B>//S^ j',c f/i^^i^ JEWISH LIFE UNDER EMANCIPATION By ISRAEL ABRAHAMS, M.A., Reader in Rabbinic and Talmudic Literature, University of Cambridge. LONDON : Printed by St. Clements P.-e^s, Ltd., Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C.2. 1917 ^jf-yjLUxi^^^ From the Daily News, Septeinher 17th, 1917. Beininted by hind permission of the Editor and Author. THE JEWISH REGIMENT. By the Right Hon. G. W. E. RUSSELL. It was an old and a true allegation against John Bull that he had no tact in dealing with other races than his own. He did not mean to be unjust or unfair, but he trampled on the sensitiveness Avhich he could not understand. In Ireland he called the Roman Catholic faith ' a lie and a heathenish superstition " ; or, in a lighter mood, made imbecile jokes about pigs and potatoes. In Scotland, thriftiness and oatmeal were the themes of his pleasantry ; in Wales he found the language, the literature, and the local nomenclature equally comic, and reserved his loudest guffaw for the Eisteddfod. Abroad? " Foreigners don't wash " was the all-embracing formula. Nasality, Bloomerism, and Dollars epitomized his notion of American civilization ; and he cheerfxilly echoed the sentiments Of all who under Eastern skies Call Aryan man a blasted nigger. Now, of late years, John has altered his course. Some faint conception of his previous foolishness has dawned on his mind ; and, as he is a thoroughly god# fellow at heart, he has tried to make amends. The present war has taught him a good deal that he did not know before, and he renders a homage, all the more enthusiastic because belated, to the principle of Nationality^ His latest exploit in this direction has been to suggest the 2092311 creation of a JeAvish Regiment. The intention was excellent, and the idea picturesque ; but for the practical business of life we need something more than good intentions and picturesque ideas. " Wisdom," said Ecclesiastes, " is profitable to direct " ; and Wisdom would have suggested that it was advisable to consult Jewish opinion before the formation of a Jewish Regiment was proclaimed to the world. There is probably no race of people about which John Bull has been so much mistaken\ as he has been about the Jews. Lord Beaconsfield's description of Mr, Buggins, with his comments on the Feast of Tabernacles in Houndsditch, is scarcely yet anachronistic. '' But slowly our manners and our intelligence have improved in this as in other directions ; and Lord Derby (who represents John Bull in his more refined development) thought that he would be paying his Jewish feUow-citizens a pretty compliment if he invited them to form a Jewish Regiment. Historically, Lord Derby and those who applauded his scheme had a gi-eat deal to say for themselves. The remote history of Judaism is a history of war. The Old Testament is full of "the battle of the warrior," and of "garments rolled in blood.' Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jophthah, and David are names that sound like trumpets ; and the great Maccabean princes of a later age played an equal i)art with Romans and Lacednemonians. All this is historically true ; but it never occurred to Lord Derby and his friends that the. idea which underlay their scheme is the opposite of that whicli animates modern Judaism. Broadly speaking, the idea of modci-n Judaism is not Nationality, but Religion. Mr. Lucien Wolf has lately reminded us that, according to authoritative utterances, " The Jews are neither a nation within a nation, nor cosmopolitan," but an integral part of the nations among whom they live, claiming the same rights and acknowledging the same duties as are claimed and acknowledged by their fellow-citizens. It is worth noticing that Macaulay accepted this position as • Sec " Tancred "—Book V. C.6. 2 disposing of the last obstacle to the civil and political enfran- chisement of the English Jews, and ridiculed the notion that they would regard England, " not as their country, but merely as fcheir place of exile." Mr. Wolf thus formulates his faith : ' In the purely religious communities of Western Jewry we have the spiritual heirs of the law givers, prophets and teachers who, from the dawn of history-, have conceived Israel, not primarily as a political organism, but as a nation of priests, the chosen servants of the Eternal." Mr. Claude Montefiore, who is second to none as an interpreter of modern Judaism, has lately been writing in a similar strain. The Jew is a Jew in respect of his religion ; but, for the ordinary functions of patriotism, fighting included, he is a citizen of the country in which he dwells. A Jewish friend of mine said the other day to a pacificist who tried to appeal to him on racial grounds : " / ivould shoot a Jewish Prussian as readily as a Christian Prussian , if I found him fighting under the German flag" Thus, to enrol a Regiment of Jews is about as wise as to enrol a Regiment of Roman Catholics or of Wesleyan Methodists. Jews, Romans, and Wesleyans alike hold with laudable tenacity the religious faiths which they respectively profess; but they are well content to fight side by side with Anglicans, or Presbyterians, or Plymouth Brethren. They need no special standard, no differentiating motto. They are soldiers of the country to which they belong. Here let me quote the exhilarating verses of a Jewish lady," written at the time of the Boer War (March, 1900) : Long ago and far away, ^lother England, We were warriors brave and bold, But a hundred nations rose in arms against us. And the shades of exile closed o'er those heroic Days of old. * Mrs. Henry Lucas (reprinted in her ' ' Talmudic Legends, Hymns and Paraphrases." — Chatto and Windus, 1908). Thou hast given us home and freedom, Mother England, Thou hast let us live again Free and fearless 'midst thy free and fearless children, Sharing with them, as one people, grief and gladness. Joy and pain. Now we Jews, we English Jews, Mother England, Ask another boon of thee ! Let us share with them the danger and the glory, Where thy best and bravest lead, there let us follow O'er the sea ! For the Jew has heart and hand, our Mother England, And they both are thine to-day — Thine for life, and thine for death, yea, thine for ever ! Wilt thou take them as we give them, freely, gladly ? England, say ! I am well aware that in what I have written, though I have been careful to reinforce myself with Jewish authority, I may be running counter to that interesting movement which is called " Zionism." It is not for a Gentile to take part in the dissensions of the Jewish community ; but I may be permitted to express my sympathy with a noble idea, and to do so in words written by a brilliant Israelite, Lord Beaconsfield : " I do not bow to the necessity of a visible head in a defined locality ; but, were I to seek for such, it would not be at Rome. When Omnipotence deigned to be incarnate, the ineffable Word did not select a Roman frame. The prophets were not Romans ; the apostles were not Romans ; she, who was blessed above all women — I never heard that she was a Roman maiden. No, I should look to a land more distant than Italy, to a city more sacred even than Rome. " • See" Sybil "-Book II. C.12. SA JEWISH LIFE UNDER EMANCIPATION Neo-Zionists of a certain school claim that they are nuiTimg history. As to the justice of this boast, and as to the character of the history, the future, when it becomes history itself, will pass judgment. But certainly the same neo-Zionists are engaged in a frantic effort to vnmake history. As to the worth of this attempt, we can pass summary judgment without waiting for the verdict of posterity. Emancipation, we are told by this school, was the mother of all evils. For an hour or two hope flickered, but the sunshine — such as it was — acted as it did to the traveller in the story. In the heat off went his cloak, which he had closely hugged in the storm. The cloak in this version of the parable represents the best that Judaism stands for. Perhaps the most remarkable — one may even say the most monstrous — type of this theory is the actual setting up of a " spiritual ghetto " as the one and only ideal deserving to be called Jewish. Of all attempts to mis- read history this is assuredly the most specious and also the most mischievous. It is specious because it seems to throw stress on the more original, more specific elements of the Jewish genius. It is mischievous because it would promote a conscious break with the whole course of development by which in the past the Jewish genius had attained its best results, by which in our own time also it is continuing to obtain good results. For if 1 history tells one thing more clearly than any other it is this : that the Jewish genius has flourished best, has most completely realised its own inherent virtues, when it has been in the freest, fullest contact with other greaL expressions, of the human spirit. Nothing but a distor- tion of history can be produced to justify the fears and the sneers of those who, though themselves the progeny of cmancijMtion, unfortunately using for the purjiose not true Hebraic ideas, but the borrowed thoughts of the narrower school of non-Hebraic philosophy, represent the modern emancipation of the Jews as something bizarre, something discreditable, as, in fact, an act of disloyalty on the part of those noble Jewish men who acted as protagonists in the struggh; for fi"eedom more than a century ago. Though, however, the full answer to this ccjntention lies outside the purpose of the present essay, it must be said in passing that modern emancipation was no wicked plot of outside foes, no amiable act of mistdk^'u kindness on the part of outside friends. It Avas the natural pressure of Jew^s within that burst the walls of the ghetto. Put the Jews back into a " spiritual ghetto," if you can (and, of course, you cannot!), and the Jews themselves will again break out. A " spiritual ghetto " is as obsolete as a material ghetto ; nay, the irresistible desire and demand of the Jewish spirit has always been in the direction of breaking barriers to its freedom. Some of our modern Zionists, seeking for an easy solution of the "Jewish problem," would hiin forget the lessons of history, or, if they remendjer them, would fain resent them. It reminds one of another kind of traveller who, strolling through the lanes of a media?val city, laments the broader streets of a modern town. Such critics con- fuse the iilcasurr of the casual sightscei' with the misery 8 of the habitual denizen. Certain "ghetto" features were picturesque, but more were grotesque ; and it was from the narrow, insanitary, sunless streets that the Jews forced their way into light and health. Those who lived in the ghetto knew what they were about when with all the ardour of their souls they fought to get out of it. But they ought, forsooth, to have been content w ith physical bonds, because only thus could they enjoy spiritual freedom ! Now those who take this view are, as cannot be too often urged, setting themselves dead against his- torical fact. At any rate, if we survey nineteenth- century Jewish thought as a whole the verdict w^as exactly the opposite. If history seemed assured of anything, it was assured of this : that the entry of Jews into the world's life with INIoses Mendelssohn was an event which spelt regeneration, not demoralisation. That the account w'as not all on one side was freely admitted. But, again, history had prepared us for the obligation of taking balanced views ; had led us to expect complex results from complex causes. On the one side there emerged antinomian excesses, religious and moral ; on the other side ultra-conservative reactions, ritual and social. But the middle stream continuously gained in volume and strength. Oi'. to change the metaphor, weaker grew the soloists who deplored emancipation, fuller the chorus which hailed it as a true re-l)irth, fraught with blessing alike to Jews within and the world without. We are celebrating on October 81 in this year the centenary of the day on which Graetz first saw the light.; Graetz was the foremost Jewish historian of the nine:} teenth century. He perceived clearly enough the pitfaUs, in the path of emancipated Jewry, just as at this hour- competent observers can see the pitfalls in tlie path of, 3 t'iuaiic'ii)atL'd lUissia. But over and above and around. Graetz beheld the broad, safe road. 'I'o him Mendelssohn WHS a saviour, the instnnnent of Israel's renaissance ; to him emanci])ation was the just right of a community worthy of the boon — the just right of those who were theoretically capable of making a noble use of it, and who proved that capacity by the practical evidence of experi- ence. Graetz had no doubt on the subject. To him emancipation maiked transition from night to day, fi'om degradation to dignity, material and moral. " Thrice," said Graetz, " was Israel released from the most disgrace- ful slavery, and became not alone free, but powerful, with all the strength of youth. The exodus from Egypt, the return from the Babylonian exile, we know ; but the third release and rise — ^when was that? That we have ourselves lived through ; ive ourselves helo)\(j to the rcjuroKitcd , rcltasrd from tlic fetters of d spiritual death." This address was delivered a few years before Herzl, a great man also, but less qualified as a spokesman of Jewish thought and history, entered upon his famous analysis of emancipation as the source of Israel'.s woes. In exactly the opposite sense did Graetz, in the same context as we have already quoted from, proudly and gratefully proclaim the "marvellous metamorphosis" from Israel's downcast condition in the ])eii()d i)rtH-edent to the age of emancipation. Graetz perhaps exaggerated, with the artist's touch, the shadows of the eighteenth century. 1 think tbat he did. ]^ut that there was a treniendous change in the nineteenth century, and, on the whole, a tremendous change for the better, is beyond all reasonable doubt. Nor do 1 alhide t« the material, noi- merely to the moral. ini|ii()vement of the condition of a hirge munbi-r of .>ews. lOmancipation was. indeed, an iin[)()itant stage, 4 one might almost call it the most important stage yet reached, in the development of the inner Jewish character on the one hand, and on the other of the realisation of the Jewish mission. To prove this thesis, a long treatise, not a short pamphlet, would be required. Here it must suffice to indicate a few of the main lines on which emanci- pation worked as a vivifying power for good, preparing the way not for a retrogression into a separate political nationality or into a spiritual ghetto, but for further, firmer advance on a road on which already such signal progress has been made. For one evil which has resulted from emancipation, ten evils have been due to non- emancipation. As emancipation spreads in [backward lands, so will those evils become mitigated, and the course of jjrogress widen until it becomes coincident with the civilised world. First among the effects of emancipation, there was a splendid renaissance of Jewish learning. Emancipation gave the Jews the opportimity of applying me+hods of study developed in Europe, and at the same time attracted to Jewish research the finest minds of Jewry. The men who led were the ' product of the new age. Men of genius, like Zunz, "" founder," "pioneer," as he has been justly termed, were enabled to apply the critical method partly from their careers at the Universities, partly from their inter- course with European circles, tu both of which emancipa- tion admitted them. It is difficult to over-rate ^\■hat this new movement meant for the literature of Judaism, both within and without the Synagogue. Within, it secured for Jewish studies a succession of the keenest intellects and strongest personalities. They felt proud to devote to Jewish learning, powers and qualities which would have brought them fame ii' any sphere to which they might 5 choose to turn, 'riiev ivvelled in their own hne litera- ture, for whicli they excited a new enthusiasm in their own community. Xoi- did they withdraw from mankind what they gave up to Judaism. For while the new Jewish scholarship was an inspiration within, it was a revelation without. A new era hegan for the world of letters, as well as for the Jew-ish section of it. On the day of Jewish emancipation there also dawned a truer attitude of Christian schola^rs to the Eabbinic records. In our own time this transformation is bearing fruit. The world of learning needed the work of Zunz, Geigea', (rraetz, Luzzatto to give it a clue through the Talmudic maze. It is using the clue, in many instances, with excellent effect. But the re-birth was not merely intellectual Not only did it lead to the foundation of the great modern seminaries, which formed centres of Jewish learning and education. Let it be clearly remembered, however, that these seminaries united in themselves the two effects of emancipation, for they have proved an interesting and, on the whole, triumphant and enduring experiment towards harmonising the old and the new, towards culti- vating the ancient Jew-ish learning under the influence of modern methods of research. Put concretely, the new Rabbi was to possess the Rabbinic diploma and a Univer- sity degree. This new phase of Jewish life affected the Orthodox and Reformed alike. The change went deep. The seminaries have generated a class of scholarship, a type of character, which would have been barely possible for a gifted few under the pre-emancipation regime, and altogether im|)ossible for the rank and file. The seminaries have produced their specially famous scholars, but far more impressive has been the remarkable rise in average- 6 This. howeve,v, was not the only, not even the most conspicuous result. The world had a sort of idea that tlie Jews had indeed a gi-eat past as the " people of the Book." But with the Bible, it seemed, the Jewish genius had spoken almost its final word. Emanci- pation changed all this, and not foi- the first time. In the olden Hellenistic period the Jew's were filled with a consciousness of their spiritual wealth, and souglit to impress the world with a similar consciousness. Hence the great " ' apologetic ' ' outburst which introduced the world to the Hebraic literature. And so has it always been in ages of emancipation. Bestricting our sun'ey to the period under consideration, it is due to the new spirit of emancipation that the modern Jewry itself has come to understand that the Jewish genius was a con- tinuous force, that it did not exhaust itself in the Bible or even in the Talmud, but that it had gone on, with here and there a break, to add glory on glory. It was the new scientific research which demonstrated to the Jews that they had a history worthy of them, worthy to stand by the side of other great histories. Tliis new historic consciousness was the direct fruit of emancipation, and the new inspiration (given by Graetz's " History of the JewH ") dignified the emancipation, without which the new inspiration would have been impossible. Mention has been made of Orthodox and Eeformed as both affected by emancipation, and affected for good. Consider this fact. Geiger led the new Liberal move- ment; S. E. Hirsch created the modern Orthodoxy. These two men were actually fellow-students in the University of Bonn ! Both were thus the product of emancipation, and what momentous, w^hat beneficent con- sequences followed need not be argued. To Geiger is 7 ijwinji the adaptation of Judaism to modern life, to Hirsch the adaptation of modern life to Judaism. The former would have us ever apply first principles : the hitter bestowed new sentimental value on derived )'ules. Both were a.nimated hy devotion t(^ the helief that Judaism can be nobly lived under emancipation ; botli proved, in themselves and their disciples, how reahsable that belief is. Both created schools which to-day flourish stron^ily, which are amon^ the sincerest. most effective influences at work in modern Jewry. In Enf,dand ju.st now the most vital religious forces are the Jewish Religious Union and the Federation of Synagogues, which go back respectively to Geiger and Hirsch. And, in between, what may be termed the " United Synagogue " compro- mise not unworthily represents an aspect of the hariuonious interworking of emancii)ation and the Jewish spirit. Thus emancipation has exerted, and continues to exert, a profound influence lor good on the innei' life of the Jews. Xor lias its beneficent effect been less marked in the outer life. Inner and outer life, indeed, react on each other. A sound condition oj' Judaism within means a sound relation between .ludnisin and the world, and vice versa. ()f coui-se, this I't^lation is often disturbed; progress largely c|udicc. such as anti-Semitism; within, it may be nanowness. such as the notion of a " Jewisli cultme."" Anti-Semitism, logically carried out, would cut Jewry physicnlly In^n tlu^ world: "Jewish culture,"' loj^icall\ jnn.Nti-d. would div(jice Jewry -piiitually from the world. When Ibuzl iVankly asserted that political Zi]iring IVoni siinihu- causi.'s — the inability or 8 unwillingness to use emancipation within, the reluctance or refusal to grant it from without. And just as neither of these causes has lasting validity, so their consequences must prove ephemeral. It is quite likely that the causes and the consequences will re-appear at intervals under different guises. But it is at least as likely that the strong, far-reaching arms of humanism will always be able to overthrow obscurantists, be they within or without the camp. We have seen above that emancipation was a revival within. To the part borne by emancipated Jews in the general life of the outside world it is only possible to allude in the most summary terms. Even for a single country, England, space is not available within the limits of this essay. Yet it is necessary to remind some of the hostile critics of ©mancipation of the very respectable place won by Jews in the English universities, in Par- liament and Government, in the Civil Service, in the Army, in the athletic field, in commerce, manufactuj'es, in the professions, in art, in science, in literature. Nor has this place been won l)y a surrender of Jewish ideals. Loyalty to England has not meant disloyalty to Judaism. "The honours you have received," s.aid GTraetz to an audience of English Jews, "have been granted to you sans phrase as the descendants of Jacob, as the guardians of your ancient birthright." And simi- larly Mendelssohn impressed on the Continental Jews that their rights as citizens did not, could not, free them from their duties as Jews. "Bear both burdens," cried Mendel ?sohn, and, again speaking of emancipated Jewry as a whole, honourably has the admonition been accepted and fulfilled. If there have been some notable exceptions they ai'e but as the drop in the bucket com- pared to the similar instances— -of an enormously greater 9 vuliiiue — which ucciiiivil iii ages of persecution. Eiiiau- cipatiou lias slain its tens, where repression slew its thousands. In the main, and on the whole, emancipated ,Jewiv has, in ^fendelssohn's words, home hoth burdens, ir ■■ hiirdent; ■' be the right substantive to use. That all is not well with modern life is a tiuth, but, it has been a truth at all stages of human life. Foes of emancipation attribute to it all the ugly features of })resent-day society in so far as the Jews are concerned. Moralists can make out a strong case against the life of our time, but moralists in all former epochs have done the same for their time. " ' Punch ' is not so witty as it used to be,"" said the grunililer to Bur- nand. " Time," he replied, " ' Funrli ' ne\er was as good as it used to be!" A subtle ami con- clusive answer to those who decry theii' age, a class who has tloui'ished ever since Kcclesiastes wrote. Judaism, like otlier religious forces, tends at times to remove its grip on the moral life, tends to relax its control, to lose its hold. But emancipation has been mostly on the side of the angels. Emancipated Judaismi hae from Hrst to last laid s[)ecial stress on ethics, on UKjral duly. The age of enumcipation has been the age of Jewish religious schools, in particular of the religious training of Jewish girls, of vernacular exhortations from the pulpit in the cause of righteousness— a direct ju-oduct this of emancii)ation I — it has been an age of vast ])hilan- thi-o|»ic schemes for the elevation of the Jews in back- ward countries. There has been no smug satisfaction with one's own emancipation, while the .rest of Jewry had ils hopes of ciiian<-i|)ation disai)pointed. To the eternal credit of ('manci|)ated Jews there has been no selfish content with their own comfor/ Emancipation, m fact, created a new sense of the 10 Jewish mission. "Love for your fatherland," to cite Graetz's address to English Jews once more, " need not exclude love for the land of your fathers." Well have the emancipated Jews proved that they accept that prin- ciple. Wherever Jews have suffered because of their Judaism, emancipated Jewi-y has felt the impulse to bring help. In its appeal (1860) for public support, the task of the Alliance Israelite Ihiiverselle was thus stated (^Jewish Encyclopedia, I. p. 413) : "To defend the honour of the Jewish name whenever it is attacked ; to encourage, l)y all means at our disposal, the pursuit of useful handicrafts; to combat, where necessary, the ignorance and vice engendered by oppression ; to work, by the power of persuasion and by all the moral influ- ences at oiur command, for the emancipation of our brethren who still suffer under the burden of exceptional legislation ; to hasten and solidify complete enfranchise- ment by the intellectual and moral regeneration of our brethren." The Anglo- Jewish Association and other organisations on the Continent and in America have adopted a similar ideal. There has been no easy resting on soft couches in London and Paris, while Jews in the Orient or in the Occident were suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Emancipation planned this new Mission of the Jews to the Jews ; it did more than plan it : it went very far to accomplish it. But this is not all. It is one part of the Jewish Mission, not the whole. It is not enough I exclaimed Isaiah. "It is too light a thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the trifoes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel : I will also give thee for a light to the nations, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth." Nothing in Jewish history has been more distressful than the readiness of the neo- 11 Zionists to jeer at this aspiration, the expression thorgh it he of the true Zionism. They may jeer, l)ut the ernanci- l)ate(l Jew, he he Lihei'al or Conservative, \\\\\ rejoice. He will continue to maintain this hope, making' it dignify his own religious position, letting it urge him to hring the whole world to a share in the light. The olden ]{oman poet sang of " Captive Greece whicli took cajitive its Koman cn]itor." An emanci])ated Israel, on the con- trary, will go on hoping that he may be one of the insti'nraents for conferring fuller freedom on an eman- cipated world ! I. Abrahams. 12 PALESTINE NOT A SOLUTION OF THE JEWISH PROBLEM. Zionism in tlie last twenty-five years has become one of the most articulate Jewish weapons directed against anti-Semitism. As such it has been a barometer of the progress anti-Semitism has made in various lands. Whenever a pogrom takes place the adherents of Zionism increase in number. If there is a lull in the anti-Semitic movement Zionism registers that lull by a loss in aggres- sive strength. After the pogrom in 1881 the Zionist movement as a political force received great impetus. Even in America the tragedy of Kishineff brought many unsynagogued Jews into the racial fold. The sufferings of Israel gave even the agnostic and radical Jew a con- sciousness of kind from which the Zionist and Nationalist movement gained. This movement became the refuge of many Jews to whom Judaism as a religious message had ceased to appeal. Zionism as a political weapon against anti-Semitism has always represented a minority in Israel. For the purposes of clear thinking we must consider Zionism, first, as a solution to the general Jewish problem ; second, as a movement which can satisfy the soul of the Jew; third, as a limited experiment for the 1 purpose of establishing Jewish colonies and a Jewish cultural centre; and. fourth, the message of Zionism, if it has any, to the Jews of i\merica. The general Jewish problem is created by the civil, political, economic, and other disabilities from which the Jews have suffered. These are removed whenever pro- gress is made along the lines of general emancipation. By a successful Russian revolution and the establishment of a free Government, whether a republic or a constitutional monarchy, Jewish disabilities in Russia will be automati- cally removed by granting to them equal rights. Rou- mania, as is probable, will follow the Russian precedent and will make the Roumanian Jews the beneficiaries of this advance of general emancipation. The vast majority of the Jews located in Russia, Roumania, Galicia, and Poland will thus be liberated. This is the major and most important phase of the Jewish question affecting the welfare of the majority of the Jews in the world. Deeper and more complicated is the subjective phase of the Jewish question ; for, even if the Jews obtain equal rights in the various lands of their birth or adoption, is the Jewish question solved? Social anti-Semitism will still persist, for the removal of social prejudice cannot be effected through the granting of civil, political, and economic rights. Social prejudice exists even in demo- cratic countries. It depends in the final analysis upon the development of the Jew and the -non-Jew alike. The establishment of a Jewish State will not neces- sarily remove it. Such prejudice has existed against races which have had a concrete historic State. Therefore it cannot be claimed that Nationalism or Zionism will directly solve the problem of prejudice. That must be fought out, wherever races do not understand each other. by contact and by an effort on the part of the Jew and the non-Jew aHke to estabhsh relations which are based upon mutual respect merited by both sides, and especially by the removal of ignorance, wliich is often the chief basis of prejudice. The advocates of Zionism as a solution of the subjec- tive phase of the Jewish question assume, first, that Judaism, in its broader sense, is worth preserving, and consequently that its preservation is made possible only by the establishment of a Jewish State, acting as a cul- tural centre which will exist primarily for the purpose of perpetuating it. The Zionists say vaguely- that Jewish culture is worthy of preservation. Whatever is of dis- tinctive worth in a nationality should be cultivated and contributed for the enrichment of humanity. But what constitutes the distinctive worth in Jewish culture? Surely it cannot be claimed that Jewish science, art, or even philosophy or scholarship is distinc- tive. The realm of science and scholarship has always , been properly international, and where the Jews have produced great scientists they have not made their con- tribution to science, scholarship, or philosophy as Jews. The Jews have produced great scientists, a few great artists, and many scholars of distinction, but in all this realm of human activity it cannot be said that they have been superior to the achievements of other races. In fact, if we were frank with ourselves we would say that they have not shown first-rate originality in many of these fields. The distinctive contribution of the Jew has been in the realm of religion and ethics. The most precious gift of the Jew to the world has been the Hebrew in him. It has been his sensitive spiritual idealism. Remove the Scriptures and the rich literature 3 and lore which represent the reaction of tlie Jewish soul upon the fundamental spiritual problems of life, and there is very little left which \Aould be considered distinctive or superior to the achievements of other races. Believing that the Hebraic element in life is w^orth pre- serving, is a Jewish State essential for the ]iresorvation of this attitude toward life? Has the hope of Zioii as a political movement been the cause of the Jews' sui'vival, despite centuries of persecution? Is it not a fact that the survival of Judaism and the Jews as a people can be attributed more to the loyalty of the Jew to his religion than to his nationalism? And even where the hope of Zion's redemption has persisted in the life of the Jew, that hope was the product of a spiritual rather than a political concept. The Zionists cannot i>oint to ancient Jewish liturgy as any confirmation of secular political Zionism — a recent phenomenon in Jewish life. The Jewish religion has always attempted to make a .spiritual appeal, and even Reform Judaism, which Zionists are prone to condemn by characterising its normal evolution as an unsuccessful effort of the Jews to assimilate non-Jewish religious elements, attempted at least to strike a spiritual note and to awaken a religious emotion as distinguished fcoiu a romantic, a social, or a nationalistic one. It is important to make this distinction between a spiritual and a romantic emotion. In the gi'eat fervour which the Zionist movement has developed during the last twenty years, not a little of their emotion is romantic. How much of this nostalgia of the centuries is a racial yearning to obtain wliat has once been its precious pos- session and to idealisp the distiint at the expense of the present? How uiiicli of this Ilehmceh ("'•)• I'iilcstinc is 4 deeply sincere among many of those who now sing the Jewish Nationalists' hymn, the " Hatikvah," with revivalistic fervour? How much of it would actually persist as a spiritually motivating power if Palestine were obtained? In other words, will the existence of Palestine as a Jewish State actually result in developing in the Jew that Hebraism , that spiritual view of life , which has been his distinctive contribution, and will it help to solve the problem of the vast majority of the Jews who have cast their lot with America, with Eussia, with Germany, with France, and with other countries of their birth or adop- tion? This is, after all, the largest part of the Jewish question. The Zionists say that if the Jewish State existed the rebound upon the Jews of the world would be regenera- tive. They would draw their inspiration from this centre, and would contribute their distinctive idealism to the peoples with whom they are living. How much of this is a hope and a prophecy? And what are the serious moral dangers in this nationalistic point of view, from tne standpoint of the Jewish soul ? Here are some of them : — First, it is apt to breed a racial egotism. What we want to preserve is the best in the Oew — which is the Hebrew. By that I mean his idealism. I sometimes believe that a conscious emphasis of nationalism leads to an acceptance of racial qualities just because the race happens to possess them. The Jews, like other people, have good and bad qualities, and to improve as a type they must eliminate and minimise the bad and cultivate the good. Sometimes a racial self-assertion leads to a subtle acceptance of limitations and prevents a frank facing of 5; them. It is good for the Jew to get in touch with other races, to grow by struggle, and even at times by suffer- ing. A conscious emphasis of nationalism leads almost imperceptibly to a form of spiritual domination — to a lack of humility, which religion has frcijuently counter- acted — but not nationalism. The world to-day is suffering from the tragedies of a false nationalism — of a nationalism in which the idea of domination has given certain nations a form of megalo- mania — and, if any emphasis is needed, it is rather along the lines of internationalism and human fellowship. If the Zionists reply, " We desire to realise the national self of the Jewish people without any thought of domina- tion," the answer is that any conscious effort at national self-realisation result3 not infrequently in a form of spiritual domination which is unwholesome, and which tends to develop race limitations (piite as much as virtues. After all, there is less need of om])hasis iiiul di'x elop- ing of social individuality than there is for laying sti'c^ss upon international interdependence. If such an indivi- duality really exists, it should express itself without con- scious effort. The world is passing through a revolution in which the principle of international federation is being stressed as never before. From a spiritual point of view- Jewish nationalism is reactionary. But there are some Jews who find themselves inwardly isolated, aud who feel at home only in a Jewish atmosphere. 'J'hey say, with a well-known Jewish philo- sopher, that even in the midst of emancipation they are in slavery. They feel with him the need of a Jewish ideal source which will satisfy their inner complex. If these Jews are so constituted that they can obtain 6 their deepest soul satisfaction only by the existence of a Jewish spiritual source, they should have it. The vast majority of the Jews do not feel the need of it. 'Cheir soul can be satisfied, and is satisfied, not only with the message of the Hebrew prophets and the rabbis, but with the spiritual movements of the present day. They are inwardly at home when they come in contact with great Jewish and non-Jewish personalities who are attempting to solve the social and religious problems of the present day. Millions of Jews satisfy their souls by contributing their Jewish idealism to tlie world problems of human freedom. They are conscious while participating in these non-racial movements that they are contributing the native idealism of their people and their traditions. The subjective satisfaction of the latter may be more enrich- ing to the world than the former, and at the same time it is none the less enriching to the Jews. But the Zionist may answer, " Do you wish the Jews and Judaism to be preserved," and with freedom will not the jjrocess of assimilation so go on that the Jews as a people will finally disappear unless a Jewish State exists? This question is, and for generations will be, an academic one. First, because the racial idiosyncrasies of the Jews will prevent for a long time, if ever, their blood assimilation. Secondly, the Jews have no more right to historic race persistence than any other nation unless they justify it. The only light that a people has to persist in history is that right which is based upon the fulfilment of their mission. As long as they contribute to civilisation they ought to exist. If the Jews fail to make their distinctive contribution to the world they have no right to exist. They should exist upon a qualitative basis only if Judaism prevails as a spiritual force. Do their distinctive contribution depend upon a spiritual inbreeding which is apt to he the result of a Jewish State? Creative spirituality is a product of struggle and of suffering. The history of the Jews will show that their most fruitful religious contributions have come at the point of contact wdth other races. Spiritual creativeness needs the battleground of contacts to produce its full fruitage. The w^orld needs at the present time more than ever a spiritual revival. In the friction of cultural contacts and in the revolutionary melting-]X)t of ideals which is now taking place, the great religious message must be born, and the Jew has a wonderful opportunity to develop and amplify that Hebraic spirit which has been his most IDrecious contribution to the civilisation of the world. It does not need, and has never needed, a political State for its existence or its development. On the contrary, political considerations, national hatreds, and other com- plications resulting from the establishment of the Jewish State may coarsen the (juality of Hebrew spirituality and result not in a pure, but in an alloyed, idealism. There can be no objection to the existence of a cultural centre where Jews, who are willing to go there, can pre- serve and develop their race traditions, but there are strong objections to a philosophy of Jewish nationalism as a condition for the preservation of the Hebraic spirit, and IIhic ;irc iiumy diiiigcrs in that philosophy. Refer- ent; lias been made to the tendency of such a philosophy to develop race egotism. Another objection is that it narrows the: horizon and tends to the acceptance of forms which the conscience and intellect of a "reat many Jews have discarded. From a practical point of view the existence of Palestine as a homeland will not solve the problem except as a refuge for those Jewish dreamers who will consecrate themselves to make their Jewish dreams come true. But they are not the only dreamers. The dreamers of Israel have lived and suffered, and have made their Jewish dreams come true for the world without a Jewish State, and they will still exist and their dreams will have a spiritual quality, as distinguished from a mere romantic one, to contribute to the profoundest problems of life, which are, in the final analysis, spiritual and religious. They will meet the problems of the newer day with an open mind, and with their native vision wall be perfectly willing to cast away the old cops for the new wine and will be perfectly frank to accept the new^ fonns, if need be, to contain the new waters of life as they well up from deepest springs. The most constructive work that the Zionists have accomplished is the encouragement and financial support that they have given to the Jewish colonies in Palestine. They have afforded some of the pioneers from Roumania and Russia an opportunity to w^ork out their practical and spiritual problems. This limited experiment in Jewdsh colonisation is encouraging, and has received the approval not only of Zionists but of non-Zionists, who are interested in any practical scheme which will help solve the problems of those Jews who have sought a refuge from persecution . But interest in practical colonisation is quite a different matter from risking the prestige and impairing tlie influ- 9 ence of Judaism as a religions force hv the failure of a Jewish State. A practical colonist is not burdened, nor is the success of his experiment threatened, by the diplo- matic, political, nationalistic, and racial difficulties involved in the attempt to establish a Jewish State. He need not concern liimsolf with such questions as the representation in the State of the many varying shades of Jewish religious, political, social, and economic opinion — the rocks upon which States have been wrecked. Wherever Jews can be brought back to the land they should be encouraged. A consti-uctive programme foi- meeting the newer Jewish immigration to America, whereby American citizens, both of Jewish and non- Jewish extraction, would make possible the establishment of colonies where Jews can be brought back to the land, wovdd have powerful value. Interesting and encouraging beginning has been made in various Jewish agricultural experiments in America. Therefore the Zionists' attempt to aid Jewish colonisation is practical. But these colonies should not be restricted to Palestine alone, although the latter colonies should receive every support possible. To the Jews of America Zionism has no positive message. The American Jew is nationally an American only. He is thrilled by one flag, which symbolises the ideals of a democracy in which men and women of all races have joined together to make government of the people, for the people, and by the peoj)le, a success. The very first tenet of American democracy is the separation of Church and State. It has demonstrated that citizens can have one common political allegiance and as many religious allegiances as their consciences may dictate. The American Jew will not tolerate any other national politiciil loyalty. Any jnovemenl whicli emphasises racini 10 groups in America is inconsistent with the spirit of this democracy. Fortunate, indeed, for the Jews of America that they are participating in a political experiment which does not encom'age national groups and which pi'events the race hatreds resulting from such a recognition. The United States, through the wisdom of its founders, has been free of those national and race wars which have characterised the history of x\ustria, where racial groups have been organised and recognised as a part of the larger State. It may be natural to recognise racial groups in Austria and even in the new Russia — one cannot anticipate what will be the outcome of the loose federation of national groups — but even there the majority of the Jews are seek- ing recognition in the lands of their birth and their adop- tion, rather than the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, as a solution of their problems. They are properly attempting to work out their destinies on the basis of free and equal rights in these lands. Responsible organised English Jews are fearing the establishment of a free republic in Palestine upon the basis of special Jewish rights. What they want is equal ri'T'hts for their people, wherever they live. This is a much sounder position for the Jews to take than the dangerous political experimentation of Zionism. But to the Jews in America Zionism has no positive message. My conclusion, finally, is that Jewish nationalism as a philosophy of life is not satisfactory ; that it is reactionary ; that it leads to a racial egotism, and that it does not con- duce to profound moral and spiritual, but rather to romantic, emotions. However, this is not inconsistent with approval of the Jewish cultural centres, where those Jews who yearn to preserve and develop their Jewishness 11 can live if they wish to. If they feel the necessity of such a centi-e, they should obtain the right to have it, just as other peoples have. But the existence of such a centre is not essential to the development and even pre- servation of the best in the Jew, which is the Hebrew. What the Jews need is that Hebraic spirit which the prophet expressed in the insight that " without vision a nation perisheth " ; which made Micah say, "He hath showed thee, man, what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God? " Jews need to be bathed in a revival of that Hebraic spirit which gave birth to Isaiah's visions, to David's Psalms, to Spionoza's God — intoxication, to that rich literature of distinctive Jewish worth ^\•hich is theirs and the world's heritage. No romantic movement can elfcct this miracle — no message of racial self-assertion will bring it about. Only by a return to the source of Jewish power — Hebrew idealism — can the goal be approached. Not through the easy and roseate-hued path of romanticism and emotion, but through the difficult road of spiritual and moral effort can the subjective phase of the Jewish problem be solved, wherever may be the Jewish habitat. Henry Moskowitz. 