THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WVU\aw\ "Betvwexc Huwk.vo. G0RRE3P0NDANC1] GENERALE Canadian Archives INDEX. "^yVAANCft.. A^-^'^^-^-'X-^ AjL^ ^^«- '^i'^^^^UA*^^ XZIZ 1846. March 24, Saint Malo. 1640-1575. 1846. 1603. Dec. 18, Paris. 1605. JaQ, 22, Paris. 1605. Jan. 29, Paris. 1626. July — , Pans. 1625. April 29. 1627. May 7. 1628. May 6, Aug. 1628. May — 1628-1624. 1629. May 17. 1629. April — 1639. No date. 1640. Oct 7. Quebec. 1642. MINIST^KB DB LA MARINE. (Colonial Archives.') Canada — Correspond ance G^n^rale. 1515—1660. Vol. 1. — HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. CI; 131/6 G. 11. It Letter from the Mayor of Saint Malo as to certain information asked for by M. Faribault, then Yice President of the Historical Society of Quebec, respecting documents possessed by the town of Saint Malo relating to Jacques Cartier's third voyage. Folio 4. 8Jpp. ^Commission and other papers relating to Jacques Cartier and his family. (" The original of this copy belongs to M. Cunat") 24 pp. Eeports of a Commission appointed by M. Provins, Mayor of Saint Malo to survey and receive the wreck of a ship abandoned by Jacques Cartier, at Sainte-Croix, in Canada, in the month of April, 1586. Folio 22. 18 pp. Decree of the King forbidding any of his subjects, other than Sieur De Monts and his associates, to trade in furs, &c. Folio 48, 6 J small pp., or say 3 pp. Letters patent from the King prohibiting all traffic in furs by any of his subjects but Sieur de Monts and his associates. Folio 52, 11 small pages, say 5 pp. Letters Patent for the registration of the powers and commis- sions granted to Sieur de Monts as Lieutenant-General in Acadia. Folio 58, 7J small pages, say 3 pp. " Compagnie des Cent Associes." Edict of the King for the general establishment of trade in France, east and west, by sea and by land, and long voyages. Folio 71. IH PP« Letters Patent. Articles granted by the King to la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France. Printed on parchment. Folio 79, 23 pp. Eoyal edict for the establishment of la Compagnie de la Nou- velle France, with attestation of the Court of Parliament of Paris. Folio 91. ,14 pp. True Statement of expenditure incurred by la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France for the pettlement of the colonies and the mainten- ance of the clergy, &c. Folio 107. 6 pp. Christian names, surnames, and additions of ' Associates of la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France. Folio 113. 7 pp. Charter for the foundation of the Hospital Nuns, Quebec. Folio 117. 80 pp. Charter of the Ursuline Nuns, Quebec. Folio 153. 60 pp. Settlement for which the Hotel Dieu Nuns petitioned Mgr. le Comte de Maurepas. Folio 188, 3^ large pages, say 4 pp. Concession of the Island of Montreal. From the Records of the Conseil Sup6rieur de Quebec. Folio 190. 9^ pp. General statement of liabilities of la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France. Folio 195. This is a paper of 30 large pages of print ; say 35 pp. 1 117959 zxx 1645. 1645. March 6. 1646-1684. 1645. March 6. 1647. March 27. 1647. March 7. 1651. April 1. No date. 1661. July — 1652. Oct. 20. 1653. May 3. 1654. July 8. 1654. August 22. 1634 (sic). October 29. No date. 1656. July 1. 1658. March 12. 1660, 1660. Jane 4. " Sieur Bergier, merchant of La Eochelle, who is well versed in seafaring matters, offers to make a habitation on the coast of Acadia, with a view to the establishment of a sedentary fishery." Folio 211. if p. Articles agreed to between the directors and associates of la Cie do la Noavelle France and the delegates of the inhabitants of the said country. Folio 212. 16^ pp. " Extrait des diverses relations du Canada^^ ( " which may serve to establish the rights of France over the Iroquois country.") Folio 229. ^ 6 pp. " Decree whereby His Majesty signifies his approval of the pro- ceeding of la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France, and the treaty made in pursuance thereof between the Company and the delegate of the inhabitants of Nouvelle France." Folio 233. 3 pp. " Decree (portant reglement) respecting the inhabitants of Canada."— "Secret." Folio '-i3t. 2 pp. Decree whereby His Majesty, interpreting Art. 12 of the declara- tion of 22nd October last, declares that he did not mean to revoke privileges granted to the Directors and Associates of la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France, set out in the edict of the month of May." Polio 254. IJ p. " Transaction faite avec les habitants du Canada." Folio 256. 19 pp. Letter from the Abenaquis Indians to the King of France, ask- ing for his protection ; with the Abenaquis text. Folio 266. 4 large pages. 6 pp. " Letters Patent in favour of the Eev. Jesuit Fathers, granting to them fishing rights in the lands they have purchased or had given to them in North or South America, &c." Folio 268. 3^ pp. " Les charges indispensables payees en castor." Folio 284. 1 p* " Reduction des droits du magasin au quart des castors." " Prix des monnaies du Canada." Folio 288. 2^ pp. " Charges indispensables payees en castor." A different papei from that at folio 284. Folio 290. 1 p. Concession to Sieur de Becancour by M. de Lauzon. Folio 292. 2J pp. Memorandum, unsigned, respecting the relations between the French and the Iroquois, from 1655 till after 1687. Folio 294. 3 pp. " Le quart des castors est pour satisfaire aux charges indispen- sables." Folio 296. 1 p. Decree forbidding any inhabitant of Nouvelle France to leave the country without permission from the Government. Folio 298. 5 pp. Summary of voyages, discoveries and settlements in North America by the French and by the English. Folio 308. 14 pp. Eemarks on treaty made with Le Sieur Eazeet Cie, in 1660, " par lequel ils s'obligent a payer annuellement a la Communaute cin- quante -mille livres." Folio 315. 1^ P« XXXI 1663. March — March 21. 1663. 1663. 1648. March 9. 1663. May 10. Quebec. 1663. 1663. January 22. 1663. February 24. 1663. 1663. 1663. 1663. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. November 16. 1660-1664. No date. 1665. April 22. Larochelle. 1666. April 27. Larochelle. Canada — Correspondance G^n^eale. 1663--1667. Vol. 2.— m. talon, intbndant. C. 11. " Lettre de reunion," revesting in the Crown the property of la Nouvelle France by surrender of the parties interested. Folio 3. 9 small pages, say 4 pp. Decree ordering the clearing of lands by settlers in Canada, under pain of forfeiture of grants. Folio 8, 2^ small pages, say l^p* Edict creating le Conseil Souverain de Quebec. Original docu- ment. F. 19. 13 small pages, say. 6 pp. " Memorial as to abuses introduced by the Grovernment of Canada (respecting inaintenance of troops) and their conduct towards the Council. To regulate their salaries and define their authority."^ Folio 22. 3 pp. " Ordre de M. d'Avaugour au Sieur Couture pour aller au Nord.'* Folio 25. J^ p. Decree ordering persons holding shares of " la Cie de Canada," of 1627, to produce their title deeds. Folio 35. 1^ p. " Memorial as to what is to be done in Canada based on the report of vessels returned from Plaisance or from the Gulf of cit. Lawrence." Folio 36. 6 pp. " Peed of surrender made to the King by the associates of the Company of their Seigniory of Nouvelle France." Folio 40. 2 pp. " Memoir of general considerations on the settlement of the Colonies." Folio 41, 3^ large pages 5 pp. " Memoir of expenditure incurred by la Compagnie from 1628 to 1663." Folio 43. 1 p. Eeasons advanced by la Compagnie de Canada to prevent its being dispossessed or at least to induce the king to grant such con- ditions as may satisfy the Company. Folio 44. 3^ pp. Measures to be adopted in order to meet the assaults ot the Iroquois in Canada. Folio 46. 5^ pp. Statement of the expense willed and intended to be made by the Clerk, &c., of the Marine, M. Henry Caboud, for the repair and fitting out of H. M. S. L'Aigle d'Or, et le Jardin de Hollahde, which are to go to Quebec. Folio 51. 9^ pp. " Memorial of Sieur Gaudais Du Pont to Mgr. Colbert furnishing him with a statement of the aflfair of Sieur Dumesnil and of the means proposed by the latter to recover for the King large sums of money which he asserts to have been wrongly applied." Folio 88 ; 4 large pages, or 5^ pp. *' For the help it pleaseth the King to give to Canada for the year 1664." Folio 95. 3 pp. Answer to the same. Folio 93. 3 pp. Memorial, without signature or address, containing instructions in all probability for Marquis de Tracy relating to the Government of Canada. Folio 99. 12^ pp. Mem. concerning the affairs of Canada. Folio 106. 2l| pp. Claim of Sieur Dumesnil. Folio 1 18. 2X pp. Letter from Talon to the Minister respecting the colonists and the Carignan regiment sent to Canada. Folio 124. 2 pp. Another letter from Talon, same subject. Folio 130. 3ipp. XXXll 1665. May 14, Larochelle. 1665. May 15. Larochelle. 1665. May 21. Larochelle. 1665. May 24. Larochelle. 1665. Oct. 4. Quebec. 1665. Oct. 7. Quebec. 1665. Nov. 5. Quebec. 1665. Nov. 5. Quebec. 1665. July 24. 1665. March 31. 1665. January 15. 1665. March 23. 1665. July 14. 1665. 1665. 1665. December 13. 1666. April 5. Paris. 1666. September 1. 1666. November 11. Quebec. r''-' 1666. November — . Quebec. 1666. July 7. 1666. Jane 25. 16<6. Talon recommends the giving of a gratuity to the best men of the Carignan regiment. Folio 133. 2 pp. G-eneral considerations by Talon on Canada, and the proximity of the English colonies. Folio 135. 3^ pp. Another letter from Talon respecting colonists and troops to be sent to Canada. Folio 137. 4 pp. Last letter from Talon on same subject. Folio 140. 4 pp. Memorial from Talon to the Minister, on the position of Canada. Folio 143. 22 pp. Letter from Talon concerning the conversion to Catholicism of M. Berthier, a captain in the Carignan regiment. Folio 156. 1^ p. " Estat des ouvriers qui peuvent maintenant travailler en Can- ada." Folio 157. lip. Statement of the expenses of Canada. Folio 156. 2^ pp. Eoyal ordinance prohibiting trading with the Indians without reducing the provisions it is customary to furnish to them. Folio 161. 2 small pages, or 1 p. Decree for liquidation of the debts of la Cie du Canada. Polio 163. 8^ small pages, or 4 pp. "Eole des associes en la Cie de la Nouvelle France." Folio 168. 1 p. " Pouvoirs d'intendance, de justice, police et finance en Canada pour le Sieur Talon." Folio 169. 2 pp. Tariff of merchandise brought by the Company's ship for delivery at Quebec, Three Eivers and Montreal. Folio 170. l^p. Memo, as to chief points respecting Canada and " la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales," as to which it is necessary to reply to M. Talon. Folio 172. 3 large pp., or 4 pp. State of affairs in Canada, in 1665, to be dealt with by the Com- pany. Folio 174. 9^ pp. Articles of treaty of peace proposed by six Ambassadors from the Iroquois. Folio 187. 8 pp. Letter from Colbert to Talon. Folio 199. 16 pp. Question submitted by M. Talon to Sieurs Tracy and Couroelles : whether it is better to declare war against the Agniers or to make peace with them. Folio 208. lOJ pp. Letter from Talon to the King, giving an accotlnt of the state of the Colony, his views as to what may be anticipated and what should be done for the development of its resources. Folio 216. 24 J pp. Talon to the Minister. Gives account of his administration, asks to be relieved and recommend M. de Kessan, Secretary to M. de Tracy, as his successor. Folio 229. 3 pp. Treaty made with the Iroquois, Folio 234. 4 pp. Proces-verbal of the liquidation of the debts of la Communaute du Canada. Folio 238. 22 pp. " Explication des onze presents faits par les ambassadeurs Iroquois, ler deoembre 1665." This paper, with the accompanying page of designs or allegorical figures, relates to the document above mentioned intituled " Articles of peace proposed by six Iroquois ambassadors." Folio 187. Copy only from middle of Folio 261, 21 pp. and 1 p. of allegorical figorea. zxxni 1666 1666 October 17. 1666 1666 1666 April 5, St. Germaine- en-Saye. 1667 Angnst 25, Qaebec. 1667 April 26, Qaebec. No date. 1667 October 27, Qaebec. 1667 October 27, Qaebec. 1667 October 29, Quebec. 1667 1667 January 24, Quebec. 1667 1667 1667 1667 Mem. respecting the Iroquois nation; what it is and how it is composed. Folio 264. g ^^ Procds Verbal of the taking possession of Fort d'Agnie. Folio General statement of all expenditure in connection with the troops in Canada in 1666. Folio 272. 23i pp Mem. on the affairs of la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales and the means of assisting it. Folio 286. 3 pp Instructions to Talon from Colbert. Folio 290. Eeply from Talon. Folio 298. Letter from Talon to Minister. Folio 302. 16 pp. Letter from Talon offering to the King the building he had erected Quebec ^'"^^Foiio 305*^^ ^^^"^'"^ therein of His Sovereign Council at v Mem. from Talon to Minister on the state of the Colony an^d on the resources to be derived from it. Fol. 306. 28 pp. Talon represents that grants of land to individuals should not be Fo'iio sir ^' ^^ ^^'''^^' amongst others, too exacting. Frlnce° Toli%^4^^^^^''* ^"^"^ '^"^""^ ""^ ^^^""^ '° ''''^^'' ^"^ return to ' . " ' 7 ppi Memoir on Canada, in the handwriting of M. de Tracy. Folio OaO, _ • ?-^^^^ Of Regulations prepared by de Tracy and Talon, as^to justice and the distribution of land in Canada. Folio 334. 24 pp. Memoir of Sieur de La Chesnaye on the trade of Canada, and th J impossibility of forming a new company to sustain and help the country. Sent by M. de Tracy. Folio 349. 3 pp Mem. on the trade of Canada, and on M. Talon's proposal to form a company of persons living in the country, having the exclusive right to trade. Folio 351. 5 'tT Mem. of M. Talon on Canada. Folio 356. 9 pp Quebec, on the difficulties met with in that country in enforcing certain provisions of the Ordonnances of 1667, 1669 and 1681 and "^ reply thereto. Folios 360 and 364. 2 linn End of Vol. 2. ^*^* 1668 March 2. 1668 Canada— CoRREspoNDANOE G:^n^rale. 1668-1672. VOL. 3. — M. TALON, INTENDANT. Eistorical Documents. C. 11. r.«?t^''i^*'''-'' \^\^* Military Officers not to enjoy privileges of rank when in church. Folio 3, 2 small pages, ^ i p to^arnX'chJ^tiroi-'^- '^ ^'^ ^^^^^^^^ -^-^-^ ^^^ ;r& XXXIV No date. Mem. (respecting moneys provided for Canada) to be sent to Colbert. Folio 10. I p. 1668 Instructions from Colbert to Talon. Folio 11. 15 pp. February 20. 1669 Letter from H.M to Courcelles, commanding him to organize the April 3. inhabitants of Canada into companies in order to teach them the use of arms. Folio 22, 15 small pages, "7 pp. 1669. Observations by Talon on the statement presented to Colbert by la Cie des Indes' Occidentales, as to the application ot moneys furnished by the King for Canada. Folio 31. T pp. No date Summary statement of funds provided for Canada, and of services to which they were to be applied, in 1665-66 67 and 68. Folio 35. 4 pp. 1669 Mem. on general state of Canada. Folio 37. 3 pp. 1669 Memoir of the King's intentions as to Canada, to be handed to M. May 17. Talon. Folio 39. 6 p. 1669 " Memoir instructif " of what has been done for Canada by order June 22. of the King and what remains to be done. Folio 43. 5J pp. 1669 Mem. of M. Talon on Canada. Folio 49. 9 pp. No date Mem. asking M. Talon to furnish a statement of the grants he has made to inhabitants of Canada. Folio 54. 1^ p. Certificate of the taking possession of the lands of Lake Brie in ° * ^' the nam* of the King of France. M. De Courcelles being G-overnor and M. Talon, Intendant of Canada, signed by MM. Dollier De Casson and De Galinee, Priests. Folio 56. ^ p. 1669 Mem. to the Minister, by Sr. Patoulet — acting in place of M. November 11, Talon absent — on the state of Canada. Folio 61. 12 pp. ^^ feio Mem. of M. Talon, Intendant for the second time, on his arrival at Augu3t 29, Quebec 18th August, 1670. Folio 70. 3 pp. OtifibBC 1670 Letter from M. Talon to Minister. Folio 72. 3 pp. September 20. Quebec. 1670 Explanation of a despatch sent by Talon to Minister by a vessel October 10, from La Eochelle. Folio 74. 1 p. Novemb% 10 I^^^^er from Talon to the King. Folio 75, 2 half pages. 1 p. Quebec. 1670 Mem. from Talon to Colbert on Canada. Folio 77. 32i pp. November 10, 1670 Abridgment of the preceding addressed to the King. Folio November 10. 94, 7 pp. 1670 Addition to same mem. Folio 98. 26 pp. November 10, 11 ^\i GC No date. " Bxtrait de ce que M. Talon demande a Mgr. pour le Canada." Folio 112. 2J pp. 1670 From Talon to Colbert complaining of the conduct towards him November 11, of M. Dumont at La Eochalle. Folio 114. 3^ pp. Quebec. 1670 Memoir to Colbart on the treaty with Sieur le Caigneur. Folio February — 116, 4^ small pages. 2 pp. 1670 Decree prohibiting the sale in Paris of hats made in part of Jane 2, beaver. 1 large page of print. 2 pp. "^670 Memoir relating to the trade of Canada with the French Antilles. December 16. Folio 146. 7 pp. jgiTf) Mem. by M. de La Chesnaye on the price of beaver. Folio 150. 3 pp. 1670 Charter for the establishment of the Hospital Nuns of Quebeo October]. Folio 153. 3 J pp. XXXV 1671 October 31, Quebec. 1671 November 2, Quebec. 1671 November 11, Quebec. 1671 1671 November 11, Quebec. 1671 1672 June 4. 1672 June 4. 1672 September 27, Quebec. 1672 October 23, Quebec. 1672 November 2, Quebec. 1672 January 25. Letter from Talon to the Minister asking to be permitted to retire. Folio 157. ^ PP- Mem. from Talon to the King on Canada and Acadia. General state of the country. Folio 159. 26 pp^ Mem. from Talon to Colbert on Canada. DifiFerent from the preceding. Folio 1*72. 20 pp. Mem. as to expeditions, &c., Talon considers necessary or useful to the King's service in Canada or in Acadia. Folio 182. 3J pp. Another by Talon on the condition of Canada. Folio 184, 15 half pages, say about 8 pp. Mem. of a missionary. Description of Canada and of advantages to bo derived in behalf of H.M. and of the French settlers.. Folio 193. 39 pp. Decree for the resumption of lands not cleared in Canada. Folio 213, 9 small pages, or 4 pp. Decree as to police regulations and the establishment of judges in Canada. Folio 218, 6^ small 3 pp. Ordinance of M. de Frontenac prohibiting the selling of merchandise to the Coureurs de bois, or the purchasing of fui's from them. Folio 222, 1 very large page 3 pp. Speech delivered at Quebec by Frontenac. Folio 225 13^ small pages, say 6 pp. Memo, to Minister in Frontenac's handwriting. He makes com- plaint against Captain Grignon for leaving his escort. Asks for workmen. Mines of Cap Madeleine. Bad state of the fortifica- tions and chateau at Quebec. Want of munitions. The Jesuit Fathers and the clergy of Quebec. Interesting. This paper is more legibly written at folio 254. Folio 233. 38 pp. Memo, of 8ieur Patoulet on " What is required to be done for Canada." Folio 274, 11 small, or 6 pp. End op Vol. 3. 1673 1673 June 5. 1673 1673 November 13. 1673 March 9, Paria. 1673 Paris. Canada — Correspondanob G^n^rale. 1673-1678. Vol. 4. — M. de Frontenac, Governor General, M. Talon, Intendant. C. 11. Extracts and copies of letters written by missionaries and Sieur de la Salle from Ste. Marie du Sault, Tsonnontouan and other Ii'oquois missions. Folio 5. 9 medium pages, 5 pp. Ordinance of the King and the Governor against the Coureurs de bois. Folio 11. 2 pp. Frontenac's voyage to Lake Ontario. Folio 12. 2b^ pp. Extract from a memoir by Frontenac. Folio 25. 3 pp. On his return to Paris, Talon, at the King's request, prepared a memorandum on Canada and its needs. Folio 28. . 7 pp. Another memorandum by the same. Folio 32. 20 medium pagea. 17 pp. Eoyal ordinance declaring that none of the French settlers in Canada shall be allowed to abandon their houses and wander in the woods for a time exceeding twenty four hours. Folio 44. (Repeated more legibly on Folio 45.) 1 p. XXXVl 1673 October 29, C)nnontagu6. 1672 February 16, Quebec. 1674 Jane 29, 1674 uly 4, Montreal. 1674 June 29. 4 1674 October 20, * 1674 November 14, Quebec, 1674 October 29. .' 1674 February 12. 1674 February 19, Montreal. 1675 May 18. 1675 Jane 5. \i 1675 Jane 5. 1675 1666-7 1676 September 26, Quebec 1676 May 20. 1677 ■ April 30. 1677 May 10. 1677 May 1677 May 16. 1678] Copy of a note enclosed in letter of Pere Lamberville. It states that but for Frontenac's liberality to the Iroquois the inhabitants of Catarakoui would have been massacred. Folio 48. J p. Letter, signed by Frontenac, to the Minister* Complains of the intrigues of the Dutch, and the difficulty of subjecting the Coureurs de bois. Folio 49. 7i pp. Hunting license given to Sieur Dupas. Folio 55. 1 p. Letter from Montreal by Frontenac— no address — ordering that the Sieurs Bazire be allowed to proceed with their barque to Tadoussac and Isle Percee, &c. Folio 56 2 very small pages J p. Hunting license to Jean Le Due. Folio 57. ^ p^ Refusal of Sieur Bazire, agent of la Compagnie des Indes Occi- dentales to pay the salary of M. Perrot, Governor of Montreal. Folio 59. 1^ p. Mem. by Frontenac to Minister respecting the police, the administration of justice, trade, the inhabitants of the country, &c. His relations with the clergy, &c. Interesting. Folio 61. 4*7 pp. Hunting license to Thomas Le Clerc dit Laboulaye of Yercheres. Folio 85. 1 p. Prohibiting the sale of clothing, powder and shot to the Indians. Folio 91. 3^ pp. Copy of letter from Bellefontaine, Brigadier des Gardes, to Bizard, Lieutenant des Gardes du Comte de Frontenac. Folio 97. H pp. Decree of the Council of State confirming the grants made by Frontenac to the inhabitants of Nouvelle France. Folio 101, 4J small. 2 pp. Declaration of the King confirming and regulating the establish- ment of the Conseil Souverain du Canada. Folio 104. 4 pp. Declaration of the King rendering the discipline and practice of the Council conformable to the Compagnies Supirieures of the kingdom. Folio 108. 2| pp. Draft of memorial for the King's commissaries to Genoa and Florence, on the 3,000,000 proposal of M. de * Maugardes, respecting the beaver trade of Canada. Folio 114. 4J pp. Memo, in reply, from the officers and communities of Canada, to the mem. of the Fermiers Generaux, respecting the indispensable charges of the country. Folio 118. 5^ PP' Ordinance of M. Duchesneau — the trade at Tadoussac. Folio 123. 11^ pp. Eecord of Letters Patent empowering Frontenac and Duchesneau to grant lands in Canada. Folio 145, 4J small pages 2 pp. Two memorials as to the price of beaver from Canada. Folio lt)2 and 164. 3 pp. Decree of the King's Council of State, exempting from export and other dues all merchandise shipped in the Kingdom for trans- port to Canada. Folio 165. 3 pp. " Edit du Roy pour le retablissement du siege de la Prevote et Justice de Quebec." Folio 167. 2 pp. Decree as to regulations between the farmer of the Western domain and the inhabitants of Canada on the purchase, sale and preparation of beaver. Folio 169. 4 pp. Edict creating the office of " Pr6v6t" in Canada and six " officiers d'archers " to execute its ordinances and decrees. Folio 174 2 pp. Ordinance prohibiting hunting beyond the limits of cleared and inhabited lands and a circuit of one league. Folio 182. 2 pp.. xxxvn 1678 May 12. 1678 May 12. 1678 May 15. 1678 May 24. 1679 November 21, Quebec. Royal ordinance prohibiting sale of intoxicating drink to the Indians. Folio 185, 3 small, or 2 pp. Regulation as to taxation of Officers of Justice in Nouvelle France, by Royal Edict. Folio 187. 3J pp. Letter from Colbert to Intendant Duchesneau on his ordinance prohibiting hunting within the limits of the Tadoussao trade. Folio 189 9 pp. Mem, prepared by the King's order as to difficulties respecting the sale of liquor to the Indians of Canada. Folio 194. 4^ pp. Ordinance of the Intendant Duchesneau, prohibiting all trading for furs with the Indians. Folio 203. 7 pp. EndofYol. 4. 1679 May 24 1679 October 9, Quebec. 1679 November 6, Quebec. 1679 November 6, Quebec. 1679] October — Quebec. 1679 November 10. Quebec. 1679 November 10. 1679 November 10, Quebec. 1679 April 26. *• Canada — Correspondanoe GfiN:6aALB." 1672—1681. VCL. 5. — M. DE FbONTENAC, GrOVERNOR GENERAL, M. DUOHESNEAU, Intendant. C. 11. Letter from the King to the Bishop of Quebec as to the honours to be rendered in the Cathedral of Quebec, to the Governor, M. de Frontenac. Folio 4. J p. Letter from Frontenac to the Minister. Complains of Dnches- neau's intrigues in the Council. Difficulty of arresting the Coureurs des bois, &c. Folio 5. 3 pp. Letter from Frontenac to the Minister. He again complains of Duchesneau. Measures to be taken against the Coureurs des bois. Representations of the Guris as to the tythes. Commends to the King's goodness Sieur Denys, " who has lost his sight, and has sev- eral children." Folio 8. 6 pp. Another letter from Frontenac. The small-pox prevails amongst the Iroquois. Asks for troops. Difficulties as to the building of churches. Major Bizard, of Montreal, sent into the woods. Com- mends him to the King's kindness. Other gratuities to be given. Bad state of the fort of Quebec, &c. Folio 12. 9 pp. Letter from Duchesneau, Intendant, to Minister. Complaints against Frontenac. Grant of lands to the inhabitants, &o. Folio 21 18 medium pages 15 pp., Duchesneau to Minister. Further complaints against Frontenac. Injury done by trappers- Division and character of various classes of the inhabitants — gentlemen, farm labourers, &c. Means of secur- ing the happiness of the colony. Importart letters. Folio i2, 76 medium pages or, say, 60 pp* Letter from M. Sauret to Intendant Duchesneau. Strange news from Orange, " where it was stated that a French fleet had entered the Thames and, within sight of London, taken the English Admiral and sunk a number of English ships." Folio 71, 3 mtdium pages, or, say, 2 pp. Letter from d'Auteuil, P. G., to Minister. Complaints against Frontenac. Folio 74, 15 medium, about 12 pp. Statement of the expenditure the King wishes to make for the support of the Governor and other officials of Canada. Folio 82, 5pp, 106— D XXXVIU 1679 Eoyal edict respecting tythes and the cures established in Can- ada. Folio 88, 10 small. 5 pp. 1679 Ordinance allowing Frontenac to give hunting licenses. Folio 94, April 25. 4 g^^jj^ g^y^ 2 pp. 1679 Royal ordinance prohibiting hunting beyond limits of cleared land April 24. and an area of one league beyond. Folio 97, 2| small, say IJ p. 1679 Ordinance prohibiting the imprisonment of inhabitants of the May 7. country by local Governors. Folio 99, 2^ small, say 1^ p. 1679 Decree of Council as to the resumption and granting of lands not May 9. cleared. Folio 101, 7^ small, say 3J pp. YQ 1684 November 4, Quebec. 1684 January 17, Eochefort. 1684 1684 1684 1685 !/(t 1684 1684 1684 February 10, Onnontague. 1684 March 24, Illinois. 1684 April 22, Bayof Puants 1684 April 23, Bay of Puants 1684 May 7, Michilimak- inac. 1684 April 19, Tsonnontou- an 1684 May 5, Michilimak- inac. 1684 July 10, 11 and 18, Onnontague. The Sr. Ruette d'Auteuil, Procureur-general at Quebec, to the Minister. Excessive price which the merchants ask for their goods, especially liquors. Folio 446. IJ p. Continuation of the same letter. What took place in the Supreme Council last year. Folio 448. 2 pp. Memoir of the expense incurred by the Sieur de La Durantaye with the Ottawas for the service of the King, and the execution of the orders of the Governor in 1683 and 1684. Folio 451. 2^ pp. Memoir of Sr. Dumont de Blaignac concerning the exportation of masts from Canada. Different ways of cutting and transporting them. Folio 468. 1 p. " Memoir on the present state of trade in Canada and Acadia.' Folio 469. 4 pp. Memoir for the e'^tablishment in Canada of manufactories of potashes and soap. Folio 474. 6 pp. Memoir on some explanation required by parties interested in the Canadian Company (la Ferme du Canada). Folio 481, 31 middle-sized pages, or perhaps about 25 pp. Trade of New France. " Memoir containing the ways, papers and inductions calculated to sustain and justify whatever was con- tained in the petition presented by the inhabitants of the south bank of the St. Lawrence." Folio 497. 11 pp. *' Extract from divers relations of Canada which may serve to establish the right of France to the country of the Iroquois." Folio 503, 12 medium pages, about 8 pp. " Difficulties that appear to the Marquis of Seignelay in deciding as to the functions of Governors and Intendants." Folio 514, 3J middle sized pages, perhaps 2J pp Letter of Father de Lamberville. Folio 517, 6 small pages about, 5 pp' Co])y of a letter written by the Chevalier Baugy, du-pays des Illinois. Folio 519. 4 pp. Letter of M. de La Durantaye accompanying the copy of a pre- ceding letter. Folio 521, 2| middle sized pages, about 2 pp. Letter of Father Henry Nouvel. Folio 523. IJ p. Letter of Father Enjalrau to the Minister. Folio 525, 3 middle sized pages, about 2^ pp. Letter of Father Garnien to the Minister. Tsonnontouan. Folio 526. IJ p. Letter of M. de Boisguillot to the Minister, concerning the affairs of this part of the colony. Folio 528, 7J small pages, say 3 pp. Copy of three letters written by Father de Lamberville to M, de La Barre at the time of the march of the army. Folio 5 34, 8^ middle-sized pages, Fay 6 pp. Other four letters from the same to the same. Folios 540, 541, 542, 543, about 9 pp. End op Vol. 6. xlv 1686 June. La Rochelle. 1685 1686 August 20, Quebec. 1685 August 20, X^nebec. 1685 October 13. 1685 November 13, Quebec. 1685 November 13, Quebec. 1685 November 13, Quebec. 1685 November 13, Quebec. 1685 November 14, Quebec. 1686 1686 1685 October 20, Montreal. 1685 October 6. Quebec. 1675—1685. Without date " Canada — Correspondance Gf n^ralb." 1685. Vol. "7. — M. de Denonville, Governor General ; M. de Meulles, Intendant. C. 11. The first forty pages contain short letters of i£. de Denonville, dated from La Eochelle, in which he gives an account of his preparations for his departure for Canada to which he is sent aa Governor (not of much importance.) Letter of M. de Denonville taking leave. Folio 41, 3 middle sized pages, about 2 pp. Letter of M. de Denonville to the King on arriving at Quebec. General considerations. Folio 44, 4 middle-sized passes, about 3 pp. M. de Denonville to the Minister. M. de La Barre has handed over to him his authority. Departure of the latter for France. His great age and infirmities. Folio 53. 1 p. The same to the same. General afi'airs of the colony. Bad treatment experienced by the passengers on the King's ships. Sickness on board. Important to have a map of the St. Lawrence. Powder magazines. Dangers of fire. The great number of men who frequent the woods. Folio 55. 11 pp. Copy of the letter of Mr. Dongan, Governor of New York. Folio 67. 1 p. M. de Denonville to the Minister. His journey to Catarakoui. War with the Iroquois probable and imminent. The Sieurs de La Salle, Tonti and Laforest. M. de Callieres, Governor of Montreal. Disorderly youth. Abuse of the sale of strong drink. The clergy. Convents. The nobility of the country. The Canadians described. Agriculture, Fisheries. Commerce. Eulogy of the families Le Bert, Le Moyne, de Yarennes, &c. Map of the lower part of the river drawn by Jolliet. Exports, census, &c. Folio 86. 41 pp. Denounces the conduct of the Intendant, *' which has always been very wicked." Folio 110. 2 pp. Denonville to the Minister. Extols M. de Yilleray, &c. Folio 113. 2 pp. The same to the same. Recommending Jolliet. to him. Folio 117. 2 pp. The same to the same. Sends a placet of the inhabitants of YilleMarie complaining that private parties erect cabins in the woods, in order to sell therein during the summer all sort of goods in retail, &g. Folio 119. 1 p. Petition presented to M. de Denonville by the bar-keepers of Montreal, complaining that the inhabitants of Quebec import to Montreal " various liquors which they sell in retail (a pot etassiette) during summer." Folio 121. 2 pp. Petition of Sieur Tardy with the same end in view. Folio 123. 1 p. M. le chevalier de Callieres. Memorandum to the Minister on the subject of the fortifications of Montreal, &c. Folio 125. Copy of the provisions for the augmentation of the government of the Island of Montreal ; given by M. de Denonville. Folio 128. 2 pp. Beavers brought from Canada. Folio 131. 1 p. Memorandum of M. Talon, « claiming utensils for making boor as well as a piece of ground situated in the lower town of Quebeo." Folio 134, 2| middle-sized pages, about IJ ^ xlvi 1685 September 24 Quebec. 1685 Beptf mber 28, Quebec. 1685 1685 October 6, Quebec. 1685 1685 1685 November 12, Quebec. 1685 October 8, fioueu. 1685 February 18, Yersailles. 1685 April 1, La Rochelle. 1685 October — , 1685 November 19, 1685. November 19. 1685 November ■ Quebec. M. de Meulles to the Minister. He departs for Acadia. Proposes to have two vessels for sailing between this country and France. He was obliged to put notes in circulation on acnount of the scarcity of silver, &c. Folio 138. 7 pp. M. de Meulles to the Minister. Praise of M. de Denonville and the AbbedeCheniere (?). Necessity of erecting new Parishes. Fertility of the land. Upper and lower Quebec. Brewery of M. Talon. MM. de Bellefonds, Rajeot, de la Martiniere, de Becancour. Com- plaints against Chalons and Riveriu. A contagious disease brought by two vessels of the King. Trade of M. de Varennes with the savages. Preparations against the Iroquois, &c., &c. Folio 143. 24 pp. Acadia. Memorandum of Sieur Perrot, Grovernor of Acadia, for the restoration of the Fort de la Heve, the erection of a permanent fishery, the increase of trade, &c. Folio 156. 1 p. Letter of M. de Meulles to the Minister, asking that the office of a special lieutenant in the Province of Quebec be restored, and that it be conferred on the eldest son of the Sieur de Yilleray. Folio 157, 5 middle sized-pages, about 3 pp. Letters on the subject of a quarrel which arose between M. de Calliere, Governor of Montreal and the Sieur de Macary, a Captain of Infantry. From Folio 165 to 176, about 15 or It! pages. Memorandum concerning the commercial relations between the French islands of America and Canada. Folio 177. 2 pp. Memorandum of M. de Denonville " concerning the present state of Canada and the measures which may be adopted for the security of the country." Folio 178. 17 pp. Letter of M. de La Barre to the Minister, announcing to him his return. He gives an account of the sad state in which two vessels of the King had reached Quebec, full of sick people, without count- ing those who had been thrown into the sea during the voyage. M. de Rochefort, captain of the frigate, buried at Tadouseac. Folio 188, 3 small pages, about IJ p. Extract from the answers to letters received from Canada. To M, de La Barre ; to the Sieur de Meulles. Folio 190, 4^ large pages, about 6 pp. Letter of M. Millet, Commissioner of Marine, to . Rochefort is full of soldiers and cadets ready to embark for Canada. Means to be adopted in order to prevent them from deserting. Folio 200. 1 p. Memorandum of the parties interested in the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. Folio 208. 1| p. Memorandum of what passed in the last voyage to Hudson's Bay. Folio 211, 2 large pages, say 3 pp. M. Riverin. "Important memorandum on the trade of Tadoussac, in order to make known in what this trade consists; what is done in order to destroy it ; and, moreover, the measures that ai'e neces- sary in order to preserve it to the dominion of the King." Folio 216. 13 pp. Document which completes the preceding one, and which is entitled : " Reasons in support of the statement regarding the ruin of the trade.of Tadoussac." Folio 223. 7 pp. Memorandum and papers for the burgher inhabitants of the lower town of Quebec, in order to oppose the erection of the building which Reignault, dit Bailly, desired to construct ou the public square of lower Quebec. From Folio 240 to 247. 11 pp. xlvii 1686 NoTember 25. 1680 December — . 1685-1686. 1685 April 29 and April 11. London. 1685. Pebruary 6, Paris. 1685. November 10, Qaebec, No date. 1685. March 10. 1685. Jane 5. "Copy of a concession made to Sieur Cochois of an island called * La Grande He,' and of a site, 60 feet square of ground, near Fort Frontenac, by the Sieur de La Forest, in the name of M. de La Salle." Folio 248. 2 pp. "The Commercial Company of the North," established in Canada, asks for protection from the Marquis de Seignelay against a private company of London, conducted by three or four renegade French- men, " which, last year, robbed them of more than 400,000 litres at the Rivers Bourbon and Sainte Therese, in Hudson's Bay." Folio 250. 1 p. Contract of possession for Hudson's Bay to " The Company of the Inhabitants of New France." Folio 254. 1 p. Copy of two letters of the Sieur Chouart to the Sieur de Comporte and to the Dame de Grozeliere, his mother, relating to the affairs of Hudson's Bay. Folios 255, 256, and 257. 3 pp. Memorandum of those interested in the Hudson's Bay Company. Folio 260. 2 pp. Another memorandum on the same subject. Folio 262. 2 pp. Petition of those interested in the same company in regard to the same subject. Folios 264 and 265. H P- Regulation concerning the administration of Justice in Canada. ) Folio 267, 7 small pages, U p. ^^ Copy of an ordinance which assures to the inhabitants of the f-outh bank of the River St. Lawrence, the right which they have possessed from time immemorial to trade with the Indians. Folio 271, 3 small pages, about \\ p. End OF Vol. 7. 1686. Mays. Quebec. Idem. 1686. January 29. Quebec. 1686. May 8. Quebec. 1686. May 8. Quebec. No date. 1686. Canada— CoRBESPONDANCE G:^N:gRAL£. 1686. Vol. 8. — M. de Denonville, Governor; M. de Meulles, Intendant. Letter of Bi. de Denonville to the Minister. A general view of the affairs of the Colony. Folio 6. 29 pp. The same to the same. Pass in favour of the inhabitants. Folio 21. 2Jpp. Copy of a passport for going to trade " among the Ottawas." Folio 23, 1^ p. Denonville to the Minister. Trade. Measures to be taken on the subject of the Iroquois and the English, &c. Folio 31. 5 pp. The same to the same. Asks for justice on the Sieur de la Heroniere, agent of the farmers general, who had threatened the Bishop of Quebec to shoot his priests at the corner of a street, and who had been guilty of other insolent acts. Folio 54. 4 pp. Copy of a letter from M. de la Heroniere to M. de Denonville, in which he complains of having been insulted Folio 38. 1 p. Extract from the replies to letters received from Canada, from M. de Denonville during the present year, 1686. Folio 42, \\\ large pages, about 20 pp. xlviii 1686. June 6. Ville Marie. 1686. June 6. Ville Marie. 1686. June 6. 1686. June i2. Ville Marie. 1686 October 15, Quebec. 1686 November 6, Quebec. 1686 NoTember 15, Quebec. 1686 February 12. X^uebec. 1686 September 29. 1636 November 8, Quebec. 1686 November 10, Quebec. 1686 November 11, -Quebec. 1686 November 16. Quebec. No date. 1686 Mays. Quebec. 1686 1686 -July 18 & 19, Quebec. 1686 1686 November 16, Quebec. Letter of M. de Denon ville to the Sieur de la Durantaye, Com- mandant in the Ottawa country, on the measures which he must take on the subject of trade. Folio 51. 2 J pp. Copy of a letter of M. de Denon ville to Du Luth, req[uiring"him to go and occupy a post on Lake Erie. Folio 53. 1^ p. Copy of a letter of M. de Denon ville to Sieur de la Forest, who commanded in the Illinois, to hold himself in readiness to march against the Illinois. Folio 57. 1| P- Denonville to the Minister. Deplorable state of our relations with our allies. Perfidy of the Scoutache Huron; Necessary to provide supplies. Folio 59 9 pp. The same to the same. Announcing the arrival of M. de Cham- pigny with his wife and 149 men. Folio 65. 1^ p. Partners in the Hudson's Bay Company to the Minister. They claim, as their property, the river Bourbon. Folio 67. 1 J p. Denonville to the Minister. On the state of the brewery, and what is necessary to render it serviceable. Folio 69. 1 p. Instructions of M. de Denonville to Sieur de Troyes, requiring him to occupy posts on the shores of the North Bay, stop the forest rangers, &c., and particularly the Sieur Eadisson^ who had been guilty of treason. Folio 100. 1 J p. Copy of a letter of M. de Denonville to Colonel Dongan . He reproaches him with his secret intrigues against the French. Folio 101. 3 pp. M. de Denonville. " Memorandum on the present state of affairs in Canada and of the necessity of making war on the Iroquois, next year." Folio 116, 24 medium-sized pages, about 18 pp. Denonville to the Minister. He thanks him for the appointment of M. de Champigny to the office of Intendant. Burning of the XJrsuline Convent. The education of children. Provision for parish priests. The KecoUet Fathers. The census. M. de La Salle and the fort of Cataraqui. The want of arms. He dismisses Sieur de Macary on account of his bad character. Promotions to be made. M. de Callieres. Disorders and poverty. Want of pilots and sailors. The iron mines of Throe Rivers. Le Sieur de Saint Castin. Hudson's Bay, &c. Folio 129. 60 pp. The same to the same. The colony in danger unless necessary expenses are incurred. The clergy. Recommends MM. de Crisasy and de Troye, &c. Folio 161. 7 pp. Another letter of M. de Denonville to the Minister, with copy of a letter of Colonel Dongan. Intrigues of the latter. Necessary to wage war on the Iroquois and English. Folios 169 and 173. 8^ pp. Advantage of a fort at Niagara. Folio 197. IJ p. " Information laid by the Major of Quebec on the subject of the quarrel that took place between M. de La Mothe, lieutenant, and the Sieur de Sabrevois, sub-lieutenant, the former having wounded the latter with a candlestick, which he threw at his head." Folio 206. 5 pp. Memorandum of the Sieur Bonaventare on the subject of fishery. Folio 216. 2 pp. Two letters of M. de Meulles to the King and the Minister, con- cerning his journey to Acadia. Folio 223 and 225. 4J pp. Memorandum of M. do Meulles, concerning the BayofCheda- bouctou. Folio 232. 2 pp. View of the general condition of the colony. Folio 238. 27 pp. xlix 1686 1686 February 7. 1686 February 12, Quebec. 1686. Memorandum on Chedabouctou, &c. Folio 254. ^^PP. Memorandum to the Marquis of Seignelay on the state of trade in Canada, presented by the Sieurs Chalon and Kiverin. Folio 257. 9 pp. Instructions to M. de Troye for the expedition to Hudson's Bay which he was about to command with the Brothers d'Iberville and de Sainte H61ene. Folio 264. 8 pp. Letter with statement of the expenses incurred by the Company of the North. From folios 210 to 283, about 20 pp. Eni> op Yol. 8. 1687 November 6, Quebec. 1687 June 8. Quebec. 1687 July 16. Quebec. 1687 July 19. 1687 Jiily 23, Albany. 1687 Jnly 31. 1686-7 1687 August 22. 1687 August 25, Quebec. 1687 August 25. 1687 April 26. 1687 September 9. 1687 October 2. Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE Gts^B.A.LE. 1687. Vol. 9. — M. de Denonville, Governor General, M. de CHAMPiaNT Intendant. Letter of MM. de Denonville and de Champigny to the Minister. Gratifications to be given to the Parish Priests. Impossibility of sustaining them in the country without aid from the King, The Senior Missionaries. Assistance asked for the hospitals of Montreal and Quebec, which are over-crowded with patients. Folio 3. 30 pp. Denonville to the Minister. He is delighted to learn that the King is sending assistance to the Colony. Expedition against the Iroquois. Mission of Michillimakinac. The Iroquois are again instigated by the English. Deputation of Hurons. Colonel Dongan. Father Lamberville in great danger among the Iroquois. French deserters and libertines. The evil which they do to the Colony. Necessary to fortify Montreal. Establishments on the Lakes. Defence of the same. Eulogium of the Major of Quebec. La Salle at Cataraqui. Folio 20. 20 J pp. Narrative by M. de Denonville to the Minister, of the march of the troops against the Iroquois. Folio 30* 12 pp. The taking possession of the country of the Iroquois, called Tsonnontouans by M. de Denonville. Folio 40. 4 pp. Letter of Colonel Dongan to M. de Denonville in Latin. Folio 48. Ip. Niagara taken possession of by M. de Denonville. Folio 50. 2 pp^ " Memorandum of what was done by the French at Hudson's Bay, in the month of June last, they having started on the snow in Feb- ruary last." This memorandum is not signed. Folio 52. 2^ pp. Letter of M. de Denonville to Colonel Dongan. Folio 54. 6 pp. Letter of M. de Denonville to the Minister. Narrative of his expedition against the Tsonnontouans. Folio 61. 32 pp. Letter of M. de Denonville to the Minister. He recommends to him the Chevalier de Beaujy. The war once begun, ho does not know when it will end. The Sieui's Eochcfort and Macary. Folio 81. ^ PP. Epitome by the Minister of the letters received from M. de D^ nonville and of the answers that were given to them. Folio 83. 5 p_ M. Dongan to M. de Denonville. Folio 86. 7 pp. M. de Denonville to M. Dongan. Folio 9 pp. 1687 October 9, Quebec. 1687 October 12. Quebec. 1687 October — . 1687 October 27. 1687 October 28. Quebec. 1687. October 31, 1687. 1686. November 7, Quebec. 1687 November 10. 1687 April 26. Ville Marie. 1687 November 5, Quebec. 1687 June 7. 1686 {sic). January 21. Paris. 1687 March 1, Paris. 1687 1687 April 29, Larochelle. 1687 March 30. 'Versailles. 1687 October — , 1687 1687 M. de Denonville to M. de Louvois. He informs him that por- phyry has been found in the Island of St. Peter. Folios 96 and 97, 2 small pages, say 2 pp. Another letter of M. de Denonville in reply to one of M. Dongan. of 9th September. Folio 98. 5 pp. ** Memorandum of the expedition of M. de Denonville against the Tsonnontouans according to the orders of the King." Folio 104. 34 pp. "Memorandum of the present state of affairs in Canada. On the Iroquois' war." Folio 121. 21^ pp. M. de Denonville to the Minister. He recommends to him the Chevalier de Yaudreuil, " who has just left Montreal with one hund- red and twenty (120) Canadians, to fall abruptly upon the enemy." He commends him to the favour of the court, considering that " he is a cadet of quality of Gascony who will not often have letters of exchange from his country." Folio 147. 1 p. Letter of M. Dongan in reply to one from M. de Denonville of 12th October, 1687. Folio 164. 6^ pp. Memorandum of the things absolutely necessary for the warlike expedition of 1687. Folios 168-175. 12 pp. Denonville to the Minister. Bad state of affairs. Difficulty of resisting the Iroquois and English united. Want of assistance. Folio 177. 4 pp. Letter of M. Dongan to the Marquis de Denonville. Folio 180. Ip. Champigny to the Minister. The return of the troops sent against the Iroquois under the command of M. de Vaudreuil. Measures to be taken for their winter quarters. Narrative of his journey to Cataraqui. Misery and complaints of gentlemen and people. Folio 187. 2 pp. Memorandum of M. de Champigoy to the Minister. He gives an account of the administration of the country and of the expenditure of the Koyal funds. Folio 189., 28J medium-sized pages, about 20 pp. " The lands around Detroit and Lakes Erie and Huron once more taken possession of by the Sieur de la Durantaye." Folio 206. 1^ p. Talon thanks the Minister for having made an estimation of his brewery at Quebec, which was valued at 30,000 livres. Folio 208, 2 medium-sized pages, about 1^ p. (This letter ought to be included in the pi'eceding volume.) M. de Lagny. Memorandum commencing with these w^rds: " M. de Lagny informs the parties interested in the sedentary fishery of Acadia, of the resolution which has been taken to erect fortified places." Folio 211. 1^ p. "Memorandum of the partners in the Hudson's Bay Company." Folio 213. Ip. Memorandum of M. de Menneval *' on the point of embarking at La Bochelle in the " Diligente " in order to sail for Chedabouctou, where the " Friponno " will receive him on his return to Quebec." Folio 214. 1 p. Ordinance of the King prohibiting his subjects established in Canada from going to inhabit the neighbouring countries. Folio 215, 2 small pages, about 1 p. Memorandum on the affairs of North America (Hudson's Bay), by MM. Barillon and de Maurepas. Folio 227. 9^ PP» Memorandum of the parties interested to the Marquis de Soigne- lay on the affairs of Hudson's Bay. Folio 232. 3 pp. Another memorandum on the same subject. Folio 234. 11 pp. li 1687 January — . 1687 October — , Quebec. Witbout date but apparent- ly written in 1687 1687 1687 Memorandum without signature, addressed to the Marquis do Seignelay, on the dangor to which Canada is exposed and the measures for a remedy, &c. Folio 249, 3 large pages, about 4 pp. Memorandum, without signature, on the questions concerning the alleged right of the French and English over the lands of North America, and in particular the countries of the Iroquois and Ottawas. Folio 251, 7^ large passes, about 8 pp. Memorandum on the rule of the French in Canada until 1687. Folio 260. 68 pp. Memorandum concerning the trade of Canada. Folio 295. ll^- pp. Memorandum on the dispute about Hudson's Bay, by the Abbe Bernon(?). Folio 302. 5 pp. End of Vol. 9, 1688 Nov. 6. Quebec. 1688. March 8. No date. 1688. Oct. 18. 1688. January 20. Acadia. 1688. Jan. 27, 1688. April 24. 1688. March 8. 1688. April 28. 1688. Mays. 1688. May 12. Ville Marie. 1688. June 15. Montreal. 1688. June 18, Tille Marie. Canada — Coreespondance GtNtRXL. 1688—1689. YoL. 10.— M. DE Denonville, Governor General, M. de Cham- PIGNT, InTENDANT. C. 11. Joint letter of MM. de Denonville and de Champigny to the Minister. Fort Frontenac. La Salle. Temiscamingue. Hudson's Bay. Folio 8, 17 middle-sized pages, about 15 pp. Extract of answers to letters of MM. de Denonville and de Cham- pigny, received from Canada. Folio 17. Hi- pp. Letter of M. de Denonville to the King, assuring him of his zeal for his service. Folio 26. IJP. Memorandum of the Sieur Gaultier to M. de Denonville, concern- ing the pillage of Acadia by robbers. Folio 18, 2 middle-sized pages. IJ p. Memorandum concerning the sedentary fishery and trade of Acadia, and the Sieur Perrot who was recalled from the Government of that country. Folio 30. 2J pp. Letter of Colonel Dongan to M. de Denonville, concerning the bad treatment which some intoxicated savages inflicted on Father Vail- lant and M. Dumont. Keply of M. de Denonville to Colonel Don- gan. These two letters are copied on the same pages, facing one another and begin at Folio 32. 8 pp. Memorandum instructing the Marquis do Denonville on the expla- nations to be given on the subject of the disputes between the French and English concerning the ownership of North America. Folio 38. 3 pp. Eeplies, evidently of the Court, but without signatures, to letters of Sieur de Menneval, from Acadia. Folio 40. 5 pp. Plan of the Minister for waging war on the Iroquois. Folio 43. 5ipp. Letter of M. de Denonville to M. Dongan, reproaching him with exciting the savages against us. Folio 46. 3 pp. The Iroquois come to make proposals for pence to MM. de Denonville and de Champigny. Folio 48. 2 pp. M. de Denonville to M. Dongan. He imparts to him the orders of the King of France on the subject of the harmony which ought to prevail between the subjects of the French King and those of His Britannic Majesty* Folio 52. 3 pp. lii 1683. June 20. Albany. 1688. July 5. Ville Marie. 1688. July 7, Albany. 1688. August 20. 1688. August 10. 1688. August 10. 1688. August 21. 1688. September 29. 1688. August 23. 1688. 1688. October 30. Quebec. 1688. Oct. 31. Quebec. 1688. Nov. 2. Quebec. 1688 Nov. 6, Quebec. 1687 (sic) December ^8. Quebec. 1688 1688 August 8, Quebec. M. Dongan to M. de Denonville. He has received a letter from the King of Great Britain which mast put an end to all their vari- ances. Folio 55. 1 p. M. de Denonville to M. Dongan, in reply to the preceding letter on the subject of the harmony which ought to preva,il among them , &c., &c., &c, Folio 56. 3 pp. M. Dongan toM. de Denonville. Latter in Latin. Folio 59. 2 pp. M. de Denonville to M. Dongan. Folio 61. 2 pp. " Memorandum giving information regarding the state of affairs in New France and the conduct of de Denonville since the last campaign, 1687," addressed to the Marquis de Seignelay. The way in which war is waged against the Iroquois. Trade and the hunting of the beaver cause agriculture to be neglected, &c. Folio 63. 17 pp. " Memorandum of one of the greatest evils of the colony for the Marquis de Seignelay." Abuse of strong drink among the savages, abuse which is spreading among the inhabitants, and produces all kinds of disorders. It ought to be suppressed. Folio 72. 3J pp; Letter of Mr. Andros, Governor of New England, to M. de Denon- ville. He intimates to him his nomination as Governor, and com- municates to him the instructions received from his Government concerning the conduct he is to hold towards the savages and the cordial understanding which he desires should prevail between M. de Devonville and himself. Folio 75. 1 p^ Letter of Mr. Andros, Governor of New England, to M. de De- nonville, concerning the murder of five savages. Folio 82. 1 p. Eeply of M. de Denonville to the three letters of Mr. Andros, of 21st August and 8th and 29th September, 1688. Folio 76. 3| pp. Memorandum on the clothing of the soldiery seat to Canada in 1688. Folio 85. li p. Narrative of events in Canada. Irruption of the Iroquois ; mas- sacre of colonists, &c. Folio 8t>, 14 middle-sized pages, about 12 pp. M. de Denonville to the Minister. He recounts to him the ser- vices of M. d'Iberville, and recommends him, as well as Messrs. de Longueuil and de Ste. Helene. Folio 94, IJ ?• Investigation made by the Lieutenant-General of the Prevote of Quebec in relation to a voyage to Hudson Bay. Folio 96. 5^ pp. Memorandum on the state of the affairs of the country from 10th August, 1688, till 31st October of the same year. Folio 100. 21J pp. Copy of the letter from M. de Denonville to Mr. Dongan in answer to his of the 31st October and of the 10th November, 1687, confirming the arrival of Major Gregoire in good health, and reminding of the execution of the treaty of neutrality of the 16th November, 1686, &c. Folio 112. 4 pp. [This letter should form part of the preceding volume, and be placed the last of Yol. 9.] Memorandum of public affairs in Canada, for the Marquis of Seignelay. Folio 116. 3^ pp. Letter from de Champigny to the Minister, informing him of the arrival at Quebec of the vessel which it had pleased the King to grant to the Hudson Bay Company. This vessel carried Mgr. de Laval, the former Bishop of Quebec, and assistance in men and money. Folio 119. 