z 1037 , ' BANCROFT LIBRARY '* v '* *'*'* *'*:: 5T OK HOOK FOR ^r\ ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, JUKE 2 5 t l-i , 1887. Nil Requisitions will be Drawn by the Superin- tendents for Books not in this .List. my be procured from local dealers, who allow S\>: ;>;*:* *;*v OK BOOKS o~^u ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, JUNE 2otti, 1887. No Requisitions will be Drawn by the Superin- tendents for Books not in this List. These Books may be procured from local dealers, who allow liberal discounts. WOODLAND: MAIL STKAM I'O.'.F.U 1'UINT. 1887. X LIST OK BOOKS For School Libraries, adopted by the Board of Education, June 25, 1887. Bancroft Library No requisitions will be drawn by the Superintendents for Books not in this List. These Books may be procured from local dealers, who allow liberal discounts. LITERATURE. 1 25 Addison's Complete Works, 6 vols. .$7 50 Allibone's Authors of all Ages. . 3 03 American Literature 1607-1885 2 50 American Prose. Selections Haw- thorne, Irving, Longfellow, Whitti- er, Holmes, Lowell and Emerson Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients. New Edition Bacon's Essays, Standard Edition. . Bacon and Locke's Essays Baldwin's The Book-Lover Ballou's Pearls of Thought " Treasury of Thought Ballou's Edge Tools of Speech, new. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Bartlett's Shakespeare Phrase Book . Bayne's Lessons from My Masters ; Carlyle, Tennyson and Raskin . . . Bent's Short Sayings of Great Men. Bohn's Dictionary of Quotations from the Posts Botta's Hand-Book of Universal Lit- erature Buhver's Caxtoniana: Life, Litera- ture, etc 1 75 " Miscellaneous Prose Works 3 50 l zo 1 25 4 00 3 50 3 00 3 00 1 75 3 00 2 50 2 00 Burke's Complete Works, 3 vols... .$6 00 Classic Saries Handy Edition : Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefleld rLay of the Last Minstrel, > Scott's {Mannion. Inlvol (Lady of the Lake. De Foe's Robinson Crusoe, St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia, Southey's Life of Neilson, Voltaire's Charles the Twelfth, Maria Edgeworth's Classic Tales, Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, Buuyau's Pilgrim,s Progress, Clafsic Heroic Ballads, Barbauld's Classic Tales, Taylor's Classic Tales, 12 vols., each 1 00 Collier's English Literature . . Crabb's English Synonyms, . . Cumnock's Choice Readings. . . De Quincey's Select W T orks : Confessions of an Opium Eater, Autobiographic Sketches, Literary Criticism. De Quincey's Select Works : Biographical and Historical Essays, Essays in Philosophy, Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, Romance and Extravagances. 12mo, cloth, each, 1 50 1 75 1 25 1 50 t LIST OF BOOKS Wood, J. G. Homes Without Hands $4 50 Wood's Illustrated Natural History. 1.00 World's Lumber Room. Illus- trated 1 50 The Wonders of Science- Wonders of Heat Wonders of the Heavens Wonders of Optics The Sun Wonders of Acoustics Wonders of Water Wonders of the Moon Wonders of Electricity The Wonders of Art and Archaeology Egypt 3,300 Years Ago Wonders of Glass Making Wonders of Architecture Wonders of Italian Art Wonders of Sculpture Wonders of European Art Pompeii and the Pompeiiaus Wonders of Engraving 24 volumes. Sold separately, each $1 00 Ingersoll's Country Cousins. Illus- trated 2 05 Ingersoll's Friends AVorth Know- ing 1 00 Instructive Reader, The. Treating of Botany, Zoology, Astronomy, Geology, Vegetable Life, Miner- als, etc 1 25 Kingsley's Glaucus. The Wonders of the Seashore. Colored plates .. 