VRENCE For review and bibliographical note see Numismatic Circular Vol. LXXIII. No.11.pg.252 November THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES r MEDALS BY GIOVANNI CAVING, THE 'PADUAN.' BY RICHARD HOE LAWRENCE. NEW YORK : PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1883. Stack Annex 5015342 PRINCIPAL AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. ARMAND, Alfred. Les medailleurs italiens des quinzieme et seizieme siecles. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1883. 2 vols. 8. BOLZENTHAL, Heinrich. Skizzen zur Kunstgeschichte der moder- nen Medaillen-arbeit (1429-1840). Berlin, 1840. 30 pis. 12. CICOGNARA, Leopoldo. Storia della scultura dal risorgimento delle belle arti in Italia fino al secolo di Napoleone. Venezia, 1813- 18. 131 pis. 3 vols. f. COHEN, Henry. Description historique des monnaies frappees sous 1'empire remain, communement appelees medailles imperiales. Paris, 1859-68. 120 pis. 7 vols. 8. Deuxieme edition. Paris 1880-82. Vols. I. & II. 8. Du MOLINET, Claude. Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte- Genevieve. Paris, 1692. ills. f. GAETANI, Pier-Antonio. Museum Mazzuchellianum, seu numis- mata virorum doctrina prsestantium quse apud Jo. Mariam Comitem Mazzuchellum Brixiae servantur a Petro Antonio de Comitibus Gaetanis. . .edita, atque illustrata. Accedit versio Italica studio Equitis Casimi Mei elaborata. Venetiis, 1761-63. 208 pis. 2 vols. f. KEARY, C. T. A guide to the Italian medals exhibited in the King's Library [British Museum]. London, 1881. 7 pis. 8. LITTA, Pompeo. Famiglie celebri Italiane. Milano, 1819-1852. ills. 8 vols. f. MONTIGNY, C. de. Des faussaires. Jean Cavino et Alex. Bassiano, Padouans. In Le Cabinet de 1'Amateur et de 1'Antiquaire. Paris, 1842-46. I., pp. 385-414 ; IV., pp. 9-30. ills. GIOVANNI CAVINO. Giovanni Cavino, an Italian medallist, contemporary with Ben- venuto Cellini, was born at Padua in 1499 or 1500. We know almost nothing of his life. It is probable that his medals were all executed in Padua, where he resided until his death in 1570. He was buried in the church of S. Giovanni di Verdara, and for a long time the stone bound by an iron ring, which he used in coining, was preserved in that church. He left a son, Vincenzo, who seems to have aided him during the last years of his life, and who prob- ably continued to use his dies after his death. Cavino's medals are very numerous. Many of them bear portraits of distinguished jurists of Padua and of professors at the Uni- versity. But his best known and most numerous works are his imi- tations of Roman large-brass coins and medallions which are known as "Paduans." 1 The imitation of Roman art seems from an early period to have been traditional at Padua, which contained one of the greatest universities of Europe. The earliest Italian medals were struck in that city and are quite classical in style. In the case of Cavino, this close adherence to the style of his Roman models is very marked and it prevented him from equalling the best medallists of his period as an artist in portrait medals. At the same time it en- abled him to produce very perfect copies of Roman coins. In this last work he was assisted by his friend, Alessandro Bassiano, a scholar and antiquarian of Padua, of whom little is known, except that he left in manuscript the' lives of the twelve Caesars. We learn of their association from a medal struck about 1540 to commem- orate the event (No. 79). One hundred and twenty-two of Cavino's dies have been pre- served and are at present in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris. They were brought from Italy in the seventeenth century by Th. Lecomte, who obtained them from the Lazzara family of Padua, and who bequeathed them to the Abbey of Sainte Genevieve in 1670. They are described and illustrated by Claude du Molinet in his work, entitled : Le Cabirlet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte Genevieve. Paris, 1692, f Cavino's imitative medals were not originally designed as forgeries, and it was against his wishes that they were passed off as genuine antiques. But as such many of them found their way into the most celebrated collections of Europe and were the subjects of numerous dissertations. Even during the present century several of them were 6 GIOVANNI CAVING. regarded as antique by such numismatists as Mionnet and Bar- th^lemy. The greater number of the coins usually termed " Paduans " are cast from moulds and are of little value and easily detected ; but the pieces struck from Cavino's dies possess much artistic merit and are often not readily distinguishable from ancient coins. There are, however, several general points of difference which become ap- parent after careful comparison with the genuine coins. The " Paduan " is usually too round and regular, and the flan is too thin ; the dots of the border or engrailment are large and in irreg- ular relief ; the letters are flat and square, especially N ; M is broad at the base and narrow at the top ; H and D are square and heavy, and A and V are too narrow and sharp. The coins struck by Cavino himself (the dies were used after his death) are usually composed of red and yellow copper, poorly alloyed. Several of Cavino's medals are found in silver ; but most of the examples in this metal have been melted down in later times, consequently but few of them have been preserved. All of Cavino's medals are rare, imitative pieces as well as portrait medals, and all are worthy of preservation as the work of an Italian medallist of the sixteenth century. IMITATIVE MEDALS. No. 7. IMITATIVE MEDALS. JULIUS CESAR. 1. C CAESAR - DICTATOR. Bust of Julius Caesar 1., laureate ; above, in front, star ; behind, lituus. Rev. VENI VIDI VICI in three lines within palm and laurel wreath. Large-brass. This reverse is not found on ancient coins. Cohen, VI., p. 556. Keary, 117. 2. C CAESAR DICT PERPETVO. Similar type r. Rev. L BVCA. Caduceus and fasces crossed, globe, axe, and two hands clasped. Large-brass. The reverse of this coin is imitated from a denarius struck by L. Aemilius Buca. Montigny, i . JULIUS CAESAR and AUGUSTUS. 3. Similar obverse. Rev. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Bust of Augustus 1., laureate. Large-brass. There are no genuine coins with these types. Montigny, 2. AUGUSTUS. 4. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Bust of Augustus 1., laureate. Rev. OB GIVES -ER inscribed on a shield within an oak-wreath supported by two capricorns ; beneath, globe and rudder ; S C. *% Large-brass There are no genuine coins of Augustus with this Reverse. Montigny, 3. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 104, No. 302. Keary, 118. In addition to Cavino's pieces 'there are modern dies of three medallions of Augustus : i. DIVVS AVGVSTVS P P, Head of Augustus 1., laureate. Rev. Temple with six columns, adorned with numerous statues, and statue within ; in the tympanum of the pediment, S P Q Rt Modern invention. Cohen, I., p. 69, No. 259. and pi. III. ; VII., p. 6, No. 259. 2. Similar obverse. Rev. CIVIB ET SIGN MILIT A PART RECVP. Triumphal arch. Imitated from a denarius. Cohen, VI., p. 559, note. Cf. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 75, No. 82. 8 IMITATIVE MEDALS. 3. Obverse similar to No. 4. Rev. PROVIDENT. Altar. Imi- tated from a middle-brass, struck under Tiberius. Cohen, I., p. 71, No. 272 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 94, No. 228. TIBERIUS. 5. Tl CAESAR AVGVSTI F IMPERATOR -V. Bust of Ti- berius 1. Rev. ROME T AVG. The altar of Lyons. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin, punctuated in a similar way on the reverse. Montigny, 4. Cohen, I., p. 123, No. 39 : VII., p. 19, No. 9; 2d Ed-, I., p. 192, Nos. 28 and 29. Keary, 119. Friedlaender, Ein Verzeichniss von Griechischen falschen Munzen. . .Berlin, 1883. p. 9. There is another fine modern large-brass coin of Tiberius, the obverse of which is imitated from a middle-brass, the reverse from a large-brass having for obverse the letters 5 . C surrounded by an inscription : yj . CAESAR DIVI AVC F AVCVST IMP VIM. Head of Tiberius 1. Rev. CIVITITABVS ASIAE RESTITVTIS -S C- Tiberius seated 1. holding sceptre and patera. Cf. Cohen, I., Nos. 23 and 51 ; 2d Ed. I., p. 189, Nos. 2 and 3. ANTONIA. 6. ANTONIA AVGVSTA. Bust of Antonia r., draped. Rev. Tl CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP. S- C. Veiled figure standing 1., holding simpuvium. Middle-brass. Imitation of a coin struck under Claudius. The veiled figure on the reverse of the genuine coin represents Antonia in the character of a vestal virgin, while on the " Paduan " the figure is bearded and re- sembles Claudius. With this exception it is one of the most perfect of Cavino's imitative coins. Montigny, in Le Cabinet de 1'Amateur, IV., p 9. Cohen, I., p. 136, No. 6 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 223, No. 6. AGRIPPINA senior. 7. AGRIPPINA M F MAT C CAESARIS AVGVSTI. Bust of Agrippina r., draped. Rev. S P Q R MEMORIAE AGRIPPINAE. Carpentum 1., drawn by two mules. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 6, and illus. on p. 400. Cohen, I., p. 142, No. i ; 2dFd., I., p. 231, No. i. 8. AGRIPPINA M F GERMANICI CAESARIS. Similar bust. Rev. Same. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Keary, 120. Cf. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 231, No. 2. These large-brass coins of Agrippina are the most beautiful of all Cavino's imitative coins. CALIGULA. 9 . C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P Illl P P . Bust of Caligula 1., laureate. Rev. AGRIPPINA DRVSILLA IVLIA. S C. The three sisters of Caligula standing facing, as Securitas, leaning on column, Concordia, holding patera, and Fortuna, holding rudder ; each holds cornucopia. IMITATIVE MKDAI.S. g Large-brass. This obverse and reverse are not found together on genuine coins. Montigny, II. Cohen, I., p. 148, No. 13; 2(1 Ed., 1., p. 237, No. 4. 10. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS P M TR POT. Head of Caligula 1. A't'i 1 . Similar type, without S C. Denarius. There are no genuine silver or gold coins with this reverse. Montigny, 12. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 237, No. 4. 1 1. C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P ' P. PIETAS. Pietas seated 1., holding patera; 1. arm resting on female statue. Rev. DIVO AVG. S C. Caligula standing 1., sacrificing at an altar, attended by two persons, one leading a bull, the other holding patera ; behind, temple of six columns, ornamented with garlands and statues. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. The " Paduan " is sometimes found countermarked with the letters N C A P R. Montigny, 10. Cohen, I., p. 149, No. 19; 2d. Ed., p. 238, No. 10. 12. C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P P. Head of Caligula 1., laureate. Rcr. Same. Large-brass. This obverse and reverse are not found together on ancient coins. Montigny, 7. Cohen, I., p. 149, note I ; 2d Ed., I., p. 238, note I . 13. Similar obverse. Rev. ADLOCVT COM. S C. The emperor standing 1., addressing five soldiers, who carry standards surmounted by eagles. Large-brass. All the genuine coins of Caligula with this reverse are with- out the letters S C. Montigny, 8. Cohen, I., p. 147, No. 10 ; 2d Ed., I., p- 236, No. i. Cavino designed four varieties of the Adlocutio type, which he used indis- criminately for the different emperors. i. ADLOCVT COM S C. Emperor standing 1., addressing five soldiers who carry standards surmounted by eagles. 2. ADLOCVT S C. Emperor standing r., upon a platform, ad dressing soldiers armed with spears ; behind the emperor stands a male figure. 3. ADLOCVT S Ci Emperor standing 1., upon a platform, ad- dressing soldiers who carry standards. 4. ADLOCVTId Emperor, accompanied by two persons, standing upon a platform, addressing soldiers ; behind, horse. CLAUDIUS. ,4. Tl -CLAVDIVS -CAESAR AVG P M - TR P IMP- P P. Head of Claudius r., laureate. Rev. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMAN IMP. S C. Triumphal arch surmounted by the equestrian statue of Prusus r., between two trophies. 10 IMITATIVE MEDALS. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 5. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 164; No. 80; 2d Ed., I., p. 254, No. 48. 15. Similar obverse. Rev. SPES AVGVSTA. S C. Spes standing 1., extending her hand toward the emperor who stands between two sol- diers. Large-brass. This reverse belongs to Vespasian, No. 34. Montigny, 13. Cohen, 2d Ed., II., p. 223, No. 1408. NERO. 16. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P. Bust of Nero r., laureate. Rev. ANNONA AVGVSTI -CERES S C. Ceres seated 1., holding torch and ears of corn ; before her stands Annona holding cornucopia, resting r. hand on her hip ; between them, an altar with modius upon it ; in the background, a prow r. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 14. Cohen, I., p. 186, No. 79; zd Ed., I., p. 279. No. 14. Cavino engraved two dies with the head of Nero, both having the same in- scription, but on one the head is bearded, while the other is without beard. 17. Similar obverse. Rev. DECURSIO. S C. Nero on horseback riding r. holding spear, and followed by a horseman bearing standard Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 15. Cohen, L,p. 191, No. 122; 2d Ed., I., p. 285, No. 83. Keary, 121. In addition to the ' Paduan ' there is another modern die with the Decursio type, of the size of the denarius, which has been used for gold, silver and bronze. Obv. NERO CAESAR AVG C IMP. Head of Nero r., laureate. Rev. DECVR. The emperor on horseback riding r. , with couched spear, followed by a foot-soldier ; before him, a fallen soldier with spear and shield. Cf. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 285, Note I. * 1 8. Similar obverse. Rev. AVGVSTI. S POR OST C. The Port of Ostia, within, seven ships ; above, lighthouse, surmounted by a statue ; below, the river Tiber reclining, holding oar and dolphin. Large-brass. The genuine coin with similar obverse has eight ships on the reverse. Montigny, 16. Cohen, I., p. 187, No. 95 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 281, No. 38. 19. Similar obverse. Rev. ADLOCVT COH. S C Emperor standing 1. ad- dressing five soldiers who carry standards surmounted by eagles. Large-brass. This variety of the Adlocutio is not found on the genuine coins of Nero. Montigny, 17. Cf, npte to No. 13. IMITATIVE MEDALS. II GALBA. 20. IMP - SER SVLP GALBA CAES AVG TR POT. Bust of Galba r., 1'aureate. Rev. HONOS ET VIRTVS. S C. Honos and Virtus standing, face to face ; Honos holds sceptre and cornucopia ; Virtus in armor, holds spear and sword, and foot on helmet. Large-brass. Genuine coins with this reverse have a different inscription on the obverse. Montigny, 18. Cohen, I., p. 232, No. 133 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 325, No. 92. 21. Similar obverse. Rev. ADLOCVT -COM. S C. Emperor addressing his soldiers. Large-brass. The genuine coins of Galba with the Adlocutio reverse all bear the inscription ADLOCVTIO S C. Montigny, 19-21. Cohen, I., p. 229, No. 104 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 320, No. 6. Cf. note to No. 13. OTHO. 22. IMP M OTHO -CAESAR AVG TR P Head of Otho r. Rev. SECVRITAS P R Securitas standing 1., holding wreath. Denarius. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 22. Cohen, I. 253, No. 13 ; 2cl Ed., I., p. 353, No. 16. 2v IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR POT Head of Otho r. Rev. SECVRITAS P R - S C The emperor standing r., before an altar, extending his hand toward four soldiers who carry standards. Large-brass. Types invented by Cavino. No copper coins of Otho were struck at Rome. Montigny, 23. Cohen, I., p. 254, Note I. 2d Ed., I. p. 354, Note i. 24. IMP -OTHO CAES AVG P M -COS II Head of Otho r. Rev. SECVRITAS P R Securitas standing 1., holding wreath. Large-brass. Imitated from a denarius, No. 22. Montigny, 24. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 354, Note i. 25. IMP OTHO -CAESAR AVG TR P Head of Otho r. Rev. S C Figure standing in a temple. Middle-brass. Montigny, 25. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 354, Note i. See note to No. 23. VlTELLIUS. 26. A -VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP TR P. Head of Vitellius r. Rev. MAT AVG MAT SEN MAT PATR. Female (Julia Domna) seated 1., holding olive branch and sceptre. 1 2 1M1TATIVK MKDA1.-. Denarius. The reverse-type and inscription belong to Julia Domna, but it does not appear that Cavino engraved an obverse-die for this empress. Montigny, 26. 27. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P . liust of Vitellius r., laureate. Rev. HONOS ET VIRTVS. S C Honos and Virtus standing face to face, one with foot on dolphin, the other on tortoise. Large-brass. The dolphin and tortoise are not found on the genuine coins of this type. Montigny, 27. Cohen, I., p. 262, No. 69; 2d Ed., I., p. 35 9 , No. 38. 28. A VITELLIVS -GERMAN IMP AVG P M TR Bust of Vitellius r., laureate. Rev. S C Mars helmeted, walking r., carrying trophy over his shoulder, and spear. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin with similar inscription on obverse. Monligny. 28. Cohen. I., p. 265, No. 86 ; 2d Ed. I., p. 362, No. 78. In addition to the ' Paduans' there are modern dies of two other coins of Vitellius: i. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVC P M TR P. Head of Vitellius r. , laureate. Rev. PAX AVCVSTI S C The emperor standing ]., giving his hand to a soldier. Middle-brass. Cohen. 2d Ed. I., p. 361, No. 68. The obverse inscription on the genuine coin is GERMAN IMPi etc. 2 ._A VITELLIVS CERMA IMP AVC- P M TR P. Bust of Vitellius, r., draped and laureate. Rev. SECVRITAS P ROMAN! S C. Securitas seated 1. , near an altar by the side of which is a torch. Large brass. This coin is imitated from a middle-brass coin having a different obverse-inscription, and a cornucopia instead of a torch near the altar on the obverse. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 362, No. 83. VESPASIAN. 29. IMP CAES VESP AVG P - M -COS Illl. Head of Vespasian r., laureate. Rev. IMP The emperor in a quadriga r., holding sceptre and branch. Denirius. The genuine coins of this type have no inscription on the reverse. Montigny, 30. Cohen, L, p. 296, No. 234; 2d Ed., I., p. 382, Note I, and p. 418. No. 643. 30. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P C V. Bust of Vespasian r., laureate. Rev. IVDAEA CAPTA. S C. Judcea, mourning, seated r., beneath palm-tree ; behind stands male captive. Large-brass. The inscription of the obverse is not found on genuine coins. Montigny, 31. Cohen, I., p. 306, No. 307; 2d Ed.. L. p. 385, No. 239. IMITATIVE MEDALS. 13 31. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III. Bust of Vespasian r., laureate. Rev. HONOS ET VIRTVS. S C. Honos and Virtus, standing face to face. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 33. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 304, No. 297 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 382, No. 202. 32. Similar obverse. Rev. ROMA RESVRGES. S . C. The emperor standing 1. raising Roma, at whose side stands Virtus. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 29. Keary, 122. Cohen, I., p. 317, No. 392; 2d Ed., I., p. 400, No. 425. 33. Similar obverse. Rev. S C. Mars, naked, walking r., carrying trophy and spear. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 32. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 320, No. 413 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 401, No. 441. 34. Similar obverse. Rev. SPES AVGVSTA S C. Spes standing 1., extending her hand to the emperor, who is accompanied by two soldiers. Large-brass. On the genuine coin Spes holds a flower in her hand and one of the soldiers carries a standard. Montigny, 34. Cohen, I., p. 326, No. 461 ; 2d Ed., L, p. 408, No. 514 ; II., p, 223, No. 1408. TlTUS. 35 . DIVO AVG T DIVI VESP F VESPASIAN. S C. Titus seated 1., holding laurel branch ; around him, arms, etc. Rev. View of the Flavian Amphitheatre or Colosseum from above.; to 1., the Meta Sudans. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 35. Cohen, I., p. 359, No. 163 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 461, No. 399. 36. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII. Bust of Titus 1., laureate. Rev. Similar to obverse of No. 35. Large-brass. This obverse and reverse are not found together on genuine coins. Keary, 123. 37. Similar obverse. Rev, IVDAEA CAPTA. S C, Judrea, mourning, seated r. beneath palm-tree ; behind, male captive standing r., around him, arms. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 36. Keary, 124. Cf, Cohen, I., p. 363, No. 187 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 439, No. 114. 14 IMITATION MEDALS. 38. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII. Bust of Titus r., laureate. Rev. Similar. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 37. Cohen, 2d Ed., I-, P- 439, No: 114. 39. Similar obverse. Rer. S C. Mars, helmeted, walking r., carrying trophy over his shoulder, and spear. Large-brass. Genuine coins with this reverse have a different inscription on the obverse. Montigny, 38. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 373, Nos. 259-262 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 446, Nos. 198-203. There are modern dies of another large-brass of Titus, with the following reverse : ITALIA. Italia seated on a globe, wearing turreted crown. Cohen, VII., p. 78, nota ; 2d Ed., I., p. 461, note I. DOMITIAN. 4 0. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVII CENS PER P . P. Bust of Domitian r., laureate, in paludamentum. Rev. PONT - MAX TR P -VIII LVD SAEC. S C. The emperor seated 1., upon a suggestum, receiving offerings from a woman and child ; before him a basket ; on the side of the platform, SVF P D ; behind, temple. Large-brass. The genuine coin of this type bears on the reverse the in- scription COS XI III LVD SAEC. S C. Montigny, 39. Cohen, VII., p. 80, No. 305 ; 2d Ed., I., p. 477, No. Si, and p. 502, note i. There are three other modern dies of this type which differ from Cavino's in several respects : i. IMP CAES DOMIT AVC GERM COS Xllll PERP P P. Head r., laureate. Rev. Similar, but with TR P VII. 2. IMP CAES DOMIT AVC GERM COS XII CENS PER P P. Head r., laureate. Rev. Similar, but with TR P VIII ; and SPQQO on the front of the platform. 3. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS Xllll CENS PER P P. Head r., laureate. Rev. Same as preceding reverse. Cohen, VII., p. 80, No. 305. 41. Similar obverse. Rev. SPES AVGVSTA. S C. Spes standing 1., extending her hand toward the emperor who is standing between two soldiers. Large-brass. This reverse belongs to Vespasian, No. 34. Cohen, 2d Ed., II., p. 223, No. 1408. DOMITIA. 42. DOMITIA AVGVSTA - IMP DOMIT. Head of Domitia r. Denarius. The reverse die for this obverse is not known. It may have been used with reverse of No . 26, which has no corresponding obverse. Montigny, 40. Cf. Cohen, 2d Ed., I., p. 535, No. I. IMITATION MEDALS. 15 NERVA. 43. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P. Head of Nerva r., laureate. Rev, ADLOCVT AVG. S C. The emperor standing 1., on a platform addressing four soldiers. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 42. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 473, No. 66 ; 2d Ed., II, p. i, No. I. 44. Similar obverse. Rev. CONGIAR P R. S C. The emperor holding scroll seated r., on curule chair placed on a suggestum, presiding at a congiarium ; before him, a praefect distribut- ing gifts to a citizen who is mounting the steps of the sug- gestum ; behind, soldiers, and Liberalitas. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 41. Cf. Cohen, I., p. 475, No. 81 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 4, No. 37. TRAJAN. 45. IMP CAES ' NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P. Bust of Trajan r., laureate. Rev. S P -Q R -OPTIMO PRINCIPI.S -C. River god reclining 1., under an arch supported by two columns beneath, AQVA TRAIANA. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 43. Cohen, II., p. 50, No. 307 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 20, No. 23. 46. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC. Bust of Trajan r., laureate, in paludamentum. Rev. PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R Head of Sol r., radiate. Denarius. The S on the reverse of the imitative coin is reversed. Mon- tigny, 44. Cohen, II., p. 18, No. 99 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 38, No. 188. There are also two other modern dies of large-brass coins of Tiajan, both imitated from genuine coins : i. -IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG CER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Bust r., laureate. Rev. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI. BASILICA VLPIA S C. A grand edifice, adorned with statues. Large-brass. Cohen, II., p. 51, No. 319 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 22, No. 44. 2. Similar obverse. Rev. PORTVM TRAIANI. S C. Walls of an hexagonal port, vessels at anchor within. Large-brass. Cohen, II., p. 59, No. 366 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 49, No. 306. HADRIAN. 47. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Bust of Hadrian r., in cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. FELICITATI AVG. COS III P P S C. (lalley sailing r., with two ranks of oars, bearing standards, and in the bow, statue of Neptune, holding sceptre. l6 IMITATIVE MEDALS. Large-brass. On the genuine coins there are eight rowers in the first row and six in the second, while the " Paduan " has ten, and eight ; and on the genuine coins Neptune holds a trident in place of a sceptre. Montigny, 45. Cohen, II., p. 212, No. 876 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 167, No. 710. Keary, 125. 48. Similar obverse. Rev. FID EXERCIT. S ' C. The emperor addressing three soldiers. Large-brass. This reverse-type is not found on the genuine coins of Hadrian. Montigny, 46. Cohen, II., p. 213, note I ; 2d Ed., II., p. 167, note i. 49 . HADRIANVS AVG COS -III P P. Bust of Hadrian r., in paludamentum. Rev. Bridge ; to 1., circular building. Medallion. Type invented by Cavino. Cf. Montigny, 47. Cohen, II., p. 172, No. 576; 2d Ed., II., p. 234, No. 1508. 50. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG. Bust of Hadrian r., in cuirass and paludamentum. Rtv. COS III ' NEP. Galley with rowers. Denarius. The genuine coin with this reverse-type is without the inscrip- tion NEP., and the obverse-inscription is different. Montigny, 48. Cohen, II., p. 123, note i ; 2d Ed., II., 143, No. 445. ANTINOUS. 51. OCTIAIOC MAPKCAAUC IEPEYC -TOY ANTINOOY. Bust of Antinous r., in paludamentum. Rev. TOIC AXAIOIC ANEeHKE. Mercury with caduceus holding back Pegasus. Medallion. Montigny, 92. Keary, 126. 