp. 16°. Matriti, J. Collado, 1817. S- Ortel or CErtel (Abraham). Thesavrvs geo- graphicvs, recognitvs et avctvs, in quo om- nium totius terra? regionum, etc. nomina et appellationes veteres, etc. 361 1. fol. Ant- verpio', ex officina plantiniana, 1596. S. Orti y Mayor (Joseph Vicente). Fiestas cen- tenarias, con que la insigne, noble, leal, y coronada ciudad de Valencia celebro en el dia 9 de octubre de 1738, la quinta centuria de su Christiana conquista. 36 p. 1. 508 pp. Imap. 4 pi. 8°. J^atencia, A. Bordazar, 1740. S. Ortigosa (Valentin, bishop of Malaga). Con- testaciou doctrinal a las ceusuras judiciales de los calificadores de Sevilla sobre las doc- trinas denunciadas por el cabildo eclesiastico de aquella ciudad. 1 p. 1. 242 pp. sm. 4". Sevilla, J. KoscllS, 1840. Ortiz (Lorenzo). Empresas morales de loa cinco sentidos. Ver, oir, oler, gustar, tocar ; empresas que enseuan y persuaden su buen uso en lo politico y moral. 10 p. 1. 300 pp. 5 1. 4°. Cadiz, 1687. Memoria, enteudimiento, y volvntad. Empresas, qve ensenan, y persvaden sv bven vso en lo moral, y en lo politico. 11 p. 1. 105 5 1. 1 pi. sm. 4°. Sevilla, I. F. de Blas,1677l Ortiz (Pedro P.) Principios elementales de fisica experimental y aplicada, incluso la meteorologia y la climatologia. 507 pp. 8°. Niieva York, D. Appleton Sf co. 1860. Osborn (H. S. II. d.) The metallurgy of iron and steel, theoretical and practical, in all its branches : with special reference to American materials aud processes, xx, 17-972 pp. 10 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, H.C.Baird, 1669. Osborn (Laughton). The magnetiser. The prodigal. Comedies in prose. 231 pp. 12°. Xew York, J. Miller, 1869. Ugo da Este. Uberto. The Cid of Se- ville. Tragedies. 269 pp. 12°. New York, J. Miller, 1869. 251 OSBORN. OUT. Osborn (Selleck). Poems. 11. engraved title. 200 pp. 1 1. 12°. Bosto7i, J. P. Orcutt, [1823]- Osgood (Samuel, rf.rf.) Mile-stoues in our life-journey. 307 pp. 12°. New York, D- Applcton Sf CO. 1854. Oslo (Luigi). Documenti diplomatici trattj dagli archivj milanesi. v. 1. [J265-1412]. xxi, 46") pp. 1 1. fol. Mitano, G. Bernardoni di Giovanni, 18G4-65. S. Osmont (Jean Baptiste Louis). Dictiounaire typographique, historique et critique des livres rares, singuliers, estimds et recberch^s en tous genres, [etc.] 2 v. xij,5I5 pp ; 2 p. 1. 456 pp. 2 1. 8°. Paris, Lacomhc, 1768. Ossiau. (Euvres completes. Traduction uou- velle, precedee d'une notice sur rautlieuticit6 des poumes d'Ossian. Par A. Lacaussade. xlj,370pp. 160. Paris, H. L. Delloyc, 1842. Ossoli (Sarah Margaret Fuller, ma7-chioness). Dottings from [her] writings, by Edwin A. Studwell and E. A. Canby. 36, 13 pp. 12°. Brooklyn, H. M. Gardner, jr. 1869, Osten-Sacken ( Baron Robert). On the cyni- pidse of the North American oaks, and their galls. [From the proceedings of the Ento- mological society of Philadelphia, October, 1861]. pp. 47 to 72. 8°. INeio York}, 1861. Osterwald (Jean Francois). Traite des sources de la corruption qui regno aujour- d'huy parmi les chrestiens. 2 parts in I v. 6 p. 1. 232 pp ; 4 p. 1. 263 pp. 16°. Nettf- chatel, J. Pistonus, 1700. Otheman (Edward). Memoirs and writings of mrs. Hannah Maynard Pickard, late wife of rev. Humphrey Pickard, a. m. 311 pp, 8°. Boston, D. H. Ela, 1845. [Imperfect ; wantiug pp. 100-104). Otis (Calvin N. ) Sacred and constructive art ; its origin and progress. A series of essays. 305 pp. 12°. iVeio York, G. P. Putnam Sf son, 1869. Otis (George A.) A report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. 141 pp. 1 1. 4°. Washington, govermnertt print, 1869. [United States. War department, surgeou gen- eral's office. Circular no. 2]. Otis (James). A dissertation on letters, and the principles of harmony, in poetic and pro- saic composition. 72 pp. 18'-^. \_Boston'\, B. Mecom, J 760. A vindication of the conduct of the house of representatives of Massachusetts-Bay ; par- ticularly in the last session of the general as- ^mbly. 53pp. 8'-\ Boston, EdcsJi- Gill, 1762. Ottley (Lieut. Thomas Henry). Rustum Khan ; or, fourteen nights' entertainment at the Shah Bhag, or royal gardens at Ahmeda- bad. 3 V. 12^. London, W. Sams, 1831, Otto (F. advocnt). Diesseits und jenseits des oceans, vi, 114 pp. 16*^. Schwcrin, Ocrtzcn Sf Schloepke, 1852. Nordwestliche bilder. 1 p. 1. iv, 172 pp. 8°. Schicerin, Ocrtzcn Sf Sctiloepkc, 1854. Otts (Rev. J. M. P.) Nicodemus with Jesus; or, light and life for the dark and dead world. 230 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton,1867. Otway (Thomas). Plays. [Original editions]. 4". London, 1678-1701. CONTENTS. Frieud.ship in fashion. A comedy. 3 p. 1. 68 pp. 1 1. 1678. The souldier's fortune. A comedy. 2p.l. 62 pp. 11. 1G87. The atheist ; or, the second part of The souldier's fortune. 4 p. 1. 75 pp. 1684. Alcibiades. A tragedy. 3 p. 1. 58 pp. 1687. Don Carlos, prince of Spain. A tragedy. 4th ed. 4 p. 1.56 pp. 1695. The history and fall of Caius Marius. A tragedy. 3 p. 1.66 pp. 1696. The orphan ; or, the unhappy marriage. A tragedy. 3 p. 1. 64 pp. 1696. Venice preserv'd; or, a plot discovered. A tragedy. 3 p. 1. 58 pp. 1696. Titus and Berenice. A tragedy. With a farce called The cheats of Scapin. 4 p. 1. 26, 24 pp. 1701. Our boys and girls. See Oliver Optic's maga- zine. Our family physician : a thoroughly reliable guide to the direction and treatment of all diseases that can be either checked in their career, or treated entirely by any intelligent person, without the aid of a physician, [etc.] Embracing the allopathic, homeopathic, hy- dropathic, eclectic, and herbal modes of treatment, lanon."] 542pp. 12°. Chicago, J. S. Goodman Sf co. 1869. Our Rosie ; or, the little Owens. [ajjoH.] 95 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American sun- day school union, 1868. Our schoolday visitor ; an illustrated [monthly] magazine for young people. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 13. 4°. Philadelphia, Daughaday Sf Becker, [1869]. Our village in war-time. By the author of Allan Cameron, [anon.'] 125 pp. 1 pi. 18°. NeiD York, American tract society, 1864. Our young folks. An illustrated [monthly] magazine for boys and girls. Edited by J. T. Trowbridge and Lucy Larcom. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 5. 6°. Boston, Fields, Os- good Sf CO. 1869. Out of the orphan asylum ; or, sketches in a country parish. By the author of "The Leigh- ton children." lanon.] 357 pp. 3 pi. J6°. Philadelphia, American sunday school uniou, [1869 J. 252 OUTCROPPINGS. OWEN. Outcroppings ; being selections of California verse. 144 pp. sm. 4*^. San Francisco, A. Roman Sf co. 1866. Ouvrard (Gabriel Julien). Memoires sur sa vie et ses diverses operations finanderes. 2"^ 6(1. 3 V. 8°. Paris, Moutardier, 1826-27. Ovalle or Ovaglie (Alonso de). Historica re- lacion del reyuo de Chile, y de las missiones, y ministerios que exercita en el la compania de lesus, [etc.] 5 p. 1. 476 pp. 3.5 pi. 4'=. Roma, F. Cavnllo, 1646. Over the hedge ; or, the gate opened. By the author of "Nora's life at Derncleugh." [anon.'\ 170 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, 1869. Overbeck (Johannes Adolf). Ponipeji in sei-' nen gebauden.alterthiimevnund kunstwerken fiir kunst und alterthumsfreunde dargestellt. 2^auflage. 300 illustrations. 2v.ini. xviii, 356 pp. 15 pi ; ix, 261 pp. 5 pi. 1 chart. 8°. Leipzig, IV. Engelmann, 1866. Overland (The) monthly. Devoted to the de- velopment of the country. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 2-3. 8°. San Francisco, A. Ro- man 4' CO. 1869. Overyssel ( Province of, Netherlands). Yerslag van de gedcputeerde staten aan de staten der provincie Overijssel, omtrentdentoestandder provincie in 1867, [etc.] 8^, Zicollc, de erten J. J. Tijl, 1868. Ovidius Naso (Publius). Ovidius de arte amaudi et de remedio amoris cvm comento. [Barth. Merula autore]. 581. fol. Venetiis, Joannes de Tridino, alias Tocumus, 1494. s. Epistolse heroides Ouidii cum commen- tariis Antonii Volsci et Vbertini Clerici. 96 1. fol. Venetiis, per Christophorum de Pcnsis de Mandello, 1495. s. The same. Ten epistles of Ovid, trans lated into English verse, by Wm. Windsor Fitzthomas. With the Latin and notes. [With] the epistles of Hero to Leander, [etc.] by a different hand ; that of Sappho to Phaon, by Pope ; and of Dido to ^neas, by Dryden. 2 p. 1. 317 pp. 16°. London, C. ^ R. Baldwin, 1807. The same. Ovid's epistles, [as pub lished by sir Samuel Garth], translated into English verse ; by various authors. With the life of Ovid, xi, 167 pp. 24°. London, J. Walker, 1808. The same. Ovid's epistles, translated into English verse. By E.D. Baynes. v. 1. xiii pp. 1 1. 150 pp. 1 1. 8°. London, T. Hoohham, 1818. [No more published] . Ovidius Naso (P.) — continued. The same. A translation in verse of the epistles from Laodamia to Protesilaus; Euone to Paris ; and Leander to Hero. I^y Joseph Guy, jr. 80 pp. 4°, London, Baldwin, Cradock 8f Joy, 1822. The .same. Epistles, in English verse ; [translated] by mi.ss Emma Garland, xi, 276 pp. 12°. London, Ricington, 1842. The same. Les epitres amoureuses d'Ovide, traduites en Francois. Nouvelie ed. [illustree]. 4p. 1.448 pp. 16°. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1702, Fastorum libri vi. Tristium libri v. De Ponto libri iv. In Ibin. Ad Liviam. 428, X pp. 18°. Matrili, M. Escribano, 1767. s. [Imperfect : all after p. 428 wantiug]. The same. Ovid's Fasti ; or, the Ro- man's sacred calendar, translated into English verse. With notes. By William Massey. [With] a plan of old Rome [etc.] viii, 348 pp.4 1. 1 map. 8°. London, G. Keith, 1757. The same. A translation of Ovid's Fasti into English prose. With notes, by W. Thynne. Part 1. Containing the first three books, vi, 108 pp. 16°. Dublin, J. Cam- ming, 1833. The same. Ovid's Fasti ; or, Roman cal- endar. 8°. Liverpool, 1839. [171 Taylor (J.) Poems aud translations, pp. 55-193] [Metamorphoses, seneis tabulis centum et quinquaginta illustratfe]. 1 p. 1. 144 pi. obi. 4°. Aug. I'ind. novis sumptibus L Wolff, [1680]. [Six plates wanting]. The same. The xv books of P. Ovidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis, translated oute of Latin into English meeter, by Arthur Golding. 212 1. sm. 4°. London, IV. Seres, 1567. Ovilo y Otero (Manuel). Enciclopcdia popu- lar mejicaua. Manual de biografia y de bib- liografia de los escritores espafioles del siglo xix. 2 V. 288 pp ; 252 pp. 16°. Paris, Rosa cf Bouret, 1859. Obregou (Lopez de). Confvtacion del alco- ran y secta mahometana, sacade de sus pro- pios libros : y de la vida del mesmo Ma- homa. 72 1. fol. Granada, 1555. Owen (John, of Caernarvonshire). Agudezas de Juan Oven, traducidas en verso castellano, illustradas con adiciones, y notas, por don Francisco de La Torre, [etc.] Obra post- huma, [etc.] 2* parte, [etc.] 6 p. 1.346 pp. 31. 8°. Madrid, M. Roman, \12\. s 253 OWEN. PAINTER. O'wen (John, d.d.) Oeffeningen aangaande de naara, oorspvouk, natuur, gebruik eu standhouJing'vau een dag van heilige ruste, waarin de oorsprouk des sabbath van de • groudlegginge der wereld, [etc.] Met een kort voorbcrigt van G. van Scbuylenborgh. Uit bet Engels vertaalt na den 7''" druk. 10 p. 1.407 pp. 16°. Utrecht, J. H. Fonk van Lynden, 1744. Owen ( Richard ). On the anatomy of verte- brates. 3 V. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sf CO. 1866-68. s. CONTENTS. V. 1. Fishes aud reptiles. V. 2. Birds. V. 3. Mammals. Ovren(Capt. WilliaraFitz William, r. /(.) Nar- rative of voyages to explore the shores of Af- rica, Arabia, and Madagascar ; performed in h. m. ships Leven and Barracouta. [Edited by H. B. Robinson]. 2 v. 26U pp ; 240 pp. 12°. New York, J. Sf J. Harper, 1833. O^wgaii (Henry). Miscellanea homerica ; be- ing a compilation of original aud selected articles on those points of Greek literature, which are auxiliary and necessary to the critical study of Homer, xvi, 257 pp. 8°. Dublin, TV. Curry, jr. Sf co. 1840. Oxford (The) elements of logic, in four books, for the purpose of self-instruction. Being a translation, with a running commentary of the Elementa logicse [of Edward Brerewood ? flHOH.] 63 pp. 8°. Lo7idon, JV. Green, ]816. Oxford [The] quarterly magazine, v. 1. March and June, 1825. 2 p. 1. 236, 12 pp ; 1 p. 1. 242 pp. 5 1. 8°. Oxford, Talhoys Sf Wheeler, 1825. Oxley (Thomas). Facilography ; or, a sys- tem of easy, expeditious writing, entirely new, applicable to all languages, ancient and modern, [etc.] 2 p. 1. iii,iv. 50 pp. 8 pi. 4°. London, J. C. Kelly, 1816. Pacific (The) almanac, 1865. Compiled by Wm. H. Knight. 12°. San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft Sf co. 1864. s. Pacific (The) coast almanac and book of facts for 1869 and 1870. Compiled by Henry G. Langley. 2 v. 12°. San Francisco, H. G. Langley, 1869-70. Pacific medical and surgical journal. Editor, H. Gibbons,' m. d. June, ]868, to May, 1869. New series, v. 2. 8°. San Francisco, Ban- croft St-co. [18G9]. Packard (Asa S. jr. ) The humble bees of New England, and their parasites ; with no- tices of a new species of anthophorabia, and Packard (Asa S. jr.)— continued. a new genus of proctotrupida^. From the Proceedings of the Essex institute, v. 4. Jan. 1865. pp. 107-140. 1 pi. 8°. Salem, (Mass.) [1865]. [ mth Putnam (F. W). Notes on the habits of hum- ble bees.] Packard (Hannah James). The choice: a tragedy ; with other miscellaneous poems. [With a memoir]. 22, 142 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. Boston, L. C. Boicles, 1832. Packard's monthly. The young men's mag- azine. S. S. Packard, editor. Jan. to Dec. ]869. New series, v. 1. [Complete series, V.2.] 8°. Nno York, S.S.Packard, 1S(J9. Padilla Pacheco Guardiola y Solis (Gon- zalo Antonio de). Exhalaciones sacras, in- flamadas en el puro oriente de Maria : por- tentos de la gracia, con rasgos del poder, [etc.] 34 p. 1.248 pp. 8°. Sevilla, D. L. dc Haro, 1732. s. Page (James A.) Scattered leaves. [Poems.] 100 pp. 12°. Warrington, J. Haddock, 1839. Pages (Leon). Bibliographie jajjonaise ; ou, catalogue des ouvrages relatifs au Japon qui out ete publics depuis le 15*^ siecle jusqu'a nos jours. 2 p. 1. 68 pp. 4'"". Paris, B. Duprat, 1859. Pages (Pierre Marie Frangois). Nouveau voyage autour du monde, en Asie, en Am6- rique et en Afrique, en 1788, 1789 et 1790 ; precede d'un voyage en Italic et en Sicile, en 1787. 3 v. 8°. Paris, H. J. Janscn, 1797. Paget ( 7ie». Francis E.) Sermons on duties of daily life, xv, 327 pp. 12°. Fhiladcl- phia, T. Wardle, 1844. Pagitt (Ephraim). Heresiography ; or a de- scription of .the heretickes and sectaries sprang up in these latter times. 4th ed whereuuto is added an alphabetical table. 8 p. 1. 164 pp. 3 1. sm. 4°. London, W. Lee, 1647. Paine (Susanna). Roses and thorns ; or, recollections of an artist ; a tale of truth, for the grave and the gay. 204 pp. 12°. Prov- idence, B. T. Albro, 1854. Painter (William). The palace of pleasure, conteyning store of goodly histories, tragi- call matters, and other raorall argument, very requisite for delighte and profit, b. 1. [2d. ed ? ] 2 V. 6 p. 1. 254 pp ; I p. 1. 351 1 . sm. 4°. \_London, T. Marshc, 1569-80] ? [Imperfect : v. 1. title page reprinted, Cth p. 1. and fol. 1 supplied in ms. fols. -M, 41-50, 58-64, 123-127, 177-217,242,255-264 wanting, v. 2. 6 p.l. fols. ()7, 1(17-113, 203,210, 264, 272, 273,312, 332, 333, 337, 352-360, and 4 1. wautiug]. 254 PAINTER. PANORAMA. Painter (The), gilder, and varnisher's com- panion ; containing rules and regulations in everything relating to the arts of painting, [etc. ]; a statement of the diseases to which painters are peculiarly liable, with the sim- plest and best remedies. 13th ed. revised, with an appendix. Together with Chev- reul's principles of harmony and contrast of colors. 356 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. Palacios (Francisco Antonio de). Viva Je- sus. Respuesta satisfactoria del colegio de misioneros de n. p. San Francisco de la n. villa de Zarauz a la consulta, y dictamenes impresos por la n. villa de Balmaseda, con ocasion de una proposicion sobre bailes equivocadamente atribuida d dos misioneros del sobre dicho colegio, [etc. ] xxvii, 216 pp. 8°. Pamplona, J. Longds, 1791. Palaeontographical society [publications]. 1847 to 1865. v. 1-19. 4°. London, 1848-66. Palafox y Mendoza (Juan de, ohispo de Osma). Peregrinaciou de Philotea al santo templo y monte de la crvz. 20 p. 1. 220 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, M. Fernandez, 1659. S. Palazzi (Pietro). Novse ephemerides motvvm solis, ab anno 1664. vsque ad annum 1670. Ad longitudinem alma3 vrbis supputatse. 6 p. 1. 60 pp. 2 1. fol. Roma, A. Bernabo, 1664. [With Levera (Francis). Prodromus universae as- tronomia! restitute]. Palfrey (Sarah H.) Agnes Wentworth. By E. Foxton. Ipseudon.} Ip. 1.316 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ]vaig, 2. nav7u6rig, [etc.] 1860-67. s. The same. 3 v. 8°. Ev Adjjvaig, 2. Haaaapi/g, 1865-67. . s. Papenbroeck (Daniel van). Actavitfe s. Ferdi- nandi, regis Castellje et Legionis, ejus nomi- nistertii, cum posturaa illius gloria, ethistoria s. crueis caravacanse, eodem quo ipse natus est anno, 1198, caslitus allatas. Ex latinis ac hispanicis cofevorum scriptis collecta, va- rieque illustrata, commentariis, annotationibus et iconibus. 12 p. 1. 395 pp. 1 1. 12 pi. 1 map. 8'^. Antverpi(B, M. Knobbarus, 1684. Paper (A) to William Penn, at the departure of that gentleman to his territory, fov his perusal, in Pensilvania. Wherein two points are proposed to him concerning the quakers' religion. The one is their belief of an infal- lible guidance ; the other is their disuse of the two holy and blessed sacraments. With an occasional dissertation concerning predesti- nation. By a friend unknown. \^anon,'] 2 p. 1.24 pp. sm. 4°. London, H. Mortlock, 1700. Papers for the schoolmaster. New series, v. 4. 8°. London, Siinpkin, Marshall 8f co, 1868. Papias. Fragments. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. [Ante-nicene christian library, v. 1. pp. 439 to453]. Para Du Phanjas (Francois). Elementos de filosofia aplicados al estudio de la religion; o, - los fundamentos de la religion, escritos en Para Du Phanjas (Francois) — continued, frances por el abate Pard de Fanjas ; y tra- ducidos, anotados y refuudidos para el uso de las universidades, [etc.] por P. M. Orodea. 3" ed. 4 p. 1. 200 pp. 16°. Valladolid, D. Santaren, 1846. s. Theoria entium iusensibilium sive meta- physica universa sacra et prophana, omnium captui accommodata, [etc.] E gallico ser- mone in latinum vertit F[ranfois T[ortosa]. V. 2-3. 16°. Venetiis, apud Laurentium Basilium, 1782-83. s. [v. I wanting]. Theoria entium sensibilium sive physica universa speculativa, experimentalis, syste- matica, et geometrica omnium captui accom- modata. [Latine per F. Tortosa]. v. 2. 16°. Venetiis, apud Laurentium Basilium, 1783. s. [v. 1 wanting]. Pardoe (Julia). Speculation. A novel. \^anon.'\ 2 V. 247 pp ; 236 pp. 12°. New York, Harper t|' brothers, 1834. Pareau (Jean Henri). Disputatio de mythica sacri codicis interpretatione. ed. 2". xii, 362 pp. 1 1. 8^. Trajecti ad Rhenum, J. Altheer, 1824. The same. Verhandeling over de my- thische verklaringder gewijde schriften. Met den gouden eerpeuningbekroond, en uitge geven door Teylers godgeleerd genootscbap. [Latin and Dutch]. 1 p. 1. viii, 375 pp. 4°. Haarlem, J. van Walri 8f co. 1814. Institutio iuterpretis veteris testamenti. XX, 604 pp. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, J. Al- theer, 1322. Parecido (El) en la corte. Comedia. lanon."] pp. 93-206. 4°. [Madrid ? about imoy. Paris (Louis Philippe d'Orleans, cotnte de). Les associations ouvridres en Angleterre. (Trades- unions). 6« ed. viii, 334 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1869. The same. The trades' union of Eng^land. Translated under the author's direction by Nassau J. Senior. Edited by Thomas Hughes. XV, 246 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder 4' co. 1869. Paris (Matthew). See Matthew Paris. Paris {City of). Almanach des 25,000 ad- resses des principaux habitans de Paris,* pour I'annee 1830. 16™" ann^e par Henri Dulac. 12°. Paris, 1830. s. [Imperfect]. Rapports g6n6raux sur les travaux du conseil de salnbrite de la ville do Paris et du d^partement de la Seine, ex6cut6s depuis 256 PARIS. PARRAS. Paris {City of) — continued. I'anuee 1802jusqu'{l I'ann^e 1826, inclusive- ment; publics sous les auspices de m. le prefet de police, [etc.] par V. de Moleon. Tome i. Collection des travaux sanitalres et hygi6niques projetes ou executes dans les divers etats de I'Europe. xliii, 404 pp. 8°. Paris, bureau du rccueil industriel, 1828. Paris. (Observatoire imperial). Annales pub- liees par U, J. Le Verrier. M6moires. Tome ix. viii, 429 pp. 4 pi. 4°. Paris, Gautliier- Villars, 1868. s. Paris (Societ6de statistiquede). Journal. An- nees i-x. 10 v. 8°. Paris, 1860-69. s. [Wanting: iv, (4, 6), vii, (9)]. Paris dans sa splendeur. Monuments, vues, scenes historiques, descriptions et bistoire. \_polijon.'] 100 pi. with text. 3 v. fol. Paris, H. Charpcvtier, 1861. Paris and Vieniie. Thy storye of the noble rygbt valyaunt and worthy knyght Parys, and of the fayr Vyenne, the daulphyns doughter of Vyennoys, [etc. ano«.] xii, 100 pp. 1 1. 1 pi. sra. 4". ILondon], 1868. [ROXBURGHE library publications]. Park (Rosvvell). Selections of juvenile and miscellaneous poems, written or translated. 153 pp. 12°. Philaddpliia, Dcsilver, Thomas tj- CO. 1830. Park (Mrs. S. E.) Instructive communications from spirit life, [etc.] 222 pp. 2 portraits. 12°. Boston, W. White, d- co. 1869. Parker (Foxhall A.) Fleet tactics under steam. 1 p. 1.250 pp. 18°. Netc York, D. Van Nostrand, 1870. Parker (John L.) The Stoneham, Wakefield, and Reading directory ; embracing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and the town records for the year commenc- ing June 1st, 1869. 214 pp. 8°. JVoburn, (Mass.) J. L. Parker, 1869. Parker (Richard Green), Parker's conversa- tions. Juvenile philosophy ; or, philosophy in familiar conversations, [etc.] 150 pp. 1 8°. New York, A . S. Barnes &f co. 1 850. s. and Watson (James Madison). Na- . tional series, no. 3. The national third reader, [etc.] 240 pp. 12°. New York, A, S. Barnes Sf co. 1857. s. The same. No. 4. The national fourth reader, [etc.] 405 pp. 12°. New York, A. S. Barnq^ 8f co. 1858. s. The national pronouncing spel- ler. 188 pp. 12°. Neic YorJc, A. S. Barnes 4' CO. 1857. s. Parker (Rosa Abbot). Rosa Abbot stories. The young detective ; or, which won ? 256 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee cf Shepard, 1870. Parker (Thomas). The parliamentary sys- tem of short-hand simplified, curtailed, and improved from the original plans of Mason and Gurney. 2d ed. xii, 7-33, vi pp. 32°. London, WIdttaker 8f co. 1834. Parker (Thomas H.) History of the 51st regiment of P. v. and V. v. from its organi- zation, at camp Curtin, Harrisburg, Pa. in 1861, to its being mustered out of the United States service, at Alexandria, Va. July 27, 1865. XX, 703 pp. 4 portraits. 8°. Phila- delphia, King Sf Baird, 1869. Parkhurst (Henry M.) Astronomical tables. Comprising logarithms from 3 to 100 deci- mal places, and other useful tables. 2 p. 1. 154, 16, 16 pp. sm. 4°. New York, H. M. Parkhurst, 1869. Parkinson (William). Hymns and spiritual songs. 264 1. 18°. New York, [1809]. [Imperfect]. Parkman (Francis). France and England in North America. A series of historical nar- ratives. Part 3. The discovery of the great west, xxi pp. 1 1.425 pp. 1 map. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown 8f co. 1869. Parr (Bartholomew, m.d.) The London med- ical dictionary ; including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, with what- ever relates to medicine in natural philoso- phy, chemistry, and natural history. 2 v. xxi, 1020 pp ; 512 pp. 4 1. 1.57 pp. 47 1. 55 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, G. Marshall, 1820. Parr (Harriet). Against wind and tide. By Holme Lee. [pseudon.'] New ed. 415 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder .0 co. 1869. Kathie Brande ; a fireside history of a quiet life. By Holme Lee. [pscudon.'i New ed. 1 p. 1. 367 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder tj- co. 1869. Sylvan Holt's daughter. By Holme Lee. [pseudon.^ New ed. iv, 420 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder . De Htvpendis et pricclaris rebus, [etc.] Peabody (Selim H.) Tho elements of astron- omy. Written for the mathematical course of Jo.seph Ray, m. d. 336 pp. 13 pi. 8<^. Cinrinnati, Wilson, IHnhlc Sf co. [1869]. Peacock (Edward, editor). The army lists of the roundheads and cavaliers, containing the names of the officers in the royal and parliamentary armies of 1642. xii,67pp. 8°. London, J. C. Hotten, 1863. Church furniture. See Inventarium monumentorum superstitionis. Pearce (Zachary, bishop of Rochester). A commentary, with notes, on the four evange- lists and the acts of the apostles. See Bible. (Ens^lish). Pearson (Rev. C. H.) The cabin on the prai- rie. 299 pp. 4 pi. 160. Boston, Lee 8f She- pard, 1870. Pearson ( Mrs. C. H. ) Cousin Franck's house- hold ; or, scenes in the old dominion, by Pocahontas, [jyseudon.'] 2d ed. vii,259 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Boston, Uphum, Ford Sf Olmslead, 1853. s. Pearson (J. D. ) A school dictionary, English and Bengalee ; designed chiefly for the use of native students. 2 p. 1. 316 pp. 12^^. Calcutta, Calcutta school-hook society, 1829. Pearson {Rev. Thomas). Infidelity; its as- pects, causes, and agencies ; being the prize essay of the British organization of the evan- gelical alliance, xv, 608 pp. 8°. London, Partridge Sf Oakey, 1853, PecChio (Giuseppe). Storia della economia pubblica in Italia, etc. 2» ed. 490 pp. 12°. Lugano, Ruggia e c. 1832. s. Pecht (Friedrich) and Raniberg (Arthur von). Schiller gallery, containing characters from Schiller's works, drawn by Friedrich Pecht and Arthur von Ramberg. With de- scriptive text, by Friedrich Pecht. 31 1 pp. 50 pi. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sf co. 1869. Peck (George, d. d, ) Early methodism within the bounds of the old Genesee conference, from 1788 to 1828 ; or, tho first forty years of Wesleyan evangelism in northern Pennsyl- vania, central and western New York, and Canada. Containing sketches of interesting localities, exciting scenes, and prominent actors. 2d thousand. 512 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. New York, Carlton if' Porter, 1860. Pedroso (Ed wardo Gonzalez). An essay on the autos sacramentales. sm. 4°. Dublin^ 1867. [In CaLDERon ue la Barca v. Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia. [Recensio Isaaci Casauboni]. Adjuncta est interpretatio latina [Henrici Stephani] adverbum. 8 p. 1. 487 pp. 2 1. 4°. \^Coloni(B Allobrogumi, P. Stephanas, 1599. The same. A translation of all the Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian odes of Pindar, except the fourth and fifth Pythian odes, and those translated by G. West. By James Banister. 1 p. 1. xv, 244 pp. 8°. London, G. Sf T. Wilkie, 1791. The same. All the odes of Pindar. From the Greek, by J. L. Girdlestone. viii, 359 pp. 4°. Norwich, E. M. Bacon, [1810]. 269 PINDARUS. PITT ONI. Pindarus — continued. The same. The odes of Pindar iu English prose, with notes. [By Peter Ed- mund Laurent; and] West's dissertation on the Olympic games. 2 v. 1 p. 1. xvi, 376 pp ; viii, iilKi pp. 8°. Oxford, Munduy Sf Slat- ter, 1824. The same. Pindar, in English verse. By the rev. Henry Francis Gary. 2 p. 1. 214 pp. Ui°. London, E. Moxon, 1833. Pinel (Philippe). Nosographie philosophique ; ou, la mothode de I'analyso appli(iuee ii la nK^decine. 2 v. 2 p. 1. xxxix, 307 pp ; 2 p. 1. 404 pp. 8°. Paris, Richard, Caillc Sf Raricr, 1799. Pinelli (Bartolomeo). Gruppipittoreschi mo- dellati in terra-cotta, ed incisi all' acqua- forte. 21 pi. 4°. Roma, R. Gentilucci, 1834. Piiineo (Timotheus Stone). The Hemans' reader for female schools, [etc.] 480 pp. 12°. New York, Pratt, Woodford 8f co. 1847. S. Piimock (William). A comprehensive sys- tem of modern geography and history. Re- vised and enlarged from Pinnock's modern geography, and adapted to the use of schools in the United States. By Edwin Williams. 502 pp. 1 pi. 12°. New York, Bliss, fVuds- wortli &f CO. 1855. Pinto (Fernao Mendez). Historia oriental de las peregrinaciones de Pinto, a donde se escriven mvchas, y mvy estraiias cosas que vio y oyo en los reynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao [Siam, etc.] Tradvcido de Portvgves en Castellano por el licenciado Francisco de Herrera Maldonado. [4''ed.] 101.452 pp. 4 1. fol. Madrid, M. Sa7ichez,Ti664. Pinto (Heitor). Opervm omnivm, quae ad hvnc vsque diem in lucem peruenerunt, tomvs primvs [-] qvartvs. 4 v, in 1. fol. LvteticE Parisiorvm, apud M. Sonnium, 1617. CONTENTS. V. 1. Commentarius in Esaiam. Commentarii in Lamentationes leremiae. v. 2. Commentarius in Ezechielem. V. 3. Commentarius in Danielem. Commentarius in Nahum. V. 4. Dialog! morales ab avtore ipso vulgari Lusi- tanorum lingua script!, nunc recens latinitate donati, etc. Pious (The) minstrel : a collection of sacred poetry. 1st American ed. xxi,390pp. 32*^. Philadelphia, Toicar Sf Hogan, 1832. Piquer (Andr6s). Discurso sobre la aplica- cion de la philosophia a los assuntos de reli- gion para la juveutud espanola. 4 p. 1. 177 pp. sm. 4"^. Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1757. Piquer (Andres)— continued. The same. 2" ed. 2 p. 1. iv, 176 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1778. Discurso sobre el sisteraa del mecanismo. 1 p. 1. 98 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1768. s. [ With his Discurso sobre la aplicacion de la pbilogo- ,pbia. 2a ed. 1778]. Obras postumas. Las publica su hijo J. C. Piquer. 16, 173 pp. sm. 4'^. Mad- rid, Joach. Ibarra, 1785. Piquer (Juan Chrisostomo). La vida y litera- tura del doctor don Andres Piquer, [etc.] 9 p. 1. 102 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, Joachin Ibarra, 1785. [In Piquer (A.) Obras postumas]. Pire (Louis) and Miiller (Felix). Flore analytique du centre de la Belgique. xii, 299 pp. 16°. Bruxellcs, V. Devaux et cie. 1866. s. Pischon (F. A.) Leitfaden zur geschiohte der deutschen literatur. xii, 195 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Duncker Sf Humblot, 1841. Piso (Willem). West-indische leef-konst. 18°. Amsterdam, 1694. [/nHoORN (J. van). Oost- en West-indiscbe wa- rande]. Pistorius, or Becker (Thomas). Korte en zakelyke beschryvinge van de colouie van Zuriname. [Med] verhaal van de moord den heer van Sommeldyk en L. Verboom, [etc.] 5p. 1.160 pp. 4°. Amsterdam, T. Crajen- schot, 1763. Pitman (/?ep. Charles). The sweet singer of Israel. See Brunson (Rev. A.) and Pitman. Pitman (Isaac). A manual of phonography ; or, writing by sound, [etc.] 8th ed. 72 pp. 16°. Bath, I. Pitman, 1847. Pitt (Caleb). An essay on the philosophy of Christianity. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 310 pp ; 2 p. 1. 168 pp. 12°. London, T. Gardiner, etc. 1796-1811. CONTENTS. V. 1. Part i. Containing preliminary disquisitions on power and human preference. V. 2. Part ii. On the divine attributes ; more especial- ly power, preference, purpose, will, and choice, as attributed unto God. Pitt (William, earl of Chatham), Letters written by the late earl of Chatham to his nephew, Thomas Pitt. New ed. xxx pp. 1 1. 104 pp. 16°. London, Payne i^- Pass, IS21. Pittoni (Giambattista). Constitutiones pon- tificiae, et romanorum congregationum decis- iones ad concursum parochialium, et bencfici- orum coUationem spectantcs. 32 p. 1. 480 pp. 4 1. 12°. Venetiis, L. Pittoni, 1731. S. 270 planche. PLYMOUTH. Planche (James Eobinson). Descent of tbe Danube, from Eatisbon to Vienna, during the autumn of 1827. With anecdotes and recollections, historical and legendary, of the towns, castles, monasteries, etc. upon the banks of the river, and their inhabitants and proprietors, ancient and modern, xv, 320 pp. 1 pi. 8°. London, J. Duncan, 1828. Planck (Gottlieb Jacob). Neueste religions geschichte fortgesetit. [Fortsetzung von Walch's religions geschichte]. 3 v. 8°. Lemgo, Meyer, 1787-93. Plant (Johann Traugott). Hand-buch einer vollstandigen erdbeschreibung und ge- schichte Polynesiens, oder des fiinften erd- theils. Fortgesetzt von Th, Fr. Ehrmann, und J. H. G. Heusinger. 2 v. Ixiv, 640 pp. 1 map ; xxx, 492 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Hein- sius, 1793-99. Plantation (The). A southern quarterly jour- nal. Edited by J. A. Turner, of Georgia. V. 1 , no. 2. v. 2. no. 1 . 8°. New York, Pud- ney Sf Russell, 1860. Flasse (Cornells van der). De spsensche tiranije. Gheschiet in Nederlant. Waer inne te sien is de onmenschelicke en wreede handelinghen der Spaengiserden, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 122 pp. 4°. Amstelredam, J. P. Wacli- ter, 1633, [ With Las Casas (Bartolom6 de). Den vermeerder- den spieghel der spsensche tieranije. Platner (Ernst) Bunsen (Carl) Gerhard (Edward) and others. Tabellen zum ersten bande der beschreibung der stadt Rom. obi. foi. ystuttgart, imoy. , Plato. CEuvres de Platon. Dialogues m6tar physiques, [etc.] Pr6c6des d' arguments et d'une esquisse de la philosophic de Platon, par m. Schwalb6. 