14 pp. liii 1688 October 19, Quebec. 1688 1688 September 21, lie de Charle- ton («c). 1688 (Date in pen- cil). M. de Champigny to the Minister. He announcea the depreda- tions committed by a pirate in Acadia. The departure for France of a vessel laden with furs ; • remarks upon this traffic. Protestation of friendship from Mr. Andros, the Governor of New England. Folio 127 18 pp. Statement of the expenditure made in the year 1688 on account of the war against the Iroquois. Folio 130. 18 pp. Letter from d'lberville, commanding in the North Bay ot Canada. Folio 146, 3 medium pages, say 2 pp. 1688 1688 1688 1688 Memorandum of the Chevalier de Callieres, Governor of the Island of Montreal, to the Marquis de Seignelay. He complains of Mr. Dongan. Folio 148. 3 pp. Memorandum respecting the sub-lease of the rights of the King in Canada during the lease of Fauconnet. Folio 158. 6 pp. Memorandum from the English justifying their claims to Hudson's Bay. The English allege that the French had no knowledge of the Hudson Bay until 1682. That they made themselves masters of it while under the English flag. Folio 162, 12^ medium pages, per- haps 9 pp. Memorial, not signed, presented to the Marquis de Seignelay, recommending that the Government should entrust to Captain Pierre Allemand a small vessel with which to explore the Esquimaux country. Folio 169. 2 pp. Memorandum on the administration of the revenue of Canada. Folio n I. 6 pp. Memorandum on the right of hunting the beaver. Folio 175. 2 pp. Memoir ; information of the administration of the revenue of Canada at the time of its establishment, by what was done then and by what is done today. Folio 177, 8 medium pages, perhaps 6 pp. Messieurs de Denonville and de Champigny. Continuation. Arrival of General Andros at New York. His evident evil inten- tions. Statement of expenditure, &c. Folios 184 to 188 inclusive, 6 large pages, say 9 pp. Acadia, The parties interested in the fixed fishing grounds. Continuation. Folio 191. 2 pp. Newfoundland, Mr. Paret. Continuation of a memoir. Folio 192. 3 pp. Copy of a letter from M. de Denonville to M. Valrennes, signed September 24. by Ijxjq^ and given to M. de Frontenac. Folio 194, 9 medium pages, say 7 pp. 1690 Extract from the memoirs ^of M. de Denonville. Folio 202, 7 March 4. medium pages, say 5 pp^ 1689 Letter from de Frontenac to the Minister respecting the depre- November 17. dations committed by the Iroquois. Folio 207. 1 p. The taking possession of Bale des Puants. Folio 211, 3 medium pages, say 2 pp. Proclamation of King William and Queen Mary at Fort Nelson, in Hudson Bay. Folio 215. Ip. Letter from Frontenac to the Minister, in which he gives an 1686 (.aw) 1681 (nc) 1689 1689 1689 1689 Quebec. 1689 May 8. 1690 1689 November 15, account of his voyage from France to Quebec, and of the condition Quebec. ;„ which he found the country. General consternation of the m wnicn he louna the country, inhabitants by reason of the horrors Folio 217. consternation committed by the Iroquois. 15ppi 106—1: liv 1619 July 6, Ville Alarie. 1689 November 16 and 17. 1689 January. No date. .No date. 1690 May 22. No date. 1689 November '■ OV 1689 1689 1689 April 14. 1689 No date. 1689 1689 1689 1689 April. Champigny to the Minister. General condition of the country. Incursion by the Iroquois, &c. Folio 226, 21 medium pages, say 15 pp. M. de Champigny to the Minister. General remarks. From folio 244 to 257, 20 medium pages, say 15 pp. Scheme of the Chevalier de Callieres, and statement on the con- dition of affairs in Canada. Folio 260. 8 pp. Memorandum of the Chevalier de Callieres respecting the expedi- tion against New York. Folio 2*71, 6 medium pages, say 5 pp; Letter to the Minister respecting the same project. Folio 275. 2 pp. M. de Callieres to the Minister, requesting assistance for the de- fence of Canada, and to undertake the capture of New York. Folio 277. 2^ pp. Another memorandum from M. de Callieres on the subject of the proposed expedition against New York. Folio 279. 2| pp. Memorial from M. de Callieres on the state of affairs in Canada. Complaints against New York and General Andros. Folio 281. 2ipp. Memorial from M. de Callieres to the Marquis de Seignelay, on the condition of Canada. He recurs to the scheme of an expedition against New York. Folio 283. 6 pp. Memoirs and letters respecting the Hudson Bay, the conquests of d'Iberville and the Northern Company. To copy from folio 290 to the 3I2th, 28 larges pages, say« nearly 34 pp. Extract from the statement of the condition of affairs in Canada at the time of the sailing of the vessels. Folio 321. 5 pp. Remarks of the Minister on the scheme of the proposed attack on New York. Folio 324. 2 pp. Eemarks on a memorial containing three memoranda on the dis- posal of the beaver in Canada. Folio 325. 5 pp. On the establishment which the French had made at Crown Point, and which the English proposed to cause to be discontinued. Folio 329. 1 p. Eemarks on what would appear to be important for the King's service for the protection of New-France. Folio 330. 7 J pp. Summary of the letters, &c., from M M. de Frontenac, de Denon- ville, de Champigny and de Callieres, &c., on the state of affairs in Canada before and since the arrival of M. de Frontenac up to the time of the departure of the vessels. Folio 338, 9 large pages, say 12 pp. Memoir respecting the difference between trade with the Indians at Montreal and at Orange. Folio 343. 1 p. Memoir given by M. d'Auteuil respecting justice, commerce and war in Canada. Folio 344 4 pp. End of Vol. 10. 1690 Canada. — Correspond ance Gf n^ralb. 1690—1691. Vol, 11. — M. de Frontenac, Governor General, M. de C/HAMPiaNY, Intendant. Narration of what has passed of the most remarkable character in Canada, since the departure of the ships in the month of November, Iv 1691 November 12. 1689-90 1690 February 15. 1690 August 30, Quebec. 1690 November 12 and 20, Quebec. 1689, up to the month of November, 1690. [This document wa3 drawn up by Moneeignat, the Comptroller-General of Marine in Canada. It is adiressed to " Madame," There is added in the margin that it is thought that this was Madame de Maintenon. It con- tains details of the attack of Phipp.9 on Quebec] Folio 5. 71 pp. Narrative, not t-igned, of what pansed of an important character in Canada, from the departure of the frigate "La Fleurde May," on the 27th November, 1690, until its departure again in 1691. Folio 41, 71 medium pages, nearly, perhaps 50 pp. Extract from the instructions given to M. de Frontonac, in the matter of the expedition to be made against New York. Folio 81. 3ipp. Scheme for the defence of Canada. Folio 82, 2 large pages, say 3 pp. Letter from M. de Frontenac to the Minister, about the great poverty existing in Canada ; and about what look place sioce the departure of the vessels. Folio 83. 6 pp. M. de Frontonac to the Minister. Ho fears that the Ottawas will not be able to conclude a treaty with the Iroquois. Exploits of Messrs. de Loavigny, d'Hosta de la Gemmeraie, Hertel, derortneuf and do Courtemancho. A^^ks for patents of nobility for Hertel. Seed time and harvests. 500 Ottawas at Montreal with furs to the value of more than 100,000 crowns. Siege of Quebec by an English fleet. Praise for the Canadians. Capture of Port Eoyal. Proposes to storm out the English from Boston, Want of the necessaries of life, (fee. Sends in a postscript the summons of the English Admiral. Folio 86. 29 pp. Return of the vacant ofi&cos which M. de Frontenac had filled daring the year 1690, while waiting his Majesty's Commissioners. Folio 102. 2J pp. Letter from M. de Pontchartrain, Comptroller-General of Finances, on the subject of the beaver trade. Folio 104. 2| pp. Memorial from M. de Frontenace to the Marquis de Seignelay November 20, concerning various officers. Folio 103. 2 pp. Quebec. ^ *^^ Memorial from M. de Frontenac, requesting certain things which are absolutely necessary to him. Folio 127. 2 pp. Address which should be made to the Ottawas (by M, de Fron- tenac) in order to dissuade them from the alliance which they desired to make with the Iroquois and the English. Folio 130. 7 pp. Memorial presented by Mr. Fran9oi8Hazeur, merchant of Quebec, to M. de Champigny respecting timber which might be cut at Malbaie for the King's service. Folio 139, 3 pp. From the King to Messrs. de Frontenac and de Champigny. Instructions respecting the Iroquois, the fortifications of Quebec, &c. Folio 141. 8 pp. Statement from M. de Callieres on the present condition of Canada. Folio 149. 6 pp. Memorial from M. de Denonville respecting Canada. Folio 154, 8 large pages, about 9 pp. Memorial from M. du Plessis on the defence of Canada. Folio 169. 3 pp. Memorandum given by M. Henault to M. d'Eragny about the western revenue board. Commerce, &c. Folio 171. H PP* Memorial fiom the parties interested in the beaver trade of Canada. They have given over to the English, Fort Bourbon in Hudson B.iy. They ask that their right of trading bo extended for six more years. Folio 177. 2it dd. 1690 July 7, Versailles 1690 No date. 1690 1690 November 8, ^Quebec. 1690 1690 1690 January. 1690 February 15 1690 1690 Ivi 1690. 1690 January. 1691 March 15. No date. 1691 May 10, Quebec. 1691 June 18. 1691 Qnebec. 1691 August 12 and 14, Three Rivers. 1691 August 30, Quebec. 1691 October 7, Montreal. 1691 August 15, Quebec. 1691 October 15, Quebec. 1691 October 20, Quebec. 1691 October 20, Quebec. No date. 1691 May 10, Quebec. Memorandum on the trade of Canada. Folio 1*79. 10 pp. Memorial from M. de Denonville to the Marquis de Seignelay respecting Canada. Jealousy of the English and Dutch against the French. Influence of the Jesuits over the Indians. The Abenakis Indians on the Boston side. The Iroquois. Evils caused to the Indians by brandy. The posts too far distant. Hunters. Death of La Salle. The English seek to ruin the colony. The Fisheries. Expedition against New York, &c. Boston without fortifications. The Fort at Cataraqui must be destroyed, &c. Folio 185, 18 large pages, say 22 pp. Commission as Harbour-Master of the Port given to M. de I'Espinay by M. de Frontenac. Folio 196. 1| p. Sketch of what it is necessary to do for the building of thfr detached barracks in Fort St Louis, at Quebec. Folio 198. IJ p. Extract from the memorial of M. de Champigny to the Minister. Measures to be taken for the preservation of the Colony. Questions of precedence. A Huron passes over to France and wishes to see the King. Folio 203. 3 pp. Journal of M. de Courtemanche ; sent among the Ottawas by the Governor. Folio 205. 6 pp. Letter from M. de Frontenac to the King, thanking him for his goodness. He asks for fresh troops, b'^olio 209, 3 small pages, say 2 pp. M. de Frontenac to the Minister. He thanks him for his protec- tion. An addition to this letter in which he relates the battle which took place between M. de Callieres and the English, the Agniers and the Loups, two leagues from Montreal. Folio 211. 2 pp. Another letter from Frontenac to the Minister, almost in the same strain as the foregoing. Folio 213. 2 pp» Letter from M. Dollier, Superior of the Seminary at Montreal, with respect to the ravages caused by drunkenness. Folio 220. IJ p. Statement of the vacant offices which had been filled by M. de Frontenac during the year 1691. Folio 221. 6^ pp. Memorial from Frontenac, in which he again asks from the Minister a chaplain, a surgeon, &c. Folio 228. IJ p. From the same to the same. He protests against the intrigues of his enemies, &c. Folio 230. 4 pp. 0, 1691 May 12, Quebec. 1691 March 12, Quebec. General statement of the affairs of the m pp. The same to the same, colony. Folio 233. Memoir respecting the two vessels which are to go to the mouth of the Elver St, Lawrence. Folio 248. 2 pp. Champigny to the Minister. Urgent need of help. Fortifications of Quebec, Montreal, and Three Eivera. Gratuities to be given. Great distress in which 150 Basque sailors were found. Card money. Death of La Salle. Duel between Messrs. de Lorimier and Noyan. Nobles a charge on the country. Death of M. de Sainte H61eno. Honours to be paid to the Governor, &c. Eolations with the Indians. Praise of M. de La Durantaye. Eebuilding of the Castle of Quebec. Folio 252. 17 pp. Instructive memoir on Canada, annexed to the preceding letter. Folio 262. 14 pp. Another letter from M. de Champigny. Attacks by the Iroquois in the neighbourhood of Montreal. Asks for assistance. Folio 251 1 p^ Ivii 1691 August 12, Quebec. 1691 October 12, Quebec. 1691 October 12, Quebec. 1691 November 12, 'age of arms by d'Iborvillo at the mouth of the Eiver St. Jean. Folio 182, 10 medium pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. General business. Furloughs. The fur trade. Commerce. Religious bodies. Clothing of the troops. Provisions. Ammunition, &c. Folio 196, 22 medium pages, say about 16 pp. General memorandum on Canada, not signed. Folio 213. 4 pp. Do Callieres to the Minister. Hj gives a detailed account of the expedition against the Onontagues. Folio 216. 18 pp. DTberville to the Minister. Ho gives an account of his last expe- dition to Acadia and elsewhere. Folio 238. 15 pp. The same to the same. Gives an account of his expedition to Newfoundland. Folio 250. 7 pp. Ixiv 1696 1696 1696 Febrnarj- 10. 1696 1696 1696 May 12, General considerations on the beaver trade ia Canada (Memorial sent to d'Aguosseau). Folio 255, 21 largo pages, say 25 pp. Memorial from the merchants of La Kochelle who carry on busi- ness in Canada. Folio 268. 5|^pp. Memorandum of Eiverin, on the beaver of Canada. Folio 280. 10 pp. Memorandum on the affairs of Canada. Stoppage of furloughs. Abandonment of our allies. Folio 304, 9 half-pages, say 4 pp. Memorandum on Canada and Acadia. Folio 320, 4 large pages, say 1 pp. Another memoir on the affairs of Canada. Proposal for a new company for the beaver trade. Folio 331. 38 pp. End of Volume 14. 1697-98 1697 'October 19, Quebec. 1697 October 13, Quebec. 1697 October 15, Quebec. 1697 August 26. 1697 •October 10, Quebec. 1697 August 13, Quebec. 1697 October 24, •Quebec. 1697 October 23. Canada — Correbpondance G:^n:6rale. 1697. Vol. 15. — De Frontenac, Governor General, de CHAMPiaNY, Intendant. C. 11, Two narratives of the most remarkable occurrences in Canada, since the departure of the ships in 1696 and 1697, until the 20th October, 1698. From folio 3 to 37. 66 pp. Frontenac and Champigny to the Minister. The English must be prevented from trading with the Ottawas, &c. Fort Bourbon. Invalided soldiers embarked on "LaGironde." Stoppage of far- loughs. Trappers. Mines on the Mississippi. Flour received from France. Lino's interpreter. Juchereau. The Ursulinea at Three Eivers. Messrs. Subercasse, de Valrenne, Bornon and d'lberville. Folio 39. 24 pp. Declaration of those interested in the Northern Company in the matter of Fort Bourbon. Folio 86. 4^ pp. Frontenac to the Minister. Considerations on the advantages that France would secure from the capture of Manhattan and Boston. Michillimakinac and its commandaut. La Mothe Cadillac. Folio 91. 21pp. Champigny to the Minister. Gives intelligence of Newfoundland. A privateer from Boston has captured a fishing vessel from Gaspe. Capture of a small English vessel by M. Aubert, a Canadian. Folio 107. 6 pp. The same to the same. Details about the capture of a vessel cap- tured by M. Aubert. Suit by those interested in the matter of this capture. Folio 111. J-t PP- The same to the same. Arrival of the " Amphitrite " with three other veseels. M. deNesmond. Finances of the colony. Expenditure. Presents to the Indians. Price and quality of beaver skins. Assembly of the notables of the Mississippi. Tonty replaces La Mothe. The capture of M. Aubert. Folio 120. Champigny to the Minister. He sets colony. Mines on the Fisheries. De Portneuf. 37 pp. forth some matters of diffi- culty which he has had with Da Frontenac. Folio 140. pp. The same to the same. Memorandum of those who have gone up to Michillimakinac, the country ot the Ottawas with Tonty at the beginning of September, 1697. Folio 143. 1 p. Ixv 1697 October 25. 1697 October 15. 1697 Jaae 1, Montreal. 1697 September 6, Montreal. 1697 October 13 and 15, Quebec. 1697 July 5, Plaisance. 1697 October 19. 1697 1697 July. Copy of an order from de Callierea to Lo Verrier to Btop the Frenchmen who were proceeding to the Ottawas. Folio 144. 6 pp. De Callieres to the Minister. Account given of the relations with the Indians. Folio U7. 10^ large pages, say 14 pp. Ordinance from de Callieres forbidding any person from trad- ing without permission. Folio 154. 1^^ pp. Order from the same to La Terrier to proceed on foot to the Long Sault to prevent any Frenchmen from ascending the Grand River. Folio 156. 2^ pp. Two letters from La Touche in answer to certain complaints made against him. From folio 159 to 167. 14^ pp. D'lberville to the Minister. Gfives an account of his last opera- tions. Folio 169, 10 large pages, say 12 pp. Certificate from de La Darantaye in the matter of a vessel taken by d'lberville. Folio 175. 1 p. Memorandum of M. do Pontchartrain regarding the Bishop of Quebec. Folio 211. 3 pp. Memorandum of M. de Chevry on Acadia. Folio 218. 6 pp. End op Vol. 15. 1698 October 15, Quebec. 1698 October 10, Quebec. 1698 October 25, Quebec. 1698 April 22 and June 28, New York and Quebec. 1698 Aagust 3 and September 21, New Ycrk and Quebec. Canada — Correspondancb GfNfeaALE. 1698. YoL. 16. — M. DE Frontenac, Governor, M. de Champigny, Intendant. C 11. Letter of MM. de Champigny and de Frontenac to the Minister. Negotiations with New England. M. de Bellomont. Need of funds. Fortifications. Want of soldiers. Tonty. Eulogy of the Bishop of Quebec. Conceseions. The Sieur de Longueuil wishes to have his land erected into a Barony. Concessions to de Boacherville con- firmed. Post at Isle Percee. Demand for increase of salaries. Folio 2. 39^ pp. Frontenac to the Minister. News from Acadia. Pi'omiso of peace being concluded with the Iroquois. Leaves of absence. The 8ieur de Tonty. Post of Michillimakinac. Fort Frontenac. Castle of Quebec. The capture of Sieur Aubert. M. de Grandpre commands at Three Rivers during the absence of M. de Yaudreuil, who himself commands at Montreal during the absence of M. de Callieres. The latter was wrongfully accused. The Sieur de Galiifet wishes to establish a post at Perce. La Mothe Cadillac goes to France, t*tc. Folio 50. 20 pp. Frontenac and Champigny to the Minister. Commercial men and traders. Affairs of the Indians. Folio 62. 6 pp. Copy of a letter of M. de Bellomont, Governor General of New England, to the Count de irontenac, together with the reply of the latter. Controversy on the subject of the Iroquois. Do thoy belong to the King of Great Britain or to the King of France ? Folio 66. 15 pp. Another letter of M. de Bellomont on the same subject, together with the reply of M. de Frontenac. Folio 74. 9 pp. Ixvi 16D8 Aii,sju?t 28, New Y irk. 1698 July 3, Quebec. 1698 July 12, Quebec, 1698 October 14, Quebec. ^ 1698 October 27, Quebec. 1698 December 22, Quebec. 1698 October 15, Quebec. 1693 1698 Another letter of M. de JJellomont on the same subject. Folio 85. 2 pp. Champigny to the Minister, concerning a lawsuit of Moreau and Durand against LaMothe Cadillac. A curious document. Folio 81. 16 pp. The same to the same. War between the English and Iroquois. Indian Christians. Events at Michillimackinac. Folio 97. 7^ pp. The same to the same. Fortifications of Quebec. Expenditure for 1&97. State of the troops. Eulogy of do La Durantaye, of de Longaeuil, of DuLuth, of de Maricourt. Sick soldiers. Le Sueur and his pretended mines. The Sieur Tonty. Parish priests. The Sieurs Sarrazin, Dubuisson, Dupuy, de Villeray. The Castle of Quebec, &c. Folio 102. 48 pp. Champigny to the Minister. Brigantine sailed on a cruise from Quebec. Judges for maritime causes. Sieur Dupuis chosen as judge, Le Pallieur as clerk, and Duplessis as receiver. Sieur Tonty and Michillimackinac. Smuggled peltries. Leaves of absence, &o. Trading in the woods, &c. Folio 130. 16 pp. The same to the same. Intimating to him the death of Couut de Frontenac, whom he eulogizes. Folio 141, 4 small pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. He defend.^ himself against certain accu- sations. The Iroquois sue for peace. Messages of peace sent from Orange, &c. Folio 164, 13^ large pages, say 16 pp. Memorandum of the North Company on Hudson's Bay. Folio 174. • 4| pp. Memorandum on the new route to be taken in order to avoid the loss of vessels doing the trade of Canada. Folio 190. 7 pp. End of Yol. 16. Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE G^n^rale. Vol. 17.— M. de CalliIires, Governor-General ; M. de Champigny, Intendant. C. 11. 1699 October 20, Quebec. 1639 October 26. 1699 May 2, Montreal. 1699 June 2, Montreal. 1699 July 3. 1699 September 9. 1699 October 20, <)aebec. M. de Callieres, Governor General and M. de Champigny, Intendant. Collective letter to the Minister on the general affairs of the Colony. Folio 3. 27^ pp. " Memorandum of certain petitions addressed to the King. " Folio 19. 2 pp. Gover- 3 pp. M. de Callieres to the Minister. Bequest to be appointed nor of New France. Folio 24. 6^ small pages, say The same to the same. Disquietude caused to him by the English of Orange. Folio 28. 5^ small pages, say 2^ PP^ Copy of a letter of M. de Bellomont to the Chevalier de Callieres. Folio 32. 1 p. Eeply of the Chevalier de Callieres. Folio 34. 1^ p. M. de Callieres to the Minister. Ho thanks him for having appointed him Governor General. He lives in peace with the Bishop. Trade in beavers. Ottawa savages at Montreal. Trade. The Iroquois are quiei. "Want of Priests for the Missions. Officers who ask to be allowed to go to France, &c. Folio 36. 10 pp. Ixvii 1700 November 7. This letter ought to be in the next volume. 1699 May 26. 1699 September 21, Quebec. 1699 October 20, Quebec. 1699 October 20, Quebec. 1699 October 20, Quebec. 1699 1699 June 3, Montreal. 1699 October 7, Montreal. 1699 June 2, Montreal. 1699 June 2, Montreal. 1699 The same to the same. He communicates to him the Judgment which he gave in the affair of the Sienr de Louvigny, &c. Folio 44. 13 middle-sized pageB, say 9 pp. Champigny to the Minister. The succession of M. de Frontenac regulated. The Iroquois show good will. Contagious diseases. Louvigny asks to be Major of Three Eivers. Parish Priests. Com- munities. Complains of the pretensions of AI. de Callieres. Folio 53. 10 small pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Discharged soldiers. Beavers. The Sieur de la Valliere sent to M, de Bellomont. Kangers of the woods, &c. Folio 59. 4 small page?, say 3 pp. The same to the same. On the price of beavers, &c. Folio 62. 6J small pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. The Iroquois continue quiet. Asks that the Sieur de Tourville be name! King's Procurator at Quebec. The Clergy. Communities, Troops. Officers. Justice. Msrchants. Artisans, &c. Gratuities. Folio 66. 18 pp. The same to the same. War expenses, provisions, &c. General expenditure. Pay of the troops. Reducing their numbers. Masta. Boyal stores. Schools of Montreal. Promotions of officers, &c. Folio 76. 36^ pp. Memorandum on the reduction of the army in Canada. Folio 97. 1 p. Letter of the Sieur de La Touche to the Minister concerning the difficulties that had arisen between him and M. de Callieres who claimed certain honours. Folio 105. 3 pp. The same to the same. Abuses as regards the troops. Folio 107. 3 pp. M. Le Jloy de La Potherie Controller of the Marine, to the Min- ister. Relating to the honours sought by M. de Callieres. Folio 110. 3 pp. The same to the same. Another letter, adding details on the same subject, and on the spirit of discord waich prevails in the Colony. Folio 112. 4| pp. Memorandum given to Father de La Chaise regarding the Iroquois. Folio 143. Ip. End of Vol. 17. Canada — Oorrespondance GtIjn^rale. 1700. Vol. 18. —M. de CalliIires, Governor General. M. de Champigny, Intendant. C. 11. 1700 MM. de Callieres and de Champigny to the Minister. Events October 18, of the year. Peace concluded with the Iroquois. Debts of do La Quebec. Salle. Troops. Tonty. Sattlementson the Mississippi. D'Iberville. Presents to the savages. The Company of Merchants. Improve- ments of land. Religious communities. The Sieur S:irrazin doctor and his services. Jolliet deceased. Father Hennepin, Famine. The Castle of Quebec not completed. Seal fishing. Projected enlargement of the Lower Town of Quebec. Recommendations in favour of certain persons. Folio 3, 35| middle-sized pages, say, 24 pp. Ixviii 1700 November 6, Quebec- 1700 October 16, Quebec. 1700 Jane 21. 1700 June 27. 1700 July 18. 1700 July 22, Quebec. 1700 October 15, Quebec. 1700 October 17, Quebec. 1700 October, Quebec. 1700 September 3. 1700 September 3, 1700 Augusi 11, Quebec. 1700 October 16. 1700 NoTember 6, Quebec. 1700 1700 No date. 1700 November 7, Quebec. Callieres and de Champigny to the Minister, on the trade of Canada. Folio 22, 5J middle-sizei pagee, say 4 pp. Callieres to the Minister. Relations with the savages. Trade in beaver. The Mississippi. The Sioux. Project of M. de BoUomont. Iroquois. Frauds. Revenues. G-oneral Hospital. Courtemanche. Ramezay. Louvigny. Folio 63, 17 Mnall pages, about 12 pp. The Ottawas acknowledge to M. de Callieres having massacred some Iroquois and made others prisoners. Folio 7B. 1 p. Reply to them of M, de Callieres. Folio 79. 3 pp. Interview of six Iroquois deputies with M. de Callieres. Folio 81. 5 pp. M. de Champigny to the Minister. Peace with the Iroquois, &c. Folio 90, 3 small pages, say ]^ p^ The same to the same. Receipts and expenditure. Old debts paid. The 8,000 livres granted to the Parish Priests. Merchandise. Clothing of the troops. Masts sent to France. Precedence in the church Commissions. Asks a gratification for Mile, de Vercheres. Complaints of the Sieur de Bernon. Improvements to be made in the Lower Town of Quebec. Soldier condemned to the galleys. Folio 92. 32 pp. The same to the same. Trade in beaver. Folio 110. "^J PP* 2ipp. sue for 4 pp. 8 pp. Statement of the distribution of the 3,000 livres granted by the King in 1700 to furnish dowries for sixty girls, allowing 50 livres to each one. Folio 130. Speeches of 19 Iroquois who came to M. de Callieres to peace. Folio 139. Reply of M. de Callieres. Folio 141. Letter of M. LoRoy de La Potherie to the Minister regarding the peace which the Five Nation Indians concluded with the Fx-ench. Folio 146. 7 pp. The same to the same. The Iroquois reconciled with New France. Narrative of what took place at a council held by the delegates of the Five Nations and the French Ambassadors. Folio 150. 18J pp. Petition of Sieur de Louvigny to the Sovereign Council. Folio 315. 7 pp. Greneral affairs in regard to which it is necessary to give orders. Folio 321, six small pages, say, 3 pp. Extract of informations and other proceedings taken against the Siears de Louvigny and de la Perrotiere, accused of having traded at Fort Frontenac. From folio 325 to 333 c, 20 small pages, say 10. Purpose and plan of the undertaking of New England. Folio 335. 6 pp. Two memoranda of Sieur Levasseur de Neri, Chief Engineer- on the fortifications of Quebec. Folio 345. 9 pp. End op Yol. 18. Ixix 1701 October 5, Quebec. 1701 October 31, Quebec. 1701 November 6, Quebec. 1701 November 24. 1701 August 4. 1701 August 6, Quebec. 1701 October 4, Quebec. 1701 October 31, Quebec. 1701 March 22, Quebec. 1701 October 30, Quebec. 1701 November 17, Quebec. 1701 1701 1701 October 10, Quebec. 1701 November 24, Quebec. 1701 March 23. 1701 Canada- Correspondaxce G^n^rale. noi. Vol. 19.— mm. de Callieres, Governor General, and de Cham- PIGNY, InTENDANT. C. 11. M. De Callieres and de Champigny to the Minister. Peace with the Iroquois. Fort Frontenac abandoned by the creditors ot La Salle. Debts of the latter. Troops. The Missis- sippi, Wood rangers. Permanent parish priests. Communities. Works for the City of Quebec. Tonty. Louvigny. Majority of Three Eivers. Seal fishery. English trade. Detroit. Bounties. Eulogy of the Sieur Sarrazin. Forbidden to imprison the inhabi- tants. Hemp. Brandy, &c. Folio 3. 39 pp. Callieres and Champigny to.the Minister. Much good done in the country by the Seminary of Quebec. Bandits start in canoes to go and range the woods. Flour purchased from an English thip notwithstanding the King's prohibition. Labrador. The Esquimaux. Seals, &c. Folio 23. 5 pp. The same to the same. Fort Frontenac, Wood Eangers arrested. Folio 27, 2 small pages, tay ^h V' The same to the same. They ask to have recruits for the Seminary of Quebec, &c. Folio 29, 4 small pages, say 2 pp. Eatifications of the Treaty of Peace concluded between Canada, her Indian allies, and the Iroquois. Folio 41, 7 large pages, say 10 pp. Callieres to the Minister; Ambassadors sent by the Indians. The English inclined to renew the war. Folio 112, 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the s;ame. Peace with the Iroquois. The English endeavour to miXv them break the treaty. Detroit. Qoarrels among the savage.-^. Duplessis. The majority of Three Eivers. Eepentigny, Louvigny, d'Auteuil, &c. Folio 114. 17 pp. The same to the same. Eolations with the Sioux. Prisoners held by the Iroquois. Bust of the King for the City of Quebec, &c. Folio 123, 7 small pages, say 3^ pp. Judgment of M. de Champigny which dismisses — acquitted and absolved — the Sieurs de Monseignat and de Conague, in the suits of Nicholas Perrot and Francis Perrot. Folio 134. 8 pp. Champigny to the Minister. The King's stores. Masts. Flour. State of offices. North Bay. Detroit. Expenditures, &c. Folio 145, 9 small pages, say 4^ pp. The same to the same. Where the King's bust ought to be placed. • The Sieurs de Joncaire, de Vaudreuil et Juchereau. Folio 150,6 small pages 3 pp. Designs on New England. Expedition which may bo undertaken there. Folio 232, 12 middle-sized pages, say 10 pp. Memorandum of M. d'lberville on Boston and its dependencies. Folio 241, 23 middle sizod-pages, say about 18 pp. Letter of the Sieur Le Vasseur, Engineer, to the Minister, on iho fortifications of Quebec. F< Ho 254, 3 middle-sized pages, say 2 pp. / The same to the same. Burning of the Seminary of Quebec. Folio. ^ 266. 3ipp. Memorandum, without signature, on several aflfairs of New France, v" Folio 273, 7 large pages, say 8 pp. Memorandum on the trade in hemp of Canada. Folio 28?. 2^ pp \^ 106— P Ixx 1701 '*-" Memorandum on the proceeds of the purchase of beavers for the Company of New France, in 1701. Folio 299. 2 pp. 1701 Memorandum of the Directors of the Company of Canada. Folio November 10, 300. 131 pp, Quebec. ^ *^^ 1701 Memorandum on Hudson's Bay. Folio 316. 5i PP. End of Volume 19. 1702 November 3, Quebec. 1702 November 3, Quebec. 1702 November 3, Quebec. 1702 November 15, Quebec. 1702 November 28, Quebec. 1702 November 4, Quebec. 1702 September 24, Quebec. 1702 1702 June 29, La Rocbelle. 1702 November II, Quebec. 1702 November 6, Quebec 1702 .Vovember 4, Quebec. Canada — Correspondance G^Niia ■^lb. 1702. Vol. 20. — M* de Callieres, Governor General, M. de Cham- PIGNY AND M. DE BeAUHARNOIS, InTENDANTS. C. 11. Proces Verbal by MM. de Callieres, de Beauharnois, and de Cham- pigoy, concerning the lease of the old farmers of Canada. Folio 51. 7 pp. MM. de Callieres and de Beauharnois to the Minister, Presents to the savages. The forts of Frontenac and Detroit. Wood rangers. Juchereau at the Mississippi. Fire at Fort Chambly. The 8,000 livres granted to the Parish Priests. Fortifications. Bounties at Vitre for the seal fishery. Fisheries of Labrador. Concessions. Horap. Inconveniences of the prohibition to sell brandy. Ex- portation of masts. The Sieur de I'Espinay. Le Sieur Levasseur and the laying out of the streets. Death of Provost and de Lachesnaye. Sarrazin too little remunerated, &c. Folio 56. 44 pp. Petition of the Counsellors of the Conseil Souverain of Quebec, asking that there ba no change in the Council. Folio 81, 2 small pages ^ I p. MM. de Callieres and de Beauharnois to the Minister. Eelative to throe canoes loaded with peltries arrived at Sillery. Folio 284, 2 pages 1 p. The same to the same. Difficulties which arise with the mission- aries about the savages. Folio 86, 2^ small pages, say 1| p. Callieres to the Minister. Peace with the savages. Fear of the English. Tithes. RecoUets. The Sieurs Bragalonne, Subercasse, Crisasy, Langloi-^erie, Detroit, &j. Folio 155, 32 middle-sized pages, say 26 pp. Memorandum by the officers of Canada, concerning a quan-el which arose between the S.eurs de Hauteville et Chacornacle (?) Folio 173, 3 pp. Memorandum on the ships belonging to the King in New France, on the 1st of October, 1702. Folio ls2. 1 p. Letter of M. de Beauharnois to the Minister before sailing for Canada. Folio 185. 3 p. The same to the same. Wood. Hemp. Whale fishing. The King's Lieutenant and Major of Quebec. The Palace gardens. The Sieur Hazeur, Hauteville. De Lino. Louvigny. d'Aigromont. The hospitallers. Poor and Catholic English who remain in the country. Hemp seed. Folio 187, 28 middle-sized pages, say 20 pp. Letter of the Sieur Levasseur de Nere to the Minister, concerning the fortifications of Ca'.md.n Folio 2U5, 5 large pages, say 6 p. M. de Vau ireuil to the Minister. Information as to the merit of pe S)ns serving in the army. Folio 214. 3^ p. Ixxi 1702 August 30, Michilimak- inac. 1702 November 6. Without date. Copy of a letter of M. place, to M. de Callieres. de Boishebei't Polio 220. who commanded at that 3 pp. Anonymous. Complaints against the Commandant of Chambly. Accusations against M. de Champigny, Burning of the Fort of Chambly. Folio 25 i, 2 middle s'zoJ pages, say 2 pp. Petition of the Ursulines of Quebec to Count de Pontchartrain . Folio 257. 1 p. End of Vol. 20. 1703 November 15, Quebec. 1703 November 14, Quebec. 1703 October 25. 1703 August 5. 1703 Sept. 2 and 4. 1703 July 14. 1703 1703 •July 14. 1703 April 27. 1703 November 16, Quebec. 1703 April 8, Quebec. 170J April 12. 1703 1703 1703 Canada—Correspondance G^N^RALB. 1703. Vol. 21. — M, de Vaudbeuil, Governor General, M. de Beauh vRNois, Intendant. C. 11. Letter of MM. da Baauharnois and de Vaudreuil to the Minister, followed by remarks of the latter at folio 2d. From folios 5 to 39, about 66 pp. Vaudreuil to the Minister. Death of de Oallieres. Preparations and menaces of the English. Dispositions of the savages. Trade, &c. Folio 50, 18 midile-siz3d pages Speech of Chief Orongatck, Tsonnontouan, to M. de Vaudreuil, with the latter's reply. Folio GO. 2h pp. Speech of the Miamis. Reply of M. de Vaudreuil. Folio 63. 2 pp. Speech of the Ottawas. Eaply of M. de Vaudreuil. Folio 72. 2^ pp. Speech of the Hurons. Eeply of M. de Vaudreuil. Folio 74. 4 pp. Speech of the Savages to Sieur de Vaudreuil, in 1703; his reply and remarks of the Minister. Folio 76. IT^ pp. Speech of the Miamis, with the reply of M. de Vaudreuil. Folio 85. 2 pp. M. de Boauharnois to the Minister. Expanses of the troops. Folio 92, 9 small pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. On the general affairs of the Colony. Folio 98, 20 middle-sized pages, say 15 pp. Le Vasseur to theMinisterconcerning the fortifications of Qaebec. Folio 114, 2 large pages. 3 pp.y^ " Memorandum of the Sieup Riverin on the permits to trade in pel- \J tries with the savages of Canada." Folio 209, 2^ large pages, say 4 pp. Succinct detail of what comooses the twenty millions (or there- abouts) which the colony of Canada produces for the King and his subjects. Folio 271, 3 large pages, say 4 pp. Memorandum to Mgr. the Count de Pontchartrain concerning the North Bay of Canada. Folio 273. 1^ p. Meraorand im of Sieur Riverin on the state of Canadian aflfairs.i ^ Folio 276, 7 largo pages, say 9 pp. End of Vol. 21. 106 F* Ixxil Canada — CoRRrispoNDANCE Gfcx^aALE. 1704-1705. Vol. 22.— M. de Vaudreoil, Govbrh^or General, MM. db Beau- HARNCIS AND RaUDOT, InTENDANTi^. C. 11. J704 MM. de Vitudreuil and de Boaaharnois to the Miaister. Expenses November 17, of the troops. Losses of the company. Arming of the " Atulanla," Quebec. Detroit. Household of the Sieurde La Mothe. Beauharnois. Reduction of the price of fat beavers. Relations with the savages. Propo.sals of the English to the Iroquois. LoBgueuil. Relations with tho Miamis. Expedition against the Englit-h. Brandy. Acadia. English prisoners, &c , &c. Folio 4, 47 middle-sized {-ages, say 35 pp. 1704 The fjame to the same. Civil and commercial affairs. Folio 29. 3Jpp. 1704 M. de Vaudieuil to the Minister. Want of provisions at Plai- April 3, '^" sance. Neutrality of the Iroquois, Abenaquis. Death of Mari- Mont.eal. ... ^q^j,^^ Prisoners, &c. Folio 32. 2 pp. '111704 -'^y, ^« ^6 Vaudreuil to the Minister. He thanks him for having November 16, appointed him Governor of the country. Eulogy of Sieur de Rouville. Quebec. ^]^q English do their best to set the Iroquois at variance with the French. Conduct of Sieur de Vinconnes. Pitre Seule (Peter Schuyler) commanding at Orange. Sieur de I'Espinay. Violence of M. de Eamczay. M. de Lotbiniere. ] 704 M- d© Beauharnois to the Minister. Law suit of Sieur de La Mothe. November 17, General affairs. Eulogy of the eldest son of M. de Vaudreuil. Qu(.bec. Intrigues ot Eamczay. Folio 41, 6|-, say 3 pp. 17C4 " Message of M. the Marquis of Vaudreuil sent by M. de Vin- J^^y 1- cennes." FoUo 45. IJ p. 1704 " Speeches of the Indians of Detroit, of the Hurons, Ottawas and July 30 & 31. Miamis to Tfconnontouans and the reply to the latter." Folio 47, 3 large pages, say 4 pp. 1704 '* Speech of the Hurons of Detroit and the Governor's reply." August 7. Folio &1. I p. 17C4 " Speech of the Tsonnontouans to the Governor and the latter's May 20. reply." Folio 54. 2 pp. 1704 Speech cf the Goyogouins to tho Governor and his reply. Folio July 2. 56. ' 1 p. 1704 Speech of theTsonnontouans and the reply. Folio 58. IJ p. September 12, §^^^^11 of the Agniers and the reply. Folio 58. 1^ p^ ^1704 State of the Fortifications of Montreal. Folio 59. 2 pp. ^^^'^rroT^" Speeches of the Nipissingue and Algonquin Indians. Folio 60. 2 pp. 1704 M. de Eamczay to the Minister, thanking him for having November 14, appointed him Governor of Montreal. State of the troops in the Quebec. colony. Folio 67, 5 middle sized pages, say 3 pp. JYQ4 The same to the same. Difficult situation of Montreal ani the November 14, rest of the country. Permits for trading. Divisions which prevail Oin the colony. Eulogy of de La Mothe Cadillac. Sieur do Vin- cennes. Complaints against the Jesuits. Sieurde la Grange with 100 Canadians has taken po^isossion of a British frigate of 20 guns. Affairs of the savages. Deserters amnestied, &c. Folio 71. IS pp. 1704 Claims of Claude de Ramez.iy against the company. Folio November 14. 82. 2 pp. Ixxiii 1704 No date. 1705 March 5, Versailles. Without date. 1704 November 8, 1705 August 19, Quebec. 1705 April 21, Queboc. 1705 November 7, Quebec. 1705 May 5. 1705 October 16, Quebec. 1705 October 19, Quebec. 1705 October. 1705 October 19, Quebec. 1705 October 12, Quebec. 1705 October 13, Montreal. 1705 October 18, Quebec. 1705 October 17, Quebec. 1705 October 18, Quebec. Sieur Hazear to the Minister, asking assistance to forward seal fishing. Folio 131. Hp. Memorandum on Hudson's Bay. Folio 134. 1^ p. " Memorandum of Sieur de Erouillon as a reply to a letter which Monseigneur wrote to him on 4:h Juno, 1704." Folio 135. 4 pp. " First memorandum on the taxes which the King wishes to lay on Canada." Folio 137. ^ '^ PP- " Proceeds of what a bushel of wheat, taken at Quebec for trade, will produce on return to Canada." Folio 143. 3^ pp. Letters of MM. de Vandreuil and de Beauharnoisto the Minister. General affairs of the colony. Embarrassment cau.sed by the capture of the vessel "La Saine." Diffi-.ulty caused by the withdrawal of the ordinary bounties. Trade in beavers. Scarcity of salt. Detroit. The original of Sieur Boucbe's letters of nobility burned. Hertel. Manufactory of M. de Eepentigny. Canal proposed by M. de Bres- lay. Burning of the Seminary of Quebec. Monscignat. Le Sieur Eobert, store-keeper of Montreal, killed a man while defend! ng^him- self against him. Establishment on the coast of Labrador by Sieur de Coui-temancho. Folio 171. 58 middle-sized pages, about 40 pp. Ordinance of the Grovernor and Intendant regarding the petition of Sieur Hazeur, concerning the seal fishery of Kamouraeka. Folio 201. HP- MM. do Vaudrouil, Grovernor, and M. Baudot, Intendant, to the Minister. General affairs of the colony. Folio 206. 3d middle-sized pages, say -4 pp. Vaudreuil to the Minister. Fear lest the Hurons of Detroit tako refuge among the Iroquois. Folio 231. 2 pp. The same to the same. He recommends himself to the goodness of the Minister. He complains of M. de La Marti niere. Folio 233. 2^ pp. The same to the same. General considerations on the colony. Folio 235. 28 middle-sized pages, say 24 pp. " Project of the treaty to be made between the two colonies of New France and i!sew England." Folio 282. 7 pp. Baudot to the Minister. His voyage and arrival at Quebec. His views and projects. Finances, trade, &c. He causes the oflicers' bounties to be coniinued. Communities. Fisheries. Hemp.^ Con- struction of vessels. Dotroit. The Jesuits accused of trading in beavers, &c. Folio 297. 45 middle-sized pages, eay, about 30 pp. M. de Kamezay to the Minister. He defends himself against the accusation brought against him by MM., de Yauireuil and de Beau- harnois. He speaks of the general affairs of the colony. Folio 326. Memorandum on the pioluctions of Canada, furious. 343. 7 half pages. M Lo Vasseur de Nere to the Minister. Fortifications of Canada. Folio 34S. 4 pp. Memorandum of Sieur d'Auteuil on the administration of justice in Canada. Contains curious details. Folio 402. 14{r pp. Sieur de Lino to the Minister. Endeavors to exculpate himself from the accusations brought against him. Folio 4 1 .J. 12 pp. End of Vol. 2,1. 33 pp. Folio 3 pp. J Ixxiv O 1705 October 19, Quebec. 1705 O 1705 March 10, Paris. Canada — Correspondance G^nSrale. 1*705. Vol. 23. — Trade — Memoirs. C. 11. Abstract showiDg the proceeds, in money and beavers, of the King's farm, from 1st January to lYth October, 1105. Polio 3. 2 pp. " Causes of the bad state of the Colony of C uiada." A very curious memoir, lo'th figures in support of the state of trade at the time. Folio 4. 19 very large pages, about doable, pay 36 pp. Memorandum of Sieur Eaudot on the state of the affairs of Can- ada. Folio 19. 9 middle-sized pages, say 6 pp. End or Vol. 23. 1706 April 28, Quebec. 1706 April 30, Quebec. 1706 November 4, Quebec. 1706 March 18. 1706 November 2, Quebec. Canada — Correspondance GfeN^RALB. 1706. Vol. 24. — M. da Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. Eaudot Intendant. C. 11. MM. de Vaudreuil and Eaudot to the Minister. Arrangements with the savages. Negotiations with Governor Dudley not con- same. Troubles at Montreal. General affaire. Folio 8. 2^ 6J pp. The guilty middle-sized 12 pp. to preserve to Mich ill i- cluded. Folio 3. The same to the punished. Dudley, pages, say about M. de Vaudreuil to the Minister. Measures taken peace with the savages. Journey of M. de Louvigny makinac. The Ottawas. He does not acknowledge any relation- ship between himself and the Sieurs d' Amours des Chauffours and des Plaines, whom he was accused of favouring. Leaves granted. Eelations with Governor Dudley. Bounties to be granted, &c. Folio 214. 46 middle-sized pages, say about 30 pp. Memorandum of La Mothe Cadillac concerning the ostabliehment of Detroit. Folio 270. 7 pp. Sieur Eaudot, Intendant, to the Minister. Eeview of the events of the year. Folio 331. 4:^ pp. End of Vol. 24. 1706 Canada — Correspondance G^nerale. 1706. Vol. 25. — M de Eamezay, Governor cp Montreal, M. dTber- ville — Commerce. M. de Eamezay (ho signs his name with a z.) desires to clear himself of the accusations brought against him in the matter of his quarrels with M. de Vaudreuil. Giv^es an account of what occurred during his government Asks that bis sou may bo named an officer, &c. Folio 3. 16^ pp. Ixxv 1706 '< Conditions granted by d'Iberville, commanding a squadron of April 4. ^^Q King in America, to Colonel Eich, Abbot, and all the officers of Nieves." Folio 13. , H pp. 1707 M. de Louvigny, " Interim Commandant at Quebec,'' gives an October 21, account of his administration . Folio 18. 10 large pages, say 12 pp. Quebec. Diary of Montigny, commanding a party of Canadians and In- ^^°^ dians in the JSTewfoundland expedition. Folio 116. 11 large pages, .say 14 pp. End of Vol. 25. Canada — Correspondance G-^nj^ralb. no7. Vol. 26.— M. de Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. Baudot, Intendant. C. 11. 1707 Memorandum on Fort Bourbon, &c., in Hudson's Bay. Folio November 15. 50. 4 PP« 1707 M. Baudot to the Minister. He asks for a declaration from the November 10, King, rendering valid all the Acts and contracts passed up till that Quebec. ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^i conventions, banalities, &c., with the arguments in their support. Shows the necessity of diminishing the degrees of jurisdiction. Administration of justice. The want of schools. Independent spirit of the Canadians, &c. Folio 150. 43 middle- sized pages, say ^^ PP* 1707 M. Baudot to the Minister. Establishment of Cape Breton, &c. November 13, YqMo 238. 6 middle-sized pages, say 4 pp. ^°^^®*'' End op Vol. 26. Canada— Correspondance G^n^rale. 1101. Vol. 27.— M. de Bamezay, Governor General at Montreal. Commerce. C. 11. 1707 M. de Bamezay to the Minister. He thanks him for having November 12, placed his son in the Marine Guards. Abuses of which foreign Quebec. merchants were guilty, &c. Apology of the Iroquois. Secret intrigues of the English among the Ottawas. On the bounty which was granted to him. Wood Bangers. Hospital of Montreal, &c. Folio 3. 26 middle-sized pages, say 18 pp. 1707 Sieur de Louvigny, interim commander at Quebec, to the Min- November 6, ieter. Preparations made in view of an attack by the English, &c. Quebec. p^jiQ jg^ 2^ pp. 1707 The Sieur Levassour de Neie, Engineer, to the Minister. Forti- November 12, fications of the colony. Folio 22. 8^ large pages, say 10 pp. Quebec. 1707 Several letters of M. de Brisacier, &c., concerning M. de la Vente, March, April, Vicar General, in Louisiana, and the complaints brought against May & Juae. j^j^^ y^^ Bienville, &c. From folio 32 to 42. 20 small pages ; say . 10 pp. Ixxvi 1707 1707 f/ 1707 Memorandum of proposals made to the Marquis of Vaudreuil regarding the copper mines to the south of Lake Superior. Folio 116. 2J pp. Memorandum in which it is proposed to the Court to adopt measures for re-establishing trade with the Indians of Canada. Folio 123. lOJ pp. Memorandum of Sieur Eiverin respecting Canada, lor 1707. Folio 129. llj pp. End of Vol, 27. Vol, Canada — Correspondance G^n^rale. 1708. 28. — De Vaudreuil, Governor General Intendant. C. 11. Baudot, 1703 November 14, Quebec. 1708 November 13, Quebec. 1708 June 28, Quebec. 1708 October 4, Quebec. 1708 November 5, Quebec. No date. 1708 November 12 De Vaudreuil and Eaudot to the Minister. Sad condition of the colony owing to the depreciation of the beaver skins and of paper money. Three Frenchmen murdered at Detroit by the Ottawas. La Mothe attacks the Miamis. His culpable conduct. The Iroquois remain neutral in spite of the English. Fortifications. Arsenals. Complaints against La Mothe. Productive seal-fishing by Courte- manche. Tithes. Services rendered by Hertel. Population of Detroit. Success against the English. Praise of d'Eschaillons, Eouville and Laperriere, &o. Folio 3. 108 half-pages, say 54 pp. The same to the same. Describes La Mothe's project for defend- ing the country against the English and the Iroquois. Folio 61. 4J medium pages, say 3 pp. De Vaudreuil to the Minister. Death of Bishop de Laval. News from Acadia. Impossibility of sending troops to Sieur de Subercasse. Activity of the English. Breach of discipline by De Marigny. Folio 85. 22 J small pages, say H PP« De Vaudreuil to the Minister. Dearth at Plaisance. Parties sent into the Boston country, &c. Folio 97. 2 pp. De Vaudreuil to the Minister, General sketch of the state of the colony. Affairs of Detroit. False charges against Pere Marest. De Le Mothe. Eolations with the Iroquois. No probability of an understanding with Dudley. Efforts to harass the English con- tinued. The Indians of Montagne du Sault, the Abenaquis and de Eamezay. War party sent to Boston country under command of d'Eschaillons and de Eouville. Account of the expedition. Affairs of Acadia. It is necessary to send a vessel to Plaisance to drive away the pirates. Asks for a pension for Sieur de St. Ours. Officers' commis- sions. Chambly post. Clavin, Major of Montreal, struck down by one Ladouceur. Praise of De Lorimier. Fortifications of Quebac. Plan of an expedition against New England. Want of artillerymen. Bequests for discharges, favours, &c., by various officers, &c. Folio 100. 90 half-pages, say 45 pp. List of officers belonging to the party under d'Eschaillons and Eouville. Folio 148. 1 p. De Vaudreuil to the Minister. Eavagos by the Indians in the Boston country. Why the English do not undertake expeditions against us. Presents from Peter Schulle (Schuyler) to the Iroquois. The English are sparing nothing to win the confidence of our Indians. Folio 159, 7| medium-sized pages, say 4 pp. Ixxvii Copy of letter from Pere d'Heu, Jesuit, to de Yaudreuil. Dis- position of the Indians towards us, &c. Folio 155. 11 small pages, say 6 pp! Copy of letter from Pere Chardon, Missionary. The Indians. Folio 161. 6 small pages, say 4 pp. Copy of letter from Pere Marest, Mi83ionary. Disposition of the Indians. Folio 165. 17 J small pages 9 pp. 1708 May 24, Onaontague. 1708 May 6, Rivi6re St. Joseph 1708 June 4, Michillima- kinac. 1708 Copy of letter from Peter Schuyler. Strongly deplores the war OranS^^'' 26, between the English and the French. Folio 185. 1707 Copies of two leUcrs, not signed, written to August 18 - -- -• _ .- and 16. 1708 October 25 and No7. 5. 1708 October 18, Quebec. •nnd Mr. Dudley. Peter Schuyler 231. Folios 189,191 to Vaudreuil. Exchange of prisoners 2 pp. Peter Schuyler 8 pp. Folio 2 pp. 1708 October 23, Quebec. 1708 October 25, Quebec. 1708 Services of M. de Eigaud de Vaudreuil. Folio 235. Eaudot to the Minister. Again asks for a declaration " which will secure the titles of proprietors." Seignioral rights, retraiis roturiers, Ugnagers to be abol ished, also the fours hannaux. Abuses to be reformed. Salaries to Councillors, Militia Captains, &c. Folio 242. 15 medium pages, say 10 pp. Sieurs Eaudot, father and son, to Minister. Clothing for troops. > The people demoting themselves more and more to agriculture./ j Porpoise fishery. Boards, spars, &c., made in the year. Manufac- V^ tureoftar. Statement of expenditure. Eaising cattle. Fur trade and eiderdown. Nuns of La Congregation most useful to the country. Officers can hardly eke out a living. Death of Sieur Hazeur. Praise of Catalogne. Bad treatment of SieurDurand by Sieur de Subercasse. Plan for retaking Hudson Bay. Want of powder for artillery. Maps. Post of Chambly advantageous. Ee- ligious Communities. Mme. de La Forest. Toniy accused by Indians of trading in provisions. State of the offices. Gaillard asks for a lieutenancy of artillery. Prisons insecure. Inspection of fortifications. Praises Sieur La Noue, &c. Folio 250. 68 medium pages, say 55 pp. Eaudot to the Minister. Settlement of Cape Breton. Commerce. Ship- building. Scarcity in Newfoundland. Furs. Fortifications, &c. Folio 286. 12 p^,. Same to the same. An army surgeon wanted, &c. Folio 306, 4 November 17, medium-sized pages, say Quebec. 1708 May 21. 1708 October 27, Quebec. - - - ^ PP- List of officeis of the navy detachment in Nouvelle France, with remarks on each of them. Most iuteresting. Folio 312. 2 large jages, say 3 pp. Extraordinary gratuities to officers and missionaries of Nouvelle France. Folio 316. I p. Prices of spars, scantlings and planks in Canada. Folio 318. 1 p. End of Vol. 28. Ixxviii 1708 Montreal. 1703 November Quebec. 1708 November Quebec. 1708 1708 Canada — Correspondance G^n^rale. 1108. Vol. 29. — M. De Ramezay, G-overnor, at Montreal. 0. 11. De Ramezay to the Minister. Attempts to embroil him with the Marquis de Yaudreuil. Trade, trappers and explorers. Affairs of Montreal. Relations with the Indians, &c. Folio Z, 2*7j medium pages, say " 20 pp. Letter of M. de Prat, Port Captain, to the Minister, on the settle- ^' ment of Labrabor. Folio 22. 3 pp. M. d'Aigremont to the Minister. On the state of the several ^^' forts and posts of Canada. Fort Frontenac. Detroit and M. de La Mothe. Narrative of the taking of He St. Jean. Folio 82. Extracts from letters of various persons in the colony. 224 to 269- 83 small pages, say End cp Vol. 29. 3 pp. Folios 60 pp. M. Raudot, 1709 November 14, Quebec. 1709 April 27, Quebec. 1709 May 14, Montreal. 17C9 October I, Montreal. 1709 November 14, Quebec. 1709 October 19, Montreal. 1709 June 6, Onnontague. 1709 August I. 1709 June 2. 1709 September 20, Quebec. Canada — Correspondance G^n^rale. 1709. Vol. 30. — M. De Vaudreuil, Governor General. Intendant. C. 11. De Vaudreuil and Raudot to Minister. Agriculture. Crops, Union of the Indians, Troops asked for. Voyage of d'Aigremont in the " postes avanc4s" Detroit. De la Mothe and de Louvignyi Trap- pers arrested. Want of munitions. Importance of fortifying Chambly. Death of de Crisasy, Governor of Three Rivers. Linctot, de Lor- imier and De Monteht. Iroquois quiet. Folio 4, 36 half pages, say 18 pp. Vaudreuil to the Minister. Rumours of an attack by the English. Movements of troops, &c. Folio 24, 10 small pages, say 6 pp. Same to the same. Differences between individuals in Quebec, &c. Folio 31, 8 half-pages, say 4 pp. Same to the same. More rumours of an English invasion. Mea- sures of defence. Folio 39, 8 pages, say 4 pp. Same to the same. Fresh rumours of invasion." Further prepara- tions for defence. Attitude of the Iroquois. Efforts of the English to let them loose on the French. Returns of troops and militia, Folio 45, 77 half-pages, say 40 pp. Copy of letter from de Ramezay to de Vaudreuil. Movement of the English to attack Chambly. Folio 93, 7^ small pages, say 4 pp. Copy of letter of Pere de Mareuil, Jesuit missionary, to Pere d'Heu, missionary of the Tsonnontouans. Folio b7. 