12 BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS. XIII. BEING A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON THE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE, PEOPLES, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE FAR EAST Including the Libraries of the late W. G. Aston, C.M.G. (late Japanese Secretary H.B.M.'s Legation, Tokyo), and the late Herbert J. Allen, F.R.G.S, (sometime H.B.M.'s Consul at Newchwang, China), etc., etc. ON SALE BY LUZAC & Co. ORIENTAL BOOKSELLERS 'ptieus par II. E. Lefebure, etc , etc., etc. 3 Volume 2. 4to. pp. 577. Paris, 1881. 65. 6d, Containing Texts Sancrits decouverts au Japan, by F. Max Muller. O-Mi-To-King de Koumarajiva, by Y. Vmaijoumi. La Metrique de Bharata, by P. Regnaud. .■\nalyse du Kandjour et du Tandjour, by L. Peer. 4 Volume 4. Vv^ith Plates. 4to. pp. 311. Paris, 1882. gs. Contains Articles by E. Lefebure, F. Chabas, Dr. A. Colston, Paul Regnaud, and Rev. Dr. J. Edkins — La Religion en Chine, etc. 5 Volume 7. Illustrated. 4to. 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 PP- 507. . . Containing Articles by A. Bourquin, h. S. W . Sf nathi-Raja, .Arnould Locard, Sir Mutu Coomaraswamy, J. Gerson da Cunha, and Paul Regnaud. Volume 10. V\"ith Plates and Illustrations. Paris, 1884. a, .\\ 4to. 6s. 1 6s. 15s. 6s. 6d. 4s. pp. 600. Paris, 1887. ■ £1 IS. Containing Articles by Dr. C. Rau, Joseph Vcrissimo, Dr. S. Habel, Dr. A. Bastain, M. A. Tomu, S. J. Warren, L. de. Milloue, Paul Regnaud, J. Grandjean, C. Clermont-Ganneau, V. Loret, Dr. J. Lieblein, E. Lefebure, Dr. A. Wiedeman, H. Bazin.. etc. Asiatic Quarterly Review and Oriental and Colonial Record. First Setj'es. Volume I. No. 2. London, 1886. • 6s. Ditto. Volume 2. 18S6. Part 4 onlv. - iy Ditto. Volumes 3 and 4. 1887. Parts i, 2, 3.^and^3»,-tplete. Ditto. Volumes 5 and 6. 1888. Parts i', 2, 3, and 4 complete. Ditto. Volume 5. 1888. Parts i ai^cl 2 only. Ditto. Volume 7. 1889. Part i only. Ditto. Volumes g and 10. 1890. Parts i, 2^ 3, and 4 complete. 12s. Ditto. Second Series, Volumes i and 2. Parts i, 2, 3, and 4 complete. I2S. Ditto. Volumes 3 and 4. 1892. Parts 5, 6, 7, and 8 complete. 12s. ■ -Ditto. Volumes 5 and 6. 1893. Parts 9, 10, 11, 12 complete. 12s. Ditto. Volumes 7 and 8. 1804. Parts 13, 14, 15, 16 complete. 12s. Ditto. Volumes 9 and 10. 1895. Parts 17, 18, 19, and 20 complete. los. 6d. Ditto. Third Series. 1896. Volumes I and 2. No. i, 2, 3 complete. 105. 6d. Ditto. Volumes 3 and 4. 1897. Parts 5, 6, 7, and 8 complete. los. 6d. Ditto. Volumes 5 and 6. 1S98. Parts 9, 10, 11, 12 complete. los. 6d. Ditto. Volume 9. 1900. January only. 3s. — ■ — -Ditto. Volume 12. 1901. July only. 3s. Ditto. Volume 13. 1902. April only. 3s. Ditto. Volume 14. 1902. July only. 3s. Ditto. Volume 15. 1903. January only. 3s. Ditto. Volume 29. 1910. January only. 3s, LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. ^3 Periodicals, Transactions of Learned Societies, etc. S Asiatic Society. China Branch (Journal of the). No. 2. 1859. 8vo. pp. 112. With 6 Plates. Shanghai, 1859. 6s. 6d. 9 Ditto. New Series. Volume 21. 1886. Parts i and 2 only. 4s. 6d. Ditto. Volume 20. 1885. Parts 2 and 3 only. 4s. 6d. 1 Ditto. Volume 23. 1888. Parts 2 only. 4s. 6d. 2 Ditto. Volume 25. 1890-91- Part 2 only. 2s. 6d. :$ Ditto. Volume 26. 1891-2. Parts 2 and 3 only. 8s. 6d. 4 Ditto. Volume 28. 1893-4. Parts i and 2. los. 6d. -Ditto. Volume 38. 1907. Part i only. 5^- &Sv.5- 58 China Review, or Notes and Queries on the Far East. Dennys. Volume 3. Pt. 5 only. Hongkong, 1875. 59 Ditto. Volume 4. 1875. Part 3, only. 60 Ditto. Volume 5. 1877. Parts 4, 5, and 6 only. 61 Ditto. Volume 6. 1877. Parts i and 2 only. 62 Ditto. Volume 9. 1880. Parts 2, 4, and 6 only. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, GkEAT Russell Street, London, W.C )dge. Volume ! 9. IS. Edited by N. B. 2S. 6d, 25. 6d. 6s, 45. 6s. Periodicals, Transactions of Learned Societies, etc. 25. 6d, 2S. 6d. 25. 6d. 25. 6d. 7 Chinese and Japanese Repository of Facts and Events in Science, History and Art relating to Eastern Asia. Edited by the Rev. J. Summers. Volumes I, 2, and 3, in 2 volumes (from July, 1863, to December, 1855). Rov 8vo. 63 Ditto. Volume II. 1882. Part 2 only. 64 Ditto. Volume 13. 1885. Part 4 only. 65 Ditto. Volume 16. 1888. Part 4 only. 66 Ditto. Volume 23. 1897- Part I only. Cloth. London. Volume I, as new. Volume 2, binding shabby. £^ 5s. 68 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. Volumes i to 10 in 5 volumes. 8vo. Half calf. Foochow, 1867-79. £8 85. Volume I was called the Missionan' Recorder. Copy belonged to A. M^ylie. 69 Ditto. Volume 7. 8vo. Half calf. pp. 470. Shanghai, 1876. 15s. 70 Ditto. Volume 18. 1887. Complete in Parts. 105. 6d. 71 — Ditto. Volume 19. 1888. Parts I, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, II, and 12 only. 75. 6d. 72 Ditto. Volume 20. 1889. Parts I, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, II, and 12 only. 75. 6d. 73 Ditto. Volume 21. 1890. Parts 3 and 8 only. 2s. 6d. 74 Ditto. Volume 22. 1891. Parts I, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. 75. 75 Ditto. Volume 25. 1894. Part 5 only. 15. 6d.. 76 Ditto. Volume 26. 1895- Parts 2, 3, 5, and 6 only. 35. 6d. 77 Ditto. Volume 27. 1896. Parts I, 2, 3, 6, and 7 only. 35. 6d. 78 Ditto. Volume 28. 1897. Parts 3 and 6 only. 25. 6d. 79 Ditto. Volume 29. 1898. Part 12 only. 15. 6d. 80 Ditto. Volume 31. 1900. Part 2 only. is. 6d. 81 Ditto. Volume 35. 1904. In Parts complete. 105. 6d. 82 Ditto. Volume 35. 1904. Parts I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. 85. 6d. 83 Ditto. Volume 37. 1906. Part 12 only. 15. 6d. 84 Ditto. Volume 38. 1907. Parts 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 1 1 only. 75. ^^. 85 Ditto. Volume 39. 1908. Parts I, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 8s. 86 Ditto. Volume 40. 1909. Part I only. is. 6d, 87 Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. Volumes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. £,' 9, 15, 16, 17 complete. Foochow, 1871-1876. /y 105. Vols 3, 4 and 6, half bound, the others in parts. 88 The same. Vol 11. No. i, 2, and 3. Volume 10^ Nos. i, 2, 3, and 6. Vol. 18. Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in Parts. Shanghai, 187^80, and 87. 89 Chinese Repository (The). Volumes I to XI complete II volumes. 8vo. Half bound. Canton, 1 833-1 843. 90 The same. Volume III. May, 1834, to April, 1835 cloth, pp. 584. Canton, 1835. 91 The same. Volume IV. May, 1835, to April, 1836. 8vo. cloth, pp. 584. Canton, 1836. 92 The same. Volume V. May, 1836, to April, 1837. 8vo. cloth. Canton, 1837. -The same. Volume VI. May, 1837, to April, 1838. Unbound Sound strong set. 8vo. 93 1838. 94 The same. Canton, 1840. 95 The same. 96 The same. 97 The same. Volume IX. May, 1840, to December, 1840. 8vo Vol 4. No. 7. 1835. Vol 9. 1840. Nos. 3, 7, 8. Vol 10, 1841. No I, 2, 5, 7, 10, II, 12. Original 125. Original 125. Original 125. Canton, 105. 6d. . Cloth. 125. 25. 6d. Each 25. 6d, Each 25. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 4 Periodicals, Transactions of Learned Societies, etc. 98 Customs. China Imperial Maritime Customs. Special series. No 2. Medical Reports. From 4 to 51. Excepting Parts 12, 13, and 37. 40 Parts. Shanghai, 1 873-1 897. £1 is. 99 Ditto. Part 30 only. Shanghai, 1886. is. 100 China Imperial Maritime Customs. Statistical Series. No 2. Cus- toms Gazettes from Part 41 to 114. Excepting Part no. (74 Parts). loi Ditto. Parts 67,"^ 68, 69. Shanghai, 1885-6. 2S. bd. each 102 China. Imperial Maritime Customs. Ill Miscellaneous Series. No. 6. List of Chinese Lighthouses, Light Vessels, Buoys, and Beacons. 1880-1897. 18 Parts. 4to. Shanghai, 1880-1897. 15s. 103 Ditto. 1886 only. 25. td. 104 China. Imperial Maritime Customs Reports. Chinese Version. Parts 7 to 23. 17 Parts. Shanghai, r88i-i897. , 12s. 105 Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Reports. Chinese Version. Parts 5, 6, and 7. Shanghai, 1879-1881. . 4s. td. 106 China. Imperial Maritime Customs. IV Service Series. No i. Service List. The Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Issues. 5 parts in all. 1883-1888. Shanghai. 55. 107 Imperial Maritime Customs Statistical Series. No 2. Customs Gazette. No. 156. October-December, 1907. 4to. pp. 372. Shanghai, 1908. 25. bd. 108 China Imperial Maritime Customs. Report for 1882. In Chinese. 8vo. Shanghai, 1882. 3s. dd. 109 China Imperial Maritime Customs Report for 1884. 4to. V>^ith a Map. Shanghai, 1884. 25. 6rf. In Chinese. 1 10 Imperial Maritime Customs, I., Statistical Series, Nos. 3 and 4, Returns of Trade and Trade Reports for 1899. Part I only. Report on the Trade of China, and Abstract of Statistics. 4to, pp. 33. Shanghai, 1900. 15. td. 111 China Imperial Maritime Customs. I., Statistical Series, No. 2. Customs Gazette, No. 124, October to December, 1899. 4to, pp. 259. Shanghai, 1900. 35. dd. JX2 China Imperial Maritime Customs. III., Miscellaneous Series; II., > Special Catalogue of the Chinese Collection of Exhibits for the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. 4to, pp. IX, 75, 10. Shanghai, 1883. IS. 6d. ijo - China, Imperial Maritime Customs. III., iMiscellaneous Series, No. 12. Illustrated Catalogue of the Chinese Collection of Exhibits for the Inter- national J-^ealth Exhibition, London, 1S84. Svo, pp. 189. London, 1884. 15. 6d. 114 East of Asia lAVfazine. A Non-Political Illustrated Quarterly. Roy. Svo. Volume I, Partsi^ 2, and 3. Volume 2, Part i. Shanghai, 1902 and"3. Each jmrt, 4s. 115 The same. Vol 2, Part 4, June, 1905. 4s. 116 Far East (The) An Illustrated Magazine devoted to the diffusion of Accurate Information about Life and Civilisation of the East of Asia. Edited by C. Fink. Folio. Volume I. Parts i, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12. Shanghai, 1905. 75. 6d. 117 Ditto, in German. Volume 3, Heft 5. Shanghai, 1905. 2s. ii8 Hansei Zasshi (The) A Monthly Magazine in English, containing Original Articles on the Customs, Fine Arts, Literature, and Religion of the Japanese Nation. It aims at representing the true state of Japan and the Japanese to the \%'orld at large. Vol XII, Complete in 12 Nos. Tokyo. 75. 6^, 119 Vol XIII. Complete in 12 Nos. Tokyo. 75. 6d. Contains many bi anlifnlly coloured illnstrations. 120 Htia Erh Kuan Chen. A Chinese Periodical, containing Political, Scientific, and other miscellaneous information. Vols I, Nos. 2-3 ; II, Nos. 1-4, 6-12 ; III, Nos. 5-1 1 ; IV, Nos. 1-4 (in all 24 parts). With Maps and Illustrations. Hongkong, 1853-54. 35. td. LUZ/\C «& CO., 46, Great Russell Stkeet, Lo.ndon, W.C. Periodicals, Transactions of Learned Societies, etc. 5 121 imperial College of Engineering (Kobu-Dai Gahho), Tokei. Calendar Session, 1S77-78. 8vo. Cloth (with plates). Tokyo, 1877. Containing; Catalogue of Books contained in the Library of the above, pp. 60. Preliminary Catalogue of Models, Tools, and Drawings, etc., in the Engineer- ing Museum of the Imperial College, pp. 24. Catalogue of Museum to Illustrate Japanese Products and Manufacture, ' , Preliminary Catalogue of the Apparatus in the Telegraph Museum, byW. E. Ayrton. Catalogue of Physical Apparatus, pp. 5. Preliminary Catalogue of the Minerals, Rocks, Fossills, Shells and Casts in the Geological Museum, pp. 90. Mining Collection, pp. 3. Preliminary Catalogue of the Models, Specimens, and Drawings in the Metallurgical Museum, pp. 22. In one vol. 5s. 6d. 122 Japan-Russia War (Tlie) An Illustrated Monthlv Periodical of Operations between Japan and Russia. With Maps. Nos. 1-5. 4to. Yokohama, 1905. 3s. 6d. 123 Japan Society.— Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London. Vols 1-5. (Vol I, cloth, others in parts). 1898-9. ;£2ios. 124 Ditto. Volume 6. Pts. i, 2, and 3. Vv^ith Title-page and Index. 1901 and 2. 65. 6d. 125 Ditto. Volume 7. Pts. i, 2, and 3. Vs/'ith Title-page and Index. 1904 and 5. 6s. 6d. 126 Ditto. Volume 8. Pts. i and 2. Vv^ith Title-page and Index. 1907-8. 55. Volume 9. Pts. i and 2. 1909-11. 5^- Volume 2. Part I. only. 1894. 25. 6d. Volume 5. 1898-9. Parts i to 4 complete. 8s. 6d. Volume 6. 1903-4. Parts i and 2'only. Each 2S. 6d. Volume 7. 1906-7. Parts 1-2 only. Each 2s. 6d. 132 Journal of tlie College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. Volume 27. Article II only. M. Miyoshi Ueber das Vorkommen gufiillter Bliiten bei einem wildwachsenden japanischen Rhododendron, nebst Angabe iiber die Variabilitat von Menziesia Multiflora Marin. 4to, pp. 13, with 3 Plates. Tokyo, 1910. 2S. 6^. 133 Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Volume I, No. 4 only. Roy. Svo,^ pp. 153-193. Peking, 1883. 4'^- 6rf- Contenls :— Local Value of Chinese Arilhmctrical Annotations by J. Edkirs— Notes taUen on a Journey to Si-Yu-Sy, by J. Rhein, etc., etc. 134 The Same. Vol II, No. 3. 5s. 6^. Contains Movement of the Population in China, by P. S. Pcpoff ; Discussion of Astroncmical Records in Ancient Chinese Books, by S. M. Russell. 135 The Same. Volume II, No. 5. 8vo, pp. 81. Peking, 1890. 5s. 6^. Contains:— Ou Li-Tai-po, wiih Examples of his Poetry, by J. Edkins.— Programme d'his- toire de Chine, par L. Vcrhacge de Neeyer. 136 Vol III, No. 2. Roy. 8vo, pp. 84. Peking, 1892. 5^- 6d. 176 The Chinese Book 'of the Odes for the English Readers. 8vo, pp. 26. Extract. London, x.d. is. (>d. 177 Allen (H. J.) Early Chinese History. Are the Chinese Classics Forged? 8vo. Cloth, pp. 300. London, 1906. 5s. 178 Anderson (W.) Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of a Collection of Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British Museum. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XI, 554, 28. London, 1886. ' ;^I2 From the libran" of W. G. Aston, with few pencil notes en margins. Binding shabby. Very scarce. 179 Annuaire de la Cochinchine pour I'annee 1874. 8vo, half bound, pp. 248. Saigon, 1874. 5s. 180 Articles of Christian Instruction (The) In Favorlang-Formosan, Dutch and English. From Vertrecht's Manuscript of 1630, with Psalmanazar's Dia- logue between a Japanese and a Formosan and Happart's Favorlang Vocabulary. Edited by Rev. Vv^m. Campbell. 4to, cloth, pp. 199. London, 1896. 7s. td. 181 The same, another copy. 7s. 6d. 182 Aston (W. G.) The Particle Ne. 8vo, pp. 4. Extract. Tokyo, 1888. 6d. 183 Barboutau (P.) Catalogue Art Japonais, Peintures, Dessins, Estampes. La vente aura lieu les 6th, 7th, and 8th November, 1905, a I'Hotel De Brakke Grand. Roy. Svo, pp. 99. Vv^'ith many Illustrations. Amsterdam, 1905. 6s. 6d. 184 Catalogue descriptif d'une collection d' Objects d'Art rapportes de son voyage au Japon. 8vo, pp. XIII, 102, to which is added a table en caracteres Japonaise, des Noms inscrits sur les objets composant notre collection. Paris, 1893. 5s. 6d. Scarce. 185 Collection du P. Art Japonais. Objets d'Art, Estampes, Peintures. Tissues anciens. Illustrated catalogue of a Sale held in Paris. Mch. 31- Apl. 3, 1908. Small folio, pp. 88. Paris, igo8. 2s. 6d. 186 Beal (S.) The Romantic Legend of Sakya Buddha, from the Chinese Sanscrit. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 395. London, 1875. los. td. .\s new, uncut. 187 — — Two Papers. (i) Brief Remarks on some Japanese Titles. (2) Account of the Shui Lui, or Infernal Machine. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprint. Shanghai, 1857. is. 6d. 188 Beaumont (F. M. de) Beautes de I'histoire de la Chine, du Japon, et des Tartares, ou Tableau des principaux evenemens de I'Historie de ces peuples, etc., etc. Illustrated. 2 vols, small Svo, boards. Paris, 1818. 8s. 189 Brown (C. C.) China in Legend and Story. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. 253. Vv^ith Illustrations. London, 1907. 3s. bd. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 8 Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. 190 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of Specimens of Japanese Lacquer ami Metal Work. Lxhihited in 1894. 4*0, pp. LXX, 150. London, 1894. iSs. Privately printed. Scarce. 191 Caillot (A.) Morceaux Choises des Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Ecrites (Ics Missions Etrangeres. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. Vol I only. 8vo. Leather, pp. 356. Paris, 1833. 2s. 6d. CoiUaiiis Notices on Tibet, India, etc. 192 Beautes des Lettres Edifiantes Anciennes et Nouvelles. Small 8vo. Leather. Gilt edges, pp. XII, 436. With 3 Plates. London, 1825. 4s. 193 Calendar of the Imperial University of Japan for the year XXIV-XXV. Meiii, (1891-92). 8vo, pp. 279. Tokyo, 1892. 3s. td. Willi Tables and Plan. 194 Gallery (J. M.) Svstema Phoneticum Scripturae Sinicae. Two parts in i vol. Roy. Svo. Half morocco, pp. 84, 500. Macao, 1841. i8s. 195 Catalogue d'une Petite Collection importante des livres Chinois en vente chez E. J. Brill. 8vo. pp. 11. Leiden, 1889. 25. bd. 196 of a Collection of Japanese Colour Prints, Kakemonos, Surimonos, Original Drawings, Illustrated Books, Albums and Sketches, the property of E. Hart, Esq. Roy. 8vo, pp. 39. Illustrated. London, 1898. 3s. Scarce. 197 Catalogus omnium Civitatum in Singulis Imperii Sinarum Provinciis Exis- tentium, cum orthographia, qua ipsarum nomina primere Solent ex Diversis Nationibus Missionarii ibidem Commorantes, in Commodum S. C. de Pro. paganda Fide digestus A. Fr. Josepho Novella Ord. Minor S. Francisci Re- formator. Folio, pp. Ill, 153. Rome, 1854. 15s. 198 Chamberlain (B. H.) Essay in Aid of a Grammar and Dictionary of the Luchuan Language. 8vo, pp. 272. Yokohama, 1895. 6s. Being Transactions of the .•\siatic Society of Japan, Vol. XXIII, Suppknunt. Tlie enly Loochoo graniinar. 199 ICibot.] — Lettre de Pekin sur le Genie de la Langue Chinoise, et la nature de leur Ecriture Symbolique, comparee avec celle des Anciens Egyptiens : en reponse a celle de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Londres, siir le meme sujet. On y a joint une Extrait de deux Otivrages Nouveaux de Mr. Guignes. Small 4to. Half calf, pp. XXXVIII, 46. V/ith manv Plates. Paris, 1773. 1 8s. N ice copy. 200 Collection d'un Amateur : Objets d'Art de la Coree, de la Chine et du Japon. Bronzes et Bois — Peintures — Ceramique — Emaux — Etoffes Para- vents — Meubles — Livres lUustrt's de la Coree Gravures Estampes, etc. Dont la vente aura lieu a Paris Hotel Drouot. Salle No. i, de Lundi 27, au Jeudi 30 Mars, a 2 heures. Exposition Publique. Roy. 8vo. pp. IV 98. With Illustrations. Paris, 1911. 3s. 201 Cornaby (W. A.) A String of Chinese Peach-Stones. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 479. London, 1895. 8s. 6d. Tales, Legends, etc., of China. 202 Courant (M.) Catalogue des Livres Chinois, Coreens, Japonais, etc. Parts i, 3, and 4 only. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1900-3. I2S. 203 Supplement a la Bibliographie Coreenne (jusqu'en 1899). Roy. Svo. pp. X, 122. Paris, 1901. 4s. Double cohiinns to a paye. 204 De la Lecture Japonaise des Textes, contenant uniquement ou prin- cii)alemcnt des Caract^res ideographiques. 8vo. pp. 52. Extract. Paris, 1897. 3s. 6d. 205 Dautremer (J.) Poesies et Anecdotes Japonaises, de I'Epoque des Taira et des Minamoto, suivies de I'Histoire de ces deux Families. (782-1185 apr^s J. C). Bibliothtfiue Orientate ElzLvirienne. Tome LXXXVI. Sm. 8vo. pp. 116. Paris, I9()<^ 2S. 66?. 20G Des Michels. Quelques observations au sujet du sens des mots chinois gias. chi, nom des ancetres du peuplc annamite. Rov. 8vo. pp. 19. Paris, 1889. ' 35. Author's prcsc-iitation copy. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C, Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. 9 207 Douglas (R. K.) Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum. 4to. pp. VII, 399. 1898. £1 ids. 208 Du Ponceau (P. S.) A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese system of Writing. To which are subjoined a Vocabulary of the Cochin Chinese Language, by Father J. Morrone, and a Cochin Chinese and I.atin Dictionary. Rov. 8vo. Calf gilt, pp. XXXII, 375. Philadelphia, 1838. /I 15. Scarce. 209 Edkins (J.) Local Value in Chinese Arithmetical Notation. 8vo. pp. 11. Extract. Peking, 1886. 2s. 6d. 210 The Evolution of the Chinese Language. As Exemplifying the Origin and Growth of Human Speech. 8vo. pp. 95, with an Appendix. Peking, 1887. ^s. 6d. Journal of Peking Oriental See, Vol. 2, No. i. 211 China's Place in Philology. An Attempt to show that the Languages of Europe and Asia have a common origin. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXIII, 40^. London, 1871. (Publ. los. 6d.). 7s. 6d. 212 Edwards (Osman) Japanese Plays and Playfellows. V\^ith twelve Coloured Plates by Japanese Artists. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 306. London, 1901. 65. 6d. As new. 213 Edwards (E. R.) Etude phonetique de la langue Japonaise. Roy. 8vo, pp. 208. Leipsig, 1903. ' 8s. 214 Etienne Zi (!e P.) Pratique des Examens litteraires en Chine. Bound together with Pratique des Examens Militaires en Chine, by the same author. Vv''ith Illustrations. Roy. 8vo, Half bound, pp. 278, 132. Shanghai, 1894-6. 12s. Clean as new, and nicely bound. Varieties Sinologiques, Nos. 5 and 9. 215 Florenz (Dr. K.) Geschichte der Japanischen Literatur. 8vo. Cloth, pp. X, 642. Leipzig, 1906. ys. 6d. As new. 216 Zur Japanischen" Literatur der Gegenwart. 4to, pp. 30. Extract. Tokyo, 1892. IS. 6d. 217 Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zu Lange's " Einfi'ihrung in die japanische Schrift." S. A. aus den Mittheilungen d. Deutsch Gesellsch. f. Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. 8vo. Extract, pp. 24. Tok3'0, 1898. is. 218 Essay on Chinese Scientific Terminology, its Present Discrepancies, and means of Securing LTniformity. Read at the General Missionary Conr ference at Shanghai, May 15, 1890. Roy. 8vo, pp. 15. Shanghai, 1890. IS. 6d. 219 General Outlines of Education in Japan, .specially prepared for the Inter-' national Health Exhibition, London, 1884. Compiled and translated by the Bureau of General Business of the Department of Education. 8vo, pp. 29. London. is. 6d. 220 Gibson (J. C.) Learning to Read in South China, being a Plea for the Use of Romanized Vernacular in Mission VN^^ork. 8vo, pp. 40. London, 1888. is. 6d. 221 Goncourt Collection. Catalogue d'Objects d'Art Japonais et Chinois, Peintures, Estampes, etc. Bv M. S. Bing. Roy. 8vo, pp. 356. Paris, 1897. 8s. with portrait. 222 Gordon Gumming (C. F.) The Inventor of the Numeral-Type for China bv the r '' "use of which Illiterate Chinese, both Blind and Sighted, can quicklv be [ _ Taught to read and write fluently. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 189. Vv'ith Illustrations. A new edition. London, 1899. is. 6d. With Reports of the Mission to the Chinese Blind for 1900 and 1901. 223 Grenard (M. F.) Specimens de La Litterature Moderne du Turkestan Chinois. Svo. Extract. Paris, 1899. 2s. 224 Grunwald (M.) Notices Preliminaires sur L'Affinite de la Langue Chinoise avec les Langues Aryennes et avec les Langues dites Altaigues. Rov. Svo pp. ^8. Geneve, 1875. ' jg^ LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, Lo.ndon, W.C. lo Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. 225 Gueulette (T. S.) The Transmigrations of the Mandarin Fum-Hoam (Chinese Tales). Edited bv L. C. Smithers. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 252. London, 1894. " 85. Limited I'ditiun. 226 Han-tse-Wen-fa-chou-kouang-tsing-mou. Bibliotheca Sinologica. Ueber- sichtliche zusammenstellungen als Wegweiser durch das Gebiet dur sino- logischen Literatur von Dr. V. Andrea and John Geiger. Svo. Pp. X, 108. Together with : — Youen-pen-han-chou-pao-ouei. Verzeichniss einer grossen Anzahl zu verkau- fendcr acht Chinesischer Biicher mit Bibliographischen Bemerkungen u. Mittheilung der Buchertitel in Chinesischen Schriftzeichen. pp. 31, 16. The two Books bound in one, Svo, half bound volume. Frankfurt-on-M, 1864. '. 5S- 227 Harfeld (Comt.) Opinions Chinoises sur les Barbares d'Occident. Svo, pp. VIII, 30S. Illustrated. Paris, 1909. 4s. 6d. 228 Harlez (C. de) Le pretendu Nestorianisme de I'inscription de Sia Ngan-Fou (Fen Shcn). Svo. pp. 8. s. 1. is. 229 Hayashi Collection. Objets d'Art du Japon et de la Chine. Roy. Svo, pp. IV, 363. Vs'^ith Index. Paris, 1902. 2s. 6d. Text only, plates missing. 230 Hirth (F.) Der Ausdruck So fu. — Das weisse Rhinoceros, pp.3. Extract. Leiden, n.d. 15. 231 Ueber Fremde Einfli'isse in der Chinesischen Kunst. Svo, pp. XVIII, 83. Illustrated. Munchen, 1896. 3s. 6d. 232 Hyde (Thomas) Syntagma dissertationum, accesserunt nonnulla opuscula hactenus inedita, nee non de eius vita scriptisque YlpoXayojxiva. Cum aps dice de lingua Sinensi aliisque Unguis orientalibus una cum quamplurimi, tabulis aeneis. Recognita a Gregorio Sharpe. Two vols, 4to, calf, pp. 151- 308, 530. Oxonii, 1757. £2 2s. 233 Imperial Diploma. A Manchu and Chinese Diploma of the Emperor Kwang- Hsu, 1S75 to present day. A silk scroll rolled up and covered with a fine fabric of dark red. The two texts run wath characters of various colours on sections of coloured silk. Size 8 feet 4 inches. £1 los. 234 Jannet (M. P.) De La Langue Chinoise et des Moyens d'en faciliter L'Usage. Rov. Svo, pp. 28. Extract. Paris, 1869. is. 6d. 235 Japanische Dichtungen. V/eiss aster. Ein romantisches Epos, nebst auderen Gedichtcn. Frei nach gebildet von K. Florenz. Printed on Japanese paper, with coloured illustrations, and bound in Japanese style. Svo. pp. 84. Tokio, N.D. 4s. 6d. 236 Japanese Education, An Outline History of. Prepared for the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1S76. By the Japanese Department of Education. Svo. Cloth, pp. 202. New York, 1876. 4s. 237 Julien (St.) Exercises pratiques d'Analyse de Syntaxe et de Lexigraphie Chinoise. Svo, pp. XXIV, 270. Vs^'ith Facsimile. Paris, 1842. 3s. 238 Klaproth (M. I.) Dernier mot sur le dictionnaire Chinois du Dr. R. Morrison. Svo, pp. 32. Paris, 1S30. 2S. 6d. 239 Lacouperie (T. de) Orientalia'Antiqua, or Documents and Researches relating to tlie History of the V/ritings, Languages, and Arts of the East. Vol I, Part I. 4to. Lithographed. London, 1882. 8s. 240 The Languages of China before the Chinese. Researches on the Lan- guages spoken by the Pre-Chinese Races of China proper previouslv to the Chinese Occupation. Svo, pp. 14S. London, 1887. los. 6d. A^ new. I'nciit. 241 Beginnings of V/riting in Central and Eastern Asia, or Notes on 450 " Embryo-V/ri tings and Scripts. Vv'ith 3 Plates. Svo. Cloth, pp. 208. I^ndon, 1894. los. 6d. .As new. Uncut. 242 Le Non-Monosyliabismejdu Chinois Anticjue L'Esart entre les Langues Ecritc et Parlce d'aujourdhui'et L'Histoire de la Langue Ecrite. Roy. Svo, pp. 15. Paris, 1889. 2s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, Londo.v, W.C. Tome II. 248 VII. 249 VIII. 250 IX. 251 XVIII. 252 XIX Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. ii 243 L'Eve des Arsacides en 248 avant J. C. selon les Inscriptions Cunei- formes. Roy. 8vo, pp. 42. Extract. Louvain, 1891. 3s. 6d. 244 The Onomastic Similarity of Nai-Kwang-ti of China and Nakhunte of Susiana. Roy. 8vo, pp. 10. London, 1890. 15. Qd. 245 Langdon (William B.) A descriptive calatogue of the Chinese Collection now exhibiting at St. George's Place, with condensed accounts of the genius, government, history, literature, etc., of the people of the, Celestial Empire. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 170. London, 1844. 35. Qd, With many illustrations. 246 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Ecrites des Missions Etrangcres, par quel- ques Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. 34 vols bound in 32, i8mo, calf. Paris, 1717-1776. ^8 8s. A scarce set. 247 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions etrangeres. Nouvelle Edition. Small 8vo. Leather. Toulouse, 1810-1811. Memoires du Levant. 65, Ditto, d'Amerique. - 65, Ditto, do. 6s, Ditto, do. 6s. Ditto, de la Chine. 6s. Ditto, do. 6s. The binding of these volumes is in most cases broken, but the books themselves are clean and perfect, with maps and illustrations all in good sound condition. 253 Levasseur (F. C. V.) et Kurz (H.) Tableau des Elemens vocaux de I'Ecriture Chinoise. Di\ase en 2 Parties 8vo, pp. 33. Paris, 1829. 2s. 6d, 25^ McClatchie (T. R. H.) Japanese Plays (versified). Vv^'ith Illustrations drawn and Engraved by Japanese Artists. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 136. Yokohama, 1879- ' 3s- 6d. 255 IVIartin (W. A. P.) Chinese Legends and Lyrics. Second Edition, much enlarged. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. VII, 123. Shanghai, 1912. 3s. 6d. 256 Hanlin Papers, or Essays on the Intellectual Life of the Chinese. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 393. London, 1880. 4s. 6^^. Binding loose and shabby. 257 IVIayers (W. F.) The Chinese Reader's Manual. A Handbook of Biographical, Historical, Mythological, and General Literary Reference. Reprinted from the Edition of 1874. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 444. Shanghai, 1910. 15s. 258 The Chinese Reader's Manual. A Handbook of Biographical, Histori- cal, Mythological, and General Literary Reference. 8vo. Half calf, pp. XXIV," 440. Shanghai, 1874. 12s. Presentation copy to W. G. Aston, with Author's signature. 259 The Anglo-Chinese Calendar Manual. A Handbook of Reference for the Determination of Chinese Dates, during the Period from i860 to 1869, with Comparative Tables of Annual and Mensual Designations, etc., etc. Roy. Svo. Hongkong, 1869. 4s. 6d. 260 IVIedhurst (Revd. Dr.) Chinese Dialogues, Questions and Familiar Sentences, literally rendered into English, with a view to promote Commercial Inter- course and to assist Beginners in the Language. Revised by his Son. Svo, pp. 225. Shanghai, 1863. 6s. 261 Medhurst ( W. H.) An Inquiry into the Proper Mode of Translating Ruach and Pneuma, in the Chinese Version of The Scriptures. Svo, pp. 75. Shanghai, 1850. 3s. 6d. 262 Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the Chinese. [Edited by Dr. Percy]. 2 vols, i2mo. Calf. London, 1762. 6s. 6d. 263 Morrison (R.) Chinese Miscellany, consisting of Original Extracts from Chinese Authors in the Native Character, with Translations and Theological Remarks. 4to. Cloth, pp. 52. London, 1825. 6s. Bound with : — Morrison's (R.) View of China, for Philological Purposes, containing a Sketch of Chinese Chronology, Geography, Government, Religions, and Customs, designed for the use of Persons who study the Chinese Language. Roy, Svo, pp. 141. Macao, 1817. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 12 Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. 264 Neumann (C. F.) Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. Hall calf. London, 1831. 6s. 6d. Nice copv. (Oriental Translation Fund.) Contains : History of the Pirates who infested the China Sea from 1807-1810, Translated from the Chinese with notes and illustrations, pp. XLVII, 128. The Catechism of the Shamans ; or, the Laws and Regulations of the Priesthood of Buddha in China, Translated from the Chinese, with notes and illustrations, pp. XXXIl, 152. Vahram's Chronicle of The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia during the time of Crusades, Translated from the Armenian, with notes and illustrations, pp. XIX, no. 265 New School of Japan. Founded for the Purpose of making the Use of the Newly Invented Letters. With Literal English Translation and Version. Oblong folio. Cloth, pp. 58. Tokyo, n.n. 5s. 6d. 266 Observations sur la traduction d'un fragment Chinois adresses a M. le Redac- teur du Journal Asiatique. 8vo, pp. 24. Extract. Paris. is. 6d. 267 D'Ollone (Le Commandant) Recherches sur les Musulmans Chinois. Etudes de A. Vissicre. Notes de E. Blochet et de divers Savants. Roy. 8vo, pp. XII, 470. Ouvrage Orne de 91 Photographs, Estampages, Cartes, et d'une Carte hors Texte. Paris, 191 1. 12s. 6d. 268 Pauthier (J.) Essai sur L'origine et la Formation Similaire des Ecritures Figuratives Chinoise et Egyptienne, compose principalement d'apres les Ecrivains Indigenes. Traduit pour la premiere fois dans une langueEuro- peane. Roy. 8vo, pp. VIII, 159. Paris, 1842. 8s. Scarce. 269 Penny (G. J.) Popular Japanese Stories together with Mitsuyae : a Story of the Saigo Vv'ar. 8vo. Boards, pp. no. Illustrated. Kobe, 1890. 2s. 6d. 270 Petition (P. C.) Allusions Litteraires. Premiere serie. Second Fascicule Classifiques 102. A 213 onlv. Roy. 8vo, pp. 258-561. Shanghai, 1898. 8s. 6d. I'ncut. \'arietes Sinologiques, No. 13. 271 Pfizmaier (Dr. A.) Kritische durchsicht der von Dawidow. Verfassten Vv^orter- sammlung aus der Sprache der Aino's. Svo, boards, pp. 179. Vv''ien, 1851. , 6s. 6d. 272 Premare Notitia Linguae Sinicae. The Introduction only, translated into French. Vv^ith the Latin facing. A neat ]\IS. Small 4to. Cloth. 8s. 273 Revon (M.) Le Rituel du Feu dans I'Ancien Shinnto. Roy. 8vo, pp. 24. Extract. Leiden, 1908. 3s. 274 Rosny (L. de) Notice sur la Langue Annamique. Svo, pp. 24. Reprint, Paris, 1855. IS. 275 Questions d'Archeologie Japonaise. I, Les Sources les plus An- ciennes de I'Histoire du Japon. II, L'Ecriture Sacree et les Inscriptions de I'Antiquite Japonaise. Svo. pp. 19. Paris, 1872. 2s. 276 et Cortambert (E.) Tableau de la Cochinchine. Rt'dige sous les Auspices de la SociiHi- dllthnographie par M. M. E. Cortambert et L. de Rosny. Precede dune Introduction par P. de Bourgo. Orig. roy. Svo, pp. 343. V/ith 16 Plates and 1 coloured folding Map. 6s. 277 Rosny (L. de) Collection des Alphabets de toutes les Langues connues des lnscrij)tions des Mcdailles, etc. Avec des Facsimile de Manuscripts Orien- taux. Pts. I and 2. Svo. Extracts. Paris, 1869. 5s. 6d. Archives i'alcographiqucs de I'Orient et de L'Annrique, Vol. i, I'ts. i and 2. With many Plates, some coloured. 78 Anthologie Japanaise Poesies Anciennes et Modernes des Insulaires du Nippon. Traduites en Fran^aise et Publiees avec le texte Original. Avec une Preface par Ed. Laboulaye. Svo. Cloth, pp. XVlII, XXXII, 222, 72. Paris, 1S71. Ss. 2S0 Satow (E.) On the Transliteration of tlie Jai)anesc Syllabar\'. Vv'ith Tables. Kov. 8vo. Extract, pp. 35. " 2s. 6d. . 1 Schlegel (G.) Desultory Notes on Japanese Lexicography. Roy. Svo. Extract, pp. 45. Leiden, 1S93. " 2s. 6d, LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Kls.si-.ll Stkkht, London, W.C. Comparative Philology, History of Literature, etc. 13 282 Schott (W.) Uber die Sogenanten Indo-Chinesischen Sprachen insonderheit das Siamische. 4to. Extract, pp. 18. Berlin, 1856. 2S. ^d. 283 Shiratori (Dr. K.) Uber die Sprache des Huing-me-Stammes und der Tung- hei-Stamme. Roy. 8vo, pp. 65. Tokio, 1900. 25. 6d, 2S4 Siebold (Ph. Fr. de) Sin Zoo Zi Lin Gjok Ben, novus et auctus literarum ideographicarum thesaurus, sive collectio omnium literarum Sincusium pro- nuntiatione Japonica adscripta ; opus Japonicuni in lapide exaratum a Sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang et redditum curante Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Large 4to. Boards, pp. 164. Lugduni Bat., 1834. I'Z 2S, 285 Stent (G. C.) The Jade Chaplet in Twenty-four Beads. A Collection of Songs and Ballads, etc. (From the Chinese".) Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. V, 166. London, 1874. 6s. 286 Stevens (Rev. H. J.) Cantonese Apothegms, Classified, translated and com- mented upon. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 155. Canton, 1902. 5s. 287 Sultzberger (H. H.) All about Opium. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 207. London, 1884. ' 2S. 6d. 288 Swettenham (Sir F.) Catalogue of an Extensive and Valuable Collection of Japanese Colour Prints, comprising a great number of fine and rare Triptychs by the most Important of the Whiyo-ye Masters, such as Kiyonaga, Shuncho, Shunzan, Shunman, and Utamaro ; Examples of work by Artists little known, such as Fujinelu, Enshi, Katsuchige, Kiyomasa, etc., etc., some good Surimona, and Rare and Beautiful Books by Minho, Masanolu, Shigemasa, and Utamaro. 4to, pp. 133. With 35 Plates. London, 1912. 5s. 6d. 289 Thomas (Edward, F.R.S.) Notes on a Jade Drinking Vessel of the Emperor Jahangii. 8vo, sewn, pp. 6 London, 1875. is. 290 Thompson (G. W.) Verses from Japan and other Short Occasional Poems. i2mo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 184. London, 1906. 4s. 6d. Printed for private circulation. 291 Tirant (G.) Notes sur les poissons de la Basse Cothinchine et du Cambodge. 8vo, pp. 91-198. 2s. 6d. 292 — — • Notes sur les Reptiles de la Cochinchine et du Cambodge. 8vo, pp. 147-148. Sagon, 1887. Extract. is. 6d. 293 Tokyo. — Imperial College of Engineering (Kobu-Dai-Gakko). Tokyo, Calendar, Session 1878 and 79. Roy. Svo, pp. CLVIII. Tokyo, 1878. Together with : — Catalogue of Books contained in the Library of the Imperial College of Engineering (Hobu-Dai-Gakko). Tokyo. Svo, pp. 82 4s. 6d. The 2 Books are bound together in i roy. 8vo cloth volume. Tokyo. 294 Tripitaka Chinois. — Cinq Cents Contes et Apologues, extraits du Tripitaka Chinois. Traduits en Fran9ais par Ed. Chavannes. 3 volumes. R03'. 8vo. Paris, 1910. ' ;£i i6s. As new, uncut copy. 295 Tripitika, or Buddhist Canon A Catalogue of. In Chinese. 2 vols. Printed at Kioto, N.D. I2S. 296 Tru'ong-Vink-ky (P. J. B.) Phip Lieh su Annam les Convenances et les Civilites Annamites. Roy. Svo, pp. 52. Saigon, 1883. 2s. 6d. 297 Watters (T.) Essays on the Chinese Language. 8vo. Half calf, pp. VI, 496, IX. Shanghai, 1889. • ^i is. Scarce. 298 Wytie (Alex.) Chinese Researches. Svo. Cloth, pp. 271. With Portrait and Illustrations. Shanghai, 1897. £4 los. Nic? copy. E.xtremcly scarce. 299 Competitive Examinations. Roy. Svo, pp. 4. Extract. Shanghai, 1899. IS. 300 Zach (E. von) Lexicographische Beitrage III. Roj-. Svo, pp. 135. Peking 1905. <* 6s. Contains :— (i) Weitere Erganzungen zu Giles' dictionary — (2) Manchurica— (3) Tibctische Oro und Hydrographie. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 14 III. — History, Geography, Archaeology, etc. 301 Abeel (D.) Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighbouring Countries from 1830-33. Revised from the American edition, with an Essay by B. W. Noel. 8vo. Half morocco gilt. pp. 31, 366. With a Map. London, 1835. 8s. 6d. 302 Abraham (J. Johnston) Surgeon's Log, being Impressions of the Far East. With forty-four Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 338. London, 191 1. 6s. As new. 303 Adams (F. 0.) History of Japan from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Vol I. To the year 1864. With Maps. Roy. 8vo, pp. VIII, 506. London, 1874. i6s. Scarce. Good copy. 304 Agriculture. Ministere de I'agriculture et du commerce du Japon. Notice des objets exposes a I'exposition de 1900 a Paris. 8vo, pp. 116. Tokyo, 1900. 3s 305 Alabaster ( E.) Notes and Commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law and Cognate Topics. With special relation to Ruling Cases. Together with a brief Excursus on the Law of Property chiefly founded on the Writings o^the late Sir Chaloner Alabaster, K.C.M.G., sometime H.B.M. Consul-General in China. With an Index. 8vo. Cloth, pp. LXXII, 675. London, 1899. 1 8s. 306 Allen (H. J.) Tsuma Ch'ien's Historical Records. 8vo, pp. 15. With 5 Plates. Extract. London, 1895. is. 6d. 307 Allom (T.) and Wright (G. N.) The Chinese Empire Illustrated : being a Series of Views from Original Sketches, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, Social Habits, etc., of that Ancient and Exclusive Nation, by T. Allom, with Historical and Descriptive Letterpress, by G. N. Wright. The work con- tains a Succinct Account of the History of China, a Narrative of British Connection with that Nation, the Opium War of 1840, and full Details of the Causes and Events of the Present War. 2 vols in i, 4to. Half morocco. With 84 fine Plates. London, 1843. 12s. 308 Anderson (J.) Mandalay to Momien : a Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 479. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1876. 12s. dd. 309 A Report on the Expedition to Western Yunan via Bhamo. With Map and Plates. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 458. Calcutta, 1871. 15s. Clean as new. 310 (Wm.) Pictorial Arts of Japan, with a Brief Historical Sketch of the Associated Arts, and some remarks upon the Pictorial Art of the Chinese and Koreans. With numerous Plates, etc. 4 Parts. 4to. Cloth Cases. London, 1886. • ;^io. Artist's proof copy, signed. 311 A History of Japanese Art. 8vo. Reprint, pp. 35. Yokohama, 1879. 3 With corrections by the Author in MS. 312 Japanese Wood Engravings, their History, Technique, and Character- istics. Roy. 8vo, pp. 80. With Illustrations. London, 1895. 6s. 313 (Prof. W.) A Japanese Artist, Kawanabe Kio.sai. Roy. 8vo. pp. 8. With 2 coloured Plates and many Illustrations. Extract. London, 1898. 2s. 6d. 314 d'Anethan (Baroness Albert) Fourteen Years of Diplomatic Life in Japan. Leaves from the Diary of. With an Introduction by H. E. Baron Kato. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 471. With a Photogravure Frontispiece and 116 other Illustrations. London, 1912. 8s. As new. 315 Angus (D. C.) Japan : the Eastern Wonderland. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 210. Illustrated. London, n.d. is. (jd. 316 The Eastern Wonderland ; or. Pictures of Japanese Life. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth. pp. VII, 215. With numerous Illustrations. London, n.d. 2s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 4 History, Geography, etc. 15 317 Apperi (G.) Dictionnaire des Termes de droit d'Economie Politique et d'Administration. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. IV, no. Yokohama, 1885. 2s. 6d. 318'Appert (G.) and H. Kinoshita. Ancien Japon. With Map and Plates. i2mo. Cloth, pp. II, 252. Tokio, 1888. 125. 6d. Very scarce. 319 Ancien Japon, avec la Collaboration de Mr. H. Kinoshita. Parts i and gg, 3 only, containing Chronologic, Hommes Celebres, Institutions. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth. Tokyo, 1888. 5s. 6d. 320 [Argent, Marquis de] L'Espion Chinois : ou I'envoye secret de la Cour de Pekin, pour examiner I'Etat present de I'Europe. Traduit du Chinois. 6 vols bound in 3. Small 8vo. Leather. Cologne, 1765. ;^i. is. 321 Aston (W. G.) The " Hi No Maru," or National Flag of Japan. Svo, pp. 7. With coloured Plates. Extract. Tokyo, 1893. is. 322 The Onmun — when Invented. Svo, pp. 4. Extract. Tokyo, 1895. 6d. 323 Earlj;^ Japanese History. Svo, pp. 36. Extract. Tokyo, 1S87. 2s. 6^. 324 Observations on Dr. Tsuboi's Discovery of Artificial Caves in Japan. Svo, pp. 5. Reprint. Woking, 1892., 8^. 325 Atkinson (T. W.) Oriental and Western Siberia : a Narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and Part of Central Asia. Roy. Svo. Calf, pp. VIII, 611. With a Map and numerous Illustrations. London, 1858. I2S. 326 Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China. With Adventures among the Mountains Kirghis ; and the Manjours, Manyargs, Tougouz, Touzemtz, Goldi, and Gelyaks. The Hunting and Pastoral Tribes. Roy. Svo. Half calf. pp. XII, 570. With a Map and Illustrations. London, 1S60. los. 6d. 327 Aubert (Louis) Paix Japonaise. Le Japon et la paix de I'Extreme Orient. Le Japon et la Chine. — Japonais et Americains. — La lutte pour le Pacifique. Le paysage Japonais. — ^Routes Japonaises. — LTnkyo. Svo, pp. 350. Paris, 1906. 3s. 328 Audsley (G. A.)'et Bowes (J. L.) La Ceramique^Japonaise. Edition'Fran9aise, publiee sous la direction de M. A. Racinet. Traduction de M. P. Louisy. Small folio. Cloth extra, t. e. g. pp. 314. With Frontispiece, XXXII Plates, and 27 Engravings. Paris, 1881. £1. is. 329 Aymonier (E.) The History of Tchampa, now Annam or Cochin China. Svo, pp. 25. Extract. 1903. 2s. 330 La Cambodge et ses Monuments. La province de BaPhnom. Extract. Svo, pp. 40. Paris, 1897. 2s. 6d. 331 Voyage dans le Laos. Tome Premier only. Svo, pp. 341. Avec 33 Cartes. Paris, 1S95. 7s. .\nnales du Musee Guimet, Bibliotheque d'Etudes, tome Cinquieme. 332 Une Mission en Indo-Chine. Relation Sommaire. Svo. Extract. pp. 70. Paris, 1892. 25. 333 Ayrton (M. C.) Child-Life in Japan, and Japanese Child Stories. With many Illustrations, including seven full-page Pictures drawn and engraved by Japanese Artists. Small 4to. Cloth, pp. XIV, 125. London, n.d. 5s. bd. 334 Baber (E. C.) Travels and Researches in the Interior of China. Svo, pp. VIII, 201. With maps. London, 1SS6. 6s. Scarce. 335 Bacon (Alice M.) In the Land of the Gods. Some Stories of Japan. Svo. Cloth, pp. IX, 273. London, 1905. 3s. Qd. As new. 336 Bail (J. Dyer) Things Chinese, or Notes connected with China. Fourth Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Svo. Cloth, pp. XII, 816. Hongkong, 1903. I2S. 33S Baring (M.) With the Russians in Manchuria. Svo. Cloth, pp. XV, 205. Third Edition. London, n.d. (Published at 7s. bd.) 4s. 6d. Uncut, as new. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. i6 History, Geography, etc. 339 Barnes (J. H.) Behind the Great Wall. The Story of the C.E.Z.M.S. Work and Workers in China. Preface by the Rev. H. C. G. Moiile. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 182. With nunaerous Illustrations. Fifth Edition. London, 1S96. IS. 6d. 340 Barriere (Pallu de la) Chine et Tonkin. Situation Generale du Tonkin, Affecta- tion utile des Credits de la Metropole, consequences du Traite dc Commerce avec la. Chine. 4to, pp. 24. Paris, 1890. is. 6d. 341 Barrow (John) Travels in China, containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, made and collected in the Course of a short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a subsequent Journey through the Country from Pekin to Canton, in ^vhich it is attempted to Appreciate the Rank that this Extraordinary Empire may be considered to hold in the Scale of Civilized Nations. 4to. Full calf. pp. X, 632. With coloured Illustrations. London, 1804. 8s. 6d. BiiiciiiiK broken. 342 Barzini (L.) Pekin to Paris, an Account of Prince Borghese's Journey across Two Continents in a Motor CaV. Translated by L. P. de Castelvecchio, with an Introduction by Prince Borghese. Svo. Cloth, pp. 645. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1907. (Publ. lOs. net.) 8s. 6d, As new. 343 Beach (H. P.) Dawn on the Hills of T'ang, or China as a Mission Field. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. XX, 175. With a Map. London, 1898. 2s. 6d. 344 Beauvoir (Le Comte de) Java, Siam, Canton. Voyage autour du Monde. 8\-(), pp. 448. Ouvragc enrichi d'une grande Carte Speciale et de quatorze gra\ ures Photographies. Paris, 1870. 2S. 6d. Uncut copy. 345 Java, Siam, Canton, Voyage autour du Monde. Small Svo. Half calf. pp. 451. Fifteenth edition. Paris, 1871. js. 6d. 34G Behr (Johann von der) Diarium, or Tage-Buch uber des zenige so sich zeit einer neun-Jahrigen Reise zu Wasser und Lande, meisentheils in Dienst der vereinigten geoctroyrten Niederlandisden ost-Indianischen Compagnie, besonders in denselbigen Landern taglich bcgebcn und zugetragen, etc. 4to. Cloth, pp. 159. Jena, 1668. £1 los. Xicc cli-an copy, scarce. 347 Bell (G.) Voyage en Chine du Capitainc Montfort avec un appendice His- torique sur les Derniers Evenementes. i2mo. Half calf. pp. 360. Paris, 1S54. 