EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDERS AND BULLETINS WAR DEPARTMENT MAY, 1918 WITH LIST OF PARAGRAPHS OF ARMY REGULATIONS AND OTHER REGULATIONS AND MANUALS OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT THAT HAVE BEEN CHANGED SINCE JANUARY 1. 1918 WASnNGTON GOVERNMBNl f KlNTING OFFICE 1918 U3^' %m JAM , WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, May 31, 1918. The following extracts from general orders and bulletins, War Department, for the month of May, 1918, together with a list of paragraphs of Army Regu- lations and other regulations and manuals of the War Department that have been changed since January 1, 1918, are published to the Army for the informa- tion and guidance of all concerned. [300.1, A. G. O.] By OKDER OF THE SeCKETABY OF Wab: PEYTON O. MARCH, General, Chief of Staff, Official : H. P. McCain, The Adjutant General. •I • TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Section I. Extracts from general orders for the month of May, 1918 5 Section II. Extracts from bulletins for the month of May, 1918 18 Section III, Contents of general orders and bulletins that are not reprinted in Sections I and II 23 Section IV. List of paragraphs of Army Regulations and other regulations and manuals of the War Department that have been changed since January 1, 1918 25 Index to Sections I, II, and III 29 3 '^^t)48 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 20Q7 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/extractsfromgeneOOunitrich ,• "f .■: ir ■• 1^. ) *r':5' '\^l - a EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDERS AND BULLETINS, WAR DEPARTMENT. MAY, 1918. Section I. EXTRACTS FjROM GENERAL ORDERS. HAT, 1918. GENiaiAi. QEDEas, No. 43, May 1, 1918. Arms and cartridge belts for assistants of aatomatic riflemen. II. The first and second assistants of the automatic rifleman will each be armed with a magazine rifle as laid down in table 7, Series A, Tables of Or- ganization, January 14, 1918, and to each of these assistants will be issued the same design cartridge belt ; that is, one without butt rest and containing four pockets for eight automatic rifle magazines and four pockets for eight rifle clips. (320.2, A. O. O.) Clothing for officers and enlisted men of foreign armies. III. The sale of clothing to officers of foreign armies and its issu€ to enlisted men of the French Army on duty with or attached to the military forces of the United States is authorized. Such sales and issues, however, will be subject to the same restrictions and limitations as are imposed upon sales of clothing to ofiicers and upon issues to enlisted men who are in the military service of the United States. Vouchers covering issues of clothing to enlisted men of the French Amy will be forwarded by the accountable officer to the Quartermaster General of the Army for transmission to the French embassy. (336.4, A. G. O.^ Gknebal Obdees, No. 45, May 9, 1918. Organization, functions, etc, of Development Battalions. 1. 1. Under the authority conferred by sections 1, 2, 8, and 9 of the act of CJongress, "Authorizing the President to increase temporarily the Military Es- tablishment of the United States," approved May 18, 1917, the President directs that there be organized for the period of the existing emergency at each Na- tional Army, National Guard, and Regular Army Divisional Camp, and in such other camps as may be directed by the Secretary of War, one or more Develop- ment Battalions. These battalions will be organized under Table 401, Train- ing Battalion, Infantry, Series D, corrected to March 22, 1918. The officers authorized herein will be provided as prescribed in the third paragraph of sec- tion 1 and by section 9 of the act of May 18, 1917. 2. The functions of the Development Battalions will be: a. To relieve divisions, replacement organizations, etc., of all unfit men. h. To conduct intensire training with a view to developing unfit men for duty with combatant or aoncombatant forces either within the United Stattea or for service abroad. 5 6 .^X3:jl\^t^:FRttft^ QENEKjkJ. OBDERS AND BULLETINS. c. To promptly rid the service of all men who. after thorough trial aud ex- amination, are found physically, mentally, or morally incapable of performing the duties of a soldier. 3. Development Battalions will be under the general supervision of the camp commander. These battalions will be an adjunct of the depot brigades in places where such depots are regularly established. 