LIBRARY ySIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PAVIS (L Ui 'J IBSITX OF MUFOKNI* LIBRARY DAVIS COPY 2 IP AM 2 3 MAY T gb!Jf^ ii R ^1? MAY "StHrtt^ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES '^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ , DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING ^'' BULLETIN No. 61 FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Gtovemor 0^3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MAR 17 1^)58 UBRARY HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resources STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING BULLETIN No. 61 FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resources ' ^ , . j» Si. ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT x ORGANIZATION, STATE WAI'ER BOARD xii ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES xiii ENGINEERING ADVISORY CCMmTnEE xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Authorization for I;al Water District Board of Directors, The Metropolitan Water District of Southam California Board of Directors, Kem County Farm Bureau and Board cf Supervisors, Kem County XV Name Mr. Julian Hinds Title Consulting Engineer Sponsoring Agency Board of Directors, United Water Conservation District Mr. Richard S. Holmgren Mr. Henry Karrer GenereQ. Manager and Chief Engineer, San Diego Covinty Water Authority Consixlting Engineer Board of Directors, Diego County Water Authority Seui Board of Directors, Kings River Water Conservation District Mr. Wallace C. Penfield Consulting Engineer Mr. William S. Peterson Grenereil Manager and Chief Engineer, Department of Water and Power, City of Los Angeles Board of Directors, Santa Barbara County Water Agency Board of Water and Power Commissioners, City of Los Angeles Mr. Brennan S. Thomas Mr. Albert A. Webb General Manager and Chief Engineer, City of Long Beach Water Department Consvilting Engineer Boeird of Water Commis- sioners, City of Long Beach Boea-d of Directors, Western Municipal Water District of Riverside County xvl CHAFTESR Ic ISTROroCTION San Diego Comity, one of the most rapidly developing areas in the nation, is presently faced with a critical watar probleai. The rapid growth of the Coiinty dviriag a severe drought, now in its thirteenth year, has resxilted in virtual depletion of local storage reseryes and nearly f»ill dependency on the two-harreled San Diego Aqueduct delivering Colorai1.o Eirer water from facilities of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California near San Jacinto. This aq.ueduct is and has "been, for sosme tiaie past, operated almost continuously at full capacity. Only the occurrence of substantial runoff in local streams during the present winter season, to a^agment meager reserves of Colorado River water now in storage in local reservoirs, will prevent water shortages next year over much of San Diego County. Even islth the advent of a sequence of years of above ^normal precipitation BXid runoff, 8;?Jfe yield of existing water conservation facilities together with the supply of Colorado Elver water that can be obtained through the existing San Diego Aq.ueduct soon w5.11 be inadesj-'iate to meet the ever growing water needs of this area. Mthori a aj^j^fl^fj;;r__Inye8tig ation It was in r^scognition of this eritic&l situmtion in San Diego County that the Legislature in Itea fe9»5 of its Budget As\- c.f 1956 appropriated $200,000 for s-arwejB of alternative Feather RLver Project Aqueduct Routes to San Diego County. This itaa is quoted in ftO-l as follows; "lvl9.5-=Por surifsys, explorations, investigations, preparation of construction plans and specif icationsj sur-treys of, negc^ tiations for, and acquisitions of, rights of way, easements, and property, including oth>sr expenses in connection there- with, for the Feather Fiver Project, as authorized by Section 11S60 of the Water Cc«le and as modified by the report of the Division of Water Resources of February, 1955? entitled "Program for Financing and Constructing the Feather River Project," and as may be modified subsequently. Water Project Authority .............. 9^350,000 =1- provided, that this appropriation shall remain available for expenditure \antil Jvme 30, 196O; provided further, that, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the appropria- tion made by this item ms'.y be expended to reimburse the Division of Water Resources Revolving Fund for expenditiires incurred prior to July 1, 1956, which may be properly charge- able to this item; provided further, that $3,550,000 of this item shall be used only for engineering and exploration work, and for acquisition of reservoir sites for the Alameda-Contra Costa-Santa Clara-San Benito breinch aqueduct in Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and San Benito Coijinties; provided further, that $500,000 of this item shall be used only for studies of alternative coastal aqueduct routes; provided further, that $200,000 o f this item shall be used only for studies of altei°native aqueduct routes to Sein Diego County ; provided fxirther, that $200,000 of this item shall be used only for location studies, stirveys, engineering and ex- ploration work for an aqueduct to service areas within west and south San Joaquin Valley, including Kern County. Any money in the Division of Water Resources Revolving Fund may be expended or encumbered for expenditure prior to July 1, 1956, or subsequent thereto, for preparation of working drawings, designs, plans or specifications for the project described in this item as to which reimbxarsement of the fund therefor is authorized by this item." (Emphasis supplied. ) In addition, Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, which is quoted following, contains certain provisions relative to the studies of alternative aqueduct routes to San Diego County: "WHEREAS, The Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works has under consideration and study the selection of alter- nate aqueduct routes to San Diego County in connection with studies being made of the Feather River Project; now, therefore, be it "Resolved by the Senate of the State of (C aliforni a, the Assembly thereof concurring . That the Division of Water Resources is requested in connection with its study to consider possible routes for such an aqueduct through Seji Bernardino County and Riverside County and to report thereon to the Legislature at its 1957 Regular Session; and be it further " Resolved , 'Ihat the Secretary of the Senate send a copy of this resolution to the Division of Water Resources and to the Director of Public Works." -2- Related Inve stigation s and .Repoarbs The Investigation reported on herein is intimately related to prior investigational work of the former Division of Water Resources and other state water agencies on water problems and water reso^arce developments in the State and to other ciirrent work under way by the Department of Water Reeoiirces. Reports and data available from these investigations were utilized in the preparation of this report. Use was also made of pertinent material and data contained in reports of other agencies. The Feather River Project The Feather River Project, the initia.1 unit of The California Water Plan, was developed by the Division of Water Resources in 1951; in consideration of the impending need for additional water in the central and southern portions of the State, and also in recognition of the critical need for flood control on the Feather River. The project wa.s originally outlined by the Division of Water Resources in State Water ResoTzrces Board "Report on Feasibility of the Feather River Project and Sacramento-Sari Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects Proposed as Features of The Celifomia Water Plan", May, 1951 <■ Major vinits of the project included a miiltipurpose dam emd reserrcir on the Feather River near Oroville, a power plant at the dam, an afterbay dam and power plant, a Delta ross .; hannel, an electric power tremsirdssion syBtem, a conduit to transpoirt water from the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta to Santa Clara and Alameda Counties, and a condiiit to transport water froa the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to the San Joaquin Valley and to southern California, The aqueduct to southern California was con- W template! as a "high line" route extending from the San Joaq\iin Valley in a tunnel through the Tehachapi Mountains at about elevation 3j300 feet. The aque- duct woiad then follow along the westerly side of the Antelope Valley, thence .^. throTigh auiother tionnel the SovAth Coastal Arse, near ths City of San Bernardino. Froa this point the aqi?.educt -would extend to the south In a serit of tunnels and siphons to a tersslniis in Seui Diego Coiinty at Eorsethief Canyon a tributary of Cottonwood Ci-eek;, at elevation 2/85^+ feeto The Feather River Project vas authorized by the Legislature in 1951 by Chapter ikhl, Statntes of 1951 • This act also aiithorized and directed the Department of Public Works to conduct the necessary investigations, surveys aj studies, and preparation of plans a:icl specif for the construction of the works authorized by the act and to subsiit the same to the Water Project Authority for its approval. Further studies of the Feather River Project were continued by the Division of Water Reso\irces until 1955.' at which time a report entitled "Prog: for Financing and Constructing the Feather River Project as the InitieO. Unit ( The California Water Plan", dated May, 1955; "''^.s subnitted to the Legislature It was concluded in this report that the project wr,s engineeringly and finan- cially feasible, and it was recfwrmeaded that the Legislatixre appropriate fxindi to Initiate its construction. This report recorameiided saodiflcations of the original plan inclvwfing the addition of the Sena. Luis Reservoir on the west si( of the San Joai3.ttln Velley. Tlie foregoing report of May, 1955.'= also included smalyses of alter- native aqueduct jro^ates to southern California including the afore-jaentioned "high line" route and modifications thereof consisting of power drops to poini of terroinus near Castaic and San Bema.rdi;).o, a long tunnel route at elevation 1,870 feet from the San Joaquin Valley to the South Coastal Area, and a coasts route commencing in the vicinity of Devils Den in the Ssui Joaquin Valley and extending along the coastward side of the Coast Kange through San Lx'ls Obispo^ Santa Barbara, and leatixfa. CoimtieS; to a terainal reservoir near Castaic in Los Angeles County. The 1955 Legislature appropriated $250,000 to its Joint Cosnmittee on Water ProblofiS for an independent study of the project. This committee employed Bechtel Corporation to perform the study. The r3S^llts of the Bechtel Corpora- tion independent reviev of the project were reported to the Committee in "Report on Engineering, Economic and Financial Aspects of the Feather River Project", December 31^ 1955 • The Bechtel report found the project to be engineeringly and finan- cially feasible and recosmaended among other things, further studies of the " ... High Line route via Castaic Creek power development and terminating in San Fernando Valley." The Legislature of 1956, by the previously quoted budget item, appro- priated $9,350,000 for fvirther work on the project including about $1,100,000 for studies of alternative aqueduct routes to southern California. The California Water Plan The xmprecedented development of Ceaifornia, with attendant increases in demands for water during World War II and the years immediately following, served to stimulate public concern over the State's water supply probl-sms. The California State Legislature, in recognition of the growing State-wide water problem, by Chapter IplH^ Statutes of 19^7 .» directed the State Water Resources Board to conduct an investigation of the water resources of California, desig- nated the "State-wids Water Resources Investigation". Funds were provided in the 19i^7-i^ budget for conmencsnent of the investigation and additional funds were provided through 1955 by subsequent Legislatiires . The "St&te--wlde Water Resources Investigation" was conducted under direction of the State Water Resources Board by the Division of Water Resources. Three bulletins have been published pursuant to this investigation. Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resotirces of California", was F«i'blished in 1951^ and contains a -s. compilation of data on precipitation, unimpaired stream runoff, flood flows a frequencies, and qimlity of water throughout the State. Bulletin No. 2, "Wat Utilization and Requirements of California", was published in June, 1955> and includes determinations of the present use of water throughout the State for consumptive purposes and presents forecasts of prohahle vLLtimate water requir ments based in general on the capabilities of the land to support further development. The third and concluding phase of the State-wide Water Resource Investigation was reported on in Bulletin No. 3> "Report on The California Water Plan", published in preliminary form in May, 1956. This bvilletin prese preliminary plans for the full practicable development of the water resources the State to meet the ultimate water needs therein insofar as possible. The bulletin describes plans for locail water resource development together with those works needed for the major transfers of water from the surplus areas of the north to the water deficient areas of the south, designated the Califomi Aqueduct System. As a result of the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, it was concluded that under conditions of ultimate development about 3^000,000 acre- feet of water annually must be delivered from northern California to the Sout: Coastal Area to satisfy ultimate water requirements therein. This quantity o: water would be in addition and supplemental to supplies obtained from maximum feasible local water resoiarce developments and imported supplies available fr the Mono-Owens Systeffi of the City of Los Angeles and through the Colorado Riv Aqueduct of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in the amounts of about 320,000 and 1,212,000 acre-feet per annum less losses, respectively. With respect to the "San Diego Group", which includes San Diego County, a portion of southern Orange County, and southwestern Riverside Count; it is estimated in Bulletin No. 3 that on the order of 1,300,000 acre-feet of -6- imported water will ultimately be required, which amount is greater than the total planned ultimate capacity of the Colorado River Aqueduct. Under The California Water Plsm, the required supply of imported water would be delivered to this area by a high line aqueduct equivalent to the Feather River Project High Line route, previously described, by the existing San Diego Aqueduct, and by two additional aqueducts designated the Barona Aqueduct and the Second San Diego Aqueduct, all needed to accomplish delivery cf the previously stated ultimate requirements for imported water in the area. The latter three aque- ducts would extent southerly from the junction of an aqueduct, carrying northern California water, with the Colorado River Aqueduct of the Metropolitan Water District. At this junction water from northern California co\ild be merged with the Colorado River water, and water from either soxirce would be available for utilization in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Covinties, emd in the coastal plain areas of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The Barona Aqueduct would extend to a terminus in the proposed Barona Reservoir, and from San Jacinto south to the reservoir would generally parallel the existing San Diego Aqueduct to the east, but with a hydraulic gradient about 200 feet higher. The alignment of the Second San Diego Aqueduct was taken generally as that set forth in a report by the San Diego County Water Authority, described hereinafter, with a terminus in Lower Otay Reservoir south of the City of San Diego. Studies of Alternative Feather River Project Routes to Southern California Included in appropriations for the Feather River Project in the Budget Act of 1956, was about $1,100,000 for work on aqueduct route studies for the Feather River Project generally south of Devils Den in the San Joaquin Valley. These studies have as their basic objective the determination of the most econcmical route or routes for delivering Feather River Project water into -7- southern California. Ab a basic premise In these studies^ It Is considered that the aqueduct shovild be constiructed in the most economical location that •will permit delivery of supplemental vrater to those areas of need that can afford to pay for project water end which are ready to contract for delivery emd uae of such water. In determination of the proper location for the aqueduc consideration must also be given to existing and proposed water supply facili- ties 80 that unnecessary duplication or overlap of such facilities will be prevented. The Department of Water Resources is presently actively engaged In these fiLLtemative route studies under an accelerated program designed for com- pletion of the studies and submission of a report to the Legislature thereon in 1958' The studies in San Diego Cottnty reported upon herein constitute a portio of this over-all investigation. The alternative route studies include further detailed investigation of routes heading generally in the vicinity of Devils Den in the San Joaquin VsLLley and extending along the coast southerly to the South Coastal Area, Studies of canal alignments and capacities in the San Joaquin Valley and of crossings of the Tehachapl Mountains. Further investigation is being made of the feasibility of utilizing off-peak energy for pumping required eLLong con- sidered aqueduct routes, and of generating hydroelectric energy dvirlng periods of peak energy demand in connection with the crossings of the Tehachapl Mountains. Studies are also being made and estimates prepeired to determine the rate of increase in demand for water in the various component parts of the potential project service aurea in order to determine where and when project water will be needed in the southern California area and to select proper points of delivery for such water. other Related I nv estigations amd P.e -jcrt s In addition to the afor2-iaen.tioned comprehensive water resoiirces investigations conducted by the Departaient of Water Resources and its predecessor agency, the Division of Water Resources of the Departnent of Public Works, information and data contained in csjrtain other prior reports of the Division of Water Resources and in reports of other e^encies were fo'^nd to be of materifiil value in the conduct of this investigation. Of material assistance was the detailed planning work accomplished by the stsf f of the San Diego Oowity Watar Authority for the purpose of deter- mining the so-orce of supply, location, and csopacity for a second aqueduct to San Diego, the results of which invsstigatioa are presented in "Report on the Prob- able Extent of Authority Area, the Amount and Source of Additional Water Supply Req.ulrod, and the Syetaiii Recid.r«d to Efficiently Deliver Authority Water to the Afjencleo Ccxapyrising that Area", d;7,ti:5d Jj.>ic, 1955' This report was reviewed by a Board of ShftlnourB cofijcsed of Re.j/iiiond A. Hill, John S. Longvrell, and Carl R. RanJiLn, who pr«?sentad the reeiilts of their review in "Report on Water Supply for Probable Future Developments in the San Diego County Water Authority", dated £&pt<=caber 12, 195"? • '^.i-S latter repoi*t was also of great value to the Depar'iEient of Water Resources. The report of the San Diego County Water Authority concluded, ancng other itsms, that an aaueduct obtaining water from the facilities of The Metro- politan Water District of Southern California to the north should be con- structed to s. capacity of about 50C second-feet near the San Diego -Riverside County line, with an alignrient extending southerly, to the west of the exist- ing Seji Diego Aqueduct, to a point of tsrrcinus in Lower Otay Reservoir south of the City of San Diego. The Board of Engineers generally approved the location of the aqueduct but concluded that the capacity shovld be 200 second-feet. The report of the B'Xird c^f Engineers points out the limitation on availability of Colorado Hlvor water and the detrimental effects on its availability, which would result frowi construction of the Upper Colorado River Storage Project. The report also states that the most desirable point of delivery for Feather River Project water, from the standpoint of the San Diego County Water Authority, would be at the west portal of the Sam Jacinto Tunnel on the Colorado River Aqueduct . During the course of the investigation, studies were initiated by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California on an aqueduct southerly from their facilities near San Jacinto to the San Diego Covmty line. Discus- sion with District officials and field data from a drilling program undertaken by the District were of material assistance to the Department of Water Resources . Set forth in the following tabulation are other reports containing valuable material and data utilised by the Department of Water Resources in connection with the preparation of this report: Board of Engineers, Caldwell, David H-, Hyde, Charles Oilman, and Rawn, A M. "Report on the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of the Sewage of San Diego County, California". September, 1952. Boyle Engineering. "Proposed Water System for the Poway Municipal Water District". April, 1954. Boyle Engineering. "Engineering Report to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District". June, 1955- Boyle Engineering. "Proposed Water System for the San Marcos County Water District". June, 1955. Boyle Engineering. "Engineering Report to the Valley Center Municipal Water District". July, 1955. Burkholder, J. L., General Manager and Chief Engineer. "Report on the Need and Feasibility of Increasing the Capacity of the San Diego Aqueduct". San Diego Co\anty Water Authority. June, 19i^8. .10- California State iDe?arte.s-;it of Public Worics, Civielon of Water Resources. "Saa Diego Cooaty Investigatio.i" . Billetia !fo. U8. 1935. California Stete Department of Public Works, Mvlsioa of Water Resources. "San Luis Key River Investigation". Bulletin Mo. k&k. 1936. California State Depe^cment of Public Wor?i:s, DivisloD. of Water Reao'orces. "Report on Water Supply of La Mesa, Lemon Grove, ead Spri;ig Valley Irrigation District in Saa Diego Coimty". April, 19'+7. California State D-epe.riasent of Ps-iblic Works, Division of Water Resoxirces. "San Dieguito and Sa.i Diego Rivers In-«estigation" . Bulletin No. S5. 19^9. California State Depa:ri33e-xfc of Public Works, Division of Water Reso'irces. "Santa Margarita ?d.ver Investigation". B^iLletia Ko. 57. June, 1956. Helix Irrigation District. "Annual Reports". 1953 to 1955, inclusive. San Diego County Water Authority. 'Annual Reports". 19^6 to 1955, inclusive. State Council of DefeasQ. "Report No. 3 Sea Diego Region". March, 19*^3. United States Depar'Jxner'.t of tiie Interior, Bureau of Eeclaaaation. "Investi- gation De3ig;a emd Construction of the Sen Diego Aqueduct". 19^. United States Eepartnent of the Interior, BuiT'saii of Seclamation. "Report on Sa^ Diego Project, Metropolite^ CoJinectlon Ealargeseat". January, 1951. United States Savy, Eleventh laval District. "San Diego Aqueduct Project". July, 19i^S. Vista Irrigation mstriot. "Annual B.fipoz'c and Fin^iicial Statement". 1955- Water Department,. G;^t/ of San Diego. •'A-a.ncSvl Report". 195'+"55« O'c^ectlves aad Scope of InTest igation and Report CcxBpliesice with the spirit a-id intent of the legislation authorizing the investigation of alterjiiitlve leather R'.Tcr Project A(5.aeduct Routes to San ft Diego Co:.inty necessit-^ited consideration of a^(2i2duct capacity and location con- sistent with the concarraat studj' of elterriative Feather River Project Aqueduct Routes to southeiBL California and the long-reuage objectives of The California Water Plan, and consideration of the rscogirLsed immediate critical water supply problem of the San Lisgo CDuaty area. The objectives and scope of this investi- gation were, th-erefore, designed to develop e, prjgraja of aqueduct construction -11- that would comply with all of the foregoing considerations and thereby provide for both the present and future water needs of the San Diego County area. General Criteria Affecting Aqueduct Location The need for additional water in the San Diego County area is urgent, requiring immediate action to effect construction of additional aqueduct capa- city at the earliest practicable date. At the present time there exists only one source of supplemental water for the San Diego Coionty area, the presently surplus Colorado River water available at facilities of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. On the basis of studies reported on herein, it is evident that, with provision for additional water, San Diego Coimty and adjacent areas will exhi- bit substantial growth in the immediate future which will severely tax supplies available from existing sources including the Colorado River. It is also shown herein that the area with the greatest immediate growth potential is in the lower-lying coastal section of the Cotmty. Further, it has been shown in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 3 that full satisfaction of the ultimate water requirements of the San Diego County area will require a physical connection between an aqueduct delivering northern California water and the Colorado River Aqueduct near San Jacinto, since these reqiiirements are In excess of the planned ultimate capa- city of the Colorado River Aqueduct. It is thus apparent that construction of the next aqueduct to San Diego County from a connection with facilities of the Metropolitan Water Dis- trict is logical not only with respect to the present critical situation but also with regard to the long range development of the area. Regardless of the route or routes finally selected for the Feather River Project leading from -12- northern California, the need for uuch water will bo in that portion of the Bar. Diego County area which could also be most readily served with Colorado River water . In view of the foregoing, it was concluded that an aqueduct, which would serve Feather River Project water to the County, must, in the interim until such water is available, be capable of conveying presently siirplus Colorado River water available at facilities of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California near .;an Jacinto. This was adopted as a basic premise in this investigation. Routes through San Ber na rdino and Riverside Counties Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19; previously quoted, directs that, in connection with studies of alternative aqueduct routes to San Diego County, possible routes for an aqueduct throvigh San Bernardino and Riverside Counties are to be considered and a report thereon is to be submitted to the Legislature in its 1957 session. In compliance with this request, the Department of Water Resources has under way studies of alternative routes through San Bernardino and Riverside Counties from various points of entry for the Feather River Project Aqueduct Into the South Coastal Area. As previously mentioned, over-all studies to determine the most economical aqueduct route or routes for the Feather River Project into the southern California area either by a coastal route or via a high line route or modifications thereof throiogh the Tehachapi Mountains are now under way. These studies are scheduled for completion in the spring of 1958; at which time a report will be submitted to the Legislature. On the basis of preliminary work conducted to this time, it is con- cluded that determination of the location of the Feather River Project Aqueduct through San Bernardino and Riverside Counties must necessarily await completion -13- of the foregoing studies since location of this portion of the aqueduct is inherently dependent on the choice of the route south of Devils Den in the Seui Joaquin Valley and upon determination of points of delivery for project water in the southern California area. Objectives In consideration of the factors discussed in the preceding sections 8uad in accordance with the intent of legislative directive, the principeil objectives of this investigation may be summarized as follows: 1. Determination of the most economical route for an aqueduct which covild serve Feather River Project water to the Sein Diego County area and, in the interim until such water is available, be utilized to deliver Colorado River water to the area. 2o Determination of the most economical capacity for this aqueduct to provide for the water needs of Saa Diego Covinty and adjacent areas for a reasonable period in the future. 3. Determination of the cost of an aqueduct and appurtenant facili-= ties consistent with (l) and (2). Acccsnplishment of the foregoing objectives necessitated consideration of the following factors; 1. The magnitude and natvire of the futvjre demand for water in the potential service area of the aqueduct and the variation in such demand as may occvir with aqueduct location and price of water. In this connection, it was assvnned that water adequate in q\iantity and qviality to satisfy estimated futvire needs would be available to the aqueduct, which assimiption is consistent with the stated policy of Ihe Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and with the objective of The California Water Plan. =11^. r 2. Provision of" maximum water service at minimum over-all cost requiring (a) comparison of the cost of alternative aqueduct routes giving proper consideration to cost of facilities necesseuy for regulation and convey- ance of water to the service areas, and (b) evaluation of these routes from the standpoint of maximum integration with existing water supply facilities to avoid unnecessary overlap and duplication of such facilities. Scope '^ The investigation of eiltemative Feather River Project Aqueduct Routes to San Diego County was initiated in May, 1956, thro\;igh a provision in the budget act which made funds available to the predecessor agency of the Department of Water Resotirces, the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works, prior to the beginning of the fisceJ. year. Subsequent to creation of the Department of Water Resources on July 3) 1956, work was con- tinued by the Southern California District Office of that agency. As an initial step in the investigation, the attempt was made to prociire and einalyze all prior pertinent information and data. Of particular value were discussions held with officials of the San Diego County Water Authority, from whcm basic data relating to this agency's prior aqueduct studies were obtained. Prior to deteiiled work on aqueduct costs and alignments, a complete study was made of future development as it will affect future demand for water in the potential aqueduct service area. In this connection, for the potential aqueduct service area the following studies were initiated simultaneously: projections of probable future population growth; economic studies of the fut\ire of irrigated agriculture, industry, and commerce; field studies of land use potential with reference to adaptability of the land to crops and to urban and suburban developments; studies of the ability to pay for water by crops -15' climatically adapted to the area; and review of unit uses of water by urban, suburban, and agricultural entities. Personal contact was made by Department representatives with each major water service agency in the potential aqueduct service area to obtain the views of those experienced in water matters in the area on the potential for growth and increased water demand. These persons and entities were contacted at the initiation of the studies, during the course of the investigation, and sub- sequently after preliminary resvilts had been obtained. In many cases, the valuable advice of such persons and agencies resiilted in modification of preliminary values of future water demand. Layouts for the several aqueduct routes considered together with estimates of cost therefor were prepared utilizing available U.S.G.S. topo- graphic maps. These map studies were supplemented by field reconnaissance in order to refine selected alignments and to provide field data on materials classification and required structures. In certain instances where topographic coverage was deemed inadequate at critical structures, additional topography was obtained in the field. Operational studies were made to ascertain the proper balance between aqueduct capacity and the location and capacity of regulatory storage reser- voirs. These studies also considered the integrated operation of the existing San Diego Aqueduct and other systems serving the area with the new aqueduct. In this connection, the cost of major conveyance units from the aqueduct to serve areas of need was given consideration. Study VTas given to the economics of various sizes and types of aqueduct, including reinforced concrete and steel pipe line as well as canal section, and also to the economics of steiged construction of aqueduct facilities as demands for water dictated. -16- A detailed description of the investigation of alternative Feather River Project Aqueduct Routes to San Diego Covinty and the resiilts of the inves- tigation are hereinafter presented in the three ensviing chapters. Chapter II, i''ut\.u-e Demands for Imported Water", describes the studies of euad presents estimates for probable future growth of San Diego County and southvestem Riverside County, and the attendeint demands for imported water therein. Chapter III, "Alternative Aqueduct Routes", describes the methods and procedures used in making economic comparison of alternative aqueduct routes leading to San Diego County, the results of the comparison, and a description of the location and features and estimates of cost of aqueduct facilities selected for Immediate construction. Chapter IV, "Conclusions and Recommendations", contains conclu- sions and recommendations resulting from the investigation. Appended to the report are pertinent maps and graphical presentations of the results of the investigation, together with preliminary plans and profiles for the selected aqueduct route, and also typical preliminary designs of appurtenant aqueduct facilities, which were utilized in preparing the final cost estimate. Detailed data and calculations, too vol\iminous for publication, are available in the files of the Southern California District Office of the Depeurtment of Water Resources. Area of Investigation In accordance with the basic objectives of the investigation, the principeUL area reported upon herein is that which could feasibly be provided water service from an aqueduct originating at facilities of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, between San Jacinto and Lake Mathews, and extending therefrom to San Diego Covinty, and is hereinafter generally referred to as the potential aqueduct service area. This area comprises the southwesterly portion of Riverside County, generally south of the Colorado River Aqueduct, and that portion of coastal San Diego Covinty lying, for the -17- most part, below elevation 1,700 feet. This is the area now facing a critical water shortage and that which was foimd to have the greatest immediate develop- ment potential. In this investigation consideration was given to the possibility of development of water demands in the higher areas of San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties lying above elevation 1,700 feet. Land classification surveys conducted during this and previous investigations indicate that there are irrigable and habitable lands in these higher areas. However, based upon preliminary engineering and economic studies, it was found that, because of their remoteness and elevation, these higher lajids could not economically be supplied with water at this time from an aqueduct diverting from the Colorado River Aqueduct. Such lands wo\ild in the future receive water service from the previously described "High Line Aqueduct" under The California Water Plan. The area investigated in Riverside County generally includes the southern portion of the San Jacinto Valley and the adjoining Ferris, Menifee, and Domenigoni Valleys, and the Temecvila and Pauba Valleys which drain to the Santa Margarita River. There are also some substantial areas of rolling hill land located north of Temecula Creek which are expected to have considerable economic importance in the future. Portions of this area, largely lands within Eastern Municipal Water District of Riverside County, presently support a highly developed agricxoltural economy. The area investigated in San Diego County consists in lajge part of mountain or hill lands interlain by relatively slender stream valleys. The coasted segment is characterized by rolling hills and mesa lands, a substantial part of which has already experienced intensive develojment of both urban and agricult\Aral nature. The location of the area investigated is shown on Plate 1, "Location of Investigational Area" . Also shown on Plate 1 are the locations of the -18- reatvires of the Feather River Project, as presently contemplated, anr. tfce facilities of the existing Colorado River Aqueduct of the Metropolitan Water )istrict . The climate in the San Diego Aqueduct service area is generally mild lear the coast, with relatively light precipitation. Proceeding inland, as jlevations increase, temperature variations become wider and precipitation jecomes heavier. Mean seasonal precipitation is approximately 10 inches near ;he coast and in excess of kO inches at the highest inland elevations of the tributary watersheds. Precipitation occxirs principally in the winter months, about 90 per cent of the seasonal total generally occurring dxiring the aonths from November through April. The principal streams draining the area include the San Jacinto, 5anta Margarita, San L\iis Rey, San Dieguito, San Diego, Sweetwater, Otay, and [ia Juana Rivers. Runoff in these streams is subject to wide variation from season to season and, because of the nature of its origin in precipitation, 3cc\irs almost entirely during the months from November through April, ft Included in the area are the densely populated San Diego Metropolitan flrea surrounding San Diego and Mission Bays and the less populous but rapidly srowing camntinities of Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Fallbrook, and Rainbow, rt is estimated that the pop\LLation of San Diego County increased frcm about 550,000 in 1950 to more than 850,000 on January 1, 1957- About 700,000 of these people reside in the San Diego Metropolitan Area. The mild and equable climate in the area, of world-wide renown, has been and, it is believed, will continue to be a major factor in this rapid rate of population growth. Agriculture, principally the raising of subtropical fniits, has expanded rapidly in San Diego County during recent years. Although the citrus Industry in the South Coastal Area has declined in importance in recent years, the raising of avocados has expanded rapidly. The high monetary return from this crop permits payment of a relatively high rate for irrigation water. -19- Aircraft manufactiire and fishing are major industries in the area. The capital investment in plants and equipment for these industries has almost doubled since 1950. In addition the headquarters of the Eleventh Naval Dis- trict, including training, repair, air, supply, and radio facilities, are located in the San Diego Metropolitan Area, and Camp Pendleton, the largest Marine Corps base in the nation, is located near Oceanside. In studies for preparation of The California Water Plan, it was determined that more than 70 per cent of the nmoff of streams in San Diego County is controlled by existing surface and underground storage developments . The San Jacinto River, the only major stream in the Riverside County portion of the area, is essentially fully controlled. Because a high degree of control over runoff from most streams in the area is already being effected, further conservation of infrequent flood flows of these streams will necessitate con- struction of relatively large and expensive surface storage developments. Fijirther, the yields obtainable from such developments are small when compared with the futxire water requirements of the area. It was determined in the studies of The California Water Plan that the probable ultimate seasonal supplemental water requirements of San Diego County, southwestern Riverside County, and southern Orange County (San Diego Group), are about 1,300,000 acre- feet, whereas the considered maximum practicable additional yield from storage developments that could be constructed on the streams in the Ssm Diego Group would be about 60,000 acre-feet per season. It therefore becomes apparent that, in the future, additional development of local water supplies in San Diego County will be relatively insignificant and that additional facilities for importation of water from outside sources are vital to further development of the area. Water supplies for the present water-using entities in the San Diego Aqueduct service area are derived from existing surface storage developments. -20- from importations of Colorado River -firaiter througb. th= existing S&n Liego Aque- duct, and to a lesser eicteikt by primping from groiuad water etoreige. The safe seasonal yield of present water supply developmerit is about 11+8,000 acre-feet, of ^riiich amormt about ons-half is from siarface storage developments, with about ll«-l,000 acre-=feet per season beixig obtained through the existing San Diego Aqueduct. The existing facilities for development of surface water sup- plies emd for importatioa of Trater from outside sources are shiTwa on Plate 2 entitled "Major Existlug Water Supply ?e,fiilitiea". The major storeige reservoirs ia the area are listed in the following tabvilation accompaaied by data on their '.capacities axA airea of water service: Water in Storeys storage capacity, or. l-l-JT in in Stream acre-feet acre-feet Reservoir Morena CottoEwood Creek 50,200 m Bsirrett Cottonwood Creek W-,8C0 867 Upper Otay Proctor V8j.ley Greek 2,800 &>38 Lower Otay Otay River 56,300 it, 620 Chollas Trib. Las Chollas Cr. 310 292 El Capitan Saa Diegc River ll£,80fj 6,1+53 San Vicente San Vi^ezrte Creek 90,200 36,0''+5 Murray Chapparel Gai*.yon 6,000 3:>^52 Sutherland Sa::.ta Ysabel Creek 29,700 1,752 Hodges Saa Dieguito River 33,600 2,071 San Dieguito Trib. Esoo:a>21do Creek i,ia^ 795 Ciiyamaca Boulder Criaak .12,000 Sweetwater S«reefr»B.t(».T Rix-er 28,000 5,615 Loveland Sweetwater River 25,r/x) l,5C0 Henshaw San Luis Rey River 19^,000 2,027 Vail TemeeniLa Creek 50,000 __6l9 Area served City of SsuQ Diego City of San Diego City of Saa Diego City of San Diego City of San Diego City of Sea Diego City of Sa?. Diego City of Sam Diego City of San Diego City of Sau. Diego City of San Diego leiix Ir;rlgation Dlstri.2t Ch-tL!.a Vista, National City Chtila Viata, National City Vista, EsGondido Vail Ranch TOTALS 736,810 66,885 Water is to water service areas in Sem Diego and south- western Riverside Counties thro-ag.fe the ejcisti::^ facilities of the Colorado River Aqueduct aad the San Diego Aq,uedu?.t, both cf which are shown an Plate 2. -21' The initial features of the Colorsuio River Aq.ued.uct vere completed by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in 19^1. The aqueduct consists of a series of pumping lifts and 2*4-2 miles of condiiit leading from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River, westward across the Colorado Desert, passing through the San Jacinto Mountains in San Jacinto Tunnel and terminating at Lake Mathews about 12 miles southwest of Riverside.. The aqueduct has an initial hydravolic grade line elevation of ^50 feet at the Coloreido River, a maximxmi grade line elevation of about 1,800 feet at Hayfield pump lift, and a grade line elevation of about 1,505 feet at the west portal of San Jacinto Tunnel. The initial facilities instatLled included only sufficient p\imping units and siphon barrels to make possible the conveyance of a continuous flow of about 600 second-feet. During the past year, construction of additional works along the aqueduct have reportedly increased the capacity to about 1,000 second-feet. During 1956, the Metropolitan Water District obtained authorization from the legislature and from the voters in the District for issuance of bonds in the amount of about $65,000,000 to finance the construction and installation of pumping and siphon facilities necessary to provide ultimate conveyance capa= city of the aqueduct of about 1,600 second -feet. The District proposes to complete this work in Jime, 196O, The existing San Diego Aqueduct was constructed with two barrels of approximately equal capacity. The first barrel was constrxicted by the United States Navy and completed in 19^7^ as an emergency measxu°e to provide water supplies made necessary by expansion of military and industrial installations and the attendant population increases resulting from World War II. The second barrel of the aqueduct was constructed by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and completed in 195^- Ownership and operation of the aqueduct were assumed by the San Diego Covinty Water Authority by contract with the United States ^ich pro- vides for repayment of the construction costs by the former agency with partial -22= assistance of the Metropolitan Water District. The conveysuice capacity of both barrels of the aqueduct under present operating conditions is in the order of 195 second-feet. During the 12 -month period ending July 31 > 1956, the aqueduct conveyed a toteil of lUl,000 acre-feet or an average continuous discharge of 19I4. second-feet. Surface storage developments constiructed on streams draining the San Diego County area have a nominal safe yield of about 66,000 acre -feet per season. During the cvirrent and continuing drought, presently in its thirteenth year, storage in these reservoirs has been so depleted that the safe yield thereof vlll not be restored without the occurrence of substantial local runoff. As shovm in a prior tabulation, the storage reserve on January 1, 1957 ^ was about 67*000 acre-feet or about 9 per cent of the total storage capacity avail- able, the leargest portion of \rtiich was imported Colorado River water. The existing Colorado River Aqueduct is presently satisfying the bulk of the water needs of the area. Without substantial augmentation of storage in the reser- voirs from local runoff, it is estimated that there will be a deficiency in water supply in the area of about 30,000 acre-feet d\iring 1957 • Even with restoration of the safe yields of the depleted reservoirs, anticipated rapid growth and attendant increase in water demand will so increase the water requirements in the San Diego Coixnty area, within two to three years, that the combined supply from the existing San Diego Aqueduct and loceLL sovirces will be insufficient to satisfy demand thereon. Responsible local agencies in the San Diego County area, recognizing this serious threat to their economy, are presently conducting an intensive campaign to conserve water. It is hoped by this campaign that the afore- mentioned water shortage which would be largely felt in the northern San Diego County agricultural areas, will be somewhat mitigated. -23- Local Activity Relative to Proposed Second San Diego Aq.ueduct Since the initiation of this investigation in May of 1956, by the Division of Water Resoiirces, certain actions relative to the financing and con- structing of a second aqueduct to convey Colorado River water to San Diego County have been initiated by interested local agencies. In this connection, the Department of Water Resources addressed a letter dated January 3; 1957^ to the Boards of Directors of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern CfiLLifomia and of the San Diego County Water Authority, requesting a statement of their Intentions regarding the financing and constructing of a second aque- duct to San Diego Covinty. The letter is enclosed in Appendix A of this report. Mr. Joseph Jensen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Metro- politeui Water District of Southern California, by letter dated January 2h, 1957 > reproduced in Appendix A of this report, notified the Department of Water Resources of action of the Board of Directors with regard to construction of an aqueduct to San Diego County. The letter is quoted in part as follows: "Following its consideration on January 22, 1957^ the Board of Directors instructed me to inform you that it is the intention of this District to build an aqueduct to deliver additional water to the San Diego County Water Authority and that construction on it will begin within the present year. "Previously, on Januaxy 8, 1957 > yovir foregoing letter was referred to Mr. Robert B. Diemer, General Manager and Chief Engineer. His specific recommendations contemplate an aqueduct capable of delivering to San Diego County l80,000 acre feet of water a year, the first l6 miles from the point of diversion at the Colorado River aqueduct to Auld Valley to be open canal having a capacity of 500 cfs and the remainder to be a pipe line having a capacity of 250 cfs." Mr. Richard S. Holmgren, General Maneiger and Chief Engineer of the San Diego County Water Authority, by letter dated Janviary 29, 1957^ enclosed in Appendix A of this report, notified the Department of Water Resources of adoption of a statement of policy by the Authority's Board of Directors, -2k- attached to the foregoing letter, In irtilch the Board, "... urged the immediate construction of the Aqueduct by Metropolitaji Water District; and support for a "bond issue within the Authority area to finance the Authority's section of the Aqueduct." Mr. Holmgren's letter further notified the Department of Water Resoxirces of action of his Board of Directors directing him to, " ... proceed vlth preparation of engineering plans and specifications for the Second Aque- duct along the westerly route, as set forth in the State's alternate aqueduct route study, subject to such modifications as may be desirable in the light of fxirther engineering sttidies." -25- CHAPTER II. FUIURE DEMANDS FOR IMPORTED WATER In order to select the proper route and capacity for the proposed San Diego Aqueduct from economic and engineering standpoints, it was necessary to give consideration to the timing, location, and magnitude of future demands for ing)orted water in the potential aqueduct seinrLce area. A study was therefore made of the probable rate of increase in demand for water in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties, giving consideration to probable increases in population and irrigated agriculture and to factors influencing such growth. This chapter contains a description of this study and a summary of the results thereof . K In studies of future water demands, it was possible to take advantage of prior data compiled by the Ssin Diego County Water Authority in connection with preparation of the previously mentioned reports of the Authority and of its Board of Consulting Engineers. Use was also made of material and data contained in the afore -mentioned Bulletin No. 2 of the State Water Resources Board, and Bulletin No. 57 of the Division of Water Resources. W Personal contact by Depajrtment representatives was made with officials of each of the major water service agencies in the investigational area to ob- tain the opinion of those experienced in water matters of the potential for ■ growth and increased water demand therein. These persons and entities were con- tacted at the initiation of the studies, during the course of the investigation, and subsequently after preliminary results had been obteiined. In many cases, the valuable advice of such persons and agencies resulted in modification of preliminary vaJ.ues of future water demand. T As previously stated, a basic premise in the studies of future water denands in the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct was that water adequate in quantity and quality to satisfy future water needs therein would be -27- made available to existing and proposed import facilities. By this premise, it is assumed that growth and development in the potential water service area will not he inhibited by lack of a suitable water supply, but rather will be a function of other influencing conditions and factors, as hereinafter discussed. Ifethbds and Procedures The general procedure followed in estimating future demands for imported water in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties consisted of the following steps: 1. An economic study of the area in order to evaluate the relation- ship of present levels of agricultural, commercial, and industrial development to the present magnitude and distribution of population and to the present extent of utilization of irrigable and habitable lands. 2. Extension of the economic study to estimate the potential for future development of irrigated agriculture, commerce, and industry in the area. This study included a detailed field classification survey of lands in the area to determine their adaptability to and availability for the various uses associated with future agricultural and urban and suburban enterprise. 3. Studies of present unit use of water by urban and suburban and agricultural developments in the investigational area and in comparable areas of the State and the nation aind preparation of estimates of future unit uses of water for such developments. h. Estimates of future population growth based on the economic fac- tors evaluated under Items 1 and 2 together with employment of standard statis- tical methods of population projection. 5. Estimates of the areal extent of future irrigated agricultural lands based upon the afore -mentioned economic studies, with consideration given to the physical limitations of potential agricultural area by probable future -28- encroachment of urban and suburban development thereon, effects of ability to pay for water by climatically adapted crops, financing capacities of existing and proposed water service agencies, location of alternative aqueduct routes and costs of conveyance of water therefrom, and to other influencing factors. 6. Estimates of future water requirements in the potential aqueduct service area for each alternative aqueduct route investigated based upon (l) estimates of unit uses of water, (2) probable future population and area of urban and suburban development, and, (3) probable future areas devoted to irrigated sigri culture. In this connection considei-ation was given to the firm water supplies available from local sources. Estimates of future water needs in the potential aqueduct service area were developed for a i+O-year period commencing in 1960 eind extending imtil the year 2000. The year I960 is considered the probable time of completion for a new aqueduct to be constructed to San Diego County. The kO-ye&T period was considered to be of sufficient length to provide a basis for estimating long- term trends in water using developments, and to pennit proper economic com- parison of several alternative plans of aqueduct construction, both as to location and capacity. The forty-year period was selected for the purposes of analyses and has no significance with regaard to the useful life of facilities hereinafter considered for construction nor with regard to the timing or avail- ability of future imported water supplies. For analytical purposes, all landi -^ ^^ 't was considered might receive water service from the existing or propose^ San Diego Aqueduct were segregated into 52 subareas, each of which was given individual study. As stated in Chapter I, it was concluded, after preliminary recon- naissance, that only that portion of the investigational area generally lying below elevation 1,700 feet could feasibly be served water from the proposed San Diego Aqueduct. Therefore, analyses of certain of the higher and more remote of -29- the 52 subareas were not carried to the degree of refinement given to those suh- areas considered to be within the potential aqueduct service area. The boundaries of the subareas were laid along the boundaries of presently organized local water service agencies wherever such agencies existed. The boundary locations of unorganized areas were adopted for study purposes on the basis of topographic features and geographical location of the lands, reflecting the physical problem of serving water thereto. An added influencing factor in selection of the subareas was their location relative to presently organized areas and the possibility of their eventual inclusion in such areas in order to take advantage of utilization of common water conveyance facilities. The foregoing subareas are listed by name and number in Table 1. The table also shows the gross area of each unit, the estimated areas of developable lands in each, and the approximate range of elevations of the lands contained therein. The estimated areas of developable lands in each subarea were derived from land classification surveys as reported in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2, Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 57, and the survey described hereinafter. The subareas designated in Table 1 by numbers are identical to those utilized by the San Diego County Water Authority in its previously mentioned study and report of 1955. The subareas designated by letters are additional subdivisions of the investigational area defined by the Department of Water Resources during this investigation. -30- TABLE 1 GROSS AREAS AND AREAS OF DEVELOPABLE LANDS IN SUBDIVISIONS OF THE WATER SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT Estimated Range of Subareas Gross : net areas of elevation. area, : in acres : developable leinds, in in feet : (U.S.G.S. Name : Number acres datum) Ssji Diego County- San Diego Metropolitan Area (225,000) (225,000) 0-1,800 Rio San Diego Municipal Water District 5 19,400 19,400 300-1,000 Helix Irrigation District 6 30,000 30,000 300-1,400 South Bay and National City- 7 17,100 17,100 0- 300 San Diego 12 76,300 76,300 0- 800 Otay Municipal Water District 16 60,000 60,000 100-1,800 Imperial 20 14,700 l4,700 0- 400 Near Miramar 26 7,500 7,500 100- 400 Oceanside-Carlsbad Metro- politan Area (43,360) (34,820) 0- 500 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 2 20,630 16,480 0- 500 Oceanside 8 8,210 6,630 0- 400 Near Oceanside 27 14,520 11,710 0- 400 Escondido Metropolitan Area (24,330) (19,860) 600-1,500 Escondido 3 1,940 1,940 600- 800 Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District 11 22,390 17,920 600-1,500 Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area (24,090) (18,790) 0- 300 San Dieguito Irrigation District 13 4,560 4,000 0- 300 Santa Fe Irrigation District 14 10,250 8,390 0- 300 East of San Dieguito 25 9,280 6,420 0- 300 Bueno Colorado Municipgil Water District 1 51,700 36,210 200-1,700 Fallbrook k l6,i40 8,280 30c- 900 Poway Municipal Water District 9 11,540 7,140 400-1,300 Rainbow Municipal Water District 10 35,390 22,200 200-1,3.00 Valley Center Municipal Water District 15 55,190 23,530 300-1,800 Ramona Municipal Water District 17 23,100 14,280 1,300-1,700 Pvajicho El Cajon l8 16,510 6,530 1,000-3,000 Pauma Valley 19 12,750 5,770 800-2,200 North of Santa Fe 2k 9,530 4,750 100-1,000 South of Lake Hodges 28 32,880 13,040 100- 800 East of Del Mar 29 39,270 22,820 0-1,200 Lo-wer Paioma Valley 30 25,290 8,430 200- 700 Camp Pendleton* 135,000 62,000 0-2,300 Camp Elliott* 38,000 17,000 300- 900 Jamul A 75,160 17,780 500-3,000 Loveland B 47,180 8,590 1,000-2,500 Potrero C 31,370 6,530 2,000-3,500 Morena* D 46,000 9,000 2,500-3,200 ■31- GROSS AEEAS AM) AREAS OF Di'ii'ELOFAELE LANDS IDS SUBDIVISIONS OF THE WATER SERVICE AESA OF THE PROPOSED SAH DIESO AQOESUCT (conti:iued.) : Estimated Range of Subareas Gross :net ai-eas of elevation, area, in acres : developable : lands, in in feet • • (U.S.G.S. Uame ; Number : acres datum ^ San. Diego CovLat^ (contin-ued) Live Oak"^ E 25,000 9, COO 3,000-4,000 El Capitaa F .Ul,6lO 13, '^70 l,0O3'-4,000 C-oyamaca®' a 258,000 500 1,500-6,500 Riacoii H 33,,?80 10,220 400-1,700 San Vicente I 70,000 13,890 7CO"3,000 South Sutherland J 22,710 6,350 1,600-2,500 Gue^ito K 75,190 19,7^0 i,aoo-3,500 Sutherland'* L 75,OCiO 20,000 2,500^4,200 Eeashaw* M 69,00c 11,000 2,700-4,300 Ague Tlbia^ ^ 3B.A7O 1,320 1,200-1,700 Palosnar®- 67, ''000 7,000 2,400-3,500 Chihuahua®' P 56,000 3,000 4,100-5,000 lorfch of Peadleton^ W 35^000 4,600 500-1,000 Subtotals, Saa Diego County 1,73s, 5i^0 712,460 South'wester'i Riverside^ Courjity Temecuia'*'' ' ' '"" Q 24,120 1,920 500-2,200 Vaii^ R 77,850 13,370 1,00«>2,300 Murrieta'^ S 71,360 22,330 1, ox "1,800 Cottonwood^ T 83,510 8.530 l,60C?