University of California Berkeley MEMBERS OF THE Colorado Traffic Club IN CARICATURE BY F. FINCH ("Doc Bird") FINCH & SOWERS PUBLISHERS Denver, Colorado 1909 Sntrobuction RGANIZED for the purpose of creating cordial social relations between the business men of Denver, the Colorado Traffic Club has grown in three years to be the most powerful and substantial commercial body in this city. Probably in no city in the United States is there a similar organization where the spirit of loyalty to the avowed tenets is so pronounced. The membership of the Colorado Traffic Club is limited at this time to eight hundred, and there is always a long waiting list of names to take the place of those who, in the natural shifting of events, drop out of the club. On the membership roll of the club are the names of nearly every man high in the commercial, industrial and railroad affairs of Den- ver and Colorado, and in addition the professions are well represented. In such esteem is this club held that there is a long list of non-resident members who reside in cities in other states. Denver business men, aside from the natural care for their own commercial interests, strive in- cessantly for the upbuilding of Colorado and Colo- rado's capital. The constant drain on their bank accounts for the purpose of promoting municipal and state growth and commercial advantages would discourage men less resolute than they. There are few parallel cases where commercial men of a great city contribute so willingly and liberally to the gen- eral hopper of public endeavor, with the full knowl- edge, born of long experience, that returns must be realized alone in the aggregate of benefits that accrue for the entire community. In this work of empire building the Colorado Traffic Club takes the lead in Denver. With a clear vision the members look into the future and over- come each obstacle as it is met. The Colorado Traffic Club was incorporated March 29, 1906. The organization was the culmina- tion of a movement to get the business men and railroad men together in one large organization. Following are the names that appear in the incor- poration papers: Charles F. Freeland, Lester B. Bridaham, Aaron D. Lewis, Ralph R. Gillette, Joshua P. Hall, John F. Vallery, Karl K. Mayer, Charles D. Griffith, George W. Brooks, William P. McPhee, A. D. Parker, Wil- liam M. Lampton, James C. Ferguson, Lewis F. Kimball, W. C. Metzger. A. D. Parker was chosen as the first president. The present club rooms, in the Quincy building, Seventeenth and Curtis streets, were fitted up at once, and the new commercial club was launched with a boom that has not waned since the day the doors of the club rooms were swung open to receive the public at a big reception. In the dining room of the club the members meet each day between 12 and 2 o'clock, to talk over big deals, if they wish, or to spend the time together in a social way. Gigantic commercial enterprises are often discussed over cigars in the lounging rooms, and daily cares are laid aside at the pool and billiard tables. To sum up: The Colorado Traffic Club is a social organization for business men, but under the surface rolls the deep and wide stream of com- mercial events. The motto of the club is: "Strive for the Up- building of Denver and Colorado." DAVIS -BR1DMHHM DRUG Co. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R.K, 6ILLETTE J.S. BROWN RO M5R CO. 21 22 WS.W/A/6 ^u^/ COLO. era. \A/R/TR COLO. ?=UEU &/RON CO. 24 25 26 M THE FELLOW THAT PRINTED THIS NAJ. OF 5M I TH- BROOKS CO. 27 28 29 30 T P/CKtC MflW " 33 34 35 I>RY GOODS CO, 36 aa SPENGEL 37 Tfr. ^0- s WILUHMS 7M UNDGU/ST C RACKED CO 38 40 ' I II f HI I I I II I I f i I fill < i I i i i i i < i M 41 CLARENCE ;, s. OOCHR.AN ATTORNEY 48 SECOMT/ES 44 45 46 47 48 49 S. BROWN OP <r J.&. BROWN -BRO. . Co~ 50 51 52 53 H. REYNOLDS COIMMERC 54 55 56 57 /V5*V MUTUAL fjfM&. CO. 58 CARTER. SHOE CO. 59 cm. S- ONDERDONK ONDERDONK 'NE eo. 60 61 W.S. BlCKSLER. 62 VEHICLES 63 64 65 CO, E.M.BUR.GESS *f OF CoLo TELEPHONE Co. 67 68 69 TOM :gOTTERIlU TlERCE _.> 70 co* 71 M'CORMICK, COLO. DISTRIBUTER 72 78 74 W.C. NEV/N We 75 THOMfl3 M'CUE- PRES MlNNEQUA LUMBER- CO BMfR/f/w SEEL *ND W/RE CO . 77 78 BAYLY of UNDERHIU. MP6.CO. 79 p. w. BROWN VffE-PKES. co. B.ARV. HEW/TI- RE AL ESTATE 86 87 91 92 93 AND AWNING CO. 94 95 MlNlNto MnOVStf*r trc 97 DIAMOND 98 1QO cwrs STOKES 101 102 103 104 106 106 RESIDENT M(jR. P/ncs PS*K FUEL Co. 107 108 vm HUFF OF v/croR FUEU Co 109 110 111 112 113 \\IRHRN ft. 6/SE CW& ft SCHIBRH*t CO N. Y. C/rr OAK LettTHfft oeuTfAffy 114 y's Specials S Big After-Inventory Vwter* to tW Stek Skew C.o Save TWir Eiptuei by Cranf Ht rt Sensational Sale of Millinery Quoted Prices Good Only 9 to 12 a. ra. Saturday ADHERING ST8ICTLT TO Ot R HOI.ICT nl in, MMOB to uotiitT. malit PRU'^S on our birb-fluM milluwn ih.l w SIM- PLY BIO1CL'LOU& Uok l Ib'w AbSI'RII I^|\T HRliT-:i. thru cum. in IIH) w 116 116 W.K.MflRDIA/6 OF THE ODqff COMPANY 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 PRES 126 127 NICHOLAS NELSON" 128 129 130 132 CO. 138 134 136 137 138 3TOKE 139 140 141 148 MAN 144 TUB IKON CO, w/xe. 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 COL. VICTOR SHIMMEL flS5/STflNT TO THE 152 153 154 JOHN 0, COOPER THE ELECTR/C GO 155 CT ARNOLD MfrR, co to. News co 156 167 158 159 160 161 <*>' * 162 163 CO. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170' 171 C.R.. SlUSSER M//V/Y6 172 178 174 MDSE. BROKE R^.^ 176 WOT M WCE.PRES A 65N.&UES ^Of^T" COAL co.--, 177 178- 179 110 vew LT-^ MOR.. CLOT Hi NO DEPT. 181 182 188 184 185 186 187 188 SBT 189 190 3* a W/L &<Jf>7. 191 PC. SCHAEFER THING wars PRES. 193 194 C F H ELW/6- " OF ROCKY MT. FUEL 195 196 197 ANDREWS To THE V/CfFf?E5 198 HflROLD L MORRIS 199 OP SMOLTZ DRUGSTORE* 16V ffM> Ci/XT/S . 200 DR.A.L.. BENNETT 201 , F. R / M ( L LS - 5f CY\ PENVSR CONVENT/ON LEAGUE-* 202 T/?EflS. J> AN i ELS * FiSH W STORES c0. 203 L./NDQU/ST- STRACH/W- HE C K CO. 204 205 >rCO ^H POULTK. Y onMffrc- 206 fro- 207 208 SON. DRY O0005 CO. 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 WCE--PKES. &Nr/O TRUST CO. 218 219 220 Hf.C. TKES. M.J. O' SUPPLY CO. 221 222 223 225 3ERSBACK MftLONEYTCO. 