EECOEDS RECORD SEARCHING RECORDS RECORD SEARCHING Jt §mh k tty feMcrgist antr tapper WALTER RYE Second Edition LONDON GEOEGE ALLEN, 156, CHARING CROSS ROAD 1897 (ALL BIGHTS RESERVED) ^96 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. I FEAR I shall be blamed by many for my temerity in printing what little I have learned during the last quarter of a century about the Public Records — especially g by those who, being better qualified than I to undertake ^ the task, have refrained from doing so, in the hope that : some day they may bring out a perfect Handbook to such Records. That none of my critics in posse have taken the trouble to print such a work is my excuse for putting forward this very indifferent substitute for it. The facts are these : I had, from time to time, collected ^ a mass of notes for my own use, and found that it was very inconvenient to refer to them in MS., so thought s. that if they were printed and well indexed J it might help beginners, ' and save them some of the trouble and mental worry from which I suffered, when I was first let loose on the enormous mass of the Records in Fetter Lane and Bloomsbury. I am indebted to many friends for help in completing this little book, and very especially to my schoolfellow, \ Mr. R. Howlett, 2 to Mr. Walford D. Selby, 3 Dr. Jessopp,* l Dr. Marshall (Rouge Croix), 5 Mr. C. H. Athill 5 (Blue n Mantle), Mr. A. R. Bax, 5 and to others. That I must have made innumerable omissions and mistakes I know well enough ; but I ask my readers to be merciful, and to send me, more in sorrow than in anger, their corrections and additions. If they will all 1 I am not going to apologise for my Index, for it is the only good part of my book, being adapted to the meanest capacity. » Now F.S.A. 3 Since dead, to the great loss of all Record Students. 4 Now the Rev. Canon Jessopp. 5 Now F.S.A. g8087i VI do so, possibly a second edition may some day be issued, in which my correctors will benefit by their own corrections. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. That a somewhat large issue of the First Edition has been exhausted is my best excuse for issuing the present edition, which has been brought up to date and con- siderably enlarged, especially in the Index, which is as nearly as possible double the size of that in the First Edition, and which I have tried to make as comprehen- sive as possible. It is to a great extent an omnium gatherum of references and cross references, not only to the book itself, but of entries contained in various other works on the Records and of any odd references I have come across, especially in the old and practically unindexed folio Reports of the Record Commission, and which I thought may be useful to the general searcher. It may save the casual enquirer much trouble to know where to find some sort of a reference when he wants to find out something about ' contrariants ' or ' cowchers ' or ' Jornalia ' or ' Passage ' Rolls, or cannot make out who was the Master of Toyles, or what they did at the Court of the Verge. I hope that my efforts to indicate books likely to be of use to the reader will not be criticized too freely. There are, no doubt, many other works on each subject, and possibly several better than those I have recom- mended. That I have not come across them is my misfortune, not my fault. If there were any demand for such a work, an antiquarian digest under subjects would not be very hard to compile. I must express my especial acknowledgments for cor- rections and additions to Mr. E. A. Fry, the Rev. J. T. Fowler, Rev. B. H. Blaker, Rev. J. C. Hudson, and Mr. R. Whitwell. W. R. CONTENTS. Chapter I. page How to compile a Pedigree .... 1 Specimen Pedigree . . . . .12 Signs, Abbreviations, and Terms used for Pedigrees . . 11 Chapter II. How to write tbe History of a Parish or other place . . 14 Chapter III. Documents relating to the Subinfeudation, Sale, and Transfer of Land ...... 25 Specimens of Pipe Polls in Tabular Form . . . 30 — 33 Chapter IV. The Sale and Transfer of Land inter Vivos . . 41 List of Published Calendars of Fines . . . 50 — 52 Chapter V. Legal Proceedings relating to (1) Land, (2) other Matters not criminal ...... 55 Chapter VI. Of Criminal Proceedings, &c. . . . .62 Chapter VII. State Papers, &c. ..... 66 Chapter VIII. Ecclesiastical and Monastic Records, Guilds, &c. . . 76 Chapter IX. Parish Registers, Cemetery Books, General Registry Office, Churchwardens' Books, Inscriptions, &c. . . 87 List of Published Parish Registers . . .89 Chapter X. Fiscal Records, the Subsidy Rolls, &c. . . . 95 Chapter XI. The Descent of Land, Inquisitions Post Mortem, Proofs of Age, Wills and Administrations . . . .98 Printed Collections of Wills . . . 104—107 Chapter XII. Manorial Records, Court Rolls, &c. . . . 108 Chatter XIII. Grants from the Crown, Privileges, Titles, &c. . . 110 Chapter XIV. The Record Office . . . . .118 Record Agents, Transcribers, &c. . . .124 Chart of the Long Room, Record Office . . 129 Chart of the Round Room „ ,, . . 130 The British Museum — Rules and Regulations . . 132 Indexes and Handbooks . . . 134, 135 Reading Room Chart . . . .136 Probate Registry . . . . .138 City of London Records . . . .142 Lambeth Library . . . . .142 The Heralds' College . . . . .146 Printed Visitations . . . . .149 The Bodleian Library, Oxford . . . .154 Cambridge University Library .... 155 Antiquarian Booksellers, &c. .... 156 Appendix I. — Form of Writ of Diem Clausit Extremum . 157 Form of Inquisition Post Mortem . . 157 Form of Testament . . . .158 Probate Act . . . . .159 Specimen of Nuncupative Will . . . 160 Form of Fine . . . .160 Form of Charter . . . .162 Appendix II. — Registrar General's Account . . . 163 Appendix III. — List of London Cemeteries . . .166 Appendix IV.— Classified List of the Master of the Rolls Series of Chronicles, &e. .... 167 Appendix V.— List of Published Domestic State Papers . . 176 Appendix VI.— Historical MSS. Commission Reporta for Places and Persons (see Index) . . .180 Appendix VII. — A short Antiquarian Directory . . 180 Index ....... 193 CHAPTER I. $ow to compile a itebigrae, 1 In working up a pedigree you should always begin with the earliest undoubted fact in your possession. Aged relations and friends, inscriptions in Bibles, Prayer- books, &c. ; deeds, probates, old letters, and tombstones, are among the most obvious sources of information : and what is obtained from them had better be worked into a tabular form before any search is made in the register of the parish in which your family resided, as there is often considerable difficulty in making out a sketch pedigree from the registers, if the entries are numerous, and there were two or more fathers of the same Christian and surname having families at the same time. Great care should be taken in making notes of the vivd voce evidence of aged people : the result should be read over and over again to them at as long intervals as possible, and presented to them in a different shape each time. A name or a date which your informant is utterly unable to remember one day will often come to mind after a week or so ; 1 A recent work which should he consulted is How to Write the History of a Family, by W. P. W. Phillimore (Elliot Stock). When I mention that it is revised as to various branches by such experts as the late Mr. Selby of the Record Office, Mr. Challenor Smith, late of the Probate Office, and Mr. Cokayne (Norroy King-at-Arms), I need hardly say that it is most valuable. It was not issued when this chapter was first written, and I purposely abstained from looking at it, except to work some references to it into my index, but I have since gone through it carefully, and am glad to find that the result of our independent work tallies so closely. An appendix has been issued this year (1896), and a second edition is promised. B and, moreover, by the manner in which your informant adheres to or varies former statements, you can form a tolerably accurate idea as to how much you can rely on them. Note everything relating to change of residence, profession or occupation, relationship, or connections however distant ; for though while you are doing so your notes may seem utterly worthless, they may prove of great value to you hereafter in tracking out a clue or eking out a coincidence. Sooner or later, however, perhaps at your grandfather or your great grandfather, or perhaps a step or two higher, you will come to the end of your oral, and also of your documentary evidence, and the head of your sketch pedigree (vide specimen pedigree) is Henry Smith, who died at Fulhani in 1768, aged 75. 1 It is most likely some of your relations know whence he originally came, if he was not a native of the place in which he died. Iu that case search should be made in the parish register 2 of his reputed birthplace for the baptism of a Henry Smith, in or about the year 169". You can never depend on the age being right within a year or two. If you find this entry it will give you the Christian names of his father and mother, and carry you a step higher ; and you should then work the pedigree up by the registers of the same parish as long as there are any entries of persons of your name. Keep on working out the results in a tabular form. Possibly, however, you have been mistaken or wrongly informed as to the parish in which he was born, or though born he may not have been baptized in it, in which case you should try the adjacent churches, and failing in them it may be 1 If you cannot find his age on his tombstone or burial certificate you may do so in any policy on his life, which also frequently has appended to it a copy of his baptismal certificate produced by him to show his age when he insured his life. 2 An abstract of the Returns under 11th Geo. IV., which was published in 1833 in three vols., enumerates all then existing Parish Registers with the dates of their commencement. If not a member of the Church of England, sec notices of dissi nting registers, p. 86. as well for you to search the registers of arry parishes in which any of your family, or connections by marriage, were formerly resident, even for a short time. If still unsuccessful you will be in the same predicament as many who continually advertize ' in The Times and elsewhere, offering liberal rewards for copies of baptismal certificates of people known to have been born in certain specified years. 