-2,800 Anza^ U 92,420 13,340 2,700-4,500 Winchester South®" ¥ _86pOOO 6q^oe-o 1,400-2,100 Subtotals, South'westem Riverside County 435,260 119,490 GRAFD TOTALS 2,217,80*3 831,950 a. Data derived from State Water P^esou'i.'ces Bcafd Btilletia Ko. 2. b. Data derived frjra Division of Water Eesouirces Bvilletin Ho. 57 • -32- It will be noted in Table 1 that a number of subareas were combined into larger eireas designated. "Metropolitan Areas" in consideration of the proba- ble nature of future development, and since after preliminary study, it was concluded that the economic aspects and water supply problems of the individual subareas were so closely related that evaluation on an individual basis would be unnecessary. These metropolitan areas were designated San Diego, Oceanside- Carlsbad, Escondido, and Santa Fe-San Dieguito. The boxindaries of the fore- going subareas and metropolitan areas are delineated on Plate 3, entitled "Subdivisions of Investigational Area". A systematic analysis was made of each subdivision of the investi- gational area, which euialysis consisted of evaluation of eleven different factors which would affect the future growth and attendant demand for water therein. Data on these influencing factors were obtained from all available sources, including official records, published reports, personal interviews with officials of local, private, and governmental agencies, and field investigations and surveys by Department personnel. The factors studied for each subarea are listed and discussed as follows : 1. Climatic Conditions - A mild, equable climate has played a major role in the development of the San Diego area. Large nimbers of people have been attracted to the area by the climate and certain industries have moved in to take advantage of the available labor force. The long frost -free periods in certain portions of the area are favorable for the production of valuable subtropical fruits and other specialty crops, which has led to the development of intensive irrigated agriculture where water is available. However, since all parts of the investigational area are not equally well adapted to production of these valuable crops, each subarea was analyzed individually with regard to this factor. -33- 2. Transportation Facilities - For urban development, a basic road system is essential. Also, good main highways, rail facilities, ship docking facilities, and airports all aid in the development of commerce and industry, which in turn stimulates further urbaMzation. For agricultural development, a road system need not be as elaborate as in urbsin areas, and other types of treinsportation facilities essential to the urban community are not necessary to agricultural growth. However, as access must be provided into cultivated areas, existing roads enable development to occur more rapidly than if there were no such facilities. 3. Present Level of Urban and Agricultural Development - The present level of development determines to a large extent the rate of immediate growth, but becomes less important with the passage of time. There are in existence, in any extensively developed urban or agricultural area, utilities, roads, schools, commercial establishments, and other facilities required for sejrvlcing the needs of such areas. As between two areas with the same development poten- tial, that area with the larger present economic base, with other Influencing factors being equal, will exhibit the most rapid immediate growth. However, over a period of years, economic pressures will force the initiation of develop- ment in virgin lands, at which time the existing level of urban or agricultural development would be of relatively less importance. Data obtained from field surveys, together with data appearing in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2, were utilized to determine the relative levels of urban and agricultural developments in the various subareas, which determinations assisted in the projections of rate of growth for the immediate future. k. Present Water Supply Facilities - The existence of facilities for development of local water supplies and for conveyance and distribution of local and imported water supplies are significant factors in the rapidity of future -3h- agricultural and urban developnent with the importance of such facilities depend- ing upon their present degree of utilization and capacity provided therein for future expansion. This factor would have a decreasing effect the passage of time as does the present level of urban and agricultural development. The existing water supply systems in each subarea were analyzed to determine the area served by such facilities, the capacities and present degree of utilization of such facilities and the possibilities of expansion inherent in their designs. These data were utilized, together with other factors, in estimating imraediate rates of growth, but it was considered that this factor would have a negligible effect after about 1970. 5. Ability to finance Constr uction of Water Supply Facilities - The ability to finance construction of water supply facilities together with the factor discussed in Item No, 8, "Cost of Conveyance ajid Distribution Facilities" is basic to the evaluation of the probable growth rate of undeveloped areas. It is of lesser importance in highly developed areas with a large economic base euid attendant financial capacity. The present policy of the San Diego County Water Authority requires member agencies thereof to finance and construct all facilities for conveyance and distribution of water from the existing aqueduct to the individual service areas. In most instances, a general obligation bond issue is the only practical method of financing the construction o:? such facilities. Although the security for the bond issue, namely the value of lands to be developed, is generally relatively low until the development is accomplished, experience in the San Diego Coi.uity sirea, as well as other parts of California, demonstrates that financing problems in undeveloped areas can be solved. An8.1yses were made of those subareas with an apparent limited finan- cial capacity for water supply development to ascertain assessed valuations and the probable present bonding capacity therein. It is recognized that -35- determinations of bonding capacity cannot be accurately evaluated, however, these analyses when compared with the estimated capital costs of delivering water from the considered aqueduct routes served as a guide in projecting probable rates of growth in certain areas. 6. Ability of Consumers to Pay for Water - Although to some extent influencing the amount of water used, the ability of consumers in urban and sub- urban areas to pay for water is not a major factor in the growth of such areas. This factor is, however, of prime importance in the development of irrigated agriculture along with the ability to finance construction of water supply facilities. The ability to pay for irrigation water is measured by the margin by which monetary returns from crops exceed all production, management, and marketing costs except the cost of water. A major consideration in the deter- mination of ability to pay for water by future agricultural development is the cost of undeveloped lajid and the attendant costs necessary to prepare the land for irrigation. The ability to pay was evaluated for various types of crops considered to be adaptable to growing conditions in each of the subareas. This factor is discussed in greater detail in an ensuing section of this report. 7, Selling Price of Water - This factor is intimately related to the ability to pay for water. Charges for water have a major effect upon agricul- tural development but very little effect upon urban and suburban development, although a higher selling price for water usually will be a deterrent to loca- tion of industries with a high water usage. Since higher prices for water are usually found in water-short areas, public campaigns to conserve water, as well as the lnh3.biting effect of the price Itself, have usually had the effect of lowering the \anit use of water. The actual cost of additional imported water supplies delivered to consumers in the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct would reflect the price charged for water at the main aqueduct and the annual costs of -36- conveyance., pumping; and distribution facilities required to effect water delivery to the customer. This price would therefore vary among the several sub- areas and within a given subarea depending on aqueduct location. The extent, if any, to which the selling price of agricultural water will be reduced by tax levies or by aid from urban and suburban water revenues will be a major factor in future development of irrigated agriculture. This selling price will depend therefore upon decisions of boards of directors of the vairious water service agencies involved and upon methods of service selected for the various subareas, and accordingly is not subject to finite determination at this time. In order to ascertain the effect of price of water on the estimated future demand therefor, these estimates of water requirements were prepared for each considered aqueduct route with two assiuned values for the cost of water delivered at the aqueduct. Water is presently sold to wholesaling agencies by the San Diego County Water Authority at a nominal price of $12 per acre-foot with some additional regulatory storage charges in certain instances. After consideration of local costs of conveyance and distribution of water incidental to providing delivery of water to the land, it appears that a price for water of $kO per acre-foot at the main aqueduct for any of four alter- native locations would result in a cost at the farmers' headgate which would generally approximate the estimated upper limit of ability to pay for water for the most lucrative types of agricultvire . For analytical purposes, in this investigation the selling price of water delivered at the aqueduct was assumed to have a lower value of $15 per acre -foot and an upper value of $to per acre- foot. In the studies hereinafter described, the costs of delivery of the water to the land from the considered alternative aqueduct locations were added to the assumed wholesale prices at the aqueduct to obtain a unit price to be -37- compared with estimates of ability to pay for water. In this manner, those factors of price of water and ability to pay were utilized in determining the probable future demand for water in the potential aqueduct service area. 8. Cost of Cdnveyarice arid Distribution Facilities - This factor, as previously stated, is a basic consideration in projecting the rate of growth of water-using development, particularly of iirigated agilculture. Further, the effect of location of aqueduct on the growth of a given subarea is measured by the variance in cost of conveyance facilities from each considered route. For each of the subareas preliminary estimates of the cost of con- veyance and distribution facilities were prepared for each of the considered aqueduct routes. In this connection, reconnaissance -type estimated costs of construction and operation of the facilities were utilized. It should be noted that the estimates of cost so employed were only for the purpose of developing costs of delivery of water for comparison with estimates of ability to pay, and were not prepared to the same degree of refinement as those for facilities discussed in Chapter III of this report. Set forth in the following tabulation are unit costs used in the estimates. Construction costs of main conveyance facilities per acre -foot of maxilmuan annual conveyance capacity Item Materials Labor Engineering, supervision and contingencies Lajid - fee title and easements Totals $ 7.00 100 Cost per mile Per cent of total $ 4.20 1.40 1.19 0.21 60 20 17 3 -38- $42.00 70 9.6o 16 6.00 10 2.it0 k Construction costs of distribution facilities per acre -foot of maximum annual water delivery Per cent Item Cost of total Materials and labor Engineering, supervision and incidentals Reservoirs and appurtenances Purification and miscellaneous expenses Totals $60.00 100 In certain of the higher and more remote subareas, estimated costs of conveyance and distribution systems were in excess of the present or probable future capacity of these areas for financing such works. Further, costs of water delivered to land greatly exceeded the estimated payment capacity of climatically adapted crops. Such areas were not considered to be within the potential aqueduct service area and were eliminated from further detailed consideration . Other less remote subareas which are presently undeveloped were found to have limited financing abilities that precluded the construction of distri- bution systems sufficient to serve all lands therein. However, in such areas, it appeared that, under a program of staged construction of distribution works, development of the areas would be possible. This factor was therefore taken into accoiint in estimating the rate of development which would occur in such areas. 9. Industrial and Commercial Growth - The effect of industrial growth upon water demand csm be direct if the particular activity has a high water- using characteristic or indirect because of the growth of population and agri- culture which it might stimulate. Growth of industry in an area is dependent upon many of the factors previously itemized. Other factors are markets for products, availability of raw materials and a labor force, and a plentiful supply of water. This factor is discussed in greater detail in an ensuing section of this chapter. -39- 10. Agricultural Growth - This factor is dependent upon many of the preceding items, particularly climate and cost of water. It was found that, based upon experience in this and other areas, where an adequate supply of water is made available at a cost within the upper limit of ability to pay for such water, the growth of irrigated agriculture has proceeded at a very rapid rate. This factor is also discussed in greater detail in an ensuing section of this chapter. 11. Local Political Environment - In some cases this is of more importance in water supply development than any other single factor. For example, some areas, wherein financial feasibility of water development facili- ties is marginal, will implement construction of the needed vorks through intense local enthusiasm for such development. Conversely, in other areas where ample capacity to finance water supply facilities exists, programs for water develop- ment will fail or never be initiated due to local apathy or desire to limit growth of population or industry. This factor is, by its nature, nebulous and difficult of evaluation and further will change with time. Throughout the area of investigation, the need for additional water supply development is well recognized at every level of government and among the lay population. In general it may be stated that "local political environment" in this area is conducive to rapid prosecution of a program of additional water supply development. Classification of lands for Water Service The maximum limit to which irrigated agricultiire or urban and suburban areas can develop is basically dependent upon the areal extent of lands available for these uses. Field surveys were conducted to classify lands in the investi- gational area with respect to their adaptability for various water-using develop- ments. The pxjrpose of these surveys was to establish the ultimate potential for irrigated agriculture and urban and suburban development based on availability -i*0- of land, and to evaluate the suitability of available land for these uses on the basis of those influencing factors susceptible of identification. This survey was conducted generally throughout coastal San Diego County. Prior work of this nature done in connection with the preparation of State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2 was utilized within and adjacent to Eastern Municipal Water District of Riverside Covmty and for the higher lands in San Diego County. Results of a similar survey conducted by the Division of Water Resources in 1953 and I95U in connection with the Santa Margarita River investigation were employed in the Santa Margarita River watershed. Certain portions of coastal San Diego County comprising lands within the military reser^/at^.ons at Camp Elliott and Camp Pendleton were not examined in the field in connection with this investigation, smd basic data relative to their future water requirements were developed by other means as hereinafter described. Further, that portion of the area designated the "San Diego Metropolitan Area" is considered to be potentially aji entirely urbanized area and was not examined in the field with respect to its land use axiaptability. This area during the chosen iiO-year period will contain irrigated agricultural land as it does at the present time. However, it is believed that the areal extent of such land will g„'adually decline with urban expansion. As previously stated, it was found after preliminary reconnaissance that certain of the higher and more remote portions of the investigational area, fTom an economic or financial standpoint, ccrald not be served with water from the proposed San Diego Aqueduct at this time. As a result, land classification surveys were not made in connection with this investigation in the Morena, Live Oak, Cuyamaca, Sutherland, Henshaw, Paloms.r, and Chihuahua subareas. Data on land classification in these latter areas hereinafter presented were derived fi^m naterial presented in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2. -i+l- The term "ultimate" as employed herein is referred to in the same sense as in publications of the State Water Resources Board axid is defined as follows : "Ultimate - This is used in reference to conditions after em unspeci- fied but long period of years in the future when land use and water supply development will be at a maximum and essentially stabilized." Methods and Procedures All lands surveyed in the field were subdivided into various classes which reflected their suitability foi- production of different irrigated crops or for development of an urban or suburban nature. In all, 22 classes were employed,, l6 for irrigated agriculture, 5 for urban and. suburban lands, and 1 for forest lands. For lands considered to have an agricultural potential, consideration was given to such physical characteristics as topography, soil depth, soil tex- ture, saline or alkaline conditions, high water table conditions, and the presence of rock. Climatic conditions, while not a factor in the actual physical classification of the lands, were very important in development of the probable ultimate crop pattern therefor. This was particularly true in the case of sub- tropical fruits which are very susceptible to frost damage. For the purpose of plaiining for conditions of full development Eind, as stated, to ascertain the maxi' mum limit of development, no consideration was given to those economic factors relating to production and marketing, which are variable among given areas ajid subject to considerable fluctuation over a period of years. Neither was the position of the lands relative to an immediately available water supply an influencing factor in the classification. However, both of these factors were given consideration in estimating the rate at which development could be expected to occur in the various areas. -k2- In delineating the areas adjudged to be potentially urban or sub- urban rather than agricultural, consideration was given to their proximity to presently developed urban areas which could be expected to expand, the salubrious climate neaur the seacoast which would stimulate residential and recreational development, and to leinds that would logically develop as \irban center in eireas of large irrigated agricultural potential. Areas classified as adaptable to urban and suburban use were sub- divided into several categories according to the type of development which could be expected to occur. These included: (l) intensively settled areas characterized by closely knit industrial, commercial, and residential develop- ment, (2) areas which probably would be primarily residential and which would contain those coinraercial establishments necessary to provide services to the resident population, (3) a combination agricultural and residential development which would include small acreages of agriculture together with residences, and (k) a low water -using type of development such as state and county parks, race tracks, etc. Field mapping of all lands was done on aerial photographs having a scale of approximately 1:20,000. The area was covered by car, and at times by walking, as completely as roads and trails permitted. Road cuts, pits, and auger borings were examined to determine the effective root depth and texture of the soils. Representative slopes throughout the area were measured with a cli- nometer. By consideration of these factors, as well as the presence of rock, saline or alkaline soil conditions, and high water table, the appropriate class for each parcel of agricultural land was determined and delineated on the aerial photographs. In mapping the urban areas, factors affecting the probable type of such development were noted and evaluated in the field, and the proper classifi- cation assigned thereto. In this connection, prevailing topographical conditions were assessed for purposes of estimating probable maximum population densities. -43- Table 2 sets forth the standards for classification of lands for water service of the State Department of Water Resources which were employed in this investigation. Areas of Land Use Adaptability Classes Results of the land classification survey, together with data obtained from the afore -mentioned prior su3rveys, indicate that, of a total of approxi- mately 2,330,000 acres in the investigational area, some 350,000 acres will probably eventually be urbanized and that about 510,000 acres are susceptible of intensive irrigated agricultural development. Of the remaining lands, about 173^000 acres in military reservations were not classified, and approximately 1,300,000 acres are not considered either irrigable or habitable. Of the irrigable lands in the San Margarita River watershed and in the remainder of Saji Diego County surveyed in connection with this investigation, approximately 68,000 acres, or about I8 per cent are valley lands. Irrigable hill lands in this area amount to about 318,000 acres. Most of the irrigable valley lands are found along the major streams of the area. Ntmierous smaller valleys and noncontiguous axeas of flat land, some of which are on the coastal terraces, also contribute to this acreage. Practical].y all of these irrigable valley lands are composed of Recent alluvial soils and for the most part are of excellent agricultural quality. The topo- graphy is generally smooth and flat, or smooth and gently sloping, and is suit- able for most types of irrigation practices. Textures vary from light to medium and there is ample effective root depth in nearly all cases. Some relatively small areas near the mouths of the streajns are affected by concentrations of harmful salts. Since most of these irrigable valley lands occupy the lowest elevations in the valleys, the frost hazard is very great and practically pre- cludes the production of subtropical fruits. These lands are best sxiited for the production of truck and field crops. -kk- I I TABLE 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES STANDARDS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF LMDS FOR WATER SERVICE Land : class: Characteristics V Smooth lying valley lands with slopes up to 6 per cent in general gradient, in reasonably large-sized bodies sloping in the same planej or slightly undulating lands which are less than k per cent in general gradient. The soils have medium to deep effective root zones, are permeable throughout, and free of salinity, alkalinity, rock, or other conditions limiting crop adaptability of the land. These lands are suitable for all climatically adapted crops. Vw Similar in all respects to Class V, except for the present condition of a high water table , which in effect limits the crop adaptability of these lands to pesttire crops. Drainage and a change in irrigation practice would be required to affect the crop adaptability. For the purpose of this investigation it was assumed that there will be no future change in use of these lainds. Vs Similar in all respects to Class V, except for the presence of saline and alkaline salts, which limits the present adaptability of these lajids to crops toleremt to such conditions. The presence of salts within the soil generally indicates poor drainage and a medium to high water table. Reclamation of these lands will involve drainage and the application of additional water over and above crop requirements in order to leach out the harmfxil salts. Vh Similar in all respects to Class V, except for having very heavy textures, which makes these lands best-suLted for the production of shallow-rooted crops such as rice and pasture. VI Similar in all respects to Class V, except for having a fairly coarse textures and low moisture holding capacities, which in general make these lands unsuited for t?rie production of shallow-rooted crops because of the frequency of irrigations reqiiired to supply the water needs of such crops. Vp Similar in all respects to Class V, except for depth of the effective root zone, which limits use of these lands to shallow-rooted crops, such as irrigated grain amd pasture. Vr Similar in all respects to Class V, except for the presence of rock on the surface or within the plow zone in sufficient quantity to prevent use of the land for c\ativated crops. These lands are suitable for irrigated pasture crops. 45- BTATE 0? CALIFOMIA DEPARTMENT OF WAITBR RESOUHCES STANDARDS FOR CLASSIFICA^'ION OF LANDS FOR WATER SERVICE (continued) Land : class: Characteristics Vhs Similar in all rsspects to Class Y , except for the limitations set forth for Classes Vh and Vs, which makes these lands best suited for the production of shallow-rooted, salt-tolerant crops. Vis Similar in all respects to Class V, except for the limitations set forth for Classes VI and Vs, which makes these lands best suited for the production of deep-rooted, salt-tolerant crops. Vps Girailar in nil respects to Class V, except for the limitations set forth for classes Vp and Vs, which restrict the crop adaptability of these li,ncls to shall ow-rooted, salt-tolerant crops. Vpr Similar ia a.l i respects to Class V, except for the limitations set forth for Classes Vp and Vr, which restrict the crop adaptability of these lands to irrigated pasture. H Rolling and undulating lands with slopes up to a maximum of 20 per cent for rolling large-sized bodies sloping to the same plane; and grading dowrj; to a majciiiiura slope of less than 12 per cent for undulating lands. The soils are permeable, with medium to deep effective root zones, and are suitable for the production of all climatically adapted crops. The only liasiltation Is that imposed by topographic conditions, which affect the ease of irrigation and the amount of these lands that may ultimately lie developed for irrigation. KL Similar in all respects to Class E, except for having fairly coarse textures and low moisture holding capacities •vriaich in general makes these lands unsiiited for the production of shallow-rooted crops because of the freqxiency of irrigations required to supply the water needs of such crops. Hp Similar in all respects to Class H, except for depth of the effective root zone, •^•7?.':lch liojits use of these lands to shallow-rooted crops. Hr Similar in all respects to Class H. except for the presence of rock on the surface or "within the plow zone in sufficient quantity to restrict use of the lauid to noncultlvated crops. Hpr Similar in all respects to Class H, except for depth of the effective root aone and the presence of rock on the surface ox' within the root zone in sufficient qufjntity to restrict use of these lands to non- cultivated crops. Mj- STATE OF CALIJORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES STANDARDS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS FOR WATER SERVICE (continued) Land : class: Characteristics Ht Similar in all respects to Class H, except for topographic limitations. These lands have smooth slopes up to ^5 per cent in general gradient for large-sized bodies sloping in the same plane, and slopes up to 12 per cent for rovigher and more xmdulating topography. These lands will probably never become as highly developed as other "H" classes of land, and axe best suited only for irrigated pasture. Htl Similar in all respects to Class Ht, except for having fairly coarse textures and low moisture holding capacities which in general makes these lands xmsuited for the production of shallow-rooted crops and presents a great erosion hazard. Htp Similar in all respects to Class Ht, except for depth of the effective root zone, which limits use of these lands to shallow-rooted crops. Htr Similar in all respects to Class Ht, except for the presence of rock on the surface or within the plow zone in sufficient quantity to restrict use of these lands to noncultivated crops. Htpr Similar in all respects to Class Ht, except for depth of the effective root zone and the presence of rook on the surface or within the root zone, which limits use of these lands to noncultivated shallow=rooted crops . U Intensively developed urban lands presently used for residential, ccmmercisLl, and industrial purposes. R Lands which are devoted primarily to presently developed residential areas, sind which eilso contain those commerciel establishments necessary to service them. RV Lands which are expected to be used for residential development, due primarily to their location near the coast or near intensively developed \irbeui areas. AR Combination agricultural and residential areas which consist of very small acreages of agrictiltural development together with residences. P Areas having a very low water use such as state and county parks, fairgrounds , etc . N Includes all lands which fail to meet the reqiiirements of the above classes. -hl^ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES STANDARDS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS FOR WATER SERVICE (continued) Land : class: Characteristics Presently forested lands, or lands subject to forest management, which meet the requirements for irrigable land but which, because of climatic conditions and physiographic position, are better suited for timber production or some type of forest memagement program rather than for irrigated agriculture. ■kd- Under the adopted classification standards, irrigable hill lands include those which fail to meet the requirements for irrigable valley lands with regard to topography, but which 8A*e suitable for irrigation development and for the production of certain crops with special irrigation practices. Since these lands are characterised by gently sloping or rolling to steeply sloping topography, air drainage is good and the frost hazard is minimized considerably. Hence, where soil depth and textures are favorable, they are highly valued for the production of subtropical fruits and off-season truck and flower crops. Only a very small portion of these irrigable hill lands are found on Recent alluvial soils. Near the coast they occupy the old coastal terraces and slightly farther inland consist of residual soils derived from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. East^mrd from these areas are the residual soils derived from granitic rocks, which account for the greater part of the soils within the investigational sirea. Wiere climate permits, these granitic soils are by far the best suited of any in the area for the production of subtropical fruits, principally avocados. The results of the classixication survey for agricultiaral and urban lands are presented by cubareas in Tables 3 and k, r-l CM O O O o o en CM O O o CN) O O O CD OOjd- rH 6 Jl- OO iH IH «s O O O cnt^o i-Jm* O O O o I-l o o o S° o o o o o o ' C\J cn o E- 0) o o o OO fN. eg On •s «S CM en o o o o o r-i o r-l ^l, o o o o CM CM UN J- iH cn^OVD *\ *. ^ O) M o o o en rt r-l rH o o CM o o o CM I-l en •s rM uNcn ono rM NO en NO •s ^ NO UN(^CM o o o O c o ■>-■' O O c^ o c S ■a o o ta EC ei) c Li o o d •j^ fcO Q O ■i-» C cj W 0) -rt +> +5 S) •rl n ho -H c to vl f3 -50. goooooooooooooogool . - . .. .V 1^ .k a. <& o^ o. c^ o. uj O *-• CO CTN -JNOO I CM iH c^Soo CO jrt" o HI tH t^ c^.ijn^ ^ ^ CM CM >H I OS CM 8 C^RSnoI t^C^VD irt (r4 Ol ^ as ^ ^ ft oj^ CM CO j- »-ija- o o o o I/NVD '7NCQ O CM lA ITS o o o o o o o o o o o 8 8 o o o o CM j- oo o CO o o Q o O VO VD JT CO CO ;T ^VO CO ON O O O O O I ft ft I C»N C^ I O O O O O I O S CM O C^ O ft ft s * 5 o o o ^ iH <."M p-fl .; o NO ■JN ir. lA «*N H K O 0-1 O CM o ONJi- (H o o iH UN ft o o o o o CM CO C^ 1-1 <-4 CM >H ft ft t ^ « Sv' o o o o 1-1 o r^ UN r^ CM c^oo o o o o UN iH o o o o o CM NO U\UM~- O JH UN J- C^ ft p, ot t^ o. rM .-1 CM CM t^ c^ O CM O CO ft O O o o o o o o o o tvcrt CM ^ CN ft ft ft ft ft oH ON ON NO oH i^ o o o o o o o o o ^ o o o o UN B-fl CM o o o o o UN CM o o o o j3- t^cjcvi 1 o o o o ir^ ^ o o o o V.'H 8 o CO o o ON O O O O o I o o o o o I O O O O O I o o q Q q 1 i-t J I 9. 9. 8 PN C^ K S *• o o o o o o o o o o oo o O O O Q O t^UNj CM ONrt o o o o o o o o o o o o & I 8i CNO iH 0\ > CM NO O O O O Q ^ O JT OO 0\ UN t^JX C^ 0-8 C OS ft 5 CM o o p o o CNvO O 0-4 0-4 t^ ONi-l Ji- NO ft ft ft ft C>N0O CM UN O o o I 3 V< V> O •s •a t3 CN 6 o t^ o a 4 ^ o -51- o xi C ■H a> (, o iH m b ^ 0) O (< -o li3 in < 6- (a 6- M Z CO o •< 01 u CO (< O a) e I. 4 4> .^ 3 o ■a Hi * d I. r-l C at <« O L. E- 3 S 3 O o o o o o C"\ r-l CM \D C4 ur\ O aost O O Q CT\ C^ O O o o o -I UNCO VCM CM \r; ^ O CTN r-l OOQOOQOOOOOO — ■ ~ ~\OrHU>C^COt^-* UM^ ^^vo CM ON IN irSr4>-IC^irNCMr-li — C^ C^CM t^^ O-VJ? « o o o 3- t^vo o o o o o o o o c^cooo C^ tr\oo ir> OO f~- l-i CM o\t^ o o o t-^ cr\o C^ O r-t CM ONfv^ 2 o ON UN o o o O l/SCN ^ OO r-l o o o o o o o ON Jv, J- f-1 o o o o o o o o er\o o t^ON ir\,H i-< t--.NO (H o t^ O OO CTN o o o CN CN o o o UNlH ITllH +• >> ^ •P I. El r-: *» vi +> O C) lA I. rH .^ •rl < 1^ ■s PI u •n n c t. nl U 'H o 0} +> .H a ■H +» «-* +» It r-l 3 .C St ^; o r-l O o +> -rt 9^ t. 111 rJ » fl. ■f «> la •H ■H ■H O i^ M l. ?> O .H al I. cJ W fel o o •4» O +> o o o o o o NO OO CM rH OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO Q UfSO lf\voC^Cr\^CHvqOt^ONt^voO O O ^N^0Ot^\X)jd-NO0O C^i^CSIOONO OOO O O 0\£>CMtv.UMr\t^UNC^irvOJ-CMNOCMt^NO IH CM l-l r-l rt UNc'SeM C^HI ooooooooooooooo OQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO *\ O ^ O O^VD OVOt-^rHCNQCNCMt^OO •HrHCMUNCNOv^cOr-lr^ l/N^ O^ r< UN O O ON C*\ t^^ NOt^r-IVONOVO C*NO O r^QO ONON CMCMr-l «-ICMr-ICMrH r-IONO^OiHOO f^ONt^ no NO 0^ "N rH CM NO CM ON^ rH (H NO "H C<^ p-\ C^ UN CM Ooooooooooooooo ON O ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo CM r-l O J <-l UNCO C^VO t^ VO r^r-IUNrHnCMCM 0O^ rH r-INOr^0^r^ f^ ST CM OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r-l C^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J>~t--. NO C^ .* CM CS rH +» *> +> n o •H -rH . '-^ '- V c vt fc. O -rl ' : -n c_l +» o Id c +> to o ■rl •rt VI 3 «. +•; ? -1 g M (B » 3 d rt -3 -n 2 »H ; ; ' CO K j: (J t. I -rf +> >, o t. O rH 3 K tf O. iJ «H o> o (d V e I PC K 01 f/J O M Sa ■CJ Ji M O •H 11 : ; 10 rH ^ f4 ■ duo S CJ O il O •rl -rl U 'J +> « d i: o » O -H t) tJ C •rl C O ^c^ o o C o c c3 a o u +» fc g S-rt 1-1 a 3 1/1 CO OO ® AO Dn Vi •rl O -52- s i AS « o ^ c " •3 II o o 1-i o CO o ^ ooooooooo OiHlO^. OOtvOOO Otv»-IOO.^OOC> fvQ OS ooooooooo «3». Cvltv,pOJ-000 3 O vol «-« jH CM N j-4 I O Z O S-8 C I _ f O ■< M J Sfe to cd to g o ON o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5^ CM o o oo so o o ITS o o o o o ol CM «r»\fi •-« CM on a-* CO iT\ \r\^ o I 01 », ft ft » ;J ^ tv rt c^ w so] CM t^t^OO ONOOj I Q O < o o o \o u\c?\t..e^cMl o U-1 c^ o CM UN o CN a: o o s 8 o o o o o o o o O O Ol CM O Jt^ t~~"NO! t^ C^V> trt i-H O <^ Ok €k A e^ «U CM oo «M «M OSOl !•< c^A ii-» von O O O O O St CTN O O O O o o o o o o I o o o o o o I o o o o o o 3 o Q O O O O t O J ON I <7 o o CO Cn o o o ON ON CM o o o o On o UN o o CO J- o o o o o o c^ o o CN o o o w c ■8 § •fel ^ ■T) 6. gte- > S o •* * t i > s I "3 +> s 6- ■< o o z z c c e • +> r-i r* v^ a-^ sH ^ ■o n 0) Li a> o <« p ■»» o (. 4 m 3 -P O (/J (D ffi o« S 3 fci •rt O 9 B « -p » a> d OS S c o o en :^ S '^ O (0 «! P (O +> .H O <^° & a B o o h b o ^ ^ o Ok •a -o c^ > > t-l (. t; a « « 9 TJ tJ TJ 01 cd ,3 a a u (4 X> O -53- Probable Ultimate Pattern of Land Use Experience in Calif omJi.a has shown that, even in the most intensively developed areas,, not all irrigable lands receive water every year. Since results of the survey of irrigable lands were in terms of gross areas, the net areas that might ultimately be ir3rf.gated in any one season were determined by the application of appropriate percentage factors. These factors account for the effects of size and shape of parcels of irrigable lands, productive capacity of the lands and probable crop rotation, inclusions of s m a l l areas of non- irrigable lands within the irrigable lands, and inclusions of other land uses incidental to agaricultural development such as roads, highways, and farm lots. The factors were largely based upon determinations previously mside in inten- sively developed irrigated areas of the State, and on knowledge of the characteristics of the Isoids and proposed developments in the areas \mder consideration. Tlie range in values for these factors is indicated in the following tabulation: Ratio of net to gross area, in per cent Factors Size and shape of land Inclusions of noirJ/rrigable lands Productive capacity and crop rcitatioR Rights of way Resultant Percentage 90 65 Utilizing the data compiled from the sui-vey and giving consideration to present irrigated agricultural development, present and indicated future trends in crop type, climatic conditions, an.d information gained from local farm advisors and other qualified agricultural agencies within the area, the probable ultimate crop pattern was projected. .54» Maximum Minimum 99 99 95 9U 97 ■95 78 -91 Since avocados yield the highest net return of any ir:.'?.gated crop produced in the area, it was anticipated that they would occupy practically all the acreage where conditions are favorable for their production. Flowers and off-season truck crops probably would account for a considerable acreage in the valleys where the frost hazard is too gi^sat for avocados. In soine of the slightly colder areas, and on lands with heavier soils where lemons and limes produce reasonably well, it was considered that these crops would prevail. In the eireas not suited for avocado and citrus production, truck, field crops, deciduous fruits, and a limited acreage of alfalfa and pasture were projected as the probable ultimate crop pattern. As in the case of agricultural lands, those ar^as classed as poten- tially urbfiua contained inclusions of non-developable lands such as gullies, swamps, river beds, etc. Appropriate percentage factors, developed during the field survey, were applied to the gross urban areas to obtain the net habitable areas for purposes of estimating the probable ultimate pattern of urban land use. The nature of the various potential urban areas as related to topo- graphic characteristics, as well as geographical location and other pre-/iously mentioned factors, influenced the type of urban development projected for ultimate conditions. Presented in Table 5 is the probable ultJLmate pattern of land use for the area surveyed during this investigation. Attention is directed to the fact that the land use pattern shown in Table 5 is for probable "ultimate" conditions of development as previously defined. In a later section of this chapter, the methods used in determining crop pattern and future population for the to -year period herein considered will be described. Values for probable ultimate urban land use in Table 5 were used as a check on the reasonableness of the population projections. -55- ft, z 8 4» ® 3 r^' '.' * 7i ^3. c b Er> •»' r4 C f^i ^& '* ra •g oi a. c rf 13 0) (H § ^ ,1 H ^ ^3 »^ T3 C C 3 C e> i! ^ ?« CO ^ .. ft " " IH 1 J ^: -■! so -F o C as <» T3 ■* a> > ^g C £ ^1 c M • a (i« 3 e o e- »< c - .. .? .. a t< to ? s r-J .. "s " iH re aJ -TS A "J '^ a 3 0.£ •Ci tn o o c !^' t. <« +• C r"^ '• m f-4 3 00 -o rt o •a .«, & 3 t, -o r'l i§i? If-fl o o c D 0) s< •< O Q ° .. !t -H •<» i. ^ •g g. ? o io t. e o " ir" s ,3 o cd b ^•o '^• >. « a -ri fiS c, " .. .. <« o o •*• *< at -H K :^ J:g. 'H Hi 0> «- i C4 iH o o o o r> c^ CO c^ CM its C.1 lf\ ^° o o o o ^ «H! o va O J-^ P^ oo J- NO o o o C> o O O SD OOO CM O O VONO OOO i5 5^« o so so 1 o o ooo oo\o w^ Osvo J*' o o CM o so OOO ^ O OOO O en esoo oo Va> OS O O o CM ooo o CM o o o o o l-i CM oo vo o o o ON o o o o o o o o o O c o o o O o o CM o CM +» CM cn f-i ■-I ^ +> o •M o •> -V -H 4 o 1. (. » O O fa o iH oi +> +> c ■ij -fe ^ o e: u o 19 ^1 CD d to < -rt Q •H a to t-t 1 o 5 § S; > § «4 o-§ c +» s. b 0) «> 1 ^ ■»> t,^ o ^ O o rt •H +^ ■H g ■!» <( ^ e (o +> * O (ij 'sit?s > 1 n i 1-1 o J3 +■• Bfe g •g > 0. •rl Tt o o 1, ■>> -a t k e % IB HI s * i ^ •f o 11 § >l) i. tiO -f> « c (-< 1 1-1 ii a a o t: = o «rl g.^ «4 ■V ■e <» n bO d « 'ri ^H , •H s n. 1 iH ■¥> 13 u b b vH *? § o o i oi o » i ^ o •3& n o to •»» IS •P 03 o a) -, - . '^ «• M ^ 1 •H 'CS ••-4 t< o ,r4 +» c ■rt S •*' o o f4 IP r-1 .S », ■•'< >? o •H c 1 b ra *< •H a •s o (B ia J O r^ -.H £ 4» 5^ •o O •»» g •o ■o C -H C -H +» o o 3 •H O £ -H u o Q n «-t O * u , b lit t4 d ,< +» 1-1 U O ^^ •rl [3 01 TI o o 3 .r^ 4^ (o 6 »> a> -0 t cms: O -H O CO w 2 a> 8 eg S o o s; o aJ 01 * ■3 §3 0- oi Q ? » ri -56- V* c o 8 M CO w 3 03 ■< 1-1 n £ I 3 DO I * Si s c 3 Si c z c i ■iul "> 2 g - 73 t. Si si 5fe 6- O (4 R OOOOOOOOOOOOOQQ OOOOOO •-1CM iH iH i-liH t-IC4iH O O O O O Q OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO oooooooo o oooooooo o oooo o o OOOOOO CM t^c->«-\iJ o c\c- PMr> cS o o o ^ ON R 1 c<^ l-l CM i-t\o 1-1 ir\ \x> ■H t^ o CO OOOOOO R 8 OS •H iH ■k •K M CN e^ C^ <^ cr» 1 o o o o o o o O oo o vo t-~ oooooooo Ol c^ e^ a\ ^v?^ OS oooooooo <'S o oooo iH 1-4 o oooo ooooooooooooc t^CSp^*^ C^OSCTSC^O o^ ow ooooooooo .,._-._.- ._ _soOci cQoo ir> UNCO NO OS OS so o e^NO <^^ o fH rH r~ r\jt- oooooooo o o oooooooo u^cnc>^*v.floopt>KO «^ c^ e« « at Ck (\ o>jS- osc<^J3- «■^<^i 8-1 7-1 O O O O c o o o q o o J ^ O r^ c^\£) M OS oooooooo e t-: o oo p-1 PS C4 w OS c^ s^ o o o o US o o o o OO ?^ c o us o o us o PS t^ o o us o o us R o c. 1 e g \S3 hi 9P a. •a c c a. o, 9 •o 5 iH • ^ cu CM us S a a O o o Z Z "2 C !3 ^ t1 » •s -^ s a> 4) o r-i iH »< r-i r-5 +» 3 :i < fc ?> B § s s 3 !: ce -p <> if ^ B CO o as "C» a o 8 ? •a -o > ^ M ja e -57- Unit Us e of Water Pre:5eated in this section is a description of methods end procedures used in deteruiining present and probable future units of water use for the various subdivisions of the investigations-1 area for both urban atad agricultural v-axposQS, together with a discussion of the monthly distribution of annual deiaai'ids for vr^ter therein. Urban Use The projection of futiUHS urbaii •■/ater usage -vre-s b&ped on estimates of populiition and per capita water consuription, since population W8.s talien as the xnf3a& cf ixrbnn grovrth. In derivilng per capita Txater coiisumption figures, no conoiderfition was given to possible reuse of -crater app?J.ed for urban oonsunrption. Population centers are now and probalolj'- T'TLII be for many years to come concentrated alor^g the ocetm, ez'A se^re-ge therefrom is largely dischpjrged directly to the ocetin. Inland comr/iunities not now dischargir^ their seimge to the ocean are reL'itively amall, aad as they grow will probably construct ocean outfalls. In order to deterr-Tine trends in urba)i water use, analysis \ib.s made of available current and histo?rical './ater consumption records for cities in San Diego County, southern Ca3.ifornia;, and throughout the United States. The general conclusion reached as a result of this study was that per capita water consu-iption is e:ihibiting a definite increase. Definite determi?iation of the amoiint of any increase is difficult since (l) populations of cities during periods between census years are indefinite, (2) water consunrption figures usually do not include amoimts of water produced, delivered, and consumed by enti-iies other than the reporting agencies, and (3) significant atnoxonts of agricultural usage of wa.ter are occasionallir included in the statistics. -58- Howsver, in consideTratlon of all aval.lable data, it appears that per capita consxoniption has been increasing at a rate of about one per cent per year over that prevailing in the appropriate base period, usually in the 19^10' s. In this investigation and in prior investigations by the Division of Water Resources and other agencies, it was found that use of water in urban areas is also affected by climatic conditions, economic conditions, level and type of industrial development and, to some extent, by the price of water. Per capita use of water tends to increase with distance from the ocean, with relatively higher average tenrperatures, and with relatively lower average precipitation. With other factors being equal, including price of water, the comranjinity with the higher per capita income will usually exhibit the higher j>eT capita use of water « Recent technological sidvances in household appliances have also tended to increase the per capita use of water throughout the country. These include automatic laundry facilities, dishwashers, and garbage disposals. The trend toward individual home ownership, with lawns and shrubbery which, in California, require frequent watering throughout a good part of each year, has also contributed to the increase in use of water. Many of these factors are a result of the general higher level of income prevailing in this cotintry in recent years which has produced a higher standard of living. However, in view of imminent water shortages, certain cities, notably Sen Diego and Santa Barbara, have succeeded in maintaining a relatively low per capita use of water through public educational campaigns. It is believed that this low unit use of water is not only a result of efforts by individual citizens to reduce consumption but also the fact that industries having high water usage have not located in such communities. The following tabulation presents per capita water consumption for l8 southern California cities and communities during 1955^ five of which cities are -59- located in San Diego County. These data were obtained from the 1955 Annual Reports oi' The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the San DiCtjo County Water Authority, and from the cities themselves. Water consun^^tion in gallons per City or community capita per day Maheim 171 Beverly Hills 260 BurbanX 213 El Cajon and La Mesa (Helix Irrigation District) 2l4 Escondido 170 Fuilerton 215 Glendale 176 Los Angeles l6l national City and Chula Vista l88 Oceans ide 179 Pp,sadeRa 215 San 3ema::xLino 203 San Diego 126 San. Iferino 285 Santa Aiia 123 Sajita Barbsxa 150 Santa ivfonicia 137 Torrance 1^1 It \rLll be noted from the fox'egoing tabulation that the per capita ^•rs.ter consumption i.a the <• Ities of San Diego, El Cajon, La Mesp., National City, and ChuD-a Vista, all of which are located in the San Diego Jfetropolitan Area, varied from 126 to 2l4 gallons per day. For purposes of estiraating future water ccnsiunption in the San Diego ^fetropolitan Area, it we.s assumed that the overall per capita water consumption in this area would be approxins-tely l40 gallons per capita per day in i960, and that this rate of consumption would increase on a straight-line basis to I96 gallons per capita per day in the year 2000, which is an annual increase of l.k gallons per capita per day. This assiuned increase is considered to be consistent with the afore -mentioned trend of increase in per capita water consumption. For the Oceanside -Carlsbad ivfetropolitan Area and the Escondido Mstropolitan Area, per capita water consumption for the year i960 was assumed -60- to "be slightly higher than that indicated in the tabulation for 1955 for the respective cities. This assiimption is based on the fact that rural areas generally have a higher per capita consumption than do urban areas and each of these metropolitan areas contains a large rural population for vhich records of water use are not presently available. Values used for the yeetr i960 were I80 gallons per capita per day for the Ocsanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Area and 190 gallons per capita per day for the Escondido Metropolitan Area. These values were increased l.U gallons per capita per day per year up to a naximum of 200 gallons per capita per day. For each of the other subareas, where it was considei-ed that popula- tion growth would significantly contribute to water use, estimates of per capita water consumption were based on values developed for the Escondido and Oceanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Areas. Presented in the following tabulation are the unit values of water use employed in the several subareas : Water consumption in gallons per capita per day Year Yeaj Subarea San Diego Metropolitan Area Oceanside =Carlsbad ffetropolitan Area Escondido Metropolitan Area Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District I90 Fallbrook Poway Municipal Water District Rainbow Municipal Water District Valley Center Municipal Water District Ramona Municipal Water District Rancho El Cajon East of Del ^fe.r El Capitan San Vicente On the basis of historical records of use by personnel at Camp Pendleton, particularly during the recent years, unit water requir.-;ments for mili- tary personnel at Camp Pendleton and Camp Elliott vere assumed to be 90 gallons per capita per day. -61- Year Year Yeer Year Year i960 1970 1980 1990 2000 lUO I5U 168 182 196 180 I9U 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 180 19^ 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 J?00 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 PO-O 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 190 200 200 200 200 Agricultural Use For many years, the Division of Water Resources conducted extensive studies of the use of water by irrigated crops. In addition, many additional studies of this nature have been made by other agencies in California axid in the western United States. Included in these investigations were studies of use of water correlated to the influencing factors of climate, crop type, soil type, and method of irrigation. In connection with the preparation of State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2 £ind in special investigations in critical areas conducted by the State Water Resources Board, studies were made of con- svunptive use of water and amounts of water applied to irrigated crops throughout the State. For purposes of this investigation, units of water use for irrigated agriculture developed for Bulletin No. 2 were reviewed and compared with more recent available data recorded by water service agencies operating in the investigational area. Consultation \Ta.s held with officials of these water serv'-ice agencies and with individuals in the area and in certain instances, values of water use presented in Bulletin No. 2 were modified to reflect local conditions. In general, however. Bulletin No. 2 data were adopted as repre- sentative of use of water by irrigated crops in the investigational area. In studies of the Sem Diego County area for Bulletin No. 2, determina- tions of ultimate agricultural water requirements, that is, the amounts of water excluding precipitation needed to provide for use of ws,ter by irrigated crops and for all irrecoverable losses incidental to such use, were based upon the assumption that a certain proportion of the imconsumed residuvim of water applied for agricultural use would return to ground water storage or to stream channels where it would be available for reuse. In connection with this investigation, lonits of applied water were talcen as the measure of agricultural water requirements thereby giving no credit to such reuse. By this assumption, -62- estimates for water requirements so derived would be on the high or conservBtive sideo This assumption is considered reasonable inasmuch as the units of irriga- tion water use so employed are relatively low as compared to other portions of the State, and it is probable that little return flow would be available for re- use. Further^ a large portion of the lands that would be semred from the pro- posed San Diego Aqueduct are located close to the ocean so that there is little opportvmity for downstream capture of return flow. Under full development conditions with irrigation of substantial so-eas of inland portions of the County, return flow would constitute a significant source of water supply as was assumed in Bulletin No, 2. Units of water use adopted for irrigated crops were varied in accord- ance with prevailing practice and reflect the difference in water application between the inland and coastal areas. For example, it was foiond that for citrus and avocados the annual depth of applied water varied from as little as one and a half acre -feet per acre near the coast to two and a half acre -feet per acre in the interior areas. As previously stated, studies of the probable future nature of irrigated agriculture in the potential aqueduct service area indicate that the crop pattern will largely consist of citrus and subtropical fruits and truck ajid field crops. Unit uses of water were determined for two general crop categories including citrus and subtropical fruits in one category and truck and field crops in the other, as shown in the following tabulation: -63- Units of water use in acre -feet per acre per year Subarea San Diego Metropolitan Area Ocsanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Area Escondido Metropolitan Area Santa Fe-Sart Dieguito Area Bueiio Colorado Municipal Water District :Sall'brool5: ?oway Municipal Water District Rsdnbow :Municipal Water District Valley Center Mmlcipal Water District Raiaona Municipal Water District Raneho El Cajoa Paujaia Valley .Horth of Santa Fe South of Lake Kod.ges East of Del Mar Lower Pauma Valley El Capitaxi. Rincon Sail Vicente Agua '.Pibia Caiiip Elliott C-aiiip Pendleton Temecula Vail Murrieta Winchester South Citrus and subtropical Truck and orchards "field crops 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.5 1.7 3.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.3 _=■=. 2.0 =_-. 2.1 ..=„ 2.3 2A 1.5 1,5 1.5 2,0 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.0 2,0 2,0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Monthly Distribution of Annual V?ater Demands The monthly distribution of future annual water demands will vary appreciably for the various subareas herein considered, depending upon the relative magnitudes of future agricultural and urban water uses therein. Monthly demajad for iri'igation water may vary from little or none during winter months to more than 15 per cent of the seasonal total during a dry summer mionth. The monthly distribution of annual irrigation water demand varies with the crop, soil type, and distance from the coast. Urban water demands are substantially higher during summer months than during winter months but they exhibit greater uniformity throughout the season than those for ~6h. irrigation. The following tabulation presents estimates of average monthly distribution of annual water demands for irrigated agriculture and for urban areas in the South Coastal Area as shown in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2: Monthly demand in per cent of ajinual demand Irrj Month Irrigated Urban agriculture areas 2.7 6.4 2.2 6.k 3.8 7.0 6.5 8.0 10.9 9.1 12.8 9.8 13.7 10.8 13.6 10.6 12.5 9.6 9.5 8.U 7.2 7.3 k.6 6.6 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals 100.0 100.0 As previously indicated, future development in the various sub- divisions of the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct is expected to be of both urban and agriculture nature. Therefore, it is expected that the monthly distribution of future water demands in the vsirious subareas will generally be a composite of the extreme values shown in the foregoing tabulation. The future monthly distribution of water demands for each of the sub- areas herein considered was estimated gener8,lly from experience records of water service agencies presently operating therein v^ere such records were available. Subareas having similar patterns of estimated future development with regard to the relative extent of agricultural and urbsm areas therein, giving consideration also to clianatic conditions, were divided into seven general groups. For each of these groups a pattern of monthly distribution was developed from the records of one or more water service eigencies which presently serve areas having land use patterns similar to those projected for the year 2000 for the areas -65- conipJ^ising the group. The data so developed are presented for each of the seven groups on Plate 8, entitled "Estimated Monthly Distribution of Demand for Water in Per Cent of Annual Demand in Year 2000" . Estimated Future Population The determination of future water requirements for urban and suburban lands was based upon estimates of future population growth. Probable future population growth was estimated by statistical projections tempered by studies of anticipated industrial and commercial growth of the area, and by lajid classi- fication stxidies previously described which defined the availability of land for urban expansion. Presented in this section is a discussion of the probable future of industry and commerce of the area and a description of the methods and procedures employed in and the results derived from studies of future popu- lation growth. Early in the course of this investigation, it was found that the rate of growth of population and \irban expansion was not influenced by aqueduct location. This resulted from the fact tlmt existing and potential urban areas in the County are located reasonably closa to each of the considered aqueduct routes, thereby minimizing t-ie problem of finsjicing construction of conveyance and distribution systems. Further, since the effect of selling price of water on rate of \irban expansion was not considered to be a deterring factor, the influence of aqueduct location in this regard could be neglected. Industrial and Commercial Growth Industrial and commercial groi-rth is not expected in itself to create major increases in demands for water in the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct, but is expected to stimulate expansion of population. The industries presently operating in the area are generally associated with -66- electronics, aircraft manufacturing, missile manufacturing, and research, which in general are not high water using industries. This trend is expected to con- tinue in the future. The importance of a broad industrial base to population growth may be seen in nationwide statistics, Ti^ich indicate that every employed person supports about 2.6 persons including himself. When people are engaged in manufacturing or interstate commerce, their earnings become a source of revenue for locaJ. commerce and service industries, which in turn are able to support about an equal number of persons. On this basis, about 5.2 persons can be ad.equately supported by the earnings of each person obtaining income from outside the area. IiOcal businesses are also stimulated by industries and commercial enterprises through direct purchases of parts, supplies, and services. It is characteristic of industry and commerce that they build upon each other. It is, therefore, seen that industrial and commercial growth directly influences population growth. Further, the increase of population creates a demand for food which in turn stimulates the development of agriculture. During the period generally prior to 19^^ growth of industry and commerce in San Diego were hampered by the area's general remoteness with result- ant high transportation charges added to all imported raw materials and exported finished products, San Diego Coimty grew during this period, in spite of the absence of a broad industrial base, principally through the advantages it offered to retired persons. Subsequent to 19^0 with the advent of World War II, expan- sion of military facilities and associated industries substantially enlarged the economic base and population of the City of San Diego and its environs. During the late forties and early fifties, the continued growth of population in the San Diego area and in California has resulted in creation of markets for its goods within competitive shipping distances. -67- The presence of several large mill tar;/ insteillations, including the Elex'enth Naval District Headquar-iers., wi-ih a present staff of some 3 5;. 