226 227 CO. 229 230 232 233 SCHOL n DOO co 284 235 236 237 238 239 <W'< <j 7 ^ "-trs: < \ ^ ^TEP^MAL 240 241 242 243 244 245 '" OM " S [><*-,*, ri ANO M/LLER.- 246 ^ggK-^cQH BS.HOsr/Err^R 247 248 f KB. CRRHKLL RHODES ECX? CD. 249 &UTLKK' ATTOR/VfiY 250 251 252 H/U.S7D t- RlTTER 353 254 B 255 256 267 258 259 STEtM* RHD HOT w/jrf R - AJ 260 Store SURETY co 261 F.M. DEWE.E5 FREOHT DEPT. H.A.C. MATHEW 263 ROENT 264 265 266 O. D<J NTCO. 267 TbNSFORP OF HERSEY& NSFOR flTTORNEYS 268 269 270 271 272 273 cr u- HENSHAU-- CO. 274 C/TY 3*LE<SM*H-SVCKNY CVfcflfc 276 MERCflNT/tf CO- 276 277 278 279 C/JEKK 280 281 282 284 COLO 285 287 288 CO 289 E.P. WMITLEY- C/TY T/fKE T 290 291 292 293 CO 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 Cot-O.SP-/v6$-c c O'Srft/cr T A C C R.R. 302 303 M.C. Tu/vr OP M.C MERC. CO 304 305 30 TAMES CflSEY NflN.D 307 308 COLO. STAT &S/W*63 8"** 309 310 c.c CARPENTER AUDITOR 311 312 313 614 L. D. HURST THE TOOTH *</*< 315 316 317 318 319 KE.NDR/CK KENDPJCK BOOK 320 CO 321 322 CToHN C. W/LD MO*?. WfSr/e/V Br. ILL.GLflSS CO U.S.BOTTLERS SUPPLY Co 323 324 325 GOSTAV KRAUSE P08L/C ACCOUNTANf 326 327 328 329 330 VYILK/NS ESTATE ere. 331 332 COLO SOUTHER^ R.R. 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 Co. 343 SECURITIES 344 COtOS E Rft CO. 345 346 347 4 348 349 350 351 352 353 O ill ?'*(. ^ &EET MEN IN CO(.Q> 354 355 M 356 C,o. 357 358 (teLO.LfWDCO. L#/A DISTRICT 359 360 361 364 365 */x%*4 *7T*; t ***-, 366 367 368 369 370 PENVfR ONfON STOCK VflftD co. 371 372 /WNEWCOM8 PEES. 373 CftPT. R. A. KlNCAID PRES. DENVER. Co. 374 375 SCOTT N.weNTOP Of COLO Boo 376 377 CO. 378 379 H URubERT VICE -PRESr GEN COLO.CflPJTOL COAL MININ6 CO 381 382 E. B. T/ELDJR CO 383 HENRY A MOSS )LL.6LASSCO-> 384 CO \N. B. MORRISON CASHIER. U.S. 3S6 387 388 389 390 391 SUPT WESTE.R/W UN/ON CO. 392 PRES. P. DUNN SA/OE QQ, 593 H.A, UNDSLEY CITY 394 395 39b 397 398 399 INK. CO 400 401 402 403 OLLEN OP ALLEN JEWELRY CO; 404 406 406 407 408 409 H.L L UCKENBACH OF ? PP/CH L FIRE >^ To SELL HIM \ SOME PiflTS 6LAJSS/ NCE / es^f y ^* 410 411 J,E; H/LLflRP 412 HflRRY DEWITJ 413 414 CROCKER LAYING TELLER 415 416 6, A. BINEF/T LIFE //VSURANC CO. OP NEWflRK, N.1 417 418 419 I S.MORSE LITTLBTON 420 421 422 423 ( W* G. HMLLTR6*!, ) THE MRLL- STANLEY HER- CO 424 FIRE 425 426 W.W. (7flRWOOD flTTORNEY 427 428 429 430 FAIRBANKS SCALES D-P DONfl . FAIRBANKS, MORSE 431 432 433 434 TO 435 436 AA Yfl*T7~- MF^.PEPT. CSMOREY 437 RIEDEL THE Kfl.RlEDEL- INVESTMENT CO 438 aa. ujrro^/ LflYTON ftTTQRMEXS T l PEPuTY Disr. flTTORMEY 439 L..A.BKOMDDUS WESTERN MBERLRND 440 441 442 THE SPRfrt COFFEE IrSPtCE CO. 443 444 445 446 - SHRADER MFOS. . co. 447 448 THE 449 450 451 452 453 COL. WE. SKINNER- 454 H-ir N VER J>RY600A5 CO - 456 457 EN6RRW/Y6 ,57/m ONERS 458 459 WES77?A/0*iU> Borr/. //v0 Co 460 461 462 463 464 - CO, A^lH II* /*\AiH VOVT 465 <-x 466 CITY AUDITOR 467 CO 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 THE PHILLIPS CONSTWST/ON 476 477 478 as. SENRTOR SlMOM 479 4M,' 481 482 ^ 483 484 485 486 Scorr SUPPLY A Toot co. 487 488 ofiMQLEs WHOLE S#L 489 490 491 492 493 494 496 DELINQUENTS The picture on