2s. 6d. Nice copy. 345 Bigham (C.) Year in China, 1 899-1900, with some Account of Admiral Sir E. Seymour's Expedition. Svo. Cloth, pp. 234. With Illustrations and Maps. London, 1901. 55, 349 Brot (E.) Dictionnaire des noms a' ciens et modernes des villes et arrondis- dissements de I'empire chinois. Roy. Svo. Half bound, pp. 16,314. \N'ith a map by Klaproth. Paris, 1842. lis. 6d. ;5" Bigot (G.) Croquis Japonais. Folio. Tokio, iSSG. 15s. Supirl) coppi-r-platc engravings. 331 Blng (S.) Le Japon Artistique. Published in Collaboration wdth Goncourt, Burtz, Renan, Haya.shi, etc. 3 vols. 4to. Bound. With 500 coloured Plates and 590 Illustrations. Paris, n.d. (Pub. £^.) £^. 352 Bird (J. L.) Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. An Account of Travels on Horse- back in the Interior, etc. 2 vols. Vol 1 only. With Map and Illustrations. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pp. XXIII, 407. New York, iSSi. 3s. Gd. 353 Unbeaten Tracts in Japan, an account of Travels in the Interior, including Visits to the Aborigines of Yczo and the Shrine of Nikho. Svo. Cloth, pp. XXIV, 326. Reprint. Illustrated. London, 191 1. is. 354 Boehm (LIse) China Coast Tales, No. 5 and 6 : Coming Home, and Peter Wong. 8vo. pp. 34, 63. Singapore, Hongkong, etc., 1899. 2s. Gd. .,:,:, Borel (H.) The New China, a Traveller's Impression's. Translated from the Dutch by C. Thieme. Svo. Cloth, pp. 2S2. With forty-eight illustra- tions. London, iettre Chinois. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XII, 163. Paris, 1859. 8s. Nice copy. ' 427 Dalton (Wm.) The Wolf-Boy of China, or Incidents and Adventures in the Life of Lyu-Payo. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VII, 385. Second Edition. London, 1858. 3s. Od. Uncut copy. l^S D' Aries (M. J.) La Cochinchine fran^aise, son Organisation. 8vo. Extract. pp. 38. Paris, 1871. IS. 6d. 429 David (M. L'Abbe A.) Journal de mon Troisieme Voyage d'Exploration dans L'Empire Ciiinois. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. Ouvrage contenant 3 Cartes. Paris, 1875. 3s- 6rf. 430 Notes sur la Philosophic J aponaisc. Roy. 8vo, pp. 41. Paris, 1908. is. Uncut copy. As nt-w. 431 Second Voyage d'Exploration dans I'Orient de la Chine. 1868-70. 8vo. pp. 82. Extract. Paris, 1876. is. 6d. 432 Davis (J. F,) The Chine.se : a description of the Empire of China and its Inliabitants. 2 volumes. i2mo. Cloth. Illustrated. London, 1836. 3s. 6d. Newly ri-bound. J ^ ^ The Chinese : a General Description oflChina and its Inhabitants. New Edition, enlarged and revised, in which the History of English Inter- course is brouglit up to the Present Timi.-. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 383. Illustrated. London, 1840. 3s. 6d. IJoubli' columns on a pa^i'. 434 The Chinese : a Description of China and its Inhabitants. 3 volumes. i^mo. Illustrated. New Edition, enlarged and revised. London, 1844. 2s. 6d. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. History, Geography, etc. 21 435 Sketches of China, partly during an Inland Journey of Four Months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton ; with Notices and Observations relative to the Present War. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. With Map. London, 1841. 4s. 6d Binding loose. 436 Del Mar (Walter) Around the World through Japan. 8vo. Cloth. XXXI. 435. Second Edition. Illustrated. London, 1904. 6s. 6rf. As new. i 437 De Was (D. S.) La Chine et les puissances Chretiennes. 2 vols. Svo. With Map, Tables, and Illustrations. Paris, 1861. 6s. As new. 438 Deveria (G.) La Frontiere Sino-Annamite, description Geographique et Ethnographique d'apres des documents Officiels Chinois traduits pour la premiere fois. Roy. Svo. pp. XVII, 182. With Maps and Plates. Paris, 1886. 8s. 6d. 439 D'Ewes (J.) China, Australia and the Pacific Islands in the Years 1855-56. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 340. Illustrated. London, 1857. 3s. 6d. 440 Dick (Stewart) Arts and Crafts of Old Japan. Svo. Half bound, pp. 153, London, 1904. 3s. As new. 441 Dickson (W. 6.) Gleanings from Japan. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pp. VI, 400. London, 1889 6s. 6d. 442 Diosy (A.) The New Far East. With 12 Illustrations from special designs by Kubota Beisen, of Tokio. Svo. Cloth, pp. 374. London, 1900 3s. As new. 443 Zum Russisch-Japanischen Krieg. Roy. Svo, pp. 63. Budapest, 1904. IS. 444 Diplomacy in Japan, being Remarks upon Correspondence respecting Japan. Presented in both Houses of Parliament. Svo, pp. 71. London, 1S64. IS. 6d, 445 Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Japan. Report for the Year 1900 on the Foreign Trade of Japan. Svo, pp. 41. London, 1901. 6d. 446 Documents sur le Commerce Exterieur, Chine et Indo-Chine. Svo, pp. 183. 1S46. 55. 447 Doderlein (Dr. L.) Die Liu-Kiu-Insel. Amami Oshima. Folio, pp. 31. With Map and Plates. Extract. Yokohama, 1881. 2s. Q>d. 448 DOOlittle (Rev. J.) Social Life of the Chinese ; with some Account of their Religious, Governmental, Educational, and Business Customs and Opinions, with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhau. 2 volumes. Small Svo. Cloth. With over one hundred and fifty Illustrations New York, 1865. los. 6d. 449 Social Life of the Chinese. A Daguerreotype of Daily Life in China. Edited and Revised by Rev. Paxton Hood. i2mo. Cloth, pp. XXXII, 632. Illustrated. London, 1S6S. 9s. 450 Dore (P. H.) Recherches sur les Superstitions en Chine. Les Pratiques Superstitieuses. 2 volumes. Svo. Boards. With numerous coloured Illustrations. Shanghai, 191 1. iSs. Varietes sinilogiques, No. 32. 451 Douglas (R= K.) Society in China. Svo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 415. With 22 Illustrations. London, 1894. 4s. 452 Society in China. Illustrated from Photographs. Small Svo. Cloth. pp. XVIII, 446. London, 1901. 3s. 6d. 453 Doumer (P.) LTndo-Chine Francaise (Souvenirs). Small folio, pp. XXVI, 392. With a Map and Illustrations. Paris, 1905. ' i8s. Uncut copy. As new.' 454 Situation de ITndo-Chine (1S97-1901). Roy. Svo, pp. 550. Hanoi, 1902. . 5s. 6d. 455 Du Haide (J. B.) Description geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de I'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartaric Chinoise. With Maps and Plates. 4 vols. Folio. Calf. Paris, 1735. £2. 5s. Binding shabby. Some pages damp-stained on margins only. Good clean copy otherwise. LUZAC Sc CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 22 History, Geography, etc. 456 (P.) The General Historj' of China, containing a Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political, and Physical Description of the Empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Corea and Thibet. Including an Extract and Particular Account of their Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Religion, Arts and Sciences, The whole adorned with curious Maps and a variety of Copper Plates. Translated from the French. 4 volumes. 8vo. Calf. London, 1736. 457 A Description of the Empire of China and Chinese-Tartary, together with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet, etc., etc. Translated into English. With many Maps and Illustrations. Vols I and H only. Folio. Calf pp. 6S7, 398. London, 173S. i8s. 45S Eden (C. H.) China, Historical and Descriptive. With an Appendix on Corea. With a Map and numerous Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 334. London, 1877. 3s. 6d. 459 China, Historical and Descriptive. With an Appendix on Corea. With a Frontispiece by a native Artist, numerous Illustrations and Map. Second Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 334. London, 1880. 3s. 460 Edgar (J. H.) The Marches of the Mantze. With a Preface by C. Polhill. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 66. Illustrated. London, 1908. is. 6d.. 461 Edkins (J.) Ancient Symbolism among the Chinese. Small 8vo, pp. 26. Shanghai, 1889. . 6d. 462 Chinese Architecture. Roy. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprint. Shanghai, 1890. IS. 463 Chinese Currency. Roy. 8vo, pp. 29 Double Columns. Shanghai, 1890. IS. 464 Eitel (E- J.) Europe in China. The History of Hongkong from the beginning to the Year 1882. Roy. 8vc. Cloth, pp. VII, 575. London, 1895. 15s. 465 Elias (Ney) A Visit to the Valley of the Shucli in Western Yunnan, February, 1875. 8vo, pp. 30. With a Map. London, 1877. 2s. 6d. 466 Ellis (H.) Voyage en Chine, ou Journal de la derniere Ambassade Anglaise a la Cour de Pekin. Contenant la Detail des negociations qui ont en lieu dans cette Circonstance, etc., etc. Traduit de L' Anglais par J. MacCarthy. Orne de Cartes et de Gravures. 2 volumes. 8vo. Half bound. Paris, 1818. 6s. Nice copy. 467 Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China ; comprising a Correct Narrative of the Public Transactions of the Embassy, of the Voyage to and from China, and of the Journey from the Mouth of the Pei-Ho to the Return to Canton. 2 volumes. 8vo. Half calf. With Maps and Portraits. Second Edition. 1818. 8s. 468 Englishman in China. Small 8vo. Cloth. pp. X, 272. Illustrated. London, i860. 6s. .Scarce. 469 Ewing (J. AO Earthquake Measurement. With many Maps and Plans. Roy. 8vo, pp. 92. Tokio, 1883. 3s. 6d. BeiiiK Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio, No. g. 470 Eyries (6. B.) Viaggio pittoresco in Asia ed in Africa. Riassunto generale dei Viaggi antichi e moderni secondo : Erman, Lesseps, Pallas, Kaempfer, Marco Polo, Tavemier, etc. Tratuzione Italiana di S. Bandarini. 2 vols. 4to. In Parts, pp. VII, 347 and 152. With many Plates and Maps. Venezia, 1856. (Publ. 68 francs.) £1. .Scare. .{71 Eysseric (Y.) Note sur les Rapides de Yang-tse-Kiang. Extract. Roy. 8vo. ])p. 7. With 2 Illustrations and a Sketch Map. Paris, 1896. 2s. 6i. 472 Faber (Rev. E.) The Famous Men of China. i2mo, pp. 19. Shanghai, 1889. IS. 473 Fab-Hian. — Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.). Translated from the Chinese by S. Bcal. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. LXXIII. 208. With a Map. London, i860. 1 25. (jd. S(;irf.-. I .\- \ Fielde (Adele M.) Pagoda Shadows : Studies from Life in China. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 208. London, 1887. 2s. bd. With portrait. LUZ.'VC & CO., 46, Great Rl-ssell Street, Lonuon, W.C. History, Geography, etc. 23 475 Fleming (6.) Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary, being a Summer's Ride beyond the Great Wall of China. With a Map and numerous Illustra- tions. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 579. London, 1863. (Publ. {z. 2s.) I2S. i>d. 476 Forysthj (Rev. R. C.) Narrative of Massacres in Shansi, July, 1900. Diary of Journey to Shansi Province in Search of the Missing Missionaries, begin- ning 12 September, 1900, with an Introduction by E. H. Edward and Rev. T. Richard. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprint. Shanghai, 1900. 15. 477 Fortune (R.) Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya. Third edition. 2 volumes. With Map and Illustrations. Small 8vo. Cloth. London, 1853. 6s. 478 Yedo and Peking. A Narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China, with Notices of the Natural Productions, Agriculture, Horticul- ture, and Trade of those Countries, and other things met with by the way. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XV, 395. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1863. 3s. (yd. Rather shabby copy. 479 Franke (Dr. 0.) Beschreibung des Jehol-Gebietes in der Provinz Chihli. Detail-studien in Chinesischer Landes-und Volkskunde. With Map and Illustrations. Roy. 8vo, pp. XV, 103. Leipsiz, 1902. 3s. dd. 480 Fukuzawa Zukichi. Author and Schoolmaster. A Paper by W. G. Aston. Roy. 8vo. Extract, pp. 18. London, 1901. \s. 481 Fukuda (T.) die gesellschaftliche und wirtschafthche Entwickelung in Japan, Roy. 8vo, pp. X, 190. Stuttgart, 1900. 2s. bd. 482 Gaillard (P. L.) Nankin d'Alors et d'Aujourd' hui. — Nankin Port Ouvert. Roy. 8vo, pp. IV, 483. Avec un Portrait de I'Auteur, deux vues de Nankin en Photogravure et plusieurs Cartes. Shanghai, igoi. 12s. .•\s new, uncut. Varietes sinologiques, No. i8. 483 Geil (W. E.) A'ankee on the Yangtze, being a Narrative of a Journey from Shanghai through the Central Kingdom to Burma. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 312. With loo full-page Illustrations. London, 1904. 4s. bd. As new. 484 Le Gendre (C. W.) Reports on Amoy and the • Island of Formosa. 8vo, pp. 50. With a Map. Washington, 1871. 3s. 485 General View of Commerce and Industry in the Empire of Japan. Pub- lished by the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Japan. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 492. Tokyo, 1893. 65. 485a The same. 1900. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 455. Paris, 1900. 8s. bd. 486 Genghizcan. — The History of Genghizcan the Great, First Emperor of the Ancient Moguls and T-artars ; containing his Life, Advancement, and Conquests. The Manners, Customs, and Laws of the Ancient Moguls and Tartars, etc., collected from several Oriental Authors, and European Travel- lers, by M. Petis de la Croix, and now translated into English. Roy. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VI, 301. Calctitta, 18 16. i6s. Scarce. 487 Petit de la Croix, Histoire du grand Genghizcan, premier empereur des anciens Mogols et Tartares, traduite et compilee de plusieurs auteurs Orientaux et de Voyageurs Europeens. i2mo. Calf. pp. 562. Paris, 1710. i6s. 488 Histoire du Grand Genghizcan, Premier Empereur des Anciens Mogols et Tartares divisee en quatre Livres ; contenant la Vie de ce Grand Can. son Elevation, ses Conquetes, avec I'Histoire abregee de ses Successeurs qui regnent encore a present. Les Mceurs, les Coutumes, les Loix des Anciens Mogols et Tartares, et la Geographic des vastes Pais de Mongolitan, Turqestan, Capschac, Yugurestan et de la Tartaric Orientale et Occidentale. Traduite et compilee de plusieurs Auteurs Orientaux et de Voyageurs Europeens, dont on voit les noms a la fin, avec un Abrege de leurs Vies M. Petis de la Croix. i2mo. Calf. pp. 562. Avec un Carte. Paris, 1711. i6s. 489 Geographie Generate. Asie. Two vols. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. 564, 556. Bar-le-Duc, 1875. los. bd. Vol I contains : — Transcaucasie Misse, Turkestan ou Tartarie Independante, Turquie d'Asie, Iran ou Perse, Siberie. Vol II. Empire Chinois ou Empire du Milieu, -Japan, Indo-Chine, Hindoustan, Arable. Very nice copy. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London W.C. 24 History, Geography, etc. 490 Geographic Physique, Economique et Historique du Cambodge, Ilird Mono- graphic de la Province de Kratie. Roy. 8vo, pp. 89. With tables. Saigon. 1Q08. 3s. 491 Gerstacker (Fr.) China, das Land nnd seine Bewohner. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 202. Leipzig, 1848. 3s- Od. Illustrated. 492 Giles (H. A.) The Civilization of China. 8vo. Cloth, pp 256. London, 1911. IS- Home University Library. No. 23. 493 Giquel (P.) La Politique Fran9aise en Chine depuis les Traites de 1858 et de i860. Roy. 8vo, pp. 70. Paris, 1872. is. 6d. 494 Girard (0.) France et Chitie, vie publique et privee des Chinois anciens et modernes, passe et avenir de la France dans I'Extreme Orient. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1869. gs. 6d 495 Golowinn (Capt.) Narrative of My Captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813. With Observations on the Country and the People. To which is added an account of Voyages to the Coasts of Japan, and of Negotiations with the Japanese, for the Release of the Author and his Com- panions, by Captain Richord. 2 volumes. Svo. Half calf. London, 1818. 6s. 6d. 496 Gonse (L.) I'Art Japonais. Nouvelle Edition corrigee. Avec Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp 336. Paris, n.d. 5s. 497 Gottberg (Otto von) Mit den Japanern iiber den Jalu. Spezialberichte vom Kriegschauplatz. With many Illustrations and Maps. Oblong 8vo, pp. 32. Berlin, n.d. - is. 498 Gould (G. M.) Concerning Lafcadio Hearn. With a Bibliography by L. Stedman. Svo. Cloth, pp. XIII, 273. With Illustrations. London, 1908. (Published at 8s. 6d.) 4s. 6d. Uncut, as new. 499 Gower (R.) Notes of a Tour from Brindisi to Yokohama, 1SS3-4. Sm. Svo. Cloth, pp. 80. London, 1885. 2s, 500 Great Famine of China. Report of the Committee of the China Famine Relief Fund. Svo. Half calf. pp. 157. With a coloured Map illustrating the Area over which the Famine Relief was distributed. Shanghai, 1879. 6s. 6d. 501 Grenon. — Verdant Simple's Views of Japan, or the Contents of his Note- Book. Roy. Svo. Boards, pp. 125. Yokohama, 1890. 2s. 502 GrifRs (W. E.) The Japanese Nation in Evolution. Steps in the Progress of a Great People. Svo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 408. New York, 1907. 5s. 6d. I'resentation copy to W. G. Aston, with the Author's signature. 503 Fairy Tales of Old Japan. Svo. Cloth, pp. VI, 166. With coloured Plates. London, 1908. 5s. 504 ■ Vcrbeck of Japan. A Citizen of No Country. A Life Story of Founda- tion Work. Illustrated. Svo. Cloth, pp. 376. London, 1901. 3s. 6d. As new. 505 Grose. A Voyage to the East Indies ; containing Authentic Accounts of the Mogul Government in general, the Vice-royalties of the Deccan and Bengal, with their several Subordinate Dependencies of Angria, the Morattoes and Tanjoreans ; of the Mahometan, Genloo and Parsee Religions ; of their Customs and Antiquities. With General Reflections on the Trade of India. A New Edition. Illustrated with Views and several Plates not in the Former Edition. Edited by Mr. Grose. In Two Volumes. Vol L Svo. Leather, pp. XIV, 343. With 6 Plates. London, 1772. 4s. 6d. 306 (J. H.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales. Traduits de I'Anglais. par M. Hernandez. iSmo. Calf. pp. 369. Paris, 1758. 6s. i)rf. clean fri^h ropy. ~ 507 Grosier (M. L'Abbe) De la Chine, ou Description Generale de cet Empire, redigee d'apres les M^moires de la Mission de Pekin. 7 volumes. Svo. Half calf. Troisidme Edition, revue et considerablement Augmentee, avec j,o De Montblanc (Ch.) Le Japon. Roy. Svo, pp. 103. Paris, 1865. 2s. 6d. 641 Morris (J.) Makers of Japan. Svo. Cloth. Illustrated, pp. XV, 330. London. (Pub. 12s. bd. net.) Cs. .As new. G42 Kotaka : Sumurai's Daughter. A Japanese Tale. Svo. Boaixls. pp. V^I, 224. Illustrated by Stanley W'ood. I-ondon, 18S5. i&. 643 Japan and its Trade. Svo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 1S2. London, 1902. 2s. Od. Harper's International Connnerce Series. 644 What will Japan do ? A Forecast. With a Map of the Far East Svo. Cloth, pp. XII, 190. London, 1898. zs. bd. '^5 Morse (H. B.) The International Relations of the Chinese Empire. The Period of Conflict, r834-i8()0. Svo. Cloth, pp. XXXVII, 727. With Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams. London, 1910. £1. >:\(> Mouhot (M. H.) Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cam- lK)(lia, and Laos, during the 3^ears 1858, '59, and '60. 2 volumes. Svo. Cloth. With Illustrations. London, 1804. 12s. 647 Voyage dans les Royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, de Laos, et autres Partes Centrales de I'lndo-Chine. Relation extraite du Journal et de la Correspondence de IWuteur par Ferdinand de Lanoye. With Map and Plates. Svo. Cloth. i)p. _^^^. Paris, 1S72. 35. <.-tS Mundy (W. W.) Canton and the ISogue. The Narrative of an Eventful Six .Months in China. Svo. Cloth, pp. 261. London, 1875. 2s. 6d. t)49 Munro (Neil G.) Coins of Japan. With many Plates and Illustrations. Svo. Cloth, pp. ly, 281. Yokohama, 1904. 15s. I'irsl Edition. .As new. J^reMMilatioii copy to \V. (".. Aston. LIJZ/\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W,C. History, Geography, etc. 33 650 Murdock (J.) and J. Yamagata. History of Japan, during the Century of Early Foreign Intercourse (1542-1651). With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 743. Kobe, 1903. (Pub. £1. i6s.) ^i, 5s. As new. ~ €>5i Ayame-San. A Japanese Romance of the 23rd Year of Meyi (1890). Illustrated frona Photographs by W. K. Burton. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. 310. ^Yokohama, 1892. 6s. 6d. 652 Murry (H.), J. Crawford, P. Gordan, etc. Historical and Descriptive Account of China, its Ancient and Modern Histor3^ Language, Literature, and Reli- gion, etc. 3 vols. i2mo. Boards. With Maps and Illustrations, Edin- burgh, 1834. js. 6d. Clean fresh copy. 653 Nagasha (H.) Strains produced by surface Loading over a Circular Area. With applications to Seismology. Roy. 8vo, pp. 49. With 3 Plates. Tokyo, 1906. 3s. Being No. 22 B Art 1-3 of Public of the Earthquake Investigation Commttee in Foreign Languages. 654 Nakamiira (K.) Organisation du service meteorologique au Japon. 8vo, pp. 3, 69. With 3 maps and Charts in pocket. Tokio, 1899. 55. 6d. 655 Naumann (Ed.) The Physical Geography of Japan, with Remarks on the People. Extract. 8vo, pp. 16. With a Map. Lond., 1887. 2s. 656 Nelson (Kathleen J.) Tuen. Slave and Empress. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IV, 191. With Illustrations. London, 1899. 25. 6d. Nice copy. 657 Nitobe (T.) Bushido, The Soul of Japan. i2mo. Cloth, pp. IX, 129. With Portrait. Tokyo, 1904. 2s. 6d. 658 Norregaard (B. W.) The Great Siege. The Investment and Fall of Port Arthur. With Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. X, 308. London, 1906. (Pub. los. 6d. net.) 55. As new. 659 Nye (Gideon) The Morning of my Life in China. Comprising an Outline of the History of Foreign Intercourse from the last year of the Regime of the Hon. East India Co., 1833, to the Imprisonment of the Foreign Community in 1839. Small 4to, pp. 73. Canton, 1873. 8s. 6d. Scarce. 660 Old Nick. La Chine ouverte Aventures d'un Fan-Kouei dans le Pays de Tsin. Ouvrage illustre par A. Borget. 8vo. Half bound, pp. VI, 396. Paris, 1845. los. 6d. Profusely illustrated. Nice copy. 661 Oliphant (L.) Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the yeais 1857, '58, '59. 2 volumes. 8vo. Half calf. With coloured Plates and Maps. London, 1859. los. 6d. Nice copy. 662 (Sir 0.) China. A Popular History, with a Chronological Account of the most Remarkable, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. i2mo. Boards, pp. VIII, 231. With a Plan. London, 1857. 2s. 6d. 663 • (L.) La Chine et Le Japon. Mission du Comte d'Elgin Pendant les Annees 1857, 1858 et 1859, Traduction Nouvelle. Precedee d'une Intro- duction by M. Guizot. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt. Paris, i860 7s. 6d. 664 Osborn (Sherard) Narratives of Voyages and Adventure. In 3 vols. Vol 3. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 535. London, 1845. 6s. 6d. Contents : — Quedah — A Cruise in Japanese Waters — The Fight on the Peiho. 665 (Capt. Sherard) Japanese Fragments. With facsimiles of Illustrations by Artists of Yedo, with coloured Plates and Illustrations. i2mo. Cloth. pp. XII, 139. London, 1861. 45. (,d. 666 A Cruise in Japanese Waters. Second Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp.210. London, 1859. 2s. 6d. 667 Oossion (L.) Birmanie et Tongkin. Roy. 8vo, pp. 32. Extract. Paris, 1880. 2S. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 34 History, Geography, etc. 608 Ouchterlony (Lieut. J.) The Chinese War. An Account of all the Operations of the British Forces from the commencement to the Treaty of Nanking. Second Edition. With 53 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, p. XX, 522. Lon- don, 1844. 125. 6rf. 609 Padaran (P.) Les Possibilities Economiques dc I'Indo-Chine. Svo. Extract, pp. 124. Paris, 1902. 35. 670 Palmer (F.) \\'ith Kuroki in Manchuria. Third Edition. With 20 Illustra- tions and 3 Maps. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pp. 337. London, 1905. 5s. .\s new. 671 Parker (E. H.) John Chinaman and a few others. Svo. Cloth, pp. XX, 380. With Illustrations. London, 7901. 4s. 6d. O72 Kashgar. Svo, pp. 10. Extract. Woking, 1905. 6d, 673 Pasteur (V. M.) Gods and Heroes of Old Japan. Decorated by Ada Galton. 4to. Cloth. London, 1906. (Pub. 12s. net.) 8s. 6d. Beautifully illustrated, as new. 074 Paulus (A.) La Cochinchine Contemporaine. Conference faite a la Societe des Etudes Maritimes et Coloniales. Roy. Svo, pp. 20. Extract. Paris, 1883, IS. ^d. 675 Pauthier (NI. G.) and Bazin (IVI.) Chine Moderne ou Description Historique, Geographique, et Litteraire de ce Vaste Empire, d'apres des documents Chinois. Premiere Partie, Geographique, Organisation Politique et Admis- strative de la Chine, Langues, Philosophie, Second Partie, Arts, Litterature, Moeurs, Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle, Industries, etc. Svo. Half calf, pp. 675. With 20 Plates. Paris, 1853. 4s. 6d. G76 Chine, ou Description historique, geographique et litteraire de ce vaste Empire, d'apres des documents chinos. Premiere partie. Comprenant un Resume de I'histoire et de la' civilisation chinoises depuis les temps les plus anciens Jusqu'a nos Jours. With Map of China and Japan, and many Illustrations. Svo, pp. 493. Paris, 1837. 6s. Binding loose. 677 Ceremonial observe dans les fetes et les grandes receptions a la cour de Khoubilai, traduit du Chinois. Extract. Roy. Svo, pp. 15. Paris, 1S62. IS. 6d. 678 Pauw (M. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois. With Map. 2 vols. Small Svo. Calf. Berlin, 1773. 6%. 6d. Scarce. 679 Pekin (La Prise de) Piece Comique D'Ombres avec Livret, Musique, Decor et Personnages a' decouper. Texte de J. Jacquin. Illustrations de R. de la Neziere Musique de G. Meynard. Oblong folio. Boards. Paris, n.d. 3s. 6d. i>6u Perry (Commodore M. C.) Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, '3, and '4, compiled from original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request and under his supervision, by F. L Hawks, D.D. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pp. VII, 624. New York, 1856. £1. is. With frontispiece of the Prince of Idzu, and many illustrations and maps. 681 Peter Parley's Talks about China and the Chinese. Illustrated. iSmo, Clolh. pp. X\', 240. London, 1843. 3s. 6d, 682 Photographic Album, issued as an accompaniment to A. Wilson's Work, the " Ever Victorious Army " : a History of the Chinese Campaign under Lt.- Col. C- G. Gordon, and the Suppression of the Taeping Rebellion. Consisting of 22 Original Photographs, and bound in cloth. Folio, 1868. £2 .2s. Very scarce. Contains Portraits of Vice-.-Vdmiral Sir J. Hope, Major-Generai Sir C. W. Staveley, Major-C.eneral W. G. Brown, Li Hung Chang, Captain Roderick Dew, General P. Ward, General H. A. Bursevine, Lt.-Col. C. G. Gordon taken in his undress uniform and when in Command of the E.O.A., Colonel Gordon's Chinese Bodyguard, etc., etc. With views of the District round the City of Toochow, etc., etc. OS3 Piggott (F. T.) The Garden of Japan. A year's diary of its Flowers. With four pictures lay \. East, R.I. 4to. Cloth, pp. 60. Second Edition. Lon- don, 1896. Ss. 6d. 684 Postel (R.) L'Extremc Orient Cochinchine, Annam, Tong-kin. i2mo. Cloth, pp. VII, 307. With plates and Map. Paris, 1882. 2S. 6d. LUZAC & Q3.. 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. History-j Geography, etc. 35 685 Purcell (Dr. T. A.) and W. G. Aston. Literary Lady of Old Japan, 8vq. pp. 9. Extract. Tokyo, 1888. is. 686 (T. A.) A Suburb of Yedo. With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 212. London, 1889. 2s. 6d. 687 Ransome (J.) Story of the Siege Hospital in Peking, and Diary of Events from May to August, 1900. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 125. London, 1901. is. 688 (G.) Japan in Transition. A Comparative Study of the Progress, Policy and Methods of the Japanese since their War with China. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. pp. XIX, 339. With 4 Maps and numerous Illustrations. London, 1799. 5s. 6d. 689 Reclus (E.) L'Inde et L'Indo-Chine. Being Vol VIII : Nouvelle Geographic Universelle. 4to. Cloth, pp. 982. With 64 Plates and 7 coloured Maps. Paris, 1883. 155. 690 Recueil des Voyages de la Campagnis des Indes Orientales. With many Maps, Plates, and Charts. Nouvelle Edition. 10 vols. Old calf. i8mo. Rouen, 1725. £1, xos. Nice clean copy. 691 Redesdale (Lord) The Garter Mission to Japan. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IX. 279. London, 1906. 4s. As new. 692 Tales of Old Japan. With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 383. Lon- don, 1908. 3s. 6d. 693 Regamey (F.) Japan in Art and Industry. With a glance at Japanese Manners and Customs. Authorized Translation by M. French-Sheldon and Eli L. Sheldon. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IX, 349. With 100 Designs by the Author. London, 1893. 4s, 6d. 694 Renaudot (E.) Anciennes Relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux Voya- geurs Mahometans, qui y allerent dans Is Neuvieme fiecle : Traduit d'Arabe, avec Des Remarques fur les principaux endroits de ces Relations. 8vo. Vellum, pp. XXXIX, 397. Paris, 1718. 15s. Scarce. Fine copy. 695 Rennie (D. F.) Pekin and the Pekinese during the First Year of the British Embassy at Pekin. 2 vols. Small 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated. London, 1865. I2S. 696 Research in China. Volume 2 only. Systematic Geology, by B. Wilhs. 4to, pp 133, V. With 8 Plates. Washington, 1907. 7s. 6d. 697 Resume Statistique de I'Empire du Japon. 8e Annee. Cabinet Imperial Section de la Statistique Generale. With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. XIV, 142. Tokio, 1894. 3s. 6d. 698 Review of the Management of our Affairs in China, since the Opening of the Trade in 1834 ; with an Analysis of the Government Despatches from the Assumption of Office by Captain Elliot on the 14th December, 1836, to the 22nd of March, 1839. 8vo. Boards, pp. 217. London, 1840. 3s. 6d. Uncut. 699 Richards (L.) Comprehensive Geography of the Chinese Empire and De- pendencies. Translated into English, revised and Enlarged by M. Kennelly, S.J. With Coloured Maps. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVIII, 715. Shanghai', 1908. 14s. 6d. 700 Richard (Mrs. Timothy) Paper on Chinese Music. 8vo. pp.43. Illustrated. Shanghai, 1899. 2s. 6d. 701 Richthofen (F. F. von) Schantung und Seine Eingangspforte Kiautschou. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXVII, 324. With Map and Plates, also a Packet of Maps. Berlin, 1898. 8s. 6d. 702 Rittner (G. H.) Impressions of Japan. Roy. 8vo, pp. XII, 222. With numerous Plates in Photogravure. London, 1904. 5s. td. 703 Roche (J.) and Cowen (L.) The French at Foochow. Roy. 8vo, pp. 49. With Illustrations. Shanghai, 1884. ^5, Tille-page torn. 704 Rocllhill (W. W.) China's Intercourse with Korea from the XVth Century to 1895. With Illustrations. 8vo, pp. 60. London, 1905. 3s. 6d. 705 Diplomatic Audiences at the Court of China. Illustrated. Svo, pp. 54. London, 1905. 3s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great' Russell Street, London, W.C. 36 History, Geography, etc. 706 Rosny (L. de) Les Peuples Orientaux Connus des Anciens Chinois. i2mo, pp. XII, 276. Second Edition. With Maps. Paris, 1886. 2s. bd. Uncut copy. 707 La Civilisation Japonaise. Memoire lu a la Societe de Geograpliie le 5 Avril, 1861. 8vo. pp. 45. Extract, Paris, 1861. 2s. 6d. 708 Ross (E. A.) The Changing Chinese. The Conflict of Oriental and Western Cultures in China. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 356. With Illustrations. London, 191 1. los. 6d. 709 SatOW (E. M.) and Lieut. A. 6.S. Hawes. Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan : being a Guide to Tokio, Kioto, Ozaka, Hakodate, Nagasaki, and other Cities : The most Interesting Parts of the Main Island ; Ascents of the Principal Mountains : Descriptions of Temples, and His- torical Notes and Legends. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp.586. Second Edition. Revised with Maps and Plans. London, 1884. 4s. 6d. Binding broken. 710 Scherer (J. A. B.) Japan To-day. With Tinted Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 323. London, 1904. 4s. As new. 711 Schlegel (G.) Problemes Geographiques. Pt, XIX. Lieou-Kieou-Kono. Roy. 8vo. Extract, pp. 51. Leiden, 1895. 2s. 712 The same. Pt. XX. Niu-Jiu-Kono. Roy. 8vo. Extract, pp. 11. Leiden, 1895. is. 713. Itinerary to the Western Countries of Wang-Nieh in A.D. 964. Svo, pp. 30. Extract. Paris, n.d. ' is. 714 Schiller (L. W.) Abriss der Neueren Geschichte Chinas unter besonderer Beruchsichtigung der Proving Schantung. Svo, pp. VIII, 380. Berlin, 1912. 6s. Gckronte Prcisschrift. 715 Scidmore (E. R.) China. The Long-Lived Empire. Svo. Cloth, pp. XV., 466. Illustrated. London, 1900. 5s. .■\s new. 716 Seaman (L. L.) The Real Triumph of Japan. The Conquest of the Silent Foe. Illustrated. Svo. Cloth, pp. 291. London, igo6. 2s. 6d. 717 Shaw (R.) Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar. (Formerly Chinese Tartary) and Return Journey over the Karahoran Pass. Svo. Cloth, pp. XV, 486. With Illustrations and Map. London, 1871. 8s. 6d. Good copy. Uncut. 718 Shore (H. N.) The Flight of the Lapwing : Naval Officer's Jottings in China, Formosa and Japan. Svo. Cloth, pp. XV, 549. With Map and Illus- trations. London, 1881. (Pub. 15s.) 7s. 6d. Nice copy. 719 Siebold (Ph. Fr. von) Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japon und Dessen Neben-und Schutzlandern Jezo mit den Siidlichcn Kurilen, Sachilen, Korea, und den Liuhiu Inseln. Volumes i and 2. Roy. Svo. Gilt cloth. With Maps and Illustrations. Wurzbung, 1S97. £1 is. Nice copy. Second Ed. 720 Letzte Reise nach Japan, 1859-1862, von Seinem : Altesten Sohne A. Freiherr. von Siebold. Svo. pp. 130. With Portraits. Berlin, 1903. 2s. 6d. 721 (A. F.) Der Eintrift Japans, in das. Europaische Volherrecht. Svo, pp. 49. Berlin, 1900. is. (bd. 722 (P. F. von) Geographical and Ethnographical Elucidations to the discoveries of Macrten Gerrito Vries. in the East and North of Japan : to serve as a Mariner's Guide to the Navigation of the East Coast of Japan, and to Yczo Krafto, and the Kurils. Tianslatcd from the Dutch by F. M. Cowan, With a reduced Chart of Vries' Observations. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pp. 186. Amsterdam, 1859. 8s. 6d. 72^ Simpson (W.) On the Identification of Nagarahara, with reference to the Travels of Hiouen-Thasang. With a Map and two large Coloured Plates. Svo, pp. 25. Extract. London, 1881. 2s. 6d. Last few lines in neat manuscript. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. History, Geography, etc. 37 724 Singh (H. H. the Raja-I-Rajgan Jagatgit) of Kapurthala. My Travels in China, Japan, and Java, 1903. Large 8vo. Cloth bound, pp. 226. With Illustrations and a Photogravure frontispiece. London, 1905. lo5. Clean copy, as new. 725 Sinibaldo de Mas (D.) La Chine et les Puissances Chretiennes. 2 volumes, lamo. Half bound. Paris, 1861. 6s. Nice copy. 726 Sirr (H. C.) China and the Chinese, their Religion, Character, Customs, and Manufactures, the Evil arising from the Opium Trade. 2 vols in i. Half calf gilt. With 2 'coloured plates. London, 1849. £1 is. Scarce. 727 Sladen (D.) Japan in Pictures. Roy. 8vo. Oblong Cloth, pp. 159. Lon- don, N.D. 3s. dd. Full of interesting Illnstrations, some coloured. 728 Smith (A. H.) Chinese Characteristics. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 427. Lon- don, 1892. 35. (id. Binding shabby. 729 (G.) Leechew and the Lewchewans : Being a Narrative of a Visit to Leechew, or Loo Choo, in October, 1850. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 95. London, 1853. 4s. 6i. 730 (Rev. G.) Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Consular Cities of China, and the Islands of Hongkong and Chusan, in behalf of the Church Missionary Society in the Years 1844, '45, '46. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 532. With Map and Illustrations. 1847. 5s. (>d. 731 Bishop (G.) Ten Weeks in Japan. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XV, 459. With a Map and 8 Plates. London, 1861. 4s. 6^. 732 (Stanley P.) Chma from Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis. Svo. Cloth, pp. 251. London, 1901. 3s. 6d. 733 Specht (Ed.) Etudes sur L'Asie Centrale d'apres les Historiens Chinois II. Les Indo-Scythes et L'Epoque du Regne de Kanichha. Svo, pp. 41-82. Extrait. Paris, 1897. is. 6i. 734 Staunton (Sir G. T.) Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, and our Com- mercial Intercourse with that Country, including a few translations from the Chinese Language. 8vo. Calf. pp. VI, 384. London, 1822. iis. 6d. Nice copy. Scarce. 735 Staunton (Sir George) An historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China ; including the manners and customs of the inhabitants and preceded by an Account of the Causes of the Embassy. Abridged principally from the papers of Earl Macartney. 8vo. Half bound. 3 vols. London, 1797. 8s. Binding shabby. 736 Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China, under- taken by order of Great Britain, including The Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants ; and Preceded by an Account of the Causes of the Embassy and Voyage to China. Abridged principally from the Papers of Earl of Macart- ney. 8vo. Calf. pp. XV, 475. With Map and Plates. London, 1797. 4s. 6d. Binding broken. 737 Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; including observations made, together with a relation of the Voyage undertaken on the Occasion, and an account of several Places where they stopped at, taken chiefly from the Papers of Earl of Macartney. 2 vols. 4to. Full calf. With Plates. Second Edition. London, 1798. los. Nice copy. (Volume of Plates Missing.) 738 Stead (A.) Unser Vaterland Japan ein quellenbach geschrieben von Japanem. Roy. 8vo, pp. XXVIII, 736. Leipzig, 1904. 6s. Uncut copy. 739 SteinmetZ (A.) Japan and Her People. i2mo. Cloth, pp. XII, 447. Illustrated. London, 1859. 3s. 6d. 740 [Stewart (S.)] A Ten Days' Trip into the Interior of Japan. 8vo. Bound, pp. 54. 2s. 6d. Privately Printed. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 38 History, Geography, etc. 741 Strohl (H. G.) Japoiiisches Wappenbuch " Nikon Moncho," ein Handbuch fijr Kunstgewerbetreibende und Sammler. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IX, 250, XIII. Tafeln in Schwarz-und Buntdruck nebst 692, Text-IUustra- tionen. Wien, 1906. (Pub. 25s.) 12s. 6d. As now. 742 Sweet (F.) Floral Japan. Printed on Japanese Paper. With coloured Illustrations. Oblong. 2,s. 74^ Takaki (M.) The History of Japanese Paper Currency (1868-1890). Roy. 8vo. Paper, pp. 59. Baltimore. 1903. is. 6d. 744 Taw Sein Ko. Suggested Reforms for China. Roy. 8vo. pp. 32. Reprint. W(.king, 1898. IS. 6d. 745 Taylor (C. M.) Vacation Days in Hawaii and Japan. With over loo Illustra- tions. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 3C1. London, 1906. 4s. 6rf. As uew. 74G Tchang Yi TchOU et Hackin (J.) La Peinture Chinoise an Musee Guimet. Planches, Appendice et Index Alphabetique. pp. VII, 97. Oblong folio. Vellum. Paris, 1910. los. 6d. Aiinaks du Musee Guimet. Bibliotheque d'Art. Tome IV. New copy. 747 Tcheng-Ki-Tong. Les Chinois peints per eux-memes. Fourth ed. 8vo. pp. 291. Paris, 1884. 2s. 6d. I'sed copy. 748 Tel Sono, the Japanese Reformer. An Autobiography. With Frontispiece of Tel Sono. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 66. New York, 1892. 2S. 6d. 749 Tenny (C. D.) and Hsueh Sung Hsun. Geography of Asia. 4to. Boards, pp. 56, 20. With a Vocabulary. Shanghai, 1898. 4s. Interleaved copy. 750 Terry (E.) A Voyage to East India. \\Tierein some things are taken notice of in our passage thither, but many more in our abode there, withui that rich and most spacious Empire of the Great Mogul. Observed by E. Terry. With 3 Plates. i2mo. Half bound. Calf. pp. 547. London, 1655. £'i 3S. The best account in English of the Mogul Court and Empire during the days of its greatness. The author went out as chaplain to Sir Thomas Roe in 1615. Margins rather cut down in the binding. Map missing. Scarce. 751 Thin (6.) The Tientsin Massacre. The Causes of the late disturbances in China and how to secure Permanent Peace. i2mo. Cloth, pp. IX, 100. London, 1870. is. Gd. 752 Thomas (Rev. J. LL.) Journeys among the Gentle Japs in the Summer of 1895, with a Special Chapter on the Religions of Japan. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. X, 266. With Map and Portrait. London, 1897. 3s. 6d. 753 Thompson (J.) Considerations respecting the Trade with China. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 177. London, 1835. 35. Gd. 754 Thomson (J.) Illustrations of China and its Peoples. A Series of Two Hundred Photographs, with Letterpress Descriptive of the Places and the People Represented. Volume i only. Folio. Gilt cloth. With 24 Plates. London, 1873. 15s. Title-page damaged. 755 Illustrations of China and its People. A Series of 108 Photographs with Letterpress of the Places and People Represented. Being the First and Second Series. Folio. Cloth. London, 1900. (Pub. /6 6s. net.) £■>, 3s. .\s new. 756 The Land and the People of China. A Short Account of the Geography, History, Religion, Social Life, Arts, Industries, and Government of China and its People. With Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IV, 286. London, 1876. 3s. 6d. 757 (J. S.) The Chinese. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 441. Illustrated. Indiano- polis, 1909. los. 6d. Contents: IJaily Life of Foreigners, Incidents among the Daily Life of the Chinese, Chinese Humour, Art and Literature, Religion, etc. 758 (J.) Through China with a Camera. Roy. 8vo. pp. 284. With nearly loo Illustrations. London, 1898. 5s. 6d. 759 Tllley (Henry Arthur) Japan, the Amoor and the Pacific, with Notices of other Places, comprised in a Voyage of Circumnavigation in the Imperial flussian Corvette " Rynda " in 1858-1860. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. With 8 llustrations. pp. XII, 405. London, 1861. 6s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. History, Geography, etc. 39 760 Tiilott (IVI.) et Fischer (E. S.) Notes sur la Monnaie et les Metaux precieux en Chine. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. pp. 40. Shanghai, 1898. 2s. 6d. 761 Timkovski (M. G.) Voyage a Peking, a Travers la Mongolie en 1820 et 1821. Traduit dn Russe, par M. N et revue par M. J. B. Eyries : ouvrage publie avec des Corrections et des Notes par M. J. Klaproth. Volume of Maps and Plates only. Folio. Half calf. pp. 31. Paris, 1827. los. 6d. 762 Tirant (G.) Notes sur les Poissons de la Basse-Cochinchine et du Cambodge. Extract. 8vo, pp. 25. Saigon, 1885. is. 6d. 763 Titsingh (M.) Memories et Anecdotes sur la Dynastie Regante des Djogouns, souverains du Japon, avec la description des Fetes et Ceremonies observers aux differentes epoques de I'annee a la cour de ces Princes et un Appendix contenant des Details sur la Poesie des Japonais, leur maniere de diviser. Ouvrage orne de Planches Gravees et Coloriees, tire des Originous Japonais. Publie avec des Notes et Eclaireissements par M. Abel Remusat. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XXVIIl. 301. Paris, 1820. 15s. 764 Townley (Lady Susan) My Chinese Note Book. With 16 Illustrations and 2 Maps. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIII, 338. London, 1905. 5s. As new. 765 Tronson (J. M.) Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary and Various Parts of Coast of China in H.M.S. Barracouta. With Charts and Views. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 414. London, 1859. 8s. 6d. Scarce. 766 Tschepe (P. Albert) Histoire du Royaume de Ts'in (777-207 av. J.-G.). Roy. 8vo, pp. 388. With Map. Shanghai, 1909. los. 6d. V'arietes Sinologiques, No. 27. 767 Histoire du Royaume de Ou (1122-473 av. J.-G.). Roy. 8vo, pp. II, 175. With Illustrations, and a Map. Shanghai, 1896. 6s. 6d Uncut. Varietes Sinologiques, No. 10. 768 Turner (F. S.) British Opium Policy and its results to India and China. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 30S. London, 1876. 4s. 769 Tyndale (W.) Japan and the Japanese. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 317. With Thirty-two Illustrations in Colour. London, 1910. 7s. 6d', 770 Vay de Vaya and Lushod (Mons. Count) Empires and Emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan. Notes and Recollections. With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXXII, 399. London, 1906. 7s. 6(L As new. 771 Veuillot (E.) Le Tonkin et la Cochinchine, le pays, I'histoire et les missions. Small 8vo, pp. X, 446. Avec une Carte-Geographique. Paris, 1884. 3s. Uncut copy. 772 Vienot (H.) et Schroeder (A.) Rapport presente a M. Le Myte de Viliers sur le Voyage d'Etudes fait au Tonquin. 3 parts. 8vo. Extract, pp. 94, 109, 47. Saigon, 1886. 5s. 773 Visits to Japan, 1865-1866. i2mo. Cloth, pp. IV, 131. With Map and coloured Illustrations. London, 1869. 5s. Illustrated with Drawings from Japanese originals. 774 Vissering (W.) On Chinese Currency. Coin and Paper Money. With a Facsimile of a Banknote. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 219. Leiden, 1877. I OS. 6^. 775 Walton (J.) China and the Present Crisis, with Notes of a Visit to Japan and Korea. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 319. With a Map. London, 1900. 3s. 6d. As new. Uncut. 775a Warner (H. D.) and Millard (F. M.) The Romance of a Nation. History of Japan. Tracing its Progress from the earliest Records to the Declaration of War with Russia. 8vo, pp. 109. London, 1904. is. With Frontispiece of the Mikado, and illustrations. 776 Wawn (J. T.) Local Taxation in Japan. With Tables showing the Mis- cellaneous Taxes levied in Kyaga Prefecture and Kobe City in 1899-1900. Roy. 8vo. pp. 12. Kobe, 1900. is. 777 Whigham (H. J.) Manchuria and Korea. With a Map and Illustrations, Roy. 8vo. Cloth pp. 245. London, 1904. 4s. 6d. , Uncut cipy. ' LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 40 History, Geography, etc. 778 White (John) History of a Voyage to the China Sea. 8vo. Half calf pp IX, 372. With a Map. Boston, 1823. 8s. 6d. ■jjg A Voyage to Cochin China. 8vo. Boards (binding broken), pp. XI, 371. London, 1824. 3s.. 6d. :> < Whitney (W. N.) Concise Dictionary of the Principal Roads, Chief Towns and Villages of Japan, with Populations, Post Offices, etc. Together with Lists of Ken, Kuni, Kori, and Railways. Compiled from Official Docu- ments. i2mo. Cloth, pp. V, 248. With a Map. Tokyo, 1889. 55. J)ouble columns on a page. 781 Williams (S. W.) The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. With coloured Frontispiece and many Illustrations. Revised Edition. With a new Map of the Empire. New York, 1883. £1 is. Nice copy. Map niissing. 782 The Middle Kingdom ; a Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Life, Arts, Religion, etc., of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. Fourth Edition. In 2 vols. 8vo. Half bound. With Maps and Plates. ISfew York, 1871. 15s. 783 Das Reich der Mitte. Fine ubersetzt der Geographie, Regierung, Erzie- hung, des Socialen Lebens, den Kiinste, Religion, etc., des Chinesischen Reichs, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt vou C. L. Collmann. Erste, auch fi'ir sich bestehende Abtheilung. 