000 persons, and Canip Joseph E. Pendleton, the largest ^fe,rine Corps Installation in the nation with a present complement of about 50,000 personnel including one complete division, continues as an important facto:^ in influencing the type and extent of industry and commerce, and in turn, population In the San Diego area. Through consultation with informed people in the area^ information was obtained on contemplated new industry therein. Because of the difficulty of making finite projections of future industrial growth and of correlating such projections with estimates of population growth, it Tra,s not possible to utilize the information so obtained quantitatively. However, it was of great value in supporting statistical projections of population growth and attendant agricul- tiiral expansion. The information was also of value in resolving questions of relati-ii-e geographic location of future concentrations of population in the various parts of the area. Although San Diego County is not generally looked upon as a major industrial area, statistical da/ca indicate that during the past 15 yeai*s, there Irias been a rapid increase in industrial activity therein, particularly in the San Diego Jfetropolitan Area. Because of its strategic location from a national defense standpoint and because of the existence of several large military instal- lations, this expansion of industry reached a high peak during World War II. After a brief slump in activity following cessation of hostilities, a strong rally in industrial expansion occurred which has continued to the present time. The following tabulation shows the increase in numbers of employed persons in the San Diego Metropolitan Area engaged in manufacturing and indus- trial activities which market their products largely outside the area, and therefore may be considered to draw their income from outside sources. -68- Year Employed persons 1940 24,500 1950 34,750 1956 56,250 The previously mentioned personnel of the U. S. Navy and U. S. Hferine Corps bring the present total of persons receiving income from sources generally out- side of the County to about l4o,000. In addition to these are the retired persons who are continuing to move into the area because of its desirable climate and location and who bring into the area a substantial amount of income from out- side sources. The increase in numbers of persons employed in local industry and commerce who, in general, have their primary sources of income within San Diego County is illustrated by the following tabulation: Industry Trade -wholesale and retail Service industries Construction Finance, insurance and real estate Transportation, communications and utilities Government (exclusive of naval and military, generally state and local) not avail. Totals Based on information obtained from officials of local Chambers of Commerce and banking and service organizations, there is every reason to believe that the foregoing growth of industry and commerce will continue into the future. In general, new industry in San Diego County consists of the maniafacturinj- of electronic equipment, instruments, and plastics, much of which is associated with aircraft manufacturing. These industries will be able to compete on the national market, in spite of the general remoteness of the area, because the products involved have high ratios of cost to weight \rtilch reduces the iiriportance of shipping costs. .69- Uvunber employed 19^ 1950 1956 21,280 27,277 5,724 not avail. 43,600 40,350 15,000 7,300 52,900 47,800 15,300 9,700 4,634 9,550 11,800 not avail. 25,550 27,000 141,350 164,500 The General Dynamics Corporation (Convair) operates an extensive ail-craft fabrication and assembly plant in the City of San Diego. It was recently announced that the foregoing coi'poration has been commissioned by the U. S. Department of Defense to man\u"acture the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Atlas). The corporation intends to construct a large plant for this purpose on the Kearney Mesa just north of the City of San Diego. The develop- ment will consist of a fabrication and assembly plant and also a research instal- lation. This facility will be a large factor in population growth in this area in the immediate future. It is also expected that San Diego will grow as a trade and shipping point for the Imperial Valley and portions of Arizona and Mexico due to the existing rail facilities between these points and San Diego's excellent harbor. The present and probable future regional breakdown in industry consists of heavy, heavy-light, and light industries located in San Diego, Chula Vista, National City, and points south, and Ksamey Mesa. Heavy-light industries also axe to be expected in Oceanside, Carlsbad., and some other coastal towns. Light industries will probably also be established in the previaasly discussed areas and in Helix Irrigation District. Other areas that may attract light 5.ndustry are Rio San Diego Municipal Water District, the City of Escondido, and San Marcos. Industrial development in these latter areas is expected to be limited because of the probability of restrictions aimed at minimizing the con- flict between environment ci~eated by heavy industry and good residential areas. Other portions of the investigational area axe not expected to experi- ence any appreciable industrial development. In summary, from the discussions and data contained in the foregoing sections, it may be generally concluded that the factors of industrial, commer- cial and agricultural expansion which have contributed heavily to the phenomenal -TO- population growth in San Diego County dviring recent times are expected to exert their expanding influence upon the population of the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct for a continuing period in the future. Further, the desirable climate and location of the service area, which has probably been the most impor- tant single factor in the afore -mentioned population growth, will continue to attract retired persons and vacationers in increasing niunbers. Although the foregoing factors do not readily lend themselves to finite determinations of population increases, it is considered that the infor- mation hereinbefore developed adequately demonstrated the validity of estimating future population for the service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct by modified projection of the recent population trends. Procedure for Estimating Future Population Future population was estimated only for San Diego County and not for the portion of Riverside County included in the investigational area. It is believed that the effect of expansion of population upon the requirements for iniported water in this latter area during the chosen i*0-year period will be relatively insignificant as compared with the effect of agricultural expansion and attendant increased demands for irrigation water. The general procedure utilized consisted of first estimating the rate of growth of population for the entire State of California at ten-year intervals from i960 until year 2000, and then estimating population of San Diego County for the same intervals, expressed as percentages of the totals for the St&te. During the recently completed State-wide Water Resources Investigation, a study was conducted to estimate the ultimate population of the State. In this study, consideration was given to the availability of lands suitable for urban and suburban developments, and also to the availability of lands axiaptable for irrigated agriculture which would be required to produce the food and fiber -71- necessary to support a large population. Consideration was also given to factors of future industrial and agricultural development necessary to provide employment for a large population. On this basis, a probable ultimate population of if2jifl0,000 for the entire State of California was determined. Historical population data expressed in per cent of the estimated ultimate population were plotted against time on arithmetic probability paper, and projected until the year 2000. The historical and estimated populations of the State for five and ten year inten-'als until the year 2000, so derived, are shown in the following tabulation. Also shown, for comparative purposes, are estimates of future population of California made for "Report on the Collection, Treatment, and Disposal of the Sewage of San Diego County, California", by the San Diego County Sewerage Survey, and estiraa-tes prepared by California Chamber of Commerce, Stanford Research Institute, and the State of California Department of Finance. It will be noted that the projections during the period common to each are in relatively close agreement with the exception of that prepared for the San Diego County Sewerage Survey which indicated lower values throughout. Population of California San Diego California State of Department Coimty State Stanford California of Water Sewerage Chamber of Reseaxch Department Yeax Resources Survey Commerce Institute of Finance i960 15,000,000 12,800,000 li^, 626, 000 15,629,000 15,^13,000 1965 17,100,000 16,426,000 18,059,000 17,781,000 1970 19,100,000 15,700,000 20,696,000 1975 21,200,000 20,500,000 23,565,000 1980 23,300,000 18,750,000 1990 27,^0,000 21,875,000 2000 31,200,000 25,000,000 Ulti- mate i+2,U00,000 The next step in the analysis vas to determine the percentage of the State's future population that would reside in San Diego County. The percentage of the population of California residing in San Diego Coimty has increased steadily in the past as evidenced by the following tabulation: -72. Population of San Diego County Population of Population of in per cent of Year California San Blego County California total 1900 1,^85,053 35,090 2.36 1910 2,377,5^9 61,665 2.60 1920 3,i+26,86l 112,2if8 3.28 1930 5,677,251 209,659 3.69 19^ 6,907,387 289,3^^8 U.18 1950 10,586,223 556,808 5.27 1955 13,000,000 780,000 6.00 Assuming continuance of the trend of increasing percentage of the State's population residing in San Diego County indicated in the above tabulation, a percentage of 9*0 was derived for the yeaj 2000, with a straight -line increase assumed from 1955 "to 2000. This continuing increase appears reasonable in light of the foregoing discussion of "Industrial and Commercial Growth", and in con- sideration of the large undeveloped areas available in the County which are among the most desirable for residential development in the State. The percentages so obtained were applied to the previously developed estimates of State population for each decade until the year 2000. The resulting estimates of future population for San Diego County are shpwn in the following tabulation, together with estimates prepared in connection with the San Diego County Sewerage Survey and by the State Department of Finance: Projected population Department of Ssji Diego Coimty State Department Year Water Resources 952,000 Se\rer£.ge Survey 925,000 of Finance i960 1,000,000 1965 l,li+5,000 — 1,200,000 1970 1,337,000 1,625,000 1980 l,79if,000 2,500,000 1990 2,288,000 2,960,000 2000 2,810,000 3,275,000 The foregoing estimates of future population are shown graphically on Plate 5, entitled "Historical and Estimated Future Population for San Diego County" . -73- Having estimated the rate of growth in population in the County from the present time \mtil the year 2000, it was next necessary to distribute this population among those portions of the County considered susceptible of urban development. The location and areal extent of lands considered to have urban potential are tabulated in Table 5 and are delineated on Plate k, as previously stated. In distributing the future population and in estimating the rates of growth thereof in the several urban areas, consideration was given to those factors affecting density and character of urban development previously dis- cussed. In this connection, each of the areas was given individual analysis and separate projections prepared therefor. The San Diego County Sewerage Survey found that in 1951-52 about 85 per cent of the population of the County resided in the San Diego Metropolitan Area. It was further estimated in that survey that by the year 2000, 80 per oent of the County's population would be in the San Diego Metropolitan Area. On the basis of studies conducted in connection with the current investigation, this estimate was deemed reasonable and adopted for use in this report. The remaining population of the Coijnty, varying from about I5 per cent in the year i960 to about 20 per cent in the year 2000, was apportioned to the remaining subareas of the County, based upon evaluation of previously discussed factors influencing urban and agricultural growth and giving consideration to land use adaptability. Set forth in the following tabulation are the estimated future popula- tions by decades for each of the metropolitan areas and for the renmining area of the County. Also shown are historical population data for the years I95O and 1955 in the same areas. -7k- Oceans ide- San Diego Carlsbad Escondido Balance of ^fetropolitan Metropolitan Metropolitan San Diego Year Area Area Area County 71,348 Totals 1950 455,700 17,260 12,500 556,808 1955 651,900 30,500 20,000 77,600 780,000 i960 809,600 34,800 27,000 80,600 952,000 1970 1,123,000 52,600 42,000 119,400 1,337,000 1980 1,507,000 70,600 52,000 l64,4oo 1,794,000 1990 1,876,000 109,000 57,000 246,000 2,288,000 2000 2,21*0,000 158,000 60,000 352,000 2,810,000 Military Population Although the present military population in San Diego County is included in the foregoing population estimates, consideration was not given therein to the probable increase in such population that would result with advent of a national emergency or war. In order to allow for such a contingency in estimates of future water requirements, consideration was given to full mobilization of Canip Pendleton and Camp Elliott. Maximum possible mobilization strength at Camp Pendleton is estimated to be 170,000 personnel, while that of Camp Elliott is estimated to be about 30,000. About 150,000 of this population would be in addition to that included in estimates previously quoted for the entire County, For purposes of estimating water requirements. Camp Elliott was assumed to be mobilized in I960, and Camp Pendleton was assumed to be fully mobilized in I98O, with straight-line increase in personnel between I960 and 1980. In the event that mobilization does not occur, it is considered that utilization of lands in portions of the two military reservations for agricul- tural or urban uses under interim lease arrangements could result in demands for water equivalent to or greater than those estimated for military population under full mobilization conditions. Use is presently being made of portions of Camp Pendleton for agricultural purposes under such an axi''angement . As -75- discussed in an ensuing section, the;-e is increasing pressure for private develop- ment of lands in Camp Elliott for urban and agricultural purposes. It should "be further emphasized that with the advent of iTartiine con- ditions, estiinated rates of growth of nonmilitary population presented herein- before would also be substantially accelerated. Future Agricultural Growth It has been shown that, ultimately, irrigated agriculture could occupy a substantial portion of the land area of San Diego Coimty. Determination of the rate of growth of irrigated agricultural lands during the 40-year period from i960 to year 2000 was a primary consideration in this investigation since the potential irrigation use in the aqueduct service area will have a major effect in ascertaining the proper size and location of future facilities for imported water of the area. The rate of growth in irrigated agricultural land is inherently dependent on many of the factors previously discussed, including location and availability of suitable undeveloped land, markets for crops pro- duced, price of water, and the ability of responsible local agencies to finance conveyance and distribution systems. Presented in this section is a discussion of those principal factors affecting the growth of agriculture and assumptions made in connection with determining the rate at which this growth would occ\ir. Principal Factors Affecting Growi^h of Irrigated Agriculture In addition to the factor of ability of local agencies to finance water supply developments, there are three basic criteria requisite to the development of irrigable land. There must be a ma.rket for the crops produced; the crops pro- duced must have a payment capacity for irrigation water equal to or greater than the selling price of the available supply; and the Investment cost of acquiring -76- I land and preparing it for irrigation must not be beyond that which can be recovered by the investors with a reasonable return on the investment. These criteria are discussed in detail in the ensuing sections. tterket Potential for Irrigated Crops . By virtue of inherent climatic conditions, the general service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct is suited to a relatively wide variety of field and truck crops as well as to specializa- tion in subtropical fruits, certain vegetables, cut flowers, and nursery stock. The degree of economic advantage which has accrued to specialized crop produc- tion in this area in the past can be expected to stimulate future expansion of acreage in such crops if water is made available to climatically suited lands, providing market outlets are available. The latter of the foregoing factors is of particvilar importance because of the relatively large amounts of capital needed to develop specialized farm enterprises and, in the case of crops such 8,s cut flowers and certain truck crops, the relatively high cost of marketing specialty produce on a nation-wide scale. In terms of both acreage and net income, avocados constitute the most important crop in the general service area of the project. At present, California produces about 80 per cent of the nation's supply of this fruit, with the major portion of the State's output originating in San Diego Coiuity, which has 6o per cent of California's avocado acreage. The major portion of California's avocados are marketed through the Calavo Growers Association which has maintained an energetic sales campaign during most of its history. This has resulted in a per capita avocado consumption in California several times that of the nation as a whole. A continued aggressive national sales promotion campaign on the part of the Calavo Growers Association should result in increased national per capita consumption of avocados approaching that of California. This consideration, coupled with the present trend of growth in the nation's population, indicates -77- that markets can be found for increasing tonnages of avocados, with the majority of this market increase dra'vring upon production in San Diego County. Second ranking in importance aciong crops produced in the sei^rice area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct are lemons. This crop, of which California is the only commercial producer, has been successfully marketed in generally increasing amounts over the past ^5 years. National lemon consumption may be expected to expand as population increases and, although San Diego County does not appear to have equal competitive advantage with the Santa Barbara-Ventura area, the latter area is approaching maximum use of the available lands adaptable to lemon production while in San Diego County lands suitable for lemon production are as yet not fully developed. It can be reasonably concluded, therefore, that markets will exist for increased lemon production which may occur in the San Diego Aqueduct seorvice area if i«3.ter is mside available. Since the economic out- look for lemons is not as favorable as for avocados j, it is to be expected that the latter will have first choice of the climatically suited lands while lemons will be planted where their tolerance of lower temperatures is a factor. Taken together, these two crops are expected to utilize virtual3.y all of the land which is siiited to citrus and subtropical fruit production. The three highest income truck and field ci^ops grown in the potential service area are late fall tomatoes, celery, and cut flowers. Late fall tomatoes are marketed during the winter when competition from other tomato-producing areas is limited. Until recently, most of this crop was marketed within California but increasing quantities are being shipped out of the State. This fact, coupled with the limited amount of land in other areas climatically suited to the pro- duction of late fall tomatoes, indicates that there will be an adequate market potential for any foreseeable increase in production of this crop. Celery, which is grown primarily in the Chula Vista area, is a high income and high production cost crop which is grown primarily for the eastern -78- market. San Diego County's harvest season is the same as that for the Florida celery crop, and it is not considered to have any competitive advantage over the latter area. However, it would appear that the increase in demand for food indicated by national population trends will be reflected in a substantial increase in demand for celery from San Diego County. The major cut flower producing areas in the State are located in the San Francisco Bay area, in Los Angeles County, and in the coastal area of San Diego County. It is the consensus among staff representatives of the State Department of Agriculture that the market for California's cut flowers can readily absorb a continuing expansion in production. This, coupled with an impending encroachment of urban development into present flower growing areas in Los Angeles County, indicates the strong likelihood that there will be a greater market potential for cut flowers from San Diego County in the future than at present. Another important specialty irrigated crop which is expected to have a substantial expansion is nursery stock. At the present time, the production of this commodity is a $100,000,000 industry in California. However, the supply is so fax behind demand that leaders in the industry foresee a need for a 50 per cent expansion in California nursery stock within the next decade. About 2h per cent of the present production in terms of value of the product originates in Los Angeles County, but the increasing pressure of encroachment of urban and suburban areas upon agricultural lands in that County is tending to push the industry southward into less congested areas. Water is the controlling element in this movement into San Diego County since there is a relative abundance of suitable Ismd. If siifficient water of the necessary quality is made available, it is expected that several thousand acres of interior valley land which experi- ence temperature variations that preclude the growing of other high value specialty crops will be devoted to nursery stock production. -79- other farm enterprisef:. which may be expected to utilise additional quantit:'.es of water include thorie associated with dairy products and poultry production, miscellaneous, and frait and field crops for local con- sviraption or for export to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. The market poten- tial for such farm produce rests on a further population expansion in southern California. Based on historical records and current trends previously discussed, it appears that population will continue to expand at a rapid rate. This will result in a continuing increase in demand for local farm produce. The increase in demand can be partially satisfied by development of irrigated agriculture upon presently dry lands in the general seirvice area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct. Costs of Land Developiaen-'; . In estimating future development of agri- cultural lands, considei'atiori wk.s given to the relative difficulty and expense involved in development of new land for agricultural use. Agricultural land upon "vblch aqueduct water will be used vai-ies greatly in the several subareas with respect to surface cover, slope, and other physical characteristics which have significant bear?Jig on irrigation development costs. Also, the nature of the crops to be grown, with regard to 'ohe investment in permanent plantings, as well as the requirement for specialized irrigation systems, have a considerable effect on land development costs and thei*efore upon the rapidity of their development . Some of the irrigable land for which new water service is contemplated has potential subdivision valiie. There is a tendency for this consideration to be reflected in present raw land values to auch an extent as to rule out com- mercial irrigation development, although pax-ii-time farm units or subixrban resi- dences could well be established on such land. Excluding potential subdivision considerations, but with recognition of variation in climate and other important factors aniong service areas, it is -80- estimated that on an average basis, current selling prices for irrigable, but presently undeveloped, agricultural land in the several subareas fall within the range of $250 to $1,000 per acre. Variation in land prices generally reflects income potential based on the crops which may be grown on a given piece of lando With inclusion of clearing and leveling costs, expenses associated with establishing and bringing orchards into bearing in appropriate cases, and provision for irrigation systems, developed land costs ranging from $600 per acre for field crops to $3^500 per acre for avocados were derived. These costs were compared with current market prices for developed lands within each of the subareas. Where costs of developing raw lands were below the market values of presently developed lands in any subarea, it was considered that agricultural growth therein would not be limited by this factor. Conversely, where such costs would exceed the selling price of developed lands of a comparable character, it was considered growth would be inhibited. Payment Capacity for Irrigation Water , Based on the foregoing discus- sion, it is concluded that there is reasonable expectation that an increased supply of agricultural produce resulting from project water service could be successfully marketed, within the scope of probable quantity relationships among comiiiodities . However, the element of economic selectivity is expected to play an important part, within the limits imposed by pertinent physical factors, in bringing about the crop pattern which would develop with the availability of project water. Economic selectivity as reflected by the type and size of a particular commercial farm unit is primarily a function of the income which the operator expects to receive. Income expectations arise from estimated future price and income relationships including, where irrigated agricultural development of new land is involved, consideration of the availability and probable cost of a water ■81- supply. The cost of project water for a particular service area can be estimated in advance within limits. Therefore^ consideration of water cost compared with the expected share of farm income available for its payment is essential to proper application of the element of economic selectivity in projecting a future crop pattern. Payment capacity is derived through an analytical process patterned after the "farm efficiency" or "naanagement" studies of the University of California Extension Service. Gross crop inccaae is determined on the basis of conservative yield estimates (reflecting productive life in the case of perennial crops and future projection based on historical annual production records in the case of annual crops), and average local prices for the ten-year period 19^6-1955. Overhead^ cultural, and production costs other than payment for water and mana- gerial skill essential to successful operation of the farm enterprise, also reflecting this base pe}riod and appropriate to the crop eind locality under con- sideration, are likewise incorporated into the analysis. The resultant residual farm income is designated as pajnnent capacity for project water. However, pros- pective project water users may require a portion of this residual income for return to management in recognition of the significance of the profit motive within the framework of economic selectivity, with the balance being available to pay for project water service. Therefore, it can be concluded that payment capa- cities for irrigation water, as developed within the criteria set forth above, represent ceiling amotints which irrigators can pay for project water. Based on farm price -cost relationships prevailing during the period 19^-1955 and estimated average long-term yields, follovring is the relationship between the existing irrigated crop pattern sind payment capacities: -82- Payment capacity per Crop acre -foot of vater Avocados (mature trees), late fall tomatoes, celery, cut flowers, and niirsery stock $100 or more Lemons, spring and early summer vegetables $70 to $99 Table grapes, most deciduous fruit, and other vegetables $50 to $69 Valencia oranges $Uo to $^9 Miscellaneous fruit and vegetable crops $30 to $39 Nuts and field crops $20 to $29 It should be emphasized that the foregoing values for payment capacity are for water delivered to the farmer's headgate and include all direct and in- direct costs attributable to the conveyance of the water supply to the land. Prices for water quoted at the main aqueduct cannot be directly compared with the foregoing values. In estimating rates of agricultural growth, values of payment capacity for the various climatically adapted crops projected in the several subareas were compared with assumed costs of water at the aqueduct to which was added estimated costs of conveyance and distribution. In this manner, it was possible to deter- mine the limiting effect of price of water on irrigated agricultural development. Estimated Rate of Growth of Irrigated Agriculture Those presently undeveloped lands in each subarea which, as a result of the land classification studies, were considered to be susceptible of irrigated agricultural development, were analyzed on the basis of influencing factors dis- cussed under "Methods and Procedures" and in greater detail in the immediately preceding section. Particular attention was given to the costs of providing water searvice to these lands, the costs of preparing them for irrigation, and to payment capacity of climatically eidapted crops. -83- As has been iadioatedj estimates c"? irrigated agricultural development were prepared for two asaujued costs of water at the anueduct, $15 and $kO per acre -foot. Further, estimates of probab-le growth were prepared for each of the considered aqueduct routes in order to reflect the influence of aqueduct location on such growth in the potential aqueduct service area. On the basis of preliminary analysis it was concluded that there would be no apparent difference in the total demand for imported ira-ter in the potential aqueduct service area with a variation in aqueduct location. Although the growth in certain subareas would be increased or decreased by sizable percentages depend- ing upon aqueduct location, the over-all groirth was estimated to be equivalent because increases in some areas would bo compensated for by decreases in others. Accordingly, estimates of expajitf^ion of irrigated agricultural land and attendant demands for water therefor, were t9J?.en as determined for the "W" .line described hereinafter in CbB.pter III. On the basis of studies described hereinbefore, io was concluded that the only apparent deterrents to the rapid development of irrigated agriculture in the potential aqueduct service aree irill, with the availability of an adequate water supply, be the ability to pay for such water by cei-tain climatically adapted crops and the capacity of local a^enciec to finance necessary conveyance and distribution systems. It was, therefore, assumed that those agricultural areas meeting these economic and financial criteria would be in pi'-Dduction by the year 2000. By this time it was estimated that froir. 103,000 to l63,000 acres of addi- tional land would be in productio:.i in southwestern Riverside and San Diego Counties, depending on the price of the water. This represents an increase of from 200 to 300 per cent over the 50,000 acres irrigated in southwestern Riverside and San Diego Counties in 1955-56. The presently irrigated area was estimated from field reconnaissance supplemented by data appearing in Bulletin No. 2. Values determined for present irrigated area were considered reasonable and consistent with the accuracy of other basic data available in this investigation, but were not of the accuracy which would be obtained from a detailed land use survey. The determination of the rate of development of irrigated agriculture for the period from i960 until the year 2000 was based generally upon the assump- tion that the foregoing Isinds would develop rapidly during the first ten years subsequent to aqueduct construction with a slower growth thereafter. Experience of water service agencies throughout Ca3JLfomia tends to support this assumption almost viniversally. Tables 6 and 7 siimmarize, by subareas, the estimated future areas of irrigated lands in the service area for ten-year intervals to the year 2000 assuming prices for water delivered at the aqueduct of $15 and $^40 per acre- foot, respectively. The probable growth of irrigated agriculture in the poten- tial service area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct for the two assumptions as to price at the aqueduct is depicted graphically on Plate 6, entitled "Estimated Future Areas of Irrigated Lands in the San Diego Aqueduct Service Area" , and summarized in the following tabulation: Area in acres Year i960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Price of water $15 per acre -foot 60,600 102,900 157>500 192,100 212,600 Price of water $i+0 per acre -foot 51,200 64,800 96,300 127,900 151,000 -85- TABLE 6 ESTIM/fflSD FUTURE AREAS OF IRBIilAiCED LMDS IN THE SEWICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAJf DIEGO AQUEDUCT (Assuming a price for ^/ater of $15 per acre-foot delivered at the aqueduct) : Areas in acD 2S Subarea : Year : Year t Year : Year : Year t 1S^60 : 1970 : 1980 ; : 1990 : 2000 San Diego County San Diego Metropolitan Area 10,000 7,30-0 5,500 3,600 1,600 Oceanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Area 6,000 8,500 12,000 14,000 15,000 Escondido Metropolitan Area 5,000 6,000 7,600 9,000 9,600 Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area 3,500 1^,500 7,000 8,000 9,400 Bueno Colorado MunicipaJ. Water District 8,000 11,000 15,000 20,000 23,000 Fallbrook 6,500 7,000 7,500 6,500 6,200 Poway Mmoicipal Water District IvOOO 1,900 3,500 4,500 5,000 Rainbow Municipal Water District 3,000 4,300 7,600 11,000- 13,000 Valley Center Mimicipal Water District 1,800 5,000 10,000 16,000 18,000 Ramona Municipal Water District 600 1,200 2,5*50 3,800 4,700 P.ani:ho EL Cajon 500 1,000 1,400 1,600 1,800 Pauffif. Valley 2,50C' 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,500 Worth of Santa Fe 100 500 800 1,400 2,500 South of Lake Hodges i,a)o 1,500 2,600 3,800 5,600 East of Del Mar 1,400 2,5'^ 4,000 5,800 7,000 Lower Pauraa VaJ.ley 1,500 1,700 2,8a) 3,500 4,500 El Capitan 500 900 1,300 1,600 1,700 Rincon 1,100 IJW 2,800 3,600 4,000 San Vicente Boo 1,400 2,500 3,100 3,600 Agua Tibia 200 500 700 Camp Elliott Camp Pendleton 1^000 Subtotals, San Diego County Southwestern Riverside Coiintj TeraeciJla Vail Miirrieta Winchester South Subtotals, Southwestern Riverside County GRAND TOTALS 55,800 70,900 100,600 126,300 l42,400 3,000 2,000 27,000 500 7,400 9,000 40^000 1,800 2,800 8,000 8,400 12,000 14,000 44,000 45,000 4,300 32,000 56.900 65,800 70,200 60,600 102,900 157; 500 192,100 212,600 -86- TABLE 7 ESTIMATED FUTURE AREAS OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT (Assuming a price for water of $^4^0 per acre -foot delivered at the aqueduct) ;; Areas > in acres Subarea : " Year : Year : Year : Year : Year • i960 : 1970 : 1980 : 1990 : 2000 >an Diego County- San Diego Metropolitan Area 8,000 4,600 2,800 1,800 800 Oceanside "Carlsbad Metropolitan Area 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 12,000 Escondido Metropolitan Area i^,500 5,000 5,500 6,500 7,000 Santa Fe-Sem Dieguito Area 3,000 3,500 5,000 6,500 7,500 Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 7,000 10,000 13,000 16,000 19,000 Fallbrook ''\i\li\^<'.i>.:nX-'. \n.i^Sy^.: 6,000 6,500 7,000 6,000 5,000 Poway M\inicipal Water District 800 1,500 2,200 2,800 3,500 Rainbow Mxmicipal Water District 2,100 4,500 7,000 8,500 9,600 Valley Center Municipal Water District 1,000 3,300 6,800 11,000 13,000 Ramona Municipal Water District 600 700 1,000 1,800 3,200 Rancho El Cajon IKX) 700 900 1,100 1,400 Pauma Valley 1,800 2,200 2,700 3,000 3,300 North of Santa Fe 100 400 600 1,100 2,000 South of lAke Hodges 500 900 1,500 3,000 4,000 East of Del Mar 1,U00 2,000 3,500 4,500 4,:;00 Lower Pauma Valley 1,500 1,500 2,000 3,000 3,500 El Capitan 500 600 700 1,000 1,300 Rincon 1,000 1,300 1,500 2,200 2,600 San Vicente 200 700 1,400 1,900 2,400 Agua Tibia 400 600 Camp ElliotiJ Camp Pendleton 1,000 Subtotals, San Diego County 46,400 56,900 74,100 93,100 IC ' y::OQ iouthvestern Riverside County Temecula Vail Mvirrieta Winchester South Subtotals, Southwestern Riverside Covmty GRAND TOTALS 1,800 1,000 2,000 4,800 51,200 200 1,800 3,200 1,400 5,800 4,700 13,000 1,200 3,600 9,000 21,000 1,800 4,000 10,000 29,000 7,900 22,200 34,800 44,800 64,800 96,300 127,900 151,000 -87- Tat-Qxe Deiaaj.i ds T or Water The futiire requirements for urbsn and agricultural vater in the ser- vice area of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct were computed as the product of unit values of water use and projected population axid irrigated area, respec- tively, as previously developed. Tiie demands for additional imported water were obtained by deducting the safe yield of water supply facilities from the computed water requirements. After arriving at estijnates of future demands for additional imported water on the two bases of price of such water, a future water demand was adopted for use in determining the proper capacity for the proposed. San Diego Aqueduct. Future Water Eequirements The foregoiiig sections have presented a description of the development of estimated future growth of irrigated firea and population to the year 2000 for the various subdivisions of the servi-^e area of the San Diego Aqueduct. Pre- sented in Tables 8 and 9, for each of the considered subrreas, a:re the estimated areas of irrigated lands, appropriate units of water use, end derived agricvil- tural water requirements for the year 2000, for prices of water delivered at the aqueduct of $15 and $4o per acre-foot, :.'espectively. Presented in Table 10 for each subarea considered to have an urban potential, are estiniRtes of the population therein for the year 2000, the appropriate veJLue of per capita water consumption, and the dei'ived urban water requirement in the year 2000. Water requirements within Camp Pendleton and Caoirp Elliott military reservations posed a particular problem because of the uncertainty with regard to future use of lands therein. As previously stated, special provision was made for military population assuming full mobilization conditions at these Camps and computations of future urban x*ater demands presented in this chapter -88- TABLE 8 ESTIMATED FUTURE WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN SERVICE AREA OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FOR THE YEAR 2000 (Assuming a price for water of $15 per acre-foot delivered at the aqueduct) Subarea Subtropical orchards Net -.Units of irrigated: water area, in ruse, in acres : feet Truck and field crops •.Total annual Net : Units of: water irrigated: water : requirement , area, in :use, in :in acre-feet acres feet San Dies San Diego Metropolitan Area Oceanside=Carlsbad Metro- politan Area Escondido Metropolitan Area Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District Fallbrook Poway Municipal Water District Rainbow Mxmicipal Water District Valley Center Municipal Water District Ramona Miinicipal Water District Rancho El Cajon Pauma Vedley North of Santa Fe South of Lake Hodges East of Del Mar Lower Pauma Valley El Capitan Rincon San Vicente Agua Tibia Camp Elliott Camp Pendleton Subtotals 800 1.9 800 2.0 3,120 10,000 1.5 5,000 1.8 24,000 5,800 2.5 3,800 2.5 24,000 7,500 1.7 1,900 3.0 l8,70C lU,000 1.5 9,000 1.5 . 34,500 5,000 2.0 1,200 1.9 12,280 3,500 1.5 1,500 1-5 7,500 10,000 2.5 3,000 2.5 32,500 13,500 2.0 ii,500 2.0 36,000 3,600 2.3 1,100 2.0 io,5v-o 2,000 2.3 4,600 l<-,800 2.0 9,600 2,500 2.1 5,250 U,200 2.3 l,i^OO 2.U 13,020 6,000 1.5 1,000 1-5 10,500 U,000 1.5 500 2.0 7,000 TOO 2.3 1,000 2.3 3,910 3,000 2.2 1;000 2.3 8,900 2,600 2.3 1,000 2.3 8,230 400 2.3 300 2.0 1,520 103,900 38,000 275,680 Southwestern Riverside Count;; Temecula Vail Murrieta Winchester South Subtotals GRAND TOTALS 1,400 1,000 2,400 106,300 2.0 2.0 2,800 7,000 13,000 45,000 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 4,200 16,800 27,000 90,000 138,0C'C 413,680 .89- ESTIMATED FimiRE WACISS RSQUIKEKEKTS OF IRRIGATED AGRICin.l'Uro BJ 33R?IC3 AREA OF PROPOSSD SM DISGO AQOIDUCT FOR THE YEAR 2000 (Assuming a price for water of $40 per acre-foot delivered at the aqueduct) Subarea Subtropical orch ards 'Net : Units of : irrigated: water :area, in :use, in acres : feet San Diego County San Diego Metropcliteji Area 800 Oceanside-Carlsbad Metro- politan Area Escoudido Metropolitan Area Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area Bueno Colorado Mvmicipal Water District Fallbrook Poway Municipal Water District Rainbow *funicipal Water District Valley Center Municipal Water District Rsiaona Municipal Water District Rancho El Cajon Pauma Vallejr Wort-h of Santa Fe South of Lake Eodges East of Del Mar Lower Paiiraa Valley El Capitan Rincon San Vicente Agua Tibia Camp FJlliott Camp Pendleton Subtotals 96,100 'I'T'.rck and field crops : Total anniial Net : Units of: water irrigated: water :req'uirement, area, in :use, in :in acre-feet acres : feet : 1.9 1,520 8,500 1.5 3,500 1.8 19,050 5,800 2.5 1,200 2.5 17,500 7. 500 l«7 12,750 4,000 1.5 5,000 1.5 28,500 5,000 2.0 10, ow 3,500 1,5 5,250 9,600 2.5 24,000 3,000 2.0 26,000 2,400 2.3 800 2.0 7,120 l,4oo 2.3 3,220 4,500 2.0 9, WO 2,000 2.1 4,200 4,. 000 2.3 9,200 4,500 1.5 6,750 3,500 1.5 5-250 700 2.3 600 2.3 2,990 2,600 2.2 5,720 2,400 2.3 5.52c 400 2.3 200 2.0 1,320 11,300 2o4,86o Southwestern Riverside Count j?^ 1,400 1,000 2. 2. 1,800 2,600 9,000 29,000 1 2 2 2 .5 .0 .0 .0 Temecula Vail Murrieta Winchester South 2,700 8,000 20,000 58,000 Subtotals 2,400 42,400 88,700 GRAND TOTALS 93,500 53,700 293,560 -90- TABLE 10 ESTIMATED ANNUAL UP£AN WATER REQUIREMENTS IN THE SERVICE AREA OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FOR THE YEAR 2000 3ubarea : Estimated : Estimated Estimated : units of : urban population : water use , : water in year : acre -feet : requirements 2000 : per capita: acre-feet per year : per year San Diego Metropolitan Area 2,2U0,000 0.220 492,800 Oceanside-Carlsbeid Metropolitan Area 158,000 O.22U 35,400 Escondido Metropolitan Area 60,000 O.22U 13,400 Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area 50,000 0.22k 11,200 Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 60,000 O.22U 13,440 Fallbrook 30,000 O.22U 6,720 Poway Municipal Water District 30,000 0.224 6,720 Rainbow Municipal Water District 20,000 0,224 4,480 Valley Center Municipal Water District 30,000 0.224 6,720 Ramona Municipal Water District 10,000 0.224 2,240 Rancho El Cajon 5,000 0.224 1,120 East of Del Mar 50,000 0.224 11,200 El Capitan i|,000 0.224 900 San Vicente 5,000 0.224 1,120 Camp Elliott 30,000 0.101 3,030 Camp Pendleton 170,000 0.101 17,170 -91- reflect the water uses of such population. As also stated, it is believed that the v/ater demar.ds so developed would provide for irrigation of suitab].e lands in Camp Pendleton should the United States Government lease them or sell them outright . Camp Elliott is located adjacent to the heavily developed urban areas of the San Diego Metropolitan. Area,, ^zl6. contains large acreages of lands highly- desirable for urban or agricultural development. Should a large part of these lands be :-e].ea3ed to private development, the Tra,ter requirements for a Carap population under full mobilization would not be adequate to meet urban or agricultural water requirements on such lands. Therefore, it is hereinafter assumed that the Camp Elliott area would have aji additional annual water requirement in the year 2000 of 7,000 acre-feet, assuming water sold at the aqueduct for $15 per acre-foot, end 6,000 acre-feet, assuming a delivery price of $'40 per acre-foot. Thie estimf.ted irrigable area in Camp Elliott is about 17,000 acres, which would require about 25,000 acre -feet per year if developed into irrigated agriculture. The amount of 3^000 acre-feet per year hereinafter esti- mated for the use by the Cejnp population under full mobilisiation conditions, and the foregoing additional exiounts make a total of 9,000 to 10,000 acre-feet which is siifficient water to irrigate about ko per cent of the foregoing irrigable area. The estimated growth in total water requirements in the potential aqueduct sei-vice area for both assumptions of price of water ai-e shown graphi- cally on Plate 7, entitled "Estimated Future Water Requirements of the San Diego Aqueduct Sei-vice Area" , are sui/iraari'^ed in the following tabulation, and are shown for the subareas by decades in Tables 11 end 12 for the two price assumptions : -92- Annual water requirement, in acre -feet I Water at $15 per Water at $40 per Year acre -foot acre -foot i960 256,300 233.300 1970 hh6,eoo 359,700 1980 677,100 5^9,1+00 1990 887,500 751,000 2000 1,053,900 932,900 Safe Yield of Existing Water Supply Facilities The current drought period in San Diego Cotmty which has continued for 13 years, coupled with the recent unprecedented increases in water demands , in the axea, has necessitated overdraft of surface storage reser^res to the extent that the nominal safe yields of these facilities cannot presently be realized and will not be realized until substantial quantities of surface run- off occur o However, for the purposes of this report, the full safe yields of the local surface and underground water supplies were assumed to be available during the chosen Uo-year period. The aggregate safe annual yield of local water supply facilities in the potential aqueduct service area was estimated to be about 12^,000 acre -feet » Of this amount about 58,000 acre -feet per annum represents the yield of presently developed ground water storage capacity, and about 66,000 acre -feet per ann\;m is the nominal safe annual yield of surface storage developments. These estimates were primarily obtained from Bulletin NOo 2 snd other prior publications of the State Water Resources Board and Division of Water Resources » Should subsequent hydrologic conditions make it impossible to realize the assumed safe yields over the long-term period, demands for imported water will develop more rapidly than indicated in the following estiirates. Conversely, should additional conservation works be constructed in the chosen period;, esti- mated demands for imported water would be delayed. However, it should be noted that in Bulletin No. 3 of the State Water Resources Board, it was estimated I .93. that about 59,000 acre -feet annually represexits the maxiiiiuni practicable axidi- tional local yield that could be developed. In order to obtain estimates of saife yield for each of the subdivisions of the investigational area., it was necessary to prorate estimates of safe yield for larger areas as determined in the foregoing publications. The safe yields of local' water supplies for each subarea so estimated are shown in Tables 11 and 'J2f along with other data. It will be noted in Tables 11 and 12 that the safe yields of local water supplies represent a rapidly decreasing percentage of the estimated future water requirements of the investigational area. For this reason the periods of relatively high or low local surface runoff in the area are expected to have a rapidly decreasing effect upon demaads for iniported water in the individual years . In addition to supplies available from local conservation facilities, as jfflKich as l^H^JjOO acre-feet of Colorado River water per year could be conveyed in the two barrels of the existing San Diego Aqueduct for use by members of the San Diego County Water Authority. It ■was herein assumed that the existing and proposed aqueducts would be jointly opejrated for the mutual benefit of the entire service area. Demands for Imported Water The estimated safe annual yields of local water supplies available to each subarea were deducted from estimates of future \ra,ter requirements therefor to obtain total demands for imported water. These demajids for each subai^a in the potential aqueduct service area for assumed prices of water at the aqueduct of $15 and $ijO per acre -foot are contained in Tables 13 and l**-, respectively. -94- TABLE 11 ESTIMATED ANNUAL SAFE YIELDS OF LOCAL WATER SUPPLIES AND ANNUAL WATER REQUIREMENTS IN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT (Assuming a price for water of $15 per acre -foot delivered at the aqueduct) Annual safe Annueil water requirements. yield, in in acre-feet Sutaxea acre- . Year ; Year Year Year : Year feet i960 : 1970 ■ 1980 1990 : 2000 San Diego County- San Diego Metropolitan Area 59,800 llfl,800 209,800 29^,800 39^,800 495,900 Oceanside^Carlsbad Metropolitan Area 7,200 16,1^00 25,200 35,200 J+8,200 59,^0 Escondido Metropolitan Area 9,000 12,800 17,800 25,000 33,000 37,itOO Santa Fe"=San Diegviito Area 5,600 8,1^00 13,800 19,600 26,600 29,900 Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 9,000 13,000 21,000 30,000 U0,000 47,900 Fallbrook 2,000 10,500 12,000 15,000 17,000 19,000 Poway Municipal Water District i^OO 2,i^00 4,800 8,200 11,400 14,200 Rainbow Municipal Water District 1,200 5,600 11,200 21,200 30,200 37,000 Valley Center Municipal Water District 800 3,600 11,800 23,800 34,800 42,700 Ramona Municipal Water District 1,000 1,000 3,300 6,600 10,200 12,700 Rancho El Ca.jon i^OO 1,700 2,700 3,900 4,700 5,700 Pauma Valley 2,000 U,200 6,100 8,000 9,200 9,600 North of Santa Fe 100 UOO 1,200 1,700 2,900 5,200 South of Lake Hodges 300 2,100 3,500 5,900 8,700 13,000 East of Del Mar 3,000 2,000 5,600 11,800 16,000 21,700 Lower Pa\ana V«d.ley 1,000 Uoo I5UOO U,100 6,000 7,000 El Capitan 500 500 1,200 2,100 3,500 4,800 Rincon 1,000 1,200 3,700 6,100 8,000 8,900 San Vicente i^OO 1,600 3,600 6,200 7,900 9,4oo Agua Tibia 500 1,100 1,500 Camp Elliott* 3,i^00 5,000 7,000 9,000 10,000 Camp Pendleton 6,000 10,500 iif,500 19,000 19,000 17,200 Subtotals, Sam Diego County 110,700 2ti3,500 379,200 555,700 742,200 910,100 -95- ESTIMATED MFJAL. SAFE YISI;DS 0? LOCAL WATER SUPPLIES AND AMUAL WATER REQUIREMENTo IN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT (continued) (Assianing a price for water of $15 per acre-foot delivered at the aqueduct) Subarea Annual Sfife yield, in acre- feet Ies.T i960 Axinsial water requirements, in acre-feet Year 1970 Year 1980 Year 1990 Year 2000 Sotithvestem Riverside County Temecula Vail Murrieta Winchester South 3pQ0Q 5,000 i^,000 5,800 7,800 51^,000 800 ill-, 800 21,800 8U,000 2,700 15,800 28,800 88,000 U,200 16,800 32,800 90,000 Subtotals, South- western Riverside Couftty GRAND TOTALS 13,600 12,800 67,600 121,400 135,300 11*3,800 124,300 256,300 446,800 677A00 877;.500 1,055,900 ■^-Includes allowance for agricultural water requirements of up to 7,000 acre- feet per yea!r in year 2000. .96. TABLE 12 ESTIMATED ANNUAL SAFE YIELDS OF LOCAL WATER SUPPLIES AND ANNUAL WATER BJEQUIBEMENTS IN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT (Assuming a price for vra.ter of $40 per acre -foot delivered at the aqueduct) ; Annual o : safe ; Annual water requirements, t yield, : in ° in acre -feet Subarea ° I ^ : X t acre- ; Year I Year : Year % Year ', Year : feet ; i960 : 1970 : 1980 I 1990 : 2000 San Diego Co\inty San Diego Metropolitan Area 59,800 133,800 199,800 289,800 389,800 494,300 Oceanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Area 7,200 14,800 22 p 200 30,200 U3,200 54,500 Escondido Metropolitan Area 9,000 11,900 15,600 21,000 27,000 30,900 Santa Fe-San Dieguito Area 5,6oo 7,600 11,800 17,600 22,600 24,000 Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 9,000 12,200 18,500 26,000 34,000 41,900 Fallbrook 2,000 9,500 10,800 13,000 15,000 16,700 Poway Municipal Water District 400 2,000 3,900 6,900 9,900 12,000 Rainbow Municipal Water District 1,200 4,4oo 9,000 16,200 24,200 28,500 Valley Center Municipal Water District 800 2,600 8,800 17,800 26,800 32,700 Ramona Municipal Water District 1,000 1,000 1,200 3,200 5,300 9,400 Rancho El Cajon 400 1,600 2,i»00 3,000 3,700 4,300 Pauma Valley 2,000 3,700 5,500 7,300 8,600 9,200 North of Santa Fe 100 300 800 1,300 2,300 4,100 South of Take Hodges 300 •300 2,000 .■s,400 7,000 9,300 East of Del Jfer 3,000 1,800 4,800 11,100 15,000 18,000 Lower Pauma Valley 1,000 300 900 2,300 U,6oo 5,500 El Capitan 500 itOO 1,000 1,500 2,800 3,900 Rincon 1,000 600 1,700 3,200 4,900 5,800 San Vicente 4oo 700 1,700 3,600 5,100 6,600 Agua Tibia 800 JL,300 Camp Elliott* 3,000 ^,500 6,000 8,000 9,000 Camp Pendleton 6,000 9,000 13,000 17,000 17,000 17,200 Subtotals, San Diego County 110,700 222,000 339,900 501, Uoo 677^600 839,100 -97- ESTIMMED mWJM. SMT: 'fISOS OF LOCAL ¥MEB SliPaiES MI-' A^T^oUAL MM-1?; KEQIJflBSMEIflS H THE SES7ICS ABEA m THE ESO^vSED SM MEOO Aq^mmiJT {Ai?.5'(ariiBg a p:ricc-! fcci' w&tar of $40 per acre-fwot deiiverisd at the aouedact) ; 66e:fe :" M-wml water req-oirefflents, s jieM,, i __^ ia?. acre^feet Sul^arsa i i^i s ; ; ; i t- eers- i Yeax ; Year : J^mr : Year ; ; feet ; I 96O ; 1970 t 1.93C' ; 1990 ' 2000 Southves'tAerTA Ri versid.3 ComLty famecujla 300 1,800 2,700 Vail 3.800 3,600 3p8» 7^300 7?80O 8,300 Miirrieta 5,800 S^-JOC' 6,600 15,JfTO 21,8'OCs 25,800 Winsfeester South Jj^^QOO \,,Q00 9 ^^00 g^OOQi 4£,000 $7^000 Subtotals, So-atlJ.- weste^oiL Siverside iS'OTBfflty 13.»60)Q 11,300 19 .,800 W,000 T3p400 93>800 GSMD TOTALS 124,30x0' 233.300 359>7C»0 549AOO 751>000 932,900 *jCneludes allo"',iraaee f>jr agsflcultural water requir^sroents of up to 6,000 acre- feet per yesx :I.n yeas' i^;000» .98.= TABLE 13 ESTIMATED FUTURE DEMANDS FOR IMPORTED WATER IN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT (Assximing a price for water of $15 per acre -foot delivered at the aqueduct) Annual demand in acre -feet Subarea : Year : Year : Year : Year : Yeai" : i960 : 1970 : 1980 : 1990 : 2000 San Diego County- San Diego Metropolitan Area 82,000 150,000 235,000 335,000 436,100 Oceanside -Carlsbad Metropolitan Area 9,200 18,000 28,000 41,000 52,200 Escondido Metropolitan Area 3,800 8,800 16,000 24,000 28,400 Santa Fe-San Dieguito Are©, 2,800 8,200 14,000 21,000 24,300 Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 4,000 12,000 21,000 31,000 38,900 Fallbrook 8,500 10,000 13,000 15,000 17,000 Poway Municipal Water District 2,000 4, too 7,800 11,000 13,800 Rainbow Municipal Water District U,i+00 10,000 20,000 29,000 35,800 Valley Center Municipal Water District 2,800 11,000 23,000 34,000 41,900 Ramona Municipal Water District 2,300 5,600 9,200 11,700 Rancho El Cajon 1,300 2,300 3,500 4,300 5,300 Pauma Valley 2,200 4,100 6,000 7,200 7,600 North of Santa Fe 300 1,100 1,600 2,800 5,100 South of liELke Hodges 1,800 3,200 5,600 8,400 12,700 East of Del Mar 2,600 8,800 13,000 18,700 Lower Pauma Valley 400 3,100 5,000 6,000 El Capitan 700 1,600 3,000 4,300 Rincon 200 2,700 5,100 7,000 7,900 San Vicente 1,200 3,200 5,800 7,500 9,000 Agua Tibia 500 1,100 1,500 Camp KlUott 3,^0 5,000 7,000 9,000 10,000 Camp Pendleton 4,500 8,500 13,000 13,000 11,200 Subtotals, San Diego County 134, 400 268,500 445,000 631,,500 799,400 Southwestern Riverside Covmty Temecula Vail Murrieta Winchester South Subtotals, Southwestern Riverside County GRAND TOTALS 800 2,700 4,200 2,000 11,000 12,000 1^,000 2,000 16,000 23,000 27,000 50,000 80,000 84,000 86,000 54,000 107,800 121,700 130,200 134,400 322,500 552,800 753,200 929,600 -99- TABLE Ik ESTIMATED FUTURE DEMANDS FOR IMPORTED WATER II Tm SERVICE AREA OF THE PROPOSED SATJ DIEGO AQdEDyCT (Assuming a price for water of ^ko per acre-foot delivered at the aqueduct) Annual demand in acre -feet Subarea : Year : Year : Year : Year : Year : i960 : 1970 : 1980 : 1990 : 2000 San Diego Co-unty San Diego Metropolitan Area 7^^,000 ito,ooo 230,000 330,000 i^3^,500 Oceanside -Carlsbad ]>fetropolitan Area 7,600 15,000 23,000 36,000 47,300 Escondido Metropolitan Area 2,900 6,600 12,000 18,000 21,900 Santa Fe-San Bieguito Area 2,000 6,200 12,000 17,000 l8,4oo Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District 3,200 9,500 17,000 25,000 32,900 Fallbrook 7,500 8,800 11,000 13,000 li^,700 Poway Municipal Water District 1,600 3,500 6,500 9,500 11,600 Rainbow Municipal Water Distilct 3,200 7,800 15,000 23,000 27,300 Valley Center Municipal Water District 1,800 8,000 17,000 26,000 31,900 Ramona Municipal Water District 200 2,200 i*,300 8, too Raricho El Cajon 1,200 2,000 2,600 3,300 3,900 Pa^juia Valley 1,700 3,500 5,300 6,600 7,200 Worth of Santa Fe 200 700 1,200 2,200 U,000 South of JjBize Hodges 5OG 1,700 3.100 6,700 9,000 East of Del IVIar 1,800 8,100 12,000 15,000 Lower Pauma Valley 1,300 3,600 4,500 El Capitan 500 1,000 2,300 3,400 Rincon 700 2,200 3,900 4,800 San Vicente 300 1,300 3,200 i^,700 6,200 Agua Tibia 800 1,300 Camp Elliott 3,000 i+,500 6,000 8,000 9,000 Camp Pendleton 3,000 7,000 11,000 11,000 11,200 Subtotals, San Diego County 113,700 229,300 390,700 566,900 728, too Southwestern Riverside County Temecula Vail Marrieta Winchester South Subtotals, Southwestern Riverside County 6,200 34,toO 59,800 80,200 GRAND T0TAi£ 113,700 235,500 425,100 626,700 8o8,6oo 300 1,800 2,700 3,500 4,000 4,500 800 9,600 16,000 20,000 5, too 21,000 38,000 53,000 -100- Estimated annual demands for additional imported water were computed by deducting the conveyance capacity of the existing aqueduct from requirements f for imported water, shown in Tables 13 and ik, and are tabulated below by decades for the entire service area: Annual demand for additional imported water in acre -feet Water at $15 per Water at P*0 per acre -foot acre -foot 181,000 9^^,000 i+11,300 283,600 611,700 485,200 788,100 667,100 I Year i960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Design Demand for Additional Imported Water The inherent uncertainties relative to estimating demands for water in the potential service area of the San Diego Aqueduct necessitated employment of certain assumptions in preparing these estimates as previously described. A finite determination of the prices that will be charged for water from the aque- duct cannot be made at this time. Neither can it be predicted whether additional conservation works will be constructed in the area which as indicated would to some extent affect the demand for imported water » F\irther, the advent of a national emergency, or repetition of conditions prevailing during World War II in the San Diego area would greatly accelerate estimated rates of growth pre- sented herein. As shown in the previous section, there would be a difference ia the demand for water from the proposed San Diego Aqueduct in the order of about 15 per cent, based upon the two selling prices for water delivered therefrom assumed herein for analytical purposes. It is also shown that with a lower price for water, the development of demand for additional imported water will be more rapid than with a higher price. -101- In order to provide a basis for selection of the proper aqueduct capacity, it was deemed reasonable to assume that the actual demand for addi- tional imported water in the year 2000 would be approximately midway between the values derived for the two assumed selling prices therefor. The value of 72i+,000 acre -feet per annum in the year 2000 was therefore adopted for design purposes which amount is equivalent to a continuous flow of 1,000 second -feet. Set forth in the following tabulation are the water demands by decades up to the year 2000 which served as the basis for the following analyses of alternative aqueduct routes to San Diego County: Acre -feet Year Second-feet per year i960 1970 231 167,000 1980 ii85 351*000 1990 7^3 538,000 2000 1,000 724,000 ■102- CHAPTER III. ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES Upon initiation of preliminary studies for an aqueduct to convey i'eather River Project water to San Diego County, the Department of Water Resources vas able to draw upon the experience of the past several years of the )ivision of Water Resources in its work for the State Water Resovirces Board on studies for The California Water Plan and upon prior investigational work con- lucted for the Feather River Project, In connection with these two studies, prelimineury investigations, paper locations, and reconnaissance type estimates 3f cost were made for n\anerous aqueduct routes leading to San Diego County, [n addition, of great value was the work done by the San Diego County Water \.uthority and presented in "Report on the Probable Extent of Authority Area, bhe Amount and Source of Addltioneil Water Supply Required, and the System Required to Efficiently Deliver Authority Water to the Agencies Ccanprising that IVrea", dated June, 1955^ together with "Report on Water Supply for Probable Futxire Developments in the San Diego County Water Authority", prepared by a Board of Engineers composed of Raymond A. Hill, John S. Longwell, and Carl R. Rankin, dated September 12, 1955. During the coxirse of the investigation, The Metropolitan Water Dis- trict of Southern California initiated a study of an aqueduct from the vicinity of San Jacinto south to S€ua Diego County. Studies of that eigency were also of materisil assistance to the Department of Water Resources. As stated, an initial premise in the studies of alternative aqueduct routes to San Diego Coxinty was that this aqueduct would, until Feather Kiver Project water were made available in the South Coastal Area, be capable of con- veying to the aqueduct service area presently surplus Colorado River •s'ater available at facilities of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California near San Jacinto. From the eif ore -mentioned studies and from preliminary work -103- conducted during the current investigation, it was concluded that the aqueduct shotiLd head at some point between the westerly portal of the San Jacinto Tunnel of the Colorado River Aqueduct and Lake Mathews. Several possible routes head.- ing southerly toward the Temecula River-Rainbow Pass area were considered worthy of investigation. South of the Temecula River-Rainbow Pass area, it was concluded early in the investigation that fo^or general routes, which satisfied the initial premise of com'-eyance of Colorado River water in the interim vmtil Feather River Project water would "be available, shoxild be given study. These align- ments are delineated on Plate 9, entitled "Alternative Aqueduct Routes", ajad are described as follows: (l) the Barona, or "B" line, which would follow an alignment easterly of the existing San Diego Aqueduct and at a higher elevation to a terminus in the proposed Barona Reservoir near the existing San Vicente Reservoir. This line is similar to that described in State Water Resources Board Bulletin lo. 3, but would require a pump lift of about 200 feet from the hydrau).ic gradient of the Metropolitan Water District facilities; (2) a line parallel to the existing San Diego Aqueduct and extending south of the City of San Diego, designated the "E" line; (3) a line generally following the align- ment studied by the San Diego County Water Authority and described in its afore- mentioned report, designated the "S" line; and {h) a line, designated the "W" line, further to the west but with a hydraulic gradient comparable to that of the "S" line. The alignments of these fouj.- routes generally traverse most of the coastal area of San Diego Coxmty wherein demands for water are expected to develop over the next kO years as determined in Chapter II. In consideration of the premise that the aqueduct should be capable of interim conveyance of presently surplus Colorado River water, it was concluded that the foregoing alignments generally comprise all of the feasible routes that fall within the scope of this investigation. -IQii- Intensive study was given to each of the foregoing routes to evaluate the costs and accomplishments thereof. Described in this chapter are methods and procedvires utilized in comparing the routes and estimating costs therefor; a description of each route together with the results of the investigation thereof; a comparison of the costs and accomplishments of the routes; and an economic analysis of staged construction of the route selected as being superior to the others. Methods and Procedures Proper economic comparison of the four aqueduct routes studied, neces- sitated consideration of the cost not only of the aqueduct proper but also of serving and regulating water in areas of need in the potential aqueduct service area. In this manner, the over-sdl capital costs of delivery of water at strategic locations in the potential, water service area of the aqueduct were taken into account in evaluating the merits of one route as compared with the others . In making the economic comparison of the aqueduct routes studied, including appurtenant storage and conveyance facilities, cost estimates were carried only to the degree of refinement necessary for a proper comparison of the costs of each of the alternative routes. The costs of certain items con- sidered to be common to each of the routes were not included. Therefore, the estimated costs presented later in this chapter for comparative purposes do not conpletely reflect the actual cost of construction. It should be noted that estimated costs hereinafter presented in the various comparisons of alternative aqueduct routes, as well as in the analysis of staged construction of the features of the aqueduct route hereinafter selected as being superior to other routes studied, are all of a preliminary nature. These preliminary estimates were prepared from reconnaissance layouts on U. S. Geologicsil Sur^rey quadrangles -105- supplemented by only general field examination of the routes studied auid sites utilized. Unit prices were of a preliminary nature and in many cases consisted of weiglited average costs from experience on similar projects. Econcanic comparison of the aqueduct routes was made on the basis of these preliminary capital costs, including a 10 per cent allowance for admin- istration and engineering and 15 per cent for contingencies. Also included was interest during one -half of the estimated construction period at k per cent per annvim. In those instances ■vd:iere proper economic comparison necessitated con- sideration of the cost of pumping water, the present veilue of futuxre annual pumping charges, assuming an interest rate of 3-1/2 per cent, was included. A detailed cost estimate was prepared for the features hereinafter selected for initial construction. This cost estimate was prepared from detailed layouts of the features on U. S. Geological Survey quadrangles at a scale of 1 inch equals 2,000 feet and with contour intervals of 20 and 25 feet. These map layouts were supplemented by field reconnaissance of the entire line and, in the instance of certain structures, additional site topography was obtained by survey crews in the field. Unit prices of construction items were determined from recent bid data on similar projects and from data furnished by pipe and equipment meiauf acturers . Pi'ices utilized are considered representative of those prevailing in the fall of 1956. Design features of plans upon which the foregoing detailed cost esti- mate was based are necessarily of a preliminary nature and primarily for cost estimating purposes. More detailed investigation, which would be required in order to prepare consti'uction plans and specifications, might result in designs differing in detail from those presented in this report. However, it is believed that such chajiges would not result in sig:aif leant modifications in estimated costs. -io6. It will be noted that no subsurface drilling was done at the various dam sites or along the aqueduct route with the exception of the drilling per- formed by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California edong a portion of the canal section. The Department of Water Resources during this investigation retained the services of Mr, A« H= Ayers, Consul temt Civil Engineer, who reviewed the adopted vinit prices for excavation, backfill, and structural concrete, and advised the Department on construction methods and procedures for cost esti- mating pvirposes. I The economic comparison of the considered alternative routes was based on a size of aqueduct that wo^Ild supply the probable demand for imported water in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties in the year 2000 herein- before developed in Chapter II. This resulted in a design capacity of about 1,000 second-feet for each aqueduct at its point of take-off from facilities of the Metropolitan Water District. For each alternative aqueduct location, it was assumed that this discharge would be conveyed in a single conduit extending to a chosen tenninal point in San Diego County. In each case, the capacity of aqueduct was diminished as it proceeded southward in accordance with the esti- mated demand thereon, as developed in Chapter II. Although it was recognized that further detailed analysis would be necessary for selection of the proper initial capacity of the selected aqueduct route, it is believed that the -Jhosen capacity provides an adequate basis for c?d guaxitities of trench excavation for the pipe lines were determined from the profile assuming a mnidum cover of three feet. In order to ijdnimi'ie sharp verticaj. cui'vature and unnecessary surmrlts in the pipe grade, cuts in coiapon ms-terial up to 20 feet in depth were made where horizontal distances were atout 300 feet or less and lesser depths and lengths of cuts were made in rocJi depeMing upon the estiiuatsd cost thereof. A reconnaissance geologic ©"accination vras roade over the several routes in order to classify materials with respect to cost of excavation. Pipe trenches were assuaied to be baclsfllled to original groimd sur- face and compacted to a depth sufficient to pi'ovide 120 degree bearing on tbe pipe. In certain instances flooded send backfill ■vjas assumed. Bacisfill for all structures along the pipe line was assumed to be compacted. Air Release a nd V acuu m Structtires. Air release and vacuum valve structures were located at sumiolts along the pipe line to allow air to escape when pipes are being filled and to allow the entry of air lahen. the pipe is being drained in order to prevent collapse of the pipe under operating con- ditions. P>3.1 air valves were a combination of air-inlet and air-i-elease valve assemblies and of the type actuated by metal floats. Standard commercial -lie- ad.r=release and vacuxan valve assemblies were assiimed. For piirposes of the estimates, it was assumed that the valve opening wovild be eight inches in diameter. The stmcture housing the valve assembly woiild consist of aji unrein- forced concrete block at the appropriate location which wovild encase the main pipe line and act as a base for the concrete pipe riser. The concrete block would act as a fovindation for the structure as well as giving support to the pipe walls, A precast reinforced concrete pipe would fit vertically into a groove on the concrete block and serve as a chamber for the air valve and for an entrance into the manhole in the main pipe line. A typical design of these structures is shown on Plate 20, entitled "Typical Pipe Line Structures and Trench Details". Manhole and Blowoff Structures . Manhole smd blowoff structxires were located in all low points along the pipe line. These structures serve two purposes; first, to drain water from the pipe line for maintenance purposes; second, to provide an entrance into the pipe for inspection and maintenance. The structure would consist of a reinforced concrete block at the appropriate location, which would encase the main pipe line. The concrete block would act as a foundation for the structure, as well as giving support to the pipe walls, A precast reinforced concrete pipe would be fitted vertically into a groove on the concrete block and serve as a chamber for entrance into the manhole in the main pipe line. The valves and fittings were located so that water could be drained from the pipe line without removing the manhole cover. Turnout Structures . Turnout structures were located at points along the pipe line where water would be diverted from the aqueduct. The structure wovild consist of an outlet from the main line to which a valve would be attached. =119- The valve ■would be enclosed in a staadpipe of appropriate dimeasious ■which ■woiild ex-tead to approximately tiro feet abc\-e nat-ural grouad level. A s-oitable cover would be attached to the top of the vertical staadpipe. Vent StractTires . Vent stnictures were provided ■wherever the grade of the pipe line approached the hydxa^ilic grade line therein. The structure ■would consist of a concrete block east around the main line upon which vertical precast concrete pipe sections would be erected. The diameter of the standpipe would be the same size as the maia line^, and would extend to approximately 10 feet above the hydraulic grade line. The top of the standpipe would be covered with a grating vriaich would allow free passage of air into and out of the pipe line. Since -the design capacity of the pipe line would decrease progres- sively as it extends south'ward, thei-e is possibility of intermittent overflow at the vent structures under certain operating conditions. Therefore, facil- ities were provided for collecting this overflow and leading it away from the struct'ore. All vent Fstructures were enclosed -with chain link fence. Road and Crossings. Where the main pipe line wo-Jld cross secondary and county roads,, no specia]. provision was made in the design. It ■was assumed that the trench would be excavated across these roads and temporary wooden bridges provided during constiniction. After backfilling aad compacting, temporary paving would be laid followed later by replacement of the existing pavement. Wiere the line wouJLd cross state high-ways, the pipe would be placed by cut and cover methods, or by slacking a casijag under the roadway and thread- ing the pipe through, the method used depending upon the amount of traffic involved and the type of material encountered at each crossing. -120- Dams and Reservoirs Dams and reservoirs were laid out on available U. S. Geological Survey quadrangles at a scale of 1 inch equals 2,000 feet enlarged to a scale of 1 inch equals 500 feet except at certain sites where topography was obtained in the field or larger scale topography was available, as described for each site in Appendix E. A geological reconnaissance was made of the dam sites and suitable material for embankment was located for those dams which were best suited for earth or rockfill type of construction. Selection of slopes and of type of construction was based upon reconnaissance data on the character of the earth and rockfill materials available, utilizing past experience of various agencies in the construction of fill type dams. Estimates of cost of raising the existing concrete dams at the Lower Otay and San Vicente sites were based on the amount of additional concrete required in the cross section to maintain stability and provide the required additional height, together with provision for additional appurtenant facilities. H Detailed descriptions of each of the dam and reservoir sites and of preliminary designs of structiires therefor, accompanied by detailed cost esti- mates, are presented in Appendix E of this report. Tunnels Tunnel sections utilized were of a standard 9 • 0-foot diameter horse- shoe design employing steel ribs and timber lagging for support when necessary 1 and wovild be concrete lined throughout. -121- Ri ghte of Way for CaLaal aad Pipe Lines Right of way costs for canal sections were of a reconnaissance nature. An attempt was made in the estimates to reflect the character of the land taken, improvements affected, and severance damages resulting from loss of access and size or impaired shape. It was assimed that an average width of 150 feet would be taken for the canal. The present market value of the land was based on records of com- parable property sales available in the affected area. For the pipe lines, it was assumed that easements woiAld be obtained, the consideration for which was assumed to be equal to one-half of the estimated cost of the land. It was assumed that a permanent easement of 100 feet would be obtained for the pipe lines . The costs of acquisition of lands for the various reservoir sites considered were estimated in a manner similar to that described for the canals. Unit Prices As has been indicated, the investigation of alternative acjueduct routes to San Diego County required preparation of estimates of cost with twa degrees of refinement: (&) those estjjaates prepared oa a preliminary basis for purposes of economic comparison of alternative routes, utilizing weighted unit prices and based upon designs carried only to svifficient degree of detail to establish engineering feasibility; (b) a detailed estimate of the capital costs of facilities hereinafter selected for initial construction. Unit prices for the detailed cost estimate were developed from several sources. Reports of the Daily Construction Service and recent construction con- tracts throughout western United States were employed as a guide in selecting appropriate prices for the San Diego County area. These prices were modified irtiere -122- required in order to reflect paxticvilar conditions on the job vinder considera- tion. In general, the average of the vuiit prices bid by the three lowest bidders on a given item were used, with this average, as stated, adjusted for the difference in current cost index and for apparent differences in constjruc- tion or fabrication conditions. For special items, such as large control valves, manxif acturers ' prices were obtained and estimated installation costs added thereto. Costs of pipe for both reinforced concrete and steel were supplied by- major pipe manvifacturers in the southern California axea after consultation with personnel of the Department of Water Resources and in some cases field reconnaissance of the silignments under consideration. To the prices furnished by these manuf actvirers , costs of installation were added. Set forth in Appendix C are unit prices upon which the foregoing detailed cost estimate was based. Storage Requirements Economical construction and satisfactory operation of an aqueduct, such as that considered herein, require the construction of reservoir storage capacity for both regulatory and emergency purposes. Generally, in long aqueducts, economics dictate the design and opera- tion thereof on a continuous flow basis and the use of storage capacity to regulate this continuous flow from the aqueduct to the demand schedule of the service eirea. Since, in the normal process of aqueduct operation, periods of shutdown are required for maintenance emd inspection, additional storage is required for these pvirposes. It is also considered desirable to provide a further amoxmt of storage at strategic locations so that service can be main- tained in the event of unforeseen bresJtdowns along the aqueduct. Storage for -123- these latter two pvurposes is designated herein as "emergency storage", as dif. ferentiated from regulatory storage req:aired for normal aqueduct operation. The amoxmt of regulatory storage capacity required for imported water in year 2000 for both the existing and proposed aqueducts was determined on the basis of data presented in Chapter II. It was assxmed that reseri/oirs operated in conjimction with the main aqueducts would provide regulation of water deliveries to monthly demand schedules. Where reqiiired daily and weekly peaks would be satisfied by local regiolatory storage facilities. From data presented in Chapter II and on Plate 8, it was found that the volume of regulatory storage capacity reqiiired would vary from about 11 per cent of the estimated total annual imported water req-cdr^neat in year 2000 for the San Diego Metro- politan Area to about 26 per cent of this amount for certain of the predominantly agricultiiral areas. The totaJ. reqiiiremeat for regulatory storage capacity was found to be about 150,000 acre-feet or about 17 per cent of the total estimated annual delivery of imported water to the service area in the year 2000. Since it was assumed that water would be delivered to the proposed San Diego Aqueduct at San Jacinto t-mnel portal on a continuous flow basis, the total required storage capacity was fixed as determined above. However, deter- mination of the proper location and distribution of the total capacity neces- sitated careful economic analyses of several alternative plans. Reconnaissance investigation was made of 55 potential reservoir sites. Preliminary estimates of cost were prepared for six proposed dams and reseivoirs and for conveyance facilities to provide water service to the ai'eas of need and to coimect the reservoirs with the main aqueduct, with various patterns of geographical dis- tribution of resei-yoir storage. -.124- Estimates of cost were also prepared for raising Lower Otay Dam and San Vicente Dam to the heights required to provide regvilatory storage capacity required for the "S" and "W" line operation hereinafter described. The esti- mated costs for these dams and reservoirs for the different storage capacities required in the "E" line operation were based on the foregoing estimated costs of these two dams and reservoirs adjusted for the different heights of dams reqviired. On the basis of these preliminary studies, the most economical plaji for operation, conveyance, and regulation of the delivered supply was selected for each of the alternative aqueduct routes. The reservoirs selected for each of the considered alternative routes and the capacities thereof are presented hereinafter for each of the alterna- tive routes studied. Presented in Appendix E are descriptions of each of the dam and reservoir sites, for which cost estimates were prepared, including descriptions of the construction features of dams considered at these sites, and estimates of cost therefor. As previously mentioned, emergency storage would be required in con- nection with the San Diego Aqueduct to maintain continuity of supply dtiring periods of shutdown for maintenance or because of the occurrence of natviral phencsnena causing interruption of operation such as esirthquake, damage by flood or leuadslide, or other acts of God. In determining the required amo\mt of storage capacity, consideration was given to the requirements during a period of plaixned shutdown for mainte- nance and inspection work and also to the length of time that would probably be required to repair the Colorado River Aqueduct in the event of xmpredicted interruption. In this connection, the facilities of The Metropolitan Water -125- District of Southern California and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power were revieved. The Metropolitan Water District at their Lake Mathews facility- maintains about tx?o months' supply for its service area for emergency and plsinned interruptions in the Colorado River Aqueduct. The Los Angeles Depart- ment of Water sind Power in connection with the Los Angeles Aqueduct provides sufficient storage to accommodate Ebout a three-week shutdown period. If a3J.ow£^ce were made for three weeks' supply during emergency and planned shutdown, resejrve storage required for the proposed San Diego Aqueduct would be in the order of 50jiOOO acrs-feet based upon estimated water deliveries in the year 20CXD, with a requirement of about 29,000 acre-feet based on esti- mated water deliveries in the year 19BO. Since the City of Ssui Diego and many of the other agencies in the Saxi Diego County Water Authority have, emd prob- ably will continue to have, the use of several large storage reservoirs as supplementary water supply soiirces, the foregoing emergency storage requirements are on the conservative side. However, it appears that emergency stor-age is needed to provide assurance of water deliveries to areas in the northern peurt of San Diego County and southwestern Riverside County \rtiere storsige facilities adaptable for this purpose aire limited or nonexistent. Between San Jacinto Tunnel and San Vicente Reservoir, the only storage on the existing San Diego Aqueduct is at San Jacinto Reservoir, which has a gross capacity of about 1,800 acre-feet. This relatively small amount of storage capacity would be completely Ineffective in supplying needs of the service area to the south in the event of shutdown of the Coloi^auio River Aqueduct for more than a day or two. It is believed imperative that a substantial amount of emergency storage be provided near the upper end of the proposed new San Diego Aqueduct for the afore -stated reasons. Investigation was made of possible dam and reservoir sites between San Jacinto Tunnel and Rainbow Pass. It was found that few sites were available -126- and that these generally posed construction diffic-'xLties requiring large expenditure for a relatively small amo\int of stoz'eige capacity or were not at a proper elevation for gravity operation. Two possibilities were given detailed consideration, the existing Vail Reservoir and the Auld Valley site located on Tucalota Creek, both shown on Plate 9, entitled "Alternative Aqueduct Routes" . A substantial amount of storage capacity in both the existing Vail Reservoir and the proposed Auld Valley Reservoir coiild be utilized with gravity operation of the canal extending from San Jacinto to the viciaity of Temecula River. It was foxmd that, in order to connect the proposed aqueduct to the existing Vail Reservoir, it would be necessairy to swing the alignment a considerable distance eastward of a more or less straight line from San Jacinto tunnel portal to Rainbow Pass ^ereas the Atild VaLLley site is located very near to such a general line. Use of Vail Lake for an emergency reservoir site would therefore necessitate construction of substantially greater aqueduct length. On the basis of preliminary cost compsirisons, it was indicated that the use of the Auld Valley site would be some'irtiat less expensive than use of the existing Vail Reservoir and, further, utilization of Vail Reservoir would interfere with an existing water conservation facility owned and operated by a private entity. For these reasons, it was concluded that the Auld Valley Reservoir would be superior to Vail Reservoir from the standpoint of providing emergency storage for the future operation of the existing and proposed San Diego Aqueducts. It was found that a storage capacity of about 3-3,000 acre-feet could be obtained by construction of Auld Valley Dam with a spillway lip elevation of 1,U85 feet. It sho-old be noted that Auld Valley Reservoir would provide emer- gency storage for only that portion of the service su:ea to the south. The portion of southwestern Riverside County lying north of the reservoir site, including lands within the Eastern Municipal Water District considered for service from the aqueduct, would not benefit from emergency storage in Aiild -127- Valley Reservoir. On the fcasis of a three-week emergency or plsiined shutdown period, it is estimated that the axaa that wovld be seived fi'om the proposed San Diego Aqueduct to the north of Auld Valley Reservoir would recniire about 1,400 acre-feet of emergencir storage in 19^0^ and 1,550 acre-feet in year 2000. The Eastern Municipal Water District has under consideration constardction of a dam and reservoir at the Eemet site located near Hemet. It is estimated that about 28,000 acre-feet of storage capacity could be developed at this site to a maximum water siirface elevation of 1,570 feet. Storage of flows from the proposed San Diego Aqueduct in this reservoir wovild require pumping. Until, and imless, this reserxoir were constructed, two possible relief measures coiild be undertaken in the event of axi emergencji-, neither of which are considered satisfactory substitutes to the construction of resei-voir storage capacity for the area. Provision could be made for pimping of grouxid vrater into the canal to tide water users over a period of emergency shutdown, or, with check stjructvires located in the canal, as prevloxisly described, water covild be pumped out of Auld Valley Reservoir and over the check stroictures to the service area. Each of these plans woul.d require investment in pumping equipment that wo'iLd be idle for extensive periods and, as stated, are not considered satisfactory sub- stitutes for reservoir storage. Analyses of Alternative Aqueduct Routes In accordance with the basic assumptions and premises for the investi- gation set forth hereinbefore, a comparison was made of the several alternative aqueduct routes to San Diego County extending southerly from facilities of the Metropoliteua Water District between the west ported of San Jacinto Tunnel £uid Lake Mathews. As stated, the preliminary comparisons were made on the basis of conveyance of 1,000 second-feet of continuous discharge which is equivalent to -128- the estimated demand for additional impojrfced water in the potential aqueduct service ficrea in the year 2000 developed in Chapter II. The terrain south of the Colorado River Aqueduct, between San Jacinto Tunnel and Lake Mathews, consists of a series of broad interconnected valleys extending down to the Agua Tibia and Sa^ita Rosa Mountain Ranges. South of these mountain ranges to the vicinity of San Diego, the terrain consists of moderately high mountain ridges on the east sad rolling hills interlain by limited valley ereas extending westward from the mountains to the coast. The gently sloping valley lands south of the Colorado River Aqueduct merging into the moderately rolling terrain north of the Agua Tibia and Santa Rosa Mountain Ranges is adB-ptable to canal construction. The more rugged terrain south of these mountain ranges is considered suitable only for pipe line construction. Passes in the divide between the drainage areas of the Saji Jacinto and Santa Margarita Rivers are located adjacent to Rainbow Valley and Pala Creek and have elevations of about 1,300 and 1,260 feet, respectively. In order to maintain gravity flow to San Diego Coxinty and provide water service at minimum cost to the potential aqueduct service area, it was decided that the proposed San Diego Aqueduct could traverse either of these passes with a hydraulic gradient above that of the groimd surface elevation of that pass through which it would be located. It was found that from the standpoint of cost of construction of aqueducts south of the afore -mentioned drainage divide. Rainbow Pass was superior to Pala Pass for aqueducts generally parallel to or west of the existing Seua Diego Aqueduct, and Pala Pass was found to be more desirable for an aqueduct at an intermediate elevation such as the Barona line. Presented following are descriptions of each of the alternative routes studied, the appurtenant facilities for conveyance of water to strategic points in the service area, the method of operation and delivery of water for -129- e&ch. rov-te, and pi'elir>d.n?.r/ estlHiates of cost for the aqueducts and appurtenant facilities. The followrlag sections deal sep&j:ately \rlth the reach of aqueduct from the Colorado River Aqueduct to P^-inbow Pass and with foxir alternative alignments for the reach of aqueduct between Rainbow Pass smd the Otay River. It should again be emphasized that the cost estimates upon which the economic comparisons are hereinafter based were carried to a degree of refine- ment sufficient only to provide a basis of comparison of the alternative aqueduct routes, and, since certain items common to each of the considered lines were omitted from the estimates, they are not to be construed as repre- senting estimates of final construction costs. Col orado River Aque duct to Rainbow Pass Analyses were made of a number of dj.version points from the Colorado River Aqueduct between the west portal of San Jacinto Tunnel, with a hj-dra^olic grade line elevation of about 1,50> feet, and Lake Matlriews with a masd-mum water surface elevation of 1,357 feet. These points were: (l) west portal of San Jacinto Tjanel, (2) Casa Loca Siphon west of San Jacinto River, (3) west end of Casa Loaia Siphon, (h) east end. of Lakeview Siphon, (5) Lakeviev Siphon at San Jacinto R:.ver, (6) west end of Lakeview Siphon, (7) east end of Perris VeQ-ley Siphon, and (8) Lake J.fe.thews> Each of these diversion points required a dif- ferent location for aa aquedv.ct e:jrtending to the south. Of the eight points of diversion given study, locations (l) and (h) above were selected for inore detailed e.e8 of aqueduct, each having a capacity of 1,000 second=-feet, were studied from the diversion point at the west portsil of San Jacinto Tunnel: (l) pressure pipe, and (2) a combination of lined caiieil suad pressure pipe. The comparative costs of these two types of conduit to a common point in the vici- nity of Rainbow Pass, a distance of about 30 miles, indicated an advanteige of about $13,000,000 in favor of the combination of carnal suad press\ire pipe type construction. Because of this laxge differentiaJL in cost, subsequent ansLLyses of routes heading both at San Jacinto Tunnel and at the east end of Lakeview Siphon gave consideration to construction of a combination of lined caned and pressure pipe for the northerly section of the aqueduct where the terrain is adaptable to this type of construction. The two general routes, heading at Saa Jacinto txannel portal and east end of Lakeview Siphon, were then compared on the basis of the foregoing type of construction, extending to a common elevation of about 1,300 feet at Rainbow Pass. The aqueduct diverting at the west poirtal of San Jacinto Tunnel would have an initial water surface elevation of about 1,505 feet and would follow a genereLL southwesterly alignment across the western edge of San Jacinto Valley, passing approximately three miles east of the community of Winchester. The alignment wo\ild then continue westerly and southerly through Domenigoni, French, and Auld Vsilleys crossing Temecula River aad continuing on to Rainbow Pass . The total length of this alignment between San Jacinto Txmnel and Rainbow Pass would be about 32 miles, of which about 22 miles woiold be in canal section and about 10 miles in pipe line. It shoxild be noted that this alignment is slightly different than the alignment hereinafter adopted for the reach between San Jacinto tunnel portal and Rainbow Pass shown on Plate 9- The principal differ- ence is that this latter adopted alignment, as hereinafter described, would have a cansQ. section about 29.5 miles in length and a pipe line section 6 miles in -131= length as compared to the foregoing 22 miles of canal and 10 miles of pipe line. The alignment of the aqueduct diverting at the east end of Lakeview Siphon, at a hydravilic grade line sleTation of 1,467 feet, would "be generally south along the westerly periphery of the Lakeview Mountains passing just east of the ccpmunity of Romoland and across the east end of Menifee Valley to a point at the southwest end of Paloma Valley. From this point the alignment is generally due south crossing Temecula River about one mile east of the cc«nmu- nity of Temecxila and continuing on to Rainbow Pass. The toted length of this route woxild be about 28.5 miles ^ of which about 15-5 miles would be in canal section, and the remainder in pipe line, and is shown as a dotted line on Plate 9- A preliminary estimate of cost was prepared for facilities to provide water service from each of the considered aqueduct eilignments to lands in San Jacinto Valley. It was found that the cost and degree of service provided would be equivalent from either route. It siioald be noted that these cost estimates were of a very preliminary nature intended only for this economic comparison £ind are not compai'able to estimates for similar features shown in ens\iing sec- tions of this report. On the basis of a preliminary cost analysis of the two aqueducts, each having a capacity of 1,000 second-feet, it was found that the easterly route heading at the west portal of San Jacinto Ttuxnel woiild be about two and one half million dollars cheaper than the other route considered. Further, diver- sion from the west portal of San Jacinto Tannel would permit gravity diversion of aqueduct water, for regulatory ajid emergency storage, into the proposed Auld Valley Reseivoir, hereinafter described. By construction of the new aqueduct along this route, it would be possible to utilize about 36,000 acre-feet of active resei^roir storage capacity in Auld Valley Reservoir by storing to a -132. vater svtrface elevation of 1,^5 feet. It would not Toe possible to effect a gravity diversion to this reservoir site from sui aqueduct heading at the east end of the Lsdteview Siphon » It should be mentioned that the Auld Valley reser- voir site was foimd to be the only feasible storage site in the area which could be utilized for regulatory and emergency purposes. It was therefore concluded that a genereQ. aqueduct alignment heading at the west portal of Seua Jacinto Tunnel, as described, is superior, and as a result, no further consideration was given to the other aqueduct alignments north of Rainbow Pass. "B" Line The Barona Aqueduct, as described in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 3 (Preliminary Version), would originate at Arrowhead Springs Afterbay with a hydraulic gradient elevation of about 1,760 feet, and would extend southerly along the eastern periphery of Upper Sajita Ana Valley passing between Redlands ajad San Bernardino in pressure conduit. The aqueduct would enter a tunnel through the Badlands area south of San Timeteo Creek, and at its southerly portal woiild extend southwesterly ailong the Sam Jacinto River in pressixre condviit to the western portal of the San Jacinto Tvtnnel. From the western portfiiL of the San Jacinto T'unnel, the Barona Aqueduct wovild continue to the proposed Baxona Reservoir. The portion of the Barona Aqueduct herein considered as an alternative route to San Diego County is that portion from San Jacinto south to the pro- posed Barona Reservoir designated the "B" line, as is shown on Plate 9. The "B" line was selected for study in this investigation because it wo\ild be capable of serving higher and more remote areas of Ssin Diego County as compared with the other three aqueducts considered. -133- Operation of the "E" line woiild require a pump lift of about 200 feet in the vicinity of San Jacinto in urde;.- to serve Colorado Hiver water ia the interim matil Feather River Project water beccames available, at \rtiich time pump- ing would no longer be required since water carried from the north in the Barona Aqueduct would reach the San Jacinto area with a hydraxilic grade line elevation of about 1,700 feet. As previously discussed, the definite location of the aqueduct facilities required to bring water into the San Jacinto area from the north cannot be made at this time but must await the conclusion of studies of eilternative aqueduct routes from northern CsLLifomiac After preliminary investigation, it was concluded that the Barona line would not adequately serve those areas of the Coiinty which have the greatest growth potential in the neai" future at a cost coiapetitive with the other routes studied. It was, therefore, not further considered in this inves- tigation. However, as indicated in State Waiter Resources Board Bulletin No. 3> the Barona line as well as the "High Line" route shown on Plate 9 as "The Authorized Feather River Project Aqueduct Route to San Diego County" will be needed in the fut-jxe, in adda.tion to the existing ejid proposed lower aqueducts, to series the higher and aiore remote lands of the County. "E" Line The "E" line was selected for aneiysis because it would facilitate interconnection with the existing Ssja Diego Aqueduct and with existing lateral conveyance systems takiiig water then^frcm. Further, because existing convey- ance systems could be connected to both the existing and proposed aqueducts, it would be possible to operate the existing aqueduct at essentially fuLLl capacity throughout the year. Since there is on3.y about a five second-foot reduction in capacity in the existing aquedtict between San Jacinto and San Vicente Reservoirs, service to intervening areas could be provided from the "E" line, and the -13*!- existing line, as stated, coxild flow at essentially full capacity. TMs opera- tional procedure coiild not "be effected with the other lines considered imless expensive interconnections to the existing aqueduct vere constructed at frequent intervals along the alignment. The locations of the "E" line and of required appurtenauit conveyance and storage facilities are shown on Plate lOA, entitled "Location of 'E' Line and Appurtenant Facilities". Description of Route . The "E" line, as shown on Plate lOA, from the vicinity of Rainbow Pass pareillels the existing aqueduct, which crosses Reiinbow Valley and passes about one mile east of the proposed Vallecitos Dam to Rainbow Tunnel. For the piirposes of this investigation, it was considered that a tunnel would be constructed generally parallel to the existing Rainbow Tunnel, ailthough preliminary estimates indicate a pipe line bypass could be constructed at about aji equivalent cost. From the south portal of the Rainbow Tunnel, the "E" line would con= tinue psurallel to the existing aqueduct across the San Luis Rey River, passing immediately east of the City of Escondldo to a point Just south of La^e Hodges. In the reach north of Laike Hodges, the "E" line would deviate from the existing San Diego Aqueduct line at two points where pipe line sections approximately two miles in length would bypass the existing Lilac and Red Mountain Tunnels. In this reach, the "E" line would have a tunael section parallel to the exist= ing Oat Hills Tunnel about three miles west of the cordmunity of Valley Center. About one mile south of Lake Hodges, the "E" line wo\ild swing west- ward tram, the existing €LLignment euid continue southward to the north shore of the existing Murray Reservoir. From Murray Reservoir the line would pass generally southward through La Mesa> Lemon Grove and Spring Valley, cross the Sweetwater River just downstream from Sweetwater Dam, and pass generally south- eastward to a terminus at Ofcay Reservoir. -135- Constnzetioa P^pjlem s. The "E" li.^ie throughout a substantial psLrt of its leag-fch, "because of prevailing topogi'aphical conditions, would necessaxily be coastructed inDaediately adjacent to tiie right of way of tae existing aque- duct. This close proximity would make accessary special precautions at all times to protect the existing lines from heavy impact loeids, undermining, and other possible sources of damage. Trenches would be shored in many locations siad heavy pads placed over the existing line wherever heavy equipment would cross. In addition, in such locations all excavated material would be dumped away from the existing lines and, ^^iere the line is on steep side slopes, this material would require a seco:id handling. This additional work would add to the cost of the construction , but because of its scanei^Lat intangible nature, in many cases, it could not be adequately reflected in the prelimi;aary cost estimates. Between Eaanbow Pass aE'.d San Luis Rey River, the "E" line would tra- verse very rugged and remote terrain o Consid.erable portions of this section of aLLignment are on steep cross slopes whera a wide wox'king bench would have to be excavated in hard rock. Constryction of the crossing of the valley of the San Liiis Rey River would be costly as was the constrtictioa of the existing barrels of the San Diego Aquedizct. South of the San Luis Rey River and to the northern limits of the City of Escondido, the terrain is rugged with considerable outcropping of rock along the entire alignment. It is expected that site preparation and trenching will be costly throughout this reach. Saae construction of access roads will be required. Since a considere.ble length of the trenching will be in rock, it is most likely that s\iltable backfill material for this reach would be imported from borrow areas near the City of Escondido. The nearest railhead for this section of the line is Escoadido, ■ytoere most of the heavy equipnent and materials would be unloaded. -136- In the vicinity of Escondido and southerly past the eastern edge of Lake Hodges, thence to the proposed Carroll Reservoir, there appear to be few construction dif f iculties o The alignment south of Carroll Reservoir to the Sfiua Diego River would present no major problems in construction. Excavation throxighout this entire area should be easily accomplished, and excavated trench material appeaurs to be suitable for backfill. The crossing of Mission Valley Gorge on the San Diego River would be in siphon It is believed that in the final design, consideration should be given to crossing of this gorge by an overhead structure. In the immediate vicinity of this gorge, there appear to be considerable constraction problems. The terrain is rxigged and excavation would be in rock. The alignment south of Murray Reservoir as far as La Mesa poses no appreciable problems of construction. However, pipe line construction through La Mesa, Lemon Grove, and Spring Valley would be typical of pipe line construc- tion in southern California cities. Considerable difficulty will be experienced in laying large diameter pipe line in the streets because of the lack of space and interference with traffic. It is anticipated that considerable relocation work would be required for existing xtnderground utility lines. From Sweetwater Reservoir to Otay Reservoir, there should be little construction difficulty. The area is presently sparsely settled, and access roads to the zone of construction are adequate. Site preparation throughout this entire reach of the line would be at a minimun, and it appears that suit- able backfill material could be obtained from trench excavation. aeration of "E" Line. Preliminary analyses of the "E" line, as well as the other lines considered, were based on supplying needs for imported water in the potential aqueduct service area in year 2000, which would require diver- sion of 1,000 second =feet of continuous discharge from the source of supply. -137' This would be in addition to the 195 secoad-feet which could be conveyed by the existing aqueduct, as is presently occurring. South of Rainbow Pass, the capacity of the "E" line and the other lines considered wo'old be about 860 seccad-feet. As stated it was assximed that the existing and proposed aqueducts would operate as an integrated unit. Cost comparisons were made for numerous locations and capacities of required regulatory storage reservoirs, with resulting differences in aqueduct size and capacity for various sections. In this connection, the variation in cost of delivering water to the veirious components of the aqueduct service area was given consideration. As a restOLt of these studies, it was considered that south of Rainbow Pass, storage sfco\ild be provided at six reservoirs. The reseivoirs, with the storage capacities required to provide the desired regula- tion, are tabulated following: Msucimvun water Capacity, surface elevation. Reservoir i2L acre -feat in feet Vallecitos 10,000 938 San Marcos 16,000 1*21 Carroll 8,000 Ilk Lower Otay 68,000 53h San Viceiite 18,000 667 Murray 6,000 5^*0 T0a?AL 126,000 Of the foregoing reservoirs, Vallecitos, San Msircos, and Carroll woiild require construction of new dams. Lower Otay and San Vicente Dams would be raised 43 feet and 17 feet, respectively, to provide additional, storsige capacity in the amounts indicated. Miirray Reservoir is an existing facility owned by Helix Irrigation District and operated by the City of San Diego. Storage in San Vicente Reservoir in the amount of about 20,000 acre- feet is presently being utilised by the Ban Diego County Water Authority for -138- regulation of vater conveyed in the existing San Diego Aqueduct. As Indicated in the foregoing tabulation, the amount of storeige in this reservoir needed for coordinated operation of the facilities of the proposed aqueduct located on the "E" line woxild be equivalent to the amount presently utilized. As stated in ensuing sections of this chapter, different amounts of storage at this site sure needed for the other alternative routes studies. Therefore, in the econanic ccairparisons of the alternative routes presented hereinaf-fcer, the capital costs of red-sing Sem Vicente Dam to provide the needed regulatory storsige are included in order to reflect the economic effect of varying degrees of use of the storage in this reservoir characteristic of each route studied. The operational procedure and conveyance and regulatory storeige facil- ities by ^rtiich water service would be provided to the veurious subdivisions of the service area, described in Chapter II and shown on Plate 2, from facilities of the "E" line emd existing San Diego Aqueduct are set forth in the ensuing paragraphs . As indicated on Plate lOA, water service to Agua Tibia would be pro- vided directly from the "E" line through a latersQ. 1.1 miles in length. The grade line elevation for delivery to this area would be about 1,600 feet requiring a pump lift of about 350 feet from the aqueduct grade line. Water would be turned out for Camp Pendleton, Fallbrook, and approxi-= mately two-thirds of the Rainbow Municipal Watsr District near the proposed Vallecitos Reservoir, Water for Fallbrook would be conveyed directly from the "E" line through the existing Fallbrook-Oceanside Lateral, the existing Fallbrook Lateral, and a new lateral 3.6 miles in length. Water service coxild be provided at a grade line elevation of 800 feet by gravity. The north two>=thirds of Rainbow Municipal Water District could be served directly from the "E" line through the existing Rainbow Lateral, the existing Canonita Lateral, and throvigh a new lateral which would also serve the =139= Camp Pendleton area. The proposed Vallecitos Reservoir, with a minim\an operating water s\irface elevation of 830 feet, would provide regulation for water supplies delivered in this vicinity. Rsiinbow Municipal Water District coiiLd be served with water at a grade line elevation of 600 feet through these various laterals by gravity. Water service for Camp Pendleton would be provided through a new lateral 11.2 miles in length also serving a portion of Rainbow Municipal Water District. Camp Pendleton co\ild be served at a grade line elevation of ^00 feet without pumping. Pavmia Valley and Lower Pauma Valley would be served directly from the "E" line. A common lateral 2.7 miles in length would extend up Lower Pauma Valley to the vicinity of Pala, and the lateral for Pauma Valley with a length of 4.9 miles would continue from there up to the service axea. A second lateral 1.7 miles in length would serve the western portion of Lower Pauma Valley. Lower Pauma Valley and PaTjma Valley co^lLd be served at grade line elevations of 500 and 1,100 feet, respectively, fraa these laterals without pumping. The south one-third of the Rainbow ManicipsLL Water District, the Valley Center Municipal Water K.strict, Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water Dis- trict, and the City of Escondido, all of ^ich now receive water from the existing San Diego Aqueduct, woiJld, in lieu thereof, with construction of the "E" line, be served directly from the latter line. Existing laterals serving these areas would be connected to the "E" line. In order to provide for anti- cipated future demands in these exeas, new laterals would be required for the three districts which could be served aqueduct water by gravity at elevations of 600 feet, 1,100 feet, and 1,000 feet, respectively. The City of Escondido could be served at a grade line elevation of 85O feet by gravity. The new laterals to the south one -third of the Rainbow Municipal Water District and the Valley Center M\micipal Water District would be k.2 and 0.8 miles in length, respectively. l1i-o-- Oceanside, Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District, Near Oceanside, Santa Fe Irrigation District, North of Santa Fe, and a portion of the demand of Carlsbad Municipal Water District would be served directly fr<»n the "E" line. A portion of the demand for the Oceatiside area voxild be served from the exist- ing San Diego Aqueduct through the existing Fallbrook-Oceanside Lateral and the remainder from a new lateral system, with an aggregate length of 35.0 miles, which would also serve Bueno Colorado Municipal Water District, Santa Fe Irrigation District, North of Santa Fe, Near Oceanside, and Carlsbad Municipal Water District, A portion of the Carlsbad demand would also be served through a new lateral, U.U miles in length, fran the proposed San Marcos Reservoir, \rtiich would have a minim\im operating water surface elevation of 365 feet. Oceanside, Bueno Colorsido Municipal Water District, Near Oceanside, Santa Fe Irrigation District, North of Santa Fe, and Carlsbad Municipal Water District could be served at grade line elevations of 400, 9OO, 300, 6OO, 5OO, and 3kO feet, respectively, by gravity. San Dieguito Irrigation District and East of San Dieguito would also be served from the proposed San Marcos Reservoir. Conveyance of water to the San Dieguito Irrigation District area would be through a new lateral, branching from the Carlsbad Lateral, k.^ miles in length, and connected to the existing line which runs from San Dieguito Reservoir. The capacity of the existing lateral is estimated to be sufficient to meet the monthly peak demands of this area in the year 2000. The area East of San Dieguito would be served through the new laterad. Delivery to these areas could be made at grade line elevations of 250 and 320 feet, respectively, by gravity. The Rincon area would be served directly from the "E" line through a new lateral with a length of I.7 miles. A pump lift of approximately 200 feet would be required to serve this area at a grade line elevation of 1,100 feet. =lUl- The area South of Lake Hodges could lae served by gravity at a grade line elevation of 600 feet directly from the "E" line through a new lateral k.O miles long. The Eamona Municipal Water District and Poway Municipal Water District areas woTild be served directly from the "E" line. Service to the Ramona Muni- cipal Water District area voald be through a new lateral 7-0 miles in length and would require a pump lift of approximately 700 feet to a grade line eleva- tion of 1,500 feet. Poway Mmicipal Water District at present is served from the existing San Diego Aqiieduct. La the future the entire supply for this area would be delivered through the foregoing new Ramona Lateral connected to exist- ing distribution facilities. No pumping would be required to serve this area at grade line elevation of 8OO feat. The areas designated East of Del Mar, Camp Elliott, and Near Miramar vould be served directly from the "E" line, with the portion of the service area of the City of Saa Diego in this vicinity taking water from the "E" line during low demand months a^d from the proposed Carroll Reservoir during peait demaad months. Carroll Resenroir wouJ-d have a miiiimum operating water surface elevation of 61O feet. Gravity seinrice could be provided to East of Del Mar, City of San Diego, and Near Miramar at a grade line elevation of 500 feet and to Camp Elliott at a grade line elevation of 6OO feet. A common lateral k.k miles in length woiild serve the Camp Elliott and Near Mirsjnar areas and laterals 7*1 miles and 3«2 miles in Iv^ngth would serve the City of San Diego and East of Del Mar areas, respect i'/ely. Service to the Rancho El Cajon, El Capitan, and San Vicente areas would be made from San Vicente Reservoir from water supplies delivered to the resezn^oir from the existing aqueduct. New laterals to these areas woxild have lengths of 3«0, 9>5, and 2.6 miles, z-espectively. Tlie maximian water surface elevation in San Vicente Reservoir would be 667 feet and the minimum would be -li«2- U60 feet. The hydra\ilic grade line elevation of the existing aqueduct at the point where it discharges into the reservoir is about 750 feet. Delivery to the foregoing areas would reqiiire the coastruction of laterals and piimping instal- lations to reach grade line elevations of 1,300, 2,000, and l,k60 feet, respectively. For the purpose of emalyzing the deliveries of water from Seua Vicente Reservoir to Rio San Diego Municipsd Water District, Helix Irrigation District, and a portion of the City of Seua Diego, the assumption was made that the La Mesa-Sweetwater extension; the City of San Diego's bypass line from the existing aqueduct; the lines diverting directly from San Vicente Reservoir; and the Helix-Rio San Diego bypass, all shown on Plate 2, would be used jointly by the afore-mentioned areas. It is estimated that there is s\ifficient capacity in these existing lines to convey to the above-noted areas the monthly peak water demands estimated for the year 2000. Water delivered through the bypass lines would require pumping to serve JU.O Saji Diego at a grade line elevation of 850 feet, but no pumping would be reqixired to serve Helix Irrigation District and the City of San Diego at grade line elevations of 6kO feet and 5U0 feet, respectively, from the bypass lines. Water delivered from San Vicente thro\igh the City of San Diego's pipe lines woxild req\iire pumping when the water surface in the reservoir is at a minim-jm, to serve the above-mentioned areas. A portion of the water service for the City of San Diego and South Bay Irrigation District emd National City would be provided directly from the "E" line by gravity. Part of the service to the City of San Diego wovild be pro- vided with water from the "E" line delivered to Murray Reservoir. During months of peaJt demand, water service for portions of the City of San Diego and South Bay Irrigation District and National City would be pro- vided from Lower Otay Reservoir requiring a maximum pump lift of about 2i4^0 feet to deliver water to these agencies at grade line elevations of 5^0 and ^4^00 feet, -IU3- respectively. Lover Otay Reservoir after eMleirgeiaent would have a maximum water siirface eie\''atioa of 53^ feet sad a minimimi water siirface elevation of 370 feet. Delivery to these areas from Lower Otay Reservoir during such times would be made by backflow through the "E" line, whereby water could be pumped from the reservoir back into the aqueduct. Otay Municipal Water District and Imperial would be served water from Lower Otay Reservoir. A maximum pumping lift of 230 feet would be required to serve Otay Municipal Water District at a grade line elevation of 570 feet. No pumping would be required to supply Imperial at a grade line elevation of 300 feet. Service to Imperial would be through a lateral 8 ..6 miles in length and service to Otay Municipal Water District would be provided from a branch line from the Imperial Lateral 0.8 mile in length. Estimated Cost of "E" Line and Appurtenant Facili ties . A preliminary estimate of cost was prepared for the "E" line, together with the cost of those conveyance laterals and regulatory storage facilities needed to supply the i demand for imported water in the service area in year 2000= This estimate of cost is presented in Table 15 • -l^i*-. TABLE 15 ESTIMATED COST OF "E" LINE TO MEET DEMAND FOR IMPORTED WATER TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY IN YEAR 2000, INCLUDING REGULATORY RESERVOIRS AND MAJOR LATERALS AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES Item : Unit : Quajn.tity : Unit : price : Cost Aqueduct Cost Rainbow Pass to San Marcos ) Reservoir Turnout (Cap. bbk cfs to 767 cfs) Pipe Excavation Backfill Tunnel ft. cu.yd. cu.yd. ft. 107, Uoo l,Ul3,000 505,000 10,200 $ 9^.81 2.51 0.90 275.39 $10,183,000 3,5^9,000 455,000 2,809,000 $16,996,000 San Marcos Reservoir Turnout to Carroll Reservoir Turnout (Cap. bkk cfs to 611 cfs) Pipe Excavation Backfill ft. cu.yd. cu.yd. 97,^00 780,000 1+33,000 89.61 2.U1 0.90 8,728,000 1,880,000 390,000 10,998,000 Carroll Reservoir Turnout to Murray Reservoir Turnout (Cap. 550 cfs to 534 cfs) Pipe Excavation Backfill ft. cu.yd. cu.yd. 51,600 395,000 2lU,000 69.i+i+ 1.32 0.90 3,583,000 521,000 193,000 4,297,000 Murray Reservoir ' Turnout to Lower Otay Reservoir (Cap. 36ti cfs to 3^+2 cfs) Pipe Excavation Backfill ft. cu.yd. cu . yd . 