the preceding page represents the sit- uation when this book was sent to press. The man who is "beating it" to avoid having his "face taken" may be any one of the men whose names appear below. All of them agreed to let the photographer "do his worst," but when the critical moment arrived they had "important business" elsewhere. Sowers was not successful in his efforts to flag them as they ran past him, so Finch has done the best he could under the circumstances. At last account Hopkins was still in the dark room trying to develop his imagina- tion so that he could give Pinch a word picture of the features of the delinquents. Archie S. Austin Austin Candy Company. S. P. Adams Treasurer Western Fire Brick Company. C. K. Boettcher Vice-Pres. Western Packing Company. O. B. Cary Ass't Gen'l Mgr. Ohio & Colorado Smelting and Refining Company. F. K. Dibley Mgr. L. Wolff Mfg. Company Plumbing Goods. Edw. C. Howe Gen'l Mgr. American Beet Sugar Company. W. E. Lipe Lipe Brothers; Rentals, Insurance, Real Es- tate. C. C. Martin Martin Brothers & Co.; Blue Hill Creamery. W. M. Marshall Vice Pres. Central National Bank. J. P. Paulson Mfg. of Bank, Bar & Store Fixtures. John J. Roche Secy. & Treas. Rocky Mountain Fuel Com- pany. A. H. Seep Vice-Pres. Mine & Smelter Supply Company. Stephen G. Shaw S. G. Shaw & Co.; Steam Shovels, etc. C. G. Smith Clay-Robinson, Live Stock Commission. R. J. Schlacks Sales Agent Cedar Hill Coal & Coke Com- pany. Erwin Tears Passenger Agent New York Central Lines. John A. Traylor John A. Traylor Machinery Company. 496 George W. Vallery L. B. Bridakam C. L. Wellington Wm. K. McAllister H. R. Hurst Fredl W. Standart - - President First Vice-President Second V ice-President - Secretary Assistant Secretary - - Treasurer ftoarft of Directors To serve until tne annual meeting of 1911: L. B. BridaLam W. P. McPkee J. C. Burger J. P. Hall C. L. Wellington To serve until tne annual meeting of 1910: G.W. Vallery Wm. K. McAllister C. F. Freeland Fred'k W. Standart TLos. E. Fisner To serve until tne annual meeting of 1909: A. D. Lewis C. D. Griffith J. C. Ferguson J. F. Vallery R. R. Gillette 497 Mouse Committee A^f. D. Jacoway, Chairman C. F. Freeland J. F. Vallery L. B. Bridaham W. P. McPhee Fred'k W. Standart W. S. Wing Committee J. A. Writer J. H. Bradhury presifcents A. D. Parker - G. W. Vallery - first W. C. Metzger - G. W. Vallery - C. D. Griffith - L. B. Bridaham - C. D. Griffith T. E. Fisher C. L. Wellington Secretaries W. M. Lampton - Wm. K. McAllister - treasurers C. F. Freeland - Fred'k W. Standart ... 1906-1907 1907- 1906-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908- 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908- 1906-1907 1907- 1906-1907 1907- 498 HHrectors A. D. Parker - W. C. Metzger - L. F. Kimtall - G.W. Brooks - K. K. Mayer - \V. M. Lampton C. F. Freeland C. D. Griffith - J. P. HaU L. B. Bridakam - R. R. Gillette - A. D. Lewis G.W.Vallery - J. F. Vallery - W.P.McPLee - J. C. Ferguson - W. K. McAllister T. E. Fisker F. W. Standart - C. M. Woods - C. L. Wellington J. C. Burger 1906-1907 1906-1906 1906-1906 1906-1907 