1 p. Examination by de Ramezay of one Qaosnel Toulouse at La Pointe a la Chevelure. Folio 115, 5^^ small pages, say 3 pp. Examination of J. Whiting, taken by the French. Folio 141, 4 medium pages, say 3 pp. Raudot to the Minister. Long complaint against de VaudreuiL Cvrious piper. Folio 146, 80 small pages, say 50 pp. Hocj ^ XXXI X 1710. June Quebec. October 25, Quebec. November 2, October 31 and November 3, Quebec. 1709 isic). July 6, Quebec. 1710. October 14, Quebec. 1711 («ec). January 14, 1710. October 11, SYNOPSIS OF MA^USCETPT DOGUMBNTS RELATING TO CANADA PEE3ERYED IN THE COLONIAL AKCHIVES OF THE m:inistere de la marine. (^Continued.) " Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE Gf Ni:aALE." mo. Volume 3L — M. de Yaudreuil, Governor General, M. Raudot, Intendant. C. 11. Letter from M. de Yaudreuil to the Minister as to the state of the colony and the attacks to which it is exposed on the part of the English. Fol. 3. 5 medium pages, eay 4 pp. l)e Yaudreuil lo Minister. He defends himself against the charges made against him, e3pecially as to the Hud-on's Bay expedition and Sieur de Manteht. Deals with the trade in spirituous liquors. Diffi- culties between Corneau and Yillenouvelle. Earnest desire of the Governor to live on good terms with Raudot the Intendant. Fol. 7. 14 medium pages, say 10 pp. De Yaudreuil and Raudot to the Minister. They inform him of the loss of "La Bellone." Recommend Sieur de Louvigny for commander at Michillimakinac. Too many horses in the colony. List of the troops. English Catholics in the country* Medals for the Indians. Zeal of the Sieurs de Longueuil and de Joacaire. Rela- tions with the Indians. Stone fort lo be constructed at Chambly. Commerce. The Iroquois seeking vengeance for the death of two of their people, &c Fol. 15. 43^^ medium pages, say about 30 pp. De Yaudreuil to the Minister. Attack and retreat of the enemy. The Onontagues and the Agniers are faithful. The Iroquois demand the surrender of the murderers of their two people. News from Boston ; the English subsidizing the Iroquois against the colony. Importance of the post of Chambly. Detroit. Applications lor officers' commissions. Fol. 39. 46 medium pages, eay about 32 pp. Mem., unsigned. Marquise de Yaudreuil to Comte de Pontchar- train. Success of negotiations with the Onnontages and Sonnon- touans. Labourers needed in the colony. The excessive number of horses prevents the young men from using snowshoes as in the past. Fol. 67. 7 pp. Copy of letter from de Rouville and de Laperriere respecting their expedition to the river *' Pinitigout" against *' les decouvreurs Anglais." Fol. lOb". 5 medium pages, eay 4 pp. Examination of Geroc Troul (?) a Dutchman from Orange, a farm labourer. Fol. 110. 4 J medium pages, say 3 pp. De Yaudreuil to Nicolson. Regrets the petty war between the inhabitants of neighbouring colonies ; it would long since have ceased had his fair proposals been accepted. De Rouville and Dupuis are appointed to settle the matter of the English prisoners. Hi& high opinion of Evington who was sent by Dadley. Fol. 121. 10 medium pages, say 9 pp. De Yaudreuil to Dudley, Governor of Boston. Exchange of pris- oners. Has advanced the money asked for to Evington, to Capleton and to Scheldine, &c. Fol. 126. 6J medium pages, say 5^ pp. Letter from Nicolson to Yaudreuil. Taking of Port Royal and adjacent country by the English. Hopes de Yaudreuil will do his utmost to prevent the Indians from committing their usual cruelties 126— Dj xl 1711. October 14, 171! (.sic). September 1 , Basin of Mines. 1710. May 23, Versailles. October ^9, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 3 and 10, Montreal. January 15, November 2, Quebec. He himself will treat prisoners with all possible leniency. Fol. 129. 5 J medium pages, say 4 pp. Nicoli^on to Vaudreuil. To furnish Sieur Jean L'Bvington* all the money ho ma}' require. Pere Eonaventute, Eecollet missionary at the Mines, to de Yau- dreml. " The settlers have come to an understanding with the English, "who have promised to leave them undisturbed. They re- main, nevertheless, devoted to France. MM. de St. Castin and Clii^'H, ID court return to Canada." Fol. 1.^6. 3 pp. Census of Detroit de Pontchartrain. Fol. 160. 2 pp. De Pontchartrain to Baudot. Fol. 161, 3J, say 4^ pp. De Ramezay to Minister. Regrets loss of his last letter in the capture of " La Be Hone." Defends himself against charges made against him. Construction of Fort Chambly. The English prepar- ing to ati.'ick the colony. Preparations for defence. Asks for ad- vancement for his children und a gratuity for himself. Fol. 167. 5 pp D'Aigremont to Minister. Matters at Forts Frontenac and Detroit. Dissimulation of Lamothe. Trading licenses. Coureurs des bois. Commends d'Argenteuil, de Lignery and de la Noue to the kitdncssff the Minister. Michiilimakinac. Difficulties between the Governor and d'E-schambault. De Longueuil and the froquois. Fol. 172. 16 medium pages, say 12 pp. D'Aillebout d'Argenteuil to the Minister. Thanks him for grant- ing him a company. Gives account of his mission to Sault Sainte Matio and Michiilimakinac. Fol. 185. 7^ large pages, say 9 pp, Mem. on state of colony of Canada in November, 1709. Fol. 190. 4 large nages, say pp. Monsoignat to Minister. Estate of Marquis of Crisasy, deceased. Fol. 194. 2 pp. Record intituled *'Lettres au net : travail avcc le Ministre" Memo- rials, placets and claims of certain individuals, with the Minister's instrnctions thereupon. Contains curious details. From fol. 197 to 259, say _ 80 pp. Sundry memoirs respecting the administration and affairs of La Compagnie du Canada. From Fol. 262 to end of volume, say 65 pp. End op Vol. Bl. No date. " Canada— Correspond ANCE Gf n^[ia]j,e." 1711. Yoh. 32. — M. DE Vaudreuil, Governor General, M. Eaudot, Intendant. C.ll. Baudot and d'Aigremont to the Minister. Pending M. Begon's arrival, Baudot has surrendered his powers into the hands ot d'Aigremont. Exorbitant claims of Suborcasse. Discovery of a lead mine in the Seigniory of Varennes. Commerce. Affairs of the company. Matters relating to several individuals. Fol. 10. 24 medium pages, say 20 pp *Tbis name is writtea three different ways in these papers. xli 1711. April 25, Quebec. No date. October 25, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. March 10, Jime 6, October 22, September 8, November 1, Montreal. September 4, Montreal. October 31. Quebec. November 2, October 19, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. No date. No date. De Yaudreuil to the Minister. Details as to the taking of Por Eoyal by the English, who are, it is t^aid, about to aitack us. Quebec. M. de St. Castin. Necessity of retaining the friendship of the Iroquois. Fol. 24, ]5 pages, say 12 pp. " List^of officers now in France." Fol. 40. 1 p. DeVaudreuil to the Minister. As to measures adopted against the invasion of the country by the English. Fol. 41. About 40 pp. Same to same. Eotroat of the Knglish. Diffifulty between La- mothe Cadillac and Laforest. Drawbacks resulting from trading licenses granted. Situation of Acadia. Tresorier de la Marine to be ordered to pay certain bills of exchange. Application for arms and ammunition. Good conductof Sieur Duplessis. Changes amongst the officers. The Engli&h in consternation at their repulse. From Fol 65 to SI. 36 pp. Mem. of de Yaudreuil to serve as instruction^ to officers and voy- ageurs appointed to bring down Indians from the upper countries to Moritrtal. Fol. 8li. 20 medium pages, say 18 pp. Do Vaudreuil to Dudley. Eegrets not having been able to sign the articles respecting all Knglish prisonerr^, the demand formulated not being reasonable. Some of the prisonei-s do not wish to return, among others Miss Wheelwright. Will send back tho-e he can controh Fol. 94. 5 medium pages, say 4 pp. "Copie de la deliberation de la Corapagnie de la Colonie." (Minutes of prooeedingrt of company.) Fol. 97. 2^ PP- Letter from Pere Felix, missionary at Minan. The English have treated the Acadians with mush humanity. Misery of the latter. Noble conduct of Clignanc urt during the siege. Baron de St, Castin reaches Quebec. ' He will ever keep alive among the people the fidelity they owe to the King of Fracco." Fol. 99. 3 pp. De Eamezay, Commandant at Montreal, to M. de Vaudreuil, respecting officers he had sent to explore the vicinity of Lake Chara plain, in 1709. Repol-> charges made againsi: him. His action on learning the arrival of the Kngli-h in the colony. Asks promotion for hi^ second son, the first having been killed, the year before, in an expedition to Brazil. Fol. 107. IcJ pp. Mem. of de Eamezay to de Yaudreuil ie.>pecting de Longoeuil's. design to prepare an ambuscade for the enemy at He au.\ Testes.. Fol. 11;^. 2^ pp. De Louvigny to Minister. Militaiy condition of colony. Fol. 115. ' 3 pp. Sieur du Mesny Nore, Captain, to Minister. Colony needs soldiers. Details as to organization of troops, &c. Fol. 118. 3 pp. Narrative by Sieur de Marganne de la Yaltrie, of what he wit- nefceed on the coast of Labrador, at the place where the English vessels were shipwrecked. A very curious paper. Fol. 123. 6 pages, say 4 pp, Monseignat to Minister. Steps taken to save the goods left on the Labrador coast at the shipwreck of part of the English fleet. Folio 151. 5 pages, say 4 pp. " Memoiro sur le Canada." Finances. State of colony. Fortifica- tions. Eeligion. Indians. War. Spirituous liquors. Flour trade. Fol. 181. 18^ pages. 15 pp. Copy of mem. of Sieur de La Fosse, aa to a settlement he wished to found in Acadia. Fol. 273. 3 ^- p. Mem. on card-money in Canada. Fol. 278. 3 pp. xlii Mem. on the fortifications of Canada. Fol. 281. 3| large pages, y 4 pp. 1711. March 19, Paris. November. « Court Memoire sur I'etat present du Canada." Attributed to U Mgr. de St. Vallier. Fol. 2tt3. 2 pp. Account of the new card-money prepared in 1710. Fol. 284. 4 pp. End of Vol. 32. 1712. November 12, Quebec. November 12. Quebec. November 12, Quebec. Jane 27, Quebec. July 23, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. June 21 and July 12, Detroit. July 28, August 17, September 10, No date. 1712. " Canada— CoREESPONDANCE G^n^ralb." 1712. YoL. 33. — M. BE Vaudreuil, Governor General, M. B:feaoN Intendant. C. 11. Letter from MM. de Vaudreuil and Begon on general affairs of colony. Fol. 3. 11 pages, say 8 pp. Mem. and letter de Vaudreuil and Begon. "Sur les affaires de la Baie du Nord da Canada." Fol. 9 to 14.- 9J large pages, say 12 pp. Do Vaudreuil and Begon to Minister. Confidence inspired by d'Aigremont. Reasons lor re-establishing congds (*). Finance. For- tifications. Chambly. Troops. Domiciliated Indians who are taking their beaver skins to Orange. Provisions sent from Quebec to PJai^ance. Fol. 15. 40 medium pages, say 32 pp. De Vaudreuil to Miuister. Advises a deputation of Iroq[Uoi9 to remain neutral between the French and the English. Has sent a party of 300 to 400 Indians against the Government of Boston. Fol. 39. 3i pp. De Vaudreuil to Minister. He is watching the English colonies. The Fox Indians badly disposed. An accredited officer should be sent to Michillimakinac to those Indians. Fol. 42. ^ PP« De Vaudreuil to xMinister. The Foxes, Mascoutins and Outaga- mis, having attacked Fort Detroit, were defeated and cut to pieces by Sieur Dubuiston. Attitude of the Iroquois. Fol. 44. ^ PP* The same to the same. Praises Da'ouisson for his conduct at Detroit. Dispof-itions of the various Indian tribes of the colony. Services rendered by Baron de Longucuil among the Iroquois. Sieur de Louvigny continues to deserve His Majesty's favour. Acadia. Troops and militia, Fol. 50. 40 medium pages, say 32 pp. Two letters from Pere Marest, respecting the events which had occurred at Detroit. From Fol. 71 to 79. 16^ pages, say. 14 pp. Eeply of the Governor General to the KStaSilibos. Fol, 81. 6 pp. Address of the Makisabes. Fol. 85. 11 pp. Address of the Chachagouesses. Fol. 91. 7 pp. Address of the Sonnontouans and^ reply of the Governor. Fol, 95. 9 pages, 12 pp. Governor's reply to Chacbagouesses. Fol. 101. 3 pp. Begon to Minister. General affairs of Colony. Gratuities and oSS^^'^ ^2, favours to be granted. Fol. 122. 19 medium pages, say 17 pp. 163 to 178, say * 15 p-; Eecoid of English goods seized near Ste. Therese. Fol. 180. 3 pp. Mem. as to 207 pieces of scarlet cloth from England sent to Quebec. Fol. 183 to 194. 23 pp. M. de Louvigny to Minister Military position of country* Fol. 220 to 230 ^ 19 JL^ " Conseil do Marine." Extracts from letter of Bishop of Quebec' Complaints against Sieur de Gallifet, Governor of Three Kivers, who had seduced the daughter of Sieur Cournoyers. Various mat- ters relative to the clergy and religious communities. Fol. 253 About T. ^.^ Series of papers respecting the fur trade in Canada. From Fol 280 to 341. About 85 ' End op Vol. 35. Jane 3, J 1716. October 14. Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. " Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE GfiNfiaALE." 1716. Vol. 36.— M. de Vaudreuil, Governor General, M. BfaoN, Intendant. C. 11. MM. de Vaudreuil and Begon. Fur trade. Draft of regalutions on the freedom of trade. Freedom of trade not to begin before Ist January, li 18. Complaints against the treaty ofSieur NeretandGayot in relation to their contract with Pascaud and Leclerc. Security to be required by the colony in its relations with the Company, &c. i\ \t ? "^^.f"^"^ pages, say 15 pp, De Vaudreuil and Begon to " Conseil." Fortifications of Quebec : plan being prepared by Sieur Chauesegros De Lery. Woi k at the Palace. Repairs to the Chateau St. Louis. Fol. 20. 11 medium, pages, say ^ Same to Same. Taxation of specie and articles infgold and silver^ Fol. 26. 11 j,age, say 1 p^ Same to same. They ask the council to grant a new commission to dAigremont. Sieur Peyre's porpoiso fishery. Artillery com- xlviii 1716. July 2, Latiochelle. Jnly 19, LaRochelle. October 30, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. November 13, Quebec. November 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec (Also dated 1714). February — Quebec. pany. Timber trade. Crops injured by drought. Loss from forest fires. Hotel Diou, Montreal. Death of Sieur. Dupont, senior mem- ber of the council, and of Sieur Dupuy ensign. Difficulties between the Bishop and his seminary. Praise of Sieur Sarrazin, physician. Fol. 27. 31 medium pagen, say 20 pp. His Majesty's instructions for the Governor and Intendant of Canada. Fol. 43. 4 pp. Instructions for Governor and Intendant respecting commerce. Fol. 47. 7 pp. Mem. as to card-monoy in Canada. Fol. 51. 6J pages, say 5 pp. Do Vaudrcuil to " Conheil do Marine." Has found many Canadian seamen at La Rocbelle. Asked that they be sent home in the King's ships. Fol. 56. J p. Same to same. Another letter on same subject. Fol. 57. 1 p. Same to same. Praise of de Louvigny. His prudent conduct in the campaign against the Fox Indians. Fol. 59. 2 J medium pages, say 1^ p. Same to same. Troops. Precedence of officers. Promotions, &c. Fol. 62. 5 medium pages, say 3 pp. Same to same. Arrival of recruits. More will be required, de- tachment being needed for tho upper country. Fol. 67. 2^ pages; say ij p. De Vaudreuil to the Council. Declines responsibility for sums expended by the, in re-building palace, &c., and the war against tho Foxes, having been ill at the time when Eaudot wrote. Fol 69. 3 medium pages, say 2 pp. History in detail, by do Vaudreuil, of the war with the Foxes, Fol. 71. 7 pp. Do Vaudreuil. Mem. on the relation of the Colonial authorities with the Indian allies. Fol. 77. 5 pp. Same. Mem. on the fortifications. Fol. 81. 1 p. Same. Mem. on the officers of the staff. Fol. 83. Ip. Same. Proposes certain promotions in tho troops. Fol. 85, 2^ pages, say 2 pp. Same. Letter in which he sajs: " Sieur Hertel de Cournoyer, to whom I have ^pokon respecting the complaints against M. de Gallifct, assures rac that he has no reason to find fault with him, and that thepe charges were made by Sieur Hortel, his lather, who had been solicited hy the Bishop to do so." Fol. 87. 2J small pages, say IJ p. Same. M. de Gallifet sets out for France. Fol. 93. I p. Same. Dar^ j/or to Canada in the event of war, in view of the 8m.all number of inhabitants able to bear arms. Fol. 97. 5 pp. Same. Mem. to Duke of Orleans, Regent of the Kingdom. Small number of inhnbit.nnts fit to carry arms. Need of regulars. Large , population of English colonies. Steps must be taken to fortify the colony in every wi:.y. Means of settling the country. Card money depreciated. Necessity of attaching the Indians to ourselves. Trad- ing licenses must be reestablished. Mines, vessels, lumber trade. xlix No date. 1716. October 9, Quebec. 1719 (sic). November 20, Quebec. 1716. October 15, tjuebec. October 14, Quebec. November 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 14, October 24, October 12 and 14, Paris. March 28, Paris. March 30, Paris. April I, Paris. April 28, Paris. April 23, Paris. April 28, Paris. April 28, Pari 3. May 4, Paris. The Abenakis have taken over twenty small vessels from the English. Want of workmen for shipbuilding. Fol. 124. 32 pp. The same. Another mem. to Eegent. Cotnplains that some of his powers have been taken from him and conferred upon the Inten- dant. Michillimakinac. Fortifications. Labrador. Fo!. 142. 8 pp. M. Begon. Answer to trade deputation from Languedoc. Com- painson of English cloths with those made in Languedoc. The In- dians prefer the former. Fol. 151. 8 medium pages, say 6 pp. Statement of moneys due by the "Tresorieis 'deneraux de la Marine " for card-money furnished to their clerks from 1709 to 1717. Fol. 155. 3 pp. Statement of vessels entering and leaving the port of Quebec in 1716. Fol. 165. 2 pp. D'Aigremont applies to "Duke of Orleans for afresh commission as " Commissaire Ordinaire de la Marine." Fol. 170. 2 pp. M. de Louvigny gives account of expedition against the Fox In- dians, and thanks the Council lor giving him the lieutenancy of Quebec. Fol. 173. 2^ pp. Sieur Prat, port captain at Quebec, represents the service he has rendered and asks for a conge. Fol. 176. 2 pp. Sieur Chaussegros de Lery. Fortifications 9:Dd position of Quebec. Fol. 185. 5 >arge pages, say 6 pp. kM. La Guer Morville, engineer. Statement of woi k done during the year for the King's stores and prisons. A description of the several buildings. Fol. 191. 3 small pages, say 2 pp. Same. Statement of work to be done to (.omplcte the palace. Fol. 196. 1 p. Continuation of proceedings of the " Consoil de Marine," with notes on the following subjects : — On Iroquois Indians. Fol. 200. On domiciled Indians. Fol. 201. Sister St. Joseph, Superior of General 5 pp. li pp. Hospital, Quebec, asking leave to increase the number of htr nuns. Fol, 212. 2 pages, say 1 p. Mem. on the establishment of Detroit. Fol. 213. 6 pp. Memoir on the war with the Fox Indians. F.l. 217. 4 pp. On new estabLshment made by the French on the Mississippi, and other intended ebtablidhments in the upper country. Fol. 220. 5 medium pages, say 3 pp Proposed changes for the Iroquois of Saut St. Louis. Fol. 223. 4 medium pages, say 2^ pp. Proceedings as to dofeDces of Montreal. Fol. 231. 21 medium, say, about 15 pp As to the petition of Hopital do Ville Marie for an increase of gratuity. Fol 242. 2 medium pages, say I p. Proceedings of Council of Mu-ine as to war against the Fox Indians and amnesty for " coureurs des bois." Fol. 244. 4 medium pages, say 3 pp. Proceedings of Council of Mariuoon trading-licenses. Fol. 246. 3 pp. Eoyal instructions ^to Sieur DeVoutron, "Lieutenant de Vais seau," as to his duties during a voyage to Quebec Fol. 249. ii pp- 1716. May 5, Paris. Hay 12, Paris. May 12, Paris. June 22, Paris. June 23, Quebec. July 14, Paris. August 14, Paris. October 14, Paris. October 14, Paris. Draft of a decree for an assessment of 6,000 livres on the inhabit- ants of Montreal, for the construction of walls around the said town. Fol. 252 and 254. 3 pp Proceedings of the Council as to the fact that the Bishop of Quebec desired to replace M. de Mczarots and M. Glandelet by M. Thibout. Fol. 255. 2 pp. Same, as to card money. Fol. 256. 2 small pages, say 1 p. The same, as to M. Kenault's advice in relation to fortifications at Quebec and Montreal. Fol. 259. 4J pages, say 3 pp. Mem. respecting the decree of the Council of 23 June, 1716, as to the contestation between thQ Bishop and Chapter of Quebec and the Nuns of la Colombo established at I'Bstrees. Fol. 263, 6J pp. Proceedings of Council of Marine on the petition of Frdre Pascal, missionary of Canada, asking assistance for three Fathers. Fol. 270. 1 p. The same. On memorial of Sieurs. Neretand Gayot, interested in the fur trade, as to petition of widow Eegnault. Fol. 271. 2 pp. The same. On the subject of the Palace, the Eoyal stores and repairs of Chateau, Quebec. Fol. 273. 5 pp. The same, on the fortifications of Montreal. Fol. 276. 2 pp. November 15, Petition of Sieur de St. Tinoent respecting his rank in the army. Quebec. Pol. 278. 1 p. Ueeember 28, Paris. No date. 1717 (sic). December 14. Paris. 1716. October 15, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. May 12, Paris. No date. July 31, Paris. Hay 11, Quebec. May 5, Proceedings of Council. War against Fox Indians. Fol, 280. 7^ page?, say 6 pp. Proceedings of Council. On complaints of Sieur de Breslay against de Vaudreuil. Fol. 283. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. Proceedings of Council as to fur trade. Fol. 286. 4 pp.^ Memoir (most important) from the inhabitants of the colony to the Intendant, in relation to commerce and letters of exchange. Fol. 288. 7 large pages, say 9 pp. Acte whereby the merchants revoke the appointment of Sieur Eiverin as delegate of the colony. Fol. 293. 5 pages, say 3 pp. Mem. embodying reasons which compel the colony of New France to oppose the execution of the treaty made 10 Apl., 1716, between Sieurs Neret and Gayot, and Sieurs Pascaud and Leclerc, merchants of Larochelle. Fol. 296. 7 large pages, say 7 pp^ Protestation of Sieur Lanoui Her, for Sieurs JSeret and Gayot, in opposition to the distrust manifested by the merchants of Montreal. Fol. 300. 7 large pages, say 9 pp. Proceedings of Council . On petition presented by Sieurs Neret and Gayot. Fol. 304. 3 small pages, say 2 pp. Memo, (not signed) . Eespecting claim of delegate of Canada for amount unpaid of his salary. Fol. 306. 3| pages, say 4 pp. Letter from Sieur Eiverin to Minister. Complains against de Vaudreuil and Eaudot and asks to retire to Touraine. Fol. 308. 2J large pages, say 4 pp. Mem. on the manufacture of cloth, and as to the traffic therein carried on in Canada with the Indians, in connection with the fur trade. Fcl. 310. 5 pages, say 4 pp. Sieur Eiverin to Comte de Toulouse. " On the abuses of the ad- ministration of de Yaadrenil and Eandot and the subject of card- money." Fol. 313. 3 pp. li 1716. April 9, April 1, Paris. Jane 8, April 28, Paris. May 12, Paris. January 6, Paris. January 20, Paris. No date. November 7, Paris. October 12. No date. 1716. May 22, Rochefort. 1708 (aec). October 24, Quebec. 1716. October 5, Montreal. No date. 1716. April 1, Eiverin to the Comte de Toulouse. *' On the abases of the adminis- tration of de Yaudreuil and Baudot." Fol. 315. 2 large pages, say 3 pp. Mom. (not signed). On the present position of Canada. Fol. 317. 6^ fj). Deed in relation to fur trade between Sieurs Neret and Gayot and Sieurs Paecaud and Leclerc. Fol. ^21. 7 large pages, eay 9 pp. " Deuxieme Compagoie du Castor." Copy of petition presented to Council by Neret and Gayot. Fol. 325. 1 p. Petition of Neret and Gayot for protection against fraud. Fol. 327. 1 p. Proceedings of Council on claims made by Indians of New France. Fol. 337. 1 p. Mem. of Comte de Toulouse on the mission of Sieur Eiverin from Canada to France, and the salary due to him. Fol. 36^, 6 pp. Deed between Philimon Cadet, J. B. Neret and Joseph Gayot, respecting the fur trade. Fol. 343. 3 pp. Mem. respecting beaver skins derived from Canada. Fol. 345. 7 pp. " Nouvelle regie des Castor." Fol. 349. 7 pp. Petition of persons interested in the beaver trade of Canada, claiming indemnity. Fol. 351. 7 pp. Memoir as to the necessity for a new treaty respecting the sale of fur. Fol. 855. U pp. Statement of the product of the farming of the western domain in the Windward Islands, not including the Island of St. Domingo, which was not farmed. Fol. 350. 6 pp. D'Auteuil to Minister, as to card-money. Fol. 363. 6 pages, say 3 pp. " Copie de la saisie faite entre les mains de M* Laubret.'* Fol. 366. 1 p. Draft treaty for the formation of a new company for the for trade. Fol. 367. 6 pp. Fur traders call the attention of Comte de Toulouse to their petition for the removal of writs issued or to be issued for the seizure of furs. Fol. 370. 2 pp. Copy of bills of exchange furnished to Sieur Pinaud, for M. Eiverin, in 1713. Fol. 372. ^ p. Memoir on the posts in the upper country. Fol. 376. 6 pp. Sieur LeVasseur de Nere complains of neglect, and appplies again for the post of engineer at Quebec previously held by him. Fol. 380 3i pp. Mem. respecting Fort Chambly. Fol. 382. 2 pp. Copy of letter from Merchants of Montreal to those of Quebec, on the subject of letters of exchange. Fol. 389. 7 small pages, say 3pp. Autograph letter from Jolliet, as to what might be done on the Islands of Anticosti and Mingan. Fol. 393. 3 pp. Series of letters and papers respecting Sieur Juchereau's under- taking the leather trade in the Mississippi country. From Fol. 395, about 26 pp. Narrative of a voyage to Mexico by Canadian?, with letters rela- ting to that country. From Fol. 415 to end of vol., say 9 pp. End of Vol. 36. lii 1717. June 6, Paris. June 12, Paris. January 2, Paris. January 2, Paris. January 19, Paris. January 26, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 3, Paris. February 4, Paris. February 23, Paris. February 23, Paris. February 23, Paris. February 23, Faris. " Canada — Correspondance G:fiNfiRALE." 1717. Vol. 37.— CoNSEiL de Marine. C. 11. Proceedings of Council in relation to Indians of the upper coun- try. Fol. 4. IJp. Proceedings of Council respecting letter of Beauharnois to Motitholon, in relation to articles mit«8ing in shipments made to him during the year. Fol. 7, say 5 pp. ProceedingH of Council on Boularderie's claim for carrying a detachment of troops and provisions from Quebec to Port Eoyal, in 1713. Fol. 10. 2Jpp. Proceedings of Council on theft of card-money from Sieur. Petit, clerk of the Treasury, Quebec. Fol. 12. 2 pp. Proceedings of Council on letters of Yaudreuil and Begon, from 14lh October, 1716. From Fol. U to 30. About 30 pp. Proceedings of Council on various applications for favours, places, &c. Fol. 32. 6^ pagop, say 4 pp. Proceedings ot Council on the subject of red cloths. Fol. 35. 12 pp. Proceedings of Council on report of Vaudreuil and Bei;on as to letters of nobility granted to Lcbert do Sennevillo. Fol. 42. 2^ pp. Proceeding of Council on a letter of Yaudreuil, 13 Nov., 1716, as to rumour that the sons of Mmes. de Earaeziy and do Longueuil had been killed by Kaskakias, when returning from the Illinois country. Fol. 44. 2i pp. Proceeding of Council on letter from Galissonniore as to the pro- posal of do la Browse (Lieut, in Navy) for a chart of " La Eiviero de Quebec." Fol. 46. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Proceeding ot Council on Begon's letter, 13 Nov., 1716, on finances of colony. Fol. 50. 9 pp Prodcedings of Council on Siour de St. Vincent's application for rank in the array. Fol. 55, say 3 pp Proceedings of Council on the petition of Dame de la Forest for the proprietorship of land in Illinois country to extend as far as Eiver Oaabache. Fol. 58. ^^ pages, eay 2 pp. Proceedings of Council " on the claim of Sieur Martin, formerly of Plaisance and now at lie Eoyale." Fol. 60. 3 J pages, s:iy 3 pp. Proceedings of Council on the change of Sault au Eecollet miesion. Fol. 66. 2J pp. Proceedings of Council on mem. of M. I'Hermite, engineer, proposing to make survey and charts of He Eoyale and He de Sable. Fol. 72. 6 pp. Proceedings of Council on application for help for the missions from M. Breslay, a missionary. Fol. 75. 5 medium pages, say 4 pp. Proceeding of Council en memoir of Sieur de Courtemancho, Commandant at Labrador^ 13 Sept., 1716, and a mem. from his wife, dated Bayonne, 9 Dec, 1716. Fol. 78. 7 medium pages, say 5 pp. Proceedings of Council on petition of Sicurs Lesdos and Hue, fishermen, of the Departmont of Grenville, praying to be allowed to establish themselves at Grande Bale on the Labrador Coa^t. Fol. b2. H P» liii 1717. February 26, Paris. February 20, Paris. JUarcb 9, Paris. March 9, Paris. March 9, Paris. March 17, Paris. March — , Paris. March 9, Paris. March 9, Paris. April 7, Paris. April 13, Paris. April 12, Paris. April 12, Paris. May 5, Paris. No date. No date. March 17, Paris. May 11. May 11, Paris. May 11, Jnne 5, Paris. June 15, Paris. 126~B Proceedings of Council on a memoir of Sieur Collet, " Procureur General," as to the payment of letters of exchange drawn on the Treasurer General of the Marine. Fol. 83. 1^ P« Proceedings of Council on a letter of Vaudreuil and Begon, 12 Nov., ]71€ptember 20, October 20, Quebec. " Canada — Correspondance G£n:6ralk." 1717. Vol. 38. — M. de Vaudreuil, Prog. GfiN^RAL ; M. BfcaoN, Intbn- dant. C. 11. Letter from de Vaudreuil and Begon respecting finances. Fol. 5, 7 small pages, say 3 pp. The same respecting fortifications. Fol. 19, 14 small pages, say 7 pp. Letter of Sieur Peyre on the continuation of a gratuity of 400 livres for his porpoise fishery. Fol. 27. 4 medium pages, say 3 pp. Letter from de Vaudreuil and Begon on the affairs of the colony generally. Fol. 33. 3 small pages, say 15 pp. The same, acknowledging receipt of decree relative to the coining of new Louis d'or. Fol. 49. J p. The same. Two letters respecting beaver trade. Fols. 50 and 56. 12 pages, say 6 pp. The same, on the mode of paying officers employed on staff of the Tresorier-General de la Marine. Fol. 64. 7 pages, say 3^ pp. Schedule of funds appropriated for work on the palace, prisons and storehouses, and for pay of officials. (The latter ia most inter -o (•) Such is the signature. At tha top of the memoir, in a handwriting of the period, but differeat from that of the document, I find " Brouages.' ' M. Faribault gives it "Brouagnes." — J. M. 126— El Ivi 1717. November 6, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. ___ April 8, Detroit. April 8, Quebec. No date. 1717 and 1718. 1715-16-17. 1717. September 21, Quebec. esticg, as it gives the names of all the oflScials of the period.) Fols. 74 to 79. 9 pp. General statement of letters of excharge drawn in 1717, by M. Gaudion, Tresorier-General de la Marine. (Also most interesting.) lol. 80. 7 large pages, say 10 pp. Statement of fur-trading licenpes granted in 1717. Fol. 86. 7 pp. Letter from do Yaudreuil to Minister, on the affairs of the colony in general and especially on those of Detroit. Fol. 101. 2J pages, say " I'ip. The same. Affairs at Detroit Fol. 103. ^h pages, say 5 pp. The eame, on game subject. Fol. 109. 14 J pagef, say 8 pp The same, explaining to Council the impossibility of sending do Longueville and de la Morsudi^re to Louisiana. Fol. 117. 2 pp. The same, as to Demoiselle D'alonne's claim to certain grants at Fort Frontenac. Fol. 119. 3 pages. li P- The tamo, as to an assessment of labour on the inhabitants of Montreal for the building of the walls of the city. Fol. 121. 7 pages. 3J pp. The same. An acccunt of M« de Joncaire's expedition to Son- nontouan. Fol. 125. 14 pages. 7 pp. The same, respecting effects sent during the year from Eochefort to Quebec for account of the King. Fol. 133. 10 pages. 5 pp^ Extract from schedule to accompaty the foregoing letter. Fol* 138. 2J pp; De Vaudreuil to Minister, on promotions in the colony. Fol. 144* 11 pages. 6 pp] The same. Card-money. Fol. 150. 6 pages, say 3 pp* The same, lauding the zeal of missionaries at Minas in behalf of France. Fol. 154. 3 pages, say H VV' The same, as to the difference of opinion between himself and Begon, as to export of flour. Fol. 156. 8 pages. 4 pp. The same, as to appointment of Sieur Haimard to the Superior Council. Fol. 160. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The fame, announcing that he has appointed Sieur Dubuisson com- mander of the post of Ouyatanons. Fol. 164. 1 p. Extract from letter of Sabrevois to Vaudreuil on the schemes of one 8ytaSikigek. Fol. 166. 2|- pages, say 1^ p. Extract of letter from same to same. He complains of Eaby, Neveu, and Du Sabl6. Fol. 168. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Letter from the Marquise de Vaudreuil to Comte de Toulouse, asking leave for her husband to -establish a pest at Temiecamingue. Fol. 170. li p. Three papers giving in detail prices received for furs from }?'ort Frontenac, in 1717 and 1718. Fols. 177, 179 and 181. 9^ pp. Details of expenditure for war against Fox Indians. (Interest, irg by reason of the names of articles of merchandize and prices at the period.) Fol. 185. 9 pp. De Louvigny, report to Council on his Bccond journey that year to Michiliimakinac. Fol. 196. 7 pp. Letter of M. Collet and draft treaty for a new fur company. Fols. 202, 203, 207. 10 pp. Petition of persons interested in beaver trade, asking for passage to France on King's ships. Fol. 209. 2 pp. Five letters from Sieur de la Chassaigne, on the scarcity of wheat ■which prevailed that year. From Fol. 216 to 223. 11 pages, say 8 pp_^ Ivii 1717. J&auary 29. No date. August. Paris. 1716-17. Letter from Sieur Do hevia on tho same Bubject. Fol. 224. 3 pages, say Ji pp. Letter from Sieur de Levis in relation to an illegitimate child, which its mother had given to the Lorette Indians. Fol. 226, 2 J pp. Memoir of Sieui- Ghaassegros de Lery on the state of the town of Montreal. Fol. 2i2. e^pp. Four letters from Sieur L'hermite, engineer, respecting his work and services. Fol. 237, et seq. 11 pp. (Printed) Letters pateni in form of an edict, authorizing the establishment of a trading company under the name of "La Compagnie D'Occident." Fol. 247. 11 pages, say 20 pp. Petition of the beaver traders asking f jr an extension of their charter for 8 years. Fol. 257. 3 pp. End op Vol. 38. 1718. ■October 4, Quebec. October 24, ^Quebec. November 8, ■Quebec- November 8, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. December 30, Quebec. •October 3, October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October^31, 'Quebec. " Canada— CoBRESPONDANCE G^Nf rale." 1718. Vol. 39. — M. de Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. B^qon, Intendant. C. 11. MM. de Yaudreuil and Begon to Minister. Card-money. Koyal domain. Marriage funds. Difficultios as to education. School- teachers. Fol. 3. 15 pages, say 8 pp. The same. Card-money. Bills of exchange, &c. Fol. 13. 5 pages, say 2| pp. The same. " Hopital General." " Seminaire des Missions Etran- geres." Grants of land. Indemnity to be granted to Sieur d'Hertel for buildings destroyed at Chambly in 1709. Indemnity to Sieur de Tonty. Fol. 19. 17 pages, say 8 pp. Statement of expenditure by de Tonty, with foregoing letter. Fol. 29. • 1 p. Letter from de Yaudreuil and B^gon relative to La Compagnio d'Uccident and the beaver trade. Fol. 32. 5 pages, say ^ 2^ pp. Letter and mem, as to indemnity claimed by Sieurs Neret and Gayot, interested in beaver trade, with the answers. From fol. 77 to 106. say 50 pp- de Vaudreuil and Beijon, as to a vessel which Sieur Monceau, son of d'Auteuil, had purchased at New York and wished to bring to Quebec. Fol. 108. z pages, say 1 P« Begon to Slinister. Western Indians. Western Ocean. Licenses for trading granted. Fol. llO, 15 pages, say 8 pp. On wreck of vessel " La Providence." Fol. 118. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Schedule of effects belonging to tho King shipped on board " Le Francois," for Eochefort. Fol. 123. . 3 pp. De Vaudreuil to Minister. War among the Indian tribes, Kikapous, Maskoutins, Illinois and Foxes. Their peace with the French. Fol. 143. 10 pages, say c?^^^* DeVaudreuil to Minister. Eespecting the " Outaouas du bagui- nan " (sic) and Miamis Indians. Sieur. de Tonty succeeds in pre- venting war between them. Fol. 149. 13 pages, say _ 7 pp. The same. On the efforts of the English Governors to win over the Indians. Fol. 157. 10 pages, say « PP- Iviii 1718. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Qaebec. November 4, Quebec. July 13, Quebec. December 12, Larochelle. Jan^rj 5. Paris. March 17, Paris. March 21, Paris. June 28. Jone 1, Paris. De Yaudreuil to the Minister. As to the officers and certain vacancies in the army. Fol. 163. 13 pages, say 6^ pp. M. B6gon to Council. On the situation in Acadia. Limits of French and British colonies. Eivalry of the English. Fol. 174. 5^ pages, Fay 2^ pp. M. De Louvigny, Major, to the Council. Makes complaint that, the Bishop of Quebec refuses to allow the King's Lieutenant to enter the sanctuary of the parish (church) for the eeremony of receivings the ashes. Fol. 185. 2^ pp. Petition of Chas. de Monseignat to Begon, claiming 10 per cent, on wine, brandy and tobacco entering the C3untry. Fol. 188. 4 pp. Proposals by Sieur Chauesegros de Lery as to the fortifications at Montreal. Fol. 191. b^ medium pages 4 pp. Extract from Royal mem. of 6th July, 1*716, to Vaudreuil and Be- gon. Fol. 201. 17 pages, say 15 pp. Petition of widow of Sieur d'Aillebout d'Argentouil, claiming a pension. Fol. 217. H P» Proceedings of Council as to beaver trade. Fol. 219. 5 pages, say * 3 pp. Decree of Council of State as to contestations between Sieurs N^ret and Gayot and The Compagnie D'Occident. Fol. 228. 6j^ pp. Mem. respecting petty-ensigns (*) and the troops in Canada. Fol. 232. 1^ page, say 1 p. Proceedings of Council (marine) on mem. of P^re Lafiteau as to sale of liquor to Indians. Pol. 242. 1 pages, say 6 pp. Series of memoirs and decrees respecting beaver trade. Fol. 269 to 352. 142 pp. Mem. of M. de Sabrevois on the Indians of Canada as far as tho Mississippi, their manners and trade. Fol. 354. 16 pp. Petition of Sieur Etienne Charon respecting, primary schools in Canada, school teachers, &c. Fol. 362. 2 pp.. End or Yol. 39. 1719. October Quebec. 26, October Quebec. October Quebec. 26, " Canada — Correspondance G^n^ralb." 1719. Yol. 40. — M. de Yaudreuil, Governor-General, M. BfaoN,. Intendant. C. 11. De Yaudreuil and Begon to Minister. Seminaire des Missions Etrangeres. Public instruction. Card money. Land grants. Sieur de Boishebert. Fisheries. Trade licenses. Indians of the west. English rivalry. Acadia, &c. Fol. 30. 38 short pages, say 20 pp. Same to same. Parish districts. Schoolteachers. Death of Charon. Illinois. Posts united to Louisiana. Suppression of trading licenses. Post of Niagara. English rivalry. Poets in the upper country. Acadia. Labrador. Fol. 50. 33 pages, say 19 pp. The same with reference to Sieur Duchesnay's application for title of " Grand Maitre des eaux et forets," and a grant of the Magdalen Islands. Fol. 68. 5 pages, say 3 pp^ (*) Officers commissioEed by the Governor-General only and not by the King. Hz 1719. November 14, Quebec. November 14, Quebec. , November 14, Quebec. November 14, Quebec. November 14, Quebec. June 5 and 11. November 14, Quebec. October 26, January 12, Quebec. May 6, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 12, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. 1715 (sic). December 12, Paris. 1719. De Yaudreuil and Begon to the Minister. They have do news from de Lanoue, who is in command of a post in the upper country. Sioux. Trade. Fol. 83. 13 pages 7 pp. Same. As to claims of Sieur de La Mo the Codillac. Fol. 91. 8 pages. 5 pp. The same. Letters of exchange. Honours to be paid to oflBcials. Hotel Dieu of Quebec and its lawsuit with Sieur Jacques le Pere. Hunting rights, &c., in Seigniory of Malbaie. Prepents to Iro- quois. Claim of Sieur Aubert du Forillon. Fol. 96. 26 pages, say 15 pp.. The same. FortificatioDS._ Work on the Palace nearly finisbed. Enlargement of Chateau St, Louis required. Stone fort to be built at Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. 110. 8 pages 5 pp. Tbe same. Sending claims of Sieur Lanouillier de Boisclerc (see Folio 115), and of Sieurs Andre and Prat. Fol. 116. 9 pages, say 6 pp, Two papers respecting English goods seized at Chambly Portage Fols. l4l to 144. 4 pp. MM. de Yaudreuil and Begon. Masts and timber from Baio St Paul, sent to France. Fols. 145 to 151. 10 pp. Memoir respecting representations made to de Yaudreuil and Begon as to losses suffered by " La Compagnie du Canada," and which caused its ruin in 1705. Fol. 159. 7 pp. De Yaudreuil to Council. Asks that the bishop and clergy h& forbidden to marry oflScers or soldiers without his permitsion. Fol. 164. 3 pages, say }^ p. The same. Eecommends Sieur de Lotbinidre for the Superior Council in place of Sieur de Lamartiniere, deceased. Fol. 166. 8 pages, say 2^ pp. Posts should be visited twice a year. Sieur de Sabrevois and his claims. Detroit. Trading licenses, &c. Fol. 169. 14 pages, say 8 pp. The same. The upper country. The ChagSamin, Sauteux aud Fox Indians attacked by the Illinois. He Eoyale. M. Dubuisson. The Miamis and Ouyatanons. Settlemects at Eiver St. Joseph and Teatiky. Fol. 179. 26 pages, say 15 pp. The same. Yacancies in army. Fol. 198. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Mem. respecting expropriation of part of lot belonging to M. du Forillon, in order to enlarge the outbuildings of Palace. Fol. 206. 3 pp. Sieur Begon; Statement of card- money due to the King by certain persons. Fol. 218. ]^ p^ Sieur L'heimite sets forth his services. Fol. 227. ^pp, M. ChauBsegrosde L^ry writer on the subject of fortifications, and asks for the rank of captain. Pol. 220. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. The Dauphino battery, Quebec, injured by the mer- chants of Lower-town. Fol. 232. J p. The same. Fortifications of Quebec, Montreal Jand Chambly. Troops. Fol. 234. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Memoir (no signature), on state of Canada. Advantaefos of Canada. Good qualities of French Canadians. Commerce. Objections as to severity of climate refuted. Hired labour. Objections as to card- money. Fol. 241. 20^ large pages, say 24 pp. Mem. in same handwriting as last (no signature), as to fur trade. Fol. 252. 6 large pages, say 8 pp* Ix 1719 January 25, Paris. May 16, Paris. May 23, Paris. May 23, Paris. October 25, Sapplement to the above, intituled : " Memoir sur I'etat present du Canada" 1715. Fol. 256. 7J largo pages, saj 10 pp. Memoir, without precise date, from leading merchants of colony, complaining of injury done ihem by outsiders who come from Franco and retail their goods in Canada. Fol. 264. 6 pp. Proceedings of Council respecting " la peche a la faulx" on the Labrador coast. Fol. 270. S^ small pages, say 1^ p. Proceedings of Council on complaints of La Compagnie d'Occi- dent as to trade done in Canada contrary to its interests. Fol. 272. 13^ small pages, say 7 pp. lioyal instructions to de Vaudreuil and Begon. Fol. 279. 51 small pages, say _ 27 pp. Mem. on petition to Council from Sieur Thiery and Hazeur, parish priests in Canada and proprietors of Malbaie, asking for a monoply of trade there. Fol. 305. 5^ small pages. *7 PP« End of Vol. 40. 1720. October 26, Paris. January 6, Paris. January 6, Paris. January 6, Paris. January 6, Paris. January 7, Paris. January 7, Paris. January 16, Paris. February 27, Paris. January 16, Paris. January 23, Paris. January 23, Paris. " Canada. — Correspondance G^inerale." 1720. YOL. 41. — " CONSEIL DE MARINE." C. 11. Unfavourable proceedings of Council on Sieur Duchesnaj's petition for the office of " Grand Maitre des Eaux et Forets," a grant of the Magdalen Islands, and a piece of -land within the Government of Montreal. Fol. 2. 7J pages. 3 pp. Proceedings of Council respecting flour exported from New France to the Islands. Fol. 6. 2 pp. Pi'oceedings of Council on the petition of Comte de Crequy for grant of a seigniory to extend from the outlet of Lake St. Francis to the foot of the Long Sault. Fol. 8. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Proceedings of Council and instructions to de Yaudreuil and Begon respecting grants of seigniories. Fol. 10. 9 pages, say 4 pp. Proceedings of Council on the price of dry beaver skins. Fol. 15. 3| pages, say _ IJ p. Proceedings of Council respecting masts, &c., shipped from Que- bec. Cultivation of flax. Slaves, Fol. 31. 15 pages, say 7 pp. Proceedings of Council rejecting Comte de Crequy's petition for a seigniory. Fol. 30. 2 pp. Proceedings of Council on Sieur de Saint Pierre's petition askicg for the Magdalen, Brion or Eamees Islands, with his grant of He Saint Jean, Fol. 43. 7 pages, say 3 pp. Proceedings of Council respecting Sieur de la Boularderie's peti- tion for leave to establish a sedentary fishery at He Nigamiche. Draft of Eoyal Order thereon. Fols. 47 and 49. 5 pages. 3^ pp. Proceedings of Council on the scarcity of farm labour in the colony. Fol. 51. 4| pages. 2 pp. Judicial offices vacant in Canada. Fol. 54. 55, 56. 2 pp. Proceedings of Council on memo, of Sr. Brouagne, Commandant of Labrador coast. Esquimaux attack a French crew. Indians of the country. Fol. 57. 13 pages. •! pp. Proceedings of Council on Sieur de la Valtrie's petition for a grant of the harbour of Eiver St. Augustin, on the Labrador coast, with a Ixi 1720. February 20, Qaebec. February 20, Paris. March 4, Paris. March 4, Paris. March 11, Paris. March 12, Paris. March 11, Paris. March 12, Paris. March 12, Paris. March 12, Paris. March 12, Paris. March 16, Paris. March 17, Paris. March 17, March 17, Paris. view to the establishment of cod and seal sedentary fisheries. Fol. 164. li pages, say 6 pp. Proceedings of Council on petition of MM. Peyre and Boishebert as to porpoise fishery. Fol. 81. 6 pages, say '6 pp. Proceedings of Council respecting 2.5 licenses for trading with Indians, granted to poor families in Canada, and steps taken by Governor to prevent sale of liquor to Indians. Fol. 255. 4^ pp. " Sieur P!. 314. 2 pp. M. de Prat, port captain, Quebec. Navigation. Harbour of Quebec. Shipbuilding. Fol. 317. 3 pages. IJ p. Sieur ChausHogros de Lery to Minister. Fort at Sault St. Louis. Chateau of Quebec. Enceinte of Montreal. Fol. 3"Z0. 4 pages. 2 pp. Same to the same. Asking for letters patent as an engineer. Fol. 32 i. 1 p. The same. As lo fortifications at Lake Temiscamingue. Far trade. Troops, &-?. Fol. 324. 7 pages. 3 pp. The same. A-> lo the erection of private buildings in a manner calculated to prevent the embellishment of towns. Fol. 328. 4^ pages. 2 pp. The same. Complaining that he does not receive military honours. Fol. 33:i. i> pages 3 pp. i he eame. As to fortifications at Montreal and Quebec. Fol. 337. 9 pages 4 pp. Sieur L'herraite, engineer, to Minister. Letter accompanying memoir of a short tour he had just made in the Gulf. Fols. 35:i to 354. "2^ pp. Letter from M. Eobert, who was setting out to replace intendant Begon in Canada. Written fourteen days before his death, as it appears from Mme. de Yaudreuil's letter above quoted, Fol. 117. that he died on the very day of his departure from Larochelle, 24ih July. Fol. 356. 3|^ pages. 3 pp. Memoir, unsigned, on the matter of the Cures established by the Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 374. 10 pp. Letter of Kev. L. d'Avaugour as to the difficulties at Prairie de la Madeleine. Fol. 379. 2|^ pages, ^i P* Letter of Rev. P. A. Ulric, curd of Prairie de la Madeleine, same subject. Fol. 380. 1 p. Profession of faith of Sceur Fran9oi3e Trottier do Beaubien, Sister St. Michel. Fol. 381. U End op Vol. 46. " Canada — Corrkspondance GfiNiiRALB." 1725. YoL. 47, — M. DE Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. de Lon- GUEUiL, Commandant. M. B^oon, Intendant. 1725. October 31, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. C. 11. De Longueuil and Begon to Minister, in relation to fortifications- Fol. 4. 3^ pages. 1^ p. Notarial deed respecting the estate of Louis Rouer de Villeray. Fol. 9. Ill pp. Notarial deed in reference to the Leureux minors who claimed indemnity for loss of a house with yard and garden. Fol. 19. 4| pages 2 pp. Ixxvii 1725. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. August 31, Qutbec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Queljic. Avgust 13, Quebec. April i6, ■Quebec. May 18, Quebec. May 22, Quebec. May 22, Quebec. May 22, •Quebec. May 22, Quebec. July 9, Qmebec. April 22 and May 4, Quebec. July and Oct. •Quebec. Do Longueuil and Begon to Minister. Respecting: the ence'tite of Quebec and the claim of the Ursuline Nuns. FjI. 23. 2 pa^'cn I p. The same to the same. As to complaints from cure-s and people as to settlement of parish districts. Fol. 27. 4^ pacjos 2 pp. The same to the same, ftecomrapndiiig that the concession above LaNoraye bo granted to Sieur Gastineau. Fol. 31. 2 pages 1 p. The same to the same. As to attitude of Abenakis towards the English. Fol. 60. 18 pages 9 pp. Same to same. Announcing departure of the Marquise de Vaudi-euil for France. Fol. 72. ^ p. Same to same. On the placet and memoir of the heirs of Sieur Hertel as to Fort Pontcharirain de Cbambly and environs. Fol. 73. 10 pages, pay 5 pp. Statement as to the porpoise fisheries on the St. Lawrence, and of the catch at the close of the autumn of 1724, and from spring of 17 -'5 to date. Fol. 84. 1 p. De Longueuil and Begon, Eespecting the new adjudication of the post of Temiscamingue. Fol. 85. 4) pages, nay 20 pp. Same to same. Announcing the death of M. de Vaudreuil. Wreck of "Le Chameau." General state of colony. Fol. lOd. Z7 pages. say 14 pp. Same 1o same. English rivalry. Upper posts. Chouegnen, Niagara, Toronto, Ouabache, Sioux country. Fol. 121. 2Si pages, say 14 pp. Same to same. Loss resulting from a fall of one-fifth in the value of specie. Fol. 136. 3 pages, say H P« Mi Begon. Memoir in relation to foregoing letter. Fol 139. 2 pp. De Vaudreuil. Governor. Complaining of the acquittal of one Gronard, whom he had caused to be arrested. Fol. 143. lOJ pages, say 8 pp. The same. Post of Temiscamingue. Privileges granted to Sieur de La Gorgendiere in relation to this post, and troubles arising therefrom. Spirit of independence of the inhabitants of Montreal. Fol. 149. 9| pages, say 5 pp. The same. The Abenakis. Settlement of Chou(3guon made by the English. Importance of preventing them from maintaining it. Fol. 155. 10 J pages, say 5^PP- The same. Asking for a statement of merchandize shipped for the King's stores. Fol. 161. 1 p. The same. Recommending that soldiers marrying in the country bo allowed to retain their muskets. Fol. 163. 1 p- The same. " Dangers caused by movements of the English and Five Nation Iroquois, who appear to be obstructing measures adopted for the security of the upper country." Fol. 165. 16 page;", say 9 pp. Petition of Sieur Paul Guillet to do Vaudreuil. Complaining a3 to the granting to do la Gorgondiere of privileges in relation to the post of Temiscamingue. Fol. 174. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same. Two memoirs relating to the improvements at the post of Temiscamingue. Fol. 176 and 178. 4h pp. Series of reports and memoirs as to smuggled goods seized at Rimouski, the property of Sieur Grouard, who had brought into the river a vessel from New England. Fol. 180 to 188. 16 pp. Two memoirs respecting the improvencntsof the post of Temisca- mingue by Sieur de la Gorgendiere. Fol, lii9 and li^l. 1^ p. Ixxviii 1725. June 10, Quebec. June 10, Quebec. June 10, Quebec. June 10, Quebec. June 20, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. May 10, Quebec. April 21, Quebec. M. de Longueuil to Minister. Af-king for appointmcDt as Gover- nor General in place of M. de Vaudreuil, deceased. Fol. 196. 2 pa^es, say ] J p. The same. Ordinance promieirg protection to Sieur de la Gorgendiere to assist him in working the post of Temiscamingue» Fol. 19S. 3^ pp. Soeech of de Longueuil to the Iroquis assembled at the village of Nontague and reply of the latter. Fol. 20(>. 10 pp. M. Begon to Minister. On the posts in the upper country and the illness of M. de Vaudreuil. Pol. 206. 1 p. Same to same. Difficulties as to the adjudication of the trade of Temiscamingue. All the upper posts should be farmed out. Fol. 208. 38 pages, say 18 pp. Same to same. Masts for the King's ships. Fol. 228. 3 J pages, say li p. Same to same. Intrigues of the English. Establishments at Choueguen, Niagara, Frontenac, La Galette, &c. Fol. 231. 14^ pages, say 7 pp. Same to same. Yersion favourable to the accused in the matter of Sieur Grouard, whom M. de Vaudreuil had taken it upon himself to arrest without consulting M. Begon. Fol. 2i9. 23^ pages, say 11 pp^ Same to same. Soliciting promotion lor his brother, a lieutenant in the navy. Fol. 252. J pages, say ^2 ?► Same to same. Another letter on the Grouard matter. Fol. "^54. 3^ pages, say Same to same. Forts Frontenac, the Bay of Quinte. Same to same. ^ pages, say Same to same. HP- Letter accompanying a statement of the trade at Niagara, at the head of Lake Ontario and at Fol, 258. 9 pages, say 8 pp. Eespecting the trade in mast-timber. Fol. 266. Difficulties between Sieurs Gatin (should be- Gastin) and Peire as to cod-fishing. Fol. 273. 7J pages, say 3 pp. Same to same. He has limited to two the number of taverns for each parish. Fol. 278. 6h pages, say 3 pp. Same to same. Ordinance as to difficulties between Sieurs Gastin and Peire respecting cod-fisheries at the Grand Etang and Eiver Madeleine. Fol. 294. 14 pp. Extract from letter written to the Court by M. Begon, in relation to hostilities between the Abenakisand the English. Fo!. 301. il pp. Eeturn of vessels arrived at Quebec from France and the islands of Martinique and lie Royal, and of those that sailed from the said port. Fol. 308. 1 page, say 2 pp. Eemarks made Sieur de Tilly during his voyage to Chicoutimi, for the inspection of pine timber suitable for masts. Fol. 311. 5^ pp. Memoir of the Bishop of Quebec as lo the revenues of all ecclesias- tical establishments and religious orders in Canada. Fol. 426. 3 pages, say IJ p. Plan for promoting the settlement of Canada in the manner best calculated to benefit the colony and France. Fol. 428. 9 pages, say 12 pp. Names and standing of those who signed the petition presented in behalf of the merchants and inhabitants of Montreal, protesting against the .adjudication of the post of Temiscamingue, to Sieur de la Gorgendiere. Fol. 436. 