3 1 While touching on advertisements let me warn you against the catchpenny "next of kin " advertisements, hy which rogues try to rob poor people with specious tales of unclaimed stock. Most of the statements they contain are absolute lies ; e.g., that which one reads every day, about there being above ten millions of unclaimed property in the Court of Chancery ; the truth being that there is next to none ; and I can only say that in the experience of my late father and myself, which covers sixty years, not a single case has occurred in which anyone has benefited in the least by any advertisement of this sort. I have myself investigated many instances in which what seemed most plausible primd facie cases have been put before me at first, and have invariably found that the claimants have been " kept out of their property " by — the rightful owners ! The following advertisement, to which I will give a gratuitous circulation, is a fine example of the simple faith of a claimant : — " Required, the address of the .Solicitor that has the property of " one believed to be J ohn Marsh, who died about one hundred years ago. This " property supposed to be in Manchester and other places. The Marsh family, " of Purbeck in Dorset, believed to be the heirs. This property supposed to "be in Chancery. If he will not send his address will he say in what year "the will of this property was made, and in what county? — Arthur Marsh, "34, Floating Bridge Cottage, Southampton." Since my first edition, the matter was mentioned in the House of Commons, and Mr. Jackson, in reply to a question, said — " It could not be made too clear that the amount "of money in connection with this fund was not at all to be compared " with the extravagant sums mentioned from time to time as standing in " particular names by advertizing agencies, who were simply misleading the "public for the purpose of making profit for themselves and extracting " money out of the pockets of poor persons." 2 There is a Society of Parish Clerks — Parish Clerk's Hall, E.C. — who profess, for afixed fee of £2. 2s. Od., to have all the registers within the Bills of Mortality searched, provided a reward is also offered for the certificate. This search is not often a fruitful one. If your ancestors held a good position it may be worth your while to search the births, deaths, and marriages in the Gentleman's Magazine and the Annual Register. The former has indexes nominum for each year ; the latter has a general index from 1758 to 1819. See also Chapter IX., on Registers, sub voce "Dissenters." B 2 Nominally, the way out of your difficulty is easy; but practically, it is very hard. There should be at the different Bishop's Registries transcripts of all parish registers of the dioceses sent in 3'ear by year, and called Register Bills ; and knowing the year, nothing theoretically is easier than to search the bundle for such year, and find your entry in its proper parish. But, unhappily, this cannot be depended on at all. The great majority of the clergy and churchwardens have been most remiss in sending in these duplicates, and owing to this and the little store set on them by the authorities who should be their custodians, but a veiy small percentage now exist. Still they are always worth searching, if only for the off-chance, and they have stood me in good stead more than once. The fee usually charged is 3s. 4d. a-year. As with your oral evidence, however, so Avith your parish register; you must get to the end of it sooner or later. These registers an ere instituted in 1538, but only very few begin as early as this, and 1680 may be taken as a fair average, though, unluckily, many begin still later. 1 But before quitting parochial records altogether, it may be as well to enquire for any pai-ish or town books giving accounts of rates collected from inhabitants, as they will sometimes, though of course but imperfectly, serve to fill up a gap in the parish register. In all cities the Freemen's Roll is most useful, and is in the custody of the Town Clerk. They are especially useful, moreover, to prove the residence of anyone in a parish, in which he may not have either been born or married, or have died. In many cities, e.g., London, Norwich, &c, a record is kept of all deeds relating to dealings with I ity leases and other properties, and is often most valuable. The printed Poll Books, of which there is a fine series in the British Musuem, begin at the early part of the last century, and 1 The dates at which the registers of any parish begin may he ascertained by the abstract of replies, referred to in Chapter IX., p. 88, under the title of The Parish Register Abstract of 1830, which was printed by order of the House of Commons in 1833. are often very useful as giving- the searcher a hint as to where persons of his surname were settled in the country. The identity of Londoners and other citizens can often be traced by looking through the lists of " outvoters " in these Poll Books, which shows the Londoner as voting for his paternal county property. American searchers will find Hotten's List of Emigrants (1600-1700), published by Chatto and Windus, 1874, very useful, as they will the Licenses to pass beyond Seas, &c. {see 20th Eeport, p. 131); but are specially warned against all advertizing record agents, for rich Americans, in their anxiety for pedigrees, are lavish in payment, and are therefore the special marks of certain unscrupulous individuals. A list of 20,000 works and articles on American pedigrees was printed in Albany (New York) by Mr. D. Durrie, and has run to several editions. It is well worth looking into by English genealogists, for the American millionaire "spares neither time nor gold," and often prints details of English pedigrees which have never seen the light this side of the Atlantic. Whitmore's American Genealogist is an earlier work of the same type. If the family about which you are searching were of any impor- tance, the Gentleman s Magazine (from 1731) and Annual Register (1758) may be searched for obituary notices, marriages, births, &c. The Index Society has just published an excellent Index to the Obituary and Biographical Notices in the Gentleman' 's Magazine, from 1731 to 1780, which of course supersedes the old faulty indexes by Ayscough and Nichols, between these dates. It also proposes to publish Annual Indexes of Obituary Notices. Mr. Farrar is about to print an Index to all the marriages, 1731 —1868. That for 1880 has been issued. There is also a work called the Historical Register, which covers the period 1714-38. The Heralds' College has a similar record. The recent Index to the Times by Palmer is very xiseful for the late dates, while from 1817-37 there was an Annual Obituary and Biography published in 21 vols. From 1891 Mr. Locke has published an Annual Register of Births and Marriages. Mr. Justin Simpson published in 1861 an Obituary for Lincolnshire, Rutland, and Northampton. A long list of various collections of obituaries, inscriptions, &c, will be found at pp. 231 et seq. of Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry and Genealogy, London, 1892, a very useful but ill- digested work. If you can obtain access to the Court Rolls of any manors 1 which may exist in the parish, they will often be of the greatest possible value to you. Some information may also be obtained from the local antiquary, or, failing him, from the local solicitor, who is generally not indisposed to help you, if he can do so without disclosing the title of any client. There is one more class of records, divided into localities, to which I had better refer before touching on the general sources of information, and that is the Subsidy Rolls, 2 which will give you the names of men taxed in different villages all over England in early times. Your next and most productive field of labour lies among the Wills at the different Registries. 3 You should first search in your own District Registry, and after referring to and taking notes of the wills of all your own name, who you know to have been of your own family or resident in your locality, proceed to do the same with all of your name residing in other places. "Work out the results of each will, in a tabular form, on a separate sheet of paper, and put it by till you have done all, and then spread out the lot before you, and try to connect them. Never attempt to theorize or speculate too soon. If } r ou got wedded to a theory, you will find yourself unconsciously specially pleading in its favour, and not looking at things fairly. Your District Registry exhausted, try the Principal Registry in London, in Avhich are the wills of many of the more important country folks. 1 Vide p. 108. ■ Vide p. 95. 3 There are very many collections of wills, printed and in MS., referred to more at length on p. 104 — 107- You have now come to the end of all your MS. and local records, and I most strongly advise you never to look at a printed book until you have done so. When you have done this, you may search the indexes of all county histories and other topographical ' and genealogical 2 works, both printed and MS., relating to your locality, which are to be found in the museums and libraries mentioned in Chapter XIV., and then the Heralds' College, though, if you are working up a new pedigree of a non-armigerous family, you get little there. 8 On the earlier descents drawn up by Heralds place but very little reliance ; but they may be referred to, and you will find a list of the Visitations showing what have been printed in Dr. Marshall's index mentioned post. There are also lists by Sims and in the two Gruides. The indexes to these printed Heralds' visitations {see Chapter XIV., p. 146), to the printed parish registers {see Chapter IX.), to the Collectanea Topographica at Genealogica, and its numerous successors, and to the old edition of Dugdale's Ifonasticon, should then be searched. If you have access to files of the old county newspapers they may be of use to you, but the search is a most laborious one. Then the mass of available printed matter open to you must be attacked. There is much information as to the matches, births, and deaths, of armigerous families to be found in Peter Le Neve's Memoranda on Heraldry (1695-1729), which is printed in the Topogr. et Geneal., ii. 25 et seq. Mawson's Obits, &c. (1720-1729), now being printed in the Genealogist (new series), ii. 1 For these see Anderson's very valuable Book of English Topography. 2 All English, pedigrees of more than three generations are admirably indexed in Dr. Marshall's Index to Printed Pedigrees, which is now in its second edition. This includes references to all pedigrees in Burke's Landed Gentry, and other books of the same class. 3 I need hardly tell you to avoid, like poison, all advertisements offering to send you, in return for your name and county and fee, "a plain or coloured" sketch of your arms. The " Heraldic Office" stock-in-trade is usually only a copy of Burke's Armory. You can get the same information yourself without payment. 