75,i+oo 1,858,000 286,000 61^.66 1.05 0.90 4,876,000 1,954,000 257,000 7,087,000 Subtotal $39,378,000 Reservoirs lump sum 15,478,000 Major Laterals Appurtenances ajid lump sum 14,480,000 Subtotal $69,336,000 Administration Contingencies, Interest during and engineering, 15^ ; construction 10^ $ 6,934,000 10,400,000 2,718,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $89,388,000 -l45- "S" Line The "S" line as described hereinafter generally follows the route studied by the Sem Diego County Water Authority and described in the afore- mentioned report of that agency issued in 1955* This line exhibited consider- able merit in supplying siipplemental water to those portions of San Diego County considered to have the greatest immediate potentieil for growth and attendant demand for water. The locations of the "S" line and required convey- ance and regxilatory storage facilities sure shown on Plate lOB, entitled "Loca- tion of 'S' Line and Appurtenant Facilities". Descripti on of Route. The "S" line;, as shown on Plate lOB, from the vicinity of Rainbow Pass would parallel the "E" line south to Rainbow Tuanel. As in the case of the "E" line, a tunnel would parallel the existing Rainbow 'Punnel. From the south portal of the Rainbow Tunnel, the "S" line wo\ild con- tinue parallel to the existing aqueduct southward to about two miles south of the San Luis Rey River. At this point, the line would depart from the existing aqueduct and would proceed southward ge^ierally parallel and about I.5 to 2.5 miles westerly of the existing line to a crossing of the San Dieguito River .just downstream from Hodges Item. The line then woul.d continue southward to a crossing of U. S. Highway 395 and would join the previously described "E" line just east of this crossing. Frcan this point south to Lower Otay Reservoir, the "S" line would follow the same route as the "E" line as previously described. Constru.ction Problems . South of Rainbow Pass where the line would follow the general alignment of the existing San Diego Aqueduct to a point approximately two miles south of the San Luis Rey Valley, the difficulties in construction would be identical to those outlined for the "E" line above. From the point where the "3" line would swing west of the existing aqueduct to the -Ike- northerly limits of San Marcos Valley in the vicinity of Escondido, the align- ment woiild traverse extremely nagged terrain. Access roads to the alignment exist only in the intersecting canyons, smd it is expected that substantial site preparation wotLLd he reqviired throughout the entire reach. The alignment through the Sam Marcos Valley appears to offer little difficvilty as far as construction is concerned. Good rail treuisportation facilities axe provided by a rsdlhead at San Marcos, irtiich is easily reached from the alignment. In the vicinity of Lake Hodges and southward, the character of the terrain again becomes rugged. The steep, rocky and rugged slopes west of Lake Hodges offer considerable difficulty to any type of construction. South of Lake Hodges eind as fax south as the site of the proposed Carroll Reservoir, which is a common intersecting point of all the lines discussed, there wovild be little difficvilty in aqueduct construction. However, existing access roads into the area wovild require some improvement and additional roads would be required. From this latter point southward, the "S" line is identiceLL to the "E" line. Operation of "S" Line . As in the case of the "E" line, numerous loca- tions for providing required regulatory storage capacity, with resulting variations in aqueduct size, were investigated and ccmpeired on a cost basis. As a result of these studies ;, it was found that storage should be provided in seven reservoirs. These reservoirs with required storage capacities are tabu- lated below and shown on Plate lOB. =1^7 « Maximum ffater Capacity;, surface elevation, Reseirvoir in acre -feet in feet Vallecitos 10,000 938 Saa Marcos 16,000 421 Carroll 8,000 71k Woodson 8,000 775 Lower Otay 56,000 527 San Vicente 23,000 671 Murray 6,000 5U0 TOTAL 127,000 It will be noted that construction of the "S" line would, by year 2000, require constsruction of 8,«X)0 acre-feet of storage capacity at the Woodson site and 5,000 acre-feet of adciltional capacity at San Vicente Reser- voir, both of which would not be req.uix'ed with construction of the "E" line. However, the "S" line would require only 56,0^ CO CO c! m fH +> iH d (8 Ifl O rH 4; •> iH H , J«D 0) H O I <1>J 0) :3 H -CJ |(C "3 ^ *Hl o H a +j Pc< O fl O QJ «} tH y Qj P( 0) l»H a) CO o a CO 0)1(1) -N^ "" m o> H 0) ^ ^ 103 |PU "3 M >> ■P H S\ ^^\ d -p O 0) fj 0) 0) -P 0) 0) ■P •H O d (0 •H d o Si '-* H t d +» O 0) O (D (U ^ CO d 0) d cQ ^ H d «) O iH .CO 0) H O 4) Q) ;J H Tt bO^ rH -rj 05 !PM a) B o ■p -d ■H ^ d -p u d o a> oS tH O 0) 0] CO o 0) i.1:^ c -p CQ CO CO u d 3 o H •H H --I 5 o d -p O (U O 0) CO (U tH M3 CVJ cu VO H CU on VO 0\ cu OJ CA J- CX3 O VO ON CVI CD VO !>- CM CU J- CVJ CVJ ON VO VO VD VD -^ H H VO CVJ CVJ CO CVJ VO H CVJ CVJ e CO H CU CO CVJ ON VO H CU CU ON VO H CU ON VO C3N H 00 C3N H CJN CO CJN o o o CVJ VO « oo VO .J- VD CO 6 VO vo 00 CO J- VO CO CU LfN VD CO 03 -165- It is indicated in Table 19 that a two-stage construction of the pipe line vould he esseatialljf equivalent to initial construction to fiill capacity from an economic standpoint . It is believed to be conclusively demonstrated that either full or half capacity initiail construction is definitely superior to construction of a quarter of fnill capacity initially or 2l6 second-feet. Although initial coastructioa c-f an aqueduct to supply half the demand in the year 2000 is equivalent from an. economic standpoint to initial construction of an aqueduct that would supply the needs of the service area in the year 2000, two-stage construction would permit a re-evaluation of the proper location and capacity for the second stage of aqueduct construction from the experience and knowledge in the future as to pattern and rats of develop- ment . It is coacludedj tbere';fore, that the initial construction of the pipe line a].ong the "W" line shovild provide for a capacity of 432 second-feet at its point of origin at the of the canal section, with appropriate reduction of capacity as the aqueduct proceeds southiiard;, vhich capacity operated with the existing aqueduct, would satisfy the estimated demand for imported water in the service area until the year 193l« Economic Comparison of Alternative Plans for Term inating Aqueduct F aci lities Preliminary comparisons of the three alternative aquediict routes and of staged construction of selected facilities were made on the basis of ter- minating each route at Lower Otay Reservoir. This reservoir was the point of terminus of the aqueduct route investigated by the San Diego Covsnty Water Authority and described in its report of 1955- During the course of this investigation j further study was given to the location of a terminal resein/oir and several alternative sites were given reconnaissEiace examination. As a result of the reconnaissance exami.nation. -166. more detsdled study was given to the raising of Lower Otay Dam, and to con- stniction of a new dam at the Mlnnewawa site on Jamul Creek, a tributary of Otay River. The locations of the two sites are shown on Plate 9. Frcan previously described studies, it was concluded that in the year 2000, about 56,000 acre-feet of reservoir storaige capacity at Lower Otay Reser- voir or 59,000 acre-feet of reservoir storage capacity at the Mianewawa site would be reqxxired at the terminal reservoir for the "W" line. Provision for this amount of storage wovild require raising the existing Lower Otay Dam about 36 feet or to a maximum water surface elevation of 52? feet. The cost of raising the existing dam was estimated to be $7>286,000. It should be empha- sized that this cost is of a preliminary nature, and that a firm cost of such a plan would reqviire a detailed design analysis, which is beyond the scope of this report. Minnewawa Reservoir with a capacity of 59>000 acre-feet would require construction of a dam 175 feet in height from stream bed to spillway crest, and on the basis of earthfill construction was estimated to cost $6,185,000. Further data relative to raising of Lower Otay Dam and construction of Minnewawa Dam are presented in Appendix D. Since there would be a difference in the maximum water surface eleva- tion in the two reservoirs of 173 feet, the slope of the hydravilic gradient in, and the size of, the proposed aqueduct to the north would vary according to the termineil reservoir selected. Further, this variance in hydraulic gradient 8lLso would affect the cost of service from the two suLtemative plans because pimiping wovad be required to accomplish delivery to certain areas for the plan utilizing Otay Reservoir but not for the plan utilizing Minnewawa Reservoir. Proper comparison of the costs and accomplishments of the alternative systems therefore required consideration of not only dam and reservoir costs, but also the attendant costs of aqueducts, pumping plants, and energy required to accomplish water deliveries at the necessary hydraiiLic grade line elevations. -167- This comparison was made for the "W" Ixae constructed with a capacity- necessary to supply one-half the seiryice area demand estimated for the year 2000, considered to be the reqxiix'sment in the year 196I, and also for the addi- tional aq^ueduct facilities needed to provide for the remaining half of the service area demand assviming that these latter facilities would be constructed by the year 198I. It was found that^ depending on the terminal point selected, the size of aqueduct woxild be affected as far north as the vicinity of Vista near the point of turnout for the lateral to Oceanside. Also affected would be the cost of the lateral leading to Otay Municipal Water District and Imperial. The comparison was made on the basis of present worth of capital costs of con- struction items and of smnual costs of operation, maintenance, emd replacements for pumping facilities including power costs in perpetviity. The present worth computations were based on an interest rate of 3-1/2 per cent per aonim. The restilts of the comparison axe set forth in Table 20. It will be noted in Table 20 that, from the standpoint of cost, there would be an advantage of about $2,200,000 in favor of the aqueduct terminating at Lower Otay Reservoir rather than Minnewawa Reser^/oir. There are, however, certain other factors not susceptible of economic evaluation which should be considered in making a choice between the two points of terminus. Although, on the basis of studies described hereinbefore, the City of San Diego and Helix Irrigation District woxild not require delivery of aqueduct water frcM either Lower Otay Reservoir or the proposed Minnewawa Reservoir, variations in the pattern of development from that indicated in the demand studies would result in the need for delivery of water thereto from Minnewawa Reservoir by reversing the direction of flow in the main aqueduct. Such delivery could be accomplished by gravity from Minnewawa Reservoir but would require pimping from Lower Otay Reservoir. .168- ,5 Q O o o o o o i> o o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o o > * * Ck Ok «k •k + o o o o o o o & CM ■»> o o o o o o o •P« CM C o o CM CM oo oo o O IT ® e\ c^ ^ Ok Ok •l •k sis JH c^ NO o J- ja- UN o-\ J- 7^4 •H UN • c c •*» -««- a o a. « •>< "=^■5 .. g^ ■y o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o « +> Oi e^ Ck •l go rH o o o o m o o o o s? 4> o o CM UN '!J Ok ^ Ot Ok gH a fH t»N NO o C CM i< •r\ c^ W ^ o -69- C4 ?fi •• •a «4 O « ■d 'f> XI o. o fl> e d e ■p •H &^ IX Oo g 'H 3 M O. Tf §s «-■ s ■a o. ■O in o S «j Vi to 3| g o a «1 OB -O a tf ■P 3 •p o oH 01 ;-l O O a •-t o ■p 1-4 1 ■p n d » •H J^^ d » •a oo IS +. (. « C ON ^2 ■p f-i e g O rt •r4 •p o W^ C C <« •K e B U) .. i-i »^ .J S W -H 65 ,£ XI .o X3 XI fr +■• o o o o o O O O O o 1, o o o o o O O o 8 o o > o o o Q Q o Q o o o o o o IH o S c« flk Ck ik Ok • Ck Ck •k •k o Ok «> ^ c Sc o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .^a •><♦■*> o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c ir\ ON C^ .* UN o NO e^ CM J- •TN CM oo ® 3 > CM IV Ok Ok •k Ok Ok Ok -p t. c> */l UN CM r^ 1-1 t^ rH C^ UN CM d -o a) IP ffi C-J c^ «H r* UN n (< -te- -*»• r! « 0, M ■H fc >> +" O. n 3> d +» d d 0.-P SS v> O O o o O o 4 n o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ■fi o h O Ct «k *^ •k •» Ok l« ^ a -p jH o o o o o o « g" •» $ o o o o o o o o UN CTN c^ UN c^ UN o ^4 J o »-) Ok Ok w o. + a UN CM f^ c^. C rt <8 CM CM ■P a ,-1 M o -te- a B< fv UCM " "O §•3 •H e o t, •d •P 3 ■P o ■p •rt e 4 -H o ■3 o 4» B B C -P 3 t •H d B ■P ♦^ to e T3 «> ti 10 a o 00 a> to o c o. « iH 3 +3 » o s cd g r! i; ^1 o •o o -o $a ft -§ § s • s s*. ■H eS a •H O •o ■»» l-t i Ok c S •k c a x: • o § O Q Q o o ■p -P +> 3 o. » •H « •H ■rt to ^■g +> ^ :3 >> •p Oi •p § § M o. 1 d •H d o 3 s u O. to s s «1 o >> s. t~, o. s-^ o 1 1 d> O • 63 1 o 4» Hi •a -p :3 US +» TJ ■p o >j r-l B O c o d I-I c o c o «i 3 a ■p tt o C e •p ■p 0. a c o t < O .H •o e iH IB c •rl 3 g ^ « C •H ^ • • ■P iH O Oc f* c P. O f-! i* rH C o. ir4 ■P a, v^ O O. -H £5 .J iS (2 5 g W -rl 1 ^ s 1 -169- The greatest advantage of Miaaewawa Reservoir is considered to "be its utility in serving the distribution systems of the City of San Diego, Helix Irrigation District, and National City aiid South Bay Irrigation District dviring em emergency or a plemned shutdown of the aqueduct north of Murray Reservoir. The minimum operating water surface elevation of the proposed Mimiewawa Reservoir is 615 feet and the elevation of the Luraout to Lake Murray on the proposed aqueduct line would be about ^80 feet. Therefore, water stored in Minnewawa Reservoir could, if required, be fed back through the aqueduct by gravity at rates of from 100 to 200 second-f eet on tiie water surface elevations in the former reservoir. It shoold be noted further that water could also be delivered by gravity froat Minnewawa Reservoir into the existing Sweetwater Reservoir of the California Water and Telephone Company on Sweetwater River. This would not be possible from Lower Otay Reservoir. It is, therefore, con- cluded that the constru.ction of Mioae'irawa Reservoir would add a substantial degree of assurance of continuity of we,ter service ia the event of emergency shutdown of the aqueduct, and would permit flexibility'' and coordination of operation of the storage and conveyance system of the City o.f Saa Diego and of the California Water and Telephone Company for utilization of imported water from the north. It should again be emphasized that a detailed design analysis of the plem for raising Lower Otay Reservoir, xAich woiild be required for a firm esti- mate of cost therefor, was beyond the scope of this investigation, and that the estimated cost of Minnewawa Dam and Reservoir is considered to be the more reailistic of the two. Prior to final selection of one of the two alternatives, additional engineering investigation should be laidertaken at both of the sites to more closely ascertain the difference in cost between the alternative plsms. -170. Timing of Reservoir aad Aqueduct Construction As previously stated, with the construction of the initial irnit of the proposed aqueduct to San Diego Co\mty, construction of certain of the reser- voirs required for operation in the yeeur 2000 may be deferred. By operating Auld VsLLley Reservoir, to be constructed initially, together with the existing Murray Reservoir and by operating the existing Saa Diego Aqueduct to fiill capa- city with attendant regulatory storage In San Vicente Reservoir, it would be possible to meet the demands of the potential water service area until about 1975= It appears that at that time axiditional reffalatory storage would be required ■vrtiich covild be provided by the construction of either Mlnnewawa Reser- voir or the combination of San Marcos, Vallecltos, and Carroll Reser^rolrs. If Mlnnewawa Reservoir or the combination of San Marcos, Vallecltos, and Carroll Reservoirs were constructed at that time, it wo\ild be possible to provide for service area water requirements from the existing and proposed aqueducts vintll 1981, at which time the second stage of aqueduct construction would be required. By constructing the foregoing three smaller reservoirs as well as Miinewawa Reservoir between 1970 and 1980, the second stage of aqueduct construction could only be deferred about two years. It shovild be noted that It may be desirable to construct certain of the aforennentioned reservoirs prior to the time they would be needed for regulation of aqueduct water to provide emergency storage, or to give more flexibility to the aqueduct operation. If the construction of Mlnnewawa Resex^roir were not accomplished until 1975 or later as just discussed, it would not be necessary to construct the three -inile section of the aqueduct between Lower Otay Reservoir and Mlnnewawa Reservoir until such time as the reservoir is required. However, until Increased water demands create the need for regulatory storage of Mlnnewawa Reseivolr, water service could still be provided to Otay Municipal -171- Water District aad Imperial by deliTeries from the end of the aqueduct without pumpiag, prior to oonstructioa of Minsj,ewawa Reservoir aad the foregoing terminsLL reach of aqueduct. la the interim iiatil these latter facilities were built, any excess flows in the aqueduct could be discharged into Lower Otay Reservoir. Summary of Facilities Selected for Init ial Construction The facilities selected for iaitial construction and their estimated capital costs, including aJLlowance of 10 per cent for engineering and 15 per cent for contingenciss as well as en allowance for interest dtiring construction, are shown in the follovriag tabulation: San Jacinto Tu nnel to Ead_of_C8jaal Section Type of conduit - CsaaJL Capacity - 1,000=884 second-feet Length - 29*5 miles Capital Cost - $13,045,000 End of Canal Section to Proposed^ Mnaew awa Reservoir Site Type of conduit - Reinforced concrete and steel pipe Capacity - Ma>:l! 4-32 second-feet diminishing to 93 second-feet at terminus Length - 7'+ '5 miles Capital Cost - $52,786, OCO Auld Valle y Reser^j^oir Type of dam - Earthfill Height of dam to spillway - 85 feet Gross reseirvoir c£:.pacity - 38,000 acre-feet Purpose - RegvL).ation aud emergency stoi-age Capital Cost - $6,053^000 Totea Capital Cost $71,880,000 It will be noted that the foregoing facilities include a pipe line leading all the way to the proposed Mi:ojiew«,wa reservoir site. As previously discussed, it will probably not be necessary to construct Minnewawa Reservoir -17S- for a number of years. Therefore, the section of pipe line between Otay Reser- voir and the inlet to Minnewawa Reservoir woiJ.d not be necesseiry for initial construction. The capital cost of this section of pipe line is estimated to be $2,630,000. The foregoing facilities of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct selected for initial construction are described in detail in Appendix B of this report. Plem and profile for the aqueduct line are shown on Plate 2k, entitled "Plsua suad Profile", and typical aqueduct structures and appurtenances including Auld Valley Dam and Reservoir shown on Plates 11 thro\igh 21. Presented in Appendix D is a detailed estimate of the capitail costs of the initisLL features described in Appendix B and based upon unit prices shown in Appendix C A summary of the detedled cost estimate is presented in Table 21. The facilities shown in Table 21 operated coordinately with the existing Sem Diego Aqueduct could supply the estimated demands for imported water in the potential aqueduct service area \mtil about the year 1975- With construction of Minnewawa Reservoir with a capacity of 59 > 000 acre-feet, the foregoing facilities could supply the estimated water demands until about 1981. The method of delivery of water from the existing and proposed aqueducts as estimated for the year 198O is illustrated on Plate 25, entitled "Schematic Diagram of Estimated Annual Water Deliveries from the Existing San Diego Aque- duct and from Proposed 'W' Line in the Year 198O". It should be noted that the canal section of the foregoing aqueduct facilities, with a design capacity ranging from 1,000 to 884 second-feet, would have svifficient capacity to convey, as far as the vicinity of Temecxila River, the water needed in the potential service area estimated for the year 2000. However, conveyance of the additional water supplies estimated to be needed south of Temecula River eifter about the year 198O would require the construction -173- of the second stsige of the pipe line section of the aqueduct vhich woiild have a capacity ranging from k^ second-feet to 9& second-feet and would essen- tially parallel the pipe line route selected for initial construction, as well as Vallecitos, San Marcos, Carroll, and Woodson Reservoirs with an aggregate storage capacity of 42,000 acre-feet. The method of delivery of water from the existing and proposed aqueducts as estiinated for the year 2000 is illus- trated on Plate 26, entitled "Schematic Diagram of Estimated AnnuaLL Water Deliveries from the Existing San Diego Aqueduct and from Proposed 'W' Line in the Year 2000". -1T4- TABLE 21 SIWIARY OF ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO PROPOSED MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR SITE "W" LINE (Based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1956) Station Item Cost 0+00 to 17+50 17+50 to 1202+00 1202+00 to 12U5+5O 12lf5+50 to 1586+75 1 1586+75 to 2100+00 2100+00 to 2721+00 2721+00 to 29^5+00 29^5+00 to 3163+00 3163+00 to 3269+00 3269+00 to 3861+00 3861+00 to 40lf3+00 U043+OO to U214+00 1^2lU+00 to k6lk-¥00 San Jacinto Tvumel to Beginning of Canal, Capacity 1,000 cfs From Beginning of Canal to Auld Valley Reservoir, Capacity 1,000 cfs Auld Vaaiey Reservoir, Capacity 38,000 acre=feet AuLd. Valley Reservoir Bypass Siphon, Capacity kk2 cfs From Avild Valley to Beginning of Pipe Line, Canal Capacity 884 cfs Pipe Line from End of Canal to Vallecitos Reservoir Turnout, Capacity 432 cfs Turnout (Vallecitos Reservoir) to Turnout (Oceanside), Capacity 39^ cfs Turnout (Oceanside) to Turnout (Bueno Colorado), Capacity 383 cfs Turnout (Bueno Colorado) to Turnout (Ceirlsbad), Capacity 37^ cfs Turnout (Carlsbad) to Turnout (Ssua Marcos Reservoir), Capacity 364 cfs Turnout (San Marcos Reservoir) to Turnout (East of Del Mar), Capacity 335 cfs Turnout (East of Del Mar) to Turnout (Carroll Reservoir), Capacity 324 cfs Turnout (Carroll Reservoir) to Turn- out (Camp Elliott), Capacity 29^ cfs Turnout (Camp Elliott) to Turnout (San Diego and Helix), Capacity 286 cfs $ 872,600 6,246,000 4,701,600 218,800 2,633,600 5,205,600 7,620,900 2,286,800 2,258,000 1,182,700 6,713,300 1,849,000 1,778,200 3,524,100 -175- SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO PROPOSED MIOTffiWAWA RESERVOIR SITE "W" LINE (continued) Station Item Cost i+6lU+00 to i(995+00 4995+00 to 527^+00 5274+00 to 5522+00 Subtotal Turnout (San Diego and Helix) to Turnout (South Bay aiid National City), Capacity 157 cfs Turnout (South Bay and National City) to Turnout (Otay and Imperial), Capacity ikk cfs Turnout (Otay and Imperial) to Minnewawa Reservoir, Capacity 98 cfs Administration and engineering, 10^ Contingencies, 15/^ Interest during construction TOTAL $ 3,557,300 2,U06,000 1,963,600 $55,018,600 $ 5,501,900 8,252,800 3,111,500 $71,884,800 -176- I CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are submitted with reference to the investigation of alternative Feather River Project Aqueduct routes to San Diego County. Conclusions As a result of the investigation, it is concluded that: 1. San Diego County is faced with a critical water problem requiring construction of additional aqueduct capacity to supply imported water to the County at the earliest practicable date. 2. This aqueduct must be so located as to serve presently surplus Colorado River water in the interim \mtil Feather River Project water can be made available, and this location should be that which will provide maximvmi water service at minimum over -all cost. 3. Determination of the location of a route for the Feather River Project Aqueduct through San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, pvirsuant to the directive of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, must await completion of current studies of alternative Feather River Project Aqueduct routes to southern California. U. The aqueduct should be constructed initieilly to the most econom= ical size that will provide sufficient water for the growth of southwestern Riverside County and San Diego County for a reasonable period in the future. 5. By year 2000, with provision for an adequate water supply, it is estimated that there will be about 2,800,000 people in San Diego County, 80 per cent of which woiild be located in the San Diego Metropolitan Area, and that the present area of irrigated agriculture may have expanded about 300 per cent to about 210,000 acres in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties. -177- 6. The requirement for imported water in sovithwestera Riverside emd San Diego Coimties, ia addition to the liH,000 aere-feet per year olitained through the existing aqueduct, may approach 800,000 acre-feet annually hy year 2000. 7. The rate of increase in deiaand for imported water in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Comities, herein estimated, coupled with ever increasing demands for imported water in the remainder of the service area of The Metropolitem Water District of Eoiithem California, emphasizes the need for rapidity of action In constructioa of tJae Feather River Project. 8. The over-all future demand for water ia the potential aq.ueduct service area will be influenced only to a relatively small degree "by those factors of aqueduct location and price \>7ithin the limits and assumptions of the investigation. 9. The aquedtict sho'old origiaats at the westerly portal of San Jacinto Tunnel and from this point to the vicinity of Temecula River, a dis- tance of about 29-5 miles ^ sLoiild be constructed as a canal with a substaaatial saving in costs over pipe line const:n.iction. The remaining 7^«5 miles of aqueduct to a terminus in the proposed Mia.aew£',wa Res'^rvoir would be of pipe line construction comprising sections of both reinforced concrete pipe and steel pipe. 10. Because of the relatively small increment in cost of construction of successively larger canal capacities, amounting to only about 26 per cent in the increment between 500 second^feet and 1,000 second-feet, the canal section should be constructed initially to supply demaiids in the potentied aqueduct service area in the year 2000 or with a capacity of about 1,000 second-feet. 11. Economic comparison of lines "E", "S", and "W", which routes were given detailed consideration, including evaJ.uation of xLe cost of regulatory storage capacity and of major laterals necessary to provide water service to -178" existing eind potential water service agencies. Indicates no clear cut advaxiteige of one route over the others. 12. Although equivalent in over-all cost to the other routes con- sidered, the Westerly or "W" route is deemed superior from the standpoints of ease and rapidity of construction and of the cost of necessary conveyance facil- ities to serve that portion of the service area with the greatest potential future water dememd. 13 • Construction of the "W" line should provide for a capacity of U32 second-feet at a point of origin at the end of the canal section, with appro- priate reduction of capacity as the aqueduct proceeds southward, which capacity when operated coordinately with the existing San Diego Aqueduct would satisfy the estimated demand for imported water in the potential service area until about the year 1981, 14. A two stage construction of the aqueduct is not only desirable from an economic standpoint but will also permit a re-evaluation of the proper location emd capacity for the second stage of aqueduct construction with the experience and knowledge of the future as to pattern and rate of development. 15. Auld VsuLley Reservoir adjacent to the canal section on Tucalota Creek shoxild be constructed initially with a capacity of about 38,000 acre-feet as an aqueduct appurtenance to provide flexibility of operation and desirable emergency storage near the upper portion of the aqueduct. 16. By year 2000, regulatory storage capacity of about 150,000 acre- feet will be reqxiired for economical aqueduct operation. The required storage capacity, in addition to that provided at Auld Valley Reservoir, should be distributed as follows: -179- Capacity, in Re servoir acre -feet Vallecltos 10,000 San Marcos l6,000 Carroll 8,000 Woodson 8,000 Minnewawa 59^000 San Vicente 23,000* Murray 6,000** ♦Portion of capacity of existing reservoir. **Existing reservoir. 17. Construction of certain of the regulatory reservoirs other than Auld Valley may be deferred tmtil such time as peak demainds on the aqueduct exceed capacity therein. 18. Featiures of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct to be constructed initially, estimated to have a cost of $71,880,000;, are summarized as follows: San Jacinto Tunnel to End o f CaasQ. Section Type of conduit - Canal Capacity - 1,000-884 second-feet Length - 29-5 miles Capital Cost - $13,0^5,000 End of Canal Sectio n to Proposed Minnewawa Reservoir Site Type of condvslt - Reinforced concrete and steel pipe Capacity - Maximum ^32 second-feet diminishing to 98 second-feet at terminus Length - 74»5 miles Capital Cost - $52,786,000 Auld Valley Reservoir Type of dam - Earthfill Height of dam to spillway - 85 feet Gross reservoir capacity - 38,000 acre-feet Purpose - Regulation and emergency storage Capital Cost - $6,053*000 -180- 19. The Metropolitan Water Didtrict of Southern California and the San Diego County Water Authority intend to proceed with the financing and con- structing of an aqueduct to San Diego County and that this aqueduct would follow an alignment generally eqiiivalent to that considered herein but would have a capacity of 500 second-feet in the canal section and a capacity in the initial pipe line section of 250 second-feet. Rec ommendat ions As a result of this investigation, it is recommended that: 1. In view of the estimates of future water requirements in San Diego and southwestern Riverside Counties and economic analyses relative to initial aqueduct capacity, presented in this report, immediate steps be taken to construct the proposed Seui Diego Aqueduct with a capacity varying from 1,000 to 884 second-feet in the caneil section, and a capacity varying from l»-32 to 98 second-feet in the pipe line section. 2. Responsible local agencies give continuing support to immediate construction of the Feather River Project and to future units of The California Water Plan which will be needed for satisfaction of forecast water requirements in the South Coastal Area including San Diego County. -181- PLATE I PLATE 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANDIEGO COUNTY MAJOR EXISTING WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES ICALC or MILES PLATE 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS OF INVESTIGATIONAL AREA 1957 SCALE or HILEt DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES FEATHER RIVER PROJECT NVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S ANOIE GQ COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS OF INVESTIGATIONAL AREA 1957 PLATE 4 SHEET I OF 2 SHEET I OF I HLAIt 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS FOR PROBABLE ULTIMATE USE SCALE OF MILES 2 SHEET 2 OF 2 INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS FOR PROBABLE ULTIMATE USE 1957 SHEET 2 OF Z PLATE 8 *A. A S N D WATER DISTRICT 20 18 16 14,3 14 129 13 4 12 104 lU 92 8 71 60 6 4 42 38 3.0 20 2 n M M N RAMONA M.W.D., MURRIETA AREA, WINCHESTER SOUTH AREA, AGUA TIBIA AREA 18 16 143 148 14 13b 12 10.6 10 94 8 70 6 4 25 -3:5 3.6 2 13 M M N RAINBOW M.W. D., VALLEY CENTER M.W.D., PAUMA VALLEY AREA, LOWER PAUMA VALLEY AREA, NORTH OF SANTA FE AREA, SOUTH OF LAKE HODGES AREA 1 \ — A / / / 1 ...J... .J.. / 1 1 I / / 1 1 1 1 /i / i _ n 1 ! A 1 / Sr«TE OF C»u 1 'ORXI* DE ..„«-, / A f 1.4IER BE OVRCES~ "~>/ f I I y -— r-^"^ HISTORICAL 4ND ESTIMATED FUTURE POPULATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY A 1 i 1 / , ®/ ©/] / / /; / / y 1 ®ASSUH>NI) WATEIt OELIVEBEO AT SQUEOUCT IT 115 00 PER ftCREFT ©ASSUMINO WATEfl OELIVEBEO »T IQUEOUCT AT 14000 PERftOBE FT, ESTIMATED FUTURE AREAS OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT SERVICE AREA PLATES 5. 6 AND 7 ®.l AT |1S00 PE» aC«£ TT (B)aSSUMIF<0 WATEtt OELIVEBEO AT AQUEDUCT AT $40 00 PER ACRE t ESTIMATED FUTURE DEMAND FOR WATER IN THE SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT SERVICE AREA PLATE 9 LEGEND AUTHORIZED FEATHER RIVER PROJECT AQUEDUCT ROUTE TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY "S' LINE-BARONA ALIGNMENT V LINE-LINE GENERALLY PARALLEL TO EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT —— "S" LINE -APPROXIMATE ALIGNMENT INVESTIGATED BY SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY _^_ "W" LINE -WESTERLY ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT LEADING FROM EAST END OF LAKEVIEW SIPHON _— ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT TO TERMINUS IN MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES 1957 KALE OP UILCB \i -T^- CARLSBAD M.W. D., RflNCHO EL CAJON AREA, NEAR OCEANSIDE AREA, EAST OF OEL MAR AREA Ji±. il^ -^ JIS. J2^ _90. -^ A' .«_ 41 JJ. ^ RINCON DEL OlftSLO MWD., RINCON AREA. EAST OF SAN DIEGUITO AREA JU. ^ jn. .BB_ — _^ -U- Ji- Lii. JFMAUJ JASONO SUE NO COLORADO MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT lii iis ^, _2zJ ^ .! .112- FMAMJ J ASON D RAMONA U.W.O., MURRIETA AREA, WINCHESTER SOUTH AREA. AGUA TIBIA AREA D »> — iUL i££. 2i_ JL. .Si, ' 1 M M CITY OF SAN OIEGO. CITY OF ESCCNOIDO. CITY OF OCEANSIOe. HELIX IRRIO. DIST., NA-|ONAL CITY, SOUTH BAY IRR16. DIST.. U.S. GOV'T CAMPS PENDLETON B ELLIOTT. OTAY M.W. D,. RIO SAN DIEGO MW.D., IMPERIAL AREA 8 NEAR MIRAMAR AREA 18 ? 11 ii/. JiB II- i .0 < 8 ° 6 j! 4 2 iii_ _8S. il. .o. .ii_ 41 .ii- SAN DIEGUITO (RHIG. DIST.. FALL BROOK P. U. D.. SANTA FE IRRIG. DIST., POWAY M. W. D. EL CAPITAN AREA. S&t^ VICENTE AREA Jii_ ^ ~~~ 10^ -IS- ii. _is_ LLi_ J FMAMJ JASOND RAINBOW M.W. D.. VALLEY CENTER M.W.O., PAUMA VALLEY AREA. LOWER PAUMA VALLEY AREA, NORTH OF SANTA FE AREA, SOUTH OF LAKE HODGES AREA ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR WATER IN PER CENT OF ANNUAL DEMAND IN YEAR 2000 1^ PLATE 10-A LEGEND E LINE-LINE GENERALLY PSRALLEL TO EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT MAJOR EXISTING WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT NVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANDIE60 COUNTY LOCATION 0F"E" LINE APPURTENANT FACILITIES 1957 KALt V WLH >i WLIN£-WiSTEflL« 4LI0NM[ — -~ ALtEONitTIVE JU.IGNUE'iT T HINNEWtWIk nE^fNOR OEPAnTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN C«l.l'onNI* DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGSTION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANOIEGO COUNTY ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES 1957 PLATE lO-C LEGEND w'line-westerly alignment major existing water supply facilities STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY LOCATION 0F"W" LINE AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES 1957 tCALC OF MILCt I MAJOR EklSTINQ WATER SUPPLY fACIL FEATHER RIVER PROJECT NVE5TIG4TI0N OF ALTERNSTIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S4N0IEG0 COUNTY LOCATION OF"e" LINE AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES 1957 PLATE II ^1 TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH DEEP ROCK CUT 'AYLINE FOR EXCAVATION XCAVATION PAYLINE FOR EXCAVATION LONGITUDINAL GROOVE TRANSVERSE GROOVES, AT l2'-0" CENTERS EARTH EXCAVATION LINING DETAIL CONCRETE CANAL LINING CONTINUOUS GRAVEL BLANKET - FLAP VALVE WEEPS SPACED AT 6'-0" CENTERS ON ALTERNATE SIDES OF CANAL CENTER LINE TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN ii4T( or CAkiro*H>a SOUTHERN CflLiPQBN'a DISTRICT PROJECT FEATHER RIVER «.Tu« SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL CANAL SECTIONS ion EaiSTING WATER 5UPPVT FtCILITlE FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S AN DIE GO COUNTY LOCATION 0F"S" LINE AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES 1957 l PLATE 12 ir )" I.D. PRECAST OR NOLITHIC REINFORCED NCRETE PIPE REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTION B-B TYPICAL OUTLET TRANSITION (CONNECTION TO CONCRETE PIPE TYPE SIPHON SHOWN) 1 g a 4 6 •FT. HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE PIPE SIPHON Q = 684 c f s (i = I ft, A » 78.54 Sq. ft. V = I I 26 fl./sec. n = .0115 r =2.50 3 = .00224 DESiONEO £.CJ DRAWN' LSG OEPAOTHENT OF •*!£« RESOURCES SOUTHERN CftLlPORNia DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL SIPHONS STA.O+OO TO STA. 1586+75 SUBMtTTEO .^ . -* ■;:^ta. iamittijiiat, DkTty^^^r 'yn.fy^ ORAWINO NO LEGEND r'u«-VIEST£OLy ftLIGNMEHT riNG •ittn sueoLT f«ciLiriES FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANOIEGO COUNTY LOCATION OF V LINE AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES 1957 /Ti PLATE 13 ^■ y / ■ -J GRAVEL DRAINS WITH f' 2' WEEP PIPES AT 5' Y'' centers 12 GRAVEL BLANKET -6 SEWER PIPE UNDEROfiAIN SECTION A-A SCALE OF FEET I t>*3 lO SECTION B-B SCALE Of FEET SECTION C-C SC*LE OF FEET 60" X 30" VENTURI METER - . ^ -30 CONE VALVE - - 60" CONE VALVE -STEEL PIPE TO ROUND ISITION BULKHEAD FOR FUTURE CONNECTION -FUTURE 120 X 60 VENTURI METER AND CONE VALVE BULKHEAD FOR FUTURE CONNECTION EL 1482.00 13'DIA. MONOLITHIC CONCRETE PIPE GRAVEL BLANKET- 13' OIA. MONOLITHIC - ' CONCRETE PIPE EXTENDS ACROSS SAN JACINTO RIVER ^JAL SECTION MtcawT>«« OCMRTHCWT Of «*TI» WSOUnCCS SOUTHERN caLIFORNI* DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT DIVERSION AND METERING STRUCTURES I> SECTION FOR CUTS 0' TO 12' :^^ i y^lJL^ L SECTION FOR CUTS 12' TO 25' -^ i^yiN |>- TYPICAL SIDE HILL SECTION DETAIL OF OPERATING ROAD AND BERM TYPICAL SECTION THROUGH DEEP ROCK CUT CJWiL OlUtNSlMS »W MtOBiULK PROPERT.ES 1 b d H A V :90» i*4 SS4 OMI 12 »flT 1140 !MSt 9 34 ta* sse 0» oooi BACKFILL M1TH SELECT MATERIAL OR CBJSHEr) RUN BASE BOCK EXCAVflTION MVLINE FOR EXCAVATION INAL OBOOvE TRANSVEOSE CROOVES. EARTH EXCflVATION LINING DETAIL E MEPS S 6'-0* CENTERS ON AL'ERNAIE SIDES OF CANAL CENTER LINE TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN SAN OIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL CANAL SECTIONS PLATE 14 I UcENTER LIN E OF BRIDGE ,3"xe"RAlLING J -6"X6" RAILING POST 6X8 POSTS —CANAL LINING SECTION B-B ^-3'X12' BULKHEADS OEMRTytNT OF WATEH BCSOU«CES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA QISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL FARM AND PRIVATE ROAD BRIDGES Mtwtt CM.V 3>l «ttlluuS.<^i M lOtD APPROVAL RE col OATi x/fA; >z^ DRAWINO NO :L»StlC riLLCB HALF PLAN ..^ iH< IT' ■ ■/ "■ r EINFOftCCD C0NGNE1 SECTION A-A TYPICAL INLET TRANSITION (CONNECTION TO BOX TYPE SIPHON SHOWN) ijo'i.o. PREe*si on MONOLITHIC flEINFORCED CONCRETE fl(iC MINIMUM BANK ORCEO CONCRETE SECTION B-B TYPICAL OUTLET TRANSITION (CONNECTION TO CONCRETE PIPE TYPE SIPHON SHOWN) HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE PIPE SIPHON SECTION C-C TYPICAL SECTION OF BOX SIPHON HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES OF BOX SIPHON FESTHCA niVER SAN DIEGO AOUEOIiCT TYPICAL SIPHONS STfl + 00 TO STA 1586 + 76 PLATE 16 V e^ ^^m. SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECTION C-C SECTION D-D 3ATI0N CROSSINGS ONNECTION TO > PIPE LINES AS REQUIRED (►• ' m SECTION E-E SECTION F-F *(« Oltt DEPAATMCNT OF WATER RESOUttCES SOUTMCRN CALlPOBNIfl DISTRICT wojECT FEATHER RIVER rE4Tu« SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL OVERCHUTES, CULVERTS AND IRRIGATION CROSSINGS OCSIONCD D^AWM- CM V .^2L "^E- ."^ x y-L^ '»'*y*>; on AW mo NO Ill TOPOGRAPHY AT SITE S' CHAIN UNH FENCE - CnOUNO SURFACE / OUVEl tWUNS * r tKXf "PCS »i CEHTERS i - I I SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECTION C-C BATE sEcnow *-i 60'X 30* VEHTURI METER--. I»"l»* tflHTUBI METED LONGITUDINAL SECTION FEIThCR RIVCft SAN OIEGO AQUEDUCT DIVERSION AND METERING STRUCTURES PLATE 18 SECTION B-B ¥ "ION C-C CALE OF FEET ■ Tan 0* c*LiroiiH<* OCPMTUENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOQTmEBN C&LIPQBNia DISTRICT PROJECT FEATHER RIVER rc.TuRE SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT CANAL TERMINAL STRUCTURE DCSIMED DAAWH C M V KKSSBESqrr ^■. '-/"^ P0ROVI f*--^ £cU^>r-^^i^ WTti^/J.7 ORAWrwO MO File NO Xk u .'■jj »a' n.«HN ft OB (P LINE OF ca«n ■T1^ -fHi I h® ■^ 4. I I IT 31 » 1 I T'. IN. I TT I- i PLAN SECTION A-A —w »— J [-CENTER LIKE OF BBIOOE SECTION B-B SAN 0IE6O AQUEDUCT TYPICAL FARM AND PRIVATE ROAD BRIDGES r^ PLATE 19 SECTION A-A =^— ^ --f- ~4- PLAN SAND TRAP SCALE OF FEET I I I 4 S r- -1 P I TEMPC ,--TIH f TEMPORARY BER BULKHEAD Micamio* sraoat — BUBff CidiKlk • T»T1 or C»L»«"I* DCMItTHCMT OP WATCN WCMUnCCt SOUTHEHN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT ••ojtCT FEATHER RIVER >iATu« SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT MISCELLANEOUS CANAL STRUCTURES BuIBTTB ot>- e:^ IMMvlB -TOT •7?^ ONAWMt NO 1»! \ r ■o '. vt-o- B . — — »--o- . 1 — - — - ■■ ti-tf — — — \ OF BWiaSE 1 \^ n -J Li ■ IZ'-O* li-0' - " •■--r- ii •—ABUTMENT SECTION B-B PLAN SECTION A-A SflN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL COUNTY AND STATE HIGHWAY BRIDGES ^% ^ANSVERSE SECTION PLATE 20 , S'XIB" VENT r r SECTION C-C TURNOUT ,48" BALL VALVE a jjrl 1 :USHI0NED JADINi-, PRESSURE TROL VALVES - 31^ GATE VALVES , ^ — 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TOSANDIEGO COUNTY GENERAL PROFILE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT 1957 5 5 + + si S TOP OF CANAL UNING-,! -""ff^yr -OHOUND SURFACE IE LONGITUDINAL SECTION T5"I0 REINFOnCEO CONCRETE PIPE ^. \ ~N PLAN I ,1 MODIFIED CANAL SECTION STA.521 + 98 TO STA.523 + 43 SECTION A-A 4 4 j i A , ■ 1 _| 1 ir- ., Li \ / '. -f ' ,.' - '' _W1 C: 1 !- ^- I / \ ' ' K " '' ■-- i 4, _^ •■-J^_ , „-H,' — \Z -0" „..; .! PLAN SAND TRAP .CENTER LINE OF CANAI , -CENTER LINE OF CANAL h 7~^- TEMPORABY .--TIMBER SULKHEAO »^rr ^--HEINFOOCED CONCRETE PIPE SECTION B-B PLAN TYPICAL TURNOUT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT MISCELLANEOUS CANAL STRUCTURES ''^ '"'W-7 PLATE 24 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANDIEGO COUNTY INDEX MAP TO PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS IT0I5 INCLUSIVE 1957 SCALE OP HILE9 METAL TRAP OOOBi BACKFILL AS DIRECTED \ -r" * V" rr*- ' 6- GATE V ALVE ■r r-^ r^r w -6*CAST IRON PIPE. '^C' Extend as ' ~ti DIRECTED I VEN- SECTION A-A LONGITUDINAL SECTION MANHOLE AND BLOWOFF METAL TRAP OOOR PRECAST CONCRETE COVER :si 20' MANHOLE 8' GATE VALVE H LONGITUDINAL SECTION SECTION B-B MANHOLE AND AIR VALVE TRANSVERSE SECTION ,,9'XI8* VENT — ■ SECTION C-C TURNOUT GROUND SURFACE -BACKFILL TO GROUND SURFACE . -V --\"fr CONSOLIDATED i3i\ OR COMPACTED ytj—iX, BACKFILL-- '' .***?• ^:e::^ -—IN ROCK.OVEREXCAVATE 9'AND REPLACE WITH COMPACTED BACKFILL TYPICAL SECTION OF TRENCH AND PIPE LINE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SAME I AS AQUEDUCT PIPE LONGITUDINAL SECTION , STEEL GRATING VENT SECTION D-D Q-Z86 C F S B4"PIPE- I / 36' CUSHIONED UNLOADING PRESSURE CONTROL VALVES ,46* BALL VALVE ;bate valves- 24* SWING CHECK VALVE LAKE MURRAY CONTROL STATION PIPE AND VALVE ARRANGEMENT CT FESTMEfi flivER n SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT TYPICAL PIPE LINE STRUCTURES AND TRENCH DETAILS PLATE 24 ■ 1 i , ; : 1 1 : , 1 : ■ ' 1 .ill' . I : ; : I . I ' 1 1 1 • , , ! 1 t^ ^a 1 ' u ; ' i i imi g ' ^, s *? g ' i !o- X s ¥ ■ ■ ■ X S a ^ « '4 ; K . ?i 3 i Ci K * s s $ n So s t 1 ' ; ; 1 . . ^ s T u X iS : , . Z 1 1 ■ - I 1 t; 3e . 1 z r^ i" K 1 ' 1 O' a 1 ■ 1 'g p * «r 1 ! ■ iS ' 1 . s 8 ff i^p; ! i i is i II ■ r ^ 1 |j» I . : 1 ■ i 5 i ^ ' 1 ; 1 S, 1 ■ -iJ~— i ; ; S • ' ^ 1 , i a - ' ' ' ■ * ] . ■ ** , f^ -? Si g ;K i 1 iPi ? 3 c r £3 j 1 iS S 1 S : iS 1 iS . 5 ♦ « ?ff ; : S' ■ ■ ,S, ' , ; ;* < a M ;i] . e p Ks ? » ^ . » 1 :s- ' 1^ 1 i , ■ ; 1 ; , 1 f ■ ■ i ■ 1 r i T "Mi::, . : :t' ' ' ' ' i : : 1 ; . ! : 1 1 ;i , ill 1 i :i: 1 1 ll 1 i M i ■ 1 , 1 ; .' 1 M ; 1 M ! 1 ill , ; i ' " !..',) 1 ' ' 1 1 : i 1 : : ■ 1 (!. i ' ' ; . i 1 I ■ ■ 1 ! 1 i ; -■: ;i ' : 1 1 ! ' ■ ! !' 1 ■ ^ ■ i ; !i 1 1 i -i 1 i Li ill.: ' 1 1 : 1 ' "1 - , 111!!; ' 1 ■ 1 ' ! i : : ! l-iji4 1 jii-! ; '= ; j ! 1 ; ;' ! II. , , : ]/!].;!' '■ ',;t' i ' ; - ' 1 1 i i 1 !h ■ ir, ! . i ■ j^r^ ~- L_ .j . ] ■ ! :i ^ ^ ■{ \ II , '■ ' ' ■ = 1 1 , 1 ; ! ' i i , 1 . : I } ■ ■ 1 ; , :;!i 1 ' ■ i ; ; ' ' 1 . : ' ; 1 ; ■ . ■ 1 — i — ^ — ■ — ' — — ■ — ■ — ■ — — ; — 1 — tU — ^ — . — i i 1 ' 1 1 I- Ml; iT-i-; 1- i ; . , ■ !-{iii!-i>^ :-i 1 . " i 1 M 1 i ! ; : ; i : ; i 1 i 1 ' ; tl-i ■ i- -ly j ' 1 , . >+- J 1 ' * : ^^,y . . i\ ^ \ \ \ ' "i : i " ; ' ■ ^^tMe.Rr OP SAKiALi i 1 ! ; 1 i - , 1 ' ' i ■ ! { J - ' i ' ' ■ 1 . ! , , ; : 1 : , i i ! M ^ ■ . ■ : -. ■ ■ " 1 ■ : . " ■[ M : ■ ■ : ; : i : 1 ; i : , I 1 ■ i . i t ■ " . . . - ' ■: 1 M_i — ■ ■ I i ; J - ; ■ ' ."■:'■ ■. ■ i ^ ' 1 i J ; . i ; ! i 1 1 1 III I ■ i -- i i i i - ■ .■-)■■: i i : ' 1 _ Mill f . ■ -i^ ^ i i 1 , 1 — ' f^ANAI — ■ i I ; i i 1 i 1 - 1 1 ' 1 1 ■ — 1 — '• • < — i » - j-;i — T^— : ; 1 i i ' ' ■ ' ! . 1 . i : .'■'■'■ .■■ I : A ' 1 ; ■ ; i ; ; i ; : 1 ! ; 1 .i i : i 1 I ; 1 ■ ■ r ■ 1 I . : ■ ■ ! : : 1 1 : ' -■ ! 1:1 ^ 1 - i -i : ■ ; ■- ; i M i i 1 : ^ ^ i : I ; : , ' . , : i M M — ■ i 1 i 1 ' ■ " ■ . eJr-K- 1 . '■ ■ ) -, \ ' \ : h ; ; M ; 1 • 1 f ' ! i ; !!'::■'' r-""T-T ■- • ^ it:;' ' ' • I ^ i,.L.ii.l„.L^,. :.',.., 1 . , . -L .i^j-^j-d^... 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ 200 lEDS OF FEET SHEET I OF 15 i I*- 3 — o Z u> '500 P Naiurol Ground • ^^¥^- HE^ 200 400 eOO BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 ISOO 2000 2200 LENGTH PROFILE LOOKING z«oo IN FEET OF DAM UPSTREAM ZeOO 2800 3000 3200 3400 3G00 3600 4000 4200 4400 4600 STATE OF CAUFOBMA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALtFORNI* DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S AN DIE GO COUNTY AULD VALLEY DAM ON TUCALOTA CREEK RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY OF 38.000 ACRE — FEET 1957 PLATE 24 SHEET 2 OF 15 I PLATE 24 - 1 ■■ ■ ■ " 1650 1 . 1 i 1 ; ; , ; M j i 1 . : : ' ' i • 1 ' ' ' 1 . . 1 1 J II;!,' i i ! . , I , 1 ! ; • i , i • , ' [\ \ ' ■ ill! , 1 1 : 1 : : ; ^i — i hi' ■ '■''■'• i : 1 ' ' ' . M : ; M H 1 : ; . ■ ! i i ! ■ ; 1 , 1 : ! , i 1 1 • 1 i ■ 1 ' i i 1 ■ ' . i j. i 1 ■ . 1 i : 1 1 i , . i j I S' 1 i ' 1 '-H~ i ^ 1 1 , 1 ' 1 ! -3 1 1 i «:■:,, i , ! ' 1 . ; J 1 1 1 E^ ' r— , 1 r"^ j ; IS * ■ 1 ■ ! i 1 ii i ! 1 • r;^ 1 1 r: ' , i i S- 1 ( ■ 1 ! : ig -i 1600 1 ' : : 1 ^ : ^ ^ ; i j : £■ i j [ ; : 1 , w ' . ' ] : ' S ■ ■_! ■ ' ■ ■ _) 1 : ! Ei ■ ' : r I ; 1 1 i y* " s » lid . ' ■ 4 ■ 1 : , : :^ J , . a : J £' 5 1 I _„ — S-fe- — — -s-^ -*!- -1— -4- 1 ! ; M IS — . c i g, : |: ; M u ;a 1 ( -- Jfsfe' *M -Iff— 1 :: g j — t- >. T^ T ~ h4i-^ ! 1 a: , :s^ i l| i ; ^ -||^- 1 g" Ll_-^ O 3 ^ ^ i . ' lu \°\ S^^'H' !«.« : :S ; ,» [ -1 -S ' ^ "" s ■- - - :?la -i ^ 2 . Is ■f . •• ; t ! '+ i 1 * ■ a IS 8 g g m SSF ' s S a ■ o ■■ If ■ t ■ t ■ : : ^ 1 < ]' S: ' '£: "t- 1^ ■■ ^ - t oi n «) & M s a ■ i2 , 1 1 y ^ 1 i ■ ' 5 ! :.:.S; 1 .B, ^ ■ i t ?=,=: i i f ; :i: ^ T ;- i 1 " * -.j ; ; : 1 1 ! ii-ti ! :fj ^^ . ^ ,:h i :T!|! :' ■ '■ ■ ■ M-t ^ :l. : i t ■ : '. I 1 ■ i ! II " : ■ 1 i ;iii; - - ^ t I . Mi ; '] i } : ■ t ■ - \ \ ! i ; I i*-i \ !'; 1- ■ t - _ M *iM'L : . 1 h '1.1:! ■ ,1 ■ : 1 ' ' ; 1 ! ' i : i! ^ : } \ t I k ; - : t 1; I : J -1 ■ ! M U j i ; - 1 , ; : 1 i ; _ ■ '! _i - 1 ^* ' i* ■ ■ |i t 1 : ! *: 1 - i\ 1 ! 1 : H 1 i , t) Ml! "^ 1 J ' 'l :*:*:*; i : ' X ' / ■ i 1, : ■ li 1 '■ 4 -rr : ' i i if i 1 i T 1 fU !." m in- T^ fl it t -\ 1:1,1, ! : ■ 1 I i 1 : i M- - . i ; I : j - ' 1 '"' . ... « 1 ■ J ,lll X It. : 1' ' 1 ■ 1 1 - ■ ! : i |l r, i 1,1 ; ^ 1 1 . ! i 11 1500 V A_x-v " 1 1 /\ 1 /■ [ '. i j»+ . 1 f\i I ' i - A ^ ' rV , . 1 . J '1 !■ KlA'' ,._^ . - ^11 _^ '^J^ '/\'f \ \ 1^ if * * ' =A*/n .>f\J-+x:* -Vf \'/ ■\ ^7 W \ ' /I /''^'^ \ ' |I/-^J^\'/ ^i rTTy yic"--i — -^ V — ^ ^ 1 M ' \' ^Im y : liil;-^ ^- eUMJa^ i^ ! r*^EL.K7 LSI -;WT ■ — ; — V ^r ^ ^i: iJti^J-: • . . i/ 1 ^VEL.i4T«4 i : ; ' - r ■ ' ■ ■ i ; ! ■ . i - : ; r3'- -'■'.-. ■: E ...r ■ : -i 1 1 ■ . t " ■ ■ ■ : i 8 S : : _ J : , . ; ': '. \ . i Ji i ' . ' M ^ ^ ^ ^ g -■- i i i t i 3 ^ ;^ ■.'..]'- r i -i t i 5 : I ^- :i--^ i 1 ; 4r f i » . .* ; .1 • . = \-\ -i-t-l S 8 , ; : i ] -.-l I : \ ■ ■ ■ t iaii :m ! ^ ; i- i ] M t : -p ; 4- 1 1 !-[-+ ! t:^M-- i ; ; : r rri i I i !.-■ a-:^ i fjiii-i §t 12 i. i - zr-i: ": i 1 ; ■ ' ^ -"" -i i- 1 ": " 11" ■ ": y~i ~ : ; - M ri ! ij" .J ' -1 i»— — ^ ' , . '■"I 1 H .1 BOX TYP : siPH(»i ■ : ' . . : ; 14 : T. BOX TYPE SIPHON "T"*? — TZ TWO-tO' (8'BAPHEt^ 1 : ; : ■ . . ll A I . : , ; : ■ : TWQ-tQ'Xe'BARWLS i:! : i 1 ^ — ^ ■ - 'i •=■ ■' — '■ — ■ — - '■-f'- 1 .i-=U4-i- : ; ; .; i_: ^_ i i | p= "^1' : ■ ^ t ' f • i^M^ ,; , , j ^u,fc;mft..i jj. r^,iJ,i5^-i4 1, . 1400 9S0 REDS OF FEET 7?^ SC»tl Of FEET OEPAMTMCMT Of W«TE■ O "j ? 3 ^ >- 3 bJ 1 3 1- Z> -1 o 1 %^oS^ 1 H -f-- 1 S15 i m 1 < i 1 i u. o 1- 1800 i - t SUN JAC NTO VALLEY _ T § 1 B L.J __£ :J- $ X u z 1 1 f ^3 O O + ID n o O o e i: § 1 o o + ' 3 § + o o + 2 a o + s 8 + lO 1 ^— o o + at s 1 g 1 II ■ ' 1 gl ■ E 5 1 ! ! 17 K \K T 1 1 7 '7 1 7 T ' 7 1 «~M_ ■ 1 1 °' ^1 1 \ 1 1 ! ^" ' ' 1400 ; pWATER i I SURFACE ■^^ 1 > " 1 1 YDRAULIC 1 GRADIENT 1 1 1 1 1000 — 1 __- ~-"1 T" 1*/ rV A \ * A z 1 / V \l\ 1 rWi:= 600 -"" ' - h- r^ - -i~ IT At ^ o S 1 A ft L ■ 600 -- -"1 . J ; ; ■ ,. : ' ; '1 j T'--:-;" :: ;-:. 1 \ 1+ 1 tU4^ \l iA 5 i H tr~ 1 V \ ^ 5 1 S ^ ', 400 : 1 1 1 ! J ^ __^ / ! ■ & ^r^ t ' ^ V u L - . . 200 1 \I 1 i 1, . ! 1 1 TUNNE -.FLUnEAto Simon ! [ 1 ., „ ' 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 Q=4-i2C.FS ! 1 ' 1 ■'"'"^ 1 r 1 ; '■ 1 ' '1 1 1 ■ : 1 1 1^ - 1 L Q"432CF< ' ' -335 L_ " ri ■ - —■- 1 1 CFS- i STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET iQ^ 1600 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SAN OIEGO COUNTY GENERAL PROFILE PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT 1957 ^ll^_ PLATE 24 DS OF FEET HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES | Q r n S 4 1000 584 014 0001 4 884 5 56 014 0001 OCMATMCNT Of WATEft flESOUIKCS SOUTHERN CALigQBNia DISTRICT FE4THER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 1125+00 TO STA 1475+00 OCSIGMED wuss JPB a EEA SUBMITTED- ^1, i' *■«-■«« k P«Hri SRWiiBiBm IZ. MMCMDt ' S.wj.jl't K- - CMECKEO /^ lAPPROVAI. RE^yUCt«DED OATB //^i/-*'; ■?:>'^*.^ DRAWING NO SHEET 4 OF 15 II fc i i PLATE 24 1 . : ■ ' 1 ' ' 1 > ^ 1 ■ I : . ' ■ . : 1 : ■ ■ i 1 ; , 1 ; ' 1 1 ' , 1 1 f ' ( ■ ■ ■ ' 1 r ' 1 . : ' lilt' , 1 ■■ • ■ 1 ■ . 1 . 1 . ■ {!'■.: 1 1 : i ! ! i 1 : ' '. 1 ! : [ i 111:; 1 - i ! ■ i ' ■ ' ' ; ■ : lit ■ i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i ; ^- ! , : i . 1 1 1 1 : i 1 1 1 1 ■ , 1 _ 1 ; 1 i ' T-i : • 1 i , . I ' I '. ', ■ ;. ! ■ 1 ■ ; ; 1 ! . t ■ ' ; ! 1 ' 1 ' 1 i 1 ■ 1 i ! ■ 1 ^HYOKAULIC iJHt DILNl '■.,':.:, ■^ ■ ' — '— — . ' ' 1 \ iL.«jat9^ ■ ^ ^ X u -"-^- 1~ , j • ' : - — f-r- r— ' : . i 1 : ; t^ J 1 : i ; : I ; , = =1 ^ 1 "A ' 1 ■ 1 z T - 5 S £3 I ■ i ' ' ■ ' ■ fe • - 1 , i i 5 5 m <> i ; I 1 ■ - j^ : 111 < ' ' ,:- i i : M ! i i 1 ! : . 1 ~r' T ' A ! 1 .' : 1 5 J. ■■ S ' ' i 1 ' / V ' /n : i ^GROUNC SURFACE n 3! .» 1 ■ -^. . 1 / \ ' / ^ ^i.*-^^ 1 ,t , ^ (E $d ^ i , - ■ 1 'S. ^1/ V 1 / — • x^ -, 1 . ', i ' J '■ 1 t "^3 ■ ! ' Ni'^ 1 i r^ ^ : 1 : ' i 1 i !jA' 1 • . ' ' § ^ fe si } 1 IJ ; ; . i . :\. ^ ; i ■ ' 1 ?a 1 I ' T ' i 1 • t ■• i N-^V / V ° 5 5 $- ; 1 1 ^ i > , . , . i 1 .: J ~"~-*^-^-V_ : 1, / \ + K ^ • ; M » : . : , , ~V :V i « 1:1; T ■ t |T ' ^ i -i i i .; '. . :: i :;•-.; L . ,'!!!:;:' i 1 1 i i i 1 i [•! : ■ ■ ■ 1 1 V i ■ ' ■ ' II. 1 ^ - ■ 1 ^ ; ■ : ■ , ; " i 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 jS^ 1 \.i , ! - 1 -.;■[; i > ■ ' ^ . 1 TV .1 1,1 1 u-4-H'^''^| : ; ■ ■ " . ' ■^~iiL^, ^,- 1 — >>KM t »* TiTrr ' ~ ' } . ~- ■It'" 'IPE '.'.]■'■,'[ : : ;. ■ ': -"T-- \ \ ^ : - -"^ ■ ' -I - , !.,,;;:- J : . ; i i - 1 ' • " . , , , ;'■;■■! ^ : i t - 1 ■ j ' - ^ ' - - ' ■, i ' - 1 i 1 ; , ■ : 1 . 1 ; ■ : - 1 i p ; ..--,■ . _ . rl-l4 ,, 1 i--t i.-i : , , , i . 1675 OS OF FEET PIPE LINE HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES ] DIA. A V n r S 90" 432 4418 9 78 0115 1825 002477 OEP«STMC>JT OF W*TE« RESOUflCCS SOUTHERN CflLlFOWUlA DISTRICT pKojtci FEATHER RIVER rt.T„«£ SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 1475+00 TO STA 1850+00 DESIGNED £ t'J MA»>t EEA SUBMITTED- T~7 CMCCKEO . ,f APPROVAL UecptiMliENOfO tWAWIMO NO FILC NO 0*TT ^^«i/*-: •?»t (V ' ' 1 — ^ T^-Rl .l27Z.afi — f- ^ j^ : p — — ^—rt-i- - ~ : ^ ! : . ^ /\ ^^- =! 1. ■ ■ 1 ' ,/ /I z t « ! : S; ; • ji fe / a » ' ! ! ' t ' I K ^-^ nf 2 ' It w - ^ < i • ' 3 ^ \ 5/ \ 9 J Y ^ Pi T )!; S- ■ \ "* I f ? : / ' \ "1 \ 2/\ Hi, 1 J f : 1 1 1 y^""^^ ' / ■ ■ ■ Ik ' / vJ \ ^ - 3 3 • 1 I 1 y y. 1 ■ . j/ Am \i \ ? « CD ■* ID r y ' ! ■ .■ \ '/ It \ ' I 1 1:1,1 . \ \-\ "■"■ \^ ' ^ '**' ; f \'l I \ =' 1 1 1 ' 1 ; \ 1 My i ' 1 ; ■ r ' "U ' " \ \ s 1 1 ; 4— ' 1 \ '=! t, :5: : 1 V ! ■ I ■ M ! M-i ■;';-;■. : . \ 1 1 \\ V - ■ ' - ! ' : ■ ■ i ' i ■' M ■ j 1 . 1 : . \ 1 1 T A ; 1 1 :, 4 J jsi : 1 . ' ' ' ' : ■ ■ ■ , n 1 1 i- ! ■ j-'i 1 . i 1 ,1 1 \ ' /\ i 'i ni S: (o: 1 — : . 1 1 ' ' ■ ! : j .4- ■ -" , \ I j ! ! I ! \ J yh^ 1 \ ' Z' ' \ ' " " ' ' -^' '^ ■ ■ 1 1 ; ! s ■ ^ ' 1 ■ I : i ; ' 1 W \'i ,1, ii M ■ + • ' : ! 1 i ■ 1 j i ■ jy . ! t \ ,1 li ;l i ' ■ "" o ■■■■!! ] '■ill, 1 'A 1 1 ! Mi .... r ■ i' ; ' ■ 1 ! : _ "! r ; I '. I ' : \j A /\' 11 '111' i - i ■ ! i ( ! ■■ : ■ i , : : : : '1 1 ; A./ \ \K '''•'.'.'.'■'. ; * ■ ■ ; ' 1 1 " ! i 1 ^ '\ \ mv ■ ; i ■ '..-•■-■■ ■ ' ! , . , { , ' '- : I '. ' ' ■ i - 1 1 1 1 !\f^ < I I I . ^ ' ■ 1 i ' 1 : 1 ! 1 IB' « . . i ! ' ■ ■ ■ • i 1 ' • ■ .1 ■ ; , 1 ■ ■ ^ k * ■ • :-n . : , ■ ■ ■ : ! r . i ; : ■ : -: ; ^ - ! ■ : ■ [^ • ' ! 1 ■ V ' ; .- ' I i ' ' ■ ! ' ! t i ,fc i _: -- i- i ; ; j 1 ' ^ ' 1 ; I 1 '- .; ^ 1 ' ' \ '. \ -. \ . \ ■ ; \ ,| ; 1 _ ; ; j -, | 1 i ' , . ' ' . , M -i .; ; .A , , '"■ \ ■ ■(■:!' ■ i ■ i ' ! ! ' 1 . 1 , I 1 ! ■•1 \\\\- 20 BO 2075 OS OF FEET OC^ARTyENT OF WATCH RESOURCES SOUTM£RN CftLlFORMfl DISTRICT «R0JECT FEATHER RIVER itifia APPROVAL REIXUWCN13E0 ORAWINO NO APPROVED 0ATEy^»/(7 SHEET 6 OF 15 Plate 24 SHEET 2 OF 15 PLATE 24 2425 2450 TATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET DCMMTHCHT Of ■ATE* MMUMCCl SOUTMEWW CALIFOBNI* DiSTHICT M.OJCC' FEATHER RIVER n.tunt SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 2225+00 TO STA 260O«)0 SHEET 7 OF 15 950 HUNDREDS OF FEET TOPOORAPMY ADAPTED fnOU US6S f WIKUTE OUAOR ANGLES CANAL DEMENSIONS AND HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES b d H A V Q r n S 12 10.49 12 00 S9094 344 lODO 584 014 0001 FEATHER RiVEH S4N OIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA, 750 + 00 TO STA II2S + 00 (rS3l 5^ TSUTTTrr- J/.^-"-^ JW53vn im ,/m,^s, SHEET 3 OF 15 1 PLATE 24 ■ - • i li ., 1 1 ; ■ ■ r^ — r ■-•' ;■ ' ' i' "^'T'l- ! i L ■ ' < t 1 1 ' i ' w \ ■■ V I Vi- \ 1 . -t I 1 !,J ! ! i Mil: i 1 ! M ' 1 — 1~ ) i 1-K-^ ^^^^ 1 , 1, 1 M -^TT^--! -— 4:^l-'-^-4^:^— -^-if-Ti^ _j — , — H — 1~ ~^ "''',.' ,1 y^-'^ tT ~^ j^II^==^=^4^i..__tk^ jsj « * i r >v 3 , , I ! ; i . ! 1 [ . j 1 1 ± _ Q J »„ .^' ! ' ' I ! 1 " -V ] 1 . is 2 f k i 1 ■ ^*-^ > iV^ >' 1*^ 1 • 1 ' 1 * ' > 1 1 \ 1 ! : 1 7 ^ ' 1 \ \ t '^^ t N^L-^*^ ' ^ 1 * a. *■ "^ 1 1 i. ■ \ ^ f \ * 1 . ' 1 i+'Tv t 1 '■■ !:;! «|; / ■ r 1 } : !/. "^ y ^^-i- '■ i i i \ t Mf^ W / --- ■ y \ : 1 ■ \ 1 ' ' is '3 / i ^ * ft i i \f\ : " r L ' 1 ■ \ ■ ' :?«■"/ r ^ 5 ; i : / . ■ " ~- " ■ . V ' ! ^ ' ' / . ' Z. ' ' • r f^ ■ ) = L 1 I J \ :i ■ IS 1 i/j V « '^^-'-s.^.^ ■ "f- - 1 ! 1 ! i , v'+^-o- '' r \i'^ T— r ■ 1 ! -; I y ■7'"^" niinn: tiiiRr^rlp! y^t^" \h 1 1 / : : \ 1 - . ; 1 ! '1 1 t Ar-I ! 1 i ^^.^"^ i i - -■: -{— 1 1 1 ' - -- ' i : i M — r --. L__}.^__^J_^^^ i :_j L^ --- ^ ^y'Yl 4-1 — ^-tp, H - - --+- - - 1 i r — r~i — ' — f ^ • — --I — j^-pL4-'--^--H — j .__^_ ■ \i ~< ; ; ' ' ' \ ~ !■ I \ r* , 1 ! i t 1 - --: -^ I • - 1 ! ;i: !| - - \ i f 1^- ! ! 1 i I — H- j i ^--- - \ — '-^- --i — "-^ O 1 : '. i ; \ i r ---_-i 1 j : i I : ;■ + ■ } : M f 1 -^- f "^ t" - . ; \ ■ ■ ■ i - ■ i i i i ! ! ! L ; ■: * • -1" "*" ■ 1 : 1 j i ! " : ; : : '. T i '" t." . 1 - r ■ ' 1 - ? i ^ " ■ ■ • ■ ■ ! it i" - ^ ' " " - 1 ...-..-■__.--._ 1 { 1 _ "* "' ^ . " - ; 1 ! r i i i ^-- !"- = , ^ " i i ' :X '- \ - ~ "- ■ ■ 1 - . 1 - _ - _ ■ ■ 1 i i 1 " ■- '" i " " - j -^ -"- - -" "- ! : : Ljsb" ID. PiP i : ; i ! , • ' — ri — ':- ; -' !■:;;■•;:- i ; '.!:![ : _- ! ' ; ■ i : - )- 1 - "- ---f "" i : - ■ , : . - i-- i ' j ; ■ ' - 1 f -■ 1 - ! 1 j ' i---- -1 i 1 1 - . 1 ■ .. "^ . .. 1 ■ 1 ■ -+^-4 1- ! 1 -^^^--4--. — -L-4 K--- M — te=-- -m^-^- ^- - - ^4- — — ~ — — ^ -=--^^-fe-f^-XiT"""^^-" — ~*F«" 2800 DS OF FEET ZOO Z97S =r» lOPERTIES n r S .0115 1.75 .002978 .0115 1.875 .001947 1 .0115 1.875 001856 • Tin or c*L^o«nii OCMHTMNT OF WATCH KCSOMCCS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVEH SAN OIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 2600+OOTO STA 2975+00 SHEET 8 OF 15 i / 1275 1300 1335 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET TOPOGRePMt ADAPTED FROM SSS. 7'^ MINUTE OUaORANGLeS .