1 75 Lockyer's Lessons in Astronomy, net 1 25 Lothrop's Library of Wonders Humboldt's Cosmos, in 2 vols 3 00 Vestiges of Creation 75 POKTR Y. American Poems. Representative Poems selected from Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes, Low- ell and Emerson. With Biograph- ical Sketches and Notes $1 25 Bret Harte's Poems 1 00 Browning, Mrs 1 25 Browning, Robt. Selections 1 25 Bryant 2 00 Burns 1 25 Byron 1 25 Campbell 1 25 Gary's Poetical Works. (Alice and Ph(ebe) complete 2 00 Chaucer 1 25 Cowper 1 25 Dryden 1 25 Elliott 1 25 Famous Poems 1 25 Favorite Poems 1 25 Goldsmith 1 25 Gray and Colling 1 25 Hemans, Mrs 1 25 Holland, John G., Poetical Works. 8 vols 3 50 Holland's Bitter Sweet 1 25 Holland's Kathrina 1 -") Holland's Mistress of the Manse $1 25 Holland's Puritan's Guest, etc 1 25 Hood : ... 1 25 Ingelow's Poems 1 25 Kirke, White 1 25 L. E. L. (Miss Landon) 1 25 Longfellow 1 00 Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn 1 00 Longfellow's Hiawatha 1 00 Longfellow's In the Harbor 1 00 Lytton's Poems 1 25 Meredith 1 25 Meredith's Lucile 1 00 Miller, Joaquin, Songs of Italy 1 25 Miller's Songs of the Sierras I 59 Miller's Songs of Sun Lands 1 50 Miller's Ship in the Desert 1 50 Miller's Poems Complete 2 00 ( Milton 1 25 I Milton's Paradise Lost. . 1 00 I Moore 1 25 | Moore's Lallah Rookh. . 1 00 Mother Goose for Grown Folks. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney 1 50 iPoe 1 25 i Poetry of Flowers 1 25 FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Pope $1 25 Thompson $1 25 Saxe 1 00 Tfiousaii vols 2 50 Bonner's Child's History of Rome. 2 vols 2 50 Banner's Child's History of United States. 3 vols 3 75 Buckley's Great Cities of the An- cient World . . 1 25 California, Popular History of. By Lucia "Norman. Second Edition 1 00 A i Camp | Camp Fires of Napoleon $1 : 5 Fires of the Revolution. New Edition 1 50 Campaigns of ths Civil War in America. The Army I. The Outbreak of the Rebellion II. From Fort Henry to Cor. nth III. The Peninsula IV. Tae Avmy Under Pope V. Antietam nnd Fiedricksburg VI. Gettysburg VII. ^rmyofthe Cumberland VIII. The Mississippi IX. Atl.inla X. The March to the Sea X I. Tf," S ifi.iiniuah Yalluy ' XII. (i.aiit in Virginia XIII; Statistical Record of Armies of the United States. 13 vols., each . . 1 00 Campaigns of the Civil War. The y I. The Blockade and- the Cruiseis II. T'nc Atlantic Co;:st III. The Gulf and the Inland Waters 3 vols., each 1 00 FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 9 Collier's (iivat Fvents of I listory. . . Copper's Conquest of Spain. l>y the Arab-Moors. L' vols ......... Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World ...................... Daring Deeds of American Heroes. . 26 00 00 26 50 00 76 50 50 00 50 DeToccineville's French Revolution.. 1 Dickens' Child's I listory of Filmland 1 Same, School Fdition, net ....... Douglass' History of China, the "Walled Kingdom." Illustrated . 1 Drake, The Making of Xe\\ Eng- land ............. 1 Dyer's History of Pompeii. Engrav- ings and Map .................. 3 Griffin, Mexico of To-day .......... 1 Griffin's Corea, the Hermit Nation. Octavo ........... ' ............... 2 50 Ancient History The Greeks and Persians The Early Empire The Athenian Empire The Roman Triumvirate* The Age of the Anton ines Early Rome The Macedonian Empire Gracchi, Marius and Sulla Rome and Carthage Troy The Spartan and Theban Supremacies 11 vols., each ................... 1 00 Modern History The Era of the Protestant Revolution The Crusades Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 The Houses of Lancaster and York Edward the Third The Age of Elizabeth The Fall of the Stuart* and Western Eu- rope. 1678-1697 The Epoch of Reform. iH30-l8r><) The First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution. 1603-1660 The War of American Indpendence. The Early Plautagonets, The Age of Anne. The Normans in Europe. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War. The French Revolution. 17s7-ixir> - The Beginning of the Middle Age* The Eaily Hanoverians 17 vols., each . 