8vo. Half calf. pp. XVI, 291. With Illustrations and Maps. Cassel, 1852. 5s. jS^a The Chinese Commercial Guide, containing Treaties, Tariffs, Regula- tions, Tables, etc., useful in Trade to China and Eastern .^sia ; with an .Appendix of Sailing Directions for those Seas and Coasts. 8vo. Half calf, pp. XVI, 387, 266. Fifth Edition. Hongkong, 1863. 7s. 6d. 784 Williamson (A.) Notes on the North of China, its Productions and Com- munications. 8vo, pp. 30. Extract. Shanghai, 1868. 2s. 6d, 785 Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia, with some Account of Corea. With Illustrations and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth. London, 1870. 8s. 6d. 786 Wilson (W.) Eye Gate, or the Value of Nati\-e Art in the Mission Field with Special Reference to the Evangelization of China. Folio, pp. 15. And Illustrated by 30 Colour Reproductions of Chinese Paintings. London, 1897. 25. 787 Winterbotham (W.) An Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the Chinese Empire. To which is added a Copious Account of Lord Macartncv's Embassv. 8vo. Boards, pp. 435 and 114. London, 1795. 6s. 788 Wirgman (C.) A Sketch Book of Japan. Oblong. Cloth. Yokohama, N.D. 6s. 6d. Containing 39 full page sketches of Japanese Life, without text. 789 Wolseley (Lieut.-Col. 6. J.) Narrative of the War with China in i860, to which is added the Account of a short Residence with the Tai-Ping Rebels and a Voyage from thence to Hankow. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIV, 415. With Portrait. London, 1862. 5s. 6d. PaK'> loose. 7'.io Wood (W. W.) Sketches of China, with Illustrations from Original Drawings. 8v-. Scarce. 831 Gailiard (P. L.) Croix et Swastika en Chine. Roy. Svo. pp. IV, 282. Illus- trated. Shanghai, 1893. ' 8s. Uncut. Varieties Sinologiques, No. 3. 832 Gentili (Fra Tommaso Nl.) Mcmoire di un Missionario Domenicano nella Cina. 3 vols. Roy. >>\-(,. Kome, 1887-8. £1. is. 83 ^ GriffiS (W. E.) The ReUgions of Japan. From the Dawn of History to the Era of MCnji. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIII, 457. New- York, 1895. 55. 6d. , Presentation copy to VV. G. Aston, with the Author's signature. U'ZAC ct CO., 46, Great ROssell Street, London, W.C. Religion. (Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Missions, etc.). 43 834 Groot (J. J. M. de) The Religious System of China, its ancient forms, evolu- tion, history and present aspect. Manners, customs, and social institutions connected therewith. Vols. I-\T (Books 1-2). Roy. 8vo. Leiden, 1892- 1910. £^. 6s. Book I : Disposal of the Dead. Book II : On the Soul and Ancestral Worship. S^^ and Chavannes (C. G.) La ReUgion populaire des Chinois. Les Fetes annuelment celebrees a Emoui (Amoy). Iraduit du HoUandais. Illustra- tions par F. Regamey. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1886. £1. 55. .\nnales du Musee Guimet. Tome XI et XII. S36 The Religion of the Chinese. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 230. New York, 1910. 5s. 6d. -As new. 837 Havret (P. H.) La Stele Chretienne de Si-Ngan-Fou. 3 Pts. Roy. 8vo. With Maps, Plates and Illustrations. Shanghai, 1895, '7, and 1902. £i. is. .A.S new, uncut. Contents : — Part i, Facsimile de L'Inscription S>TO-Chinoise. Part 2, Histoire du Monument. Part 3, Comnientaire Partiel et Pieces Justificatives, avec la eollation du P. L. Cheikho. Varieties Sinologiqnes, No. 7. 838 Hue (M.) Le Christianisme en Chine en Tartarie et au Thibet. 4 volumes. 8vo. 3 vols in half calf and i in paper covers. Paris, 1857. 7s. 6d. Bindings broken. 839 Japan and the Japan Mission of the Church Missionary Society. Third ed., with Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 220. London, 1898. 2s. 6d, 840 Jesuit Missions. . Travels of Several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into Divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Containing a General Description of the most remarkable Towns. With a Particular Account of the Customs, Manners, Religion, of those several Nations, etc. Translated from the French. 8vo. Calf, pp.335. London. 1 715. IDS. 6d. Scarce. 84 1 Kesson (J.) The Cross and the Dragon, or the Fortunes of Christianity in China : with Notices of the Christian Missions and Missionaries, and some Account of the Chinese Secret Societies. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 282. London. 1S54. 4s. 842 Knox (G. W.) The Development of Religion in Japan. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXI, 224. New York, 1907. 6s. 843 Legge (Rev. J.) Confucianism in Relation to Christianity. Reviewed by Rev. R. Nelson. Roy. 8vo. pp. 8. Slianghai, 1877. ^^- ^^^ Double coliunns on a page. 844 Louvet (L. E.) La Cochinchine Religieuse. 8vo. 2 vols. pp. 567-548. W^ith a Map. Paris, 1885. 12s. 845 Marnas (Fr.) La Religion de Jesus (laso-ja-kyo) Ressuscitee au Japan dans la Seconde moitie du XIXe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustrated. Paris, n.d. 6s. S46 Missionary Enterprise. Remarks on Missionary Enterprise, especially in China. 8vo. pp. 56. Shanghai, 1880. 2S. 6d. 847 Montefranco (B. de) Vie des bienheureu.x martyrs du Japon. 8vo. pp. 79. Saint-Trond, 1862. 3s. 6d. 848 Moule (Rev. H.) A Narrative of the Conversion of a Chinese Physician [Dzing Sinsang]. Compiled from Journals and Letters of Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, etc. Second Edition, revised. 8vo. pp. loi. London, 1868. is. 6d. 849 ■ (The Yen. A. E.) The Glorious Land : Short Chapters on China and Missionary work there. V\''ith Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 108. London, 1891. is. 6d. 850 (Rev. A. E.) Four Hundred Millions : Chapters on China and the Chinese. i2mo. Cloth, pp.225. Vv''ith Maps and Illustrations. London, 1871. 2s. 6d. 851 The Story of the Cheh-Kiang Mission of the Church Missionary Society. With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 127. London, 1878. 2s. 6d. S52 Nuove Glorie della Chiesa Cattolica. 8vo. pp. 183. Rome, 1858. 7s. 6d . LUZAC & CO., 46, GRtAT Russell Street, London, W.C. 44 Religion. (Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Missions, etc.). 853 Parker (E. H.) The Taoist Religion. 8vo. Reprint, pp. 35. London, 1904. IS. 6rf. S54 China and Religion. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXV, 317. With Frontis- piece. London, 1905. (Publ. 12s. net.) 6s. 6d. .\s new. 855 Protestant Missionaries of China. Records of the General Conferences, held at Shanghai, Mav 10-24, 1877. Roy. 8vo. Half calf. pp. 492. Vv'^ith Maps. Shanghai' 1878. ^ 8s. 6d. 856 Revon (NI.) Le Rituel du Feu dans I'ancien Shinnto. Roy. 8vo. pp. 24. Extract. Leiden, 1908. is. 6d. 857 Saint- Hilaire (J. B.) Le Bouddha et sa Religion. 8vo. pp. XIV, 439. Paris, 1862. 85. 6d. Bound with Chinese Classics. Translated into the English, with Preliminary Essays and Explanatory Notes by J. Legge. Volume i only. Life and teachings of Confucius. " Fifth Edition. 8vo. Half calf. pp". VL 338. London, 1877. Nice copy. 858 Smith (Rev. A. H.) The Uplift of China. Vv'^ith a supplementary Chapter upon the work of the Church Missionary Society. Illustrated. 8yo. Cloth, pp. X, 307. London, 1909. 2s. 6d. 859 Stock (E.) Japan and the Japan Mission of the Church Missionary Society. Second Edition, Revised and Part Re-written, and continued to date by the Rev. C. F. V/arren. V/ith a Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 275. London, 1887. 2s. 6d. 860 Stock (E.) The Story of The Fuh-Kien Mission of the Church Missionary Society. Small 8v6. Cloth, pp. 326. Vv'^ith a Map and Thirty-three Illustrations. Third Edition, with a Supplementary Chapter. London, 1890. 2s. 6d. 861 Suzuki (D. T.) Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism. Crown 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 420. London, 1907. 8s. 6d. 862 Tada Kanai. The Praises of Amida. Seven Buddhist Sermons. Trans- lated from the Japanese by Rev. Arthur Lloyd. 8vo. Cloth. 2nd edn. pp. i6i. Tokyo, 1907. 2s. 6d. Cover ink-stained. 863 — The same. New copy. 3s. 6d. 864 Taylor (J. Hudson) A Retrospect. Small 8yo. Cloth, pp. 140. With Map and Illustrations. Second edition. London, n.d. is. 6d. published by the China Inland Mission. 865 - — (Mrs. H.) Pastor Hsi (of North China). One of China's Christians. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXII, 400. With Portrait, Illustrations, and coloured Map. Fifth Edition. London, 1903. 2s. 6d. 8df> Wolferstan (Rev. Bertram) The Catholic Church in China from i860 to 1907. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXXVIl. 470. With Map. London, 1909. 5s. Uncut, as new. 867 Xavier (FranciSi His Missionary Life and Labours, taken from his own Correspondence : with a Sketch of the General Results of Roman Catholic Missions among the Heathen, by H. Venn. Svo. Cloth, pp. IV, 326. With Map. London, 1862. 4s. India, Strait Settlements, China, Japan, etc. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 45 V. — Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 868 Abel-Remusat (M.) Elemens de la Grammaire Chinoise, ou principes generaux du Kou-Wen ou St3''le Antique, et du Kouan-Hoa c'est-a-dire de la Langue Commune Generalement IJsitee dans L'Empire Chinois. 4to. Cloth, pp. XXXII, 214. Paris, 1822. los. 6i. 869 Elemens de la Grammaire Chinoise, ou principes generaux du Kou-Wen oil Style Antique etc. Nouvelie Edition. Publiee par L. Leon de Kosny. Roy. Svo. pp. XXXII 24c. Paris 1858. os. 6i. 870 AlCOCk (R.) Elements of Japanese Grammar, for the Use of Beginners. 4to. pp. by. Shanghai, r86i. • los. 6d. Privately printed. Scarce. 871 Appendix ad Dictioniarium Latino-Anamiticum. Cochin-Chinese Vocabu lary. (Vocabnlaire Cochinchinois.) Index Vocabularum Cocincinensium. 4to. fiaif morocco, pp. XII, 134. With Map. Tu VI. An Nam, 1838. los. 6d. Nice copy. 872 Arendt (C.) Einftihrung in die Nordchinesische Umgangssprache. Praktisches Ubungsbuch. 2, Abtheilung only. Chinesischer text der iibungsbeispiele. Svo. pp. 136, 42. Stuttgart, 1894. 5^- 873 Aston (W. G.) Grammar of the Japanese Written Language. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 212, LXX, VIII. Second Edition. Yokohama, 1877. 16s. Nice copy. As new. 874 The same. Third Edition. Revised and Corrected. Svo. Cloth. pp. 198, LXXIV. London, 1904. 12s. 875 Grammar of the Japanese spoken Language. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 212. London. los. 6d. Out of print. 876 Aubaret (W.) Vocabulaire Francaise-Annamite et Annamite-Francais. Precede a'un Traite des Particules Annamites. 2 parts in i. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 96, 157. Bangkok, 1861. 15s- 6d. 877 Baba (T.) An Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language, with easy Piogressive Exercises. Revised by G. Ukita. With an Introduction by A. Diosy, F.R.G.S. Third Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 120. London, 1904. 4s. 878 Baldwin (Rev. C. C.) Manual of the Foochow Dialect. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VIII, 256. Foochow, 1871. los. 6d. 879 Balfour (F. H.) Idiomatic Dialogues in the Peking Colloquial. For the Use of Students. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, j pp. VIII, 252. Shanghai, 1883. los 6d. 880 Ball (J. Dyer) How to write Chinese. Containing general Rules for writing Chinese, and particular directions for writing the Radicals. Second Edition. Ro^. 8vo. Boards, pp. 108. Hongkong, 1905. ids. 881 Cantonese made Easy. A Book of Simple Sentences in the Cantonese Dialect, with free and literal Translations, and Directions for the Rendering of English Grammatical Forms in Chinese. Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Roy. 8vo, pp. LXIII, 35. Singapore, 1904. 6s. 6d. 882 The Cantonese made Easy Vocabulary. A small Dictionary in English and Cantonese, containing Words and Phrases used in the Spoken Language, etc. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. 294. Hongkong, 1908. los. Double columns. 883 How to Speak Cantonese. Fifty Conversations in Cantonese Colloquial, with the Chinese Character, free and literal English Translations, and roman- ised spelling and tonic, and diacritical Marks, etc. Third Edition. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. 229. Hongkong, 1904. los. 884 BatChelor (J.) Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary, including a Grammar of the Ainu Language. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. London, 1906. £i- IS. 885 Bazin (M.) Memoire sur les Principes Generaux du Chinois Vulgaire. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 120. Extract. Paris, 1865. 3s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 40 Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 886 Benkyoka No Tomo. " Vade-Mecum " de I'Etudiant on Compilation dc Textcs avcc Notes Explicatives pour servir a I'Etude de la langue Japon- aise parlee, par P. Caron. i2mo, pp. 236. Hongkong, 1892. 5s. 887 Bridgmann (E. C.) Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect. 4to. Boards, pp. XXXVI. 693. Macao, 1841. £2. 5s. \"ory scarce, nice copy. S8S Brown (Rev. S. R.) Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese. Together with an English- Japanese Index to serve as a Vocabularj', and an Introduction on the Grammatical Structure of the Language. 8vo. Half bound, pp. LXII, 242. Shanghai, 1863. 8s. 889 Bullock (T. L.) Progressive Exericses in the Chinese Written Language. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 256. Shanghai, 1902. lbs. 6d. Contents : — I, Introductory Chapter— II, The Radicals — III, Exercises and Notes — IV, Index of Characters, 890 Callery (J. M.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la Langue Chinois. Volume I, only. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. VI, 212. Macao, 1844. los. 6d. \ice copy. 891 Chamberlain (B. H.) Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 543. Second Edition. Tokyo, i88g. 5s. 6d. 892 The same. Tokyo, 1888. 5s. 6d. 893 A Romanized Japanese Reader : consisting of Japanese Anecdotes, Maxims, etc., in easy Vv'^ritten Style, with an English Translation and Notes. 3 parts in one vol. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 106, 135, 116. London, 1886. ' 6s. 894 Couvreur (S.) Dictionnaire fran9ais-chinois, contenant les expressions les plus usites de la Langue Mandarine. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. 1007. Ho tain Fu, 1884. ' £1. 5s. hine copy. 895 Cuaz (M.J.) Lexique Fran^ais-Laocien. Oblong 4to. pp.490. Hongkong, ic)04. los. 6d. 896 Debesse (A.) Petit dictionnaire Fran9ais-Chinois. Small 8vo. Morocco, pp. 557. Paris, 1903. 8s. .■\s new. Very nicely boiuid. 897 Devan (Rev. T. T.) The Beginner's First Book, or a Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. i2nio. Half bound, pp. 148. Revised, corrected, enlarged, and toned bv the Rev. V/. Lobscheid. Third Edition. Hong-Kong, 1861. 6s. 898 Dictionnaire Chinois-Francais dc la langue Mandarine parlee dans I'ouest de la Chine, avec un Vocabulaire Fran9ais- Chinois, par plusieurs Mission- naires du Se-tch'oiian Meridional. 4to. pp. XV, 736. Hongkong, 1893. £j. IS. 899 Dictionarium Latino- Anamiticum, Vocabulorum quae continentur in libro nuncupato Epitome Historiae Sacrae et Selectae e Novo Testamto His- toriae. Ad usum Linguae Latinae Tiriniculorum. J.M. J. 8vo. pp. 194. Half bound. Saigon, 1868. 12s. 6d. Very scarce. 900 Dictionarium Linguae Sinicae Latinum, ame brevi Interpretatione Gallica, ex Radicum ordine dispositum. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XII, 782. Ho Kien Fou, 1877. 15s. 901 Diguet (E.) Elements de grammaire annamite. Second Edition. Svo. pp. 136. Paris, 1897. 4s. 902 Dirr (A.) Theoretisch-Praktische Grammatik du Annamitischen Sprache. Mit analysierten Ubungstiicken, einen Chrestomathie und cinem Annamitisch- deutschen Vv^orterbuch. Mit 9 Schrifttafeln. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 173. Vienna, n.d. 2s. .,03 Doolittle (J.) Vocabulary and Handbook of the Chinese Language. Roman- izcrl in the Mandarin dialect. 3 parts in 2 vols. Small 4to. Half bound. pp. V, 530, and VII, O95. Foochow, 1872. (Pub. £^. 3s.) /i. is. 'H Douglas (Sir R. K.) A Chinese Manual. Comprising a Condensed Grammar with Idiomatic Phra.ses and Dialogues. New Edition. Small 8vo. Leather. PP- 37^- London, 1904. " 95. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 47 905 Dutch-Japanese Dictionary and Vocabulary. In Japanese and Dutch. 13 vols. Folio. (1S50 ?). Japanese Covers. ,^i. los. Xico copy. 906 Eastlake (F. W.) Anglo- Japanese Compendium of Conversation for Study and Reference. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 492. Tokyo, 1902. 2s. 6d. 907 Easv Conversations in English, German, and Japanese. (First Series.) Second Edition. Oblong 8vo. Boards, pp. 77. Tokyo, 1886. 2s. 908 Edkins (J.) Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language, with a List of Common Words and Phrases, and an Appendix containing the I.^ws of Tones in the Peking Dialect. 8vo, pp. V, 103. Shanghai, 1862. 8s. Slightly pencil-marked. 909 Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, commonly called the Mandarin Dialect. 8vo. pp. IV, 264. Shanghai, 1857. los. 6d. Clean as new. 910 Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, commonly called Mandarin Dialect. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VIII, 279. Second Edition. Shanghai, 1864. los. 6d. 911 — — Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language, with Lists of Common Vv'ords and Phrases, and an Appendix containing the Laws and ^ Tones in the Peking Dialect. Second Edition. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, ' morocco, pp. 102. Shanghai, 1864. 5^- ^^■ Very nicelv bound copy. Contains some pencil notes on margins. 912 The Evolution of the Chinese Language, as exemplifving the Origin and Growth of Human Speech. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 95. Reprint. Lon- don, 1888. . 3S. 6^. 913 English and Chinese. Third Reader. 8vo. Boards, pp.297. ^'D- ^s.6d. English text and Chinese translation, 914 English- Japanese Dictionary, together w^th a Table of Irregular Verbs, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Third Edition, revised. 4to. Half bound, pp. 700. Shanghai, 1869. £'!■■ is. Scarce. Ratner used copy. This Dictionary was originally written by Mr. Hori, and after- wards revised and republished by Mr. Horigroschi, and now revised and enlarged by ' a student of Satsuma.' 915 Estrade (Dr.)' Dictionnaire et Guide Franco-Laotiens. Manuel de Con- versation. Roy. 8vo. pp. 325. Toulouse, 1895. 12s. The Laotien in roman and native characters. 916 Evrard (F.) Cours de Langue Japonaise en Soixante Lecons. Premiere Partie onlv. 8vo. Half bound, pp. VI, 179. Yokohama, 1874. 4^- 917 FlatSU Casi (K.) Japanese and Russian Dictionary. 8vo. Cloth, pp.595- Tokyo, 1906. ' 5S- 6r^- Japanese words are given in Russian, Jjtpanese and Roman characters. 918 Foster (Rev. A.) Elementary Lessons in Chinese. 8vo. pp.32. London, n.d. 2s. 6d. 919 Gabelentz (6. von der) Chinesische Grammatik mit Ausschluss des Niederen Stiles und der Heutigen Umgangssprache. Mit drei Schrifttafeln. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. XXIX, 552. Leipzig, 1881. 15s. 920 Giles (H. A.) Dictionary of Colloquial Idioms in the Mandarin Dialect. 410. Half calf. pp. 61. Shanghai, 1873, 9S- Interleaved copy, with some very useiul notes. Double columns on a page. 921 Chinese without a Teacher. Being a Collection of Easy and Useful Sentences in the Mandarin Dialect, with a Vocabulary. Fifth and Revised Edition. 8vo. Boards, pp. 67. Shanghai, 1901. 5s. 922 A Chinese-English Dictionary. 2 vols, 4to. Half bound, pp. XVII, 1415. London and Shanghai, 1892. £3- Clean sound copy. From the library of W. G. .\ston. 923 Go-i. A Dictionary of Japanese, with Japanese Definitions. 7 vols. 1878. . . los. 6d. An official Publication e.xceptionally well printed, but contains only the letter A. From the Library of W. G. Aston. 924 Goodrich (C.) Radical Index to Pocket Dictionary and Pekingese Syllabary. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 72. Peking, 1893. ' is. 6d. 925 A Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary and Pekingese Syllabary. Small 8vo. Half bound. Shanghai, 1909. 4s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46 Great Russell Street,' London W.C 48 Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 926 Goro (Takahasi) A Japanese Alphabetical Dictionary, with Chinese and English Equivalents. New and Copyright Edition. 4to. Half bound, pp. 1 185. Tokyo. N.D. 15s. Biiiiliiig broken. -7 Gorui tai Setsu Yoshui. A Dictionary of Combinations of Chinese Charac- ters arranged according to the Categories, Heaven, Earth, Man, etc. In Japanese. By Komatani Sanjin. 13 vols. (6 by 9.) Kioto, 1717. ;^i. 12s. 928 Grainger (A.) Western Mandarin, or the Spoken Language of Western China. With Syllabic and Enghsh Indexes. Roy. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VI, 803. Shanghai, 1900. £1. is, 929 Grass Character. Japanese Dictionary showing the ordinary and cursive forms of Chinese Characters. Thick "oblong, pp. 352. Yeddo (?), 1842. I2S. bd. 930 Guignes (IVI. de) Dictionnaire Chinois, Francais et Latin. Publie d'apres I'ordrc de sa Majeste I'Empereur et Roi Napoleon le Grand. Avec Supple- ment. 2 vols. Folio. Cloth. 11 14, 168. Paris, 1813. £1. los. Binding one vol damaged. Good clean sound copy otherwise. 931 Dictionnaire Chinois, Francais et Latin, publie d'apres I'ordre de sa Majeste L'Empereur et Roi Napoleon le Grand. Folio. Calf. pp. XII, 576. Paris, 1813. los. 6rf. Binding loose. 932 Dictionnaire Chinois. Supplement et Introduction. 5s. bd. 933 Handa (H.) and Nl. G. Appert. Guide de la Conversation Fran^ais-Japonais. iSmo. Cloth, pp. 151. Tokyo, n.d. 2s. 6d. 951 Klaproth (G.) Memoire sur I'introduction et I'usage des Caracteres chinois, au Japon, et sur I'origine des differens syllabaires Japonais, suivi d'un vocabu- laire Coreen. Reprint. 8vo, pp. 32. With a Plate. Paris, 1829. 4s. 952 Koan-Hoa Tsche-Nan. BoussoleduLangage Mandarin. Traduite et Annotee par H. Boucher. Volume i only. 8vo. pp. VIII, 247. Zi-Ka-V/ei, 1887. 4s. 953 Kouang yi tcheng tseu t'ong. Chinese- Japanese Pocket Dictionary. Thick small 8vo. Limp cloth, native binding. ,6s. 954 Kwong Ki Chill. An English and Chinese Dictionary, compiled from different Authors, and Enlarged by the Addition of the Last Four Parts. Roy. 8vo. Half bound. Hongkong, 1875. 12s. Very scarce. 955 ■ English and Chinese Dictionary. Compiled from the latest and best Authorities, and containing all Vv^'ords in common use, with Many Examples of their use. New Edition, thoroughly revised, and greatly enlarged and Improved, etc., etc. Roy. 8vo. pp.819. Half bound. Shanghai, 1887. 15s. Clean fresh copy. •956 Lange (Prof. Dr. R.) Ubungs-und Lesebuch zum Studium der Japanischen Schrift. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 529. Berlin, 1904. 14s. 957 Ditto. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVIII, 558. Second Edition. Berlin, 1909. i8s. As new. 958 Lemaire (G.) and P. Giquel. Dictionnaire de poche Francais-Chinois, suivi d'un dictionnaire technique des mots usites a I'arsenal de Fou-Tcheou. i6mo. Cloth, pp. 421. Shanghai, 1874. 6s. 6d. 959 Lemarechal (J. M.) Dictionnaire Japonais-Francais. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 1008. Tokyo, 1904. £t. 5s. g6o Petit Dictionnaire Japonais-Francais. Small oblong 8vo. Cloth. pp. 1025. Tokyo, 1904. 6s. Japanese in Roman and Native characters. 961 Lloyd (Rev. A.) Japanese Colloquial Texts, with translations and notes. 8vo. Boards, pp. 95, 118. Tokyo, 1890. 3s. 6d. 962 Lobscheid (Rev. W.) English and Chinese Dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation. 4 Parts bound in 2. Half morocco gilt. Hong- kong, 1866-69. ;^2. 5s. Nice copy. 963 Grammar of the Chinese Language. Two parts in one, 8vo. Cloth. pp. XXXVII, no, 178. Hongkong, 1864. i6s. g63a The same. Part I only. 8vo. Cloth. 95. 963b The same. Part II. 8s. 964 MacCauley (C.) Introductory Course in Japanese. Svo. Cloth, pp. XV, 569. London, 1897. 8s. Nice copy. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 30 Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. •05 MacGowan (Rev. J.) Manual of the Amoy Colloquial. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. Ill, 222. Third Edition. Amoy, 1892. los. 6d. )06 The same. First Edition, Boards. 1869. los. 6d. ■■•: MacGowan (J.) English-Chinese Dictionary of the Amoy Dialect. Small (to. ll.ilt bound, pp. VII, 611. Amoy, "1883. (Publ. ";(;3. 3s.) £1. 15s. .'»> Mackenzie (D. R.) Natural Method Exercises in Japanese and English. Sc-coml Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XI, 113. Osaka, 1903. 3s. 6d. .0.) Maclay (Rev. R. T.) and Baldwin (C. C.) An Alphabetic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Foochow Dialect. 8vo. Half calf. pp. XXIV, 1 107. Foochow, 1870. £1. 55. 15indiiit; lirokrii. Scarce. 970 Martin (Rev. W. A. P.) The Analytical Reader. A Short Method for Learning to Read and Write Chinese. With Vocabulary. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 141, 56. Shanghai, 1863. 9s. 6d. .71 Mateer (Rev. C. W.) A Short Course of Primary Lessons in Mandarin. 4to. Halt bound, pp. 79. Shanghai, 1901. 95. This work is intended as an Introduction to the larger work " A Course of Mandarin Lessons " by the same Author. 972 A Course of Mandarin Lessons, based on idiom. Revised Edit on. 4to. Half bound, pp. LV, 786. Shanghai, 1906. £1. loS, .As new. 973 Matsmoto (K.) Modern Conversations in English and Japanese; for those who Learn the English Language. Part 2 only. Dialogues. i2mo, pp. 49-153. Tokyo. 2S. 6d. 974 Medhurst (W. H.) Chinese and Engli.sh Dictionary : containing all the Vv'ords in the Chinese Imperial Dictionary — arranged according to the Radicals. 2 vols. 8vo. Half calf. Batavia, 1842. /i. 5s. Title-page of Vol i torn and stamped. Binding shabby. Scarce. 975 English and Chinese Dictionary. 2 volumes. 8vo. Half calf. Shanghai, 1847 and '8. ^i. 5s. Bindings shabby. 976 Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language. 4to. Half bound, pp. LXIV. 860. 1832. £2. 5s. Containing about 12,000 characters of the written and spoken idiom. Title-page missing, otherwise complete. Fine copy. 977 An English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary. Compiled from native works. 8\-o. Half calf. pp. 344. Lithographed. Batavia, 1830. 10s. 6d. Bindiu!; hroki-n. Scarce. Clean copy. 977« Meiji Kwaiwa-Hen (The) \ Treasury of Conversational Phrases in English and Japanese. Pt. 11. 8vo. pp. 88. Tokyo, 1886. is. Third Edition. 978 Michels (Abel des) Dialogues Cochinchinois Expliques Litteralementen Fran^ais, en Anglais, et en Latin suivis dune Etude Philologique du Texte et d'un Expose des Monnaies, Poids, Mesures et divisions du Temps en usage dans la Cochinchine. Ouvrage destine a familiariser les etudeantsavec le genie de la langue Annamite. 8vo, pp. X, 212, 23. Paris, 1871. 8s. '-<) Morrison (Rev. R.) .V Grammar of the Chinese Language. 4to. Boards, pp. 280. Serampore, 181 5. ' 12s. Scarce. 980 A Dictionary of the Chinese Language. Three Parts in 5 vols. 4to. Half bound. Macao, 1815-22. £2. los. I'art I. Chinese and Knglish, arranged according to the Radicals. 2 vols. Part II. Chinese and English, arranged alphabetically. 2 vols. Part III. English and Chinese, i vol. Very nice clean copy. 181 Dictionarv of the Chinese Language (English-Chinese). 2 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Half bound. T>ondon, 1865. (Published at £4 4s.) £1. i8s. Scarce and valuable. .^2 Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language ; with a free and verbal Translation in English, collected from various Sources. Roy. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VIII, 262. Macao, 1816. 75. 6d. T.l /AC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, V^.C. Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 5^ 983 Dictionary of the Chinese Language. In Three Parts. Part II. Vol I. Chinese and English arranged alphabetically. 4to. Cloth, pp. 1090, 177. Macao, 1819. i8s. Title-page neatly repaired. 984 Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. 2 Parts, bound in i volume. Pt. I, English and Chinese. Pt. II, Chinese-English. 8vo. Half calf. Macao, 1828. 15s. Nice copy. Scarce. 985 Mouilles aux de Bernieres (A.) Kung Yii So T'an. Lemons progressives pour I'etude du Chinois parle et ecrit. [In French .and English.] 4to. Cloth, pp. 231. Peking, 1886. t 8s. 6d. 986 Mutsu (H.) A Japanese Conversation Course. Fifth Edition. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 58. Tokyo, 1905. _ 25. 6d. 986a Nakazawa (S.) and others. A New English- Japanese Dictionary. Based on Current English Literature. New Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 800. Tokyo, N.D. 35. 6d. 987 Nikon DaijishO. A Japanese Dictionary arranged according to the A. I. E. O. Definitions in Japanese only. By Yamaka Taketaro. Royal 8vo. Half bound, pp. 1400. Tokyo, 1893. 15s. 988 Nippon dai Slliten A Japanese Dictionary. In Japanese. Thick 8vo. Bound. Tokyo, 1896. I2S. 6d, Covers loose. With plates illustrative of the Korean, Sanskrit, Japanese Alphabets, etc. 989 Nordemann (E.) Methode de Langue Annamite (dialecte tonkinois). Roy, 8vo. pp. 36, 68. 5s. With 2 pp. Bibliography. 990 Nuttall (P. A.) An English and Japanese Dictionary of the English Language, translated with an Appendix of Useful Tables, bv J. Tarahashi. Fourth Edition. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 8, 885. Tokyo, 1886. 85. 6d. Japanese in Chinese and Kana characters. 991 Perny (P.) Grammaire de la Langue Chinoise Orale et Ecrite. 2 volumes bound in one. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. VII, 248, 547. Paris, 1873. i8s. Good copy. 992 Dictionnaire Francais-Latin-Chinois, de la Langue Mandarine Parlee. Vv'ith a Volume containing the Appendice. 2 volumes. 4to. Paris, 1869. £1. 8s. 6d. 993 Petition (Le P. C.) Petit Dictionaire Francais-Chinois. Dialecte de Chang-hai. 8vo, pp. 598. Shanghai, 1905. 7s. 6d. 994 Petit Manuel. Chinois-Fran9ais, a I'usage des agents Chinois de la Garde Municipale. i2mo. Boards, pp. 65. Shanghai, 1886. is. 6d. 995 Philo-Sinensis. Notices on Chinese Grammar. Part I only. Orthography and Etymology. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 148. Batavia, 1842. 8s. 996 Plaut (H.) Grammaire de la Langue Japonaise Parlee. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 392. Heidelberg, 1907. 4s. 6d. Method Gaspey Otto Sauer. 997 Japanese Conversation Grammar and numerous Reading Lessons and Dialogues. 8vo. Clo,th. pp. VIII, 391. Heidelberg, 1905. 4s. 6d. Method Gaspey Otto Sauer. 998 Pocket Dictionary (A) of the English and Japanese Language. 8vo. Oblong. Cloth, pp. 953. Yedo, 1862. 14s. Scarce. 999 The same. Second Revised Edition. Oblong. Leather, pp. 998. Yedo. 1866. 1 8s. 1000 Poletti (P.) A Chinese and English Dictionary, arranged according to Sadicals and Sub-Radicals. New and Enlarged Edition. Roy. 8vo. alf bound, pp. CVII, 307. Shanghai, 1896. 13s. 6d. looi Vv''an Tzu Tien. A Chinese Dictionary of 10,000 Characters. 8vo. Chinese stitching. 6s. 1002 Explanation of the Use of the Sub-Radical. 8vo, pp. 17. Shanghai, 1903. IS. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv'.C. 52 Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 1003 Prentys (E. P.) and K. Sasamoto. Japanese for Daily Use. (Common-sense Series.) i8mo. Cloth, pp. 48. London, 1904. is. 6d. 1004 Prononciation Figuree des Caracteres Chinois en Mandarin Annamite.'Auto- graphie par Iran Xugon Hank, d'apres le Manuscript Original du P. Legrand de la Lizaye. Folio, pp. 426. Saigon, 1S75. 12s. Lithoyrapluci copy. 1005 Ravier (M. H.) Dictionarium Latino-annamiticum completum. 4to. Half bound, pp. 12, 1270, 72. Ninhphu, 1880. £2. 2s. I'irst few pages tinged b\- fire. 1006 Rochet (L.) Manuel Pratique de la Langue Chinoise Vulgaire. Contenantun choix de dialogues familiers, de differents morceaux de litterature ; precedes d'une introduction grammaticale et suiv'is d'une vocabulaire de tons les mots renfermi's dans le texte. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XIV, 213. Paris, 1846. 6s. 6d. 1007 Rosny (Prof. L. de) Grammar of the Chinese Language. 8vo. pp. 1-48 only. London, 1874. 2s. 6d. 1008 Des Differents Genres d'Ecriture employes par les Japonais. Roy. 8vo. pp. 36. With 2 illustrations. Paris, n.d. 2s. 6rf. With numerous specimens of Japanese text. 1009 Elements de la Grammaire Japonaise (Langue Vulgaire). 8vo. pp. XXXI, 187. Paris, 1871. 5s. loio Elemens de la Grammaire Japonaise (Langue Vulgaire). 8vo. pp. XXXI, 187. Paris, 1873. \ 4s. 6d. loii Ross (Rev. J.) Mandarin Primer : being Easy Lessons for Beginners, Transliterated according to the European Mode of using Roman Letters. 8vo. pp. VIII, 122. Shanghai, 1877. 5s. 1012 St. Aulaire (R. J.) and Groeneveldt (W. P.) Manual of Chinese Running Hand-Writing. Especially as it is used in Japan. Compiled from Original Sources. 4to. pp. 60. Amsterdam, 1861. (Published, price i8s.) 105. 1013 Sakuma (N.) and T. Hirose. An Intermediate Japanese-English Dic- tionary for assisting Students in Conversation and Composition. Oblong 8vo. Cloth, pp. 930. Tokyo, 1906. 6s. 6(1. The J apancse in Roman and Native character. Printed on thin paper. 1014 Satow (E.) Guide de Conversation Japonais-Fran9ais. Traduite du Kwaiwa-Hen. Japonais- Anglais. Par Fouque. Entierement refondu et augmente par G. Daigremont and A. Mogni. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 268. Tokyo, 1889. 4s. 6rf. 1015 Kuaiwa Hen. Twenty-five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the use of Students, with Notes. 2 Parts. Small 8vo. Cloth. Yokohama, 1873. ' 5s. 6d. Binding shabby. 1016 The same. Ill Partie. Text Japonais. Exercises I-XIV. is. 6d. 1017 Satow (E. IVI.) and T. Masahata. English- Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken I^mguage. i2mo. Cloth, pp. V, 366. London, 1876. 3s. 6d. 1018 Seidel (A.) Worterbuch der Deutsch-Japanischen Umgangssprache, mit einem .Vbris der Cirammatik der Japanischen Umgangssprache und unter r.erucksichtigung der Phrascologie. 8vo. jip. 517. Berlin, 1910. 12s. 1019 Grammatik der Japanischen Schriftsprache. Mit Lesestiicken und einen Vv''orterverzeichness sowie einer Einfuhrung in die Japanischen Schrift. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 184. Vienna, n.d. 2s. ioi9fl Grammatik der Japanischen Umgangsprache. Mit Ubungstiicken und V/orterverzeichnissen. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 178. Vienna, N.D. 2S. io2t> Senuma (J.) Practical Manual of Colloquial Japanese, in Russian. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 215. Tokyo, 1906. , 25. 6d. I'or thi; vise of Russians. 1 021 Shibata (M.) and Koyas (T.) English and Japanese Dictionary, Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Etymological, containing all English Vv^ords in the Present Use, with an Appendix. Roy. 8vo. Full calf. pp. 952, 28, 126. Illus- trated by over 300 Engravings on V^ood. Tokvo, 20th vear of Meiji. i8s. lUnding rubbed. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 53 1022 Shimada (Y.) An English Japanese Lexicon, Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Etymological, containing all English Words in present Use, with an Appendix. Revised by S. Sugiura, J. Malsushita, and A. Manese. Nine- teenth Edition, with copious Additions and Supplement. Lexicon 8vo. Full calf. (Stout Volume.) pp. XXIV, 1675, 72. Vv^'ith numerous Illus- trations and a coloured Plate. Tokvo, 1899. 14s. Based on Webster's unabridged Dictionary. Contains about 80,000 words. 1023 Soutcovoy (G.) Vocabulaire Francais-Japanais. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 88. 35. ()d. Nice copy, only Title Page missing. 1024 [Stanley (H.)] Chinese Manual (Sse Tse Ouen Tsien). Four Vv/'ords Litera- ture, with Commentary. Folio. Cloth, pp. VIII, 75. London, 1854. 8s. Chinese — French — English. 1025 Stent (G. C.) Chinese and English Vocabulary in the Pekinese Dialect. 8vo. Half bound, pp. IX, 677. Shanghai, 1871. 185. 1026 Chinese and English Pocket Dictionary. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp.250. Shanghai, 1874. ' 5s. 6d. 1027 Summers (Rev. J.) The Rudiments of the Chinese Language, \^ith Dialogues, Exercises, and a Vocabulary. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 159. London, 1864. " 35. M. 1028 Syllabary. English Primer for Japanese to learn English Vv^ords and Letters. In Japanese and English. Roy. 8vo. Japanese binding, pp. 60. Illustrated. 1859. " 5s. ()d. Curious. 1029 Taberd (J. L.) Dictionarium Anamitico Latinum. Vfith Appendix, " Voces Sinensis et Index Praecipuorum Characterum." 4to, pp. XLVI, 726, 128. Serampore, 1838. /i. The Annamite in the Chinese and Roman Characters. Pages 41-49 of the appendix'^are missing — the Dictionary itself is complete. 1030 Takahashi Goro. A Japanese-English Dictionary, with Chinese and English Equivalents. New and Copyright Edition. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 1 185. Tokio, 1888. " " i8s. 1031 Tanoah (T.), Y. Y. Amazali, and F. Tahano. New Japanese-English Dic- tionary, with Appendix. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 555. Eighth Edition. Tokvo, 1897- V- 1032 Taupin (J.) Vocabulaire Franco-Laotien. Second edition, revised. 8vo. pp. 6, loi. Vv''ith Map and Tables. Hanoi, 1893. 5s. 6(^. 1033 Terry (E. G.) Chinese Simplified ; being a Practical Grammar of the Chinese Language. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 65. Natal, 1905. 2s. bd. 1034 Tomita. Commercial Conversations in English and Japanese. Fourth Edition. Extended and Improved throughout. i2mo. pp. 128, 12. Tokyo, 1887. IS. '6d. 1035 Tourist's Handbook of Japanese Vv'^ords and Phrases. i2mo. pp. 38, 9. Yokohama, 1891. is. 6d. 1036 Tsang (Le P. L.) Grammaire Fran9aise elementaire a I'usage des eleves Chinois. Third edition. 8vo. Boards, pp. 256. Shanghai, 1904. 4s. 10:57 Tu VI An Nam-Pha Lang Sa. Dictionnaire Annamite-Francais. J. M. J. 8vo. Calf. pp. XVI, 916. Tan Dinh, 1877. ' 155. 1038 Vissiere (A.) Rudiments de la Langue Chinoise. Pronounciation Ecriture, Grammaire, Syntaxe. Sm. 8vo, pp. 36. Paris, 1904. 2s. Extrait des Guides Madrolle : Pekin. 1039 Wade (T. F.) Hsin Ching Lu, or Book of Experiments, being the First of a Series of Contributions to the Study of Chinese. 3 Pts. in one vol. V\/'ith Peking Syllabary Complete. Folio. Calf. Hongkong, 1859. £2. 25. Very Scarce. '^ 1040 The same. 3 Parts. Folio. Half calf. Hongkong, 1859. £2. 2s. 1041 The same. 3 Parts. Folio. Hongkong, 1859. £1, 155. 1042 Yii-yen Tzu-erh chi. A progressive course designed to assist the student of Colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the capital and the Metropolitan Departments. In eight parts, with key, syllabary, and -writing exercises. 4to. Half bound, pp. 295, 175, 139, 126, 47. London, 1867. ^i. 15. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.^t Russell Street, London, Vv^.C. 54 Chinese and Japanese Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. 1043 Wade (T. F.) and Hillier (W. C.) Yu Yen tszu erh chi. A Progressive Course designed to Assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department. 3 volumes. 4to. Cloth. Second Edition. Shanghai, 1886. l^^. 3s. Nice copy. Scarce and out of print. ' 1045 A Progressive Course designed, to Assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department. In Eight Parts. 4to. Half bound, pp. 308. London, 1867. 8s. Binding loose. 1046 — — Tzu Erh Chi. Colloquial Series. Key to Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 4to. Half calf. London, 1867. ' 6s. P.irt 3. The Forty Exercises, with Translation and notes. Part 4. Translation and Notes of the Ten Dialosues. Part 5. Translation and Notes of the Eighteen Sections. 1047 Wen-Chien Tzu-Erh Chi. A Series of Papers selected as Specimens of Documentarv Chinese, designed to assist Students of the Language, as written bv the Officials of China. 16 Parts, with a Key. Bound in 2 4to volumes. Boards. London, 1867. 15s. Pencil-marked. 1048 The Peking Syllabary, being a Collection of the Characters representing the Dialect of Peking, designed to accompany the Hsin Ching Lu, or Book of Experiments. Folio. Half bound, pp. 83. Hongkong, 1859. Ss. bd. Scarce. Some pages stained. 1049 Walter (E. Th.) Anata Wa Nihon-Go Wo O-Ha-Nashi Nasaremasu Ka ? Lehrbuch der modernen japanischen Umgangssprache. Enthaltend Gram- matik, GesprJiche, Uebungsstiicke und deutsch-japanischer \V6rterver- zeichniss. 8vo, pp. VHI, 214. Leipzig, 1891. (Pubd. 4s.) 3s. 1050 Wan Tiu Tien. A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Chinese Language, arranged under the Radicals. In Chinese. By Poletti. 8vo. Tientsin. 4s. 6rf. 1051 Weintz (H. J.) Japanese Grammar, comprising a Manual of the Spoken Language in the Roman Character. Together with Dialogues on several Subjects and two Vocabularies of Useful Words. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 226. London, 1904. los. dd. 1052 Williams (S. Wells) Easy Lessons in Chinese, or Progressive Exercises to facilitate the Study of that Language, especially adapted to the Canton Dialect. 8vo. Silk. pp. IX, 213. Macao, 1842. 8s. 6^. Nice copy. A Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect. Half bound, pp. XXXVI, 832. Canton, 1856. i8s. Glean fresh copy. Binding slightly damaged. 1054 Easy Lessons in Chinese, or Progressive Exercises to Facilitate the Studv of that Language. Especially adapted to the Canton Dialect. 8vo. Half "calf. pp. IX, 287. Macao. 1842. 8s. 6d. Nice copy. 1055 A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language ; arranged according to the V/u-fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation of the Clmracters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. 4to. Half calf. pp. LXXIV, 1252. Shanghai, 1874. £1. 5s. One cover missing. 1056 An English and Chinese Vocabulary in the Court Dialect. Ying Hwa Yun-fii Lih-Kiai. 8vo. Boards, pp. 440. Macao, 1844. i8s. 1057 Yung Tzu Ch'un Yu. A Japanese Dictionary of Phraseology, arranged under Categories. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 7, 633. . Tokyo, 1876. los. bd. Ll'Z.XC k CO., 46, C.RKAT Russell Street, London, W.C. 55 VI. — Chinese Texts and Translations. 1058 Abel-Remusat. Histoire de la Ville de Khotan. Tiree des Annales de la Chine et Traduite du Chinois ; suivie de Recherches sur la Substance Minerale appelee par les Chinois, Pierre de Tu, et sur le Jaspe des Anciens par M. Abel-Remusat. 8vo. Calf. pp. XVI, 239. • Paris, 1820. los. bd. 1059 Almanack. Chinese Almanack for 1843. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo, Full of curious Cuts. A.D. 1843. 3s. 6d. 1060 for the year 1844. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. With IllustrsCtions, etc. A.D. 1844. 3s. 6^. 1061 Chinese Almanack for 1866. With numerous Illustrations. Taoist and others. In black, red, green. Large roy. 8vo. (Thick vol.) 1866. 7s. bd. Very curious. 1062 Avalokitecvara Sutra. Traduction Italienne de la Version Chinoise avec Introduction et Notes par Carlo Puini. Texte Chinois et Transcription Japonaise par F. Turrettini. 4to. pp. XV, 16, 12, 20. Extract, with Plate. Geneve, 1873. ' 4s. 1063 Ball (J. Dyer). The Pith of the Classics : the Chinese Classics in Every-day Life, or Quotations from the Chinese Classics in Colloquial use. First Series. 8vo. Boards, pp. 98, XXXV. Hongkong, 1905. 3s, 6d. 1064 Banknote. Facsimile of a Bank Note in Manchu and Chinese. Issued by the Viceroy's Bank at Tiensin. 1893. Size 8 in by 5 in. 3s. bd. 1065 Bible. Chin yo Ch'uan Shu. The Holy Bible translated into Chinese. 4 vols. 8vo. Hongkong. 1S55. 4s. bd. 1066 ■ The Old and New Testaments in Chinese. 5 parts in i vol. Roy. Svo. Leather. Shanghai, 1854-5. 5s. The Delegates" Version, a translation done by the very best scholars. Printed from type. 1067 The Old and New Testaments in Chinese. Svo. Leather. Shanghai, 1858. ' • .6s. bd. 106S Old Testament. In Chinese. Genesis to the Song of Solomon. In 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. Hongkong {?), 1861-3. 6s. Printed from large clear type on good paper. 1069 Holy Bible in Chinese. Bv Morrison and Milne. Svo. In 21 vols (15 vols only). Vols I-III, V-VII, IX-X, XIV-XVII, XIX-XXI. Anglo- Chinese College, 1823. IS. each ; or the complete set los. bd. Vol, I, Genesis ; II, Exodus ; III, Leviticus ; V, Deuteronomv ; VI, Joshua and Judges VII, Ruth and Samuel ; IX, I Chronicles ; X, II Chronicles ; XIV, Isaiah : XV, Jeie miah and Lamentations ; XVI, Ezekiel ; XVII, Daniel, Malachi ; XIX, Luke and John ; XX, Acts. II Corinthians ; XXI, Galatians, Revelations. 1070 New Testament in Chinese. Roy. Svo. 1869 A.D. 3s. 1071 Shen T'ien Sheng Shu. The New Testament, from .\cts to Revelation. In Chinese. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. 2S. bd. Large thick type. 1072 Hsin Yo Ch'uan Shu. The New Testament. In Chinese. Svo. Shanghai, 1856. is. bd. 1073 Hsin Yo Ch'uan Shu. The New Testament. In Chinese. Small Svo. N.D. IS. 1074 Four Gospels. In Chinese. In 4 volumes. Roy. Svo. Nazareth (Societe des Missions Etrangeres), 1892-93. los. bd. Printed on white paper in clear large type. 1075 — — New Testament. Romans to Revelations. Translated into the Canton Dialect by G. Piercy. Roy. Svo. Canton, 1877. 5s. 1076 Buddhist Book on the Goddess of Mercy. In Chinese. With an Illustra- tion. Svo. 3s. bd. 1077 Chan-Hai-King le Livre des Montagues et des Eaux Antique. Geographic Chinoise. Traduite pour la Premiere Fois sur Texte Original par Leon de ' Rosny. (Premier Article only). Svo. pp. 15. Extract. 1S85. is. 1078 Chan Kuo ts 'e. History of the Fighting States. In Chinese. 8 pen in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1881. 15s. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, London'. W.C. 36 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1079 Ch'en Yiian Shih Liieh. An Account of the Forbidden City in Peking In Chinese. 8 vols in blue cloth case. Small 8vo. 1852. 12s. 6d. KiSo Cheng Yin Ts'o Yao. A Handbook of Mandarin colloquial. In Chinese. 4 vols. Small Svo. 1834. 8s. 6d. loSi Chieh Tzu Yiian Hua Chuan. An Illustrated Drawing Book, compiled by Li Li-weni;. In- Chinese. 5 chiian in cloth case. 1679. /i. i8s. 10S2 Chien Chu T'ang Shih Hsiian. An anthology of T'ang Poetry. In Chinese. (,-. J Compiled by Li P'an-ling of the Ming dynasty. With Japanese Commen- tary. 8 maki. Roy. 8vo. 1784. 12s. From the Library of W. (".. Aston. 108 s Ch'ien Han Shu. History of the Former Han Dynasty. By Pan Ku. In Chinese. With Commentary by Yen Shih-ku. 120 chapters in iS vols, in 3 blue cloth cases. Royal 8vo. 1642. £1. 5s. 1084 History of the Former Han dynasty. By Pan Ku. In Chinese. Chiian 1-8, 11, 12 only in 6 vols. FoUo. i8s. Korean Edition, ch. I'and 2 in slightly different format. loSs Chien Lueh T'o Chu. Epitome of Chinese History from the Emperor Yao (over 2000 B.C.) to the Yiian dynasty inclusive (14th Cent. A.D.). In Chinese. By Li T'ing-chi. Edited by Tson Sheng-mo. Chiian i and 2 only (out of 4). Roy. 8vo, 1832. 2S. 6d. 1086 Chien Pen Ssu Shu. The Four Books, with Chu Hsi's commentary. In Chinese. 