4. The following procedure in connection with the transfer of men to De- velopment Battalions will be observed in camps where the establishment of such battalions is authorized : a. When an enlisted man is inapt or does not possess the required degree of adaptability for military service; or gives evidence of habits or traits of character, other than those for which trial by court-martial should be employed, that render his service in the organization undesirable; or is disqualified for service physically through his own misconduct or otherwise and not subject to immediate discharge on surgeon's certificate, or is an alien enemy or allied alien enemy, or is an alien who is not a declarant and has been drafted through his ignorance of his rights under the Selective Service Law, or for any other reason is not fitted to perform the duties of a soldier at home or abroad, his company or detachment commander will report the facts to the commanding officer, who will appoint a board consisting of one officer, preferably the sum- mary court. The board will determine whether or not the soldier should be transferred to the Development Battalion. When transfer to the Development Battalion on account of physical disability is contemplated, a medical officer will be consulted before transfer is recommended. The commanding officer, in case of approval, will forward the proceedings through military channels to the camp commander, requesting that the transfer to the Development Bat- talion be made. b. The camp commander will issue the necessary orders for transfer. c. For the purposes of this order, such independent commands as are adja- cent to and intimately connected with divisional camps or cantonments will be considered a part of such camps or cantonments. 5. As a rule transfers to the Development Battalions will be made within one month after men are received in the organizations. In places where depot brigades are regularly established, men who belong to the classes enumerated in paragraph 4 a, above, will be transferred directly into the Development Battalion. 6. Within the Development Battalions the men will be grouped in classes, depending upon their aptitude ^nd degree of training. Men who, after a thor- ough trial and examination, show that they can not be trained or can not be utilized in some capacity, will be discharged. The discharge to be given soldiers under the provisions of this order will, as a rule, be that prescribed by section 3 of paragraph 150, Army Regulations. 7. Men from the Development Battalions will be discharged by the camp (or depot brigade) commander upon the recommendation of the commander of the Development Battalion. Camp and depot brigade commanders are hereby authorized to issue dis- charges from Development Battalions by order of the Secretary of War. S. In posts, camps, or stations where the number of men is not sufficient to warrant the establishment of a Development Battalion, the classes of men enu- merated in paragraph 4 a will be transferred to the nearest Development Bat- talion. The proceedings of the board recommending transfer will be sent for approval to department headquarters when troops are under the jurisdiction of sucli commanders, or In cases arising at general hospitals, arsenals, etc., that are EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDERS. 7 within the territorial limits of the department but are ordinarily exempted from the control of tlie department commander. In this case department com- manders will issue the necessary orders for transfer after first ascertaining from the commanding officer under whose jurisdiction the nearest Development Battalion is placed that accommodations are available. Should such accommo- dations not be available, report will be made to the War Department for instruc- tions. 9. These instructions are intended to cover all cases arising within the •continental limits of the United States. This applies to men returned from ji broad and to all branches of the service. 10. Transfers to Development Battalions will bo made within the grades held by enlisted men unless transferred for disability which is the result of their own misconduct : such men should be reduced to privates before transfer. When the number of noncommissioned officers, cooks, etc., sent to a Develop- ment Battalion exceeds the number provided for in Table 401, Training Bat- talion, Infantry, such men will be carried on the rolls of the battalion as extra numbers. Men holding grades, such as saddter, horseshoer, etc., not provided for in Table 401, will also be cai'ried tis extra numliers on the rolls of the battalion to which they are assigned. 11. Cases of men whose disposition is not covered by these Uistcuctions will be referred to the War Department for necessary action. 12. Enlisted men will not be transferred from Development Battalions except by War Department orders. 13. The commanding general, American Expeditionary Forces, will issue such instructions as he may deem necessary relative to the disposition within his command of men in the classes enumerated in pargraph 4 a, above. 14. One month after receipt of these instructions commanders of Develop- ment Battalions will make recommendations with a view to increasing the efficiency of this project. Higher commanders in forwarding tliese recomraendar tions will add such comment as they see fit. - : h? 15. On the last of each mouth camp or depot brigade commanders will repoi't: to The Adjutant General the number and grade of men fitted for duty within their respective Development Battalions. The report will also state the class of duty foi- which men are fitted, and whether or not they are suitable for duty abroad. 