1 00 Fras and Characters of History. . . $1 50 Florian's Moors in Spain 75 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 17th edition. Cloth 5 00 Help's Spanish Conquest in Amer- ica. 4 vols (i 00 Her Majesty's Tower. A History of the Tower of London. By W. Hep- worth Dixon. 2 vols., illustrated . :! 5(1 Lee, Rev. Alfred. Fventful Nights in Bible History 1 50 Kirkland's Short History of France, for Young People 1 50 Library of Entertaining History Feudge's History of Inia Mackenzie's History of Switzerland Clement's History of Egypt Harrison's History of Spain 4 vols., each 1 50 Lowell's Hessians in the Revolu- tion 1 50 Macauley's History of England. 5 vols. Cloth 3 50 Mining Camps. Frontier Govern- ment. By Chas. H. Shinn 2 00 Minor Wars of the United States I. The War of 1812 II. The Old French War III. King Phillip's War IV. The War with Mexico 4 vols., each 1 25 Pear's Fall of Constantinople. The Story of the Fourth Crusade 2 50 Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies 1 50 Prescott's Phillip II. 3 vols 4 50 Prescott 'B Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols 4 50 Prescott's Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols 4 50 Prescott's Conquest of Peru. 2 vols.. 3 00 Prescott's Ch as. V. 3 vols 4 50 Rollin's Ancient History. Cloth 3 00 Romance of the Revolution 1 25 Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. 1 00 Schiller'* Thirty Years' War 1 00 Schmucker's Memorable Scenes in French Historv. . . 1 25 10 LIST OF BOOKS Scott's Tales of a Grandfather, com- plete in 1 vol $1 25 Same. English Edition. 2 vols. . . 2 50 Sharpe's History of Egypt. Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols 4 00 Swinton's Twelve Decisive Battles of the Rebellion ,"> f.O Smiles' The Huguenots 2 00 Smiles' The Huguenots in France after the Revolution 2 00 Tales of the Pathfinders. By Arthur Gilman. Illustrated 1 00 Taylor, Benj. F. In Camp and Field. Reminiscences of the late Civil War 1 50 Wilson's Mosaics of Grecian History. 1 50 Wright, Ancient Cities 1 25 Wright, Children's Stories of Amer- ican Progress 1 50 Yonge's Constitutional History of England $1 75 Young Folks' History of the Civil War. By W. M. Thayer. 4 vols. Illustrated 5 00 Young Folks' Series of Histories. Edittvl by Miss Yonge and others France Germany Greece Rome Queens of England, 3 vl The Netherlands London Bible History Boston England Russia Mexico Edinburgh Alcott's Louisa M., Moods, a novel. I 1 40 " Work 1 50 Arthur, T. S. Ten Night's in a Bar Room 1 25 Black, William. Complete Works : A daughter of Heth Madcap Violet A Princess of Thule The Strange Adven- Greea PiiBtvKCB and tures of a Phaeton Piccadilly Three Feathers In Silk Attire Macleod of Dare Kilmeuy White Win.u:; Sunrine That Beaut if alWretch Shandon Bells Yolande Judith Shakcpeare White Heather Illustrated Library Edition 12mo per vol 1 25 Bronte Novels, The : Jane Eyre The Professor Shirley Tenant of Wildfell Villette II.ill Wutheriiig Heights (> vols. , each 1 00 Bulwer's (Lord Lytton) Works: Eugene Arum Deverenx Night and Morning My Novel, '2 vols. Pelh.nii The Disowned Krneh! M;ilti. ivors Falkland < Alice Xi"ci \ LaBt Daj'B of ''oinpeii The 1'ai IsiailB, '1 VO!K. Harold The Coming Race The American Civil War 17 vols., each 1 50 Land of the Incasahd the Conquest of Peru. Illustrated 1 00 KlCTIOX. What Will He Do Godolphin With It? 2 vols Paul Clifford Lelia < Zanoni Pilgrims of the Rhine) Rienzi Last of the Barons A Strange Story Lucretia Kenelm Chillingly The Caxtons Pausanias, the Spavtau 23 vols, Sold separately, each $1 25 Collins, AVilkie. Complete Works: Armudaie The Dead Secret Bar.il The Moonstone Hide-and-Seek The New Magdalen Man and Wife The Woman in White No Name Queen of Hearts Poor Miss Finch The Law and the La ly My Miscellanies Antoninu After Dark, etc. The Two Destinies Library Edition, 12mo., per vol. 1 25 Cooper's S;-a Talcs. l''ir: ! S.