10 vols, roy. 8vo. 1893. 7^- ^^' 1087 Ch'ien Shu. An account of the Province of Kueichou. In Chinese. By T'ien Wen. 2 parts in one vol. Roy. 8vo. n.d. 45. The 2 parts are bound up in wTong order. 1088 Chien Wen Hsu Pi. Desultory Notes. New Series. In Chinese. 8 pen. Small Svo. io5. 6d. 1089 Ch'i Ch'iao Hsiu Pu. The Tangram or Chinese Puzzle game, with diagrams. Compiled by Shau-ch'iao. In Chinese. Small 8vo. 181 6. is. 6d. 1090 Chi Chin So Chien Lu. A Treatise on Coins, compiled by Ch'u Shang-ling. With several Prefaces and an Appendix. In Chinese. Illustrated. 16 Chiian in 4 vols, m blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo. 1819. /i. 5s. 1091 Chi-fu-i-tsang-tOU. Work on the Granaries of the Province of Chi-li. Arranged in Map form. In Chinese. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. Peking, 1753. £1. los. 1092 Chi Hsiang Ju I Pien Lan. An illustrated Miscellany of divination and occult sciences in general. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. 1863. 4s. 1093 Chi Ku Chai Chung ting. Ancient Inscriptions on Bronzes, etc. In Chinese. With Illustrations. 4 vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1803. '• £1. 5s. 1093a The same. Recent Shanghai edition. 5 vols. i2mo. 8s. 6d. 1094 Chieh Hsu Shih Chi. Poems on various seasons of the year, selected from a large number of Chinese Poets. In Chinese. 12 chiian in 5 vols. Small folio. N.D. / I2S. Japanese edition. From the Library of W. G. Aston. 1095 Chi Ku Chai Chung ting i ch'i k'uan chih. Ancient inscriptions on bronzes. lUustraled. In Chinese. 4 pen. Roy. 8vo. 1804. I2S. 6d. 1096 Chin p'ing mei. A novel in Chinese. 5 pen in i blue cloth case. Imperfect Small 8vo. n.d. 5s. 6c?. 1097 Ch'in ting ch'ien iu. Record of Coins issued by Imperial command. 4 pen in boarils. Roy. 8vo. 1897. I2S. 1098 Record of Chinese Coins, published under Imperial Instructions. In Chinese. New Edition by Li Kuci. 4 vols. Roy. Svo. In wooden covers. Xingpo, 1880. £1. los. This work contains facsimile illustrations of all the coins in the collection arranged according to dvtiastics in the Imperial Treasury. 1099 Ch'in ting ta Ch'ing hui tien. The Institutes of the Ch'ing or Manchu dynasty. In Chinese. Compiled by an Imperial Commission of Scholars. 24 vols in 4 blue cloth cases. Small Svo. 1774. £1. 15s. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 57 1 100 Ch'in ting meng ku yuan liu. On the origin of the Mongols. Chinese MS. 8 pen in one blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo. n.d. £i. is. iioi Ch'in Ting Hu Pu Tse Li. Regulations of the Board of Revenue, issued by Imperial Command. In Chinese. 100 parts in 4 vols, in 6 blue cloth cases. Peking, i865.< ^3. 15s. Imperfect, wanting the Vol containing Parts 59 and 60. 1102 Ch'in Ting P'ei Wen Yun Fu. Concordance to standard Chinese Literature, arranged under the rhymes. In Chinese. 8vo. 60 vols complete. Shan-* ghai, 1892. " . ^3. los. As new. 1103 Ch'in ting li pu tse li. Regulations of the Board of Rites. In Chinese. 24 pen in 4 blue cloth cases. Roy. 8vo. 1820. ^i. los. 1 104 Regulations of the Board of Rites, issued by Imperial Command. In Chinese. 202 chiian in 24 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1845. ^i. 15s. 1 105 Ch'in Ting Ta Ch'ing Hui Tien T'u. Institutes of the Ch'ing Dynasty, issued by Imperial Command. Illustrated. In Chinese. Parts i. to 86 and 111-132 (end). 33 vols. Roy. 8vo, in 5 blue cloth cases. [Peking], 1811. £i- 1106 Ch'in Ting man Chou yiian liu k'ao. Origin of the IManchus. In Chinese. 8 vols in one blue cloth case; 1771. 15s. 1 107 Chin Shih. History of the Chin or Nii-ch en Tartar d3'nasty. In Chinese. 6 vols. Half bound leather. 1874. £z. 155. 1108 Chin Yo Ch'iian Shu. The Old Testament from ProVerbs to Malachi in- clusive. In Chinese. 8vo. Hongkong, 1855. is. 1109 Chinese Classics (The). With a translation, critical and exegetical Notes, prolegomena, and copious Indexes. By J. Legge. 5 vols in 8 parts com- plete. Cloth gilt. Roy. 8vo. Hongkong, 1861-72. ^10. Vol. Ill, 2 parts, bound in half red leather. Fine clean set. From the library- of W. G. Aston. iiio With a Translation, critical and exegetical Xotes, Prolegomena, and copious Indexes, by J. Legge. Vol I. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco. Hong- kong and London. 1861. 15s. Vol. I contains the Confucian Analects, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean. Fine copy. iiii with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Xotes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. By J. Legge. Voluine 3 Part i only. The First Parts of the Shoo-King or the Books of T'ang ; The Books of Yu ; Books of Hea ; Books of Shang ; and the Prolegomena. Roy. 8vo. Half Calf. pp. XII, 279, etc. London, 1865. 12s. Binding rubbed. ' 1 1 12 Translated into English, wth Preliminary^ Essays and Explanatory Xotes by J. I-egge. Vol I. Life and Teachings of Confucius. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VI, 337. London, 1877. 9s. 11 13 Translation by J. Legge. Parts i and 2 only. Confucius and Mencius. Bound in one 8vo cloth volume, pp. XII, 163, and XXII, 219. New York, 1870. ^ 8s. 6d. 1 1 14 She King : or The Book of Ancient Poetry. Translated into English verse, wth Essays and Xotes. By J. Legge. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IV, 431. London, 1876. (Pub. 12s.). 7s. 6d. As new, uncut copy. 1 1 15 Chinese Philosophers. Collected Works of the Principal Chinese Philo- sophers of the Chou, Ch'in and Han dynasties. In Chinese. 80 vols in 10 blue cloth cases. 190 1. £8. S>s. .An important collection. Complete. 1 1x6 Ch'ing Shih Chin Shu. A free translation into Cliinese of the " Imitation of Christ," by Emmanuel Diaz. 4 chiian in i vol. Roy. 8vo. 184$. y.6d. 1117 Ching T'u Ch'eng En Chi. A Buddhist Manual. By Miao Xeng. In Chinese. New Edition. Roy. 8vo. 1876. 2s. 6d. 1118 Ching T'u Sui Hsiieh. A Book of Buddhist Ritual. In Chinese. 2 parts in I vol. Roy. 8vo, 1875. 45. 1 119 Ching Yeh T'ung Ts'e. A Buddhist Manual, compiled by Chao Jung. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. 1877. 2.9. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 58 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1120 Ching yiin chi Tzu hsi Chieh. A dictionary of the Classics. In Chinese. 2 vols in blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo. 1833. 5s. 6d. 1 121 Cho Keng 111. Jottings on various subjects. By Tao Tsung-i. In Chinese. 8 pen in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. n.d. 17s. 1 122 Ch'u Hui Wen Ta. A dialogue between a Christian and a Heathen at their first meeting. In Chinese. By the Roman Cathohc Missionary Pedro Pinuela. Svo. 1694. 2s. 6d. 1 123 Ch'u Pao. A general Account of the Ch'u district, now comprised in the two provinces of Hupeh and Hunan. Compiled by Chou Sheng-Ch'iai. New Edition. In Chmesc. 40 parts and 5 parts Appendix. Roy. Svo. Between 2 wooden covers. 1829. i6s. Imperfect. Parts i-io only in 8 vols. 1 1 24 Chu Tzu Ch'uan Shu. Works of the Philosopher Chu Hsi. In Chinese. In Chinese. 33 pen m 3 pairs of boards. Svo. 1S40. £2. 2s. 1 125 The Collected Works of the Philosopher Chu Hsi, issued by Imperial Command, with a preface, dated 1713, by the Emperor K'ang Hsi. 66 parts in 32 volumes. 1840. £2. 5s. 1 126 Ch'uan Chia Pao Hsun. A Book of Family Precepts. In Chinese. Svo. 1844. IS 1127 Chuan TzuHui. A dictionary of the Seal character. In Chinese. 12 vols. Roy. Svo. 1691. £1. IS. , 112S Chung Hsueh. A Translation into Chinese of Whewell's Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, by Rev. J. Edkins and Li Shan-lau. With dia- grams. 17 parts in 2 vols. Roy. Svo. 1867. 12s. 1 1 29 Chuang TSZC. The Divine Classic of Nan-Hua, being the Works of Chuang Tsze, Taoist Philosopher, with an Excursus, and copious Anno- tations in English and Chinese by F. H. Balfour. Svo. Half morocco, pp. IX, 38, 425. Shanghi, 1S81. 12s. 6d. 1 1 30 Chun tsew. " Spring and Autumn Annals." With Commentary. In Chinese. 6 vols. Roy. Svo. A.D. 1790. 12s. 6d. tiood edition. II 31 Tso Siou. Edition of the Tso-tchouan, the celebrated commentary of Tso-Kew-ming on the Tchun-thsieou. With numerous commentaries. 30 books in 16 vols. Roy. Svo. In 2 cases. /i. los. Cf. Wylie, p. 5. 1 1 32 Tso t'chouen. An Amplification of the Chun tsew. " Spring and .\utumn Annals." With full Commentary. In Chinese. 8 books in 2 vols. Half morocco gilt. Roy. Svo. £1. 5s. 1x33 Ch'ung Ting Kuang Yu Chi. A Geography of the Empire, divided accord- ing to the 18 Provinces, with two sections at the end on Border Lands and Foreigners. By Lu Ying-Yang. In Chinese. Revised and Enlarged Edition by Ts'ai Fang-ping. With Maps. 24 parts in 12 vols. Svo. 1686. ^I. IS. 11 34 Chung Yung Ch'i IVIeng I Chih. The Doctrine of the Mean, with explanatory N'otes for the Young. In Chinese. Compiled by Tu Hsi-Chiu. 4 chiian. Small Svo. n.d. ^s. 6d. Imperfect, wanting Chiian 4. 1 135 Confucius. Lun Yu Ch'i Meng I Chih. The Confucian Analects, or Sayings of Confucius, explained for the easy comprehension of the Young. Chinese Text, with copious Commentary. 10 vols. Svo. Chehkiang, Ningpo and Chen-hai. 1852. los. 6d. 1136 Ch'ueh Li Chih. Investigations into the Literature of the Birth- place of Confucius. In Chinese. 100 chapters in 8 vols. In 2 cases. Shantung Province. 1760. £2. 2S. II 37 Piao Chu Ch'un Ch'iu Tso Shih Chuan. The Spring and Autumn Annals of Confucius. In Chinese, with the commentary of Tso-cIi'iu-Ming. One vol only, containing Parts 15 and 16. n.d. Svo. is. 1138 LeChou-King, un dcs livres sacrcs desChinois. Traduit etenrichi de Notes par le P. Gaubil. Revu et corrige sur le texte Chinois, accompagn6 de nouvcUes Notes, etc., etc., par M. de Guignes. 4to, Calf. pp. CXLIV, 474. Paris, 1770. 8s. BindiRR broken. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 59 1 139 Confucius et Mencius. Les quatre livres de philosophie morale et politique de la Chine. Traduits du Chinois par M. G. Pauthier. lamo. Half bound, pp. 465. Paris, 1858. 4s. 6d. Fine copy. 1 140 Documents Historiques sur les Tou-Kioues (Turcs), traduits du Chinois par Stanislas Julien. Svo. Reprint, pp. 207. Paris, 1877. 5s. 1 141 Erh Ju T'ing Ch'un Fang P'u. An herbarium arranged under 12 heads. In Chinese. Compiled by Wang Hsiang-chin, towards the end of the Ming Dynasty (about A.D. 1600). Roy. Svo. 32 vols in 4 blue cloth cases. £z. xos. Cf. Wylie, 2nd ed., p. 152. 1 142 Eul tou mei, or the marvellous plum trees. A Chinese Novel. 6 vols. Small Svo. Illustrated. A.D. 1800. 6s, 1143 Faber (Rev. E.) The Mind of Mencius, or Political Economy founded upon Moral Philosophy. A Systematic Digest of the Doctrines of the Chinese Philosopher, Mehcius. The Original Text Classified and Translated, with Notes and Explanations by Rev. E. Faber. Second Edition, Translated from the German and revised bv Rev. A. B. Hutchinson. Svo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 316. Tokyo, 1897. " 85. 1144 Fables, a Collection of. In Chinese. 6 books. Small Svo. Shanghai, 190 1. 5s. td. 1 145 Fan I Ssu Shu. The Four Books. In Manchu, with interhnear Chinese. 6 vols. Roy. Svo. 1755. ' £'Z. 25. 1146 Fang hai hsin lun. On Coast Defences. Translated into Chinese by J. Fryer. 6 vols. Roy. Svo. n.d. 85. 6^. 1 147 Fen yun tSO yao. Selections of the most useful words arranged in tonic order. In Chinese. Canton dialect. 4 Books in i vol. Small Svo. Half bound. 8s. Cf. Wells Williams, " zu hwa yun fu," p. 338. 1 1 48 Foe Koue Ki. Ou Relation des Royaumes Bouddhiques : Voyage dans la Tartaire, dans L'Afghanistan et dans LTndie, Execute a la fin du IVe Siecle, par Chy Fa Hian. Traduit du Chinois par M. Abel Remusat. Ouvrage posthume revu, complete et Augmente d'Elaircissements Nouveaux par M. M. Klaproth et Landresse. 4to. pp. LXVI, 424. With Maps. Paris, 1836. 15s. Good clean copy. 1149 Four Books (Ta Hsiieh — Chung Yung — Lun Yii — Meng Tzii). In Chinese. With Chu Hsi's Commentary. 10 vols. Royal Svo, n.d. iSs From the Library of W. G. .'\ston. 1 150 or the Chinese Classics in English, compiled from the Best Previous Works. Svo. Cloth, pp. 617. Hongkong. 1S98. 7s 6d. 1151 Hal kuo t'u chih. An account of Foreign Countries. In Chinese. With Maps. 24 pen in 4 blue cloth cases. Roy. Svo. 1852. £\. js. 6d. 1 152 Han Wei Ts'ung Shoo. Collection of Authors during the Han and Wei dynasties. In Chinese. Vols 6, 29, and 49. Roy. Svo, 15s. Vol 6 contains a commentary on the Li-Chi and part of the Preface. Vol 29, the " Sin Seu," a selection of ^Historical Incidents ; and Vol 49, the " Jin wuh che," a book written by Lew Shaou, during the 3rd century of the Christian era, etc. Well-printed edition. See Wylie, Notes on Chinese Lit., pp. 67, 209, and 426.' 1 153 Han Yu'S Memorials. Chinese MS. i part only (ch. 83-93). Roy. Svo. N.D. 4s. 6d. 1 154 Hao Kiou Choaan, or The Pleasing History. A Translation from the Chinese Language, to which are added, The Argument or Story of a Chinese Play. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs, and Fragments of Chinese Poetry. With Notes. 4 volumes. i2mo. Calf. With Frontispieces. London, 1761. los. 6d. Plate missing from Volume i, and portion of Frontispiece in Vol. 3 torn away. 1 155 Hao-Khieou-Schouan. Ou la Femme Accomplie. Roman Chinois, Traduit sur le Texte original par M. G. D'Arcy. Svo. pp.558. Paris, 18 2. 8s. As new. Uncut copy. 1156 Hao Ch'iu Chuan, or the Fortunate Union. Chapter I only. Translated from the Chinese by R. K. Douglas. Small 4to. pp. 59- London, 1900. (Pub. 5s.). 35- As new. . LUZAC cS: CO., 46, Great Russell Street, Lodnon, V/.C. 6o Chinese Texts and Translations. 1157 Haou Kew Chuen. Fortunate Union (The). A Romance, Translated from the Chinese Original, with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added A Chinese Tragedy, by J. F. Davis. Volume 6 only. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXIV, 258. London, 1829. 6s. Large Paper copy. 1 158 Hau KiOU ChoaPf or, The Pleasing History. A Translation from the Chinese Language to which are added. I. The Argument or Story of a Chmese P^ay. II. A Collection of Cliinese Proverbs, and III. Fragments of Chinese Poetry. Volume IV only. lamo. Calf. With Plate. London, 1765. 2S. 6d. 1 159 Hiouen-Thsang. Histoire de la Vie de Hiouen Thsang et de ses Voyages dans ITnde, depuis I'an 629 Jusqu'en 645, par Hoei-Li ct Yen-Thsong etc. Traduite du Chinois par S. Julien. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, 'pp. LXXXIV, 472. Paris, 1853. {p.. IS. Scarce. 1 160 Hou Han Shu. History of the after Han dynasty. In Chinese. 24 pen in 4 blue cloth cases. Roy. 8vo. 1643. {2.. 5s. 1161 Hsi Yii Wen Chien Lu. A Record of Turkestan. In Cliinese. 2 pen. Small 8vo. 45. 6d. 1 162 Hsiao Chung Ching Chu Ho K'O. The Classic of Fihal Piety and the Classic of Loyalty. With commentary by Wajig Hsiang. In Chinese. 2 Parts in i vol. 8vo. 1846. is. (yd 1 163 Hsiao Hsiieh Chii TOU Pei K'ao. The ' Little Learning,' of Chu Hsi. In Chinese, with critical commentary by Kaibara Atsunobu. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1669. 15s. Japanese edition. 1 164 Hsiao Hsiieh, or the Little Learning. Chinese Text, with commentary, vols. Roy. 8vo, 1869. 6s. Onod, clear type. 1 1 65 Hsiao Hsiieh Chi Chu. The Little Learning : a Handbook for the instruc- tion of Youth, by Chu Hsi. With a collection of Commentaries. In Chinese. 6 parts in 3 vols, and i supplementary volume. Roy. 8vo. In blue cloth case. 1864. 125. 1 166 Hsiao hsueh hsiao ching chung Ching. The Little Learning, Filial Piety Classic, and Classic of Loyalty. In Chinese. 5 pen in one blue cloth case. 8vo. %s. 6d. 1 167 Hsiao Hsueh Pen Chu. The Little Learning, a text book of moral conduct by Chu Hsi (d. 1200) with Commentarj-. In Chinese. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Limp cloth. 1850. 4s. 6d. Japanese Edition. 1 168 Hsieh Shih Chung tung k'uen Chih. Hsieh's work on Bronze Inscriptions. In Chinese. With iUuslrations. 6 pen in one blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo. 1797. 15s. 1 109 Hsin Chen Ssu Shu. Sleeve edition of the Four Books. In Cliinese. 6 vols. i2mo. 1750. 7s. 6d. 1 170 Hsin T'ien Miao Hsiian. A Selection of excellent Moral treatises for the Cultivation of the heart. In Chinese, edited by Kuan Ch'ang-ying. NcwTidition. Roy. 8vo. 184S . 2s. 6d. Contains a number of short works like the Kan Ying P'ien, the Yin Chih Win, etc. 1 1 71 Hsin Tseng Yu Hsiieh Ku Sheh Chiung Lin. A Handbook of Historical and Mythological Allusions, also knowTi as the Ch'eng Yu K'ao, by Ch'iu Chun (A.D. 1420-95) [The original work is here attributed to Ch'eng Yusi-Sheng]. Edited by Tsou Mi-kang. New and enlarged Edition, with Coloured Illustrations collated and revised by Tsou K'o-t'ing and Hsieh Meihu. In Chinese. 4 parts in 2 vols. Roy. 8vo, 1796. £1. 5s. Printed on white paper. '^ 1 1 72 Hsiu Hsiang Erh Tu Mei Chuan. The Stor>- of the Twice-flowering Plum Trees. Composed by the IMaster of the Hsi-yin Hall, and edited by the Master of the Hsiu-hu Hall. In Chinese. With Portraits of Characters. 6 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. n.d. 7s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv'.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 6i ii73,,Hsing Li Ta Ch'uan. Encyclopaedia of Mental Philosophy. In Chinese, with a Preface dated 1415, by the Emperor Yung Lo of the Ming dynasty. The work comprises : — (i) T'ai Chi T'u Shiio J , /-u i- (2) T'ungShu I by Chou Tun-:. (4) Ch'eng'Meng ! ^^ ^^^^ ^sai. (5) Huang Chi Ching Shih Shu, by Shao Yung. (6) I Hsiieh Ch'i Meng » , „, „ . (7) ChiaLi. °}byChuHsi. (8) Lii Lii Hsin Shu, by Ts'ai Yiian-ting. (9) Hung fan huang chi nci p'ien, by Ts'ai Ch'en. After these the work is divided into 13 heads, which are expounded and. elucidated by miscellaneous quotations from a large number of writers. These sections are entitled : Cosmogony, Spiritual Powers, Metaphysics, First Principles, Sages, Literati, Education, Philosophers, Successive Generations, Principle and Rule, Principle of Government, Poetry and , Literature. 70 Parts in 26 vols. Roy. 8vo. ^{lo. los. A valuable work. 1 1 74 Hsu Shih San Chung. The Three Seeds of. Being : — 1. San Tzu ChIng Hsiin leu. The Three Character Classic. By Wang Po-Hou. With commentarv by Wang Chin-Sheng. 2. Ch'ien Tzu Wen Shih I. The Thousand Character Essay. ByChou Hsing-SsiS. Edited by Wang Hsiao-yin. With Commentary by Sun Ch'ien-i. 3. Po Chia Hsing Kao Lueh, The Book of Family Names. By Wang Chin-Sheng. With Commentary by Hsu Shih-yeh. In Chinese. The whole edited by Hsu Shih-yeh. 3 vols. 8vo. Peking, N.D. 6s. 6d. 1175 The Same. Another copy and Part I. The San Tzu Ching Hsiin Ku. 2S. 6d. 1 1 76 Hsu Tzu Chu Shih Pei K'ao. A short treatise on the Chinese particles. In Chinese. By Chang Wen-ping. Small 8vo. Tokyo, 1881. is. 6d. Japanese edition. 1 177 Hsu Wen Hsien T'ung K'ao. A supplement to the Wen hsieh t'ung k'ao Encyclopaedia. In Chinese. 28 pen. 8vo. 1812. £1. los. 1 178 Huan Yu Ti Ch'iii Hsin lu. A journey round the World. In Chinese. 4 vols. In boards. Roy. 8vo. 1877. los. 6d. 1 1 79 Huang Ch'ao yii ti liieh. A short Geography of the Chinese Empire under the Manchu dynasty. In Chinese. 4 pen in one blue cloth case. 8vo. 1831. 9s. 1180 Huang Ch'ing Ti Li T'u. Atlas of rough Maps of various Provinces and Districts of Manchuria and China under the present Manchu-Tartar Dynasty. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. Canton, 1856. 8s. 1 181 Hui T'u Shih Chin Sheng. Ihe Golden Rope of Salvation, a Buddhist work. In Chinese. Edited by Liu Hsiu-yiian. Chiian 2-4 only, in 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. 4s. 6d. 1 182 Hui Wen T'ang Ssu Shu Pu Chu Yu K'ao Pei Chih. The Four Books [i.e. Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Confucian Analects, and Mencius]. With New Commentary and added Researches to complete the Meaning. In Chinese. 8 vols. 8vo. In blue cloth case. 1779. 15s. Edition of the Hui-wSn Hall, prepared by Ten'g T'ui-an. 1183 Hung Lou Meng. — Shih T'OU ChL " The Story of the Magic Stone," i.e. the Hung Lou Meng, or Dream of the Red Chamber. In Chinese. Small 8vo. 120 chapters in 16 vols. With illustrations. 1886. 15s. 1 184 Hung lOU meng t'u yung. Pictures and Poems to accompany the novel " Hung Lou meng," or Dream of the Red Chamber. 4 vols in cloth case. Roy. 8vo. 1884. 15s. 1 185 Hymns. Wesleyan Hymn Book. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. pp. 212. Canton, 1877. 2S. 1 1 86 I Ching Tu Pen. The Book of Changes, with Notes. In Chinese. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. 25. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 1,2 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1 187 I Li An Pei Tz'u Kuang Cheng Chin Kung P'u. Northern Songs. In Chinese. Originally compiled by Hsii Yii-sheh. Edited by Li Yi\an-Yii, with Musical Setting by Nni Shao-ya. 2 vols in i blue cloth case. Roy. 8V0. N.D. 155. 1 1 88 inscription. Copy of a Chinese and Manchu Inscription from a Monument raised in Canton Province about 1869. Royal 8vo. Wooden Boards. pp.28. White impression on black ground. Canton, 1869. £1. is. Scarce. 1 1 89 Ivanovski Materialui dla istorii inorodtsev Yugo-zapadnavo Kitaia Yun- Nanskie inorodtsui v period dynastii yuan Min, i Dai- Tsin. 8vo. pp. 319, 56. With 2 plates. St. Petersburg, 1889. 5s. 6d. Contains Russian Text, Chinese Translation, and Vocabulary-. 1 190 Jen P'u. The Book of Man ; Virtues and Vices, illustrated by biographical instances. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. 2 pen. 5s. 1 191 Jih Kuo T'iao K'uan. Spanish Treaty with Clxina. 1864. In Cliinese. I vol. Roy.' 8vo. [Peking], 1867. 4s. 6d. 1 192 Julien (M. S.) Histoire et Fabrication de la Porcelaine Cliinoise. Ouvrage Traduit du Chinois. Accompagnie de Notes et d'additions par M. Alp. Salvetat, et Augmente d'un Memoire sur la Porcelaine du Japon. Traduit du Japon par M. le Docteur J. Hoffmann. 8vo. Half calf. CXXIII. 320. With Map and 14 Plates. Paris, 1856. i6s. iig^ (S.) Resume des principaux traites chinois sur lu Culture des Muriers et I'Education des vers a soie. Traduit par S. Juhen. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XXII, 224. Paris, 1837. 8s. 6d. 1 194 Kang chi t'OO she. Rice and silk growing operations illustrated. 4to. 45 Plates with appropriate text and verses. 3s. 1 195 Kang Hi tseu tien. Chinese Dictionary of Kang Hi. Photographic reimpression. 6 books in one vol. Thick 8vo, Half bound. 125. As new. 1 196 Kanghi tsze teen. Kanghi's Dictionary. In Chinese. (32 vols), 23 vols only. 8vo. i6s. or is. each. Missing Vols i, 2, 7, 10, 20, 25, 30-32. 1 197 Kang Hsi. Sheng Ysi Kuang Hsiin. The Sacred Edict of K'ang Hsi, consisting of 16 Maxims with Amphfications. Roy. 8vo. Half boimd. Canton, 1724. 5s. 6d. Interleaved copy with MS. notes. Binding broken. 1 198 Kang-Hi (The Emperor). — Shing yu Kwang Heun. Amphfication of the Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang-Hi. By the Emperor Yung-Ching. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. Shanghai, 1870. 6s. Clearly and beautifully printed on white paper. 1 199 Kang Hsi. Sheng Yii Kuang Hsiin. The Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with HomiUes by the Emperor Yung Cheng, and an amplified Paraphrase in the Mandarin Dialect. In Chinese. 16 Parts in i vol. Roy. 8vo. t8o8. 4s. 6d. 1200 Kang-Hi. Sacred Edict (The) Chinese Text, with a translation of the Colloquial rendering. Notes and Vocabulary. By F. W. Bailer. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Half bound. Shanghai, 1892. 15s. 1201 Sacred Edict, containing Sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang He, AmpUfied by His Son, The Emperor Yoong-Ching ; together with a Paraphrase of the whole, by a Mandarin. Translated from the Chinese Original and Illustrated with Notes by Rev. W. Milne. 8vo. Boards, pp. XXVI, 299. London, 1817. los. 6d. 1202 Sacred Edict, containing Sixteen Maxims of The Emperor Kang-Hi, amplified by His Son, The Emperor Yoong-Ching, together with a Paraphrase on the Whole, by a Mandarin. Translated from the Chinese Original, and Illustrated with Notes by the Rev. W. Milne. 8vo. Half bound, pp. X, 197. Second Edition. Shanghai, 1870. 12s. Scarce. 1203 Litterae Patentes Imperatoris Sinarum Kang-Hi. ^^ Sinice et Latine, cum Interpret atione R. P. Ingatii Koegleri. Ex Archetypo Sinensi edidit additis notitiis Sinicis C. T. dc Murr. Cum Tabula aenea. 4to, pp. 58. Nurcmburg, 1802. 8s LUZ.KC &: CO., 46, Great Ri'ssell Street, Londox, V/.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 63 1204" Kang Chien I Chih Lu. A compendium of History from the carHest times to the close of fhe Ming Dynasty. By Wu Sheng-ch'iian. In Chinese. 107 Books in 36 vols. 8vo. lyii. £1. is. Some of the volumes slightlj- wonneaten. 1205 The "Mirror of History" made easy. In Chinese. 6 vols. Half bound leather. Small 8vo. 1858. £i. 15s. 1206 Kao Shang Yu Huang Pen Hsing Chi Ching. A Collection of Taoist tracts. In Chinese. Illustrated. 3 folding vols. Oblong foUo. Silk covers. los. 6a!. Printed on fine white paper. 1207 Kao-Tong-Kia Le Pi-Pa-Ki, ou I'histoire du Luth. Drame chinois. Traduit sur le texte original par M. Bazin Aine. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XX, 275. Paris, 1841. 6s. 6d. Clean, as new. 1208 Kie Shan mi King. (Sandhinirmocanasutra.) In Chinese. Translated from the Sanskrit by Hiuen Thsang. 8 Chapters in 5 parts in 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Japanese stitching. Kyoto, n.d. ' 12s. 6d. Well-printed Japanese edition, with notes. IJunjio Nanjio, 247. 1209 Kien-Long. Eloge de la ville^de Moukden et de ses Environs ; Poeme. — Accompagne de Notes curieuses sur la Geographie, sur I'histoire naturelle de la Tartarie Orientale and sur les anciens usages des Chinois ; composees par les Editeurs Chinois and Tartares. On y a joint une Piece de Vers sur le The, compose par le meme Empereur. Traduit en Fran^ais par le P. Amiot. Small 8vo. Calf. pp. XXXVIII, 381. Paris, 1770. i6s. Scarce. 1210 Kien pen shoo King. The Book of History. With Commentary. In Chinese. 6 Books in 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. In a cloth case. Pekin,?^N.D. _:l-j _ I2S. Good edition. ':'>*'] •;-".7''|. 1 21 1 Kin ting ta tsing hwuy teen. A comprehensive description of the Chinese Government during the present dynasty. 100 Books in 24 vols in 4 cloth cases. 8vo. Illustrated. £-2. 2s. First published in 1771. Cf. Wylie, new ed., p. 70. 1212 Kin ting chow Kwan y sou. " The Chow Officials," 48 Books in 30 vols. With Commentary. Imp. 8vo, 1755. Illustrated. ^3. 3s. Well-printed and well-preserved edition. The Chow Kwan is a complement to the Chow le. This edition was published by an Imperial Commission under Kien Long. Cf. Wylie, p. 5. From the St. Denys library. 1213 Kin ting ta tsing hwuy teen. A comprehensive description of the Chinese Government during the present dynasty. In Chinese. Books 45— 53> 58-59, in 5 vols. FoUo. Yellow silk covers. 155^ Splendid edition. One vol. slightly worm-eaten affecting 7 characters only. 1214 K'iuen-Hio Pien.™ Exhortations a I'Etude par S. Exc. Tchang Tch^- Tong. — Nouvelle Edition Enrichie du Texte Chinois par le Pere J. Tobar. Roy. 8vo, pp. 197. With Portrait. Shanghai, 1909. 55. As new, uncut. Varietes Sinologiqnes, No. 26. 1215 Ko chih ching yiian. A cyclopaedia of Arts and Sciences. In Chinese. 4 vols. Half bound. 8vo. 1735. ;^i. los. 1216 Ko Kuo T'iao K'uan Shui Tse Chao Hui. Tariff treaties between China and the Four Great Powers, England, France, Russia, and the United States. In Chinese. 4 vols in blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo, i860. 125. 1217 K'O to po p'ao Chun hsin fa. Work on the trajectory of Krupp's projectiles. In Chinese. Translated from the German, i vol, roy. 8vo. n.d. 3s. 6d. 1218 Koo wan ping tchou. Chinese Chrestomathy, or Collection of Ancient Texts in Koo wan style with a perpetual commentary. Revised by Lieon Yu-ngan. 10 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1823, a.d. 15s. Good edition. 1219 Koo wan ping tchoo. Chinese Chrestomathy, or Collection of Ancient Texts in Koo Wen style, with a perpetual commentary. Revised by Lieou Yu-ngan. 10 vols (Vol I missing). Roy. 8vo. 1823 (?) A.D. (9 vols.) los. Good edition. 1220 Chinese Chrestomathy, or Collection of Ancient Texts in Koo Wen style, with a perpetual commentary. Revised by Lieou Yu-ngan. 10 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1832, A.D. 12s. 6d. Good edition from the Chengti Hall. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv'.C. I Chinese Texts and Translations. 1221 Ku Wen P'ing Chii. Dissertation on Ancient Literature. In Chinese, \'ols I and II. Roy. 8vo. * 5s. 1222 Dissertation on Ancient Literature. In Chinese. 10 Books in 10 vols. Roy. Svo. los. 6d. Vol II is missing. 1223 Ku Yen-WU. Jih Chih Lu Chi Shih. A Collection of Notes on a Variety of Subjects, embracing the -whole range of Literature. With 4 supplementary Chapters and Corrections. In Chinese. 32 Books in 4 vols. Svo. In linen case. 1836. 85. This work is highly esteemed by the Chinese. / 1224 Laou Kcun (Lao Tsze) Kaning peen tchi Kiai. " The Book of Rewairds and Pimishments." In Chinese. With a full Commentary. Roy. Svo. 1866. 6s. 1225 Kuang tung T'ung Chih. Descriptive Account of Kuangtung. In Chinese. 126 pen bound in 21 vols. Half green leather. Roy, Svo. New Edition, 1864. £7. los. 1226 Kuang PO Wu Chih. An Encj'clopaedia, arranged in Categories, intended to be an extension of the Po Wu Chih, a collection of Articles on Various Topics of Interest, by Chang Hua (A.D. 232-300). By Tung Ssu-chang, who finished the Work in 1607, with a different Editor to each part. It con- tains ample quotations from Ancient Literature down to the Sui Dynasty (581 A.D.). Roy. Svo. 50 Parts in 24 Volumes, in 2 Pairs of Wooden Boards. 1861. ' ^3. los. Printed in larye clear type. 1227 Kuang Tung Hsiang Shih Lu. Record of the PubHc Competitive Exami- nations for the 2nd Degree, held at Canton in 1862 and 1864. In Chinese, 2 vols. Roy. Svo. Canton. 3s. 6d. 1228 Kunse Dictionary. Imperial Edition. In Chinese. 7 various vols only. Roy. Svo. 155. Beautiful and Scarce Edition. 1229 Kung-Fu-Dsii, Werke des tscliinesischen Weisen Kung-Fu-Dsii und seiner Schiller, zum Er.^tenmal aus der Ursprache ins Deutsche iiberstczt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Wilhelm Schott. Volume I only. Liin- Yiin. Svo, pp. XII, 215. Halle, 1826. 7s. 6d. 1230 Kung Han I Yao. Translation of Important Official Letters, by W. G. Lay. 4to, pp. II, 60. Shanghai, 1903. 8s. 1 2 31 Kuo Yu. Notes on the Feudal States, In Chinese. 6 vols, in blue cloth case. Svo. n.d. los 6d. 1232 Lao Tsze. Kan Ying Peen. " The Book of Rewards and Punishments." With a Commentary. Svo. Half calf gilt.. 8s. Marquis Hcrvcy de St. Denys' Copy. 1233 Kan Ying P'ien Chih ClTiang. The Book of Rewards and Punish- ments. Witli copious Commentary. In Chinese. Svo. Canton, 1851. 3s. 6d. 1234 Le livre des Recompenses et des Peines, en Chinois et en Fran9ais. Accompagn6 de quatre cents Ifegendes, anecdotes et histoires, etc, Traduit du Chinois par S. Julicn. Roy. Svo, pp. XVI, 532. Paris, 1835. 12s. 6d. Uncut. 1235 Julien (Stan.) Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines, en Chinois et en Francais ; accompagne de quatre cents Legendes, Anecdotes et His- toires, qui Font connaitre les Doctrines, les Croyances et les Moeurs de la Secte des Tao-Tse. Traduit du Chinois par S. Julien. Svo, pp. XVI, 480. Paris, 1835. 8s. 6d. Orient.-;! Translated Fund. Incomplete, loi pages missing, J 236 Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines. Traduit du Chinois, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissemens par Abel Remusat. Svo, pp. 79. Paris, 1816. 3s. 6d. 1237 The Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity, and Morality of " The Old Philosopher," Lau-Tzse, Translated from the Chinese, with an Introduction by J. Chalmers. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. XIX, 62. London, 1868. 3s. 6d. With pencil marks by H. J. Allen. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, London, \W.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. • 65 1238 The Great Tfiinker, with a Translation of His Thoughts on the Nature and Manifestations of God, by Major-General G. G. Alexander. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XX, 131. With a map. London, 1895. 3S- ^d. As new, uncut copy. 1239 The Tao Teh King, 604-504 B.C. The Light of China. An Accurate Metrical Rendering, translated directly from the Chinese Text, and Criti- cally compared with the Standard Translations, The Ancient and Modern Chinese Commentaries, and all accessible Authorities, with Preface, Analyti- cal Index, and full List of Important Words and their Radical Significa- tions, by I. W. Heysinger. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 165. Philadelphia, 1903. 3s. 6d. As new. 1240 Borel (H.) Wu-Wei : a Phantasy based on the Philosophy of Lao-Tse. Translated from the Dutch by M. Janson. Third Edition, revised. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. 69. London, 1910. 35. 1241 Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching Chu Chieh. The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu. In Chinese, with commentary by Wang Shao-tsu. Containing also appen- dices on other Taoist philosophers, etc. Roy. Svo. Half calf. 1820. los. 6d. 1242 The Remains of, retranslated by H. A. Giles. Roy. 8vo, pp. 231-280. Extract, Hongkong, 1886. 2s. 6d. 1243 Le Leih-ung. Keae tsze yuen Lwa chuen. A work on drawing. In Chinese. In four parts. Part i and 2 only. In 13 Books. Roy. Svo. With a multiplicity of plain and colour illustrations. Modern Reprint of 1679 edition. los. 6d. Part i (5 books), Landscape Drawing. Part ii (8 books), Epidendrum, Bamboo, Peach, Chrysanthemum. Cf. Wylie, new ed., p. 155. 1244 Li Chi tchen. Pen thsao Kang Mou. " Materia Medica," or " Treatise on Natural History." In Chinese. Fully Illustrated. 52 Books in 9 vols. Svo. Cloth. £2. 10s. This very famous and voluminous work has supplanted all older books on the subject. Cf. Wylie, p. 80, 81, and Cordier, I, col. 691-2. 1245 Li Ki. " Book of Rites." With a full commentary. 10 vols in i cloth case. Imp. Svo. 1791. £i- los. Well preserved, clean copy. Cf. Wylie, new ed., p. 6. 1246 " Book of Rites." In Chinese. With Notes. 10 Books in 5 vols. Roy. Svo. 1756 (?) 8s. 6d. Beautifully printed. 1247 Ou Memorial des Rites, traduit pour la premiere fois du Chinois, et Accompagne de Notes de Commentaires et du Texte Originale, par J. M. Callery. 4to, pp. 199, 98. Turin, 1853. .8s. 6d. 1248 Li tai ming Ch'en tSOU I. Advice to the Throne, by eminent officials of all ages. In Chinese. 59 pen. Roy. Svo. Preface dated, 1635. £3. los, 1249 Li Weng Hua Chuan. Li Li-weng's Drawing Book. In Chinese. 2nd Part of Chiian 4 only. Roy. Svo. 4s. 6^. Illustrated on every page. 1250 Liao Chai Chih i hsln p'ing. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. In Chinese. 16 pen in 2 blue cloth cases. 1842. £1.^ ys. 6d. 1251ILU2 Boat Institution at WuhU. Contributions to the. In Chinese. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. 1875, 1876. 35. 6d. 1252 Lin se-Chung (Liu Hsi-chang) Ku Wen hsih yi hi peen " Ancient Com- positions with Notes on their Meaning." In Chinese. 16 vols. Roy. Svo. £2. 2S. This collection begins with extracts from the Tso Chuen and Kwo yu, by Tso Kew Ming, and is continued down to works of authors under the Ming dynasty. See Douglas Cat., p. 140. 1253 Ling Chien Ling. Selections from Hung-Sueh Sketches. Photo-Litho- graphed from the Original Chinese Edition, with Brief Translations in English by the Tien-Shih-Chai Works. i2mo, pp. 96. With Illustrations. Shanghai, 1879. 25. 6d. 1254 Liu Shu T'ung. The Six Scripts. A Dictionary of the Ancient Forms of Chinese Writing. In Chinese. First 6 vols. only. Roy. Svo. In one case. 1795. i6s. 1255 A Dictionary of the Six Scripts. In Chinese. 6 vols in blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1S78. ■ 12s. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 66 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1256 Lun Heng. Critical Disquisitions by the Philosopher, Wang Ch'ung (27-97 A.D.). Revised by Huang Chia-hui. In Chinese. 30 chiian iu S vols. Roy. Svo. 174S. 12s. 6d. Miura's fiditioii, Kyoto. 1257 Philosophical and Miscellaneous Essays of Wang-Ch'ung. Translated from the Chinese and annotated by A. Forke. 2 volumes. Svo. Berlin, 1907 and 191 1. ' £1. los. 1258 Man T'u Lo Ssii Ch'ao. Inyii's Mandara Shesho, or esoteric treatise on the Buhddist Paradise. In Chinese. Edited by the Monk Kuben. 2 maki in 2 vols. Roy. Svo. 1674. 75. 6d. Japanese edition. 1259 Medhurst. Shen Li Tsung Lun. A theological work on the divine attri- butes. In Chinese. Roy. Svo. 1S33. 35. 6d. 1260 Meh-Ti. (Socialisme Clainois). Le Philosophe Meh-Ti, et ITdee de Soli- darite, par A. David. Svo. Paper covers, pp. XVI, 185. London, 1907. 2S. 1261 Mencius. His Life and Works, with Essays and Notes by J. Legge. Svo, Cloth, pp. IV, 402. London, 1875. (Publ. 12s.) 7s. 6d. As new, uncut copy. 1262 Meng Tzu. The Book of Mencius. With Commentary. In Chinese. 3 vols. Roy. Svo. n.d. 3s. 6d. Part of an Edition of the Four Books, entitled " Ssu Shu Cheng Wen." 1263 Meng Sheng Ch'uan T'u. Famous Scenery in the iS Provinces of China. Illustrations with letterpress. In Chinese. 6 vols only, in one blue cloth case. Small foho. 1771. 15s. Six vols only, containing Chihli, Kiagnan[t.t'., Anhui and Kiangsi], Chehkiang and Shantung. Fine condition. 1264 Minh Tarn B'U U Giam. Le Precieux Miroir du Coeur. Livre I, Textes en Caracteres. Traduit et Annote en Annamite, par J. B. Tru'ong-Vink-Ki. Svo, pp. 135. Saigon. 1893. 6s. 1265 Mohammedanism. Arabic Charm in Arabic. Printed in China. Intended for fixing on Doorposts. Size 14 in. by 8 J in. 7s. 6d. 12G6 Chinese Mahomedan Prayers. Printed in China. Size 27 in. by 13- in. 5s. 6d. 1267 Music. Musical Notation in Chinese. Svo. n.d. 6s. Curious. Printed in blaclc and red. 126S Nien I Shlh yo pien. Epitome of the 21 dynastic histories. In Chinese. 8 vols. Imperfect. Ro3^ Svo. n.d. 6s. 6d. 1269 Nihon san-kai mei-san to-ye. Famous Industries amid the Hills and Seas of Japan. In Japanese. With many Illustrations. 4 vols. Roy. Svo. 1798. 6s. 6d. Vol 5 missing. 1270 Nit-Pon Gwai-Si. Histoire des Taira. Tiree du Nit-Pon Gwai-Si, Traduit du Chinois, par Francois Turrettini. 4to, pp. 89. Geneva, 1875. 4s. 6d. .Vice copy. 1271 Niuchwang. Certilicate of Chinese Customs in Niuchwang. In Chinese and Manchu. Printed in blue ink, with seal. Niuchwang, 1892. 6s. 6d. The use of Manchu on these documents is now discontinued. Not in MoUendorf's biblio- graphy. 1272 Official Directory, known as the Red Book. In Chinese. 6 vols. Small Svo. 4s. 6d. 1273 Ong-Tae-Hae. Chinaman Abroad : or a Desultory Account of the Malayan Archipelago, particularly of Java. Translated from the Original by Med- hurst. Svo. pp. So. With I Chinese Map. Shanghai, 1849. Ss. Scarce. 1274 Pantoja (Didacus) Tseih K'ih. Treatise on the Conquest of the Seven Chief Sins. In Chinese. 3 vols. Roy. Svo. Pekin, 179S. 6s. 6d. Xicolv and rlearlv printed. Reprint of the 1643 edition. Pantoja was a contemporary of .Mattf-o Kicci. 'Cf. Wylie, p. 139. 1275 Pauthier (M. G.) Examen Critique de quelques Pages de Chinois Relatives a LTnde, Traduites. Accompagne de Discussions Grammaticales sur certaincs Regies de Position, qui, en chinois, jouet le meme Role que les Inflexions dans les Autres Langues, par M. S. Juhen. Svo, pp. 156. Paris, 1841. Ss. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 67 1276 Peep Of Day (The). Translated into Chinese. In 53 chapters. 8vo, pp. 186. 1868. " 2s. 6d. 1277 P'ei Wen Chai Shu Hua P'u. A Repertory of Painting and Calligraphy. In Chinese. 100 chiian in 16 pen in 2 cloth cases. 8vo. Shanghai, 1883. 8s. 6d. Printed in very small, clear type. 1278 P'fng ting yueh fei chi iueh. Suppression of the T'ai-p'ing Rebellion in Kuangtung and Kuangsi. In Chinese. 10 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1869. 15s. 1279 Piny (A. T.) Le Saint Edit. Etude de Litterature Chinoise. 4to. Cloth, pp. XIX, 317. Shanghai, 1879. • 155, Chinese Text and French Translation on opposite pages. 1280 Po cilia Hsing Fa. The Book of Family Surnames. In Chinese. New and revised edition. Roy. 8vo. n.d. ' is. (,d. 1281 The Book of Family Surnames. In Chinese. Small 8vo. n.d. is.6d. 1282 Po Mei Hsin Yung T'u Cliuan. A, New Collection of Sonnets to a hundred famous beauties, with illustrated Biographies. By Yen Hsi-yiian. In Chinese. With Prefaces and afterwards by various Scholars, including Yiian Mei. 4 vols, roy. 8vo. Author's preface dated 1787 ; Wang TziJ- yin's afterwards dated 1805. 65. 6d. 1283 Po Mi Hsin Pien. A New Treatise on the Natural Sciences, by the English Physician, Ho-hsin [i.e., Benjamin Hobson]. In Chinese. Japanese Edition, i vol, roy. 8vo, linen. Yedo (?), n.d. 3s. dd, 1284 Sacred Book of Cllina. Translated by J. Legge. The Texts of Con- fucianism. The Li Ki. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. London, 1885. (Pubhshed £\. 5s.) 14s' Sacred Books of the East. Vols 27 and 28. 1285 The Texts of Confucianism. Part II. The Yi King. Translated by J. Legge. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXI, 448. Oxford, 1882. 85. 6d. Being Sacred Books of the East, Vol i6. 1286 Letter to Prof. F. Max Muller on the Sacred Books of China, Part I, by an Inquirer. Roy. 8vo. pp. 27. Shanghai, 1880. as.' 1287 San hwan ti. In Chinese. Historical MSS on the early Dynasties of China. Punctuated modern MS. Small folio, pp. 164. 8s. Nicely and clearly written in large characters. 1288 San kuo Cflih yen i. The Tale of the Three Kingdoms. In Chinese. 10 pen in one pair of boards. 8vo. Preface dated 1644. 15s. 1289 San tszeen tsze wan. Book of 3,000 Characters. In Chinese. 8vo. Shanghai, 1895. 2S. 6d. 1290 Scroll of Dedication of a Buddhist Statue in 1806. In Chinese, Manchu, Mongol, and Tibetan. Beautifully written in black characters on light silk. The whole mounted within borders of silk, on rollers. Size 7 ft. by izh inches. £i. 15s. 1291 Se-Ma Ts'ien. Les Memoires Historiques de Se-Ma Ts'ien. Traduits et Annotes par Ed. Chavannes. Tome i only. Roy. 8vo, pp. 249, 365. Paris, 1895. 13s. 6d. Uncut copy. 1292 Se Wla T'sien. Le Traite sur les Sacrifices Fong et Chan. Traduit en Francais, par Edouard Chavannes. Roy. 8vo, XXXI, 95. Extract Peking. 1890. 4s. 6d. With notes by H. J. Allen. 1293 Shian hai Ching. The Hill and Stream Classic. In Chinese. Illustrated edition. 4 pen in one blue cloth case. 8vo. n.d. 95. 1294 The Hill and Stream Classic. In Chinese. 3 pen. Roy. 8vo. 1875. los. 6d. Good, clear type. 1295 She King. The Book of Odes. With Commentary. In Chinese. 8 Books in 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1790 A.D. £1. is. Good edition. 1296 Che-King, ou livre des vers. Traduit pour la premiere fois en Francais par G. Pauthier. Roy. 8vo. Half vellum, pp.423. Paris, 1872. ios.6d. Bibl. Orientate, Tome 2. Bound up with Chefs-d'a-u\Te Litteraires de Tlnde, de la Perse, de I'Egypte et de la Chine. LUZAC tt CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 68 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1297 Sheng Ching t'ung Chih. A Descriptive Account of Shingking. In Chinese. 20 pen (No. 3 missing). Svo. In one pair boards, n.d. [1750 ?]. 15s. 1298 Descriptive Account of Shingking. In Chinese. Illustrated. 20 pen in 2 blue cloth cases. Roy. 8vo. 1736. £1. js. 6d. 1299 Sheng Kung Hui Ta Kang. A Commentary on the 39 Articles. By Arch- deacon A, E. Moulc. In Chinese. Roy. Svo. Shanghai, 1877. is 6d. 1 300 Sheng Nu Lo Sa Hsing Shih. Life of Saint Rose of Lima, by Lo-sen-to, of the Society of Jesus. In Chinese. Svo. 1706. 2S. 6d. 1 301 Sheng WU Chi. War? of the Present Dynasty. 1842. In Chinese. 12 pen in 2 pairs of boards. Roy. Svo. i6s. 1302 Shi Chi. The Historical Record. In ChiViese. 39 pen in 4 blue cloth cases. Roy. Svo. 1760 (?) £2. los. 1303 The Historical Record. In Chinese. 39 pen in 20 vols in 4 blue cloth cases. Roy. Svo. Hanking, 1S70. £1. 15s. Nicely printed edition. 1304 Historical Record. By Ssu-ma Ch'ien. In Chinese. With copious Commentary. 130 chiian in 24 vols. Roy. Svo. 1870. £1. 8s, 1305 The Historical Record. By Ssvi-ma Ch'ien. In Chinese. With collected Commentaries. 130 chiian in 24 vols. Large type. Small folio. N.D. /i. 5s. Korean Edition. Lacking ch. 27-30 and 117-121 2 vols]. From the library of \V. G. Aston. 1306 Shih Chich Yuan Li Chi Tu Pen. The Li Chi, or Book of Rites. In Chinese. Revised Edition. 10 Books in 5 vols. Svo. [Canton, 1889.] 6s. 6d. A good edition, intended for practical purpose of study. 1307 Shih Ching Pu Chu Fu K'ao Pei Chih. The Books of Poetry, -with copious commentary. In Chinese. Edited by Tsou Sheng-mo, Yu K'o-ting and Yang K'o-hsiang. 8 chiian in S vols. Roy. Svo. 1763. Ss. 6d. 1308 Shih Chuan Ta Ch'uan. The Book of Poetry, with Commentary. In Chinese. 20 chiian in 7 vols. Small folio. 12s. 6d. Japanese Edition. Imperfect. Wanting Vol I (chiian 1-5). Large type. 1309 Shih San Ching Chu Su. The Thirteen Classics, A\ith Collected Commen- taries. In Chinese. 159 pen in 16 cloth cases. Nan-Ch'ang Fu, 1S15. £3. los. In excellent condition. 1310 Shih wo Chou hsing. A Guide to the Roads of China. 6 pen in boards. Small Svo. 1774. ys. 6d. Wormed. 1 311 Shi King. "The Book of Odes." Imperial edition. In S vols. In Chinese. Vols I-VI. Roy. Svo. 15s. 1312 Shi-King. Confucii Chi-King. Sive liber carminum. Ex Latina P. Lacharmo Interpretatione. Editit Jidius Mohl. Svo. Half bound, pp. 322. Stuttgart, 1830. 5s. With .Appendix. 1 31 3 Shing Keaou Jih K'O yaou hsiian. A Roman Cathohc Missionary Publica- tion. 2 parts in 1 vol. In Chinese. Svo. pp. 10, 49, 73. A.D. 1896. 4s. 1 31 4 Shu Ching Tu Pen. The Shu Ching, or Canon of History. With Notes on pronimciations. In Chinese. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. n.d. 3s. Part of an edition of the Tine Classics. 1315 Shoo-King. Un des livres Sacre$ des Chinois, qui renferme Ics Fonde- ments de leur ancienne Histoire, les Principes de leur Gouvemement et de leur Morale ; ouvrage Recueilli par Confucius. Traduit et enrichi de Notes par Feu le Gaubil, Rcvu et Corrige fur Texte Chinois, etc., par M. de. Guignes. 4to. pp. CXLIV, 474. Paris, 1770. 8s. 6d. 1316 Shu Jih Kiang. Daily Readings in the Shoo King. In Chinese. 7 vols. Roy. Svo. £1. Ss. Imperial edition ; very beautifully and clearly printed. Vol I missing. 1 31 7 or the Historical Classic. Being the most Ancient Authentic Record of the Annals of the Chinese Empire. Illustrated by later Commentators. Translated by W. H. Medhurst. Svo. Half calf. pp. XVI, 415. Shan- ghai, 1846. 95. 131S The same. Svo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 415. Shanghai, 1846. Ss. Title-page stained. LUZ.\C & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv''.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 69 1319 Shu King. The Shu Iving, or the Chinese Historical Classic. Being an Authentic Record of the ReUgion, Philosophy, Customs and Government of the Chinese from the Earliest Times. Translated from the Ancient Text, with a Commentary by W. G. Old. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIII, 306. London, 1904. 3s. 6d. As new. 1320 Shuo wen Chieh tzu Chu. The Shuo Wen dictionary of Lesser Seal scrip Liu Shu. The six Scripts. HsI kU kO ShuO wen. Another edition of the Shuo Wen. In Chinese. In all 18 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1872. £1. los. 1321 Si Jew Ki. A Novel founded on the Si yu ki, or Buddhist Travels in India 100 Chapters in 20 Books. In 20 vols. 8vo. With curious Illustrations. i6s. 6d. Punctuated text. The last pages of Vols 5 and 11 are missing. 1322 Siao-Hio, la Petite Etude, ou Morale de la Jeunesse, avec le Commentaire de Tchen-Siuen. Traduit du Chinois par C. de Harlez. 4to, pp. 366. With 2 Maps. Paris, 1889. 9s. Annales du Musee Guimet, Tome X\'. Title-page damaged. 1323 Sketches (A Series of) On Birds, Animals, Flowers, etc. With Chinese descriptions. 6 books. Small 8vo. Shanghai, 1896. 4s. 6rf. 1324 Ssil Shu. The Four Books [i.e. The Great Learning, the Doctrine of, the Mean, the Confucian Analects, and the Works of Mencius]. In Manchu, with interlinear Chinese Text. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. In blue cloth case. No date. ' £3. 3s. 1325 Ssu Shu Pei Chih. The Four Books. In Chinese. With copious Commen- tary. Edited by Teng Liu and Sun Yii-yao. 8 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1779. 85. 6d. 1326 Stent (G. C.) The Jade Chaplet in Twenty-Four Beads, a Collection of Songs, Ballads, etc. From the Chinese. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 1666. Second Edition. London, 1883. 5s. 1327 Suh-Ki-Li-Lih-Kui. The Suhrillekka, or " Friendly Letter." Written by Lung Shu (Nagarpina), and addressed to King Sadvaha. Translated from the Chinese Edition of I-Tsing. 'By S. Beal. 8vo. pp. 51, XIII. Lon- don, 1895. 5^- Containing also the Chinese Text. 1328 Sun Tzu. On the Art of "^ar. The Oldest Military Treatise in the World. Translated from the Chinese, with Introduction and Critical Notes by L. Giles. Roy. 8vo, pp. XLIX, 205. London, igio. los. 6d. " Lord Roberts, to whom the printed-off sheets of the work were submitted, holds this ancient writer in high esteem. . . . and in his opinion many of Sun Tzu's mtaxims are applicable to the present day." 1329 Sung Chu Shang Shih. A Collection of Hymns in Chinese, with EngUsh Index. Small 8vo. Boards. 1894. ^^- ^^• 1330 SutO Hengftoan. Chiang Chiu e Khiou Khan. The Acts of the Apostles in Romanised Amoy Colloquial. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 151. Amoy, 1897. 5s. 6d. Scarce. First four pages have bottom leaf torn. 1 331 Sze ChOU ho Kiang. The Four Books, collected and annotated. 6 vols in cloth case. Illustrated. Small folio. 125. 1332 In Chinese. With full Commentaries. 6 vols in cloth case. 1879. I05. 6d. Xicely printed. 1333 Sze Shoo. The Four Books, in Chinese. With full Commentaries. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. A.D. 1847. £1. is. 1334 Sze ShOU. Julien (Stanislaus) Meng Tseu vel Menicum inter Sinenses Philo- sophos, ingenio, Doctrina, Nominisque, Claritate Confucio Proscunum. Pais Prior. 8vo. Half bound. Paris, 1842. 12s. 6d. Nearly every page is covered with valuable additions and corrections frcm the hand of the learned Marquis d'Hervey de St. Denys, 1335 Sze Shoo. Ta' Hio, ou la grande Etude, le premier des quatre livres de philosophic morale et politique de la Chine ; ouvrage de Khoing-Fou-Tseu (Confucius) et de son disciple Thseng-Tseu ; traduit en Fran9ois avec une Version latine et le texte chinois en regard ; accompagne du commentaire complete de Tchou-Hi, et de notes tirees de divers autres commentaires chinois. Par G. Pauthier. Roy. Svo, pp. 104. Paris, 1835. los. 6d. With interesting 2-pp. letter. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv^C. JO Chinese Texts and Translations. ^356 Ta Ch'ing Lu Li Tseng Hsiu T'ung Tsuan Chi Cheng. The complete Penal Code of the Present or Manchu-Tartar Dynasty, consisting of the Funda- mental Criminal Laws, together with such Bj'-Laws, subject to alteration, as have been added from time to time. In Chinese. New and Revised Edition. 40 parts, and an Appendix in 2 parts. Roy. Svo. 1844. 16 vols only. ' £1. is. Imperfect. Wanting parts 8, 0, ^s, 27, 28, 34, 35. 1337 Ta tsing leu !i tseng ting hoei tsouan thsiouan pien. "The Fundamental Laws and Subordinate Statutes of the Tsing Dynasty. In Chinese. 40 Books and 2 supplentary Books in 24 vols. Roy. Svo. 1838. £2. 5s. Nice copy. Imperial preface. 1338 Ta Ching lu li. The Penal Code of the Manchu Dynasty. In Chinese. 26 pen in 4 blue cloth cases. 1825. £1. 15s. 1339 Ta Tsing Leu Lee. Being the Fundamental Laws, and a Selection from the Supplementarj' Statutes of the Penal Code of China. Originally Printed and Published in Pekin, in various successive Editions, under the Sanction of the several Emperors of the Ta Tsing, or Present Dynasty. Translated from the Chinese and accompanied with an Index, by Sir G. T. Staunton, pp. XXVI, 581. London, 1810. £5. 5s. \'ery scarce. 1340 Ta Mei Lien Pang Chih Liieh. A short historical and geographical account of the United States of America. By P'i chih-wen [i.e. E. C. Bridgman]. In . Chinese. Roy. Svo. 2 chiian in i pen. 1861. 4s. 6d. With maps and illustrations. 1341 Ta Yun Lun Ch'ing Yu Ching. Sutra "on asking rain of the great Cloud Wheel." Translated into Chinese by Narendrayasas, A.D. 585. Roy. Svo. Linen cover. 1782. 6s. See B. Xanjio, No. i88. Well printed on white paper. 1342 T'ai Wan Fu Chih. A full descriptive account of the Portion of the Island of Formosa belonging to the Chinese Emprre, with Statistical details, etc. Illustrated. In Chinese. Roy. Svo. 26 parts. 1872. £1. is. Imperfect. Wanting Pts. 11-13, 25-26. 11 vols. 1343 T'ai wan wai Chi. Notes on the Island of Formosa. In Chinese. lo vols, in boards. Small Svo. 1704. 15s. 1344 T'an T'ien. A Translation into Chinese of Herschel's " Outlines of Astro- nomy." With a Preface by A. W'ylie. With diagrams. iS parts in 3 vols. Roy. Svo. [Shanghai], 1859. 125. 6d. 1345 Tang le Kian-Youen. La Tunique de Perles un Serviteur miritant et Tang le Kiai-Youen. Trois nouvelles Chinoises, Traduites pour la premiere par la Marquis d'Hervey-Saint-Denys. i2mo, Half bound., pp. VIII, 247. Paris, 1889. 3s. 1346 T'ang Sung Pa Ta Chia Lei Hsiian. Selections from 8 great authors of the T'ang and Sung dj'nasties. Chuan 2 only. n.d. Svo. is. 1347 Tao-Teh King. A Translation of the Chinese Classic. By E. H. Parker. Svo. Reprint, pp. 40. London, 1904. is. 6d. 1348 Tchang pao. Fan cha tou. Picturesque Voyages to the most mountainous parts of China, and " Isography " of celebrated statesmen and authors. 6 vols. Roy. Svo. 1831 (?) Many Illustrations. Canton. £^ 3s. Excellent copy. The author was an artist at Canton ; he had his book printed in his owti studio. 100 of the finest landscapes of China and Tartan.' are reproduced. Numerous facsimiles of the handwriting of celebrities of the last two reigns add to the value of the book, which is greatly sought after. 1349 Tchao-Chi-Kou-Eul, ou I'Orphehn de la Chine, Dramc en Prose et en Vers, accompagne des Pieces Historiques qui en ont fourni le Sujet, de Nouvelles et de Poesies Chinoises. Traduit du Chinois par S. Julien. Svo. Half bound, pp. 352. Paris, 1S34. los. 6d. 1350 Tchou Che pa ming Chou tchao. Collection of the most celebrated com- positions of the Pa-ming-chou (College at Canton). Two Collections in 10 vols. Roy. Svo. 1832 A.D., Canton (?). los. Od. 1 35 1 Te Hsing Pu. Life of St. Stanislas Kostka. Translated into Chinese by Jesuit Missionary, 'Dominique Parrenin. i vol. Svo. 1726. is. Od. 1 152 Tcng ying p'len. A Chinese delectus. By Sir T. Wade. In Chinese, i vol. lioy. Svo. i860. 25. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, V\/^.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 71 1353 Ti Ch'iu Yang Min Kuan Hsi. The World, its produce and merchandise. In Chinese. By Timothy Richard. Roy. 8vo. 1882. is. 6(f. 1354 Ti Ch'iu Cheng Pei Liang Mien Ch'iian T'u. Atlas of the two Hemi- spheres of the terrestial globe. [Containing Maps of Eastern and Western Hemisphere, the province of China, and the City of Canton]. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. Cloth covers. No date. 6s. 1355 Ti Li Ch'uan Chih. A Work on Universal Geography, compiled by W. Muirhead. In Chinese. Illustrated. Shanghai, 1854. 3s. 6d. 1356 Tien pao san Shih liu Kea Ki Ko. In Chinese, with Japanese transliterations. 8vo. 3 parts in i vol. Yeddo, circa 1840. 5^- ^<^- 1357 T'ien Tao Chuan. A compendium of Bible History, by Mo Ch'iao-pao. In Chinese. Written down from colloquial dictation by Cheng Pu-Ch'ing. Roy. 8vo. 1883. ' 2S. 6d. 135S T'ien Tao Su Yiian. Evidences of Christianity. In Chinese. Revised edition. By W. A. P. Martin. 8vo. Mingpo, 1858. is.^6d. 1359 T'ien Ti So Yu Ch'ang Yueh Hsin Shu. A new collection of Cantonese Songs, compiled by Ting Meng-hsuing. In Chinese. New Edition. Small 8vo, 1856. 3s. 6d. 1360 To Yezo nishi. An illustrated Account of the Eastern Ainus. By Mastura Bushiro. In Japanese. 7th series, i vol. Roy. 8vo. 1873. 2S 6d. 1 361 T'ong Wen Pien Lu. Correspondance epistolaire. In Chinese. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. Cloth. 5^- ^d. On white paper. As new. 1362 Treatise on the Christian Virtues (A). Chinese MS. 2 vols. Svo. 3s. 6d. Xo title-page or date. 1363 Treaty of Tientsin. In Chinese, i vol. Roy. 8vo. 2S. bd. 1364 Treaty. Danish Treaty with China. 1863. Followed by a list of various Articles of Commerce, with the duty payable ad valorum on each. .Chinese MS. Roy. Svo. 6s. 6d. 1365 Tru'ong-Vinh-l(y (P. J. B.) Cours d'histoire Annamite, a I'usage des Ecoles de la Basse Cochinchine. 2 vols, Svo. Saigon, 1875-9. Ss. 6d, 1366 Tsaou Seue Kin. Hung Low mung, " The Dream of the Red Chamber." A Chinese Novel. In 120 chapters. In 17 vols. Svo. Ihustrated. In 2 cases. 15?- One of the most widely-known and read of modern Chinese novels. It is a special favourite with women. Chapters 6-13 54-60 missing. 1367 Tseng pou ycon hiO kOU se siun yuen tche Kiai. Researches on the Origin of Metaphorical Expressions, by Kieou K'ong chan. Enlarged edition, with the Commentary of Tchen Teng Ki. In Chinese. 10 Books. 5 vols. Roy. Svo. Illustrated. 65. 6d. 136S Tseng Pu Hsing Shih Tsee P'U Chien Shih. A Treatise on the Chinese Clan- names, with Notes. In Chinese. By Hsiung Hsim-yiin. 4 vols in boards. Svo. 1724. I2S. 1369 Tseng Pu Shih Ching T'i Chu Yen I Ho Ts'an. The Shih Ching, or Book of Odes, with running Commentary and Amphfication of the Meaning. In Chinese. Enlarged and Improved Edition, wth selected Critiques by Fan Tzu-teng, and an Introduction by Ku. Pao-wen. S parts in 4 vols. Roy. Svo. [Canton], 1689. 7^- 6^. 1370 Tsing ni Ki. History of the Pacification of the Rebels. In Chinese. 6 Books in 2 vols. Svo. 5*' 1 371 Tsiu FO Pao Ch'an. The Precious Ritual of Intoxication with Buddha, a Book of Buddhist Ritual. In Chinese. Roy. Svo. 1S57 (?). 4s. 6d. 1372 Tu Shih Fang Yu Chi Yao. Geography of the Empire o'f China from the Earliest Ages down to Modern Times, by Ku Tsu-yii. In Chinese. First pubhshed in 1667. The Work comprises : — Introductory part. General Features . . . . . . Pt. ChihU Kiangnan Shantung Shansi LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. In Chii lese. I- 9 10- 18 19- 29 30- 38 39- 45 Chinese Texts and Translations. 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1 381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 Honan Shensi Ssii-ch'uan Hukuang Kiangsi < Chehkiang I Fuhkien . . Kuangtung Kuangsi . . Yiinnan . . Kiieichou Rivers and Streams Desert Lands With Maps and Plans. In 4 parts. 1774- 46- 51 52- 65 66-1 74 75- 82 83- 88 89- 94 95- 99 100-105 I 06-1 I 2 113-119 120-123 124-129 130 35 pts. in 100 vols. Preface dated li,. 4s. Parts 89-99 ^re missing (9 vols). The work is contained in 11 blue cloth cases. Tung Chou lieh kuo. An Historical Romance dealing with the period 24 pen in 2 blue cloth cases. 8vo. 1880. £1 15s. In Chinese. I05. 6d. of the Eastern Ghou. Tung hua lu. History of the Manchu dynasty down to 1735. 8 vols in blue cloth cases. Small 8vo. 1765. Epitome of Chinese History, from the Origin of the Present Dynasty down to the year 1735. By Chiang Liang-ch'i. In Chinese. Small 8vo. 8 chiian in 2 vols. 1765. 3s. dd, Turkestan Passport. A Chinese and Turki Certificate, giving permission to an English subject to go, to Sailiho. i sheet. 4to. Size 9 in. by 8| in. los. td. The parallel use of Turki and Chinese is very uncommon. " Tzu Shih Ching Hua. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Extracts from Chinese Philosophers and Historians, arranged under Categories. In Chinese. 160 Books in 48 vols. In 4 native wooden covers. 1728. {2. los. Wallace (W.) Tai chou chu. Treatise on Algebra, translated into Chinese bv Foo-lan-ya. 25 Books in 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. 15s. Cf. Douglas, B.M. Catal. 13, 259. Wa-mio ruijue ShO. Japanese Expressions explained in Chinese, by^ Minamoto-no-Shitagau of the loth Century. 20 n\ki in 5 vols. 1617. I2S. Wang Ch'ung. Philosophical Essays of Wang Ch'ung. Lun-Heng. Part I. Translated from the Chinese and Annotated by A. Forke. Roy. 8vo, pp. 577. London, 1907. 15s. Wan Hsiao T'ang Chu Chuang Hua Chuan. Short Biographies of Historical Personages from the Han to the Sung Dynasty, with Portraits. By Chu- chuang. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. n.d. 5s. 6rf. Wan Kuo Kung Fa. Wheaton's International Law, translated into Chinese by W. A. P. Martin. 4 vols in i blue cloth case. Roy. 8vo. Peking, 186^1. 12s. bd Wei Tsang T'u Shih. Itinerary of Tibet. In Chinese. Illustrated. 4 6s. 6rf, Translated into Chinese by Foo-lan-ya (J. Fryer). 24 chapters in 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. Illustrated. (Shanghai, 1870 ?) 12s. VVell printed on white paper. Wen hsien t'ung k'ao. Ma Tuan-lin's Encyclopaedia vols, half bound leather. 8vo. n.d., about 1700. Wheaton's .International Law. In Chinese. 4 vols. vols in blue cloth case. Small 8vo. 1792 Wells (Dr. A.) Principles of Chemistry. Roy. In Chinese. 16 ib 5^- 8vo. 1864. los. 6af. Wieger (L.) Rudiments. Textes Historiques 2. 8vo, pp. 778. With Chinese Text and French Translation on the same page. With maps. Hokicnfou, 1904. los. (jd. Wu po chia Chu Yui pien ch'ang li hsien Sheng wen chi. I he Prose Writings of Han Yii of the T'ang dynasty. With collected Commentaries. In Chinese. 40 chiian in 24 vols. Small 4to. n.d. £\ 15s. Japanese Edition. I-rom the library of VV. CI. Aston. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Chinese Texts and Translations. 73 1389 Wu TZU Chin Ssu Lu Chi Chu. " Recent Philosophical Thought." A Metaphysical Treatise, by Chu Hsi, with references to the Works of four previous Philosophers of the Sung Dynasty : Chou Tun-i (loi 7-1073), Ch'eng Hao (1032-1085), Ch'eng I (1033-1107), and Chang Tsai (io2o- 1076). Edited with copious Commentary by Chiang Yung. With an Appendix entitled " Kao Ting Chu Tzu Shih Chia," " Chu Hsi's Genealogical Tree," an-anged by Chiang Yung. In Chinese. New Edition. 14 parts in 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1853. 12s. 1390 Wyiie (A.) Compendium of Arithmetic. In Chinese. 8vo. Limp cloth. Shanghai, 1853. 4s. 6d. 1391 Yang Ch'eng Ku Ch'ao. Ancient Documents relating to the City of Canton. Compiled by Ch'iu Ch'ih-shih. With a Preface by Wen Ju-neng. In Chinese. Illustrated. 8 parts in 4 vols. 8vo. [Canton], 1806. /i. is. 1392 Yih King. The Book of Changes. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo. With full Commentary. 2 vols. 1790 A.D. 12s. 6d. Good edition. 1393 " Book of Changes." With full Commentary. In Chinese. 2 vols in I. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco gilt. A.D. 1790. 14s. 6d. Well-printed edition. 1394 or the "Classic of Change." Chinese Text and Translation, with Notes and Appendix, by C. McClatchie. 8vo. Half bound, pp. VI, XVII, 454. With 13 Plates. Shanghai, 1876. £1. is. Fine copy. 1395 and its Authors. The Oldest Book of the Chinese. Vol I, History and Method. By A. T. de Lacouperie. 8vo, pp. XXVII, 121. London, 1892. (Published 105. 6d.) 7s. 6d. As new. 1396 Ou Livre des Changements de la Dynastic des Tshlou, traduit pour la premiere fois du Chinois en Francaise, par P. L. F. Philastre. Part i only. 4to. pp. 489. Paris, 1885. los. 6d. Annales du Musee Guimet. Tome Huitieme. 1397 Antiquissimus Sinaruni -liber quem ex latina Interpretatione P. Regis. Aliorumque Ex Soc. Jesu, P.P. Edidit Julius Mohl. 2 vols. Uncut. Stuttgart, 1834. 9s. 6^. 1398 Yin shih ch'un tzu wen. The Thousand Character Essay. Interlinear Chinese and Korean MS. Small 4to. n.d. 85. 1399 Ying Huan Chih Lueh. A Geography of the World. With Maps. In Chinese. Thick roy. 8vo. Half bound leather. 1848. los. 6d. 1400 Ying lei t'u Shuo. A Chinese Translation of H. Brialmont's " La fortiiica- tion improvisee." With Plans. Roy. 8vo. n.d. 3s. 6d. 1401 Yu Chuan Chin Shu. A portion of the Chin Dynastic History (4th and 5th Cent. A.D.). Consisting of the Chih or Special Excursus on various Sub- jects. In Chinese. Composed by the Emperor T'ai Tsung and others 9 chiian in 4 pen in i blue cloth case. £2. 2s. A fine specimen of Ming printing. 1402 Yu Hsueh Hsu Chih Chu Chieh. A Primer of General Information for the Young, with Explanatory Notes. In Chinese. 4' vols. Roy. 8vo. Chin- kiang, N.D. 5^- 1403 Yu Kiao li. " The Two Fair Cousins." A Chinese Novel. 20 chapters in 4 Books in i vol. 8vo. Half morocco. ^ los. Ci. Wylie, p. 1^3. 140^ " The Two Fair Cousins." A Chinese Novel in Chinese. 20 Chapters in 4 vols in i vol. Half roan gilt. 8vo. 9s. 1^05 or The Two Fair Cousins, a Chinese Novel from the French Version of M. Abel-Remusat. 2 volumes. 8vo. Boards. London, 1827. 85. Shabby copy. 1406 ou Les deux Cousines ; Roman Chinois, traduit par M. Abel Remusat, precede d'une preface ou se trouve un Parallele des Romans de la Chine et de ceux de I'Europe. 4 volumes bound in 2. i2mo. Half calf. With Frontispieces. Paris, 1S26. los. 6d. 1407 Yiin Fu Shih I. Supplement to the P'ei Wen Yiin Fu. A Concordance of Phrases in Classical Literature, arranged according to Rhymes. In Chinese. 20 vols, royal 8vo. n.d. Preface dated 1720. /i. is. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, Lodnon, V/.C. VII.— Manchu. 140S Adam (L.) Grammairc de la Languc Mandchou. 8vo. half calf. pp. X, 137. Paris, 1873. 5s. 1409 Cb'inghan wen hai. OceanofManchuandChine.se. A Chinese Dictionary, with Manchu translation arranged according to five tones and 106 finals. 3 vols only out of 20. In one blue cloth case. 182 1. £i is. See Moll. Bibliog. No. 46. 1410 Ching wen kuang hui Ch'uan Sbu. Dictionary in 4 parts, divided into 44 chapters on Heaven, Seasons, Earth, etc. Chinese, with Manchu equiva- lents. 4 vols in one blue cloth case. 8vo. 1702. ^3 3s. See Moll. Bibl., No. .?i. 1411 Ch'ing Wen Tien Yao. A Chinese and Manchu Phrase Book. 4 vols in blue cloth case. Svo. 1789. £1 15s. 1412 Ch'ing-wen-tien-yao. Important Manchu expression noted. Manchu- Chinese Vocabulary. 3 vols in one blue cloth case. 8vo. 1738. £z is. See Moll. Bibliog., No. 10. 1413 Ch'ing wen hui shu. A Manchu-Chinese Dictionary, by Li Yen-chi. 12 vols. Roy. Svo. 1806. ^4 los. 1 41 4 Cing wen ki meng bithe. The Elements of Manchu. The only Manchu grammar. 4 vols. Roy. Svo. Peking, 1830. {jz 15s. See MoUendorf, No. I. vide Remusat Recherches sur les langues tartares. Vol I, 99. A Wylie. Translation of the T'sing Wan Ke Mung. 1 415 Fan i lei biyan bithe. Translated Miscellanies classed under the headings Heaven, Seasons, Geography, etc. In Manchu and Chinese. 4 vols in one blue cloth case. Svo. 1749. £'2- 15s. See Moll. Bibliog., No. 12. 1416 Four Books. In Chinese and Manchu. 7 vols in one case. Svo. n.d., but old edition. ^3 3s. 1417 Gabelentz (H. C. v. d.) Die Ausdriicke fiir " Sterben " im Mandschuischen. Svo. pp. lo. Reprmt, n.d. is. 6d. 1418 Han i araha nonggime toktobuha manju gisim i buleku bitte. Mirror of Manchu. Each Manchu word with Chinese translation and Chinese tran- scription. 48 vols in 8 blue cloth cases. Roy. Svo. 1771. £10 los. See MoUend. Bibl., No. 36. 1419 Han i araha ubaliyambula duin bithe. The text of the Four Books, Manchu and Chinese. A new translation ordered by the Emperor Kien Lung. 7 vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1755. j £4 los. See Moll. Bibliog., No. 4'). 1420 Han i araha ambasai mujilen be darabure bithe. The Emperor's Address to the Officials on Morality. In Manchu and Chinese, i vol. Folio. 1655. £1 IS. See Moll. Bibliog., l^o. 174. "^ 1421 Himly (K.).Die Abtheilung dcr Spielc im " Spiegel der Mandschu-Sprache." Part III. Roy. Svo. pp. 15. Extract. Leyden, 1896. is. 6d. 1422 Harlez (M. de) Nui-Tchis et Mandchous, Rapports d'originc ct de langage. Svo. Extract, pp. 32. Paris, 18SS. 2s. 6d. 1423 Langles (L.) Alphabet mantchou, redige d'apres le syllabaire et le diction- nairt- univcrsel dc cette languc. Third edition. Avec une notice sur I'origine, I'histoire, les travaux lit6raires des Mantchoux. Roy. Svo. Boards. pp. 16, 208. With Plates. Paris, 1807. 12s. 1424 Man Weng ho li — San tzu ching Chu Chue. The San tzu ching, with com- mentary in .Manchu and Mongol, with Chinese translation. 4 vols in blui clotli case. Roy. Svo. £3 los. 1425 Manchu MS., consisting of 9 vols used in a graduated Education for degree in Manchu. 9 vols. Svo. Moukden, x.d. £2 2S. 142G Manju nikan hergen kamaine araha ajige taciku bithe. The " Little Learning," with commentary. In Manchu and Chinese. S vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1727. £5 los. See Moll. Biblioi;., No. 7'i- 1467 Dickens (F. V.) Primitive and Mediaeval Japanese Texts. Transliterated into Roman, with Introductions, Notes and Glossaries, with a Companion Volume of Translations. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. Oxford, 1906. (Publ. /i IS. net) 12s. 6d. 1468 Dokushi Yorou. Lectures ©n the study of Japanese History. In Japanese. By Aral Kesmbi. 15 maki in 5 vols. Svo. Stiff covers. 1876. 6s. bd. 1469. Elements of Morality. In Japanese. Svo. Cloth, pp. 415- Kyoto, 1885. 5S- Binding loose. 1470 Do no Shoban. A Novel in Japanese, by Murakami Shin. With one coloured Illustration. Tokyo, 1892^ 2s. Gd. 1 471 Facsimiles of Manuscripts of Japanese Sovereigns and Worthies. An Official Pubhcation. 15 Facsimdes, with descriptions in Japanese. Pasted on boards and bound in book form opening fanwise. i vol. Large folio. These facsimiles are extremely well executed. 1472 Fukaku Sheshoho Kogi. A translation into Japanese of M. Boissonade's work on the French Civil Code. An odd volume only. (Vol II.) 8vo. 5s. 1473 Fuzoku Gwaho, an illustrated Magazine of Japanese Manners and Customs. In Japanese. Fully illustrated. 48 parts m 4 vols. Cloth covers, in one cloth case. Tokyo, 1889-92. 12s. 6d. As new. 1474 Gagen Shuran. A Dictionary of Elegant Phraseology. In Japanese. Compiled by Ishikawa Masumo. Augmented Edition, by Sekito Osamu. With Supplement. 57 maki in 56 vols. Roy. 8vo. Tokyo, 1887. £z 15s. 17 vols, are in MS. 1475 GagO Yaku Kai Jui -I. A vocabulary of Elegant (poetical) Language. With Interpretations. In Japanese. By Murakam Chiiijan. i vol. 4iby6. Cloth. Nagoza, 1S72. 6s. bd. 1476 Gaikid Tosho Shitan. Notes on the History of Foreign Trade and inter- course with Japan. Illustrated. By Tohen Shuniro. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. 1897. .5S- 6a'. 1477 Gentan (S.) A history of European hterature in Japan. In Sinico Japanese. 2 vols. With a Portrait. Roy. Svo. 1869. 6s. With a letter in English from the author's Japanese friend. 1478 Go i. A classified Repertory of elegant and common Phraseology. Com- piled by Kimura Shoshi and Yokoyama Yusei. In Japanese. 5 maki and 2 supplementary volumes. Roy. Svo. 1871. 12s. 1479 Go Yedo Dai Yedzu. A large coloured folding Map of Yedo. In Japanese. 4to. 1865. 55- 6d. 1480 Great Complete Collection of Elegant Compbsition. Revised and Enlarged. In Tapanese. 2 vols in i, Roy. Svo. Thick volume. Japanese covers. -• ^ I2S. bd. The Chinese text is in cursive with a Japanese translation. 1481 HakubutSU Sen. A Hand-Encyclopaedia, arranged under Categories. In Japanese. Thick oblong i2mo. 183O. 6s. 1482 Heike Monagatari. Partielonly. Recitsdel'Histoiredu Japon auXIIme Siecle. Traduits au Japonais par F. Turenttini. 4to. pp. 23. With plates. Geneva, 1873. ^s. First plate missing. 1483 Hissan Tsusho Nuimon. A treatise on Mathematics. Compiled from Colenso, Todhunter, etc. In Japanese. Vols 7 and 8 only. Svo. 1877. . 45-. 1484 HojO Family. The History of. A Fragment from the Nihon Guaishi of Rai Sanyo. Svo. pp. 91. Reprint, Tokyo. 1S71-2. 2s. 6d. 1485 Hyak Nin Is'Shiu : or Stanzas by a Century of Poets. Being Japanese Lyrical Odes, translated into English, with Explanatory Notes. The Text in Japanese and Roman Characters, and a full Index by F. V. Dickens. Svo. Cloth, pp. IX, 52, 18, 9, etc. London, 1866. 7s. bd. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 7S Japanese Texts and Translations. I4S6 Hyaku-Nin-Isshu : or Stanzas by a Century of Poets, being Japanese Lyrical Odes. Translated into English by F. V. Dickens. i2mo. pp. 30. Tokj'O, 1892. I 2S. With the Japanese text. 1487 JihO haurei roku. A treatise on topographical questions. In Japanese. II vols. Roy. 8vo. 1866. 15S. 148S Into Soshi. Buddhist Records relating to India. In Japanese. By Taira Atsutanc. Maki 21 and 22 only, in 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. 4s. dd. 1489 Japanese Novel, in Japanese. Roy. 8vo. Japanese Covers, pp. 64. Illustrated. Tokyo, 18S5. is. 6fi. 1490 Jingo Shogaku Dokkon. An illustrated lesson book of general information for the Young. 7 maki in 7 vols. Roy. 8vo. Linen covers. 1887. 'js. 6d. 1 491 Jingo Shagadu Sakabun Shugi5 Yosho. An illustrated Primer of general information. In Japanese. Edited by Ogama Shintaro. 2 maki in 2 vols. "Roy. Svo. 188S. 3s. 6d. 1492 Jo Chuyo Bano-Sh5. The Doctrine of the Mean, for Japanese women, with iUlustrations. In Japanese. Compiled by N3'emura Gioku-chi-shi. i vol. Small 4to. 1819. 4s. 6d. 1493 Josan Kitan. Notes and Jottings. By Yu-asa. In Japanese. 25 maki. With Supplement in 5 maki. 30 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1770. £1 5s. 1494 Kachikei Gioku Shuso. A C9mic Tale in Japanese. By Saishin Takejo. Svo. Picture Boards. 1890. is. 6d. 1495 Kage-gusa. A Volume of Reviews and Translations. By Mori Kintaro. In Japanese. Svo. pp. 726. Tokio, 1897. 5s. 149O Kake Shu. A Japanese dictionary of Phraseology, arranged under 18 Categories. Roy. Svo. A.D. 161 7. 8s. 1497 Kakke BiosetSU. By W. Anderson. A Treatise on the Disease known as Kakke, or " Beri-beri." In Japanese. Small 8vo. pp.92. 4s. A Japanesie version of an Essay confributcd to the Asiatic Socien,- of Japan. 1498 Kakkoku Riuken Shotei Kirin Shi. A History of Constitutional Govern- ment. Translated into Japanese, from the German by Kato Hiroyuki. 4 maki in 5 vols. Svo. 1876. 6s. 6d. 1499 Kansha Gioga So-Shi. A Work on Geometrical puzzles. With Illustra- tions. In Japanese. By Nakane Tamotsu. 3 maki. Svo. 1743. 6s. 1500 KetSUgi Sho. The Ise Monogatari. In Japanese. 5 maki in 2 vols. Small folio. 1668. 6s. (jd. 1501 Kinse Shiriaku. History of Japan from the First Visit of Commodore Perry in 1853 to the Capture of Hakodate by the Mikado's Forces in 1869. Translated from the Japanese by E. M. Satow. Svo. pp. II. 148. Yokohama, 1873. 6s. 1502 Kinsei Shirin. A Collection of Short poems by various modern poets. In Japanese. Compiled by Seiho Kwaku. 2 maki in i vol. Small Svo. 1861. IS. 6d. In Chinese. 150) Kojiki. Old Myths and History of Japan. 3 vols. 7 J by 10. Circa K.78. 18s. This work has been translated by Chamberlain and publis)icd in the Transactions of tlie Asiatic Society of Japan. 1505 Kokka Bankwai Ron. A consideration of means for remedying the State. In Japanese. By Fujita Ichiro. Part I. 3 maki in i vol. Small Svo. 1S81. . IS. 1506 Koku bun Gakushi JikkO. Ten Lectures on Japanese Literature, in the Colloquial L.niguage. In Japanese. Svo. Cloth. Tokio, 1899. 5s. 1507 Kosho Sobo Gaigen. A compendium of conduct and manners for Samurai. In Japanese. 5 vols. Roy. Svo. n.d. los. ()d. f - LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Japanese Texts and Translations. 79 1509 Kwacho Gwaho. Ooloured drawings of Birds and Flowers. In Japanese. By Tomita Yujiro. 8vo. Tokyo, 1882. ' 2s. 6d. 1510 Kwagakatsu. A treatise on Chemistry. In Japanese. With Illustrations. Vols 3 and 4 only. Svo. 1877. 3s. 6d. 151 1 Lloyd (Rev. A.) The Higher Buddhism in the Light of the Nicene Creed. Svo. pp. 39. Tokyo, 1893. is. 1513 Map of a Japanese island. In covers. 1S30. 15s. Measures 28J by 37 inches. 151 3 Shitachi Kuni zendu. Coloured Map of the Japanese province of Shitachi. In covers. Yeddo, 1850. 15s. Measures 40^ by 53 inches. 1514 Meiji setsuyo taizen. A miscellany of information about Japan in the Meiji Period. In Japanese only. With maps and Illustrations. Thick roy. Svo. Half bound. Tokyo, 1894. los. 6d. 1515 Meirin hauron. A treatise on the Five Relationships, subsisting between Sovereign and Subject, Father and Son, Husband and Wife, Senior and J-unior, and Friends. By Aoki Seiichi. In Japanese. 5 maki. Svo. Linen covers. 1876. 8s. 1516 Min pu ji gen. A Treatise on Pohtical Economy. In Japanese. By Count Terashima Munenori, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs. 2 vols. Paper covers. 6 by 8. 1886. ' 3s. 6d. 151 7 Misasagi (The), or Ancient Sepulchres (Mounds, containing dolmens) of the Mikados. In Japanese. A collection of Seven Works in 14 volumes. Some MS. and some Illustrated. £3 3^- This subject has been fully treated by Mr. \V. Gowland in Papers for the Japan Society and .\rch»ological Society. 151S nSitford (A. B.) The Tales of Ugaga's Revenge. Translated into Enghsh, \vith Illustrations. i2mo. pp. ig. Tokyo, 1893. ' ^^- *^'^- 1519 Tales of Old Japan. Kazuma's Revenge. Translated into English. With Illustrations. Small Svo. pp. 19. 1893. is. 6d. 1520 " The Modern Coinage of Japan." In Japanese. With numerous Illus- trations. In I vol. Roy. Svo. 1876. 7s. 1521 Musobei KochO monogatari. A novel by Bakin. In Japanese. Illustrated by Toyohiro. :Maki i of Part i only. Roy. 8vp. Stiff covers. 1809. 2S. 1522 Muye nempio. A Diary of Events in Yedo from 1849 to 1873. By Saito Kosei. In Japanese. 2 vols. Svo. (being maki 9-12 of a larger work). 18S2. 2S. 6d. 1523 Nihon Bummei Shi Kiaku. A History of Japan during the Bummei Period (A.D. 1469-1486). In Japanese. By Modsume Koken. 5 maki in 5 vols. Svo. 1887. OS. Gd. 1524 Nihon Rekishi Heirin. History of Japan, from the remotest antiquity to the present time. With commentary. In Japanese. By Hagiya Yuchi. 12 vols. Svo. Tokj^o, 1894. 15^- 1525 Nihon Seichi Shi. Constitutional History of Japan. In Japanese. By Ariga Nagao. Part I. Svo. n.d. " 3s. 6a!. 1526 Nihon Shoseki Bunten. Lessons in Literary style. In Japanese. By Tokatu Shinshi. 3 maki in 3 vols. Svo. Lmen covers. 1874. 4s. Gd. 1527 Nihon wandai itiran. History of the dj-nasties of the Emperors of Japan, from the foundation of the Empire till 1587. In Japanese. 7 vols. 5 vols only. Roy. Svo. n.d. ios. Gd. Vols 2 and 7 are missing. This work has been translated by Titsingh and published in French by Klaproth. 152S Nihongi. Chronicles of Japan from the Earhest Times to A.D. 697. Trans- lated from the Original Chinese and Japanese by W. G. Aston. Volume i only. Svo. pp. XX, 407. • Illustrated. London, 1S96. gs. 1529 Japanische Mythologie, Nihongi " Zeitalter der G6tter,"nebst Ergan- zungen, aus andern alten quellenwerken von Dr. K. Florenz. Svo. pp. IX, 341. With Maps and Illustrations. Tokyo, igoi. 6s. 6d. As new, LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, Londox, W.C. 8o Japanese Texts and Translations. 1530 Japanische Annalen, A.D. 592-697, Nihongi von Suiho-Tcnno bis Zito- Tenno (Buch XXII-XXX)' von Dr. K. Florenz. 8vo. pp. LVIII, 421. Zweite neubearbeitete Auflage. Tokyo, 1902. 7s. 1 53 1 Nikko Sansho Kai. General description of the Scenery and Temples of Nikko, a small to\\Ti in the province of Shiniotsuke, Japan. In Japanese. Maki I only. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. 1885. 2S. Gd. "^50' Nipon Dai Itsi Ran. Ou Annales des Empereurs du Japon. Traduites par M. Isaac Titsingh. Ouvrage revu, complete et corrige sur I'original Japonais-Chinois, accompagne de Notes, et precede d'un Aper9u de L'His- toire Mythologique du Japon, par M. G. Klaproth. 4to. Cloth, pp. VIII, 460. Paris, 1834. los. 6d. Bitiding shabby. 1533 The same. Another copv. 4to. Cloth, pp. XXXVI, 460. London (O.T.F.), 1834. ■ " I2S. 1534 Numismatics. Seiyo sempu. A Japanese work on European Numismatics. Roy. 8vo. pp.40. Fully illustrated, (circa 1840.) Abridged from 1787 edition. Ss. Ven- curious. The illustrations are of old European coins. 1535 A- Japanese Work on European Numismatics. Roy. 8vo. pp. 6, 100, 10. Illustrated, together wth a Map. 1787. los. 6d. Ciurious. \Vith MS. Japanese notes. 1536 Illustrations of old Japanese Coins. With text in Japanese. Roy. 8vo. pp. 24. Illustrated. 1832. 8s. , 1537 — — Shinkwa Shoku rei. A Japanese work on Japanese Coins. -Roy. 8vo. 1S71. 8s. 1538 Organisation of the Japanese Infantry according to the law of recruitment. In Japanese. Roy. 8vo. 1874. 5s. 1539 of the Imperial Guard. In Japanese. R03'. 8vo. 1874. 3s. 6d. 1540 Ouekaki Morikouni. Yo-san-fi-rok. L'art d'eleverles vers A sole au Japon, annote et publie par M. Bonafous. Traduit par le Dr. J. Hoffmann. 4to. pp. 152. With fifty fine copperplates after the original drawings. Paris, 1848. £1 5s. Only 300 copies printed. 1541 Riogi Kai. Officials of the Japanese Government. Japanese MS. 3 maki in 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1892. 6s. 1542 Rosny (L. de) Si-ka-zen-yo. Anthologic Japonaise. Poesies Anciennes et Modernes des Insulaires du Nippon. Traduites en francais et publiees avec le texte original par L. de Ro.sny. Avec une Pr6lace par E. La- boulaye. 8vo. Cloth, pp. L. 222, 72. Paris, 1871. 125. 1543 De L'Education des Vers a Sole au Japon, traduit du Japonais. 8vo. pp. 56. Extract. Illustrated. Paris, 1867. 3s. 6d. 1544 Russo-Japanese War (The) (Official Reports.) Engli.sh Translation from the" Japan Times." Vol I. Compiled by M. Kinai. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 399. Tokyo, N.D. 4s. 1545 Ryau gi Kai. The Ancient Japanese Code, by a Blind Barrister. In Chinese, with Japanese Notes. 10 Books in i. Small folio. Japanese bindings. A.D. 1800. 15s Fine copy. 1546 Sakura. The Ghost of Sakura. Translated into English by A. B. Mitford. 8vo. pp. 40. Illustrated. Tokyo, 1892. 2s. Gd. 1547 San Kokf Tsou Ran to sets, ou Aper9u General des Trois Royauraes. Tra- duit de I'original Japonais-Chinois par J. Klaproth. RoJ^ 8vo. Cloth. pp. VI, 288. Paris, 1832. 8s. .•Xtlas missing. 1548 Sansho Dayu Monogatari. A Novel in Japanese. With 41 Illustrations by HoKLS.M. 'J vols, ^'edo, 1809. £1 is. A •^(>(>i\ Iniprission, some pages soiled. 1549 Sauron Gengi. Mysteries o{ the Sauron Sect of Buddhism. In Japanese. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1877. 6s. LU^AC ct CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Japanese Texts and Translations. 8i 1550 Sekai HiyakuketSUden. World Heroes. In Japanese. 3 volumes out of a Series. Tokio. iSSo. 5s. These 3 vols, include biograpliics of Alexander the Great, Machiavel, Napoleon, Jesus Christ, F. de Lesseps, etc. 1 55 1 Sekken dauna Kataji. Types of Masters. Being Sketches of City Life in the Hachi monjiza style. By Xagai. In Japanese. 5 vols in one. Illus- trated. 6i by yh. 1774. 12s. 1552 Senji-mon (The), or Thousand Character Classic. In Japanese. 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. los. 6d. Written in the Seal character. 1553 Sentetsu Sotan. Biographical notices of eminent Japanese scholars. In Chinese. Bj^ Gensen Kodo. 8 maki in 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. Linen covers. i8i6. gs. 1554 Shaw (R. B.) A Sketch of the Turki language as spoken in Eastern Turkestan (Kashgar and Yarkand). In 2 parts. Part I. Grammar only. Roy. 8vo. pp. 120, 21. Calcutta, 1878. ys. 6d. Scarce. 1555 Shingaku Dowa.. Popular Sermons in the Colloquial Dialect. In Japanese. By Okuda Raijo. 8 vols. 6 by 8^. Osaka, 1S43. £i is. See Aston's Hist, of Japanese Literature, p. 343. . "^ 1556 Shimidzu (T. T.) Chu, the Tongueless Sparrow. i2mo. pp. 29. With Illustrations. Kyoto, 1888. 2s. 6d. Coloured illustrations on native paper. 1557 Shinsahu Kachi-Keiraku. A Book of Conjuring Tricks. In Japanese. With diagrams. 8vo. 1889. is. 6d. 1558 Shinsen Nempio. A Comparative Chronology of Japan, China, and Europe. In Japanese. Roy. 8vo. 7 by 10. 1854. 9^- This work is dated 1854, l"^it is really brought down to 1868. 1559 A Chronology in Japanese, i vol. Complete. Svo. 1881. 3s. 6d. 1560 Shogaku (Small learning). A Japanese Edition of the Chinese School Classic. With Notes. 4 vols. Roy. 8vo. Osaka, n.d. Ss. 6d. 1561 Shogahu Dokkon. A Japanese elementary reader on general information. In Japanese. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, 1890. 3s. 1562 Shogaku Dokuhon. A School Reader. In Japanese. Vols 5 and 6 only. 8vo. 1876. 25. 6d. 1563 Shoki Shiukal. Historical Annals of the Emperors of Japan, down to the Empress Jito (A.D. 681-696). Compiled by Kawamura Shiukon. 30 maki in 20 vols. 1785. £1 IDS. A finely printed edition. 1564 Shokubun Tokan. Decorative drawings in colour. By Fujii Rinto. In Japanese. 4 maki in 4 vols. Roy. Svo. 189S. los. 6d. Coloured illustrations and designs on even.- page. 1565 ShOUnshoui Samenaga. Les Fiddles Ronins. Roman Historique Japonais, traduit sur la version Anglaise de MM. Schiouichiro Saito et Edward Gray, par B. H. Gausseron. Svo. pp. XII, 370. Paris, 1882. 6s. 6d. Illustrated. 1566 Shu Cho To. A Pocket Encyclopaedia, arranged in categories. In Japanese. iSmo. 1835. 4s. 6d. 1567 Sinzi King. Treatise on Ancient Japanese and Korean Writing. In Japanese. Roy. Svo. Japanese covers, pp. 5, 24, 2. n.d. 65. 1568 Smiles (Samuel) Self Help. Translated into Japanese by Xakamura. S vols. Roy. Svo. Jap. covers. 3s. 6d, Vols miss'ing : 7, 9, 10 [j2 ?]. 1569 Taiwan SotOku-fu hoki teiyo. Ordinances and Regulations for the Goverrir ment of Formosa. In Japanese. 2 thick vols. Roy. Svo. Taikoku-bu- 1902. 5s. 6d. 1570 TOSO MoyO Sukio. Japanese decorative designs. Fully illustrated. 3 vols. Oblong 1 2 mo. Linen covers. Os. 6d. 1571 Wa Nen Kei. Five Succincti Annales Japonici auctore Asiya Jamabito. Editio in Lapide Exarata a Sinensi Ko Tsching Dochang curante Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Folio, pp. 25. Lugduni Batavorum, 1834. 55. LUZAC & CO., 46. Great Russell Street, London, W.C. : Japanese Texts and Translations. 572 Watase. A Lecture on the Fire-fly. In Japanese. With coloured Illustrations. 8vo. 3s. (jd. J73 Wen Chang Kusi Fan Chiana I. Rules of elegant coniposition. By Hsieh Fang-te of the Sung dynasty, with Supplement by Tsou Shou-i of the Ming. Translated into Japanese by the "Old Man of the Hill of the Three Felicities." 2 + 1 maki, in 3 vols. 8vo. 1881. 4s. f>d. 574 Wilberforce (Bishop) Agathos. A Tale. Translated into Japanese. 8vo. pp. 50. Tokyo, 1897. ^^- ^^' )75 Yoropa Bummei re. A translation into Japanese of Guizot's History of European Ci^"ilization. Vols 3 to 8 only. 8vo. 4s. Gd. 576 Zitu-gO Kyau-Do-Zi Kyau. L'Enseignment de la Verite. Ouvrage du Philosophie Kobaudaisi et I'Enseignement de la Jeunesse. Publies avec une Transcription Europecne du Textc Original et Traduits pour la pre- miere fois du Japonias par Leon de Rosny. 8vo. pp. XXV, 160, XV. Paris, 1S76. 15s. )77 Zoho tenshui Kokushi riaku. Epitome of the History of Japan, by Matsu Naye, with Conmientary by Sugi Naye. Roy. 8vo 5 maki in 5 vols. 1877. los. (jd. IX. — Corea and Corean. 1578 Aston (W. 6.) V\'riting, Printing, and the Alphabet in Corea. 8vo, pp. 7. V\'ith 2 Illustrations. Extract. London, 1885. is. 6d. 1579 Corean Popular Literature. 8vo, pp. 14. Extract. Tokvo, 1890. is. 15S0 Bible. New Testament. In Corean. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 930. Yoko- hama, 1900. 5s. 1581 St. INIatthew. In Corean. Roy. Svo, pp. 146. Seoul (?) 1898. 2s. 6rf. 1582 St. ]\Iark. In Corean. Roy. Svo, pp. 100. Seoul, 1898 is. 6d. 1583 St. Luke. In Corean. Roy, 8vo, pp. 182. Seoul (?) 1898. 2s. 6d. 1584 St. John. In Corean. Roy. 8vo, pp. 70. Seoul (?) 1900. 2s. 6^. 1585 ■ The Acts of the Apostles. In Corean. Roy. 8vo, pp. 158. Seoul (?) 1898. ' 2s. 6d, 1.586 Bishop (Mrs.) Corea and Neighbours. A Narrative of Travels, with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and Present Position of the Country. vrith a Preface by Sir V/alter C. Hillier. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. Second Edition. V\'ith Maps and Illustrations. London, 1898. 7s. 6d. As ' new. Uncut. 1587 Carles (W. R.) Life in Corea. Vv'^ith Illustrations and a Map. 8vo. Cloth. ])]). XIV, 317. London, 1888. 6s. L'lieut copy. 15S8 Corean Vvords and Phrases. A Handbook and Pocket Dictionary for Visitors to Corea and New Arrivals in the Country. 8\o, Paper covers, pp. 145. Seoul, 1897. 4s. Privately printed. 1589 Courant (M.) La Coree. Seoul, Les Ports, pp. 38 and 4 Maps and Plans. Sm. 8vo. Paris, 1904. 2s. 6d. li.xtr.iit cIls (iuides Madrolle : Chine du Nord. 1590 Dallet (Ch.) Histoire de I'Eghse de Coree, precedee d'une Introduction sur I'Histoire, les Institutions, la Langue, les Moeurs, et Coutumes Coreenes. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Half calf gilt. With map and numerous plates. Paris, 1874. /i. ^s. A scarti- and important work. 1591 Four Books. In Chinese and Corean. Consisting of : — 1. Ta Hsiieh \ 2. Chung Yung ,.cu Chieh ' 3. Lun Yii j ^ ^" ^"'^"• 4. Meng Tzu 7 13 vols. Folio. Stiff covers. 1828. 15s. LUZAC &. CO. 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Corea and Corean. 83 1592 Gottsche (Dr. C.) Land n. Leute in Korea. Vortrag gehalten am 3 October, 1885, vor der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Mit einer Karte. 8vo, pp. 20. Berlin, 1886. is. 6d. 1593 Grammaire Coreenne : — Precedee d'une Introduction sur le Caractere de la Langue Coreenne, sa comparaison avec le Chinois, etc., snivie d'un Appendice sur la division du Temps, les poids et mesures, la boussole la genealogie, avec un Cours d' Exercises pour faciliter I'etude pratique de la langue par les Missionnaires de Coree. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. XXII, 194. Yokohama, 1881. los. 6d. 1594 Griffis (\V. E.) Corea, Without and Within. Chapters on Corean History, Manners, and Religion, etc. Illustrated. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 315. Philadelphia, 1884. 35. bd. Presented to W. G. Aston as a feeble token of the Jinguistic labours and unselfish devotion to scholarship manifested by Mr. Aston during many years in Japan. 1595 Corea, the Hermit Nation. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXVII, 496. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1905. (Publ. los. td. net) 6s. Containing Ancient and Mediaeval History, Political and Social Corea, Modern and Recent History. As new. 1596 Guide. Pour rendre Propice I'Etoile qui garde Chaque Homme et pour connaitre les Destinees de I'Annee. Traduit du Coreen par Hong-Tyong- Ou et H. Chevalier. 4to, pp. 44. Paris, 1897. 2s. td. 1597 Hamilton (A.) Korea. Vv^ith Maps and Illustrations. Svo. Cloth, pp. XLIII, 313. New York, 1904. 4s. td. 1598 Hong-Tyong-Ou and Chevalier (H.) Guide pour rendre Propice L'Etoile qui garde Chaques Homme et pour connaitre les Destinees de I'Annee. Traduit du Coreen. Small 4to. pp. 44. Paris, 1897. 3s. Being the 2nd Part of the 26 Volume of Annales du Musee Guimct. 1599 Korea. Annual Report for 1907 on Reform and Progress in Korea, compiled by H. I. J. M. S. Residency General. 4to. Limp cloth, pp. Ill, 140. With Maps and Illustrations. Seoul, 1908. 4s. 1600 Korea Review. Vol IV, Annual Subscription. 12 Nos. 8s. 6d. 1 601 • The same. Vol. I. (12 Nos.). Svo. Seoul, 189 1. 12s. 1602 Korean Repositorjf (The) Vol I. Nos. i to 12. 1892. Complete. Seoul, 1892 to 1898. 155- 1603 Vol. II. 1895. Complete 15s. 1604 Vol. III. 1896. Nos. 1-7, 9-12. 125. 1605 Vol. IV. 1897. Nos. 1-5, 9-12. los. 1606 ■ Vol. V. 1898. Nos. 2-4, 6, 7, 10, II, 12. Seoul, 1892 to 1898. 8s. bd. 1607 Loubentsoff (A. H.) Ham-Kyeng and Tyang-An. Provinces of Korea. In Russian. Roy. Svo, pp. 297. St. Petersburg, 1897. 3s. 6d. 1608 Oppert (E.) A Forbidden Land. Voyages to the Corea, with an Account of its Geographv. History, Productions, and Commercial Capabilities. V\^ith 2 Charts and 21 Illustrations. Svo. Cloth, pp. XIX, 349. London, 1880. 5s- (>d. Binding a little shabby. 1609 Pfizmaier (Dr. A.) Nachrichten von Uden Alten Bewohnern des Heutigen Corea. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 462-523. Bound with : — Pfizmaier (Dr. A.) Darlegungen aus der Geschichte und Geographic Corea's. Svo. Cloth, pp. 56. V/ien, 1874. 3s. 6d. 1610 Rockhill (Hon. W. W.) China's Intercourse with Korea from the Fifteenth Century to 1895. Illustrated. Svo, pp. 60. London, 1905. 3s. 6d. 161 1 Rosny (Leon de) Apercu de ia Langue Coreenne. Svo, pp. 70. Paris, 1864. ' 35- 161 2 Ross (Rev. J.) History of Corea, Ancient and Modem. V\^ith description of Manners and Customs, Language and Geography. V/ith Maps and Illus- trations. Svo, cloth, pp. XII, 404. London, 1891. 12s. As new. Uncut. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 84 Corea and Corean. 161 3 Corean Primer, being Lessons in Corean on all ordinary subjects. Transliterated on the Principles of the Mandarin Primers by the same Author. 8vo, pp. 89. Shanghai, 1877. 3s. 6d. 1614 Saiow (E. M.) List of Korean Geographical Names, and forming an Index to the map of Korea. Published at Gotha, and copied from the map of Korea, published in Tokio, 1875. Small 4to. Cloth, pp. VI, 70. Yoko- hama, 1884. 6s. 6d. Privately printed. 1615 Sion Kion mun tap. — A Christian Catechism in Korean. 8\-o, pp. 12. Seoul (?) N.D 55. ibi6 Vocabularium (Parvum) Latin-coreanum ad usum Studiosae juventa Coreane. 8vo, paper, pp. 301. Hongkong, 1891. 5s. I'ncTit, as new. 161 7 Whigham (H, J.) Manchuria and Korea. With Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 245. London, 1904. 4s. 6rf. As new, uncut. 1618 Wolter (C.) Korea, Einst und jetzt. Svo, Extract, pp. 15. Hamburg, is. Separat-abdruck aus den Mittheilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Bd. XVII. X. — Java and Javanese. 1619 Aikin-Higgins (Capt. A.) Java, the Land of Perpetual Life and Beauty. Vv'ith brief notes concerning the Dutch Archipelago, Bangkok, Siam, etc. Illustrated. Oblong Svo, pp. 64. London and N. York. is. 6^. 1620 Alif Laila. Eenige Vertellingin uit de Arabische Duizend-en-cen Nacht, naar de Xederduitsche Vertaling in het Javaansch vertaald door C. F. Vv^inter Sr. UitgevCn door T. Roorda. Thick Svo. Boards. Leiden, 1865. 6s. 1G21 Ardjoena-Sasra-Bave. Een Javaansch Gedicht, in kleine dichtmaten opgesteld door Raden Ngabehi Sindoesasra. Uitgegeven door Vv'^. Palmer van den Broek. In Javanese. 4to. Boards, pp. 280. Batavia, 1S68. 