16. Officers who are placed on duty with Development Battalions should bear in mind the importance of this work. Success in conserving the man power of the Natien can bo attained only through untiring effort and an exercise of good judgment on the part of the officers concerned. (322.051, A. G. O.) Transfer of soldiers without sufficient knowledge of the English lajiguage to Development Battalions. II. Soldiers wha have not sufficient knowledge of the English language to enable them properly to perform their duties may be transferred to the Devel- opment Battalions, where instruction to the necessary extent will be imparted. These transfers will be made in accordance with section I of this order. (350, A. G. O.) GKN13HAI. Ordeks, No. 46, May 9. 1918. Jewish Welfare Board. I. The Jewish Welfare Board, which was formed to coordinate the war work of Independent Jewish associations in the United States, is an agency which is recognized for religious, social, and recreational work in the camps. Com- manding officers will cooperate with the representatives of this organization (083, A. G. O.) 8 EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDERS AND BULLETINS. Reporting sickness during movement of troops. II. When during a movement of troops it is found necessary, on account of sickness, to leave any part of the command at a place where the patient, or patients, can not be turned over to the Medical Department, the commander of the troops or detachment will report the fact by telegraph to the commander of the department within the territorial limits of which the patients are left, giving names, grades, organizations, nature of illness, and name of place at which left. (704.1, A. G. O.) Duties of Officers of the Corps of Instructors, Signal Corps. III. OflBcers of the Corps of Instructors, Signal Corps, appointed with a view to their utilization as instructors in schools of military aeronautics and desig- nated as such in the orders directing them to report for duty, are not available for duty as line officers nor for assignment to tactical units. The primary duties of these officers are those pertaining to the instruction of cadets in the schools of military aeronautics. Their services may not be utilized for any other training. These duties will be performed under the supervision of the commanding officer of the school of military aeronautics to which they are assigned, (321.91, A. G. O.) Unfit and inefficient officers. IV. Section II, General Orders, No. 169. War Department, 1917. is rescinded and the following substituted therefor: 1. W^henever an officer of the Regular Army, holding an appointment with temporarily increased rank (by promotion or otherwise) in any force of the Army of the United States, including staff bureaus and departments, is con- sidered by his division or higher commander or by a chief of staff, bureau, or department &s unfit to exercise the duties of such temporarily increased rank, the division or higher commander, or the chief of staff, bureau, or department will report such fact to the War Department for the action of the President, as contemplated in section 9, act of Congress, approved May 18, 1917. (Bulletin 32, War Department, 1917.) 2. In all cases where an officer of the Regular Army holding an appointment with temporarily increased rank (by promotion or otherwise) in any force of the Army of the United States, including staff, bureaus, and departments, has been discharged from such temporary commission on account of unfitness, such officer shall be held as unfit for temporary promotion in the Regular Army and shall be suspended from such promotion for a period of six months from the date of such discharge. Any vacancy to which such officer may become en- titled will be filled by the promotion of the qualified officer next on the lineal list. Just prior to the expiration of said period of six months his immediate com- manding officer will be directed to report to the War Department whether or not the officer thus suspended has demonstrated his fitness for temporary ad- vancement to the next higher grade in the Regular Army. 3. In the American Expeditionary Forces the commanding general will con- tinue, under the authority heretofore granted him, to discharge, by order of the President, inefficient officers of all branches of the service below the grade of brigadier general other than officers of the Regular Army. Officers of the Regular Army holding temporary appointments therein, or commissions in forces other than the Regular Army, may be discharged from such appointments and commissions by the authority herein granted. In all cases where, in the opinion of the commanding general, American Expeditionary Forces, an officer of the Regular Army, who has b^en given temporary promotion therein, is considered BXTEACTS FROM GENEBAL ORDERS. 9 as unfit to exercise the duties of such temporarily increased ranlr, the com- mandinjr general will report such fact to the War Department for the action of the President. In all cases in the American Expeditionary Forces where an officer of the Rejnilar Army has been discharged from temporary commission with increased rank in the National Army or from commission to which tem- porarily promoted in the Regular service, the conditions indicated in para- graph 2 hereof shall apply. (334.4, A. G. O.) Qualification record cards and ofBcers' qualification cards. V. 1. All enlisted men of the Army in the continental limits of the United States will be classified at the earliest practicable date in accordance with the method already in use in Regular Army, National Guard, and National Army divisions and in certain of the staff corps and departments. Accordingly for each soldier there will be a completed qualification record card. Form CCP-1. This card will accompany the soldier in all cases of transfer and embarkation. 