1906-1907 1906-1907 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1906- 1907- 1907- 1907-1908 1908- 1908- INDEX. Page Abrahams, Armistead L 462 Ady, Geo. E 478 Alexander, H. J 418 Aller, Harry L 460 Alkire, H. J 271 Allen, J. E 124 Allen, F. P 404 Amaker, A. P 334 Andrews, J. B 198 Anderson C. W 293 Anderson, David 405 Anderson, C. M 120 Arnold, Frank J 156 Ashley, F. R 342 Ashley, Ralph E 398 Atkins, W. C 463 Batchelder, Joseph D 358 Barker, W. J 57 Bardwell, Rodney J 281 Barwise, N. C 116 Barton, D. A 51 Bagley, H. J 455 Bayly, Charles 79 Ballantine, Geo. W 371 Bates, W. E 153 Benedict, D. R 95 Bennett, Dr. A. L 201 Bellard, H. W 164 Bentley, F. H 235 Benkelman, G. W 379 Best, C. F 113 Birney, F. L 149 Bisbee, Elmer 471 Bishop, Frank L 193 Bicksler, W. S 62 Blayney, W. N. W 477 Blair, Dr. R. R 194 Blood, James H 337 Blair, R. R 240 Bowman, C. A 66 Bowen, J. B 378 Bostwick, F. H 96 501 Page Bourk, H. J 106 Botterill, Tom 70 Bridaham, Lester B 8 Brown, D. W 82 Brown, Alexander 140 Brown, Everett W 364 Brown, F. S 50 Brown, J. S., Jr 220 Brady, John T 231 Brandenburg, C. A 214 Brink, Chas H 105 Bradley, O. W 190 Bradley, Seth B 301 Brehm, Peter P 197 Briggs, Frank N 141 Broaddus, L. A 440 Brooks, Geo. W 27 Broadhurst, Henry 59 Burnett, J. A 34 Bush, H. C 168 Buck, C. L 138 Burkert, Fred A 480 Burgess, E. M 67 Burlew, H. E 362 Bushnell, Geo. A 291 Butler, Charles C 250 Burger, James C 12 Burt, H. J 402 Burke, Frank J 485 Cambridge, W. R 206 Card, C. S 341 Caldwell, Geo. R 486 Callis, John 267 Cargo, L. M 464 Carpenter, C. C 311 Casey, James W 307 Campion, A. J 363 Chamberlin, Frederick J 381 Cleaver, H. T 382 Clayton, Charles 450 Clay, C. F 163 Conard, H. W 280 Conaway, Edward R 30 Cooper, John J 155 Cochran, Clarence S 43 Connor, Alfred 469 Cooper, Arthur 340 Cowell, C. E 56 Connaton, W. J 98 Collins, Geo. A 475 502 Page Cowan, H. W 397 Coffin, Geo. W 64 Cordingly, Alfred 396 Coldren, B 441 Coloney, M. H 414 Cranmer, W. H. H 216 Crandell, H. B 249 Cross, W. B 89 Crocker, H. F 415 Cross, H. G 36 Cronin, John 273 Curran James A 205 Cubberly, D. L 411 Davis, Avery S 144 Davis, Archie J 370 Davis, Ed 245 Davis, Burton F 338 Davis, R. H 446 Day, Lloyd S 133 Dayton, W. L 367 Dailey, W. A 286 Daniels, Ralph 400 Daly, Thomas F 407 Dewees, F. M 262 Denny, H. D 413 Dempsey, T. A 322 Downs, W. D 68 Douglas, W. C 221 Donahower, F. A 426 Downer, I. F 81 Dominick, Carleton 229 Downing, Warwick M 494 Doan, Thomas B 474 Dunn, Joseph P 393 Edbrooke, F. E 93 Eppich, Ed. P 215 Evans, J. P , 219 Ewer, A. C 232 Farrar, John P 350 Falke, D. H 456 Ferguson, J. C. 18 Fenn, W. H 300 Feldwisch, Fred W 319 Field, John E 325 Field, E. B., Jr 383 Fink, Elwood 433 Fisher, T. E 16 Flint, M. C 304 Flower, John S 100 Fleming, Dr. C. K 335 503 Page Poster, A. C u 306 Foley, W. B 90 Freeland, C. F 15 Franklin, Chas. W 74 Fryer, John W 356 Funke, Geo. R 470 Gallup, John C 40 Garwood, W. W 427 Gaylord, Paul B 167 Garst, Horace 160 Gardner, J. R 409 Gano, Geo. \V 230 Galbraith, H. H 254 Garside, Ben C 401 Galligan, W. J 428 Gemmill, John R 261 Genter, E. W 372 Gildersleeve, A. M 357 