2 p. 1. 598 pp. 1 1. 16°. Paris, Lefevre, 1843. L'etat ; ou, la r6publique de Platon. Traduction de Grou revue et corrig6e sur le texte grec d'Emm. Becker. 2 p. 1. 363 pp. 16°. Paris, Charpentier, 1855. Les lois de Platon. Traduction de Grou revue et corrig^e sur le texte grec d'Emm. Becker. 400 pp. 16°. Paris, Charpentier, 1852. Plattes (Gabriel). A discovery of infinite treasvre, hidden since the world's beginning. [An agricultural treatise]. 17p. 1.92 pp. sm. 4°. London, G. Hutton, 1639. An invaluable discovery of all sorts of mines from gold to coal. 16°. London, J. Hodges, 1740. [COLLECTION of treatises upon metals, etc. ed. 1740]. Plautus (Titus Maccius). Captivi, Trinum mus, et Rudens. With English notes, crit- ical and explanatory. By C. T. Harrington. 278 pp. 12°. Neio York, Harper c^ broth- ers, 1870. Play (The) school series for little folks. By aunt Mattie. \_pseudon.'] 4 v. 18°. Bos- ton, Gould Sf Lincoln, 1869» Plessing (Friedrich Victor Lebrecht). Ver- suche zur aufklSrung der philosophic des altesten alterthums. 2 v. xvi, 470 pp. I 1 ; lvii,496pp. 8°. Leipiig, S. L, Crusius, 1788-1790. Plinius Secundus (Caius). Histoiro de I'agriculture ancienne, extraite de I'histoire naturelle de Pline, livre xviii. Avec des 6claircisseraents et des remarques. xliv pp. 2 1. 358 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Dcsprez, 1765. Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Caius). Epis tolse et panegyricvs, ubi textus accurate est recensitus, et obseruationibus perpetuis,[etc.] ad modum lohannis Minellii subjectis, illus- tratus. 7 p. 1. 1314 pp. M 1. 1 portrait. 18°. LipsicB, M. G. Weidmann, 1741. s. An address of thanks to a good prince, presented in the panegyrick of Pliny upon Trajan, [etc.] Ixxx, 192pp. 12°. London, T. Fickus 8f W. Hart, 1686. [Imperfect : pp. 21-22 wanting]. Plot (Robert). The natural history of Oxford- shire. Being an essay toward the natural history of England. By R. P. 6 p. 1. 358 pp. 6 1. 1 map. 15 pi. fol. Oxford, theatre, 1677. Pluche (Noel Antoine). Harmonie des pseaumes etde I'^vangile ; ou, traduction des pseaumes et des cantiques de I'eglise ; avec des notes relatives a la vulgate, aux septante' et au texte h^breu. xlij pp. 8 1. 468 pp. 16°. Paris, freres Estienne, 1768. Plumer (William S.d.d.) Martyrs and .suf- ferers for the truth. 172 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Phil- adelphia, preshyterian hoard of publication, [1869]. Words of truth and love. 126 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, preshyterian board of pub- lication, 1867. Plutarchus. Cavsse natvrales, conversse a Petro loan. Nunesio Valentino. 16°. Valen- tia:, 1554. [In Gaza (T.) Problematum Aristotelis sectioned dua;, etc. pp. 184-193]. Plymouth company. A defence of the re- marks of the Plymouth company, on the plan and extracts of deeds, published by the pro- prietors (as they term themselves), of the town- 271 PLYMOUTH. POLKO. Plymouth company— continued. ship of Brunswick, being a reply to their an- swer to said remarks, [etc.] Ip. 1.50 pp. 4°. Boston, (N.E.) i7W3. Plymouth pulpit. See Beecher (Rev. H. W.) Pocahontas, (pseudon.) See Pearson (Mrs. C.H.) Pocket (A) hymn-book. Collected from va- rious authors. 28th ed. 291 pp. 5 1. 18°. Wilmington, M. R. LocTcerman, 1806. Poelman (Charles). Catalogue des collec- tions d'anatomie, etc. See Ghent. (Univer- site de Gand). Poems. By Gold-Pen. [^pseudon. 1st ed.] 135 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf CO. 1856. s- Poems and tales, by Mary Campbell, Mary Mel, etc. uoms de plume of M. E. B. [rtWOH.] 12°. Neio York, T. IV. Strong, 1851. Poeriier. See Pornfer. Poet (The) and the painter ; or, gems of art and song. 400 pp. 1 frontispiece. 8°. New York, D.Appleton 8f co. 1869, Poet (The) and his song. lanon.'\ 119 pp. 12°. Charleston, J. Russell, 1848. Poggendorff (Johann Christian). Biogra- phisch-literarisches handworterbuch zur ge- scbichte der exacten wissenschaften enthal- tend nachweisungen iiber lebensverhaltnisse und leistungen von mathematikern, astrono- men, physikern, chemikern, mineralogeu, geologen, u. s. w. aller volker und zeiten. 2 v. viii pp. 1584 col. on 396 1 ; 1 p. 1. 1468 col. on 367 1. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1858-63. s. Pohl (Johann Emanuel). Reise im innern von Brasilien. Auf allerhochsteu befehl seiner majestat des kaisers von Oesterreich, Franz des ersten, in den jahren 1817-1821 unternommen und herausgegeben. 2 v. xxxi,448pp; xii,641pp. 4°. atlas. 2v. inl. 6 pi. 3 pi. fol. Wieti, 1832-37. s. Poincten van consideratie, raeckende de vrede met Portugal, [anow.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, 1648. Poitevin (Prosper). Cours theorique et pratique de langue fran^aise ; redige sur un plan entierement neuf. Premieres lectures. 2 p. 1. 96 pp. 16°. Paris, Firmin Didot frerts, 1861. ^• Poitou. Cahier et instructions de I'ordre de la noblesse du Poitou pour ses representans aux 6tats-g6n6raux de 1789, [publics par m. le chev. de La Coudraye], et retlcxious de Louis xviii. 8°. Paris, 1839. \Ih Louis xviii. Manuscrit inedit. pp. 287-333]. Poivre (Pierre). Voyages d'un philosophe ; ou, observations sur les moeurs et les arts des peuples de I'Afrique, de I'Asie et de I'Amdrique. [fitat do I'agriculture. anon.'] 142 pp. 18°. Yvcrdon, 1768. The same. 1 p.l. 154 pp. 2 maps. I pi. 16°. Maestricht, .J. E. Dufour Sf Phelippe, 1799. Polanko (Juan Claudio Aznar de). Arith- metica inferior, y geometria practica, y es- peculativa; origen delos nacimientos de las aguas dulces y gordas de Madrid, sus viajes subterraneos, con la noticia de las fuentes publicas, y secretas de las casas de senoros y particulares, [etc.] 12 p. 1.331pp. 8°. Madrid, F. Martinez Ahad, 1727. S. Polignac (Melchior de, cardinal). Anti- Lucretius, sive de Deo et natura libri novem. Abbatis C. d'Orleans de Rothelin cura et studio editioni mandatum. 2 v. 2 p. 1. xxxij pp. 2 1. 171 pp; 2 p. 1.261 pp. 18°. Parisiis, C. d'Orleans dc RothcUn, 1749-54. s. Political, commercial, and statistical sketches of the Spanish empire in both Indies ; reflec- tions on the policy proper for Great Britain at the present crisis ; and a view of the po- litical question between Spain and the United States respecting Louisiana and the Floridas, with the claims of Great Britain, as founded on treaty, to the commercial navigation of the river Mississippi. [_anon. ] 2 p. 1. 156 pp. 8°. London, S. Tipper, 1809. Politique (La) du Bresil ; ou, la ferraeture des fleuves sous pr6texte de I'ouverture de I'Amazone. Traduit de I'Espagnol. [rtno«.] 30 pp. 1 map. 8°. Paris, Dentu, 1867. Politzer (Adam, m. d.) The raembrana tym- pani in health and disease, [etc.] Clinical contributions to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, with supplement. Translated by A. Mathewson, m. d. and H. G. Newton, m. d. viii, 184 pp. 2 col. pi. 8°. New York, IK Wood .f- co. 1869. Polk {Rev. Joseph). Der marianische sodal. Satzungen, andachtsiibungeu und gesiinge der marianischen sodalitat. 2" aufl. 320 pp. 1 pi. 18°. JVejo York, Benziger bros.lS67. Polko pseudon. for Vogel (Elise). Musical sketches. From the 6th German ed. by F. Fuller. 297 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, F. Ley- poldt, 1864. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy. A social and artistic biography. Translated from the German, by lady Wal- lace. With additional letters addressed to English correspondents, x pp. 1 1. 251 pp. 272 POLKO. PONZ. Polko (Elise)— continued. I portrait. 12°. London, Longmans, Green Sf CO. 1869. Pollard (Edward A.) Life of Jefferson Da- vis, with a secret history of the southern confederacy, gathered "behind the scenes in Richmond." Containing curious and extra- ordinary information of the principal south- ern characters in the late war, in connection with president Davis, and in relation to the various intrigues of his administration, viii, 53G pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Philadelphia, na- tional publishing co. [1869]. Pollard (Josephine). Lydia's duty. 101pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph oppu>/iaiK()V ; hoc est, Dictionarivm doricvm grsecolatinvm, quod totiusTlieocriti, Moschi, Bionis, etSim- mia3 opusculorum interpretationem continet. 16°. Francofurti, officina paltheniana, 1603. [ With tbe preceding]. Porzio or Portius (Simone). Ae^lkov larivi- Kov, puiiatKov KOI eXX.7]vikov. Dictionarivm la- tinvm, grseco-bavbarvm, et litterale. Accesit insuper aliud in calci operis dictionariolum, in qiro prius ovdine alphabetico dispositse vernaculsc linguse grsecse dictiones, greco- litterales turn latinse redduntur. 2 v. in 1 . 4 p. 1. 5J2 pp ; 246 pp. 1 1. 4°. Lutctw Pa- risiorum, impensis societatis typographic(r li- hrontm officii ecclesiastici, 1635-36. Possel (Johann). Calligraphia oratoria lin- gv£e grjecse, [ptc. ] Cum indice duplice, la- tino uno, grseco altero. 8 p. 1. 832 pp. 36 1. 16°. Hanovia, C. Mnrnius, 1609. Post (L. G.) The wig and the jimmy; or, a leaf in the political history of New York. [awow. ] 32 pp.4 pi. 8°. New York, author, 1869. Postel (Guillaume). De orbis terrae concordia libri quatuor, mvltiivga ervditioue ac pietate referti, [etc.] Adiectse sunt quoque annota- tiones in margine, a pic atque erudite uiro, [etc.] 4 p. 1.447 pp. fol. {Basilece, about 1544]. Potier (Pierre). Opera omnia, practica et chymica, cum annotationibus et additamen- tis, utilissimis pariter ac curiosis Friderici Hoffmanui. Accedit nova doctrina de febri- bus. 620 pp. sm. 4°. Vcnetiis, Sebast. Colet,\lA\. Potter (Edward Tuckerman) and Coppee (Henry). World pictures in capitals. By E. T. Potter, architect. With a descriptive legend, by H. Copp6e. 21 pp. 8phot.pl. 4°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott »f co. 1869. Potter (Louis Joseph Antoine de). Vie et memoires de Scipion de Ricci, 6veque de Pistoie et Pvato, [etc.] Composes suv les manuscripts autographes de ce pr61at et •d'autres personnages cdl^bres du si^cle dernier, et suivis de pieces justificatives. tirdes des archives de m. le commandeur Lapo de Ricci, Jl Florence. 4 v. 8°. Paris, J. Tastu, 1826, Potter (/?ci7. Ray). Admonitions from " the depths of the earth " ; or, the fall of Ray Pot- ter, in twenty-four letters ; written by him- self to his brother, Nicholas G. Potter. 192 pp. 12*^. Pawtuckct, (Mass.) R. Sherman, 1838. A disquisition on the great sin of self- ligliteousness. 38 pp. 12°. Pawtucket, (Mass.) R. W. Potter, 1848. Letter to Lorenzo Dow. 14 pp. 16°. [Providence, 1829]. ( With his Memoirs]. Memoirs of the life and religious ex- perience of Ray Potter, minister of the gos- pel, Pawtucket, [etc.] Written by himself. 286 pp. 12°. Providence, H. H. Brown, 1829. The poor man's defence ; exhibiting a brief account of the circumstances connected with the difficulty which of late has trans- pired in the village of Pawtucket, relating to the meeting-house, commonly called Free- will baptist meeting-house. Together with the proceedings of the free-will baptist elders' conference, towards elder Ray Pot- ter, with strictures upon the same. 48 pp. J 2°. Providence, {R.I.) J. Miller, 1823. A vindication of the doctrine of the final perseverance of the saints ; in two parts, [etc.] To which is prefixed intro- ductory remarks : comprising a brief sketch of the author's life, so far as it relates to his change of sentiments on this subject. 120 pp. 16C. Pawtucket, R. Meacham, 1827. 275 POTTER. PKANGEv Potter (S. A.) and Hammond (W. P.) Pot- ter &. Hammond's system of practical book- keeping. System of book-keeping, by single and double entry. For common and liigh schools. In three numbers. No. 2. 76 pp. obi. 8°. PhUaddphia, Coicperthtcait 8f r.o. [1866]. • The same. No. 3. Containing all the important auxiliary books used in business, and a comprehensive treatise on mercantile calculations. Comprising two sets of books : one set with the journal, and one without. 169 pp. obi. 12°. Philadelphia, Cowper- thicait d; CO. l}862']'! Poucel (Benjamin). Le Paraguay moderne et riutoret general du commerce, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 336, ccxiii pp. 2 1. 1 map. 8°. Mar- seille, veuve M. Olive, 1867. Pouchet (Felix Archimede). The universe ; or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little. From the French, xx, 791 pp.72 pi. 8°. London, Blackie Sf son, 1870. Pouilly (Louis Jean Levesque de). See Levesque de Pouilly. Pott (August Friedrich). Die personennamen, insbesondere die familiennamen und ihre entstehungsarten, auch unter berticksichti- gung der ortsnamen. Register, viii, 156 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1859. Pouget (Francois Aime). Institutiones ca- tholicse in modum catecheseos, [etc.] Ex gallico idiomate in latinum sermonem trans- late. Nova ed. ad normam ed. Parisiis ex- cusje, 1725, elaborata. 6 v. 4°. Netnausi, M. Gaude, 1765. Poullain de Saintfoix (Germain Francois). Essais historiques sur Paris. 3" ed. 4 v. in 2. 16°. Paris, Duchesne, 1758. Powell (William Byrd, m.d.) The natural history of the human temperaments ; their laws in relation to marriage, and the fatal consequences of their violation to progeny, [etc.] followed by a fugitive essay oh the protection of society against crime. 2d ed. 1 p.]. 246 pp. 7 portraits, (1 photographic). 8°. Cincinnati, A. T. Sf T. H. Keckcler, 1869. Power ( Rev. Philip Bennett). " I will ; " be- ing the determinations of the man of God, as found in some of the " I wills " of the psalms. 404 pp. 12°. New York, R. Carter Sf brothers, 1863. Power (The) of gentleness, and other talcs. By Frank Stanley. [ps^oH.] Primum edita a Jacobo Sirmondo. 74 col. fol. Parisiis, typographia regia, 1696. {In SlRMOND (J. ) Opora vari.% v. 1 ]. Prairie (The) farmer annual and agricultural and horticultural advertiser for 1869. 12°. Chicago, prairie farmer co. [1868]. Prang's chromo. A journal of popular art. Jan. 1868, to April, 1869. . Nos. 1-5. 40 pp. 4°. Boston, L. Prang Sf co. 1868-69. Prange (Christian). De locustis immense agmiue aerem nostrvm impleutibvs, et qvid portendere puteutvr, [etc.] 65 pp. 1 pi. 4°. Jena', impensis S. Schmidii, [1693]. 276 PRAT DE SABA. PRESENT. Prat de Saba (Onufrio). Pelajus ; sive, sceptrum hispaniense divinitus servatum cum idem regendum susciperet potentissimus rex Cavolus iv. Borbonius. v,]U8 pp.11. 8°. FerrariiB, F. Pomatelli, 1789. S. Pratt (Anna A.) Little Freddie feeding his soul. By Say Putnam. lpseudon.'\ 12.5 pp. 3 pi. 18°. NeicYork, R.Carter Sf brothers, 1869. Pratt (A. S. aiid son). Digest of the act to provide a national currency. See United States. Pratt (Orson). New and easy method of solu- tion of the cubic and biquadratic equations, embracing several new formulas, [etc.] Designed as a sequel to the elements of alge- bra, [etc. ] xvi, 151 pp. 8°. London, Long - ma7is, Green, Reader Sf Dyer, 1866. S. Prayer-meeting (The) tune-book. 108 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, [1859]. [ With Union prayer-meeting hymns]. Prayers which may be used iu the lodges of the I. O. of O. F. in the absence of the chap- lain ; prepared by a brother of the order. [«won.] I p. 1.34 pp. 8°. Boston, L R. Butts, 1847. Prefontaine ( chevalier de). Maison rustique, a I'usage des habitans de la partie de la France 6quinoxiale connue sous le nom de Cayenne. 3 p. 1. 212 pp. 1 1.7 pi. 8°. Paris, C. J. B. Bauche, 1763. Prentiss (E.) Nidworth, and his three magic wands. iv,279 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Rob- erts brothers, 1870. Stepping heavenward. 426 pp. 12°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph ^- co. 1870. Prepean (Louis Marie F61ix Conen de). See Conen de Prepean. Presbyterian church. Minutes of the gen- eral assembly of the presbyterian church in the United States of America. With an ap- pendix. V. 17-18. 1863-68. 2 v. in 6. [Also, annual reports of boards of domestic mis- sions, education, etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1868-69]. Psalms and hymns adapted to social, private, and public worship in the presbyte- rian church in the United States of America. 3 parts in 1 v. 255, 480, 33 pp. 24°. Phila- delphia, presbyterian board ofpitblication, 1843. • The same. Church psalmist ; or, psalms and hymns, designed for the public, social, and private use of evangelical christians. Containing, also, directions for musical ex- Presbyterian church— continupf'. pression. 5Gth ed. 652 pp. 16°. Philadel- phia, presbyterian publication society, [1847]. — ■■ The same. To which is added the form of government of the presbj'terian church in the United States of America, the directory of worship, and the shorter catechism. 3 parts in 1 v. 254,481,82 pp. 24°. Philadel- phia, presbyterian board of publication, [1850]? Presbyterian (The) historical almanac and annual remembrancer of the church, for 1858- 59, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865. By Joseph M. Wilson, v. 1-7. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. M. nHson, 1859-66. Presbyterian (Reformed) church. See Re- formed presbyterian church. Prescot (Kenrick, d.d.) Letters concerning Homer, the sleeper in Horace : with addi- tional classic amusements. 2 p. 1. 249 pp. 4°. Cambridge, J. Archdeacon, 1773. Prescott {Rev. T. O.) Some account of Emanuel Swedenborg and his writings. 32 pp. 12°. Boston, O. Clapp, 1854. [ (Vith Hayden (W. B.) On the phenomena of spir- itualism]. Prescott (William Hickling). Historia del reinado de los reyes cat61icos d. Fernando y da. Isabel, escrita en Engles, traducida del original, por d. Pedro Labau y Larroya. 4 V. in 2. 8°. Madrid, Rivadeneyra y comp. 1845-46. [Present (The) state of New England, with respect to the Indian war]. A continuation of the state of New England ; being a farther account of the Indian warr, and of the en- gagement betwixt the joynt forces of the united English collonies and the Indians, on the 19th of December, 1675. With the true number of the slain and wounded, and the transactions of the English army since the said fight. With all other passages that have hapned from the 10th of November, 1675, to the 8th February, 167f. Together with an account of the intended rebellion of the negroes in the Barbadoes. {^anon. ] 20 pp. 8°. London, D. Newman, 1676. Note — A map of Boston, about 1730, inserted. The same. A new and further narra- tive of the state of New England, being a continued account of the bloudy Indian war, from March till August, 1676. Giving a perfect relation of the several devastations, engagements, and transactions there, [etc.] Together with a catalogue of the losses in 277 PRESENT. PROG RAMA. Present state of New England — continued, the whole, sustained on either side, since the said war began, as near as can be collected. [rtHow.] 1 p. 1. 14 pp. 8"^. London, D. New- j man, 1676. Note. — Both the preceding works are signed N. S. Perhapa Nathaniel Saltonstall. Present (The) state of the West Indies : con- taining^ an accurate description of what parts are possessed by the several powers in Eu- rope ; with an account of the first discover- ers of those islands and the parts adjacent, [etc. rtmoM, ] 2 p. 1. 95 pp. J col. map. 4°. London, R. Baldwin, 1778. Press (The). [Philadelphia daily]. Aug. 1, 1857, to December 31,1867. 21 v. fol. Philadelphia, J. W. Forney, 1857-67. Pressense (Edmond de). Religion and the reign of terror ; or, the church during the French revolution. Prepared from the French, by rev. John P. Lacroix, a. m. 416 pp. 12°. New York, Carlton Sf Lanahan, 1869. Preston (Laura). In bonds. A novel. 438 pp. 12°. Neic York, A. Roman 8f co. 1867. Preston (Mary). Studies in Shakspeare. A book of essays. 181 pp. 16°. Fhiladel- ■jihia, Clayton, Remsen 8f Haffclfinger, 1869. Preii (M. Th.) First steps in German: an elementary grammar and conversational reader, based on Diesterweg, Becker, and Otto. 157 pp. 8°. Netc York, Oakley, Ma- son tS' CO. 1869. Price (Bonamy). The principles of currency. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. With a letter from M. Chevalier on the history of the treaty of commerce with France, viii, 246 pp. 8°. Oxford and London, J. Parker Sf CO. 1869. Priest's (The) prayer book. 3d ed. revised and enlarged, x, 182 pp. 12°. London, J. Masters, 1865. Primerose (David). Een tractaet van den Sabbath ende den dagh des heeren, waer in vdrklaert werdt de nature, oorspronck ende onderhoudinge so wel van d'een, onder het oude als van d'ander onder het nieuwe tes- tament. Eerst in't Fransch beschreven, volgens in't Engelsch over-gebracht ende iiyt-gegeven door Gilbert Primerose, d. d. ende nu in't Nederlantsch over-gezet door B. Wyngarden, ende S. Althvsivm. 18 p. 1. 326 pp. 17 1. 18°. Leyden, H. Vcrhiest, 1659. Prince society publications. 3 v. 4°. Al- bany, and Boston, 1865, Prince society publications — continued. CONTKNTS. HUTCIINSON (T.) Hutchiutiou paperH. 2 v. Al- hniiy. Wood (W.) New England's prospect. 16^4. JJosloyt. Printer's (The) circular: a record of typog- raphy, literature, arts and sciences. R. S. Menamin, editor, March, 1866, to Feb. 1870. V. 1-4, sm.4°. Philadelphia, R. S. Menamin, 1866-70. Pritanio (Lamindo, pscudon.) Sec Muratori (L.A.) Pritchard (S. J.) Marjie's matches, 174 pp. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1866. Pritts (Joseph). Abentheuerliche ereignisse aus dem leben der ersten ansiedler an den greuzen der mittleren und westlichen staaten. Nebsthistorischen skizzen von den feldzijgen der generale Harmar, St. Clair uud Wayne, gegeu die Indianer ira nordwesten, [etc.] iJbersetzt von B. S. Schneck. [anon."] 537 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Chumhershurg, (Pa.)H. Ruby, 1839. The same. 537 pp. 7 pi. 8°. Lan- caster, (Pa.) G. Hills 4- CO. 1842. Pritz (Franz Xaver). Beschreibung und go- schichte der stadt Steyer und ihrer nachsten umgebungen, Nebst mehreren beylagen, [etc.] 1 p, 1.388 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Linz, Q. Haslinger, 1837. s. Produzione relative al programnia di tre quistioni geometriche proposta da un nostro professore, viz : i. Iscrivere in un dato cer- chio un triangolo i cui lati passino per tre punti dati. ii. Iscrivere in un triangolo dato di specie di graudezza tre cerchi, i quali si tocchiuo tra loro, e tocchino i lati de trian- golo. iii. Iscrivere in una data piramide triangolare quattro sfere, le quali si tocchino tra loro, e tocchino la facce della piramide]. 2 V. jn 1 xii, 1 16 pp. 5 pi ; xviii, 46 pp, 6 pi. 4°. Napoli,lFlauli'\, \M0. s. CONTENTS. V. i. Programma e disputazioue su di esse. V. ii. Memorie premiate in risposta al programma [Di Nicola Trudil. Profecia politica, verificada no que estd suc- cedendo aos portuguezes pela sua cega aflei- 5a6 aos inglezes : Escrita depois do terre- moto do anno de 1755, epublicadaporordem superior no anno de 1762, em Madrid. Tra duziada do Hespanhol. [a>ioM.] 188 pp. 2 1. 18°. Lisboa,typograJia rollaudiana,l>i{)8. s. Programa de religion y moral. Cuarto aiio. Una leccion por seuiana. Conferencias sobre la verdad y fundameuto de la religion catol- ica. [rtnoM.] pp. 427-515. 16°. [n. p. n. d.] 278 PROJET. PRUDDEN. Projet de pacification g^nerale, combin6 par line suspension d'armes de vingt ans, entre toiites les puissances politiques. [awoM.] 4 p. 1. xxxviii, 244, xxiv pp. 16°. Amster- dam, Chatelain, 1760. S. Projet de reconstruction territoriale et dynas- tique de I'empire du Bresil aux depens des republiques americaines. [anow.] 1 p. 1. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, A. E. Rochetle 8f cie. 1869. Prontuario de las instrucciones, y practicas mas necessarias para entablar, y conservar una vida Christiana. Entresacada de varios autores asceticos de la compania de Jesus. Por un deseoso del aprovechamiento y bien de las almas, [etc, oMon.] 9p. 1.207 pp. 18°. Madrid, viuda de M, Fernandez, 1757. Proof-sheet (The). [A bi-monthly printers' journal]. July, 1867 to May, 1869. v. 1-2, in 1 V. 8'^. Philadelphia, Collins (L- McLees- ter, 1867-69. Propertius (Sextus Aurelius). Elegiarum libri iv. 93 pp. 32°. Londini, 1824. [With Catullus (C. V.) Tibcllus (A.) et Pro- pertius]. Prosser (M. Radclyffe) Short-hand made easy to every capacity ; or, a new system of stenography. 1 p. 1. 37 pp. 8°. London, author, 1806. Prosser {Mrs. — ). Original fables and sketches. 288 pp. 4 pi. sm. 4°. London, Leisure hour office, [1868]. Protest : ofte scherp dreyghement, 't welck den coninck van Spagnen is doende d'heeren staten generael, den prince van Oragnen, [etc.] ter occasie van't veroveren vande silver-vlote. Met de antwoorde op het selve protest. Als oock een liedt, daer op pass- ende. [anow.] 81. sm. 4°. Middelbvrgh, J. vande Vivere, 1629. Protestant episcopal church. The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies, as revised and proposed to the use of the protestant episcopal church, at a convention held in Philadelphia, 1785. 182 1. 16°. London, reprinted for J. Dehrett, 1789. The same. With the psalter, or psalms of David, [etc.] 1311.166 pp. 18°. mw York, H. Gaine, 1793, The same. 17 p. 1. 294 pp. 197 pp. 7 1. 240. ISIew York, E. Dutjckinck, 1809. The debates and proceedings of the general triennial convention, held in Phil adelphia. Pa. Oct. 4-24, 1865. 2 p. 1. 387 pp 8", Philadelphia, IR. Sutton], 1865. IRKporter (The). V. 1]. Digest of the canons for the government of the protestant episcopal church in the Uni- ted States of America, passed and adopted in the general conventions of 1859, 1862, 1865, and 1868. Together with the constitution. 122 pp. 8°. Hartford, 1869. [ JVith their Journal, 1668J. Episcopal common praise : consisting of the chants in the morning and evening service of the book of common prayer. And the psalms of David in metre, with hymns, [etc. Edited by George E. Thrall]. 600 pp. 40. New York, A. S. Barnes 8f co. 1869. Journal of the proceedings of a general convention, held in the city of New York, from Oct. 7th to Oct, 29th, 1868, With an appendix, Ixvi, 564, r22pp, 8°. Hartford, 1869, The order for daily morning and even- ing prayer, and the administration of the holy communion. With the psalter, or psalms of David. 9 1. 16°. Boston, C. Williams, 1812. Psalms and hymns of the protestant episcopal church, embracing the prayer-book collection of psalms and hymns, the addi- tional hymns and selections from "hymns, ancient and modern," and "hymns for church and home." 1 p. 1. 354 pp. 16°. Neu) York, E. P. Button Sf CO. 1869. Diocese of Ohio. Journals of the annual conventions, [first to fourth conventions], 1818-1821. 64 pp. 8°. Columbus, reprinted by Scott ^- Bascvm, 1853. Journal of the xxxviith annual convention, held in Grace church, Sandusky, Sept. 27-30, 1854. 140 pp. 8°. Columbus, Ohio state journal co. 1854. Prout (Hiram A.) Descriptions of polyzoa, from the palaeozoic rocks. 8°. Chicago, 1866. [Illinois {Geological survey of), v. 1, section 2. Supplement to Descriptions of invertebrates]. Proverbiana ; ou, recueil des proverbes les plus usites et les plus saillans, avec leur'sig- nification precise. [awon. ] 128 pp. 1 pi. 32°. Lille, Blocquel, Van qui refuse muse. Providence (The) selection of hymns, sup- plimeutary to dr. Watts. Embracing vari- ous subjects, and including a great variety of metres. Particularly designed for chris- tian worship. 252 pp, 16°, Providence, Miller 4" Hutchens. 1820, Prudden (Henry;. The horse : a treatise on the education and management of horses, 279 PRUDDEN. PULKOWA. Prudden (Henry)— continued. their diseases and remedies. To which is added a treatise on the management of cattle and dogs. 13(5 pp. 8°. Lockport, M. C. Richardson, 186'J. Prudhomme (Louis). Voyage A. la Guiane et a Cayenne, fait en 1789 et ann6es sui- vantes, [etc.] Par L. M. B. armateur. lanon.'\ x, 400 pp. 2 pi. 1 map. 8°. Paris, 1799. Prussia. Der boden und die landwirthschaft- liclien verhaltnisse des preussischen staates, nach dera gebietsumfange vor 1866. Im auftrage des ministers der tinanzen und des ministers filr die landvvirthschaftlichen angelegenheiten, unter benutzung der amtli- chen quellen dargestellt von August Meitzen. V. 1-2, and 4. 8°. Berlin, k. staatsdrucke- re^ 1868-69. s. Pieussische statistik. X. Die e nisse der volkszahlung und volksbeschrei- bung, dergebaude-und viehzaluug, 1864-65, und die statistik der bewegung der bevolke- rung, 1862-64. ix, 341 pp. fol. Berlin, koniglichen statist, bureau, \QQ1 . Psalms (The) of David, in metre. Trans- lated and diligently compared with the orig- inal text, [etc.] More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text than any heretofore. Allowed by the authority of the general as- sembly of the kirk of Scotland, and ap- pointed to be sung in congregations and families. 20 1. 18°. Edinburgh, A. Wat- /tins, 1756. [Imperfect : wanting all after psalm 83]. The same. 240 pp. 16°. Boston, J. Norman, 1788. The same. 277 pp. 32°. Baltimore, f. Lucas, jr. etc. 1812. The same. Carefully suited to the chris- tian worship in the United States of America. Being an improvement of the old version of the psalms of David. [_anon.] 390 pp. 32°. Hudson, IV. E. Norman, 1808. The same. 389 pp. 1 1. 12°. Phila- delphia, W. W. Woodward, 1817. Public (The) advertiser. [New York daily]. Feb. 23, March 16, 1807, to Dec. 31, 1810; July 1 to Aug. 7, Oct. 4 and 5, 1811 ; Jan. 1 to Feb. 22, 1813. 9 v. fol. New York, J. Frank Sf co. and S. Brower, 1807-13. Public opinion ; a comprehensive summary of the press throughout the world on all im- portant current topics; Jan. to Dec. 1869. V. 15-16. fol. London, If. Seaman, ISGO^. Publishers' (The) circular and general [semi- monthly] record of British and foreign lit- erature ; Jan. 1868, to Dec. 1869. v. 31-32. 8°. London, S. Low, ]8iiS-m. Publius, syrus. Sentences. Traduites en Franf ais par F. Levasseur. 2*^d. A\igment<5e de sentences extraites de divers auteurs. 2 p. 1. xxviii, 236 pp. 32°. Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke, 1825. PUckler-Muskau (Hermann Ludwig Hein- rich von). Tiitti frutti. 226 pp. 12°. New York, Harper S^' brothers, 1834. Puebla de los angelos. (Archicofradia del santissimo rosario). Octava maravilla del nvevo numdo, en la gran capilla del rosario. Dedicada y aplaudida en el convento de n. p.s. Domingo de la ciudad de Los Angeles el dia 16 del mes de abril de 1690. [Ser- monessiete]. 8 p. 1.208 pp. 4°. Puebla, D. F. de Leon, 1690. Pufendorf (Samuel von). Conimentariorum de rebus suecicis libri xxvi, ab expeditione Gustavi Adolfi regis in Germaniam ad abdi- cationem usque Christinse. 8 p. 1. 1044 pp. 12 1. fol. Ultrajecti, J. Ribbius, 1686. De rebus gestis Friderici Wilhelmi magni conimentariorum libri novendecim. 2 v. 6 p. 1. 728 pp ; pp. 729-1634. 40 1. fol. Berolini, J. Schrey, 1695. Pugin (Augustus). A series of ornamental timber gables, from existing examples in England and France, of the sixteenth cen- tury ; with descriptive letter-press, by E. J. Willson. 2d ed. 1 p.l. 15 pp. 30 pi. 4°. London, H. G. Bohn, 1839. S. Puisaye (Co/«. 1866. Quinet (Edgar). Des jesuites. See Miche- let (J.) and Quinet. Ultraraontanism ; or, the Roman church and modern society. Translated from the French. 3d ed, with the author's approba- tion, by C. Cooks, b. 1. 1 p. 1. ix, 184 pp. 12°. London, J. Cliapman, 1865. Quinland; or, varieties in American life. \^anon.] 2 v. in I. viii, 336 pp ; iv, 340 pp. 12°. London, R. Bentley, 1857. Quinter (James) and McConnell (N. A.) A debate on trine immersion, the Lord's supper, and feet-washing ; held at Dry Creek, Linn CO. Iowa, from 14th to 18th October, 1867. Reported by J. L. McCreery, of Dubuque, Iowa. 326 pp. 16°. Cincinnati. H. S. Bos- worth, 11868]. Quintero (Miguel Ignacio Perez). Pensa- mientos politicos y econ<)micos, dirigidos a promover en Espana la agricultura, [etc.] 276 pp. 16°. Madrid, B. Garcia de Lus- tra Sf ca. 1798. s. 282 QUINTETTE. RAINOLDS. Quintette quadrille band, no. 3. In five sep- arate books, viz: 1st violin, 2d violin, clari- onet, cornet, and base. Containing 9 quad rilles, 22 waltzes, 7 galops, also polkas, etc. 5 v. obi. 4°. Boston, E. Howe, 1867. [Wanting: 1st violin]. Quinto (Agustin de). El baron de Robinski ; 6, la moral del labrador. xii, 326 pp. 3 1. 8°. Madrid, Collado, 1818. s. Raadt (Petrus de). Noortheij, huis van op- voeding en onderwijs. x, 298 pp. 8°. Am- sterdam, P. N. van Kampen, 1849. Rabanus Maurus. De prsedestinatione Dei adversus Gothescalcum espistolse tres. Pri- mum editse cura et studio J. Si,rmondi, an- no 1647. fol. Farisiis, typographia rcgia, 1696. [/rtSlRMOND (J.) Opera varia. v. 2. col. 1292-1352] Racau (Honorat de Beuil, marquis de). Les bergeries. 2<= ed, 204 pp. 16°. Paris, T. Du Bray, 1627. Race (A) for life and other tales, [rtwon.] 