2. The qualifications of the soldier as shown on his qualification record card will be given consideration in his assignment to duty. In such assignment it will be the practice, as far as practicable, to conform to the Tables of Occupa- tional Needs, issued to division commanders on March 28, 1918. These tables cover all units in an Infantry division (combat). 3. All oflicers of the Army below the grade of brigadier general, on active duty and serving within the continental limits of the United States, will be classified and rated according to the rating scale meihocl now in use in the case of line officers and In certain of the staff corps and departments. Each officer will fill out an oflicers' qualification card and will be rated according to the rating scale on or before June 30, 1918. In case of transfer, whether within the United States or overseas, this card will be rated, and inclosed in a sealed erfvelope or package. It will accompany the officer and be delivered to the com- manding officer to whom he reports. 4. Duplicate officers' qualification cards will be made before July 5, 1918, and will be forwarded by the division, department, district, post, camp, or other station commander directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, except that duplicate cards of officers of staff corps and departments of the National Guard, National Army, and OflJicers' Reserve Corps will be forwarded to the chief of the staff corps or department concerned. The above will not apply where duplicates have been forwarded under previous instructions. 5. Applications for qualification record cards, tables of occupational needs, officers' qualification cards, and instructions for their use will be made to The Adjutant General of the Army, Room 528. War Department. (201.6, A. G. O.) General Ordeks, No. 47, Mat 11, 1918. Units exempted from control of department commanders. I. Paragraph 1, section VI, General Orders, No. 23, War Departpient, 1918, is amended by the addition of the following subparagraph : (/) Quartermaster Mechanical Repair Shop Units Nos. 304, 305, and 306. (322.9, A. G. O.) Baling relative to physical disability. II. Hereafter any soldier who shall have been accepted on his first physical examination after arrival at a military station as fit for service shall be considered to have contracted any subsequent determined physical disability in the line of duty unless such disability can be shown to be the result of his own carelessness, misconduct, or vicious habits, or unless the history of the case iLO EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDERS AND BULLETINS. shows unmistukiibly that the disability existed prior to entrance into the service. The same rulings shall apply in the cases of officers who have beei. passed as fit for service on phy^cal examination upon entrance into the service. (710, A. G. O.) Removal of personal property stored at posts or depots; shipment of bagg^age. IV. General Orders, No. 86, War Department, 1917, is rescinded and the fol- lowing is substituted therefor : 1. All officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees who have personal prop- erty stored at military posts or depots are hereby directed to remove said property upon notification from the quartermaster or other officer in charge of the post or depot at which said property is stored that the space utilized is required for use by the Government. 2. Officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Regular Army, not on duty at a permanent station, who have been or may be directed to remove personal property from a post or depot at which said property is stored (as indicated In paragraph 1 hereof), or who may be ordered for duty in the field, or who are now on duty in the field, will be entitled to have their full allow- ance of baggage disposed of in the same manner as is now provided for in paragraph 1138, Army Regulations, for extended service overseas. Upon re- assignment to permanent station from duty in the field, officers, enlisted men. and civilian employees of the Regular Army will be entitled to have their authorized allowance of baggage shipped at public expense in the same man- ner as is provided for in paragraph 1138, Army Regulations, upon resuming duty in the United States from service overseas. Shipment under this authority may be made from any previous station, provided the total of this and all pre- vious shipments at Government expense from any one station shall not ex- ceed the authorized allowance of the officer concerned at the time he left said station and provided further that the aggregate weight of all shipments made under the provisions of this order shall not exceed the authorized allowance of the officer at the time final shipment is made. For the purpose of this order " Duty in the field " will be construed as in- cluding any duty in Europe incident to the present military operations. 