Giesecke, A. Jr 162 Gillette, R. R 21 Giese, Herman A 114 Gingrich, J. M 314 Gill, C. W 425 Glendinning, John G 47 Gordon, John A 346 Goudy, F. C 83 Griffith, Charles D 19 Griffith, W. D 159 Grozier, Joshua 178 Green, F. J 170 Greenlee, Lewis C 369 Griffen, E. R 375 Grant, James A 275 Gregg, C. H 29 Gutshall, Robert S 94 Guiterman, Franklin 180 Guggenheim, Simon 479 Hamilton, F. H 487 Hayden, W. P 282 Hayden, Wm 352 Hawley, F. M 466 Hardesty, Rudd 403 Hatfield, Chas 135 Hall, W. C 424 Hall, J. P 14 Hall, Warren E 224 Harding, W. K 117 Harmon, P. K 228 Hammond, L. P 488 Haughwout, Charles S 266 504 Page Hewitt, Earl 84 Henshall, J. L 274 Herres, Otto 174 Hessler, P. S 158 Helwig, C. F 195 Herr, A. T 237 Healy, E. C 139 Henry, Joseph J 161 Henry, Frederick T 451 Herbert, F. W 481 Hicklin, C. M 186 Hilts, Hiram Edward 368 Hobbs, H. L 136 Hoffmann, H. L.. 166 Howe, Irving H 118 Hooyer, Royal E 298 Holden, Geo. H 179 Houts, Percy 165 Hopkins, B. S 148 Hostetter, B. S 247 Hoover, W. D 354 Hover, W. A 52 Houston, J. C 422 Hurst, H. R 25 Husted, James D 258 Hurst, L. D 315 Hunnewell, W. S 63 Huff, W. H 109 Huff, Charles L 242 Huddart, John J 389 Hull, Geo. T 157 Humburg, Chas 489 Hurlbert, Lewis G 380 Insley, Harry E 236 Jacoway, W. Dodge 22 Jacoway, D. L 69 Jacobs, J. J 244 James, B. F 333 Jessup, A. L 97 Jones, Gordon 86 Johnson, H. A 421 Johnson, C. S 46 Johnson, Charles A 137 Johnston, William A 321 Joslin, Frank A 115 Kaub, Geo. H 434 Kendrick, C. A 320 Kerwin, G. W 452 Kincaid, R. A 374 Kistler, W. H 185 505 Page Kirchner, C. W 71 Knouse, L. M 227 Knopf, J. F 429 Krause, Gustav 326 Kulp, J. R 344 Kuner, Max 33 Layton, J. J 439 Landon, Sam S 449 Lambert, H. F 432 Lewis, A. D 17 Lewis, J. R 209 League, John M 343 Leonard, S. E 392 Leonard, W. H 435 Liverman, A. B 468 Lindquist, E. J 204 Lindsley, H. A 394 Lindsey, C. A 285 Llewellyn, W. S 336 Loomis, C. W 461 Luckenbach, H. L 410 Lund, John T 223 Lunbeck, Ernest R 154 Lyons, H. K. T 73 Martin, Geo. W 39 Mayer, Karl K 28 Marsh, J. K 110 Malone, R. H 125 Malone, Wm. H 292 Malone, Booth M 332 Marean, W. A 61 Mathew, H. A. C 263 Maloney, J. H 226 Malburn, W. P 132 Matthews, F. C 302 Marshall, T. H 297 Magnan, A. U 182 Mapes, Darl D 416 Meier, Theo. L 121 Meyer, W. F 171 Melkleham, W. J 255 Milliken, John D 131 Miller, Thomas H 246 Miller, H. J 243 Mitchner, H. R 208 Mitchell, J. R 177 Millard, Douglas 289 Minehart, L. T 388 Mills, W. F. R 202 Morey, John W 53 506 Page Morrison, W. B 386 Morse, I. S 420 Morehouse, C. H 112 Moore, Lucius L 151 Moss, Henry A 384 Moffat, Fred G 48 Moore, Sherley 309 Morris, Herold L.. . . : 199 Moritz, Sidney 360 Muckle, J. B 287 Murphy, Geo. 1 150 Murnan, C. A 448 Myatt, W. L 437 McAllister, Wm. K 10 McCreery, E. A 408 McCormick, Fred P 72 McCue, Thomas J 76 McCue, W. F 265 McClintock, E. E 225 McDonough, John 65 McDonald, D. P 431 McFarland, F. M 399 McGowan, W. J 176 McGowan, John 345 McGrew, R. T 272 McNamara, F. S 436 McPhee, W. P 13 McPhee, C. D., Jr 377 MacDonald, J. E 233 MacKenzie, C. L 327 MacFarland, F. L 183 Nash, Harry F 279 Xevin, W. C 75 Nisbet, Alexander 45 Nisbet, E. F 348 Niles, A. P 390 Nelson, Nicholas 128 Newkirk, G. A 417 Newcomb, H. W 373 Nock, Thomas 316 Nye, George L 445 O'Brian, Peter 92 O'Brian, Peter, Jr. 196 O'Fallon, M. J 184 Ogden, John 147 O'Gara, William 476 Onderdonk, Charles S 60 Orpin, Charles 359 Owen, W. R 41 Parvin, R. G 169 507 rage Patterson, W. J 241 Parish, James 251 Parrish, W. J 212 Pasmore, W. E 423 Packham, J. P ,. 