288 pp. 5 pi. sm. 4°. London, Leisure hour office, [1868]? Raciborski (A.) De la puberte et de Tags critique chez la femme, au point de vue physiologique, hygi^nique et medical, et de la perte p6riodique chez la femme et les mammif^res..2p. 1. xiii, 520 pp. 16°. Paris, J. B. Baillihe, 1844. Precis pratique et raisonne du diag- nostic, [etc.] xiij, 956 pp. 16°. Paris, G. Baillikre, 1837. Racine (Bonaventure). Abrege de Thistoire ecclesiastique, coutenant les 6venemens con- siderables de chaque siecle, avec des reflex- ions. Nouvelle ed. [Par L. E. Rondet]. 13 v. 8°. Cologne, 1762-67. Rack (Edmund). Life and character of Wil- liam Penu. [awOTz.] 16'^. Bath, Crutticell, 1777. [In DuCHE (J.) Cagpipina's letters]. Radau(R.) L'acoustique ; ou, les phenomenes du son. 1 p. 1. 343 pp. 12°. Paris, L. Hachcttc Sc cie.]867. S. [BiBLlOTHfeqUE des merveilles]. Radical (The). [A monthly magazine, de- voted to religion]. S. H. Morse and J. B. Marvin, editors. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 5-6. 8°. Boston, lS.H.Morsc<^-J.B. Marvin^, 1869. Radigiiet (Max). Souvenirs de TAmerique espagnole. [1841-45]. Chili-P6ru-Brezil. xvi, l)OS pp. 16°. Paris, L6vy frercs, 1856. Rafinesque-Schmalz (Constantine Samuel). The ancient monuments of North and South t Rafinesque-Schmalz — continued. America. 2d ed. With some additions. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, author, 1828. Celestial wonders and philosophy ; or, the structure of the visible heavens ; with hints on their celestial religion, and theory of futurity. 136 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, printed for the central uiiircrsify of Illinois, 1838. Circular address on botany and zoology ; followed by the prospectus of two periodical works : Annals of nature, and Somiology of North America. 36 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, author, 1816. A monograph of the fluviatile bivalve shells of the river Ohio, containing twelve genera and sixty-eight species. Translated from the French, [by C. A, Poulson]. 72 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1832. The pleasures and duties of wealth. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, for the eleutherium of knowledge, 1840. Sylva tellnriana. Mantis, synopt. New genera and species of trees and shrubs of North America, and other regions of the earth, [etc.] Being a supplement to the Flora telluriana. 184 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, author, 1838. The synoptical flora telluriana. With new natural classes, orders, and families ; preamble of the 2000 new or revised genera and species of trees, palms, shrubs, vines, plants, lilies, grasses, ferns, algas, fungi, etc. from North and South America, Poly- nesia, Australia, Asia, Europe and Africa, omitted or mistaken by the authors, that were observed or ascertained, described or revised, collected or figured between 1796 and 1836. Parts 1-4 in 1 v. 8°. Philadelphia, author, 1836. CONTENTS. V. 1. Flora telluriana ; Pars prima. Introd. et classific ad niantissam gynopticam, [etc.] 103 pp. V. 2-4. Flora telluriana centur. i-xii. Mantissa Hy- noptica. [etc.] Rainolds or Reynolds (John). Censvra lib- rorvm apocryphorum veteris testamenti, ad- versvm pontificios, imprimis Robertum Be- larminum ; qva tum divina et canonica sac- rse scripturre autoritas asseritur solidissime ; tum varise qurestiones et controversioe,[etc.] expediuntur acciuatissime, etc. 2 v. 6 p.l. 1616 columns on 404 1 ; 2 p. 1. 1760 columns on 440 1. 4°. Oppenheim, sumtibus vidua L. Huls, d- H. T.aurentii, 1611. RALEIGH. 283 RANDOLPH. Raleigh (Sir Walter). Remains. 3 p. 1. 312 pp. 18°. London, W. Mears, etc. 17iJG. CONTENTS. his son's advice to his father. Maxims of state. Advice to his son The sceptick. Observations concerning the causes of the magnifi- cence and opulency of cities. Observations toiichiug trade and commerce with the Hollander and other nations. Ills letters to divers persons of finality. The i>rirogative of parliaments in England, {etc.] Ramadge (Francis Hopkin.s, m. d.) Con- sum ption curable : and the manner in which nature as well as remedial art operates in effecting a healing process in cases of con- sumption; to which is added a mode of treatment by which the development of tu- bercles may be prevented. First American from 3d London ed. IGO pp. 8°. New York, J.M. Howe, 1839. Ramayana. Sec Valmiki. Ramberg (Arthur von). Schiller gallery. Sec Pecht (F.) and Ramberg. Rambler's (The) magazine and New York theatrical register ; for the season of 1809-10. V. 1. [Nos. 1-3] and no. 4. 3p. 1.216 pp; 72 pp. 18^. NeiD York, D. Longworth,[\H09}. Rame (Miss Louise De la). Chandos. A novel. By Ouida. [psewrfow.] 3 v. 12°. London, Chapman & Hall, 1866. Held in bondage ; or, Granville De Vigne. By Ouida. [pseudon.'] 2 v. 443 pp ; 454 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott Sf CO. 1864. The same. Granville De Vigne ; or, held in bondage. A tale of the day. By Ouida. [^pseudon.'\ New ed. [2v.ini]. 443 pp ; 454 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott i^ co. 1867. Idalia. A novel. By "Ouida." [pscudon.'\ 594 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott <& co. 1867. Puck : his vicissitudes, adventures, ob- servations, conclusions, friendships, and philosophies. Related by himself, and edited by "Ouida." [pseudon.^ 607pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- co. 1870. Strathmore ; or, wrought by his own hand ; a life romance. By " Ouida." [pseu- don.'i G22pp. 12°. Plnladelphita V. Bevtott}, 1792. S. Robinson (Benjamin). Dolores : a tale of disappointment and distress. Compiled, ar- ranged, and edited from the journal, letters, and other niss. of Roland Vernon, esq. and from contributions, and by conversations with the Vernon family of Rushbrook, in Carolina. 180 pp. 8°. New York, E. J. Hale Sf sons, 1868. Robinson (Bryan, m. d.) Observations on the virtues and operations of medicines, xii, 216 pp. 8°. London, J. Nourse, ]752. Robinson {Rev. Charles S. editor). Songs for christian worship in the chapel and fam- ily : selected from the " Songs of the church." 3p.l. 302 pp. sm. 4°. New York, A. S. Barnes Sf co, 1869. Robinson (Henry Crabb). Diary, reminis- cences, and correspondence. Selected and edited by Thomas Sadler. 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. London, Macmillan jj- co. 1869. The same. 2 v, xxiii, 496 pp ; vi, .'j.5.'j pp. 12°. Boston, Fields, Osgood tf co. 1870, Robinson (Horatio Nelson, W.rf.) The pro- gressive higher arithmetic. 432 pp. 12°. Ncio York, Ivison, Phinney, Blakcman d: co. 1865. The progressive intellectual arithmetic, [etc.] 176 pp. 16°. Boston, Sanborn Sf Carter, 1858. s. Robinson (John). A defence of the doctrine propovnded by the synode at Dort, against John Mvrton and his associates, in a treatise intuled A description what God, etc. With the refutation of their answer to a writing touching baptism. 2p. 1.203 pp. 4"^. [^Lon- don], 1624. Robinson ( Mrs. M. Harrison). Helen Erskine. 255 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott .J- CO. 1870. Robinson (Robert). Seventeen discourses on several texts of scripture ; addressed to chris- tian assemblies, in villages near Cambridge. To which are added six morning exercises. 1st American ed. With a life of the author, xxviii, 406 pp. 12°. Boston, Cummings, miliar d Sf co. 1824. Robinson (Thomas Romney). Poems; writ- ten between the age of seven and thirteen. To which is prefixed a short account of the author, by a member of the Belfast literary society. 1st American from the Belfast ed. 1 p. 1. 140 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1808. Robinson (W.) The parks, promenades, and gardens of Paris, described and considered in relation to the wants of our own cities, and the public and private gardens, xxxii, 644 pp. 49 pi. 2 maps. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1869. Rocchietti (Joseph). Lorenzo and Oonalaska. ! p. 1. 132 pp. 8°. Winchester, ( Va. ) Brooks c^- Conrad, 1835. Roche (John). Moravian heresy. Wherein the principal errors of that doctrine, as taught throughout several parts of Europe and America, by count Zinzendorf, Mr. Cenuick, and other Moravian teachers, are fully set forth, proved, and refuted. Also, a short account of the rise and progress of that sect. With a second appendix, [etc.] 3 p. 1. xx, 332 pp. 16°. DiMin,J. Roche. \CA\. 296 ROCHE. ROHAN. Roche (Richard W.) Catalogue of [his] li- brary, [with prices], sold Oct. 1867. 251 pp. 8'^. New York, Bradstreet press, 1867. Rochefort (C6sar de). Le tableau de I'lsle de Tobago ; ou, de la Nouvelle Oiialchre, I'une des isles antilles de I'Amerique. 8 p. 1. 144 pp. 18°. Leyde, J. Le Carpentier, 1665. Rochester, {N. Y.) The Rochester directory, containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and the city and county register. 370 pp. 8°. Rochester, (iV. F.) C. C. Drew, 1869. Rochette (Desir6 Raoul). Tableau des cata- combes de Rome. 2« 6d. 3 p. 1. xii, 302 pp. 11. 7 pi. 16°. Paris, J. LecoffreSfcie. 1837. Rock county [Illinois] agricultural society and mechanics' institute. Transactions. 8°. Janesville, (fVis.) 1856. [Guernsey (O.) and Will ard (J. F.) History of Rock CO. etc. pp. 193-350]. Rockwood (Elbridge Luther). A historical and genealogical record of the descendants of Timothy Rockwood, [etc.] Compiled from authentic sources. 146, vipp. 1 pi. 12°. Boston, compiler, 1856. Rocoles (Jean Baptiste de). Les imposteurs insignes ; ou, histoires de plusieurs hommes de neant de toutes nations, qui ont usurpe la qualite d'empereurs, roys, et princes, [etc. ] 12 p. 1. 566 pp. 1 1. 16 pi. 18°. Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 1683. Roding(C. N.) Der freiheitskampf in Siid- Amerika. Nach den memoiren des generals Miller und andern zuverlassigen quellen, his- torisch dargestellt. x, 238 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, Hoffmann ^- Campe, 1830. Rodney (Afrs. Minnie Reeves). Sea drift. By Fadette. [pseiidon.'] 2U5 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen 8f Haffclfinger, 1869. Rodriguez (Antonio). Arte subtilissima, practica, y teorica, para contar guarismo de repente, [etc.] 198 1. 18°. Madrid, M. Fernandez, 1714. Rodriguez (Antonio Joseph). Antiguedad de la regla del gran patriarcha San Benito dentro de Hespana, vindicada contra Caye- tano Cenni, [etc.] 32 p. 1. 256 pp. 4°. Zaragoza, F. Moreno, [1749]. S. Rodriguez (Geronimo). Qvrestiones regu- lares et canonicse, envcleatte, [etc.] Acces- serunt plerisque resolutionibus notata, [etc.] 14 p. 1.900 pp. 30 1. 8°. Salmantica, A. Ramirez, 1628. Rodriguez (Pedro Alonso). Caton espauol. Politico christiano. Obra original, sacada de graves autores nacionales y estrangeros para la ensenanza y buena educacion de los niiios, [etc.] xvi,240pp. 16°. Madrid, imprenta real, 1800. S. Roe (Richard). A new system of short-hand, in which legibility and brevity are secured upon the most natural principles, with respect to both the signification and formation of the characters, [etc.] 30 pp. 11 pi. 12°. Lon- don, Darton cf' Harvey, 1802. Roebling (John A.) Long and short span railway bridges. 1 p. 1. 46 pp. 12 1. 1 portrait. 12 pi. fol. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1869. Roeth. See Roth. Rogers (E. C.) Philosophy of mysterious agents, human and mundane ; or, the dy- namic laws and relations of man. Embracing the natural philosophy of phenomena styled "spiritual manifestations." 336 pp. 12°. Boston, J. P. Jewelt Sf co. 1856. A discussion on the automatic powers of the brain ; being a defence against rev. Charles Beecher's attack upon the philosophy of mysterious agents in his review of ' ' spir- itual manifestations." 64 pp. 12°. Boston, J. P. Jewctt c^co. 1856. [ With his Philosophy of mysterious agents]. Rogers (Ebenezer Piatt, d.d.) A historical discourse on the reformed protestant Dutch church of Albany, delivered on thanksgiving day, November 26, 1857, in the North Dutch church. 120 pp. 7 pi. 8°. New York, board of publication of the reformed protestant Dutch church, 1858. Rogers (G. B. ) Unity of christians. The advocate of true progression in church and state, recognizing the bible alone as the true basis of christian union. 65 pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati, L. E. Rogers Sf co. 1869. Roggeveen (Jacob). Tweejaarige reyze ron- dom de wereld, ter nader ontdekkinge der onbekende zuydlauden, met drie schepen, in het jaar 1721, ondernomen door last van de nederlandsche westindische maatschappy, [etc.] Nevens de reyze van het oostindisch schip Barneveld, uyt Holland tot an de kaap der Goede hoope, in't jaar 1719, [etc.] 4'^ druk. [anojj.] 3 p. 1.199 pp.1 map. 4 pi. 4°. Amstcldam, A. Cornelisz, 1774. Rohan(Henri, Icrrfwcde). Interets des princes et des estats sovverains. lanon.J 5 p. 1. 248 pp. 18°. Cologne, J. du Pats, 1673. 297 ROHRBACH. rOnne. Rohrbach (Carl) and Kretschmer (Al- bert). Die trachteu tier volker vom be- ginn der gesehicbte bis zum neunzehnten jabrhundert, in 100 tafeln zusammengestelU, gezeichnet und lithograpbirt von Albert Kretscbmer. xii, 842 pp. 1 L 100 col. pi. 4°. Leipzig, J. G, Back, 16M. Rojas or Roxas (Antonio de). Laviedercsprit, pour s'uvancer en rexercice de I'oraison ; et pour avoir une grand union avec Dieu. Coni- posee en Espagnol et nouvellemeut traduite en Francois par le p^re Cyprien de la nativite de la vierge. Nouv. 6d. 24 p. I. 398 pp. 2 1. 24°. Paris, J. CoiUerot, 1072. Rojas (Marco A.) El rejno animal segun la classificacionde Cuvier ; 6, bistoriasucintade los seres animados, [etc.]. 281 pp. 1 1. 12^^. Nueva York, La Cr6nica, 18(35. Rolph {Dr. Tbomas). A brief account, to- getber with observations, made during a visit in the West Indies, and a tour through the United States of America, 1832-33; together with a statistical account of Upper Canada. 272 pp. 8 1. 8o. Dundas, (U,C.) G. Hu'lc- staf, 183(5. Romaiiie {Rev. William). The works of the late rector of st. Andrev/ hj the Wardrobe, and st. Ann, Blackfriars, and lecturer of st. Dunstan, in the west, London. A new edi- tion. [With] the volume of letters published bytherev, T.Wills, b. a. 8 v. 16°. London, IF. Bayncs, 1812. Roman catholic church. Bvllarvm collec- tio quibus sereuissimis Lusitanire, Algarbio- lumque regibus terrarum omnium, atque insularum ultra mare transcuiTentium, sive jam acquisitre sint, sive in posterum acqui- rentur jus patronatus a summis pontificibus liberaliter conceditur, [etc.] Ip. 1.270, 48 pp. sni. 4^^. Ulyssipone, tyjjographia regia, 1707. Coeremoniale, continens ritus electionis romani pontificis. Gregorii papa? xv ivssv editvm cvi prefigvntvr constitutiones poutifi- cise, et coucilioruin decreta ad cam rem perti- nentia. {_anoK~\. 2 p. 1. 120 pp.6 1.10 pp. 10 1. 4^^. Roma, lypis rcu. cam, uposlolictc, 1724. s, •Cantarium romanum. Pars prima: ordi- narium missse. xi, 122 pp. 12°. Cincin- nati, Benziger brothers, 1869. fipitres et evangiles des dimanehes et Roman catholic church— continued. dimanche. A I'usage des ecoles chretiennes. [rtwoji.] xxiv, 252 pp. 24°. Tours, A. D. Mamc Sr cic. 1840. Oficio parvo de nuestra senora. xxii. 144 pp. 18°. IMadrid, 1775]? {Imperfect: title page wanting]. Oficio de la semaua santa traducido at fetes de I'annee, precedes des prieres durant la sainte messe, et de vepres et complies dn 38 Castellano, e ilustrado con uotas por el dr. Joaquin Lorenzo Villanueva. Nueva ed. 4 p. I. 480 pp. 3 pL 16°. Valencia, B. Mon- /ort, 1790. Roman (The) catholic not " The one only true religion,"not "An infallible church." Being remarks upon "Points of controversy, a se- ries of lectures by rev, C F. Smarius." \anon. C. C. Stotesbury] ? 188 i)p. 16°, {^Philadelphia'], author, 1868. Romano (Cesar). Maria ; 6, el tutor y la huer- fana. 133 pp. 1 1. 8°. Madrid, /. Bolt, 1845. s. Rombert -. a tale of Carolina. [««<>/?.] 2 v. 1 p. 1. 231 pp ; 1 p. 1. 304 pp. 12°. New York, C. S. Francis, 1835. Rome. Sff Papal States. Rome de Lisle (.Jean Baptiste Louis de). Cat- alogue systematique et raisonue des curiosi- tes de la nature et de I'art, qui coniposent le cabinet de m. Davila. 4 v. in 3. 8°. Paris, Briasnon, 1767. s, Romero (Francisco). Devocionario sagrado de los privilegios, grocias, y glorias del padre putativo de Jesus, y esposo de Maria, el san- tjssimo patriarcha seiior San Joseph, [etc. ] 8 p. 1. 228 pp. 2 L 18°. StrUta, J. Padrino, [1758]. s. Romme (Charles). Tableaux des vents, des marees, et des courans qui ont ete observes sur toutes les mers du globe ; avec des re- flexions sur ces phenomenes. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 422 pp. 1 map; 2 p. 1.488pp. 8°. Paris, L. Dii- prat-DuFcrger, 1806. Rondet (Laurent fitienne) ? Prefacio general sobre los libros del antiguo testamento; i), in- troducclon para la intoligencia de estos di- vines libros, que sc incorpor6 en la edicion delabibliade Sacy, Nimes, 1781. Tradueia del Frances A. C. Prieto de la Rosa. [auon. ] xviii, 272 pp. 1()°. Madrid, riuda de Ibarra, 1303. s. R6nne(Ludwig von, editor). Die verfassung und verwaltung des preussischen staates, etc. 7^" theil. 3* abtbeilung ; [or], die landes-cul- tur-gesetzgebung des preussischen staates, [etc.] nebst einem historiscu-kritischen und 298 EONNE. ROSS. Ronne (Ludwig' von) — continned. praktischen kommeutar iiber die betreffenden gesetze, heraiisgegeben von Adolf Lette, und Ludwig von Ronne. 2 v. in 3. xvi, cxliv, 909 pp; xi, 1032pp; x, 8C8pp. 8". Berlin, Veit cj- CO. 1853-54. s. Roosevelt (Robert B.) Five acres too mucb. A truthful elucidation of the attractions of the country, and a careful consideration of the question of profit and loss as involved in amateur farming, with much valuable advice and instruction to those about purchasing large or small places in the rural districts. 296 pp, 12'^. New York, Harper i^- brothers, 1869. Root (Frederic. W.) and Murray (James R.) Pacific glee book : a collection of secu- lar music : consisting of part songs, solos, and choruses, glees and operatic arrange- ments. 304 pp. obi. 16°. Chicago, Root Sf Cady, [1869]. Root (George F.) The coronet : a collection of music for singing schools, musical con- ventions, and choirs, [etc.] 303 pp. 1 1. obi. 8o. Chicago, Root r, Friedrich), Der krystall und die pflanze, xi, 205 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Frankfurt, a M. Meidinger sohn Sf co. 1857. Scharling (Carl Emil). Michael de Molinos. Ein bild aus der kirchengeschichte des sieben- zehuten jahrhunderts. Aus dem Diinischen ubersetzt. 2 p. 1. 245 pp. 8°. Gotha, F. A. Perthes, 1855. Schatz (Joseph). Drittes lese-, lehr-, und iibuugsbuch fiir schulen mit alien jahr- gjlngen unter einem lehrer. 368 pp. 12°. Neic York und Cincinnati, F. Pustet, 1867. Schaufuss (L. W.) Monographische bear- beitung der sphodrini in naturgem;isser auf- fassung. Separat abdruck aus den Sit- zungsberichten der "Isis" zu Dresden, [etc.] 1 p. 1.128 pp. 8°. Dresden, 1865. s. ScliefFer (Arnold). Beknopt overzigt van de algemeene geschiedenis van het genootschap van Jezus. Gevolgd van de Monita secreta. Uit het Fransch vertaald. viii, 136 pp. 8°. Delft, wed. J. Allart, 1825, ScliefFer (Johaun). De militia navali vete- rum libri quatuor. Ad historiam graecam latinamque vtiles, 4 p, 1, 348 pp. 3 pi, sm. 4°. Uhsalim, J. Janssonius, 1654. De re vehicular! veterum libri duo. Ac- cedit Pyrrhi Ligorii v. c, de vehicvlis fiag- mentum. 2 v. inl, 4p, 1,286 pp; 368 pp. 4°. Francofurti, ex officina zunneridna, 1671. Scheie De Vere (Maximilian), See De Vere, Scliellbacli (Carl Heinrich). Optique de- scriptive. See Engel (F.) and Schellbach. Schenck (Mrs. J. W.) The rescued child. 96 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Neto York, American tract society, 1868. Scherzer (Johann Adam). Collegii anti-so- ciniani cliv, dissertationib, academicis abso- luti editio 3*. 17 p. 1. 1324 pp. 142 1, sm. 4°. Lipsia: et Francofurti, N. Scij/ion, 1702, 309 SCHICKARD. SCHMIDT. Schickard (Wilhelm). Institntiones linguae ebra^fE, primuiu hamionia aliaruin liuj^uarum orioutaliuiii perpetua auctius editte, a ui. Job. Ernesto Gerhardo, [etc.] Accessit lexicon dictie liu<^ua3 brevissiuiuni, [etc.] Receutissi- me adjecit dilucidationes qiiasdam regularum m. Daniel Winzer, [etc.] ]2p. 1.224 pp.2 tab. IG^. Lipsice, J. H. Klos, 1689. Schiebe (August). Auswahl deutscher han- delsbriefe iiir handlungslehrliuge, mit einer franzosisclien iibersetzung der wichtigsten worter und redensarten. 3*^ aufl. besorgt von dr. C. G. Odermann. vi, 140 pp. 12°. Griinma, J. M. Gcbhardt, 1861. s. Schillei' (Jobanu Chiistopli Friedrich von). Gedichte. lubilaums ausgabe. Mit plioto- grapbieen nacb zeichnungeu von Bocklen, Kirchner, etc. und bolzscbnittcn nacb zeicb- nungen von Julius Scbnorr. 1 p. 1. viii, 565 pp. 1 1. 43 pbotograpbs. 4°. Stuttgard, Cotta, 1859-62. Schinimer (Gustav Adolf). Statistik der lebranstalten des osterreicbiscben kaiser- staates, 1851-57. 2 v. 8°. Wie7i, 1858. s. [Austria. Mittheilungen aus dem gebiete der statis- tik. Jahrg. 7 (1 and 4). CONTENTS. V. 1. TJniversitatenundanderehoherelehraustalten. V. 2. Mittolschulen. Schinz (C.) Compendium zu Die wiirme- meszkunst und deren amyendung zur con- struction von apparaten fur die industrie und fiir biluslicbe bedlirfnisse. Entbaltend zab- len-resultate und formeln fiir den praktiscben gebraucb. 4 p. 1.50 tab. obi. 16°. Stutt- gart, C. Mdclcn, 1858. s. Schirmer (G.) G. Scbirmer's catalogue of circulating music library and imported music. Parti. 2 p. 1.358 pp. 8°. New York, G. Schirmer, 1869. Schlegel (Hermann). De vogels van Neder- land bescbreven en afgebeeld. viii, 700 jjp ; atlas, 362 col. pi. in 2 v. sm. 4°. Leiden, P. W. M. Trap, 1854-58. s, [Schlegel (H.) und Herklots (J. A.) Fauna van Nederlaud]. Eeptilia [ Japonica]. Sec Temminck (Coenraad Jacob) and Schlegel. Schleicher (J. C.) Catalogus bucusque ab- solutus omnium plantarum in Helvetia, cis et transalpina, sponte nascentium, [etc.] ed3^ 48 pp. 8°. [Bex]? 1815. Catalogus salicum Helvetire quas in usum botanopbilorum collegit J. C. ^cbleicb- er. 21. 8°. [Bex, 1807]? [ffM tho preceding J. Schleicher (J. C.)— continued. Catalogus bucusque absolutus omnium plantarum in Helvetia, cis et transalpina, sponte nascentium. 39 pp. 8°. [Bex]? 1807. [ With the 3d ed. of tlie same]. Schleiermacher (Friedricb Ernst Daniel). Grundrisz der pbilosopbiseben etbik ; mit einleitender vorrede von A. Twesten. cvi, 301 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1841. Schlesinger (Ludwig). Gescbicbte Bobmens. viii, 657 pp. 8°. Frag, J. G. Calve, 1869. S. Schlieben (Wilbelm Ernst August von). At- las von Amerika, in 30 cbarten und einem erliiuternden texte. 2 p. 1. 54 pp. 1 1. 30 maps. fol. Leipzig, G. J. Gosclien, 1830. Schlozer (August Ludwig). Ludwig Ernst, berzog zu Brauuscbweig und Liineburg, [etc.] Ein actenmiissiger bericbt von dem verfaren gegen dessen person, xxiv, 696 pp. 8°. Gottingcn, Vandenhock, 1786. Schlozer (Cbristian von). August Ludwig von Scblijzer's oft'entlicbes und privat lebeu, aus original urkunden und mit beifiigung dieser letzteren, voUstiindig bescbrieben von dessen jiltestem sobne. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 492 pp. 11.; 2 p. 1. 256 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1828. Schlozer (Kiird von). Friedricb der grosse und Katbarina die zweite. 4 p. 1. 278 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Hertz, 1859. Schmid(Cb. ) Bibliscbe gescbicbte fiir kin- der. Ein auszug aus dem grossern werke des b. Ch. Scbmid's, [etc.] 158 pp. 1 1. 12°. Ellwavgen und GmUnd, Bitter, \_about 1825]. Schmid (Hermann). Tbe babermeister. A tale of tbe Bavarian mountains. From tbe German. 379 pp. 16^. New York, Ley poldt cV Holt, 1869. Schmidt (Carl Cbristian Gottlieb). Kurzge- faszte lebensbescbreibungen der merkwitrdig- sten evangeliscben missionare, nebst einer iibersicbt der ausbreitung des cbristentluims durcb die missionen in Ostindien und in Af- rika. 5 v. in 2. 12°. Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1836-41. CONTENTS. V. 1. C. F. Schwartz und Henry Martin. V. 2. Auspraclie des predigers Bicberstcdt. Stephau Schiiltz. William Carey. Deocar Sohmid. V. 3. Hartholomaus Ziegenbalg, Job. Ernst Griiudler, Job. Tbeodosius van Kemp. Rhenius. V. 4. Pliny Fisk. IJavid Zi'isberger. V. 5. .rohanu Eliot. David Braiuerd. 310 SCHMIDT. SCHULTZE. Schmidt (Erasmus). Discursus de pronun- ciatione gra?ca autiqua. 4 p. 1. 50 pp. 6 1. 16°. Witchcrg(t, Corvinus, 1615. [With ROSSAL (Michael). Observatio de Christo per errorem in Chreistum commutato]. Schmuck (Fridorich Wilhelm). Fascicvlus admirandorum naturpe ; oder, der spielenden natur klinstwercke, in verschidenen miszge- burthen vorgestellet. 3 parts in 1 v. 24 pp. "36 pi. 4°. Straszburg, 1679-80. Schnurrer (Friedrich). Die cholera morbus, ihre verbreitung, [etc.] x pp. 1 1. 79 pp. 1 map. 8°. Stuttgart und Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1831. Schomburgk ( Sir Eobert Herman). Beschrei- bung dreier neuen pflanzen aus dem flussge- biete des Carimani oder Caramang, eines zu- flusses des Mazaruni (Guiana), pp. 751-760. 8o. In. p. about 1850']. Schon {Rev. James Frederick). Vocabulary of the Haussa language. Part 1. English and Haussa. Part 2. Haussa and English. And phrases and specimens of translations. To which are prefixed the grammatical ele- ments of the Haussa language. 3 p. 1. v, 30 pp. 1 1. 190 pp. 12°. London, church ?nis- sionary society, 1843. Schon (L. F.) Philosophic transcendantale ; ou, systeme d'Emmanuel Kant. I p. 1. 402 pp. 11. 80. Paris, A. Ledoux, 1831. Schouer (Johann). De nvper svb Castilise ac Portvgalise regibus serenissimis repertis insulis ac regionibus J. Schoner epistola et globus geographicus. 5 p. 1. 14 maps. 16°. TitniripcB, 1523. [With HONTER (J.) Rvdimentorum cosmographi- corvm, libri iii]. Schoock (Martin). De scepticism© pars prior, sive libri quatuor, [etc.] 8 p. 1.473pp. 1 1. 16°. Groninga:, H. Lussinck, 1652. School (The) of fashion. A novel, [anon.'} 2v.ini. iv, 214pp; 177 pp. 16°. New Yorl; J. ^- J. Harper, 1829. School (The) of the guides, for the use of the array of the confederate states, with ques- tions. [anoTi.] 71 pp. 18°. Richmond, West 4- Johnson, 1862. Schoonebeek (Adriaan). Historic van alle ridderlyke en krygs-orders ; behelzende haar instellingen, plegtelykheden, gebruyken, voornaamste daden, en levens der meesters, etc. In't koper gesnoden door Adriaan Schoonebeek. 2 v. 20 p. 1. 286 pp ; 328 pp. 41. 16°. Amsterdam, A, Schoonebeek, 1697. Note.— Tlic plates alouo of this work, perhaps, are Schoonebeek'g. The title is usually printed as that of an anonymous book. Schott (Andreas). Hispania3 illustrattB ; sev, rervm vrbivmq. Hispaniae, Lusitanire, Ae- thiophise et India3 scriptores varii. Opera et studio doctorvm hominvm. 4 v. fol. Francofurti, C. Marnius 4' haeredes I. Aubrij, 1603-08. [Volume 3 published by J. Pistorius ; v. 4 by Fr. Schott]. Schott (Caspar). Pantometrum kircheria- num, hoc est, instrumentum geometricum novum, a p. Athanasio Kirchero ante hac inventum, nunc decem libris, universam p?en6 practicam geometriam complectentibus explicatum, [etc. ] 12 p. 1. 408 pp. 10 1. 30 pi. 4°. HerbipQli, I. Hertz, 1669. s. Schott (Heinrich August). Die theorie der beredsamkeit mit besonderer anwendung auf die geistliche beredsamkeit in ihrem ganzen umfange dargestellt. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, J.A.Barth, 1815. Schreibers (Carl von, editor). Nachrichten von den kaiserl. cisterreichischeu naturfor- schern in Brazilien, und den resultaten ihrer betriebsamkeit, [etc.] aus den berichten und briefen der naturforscher [J. Natterer, H. Schott, J. C. Mikan] an den k. k. hof- naturalienkabinets director, herrn Karl v. Schreibers, und nach untersuchung und be- fund der eingesendeten naturhistorischen gegenstiinde der k. k. hof- naturalienkabi- nets direction. 191 pp. 1 pi. 1 map. 8°. Briinn, J. G. Trasskr, 1820. Schreiner (Henry) and Stewart (Franklin). The American ganger, simplified and com- plete, [etc.] 128 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. S. Young, 1850. Schrift-matighe verklaringh van den aart der thien woorden en d'hoedanigheid des verbonds over en door de solve met Israel van God op Sinai opgereght. [etc. anon.] 324 pp. 18°. Amsterdam, J. van Someren, 1672. {With VOSS (Gerhard Johann). De cognitione sui libellus]. Schubert (Friedrich Wilhelm). Handbuch der allgemeinen staatskunde von Europa 4 V. 8°. Konigsberg, gebriider Borntrdger 1835. Schubert (Gotthilf Heinrich von). Die ge schichte der seele. 2* auflage. xxvii, 962 pp 8 pi. 8°. Stuttgart cf Tiibingcn, J. G. Cotta 1833. Schultze (Heinrich). Der gold- und silber arbeiter nach seinen praktischen verrichtun- gen. Ein vollstandiges handbuch dieser kunst, [etc.] 4'*^ auflage. 2 p. 1. xxiv, 336 pp. 5 1. 25 pi. 8°. Weimar, B. F. Voigt, 1846. 311 SCHULZ. SCUDDER. Schuiz (Johann Heinrich), Die bestimmimg uiid ei/.icliung dcs weiblicheu geschlechts. 2« auflage. 3 p. 1, 343 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, J. t\ Cast, 1847. Schiissler (Otto). De nominibus gentium paragogis griecis. Dissertatio inauguralis. 40 pp. 8°. Mariaeinsulcc, typis Hariclii, 1868. s. Schuyler (A.) The principles of logic, for higb schools and colleges. 1G8 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Wilson, Hinklc cf co. [18G9]. Schwarz (Carl). Zur geschichte der neuesten theologie. 3'= auflage. x, 512 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1864. Sch-wrarz (Friedrich Heinrich Christian). Erziehungslehre. 2« auflage. v. 1-2. 2 v. xvi, 538 pp ; 2 p. 1. 520 pp. 2 1. 8°. Leip- zig, G. J. Gdschcn, 1829. [Imperfect : v. 3 wanting, v. 2, entitled " Geschichte der erziehung, " etc.] Evangelisch-christliche ethik. Hand- buch fiir theologen und andere gebildete christen. 2 v. 8°. Heidelberg, C. F. Win- ter, 1830. CONTENTS. V. 1. Das lehrbuch ; oder, die sittenlehre des evangeli- Bchen christenthums als wissenschaft. 2 p. 1. vi pp. 1 1. 326 pp. V. 2. Dashausbuch ; oder, die sittenlehre des evangeli- schen christenthums zur selbstbildung. 1 p. 1. vi, 426 pp. 1 1. Schwarzerd (Philip). Sec Melauchthon (P.) Schwegler (F. C. Albert). Der montanismus und die christliche kirche des zweiten jahr- hunderts. vii, 319 pp. 12°. Tiibingcn, L. F. Fites, 1841. Schvyippel (Adalbert). Georg Frey ; oder, beispiel wie viel gutes ein verstandiger mann in einer genieinde zu stiften vermag ; dem landwirthe iiberhaupt, insbesondere aber dem lieben bauernstande zum nutzen aufgestellt. 2 p. 1. 392 pp. 11 pi. 8°. Prag, 1835. s. Scientific American. An illustrated [weekly] journal of art, science, and mechanics. Jan. to Dec. 1869. New series. v. 20-21. fol. NeiD York, Mmin 8f co. [1869]. Sclater (Philip Lutley) ««rf Salviu(Osbert). Exotic ornithology. Containing figures and descriptions of new or rare species of Ameri- can birds, vi, 204 pp. 100 col. pi. 4°. Loti- don, B. quaritch, 1866-69. Scotford(/^c». John). The Judd family ; or, an evening visit, and what came of it. Being an elucidation of baptism — ceremo- nial or spiritual — or, scriptural baptism. 304 pp. 11. 16°. Ann Arbor, (Mich.) dr. Chasers steam printing press, 1809. Scott (Genio C.) Fishing in American wa- ters. With one hundred and seventy illus- trations. 484 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Ncio York, Harper ij- brothers, 1869. Scott (Jonathan M.) The sorceress ; or, Sa- lem delivered. A poem, in four cantos. 120 pp. 8°. New York, C. N. Baldwin, 1817. Scott (Mrs. Julia H.) Poems. Together with a brief memoir by miss L. C. Edgarton. 216 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Boston, A. Tomp- kins 8f B. B. Mussey, 1843. Scott (J. Walter). American postage stamp album. 2d ed. 155 1. obi. 10°. New York, J. W. Scott .y- CO. 1870. Scott (Iicv. Orange). The new and improved camp-meeting book ; being a choice selec- tion of hymns from the most approved au- thors, designed to aid in the public and pri- vate devotions of christians. 4th ed. 224 pp. 32°. Springfield, G. Sf C. Mcrriam, 1833. Scott (Sir Walter). Ivanhoe ; a romance. [anon.'i 3d ed. 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable tf- co. 1821. The- same. The American illuminated Abbotsford ed. 269 pp. 7 pi. 8°. New York, Heicct, Tillotson Sc co. 1850. The lady of the lake. With the au- thor's last notes. 312 pp. 6 pi. 16°. New York, Hurd S^' Houghton, 1869. The lord of the isles, a poem. 3 p. 1. 307 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, M. Thomas, 1815. Scouttetten (Henri Joseph). A medical and topographical history of the cholera morbus, including the mode of prevention and treat- ment. With a report read at the royal aca- demy of medicine at Paris, September 17, 1831. From the French, by Augustus Sid- ney Doane, m. d. vi, 100 pp. 1 map. 8°. Boston, Carter Sf Hendee, 1832. Scriptores rerum prussicarum. Die ge- schichtsquellen der preussischen vorzeit bis zum untergange der ordensherrschaft. He- rausgegeben von dr. Theodor Hirsch, dr. Max Toppen, und dr. Ernst Strehlke. v. 3. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzcl, 1866. s. Scripture (A) manual, for opening and closing the exercises of sabbath school, [etc. awon.] 159 pp. 18°. St. Louis, vivthodist book depository, 1856. s. Scudder (H. E.) Dream children. By the author of " Seven little people and their friends." 