^ sc »l,C OF FSET xao CANAL DIMENSIONS AND HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES b d H A V Q r n S 12,0 1019 12 00 29040 3.44 1000 594 014 0001 lao 9.87 11-40 2G457 234 984 556 .014 ,0001 SOUTHERN aufOIWi PISTHICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 1125+OOTOSTA 1475+00 """3/ |T°^ SHEET 4 OF 15 I 1 PLATE 24 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 1 1 ■""*- , Tf f ' 1 I ! [ ■ ■ 1 ' : I 'Z 3 i ■ ■ : : ■ • ; ; ; , s ?5" ? CL KM Lir i ■ i . 1 1 !C_ ■ ; . ' -^^ f^ ' 4l3 -410I75I ^^ 1 -^ — -1 ■ ~nnMA. 5 >, t>, % i ■ ! ' ■ ' , i ' ^ i ; ( -.: /].-.[ \ 1 / ii_l-. --.i-J. 5 i« I . : \ \ ^ , ! : i j ■ : ■ 1 . : 'J ■'■-.'■' \ ' 1^1 I 3 * 3- 3 : M ; M t i ] t , I ■■ ' '. ! 1 ' i ' ' / 1 ' ' ^ i \ ^ « 0< ffi . ^ i ; • i : 1 i : i ' 1 /\ ':','. \ '■■'. i ■ . K ] f\ 1 K / \ ^ ' T II 1 ' ' ' 1 . ■ ■ ! ! j . ■ ' : 1 . ; . ' A'/ i'/* \ ' ' 1 J^ 1 1 i 1 1 ' ' ' ■■ -J ; i 1 i ; ; 1 . ] 1 \l / \l/ 1 \ ' r\ 1 /'^x ' /\ ' i, ' ' *. : -Mi i i i / ■ : I . i . ; . ■ j 1 V |( 1 v/ \ ' ( , / V/* ^^ v/\ ' \ : i* i ; 'MI- ' : 1 / ■ : : ' i 1 ; i -i : ; 1 ; . t ilT \ 1 ; / \l/ ■ i \ ' ' 1 ' , ! 1 • i ' 1/ ' 1 ■ i j 1 i; ; j j ■ . S. ' J^ W \' ! , o : ; - , . ! 1 : ; t-1 ; r ; / 1 1 : ■': '.'■'. \ '' \ I ;/ " V/" ■ o ! ; i ; ■ ■ ■ : ! ; ; 1 i / j 1 i 1 . '1 X. 1 / ] : T : ' M J : ^ r ■ i ■ ; Jf : i . 1 i . 1 : : hit 1 V L^ : ; ! I ■ 1 1 ■ i ; ■ I 'l ' ; ' / i I i ■ 1 ■ ' . : \ ^ I \ I it : : : / , ■ !!;-■.;. ] ' i • ' I ' ' , ■ -.11 i ■ ■: 1. i i/l i : ^ . : i , ' 1 1 1 ; ; \ ' ■■ ■ - i • ' yj : ; i ; o I ' ■ ■ 1 • ' ! . i ■ : i 1 1 1 i " 1 1 1 >- s . , : 1 ; ; j . , 1 j 1 : « 1 1 '; i I • ' ' -^■*-fc_ -t-1 — , : ■ 8 r ■ • ■ , ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ i 1 - t ^ i . 1 1 1 ! 1 ~ i 1 ■ ■ i- ^-i i M s ; j i ! i ■ ■ ■ ; i ]'■:-. \ ■ , : 1 - j 1 . 1 ■ ■ ; ; ■ i ' \ ■ ' ' I'll' ■ ' 1 ' - 4 ■ ■ ^ i i M i 1 1 : i ; i i ■ ;. ) 1 ! : I 1 i ; ; , ; t r I i ■ : 1 ! ! i.' ; . . ' i , ; : iJ 1 M 1 i I ■ 1 ! I J ' ! j 1 1 i . • ■ ' t • 1 ■ ; 1 1 i ■""]""! ■ ' i ■ j I 1 ■ ; t ! j ! ) : 1. i 1 i : ; i 1 1 1 ! . ; i -■ ; ■ 1- 1 : j 1 i 1 • : ■ ■ : i \ • 1 1 1 - ■'I'* : M T : , : 1 i ; : . ' I \ ; ; ; ; ■; j i T " ■ ■ It '. j 1 I , ; , . ' ; 1 ' ! 1 ' i » ' i ■ ■ i ' . t , 1 t^^K^ ** '^^ ■ -l ' 1 t ■ ' ■ 'I i ' -i-I- i ; ! ■ ■ ■ 1 1 : ' ■ I 1 - ■• j:i |-;riM 1 i I : ■ f 1 ■ i i ' 1 ' i i i i ! M ' i-4a;i -til' i 1 '- ' ■ . -tislit: ! ; , 1 i ,. .i i 111 111!: 1 . 3175 OS OF FEET HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES | DIA Q A V n r S 90' 374 4418 847 0115 1.875 001856 84" 374 3848 972 0115 1750 .002683 84" 364 3848 94G 0115 1.750 002549 90' 364 44 18 8 24 0115 1875 001751 90" 335 4418 7 58 0115 1875 00I4B9 /^V;^ M1C«'>»>0» FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA.2975+00 TO STA 3350+00 SHEET 9 OF 15 i J SHEET 5 OF 15 / PLATE 24 1000 sooo DEPARTMENT OF WATEM RESOUfKES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 3350+00 TO STA 3725+00 SHEET 10 OF 15 Q - 4 3 i ! CrO. -Q-— 394^ Ct^d. 2025 2050 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET TOPOGBAPHT iOAPTED FfiOM OSOS T '/» Mlt4l/T£ OUAORANSLES HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES 1 DIA. Q A V n r S 90* 432 44.1 a 9 78 0115 I.B75 .002477 M" 394 36.48 1024 .0115 1.75 -002978 FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 1850+00 TO STA_ 2 225 + 00 l"" ^"^9jl^ nesihiF^Er M:^ ^ingi *l»HOvCD MTT ./ifcU S»"iS5~S5 IFILC n6 SHEET 6 OF 15 PLATE 24 DEPARTMENT OF W*Tt<1 BESOUWES SOUTHERN CflLlPOBNia DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 3725 + OOTO STA 4100+00 OC&IMEO BHIwif JP8 a LSG !:#. rtuM^ ISiS^M .^ ''tr^ — IcqmSenocd S2* APWOVtO DAT* >/u/s^ CMAWIN6 NO \ Mfi FIPtlB^ 2425 2450 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET TOPOGfliPHT flDHPTED FROM USGS rl^ MINUTE OJAOHANGLES HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES | DIA Q A V n r S 84' 394 3848 1024 0II& 175 002978 FEATHER RtVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 2225+00 TO STA 260O+O0 SHEET 7 OF 15 >i 1 PLATE 24 ilklt O' CALirOKNIl DCPAftTUENT OF WATCN RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA.4I00+ 00 TO STA 4475+00 HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES 1 DIA. Q A V n r s 1 B4" 394 3848 10 24 0115 1 75 .002978 90' 383 44,18 667 0115 1875 [001947 90" 374 44.16 8 47 .0115 1 875 1.001656 FEATHER RJVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 2600*00 TO STA 2975+00 SHEET 8 OF 15 / PLATE 24 SHEET 13 OF 15 i SHEET 9 OF 15 / PLATE 24 ■^GR II 1 : I St -.000590 UNO SURFitCE" 4+H+ ! I M i ; I I- ■- 1- DCPARTWENT Ot IMATCII MSOUTCES SOUTHERN CALlFOHMft DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA, 4850+00 TO STA.5225+00 OCSION^b MBTTfT — . Mlwlr JP8 a RPB APrftOVtD 0*TT r/3t/47 CM>l»lNO MO SHEET 14 OF 15 ^ i 3525 3S50 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET 1WO0UPHY ACWPTEO FROM U.9G3 T^ MINUTE OU4DRAK0LI HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES 1 DIA. Q A V n r E 90" 335 4418 7 58 0115 1875 001469 94' 335 3848 871 0115 1750 002.53 FEATHER RIVER SAN 0)EGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 3350+OOTOSTA 3725+00 vsm _£JJ_ JSCTTTT- JJ;^^ ifRiiBoniKir-^p iPHtOrtO MTl ./«» SHEET 10 OF 15 / PLATE 24 ■ . t~ eoo 600 400 200 n ^5 III ^ O ti 1- 1 z r. o . 5" «z of «s ■" s u ^^ m ^WLL«»T t . 700 ■ ■ ■ ,/\ «^ 1\A-. ' ■ ■^ -J ^ i >'";,' * \ ■4 / \ 1 : ' ' ■ X DAM \ /\ / y_ 1 1 [ / V /-^ \ i i ' ■ / Nlr^ 1 1 1 1 vf:- ' , ' ; I i i 1 ! ! ' ■ ) 1 j 1 ■ ■ I . 1 1 1 1 , . I.; M ;■ i M } ' ' 1111 ' ■ ,-.,::]■ 111! i i . 1 . 1 1 1 '!'''' " 1 . ' ■ : 1 ! '. ^ , . ■ ■ .:,.,. J ! : ; : . ; f : ' 1 i . . - . i i ; , ! : 1 ' : ; ; i ' ■ r' . ', ■ > i < . ; ; : 1 < ■ " ' : ' ' r i ' ! ' 1 1 . . . . : . ■Tan o* cALivoaHi* OCPARTHCNT O' WATER RESOUXCCS SOUTHERN CflttPOBMfl DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 5225*00 TO STA.5522»00 '=11/ MCdU^tiutn^ •M I'i /-— ^•-»_» 'V-^ WwwfT 7?T^ aC^^i^ MAWaM 10 SHEET 15 OF 15 / K^ ^wtt; f=4^ m ^: x H YO R AUL i e - j G H OU M D S U R M*- a o'" I .D. F IPC 64 I . D. Pip e ^--i a 4 c.r.5. 3900 3925 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET HYORflULIC PROPERTIES 1 DIA fl V 1 n , e-j' 335 U4a 871 0115 1750 002153 90" 335 44 16 758 0115 1675 001469 84" 321 3B48 042 0115 1750 002013 go- 324 4418 733 0115 1875 001393 so" 294 44 IB 665 0115 1675 001147 SHEET II OF 15 PLATE 25 AN VICENTE 4,500 A F 72,900 A.F SAN DIEGO METROPOLITAN AREA 234P00 AF STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANDIEGO COUNTY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL WATER DELIVERIES FROM EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AND FROM PROPOSED "W"LINE IN THE YEAR 1980 1000 -fs— 800 ^- -. S— -0 EUTHl °^\ BJI^RflULIC (RAPIEWTs- > - EL (fJBd^ z N?==i ( >. < \=^=r^ 1— li ^==F== 7^^-=^ — i — — rH gfc . :>. 4 < r q 3 « § o: ....i? — ^ -l*-^^i — ||. u. ... S 51 It .Ul fc Ijl t tH4 - — *- — i — i $ ^ I^ i ' ■ > , o f~ 1 1 — f f-^ 1 1 — + g^ ;-f — — ^ _o — ■ — 1 -J ^-^ f— H — 1 ^^-v- / \ V — — ^- - ■ JE ; 3 . S- o ft_S- — < m -^- 1 1 1 1 ' . . in t ^ ^^-^ 1 ^-L^ 1 1 1 -5 ' s Q 3 ' 3 r « ^ 1 \ ' to V/'^\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 < J « m < o < o A < ^ e a / ; \ ' /V 1 S ^ — r^ 7^ V" N 1 ^ 1 y\ ' 1 J ■ \ 1 / \ 1 V"i — r \ 1 y^ 1 ^V ' 1 : 1 J ' \ 1 ^ \ 1 /\i^^ ^ -SI/' H- \ ' ^\ ' X A \ ' y ^ K , Rg 4 t: '■ , . 1 \ ' / \ 1 /--v h^^ — -' \ /\ \ ' f A ■ 1 / : -^ Vy— ' , V 1 y V- --r ■. 1 y' \ 1 / \ ' Av /v 1 .^V 1 / ■ 1 ' ' \' / . . : ^1 1 " ^ 1 / V 1 f. \ '/ \ ' /^ v/ J ! y/ N , ^ 'I i 3 / ' hi ~v '/ V : ,N/ \ 1 / V 1 ■ v/ 3 ■ ii: 7l u. : - ■ 1 '. ■ \ / i ^ : ; ! * ■ 1 V \ Ss ■1 1 7 - ■- - - ^^ '/ ' '■ ■ . - \ Si 1 / Z , ! " r. - . . . 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PLATE 26 23,500 A.I: ^ SAN OIEGO METROPOLITAN AREA 434.000 A F STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO SANDIEGO COUNTY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL WATER DELIVERIES FROM EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AND FROM PROPOSED "W"LINE IN THE YEAR 2000 1000 ' ■ - ■ ■1 H+- O 1- -s ,)•;■- -■ , ; 1 ■. H^ ■* ^ -f ^1 — ^ / .HTDHAULIi; BHAIItNT -T" M- -t : ^bL TT3:iro - 1 ^B^ S~ 7^ — ^T — '. ' -" , ! ' ■ i ' ' : . + .- / 3 / ■ . ' . i M 1 , ; 1 1 " y =— «"" 19 \ ' ' p. V 1 =? . . -J — S 3 J^ M — ^=^ g IS \ \ ' i- — r \ ^ ^j i 1 — e e— 1 — O _I *-i ft - a g g h-i — — ■^MMiM w ■ ■■- ' -^^-ll:;- i . ' i M 1 1 ^ — — 1 7^ "V.,^ i 5__. 1 3 _aL__^- t ^-r-r- -^ j ri — ^ ~~rrr- - s- i - - ^ — — g- — __, !l^ l;- ; -I — 1 ' . 1 h : M-|— i 1- '■•MM 3 r- ^ ~^— — y~ _j_ — ^ — , ^^^^T^ -■^ — 1 1 rp- : - 1 II i 1 ■ ■- -. \ ! 1 )! ■ ! ! i ' ■ ; ; ■r^+T^ ' 1 i I ^ ' ! 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M : . :■■■■. 1 1 ' ..;-■■ ; ' ' ; i ■ l-t ! ■ i ■ : 1 ' ■ 1 1 - : ■ ■ ' 1 i , : ; r i I ' . : .-l i ; 1 -1 1 1 ! , ■ - ■ : . 1 L i .. -,^1.111 : . 1 1 4650 4675 STATIONING IN HUNDREDS OF FEET TOPOOTWHY ftOAPTEO FROM USC S TJJ MINUTE OUAORANGLES HOUSES SHOWN NEAR AQUEDUCT ALIGNMENT ONLY HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES DIA. A V n r S 84" 286 38 48 7 43 OIIS 175 00I5G9 7 8- 157 33.18 4 73 0115 1 625 000702 1 £ ° "''n'"' m ^S" FEATHER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 4475+00 TO STA 4850+00 ^- -' rjmi — L .'l^- (nSSi .*i* IS SHEET 13 OF 15 APPENDIX A CORRESPONDENCE HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES | DIA Q A V n r s 78" 157 3318 4 73 0115 1625 00070Z 76" 144 33je 4 34 0115 I6Z5 000590 E535EB ZML FEATHER RIVER S4N DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE ST4 4850+00 TO STA.5225+00 Jl.-^ HiSUuitJKB V 9n*^ f SHEET 14 OF 15 iRAWrr ftOftPTEO FHou uses t>, minute ouiOflnHCLES HrOfiAUUC PROPERTIES 1 DIA. A V n r S 7B- 144 33 18 4 34 0115 1625 000590 78- 98 33 le 295 ,0115 1.625 .000273 SOUTHeSH CflL.lFORHia QISTHICT FEftTMER RIVER SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PLAN AND PROFILE STA 5225*00 TO STA, 5522*00 •M. iSmsB IJBiSvfr SHEET 15 OF 15 EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AGUA TIBIA 400 AF PROPOSED W LINE SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AULD VALLEY RESERVOIR \3B.000AF/ SOUTH OF LAKE HODGES 4.500 A F SAN VICENTE RESERVOIR \23.000aFy PORTION OF CAPACITY OF EXISTING RESERVOIR FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S ANDIE GO COUNTY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL WATER DELIVERIES FROM EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AND FROM PR0P0SED"W"LINE IN THE YEAR 1980 EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT PR0P0SED"W"LINE SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT WOODSON RESERVOIR " " ESCONOIDO METROPOLITAN AREA 25,500 A. F oo.oooarZ- ^CAP SAN VICENTE RESERVOIR \2 3.000A Fy ^\CAP , ^ DEL MAR 15,000 A F PORTION OF CAPACITY OF EXISTING RESERVOIR FEATHER RIVER PROJECT INVESTIGATION OF ALTERNATIVE AQUEDUCT ROUTES TO S ANDIE GO COUNTY SCHEMATlT^DIAGRAM OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL WATER DELIVERIES FROM EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AND FROM PROPOSED "W"LINE IN THE YEAR 2000 (^ r^ COPY January 3, 1957 Board of Directors Metropolitaji Water District of Southern California 306 West Third Street Los Angeles, California Board of Directors San Diego County Water Authority 2750 Fourth Avenue Sein Diego 3, California Gentlemen: Pursuant to the provisions of Item ivl9.5 of the Budget Act of 1956 of the California Legislature, this Department is conducting an investigation of alternative Feather River Project aqueduct routes to San Diego County. Work on this investigation is essentially completed and preparation of a report thereon is now in progress . It is proposed to submit the report to the Legislature on or about February 1, 1957. Time being of the essence, certain conclusions of our investigation were submitted at a meeting of the Engineering Advisory Committee on Feather River Project Aqueduct Route Studies on December 19, 1956, contained in a "Statement by State Department of Water Resources on Investigation of Alternative Feather River Project Aqueduct Routes to San Diego Co\inty" . A copy of the foregoing statement is attached hereto. We intend to include in our report to the Legislature recommen- dations as to the capacity euid alignment for an aqueduct to Saji Diego Coimty which would not only convey Feather River Project water but also, in the interim vintil such water is available, covild carry Colorado River water. The present legislative authorization of the Feather River Project includes delivery of water via the so-called "High Line" route as far south as Horsethief Canyon in San Diego Coijnty. If the State of California is to participate in financing eind/or constructing an aque- duct, as described in the enclosed statement, as a \m±t of the Feather River Project, new legislation would be required reauthorizing the project in accordance with the revised alignment. We understand that the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California emd the San Diego County Water Authority are preparing pleins and are considering the financing and construction of the next aqueduct A-1 Boards of Directors Metropolitan Water District of Southern California San Diego County Water Authority -2- January 3, 1957 to San Diego County. We also are in receipt of Resolution No. 1355^2, dated October 2, 1952, of the City Council of San Diego, which expresses the desire for State participation in this project, and reauthorization of the Feather River Project in. accordan.'^e with the findings of the Department's current investigation. In order for this Department to make proper recommendations to the Legislatiire in our afore -mentioned report, we must be fully informed as to the desires and plans of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the San Diego County Water Authority in this regard. It would, therefore, be appreciated if you woiild advise us, in time for use in our present report, of the intentions of your agencies with respect to financing and construction of the next aqueduct to San Diego County. Very truly yoxirs, HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resoxirces By /s/ Max Bookman Enc. Max Bookman District Eiigineer cc: City Council Citjr of San Diego Dept. of Water Resources Sacramento A-2 COPY January 2k, 1957 Mr. Harvey 0. Bauiks Director of Water Resources P. 0. Box 1079 Sacramento 5^ California Dear Mr. Banks: Your letter signed by Max Bookman, District Engineer, and addressed jointly to the Board of Directors of this Dis- trict and of the San Diego County Water Authority \mder date of January 3^ 1957 > enquiring as to the respective intentions with regard to the financing and construction of the next aqueduct to serve the member-areas in San Diego County is hereby acknowl- edged. Following its consideration on January 22, 1957 j the Board of Directors instructed me to inform you that it is the intention of this District to b\iild an aqueduct to deliver addi- tional water to the San Diego County Water Authority and that con- struction on it will begin within the present year. Previously, on January 8, 1957? your foregoing letter was referred to Mr. Robert B. Diemer, General Manager and Chief Engineer. His specific recommendations contemplate an aqueduct capable of delivering to San Diego County l80,000 acre feet of water a year, the first l6 miles from the point of diversion at the Colorado River aqueduct to Axild Valley to be open canal hav- ing a capacity of 500 cf s and the remainder to be a pipe line hav- ing a capacity of 250 cfs. Very truly yovirs, BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA B y /s/ Joseph Jensen cc: SDCWA Joseph Jensen, Chairman Mr. Max Bookman A-3 SM DISGO COmTY WATER AUTHORITY 2750 FOURTH AVSNUE SM DIEGO 3. CALIFORNIA January 29, 1957 Mr. Max Boolanan District Engineer State Department of Water Reso\irces P. 0. Box 15718 Los Angeles 15, California Dear Mr. Bookrrian: This letter is in reply to your telephone call of last week in regards to your letter dated January 3, I956. No action was taken on this letter by the Authority Board at its meeting on January 10, since action of our Board wouJ-d depend on the action taken by the Metro- politan Water District with respect to construction of the Second Aqueduct . You have received by now a copy of a letter from the Chairman of the Metropolitsua Watei^ District giving resiilts of Metropolitan Water District Board action on Jar).uary 22, in which the District agreed to build the northern portion of the Aqueduct, with construction to be- gin within the present year. The Authority Board, at its meeting on November 9, adopted a statement of policy relative to the construction of the Gecond Sail Diego Aqueduct, in which it urged the immediate construction of the Aqueduct by Metro- politan Water District; and support for a bond issue within the Authority area to finance the Authority's section of the Aqueduct. A copy of this statement is enclosed. It appears that this might be the answer to your letter, now that Metropolitan has definitely decided to go ahead with its portion of the Aqueduct. Also bearing on this matter, is action taken by the Authority Board at its January 15 meeting, which authorised and directed me to pro- ceed with the preparation of engineering plans and specifications for the Second Aqueduct along the westerly route, as set forth in the State's alternate aqueduct route study, subject to such modifications as may be desirable in the light of further engineering studies. I hope this will give you the information requested in your letter of Jantiary 3- Very truly yours, /s/ Richard 3. Holmgren Richard S. Holmgren Enclosure General Manager & Chief Engineer A'k COPY STATEMENT OF POLICY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY RELA- TIVE TO THE CONSTEJCTION OF A SECOND SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT AND IN SUPPORT OF THE FEATHER RIVER PRO.JECT AND CALIFORNIA WATER PLAN. 1. In order that San Diego County's immediate water needs can be supplied at the earliest possible date, responsible of- ficials of all agencies distributing public water supplies are urged to join with the Board of Directors of the San Diego Coiinty Water Authority, (a) in securing the immediate construction of an aqueduct by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California from a connection with its Colorado River Aqueduct to its point of delivery in San Diego Coxonty, and (b) in supporting a bond issue within the Water Authority to finance the extension of such an aqueduct southerly through the Authority's ser- vice area. In order that additional water supplies shall be made con- tinuously available when the Colorado River supplies are put to fxill use, such agencies are virged to continue their all= out support of the State's Feather River Project and other featvires of the California Water Plan. (Adopted by the Board of Directors of the San Diego Covinty Water Authority at its regular meeting on November 8, 1956. ) A-5 APPEJfDIX B DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES OF THE PROPOSED SAN 1 DIEGO AQUEDUCT SELECTED FOR INITIAL CONSTRUCTION / i Description of Facilities of the Proposed San Diego Aqueduct Selected for InitieUL Construction There is presented following a description of the canal, pipe line, and storage facilities recommended for construction as the initieul stage of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct, The facilities selected for initisQ. construction include 29.5 miles of caneil section with capacity varying from 1,000 to 88U second- feet, and Jk.^ miles of pipe line constructed on the "W" line with a capacity varying from U32 second-feet to 98 second-feet, and Auld Valley Reser- voir with a gross storage capacity of 38,000 acre-feet. Typical designs of facilities appurtenant to the proposed aqueduct are shown on Plates 11 through 21 and the plans and profiles of the recommended line are shown on Plate 2U in 15 sheets. The layouts and designs shown on the foregoing plates and described in detail following were the basis for a detailed estimate of capital cost for the proposed aqueduct enclosed as Appendix D of this report. The canal section of the proposed aqueduct was designed with a con- veyance capacity of 1,000 second-feet for the reach from the west portal of San Jacinto Tunnel to a point on the north slope of Avild Valley in Section 2, T. 7 So, R. 2 W., S.B.B.&Mo, a distance of 23 miles. At this point the canaJ. would discheirge into Auld VsLLley Reservoir, \rtiich wovild be formed by construction of an earthfill dam, approximately 100 feet high and 3>^00 feet in length, across the valley at this point. This reservoir would have a gross storage capacity of about 38,000 acre-feet aaad would provide regulatory storeige, made necessary by fluctuating withdrawals of water from the 1,000 second-foot canal to the north, as well as providing regu- latory and emergency storage for areas to the south. The reservoir would have an active storage capacity of about 36,000 acre-feet if water surface eleva- tions were fluctuated between the elevation limits of 1,U85 feet, the normal water surface in the canal where it enters the reservoir, and 1,U24 feet, the minimum water surface in the canal at the end of the reservoir outlet. B-1 The outlet works of the dam would be located on the south side of the valley and -woiHd discharge into a caaeJ. section designed for a cajjacity of 884 second-feet. A bypass siphon woiild also be constructed across the valley imme- diately downstream from the dam to permit passage of water directly from the 1,000 second-foot canal to the &&k second-foot canal without entering the reser- voir. This bypass siphon would have a capacity of kk2 second-feet, one half the design capacity of the canal to the south. From the outlet of Auld Valley Reservoir, the water woxild continue southerly in a series of canal sections a'ad siphons, a distance of approxi- mately 6.5 miles, to a point on the north rim of Long Canyon, which would be the end of the last canal section. From this point on, the water would be carried to the south in a pipe line laid along the "W" line some 7^.5 miles in length, teiminating at the Minaewawa reservoir site. From the end of the canal section to its terminus at the Minnewawa reservoir site, the capacity of the aqueduct would be decreased successively as it passed points of turnout. Capacity at the north end would be U32 second- feet and at the south end, 98 seco:ad-f eet . The capacity for each reach of pipe line would be one-half of that required to convey the quantities of water esti- mated to be needed in the service area in the year 2000. Canal Headvorks and Metering Sta ructures The headworks of the canal section of the proposed aqueduct would consist of a short tunnel intersecting the San Jacinto Tunnel, a flume leading therefrom to a metering structure, and a siphon terminating in the open canal. Following is a description of these works as designed and used for the cost estimate. A preliminary design of these facilities is shown on Plate 13. B-2 Tunnel . Connection to the Colorado River Aqueduct wovild be made by tunneling frcan a point about 50 feet east of the west portal of the Saa Jacinto Tunnel and intersecting that tunnel about 50 feet upstream from the portal. This connection wotild be made on the southerly side of the existing tunnel. Since it is desirable to bring the water out with a free water surface, a tvinnel section of the same cross section as the existing tunnel woxild be used. During construction of this connection, a partial flow in the existing aqueduct covild be maintained by temporarily installing a length of 8U=inch diameter steel pipe in the north heilf of the l6=foot diameter section of the existing t\innel bypassing the construction area. Biilkheads would be constructed across the tunnel at each end of this pipe. This pipe coxild carry VOO second^feet, the capacity of two of the Colorado River Aqueduct pumping units. It would be necessary to shut down the aqueduct to install and remove the pipe and bulk= heads. The pipe, ■vrtiich would be approximately 36 feet long, would be brought into the ttonnel in four 9-toot long sections thro\agh the top of the existing portal structure but could be removed in one piece through the new tunnel section. Flume . Immediately downstream from the headwall of the short tuimel section, a 20-foot long transition to am open flvmie would be constructed. The first 36 feet of this flume section would be a gate section in which would be installed a 13-.foot by 15=foot radial gate. This gate would be equipped with motor operated hoist and would be used to regiilate the flow into the proposed San Diego Aqueduct. Since proximity to the existing aqueduct in this area wovild not per= mit use of a canal section, the flume would be extended an additional 292 feet to Station U+00 where it wovild join a siphon under Soboda Road and the San Jacinto River. The flume section wo\ild consist of a 15''inch thick bottom slab, k B<=3 13 feet wide, and 12-lnGh thick walls extending to a height of l6 feet ab'sve the floor. At the top of the 12-inch walls would be l8=-iach "by 12-iaeh loiagi= tudinal beams. The 12-inch walls were dasigaed to transmit the earth loads to the floor slab and to the longitiidJ.naJ. Tbeams. The longitudinal beams were designed to take the reaction from the vertical wall and transmit it to 12=i3ach by 12"inch cross struts located at 25 -foot intervals along the flitme. An 8-inch cantilever wall would extend vertically above the cross struts to the ground surface. The walls were designed to withstand earth loads of 30 pounds per cubic feet equivalent fluid pressure. The hydrostatic pressure within the fl\ane would be resisted by the backfill of the flume walls which wo^old be ccan- pacted to an elevation two feet above the normal water surface and down on 1;1 slopes on each side. The bottoms of the cross stints would be 15 feet above the floor slab and would provide a freeboard of 2 feet over the maximum water surface. Two- inch diameter standard pipe sections woiild be installed through the flume walls near the base of the wall and at heights of 3 smd 10 feet at approximately 5-foot intervals to act as weep holes. Graded gravel drains would be con- structed on the outside of the wall .loliaing the weep holes ^ and the floor slab would rest on a 12 -inch gravel blanket. A 6-?.nch sewer pipe., longitudinal drain under the center of the floor slab would tiischarge through a flap valve into the flume section ^en ground water pressure exceeded hydrostatic pressure within the flume. A six-foot chain link fea^^e woul.d be erected on each flume wall. Siphon. At Station 4+00, the flume section would be transitioned to a 13-foot inside diameter monolithic concrete pipe siphon idiich would pass under Soboda Road, through a metering stractisre and continue njoader the San Jacinto River terminating with a transition to a cama.! section at Station 17+50. The siphon would be extended approximately 350 feet beyond the levee on the south B-4 I I bank of the river to allow passage between the levee and the siphon headwall of any flood flows which might overtop the levee. The embankment around the siphon headwall and the left bank of the canal from the siphon headwall to State High=> way 79 would be protected by riprap from possible flood waters. Further study of flood flows to be expected in the San Jacinto River may justify extending the siphon sin additional 1,100 feet across State Highway 79, Metering Station . Between Stations k-^&O and 6+72 of the foregoing siphon, a metering station wovild be constructed. The "water would be measured by a combination of three venturi tubes in peirsLLlel. Two of these tubes would be 120 inches by 60 inches and the third tube would be 60 inches by 30 inches. The 120=inch by 60-inch ventxiri tubes each were designed to measure flows from 125 second=feet to 500 second=feet. The 60=inch by 30= inch venturi tube was designed to measure flows between 125 second-feet and 30 second-feet. Each venturi tube would be equipped with a cone type valve at the throat. These valves were designed to be used only as shutoff valves to enable the operator to select the meter or combination of meters required. The veLLves wo\ild be placed at the throat of the tubes so that they would have minimum sizes. Cone valves of the type which provide a full opening of the same size as the venturi throat, to reduce head losses at the design capacity to a minimum, would be utilized. In operation, only the 60-inch by 30=inch tube would be used when the quantity of water to be dispatched down the canal wotild be less than 125 second- feet. When this quantity would be between 125 second-feet and 500 second-feet, a single 120-inch by 60-inch tube would be selected. When the quantity would be in excess of 500 second-feet, both 120-inch tubes would be used. Flows up to 1,125 second-feet could be measured with all three tubes in operation. At the design flow of 1,000 second-feet, the differential pressure for each tube B-5 would be approximately 113 inches of water and a head loss of 11 per cent of this or 1.04 feet was assxaned. The grade line of the siphon was depressed at the meter location to place the top of the tube below the invert of the canal at the downstream end of the siphon. This would insure a full venturi tube at all flows. The venturi meters would be housed in a vault of reinforced concrete construction. Structural design of the vault is similar to that for the flimie section, with the vertical walls of l6-inch thickness transmitting the earth pressure load to the footings and to horizontal beams cast integrally with the walls at a height of 22 feet above the floor. Sixteen-inch square cross struts would taJse the reactions from the beams and footii^gs, and would be supported by l6-inch square columns at the intersections, A caaatilever wall would extend on up to the ground surface and a parapet wall would be provided to prevent entrance of flood waters from the San Jacinto River. An 8-inch thick floor slab would be placed between the wall and column footings and the bottom cross struts. A sump woxild be placed below the floor level and a sump pump provided. Canal Section to Auld Valley Reservoir As stated, the aqueduct would continue, from the headworks and meter- ing structure, in canal section southward to Auld Valley Reservoir, involving siphon crossings of major drainage channels, timber emd concrete bridges for road and highway crossings, overhead crossings for minor drainage and irrigation pipe crossings, and turnouts and checks to provide for water deliveries to areas along the alignment. Canal Grade and Section . At the end of the siphon under the San Jacinto River, the aqueduct would enter an open concrete-lined canal section. Total head loss through the diversion and meterixxg structure was calculated to B-6 be approximately 2.k3 feet. Adding 10 per cent to this for safety factor and an additional O.5 foot to eClow for possible future encroachmeLit on the canal freeboard to convey flows greater than the presently considered design capacity results in a totsil difference of 3 -SO feet between the normal water surface I elevation of 150U.7^ feet at the tunnel poirbal and the normal water surface of 1501. 5*<- feet at the beginning of the csjnal section. Two special conditions in addition to the usual considerations were given consideration in setting the cstnal grade between its point of begimiing and Auld Valley Reservoir. The first and controlling factor was the proposed spillway elevation for the reservoir. To develop the site properly and provide regialatory and emergency storage of 36,000 acre-feet, the spillway elevation was set at approximately 1,^5 feet. The foregoing ass^jmption resulted in a difference of iS.^k feet between the normal water surface elevation at the I beginning of the canal and the adopted spillway elevation, with a distance along the canal center line of approximately 118,000 feet. A grade of .0001 was adopted for the canal; and, additional head losses through six siphons, computed as previously described under "Preliminary Design Criteria", resulted in a water surface elevation of IU85.85 feet at the point of entrance into Auld Valley Reservoir. Another special condition affecting the canal grade is the deep rock cut through ^ich the canal must pass between Station 910+C'O and Station 9^?+00. The steeper the canal grade the greater would be tlie cost of cutting through this hill. If the plan to build the Auld Valley Reservoir is for any reason abandoned, the design grade of the canal should be re-examined. An evalT»tion of all factors involved, including the deep cut mentioned above, the size of the canal section at different slopes, the length of the canal at different I B-7 slopes aid consideration of head loss in decreasiiig pipe sizes in siphons might result in a some'sAiat steeper slope. The base width of the canal cross section was set at 12 feet, \*tich width is considered to be vide enough for efficient use of most excavating eqvilpnient. This base width, with a slope of .0001 and. 1.5:1 side slopes results in a water depth of 10.49 feet for the 1,000 second-foot canal. One and one-half feet of lining were provided for freeboard to give a lining height of 12 feet. This res?jlts in a ratio of -water depth to base width consistent with general practice in constr:icting canals of this size. A relatively high ratio of water depth to base width is desirable since considerable portions of the canal would be located on moderately steep side slopes. Alijgaaent_ and Cross^ Drainage . Based on estimated costs of canal excavation and of compaction of embailiments, the most econosiical depth foi- the ca-aol section was determined to be one for which the water surface would be approximately one foot above the original ground surface at the canal center line. la general, the canal center line was located to approximate this condi- tion. However, other factors influenced the selection of silignmeat, such as the buildings and property lines encountered and cross drsiinage problems. The area traversed by the cyaal between Station 17+50 and Station 600+00 has very little cross slope and few defined drainage channels except the drainage ditches which parallel most of the roads. Since no drainage would be taken into the caaal and the flat cross slope precluded the use of cxilverts under the canal, the cansal woi0.d be located with the water surface below the ground level at most of such drainage crossings to perjjiit the use of overchutes without appreciable ponding on the uphill side of the canal, particularly at the road crossings . B-6 Between Station 600+00 aad Station 850+OO, the cajial would be located J on fedrly smooth ground with moderate cross slopes and quite well defined dralrage channels, near the base of steep hills. The canal would be located generally to obtain the most economical depth as described, swinging into the grovind at dr8d.nage crossings to facilitate construction of overchutes for cross drainage . A siphon wo\ild be provided across Domenigoni Valley at Statiom 773+00 because of the large flood flows from the tributary dr6d.nage etrea. Between Station 85O+OO and the inlet to the Auld VeLLley Reservoir at Station 1202+00, the canal wo\ald be located generally on foothills lyiag at the base of steep movintainous terrain. Cross slopes would be moderately steep 6uid drainage channels well defined. The topography in this area is too irregular to eLLlow close following of the contour with the canal without using curves of shorter radius them 200 feet, the minimum cxirvature assumed in this investiga- tion, and without appreciably increasing the canal length. Therefore, in this area, the canal would consist largely of a series of heavy cut sections between ■vrtiich wovild be sections of heavy fill. In some cases the entire canal prism would be in comi>acted embanlment for short distances. Where drainage from large areas would cross the canal near Station 96O+OO and Station IO7O+OO, siphons would be constructed to carry the canal flows under the drainage channels. Smaller quantities of cross drainage woiild be taken over the canal with overchutes or under the canal with culverts. Where the drainage channels would be crossed with the canal largely in fill, culverts were \zsed. Where the canal wo\ild be largely in cut, drainage crossing overchutes were used. At some overchute locations, the drainage channels on the upstream side of the sanal would be filled up with earth to the invert elevation of the overchute inlets to eliminate ponding. Small drainage channels for which overchutes or culverts were not provided would be diverted to adjacent channels by means of drainage ditches constructed at the toe of the uphill caneJ. embamlment . B-9 Canal Underd rains . Underdxains for the concrete-lined canal wo^ild be provided in areas of high groiuad •water, or where high groimd •water •would result from developaent of irrigated agricxilt'ore . Two soiirces of information on depths of gro^und water are a-vailable: (l) a series of test holes drilled by the Metropolitan Water District in December, 1956, approximately on the aqueduct alignment, between the San Jacinto tnjnael portal euad approximately Station ^20+001 and (2) logs of the test holes drilled by the U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion in 19^6, prior to construction of the existing San Diego Aqueduct. These latter holes were drilled along the alignment of the existing San. Diego Aque- duct and the logs of the holes, together ■with other notes on undergroimd condi- tions experienced in construction of the first barrel of that aqued'act, are shown on the profile drawings in specifications for construction of the second barrel . The holes drilled by the Metropolitem Water District indicate ground \)fater at depths of approximately 11 to l6 feet in the area between the San Jacinto Tunnel and the San Jacinto Reservoir. Although this would be consider- ably below the bottom grade of the canal, it is probable that the ground water will rise considerably in this area -with increased irrigation and during years of heavy precipitation. Therefore, underdrains would be provided from the begin- ning of the caxial section at Station 17-+-50 to Station 17 0+00. None of the test holes indicate the danger of high ground -water in the upper end of the Sein Jacinto Valley -which would be traversed by the canal between Station 17O+OO and Station 6OO+OO. Test holes in this surea to depths of approxinately 25 feet encountered no -water. In the Domenigoni Valley, ground water was encountered at a depth of approximately 10 feet along the alignment of the existing aqueduct. The pro- posed canal would cross this valley approximately 7;i0C'O feet upstream fr«:m the B-10 existing alignment, and it was assumed that high ground water would be enco\uitered there. Therefore, canal tanderdrains were provided between Station 760+00 and Station 830+OO. The canal underdrains would be constructed by overexcavating the entire canal prism to a depth of four inches 6uad backfilling to the carnal sub-= grade with selected gravel to form a continuous gravel blanket as a foondatiom for the concrete cemed. lining. In the bottom of the canal lining, flap valve weeps would be placed in two rows near the bottom of the canal slopes » The flap valve weeps would consist of short lengths of l=l/2=inch pipe throiugh the cajial lining o The upper end of these pipes would be fitted with canpaMon flanges > recessed into the concrete lining one-half inch. A rubber flap would be attached to the flainge smd would allow water to enter the canal •^rtien the pressxire under the lining exceeded the pressure due to water depth in the canal. Turnouts and Checks. Three turnouts would be included in this reach of the canal. They wotild be designed to supply the requirements of the eireas designated as Winchester South and Murrieta. The turnout at Station 4l6+00 would supply approximately one~third of the needs of the Winchester South area and the turnout at Station 68O+OO wovild supply the remaining two=thirds. The turnout at Station 991+00 would supply approximately one=fourth of the require^ ments of the Murrieta area. The remaining three=fourths of the requirement for this area wo\ild be supplied from the canal reach below Auld Valley Reservoir. The turnouts would consist of concrete pipe leading from the cajml through the embankment. A slide gate would be provided at a headwall in the caxiLal bajak. The tiimouts were designed to discharge the required flow of water from the canal with a six=foot depth of water in the canal. The turnout structures are described in the section of the foregoing report entitled "Preliminary Design Criteria", and a typlceil design is shown on Plate 19 • B=ll In order to ensure a minimum water depth at the ttimouts of six feet under all flow conditions, check structxires would he located in the canal at plajiaed intervals. The checks are so located that a water depth of six feet would be maintained at any point in the canal between the end of the siphon at Station 162+98 and the reservoir inlet at Station 1202+00 by checking the water to the normal depth of 10.i<-9 feet at the check structures. The checks would be spaced to provide the required water depths at all points rather than at the specified points of turnout since it is probable that additional turnouts at intermediate points may be installed in the future. It is assumed that no turn- outs would be required between San Jacinto Tunnel and the siphon under the existing aqueduct at Station 156+IO, making a check in this reach Tamecessary. The radial gate which would be installed in the flume section at the inlet to Auld Valley Reservoir near Station 1202+00 would serve as a check. This gate will control the water surface back to Station 956+OO where the next previous check structure would be installed to control the water surface back to Station 553+00. A second check structure at this point would control the water surface for the remaining reach upstream to about Station 156+IO. A typical check structure is shown on Plate 17. Bridges . In this reach the canal would cross two state highways and thirteen county roads. Two methods of road crossing are considered, either carrying the canal under the roadway in e ctilvert or inverted siphon or carry- ing the roadway over the canaQ. on a bridge. Because of the desirability of holding head losses in this reach to a rainim\jm, bridges were provided wherever possible. Bridges were provided at all but one road crossing in this reach. In general the decks of bridges crossing the caneil would be above the grades of the roadways crossed and ramps leading to the bridges would be required. As previously mentioned, most roads crossing the first 11 miles of B-12 I the ceuasQ. are peor'eLLleled by drainage ditches and the csuaal center line was swung into the cross slope far enough to permit taking this drainage across the c£inal in overchutes. This procedure also decreased the height emd lengths of approach ramps reqtiiredo The county road crossing the cemal alignment at Station 83+35 is paralleled by two ditches approximately three feet deep with the flow line being below the normal water svirface in the canal. Since it would be imprac- tical to change the location of the canal center line at this point, a siphon under the road and drainage ditches was used at this crossing. Concrete bridges i<-0 feet in width were provided at the two state highway crossings. Concrete bridges 26 feet in width were provided at 8 of the county road crossings and timber bridges 26 feet in width at h crossings of secondary county roads. Timber bridges l6 feet in width were provided at all crossings of private roads and at intermediate points within properties which would be severed by the canal right of way. A total of 22 timber farm emd private road bridges were included in this reach of the canal. The locations P of these bridge structures are shown on the plan and profile on Plate 24, Typical designs of the bridge structiares are shown on Plates ik- and 15 aad are described in the section of the report entitled "Preliminary Design Criteria". I Santa Fe Railroad Crossing . The canal alignment crosses a branch line of the Santa Fe Railroad at Station 508+8O. The crossing would be made by constructing a box type siphon vmder the tracks with a length of 121 feet between headwalls. Traffic during construction would be handled by construction of a short shoofly or by constructing a temporary failsework to support the tracks in their present position during construction. The siphon wovild have a design similar to the typiceil siphon design shown on Plate 12 and previously described in the section of the report entitled "Preliminary Design Criteria". B-13 Aqueduct Crossing s. The e:r,isting Saa Diago Aqueduct is crossed by the canal aligoment at two places. The first crossing would be at Station 160+00 near San Jacinto Reservoir. A bo:£ type siphon 6OO feet long;, similar to the typical design shown on Plate 12 and described previotisly in the section of the report entitled "Preliminary Design Criteria", would be provided at this location to carry the canal flow under the two existing 73-inch diameter pipes and also under a drainage channel which crosses the canal alignment at this point. The existing pipes woxild be supported by falsework during construction of the siphon o At the second crossing near Station 522+50, the two existing 73-inch diameter pipes are at different elevations. The invert of the lower pipe is approximately 22 feet below grox^nd surface and the top of the upper pipe is approximately 9 feet below ground or 2.5 feet above the normal invert grade of the canal at this point. To avoid the cost of a siphon under these pipes and the loss of head which would result, a modified canal section carrying the water over both pipes was provided. Details of this section are shown on Plate 19. The modified canal section would consist of a reach of canal 55 t^et long with a normal water depth of 7. 05 feet and bottom width of 33.62 feet. This section would have the same slope and nearly the same velocity as wovild the normal canal section at the design caiDacity. This section would be con- nected to the normal cansil section up and downstream by transition sections 50 feet long for the inlet and kQ feet long for the outlet. These transitions were proportioned to maintain a near constant velocity and slope of water surface throughout. Although the tlieoi*etical loss of head due to the minute velocity changes is negligible, a loss of 0.10 foot was allowed in the design. The subgrade of the canal lining would be approximately 7 inches above the top of the existing 73-i-^ch concrete pipe. To strengthen the exist- ing pipe against the increased external loading imposed by the canaJ,. structure, B-lU a concrete encasement of the existing pipe up to a level 2 feet above the spring line would be provided. Compacted backfill would be placed in the remainder of the space between pipe and canal lining. In order to drain water which would pond in the caiial upstream from this raise in the caneQ, subgrade, sua l8-inch concrete pipe drain would be installed, beginning at a sump at the upstream end of the inlet transition and leading to a sump at the downstream end of the outlet transition. This drain would pass under the existing 73<=ijach pipe, and would have a length of about l45 feet. Irrigation Crossings . The reach of the canal between Station 17+50 and Station 700+00 would traverse an area >rtiich is at present paxtly under irrigation and the canaJ. alignment would intersect many existing irrigation pipe lines and ditches. The scope and purpose of this design does not permit a detailed analysis of each individxml problem thus created. Instead a typical irrigation crossing, as shown on Plate l6, consisting of an 18-inch diameter welded steel pipe carried over the canal was assimied at all crossings. Irriga= tion crossings were provided at 11 locations ■irtiere open irrigation or drainage ditches cross the canal or where the existence of underground pipe lines were evident. An additionsQ. 20 crossings were included in the cost estimate to provide for pipe line crossings not located and for additional drainage cross- iiigs 6uid alterations i^ich would be required due to severance of the irrigated fields. Classification of Materials to be Excavated . A field recomiaissance of the csmal alignment was made by geologists to determine the character of materials to be excavated. It was fo\ind that the csuml prism would be exca= vated in materials ranging from loose alluvial fill, that could be excavated easily with scrapers, to extremely hard ajid massive granite, ^ich would require drilling and blasting. In estimating the quantities of common and rock B»15 excavation, materials were categorised generally into foxir groups. These groups included: unconsolidated and parbially consolidated alluYium which coiild generally he excavated with scrapers.; consolidated alluvium and seamy to massive metamorphic rock which covild be broken up with a ripper but might require some drilling and blasting; hard granite rock for the entire section, which would require drilling and blasting^ and hard granite rock for part of the section with softer icaterial overlying. The unit prices assumed for exca- vation in these fovr classes of materials are included in Appendix C. From the beginning of the caaal to approximately Station 610+00, the canal prism would be excavated entirely in alluvial material consisting of moderately consolidated silts and sands except for a possible localized high point in bedrock in the vicinity of Station 350+00. From Station 61O+OO to Station 67O+OO, the canal prism would be exca- vated largely in alluvium with possibly some metamorphic bedrock in the lower portion. From Station 67O+OO to Station 720+00, it is estimated that the lower 80 per cent of the canal prism would lie in hard granite having very few joints and fractures. The remaining 20 per cent of the excavation woiild be easy going in the overlying alluvium. From Station 720+00 to Station 83O+OO, the canal prism would be exca- vated in the alluvial deposits of Bomenigotti Valley with possible localized granitic bedrock highs extending into the bottom of the canal near the edges of the valley. From Station 85O+OO to Station 950+00, the excavation for the cansJ. would be almost entirely in hard graaite having little jointing or fracturing. Center line cuts up to approximately ^5 feet would be encountered in this por- tion of the canal and drilling and blastijig would be necessary. B-16 From Station 950+00 to Station 975+00, the canal prism wo\ild lie in the alluvivan of French Valley. From Station 975-^00 to Station IO65+OO, the canal prism would lie Istrgely in metamorphic rock. This rock is hard, moderately to strongly fractured and parts well along "bedding planes. Alluvium overburden woiild vary from 10 to 50 per cent of the excavation sLLong this reach. From Station IO65+OO to Station 1095+00, the canal prism would lie approximately 60 per cent in hard granite and i+O per cent in alluvium. From Station 1095+00 to Station 1135+00, it is estimated that the lower 80 per cent of the canal prism wotild be excavated in metamojrphic rock with alluvium overburden comprising the other 20 per cent. From Station 1135+00 to the inlet to Auld Valley Reservoir at Station 1202+00, the excavation will be practically all in hard, moderately to strongly fractured metamorphic rock. Where the canal prism wovild be excavated in granite or metamorphic rock, special preparation of the subgrade woiild be required. It was assumed that the rock woiild be overexcavated to a minimum depth of three inches below the subgrade of the lining. The space between the lining and the rock excava- tion line wo\ild be filled with a cushion of selected material or crusher run base. In estimating the quantities of foundation preparation for concrete lining, it was assimied that wherever appreciable rock was indicated in the sec- tion, the entire section would require this type of preparation. Inlet to Avild Valley Reservoir . At Station 1202+00, the caneQ would enter a transition to a flume section. This rectangular flvmie section would have a width of 20 feet and a normal water depth of 10, U9 feet. The flume would cxirve to the left and parallel the spillway of A\ild Valley Dam for a dis- tance of approximately 300 feet with a common center wall. Opposite the ogee B-17 section of the spillway, the elevation of the top of the flxune walls would be 1,500 feet, the elevation of the cic'est of the dam. At this poiat, a 20-foot wide by 25-foot high radial gate would be installed. This gate would be designed to resist hydrostatic pressure from either side. The gate would be used to control the water surface elevation upstream in the canal, as previously discussed, during normal operation. In the event of heavy natural inflow to Auld Valley Reservoir cau,sing the water surface therein to rise above the spillway lip elevation emd the aormsuL water surface elevation of the canal, which would be essentially identical, the gate would be closed to prevent back- flow of flood water into the canal. The gate would be operated automatically. The common wall between the flume section and the spillway would have aa eleva- tion 6 inches aboira the normal water surface in the flume instead of I8 inches of freeboard between normal water surface and top of lining ^ich is maintained throughout the canal. This wall would then act as an overflow wasteway for the cemal flow -^en the radisil gate is closed. The length of this lowered section of the wall is sisfficient to allow a discharge of 1,000 second^feet without causing overtopping of the canal lining upstream. The flxuae would be extended 6OO feet beyond the spillway lip into the reservoir area where a drop structure would deliver the water into axx unlined chsumel running down the hillside into the reservoir. At high reservoir stage, the channel and flume in the resei^oir area beyond the radial gate section would be invindated. A layout of the flume section and of the dam and spillway at Auld Valley axe shown on Plate 21. Auld Valley Dam and Reservoir Auld Valley Dam and Reservoir, with a gross storage capacity of 38,000 acre-feet, would be operated to regulate flow from the 1,000 second-foot canal section leading thereto and in the section of the aqueduct south of the B-18 reservoir above Rainbow Pass. These flows would fluctxiate throughout the year because of withdrawals of irrigation water from the aqueduct on a peaking basis. The reser\roir would also provide emergency storage in case of shutdowns on the Colorado River Aqueduct or on the 1,000 second-foot canal section. A detailed description of the dam and reservoir is included in Appendix E, and a layout of the facilities is shown on Plate 21. Water would be withdrawn from the reservoir thro\igh a vertical outlet tower located near the south abutment. This tower would permit selection of I the level from which the water is to be withdrawn. The water would be led xinder the south abutment of the dam in a 102-inch diameter outlet pipe. At the downstream end of this pipe, the flow would be controlled by two 72-ineh, hollow jet valves and measixred by two venturi meters. The hollow jet vsLlves would discharge into a stilling basin from which the second section of canal of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct would continue. Reservoir Bypass Siphon . In order to make it possible to conduct water from the 1,000 second-foot canal section north of Auld Valley directly into the section of csmal south of Auld Valley, a bypass siphon would be con- structed across Auld Valley. The siphon woiJld consist of 66-inch, inside diameter, concrete pipe, 4,350 feet in length, and would have a conveyance capa- city of kk2 second-feet. The siphon would take off from a point near the beginning of the fltmie leading into Auld Valley Reservoir, cross Auld Valley immediately downstream from the dam and discharge into the stilling basin at the end of the outlet works previously described. The pipe woxild pass imder the paved section of the reservoir spillway to minimize the danger of the pipe being washed out by spillway discharge. Flow throtigh the bypass siphon would be controlled by a slide gate at the inlet end. At the outlet end, stop plank guides would be provided so that the siphon could be dewatered with the canal B-19 in operation. A 'blowoff would be included at the low point in the siphon and a standpipe vent ik inches in diameter would be provided iinmediatelji' downstream from the inlet gate. It will be noted that the aqueduct stationing was con- tinued suLong the bypass siphon on Plate 2k. Canal Section from Auld Valley Reservoir to Beginning of Pipe Line The canal section of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct woixLd continue from Auld Valley Reservoir outlet works southward from Station 12^5+50 to Station 1586+75 where the pipe section wovild begin. The canal in this reach would have a conveyance capacity of 884 second-feet. Cajgal Gra de and Section. Selection of the grade and section of the canal leading southward from the Auld Valley Resen^oir outlet works was greatly influenced by two considerations: the desirability of minimizing the dead storage in the reservoir, and the topography of the area thro'ogh which the canal would pass. A nomal water surface el-svation of about 1,427 feet at the point where the canal section would leave the stilling basin we.s selected. Under minimum flow conditions in the canal, the check at Station l4Ul+10, hereinafter described, would maintain a minimum water svjrface elevation in the canal at the foregoing point of departure from the stilling basin of about 1,42*+ feet. As indicated in Table E-1 of Appendix E, storage in Auld Valley Reservoir btlow this latter elevation woiild be about 2,000 acre-feet. Since the gross storage capacity of the reservoir indicated by the table would be about 38^000 acre- feet, the active storage in the reser/oir wouJ-d be about 36,000 acre-feet. The alignneat and gradient from the foregoing assumed point of begin- ning were fitted to the topography encountered. The canal was generally directed toward Rainbow Pass through which, as previously discussed, the aqueduct should pass. A study of the maps and field reconnaissance dictated B-20 termination of the canal in the viciaity of Station 1586+75 > because the grovind elevations beyond this point in the direction of Rainbow Pass fall away rapidly eind remain relatively low all the way to the approach to Rainbow Pass. The grovind line shown on the foregoing plate demonstrates this condition clearly. From the point selected as the end of the canal section noirthward to about Station 1^50+00, topography along the general route consists of a series of flat topped ridges having approximate elevations of about l,it-20 feet. An attempt was made to bring the canal grade line into the area at about this elevation. By a series of trial and error computations;, beginning at the point previously selected as the end of the canal with various starting elevations, the approximate hydraulic grade line of the cajial section^, including allowance for heeul losses in intervening siphons, was projected upstream to Auld Valley Reservoir outlet works. It was found that, by starting with a hydraulic grade line elevation of l,UlO feet at the foregoing beginning point, the grade line elevation at the stilling basin at Station 12^+5+50 would be 1U26.8 feet. This latter elevation compared favorably with the elevation of 1,^27 feet originally I assimed at the Auld Valley Reservoir outlet works as previously discussed. This combination of initial and terminal grade line elevations and gradient was therefore adopted. It will be noted on Sheets k and 5 of Plate 2k that the adopted grade line fits the topography quite satisfactorily. Further refinement of this canal grade and alignment was not con- sidered to be warranted without detailed topography