52. ANTINOOC HPOC. Bust of Antinous r., crowned with ivy, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. MAGIS VICI SED TIBI. Horseman r., piercing with his spear another horseman whose horse has fallen ; in the background r., triumphal arch. Medallion. Cf. Armand, I., p. 182, No. 22. This rare medal was formerly owned by M. His de la Salle, and was sold with his collection at London, in 1880 (No. 207 of the catalogue of the sale). It was purchased by M. Al- fred Armind, to whom I am indebted for its description. See No. 99. 53. L AELIVS CAESAR. Bust of ^Elius r., draped. Rev. PANNONIAE CVRTA AEL S C. Two persons facing each other, one seated, the other standing. Large-brass. This type is not found on the genuine coins of /Elius. Mon- tigny, 50. Cf, Rasche, Lexicon universae rei numariae veterum, III, 2d pt., 485. JMITATIVE MEDALS. 17 54. L AELIVS ' CAESAR. Head of ^Elius r. Rev. TR POT COS II S C CONCORD. Concordia seated 1., holding cornucopia and patera. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 49. Cf. Cohen, II., p. 270, No. 28 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 258, No. 7. ANTONINUS Pius. 55. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVI. Head of An- toninus r. Rev. COS -III. The emperor standing r., receiving an olive-branch from Roma, who is seated 1. upon a cuirass and crowned by Victory standing behind. Large-brass. The reverse-type belongs to a medallion of Lucius Verus, No. 62. Montigny, 51. In addition to the ' Paduan ' there are modern dies of three medallions of Antoninus Pius, the types of which are not found on genuine medallions. i. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS Nil. Head of Antoninus Pius r. Rev. Bacchus and Ariadne seated r. ; a panther at the feet of Bacchus ; facing them, Silenus holding wine cup ; to 1., a slave carrying plate ; to r., two Bacchantes, one playing on a flute, the other on a tambourine ; in the centre, a term and a satyr. Cohen, II., p. 336, No. 425 ; VII., p. 137, No. 425 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 397, note. 2. Similar obverse (same die as the preceding obverse). Rev. Hercules standing r., before a tree, holding club, bow and lion's skin ; upon a rock before him is Telephus suckled by a hind. Cohen, II., P- 337, No. 430 ; VII., p. 137, No. 430 ; 2d Ed., II., p. 397, note. 3. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI COS Illl. Bust of Antoninus Pius r. , laureate, wearing aegis. Rev. Theseus fighting the centaurs; to 1. , Eurytus carrying off Hip- podameia ; and a dead centaur on the ground ; to r., one of the Lapithse fighting; in the back-ground, temple with four columns. Cohen, II., p. 338, No. 436 ; VII., p. 137, No. 436; 2d Ed., II., p. 397, note. MARCUS AURELIUS. 56. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIX. Bust of M. Aurelius r., laureate, in cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. IMP VII COS- III. Victory seated r. on shield, holding palm, and on her knees a shield inscribed VIC ' AVG.; in front, trophy. Medallion. Imitation of a genuine medallion. Montigny, 52. Cohen, II., p. 503, No. 367. Cavino engraved two obverse dies for this medal, which differ but slightly in workmanship. 57. AVRELIVS CAESAR AUG Pll F COS T. Bust of M. Au- relius r., in cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. TR P VII IMP Illl COS III P P. Jupiter seated r., on the seven hills of Rome, receiving the emperor who holds Victory and is crowned by Virtus. Medallion. The reverse type belongs to a medallion of Lucius Verus, No. 60. Montigny, 53. Keary, 127. Cohen, II. , p. 507, note. 1 8 IMITATIVE MEDALS. 58. Similar obverse. Rev. A seated figure (Argos), near a building, working at the prow of a ship ; before him stands Minerva leaning on a shield inscribed VIC ' AVG. Medallion. On the genuine medallion the inscription of the obverse is COS II and on the reverse the shield bears a griffin in place of VIC AVG. Cohen, II., p. 511. No. 400; VII., p. 164, No. 400. FAUSTINA, junior. 59. FAVSTINA-AVG ANTONINI AVG P.I FIL Bust of Faustina r., draped, hair bound with fillet. Rev. S C. The empress and five veiled women sacrificing to r. and 1. of an altar before the temple of Vesta ; a statue is seen in the cella. Medallion. Imitation of a genuine medallion. Montigny, 54. Keary, 128. Cf. Cohen, II., p. 588, No. 101. Lucius VERUS. 60. L VERVS -AVG -ARM PARTH MAX TR P VMM. Bust of L. Verus r., laureate. Rev. TR P VM IMP MM COS III P P. Jupiter seated r. upon the seven hills of Rome receiving the emperor who holds Victory and is crowned by Virtus. Medallion. The genuine medallion is without P ' P on the reverse. Montigny, 55. Cohen, III., p. 16, No. 97. 61. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX. Bust of L. Verus L, laureate. Rev. TR P VM IMP - MM - COS III. Same type. Medallion Imitation of a genuine medallion. Montigny, 56. Cohen, III., p. 16, No. 97. See No. 57. 62. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX TR P VMM. Bust of L. Verus r., laureate, in cuirass and paludamentum. Rtv. COS 111. The emperor standing r., receiving an olive branch from Roma who is seated 1. on a cuirass and crowned by Victory, standing behind. Medallion. Imitation of an ancient medallion. Montigny, 57. Cohen, III., p. 14, No. 92. 63. Similar obverse. Rev. Same as reverse of No. 58. Medallion. This reverse-type belongs to Marcus Aurelius, No. 58. Mon- tigny, 58. COMMODUS. 64. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG PIVS BRIT. Bust of Commodus r., laureate, in cuirass and paludamentum. IMITATIVE MEDALS. 19 Rev. P M TR P X IMP VI COS III P P. SALVS. Salus seated 1., holding patera to serpent which is twined round a tree ; before her, statue (of ^Esculapius ? ) upon a column. Medallion. The reverse of this beautiful medallion is imitated from a large-brass coin. Montigny, 59, and Le Cabinet de 1'Amateur, IV., p. 20, ills- Keary, 129. Cohen, III., p. 118, note and p. 168, No. 735. This reverse was also used with the obverse -die bearing the head of Cosimo Scapti, No. 108. In addition to the ' Paduan ' there is a modern die of another medallion of Commodus, with Annius Verus ; Obv. COMMODVS CAES VERVS CAES- Youthful busts face to face of Commodus and Annius Verus ; each wears paludamentum. Rev. TEMPORVM FELICITAS. The four seasons represented by four children with attributes. Cf- Cohen, II., p. 608, No. i. This piece is an exact imitation of a genuine med- allion, except that the hair on the head of Commodus is raised from the forehead, as on the coins of Pompeius. PERTINAX. 65. IMP CAES P HELV PERTINAX AVG. Bust of Pertinax r., laureate. Rev. PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM COS II. S- C. Female figure standing 1., extending her hand toward a globe. Large-brass. On genuine coins the globe is always radiate. Montigny, 60. Cohen, III., p. 205, No. 44. In addition to the ' Paduan ' there is a very deceptive modern middle- brass coin of Pertinax, imitated from a genuine large-brass : Obv. IMP CAES P HELV PERTINAX AVC. Head of Pertinax r., laureate. Rev. LIB AVC TR P COS II.