16°. Cambridge, (Mass.) \S(SA. 312 SCUDDER. SEGNERI. Scudder (H. E.) — continued. Stories from my attic. By the author of "Dream children, [etc. «wom.] 2 p. 1. 269 pp. 6 pi. 16°. New York, Hurd 4- Hougliton, 1869. Scudder (John M. m. d.) The eclectic prac- tice in diseases of children. 456 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, American publishing co. 1869. Scudder (M. L. ) [The] Wesley an psalmist ; or, songs of Canaan. A collection of hymns and tunes designed to be used at camp-meet- ings, and at class and prayer meetings, and other associations of social devotion. 188 pp. 16°. Boston, D. S. King, 1842. Scudder (Samuel Hubbard). Descriptions of fossil insects, found on Mazon creek and near Morris, Gnmdy CO. 111. 4°. C/ucao'o, 1868. [7n ILLINOIS (Geological survey of), v. 3. Supple- ment to descriptions of articulates, pp. 566-572]. Sculptured stones of Scotland. Volume second, [awon. Edited by John Stuart]. 3 p. 1. 52, cii pp. 1 1. 37 pi. 87 pp. 131 pi. 1 1, fol. Edinburgh, Spalding club, 1867. s. Seabridge (Charles). Connected poems. 1 p. 1. 138 pp. 16°. London, Triibncr 4' co. 1866. Sealsfield (Carl). Der legitime und die re- publikancr. Eine geschichte aus dem letzten amerikanisch-englischen kriege. [awow. ] 3 v. inl. 16°. Zilrich, Orell, Fiissli 4- cie. 1833. Der virey und die aristokraten ; oder, Mexico im jahre 1812. Vom verfasser des Legitimen, etc. [awori. ] 3 v. in 1. 16°. Zurich, Orcll, Fiissli 4' cic. 1835. Seamen's devotional assistant and mariners' hymns. 512 pp. 32°. Neic York, American seamen's friend society, 1838. Seamen's hymns and devotional assistant. 443 pp. 32°. New York, American seamen'' s friend society, 1846. Seance (Une) de la soci6t6 secrete Unitas. Reflexions au redacteur en chef du journal de Tijd, N. H. C. [fflMow.] 2 p. 1, 126 pp. 1 1. 16°. Amsterdam, C. L. Van Langehuysen, 1851. Searle (January). Memoirs of William Words- worth, compiled from authentic sources ; with numerous quotations from his poems illustra- tive of his life and character. 312 pp. 12°. London, Partridge Sf Oakey, 1852. Sears (Reuben). A poem on the mineral waters of Ballston and Saratoga, with notes illustrating the history of the springs and ad- jacent country. 108 pp. 18°. Ballston Spa, author, 1819. Sea-tiger (The) ; or, the last shot. By capt. Crostrees. [pseudon.^ 100 pp. 16°. New York, F. A. Brady, 1869. Second advent hymns ; designed to be used iu prayer and camp meetings. 3d ed. with an addition of twenty-three new hymns. 64 pp. 32°. Concord, J. F. Brown, 1843. Second (A) and third blast of retrait from plaies and theaters ; the one by a reuerend byshop [Salvianus] dead long since ; the other by a gentleman now aliue : one showing the filthiness of plaies in times past ; the other the abbomination of theaters in the time present, {^anon.'] Set forth by Anglo- phile Eutheo. Allowed by auctoritie. [ Low r/ow], 1580. sm. 4°. I London, reprinted'], 1869. [ROXBUIIGHE library publications. Hazlitt (W C.) English drama and stage, 1543-1664. pp. 97- 155]. Sedgwick (Catherine Maria). Hobomok, a tale of early times. By an American, [awon.] 188 pp. 16°. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard Sf CO. 1824. Means and ends ; or, self-training. [«won.] 278 pp. 16°. Boston, Marsh, Capen, Lyon S Webh, J 839. Tales and sketches. 285 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1835. Sedulius (Heiuricli). Prrescriptiones adver- svs hsereses. 10 p. 1. 258 pp. 7 1. 4°. Ant- verpiiE, J. Moretus, 1606. [With Stapleton (T.) Ver6 admiranda, seu de magnitvdine ronian£e ecclesiie]. Seelos (Ignaz) and Zingerle (Iguaz Vin- zeuz). Fresken-cyklus des schlosses Run- kelstein bei Bozeu. Gezeichnet und litho- grafirt von I. Seelos, erklaert von I. V. Zin- gerle. Herausgegeben von dem Ferdinan- deum in Innsbruck. 1 ill. title. 1 p. 1. 10 pp. 2 pi. 20 col. pi. obi. fol. Innsbruck, [1857]. Sega (Giacomo). Componimenti poetici d'un italiano profugo in America, [etc.] 24 1. 8°. Filadclfia, C.Alexander, 1829. Segneri (Paolo, the elder). Apologia por la Concordia entre la quietud y fatiga de la oracion. 80 pp. 4°. Madrid, \7 17. [ With his Exposicion del miserere, etc.] El confesor instruido: (etc.) y el peni- tente instruido para confesarse bien, (etc.) Ambos tratados dados a luz en leugua tos- cana, y traducida en nuestra idioma por d. luan de Espinola Baeza Echabura. 2 p. 1. 232 pp. 8°. Madrid, F. X. Garcia, 1779. s. Exposicion del miserere dado a con- siderar con cvydado a toda alma devota, prac- 313 SEGNERI. SENEBIER. Segueri (Paolo) — continued. ticii de interior union con Dios, sacadix ilo. los Psiilmos, [etc.] (i p. 1. 2(54 pp. 4 1. .sni. 4^^. Madrid, 1717, El incredulo siu escusa. [Traducido del italiano]. vol. ii. 10 p. 1. 358 pp.. 17 1. sui 4°. Madrid, J. r.spinala Bacza Etiiahura, 1G9(5. s. {Imperfect: v. I aiiit title page of v. 2 wautiug]. Sermoncs dichos en el palacio apos- tolico a la sautidad dc Innocencio xii. Tra- ducidos del idioma toscano al Castellano por d, J. Melon y Girou. 8 p, L 315 pp. 8°. Valencia, A. Bordaznr, 1721. s. The same, 4 p. 1.254 pp. 8°. Mad- rid, B. Roman, 1778 Seguin (Marc, aine). De I'influence des chem- ins de fer ot de I'art ile les tracer et de les constrnire. 2 p. 1. 322 pp. G pi. 8^. Lil-gc, A. Liroux, 1839. Seidler (Carl Friedrich Gustav). Braziliens kriegs- und revolutionsgescbichte seit dem jahre 1825 bis auf unsere zeit. 1 p. 1. 214 pp. 16'^. Lcipzio, E. Kummer, 1837. Seidlitz (Georg). Die bildungsgesetze der vogcleier in histolagiscber und genetischer beziebung, und das transmutations-gesetz der organisnien. iv, 58 pp. 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1869. Seitz (lohann Christian), Apocalypsis luoe et veritate neutiquam destjtuta; sive brevis demonstratio, quod apocalypsis ipsa satis ubique indicet, qua ratione possit, velit ac debeat recte intelligi, [etc.] 52 pp. 1 tab. 4°. [n. p.] 1721. [Wanting one chart]. Selby (Charles). Maximums and speciments of William Muggins, natural philosopher and citizen of the world. New ed. 1 p. 1. 127 pp. 16^. London, Routledge, iVarncs Sf RouUedge, 1859. Seidell (John). Table-talk. 1689. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. 120 pp. 16°. London, A. Murray ^- sons, 1868. [Aruek's English reprints, no. 6], Selectae ad usuni eorum qui in regio archi- gymna.sio divi Isidori Matrit. latinae lingua; rudimentis imbuuntur. ed. 5*. 2 v. in I. xvi, 207 pp; xxiv, 370 pp. 18°. Matriti, ez typograjia rcgia de Ibarra, 1818. CONTENTS. V. 1. Selecta 6 veteri testameuto historiae, [etc.] Acce- dit synopsis vita; Jesu Christi, [etc.] V. 2. Selecta" e profauis scriptoribus historic. Selection (A) of Greek epigrams or inscrip- tions from 13runck'.s Anthologia: [and] a 40 Selection, etc.— continued, triui.slalitui in l'3nglish verse, with notes. For the use of Winchester school, ^anon.^ viii, 144 pp. 16°. Orford, J. Cooke, 1791. Selection (A) of hymns and psalms for social and priv.ite worship, [awon.] 307 pp. 18^, Andovcr, Elagg ^- Gould, 1821, Sellon (Rcp. William), An abridgment of the holy scriptures, [1st Am.ed.] ix, 215 pp, 24^\ Hartford, Haled- Hositicr,]SyS. Semanano pintoresco espauol. Lectura de las fauiilias. Euciclopedia popular. Director y redactor D. Angel Fernandez de los Rios. 1849. 2 p. 1.420 pp. fol. Madrid, Scmana- rio pintoresco cspanol, 1849, Semanario de las sefioritas raejicanas, Edu- cacion cientitica, moral, y literaria, del bello sexo. 3v. 8°, Mejico, r. G.Torres, \Si\- 42. s. Semiteles (Demetrios Ch.) Autivikj] ypa/i- jUaTlK?/, syKEKpt/LlSVIj VTTO T1]q t^ETaGTtKljg ETVl- Tpom/c, KOI TOv eiTi Tuv EKKAi}aiaaTiKuv Kat T?/g d/jfiocnat; eKizaiSevaeug vnovpyetov et^ XPW-"^ 1'^'^ ^v TOig ''EA?i7]vtK0tc crxo?.eioig Kai yvfivaaioig didaaiiOfievuv. E/i(Jo(TEiov A. Ad. Mavpofi- juaTij, 1863. S. Seniler (Johann Salomon). Apparatvs ad liberalem veteris testameutiinterpretationem. 12 p. 1. 374 pp. 1 1. 8°. Hahe Magdth : C. H. Heinmerde, 1773, Abhandlung von freier untersuchung des canon, Nebst antwort auf die tiibingische vertheidigung der apocalypsis, 3 v. 10 p, 1, 272 pp ; 16 p. 1, 608 pp. 12°. Halle, C. H. Hemincrdr, 1771-72. Semper (Carl). Die Philippinen und ihre bewohner. Sechs skizzen, [etc.] 4p. 1.144 pp. 2 maps. 8°. If'iirzburg, A.Stuhcr, 1869. .s. Reisen im archipel der Philippinen, 2'^'' theil. Wisseuschaftliche resultate. b. i. Holuthurien. 1 p. 1. iv, 288 pp. 40 pi. (22 col. ) 4°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1867-68. s. Sempere y Guarinos (Juan). Ensayo dc una biblioteca espaiiola de los mejores es- critores del reynado de Carlos iii. 6 v. in 5. 12°. Madrid, imprcnta real, 1785-89. Seiiar (Gabriel Jerome de ). Revelations pui.sees dans les cartons des comites de salut public et de siirete guuerale ; on, memoires (inddits). Publics par A. Dumesnil. 2" (id. 3 p. 1. 2S7 pp. 8°. Paris, 1824. Senebier (Jean). Physiologic vcgctale ; coutenant une description des organes des 314 SENEBIER. SEUBERT. Senebier (Jean) — continued. plantes, et une exposition des pli6noin5nes produits par leur organisation. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Gcnkm, J.J.Paschoud, 1800. [Imperfect: v. 5 wanting]. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus). Liber quare bonis viris niulta mala accidant cum sit providen- tia ; commentario ed adnotatiouibus illustra- tus, [etc.] X pp. 1 1. 164 pp. 8°. Romcc, 1802. s. Seneca, his tenue tragedies, translated into Englysh. [By Thomas Newton and others]. 6 1.3 p. 1.217 1. sm. 4°. London, T. Marsh, 1581. His booke of consolation to Marcia. Translated into an English poem. [By sir Ralph Freeman]. 1 p. 1. 46 pp. sm. 4°. Lon- don, H. Stile, 16.35. Seueri (Pablo). See Segneri (Paolo). Sengler(J.) Die idee Gottes. Erster histo- risch-kritischer theil. xxiv, 565 pp. 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1845. Sengiierd (Wolferd). Rationis atque expe- vientise connubium ; continens experimento. rum physicorum, mechanicovum, hydrostati- coruni, barometricorum, thermometricorvim, aliorumque, compendiosam enarrationem, [etc.] Accedit ejusdem disquisitio de taran- tula, tertio edita, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 328 pp. 4 pi. 8°. Roterodami, apud B. Bos, 1715. Sepp (Anton). Erster theil der reissbeschreib- ung rr. pp. Antonii Sepp und Antonii Buhm der societat Jesu priestern teutscher nation, [etc.] wie nemlichen dieselbe ausz Hispanien in Paraquariam konimen ; und kurtzer be- richt dev denckwlirdigsten sachen selbiger landschaft, [etc.] Auf ein neues in druck gegebeu, [etc.] 264 pp. 18°. Jrigolstatt, J. A. de la Haije, 1712. The same. v. 2. Continuation oder fortsetzungbeschreibung, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 490 pp. 51. 18'=. Ingolstatt, J. A. de la Hayc, 1710, Sept mois de la vie de [Joseph] Fouche de Nantes, [ajjow.] 95 pp. 16'^. Paris, J. M. V. Atidin, 1816. Note. — Probably by the iJiiblisher. Sepulveda (Juau Ginez de). Opera, cum edita, tum inedita, accurante regia historiae academia. 4 v. 4°. Matriti, typographia regia de la Guzeta, 1780. CONTENTS. V. 1. De vita et scriptis Sepulvedse commentarius. Emendatioues in suain AristotelLs Politicorum latinaui versionem. De Sepulveda teatimonia et elogia. Epistola ad Jacobum Neyiatn. De rcl)us gestis Caroli v. libri xv. Y. 2. De rebus ge.stis CarQli v. libri xvi-xxx. Sepulveda (Juan Ginez de) — continued, V. 3. De rebus Ilispanoriim gestis ad novum orbem Mexicuinque libri vii. De rebus gestis Pbilippi ii. regis Hispanioe. Epistolarnm libri vii. V. 4. De vita et rebus gestis Aegidii Albornotii Car- rilii eardinalis libri iii. Brevis bononiensis collegu Hispanorum de^ scriptio. Aegidii Albornotii eardinalis testamcutum. Do regno et regis officio libri tres. De correctione auni, niensiumque romanorum. De appetenda gloria dialogns. De couvenientia militaris disciplina; cum Chris- tiana religione dialogus. Apologia pro libro do jnstis belli causis suscepti contra Indos. Decretum et indultum Alexandri vi. pont. max. super expeditioue in barbaros novi orbis. Oratio ad Carolum v. ut bellum sugcipiat in Turcas. De ratione dicendi testimonium in causis occui- torum criniinum dialogus. De ritu nuptiartim et dispeusatione libri iii. Do fato et libero arbitro contra Lutheriim libri ill. Antapologia pro Alberto Pio, principe Carpensi, in Erasmum roterodamum. Seraphiiie ; ou, le catholicisme dans I'Am^ri- que septentrionale. Par I'auteur des Sceurs jumelles ; ou, la vocation, [anow.] 6''-ed. 239 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Lille, L. Lcfori, 1841. Seraskier (Le) bacha. Nouvelle du temp.<». Contenant ce qui s'est passe au si(ige de Bude. [^anon.'\ 3 p. 1. 129 pp. 18°. Paris, 1685. Seringe (Nicolas Charles). Melanges botan- iques ; ou, recueil d'observations, memoires, et notices sur la botanique. 63 pp. 8°. Berne, 1818. [ With Schleicher (J.C.) Catalogus omnium plan- tarum in Helvetia]. Serrano (Francisco Antonio). Historia pun- tual y prodigiosa de la vida, virtudes, y luilagros de la b. Maria de la Cabeza, digna esposa del glorioso San Isidro Labrador, natural, y patron de Madrid, [etc.] 12 p. 1. 424 i^p. 4 1. sm.4°. Madrid, G. Ramirez, 1752. Serres (Olivia Wilmot). The life of the au- thor of the letters of Junius, the rev. James Wilmot, d. d. xcviipp. 1 1.224 pp. 1 portrait. 2 fac-similes. 8°. London, E.WilliHms, \8\S. Sestini {Ahbi. Domenico). Lettres, ecrites a ses amis en Toscane, pendant le cours de ses voyages en Italie, en Sicile^ et en Turquie, sur I'histoire naturelle, I'industrie, et le com- merce de ces diff6rentes contr6es. Traduites de ritalien, et enrichies de notes, par m. Pin- geron. 2 v. xvj,542pp; xiv, 463 pp.' 8°. Paris, Duchesne, 1789. Seubert (G. C. ) Die christlich-protestantische kirche in Deutschland, eine kirchlich-statis- tische zeitschrift, zunachst in beziehuug auf Wiirtemberg. vi pp. 1 1. ;i60 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, J. F. Slilnkopf, 1822-27. 315 SEVERINUS. SHAW. Severinus (Adriaau) and Heugelenburg (Martiuus). Kort bondif^c rijmeu oovcr ijder capittel der vier eiianf^plisten, handclingen der apostelen, en openbaaringe lohannis. 52 pp. 16°. Lcyden, J. A. Langeradc, 1713. I With M6LI.ER (Johannes). Verklaring der bybelse figmm-u]. Severus Sulpitius and Cassianus (Joan- nes). Vitsepatrum. fol. An.lvcrpia, 1615. \Tn, Ros\VEYDE(Heribert). Vitapatrum]. Sevigue (Mdme. Marie de Rabutin-Chantal de). The letters of madame de Scvigne to her daughter and friends. Edited by mrs. Hale. Kevised ed. 4:58 pp. 12^^. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. Sewall (Francis). Moody Mike ; or, the power of love. A christmas story. 114 pp- 3 pi. 16°. Philaddphia, J. B. Lippincolt Sf CO. 1869. Sewall (H, D. compiler). A collection of psalms and hymns, for social and private worship. [«now.] 2d ed. 420 pp. 18°. New York, A. Paul, 1823. The same. 3d ed. 422 pp. 18°, Bos- ion, 1832, Sewall {Rev. Samuel), The history of Wo- burn, Middlesex co. Mass. trom the grant of its territory to Charlestown, in 1640, to the year 1860. With a memorial sketch of the author, by rev. Charles C. Sewall. 2 p. 1. iv, 657 pp. 1 portrait. S*'. Boston, fViggm Sf Luni, 1868, Seward (Amos). Biographical sketches of early settlers. 8°. lAlcren, 1857]. {Tn Tallmauge township. Proceedings in com- memoration of the .50th anniversary, pp. 67-85]. Sewell (Elisabeth Missing). Margaret Per- cival. Edited by rev, William Sewell. 2 v, 288 pp ; 303 pp. 12°. New Yerk, D. Ap- pltton cj- CO. 1847. and Urbino (L, B. ) Dictation exer- cises. 5th ed, vai, I94pp, le^. Boston, S. R. Urbino, 1870. SeweU (William). An essay on the cultiva- tion of the intellect by the study of dead languages?, viii,371pp, 8°, London, J. Bolm, 1830. Seymour (Almira). Home, the basis of the state. 95 pp. 12°. Bosto», A. IVilliajns 8f CO. 1869. Seymour (Rev. E.) List of minerals in New Jersey. 8°. Newark, 1868, s. {In New Jersey. Geology of New Jersey. (Ap- pendix D). pp. 743-750. Seyxo (Vicente de el). El hombre en la ago- aia y ultimos momeutos de la vida : tornados Seyxo (Vicente de el)— continued. de las fuentes vivas de los cvangelistas, [etc.] 3» impression. 7 p. 1. 135 pp. 18°. Mad- rid, P. Aznar, 1794. S. Sforza (Isabella de). La verdadera quietud y tranquilidad del alma. Traducida de len- gua toscana en Castellana por el capitau J. Diaz de Cardenas. xxviii, 131 pp. 18°. Valcnchi, S. Fanli, 1792. S. Shabeeny (Asseed el hage Abd Sahim). Au account of a voyage from Fas to Timbuctoo in 1787. 8°. London, Longman Sf co. 1820. [Tk Jackson (J. G.) Account of Timbuctoo, etc.] Shadow (The) of the rock. By Fleeta. [_pscii- rfoK.] 144 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, prcs- byt^rian board of publication, 1866. Shadwell (Thomas). The Lancashire witches and Tegue o Divelly, the Irish jtriest. A comedy, acted at the Duke's theatre. 4°. London, J. Slarkey, 1682. [_London, reprinted, 1853]. {Ik HaT-UWELL (J. O.) The poetry of witchcraft pp. 3-144]. Shamrock (The) ; or, Hibernian chronicle, [New York weekly. Edited] by Edward Gillespy. Dec. 15, 1810, to June 5, 1813. fol. New York, Largm & Thompson, 1811-13. Sharp (Granville). The law of retribution ; or, a serious warning to Great Britain and her colonies, founded on unquestionable ex- amples of God's temporal vengeance against tyrants, slaveholders, and oppressors. 2 p. 1.357 pp, 18°. London, »". Richardson, 1776. Sharpe (Samuel). An historical notice of the monuments of Egypt. 12°. London, ISbi. S, [In Jones (O.) and Bonomi (J.) Description of the Egyptian court erected in the Crystal palace]. Shaw (Henry W.) Josh Billings' farmers' allminax for the year 1 870. [pseudon. ] 16 1. 8°. New York, G. IV, Carleton, 1870. Shaw (John, m. d.) Poems. To which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the author, viii, 252 pp, 16°, Philadelphia., E. Earle, 1810. Shaw (Thomas B.) and Smith (William, II. d.) Choice specijneus of English literature ; se- lected from the chief English writers, and arranged chronologically. Adapted to the use of American .students by Benjamin N. Martin, d, d. 477 pp. 8°, Neic York, Sheldon 4' C9. 1870. Shaw (William). An enquiry into the au- thenticity of the poems ascribed to Ossian. 172 pp. 12°, Dvhlin, P. Byrne, 1782. 316 SHEA. SHERWOOD. Shea (Jolm Gilmary) ((ml McG-ee (Thomas Darcy). Die katliolische kirche in deu Ver- einigten Staaten von Nordamevika, darg^e- stellt von einiieimischen schriftstoUern. Deutsch von den benediktinern zu st. Mein- ard im Indiana staat. xvi,518 pp. 8°. A'e- genshurg, G. J. Manz, 1864. Shealiaii (James W.) The printer; read he- fore the Franklin society of Chicago, October 27, 1869. 20 pp. 4°, Chicago, Franllin society, 1869. [Franklin society publieatious, uo. }]. Shelley (Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft). Lodore. 228 pp. 12°, New York, IVallis iV NcwcU, 1835. Sheltou (S.) Brachygraphy ; or, the art of short-writing in a more exact, easie, and speedy method than hath been yet published to the world. 20 1. 1 portrait. 18°. London, P. Parker, 1672. Shelton (Thomas). A tvtor to tachygraphy, or short-writing, [etc.} 2 p. 1.52 pp. 18°. London, E. P. 1642. Shepard (A. K.) The laud of the Aztecs ; or, two years in Mexico. 209 pp. 12*^. Albany, Weed, Parsons tt co. 1859. S. Shepard (Isaac Fitzgerald). Scenes and songs of social life. A miscellany. 336 pp. - 16°. Boston, Saxon 8f Kelt, 1846. Shepard {Rev. Thomas). The parable of the ten virgins opened and applied ; being the substance of divers sermons on Matth. 25, 1- 13. Published by J. Mitchell. 4 p. 1.240, 203 pp. sm, fol. London, J. Rothicell, 1660. The saint's jewel. And the soul's invi- tation unto Jesus Christ. In two sermons, pp. 197 to 237. 16°. London, J. Siceeting, 1657. [ JVith his Sincere, convert] . The sincere convert. Discovering the small number of true believers, and the great difticulty of saving conversion. 5th ed. 7 p. 1. 254 pp. 16°. London, J. Sweeting, IGi^ii). The sound believer. A treatise of evan- gelicall conversion, [etc.] 2 p. 1. 318 pp. 1 1. 16°. London, A. Crookc, 1653. [ With the Sincere convert. 5th ed. 1650] . The same. 8 p. 1.196 pp. 16°. Lon- don, J. MacocTc, 1657. Shepheard (Thomas). See Shepard. Sheppard (Furman). The constitutional text- book ; a practical and familiar exposition of the constitution of the United States, and of portions of the public and administrative law of the federal government. 324 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Childs <^- Peterson, 1856. Sheppard (Rev. John), The divine origin of Christianity, deduced from some of those evidences which are not founded on the authenticity of scripture. 2 v. 1 p. 1. xlvii, 358 pp; 1 p. 1. iii, 383 pp. 12°. London, Whittaker, Treacher tt Arnot, 1829. Sherburne (Heiny). The oriental philan- thropist; or, true republican. 215 pp. 16°. Portsmouth, (N. //.) W. TreadwclL S; co. 1800. The same. 215 pp. 16°. Portsmouth, (N. H.) W. Treadwell c^ co. 1800. Note. — Pages 113-115 of the two precediug are of different editions. Sheridan (Thomas). A course of lectures on elocution. New ed. 156 pp. 16°. Provi- dence, Carter Sf Wilkinson, 1796. Sheridan's and Henderson's practical method of reading and reciting English poetry, elu- cidated by a variety of examples taken from some of our most popular poets, and the man- ner pointed out in which they were read or recited by the above gentlemen ; intended for the improvement of youth, and as a necessary introduction to dr. Enfield's speaker. \^anon. By William Enfield]? xii,264pp. 16°. Jjondon, E. Ncwhcry, 1796. Sherlock (Paul). Anteloqvia in Salomouis Canticorvm canticvm, etliica pariter et his- torica, [etc.] 22 p. 1.530,7 1. fol. I'eneiiis, typographia ducali Pinclliana, 1639. Cogitatationes in Salomonis Cantico- rvm canticvm, ex triplici vestigatioue, hu- mana, sacra, didactica. Adjecta est adap- tatio virgini deiparte. [Ed. nova]. 4 p. 1. 700 pp, 32 1 ; 26 pi. 612 pp. 37 1. fol. Vene- tiis, Pinelli, 1639-40. Sherlock (Richard, d. d.) The practical christian ; or, the devout penitent. A book of devotion, containing the whole duty of a christian, in all occasions and neces.sities. With a life of the author by Thomas Wilson, d.d. From 7th English ed. 320 pp. 16°. NeiD York, D. Appleton Sf co. 1843. Sherman (E.) Conference hymns, selected and original. 3d ed. 94 pp. 1 1. 32°. Provi- dence, H. H. Brown, 1835. Sherwood (Kcp. John D.) The eomic his- tory of the United States, from a period prior to the discovery of America to times long subsequent to the present. 549 pp. 39 pi. 12°. Boston, Fields, Osgood 4- co. 1870. Sherwood ( Mrs. Mary Martha Butts). Stories for Sundays, illustrating the catechism, [etc.] RGvi.sed and edited by A. Cleveland Coxe. 450 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott cS-cu. 1869. 317 SHILLABER. SIEBOLD. Shillaber (B. P.) Rhymes with reason and witliout. :{3G pp. 1 portrait. ]6o, Boston, A. Tompkins <$•• B. B. Mnsscy .y- cu. 185:5. The same. 336 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. New York, J. C. Derby, 1854. Shining light. A book for young christians. By the author of " Early dawn." lanon.'\ 144 pp. 18*^. Philadelphia, presbyterian hoard of publication, 1867. Shipley (Jouatbau). Speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charter of Massachusetts Bay. [rtjjo/j.] 4th ed. 36 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1774. Ship-owners' association of the state of New York. Constitution and by-laws, as amen- ded, June 12, 1867. 15 pp. 8°. Ncto York, L. H. Biglow .J- CO. 1867. Shipp (Barnard). The progress of freedom; and other poems. 219 pp. 12°. New York, Adriance, Sherman ^ co. 1852. Shipping and commercial list [and New York price current]. Jan'y, 1867, to Dec. 1869. V. 53-55. fol. Neic York, Autens Sf Bourne, 1867-69. Shiras (Alexander, d. d.) The christian festi- vals. A help to devout observance of the sacred seasons of the church. 259 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Claxlon, Remscn .j'- Haffeljingcr, 1870. Short (A) explanation of Luther's smaller catechism, with scripture proofs and illustra- tions, [etc.] Translated from the German, [etc.] 156 pp. 18°. Baltimore, T. N. Kurtz, 1855. s. Short stories for spare moments. Selected from Lippincott's magazine. 2d series. 150 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sfco. 1869. Short (A) system of polite learning, being an epitome of the arts and sciences ; for the use of schools, \_anon.'] The 4th American ed. Improved by Daniel Jaudon. 214 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, Johnson <|- Warner, 1814. Short (A) treatise against stage-playes. LoMrfo/j, 1625. sm. 4°. ^London, reprinted'^, 1869. [ROXBURGHE library publications. Hazlitt (W. C.) English drama and stage, 1543-1664. pp. 231- 252]. Shower {Rev. John). Serious reflections on time and eternity, this world and the next. From an Eng. ed. 192 pp. 16°. Leomin- ster, {Mass.) S. IVilder, 1812. Shryock (D.) The silver clarion : for public schools, seminaries, and vocal classes. Con- taining a new, practical, and progressive Shryock (D.)— continued. course of elementary instruction, together with a large number of beautiful songs for class practice, concerts, exhibitions, etc. ar- ranged for two, three, and four voices, with hymns, tunes, and chants. 192 pp. obi. 16°. Chicago, Root <§• Cady, 1869. Sibel (Caspar). Opera omnia theologica. Sen loci commvnes theologici practici. 5 v. in 3. fol. Amstelredami, sumplibus H. Laurentii, 1644. CONTENTS. V. 1. Sclioladivinarum teutatiouuminsacrilicio Abra hami. Uoniiliic tredeciin in mononiachiara Jacob! cum Deo. Ars et discipliua bellica, a Mose Exod. 17 versu 8, tradita. Conimeutarius in psaliuum xvi Davidis. Vaticiuium de Christi exinanitionc et exalta- tione. Humilitas davidica, [etc.] Encomium fraterna; concordiie, [etc.] Frajnum juveututis, seu perspicua et graphica descriptio vanitatum juventutis, [etc.] Historia Hiskiaj regis Judae, [etc.] V. 2. Homilire octo in eanticum Simeoui.«. Conciones sacra; in caput xvi Mattlisei. In historian! transformationis Christi homilia: sedecim. Conciones sacra; in historian! sanati luuatici. De didrachmis a Christo Caparuaumi solutis homiliaa octo. V. 3. Continens conciones sacras in historiam pas- sionis, mortis et sepultura; domiui ac servatoris nostri lesv Christi. V. 4. Conciones sacra; in divinam luda; apostoll epig- tolam. Couciouum miscellanearura decas prima. Conciouum miscelianearum decas secunda. V. 5. Contiaens conciones sacras in secuudum et ter- tium Apocalypseos loannis evaugelista; et apostoli caput. Sidney {Sir Philip). Anapologie for poetrie. 1595. Carefully edited by Edward Arbor. 2 p. 1. 72 pp. 16°. London, A. Murray Sf sons, 1868. [Arber's English reprints, no. 4]. Sidonius Apollinaris (Caius Sollius). Ope- ra. [Epistolarum libri ix, carmina viginti quatuor complectentes]. Recognita, et notis illustrata a J. Sirmondo edita anno 1614. col. 828-1320. fol. Parisiis, typographia regia, 1596. [In SiRMOND (Jacques). Opera varia. v. 1]. The same. J. Sirmondi cura et studio recognita, notisque illustrata. 2 v. in 1. 18p.l.398pp. 10 1; 280pp.81. 16°. Pari- siis, S. Cramoisy, 1614. Siebold (Philipp Franz von, editor). Fauna japonica. Reptilia elaborantibus C. J. Tem- minck et H. Schlegel. 72 pi. fol. Lug- duni Batnvorum, ex officin. lithogr. auctoris, etc. 1838. Geographical and ethnographical eluci- dations to the discoveries of Maerten Gerrits Vries, 1643. In the east and north of Ja- 318 SIEBOLD. SIMON. Siebold (Philipp Franz von)— contiuued. pan ; to serve as a mariner's guide in the navi- gation of the east coast of Japan, and to Jezo, Krafto, and the Kvu-ils. From the Dutch by F. M. Cowan. 4 p. 1.186 pp.1 map. 8°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1859. Siegle (Emil, m. d. ) The treatment of dis- eases of the throat and lungs by inhalations, with a new inhaling apparatus. From 2d German ed. by S. Nickles, m. d. 136, 7 pp. 120. Cincinnati, R. IV. Carroll ^- co. 1868, Sigoumey (iW»-s.Lydia Huntley). Traits of the aborigines of America. Apoem. [anon.] 1 p. 1.284 pp. 1 1. 12°. Cambridge, univer- sity press, 1825. Sigrist (Johann Georg Joseph). Tiigliches lob Gottes. Katholisches gebet- und er- bauungsbuch. 250 pp. 18"^. Einsiedeln, (etc.) K. cj- N. Bcnzigcr, 1868, Sikes (Wirt), One poor girl : the story of thousands. 1 p. 1. 255 pp, 12°. Philadel- phia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1869. Silius Italicus (Cains). The Funics. Trans- lated by Henry William Tytler. 2 v. 1 p. 1. xliv, 419 pp ; 1 p. 1. 360, xi pp. 8°. Calcut- ta, V.Holcroft, 1828, Sillery (Stephanie Felicit6 Ducrest de Saint Aubin, comlcsse de Genlis). Sec Genlis. Silliman (Benjamin). Remarks, made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the autumn of 1819, 407 pp, 9 pi. 12°. NeiD Haven, S. Converse, 1820. Silliman (Benjamin, jr.) and Goodrich (Charles Eush) editors. The world of sci- ence, art, and industry, illustrated from ex- amples in the New York exhibition, 1853-54. With 500 illustrations, under the superin- tendence of C. E. Dcippler. 6 p, 1. 208 pp, 5 pi. 4°. New York, G. P. Putnam cj- co. 1854, s. and Wurtz (Heniy). The hydrocar- bon gas process. Report of Avorking results on a large scale, under the Gwynne-Harris patents, Nov. 1868, to May, 1869. 126 pp. 8°. New York, 1869, Silliman's journal. See American journal of science and art. Silver (Joseph S,) The gospel of good and evil, 360 pp, 12°, Boston, JV. White cj- CO. 1869. Silver lake series, 3 v. 16°. Boston, H. A. Young 8f CO. 1868. CONTENTS. Good for evil ; or, rose cottage. 303 pp. 4 pi. Hopes and fears; or, broad oaks. 296 pp. 3 pi. Truth and trust ; or, the irou mouutaiu. 296 pp. i pi. Silversmith (The) of Jerusalem. [wwon.] 264 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyte- rian board of publication, [1868]. Simler (.Josias). Scripta vetervm latina, de vna persona et dvabus natvris lesu Christi, adversus Nestovium, Eutychen, et acephalos olim fedita, Accessit his brevis narratio con- troversiarvm de persona et natvris in Christo, [etc] Up, 1,2111. fol, Tiguri, C. Frosch- over, 1571. CONTENTS. D. Ivstiniani imp. edictum de fide adversus haireses, [etc.] Anitii Manlii Severini Boethii [psendo-BoethiiJ de du- al)U8 naturis et una persona Christi, [etc.] loaunis Cassiani ereniita; de iucarnatioue Christi con- tra Nestorium hicreticiira, [etc.] Maxentii Johannis libellus fidei oblatus legatis apos- tolic.io sedis Constantinopoli. D. Leonis epistolje du«, ad Flauianum una, altera ad Leonem Augustum. Gelasii de duabus naturis in Christo aduersus Euty- chen et Nestorium liber. B. Vigilii martyris et episcopi tiidentini lib. v. contra Eutychen, et alios hsereticos non recte de naturarum proprietate et personse Christi imitate seutientes, [etc.] D. Pvlgentii Afri episcopi rvspensis, libri tres ad Thrasimundvm, Vandalorum regem. Rvstici diaconi contra acephalos dialogus. Simms (William Gilmore). Carl Werner; au imaginative story ; with other tales of the imagination. 2 v. 4 p, 1, 243 pp ; 2 p, 1, 208 pp, 12°, New York, G. Adlard, 1838. Life in America ; or, the wigwam and the cabin, [anon.] 311pp. 12°. Aberdeen, G. Clark cj- son, 1848. South Carolina in the revolutionary war : being a reply to certain misrepresenta- tions and mistakes of recent writers in rela- tion to the course and conduct of this state. By a southron. lanon.'\ 2 p, 1, 177 pp, 12°, Charleston, Walker cj- James, 1853. Simms ( — ). Photography. Sec Swaine ( — ) and Simms. Simon {Mrs. Barbara Anne). Evangelical review of modern genius ; or, truth and error contrasted. [Apoem], 116 pp. 12*^, New York, D. A. Borrenstein, 1823, The hope of Israel : presumptive evi- dence that the aborigines of the western hemisphere are descended from the ten mis- sing tribes of Israel, viii, 328 pp, 8°. London, R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1829, Simon (Richard). Histoire critique des ver- sions du nouveau testament, oil Ton fait con- noitre quel a ete I'usage de la lecture des livres sacres dans les principales eglises du monde. 5 p. 1. 539 pp. 4°. Rotterdam, R. Leers, 1690, Histoire critique du texte du nouveau 319 SIMON. SIRMOND. Simon (Riehanl)— conlinnecl. testament, ofl I'on etablit la vC-rite ties actes sur Icscjuels la religion chretieunc est fondoo. 9p. 1.4:50 pp. 4°. Rotterdam, R. Leers, 1689. Simonin (L. ) Uudergiound life ; or, mines and miners. Translated, adapted to the present state of British minintv, and edited by H. W. Bristow. I p. 1. xix, 522 pp. 4(5 pi. 20 maps. 8°. London, Chapman Sf flail, 1869. Simons (Menno). A foundation and plain in- struction of the saving doctrine of our lord Jesus Christ, briefly compiled from the word of God, [etc.] Translated into English by I. Daniel Rupp. 420 pp. 10°. Lancaster, (Fa.) E.narr<^co. 1863. The same. Ein fundament und klare anweisung von der seligmachenden lehre unsers herrn lesu Christi. Aus Gottes wort kiu^z begriffen. Aus der niederljindischen sprache in die hochdeutsche gebracht und iibersezt, [etc.] Durch M, S. [anon.] 5 p. 1.710 pp. 12°. Lancaster, {Pa.) L Bdr 8f sohn, 1853. Simpson (James). Necessity of popular edu- cation, as a national object ; with hints on the treatment of criminals, and observations on homicidal insanity. 