2^ pp. Petition of inhabitants of Montreal a<» to the post of Temis- camingue. Fol. 438. t 6 J pp» Izxix 1725. September 10, August 7, Qnebec. October 29, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 20. Quebec. Speech of the Iroquois who came to Montreal to lament the Ramezay, and reply by Baron de Longueuil. P'ol. 442. 12 pp. Report as to diflSculty the inhabitants of Ancionne Lorette find in complying with the decree of the Council of State of ISt'i March, 1724. Fol. 450. 6 pp. Sieur Chaussegros de Lery to Minister. Works on the fortifica- tions of Montreal and Chambly. Plan of the future cathedral of Quebec made by him. Fol 455. 6J pages, say 2 pp. Letter from the Bishop of Quebec, accompanying memoir of 4th of same month. Complains that persons of loose character are sent to Canada. Disorders and crimes the result. Claims the royal protection for tbe hospital nuns of Quebec, Three Rivers and Mon- treal. Loss of the king's ship * "^ *. Death of Sieur de Louvigny. Frere Chretien's plan for the establishment ot schools. Fols. 4(J1 and 462, 8 pages, say 12 pp. Do Longueuil and Begon . Memo, describing the former limits of the post of Temiscamingue, from data furnibhed by Sieurs de Vercberes and de la Morandiere, officers in the army, and Sieursr Blondeaa and Rose, voyageurn. Fol. 478. 8 pages, say 4 pp. Memoir urging the necessity of preventing the English from car- rying out, to the injury of France, their debigns in relation to the colony of Canada. Fol. 487. 61 pages, say 45 pp. (The following words, in pencil, appear at the head of this docu- ment: *' Ce memoire est fait par un membre de la Congregation de St. Lazare.") End op Vol, 47. " Canada — Corebspondance GfiNiiRALf ." Vol 48. — M. de Beauharnois, Governor General, M. B^qon ani> M. DuPDT, Intendants. 1726. October 12, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. C. 11. De Beauharnois and Dupuy to Minister. Affairs of the colony. Finances. Fol. 3. 1^ ?• The same. Letter and memo, as to the re-building of the Palais. Fols. 6 to 19. 24 pp. The same. Stating that, owing to steps taken, the colony has not suffered greatly through the loss of the cargo of " Le Chameau." Gunpowder. Porpoise fishery. Fol. 34. 13 pages, say 6 pp. M. de Beauharnois as to the limits of the territory within the Government of M. de Longueuil. Fol. 42. 1 page, say i p. De Beauharnois and Dupuy. Acknowledging despatch notifying them of the King's resolve to govern by himself. Fol. 44. 3 pagee, say J^" P- The same. In relation to the Governor General's quarters at Montreal. Fol. 47. 3 J pages, say i^ p. The same. In relation to the several judicial offices. Fol. 51. 9 pages, say 4^ pp. The same. Sieurs de la Verendrye, ([Jeleron and Dugue have not availed themselves of their leave of absence to go to France, and ask Ixxx 1726. to be allowed to do so next year. A.pplicatioa for like leave on behalf of Sieur Amariton. Fol. 58. 1 page, say | p. October 20, De Beauharnois and Dapuy. Specie. Timber at Gaspe and Baie des Quebec. Chaleurs. Trade and navigation. Porpoise fishery. Priceof bread. Pow- der magazine at Qaebec greatly exposed. Fol. 60. 16 pages, say 8 pp. October 20 The same. Eespecting the copper money sent to Canada. Fol. Quebec. gg^ 3 pages, say 11 p. October 28, Account of copper money sent by La Compagnie des Indes in Quebec. j^^g, and still in the offices of the said Company. Fol. 73. I p. October 20, De Beauharnois and Dupuy. As to the beaver trade. Fraud?, Quebec ^^^ Yo\. 79. 17 pages, say 8 pp. October 30, The same. Pardons to be granted and appointments to be made. Quebec. General hospital. Seminary and Ui'sulines, Qaebec. Baildingn. Projected shipyards. De Lignery and Michillimakinao. Harbour Mabter to be appointed ; Sieur Testu de'la Eichardidre fitted for the post. Means of improving the navigation of the St. Lawrence. Fol. 90. 30 pages, say 15 pp. September 26 Report of conference between delegates of the colony of New and O^t. 30, York and the Abenakis of Casco Bay, with reply of Governor of jNewYork. ;^Ty^ jTrance. Fol. 106. 29 pages, say 22 pp. 1727 (six ) j)0 Beauharnois to Minister. As to necessity of re-establishing the Quebec. ' pi'^ctice of giving presents to the Indians of the upper country. FoJ. 1126. 125. 3 J pages, say 2^ pp. September 28, Same to same. Patents and commissions to certain officers pro- Q^'^'"- moted. Fol. 129. 1 p. September 27. Same to same. As to charges made against Sieur d'Auteuil des yue ec. Mousseau (de Monceaux) of trading Manhattan. Pension for Dame d'Hervilliers. Sieur de La Borde returns to France. Fol. G . K 00 ^^''- ^ P^^^*' ^^y ^^ P- beptember28, Same. On the difficulty of keeping in the country young men Quebec. sent out Mudev lettre de cachet. Fol. 134. 3 pp. September 28, Same. As to presents for settled Abenakis. Fol. 140. Ip. Quebec. ' '^ heptmber28. Same. On proposed Ouabache settlement. Eivalry of the Quebec. English. Fol. U2. 1 p. September 28, Same. Suggests the propriety of giving muskets to discharged Que ec. soldiers who have married in colony. Fol. 146. 1 p. September 28, Same. Patent of Knighthood of the Order of St. Louis delivered Quebec. .j.^ sieur de Lignery. Certificate of service and catholicity of Sieur Denis de la Ronde. Fol. 148. 1 p. September 28, Same. Question of precedence between officers of army and navy. Quebec. p^j jg2. li page^ say 1^ p. O^eS^^"^ 28, Complaints of Sieur de Cannes on the subject. Fol. 154. | p. September 23, M. de Beauharnois in relation to certain youths of good families Quebec. condemned to serve for life as soldiers in the colony. Fol. 155. ^ p. September 28. The same. As to certain abuses in the fort of Chambly. Fol. Quebec. ^5^^ 2 pages, say l|p. September 28, The same. Respecting the settlenaent of Niagara, with letter Quebec. from M. de Noyau to Baauharnois, dated at Montreal, on the same subject. Fol. 159 and 160. H VP- Extracts from a letter of M. de Longuouil on the progress of fort of Niao^ara and the abandonment of Chou6guen and Petite Chute by the English. Fol. 163. 1^ p. September28, De Beauharnois to Minister. A limit must be put to granting Quebec. leave to soldiers. Applies for reinforcements of troops for new forts. Fol. 164. 4 pages, say 2^ pp* Izzxi 1726. September 29. Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quetec. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. December 29, Quebec. May 20, Quebec. May 20, Quebec. July 17, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. November 23, Rochefort. July 5, Amboy. 1724 («c). October 24, Quebec. 1726 October 6, Quebec. Ip. Fol. De Beauharnois to Minister. As to claims of Mme. de Eamezay in relation to a brickyard she bad established at Montreal. Memo- rials from that lady. Fol. 167 and 169. ih pp. The same. Eoports that he was present at the singing of a Te Deum at the Cathedral ot Qaebec in celebration of the King's marriage. Fol. ITS. 1 page, say ^ p. Same to same. On the necessity of removing the powder maga- zine at Quebec to another site. Foh 180. 1 p. Same to f^ame. Announces the establishment of peace with the Foxes, who have promised not to make war again upon the Illinois. Fol. 181. 2 pp. Same to same. On the subject of vacant offices. Fol. 183. 1^ p. Same to same. Desertion of men named Pottier and Deloig- non. Fol. 185. ip. Same to same. Eecommends Sieur Chaussegros de Lery tor Grand Cross of St. Louis. Fol. 187. h P- Flacet of de Lery in that behalf. Fol. 188. Da Beauharnois on the building of the palace at Quebec. 189. Same to same. In relation to a fire which occurred at tbe guard house, and necessity ot removing powder magazine which is close by. Fol. 19 i. 1 p. The same. Intrigues of the English. Niagara. M. de Joncaire. Fol 195. 3 pages, say 2| pp. The same. On certain honours claimed by M. Dupuy, Intendant. Fol. 203. 1 p. M. Begoo. Announces his intention of remaining still in Canada owing to ihe wreck of '" Le Chameau." Fol. 206. I p. The same. Eeduction in number of troops. Niagara. Domiciled Indians, &c. Fol. 2u7. 5 J pages, say 2| pp. The same. Thanking the Minister for appointing M. de Beauhar- nois. M. de Lotbiniere has entered holy orders. Death of M. Bouat, Lieutenant-General. Fol. 211. 2 pages, say H P* The same. Coasters and their crews. Invalids. Fol. 213 to i!l7, 7 pages, say 3^ pp. The same. The arrival of Beauharnois has delighted everyone. De Longueuil has returned to Montreal. De Yaudreuil's daughters have been enirusted lo Madame Begon who is to take them back to France, Fol. 226. 2 pp. The same. Sending a plan of Montreal prepared by Sieur Dague. Fol. 228. 2h pages, say U p. The Fame. His joy at seeing France again after an absence of fourteen years. Describes his voyage and praises Comte Dosgouttes Commander of the " Elephant." Fol. 230. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. Copy of letter from M. Burnet to de Longueuil. Learns that the French have begun a fort at Niagara, with the intention of confining therein the Five Nations and to prevent the other Indians from trading with the English. Protests against the undertaking. Fol. 233. H p. Adjudication of the trade of T6miscamingue to Sieur de la Gor- gendiere. Fol. 235. 6i pp. Eeport of a seizure of a canoe loaded with merchandise, at Nia- gara. Fol. 239. 6^ pages, say ' 5 pp. Memorial of de Eamezay's widow, as to losses she has incurred on timber furnished to the King in pursuance of the bargain made by her husband. Fol. 24 J. 2 pp<. Izxxii 1726. April 22, October 14, Quebec. September 2^ Quebec. October 20, Qaebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec' October 25, October 30, May 16, Whitehall. February 15, Qaebec. July 25, July 14, Memo, from the King to Sieurs Vaudreail and Begon, respecting the claims of de la Mothe Cadillac and Detroit. Fol. 247. 25 pages, say 20 pp. Dapuy, Intendant, to Minister, Complaia^ that Comte Desgoattes, commanding the King's ship, refused to wait until despatches were completed. Other inconveniences caused by his hurried departure. Timber sent by Madame de Eamezay. Products of Canada. Recom- mends de la Richardiere for the office of harbour master. Fol. 261. 3J pages, say 4 pp. Return of specie in treasury of Domaine d'Occident at Qaebec, derived from import duties on provisions and spirits. Fol. 272. 3 pp. Statement of fur trade at Fort Frontenac, Niagara and head of Lake Ontario. Fols. 274 and 276. 4 J pp. Dupuy to Minister. States that he has leased the house of Madame de Ramezay for three years. Fol. 283. 6 pages, say 3 pp. Same to same. The daughters of de Vaundreuil sail for France on the King's ship. Fol. 287. ^ p. Same to same. On bills for the King's account at the upper posts. Timber, hemp, bills of exchange. Fol. 288. 16 pages, say 7 pp. Same to same. Ecclesiastical affairs. Employment of soldiers. Commerce and fisheries. Building timber. Mines. Clearing of land. Cattle. Skins of wild animals. Taverns, &c. Fol. 297. 43 pages, say 28 pp. Same to same. On the limits of the Tadousac trade, and the bringingof the Seigniory of Malbaie under the Domain. Fol. b 19. ^p. Same to same. The scandal as to Sieur d'Auteuil and the wife of Reaume has died out. Fol. 320. J p. Respecting land register. Fol. 321. J p. List of majors and adjutants to whom powder is Fol. 324. 2J pp. Will carry out King's orders as to taking up arms of discharged soldiers and storing the same. Fol. 336. J p. Same to same. Explanations as to claims of Sieur de la Mothe Cadillac, in relation to Detroit, against Sieur de Tonly. Fol. 351. 7 pages, say 6 pp. Same to same. Extracts from letter of Dupuy as to Sieur de Ja Mothe Caiillac, with denials. Fol. 352. 13J pages, say 15 pp. Same to same. Detroit and Sieur de Tonty. Fol. 361. 7 pages, say 6 pp. Same to same. Asks for title of " Intendant de Marine " for him- self, and Grrand Cordon de Saint Louis for de Beauharnois. Intrigues of the English to win over the Indians at Niagara. Fol. 365. 3 J pp. Translation of letter from Duke of Newcastle to Walpole, respect- ing fort built at Niagara by the French, and which the English wished to have demolished. Fol. 368. 2J pp. Notice of the Bishop of Quebec, de Longueuil and Begon, regarding claims arising from the regulations respecting parish districts. Fol. 387. 9^ pages, say 4| pp. De Longueuil to Minister. Fox, Sauteux and Sioux Indians. French settlement at Niagara. English post at Choueguen. Burn- ifag of the Palace, Quebec. Fol. 392. 12^ pages, say 6 pp. Council at Niagara of delegates of Five Iroq^uois Nations with de Longueuil. Fol. 399. 2J pp. Reply of de Longueuil to news brought by Cabina, Chief of the Sauteux. Fol. 402. 1^ p. Same to same. Same to same. yearly distributed Same to same. 1726. August 16. Moatreal. October 4, Moatreal. 1727 isie). October 19, Montreal. 1726. June 15, June 7, June 15, October 22, Quebec. September 10, Quebec. May 7, Ixzziii Reply of de LoDgueail to Mr. Burnet's letter (Fol. 233) of 5th July, a« to the re-eBtablishment of the post of Niagara. Fol. 403. IJp. De Longueuil to Minister. Begs him to remember the extra- ordinary expenditure caused by his frequent journeys to Niagara. Asks for the Cross of Saint Louis for his son. Fol. 405. 3 pages, say 1 p. Same to same. Asks for Cross of Saint Louie for his eldest son ; the majority of Montreal for M. de Lignery, and promise of a com- pany for Sieur de Noyan, his nephew. Foi. 407. 3^ pages. 3 pp. Copy of letter written by de Lignery from la Baie des Puants to de Liette, Commandant in Illinois country. Fol. 410. 5 pp. Mem. respecting peace concluded by M. de Lignery with Chiefs of Foxes, Sakis and Puants at la Baie. Fol. 419. b' pages, say bh pp. Replies of Sakis, Puants and Foxes, at council held at la Baie, by M. de Lignery. Fol. 413-14. 4 pp. Sieur Chaussegros de Lery, as to chart of Lake Ontario and works done at Niagara. Fol. 428. 7 pages, say 3 pp. Letter from Bishop of Quebec on ecclesiastical matters. Insuffi- cient number of priests. Complaints against the Recollets. Inter- diction of the cure of Louisbourg. Fol. 434. 8 pages, say Mem. as to rivalry of Bnglith for the trade of the upper Fol. 44L 7J pages, say Mem. on the porpoise fishery. Fol. 448. 4 pp. posts. 7 pp. 4 pp. End op Vol. 48. " Canada — Correspondance G^nj^rale." 1727. YoL. 49. M. DE Beauharnois, Governor General, M. Dupuy, Intendant. I 1727. •October 20, Quebec. 'October 20, Quebec. October — , Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20. Quebec. •October 20. . Same to earae. On the assistance granted by the King to the Abenakis and the necessity of conciliating tbetn. Fol. 124. '6^ paces, say 2 pp. Same to same. Thanking him for favours granted to persons whom he had recommended. Fol. 128. ^ p. Same to same. Stating that he had caused a Te Deum to be sung for the restoration of the King's health. Fol. 130. 1 page. ^ p. Same to same. Applies for an order for the arrest of all French subjects going, without leave, from Canada to the Mississippi. Fol. 132. ^ p. The same. Statement of cost of building sheds for stowing build- ing timber. Fols. 134-6-7. 3^ pp. The same. Leave granted to certain persons to go to France. Fol. 138. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Supporting claims of Chaussegros de Lery, with memoir in relation thereto. Fols. 147-8-9. 3Jpp. The same. Complaints as to Dapuy in relation to public works. 2ipp. Scarcity of coin in the country ; special coinage 152. 2 pp. Specifying points upon which he disagrees with 154. 2^ pp. Vacant offices in the courts to be filled. Fol. Has had freish difficulties with Dupuy. Fol, 159. ^ p. Same to same. Painful position of the de Louvigny family. Fol. 160. 3 pages, say 1 p. Same to same. Asking for a pension for the widow of d'Argen- teuil. Fol. 162. IJ page, say 1 p. Same to same. Expense incurred by Sieur. Amariton in saving the liie of an Indian woman. Extract from letter of M. de Liette. Fols. 164 and 167. 3^ pages, t^ay 2 pp. Memorial of merchants of Qaebec to Marquis de Boauharnois, Gov- ernor, asking that retailing of goods in the colony by foreign traders be prohibited. Fol. 168. 8 pp. De Beauharnois, recommending the printing of a treatise on forti- fications, written by M. de Lery. Fol. 172. 1^ pago, 6i.y 1 p- Fol. 150. The same, needed. Fol. The same. Dupuy. Foi. The same. 156. The same. 126-G Izzxvi 1727. October 27. Quebac. October 27, Quebec. November 5. Aagust 8. August 1, Choueguen. July 20. April 11, Whitehall. December 21, Whitehall. July. May 9, October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. Cctober 20, Quebec. March 26, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. Do Boauharnois. Eecommending the employment of soldiers for the discovery of frauds in the fur trade. Fol. 174. ^ pi Same. On the establishment of a Jesuit College atMontreal. Montreal. Fol. 17t>. ^ p. Same. On need of money in colony. Fol. 178. l| p. Copy of letter written by Burnet, Governor General of New York, to Beauharnois, 8th August, in reply to Beauharnois' letter of 20th July. Posts of Niagara and Choueguen. Fol. 180 lOJ pp. Copy of summons to Commander of Fort built by the Eoglisii on the shore of Lake Ontario, at the mouth of the Choueguen River, oa the part of do Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, calling upon him to withdraw with the garrison of the said fort, by M. Begon " Major dos villes et chateau do Quebec." Fol. 201. 4J pp. Extract from Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, to Burnet, Gover- nor of New York. Fol. 204. 4 pp. Copy of letter from Walpole in relation to letter from Burnet, respecting the fort built by the French at Niagara. Fol. 207. l^p. Translation of letter from Lords Commissioners of Board of Trade, to Duke of Newcastle, in relation to Burnet's letter. Fol. 221. 2 pp. Eeply to memoir of His Britanic Majesty respecting the fort of Niagara. Fol. 225. 24 pages, say 15 pp. S;ieech of Iroquois to M. Begon, when on his way to Choueguen. Fol. 346. J^ p. Memoir respecting fort of Niagara presented to H. E. Cardinal de Fleury. Fol. 247. 5^ pages, say 4 pp. Memoir as to fort erected by English at Oswego. Fol. :i50, 7 pages, say 6 pp. Eeply to memoir and letter presented by Walpole, British Ambassador, as to Fort Niagara. Fol. 254. 4 pages, say 3J pp. Complaints as to encroachments of the English on the soil of New France. Fol. 256. 19 pages, say 15 pp. Dupuy to Minister. Fur trade and sale of spirits at posts. Fol. 267. 7 pages, say 3 pp. Sale ot furs derived from trade at forts Frontenac and Niagara in 1727. Fol. 271. 1| p. Dupuy to Minister. Seminaries of Quebec and Montreal. Praise of several officers. Troops and militia. Imposition of duty at Montreal required for completion of fortilioations. Eosio. Timber and hemp. Clergy. Tytbes. Mines. Sheda for firewood, cut and sawed. Lumber and firewood. Clearing of land. Cjm- merce. Upper posts. Sieur de Tonty. Fol. 274. 57 pages, say 38 pp. Same lo same. Shipments of hemp and tar to Eochefort. Frauds. Fol. 303. 12 pages, say 6 pp. Same to same. Increased public expenditure caused by assemb- ling of militia, to be sent to Choueguen. Necessity of completing fortifications of Quebec and Montreal. Fol. 310. 14 pages, say 7 pp. Comparative estimate of royal expenditure for pay, pensions, &?., for masters and men who navigated vessels in 17-6 and navigating Lake Ontario in 1727. Fol. 3 19. 2 pages, say 3 pp. M Dupuy. Land register. Titles. Communities. Treasurer's accounts. Claims. Fol. 320. 6 pages, say 3 pp. Same. Ordinance cancelling loa^e of Sieur de la Gorgendiere as to post of Temiscaraingue. Fol. .i'Jl. 8^ pages, say ^ PP« Same. As to servitudes from individuals claimed by communities of Montreal. F'ol. 330. 6 pages, say 3 pp. Same. As to cancelling lease of Temiscamingue and farming the post of Toronto. Fol. 334. 4 pages, say 2 pp» Ixxxvii 1727. April — April — No date. No date. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 23. Quebec. October 29. Quebec. October 27. Quebec. No date. November 1, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. July 20, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. ]\Iadame de Vaudreuil to Minister. Offering to sell to the King her house at Montreal. Fol. 338. 1 p. Same to sanae. Offerin/^ to exchange her land in Canada for the forest of Yauvray. Fol. 339. 8 pp. Same to same. Asking for suitable rent for her house at Montreal. Fol. 345. ^ p. Same to same. Asking for the office of commandant of Detroit for Adhemar de Lantagnac, grand-nephew of her husband, Fol. 346. Dupuy. State of the artillery. Bad state of the Quebec, especially the district of Lower town Fol. 343. say The same. Difficulties with Governor. Fol. 351. Beaver trade. Fol. 353. 2 J pages, say streets of 4 pages, 2 pp. 3 pages, The same. The same. As to appointing a date for sailing of vessels. No road established as yet between Montreal and Quebec. Great incon- venience resulting. Fol. 355. 13 pages, say 8 pp. The same. Shipbuilding, timber, &c. Fol. 362. 3^ pages, say 1^ p. The same. On general expenditure of colony. Detailed state- ment thereof. Fol. 365 to 370. 12 pages, say 16 pp. The same. Fanl for invalids of Navy. Exemption from deduc- tions of 6 deniers par livre in favour of crews fishing in Lower St. Lawrence, Admiralty of Quebec. Admiralty of Louisbourg. Fol. 371. 8 pages, say 4 pp. The same. On gratuities to Sieurs de Lignery, de Yilliers and Duolessis. Fol. 391. 3^ pages, say IJ p. The same. Affair of Sieurs de Lamarche and de Tonty {^See Memo, of de Tonty and counter-statement of de la Marche, above mentioned). Fol. 396. i-^ pages, say 4 pp. The same. As to one of his relatives, confined under lettre de cachet, whom he had always supported as well as his family, and who nevertheless found fault with him. Fol. 401. 2^ pp. The same. Complaint of wrong sought to be done to him. Fol. 404. 3 pages, eay 2 pp. Two curious letters written by one Sieur Piveron on board the " Elephant," asking pardon for having offended the Intendant. Fol. 408 and 410. 6 pages, say _ 3 pp. M. Dupuy. 22 pages, say The same. 2^ pages, say Finances of colony. Want of specie. Fol. 412. 11pp. On the fluctuations in the value of money. Fol. 428. 2 pp. Memorial of traders of New France. Trade of Canada with lie Royale. Biscuits. Flour. Unlawful competition of the English. Fol. 430. 9 pp. Dupuy. Dangers to navigation from the Traverse. Remedy. Frauds. King's posts. Fisheries. Notarial deeds. Public education. Choueguen Eedout. Niagara. Limits of Acadia. Fol. 435. 17^ pp. Memo., initialled by Dupuy, of surgical instruments applied for by Surgeon-Major of the Hospital, at Three Rivers. Fol. 445. 2 pages, say 1 p. M. Dupuy. Informing Minister that ho has farmed Toronto to Sieur de la Saussaye, Fol. 448. 2^ pp. Dupuy. Copy of his letter to Comte de Maurepas, and reply of Sieur Baudry de la Marche as to his difficulty with de Tonty. Fol. 454. 4 J pages, say 6 pp. 126- ai Ixxxviii No date. 1727. September 18, Montreal. October 16, October 17, Quebec. March 10, April 27, April 29, Mem. on Fort Niagara. (In pencil on margin : 1726.) Fol. 503. 6 pp. Eeply to Walpole on Fort Niagara. (In pencil on margin 1727 or 1728.) Fol. 506. 18 pp. M. de Lacorne to Minister. As to his sons, officers in tho army. Commissary. Eeview of troops. 2 pp. Fol. J p. On the fortifications of Niagara, Fol. 534. 6 pages, say 8 pp. Fol. 529. M. d'Aigremont, 532. Chaussegros de Lery, engineer. Choueguen, Montreal and Quebec. KeguIatioDs for parochial districts. Fol. 557. 5 pp. MM. de Beauharnois and Dupuis. Eepairs to the hospital at Montreal. The brandy trade. Fols. 561 to 563. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Memorandum on the subject of the Renards. Fol. 564. 14 pages, say 12 pp. Memorandum about the Abenakis, the Sioux and the Eonards. Intrigues of the English. Fol. 576. 13J pages, say 12 pp. End of Yol. 49. " Canada— CoBRESPONDANCE G:6Ni:RALE." 1728. Vol. 50 — Beauharnois, Governor General, d'Aigremont, Com* MissARY IN Command, and Performing the Duties of Intendant. 1728. October 1 , Qnebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. \, October 1, Quebec. C. 11. Beauharnois and d'Aigremont to the Minister. Necessity for pro curing 100 wooden canoes, instosd of those of bark, in tho case of movements made on the part of the English. Fol. 3. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same to the same. In the matter of a grant asked'for by Sieur Martin, a priest at Labrador ; Sieur de la Eonde, Beaudet, &c. Fol. 5. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Acknowledging tho receipt of two copies of the Ordinance of 1st July, 1727, respecting tho punishment of military misdemeanours and crimes. Fol. 9. 1 page, say J p. The same to the same. Eespecting thirty private persons, bound by order of the King, to leave for the colony. One of them has accepted the office of public hangman. Fol. 1 1. Ih page, say 1 p. The same to the same. In the matter of several Englishmen who had come to Montreal and to Canada, in order to demand payment of what was due to them by the merchants of Montreal. Fol. 13. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. The seminary of Quebec. Ship yards. Distribution of guns to the soldiers. Powder magazines. Barracks and wharves. Presents. Folio 17. 10 pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. Beauharnois regrets that Dupuy has not been able to come to an understanding with him. The Sisters of Charity of Montreal. Excellent harvest. Foreign trade with the Antilles. The writers continue to keep the Abenakis Iz2xiz 1728. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1. Quebec. October 1. Quebec. October 1, •Quebec. September 10 and (3 Quebec. October 8, Quebec. well disposed towards France. Proposed flottlement on the south, side of the St. Lawrence. The forts of Chonei^uen and Niagara. Fortifications of Montreal and Quebec. Improvement of the posts by the officers. Frauds in the beaver trade, &o. Fol. 23. 34 pages, say , 18 pp. The same to the same. In the matter of the Chouanons and the po^ts in the upper country. FoL 43. 7 page-^, say 3^ pp. The same to the same. About the settlement of La Galette. English competition. Fol. 4S. 2 pages, pay 1 p. The same to tbo same. In the matter of the petitions of the widow of Morville, of Lavrard, master-gunner, and of the HecoUects. Fol. 54, 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Announcing that Testu de la Kichardiere has accepted the position of harbour master of Quebec. Fol 57. 21pp. Same to same. On the subject of military reviews. Fol. 61. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. About the reserve artillery. Fol. 65. 2J pages, say IJ p. Extracts from two letters by La Perriere and de la Fresnieres to Beauharnois respecting the Renards and the expedition sent against them. Fol. 106. 3 pages, say 2i pp. Beauharnois to the Minister. Gflves an account of the rigorous measures which he had been compelled to take against Dupuy, and October 9, Quebec. October 1, Qaebec. November 6, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. Jantmry 15. Quebee. January 16, Quebec. January 23, Quebec. May 16, Quebec. August 4, Qaebec. June 12, Quebec. August 18, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. n 2 p- asks for the red ribbon. Fol. 108. 2h pages, say The same. About the recall of Dupuy. JFol. 110. z pages, gay 1 p. The same. About the trial of a man named La Palme, who, being on duty, had killed an Indian who had insulted him. Fol. 110. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Beauharnoif< and d'Aigremont, recommending the request of Boucault, the King's counsel, for an increase of salary. Fol. 116. I p. The same to the same. On the want of powder. Fol. 118. 2 pages, say 1 p. Thei same to the same. On card-money and the want of coin. Fol 120. 1 page, say }h p. Beauharnois on the works and expenditures of the Intendant. Fol. 123. 2^ pp. The same. On his disputes with Dupuy. Fol. 126. 1^ p. The same, On the same subject. Fol. 128. 1 p* The same. Eespecting the Indians from the upper country. Fol. 130. 2 pages, say ]{? p. The same. Eespecting the Ranards. Fol. 132. ^p. The same. Forwarding the instructions received from Rocheforf for the people of Canada, respecting the cultivation of hemp, and the manner of preparing ii. Fol. 13t. 2 pp. The same. Respecting the Renards. Fol. 135. 2^ pages, say 1 p. The same. He has been forced to take rigorous measures against Gaillard and d'Artigny, adherents of Dupuv. Fol. 137. 5 pages, say "" 3 pp. The same. He has caused d'Aigremont to come from Montreal to take the place of Dupuy who has left for France. Fol. 143. 2 pages, say I J p. zc 1728. October 1, Quebec. December 2, Quebec. December 29, Quebec. December 30, Quebec- October l5, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. November 5, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. De Beauharnois. Eecall of de Tocty and de Lougneuil. Diffi- culties in conBection with the commands of posts, leaves of absence, &c. Fol. 145. 3 pp. The game. Announcing the death of d'Aigremont, who died universally regretted. Fol. 14*7. J p. The same. Setting forth the pretensions of de Tilly and de Bois- clerc, in the matter of the office of Comptroller of Marine and pro- nouncing in favour of the former. Fol. 149. 1 p. Statement of the distribution of trade passes established by His Majesty for the support of poor families of the colony. Fol. 151. 3^ pages, say H pp. Condition of the porpoise fisheries, established in the St. Law- rence and their success. Fol. 155. 1 p. Beauharnois to the Minister. Eeferring to his disputes with Dupuy. Fol. 156. 6^ pp. D'Aigremont announces the cancellation of the lease of the po^t at Toronto. Fol. 160. 1 page, say ^ p. The same. Thanking the Minister for the trust he reposes in him, and promising some explanations on the condition of the fund??. Fol. 162. 5 pages. 2^ pp. Letter from Mr. Hazeur, excusing himself for having madfr Dupuy'e cause his own, especially in the matter of the judgment rendered against the Chapter. Fol. 166. 3 pp. Statement containing the names of the burgesses and citizens of Quebec, who presented themselves in order to learn the guil drill during the years 1725, 1*726 and 1*727. Fol. 168. 1 p. D'Aigremont. Artillery gun carriages to be renewed. The opposition of the superiors of the religious commuuities to return a statement of their revenue has hindered the complolion of the land register. Fol. 169. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. In the matter of leasing the house of Madame do Vaudreuil for the Governor General when he goes to Montreal. Scarcity of gunpowder. Fol. 173. 4]^ pages, say 2 pp. The same. The manner in which Beauharnois has disposed of the privileges, and the farming of the posts of Niagara and Frontent.c. Fol. 175. 8 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Distribution of provisions for the soldiers. Fol. 181. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Death of Tonty, at Detroit, in November, 1727. Capt. d'Eschaillons replaces him as commandant of the post. (There is written in the margin in pencil, in the hand of Mr. Margry, 1 think *' this is not the Chevalier de Tonty, companion of Lassalle at Michillimakinac. Chevalier de Tonty died of the plague in 1704.") Powder distributed to the major. Posts of Frontenac, Toronto and Niagara. Fol. 384. 9 page?, say 4^ pp. Beauharnois announces that he had arrested one Chetiveau de Eoussel, coming from the Mississippi wiihout a passport. Fol. 189. 1 p. The same. Complaining of slanders circulate! about him, and enclosing a letter on the subject. Fols. 191, 193, 194. 4 page:?, say. 3 pp. The same. Complaining of Gorgendiere, who has leased the post of Temiscamingue to the adherents of Dupuy. Fol. 195. 3 pages, say _ Z pp. The game. In the matter of the frauds connected with the beaver trade; and the scandalous conduct of Eaimbault, lieutenant- general at Montreal. Fol, 109. 2J pages, say 2 pp.. XCl 1728. November 8, Quebec. Novpmber 8, Qnebec. Novrmber 8, Qnebec. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. June 22, October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Qnebec. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. December 9, Montreal. October 15, Quebec. October 20, Qnebeci October 19, Quebec. De Beaubarnois. He complains of the Ursuline nuns, who, after having taken bides with Dupuy, will tot acknowledge their error. Fol. 201. 1 p. The same. On the scarcity of porcelain beads. Fol. 203. 1 page, say i p. The pamo. Eulogium on d'Eschaillons sent to command at Detroit. Fol. 205. ^ p. The same. Eespecting the allowance of gunpowder, to which d'Eechaillons bad a right. Fol. 206. h p. The same. The stranding of the vessel the " Ville-Marie," a league above Quebec. Fol. 207. 1 p. The same. Arinouncirg that M. Morin, Cure of Cap Sante, had come to him begging to be relieved from his duties. Fol. 209. i p. Copy of letter from Waipole to the Keeper of the Seals at Soiesons, about the forts of O.^wego and ^'iagara. Fol. 211. 2^ pp. D'Aigremont. " Droit de change " conferred on the Seminary of St. Snlpice. Tariff of admiralty droiis levied at Quebec. Fol. 232. 3J pages, say 2 pp. "The same. Desiliy, who bad come out 1o serve under the com- mand of Dupuy, will serve in the place of d'Aigremont at Montreal. Fol. 245. 1|- page, say 1 p.. The same." Hemp. Building of vessels. Tar. Fol. 217. 2^ pp. Same to same. Affairs in general. Seizure of the effects of Dupuy, Fol. 254. ?>h pages, say 2 pp. Same to same. General expenditure of the colony. Fol. 2!57. 25 pages, say 12^ pp. Same to same. About the half-pay of invalided soldiers. Fol. 271 4 pages, say 2 pp. Same to same. About the beaver, full-grown and half grown ; and concerning a petition from the Inoia Company. Fol. 275 6 pages, say 3 pp. Petition from the merchants of Quebec, with reference to the same subject. Fol. 270. 3 Pp. Eeturn of the seizure of movables and effects of Dapny. (Very curiou« papers, the second especially, which is a complete cataloorue of the furniture of the palace, and which gives an excellent idea of the interior of a house belonging to men of independent means at this period.) From fol. 291 to 303. 24 large pages, say 48 pp. Longueuil to the Minister. English competition. Forts of Choue- guen and Niagara. Part played by the Iroquois between the two colonies. Fol. c527. 3 pp. DeSilly, commissary. He proceeds to replace d'Aigremont at Montreal, who had taken the place of Dupuy, recalled to France. Eequcsts that quarters be found for him, and three tons of freight. Fol. 330. 2 pages, say 1| p. The same. Announces that ho will temporarily perform the duties of Intendant, in the place of d'Aigremont who has just died. Fol. 33?. 2 pages, say Up. Chaussegros de Lery, informing the Minister that he has forwarded to Beaubarnois, the plans of the fortifications. Fol. 335. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same. He complairs that in the completion of the palace at Quebec, Dupuy has not consulted him, and caused to bo done many things useless, and even detrimental. Fol. 338. 10 pasfes, say 7 pp. St. Simon. Provost, justifies his conduct as Provost-Marshal, and asks for an increase of salary. Fol. 345. 7 pages, say 5 pp. XCll 1728. Octobers. Quebec. October 4 and 19. -Qnebec. March 19, -Quebec. February 27, Paris. April 27, Versailles. May 11, Versailles. May 11, May 11, Versailles. May 14, Versailles. May 14, Versailles. May 14. Versailles. May 18, Versailles. , :\ May 18 Versailles May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. Madame do Hameziy. Asks for reimbursemont of the price of a lot upon «vhich was bailt a tilo and bi-ickyari at Monlroal, as well as a release from the payment of 350 livros, which Haraezay, her son— who had perished in " La Chameau" — had received in advance on his pay. Fol. 35i. ^4 P- Two letters from the nuns of the General-Hospital of Qaebec ; the first asking for a continuance of the protection of ihe Minister, and the eecond complaining of the constraint which Beauharnois imposes on them in the matter of Boalard, Vicar-General. Fols. 856 to 359. e| pp. Siatement concerning the replacement of war officers in Canada. Fol. 3H1. 5 page«i, way 4 pp. Sketch of the travels of LaChauvignerie, officer and interpreter of the Five Nations. Dotached by order of the General, in order to carry his message to the Nontagues (stc). Fol. 495. 5J pages, sav 6 pp. Memorandum of Nicholas Lanouiller, in print, entitled " Fermede Tadoussac, droits de Domaine " Fj1.409. 6^ pages, or in MS. 10 pp. (There is written in the marg n in pencil, below the date of \TIS, '• This is an trror, perhaps 17 8.") Letters from the India Company on the subj<3ct of pa9sp">rtp. Fol. 413. 1 p. Letter from de Maurepas, Minister of Marine and of the Colonies, submitting, in the name of His Majesty, various subjects for investi- gation among the people of Canada. Fol. 4 -'6. 1 p. The same to Dupuy. In the matier of the cultivation of hemp, and the building ot vessels. Fol. 428. 15^ P^ges, say 3 pp. The same. Eespecting the Canadian troops. Fol. 457. 3J 3pP' Eespecting the boundaries of parishes. Fol. 458. ()J 5 pp. Respecting the loan raised in Franco by frere Chrea- tien. Fol. 462. IJ page, say 1 p. The same. About tho oflScei's who command at the posts, and the abuses which they commit there. De la Konde should be recalled from hie. Fol. 463. 6^ pages, say 5 pp. The same. In the matter of M. Morin, Cuie of Cap Sante, who had been deposed from his cure. When the Commissioner of Marine is prevented from doing so, it is the Comptroller who should review the troops. Fol. 474. 2J pages, say 2 pp. The same. Respecting the repairs to be made to the artillery. It will be necessary to force, amicably, the religious communities to render an account of their revenues. Supply of ships' planking, &c., by Lepage. Fol. 476. 10 pages, say 8 pp. The same. Blaiming Dupuy and making him out wrong in all his allegations against Beauharnois. Fol. 485. lOj pages, say 8 pp. The same to Dupuy. Rejecting the offers of Mesdames de Vaad. reuil and de Ramezay in the matter of their houses. Land register. Munitions supplied to the Abenakis. Policy that must bo maintained towards the English in regard to the advanced posts. Fol. 516. 9^ pages, say 7 pp. The samo to Dupuy. liespecting the funds. Fol. 621. 14 paire,'*, say 10 pp. Tho same to Beauharnois and Dapuy. Enjoining tho Canons of tho (Quebec Chapter to be more diligent in their duties. Fol. 536. H page, say 1 p. pages, say The same. pages, say The same. XCIU 1728. May 24, "Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, VerSAilies. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 24, Versailles. May 27, Versailles. June 2, Versailles. Maurepas. Granting apaseage to Madanao do Beaujoa to return to France, in order to liold, the position of attendant oa the King's children of which bbe had tha reversion. Ful. 5^7. h p. The same to Dopuy. Ee.= pecLiDg the statement of expendi- ture, and the hemp and pitch farnibhed for the King's service. Fol. 538. 5 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Measures to be taken in order to en- courage the trade in flour and vegetables. Fol. 556. IJ p. The same to the same. About colonial affairs in general Fol. 557. 9 pages, say The same to the same, as commissary of Marine. The same to the same. 7 pp. Silly Ip. Ee;-!pecting the appointment of de Fol. 562. 1^ page, say About the right cf trafficking granted to the Seminary of St. Salpice. Nuns of the hospital at Quebec. Droits of the Admiralty. Fol. 463. 4 pa ^es, say ^ PP" The same to the same. Upon the trade to be carried on between Canada and Martinique. Fol. 565. 3| pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Respecting the amount to bo retained from the salaries of Desglys anddeTiersan, for their children. Fol. 567. 2 pages, say ^ J P- The same to d'Aigremont. About the difficulty which the officers in garrison at Quebec have raised about passing in review before Boisclerc. Fol. 563. 1^ page, say 1 p. The same, without address. Announcing that the king desires that Canon Plante should be appointed one of the directors of the seminary. Fol. 569. i p. The same to d'Aigremont. Telling him that Dapay has been re- called to France, and that he is to replace him as Commissary General. Fol. 573. 2 pp. End of Yol. 50. " Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE G£sfiR.\LE." 1729. Vol. 51 — Beauharnois, Governor General. Hocquart, Intbndant. 1729, October Quebec. October Quebec. October Quebec. C. 11. 25, Beauharnois and Hocqaart. Letter to the Minister, accompanied by apC^ition from the Ursuline nuns of Quebec, requesting that the " lots et ventes," which they owe to the State, should bo forgiven. Fol. 2. 2^ pages, say 1 J p. 25, The same. With respect to Lidius, an Englishman, established at Montreal, and who traded with the Iroquois, among whom he had a very good reputation. Fol. 6. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. 25, The same. Recommending lour petitions : the first from tha widow of Eobineau do Becancour, asking for a pension ; the second from Ignace Aubert, asking permission to begin the erection of the seigniory of Millo-Vaches, and claiming an indemnity in connection with the trade at Tadoussac; the third from Verrior, Attorney General, asking for a gratuity ; the fourth from Raymond, u junior xciv 1729 October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. Oetober 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. Uciober 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. ensign asking for a vacatit ensigncy From Fol. 9 to Fol. 14, nearly 5 pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart. Respecting the working of a slate quarry discovered on the f-outh side of the St. Lawrence, about one hundi ed leagues below Quebec. Building timber sent from Canada to the islands. Fol. 15. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. About the pardon granted to the soldier La Palme, who had killed a Panis Indian. Young men sent under leitres de cachet to eerve as soldiers. Fort at Lake Pepin. Settlement among the Sioux. Mode oi inspiring the Eenards with respect. Fol. 22. 13 pages, say y pp.. The fame. About the artillery, for the fortifications of Quebec. The grants to Sieurs de St. Martin and Constantin, on the coast of Labrador. Fol. 2;'. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Petition from Constantin to accompany the foregoing letter. Fol. 33. I p. Beauharnois and Hocquart, supportirg the claims of the Baron de Longueuil, who had asked for a gratuity. Fol. 34. 1 p. The same. Announcing the death of the Baron do Longueuil, Governor of Montreal. Claims of la Corne and the heirs of the- said Longueuil. Fol. 36. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. The same. Supportirg the petition of Jean Guillot, who had applied for half pay. Fol. 39. 1 p. The same. Giles Lenoir, hangman, is so bad a character that it will be necessary to replace him. The Siour de Lignery and Michillimakinac. His explanations respecting useless purchases of provisions. Fol. 41. 10 page?, say 5 pp» The same. Announcing the death of Becarcour, grand voyer. Persons qualified to replace him. Fol. 48. 2 pages, say li p. The same. About the pension asked for by Eichard, a priest. Fol. 50. 1 page, say ^ p. The same. Eespeeting the trade of Canada with the West Indies. Fol. 52. 2^ pages, say 1| p. The same. About ecclesiastical affairs. Fol. 54. IJ page, say 1 p. The same. About cafd-moDey. Fol. 56. 3^^ pages, say 2 pp. The same. Forwarding with their approval, a petition from the Sisters of Charity oi Montreal, who atk for a gratuity. Fols. 60, f,"l, 62. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. The tame. About the confirmation of the grants asked for by Aubert de laChesnaj'e. From fol. fi3 to 68. 7^ pages, say 6 pp. The same. About the copper mine found to the west of Lake Superior. Fol. 69. 2J pages, say H P* The tame. As to the sum to be expended in making presents to the Indians. Fol. '71. 2 pages, say IJp* The same. About the purchase for the Crown of a lot from the "Widow Fi on ligny, situated at the Palais. Fol. 7.3. 4^ pages, 2 pp. The same. About the recruits incorported with the troops. Officers. Supply of powder insufficient. The Seminary of Quebec audits creditors. Fortificatiors of Quebec. Complaints brought against St. Castin, Madame de Morville, Le Verricr and de Tonnancour. The < ffice records of Chamballon. Distribution of powder. Missions of it-le Poyale. Fol. 78. 19 pages, say 10 pp. The same. Forwarding a statement of goods given to the Kicka- poos by de Boucherville, in order to get out of their hands, and also torelcafe his companions from captivity. Fol. 88. 6^ pages, say 5 pp. The same. About the general expenditure. 5'ol,. 93. 2 pages, say IJ p. xcv 1729. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. November 1. Quebec. November 13, Quebec. May 10, Quebec. March 24, Quebec. May 19. Quebec. 1729 and 1730. Montreal. 1729. August 17, Quebec. September 1, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. October 25, Quebec. BeaiharDoifi. About the Miramichi Mission. Fol. 95. l^pa^e, eay " 1 p. The same. Respecting the restoration of the Bishop's Palace at Quebec. Fol. 97. 2 pages, say 1 p. The eame. The iron mines of St. Maurice. From fol. i'9 to 102. 5^ pages, say 4j pp. The bame. Ee-specting the shipwreck of the " E'ephant, " — and the zeal of the oflScers sent to rescue His Majesty's property. From fols. 102 to 106. 6 pages, say 5 pp. The same. Supporting the request of de Lauzon for an ipcrea=e in thegrattforthe mission of St. Louis. Fols. 109, 110 and 111. 3 pp. The same. Setting forth that the widow Morville has not the means of paying the balance of the debt of 1,060 livres, of which the King bad remitted the half, daring the previous year. Fol 112. 1 page, say J p. The same. Asking that four Savoyard.^, aged from 12 to 14 years, be sent for Quebec and Montreal ; " the two who had been sent out some years previously had become too large to enter the chimnov.s." Fol. 114. 1 page, eay ^ p. The same. fJecomraending Cugnet or Borlhier to replace Gaillard, decea^ed, in the Superior Council. Fol. 115. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Beauharnois and de Silly, Commissary, to the Minister. Eespeciing the scarcity of money and the monopoly of grain by foreign mer- chants. Fol. 118. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Beauharnois to the Minister. Respecting twelve Frenchmen, who, on their return from the Sioux, had boon stopped by the Mascoutins and the Kickapoos. Fol. I'i2. 3 pages, nay 1 J p. The same. Announcing that the Mascoutins and the Kickapoos bad declared war upon the Renards. Fol. 124. 1 p. Statement of excursions m;.do by Morendiere in 1729 and 1731', along the river shores within the Government of Montreal, with a view to the building of stone forts there. Fol. 128. 4 pp. B^^auharnois to the Minister. The Renards begging for peace. Fol. 131. 6 J pages, say 5 pp. The same. Return of Jemmeraye from among the Sioux ; and the news he brings about the Renards. Fol. 135. 5 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Dispute between de la Perriore and de la Gauchetiere about their seniority in the service. Fol. 143. 1 p. The same". Asking for the advice of the Minister about the claims of Gi lies Le Roy who refused to serve as a private soldier because, as he said, he was of gentle birth, Fol. 14^. 1 page, say | p. The same. In the matter of the appointment of Hocq[uart as commissary general. Fol. 147. 1 page, say 1 p. The same. About the expenditure caused by the war against the Renards. Fol. J 49. 1 page, say ^ p. Beauharnois and Hocquart. About card-money. Fol. 151. 8 pages, say c^ pp. Beauharnois. About the scarcity of troops, and the settlement of Ouabache. Fol. 156. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. The revival of trading licenses in favour of poor families. Choice of officers to command the posts. Fol. 158. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same. About the attitude of the English and the Indians. Fol. 160. 5 pages, say 4 pp. The same. A letter to the Minister enclossing an extract from a letter by La Corne, respecting a blow struck at a Ronard village XCVl <^ 1729. by the Ottawas of Michillimackiaac, the Follos-avoines and the Puants. Fold. 164 and 166, 3 pages, say 2 pp. Beauharuois. About wheat which the traders had bought in the district in order to send it out of the colony. Fol. 167. 3 pages, say 1 J p. The same. Order of dismissal of de Thiersant. Death of Becan- cour, Giand voyer. Passes granted for France. Fol. 169. 2 pages, say ]i p. The same. Place in Ohio where it would be advantageous to establish a post. Fol. 171. ^ p. The same. The Abenakis are induced to continue to hold "the same good feelings towards France. The ship " Tille Marie " set afloat again. Fol. 173.' 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. About certain changes in the government and the troops. Fol. 177. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The same. About the defamatory character of the judgment of the Council as to his dispute with Dupuy. Fol. 181. 1 p. The same. Praising the Coadjutor and Hocquart. Fol. 183. 3 pages, say 1^ p. Hocquart gives an account to the Minister of his arrival at Quebec, and of the shipwreck of the King's vessel, ''Elephant." Fol. 186, 2 pages, say IJ p. The same. What followed the shipwreck of the " Elephant," the manner in which the crew were disposed of. With papers in support. Fole. 188 to 193. \) pages, say 6 pp. " Extract from the incorporation of the new levies with the troops serving in Canada, the 1st October, 1729". Fol. 204, 1 p. Hocquart to the Minister. About the affair of one Sonnet, an old servant of Madame la Marechale de G-rammont, who had a son settled at Quebec, to whom he had sent goods. Fol. 205. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Eespecting the expenditure. Fol. 207. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The eame to the same. Eospecting the expense necessary to roof the Palace with slate. Fol. 211. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Sketch of tbe works necessary to put the Palace into a proper condition, and to make it less likely to burn. Fol. 213. 6 pp. The same to the same, Eespecting the crew of the " Elephant." Fol 233. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Official report of the loss of the " Elephant." Fol. 237. 6 pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. Announcing his readiness to conform to the King's orders and setting forth that the stores are encum- bered wiih hemp; that 125 barrels of tar have been made; that he will encourage agriculture, and will forbid the traffic in brandy, &c. Fol. 240. 32 pages, say 16 pp. October 25. The same to the same. Eespecting the effects saved from the Quebec. wreck of the " Elephant." Merchandise needed by the colony. Eevenuo from the settlements at Frontenac and Niagara. Fol. 25D. 13 pages, fcay 6J pp. The same. Varin appointed Comptroller. A commissary of Marine, in the place of d'Aigremont, must be appointed. Adminis- tration of the public funds. De Silly. Fol. 267. 6 pages, say 4 pp. October 15. The same. Do Silly and himself will keep what is due to them by . The same to the Comptroller-General. Reflections on trade. Fol. 342. 4^ pages, say '^IVP- The same to the Indian Company on same subject. Fol. 345. 14 pages, say 10 pp. De Silly to the Minister. Ho continues to manage the business that d'Aigremont had in hand. Doubt as to the existence of a slate- quariy in the Mountains of Notre Dame. Capture of Montbrun and Guignas, missionaries and forty French mer, by the Mascoutins, Kikapoos, &c. Fol. 357. H PP- The Baron de Longueuil. Ho announces to the Minister the deuth of his father, and requests a majority. Fol. 364. H" P- The same. Requesting that his house be bought or leased, in order that ho may pay the debts of his father. Fol. 366. 1 p. Chiiussegros de Lery to the Minister. Announces that the slate- quarry at Grand Etang is in operation, and that eighteen thousand slates have been taken out from it. Fol. 368. 1^ p. XCVIU 1729. October 25. Quebec. October 25. Quebec. 1727 (sic). October 20. Quebec. 1729. October 20. October 28, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 14. Quebec. October 15. Quebec. February 6, Quebec. October 15, Montreal. May 29, Paris. Chaussegros de Lery. About the batteries and wharves in front of the houses. Fol. 370. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. .Eespecting the fortifications of Montreal. Fol. 373. 3 pages, say 1| p. Dupuy, the Intendent, sends to the Minister an unsigned letter, that a person named Pen-on had written, he says, to one Douchet de Flocourt, of La Eoohelle, and which the writer had lost (this letter in which Perron handles Dapuy very roughly is most curious.) Fols. 377 to 385. 13 pages, say 6 pp. Varin de La Marre to the Minister, respecting the "Elephant." Fol. 387. 2J pages, say lip. De Eaymond to the Minister. Eequests to be confirmed in the title of " Conservateur " of the harbour of Brouage, a title which had been granted to his great-grand-fa 'her by Louis the XIII; Fol. 390. 2 pages, say 1^ p. St. Simon Prevot de la Marechaussee, to the Minister, asking that the same be increased. Fol. 393. 1 p. The widow de Eamezay asks for promotion for the only son left to her, and sets out the destitute condition in which she fiuds her- self. Fol. 395. 2 pages, say 1|- p. The co-adjutor of the Bishop of Quebec to the Minister. Eespecting his voyage and the wreck of the " Elephant." Fol. 398. 1 j page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Eespecting Sieur Eichard, a missionary. Fol. 399. 1 p. The same to the same. Eespecting the Canadian clergy. Fol. 400. 1 p. Answer from the India Company to the memorial from the mer- chants and inhabitants of Canada, respecting the half dressed and undressed beavers. Fol. 45L 14J pages, say 11 pp. Scheme by de Noyan to check ttie encroachment of the English. Fol. 465. 3J pp. Continuation of the above scheme. Fol. 469. 3 pp. Memorandum of Laboulaye on Canada. Fol. 471. 6 large pages, say 8 pp" Sale of the goods from the wreck of tlie " Elephant," with the names of the buyers. Fol. 501. 5J pp. End of Volume 51. " Canada. — Correspondance G6.vf rale." i 1730. YoL. 52. — Beauharnois, Governor General. DANT. HOOQUART, InTEN- Cll. 1T30. August 13, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocquart. Giving an account of the arrival of the King's ship, and about its pilotage. Fol. 3. 