-S C. Liberalitas standing facing, head 1., holding tessera and cornucopia. A genuine middle-brass has a similar reverse, but the obverse inscription is different, and the head is radiate. Friedlsender, Ein Verzeichniss von Griechischen falschen Mtlnzen . , . Berlin, 1883, p. 50. Cf. Cohen, III., p. 204, Nos. 35 and 36. DlDIUS JULIANUS. 66. IMP CAES M DID SEVEH IVLIAN AVG. Bust of Didius Julianus r., laureate. Rev. P M ' TR P COS. Fortuna standing 1. Denarius. The inscription on the genuine coin is SEVER- Montigny, 61. Cohen, III., p. 208, No. 6. 67. IMP CAESAR M - DID SEVERVS IVLIAN AVG P P. Bust of Didius Julianus r., laureate, in cuirass and paluda- mentum. Rev. COS II. S C. Quadriga 1., horses in high action ; above Victory flying r., crowning the charioteer. Medallion. The reverse is imitated from Syracusan decadrachms. Mon- tigny, 62. Keary, 130. Cohen, III., p. 209, note. ALBINUS. 68. CLOD SEPT ALBIN - CAES. Head of Albinus r. Rev. ITALIA. S C. Italia seated, holding Victory. 20 IMITATIVE MEDALS. Large-brass. This reverse is not found on the genuine coins of Albinus, Montigny, 63. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 69. L SEPTIMIVS SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG IMP VII. Bust of Sept. Severus r., laureate. Rev. DIVI M Pll F P M TR P Illl COS II P P. Mars standing, leaning on a shield and spear ; behind him, cuirass. Medallion. Imitation of a genuine medallion. Montigny, 64. Cf. Cohen, III., p. 290, No. 467. CARACALLA. 70. M AVRELIVS ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT P M -TR P XVI. Bust of Caracalla r., laureate, in cuirass and paluda- mentum. Rev. IMP II COS III! P P. S C. The emperor in triumphal car drawn by four horses walking r. Medallion. The reverse is imitated from a large-brass of Titus. Montigny, 65. Cohen, III., p. 413, No. 382 ; VII., p. 221, No. 382. GETA. 71 . IMP CAES SEPT GETA PIVS AVG PONT TR POT COS -II P P. Bust of Geta r., laureate, in cuirass and paludamentum. Rev. ADLOCVTIO. The emperor accompanied by two per- sons on a platform, addressing his soldiers ; behind, horse. Large-brass. There are no genuine coins of Geta with the Adlocutio reverse. Montigny, 66. Cohen, VII., p. 227, No. 472. Cf. note to No. 13. ELAGABALUS. 72. IMP CAES M AYR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Bust of Elagabalus r., laureate. Rev. SACERD DEI SOUS ELAGAB. S C. The em- peror standing L, sacrificing at an altar ; in the field 1., star. Large-brass. Imitation of a genuine coin. Montigny, 69. Cohen, III. p. 542. No. 222. The following dies by Cavino have no corresponding obverse and reverse : MACRINUS. Rev. PONT MAX TR P II COS II -P P. The emperor in a quadriga, crowned by Victory. Denarius. Montigny, 67. Cohen, III., p. 493, No. 39. DIADUMENIANUS. Obv. M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIANVS CAES. Head r. Denarius. Montigny, 68. In addition to Cavino's imitative coins there are modern dies of a large- brass of Julia Paula, and of medallions of Severus Alexander and Mamsea. JULIA PAULA. IVLIA PAVLA AVC. Bust of Julia Paula r. Rev. CONCORDIA AETERNA. S C. Elagabalus standing r.^ giving his hand to Julia Paula ; between th.e.ni stands Concordia, facing. IMITATIVE MEDALS. 21 Large-brass. Cohen, III., p. 549, No. 19. The A and V on this imita- tive piece are much narrower and sharper than on the genuine coins. SEVERUS ALEXANDER and JULIA MAM.KA. i. IMP SEV ALEX- AMD AVG IVLIA MAMAEA AVG MATER AVC. Busts of Severus Alexander and Julia Mamaea face to face ; Severus in paludamentum and cuirass ; Mamaea draped and wearing stephane. Rev. FELICITAS TEMPORVM. Alexander seated 1. on curule chair, holding globe and roll ; and crowned by Victory standing behind ; before him stands Julia Mamaea (?) r. , holding sceptre, and behind, Felici- tas (?), standing 1. Imitation of a genuine medallion. Cohen, IV., p. 70, No. 6. 2. Similar obverse. Rev. PONTIF MAX TR P V COS II P P. The Baths of Severus Alexander. Imitations of a genuine medallion. Cohen, IV., p. 71, No. 10. HOMER. 73. OMHPOC. Bust of Homer r., draped. Rev. Male figure wearing helmet and cuirass standing be- tween Jupiter and Ceres seated ; before him, eagle and Victory ; beneath, sea and land personified. Contorniate. The inscription on the genuine contorniate is always f/'MEPOC. Montigny, 94. Cohen, VI., p. 554, No. I. Mazzuchelli, I., p. 7, pi. II., 4. MITHRADATES VI. (the Great) Eupator (Dionysus) B. c. 121-63. 74. Head of Mithradates r., with flowing hair. Rev. BA^IAE/l^ MI G PAJATOY ; EYnATOPO^. Stag feeding 1., in the field 1., star and crescent, and 2\< ; in the field r., monogram (IAYP) and Q\2 ; all in wreath of ivy- leaves and berries. Tetradrachm. Copy of a genuine coin. Montigny, 93. Friedlsender, Ein Verzeichniss von Griechischen falschen Miinzen . . . Berlin, 1883. PP- 34-5- ARTEMISIA. 75. APTEMI^IA^ BA^IAI^^A. Head of Artemisia 1., veiled. Rev. MAY^jflAEION. Mausoleum surmounted by quadriga, and ornamented with statues. Medallion. Types invented by Cavino. Montigny, 91. 76. Head of Hercules r., within ornamented circle. Rev. Hercules standing 1., leaning on a long club, receiving from Deianeira the garment steeped in the blood of Nessus ; in the exergue, eagle and rB ; all within ornamented circle. Medallion. Montigny, 90. Cicognara, II., pp. 426-30. 22 PORTRAIT MEDALS. No. 80. PORTRAIT MEDALS. ACCOLTI (Benedetto), b. at Florence in 1497 ; archbishop of Ravenna in 1525 ; cardinal in 1527 ; d. 1549. 77. BE ACCOLTVS CAR RAVEN NAE. Bust of cardinal Accolti r., wearing cardinal's cap. Rev. OPTIMIS ARTIBVS. A light house with two torches ; beneath, Neptune r., reclining upon the waves, holding trident. Dia. 34 m. Armand, I. Montigny, 77. Mazzuchelli, L. , 7, Litta, I., Accolti. ANTONINI (Floriano). 78. FLOR1ANVS ANTONINVS ANDRE/t F (ilius). Bust of Floriano Antonini r., draped. Rev. AETERNITATI SACRVM (in ex.). A group of per- sons standing before an edifice of two stories. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 2. Montigny, 81. Mazzuchelli, LXIV., 5. BASSIANO (Alessandro), and Giovanni CAVING. 79 . ALEXAND ' BASSIANVS ET IOHAN CAVINEVS PATAVINI. Jugate busts of Alessandro Bassiano and Giovanni Cavino r., in Roman dress. Rev. GENIO BENEVOLENTIAE DVLCIS. Genius stand- ing 1., holding dolphin on 1. arm, and pouring incense on an altar. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 10. Keary, 116. 80. Similar obverse. Rev. CERERI - LEG I FERAE. Ceres standing 1., holding cornucopia and book of laws. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 9. Montigny, 70. 81. Similar obverse. Rev. VI RT AET -CONS. Eagle, with wings spread, PORTRAIT MEDALS. 23 standing 1. upon an overturned vase, out of which grows a plant. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 8. See also No. 87. BATTAGLINI (Giovanni). 82. IOHANNES BATTAGLINVS. Bust of Giovanni Battaglini 1. Rev. EN HAEC VESTI VETE. Male figure seated near an edifice in ruins. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 3. BENAVIDI (Giovanni Pietro Mantova), a celebrated physician of Padua ; d. 1520. 83. 10 PET MAN BONAVf MEDICVS PATER. Bust of Gianpiero Benavidi 1., in loose robe. Rev. AETERNITAS MANT. Fapade of temple of eight columns ; within, a statue. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 4. Montigny, 82. Mazzuchelli, XXXVI., 4. BENAVIDI (Marco Mantova), son of the preceding, b. 1489 ; he held the chair of jurisprudence at the university of Padua ; knighted by Charles V., 1545 ; d. 1582. 84. MARCVS MANT BONAVIT PATAVIN IVR CON. Bust of Marco Mantova Benavidi 1., in loose robe. Rev. Similar to obverse of No. 83. Dia. 38 m. Armand, 5. Mazzuchelli, LXXXIV., 2. 85. Similar obverse. Rev. AETERNITAS MANT. Same as reverse of No. 83. Dia. 38 m. Armand, 6. Montigny, 83. Keary, 114. Mazzuchelli, LXXXIV, 5. 86. Similar obverse. Rev. LVCAS SALVIONVS PAT IVR CON. Same as ob- verse of No. 107. Dia. 38 m. Armand, 32. Montigny, 95. 87. MARCVS MANTVA BONAVITVS PATAVINVS IVR CON. Bust of Marco Mantova Benavidi 1., in Roman dress. Rev. ALEXAND - BASSIANVS IT IOHAN CAVINEVS PATAVIN I. Same as obverse of No. 77. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 7. Mazzuchelli, LXXXIV., 4. Cicognara, II., p. 426. CAVING, see BASSIANO. CONTARINI (Marcantonio), a patrician of Venice, surnamed "il Filosofo"; d. circ. 1550. 88. M ANTONIVS CONTARENVS. Bust of Marcantonio Con- tarini 1., in Venetian tunic. 24 PORTRAIT MEDALS. Rev. PAT AVI VM M D XL. Female figure (Padua), helmeted, seated 1. on arms, holding scales and cornucopia. Dia. 40 m. Armand, n. Montigny, Si. Keary, 106. Mazzuchelli, XLV., 5. CORNARO (Girolamo), rector of the University of Padua. 89. HIER CORNELIVS. Bust of Girolamo Cornaro r., in loose tunic. Rev. PAVPERTATIS PATAVIN/t TVTOR. M D XXXX. Cornaro seated 1. in curule chair on platform, feed- ing the poor; beneath chair, dog r.; on platform, DEO OPT FAV. Dia. 36 m. Armand, 12. Montigny, 80. Keary, 115. Cicognara, II., 426-30. DECIANO (Tiberio), a lawyer, b. in Auronzo, 1508 ; became a magistrate of Udine, and in this capacity defended the priv- ileges of that town ; d., 1581. He left several treatises and commentaries on civil and canon law. 90. TIBERIVS DECIANVS IVR CON VTINENSIS AN XL Bust of Tiberio Deciano r., in Roman dress. Rev. HONESTE VIVAS ALTERV NON UtDAS IVS SVV CVIQ TRIBVAS. IVRISPRVDENCI/E. Deciano kneeling r. offering table of law to Jurisprudence seated 1., beside her stand Justice and Peace, holding laurel-wreath above her head. Dia. 38 m. Armand, 13. Montigny, 86. Keary, 100. Mazzuchelli, LXXXIV., i. DULCI (Giovanni An. Vin.), a jurist of Padua, b., 1482. 9 r. 10 AN VI N DVLCIVS IVR CON CAN PAT AVI N AETA LVII. 1539. Bust of Dulci 1. Rev. GEN 10 BENEVOLENTIAE DVLCIS. Same as re- verse of No. 79. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 14. Montigny, 88. GEMMI (Girolamo). 92. HIERONIMVS GEMMI. Bust of Girolamo Gemmi 1., in tunic and cloak. Rev. PAT AVI VM. Woman holding back horse galloping 1. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 16. Keary, 107. GRIMANI (Marino), Venetian ; created cardinal in 1528 ; he was legate of the Pope at Perugia and gained the gratitude of the inhabitants of that city by his wise administration ; d., 1546. 93 . MARINVS ' GRIMANVS S R E CARD. Bust of cardinal Grimani r., in cardinal's cape. PORTRAIT MEDALS. 25 Rev. PASTORIS MVNVS. Male figure standing 1., holding vase and staff. Dia. 36 m. Armand, 17. Montigny, 73. Mazzuchelli, LVII., 6. Tresor de Num., I., XXXV., 4. 94. MARINVS GRIMANVS ' CAR LEGATVS. Bust of cardinal Grimani r., in cape. Rev. PERVSIA SVRGE (in ex.). The cardinal standing r., giving his hand to a fallen female (Perugia). Dia. 34 m. Armand, II., p. 175, No. 9. Mazzuchelli, LVII., 7. GUALTERUZZI (Goro). 95. GORVS GVALTERVTIVS. Bust of Goro Gualteruzzi 1. Rev. PATAVIVM. Same as reverse of No. 92. Dia. 34 m. Armand, 18. JULIUS III. (Giovanni Maria del Monte), b., 1487 ; elected Pope in 1550 ; d., 1555. 9 6. IVLIVS TERTIVS PONT MAX A V. 10 CAVINO P. Bust of Pope Julius III. r., in papal robes. Rev. ANGLIA RESVRGES. VT NVNC NOVISSIMO DIE. The pope in papal robes and tiara, giving his hand to kneeling female (England) ; by his side stand Queen Mary, Charles V., Philip II., and Cardinal Pole. Dia. 48 m. Armand, 27. Tresor de Num., Med. pap., IX., 4* Bolzen- thal, p. loo. Bonanni, Numismata pont. rom., I., 15, 243. This rare medal was struck to commemorate the reconciliation of England with the Pope, and the re-establishment of |the dominion of the Romish church. It has been imitated in recent times. LUDOVISI, see PANICO. MELSI (Giovanni), a jurist of Milan. 97 . IOANNES MELSIVS IVR C. Bust of Giovanni Melsi r., in loose robes. Rev. GENIO MELSI. Genius standing 1., holding cornu- copia, and pouring incense on an altar. Dia. 36m. Armand, 20. Mazzuchelli, LXXXIIL, 5. MONTE (Balduino del), brother of Pope Julius III. ; made count of Montesansavino in 1550 ; d., 1556. 9 8. BALDVINVS DE MONTE COMES. Bust of Balduino del Monte 1., draped. Rev. PROVIDENTIA CHRIST. Female standing, holding sceptre and rudder ; before her, a globe. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 21. Montigny, 75. 99. Similar obverse. Rev. MAG IS VICI SED TIBI. Horseman r., piercing with his spear another horseman whose horse has fallen ; in the background r., triumphal arch. 26 PORTRAIT MEDALS. Dia. 40 m. Armand, 22. Montigny, 74. Mazzuchelli, LX., 6. Litta, I., del Monte. This reverse, which is larger than the obverse, belongs to a medal of Antinous (No. 52). ORTENBURG (Bernhardt, Count of). too. BER COM ORTENBVRG XIX. Bust of the Count of Ortenburg r., in cuirass. Rev. A warrior about to bridle a free horse. Dia. 39 m. Armand, 24. PANICO (Girolamo, Count of), a citizen of Padua. He was a poet, and having become blind he was named Tiresias. LUDOVISI (Pompeo), father of Gregory XV. ; was several times a magistrate of Bologna, and died podesta of Lojano, 1565. 101. HIERONYMVS PANICVS PAT POMPEIVS LVDOVISIVS BON. Jugate busts of the Count of Panico and Pompeo Ludovisi 1., one in embroidered, the other in plain tunic. Rev. TVTARE COLENTES ET NOS ET TVA SIGNA PI VS. Two shields. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 26. Keary, no. 102. Similar obverse. Rev. GENIO BENEVOLENTIAE DVLCIS. Same as reverse of No. 79. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 25. PASSERI (Marcantonio), b., 1491 ; professor of Philosophy at the University of Padua ; d., 1565. 103. M ANTON I VS PASSERVS PATAVIN. Bust of Marcantonio Passeri r., in loose robe. Rev. PHILOSOPHIA ' CO MITE REGREDIMVR. Human figure formed of two bodies joined, having one head with two faces. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 28. Montigny, 78. Mazzuchelli, LXIX., 3. 104. M ANTON I VS PASSERVS PAT. Similar bust. Rev. PHILOSOPHIA- DVCE REGREDIMVR. Same type. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 29. Montigny, 79. Mazzuchelli, LXIX., 4. 105. Similar to obverse of No. 103. Rev. SVPER ASPIDEM. Female, half draped, standing 1., raising her hands toward the sun, and crushing a serpent with her foot. Dia. 37 m. Kluyskens, Des hommes celebres dans les sciences et les arts... Gand, 1859, II., p. 300. QUIRINI (Francesco), patrician of Venice, poet and warrior. He wrote in 1544. 106. FRANC QVIRINVS. Bust of Francesco Quiririi r., in Roman dress. PORTRAIT MEDALS. 2J Rev. PERPETVA SO BOLES. Romulus and Remus suckled by the wolf r. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 30. Montigny, 76. Mazzuchelli, XLIV., 4, The reverse alludes to the pretended descent of the Quirini family from Romulus, who was called Quirinus after his deification. We find both Romulus and Remus spoken of in Juvenal zs> gemini Quirini (li, 105). SALVIONI (Luca), a jurist of Padua. 107. LVCAS SALVIONVS PAT IVR CON. Bust of Luca Salvioni r., in loose robe. Rev. CERERI LEG I FERAE. Same as reverse of No. 80. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 31. Montigny, 95. Keary, 113. Mazzuchelli, XCVI., 9. See also No. 86. SCAPTI (Cosimo). 1 08. COSMVS SCAPTIVS. Head of young Cosimo Scapti r. Rev. P M TR P X IMP VI COS III P P. SALVS. Salus seated 1. holding patera to a serpent which is twined round a tree ; before her, statue (of ^Esculapius ?) upon a column. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 33. Keary, 108. Same reverse as imitative coin of Commodus, No. 64. VERZI (Niccolo), a jurist of Capo d'Istria. 109. NIC- VERTIVS- P-F- IVSTIN IVRE -CON. Bustof Niccolo Verzi r., in tunic. Rev. CERERI LEG I FERAE. Same as reverse of Nos. 80 and 107. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 35. Keary, 112. Mazzuchelli, XCIII., 2. no. Similar obverse. Rev. SVPER ASPIDEM. Same as reverse of No. 105. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 34. Montigny, 87. Mazzuchelli, XCIII., I. ZUPONI (Giovanni Paolo), a citizen of Padua. in. 10 PAVLVS ZVPONVS PATAVINVS. Head of Giampolo Zuponi r. Rev. VIRT AET - CONS. Same as reverse of No. 81. Dia. 37 m. Armand, 36. Montigny, 89. Keary, in. CHRIST. 112. IESVS LIBERATOR ET SALVATOR. 1565. IOAN CAVINVS PA. Bust of Christ 1., with 1. hand raised. Rev. DEVS TRINVS ET VNVS. God, with three faces, upon a globe ; to r. and 1., head of cherub ; beneath, two angels blowing trumpets. Dia Armand, 19. Montigny, 71. Cicognara, II., 426-30. 28 PORTRAIT MEDALS. 113. PORVS ' CON SI LI I FILIVS. IOANES CAVINVS. Bust of Christ r., draped. Rev. OMNIA SVRSVM TRACTA - SVNT. Christ on the Cross, at the foot of which are Mary, Mary Magdalene, and John. Dia. 37 m. Zeitschrift flir Numismatik, VIII., 1881, p. 119, ills. The ob- verse inscription is explained by a passage of Plato (Symp. 203 b. c.), where mention is made of a mythological person called H6pof t " the way," the son of M/7nf " Counsel," and Zeus. This Poros, married to Penia, "Poverty" begat Eros, "Love." Plato's myth has thus been seized upon by Cavino as a beautiful and poetic prophecy of Christ. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE REVERSE INSCRIPTIONS. ADLOCVTIO, Caligula, 13 ; Nero, 19 ; Galba, 21 ; Nerva, 43 ; Geta, 71. AETERNITAS MANT, Benavidi (G. P.), 83 ; Benavidi (M. M.), 85. AETERNITATI SACRVM, Antonini, 78. AGRIPPINA DRVSILLA IVLIA, Caligula, 9, 10. ANGLIA - RESVRGES. VT NVNC NOV1SSIMO DIE, Julius III., 96. ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES, Nero, 16. AVGVSTI. POR OST, Nero, 18. BA2IAE.02 MI0PAJATOY EYJTATOPO^, Mithradates VI., 74. CERERI LEG I FERAE, Bassiano and Cavino, 80; Salvioni, 107; Verzi, 109. CONGIAR P R, Nerva, 44. COS II, Didius Julianus, 67. COS -III, Antoninus Pius, 55 ; Lucius Verus, 62. COS III NEP, Hadrian, 50. DECURSIO, Nero, 17. DEVS TRINVS ET VNVS, Christ, 112. DIVO -AVG, Caligula, n, 12. DIVI M - Pll F P M TR P III) COS II P P, Septimius Severus, 69. DIVO AVG . T . DIVI VESP F VESPASIAN, Titus 36. EN HAEC VESTI VETE, Battaglini, 82. FELICITATI - AVG. COS III P- P. Hadrian, 47. FID" EXERCIT, Hadrian, 48. GEN 10 BENEVOLENT! AE . DVLCIS, Bassiano and Cavino, 79 ; Dulci, 91 ; Panico and Ludovisi, 102. GENIO MELSI, Melsi, 97. 30 ALPHABETICAL LIST HONESTE VIVAS ALTERV NON L/tDAS IVS SVV CVIQ TRIBVAS. IVR IS PRVDENCI/, Deciano, 90. HONOS -ET VIRTVS, Galba, 20 ; Vitellius, 27 ; Vespasian, 31. IMP, Vespasian, 29. IMP II COS III! P P, Caracalla, 70. IMP VII COS III. VIC AVG, Marcus Aurelius, 56. ITALIA, Albinus, 68. IVDAEA CAPTA, Vespasian, 30 ; Titus, 37, 38. L BVCA, Julius Caesar, 2. MAGIS VICI SED TIBI, Antinous, 52 ; Balduino del Monte, 99. MAT AVG MAT SEN MAT PATR, Vitellius, 26. MAY 2H A El ON, Artemisia, 75. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMAN -IMP, Claudius, 14. OB -GIVES SER, Augustus, 4. OMNIA SVRSVM TRACTA SVNT, Christ, 113. OPTIMIS ARTIBVS. Accolti, 77. PANNONIAE CVRTA AEL, Aelius, 53 . PARTHICO -P-M-TR-P -COS -VI -P -P-S P Q R, Trajan, 46. PASTORIS MVNVS, Grimani, 93. PATAVIVM, Gemmi, 92 ; Gualteruzzi, 95. PATAVIVM. M . D XL, Contarini, 88. PAVPERTATIS PATAVIN/E TVTOR. M - D XXXX DEO OPT FAV, Cornaro, 89. PERPETVA SOBOLES, Quirini, 106. PERVSIA SVRGE, Grimani, 94. PHILOSOPHIA COMITE REGREDIMVR, Passeri, 103. PHILOSOPHIA DVCE REGREDIMVR, Passeri, 104. P-M-TR-P COS, Didius Julianus, 66. P M TR P X IMP VI COS -III P - P. SALVS, Commodus, 64 ; Scapti, 108. PONT ' MAX ' TR P ' VIII LVD SAEC. SVF - P D, Domitian, 40. PROVIDENTIA CHRIST, Balduino del Monte, 98. PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM COS ll.Pertinax, 65. ROMA RESVRGES, Vespasian, 32. ROME -T -AVG, Tiberius, 5. SACERD ' DEI SOUS ' ELAGAB, Elagabalus, 72. OF THE REVERSE INSCRIPTIONS. 31 S C, Otho, 25 ; Vitellius, 28 ; Vespasian, 33 ; Titus, 39 ; Faustina, junior, 59. SECVRITAS P ' R, Otho, 22, 23, 24. SPES AVGVSTA, Claudius, 15 ; Vespasian, 34 ; Domitian, 41. S P Q R MEMORIAE AGRIPPINAE, Agrippina, 7, 8. S P Q R OPTIMO -PRINCIPI AQVA 'TRAI ANA, Trojan, 45. SVPER ASPIDEM, Passed, 105 ; Verzi, no. Tl CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR - P - IMP, Antonia, 6. TOIC AXAIOIC ANEoHKE, Antinous, 51. TR POT COS II. CONCORD, Aelius, 54. TR P VII IMP Illl COS ' III P P, Marcus Aurelius, 57 ; Lucius Verus, 60, 61. TVTARE COLENTES ET NOS ET TVA SIGNA PIVS, Panico and Ludovisi, 101. VENI VIDI VICI, Julius Caesar, i. VIC AVG, Marcus Aurelius, 58 ; Lucius, 63. VIRT AET CONS, Bassiano and Cavino, 81 ; Zuponi, in. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I > "9'eles ' below A 000 069 854 8