along the proposed align- ment. It is possible that some adjustment in the canal grade, section, and siphon sizes will be required vhext. such data are available. It appears, from preliminajry studies made d\iring this investigation, that even if the Auld Valley Reservoir were not to be constructed as part of the aqueduct, the section of canal just described should be constructed to B-21 approximately the grade and aligament shewn with a siphon across the Aiild Valley approximately between Station 1150+00 and Station 1310+00. Alignment and Cross Drainage . The reach of the canal between the A\ad Valley Reservoir outlet works at Station 12^5+50 and approximately Station 1430+00 would be located on rolling hills with moderately steep cross slopes and well defined drainage shaonels. The ground is too irregular to allow close following of the contour and the canal in this section would be largely a series of alternate cuts and fills. A concrete box siphon woTild be provided to carry the cansuL under the unnamed stream which crosses the csinal line at about Station l39i4-+00. All other cross drainage would be taken over the canal in overchutes or under the ce^aal in culverts, which structvires have been previously described. From Station 1^30+00 to Station 1586+75 > the aqueduct would consist of short sections of canaO. running along flat topped ridges and connected by siphons crossing the ravines which separate these ridges. Since the canal wovild be located on or near the tops of these ridges, cross drainage is quite small in qviantity of flow in this reach. A few small culverts and overchutes would be provided to carry the small quantities of drainage water iirtiich would collect between the ridge tops and the canal embankments. Turnouts emd Checks . Two turnouts were provided in this part of the aqueduct. The turnout at Station 1326+00 would supply approximately three = foiirths of the requirements of the Murrista area and the turnout at Station 1580+00 would supply the requirements of the Vail area. In order to control the water surface elevation in the cemal, checks would be provided. The check at Station lMn+10 would make it possible to maintain a minimum depth of water of 7.5 feet in the canal at Avild Valley Reser- voir outlet stnicture. The check at Station 1517+it2 would maintain a minimum B-22 water depth of 6 feet at the end of the siphon at Station 1^+51+13. This check was included even though no turnouts are presently planned in the affected reach. The two foregoing check struottjres would be incorporated into the inlet treuasitions of the siphons as described later for the canal termineil structure and shown on Plate l8. The check at the canal terminal stru.cture, described in £in ensuing section, would maintain a minimum water depth of 9.5 feet in the short reach upstream from the canal terminus to the downstream end of the Long Valley Siphon at Station l^hrj+hO. Bridges and Siphons . This section of canal would be crossed by Buck Road, an unimproved coirnty road, at three places and timber county highway bridges with 26-foot roadway widths would be constructed at each crossing. Crossings of the canal would be provided at the headwalls of each of four siphons included in this reach and therefore no farm bridges were provided. The typiceJ. siphon designs previously described were utilized for the four siphon installations. Cajial Terminal Structure . The caneQ. terminal structure is shown on Plate 18, This structvire would consist essentieilly of a transition from the trapezoidal canal section to two 90-inch diameter concrete pipes. One of these pipes would connect to the pipe line which would continue southward and the other would be bvilkheaded until the second pipe line steige of the aqueduct is constructed. A check structure wovild be constructed at the inlet of the transition end and a steel trash rack would be provided at the point of entrance into the 90-inch pipes to prevent entrance of larger sized foreign material into the pipe line. The trash rack would consist of 3/8-i2ich thick steel bars on 2-1/2 -inch centers. Stop pleuik guides would be provided at the entrance to each 90-iach pipe so that one pipe could be dewatered -while the B-23 other is in operation. A ssad trap, siiulJ-ar to that shown on Plate 19, wo\ild be pro/ided Immediately upstream from the terroinsiLL stru.cture. The capacity of the canal between the Auld Valley Reservoir outlet and the beginning of the pipe line would be 8Qh second-feet euid the capacity of the initial pipe line stage beyond this point would be ^32 second-feet. As stated, provision would be made for constz-action of another pipe line with equal capacity bringing the aqueduct capacity to a total of &6k second-feet. The 20 second-foot difference between the csmal capacity and total pipe line capacity represents the estimated Eietxirauni delivery requirement in the year 2000 for the Vail area. It was assumed that the water taken from the canal at the Vail turnout about 600 feet upstx'eam fx'om the canaJ. terminus would be pumped into Vail Lake and wou.ld therafore be subject to sudden interruption by power failure. To provide for this cond;.tion under ultimate development with both cemal and pipe line operating at fuJ.1 capacity, an overflow wasteway was provided in the design of the canal near the terminal stru.cture. This wasteway would be constructed by a 15-foot le^igth of the canal approxi- mately 9 inches or one-half of the normal freeboard, to form a side channel spillway. The overflovr wo\ild be colle::ted in a small channel and led into a ravine away from the canal. The length of the spillway would be long enough to allow a discbarge of 20 second-feet with a depth of flow of 6 inches. Classification of Materials to be Excavated . From the field exami- nation of the materials to be excavated along the canal alignment, as discussed for the reach of canal north of Auld VsJLley, the following data were obtained. From the outlet works of Auld Valley Reservoir to approximately Station 1*4-00+00, it is estimated that the lower portion of the canal prism would be excavated in moderately jointed, slightly weathered granite with the upper 30 per cent being in the overlying alluvium. B-24 From Station lUoO+00 to Station 1586+75, the canal prism would be excavated in loosely to moderately consolidated residuum and alluvium with possible occasional outcrops of caliche. All of this material covild be easily excavated euid was classified as common excavation. This material is eO-so con- sidered to be excellent for construction of the ccsnpacted embankments. The water table in this area is well below the subgrade of the canal sections and is expected to remain so. Therefore, no underdrains wovLLd be required. Pipe Line from End of Ceinal to Minnewawa Reservoir Site The general alignment of the aqueduct from the end of the canal to Minnewawa reservoir site would follow that of the "W" line. The location of this line and general construction problems involved have been discussed else- where In this report. Hydraulic Design . The pipe line as designed wovild be a series of nine inverted siphons, the ends of which would be open to the atmosphere at vent structures located at high points along the alignment. The location and elevation of the vent structure at Rainbow Pass, Station 19OO+OO, was dictated by the elevation of the pass. A controlling grade line elevation of TOO feet, the spillway lip elevation proposed for Minnewawa Reservoir, was adopted for the terminus of the line. Intervening control points were set from a study of a preliminary profile and hydratilic gradient laid out along the general guLign- ment. Control points were set by running the pipe alignment up to high points. An attempt was made to keep the grade of the pipe line at higher elevations to reduce the head thereon. Pipe sizes in each reach were then selected so that at the design capacities the hydraiolic gradient would meet the controlling elevations. The B-25 design capacity was decreased at the ti^raouts by the estimated miiadmum monthly amount of water turned out at that poiiat raider full operating conditions, except that capacity changes were not made where this quantity woxxld be less than 8 to 10 second-feet. Where two sizes of pipe were used in a siphon, the smaller pipe was placed where the head would be highest. The first siphon ran of the pipe line would begin at the end of the canal and terminate at the vent structure at Station 19OO+OO. The relative capacities of the ensuing siphon runs oould be adjusted somewhat xaader varying operating conditions resulting from txamout of more or less water to certain areas than presently estimated, by varying the vent heights, but the head at the beginning of this first siphon would definitely be limited by the canal freeboard. Therefore, an additional five-foot head loss was assumed at the beginning of the first siphon run as a safety factor. This is approximately five per cent of the head loss in the siphon at design flow. Because of this, the plan and profile shown on Sheet 5 of Plate 2k shows a hydraiJlic grade line elevation at the beginning of the pipe of 1,405 feet as compared with the water surface elevation at the csnaQ. terminus previously stated to be l,4lO feet. Pipe Line Aligar cent aad Accessory Stru ctures . The alignment of the pipe dowastream from vents was so arx'^anged that the pipe would proceed downhdll from the vents on a straight line laatil the grade of the pipe would be below the pool level at the next following vent. Wherever possible, the aligmnent of the pipe between vents was so arranged at intervening s^«raflits that the pipe wovild be below the pool level established at the next downstream vent, and air relief and vacuum valves were provided at all such stmmiit points. Where the foregoing procedure was not possible, such as at Station 2159+00, vents were prmi'ided by running the vent pipe up the adjacent hillside to the maximum hydraulic gradient elevation. B^6 Blowoffs were provided at all low points in the pipe line. Access to the interior of the pipe would be provided by manholes at each air valve and blowoff structure, and additionsil majiholes would be provided where required to maintain a maximum length between manholes of 2,500 feet. Details of typiceG. vent, air relief, blowoff, £uid manhole structures were described previously under "Preliminary Design Criteria", and are shown on Plate 20. Control Facilities in Terminal Siphon Run . As previously discussed, it would not be necessary to construct Minnewawa Reservoir as a part of the initieil works of the proposed San Diego Aqueduct. It was further stated that the reach of pipe line from Station 5325+00, near Otay Reservoir, to Station 5522+00, the point of entremce to Minnewawa reservoir site, would also not be necessary of construction as an initial aqueduct feature. Because of certain operational conditions, hereinafter described, which woiild exist both before and after construction of Minnewawa Reservoir and the final reach of pipe line, certain flow and pressiire control facilities wotild be provided as described in the following petra^raphs. The ninth and last siphon run would begin at the vent at Station ^+355+00 and woiad end at Minnewawa Reservoir at such time as that reservoir were completed. It is expected that the water sxirface in this reservoir will vary between elevations TOO feet and 6l5 feet. With uncontrolled flow in this siphon, the hydraulic gradient would rise and fall with the water surface eleva- tion in Minnewawa Reservoir, This would be satisfactory when the water surface is high in Minnewawa Reservoir. However, when the water siarface is low in Minnewawa Reservoir, the hydraulic gradient in the aqueduct would drop along the reach from the terminus back to Station l;355+00. This would be undesirable from the standpoint of operation of the turnouts for City of San Diego and Helix Irrigation District at Station i^6li4-+00, and also would cause the B-27 hydra\ grade line elevation to drop below the pipe grade at several inter- vening summits making additional pipe vents necessary. Therefore, a station equipped with pressure control devices was provided at Station i4-6l4+00 near Lake Murray. The piping and valve arraxigement at this station is shown on Plate 20. The pressure control station would consist of a i|-8-inch ball or plug type bypass valve in the main line, two 36-inch unloading pressure control valves, each designed to pass one -half of the design flow through the station, and a 2if-inch check valve all arranged in parallel. The 36-inch pressure control valves wovild be set to maintain the upstream pressure at a constant pre- determined value. If the pressure rose, the valve would open and pass water to the ensuing reach of pipe line. If the pressure fell off, the vsilves would close to maintain the upstream pressure at the set value. The proposed operation of the control station would be as follows: (1) When the water surface elevation in Minnewawa Reservoir is between the maximum of TOO feet and approximately 685 feet, the bypass valve would be fully open aiid all other gate valves closed. This woiild permit deliveiy of the design flow of water to a full reser/oir. (2) When the water surface elevation in Minnewawa Reservoir is below approximately elevation 685 feet, the pressure control valves would be placed in operation by opening the required gate valves and closing the bypass valve. One valve wo\ild be used for flows less than 78 second-feet and both valves for flows in excess of 78 second-feet. The valves would be set to maintain the upstreari hydraulic gradient a little below the design hydraulic gradient at this point. Design flows in the aqueduct could still be maintained, since the additional head loss thro-ogh the control valves woxild be compensated for by the decreased back-pressure on the pipe terminus resulting from low water surface elevation at Minnewawa Reservoir. B-28 I Prior to the construction of Minnewawa Reservoir, the foregoing r control station wo\ild provide a valuable service in regulating pressure at the turnouts for City of San Diego and Helix Irrigation District. Therefore, the control station was included in the facilities selected for initial construction. The part of the aqueduct below the last vent structure at Station 1+355+00 would be operated on a demand besis. With Minnewawa Reservoir in operation, \*ien water flowing past Station U355+OO would be in excess of the demands below this point, the excess would flow into Minnewawa Reservoir. When the water flowing past Station 4355+00 would be less than the demand, the addi- tional water would automatically be withdrawn from Minnewawa Reservoir by back- flow in the aqueduct. In normal operation, an amount of water in excess of the requirements of the City of San Diego and Helix Irrigation District would be flowing past Station U355+00 at all times, the excess being passed down into the lower reach of pipe line through the pressure control vsilves. However, if an amount less than this requirement should be entering the pipe line, the hydraulic gradient above the valves would drop until it would be below the normal downstream gradient and water wo^lld be fed back throvigh the 2U-inch check valve at the control station to supply the deficiency upstream from that point. In order to permit water to be withdrawn from Minnewawa Reservoir at low water surface elevations ajad fed back through the aqueduct as far upstream as Lake Murray, it would be necessary to place the pipe line in a deep cut from about Station 5232+00 to about Station 5265+00. To insure proper operation of the pipe line under the reverse flow conditions when the hydraiilic gradient would approach the elevation of the pipe along this area of deep cut, the high point in the pipe line would be vented to the atmosphere. This vent would extend above the msixiraum hydraulic gradient, acccMnplished by running the vent pipe up the adjacent hillside to the desired elevation. The foregoixig condition B-29 demonstrates the need for placing the pipe in deep cut at the stated location to provide for future operation with Miaaewawa Reservoir. The design of the pipe line as an open system made possible the use of pipe designed for hydrostatic heads corresponding to the design hydraulic gradient o However ;, the stretch of pipe line between the vent at Station 4355+00 and the control station would be designed for a hydrostatic head cor- responding to the elevation of the vent at Station 4355+00, since this head could be impressed on the pipe when the valves in the Lake M\array control station are closed. Interconnection with Existing Aqueduct. In order to effect a greater degree of coordinated operation of the existing and proposed aqueducts to San Diego County, it woiild be desirable in the future to interconnect the two aqueducts in at least one location. The point of interconnection that would require the least expensive works wo^Jild be in Rainbow Pass at about Station 19I4.O+OO, where the two barrels of the existing aqueduct are less than 50 feet west of the alignment of the proposed aqueduct. Interconnection of the two aqueducts at this point would permit ws,ter to be transferred from the proposed line to the existing barrels in the event of interruption of flow in the latter line north of the point of interconnection or on the Colorado River Aqueduct. The provision of the storage reservoir at Auld Valley would make this possible. Because more study amd the experience of a few years operation are needed before a decision on interconnection facilities can or need be made, the cost of this interconnection was not included in the cost facilities for initial construction presented in Appendix D. Trench Excavation and Backfill . For this design, it was assumed that the pipe line would be bxiried throughout its length. To arrive at estimated quantities of trench excavation, a tentative grade line for the bottom of the B-30 pipe was established on the center line profile, maintaining a minimum cover of three feet. The pipe line was then divided into lengths of approximately 2,500 feet each and average trench depth for each such length was determined. These average depths were used to estimate quantities of excavation for each length of pipe line. The cross section of the trench used for estimating the excavation quantities is shown on Plate 20. The angle of side slope would vary according to the character of the material. Where conditions would be such that backfill could be consolidated by flooding and jetting, a clearsmce of nine inches between pipe and trench would ordinarily be used. Where conditions are such that backfill must be consolidated by tamping, the foregoing minimum clearance would be 18 inches. Since it is beyond the scope of this design to accurately determine the locations where each type of trench would be used, a trench exca- vation section using an average clearance of 12 inches was used. In estimating costs of consolidating backfill, it was assxmied that 70 per cent would be con- solidated by jetting and 30 per cent by tamping based upon experience in the construction of the existing Saxi Diego Aqueduct. Between approximately Station 5232+00 and Station 5265+00, the pipe would be placed with an invert grade elevation of approximately 6OO feet, neces- sitating a maximum cut of about 50 feet. This excavation would be made by making a cut to elevation 6l2 feet with a bcttom width of 38 feet. The existing county road which paxeLLlels the proposed aqueduct alignment in this reach woijld be relocated through the cut after placement of the pipe line in a 12-foot- deep trench in the road subgrade. The additional road width would be available for installation of the second stage of the aqueduct. In locating the pipe line alignment, an effort was made to avoid steep cross slopes wherever practical. However, at a few locations, the line was located on steep side slopes, particularly in the vicinity of Station B-31 3250+00 and Station 3V4O+OO, At these locations, additional excavation quantities to provide for tenching were included in the estimates. Between Station ^{^620+00 and Station 4910+00, the pipe line would be located on or near streets in the towns of La Mesa and Spring Valley. Addi- tional cost of trenching was assumed to allow for the construction difficulties "vrtiich vould be encountered in this ajrea. Classification of Materials to be Exca vated . The material which would be excavated for the pipe trench would vary over a wide range from easily excavated topsoil to hard massive granite. A geological reconnaissance of the line was made to determine the amounts of the various types of materials to be excavatedo In preparing estimates of excavation qiiantities, the two general categories "common" and "rock" were utilized for classification pur- poses. Common classification was given to all imconsolidated or partially consolidated materials which could generally be excavated with trencher, back hoe, drag line, or scrapers. There is presented following a brief summary of the classification of materials along the aqueduct line. From the end of the canal to about Station 185O+OO south of the Temec-ula RLver, trench excavation would be practically all common. From Station 1850+OO to about Station 2^32+00 at the north edge of the San Luis Rey River, excavation would be approximately 87 per cent in rock. From Station 2U32+OO to about Station 3082+00 at the north edge of the San Marcos Valley, excavation wo\ald be approximately 65 per cent in rock. From Station 3082+OO across the valley to about Station 3217+00, excavation would be all common. From Station 3217+00 to about Station 3585+00 near the San Dieguito River, exca- vation woTild be almost exclusively in rock. From Station 3585+00 to about Station 5322+00 at Lower Otay Reservoir, the excavation would be predominantly common, with an estimated 19 per cent classified as rock. From Station 5322+00 B-32 to the end of the line at Station 5522+00, the excavation would be almost exclusively in rock. To estimate the cost of excavation, the pipe line was divided into approximately 50 reaches, based on the geological reconnaissance of the line. Estimated trench side slopes and unit prices for excavation were assigned to each reach and the costs were computed using the average trench depths in each 2,500-foot section as previously described above. The \init prices used con- sisted of base costs for common and rock excavation modified for such special conditions as anticipated high ground water or slxamping of trench walls. Steel and Concrete Pipe . A study of unit prices of furnishing aad laying concrete and steel pipe indicated that concrete pipe wovild be most economical up to heads of approximately 200 feet and steel pipe at heads above 200 feet. In estimating the cost of the pipe, the entire pipe line was divided into nine contiguous sections. These sections were so selected that in each section the head on the pipe woxold be either nearly all \mder 200 fest or over 200 feet. For the sections where the head was generally under 200 feet, the use of concrete pipe throiighout the section was ass^Jmed and estimated prices of concrete pipe for each head class, shown in Appendix C, were used. The unit prices for concrete pipe shown in the estimates in Appendix D are the weighted averages of all head classes and sizes in that section. For the sections where the head was generally over 200 feet, the use of steel pipe was assumed through- out the section eind estimated prices of steel pipe for each head class were used. The \mit prices of steel pipe shown in the estimates are likewise the weighted average prices for all head classes used within the reach designated. B-33 I APPENDIX C UNIT PRICES USED FX)R DETAILED COST ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT "W" LINE UNIT PRICES USED FOR DETAILED COST ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT "W" LINE Item Canal Construction Unit : Unit price Excavation for canal, common Excavation for canal, granitic rock, full section Excavation for canal, granitic rock, partial section Excavation for canal, metamorphic rock Excavation for structures, common Excavation for structures, rock Excavation for dralnaige channels Compacting ceinal embankments Compacting road embankments Backfill Compacting backfill Trimming earth foundations for concrete lining Preparing rock foundations for concrete lining i|— inch gravel blanket for canal underdrains Furnish and install flap valve weeps Concrete in canal lining Concrete in structures Furnishing and placing reinforcing steel Furnishing and laying concrete pressure pipe : l8-inch, head class 50 24-inch, head class 50 30-inch, head class 50 36-inch, head class 50 42 -inch, head class 50 48-inch, head class 50 PVimishing and laying corrugated metal pipe : 18 -inch, 12 gauge 24-inch, 12 gauge 30 -inch, 12 gauge 36-inch, 12 gauge Furnishing eind installing welded steel pipe: 18 -inch, 10 gauge 24-inch, 10 gauge 30-inch, 10 gauge 36 -inch, 10 gauge Furnishing and installing couplings and stiffeners Furnishing and installing cast iron slide gates : 24-inch diameter 36 -inch diameter 42 -inch diameter 48-inch diameter cu.yd. $ 0.25 cu.yd. 2.50 cu . yd . 3.00 cu.yd. 1.25 cu.yd. 1.25 to 3.50 cu.yd. 4.50 cu.yd. o.4o cu . yd . 0.45 cu.yd. 1.00 cu . yd . 0.70 to 1.50 cu . yd . 3.50 sq.yd. 0.50 sq.yd. 1.70 sq.yd. 1.25 each 7.50 cu . yd . 23.50 cu . yd . 75.00 to 85.00 lb. 0.16 lin.ft. 6.00 lin.ft. 6.75 lin.ft. 10.00 lin.ft. 13.50 lin.ft. 15.00 lin.ft. 18.00 lin.ft. 7.50 lin.ft. 9.50 lin.ft. 11.50 lin.ft. 15.60 lin.ft. 11.00 lin.ft. 16.00 lin.ft. 21.05 lin.ft. 27.30 lb. 0.65 each 240.00 each 400.00 each 470.00 each 634.00 C-1 UNIT PRICES USED FOR DETAILED COST ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT "W" LINE (continued) Item : Unit : Unit price Canal Construction (continued) Furnishing and installing raMal gates and hoists: 16 -feet by 11 -feet 13 -feet by l4-feet 12 -feet by 10 -feet Furnish and erect untreated timber in structures Furnish and erect treated timber in structures Furnish and install steel guard railing for bridges Furnish and place gravel on operating road Furnish and place bituminous surfacing for roads Fvimish and erect barbed wire right of way fences Furnish and erect 6-foot chain link fence Furnish and install metal fence gates Riprap Gravel blankets and drains Furnish and lay 6 -inch pipe drains Pipe Line Construction each $ 13,200 each 12,680 each 9,000 M.B.M, 3^1.00 M.B.M. iU)5-00 lin.ft. 8.00 cu . yd . il.OO sq.yd. 3.00 mile 2,500 lin.ft. 1.75 each 50.00 cu.yd. 9.00 cu.yd. 7.00 lin.ft. 2.00 Eiccavation, common Excavation, rock Bacicfiil Compacting backfill by tamping Conaolide.ting backfill by saturation and vibration Concrete in structures Furnish and place reinforcing steel Furnish and erect 84-inch concrete culvert pipe for shafts of structures Furnish and erect 48-inch concrete culvert pipe for shafts of structures Furnish and place 48-inch precast concrete covers Furnish and install 6-inch diameter nozsles Furnish and install 20-inch nozzle without cover Furnish and install 20-inch nozzle with cover Furnish and install 4-5 -inch nozzles Furnish and install 6 -inch globe valves Furnish and install 6-inch-125 pound gate valve B'urnish and install 20 -inch -125 pound gate valve Furnish and install 45-inch-125 pound gate valve Furnish and install cast i3ron pipe and fittings Furnish and install steel pipe and fittings Furnish and install 8-inch air valves cu.yd. 0.40 to 3.50 cu . yd . 1.50 to 4.50 cu . yd . 0.65 cu.yd. 3.90 cu.yd. 2.x cu.yd. 93.00 lb. 0.18 lin.ft. 70.00 lin.ft. 50.00 each 56.00 each 150.00 each 350.00 each 550.00 each 800.00 each 180.00 each 107.00 each 1,800 each 4,500 lb. 0.55 lb. 0.60 each 400.00 C-2 UNIT PRICES USED FOR DETAILED COST ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT "W" LINE (continued) Item Unit Unit price Pipe Line Construction (continued) Furnishing and laying 78-inch concrete pipe: Head, class 100 Head, class I50 Head class 200 Head class 250 Head class 300 Head class 350 Head class ^tOO Head class ^50 Head class 500 Furnishing and laying 8^-inch concrete pipe: Heaui class 50 Head class 100 Head class I50 Head class 200 Head class 250 Head class 300 Head class 350 Head class 400 Head class k^O Head class 500 Furnishing and laying 90-inch concrete pipe: Head class 50 Head class 100 Head class 150 Head class 200 Head class 250 Head class 300 Head class 350 Head class 400 Head class 4-50 Head class 500 Furnishing and laying 78-inch steel pipe: 13/ .32 -inch thick 15/32 -inch thick 17/32-inch thick 9/16-inch thick 5/8-inch thick 11/16 -inch thick Furnishing and laying 8U-inch steel pipe: 7/16-inch thick 1/2 -inch thick 9/16-inch thick 5/8-inch thick 11/16-inch thick lin.ft. $ 51.00 lin.ft. 55.00 lin.ft. 61.00 lin.ft. 66.00 lin.ft. 71.00 lin.ft. 76.00 lin.ft. 81.00 lin.ft. 86.00 lin.ft. 91.00 lin.ft. 52.00 lin.ft. 57.00 lin.ft. 61.00 lin.ft. 67.00 lin.ft. 73.00 lin.ft. 79.00 lin.ft. 85.00 lin.ft. 91.00 lin.ft. 97.00 lin.ft. 103.00 lin.ft. 64.00 lin.ft. 69.00 lin.ft. 74.00 lin.ft. 81.00 lin.ft. 89.00 lin.ft. 95.00 lin.ft. 102.00 lin.ft. 109.00 lin.ft. 116.00 lin.ft. 123.00 lin.ft. 63.00 lin.ft. 71.00 lin.ft. 79.00 lin.ft. 83.00 lin.ft. 90.00 lin.ft. 97-00 lin.ft. 72.00 lin.ft. 81.00 lin.ft. 89.00 lin.ft. 96.00 lin.ft. 104.00 C-3 UNIT PRICES USED FOR DETAILED COST ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED SM DIEGO AQUEDUCT "W" LINE (continued) Item : Unit : Unit price Pipe Line Construction (continued) Furnishing and laying 81<-inch steel pipe (continued) 3/l+-inch thick lin.ft. $ 110.00 13/16-inch thick lin.ft. 119.00 7/8 -inch thick lin.ft. 128.00 15/16 -inch thick lin.ft. 13^.00 1-inch thick lin.ft. li+3.00 1-1/16-inch thick lin.ft. 151.00 1-1/8-inch thick lin.ft. 159.00 1-3/16-inch thick lin.ft. 167.00 Furnishing and laying 90-inch steel pipe: 15/32 -inch thick lin.ft. 79.00 17/32-inch thick lin.ft. 87.00 19/32-lnch thick lin.ft. 96.00 21/32-inch thick lin.ft. 104.00 c-U APPENDIX D ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE SOTM.'mY OF ESTDIATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MBINEWAWA RESERVOIR "VI" LINE (Based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1956) Station Item Cost 0+00 to 17+50 17+50 to 1202+00 j 1202+00 to 12U5+50 to 1586+75 1586+75 to 2100+00 2100+00 2721+00 29U5+00 3163+00 3269+00 to 2721+00 to 29i;5+00 to 3163+00 to 3269+00 to 3861+00 1 3861+00 : h0U3+00 to Uoii3+00 to U21U+OO U21U+OO to ii6lU+00 San Jacinto Tunnel to Beginning of Canal, Capacity 1,000 cfs From Beginning of Canal to Auld Valley- Reservoir, Capacity 1,000 cfs Auld Valley Reservoir, Capacity 38,000 acre-feet Auld Valley Reservoir By-Pass Siphon, Capacity Uh.2 cfs From Auld Valley to Beginning of Pipe Line, Canal Capacity 88U cfs Pipe Line from End of Canal to Vallecitos Reservoir Turnout, Capacity lj.32 cfs Turnout (Vallecitos Reservoir) to Turnout (Oceanside), Capacity 39li cfs Turnout (Oceanside) to Turnout (Bueno Colorado), Capacity 383 cfs Turnout (Buenc Colorado) to Turnout (Carlsbad), Capacity 37U cfs Turnout (Carlsbad) to Turnout (San Marcos Reservoir), Capacity 36U cfs Turnout (San Marcos Reservoir) to Turnout (East of Del Mar), Capacity 335 cfs Turnout (East of Del Mar) to Turnout (Carroll Reservoir), Capacity 32h cfs Turnout (Carroll Reservoir) to Turnout (Canp Elliott), Capacity 29ii cfs Turnout (Camp Elliott) to Turnout (San Diego and Helix), Capacity 286 cfs ^ 872,600 6,2U6,000 14,701,600 218, 800 2,633,600 5,205,600 7,620,900 2,286,800 2,258,000 1,182,700 6,713,800 1,81;9,000 1,778,200 3,52U,100 D-1 SUMl/lRY OF ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAVJA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) Station Item Cost U61U+00 to U995+00 ii995+O0 to ^27U+00 527U+OO to 5522+00 Subtotal Turnout (San Diego and Helix) to Turnout (South Bay and National City), Capacity l57 cfs Turnout (South Bay and National City) to Turnout (Otay and Irperial), T\irnout (Otay and Imperial) to Minnewawa Reservoir, Capacity 98 cfs Administration and engineering, 10^ Contingencies, l5^ Interest during construction TOTAL $ 3,557,300 2,U06,000 1, 963, 600 $55,018,600 5,501,900 8,252,800 3,111,500 $71, 88U, 800 D-2 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MIN^yAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (Based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1956) : s t Unit : Item ; Unit ; Quantity ; price ; Cost Sta. O-t-OO to Sta. 17+50 San Jacinto Tunnel to Beginning of Canal, Capacity 1,000 cfs T\innel and Connection to San Jacinto Tunnel Excavation cu.yd. Removing existing concrete cu.yd. Concrete in tiinnel lining cu„yd. Reinforcing steel lb. Diversion of aqueduct flow Transition, Gate Section and Flume. Sta, 0+52 to Sta, U+00 U70 $ 75.00 $ 35,250 25 30.00 750 lUO 100.00 20,000 0,20 iU,ooo U,ooo Imnp sum 3,000 13^200 7,000 1,850 3.50 1.50 3.50 U6,200 10,500 6,U70 Uio 810 122,000 1 7.00 75.00 0.16 12,680 2,870 60,750 19,520 12,680 725 1,75 1,270 350 2,00 700 structure excavation cu.yd. 39,000 3.00 117,000 Backfill cu.yd. 30,000 0.70 21,000 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 300 3.50 1,050 Concrete in structures cu,yd. 2,330 75.00 17U, 750 Reinforcing steel lb. 215,000 0,16 3U,li00 Riprap cu.yd. 660 9.00 5,9U0 57,000 structure excavation cu.yd. Backfill cu.yd. Contacting backfill cu.yd. Graded gravel blankets and drains cu.yd. Concrete in structures cu.yd. Reinforcing steel lb. Radial gate and hoist each 6-foot chain link fence lin.ft. 6-inch pipe under drains lin.ft. 350 2,00 700 l60,960 13 '-0" I.D. Monolithic Concrete Siphons, Sta^ U+00 to Sta, U+80 and Sta, 6+72 to Stao 17+50 35U,ll;0 D»3 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR 'W" LINE (continued) Item Unit ; Quantity Unit price Sta^O+00 to Sta. 17+50 (continued) Cost Steel Pipe^ Metering and Control Stations Sta. Li+80 to Stao 6+72 Structure excavation cu.yd. 18,000 $ 3.00 $ 5U,ooo Backfill cu.yd. lis 000 0.70 7,700 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 1,650 3.50 5,780 Concrete in structures cu.yd. ii75 75.00 35,620 Reinforcing steel lb. 50 J 000 0.16 8,000 Steel piping lb. 196,000 o,Uo 78,U00 Venturi meters^ 120- inch and 60=inch lump sum 50jOoo 30"inch cone valve each 1 19,U00 19,U00 60-inch cone valve each 1 37,900 37,900 Electrical installation lurt^) s\im 1,500 Sunp piuTip each 1 300 300 Gravel blankets and drains cu.yd. 130 7.00 910 $ 299,510 Right of Way- lurp sum 1,000 Subtotal $ 872,600 Sta. 17+50 to Sta, 1202+00 From Beginning of Canal to Auld ' /alley Reservoirj Capacity 1,000 cfs Earthwork,, Concrete Lining, Fences and Underdrains Excavation for canal Common Rock Excavation for drainage channels Compacting embankments Backfill over canal lining Trimming earth foundations for concrete lining Preparing rock foundations for concrete lining ii-inch gravel blanket for canal underdrains cu.yd, cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. sq.ydo 1,330,000 7lU,000 1U7,000 i9U,ooo 3h,300 550,700 0,25 332,500 1.90 1,3565600 o.Uo 0.U5 1.30 58,800 87,300 UU,590 0,50 275,350 sq.yd. 177,)400 1.70 301,580 sq.yd. 86,000 1.25 107,500 ESTD'IATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) Item Unit % Quantity Unit price Cost Sta, 17-t-50 to Sta. 1202-fOO (continued) Earthwork, Concrete Lining, Fences and Underdrains (continued ) Flap valve weeps Concrete lining Safely ladders Gravel on operating road 6-foot chain link fence Barbed wire fence Steel gates Aqueduct crossing sta, 521+98 Concrete Bridges (10 ) S tincture excavation Backfill Conpacting backfill Conp acting road embankments Bitiiminous road surfacing Concrete Reinforcing steel Steel guard railing Timber Bridges (2$ ) Structure excavation Backfill Compacting backfill Concrete Reinforcing steel Conpacting embankments Gravel road surfacing Untreated timber Treated timber Turnouts (U ) Structure excavation Backfill Conpacting backfill Concrete Reinforcing steel 2U"inch reinforced concrete pipe each 3,700 % 7.50 \ \ 27,750 cu.yd. 71,6^0 23.50 1,683,780 lb. 9,250 0.35 3,2U0 cu,yd. 15,300 U.oo 61,200 lin.ft. llOj 200 1.75 192,850 ml. 21.9 2,500 5U,75o each 120 50.00 6,000 lunp sum 10,000 cuoyd. 1,960 1.25 2,U5o cuoydo 2,U10 0.70 1,690 cu.yd. 2,U10 3.50 8,UUo cu.yd. 2,U70 1.00 2,h70 sq^ydo U,380 3.00 13,1U0 cu.ydo 1,395 85.00 118,580 Ibe 222, UOO 0.16 35,580 lin„ft. 1,250 8.00 10,000 cu,yd. 1,100 1.25 5,130 cu.yd. 3,000 0.70 2,100 cu.yd. 3,000 3.50 10,500 cu.ydo 250 85.00 21^250 Ibo 27,500 c„i6 h,Uoo cu.yd. 1,500 1.00 1,500 cu.yd. 190 U.oo 760 M.B.M, 230 3U0.00 78,200 M.B.M. 29 U05.00 11.750 cu.yd. 1,520 1.25 1,900 cu,yd. 1,220 0.70 850 cu.yd. 1,220 3.50 U,270 cu.yd. 60 85.00 5,100 lb. 5,800 0.16 930 lin.ft. ^(> 6.75 380 % 14,603,800 192, Uoo 135,600 D=5 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNE^^^A¥A RESERVOIR "¥" LINE (continued) « * • • : Unit Item : Unit : Quantity : price : Cost Sta. 17+50 to Sta. 1202+00 ( continued) Turnouts ()4) (continued) Ii.2-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 56 $ 15.00 $ 8I1O U8-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 112 18.00 2,020 2i;-inch cast iron slide gate each 1 236.00 2i;0 U2-inch cast iron slide gate each 1 i470.00 U70 li8-inch cast iron slide gate each 2 635oOO 1,270 66-inch cast iron slide gate each 1 1,500 1^00 $ 19, 800 Culverts (12) Structure excavation Comraon cu.yd. 1,120 1.25 l.liOO Rock cu.yd. 350 li.50 1^580 Backfill cu.yd. 1,160 0.70 810 Contacting backfill cu.yd. 15000 3.50 3,500 Concrete cu.yd. lUh 85.00 12,2ii0 Reinforcing steel lb. 16, 710 0.16 2,670 l8-inch rein-forced concrete pipe lin.ft. 700 6.00 h,200 2a~inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 700 6.75 14,730 30-lnch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 560 10.00 5,600 Riprap cu.yd. 60 9.00 51;0 37,300 Pipe Overchutes (Ul;) Structure excavation cu.yd. 3,7Uo 1.25 U5680 Backfill cu.yd. 6,160 0.70 U,310 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 6,160 3.50 21,560 Concrete cu.yd. 350 85oOO 29,750 ReixLforcing steel lb. 28,900 0.16 U,620 l8-inch C.M,P., 12 ga. lin.ft. 560 7.50 li,200 2U-inch CM, P., 12 ga. lin.ft. 1.00 9.50 3,800 30-inch CM. P., 12 ga. lin.ft. Uoo 11.50 U,6oo 36-inch CM. P., 12 ga. lin.ft. Uoo 15.60 6,2kO l8~inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 786 11.00 8,650 2U-inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 560 16.80 9,iao D-6 2STm\TED COST OF INITI:\L FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO KnTOE/JAWA RESERVOIR "I-l" LINE (continued) Item Unit ; Quantity Unit price Cost Sta» 17+50 to Sta. 1202-1-00 (continued) I Pipe Overchutes (Uh ) (continued) 30-inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga<, 36=inch welded steel pipe, 10 gao Couplings and stiffeners Riprap lin.ft. lin,ft, Ibo cu<,yd. Flume Overchutes (I8 ) Structure excavation cuoyd. Backfill cuoydo Coir^jacting backfill cuoyd. Concrete cuoyd. Reinforcing steel lb„ Riprap cuoydo Irrigation Crossings (31 ) Structvire excavation cu<,yd. Backfill cuoyd. Contacting backfill cu«yd. Concrete cUoyd. Reinforcing steel lb, l8=inch reinforced concrete pipe lin<,ft. l8=inch welded steel pipe; 10 ga, lin.ft. Couplings and stiffeners Ibo oiieck Structures (2 ) Structure excavation cUoyd. Concrete cUoyd. Reinforcing steel lb, 16' X 11' radial gate and hoist each 560 560 8,200 260 10,510 6^300 6^300 1.185 190,730 110 2,6U0 U,3U0 UjOOO 280 23,250 1,2U0 1.730 3,300 3,0U0 637 20,000 21.05 27o30 0.65 9.00 1.25 0.70 3o5o 85.00 0,16 9.00 1.25 0.70 3.50 85.00 0.16 6„00 11.00 0.65 1.25 85.00 0.16 11,790 15,290 5,330 2,3l|0 13,1U0 U,Uio 22,050 100, 730 30,520 990 3,300 3,0U0 111, 000 23,800 3,720 7,Uli0 19,030 2,150 3,800 5h,i5o 3,200 ! $ 136,600 171, 800 76,500 13,200 26,UOO 87,600 Siphons (6 ) Structure excavation Backfill Compacting backfill Concrete Reinforcing steel Right of Way Subtotal cu.yd, cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. lb. 57,360 UO,380 h,250 U,530 655,000 D-7 1.25 0.70 3.50 85.00 0,16 71,630 28,270 lU, 880 385,050 loU, 800 6oU,6oo 180,000 $ 6,2U6,000 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAW DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAM JACIOTO TUNlffiL TO MINT4EI-7AWA RESERVOIR ^V' LINE (contimied) : : ; Unit : Item ; Unit : Qu arti ty ; price ; Cost Auld Valley Rese:."voirji Capacity 38^000 Acre-Feet Daji and Reservoir Ittirp sim $ U, 701,600 (See appendix for cost breakdown) Sta. 1202<-Q0 to Stg. _ 12l|5+52 ATild Valley Reservoir B^^-Pass Si phon^, Capacity kh2 cfs Siphon Excavation cu.yd. 30,900 $ 1.^0 $ U6,350 Backfill cii,ydo Zh^lSO 0.65 l6,090 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 810 2c?0 2,030 66-inch reinforced concrete pipe lino ft. U,350 3lu65' l50,730 lU-inch pit)e vent each 1 UOCoOO UOO Blowcff " each 1 3,200 _„3£200 2l8,800 Subtotal I 218,800 Sta, 12U5+^0 to Sta. 1586+75 from Auld Yallej to Beginning of Pips Line, Canal Capacity 884 cfs Earthwork, Concrete Lining, and Fences Excavation for canal Common cuoyd. u86,000 0.25 121,500 Rock cu.yd. 32 -',000 2.70 669, Hoo Excavation for drainage channels cu.yd. 39,000 CellO 15, 600 Trimming eaxth foujidations for concrete lining sq.yd. 161,200 0.50 80,600 Preparing rock foundations for concrete lining sq.ydo 26,pOO 1.70 U5,o5o Compacting embankments cu,3'-d. 50,000 o,Ii5 22,500 Backfill over canal lining cu.yd. 9,100 1.30 11,830 Concrete lining cu,yd. 18,100 23.50 .'425,350 Gravel on operating road cu.yd. 3,2U0 U.oo 12,960 Safety ladders lb. 2,550 0.35 890 U-strand barbed wire fence mi. 11.65 2,500 29,130 6-foot chain link fence lin.ft. 500 1.75 880 1,635,700 D-3 ESTIMTED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) Item Unit ; Quantity Unit price Cost Sta. 12Ug+50 to Sta, 1^86+75 (continued) Timber Bridges (3) Structure excavation cu.yd. 500 $ 1.25 $ 630 Backfill cuoyd. 360 0.70 250 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 360 3.50 1,260 Compacting embankments cu.yd. 180 1.00 180 Structure concrete cu.yd. Uo 85,00 3,hOO Reinforcing steel lb. 5,800 0.16 930 Gravel road siirfacing cu.yd. 23 U.oo 90 Untreated timber M.B.M. h5 3Uo,oo 15,300 Treated timber M.B.M. h 1I05.00 1,620 Check Structures (3) Structure excavation cu.yd. 3,900 1.25 14,880 Backfill cu.yd. 2,250 0.70 1,580 Contact backfill cu.yd. 2,250 3.50 7,880 Concrete cu.yd. 275 85.00 23,380 Reinforcing steel lb. 37,500 0.16 6,000 12' X 10' radial gate and hoist each 3 9,000 27,000 Steel trash rack lb. 5,000 0.65 3,250 Turnouts (2) Structure excavation cu.yd. 600 1.25 750 Backfill cu.yd. 560 0.70 390 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 560 3c50 1,960 Concrete cu.yd. 25 85.00 2,130 Reinforcing steel lb. 3,200 0.16 510 2h-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 16 6.75 110 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 16 12.50 200 2li-inch cast iron slide gate each 1 236.00 2U0 36-inch cast iron slide gate each 1 Uoo.oo Uoo Flume Overchutes (U) Structure excavation cu.yd. 1,700 1.25 2,130 Backfm cu.yd. 1,380 0.70 970 Conpacting backfill cu.yd. 1,380 3.50 14,830 Concrete cu.yd. 250 85.00 21,250 Reinforcing steel lb. 37,350 0.16 5,980 Riprap cu.yd. 2U 9.00 220 4 I 23,700 71,000 6,700 35, Uoo D-9 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR "W" LIN'E (continued) Item : : Unit Unit ; Quantity ; price Cost Sta. 12h$+^0 to Sta. lg86-»75 (continued) Pipe Overchutes (11) Structure excavation cu.yd. 935 ^ 1»25 $ 1,170 Backfill cu.yd. i,5Ho 0,70 1,080 Compacting backfill cu.yd. i,5Uo 3.50 5,390 Concrete cu.yd. 85 85eOO 7,230 Reinforcing steel lb. 7,060 0.16 1,130 l8-inch CM. P., 12 ga. lin.ft. 160 7.50 1,200 2li-inch C. M.P.J 12 ga. lin.ft. 120 9,^0 1,1)40 30-inch CM. P., 12 ga. lin.ft. 80 iio5o 920 36-inch CM. P., 12 ga. lin.ft. 80 15.60 1,250 l8-inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 22U 11.00 2,U6o 2i;-inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 168 16,80 2,820 30-inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 112 21,05 2,360 36- inch welded steel pipe, 10 ga. lin.ft. 112 27.30 3,060 Couplings and stiffeners Ibo 1,928 0.65 1,250 Riprap cuoyd. 66 9cOO 590 Culverts (.^) Structure excavation Common cu.yd. 325 1,25 Uio Rock cu.yd. 75 U.50 3I1O Backfill cu.yd. 300 C70 210 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 300 3.50 1,050 Concrete cu.yd. 38 85.00 3,230 Reinforcing steel lb. 3,350 O0I6 510 18-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 280 60 00 1,680 2ii-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. U20 6,75 2,8UO Riprap cu.yd. 30 9»00 270 Siphons Structure excavation cu.yd. 80,510 1.25 ioo,6ii.o Backfill cu.yd. 56,960 0.70 39,870 Compacting backfill cu.yd. 6,170 3o50 21,600 Concrete cu.yd. 710 85.00 60,350 Reinforcing steel lb. 101,200 0.,16 16,190 $ 33, 100 10,600 D-10 ESTIMATED COST OF INITL1L FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNNEL TO MINNE'.-J'AWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) Item Unit ; Quantity Unit price Cost Sta. 12ii$+50 to Sta. lg86+75 (continued) Siphons (continued) 6-foot chain link fence lin.ft. 120-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin„ft. Right of Way Subtotal 100 $ 1.75 $ lt,960 110.00 limp sum 180 gli5>600 $ 781|^U00 30.000 I 2,635,600 Sta. 1586+75 to Sta. 2100+00 Pi£ e Line from End of Canal to Vallecitos Reservoir Turnout, Cap acity U32 cfs Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 217,135 1.20 260,560 Rock cu.yd. 115,290 3.20 368,930 Backfill cu.yd. 218, U90 0.65 1U2,020 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. I8,h30 2.50 h6,080 90-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 51,325 83.10 U, 265, no Manhole each 6 3,U00 20, UOO Manhole and blowoff each 9 3,930 35,370 Manhole and air valve each 8 3,800 30,1;00 Vent structure each 1 6,130 6,130 Turnout each 2 730.00 1,U60 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 5,183,600 Right of Way lunp sum 22,000 Subtotal 1 5,205,600 Pipe Line Sta. 2100+00 to Sta. 2721+00 Turnout (Vallecitos Reservoir) to Turnout (Oceanside), Capacity 39h cfs 1.70 2.75 0.65 2.50 Excavation Common cu.yd. 162,560 Rock cu.yd. 2U9,070 Backfill cu.yd. 283,650 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 2U,100 81i-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 6,300 276,350 681;, 9U0 I81i,370 60,250 66.30 iil7,690 D-11 ESTIMTED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAl^ JACINTO TUWIEL TO MINTffiWAWA RESERVOIR '¥" LINE (cont5-nued) Unit Item Unit Quantity price 8 Cost Sta. 2100+00 to Sta. 27214-00 (contimied) P ipe Line (continued) oii-inch steel pipe lin.ft. Manhole and blcwoff each Manhole and air valve each Vent structure each US-inch vent pipe lin.ft. Turnout each Turnout each Right of Way Subtotal 55,800 I 102.90 $5,7lil.,820 23 3,930 90,390 20 3o800 76j000 2 6,130 12,260 800 uO.oo 32^000 2 730.00 l,i;60 2 7pl70 lh,3U0 $ 7,591,900 lujip sum 29,000 .$ 7,620,900 Sta. 2721+00 to Sta„ 29U5+00 Tui'nout (Oceanside) to Turnout (Bueno Colorado), Capacity 383 cfs Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 22,920 1.50 3U.380 Rock cu.yd. 121, 6U0 2.50 3oU,ioo Backfill cu.yd. 9U,730 0.65 61,580 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 10, 320 ?.5o 25,800 90-inch rernforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 11,500 76.25 876,880 90-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 10,900 82.10 89h,890 Manhole each 2 3,uoo 6,800 Manhole and blowoff each 8 3,930 31,l;ii0 Manhole and air valve each 7 3,800 26, 600 Vent structure each 1 6,130 6,130 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 2,275,800 Right of Way lunp sujn 11,000 Subtotal < S 2.286.800 Pipe Line Excavation Common Rock Sta. 29li5+00 to S ta . 3l6>00 Turnout (Bueno Colorado) to Turnout (Carlsbad), Capacity 37U cfs cu.yd. cu.yd. 63,990 75,lj20 0,50 2o50 32,000 188,550 D-12 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQlfEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TU]\INEL TO MINI-ffiWAWA RESERVOIR '¥" LINE (continued) Item Unit ; Quantity Unit price Cost Sta. 29li5-'-00 to Sta. 3163+00 (continued) Pipe Line (continued) Backfill Consolidating backfill 90-inch reinforced concrete pipe 90-inch steel pipe 81|-inch steel pipe Manhole Manhole and blowoff Manhole and air valve Turnout Right of Way Subtotal cu„yd„ 96,900 % 0.65 1 62,980 cuoyd. 8,UUo 2.50 21,100 linoft. 14,000 78.90 315,600 lin.ft. 8,500 81,. 20 715,700 lino ft. 9,300 91.65 852,300 each 3 3,U00 10,200 each S 3,930 19,650 each 6 3,800 22,800 each 1 7,170 lunp sum 7,170 $ 2,2l;8,000 10,000 Sta. 3163+00 to Sta. 3269+00 Turnout (Carlsbad) to Turnout (San Marcos Reservoir), Capacity 36I|. cfs Pipe Line Ebccavation Common cu.yd. 8U,870 0.50 U2,UU0 Rock cu.yd. U8,270 3.65 176,190 Backfill cu.yd. 83,970 0.65 5U,580 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. U,020 2.50 10,050 8U-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. U,l50 59.00 2U1|,850 8i;-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 6,U50 95.20 6lIi,0U0 Manhole each 2 3,U00 6,800 Manhole and blowoff each 3 3,930 11,790 Manhole and air valve each 1 3, 300 3, 8OO Vent structure each 1 6,130 6,130 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 Right of I'Jay lump sum Subtotal 2,258,000 1,177,800 I4..900 % 1,182,700 D-13 ESTIMTED COST OF INITI^iL FEATUIiES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACIOTO TUNNEL TO MINKEVJAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) • • : Unit : Item : Unit : Quantity : price : C- DSt Sta. 3269+00 to Sta. .3861+00 Turnout (San Marcos Reser voir) to Turnout fEast of De] Mai')s Capacity 335 cfs Pipe Line Excavation Cominon cu.yd. 2U7,970 $ l.UO $ 3U7,160 Rock cu»yd. 160, 580 2.60 Ul7,5l0 Backfill cu.yd. 280^900 0,65 182.590 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 19j280 2.50 U8,200 90-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 10,250 9I0OO 932,750 90-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 13,000 79.00 1, p 02 7, 000 8i4-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 6,1-50 82.90 53U,710 8It-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 30,100 100.25 3. ,017,530 Manhole each 3 3,Uoo 10,200 Manhole and bla^roff each 18 3,930 70, 7li0 Manhole and air valve each 17 3,800 6U,600 Vent structure each 2 6,130 12,260 Turnout each 3 7,170 21,510 $ 6,686,800 Right of Way luii?3 sum 27,000 Subtotal $ 6,713,800 Sta. 3861+00 to Sta, U0lt3+00 Turnout (East of Del Mar) to Turnout (Carroll Reser\roir), Capacity 32U cf, s Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. U6,890 1.00 16, 890 Rock cu.yd. 72,550 3.00 217,650 Backfill cu.yd. 81,570 0.65 53,020 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 7,U30 2.50 18,580 90-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 8,800 77.20 679,360 81i-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 9,liOO 80.60 757, 6U0 Manliole and blcwoff each 7 3,930 27,510 Manhole and air valve each 7 3,800 26,600 Vent structure each 1 6,130 6,130 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 1, 8U0, 600 D-lLj ESTIMATED COST OF INITL1L FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUNTffiL TO MINNEWAVJA RESERVOIR "¥'• LINE (continued) : : : Unit : Item ; Unit ; Quantity : price : Cost Sta. 386I+OO to Sta. UOU3+OO (continued) Right of Way lunp sum $ 8,U00 Subtotal $ 1,8U9,000 Sta. U0U3+OO to Sta. U21U+OO Turnout (Carroll Reservoir) to Turnout (Camp Elliott), Capacity 29I1 cfs Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 102,910 $ 1.00 $ 102,910 Rock cu.yd. 15,850 3.00 h7,55o Backfill cu.yd. 81,710 0.65 53,110 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 5,080 2.50 12,700 90-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 17,100 86, UO 1 ,U77,UU0 Manhole and blowoff each 9 3,930 35,370 Manhole and air valve each 9 3,800 3U,200 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 l,770,l;00 Right of Way lump sum 7,800 Subtotal $ 1,778,200 Sta. )42lU+00 to Sta. ii6lU+00 Turnout (Cajtp Elliott) to Turnout (San Diego and Helix), Capacity 286 cfs Pine Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 2U2,66o 1.00 2U2,66o Rock cu.yd. 22,970 3.50 80,U00 Backfill cu.yd. 187,630 0.65 121,960 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 10,880 2.50 27,200 8U-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 33,750 70.75 2,387,810 8U-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 6,250 8l.li5 509,060 Manhole each 1 3,Uoo 3,Uoo Manhole and blowoff each 16 3,930 62,880 Manhole and air valve each 15 3,800 57,000 Vent structure each 1 6,130 6,130 Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 3,505,700 D-15 ESTIMATSD COST OF INITIAL FiiATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TWINEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR '¥" LB]E (continued) • • • • • Unit : Item : Unit : Quantity : price : C( ost Sta. U2li;+00 to Sta . I461U+OO (( continued) Right of VJay lump sum $ 18,U00 Subtotal 1 3,521,100 Sta. I;6lU+00 to Sta. U995+00 Turnout (San Diego and Helix) to 157 cfs Turnout (South Bay and Nat ional City) , Capacity Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 196,790 : $ 1.00 ; J? 196,790 Rock cu.yd. 37,030 3.50 129,610 Backfill cu.yd. 170,2liO 0,65 110,660 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 10,950 2.50 27,380 Construction in street lin,ft. 19,500 10 ,00 195,000 78~inch steel pipe lin.ft. 38,100 70.85 2,699,390 Mui-ray tiornout control station lurrp sum 112,600 Manhole each 10 3,U00 3U,000 Manhole and blowof f each h 3,930 15,720 Manhole and air valve each 3 3,800 iijhoo Turnout each 1 7,170 7,170 3,539,700 Right of Way lunp sum 17,600 Subtotal $ 3,557,300 Sta. 1|9 95+00 to Sta. 527a+00 Turnout I [South Bay and National City) to cfs Turnout (Otay and Jjmp lerial). Cap acity liiu - Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 27U,300 0.90 2U6,870 Rock cu.yd. 5,930 3.50 20, 760 Backfill cu.yd. 132, 890 0.65 86, 380 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 7,U10 2.50 18,530 Prepare subgrade and surface road sq.yd. U,670 5.00 23,350 78-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 15,150 57.90 377,190 78-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 12,750 79.35 1,011,710 U8-inch reinforced concrete pipe lin.ft. 550 UO.OO 22,000 D.16 ESTIMATED COST OF INITIAL FEATURES OF PROPOSED SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCT FROM SAN JACINTO TUIWEL TO MINNEWAWA RESERVOIR "W" LINE (continued) Item : : Unit Unit t Quantity ; price Cost Sta. itQ95+00 to Sta. g27h-»-00 (continued) Pipe Line (continued) Manhole each 1 $ 3,U00 $ 3,U00 Manholes and blowoffs each 8 3,930 31,UliO Manholes and air valves each 8 3,800 30,U00 Vent structure each 1 7,170 7,170 Turnout each 1 iU,ooo lUjOoo $ 2,393,200 Right of Way- limp sum 12,800 Subtotal S 2,U06,000 Sta. 527U-)-00 to Sta. 5^22+00 Turnout (Otay and Imperial )"~to Minnewawa Reservoir, Capacity 98 cfs Pipe Line Excavation Common cu.yd. 3li,080 1.00 3U,080 Rock cu.yd. 102,820 2,00 205, 61iO Backfill cu.yd. 95,000 Oe65 61, 750 Consolidating backfill cu.yd. 11,250 2.50 28,130 78-inch steel pipe lin.ft. 214,600 63.00 1,5U9,800 Manholes each 2 3, loo 6,800 Manholes and blowoffs each 9 3,930 35,370 Manholes and air valves each 8 3,800 30,Uoo 1,952,000 Right of Way lunp sum 11, 600 Subtotal $ 1,963,600 D-17 APPENDIX E DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DAMS AND RESERVOIRS NEEDED TO PROVIDE REGULATORY AND EMERGENCY STORAGE ON THE PROPOSED AND EXISTING SAN DIEGO AQUEDUCTS L Auld Valley Dam and Reservoir Minnewawa Dam and Reservoir Vallecitos Dam and Reservoir San Marcos Dam and Reservoir Woodson Dam and Reservoir Carroll Dam and Reservoir Enlargement of Sem Vicente Reservoir Enlargement of Lower Otay Reservoir Auld Valley Dam and Reseirvolr The Auld Valley dam site is located on Tucalota Creek along the west line of Sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 2 W., S.B.B.