2 pages, say 1. p. The same. About Walon, who carried on a considerable trade with Canada. Fol. 5. 2 pagos, say 1 p. XCIX 173«. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15. Quebec. October 15. Quebec. October 15, -Quebec. October 15. Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15. Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 19. Quebec. October 22, Quebec. ■October 22. 'Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocquart. PeDsion granted to the mother of the carpenter who was killed at the time of the rescue of the goods from the " Elephant." Settling boundaries of the parishes. Fol. 7. 4 pages, Bay 2 pp. The same. Balances remaining from the Balaries of decaesed officers. Hospitals. Gratuit'es. Fol. 11 5^ p'^^S^^* ^'-7 ^^ PP« The same. Respecting the request for tiaturalization from Werbar, an Englishmen settled for twenty years at Cap Saint Ignace. Fol. 15. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Ecclesiastical dissensions. Suspension of a cure. Fol. 1*7. 6^ pages, say 5 pp. The'same. Eespecting Sienr Lidius, accused of trading wilh the English. Fol. 21. 10 pages, say 5 pp. The same. About English competition. The posts of Niagara, Frontenac, Michiliimakinac, and Detroit, and about the Ouyalanons. Fol. 29. 7 pages, eay 5 pp. The same. About presents to be made to the Indians. Fol. 33. 5 pages, say 3 J pp. The same, respecting the pardon granted to deserters. Fol. 37. h p. The ssme. Arrival of rBr^tenduere, with the King's ship. Sjuod- ing the St. Lawrence. Fol. 39. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Describing the rejoicings which took place at Quebec, on the birth of the Daaphin. Fol. 42. 15^ pages, say 7i pp. The same. Eespecting the expense incurred in saving goods trom the "Elephant. " Alilitary furloughs. Eichardiere, harbour mas- ter of Quebec. The Seminary of Quebec. Wharves, barracks and census. Allowance made to EecoUe Li. Kol. 50. IH J pages, say 6^ pp. The eame. Eespecting trade at the of Temi.'scamingue by la Gorgendiei'o. Fol. 59. 6 pages, say 3 pp. The same. Complaining of the spirit of independence among the Canadians, which must be destroyed. Fol. G4. 6^ pages, say 3J pp. The same. About the purchase from Sieur Sarryziu of slates quarried at Grand Etang. Fol. 70. 5 page**, say 2^ pp. The sarae. Eespecting the pension to be granted to the children of Madame dcLouviguy, des Borgeres, doVarennes, de Langloi.serie, de la Perade and LeGardeur. Fol. 74. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. The same. Eespecting Dame dcFrontigny and her debt to the King. The Superior Council. Prison. Hangman. Salt smugglers asked for. Worthless characters eent into the colony. Marshal- sea. Fol. 78. 13 pages, say ^iPP- The same. About the younger sons sent to Canada under lettres de cachet, Fol. 8b'. 2^ pages, say ^i P- The same. Eespcciing stockades to bo erected in the seigniories.* Fol. 88. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. As to the bargain made with Cugaet and Gastineaa, who are to go and procure Illinois cattle and endeavour to acclimatize them, and maka them breed in Canada. Fol. 90. 9 pages, say 7 pp. The same. About a gratuity to bo granted to M. deBeluzird. Fol. 97. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Eospocting notarial deeds and contracts of marriage, drawn up by the cures and missionaries. Fol .99. 6 pages, i?ay 3 pp. The same. About a copper mine discovered at Chagouamigoo. Fol. 103. 2 pages, say 1 p. I'iSO. October 22, Quebec. October 22. Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 15, October 24. Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. NoTember 12, Quebec. January 13. Quebec. May 6, Quebec. June 25. Quebec. June 17, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10. Quebec, October 10. Quebec. October 10. Quebej. October 10, Qutbcc. October 15, Quebec. October 15. Quebec. October 15, Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocquart. Disputes among the ecclesiastics. Bishop's palace. Soldiers sent out under lettres de cachet. Fol. 105.. 9 J pages, eay 4^ pp. iiobert, storekeeper at Montreal for forty years, asks to retire on half pay. Fol. 111. 1^ pag©, say 1 p. Beauharnois and Hocquart. Eevolt of the garrison at Niagara. Condemnation and escape of the guilty. Fol. 118. 10 pages, say 8 pp. The same. About card money. Fol- 127. 10 pages, say 5 pp. The Fame. About the beaver and the sale of furs, Fol. 133. l^p. The same. About the affairs of the seminary of Quebec. Aubin de Lisle asks to be appointed clerk of the Marshalsea. Fol. 138. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. About the office of Crown Prosecutor at Montreal, filled by Fouche. Fol. 140. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Asking for a public executioner, the one now in Cana- da being too old, and addicted to drink. Fol. 142. 2 pages, say 1 p. TLo same. About the crushing defeat of the Eenards by do Yilliers, Fol. 144. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. About the General Hospital. The lay administration of communities. The Hotf!-Dieu at (Quebec, &c. Fol. 147. 20 pages, say 10 pp. The same. Asking for an increase of salary for Dr. Sarrazin, to enable him to send his son to study medicine in France. Fol. 158. 2 pages, say 1 p. Beauharnois announces to the Minister the death of Desgly, King's Lieutenant. Fol. 171. J p. The same. Giving an account of the expedition against the Ken- ards, by the Outaouais, the Sauteux, the Folles-Avoines and the Puants. Fol. 174. 6 pages, say 4J pp. The same. A new expedition against the Eenards. Fol. 178. 2 pages, say IJ p. Copy of a letter from de Thaumur to Beauharnois, respocimg trade with Louisiana. Fol. 180. 5 pages, say 4 pp. Beauharnois to the Minister. Trading licenses granted to poor families. De Montigny sent to take command at Michillimakinac in the place of Dubuisson, sick. Promotions to take place among the troops. Fol. 186. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Sends news from Orange, and as to Eoglishmcn whom an Abenakis chief has brought in, Fols. 190 and 191. yj pages, s.iy 3 pp. The same to the same. English competition. Acadia; Fol. 194. IJ p. The same to the same. Acadia. Eecruits. Settlement at Ouabache. The Iroquois. Fol. 19b'. 9 pages, say 7 pp. The same to the same. Discovery of the Western Sea. De Silly retires from the service. Fol. 201. 2 pages, say 1^ P* The same to the same. With reference to Fournierde Bellevai, en- sign, whose great age compelled him to leave the service. Fol. 205. Ip. The same to the same. Eecommending d'Aillebout d'Argen- teuil for a lieutenancy in the Artillery, at Montreal. Fol. 211. I page, say J p. The same to the same. Soliciting for Hocquart a commission as Intendant. Fol. 212.. J p. The same to the same. About a settlement to bo formed at Pointea-la ChoTcIure, and English competition. Fol. 213. Ih page, say 1 p». CI 1730. October 15, Quebec. October 16. Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 28. Quebec. October 28. Quebec. October 28. Quebec. January 17. Quebec. April 28, Quebec. 1728 (sie) August 10, Quebec. Beauharnois to the Minister. About the promotion of several officers. He begs the officers' cross for several of them, especially for de Lery. Fol. 214. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Eespecting the western regions and the Mississippi. Fol. 218. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. About the post which Verendrye went to establish on Lake Ouinipigon, to the west of Lake Superior. The Western Sea. Fol. 220. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. About the Kenards. Dubuisson and his services. Fol. 222. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Nominal roll of officers permitted to leave for France. Fol. 224. 1 page, say ^ p. The same. Eespecting the Eenards, the Sonnontouans, and the Loups. Fol. 226. 2 pages, say 1 p. Memorandum about the duties of Corneille, Clerk of the Superior Council. Question of precedence. Fol. 235. 9 pages, say 7 pp. Petitions for pension on the part of the Baroness de Longueuil, Madame de Becancour, Madame de Tonty and her two daughters. Madame de Louvigny asks for a return passage to France. Beauhar- nois and Hocquart ask for a Surgeon. Alavoine, a Surgeon, asks for an increase of salary. Gratuity to Sieur Vaiin. Fol. 240. 4^ pages, say 3^ pp. Memorial from Noyan respecting the grant of the Island of St. Jean and other neighbouring islands. Fol. 298. 3 pp. Deed of sale of Pointe aux Lievres, called '* La Maison Blanche," near Quebec, by Henry Hiohe to Abel Olivier, Captain of a vessel. Fol. 301. 5 pp. Deed of sale by Jacques Verret, of Charlesbourg, to Abel Olivier, of a lot of land in the Seigniory of St. Ignace. Fol. 304. 11 pages, say 7 pp. End op 7ol. 52. " Canada. — Correspondance G^Nf rale." 1730. Vol. 53. — Hocquart, Commissary-General, performing the Duties op Intendant. 1730. January 14, Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10. Quebec, October 14, Quebec. C. 11. Hocquart to ♦he Minister. The greatest harmony exists between the Governor, the Bishop and himself. Large quantities of hemp. Card-money. Death of d'Esgly. Fol. 2. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. The same. Asking for the " Grand Cordon Kouge " for Beauhar- nois. Fol. 4. 3 pages, say 1^ p. The same. Bad condition of the salted provisions. Mutiny of the troops at the post of Niagara. Fol. 7. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. The same. About a contest between the Superior Council and the Admiralty. Fol. 11. 1 p. The same. Simplification of the accounts. Fol. 13. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. The sub-delegation of Montreal given to Michel de la Eouviliere. Foreign trade. Carriage of cotton goods ; and fraud in the beaver trade. Fol. 15. 6^ pages, say 3 pp. 126-H Cll 1730, October 14. Quebec. October 5i. Quebec. October 14. Quebec. January 26, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 16. October 17, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 17, Qoebec. October 18. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec October 19, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 23. Quebec. October 23, Qudbec. October 25, Quebec. October 25. Quebec. Hocquart. The money coming in from trading licanses distri- buted :imong poor ii.milies. Fol. 19. 2 pages, say 1 p. The t-ame. Completion of the Palace at Quebec. Purchase of slates from Sarrazin for the King's use. Folio ^l. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Ths same. Public expenditure ot the colony, Fol. 24. 16^ pages, say 8| pp. Summary of what has been delivered from the King's stores at Montreal, and from the fort of Frontenac, on account of the build- ing and arming of iho two vessels built at the said fort for the ser- vice of His Majesty, from the 7th of May, 1725, to the 10th of August, 1726. Fol. 3'ri. 7 pp. Hocquart to the Minister. In the matter of the presents made to the Indians. Fol. 43. 2 pages, say I p. Same to the same. Foreign trade to be prevented. English competition. De la Chasaigne, de Beaucourt and Leverrier. Fol. 45. 4j pages, say 2| pp. The same. Asking for the Cross of St. Louis for de la Corne, Con- tTccoeur and Eepentigny. Commendation of Martiniere. Fol 48. 5| pages, say 3 pp. The same. He is labouring to avoid all useless expenditure. En- comiums on Yarin, St. Michel, Louet, and Bernard. He asks for a counting-house clerk. Fortifications and duties at Montreal, Praise of de Lery. G-ratuities to be bestowed. Fol. 52. 16 pages, say ^ 8 pp. The eame. Plans and contract for the works and fortifications for the environment of Montreal. Fol. 68. 6 pp. The same. Losses occasioned by the wreck of the *' Elephant." sale of the effects from that vessel. Troops. Muskets to be distribu- ted to discharged soldiers who remain in the colony. Fol. 80. 15 pages, say 1^ pp. The same. Hemp. Tar. Vessels. Trade. Horses. Cattle. Fol. 113. 28 pages, say 14 pp. The same. Eespecting debts left in the colony by Begon, on ac- count of his generosity. Wreck of the " Chameau." Burning of the palace. Fol. 128. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Eespecting the general expenditure of the colony in the cities and different posts. Fol. 130. 38 pages, say 19 pp. The same. Praising de Silly. Fol. 150. 3^ pages, say 2 p. List of persons who are to cross to France in the King's ship "Le Heros," commanded by I'Estenduere. Fol. 161. l^^P* Statement of hemp and tar from the King's storehouse at Que- bec, placed on board " Lo Heros " and " La Marguerite." Folio 162. IJp. Statement of the planks of oak and pine shipped on "Le Heros " for the King's warehouses at Eochefort. Fol. 164. 1 p. Hocquart to the Minister. War regulations received. Ships on Lake Erie. Noyan and his memorial. Posts in the upper country. Fol. 166. 4^ pages, say 2| pp. The same. Eespecting the succession of the son of Sonnet, an old servant of la Marechale de Grammont. Fol. 171. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Lignery declares that he is innocent of the charges made against him. Fol. 174. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. He praises Abbe Le Page ol St. Birnabe, and sends bis scheme for the construction of vessels for the King in Canada. Fols. 181 to 188. 12J pages, say 9^ pp. The same. Eespecting Dupuy and his creditors. Fol. 189. 19i pages, say 10 pp. cm 1730. October 25. Quebec. November 14. Quebec. November 14, Quebec. December 17, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. September 5, Quebec. September — . February 1, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 7. Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 11, Montreal. September 7, Quebec. April 28, Quebec. April 29, Quebec. October 13, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. Hocquart. Anking that four young Savoyards ba sent him. in order to clean the chimneys. Fol. 205. ^ p. The same. About the defeat of the Renards and the Indian allies. From loi. 207 to 211. y pages, say 6pp. The same. About the expenditure incurred on account of the ships "le Heros," " la Marguerite " and " le Beauharnois." Fol. 212. 3J pages, say 2 pp. The same. Unlawful trading Measures taken for preventing the Indians from engaging in it. Fol. 215. 6 pp. The same. Summary of expenditure incurred in 1729, for making 110 barrels of tar at Grande Anse. Fol. 219. 1 p. The pame. Eoll of the sergeants and soldieis who were employed at the King's tar factory in 1729. Ful. 1^20. 2 pp. Inventory of goods seized at the dwelling of Lanouillier, formerly treasurer of Marine, and the report of his trial. [This paper is very curious, for the reason that it gives in detail the furniture of a house at this period]. Inventory of the merchandize found in the shoo of Lanouillier. Fol. 246. ' 50 pp. Provisional settlement between Cugnet, the Director of the Crown Domain, and Lanouillier, Agent General of the India Company. Fol. 339. 3 pp. Andre de Leigne, Lieutenant General of the Provostship of Quebec, states his services, in order to obtain a gratuity. Fol. 345. 2 J pages, say 2 pp. Cugnet thanks His Majesty for his appointment to the Conseil Superieur. Fol. 354. U p. The same. About his trade in buffalo wool. Asks for a river grant at the Chaudiere Fall. Fol. 356. 2 pp. Do Lignery to the Minister. He states that he has honourably undergone the trial which his enemies have brought against him ; and asks for promotion by reason of his services. Fol. 359. ' l^p. La Come, King's lieutenant and commandant at Montreal, to the Minister. Necessity for making a settlement above Lake Champ- lain, at the place called Pointea-la Chevelure. Fol. 362. 3^ P^'ges, say " 2^ pp. Madame de Eamezay, the widow of a Governor of Montreal, thanks the Minister for the remission of the sum which the Treasu- rer of Marine had advanced to her son, who was drowned on one of the King's ships. Fol. 367. 2 pp. Monseigneur Dosquet, coadjutor of Quebec, thanks the Minister for the indemnity which had been granted to him, by way of com- pensation for the losses he had sustained through the wreck of the " Elephant." Fol. 370. h p. The same. Fund for decayed Cures. Seminary of Quebec. Dis- cords among the clergy. Missionaries. Fol. 371. 3 pp. The same. Dissensions among the clergy. Stubborness and in- dependence of the Canadian priests. Fol. 373. 2^PP« The same. Asking for the granting of a seigniory, from ton to twelve leagues from Throe Elvers. Encouragement to hi given to agriculture. Fol. 375. 2 pp. The same. He announces that a Te Deum has been sung on tho occasion of the birth of the Dauphin. Fol. 377. ^ p. The same. On tho subject of tithes ; the Seminary of Quebec ; and the poverty of certain parishes. Fol, 378, 1^ p. 12&— hJ CIV ]730. October 17, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 23. Quebec. October 23. Quebec. March 24, Quebec. Mgr. Dosquet. Eespecting the brothers Charron. The Hotel Dieu and the general hospital of Qaebec. The Ursulines of Three Elvers. The divisions of the Nuns. Fol. 379. 2| pp. The same. He has learned that the Eecollets of the Province of France do not desire to furnish Missionaries for Isle Eoyale, and proposes to send those of St. Andre in Flanders to replace them. Fol. 382. J p. The same. Asking for freight allowance often tons, and passages for two servants in the King's vessels. Fol. 383. ^ p. The same. Letter from him and certain Missionaries, asking for the abolition of the traffic in brandy. From fol. 388 to 392. 8 pp. The same. Eeepecting the grant of a seigniory already asked for. Fol. 393. i p. Two letters from the Cures of Canada, asking for the establishment of tithes on the basis of the Coutume de Paris. From fol. 394 to 397. 6^ pp. Monseigneur Dosquet. Memorandum on the bad condition of the Episcopal Palace. Eepairs to be effected. Sale of lands connec- ted therewith. Fol. d99. 7 pages, say 5 pp. End of Vol. 53. Canada — " Correspondance G^ni^rale." 1731. 1731. January 15, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 2, Quebec. October 3, Quebec. October 3. Quebec. October 4. Quebec. October 4, Quebec. Vol. 54 — Beauharnois, Governor Gene. sal. Hccquart, Intendant. C. 11. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister, They give an account of the wieck of the ship "Beauharnois," built at Quebec the year before, and which went ashore near lie aux Coudres. Hemp and furs which had been shipped by that vessel. Monjan, who killed Alphonse Lestange, the captain of *• La Marguerite," pleads for pardon. The general hospital at Quebec. Fol. 3. 12 pages, Bay. 7 pp. The same. Petitions in the Civil Courts. Deposit of fines. Fol. 10. 6J pages, say 3^ pp. The same. Presents to be made to the Indians. Opportunity for sending over to France the Indian chiefs, who on their return to their tribes would spread among them an idea of the mighty power of France. The Iroquois. Troops, Fol. 14. 9 pages, say 4^ pp. The same. Tithes. Cures. Vicars. Fol. 29. 13 pages, say 6| pp. The same. Eespecting difficulties which have arisen among the nuns of the general hospital at Quebec as to the selection of a Superior. Administration of communities. Fol. 36* 1^ pages, say 6 pp. The same. Eespecting the grants of land. Land register. Fol. 40. 9 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Eespecting the trade in wheat and flour. Fol. 57. 6 pages, say 3 pp. The same. Eespecting He Eoyale, for which a Grand Vicar must be appointed. Nuns de la Congregation, The education of young girls. Fol. 61. 6 pages, say 3 pp. cv 1731. October 4, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 7. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. C ctober 12, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. September 2), October 15, Quebec. October 17. Quebec. 1728 {sic). Paris. Beauharnois and Hocquart. Abatement made to de la Gorgen- diere of the 2,000 livres which he owes for the farming of the post of Temiscamingue. There are too many hor.^es in the colony, more cattle can be raised there. The building of vessels must be encour- aged by bounties. Fol. 70. 13^ pages, say 7 pp. The same. The unlicensed salt- vendors sent out to the colony are all found to be useful people. Some more must be sent. (These men, treated as criminals for infringing the monopoly on salt, were sent to Canada and received as good settlers.) Fol. 177. 2^ pages,, say 2 pp.* The same. Respecting the claims of widow Morisseau, for services rendered by her husband as interpreter. Fol. 79. ^ p. The same. flecoramending the employment for the semi- inary of Montreal, of the 1.500 livre^ deducted from the Charron Brothers. They support the request of Aubin de I'lsle for a commission as clerk of the Marshalsea Copper mine at Chagou- amigon. Fol. 80. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. About an increase of salary for Berttiier, surgeon of the hospital at Quebec. Fol. 91. 3 J pages, say 8 pp. The same. Eespecting the cadets, the troops and the barracks. Fol. 97. 5 pages, say 2J pp. The same. Supporting a request for a grant, made by widow Le Gardeur. Fol. 104. 1 p. The same. Eespecting horses, cattle, the building of vessels, day labourers. Fol. 106 16 pages, say 8 pp. The same. Eespecting certain lots of land taken from Aubert de la Chesnaye, in the lower town, in order to make a bat- tery. From fol. 116 to 125 16^ pages, say 13 pp. The same. Want of unanimity between the canons and the coad- jutor. The door of the rampart on the side of the Bishop's Palace, closed by order of the coadjutor, was forced and carried away by the indignant people. Fol. 128. 1' pages, say 5^ Pp. The same. Settlement at Pointe-a-la Chevelure. English compe- tition. Eegulation concerning the limits of Acadia. Fol. 134. 2 pp. The same. The general hospital of Montreal. The superior council. Want of officers. The Si.sters of Cnarity at Montreal and Three Elvers. Troops. Abuses in the granting of land. Trade in wheat, flour and biscuits. Excellent harvests Foreign trade. Troops. Taxes at Montreal. Eonards. Discoveries in the west by Verendrje. Missions and trade, in the upper country. Traffic in brandy. Settlement at Pointea-la Chevelure. Acadia, its bound- aries to be determined. Louisiana and the country of the Illinois. Fol. 136. 63 pages, t^ay 32 pp. The same. About the college at Montreal. Councillors. Copper mines at Chagouumigon. Fol. 177. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Grants made to the coadjutor of a seigniory on both banks of the Eiver Yamaska. Fol. 183. 1 p. Memorandum from Brouague about the coa^t of Labrador. Fol. 185. 1 p, Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Arrival of the King's ship. Coiamendaiion ot her commander, the Count des Gouttes. Sbunding the river on the north side hy Eichardiere, who deserves some recompense. Fol. 188. 3 page^, say 2 J pp. Tho sumo. About defective notarial deeds. Lo Verrier. Fol. 192. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Act of the Parliament of Paris respecting nutaties Fol. 19t. G^ pages, say 5^ pp. CVl 1731. October 18, Quebec October 18, Quebec. June 22, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 23. Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. October 26, Quebec October 30, Quebec. November 11, Quebec. November 8. Quebec. November 12, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. October 1. Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 1, Qutbec. October 1. October 1, Quebec. October 1. Beauharnois and Eocquart, about changes to be made governments of Quebec and Montreal. Fol. 208. in the 2 pp. The Fol. •7 pp. The aame. Discontinuance of the actions against Lidius. Chouans. English competition. Choueguen. Boishebert. 210. The same. About the agreement made with Cugnet and Gastineau for the impoitaLion of buifaloes into the country; and the trade in their wool. Pol. 221. 3 pp. The same. On a grant at the Lake of Two Mountains, in dispute between the Seminary of St. Sulpice and Madame d'Argenteuil. The Charron hospital. Request for a wharf at Montreal. The widow Morrisoau. Pol. 229. 9 pages, say 6 pp. The same. Eespecting J. Bte. Paul, a condemned prisoner, sent ont TO Canada. Fol. 235. 1 p. The same. The RecoUets. Privileges of the Nuns. Officials. Fol. 25g. 11 pages, say 9 pp. Memorandum and documents respecting the property of the EecoUets on the banks of the fliver St. Charles. Fol, 266 to 268. 3 pp. Memorandum about slates furnished by Sarrazin. Midwives. Pay of the troops, Fol. 282. 7 pages, say 3^ pp. Memorandum about anchors lost in the harbour of Quebec ; Bissot and Cheron ask permissioa to drag for them for their own benefit. Fol. 286. 2 pages, say 1 p. Memorandum on card-money and its increased issue. Pol. 298. 6 paiijes, say Eequest for reinstatement from Campeau. say Memorandum about military uniforms, say Memorandum about the putting into "Vierge de Grace," on account of damage. Fol. 302. 3 pp. pages, 2 ^ Ip. Pol. 3:9. 1| page, Ip. Quebec of the ship De Tonnancour re- quests a confirmation of grants. Construction of forts along the coasts. Pol. 323. 6J pages, say 3 pp. Memorandum from Lamoraudiere respecting the construction of forts. Pol. 327. 1 p. Pierre Barraguet. Petition claiming 15,000 livres. Fol. 328. 1 large page, say 3 pp* Beauharnois and Hocquart. Respecting an order of the Council of Marine, about the beaver. Fol, dS3. 1 p. The same. Respecting the tort at Point a-laChevolure. Advan- tages afforded by a redoubt which has been built there. 7J p:)ges, say Beauharnois. Happy results from the defeat of the Fol. 360. 5 pages, say The same. Officers to whom leave has been given to proceed to Franco. Particulars about each of them. Fol. 364. 3^ pages, say 3 pp. The same. About a house which the English have built above Lake Tabitibi, of which the Indians of that locality complain. Fol. 369. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same. Promotion of the officers of Louisiana. Fol. 371. ^ p. The same. About a disgraceful act which thirty young men of the Illinois Villogo of du Rocher had done. Fol. 377. I^ p. The same. About precedence of officers. Fol. 388. 2^ PP' Fol. 338. 3|pp. Renards. 3 pp. evil 1731. October 10. Quebec. October 10, October 10, Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 10. Quebec. October 14. Quebec. October 15, Quebec. Beaubarnois. English competition. Post of Chouegcn. Fol. 408* 2 pages, say 1^ p' The same. Medals to be given to the Indians. Fol. 410. 1 p* The same. Loiters of commission of the Knights of St. Louis. Walon has been forbidden to wear the cross of St. Jean Latran. Encomium of Sieur do St. Michel. Fol. 412. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same. List ot young persons of good family who ask for employment in Louisiana. Pol. 416. 1 p. The same. Relations with the Iroquois, the Sonnantouans and the Hurons. La Corne. Fol. 417. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Respecting the attack on the Renards by the young men of Illinois. Fol. 419. ^ p. The same. Respecting the fort at the post of la Chevelure, and aux Anglais. Fol. 421. The same. Another letter on the same subject. Fol. 423. 1 page, say ^ p. The same. Defending himself from the slanderous charges which had been brought against him. Fol. 430. 5 pages, say 3 pp. End of Vol. 54. Canada — '* Correspondance Gi^n^rale." 1731. YoL . 55 — HocQUART, Intendant. 1731. June 15, Quebec. Jane 15. Quebec. September 30. Quebec. September 20, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 12. Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 14. Quebec. C. 11. Hocquart to the Minister, respecting shipments of hemp, the Renards, and the manufacture of forged card-money. Fol. 5. 4^ pp. The same. The sounding of the river. Epidemic diseases. Fol. 10. 2 pages, say H P- The same. About the building of vessels and outhouses. Lepage and Bleury. Fol. 19. 12| pages, say 6 pp. The same. Dimensions of a transport of 500 tons intended to be built. Fol. 29. h p. The same. Respecting the rigging, &c., stripped from the wreck of the "Elephant." Limits of Tadousac. Land register. Com- munities. Arms to discharged soldiers. Fol. 42. ti pages, say 3 pp. The same. Powder and goods of which he has need. Fouchor and Raimbault. Foreign trade. Fol. 51 5^ pages, say 2^ pp. The same. Information about Sr. Michel. A commissarj' of marine is wanted at Montreal. Pol. 75. 4 pages, say 2 ppj The same. Balance of the salaries of officers who have died in Canada. Children of D'E-. 83^ pages, nearly 42 pp. October 15, ] Beauharnois and Hocquari. Letters and documents respecting Quebec. ' He Dupas. Fol. 207. 14 pages, say 9 pp. October 15, The same. Pilotage of the river. Company of He St. Jean. Quebec. Working of the copper mine of Chsgouamigan by la Konde. Smelt- ing works of Francheville at Three Eivors. Fol 219. 6J pages^ say 3 pp. October 15, The same. General expenditure and card money. Fol. 223. IS Quebec. pages, say 6 pp. Memorandum ol surgical instruments for the Hospital at Three Eivers. Fol. 237. 1 p. October 17, Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Ee-^pecting the pro- Quebec prietorship of the Seigniory of Charaplain. Fol. 241. 3 pages, say H p. October l», The same. Respecting a sailor condemned lo the galleys for de- Quebec, sertion. Fol. 258. 3^ pages, say 1^ p. November 3, The same. Asking for the Cross of St. Louis for de Lery on ac- Quebec. count of his services. Fol. 272. 2 pages, tay 1 p. Memorandum of the revenue and expenditure of the Western Do- main in Canada. Fols. 274 and 275. 2 pp. 1733 and 1738. Continuation of documenls of (Decrees of the Consoil Superieur, &c.,) declaring that Frangois Jiissot de la Rivie'e and the other heirs of Fran gois Bissot de la Eiviere, having lost in the fire at Quebec, some fifty years previously — very likoiy that of 1682 which destroyed the lower town — "the titles of property to the grant made on the north side of the Eiver St. Lawrence, reckoning from the He aux (Eufs as far as Septlles on the mainland " have also lost possea- sion of the property. To these documents is also annexed a later peti- tion from Biirsoi, dated 1738, to tho Minister, claiming the ownership of this giant. (The two answers of the Minister to these petitions ia 1738 and 1739 which I found in the Colonial Archives of the Marine in the series entitled: "The King's Orders and Ministerial cori'es- pondence, minutes of letters, 1738 America, B, 66 " are cited at length in the preliminary report which precedes this analysiSj} From fol. 285 to 317. 65 pages nearly, say 90 pp. 1719 to 1732. Memorandum of Hocquart, the Intendant. respecting taxes levied for the western domain in Canada, including import and export duties, and the trade of Tadoussac. (This memorandum, most complete, is extremely important as bearing on tho History of the trade of New France) From fol. 318 to 399. 144 pages, nearly 160 pp. End op Vol. 59. " Canad.\— Correspondance Gfixf rale." 1733, YoL. GO — HccQUART, Intendant, and other FiInctionaries of the COLONYi C. 11. 1733. SpptemberSO, Hocquurt, Intendant, to the Minister. and taxes. Inventory Queb?c. Qf ^j^e movables and goods of tho Domain. General butines3 5T the 126-1 CXVlll 1733. October 2, Quebec. October 3, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 14, Quebee. October 15, QueBec. October 15, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. December 12, Quebec. Ocrober 23, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. Domain. Duties on imports. Posts of Tadoussac and Malbaie. Duties of excise, &c. Fol. 3. 32 pages, about 22 pp. Hocquart. Ilcmp and tar sent to the King's stores at Eochetort. Ship building. Card money. The King's stowijiouse. Fol. 21 2G pages, eay 9 pp. The same. The administration of justice and its abuses. LeNoir put in prison and fined for having gone to New England without permission. Eavages caused by the small-pox. He praises Sarrazin Berthier and Benoist, medical men. Fires in the woods and steps t® prevent them. Infanticide. Fol. 37. 24 pages, say 12 pp. The same. Sisters of the Congregation at Louisbourg. Fol. 54. 8 pages, Buy 4 pp. The same. Munitions and merchandise sent from Eochefort. Fol. 59. 5 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Eestoration to favour of Lanouillier; he is appointed Comptroller of the Domain. Posts of the colony. Eeduction in the coetM 01 administration &c. Fol. 62. 11 pages, say 5 pp. The same. About the public works, especially those of Boisclerc, which ho has commenced along Lake St. Peter, on the height of land. Fol. 80. 8 pages, say 4 pp. The same. Thanking the Minister for the praise he has given him on account of his Government ; and asks for advancement for his brother, who is serving as a midshipman. Fol. 85. Ip. The same. List of vessels built at Quebec, 1732 and 1733. Fols. 87 and 88. 2 pp. The same. Letter to accompany the above documents. Fol. 89. 2^ pages, say 1 p. The same. Harvest at Malbaie and the tithe claimed by Albret, missionary at Bale St. Paul. Fol. 99. 9 pages, say 4J pp. The same. T^wo lists of persons to whom a passage has been granted on board the King's ship " Le Eubis," commanded by la Jonquiere. Fols. 116 and 117. 4 pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Death of la Chassaigne, Governor of Montreal. Gratuities to be given. Messieurs Benoist, father and son, surgeon and physician. Fol. 12. 6J pages, say 3 pp. Hocquart, alone, to the same. Munitions and flour sent to He Eoyale. Last harvest. Scarcity of wheat. Embankment on the Eiver St. Charles, at Quebec. Fol. 1.^6. 15 pages, say 7^ pp. The same. On the right of officers and gentlemen to wear their swords in the council. Eulogy of Eigauville and Lusignan. Fol. 142. 6 pages, say 3 pp. The same. The "Eeceivers" of Canada to be the sole judges of the quantity of beavers. The number received has increased this year. The price of summer beavers must be reduced. Fol. 150. 7 pages, say 3| pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Death of the Cure of Quebec ; ho is replaced by Latour, Dean of the chapter, now in Paris. They recommend that Lotbiniere should succeed the latter injBlic chapter. Fol. 154. 2 pages, say 1 p. Hocquart to the Minister. Card-money. Letters of exchange and expenditure. Fol. 158. 34 pages, say 17 pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Estimate of the damage to the buildings of the hospital at Montreal. Fol. 275. 2 pages, say 1 p. The eamo. Want of provisions at He Eoyale. Brandy and rum brought to Quebec. Fol. 280. 9 pages, say 4JPP« CZIZ 1733. November 11, Quebec. January 23, Paris. March 25, Paris. February 7, Paris. March 20, Paris. October 9, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. September 27, Que*)ec. Oetobet 11, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. Beauharnois and HGcq[uart. Events which have happened at the post of La Baie, commanded by Villiere. Perfidy of the Sakis, who killed several Frenchmen, amongst others Yilliors. It is necessary to avenge them. Fol. 297. 12 J pages say 6 pp. The coadjutor of the Bishop of Quebec, respecting the mandement which had been made as to reserving ab.solution for the sin of making the Indians intoxicated. Fol. 332. 2 pp. The same. Describes the intriguing character of Sister do la Conception, who by her importunities had obtained permission from Monseigneur de St. Vallier to go to He Eoyale. Fol. 334. 3 pp. The same. Complaining of the heavy expenditure that he has to support. Fol. 337. 2 pp. The same. On the subject of the gate to the terrace from the Bishop's palace, which he wishes to keep closed, contrary to the will of Beauharnois and Hocquart and the people of Quebec. Fol. 341. 4^ pp. Le Yerrier, Attorney-General, to the Minister. Completion of the land register. Lessons in law he was giving. Increase in busi- ness resulting from the judicature. Fol. 352. 10 pages, say 7 pp. Varin, Comptroller, to the Minister. He protests against the custom the nuns have of keeping the clothes of soldiers who have died in the hospitals in order to sell them to the country people. Public building to be erected. Fol. 359. 5 pages, say 4 pp. LaNouillier de Boisclerc, engineer, to the same, respecting the opening of the roads of the colony. Fol. 378. 6 pages, say 3 pp. Boisberthelot de Beaucour, infantry captain, to the same. Claiming the precedence and honours due to his seniority. Fol. 387. 1 p. Chevigny, a manufacturer. Eespecting the making of limber. Fol. 399. 4^ pages, say 3 pp. Admiralty of Quebec. Extract from the registers respecting the measurements which have been made of vessels built in 1732 and 1733. Fol. 404. 9 pages, say 6 pp. End op Volume 60. " Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE Gbnerale." 1734. YoL. 61 — Beauharnois, Gotebnor General, Hocquart, Intendant C. 11. 1734. September 18, Beauhamois and Hocquart to the Minister! Death and eulogy of Quebec. Sarrazin, physician, at the ago of 70 years. Ask for a pension for his wife and 5 children, and assistance for his son, who is studying medicine at Paris. Yacant positions to fill. Fol. 7. 8 pages, say 4 pp. October 1, The same. Eespecting the land register. Fol. 21. 2^ pages, say Quebec. 1^ p. October 5, The same. The conduct of St. Castin, jr., is more satisfactory. Quebec. Fol. 28. 2 pages, say 1 p. October 6, The same. Eespecting grants of land made at Lake Champlain ^ Quebec. and at Detroit. Fol. 43. 6 pages, say 3^ pp. X 126—1^ cxx 1734. October 6, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. n October 20, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocquart. About a dispute between the Episco- pate and the General Hospital at Quebec. Fol. 59. 2 pages, say Ih p. The same. Salt vendors sent into the country. The working of the slate quarry at Grand Btang has not been successful. Pilotage of the Eiver and the Galf of the St. Lawrence. Pol. 61. 6 pages, say 4^ pp. The same. Arrival of Dosquet at Quebec. Condition of the clergy and religious communities. The judicature. Legal confer- ence. Trade with He Eoyale and the Antilles. Fairly good harvest. The working of the fisheries and mines, Yessels built to navigate the lakes. Fire at the Bishop's palace ; danger of shingle roofs. Troops and fortifications. Fort of the Pointe^a-la-Chevelure. The works surrounding Quebec. The few surviving Eenards have taken refuge in the country to the east of the Mississippi. Indians of the west. Party of Frenchmen and Indians sent under the orders of do Noyelles against the Sakis. Good relations with the Abenakis. Posts of the upper country. Fol. 65. 68 pages, nearly 45 pp. The same. List of vessels built in Caaada, in 1734. Fol. 107. say H P> The same. Eespecting the prohibition to trade in the stuffs and coloured cloths of India, Persia and China, or of the Levant throughout the French colonies. Fol. 116, 6^ pages, say 4^ pp. The same. Eespecting the seal fishery. Fol. 125. 7 pages, say 4 J pp. The same. A negrcss has set fire to a house in Montreal Forty-six . houses were consumed, including the flotel-Dieu. When put to the tor- ture the culprit did not denounce any accomplice. Measures taken to rebuild the hospital. The inhabitants of Quebec are very much more eager to remedy similar accidents than are tha people of Montreal. Fol. 131. 16 pages, say 8 pp. List of houses burned ikt Montreal on the night of the 10th and llthof April, 1734. Fol. 144. 2 pages, say 1^ p. , Condition of the Hotel-Dieu after the fire. Fol. 146. 5 pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Asking for a pension for d'Eschaillons. Fol. 171. 3 pages, say 1^ p. The same. Eespecting Verendrye and his enterprise for the discovery of the Western Sea. Fol. 209. 3 pages, say H P* The same. The sad condition to which the family of Eamezay have been reduced owing to the fire at Montreal. Fol. 11. 3 pages, say l| p. The same. List of soldiers to be allowed to retire on half pay, . with their periods of service. Fol. 217. 12 pages, say 10 pp. The same. The bad conduct of Dlle. Andre (daughter of Pierre Andre sieur de Leigne, lieutenant-general of the provostship,) has determined them to send her over to Prance. Fol. 226. 1^ page, say 1 p. The same. Yacancies to be filled in the Conseil Superieur. Fol. 231. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Dlle. Andr^ having embarked on the King's ship, escaped from it dressed as a man, but the next day she gave herself up of her own accord and embarked in the " Eenommee " to sail for Fraioce. Fol. 259. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Sylvain, who applies for tho place of Doctor Sarrszin, deceased, is a quack in whom nobody has any confidence. Fol. 261. i p. CXXl 1733. November 2, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocquart. The Bishop has at last consented that the gate to the terrace should remain open. Fol. 263. 1 p. Beauharnois to the Minister. Details of the reverse suffered by the French, at La Bale, from the Sakip. The disaster was caused by the rash courage of Villiers. Fol. 267. 9 pages, say 6 pp. The same. About the expediency of reinforcing the garrison at Detroit. Furloughs and gratuities to be granted. Fol. 292. 8 pages, say 6 pp. The fame. Eespecting the war parties sent against the (Jbica- chas, the Sakis and the Renards. Fol. 299. 5 pages, say 3 pp. The same. Steps taken and to be taken to place the colony in a condition of security against any attack of the English against it. Fol. 303. 22 pages, say 11 pp. The same. About the moans of coming to an understanding with Bienville, in order to have a combined plan of action against the Chicachas, between Canada and Louisiana. Fol. 319. 3 pages, Promotions and decorations to be given. Praise of Chabert Joncaire. Fol. 337. Up. Fol. 323. Up. 2^^ pages, say The same. 2 pages, say The same, say " Extract from a journal, unsigned, containing what has passed in the Government of Montreal, in the absence of the general, from the 24th August, 1733, to the 20th September, 1734." Fol. 339. 10 pages, say 5 pp. Beauharnois gives to the Minister a statement of his views in case of a rupture with England. The English might attack the country either by way of Quebec or by way of the upper country. It is absolutely necessary to fortify Quebec. Fol. 345. 7J pp. End of Vol. 61. " Canada— CoRRESPONDANCE G^n^rale." 1734. Vol. 62 — Hocquart, Intendant ; I/ongueuil, Intbndant of Montreal. 1734. October 8, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. ■October 10, Quebec. October 14, Quebec. C. 11. Hocquart to the Minister. He will make no change in the estab- lished custom of abandoning to the Sisters of Charity the clothes of the soldiers who have died in the hospitals. Manner in which the palace is taken up by his own lodgings and by offices. Fol. 5. 3 pages. IJp. The same. Respecting Lanouillier and his new employment. Fol. 9. 5^ pages. 2i pp. The same. Respecting notaries and their offices. Fol. 17. jro me..) Affair of the girl Esther Bi andean, (isee prohminarv report.) FjI. 134., 4 pages, say 3 pp. The samo. About the request of one Lajius who wished to be appointed Surgeon Cominis aiix Ripports. He cannot recommend him, inasmuch as ho is but a mcliocro surgeon. Praises Alavoine surgeon of Three Risers. Fol. 137. "^ pages, say 2?.- pp. Petition of Alavoine, wiio asks ibr 600 livros salary. Fol. 130. ip. Request of Lajius, who asks to be appointed surgeon Commis aux Rapports, and who states his services Fol. 14('. 2h pp. Hocquart to the Minister. About the manufacture of isinglass; seal fishery, &c. Fol. 142. I: p. The same to the same. Rccomm^'nding him to grant a post to Lanoaillier ; for example, that of Temiscamingue. Fol. 144. li p. The same. Cuiting of timber. Buildingof the newstoreship. Fol. 183. 11 pages, say 8 pp. The same. In the matter of the suit brought against Pierre Tea- sier for having accidentally killed by a gun shot while hunting, at the Bay of St. Barbe, ia Lubnidor, Joan Baptiste Jolliet de Mingan. (This was the son of Louis Jolliet.) P.ipers in the trial. From fol. 189 to 243. 90 page.s, say 35 pp. cxl 1739, October 14. Quebec. Hocquart. Eespecting goods sent from Eochefort. Poreign trade. Trade in ashes and tar. The harvest has been fairly good in the government of Montreal. F!our eent to He Koyale. Cultivation of hemp. Maintenance of the main roadd. Seed wheat. FoL 243. 6 pages, say 4 pp. End of Vol. 71. " Canada.— CoBBESPONDANCE G^n^bale." 1739. YoL. 72. — HccQUABT, Intendant ; Beaucoubs, Commandant at Montbeal. 1739 October 18, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. November 1, December 29, Quebec. Ootober 29, Quebec. Ootober 14, Quebec. October — , Quebec. October Quebec. C. 11. Hocquart to the Minister. About the revenue and expenditure of the Western Domain in Canada, in 1738. Fol. 51. Ic^ p^gos, say " 6| pp. The same. Sending to the court cases of plants and minerals, as- well as a sixth volume of the land register. Pol. 63, 3 fiages, say 1^ p. The same. He sends despatches to the court by Eigaud Vau- dreuil ; recommends hira as the succedsor of Noy an, sick, to the command of Detroit. Fol. 66. ^ p. The same. Pilotage of the King's vepsels. Purchase of timber, tar and ashes for the service ot the King. Flour sent to Martin- ique and to He Eoyale. Employment for those coming from France. Patsongersfor the King's vessel. Fol. 71. 4^ pages, say H pp. The same. List of persons who have obtained passage on the King's ship. Pols. 85 and h6. 3 pages. 2h pp. The same. On the expenditure connected with the building of the storeship for the King's service ; the war against the Chicachas ; buildings and fortifications; on the upper country ; on Fort Frederic, &c. Fol. 87. 5 pages. 2J pp. Statement of the sale of furs, the produce of the trade at Fort Frontenac and at Niagara, in 1739. Pol. 143. 1 p. Copy of a letter from Hocquart to the Directors of the India Com- pany, about the beaver trade. Fol. 167. "'^ pp. Hocquart to the Minister. Death of Dubuisson, the major of Three Elvers. Building of the King's storeship. Building of a second furnace at Saint Maurice ; it is at work. News of the party com- manded by Longueuil. Fol. 170. 3i pages. 2i pp. Lanouillier de Boieclerc, Grand Yoyer, to the Minister, respeiting^ the opening of new roads. Fol. 223. 6 pages, say 3 p. Verrier, Attorney General, to the Minister. Eespecting lectures on- law and the land register. Fol. 22J8. 8 pages, say 4 p. Constantin, captain in the militia of Cote Saint Augustin. Petition to the Count do Maurepas in reference to a property, the ownership of which is disputed by Poucault and Boucault. Fol. 236. 2 pp. Chaussegros de Lery thanks the Minister for having granted the position of engineer, asked for bj'' his son, who has left with the detachment sent out against the Chicachas ; and requests for him cxli November 5, Qaebec. Vovember 5, Home. February 6, Borne. 1739. the position of officer among the troops, the same as granted to other engineers. Gives an acconnt of his inspection of the famaces of Saint Maurice. Cutting of timber. Ship building. Fortifications. Mine at Bay St. Paul. Fol. 239. 15 pages, say 6 pp. September 12. Chevigny, storekeeper, to the minister, respecting the settle- ment at Fort Frederic. Fol. 248. 3 pages, say 2 pp. St. Jean Monsegur, captain of a vessel. Petitiou to the Count of Maurepas, in the matter of damages which had been caused by Le Eoy, captain of a brigantice. Fol. 151. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Monseigneur Bosquet, Bishop of Quebec. Letter to the Minister, re- spectiug the seizure made at the Abbey of Benovent. Fol. 262. ^ p. The same. On the assurance that the court will give him the Abbey de Braine, that be wijl not bo harassed about the repairs to the Bishop's Palace of Quebec, and that 8,000 livrea will be given to provide for those of Benevent, he has placed his resignation in the hands of the ambassador. He will go to Paris to consult with his successor, and make him thoroughly acquainted with the men and matters of his diocese. Fol. 263, IJ p. The same. Respecting the request he had made for 1,200 livres ; the sum he had advanced for repairs to the Episcopal Palace. Fol. 265. 2J pages, say 2 pp. The same. He will proceed to Paris as soon as he shall have re- ceived the bulls for the Abbey of Braine. He states the services he has rendered. Should any accident befall him, Sieur Collet, of the foreign mission, is entrusted with his power-of-attorney. Fol. 267. 2 pages, say ]h p. The same. Acknowledging the reception of the patent for the Abbey of Braine. Points out the steps to bo taken by his successor to avoid trouble with the Chapter of Quebec. Fol, 269. 2^ pages, say " 2 pp. The same. He notifies the Minister that he has written to the Grovernor and to the Intendant of Canada, that his resignation has not been accepted by the Pope, in oider that they may learn at Quebec that the Chapter is not clothed with jurisdiction, and that there may be no disputes or divit>ions on thissubjet t. Fol. 271. i- p. The same. He informs him that he has spoken to Lauberiviore about the plan for releasing him from the cost of the repairs to the Episcopal Palace of Quebec. Means to cut short the claims of the General Hospital to the Palace, the said Hospital being universal legatee of Monseigneur St. Vallier. Lauberiviere desires that he should at once send in his resignation to the Pope. Fol. 272. 1^ p. The same. LeMaire, whom he has consulted in regard to the Episcopal Palace at Quebec, is of the same opinion as Nouet, whose opinion he cites. Fol. 273, 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same. He asks for a leuve of absence, in order to regain his strength, which has been reduced by stone in the bladder, Fol. 275. J p. The same. He thinks he will have returned before the arrival of Lauberiviere, and asks that the costs of repairing Benevent be not placed to his charge. Pol. 276. 1^ p. Judgment of the Admiralty of Qaebec, condemning Roy to pay damages to the plaintiff in the matter of St. Jean Montsegur, whose vessel he had damaged. Fols. 29.T to 306. 24 ]iages, say 16 pp. Memorandum, not signed, about the French and I'^nglish colonies Iq North America. Settlement of the English in Hudson's Bay. Importance of the Island of Newf)undland, Capo Breton and Acadia. General feeling in the other English colonies. Observations as to March 13, Rome. April 9, Rome. April 17, Rome. Jnne 11, Paris. Jnly 10, Abbey de Braine, pai Soidsuns. December 18, Paris. December 23, Paris. Sftptember 2j Quebec. cxlii Nova Scotia, New England, New York and Pennsylvauia. The gen- eral trade of these colonies. Their usefulness and danger to the mother country (England). The impoitauce to Ireland of the trade in salted meats. Trade of Maryland, Virginia and Carolina. Reflec- tions on the trade of Canada and its mines. Ditference between Canada and Louisiana. What can be derived from Louisiana. (This memorandum is very well done and is very important.) Fol. 308. 52 pages, say 45 pp. End of Yolume 72. Canada — " Correspondancb G:6n]6rale." mo. Vol. 73 — Beauharnois, Governor General — Hocquart, Intendant. 1740. Angus I 27, Quebec. August 27, Quebec. October 2, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. No date. October 15, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. C. 11. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Arrival of the King's vessel with fever on board. 42 men of the crew and 13 passengers have died during the passage. Lauberiviere, the new bishop of Quebec, caught the fever on landing and died, a few days after, from the attack. Necessity for appointing a new B shop. The malady is making progress. The crew of the vessel is considerably weakened. Fol. 5, 5h pages, say 3 pp. Extract t-howing the dead and sick of the ci-ew and passengers of the King's vessel. Pol. 8. ^ p. Boauhtirnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Gratuity of two sous per diem to be given to aniiierymen. Courval appointed Lieuten- ant General of Three Eivers. A seat as councillor is vacant. Marie Anne Jordan and Marie Seaman naturalized Englishwomen; the lat- ter has married Tonuancour. Character of Norey, a cadet a I'aiguillette. Rambaul% Lieutenant General of Montreal, is attacked by a dropsy which renders him powerless. Ho must be replaced. Fol. 14. 4| pages, say 3 pp* The same. Asking for a doctor. The death of Berthier leaves the position of surgeon vacant. Asking for a pension for the widow Sairazin. Fol. 17. IJ p^ge. ^^.y 1 p. The same. Scheme for building a vessel to navigate Lake Cham- plain. The advantages which would be gained by it; among others, those to Fort Frederic. Works to bo done to {hat fort. Fol. 19. 21 pages, say 1 J p. The same. Letter, with table, showing the per-*ons who have died of the fover, which broke out on bou,rd the King's ship '^Le Rubis." Fols. 26 to 30. G pages, say 4 pp. Copy of lease of the house of the Marquis do Vaudreuil, at Mon- treal, for the lodging of the Governor. Fol. 34. 2h pagos, say 2 pp. Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. JKespecting the mines in the Baio St. Paul. Fol. 3f). 3^ p;^go?, say 2^ pp. The same. Death of Raimbault. There is no one in the country who can replace him. Gratuity to be granted to the Nans of Quebec for their devotion during the epidamic. Fol. 40. 2 pages, eay 1^ p. czliii 1740. October 25, Quebec. November 5, Quebec. November 1 1, Quebec. July 5, Quebec. July 6, Quebec. August 6 and 10. Quebec. September 3, Quebec. September 26, •Quebsc. September 26, Quebec. September 28, Quebec. September 30, Quebec. September 30, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. Beauharnois and Hocqaart. Respecting the fiffait-s of Pean, Lafon- taine and Jutraa des Rozierd. Marchand appointed Grand Vicar of Montreal, in the place ot Courtois, who refused the position. Plaate appointed Cure of Quebec. Fol. 42. 2^ pago.s, say 1^ p. The same. About tho cult vatioa of tobacco. Fol 44. 2 pa.' went to France and refuses to return may be arrested. Fol. 46. 1 p. The same. Evacuation of Fort I'Assomption by Sieur de Bien ■ iUe whom the Chicachas had not helped as they promised. Fresh misdeeds by those Indians. Fol. 48. 1^ p. The same. News from Orange ; attitude of the English. Fol. 50. 2 pp. The same. Asks for a gratuity for Sieur de la Chauvignerie, who lost an eye in the affair with the Chicachas. Fol. 54. ^ p. The same. Complaint of Sieur Oonetantin against parties named Bournier and Boce who had established a seal fishery on his land at the post of Saint Model. Fol. 58. i p. Reply to memoir respecting pay of troops serving in Canada. Fol. 77. 