8. Baggage in excess of the regular allowance may be shipped upon the same bill of lading with the regulation allowance, upon deposit with the shipping officer, prior to the issuance of the bill of lading, of a sum equal to the com- mercial freight charges on the excess, to be ascertained from or through the agent of the carrier at point of shipment, and cost of exchange for remittance to the officer who will settle the transportation charges. The excess will not be shipped on Government bill of lading unless such deposit be first made. 4. The provisions of this section include the shipment of the professional books of officers, as provided for in paragraph 1139, Army Regulations, and include, likewise, shipments made from places wh-ere baggage has heretofore been stored under the provisions of paragraph 1138, Army Regulations. 5. Officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Regular Army de- siring shipment of baggage under the provisions of this section, will submit application therefor to The Adjutant General of the Army, setting forth the necessity for the shipment, and such application when duly approved, shall be the authority for a quartermaster to make the shipment. [524.21, A. G. O.] Procedure to be followed in case of certain contracts. V. 1. Revised Statutes 3744 to 3747 provide as follows : Sec. 3744. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, of the Secretary of the Navy, and of the Secretary of the Interior, to cause and require every con tract made by them severally on behalf of the Government, or by their officers^ EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL ORDEBS. 11 under them appointed to make such contracts, to be reduced to writing, aixl signed by the contracting parties with thieir names at the end thereof; a copy of which shall be filed by the officer making and signing the contract in the Returns Office of the Department of the Interior, as soon after tlie contract is made as possible, and within thirty days, together with all bids, offers and pro- posals to him made by persons to obtain the same, and with a copy of any ad- vertisement he may have published inviting bids, offers, or proposals for the same. dLll the copies and papers in relation to each contract shall be attached together by a ribbon and seal, and marked by numbers in regular order, accord- ing to the number of papers composing the whole return. (See Sees. 512-515.) Sec. 3745. It shall be the further duty of the officer, before making his return, according to the preceding section, to affix to the same his affidavit in the following form, sworn to before some magistrate having authority to admin- ister oaths: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the copy of contract hereto annexed is an exact copy of a contract made by me personally with ; that I made the same fairly without any benefit or advantage to myself, or allowing any such benefit or advantage corruptly to the said , or any other person; and that the papers accompanying include all those relating to the said contract, as required by the statute in such case made and provided." Sec. 3746. Every officer who makes any contract, and fails or neglects to make return of the same, according to the provisions of the two preceding sections, unless from unavoidable accident or causes not within his control, shall be leemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred, and imprisoned not more than six months. Sec. 3747. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, of the Secretary of the Navy, and of the Secretary of the Interior to furnish every officer appointed by them with authority to make contracts on behalf of the Government with a printed letter of instructions, setting forth the duties of such officer, under the two preceding sections, and also to furnish therewith forms, printed in blank of contracts to be made, and the affidavit of returns required to be affixed thereto, so that all the instruments may be as nearly uniform as possible. Extract from chapter 29, first session, 1917. June 15, 1917. (House resolu- tion 3971.) Statutes, 1917„ page 198: Section 3744, Revised Statutes, is hereby amended by adding the following at the end of the last sentence : '^Provided, That the Secretary of War or Secretary of the Navy may extend the time for filing such contracts in the Returns Office of the Department of the Interior to ninety days whenever In their opinion it would be to the interest of the United States to follow such a course." 2. Numerous failures on the part of contracting officers of the War Depart- ment to comply with the provisions of these statutes have been brought to the attention of the department. The chiefs of the several supply bureaus will insure a precise and Immediate compliance with these statutes. All contracting officers of the War Department will familiarize themselves with these statutes and comply accurately with their provisions. (160.14, A. G. O.) General Orders, No. 48, May 17, 1918. Discontinuance of qualification in marksmanship and extra pay tlierefor. 1. 1. During the continuance of the present emergency, firing with the rifie, machine gun, or automatic rifle for qualification and extra pay in all organiza- tions armed in whole or in part with these weapons will be discontinued. 