8 and vii., and Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights, edited by Dr. Marshall for the Harleian Society, with further additions thereto, in the Genealogist, 1st series, i., should also he searched. Sir William Musgrave's Obituary of the Nobility and Gentry was begun (some little time ago) to be reprinted by Mr. Foster, vol. i. of his series styled Collectanea Genealogica, but vols. ii. and iii. had no more of it, and parts xiv.-xx. were taken up by a modern law li^t, called "Men at the Bar," so I, for one, left off sub- scribing to the series. Berry's lithographed series of pedigrees for Berks, Bucks, Essex, Hampshire, Herts, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex should not be forgotten, nor Le Neve's and Norris' MS. Collections for Norfolk, and Davy's for Suffolk. Then the Marriage Licenses must not be omitted, for they give very valuable information as to the parentage and ages of the persons named in them. The London Marriage Licenses (including Faculty, West- minster, &c), 1521-1869, are printed in one vol. by Mr. Joseph Foster, from the original MS. collections of the late Col. Chester, and the same collections, but in a less consultable form, were printed by the Harleian Society, and issued to their members. Some extracts from the Marriage Licenses in the Diocesan Kegister at Worcester, are printed in the Genealogist, 1st series, vii. p. 262 ; 2nd series, i. pp. 27, 102, and ii. pp. 52, 150, 212. Mr. Gibbons is going to print the Allegation Books (1595- 1628) for Lincoln, from 1598 (Mitchell and Hughes). Funeral Certificates, given by the Heralds, often contain most valuable information, for they are certified by the son and heir or other near relation of the deceased, and give his marriage, family, &c. For specimens of them see Genealogist, new series, i. p. 186, ii. p. 85 ; the volume of Lancashire Funeral Certificates (1600-1678), edited by Eylands (Eecord Society,, 1882; and King's volumes of Funeral Certificates (Chetham Society). A list was published by G. E. C. in Genealogist, new series, xii. p. 80. Of course, too, books of Monumental Inscriptions, like Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, Dingley's History from Marble, and the other works mentioned in the footnote to p. 15, will not be forgotten. 1 Nor, though very many of their statements must be taken with spoonfuls of salt, is it as well to omit searching the various Peerages, Landed Gentry Books, &c, &c. ; one of the latter by J. B. Burke contains 100,000 references. Other sources worth searching are the Reports of the Historical MSS. Commission (which are well indexed) and the Calendars of Domestic State Papers, 3 while, if the person searched after was a clergyman, a 'Varsity or Public School man, the following works may be consulted with advantage: — Oxford — Wood's Athena Oxomensis (1691-2) ; a catalogue of all graduates, &c, between 1659 and 1850 {University Press, 1351) ; Poster's Oxford Matriculations (1581-1886); Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis (1715- 1886) ; Foster's Oxford Men and Colleges (1880-1892); Register of the University of Oxford, 1449-1571 (Oxford Historical Society); Registers of All Souls (Boase), see also Burrows' Worthies of All Souls ; Register of Brasenose (Churton) ; Register of Exeter (Boase) ; Register of Magdalen (Bloxam) ; Register of Magdalen Fellows to 1520 (Macray); Register of Oriel ( Shad well) ; Register of J! r adham (Gardner). 3 Cambridge — Cooper's Athena Cantab. (1500-1609); Graduati Cantab. (1659-1823); Graduati Cantab., by Romilly (1760-1856); Master's History of Corpus; Pembroke Hall, Master and Fellows (see Hawes and Loder's History of Framlingham) ; Register of Gonville and Cuius (Venn) ; Register of St. Johns (Mayor), 1029-1715; Register of Queens (Searle). Dublin — Graduates to 1 866 (Todd). Edinburgh — Graduates in Medicine, 1705- 1845 (Neill). For nearly every public school a book containing a list of old scholars, often giving the father's name, has been 1 For early London inscriptions see the "Catalogue" of those before the fire of 1G66, by Fisher and Morgan, and for early residents in London see the Little London Directory of 1677 (reprinted by Hotten), also a Compleate Guide for London for 1714. The earliest regular London Directories begin much later. The indexes to Lyson's Environs contain much useful matter as to citizens, inscriptions, entries in Registers. 2 For list of these to date, nee Appendix V., p. 176. 3 A Mr. Harvey is said to be at work on a stupendous work on the Alumni Cantab, in very many vols., but his modus operandi is somewhat aggressive, and he puts forward what is practically a claim to copyright in all the Registers ! published, e.g., firad field (see Notes and Queries, 5th series, x. p. 17); Charterhouse (Hay-Browne), and see Parish's Carthusians (1800-1879); Chrises Hospital (Trollope, and Loekhart's Exhibitioners); Eton (Harwood's Alumni Etonensis, 1443-1797); Eton Scholars, 1443-177 1, Registrant Regale (Stapylton) ; Eton (Stapylton), 1791-1850; narrow, 1770-1826; King's College, Canterbury (Sidebotham), 1791-1850; Manchester (Smith), pub- lished by Chethain Societ)', 1866-1874, 4 vols.; Marlborough Register, 1843-69 (London, 1870); Merchant Taylors (Robinson), 1562-1874, see also Rev. H. B. Wilson's History; Rugby Register from 1675-1887, 3 vols.; Sedbergh School Register, 1546-1895, 1 vol., 8vo. ; Shrewsbury (Calvert) from 1562; St. Paul's, 1895 (Gardiner), 1512-1876; Tollbridge School (Hughes), 1820-1893; Westminster (Welch's Queen's Scholars), 1788-1852; Westminster (Barker and Stenning's Registers), 1764-1883); Winchester (Kerby) Commoners, 1836-1890 (Norgate). Should you have reason to suppose your ancestor was a clergyman, see later, p. 18; if a doctor, consult Munk's Roll of the Royal College of Physicians (1882) ; a barrister, see the Registers of the Inns of Court, well summarized by Phillimore, p. 178, and see note x ; a solicitor, the admissions of attornies which begin 1656, and the Law List, which begins 1775; a literary man, Watts' liibliotheca Bntannica (4 vols. 4to. 1824), or the last edition of Lowndes' Bibl. Manual; or a politician, Beatson's Political Index, or his Chronological Register, whilst, if an officer in either the Army or the Navy, it will be as well to consult the special sources suggested by Mr. Phillimore at pp. 178-183. The marriages, burials, &c, of Indian Civil Servants, and all Europeans in India, are well recorded and indexed at the India Office, the fee for a general search being 2s. 6d. They begin 1698. For a catalogue of works on genealogy and heraldry, see Moules' Bibliotheca Reraldica. 1 The registers of the different Inns of Courts should also he searched, but are difficult of access. Mr. J. Foster has issued, or is about to issue, a Hand List of Admissions to Lincoln's Inn, 1420-1885, and proposes to issue similar lists of the other Inns. 11 Last, but not least, there will remain to you the contents of the Record Office — a mine of material so rich that you could not search a tithe of it if you were to spend a hundred years there. Perhaps the most productive, or rather the easiest searched documents there, are the Parliamentary Surveys, Poyalist Com- position Papers, Feet of Pines, State Papers, and Chancery Proceedings, to which you will find reference in the index. 1 But the general contents, the De Banco Polls, the Coram Eege Polls, &c, are from their immense bulk and chaotic arrangement utterly sealed to you, unless you by chance get a reference to the roll and skin. The frequently inserted advertisement that a certain record agent had an "index" to these De Banco Polls is most misleading. It is absolutely impossible that any one man could index a tithe of them in a long life. He 2 had an index to his notes or extracts only. Here I must leave you, with the advice, if you wish to make out a perfect and ample pedigree of your family, to undertake the history of the district or parish with which they had most to do. Things then turn up in most unlikely corners, in records which you would never have the pluck to specially search for your name ; the meshes of the net of your search grow smaller and smaller, and all the while you are doing good archaeological work. One more last word on this subject. It is more honourable by far to trace your descent sturdily and clearly to some mediaeval yeoman or tradesman, than by straining coincidences, 1 Unless you wish to know " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'' about your family, do not too closely search the Crown Plea Eolls, or you may feel disgusted at finding that an ancestor was hanged for murder, burglary, or some other trifle. 3 " General George Henry de Strabolgi Neville Plantagenet" Harrison was a great note-taker from the De Banco Eolls, and his collections, fairly well indexed and very voluminous, are now in the Long Room of the Public Record Office. He was a pedigree forger of the worst and most unscrupulous type, and all young genealogists should be most careful of believing anything he wrote. 12 presuming identities, and fudging judiciously, to attempt to book on to some noble ' or w ell- descended family of tbe same name as yours, or something like it, e.g., tbe recent instance of De Breci aud Brassey. If you want a sad and degrading instance of a bigbly gifted man and clever antiquary giving way to tbis latter weakness, read "Tbe Cbandos Peerage Case" by Beltz, and remember tbere are still plenty of Beltzes ready to cut you up root and braucb, as severely and trencbantly as was done in tbis book. 2 One H. T. E. is perpetually waiting round tbe corner for you witb a bludgeon. So is one G. E. C, and wbat tbey don't know is bardly wortb knowing. Specimen ^eutgree. Married 1st. a Feb. 1601, at Blackacre. Married 2nd, after 1606. 3 John Smith =p Mary Jones, =j=William Thompson of Blackacre, near St. Alban's, Herts, yeo- man. Living 1601-6; * died before 1629. 5 .spinster. Bur. 2 June, 1629, at Greenacre. | j Married before 1627.6 William Smith, Henry Smith, =f= Ann of Greenacre. 1 John Thompson (mentioned in will of his half-.sister, Ann Williams.) "1 bapt. 1 June, 1603, at Black- acre ; died an infant, and was buried at Black- acre 25th Sept. L605. bapt. 7 Auj 1604, at Blackacre. Probably died before 1640. 