5 pages, say 4 pp. De Beauharnois to Minister. Disunion between the Hurons and Ottawas of Detroit as to the peace made by the former with the Tetes Plates. News as to the Sioux, Foxes, Sakis, Nontagaes &c. Fol. 80. 8 pages, eay " 7 pp. Speaches of two Sioux Chiefs, &c., to Sieur. Marin. Fol. 85. I p. Speeches of the Sakis, Foxes Paants and FoUea Avoines. Fol 86. 3^ pages, say 2^ pp. Declaration of Sieur do Lafontaine as to leaeoof Tadoossacand its outlying posts. Fol 92. ^ p. cxlvi 1740. Octobfr 20, Quebec. October 31, Qutbec. October 24, Qutbec. October 25, Quebec. October 26. Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. November 1. Quebec. November 2. Quebec. November 4. Quebec. November 5. Quebec. October 3, Montreal. April 10, April 30, May 22, October 9, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. November 5. May 27, Quebec. De Beauharnois to Minister. As to the farming of the yjost of Tadoussac by Sieur de Lafentaine. Moans of assisting Sieur de la l^ouiilier. Fol 93. 3^ pages, say 3 pp. The same. Sieur Douviile de la Saussaye writes to him that the Flat Heads have attacked two villages of ChaSanons. The latter are struck with terror. Fol 96. 1 p. The same. News as to Hurons of Detroit. Eumoured massacre of u8 French by the Chicachus seems to be confirmed. Fol. 98. ^ p. The f^ame. The inconveniences of the excessive issue of notes in the colony. Fol. 102. , l|p. The t^ame. Asking for a gratuity for Sieur St. Pierre, sent by de Bienville to give him ne'vvs as to Chicaohas. Fol. 104. ^ p. The same. Aska that Sieur de Boishebort, his godson, " a young man of great promise," may bo entered for a commission. Fol. 110. 3 pages, f-ay 1 p. The same. Eespecting two persons from Loraine who sailed fiom Eotterdam for Canada and were taken to Philadelphia, Fol. 112. 3 pages, say 1 p. The same. Friendly communications with the Agniers. Speeches of the latter and Governor's reply. Fol. 114 to 117. 4 pages^ say 3 p. The same. On the bad state of his private affairs in France. Fol. 119. : J pages, i-aj 2 pp. The same. Ahks that Sieur de St. Simon be appointed to the Council. Incapacity of the Lieutenant General appointed three years before by M. Hocquart. Fol. 121. 2 pages, say IJ p» The same. Promotions and appointments in army. Fol. 124. 4J pages, say 3 pp. The same. Writes in favour of Sieur De Chevremont, who had been discharged from a clerkship in the Control. Fol. 131. 2 pages, feay 1| p. Relation by the two Forsters, father and son, respecting the, mines of Canada. Fol. 152. 2 pp. M. lioishebert de Beaucourt to Minister. Gives account of affairs of his Government ; has no residence; difficulty of finding a suit- able one. He has no money in the treasury at Montreal ; holders of bills of exchange on Quebec are disgusted. Fol. 154.4 pp. Major De Noyan to M. Taschereau. Complains that the troops are badly paid. Fol. 159, 6 pp. The same. On same subject. Fol. 163. 7 pages, say 3^ pp. The same. On same subject Fol. 167. 5^ pages, say 2^ pp. Sieur Higaud de Vaudreuil to Minister. Asking for the majority vacant by the death of M. Dubuiason. Fol. 171. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Asking for grant of the Mingan Islands granted to Sieurs Lalonde and JoUiot. The representatives of the latter are working their half. It is the half granted to Lalonde and which he has not cleared, that de Vaudreuil wants. Fol. 173. 2 pages, say I J p. Sieur De Vaudreuil Cavagnial, major, As to St, Maurice forges. Fol. 176. 3 pp. Proprietors of St. Maurice forges apply to the Minister for exemp- tion from duties, &c. Fol. 178. 18 pages, say 12 pp. M. Dqi la Boulardiero, Commandant in Labrador. Writes to Min- ister on the annoyances he is subjected to in his government. Fol. 189. 3^ pages, say 3 pp. M. Varain, Commissary, to Minister. Navy ; St. Maurice forges ; observations in Gulf St* Lawrence ; commerce ; sowing grain ; death clxvii x740. October 11, Quebec. September 8, Quebec. October 8. November 12, Quebec. A^ril 19, Paris. March 3, Paris. September 1, Montreal. August 26. September 29. of Dubuiseon, Major, at Three Eivers ; liet of vessels fitted out at Quebec for Tie Eoyale. Fol. 192. 10 pages, say 5 pp. Sieur Le Vasseur, engineer ard builder, to Minister. On the pro- gress made in construction of the storeship " Le Cacada." Asks an increase of salary. Fol. 203. '^^ pages, say 2 pp. De Chevigny, store-keeper, on the administration of Fort St. Frederic. Fol. 206 to 210. 9 pages, say 7 pp. 'Ihe same. Same subject. Fol. 211. 8 pages, say 4 pp. Siear Denys de la Eonde, Captain. Asking to be placed in com- mand of the troops, a position devolving of right upon the first cap- tain. Fol. 216. 2 pages, say J^-p* The Bishop of Quebec. Asking for a decree of Council to enable him to appoint to benefices in his diocese, fallen within the Koj'al Prerogative, through the resignation of M. Dosquet. Fol. 219. ^p. M. Dosquet, ex Bishop of Quebec, to Minister. Kespecting repairs to Episcopal Palace of Quebec. Fol. 220. 2 pp. Memorandum of Sieur Michel, Commisary at Montreal, to M. Hocquart. Difficulties as to payment of tioops, also as to letters from de Noyan to M. Taschereau. Fol. 2d9. 12 pp. Extract from letter of P. de la Eichardie to P. St. PE (sic), respecting Hurons of Detroit. Fol. 268. 2h pages, say 2 pp. Memoir, instructions to Sieur Corbin, master carpenter, as to cuttirg of building timber. Fol. 2T1. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Domaine 'dOccident for 1738. Fols. 285 to 2^.8. 4 pp. End of Yol. 74. Canada — " Cobrespondanoe G^n^rale." 1741. Vol. 75.— M. de Beacharnois, Governor General — M. Hocquart. Intendant. C. 11. 1741. September 18, Quebec. September 18, Quebec. Septembek" 18, October 3, Quebec. October 3, Quebec. Copy of memorandum of Sieur Desauniers, Syndic of the mer- chanis of Quebec, to de Beauharnois and Hocquart, as to the de- plorable state of trade and certain abuses and disorders prevailing in the Colony. Fol 7. 13 pp. De Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister. Letter with a list of the nine persons of the so called Keformed Eeligion, who were then in Quebec. Fol. 14 and 15. 1 p. The same. Mines of Baie St. Paul. Gratuities paid to Sieur de St. Pierre and to Hospital Nuns, Quebec. The new lieutenant general at Montreal, Sieur Guitton do Maurepas, has succeeded in pleasing all parties. Fol. 16. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same. Difficulty of paying troops. Fol. 18. H P* The same. Eespecting new settlements on Lake Champlain. Fol. o8. 10 pages, say 5 pp. The same. Sieurs Berangerand Da Bose have been giveo positions as cadets d V aigmllette. Fol, 34. 2 pages, say 1 p. cxlviii 1741. October 3, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. October 26, Qaebec October 30, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. Novfimber 2. Qaebec. November 3. Quebec. Novptuber 2. Quebec. February 3, Quebec. February 15. Quebec. February 21. Quebec. February 10, Detroit. February 12, Aneust 2, Detroit. August 2. September 15, Quebec. September 15, Quebec. September 15. September 16, Beauharnois and Hocquart. Repairs to Bishop's palace. Fol.36. 5 pages, say 2h pp. Memorial, with vouchers. Eespccting claims of the General Hospital, Quebec, on the Episcopal Pahico, in virtue of a universal legacy in favour of the community, made by Mgr. de St. Vallien From fol. 40 to 58. 37 pages, say 22 pp. De Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister. As to card-money and bills of exchange. Fol. 61. 5 pages, say ^i PP. Same to same. Same subject. Fol. (J-1. 4^ pages, say 2h pp. Same to same. Concessions granted to Sieur des Rosiers, to Dames de Gaspe and Le Gardeur, and to ttieur Beaurivage. Fol. 70. 5 pages, say pp. Same to t^ame. Sieur de la Eichardiere, harbour master, is d«ad ; persons applying for his position. Application for a pension, from. Dame do la Richardiere. Fol. 73. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Same to same. Asking for ratification of deed of concession given to Mme. de Boishebert, on the Labrador coast, and help for the Recollets of Three Rivers. Fol. 75. J p. The same. As to debt of Sieur Courval to Sieur Gendron, trader, of Paris. Fol. 76. 1 p. Memorial of merchants of Quebec to Comte de Maurepas. Rcpre- pctiting that the restricted circulation of card-money renders trade more and more impracticable. Fol. 79. 2 pages, say 1^ p. De Beauharnois and Hocquart. Asking that Sieur Benoist,juDiorj be appointed surgeon at Montreal. Fol. 81. 1 page, say ^ p. Do Beauharnois to Minister. Shipwrecks and accidents in the St. Lawrence. Death of Sieur de Budemont, captain. Floods at Chambly and Montreal. The ice- bridge has taken at Qaebec and Montreal. Fol. 83. 2 page^. ^ay 1^ p. The same. The harvest of the previous year was not so good as it was thought. Wheat is getting scarce. Application for assist- ance for lie Royale. Fol. 85. 3 pages, say ]^ p. Narration made to Sieur de St. Michel, by " The Rat," war-chief of the AJississaguds, on his return from the campaign of the Chica- chas, ilst February, 1741. Fol. 89. IJ p. Extract from a letter from Pere de la Riehardiere to Pere St. F6 (^sic) on quarrels among the Indians at Detroit. Fol. 90. 1 p. Speeches of M. de Beauharnois to the Ottawas, &c., of Detroit. Fol. 91. 2 pp. The same. To Iroquois of SautSt. Louis, and Lake of Two Moun- tains. Fol. 93. 3| p. The same. Ouawas of Miohillimakinac. Fol. 95. 2J pp. Letter of Le Chevalier de Beauharnois to his uncle, the Marquis de Beauharnois. Respecting the Indians of the upper country. Fol. 97. 2i pp. Speech of Chevalier de Beauharnois to the Hurons. Fol. 99. ijp. Speeches of various Indian nations aiid replies of the Marquis de Beauharnois. Fols. 100 to 117. z 9 pages, say 15 pp. De Beauharnois to Minister. Chicachas. Fol. 119. 1^ P^ge» say, 1 p. The same to the same. As to the Hurons of Detroit, who wanted to emigrate. Fol. 121. 6 pages, say 4 pp. Extract from letter of Pere de la Riehardiere to Pere Jannay, on same subject. Fol. 124 (verso). 2 pp. De Beauharnois to Minister. As to certain difficulties in his private affairs in France. Fol. 126. ^ PP> cxlix 1741. September 17. Quebec. September 21, Quebec. Jnne 14, June 12. Jane 14, September 22, Quebec. September 23. Quebec. September 24. Quebec. September 26* Quebec. September 30, Quebec. October 1. Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 6. Quebec. October 7. Quebec. October 8. Quebec. May 27, Tau Carols. April 26. October 13, Quebec. September 2, Michlllima- kinac. 126-K Beauharnois. As to transfer of the ChaSanons to Detroit and of the Hurons to the vicinity of Montreal. Fol. 12S. 2 pp. Memo. Difficulties between the Hurons of Detroit and ihe Ottawas, PoutSatamis, Sauteux and Missispsgues, of that post, from 12th August, 1738, to 12th June, 1741. Fol. 130. 15^ pp. De Beauharnois to Minister. Charges against the Indians of Saut St. Louis. Fol. 138. 8 pp. Memorial respecting the mission to the Iroquois of Saat St. Louis. Fol. 143. 7 pp. Instructions to Chevalier de Beauharnois, captain of a company of troops of that country detached to go to tbe Hurons of Detroit and to accompany the Indians of Saut St. Louis and Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. 147 1^ p. Speech of Marquis de Beauharnois to Hurons of Detroit. Secret Council. Fol. 149. 8 pp. Copy of letter, de Beauharnois to Pdre de la Richardiere, mission- ary at Detroit. Fol. 15i. 3Jpp. Speeches of Indians of Saut St. Louis to de Beauharnois, with two replies by latter. Fols. 156 to 162. 12 pages, say 10 pp. De Beauharnois to Minister. Asking an increase of pay for Sieur deSt. Castin. Measures to be adopted against foreign trade. Fol. 163. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Excess of paper money. The late Sieur Guillemin and his vacant office as member of Council. Application for half pay for Sieur (fe Chevremont and a commission as second ensign in expectancy foi Sieur de Eepentigny. Fol. 16t;. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Conges and gratuities. Fol. 171. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Tbe same. Hostilities among the Sioux, Sauteux, Illinois, Sakis, and Fox Indians. Other news as to the Indians of the west and south. Fol. 174. 14 pages, say 7 pp. Tbe same. Sieur Dubuisson is deeply grateful for the Minister's goodness. De la Verendrye sets out to continue his explorations ; news sent by him. Voyageurs in the upper country. Assistance for Lanouillier. Fol. 182, 8| pages, say 4 pp. The same. Eeturn of his nephew from Detroit with three Huron chiefs. Fol. 187. h p. The same* Advancement and decoration of officers. Details respecting several of ihem. Fol. 18y. 5 J pages, say 2| PP« The same. The Indians of Michillimakinac are about to s'ettle on the Grand Eiver. News sent by Sieurs de Blainville and Celoron, Fol. 201. ^ pages, say 2 J pp. The same. The Nontagues, Goyagouins, Oneyonts and Tachikar- orains have come down to Montreal. They are well disposed. Fol. 204. 1^ page, say 1 p. The same. The Sonnontouans have not been able to come, owing to famine. Fol. 206. 1^ p. The same. The Hurons of Detroit have left it to him to decide their fate. Fol. 208. IJ page, say 1 p. The failure of de Bienville's expedition against the Chicachas has had a disturbing effect on the settled Indians. Fol. 214. ^ p. List of voyageurs who were in the five boats destroyed by the Chicachas. Fol. 216. 1 p. De Beauharnois to Minister. Respecting application for a gra- tuity by Sieur de Lafontaine. Fol. 217. ^ p. Copy of letter from M. Celoron, Commandant, to M. de Beauhar- nois giving news of the post of Michillimakinac. Fol. 221, 1^ say 1 p. cl 1741. October 25, Quebec. October 30. Qaebec. October 30, Quebec. October 31, Qaebec. November 1, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 5. Quebec. November 12, Quebec. July 8, Quebec. September 7, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 2, Quebec. October 2, Quebec. October 2, Quebec. October 3, M. de Beauharnois. Soldiers flogged for having over-charged billets; one of them escaped, aided by his comrades. Fol. 222. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same. Application for a gratuity by Sieur deLantagnac, one of whose daughters wished to become a nun. Fol. 228. J p. The same. List of proposed promotions among the troops. Fol. 231. 4 pages, say 3 pp. De Beauharnois. Asks for munitions of war. Fol. 235. J p^ The same. Strongly recommends Sieur Benoist, junior, as surgeon, to succeed his father. Fol. 236. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same. Applications for pi omotion, &o. Fol. 238. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same. As to Detroit. Product of trading licenses, &c. Fol. 241. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same. Sieur Marin asks leave to go to France. Kecommends his son for an ensigncy in reversion . Fol. 243. | p. The same. A woman belonging to the Saut stabbed by an Indian from the lake. The murderer banished. Fol. 244 1 p. The same. Wandering Algonquins and Nipissingaes ask to be allowed to settle at Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. 247. IJ p. The same. Duplicity of P. de la Richardiere as to the affair ol the Hurons. Fol. 249. 2 pages, say IJ p. Trading licenses granted in 1741. Fol. 25! . 4J pages, say 2J pp. M. Hocquart to Minister. As to declaration made by Michel Tresny, captain of the vetsol " Therese " giving details as to in- sults offered him by an English captain. Fols. 25d to 263. 5 pp. The same. Arrival of King's ship and of the Bishop of Quebec. Harvest commenced. It will be abundant and of good quality Fol. 304. 1 pi The same. Cutting of timber. Fol. 309. 1 p. The same. Building timber. Carpenters at Quebec. The King's ship must soon bring the crew of the store ship " Le Canada;" her destination. Fol. 3\0. 15 ])age8, say _ 7J pp. The same. List of sea going vessels built in Canada in 1741. Fol. 32.5. ^ i p. The same. Asks for a surgeon and a baker. Sieur Daplessif- Fabert has been recalled from the command of Fort St* Frederic and M. de Contreco3ui- succeeds him. The good of the service requi- that there should be no other women in the forts but those absoln' necessary. Certain posts but little sought after by the offir remedy for this. Fort Chambly. Fol. 324. 7^ pages, say The same. Measures adopted to secure peace with the Chi not successful. Has no news from Louisiana. Ashes anr Defective flax culture. Want of cordage. Gratuity to P Boisclerc. Opening roads. Fol. 329. 9J pages, say End of Yol. 75 or " Correspondance G^n^rai W CUei n<>v ^S ' ^^ ^/ (y^Cnvw H^ <^»xuA /-^ ^^y^^. -^vj*.4.c^t (y-^ , til/ — 't^A^oAlu . (Rtp><^^ (y^al^ hLkjrxKij^ , >U*xUio . -^ — /— ^OxMC/ Ju~i>aju\t . /'it <^ V>c t«'^f.,ctober 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. Mi Varin, Controller, to the same. General expenditure. Pol. 284. 16 pages, say 8 pp. M. Ohaussegros de Lery to the same. A'^king for payment of travelling expenses of himself and his son. Fol. 294. 1 p. The same to the same. Fortifications of the colony. Fol. 296. 14 pages, eay 6 pp. The same to the same. Proposal for the casting of cannon at the St. Maurice Forges. Fol. 304. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same to the same. Eespecting a map made by him of the country between Prairie de la Madeleine and Chambly River. Fol. 306. 2|^ pages, say "i^ p. Sieur Levasseur, engineer, to the same. Respecting the building of " Le Caribou " and " Le Castor." Fol. 309. 3| pages, say 2 pp. M. Le Yerrier, Procureur General. Asking the Minister for a gra- tuity for his services. Fol. 313. 2 pages, say IJ P* The same to the same. Representing the services he renders by his law-lectures, &c. Fol. 3l5i 2| pp. M. Levasseur, engineer. — Building of King's ships. Fol. 317. 7 pages, say 4| pp. M. de Beaubassin, an officer; Cipher despatch on voyage, in com- pany with de Boishebert, to Fort de la Reine, to watch the move- ments of the English. Fol. 322. 4 pages, say 1 J p. M. the Bishop of Qaebec. Thanks the Minister for a gratuity. Intercedes in behalf of M. de Yarennes. Asks whether, in his declarationof 25th Nov., 1743, forbidding holders in mortmain to make any further acquisitions, it is the intention of His Majesty to include new parishes? If so, it will be impossible to establish any Religious communities. Prudence recommended to the missionaries in Acadia. He is disposed to reduce the nu nber of festival days. Fol. 326. 3J pp. Statement of foreign tobacco landed at Quebec in 1744. Fol. 336. 4 pages, say . ^ '^P* Petition of Quebec merchants praying that trade and navigation be protected against English cruisers and containing other most interesting details. Fol. 338. 8 pp. End of Yol. 82. 1745, September 12, Quebec. October 13, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. " Canada — Corrbspondance G^n^rale." 1745. Yol. 83. — M. De Bbauharnois, Governor General. — M. Hocquart, Intendant. C. 11. MM. De Beauharnoisand Hocquart to Minister. They inform him of the taking of Louisbourg by the English, who thus become masters of He Royal e. Projoct for the recovery of the island and of Acadia. Interesting details as to both countries and as to measures adopted for their recovery, (This document is most important.) Fol. 3. Q^ pages, say '^5 pp. The same to the same. Destination of " Le Castor." Fol. 3!. 2 pages, say >i p- The same to the same. As to proposed stone rampart foi* Qde- bec. Fol. 39. 2 pages, say l^ p The same to the same. Surrender of the lease of the pOsts o£ clVii 1745. October 23, Quebec. July 28, Detroit. October 29, Quebec. July 2, Montreal. September 13, Montreal. 1745. October 30, Quebec November 2, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 9, Quebec. December 1, Quebec. June 19, Quebec. June 21, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 28, <2aebec. Frontenac and Niagara by Siear Chalet. Scarcity of cloth for barter. FoL 42. 9 pages, say 4X pp. Copy of letter from de Longueuil, commander at Detroit, to M. de Beauharnois, informing him that the Boglish have sent intoxi- cating liquor to the Indians of Detroit, in order to win them over Fol. 61. 1 p, MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquartto Minister. In support of the petition of M. de Vercheres, captain of Infantry, asking for a remis- sion of the Seigniorial dues accruing to the Crown in respect of his recent acquisition by retrait Ugnager of one-half of the Seigniory of Vercheres from Sieur Ranger, purchaser, under a judgment. Fol. 62. ^ p^ Deed of sale of the said half of Seigniory of Yercheres. Fo!. 63. 3 pp. Another deed respecting the grant of the same. Fol. 65. 9| pp Petition of Sieur de Vercheres, asking remission of seigniorial dues on one-half of the seigniory. Fol. 70. 2 pp. MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister. Letter with list of invalids dead or disappeared since 1st January, 1740. Fol. 72 73. 11 p. The same to the same. The merchants of Quebec ask for a war- ship to convoy trading ships. The Governor of Boston has not replied as regards an exchange of prisoners- Arrival of 300 to 400 Indians from Acadia. Fol. 74. 6J pages, say 5J pp. The same to the same. Chevalier de Beauharnois, bearer of con- fidential dispatches, asks to be sent back to the colony in case of war. Fol. 78. l^p^ The same to the same. Letter accompanying the declaration of a prisoner of war respecting preparations made by the English against Canada and for the defence of Louisbourg. Fols. 80, 81 82. 4 pages. 2'pp. The same to the same. Arrival of Indians from Beaubassin, with letters respecting the condition of Louisbourg. (The letters are not with the record). Means suggested for retaking Louisbourg. Fol. 83. 10 pages, say 6pp. M. de Beauharnois to Minister. Eevolt of the garrison of Louis- bourg. Measures for defence of colony. Favours solicited. Trading at the posts is becoming difficult and business is suffering greatly. FoL 90. 6 pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. Has just learned that Louisbourg is in- vested by ten large warships and some thirty others. Fol. 94. 24 pages, say 1 p* The same to the same. Munitions wanted. Steps taken to assist posts of Frontenac and Niagara in the event of an attack. FoK 1)6. 8^ pages, say 6^ pp. The same to the same. Respecting decorations granted to officers. Fol. 101. IJ pages, say 1 p The same to the same. Tho Iroquois come to see him in the spring aod seemed to be well disposed, at least as to neutrality. The other tribes have begun to make incursions on the English. The transmigration of the ChaSanons has at last taken place. The want of merchandise is tho causa of a groat change as regards tba Indians. Bad state of trade in the upper country. Fol. 102. Ici- pages, say ^ pp^ Report of one Kincaid, a prisoner taken by the Abenakis of Becancour, as to preparations made by the Fnglish. Fol. 108, 1| pw clviii 1745. November — Quebec. November 1, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. November 9, Quebec November 10, Quebec \j November 10, Quebec. X^rch 30, Quebec. Slarch 30, Quebec. May 19, Quebec. Maj 1, Quebec June 18, Quebec Jane 21, Quebec. September 24, Quebec. •October 1, Quebec M. de Beanharnois to Minister. As to instructions given to Sieur du Bois, commander of " Le Castor." Fol. 109. 1 J page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Want of arms and munitions. Pol. 111. 3| pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Asking for arms and munitions. Fol. 114 IJp. The same to the same. Cipher dispatch on the general state of the colony. Fol. 116. 3 J pages, say 1| p. The same to the same. Sickness among the Iroquois. Fol. 119. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Cipher dispatch respecting plans of the English against Canada. Fol. 121. 3 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Eetirement of Sieurs de Beaujeu, de Perigny, Cournoyer, Darnaud, &c. Yacancies. Fol. 124. 8 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Death of Sieurs St. Michel, Le Saulnier, Montmidy and Sicard, retired officers. Application for pensions for their widows, Fol. 130. 1 p. The same to the same. As to a party of Canadians and Indians who had set out from Montreal to make war on the English. Fol. 134. The same to the same. Sends his nephew to France dispatches, and asks that he be given the Cross of St. Louis. 136. The same to the same. Asks for the recall to France of a soldier named Michel Senneville, who had been condemned to the galleys and afterwards pardoned. Fol. 137. i p. Measures for the defence of Quebec and the country submitted to M. de Beanharnois, by M. Chaussegros de Lery, Chief Engineer Fol. 139. 10^ pages, say 9 J pp. The same. Mode of employing fire ships. Fol. 145. 4 pp. M. Hocquart to Minister. No news from the 120 Canadians and 400 Abenakis and Ilurons sent out to take possession of Acadia. The upper country is quiet. He Eoyale can be furnished with stores from Quebec. The " Castor " has been launched. Work has been commenced on the 22 gun frigate. Fol. 156. S^ small pages, say 3 pp. Directors of " La Compagnie du Commerce de I'Occident " to M. Hocquart. Beaver trade. Fol. 161. 4 pages, say 2Jpp. M. Hocquart to Minister. He is building a small vessel to accom- pany the " Castor" in guarding the coast. News from the party of Canadians and Indians sent to Acadia. Preparations of the English for an attack on Canada. Destination of vessels built at Quebec. Fol. 166. 10 small pages, say 4^ pp. The same to the same. Account of matters of interest occurring in the service at Quebec from the departure of M. Morin for Acadia, in January, 1745, up to date, in relation to the affairs of Acadia and He Eoyale. Fol. 173. 15 pages, say 10 pp. The same to the same. Urgent request for assistance. Lack of good superior officers. Necessity of building a stone rampart at Quebec. Praise for officers and cadets who served in the last cam- paign in Acadia. Capture of ten French vessels by the English. Fol. 182. 13 pages, say 9 pp. The same to the same. Bailding of the 22-gun frigate and of the "Canbou." Fol. 189. 11 pages, say 7 pp. ip. with Fol. ip. clix 1746- Febraary 22, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 17, Quebec. June 30, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. M. Levasseur's report of a voyage to Lake Champlain for the purpose of cutting masts for vessels. Pol. 251. 6 pages, say 5 pp. M. Hocquart to Minister. Trade ; receipts and expenditure of colony for 1744. (The statements referred to are not with the letter.) Fol. 257. 4 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Eeport on seal oil, 1744. Fol. 261. ^ p. The same to the same. List of vessels from France and from Martinique in 1745. Fol. 262. }^ p. Same to the same. List of vessels in port of Quebec and about to sail for France and for Martinique. Fol. 263. 1 p. The same to the same. The sod of Sieur Boisclerc has been shipped on board the " Castor " as an apprentice. Capture of two English vessels by " L'Heureuse Marie " of St. Malo. The crew of " Le Castor," convoyed by " L'Heureuse Marie," claim a share in the prize. Fol. 2t!4. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. Declaration of Sieur Joseph Desquesty, Captain of " L'Heureuse Marie," of St. Malo, in relation to the two English vessels captured by him. Fol. 267, 3 pp. M. Hocquart. General remarks on the product and trade of the colony. Fol. 270. 10 pages, say 7 pp. The same to the Minister. Product of the lease of the Domaine of Tadoussac. M. Cugnet has provided for the autumn outfit. Fol. 286. 2 pages, say 1^ p* The same to the same. Sapplies for Isle Eoyale. Fol. 328. 6 pages, say 4h pp.- End of Vol. 83. 1745. October 29, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. September 3, Quebec. September 8, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November' 6, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 9, Quebec. November 9, Quebec. " Canada — Correspondance GfiNESALE." 1745. Vol. 84 — M. Hooquart, Intend\nt. Other Officials op the Colony. C. 11. M. Hocquart, Intendant, to Minister. Letter respecting the building of the King's ships. Fol. 3. 4 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Letter as to expenditure in connection with the war party sent to Acadia. Fol. 103. 9 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. On the state of trade. Fol. 167. 3 pages,^ say 4 p. The same to the same. List of persons crossing on the King's ship. Fol. 171, 173. li p. The same to the same. List of English prisoners sent to France. Fol. 18 i!. 1 p. The same to the same. Letters as to the outfit and armament of the vessel "Saint Laurent," &c. Fol. 183. 4 page;?, say 2 pp. The same to the same. General expenditure. Fol, 187. 3^ pages, say 2^.PP« M. Chaussegros de Lery, engineer, to the eame. Fortifications* Fol- 207. 31 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. As to the plans for the cathedral of Que- bec which he has been requested to prepare. Fol. 209. 1 J page, say i p. clz 1745 November 9, The same to the same. Ship-yards. Artillery. Project for the Quebec. recapture of Louisbourg. Fol. 2ll. 4 pages, say 2 pp. November 27 •^* ^©rrier to the same. Land rolls. His lectures on law. Fol. Quebec. ' 21*7. 1 p. ( TAe remainder of this volume consists almost exclusively of details of accounts for the building of vessels, furnishing supplies, p. Journal of matters of interest in the colony, war movements, in- telligence received since the departure of the ships in November, 1746. From Fol. 22 to 97. 151 pages, say 110 pp. Continuation of journal of interesting events in the colony. Fol. 99. 9 pp. MM. de la Galissoniere and Hocquart to Minister. Eecall of 300 men sent to Acadia and momentary abandonment of the plan of re- taking that country. Farming of the posts of Frontenao and Niagara and Sieur de Chalet. Navigation of the lakes. Trade, «&c. JFol. 110. 9 pp. The same to the same. Sieur Lamorille, post captain ad interim. Dower of nuns. Arrival of an armourer. Death of M. de St. Ours d'Bschaillons. Fol. 118. 4 pages, say i^.pp- The same to the same. Shipyard of Cul-de-sac. Naval works. Difficulties at Detroit aud Michiilimakinac. Farming of the several posts of Bale des Chateaux and the lower river. Caulking of " Le Eubis." Vacancies in the Council. Fol. 122. 12 pages, say 9 pp. The same to the same. Sending him an extract from Boston newspapers. Fol. 129. IJ p. The same to the same. Respecting a new vessel to be launched. Fol. 134. 3 pages, say 2 pp. clxv 1747. October 24, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. November 5, Quebec. 1747. November 7, Quebec. November 9, Quebec. September 27, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. No day of month. October 10, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. 1745 (sic ) 1747. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. 4a — L The same to the Bame. Trade. " La Compa^oie des Indes." Ex- change of prisoners, &c. Fol. 146. 8 pages, nay 5 pp. The same to the same. Asking him to graut ibe grade of engineer toSieurLevasseur, shipbuilder. Fol. 152. i p. The same to the same. Respecting the granting of a ponsion to Sieur Gautier, an inhabitant of Acadia, who had sacrificed his fortone in the service of the King of France. Sieur Marchal d6 Noioy must be sent back to France. Fol. 154. 4 pages, say '6 pp. Petition of Sieur Noroy aforesaid, asking to be sent back to Fracce. Fol. 158, 1 page, say J p, MM. de La Galiasoniere and Hocquart to the same. As to replacing Sieur Michel at Montreal by Sieur Variu. Fol. 159. 2 pages, say I p. The same to the i-ame. Asking for a pension for Mile, de Kepen- tigny. Fol. 161. 1 page, say Jr p. The same to the same. Application for an extension of title by the grantees of Gros-Mecatinat, and for a gratuity by Sieur Cheron. Placet of the said Cheron. Fol, 169. 1 p. The same to the same. Petition of the lessees of Gros-Mecatinat. Fol. no. 1 p. The same to the same. In support of the application of Mme LaRonde, asking for a continuance of the right of working the copper mines ot Chaguamigon. Fol. 171. iJ pages, say IJ p, The same to the same. Sending continuation of journal of war movements and items of intelligence received since the departure of the ships in November, 1747. Fols. 17'3 to 225. 10 i pp. M. de La Galissoniere to the same. Asking for a gratuiy, Fol. 228. ^ p. The same to iho same. Asking for exemption from the penalties of desertion for Jean Ravalod, dit LaRose. a soldier, who lo- say 5 pp. M. Hocquart to Minister. Informing him that no person has been willing to farm the post of Tadoussac. Fol. 44. 2^ pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Naval works. Fol. 52. 10 pages, say 7 pp. The same to the same. Commending M. de Beauharnois, commander of artillery, to the Minister's kindness. Fol. 74. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Food supply of Colony and general ex- penditure. Fol. 78. 5 pages, say Eeport of Larreguy, captain of " La Vierge de Grace," from Boston. Fol. 81. 3 pagas, say M. Hocquart to Minister. St. Maurice Forges. Fol. 86. say The same to tho same. Product of St. Maurice Forges, Ist January to 14th October, 1747. Fol. 91. 1^ p. The same to the same. Beaver trade. Supplies to He St. Jean by Sieur Duvivier. Death of Captain Ecusseau at He Koyale. Fol. 150. 4 pages, say 1| p. The same to tho same. Expenditure and finances of Colony. Fol. 155. 11 pages, say 8 pp. The same to the same. States that he is a ruined man ; asks to be recalled to France and commends himself to the Minister's good- ness. Fol. 167. 1 p. The same to the same. Vessels built in Canada. Fol. 169. 7 pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. General expenditure of the Colony. Fol. 184, 28 pages, say 20 pp. End of Vol. 88. 31 pp. arrived 2^PP^ 3 pages, clxix *' Canada. — Corrbsondancb GfiNf rale." 1747. VcL. 89. — M. Hocquart, Intendant. Other Offcials of the Colony. C. 11. 1747. November 3, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 9, Quebec. No day of month. November 29, Brest. April 10, Montreal. October 1, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. No day of month. October 8, N >vember 5, Quebec. 1740 (3ic.) August 6, Detroit. 1747. Oct 10 & 30, Quebec. Aug;i8t 10, November 9, ■Quebec. Nov. 4 and 5, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. M. Hocquart to Minister. Fol. 5 to 14. The same to the same. Fol. 21. 11 pages, say The same to the same. say The same to the same. List of passengers on King's ships. 6 pp. Provisions and general expenditure. 8 pp. Same subject. Fol. 52. 6 pages, 4 pp. Promotions in the army. Services ren- dered by M. de Eigaud de Vaudreuil. Fol. 56. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same, and expenditure. Fol. 57 The same to the same, say The same to the same. Administration of Domaine. 6 pages, say General expenditure. JReceipts 4 pp. Fol. 63. 8 pages, 6 pp. Sending to Comte do Maurepas the peti- tion of Nicolas Gautier, an Acadian, with evidence respecting his losses in the service of the King of France. Fol. 124. 23 pages, say 15 pp. Marquis de Beauharnois. Informs the Minister that he has just arrrived from Canada, and that before leaving he had transferred the command to M. de la Galissonidre, the new Governor. Fol. 143. '^ pages, say \ p. M. Boisberthelot de Beaucour. Agreement for the trade of iiay des Puants. Fol. 146. 7 pp. Lo Chevalier de Beauharnois, commander of artillery, to Minister, Two letters as to state and service of the artillery. Fol. 151 to 156. 9 pages, say 8 pp. M. de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Major, to Minister. Two letters as to his campaign at Fort St. Frederic. Fol. 168 to 173. S\- pages, say 6 pp. Letters and petitions of Sieurs de Lusignan, father and son, respect- ing say their services, wounds, &c. Fol. 175 to 182 10 pages, 8 pp. removed to 4^ pages, xM. YariD, Controller, to Minister. As to his being replace M. Michel at Montreal. Fol. 184 to 187. say z^ pp. M. de Noyan, Major. Koport to Minister respecting po>t of Detroit, where he is in command. Fol. 194. 3 pages, say 2-^ pp. M. Cbaustegros de Lery, engineer, to Minister. Two letters* Fortifications, barracks, wharves. Fol. 198 to 205. 12 pagest say 5 pp. M. Levasseur, naval engineer and builder. Building of King's ships. Fol. 207 to 212. 8 pages, say ^ PP. M. Lanouiiler de Boisclerc to Minister. Opening and maintain- ing of rouds. Fols. 218. 4i pages, say 3 pp* M. de, Raymoai to Minister. Eevolt of the Indians in the Detroit country. Fol. 225. 6 pages, say 4 pp. M. de St. Simon, Commissary of Police, to Minister. Describing his position and the stale of the police in Nouvelle France. F()l. 230. 6 pp. clxx 1747. October 1, and September 29, Quebec. July 17, Fort Saint Frederic. October 20, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. July 10, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. April 21, Quebec. March 11, La Rochelle. September 12, fiouen. September 12, Bouen. October 16, Bouen. January 16, Without name of place. May 27, and June 7. No day ot month. July 31, and August 11, Boston. August 7, Quebec. Aug. 10 & 21, Baie Espag- nole, Cape Breton. August 26, Milford. No day of month. M. de La Corne, Captain. Two letters to Minister. The first represents his services and the second describes a raid by a party of English, Dutch, As;niers, Sonnontouans, Anneyouts, of the Five IS'ation Indians on the Island of Montreal Fol. 235 to 240. 9^ pp. M. Milon. ensign, acting major at Fort St. Frerleric, sets forth his services. Fol. 242. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. M. de Eamezay, an ofScer, to Minister. Describes Port Royal. Fol. 245. 4 pages, say 3 pp. M. Grandville Formille to Minister. Asking reward for services. Fol. 249. 2 pages, say ^ p. Madame Joibertde Longuenil, wife of the commandant at Detroit. Asking the Minister to reward her husband for his services. Fol. 252. 2 pp. The Bishop of Quebec to Minister. Informs him that ho is about to apply to the Bn^^lish Government for leave to send missionaries to Acadia. Praises MM. de Ramezay, Coulon, de La Corne and de Lusignan, the younger, for their noble conduct in Acadia, Fol. 255. 4 pages, say IJ P- The same to the same. Asking for a continuance of his favours for himself, and the several religious communities. M. de Lotbin- idre, Dean of the Chapter, and M. Vallier, clerical councillor, are to be replaced. Fol. 257. 7 pages, say 5 pp. Abb6 de I'lsle Dieu, Yicar-General of the Bishop, to Minister. Requests aid for the nuns of He Eoyale and eulogises MM le Loutre and Maillard, missionaries in Acadia. Fol. 266. 2 J pages, say 1^ p. Abbe Le Loutre to Abbe de I'lsle Dieu. Representing services rendered by the nuns of Louisbourg and himself. Fol. 263. l^ page, say J p. Abbe de I'lsle Dieu to Minister. Respecting the monks and nuns of Now Orleans. Praise of M. de Vaudreuil, &c. Fol. 270. 8 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the bame. Asking for help and protection. Fol. 274. 2| pages, say H P- The same to the same. Same subject. Fol. 276. 5J pages, say 3 pp. Memorial, not signed, intituled " Nouvelles." A narrative of recent events. Fol. 280. 7 pages, say 5 pp. A series of letters bearing the title : " Lettros Anglaises." They are all in French, except the last quoted at the end of the volume. Letter signed Charles Knowles, unaddressed but evidently to M. de Beauharnois, as to exchange of prisoners. Fol. 285. 1 p. Copy of letter of Geo. Dumarm. Same subject. Fol. 286. 1 p. Copy of letter of William Shirley, apparently to Governor of Canada. Same subject. Fol. 287. 4 pp. Copy of letter of M. de Beauharnois to M. Knowles^ Governor of Louisbourg. Same subject. Fol. 290. 3| pp. Copy of letter signed Geo. Wanton. Same subject. Fol. 292. 2^ pageSj say 2 pp. Copy of letter signed John Law. Same subject. Fol. 294. J p. Copy of letter signed Pierre Theodore Atkinson LeCry. Same subject. Fol. 295. ^ p. C XXl 1747, September 16, Copy of letter of M. do Beauharnois to M, Shirley, Governor of Quebec. Boston. Same subject. Fol. 296. 8 pages, t^ay 2^ pp. September 16, Copy of letter of M . Knowles to Governor of Loaisbourg. Same Quebec. 8ubj<,>ct. Fol. 298. 2 J pages, say 2 pp. September 2, Long letter, written in Englisb, by M. William Shirley to M. de Boston. Beauharnois, on the same subject. Fol. 300. 6J pages, say 8 pp. End of Vol. 89. "Canada — Correspondancb Generile " 1747. Vol. 90. — Deeds of salb of private properties sold to the kino. C. 11. (In this volume there is nothing of the slightest historical interest for Canada. — J. M.) 1748. August 17, Qoebec. September 3, Quebec , September 14, Qutbec. September 14, Quebec. September 16, Quebec. September 20, Quebec. September 22, Quebec. September 25, Quebec. " Canada. — Cobrespondance Gj&n^rale." 1748. Vol. 91. — M. de la GALissoNiiRE, Governor General. — M. Bigot, Intbndant. C. 11. MM. de La Galissoniere and Hocquart to Minister. Arrival of King's ships. Launch of the " Saint Laurent." Suspension of hos- tilities. Death of M, Begon, Governor of Three Rivers.' Death of Sieur Philibert, a merchant, killed by Sieur De Eepentigny. Fol. 3. 2 pacres, say 1^ p. MM. de Lii Galissioniere and Bigot to Minister. They have"re- ceived his letter informing them that Louisbourg is to be restored to France. Food has been given to the people fiom Acadia and lie Eoyale who were in Canada and who are being sent home. Steps taken with a view to the evacuation of Acadia, at He Eoyale and He St. Jean. Fol. 6. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Assistance c'aimed by widow Lagrois, in view of her husband's services in his voyages to He Eoyale. Fol. 10. 1 pasje, say ^ p. The same to the same. Dames d'Eschaillons and de Gannes have been informed as to the pension granted thera, but the pension of 150 livres obtained by the Minister for Sieur de Lusignan the younger is too small inasmuch as he is crippled from the effect of his wound. Fol. 12. ^*^ ^ p^ The same to the same. Fitting out of the " St. Laurent." Fol! 18. i p. The same to the same. As there was no applicant for the farm- ing of Ihe post of ChagSamigon the aerent of Mme. do La Ronde has been allowed to resume possession. Fol. * post catitain in the absence of Sieur d'Aillebout de Cerry, captured on "Lo Tourny." Sieur Gautier proscribed by the English and forced to ^'bandon his establishments in Acadia and locate him- self at Loaibbourg ; he should be assisted. Fol. 55. 3 pages, eay 2 pp. M, Bigot to Minister. Respecting a settlement proposed to bo e.=itabliphed by the gentlemen of St. Sulpice, with a view to locating the Five Nation Iroquois Indians. Fol. 58. 1 p. MM. de La (ralissoniere and Bigot, commending to the Minister's favour, M. do Beaucour, " formerly Governor of Montreal and a dis- tinguished officer, who is reduced to poverty." Fol. 60. IJ pago, say 1 p. The same to the same. As to gratuity to be granted to M. Eobort de la Morendiere, assistant engineer at Montreal. Fol. 6:2. 2^ pages, t^ay l|p. The s^ame to the same. Gratuity to be granted to Sieur Hertel, an ensign. Fol. 65. ij page, say 1 p. The f-ame to the same. Stops to be taken to revive the beaver trade, &c. ^^^l. 67. 8 pages, say 6 pp. The ^amM to the same. Work being done on the fortifications of Qn« bee. FA. 73. IJ page, say 1 p. The same to the fame. Expediency of granting the post of Bale des Chalenrs to Sieur Bazile. Fol. 75. 4 pages, say 2 p. The same to the same. As to pardon to be granted to soldiers who remained in Acadia and lie iSt Jean, Fol. 83. 1 p. Tne came to the same. Recommending the appointment of Abbe de Li Uorne in the place of M. Vallior, clerical member of council. Fol. r5. i p. The same to the same. Launiere, a resident of St. Fran9oi8, appointed interpreter to the Abenakis. Fol 94. 1 p. Tho same to the same. Recommending M. Duchesnay, " gentil- homrae," ag successor to M.Saint Simon, " Grand Prevost," de- cea:^ed. Fol. '.-'5. ^ p. Tne same to the same. As to new import duties. Fol. 99. IJ page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Forwarding representations made by traders of the colony, amongst others Sieurs Gamelin, Tache and Berthier, respecting the new import duties. Fol. 101. 4 pages, say 3 pp. Remarks of the " Directeurs du domaine," respecting the above representations, Fol. 103 to 112. 18 pp. clxxiii 1748 January 28, Quebec. September 1, Quebec. September 6, Quebec. September 6, Quebec. September 25, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 4, Quebec October 5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. Octob3r 17, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. No day of mouth. October 22, Quebec. M. de La Ga]is<^oniere to Minister. Reports on the several war parties, compo-ied of Canadians and Indians, sent out during the previous year, to make raida upon the English colonies. Fol. 114. 2J pages, say 2 pp. The sn me to the tame. J-)etails respecting the Illinois settlements. Fol. 116. 13J pages, say 9 pp. The same to the same. Sieur Le Mercier, an officer of artillery, goes to France. Fol. 121. H paj^e, say 1 p. The same to th * same. Expeditions again&t the JCnglish, before receipt of news of suspension of hostilities. Detachments sent to He Eoyale and He St. Jean to cut wood for the garrison of Louis- bourg. Fol. 1-6. 5 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Details respecting Detroit. Fol. 130. 5^ pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. M. de La Boularderio goes to France, in order to obtain remuneration for the destruction of his c.^tabli.'sbmenta in Labrador by the enemy. Fol. 136. ^ p. The same to the same. Eecommends that a soldier named d'Bd- trades claiming to belong tn the same family as the Marshal of t'lat name, be made an officer. Fol. 138. i p. M. de La Galiseoniere to Minister. Has not decided how to act io relation to Niagara. Proposed misspecting services likely to be rendered by M. Lo Mercior, aide d'artillerie, who is going to France to per- fect himself in the practice of his profession. Fol 275. ^ p. Chevalier de Betuharnois to Minister. Guns and mortars cast at St. Maurice Forge?-. Fol. 27S. 1 p. The same to the same. Casting of guns at St. Maurice Forges. Artillery service in towns and foris of the colony. Fol. 280. 13 pa^es, say 8 pp. End of Vol. 91 1748. March 23, JRochefort. April •>, Rochefort. April 6, Rochefort. April 15. Rochefort. September 7, Quebec. " Canada — Oorrespondance Gf n^irale." 1748. Vol, 92 — M. Bigot, Intendant. Other ofpioials of the Colony. C 11. M. Bigot, Intendant, to Minister. Difficulties he had in relation to a puicha>e of horses, on his voyage from La Kochelle. Fol. 5. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The tame to the same. Asks that he may not be obliged to go to Canada if the bhips do not sail before the 15th April. Fol. 9. 4^ pages, say 3J pp. The same to the same. Shipping of his household effects. Fol. 13. 1 p. The same to the same. He is about to sail, though he thinks the start too late. He has delivered lo M. Prevost the Louisbourg papers. Fol. 15. ]^ p. The same to the same. He is working with M. Hocquart in order to familiai-ize himself with the administration. Commends clxxv 1748. September 12, Quebec. September 16, Quebec. September 21, Quebec. No day of month. October 1, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. 1747 (sic.) September 25, Quebec. 1748. October 22, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. No day of month. October 27, Quebec October 28, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. November ], Quebec. September 1, Quebec. No date, but evidently the same year. November 2, Quebec. M. Nepveu, commander of " Le Zephir," to tho Minister's kindness. Want of help from Fiance for lie Royale. Fol. 55. 3 pages, say 2 pp. M. Bigot to Minister. Has given to Siear Breard his commission as Controller of Marine. Fol. 57. ^ p. The same to the same. Eespectiog arrears in accounts of M. Taschereun, clerk to the Treasurers General Fol. 58. 1 p. The same to the same. Clerks employed in the Marine should be well paid, in order that efficient persons may be secured. Fol. 61. 2 pages, say Iv p. The same to the same. Scarcity of flour and wheat. Fol. 6i. Ip. Letter accompanying the accounts of the Fol. 67. 'ih pages, say 2-^ pp. Askincr for mathematical instruments on 2 pages, say The same to the same, estate of Abbe de Norey. The same to the same, behalf of Pere Bonnicat for the use of youths studying navigation. Fol. 73; 74. IJ page, say h p. The same to the same. Pay of judicial officers. Fol. 76. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same to the same. Ship building ; trade; St. Maurice Forges; new ship yards at Qaebec. Fol. 79. lU pages, say 7 pp. Tho same to the same. Respecting Sieur Robert's debet to the store. Fol. 93. IJ pages, say J p. The same to the same. As to anchors lost by the frigate " Le Zephir." Want of ship-wrights. Fol. 106. 3 pages, say 2 pp The same to the same. Claim of Sieur Douville, commander of the posts pillaged by Miamis. Fol. 108. i p. Memorial of Sieur Douville as to the above claim. Fol. 110. 1 p. M. Bigot to Miciste ■. Farming of the posts. Trading Fol. 113. 3 pages, say The same to the same. 115. The same to the same, order to avoid counterfeits The same to the same. Fol. 121. 2 pages, say licenses. 2^ pp. Provisions required for Canada. Fol. 2 pp. Proposes to get card money printed, in Fol. 117. 1| pages, say 1 p. Furnishing and maintenance of barracks. Up. Memorial, not sigoed.on same subject. Fol. 124. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. M. Bigot to Minister. Merchandise, provisions and munitions needed. Fol. 127. 5| pages, say ^^ PP- The same to the same. Representing that the punishment here- tofore inflicted on counterfeiters is too lenient. Fol. 131. 2 pages, say n p. The same to the same. Clerks of the Marine employed in Canada. Fol. 133. 2 pasres, say li p- Tho same to the same. Iron knees for ships. Fol. 140. 1 p.'ige, say ^ p. The same to the same. Expenditure incurred by King's saips while last in Canada. Fol. 142. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Iron, tar, &c , shipped on the King's vessels at Quebec. Fol. U7. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Official record of speeches made by the Iroquois Six Nation Indians, ^.it the Chateau St. Louis, at Quebec, in 1748. Fol. 172. 6| pages, say bh pp. clxxvi 1748. November 3, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. November 8, Quebec. October 20, Quebec. M. Bigot to Minister. Building of does not furnish him with accounts of 176. 6 pages, say The same to the same. General review Canada. Ful. 181. 14^ pages, say Fort St. Jean. M. de Lery work on fortifications. Fol. 4 pp. of financial situation in 10 pp. The same to the same. The largo number of vessels, arriving from France has caused a heavy fall in prices of merchandise. The farm- ers, on the other hand, want to keep grain at the high prices it Fol. 189. 2 pages, say 1 p. Want of a suitable residence for the It would be better to build one. Fol. 193. 2 pp. Supply of provisions for the Colony. Pro- visions difstributed to Indians. Ambassadors of the Five Nations.- Loss of furs between Niagara and Frontenac. Fol. 195. 2 J pages, say 2 pp. Farming of Bay Des Esquimaux and Ip* Bills of exchange drawn, and general Si- pages, say 2^ pp. Fortifications of Quebec. Fort St. Jean. reached during the war. The same to the same Intendant at Montreal. 3 pages, say The same to the same. The same to the same. Tadoussac. Fol. 229. The game to the same, expenditure. Fol 232. The same to the same. Barracks. Cathedral and shipyard in Quebec. Fol. 284. 10 pages, say 4 pp. M. Varin, Controller, to the same. Two letters. Steps taken to prevent waste of King's goods in the several stores and forts. Fol. 292 to 2h6, 1^ pages, say 5 pp. M. de Vaudreuil to the same. His advice as to uniting the Post of New Orleans. Illinois with Canada. Fol. 298. i6J pages, say 8 pp. October 10, M. LovasSKur, Engineer. Building of King's ships. Asks for Quebec. promotion, in view of his sei'vices. Fol. 308. 6 pages, say 5 pp. M. Lo Gardeur de Repentigny, Lieutenant in the Army. Letter to Minister, with petition to King praying for pardon for having, in self defence, killed with his sword Sieur Philibert, a merchant of Quebec. Fol. 317 to 323- 10 pages, say 8 pp. M. Marin, the younger, a Captain, to Minister. Account of an expedition, conducted by him, in the direction of Louisbourg. Fol. 325 to 327. 4 pages, say 2 pp. M. d'Aillebout, Commander of "La Friponne." Eespecting troops he had carried to Fianco. Fol. 33 J. 5 pages, say 4 pp. M. de Raymond, Commander at Niagara. Events at that post* Fort Niagara Fol. 338. 2^ p^ges, say 2 pp. M. Breard, Controller. M. Hocquart left the finances of the Colony in such confusion, that it has not been possible for him to enable M. Bigot to furnish a statement for the roturn of the King's ships. Fol. ;-{4l. 4^ pages, say 3 pp. M. do YiHcjoin, commanding depot of Colonial troops. Five letters to MinisLor, giving a general review of the state of the troops. Fol. 345 to 350. 15 pages, say 10 pp. MM. Havy and Lofebvre, traders, Quebec. Letter and petition to Minister, respecting the trade of the Post of Bale des Chateaux, Labrador. Fol. 358 to 3b'6. 15 pages, say 8 pp. Giles Stroud, a native of London, who lived for a time in Caro- lina, settled in Canada since 1738, asks for letters of naturalization. Fol. 307. 2 pages, say 1 p. Reply to memorial respecting beaver trade sent from Canada to Comte de Maurepas. Fol. 383. 7 pages, say 6 pp. Oct. 8, and November 2, Quebec. November 2, Septembsr 1, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. September 8, October 12, Quebec. July 29, Quebec. November 10, Quebec. No day of mouth. March 29, Quebec. cJxxvii 1748. September 9, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. March 2, Paris. September 6, Paris. No day of month. Paris. October 18, Paris. Bishop of Quebec to Minister. Hotol-Dieu nuns. Pardon requested for Sieur de Kepentigny. MiBeiooaries applied for by the Aca- diane. Fol. 388. 2 pages, pay H P- The same to the same. He needs assistance. Proposed union of I'Hopital General with I'Hotel-Dieu. Chapter of Quebec. Mission- aries. Fol. 390. 6 pages, Fay 5 pp. The same to the same. The "Ursulines in want 'of nuns. They Bhould be supplied from Franco. Convent of La Congregation at Louisbourg. Jesuits' College, Quebec. Completion of the cathedral at Quebec. Abbe La Corne recommended as clerical memberof Coun- cil. Fol. 394. 