-riex: The Pilot Wingnad Wing The Wutfi WM.-h Red Rover The Two Adni;i . 5 00 5 vols. Kimo. In P.ox Cooper's 8ea Tales. Second Series : The Sea Lions Tin Crater .\i\v\-, Atlo.it ami Anhore Miles \V,illin-for> We]>1 of Wiih ton Wii-.li The Moneert The Water wii.-i. Tho Pilot Tin- Bravo Lionel Lincoln Tin- Heideiimauer Last of tin' Mohicans The Headr.man Red KOVer The Mo-.iik Hoinewaid Hound Miles W.illinyf.nd Home in*. Found Tin- Ked skins The Pathfinder The rhainbearer Miveedrs of < ',:: tile S.itanstoe The Deer Slayei The Crater The Two Admirals Jack T'er Wiiitf and Wini; The Sea I, ions Wyandotte Oak (ipeniim Afloat and Ashore The Way of Tie Hoi, :\-2 vols., Uimo.. }>er vol $1 00 Childivn of the Abbey 1 00 Dickens, Charles, Complete Works: New illustrated Kdition : I. Pickwick 1'apeis XI. Tale of Two Cities, II. David ('opiterfield and Sketches by Boz III. Martin Chiizzle- XII. Buruaby Rudge. wit and Mystery of Ed- IV. Nicholas Xickleby, win Diood. V. Bleak House. XIII. G e t E; XV. Child'n History aud Hard Times. of England, etc 15 vols 22 50 Disraeli's B., Complete Works, 11 vl 13 75 " Lothair 1 25 Young Dake 1 25 " Conigsby 1 50 Dodge, (Gail Hamilton) : Woman's Worth & Worthlessness 1 50 Nursery Noonings 1 25 Country Living 1 50 Gala Days 1 50 Stumbling Blocks 1 50 A :\V\v Atmosphere 1 ;"0 Skirmishes and Sketches 1 50 ; Summer Kest 1 50 | Wool ( lathering 1 50 ! Woman's Wrongs 1 ,"() First Love is Best , 1 50 j 50 00 < >nr Common S -In .,1 System . . . .$1 What Think Ye of Christ? 1 Eggleston'B, Kdward, Woi-k<: Ciienit Itider. Mystery of Metioi'Olis- Eudof the World. \ilh-. Boxy, 4 vols. Karh 1 50 KggU'ston's I loosier Schoolmaster.. 1 _',"> Hiot 's, ( ieorge, Works : Adam Bede. Eh Mill on the Fl, u. Middlein.irch, 2 vols. Daniel Deronda, 2 vols. r'elix Holt. Romola. S( ones of c]c. ieal Life, Ini])ressIonB of Theo- and Silas Manu-r. jdir.istus .-'uch. Library edition, 12mo., per vol. . . 1 25 Same s vols., per set 12 00 Harland, .Marian, Alone, At Last, .Jersamine, Sunnybank, etc., each 1 50 Harte's Drift from Two Shores Twins of Table Mountain . . Thankful Blossom ' ' Story of a Mine " Blazing Star <4 A Millionaire of Rough and Ready and Devil's Ford . Hawthorne's Complete Works. Little Classic Edition. Twice Told Talcs, 2 vols. Tanglewood Tales. American Note-^ooks, 2 vols. English Note-Books, 2 vols. Fici-ch aud Italian Note Books, 2 vols. Septimius Felton. Fanshawe. The Dol liver Romance- Tales, Sketches aud other Payers. 28 25 25 00 00 1 00 The Wonder Book. The Sa,,w Inuii-e. Mosses from an Old Mam;. 1 , ^ voY. The Scarlet Letter. The House of the Seven Gables. The Blithedale Ro- mance. The Marble Faun, 2 vols. Our Old Home. T.ne Stoiles. Hawthorne Index. 25 \ 7 ols., each Paradise Found, by W. F. Warren.. Paths to Wealth, by John D. Km.x . Phelps, Elizabeth S., Gates Ajar, Men Women and (iho-ts; Silent Partner; Story of Avis. Kadi " Beyond the Gates The Madonna of the Tubs Hugo, Victor, Les Miserables Ninety-Three 1 00 2 00 1 50 50 25 50 50 50 12 LIST OF BOOKS Hugo, Vinor. Toiler* of the Sea. . .$1 25 j Roe's (Rev. E. P.) Novels: Hy Onler of the King 1 25 ' Barriers BurnedA way From Jest to Earnest .,- What Can She Do? 25 Notre Dame History of a Crime Kinsley's ('lias.. Works: Hypatia. The Heroes. \ n:d. Ho: Two Yea:- Alton Locke. Mini. Water Babies. !