2. During the continuance of the present emergency, examinations in the Coast Artillery Corps and in the Field Artillery for qualification and extra pay as gunners will be discontinued. (358.151. A. G. O.) IB EXTRACTS FKOM GENEEAI. ORDEHS AKD BULLETINS. Marching and field shoes for troops ordered overseas. II. Troops ordered overseas will take with them to ports of embarkation only the one pair of russet or marcliing slioes for each enlisted iiian in addition to field shoes referred to in section II, General Orders, No. 23, War Department, 1918. Additional marching and russet shoes which have been Issued will be turncMi in to camp quartermasters before departure to embarkation caraps.^ (421.5, A. G. O.) Wearing of uniform by officials of the American Red Cross. III. Paragraph 7, section V, General Orders, No. 17, War Department, 1918^ is amended to read as follows : 7. Officials of the Red Cross assigned to duty as outlined above with the Military Establishment In foreign countries which constitute the seat of active warfare will be required to wefir the regulation uniform of the American Red Cross, together with the insignia, etc., as approved by the Secretary of War. Such uniform and insignia is not authorized for wear except as herein pre- BCribed, (421, A. G. O.) Appointment, promotion, and rednction of noncommissioned oflS^cers, Quarter- master Corps. IV. Section IV, General Orders, No. 113, War Department, 1917, as amended by section VII, General Orders, No. 2, War Department, 1918, is further amended so as to change paragraph 6 to read as follows: 6. The provisions of this section shall not apply in the matter of the appoint- ment, promotion, and reduction of company, battalion, and regimental noncom- missi'oued oflicers, cooks, and privates, first class. Quartermaster' Corps, in l)attalion, regimental, and similar organizations pertaining to the said corps; in the aprK)intment, promotion, and reduction of enlisted men referred to in this paragraph, "the pro\Lsi(>ns of paragraphs 256, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 27G, 277, and 278, Army Regulations 1913, siiall apply. Quartermaster sergeants senior grade, quartermaster sergeants, and sergeants, first class, bel{»nging to such or- ganizations, shall bo appointed as provided for in the preceding paragraph.^. (322.03, A. G. O.) Appointments in the serveral grades of enlisted men, (luartermaster Corps. V. Paragraph 1, section IV, General Orders, No. 113, War Department, 1917, is amended to read as follows: Temporary appointments in the Regular Army, National Guard drafted, and National Army to tl i grades of quarttrmaster sergeant, senior grade, quarter- master sergean , and sergeant, first class. Quartermaster Corps, will, within the limits of the allotment to their respective commands, be made by commanders of territorial departments, armies, corps, divisions. Coast Artillery districts, and eeimrate brlgadv-v;, and the commanding general, American Expeditionary Forces. Permanent appolufment to these grades will be made for the Regular Ar-my by the Secretary of \Var, and for the National Guard drafted and the National Army by the Quartermaster General. Sergeants, corporals, cooks, and privates, first class, will be temporarily or permanently appointed within the allotment to their respective commands by the commanders of territorial departments, armies, corps, divisions, Coast Artillery districts, and separate brigades, and the com- manding general, American Expeditionary Forces. For independent stations temporary appointments in all grades for the Regular Army, National Guard drafted, and National Army; permanent appointments in all grades for the Na-. tlonal Guard drafted and National Army and permanent appointments in the Regular Army in the grades of sergeant, corporal, cook, and privates, first class, will be made by the (quartermaster General. (220.31, A. G. O.) BXTKACTS PROM GENERAL ORDERS. 13 Supervision and control of division trains. VI. Paragraph 1, section IV, General Orders, No. 149, War Department, .1917, is rescinded an-' the following substituted therefor: Except when released by order as provided for by paragraphs 282 and 283, B^ield Service Uegulations, division rains are subject to the control of the com- mander of trains, whose status and responsibility as a commander is analogous to that of a brigade commander. In so far as training concerns a special service, tlie details and supervision of instruction are properly functions of the division chiefs of service under whom these elements of the command operate in action ; but the failure of the latter to exercise this function will not serve to relieve the commander of trains of his responsibility for the efficiency of his command. The attention of all concerned is directed to the fact that the Field Service Regu- lations were written with a view to their application in campaign. The excex)- tional circumstances connected with service in training and mobilization camps call for a maximum of control by the division chiefs of service, who represent tlie division commander in matters pertaining to their particular