7 (probably the Ann Smith, widow, bur. at Blueacre, 26 July, 1638.) Ann Smith, : bapt. 9 Jan. 1606, at Black- acre. Will dat. 4 Sept. Iu4u ; prov. 21 July, 1641, in the Consistory Crt. of Whiteacre. : Thomas Williams of Blueacre. Died be- fore 1640, ; when his wife's will was proved. (*) 1 If you have reason to suspect you have a "royal descent" (as in all probability you must have if you have any gentle blood in you at all), you had better consult Burke's Royal Descents and Foster's Royal Lineage, of which there are several series. 2 Place little reliance on the pedigrees in most Peerages, and books treating on the pedigrees of the well-to-do classes. The editors have, in too many cases, inserted concocted pedigrees, sent them by interested persons. It is next to impossible to check every statement, e.g., I heard the other day of a case where notoriously illegitimate issue were inserted as legitimate. Cockayne (" G. E. C"), Doyle, and Foster, are honourable exceptions to the general rule. Popular Genealogists ; or, the Art of Pedigree Making, Edinburgh, 1865, is well worth perusal. 13 (a) | Mar. before 1660. 8 , William Smith, =p Mary Williams, d. and bapt. 11 March, h. of John Williams. 1627, at Black- bapt. 7 July, 1629, at acre; died before Blueacre; married her 1680. 9 . cousin. -J Jane Griffiths. Mar. 21 Feb. 1692. at the Fleet. .John Smith, bapt. 2 Feb.=pJane Wilkinson. 1660, at Blackacre ; bur. 17 Aug. 1701, at do. Thomas Griffiths, illegitimate son, bapt. at Blackacre 27 April, 1691. John Williams, bapt. 27 Feb. 1627, at Blueacre ; died unmar. 1694. Administration granted 14 Oct. 1695, by Consistory Court of Wheatacre to John Smith of Blackacre. .... n I William Smith, bur. at Black- acre 5 May, 1691. John Smith, bapt. 1 June, 1692, at Blackacre. Probably died an infant iinmar 1" Henry Smith, bapt. 1 1 July, 1693, at Black- acre. (No entry of his marriage or burial oc- curs in Registers of Blackacre. He sold the W.wick copyholds in 1716.) Henry Smith =p was \ probably (of St. Clement identical I Danes, 11 London, with J merchant, in 1722. Was reputed to have come from vicinity of St. Alban's. Bur. 24 June, 1768, at Fulham, "aged 75." Eliza John Smith, =j=Maria . . , d. William Lucy . . (said bapt. 31 Dec. and h. of Jas. Smith, to have mar. 1728, at St. Stokes, bv T 1 William Ken- Clement Mary his + rick.) Danes. j wife. John Smith, bapt. 12 Feb. 1760, at Fulham. Alderman of the City of London for Vintry Ward. Died a bache- lor 1 June, 1824. Wm. Smith. Mary Smith, =p bapt. 2 Mar. 4. 1768, atFul- [The searcher's ham; died grandfather.] unmar. Eliza Smith, = James bapt. 31 Oct. Jones, 1769. Lost lost at at sea with sea on her husb. voyage to Can- 3 That being the date of the birth of her last child by her first husband. * In which years he had children baptised there. 5 The date of the death of his widow. 6 That being date of baptism of his first child. 7 As he is not mentioned in will of his sister Ann Williams of that date. 8 The date of the baptism of his son. y When his son Henry was admitted as his heir to his copyholds of the manor of W.Wick in Blackacre. 10 If he had not died unmarried, and without issue, his younger brother Henry could not have sold the W.Wick copyholds in 1716. H Occurs so described in the rate books of this date. n Her maiden name said to be Johnson. 14 St'rjns, xlbbrctu'cittons, artti &etms ttsrti for -pctiicfrees. — (or joined hands) ob. . ob. inn. ob. coelebs ob. s. p. ob. s. p. m. ob. v. p. married to. died. died unmarried. died a bachelor. died without issue. died without male issue. died in the life of his or her father. had lawful issue not specified on pedigree. [The use of these abbreviated Latin terms is now not so common as it formerly was. Facts are now generally stated at length, or reason- ably abbreviated as in the specimen pedigree on previous two pages.] s. and h. d. and h. d. and coh. s. and coh. son and heir, daughter and heiress, daughter and coheiress, sister and coheiress, probable relationship, illegitimate relationship. CHAPTEK II. *jtf«r to ntrtt* tij* ^x&tovu of a $}avi&lj Perhaps the best thing to begin with is the Church, which will probably be the oldest edifice in the parish or place whose history you have undertaken to write ; and certainly has inter- 1 It may be as well for me to say that this title headed this chapter when I submitted the MS. to the late Mr. J. G. Nichols very many years ago, so it is not plagiarized from the Rev. D. Cox's work of the same title, published years after, in 1886, which I had not seen, though it was spoken of most highly, and has now reached a third edition. 15 woven with its history that of most of the families in the parish. First copy all the Inscriptions ' within its walls, take rubbings of the brasses, if any, and note all the heraldry both in the windows and on hatchments, but you need not copy verbatim the later inscriptions in the churchyard, or at all events you can omit the poetry which embellishes them. 2 Note as many of the Entries in the Parish Registers 3 as you can, especially for the earlier years, and at once index up the notes you get from them and your visitation of the church. Churchwardens' i and Town Books (which will generally be found in the church chest) should be dealt with in the same way, and you should look in them for entries relating to repairs done to the church, the sale of church ornaments, &c. They will also sometimes be useful for the lists they give of parishioners paying rates or receiving parochial relief during periods for which the parish registers may be imperfect. Having gone so far, transcribe on separate half sheets of foolscap paper (writing on one side only, with a wide margin) any printed accounts of the parish which you can find in topographical works relating to the county or district, keeping them as much as possible divided into classes, such as (a) the Church and its Rectors or Vicars, (3) the Manor or Manors, (c) Miscellaneous History. 1 Some one ought to publish a list of the inscriptions which have been printed for each county. I have printed all those in the churches and church- yards of several Hundreds in Norfolk, Mr. J. E. Bellasis has printed notes from thirty-two Westmoreland parishes, IMngley's History in Marble (Cam. Soc), Major Fisher's Tombs in old St. Paul's, Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana, Weever's Funeral Monuments, and many others, ought to be indexed under places. 2 I always note the facts only which they contain. 3 As to obtaining access to them, fees, &c, see Chapter IX. ; see also the list of printed registers given by Dr. Marshall in Geneal., 2nd series, ii. pp. 194-201, and see p. S9. 4 As examples of a printed Churchwardens' Book, I may cite that of St. Martin's, Leicester, 1489- 18S4, which has recently been published by T. North, F.S.A., and Bax's Early Churchwardens' Accounts of Hot-ley /Surrey Arch. Soc). See also Cowper's Our Parish Books and What They Tell Us. 16 Note on separate slips of paper every reference they give to original documents, but keep on indexing. In short, never leave an item of newly acquired information unindexed for a day. Then go through and check such references with the original documents in the Record Office, Probate Courts, the Copyhold, Enclosure, and Tithe Commutation Offices ; the Ecclesiastical Commission, the Land Revenue Record Office, and else- where, as far as you possibly can, and if practicable, transcribe each document at length, always on separate sheets of loose paper and never in a book, and you will always then be able to arrange your documents in order of date or in any other way you wish, and you will never be embarrassed by the arrival of fresh matter. Clips like music books with springs at the back are sold by most stationers, and are better than a loose portfolio. Initial every statement in your printed authority as you verify it, and take it as a golden rule never to trust to anyone's work but your own. 1 Having worked up all your references, begin on your own account to search for more. You cannot begin better than by trying KembWs Codex, the Anglo-Saxon and all other published Chronicles, in the Rolls and other series, the old edition of the Monasticon, the Calendar of Bodleian Charters, &c, for any incidental mention of your village in early times. The Monumenta Historica Britannica, by Petrie and Sharp, 1 vol. fo. (1848), which sells for about £2. 15s., should be consulted for the Saxon period. Domesday will be tolerably sure to give you some information, nor should you neglect the local so-called Domesday % of Exon, 1 The most careful topographers are liable to mistake, e.g., Blomefield, in his " History of Norfolk " sub voce Cromer, says that certain land in Shipden was granted to the Prior and Convent of the Carthusians by Sir William Beauchamp, and refers to the Patent Roll, 16 Rich. If. When I was writing the History of this Church this puzzled me amazingly, for I knew nothing of any Beauchamps connected with the place. On referring to the roll, I found that the land was given by one Geoffrey de Somerton, and that the mistake had arisen from the license in mortmain, obtained by the Carthusians, including some land in London given them by Sir William Beauchamp. 17 Winton, St. Paul's, Norwich, &c.i ; nor Greenstreet's Lincolnshire Survey. By all means, if possible, obtain access to the early Court Rolls of any manors in your parish, 2 which will afford you a great deal of interesting information as to the manners and customs of the tenants, and names of localities and fields now forgotten or corrupted, and also very many particulars of the descent of families. From the heads of the rolls which give the names of the lords holding the different courts you can make out a skeleton descent of the manor or manors, which you can then fill in from the inquisitions post mortem s and wills 3 of the lords of the manor, the monuments in the church, the De Banco Rolls, Feet of Fines, and other documents relating to the transfer of land con- tained in the Record Office, and enumerated in my third chapter. Similar descent should be made, from the same sources, of all the most considerable estates. Of the more important families who have ever lived in your parish you should draw up pedigrees from church registers, wills, monuments, inquisitions post mortem, &c, and you should see if there are any such already drawn out in the Heralds' Visitations 4 or County Histories, and if so you should copy and correct them. In aid of these pedigrees, and also to obtain a just idea of the number and importance of the inhabitants of your village in former times, you should search the Lay Subsidy Rolls, 5 from the assessments in which you will see who were the more important inhabitants, and this will give you a clue in what names to search for wills, &c, for the wills of the richer 1 See Chapter III., p. 25. 