>.. each Mitchell's Works: lU-veiiesofa Bachelor Dream Life. Wot DaysatEdgewood Seven Stories My Faun at Fdgrwood Basement and Attic. Bound ToLvtlu-t . Out of Town Places. Dr. Johns. About Old Story Tellers A Knight of the XIX Century A Face Ilium ned A Day of Fnte His-; Sombre Rivals An Original Belle Driven Back to Kden Opening of a Chestnut Bur Near to Nature's Heart Without a Home A Young Girl's Woo- iug 13 vois. 12 mo. Each $1 50 1 00 Scott's Select Works : Waverly Ivanhoe (iuy Maunering Kenilworth Rob Roy Redgauntlet Heart of Midlothian The Talisman and Bride of Lammermoor Other Tales Each . . .1 25 with ,, , , , N _ ( . l( . h } .,. | Scott's Waverly, Complete, 13 vols., in box 16 25 Scottish Chiefs. . Mi-s) Works, illustrated Librarv Fdition : .My Mother and I. Hannah. olive. Ogil A Brave Lady. Woman's Kingdom. Mistress and .Maid. I'nkiiid Word. A Life for a Life. Two Marriages. Christian's Mistake. A Noble Life. A Hero. The Fairy Book. Studies from Life. >riiiions out of Church. 1 00 1 00 1 25 H.-.-.d of tin- Family. The Laurel Bush. John Halifax. A Legacy. Agatha's Husband. Young Mrs. Jardine. About Money and other Things, rjiuo. per vol Selections: Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin " Pink and White Tyranny Stretton, Hesba. Select Works : Bede's Charity Hester Morely'sPromise Through a Needle's In Prison and Out Eye Cobwebs and Cables 5 vols. , each .................. l 00 Scott's Waverly Novels. Harper's Popu- lar Edition. 24 vols. 2,000 Illustrations. 90 Afterglow, Is that All'.' real Mutch. Baby Km-. 8lv,, Mirage. M.-icy Philbrick. Kit- mot. Hie Majesty, Myself. Wolf at ths Door, etc. A luiiight.T of tin- I'hilistim-n. b . 1 00 \ov.|. Harper's A \\. .mini Hater. Hnrd CiiHh Foul |Mhv :.-. I.. iht.-r and tin- ith 'It . Summer in Smt- Apache Country A Journey in I'.ra/il ...... 2 Alaska: Its Southern Coast and the Sitkan Archipelago. By K. K. Seidmore. lllnstrale 1 ...... Alcoek's Three Years in Japan, 2 vole .......... .................. American Explorations in the Ice Zones. From the earliest records to the "Jeanette" Expedition. By Prof. J. K. Nonrse, T. S. N. Il- lustrated. With Polar Map ....... Raker. Sir Samuel W. Travels The Albeit N'yanza Basin of the Nile Isnialia The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia Popular edition, each ............ Bayard Taylor's Illustrated Library of Travel. New Edition Japan in Our Day Travels in Arabia Travels in South Africa Lake Regions of Central Africa Siam; Land of the White Elephant Central Asia 6 vols., each ................... 1 Bird, Isabella. Life in the Rocky Mountains ...................... Brassey, Mrs. Voyage Around the World in the Yacht "Sun- beam". ......................... Browne, J. Ross. An American Family in Germany ............. Crusoe's Island. Land of Thor. . . Yusef, Travels in 1 50 no 50 2 00 Without and Within. By Kf.-hard Grant White "..$2 00 English Governess at the Siamese Court 1 25 Field, Rev. H. M. Travels I. From Lakes of Killaruey to the Gol en Horn II. From Egypt to Japan '2 vols., each Round the 2 00 Browne, J. Ross. Arizona, etc Browne, J. Ross. California, etc Browne, J. Ross. Browne, J. Ross. the East ........................ Dana's Two Years Before the Mast. Dana's To Cuba and Back ......... 1 Darwin's Voyage of a Naturalist. 2 vols ............................ 2 DeLong's Voyage of the Jeanette ... 4 Du Chaillu's Ashango Land ........ 5 El Gringo: New Mexico and her People .................. 1 1 75 1 00! 2 00; 2 00 ( Jerstaecker's Journey World 1 50 Gerstaeeker's Wild Sport in the Far West 1 25 Golden West, The. As seen by the Ridgway Club. Cloth * 2 25 Greenwood's Adventures of Reuben Davidger in the Wilds of Borneo. . 1 25 Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World 2 50 Hare's Walk's in Florence 1 00 Hare's Walks in Venice 1 00 Haven's Mexico; Our Next Door Neighbor 3 50 Hayes, Dr. Isaac I. An Arctic Boat Journey. New ed'n. Illustrated 1 50 Hayes, Dr. Isaac I. The Open Polar Sea. Popular edition 1 50 Hayes, Dr. Isaac I. Land of Deso- lation Hubner's (Baron) Rambles 'Round the World.. 