355 Parker, A. D 26 Parker, C. H ' 458 Pattison, T. P 472 Petherick, B 122 Peirce, Wm. D 277 Perkins, E H 303 Person, W. H : 134 Petrikin, Will L 349 Peral, E. H :...' 457 Pinkett, Richard 482 Phillips, H. R 391 Plummer, John T 126 Platt, D. R 256 Pool, E. R 77 Ponsford, Arthur 268 Prentiss, E. L 442 Prior, Geo. W 207 Prosser, J. W. H 108 Purcell, L. M 395 Quentin, E. E Ill Quereau, F. J 143 Ravenscroft, W. T 130 Reilly, C. J 260 Reynolds, Chas. H 54 Reynolds, A. E 217 Read, Frank P 330 Rendle, James A 483 Ringold, James 123 Riedel, H. A 438 Ritter, Halsted L 253 Root, C. R 32 Root, Matt R 406 Ross, Frederick R 44 Robinson, W. P 473 Roberts, J. Fred 347 Rucker, A. W 210 Rubidge, Robert H 276 Ryan, A. S 200 Sanger, Geo. P 283 Sanderson, W. S 119 Sewell, Jerry N 107 Selbach, B. 103 Selfridge, C. F 365 Seymour, R. D 145 Sears, H. L, 328 508 Page Shimmel, Victor 152 Shumway, E. B 78 Shrader, Wm. H 447 Shumway, Ralph 361 Shanks, J. C -. 453 Skinner, W. E 454 Scholtz, Edmund L '. 35 Scholtz, Wm. O .- 104 Schenck, C. M 99 Scott, Thomas C 376 Scott, Chas. H 173 Schirmer, Godfrey 490 Schaefer, P. C ; 192 Schiele, Peter J 269 Schlacks, C. H 42 Slusser, C. R. . 172 Slayback, Preston T 484 Simpson, Harry L 189 Smith, Milton 329 Smith, Albert P 317 Smith, W. K 175 Smith, Ralph W 188 Smith, Theo. G 218 Smith, Chas. A 419 Smith, James Sinclair 385 Snider, Herbert M 234 Spengel, A. J 37 Sparhawk, Edw. M 312 Spalding, George 49 Spray, W. J 443 Spencer, P. J 222 Speers, C. H 308 Standart, Frederick W 11 Stannard, Clare N 270 Stevenson, T. C 127 Stimson, Edward C 318 Stokes, Chas. A 101 Struby, F. W 366 Stoll, H. M 248 Stough, Geo. A , 288 Stokes, Jas. F 252 Stewart, Charles S 491 Tesch, Frank S 295 Thomas, H. J 239 Thompson, Chas. E 58 Tobin, Paul S.. 492 Trone, A. J 299 Tritch, George 87 Trott, A. B 294 True, H. A 444 509 Page Todd, S. Luther , 213 Tuttle, M. H 129 Turner, Geo. E 55 Underbill, Nelson 305 Vallery, Geo. W 7 Vallery, John F 20 Vaile, William N 296 Veeder, A. H. Jr 142 Vick Roy, A. F 339 Vickery, A. K 467 Vidler, Rees C 284 von Alt, Karl 181 Vreeland, B. F 387 Wantland, C. E 187 Walker, John M 146 Walker, Thomas C., Jr ~. 465 Wahlgreen, G. A 493 Wadeson, H. R. W 91 Weege, F. W 211 Wehrle, A. P. . . ". 257 Weaver, W. C 203 Weiss, J. P 278 Webb, F. C 310 Webb, W. F 324 Wells, Edwin E 459 Wellington, C. L . . 9 Welby, Arthur E 102 Welsh, J. D 80 Wing, W. S 23 Wilson, D. B 191 Willcox, Chas. MacA 31 Williams, J. S 353 Willard, J. E 412 Weicker, Robert V 85 Willson, F. B 313 Wild, John C 323 Williams, T. E 38 Whieelock, Jesse M 264 Whitely, Edward 238 Williams, C. H 259 Whitely, E. D 290 Wilkins, James H 331 Whitehead, Chas B 351 Woodward, Frank L 430 Worrall, C. C 88 Writer, J. A. 24 510