branches. The efficiency of a commander of trains is in part measured by the promptness with which he can deliver any particular train when and where needed by the service charged with itt operation and training. Where there exists an evident lack of cooperation between the commander of trains and the chiefs of service, it is the duty of the division commander to take appropriate action. Such action may properly be that provided for by paragraph 283, Field Service Regulations. (322.03, A. G. O.) General Obdeks, No. 49, May 18, 1918. Regulations for the flying of civilian aircraft. The following proclamation by the President is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned : [REQULATINQ THE FLYING OF CIVILIAN AIRCBAFT.] BY THE PRESIDENT? OJT THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. A Proclamation. Whereas, the United States of America is now at war, and the Army and Navy thA-eof are endangered in their operations and preparntions by aircraft, T, WooDRow Wilson, President of the United States, by virtue of the authority Tested in me by the Constitution as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and of the Militia of the several States when called into the actual service of the United States, do hereby for the protection of such forces issue the following proclamation : I. A license nmst be obtained from the Joint Army and Navy Board on Aeronautic Cognizance by or in behalf of any person who contemplates flying in a balloon, aeroplane, hydroplane, or other machine or device over or near any military or naval forces, camp, fort, battery, torpedo station, arsenal, mu- nition factory, navy yard, naval station, coaling station, telei)hone or wireless or signal station, or any building or office connect e 2.3 1917, No. 86, rescinded (sec. IV, G. O 47) 10 1917, No. 113. sec. IV, amended (sec. IV, G. O. 48) 12 1917, No. 113, par. 1, sec. IV, amended (sec. V, G. O. 48) 12 1917, No. 149, par. 1. sec. IV, superseded (sec. VI, G. O. 48) 13 1917, No. 169. sec. Il, rescinded (sec. IV, G. O. 46) ^» 1918, No. 2, par. 6. sec. VII, amended (sec. IV- G. O. 48) _ ___ 12 1918, No. 6, par. 1 (c and d), and pars. 7 and 8, amended (sec. IV, G. O. 53) _ 16 1918, No. 16, amended (sec. IV, G. O. 43) 23 1918, No. 17, par. 7, sec. V, amended (sec. Ill, G. O. 48) 12 1918, No. 23, par. 1, sec. IV, superseded (sec. II, G. O. 53) ^* 1918, No. 23, par. 1, sec. VI, amended (sec. I, G. O. 47) » 1918, No. 24, sec. VII, amended (sec. IV. G. O. 43) _>__—- 23 General Staff and bvireaus in Washington, classes of men for military service with Gunners, quaUficatlon as," amf extra pay discontinued (sec. I, G. O. 48) JJ Guns, French, velocities and powders for (sec. I, Bui. 29) ^^ H. Home Guard, distinctive marks and insignia prescribed for (sec. IV Bui. 29)— 24 Homing pigeons, preventing interference with use of (sec. II, Bui. 24) -6* INDEX. ^. 31 I. '■'■ ■ ' ■■'^■■• Page. Inefficient officers (sec. IV, G. O. 46) 8 Injury or destruction of war material, punishment for (.'seo. IV, Bui. 24) 18 Insignia prescribed for Home Guard (sec, IV, Bui. 29) 24 Issue of clothing to enlisted men of the French Array on duty with United States forces (sec. III. G. O. 43) 5 Issue of matzoth or unleavened bread (sec. Ill, Bui. 25) 24 J. Jewish Welfare Board, commanding officers to cooperate with (sec. I, G. O. 46) — 7 L. Law against willful injury or destruction of war material, etc. (sec. IV, Bui. 24) _ 18 M. Marching and field shoes for troops ordered overseas (sec. II, G. O. 4S) 12 Marksmanship, qualification in, and extra pay discontinued (sec. I, G. O. 48) H Messes for detachments (sec. II, Bui. 29) 21 Methods, routings, and preferential shipments of troops and supplies (sec. V, G. O. 52) •- 15 Mexican border, change of station allowance of baggage (sec. I, Bui. 27) 21 Militarv service for duty with the General Staff and bureaus, classes of men for (sec' III, G. O. 53) 24 Movements of troops, reporting sickness during (sec. II, G. O. 46) 8 N. National defense act, certain sections suspended (sec. V, Bui. 24) 24 Naturalization laws, amending of (sec. II. Bui. 28) 24 Noncommissioned officers : Ordnance, reductioa of (sec. 11, G. O. 50) 14 Quartermaster Corps, ppointment, promotion, and reduction of (sec. IV, G. O. 48) 12 O. Officers : Accountable for property, on arrival In France, duties (sec. IV, Bui. 20) 20 Assignment to duty or command — Holbrook. Willard A., major general (sec. V, G. O. 43) 23. .Tohn;.ton. .lohn \., brigadier general (sec. V, G. O. 43) 23 Ruckman, John W., brigadier generJil (sec. V, G. O. 43) 23 Williams, Clarence C, brigadier general (sec. I, G. O. 44) 23 Wood, Robert E., brigadier general (sec. VI, G. O. 46) 28 Baggage transportation (sec. I, Bui. 27; see. IV, G. O. 47)-, 21,10 Detail of Gen. Peyton C. Marsh as Chief of Staff (stc. I, G. O. 53) 24 Gen. Tasker H. Bliss relieved as Chief of Staff (sec. J, G. O. 53) 24 Physical examination, for oversea service (sec. Ill, G. O. 50) 1* Qualification cards (sec. V, G. O. 46) Relieved from duty or command — Bliss, Tasker H., general (sec. I, G. O. 53) 24 .lohnston, John A., brigadier general (sec. V, G. O. 43) 2S Ruckman, John W.. brigadier general (sec. V, O. O. -^3) 23 Sibert, William L., major general (sec. Ill, G. O. 