1 75 2 00 Hue's Travels pire. 2 vols. in the Chinese Em- 75 00 75 00 i .5 00 50 00 3 00 Humboldt's Travels and Researches 75 Humboldt's Travels in America 3 vols 6 00 Hunt, Helen. Bits of Travel 1 25 Hunt, Helen. Bits of Travel at Home 1 50 In the Lena Delta. By Lieut G. W. Melville of the Jeannette. Illus- trated 2 50 Jackson, Helen ("H. H.") Glimpses of Three Coasts. ' 'Bits of Travel" in California and Oregon, Scot- land, and England, and Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany 14 LIST OF BOOKS Jones' Adventures in the South Pacific 1 50 Kinglake's Eothen :-Traces of Travel 1 25 Knocking Bound the Rockies, by Ernest Ingersoll. Illustrated 2 00 KJIOX, T. W., Boy Travelers' Series: In China and Japan. Illustrated. ,8vo $3 00 In Siam and Java. Illustrated. . .8vo 3 00 In Ceylon and India Illustrated. .8vo 3 00 In Egypt and the Holy Land. Ill'd. 8vo 3 CO In Central Africa. Illustrated.. .8vo 300 In South America. Illustrated .. .8vo 300 Voyage of the Vivian. Illustrated. 8vo 250 Young Nimrods in America. Ill'd. .8vo 2 50 Young Ximrods in Europe, Asia and Africa. Illustrated 8vo 250 Boy Travelers in Russian Empire. Il- lustrated 300 Louis and Clark's Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 2 vols 1 50 Marco Polo's Travels complete 2 00 Marco Polo's Travels, abridged 75 Marco Polo's Travels for Boys and Girls. Thos. AV. Knox. Illus- trated 3 00 MrClintock's In the Artie Seas 1 25 Mountaineering in the Sierras. Clarence King 2 00 Murphy's Sporting Adventures in the Far West 1 50 Oceana, Jas . Anthony Froude. Ill'd 2 50 One Year Abroad, by author of "One Slimmer" 1 25 Over Seas: Here, There and Every- where 1 00 Prime's Around the World 3 00 " Boat Life in Fyypt 2 00 Tent Life in the Hoi v Land 2 00 Taylor, Bayard. Books of Travel : By Way of Europe Greece and Russia Central Africa Home and Aboad 2 vols Kgypt and Iceland India, China and Japan El Dorado Northern Travel Views Afoot 10 vols., each 1 50 Taylor, Benj. F.. Between the Gates. New York to San Francisco 1 50 Thomson's The Land and the Book: I. Southern Palestine and Jerusalem II. Central Palestine and Phoenicia III. Lebanon, Damascus and Beyond Jordan 3 vols., maps and illustrations, oc- tavo, cloth, each 6 00 Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea 1 25 Travelers in Africa 1 25 Wallace's Malay Archipelago 2 50 Warner's My Winter on the Nile ... 2 00 Waterton's Wanderings in South America 2 00 We Two Alone in Europe. Two Years of Travel by two American Girls. Illustrated 1 50 What Darwin Saw in hi* Trip 'Round the World 3 00 Whitney's Mrs. A. D. T. Sights and Insights, 2 vols 3 00 Whymper's Alaska 2 50 Zig-Zag Journey Series : In Europe In Northern Lands In Classic Lands In Arcadia and New In the Orient France In the Occident In the Devant In the Sunny South 8 vols. Furh. . .b 1 75 JUVKNILK BOOKS. Abbott, Jacob. Children's Books: Florence Stories. 6 vols $600 Fninconia Stories. 10 vols 7 f>0 Little Learner Series. 5 vols 3 75 Lucy Books. 6 vols X 00 Marco I'jniln Series. 6 vol 450 Rainbow and Lucky Series. 5 vols :'. 7.". Science for the You 1 1 1,'. I voln 000 Rollo Books. 14 vols. New Edition 12 00 Rollo's Tour in Europe. 10 vols 10 00 | About Old Story Tellers. By Donald G. Mitchell. Illustrated. 1 25 Abbott, l.hir .iMrkt'ts of '(il :', 00 yEsops' Kablrs. 12mo 1 00 Alcott, Louisa M. Books tor Girls: Little Women Kilit Cousin* Little Men Kr.se in Hloom old F. siiioned (Jills Cnder the Lilacs Hi.b-pit.il Sketches Jiick and Jill FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 15 8 vols. Kach 1 50 Alcott's Jo's Boys 1 50 Aleott's "Little Women" Series. 8 vols. Ne\v Kdition. r.y Set Only 12 00 Alcott's Aunt .Jo's Sc i-:i ] .-I'.; i ir Series. li vols <> 00 Alcott's Proverb Stories 1 25 Aleott's Lulu's Library. A new vol Illustrated 1 00 Alcott's Silver Pitchers 1 25 Alcott's Spinin^ Wheel Stories 1 25 Alcott's Moods. A Novel 1 50 Alcott's Work. A Novel 1 50 Aldrich's Story of a Bad Boy 1 50 Alger's Atlantic Series. 