262 pp. 12°. Neio York, Lcavitt, Lord cf- co. 1834. A visit to Flanders, in July, 1815: being chiefly an account of the field of Wa- terloo. With a short sketch of Antwerp and Brussels, at that time occupied by the wounded of both armies. 1st American from the 2d British ed. 213 pp. 1 map. 24°. New York, S. Campbell, 1816. Simpson (James H. bt. brig. gen. u. s. a.) The shortest route to California illustrated by a history of explorations of the great basin of Utah, with its topographical and geological character, and some account of the Indian tribes. 58 pp. 1 map. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1869. Simpson. Sec Sympson. Simrock (Carl Joseph). Quellen des Shakes- peare in novellen, etc. See Echtermeyer (Ernst Theodor), Henschel (Ludwig), and Simrock (Carl). Sinclair (Caroline Isabel). Poems. 158 pp. II. 12°. Augusta, (Ga.) N. D. Norrell, 1860. Sinding {Rev. Paul C.) History of Scandi- navia, from the early times of the Norsemen and vikings to the present day. 2d ed. 429 pp. 1 pi. 12°. New York, Pudncy S( Rua sell, 1859. Sifieriz (.Juan Francisco). Nuevo plan de gobierno econ6mieo doniestico, en el cual se danlecciones para vivir sin empcnarse, [etc.] viii, 334 pp. 18°. Madrid, L. Nunez, 1831, Singer (Edgar A.) An elementary grammar. See Fewsmith (W.) and Singer. Sirmond (Jacques). Opera varia, nunc pri- mura collecta, [edente Jacobode La Bauno], notis posthumis, epistolis, et opusculis auc- tora. Acceduut s. Theodori studita;, epistolse, aliaque scripta dogmatica, gr«ce vulgata pleraque Sirmoudo iuterprete. 5 v. iu 4. fol. Parisiis, typogruphia rcgia, 1696. CONTENTS. v. 1. Sirraondi vita. H. Viilesii oratio iu obitum Sir- mondi. Pra^fatio. Ensebii Paniphili opuscula xiv. Marcellini et Faustini libellus precum ad ini- peratores. Rufiai presbyteri provinciie Palscstina; liber do fide. Kotaj in xl sermones novos s. Augustini. Opuscula dogmatica veterum quinque scripto- rum ; qui ante anuos incc clai'uerunt. Praidestinatus, sive pra;destinatoi-um h^reMis, etlibri Augustiuo temere ad.scriptirefutatio. S. Valeriani episcopi cemelienKishorailia3 xx. Appendix codicis Theodosiani novis constitu- tionibus cumulatior. C. Sollii ApoUiuaris Sidonii Arvernorum epis- copi opera carmina epistolasque amplexa. Magni Felicis Eunodii episcopi tieiueusis opera, v. 2. S. Aviti vienneusis opera. Idatii clirouicou et fasti consulares. Marcellini ebronicon. Facundi episc. bermiauensis libri xii. B. Eugenii episc. toletani opuscula. Dracoutii hexremerou etc. Martini episc. duiniensis quajdam. Columbani abb. epistola par;enetica. D. Severiui episcopi doctrina. Prosperi aquitaui coufessio. Theodulfi episc. aurelianeusis opera. Amolonis epistola ad Gothescalcum. S. Augustini seuteutiie de prsedestinatione et gratia. Servati Lupi liber de tribus quajstionibus. Rabani luoguntini tres epistola; ad versus Gotbes- calcuui. y. 3. Caroli Calvi et successorum aliquot Francia; re- gum capitula. Anastasii bibliothecarii s. sedis apostolice col- lectanea. Goffridi abbatis vindocinensis epistolre, opus' cula, sermones. Petri abbatis cellensis epistolarum libri ix. Alexandri iii papa; ad Petrum cuudem et alios epistolas Ivi. V. 4. .Scriptor anonymus de suburbicariis regionibus et ecclesiis. Antirrheticus de canone arausicauoj adversus Petri aurelii responsionem. Dissertatio de duobus Dionysiis. Qu£BStio triplex de lege celebrandis, De para- grapho duorum fratrum, De codice Alarici regis. Historia prajdestinatiaua. Antitristanus, sive ad J. Tristani do triplici numrao antiquo epistolam responsio. Historia publics; pnenitentijc. Disquisitio de azj'mo, seniperne in usu altaris fnerit apud Latinos. Diatriba sirmitaua i. Diouysii Petavii de eadem synodo sirniiensi dis- sertatio. Diatriba sirmitana ii. Dionysii Pet.<»vii elenchus diatribii; utriusque. Antiqua; inscriptionis explanatio. 320 SIEMOND. SMITH. Sirmond (Jacques) — continued. Hieronymi Aleandri additaniontum. Praefationes et epistohB aliquot. V. 5. SanctiTheodori studita? epistolK, aliaque scripta dogmatica, gra!ce et latine. Sivers (Heinrich Jacob). Cvriosa niendor- piensia, sive A'ariarvm rervm natvralivm lito- ris niendorpiensis descriptio et historia brevis- sima. Cvm figvris. 6 parts in 1 v. 2 p. 1. ]10 pp. incl. 6 pi. 1 1. 1 portrait. 16°. Lii- heccE, 1732-34. Skene (Robert). Christian psaltery. See Fillmore (A. D.) and Skene. Sketch of the life and ministry of the rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon. From original documents. Including anecdotes and inci- dents of travel ; biographical notices of former pastors ; historical sketch of Park street chapel ; and an outline of mr. Spur- geon's articles of faith. [anon.'\ v, 141 pp. ] portrait. 12°. New York, Sheldon Sf co. 1859. Skidmore (Thomas). The rights of man to property. Being a proposition to make it equal among the adults of the present gene- ration : and to provide for its equal transmis- sion to every individual of each succeeding generation, on arriving at the age of maturity. Addressed to the citizens of the state of New York particularly, and to the people of other states and nations generally. 405 pp. 1 1. 12°. New York, A. Ming, jr. 1829. Skinner (Joseph). Gegenwartiger zustand von Peru. Aus dem Englischen. 1 p. 1. 3,50 pp. 8°. Hamburg, B. G. Hoffmann, 1806. The same. 8°. Weimar, 1808. [Mercuuio peruano. Peru nach Beinem gegen- wartigen zustande. v. 1]. Sky-lark (The) ; or, gentlemen and ladies' complete songster. Being a collection of the most modern and celebrated American, English and Scotch songs. 228 pp. 18°. Worcester, 1, Thomas, 1795. Slack (James H.) Handbook to the museum of the academy of natural sciences of Phila- delphia, viii, 116 pp. 16°. I'hiladelphia, 1862. Slavery illustrated in its effects upon woman and domestic society. [«won.] 2 p. 1. 127 pp. 12°. Boston, I. Knapp, ]837. Sloane {Sir Hans). Histoire de la Jamaique. De I'Anglois, parM. [Joseph Raulin], aucien officier de dragons, [anow.] 2 v. in 1. 2p ]. 285 pp ; 248 pp. 6 pi. 16°. Londres, Nourse, 1751. Smedley (Frank E.) and Yates (Edmund H.) Mirth and metre. By two merry men. vii pp. 1 1. Ill pp. 8 pi. 12°. London, G. Rout ledge tL- co. 1855. Smith (Albert). The marchioness of Brinvil- liers, the poisoner of the seventeenth century. A romance of old Paris, vi, 350 pp. 16°. London, R. Bentley, 1846. [Bentley's library of staudard novels, v. 101]. Smith (Sir Andrew, in. d. ) Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa. Pts. 1-23. 5 v. 4°. London, Smith, Elder d- co. 1838-49. CONTENTS, [v. 1]. MammalH. 52 pi. (18, 37, 47-52 wanting), [v. 2]. Birds. 114 pi. (lOH-114 wanting), [v. 3]. Reptiles. 78 pi. (50-78 wanting), [v. 4]. Fishes. 31 pi. (28-31 wanting), [v. 5]. Annulosa. By W. S. Macleay. 2 p. 1. 75 pp. 4 col. pi. Smith (/?c». Edward P.) Incidents of the United States christian commission. 512 pp. 9 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippinrott ^■ CO. 1869. Smith (Elizabeth Eltou). The three eras of woman's life. 2 v. in 1. 164 pp ; 162 pp. 12°. Netc York, Harper 8f brothers, 1836. Smith (F. Irene Burge). The elm tree tales. 342 pp. 12°. New York, Mason brothers, 1856. Smith (Francis Gurney). An analytical com- pendium of the various branches of medical science. See Neill (J.) and Smith. Smith (George \V.) A defence of the system of solitary confinement of prisoners, adopted by the state of Pennsylvania, with remarks on [its] origin, [etc.] 104 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, Philadelphia prison society, 1833. [Markoe pamphlets, v. 16]. Smith (Henry H.) A system of operative sur- gery : based upon the practice of surgeons in the United States ; and comprising a biblio- graphical index and historical record of many of their operations, [etc.] cxi, 15-698 pp. 80 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo 4- CO. 18.52. Smith (Horace). Poetical works, comic and miscellaneous, iv, 240, 264 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. London, H. Colburn, 1851. Smith (J. E. A. ) The history of Pittsfield, (Berkshire county), Massachusetts, from the year 1734 to the year 1800. Compiled and written under the general direction of a com- mittee, xii, 518 pp. 1 portrait. 6 pi. 8°. Boston, Lee Sf Shepard, 1869. Smith (Jerome van Crowninshield). Turkey and the Turks. 320 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Boston, J. French Sf co. 1854. SMITH. 321 SMYRNA. Smith (John, printer). The printer's gram- mar: wherein are exhibited, exaniiucci, and explained, the superficies, gradation, and properties of met«, [1867]. s. [WiJLLERSTORF-URBAlU (B. V.) Novara expedition. Zoologiscber theil. v. 1]. Reptilien. 98 pp. 3 1. 3 pi. 4°. Wien, [1867]. s. [WiJLLEKSTORr-URBAiR (B. V.) Novara expedition. Zoologiscber theil. v. ij. Stenography; an original system for quick writing, eminently eclectic and useful, easily learned, mastered, and practised without a teacher, or any other assistance whatever. \_anon. By Peter P. Good]? 16 pp. 8°. Plainjield, (N.J.) P. P. Good, 1865. Stephanus(Henricus). Sec Estienne (Henri). Stephens (Mrs. Ann S.) The curse of gold. 406 pp. 12^^. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson ri- ■&EVTUV Tvnoig ek6o^£vtuv, (pLAoTLfiu SaTravi] TUV 'ef \uavvLvuv (pL?i.oyevEos, haneticos, impios, pro Deo, fide, ecclesia, pietate, Sive vita et mors eorum, qui ex societate Jesu in causa fidei, et virtutis propugnata^, violenta morte toto orbe sublati sunt, 8 p. 1,548 pp. 2 1. fol, Pragcp, typis unircrsitatis rarolo- ferdinandea, 1675, Tanner (Thomas). Notitia monastica ; or, a short history of the religious houses in England and Wales. 42 p. 1. 288 pp. 19 1. 5 pi. 12°. Oxford, lShcldon']thcatrc,\69'^. Tapia Zenteno (Carlos de). Arte novissima de lengua mexicana. lip. 1,58 pp, 4°, Mexico, viuda de J. Bernardo de Hogal, 1753. Taplin (Henry). Short-hand adapted to the meanest capacity, wherein the rules are few, plain, and easy : the characters not burthen- some to memory : and the hand shorter and more intelligible than any other ext.int, [etc.] 1 p. 1. xi,40pp. 16pl. 16°. London, J. 4" R. Dodstey, [i:60]. Taplin (William). The sporting dictionary and rural repository of general information upon every subject appertaining to sports of the field, 2 v. xii, 526 pp. 3 pi ; 1 p. 1. .506 pp. 3 pi. 8°. London, Vcrnor Sf Hood, 1803. 338 TAPS. TAYLOR. Taps, [anon.] 1 colored title page, 4 1. 4°. New York, A. D. F. 7?««f/o/^>/t, [18(59] ? Tarantula (The) ; or, the dance of fools. A satirical work, [anon.'] 2 v. Ip. 1.157 pp; 2 p. 1. 137 pp. 16°. London, J. F. Huohcs, \Sm. Tarasseuko-Otreschkoff (Narccs). De Tor et de I'argeut, leur origine, qiumtite extraite dans toutes les contr6es du monde connu, depuis les temps les plus reculds jusqu'en 1855 ; accumulation actuelle de ces metaux dans les principaux 6tats, et leur rapport mutuel suivant leur poids et leur valeur. V. 1. xxi pp. 2 1. 349 pp. 1 1. 8-^. Paris, Gillaumin tf* cie. 1856. Tarbe (Prosper). Recherches sur I'histoire du laugage et des patois de Champagne. 2 V. in 1. 4p. 1. Ixxvi, 171 pp ; 2 p, 1.234 pp. 8°. Reims, 1851. Recueil de po6sies calviuistes, (1550- 1566). 2«ed. xliii, 210 pp. 8°. Reims, [Dubois'], 1866. Tarbox (Increase Niles). Uncle George's se- ries. 4v. 18°. Boston, congregational sab- bath school and publishing society, [1868]. CONTENTS. Rambles iu old pathways. 2 v. 135 pp. 1 pi ; 152 pp. 1 pi. Uncle George'.s stories. 140 pp. 1 pi. Tho old meeting-house. 146 pp. 2 pi. Tardy (Mrs. Mary T.) Southland writers. Biographical and critical sketches of the liv- ing female writers of the south. With ex- tracts from their writings. By Ida Ray- mond, [pseudon.] 2 v. 973 pp. illum'd title. 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffelfinger, 1870. Tassis (S. A.) Traite pratique de laponctua- tion, contenant plus de 800 examples en vers et en prose [etc.] 130 pp. 11. 16^. Paris, Firmin D'ldot frkres, 1859. Tasso (Torquato). La Gerusalemme liberata. 2 V. 3p. 1. 405 pp. 1 portrait. 32°. Londra, G. Pickering, 1822. The same. Godfrey of Bovlogne ; or, the recoverie of lervsalem. Done into Eng- lish heroicall verse, by Edward Fairefax. And now the second time imprinted, and dedicated to his highnesse : together with the life of the said Godfrey. 12 p. 1. 392 pp. fol. London, J. Bill, 1624. The same. Godfrey of BuUoigne. 16 p. 1.655 pp. 8°. London, R. Cliiswell, 1687. Tate (Nahum). A new version of the psalms of David. .See Brady (N. ) and Tate. Tate (Nahum) — continued. Poems by several hands, and on several occasions. Collected by N. Tate. 8 p. 1. 445 pp. 8°. London, J. Hindmursh, 1685. Tate (Thomas). Astronomy ; or, the use of the globes ; or, the Franklin globe manual : an aid to the study of geography and astron- omy, with the use of the artificial globes. 74 pp. 4°. Troy, N. Y. Moore ij- Nims, 1858. s. Tatiauus and Theophilus, antiochenus. Wri- tings ; and the Clementine recognitions. Translated by rev. B. P. Pratten, rev. Marcus Dods, and rev. Thomas Smith, d. d. 3 p. 1. 485 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. cC- 7'. Clark, 1868. [Ante-NICENE library, v. 3]. CONTENTS. Tatiau's address to the Greeks. Fragments of lost works. Three books of Theophilus of Antioch to Autolycns. Recognitions of Clement. Tatti (Giovanni). Delia agricoltvra libri cinqve, tratte da gli antichi e da moderni scrittori. 4 p. 1. 188 pp. 4°. Venetia, F. Sansorino d- co. 1560. Tavern anecdotes. Including the origin of signs and reminiscences, connected with tav- erns, cotiee-houses, clubs, etc. [anon.] vi, 296 pp. 16°. London, W. Cole, 1825. Taylor (Alexander S.) A sketch of the settle- ment and exploration of Lower California. 200 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869. [ IVitk Browne (J. Ross). Resources of the Pacific slope]. Taylor (Bayard, or, James Bayard). Tho ballad of Abraham Lincoln. 8 pp. 4 col. pi. 8°. Boston, Fields, Osgood <|- co. 1870. [Uncle Sam series for American children]. By-ways of Europe. 470 pp. 2 pi. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam 8f son, 1869. Taylor (C. B.) Allgemeine geschichte der Ver- eiuigten Staaten von Amerika. Enthaltend den ganzen zeitraum seit den ersten entdeck- ungen bis zu der jetzigen zeit, [etc.] Aus dem Englischen iibersezt mit einem anhang von W. Beschke. 612 pp. 12°. New York, E. Strong, 1839. Taylor (D.T.) The coming earthquake ; and the signs that betoken its approach. 99 pp. 16°. Boston, H. S. Hastings, 1869. Taylor {Mrs. Elizabeth Medland, of Ongar). The itinerary of a traveler in the wilderness, addressed to those who are performing tlie same journey. 249 pp. 18°. New York, E. Bliss, 1825. 339 TAYLOR. TEGEN-VERTOOCH. Taylor (Emily). The vision of Las Casas, aud otlier poems, viii, 122 pp. I'i^. Lon- don, Taylor ,f Hcssey, 1825. Taylor (Henry, dramatic icriter). The virgin widow. A phiy. By the author of Philip van Artevelde. viii, 192 pp. 16°. London, Longman, Brown, Green and. Longmans, 1850. Taylor (Henry). The bee-keeper's manual ; or, practical hints on the maua<^emeut and complete preservation of the honey bee. 4th ed. revised, enlarged, and additionally illus- trated, viii, 184 pp. 8 pi. 16°. London, Groomhridgc Sf sons, 1850. s. Taylor (A'cy.Lsaac). The ship. 3d ed. 2p. 1. 204 pp. 4 1. IG pi. 18°. London, J. Harris, 1833. Taylor {Rev. James B.) Lives of Virginia baptist ministers. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. 492 pp. 12°. Richmond, Yale ^- U'ljatt, 1838. Taylor (Jane). Poetical remains and corres- pondence. By rev. Isaac Taylor. New ed. 144 pp. 16°. Boston, 1833. Taylor (Jetferys). The farm, viii, 175 pp. 3 1. 28 pi. 18". London, J. Harris, 1832. The forest ; or, rambles in the woodland. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 228 pp. 3G pi. 18°. London, J. Harris, 1832. Taylor (Jeremiah, d.d.) The sacrifice con- sumed. Life of Edward Hamilton Brewer, lately a soldier in the army of the Potomac. 140 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Boston, H. Hoyt, 1863. Taylor (John, the icatcr poet). Works of John Taylor, the water poet, comprised in the folio edition of 1630. (Second title) Workes. Being sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author, and newly imprinted, 1630. Engraved title. 630 pp. fol. London, printed for the Spenser society, 1869. [Spenser society publications, nos. 2-4]. Taylor (John, of London). The identity of Junius with a distinguished living character [sir Philip Francis] established. Including the supplement, consisting of fac-similes of hand-writing and other illustrations. 2d ed. corrected and enlarged, viii, 404 pp. 1 por- trait. 6 fac-similes. 8'^. London, Taylor 8f Hesscy, 1818. Taylor (John, of Liverpool). Poems and translations; including tlie first four books of Ovid's Fasti ; to which are added the ancient romau calendar with solar aud siderial Taylor (John)— continued. tables, calculated for the 13th year of the christian era, and giving the positions of 205 principal stars then visible at Rome, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 240 pp. 1 1. 2 pi. 8^. Liverpool, JV, Forshaw, 1839. Taylor (J.I.) A gyre thro' the orient. 378 pp. 1 portrait. 12^^. Princeton, {N.J.) Re- publican book Sf job printing office, 1869. Taylor (John Sydney). Selections from writ- ings of the late J. Sydney Taylor, [etc.] with a brief sketch of his life, lii, 496 pp. 8°. London, C. Gilpin, 1843. Taylor (Nathaniel G.) Relief for East Ten- nessee. Address at Cooper institute, N. Y. March 10, 1864. 32 pp. 8°. New York, W. V. Bryant 8f co. 1864. Taylor (Samuel). An essay intended to es- tablish a standard for an universal system of stenography, or short-hand writing, [etc.] 9 p. 1. 98, X pp. 11 pi, 8°. London, author, 1786. Systdme universel et complet de steno- graphie. See Bertin (T. P. ) Taylor (Samuel Harvey, II. d.) Classical study ; its value illustrated by extracts from the writings of eminent scholars. Edited with an introduction, xxxv, 381 pp. 12'^. Andover, JV. F. Draper, 1870. Taylor (Thomas House, <;?.°. Milano, Stella Sffigli, 1835. Tongue (Cornelius). Records of the chase and memoirs of celebrated sportsmen ; illus- trating some of the usages of olden times, and comparing them with prevailing cus- Tongue (Cornelius)— continued. toms. Together with an introduction to most of the fashionable hunting countries, and comments. By Cecil, [pseudon.'] xx, 435 pp. 2 pi. 16°. London, Longman, Broicn, Green cf- Longmans, 1854. Tonnev^ronte ; or, the adopted son of America. A tale containing scenes from real life, by an American. Ianon. ] 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1. 275 pp. 12°. Waterloo, {N. Y.) J. Q. Adams, 1825. Tooneel der jesuiten, inhoudende heilsame en sekere lessen, noodig voor alle vorsten en heeren der aerde ; in't spaensch beschreven, door Francisco de la Piedad. [^pseudon. ] 5 p. 1.467 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, J. van der Deyster, 1683. Tooti nameh. See Tales of a parrot. Topffer (Rudolphe). Nouvelles gen6voises. Rosa et Gertrude. Nouvelle ed. prccedee d'une notice par Sainte-Beuve. 2 p. 1. xxxiv pp. 11.468 pp. 12°. Paris, V. Lecow, 1853. Topliff (Nathaniel). Poems, moral, descrip- tive, and political. 170 pp. 16°. Boston, author, 1809. Toppi (Nicol6). Biblioteca napoletana, et ap- parato a gli hvomini illvstri in lettere di Na- poli, e del regno delle famiglie, terre, citta, e religioni che sono nello stesso regno, delle loro origine, par tutto I'anno 1678 [etc.] 8 p. 1. 400 pp. 28 1. fol. Napoli, A. Bidifon, 1678. Torelli (Luigi). Dell' avvenire del commer- cio europeo ed in modo speciale di quelle degli state italiani. 3 v. 12°. Firenze, societa cditrice, 1859. Torneux (Nicolas de). Instrucciones Chris- tianas sobre el sacramento del matrimonio, y sobre las ceremonias con que la iglesia le ad- ministra. Escritas en Frances, traducidas etc. en Espauol. 24p. 1.240 pp. 12°. Bar- celona, B. Pla, [1774]. Tornielli (Girolamo). Panegirici o discorsi. 326 pp. 12°. Bassano, Remondini di Ve- nezia, 1781. Tornielli ( Gregorio, afterwards Agostino ). Annales sacri, et ex profanis prsecipvi, ab orbo condito ad evmdem Christi passione re- demptvm. Ab eodem quarta liac editione recogniti, et sexcentis locis aucti et locu- pletati. 2v. 7 p. 1.770 pp. 1 1 ; 2 p. 1.720 pp. 45 1. fol. Antvcrpi(E, ex officina plantiniana apud B. Moretum, 1620. Torquemada (Juan de). Expositio super toto psalterio. See Bible. (Latin). 348 TORRE. TOWNSEND Torre (Fraiiciscro de la). EI peregrino atlante s. Francisco Xavier, apostol del oriente. Epitome bistorico, y panegyrico de su vida, y piodipios. 12p. 1.3G5pp. 8^^. Mudriil, J. A . Fi mentel , 1 TSt* . Torre (Jose Maria de la). Compendio de geo- grafia, tisica, politica, estadistica y com- parado de la isla de Cuba, vii pp. 1 1. 128 pp. 8°. Habana, M. Sole.r, 1854. Torre (Pietro Maria la). De arte rbetorica, et poetica iustitutioues. A p. losepbo Mariano Vallarta accessione quadam locupletatse : adjecta qvoqve de latinje orationis elegantiis appendicvla. Commodiores factaj. 2 p. 1. 192, 91 pp.2 1. 16°. Mezici, K. 4- A. D. II- dcfonsi collegii, 1753. Torres Villaroel (Diego de). Poesias varias. 340 pp. 11. sm.4'^. i»f«r/m/, 1753. [Imperfect: title-page wantiug]. Toscano (Alvaro Alouso Barba). See Barba Toscano. Totten (John C. ) Hymns and spiritual songs, with the choruses affixed : as usually sung at camp-meetings, etc. 188 pp. 2 1. 32°. New York, J. C. Totten, 1818. Touchard-Lafosse (G.) Chroniques des Tuileries et du Luxembourg, phy^^iologie des cours modernes. 2«' cd. 6 v. 8°, Paris, C. Lachiipellc, 1838. Toulmiu (.Joshua, d. d.) The history of Taun- ton, in the county of Somerset. A new ed. greatly enlarged, and brought down to the present time, by James Savage, xxiv, 608 pp. 3 pi. 8°. Taunton, J. Poole, 1822. Toulotte (E. L. J. ) Histoire de la republique •i'Haiti: ou, Saint-Domingue, I'esclavage et les colons. Par Civique de Gastine. [^pseu- do7i.'] viii, 264 pp. 8°. Paris, Ptancher, 1819. [ ff'ith DuouiN DE Bercy. Histoire de la Jamaique]. Tourdes (Jules, »n. d.) Notices sur la vie littcraire de Spallanzani. 8*^. [Paris, 1800]. \In SPALJ.ANZANI (L.) . Experiences 8ur la cii'ctila- tiou, eti-. pp. 5-112]. T6"wer (David B.) First step in exercises in articulation, [etc.] 50pp. 12°. Neic York, D. Burgess (^' €0.1855. s. The gradual reader. First step, or ex- ercises in articulation, etc. Enlarged ed. 168 pp. 12°. Ncic York, Cady Sf Burgess, 1850. S. The gradual speller and complete enun- ciator, [etc.] 16th ed. 158 pp. 12°. Nett York, D. Burgess Sf co. [1845]. s. Introduction to the Gradual reader ; or. Primary .school enunciator, part ii, [etc.] Tower (David B.)— continued. 7th cd. 180 pp. 18°. New Yark, Cady 5r Burgess, 1850. s. Intermediate reader ; or, primary school first class book, [etc.] 162 pp. 12°. New York, Cady Sf Burgess, 1850. s. Tower's third reader. — The gradual reader, [etc.] Enlarged ed. 192 pp. 12°. New York, D. Burgess Sf co. 1855. s, To'wler (J. m. d. ) The silver sunbeam : a practical and theoretical text-book on sua drawing and photographic printing: compre- hending all the wet and dry processes at pres- ent known ; and also heliographic engraving, [etc.] 6th ed, enlarged, improved, and illus- trated. XV pp. 1 1. 18, 517 pp. 12°. Ncto York, J. H. Ladd, 1869. To^wn (Salem). The third reader, consisting of interesting and progressive lessons. Re- vised ed. 288 pp. 12°. Portland, (Me.) Sanborn :ijG. The same. (No. xii). Names of soldiers who died in defence of the American union, interred in N.Y., N. J., Penn. Md. Va. 111. Mo. Iowa, Ark. Texas, Utah tcrr. and on the Pacific coast. 173 pp. 8*^. Wash- ington, government printing office, 1867. The same. (No. xvii). Names of soldiers who died in defence of the American union, interred in the national and public cemeteries in Kentucky, and at New Albany, Jeffersonville, and Madison, Indi- ana; Lawton, (Millen), and Andersonville, Georgia, (supplementary). 516 pp. 8^. Washington, government printing office, 1868. The same. (No. xviii). Names of soldiers who died in defence of the American union, interred in the national cemeteries at Fort Harrison, Va ; Wilming- ton and Raleigh, N. C ; Port Hudson, La ; Brownsville, San Antonio, and Galveston, Texas; Little Rock, Fayetteville, and Fort Smith, Ark ; Indianapolis, Ind ; Mound City, 111; Cincinnati, Ohio; Springfield, Mo; Forts Scott and Leavenworth, Kansas ; and in local cemeteries and at military posts in Texas, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and Kansas. 469 pp. S°. Washington, government printing office, 1868. The same. (No. xix). Names of soldiers who died in defence of the American union, interred in the national cemeteries at Baltimore, Md; Petersburg, Va ; New Berne, N. C ; Florence, S. C. (ad- ditional) ; Baton Rouge, La ; Fort St. Phil- lip, La ; .Jcfl'erson City, Mo ; and various posts in the states of Minnesota and New Mexico, and Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, Indian, Montana, Utah, and Washington ter- ritories. 4 !>. 1. :M9 pp. 6 '. Washington, government printing office, 1869. 356 UNITED STATES. United States — continued. ■ : The same. CNo. xx). Names of soldiers who died in defense of the American union, interred in the national cemeteries at Corinth, Miss ; Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn ; and Jefferson barracks, Mo. 4 p. 1. 400 pp. 8°. IVashington, government printmg office, 1869. — • — The same. (No. xxi). Names of soldiers who died in defense of the American union, interred in the national cemeteries at Memphis, Tenn. and Chalmette, (near New Orleans) La. 408 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, government printing office, 1869. The same. (No. xxii). UNPARTHEYISCHES. Names of soldiers who died in defense of tlie American union, interred in the national cemetery at Nashville, Tenn. 524 pp. 8°. Washington, government jjrinling office, 1869. The same. (No. xxiii). Names of soldiers who died in defense of the American union, interred in the national cemeteries at Marietta, Ga ; Fort Donelson. Tenn ; Chattanooga, Tenn. (additional to No. 11); Murfreesboro', Tenn. (additional to No. 11), and Knoxville, Tenn. (additional to No. 11). 323 pp. 8°. Washington, goTcrn- nient printing office, 1869. The same. (No. xxiv). Names of soldiers Avho died in defense of the uniou, interred in the national cemeteries at Vicksburg, Miss, and New Albany, Ind. 224 pp. 8°. Washington, government ■printing office, 1869. Statement of the dispo- sition of some of the bodies of deceased union soldiers and prisoners of war whose remains have been removed to national cemeteries in the southern and western states, v. 4. 43 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1869. (Snrgeon general's office). Cir- cular No. 2, [1869]. A report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. [By George A. Otis]. 4°. Washington, 1869. Meteorological register, 1822-25, from observations made at the milita- ry posts of the United States. Prepared under the direction of J. Lovell, surgeon general. 63 pp. 1 map. 8°. Washington, E. de Krafft, 1826. United States christian commission for the army and navy. First [to] fourth annual reports. 4 v. in 1. 8°. Fhiladelphia, 1863- 66. United States, etc. — continued. ' — Fourth report of the committee of Ma- ryland. 279 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Innes Sf Muguire, 1866. United States (The) gazette. For the coun- try. [Philadelphia weekly]. April 2, 1812, to Oct. 9, 1813. 2 V. 4^. Fhiladelphia, E. Bronson, 181 2-1 3. United States (The) journal. [Washington daily]. T. Fisk and J. E. Dow, editors. May 1, 1845, to Jan. 31, 1846. fol. Wash- ington, J. E. Dow, 1845-46. United States literary gazette (The). 1825- 27. [Edited by Charles Folsom]. 5 v. Bo. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard &; co. 1825-27. [v. 1 wanting]. Note. — At the close of the fourth volnnio of tho United States literary gazette, it was united with the New York review, edited by W. C. Bryant, un- der the new title of the United States review and literary gazette. United States (The) medical and surgical journal. A quarterly magazine of the ho- mceopathic practice of medicine and medical science in general. Edited by George E. Shipman, m. d. Oct. 1868, to July 1869. V. 4. 80. Chicago, C. S. Halsey, 1869. United States register, or blue-book, for 1869, [etc.] 1 map. Vl^. Ne.ic York, J. Disturndl, [1869]. United States sanitary commission. Sani- tary memoirs of the war of the rebellion. 8°. New York, 1869. CO.VTENTS. Gould (B. A.) Investigations in tho military and anthropological statistics of American soldiers, 1869. Universal (The) gazette. [Washington weekly]. Nov. 27, 1800, to May 3, 1810. fol. Washington, S. H. S7nith, 1800-10. [ JVith Morning chronicle, New York daily, 1804]. Universalist (The) quarterly and general review. T. B. Thayer, d. d. editor. Jan. 1866, to Oct. 1869. New series, v. 3-6. 8°. Boston, universalist pub. house, 1866-69. Unparteiische (Eine) lieder-sammlung zum gebrauch beim offentlichen gottesdienst und der hauslichen erbauung. [aMow.] 2p. 1. 342 pp. 24°. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Bdr's sohne, 1867. Unpartheyisches gesangbuch, enthaltend geistreiche lieder und psalmeu, zum allge- meinen gebrauch des wahren gottesdienstes. Auf begehren der briiderschaft der menuo- nisten gemeinen, aus vielen liederblichem gesammelt. 6^ auflage. 2 v. in 1. 3 p. 1. 80 ])p ; 483, 19 pp. 12°. Lancaster, {Pa.) J. Biir^s sohne, 1801. UPHAM. 357 VADIANUS. Uphani (/icr. Charles Wentwortb). Letters on the Logos. 2i5 pp. 12^. Boston, Bowles Sf Dearborn, 1828. Upham (Frauds William, //. d.) The wise men ; who they were ; aud how they came to Jerusalem. 2 p. 1. 245 pp. 12°. Neio Vorlc, Sheldon Sf co. 1869. Upham (Thomas Cogswell). Mental philoso- phy ; embracing the three departments of the intellect, sensibilities, and will. 2 v. 561 pp; 705 pp. 12°. New York, Harper Sf brothers, 1869. Principles of the interior or hidden life ; designed particularly for the consideration of those who are seeking assurance of faith and perfect love. 8th ed. 396 pp. 12°. Netc York, Harper Sf brothers, 1859. Upton (George P.) Letters of Peregrine Pickle. X, 340 pp. 12°. Chicago, iccstcrn news CO. 1869. Upton (John). Critical observations on Shakespeare. 2d ed. Ixii, 415 pp. 9 1. 8°. London, G. Haiokins, 1748. Urban or Eberwein (Heinrich). Sec Cordus (Euricius). Urbicius. Sec Orbicius. Urbino (L. B.) Dictation exercises. See Sewell (E. M.) and Urbino (L. B.) Urbino {Mrs. S. R.) An American woman in Europe. The journal of two years and a half sojourn in Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy. 338 pp. 16°. Boston, Lee <$"• Shcpard, 1869. Urcullu (Jose de). Las hijas de Flora; 6, novelas americanas. 26 1. 13 pi. fol. Lon- dies, Ackermunn 8f co, 1837. Uscoque (The); or, the red turban of the archipelago, [anon.} 32 pp. 4°. [n. p. about 1845]. [French novels, v. 1]. Us.sher (James, bishop of Armagh), A body of diviuitie ; or, the somine and substance of christian religion, catechistically propound- ed and explained, by way of question and answer; methodically and familiarly han- dled. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, enti- tuled Immanvel, or the mystery of the incar- nation of the Son of God ; by the same au- thour. 4 p. 1. 451 pp. 6 1. 24 pp. fol. Lon- don, T. Dowries and G. Badger, 1645. Gotteschalci et prpcdestinatiana^ con- troversire ab eo motai, historia ; luia cum duplice ejusdem confessione, nunc primum in luceni edita. 3 p. 1. 237 pp. 1 1. sm. 4'^. DiMinii, 1631. Ussieux (Louis d'). Le dccam6ron fran^ois ; ou, anecdotes historiques et amusantes. xx pp. 1 1. 360 pp ; 2 p. 1. 339 pp. 16°. Am- sterdam, Van Hareveld, 1776. Utica (City of, N. Y.) Directory, 1869-70; containing the names of the inhabitants of Utica, and the villages of Deerfield, New Hartford, Washington Mills, and Whites- boro ; and of business firms in Rome ; also, a business directory of Utica, together with a map of the city, and a large appendix of societies, institutions. United States, state, county, and city governments, etc. 410 pp. 1 map. 8°. Utica, (iV. F.) J. Arnott, 1869. Utz (Johann Peter). See Uz (Johann Peter). Uvar, or War (Bernardo). Obra pia, y eficaz modo para remediar la miseria de la gente pobro de Espana. 6 p. 1. 144 pp. 18°. Valencia, viuda de G. Conejos, 1750. Uyt-vaert vande west-indische compagnie. Met een propositie ende vertooninghe, ghedaen door een seker heere, aenden couinck van Castilien, teghens de west-indische com- pagnie. Als mede ; het raport van syne ad- ministratie, hem door den voorsz coninck belast, volghens de propositie dien hy don coniuck hadde gedaeu, ende het gene daer op ghevolght is. [rtno/j.] ill. sm. 4°. \^Graven- Haghc']? avthevr, 1645. Uz (Johann Peter). Arte do ser feliz, escrito en Aleman : con La riqueza y la gloria, y El amigo de los hombres, su autor Gellert ; y puestas en Castellano por d. Bernardo Maria de Calzada. 1 p. 1. 160 pp. 16°. Madrid, P. Aznar, 1787. Vaamonde (Epiphauio Rodriguez). Ordo in divinis officiis servaudus in sac. ;odo palat. Matrit, juxta rubricas breviarii, missalisque romaui, turn ab universo ejusdem clero, turn etiaui aliarum ecclesiarum sujc jurisdictionis vere nuUius. 280 pp. 16°. Matriti, .1. a Viiina Razola, 1848. Vacaui di Forteolivo (Camillo). Delia laguna di Venezia e dei fiumi nello attigue provincie. 3 p. 1. 477 pp. 1 map. 8°. Firenze, tipograjia e litografa degli ingcgneri, 1867. s. Vadianus or de Watt (Joachim). Epitome trivm torrru partivm, Asito, Africiv, et Evropas compendiariam locorum descrip- tionem contincns, [etc.] pnccipue autem quorum Lucas in actis, evangelistic et apos- toli meniinere. Ab auctoro recognito. 8 p. 1. 524pp. 31. m^. Tigtiri, Froschover, llb'34}. 358 VAECK. VALOIS. Vaeck (Alard). Tractatus theologici de vni- endis christianorum animis, iu fide illibata, [etc.] v.l. 13 p. 1. 508 pp. 14 1. 4°. Am- stelodami, J.Jatissonius, 1645. Vail (Rev. Thomas H.) The comprehensive church ; or, christian unity and ecclesiastical union. 302 pp. 16°. Hartford, H. Hunt- ington, jr. 1841. Valcoiirt (Robert de). See De Valcourt. Valdes ( Jos6 Manuel). Disertaciones m6dico- quirurgicas sobre varies puntos importantes. 179 pp. 18°. Madrid, imprenta de Sancha, 1815. Vale (B.) A new system of stenography. 6 pp. 8°. London, R. Brotcn, 1808. Valencia. Manifiesto que hacc la junta su- perior de observacion y defensa del reyno de Valencia, de los servicios y heroycos esfuerzos prestados por este desde el dia 23 de mayo de 1808, en favor de la libertad 6 iudependencia de lanacion, [etc.] 232 pp. 8°. Valencia, 1809. s- Valenciennes (Achille). Ilistoire naturelle des poissons. See Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. hnron) and Valenciennes. Valentin (Louis). Voyage medical en Italic, fait en I'aun^e 1820, precede d'une excursion au volcan du Mont-V6suve, et aux ruines d'Herculaueum et de Pompcia. 2 p. 1. 166 pp. 8°. Nancy, C. J. Hissette, 1822. [MEDICAL pamphlets, v. 4]. Valentine (W.J.) Paris universal exposi- tion, 1867. Report on the munitions of war. See Norton (C. B.) and Valentine. Valerianus, cpiscopus cemelie7isis. Homiliae XX. Item epistola ad monachos, de virtuti- bus et ordine doctrinre apostolica3. Omnia editaaJ. Sirmondol612. col. 604-702. fol. Parisiis, typographia rcgia, 1G96. [In SiRMOND (Jacques) Opera varia. v. 1]. Valero y Losa (Francisco, arzohispo de To- ledo). Carta pastoral, en que manifiesta ^ todos sus subditos los motives que hai para teraer que la ignorancia de las verdades Christianas es mayor de lo que sehace juicio, para que todos, en quanto les sea posible, soliciten el remedio. 244 pp. 4 1. 1G"=. Mad- rid, M. Martin, 1773. s, The same. Carta pastoral, en que manifiesta los motives que ay para temer, que la ignorancia delas verdades Christianas, es mayor de lo que se haze juizio, para quo todos soliciten el remedio. 196 pp. sm. 4°. ^Madrid, about 1800] ? s. Valero y Losa (Francisco) — continued. The same. Anadida cou un discurso prelimiuar sobre la utilidad do su lectura, y un compcndio de la vida del mismo senor Valero por J. C. Carnicero. liii, 174 pp. 8°. Madrid, E. Agiiado, 1830. s. Valgoma (Josef de), Misa de legos, que la pueden decir y ofrecer hombres y mugeres, repetidas veces al dia, en qualquier hora y lugar ; y tambien para asistir y ofrecer con fruto el santo sacrificio del altar, [etc.] 123 pp. 18°. Madrid, 1800. S. Valladolid (Real convent© de San Francisco de). Sermones, y descripcion historica del capitulo general, que la religion serafica cele- br6 en Valladolid en 4 de junio de 1740. Sacala a luz el real convent© de San Fran- cisco de Valladolid, [etc.] 12 p. 1.294 pp. 14 1. 8°. Halladolid, real convento de San Francisco, 1741. S. Valle (Joseph Antonio de). Meditaciones, y oraciones muy oportunas para asistir con de- vocion, 5' respeto al tremendo sacrificio de la santa misa, [etc.] 111pp. 16°. Cadiz, J. Nicl, iabout 1810] ? S. Valle (Pietro della). Travels into East India and Arabia Deserta. In which the several countries, together with the customs, man- ners, trafiSque, and rites, both religious and civil, of those oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described : in familiar letters to his friend Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of sir Thomas Roe's voy- age into the East Indies. 4 p. 1. 480 pp. 5 pi. 8°. London, J. Martin, 1665. Vallee (Oscar de). Les manieiirs d'argent. I^tudes historiques et morales. 1720-1857. 2 p. 1. 368 pp. 12°. Paris, M. L6ry freres, 1857. Vallejo (Jose Mariano). Modo de pouer en ejecucion el nuevo metodo de ensenar a leer, publicado bajo el titulo de Teoria de la lectura en toda clase de escuelas, [etc. ] 2» ed. 214 pp.31. 16°. Madrid, Quilcz Sf ca. IdSi. s. Vails y Pascual (Isidro). Curso elemental do religion y moral para iiso dc las escuelas normales de instruccion primaria. 108 pp. 16°. Madrid, Rivadcneyra, 1853. s. Valniiki. Scenes from the Ramayan, etc. By R. T. H. Griffith. xv,296pp. 12°. Benares, (Tnd.) E. J. Lazarus i^' co. 1868. Valois (Alfred de). Mexique, Ilavane et Guatemala. Notes de voyages. 2 p. 1. 446 pp. 12°. Paris, £'. Dc/ifM, [1861]. 359 VALSECCHI. VAVASSEUR. Valsecchi (Antonio). De fundamcntis re- ligionis ct dc fontibua impietatis libri tres. Ex italo idiomate in latinum translati juxta editionem secundam, [etc. ] ab Aloysio Guerra- Ed, 2\ xxvii, 527 pp. 4°. Fcnctiis, hercdis N. Pczzana, 1770. S. Valverde (Fernando de). Vida de Jesu- Chiisto miestro seiior dies, hombre, maestro, y redontor del mundo, [etc.] Sacala a luz nuevamento el p. predicador fr. Juan Sierra. 4* impression. 2 v. 14 p. 1. 356 pp ; 4 p. 1. 314 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, herederos de A. de Gordejuela, 1754. S. Van Amringe (William Frederick). The nature and origin of heat and the forces of the universe. 52 pp. 16°. Netc York, S. Angell, 1869. Vance (Clara, pscudou.) Sec Denison (M.A.) Vanity fair. [New York weekly]. Dec. 31, 1859, to July 4, 1863. v. 1-7. 4°. New York, 1859-63. [No more published]. Van Winkle (C. S.) The printer's guide; or, an introduction to the art of printing : in- cluding an essay on punctuation, and re- marks on orthography. 2* ed. with addi- tions and alterations. 240 pp. 16°. New York, White, Gallaher 4- White, 1827. Vanwyn ( — ). La polyglotte ; ou, recueil de neuf mille mots les plus usites dans huit lan- gues et deux idiomes ; vade mecum de I'homme du monde, ^ I'usage journalicr des besoins de la vie, du commerce, du voyageur, du jurisconsulte, etc. Frangais, Allemand, An- glais, Russe, Polonais^ Espagnol, HoUandais, Italien, et idiomes Russe-Polonais. Avec 5 vocabulaires [etc. ] 5 p. 1. 67 1. 407 pp. obi. 40. Belgique, 1841. Varietes ; ou, divers ecrits. Par m. D* S* H***. [anon.'] 2 p. 1. viij, 512 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, C. Le Sieur, 1744. Note.— Probably edited by T. de Saint Hyacinthe. Varillas (Antoine). Ilistoire des revolutions arriv6es dans I'Europe en matiere de religion. 3 V. 16°. Paris, C. Barbin, 1686-87. Varnhagen von Ense (Carl August). Denk- wiirdigkeiten und vermischte schriften. 4 V. in 2. 8°. Mannheim, H. Hoff, 1837-38. Vascones (Alonso). Destierro de ignorancias, y aviso de penitentes : primera, secunda, y terceva parte. [2'' impression]. 4 p. 1. 364 pp. 2 1. 8°. Madrid, J. Doblado, 1788. S. Vasquez de Miranda (Alonso). Tratado theologico-ivridico-canonico. En qve se Vasquez de Miranda (Alonso) — continued, fvnda ser possible, licita, y conveniente la gracia qve so suplica a su santidad, para que los sacerdotes puedan celebrar tres missas en el dia de la coimiemoracion de todos los lieles difuntos. 7 p. 1. 304 pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, D. Diaz de la Carrera, 1659. S. Vasquez Gastelu el rey de Figueroa (An- tonio). Arte de lengva mexicaua. Cor- regido segun su original por A. de Olmedo y Torre. 2 p. 1. 54 1. 4°. Puchla, D. F. de Leon, 1726. Vasselin (Georges Victor). Memorial revohi- tionnaire de la convention ; ou, histoire des revolutions de France, depuis le 20 septembre 1792 jusqu'au 26 octobre 1795. 4 v. 16°. Paris, J. Baillie Sf D. Colas, 1797. Vassets ( — abbi de). Trait6 centre le luxe des coiffures, [anon.'] 16p. 1.252 pp. 16°. Parts, E. Couterot, 1694. Vatout (Jean called Julien, supposed author). Souvenirs historiques des residences royales de France. 7 v. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didot freres ct cie. 1637-45. CONTENTS. T. 1. Palais do Versailles, [par M. .Saint-Estaben]. V. 2. Palais-Koyal, [par M. Saiut-Estaben], V. 3. Chateau d'Eu, [par M. Saint-Estaben]. V. 4. Palais deFontaiuebleau, [par M. Saint-Estaben]. V. 5. Palais do Saiut-Cloud, [par Arthur Rousseau]. V. C. Chateau d'Amboiae, [par A. Kousseau et V. Herbie]. V. 7. Chdteau de Compidgne, [par A. Rousseau et autres]. Vattemare (Alexandre). Report to the joint committee of the library [of congress], in relation to international exchanges. 137 pp. 8°. Washington, 1850. s. [31st cong. 1st seas. sen. misc. no. 126]. Vaulabelle (Achille Tenaille de). Histoire des deux restaurations jusqu'^ rav6nement de Louis-Philippe (de Janvier 1813 ^ octobre 1830). 5® ed. revue avec le plus grand soin par I'auteur. 8 v. 8°. Paris, Pcrrotin, 1860. Vauvenargues (Luc de Clapiers, marquis de). CEuvres. [De I'esprit humain, raaximes, etc.] 8°. Paris, A. Dcsrez, 1836. [BuCHON (I. A. C.) Choix de moralistes fran^aiB]. Vavasseur (Fran9ois). Opera omnia ante- hac edita, theologica et philologica. Ad quse accesserunt inedita et sub ficto nomine emissa, cum latina, turn gallica. 6 p. 1. 700 pp. fol. Amstelodami, P. Humbert, 1709. CONTENTS. De ludicra dictione liber. De epigrammate liber. De vi ctusu quorumdam verboruni, cam simpliciura tuui coujuuctorum. Orationes niiscelUc. Oraliones sacr.'c. De forma Cbristi liber. Cornelius Janseuius iprensia suspectus. 360 VAVASSEUR. VENEGAS. Vavasseur (Fran9ois) — continued. Antonius Godellus, episcopus grassensis, an elogii aureliani scriptor idoueus, et idem ntrum poeta? Dissertatio de libello supposititio, ad Antouium Ar- naUlum. Johns brevi commentario et luetaphrasi poetica illus- tratus. Commentarius in Oseam prophetam. Theurgicon, sive de miraculis Christi. Elegiarum liber. Heroicorum liber. Occursus Maria;, Simeonis et Anuaj, in templo. Epigramatum libri iv. Remarqnes sur les nouvelles reflexions du r. p. Rapin, jesuite, touchant la po6tique. Vavasseur (P. ) Guide du promeneur au jar- din zoologique d'acclimatation, [etc.] 148 pp. 2 1. 1 col. plan. 16°. Paris, 1861. S. ISocifiTE imp6riale zoologique d'acclimatation]. Veda. Ezour-Vedam ; oder, der alte commen- tar liber den Vedam. Von einem Braminen aus dem samskretauischen ins franzdsische uiid aus diesem ins deiitsche libersetzt. Mit einer einleitung iiud anmerkungen, nebst einem ungedruckteu fraj^iuente des Baf^ava- dam. Von I[obanu] 1th. 2v. iul. 4 p. 1. ] 50 pp ; 1 p. 1. 242 pp. 1G°. Bern, typograph- ische gesellschaft, 1779. Veegens (Daniel). Leven van Joannes Dru- sius, Wiilem Lodewijk van Nassau, en Joan Maurits van Nassau-siegen. 17,444 pp. 8°. Haarlem, erven F. liolin, 1840. [ ffe^A Van Kampen (N. G.) Levens van beroemde . Nederlanders, enz.] Veer (Gerrit de). Diarivm uavticvm, seu vera descriptio trium navigationum adniiranda- rum, et nunquam auditarum, tribus continuis anuis factarum, a hollaudicis et zelandicis navibus, adseptentrionem, supra Norvagiam, Moscoviam et Tartariain, versus Catthay et Sinarum regna : turn ut detecta fuerint Wey- gatz fretum, Nova Zembla, etc. quam Groenladiam esse consent, quam nuUus unquam adijt. 431. 5 maps. 26 pi. fol. Am- stclrodami, C. Nicolaij, 1598. Vega (Cbristoval de). Laberinto sin salida ; doudo se trata de la eternidad de gloria, j la eternidad de pena. 8 p. 1. 2.54 pp. 18". J'lilencia, J. B. Bosqucte, 1683. s- Vega (Francisco Eodriguez de la). Los lilti- mos momentos de don Pablo Iglesias. 28 pp. 8°. Madrid, F. Ddmla, 18.35. s. Veitch (John). Memoir of sir William Ham- ilton, bart. [etc.] x, 458 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood Sf sons, 1869. Velasco y Acebedo (Juan Banos de). Vida y muerte de San Jvan Babtista. 11 p. 1. 250 pp.111. 18". Ma^ZmZ, 1671. s. [Title page wanting]. Velde (Franciscus van den, also known as Soiiuius a Campo). Svccincta dcmon- Velde (Franciscus) — continued. stratio ex verbo Dei et patribvs, errorvm cvivsdam confessionis caluinisticaj, recens per has iuferioris Germaniaj regiones sparsse. 73 1. 16°. Lovanii, I. Bogardus, 1567. Velez (Rafael de). Preservativo contra la irreligion ; 6, los planes de la filosofia contra la religion y el estado, realizados por la Francia para subyugar la Europa, [etc.] 2* ed. aumentada con observacioues y docu- • mentos por el doctor M. V. Lopez de Alfaro. 1 p. 1. xiv, 256 pp. 8°. Madrid, Ibarra, 1812. s. Velthuysen (Lambert). Opera omnia. 2 V. 14 p. 1. 846 pp ; 1 pi. pp. 847-1570. 4°. Roterodami, R. Leers, 1680. CONTENTS. V. 1. Tractatus de justitia divina et humaua, quo probatur necessitas satisfactiouis Cbristi, eic. Dissertatio de usn rationis in rebna theologicis, [etc.] Tractatus moralis do pudore et dignitate natu- rali hominis ; in quo agitur de incestu, scor- tatioue, voto coelibatus, coujugio, adnlterio, polygamia, etc. Doctrina de gratia et praedestinatione. Muuus pastorale, vulgo concionatorum ; etjua ecclesia;, etc. Tractatus de idololatria et superstitione. Disquisitio an principi christiano in ditione sua malum aliquod tolerare licitum, gpeciatim de profanatioue sabbatbi, [etc.] Tractatus de articulis fldei fundamentalibug. Specimen retorsionis calumniarum auctori im- pactarum. V. 2. De initiis primse philosopbije, juxta fundamenta Cartesii, [etc.] Epistolica dissertatio de priocipiis justi et decori. Disputatio de finite et intinito; in qua defendi- tur sententia Cartesii de motu, spatio et cor- pore. Demonstratio in qua ostenditur neque doctri- nam de quiete soils ac modu terrae verbo Dei contraria esse. Luculentior probatio quod neque doctrina de quiete soils ac motuterrie, neque principiaphi- losophiaj R. Descartes verbo diviuo contra siut, [etc.] Tractatus duo medico-physici : unus de liene alter de generatione. Tractatus de cultu natural!, et oi'igine morali- tatis, [etc.] Venable (Charles S. II. d.) Arithmetic, pure and commercial. For the use of schools. 261 pp. 12°. NeiD York, Richardson Sf co. 1868. An elementary algebra ; designed as an introduction to a thorough knowledge of algebraic langirage, and to give beginners facility in the use of algebraic symbols. 317 pp. 12°. NeiD York, university publishing CO. 1869. Venegas (Miguel). Natuurlyke en burger- lyke historin van California. Uyt het oorsprongkelyk Spaans, te Madrid 1758 uytgekomen, in Engels, en nu int' Nederduyts vertaald door J. J. D. 2 v. 1 1 p. 1. 436 pp. 1 pi. 1 map; 3 p. 1. 375 pp. 8°. Hacrlem, ./. Enschedc, 1761-62. 3G1 VENEMA. VERMONT. Venema (Herman). Dissertatiomim sacra- rum libri trcs, [etc.] 16 p. 1. (JIW pp. 17 1. 4*^. Uarilngo!, F, J. van der Plants, 1731. Kxercitationes de vera Christi divini- tiite, [etc.] 4p. 1.168 pp. 4°. Lcovardia, G. Coulon, 1755. Institutionum historia; ecclesiae veteris et novi testanienti tomus vii. 4°. Lufrduui Batarorum, S. Sf J. Luclttmans, 1783. Venero (Alouso). Enchiridion ; 6, niauvalde los tiempos, [etc. ] 8 p. 1. 353 pp. 111. 1 6"^. Madrid, A. Vasquez, 1641. S. Venezuela. Exposicion que dirije al congreso de Venezuela en 1861 el secretario de estado en el despacbo de relacionos exteriores. 242 pp. 2 1. 8°. Caracas, 1861. S- Huckuda. Memoria de hacienda, 1 863 ; £o], memoria que dirige a la asaniblea na- cioual de la federacion venezolana, en 1863, el secretario de hacienda- 8°. Caracas, 1863. s. Ventre de Latoloubre (Christophe Fi61ix Louis). Sec Montjoie. Venuti (Nicolao Marcello di). A description of tli« first discoveries of the ancient city of Heraclea, found near Portici, a country palace belonging to the king of the Two Sicilies, £etc.] Done into English from the original Italian. By Wickes Skurray. To which are added some letters that passed between the learned Jo. Matthia Gesner, cardinal Quirini, and Hermannus Samuel Eeimarus, concerning these discoveries, xvi, 143 pp. J 2°. London, R. Baldwin, 1750. Vera (Gerardus de). See Veer (Gerrit de). Verbeeck, or Van der Beeck (Martin). Analogia veteris ac novi testamenti, in qua primum status veteris, delude consensus, proportio et conspiratio illius cum novo ex- plicatur. 414 pp. 1 1. 12°. Vcuctiis, J. B. Noi-nlli, 1758. s. Manuale controversiarum in v. libros distributum, quibus Imjus temporis contro- versial brevitor dilucidantur, [etc.] 12 p. 1. 732 pp. 8°. Patavii, typograpliia seminarii, 1727. s. Verbrugge (Johannes). Der nieuwe verbe- terde chirurgyns scheeps-kist, sijnde een catalogus oft lijste der medicamenten, die yder chirurgiju uaer oost of West-Indien , gemeeulyk mede-voert. 16"^. Amsterdam, 1693. [U'ilk IIOORN (J. vau). Oosit- eu WL'st-iudisclu' wa- raiKk'j. 46 Verburg ( Isaak ). Bcschryving van bet koninkryk Peru, zo als bet gestelt was voor den komst der spanjaarden aldaar, verdeelt in twee boeken, welkcr cerstc de levens en daden der Yncas, koningen van Peru ; en het twede de regeringswyze van die vorsteo, nevens de zeden en gewoontens hunuer on- derdanen, vervat. Uit verscheide schryverea te zanicn gebragt en opgemaakt. 4°. Am- sterdam, 1718. (7« FliKZiKR (A. P.) Heiji-beschryving door d« Ziiidsue, [t'tc.j pp. 293-388J. Verdellet (Jules). Manuel geom<5trique du tajjissier. A I'usage des tapissiers. xx, 310 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, rttt^cur, 1859. Vere (Madeline, pseiidon?) The king's daughters. An allegory. 249 pp. 18°. A^cw York, T. W. Strong, late E. Dunigan Sf brothers, [1869]. Verein zur ermunterung des gewerbsgeistes in Bohmen. Catalog der bibliothek des ve- reins. Bohemian and German, xvi, 212 pp. 8^. Prag, selbstverlag des vereins, 1864. Vergilio (Polidoro). Polydori Virgilii, de re- rum inventoribus [libri tres]. Translated into English by John Langley. With an ac- count of the author and his works, by Wil- liam A. Hammond, m. d. xvi, 242, xvii pp. 80. iLondon, S. Miller, 1663]. New York, preprinted'], Agathynian club, 1868. [AgathyniaN club publications, no. 2]. Verlac de La Bastide (Bernard Louis). Por la religion ultrajada, por la inocencia oprimida, por el alto caracter, y sagrada per- sona del seiior d. Chiistoval de Beaumont, arzobispo de Paris, [etc.] carta de un cos- mopolita, sobre el requisitorio de maitre Omer Joly de Fleury, y sobre el arresto del parlamento de Paris de 2. de enero de 1764, que condena al fuego la iustruccion pastoral del arzobispo de Paris de 28 de octubre de 1763. [rt«o«.] 4 p. 1.210pp. 12^\ [Madrid ? about 1765]. s. NOTK.— This letter has also bcou ascribed to Far- dean and to Dazes. Vermilye(AshbelG.) Hymns of the church. Sec Thompson (.John B.) etc. Vermont. Annual directory for the use of the general assembly ; containing rules and orders of the senate and house, together with the constitution of the state and that of the United States, [etc.] Prepared pursuant to an act of the general assembly, by Geo. Nichols and Henry Clark, 1868-1869. 2 v. 16^^. MoHtpelier, Journal, 1868-69. Eleventh report to the legislature, rela- 362 VERMONT. VETANCURT. Vermont — continued. ting to the registry and returns of births, marriages, and deaths for the year ending December 31, 1867. 118 pp. 8°. Rutland, Tuttlc tV CO. 1869. Journal of the council of censors, 18G9. 8". Montpelier, Freeman, 1869. The journal of the senate and house of representatives, annual sessions, 1868-1869. 4 V. 8^. Montpelier, Freeman steam print tug house and bindery, 1868-69. ■ Legislative documents and official re- ports made to the annual session of the gen- eral assembly, 1869. 8°. Montpelier, 1869. Verne (Jules). See Five weeks in a balloon. Vemey (Luis Antonio). De re logica ad vsvm Ivsitanorvm adolescentivm libri sex. Cvrante I. B. Mvnnozio. xxviii, 408 pp. 8°. ValenticB Hedelatiorum, vidua I. de Orga, 1769. Essai sur le moyen de retablir les sci- ences et les lettres en Portugal, [traduction par M. Turben, du] synopsis primi tentaininis prolitteratura scientiisque iustaurandis apud Lusitanos, [etc.] Par Antoine Teixeira-Gam- boa. Ipseudon.'] 4p. 1. 310 pp. 16°. Lis- lonne, A. Le Prieur, 1762. S. Veroveringh van de stadt Olinda, gelegen in de capitania van Phernambuco, door Heyn- drick C. Louck, generael te water ende te lande. Mitsgaders : Diderick van Waerden- burgh, colonel over de militie te lande, van wegen de geoctroyeerde west-indische com- pagnie, onder de staten generael der Ve- reenighde Neder-landeu. [anon.'\ 6 1. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, H. Gerritsz. [1630]. The same. Beschreibung, welcher gestalt die hauptstatt desz konigreichs Bra- silien, Phernambuco, in America gelegen, von Heinrich Cornelio Lonck, general, vnd Dieterich Wardenburg, verschienen monat Febr. belagert, auch beneben den umblie- genden castellen, iin monat Martio 1630, ernbert worden. Auss dem NiederUiudischen in Hochteutsch vbergesetzt. [^aiion.'] 4 1. sm. 4°. ErstUch geiruckt zu Amsterdam, H. Gerritsz, 1630. Verses descriptive of the giant's causeway ; addressed to Alick M'Mullan, causeway boat- man and guide. By F. W. M. With notes. [anon.'\ New ed. 12 pp. ! map. 16°. Bel- fast, Northern xchig office, 1859. s. Version (A) of the book of psalms, selected from the most approved versions now used Version, etc. — continued. among ditierent denominations of christians. Approved by the presbytery of Charleston. [By dr. Biii.st]. 1 p. 1. viii, 208 pp. 16°. Charleston, J. Maclcer, 1796. Verteuil (L. A. A. de). Sec De Verteuil. Vertooch acu do heeren staten generael, aen- gaende de tegenwoordige regeringe van de bewinthebbers van de oost-indische com- pagnie, ende hoeveel dat den staedt van't landt daer aen ghelegen is, dat de selve voor- taen door goede ordere beter mach geregeert worden. \^anun.} 6 1. sm. 4°. [^Gravcn- Hnghc? 1629]. Vertoogh, over den toestant der west-indische compagnie, in hacr begin, midden, ende eynde, met een remedie tat redres van desel- ve. Eerste deel. [rt?roK. ] 7 1. sm. 4^^. Rotterdam, J, van Roon, 1651. [No more published]. Vertus (Les) du beau sexe. Par nn-. F*** D*** C***. Ouvrage posthume. [wnoj.] viii, 327 pp. 18°. La Hayc, J. van den Kic- hoom, 1733. Very (Jones). Essays and poems, vii, 175 pp. 16°. Boston, C. C. Little Sf J. Brown, 1839. Vestry songs : a collection of hymns and tunes for sabbath schools, social meetings, and private devotions, lanon. By F. A. B.] 234 pp. 16°. Boston, Massachusetts sabbath school society, 1854. Vetancurt (Augustin de). Arte de lengva mexicana. 6 p. 1. 49 1. 8 1. 4°. Mexico, F. R. Lupercio, 1673. Menologio franciscano de los varoues mas seiialados, que con sus vidas exemplares, [etc.] ilustraron la proviuzia de el santo evangelio de Mexico. 1 p. 1. 156 pp. fol. \^Mexico, about 1690]. [ With his Toatro mexicano. Descripciou breve, etc.] Teatro mexicano. Descripciou breve de los svcessos exemplares, historicos, politi- cos, militares, y religiosos del nuevo mundo occidental de las Indias. 3 parts in 1 v. fol. Mexico, M. de Benavides, 1698. CONTENTS. Part 1. Svce.ssos natvralcs. 2. Svcessos politicos. 3. Tratado de la ciudad de Mexico. The same. Chronica de la provincia del santo evangelio de Mexico. Quarta parte del teatro mexicano de los successes religiosos. 6 p. 1. 136 pp. 1 1. fol. Mexico, M. de Bena- vides, 1697. [JFjVA A ;s Teatro mexicano. Descripcion breve, etc.] 363 VEUILLOT. VILLAGUTIERRE. Veuillot (Louis). Melanges religieux, histo- riques, politiqucs, et litteraires. 2'^ cd. G v. 8°. Paris, L. Fives, 1800-1861. The same. 2" serie. 6 v. 8°. Paris, Gaumefreres Sf J. Duprcij, 18.59-61. Veyssiere de La Croze (Mathuriu). His- toire dii christiauisme des Indes. 2 v. 12 p. 1. 423 pp. 1 map. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 498 pp. 12°. La Hayc, 1758. ^ Vick (James). Illustrated seed catalogue and floral guide for 1870. 84 pp. 8°. Roches- ter, J. Vick, 1870. — = Vick's illustrated guide for the flower garden, and catalogue of seeds, [etc.] 8th ed. 96pp.lcol.pl. 8°. Rochester, (N. V.) author, [1808]. Vickers (Rev. Thomas). The Eomau catho- lic church and free thought. A controversy between archbishop Purcell and Thomas Vickers. With an appendix, containing the encyclical letter and syllabus of pope Pius ix. dated Dec. 8, 1864, in the original Latin, with translation. 112 pp. 15 fol. pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati, lit congregational church, 1868. Vicq d'Azyr (Felix). Traite d'anatomie et de physiologie, avec des jilaucbes colorizes representant les divers organes de rhomme et des animaux. v. 1 in 2. 3 p. 1. 123 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 11 1 pp. 35 pi. fol. Paris, F. A. Didot Paine, 1786. s. Victoria, (Australia). Catalogue of the Vic- torian exhibition, 1861, with prefatory essays, indicating the progress, resources, and phys- ical characteristics of the colony, by W. H. Archer, Ferd. Mueller, E. B. Smyth, prof. Neumayer, F. McCoy, C. Selwyn, and W. Rirkmyre. xxxi, 176 pp. 16°. Melbourne, commissioners, 1861. * S. Vicuiia Mackenna (Benjamin). La guerra a muerte. Memoria sobre las ultimas cam- pafias de la iudependencia de Chile, 1819- 1824. Escrita sobre documentos enteramente ineditos, [etc.] xxvi, 562 pp. 8°. Santiago (Ic Chile, imprenta nacional, 1868. s. Vidalin (Poul). De linguiie septentrionalis appellatione : donsk tunga, i. e. lingva dani- ca ; commentatio. Ex islandica latin5 ver- sa, et supplementls aucta. 4°. Hafnim, 1775. s. [MSagan afOuiuiIaugi oniislmiga ok skaldRafui. pp.'jao-i."J71. , Vidaun"e (— ). Compendio della storia, ge- ographia, naturale, c civile del regno del Chile. [anon.'\ 246 pp. 1 map. 10 pi. 8°. Bolouna, 1776. Vidos y Miro (Juan). Medicina y cirvrgia racional y espargirica, sin obra manual de hierro, ui fuego, con su antidotario de rayzes, etc. y la famacopia, anadido en esta septima impression uu tratado del metodo de curar los ninos, etc; 4 p. 1. 503 pp. 1 1. sm. 4°. Madrid, imprenta real de musica, [1725]. S. Viehoff (Heinricli). Goethe's leben, 3*= ver- bcsserte auflage. 4 v. in 2. 1 portrait. 16°. Stuttgartt, A. Becher. 1864. Vieira (Antonio), Vozes saudosas, da elo- quencia, do espirito, do zelo ; e eminento sabedoria, [etc.] acompanhadas com hum fidelissimo echo, que sonoramente resulta do interior da obra Clavis prophetarum, [etc.] 12 p. 1. 135 pp. 8°. Lisboa occidental, M. Rodriguez, 1736. Vienna. K. k. hof- und staats-druckerei. See Austria. Viertes schulbuch fiir die katholischen volks- schulen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- Amerika. {_anon.'] 430 pp. 16°. New York, Benziger brothers, 1868. Vigilius, martyr tridentinus. Contra Euty- chcn et alios hrcreticos, uon recte de natura- rum proprietate, et personoe Christi unitate sentientes, lib. v. longe quam antea emeuda tiores et auctiores. fol. Tigvri, 1571. [In SiMLER (Josias). Scripta veterum latina, etc.] Vignoles or Des Vignoles (Alphonse). Chro- nologic de I'histoire sainte et des histoires 6trang6res qui la concernent, depuis la sortie d'Egypte jusqu'a la captivite de Babj'lone. 2v. 23 p. 1.790 pp. 1 portrait; 1 p. k 866 pp. 10 1. 4°. Berlin, A. Haude, 1738. Vignotti (A.) Coup d'oeil sur les richesses metallurgiques du Mexique. 2 p. 1. 156 pp. 8°. Paris, Gauthicr-Villars, 1868. Vila y Camps (Antonio). El noble bieu educado ; instruccion politico-moral de un maestro a su discipulo, en que en uu com peudio de la moral-christiana so dau solidisi- mos documentos para la perfecta educacion de un caballero, [etc.] 8p. 1.296 pp. 8°. Madrid, M. Escribano, 1776. s. El vasallo instruido en las principales obligaciones que debe d su legitimo mouarca, [etc.] 8 p. 1.216 pp. 8°. Madrid, M. Gon- zalez, ]7[)2. s. Villagutierre Sotomayor (Juan de). His- turia de la comjuista de la proviuzia de el Itza, redvccion, y progresses de hi de el La- caudon, y otras naciones de Indies barbaros, de la mediacion de el reyno de Gvatimala, a las proviucias do Yvcatau, en la America 164 yiLLAGUTIEEEE. VIRGILIUS. VillagutieiTe Sotoniayor — continuecl. septentrioual. Primera parte. 33p. 1.660 pp. 18 1. fol. Madrid, L. A. Dc Bedmar y Narvaez, J701. [No more piiblisbed]. Villalobos (Henrique de). Mauval de con- fessores. 6 p. 1. 475 pp. 18 1. 18°. Sala- manca, 1625, s, Villauiiova (Aruoldo di). Luculenta et siic- cincta in scholse saleruitanae singula capita exegesis. ExrecensioneZ. Sylvii. Novaed. 23 p. 1. 518 pp. 5 1, 24*^, Roterodami, A. Leers, 1677. [With Regijien sanitatis saU'rnitannm. Eil. 1677]. Villar (Juan Gonzalez). Tratado dela sagra- da luminaria en forma de disertaeion, eu el que se demuestra la autiguedad, y piedad de las velas y lamparas encendidas a honra de Dios, y eu obsequio de las sautas imagines y reliquias. 1 p,l. xxvii, 331 pp, 12°. Madrid, Sancha, 1798. s. The same. Suplemento 6 adiciones. 2 p, 1, 144 pp. 8°. Madrid, Garcia cf ca. 1803. s. Villaviceiicio (Manuel). Geografia de la republica del Ecuador, ix, 505 pp. 2 maps. 2 pi. 8°. New York, li. Craighead, 1858. Villeneuve (Huon de). See Quatre (Les) tils Aymon. Villernie Jils (Louis). Les douanes et la contrabande. 2 p. 1. 266 pp, 1 1. 8°. Paris, Guillaumin i^-cie. 185 L Villeroy (Felix) and MuUer (Adam). Man- uel de I'irrigateur. Suivi du code des irriga- tions, par Bertin. 2 p. 1.380 pp. 8°. Paris, Dusacq, [1850]. Villers (Charles Frangois Dominique de). Essai sur I'esprit et I'influence de la reforma- tion de Luther ; ouvrage qui a remporte le prix sur la question propos6e par I'institut national de France. 3« ed. xxviij^ 426 pp. 8°. Paris, Didot jeune, 1808. Villioniarus aremoricus (Yvo. pseudon.) See Scaliger (J.J.) Vincent (J. H.) First year with Jesus. Senior grade. Historical outline, journeys, and miracles. 64 pp. 16°. New York, Carlton cf- Lanahan, 1869. The second year with Jesus. Parables, conversations, and di.scourses. 3d grade. 80 pp. 3 pi, 16°. New York, Sunday school union, 1868. The same. Senior grade. 64 ]>[>. 16°. New York, Carlton Sf Lanahan, 1869. Vincentius, Urincnsis. Commouitorium ; sou, Tractatus peregrin! pro catholica; fidei anti- quitate et universitate adversus profanas om- nium novitates hoereticorum, prsemissa G. Calixti dissertatione. 9 p. 1. 277-326 pp. 4° lircma:, H. Urauer, 1688. [ JKi.] 107 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, 1865. Wayland ( /?f r. D. S. ) Sermons, xii, :?44 pp. 8^. Derby, H. Mozley, 1816. Wayland (Francis, d. d.) Letters on the ministry of the gospel. 210 pp. 16'^'. Jlos- ton, Gould 5c Lincoln, 1864. Occasional discourses, including several never before published. 376 pp. 12°. Bos- ton, J. Loring, 1833. University sermons. Sermons delivered in the chapel of Brown university, viii, 328 pp. 12°. Boston, Gould, Kendall !f Lincoln, 1849. Wayland (Robert Sidney). The legend of Maiden Rock. 92 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott States. See,also, Bible. ( English). New Haven, 1833, Webster's calendar language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic m/Hhod of education. In throe 48 or, the Albany almanac for the year 1847 [to] 1864. 19 nos. in 2 v. 12°. Albany, J. Munsell, [1847-64]. "Weeds and seeds, and other tales. \^anon.'\ 216 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyte- rian board of publication, 1666. Weekly (The) news [and southern literary gazette, Charleston, S. C] A family paper, devoted to intelligence, literature, and the arts. P. H. Hayne [and others], editors. March 12, 1853, to Aug. 14, 1856. fol. Charleston, {S. C.) 1853-56. Weekly (The) phonographer, in the reporting style of phonography. Edited, lithographed, and printed by Jas. Butterworth, 1868. v. 1, 16°. London, F. Pitman, 1868. Weekly (The) register; devoted to a record of important documents and events of the times ; with essays on subjects connected with arts, science, and literature. Con- ducted by A. M. Trimble and C. A. Schaiit'tcr. V. 1. viii, 320 pp. 8°. Lynchburg, John- son ^ Schajpcr, 1864. Weeks (Helen C.) White and red; a nar- rative of life among the northwest Indians. 1 p. 1. 266 pp. 8 pi. 160. New York, Hard Sc Houghton, 1869. Weenrs (Mason L.) Das leben des Georg Washington, mit sonderbaren anecdoten, sowohl ehrenvoll fiir ihn selbst, als auch nachahmungswiirdig fiir seine jungen lands- leute. Aus dem Euglischen iibersetzt, nacli der neuuten auflage. 240 pp. 7 pi. 12'^. Libanon, (Penn.) M. Carry, 1810. 378 WEIDEMANN. WELZnOFER. Weidemann (Hupfo). Gedichte. See Mel- cliers (F.) Musenkliinge. "Weidemeyer (J. William). Catalogue of North Anieiican butterflies. From the pro- ceedings of the Entomological society. 42 ])p. .S^\ ritihtdelphia, hy the sorutij, \H\\. Weidner (.Juliiuin Ludwig, «/• Johann Lcuu- hard). Elixir jesuiticum, sive quiuta essen- tia jesuitaruni ex varijs, imprimis poutifi- cijs, authoribus alembico veritatis extracta, uiundi theatro exhibetur, [etc.] collectoro Gratiano Leosthene Saliceto. [pscn(lon.'\ 2 p. 1.137 pp. 24°. [n.p.] 1641. Weiffenbach (Ileiurich Wilhelm). Quae Jesu in regno coelesti diguitas sit synoptico- rum sententia exponitur. Dissertatio inaugu- ralis. 2p. 1.118 pp. 8°, Gissa, Keller, 18G8. .s. Weihenstephan (Laudwirthschaftliche ceu- tralschulo zu). Jahresbericht pro 18(58-69. :5 p. 1. 127 pp. 8". Frcising, F. P. Dalterer, 1869. Weisbach (Julius). A manual of the me chanics of engineering and of the construc- tion of machines, with an introduction to the calculus. Designed as a text-book for tech nical schools and colleges, and for the use of engineers, architects, etc. From the 4th Ger- man ed. by Eckley B. Coxe. In three vol- umes. V. 1. 8°. New York; D. Fan Nos- trand, 1870. Treatise on the mechanics of engineer- ing and machinery, with requisite analytical instructions for the use of polytechnic insti- tutes and for the references of engineers, architects, machinists, etc. From the 4th revised and enlarged German ed. By J. Shenton Zane. 2d Am. ed. v. 1. Theoret- ical mechanics, xiii, 64 pp. 8'^. Philadel- phia, 1869. Welch (Prof. F. G.) Moral, intellectual, and physical culture ; or, the philosophy of true living, xvi, 429 pp. 12°. A^cic York, Wood 4"- Holbrook, 1869. Weld (Isaac). Voyage au Canada, pendant les anu6es 11^^^ 1796 et 1797. Traduit de I'A-uglais. 3 V. 8°. Paris, Lepetit, \HQO. Wellcome (I. C.) The Berean's casket and repository ; containing select portions of the sacred word, [etc.] ; also, selections from history, [etc.] xix, 469 pp. 1 1. 16°. Bos- ton, \V. H. Piper 8f CO. 1869. Wellesley (Richard Colley, marquess Welles- ley). Primitive et reliquise. \^anon.'\ 2 p. 1. 127 pp. 8°. Londini, G. Nicol, 1841. Wells (Anna Mnria). Poems and juvenile sketches. 104 pp. 12°. Boston, Carter, Hendec .^- Bahcock, 1830. Wells (ilfrs. El venah C.) Lingering sounds from a broken harp, xiv, 2r)4 pp. 1 portrait, sm. 4'\ Alliiiny, S. li. Gray, ]^^{V.). Wells (/i(/'. George Wadsworth). Practical discourses. With a memoir, iv, 290 pp. 1()°. Boston, W. Crosby, 1844. Wells (J. Soelberg). On long, short, and weak sight, and their treatment by the scien- tific use of spectacles, ix, 112 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J, Churchill, 1862. A treatise on the diseases of the eye. 1st American ed. with additions, [etc.] 73G pp. 10 col. pi. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1869. Wells (Samuel R.) How to read character: a new illustrated hand-book of phrenology and physiognomy, for students and exami- ners; with a descriptive chart, \_anon.'] 191 pp. 12°. New York, S. R.Wdls, 1869. Wedlock; or, the right relations of the sexes : disclosing the laws of conjugal selection, and showing who may, aud who nuiy not marry. 238 pp. 12°. New York, S. R. Wells, 1869. Wells (Seth Y.) A summary view of the millcnial church, [etc. ] See Green (Calvin) and Wells. Wells (Thomas). Letters on Palestine; or, sketches of travel along the eastern .shores of the Mediterranean. 2d ed. xxiv, 315 pp. 8°. Boston, B. B. Musscy, 1846. Wells (William Charles,/, r. s.) Two es- says : one upon single vision with two eyes ; the other on dew. A letter to the rt. hon. Lloyd, lord Kenyon, and an account of a female of the white race of mankind, part of whoso skin resembles that of a negro ; with some observations on the causes of the dif- ferences in colour and form between the white and negro races of men. With a me- moir of his life ; written by himself. Ixxiv pp. 1 1. 439 pp. 8°. London, A. Constable Sf CO. 1818. Wells (William V.) Walker's expedition nach Nicaragua, unddercentral-amerikanischo krieg, nebst dervollstandigendiplomatischen corrcspondenz. Aus dem Englischen. x, 217 pp. I map. 12°. Braunschweig, schul- buchhundlnng, 1857. Welzhofer (Max Moritz). Die republik Mexico. Historische und sociale betrach- 379 WELZHOFER. WEST INDIA COMPANY. Welzhofer (Max Moritz)— contiiuictl. tungeu uber das land und seiue bewohner. 2" auflage. xiv, 127 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. J'oigt, 1862. Weninger (F. X.) Die unfelilbarkeit des papstes als lehrer der kirche, und dessen be- ziehung zu einem allgemeineu concilium. 401 pp. 12°. Cincinnati Sf New York, Ben- ziger brothers, 1869. Wentworth (May, pscudon?) The golden dawn, and other stories. 223 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Ncio York, A. Roman 8f co, 1870. Werenfels (Samuel). Opuscula theologica, philosophica, et phllologica. Ed. 3^. 2 v. 4 p. 1. xxviii pp. 2 1. 506 pp. 1 portrait ; xxxii, 580 pp. 10 1. 4°. fjUgduni Batavorum, J. Lc Mair, 1772. Wernischek (lakub). Medendi norma ad dignosceudas evellendasque ipsas morborum causas. Pars 1. De causis actionum omnium et motuum effectricibus. Ed. 2^ 8 p. 1. 261 pp. 1 pi. 8'^. VienniB, C. F. Wnppler, 1781. s. Wernsdorf (Gottlieb). Dispvtationes acade- micae, dogmatici, exegetici, polemici, et his- torici argvmenti, cvm prsefatione, observa- tionibvs, b. avctoris vita, etc. Lahore et stvdio C. H. Zeibichii. 3 v. 4°. Vitem- berg(B,J. J. Ahlfcld, 1736-37. Wesley ( Rev. John). Primitive physic ; or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. To which is added. The general receipt book, containing upward of four hun- dred of the most useful and valuable receipts. [By H. Gifford]. 2 v. in 1. 126 pp. 1 por- trait ; 156 pp. 1 1. 24°. London, \9,M . and Wesley {Rev. Charies). Hymns and spiritual songs, intended for the use of real christians of all denominations. 23d ed. 132 pp. 2 1. 16°. London, J. Paramore, 1782. Wesseling (Peter). Diatribe de judseorum archoutibus ad inscriptionem berenicensem, et dissertatio de evangeliis jussu imp. Anas- tasii non emendatis in Victorem tunnunen- sem. 5 p. 1.173 pp. 8"^. Trajectiad RJienum, J. A. Paddcnhurg, 1738. [fritfithe following]. Probabilium liber singularis, in quo prseter alia insunt vindicise verborum Joannis Et Deus erat verbum. 3 p. 1. 398 pp. 3 1. 8°. Franequerac, W. Blcck, 1731. West (Gilbert). A dissertation on the Olympic games. 1 p. 1. 303 pp. 8°. 0.tford, 1824. [ With PiNDARUS. Odes. v. 2. 1824 ed.] West (Hans). Beytrage zur beschreibung von St. Croix. Nebst einer kurzen iibersicht der benachbarten inseln, St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spauish-town und Krabbeneyland. Aus dem Danischen. 2 p. 1. 274 pp. 8°. Kopenhagcn, C. G. Proft, sohn Sf co. 1794. West (Samuel, d.d.) Essays on liberty and necessity ; in which the true nature of liberty is stated and defined ; and the principal argu- ments used by mr. Edwards and others, for necessity, are considered. 2 parts in 1 v. 48 pp ; 96 pp. 12°. New Bedford, (Mass.) J. Spoontr, 1795. ., West (Stephen, d, d.) An essay on moral agency : containing remarks on a late anon- ymous publication, entitled, An examination of the late president Edwards' enquiry on freedom of will. 2d ed. To which is added, an appendix, by the author. 252, 61 pp. 8°. Salem, T. Cushing, 1794. Western (The) mail. Being a selection of letters, made from the bag taken from the western mail, when it was robbed by George , in 17—. 1 p. 1. iv, 282 pp. 12°. Lon- don, J. Mawman, 1801. Western musical world, v. 4-5. 4°. Cleve- land, S. Brainard Sf sons, 1867-68. West India company (Dutch). Aen de hoogh- moog : heeren staten generael der Veree- nighde Nederlanden. [ Adres van participan- ten der west-indische compagnie, den 19 Jan. 1649]. 16 pp. sm.4°. lGravenhage'\l 1649. Consideratien ende redenen der e. heeren bevvind-hebberen vande geoctroyeerde west- indische compagnie inde vergaderinge vande staten gheneraeldeservereenigde vrijeNeder- landen overgheleverdt, nopende de teghen- woordighe deliberatie over den treves met den konink van Hispangjen. Midtsgaders con seientieuso bedeukingen op deese vrage, of- meu in goeder conscientie mach treves maecken met den conink van Spangjeu. Noch de remonstrantie van ziju koninglijcke majest. van Bohemen, inde vergaderinge van de staten generael inghegeven. 32 pp. sui. 4°. Haerlem, A. Rooman, 1629. Eemonstrantie ende consideratien aen- gaende de vereeninghe vande oost ende west-indische compagnien: eerst aen de heeren staten van HoUandt ende West-Vries- landt, ende op den 13«" February, 1644, aen de staten generael der Vereeuichde Neder- 380 WEST INDIA COMPANY. WEYEKS. West India company (Dutch)— continued, landen, ete : overghcgeveu door de bewint- Lebberen vande west-indiscbe compap^nie. Midtsgaders, de cocsideratien ends andt- ivoiden by de bewintliebbereu vande oost- iudi.sehe compag-nie daer tegheus, aen do selve hare Groot-Moog : overgelevert. 40 pp. sin, 4°. Gratenliflgc, L. de Langhe, 1644. Twee deductien, aen-gaende de verceu- inge van d' cost eude west-indiscbe com- pagnien, aen de staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslaudt, vande west-indische com- , pagnie over-gelevert. 21pp. sm. 4°. Gra- rcn-Hage, I. J'eelij, 1044. Vorhooginghe vande capitalen inde west-indische compagnie, gliearresteert byde vergaderinghe vande negentiene vande selve compagnie, gheliouden totMiddelburch, inde maendt van Junius, 1639. 3 1. sm. 4°. GruTcn-Haghe, iccduwe van H. J. van Home, 1639. See, also, Netherlands ( United prov- inces of the). West -India (The) merchant. Being a series of papers, printed under that signature in the London evening post. [Eehitive to the Ameri- can revolution, etc. anon.l ]p.l.2U6pp. 8°. London, J. Almon, 1778. Westminster assembly of divines. The direc- tory tor the public worship of God, agreed upon by the assembly of divines at West- minster, with the assistance of commissioners from the church of Scotland, as a part of the covenanted uniformity in religion betwixt the churches of Christ in the kingdoms of Scot- land, England and Ireland. With an act of the general assembly, and acts of parliament, both in 1645, approving and establishing the said directory, pp. 483 to 5'21. 12°. Phil- adelphia, B. FranlUn, 174.5. Westminster (The) review. Jan. 1868, to Oct. 1869. New series, v. 33-36. [Complete series, v. 89-92]. 8°. London, Triibner Sf co. 1868-69. Weston (Daniel C.) Scenes in a vestry: being an account of the late controversy in the south parish church in Augusta, [Maine]. V, 228 pp. 12°. Augusta, IV. R. Smith c^- co. 1841. Weston (H. H.) and others. The fairy egg, and what it held. By three friends. 164 pp. 1 pi. sm. 4°. Boston, Fields, Osgood Sf co. 1870. Weston (James). Stenography compleated ; or, the art of short-hand brought to perfec- tion ; being the most easy, exact, lineal, speedy, and legible method extant, [etc.] .5 p. 1. xl pp. 4 1. engraved. 1 portrait. 8^. Lon- don, author, 1727. APPE.NDKD. Directions for writing 8hort-hiind, [etc.] together with Home particular sliortniiig nud joining rules, [etc.] 1 title. 18 1. engraved. 1 frontispiece. A dictionary ; or, an alphabetical table, [etc.] 1 title. 42 1. engraved. 1 frontispiece. Observations and explications, [etc.] 1 title engraved. 16 pp. 1 frontispiece. The same. Mr. Weston's excellent new method of short-hand, which surpasses all others yet extant in swiftness to write and easiness to be read; [New ed. ] By Anthony Clayton, vi, 141 pp. 16°. [London, 1737]? Weston (Stephen). Persian recreations ; or, new tales, with explanatory notes on the original text, and curious details of two am- bassadors to James i. and George iii. New ed. XV, ii, 115 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. London, S. liousscau, for H. Mutlow, 1812. Weston {Rev. William). Dis.sertatious on some of the most remarkable wonders of an- tiquity : On the darkne.ss at the passion ; on the pool of Bethesda ; on the thundering le- gion ; on the miraculous earthciuuke at Je- rusalem ; on the fall of Simon Magus at the prayer of Peter, etc. 5 p, 1. xxviii pp. 1 1. 383 pp. 12°. Cambridge, J. Bentham, 1748. An enquiry into the rejection of the christian miracles by the heathens. Wherein is shewed, the low opinion which they had of miracles in general ; and this accounted for from their situation and circumstances. 1 p. 1. V, X pp. 7 1. 418 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Bentham, 1746. Wetstein (Johann lacob). Prolegomena in novvm testamentvm. Notas adiecit atqve appendicem de vetvstioribvs latinis recensi- onibvs qvse in variis codicibvs svpersvnt Job. Sal. Semler, [etc.] xxiv, 694 pp. 1 tab. 8°. Hahe Magdeburgicu, [Rerger'], I7(i4. Wette (Ludwig de). See De Wette (Eud- wig). Wettstein (Theodor). Berichte aus Wiscon- sin. 1*^ abtheilung, [etc.] 2 p. 1. 152,70pp. 16°. Elberfcld Sf Iserlohn, J. B&deker, 1850. Weyers (Henri Engelin). Initium disputa- tionis de libri apocalypseos argumento, sen- tentia et auctore, [etc. ] 3 p. 1. 60, 24 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batatorum, S. Sf J. LuclUmans, 1828. 381 WHAREY. WHITE. Wliarey {Rev. James). Sketches of church history. Comprising a regular series of the most important and interesting events iu the history of the church, [etc.] New ed. 324 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, ])icshyterian board of publication, [1840]. S. Wharton (Francis). A monograph on men- tal unsoundness. 2 p. 1, 228 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Kay cf brothers, 1855. Wheaton (Henry). An anniversary discourse, [upon the history of the science of public or international law], delivered before the New York historical society, Dec. 1820. 8°. New York, Bliss 8f If Idle, 1821, Wheaton (Robert). Memoir of Robert Whea- ton, with selections from his writings. 2 p. 1. 385 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed ^ Fields, 1854. Wheeler (A. O.) Eye-witness ; or, life scenes in the Old North State, depicting the trials and sutferings of the unionists during the rebellion. By A. O. W. 276 pp. 1 pi, 12°. Boston, B. B. Russel Sf co. 1865. Wheeler (Daniel). Extracts from the letters and journal of [himself], while engaged in a religious visit to the inhabitants of some of the islands of the Pacific ocean. Van Die- man's Laud, New South Wales, and New Zealand, accompanied by his son, Charles Wheeler. 324 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Rakestraw, 1840. Whichcote (Benjamin, d. d.) Select ser- mons. In 2 parts. 10,452 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Awnsham 8f J. Churchill, 1698. Several discourses upon whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are hon- est, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are love- ly, [etc.] V. 4 and last [of works]. 8°. London, IV. Bothain, 1707. Whig (The) standard. [Washington daily]. Nov. (), 1843, to Nov. 16, 1844. fol. IVash- ington, J. T. Towers, 1843-44. Whipple (Edwin Percy). The literature of the age of Elizabeth. 3 p. 1. 364 pp. 12°. Boston, Fields, Osauod Sf co. 1869. Whipple (Francis Harriet). The mechanic. [A tale], 219pp. 12°. Providence, (R.L) Burnett tj- King, 1842. "Whipple (S. c. e.) Bridge-building ; being the author's original work, published in 1847, with an appendix, containing correc- tions, additions, and explanations suggested by subsequent experience. To which is an- Whipple (S.)— continued, ncxed an original article on tlie doctrine of central forces. 3 v, in 1. iv, 250 pp. 2 1. 15 pp. 10 pi. 12°. ^/ian^, (iV. y.) 1869. Whitaker's magazine: The rights of the south, July to December, 1850, v, 1. 8^. Charleston, (S. C.) E. C. Councell, 1850, Whitby (Daniel, fZ.f/.) Six discourses con- cerning: i. Election and reprobation, ii. Extent of Christ's redemption, iii. The grace of God. iv. Liberty of the will, v, Delecta- bility [defectibility] of the saints, vi. An- swer to three objections. 1st Am. ed. 412 pp. 8°. Worcester, {Mass.) I. Thomas, jr. 1801. Whitcomb (Ida P. ) A summary of history ; designed to accompany Lord's modern his- tory, 45 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, C. Dcsilvcr, 1870, White (Anthony W.) Military system, for the New Jersey cavalry. 1 p, 1. 80 pp. 2 1. 2 pi. 16°. Ncic-Brunswick, S. Arnett, 1793, White (Carlos), Ecce femina: an attempt to solve the woman question. Being an ex- amination of arguments in favor of female suft'rage by J.S. Mill, and others, and a pre- sentation of arguments against the proposed change in the constitution of society. 258 pp. 16°. Hanover, {N. H.) author, \870. White (Charles Abiathar). First and second annual report on the geology of Iowa. Sec Iowa. (Geological survey). White (Charles J.) The elements of theoreti- cal and descriptive astronomy, for the use of colleges and academies. 272 pp. 4 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen, Sf Haffcljin. ger, 1869. White (E. E.) A primary arithmetic, uniting oral and written exefcises in a natural system of instruction. 144 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, Wilson, Hinlde 8f co. 1868. An intermediate arithmetic, uniting mental and written exercises in a natural sys- tem of instruction. 192 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, Wilson, HinMe cf co. 1868. White (Edward L.) and Gould (JohnE,) The modern harp ; or, Boston sacred melo- dist, [etc.] 342 pp. obi. 18°. Boston, B. B. Mussey <£• co. 1849. White (Francis, bishop of Ely). A treatise of the sabbath-day. Containing a defence of the orthodoxall doctrine of the church of England against Sabbatarian novelty. 2d ed. 15, 31 1 pp. 3 1. 4°. London, R. Badger, 1635. 382 WHITE. WIDE-AWAKE. White ( Lieut. George Francis). Views in In- dia, chiefly among the Himalaya mountains. Etlitod by Emma Roberts. 84 pp. 30 pi. 4°. London, Fisher, son Sf co, 1838. White ( Rev. Henry). A concordance to Clarke's commentaries. 72pp. 16'^. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. E. Bnrr Sf co. 1869. White (Jason). The young minstrel. See Johnson (A. N.) and White. White (John). Voyage h la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, a Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson, en 1787, 1788, 1789; ouvrage oil Ton trouve de nouveaux details sur le caractiire et les usages des habitans du Cap de Bonne-Espcrance, de I'ile Tcneriflfe, de Rio Janeiro, et de la Nou- velle Hollande, [etc. ] Traduit de I'Anglais, avec des notes critiques et philosophiques sur I'histoire naturelle et les miBurs, par Ch. Pougens, [etc. ] xii, 206-2.56 pp. 2 1. 2 pi. 8°. I'uris, Guillaiinic, 1798. White (John T. type-founder). Specimens of printing types and ornaments cast by [him]. 2U2 1. 4°. New York, 1849. s. White (William, m. d.) The student's manual of medical electricity. Showing its most sci- entific and rational application to all forms of acute and chronic disease. 191 pp. 12°. Boston, author, 1869. White (William N.) Gardening for the south; or, how to grow vegetables and fruits. With additions by mr. J. Van Buren and dr. Jas. Camak. Illustrated. [Revised ed.] 444 pp. Ipl. 12°. New York, O. Judd S( CO. lieGS"]. Whitecar (William B.jr.) Four years aboard the whaleship. Embracing cruises in the Pa- cific, Atlantic, Indian, and Antarctic oceans, in the years 1855, '6, '7, '8, '9. 413 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Li^pincott Sf co. I860. Whiteing (Richard). Mr. Sprouts, his opin- ions. 2d ed. vi pp. 1 1. 200 pp. 12'^. Lon- don, J. C. Hottcn, 1868. Whitman (/»€». Bernard). Friendly letters to a universalist, on divine rewards and pun- ishments, xi, 356 pp. 12°. Cambridge, Brown, Shutliick cf- co. 1833. Two letters to the rev. Moses Stuart, on the subject of religious liberty. 166 pp. 8°. Boston, Gray 7. Wight (Andrew). Catalogue of library, [with prices]. Prepared by J. Sabin. 315 pp. 8°, New York, J. E. Cooky, 1864. Wijk (Johann Abraham Gerth van). See Gerth van Wijk. Wijk (J. van). Verhandeling over de neder- landsche ontdekkingen in Amerika [etc.] See Bennett (RoelofG.) rtHrf'Wijk(J. van). Wilbur (.John). A narrative and exposition of the late proceedings of New-England yearly meeting, with some of its subordinate meetings and their committees, in relation to the doctrinal controversy now existing in the society of friends : prefaced by a concise view of the church, showing the occasion of its apostacy. 352 pp. 12°. Neio Yorh, Picrcy Jj Reed, 1845. Wildermuth (Ottilie). Household stories. From the German, by Eleanor Kinmont. Series 1. 307 pp. 11 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, Hitchcock 4' IValden, 1870. Wildt (Xaver). Explanatio mirabilium, quse divina potentia in augustissimo eucharistire Sacramento operatur. 1 p. 1. 136 pp. 8°. Bonncc, A.Henry, 1868. S. Wilford parsonage ; or, living for Jesus. By the author of " Sybil Grey," [etc. anon.'\ 250 pp. 4 pi. 16°. New York, American tract society, [1868]. Wilhelnii (Carl). Island, Hvitramannaland, Gronland, und Yinland, oder der Norrmanner leben auf Island und Gronland und deren fahrten nach Amerika schon iiber 500 jahre vor Columbus, x, 260 pp. 1 map. 8°. Hci- dclhcrg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1842. Wilkins (/?/. rev. John). Mathematical and philosophical works. To which is prefixed the author's life and an account of his works. 2 V. xiv pp. 2 1. 261 pp ; xvi, 260 pp. 8°. London, Vernor .J- Hood, 1802. CONTENTS. V. 1. Discovery of ;i new world ; or, another habita- ble world iu the moon, with the possiI)ility of a passage to it. Thai it is probable our earth is one of the planets. V. 2. Mercury; or, the secret and swift messenger; shewing how a man may with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance. Mathematical magic ; or, wonders of mechani- cal geometi'y. Essay towards a real character. Wilkins (William). Atheniensia; or, re- marks on the topography and buildings of Athens, viii pp. 2 1. 218 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1816. Willam (Rev. Friedrich). Besuchungen des hochheiligsteu altarssakramentes [etc.] Ein gebet- und erbauungsbiich. 414 pp. 16 pi. 18°. Einsiedcln, etc. C. Sf A'. Bcnziger, 1867. Das heilige messopfer. Ein gebetbuch fiir katholiken. Enthaltend eine ausfiihr- liche darstellung und erklarung iiber die ceremonien und gebete, etc. I p. 1, 476 pp. 18°. Einsicdeln, K. 8f N. Benziger, 1870. Willard (C. A.) May Chester; or, home light. 224 pp. 2 pi. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph Sf co. 1869. Nellie Greyson. 146 pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph Sf co. 1868. Willard (Emma Hart). The fultilment of a promise ; by which poems, by [herself], are published, and aft'ectionately inscribed to her past and present pupils. 124 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. New York, White, Gallagher ^' White, 1831. Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika, fortgesetzt bis auf die gegen- wart, einschliessend eine iibersichtliche griindliche geschichte des amerikanischen burgerkrieges. Von dr. E. R, Schmidt, xxiv, 543 pp. 18 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, SchSffcr Sf Koradi, 1869. Willard (Joseph). An address to the members of the bar of Worcester county, Massachu setts, Oct. 2, 1829. [On the history of the Massachusetts bay]. 144 pp. 8°. Lancas- ter, Carter, Andrews 8f co. 1830. Willard (Josiah F.) History of Rock county, [Wisconsin]. Sec Guernsey (Orrin) and Willard. Willard (Sidney). A Hebrew grammar, com- piled from some of the best authorities, xv, 384 WILLARD. WILLISON. Willard (Sidney) — continuecl. 8(5 pp. 8°. Cambridge, IhUiard Sf Metcalf, 1817. [Impi'rfeot : pp. 29 to XI wanting]. Willbor(MaryH.) Violet; a true story. 251 pp. 12°. I'roi-idcnce, G. H. Whiincy, 1861. Willenissz (Salomon). Eapport gedaen aen hare ho. mo. ende sijn excell. over 't ver- overen vande silver-vlote, komende van Nova Hispania, door 't beleyt van den beer generael Pieter Pieterssz Heyn. 2 1. sm. 4°. Graven- Haghc, weduwe H.J. van JVouw, 1628. William, (of Canterhnnj). Vita saucti Thoinaj cantnavieusis archiepiscoi)i et uiartyris. 8°^ Londini, 1846. [//( Giles (J. A.) Vita s. Thoma; ; v. 2, pp. 1-39]. ■William, {of Malmcsliury). Chronicle of the kiup^s of P^iiofland from tlie earliest period to the reign of king Stephen. [Translated by John Sharpe]. With notes and illustrations by J. A. Giles, xvi, 544 pp.1 pi. 12°. Lon- don, H.G.Buhn, 1849. [BOHN's antiquarian library]. Williams (Arthur John). The appropriation of the railways by the state. A popular state- ment, with a map. xii. 140 pp. 12°. Lon- don, E. Stanford, 1869. Williams (Mrs. Catharine R.) Original po- ems, on various subjects. 1 p. 1. 107 pp. 16°. Providence, H. H. Broicn, 1828. [Imperfect : wanting all before p. 17]. Williams (Charles J. 13.) Principles of medi- cine : comprising general pathology and ther- apeutics, [etc.] Edited, with additions, by Meredith Clymer. 3d American, from the 2d and enlarged London ed. xxiv, 17-440 pp. 8^. Philadelphia, Lea 8f Blanchard, \ti48. S. Williams (Henry L. jr.) The boys of the bible. 4th ed. 1 p. 1. 312 pp. 6 pi. 12°. Netc York, ,J. O^Kane, 1867. Williams (Jenny Perkins). Scattered verses, and letters gathered again. 2 p. 1. 64 pp. 8° . New Yorl; French Sf Wheat, 1869. Williams {Rev. John). Homerus. [A com- mentary, with selections from the poems of Komer]. Part 1st. viii, 427 pp. 1 1, 8°. London, J. Murray, 1842. Williams ( Rcr. Rowland). Lays from the Cim- bric lyre, with various verses. By Goronva Camlan. [psc««?o»j.] xxxviii pp. I 1.271 pp. 16°. London, IF. Pickering, 1846. Williams (Theophilus). Academical stenog- raphy ; being a simplified system of short- hand, adapted to the juvenile capacity. 1 p. 1. 270 pp. 2 1. 9 pi. 8°. London, S. Rothwell, 1826. Williams (William). Observations on the Snowdon mountains ; with some account of the customs and manners of the inhabit- ants. To which is added a genealogical ac- count of the Penrhyn families. 2 p. 1. 193 pp. 3 1. 8°. London, E. Williams, 1802. Williams ( — ) and Packard ( — ). Guide to a system of penmanship for teachers and adepts. 2 p. 1. 59 pp. 12 1. 13 pi. obi. 12°. New York, Slotc, Woodman Sf co. 1869. Williamson (E. H.) The quaker partisans. A story of the revolution. By the author of "The scout." [rtjion.] 294 pp. 4 pi. 1G°. Philadelphia, J. Ji. Lippincott ib co. 1869. Williamsport, {Penmiylvania). Boyd's Wil- liamsport city directory, 1869-70. Together with a business directory of Beech creek, Beechwood, [etc.] Compiled and publislied by Andrew Boyd, and W. H. Boyd. 341 pp. 8°. Williamsport, {Pa.) 1869. Willie's .stepmother, [anow. ] 124 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, 1865. Willing (Afr.s-. Jennie P.) Through the dark to the day. A story of discipline. 339 pp. 16^2. Cincinnati, Hitchcock Sf Walden, 18(59. Willis (Edmond). An abreuiation of writing by character, wlierein is summarily conteyned a table which is an abstract of the whole art. 1 engraved title. 22 1. J6°. IBristol}? G. Pnrfloic, 1618. Willis (John). The art of stenographie, or short-writing, by spelling characterie. 10th ed. 21 1. 18°. London, //. Seylc, 1632. Willis (Nathaniel Parker). Poems, sacred, passionate, and humorous. Complete ed. 380 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. Neto York, Clark Sf Maynard, 1869. The rag-bag : a collection of ephemera. 356 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner, 1855. Willis (Thomas). De anima brutorum, qurc hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, exercitationes dnx ; prior physiologica, altera pathologica. 27 p. 1. 566 pp. 5 1. 8 pi. sm. 4°. Oxonii, E. Daris, 1672. Willis (W^illiam, editor). Documentary liis tory of the state of Maine. Sec Maine his- torical society. Willison (/?c». John). Sacramental medita- tions and advices, grounded upon scripture texts, proper for commuuicants, [etc.] to- gether with a short christian directory, and a variety of scripture-songs, for Zion's trav- ellers, [etc.] 287 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. McCulloch, 1794. 385 WILLOUGIIBY. WINDER. Willoughby (TTarrict). The history of Fiance. in rhyme. From tlie accession of king Phara- mond, a. d. 4^0, to the revolution of 1830. In a .series of easy and progressive lessons, for the instruction of youth, addressed to the children of the right hon. lord Lilford. xii, 243 pp. 8 pi. 16C. Lomlun, G.Bcll, I8i6. "Willson (Edward James). Ornamental timber gables. Sec Pugin (A. ) Willson (Marcius). A third reader, of a grade between tlie second and tbird readers of tlie school and family .series. 216 pp. 12°. New Yoi-l; Harper d; brothers, [1865]. Willymott (William). The peculiar use and .signification of certain words in tbe Latin tongue, [etc. New ed.] 1 p. 1. 374 pp. 8°. London, S. Bin, 1755. 'Wilmer (Margaret A.) Emilie's castle in the air. 252 pp. 2 pi. 1 8"^. New York, board of publication of the reformed protestant Dutch church, 1867. The missionary doctor and his family. 256 pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York, board of publi- cation of the reformed protestant Dutch church, 1869. Three boys and their stories. A tale for youth. 180 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1866. "Wilmington, {Delaware). The Wilmington directory and annual record for 1868-69. To which is added an official and statistical reg- ister, and a business directory and gazetteer of the state. Rev. O. S. Sentner, editor and publisher, viii, 376 pp. 8°. Fhiladelphia, Sherman 8f co. 1869. Wilna, (Russia). Catalogus musaei zooto- mici imperatorise academitie medico-chirurgi- ca3 vilnensis. Edidit et de vita Henrici Ludo- vici Bojaui pra3fatus est dr. E. von Eichwald. iv, 59 pp. 4°. Vilna, T.Glilcksberg,]835. s. Wilson (D.) Henrietta Robinson. 329 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Neic York, Miller, Orton Sf Mul- ligan, 1855. Wilson (Rev. Edward, compiler). The natu- ralist's poetical companion, with notes, [etc.] 2d ed. xvi, 416 pp. 1 i)I. 16°. London, Addey cj- CO. 1852. "Wilson (Florence). De animi tranquillitate dialogus. [Editio 4"' in lucem mis.sa a T. Ward], xxxii, 292 pp. 11 1. 16°. Edin- burgi, Hamilton, Balfour 8f Neill, 1751. "Wilson (Floyd B.) Wilson's book of recita- tions and dialogues. With instructions in elocution and declamation. 186 pp. 16°. New York, Dick Sf Fitzgerald, [1869]. 49 "Wilson (ITor.aco TIayman). Works, v. 1-9 8'\ London, Trdhncr .J- co. 18(52-68. CONTKNTS. V. 1-2. Essays and lectures : religion of tbe Hindus. V. 2. Es.say on Buddha and Buddhism. V. 3-5. Essays on .Sanskrit literature. V. 6-9. The VlsUuu Puriua. "Wilson (Isaac). Miscellanies, in prose and verse ; consisting of the inspector, a periodi- cal paper; and poems, viii, 360 pp. 16°. Kingston-upon-Hull, author, 1829. "Wilson (James Grant). A description of the dedication of the monument erected at Guil- ford, Connecticut, in honor of Fitz-Greene Halleck. 39 pp. 1 pi. 8°. New York, D. Ap- plrton if CO. 1869. "Wilson (James Patriot, d.d.) The hope of im- mortality imparted by revelation, transmitted by tradition, countenanced by reason, be- trayed by philosophy, and established by the gospel. In a dialogue. 151pp. 16°. Phil- adelphia, E. Little .j- brother, 1829. "Wilson (Joseph M. editor). See Presbyte- rian (The) historical almanac. "Wilson (Oliver M. ) A digest of parliamentary law ; also, the rules of the senate and house of representatives of congress ; with the constitution of the United States, the amend- ments thereto, and their history. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. xli, 463 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Kay 5,' brother, 1869. "Wilson (William). Poems Edited by Ben- son J. Lossing. xvi, 168 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Poughkeepsie, A. Jt'ilson, 1869. "Wilson. See "Willson. "Winchell (Alexander, //. d.) Sketches of creation : a popular view of some of the grand conclusions of the sciences in refer- ence to the history of matter and of life. 459 pp 25 pi. 12°. New York, Harper 4- brothers, 1870. "Winchester (Elhanan). Ten letters ad- dressed to mr. Paine in answer to his pam- phlet entitled The age of reason, [etc.] 2d ed. 100 pp. 12°. New York, S. Camp- bell, 1795. "Winder (Henry, d.d.) A critical and chro- nological history of the rise, progress, de- clension, and revival of knowledge, chiefly religious. In two periods. 1. The period of tradition, from Adam to Moses. 2. The period of letter.s, from Moses to Ciirist. v. 1. 2 p. 1. xvi pp. 2 1. 340 pp. 2 tables. 4°. Lon- don, J. Waugh, 1745. 386 WINDISCH. WISCONSIN. Windisch (Carl Gottlieb von). Gooj^vaphie des konig-reiclis Ungarn. 2 v. in 1. 5 p. 1. 31)5 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 322 pp. S"^. Pressburg, A. Lowe, 1780. S. Wiueberger (J. A.) Home of Washington, at Mount Vernon, and its associations ; em- bracing the birthplace, genealogy, courtship, and marriage of Washington. 1)1) pp. 2 maps. 1 portrait. 7 pi. 32°. Washington, McGill .)•■ Witherow, [1866]. Winer (Georg Benedict). A grammar of the idiom of the new testament ; prepared as a solid basis for the interpretation of the new testament. 7th ed. enlarged and improved. By dr. Gottlieb Liinemann. Revised and au- thorized translation. [Edited by J. H. Thayer], xviii, 728 pp. 8°. Andover, W. F. Draper, 1869. Wines (Enoch Cobb, d.d. ) A peep at China, in mr. Dunn's Chinese collection; with miscella- neous notices relating to the institutions and customs of the Chinese, and our commercial intercourse with them. 103 pp. 8°. Phila- delp/tia, 18.39. Winkler (Kcv. E. T.) Notes and questions [on religion], for the oral instruction of col- ored people, [etc.] With an introduction by James Tupper. 134 pp. 18°. Charleston, southern baptist publication society, 1857. S, Winner (Septimus). Easy system for the German accordeon. 40 pp. obi. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lee Sf Wullccr, [1869]. Winslo"w (Charles Frederick, m. d.) Force and nature : attraction and repulsion : the radical principles of energy discussed in their relations to physical and morphological de- velopments. viii,492 pp. 8^. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott d- co. 1869. The same, viii, 492 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan Sf co. 1869. Winslow (E. S.) Comprehensive mathe- matics : being an extensive cabinet of numerical, arithmetical, and mathematical facts, tables, [etc.] 8th ed. 51, 18, .380 pp. 12°. Boston, author, 1870. The universal modern cambyst and foreign and domestic commercial calculator ; or, a dictionary of numerical, arithmetical, and mathematical facts, tables, [etc.] 6th ed. 51, 18, 170 pp. 12°. Boston, author, 1870. Winslow (Rec. Hubbard). Christianity ap- plied to our civil and social relations. 184 pp. 12°. Boston, IV. Pierce, 1835. Discourses on the nature, evidence, aud moral value of the doctrine of the trin- "Winslcw^ (lifv. Hubbard)— continued. ity. 162 jip. 16°. Boston, Perkins, Mar- vin Sf CO. 18)54. The 3'oung man's aid to knowledge, virtue, and happiness. 408 pp. 12°. Bus- ton, D. K. Hitchcock, 1837. Winslo'w or Winslov (Jaccjucs Benigne). The uncertainty of the signs of death, and the danger of precipitate interments and dissec- tions, [etc. aiion. Translated from the Latin into French by .1. J. Bruhier]. 4 p. 1. 219 pp. 6 pi. 18°. London, M. Cooper, 174(i. Winslow (Minn). A sketch of missions; or, history of the principal attempts to prop- agate Christianity among the heathen. 432 pp. 12°. Andover, Ftagg Sf Gould, 1819. Winter (William). The queen's domain; and other poems. 144 pp. 16°. Boston, E. 0. Libbij Sf CO. 18.59. Winterton (Ralph). Poetic minores gra^ci, [cum interpretatione latina, adversis paginis immissa]. Hesiodus, Theocritus, Moschus, Bion smyrn. Simmias rhod. Musreus, Theog- nis, Phocylides, Pythagoras, Solon, Tyrta'us, Simonides, Rhianus, Naumachius, Pan- yasis, Orpheus, Mimnermus, Linus, Cali- niachus, Evenus par. Eratosthenes, Mene- crates, Posidippus, Metrodorus. Fragmenta qu?cdam Philemonis, Alexidis, Amphidis, Anaxandridie, Antiphanis, Apollodori, Di- phili, Menandri, Diodori sinap. Eubuli, Hipparchi, Nicostrati, Pherecratis, Philippi, Philippides, Sotadaj, Cratetis, Eriphi, Posi- dippi, Timoclis, Clearchi, et aliorum incerto- rum autornm. [Cum indice et observationi- bus] R. Wintertoni in Hesiodum. 4 p. 1. 533 pp. 45 1. 12°. Cantabrigia, J. Hayes, 1671. Wireman (Henry D. ) Gems of German lyr- ics ; consisting of selections from Rueckert, Lenau, Chamisso, Freiligrath, aud others. Translated into English verse. [German and English]. XV, 371 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Philadel- phia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffeljinger, 1869. Wisconsin {State of). Governor's message, and accompanying documents, 1865, 1866, 1867,1868. 6 V. 8°. Madison, state print- ers, 18(i6-69. Journals of the senate and assembly, 1866,1867,1868,1869. 8 v. 8". Madi- son, state printers, 1866-69. The legislative manual of the state of Wisconsin ; comprising Jefferson's manual, rules, forms, aud laws foi' the regulation of 387 WISCONSIN. WITT. Wisconsin {State o/)— continued. business ; also, lists and tables for reference. Compiled by the secretary of state, 1869 and 1870. 8tii and yth annual ed. 2 v. 12°. Madison, (Wis.) Aticood Sf Rublce, 1869-70. Eeport on the geological survey of the state of Wisconsin, v. 1. xix, 455 pp. 10 pi. etc. 2 col. maps. 8". Neio York, state of ff'isconsin, 1862. s. CONTENTS. Hall (James). Physical geography and general geology, ch. 1. Pulseontology. ch. 9. Lkidy (Joseph). ObserviitioDs upon the mammalian remains found in the crevices of the lead-bearing rocks at Galena, III. ch. 8. Whitney (James Dwight). Report on the lead re- gion, introductory and historical, ch. 2. Physical geography and surface geology, ch. 3. Strati- graphical geology, ch. 4. Mineralogy, ch. 5. Eco- nomical and mining geology, ch. 6. Wyman (Jeifries). Observations upon the mamma- lian remains in the crevices of the lead-bearing rock, etc. ch. 7. Wise (Daniel, d. d.) Lindendale stories. Cousin Clara ; or, the mislaid jewels. The story of a girl who by hiding one fault was led to commit many others. By Lawrence Lancewood, esq. [pscudon.l 246 pp. 5 pi. 16". Boston, H. A. Young Sf co. 1868. and Vincent ( Rev. J. H. ) Our sunday school scrap-book. 118 pp. 16°. New York, Carlton ^- Porter, 1866. Wise ( Rev.. Isaac M. ) The origin of Christi- anity, and a commentary to the Acts of the apostles. 535 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, Block &( CO. 1868. and others. Hymns, psalms, and pray ers, in English and German. 263 pp. 16°. Cincinnati, Block Sf co. [1868]. Wise (Rev. John). The churches quarrel espoused. 16^. Boston, J. Boyles, 1772. [In his Vindication of the government of the Kew England churches, pp. 75-180J. A vindication of the government of New England churches. 74 pp. 16°. Boston, J. Boyles, 1772. Wiseman (Nicholas, cardinal). The identi- fication of the artisan and artist, the proper object of American education. Illustrated by a lecture on the relation of the arts of design with the arts of production. Addressed to American workingmen and educators, with !in essay on Froehel's reform of primary edu- cation, by Elizabeth P. Peabody. 48 pp. S'-J. Boston, Adams &,' ro. 1869. Wiskemann (H.) Die sclaverci. Eine von der haager gesellschaft zur vertheidigung der christlichen religion gekronte preisschrift. xii, 195 pp. 8'^. Leiden, D. Noothoven van door, 1866. Wisner (Oscar F.) Halls of peace ; a poem. 106 pp. 12°. Grand Rapids, Daily democrat printing establishment, 1868. Wit (Jan de). De officio miuistrorum Christi servatoris, in adhibendapublicaobjurgatioue, deque authoritate apostolorum in tradcnda doctrina. Notas criticas, [etc.] adjecit Isaacus Emaus ten Bergh. 1 p. 1. 40,22, 10 pp. 18°. Amstelodami, J. Stockman, 1735. Witchcraft detected and prevented ; or, the school of black art newly opened, [etc.] By a member of the school of black art, Italy. [rtHon.] 112 pp. 6 pi. 16°. Peterhead, R. Biichan, 1823. Wits or Witsius (Hermann). Aegyptiaca, et AEKa(l>v?Mv. Sive de regyptiacorum sacrorum cum hebraicis coUatioue libri tres. Et de decern tribubus Israelis liber singularis. Ac- cessit diatribe de legione fulminatrice chris- tianorum sub imperatore Marco Aurelio An- tonino. Ed 2». 9 p. 1. 492 pp. sm. 4°. Am stelmdaini, G. Borstius, 1696. Animadversiones irenicte ad controver- sias, qupe, sub iufaustis antinomorum et neo- nomorum nominibus, in Britannia nunc agi- tantur. 1 p. 1. 237 pp. 16°. Ultrajecti, G. van de Water, 1696. Exercitationes sacree in symbolum quod apostolorum dicitur, et in orationem domini- cam. Ed. 3». 12 p. 1. 536 pp. 8 1. 242 pp. 9 1. sm. 4°. AmsteUcdami, J. Walters, 1697. ■Meletemataleidensia) quibus continentur prselectiones de vita et rebus gostis Pauli apostoli. Nee non dissertationum exegeti- carum duodecas. Denique couunentarius in epistolam Judse apostoli. 6 p. 1. 518 pp. 101. sm. 4°. Lugduni Batavortim, J. Luchtmans, 1703. Miscellaneorum sacrorum libri iv. Quibus de prophetis et prophetia, de taber- naculi levitici mysteriis, de synedriis Hebrtc- orum, [etc.] disseritur, [etc.] 2 v. 14 p. 1. 860 pp. 23 1 ; 8 p. 1. 951 pp. 28 1. 1 portrait. sm.4°. Trajccti ad Rhenum, etc. F. Halma, etc. 1692-1700. De ceconomia fooderum Dei cum liomi- uibus libri iv. Ed. 3". 18 p. 1. 920 pp. SI. sm. 4°. Trajccti ad Rhenum, F. Halma, 1694. Witt (Madame Cornells de, born Guizot). A French country family. Translated by the author of " John Halifax, gentleman." viii pp. 1 1. 306 pp. 6 pi. 16°. London, Sirahon ii CO. 1868. WITT. WOLF. Witt ( Jmi de). Tlie tmc interest and politi- cal maxims of tlie republic of Holland. From the Dutch. To which is prefixed, (never be- fore printed,) historical memoirs of the illus- trious brothers Cornelius and John de Witt. By John Campbell, xc pp. 3 1. 420 pp. 8". London, J. Noitrse, 1746. Witter (C.) Zweites amerikanisches tinter- richtsbuch im denken, sprechen, leseii und schreiben, in den realien, im rechnen und singen, etc. vii, 144 pp. 1G°. St. Louis, C. Witter, [\8^()l! Wittwer (W. C.) Alexander von Humboldt. Seiu wisseiiscliaftliches leben nrnl wirken, den frenudeu dernaturwis.senschaften darj^^estellt. 1 p. I. xiv, 440 pp. 1 portrait, ] fac-simile, 8^. Leipzig, T. O. Wciacl, 1860. [COTTA (B. von, etc.) Briet'e ttber Iluuibolilt's Kos- mos. Supjilemont-tlieil]. Briefe liber Humboldt's Kosmos. Sec Cotta (B. von, etc.) Witty apophthegms delivered at several times, and upon several occasions, by kiujjf James kino- Charles, the marciuess of Worcester Francis, lord Bacon, and sir Thomas Moor. Collected and revised. [««oh.] 2p. 1.185 pp. Ipl. 18°. ILondon], M.Svieh,\C<7\. Woburn, (Massachusetts). The Woburu di- rectory; containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and the town record. For the year commencing June 1, 1868. 184 pp. 8°. IVoburn, J. L. Parker, 1868. Wohleingerichtetes (Ein) deutsches A. B. C. buchstabir- und lesebuch zum gebrauch deutscher schulen. [anon.'] xiv, 120pp. 16°_ Gcrmantdini, M. Billmcycr, ]7'J6. Wolf (Christian von). Cosmologia generalis, methodo scientifica pertractata, qva ad soli- dam, imprimis Dei atqve natvraj, cogni- tionem via sternitvr. Ed. nova. 8 p, 1. 448 pp. 4 1. tab. 4°. Francufcrti, et Lipsia, Renger, 1737. Jus natura3, methodo scientitica per- tractatum. 8 v. 4". Francofurti, Lipsicc, et Halm, Renger, 1740-48. CONTENTS. v. 1. Obligationes ct jura counafa ex ipsa hominis es- seutia atque natiira a priori (Icmonstrantur, et totins pliilosoplii;e nioralis omuisque juris reliqui fuudanieuta solida jaciuutur. V. 2. De domiuio ac iude resultautibus juribus, cuin- que iis couuexis obligationibus. V. 3. De mode derivative acqvirendi doniinivm et jvs qvodcvnqvuo prajsertim in re alterivs: vbi et agltvr de officiis circa sernioucn, jvramentis ac votis, nee iion vsvcapiouc et prajscriptione. V. 4. De actibvs ad aliorvm vtilitateni tendeutibvs in specie, vbi agitur de doaationibvs, et de con- Wolf (Christian von) — continued. tractibvs tarn benefici«, qvani onerosiH pr.ojci- pviB. v. 5. De contractibvR onerosiH reliqvis, qvasi contrac- tibvH, modis tollendi obligaticmein ex contractv, et de jvre in re sva alteri constitvto, velvti pig- iiore, liypotheca et servitvtibvs. v. 6. De doinin jo vtili.iu specie det'evdo ; acccditdoo- trina de interpretatione, de jvre ex conniivniono prira-tva residvo; de officiis erga niortvos, uou- dvm natos et postcros, nee non ervditorvm. V. 7. De impeiio private, in qva tarn de ini|)erio ac so- cietate in genere, qvam de oiViciisac ivre iu noci- etatibvs conjvgali, paterna, lierili atqve donio agitvr, sev ivs omne persouarvm denicnstratvr. V. 8. De imperio pvblico, sev jvre civitatis; in qva onnie jvs pvblicvm vniversale denionstratvr (^t verioris politicic inconcvssa fvndauienta ponvu- tvr. l'hilosoj)hia moralis sive ethica, metho- do scientifica pertractata. 4 v. 4°. Halm Magdcburgiru, Renger, 1750-52. CONTENTS. v. 1- De inteilcctu et faciUtatibus ceteris cognoscendi in niiiiisteriiim ejus perliciendis, jitfive virtutibvB intellectualibus. V. 2. Do voluntate et noluntato, una cum appelitii sensitive, et aversatioue sensitiva perticieuda et euieudanda. V. 3. De virtutibus, qnibus praxis officiorvni ergu Devm, etomuis religio naturalis eouliuetur. v. 4. De virtutibus, quibus praxis olHcioruni ergauos ipsos continetur, riiilosophia practica universalis, metho- do scientifica pertractata. Ed. nova. 2 v. 4°. Haiti: Magdeburgicte, Renger, 1744-50. CONTENTS. V. 1. Theoriam coniptectens, qvaomnrsactionuni lin- manaruni difterentia, omuisque juris ac obliga- tionum omnium principia, a priori demon- Htrantnr. v. 2. Praxin eomplectens, qua omnis praxeoB moralig princi|)ia incoueussa ex ipsa auimo; bumause na- tura a priori demonstrantur. Philosophia prima, sive ontologia, me- thodo scientifica pertractata ; qua omnis cog- nitiouis humantc principia continentur. Ed. nova. 8 p. 1. 696 pp. 7 1. 2 tab. 4°. Franco- furti, ct LipsiiU, Renger, 1736. Philosophia rationalis sive logica. me- thodo scientifica pertractata et ad usum sci- cutiarum atque vittu aptata. Pra-mittitur discursus prteliminaris de philosophia iu ge- nere. Ed. 3". 8 p. 1. 866 pp. II 1. 1 tab. 4*^. Francofurti, ct Lipsiic, Renger, 1740. Psychologia empirica, methodo scientifi- ca pertractata ; qua ea, quje de anima hu- mana indubia experientise fide constant, con- tinentur et ad solidam uuiversse philosophite practicR' ac theologite naturalis tractationem via sternitur. Ed. nova. 7 p. 1. 920 pp. 7 1. 4°. Francofurti, et LipsiiC, Renger, 1738. Psychologia rationalis, methodo scien- tifica jiertractata ; qua, ea qua> de anima hu- mana indubia experientise fide innotescunt, per essentiam et naturam anima? exi)licau- tur, et ad intimiorem naturte ejusijue autoris 389 WOLF. WOOD. Wolf (Christiau von)— continued. coguitioucui profutura propouuntur. 8 p. 1. G80 pp. 10 1. 4". Francufurti, ct Lips'uc, Renger, 1734. Wolf (Friedrich August). Vermischte schrif- teu und aufsiitze in lateinischer und deut- scher sprache. ■ 2 p. 1. 456 pp. 16°. Halle, Render, 1802. s. Wolf (.Johann Christoph). Cvvfe philologica; et criticai in iv. ss. evangolia et actvs apos- tolicos, [etc.] Ed.3^ 1 v. in 2. 1394 pp. 18 1. 4°. Hambvrgi, C. Hcrold, 1739. The same. In [omnes] s. Pavli epis- tolas. Ed. 2\ 2 v. 2 p. 1. 840 pp ; 4 p. 1. 860 pp. 40. Hamburgi, C. Herold, 1737-38. • ^'he same. In ss. apostolorvm Jacobi, Petri, Jvda), et Joauuis epistolas, Lvjvsqve apocalypsiQi. Acceduut in calce quajdam ex Photii ampliilochiis adhvc non editis, cum inteipretatione latina et notis. Ed. 2*. 6 p. 1. 816 pp. 8 1. 4°. Hamburgi, C. Her- old, 11 A\. Wolf (J. F.) Die perfection der schuldver- trtige. [Inaugural dissertation]. Ip. 1.110 pp. 8°. JVilrzburg, F. E. Thein, 1869. s. Wolf (i)r. Eudolf). Mittheilungen ilber die souneuflecken. i. bis xx. Aus der Vier- teljahrsschrift der naturforschenden gesell- schaft in Ziiricb besonders abgedruckt. v. 1- 2. 8°. Ziiricli, 1856-66. s. Die Sonne und ihre flecken. Ein vor- trag vor gemischtem publikum gehalten am 10. Januar 1861. 30 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Ziirich, Orcll, Fiissli Sf co. 1861. S. Wolfram (Ludwig). Berliner echo, die taglicbe umgangssprache gebildeter deutscb- en. The German echo, a guide to German conversation ; or, dialogues on ordinary and familiar subjects. With an adequate vo- cabulary. Edited for the use of American students by James H. Womian. 203 pp. 12°. Neio York, A. S. Barnes Sf co. 1869. Wolleuweber (L. A.) Gemillde aus dem peunsylvanischen volksleben, [etc.] Cyclus 1. 140 pp. 16^. Philadelphia, Schafcr of honey from tlie rock Clirist. A word of comfort for the church of God. 391 WOODWORTH. WRIGHT. Wood'worth (Francis C. ) The yonn^ Amer- ican's life of Fremont. 262 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. New York, Miller, Orton Sf Mulligan, 1856. Woolsey (Tlieodore Dwight, II. d.) Essay on divorce and divorce legislation, with spe- cial reference to the United States. 308 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner ^' co. 1869. Woorden nit den Lijbel met auti-jezuitsche en andere aanteekeniugen ; gevolgd door den tekst en de vertaling van het : summarium constitutionum quae ad spiritualem jesuita- rum institutionem pertinent, en der Regulse communes societatis Jesu. [«?Jon.] 1 p. 1. xxxii, viii, 327 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, H. Hovckcr, 1852. "Worcester (Edward Somerset, 6leton 8f co. 1869. [In his The dead guest, pp. 73 to 109]. Incidents of social life amid the Eu- ZSCIiOKKE. Zschokke (Johann) — continued, ropean Alps. From the German by Louis Strack. 37:5 pp. 12°. New York, D. Apple- ton . Pitman, in the circuit court of the United States for the southern district of Ohio. In equity. HP. NeiD York, A. J. Graham, 1808. [7/t StaNDAuu phouogi-iiphic visitor, v. 2. pp. 371- 432). Gray (Horace, j/-.) Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, v. 15. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown Sf co. 1809. f2 copies]. Great Britain. The statutes of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. By G. K. Rickards. 1807 and 1807-8. v,28. 4°. London, 1808. [2 copies}. Greece. 'E.'kT^TjvLKjj vo/xoffemn ano rov 1833 ftexpi Tov 1800. 'Tn-o Oeo6o>pov 11. AjiAiyiavi'T/ Kai r. K. T.TjvoTTov'kov. 4 v. 8°. Et' Mlijvatr, 1. A.yye'konovTiog, 1800-07. S. Green (Charles Ewing). Reports of cases in the court of chancery, the prerogative court, and, on appeal, in the court of errors and ap- peals, in the state of New Jersey, v. 4. 8°. Trenton, Hough Sf Gillrspy, 1809. Griffith (William). In.stitutes of the jurisdic- tion and of the equity jurisprudence and pleadings of the high court of chancery ; with forms used in practice, and with a con- cise view of the ecjuity jurisdiction of the county courts. xvi,293pp. 12°. London, I J. Sweet, 1808. [2 copies |. Griolet (Gaston). De I'antorite de la chose jugee en matiCire civile et en mati^re crimi- nelle. xii, 370 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Marescg aine, 1808. Giiterbock (Carl). Bracton and his relation to the Roman law. A contribution to the history of the Roman law in the middle ages. Translated by Brinton Coxe. 183 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf co. 1800. Hale (W. II.) An intpiiry into the legal his- tory of the supremacy of the crown in mat- ters of religion, with especial reference to the church in the colonies. 08 pp. 8°. London, Butterworths, 1807, Hanes (John L.) United States digest of decisions in criminal cases contained in the reports of the courts of the United States and the several state courts. xvi,7G8pp. 8^. New York, John J. Diossy tf co. 1850. Hastings (Warren). The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, before the high court of LAW BOOKS. 405 parliament in Westminster hall, on an im- peacbmeut by the commons of Great Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Con- taining the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of parliament relating to that celebrated prosecution, from Feb. 7, J780, until his acquittal, April 23, 1795. To which is added, an account of the proceedings of various general courts of the hon. East India company held in consequence of his acquittal. 5 p. 1. xvi pp. 11 1. 748 pp. 1 pi. 1 portrait. 8°. London, F. B. Knox, 1796. Heron (Denis Caulfield, i^. rf.) An introduc- tion to the history of jurisprudence, viii, 846 pp. 8°. London, J. IV. Parher .j- son, 1860. Hill (James). A practical treatise on the law relating to trustees, their powers, duties, privileges, and liabilities. 4th Am. ed. by Francis J. Troubat and Henry Wharton. With notes and references to the latest Eng- lish and American decisions, by G. T. Bisp- ham. Ixxxiii, 62-941 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Sf J. W. Johnson cj"- co. 1867. [2 coi)i('s] . Hilliard (Francis). The American law of real property. 4th ed. revised and improved. 2 v. Ixx, 835 pp ; Ixiv, 933 pp. 8^. Albany, IVcare C. Little & co. 1869. The law of injunctions. 2d ed. revised and greatly enlarged. xlv, 719 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Kay tj' brother, 1869. The law of sales cf personal property. 3d ed. greatly enlarged, xlii, 672 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. 8f J. JV. Johnson tj'- co. 1869. Hiiikley (Edward Otis) and Mayer (Lewis), The law of attachments in Maryland, xii, 238 pp. 8"^. Baltimore, Gushing Sf Bailey, 1869. Holmes ( — ) and Disbrow ( — ). Practice in the supreme court of the state of New York, in common law actions upon contracts. 588 pp. 8°. New York, George S. Diossy, 1859. Holt (William). Admiralty court cases on the rule of the road, as laid down by the articles and regulations now in force under order in council for preventing collisions at sea. xviii, 265 pp. 8*^. London, W. Maxiccll Sf sow, 1867. Hopkins (Mauley). A handbook of average. To which is added a chapter on arbitration. 3d ed. XX, 539 pj). 8°. London, Smith, Elder 4' co. 1868. Hoppers (Joachim). Sedvardvs ; sive, de vera ivrisprvdentia, ad regem, libri xii. 8 p. 1. 343 pp. 3 1. foi. Antccrpiic, in officina plan- tiniana, 159U. Hotman (Antoine). Traict6 de la dissolvtion dv marriage par I'impuissance et froideur de I'homme on de la femme. 2« ed. reueiioe et augmentee. 52 1. 16°. Paris, M. Patisson, 1595. Howard (Nathan, jr.) Practice reports in the supreme court and court of appeals of the state of New York. v. 34, 36, and 37. 8°. Albany, Goidd Sf son, 1868-69. [2 copies of V. 36-37]. Hunter (Sylvester Joseph). An elementary view of the proceedings in a suit of equity. With an appendix of forms. 4th ed. By George Woodford Lawrance. xx, 3U9 pp. 8°. London, Buttericorths, 1867. Idaho (Territory of). Laws, 1863-64, [first session], 1864, and 1865-66. 3v. 8°. Lew- iston, James A. Glasscock; Boise City, Frank Kcnyon, 1864-66. Illinois {State of). An index to all the laws of the state of Illinois, both public and private, which are not printed at large in Gross's stat- utes of 1869, except private acts of 1868. 1818 to 1869. By Eugene L. Gross and Wil- liam L. Gross, xii, 140 pp. 8°. Spring- field, E. L.4- W.L. Gross, 1869. Laws. 1869. 8°. Chicago, Legal neios CO. 1869. The same. 1869. 8°. Springfield, Illinois journal printing office, 1 869. [3 copies!. The statutes of Illinois : an analytical V. 42-46. By Norman L. Chicago, E, B. Myers Sf co. digest of all the general laws of the state in force at the present time. 1818 to 1868. Edited by Eugene L. Gross. 1000 pp. 8°. Chicago, E. B. Myers S,- co. 1868. The same. 3d ed. 1818 to 1869. 930 pp. 8°. Springfield, E. L. Sf W. L. Gross, 1870. Illinois reports. Freeman. 8°. 1869. [3 copies]. Indiana reports, v. 28-29, 1 867-68. By Ben- jamin Harrison. S°. Indianapolis, Douglass Sf Conner, 1869. [2 copies of V. 29]. The same. v. 30, 1868-69. By James B. Black. 8". Indianapolis, Douglass Sf Conner, 1869. Iowa reports, v. 2 1-26. By Edward H. Stiles. 9>'-'. Ottumwa, by the reporter, 1869. [3 copies]. Irish (The) reports, published under the con- trol of the council of la\v reporting in Ireland, lb68. Edited by G. A. C. May and William 406 LAW BOOKS. Wootllock. Common law series, v. 2. 8*^. Dublin, 1869. [■2 coi.ifsj. Jamaica. Acts of assembly, passed in the island of Jamaica; from 1681 to 1754, inclu- sive. 2 p. 1. 358 pp. ] 1. fol. London, C. Brett Sf CO. U5G. An abridgment of the laws of Jamaica, in manner of an index. [With] a tabic of the general and marginal titles, under which the subject-matter of each act and clause is properly digested. 2 p. 1. 43 pp. fol. Lon- don, C. Brett, 1756. [ JFith tlio preceding]. Jauuarius (Josephus Aurelius). Stc Gen- naro (Giuseppe Aurelio). Johnson (Keverdy). A reply to the review of judge advocate general Holt, of the proceed- ings, findings, and sentence of the general court-martial in the case of major general Fitz-John Porter, and a vindication of that officer. 2d revised ed. 88 pp. H°. Balti- more, J. Murphy <.^- co. 1863. Jones (Silas). An introduction to legal sci- ence: being a concise and familiar treatise on such legal topics as are earliest read by the law student, should be generally taught in the higher seminaries of learning, and understood by every citizen, as a part of a general and business education. To which is appended a concise dictionary of laAv terms and phrases, xii, 356, 3C pp. 12°. New York, John S. Voorhics, 1842. Journal du palais, 1867 and 1868. 2 v. 8°. Paris, bureaux dcV administration, 1868-69. Judge advocate general. Digest of opinions of the judge advocate general of the army : containing a selection of official opinions fur- nished to the president, the secretary of war, the adjutant general, heads of bureaus of the war department, commanding officers, judge advocates and members of military courts, and other officers of the army, and soldiers — between September, 1862, and July, 1668. Edited by major W. Winthrop, judge advo- cate U. S. army. 3d ed. xvi, 393 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1868. [2 copies]. Kansas reports, v. 1 -3, 1 862-66. By Elliot N. Banks. 8°. Lawrence, W. S Rankin <^- . ro: Lramncorlh, Drake brothers, 1864-66. Katclienovsky (— ). Prize law : particu- larly with reference to the duties and obliga- tions of belligerents and neutrals. 189 pp. 8°. London, Stevens I'j- nous, JS67. [3 copies|. Kelley (Henry S.) A treatise on the law re- lating to the powers and duties of justices of the peace, constables, etc. in the state of Mis- souri : with practical forms, and essays on various titles of law. 761pp. 8°, St. Louis, St, Louis book and news co. 1869. Kerr (William Williamson). A treatise on the law of fraud and mistake, as administered in courts of equity. xxxi,426pp. 8*^. London, William Maxwell Sf son, 1868. Keyes (Emerson W.) Eeports of cases in the court of appeals in the state of New York. V. 1-4. 1864-63. 8°. Albany, Weave C. Little, 1867-69. [i copies of V. 4]. King (Henry Clay). The Tennessee digest. A digest of the judicial decisions of the state of Tennessee, from the year 1796 to July, 1868. With notes. 4 v. 8°. Boston, Lit- tle, Brown <^- co. 1869. [2 copicn]. Kinnear (John Boyd). Digest of house ot lords cases decided on appeal from Scotland, 1709 to 1864, with glossary of Scottish law terms, xli, 393 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sf Bradfutc, 1865. Laboulaye (Edouard Ren6 Lefebvre). Ke- cherches sur la condition civile et politique des femmes, depuis les Eomains jusqu'i nos jours, xxviii, 528 pp. 8^. Paris, A. Durand,\8i'3. Lafarge (Marie Capclle, madamc Pouch — ). Proces de madame Lafarge complets et d6- tailles. 2"=dd. [etc.] 2 p. 1. 203 pp. 8°. Paris, 1840. [An.nai.es criminelles]. Iiariche (L. E. A. ) Explication des institutes de Justinien, contenant : une introduction historique a I'etude du droit romain, la tra- duction et I'explication des institutes de Jus- tinien et des institutes de Gains, la traduction et I'explication des textes les plus importants du digest, du code et des novelles. v. 1. 714 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Durand Sf Palone- Lanricl, 1868. Laurent (F.) Histoire du droit des gens et des relations Internationales, v. 13-14. 8°. Paris, Librairir intcrnationah, 1867-68. [2 copies]. La-w (The) almanac for the year 1870. 109 pp. 8-. New York, Hurd <^- Houghton, 1670. La^w journal reports for 1868 and 1869. New series, v. 37 and 38, parts 1 , 2 and 3. 6 v. 4°. London, E. B. fncc, 1868-69. Law list for 1869, by W. W. Dalbiac. 12°. London, Stevens t^- sons, 1869. LAW BOOKS. 407 Law maf^azine and law review. September, 1808, to Avif^ust, 1809. v. 20-27. 8°. Lon- don, Biittcrworths, 1809. Lavo- (The) reports. Chancery appeal cases, including bankruptcy and lunacy cases, be- fore the lord chancellor, and the court of appeal in chancery, 1867-09. Edited by G. W. Hemming, v. 3-4. 8°. London, Wil- liam Clowes Sf sons, 1808-09. [2 copieis]. Court of common pleas, 1807-09. Re- ported by John Scott and Henry Bompas. Edited by J. E. Bulwer. v. 3-4. 8°. Lo7i- don, 1808-09. [2 copies]. Comt of exchequer, 1867-09. Reported by J. Austie and A. Charles. Edited by J. R. Bulwer. v. 3-4. 8°. Lo»uZoh, 1808-69. copicsj. — Court of queen's bench, 1867-09. Re- ported by W. Mills and H. Holroyd, and in the bail court, by E. A. C. Schalck. Edited by J. R. Bulwer. v. 3-4. 8°. London, 1868-69. [2 copies]. Courts of probate and divorce, 1865-69, Reported by T. H. Tristram, Richard Searle, and John G. Middleton. Edited by J. R. Bulwer. v. 1. 8°. London, 1869. Digest of cases decided in the house of lords, privy council, and the superior courts of common law and equity, and in the ad- miralty and ecclesiastical courts, and the courts for probate, divorce, and matrimonial causes, and crown cases reserved, 1865-68. 8°. London, 1809. English and Irish appeal cases and claims of peerage before the house of lords, 1808. Reported by Charles Clark, v. 3. 8°. London, 1808. [2 copies]. Equity cases before the master of the rolls and the vice-chancellors, 1867-69. Ed- ited by G. W. Hemming, v. 5-8. 8°. Lon- don, 1808-09. [2 copies]. High court of admiralty and ecclesias- tical courts, 1807-69. Reported by Ernst Browning. Edited by J. R. Bulwer. v. 2. 8°. London, 1809. [2 copies]. Privy council appeals. Cases heard and determined by the judicial committee and the lords of her majesty's most honora- ble privy council, 1807-09. Reported by Edmund F. Moore, v. 2. 8°. London, 1869. [3 copies. ] The public general statutes, with a list of the local and private acts, 1S07-09. v. 3-4. 8". London, 1808-09. [2 copies]. Lawrence v. Dana. Circuit court of the United States. Massachusetts district. la equity. William B. Lawrence, complainant, V. Richard H. Dana, jr. et al. respondents. Clifford and Lowell, JJ. Opinion of the court, delivered September 20, 1809. 47 pp. 8°. Boston, Alfred Mudge 4- son, 1809. Lee (C. H.) The judge advocate's vade me- cum ; embracing a general view of military law, and the practice before courts-martial of the army and navy, with an epitome of the law of evidence, as applicable to military and naval trials. 2d ed. revised and en- larged. 308 pp. 8Q. Richmond, JVest 8f Johnson, 1804. [Printed .It Columbia, S. C] Le Graverend (Jean Marie Emmanuel). Trait6 de la 16gislation criminelle en France. 2 V. 4 p. 1. xlviii, 005 pp ; 2 p. 1. 734 pp. 4^. J. M. Le Graverend, 1816. Lescalopier ( — ). Charges du proces de monsieur Lescalopier, intendant de la gen6- ralite de Montauban. [rtHon.] 239 pp. 8°. [n. p.] 1756. Lester (W. W.) and Bromwell (William J.) A digest of the military and naval laws of the Confederate States. See Confederate States. Leyva (Virginia Maria). LasignoradiMonza (sojur Virginie Marie de Leyva) et son pro- ces, 1595-1609. Par Ange Marie Renzi. viii, 192 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1802. Lewin (Frederick Albert). The law of ap- portionment, xiii, 172 pp. 12°. London, fV. Maxwell 8f son, 1869. Littleton (H. A.) and Blatchley (J. S.) Di- gest of fire insurance decisions in the courts of Great Britain and North America. 2d ed. revised and enlarged by Stephen G. Clarke, 723 pp. 8°. iVieio York, Baker, Voorhiesc^'co. 1868. Livingston (Brockholst). Court for the trials of impeachment, and the correction of errors. Cases in the part of Arnold v. United ins. co ; Duguet V. Rhinelander; etc. plaintiffs in er- ror. 316 pp. 11. 8°. Neic York, J. Furman, 1800. Louisiana {State of). Laws, 1808 and 1809. 2 V. 8'^. New Orleans, A. L. Lee, 1808-09. Louisiana annual reports, v. 19-20, 1807-68. J. Hawkins, reporter. 8°. New Orleans, Caxton press, 1868-09. 408 LAW BOOKS. Lov^er Canada reports, v. 1G. 8°. Quebec, Angnst'in Coir, IHfiO. Lukius (Joseph). Sec Shotwell (Edmund), etc. Macdonald (Alexander). Handybook of the law relative to masters, workmen, servants, and apprentices, in all trades and occupa- tions. With notes of decided cases in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland; and an appen- dix of acts of parliament, with forms of pro- ceedings and procedure, xx, 428 pp. S°. Glasgow, JVUliam Mackenzie, 1868. McRae (Duncan G.) and others. Military commission. Proceedings in the case of the United States against Duncan G. McRae, William J. Tolar, David Watkins, Samuel Phillips, and Thomas Powers, for the murder of Archibald Beebee, at Fayetteville, North Carolina, February 11, 1867, with the argu- ment of E. Graham Haywood, in reply to the several arguments of the counsel for the defence. Reported by C. Flowers and C. P. Young. 1 p. 1. 398 pp. 8°. Raleigh, published for Robert Avery, u. s. a. 1867. [2 copies J. Maine (Henry Sumner). Ancient law: its connection with the early history of society, and its relation to modern ideas. 3d ed. viii pp. 1 1. 415 pp. 80. London, John Murray, 1866. Maine {State of). Laws, 1849, 1868, and 1869. 3v. 8°. Augusta, ]8Ad-69. Maine reports, v. 54-5.5. By W. Wirt Vir- gin. 8^. Hallowell, Masters, Smith cj- co. 1868-69. [.3 copies of V. 55]. Maritime law cases. Reports of the cases relating to maritime law, decided by the court of admiralty, and by all the superior courts of law and equity ; salvage awards ; and a selection of cases decided in the courts of the United States, the consular courts, etc. etc. 1864-67. v. 2. 8o. London, Horace Cox, 1868. Marquard (Johann). Tractatus politico-juri- dicus de jure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari, [etc.] 2v.ini. Gp.l.572pp; . 2 p. 1. 744 pp. 69 1. fol. Francofurti, T. M. Gatzy, 1662. Marvin (William). A system of general average, adopted by the international con- gress, held at York, in England, September, 1864, designed to establish a uniformity in the mode of adjusting general averages in the different countries of the world. With an appendix, containing the French, Dutch, German, Norwegian, and Swedish codes on the subject of averages. 136 pp. 8°. New York, Diossy