6s. bd. .\ Poem in Javanes(\ 1622 Berg (L. W. C. van den) Het Inlandische Gemeentewezen op Java en Madoera. Svo, pp. 140. Extract. Gravenliage, 1901. 2s. Land. en. Volkenkundc van Ned. Indie. Vol 6. Pt. 8. 1623 (N. P. van den) Over de Economische Belangen \-an Nederlandisch- Indie. Voordracht. Svo, pp. 60. Amsterdam, 1900. is. bd. 1624 Debit or Credit ? Svo. pp. 63. Batavia, 1886. is. 6d. 1625 Bharata-Yuddha. Oudjavaansch Heldendicht. Uitgegeven door Dr. J. G. H. Gunning. In Javanese. 4to. Boards. The Hague, 1903. 8s, As new. Uncut. 1626 Bleeker (P.) Xieueve Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Siluroieden van Java. Svo, pp. 12. N.D. IS. 6d. 1627 Brandes. Beschryving der Javaansche, Baiineesche en Sasaksche Hand- SChriften, aangctroffcn in de Xalatenschap van Dr. H. N. \-. d. Truuk endoor hem vermaakt aan de Lcidsche I'niversitcitsbibliotheek. Ver- x'uarstigd door Dr. J. Brandes. 2e Stuk. Ghatolkatja9arand-Putrupasadji. 4to. Boards, pp. V, 262. Batavia, 1903. 6s. bd. 1G2S Bruckner (Gottlob) Proeve eener Javaansche Spraakkunst. Roy. Svo. Cloth, pj). VII, 182. Serampore, 1830. Ss. \'ery scarce. 1G29 Buning (A. W.) In En Om de Kampong. Oost-Indische Schetsen. Svo. Cloth, pp. 3S6. Rotterdam, n.d. 2s. 6d. Nice copy. 1630 Fokkens (F.) ICind resume vanhet Bij. Onderzoek Naar de Verplichte Diensten der Inlandsche Bevolking op. Java en Madoera. Parts i and 2. 4to. Batavia, 1901. 4s. bd. 1631 Verhooging van Volkowelvaart op Java. Svo, pp. 44. Batavia, 1900. IS. bd. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, V\^C. Java and Javanese. 85 1632 Encyciopaedie van Nederlandsch-lndie. Met Medewerking van verschil- lende Ambtenaren, geleerden en officieren. Samengesteld door P. A. van der Lith en J. F. Snelleman. Fasc. 25, 29-44. ^oy. 8vo. The Hague. Each Part is. 1633 Cornets de Groot (A. D.) Javaansche spraakkunst. Uitgeven door J. F. C. Gericke. Second revised Edition. Gevolgd door een Leesboek tot oefening in de Javaansche taal vergameld en uitgeven door J. F. C. Gericke, op nieuw uitgeven en voorzien van een nieuw Woordenboek door T. Roorda. 2 vols. 8vo. Half bound. Amsterdam, 1843. los. 6d. 1634 Grashuis (G. J.) De Staatsinstellingen van Nederlandsch-Indee. 8vo, pp. V, 219. Zutphen, 1898. 2S. 6d. 1635 Guide round Java (The Seamans), to the Islands East of Java, and through the Straits of Banca and Gaspar. By Baron Mellvill of Carnbee and H. D. A. Smith. Third Edition. 8vo. Boards, pp. 331. London, 1853. 4^- 6rf- Binding shabby. 1636 Hall (Capt. Basil) Narrative of a voyage to Java, China, and the great Loo-Choo Island, with accounts of Sir Murray Maxwell's attack on the Chinese batteries and of an interview with Napoleon Buonaparte at St. Helena. Followed bv Extracts from a Journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico. Three parts in one. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 81, 77, 80. London, 1840. 5s. 1637 Hansen (P. C. C.) De Javaansche Tolk. PractischNederlands-Javaanasch Zak-Vv"oordenboek. Small 8vo. Cloth. pp. 116. Amsterdam, n.d. 3s. 6d. 1638 Hehmeijer (F. C) Bouwstoffen voor een Regeling van Het Huwelijksrecht en Voor de Invoering van den Burgerlijken stand onder de Inlandsche Christenen op Java. Roy. 8vo, pp. 143. Extract. Amsterdam, 1898. > 2s. 6d. T639 Hervey (D. F. A.) A Trip to Gunong Blumut. Roy. 8vo, pp. 31. Extract. Singapore, 1879. 15. 6d. 1640 Hogendorp (le Comte C. S. W. de) Coup d'Oeil sur I'lle de Java, et les autres possessions neerlandaises dans I'Archipel des Indes. Roy. 8vo. Half calf . pp. XII, 422. With a Map and Plate. Bruxelles,.i830. 65. 1641 Humbolt (W. von) Uber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java, nebst einer Einleitung uber die Vershiedenheit des Menesc'hlichen Sprachbaues und ihen Einfiufs auf die geistige Einwickel des Menschengeschlechts. 4to. Boards. Vols 2 and 3. Berlin, 1838. £1. is. 1642 Janse (J. M.) Proeve eener Verklaring van Sereh-Verschijnselen. Roy. 8vo, pp. 39. Batavia, 1891. 2s. No. 8 of the Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin. 1643 Het Voorkomen van Bacterien in Suikerriet. Roy. 8vo, pp. 56. Vv'ith a Plate. Batavia, 1891. 2s. No. 9 of the 'Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin. 1644 Jansz (P.) Kleine Javaansche Spraakkunst. Tweede veel vermeerderde Uitgave van de Aanleiding tot de Kennis der Javaansche Spraakkunst. Small 8vo. Half bound, pp. 142. Samarang, 1871. 3s. 1645 Java's Zendingsveld besehouvvd na de Bevordeeling door S. E. Harthvom in zyn Werkje De Evangelische Zending in Oost-Java. 8vo, pp. 204. Amsterdam, 1865. 3^- 1646 Kleyn (R. H.) Het Gewestelijk Bestuur op Java, etc. 8vo, pp. XV, 280. Leiden, 1889. 3S- ^d. 1647 Koning (G. A. de) De Burgerlijke Gouvernements Betrekkingen in Neder- landsch Oost-Indie, etc., etc. Roy. 8vo, Cloth, pp. XII, 479. Amster- dam, 1892. 4S- (>d. 1648 Koorders (S. H.) and Valeton (Th.) Bijdrage No. I. tot de Kennis der Boomsorten van Java, additamenta ad Cognitionem. Florae Javani. Auctoribus S. H. Koorders et Th. Valeton. Pars I, Arbores. Roy. 8vo, pp. 363. Batavia, 1894. 95-. No. XI of the Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin. Thick volume. 1649 Bijdrage No. 2 tot de Kennis der Boomsoorten van Java. Roy. 8vo, pp. 228. Batavia, 1895. 85, No. 14 of Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, London, V\^C. 86 Java and Javanese. 1650 Leclercq (J.) Un sejour dans I'ile de Java Ouvrage enrichi d'une carte et de 20 gravures. 8vo, pp. 294. Paris, 1898. 2s. M. 1631 Louw (P. T. F.) De Java-oorlog van 1825-30. Vol I. Sheets. Rpy. 8vo. Atlas of 10 Maps in Folio. Batavia, 1894. los dd. 1652 Money (J. W. B.) Java : or, How to Manage a Colony. Showing a practical solution of the questions now affecting British India. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth. London, 1861. /i. is. 1653 The Same. London, 1861. i8s. Binding shabby. 1654 Naamlijst der Europeesche Inwoners van het Mannelijk geslacht in Neder- landisch-Indie en opgave omtrent hum Burgerlijken Stand, 1902. 8vo, pp. 519. Batavia, 1902. is. 6d. 1655 Costing (H. J.) Soendasch-Xederduitsch Woordenboek. oplast van het Gouvernement van Nederlandsch-Indie namengesteld. 3 vols. 410. pp. LXVin, 874, (double columns). Batavia, 1879. (publ. 12s.) 8s. Suiidanese-Dutch Dicfionary. 1656 Ophefiing van de Rechtbanken van Omgang en Nieuwegegeling van de Residentiegerechten op Java en Madura. Folio. Boards. Gravenhage, 1898. 6s. 1657 Parkinson (R.) Zur Ethnographic der Ongtong Java-und Tasmand-Inseln, mit einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Marqueen-und Abgarris-Inseln. Roy. 4to, pp. 15. Extract. \Vith 2 plates. Leiden, 1892. 2s. 6d. 1658 Perelaer (IVI. T. H.) De Spoliatie (Wederrechtelijke Tolligening) Gepleegd door de Nederlandsch-Indische Regeering ten Opzichte van het Particulier Landbezit op Jav'a. 8vo, pp. VIII, 312. Rotterdam, 1S84. 4s. 6d. 1659 Piepers CM. C.) De Rechtozekerheid van den Inlander in Ned. Indie, op het Gebied van het Strafrecht. 8vo, pp. 98. Amsterdam, 1900. is. 6d. 1660 Regeeringsalmanak voor Nederlandsch-Indie, 1902. Parts i and 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Batavi^, 1902. 4s. 6d. 1661 Reith (Rev. G. M.) A Padre in Partibus, being Notes and Impressions of a Brief Holiday Tour tlxrough Java, the Eastern Archipelago and Siam. Small 8vo, pp. Vll, 221. Reprint, Singapore, 1897. 2s. 6d. Uncut. 1662 Reizen van Raden Mas Arjo Poerwo Lelono. Part II. 8vo, pp. VI, 204. Batavia, 1866. 2s. The Travels of Raden Mas .Arjo Poerwo Lelono, in Javanese. 1663 Roorda's (Taco) Bloefening van't Javaansch bekeken door H. N. van der Tuick. 8vo, pp. 51. Amsterdam, 1864. 2s. 6d. 1664 Javaansche Brieven, Berigten, Verslagen, Verkoekschriften, Bevel- schriften, Proclamaties, Publicaties, Contracten etc., etc. In Javanese. Roy. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1845. 6s. 1665 Schoch (C. F.) De Heerendiensten op Java en Madura volgens het Regeer- ings-Reglcment van 1854. 8vo, pp. 280. Gravenhage, 1891. 3s. 6d. 1666 Stockdale (J. J.) Sketches, Civil and Military, of the Island of Java and its Immediate Dependencies ; comprising interesting details of Batayia, and authentic particulars of the celebrated Poison Tree. Illustrated with a map of Java and plan of Batavia, from actual Survey. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XIX, 406. London, 1811. 8s. 1667 Java. Sketches, Civil and Military, of the island of Java and its Immediate Dependencies, comprising interesting details of Batavia and authentic particulars of the celebrated Poison Tree. Second ed., with additions. Roy. 8vo, Half bound, pp.450. London, 181 2. 6s. 6d. 1668 Sultan Ibraham. Geschicdenis van Sultan Ibrahim vorst van eirak, uit het ^laleisch in Javaansche Poezy met Javaansch Ivarakter Overge- bragt, voor lerstbeginnenden : door P. P. Roorda van Eysinga. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1843. 4s. 6d. 1669 Tendeloo (H. J. E.) Europeesche Bestuursambtenaren voor Nederlandsch- Indie. 8vo, pp. 47. Leiden, 1900. is. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, London, Vv^C. Java and Javanese. 87 1670 Thorn (Major Wm.) Memoir of the Conquest of Java : with the subsequent operations of the British Forces in the Oriental Archipelago, to which is subjoined, a Statistical and Historical sketch of Java : being the result of observations made in a Tour through the Countrv, with an account of its dependencies. Illustrated bv Pteins, Charts and Maps. 4to, Half calf. pp. XXIV, 369. London,'i8i5. 15s. 1671 Uildricks (F. J. Van) Beelden mit Nederlandsch Indie. With many Illustrations. 8vo, pp. 352. Haarlem, 1893. 65. 1672 Veth (P. J.) Java, Geographisch, Ethnologisch, Historisch. Second Edition. Prepared by J. F. Snelleman and J. F. Nienmever. No. I. Roy. 8vo. pp. 80. With Portrait of the Author, Haarlem," 1895. is. 1673 Vitalis (L.) De Invoering, werking en Gebreken van het stelsel van Kultures of Java. 8vo, pp. XVIII, 150. Zalt-Bommel, 1851. 2S. bd. 1674 Winter (C. F.) and C. F. H. Dumont. Aanteekeningen opae Javaansche Samensprahen (le deel). 8vo, pp. 65. Semarang-Soerabaia, 1905. is. 6d. 1675 Wit (A. de) Java. Facts and Fancies. Vv^ith 160 Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 332. London, 1905. (Publ. 14s net) , 8s. 6d. Clean copy, as new. XL — Malay and Malay Peninsula. 1676 Annandale CU.) and H. C. Robinson. Fasciculi Malayenses. Anthropo- logical and Zoological Results of an Expedition to Perak and the Siamese Malay States, 1901-1902. Anthropology. Part I. 4to, pp. 180. Vs^ith many Illustrations. London, 1903. (Pub, 15s. net) qs. 1677 Atchin en Zigne Betrekkingen tot Nederland Topographisch-Historische Beschrijving door P. J. Veth. Mit een schotskaart van het Rijk Atchin en de naastbij gelegen Nederlandsche Nederzettingen op Sumatra, naar de nieuwste Bronnen se zamen gesteld door Vv'. F. Versteeg. Parts i and 2 only. 8vo. Leiden, 1873. ' 3s. 6d. 1678I Bacl(er (L. de) Bidasari, poeme malais, precede des Traditions poetiques de L'Orient et de L'Occident. 8vo. Half calf. pp. 268. Paris, 1875. 4s. 6d. Nicely bound copy. 1679 Baring-Gould (S.) and C. A. Bamfylde. A History of Sarawak under its Two Vv'hite Rajahs, 1 839-1908. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. pp. XXII, 464. London, 1909. 15s. 1680 Bible. Book of Genesis. In Malay. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 334. Interleaved. Singapore, 1868. , 3s. 6d. Scarce. 1681 — • — New Testament in Malay. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 894. 5s. 1682 — — Da Njoe Testament vo wi Masra en Helpiman Jesus Kristus. 8vo. Calf. pp. 592. Bautzen, 1846. 8s. Negro dialect of Surinam. Binding loose. 1683 Gospelof St. Mark. In Malay. 8vo. Limp cloth. London, n.d. is. 1684 Novum TestamentUBl Malaice : Cura et Sumtibus Societatis, quae Bibliis per omnes Gentes pervulgandis operam dat, emendatiis editum. Roy. 8vo. Leather, gilt. pp. 460. Harlemi, 1S20. 5s. 1685 Malay. New Testament. Edited, with a longT. Cloth, p]). i.)i. Bangkok, 1900. " 165. 1782 Introduction to the Siamese Language (An), consisting of Grammar, English- Siamese Vocabulary, and further Vocabulary arranged under different Subjects. Small 8vo. Half bound, pp. XXXIV, 288. ,0s. Tit]<-p.i„''- niissiiiL.'. 1783 Leonowens (iVIrs. A. H.) The Romance of Siame.se Harejn Life. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 277. Illustrated. London, 1873. £1. los. Nice cop}'. Scarce. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. . Sici^i and Siamese. 93 17S4 Lorgeou (Ed.) Grammaire Siamoise. 8vo. Lithographed, pp. 162 Paris, igo2. 95 1785 Loubere (De La) New Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam. Trans lated out of the French by A. P. Gen. 2 volumes bound in i. Folio. Cloth pp. 260. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1693. £^- 5^ Scarce. Nice copy. 1786 Low (J.) A Grammar of the Thai, or Siamese Language. 4to. Boards pp. 88. Calcutta, 1828. 12s 17S7 Macgregor (Surg.-Major J.) Through the Buffer State, a Record of Recent Travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp XV, 290. Illustrated. London, 1896. 4s Uncut copy^ Binding stained. 178S Michell (E. B.) Siamese-English Dictionary for the Use of Students in both Languages. 8vo. Half calf, pp? XIX, 323. Bangko!^, 1892. 15s. As new. Scarce. 1789 Mouhot (Henri) Voyage dans les Royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, de Laos et autres parties centrales de ITndo-Chine. Relation extraite du Journal et de la Correspondance de I'Auteur, par Ferdinand De Lanoye. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 335. With Map and Illustrations. Paris, 1868. 3s. bd. 1790 Neale (F. A.) Narrative of a Residence at the Capital of the Kingdom of Siam, with a description of the Manners, Custonris, and Laws of the Modem Siamese. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 280. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1852.- ' 25. bd. 1 791 Pallegoix (D. J. Bapt.) Grammatica linguae Thai. Small 4to. Half bound, pp. 241. Bangkok, 1850. " {\. 155. Scarce. 1792 English-Siarnese Vocabulary, enlarged with an Introduction to the Siamese Language and a Supplement. i2m.o. Half calf. pp. 298, 61. Bangkok, 1877. 9s. 1793 Dictionarium linguae Thai sive Siamensis interpretatione Latina Gallica et Anglica illustratum. Folio. Half bound, pp.897. Paris, 1854. i'i- 55- Fine copy. 1794 (Mgr.) Description du Royaume Thai Ou Siam. Comprenant ; la Topographie, Histoire Naturelle, Moeurs et coutumes. Legislation, Commerce, Industrie, Langue, Litterature, Religion, Annales des Thai et precis His- torique de la Mission. Avec carte et gravures. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 488 and 425. Paris, 1854. 125. 1795 Schlegel (G.) Siamese Studies. Supplement to Series II. Volume II of the T'oung Pao. 8vo. pp. VIII, 128. Leiden, 1902. 2s. bd. 1796 Smyth (H. Warrington) Notes of a Journey on the Upper Mekong, Siam. 8vo. Half calf. pp. X, 106. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1905. 3s. Nice copy. 1797 Five Years in Siam. From 1 891 -1896. 2 vols. With Maps and Illustrations. Vol II only. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 337. London, 1898. 3s. bd. 1798 Tachard (G.) Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, Envoyes par le Roy, aux Indes a la Chine, avec leurs Observations Astronomiques, etc., etc. With many Illustrations. i2mo. Calf. pp. 317. Amsterdam, 1689. ■ 12s. 1799 (Pere) Second Voyage du Pere Tachard et des Jesuites, Envoyez par le R03- au Roj'aume de Siam, contenant diverses remarques, d'Histoire, de Physique, de Geographie, and d'Astronomie. 4to. Calf. pp. 416. With Plates. Paris, 1689. ii. I5. iSoo (G.) Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, envo^-es par le Roy, aux Indes et a la Chine. Avec leurs observations astronomiques, etc., etc. With many Illustrations. i2mo. Calf. pp. 227. Amsterdam, 1687. 185. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 94 • XIII. — Tibet and Tibetan. iSoi Alphabetum. Tangutanam sive Tibetanum. Svo, pp. XVI, 138. Rome' 1773. 6s. bd. Raro. 1802 Amrita hridayangashta guhyopadesa tantra. A Tantric work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 10. With ^'ignettcs of Saints. Printed in China. 15s. 6d. 1803 AparJmitayur-jnana mahayana-sutra ('Japs pa tshe dang ye ses dpag tu mcd pa zes lya ba). In Tibetan. Oblong. Boards, pp. 46. With an Illustration. Printed in China, n.d. £1 15s. 1804 Avadana Kalpalata. In Sanskrit, with its Tibetan Version. Now first edited by Sarat Chandra Das, and Pandit H. M. Vidyabhushana. Vol I, fasc. 1-5. Vol II, fasc. 1-5. In 10 Parts. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta (Bibl. Ind.). 1888-1896. . 135- Single parts can be had, price is 6d each. 1805 Baghavana Skyan sarken. Life of the Saints in Manchu and Mongol. Oblong, pp. 60. With a Picture of the " three brothers Yon-po." Printed in Red. i8s. Imperfect. 1806 Behom Pdan 'das Kun rig gi sgrub thabs dkyil 'Khor gyr chho ga dag don. A Buddhist Ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 128. With Vignettes of Deities. Printed in China, n.d. £2. 2s. Large type. 1807 Bharatae Responsa. Tibetice cum Versione Latina ab A. Schiefner edita. 4to. Cloth, pp. 46. St. Petersburg, 1875. 2s. 6d. 1808 Bible. The Gospel of St. Matthew. In Tibetan. Oblong. Cloth, pp. 100. Berlin, n.d. 3s. 1809 St. John in Tibetan. Oblong Svo. Cloth, pp. Si. Berlin, s.a. 2s. 6d. 1 810 New Testament. Acts to Revelations. In Tibetan. Svo. Bound, pp. 3, 104, 4, 347. Berlin, n.d. 4s. 181 1 Gospel of St. John. In Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 120. Berlin, 1880 ? 35. 181 2 New Testament. St. Luke. In Tibetan. Oblong. Cloth, pp. loS. Berlin, n.d. 35. 1S13 Blue Book. Papers relating to Tibet. Folio, pp. X, 314. With a Map. London, 1904. 2s. 6d. 1814 Bonvalot (6.) Across Thibet. Being a Translation of " De Paris au Tonkin a travers le Thibet Inconnu." Translated by C. B. Pitman. With nu- merous Illustrations from Photographs and I'i/Map of Route. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. Cloth. London, 1S91. los. Od. 1815 Btschom-Ldan-Adas, &C. Eine ttibctische Religionsschrift. Oblong, pp. 14. Leipzig, 1835. 2s. 1816 Byang Chhob lam rim Chhung ba. A religious work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 272. With coloured Vignettes of Deities. Printed in Tibet, n.d. £2. 2s. 1S17 Chandoratnakara (The) of Ratnakaraganti. Sanskrit text, with a Tibetan translation. Edited with critical and illustrative notes by G. Huth. Svo. 7)p. 34. Berlin, 1890. is. 1818 Chhos skyong drigs pa Icham sringgi mngon rtogs bskang bsgas bstod bskul dang bchas pa. A Buddhist ritual work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 34. Printed in China, n.d. l6s. 1819 Cooper (T. T.) The Mishmec Hills, an Account of a Journey'- made in an Attempt to penetrate Thibet from Assam to open new Routes for Com- merce. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 270. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1873. is. 6d. 1820 Cordier (P.) Catalogue du Fonds Tibetan de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Deuxi6me Partie only. Index du Botan-Hgyur (Tibetain, 108-179). Roy. Svo, pp. VIII, 402. Paris, 1909. 5s. 6d. As new, uncut. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, Vv^C, Tibet and Tibetan. 95 1822 Dam Chan chos kyi rgyal poi gtor chhog bskang gso bstod bskul dang bchas pa. A Buddhist ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 60. Printed in China, N.D. 155. 1823 Dgra Iha dpang bstod. A Magical Work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 12. Printed in China, n.d. 105. 6d. Large type. 1824 'Dod Khams dbangphyng mang mag zoi rgyal moi sgrub thabs gtor chhog. A Buddhist ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 92. Printed in China, n.d. £1. 15. 1825 Dpal gsang bdag 'Khor to chhen poi mdun bskyed sgrub mchhod kyi ngag *don bya tshui ba. A Magical work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 34. Printed in China, n.d. 17s. 6d. 1826 Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi sgrub thahs zamatog ngan 'don iya tshul go bde bar bsgrigs pa 'jam dpal dngongS rgyan. Magic rituals in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 122. Printed in China. 21s. 1827 Ernouf (le Baron) Cachemire et petit Thibet, d'apres la relation de M. F. Drew. Avec une carte et 11 gravures. 8vo, pp. 333. Paris, 1877. 3s. 1828 Foucaux (E.) Le Religieux Chasse, de la Communaute. Conte Bouddhique. Traduit du Tibetan. 4to. Extract, pp. 17. n.d. 2s. 1829 Francke (H.) Bemerkungen zu Jaschke's Tibetischer Bibel-Ubersetzung. In German. 8vo. pp. 11. Extract. Leipsic, 1897. is. 6d. 1830 Franson (F.) The Religion of Tibet and the True Religion. For English- speaking Tibetans. 8vo, pp. 47. 1897. 15. ()d. 1831 Grunwedel (A.) Mythologie d. Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolie. Fiihrer durch die Lamaistische Sammlung des Fiirsten E. Uchtomskij. With many Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXXV, 244. Leipsic, 1900. ^s. 6d. 1832 Gsang bdag 'Khor lo chhen poi sgrub thabs sa Khams gsum las rvam par rgyal bai 'rdo rgei Ihan po btsegs pa. A Magic ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 52. Printed in China, n.d. 18s. 1833 Hayden (H. H.) The Geology of the Provinces of Tsang and ii in Central Tibet. With Maps and Plates. Roy. 8vo. pp. 80. Calcutta, 1907. 3s. 6d. Memoirs of Geol. Survey of India, Vol. 36, part 2. 1834 ivanoffsky (A.) Tibetskii Terevard " Tazdaniya k'ucheniku." In Russian and Tibetan. Roy. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprint. St. Petersburg. 2s. 1835 Jaeschks (H. S.) Introduction to the Hindi and Urdu Languages for Tibetans. Oblong, pp. 57. Kye-Lang, 1867. 6s. 6d. 1836 Probe aus dem Tibetischen Legendesbuche : die hundert tausend Gesange des Milarespa. With 2 plates. Extract. 8vo. pp. 15. 2s. 183S Erklarung der in Desgodins " Mission du Thibet " vorkommenden tibetischen W^orter und Namen. Extract. 8vo, pp. 7. is. 1839 Kandjur. Oder der Index des Kandjur. Herausgegeben von der Kaiser- lichen Ahademie der Wissenschaften und Bevor-Wortet von I. J. Schmidt. In the Tibetan Language. 4to. Half bound, pp. 215. St. Petersburg, 1845. I2S. Nice copy. 1840 Kanjur. Tibetan IMS. of the three following sections, made from the MS of the Tibetan Kanjur in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris : — Soun^-ata — Dhatoubahoutaka — Parinirvana. By P. E. Foucaux. 4to. Half bound, 85 folios. Paris, 1861. £i- los. See Asiatic Researches, Vol. XX, pp. 472, 473, and 487. 1 841 Fragments Extraits du Kandjour. Traduits du Tibetain par M. Leon Feer. 4to, pp. XIII, 577. Paris, 1883. 15s. Annales du Musee Gusmet, Tome V. As new. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W'.C. g6 Tibet and Tibetan. 1843 Khoumasim bodisadba Nogon-Daara-eke Tsagan-Daara ekeun mandagalo- rosibe. Pravers to the Goddess Tara in Mongol. Oblong Boards, pp. 68. With numero'-s striking illustrations of Tara's miracles. Printed in red. l\. 15s. 1544 Knight (Capt.) Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. Rojr. Svo. Cloth, pp. 385. '\\ith Coloured Plates, Illustrations and Appendices. London, 1863. * 5s. Shabby copy. 1545 Kuhn (E.) Tibet und Hinterindien. Svo, pp. 7. Extract. Leipzig, 1883. IS. 1846 Lacouperie (Terrien de) Beginnings of \Vriting in and around Tibet. With three double-page plates. 8vo, pp. 68. Extract. London, 1885. 5s. 1S47 Landor (A. H. Savage) In the Forbidden Land. An Account of a Journey in libet. Capture by the Tibetan Authorities, Imprisonment, Torture and ultimate Release. Popular Edition. With 17 Illustrations. Svo. Cloth, pp. 302. London, 1904. is. 6d. M ll'-W. 1648 Lesdain (Comte de) Voyage au Thibet par la Mongolie de Pekin aux Indes. i2mo, pp. II, 346. W'ith 27 Plates, Portraits and a Map. Paris, 1908. 35. (>d. As new, uncut. 1849 Lewin (T. H.) Progressive Colloquial Exercises in the Lushai Dialect of the " Dzo " or Kuki Language. With Vocabularies and Popular Tales (Notated). 4to. Cloth, pp. go, XXX. Calcutta, 1874. 15s. Scarce. 1850 Lo ma gyon mai mngon rtogs. A m^'stic work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 2. Printed in China, n.d. 5s. 1S51 IVIagic. A Collection of Tibetan Magical Books. Oblong, pp. 100. Illus- trated. Printed in China, n.d. iSs. 1852 Matisagara. Rje btsun ma phyag 'tshal ner gehig gi iha tshogs la gsol ha debs pa bio gros rgza mishoi mdzod pa. A I'antric work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 9. Printed in China, n.d. ios. 6d. 1853 Mgon dkar yid bzin nor bei sgrub thabs. A Buddhist ritual in Tibetan Oblong, pp. 12. Printed in China, n.d. los. 6d. 1S54 Minayeff (J.) Spasenie pa Ucheniyu Pazdnaiishikh Buddistov. In Tibetan and Russian. Roy. 8vo, pp. 70. Reprint. St. Petersburg, n.d. 2.9. '^^55 Myur mdzad ye ses Kyi mgon po chos rgyal iha mo rnam sras rnams Kyi bskang rdzas dang gtor nna phyogs gchig tu byin ba bla ba byed tshul nag 'Gros sa bkod pa. A Magic ritual. In Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 2. Printed in Cliina, n.d. ^s. Od, 1856 IVIyur mdzad ye ses kyi mgon po phyag drug pai gtor chhog bskang gso chha iag dan bchas pa. A Buddhist ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 82. I'rinted in China, n.d. i8s. 1837 Nam mkhai rnal 'byor padma svar ye dagsmang rol pai sai pai zab chhos las, rje btsun sed Ided nags sgrol la bthen pai, chhar 'bebs lya tshul bdud rtsii bum bzang. A magic ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 34. Printed in China, n.d. I 6s. 185S Naihsargikaprayaccittikadharmas. Die tibetische Version Buddhistisches Siihnregehvaus dem Pratimokshasutram. Mit kritischen Anmerkungcn herau.sgegeben, iibersetzt, mit dcr Pali- u. einer Chinesischen Fassung, sowie mit dem Suttavibhanga verglichen von Dr. G. Huth. Roy. Svo. pp. 25. Strassburg, 1891. 2s. 1859 Nagarjuna's " Friendly Epistle." B9es Pai Phrin Yig. Tibetan Version. Translated by H. WenzeJ. Roy. Svo, pp. 32. Extract. 3s. i860 Nagarjuna. She-Rab Dong-Bu, or Prajny a Danda. In Tibetan. Edited by Sri S. C. Das. Svo, pp. 26. Darjelling, 1896. is. 6d. 1 861 Ngar song sbyang ba rgynd. A magic work in Tibetan. Thick oblong. With \ign(ttes of Deities. Printed in Tibet, n.d. £1. los. 18G2 Pag-Sam Thi Sin, Appendix to. Tibetan Text. Now first edited by Sarat Chandra Das. Fasc. I-IV. Roy. Svo. Calcutta (Bibl. Ind.), 1 890-1 894. 6s. 6d. SingU^ parts can be had separateKv price is 6d each. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gre.\t Russell Street, London, W.C. Tibet and Tibetan. 97 1863 'Phags pa thugs rje chhen po kha-sarpanii sgrub thabs rjes grang bya tshul las tshogs Kyi rim ba gzan, etc. A Buddhist ritual. Oblong, pp. 60. Printed in Tibet, n.d. l6s. 18C4 Prajna-paramita hridaya SUtra. L'Essence de la Science transcendante en trois langues, tibetain, Sanskrit, mongol, par H. L. Feer. Oblong folio, pp. 8. Paris, 1866. 6s. Scarce. Lithographed by the author. 1865 The same. Another copy. 6s. 1866 Pratyangira mantra bhirva chakra. A Tantric work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 32. Printed in China, n.d. £1. is- Large type. 18G7 (Khro-bo phyer bzlog pa ngan sngags Kyi 'Khor lo). A Magic work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 28. Printed in China, n.d. £1. is. Large type. 1868 Pratimoksha Sutra, ou le Traite d'Emancipation. Selon la Version Tibetaine avec Notes et Extraits du Dulva (Vinaya). Traduit par W. Woodville Rockhill. Roy, 8vo, pp. 59. Paris, 1884. 4s. 6d. 1869 Pratt (A. E.) To the Snows of Thibet through China. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVm, 268. With Illustrations and a Map. London, 1892. 9s. Nice copy. 1870 Prea Bondace. P. Sassena P. Chea Ammechas suor No Beng Chea Prambey Can. In Romanised Tibetan. lamo, pp. 194. Hongkong, 1892. 2s. 6d. 1 871 Prinsep (H. T.) Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia : their Social and Political Condition, and the Religion of Boodh as there existing. Second Ed. i2mo. Cloth, pp. VII, 178. London, 1852. 4s. 6d. Scarce. With map. 1872 Prschewalski (A. von) Reisen in Tibet und am Oberen Lauf des Gelben Flusses in den Jaliren, 1879-80, aus dem Russischen frei in das Deutsche Ubertragen und mit Anmerkungen versehen. 8vo, pp. XIV, 281. With a Map and Illustrations. Jena, 1884. 4s. 6d. Uncut copy. 1873 Rdo rje 'figs Vyed dang chhos skyongs tshogs Kyi gtang dag gmon lam sis Vyod mans. A religious ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 22. Printed in Cliina, N.D. los. 6d. 1874 Rgya Tch'er Rol Pa. Ou Developpement des Jeux, contenant L'Histoire au Bouddha Cakya-Mouni. Traduit sur la Version Tibetaine au Bhakhgyour et revu sur L'Original Sanskrit (Lalativistara) par Ph. Ed. Foucaux. Deuxieme Partie onl}-. Traduction Frangaise. 4to. Half morocco, pp. LVV, 425. With VI Plates. Paris, 1848. i8s. Fine copy. 1S75 Rgyalpo chhen po rmam thos sras lam chod gtor 'bul pai rim ba Angos grub Kyi bang mdzod. A Buddhist religious ritual. In Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 42. Printed in China, n.d. ^i. 187G Rgyal-po chhen-po sku Inga la gsol mchhod 'bul tshul 'phrin las' gags med rbogli Skra dlyangs. A magic ritual in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 82. Printed in China, n.d. i8s. 1877 Rgyal po chhen po sku Inga la gsol mchhod 'bul tshul 'phrin las 'gags med rdo rje Sgra dlyangs. A work on mj^stical philosophy in Tibetan. Oblong pp. 82. Printed in China, n.d. £1. 5s, 1878 Rje btsun Sgroldkar ma. A Tract on the Worship of the White Tara. In Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 8. Printed in China. 6s. 6d. 1879 Rijnhart (S. C.) With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple : Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Border, and of a Journey into the Far Interior. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 406. Illustrated. London, 1902. 4s. 6d. 1880 Rockhill (W. W.) Notes on Ethnology of Tibet : based on the Collections in the U.S. National Museum. 8vo. pp. 82. With 52 Plates. Extract. Washington, 1895. 9s. 1 88 1 Tibetan Buddhist Birth-Stories : Extracts and Translations from the Kandjur. 8vo. pp. 14. Extract. Washington, n.d. 3s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 98 Tibet and Tibetan. 1882 Rtag longs SOgS reu mlg. Astronomical Tables followed jby similar texts. In Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 452. Printed in China, N.D, l-^. 3s. 1S83 Sandberg (G.) Handbook of Colloquial Tibetan. A Practical Guide to the Language of Central Thibet. 3 Parts bound in i. 8vo. Cloth, pp. VIII, 371. Calcutta, 1894. los. 6d. 1884 and A. W. Heyde. Tibetan-English Dictionary. With Sanskrit Synonyms. By Sarat Chandra Das. 4to. Cloth, pp. 1353 Calcutta, 1902. i^ i8s. 1885 Schiefner (A.) Erganzungen und Berichtigungen zu Schmidt's Ausgabe des Dsanglun. 4to, pp. 94. St. Petersburg, 1852. 5s. J 886 . Bericht iiber eine Reise nach England im Sommer, 1863. 8vo. pp. 8. Reprint, S. Petersburg, 1863. is. Being Tibetan researches in the Libraries of London and Oxford. 1887 Uber Vasubandhu's Gathasamgraha. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprint. Peters- burgh, 1878. 2S. t>d. Tibetan. 1889 Uber das Bonpo-Sutra : " Das Weisse Naga-Hunderttausend." Roy. 4to, pp. IV, 86. Reprint, St. Petersburg, 1880. 5s. jggo Carminis Indici " Vimalapra9nottararatnamala." Versio 'Tibetica, ab A. Schiefner edita. 4to, pp. 24. St. Petersburg, 1858. ^s. Tibetan text, with German translation. i8gi Indische Kiinstleranekdoten. Roy. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprint. St. Peters- burg, 1875. IS. bd. Translated from the Kandjur. 1892 Uber Pluralbezeichnungen im Tibetischen. 4to, pp. 7. St. Peters- burgh, 1877. IS. 6(i. 1893 Bharatae responsa. Tibetice cum Versione Latina. 4to, pp. IV, 24. Extract. St. Petersburg, 1875. 3s. 1894 Schlagintweit (E. de) Le Bouddhisme de Tibet, precede d'un resume des precedents systemes Bouddhiques dans ITnde. Traduit de I'Anglais. Avec planches. 4to, pp. XXXVIII, 292. Paris, 1881. 12s. Annales du Musee Guimet, Tome IIL As new. J895 Buddhism in Tibet. Illustrated by literary Documents and Objects of Religious Worship. With an account of the Buddhist Systems preceding it in India. With Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 403. Leipzig and London. 1863. i8s. Without the atlas. Good copy. Uncut. 1896 Schmidt (T. T.) Grammatik der Tibetischen Sprache. With Appendix. 4to. Half bound, pp. XV, 320. St. Petersburg, 1839. 8s. 1897 (J. J.) Tibetisch-Deutsches Worterbuch, nebst deutschem Wort- register. 4to. Half Calf. pp. XI, 784. St. Petersburg, 184X. /i 5s. 1898 The same. Another copy. £1 is. 1899 Sher-Phyn, or Exposition of the Metaphysical Dogmas current among the Buddhists of the Maha'yana School, expounded in a Series of Dialogues between Sakya Sinha and Subhiiti. Being a Tibetan translation of the Sata Sahas'rika Prajna Paramita. Edited by P. Ghosha. Vol I, fas. 1-5. Vol II, fas. I. Vol III, fas. 1-6. In 14 parts. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta (Bibl. Ind.), 1888-1900. I2s. bd. Single parts can be had, price is 6d each. 1900 Smon-Lam-btschu-tham-abyor-bal-Smon-bsngo-ba. Ein Tiibetisches Gebet- buch. Long 8vo, pp. 6. Leipsic, 1835. 35. 6d. 190X Sherring (C. A.) Western Tibet and the British Borderland. The Sacred Country of Hindus and Buddhists, with an Account of the Government, Religion, and Customs of its People, with a Chapter by T. G. Longstaff, describing an attempt to Climb Gurla Mandhata. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 376. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1906. los. 1902 Tathagatoshnisha-sita-tapatre uparajita maha-pratyangiri parama-siddha nama dharani. A Magic work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 64. Printed in Chma. 15s. 6d. LUZAC &. CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Tibet and Tibetan. 99 1903 Thabs mkhas thugs rje ma. A Buddhist religious work in Tibetan. Oblong, pp. 12. Printed in China, n.d. ys. 6d. 1904 Thomas (F. W.) Deux GDllections Sanscrites ct Tibetaines. Roy. 8vo, pp. 42. Extract. Louvain, 1903. 2s. 1905 Turner (S.) Ambassade au Thibet ct au Boutan, contenant de.s Details tres-curieux sur les Moeurs, la Religion, les Productions et le Commerce du Thibet, du Boutan ct des Etats Voisins ; et une Notice sur les Evenemens qnis'y sont passes jusqu'en 1793 ; traduit de I'Anglais avcc des notes, par J. Castera. 2 vohuTies, Svo. Half calf. Avcc ime Collection de 15 Planches, dessinees sur les lieux, et Gravees en taille douce par Tardieu I'aine. Paris, 1800. 8s. Atlas missing. 1906 " Vimalapragnottararatnamala." Carminis Indici Versio Tibetica ab Antonio Schiefner Edita. (Academiae Jenensi Saecularia Tcrtia Diebus XV, XVI. XVII, Aug. Anni 1858 celebranda gratulatur Academia Caesarea Scientiarum Petropolitana). 4to. pp. 26. St. Petersburg, 1858. 25. igoGa The same. 4to. Boards, pp. 26. St. Petersburg, 1858. 25. 6d. 1907 Waddell (L. A.) Lhasa and its Mysteries, with a Record of the Expedition of 1903-1904. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXir, 530. With 200 Illustrations and Maps. London, 1905. los. 6d. 1908 Walker (J. T.) The Lu River of Tibet : Is it the Source of the Irawadi or the Sahvin. Extract. 8vo, pp. 24. With a Map. London, 1887. 25. 6d. 1909 Weise und der Thor (der). 'Aus dem Tibetischen ubersetzt und mit dem Original texte herausgegeben von I. J. Schmidt. 2 vols. 4to. St. Peters- burg, 1845. 135. 1910 Yig kur nam shag. A Collection of Letters, both official and private, and illustrating the different forms of correspondence used in Tibet. Ed. by Rai Sarat Chandra Das. In Tibetan. Roy. 8vo, pp. XII, 88. Calcutta. 1901. li-. 6d. XIV.— Ural-Altaic igii Abreu (M. G. V.) De L'Origine Probable des Touhhares et leurs Migrations a travers L'Asio. Roy. Svo, pp. 29. Extract. With Plate. Lisbonne, 1880. IS. ed. 1912 Abulghasi Bahadur Chani Historia Mongolorum etTatarorum nunc primum tartarice edita Auctoritate et Manilicentia Illustrissimi Comitis N. de Ro- manzoff. Folio, pp. XI, 210. Casani, 1825. ^i. los. 1 91 3 Ali-Schir. Extraits D'Ali-Schir (Texte Turk Oriental) a I'usage des Eleves de L'Ecole Royale et Speciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Svo, pp. 115. Paris, 1841. 3s. 6(/. Being Part I. of Chrr-stomathies Orientales par Quatremere. 1914 Bakhtyar Namah. Notice et Extrait de la version Tunque du Bakhtiar- Nameh, d'apres le MS. en Caracteres Ouigours. Par M. A. Jaubert. Svo, pp. 24. Reprint, Paris, 1827. 25. Gd. 1915 Bang (W.) Uber die Koktiirkische Ihschrift auf der Siidseite des Kill Tagin-Denkmals. Svo, pp. 20. Leipzig, 1896. 2s. iqiG Les Langues Ouralo-Alta'iques et ITmportance de leur Etude pour celle des Langues Indo-Germaniques. Svo, pp. 19. Brussels, 1893. 25. 1917 Barbier de Meynard (A. C.) L'ours et le Voleur. Comedie en dialecte Turc Azere. Publics sur le texte original et accompagnee d'une traduction. Roy. Svo. pp. T13. Extract. Paris, 1889. 6.9. Text and French translation on opposite pages. 1 91 8 Barker (W. B.) Short Historical Account of the Crimea from the earliest Ages, and during the Russian Occupation. Compiled from the best Authorities. Svo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 240. With Title-page in Colours, Tinted Plates and a Map. Hertford, 1855. 3.s-. Od. Out of print. 1919 Beauvois (M. E.) Le Mouvement litteraire en Finlande dans les dix dernieres Annees. Extract. Svo, pp. 10. Paris, 1879. 15. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. lOo Ural-Altaic. 1920 Beschreibung aller Nationen des russischen Reichs, ihrer Lebensart, Reli gion, Gebrauche, Wohnungen, Kleitungen und iibrigen Merkwiirdigkeiten Three parts in one. 4to. Boards, pp. 396. St. Petersburg, 1776-77. 8s. 1 92 1 Bible in Calrnouck Language. Contains Gospels of St. Matthew and John, and also the Acts of the Apostles. Long 8vo. Half bound. St. Peters- burg, N.D. 45. 6d. 1922 Song of Solomon in Mongolian. 4to. Limp cover, pp.5. Khodon, 1836. " 5^^- (>d- 1923 New Test, in the " Nogairie," or language of the Russian Tartars. 8vo. Cloth. Astrakhan, 1820. . 9^. A Languagr spoken in district North of the Volga, at Astrakhan, and some districts between the Black Sea and the Caspian. 1924 Mogholian. Evangelium St. Mathaei in Linguam Calmucco-Mongoli- cam. Translatum ab T. J. Schmidt. Cura ct studio Societatis Biblicae Ruthenicae T^'pis impressum. 4to. Bound. Petropoli, 181 5. 4s. 1925 The Gospel of St. Luke. In classical Mongolian. Roy. 8vo, pp. 91. Shanghai, 1900. 5s. 1926 Mogholian. Calmuc Translation of the Books Matthew, John, and Acts. Oblong folio. Bound, pp. 137. (Petrop, 181 5 ?) 9s. Translated tjy T. J. Schmidt. Very scarce. 1927 Gospel of St. Matthew in Jagatai Turkish. i2mo. Leather, pp. 144. London, 1884. is. bd. 192S Bimbuieff (R.) Russian and Mongolian Vocabulary of the Chalcha Dialect. 8vo, pp. 139 and IV. Troitzkosaosk, 1910. 3s. 1929 Boiler (Professor) Die Objectiy-conjugation in den finnischen sprachen. Roy. 8vo, Extract, pp. 73, 1855. is. 6d. 1930 BonvalOt (G.) En Asie centrale, du Kohistan a laCaspienne. Enrichi d'un carte et de gravures. 8vo. pp. 295. Paris, 1S85. 3s. 1931 Bopp (F.) Uber das Albanesische in seinen verwan Itschaftlichen Bezie- hungen. 4to, pp. 92. Reprint. Berlin, 1855. 2s. 1932 Die Kaukasischen Glicder des indoeuropaischcn Sprachstammes. 4to, pp. 83. Berlin, 1S47. 2s. 6d. 1933 Cantacasin (T. S.) Petit TraietedeL'Origine des Turcqz. Publie ct Annot6 par Ch. Schefer. i2mo, pp. LXXVII, 403. Paris, 1896. 4s. 6d. 1934 Castren (Wl. A.) Vom Einflusse des Accents in der Lappliindischen Sprache. 4to, pp. 44. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1845. 2s. 6d. 1935 Versuch einer Koibalischen und Karagassischen Sprachlehre nebst Worterverzicchnisscn aus den Tatarischcn Mundarten des Minussinschen Kreises. Roy 8vo, pp. XIX, 210. St. Petersburg, 1857. 3s. I935<3^ Versuch eineV Jenissei-Ostja-Kischen und Kottischen Sprachlehre nebst Worterverzeichnissen aus den Gcnannten Sprachen. 8vo, pp.'XIX, 261. St. Petersburg, 1858. 2s. 6d. 1936 Versuch cincr Burjatisclicn Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Wortcrver- zeichness. Herausgegehcn von A. Schiefner. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. XV, 241. St. Petersburg, 1857. 5s. 6d. Bonnd np with Cirundziige einer Tungusischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzemJWortervcrzeichness by the same author, pp. 210. St. Petersburg;. 1856. 1937 Chavannes (Ed.) Documents sur lesFou-kiue(Turcs)Occidcntaux. Avcc une carte. 410, pp. 378. St. Petersburg, 1903. 7s. 6d. 1938 Chwolson (D.) Syrisch-Nestorianische Grabinschriften aus semirjet.schie, nebst einer Beilage : Uber das Tiirkische Sprachmaterial diesen Grabin- schriften von Dr. W. Radloff, mit drei Phototj^iischen Tafeln und einer ebensolchen von Prof. Dr. Jul. Euting ausgearbeitelon Schrifttafel. 4to, pp. 163. St. Petersburg, 1890. los. 6d. 1939 Curtin (J.) The Mongols in Ru.s.sia. With Map. Svo. Cloth, pp. XX, 481. London, 1908. 8s. 6d. As new. 1940 Cust (R. N.) The Languages Spoken in the Zarafshan Valley in Russian Turkistan. Extract. Svo, pp. 6. London, 1888. is. » LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Ural-Altaic. loi 1942 Charencey (H. de) Des affinites des langues transgangetiques avec les lan- gues du Caucase. 8vo, pp. 14. Halle a/s, 1864. 15. 6rf. 1943 bonner (0.) Das Personal Pronornen in den Altaischen Sprachen. I : die Finnischcn Sprachen. Svo, pp. 56. Berlin, 1865. 2s. 1944 Dutemple (E.) Les Kadjars. Vie de Nasser ed-din Chah. With a Portrait. Roy. Svo, pp. 71. Paris, 1873. is. 6d. 1945 Emir-I-Pasewary. Die Gedichtsanimhmg des Emir-i-Pasewary, in Ver- bindung mit Mirza Muhammed Schaf3^ Herausgegeben von B. Ddrn. Roy. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1866. 35. 6d. Beitrage ziir Kenntniss der Jranischen Sprachen. 1946 GabelentZ (H. C. v. d.) Gnmdziige der Syrjanischen Grammatik. Roy. Svo, pp. IV, 75. Altenburg, 1841. 2s. 6d. 1947 Giganov (Rev. J.) Grammar of the Tartar Language, in Russian. 4to. Boards. St.' Petersburg, 1801. 5s. 6d. 1948 Giorgia. Dottrina Cristiana per uso delle Missioni della Giorgia, dedicata Air Immacolota Concezione della Madre di Dio. Maria Sempre Vergine. Tradotta dalla Lingua Italiana in Lingua Civile Giorgiana, da David Tlukaanti Giorgiano. 8vd. pp. 368. Rome, 1741. 10s. In Georgian. 1949 Haxthausen (Baron von) Transcaucasia. Sketches of the Nations and Races between the Black Sea and the Caspian. With Illustrations by Graeb, and Map. Roy. Svo. Cloth pp. 448. London, 1854. 6s. 6d. 1950 Holderness (Mary) Notes relating to the Manners and Customs of theCrim Tartars. Written during a four years' Residence among that people. With coloured Plates. i2mo. Boards, pp. VI, 168. London, 1821. 3s. 6d. Biiiding broken. 1951 Holmes (W. R.) Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian. Descriptive and Pictorial. Svo. Cloth, pp. XII, 412. London, 1845. 4s. 6d. 1952 Ivanovski, Materialui dla istorii inorodtsev Yugo-Zapadnavo Kitaia (Yun- Nan, Gui-Tshjou, si Tshuan i otchasti Khu Guan). Tome I, Part II. Svo, pp. 123, and 7 Plates. St. Petersburg, 1887. 3s. 1953 Kaluzniacki (E.) Beitrage zur Alteren Gehimschrift der Slaven. Svo. pp. 22. Extract. Vienna, 18S3. is. 1954 Katanoff (N.) Die aus dem Russischen entlehnten Fremdworter des Sagai- Dialectes. Extract. Svo, pp. 36. 1887. 2s. 6d. 1955 Kellgren (H.) Die Grundziige der finnischen Sprache mit Riicksicht auf den Ural- Altaischen Sprachstamm. Svo, pp. 97. Berlin, 1S47. 3s. 1956 Klaproth,(J.) Memoire dans lequel ou prouve I'identitedesOssetes, peuplede du Caucase, les Alains du Moyen Age. Svo. Extract. Half bound, pp. 115. With Map and Tables. Paris, 1822. 5s. Bound up with the same author's Observations sur la Carte de I'Asie, Svo, pp. 27. Paris 1826. 1957 Kochstrom (V. R.) Kurze Grammatik der Finnischcn Sprache, nach den Schwedischen bearbeitet von K. Suomalainen. i2mo, pp. So. Helsing- fors, 1876. IS. 6d. 1958 Kudatu Bilik (Das) des Jusuf Chass-Hadschib aus Balasagun. Part II. Text und Ubersetzung nach den Handschritfen von Wien und Kairo, herausgegeben von Dr. W. Radloff. I. Lieferung. p. 2-95, du Wiener Handschrift. 4to, pp. XXIV, 228. St Petersburg, 1900. lis. ig^g des Jusuf Chass-Hadschib aus Balasagun. Part I. Der Text in Transcription herausgegeben von Dr. W. Radloff. 4to, pp. XCIII, 252. With a Plate and two Tables. St. Peter.sburg, 1891. 13s. 6d. i960 Loewe (Dr. L.) Dictionary of the Circassian Language. In Two Parts, English-Circassian-Turkish and Circassian-English-Turkish. Containing all the most necessary words for the Traveller, Soldier and Sailor. With pronunciation of each word in English Character. Svo, pp. 13, CLXXVII. London, 1854. 5s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great . Russell Street, London, W.C. I02 Ural- Altaic. I9^>2 Lenormant (Fr.) Les Principes de Comparaison de I'accadien et des langues Touraniennes. Response a line Critique. Roy. 8vo, pp. 24. Paris, 1875. IS. f)rf. I0'')3 Loewe (Dr. L.) Dictionary of the Circassian Language. In Two Parts. English-Circassian-Turkish and Circassian-English-Turkish. Containing the most necessary Words for the Traveller, Soldier and Sailor. With exact Pronunciation of each word in the English Character. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 4, CLXXVII. London, 1854. '^^• 1964 Longworth (J. A.) A Year among the Circassians. 2 volumes. Cloth. Illustrated. London, 1840. lo.v. Ctd. igf)^ Makas (H.) Kurdische Studicn, i. Probe des Dialektes von Diarbekir. 2. Ein Gedicht aus Gawar. 3. Jczidengebetc. Roy, 8vo, pp. VTL 54- Hei- delberg, 1900. ^s. I9')() Memoirof a Map of the Countries comprehended betweeif the Black Sea and the Caspian. With an account of the Caucasian nations, and vocabularies of their Languages. 4to. Full calf. pp. 80. London, 1888. 8s. 1967 MiklOSich (Fr.) Die Negation in den Slavischen Sprachen. 4 to, pp. 33. Vienna, 1869. is. 1968 Mongolische Marchen. — Erzahhmg aus der Sammhing Ardschi Bordschi ein Seitenstiich zum Gottesgericht in Tristan und Lsolde. Mongolisch und Deutsch nebst dem Bruchstuck aus Tristan und Isolde. Herausgege- ben von B. Jiilg. Roy. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 37. Innsbruck, 1867. 4s. Gd. 1969 Morrison (M. A.) The Geographical Distribution of the Modern Turki Lan- guages. With a Map. 8vo, pp. 18. Extract. London, 1886. 2s. 1970 O'Donovan (E.) The Merv Oasis. Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian, during the years 1879-80-81, including Five Months Residence among the Tekkes of Merv. With Portrait, Maps and Facsimiles of State Documents. In 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XX, 502 ; XIV, 500. London, 1882. (Pub. £1. i6s.) 12s. jgjoa The same. Another copjr. 8s. Binding shabby. 1971 Ostroumoff (N.) Tartar-Russian Dictionary. T2mo. Boards, pp. IV, 244. Kazan, 1892. 4s. 1972 (N. P.) Etymology of the Sartian Language. 8vo, pp. 112. Tash- kend, 1910. 4s. Gd. In Rnssi.'ui. 1973 Literary Specimen of the Modern Snrtian Dialect. i2mo, pp. 20. Tashkend, 1910. is. RipriiU from a native journal in Turkestan. 1974 Patkanov (S.) Die Irtysch-Ostjaken und ihrc volkspoesie. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. With Plates and Map. St. Petersburg, 1 897-1 900. 13s. Contents: Teil I.--Ethiiographiscli-Statistisclie iibersicht. Ti-il II. — Ostjakische. Texte mit deutscher und russischen iibersetzinig nebst Erlaiiterungen. 