3 vols 3 75 Alger's Brave and Bold Series. 4 vol 5 00 Alger's Campaign Series. 3 vols. . 3 75 Alger's Luck and Pluck Series. First part, 4 vols 5 00 Alger's Luck and Pluck Series. Second part, 4 vols 5 00 Alger's Pacific Coast Series. 5 vols 5 00 Alger's Ragged Dick Series. 6 vols 7 50 Alger's Tattered Tom Series. First Part, 4 vols 5 00 Alger's Tattered Tom Series. Sec- ond Part, 4vols 5 00 Alger's FromCanal Boy to President. The Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield 1 25 Alger's The Backwoods Boy. The Life of Abraham Lincoln 1 25 Alger's Dan the Detective 1 25 Alger's The Train Boy 1 25 Amazon and its Wonders, The 60 American Boys' Own Book of Sports and Games 2 00 And Old Fashioned Boy. By author of the "Elsie Books" 1 25 Andersen's Fairy Tales 12mo 1 00 Andersen's Stories for the Household 1 00 Andersen's Stories and Tales 1 25 Andersen's AVonder Series 1 25 Arabian Nights 1 00 Arthur, T. S., Home Stories, 6 vols 6 00 Baker, Sir S. AA T .,Cast up by the Sea 1 25 Baker, Sir S. AV., Eight Years' AVan- derings it Ceylon 1 25 Baker, sir S. AV.. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon ....................... 1 L'.~> Hoy's Library of Legend and ( 'hivalry : The Boy's Froissart The Boy's King Arthur The Hoy's I'.-rc-y The Story of Siegfried Tlu- 8tory of Roland 5 vols. Illustrated. Kach ...... 200 Boy's Library of Pluck and Action : Haus Brinker; by Mury Mnpes The Hoy Km [grant*; l.y Noah Hiooks 1'iiarton Rogers; by Rowiter Johnson A Jolly Fellowship; by Frank R. Stockton 4 vols., illustrated. 12mo. Each 1 50 Boys' and Girls' Library of History and Biography. Charlotte M. Yonge. 8 vols. Illustrated ..... 7 50 Boys' Heroes. Edw. Everett Hale 1 00 Boy Life in the United States Navy. Described by a Navy Officer. 12 mo. Illustrated ................. 1 50 Boy's AVorkshop, A. By a boy and his friends ....................... 1 00 Boys' of '76. .. . ................... 3 00 Ballantyne's Boy's Miscellany of Travel and Adventure : Fighting the Whales Away in the Wilderness Fast in the Ice Chasing the Sun Being a Boy ; by Chas. Dudley War- ner ............................. 1 50 Boys of the Sierras, a California story of '49 .................... 1 25 Burnett's Little Lord Fauntleroy ... 2 00 Carleton Series, comprising : 4 vols ........................... 2 00 Winning His Way Following the Flag My Days and Nights on the Battlefield 3 vols ........................... 3 75 Celebrated Children of All Ages ____ 1 25 Cooper's, J. F., Stories of the Prairie 1 00 " Sea. . . 1 00 " Woods 1 00 DuChaillu's Works : Lost in the Jungle My Apiugi Kingdom Stoiies of the Gorilla Wild Life Under the Country Equator Country of the Dwarfs 5 vols. , each ..................... 1 50 16 LIST OF BOOKS Dickens' Little Folks. A Series of Juveniles, selected from Charles Dickens' Works, 4 vols 4 Dotty Dimple Series, 6 vols 4 JEsop's Fables Edgar's Boyhood of Great Men 1 Footprints of Famous Men 1 " History for Boys 1 " Sea Kings & Naval Heroes 1 " Wars of the Roses 1 Eggleston's Big Brother Series, 4 vol 5 Wanderers, The . Young Llandro. . 25 25 00 50 | 35' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 The Hoosier School Boy . " Queer Stories for Boys and Girls 1 00 Elsie Books : Elsie Diusmorc Elsie's Girlhood Elsie's Womanhood Elsie's Holidays at Elsie's Motherhood Rcselands Elsie's Children Elsie's Widowhood Grandmother Elsie Elsie's New relation Elsie at Nautucket The Two Elsies Elsie's Kith and Kin 12 vols. Each 1 25 Famous Boys and How they Became Great Men 1 25 Girlhood Series 6 vols, 9 00 Gulliver's Travels. 12mo 1 00 Grimm's Popular Tales and House- hold Stories 1 25 Hawthorne's Wonder Book 1 00 Hawthorne's Tangle wood Tales. ... 1 00 Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales 2 vol. 2 00 Kingston's Famous Books for Boys: Great African Travelers 2 00 In the Kastern Seas 125 In the Wilds of Africa 1 25 My First Voyage . 