3 How to obtain access to them, see p. 108. There are many court rolls in the Record Office once belonging to the Augmentation Office. See 20th Report, p. 80, and 45th Report. A great number were also transferred with the Duchy of Lancaster Records; see list 43rd Report, pp. 206-362. An index to all the Court-rolls in the Record Office, arranged under Counties, is in the Press. 3 See Chapter XI., p. 98 and 105. 4 See Chapter XIV., p. 146. 5 See p. 95. C 18 inhabitants not only give you information about tbeir families, but from containing legacies for the repairs of the church, for vestments, tombs, windows, brasses, &c, &c, will often help you in working out the account of the fabric of your church. The Taxatio Ecclesiastica ' (which is an account of the taxation of the tenths of all ecclesiastical benefices taken about the year 1291); the Inquisitioms JVonarum 2 (which were inquistions taken to assess a subsidy in 1342) ; and the Valor Ecclesiastictis* (which was a survey of all ecclesiastical property taken just before the Reformation), are all worth searching, and being printed with good indexes will give } r ou little trouble. Eough accounts should be drawn up of the descent of the advowson, and of the succession of the rectors or vicars. 4 The former you will be able to collect from much about the same sources as the descent of the manor (to which it very often belonged), while the latter you will get from the Institution Books at the Registry of the Bishop in whose diocese you may be, and also to a certain extent from the Institution Books at the Record Office, where you should also search the Clerical Subsidies. 5 If the see were ever vacant for any time, you should consult the Archbishops' Registers at Lambeth or York for the interval. If in the Home District, you will find that Newcourt's Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Londinense, which contain good indexes of incumbents, will help you. Details of the lives and connexions of your clergy you may obtain from their wills and monuments, the parish registers, and from the various works as to the 'Varsities detailed ante at p. 9, and you may as well, too, consult Lowndes' Bibliogr. Manual, Woodcock's Ecclesiastical Biography, &c, as the clergy were ever a literary class. 1 Printed by the Commissioners of Public Records, 1802, and commonly called the Taxation of Pope Nicholas. 2 Id., 1807. 3 Id., 1810 et seq. 4 The Institutions for Wiltshire, from 1297 to 1810, were printed at the Middle Hill Press, by Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1825, in folio. It is a rare book. 5 They date from the reign of Edward I. See index. 19 Master's History of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, gives the lives of many Norfolk parsons, while Torre's MSS. at York contain an immense number of lists of incumbents and par- ticulars about them invaluable to the Northern topographer, as do the Davy and Jermyn MBS. (Brit. Mus.) for Suffolk. Before you begin to write the history of the church itself you should see if there are any MS. collections relating to it, or old notes of its heraldry or monuments preserved in the British Museum or elsewhere. Of course you will take care to go into the MS. Department of the British Museum, and see the great "classed catalogues." which the attendants will show you on request. Should there be any Chantry, you had better consult the Chantry Certificates in the Augmentation Office, taking as a text-book Canon Raine's History of the Chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, 2 vols. (Chetham Society), 1826. 1 If your parish is in the Eastern Counties, or in Middlesex, you may find a certificate returned into Chancery in 12th Richard II., 2 by some guild held in your parish. Toulmin Smith's English Gilds (Early English Test Society) may be consulted as to these, and for printed certificates, see p. 83. In any case you will be tolerably sure of finding a certificate of the sale or an inventory of church goods made or taken in 2nd or 6th Edward VI. 3 The former are especially interesting to the topographer, as they give accounts of how the proceeds were spent, generally for 1 Mr. E. Green is editing a work for the Somerset Record Society on the Chantries of his county. See later as to Chantries, p. 82. 2 See p. 83. You will also find many references to guilds, lights, &c. , in the wills of early inhabitants. 3 For specimens of these and of a later species of these Inventories see Peacock's Church Goods of Lincolnshire; Rye's Church Goods of Norfolk, Trans, of Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, vol. vii. p. 20; L' Estrange' s Church Goods of St. Andrew nnd St. Mary Goslany, Norwich, Id. p. 45; Tyssen's Inventories of the Goods and Ornaments of S Churches (l 869) ; Bailey's Inventories of Lancash ire (Chetham Society, 1S79, and Money's Berkshire Church Goods. As to Church Plate, see the Monographs on the Archdeaconry of "Worces- ter by Kaikes, and of Norfolk by Manning. c 2 20 re-edifying the church, and of ton contain entries accounting for the destruction of the rood-loft, &c., &c. Duplicates of these will sometimes be found at the Bishops' Registries. Other and later Inventories of Church Furniture and Plate are to be found at the Public Record Office, for the reign of Queen Mary, and at the Bishops' Registries for later reigns. The Terriers, which give accounts of the possessions of the church in each parish, should be transcribed. One copy should be in the church chest, and another in the Bishop's Registry. The Visitation Books at the Bishops' Registries, with their curious presentments of irregularities, such as of clergy carting dung, and so on, will be most valuable to you, if you can obtain access to them without having to pay the usual heavy fees. Should there have been any Ahb»y or other Monastic Establish- ment 3 in your parish you must, of course, see what accounts of it have been already printed in Dugdale's Monastieon and else- where. 2 Ascertain if possible where its chronicle, chartulary, and ledger books are, and do the best you can to digest them. An excellent modern book on the subject is the Customals of Battle Abbey, temp. Edw. II., by S. C Scargill-Bird, and see Jackson's Inquisition on the Manors of Glastonbury Abbey, Roxburghe Club, 1882. There may be a " compotus " or account of steward, receiver, or bursar, 3 giving minute and interesting particulars of rents and expenditure, often specifying the daily diet of the inmates. In any case there will probably be something relating to it in the Valor Ecclesiasticus* before referred to ; in the Acknowledg- ments of Royal Supremacy (taken 1534), the Deeds of Surrender (same period), and the Particulars for Grants, temp. Henry VIII. The last-named series of documents often give detailed descriptions of the state of the buildings, &c. ; and you should also refer to the " Letters relating to the Suppression of the Monasteries," published by the Camden Society. 1 As to all of this, see more fully Chapter VIII. 2 Vide page 78. 3 For reference to printed accounts with notes, see page 82. 4 See Chapter III. 21 Should you wish to make out a list of all its possessions you had better go through the files of the Feet of Fines for the county in which it is situate, search the Fine Rolls for entries of fines paid for licences to alienate, licences in mortmain, &c, and try to find a confirmation on the Patent Roll, as the latter will recite the previous gifts. So with the first Minister's Account after the dissolution ; while, for the subsequent disposal of the property, the Particulars for Grants should be looked at, as should the enrolments of leases and pensions referred to in the 49th Report of the Dep. Keeper, xvi. If there were any King's Castle 1 or other building, you should try for mention of it in the Ministers' Accounts, and on the part of the Pipe Rolls which relate to your county. If a private Castle or old Mansion House, you will probably find the licence to fortify or " crenellate " it on the Patent Roll, where all such licences were enrolled. Licences for free warren or chase, 2 or to hold a market or fair, 3 you will also find on the Charter or Patent Roll, as shown post, at p. 113. As to Royal Forests you will find an immense mass of proceed- ing at the Record Office, and so you will about Fisheries. Some references as to forests will be found in the index, and a Calendar of Proceedings as to Royal Forests (5144 membranes), Henry VIII. — Charles I., will be found in the 5th Report, pp. 48-59. 4 See also The Forest of Essex and Shaw Lefevre's 1 Clarke's Mediceval Military Architecture in England, 2 vols. 8vo., 1SS4, is a useful book on this subject, and Viollet le Duo's History of a Fortress may be consulted, as may also be Bond's Corfe Castle. There are many rolls as to the repairs of English castles, e.g., Northampton, Winchester, Marlborough, and Somerset, see 1837 Report, pp. 181 and 182a ; also account as to work done to eleven castles, temp. Edward I., see id., pp. 185b and 191a ; see also 1819 Report, p. 1896. 2 See Some Account of English Beer Parks, by Evelyn P. Shirley, 1SG7. 3 See as to them, Palmer' 1 s Index, in the Record Office, vol. cvi., and see the Report of the Commissioners on Market Tolls. 4 These references may also prove useful : Amerciaments of the Forests of Northumberland, 24th Henry III., 1880 Report, p. 205a; Copies of Forest Rolls for Oxford, 40th Henry III., Hates' MSS., Lincoln's Inn, lxxvii. No. 9; Forest Rolls, 1208-1377, 1800 Report, p. 39a: Waste in Divers Forests, 22 English Commons and Forests, Tornlinson's Hatfield Chase, 1882, Newbeggin's High Forest of Rossendale, the History of the Forest and Chase of Sutton Coldfield, Howe's Perambulation of the Forest of Dartmoor, and Ellis' Parks and Forests of Essex. If your parish forms part of a town or city a separate class of records altogether will spring up, at which space will only allow me to hint, such as Court and Minute Books, Freemen Rolls, Coroners' Rolls, 1 Letter Books ; but the various works published by the City of London, such as Riley's Liber Albus, The Liber Custumarum, and so on, will serve as guides to you, as will The Records of Nottingham (1155-1547), Quaritch ; and The Records of Oxford (1509-1583), Parker; The Municipal Records of York (Davies). Those for Northampton are now in the press (Stock). In writing an account of a cit}', Madox's Firma Burgi, Rile} r 's Liber Albus of the City of London, and the various excellent volumes of The Records of Oxford, Nottingham, and York, just mentioned, will prove excellent precedents and guides, 2 while temp. Edward I., 1837 Eeport, p. 13b; Account of Forester of Isle of Wight, 22-27th Edward I., 1800 Eeport, p. 205b ; Black Book of the Northern Forests, temp. Henry VI1L, 1837 Eeport, p. 12b ; Charges, &c, in Waltham Forest Courts, temp. Charles I., Cambridge University MSS. D.d vi. 36; Eerambulations of Forests, 17th Charles L, 1837 Eeport, p. 118a Bundles of Claims as to Liberties in, temp. Charles I., 1837 Eeport, p. 69b Writs for electing Verderers and Eegarders of, from 9th Charles I., id. p. 1 18a Survey of Enfield Chase, 1656, Cambridge University MSS., D.d. ix. 27 ; Eepertory of Claims in Waltham and New Forests, temp. Charles II., 1837 Eeport, p. 13a ; Volume of Collections as to Forest Law, Maynard's MSS. (Lincoln's Inn), xi. and xii. ; Various Inquisitions and Eolls as to Northampton and Oxford Forests, 1837 Eeport, p. 181b — 183; Eeading on the Carta de Foresta and other Forest Laws, Hales' MSS. (Lincoln's Inn), vol. xl. ; Various Surveys as to Forests, 1819 Eeport, pp. 9, 33-37, 54, 55, 63, 187, and 196. 