& M. Stream bed elevation is about 1,400 feet, UoS.G.So datum. The Auld Valley dam site was mapped at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet with a contour interval of 10 feet by the Department of Water Resources in 1956. Reservoir areas and storage capacities for various stages of water sur- face elevation were obtained by planimetering United States Geological Survey quadrangles at a scale of ls24,000 with a contour interval of 20 feet, and are shown in Table E-1. TABLE E-1 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF AULD VALLEY RESERVOIR Water surface Depth of water elevation Water surface : Storage capacity at dam, in feet U.S.G.S. datum in feet area, in acres : in acre -feet 1,400 10 1,410 60 300 20 1,420 lUO 1,300 30 1,430 250 3,250 4o l,44o 380 6,4oo 50 1>50 510 10,800 60 l,46o 640 16,600 70 1,470 810 23,800 80 1,480 990 32,800 85 1,485 1,080 38,000 90 1,490 1,170 43,600 100 1,500 1,350 56,200 A geological reconnaissance of the dam site was made by this Department. The relief at the dam site is relatively low emd the abutment slopes are gentle. Topography, foundation conditions, and availability of materials indicate that an earthfill type of dam is feasible at this site. E-1 Rock types are quaxtzite schist emd gabbro of Cretaceous or possibly Triassic age. The gabbro is exposed on the flank of the right abutment and the schist is exposed on the left abutment. The contact between the two rock types was found exposed in the stream chaimel at the base of the right abutment o The small hill on the right abutment is apparently a pendant of the main schist body which outcrops on the left abutment. Gabbro on the right abutment is a dark bluish grey, massive and very hard, with grain size fine to medium. The schist on the left abutment is layered and broken. The bedrock is slightly veined. Small localized shears were noted in the left abutment. No faults were noted but regional seismicity is high, the area being approximately eight miles from the Elsinore fault zone. The right abutment which extends southward has an essentially even slope of about 25 per cent, with outcropping occurring on 10 per cent of the surface. The slope falls away sharply upstream and downstream. There are no breaJcs in the slope and creep is negligible. The soil mantle is about three feet in thickness and composed of loose weathered rock and soilo Bedrock is moderately weathered and blocky to a depth of five feet. Stripping would be necessary to an average depth of about eight feet. The left abutment has an uneven slope of about 15 per cent. Of the surface area, about five per cent is gullied. The slope is continuous both up and downstream. There are no breaks in slope and creep is slight. The soil mantle is about five feet thick composed of weathered rock and soil, and the bedrock is weathered and layered to a depth of about 10 feet. Stripping would be necessary to an average depth of about 15 feet. The channel width is about 2,400 feet with no outcrops. From logs of wells in the vicinity, it is estimated that the channel is fil3.ed to a depth of about 100 feet with alluvium consisting of sand, silt and some cobbles. There appears to be a clay stratum about five feet thick at a depth of about 25 feet E-2 underlying the channel. The channel material will probably have to be removed to a depth of about 100 feet and replaced with compacted impervious fill. Earthfill materials were found to be available near the site in ade- quate quantity. There are about 2,800,000 cubic yards of impervious material in the stream chajinel extending upstream from the dam site about two miles. Random fill materials in the amount of about 3,000,000 cubic yards were found in the reservoir area just upstream from the right abutment and on the high ground about one mile upstream from the site in the fork of the stream. In addition, about U88,000 cubic yards of earth material that would be removed from the channel and about 78,000 cubic yards of rock and earth salvaged from the spillway cut could be utilized for random fill. Because of the presence of considerable amounts of clay, the random fill materials are not considered to be free draining. Rock for riprap could be quarried on the flank of Bachelor Mountain within 2,000 feet of the dam site, or obtained from material excavated in the spillway cut. For the cost estimates, a zoned earthfill structure was selected which would create a reservoir storage capacity of 38,000 acre-feet with a spillway lip elevation of 1,U85. Tne dam would have a height of 100 feet above stream bed, side slopes of 2.5:1 and a crest elevation of 1,500. It would contain approximately 3,072,000 cubic yards of fill. The crest width would be 30 feet, coniprised of ten-foot width for the imper'/ious core, and ten-foot widths for each of the upstream and downstream random fill sections. The impervious core section would have upstream and downstream slopes of 1:1. In order to prevent excessive leakage, the impervious core was assumed to extend to bedrock at a maximum depth of 100 feet in the channel. Nfoderate to light grouting on the abutments was assumed. Since it was found that groxind water levels in the channel are within 15 feet of the surface, a well point system would be neces- sary to accomplish excavation of the core trench. E-3 Because of bhe need for drainage of the dc^-stream random fill zone, a gravel blanket with a thickness of six feet would be placed on the dowtistream face of the impervious core extending to a height equal to two-thirds of the distance between stream bed and spillway lip. Seepage from the impervious core and abutment contacts intercepted by the blanket drain would be carried to the downstream toe of the dam by gra;vel drains. The upstream face of the dam would be protected against wave action by rock riprap to a depth of three feet normal to the slope. The spillway would he a concrete-3ined chute, with ogee weir control section, placed in a cut through a saddle behind the small hill on the right abutment. T}:ie maximum depth of cut in the paxidle would be 30 feet, with about two feet of soil, three feet of weathered rock and the remainder in massive, slightly blocky sjid hard gab'uro. The spillway would have a discharge capacity of about 19,000 second-feet, the esti:iiated discharge of a once in a thousand year flood modified by the effect of surcharge storage in the reser000 acre-feet at this site. The dam would be a rolled earthfill type with an impervious core of select material and upstream and downstream sections of random material. It would have a crest elevation of 720 feet and side slopes of 3:1 and contain 2,485,000 cubic yards E-9 of fill. The imperviaas core would, have a slope of 0.75:1 and extend to bedrock. Crest ^^dth would bs 30 feet, comprised of ten foot Td.dths each for the upstream and downstream random sections ajid ten feat for the crest of the core section. Earthfill materials were found to be available near the site in ade- quate quantity. There are about ]., 610,000 cubic yards of impervious material in Dulzura Creek extending upstream from the dam site about four miles. Addi- tional impervious material could be obtained from the upper reaches of Lower Otay Reser'/oir if the water stage is low. Although adequate quantities of pervious material are not available in the reser>/oir, approximately 1,880,000 cubic yards of random fill material may be obtained from the hills on the northern edge of Lower Otay Reservoir 8t a distance of about four miles by roeid. Additional random fill material is s.v'aiiable from the San Diego formation immediately east of Lower Otay Reservoir. About 157; 500 cubic yards of material from the foundation excavation a.nd 200,900 cubic yards of material salvaged from the spillway excavation could be utilised for random fill. Rock for riprap could be quarried near the sjcis or obtained from material excavated in the spillway cut. Because of the need for drain£ of the dowistream random fill zone, a gravel blanket with a thickness of six fset would be placed on the downstream face of the inrper\.'ious core extending to a height equal to two-thirds of the distance between streara bed and spillway lip. Seepage from the impenrious core and abutment contacts intercepted by the blanket drain would be carried to the downstream toe of the dam by gravel drains. The upstream face of the dam would be protected from wave action by riprap to a depth of three feet normal to the slope . The spillway would consist of an ogee weir control section and a concrete-lined apron placed in a cut through a saddle behind the left abutment. The maximum depth of cut in the saddle would be about 35 feet with about 10 feet E-10 being weathered rock and soil and the remainder being blocky and very hard raeta- volcanic rock. The spillivay would have a discharge capacity of about ^9^000 second -feet which is the estimated peak flow of a once in a thousand year flood. Because of the preliminary nature of this design, no consideration was given the effect of surcharge storage in the reservoir on reducing the peak flows over the spillway. The depth of water over the spillway lip during maximum flood dis- charge would be 15 feet and the crest of the dam was set five feet above this maximum water surface elevation. Inflows to the reservoir from the proposed San Diego Aqueduct and releases from the reservoir would be controlled by construction of an inclined outlet tower ^50 feet in length on the left abutment, equipped six 46-inch diameter hydraulically operated butterfly valves located at various elevations in order to permit releases from selected levels in the reservoir. The inlet - outlet conduit would be a 78-inch diameter steel pipe encased in reinforced concrete and located along the left abutment. At the downstream toe of the dam the outlet conduit would divide into two 78-inch diaimeter branches, each equipped with a i<-8-inch diameter cone valve located in the valve house. One branch would be connected to the 78-inch diameter pipe line of the proposed aqueduct and the other would be bulkheaded off for futiire connection to a possible second stage barrel of the aqueduct. Time of construction is estimated to be one year. Stream diversion during construction could be effected through, the outlet conduit. Relocation of about one mile of state highway and a bridge would be required. In addition, the road through Proctor Valley would be improve! to compensate for inundation of the road along Dulzura Creek. A detailed cost estimate of Minnewawa Dam and Reservoir is sho^m on Table E-k. For illustrative purposes, a plain, profile, and cross section of the proposed dam are shown on Plate 22, entitled "Minnewawa Dam on Jaraul Creek" . E-11 TABLE E-k ESIVUW,D CCS'T OF VilhWMAMA DAM MD RESERVOIR WII'H STORAGE CPJ:'ACTr;. OF 59,000 ACRS-5I3ET (Based on prices pi-evailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: 720 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spill\ra,y: 700 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: 175 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillvay: 59.000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 5 -foot freeboard: ^9,000 second-feet Item Unit CAPITAI. COSTS Qua ntity Unit price Cost Dam Exploration lump S'orii i 1 35,000 Diversion of stream and dex/atering of fo'andatlon lumTJ sum 15,000 Stripping topsoil cu.yd. 71,ii-00 $ 0.50 35,700 Excavation for embarilmeat Fouo.c'^ition c^\.yd. 134,670 1.00 134,90c I'^ora borrow pits cu.yd. S13-.70O C.55 447,500 From stream bed ca.yd. 1,518,700 0.40 e(r(,300 Emba.i}sment Impervious cu = yd . 707,600 0.16 113,200 cu.yd. 1,320,600 0.1 4 164,900 Ra/idom, salvage cu : yd .. 356,400 0.20 7:, 700 Riprap CV\.3rd. 46,100 4.00 192,400 Drilling grout holes lin.ft. 12,400 3 = 00 37,200 Press -a-e grouting Cli o X U o 3,200 4.00 32,800 GraveT drains cu.yd. 50,500 3.50 176,800 $2,084,600 Spillway Excavation, unciassi fied cu.yd. 236,300 2.60 6l4,4oo Coni;rete Weir and cutoff cu.ydo 700 40.00 28,000 Floor cu.yd. 850 35^00 29,800 Walls cu.yd. 70 45.00 3,200 Reinforcing steel lbs. 118,000 0.15 17,700 693,100 Outlet Vi'orks Excavation Structures Conduit Backfill Concrete Condijiit and collars Inlet structure Gate chainber and •/alve house Reinforcing steel Miscellaneous metal work lbs. cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. l4,80O 12,600 8,300 2.50 2.30 2o50 37,000 31,500 20,800 cu.yd. cu.yd. 1,S40 1,510 50.00 70.00 92,000 105,700 cu.yd. lbs. lbs. 80 200,000 23,200 80.00 0.15 C.65 6,400 30,000 15,100 E-12 ESTIMATED 30ST OF MINNEWAWA DAM MD RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 59,000 ACRE-?EET (continued) Item : : Unit Unit ; Quantity ; price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Outlet Works {continued) Steel pipe, 78-inch dia. Cone valve, US-inch dia. Butterfly valve, ^iS-inch dia. Asphalt apron-inlet tower Reservoir Land and improvements Clearing reservoir lands ac . Road relocation Subtotal Administration and engineering, 10^ Contingencies, 15^ Interest during construction TOTAL lbs. each 316,250 2 $ 0.30 $ 9^,900 20,000 U0,000 each 6 22,500 135,000 sq..ft. U2,000 0.20 8,1'00 $ 616,800 ac. 1,100 lump sum 1,1^7,000 50.00 55,000 lump sum 255,000 1,^57,000 $u, 851, 500 ng, 10^ $ 485,200 727,700 121,300 $6,185,700 E-13 Vallecitos Dam and Resem-oir The Vallecitos cLara site is located on a tributary to the San Luis Rey River in the NW -^ of Sec. 13, T. 9 3-> R- 3 W. , S^B^B^Sb M. Stream bed elevation at the site is about 770 feet. Reservoir areas and storage capacities were com- puted from United States Geological Survey quadrangles at a scale of 1:24^000 with a contour interval of 20 feet and are shown in Table E-5. TABLE E"5 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF VALLECITOS RESERVOIR Water siorface Depth of water elevation Water surface Storage capacity at dam, in feet U.S.G.S. datum in feet area, in acres in acre -feet 770 10 780 1 5 20 790 3 25 30 800 6 70 ko 810 12 160 50 820 20 320 60 830 25 ^ko 70 8140 31 820 (So 850 40 1,180 90 860 50 1,630 100 870 61 2,180 no 880 76 2,870 120 890 92 3,710 130 900 110 4,720 lijO 910 120 5,870 150 920 1^ 7,170 i6o 930 160 8,670 168 938 180 10,000 170 9ito 185 10,i+00 Topography at the site is rough with steep slopes. Based upon prelimi- nary geological reconnaissance made by this Department, the Vallecitos dam site is considered suitable for either a zoned earthi'ill or rockfill type of structure, or, with more foundation preparation, a masonry dajci. E-IJ4 Bedrock at this site is composed of moderately weathered Woodson Mountain granodiorite of the Cretaceous age. It is greyish white In color, moderately hard and of a coarse grain size. The joint system is fairly well developed with exfloiation type joints being most common. A moderate amount of grouting would be required for a grout curtain as the joints appear to close with depth. There are no apparent shears, faults, or slides. Regional seismicity is active, the site being approximately five miles southwest of the Elsinore fault system. The right abutment has an average slope of about 75 per cent with outcrops occurring over approximately half the areal extent of the area to be stripped. The slope falls away upstream and downstream. A break in slope occurs at about 900 feet elevation. Creep was noted to be negligible and talus minor. Stripping on this abutment would involve the removal of about two feet of soil and loose weathered rock plus approximately seven feet of weathered and jointed rock. The left abutment has an average slope of about 70 per cent, falling away upstream and downstream. Some loose boulders are present and this abutment appears to be more deeply weathered than the right abutment. Minor creep was noted. Stripping on this abutment would include removal of about three feet of soil and loose weathered rock plus approximately seven feet of weathered rock. The channel width is approximately 30 feet, with bedrock outcrops occupying about 15 per cent of the channel area. Alluvixun therein is composed of silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Stripping would require removal of about six feet of alluvium and loose weathered rock plus shaping of about three feet of bedrock. An aiAXiliary dam would be required in a saddle which is located about 1,000 feet southeast of the left abutment. Stripping of about five feet of soil and loose weathered rock would be necessary there. E-15 Earthfill materials are not available near the site in adequate quanti- ties. Only about 2^,000 cubic yards of impervious fill material vera found to be available in the reservoir area. There are about 182,000 cubic yeards of inrper-zious fill material available in Rainbow Valley which is located about one and one -half miles north of the d.ara site and another 71,000 cubic yards in a small valley located about one mile southwest of Rainbow Valley. Pervious material in adequate quantity could be obtained from the San Luis Rey River channel at a haul distance of about eight miles. In order to reduce the amount of material hauled from borrow areas, it was assumed that about 28,900 cubic i^ards of pervious me-terial could be salvaged from the foundation excavation and 19,600 cubic yards from the spillway cut. Rock for riprap or for a rockfill dam could be quarried from the sides of the reservoir. For purposes of cost estimating a zoned earthfill dam was selected with a height of 178 feet above stream bed and creating a reservoir with a storage capacity of 10,000 acre-feet. The dam would have a crest elevation of 9U8 feet and side slopes of 3:1 upstream and downstream, requiring an embanlonent quantity of 1,530,000 cubic yards. The crest v/idth would be 30 feet, consisting of a ten-foot width of impervious core section and ten-foot widths for each of the pervious sections. The impervious core section would have side slopes of 0.5:1 both upstream and downstream and would extend to bedrock, and the remainder of the embankment would be made up of upstream and downstream pervious sections, constinicted of materials considered to be relatively free -draining. Moderate to heavy grouting would be necessary. Riprap, with a thickness of three feet normal to the upstream face of the dam, would be necessary to protect the face against wave action. The spillway would be a concrete -lined chute with ogee weir control section placed in a cut through the ridge forming the left abutment. Maximum depth of cut would be about 35 feet with about five feet being overburden and E-16 the remainder rock. The spillway would have a discharge capacity of about 3,400 second-feet, the estimated discharge of a once in a thousand year flood. Because of the preliminary nature of this design, no consideration was given to the effect of surcharge storage in the reservoir in reducing estimated peak flows over the spillway. Depth of water above the spillway during maximum flood dis- charge would be approximately five feet and the crest of the dam was assumed to be five feet above the maximum water surface elevation determined thereby. Releases from the reservoir would be effected through a submerged inlet -outlet tower and controlled at a gate chamber under the main dam structure. The inlet-outlet conduit would be a 36-inch diameter steel pipe, encased in reinforced concrete from the tower to the gate chamber at the axis of the dam, ajid in an access conduit from the gate chamber to the valve house at the toe of the dam. A 36-inch butterfly valve would be placed in the line at the gate chamber and a 24-inch cone valve would be placed in the line at the valve house. The outlet conduit would be located along the right abutment. It was estimated that time of construction would be one year, and stream flow during construction could be diverted through the outlet conduit. There are only a few improvements in the reservoir area which may effect the purchase price of the lands therein, and no appreciable road relocation work is anticipated. Since impervious borrow material would be obtained from cultivated areas in Rainbow Valley, it was assumed for purposes of this estimate that the borrow areas therein would be purchased in fee. The major part of the pervious material would be imported from the San Luis Rey River Valley and would be taken from land which has no apparent value for cultivation purposes. It should be noted that a rockfill dam could be constructed at this site with material quarried from the reservoir area. Only earthfill for the impervious core or aggregate for a concrete face slab would need to be imported. A detailed estimate of cost for an earthfill dam and reservoir at the Vallecitos site is presented in Table E-6. E-17 TABLE E-6 ESTIMATED COST OF VALLECITOS DAM MB RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 10,000 ACRE-FEET (Based on prices prevailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: 9^8 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway: 938 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: l63 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway; 10,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 5 -foot freeboard; S^'^-OO second-feet "^ ; Unit ^ Item : Unit : Quantity : price : Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dam Exploration lump sum $ 17,500 Diversion of stream and dewateriiig of foundation lump sum 2,500 Stripping topsoil cu.yd. 25,700 $ 0.40 10,300 Excavation for embankment Foij^idation cu.yd. 36,200 1.10 39,800 From borrow pits cu . yd . 277,000 0.55 152,300 From stream bed cu . yd . 1,337,500 1.20 1,605,000 Embanlanent liTiper'/ious cu . yd . 241,600 o.i6 38,700 Pervious cu.yd. l,26U,if00 0.l4 177,000 Per-/i ous , salvage cu.yd. 48,500 0.20 9,700 Riprap cu . yd . 39,100 3.50 136,900 Drilling grout holes lin.ft. 20,300 3.00 60,900 PressiJire grouting cu.ft. 13,500 4.00 54,000 $2,304,600 Auxiliary Dam Stripping cu o yd . 1,100 0,50 600 Embanlnnent Impervious cu.yd. 15,000 0.70 10,500 Pex*vious cu.yd. 32,300 1.35 43,600 Riprap cu.yd. 4,120 3.50 l4,4oo 69,100 Spillway Excavation, unclassified cu.yd. 24,500 2.10 51,500 Concrete Weir and cutoff cu.yd. 150 40.00 6,000 Floor cu.yd. 310 35.00 10,800 Walls cu.yd. 50 45.00 2,200 Reinforcing steel lbs. 4o,6oo 0.15 6,100 76,600 Outlet Works Excavation Structures cu.yd. 150 2.00 300 Cond\iit cu . yd . 5,900 2.50 l4,700 Backfill cu . yd . 3,200 3.00 3,600 E-18 ESTIMATED COST OF VALLECITOS DAM AND RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 10,000 ACRE-FEET (continued) Item • • : Unit : Quantity : Unit : price : Cost CAPITAL COSTS Outlet Works (continued) Concrete Conduit and collars Structures Reinforcing steel Miscellaneous metal work Steel pipe, 36-inch dia. Cone valve, 2i*-inch dia. Butterfly valve, 36-inch dia. cu.yd. cu.yd. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1,300 300 102,000 9,200 72,300 $50.00 $ 75.00 0.15 0.65 0.30 Ivaxg sum lump s\m 65,000 22,500 15,300 6,000 21,700 12,000 5,500 $ 166,600 Reservoir Land and improvements Clearing reservoir lands Road relocation ac. mi. 200 0.63 iTjmp s\am 50.00 26,000 408,300 10,000 16, 400 434,700 Subtotal $3,051,600 Administration and engineer Contingencies, 15^ Interest during constructic ing, 10^ n $ $3 305,100 457,700 76,300 TOTAL ,890,700 ( 000 E-19 San Marcos Dam and "Reservoir The San Marcos dam site is located on San Marcos Creek in the SE ^ of Sec. 30, T, 12 S., R. 3 W., S.B.B.Se M. Stream bed elevation is about 310 feet, U.S.G.S. datum. Resein/-oir areas and storage capacities vere obtained from United States Geological Survey quadrajigles at a scale of 1:2^4-, 000 with a contour intei-val of 20 feet and are shown in Table E-7. TABLE E-7 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF SAN MARCOS RESERVOIR Water surface • Depth of water elevation V/ater surface : Storage capacity at dam J in feet U.S.G.S. datum area, in acres : in acre -feet in feet : 310 10 320 1 5 20 330 15 85 30 3^ 33 320 ko 350 60 790 50 360 98 1,580 60 370 liK) 2,770 70 380 190 4,420 80 390 230 6,520 90 4oo 280 9,070 100 4io 330 12,100 110 U20 370 15,600 111 i|21 375 16,000 120 430 420 19,600 130 kko 470 24,000 Ito 450 515 28,900 A preliminary geological reconnaissance of the dam site was made by this Department. The site is located at the entrance of a rather narrow canyon with steep slopes. Consideration of the topographic conditions and available material indicates that a combination earth and rockfill type of dam is best suited to the site. The bedrock at this locality consists of a greenish grey, very hard, fine to medium grained granitic rock which contains inclusions of a darker medium E-20 grained rock •which could possibly be gabbro. Joints were noted i^ich extend to an unknown depth. No faults or slides were noted, nor were shears apparent. The general appearance of the area indicates that it is only moderately active seismically. The right abutment has an even slope of 65 per cent, falling away sharply in the upstream and downstream dii^ctions. Outcrops occupy 5 per cent of the surface area. There are no breaks in slope and creep is negligible. It is estimated that about five feet of soil and loose weathered rock plus eight feet of jointed bloeky rock would have to be stripped from this abutment. The left abutment has an average slope of about 65 per cent. The bed- rock is jointed and not as much exposed as on the right abutment. The soil and weathered rock is about five feet in depth and the bedrock is jointed and bloeky for a depth of about ten feet. Stripping would be necessary to an average depth of about 13 feet. The channel section is about kO feet wide with outcrops occupying 75 per cent of the surface area. Bedrock is veiy near the surface in the channel section. Channel alluviiun consists of sand, cobbles and boulders to a depth of about two feet in several small pockets. It is estimated that the channel section would require stripping to a maximum depth of about seven feet. Adequate qusmtities of earth and rockfill materials are available near the site. About 985,000 cubic yards of material suitable for use in the imper- vious section of the dam were found in the rese-C/oir area about one -half mile to the northeast of the dam site. Additional impervious fill material may be obtained from San Marcos Valley which is located about two and one -half ndles to the northeast of the site by read. About 159^000 cubic yards of material for the rock section could be salvaged from the spillway excavation. 520,000 cubic yards of possibly pervious material is to be found in the reservoir area, apprcocimately three -foui-ths of a mile east of the dam site. E-21 For cost estimating purposes, a zoned earth and rockfill type dam with a height oi'' 135 feet above scicasm bed was considered which would create a reservoir storage capacity of 16.OOO ecre-feet. The dam would have a crest elevation of kk^ feet and upstream and downstream side slopes of 2.5:1. The crest width would be 30 feet, comprised of a iO-foot width for the impervious core section and 10 -foot widths for each of the rockfill sections. The impervi- ous core would have side slopes of 0.75 -o 1 upstream and downstream and would extend to bedrock and the remainder of the dam embaLnicment would be made up of upstream and downstream pervious sections constructed of pervious material. Because there was doubt that the proposed pervious material would be free- drainingj the slopes of the daiu were « to be flatter than ordinarily required for a structure of this heigh.t. Pervious filter material would be placed between the impei-zious core and the pervious fill because of expected large sizes of rock in the latter material. Total fill would be i»-42,000 cubic yards, and grading of the rock on the upstream face of the dam would be com- pai-able to riprap to protect against wave ac^tion. Grouting along the axis of the dam was assumed to be Kioiierate in amount as the open joints seem to tighten considerably 'rtth depth. The spill>7ay would be a concrete -lined chute with ogee weir control section placed in a cut around the and of the dam on the left abutment. The maximum depth of cut would be about 120 feet consisting of about five feet of soil and weathered rock sjid the remainder in granodJ.orlte . The spillway would have a discharge capacity of 30,600 second-feet, the estimated peak flow of a once in a thousand year flood. Because of the prel3.minary nature of this design, no consideration was given to the effect of surcharge storage in the reservoir on reducing the estimated peak flows over the spillway. Depth of water above the spillway during maximum flood di.scharge would be approximately I9 feet and the crest of the dam was assumed to be five feet above the maximum water surface elevation deteiinined thereby. ?'~22 Releases from the reservoir would be effected through a submerged outlet tower equipped with a trash rack and controlled at a gate chamber under the main dam structure at the proposed axis. The outlet conduit would be located on bedrock along the right abutment. It would consist of a 36-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete from the tower to the gate chamber and a 36-inch diameter steel pipe placed in an access conduit extending from the gate chamber to the valve house at the downstream toe of the dam. Releases would be regu- lated by a 30-inch butterfly valve in the line located in the gate chamber, and a 2U-inch cone valve placed in the line at the valve house. Estimated time of construction is one year and stream diversion would be effected through the outlet conduit. Construction of about k.h miles of relocated county road would be required. A detailed cost estimate of San Marcos Dam and Reservoir is presented in Table E-8. It will be noted in the table that the cost of spillway excavation constitutes a substantial portion of the total cost. This cost could be reduced if the effect of surcharge storage on reducing the flood flow is taken into account. Also, it may be more economical to build a higher dam which could utilize a saddle spillway location behind the left abutment. The greater reser- voir capacity created by a higher dam could be utilized to conserve natural run- off or as a substitute for storage at some other location along the proposed San Diego Aqueduct. E-23 TABLS E-8 ESTIMATED COST 0? SM MAP;COS DAM AMD RESERVOIR wriH sax)RAGE cAPAcrn of 16,000 acre-feet (Based on prices prevailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: kk^ feet, U.S.G.S. dati;m Elevation of crest of spillway: ^21 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above streain bed: 111 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway; l6,000 acre -feet Capacity of spillway with 5 -foot freeboard: 30,600 second-feet Unit ; Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dsjn Exploration Diversion of stream and dewatsring of founaation Stripping topsoil Excavation for embankment Founda-tion From borrow pits From stream bed Bnbanioaent Iniper\-ious Pervious Rock, salvage Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Excavation, unclassified Concrete Weir and cutoff Floor Walls Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Structures Conduit Backfill Concrete Conduit and collars Structures Reinforcing steel Miscellaneous metalwork Steel pipe, 36 -inch dia. Cone valve, 2U-inch dia. Butterfly valve, 30 -inch dia. lump sum $ 15,000 cu . ya . cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. cu . yd . cu . yd . cu . yd. . lin.ft, cu . ft . cu . yd . lump sum 15,300 $ 0.5c 31.500 187,200 132,800 162,800 120,700 159,000 5,880 3,920 198,800 1.10 0.38 0.45 0.16 O.lif 0.20 3.00 4.00 2.50 5,000 7,700 34,700 71,100 59,800 26,000 16,900 31,800 17,600 15,700 497,000 cu.yd.. 322 40.00 12,900 cu . yd . 630 35.00 22,000 cu . yd . 195 45.00 8,800 lbs. 90,4oo 0.15 13,600 cu . yd . 500 2.00 1,000 cu . yd . 4,100 2.50 10,300 cu.yd. 900 3.00 2,700 cu . yd . 980 50.00 49,000 cu . yd . 420 75.00 31,500 lbs. 126,000 0.15 18,900 lbs. 7,600 0.65 4,900 lbs. 57,000 0,30 17,100 lump sum 12,000 lump sura 5,000 $ 301,300 55^,300 152,400 E-24 ESTIMATED COST OF SAN MARCOS DAM AND RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF l6,000 ACRE-FEET (continued) ♦ Item : Unit : Unit : Quantity : price ; Cost CAPITAL COSTS Reservoir Land and improvements Clearing reservoir lands ac. Road relocation mi . Access road lump sum $ 500 $ 50.00 U„4 20,000 lump sum 365,500 25,000 88,000 10,000 $ 488,500 Subtotal $1,496,500 Administration and engineering, 10^0 Contingencies, 15^ Interest during construction $ 149,600 224,500 37,400 TOTAL $1,908,000 / E-25 Woodson Dam and Reservoir The Woodson dam site is in the NW -^ of Sec. 29, T. 13 S., R. 1 W., S.B.B.& M. Stream bed elevation is about 65O feet, U.S.G.S. datum. Reservoir areas and storage capacities for various stages of water surface elevation were obtained from United States Geological Survey quadrangles at a scale of 1:24,000, with a contour interval of 20 feet, sjid are shown in Table E-9. TABLE E-9 AREAS AMD CAPACITIES OF WOODSON RESERVOIR Depth of water at dam, in feet Water surface elevation : Water surface U.S.G.S. datum : area, in acres in feet 650 660 1 670 10 680 19 690 33 TOO hi 710 61 720 75 730 88 7^ 100 750 110 760 125 770 130 775 liK) 780 11^5 790 160 800 170 storage capacity in acre -feet 10 20 30 ilO 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 lliO 150 5 60 200 k6o 860 1,400 2,080 2,900 3,8k) 4,890 6,060 7,340 8,010 8,730 10,200 11,900 The site is located at a prominent constriction formed by a ridge in a rather small valley. Based upon a preliminary geological reconnaissance this site is considered suitable for either an earthfill or masonry type of dam. Bedrock of the area is a massive, grey-white, granodiorite of the Cretaceous age. It is hard, medium grained in character, and fairly resistant to weathering. The bedrock at the dam site is slightly blocky, exhibiting widely spaced rectangular jointing. There are no apparent faults or shears and E-26 no slides. The seisniicity of the area is moderate to low, the Elsinore fault zone being approximately 20 miles to the northeast. The right abutment has ein even 65 per cent slope falling away upstream and downstream. Bedrock outcrops are prominent, making up approximately ^tO per cent of the surface area. There are no breaks in slope, talus is minor and creep negligible. Large loose blocks on the outcrops would need to be cleared when stripping the abutment. For an earthfill structure, an average of about two feet of soil and loose weathered rock plus about five feet of weathered rock would be stripped on this abutment. The left abutn^nt has an even slope of about 75 per cent falling away sharply upstream and downstream. Bedrock outcrops make up about 60 per cent of the surface area, exhibiting a slightly less weathered character than that of the right abutment. Loose blocks up to ten feet in diameter would have to be cleared from the surface when stripping. There are no breaks in slope, creep is negligible and talus is minor. An average thickness of about one foot of soil and loose weathered rock plus about five feet of weathered rock would be sufficient stripping on this abutment for an earthfill dam. Channel width is approximately 100 feet, with a few bedrock outcrops. Alluvial fill covering the channel to an estimated average depth of eight feet consists of silt, sand, and some gravel and scattered boulders. Stripping in the channel would include about eight feet of alluvium plus about three feet of weathered rock. Only limited amounts of earthfill materials were found to be availa- ble near the site. About 170,000 cubic yards each of impervious and random fill material are contained in the stream chemnel extending for a distance of about one mile upstream from the dam site. Residuum lying on the hillside above Green Valley, approximately one mile west of the site, would provide about 230,000 cubic yards of impervious fill material, and additional impervious fill E-27 could be oTrtained along the Poway -Green Valley road approximately I.5 miles southwest of the dam site. Adequate quantities of raiidom fill material may be obtained from the Poway formation which outcrops approximately five miles west of the site. In addition, about 37,100 cubic yards of foundation excavation and 11,100 cubic yards of spillway excavation could be salvaged for use in the ran- dom fill sections. Rock for riprap could be obtained from material excavated in the spillway cut. The dam would be of the zoned earthf ill type with a height of lUo feet above stream bed, creating a reservoir storage capacity of 8,000 acre-feet. Both upstream and downstream slopes would be 2.5:1 and the iinpervious section would have slopes of 1:1. The dam would have a crest elevation of 790 feet and would contain about 705,000 cubic yards of fill. The crest width of the dam would be 30 feet, consisting of a ten-foot width for the impervious core and ten-foot widths for each of the upstreajn and downstream random fill sections. The iniper\?'ious core was assumed to extend to bedrock \^ere light grouting would be required. Because the random fill material in the upstream and downstream sec- tions is not considered to be free -draining, gravel drains would be provided at the downstream face of the impervious core to remove any leakage occurring through the impervious section and at the abutment contacts. A gravel blanket with a thickness of six feet normal to the downstream face of the impervious section would be placed at the contact between the impervious and random fill and would extend to a height of two-thirds of the distance between the stream bed and the spillway lip. Intercepted seepage would be carried away from the base of the blanket to the downstream toe of the dam by gravel drains. The up- stream face of the random fill section would be protected from wave action by riprap placed to a depth of three feet normal to the slope. E-28 The spillway would consist of an ogee weir control section and a concrete -lined apron placed in a cut through a saddle behind the left abutment. The maximum depth of cut in the saddle would be 25 feet consisting of about five feet of residuum and weathered rock and about 20 feet of granodiorite . The spillway would have a discharge capacity of 9^^0 second -feet, which is the estimated peaJc flow of a once in a thousand year flood. Because of the pre- liminary nature of this design, no consideration was given to the effect of sur- charge storage in the reservoir in reducing the estimated peak flows over the spillway. Depth of water above the spillway lip during majtimum flood discharge would be approximately ten feet and the crest elevation of the dam was assumed to be five feet above the maximum water surface elevation so defined. Releases from the reservoir would be effected through a submerged inlet -outlet tower. The inlet -outlet conduit would consist of a 30 -inch diameter steel pipe encased in reinforced concrete from the tower to a gate chamber under the dam structvire at the proposed axis, and a 30-inch diameter steel pipe placed in an access conduit extending from the gate chamber to the valve house at the toe of the dam. Releases would be regulated by a 30-inch butterfly valve placed in the line at the gate chamber ajnd a 2i4--inch cone valve placed in the line at the valve house. Estimated time of construction is one year, and stream flow could be diverted through the outlet condioit during construction. Included in the cost of lands and improvements is the cost of acquisi- tion of land from which borrow material would be obtained and which lies outside the reservoir area. A detailed cost estimate for Woodson Dam and Reservoir is presented in Table E-10. E-29 TA3:':s s-io ESTBIVCED COST 0^ WOODSOW DM MI> RESERVOIR WJITK STORAGE CAPACITY OF 8,000 ACFJ^l-FEET (Based on prices prevailing in 195^) Elevation of crest of dam: 790 feet, U.3.G.S. datvja Elevatio.a of crest of spillway: 775 i'eet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: 125 feet Capacity of reser%'oir to crest of spillway: 8,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway \rith 5 -foot freeboard: 9,U00 second-feet Item : : Unit Unit : Quantity : price Cost CAPITA!. COSTS Dam Exploration luup sum $ 15,000 Diversion of stream, and devatering of fouiidation lump sum 5,000 Stripping topsoil cu.ytic 8,060 $ 0.50 4,000 Excavation for eabanlatient Foi^iiidation cu > yd . Ul,030 1.25 51,600 Froifl borrow pits cu.ydo 393,200 0.60 235,900 From quarry cu.yd. 320,iiOO O.i^O 126,200 Erabankiiieiit Inpervious cu.yd. 276,600 0.16 44,600 Randora cu.yd. 3'^ 1,900 014 47,900 ?.andora, fsalvage cu.yd. 48,200 0-.20 9,600 Rock, riprap cu^yd. 17,200 3 = 50 60,200 Drilling s-out holes linoft. 8,6kO 3.00 25,900 PresatAre grouting cu.ft» 5,760 it. 00 23,000 Gravel drains cu.yd. 19,370 3.50 67,600 Spillway Excavctiou, \mclassified cu.yd. 33,300 2.40 79,900 Concrete Weir and cutoff cu.yd. 190 40.00 7,600 Floor cu.yd. 300 35 "00 10,500 walls cu.yd. 60 45.00 2,700 Reinforcing steel lbs. 4l,800 0.15 6,300 Outlet VJorks Excavation Stni.ctu:res Conduit Backfill Concrete Conduit and collars Stro.ctares Rei.iforcing steel Eiscellaneovis metalwork Steel pipe, 30~inch dia. cu . yd . cu . yd . cu-ji-d. cu.yd. cu.yd. lbs. lbs. lbs. 100 2 00 3,380 2:50 i,l4o 3.00 1,010 50.00 250 75 = 00 88,800 0.15 6,000 0.65 .46>,oOO 0.30 $ 718,700 107,000 200 9,700 3,400 50,500 18,800 13,300 3,900 14, 600 E-30 ESTIMATED COST OF WOODSON DAM AND RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 8,000 ACRE-FEET (continued) Item : : Unit Unit ; QueLntity ; price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Outlet Works (continued) Cone valve, 2U-inch dia. Butterfly valve, 30-inch dia. Reservoir Land and improvements Clearing reservoir lamds ac. Road relocation mi. Subtotal Administration and engineering, 10^ Contingencies, 15^ Interest during construction TOTAL l\mp sum $ 12,000 lump sum 3,000 $ 131, UOO lump sura 170 $75.00 2.1 25,000 U35,600 12,800 52,500 500,900 $1,458,000 $ li^5,800 218,700 36,500 $1,859,000 E-31 CcU'i-oll ^js fuid Reseiyoir The Carroll clam site is located o.i a tritutary to Carroll Canyon in the NE Ijk of Sec. 32, T, l4 S., R. 2 sv., S.B.B.&M. Stream bed elevation at the site is about 575 feet. Pieser-^oir areas aad storage capacities for various water siirface elevations were obtained from United States Geological Suirvey q'iadrangles at a scale of 1:2^1,000,, with a contour interval of 20 feet, and are shown in Table E-11. TABLE E-11 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF CARROLL RESEPT/OIR Water surface Depth of water elevation Water surface Storage capacity at dam, in feet U.S.G.S. datum area, in acres in acre -feet in feet 575 5 580 15 590 25 600 35 610 i^5 620 55 630 65 640 75 650 85 660 95 670 105 680 115 690 125 7'X) 135 710 139 71^ 1U5 720 150 725 2 5 7 50 11 140 16 280 22 460 28 720 38 1,040 50 1,480 64 2,060 79 2,770 96 3,640 120 4,700 l40 6,000 165 7.530 180 8,220 190 9,300 210 10,300 Topography of the dam site aad reservoir area is low in relief. Intermittent streams have developed ii-regu3-ar ridges and gvaiies. Preliminary geological reconnaissance by this Department in 1956 indicated that an earth- fill dam strv.cture is the most s-jitable for this site, considering topographic and foundation conditions and availability of construction materials. E-.52 Bedrock in the area is overlain by a thick section of conglomerate, identified as the Poway conglomerate of the Eocene age. Bedrock outcrops observed consisted of volcanics tentatively identified as the Santiago Peak formation. The abutments and channel section of the dam site are meta-volcanic bedrock. The rock is very hard, aphanitic, blue black in color, and moderately blocky to very blccky. Locally, the rock exhibits foliation and some recemented breccia. No faiilts are apparent, but shears are prominent in the spillway cut of a small dam existing upstream from the proposed dam axis. Moderace to closely spaced jointing is evident but it appears to close with depth. The reservoir area is in the conglomerate formation, which is moderately weathered, buff to red brown in color, and slightly cemented. The right abutment has an even slope of about 50 per cent, falling away upstream and downstream. Outcrops occupy 10 per cent of the surface area. No lajidslides or talus were noted and creep is negligible. Required stripping on this abutment would include about two feet of soil and loose weathered rock plus about six feet of weathered rock. The left abutment has an even slope of 55 per cent falling away up- stream. There are no breaks in slope amd outcrops occupy 15 per cent of the surface area. Creep is negligible and no landslides or t£ were noted. It is estimated that about two feet of soil and loose weathered rock and about eight feet of weathered rock would be stripped from this abutment. The channel width is 30 feet and bedrock outcrops occupy about 10 per cent of that width. Unconsolidated material in the chsumel consists of boulders, cobbles, and sand, to en approxl\Tiate depth of two fset. Striping for an earthfill structure would require removal of an average of two feet of channel fill plus foxor feet of weathered rock. It should be noted that there is a small rockfill dam with a concrete diaphragm located at the upstream edge of the presently considered construction site, which structure could be incor- porated into the proposed structure. Moderate grouting of the dam foundation wo\ild be required. E-33 Suitable impen/ioiis material is not available in the ressrvoir area. However^ appi'oximately 2^1,000 cubic j-ards of impei'vioiis material occiats north- west of the site in Los Penasquitos Canyon and in a tributary stream at a maximum distance of about 3«0 miles. Pervious material in adequate supply could be obtained from the conglomerate in the reservoir area. This material is not considered to be free-draining and is therefore classified as random fill. Approximately 80,200 cubic yards of pervious material conoid be salvaged from the foundation and spillway excavations » The proposed dam would have a height of 15O feet above stream bed and would create a reservoir with a storage capacity of 8,000 acre-feet. The dam would have a crest elevation of 725 feet, and side slopes of 2,5:1 upstream and downstream. The crest width wotad be 30 feet, consisting of a 10-foot width for the crest of the impervious core and 10-foot widths for the crests of each of the upstream and downstream random fill sections. The impervious core section woiild have side slopes of 1:1 for its upstream an.d downstream faces and would extend to bedrock. Upstream and downstream random fill sections wouJ.d make up the remainder of the embankment. The upstream fac^;, of the dam would be pro- tected against wave action by rock riprap to a depth of three feet normal to the upstream face. A low dike about 1,700 feet in length would be required along the ridge foraing the left abutment. This woiild be an earthfill structure similar to the main dam. The total fill in both embankments would be about 95^,000 cubic yards. The spillway would be a concrete -lined chute with ogee weir control section placed in a cut located around the end of the dam on the right abutment. The maxim\mi depth of cut would be about 20 feet with about 10 feet being in overburden and 10 feet in conglomerate underlain by volcanic rock. The spill- way would have a discharge capacity of 1^200 second-feet, the estimated peak flow of once in a thousand year flood. For this estimate, the effect of sur= charge storage on the reservoir Eirea was not considered in determination of the reqviired discharge capacity of the spillway structure. During maximim dis= charge, the depth of water above the spillway would be about six feet and the crest of the dam was assumed to be five feet above the meucimum water stirface elevation so defined. Releases from the resei°voir wovild be effected through a submerged outlet tower equipped with a trash rack structure, and controlled at a gate chamber located \mder the main dam structvire at the axis of the damo I'he inlet -outlet conduit would be a 36-inGh diameter steel pipe encased in rein= forced concrete from the tower to the gate chamber and a 36=inch steel pipe placed in an access conduit extending from the gate chamber to a valve house at the toe of the dam. Releases would be regulated by a 36=inch butterfly valve located in the gate chamber and a 24°inch cone valve located in the valve house. Time of construction is estimated to be one yeax, and during con- struction stream flow woxild be passed through the outlet conduit. There are no roads or utilities within the eur-ea of the proposed reservoir. The cost of land outside of the reservoir area from which borrow material would be obtained is included in the estimate of costs of reservoir lands and improvements here- inafter presented. A detailed estimate of the cost of Carroll Dam aad Reservoir is pre- sented in Table E-12. E-35 TABLE E-12 ESTIMATED COST OF CABEOLL BAM AND RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 8,000 ACRE-FEET (Based on prices prevailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: 725 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway: 71^ feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: 139 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway: 8,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 5 -foot freeboard: 1,200 second-feet : : : Unit : Item : Unit : Quajitity : price : Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dam Exploration lump sum $ 20,000 Diversion of stream and dewatering of foujadation Ixjmp sum 5,000 Stripping topsoil cu.yd. 3i^,600 $ 0,50 17,300 Excavation for embankment Jbundation cu.yd. 90,600 0.90 81,500 Frtxji borrow pits cu.yd. U47,70G 0.55 246,200 From quarry cu.yd. 520,700 0.60 312,400 Embankment liTipers/lous cu.yd. 389,300 0.16 62,300 Pei'vious cu^yd. i^52,800^ 63,400 Pervi ous , salvage cu . yd . 81,200 0.25 20,300 Riprap cu.yd. 30,900 3.00 92,700 Drilling grout holes lin.ft. 3/720 3.00 11,200 Pressure grouting cu.ft. 2U,800 4.00 99,200 $1,031,500 Spillway Excavation, unclassified Concrete Weir and cutoff Floor Walls Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Structures Conduit Backfill Concrete Conduit and collars Stiractures Reinforcing steel Miscellaneous metalwork Steel pipe, 36-inch dia. Cone valve, 24-inch dia. Butterfly valve, 36 -inch dia. cu.yd. cu . yd . cu.yd. cu.yd. lbs. 10,500 1.70 40 40.00 100 35.00 30 45.00 12,200 0.15 17,900 1,600 3,500 1,400 1,800 26,200 cu.yd. 150 2.00 300 cu.yd. 4,100 0.90 3,700 cu.yd. 950 3.00 2,900 cu.yd. 1,090 50.00 54,500 cu.yd. 300 75.00 22,500 lbs. 106,500 0.15 16,000 lbs. 9,000 0.65 5,900 lbs. 58,500 0.30 17,600 lump sijm 12,000 lump sum 5,500 l4o,900 E-36 ESTIMATED COST OF CARROLL DAM AND RESERVOIR WITH STORAGE CAPACITY OF 8,000 ACRE-FEET (continued) Item Unit : Qiiantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Reservoir Lajid and in^jrovements Clearing reservoir lands ac. Access road Subtotal Administration and engineering, 10^ Contingencies, 15^ Interest during construction TOTAL lump sum $ 163,200 210 $U0.00 8,lj-00 lump sum 10,000 $ 181 , 6OO $1,380,200 $ 138,000 207,000 3^^,500 $1,759,700 E-37 Enlargement of San Vicente Reservoir The existing San Vicente Dam is a straight concrete gravity structure with central overpour spillway ending in a concrete bucket section. It is I90 feet in height from stresun bed to spillway crest, has a crest length of 98O feet, and creates a reservoir with a storage capacity of 90;230 acre-feet. Elevation of the spillway lip of the dam is 6pO feet. The outlet works consist of a semi- circular tower attached to the upstream face of the dam. At 30-foot increments of elevation saucer valves are provided which are operated from a control plat- form at the top of the tower. Ttiree 36-inch diameter cast-iron outlet pipes discharge through the dam from the base of the tower. Two of the outlet pipes are provided with valves at a valve ho"ase at the downstream toe of the dam, and the third is covered by a blind flange. Water surface areas and reservoir storage capacities for various stages of water surface elevation were obtained fi-om a table supplied by the City of San Diego dated August 27, 19^3^ and are shown in Table E-I3 for the portion of the reservoir above the spillway lip elevation of the existing dam. TABLE E-13 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF ENIARGED SAN VICENTE RESERVOIR Water surface Increase in elevation Water su: -face : Storage capacity depth of water U,S.G.S. datum • area, in acres : in acre -feet at dam, in feet in feet 650 1,070 90,200 5 655 1,090 95,600 10 660 1,110 101,100 15 663 1,140 106,800 20 670 1,160 112,500 21 671 1>170 113,700 25 675 1,190 118, too 30 680 1,210 124, too 35 685 1,230 130,500 E-38 Bedrock at the San Vicente Dam is composed of moderately jointed granitic and metamorphic rock which is hard and durable when fresh. No evidence of faulting was observed at the dam or in the nearby vicinity. The area is con- sidered to be moderately active seismically as the Elsinore fault zone lies 2k miles to the northeast. The pointing of the foundation material is moderately strong with generally clean joints. Many loose boulders are present and the depth of weathering varies with rock type. Stripping estimates for the right abutment would necessitate removal of about five feet of weathered rock and about five feet of jointed bedrock. The channel section downstream from the existing structure would require removal of about 12 feet of alluvial fill. Stripping on the left abut- ment would consist of the removal of about eight feet of weathered rock and about five feet of jointed metamoirihic rock. The existing dam was constructed with the consideration in mind of raising it at some future date, by adding concrete on the downstream side. Although grouting work done during the original construction work was based upon requirements for a higher dam, additional grouting may be required for the raising operations herein considered. No stepping or other special treatment was given to the downstream face of the existing dam to facilitate keying in the new concrete work. Studies indicate that special methods of construction will be required to properly place the new concrete on the old surface with due allowance smd consideration for shrinkage due to cooling ajid settling. A further problem presented is that of securing a good seal along the upstream contact between the old structure and the new section. The surface between the new and old concrete must be thoroughly drained, and galleries provided to per- mit inspection of such drainage. In order to increase the stoi-age capacity of the reservoir about 23,000 acre -feet, the crest of the spillway would be raised E-39 21 feet above its present elevation to an elevation of 67I feet. Height of the enlp^'ged dam would be 211 feet from str.'eam bed to spillway crest. For cost estimating purposes the plan of enlargement contemplates making the upstream face of the new work vertical, and providing a batter of 0.8:1 on the downstream face. The capacity and other features of the spillway would be similar to those now existing. Tlie crest ■v/idth of the raised dam would be 30 feet. The outlet tower would be raised by removing the existing operating platform and then extending the tower. Tixe original design of the tower included allowance for this extension. A 36 -inch diameter butterfly valve would be installed in the tower near the base of the new lift, and a 24-inch diameter cone valve would be placed in the outlet pipe which is presentlj"- plugged. iTo temporary outlet works would be necessary during the enlargement work, and it was assumed tha,t there would be no appreciable inter- ference with reservoir operation. The City of San Diego now owns rights of way required for the enlarge- ment, and no highway or utility relocation would be Involved. A detailed esti- 4. mate of cost of enlargement of San Vicente Dam is presented in Table E-l4. E-4o TABLE E-lk ESTIMATED COSTS OF ENLARGEMENT OF SAN VICENTE RESERVOIR TO A STORAGE CAPACITY OF 113,000 ACPJl-FEET (Based on prices prevailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: 680 feet U.S.G.S. datiim Elevation of crest of spillway: 67I feet Increase in depth of water: 21 feet Increase in capacity of reser- voir: 23,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with . 5 foot freeboard: 26,000 second-feit Item : : Unit Unit ; Quantity : price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dam Exploration and grouting Existing concrete preparation Excavation Mass concrete Cooling concrete Spillway and Parapet Walls Reinforced concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Control house construction Butterfly valve, 36-inch diameter Cone valve, 2U-inch dia. Miscellaneous metalwork Iximp sum $ 25,000 sq.yd. cu . yd . cu.yd. cu.yd. 16,000 36,000 167,000 167,000 $ i+.OO 3.00 17.50 0.50 6k, 000 108,000 2,922,500 83,500 $3,203,000 cu.yd. lbs. kso 36,000 45.00 0.15 lump sum 22,000 5,^00 15,000 27,1+00 each each lbs. 1 1 129,000 5,000 12,000 0.65 5,500 12,000 83,800 116,300 Reservoir Clearing ac . Subtotal Administration emd engineering, 10^ Contingencies, 15^ Interest during construction TOTAL 100 50.00 5,000 $3,351,700 $ 335,200 502,800 83,800 $1^,273,500 E-Ul Enlargement of Lower Otay Reservoir Lower Otay Resex'voir is created by the existing Savage Dam on the Otay River wliich was constructed in 1919- The dam is a curved concrete gravity struc- ture -vrith a height of about 1^5 feet from stream bed to crest of dam and a crest length of about 750 feet. It has a central overpour spillway ending in a con- crete bucket section and an ai^iliarj"- chute spillway located on the left abut- ment. Flash boards were installed on the spillways in 1923 to raise the maxi- mum water surface to an elevation of ^91 feet, and creating a storage capacity of about 56,300 acre -feet. Water surface areas and reservoir storage capacities for enlargement of Lower Otay Reservoir were computed from United States Geological Survey quadrangles with a scale of l:2i<-,000 and a contour intei^'al of 20 feet, end are shorn in Table £-15- An increase in storage capacity of about 5^,000 acre- feet could be accomplished by raising the normal water surface approximately 36 feet to an elevation of about 52? feet. TABLE E--15 AREAS AM) CAPACITIES OF EiMLARGED J/MER OTAY RESERVOIR Water surface Increase in elevation Water surface Storage capacity depth of water U.S.G.S. datum. area, in acres in acre -feet at dam, in feet in feet i^91 1,120 56,300 9 500 1.370 67,500 19 510 1,580 82,200 29 520 1,770 99,000 36 527 1,890 111,800 39 530 1,940 117,600 h9 5J^0 2,120 137,800 Bedrock at the Savage dam site consists of a grey-black meta-volcanic , presumed to be of the Sajitiago Peak group. It is a hard, fine to coarse grained. E-i|2 I massive to fractured, rock that develops blocky outcrops. The seisinicity of the area is moderate to low. No faults were observed near the axis. However, small shears were noted. The additional grouting requirements for an enlarged structure should be moderate as the fractures appear to close with depth. The right abutment slope is fairly uniform above the existing dam. Stripping for a concrete structure would include removal of about two feet of soil and about ten feet of weathered and fractured bedrock. In the channel section an estimated 15 feet of overburden would be removed under the base cf the new concrete work to shape the bedrock and key in the new work with the old structure. The left abutment above the existing dam would require removal of about two feet of soil plus about 15 feet of fractured and weathered rock for the new concrete structure. To raise the existing structure, the axis on the left abutment would be realigned for best utilization of the conformation of the slope. Although Savage Dam was not constructed with the consideration of raising it, the difficulties involved are not insurmountable. The special con- struction methods and precautions required would be simj.lar to those necessary to raise San Vicente Dam. In addition, the soundness of the existing concrete structure and foundation should be ascertained prior to any enlargement. Tlrie additional concrete would be placed with the upstream face vertical ajad a batter of 0.8:1 on the downstream face. Tlie crest width would be 30 feet. The new spillway structures would have a discharging capacity of 65,000 second-feet which is the estimated peak flow of the once in one thousand year flood flow without allowance for the effect of surcharge storage on the reser- voir surface. The new spillway structure would be a central overpour with a concrete bucket section smd an axoxiliary overpour spillway located on r;he left abutment. The spillways would be provided with five tainter gates, each 15 feet high and kO feet wide; three of which would be installed in the central section E-43 and tvo on tlie au::lliai'y section, ^.ese gates could be operated so as to pass the Tiiore frequent :?ioods through the centr£.l spillway with only emergency use of the a\ixiliary spillway on the left abutiaent where spil3.way discharges could result in some erosional effects. A new inlet tower would be constructed in the reservoir for the raised stinicture. The tower would have a height of about 150 feet and a diameter of l8 feet. Releases would be controlled by eight ii^-inch diameter butterfly valves installed at selected elevations in the toxver. Although a special connection would be required between the new tower and the existing outlet tunnel, it is believed that there is Mequate capacity in the tiinnel to accommodate the increased releases of water. Constamction of the nev7 otitlet tower could only be accoiirpllshed with the existing reser/oir at a very low stage. However, it would be possible to defer its construction until the proposed Ssm Diego Aqueduct were completed to the vicinity of Otay Reservoir and provide water service through, the aqueduct wliile constiTiction. operations were proceeding. If the water surface of Lov^er Otay Reseivoir were raised, there would be a possibility of leaJiage through the permeable San Diego formation which forms the upper portion of the west sice of the reservoir closure. To prevent this a blanket of impervious material averaging six feet in thickness would be placed on approxiras.tely 250 acres of the formation subject to inmida/bion. The clay blanket would be protected from ijave action by a layer of gravel about I.5 feet in thick- ness normal to the slope. Two small auxiliary dams would be required in saddles along the westerly edge of the reservoir. Tliey would each have a height of about 20 feet, crest lengths of about UOO feet, and contain approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill. Enlargement of Lower Otay Reservoir would require the relocation of about seven miles of county road along its northerly and westerly edges. E-kk It is estimated that approximately 620 acres of additional rights of way would he purchased to accommodate the contemplated 36-foot rise in water surface elevation. A detailed estimate of the cost of raising Savage Dam is presented in Table E-I6. E-45 TABLE E-16 ESTIMATED COSTS OF ENLARGEMENT OF LOWER OTAY RESERVOIR TO A STORAGE CAPACITY OF 112,000 ACRE -FEET (Based on prices prevailing in 1956) Elevation of crest of dam: 532 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of top of gates: 52? feet Increase in depth of water: 36 feet Increase in capacity of reser- voir: 56,000 acre -feet Capacity of spillways with ?-.5-foot freeboard: 65,000 second-feet : ; : Unit : Item : Unit ; : Quantity : price : Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dam Exploration and grouting limip sum $ 50,000 Existing concrete preparation sq.yd. 7,600 $ U.OO 30,U00 Excavation cu.yd. 37,000 3.00 111 , 000 Mass concrete cu . yd . lU9,000 17.50 2,607,500 Cooling concrete cu . yd . lU9,000 0.50 74,500 $2,873,400 Spillway Gates and hoists lump sum 200,000 Reinforced concrete cu.yd. 1,260 45.00 56,700 Reinforcing steel lbs. 9^^,600 0.15 14,200 Bridge lump sum 30,000 300,900 Outlet Works Connection to outlet tunnel lump s\m 10,000 Concrete tower cu . yd . 720 80.00 57,600 Concrete base cu.yd. 660 30.00 19,800 Reinforcing steel lbs. 125,600 0,15 18,800 Butterfly valve, i+8-inch dia. each 8 8,000 64,000 Miscellaneous metalwork lbs. 112,000 0.65 72,800 243,000 Reservoir Land and improvements lijmp sum 124,000 Road relocation lump simi 328,000 Axixiliary dam each 2 15,000 30,000 Clay blanket lump s\jm 1,815,000 2,297,000 Subtotal $5,714,300 Administration and engineering, 10^ $ 571,400 Contingencies, 15/0 857,100 Interest during construction 142,800 TOTAL $7,285,600 E-46 \ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL r California. 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