3J pages, fiay 2 pp. Abbe de L'Isle Diou. Sends to Minister extracts from letters received by him from Canada, by the last vessel, respecting the clergy and religious communities of that country. Fol. 397. 8 pages, say ' 6 pp. The same to Minister. Respecting the administration of the revenues of the Hospital of Montreal. Fol. 40 L 2 pp. The same to the same. Remarks on the same subject and in relation to nuDs from Louisbourg who had found refuge at La Eochelle. Fol. 407. 4^ pages, say 3^ pp. The same to the same. Montreal hospital. Fols. 411 to 414. 5 pages, say 3J pp. End of Vol. 92. 1749. October 1, Quebec. September 28, Quebec. September 28, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. September 4, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October .5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. " Canada— Correspondance Gf nebale." 1749. YoL 93. — M. DE LA Jon QUI ERE, Governor. M. Bigot, Intendant. C. 11. Letter from MM. do La Jonquiere and Bigot to Minister. With memorial from la Compagnie des lades respecting beaver trade. Fol. t). 11 pages, say 8 pp. The same to the same. Botel-Dieu and Hopital General, Quebec. Fol. 17. 2-^ pages, say H V' The s-ame to the same. Tiade of posts in upper country. Fol. 19. 1^ page, say 1 p. The same to the same. A number of Acadihn families want to locate themselves at He Royale and He St. Jean. Mission to be established at Fort Frontenac. Hopital General at Montreal and at Quebec. Foi. 21. 5- pages, say 3^ PP- The same to the same. Gratuities to be granted to Mme dos Meloiees and Mme ue Senneville. Fol. 25. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Insufficiency of rations allowed to soldiers. Fol. 27. h p. The same to the same. Vacancies in the Conncil. Death of de MM. Lotbiniere and Taschereau. Fol. 29. H page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Remarks respecting the posts of Detroit. Fol. 31. tjp.iges, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Necessity for increasing the number of troops in the colony. As to exempting officers Irom payment of duties, as proposed by M. do La Galissoniero. Fol. 35. 3 pages, say ij p. The same to the same. Housing troops in barraclc.'^. Fol. 37. 5 pages, say 3 pp. clxxviii 1749. October 8, Quebec October 9, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. No day of month. November 8, Quebec. November 12, Quebec. July 4, Quebec. July 4, River rft. John. May 9, Bostoa. November 3, Oa baard 'Le Leopard.' September 20, Quebec. No day of mouth. September 20, Quebee. September 20, Quebec. September 20, Quebec. September 20, Qaebec. Tho same to the same. Respecting petition of the heirs of Jacques Oochu for a ratification of the tyrant of Grande Riviere, Baie des Chaleurs, made to Jacques Cartier. Fol. 40. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same to the same. Posts of Baio des Puants, Detroit, Toronto and Niagara. Fol. 42. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Fortifications and barracks. Fol. 45. 3^ pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Revol, who made his escape, has been arrested, and the master and mate of the vessel "Comte de Saxe" are also to be arrested. Fol, 49. \^ page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Iroquois mission to be established on Pres^entation River. Fol. 51. 4 pages, say 3 pp. Memorial of Sieur de Lery, the younger, respecting the said mission. Fol. 55. 1 p. MM. de La Jonquiere ar,d Bigot to Minister. Granting of Post of Cap Charles, Labrador, to M. Baune, captain of M. de La Jon- quiere's guards. Fol. 56, 57. 4 pages, say 2 pp. M. De Lii Jonquiere to the same. Copies of letters, &c., from Sieur Raymond, commander in Miamis country, describing the ill- feeling on the part of those Indians for the French. Fol. 58 to 64. f"! pages, say 6^ pp. The same. Conclusion of peace. Garrison sent to Louisboarg, Troops, &c. Fol. 76 3J pages, say 2^ pp. Copy of letter from Captain Rous, an Englishman, to Sieur de Boishebert, asking under what authority he entered River St. Jean. Fol. 78. 1 page, say J p. Copy of letter from M. Shirley, Governor of Boston, as to whether the Abenakis wei'e to be iticluded in the peace. They shall not be, unless they make suitable amends for their treachery. The powc^r claimed by the bishop of Quebec to send French missionaries to Nova Scotia and to visit the Acadiane, cannot be admitted. " The French Governor must not interfere with the punishments which His Majesty, the King, of England, would inflict on his rebellious subjects in Nova Scotia." Fol. bO. 9 pages, say 7 pp. M. de La Galisoniere requests the Minister to issue orders to retain at Rochefort M. Begon, who had been made a " garde du pavilion " and was to arrive on " La Diane." Requests that he be put back in the company of *' G irdes de la Marine." Fol. 87. 1 p. The same to the same. Expediency of bringing up the number of troops to fall strength. Fol. 90. ^ p. The same to the same. Schedule of the several companies, with names of captains, to accompany the above. Fol. 93. 2 pp. M. de La Jonquiere to Minister. Proposes his nephew. Abbe de Caba- cac Taffanel, for the vacant post of dean of Quebec. Fol. 91. J p. The same to the same. He has shipped on board the " Leopard " the Swiss detachment of the Karrer regiment, in order that they may rejoin their regiment. Tho commander of the detachment has been drowned and his effects will be sold to pay his creditors. Fol. 9j. . I p. TI.e same to the same. Details respecting the several posts of the colony. Fol. 101. 12 pages, say 8 pp. The same to the satne. Recommends his nephew for the position of Commander General of the troops and militia of the colony. Fol. September 20, Quebec. 110. IJ pages, say Ip. The same to the same. Recommends Sieur Pean for a captaincy, in view of his services, and that the cross of St. Louis be given to clxxix 1749. September 20, Quebec September 20, Quebec. September 20, Quebec. September 20, Quebec. September 20, Quebec. September 9, Quebec. July 25, Quebec. June 26, Quebec. April 21, Quebec. July 14, Chibouctou. August 26, Without name of place. September 20, Quebec. September 22, Quebec September 22, Quebec. September 22, uebec. September 24, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. Sieurs de Fouville, de S ■brevoi'*, La Martiniere, La Come the elder, de LoRignan and de GaDnes. Fol. Hi 3 pagtH, nay • pp. M. de la Jonquiere to Minioter. Pensions for Sieurs Coulombe, Major at Three Eivorn, and de Lusignan and Mme des Alekises. Foi. 114. 2 pages, say I p. The same to the san^o. M. Bigot is back from Lonipbourg and they have resumed work together. A good understanding prevails between the bishop and the Intendant. Fol. 117. i p. The same to the same. Urgent need of gunners in the colony. Fol. 119. 2 pages, say I p. The same to the saino. Supports the petition of Sieur de Yar- ennes, a captain who lost his rank in 1744 for refusing to act in cod nection with the imprisonment of his brother-in-law, on the order of de Maurepas. Fol. 121. 4i pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Limits of Acadia. Fol. 127. J p. The same to the same. Attitude he maintains towards the English. Has sent orders to the inhabitants of La Baie Fran^aise, situated without the peninsula of Acadia, not to recognize the Eng- lish Government. He has sent to that point a detachment under ML. de La Corne, a brave and able officer. Fol. 130. 4 J page?, say 3^ pp. M. de La Galissojftiere to Minister. Pretensions of the English, not only as to Acadia, but in relation to French settlers occupying lands belonging to Canada. Precautions against their encroachments. Their complaints respecting Fort St. Frederic are quite unfounded. By abandoning Fort St. George to England, Franco might, perhaps, recover Fort Choueguen. His reasons for forbidding the Abenakis to submit to the English. Fol. 133. 19 pages, say 12 pp. The same to the same. Measnrea he has taken to check the encroachments of the English at various points. Fol. 143. 5 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Copy of letter to himself from M. Mascarene, respecting suspension of hostilities- Missionaries of Acadia. Oath of fidelity taken by French families living on Eiver St, Jean, whom he always looked upon as British subjects. Signing of the treaty of peace. Fol. 14G. 9 pages, say 6 pp. Copy of Ordinance ot Sir Ed. Cornwallis insuring to the Acadians free possession of their lands and the exorcise of their religion, on condition of taking the oath of fidelity to the King of Great Britain. (8ee back of Fol. 152 ) 22 pp. Copy of letter of M. de Boishebertto M. de La Galissoniero. His interview with Captain Kous. English claim to River St. Jean. (De Boishebert's reply missint.'.) Fol. 153. 4 pages, say 3| pp. M. de Longueuil to Minister. Thanks him for commii-sion as King's Lieutenant at Quebec. A.sks for a second ensigncy for his son. Fol. 156. 1 p* La Jonquioie to Minister. Lacks funds to pay arrears due to officers of posts. Asks for a secretary. Fol. 158. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Treaty with the English made by the domiciled Indians of the Sault and particularly the Iroquis. His orders to prevent the same. Fol. 162. 3^ pp. The same to the same. Sends his dispatches to the Court by M. de Cannes. Fol. 165. J p. The same to the same. Announcing the departure for Franco of M. de La Galissonidre. Fol. 167. ^ ]\ The same to the same. M. de La Galissoniere has opies of papers showing the little foundation that exists for thecluiiusof the clxxz 17^9. October 9, Quebec. October 11, Louisbourg. Without month or place. October 9, Quebec. October 9, Quebec. October 9, Quebec- October 10, Quebec. October 10, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. 1749 or 1750, (this date is in pencil.) 1749. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 5, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. English to landp in New France. The English are still molesting the Acadians. Fol. 169 7 pagen, pay 5 pp. M. de la Jonquiere to Minister. Eecommonding the granting of the Cross of St. Louis to M. de St.-Pierro. Fol. 173. 2 pages, say IJ p. M. de La Gulissoniere to Minihster. Proposal of promotion for the garrison of Louisbourg. Fol. 17.5. , 4 pp. Petition of M. Le Gardeur de St. Pierre, asking for the cross, fol- lowed by his record of service. Fol. 177 to 179. 3^ pages, say 4 pp. M. de La Jonquiero. Asks the Minister for a free passage for hig wife and daughter and the Marquis de Noe, his son-in-law, .whom he wishes to bring to Canada. Fol. l>-0. ^ p. The same to the same. As to the settlement of Missiskoui, at the head ot Lake Cbamplain. Fol. l81. h p. The same to the siime. Exchange of En^^lish and French prison- ers. Fol. 183. 5 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Commission as engineer for Siear de Lot- biniere. Foi. Ife9 J p. The same to the same. Asking for a gratuity for his nephew, de La Jonquiere, and for the command of the artillery in place ot fii. de Beauharnois, or else a lieutenancy, for his other nephew, Lacary. Fol. 191. 2i pages, say 2 pp. The same lo the same. Asking for a pension for the widow of Sieur Taschereau, treasurer of the colony. Fol. 193. J p. The same to the same. He has received the letters of pardon granted to Sieur de JRepentigny, whom ho intends to send to the islands on service, in order to avoid a conflict between him and the Phiiibert family. Fol. 195. 1 p. Memorial, unsigned, complaining of annoyances suffered by French vessels fiom the Btglish, in the Gulf of St.. Lawrence. Fol. 199. 7^ pp. M. de Li Jonquiere to the Minister. He has sent home, on the ** Prosperant," Sieur de Coissy d'Argonteuil, whose conduct he highly praises. Foi. 203. ^ p. The same to the same. Eeport of a peaceful deputation from the Five Nation Iroquois. Fol. 205. 2 pages, say if p. The same to the same. Measures to be adopted for the safety of Choueguen. Suggests that Fort Frontenac be abandoned. Fol. 207. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. In relation to Sieur de Montbalin and Sieur do Grammont, nephew of La Jonquiere Taftanel, remaining in the colony on account of sickness. Fol. 210. I p. The same to the same. Eespecting Sieur de Lusignan's request for the command of Fort St. Frederic. Fol. 212. 1 p. The same to the same. Letter accompanying the statement of soldiers allowed to return to France on six months' leave. Fol. 214 to 217. 4^ pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Eecommending that the first vacant lieutenancy be given to Sieur de Li* Eonde. Fol. 218. ^ p The same to the same. With a memoir from Sieur de Lery, the younger, respecting the artillory required for the strong places of the colony, and brief description of the fortifications of Quebec as they then were. Fol. 222. 6 pp_ The same to the same. Has entrusted the dispatches to M. Volant d'Haudebourg. Fol. 229. 1 p. The same to the same. Suggesting that M. Hertel de Eouville bo sent as an ensign to Louisbourg, where ho owns some property. Fol. 231. 1 page, say " ^ p. clxxxi 1749. September 25, Quebec. September 26, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. September 25, Quebec. September 25, Quebec. September 28, Quebec. September 28, Quebec. September 30, Quebec. September 30, Quebec. October 1, Quebec. October 3, Quebec. October 4, Quebec. October 4, Qnebec. October 5, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. October 7, Quebec. 4a — M M. Bigot, Intendant, to Minister. As to cultivation of flax, which the settlers have abandoned for several years. FoL 234. 2^ pasres, say 1^ p. The game to the same. Salary of Governors of Montreal and Three Rivers. Fol. 236. ' ]i p. The same to the same. Construction of a shed at Montreal for storing the King's boats and effects. Fol. 238. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. On the concession of the pos's of B lie des Esquimaux and Tadoussac to the widow Forael. Fol. 241. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Respecting the removal to Lonisbourg of the troops and inhabitants of the colony, on. board " L'Aimable Marthe " and "Le Maringouin." Fol. 243. 2 pp. The same to the same. Gratuity to be granted to Sieur Douville. Fol. 245. 1 page, say i p. The same to the same. Asking that the salary of the mem- bers of council and the Attorney General, be included, as before, in the statement of charges on the Domaine. Fol. 247. ^ p. The same to the same. Respecting finances and stores of Canada and the disorderly state of the accounts, in consequence of the death of the treasurer, "who was, however, a strictly honest man." Fol. 249.. 7 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Gratuity to Sieur Giutier, his establish- ment at He St. Jean. Abbe Le Loutre writes : " If the English carry out their plan of obliging the Acadians lo take up arms against the Indians many of the former will leave the country, and if an attempt is made to compel them to take the oath, they will take up arras with the Indians," &c. Fol. 253. 'J^ page->, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Asks for promotion for his brother, a naval ensign, and for his nephew, Reynack ; and for a writer's commission for his cousin Lombard, Fol. 255. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Represents that it is most irijarious to the colony to allow Protestants to trade in the country. Fol. 257. 3 pp. The same to the same. Sieur Boucault, notary, does not seem to him a proper person to succeed his brother as Lieutenant General of the Admiralty. M. Yerrier goes to France. Steps mast be taken to appoint a successor, should he not return to Canada. For- gers executed. Sale of furs. Fol. 259. 4 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Represents to Minister that his losses at the taking of Louisbourg and the cost involved in the removal of his household to Quebec, compel him to ask for an indemnity and an increase of salar3^ Fol. 263. LlJ pages, say li- p. The same to the same. Recommendations in favour of Siours Lan- drieve, Martel and Almain, writers. He has rented the house of Mme. Begon, at Montreal, for an Intendant's residence. Fol. 264. 4 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Naval work. Fol. 267. 10 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Requests that ho will conapol M. La Corne La Colombiere to pay, " as he had bound himself to do," for Sieur Robert. Fol, 273. 2 J pages, say U p^ The same to the same. Recommends that, in place of quarteiing a company of troops at St. Maurice Forges, it be placed in garrison at Three Rivers, the soldiers, nevertheless, to work at tho forges. Fol. 275. 3 pages, say ij p. clxxxii 1749. October.! 1, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 27, Quebec. October 27, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 31, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. November 7, Quebec. M. Bigot to Minister. Post of Tadous-ac. Sieur Cugnet had worked this post, making a considerable profit. Pol, 279. 6^ pp. The same to the same. Has sent assistance to He St. Jean. Pol. 283. ■ ' 2 pp. The same to the same. Concerning Sieur de Lery, father and son. The latter has resigned his position as assistant engineer, '* admit- ting that he is utifit for the work; while the father is no longer able to go about." An able, active engineer is needed to replace them. Pol. 285, 4 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Sieur Pierre Kalm, a Swedish naturalist. His mission and expenses while in Canada. Pol. 288 to 292. 7 pafires, say 5 pp. The same to the same. Asking for servant-men, and two or three asses. Pol. 295. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Asking for gratuities for Sieurs Varin and Monrepos. Pol. 299. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Asking for billets de caisse. Pol, 301. 1 p. The same to the same. Complains that the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu keep all the clothing of soldiers who die in the hospital. Pol. 3(j9. 1 p. The same to the same. Letter, with statement of furs, from forts Prontenac and Niagara. Pol. 311 to 313. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. M. Prevost, Commissary at Louisbourg, complains of annoyances he is suffering from M. S6guin, Coatroller. Pol. 352. 3 pages, say The same to the same. say The same to the same. 381. 15 pages, say The game to the same. General expenditure. lip. Pol. 359. 4 pages, '^ pp. Another letter on the same subject. Pol. 8 pp. Asks for seamen to work in the port of Quebec. Iron knees made at the St. Maurice Porges for the ships. Pol. 399. 3 pages, say The same to the same, pages, say The same to the same. 411. 5 pages, say The same to the same l|p. Duties on merchandise. Pol, 405. 7^ 3ipp. General receipts and expenditure. Pol. 2Jpp. Increase of expenditure. Pol. 422. 3 pages, say 2| pp. The same to the same. Letter respecting the inferior quality of certain merchandise sent from Prance. Pol. 424 to 427. 6^ pages, say *" 5 pp. End of Vol. 93. 1749. " Canada. — Correspondance G^n^rale." 1749. Vol. 94. — Deeds op Sale and Title Deeds of Private Property. c. n. (As in the case of Vol. 90, this Vol. (94) does not contain, with a very few exceptions, which will now be noted, any documents of historical interest for us. — J, M.) Extract from travelling journal of M. de Celoron, captain of infantry, &c., sent by M. de La Galissoniere to take possession of Belie Riviere and its tributaries. Pol. 54. 2 pages, say U clxxxiii 1749. October 8, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. May 29, Quebec. Auguat 29, Quebec. M. Chaussegros de Lery, senior, Engineer, to Minister. Fortifi- catious of Quebec. His services and those of his son. Thinks their i;ay insufficient. Fol. 59. 11 pages, say H PP- M. de Lery, the younger, Engineer, to Minister. Giving an account of his work. Fol. 67. d^ pages, way 1^ p. Memoir respecting Indian meetings at Detroit and Michilli- makinac. Fol. 75, H P« English establishments in Acadia. Fol. 16. 5 pages, say 4 pp. End of Vol. 94. 1750. Without month or place. October 1, Quebec. Without month or place. October 2, Quebec. October 5, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. ©ctober 13, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 16, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. October 18, Quebec. 4a— M^ " Canada.— CORRESPONDANCE GfiNfeRALE." 1750. Vol. 95. — M. de la Jonquiere, Governor General. M. Biaax, Intendant. C. 11. MM. de La Jonquiere and Bigot to Minister. Eespecting Detroit and the new families recently sent there. Fol. 3. 7 pages, say 3^ pp. The same to the same. Letters (2) respecting the loss of the "I'Orignal." Fol. 23 to 32. 15 pages, say 8 pp. Memorandum, disposing of the claims of the English to the lands of Nouvello France. Fol. 33. 20| pages, say 18 pp. MM. de La Jonquiere and Bigot to Minister. Asking for a pen- sion for the widow of Sieur Coulon. major of Three Elvers, who died of his wounds after the action at Mines. Fol. 49. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Migration of the Acadians to He Eoyale and He St. Jean. Their destitution. Fol. 51. 4 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. It was found necessary to employ " Aa6i- Intend ^nt. MM. de La Galissoniere and Bigot to the Minister. Letters with list ot persoDS applying for half-pay. Fol. 3 to 6, 2^ p. M. de La Gorgcndiere to Minister. Application for position of cbxjf inspector of roads vacant through death of de M. Boisclerc. F< 1. 8. 1 page, say 2 pp. M. do La Jonquiere to the same. Report of events at the frontier posts of Acadia, since letters sent by last vessels. Fol. 16. 19 pages, say . - 12 pp. clxxxix 1751, May 5, Quebec. July 22, London. August 26, -Quebec. September 16, Quebec. September 17, Quebec. September 26, Quebec. September 27, Quebec. October 8, Quebec. ■October 6, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 6, Quebec. October 11, Quebec. October 17, Quebec- October 17, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 19, Quebec. October 21, Quebec. October;21, Quebec. October 24, Quebec. M. de La Jonquiere to the Minister. Dearth of wheat and dis- content of the people compel him to direct M. Bigot to reduce by one-ba!f the supplies ho intends to send to Louisboarg. If the crop does not look promising, they will send nothing at all. Fol. 35, 4 pages, say 3 pp. Extriicts from newspapers published at Boston, New England, 31st May, 1751. Attack on Fort Dartmouth by a party of French and Indians. Fol. 46. ^ p. M. de La Jonquiere to Minister. Dispute with the Eniriish as to limits of Acadia. Punishment of revoked Indians. Diilling of troops. Fol. 60. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Keportof Sieur Mariu's measures at the Sioux Post. Fol. 65. 6 pp. The same to the same. Details of events at Michillimakinae. Fol. 69. 7 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Eecent events of interest in Illinois country. Fol. 82. 14 pages, say 11 pp. The same to the same. Events in Louisiana as stated in letters of M. de Vaudreuil. Fol. 90. 13 pages, say 10 pp. The same to the same. News from the post of Nepigon, tr- the command of which he has named Sieur Rimbeau de Simblin. FoL 97. 7 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same Sioux post established at Sault Sainta Marie, to prevent the Indians trom communicating with the English. Fol. 104. 7 pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Post of Toronto Fol. 110. 4 pp. The same to the same. Sottlement established bolow the Fort of Niagara in order to diminish the trade of the English at Choue:^ueQ. Fol. 1 13. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same, Re-victualling of the Post of Pointe de Beausejour, and defence of Baie Verte. Fol. 116. 2 pp. The same to the same. Repoi-t of his visit to Sault Saint Louis and Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. Ii8. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Report of communications between him- self and the Governor of New York respecting four English prison- ers. Fol 120. ^p. The same to the same. Uniting the hospital of Montreal with that of Quebec. Fol. 1^2. 3 pages, say 'J^ pp. Petition of leading citizens in relation to the above, Fol. 124. 5 pp* M. de La Jonquiere to Minister. Diffieultyof preventing foreign fur trade. ArrangemeDis he has made on the subject with the Iroquois of Sault St. Loui.s and Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. 127 3 pp. The same to the same. Praying for a pension of 3,000 livres on the order of St. Louis. Fol. l:-iO. 1 p. The same to the same. Replying to complaints made to the King respecting the trade of the colony. Fol. 1 \2. 3J pages, say 3 pp. The same to tho same. Recommends the granting of iho prayer of Sieur Goynard lor :i pension, for his services and in considoration of a wound received in the King's service. Petition of Sieur Goynard. Fol. 137 to 140. 3 pp. The some to the same. Recommends that Chevalier de Bonne, his cousin, bo appointed major in the colonial troops. Fol. 141. 1 p. The same to the same. Report of a council hold with the Noa- tagued and tho Sonnontouans of the Five Nations. Fol. 14rf. 8 pages, say 6 pp. cxc 1751. October 29, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. ■November 1, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. November — Quebec. November 6, Quebec. November 9, Quebec November 13, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 25, Quebec. October 12, Quebec. October 20, o to the same. Account of present events at Carillon. Skirmish at Fort Lydins, near Chicot Eivor. Learns that Lord Loudon has sailed for Louisbourg or Canada ; that there are some 2,500 militia at Fort George and the same number at Fort Lydius, and that the English do not anticipate an attack. Fol. 6i. 3J pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Events at Lake St. Sacrement since ist June. Has formed an army of 9,000 men, troops, militia and Indians, gis'ing the command to M. de Montcalm, who has just left CCVUl 1757., July 13, Montreal. July 13, Montreal. July 14, Montreal. July 20, Montreal. Jnly 22, Montreal. July 20, Montreal. No day of month, Brest. November 24, Brest. July 25, Montreal. August 13, Montreal. August 18, Montreal. September 9, Montreal. Sept'^mber 9, Montreal. September 12> Montreal. September 12, Montreal. September 12, Montreal. September 12, Montreal. September 12, Montreal. for Carillon, whence he set out for Fort George. He has been in- structed to reduce that fort and Port Lydius. M. de Eigaud, his brother, is engaged in the same campaign, with t'le troops of the marine, Canadians and Indians, under the orders of M. de Montcalm. Foi. 65. 12 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Hafi effected an alliance with the Loups and sent them against the English. Expeditions of the latter in the vicinity of Skamoken and on the frontiers of Pennsylvania. Fol. 71. 7 pages, say 5 J pp. The same to the same. Has succeeded in inducing the Belle Kiviere Indians and the Iroquois of the Five Nations to take the field against the English. Fol. 77. 6J pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. The famine prevailing at River St. Jean has forced many Acadian families to fly to Quebec. Fol. 81. I p. The same to the same. He has forgiven the AyoSois for the murder of two French subjects, in order to win them over and induce them to come out against the English. Fol. 84. 22 pages, say 1 J p. The same to the same. Eaids by Indian allies at Corlar. Fol. 91. 1 p. The same to the same. Arrival of the King's ship '' St. Laurent." Forces which have reached Louisbourg will enable that place to withstand the attacks of the English. Fol. 88. 2 pages, say 1^ p. Abstract of a letter, unsigned, announcing the arrival at Brest, of the brigantine " le Charmant," captain Nicolet ; news from Louis- bourg and Quebec. Fol. 93. 1 p. Abstract of a letter announcing the arrival at Brest of the fleet from Louisbourg. On leaving the latter port they picked up 332 shipwrecked people from the Eoglish fleet. The best care was taken of the poor people, and the King has ordered that they be sent to England. Fol. 94. J p. M. de Yaudreuil to Minister. Sends 320 English to England. Fol. 95. I p. The same to the same. The plan formed by the English for the surprise of Quebec, is impracticable. The designs of Lord Loudon on Forts George (William Henry) and du Quesne, have not suc- ceeded. Fol. 97. 6 pages, eay 5^ pp. The same to the same. Sends " La Fortune " with account of the success against Fort George. Fol. 102. 1 p. The same to the same. Parties of Indians sent to River Corlar ; Fol. 103. J p. The Five Nations fighting against the iP- A party of Loups have made a raid in the direction of Now York and returned with one prisoner and several scalps. Fol. 1U5. 1 p. The same to the same. The crops again a failure and the colbny will again be reduced to great straits. Fol. 106. ^ p. The same to the same. Has been unable to refuse leave to M. Deru, lieutenant of de La Sarre regiment and to two cadets of the Guienne regiment, to go to France. Fol. 108. J p. The same to the same. A Te Deum has been sung at Quebec and in all churches in the colony, for the taking of Port Mahon and the whole island of Minorca. Fol. 109. ^ p. The same to the same. He has given leave to the sister^ Drouillez and de Foresta Colongue to go to France. Fol. 110. 1 p» capture of a guard-house. The same to the same. English. Fol. 104. The same to the same. CCIX 1757. September 16, Montreal. October 26, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. October 27, Quebec. October 28, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 29, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. pages, Bay The same to the same. 135. 2 pages, say The same to the same. sioDS in blank. Fol. 137. The same to the same. The same to the same. He sends back to France the King's ships ** Le Bizarre " and *' Le Celebre " with his despatches. Fol. 111. 2 patres, say H p. The same to the same. Since the surrender of Fort Goorj/o mat- ters have not changed at Forts Carillon and Si. Frederic. Fol. 113. pages, say H ?• The same to the same. Preliminaries of peace with the Cherokis. Fol. 118. 1 p. The same to the same, Eecommends that, inasmuch as His Majesty has discontinued the building rif vessels in the colony, Sieur Levasseur be recalled to France and given an appointment propor- tioned to his eminent services. Fol. 119. 1| page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Eesj ecticg artillery and bombardier com- panies established in Canada. Fol, 121. 18 pages, say 12 pp. The same to the same. Ten officers selected by His M-tjesty to command the corps of foreign volunteers. Fol. 131. 2| pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Promotions recommended. Fol. 133. 3 2 pp. Af-king for a levy of 1,150 recruits. Fol. Asking for six militia captain commis- Ip. As to rewards to officers who have dis- tinguished themselves. Fol. 139. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. The company of troops, marine detach- ment, must be completed. Fol. 142. 2 pages, siiy 1^ p. The same to the same. Eecommends theretirement of MM., de Cabanac, La Corne, and de Boucherville, captains in the marine detachment, and unfit for service owing to infirmity. Fol, 144. 1 p The same to the same. Increase of expenditure. Fol. 145. ^ p. The same to the same. Has been unable to refuse leave to Lieu- tenant Le Blanc of the La Sarre regiment to go to France. Fol. 146. §p. The same to the same. Thanking the Minister and the King for having given him the Grand Cordon, and lor appointing his brother Governor of Montreal. Fol. 147. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Eeforms needed in the troops of the colony. Fol. 149. 6 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. List of officers of the four battalions of troops, marine detachment, with remarks on their respective merits. Fol. 153. 21 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Promotion to be granted to officers of the colony. Fol. 159. 2\ pp. The same to the same. Has excellent news from Louisbourg. The English fleet, in presence of the French squadron, did not ciare to attack the place. When retiring the former suffered severely from storms. As the P^nglish fleet i.s to winter at Halifax they will pro- bably resume the attack early in the spring. Want of a frebh squad- ron to insure the freedom of the St. Lawrence. Fol. 161. 1^ p. The same to the same. Praise of the Cana iians in relation to the Choueguen and Fort George expeditions. Fol. 163. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. There is an abundance of furs at the upper posts, but a scarcity of merchandise. Fol. 165. 1 p. The same to the same. Asks for the plans of the fortifications of Quebec by M. Franquet. Fol. 166. 1^ p. OCX 1757. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. November 1, Quebec November 1, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 2, Quebec. November 3, Quebec. October 22, Quebec October — , Quebec. November 3, Quebec. July 11, Montreal. October 30, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. November 1, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. January 15. January 15. March 19. July 31. October 7. Statement with the foregoing, of work at fortifications at Quebec, 25th Jane to 25th October. Fo\. \6^. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. M. de Vaudreuil to vlinister. fhe Nontagues, during a recent visit to Montreal, have manifested good feeling for the French. Fol. 171. Jp The same to the same Asking for promotion for Sieur Cressey, assistant builder. Fol. 172. 1 p. The same to the same. Asks that Sieur Charley, ensign at lie Eoyale, be psid his salary, of which he has been deprived for two years. Praise of that officer. Fol. 174. 1 p. The same to the same. Asking that the King's favours be extended to the officers of the colony in the same way as to the officers of the army, the former being quite equal to the latter in their zeal for the service. Fol. 175. 2 pages, say 1 J p. The same to the same. Sieur de St. Vincent does not deserve so rapid an advancement as the Minister has ordered. Fol. 177. ^ p. The same to the same. Praise of Sieur Rozier, captain of the vessel " le Robuste," for his combat with an English frigate. Fol. 178. 1 p. The same to the same. Asks for pension for the widow of Sieur de Villiers, captain of a company, marine detachment, who has just died of smali-pox. Praise of that officer. Fol. 179. |-p. The same to the same. Asks that all merchant vessels coming to the colony bo compelled to import a certain quantity of provisions, in order to prevect a fresh famine. Fol. 180. I p. The eame to the same. Asks for a commission as militia colonel for M. d'Eschambault. Fol. 182. i p. M. Bigot, Intendant, to Minister. Difficulty of getting out masts and spars, owing to constant incursions of the enemy in the vicinity of Lake Champiain. Fol. 188. 1^ pages, say L p. Abstract of review of troops of marine detachment in Octoher, 1757. Fol. 189. 1^-p. M. Bigot to Minister. Vast increase of expenditure. Fol. 191. ^ pages, pay 3 pp. M. de Montcalm, general of land troops, to the Minister. Repre- sents the difficulty of his position, which places him under M. de Vandrouil. Piaise of Levis, and especially of Bourlamaque. Reforms needed in the colony. Fol. 197. 9 pages, say 7J pp. M. Le Mercier, commander of artillery, to Minister. Muskets needed. Fol. 204. The same to the same. Ip. 3ipp. Artillery of colony. Fol. 217. M. Le Vasseur, engineer and builder. Completion of the frigate " le Quebec." Fol. 223. IJ p^ M. de Lery, engineer. Asks for a pension. Fol. 22b*. 1 p. Summary of letter from Intendant Bigot. With inventory of arms.munitions and provisions in the Forts of Ontario and Choueguen after pillage by the Indians. Fol. 233. 7 pages, say ti pp. Details as to help in troops, munitions, &c., to be sent to Canada* Fol. 238. 11| pages, say 9 pp. Document showing the needy condition of 800 recruits en route for Canada by way of Bordeaux. Fol. 247. 1| pages, say 1 p. Paper respecting efforts made by Marquis de Vaudreuil to wia over the Iroquois. Fol . 266. 5^ pages, say 4^ pp. Brief review of the situation in Canada at the end of July and i n the first days of August, 1757. Fol. 270. 6 pages, say 5 pp. CCXl 1757. November 1. Angast 7. August 18, Montreal. November 1, PennsyJ- vaaia. October 30, Quebec. October 18, 1757. Memorial respecting tho fact that Fort Lydius, or *' Edward," was not besoitfed and taken immediately after the capitulation of Fort William Henry. EeasoDs fro aod con given by Montcalm and Vaudreuil. FoL 278. IJ p. Abstract of letter of M. de Yaudreuil to M. de Montcalm, direciing him to besiege Fort Lydius. Fol 280. \\ p. M de Vaudreuil to Vtinii-ter. Respecting the taking of Fort George and the instructions he had given to Montcalm to take possessioa at once of Fort Lydius (Edward). Fol. 28L 9 pa^es, say 7| pp. Abstract from English letter, unsigned. It reviews the sad situa- tion of the English colonies at that period. Fol. 257. 2i pages, say " 2 pp. Abstract of letter from the Bishop of Quebec to Abbe de I'lsle Dieu, his Vicar G-enetul in France, containing many details as to the clergy, missionaries and religious communities of the colony. Fol. 295. liSi pp. Narratives of the taking of Fort George (William Henry) and of the campaign of 1757. From Fol. 310 to 3i2. 7 pp. Memoir intituled : ''ltin6raire partant de Vemhouchure de la nviire de Choueguen, Sc." being an account of a journey from the mouth of the Choueguen River, on Lake Ontario, to Lake des Anoijtes, and up the River Vilrick to the height of land, the source of the Mohak, or " Agniers," which can be descended to Corlar (Schenec- tady) and thence to Albany or Orange, with a description of forts and places along the route. Fol. o23. 24^ pages, say 20 pp. End op Vol. 102. 1758. Augusts, Quebec. FebruRFy 13, Montreal. February 13, Montreal. February 13, Montreal. February 13, Montreal. February 13, Montreal. " Canada. — Correspondance G^ineralb," 1758. Vol. 103.— M. De Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. de Most- calm, General of the Army. C. 11. MM. de Vaudreuil and Bigot to Minister. It would be most advis- able to introduce the cultivation of potatoes into the colony. " They are known in Canada, but the farmers have never cultivated them, because they are accustomed to the use of wheaten broad." Fol. 3* 3 pages, say 2^ pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Good dispositions of the Nontagues, Onneyouths and others of the Five Nation Iroquois, who constantly keep war parties in the field against the English. Fol. 10. 2 pages, say jj p^ The same to the same. Expects a deputation from the Teies- Plates. The Cherokis, who were to have come, are too near the English not to accept their alliance. Fol. 12. 3 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. The garrison of Fort Lydius (Edward) is large. English attack on Fort Carillon defeated. Fol. 14. 1 p. The same to the same. Parties of Indians are beseiging the English fort near Fort Machault. Fol. 16. ^ p. The same to the same. Prisoners and scalps taken by the Indian allies of the French at Belle Riviere. The settlers of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia have deserted their dwellings and taken refuge in the forts and towns. Those of Pennsylvania have offered to make peace with the Loups, The English have extended the for- tifications of Fort Cumberland. Fol. 17. 4^ pages, say 3 pp. CCXll 1758. February 13, Montreal. February 16, Montreal. February 16, Montreal. February 16, Montreal. Febraary 18, Montreal. February 18, Montreal. February 18, Montreal. February 18, Montreal. February 18, Montreal. April 21, Montreal. April 18, Montreal. April 21, Montreal. April 21, Montreal. April 21, Montreal. April 24 and June 5, Montreal. June 10, Montreal. June 10, Montreal. June 12, Montreal. June 17, Montreal. June 28, Montreal. July 28, Montreal. July 28, Montreal. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Success of parties sent to Corlar River. Fol, 20. J p. The same to the same. He has destroyed the village of the Palatins. The disputes between the Dutch and the New Enrland troops has not produced any results. Fol. 21. 2 pages, say Ij p. The same to the same. Recommends to Minister M. Martel who takes the place of M. Varin as commissary at Montreal. Fol. 23. i p. The same to the same. He sends his despatches by way of Louis- bourg. Fol. 25. 2J pages, say IJ pp. The same to the same. Details respecting the Five Nations; their spirit of independence. Fol. 38. .5 pages. 2J pp. The same to the same. A party of Indians from La Pret onta- tion have burnt a house within sight of Fort Kouary and kilied 4 men and 1 woman. Fol. 77. ^ p. The same to the same. Correspondence with commander of Fort Edward as to return of Indian and Canadian prisoners. Fol. 78-79. 21 pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Neglects no means of detaching the Tetes-Plates from the English. Fol. 81. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Chevalier de Villier's expedition in Virginia. Fol. 82, 1^ page, say 1 p. The same to the same. Another Indian expedition to vicinity of Fort Kouary. They burn 4 houses and 1 storehouse full of gi"ain, and kill 2 men. Fol. 83. J p. The same to the same. Sieur de Boishebert is ready to set out with a detachment for Louisbourg. Uncertainty as to Lord Loudon's plans. FoL 84. 2 pages, say ^i P« The same to the same. Lieutenant de Clerville goes back to France on account of infirmities and M. de Godeneche is sent back because of his bad character. Fol. 86. J p. The same to the same. Asks for ensigncies in expectancy for Sieurs de La Durantaye, de RicharVillo and de La Chevrotiore, who have distinguished themselves. Fol. 87. 1 p. The same to the same. The Iroquois reject Colonel Johnson's proposals. Fol. 68. 4 pages, say 3 pp. The same to ihe same. Copy of General Abercromby's corres- pondence with Marquis de Vaudreuil as to return of prisoners. Fol. 9 i to] 00. 14 pp. The same to the same. Interesting events at Carillon. Skirmishes. News of preparations made by the English. Fol. 101. 2^ pp. The same to the same. War parties in the direction of Fort Chamokin. Fol. 108. 1 p. The same to the same. The officers under accusation as to capitula- tion of Forts Beausejour and Gasparaux have been acquitted. Fol. 109. 1 p. The same to the same. Learns with pleasure of the arrival of the " Rhinoceros " with assistance. Fol. 110. 1 p. The same to the same. Details of negotiations of the English with the Five Nations with a view of winning them over. Fol. 111. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Success of Indian war parties in vicinity of Fort Chamokin. Fol. 113. 1 p. The same to the same. War parties and their operations in Virginia, Riviere-aux-Boeufri, near Fo;t Du Quesno, &c. It is expected that the English will shortly march on the last named fort. Fol. 114. 5^ pages, say 5 pp. CCXIII 1758. July 30, Moatreal. August 2, Montreal. August'2, Montreal. August 2, Carillon. Augusts, Montreal. August 3, Montreal. August 4, Montreal. August 4, Montreal. August 4, Montreal. August 6, Montreal. Augusts, Montreal. August 20, Montreal. August 27, Montreal. September 2, Montreal. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. MM. Lassaulx, de Frichecgen and Grranderen, officers, have resigned and are returoiog to Fracce. Fol. 118. 1 p. The same to the sanno. Letter with correspondence of General Abercromby and of MM. de Vaudreuil and Montcalm as to exchange of prisoners, and the capitulation of Fort William Henry or George. Fol. 119 to \iS. 23 pp. The same to the same. He has appointed Le Chevalier de St. Home a Lieutenant in the marine detachnoent. Fol. 137. 1 p. Marquis de Montcalm to Marquis de Vaudreuil. Complains of the proceedings of M. de Vaudreuil. The rumour of the discjrd bet- ween them has transpired to such an extent, that a New Yorlc paper speaks of it. He begs M. de Vaudreuil to charge the etyio of his secretary and to apply for his (Montcalm's) recall to France. Fol. 138. 3 pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Arrival of M. de Boishebort at He Eoyale. Fol. 140. 2 pages, say H P* M. de Montcalm to Minister. Sending him a copy of his above letter to M. do Vaudreuil. Bogs the Minister not to condemn him un- heard ; to rest assured, though M. do Vaudreuil has written to the contrary effect, that it was not possible for him to go and attack Fort Lydius (Edward) after the capture of Fort Georgo, and to believe that he will shed the last drop of his blood for the King's ser- vice. Fol. 142. l^p. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Details as to difference between M. de Montcalm and himself. Complains bitterly against that General, and asks his recall. With this letter are : let. Memorial of irstructions to M. de Montcalm ; 2nd. Complaints of the Iroquois, JSipit-singues, Algonquins, &c., against Montcalm. Fol. 141 to 161 (except T57 and 158). 24 pp. The same to the same. As to supply of provisions for the col' ny. Zeal displayed by M. Bigot. Fol. 162. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. As the English are striving to detach the Iroquois from the French, he has sent de Longueuil as a delegate to the Five Nations. Fol. 164. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same toM. AUaron (or Accaron). Giving a full account of the battle of Carillon and praising M. Pean, who is going to France to find a cure for "a great pain he has in his arm." Fol. 166. 3f pages, say 3 pp. The same to Minister. Asks for lettres de lieutenant reform^ for Sieur de la Milice (sic), who is compelled to return to France for his health. Fol. 170. h p. The same to the same. Mission and negotiations of M. de Lon- gueuil with the Iroquois, with a view to counteract the machinations of the English amongst them. Fol. 173. 4 pages, say Si- pp The same to the same. Copy of memorial setting forth the con- ditions on which M. de Noyan, commander of Fort Frontenac, offered to surrender it to the King of England. Fol. 177. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. The same to the same. Summary of his previous despatches. M. de Noyan, attacked by superior forces, has b^en compelled to surrender Fort Frontenac to the English. Measures under con- sideration for the recovery of that fort. The largo number of troops at the disposal of the English places the Colony in great danger as regards the coming campaign, unless France sends out abundant help in provisions, men and munitions, &c. Fol. 179. Ht, pat-et', say " 11 pp» 4a — © CCXIV 1758. September 1 and 12, Montreal. No date. September 12, September 12. September 12, Montreal. October 2, Montreal. October 2, Montreal. October 3, Montreal. October 4, Montreal. October 6, Montreal. October 6, Montreal. Ociober 8, Montreal. October 15, Montreal. October 15, Montreal. October 25, Montreal. October 25, Montreal. October 26, Montreal. October 26, Montreal. October 26, Montreal. October 30, Montreal. October 30, Montreal. October 30, Montreal. October 31, Montreal. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Measures to be adopted and next operations on Lake Ontario. Fol. 187 to 196. 17^ pages, saylS pp. The same to the same. Measures to be adopted on the frontier at Lake St. Sacrament. Fol. 197. IJ p. The same to the same. Memoir on Carillon. Fol. 198. 2| pages, eay 2 pp. Memoir by the Marquis de Montcalm. General remarks on mea- sures for the defence of the Colony. Fol. 20u. 9J pages, say 8^ pp. M. de Vaudreuil. Eemarks on the foregoing memoir. Fol. 205. ^ p The same to the Minister. Acknowledging receipt of the Cross of St. Louis for M. de Boishebert. Fol, 210. 1 page, say J p. The &arae to the same. Sending him a translaiion of the histori- cal work (with a map) of one Lewis Evans on the English Colonies. Fol. 212. 2 pp. The same to the same. He defers the fortifying of Fort DuQuesne until peace has been proclaimed. Praise of the land officers. Asks for the rank of field marshal for le Chevalier de Levis. Fol. 214 3 pages, say 2| pp. The same to the same. He will not use, until after the war, the blank commissions for the purpose of sendinaj Canadian officers to the Islands; He has given but one, namely, to Sicur Dusable. Fol. 216. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Precautions taken to discover the coming movements of the English on land and on the St. Lawrence. Fol. 218. 3 pages, say 2 J pp. The same to the same. Gratuities to be granted to officers of the Colony. Fol. 220. 2^ PP. The same to the same. Copy of letter written to him by M. de Montcalm respecting the wretchedness of the troops at Carillon. Fol. 222. ^ p. The same to the same. Hopes to detach the Tetes-Plates from the English. Fol. 223. J p. The same to the same. News from the south-west frontiers. Fol. 22 i. 5 pages, say 4^ pp. The same to the same. Dissatisfaction of certain officers in the army in relation to promotions. Fol. 227. 5^ pp. M. de Eigaud de Vaudreuil to Minister. Setting forth his record of service in command of Canadians and Indians. Fol. 230. 2 pacres, say 1^ p. M. de Vaudreuil, Governor, to the Minister. Favours to be granted to militia officers. Fol. 232. 3 pages, say 2 J pp. The same to the same. His own personal interest and those of his brother, M. de Eigaud. Fol. 236. 1^ p. The same to the same. The Nontagues have renewed their pro- testations of fidelity to the French. Fol. 241. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Praises M. de Levis and asks that he be granted tbe rank of field marshal. Fol. ii46. 1 p. The same to the same. Complains that M. de Montcalm should have terminated the campaign without having sent forward the Canadians against the English alter the battle of Carillon. Fol. 247. 5 pages, say 4^ pp. The same to the same. The English having hastily retired from Fort Frontenac and fallen back on Fort Boll, he has revictualloi Niagara and strengthened its garrisons. Fol. 250.3^ pages, say 3 pp. Tbe same to the same. Praises Sieur Martel and asks that hi ccxv 1758. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. Novembre Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. November Montreal. 12, November 15. 20, November Montreat. November Montreal. 1758. 1768. 1758. Jul^ 16, Carillon. 1758. 1768. Jaly 9, Carillon. 20, 4a— o^ position as acting commissary, in the place of Sieur Yarin, be made a permament one. Fol. 256. 1 p. The same to the same. Eesults of his conference with Montcalm in relation to the defence of the colony. Fol. 257. 9 pages, say 7 pp. The same to the same. Munitions of war needed. Fol. 262. 2 paeres, say 1^^ p. The same to the same. Officers proposed to complete the two companies of artillety. Fol. 272. 2 pages, say 1^ P« The same to the same. MM. Doreil and de Bougainville set out for France, to call the King's attention to the sad state to which the colony is reduced. Fol. 274. 3 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Letter enclosing copy of correspondence with Abercromby as to exchange of priaoners at Fort Frontenac. Fol. 276 to 292, 24 pages, say 20 pp. The same to the same. Cipher dispatch setting forth the small means at his disposal as compared with the vast resources of the English. Fol. *i98. 3 pages, say 2J pp. The same to the same. Letter to M. LeNormand, informing him that he is sending 11. de Bougainville to France to represent to the King the precarious position of the colony. Fol. 297. 1 p. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Complains that M. de Montcalm did not pursue the English after the battle of Carillon, Fol. 293. 1 p. The same to the same. Repugnance manifested by officers from France to taking service in the artillery companies of the colony. Fol. 299. 2 pages, say 1^ p. The same to the same. Claims of officers of regular troops for higher pay. Disinterestedness of Canadian officers in that respect. Fol. 301. 4 pp. The same to the same. Steps to be taken as regards officers. Fol. 308, 3^ pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Same subject. Promotions, insignia and pensions; amount to be distributed amongst officers who have dis- tinguished themselves. Fol. 31L 2 pages, say l^P* Copy of letter from M.. Prevost, commander of Fort Edward, to M. de Becourt (sic) commander of Fort Carillon. Fol. 315. 1 p. Memorial, unsigned, on the critical position of Canada at that time. Fol. 316. 4 pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Measures to bo adopted in the event of the King concluding a peace during the winter. Fol. 318. 5 pages, say 4^ pp. The same to the same. The pay of Surgeon Alavoine, of Three Eivers, is too small. Fol. 321. 2 pages, nay li p. Account of the battle of Carillon, 8th July, 1758, with marginal notes. Fol. 331. 22 pp. List of dead and wounded French at the battle of Carillon. Pol. 347. 2| pages, say 2 pp^ Plan of Fort Carillon and of the entrenched camp where the bat. tie was fought. Fol. 350. 4 pp. Copy of letter and remarks of M. de Montcalm to M. do Vaudreuil^ Fol. 360. 6^ pages, say 6 pp* Copy of Memoir of M. de Montcalm. Fol. 364. 5 pages, say 4 pp] " Relations de la descente des Anglais en Canada, et de la oictoire remportie sur eux d Carillon" &c. (Printed.) Fol. 372. 2 pp. Printed copy of letter written hy M. de Montcalm to M. de Vau- dreuil. Fol. 373. 5 pp. CCXVl 1758- April 22, ■Whitehall. July 21, Montreal. August 13, Quebec. April 24, Quebec. August 15, Quebec. July 26, Carillon. August 28, Quebec. October 26, Quebec. December 1, Quebec. May 19, Quebec. October 30, Quebec. July 28, Quebec. August 31, ! Quebec. February 23 and 25, Quebec. June — Quebec. February 24, Montreal. October ** Extra of London Gazette, published by authority. Abstract of letter from Major General Abercromby to Mr. Pitt, .Secretary of State, dated Camp at Lake George, li!th July, 1758." Fol. 876. Ci pp. Copy of letter from M. de Vaudreuil to M. de Montcalm. Fol. 380, 6 pp. M. Bigot, Intendant, to Minister. Complaints made by MM. de Vaudreuil and Montcalm, the one against the other. Qualities of the two men; iheir rivalry. His opinion of M. de Levis and Bourla- maque. Ealogy of M. de Montcalm. Fol. 391. 2^ pp. M, de Pontleroy, Engineer, to Minister. Difficulties respecting the construction of a marine hospital in Quebec. Fort Niagara, stone revetment. Eepairs to fortificatiors of Montreal. Fort St. Jean. Fortifications of Quebec. Complaints against M. de Lotbiniere, who thought himself better fitted than M. de Lery for the post of chief engineer. Fol. 395. 