1 A very fine series is preserved at Ipswich. See Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Eeport, p. 226 ; and post, p. 55. For the County Coroners' Eolls, see List of Flea Eolls in Public Eecord Office, pp. 197-203 (arranged into counties); also select cases from the Coroners' Eolls, 1265- 1429 (Dr. Gross, Selden Society). 2 See also the Eev. W. Hudson's excellent work on The Early History of Xoricich. The archives and the early Letes of many cities have recently been calendared by the Historical MSS. Commission, and references to these will be found in the index. 23 Gromme's useful Index to Municipal Offices (Index Society), should not be neglected. If you want to study the history itself, Merewether's History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations (1835, 3 vols.) is the standard work. The Records relating to Enclosures of Common Lands, 1 and awards in respect of them before 1810 (?), ought to be preserved by the Clerks of the Peace of the different counties ; and after that date are to be found at the Tithe Commutation Office, 3, St. James' Square, London, where also is the Tithe Map, with its valuable list of field names. A duplicate of the last should be with the churchwarden of each parish. If the new large scale Ordnance or field map of the parish is issued it should be obtained, as it is very valuable to show watercourses, old banks, &c. Traces of open field cultivation, as to which see Seebohm and others, should be noted. There are generally north, south, east, and west fields in each parish. The rights of the so-called public (usually the copyholders only) have quite a literature of their own, but the leading cases to which to refer are Wimbledon and Epping. Of course, if your county is within the ambit of such a society as the Chetham, the Lancashire and Cheshire, the Middlesex Record Society, the Somerset Record Society, or the Surtees, or has a local Archreological Society, you will carefully consult their " proceedings " first. Much time would be saved if a local digest of the articles relating to each county were compiled, as was done for Norfolk in the Index to Norfolk 'Topography, pub- lished by the Index Society. Before writing a Parish History you cannot do better than go through the " Series of Queries to be answered," which were written by Jos. Hunter, and printed by him in the Journal of the Archceological Institute of 1847 (Norwich vol. p. 94). 3 You 1 A list of the places on the Inclosure Awards, from 1757-1837, is in the 26th Report, p. 15; and a list of the awards themselves, from 1756-1S53, is in the 27th Report, p. 1. The Inclosure Acts, 1801-1865, are indexed in the Appendix to the Statutes, part ii., Local and Personal Acts on pp. 370, &c. (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1867). 2 Vide also the List of Queries submitted to Wiltshire Antiquaries by Hoare. 24 should also read the handbook on English Ecclesiology, published by the Cambridge Camden Society in 1847. # # # * # These, as far as regards descriptions of churches, may be amplified thus, remembering that in taking notes you cannot be too full, either in noting angles or dimensions, for it is far easier to run your pen through superfluous particulars when you are fairly copying your history than to make another journey to the church to get further material you thought unnecessary at your first visit : — Style or styles of architecture, material or materials. Tower, spire ; if tower, whether square, round, or octagonal, &c. Any chapels or aisles ? By what windows, nave, aisles, chancel, chapel, and tower, are lit. Any stained glass ? If so, describe it. What roof? Of what material? If old, is it carved or painted ? Has its pitch been altered of recent years ? This you may often trace from the mark of the old roof, if it has. Any trace of a rood screen, rood loft, or turrets ? Any mural paintings ? Brasses ? 1 Encaustic tiles ? 2 Incised stones ? 3 How seated or pewed. Any cross in churchyard or at crossways ? i 1 To enable you to describe them, consult Boutell's Monumental Brasses, 1849 ; Haines' Manual of Monumental Brasses, and the Transactions of the Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors. Of course there are many detailed accounts of the brasses of the various counties, e.g., Cotman's Brasses of Norfolk, Dunkin's Brasses of Cornwall, Hudson's Brasses of Northamptonshire, Belcher's Kent Brasses, Kite's Brasses of Wilts, and Andrew's Brasses of Herts, &c. The Rev. W. F. Creeny's magnificent work on Continental Brasses and Hartshorne's Monumental Brasses of Europe may be consulted with advantage by anyone who suspects a foreign origin for any brass. For Church Furniture, see note p. 19. 2 See Examples of Decorative Tile termed Encaustic, 4to. 100 plates, by J. G. Nichols, 1845, and Shaw's Specimens of Pavements, Pickering, 1858, 4to. 3 See Cutts' Manual of Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses. 4 See Rimmer's Ancient Stone Crosses of England, Cressing's Ancient Crosses of Dartmoor (Pollard), Blight's Ancient Crosses of West of Cornwall, Pooley's Old Crosses of Gloucester and of Somerset, and Elias' Welsh Crosses. 25 "What bells ? 1 formerly frames for more? What inscriptions? What font ? What church plate ? 2 Piscina or sedilia ? What chest? Any books printed or MS. in it? Any armour, hatchments, or banners? Note all monuments and heraldry. 3 Charities. 4 As you are strong be merciful. If you can restrain yourself, don't discover that your church is of rather earlier date than St. Martin's at Canterbury, or is founded on the site of a Roman temple. You may be right, but to declare yourself will in all probability destroy your credit as a trustworthy topographer. CHAPTER III. Qotcvttnente relating; to tlje ^txbxijf sub atioxy ) g*aU, tnjfcr f&van*ftv of gano. The most important document of this class, of course, is Domesday Book, 1085-6, 5 the nature of which is too well known for me to describe it. 1 See L'Estrange's Church Bells of Norfolk; Raven's, of Suffolk and of Cam- bridge; Tyssen's, of Sussex; Ellacombe's, of Devonshire, Somerset, and Gloucester ; Stahlschmidt's, of Surrey, Kent, S;c. ; North's Bedfordshire, Leicester, Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland ; and Luke's Wilts. Mr. Cocks has Bucks in hand. 2 The Old Church Plate of the Diocese of Carlisle, by Ferguson, 8vo. 1882, is a good book on the subject, as are Manning's Norfolk Church Plate, Cripps' Old English Plate, Fallow and Hope's York Church Plate, Trollope's Church Plate of Leicestershire. 3 See Blore's Sepulchral Antiquities, 1826 ; Boutell's Church Monuments, §c (1854 ; sells for about 15*.) ; Rogers' Ancient Sepulchral Effigies of Devon (Pollard) ; Hartshorne's Recumbent Monumental Effigies of Northampton ; Farrer's Church Heraldry of Norfolk is a model for the collector. 4 Very excellent accounts of the charities of each parish will be found in one or other of the Reports of the Commissioners for Enquiring Concerning Charities, 1819-1837. 5 For a facsimile of part of it see 1819 Report, No. xxx., and of the whole see the recent photo -zincographic edition referred to hereafter. '26 It comprises all England, except Northumberland and Durham, though it is imperfect for Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lanca- shire, which are not described under their proper counties. The counties of Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk, are far more fully given than any other counties, and are supposed to be practically transcripts of the original rolls, > and not merely abstracts of them, as would seem to be the case in the other counties. The text of the whole was published by the Government in 1783, in 2 vols, fo., to which in 1811 were added another vol. of Indices with able introductions, and a vol. of supplement containing the Exon, Ely, and Winton Domesday s, and the Boldon (Durham) Booh, mentioned hereafter. Kelham's Domesday Booh illustrated, 1788 (now sells for about 18s. or more), was the first separate publication on the subject, and is excellent. In 1833 Sir Henry Ellis published a most valuable work, the General Introduction to Domesday (in 2 vols. 8vo., now, unluckily, scarce and dear, £4. 4s. or so), which supplemented the folio edition by giving admirable indexes of the tenants in capite, of the persons mentioned as holding lands in the time of the Confessor and before the Survey, and of the undertenants at the Survey, 2 besides a most valuable preface deabng with the general scope of the work, and also going into minute ex- planatory details. The most excellent handbook to the study of Domesday is, however, the Eev. E. W. Eyton's Key to Domesday Exemplified by an Analysis (Taylor, 10, Little Queen Street, 1878, now sells for about 1 0s. 6d. ) He also wrote Domesday Studies, 1880-1, being analyses of the Somerset and Staffordshire Surveys. Very numerous works have been published on Domesday, both on it generally, and as to individual counties. For a bibliography of them by Mr. Wheatley, and a collection of essays more or less valuable on the record, the two vols, issued by the Royal Historical Society on the occasion of the Domesday Celebration of 1886 may be consulted. 1 Cotton MS., Tiberius A. vi. fo. 38, is thought to be a transcript of some others, giving the lists of some of the jurors. Similar transcripts exist for Cambridge, and have been published by Mr. Hamilton. 2 Phillimore, at p. 295, says there is no index to the minor persona mentioned in Domesday, but the number omitted by Ellis is small. 27 D'Anisy's Recherehes sur le Domesday (Caen, 1842, sells at 10*.) is also a useful work, but was never completed. Of late years a facsimile edition, called the Ordnance Survey Edition of Domesday, has been brought out by the Government in photo-zincography, and is published in counties by the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton (Agents, Stanfords, Charing Cross). The counties which have been made the subject of separate volumes are: — Beds (Airy, 1881); * Derby (Jewitt, 1871, Pym Teatman, n.d.) ; Devon (Devonshire Association, 1884, &c.) ; * Dorset (Eyton, 1878); Esses (Chisenhale-Marsh, 1864); Hampshire (Warner, 1789); Hunts (Edis, 1864); * Kent (Larking, 1869) ; Norfolk (Mundford, 1858) ; * Somerset (Eyton, 1 880) ; * Stafford (Eyton, 1881); Sussex (Parish, 1 886) ; Warwick (Eeader, 1835, 2nd ed. by Shirley, 1879); Wilts (Wyndham, 1788) ; Wilts (Jones, 1865). Some of the counties have had separate translation-extensions published, and some separate treatises have been issued, very full accounts of which were published by the Domesday Society, which has also published Domesday Studies, 1888 and 1893, containing essays by Sir H. Barkley and Messrs. Round, Herbert Hall, Stuart Moore, and others. Besides Domesday proper, there are : — (a) The Exon Domesday, in custody of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, which contains an account of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, and is supposed to be a transcript of original rolls or returns made by Commissioners for Domesday, from which the latter was compiled. It is described in detail in Cooper on Public Records, vol. ii. pp. 208-221. Eor facsimile of part, see 1819 Report, No. xxxi. (b) The Inquisitio Eliensis (Cotton MSS. Tiberius A. vi.), supposed to be similar rolls for the possessions of the monastery of Ely ; refers to the counties of Cambridge, Herts, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Huntingdon. Described in Cooper, i. pp. 222-224. Eor facsimile of part see 1819 Report, No. xxxii. (c) The Winton Domesday (now belonging to the Society of Antiquaries). An inquest taken between 1107 and 1128 for Henry I., who was desirous of ascertaining what Edward the 28 Confessor held in "Winchester as of his own demesne. Described in Cooper, i. pp. 222-226. For facsimile of part, see 1819 Report, No. xxxiii. (d) The Boldon Book. Survey of possessions of the Bishopric of Durham, taken 1183. Described in Cooper, i. pp. 226-231. For facsimile of part see 1819 Report, No. xxxiv. The four boohs above mentioned were printed by Government, with the edition of Domesday published in folio, as above. Mr. Grreenstreet printed the Lincolnshire Survey, thought to be dated about 1109. Besides these "Domesday Books" there are several others so called, e.g., The Domesday of St. PauVs (dated 1222), which was printed by the late Archdeacon Hall in 1858, for the Camd. Society ; The Norwich Domesday ; The Ipswich Domesday ; and The Domesday of Chester, in the possession of the Dean and Chapter of York. See Cooper, ii. pp. 345-347. Next in date and importance to Domesday came the Pipe Rolls, } which are, perhaps, all things considered, the most interesting series of records extant. For each year there is a great brown roll, broad, long, and unwieldy, containing as a general rule as many skins as counties, though sometimes, when the year's matter more than fills both sides of the skin, there is what is called a residuum carried over to some other partly vacant skin. These rolls 2 are mostly in good preservation, and the writing is clear and regular ; but the words are abbreviated in a most extraordinary way. The series from Henry II. is almost perfect. 1 No student of the Records should be without Madox's History of the Exchequer, which contains a most elaborate and admirable account of the Pipe Rolls. Nor should he fail to consult Stapleton's work on the Great Roll of the Norman Exchequer, published by the Society of Antiquaries in 1840 (1180-1203.) The learned introduction is very useful to the student of the English Pipe Roll, but unluckily it is unindexed ; the third volume, which was to have contained the index, never having appeared. Why, it is hard to say, considering how wealthy the Society is, and one is tempted to say with Arthur Orton, "some folks have money," &c. They have however recently published a careful book, an index to the Archaologia. 2 There are duplicates of these Rolls, called " Chancellor's Rolls," from 11 Henry II., which were sent to the British Museum, but are now returned. 12 Henry II. 13 Henry II. 14 Henry II. 15 Henry II. 16 Henry II. 17 Henry II. 18 Henry II. 19 Henry II. * 1 Richard I * 3 John 29 Some of the rolls have been printed : those marked * by the Government, and the others by the Pipe Roll Society. * 31 Henry I. 1 * 2 Henry II. * 3 Henry II. * 4 Henry II. 5 Henry II. 6 Henry II. 7 Henry II. 8 Henry II. 9 Henry II. 10 Henry II. 11 Henry II. The Pipe Roll Society, 2 which is most deserving of support, will continue to print the Rolls of Henry II., and other records to 1 200. It published in 1 884 a most useful introduction to the study of the Pipe Rolls, with copious lists of abbreviations and a glossary, as well as a treatise on the usages of the Exchequer. Oxford students may care to be reminded that Nos. 12-17 of the Dodsworth MSS., 3 No. 4154-9, Bodleian Library, are tran- scripts, or rather full extracts, in six folio vols., from early Pipe Rolls. Le Neve noted all the early Norfolk Pipe Rolls, and his MS. is in my library. On the next four pages is given, in the form of a modern balance sheet, 4 an analysis of so much as relates to London and Middlesex of the first of the long series of these Pipe Rolls, as to the date of which there is no dispute (2nd Henry II.) 1 This Roll has been ascribed by Madox to 5th Henry I. ; by Prynne, to 18th Henry I. ; and by D'Ewes, to oth Stephen. Others think, as I do, that it is made up of odd membranes of early rolls, see an Article on it by Sir H. Barkley in Genealogist, new series, iii. pp. 3-79. 2 Hon. Sec, C. T. Martin, Esq., Public Record Office ; Treasurer, J. J. Cartwright, Esq. , Public Record Office ; Publishers, Wymans, 72, Great Queen Street. Every student should join, for the subscription is only £1. 1*. ; and the extra vol., containing the glossary, is simply invaluable. 3 A propos of the Dodsworth MSS., it is to be noted that an index to the first seven vols, was printed in 1879, but is not for sale. 4 Another attempt to reproduce a Pipe Roll in a tabular form is on p. 145 of Thomas' Handbook, London, 1853. 30 LOI Gervase and John [Sheriffs of London'] render [their - ] Account £. s. d. [To Three Quarters of the Aunual Farm] ... ... ... ... ... [407 9 11] [Memorandum.] The weavers of London owe two marks of gold for their guild. The bakers of London owe one mark of gold for their guild. [407 9 11] [To the aid of the city] 120 [Memorandum.] P.olx-rt de Ponte owes 20*. for having a ple;i against Wido fll. Tecii. William fil. Folcredi owes 4os. for having ;i plea. [To error in casting] 31 D O 1ST. of the Farm of London for Three Quarters of the Year. By the alms lately settled on the Knights of the Teniple By small [fixed payments] granted By the [annual] allowance of William fil. Otho ,, ,, William fil. Ailward By [paid for] [char]coal for the king's goldsmith By tne [annual] allowance of Henry the forester „ „ Nathaniel the keeper of the king's house at West- minster By oil [bought] for the Queen's lamps ... By [alms given to] the infirm of London By paid [for] 4 loads of iron for the fortification of the Tower ... ,, 200 ells of flax web to make napkins [as directed] by the King's writ By spent in carrying the king's treasure to Shoreham By [paid for] shields and saddles for the King's use to Ernald the shield maker, [as directed) by the King's writ By [paid] for orphreys for the king's use as do. ... By [paid for] two cushions for do., do. ... By [paid for] the presents which the King sent to the Kings of Norway, and for gifts for their ambassadors ... By [paid for] making a pavilion for the King and the cost of it, besides the gold ... By [paid for] the Queen's affairs [as directed] by a writ from her and the justices By [paid to] Henry the Forester for repairing the eaol ... By [paid for] repairs to the King's houses at Westminster ,as directed] by the Bishop of Ely By gold to gild the King's bridles as do. By delivered out of the Treasury to Roger the doorkeeper [as directed] by the King's writ By [paid for] repairing the Houses of the Exchequer By given to Humfry Pincewerre, the King's approver „ Poilard ,, Pipelorious... „ Robert Crispus the approver . ,, William fil. Warin the approver By the allowance of Gerard the forger ... By the expense of the trial of those who forged the King's seal ... By paid the expense of the trial of Richard Einch ,, to a certain female approver „ for a house or hut to burn a thief ,, for mutilating a maker of false money ,, ,, William Osmund ,, ,, a man beaten in a duel ,, for the Queen's corrody [table expenditure] ,, for the corrody of the King's son Henry and his sister and her aunt ,, for wine for their use by [direction of] Ralph de Hastings ,, for their corrody by do.... By balance due to the King [By cash paid] into the Treasury By payments to the King's merchants, through William Cumin ... By exemption allowed by the King's writ on the lands of the Chancellor „ ,, „ the Bishop of Ely „ „ „ the King's brother Wm „ ,, „ Warin fil' Gerald „ ,, „ Henry de Essex ,, ,, „ Richard de Lucy ,, „ ,, the Queen's cordwainer „ ,, ,, the Sheriff [By allowance made for lands] wasted [in the time of King Stephen, and now unable to pay their proportion] £. s. d. 13 4 10 5 34 13 13 9 8 11 5 2 5 7i 5 14 7 19 8 1 2 9J 8 6 15 10J 2 10 1 6 8 10 4 16 13 4 37 2 8 96 12 8 3 8 4 10 5 2 16 1 8 5 3 6 8 1 6 34 1 16 84 15 1 16 3 6 s 1 4 14 14 2 5 5 15 24 13 4 6 8 5 5 40 24 7 6 6 336 8 1 71 1 10 407 9 11 55 10 6 30 1 4 8 2 . 