1 25 Notable Voyages 2 00 Old Jack 1 25 Saved from the Sea 1 25 I lendricks the Hunter 1 50 Shore and Ocean 1 50 In the Forest 1 25 In New Granada 1 25 In the Rocky Mountains 1 25 James Braithwaite, Supercargo. .. 1 HO South Sea Whaler 1 25 Twice Lost 1 25 Voyage Around the World 1 ii~, Young Rajah 1 25 At the South Pole 1 25 Young Forresters 1 00 The Midshipman 1 00 Peter the Whaler 1 00 Adventures in the Far West 75 Adventures in Africa 75 Artie Adventures 75 Kidnapping in the Pacific 75 Adventures in India 75 Adventures in Australia 75 Dick Chevely 1 00 The Young Forresters 1 00 SaltWater 1 00 Mark Seaworth 1 00 Mulock's Ad ventures of a Brownie. . 90 Mulock's King Arthur 90 Mulock's Cousin from India 90 Mulock's Little Lame Prince 1 00 Mulock's A French Country Family 1 50 Mulock's Motherless 1 50 Mayne Reid's Books for Boys : Afloat in the Forest The Young Yagers The Boy Slave Odd People Bruin Kan Away to Sea The Cliff Climbers The Boy Hunters The Forest Exiles The Boy Tars The Bush Boys The Giraffe Hunters The Desert Home The Young Voyagers The Ocean Waifs The Chase of Leviathan The Plant Hunters The Lost Mountain The Flag of Distress The Lone Ranch The Nee Bores Stories about Animals 22 vols. Illustrated. Kach 1 25 Optic's All Adrift 1 25 Optic's In Doors and Out 150 Optic's Living Too Fast 1 50 Optic's Tic- Way of the World 1 50 Optic's I'p the River, concluding volume of "(Jreat Western Series". . 1 50 Rob Roy, Adventures of 1 50 Robin Hood 1 25 Robinson Crusoe 1 00 Round the World, I'.v Kingsley 2 vols 2 00 Scottish Chiefs 1 00 Swi^s Family Robinson "' ' 100 Swiiiton's Tasv Steps for Little Feet 30 FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 17 Seven Wonders of tin- World 1 25 Story of Capt. Cook's Voyages, lllust 1 25 Things ln-Di)ors and Out -of- Doors Illustrate, 1. '2 vols. Kach GO Three (uvat ( 'aptains S;>rii's. :', vols 3 00 Tom r.rown's School Days :il Rugby. 1 00 Tom Bro\\nV At Oxford 1 00 Verne's, Jules, Famous Books : Dicks.;:. Journey t> the Center Hector Servadac, of the Earth Floating City. etc. 4 vols. Kach b 3 00 Demon of Campore, Journey to North Pole, 800 Leagues on the Off on a Comet, Tigers and Traitors, To the Sail, Cryptogram (new.) Amizon, Field of Ine, Tribulations of a Chinaman, 9 vols. Each.. b 1 50 Around the World in 80 Days Five Weeks in a Balloon Mysterious Island Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 4 vols. Each b 1 25 Michael Strogoff b 2 00 The Underground City 1 50 In Search of the Castaways b 2 50 Famous Travels and Travelers . . b 3 50 < rreat Navigators b 3 50 Kxjilorersof the XIX Century, .b 3 50 Yrnie's, .Jules, Library, vols. By the set only b 6 00 The Mysterious Document Among the Cannibals The Ice Desert On the Track Five Weeks in a Balloon The Kn:;l.f;h nt the North Pole Verne's Hound the World Library of Adventure. 5 vols b 7 50 Vrrne's Fur Country b 1 50 Whitney, Mrs. A.D. T., Complete Works : Faith Gartucy'c Girl- hood Hitherto Patience Strong's Out- tings Boys at Chequassett Odd or Even Leslie: Goldthwaite We Ghls Real Folks The Other Girls Sights and Insights The Gayworthies Bounyborough ..b 1 13 vols., each Yonge's, Miss, Historical Stories : Lances of Linwood Golden Deed The Prince and the Page The Little Duke Each b 1 Young Crusoe b 1 50 50 25 L/IST OF" APPARATUS Magnet, Microscope, Compass, Prism, Convex Lens, Concave Lens, Thermometers , Cutter's Physiological Charts, Cube Root Blocks, Map of the United States, Map of California, Globes, Numeral Frames, Barometers. Adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Educa- tion of Yolo County, held at the office of the County Super- intendent, July 9, 1887. J. I. McCONNELL, GEO. BANKS, Secretary. President of Board.