1975 Pavie (M. T.) Litteratur Orientale : — Moudonri le Chasseur, Legende Tar- tare. 8vo, pp. 18. Extract. Hudrymenos (Wl.) La Savoie depuis I'annexion Forces Productives du sol et Richcsses Minerales du sous-sol-Les Mines des Hurtieres. 8vo. pp. 46. Extract. The two parts bound in one volume. is. 6d. 1976 Radloff (W.) Dialect der Kora-Kirgisen. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 26, 599. St. Petersburg, 1885. 6s. Gd. In russian. I'roben dor Volks litteratur der Niirdliilien Turkiscliin St.'inime Theil V. 1977 Die Alt-Ttirkischen In.schriften du Mongolei. Fasc. II. Die Denk- miiler von Koscho-Zaidam. Roy. 8vo, pp. from 83-171. St. Peters- burgh, 1894. - 2s. Gd. 1978 Vcrsuch eines Worterbuches der Tiirk-Dialekte. Bd. I to Band 4, zweite Lieferung. (Lieferungen, 1-20). 4to. St. Petersburg, 1888- 1906, £2. 17s. Gd. 1979 (Dr. W.) Das Ti'irkische Sprachniaterial des Codex Comanicus. Manu- script der Bibliolhck der Marcus-Kirclie in Vencdig. Nach der Ausgabedes Grafen Kuhn. (Budapest, 1880.) 4 to, pp. 152. St. Petersburg, 1887. 3S. Gd. Ll'ZAC & CO., 46, Great Russf.ll Street, Lodnon, Vx'^.C. Ural-Altaic. 103 19S0 ',(^') ^^^'LitT die Sprachf dcr Tschaktschen uiid ihr Vcrhaltniss zum Korjakischcn. 410, pp. 59. St. Petersburg, 1861. 25. 1981 (Dr. W.) Proben dcr Volks literatur der Ti'irkischen Stamme Sud- Sibiriens : — I. Theil., Die Dialekte des eigentlichen Altai, der Altaicr, Teleulcn.Lebed- ■ Tataren, Schoren und Sojonen. i. Abteilung, Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. Svo, pp. XXIV, 420. St. Petersburg. 1866. 4s. 6^. 2te Abteilung, uebersctzung. Roy. 8vo, pp. XVi, 434. St. Petersburg, 1866. 5s. 6d. II. Theil., Die Abakan Dialekte (Der Sagaische Koibalische Katschin- zische). Der Kysyl-Dialekt uikI dcr Tscholym Dialect (Kiiarik). i. Abteilung. Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. 8vo, pp. XXI, 720. St. Petersburg, 1868. 7.9. 2te Abteilung. Uebersctzung. Roy. Svo, pp. XII, 720. St. Peters- burg, 1868. gs. bd. III. Theil., Kirgisischc Mundarten. i. Abteilung, Proben der Volks- literatur. Roy, Svo, pp. XXVI, 776. St. Petersburg, 1870. 75. bd. 2te Abteilung, Uebersetzung. Roy. Svo, pp. XXVII, 856. St. Peters- burg, 1870. 8s. IV. Theil., Die Mundarten der Barabiner, Taraer Toboler, und Tiimeni- schen Tataren. I. Abteilung, Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. Svo, pp. XV, 411. St. Petersburg, 1872. 45. bd. II. Abteilung, Uebersetzung. Ro}^ Svo, pp. XVI, 512. St. Petersburg, 1872. 7s. 1981a Proben der Volksliteratur der Nordlichen Tiirkischen Stamme : — V. Theil, Dialekt der Kara- Kirgi sen. I. Abteilung. Proben der Volks- literatur. XXVI, 599. St Petersburg, 1885. 6s. II. Abteilung. Uebersetzung. , Roy. Svo, pp. XXVIII, 603. St. Peters- burg, 1885. 8s. VI. Theil, Dialekt der Tarantschi. I. Abteilung. Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. Svo, pp. VIII, 211. St. Petersburg, 1886. 3s. II. Abteilung. Uebersetzung. Roy. Svo, pp. VI, 272. St. Peters- burg, 1 886. 4s. VII. Theil, Die Mundarten der Krym. I. Abteilung. Proben der Volks- literatur. Roy. Svo, pp. 527, 408. St. Petersburg, 1S96. 19s. VIII. Theil. Mundarten der Osmanen, Gesammelt und uebersetzt v. Dr. Ignaz Kiinos. I. Abteilung. Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. Svo, pp. XLII, 5S8. St. Petersb.. 1899. 15s. IX. Theil. Mundarten der Urianchaicr (Sojoneii) Alakan-Tataren und Karagassen. Texte gesammelt und uebersetzt von N. Th. Katanoft" Abteilung. I. Proben der Volksliteratur. Roy. Svo, pp. XXXII, 668 ; XLVIII. St. Petersburg, 1907. lis. Abteilung 2. Uebensetzung. XXV, 658. St. Petersb., 1907. los. X. Theil, Mundarten der Bessarabischen Gagausen, Gesammelt und uebersetzt von V. Moschkoff. Abteilung I. Text und Worterbuch. Roy. Svo, pp. XXXII, 343, 23, 114. St. Petersburg, 1904. 6s. 6d. Abteilung 2, Uebersetzung. Roy. Svo, pp. X, 346. St. Petersburg, 1904. 5s. 1982 Rosen (6.) Ossetiche Sprachlehre nebst ciner Abhandlung iiber das Mingre- lische, Suanische und Abchasische. 4to. Boards, pp. 84. Detmold, 1846. 55. 1983 Scheibaniade (bie). Ein ozbegisches Heldengedicht in 76 Ge.saiigen. Von Prinz Mohamnicd Salih aus Charezm. Text, iibcrsetzung und notcn Von H. Vambery. Roy. Svo. Half bound, pp. 468. Vienna, 1885. 17s. 19S4 Schiefner (A.) Uber Baron Gerhard von Maydell's Jukagirische Sprach- proben. Roy. Svo, pp. 27. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1S71. 2S. 6d. 1585 Baron Gerhard von Maydell's Tungusischc Sprachprobcn. Mit Worterveizeichniss. Roy. Svo, pp. 55. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1874. 2s. 6d. ig86 Tungusischc MisccUcn. Roy. Svo, pp. ij, Reprint. St. Peters- burg, 1874. 15. 6d. igSy Ossetische Spnichwortcr. 2 Parts. Svo, pp. 34. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1862. is. 6d. Ill Ossetian and (icnnan. LUZAC Sc CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 104 Ural-Altaic. igSS Ossetische Texlc. 8vo, pp. 40. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1863. 25. bd. In Ossetian and Gorman. 1989 Aiisfiihrlicher Bericht iiber Baron P. v. Uslar's Kurkanische Stiidien. 4to, pp. IV, 200. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1871. 3s. rggo Awarische Texte, hcrausgegeben von A. Schiefner. 4to, pp. L, 113. St. Petersburg, 1873. 3s. 6rf. Curious and valuable. iggi Uber Baron Uslar's neuere linguistische Forscliungen. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1863. is. 1992 Awarische Teste. Hcrausgegeben von A. S. 4to, pp. L, 113. Re- print. St. Petersburg, 1873. 3s. 6d. 1993 Ausfiihrlicher Bericht iiber des Generals Baron Peter von Uslar, Abchasische Studien. 4to, pp. 61. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1863. 3s. A Notice on one of the most important and well-known of the Caucasian languages. 199^ _ Ausfiihrlicher Bericht iiber Baron P. v. Uslar's Kiirmische Studien von A. Schiefner. 410, pp. 256. St. Petersburg, 1873. 5s. A work of considerable importance, sivinj,' texts in a little known language of the Caucasinn gro\ip. 1995 Ausfiihrlicher Bericht iiber Baron P. v. Uslar's Kasikumiikische Studien. 4to, pp. VIII,. 156. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1866. 65. igg5 . Ausfiihrlicher Bericht iiber Baron P. v. Uslar's Kiirkanischc Studien. 4to, pp. IV. 200. St. Petersburg, 1871. 3s. A most useful and valuable treatise. iggy Ausfiihrlicher Bericht iibci Baron P. v. Uslar's Awarische Studien. 4to, pp. VIII, 180. St. Petersburg, 1872. 2s. (>d. A valuable and useful treatise. 1998 Versuch iiber die Thusch-Sprache oder die Khistische Mundart in Thuschetien. 4to, pp. 160. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1856. 4s. An important treatise on a language, even now requiring much investigation into. 1 999 Versuch iiber die Sprache der Uden. 4to, pp. no. Reprint. St. Petersburg, 1863. 35. 6d. Investigations into a curious and interesting language spoken in certain villages of the Caucasus, and rapidly on the way to become extinct. 2000 Versuch iiber das Awarische. 4to, pp. 53, Reprint. St. Peters- burg, 1862. 4s. 2001 Tshetschenzischc Studien. 4to, pp. VIII, 72. Reprint. St. Peters- burg, 1864. 35. 6d. A treatise on one of the ntuuerous languages of the Caucasus. 2002 Schmidt (T. J.) Granimatik der Mongolischcn Sprache. 4to, pp. XII, 179. St. Petersburg, 1831. £1. is. Scarce. 2003 Schott (W.) Uber das altai'sche oder linnisch tatarische Sprachengcschlecht. 4to, pp. 147. Berlin, 1849. 8s. 2004 Altajischc Studien, oder Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der Altai- Sprachen. 4 Parts. 4to, pp. 45, 24, 64, and 41. Reprints. Berlin, 1860- 70. 6s. 2005 Das Zahlwort in der Tschudischcn Sprachenclasse, wie auch ira tiirkis- chen und Mongolischcn. 4to, pp. 29. With a Table. Berlin, 1853. 4s. 6d. 2006 Uber die achten Kirgisen. 4to, pp. 4O. Extract. Berlin, 1865. 4S- 2007 Schreuck (Dr. L. von) Reisen und Forschungcn irn Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1856 im Auftrage der Kaiserlichcn Akademie der Wissen- schaftcn zu St. Petersburg ausgefiihrt, etc. Bde. 1-4, Lieferung 2 ; nebst Anhangen zum dritten Bande v. Dr. \V. Grube, iiber Linguistische Ergeb- nisse. Zehn Lieferung. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1858-1877. - £6. iGs. 6d. 2008 The Natives of the Amour District. Vol. III. Ethnographical Section. Second half : Their Inner, Family and Social Life. 4to, pp. XVII, 145, and Plates XLVTI-LXX. St. Petersburg, 1903. £1. 5s. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, Londo.n', V/.C. Ural-Altaic. 105 2009 Schroeter (Rev. F. C. G.) Dictionary of the Bhotanta, or Boutan Language. Printed from a MS. copy. To which is prefixed a Grammar of the Bhotanta Language, by the same Author. Edited by W. Carey. 4to, calf, pp. 35, 475. Serampore, 1826. £1. los. Binding broken and margins wormed. Very scarce. 2010 Schuchardt (H.) Uber den passiven Charakter des Transitivs in den Kauka- sischen Sprachen. Roy. 8vo, pp. gi. Reprint. Vienna, 1895. 35. bd. 201 1 Shaw (R. B.) Sketch of the Turki Language as spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kashghar and Yarkhand). Together with a Collection of Extracts. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. 2 Parts bound in one volume. Lahore, 1875. los. 6d. Scarce. 2012 Sketch of the Turki Language as spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kash- ghar and Yarkhand). Together with a Collection of Extracts. Part i only. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. loi, XXXIX, 31, VII. Lahore, 1875. 8s. 6d. Scarce. 2013 Smith (C. S.) De Locis Quibusdam Grammaticae Linguarum Balticarum et Slavonicarum. Parts I and III. 8vo, pp. 130 and 65. Havniae, 1857- 59. IS. 2014 Trojanovski (Rev. A.) Grammar of the Tartar Language, in Russian. 4to. Boards, pp. 199. St. Petersburg, 1814. 4s. 6d. 2015 Vambery (H.) Die Primitive Cultur des Turko-Tatarischen Volkes auf grund Sprachlicher Forschungen. 8vo. Half bound, pp. 276. Leipsiz, 1879. 85. 6d. 2016 Cagataische Sprachstudien. Enthaltend Grammatikalischen Um- riss, Chestomathie und Worterbuch. Royal 8vo. Half bound, pp. 360. Leipsig, 1867. £1. IS. 2017 Etymologisches Worterbuch der Turko-Tatarischen Sprachen, ein Versuch zur Darstellung des Familienverhaltnisses des Turko-Tatarischen Wortschatzes. Svo, pp. XXIV, 220. Leipsiz, 1878. 6s. 6d. Uncut copy. 2019 Velyaminoff-Zernoff. On the Kings and Princes of Kassimoff. Vol. I only. 8vo, pp. XXII, 558. St. Petersburg, 1863. 3s. 6d. ■ In Russian. 2020 Xylander (J. R. von) Die Sprache der Albanesen oder Schkipetaren. Svo. Boards, pp. XIII, 320. Frankfurt, 1835. 2s. 6d. 2021 — ■ — Die Sprache der Albanesen oder Schkipetaren. Svo. Boards, pp. XIII, 320. Frankfurt, 1835. 2s. 6d. 2022 Zwick (H. A.) Handbuch der Westmongolischen Sprache. A Mongol- German Dictionary of 400 pp. lithographed, and German-Mongol Index. 82 pp. printed. 4to. Cloth. Donaueschingen, 1854. ^2s. Binding shabby and loose. XV. — Supplement. 2023 Adam (J.) Au Japon. Les Raconteurs Publics. Svo. With many Coloured Illustrations. Tokyo, n.d. is. 6d. Printed on native paper. 2024 Abel (C.) Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China and of a Voyage to and from that Country, in the Years 1816-1817 ; containing an Account of the most Interesting Transactions of Lord Amherst's Embassy to the Court of Peking, and Observations on the Countries which it visited. 4to. Full calf. pp. XVI, 420. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Maps. London, 1819. los. 6d. Binding covers loose. 2025 Adams (William) The Original Letters of the English Pilot, William Adams. Written from Japan between A.D. 1611 and 1617. Svo, pp. 78. Reprint. Yokohama, 1896. r 2s. 6d. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C, io6 Supplement. 2026 ■ The Modern Voyager and Traveller through Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Volume 2 only. Asia. \Vith Plates and Maps. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 460. London, 1833. 5s. td. With interesting coloured plates. 2027 Alphabetical Index to The Inspector General's Circulars. First Series, 1861-73. Published by the Statistical Dept. of the Inspectorate General, 1889. Roy. 8vo, oblong. Cloth, pp. 39. 1889. 2s. 6rf. 2028 Anderson (G. C.) Notes of a Trip to the Island of Saghalin. ibnio, pp. 23. Shanghai, 18S1. is. 2029 Asiatic Society of Japan. Iransactions. Vol. XIX, Pt. 1. 8vo, pp. 270. Yokohama. Alarch, i8ui. ■ 6s. 6rf. 2030 Aston (W. G.) Writing, Printing, and the Alphabet in Corca. 8vo. Kxtract. pp. 7. With 2 Plates. London, 1895. is. 6d. 2031 Littcrature Japonaise. Traduction dc Henry de Davray. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXII, 396. Paris, 1902. 4s. 6d. 2032 Aulaire (R. J. de St.) and W. P. Groeneveldt. Manual_of Chinese Running Hand^vTiting, especially as it is used in Japan. Compiled from Original Sources. 4to, half calf. pp. 113, 60. Amsterdam, 1861. 9s. -As new. 2033 Bailly (M.) Lettres sur I'Origine des Sciences et sur celle des Peuples de I'Asie. Addresses a M. de Voltaire, et precedees de quelques Lettres de M. de Voltaire a I'Auteur. 8vo. Half bound, pp.348. Lpndon, 1777. 5i. Clean, fresh copy. 2034 Balfour (F. H.) Leaves from My Chinese Scrapbook. 8vo. Cloth, pp.215. London, 1887. 65. 6^. 2035 Batchelor (Rev. J.) The Ainu of Japan. The Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 336. With Eighty Illustrations. London, 1892. 35. 6d. 2036 Bent (Mrs. Th.) The Island of Sokotra. Extract. Roy H\o. pp. 8. Edin- burgh, 1898. IS. 2037 Berchet (G.) Le Antiche Ambasciate Giapponesi in Italia Saggio Storico. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 138. Extrait. Venezia, 1877. 4s. 6d. Contains a Facsimile delle Signature Degli .\mbasciatari Giapponesi Ito Manico, 1585, Hasehura Roknyemon, 1615. 2038 Bertin (L. E.) Les Grandes Guerres Civiles du Japan, Ics Minamoto and les Taira : — Les Mikadoos et les Siogouns (i 156-1392). Precede d'une Introduction sur L'Histoire Ancienne et les Legendes. Small folio, pp. VI, 422. With Maps and Illustrations. Paris, 1894. 9s. 2039 Bing (T.) Artistic Japan : A Monthly Illustrated Journal of Arts and Industries. English Edition. Edited by M. B. Huish. Volumes i and 2 only. Small folio. Silk binding. With Coloured Plates and numerous Illustrations. London, 1888-g. £2 12s. 6d. Nice copy. 2040 Bjerregaard (C. H. A.) The Inner Life and the Tao-Tch-King. Roy. 8vo. Cloth. ])]). 225, III. X^ew York, 1912. 9s. 2041 Bland (J. 0. P.) Recent Invents and Present Policies in China. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pj). XI, 282. With Coloured Map and numerous Illustrations. London, 191 2. 12s. 2042 Borri (R. F. C.) .\ccouiit of Cochin-China. in Two Parts. Part 1, Treats of the Temporal State of that Kingdom. Part II, of what concerns the Spiritual. Translated into iuiglish from the Italian. Folio. Boards, pp. 44. 6s. 6d. 2043 Brady (S. E.) The Jewel in the Lotus, and other Stories. 8vo. Cloth. ])p. 213. Shanghai, 1905. 3s. 6d. 2044 Bretschneider (E.) Mediaeval Researches from h^astern Asiatic Sources. Fragments towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia, from the 13th to the 17th Century. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. London, 1910. (Published at /i is.) 14s. 6d. As new, nncnt copy. Volume i contains a map of Middle Asia ; Vol. 2 contains a Reproduction of a Chinese Mediaeval Map of Central and Western Asia. 2045 British Consular Trade Reports for Xugata, Hakodate, Nagasaki, Kanagawa, Iliogo and Osaka, and Summary of the Foreign Trade of Japan for 1876. Folio. London, 1876. , is. LUZAC &. CO., 46, Gkeat Russell Street, London, W.C. Supplement. 107 2046 Brunnart (H. T.) and Hagelstrom (V. V.) Present Day Political Organisation of China, revised by N. Th. Kolessotf. Translated from the Russian by A. Beltchenkoand E. E. Moran. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. IV, 572, LXXXi. Shanghai, 1912. ^^i 13s. As new. 2C47 Buckingham (Lieut. B. H.), Foullc (G. C.) and W. McLean. Observations upon the Corean Ports and Siberia, made during a Journey from the Asiatic Station to the United States through Siberia and Europe, June 3 to September 8, 1882. 8vo, pp. 163. With a Map. Washington, 1863. bs. bd. 2048 Buddha. The Life of ; and the Early History of his Order, derived from Tibetan \\'orks in the Bkah-Hgvur and Botan-Hgyur, followed by notices on the History of Tibet and Khotan. Translated by W. W. Rockhill. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 273. London, 1907. Ss.6d. As new, uncut copy. 2049 Bulletin de L'Association Amicale Franco Chinoise. Volume 4, No. i, Janvier, 1912, only. Roy. Svo, pp. 121. With Illustrations. Paris, 1912. 25. 6d. Contents : — D"och a Kachgar, premiere Partic par G. Ducrocq — Binyon L. Le Vol de Dragon — Extraits de la presse Chinoise — etc., etc. 2050 Gallery (J. M.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la Langue Chinoise. Volume I. Parts 1 to 5 only. 8vo. Macao, 1844. 65. 2051 Catalogues of objects Exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Translated by the Department of Education, Japan. Svo, pp. 112. Tokyo. 1S93. 3s. 6^. 2052 Ch'in Ting Hsin Chiang Shih Lueh. Historical and Cieograi)hical Account of the New Dominion (Chinese Turkestan). In Chinese. Compiled by a Commi-ssion of Scholars by Imperial Command. 12 parts in 10 vols. Roy. 8vO. 182I. I2S. Worm-eaten, principally on the margins. 2053 China. The Quarterly Records of liie Christian Literature Society for China. No. 26, January, 1909, only. 8vo. pp. 23. London, 1909. ^d. 2054 Chine et Belgique. Revue Economique de L'Empire Chinois publiee par ' la Chambre de Commerce, Sino-Belge, Nov. and Dec, 1906. March, May, June, July, and August, only, igog. Svo. Bruxelles, igoG-og. 2s. .bd. 2055 Chinese Atlas of the World, containing Twenty-four Maps in the Chinese Text. Folio. Silk covers. 75. 6d. 2^)50 Chinese Miscellany, designed to Illustrate the Government, Philosophy, Religion, ^Art, Manufactures, Trade, Manners, and Customs, History and Statistics of China. No. IV, General Description of Shanghai and its En- virons. Extracted from Native Authorities. Svo. 168 pp., with Plans. Shanghai, 1850. Ss. Title and first three pages torn. 2057 Ch'ing Wen Hui Shu. Manchu-Chinese Dictionary. 12 vols in one blue cloth case. 1751. £6 105. Original edition on yellow paper. 2058 Manchu-Chinese Dictionary alphabetically arranged. 12 vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. [1S15.] ^^5 5s. 2059 Manchu-Chinese Dictionary. A Supplementary Collection of Phrases. 8 vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. 1786. £5 5s. 2060 • Manchu-Chinese Dictionary. 12 vols in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. N.D. £s 55. 2061 Ch'ing Wen Ch'i Meng. A Treatise on Manchu for Beginners. In Manchu, with Interlinear Chinese. 4 chiian. 4 \ols in one blue cloth case. Yung- chang, 1730. £i 3s. Rare. 2062 Chinoye (H. F.) The Commercial Calculator, containing Tables of Exchange between IZngland and India and England and China, and vice versa ; and between China and Calcutta and China and India ; also Tables of Shipment of Cotton and Seeds from Bombay to England, of Sugar from Calcutta to England, of Silver from England to India, of Opium from Bombay to Hong- kong, of Cotton from Bombay to China, of Sil\'er and Gold from China to Bombay, and measurement of Freight. 4to. Cloth, pp. XII, 210. Bombay, 1864. 4s. LUZAC & CO., 46, Gkeax Russell Stkeei, London, W.C. loS Supplement. 2063 Chrysanthemum (The) A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East. Volumes i and 2 complete in parts as issued. 24 numbers. Yokohama, 1881-2. £1 IS. 2064 Ch'un Ch'ui Hu Shih Chuan. The Spring and Autumn Annals of Con- fucius. In Chinese, with Commentary by Hu An-kuo. (1074-1138.) 30 parts in 10 vols. Stiff covers. Folio, n.d. /i ios. Corean edition, well printed. 2065 Coningh (C. T. van A. de) Mijn Verblijf in Japan. 8vo. Half calf. pp. VI, 180. With Illustrated Title-page. Amsterdam, 1856. 6s. With bookplate of E. M. Satow. 2066 Culin (S.) Chess and Playing-Cards. Catalogue of Games and Implements for Divination Exhibited by the United Siates National Museum in Con- nection with the Department of Archaeology and Palaeontology of the University of Pennsylvania at the Cotton States and International Ex- position, Atlanta, 1895. 8vo, pp. 277. With 50 Plates and numerous Illustrations. Extract. Washington, 1898. los. 6d. 2067 Chinese Games with Dice and Dominoes. 8vo, pp. 45. With 12 Plates and many Illustrations. Extract. Washington, 1895. 5s. 2068 Curzon (Hon. G. N.) Problems of the Far East. Japan— Corea— China, 8vo. Cloth, pp. XX, 441. With coloured Map and Illustrations. London, 1894. 15s. Ex library copy. Scarce. 2069 Dautremer (J.) Poesies et Anecdotes Japonaises de I'Epoque des Taira et des Minamoto suivies de I'Histoire de ces deux Families. (782-1185 apres J-C) i2mo, pp. 116. With Illustrations. Paris, 1909. 2S. 6d, 2070 Davis (J. F.) The Poetry of the Chinese, to which are added Translations and Detached Pieces. 8vo, pp. 198. Macao, 1834. 3s. 6d. 2071 Chinese Novels, Translated from the Originals ; to which are added Proverbs and Moral Maxims, collected from their Classical Books and other Sources. The whole prefaced by Observations on the Language and Literature of China. 8vo. Half calf. pp. 250. London, 1822. 4s. 6d. Binding covers loose. 2072 Hien Wun Shoo : Chinese Moral Maxims, with a Free and Verbal Translation, affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. VIII, 199. Macao, 1823. 3s. ()d. Nice copy. 2073 Dingle (Ed. J.) China's Revolution, 1911-1912. Historical and Political Record of the Civil War. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 304. With 2 Maps and 36 Illustrations. London, 1912. 8s. td. As new. 2074 Du Cane (Ella and Florence) The Flower Gardens of Japan. Painted and Described. 8vo. Cloth, pp. X, 249. With Coloured Plates. London, 1098. (Published at 20s.) los. 6d^ Ai new. 2075 Edkins (Rev. J.) Chinese Buddhism : a Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XXIII, 453. Second Edition, Revised. London, 1893. 15s. 6d. As new, uncut copy. 2076 Eitel (E. J.) Feng-Sliui : or, The Rudiments of Natural Science in China. Roy. 8vo. Limp cloth, pp. 84. Hongkong, 1873. 5s. 6d. 2077 Fan I Lei Pien. Mancliu-Chinese Vocabularies arranged under 44 cate- gories. Bv Ni-ma-Ch'a. 4 chiian in one blue cloth case. 8vo. 1749. £2 25. 2078 Fenollosa (Mary McNeil) The Dragon Painter. Illustrated by Gertrude McDaniel. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 262. Boston, 1906. 2S. 6d. As new. 2079 Finanzielles und Wirtschaftliches Jahrbuch ftir Japan. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserl. Finanzininisterium. Fiinflcr Jahrgang, 1905. 4to. Limp gilt cloth, pp. VI, 181, 30. With 10 Plates. Tokyo, 1905. 6s. 6d. 2080 Finn (J.) The Jews in China : their Synagogue, their Scriptures, their History, etc. i2mo. Cloth, pp. VI, 86. London, 1843. 7s. 6rf. Scarce LUZAC & CO., 46, Gkeat Russell Street, London, W.C. Supplement. log 20S1 Fraissinet (Ed.) Le Japbn. Histoire et description : Moeurs, Coutumes et Religion. Kouvelle edition augmentee de trois chapitres nouveaux (Rappoits et traites avec les Europeens) d'une Introduction et d'une Carte par V. A. Malte-Brun. 2 vols. Small 8vo. Paris, 1864. 8s. 6d. 2082 Geerts (A. J. C.) Le Produits de la Nature Japonaise et Chinoise comprenant la Denomination, I'Histoire et les Applications aux Arts, a I'lndustrie, a I'Economie, a la Medecine, etc., etc., etc. Partie Inorganique et Mineralo- gique contenent le Description des Mineraux et des Substances qui derivent du Regne Mineral. 2me Partie. 8vo, pp. 365. With many Illustrations. Yokohama, 1883. ' 45. dd. Uncut cop3'. 20S3 Golownin (Captain) Recollections of Japan, comprising a Particular Account of the Religion, Language, Government, Laws and Manners of the People, with Observations on the Geography, Climate, Population, and Pro- ductions of the Country ; to which are prefixed Chronological Details of the Rise and Decline and Renewal of British Commercial Intercourse with that Country. 8vo. Boards, pp. LXXXIX, 302. London, 1819. 5s. 6d. 2084 Gordon Gumming (C. F.) The Inventor of the Numeral-Type for China by the use of which Illiterate Chinese, both Blind and Sighted, can quickly be taught to read and write fluently. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 189. With Illustrations. A new edition. London, 1899. is. 6d. With reports of the Mission to the Chinese Blind for 1900 and 1901. 2085 Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-War. 2 Volumes. Small 8vo. Cloth. With Map and Illustrations. London, 1882. (Publ. £1. 5s.) 5s. Being Voyages to the South Sea Islands, Malay States, Samoa, etc. Binding shabby. Title- page loose. 2086 GutzlafF (Ch.) Visit to the Coasts of China and Siam, with Notices of Corea and the Loo-Choo Islands, to which is prefixed : An Introductory Essay on the Policy, Religion, etc., of China, by Rev. W. Ellis. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 312. With a Map and Portrait. Third Edition. London, n.d. 3s. 6d. 2087 Hall (Captain B.) Voyage to Corea, and the Island of Loo-Choo. i2mo. Half calf. pp. XII, 259. With coloured Frontispiece, Illustrations, and a Map. New Edition. London, 1820. 4s. 6d. Binding broken. 2088 Handbook of Information for Shippers and Passengers by the Steamers of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan Mail Steamship Co., Ltd.). 8vo, pp. 121. With Maps and Illustrations. 1899. 2s. 6d. 2090 Haou Kew Chuen, or The Fortunate Union. A Novel in 18 Chapters. In Chinese. 4 parts in one vol. Small 8vo. Half bound, n.d. [1830 ?] 6s. td. With the bookplate of Sir John Davis, and a note in his handwriting, " translated by me and printed in 2 vols in 1829, etc." 2ogi Hare (W. L.) Chinese Religion : an Historical and Literary Sketch of Ancestor Worship, tlie Teachings of Kung Fu Tze and Lao Tze, and Chinese Natural Philosophy. i2mo, pp. 62. London, n.d. 6d. As new. 2092 Hayashi (T.) Dessins Estampes, Livres lUustres du Japon, dont la vente aura lieu du lundi 2 Juin,au Vendredi, 6 Juin. 1902 inclus, a I'hotel Drouot, Salle No. 7. 4to. Cloth, pp. V, 287. With coloured Frontispiece and many Plates. Paris, 1902. £1 5s. Frontispiece torn and a few pages at the end damp-stained, including binding. 2093 Henderson (G.) and Hume (A. 0.) Lahore to Yarkand. Incidents of the Route and Islational Historv of the Countries traversed bv the Expedition of 1870 under T. D. Forsyth. Roy. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIV, 364. With 36 Coloured Plates and numerous illustrations. London, 1873. i6s. 5 plates are missing. 2094 Henry (B. C.) Ling-Nam, or Interior Views of Southern China, including Explorations in the Hitherto Untraversed Island of Hainan. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 511. Illustrated. London, n.d. 5s. Nice copy. 2095 Hideyoshi (Toystomi), The Life of. Bv W. Dening. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. II, 417. With a Sketch. Tokyo," 1888. 4s. 6d. 2096 History of Japan. From the Origins down to the Appearance of the Portugese in 1542, a.d. Introductory Chapter only, 8vo, pp. 30. is. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. lie Supplement. -o'jj Hitchcock (R.) The Ainos of Yezo, Japan. 8vo, pp. 73. With 36 Plates ami many Illustrations. Extract. Washington, i8y^. 6s. 2oy8 Tlie Ancient Burial Mounds of Japan. 8vo, pp. 10. With 30 Plates. Extract. Washington, 1893. 5s. 6d. -. 14. Tokyo, 1888. is. bd. 21 10 John Chinaman. Letters from. i2mo, pp. G2. London, 1901. is. 21 1 1 K'ang Hsi Tzu Tien. A Miniature Edition of K'ang Hsi's Dictionary. In Chinese. 44 ])in m 4 pairs of boards. 04mo. n.d. (1890 ?) £1 8s. 2112 Knight (E. F.) Where Three Empires^Meet. A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Thibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining Countries. i2mo. Cloth, pp. XV, 528. With a Map and 54 Illustrations. New Edition. London, 1895. 2s. (>d. 211 ; Krause (A.) China in Decay. The Story of a Disappearing Empire. Re- vised Edition, bringing the History of China down to June, 1900. With live Maps and 21 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 400. London, 1900. 4s. bd. 2114 Kuang Hsu (The Emperor) Uelorm Decrees. 1898. Royal 8vo, pp. 61. Kc])rint, Shanghai. 1900. is. 6d. l)oiil)lc cnliiMiiis oil .1 p.ij;!-. 2115 KUO Ch'ao Pao Chien. " Precious Mirror of the Reigning Dynasty " in Corea, containing Memorable Deeds and Sayings of Corean Kings from Htai Tjo to Ik Tjong. 08 Parts in 26 Vols. In Chinese. Folio. Stiff covers. 1848. £;^ los. Imperfect, wanting Vols i, 5, 7, b, 13, 15, iondon, 1911. 55. As new, uncut copy. 2125 Little (Mrs. A.) In the Land of the Blue Gown. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. XIV, 304. With Illustrations. London, 1908. 55. As new. 2126 LobSCheid (Rev. W.) Chinese and English Dictionary. 4to. Cloth, pp. IX, 592. Hongkong, 1871. los. 2127 LoenhOint (Dr. L.) Japanese Commercial Law, containing the Law of Bankruptcy, of Partnership and Companies, and of Bills of Exchange, Notes and Checks in a Systematic Form. Small Svo. pp. 127, 10. Tokyo, 1895. 2s. 6d. .As new. 212S Loubere (De La) Du Royaume de Siam. Tome 2 only. Contenant plu- sieurs Pieces Detachees. i2mo, full calf. pp. 324. With Illustrations, Amsterdam, 1G91. 6s. 6d. 2T29 Luhdorf (F. A.) Acht Monate in Japan nach Ubschultz des Vertrages von Kanagawa. Svo. Half calf. pp. XI, 254. Mit 11 verschiedenen lUus- trationen Bremen, 1S57. 5^- 6(/. Nice copy. From the library of E. M. Satow. 2UO Macartney (Sir H.) The Life of (Commander of Li Hung Chang's Trained Forces in the Taeping Rebellion, Founder of the First Chinese Arsenal, for Thirty Years Councillor and Secretary to the Chine.se Legation in London), by D. C. Boulger, with a Foreword by Sir James Crichton-Brown. Svo. Cloth, pp. XXI, 513. With a Portrait and numerous Illu.strations. London, 190S. (Published at /i is.) Qs. 6d. .A.S new. I.rZAC & CO., 46, Great Rdsrell Street, London, W.C 112 Supplement. 2131 MacCaul (Ethel) Under the Care of the Japanese War Office. Small 8vo. Cloth, pp. 256. With Illustrations from Photographs. London, 1905. 2S. As new. 2132 IVIacFarlane (C.) Japan : an Account, Geographical and Historical, from the Earliest at which the Islands composing this Empire were known to Europeans, down to the Present Time, and the Expedition fitted out in the United States, etc. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XII, 365. With numerous Illustrations. New York, 1854. 8s. Slightly stained. 2133 Mackenzie (K. S.) Narrative of the Second Campaign in China. i2mo. Half calf. pp. X, 253. With a Map. London, 1842. 3s. Nice copy. 2134 Marco Polo. Le Livrc de Marco Polo, Citoyen de Venice, Conseiller Prive et Commissaire Imperial de Khoubilai-KhaS,n ; redige en Francaise sous la Dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise, par W. G. Pauthier. 2 volumes bound in i. Ro3^ 8vo, Half calf. With Frontispiece. Paris, 1865. £1. 185. Nice copy. With booklate of E. M. Satow. 2135 Medhurst (W. H.) Japanese-English Vocabulary. Compiled by Native Authors. Small 8vo. Boards, pp. 159 to 344. Batavia, 1830. 8s. Lithographed Edition. Interle.ived with plain blue paper, with notes by Sir E. Satow. 2136 English and Japanese and Japanese-English Vocabulary. Compiled by Native Authors. Small 8 vo. Boards, pp. VIII, 344. Batavia, 1830. I2S. Lithographed Edition. As new. 2137 Menclus. The Mind of, or Political Economy Founded upon Moral Philo- sophy, a Systematic Digest of the Doctrines of the Chinese Philo.sophcr, Mencius, B.C. 325. The Original Text Classified and Translated, with Notes and Explanations by Rev. E. Faber. Translated from the German, with Notes and Emendations by Rev, A. B. Hutchinson. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XVI, 291. London, 1882. 7s. 6^. 2138 Mendozza (G. G. di) Deir Historia della China, Descritta nclla lingua Spag- nuola, da P. Maestro Giouanni Gonzalez di Mendozza et tradotta nell' Italiana, dal magn. M. Francesco Auanzo, cittadino Originario di Venetia Parti Due, divise in trcs libri, et in tre vioggi fatti in quel poesi da i Padri Agostiniani et Franciscani Douc se descriue il sito, et lo stato di qual gran Regno, rt si tratti della religionc, dc i Costumi, et della disposition de' suoi popoli, et d'altri luochi piu conosciuti del mondo nuouo. Can. due Tavole, I'una de Capitoli, et I'altra delle cose notabili. i2mo. Vellum, pp. 462. Venetia, 1588. ^4. los. Fine copy. 2139 Midshipman in China ; or, Recollections of the Chinese. i2mo. Cloth, pp. 1 04. London, n.d. 3s. 6d. Contents: — Chinese Vases, Manufacture of Porcelain, Chinese Cookerj', Great U'all of China, Chinese Junks, Towns, Shops, etc., etc. 2140 Mirima. Imperatrice du Japon. Histoire Galante par Fromagct. i6mo. Full calf. pp. 184. Hague, 1745. ,, 8s. 6d. I'ine copy. With bookplate of E. M. Satow. 2 1 41 Morrison (Dr. R.) Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Lan- guage, witli a free and verbal Translation in English. Collected from Various Sources. Designed as an Initiatory Work for the use of Students in Chinese. 8vo. Half bound, pp.262. Macao, 1816. 6s. 2142 Memoir of the Principal Occurrences during an Embassy from the British Government to the Court of China in the year 1816. 8vo, pp. VI, 96. London, 1820. 6s. 6d. 2143 (A.) Illustrated Catalogue to an Exhibition of Japanese Prints held at the Fine Arts Society, with notes and an Introduction. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 74. With Coloured Frontispiece and numerous Plates. London, 1909. fyS. 6d. As new. 2144 Morse (E. T.) A Curious Aino Tov. Rov. 8vo, pp. 7. Extract. Salem, U.S.A. ■ " IS. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Ru.ssell Street, London, W.C. ' Supplement. 113 2145 Muller (F. Max) Buddhist Texts from Japan. Small 4to, pp. 46, 4. Oxford, 1881. 35. Qd. Uncut. 2146 Murphy (U. 6.) Social Evil in Japan and Allied Subjects, with Statistics and the Social Evil Test Cases and Progress of the Anti-Brothel Movement. i2mo, pp. 113. Second Edition. Tok}^o, 1904. is. ()d. 214J Nagao Ariga. La Guerre Russo-Japonaise au Point de vue Continental et le Droit International d'apr^s Les Documents Officiels du Grand Etat- Major Japonais (Section Historique de la Guerre de 1904-5). Preface de M. P. Fauchille. Roy. 8vo, pp. X, 587. Avec des nombreuses gravures hors texte. Paris, 1908. js. 6d. 2148 Nihon Jisho Genkai. A Japanese Dictionary in Japanese only. By Otsuki Bungen. 3 columns. Thick rov. 8vo. Half bound. Tokyo, 1S89-91. ■ los. 6d. 2149 NogUChi (Yone) From an Eastern Sea. Small 8vo, pp. 82. With a Por- trait. Fourth Edition. Tokyo, n.d. gd. 2150 From the Eastern Sea. Small 8vo. Japanese binding, pp. 67. Kamakura, 1910. (Japan.) 4s. As new. 2151 Okamoto (K. S.) Ancient and Modern Various Usages of Tokio, Japan. 8vo. \Yith numerous Coloured Illustrations. Tokio, 1895. 4s. 6d. Bound in the Japanese style, containing illustrations of Japanese Hats, Female Clothing, etc., etc. 2152 Oliphant (Sir 0.) China : a Popular History, with a Chronological Account of the most Remarkable Events from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. i2mo. Boards, pp. VIII, 231. WithaPlan. London, 1857. 25.6^. 2153 D'Ollone (Vicomte) In Forbidden China. The D'Ollone Mission, 1906- 1909. China — ^Tibet— Mongolia. Translated from the French of the Second Edition by B. Mill. 8vo. Cloth, pp.318. With 126 Illustrations, a Map, and a Portrait. London, 1912. 85. 6d. As new. 2154 Orange (J.) and Thornicraft (Dr. T. C.) Catalogue of an Interesting and Varied Collection of Japanese Colour Prints representative of nearlv one hundred Artists, dating from the Early Years of the Eighteenth Century down to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century : including some hitherto unrecorded Triptychs by Artists of the Best Period ; complete sets of First Issues of the Chief Landscape Works of Hiroshiga and other early, rare, and in some cases unrecorded works by the same Artists. A choice Selection of brilliant Surimono ; and a number of Illustrated Books. Small 4to, pp. 71. With 34 Plates. London, 1912. 35. 6d. 2155 Pauthier (6.) Histoire des Relations PoHtiques de la Chine avec les Puissances Occidentales depuis les temps les plus Anciens jusqiia nos Jours, suivie du Ceremonial Observe a la Cour de Peking pour la Reception des Ambassadeurs. Traduit pour la premiere fois dans une langue Euro- pienne. 8vo, pp. XX, 238. Paris, 1859. 45. 6d. 2156 De I'Authencite de ['Inscription Nestorienne de Si-Ngan-Fou relative a L' Introduction de la Religion Chretienne en Chine des le Vile Siegle de notre ere. 8vo, pp. 96. Extract. Paris, 1857. 5s. 6d. 2157 Pen Ts'ao Kang Mu. A Chinese Herbal and Ploarmacopoeia. In Chinese. By Li Shih-chen- 46 vols in 8 blue cloth cases. Roy. 8vo. 1843. ^^2. 15s. 2158 Plath (Dr. J.) Ueber die Sammlung Chinesischer Werke der Staat-sbibliothek aus der Zeit der D. Han und Wei (Han Wei Thaung schu). 8vo, pp. 59. Miinchen, 1868. is. 6d. 2159 Ponceau (P. S. du) Dissertation on the Native and Character of the Chinese System of Writing, in a Letter to John Vaughan ; to which are subjoined a Vocabulary of the Cochin-Chinese Language, by Father Joseph Morrcne. With References to Plates, containing Characters, belonging to each word, and with notes, etc., by M. de la Palun, and a Cochinchinese and Latin Dictionary, in use among the R. C. Missions in Cochinchina. Roy. 8vo. Boards, pp. XXXII, 375. Philadelphia, 1838. " 125. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 1 1 4 Supplement. 2160 Pontzilo (M.) Essai de Dictionnaire Russe-Coreen. Small Svo. Half calf, pp. XV, 730. St. Petersburg, 1874. io.s. Cvl. N'ici- copy. l"rnm the library of K. M. Sntow. 2i6r Ravenstein (E. G.) The Russians on the .'\mur, its Discovery, Conquest, and Colonisation, with a Description of the Country, its Inhabitants, Productions, and Commercial Capabilities ; and Personal Accounts of the Ru.ssian Travellers. Svo. Cloth, pp. XX, 467. With Map's and Illus- trations. London, 1861. 6s. 2162 Regni Chinensis descriptio ex varijs authoribus. 32mo. Old calf. pp. 374. Lugd. Batav. (Klzevier), 1630. Gs. 6rf. 2163 Revon (M.) Le ShinntiJisinc. Roy. Svo, pp. 33. Extract. Paris, 1904. 15. Od. 2164 Rizal (Dr. Jose), Blopjraphy of. Tiie Distinguished and Talented Philippine Scholar and Patriot, inlamously shot in Manila on Dec. 30, 1896. By F. Blumcntritt. Translated from the Original German, with Notes and an Epilogue by Howard W, Bray. Roy. Svo, pp. VIII, 51. Singapore, 1898. 15. b(l. 2T65 Rodriguez (P.) Elemcns de la C>ramniaire Japonaise, Traduit du Portugais sur le Manuscript de la Bibliotheque du Roi, ct Soigneusement Collationees avcc la Grammaire publiee par le meme auteur a Nagasaki en 1604 par M. C. Landreu. Precedes d'une explication des Syllabaircs Japonais, et des deux planches contenant les signes de ces Syllabaires par M. Abel-Remusat. Svo. Half calf. pp. XX, 142-31. Paris, 1823. 55. Od. Bound with the Siipplpmcnt. 2 1 60 Ross (H. J.) Letters from the East, by Henry James Ross, 1837-57. Edited by his Wife, Janet Ross. Svo. Cloth, pp. XII, 332. With 3 Portraits, 6 Plates, and 2 Maps. London, 1902. (Published at i2,s. Gd.) 8s. 6d, As new. 21O7 Sacred Books of China. The Texts of Confucianism. Translated by J. Legge. Part j only. The Shu King. The Religious Portions of the Shi King. The Hsiao King. Svo. Clolh. ])p. XXX, 492. Oxford, 1S79. I OS. 6d. Sacred Book of tlu- East, Voluiiv III. 216S San Ho Pien Lan. Vocabularies in Manchu, Chinese and Mongolian. 4 vols, anfl Supplement, 2 vols. Roy. Svo. In one blue cloth case. n.d. Beautifully printed. See MoUcndorf, No. 2. 2169 Schiefner (F. A. von) Tibetan Tales : derived from Indian Sources. Trans- lated from Uie Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur. Done into Engii.sh from the German, with an Introduction by W. R. T. Ralston. Svo. Cloth, pp. LXV, 36S. London, 1906. los. Gd. .As new, nnciit copy. 2170 Schlagintweit-Sakulunski (H. v.) Reisen in Indien und Hochasien. Bd. 1-3 (Imjien ; Himalaya von Bhutan bis Kashmir; Tibet). Mit Karten unci Ansichten. Jena^ 1869-72. (Publ M. 43.40). £1. 55. 2 171 Scott (John Lee) X'arrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Kite. Illustrated. Small Svo. Cloth, pp. XI, 131. London, 1841. - 3s. Gd. 2172 Sebastian (Don P. C.) Pcregrinacion que ha hecho de la Mayor parte del Miindd Don Pedro Cubero Sebastian, Predicador Apostolico del Asia, natuiel del Kegno de Aragon ; con las cosas mas singulares que le ban sucedido, v visto cntietan Barbares Naciones, .su Religion, Ritos, Ceremonies, etc. ; con el \iage por tierra, desde Espana ; haste las Indias Orientales. 4to. Old vellum, pp. 2SS. Zaragoza, 1688. £5 2173 SemedO (F. Alvarez) History of the Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Wlurein all the ]iarticular Provinces are accurately described : as also the l)is])Ositions, Manners, Learning, Laws, Militia, Government, and Religion of the Peo])le, together with the Traffick and Commodities of that Country. Now put into luigli.sh by a Person of Quality, and illus- trated with several Maps and Figures to Satisfy the Curious, and advanced Trade of Great Britain. To which is added- the History of the la1e Invasion, and Conquest of that Flourishing Kingdom by the Tartars. With an Exact Account of the other Affairs of China till these present Times. Small folio. Full calf. pp. 30S. London, 1633. /i. t>\. Binding loose and m.ip trim, LIJZAC iV CO., 4O (iREAT 1UIS.SELL Stkeet, Londo.n W.C Supplement. 115 2174 Sheng Wu Chi. A History of the Wars of the Manchu Dynasty. In Chinese. By Wei Yiian. 14 chiian in 12 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1844. i6s. 2175 SinibaidO de Mas (D.) La Chine et Les Puissances Chretiennes. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. Half calf. With Illustrations and a Map. Paris, 1861. 8s. As new. 2176 Sirr (H. C.) China and the Chinese/ their Religion, Character, Customs, and Manufactures. The Evils arising from the Opium Trade : with a Glance at our Religious, Moral, Political, and Commercial Intercourse with the Country. 2 volumes. 8vo. Cloth. London, 1849. 165. Nice copy. 2177 Soulere (E. A.) Reimo del Tonquin. Roy. 8vo, pp. 18. Extract. Madrid, 1877. " IS. 6d. 2178 Sprengel (M. C.) Geschichte der Wichtigsten Geographischen Entdekunngen bis zur Ankunst der Portugiesen in Japan. i2mo. Boards, pp. 420. Zweite vermehrte Auflage, Halle, 1792. 8s. 2179 SSU t'i ho pi wen Chien. Vocabularies in Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese, arranged in Categories. M.S. 4 vols in one blue cloth case. 8vo. N.D., but evidently very old. ^5. 55. 2180 Staunton (Sir G. T.) Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, in the years 1712, '13, '14, and '15, by the Chinese Ambassador. Translated from the Chinese and accompanied by an Appendix of Miscellaneous Translations. 8vo. Boards, pp. XXXIX, 330. With a Map. London, 1821. los. 6d'. Title-page damp-stained. 2181 Summers (J.) Handbook of the Chinese Language. Parts i and 2. Gram- mar and Chrestomathy, prepared with a view to Initiate the Student of Chinese in the Rudiments of this Language, and to supply materials for his early Studies. Roy. 8vo. Half morocco, pp. XXX, 231, 105, 34, Oxford, 1863. i2s. 2182 Suyematz (K.) The Identity of theGreat Conqueror Genghis Khan, with the Japanese Hero Yoshitsune. An Historical Thesis. Small 8vo. pp. 147. London, 1879. 45, 6d. 2183 Ta Ch'ing Lu Li. The Penal Code of the Manchu Dynasty. In Chinese. 40 Parts in 24 Vols, contained in a tin box. Roy. Svo. 1865. £1. 10s. 2184 TeshOO Lama : The Visit of Teshoo Lama to Peking. Chiin Lung's Inscription. Translated by E. Ludwig. Small 8vo, pp. 88. Peking, 1904. IS. 6d. 2185 Thomson (J.) Through China with a Camera. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XV, 269. With 114 Illustrations. London, 1899. 45. Qd. with bookplate. As new. 2186 Thunberg (C. P.) Tal, om Japanska Nationen, hallet for Kongl. Vetensk. Academien. vid Praesidii Nedlaggande, den 3 Novemb., 1784. Svo. Half calf. pp. 48. Stockholm, 1784. 4s. Fine copy. 2187 T'ienChu Shih I. On the True Nature of God. By Matteo Ricci. Chinese MS. Svo. N.D. 3s. 6d. First published in 1601. 2188 Torrens (Lieut.-Col.) Travels in Ladah, Tartary, and Kashmir. Svo. Cloth, pp. IV. 367. With Coloured Plates, Illustrations, and a Map. London, 1862. los. 6d. Nice copy. 2189 Tse Fan Liao Chai Chih I. A Selection from the Liao Chai (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio). In Manchu and Chinese. Vols 7-12 onlv, in one blue cloth case. Roy. Svo. " £2. 2s. Finely printed edition. 2190 Tseng P'ing Pu Tu Shih T'ou Chi. " The Story of the Stone," i.e., the Novel known as " The Dream of the Red Chamber." In Chinese. With illustrations. 120 chapters in 16 vols. Svo. Preface dated 1832. los. 6d. Imperfect, Chapters 1-8 wanting, 15 vols only. 2191 Tzu Chi T'ung Chien Kang Mu. The Re-arrangement of Ssu-ma Kt^ang's History of China, by Chu Hsi. In Chinese. With Critical Notes bv'Ch'en Jen-hsi. With supplement. 59 x 27 chiian in 20 blue cloth cases. Svo. N.D. £^. lOS, Cases Nos. 5 and 18 missing. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. 1 1 6 Supplement. 2192 Varenium (B.) Descriptio Regni Japoniae cum quibusdam affinis materiae : Tractatus in quo agitur. De Japoniorum Religione. De Christianae Religionis Introductione in ea loca. De ejusdem extirpatione Adjuncta est de diversa diversarum gentium totius telluris Religione brevis Informatio. i6mo. Vellum, pp. 267, 220. Amsterdam, Elzevirium, 1649. £i. 5s. 2193 Wade (T. F.) Note the Condition and Government of the Chinese Empire in 1849. 8vo, pp. 93. Hongkong, 1850. 5s. 2194 Wen Ta P'ien.; or a Hundred Lessons in Mandarin. Small folio, pp. 43. 65. Slightly pencil marked. 2195 Wigmore (J. H.) Materials for the Study of Private Law of Old Japan. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction. Part i, Introduction. Part III (Section i), Contract, Legal Precedents; and Part V, Property, Civil Customs. 3 parts in all. Tokyo, 1892. ios. 6d. Being the Supplement to Vol. 20 of the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. 2196 Williamson (T.)-Old Highways in China. Small 8vo. Gilt cloth, pp. 227. With Map and Illustrations"! London, 1884. 2S. 6d. Nice copy. 2197 WylJe (A.) The Mongol Astronomical Instruments in Peking. Rov. Svo. pp. 26. With 2 Plates. Extract. Leiden, 1878. is. 6d. 2 1 98 Younghusband (Sir F.) India and Tibet. A History of the Relations which have subsisted between the Two Countries from the Time of Warren Hastings to 1910 ; with a Particular Account of the Mission to Lhasa of 1904. 8vo. Cloth, pp. XIV, 455. With Map and Illustrations. Lon- don, 1 910. • 8s. 6d. As new. 2199 Yuan Che! Lei Han. An Encyclopaedia of General Information arranged under Categories. Compiled by order of the Emperor K'ang Hsi in 1710. In Chinese. Miniature edition. 450 chiian in 160 vols, in 16 pairs of boards. 64mo. n.d. (1S60 ?) /3. los. ■ I Vol 136 is wanting. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street, London, \W.C. li'"' University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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