47) 23 Removal of personal property stored at posts, etc. (sec. IV, G. O. 47) 10 Transfer of (sec. I, G. O. 52) 15 Unfit and inefficient (sec. IV, G. O. 46) 8 Officers and enlisted men of foreign armies, clothing for (sec. Ill, G. O. 43) 5 Ordnance Department, reduction of noncommissioned officers and privates, first class (sec. II, G. O. 50) ^ 1.4 Ordnance equipment, methods for obtaining (sec. Ill, Bui. 26) 20 Ordnance training camp, Camp Raritan designated as (sec. I, Bui. 26) 24 Organization, functions, etc., of Development Battalions (sec. 1, G. O. 45) 5 Oversea duty : Marching and tield shoes for troops ordered on (sec. II, G. O. 48) 12 Physical examiuaTion of officers for (sec. Ill, G. O. ">0) 14 Shipment of baggage (sec. IV, G. O. 47) lO P. Penalty envelopes, postal laws and regulations (sec. IV, Bui. 25) 24 Permanent change of station, allowance of baggage (sec. I, Bui. 27) 21 Personal property stored at posts or depots, removal of (sec. IV, G. O. 47) lO Physical disability, rulings relative to (sec. II, G. O. 47) J) Physical examination of officers before proceeding overseas (sec. Ill, G, O. 50) 14 Pistol ammunition, carried by troops (sec. II, Bui. 25) 20 Postal laws and regulations, penalty envelopes (sec. IV, Bui. 2.") 24 Powders for French guns (sec. I, Bui. 29) 21 Privates, first class. Ordnance, reduction of (sec. II, G. O. 50) 14 Procedure to be followed in case of certain contracts (sec. V. G O. 47) 10 Proclamation, President of the United States, regulating flying of civilian aircraft (G. O. 49) 13 Promotions, noncommissioned officers, Quartermaster Corps (sec. IV, G. O. 48) 12 Property accountability, duties of officers on arrival in France (?ec. IV, Bui. 26) _ 20 Property, supplies, etc., acquired or manufactured by the United States, sale of fsec. I. Bui. 28) 24 m IKDEX. Q. , Pa fir*. Qualification cards, officers' (sec. V. G. O. 46) 9 Qualification record cards (sec. V, G. O. 46) 9 Quartermaster Corps : Appointments in the several grades of enlisted men (sec. V, G. O. 48) 12 Noncommissioned officers, appointment, etc. (sec. IV, G. O. 48) 12 Quartermaster mechanical repair shop units exempted from control of department commanders (sec. I, G. O. 47) Quarters for detachments (sec. II. Bui. 29) 21 R. Red Cross, wearing of the regulation uniform (sec. Ill, G. O. 48) 12 Redistribution of powers, duties, and functions of Chief Signal Officer (sees. I and II. G. O. 51) 23 Reductions : Noncommissioned officers, Ordnance (sec. II. G O. 50) 14 Noncommissioned officers. Quartermaster Corps (sec. IV, G. O. 48) 12 Privates, first class. Ordnance (sec. II, G. O. 50) 14 Regulations for the flying of civilian aircraft (G. O. 49) 18 Reimbursement of actual expenses or flat per diem for enlisted men (sec. I, Bui. 24 ) 18 Removal of personal property stored at posts or depots (sec. IV, G. O. 47) 10 Reporting sickness during movements of troops (sec. II, G. O. 46) 8 Returns of property by accountable officers on arrival in France (sec. IV, Bui. 26) _ 20 Routings and preferential shipments of troops and supplies (sec. V, G. O. 52) 15 Rulings relative to physical disability (sec. II. G. O. 47) 9 S. Sales of clothing to officers of foreign armies (sec. Ill, G. O. 43) 6 Schools of military aeronautics, instruction of cadets in (sec. Ill, G. O. 4G) 8 Secretary of the Interior, contracts (sec. V, G. O. 47) 10 Secretary of the Navy, contracts (sec. V, G. O. 47) 10 Secretary of Wir, contracts (sec. V, G. O. 47) 10 Shipment of baggage of officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees (sec. IV, G. O. 47) 10 Shipment of troops and supplies for the Army (sec. V, G. O. 52) 15 Shoes, marching and field, for troops ordered overseas (sec. II. G. O. 48) 12 Sickness during movements of troops, reporting of (sec. II, G. O. 46) 8 Signal Coi-ps, (jorps of Instructors, duties of officers (sec. Ill, G. O. 46) 8 Specialists Inducted into service (sec. II. G. O. 52) 15 Supervisi.a an: control of division trains (sec. VI, G. O. 48) 13 Supplies for the Army, shipment of (sec. V, G. O. 52) 15 T. Trains, divusion, supervision and control (sec. VT. G. O. 48) 13 Transfer of enMsted men to development battalions (sees. I and II, G. O. 45) 5-7 Transfers of officers and enlisted men (sec. I, G. O. 52) 15 Travel on duty, enlisted men, reimbursement (sec. I, Bui. 24) 18 Troops, shipment of (sec. V, G. O. 52) 1 — 15 U. Uniform of the American Red Cross, wearing of (sec. Ill, G. O. 48) 12 Unfit and inercient officers (sec. IV, G. O. 46) 8 Uniform, wearing of, by enlisted men on furlough (sec. V. Bui. 29) 22 Units exempted from control of department commanders (sec. I, G. O. 47) 9 Unleavened bread, Issue (sec. Ill, Bui. 25) 24 V. Vacancies, filling of certain, In grades of the Regular Army (sec. Ill, Bui. 24) 18 Velocities and powders for French guns (see. I, Bui. 29) 21 W. War material, law to punish injury or destr ictlon of (sec. IV, Bui. 24) 18 War-service chevrons (sec. IV, G. O. 58) 16 Water Transp^^t Branch, Quartermaster General's Office, control of (sec. IV, G. O. 52) 24 Wound chevrons (sec. IV, G. O. 53) 16 1 Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PM. JAN. 21, 1908 _^ ^^ * > 4 b UBSoi^ fl^3 lO/S UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY