LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class Zbc Xlbrar\> H660ciation Scries EDITED BY J. Y.W.MAC .\LISTEK, HON. SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCI.ATION No. 6. BOOKS FOR VILLAGE LIBEAKIES FRANK J. BURGOYNE LIBRARIAN OK T H K I, A M K K T H P U U H C L I R R A R I K S AND JOHN BALLINGER LIBRARIAN O 1 T H K 1' r H I. I f I, I 1) R A R 1 E S , C A K 1) I h I With Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries JAMES D. BROWN LONDON ; K Y PUBLISHED FOR THE ASSOCIATION BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON KENT & CO., Limited 4. STATIONERS' HALL COURT, E.C 1895 Price One Shilling, net. THE NORTH OF ENGLAND SCHOOL FURNISHING CO., (Limited), 121, Newgate Street, LONDON, E.G. Manufacturers of FURNITURE for ELEMENTARY, COLLEGIATE, TECHNICAL, SCIENCE & ART SCHOOLS, CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL LABORATORIES, AND Public Libraries. The Company has a reputation for excellence of workman- ship and material, and has furnished many of the principal LIBRARIES and SCHOOLS in London and the provinces to the satisfaction of its numerous clients. Enquiries for Catalogues, Estimates, or information will be promptly responded to. MAKERS OF THE DARLINGTON SELF-ADJUSTING NEWSPAPER CLIP. NO SPRING. FIRM GRIP. SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION. Catalogues and Estimates free on application to the School Furnishing Co., Limited, DARLINGTON, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, MIDDLESBROUGH, SUNDERLAND, and LONDON. Xibrarv? Bssociation Series No f). VILLAGE LIBEAEIBS BV FRANK J. ]5URGOYNE JOHN BALLINGER A N I ) JAMES D. BROWN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Ptesident : The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, K.P., G.C.B. The Library Association of the United Kingdom was founded on October 5th, 1877, at the conclusion of the Library Conference held ai the London Institution, under the presidency of the late Mr J. Winter Jones, then Principal Librarian of the British Museum Its objects are (a) to aid in the establishment of new libraries ; (b) to endeavour to secure better legislation for public libraries ; (c) to unite all persons engaged or interested in library work, for the purpose of promoting the best possible administration of libraries : and (d) to encourage biblio- graphical research. The Association has, bv the invitation of the local authorities, held its Annual Meetings in the following cities and towns :— Oxford, Manchester, Edinburgh, London {twice), Cambridge, Liverpool, Dublin, Plymouth, Bir- mingham, Glasgow, Reading, Nottingham, Paris. Aberdeen, and Belfast. The official organ of the Association is The Library, which is issued monthly and sent post free to Members. In this .magazine (edited bv Mr. J. Y. W. MacAIister) appear the papers read at Annual and Monthly Meetings, and a report of the Proceedings of the Association. Monthly Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, from October to June, and are reported in The Lilyarv. The Annual Subscription is One Guinea, payable in advance on January ist. The Life Subscription is Fifteen Guineas. Any person engaged in Library administration, or any Library or Institution, may become a Member, ■ivithout election, on payment of the Subscription to the Treasurer. Any person not so engaged may be elected at the Monthly or Annual Meetings. Librar\- Assistants, approved by the Council, are admitted on payment ot a Subscrip- tion of Half-a-Guinea. The Association has instituted an Examination in Librarianship, and issues certificates to those who satisfy the examiners. A large number of interesting and important papers have been published in the Transactions, Monthly Notes, The Library Chronicle, and in The Library. A complete list of these and other publications will be found in the Library Association Year Book. The Publishers to the Association are Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4, Stationers' Hall Court, EC, to whom all orders should be sent. The Hon. Secretary will be glad to recsive papers from Members, and others, on appropriate subjects, for reading at the Monthly and Annual Meetings. 20, Hanover Square. ^be Xibrar^ Bseociation Scrica EDITED EV J. Y. W. MAC ALISTER, HON. SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCIATION No. 6. BOOKS FOE VILLAGE LIBRAEIES BY FRANK T. BURGOYNE LIBRARIAN OF THK I. AMRETH PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND JOHN BALLINGER LIBRARIAN OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES, CARDIFF With Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries BY JAMES D. BROWN LIBRARIAN' OF THE ^ I f " f,- " - y,- ^ L L PUBLIC LIBRARY LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE ASSOCIATION BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT & CO., Limited 4, STATIONERS' HALL COURT. EC. 1895 / LONDON : Truslove & Bkav, Library Catalogue Printers, West Norwood, S.E. • :. , :-£>■ . PREFACE This pamphlet has been prepared at the request of the Council of the Library Association of the United Kingdom. The want of a guide to the organisation of small Libraries has long been felt, and the impetus which recent legislation has given to the establishment of libraries in rural districts has increased the need. We have attempted to compile a list of i,ooo volumes fairly representative of English Literature, and including a liberal selection of the scientific and technical books most likely to be useful. It is not pretended that this is a list of the i,ooo "best" books, or even of the books which we think should be read, but we have tried to include the works which, during a long experience of Public Library work, we have found to be most useful and acceptable to the readers. Li addition to the books mentioned, the following works of reference will be found most useful : — An Atlas, English Dictionary, Encyclopaedia, Whitaker's Almanac, Hazell's 1 03740 VI. PRI-.FACi:. Annual, Statesman's Year-Book, and all local County Histories, Guide Books, and Directories. The published prices of the books are given, off which any bookseller will be glad to give a substantial discount for cash. The editions priced are in cloth bindings, but the novels and books in most demand may advantageously be bought bound in leather, suitable for the hard wear and tear of lending library work. Prices can be obtained from Mr. ^^^ Easy, and the Library Bureau (see advertisements). The compilers will be glad to give any further help and advice to those interested in this phase of library work. Frank J. Burgoyne, The Tate Central Library, Brixton, London. John Ballinger, Public Libraries, Cardiff. THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT VILLAGE LENDING LIBRARIES. The following brief hints are confined to the method of dealing Avith books when acquired, and such matters as properly belong to the actual working of the Lending Library when established. The important questions of finance, staff, and housing do not fall within the scope of these notes, though they very materially affect almost every point to be touched upon. The primary requisite in every library, large or small, is system, and the simpler the system can be made the more effective will be the work accomplished. Simplicity will, there- fore, be adopted as the guiding principle of all methods about to be described, and each process will be taken in its consecutive order. The first thing to be done when the books, or selection of books, from this catalogue are received, is to make an inven- tory of them, which shall show every particular likely to be required for reference in the future. For this purpose a STOCK BOOK must be used, which should be ruled as follows with columns of suitable width : — STOCK BOOK OF THL LIBRARY. s Author. Title. "o > d Donor or Vendor. 0) a a. a. > 3 6 M 3 ,, 4 Macmillan 3 6 „ 3 6 ,, 3 6 ,, 3 6 Chapman 4 Macmillan 3 6 ,, 3 6 Chapman 3 each ■ 3 6 Macmillan I 6 Chapman 7 6 Macmillan I Longmans 3 6 Newnes each 6 Longmans 6 Macmillan 2 6 Clark 12 Hodder 3 6 .. 7 6 •• 3 6 Macmillan I 6 Lockwood 3 6 Murray 7 6 i6 ALPHABETICAL LIS'I DuFFERiN AM) AvA (Marquis of) Letters from High Latitudes . . DuiNCAN (E.) British Landscape and Coast Scenerj- .. Dumas (A.) Count of Monte Cristo Earley (VV.) High Class Kitchen Gardening. . Edward L, [Life of] . By Tout — English Statesmen . . Edward (Thomas, the Scotch Naturalist) Life of. By Smiles Edwards (A. B.) A Thousand Miles up the Nile Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys : a Ramble in the Dolomites Electricity, Primers of. 2 vols... " Eliot (George) " Adam Bede Daniel Deronda Feli.x Holt . . . ; Middlemarch. . Mill on the Floss . . • . . Romola Scenes of Clerical Life Silas Marner . , Life of. By Browning- Great IVriters Elizabeth (Queen) [Life'ofJ. By Beesly — EnniUsh Statesmen Series . . Ellis (T.) Sketching from Nature Ely (T) Manual of Archaeology Emerson (R. Waldo) Complete Works. 3 vols. Life of. By Garnett — Great Writers EwiNG (J. H.) A Great Emergency ; and We and the World Flat Iron for a Farthing ; and Jan of the Windmill . . Melchior's Dream ; and The Brownies . . Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances ; and Six to Sixteen Faraday (M.) Chemical History of a Candle.. Farrar (Dean F. W.) Earlj' Days of Christianity . . Life and Work of St. Paul . . Life of Christ Fawcett (M. G.) Poliiical Economy for Beginners . . Fielding (Henry) [Life of]. 13y Dobson — Eiiglis/i Men of Letters . . Findlay (Sir G.) Working of an English Railway .. Fleming (J. A.) Short Lectures to Electrical Artisans Flower (Sir W. H.) The Horse, a Study in Natural History FoNBLANQUE (A. de) How we are Governed .. Forbes (A.) Afghan Wars of a.d. 1839-42 and 1878-80 Fowler (W. W ) A Year with the Birds Francis (F.) Angling Franklin (Sir John) and the North-West Passage. B\' Markham Murray 7 6 Blackie 5 Routledge 2 Bradbury 4 6 Macmillan 2 6 Murray 6 Routledge 7 6 „ 5 Whittaker each 2 6 Blackwood 3 6 7 6 ,, 3 6 7 6 ,, 7 6 3 6 3 2 6 Scott I 6 Macmillan 2 6 ,, 3 G Grevel_ 6 Bell each 3 6 Scott 1 6 Bell ,, 3 3 ,, 3 Chatto 4 6 Cassell 6 6 , , r. Macmillan 2 6 I 6 Whittaker 5 Spon 4 Paul 2 6 Warne I 6 Seeley 5 Macmillan 3 6 Cox 5 Phili Al.l'HAl^HTlCAL LIST 17 Fkeam (Dr. W.) Soils and their Properties . . Freeman (E. A ) English Towns and Districts General Sketch of European History Growth of the English Constitution Old English History Short History of the Norman Conquest . . Froude (J. A.) History of England, a.d. 1527 to 1588. 12 vols. . . Oceana : or, England and her Colonies . . Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 vols. FuRNEAUx (W.) The Out-door World, or Young Collector's Handbook .. Ganot (Prof.) Elementary Treatise on Physics Garden Receipts ; edited by Quin — Weale's Series Gardixer (B.) Epochs of History : the French Revolution Gardiner (Prof. S. R.) Student's History of England Geikie (Sir A.) Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography Outlines of Field Geology . . Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 7 vols. [Life of]. By Morison — Eiiglhli Men of Letters. . GiBERNE (Agnes) Sun, Moon, and Stars Radiant Suns. . Girl's Own Indoor Book ; edited by Peters Girl's Own Outdoor Book ; edited by Peters . . Gladstone (W. Ewart) [Life of]. By Russell — Prime Ministers Scries .. Glenny (G. M. F. G.) Kitchen Gardening Made Easy — Weale's Series Goethe (J. W. von) Faust ; translated by Swanwick Goldsmith (Dr. Oliver) Complete Works . . Life of. By Dobson - Great IVi iters GooDEVE (T. M.) Piinciples of Mechanics Gordon (General) [Life of]. By Butler — English Men of Action . . Gossip (G. H. D ) Chess-Player's Manual Graham (W.) Socialism, New and Old Grant (James) British Battles. 3 vols. Tales, etc.: — Aide-de-Camp Legends of the Black Captain of the Guard Watch One of the Six Hundred Gray (Thomas) Poetical Works ]^Life of]. By Gosse — English Men of Letters .. Green (A. H.) Physical Geology Gree.v (J. R.) Short History of the English People. . Green (J. R. and A. S.) Geography of the British Isles Grexfell (Mrs. H.) Dressmaking s. d. Bell 2 6 Macniillan ^4 >, 3 6 ,, 5 ,, 6 ClarendonP 'ress 2 6 Longmans e !ach 3 6 ,, 2 each 4 6 ,, 7 6 15 Lock wood I 6 Longmans 2 6 •■ 12 Macmillan 4 6 3 6 Bell e ach 3 6 Macmillan I 6 Seeley .5 ,, 5 K.TS. S 8 Low 3 6 Lockwood I 6 Bell 3 6 Macmillan 3 6 Scott I 6 Longmans 6 Macmillan 2 6 Arnold 2 6 Paul 5 Cassell each 9 Routledge each . 2 6 Macmillan I 9 ,, I 6 Longmans 21 Macmillan 8 6 ,, 3 6 ,, I ALPHABETICAL LIST. Griffiths (Dr. A. B.) Treatise on Manures . . Diseases of Crops, and their Remedies . . Grimm (Brothers) Tales; edited by Lang. 2 vols. . . Haggard (H. R.) Allan Quatermain .. Jess King Solomon's Mines She Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. R.) Algebra for Schools Hall (H. S.) and Stevens (F. H.) Euclid's Elements Hallam (Henry) Constitutional History of England. 3 vols. Hamilton (Sir R. G. C.) and Ball (J.) Book-keeping Hamley (Sir E. B.) War in the Crimea Handel (G.F.) [Lifeof] . ByMa.rsha\\— Great Musicians H\rdy (Thomas) Far from the Madding Crowd Mayor of Casterbridge Tess of the D'Urbervilles . . The Woodlanders Hartwig (G.) The Aerial World The Polar World The Sea, and its Living Wonders. . The Subterranean World . . The Tropical World Hasluck (P. N.) Watch and Clock Jobber's Handy- book Cabinet and Wood-worker's Handybook Lathe-work Metal and Wood-Turner's Handybook . . Pattern Maker's and Mechanic's Workshop Handybook Hastings (Warren) Life of. By hyaW— English Men of A ction . . Havelock (Sir Henry) Life of. By Forbes — English Men of Action Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Works. 3 vols. . . [Life of] . By James— .Eh ^-ZM Men of Lettevs . . Haydn (Joseph) [Life of]. By Townsend — Great Musicians . . Heath (F. G.) The Fern World Heathcote (J. M., and others) Skating, Curling, and other Ice Sports — Badminton Library . . Tennis, Rackets, and Fives— Badminton Library. . Heather (F. G.) Mathematical Instruments . . Henley (W. E.) Lyra Heroica . . Henry II. [Life of] . By Green — English Statesmen. . Henry V. [Life of]. By Church— English Men of Action Henry VII. [Lifeof] . By Gairdner — English Statesmen Henslow (G.) Botany for Beginners . . Henty (G. A.) By Sheer Pluck s. d. Whittaker 7 6 Bell 2 6 each 3 6 Longmans 3 6 Smith, Elder 3 6 Cassell 3 6 Longmans 3 6 Macmillan 4 6 •• 4 6 Murray each 4 ClarendonPress ; 2 Seeley 5 Low 3 Low 2 6 ,, 2 6 Osgood 6 Macmillan 3 6 Longmans 7 ,, 7 ,, 7 >> 7 •• 7 Lockwood 2 ,, 2 ., 5 ,, 2 Macmillan 2 6 26 Bell each 3 6 Macmillan i 6 Low 3 o 60 10 6 10 6 4 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 o Longmans Lockwood Nutt Macmillan Stanford Blackie ALPHABETICAL LIST. 19 Hentv (G. a.) Dash for Khartoum Maori and Settler . . Under Drake's Flag. . Rujub the Juggler . . — — With Clive in India . . With Wolfe in Canada Hewitt (H. M.) and Beach (G.) Manual of ou Mother Tongue. 2 vols. Hewlett (G.) Post-Norman Britain — Early Britain Series HiGGiNsoN (T. W.) History of the United States Hogg (Jabez) The Microscope . . Hogg (R.) The Fruit Manual Hole (Dean S. R.) Book about Roses . . Holmes (O. W.) Autocrat of the Breakfast Table Poet at the Breakfast Table Professor at the Breakfast Table . . Homer's Iliad and Odyssey; translated by Pope 2 vols. Hood (Thomas) Poetical Works Hooker (Sir J. D.) Botany — Science Primers .. Student's Flora of the British Islands . . Hughes (T.) Tom Brown at Oxford Tom Brown's School Days. . Hugo (V.) Les Miserables Notre Dame . . HuLME (F. E ) Flower Painting in Water Colours . Hume (David) History of England— S^;((f^«r5 il/(n;//rt?. [Life of] . By Huxley — English Men of Letters. Hunt (W.) 'i^orxm.n-'Briia.m— Early Britain Series Hunter (Sir W. W.) Brief History of the Indian People Hunter-Duvar (J.) The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages Hutchinson (G. W. C.) Hints on Learning to Draw Hutchinson (H. G.) GoU— Badminton Library Hutchinson (N.) Story of the Hills .. Hu.XLEY (T. H.) Introductory Primer of Science Lessons in Elementary Physiolog}- Physiography ; an Introduction to the Study o Nature The Crayfish : an Introduction to the Study o Zoology . . Irving (Washington) The Sketch Book Jamieson (a.) Text-Book on Steam and Steam Engines Jefferies (Richard) Amateur Poacher Field and Hedgerow Gamekeeper at Home Life of the Fields The Open Air Toilers of the Field . . Blackie Allen 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 o each 2 6 S.P.C.K. j o Low 14 o Routledge 7 6 Journ'lofHort. 16 o Blackwood 3 6 Scott I 6 I 6 1 6 Bell each 5 Cassell 2 Macmillan I 10 i 6 6 ,, 3 6 Routledge 3 6 3 6 Cassell 5 Murray 7 6 Macmillan I 6 SP.C.K. - 6 Clarendon Pres 53 6 Sonnenschein 3 6 Macmillan 8 6 Longmans 10 6 Seeley 5 Macmillan I 6 o Paul s Cassell 2 Griffin 8 6 Smith, Elder .5 Longmans 3 6 Smith, Elder T Chatto 2 6 2 6 Longmans 6 ALPHABETICAL LIST. d. Johns (C. A.) British Birds in their Haunts . . Flowers of the Field Johnson (Dr. S.) Life of. By Boswell . . [Life of] . By Stephen — English Men of Letters. . Johnston (J. F. W.) Chemistry of Common Life Johnston (Keith) Physical and Descriptive Geo- graphy Jones (C.) Science and Practice of Photography Kane (E. K.) Arctic Explorations in Search of Sir John Franklin Kappel (A. W.) and Ktpby (W. E.) Beetles, Butter- flies, Moths, and other Insects Kearton (I-i.) Birds' Ne?ts, Eggs, and Egg-Collecting Keats (John) Poetical Works . . [Life of]. By Colvin — English Men of Letters .. Kimmins (C. W.) Chemistry of Life and Health Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen ; Travels in the East KiNGSLEY (Canon Charles) At Last! a Christmas in the West Indies . . Glaucus, the Wonders of the Shore Madam How and Lady Why Prose Idylls . . Sanitary and Social Lectures Scientific Lectures and Essays Tales and Novels : — Alton Locke Westward Ho ! Hereward the Wake Yeast Two Years Ago Letters, and Memories of his Life ; edited by his Wife Kingston (VV. H. G.) Great African Travellers edited bj' Low Kipling (R.) Plain Tales from the Hills KiRBY (W. F.) Elementary Text-Book of Entomology Knight (Charles) Half-Hours of History. 4 vols Knight (K. W ) Book of the Rabbit Lamb (Charles) Essays of "Elia" [Life of] . By Ainger- English Men of Letters Landon (J.) School Management Landor (W. S) [Life of]. By Colvin — English Men of Letters . . Lane-Poole (Stanley) Turkey — Story of the Nations Lang (Andrew) Blue Fairy Book Lawless (Emily) Ireland — Story of the Nations Lawrence (Lord) [Life of]. By Temple— ii;;o'//5/; il/t'« (/ A ction . . Layard (Sir A. H.) Nineveh and its Remains. Leitch (R. P.) Painting in Neutral Tint Sepia Painting Leland (C. G.) Wood Carving .. S.P.C.K. 6 ,, 6 Murray 12 Macmillan I 6 Blackwood 7 6 Stanford 6 Iliffe 2 6 Nelson 4 Cassell 3 6 5 Macmillan 2 6 I 6 Methuen 2 6 Blackwood 6 Macmillan 3 6 ,, 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 eac h 3 6 6 o Routledge 7 Macmillan 6 Sonnenschein 10 AV'arne Upcott Gill Routledge Macmillan Paul Macmillan Unwin Longmans Unwin 14 o 10 6 3 6 I 6 Macmillan Murray Cassell Whittaker AI.PHAIWCTICAL LIST. 21 Leslie (C. R.) Handbook for Young Painters Lever (Charles) Novels and Tales : — Arthur O'Leary Harry Lorrequer Charles O'Malley Jack Hinton Con Cregan Tom Burke. 2 vols. Fortunes of Glencore Lewes (V. B.) Air and Water — University Extension Series Inorganic Chemistry Liddell (Henry G.) History of Rome — Student Manuals . . Livingstone (David) and the Exploration of Central Africa. By Johnson Expedition to the Zambesi. . Missionary Travels . . Locke (John) [Life of]. By Fowler —English Men of Letters LocKYER (J. N.) Elementary Lessons in Astronomy . LoFTiE (W. J.) London — Historic Toivns Long (James) Book of the Pig . . Poultry for Prizes and Profit Longfellow (H. W.) Poetical Works.. Life of. By Robertson — Great Writers . . Lover (S.) Handy Andy . . Lubbock (Sir John) Ants, Bees, and Wasps . . The Pleasures of Life Prehistoric Times Lucas (C. P.) Historical Geography of the Bi'itish Colonies. 3 vols. LuKiN (James) On Turning Lathes " Lyall (Edna) " Novels and Tales : — Donovan We Two : Hardy Norseman " Donovan " In the Golden Days Won by Waiting Knight Errant Lyell (J. C.) Fancy Pigeons Lytton (Lord) Novels and Tales : — Eugene Aram Last of the Barons Harold Pelham Last Days of Pompeii The Caxtpns Macaulay (Lord) Critical and Historical Essays Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches History of England. 2 vols. Life of. By Trevelyan Macdonald (George) Alec Forbes of Howglen Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood David Elginbrod Sir Gibbie Marquis of Lossie Sequel to s. d. Murray 7 6 Routledge each 3 6 Methuen 2 6 Whittingham 3 6 Murray 7 6 PhiHp 4 6 Murray 7 6 ■• 7 6 Macmillan I 6 ,, 5 6 Longmans 3 6 Upcott Gill 10 6 ,, 2 6 Routledge 3 6 Scott I 6 Routledge 2 Paul 5 Macmillan 2 6 Norgate 18 Clarendon Pre; >s each 5 Upcott Gill 3 Hurst each 6 Upcott Gill 10 6 Routledge each 3 6 Longmans 2 6 • • 1 > 2 6 ,, each 2 6 ,, 2 6 . . Hurst 5 . . Paul 3 6 . . Hurst 5 5 . . Paul 3 6 AEPHABETICAL LIST. Rob of the Mr. Midshipman Easy Newton Forster Rattlin the Reefer The Kinsr's Own Lady Alice The Old Gateway Under the Mendips Macdonald (George) The Sea-Board Parish Macgregor (John) Thousand Miles in the Roy " Canoe Maclaren (A.) System of Physical Education Mahaffy (J. P.) Alexander's Empire — Story Nations Malleson (Col. G. B.) History of the Indian Mutiny Manley (J. J.) Notes on Game and Game Shooting Marryat (Capt. F.) Tales: Frank Mildmay Jacob Faithful Japhet in Search of a Father Masterman Ready Marshall (Emma) Tales:— Eastward Ho ! In Colston's Pays In the East Country May (W. J.) Greenhouse ^Management for Amateurs. . May (W. W.) Marine Painting Melbourne (Lord) [Life of]. By Dunckley — Queen's Prime Ministers . . Mendelssohn (F.) [Life of]. By Rockstro — G/ra/ Musicians . . Meredith (George) Beauchamp's Career Evan Harrington Ordeal of Richard Feverel . . The Egoist . . Meyer (F. S.) Handbook of Ornament ; edited by Stannus .. Miles (A. H.) Standard Elocutionist .. Mill (John Stuart) Logic Political Economy . . Life of. By Courtney — Great IVriters Milton (John) Poetical Works . . Life of. By Garnett— Grt'a/ Writers Mitford (M. R.) Our Village. 2 vols. Molesworth (Mrs.) Tales : — Little Miss Peggy Tell me a Story Rosy The Girls and 1 Molesworth (W. N.) History of England, a.u. 1830-74 Monk (George) [Life of] . By Corhett— English Men of Action Montrose (Marquis of) [Life of] . By Morris— English Men of A ction More (Sir Thomas) Utopia Morfill (W. R.) Russia— S/orv of tlie Nations Morley (H ) English Literature in the Reign of Victoria . . First Sketch of English Literature Paul s d. 3 6 Low 2 6 ClarendonPress 7 6 Unwin 5 o Seeley 5 o Upcott Gill 7 6 Routledge each 2 o Seeley each 5 o Upcott Gill 5 o Cassell 5 o Low 3 ,, 3 Chapman 3 6 3 6 ,, 3 6 •• 3 6 Batsford 12 6 Hutchinson 3 6 Longmans 3 6 ,, 5 Scott I 6 Macmillan 3 6 Scott I 6 Bell each 3 6 Macmillan each 2 6 Chapman 3 6 Macmillan 2 6 ClarendonPress 3 6 Unwin 5 o Tauchnitz 2 6 Cassell 7 6 ALPHABICTICAI. LIST. 23 Morris (D. M.) Book of Health Motley (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic . . Mozart (W. A.) [Life of]. By Gehring — Gm;^ Musicians . . MuiR (J.) Manual of Dairy Work Mulock (D. M.) Agatha's Husband Brave Lady . . Hannah Head of the Family. . John Halifax, Gentleman Noble Life Olive The Ogilvies . . Young Mrs. Jardine . . Naftel (M.) Flowers, and how to paint them Napier (Sir C.) [Life of ] . By Butler— £;;^//s/( Men of Action Napoleon L, Short History of. By Seeley Nasmyth (James) Autobiography of ; edited by Smiles Needham (J.) Studies of Trees. 2 vols. Neison (A.) Kemp (D.) and Davies (G. C.) Boat Building and Sailing Nelson (Admiral Lord) Life of. By Southey . . Newsholme (A.) and Scott (M. E.) Domestic Economy, the Laws of Health in their Appli- cation to Home Life and Worli Nicholson (H.A.) Ancient Life-History of the Earth Non-Christian Philosophies of the Age. Non-Christian Religions . . Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) Jerusalem, its History and Hope Makers of Florence . . Makers of Venice Novels and Tales : — Curate in Charge . . Hester Kirsteen Railway Man and his Children . Son of the Soil Young Musgrave . . Oliver (J.) Milk, Cheese, and Butter Ormerod (Miss E.) Manual of Remedies and Means of Prevention for the Attacks of Insects on Food Crops, Forest Trees, and Fruit Outdoor Games and Recreations for Boys Paley (Archdeacon) W.) Evidences of Christianity . . Palgrave (W. G.) Central and Eastern Arabia Palmerston (Lord) [Life of] . By the Marquis of Lome — Prime Ministers Series . . Pakkes (E.) Manual of Practical H\g!ene Cassell Routledge s. 21 3 d. 6 Low Macmillan Hurst 3 I 3 5 6 Macmillan Hurst 5 3 5 6 Macmillan Hurst Cassell 5 3 3 5 .5 5 6 Macmillan Seeley Murray Blackie each 2 5 6 5 6 Upcott Gill 7 G Routledge 3 6 Sonnenschein 3 6 Blackwood 10 6 R.T.S. 3 6 •' 3 6 Macmillan 10 6 10 6 10 6 2 3 6 3 6 3 6 2 2 Lock wood 7 6 Simpkin 5 R.T.S. 8 ,, 4 6 Macmillan 6 Low 3 (5 Churchill 18 24 AI.l'HAUKTlC.M, LIST. S. d. Pakkes (L. C.) Elements of Health . . . . . . Churchill 3 6 Payn (James) Novels : — . . . . . . . . (2hatto each 3 6 By Proxy Fallen Fortunes Canon's Ward Lost Sir Massingberd For Cash Only What he cost her Peel (Sir Robert) [Life of ] . By Thnrsfield— English Statesmen . . . . . . . . ■ ■ . . Macmillan 2 6 Pepys (Samuel) Diary of . . . . . . . . Gibbings 7 6 Peterborough (Earl of) [Life of]. By Stebbing — English Men of Action. .. .. .. .. Macmillan 2 6 Perry (G. G.) English Church History for Students. 3 vols. . . . . . = . . . . . . Murray each 7 6 Peters (C.) Home Handicrafts. . .. .. .. R.T.S. 2 6 Pitt (William) [Life of] . By the Earl of Rosebery — English Statesmen . . . . . . . . Macmillan 2 6 Pollock (H. W., and others) Fencing, Boxing, and Wrestling — Badminton Library . . . . Longmans 10 6 Pope (Alexander) [Life of]. By Stephen— English Men of Letters .. .. .. .. .. Macmillan 10 6 Prescott (W. H.) Conquest of Mexico .. .. Sonnenschein 4 o Conquest of Peru .. .. .. .. .. ,, 40 Proctor (R. A.) Light Science for Leisure Hours. 3 vols. . . . . . . . . . . • . Longmans each 5 o Nature Studies ,, 36 New Star Atlas ,, 50 Purcell (Henry) [Life of]. By Cummings — Great Musicians .. . . . . .. . . . . Low 3 o Ragozin (Z. A.) Assyria, Chaldea, and Media — Story of the Nations. 3 vols. .. .. .. .. Unuin each 5 o Ramsay (E. B ) Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character Douglas 2 o Rawlinson (George) Ancient Egypt — Story of the Nations Unwin 5 o Rayson (C.) Rabbits for Prizes and Profit . . . . Upcott Gill 2 6 Reade (Charles) Novels : — Chatto each 3 6 Cloister and the It is Never too late to Hearth Mend Foul Play Put Yourself in his Place Hard Cash Reed (Talbot B.) Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch Fifth Form at St. Dominic's Sir Ludar Reid (Capt. Mayne) Headless Horseman The Death Shot Remsen (Ira) Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. Rhys (J.) Celtic— Early Britain Series. . Ritter (F. L ) Student's History of Music . . Robertson (Frederick W.) Sermons. 4 vols. "Rodney (Admiral G. B.) [Life of]. By Hannay — English Men of Action .. .. .. .. Macmillan R.T.S. 3 6 3 3 Routledge 2 6 6 2 Macmillan each 6 6 S.P.C.K. 3 Reeves 7 6 Paul each 3 6 a!.piiahI':ticai. list 25 Rossini and his School, l^y Edwards. Great Musicians Low RusKiN (John) "A Joy for Ever": the Political Economy of Art . . . . . . . . . . Allen Crown of Wild Olive : Lectures on Industry and War Elements of Drawing . . . . . . ,, Ethics of the Dust : Lectures on Crystallization ,, Frondes Agrestes : Readings in " Modern Painters".. Modern Painters : [text of vol. ii.] 2 vols. . . ,, Munera Pulveris : Essays on the Elements of Political Economy .. ,, .. .. ,, Queen of the Air ; the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm Sesame and Lilies .. Seven Lamps of Architecture The Eagle's Nest ; Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art . . The Two Paths : Art and its Application to Decoration and Manufacture . . . . . , ,, Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne : Letters on the Laws of Work .. .. .. .. ,, " Unto this Last" : Essays in Political Economy ,, Russell (Earl) [Life of]. By Reid— Prime Ministers Series . . . . . . . . . . . . Low Russell (W. C.) John Holdsworth, Chief Mate Sailor's Sweetheart .. .. .. .. .. ,, The Wreck of the " Grosvenor " . . . . . . ,, Salisbury (Marquis of ) [Life of]. By Truill— Prime Ministers Series .. .. .. .. .. ,, Saunders (H.) Manual of British Birds . . . . Gurney ScARTH (H. M.) Roman Britain — Early Britain Scries S P.C.K. Schubert (Franz) [Life of] . By Frost— Great Musicians Low- Schumann (Robert) [Life of]. By]3.nd- Great Musicians .. .. ,. .. .. .. ,, 30 Scott (John) Farm Engineering .. .. .. Lockwood 12 o Scott (Sir Walter) Novels : — .. .. .. Black each 2 6 Abbot ; a Sequel to Legend of Montrose ; 5 o 5 o 7 6 5 o 3 21 2 3 and the Black Dwarf Monastery Old Mortality Peveril of the Peak Pirate Quentin Durward "The Monastery" Anne of Geierstein Antiquary Betrothed- and Chronicles of Canongate Bride of Lammermoor Redgauntlet Count Robert of Paris Rob Roy Fair Maid of Perth St. Ronan's Well Fortunes of Nigel Surgeon's Daughter; and Guy Mannering Castle Dangerous Heart of Mid- Lothian Talisman 26 AI.I'HAP.KTICAL LIST. Scott (Sir Walter) Novels (continued) :— Ivanhoe Waverley Kenilworth Woodstock Poetical Works Life of. By Lockhart Shakespeare (William) Works Shaw (C. W.) Market and Kitchen Gardening— . Wcalc's Series Shearman (M.) Athletics and ¥ooihB.\\— Badminton Library Sheldon (J. P.) The Farm and the Dairy Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Poetical Works . . [Life of ] . By Symonds — English Men of Letters Sheridan (R. B.) [Life of]. By Oliphant— £:/;°'//s/( Men of Letters Sidney (Sir P.) [Life of] . By Symond?.— English Men of Letters . . Sinclair (A.) and Henry (W.) Swimming— Badminton Library Smedley (F. E.) Frank Fairlegh Smiles (Dr. S.) Industrial Biography : Iron-workers and Tool-makers Lives of the Engineers. 5 vols Men of Invention and Industry Self Help Smith (Adam) Wealth of Nations Life of. By Haidane— Great Writers Smith (Barnard) Arithmetic for Schools Smith (G. A.) Historical Geography of the Holy Land Smith (J. H.) Elements of Geometry [Euclid] Smith (Philip) History of the Christian Church — Student's Manuals. 2 vols New Testament HistorySiudent's Manuals Smith (Sir W.) Old Testament History — Student's Manuals Smollett (T. B.) Life of. By Hannay— Gr^a^ Writers Southey (Robert) Life of. By Dowden — English Men of Letters . . Southward (J.) Practical Printing Spencer (C. C.) Text-Book of Music— fFra/f's Series Spencer (Herbert) Education Study of Sociology Spenser (Edmund) Poetical Works [Life of ] . By Church— English Men of Letters . . Spon's Household Manual Mechanic's Own Book Workshop Receipts. 5 vols Spurgeon (C. H.) John Ploughman's Talk . . Stanley (H. M.) How I found Livingstone .. Black each 2 6 Black Macmillan Lockwood Longmans Bell Macmillan Longmans Routledge Murray 3 6 6 o 3 6 3 6 10 6 2 e 7 6 I 6 I 6 1 6 10 6 2 6 Nelson Scott Macmillan Hodder Longmans Murray Scott Macmillan Powell Lockwood Williams & Norgate Paul Macmillan 6 each 7 6 6 4 Spon 7 6 each 5 Passmore 2 Low 3 4 t) 15 o 3 6 7 6 7 6 I 6 ALPHABirnc AT. LIST. Stanley (H. M.) Through the Dark Continent [Africa] Steel (A. G.) and Lyttleton (R. H.) Cricket — Badminton Library Sterne (L.) [Life of] . By Traill— E^^-Z/sA Men of Letters Steven'son (R. Louis) Catriona : a Sequel to "Kidnapped" Kidnapped — — Master of Ballantrae Treasure Island Stonemason and Bricklayer : a Practical Handbook.. Stowe (H. B.) Uncle Tom's Cabin Strafford (Lord) [Life of] . By TraiU-English Men of Action Suffolk (Earl of, and others) Racing and Steeple- chasing — Badminton Library Sweet (H.) Historical English Grammar Swift (Dean J.) Gulliver's Travels [Life of ] . By Stephen— £:«^//s/; Men of Letters . . Tavler (F.) Studies in Animal Painting Thackeray (W. M.) Novels and Tales, etc. : — Adventures of PhiHp History of Pendennis Book of Snobs, etc. Catherine, Lovel, the Widower, etc. Christmas Books Henry Esmond, and Barry Lyndon Life of. [By TroUope ] — English Men of Letters Thompson (S. P.) Electricity and Magnetism Thomson (D.) Fruit Culture under Glass Thomson (J. A.) Study of Animal Life — University Extension Manual Tennyson (Lord) Poetical Works Times (John) Abbeys and Castles of England and Wales. 3 vols. . . Romance of London. 2 vols. Travel, Adventure, and Sport, from "Blackwood's Magazine." 6 vols. Tredgold (T.) Carpentery and Joinery ; edited by Hurst Tkollope (Anthony) Barchester Towers Dr. Thorne . . Framley Parsonage Orley Farm . . Small House at Allington The Warden " Twain (Mark) " Tales : — Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer Innocents Abroad Tramp Abroad Life on the Mississippi Paris, and Irish Sketch Books The Newcomes The Virginians Vanity Fair Low Longmans Macmillan Cassell Ward, Lock Routledge Macmillan 27 s. d. 3 6 10 6 1 6 6 o 3 6 3 6 3 6 5 o 2 o 2 6 Longmans 10 ClarendonPress 4 Routledge 2 Macmillan i Cassell 5 Smith, Elder each 3 Macmillan 1 6 4 6 Blackwood 7 6 Murray 5 o Macmillan 7 6 Warne each 6 o each 2 o Blackwood each 2 6 Spon 12 6 Longmans I 6 Ward, Lock 2 6 Smith, Elder 2 6 Ward, Lock 2 G ,, 4 6 Longmans 2 6 Chatto each 7 6 28 ALFHA]5K TICAI. LIST. TvNDALL (John) Fragments of Science. 2 vols. Victoria (H. M. Queen) Journal of our Life in the Highlands. 2 vols. Vilmorin-Andrieux (MM.) The Vegetable Garden . . Wagner (Richard) [Life of]. By Hueffer — Great Musicians . . Walker (D.) Manly Exercises . . Wallace (A R.) The Malay Archipelago Travels on the Amazon Wallace (R. L.) British Cage Birds . . Wallace (Robert) Farm Live Stock . . Walpole (Sir R.) [Life of]. By Morley— £:«^//s./t Statesmen . . .. . . . . . . . . Macmillan Walsh (J. H., "Stunehenge") British Rural Sports . . The Dog, in Health and Disease . . The Horse, in the Stable and the Field . . Walton (Izaak) Complete Angler Walsingham (Lord, and others) Shooting — Badminton Library. 2 vols. . . Ward (H. M.) The Oak; an Introduction to Forest Botany Diseases of Plants . . Ward (T. H.) The English Poets : Selections, etc. 4 vols. Warner (S. and A.) Tales : — .. Daisy Old Helmet Golden Ladder Quecchy Melbourne House Wide, Widt World Warwick (Earl of) [Life of] . By Oman — English Men of Action . . . . . . . . . . . . Macmillan 2 6 Webb (T. W.) Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. 2 vols. .. .. .. .. Longmans 12 6 Weber (Carl M. von) [Life of]. By Benedict — Great Musicians . . . . . . . . . . . . Law 3 o Weir (R., and others) Riding and Polo — Badminton Library .. .. •• •• •• •• Longmans 10 6 WelUngton (Duke of) [Life of]. By Hooper— ii«o'//i7; Men 0/ Action .. .. .. .. .. Macmillan 2 6 White (G.) Natural History, and Antiquities of Selborne .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, 60 Whvte-Mel\'ille (G. J.) Brooks of Bridlemere . . Ward, Lock 2 6 Cerise.. .. .. .. .. .. •• ,, 26 Digby Grand . . . . . . . . Longmans i 6 Kate Coventry . . . . . . . . . . ,, 16 . Queen's Maries .. .. .. .. .. ,, 16 Sarchedon Ward, Lock 2 6 William the Conqueror [Life of]. By Freeman— English Statesmen . . . . . . . . . . Macmillan 2 6 s. d. Longmans each S Smith, Elder each 2 6 Murray 15 Low 3 Bell 5 Macmillan 6 Ward, Lock 2 Upcott Gill 10 6 Lockwood 12 6 Macmillan 2 6 Warne 21 Longmans 7 6 Routledge 12 6 Macmillan 3 G Longmans each 10 6 Paul 2 6 S.P.C.K. 3 6 Macmillan each 7 6 Nisbet each 3 6 ALPHABETICAL LIST. 29 William III. [Life of]. By Traill — English Statesmen Wolsey (Cardinal) [Life ofj . By Creighton — Eiii^lish Statesmen . . Wood (C ) Handbook of Nursing Wood (Mrs. Henrv) Novels and Tales : — Macmillan 2 G Mrs. Haliburton's Trou- bles Pomeroy Abbey Roland Yorke The Channings ■ale Bessy Rane Court Netherleigh East Lynne George Canterbury's Will Wood (J. G.) Common Objects of the Country Field Naturalist's Handbook Handy Natural History- Petland Revisited Strange Dwellings . . Wood (S.) The Tree Planter and Pruner WooDGATE (W. B.) Boating — Badminton Library Woodman (J. M.) Bookkeeping for Farmers — II Series WoRBOi.SE (Emm.-\ J.\ne) Novels and Tales : — Esther W3'nne Nobly Born Grey and Gold Story of Penelope Cyril Denham W^oman's Patience Wordsworth (William) Poetical Works [Life of] . By Myers -English Men of Letters . Wright (C R. A.) The Threshold of Science Wright (T.) The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon . Wright (Lewis) Poultry Keeper Pigeon Keeper Yoxge (Ch.\rlotte) Cameos from English History 7 vols. Novels and Tales ; — Caged Lion Chaplet of Pearls Clever Woman of the Family Daisy Chain Dove in the Eagle's Nest Pioneers and Founders : Recent Workers in the Mission Field Youatt (W.) Complete Grazier ; edited by Fream . . Young (F. C.) Every Man his own Mechanic Love and Life Stray Pearls The Trial : a sequel to " Daisy Chain " Young Stepmother 26 Cassell 2 o Bentley each 3 6 Routledge 3 6 Cassell 2 6 R.T.S. 8 Longmans 3 G ,, 3 6 Lockwood 3 6 Longmans 10 6 Lockwood 2 6 Clarke each 3 6 . Macmillan 7 6 • »t I 6 . Griffin 7 G Triibner 9 Cassell 3 6 • 3 6 . Macmillan each 5 each 3 6 Macmillan 6 o Lockwood 31 6 Ward, Lock 7 6 30 Subject Catalogue of the Books in the previous List, arranged in Glasses. N.B.- — It lias not Iwiii tlioiif^ht necessary to repeat the names of the piibtishei's, or to i'.nhide the Fiction, as botli may readily he seen in the Author List. Agriculture. See Farming. Algebra. Sre Mathematics. Angling. See Sports and Pastimes. Animals. See Domestic Animals ; and Natural History. Antiquities. Ely (T.) Manual of Archjeology HuNTER-Du\AK (J.) The Stone, Bronze, and Iron .Vges Lubbock (Sir John) Pre-historic Times AN'right (T.) The Celt, the Roman, and the Sa.xon Arithmetic. See Mathematics. Art : Drawing, Fine Art, Painting, etc Collier (John) Oil Painting . . DuN'CAX (E.) British Landscape and Coast Scenery Ellis (T.) Sketching from Nature HuLME (F. E.) Flower Painting in Water Colours. Hutchinson (G. W. C.) Hints on Learning to Drav Leitch (R. p.) Painting in Neutral Tint Sepia Painting Leslie (C. R.) Handbook for Young Painters May (W. W.) Marine Painting Meyer (F. S.) Handbook of Ornament ; edited by Stannus Naftel (M.) Flowers and how to Paint Them Needham (J.) Studies of Trees. 2 vols. Peters (C.) Home Handicrafts RusKiN (John) " A Joy for Ever " : the Political Economy of Art ■ Elements of Drawing Ethics of the Dust : Lectures on Crystallization Frondes Agrestes : Readings in " Modern Painters " Modern Painters. 2 vols. Queen of the Air : the Greek Mi,ths of Cloud and Storm — — Seven Lamps of Architecture The Eagle's Nest ; Lectures on the relation of Natural Science to Art . . each 3 6 18 o 5 3 5 S 3 3 7 5 12 5 5 SUBJFXT CATALOGUE. Art. — {Continued) . HrsKiN (John) The Two Paths: Art and its application to Decoration and ]VIanufacture Tavler (F.) Studies in Animal Painting Astronomy. See also Works entered under ".Science." Ball (Sir R. S.) Star-Land Storv of the Heavens GiBERNE (Agnes) Radiant Suns Sun, Moon, and Stars LocKYER (J. N.) Elementary Lessons in Astronomy Proctor (R. A.) New Star Atlas Webb (T. W.) Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. 2 vols. Athletics. See Sports and Pastimes. Bee-Kceping. See Farming. Bees. See Natural History. Biography. Brewster (Sir Dan'id) Mart\rs of Science .. Bronte (Charlotte) Life of. ]^y Gaskell Burns (Robert) Life of. I^y Lockhart Byron (Lord) Life, Letters, and Journals of. By Moore . . Carlvle (Thomas) Heroes, and Hero-Worship Cobden (Richard) Life of By Morley Columbus (Christopher) Life of. By Markham CKO\rwEi,i. (Oi.i\er) Letters and Speeches of. I^y Carlyle. 3 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each Cunningham (Allan) Lives of the most eminent British Painters. 3 vols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each Darwin (Charles) Ufe and Letters of; edited by hi^ Son.. Dickens (Charles) Life of. By Forster. 2 vols. . . . . each Edward (Thomas, the Scotch Naturalist) Life of. By Smiles . . 31 d. English Men of Action Series : — Clive Hastings Clyde Havelock Cook Henry V. Dampier Lawrence Drake Monk Gordon Montrose English Men of Letters ; edited by Morley Addison Bacon Bentley Banyan Burke Chaucer Coleridge Cowper De Foe De Quincey Dickens Dryden Fielding Gibbon Gray Hawthorne Hume Johnson Keats Lamb Lander Locke Napier Peterborough Rodney Strafford Warwick Wellington Pope Shelley Sheridan Sidney Sou they Spenser Sterne Swift Thackeray Wordsworth each each I 6 32 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. Henry VII. William I. Peel William III. Pitt Wolsey Walpole d the North-West Passage. By Markham 4 6 3 ; edited by Hueffer . each 3 Mendelssohn Schubert Mozart Schumann Purcell Wagner Rossini Weber edited by Robertson ; each I 6 Emerson Milton Goldsmith Scott Longfellow- Smith Mill' Smollett Biography. — {Ccntinved). s. d. English Statesmen Series : — . . . . . . . . . . each 2 6 Cromwell Edward I. Elizabeth Henry II. Bach Beethoven Cherubini Handel Haydn Great Writers Series Austen Browning Carlyle Crabbe "Eliot" Johnson (Dr. S.) Life of. By Boswell Kingsley (Charles) Letters of; edited by his Wife . Macaulay (Lord) Life of. B}- Trevelyan Napoleon I., Short History of. By Seeley .. Nasmvth (JA^rEs) Autobiography of ; edited by Smiles .. ..Go Nelson (Admiral Lord) Life of. By Southey . . . . ..36 Pepys (Samuel) Diary . . . . . . . . . . . . ..76 Prime Ministers Series: — .. .. .. .. .. each 3 Beaconsfield Melbourne Russell Derby Palmerston Salisbury Gladstone Ramsay (E. B.) Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character .. 20 Smiles (Dr. S.) Industrial Biography : Iron-Workers and Tool- Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..60 Lives of the Engineers. 5 vols. . . . . . . each 7 6 Men of Invention and Industry . . . . . . . ..60 Self Help " 60 Victoria (Queen) Journal of our Life in the Highlands. 2 vols. each 2 6 YoNGE (C. M.) Pioneers and Founders; recent workers in the Mission Field . . . . . . . . . . . . ..60 Birds. See Natural History. [N.B. — For Cage-Birds see Domestic Animals.] Book-keeping. Carter's Practical Book-keeping .. .. .. .. ..8 6 Hamilton (Sir R. G. C.) and Ball (J.) Book-keeping . . . . 20 Woodman (J. M.) Book-keeping for Farmers — Weale's Series . 2 G Botany. [See also Books entered under " Gardening." ] CooKE (M. C.) Fungi — International Scientific Series. . .. ..50 Heath (F. G.) The Fern World . . . . . . . . ..60 Henslow (G.) Botany for Beginners . . . . . . . . ..26 Hooker (Sir J. D.) Student's Flora of the British Islands ..10 6 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. 33 Bot&ny. — (Continued) . Hooker (Sir J- D ) Botany — Science Primers . . Johns (C. A.) Flowers of the Field .. Ward (H. M.) Diseases of Plants The Oak : an Introduction to Forest Botany . . Building. See Industrial Arts. Butterflies. Sec Natural History. Cabinet-making. See Industrial Arts. Cage-Birds. Sec Domestic Animals. Carpentry. See Industrial Arts. Carving. See Wood-Carving. Chemistry. Faraday (M.) Chemical History of a Candle Johnson (J. F. W.) Chemistry of Common Life KiMMiNs (C. W.) Chemistry of Life and Health Lewes (V. B.) Air and Water — University Extension Series Inorganic Chemistry Remsen (Ira) Elements of Chemistry. 2 vols. . . . . each Chess. See Sports and Pastimes. Church History. Farrar (Dean F. W.) Early Days of Christianity . . Perry (G. G.) English Church History for Students. 3 vols, each Smith (Philip) History of the Christian Church — Student's Manuals. 2 vols. New Testament History — Student's Manuals . . Smith (Sir William) Old Testament History -Student's Manuals Cookery. Sec Domestic Economy. Dairy. See Farming. Dogs. Sec Domestic Animals. Domestic Animals: Birds, Dogs, Horses, Poultry, Rabbits, etc. \_See also Works entered under " Farming." J Beale (S.) Profitable Poultry-keeping Dalziel (Hugh) British Dogs. 3 vols. . . . . . . each 10 On the Breaking and Training of Dogs Knight (K. W.) Book of the Rabbit Long (James) Poultry for Prizes and Profit. . Lyell (J. C.) Fancy Pigeons . . Rayson (C.) Rabbits for Prizes and Profit . . Wallace (R. L.) British Cage Birds. . Walsh (J. H.) The Dog in Health and Disease The Horse in the Stable and the Field . . Wright (Lewis) Poultry Keeper Pigeon Keeper Domestic Economy: Cookery, Dressmaking, the House, etc Beeton (Mrs.) Book of Household Management BucKTON (C. M.) Food, and Home Cookery Cassell's Book of the Household. 4 vols. . . . . . . each Cassell's Domestic Dictionary . . Davis (J. E.) Elements of modern Dressmaking Grenfell (Mrs. H.) Dressmaking Spon's Household Manual Wood (C.) Handbook of Nursing 6 o 3 6 7 34 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. each Drama. Ste Poetry and the Drama. Drawing. Sec Art. Dressmaking. Sec Domestic Economy. Ecclesiastical History. 5a Church History. Education. Cassell's New Popular Educator.