4i pp. The same to the same. He has prayed the Marquis de Yaudreuil to write to the Minister respecting the fortifications of Quebec. Asks an increase of pay for M. de La Morandiere, an engineer. Fol, 398. 1 p* The same to the same. Thanks to the intervention of M. de Mont- calm, he has been enabled to proceed to Carillon and assume the duties of chief engineer. He finds fault with M. de Lolbiniere's work in the construction of Fort Carillon. Fol. 399. 1 p. The same to the same. The Fort of Frontenactoo badly built to be tenable.' He asks /or two or three engineers and draughtsmen. Fol. 401. \l p. The same to the same. Memoir. Examination of the ground be- tween the Montmorency Eiver and the St. Charles; obstacles that might be opposed to the enemy, &c. Fol. 402. 4 pp. The same to the same. The Marquis de Yaudreuil desired to secure the appointment of his relative, Lotbiniere, as chief engi- neer, and he, Pontleroy, when he arrived, was looked upon as an intruder. Difficulties were put in his way. Great expense of build' ing forts in Canada. Asks that M. de Vaudreuil and iho Intendant bo instructed to give him their support in the discharge of his duties. He is but poorly paid; Asks to be recalled, &o. Fol. 404. 6 pp„ M. Daine, Commissary, to same. Describes the cruel distress pre- vailing in the Colony. Fol. 409. 7 pp. M. Le Vasseur, engineer and builder, to same. Frigate *' Quebec." Fol. 414. 1 p. M. Doreil, Commissary. Letter to Minister. Details in relation to the battle of Carillon. Fol. 419. 5J pp. The same to Minister. Demonstrates that the colony is on the brink of ruin and that nothing but peace can save it. Fol. 423. G pp. M. de Paulmy to Minister, with replies, respecting changes in the troops. Frl. 428 to 432. 7 pages, say 5^ pp. Directors of " La Compagnie des Indes." Letter and memorial respecting trade in scarlet cloth in Canada. Fol. 435 to 442. 10 pages, say 8 pp. Extract from letter written to " La Compagnie des Indes " by M. d'Eschambault, the chief agent of the company in Canada, as to the capture by Sieur de Belestre, in November, 1757, of five English forts near the Corlar Eiver. Fol. 448. 7^- pages, say <6 pp. Memoir, unsigned. Critical position of Canada. Fol. 448. 3 pages, say 2^ pp. ccxvu 1758. Norember 31. December 28. December 28. 1758. 1753. December 29. October 27. October 27. December 11, Brest. December — December - October — 1759. October 22, Hontresl. Janaary 1, Uoatreal. January 3, Moatreal. January 20, Moatreal. present 4 pp. militia. Memoir handed to Minister by M. de Bougaioville,as to best method of employing a large force, if sent out from France, in order to secure the safety of the colony. Fol. 45 1. 1 J p. Memoir respecting M. de Vaudreuil's letter of 3rd November, in reference to tho precarious position of the colony. Fol. 452. 7 pp. Draft of mem. advising His Majesty to recall M. de Montcalm and appoint M. de Levis in his place. (But the following is written on the margin) : ''' All things considered, this arrangement mast not bo carried out, M. de Montcalm being necessary under the circumstances." Fol. 456. 5 pages, say Memoir on militia of Canada. Defects in constitution of Meansof utilizing militia in next campaign. Fol. 460. Menr^oir suggesting that orders be issued prohibiting the sale of fire arms, by fishermen from Normandy or St. Aiaio, to the Esqui- maux. Fol. 4b 2. 1 p. A series of papers delivered to the Minister by M. Je Bougainville : the position of Canada; what France can do to save the colony; remarks on the coming campaign, 1*759. Fol. 463 to 485. 30 pp. Memoir delivered to the Minister by M. de Beaumat. (^This docu- ment is highly unfavourable to Canada). Fol. 488- 1^ p. Memoir delivered to the Minister by M. de Beaumat. As to pro- posed transmigration of the Canadians to Louisiana. Fol. 490. 10 pp. Capelis, concerning the colonies and peace. Fol. 497 to 501. 8 pp. Memoir, unsigned. Impossibility of making Louisbourg a place capable of holding; out alone. How to secure for France the control of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence and Quebec. Fol. 502. 7^ pp. Memorial, unsigned, but most curious, intituled : " Causes des depenses enormos en Canada." A serious attack on Intendant Bigot. Fol. 506. 2 pp. Memoir delivered by M. de Beaumat to the Minister. Present con- dition of Canada. Fol. 508. 28 pages, say 33 pp. End of Vol. 103. M. DE MONT- " Canada. — Correspondance G^nerale." 1759. Vol. 104. — M. de Vaudreuil, Govervor-General. CALM, Field Marshal. C. 11. MM. de Vaudreuil and Bigot to the Minister. Superiority of the En" glish pilots over the Fi-ench as regards knowledge of the St. Law- rence. Fol. 3. 2| pages, say 2 pp- M. de Vaudreuil to the same. Report made by a Canadian escaped from the English fort built at Menagoeche, on the St. John Eiver, respecting the invasion of Canada by the English. Fol. 8. 4 pages, say 3i- pp. The same to the same. News brought from the English colonies by four Canadians escaped from among the English. Fol. 11. 2^ pages, say 2 p. The same to the same. News from Belle Riviere. M. de Corbiere has beaten off 80() English with about 50 men, on this side of Loyal Hannon, and has killed an officer. M. de Ligoeris has been compelled to evacuate Fort Ou Quesne, being threatened by the overwhelming forces, and has retired to Fort Machault, which is too weak to stand a seige, and " so badly situated that from the tops of the mountaini*^ CCXVlll 1759.. February 15, Montreal. Febmary 15, Montreal. February 16. March 6, Montreal. March '8, Montreal. March 30, Montreal. March 30, Montreal. April 1, Montreal. April 1, ? Montreal. April 8, Montreal. May 5, Montreal. Mays, Montreal. September 13, Montreal. October 2, Montreal. October 12, Montreal. October 15, Montreal. October 15, Montreal, November 3, Montreal. which are very close to it, all that goes on within is visible." He will forward a relief to M. de Ligoeris in the spring, and has for- warded instructions to him. Fol. 13, 10 pages, say 8 pp. The same to the same. Learns that it is quite true that the Loups and other Indian tribes of Belle Riviere have made peace with the English. Has directed M. de Ligneris to do his utmost to win them back. Fol. 19. 6 passes, say 4 pp. Keport made to M. de Ligneris, commandant of Fort Machanlt on Eiviere aux Bceufs, 4th Jan., 175S», by Caestogain, chief of the Loups ot the said river, on returning from the English settlements with his brother. Fol. 23. 18 pages, say 15 pp. Letter from the Minister to M. de Vaudrcuil. Informing him that it is rumoured that General Wolfe is going to lay seige to Quebec, and ordering him to put the place in a condition of defence. Fol. 28. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. He is doing hi-* utmost to make M. de Ligneris hold out at the post of Machault, News from that post. Fol. 30. 2 pp. The same to the same. Measures adopted on Lake St. Sacre- ment, at Carillon. A party of French workmen sent to the vicinity of that fort. News from the English colonies. Fol, 32. 10 pages, say 8 pp. The same to the same. M. de Ligneris informs him that the English have established a fort on the Monongahela. a little above the site of Fort Da Quesne. Dealings of the English with the Loups. English designs upon Fort Machanlt and Niagara Fol. 38, 8 pages, say 6J pp. The same to the same. Situation of Louisiana. M. de Kerbret's method of inducing the Indians to act with the French. Fol. 43, 5 pages, say 4 pp. The same to the same. Description of Fort Loudon constructed for the English on the " Cherakis " River, and of Fort I'Assomption erected to counteract the former. Fol. 47. l^^ p. The same to the same. Summary of general plan of operations Fol. 47. 12 pages, say 10 pp. Respecting two corvettes he is getting Fol. 53. 1 p. M. de Ligneris at Fort Machault. Means adopted to strengthen his post. Fol. 77. 2 pp. The same to the same. Cipher despatch describing the wretched condition of the colony. Measures adopted for the defence of Quebec. Fol. 79. 9 pages, say ^^ pp. M. de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Governor of Montreal. Thanks the Minister for giving him a life grant of the Post of La Baie. Meas- ures he has adopted for the defence of the upper country. He has succeeded in getting the harvest saved, &c. Fol. ^6. 13 pages, say 9 pp. The same to the same. Precarious condition of the colony. The enemy can penetrate it on all sides. Fol. 101. 2 pp. The same to the same. Asks for the general calling out of the militia of the colony. Fol. 103. 2 pages, say 1^ p. M. de Vaudreuil, Governor General, to the Minister. Bad quality of clothes sent out this year. Fol. i06. 1 page, say ^ p. The same to the same. Defending M. Bigot against suspicions attaching to him as administrator of the finances, Fol. 107. 3 pages, tay 2^ pp. The same to the same. Praises the conduct of Canadian militia for the compaign of 1759. The same to the same, built at La Presentation. The same to the same. CCZIZ 1769. November 5, Montreal. Noveu^ber 8, Montreal. November 8, Montreal. November 8, Montreal. November 9, Montreal. November 9, Montreal. November 11, Montreal. November 9, Montreal. November 3, Montreal. November 28, Montreal. October 10, Montreal. Jannary 19, VersailleB. April 15, Quebec January 10, Withoat place. April 12, Montreal. April 13, Montreal. No place nor month given. No date. in the last campaign, also Sieurs Perrauli and Simon Eeaame. Fol. 109. 2 pages, say ^i ?• The same to the same. Eeplacement of artillery officers. Fol. 111. 3 pp. The same to the same. Praises M. de St. Saaveur, his secretary, and asks that he be appointed inspector of stores. Fol. 113. 2J pp. The same to the same. Highly praises the conduct of Captain Kanon. Fol. 115. 3 pages, say 2-o.- pp. The same to the same. Eecommends to the King's favour, Sieurs Courval, Denel, LeGaroux, Neau, Roussel, Dubuisson, LaValle, Eeboul and Lesage, officers of marine, who had distirguished them- selves during the seige of Quebec, Fol. 117. 3^ pages, say 3 pp. The same to the same. Sieur de LaColombiere, captain of tnarinos, has aesauUed, with a stick, Sieur Ciapier, his comrade, who was cap- tured with him at the battle of the 13ih September. If the English send M. de La Colombiero to France, he should not be sent back to Canada,lest a conflict ensue between him and M.Clapier. Fol. 119. 1 p. The t>ame to the same. If peace be made, he asks that the land troops shouldremain as settlers in the colony. Fol. 120. 1| p. Chevalier de Levis to Minister. Praises M. Le Mercier, sent to court with M. de Vaudreuil's despatches. Fol. 122. i p. M. de Vaudreuil to the same. Same subject. Fol. 123. ^ p. The same to the same. His reasons for preferring M. de Longueuil to M d'Aillebout for the appointment of Governor of Three Eivers. Fol. 124. 2 pp. The same to the same. The schooner "Nanette" has reached Quebec with despatches from the court; M. Bigot has caused the schooner to be prepared for a prompt return on receipt of mails. Destruction of Palatin village by party under M. Belestre. Devoted- nessof the Canadians. Dearth increasing. Eeturn of M. Boiehebert from Luuisbourg. M. de Ligneris still holds out at Fort Du Quesne. Situationof the colony. Fol. 127. 12 pages, say ^ PP- Eecommendations in relation to offices to be established in the Colony. Fol. 135. 54- pages, say ^ PP« Berryer to M. Bigot respectirg abuses in expenditure. Fol, 138. 9 pages, say 7 pp. M. Bigot to M. Berryer. Explanations respecting expenditure. Fol. 150, f^ pages, say 6^ pp. M. de Montcalm to Minister. Asks for sashes for troops, similar to those lately furnished to infantry in Europe. Fol. 156, 1 p. The same to Marshal do Belle Isle. Shows that the Colony is going to ruin, owing to M. deVaudreuil's incapacity -md the rapacity of M. Bigot and his accomplices, who are busy enriching thomt^elves, Fol. 157. 7 pae:es, say 6 pp. The same to M. Le Norman. The forts are badly built, owing to the grasping cupidity of those who were entrusted with the work. Obstacles put in the way of M. Pontleroy, an able atid dit>interejted engineer, who has succeeded to M. deLery the elder, the latter being "grossly ignorant of his profession." Eapacity of M. Bigot and his partisans, &c. Fol. 161. 10 pp. " Extract from the journal of the army commanded by the late Lieutena t General do Montcalm, treating of the events ot the cam- paign of 1759." Fol. 168. a8 pages, say 80 pp. Memorial, unsigned, intituled : "Events in Canada from October, 1759, to September, 1760." Fol. 261. 8 pp. ccxx 1759: 1759. 1769. December 29, New York. June 27 and September 27. September 21, Head Quarters, St. Augustine September 18, Quebec. 1769. "Journal by M. de SoHgne, of facts relating to tho army of Qae- bec, capital of North America, during the campaign of 1759." Fol. 265 to 2:!6. 60 pp. "Relation of events in Canada respecting the assault and capture of Quebec." Fol. 291. 3| pages, say 3 pp. "Impartial judgment ou military operations of the campai-^nof 1759 in Canada " Fol. SOU 8 pages, say 6^ pp. M. Jean Montresor, lieut. colonel, engineer-in-chief of the depart- ment of New York, " Plan of campaign operations for the year 1759 for Department of New York." Fol. 306. 6 pages, say 4J pp. " Placard posted up at the church doors by order of M. "Wolfe, on arriving in front of Quebec." Fol. 309. 3 J pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Informs him of the loss of the " Bat- tle of Abraham " and the capitulation of Quebec. Fol. 313. IJ p. Articles of the capitulation of Quebec, formulated by M. de Ramezay. Fol. 315. 2| pp. Explanatory memorial of M. do Ramezay, commandant of Quebec, on the capitulation. Fol. 318. 41 pp. 1759. Statement of artillery and munitions of war delivered up to the English commissary, by M. Joseph Olivie, acting for M. Cbevigny, keeper of the stores at Quebec, on 18th September, 1759. Fol. 340. 1 page, say 2 pp. September 22. M. Kerdisien-Tremais, Commissary of Marine, to Minister. Abuse of the admioistration of Canada. Strives to exculpate M. Bigot from charges now beginning to be made against him. Fol. 344. 2J pp. M. Bernier, Commissary to Minister. General state of the country. Fol. 349. 31 pp. The same to the same. Praises M. de Montcalm, &c. Fol. 351. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. M. de Pontleroy to M. Le Normand, lutondant of the colonies. On the abuses committed in Canada. Fol. 356. '6^ pages, say 3 pp. The same to tho same. Same subject. Fol. 358. 3 pp. The Bishop of Quebec to Minister. Letter tending to exculpate M. de Vaudreuil from the charge of having caused the recent mis- fortunes of the colony and describing the wi-etchedness prevailing in Canada. Fol. 366 to 370. 7^^ pages, say 5 pp. " Extract from a paper submitted to the King in relation to pen- sions granted to MM. de Longueuil, de Noyan, do La Yaltrie and de Raymond." Fol. 437. J p. " Replacement of military officers of Canada." Fol. 436 . 8| pp. " Memoirs by M. Dubois on the navigation of the St. Lawrence." Fol, 446. 7 pages, say *> PP' " On the trade of France in Canada and as to the means of having two voyages made each summer to Canada by vessels and frigates." Fol. 451. 5 J pages, say 5 pp. Marshal do Belle Isle (^apparently to M. de Bougainville). As to certain help to be sent from France. Fol. 455. 2 pages, say 1 p. Letter from M. de Silhouette to due de Choiseul. Oq the importance of retaining Canada. Fol. 456. 10 pages, say 8 pp. " Memorial on Canada, dealing with the following queries : 1st. Whether it is important to retain the colony; 2nd. Whether it oan hold out should the war continue in 1759 ; 3rd, Whether it can be easily helped under present circumstances ? " Fol. 462. 16J pp. April 15, Montreal. Mays, Montreal. April 12, Quebec. April 12, Quebec November 9, Quebec. Pebruary 23, Versailles. January 6, Versailles. February 22, No place given. January 16, No place given. February 5, Paris. Pebruary 8, Paris. 1769. CCX81 After 17£9. Long and interesting memorial on the abuses which had prevailed In the administration in Canada. Fol. 473. 43 pages, say 50 pp. End op Vol. 104. 1760. June 28, Moatreal. April 16, Montreal. April 16, Montreal. May 3, Moatreal. May 3, Moatreal. May 3, Monireal. May 6, Hontreal. May 6, Montreal. May 20, tjuebec. June 24, Montreal. June 24, Moatreal. June 24, Montreal. June 24, Montreal. June 24, Moitreal. June 2o, Montreal. June 26, Moatreal. June 28, Moatreal. " Canada — Correspondance Gen^rale." 1760—1768. Vol. 105. — M. de Vaudreuil, Governor General. M. Biqot, Intendant. C. 11. M. Bigot to Minister. Letter showing that M. de ifontcaim, far from being in debt to the King in Canada, was, in the person of his heirs, a creditor of the treasury to a large amoant. Fol. 4 to 6, 3 pages, say 2 pp. Copy of circular letter from Marquis de Vaadreuil to the militia captains of the parishes of the Government of (^aebec, north and south. Fol. 8. 4 pages, say ^i PP' Copy of circular letter from same to the cures of the Government of Quebec, north and south. Fol. 10. 3 pp. M. do Vaudreuil to Minister. Account of the battle of Ste. Foye. Victory won by M^ de Levis, Eulogy of that general, and of Staff Captain des Meloises. Fol. 12. 6^ pages, say 6 pp. The same to the same. Sends an account of the Quebec expedi- tion under M. de Levis'. Fol. lf> to 28. 24^ pp. The same to the same. Ordinance proclaiming a pardon for deserters. Fol. 29. L'|^ pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Serious complaints against missionariee who had directed the Acadians from their submi^^jsion to France by making for them a species of treaty with the English. Fol. 31. 21 pages, say 18 pp. Letters from missionaries, &c., in relation to the next preceding paper. Fol. 4:i to 62. 25 pp. Manifesto of General Murray. Fol. 64. 2 pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. The Five Nation Indians have gone over to the English. Fol. 65. 2 pp. The same to the same. The movements of the English on the lakes are still undecided. Has taken all the precautions in his power. Fol. 67. 6 pages, say 5 pp. The same to the same. Arrival of King's ships at Restigouche, under command of M. Danjac. Touohingiy painful position of the Acadians. M, de Vaudreuil's instructions to M. Danjac. Com- plaints against the local missionaries. Fol. 71. 5 pages, say 4-^ pp. The same to the same. Details respecting the Indian tribes, and more particularly those of the south, and their feelings towards the French. Fol, 74. Hi- pages, say, 3 pp. The t>amo to the same. State of the French of Belle Riviere and the Illinois. Fol. 77. 3 pages, say '2h pp. The same to the same. So ids copies of letters and replies of M. de Levis and General Murray, & 3., respecting prisoners. Fols. 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91. 10 pages, eav 7 pp The same to the same. Want of officers. Pensions to be grant- eJ. Fol. 92. 2J pages, say 2 pp. The same to the same. Establishment of look-outs on the St- CC5X11 1760. Jane 26, Montreal. June 28, Montreal. 1760. Jane 28, Montreal. June 29, Montreal. June 30, Montreal. August 7, Montreal. August 7, Montreal. August 7, Montreal. August 7, Montreal. August 13, Montreal. September 7, Before Montreal. September 10, Before Montreal. September 14, JRistigouche. November 28, On board of V Aventure, at Brest. December 5, Brest. December 10, Brest. November 27, L& Eocbelle. A;«il 16, Montreal. September 16, Paris. October 28, Montreal. Lawrence, for the benefit of French vessels frequentin;:: the river. Fol. 96. 2^ pa^es, say 2 pp. M. Bigot to Minister. Letter with statement of expenditure for the current ye ir, 1760. Fol. 98 to 114. 24 pages, say 20 pp. M. do Vaudreuil to Minister. Letter with copies o^ sundry orders made on him by M. do Vaudreuii, lor brandy, merchjindise, &c., lor the service of the troops and Indians. Fol. lltJ to 132. 20 pp. Extracts from letters of MM. de Yaudreuil and Bigot, on the condi- tion of Canada, during the four months betore the taking of the colony. Fol. 133. 1 J pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Sends his despatches by three small vessels, of sixty to seventy tons. Fol. 134. ^ p. The same to the same. Sends his despatches to M. Berryer, by M. de Viilemont, an ex captain of the troops of Louisiana. Fol. 136. 1 p. The pame to the same. Asks payment of bills of exchange for 28,000 livres due him for his salary. Fol. 137. 2 pages, say IJ p. The same to the same. Informing him that the owners of the vessels '• Machault," " Bienfaisant " and " Marquis de Malausse" had furnished, for the supply of the troops carried on tbn«o vessels, a quantity of decayed horre moat and beef which the men were unable to eat. Fol. 139. J p. The same to the same. Suspicious attitude of the Iroquois. Fol. 140. 2 pages, say I J p. The same to M. Berryer. Measures adopted at Lake Champlain. Fol. 142. 2 pp. The same to the same. Measures adopted on Lake Ontario. Events there. Fol. 144. 4 pages, say ^i^PP* The same to the same. Sends back to France the schooner com- manded by Capain Barre. Fol. 154, 1 p. " Copy of letter from General Amherst to M. de Vaudreuil," calling upon him to surrender upon the conditions set out in articles of ctpitulation. Fol. 155 to 166. 2)|pp. " Articles of capitulation for Fort Jacques Cartier." Fol. 167. 2| pages, say 1| p. List of the crew of the vessel " Petit Marquis de Malauze," return- ing to France with despatchea and part of the crew of the ** Ma- chault/' Fol, 169. 2J pp. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Commends to him M. de Viilemont* beat or of despatches. Fol. 171. ^i P« The same to the same. An attack of gout has prevented him from proceeding at once to court. Fol. 172. J p. The same to the same. Arguing that the fall of Canada before the English forces was inevitable. Fol. 173. 2 pp. Chevalier de Levis to Minister. Eulogises M, doVaudreuiland says that the loss of Canada is due to a series of inevilablo i;ad uncon- trollable circumstances. He has crossed the sea on a vessel of 200 tons which barely escaped destruction. Sends a list of troops shipped at Quebec for France. Fol. Ib3 to 185. 4 pp. "Copy of instrnciions to Chevalier de Levis, field marshal of the King's troops." Ful. 186. 8 pp. M. Le Mercier, commander of artillery in Canada. The news just received from Now France leads him to hope that the King will retain that colony. Fol. 196. 2 pp. M. Landrieve, commissary of marine, to the Minister. Respecting certain soldierd and prisoners teut in from St. Frederic, Fort Cham- CCXXIU 1760. September 25, Quebec. October 11, Ristigoncbe. September 17, Ristigouche. October 28, Ristigouche. December 4, Oq board the " Bonne Intention," Bay of Chedebois. January ?, Versailles. fctober 12, Quebec. No date. No date, but evedently about 1760. January 7, Versailles. 1760. January 7, Versailles. 1761. May 19, Paris. June 7, Paris. Jane 17. 1761. August 26, La Rochelle. bly, He anx Noix, &c., to be forwarded to France. Assietance to be given them. Fol. 199. 2 pasjoH, say 1^ p. M, Bernier, commissary, to M. Accaron. General capitulation by M. de Vaudreui!. Eeview of troops of the marine. Bad weather prevents them from sailing. Fol. :i02. 31 pp, M. Bourdon, an officer, to Minister. His precarioas position as • commander of that post, being unsupported by troops. Fol 218 ^ pages, say 3 ' M. Bazagier, a clerk, acting commissary to Minister. Statement of troops at that pos-t, and of Acadians and Indians there. Captures by privateers. Fol. 222 to 226. 5 pp. The same to Minister. Recent events at that po?t. The English announce the capitulation of Montreal. Fol. 227. l p. The same to Minister. Has just arrived, having left Ristigouche on the 29th October, after Danjac's capitulation. Fol. 228. U pa^re s^y fp! M. Masse deSt. Maurice, an officer in the do Berry regiment. Letier to Minister enclosing a memorandum as to best means of retaining that part of Canada which Fiance stillh eld at that period, above Quebec. ^ Fol. 232. 7J pages, say *^ 5 pp. M. Daine, lieutenant general of magistracv of Quebec, to Minister! H:i_s lost everything in consequence of the bombardment and capitu- lation of Quebec, and asks for assistance from the King. Fol. 239 2 pages, say ji Memorial intituled : « Plan de fortification pour rendre Que"beci imprenable," and "Projot pour la flotte de I'Amerique." Fol. 242. •- z ^ pp* Memorial containing a description of the south shore of the St. Lawrence, from Pointe Levis to Riviere des C:\ps. Fol. 245. lOi- pp. Chevalier Le Mercier. Sketch of the position of France in North America. Fol. 257. 2^ pp. Memorial, unsigned, intituled: "Observations sur certains m^ouve- ments de la Nouvelle France." This document treats of the lastC> events preceding the cession of Canada t > England, and more espe- cially the abui-es of the administration. Fol. ^ 259 to 263. 71 pp. Memorial of M. Le Mercier as to measures to bo adopted for the purposeof saving the colony for the King until the spring of 1761. Fol. 267. 5pp* M. de V.iudreuil. Complains to the Minister that he has not re- ceived bis salary for 1760. Fol. 273. li p. The same to Minister. Explaining that he applied the bills" of exchange sent to him for his salary for 1760, exclusively to the pur- chase of wheat required for the subsistence of the King's troops. Fol. 275. Jl^ ,_ .-> pp. Memorandum of M. Berryer. Depredations committed in Canada. I>ebt8 to be paid by France at that period. Fol. 277, 6 ratrcs say ^ s'pp' Chevalier de L'Herminat to the Minister. Letter and memo; ial enumerating his services in Cmada, and asking for the cross, l^ol. 285 to 295. tj ^ M. de Couagne. Memorial, addressed to M. Berryer, as to method of establishing order in the ouilay for fortifications in Canada, in the event of the Colony being restored to France. Fol, 296. m r.sfres CCXXIV 1761. Octob3rl7. September 7 and December 16, London. 1761. December 14, Fontaine- blBau. December 9, London. May 15, He de Flore. 1762. February 5, Versailles. June 16, Paris. 1760. ■Vovember 28, Paris. 1763. August 1, Paris. August 6, Calais. September 1, Quebec. December 8, London. 1762. 1763. April 30 and May 10. September 10, Montreal. M. Jacques Antoine Tour ton, a clerk (ecrivain ordinaire) of the Ma.- rico in Canada. Asks Minister to pay bills of exchange for the amount due to him, which constitutes his only resource. Fol. 306. 5 pages, say 4 J pp. Extracts from the *.S/. James' Chronicle, showing the great benefits Great Britain would derive from the possession of Canada. Fol. 313 to 317. 9 pp. " State of things at Ristigouche, 27th July to 5th November, 1760." Fol. 319. 4 pp. M. Bertrand Duvernay to Minister. Importance of the cesBion of New Franco to Rogland. Fol. 322. 7 pages, say 6 pp. Extract from the St. James' Chronicle. The importance of the conquest of Canada for Great Britain. Fol. 326. 8 pages, say 7 pp. Captain de Fiedmoot. Informs the Minister that he was ship- wrecked when returning from Canada and lost his all. Asks for a pension. Fol. 348 to 350. 2 pp. Chevalier de Drucourt to Minister. Asks for a pension, in view of his services and of the expense incurred by him as Governor of Louisbourg for four years. Fol. 354. 2 pp. M.Piquotee de Belestre to Minister. Asks foracomp'iny in Louis- iana for his son, whom the Cherokis have adopted as their chief, and who is still making war on the English. The Detroit Indians rof'ise to rtubmit to the English. Fol. 356. 2 pages, say 1 p. The same to the same. Sending him the " words " of the IncRans of Detroit, who refused to submit to the English. Fol. 353. 2 pp. M. de Bourlamaque. Letter to Minister, with an interesting me' morial on Canada. Fol. 359 to 376. 30 pp- M. Dalet, lieutenant, 2nd Battalion, Berry regiment. Capitulation of Quebec in 1759. Fol. 377. 7 pp, M. Landrieve, chief clerk of Marine, remaining in Canada as Com- missary of France. Loss of the ship " Auguste," at CapNord, He Royale, 15th Nov., 1761, on her voyage to France, "of 100 persons on board including the crew, only the captain, one colonial officer and five soldiers or servants were saved." Receipts and expenditure up to 1st of September, 1762. "Although the harvest of 1761 was not good, the supply of wheat did not run short ; the country was well supplied by the English trade ; the wants of all classes were provided for. Fol. "382. 1 p. Extract from Lloyd's Eoening Post. An article showing that the vast extent of the new acquisitions of England in America, is a dis- advantage for her older colonies. Fol. ."^84. 5 pages, say 4^ pp. " Memorial on present position of the Commission established for the liquidation of Canada." Fol. 387. 6 pages, say 5 pp. Notes on paper money in Canada. Fol. 403 to 406. Q\ pp. M. Landtieve, remaining as commissary of France in Canada. (1) Letter to Minister as to his work. The board established at Montreal for justice and police have made representations to the court of London, wiih a view to secure the redemption of paper money re- maining duo. The new Government does not enjoy all the tran- quility that was anticipated. The Indians have committed the most dreadful cruelties all over the continent, and have taken pos- session of most of the posts. Fol. 407. 2 pp, (1) On the lOlh December of the same year, La Cour du Chdtelet condemned Landrieve an accomplice of Bigot, to 6 years' banishment, a fint of 500 Uvre* mod 100,000 livres restitution. J. M. * ccxxv 1763 September 10, The same. To accompany the foregoing letter : " Extract from Montreal. statements and certificates of expenditure, presented from 1st Sep- tember, 176:4, to Ist September, 176 :. Fol. 409. h pp. 1763. Plan of operations for Now Orleans, in relation to Canada. Fol . 421 to 427. 12* pp. December 10, Abstract of judgments delivered by La Cour du ChStelet against Paris. Bigot and his accomplices. Fol. 428. H- page, say 1 p. 1763. Memorial of Sieur de Ramezay, iate commandant at Quebec, respecting the surrender of that place on the 1 8 September, 1759. Fol. 455. 35 pages, say 40 pp. 1764. Memorial and letters relative to the liquidation of the debt of the King of France for Canada. Fol. 476 to 503. 44 pp. 1764. Eeplication to answer of the Court of France, respecting liquida, tion of paper money in Canada. Fol. 512. 6^ pages, say 6 pp^ forlaier ) Another memorial on the same subject. Fol. 517. 7^ pp. 1766. Chevalier de Ropentigny. Petition to Due de Pra?^lin. Enu- merates his services and asks that the liquidation of 150,000 livros in bills, offored him as the price of property left by him in Canada, be effected without diminution of the capital sum, &c. Fol. 526. 2 pp. April 28. Baron de Longueuil to Minister. Asks for the rank of captain. Fol. 529. 1 p, 1766. The same to the same. Setting forth his record of services and asking for a dragoon company. Fol. 530. " 3 pp. D ce b 15 J^6cree of King's Council of State defining the terms of liquida- Paris. ' ^^'^^ ^^ Canadian paper money in the hands of the English. Fol. 55o. 2 pp. No date. " Statement of sums to be recovered under restitutions ordered by judgments of the Commision du Chatelet, in the matter of Canada." Fol. 559. lip. No date. Statement of moneys sequestrated in pursuance of judgments for restitution against Bigot, Yarin, &c. Fol. 564. ^ 4^ pp. September 6, Abstract of records of Council of State as to liquidation of claims Pans. Qj Widow Arnoux, for support and treatment of the sick by her hus- band, in his lile time a surgeon at Quebec. Fol. 570. 3 pages, say 4 pp. No date. A most curious memorial presented by Joseph Leblanc d(t Le- maigre, an Acadian of the Mines, parish of St. Charles, aged 70 years, describing his misfortunes. Fol. 578. 6 pp. " Descripiion of places situated between Cap Reel and Cap Bona- vista." Fol. 582. 6 pages, say 8 pp End of Vol. 105. " Canada — Correspondance G^n^rale." 1714—1731, Vol. 106. — CnuRcn in Canada. September U. The Bishop of Quebec. Statutes respecting the organization of the church ot Canada. Fol. 2. 16 pp. I696(«jc.) Memorial on the state of the church of Canada. Fol. 10. 31 pages, say 26 pp. No date. '' Mimoire pour le Canada." Against Mgr. de St. Vallier. Ful. 26. "^ - K g^p 1727. M. Dupuj-, Intendant, to Minister. Seminary of St. Sulpice and the Quebec. Hotel Dieu. Fol. 137. Si^l pages, say 24 pp. 1769. CCXXVl 1727. October 16, Quebec. 1728. October 19, Quebec. 1722. May 8, Paris. 1727. October 9, Quebec. July 18, Montreal. 1724. February 10, Quebec. 1723.^ 1722. April 11. 1718. September 21, Quebec. 1719. March 14, Paris. No date. 1717. November 30, Paris. October 16, Paris. 1730. October 25, Quebec. October 23, Quebec. M. de Beanharnois, Governor, to Minister. Divisions among the clergy. Fol. 172. 5| pages, say 5 pp. M. Plante, canon ot the cathedral, to Minister. As to compelling canons to reside and be assiduous in attendance at the place where their canonry is located. Fol. 180. 2 pages, pay IJ p. Decree of King's Council as to the misision of Saut St. Louis. Kol. 18^>. y pages, say 6 pp. Bis^ihop of Quebec to Minister The religious from Brittany, whom the Minister wishes to leave at Louisbourg, are not capable of the duties required of them. Ecclesiastics would do much better there than roligious. Reforms needed in tbo Chapter of Quebec, — only three of the canons assiduous. Revenue of the See insufficient. Exliaordiiiary state of proeei'vation in which the bodies of three nuns of the General Hospital, Quebec, were found, 25 years after burial. Fol. 191. 5 pp. Copy of letter from the Intecdant, Dapuy, to the Superior of the Hospital Nuns. Montreal, iiiforming her, that, in pursuance of the King's orders, she must abandon her claim to compel Sieur Tetro to close up the windows of his house looking towards the convent. Fol. 18. 3 pages, say 2 pp. Statement of property and revenue of the Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 230 to 234. 6 pp. Memorial respecting the Catholic Church, Quebec. Fol. 235. 8 J pages, ssy 6 pp. Copy of memorial presented to Council of Marine by Sieur d'Auteuil, praying that he bo not deprived of the right he possesses of having a parish church and cuH on his estate of Grande Anse, and that no division of the inhabitants be made in order to supplement adjoining parishes. Fol 254. 5 pages, eay 4 pp. Letter from MM. de Mezorats and Glandelet to the Conseil de Marina, in reply to a memorial against them, in which it was stated that subjects trained by the Quebec Seminary refused to obey their bishop Fol. 266. 4 pages, say 5 pp. Order of Conseil de la Marine, to M.deVaudreuil, directing that he send back to France a fugitive monk whom ho allowed to remain in Canada in spite of the bishop. Fol. 268. 2J pages, say 1^ p. Instructions in explanation of points embodied in letter to Abbe Brisacier respecting memorial sent him. This relates to the Seminary of Quebec and the priests of the diocese. Fol. 27'). 3 J pp. Decree of Council respecting mission of Louisbourg. Fol. 27(>. lej pages, say 8 pp. Decree of Council in relation to obedience due by the clergy of dioce-o of Quebec to the bishop. Fol. 285. 12 pagos, say 10 pp. MM, de Beaaharnois and Hocqnart lo Conseil de Marine. Measures to be adopted to enforce regularity of conduct on the purt of ecclesias- tics of Qaebec. The result of these measures, say MM. do Beauhar- nois and Hocquart, will be " that there will no longer be found in Quebec eo many useless ecclesiastics, who, for want of employment, are boginning to engage in wordly amusement, play, feasting and dissipation. The effect of their idle life is they think of nothing but quarelling amongst themselves and creating discord amongst laymen." Fol. -92. 7 pages, say 4 pp. M. Hocquart, Intendant. Informs the Minister " that a canon of the church of Quebec has intimated to him that the Chapter intend to transfer to a Recollet the mass which should be said at the Palace by one of the canons. It is but right that they should comply with so easy a duty, in return for the sum of 1,000 icus given theio. CCXXVll 1730. October 23. Quebec. December 21, Quebec. 1728. September — , Quebec. 1731. December 25. 1716. April 1, Paris. 1716. 1680. No date. 1716. November 8, Quebec. No dale . 1693. February 20, Pans. 1692. February 1 1, Paris. No date. No date. 1717. February 26, Paris. by His Majesty. The hour for the mass is 9 o'clock in the moniini( ; and, in the bad weather of winter, I take the precaution of Bending a sleigh for the ecclettiaetic who comes to the Palace to say mass." Fol. 296. 2h pages, eay 1 p. MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister. Pere Luf^, Recollot, has been appointed to the mission of Ristigouche. 1,200 b'vres in place of &00 should be allowed for the mis.sionary of that place and also for Miramichi. Fol. z98. 1^ page, say 1 p. The same to Conseil de Marino. They ask for an annuity of 3,000 livres for the Quebec Seminary. The difficulties of that institution are caused: Itst, by three fires; 2nd, by several heavy losses on the sea ; ord, by the extraordinary liberality with which the superiors for over sixty years past have undertaken the charge of largo num- bers of the most gifted youths of the colony, who, owing to their poverty (so common in Canada) paid nothing, or only a eum so small as to be quite insufficient. In that institution the priests of the colony were trained gratuitously. Lastly, the help of the Semi- nary was extended to the Indians of Ac .dia, the J\lissis3ippi, &c. Fol. 300. 4| pages, ssy 3^ pp. Mandate of Vicars-General Btienne Boullard, Thierry Hazeur and Charles Plante declaring : " That all confessions made to priests other than those by them approved of in writing, shall be null, and that confessors contravening (this regulation) shall be liable to the penalties imposed by tha canon law; and that all missionaries, both secular and regular, coming to this town (Quebec), shall take out fresh letters of approbation for preaching and hearing confes- sions." Fol. 303. 1 page, say 2| pp. Notes of the Council on letters of the coadjutor of Quebec ; as to his proposal to appoint M, Vallier as lecturer on divinity of the church of Quebec ; on the dismissal of certain cur4s for their very bad conduct ; importance of appointing a vicar-general at Louia- bourg, &o. Fol. 305. 16^ pages, say 10 pp. Decree of Conseil do la Marine as to honours due in the churches of Canada. Fol. 332. 13 pages, say 7 pp. Memorial respecti.og the matter of the Bishop and Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 3:^9 9^ PP- Ip. Ip. Fol. 3 pp. Subsistence o{ cur6s in Canada. Fol. 345. Patronage of cur4s m Canada. Fol. 347. M. de Vaudreuil to Minister. Maintenance of decayed curis. 349. 4 pages, say Copy of memorial of ctirSs of Canada who ai'e no longer able to serve. Fol. 355- 1^ p. Abstract of advice given to the King by the Archbishop of Paris and Pere de La Chaizo as to difficulties between the Bishop of Quebec, his chapter and somiaary, &o. Fol, '-'57. 1 J p. Abstract of advice to the King by the archbishop of Paris and Pere de La Chaizie respecting priests in Canada who are unable to serve. Fol. 359. 4 pages, say 3^ pp. Memorial of Quebec Seminary. Same subject. Fol. 362. 2^ pp_ Memorialof the Bishop of Quebec. Same subject. Fol. 364. 3 pp. Decree of Consoil de la Marine. Subordination of ecclesiastics and of the Seminary of Quebec to the bishop ; permanency of cur6s ; priests and missionaries coming to Quebec to be provided with quar- ters at the Seminary ; number of nuns ; pensions to widows and children of officers; cwr^s, missionaries, and hospitals; M. Begon's CCZZVIU 1718. February 1, Paris. 1722. October 26, Quebec. 1717. May 5, Paris. 1716. November 13, Quebec. No date. 1717. November 6, Quebec. No date. No date. 1716. April — , Paris. 1717. December 7 and 14, Paris. March 9, Paris. November 6, Quebec. March 9, Paris. March 2, Paris. No date. 1718. February 8, Paris. February 1, Paris. No date. June 15. 1716. March 31. 1724. 1724. integrity of character ; H6tol Dieu, Quebec; subordination of mili- tary officers, officers of justice and ecclesiastics. Fol. 366. 13|^ papjes, say 10 pp. Decree of Council . Honours in churches. Fol 376. 7 pages, say 5 pp. M. de Vaudreuil. Memorial on events connected with the subject of church bans in the colony. Fol. '682. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. Decree of Conseil de la Marine respecting the Kecollets at lie Hoyale. Fol 3?4. 2 J pages, say ijp. M. do Vaudreuil to Minister. Asking for the placing of a secular priest at Three Elvers and that the holding of parish cur4s be made permanent. Fol. 391. 2 pages, say IJ p. M. Boucher, cur4 of St. Joseph. Letter respecting the application of moneys intended for the support of cures. Fol. 39 J. 3^ pages, say 4 pp. Memorial annexed to letter of MM. deYaudreuil and Begon on the benefices and parishes of Canada. Fol. 395. 3 j)p. Plan of the property of the Recollet Fathers at Louisboarg. Fol. 399. 1 p. Memorial of the Bishop of Quebec. The RecoUets have disobeyed his orders and erected another community in the upper town of Quebec. Fol. 400. 9J pp. Letters patent for tho establishment of the Religieux de la Chari pp. Petition of the Jesuits of New France, asking for authority to bold in their own name certain Indian lands conceded to them. Fol. 451. 1 page, say 2 pp. Deed of concession of land at Saut St. Louis to the Jesuits. FoL 452. 2 pp. Decree of Council as to proposed change of the mission of Saut au Recollet. Fol. 4J5. U pp. Memorial of the gentlemen of St. Sulpice in relation to fortifications of Montreal. Fol. 457. 9^ pp. Memorial of these gentlemen respecting the claim of Madame d'Argenteuil to land granted to her at the Lake of Two Mountains. Fol. 462. 4 pp.- CCXXIX 1734. No date. No date. 1715. April 1. 1714. Montreal. 1715. November 17, 1715. November 19, Paris. No date. 1694. 1723. October 14, Quebec. No date. 1716. May 5. 1730. October 23, Quebec. 1716-17. 1717. May 10. Decree of Council as to right to administer justice exercised by the gentlemen of St. Sulpice, at Montreal. Fol. 464. 17 pages, say 8^ pp. Koyal letter, respecting the advancement by the gentlemen of St. Sulpice, at Montreal, of the right to administer justice held by them. Fol. 481. 2^ pp. Royal decroe rejecting the petition of the dean, canons and chapter of Quebec, respecting the revenues of the said chapter. Fol. 483. 3^ pp. The gentlemen of St. Sulpice. Representations to Minister respect- ing concessions ot lands made by them. Fol. 487. 6 J pp. Decree of Council. Church and chapter of Quebec. Fol. 191. 16 pages, say 8 pp. Royal decree appointing commissioners to adjudicate finally upon all difficulties between the bishop and chapter of Quebec. Fol. 510. 6 pp. The Recollets and their residence at Catarakouy. Fol. 515." 1 p. Memorial as to the matter of the interest charged upon the church of the Recollets at Montreal by the Bishop of Quebec. Fol. 516. ^i pages, say 4 pp. MM. de Yaudreuil and Begon. Letter respecting the Seminary of St. Sulpice and the enceinte of Montreal. Fol. 518. 3 pp. Royal decree on same subject. Fol. 523. 4 pages, say 2 pp. Royal decree for the settlement of difficulties between the Semi- nary of St. Sulpice and its grantees. Fol. 524. 4^ pp. MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister. Tithes. Fol. 527. 3 pages, say 1^ p. Sundry royal memorials. Indian mission of Saut aux Recollets. Fol. 53ii. 6 pages, eay 5 pp. Letters patent. Establishment of the Recollets at He Royale. Fol. 537 . 4J pages, say 3| pp. End of Vol. 106. 1766-63. 1763. 1762. 1756. October 18, Montreal. 1750. November 7, Quebec. November 4, Quebec. November 6, Quebec. 4a— p Canada. 1731-1766. YoL. 107.— Church op Canada. C. 11. Nuns of General Hospital. Memorials and letters asking for indemnity in view of assistance given to the wounded in 1760. Fol. 2 to 6. 8 pages, ?ay 7 pp. "Ob.servations" us to employing a portion of the estates of the Jesuits in France for the American missions. Fol. 7. 9^ pp. Memorial for the Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 14. 3 pages, say 'Ji pp. M. de Yaudreuil, Governor to Minister. Supporting the Sulpiciuna of Montreal in their request for a continuance of the gratuity of 6,000 livres. Fol. 22. 2^ pages, say l\ p. M. do La Jonquiere to Minister. Suit at law between the Chapter of Quebec and the Seminary. Fol. 24. 3 pages, say 'J^ pp. M. de La Jonquiere Cabanac, Dean of the Chapter of Quebec to Minister. Same subject. Fol. 26. l^P' The same to the same, in behalf of the Chapter. Sadj state to which the latter is reduced. Fol. 28. 2 pages, say 1^ p. ccxxx 1753. 1755. January 15, Loaisbourg. 1756. November 11, Quebec. 1750. October 24, Quebec. 1749, October 30, Quebec. 1750. November 4, Quebec. 1749. October 24, Quebec. 1750. November 5, Quebec. 'iiIiUl749. ^*^^ September 25, Quebec. '=^=^ 1748. October 4, Quebec. ■•\TO 1747. October 8, Quebec. 1744. October 19, Quebec. '-"1743. November 7, Louisbourg. September 15, Quebec. 1735. October 3, Quebec. 1737. October 28, Quebec. 1732. December 23, Quebec. 1731. November 28. Memorial filed by the Bishop of Quebec respecting his interven- tion in the case between the Chapter and the Seminary. (In print.) Fol. 30. 7 pp. Chevalier de Drucourt. Confirming a concession of land to the Religions of Idle St, Jean in charge of the King's hospital at Lonis- bour<,'. Fol. 34. 3^ pages, eay 4 pp. Ei.^hop of Quebec to Minister. Small incomes of cur is ; capture of Cho'jeguen ; religious communities. Fol. 36. 3 pages, IJ p. M. Bigot to Minister. The Ursulioes of Three Rivers wish to be relieved of the hospital. Fol. 39. 1-2^ P* M. de La Jonqu ere to Minister. Afsking that his nephew, de Ua- banac, be granted the income of Dean of the Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 41. J p. MM. de La Jonqu'ere and Bigot to Minister. Asking for a gra- tuity for the Chapter of Quebec. Fol. 43. 1 p. Petition of the Chapter as to the foregoing. Fol. 45. 1 p. M. Bigot to Minister. In relation to suit at law between the Chapter and Seminary of Quebec as to the right of administering the parish of Quebec, claimed by the former. Fol. 46. 3^ pages, 1^ p. MM. de La Jonquiere and Bigot to Minister. Asking on behalfof themselves and the bishop exemption fi-om new duties on 300 livres of salary drawn by them from France for Sieur de La Corne, con- seiller clerc, and yearly gratuity of 600 livres for the Ursulines'of Three Rivers. Fol. 49. 2 pages, say ^i^P* La Galissoniere and Bigot to Minister. As to the expediency of combining the revenue of the hospital nuns of Quebec with that of the poor. Fol. 51. li P- MM. de La Galissoniere and Hocquart to Minister. Hospital nuns ask authority to receive nuns with a dowry as low as 1,500 livres only. Fol. 56. 3 J pages, sav 2 pp. MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquart to same. Temporalities of reli- gious communities. Fol. 62. 2J pp. MM. du Quesnel and Bigot to same. Asking that M. Maillard be called upon to give up the title of Yicar General of Louisbourg, or that he be recalled to France. Fol. 76. 1 j p* Copy of letter from the Bishop of Queoec to the Superior of the Recollets of Louisbourg, in relation to the last mentioned papen Fol . 78. 3 pages, say 2 J pp . MM de Beauharnois and Hocquart to Minister.Letter aiving a eum- mary of the case between Frere Txxvcdit Chrestien and his creditors, and the General Hospital of Montreal. The judgment declared; " That the said community owed to the creditors of the said Frere Turc the sum ot 24,940 livres 13s. 9d, and ordered payment thereof." Frere Turc, after judgment in his case, " asked leave to proceed to St. Domingo, where he hoped to support himself by establishing a brewery." His creditors offered no opposition and his request was granted. Fol, 93. 3 pages, say 1^ p. M. Hocquart to Minister. Recommends the granting of the petition of the Sisters of La Congregation of N, D. of Quebec, asking for aid to enable them to render their establishment fire proof. Fol. 225. ^p. Sister Marguerite Leroy,of La Congregation of N.D. of Louisbourg, asking leave to receive the additional sisters she has applied for. Fol. 227. 2^ pages, say 2 pp. Memorial intituled: '^ Etat de VAcadiepour le Gouvernement eeclisiastique." Fol. 235. 2^ pages, 2 pp. coxxr 1727. October 16, Quebec. 1731. January 9, Quebec. No date. 1746. March 18, St. Etienne hospital, La Rochelle. 1736. February — , Quebec. 1747. October 18, Quebec. 1733. October 12, Quebec. 1749. August 4, La Presenta- tion. Sio date. 1731. October 2, Quebec. 1732. October 3, Quebec. 1732. ' ' 1734. December 27. 1733. October 8, Quebec. 1733. October 6, Quebec. 1732, 1735, 1737. 1735. October 6, Quebec. October 15, Quebec. 1734. October 10, Quebec. 1735. October 19, Council of events on the Labrador coast since the departure of the vessels in 1717. Fol. 53. 10 pp. Memorial, unsigned, on the Esquimaux of Canada; their man- ners, dress, mode of living, &c. Fol. 60. 3 pp. Memorial, unsigned on the Esquimaux country; Fol. 62. 5 pp. Series of memorials, addressed to Council, by Sr de Brouague. Events on Labrorlo- coast. Fisheries and trade of that country. Fol. 65 to 122. 93 pages. 80 pp. MM. de Bftauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. Kespecting representations m.ide by Sieur Constantin, as to concessions made to Sieurs Foucault and Boucault, of land on the Labi-ador coast, which he, Sieur Constantin, maintained formed part of another concession made to him in March 1716. With papers in support of his claim furnished by Constantin. Fol. 123. 50 pages, say 35 pp. Memorial containing proposals made by Sieurs Cugnet and Estdbe, for the establishment of a seal fishery and trading post on the bay of Kitohechatsou. Fol. 159. 9| pages. 8 pp. Mil. de Beauharnois and Hocquait to the Minister. Sieur Con- stantin's claim lo land on coast of Labrador. Fol. 164. 13 pages, say 6 pp. MM. Foucault and Boucault to the Minister. Letter with petition and papers in support thereof, respecting their contestation with Constantin, as to ibe post of Grand St. Modet, on Labrador coast. Fol. 171 to 248. 126 pages, say 80 pp. MM. de Ferant and Bigot. Letters to Minister, as to concessions made to M. de La Boularderie at Labrador. Fol. 249. IJ p List of fishing vessels on Labrador coast in 1739. Fol. 251. 1 p. MM. de Beauharnois and Hocquart to the Minister. As to contestation between Sieurs Constantin and Sieurs Foucault and Boucault, respecting the Post of St. Modet; with ordinance secur- ing the post in question to Sieur Constantin. Fol. 252 to 255. 4 pp. The same to the same. Eespecting petition of Sieur Godfroy de St. Paul, asking for the ratification of a concession made to his brother in 1706, on the coast of Labrador, at the place called Baie des Esquimaux. Fol. 256. 3^- pp. Ceijsus of Acadian families at Pointe-ala-Jeunesse, Labrador. Fol. 259. 4 pp. List of fishing vessels on Labrador coast in 1742, Fol. 261. 1 p. Sieur Fornel to the Minister. Concession made to Sieur Bazile^ 1st Oct., 1730, of La Bue des Chateaux in Canada. Fol. 262. 4 pp. Appeal made by M. do Courtomanche to Mgr. de Pontchartrain, for aid in maintaining the establishment at Labrador. Fol. 266. 8 pp. Account of discovery by Sieur Louis Fournel of Baie des Esqui- maux, called by the Indians Kesesakiou. Fol. 272. 30 pp. Sieur Cugnet to the Minister. Letter with description of Labrador and an account of the country. Fol. 310. 8 pp. End op Vol. 109. CCXXXIV " Canada. — Correspondance GiN^RALE." 1729-1741. YoL. 110. — St. Maurice Forges. (This volume consists of 394 folios, say, 500 pages.) " Canada.— Correspondance G^n^jrale." 1741. YoL. 111.— St. Maurice Forges. {This volume consists of 305 folios, say 400 pages.} ** Canada. — Correspondance G^nerale." 174l-17ti0. YoL. 112.— St. Maurice Forges. (This volume consiste of 342 folio.«, say 450 pp.) After a careful examination of the three preceding volvmes, I came to the conclusion that they must be copied '• im extenso." At a first glance, many of the papers contained in these volumes, which are merely statements of accounts, might, to a careless enquirer, appear to be of no utility. But closer examination will reveal in nearly each and all of them names of persons, certain interesting little facts, curious details calculated to throw light on the history of Three Rivers and which will gladden the heart of my friend Suite, ^nd, moreover, do they not embcdy the history of one of the most important of the industries of the early days of Canada, one of tvhich, vp to this time, but littl" is known. An analysis of all these details relating to the administration of the St. Maurice Forges would have taken too much time, and I am compelled to give in few words a summary of what they contain, insisting meantime on the expediency of having them copied in full. As to volumes 113, 114, 115, US, 117, life and IV>, tohich contain details of " General Expenditure " of the colony from U63 to 1764, it is easy to see at the outset that they lack historical interest; more especially in view of the fact that in each of the first 105 volumes of this series (Correspondance Ginirale) J have tahen care to quote and. set down as to be copied the letters of the Governors, and e^'pecially of the Intendants, which deal m a general way with the revenue and expendi' ture of la Fouvelle France from its first establithnent up to 1760. Each of these letters gives a yearly summary of the financial situation of the Administration of the country, and affords ampk material for future economists, who may be tempted to deal with that branch of our history ; and I feel quite sure that I am not hiding under the bushel measure anything calculated to give light to anyone when I relegate to the shade the seven volumes just mentioned. Next comes, under the title : " Canada, Corbkspondance Gf n6- BALE, Vol. 120," a carton endorsed: "Marine et Colonifs. KOUVELLE France. PERSONtiJEL MILITAIRE ET CIVIL. PERSONNEL oollectif. Noblespe du Canada, &c , Vol. 120. c. 11." The first package of this ''carton" consists wholly of abstracts made in France of letters and petitions of officers or citizens, ecclesiastics or communities in Canada, asking in some cases for the cross of St. Louis or promotions, in others for trading licenses, gratuities or pensions. This series, which is not paged, forms in all 460 small pages, or say {for copying) 230 pp. ccxxxv The second package endorsed : " Noblesse du Canada," contains a small cahier of 61 pages giving the list of persons raised to nobility in Canada from I710"