3 3 3 8 8 1 6 S 13 4 1 2 14 16 4 unable 20 £120 6 10 32 MIDDL [To amount of the Danegeld?] Gervase and John render their £,. s. d. [85 6?] The said Sheriffs in respect of the Fines To fines receivable during the Shrievalty of Gregory 2 9 10 £2 9 10 The said Sheriff's render their Account of the Gift (Aid) To amount of such gift and fines 58 6 8 33 E S E X , Account of the Danegeld to the King. [By Cash paid] into the Treasury By exemptions allowed by the King's writ on the lands of Regd . de St. Walery 1 1 ,, ,, the Monks of Bee „ ,, Ernald de Ribemunt „ ,, Martin de Capell for the superhidage of the Archbishop on the land of the Barons of Wallingford the Bishop of Ely . . . Jordan de Samford ... Henry de Essex Ralph de Hastings ... the Sheriffs... the infirm ... the Canons of the Holy Trinity [By allowance made for lands] wasted [in the time of King Stephen ut ante] £. s. d £. s. d. 39 7 6 ii"'o 2 18 1 10 4 13 4 8 2 10 4 7 1 5 2 3 35 13 10 payable for Pleas and Murders. By balance due to the King 2 9 10 £2 9 10 of the County, and of the Fines for Pleas and Murders. [Ry cash paid] into the Treasury By exemptions allowed by the King's writs to the Archbishop .. ,, the Monks of Bee Reginald de St. Walery ... Robert fil. Sawini the infirm of Westminster the Barons of Wallingford Henry de Essex ... the Bishop of Ely... Martin de f'apell ... William fil. Otho... the Prebends of Westminster the Sheriffs Gregory ... By paid to the King's sons before the Queen crossed the sea By the payments to the Knights of Wallingford and Hereford „ ,, Templars [By balance due to the King] 8 6 8 2 8 10 3 G 3 7 3 17 8 3 6 1 9 3 6 10 6 3 6 1 13 6 27 15 6 4 4 1G 13 4 13 4 55 15 10 2 10 10 £58 6 8 34 It is hardly necessary to say that the " Pipe " Eoll did not get its name from having anything to do with pipes in the modern sense of the word, any more than the Feet of "Fines" had to do with penalties. It used to be called tho Great Roll, the roll par excellence, and its derivation is thought to have been because the sheriffs all sent in their accounts as it were through so many pipes into the common receptacle or Exchequer. This derivation seems rather a far-stretched one, but I have no better to offer. Taken as a whole the Pipe Polls are the most interesting of all our national records. To a great extent they are the budgets and balance sheets of the ancient Chancellors of the Exchequer. They comprise yearly accounts of all the taxes collected in the different counties of England, of fines, reliefs, escuages, &c, paid by the tenants in capite, whereby their descents may be easily traced, of sums paid to the king for having justice, or for liberty to commence suits at law. But to the antiquary, as compared with the genealogist, the interest lies in the entries for disbursements made by the various sheriffs, either on their own responsibility or by the king's writs. Practically speaking, the king had a banking account open with the sheriff of every county. Whenever the king wanted to make a payment, he gave a close letter on the sheriff of the handiest county, or, as we should say, drew a cheque on him. He was not above overdrawing his account by the way, for we not infrequently find the payments made greater than the creditor side of the account ; and then the sheriff " habet de superplus (surplus) " for so much money, and this was seemingly paid him by the sheriff of the following year, who enters it as a first charge on the new year's income. The 'sheriff also deducted for the lands which originally contributed to the ''farm" of the county, but which the king had afterwards given away. Then he accounted for all pay- ments made by him for repairing the king's houses or castles, for executing criminals and moving them about from place to place, for entertaining ambassadors, for rewarding those who brought up the heads of outlaws, for purchase and carriage of wine and other necessaries for the king's table, for supplying venison for the king's table, and so on. The entries which occur 35 in this part of the roll are of the highest antiquarian interest, and if it is thought too great a task to publish the whole of the roll for the county, it would be very interesting to go through the earlier rolls and extract these items, for they cover a very interesting period before the date of the earliest of the Close Rolls, which begin in the 6th John. I cannot say possibly as to Middlesex, but as to several other counties, I know as a fact, that the interesting information just referred to as contained in these rolls has seldom 1 been printed, or, as it were, posted up into the county histories. Taking the printed sheet as a sort of text for my remarks, the first thing that strikes us is the " alms " of 13*. Ad. given to the Templars. They were then at Holborn, not moving to Fleet Street till 1184. Then we come to the annual allowances to William Fitz Otho and William Fitz Ailward. The former is calculated at 9d. a day, but I cannot make out at what rate the latter is reckoned. Henry the Forester received at the rate of 9s. 6d. a month, while the pension of Nathaniel, the Keeper of the King's Houses at Westminster, would seem to be 6^d. a day. The oil bought for the Queen's lamps was probably to supply votive lights burning before altars, and the infirm of London were probably the occupants of some favoured hospital. Similarly "the infirm of Westminster," who occur later on, may have been the inmates of the Hospital of St. James, on the site of which St. James' Palace now stands. The next entry, which abbreviated runs " Et pro quatuor cumb' fr' ad munitionem Tun-is, " I cannot translate to my liking. "Quatuor cumbse frumenti," would be the natural reading, but the price (£6. 15s. lO^d.) seems to put this out of the question. Fr. is probably for iron. The amount paid for moving the king's treasure to Shoreham would seem to prove that Old Shoreham in Sussex was probably meant, though, as there was formerly a castle at Shoreham near Sevenoaks in Kent, the king may have been staying there. 1 Le Neve did, but then he practically did everything, and was the most systematic collector possible. D 2 36 Ten pounds for shields and saddles, and no less than £96. 12s. 8d. for a pavilion, apparently gilt, are large sums, considering the then value of money. Humfrey Pincewerre, who is called the Xing' 1 s approver, was probably so called because he had become what was afterwards called "king's evidence," though he may have been one charged with letting out the king's manors. " Pollardus " may have been a personal name, and so may have been " Pipelorius," but considering the company in which they occur, it is curious to note that "Pollardus" is an obsolete word for bebased money, and that "Pipoli" is given by Ducange as having the meaning of " convictio." The entry " pro una domo ad comburendum unum latronem " is a very curious one, and it is hard to say in what sense we are to read "domus" here. One ca,n hardly suppose that our ancestors, like the roast pig burners celebrated by Charles Lamb, had not yet discovered that a man could be burnt to death with- out sacrificing a house, and all I can suggest is that something in the nature of a hut or hovel (let us hope of green wood, so that he was speedily suffocated), was built round the stake, so as to hide the execution. The only thing at all bearing on the subject I have been able to find is in the Laws of the Miners of Mendip, published in 1687, quoted in the 1st series of Notes and Queries, vol. ii. p. 498, where it is laid down that anyone stealing ore of the value of I'i^d. was to be put with his tools into his house, and every- thing set on fire about him. No punishment could indeed be more cruel than those inflicted under our early kings. The next entries refer unmistakably to the barbarous mutilation of three prisoners, one a forger of the king's money, and another the unhappy defeated combatant in a wager of battle, who was, of course, doomed to pass the rest of his life in a cloister. It is noteworthy, by the way, that this roll twice refers to Henry de Essex, the King's Standard Bearer, as being high in favour and receiving grants and remissions from the king. Only a very few years after he too was accused of cowardice, defeated in a duel, and relegated to Eeading Abbey. 37 The entries, both in the "Aid" and in the "Danegeld," of allowances made for "Wasta," are very noteworthy, and mark how severe must have been the sufferings inflicted by the recent wars in the time of Stephen. £20 are remitted out of £120 for the Aid, and £10 out of the £85 odd of the Danegeld. The same thing is shown by the shortness of the roll and the paucity of the entries, compared with the earlier roll usually ascribed to 31 Henry I. In the Danegeld account the allowance to the Archbishop of "superhidage" proves that the Danegeld was originally rated at so much a hide, and that by some means or another, either by mistake or from the Archbishop having sold some of his lands, he had been debited with too much, and that this overcharge was allowed him by way of deduction. The Barons or Knights of Warengeford I take to have been the "Barons" of Wallingford, but speak under all correction. A few words to conclude with as to the accountant's work on these rolls may not be out of place. The roll, so far as relates to London, is not a favourable specimen of early city book- keeping. In the account of the farm of London the debtor amount is not set out, though from the creditor items coming to £407. 9s. lid. for the three-quarters of the year, it would seem that yearly farm must have been about £543. In the account of the Aid there is an error of Is. in the casting of the exemptions, which should be £14. 16s. 4d., and not £14. 15s. 4d. as on the roll, and the whole account does not balance by 6s. 1 0^. It is possible, however, that this apparent surplus may have been for the dealbation * of some part of the payments into the Treasury ; but I do not think it is likely, as the dealbation is apparently always specially mentioned, and the only mention of blanched silver is in the statement of the farm of the city, where the balance due to the king is said to be £71. Is. 10 (2) otljsv matter* not criminal. 1 The Eolls of the King's Court or Curia Eegis 2 end with the reign of Henry III., 3 Edward I. having then split up the jurisdiction into three by the constitution of (a) the King's or Queen's Bench, (b) the Common Pleas or Common Bench, and (e) the Exchequer of Pleas. Before this subdivision, the Eolls were sometimes styled — , Domino Eege in Parliamento suo, or ,, et consilio suo, or Concilio Domini Eegis, or Placita Coram < Domino Eege et locum suum tenentibus, or A B justiciar' Anglise, and so on. A folio vol. of selections from these rolls, from 6th Eichard I. to 20th Edward II. was printed in 1811 by the Government, under the title of " Placitorum Abbrevatio." 4 A facsimile of a part is in Nos. xxvi., xxvii., and xxviii. of 1819 Eeport, and now sells at a low price. It must be borne in mind that this is a selection, and a small 1 For criminal matters see next chapter, and for a separate report on the Records of Wales and Chester, see 1st Report, pp. 79-122. 2 An excellent index or list of them from 5th Richard I. to 56th Henry III., with both the modern and old references to the Rolls will be found in " List of Plea Rolls in the Public Record Office," pp. 1-4. 3 Mr. M. M. Bigelow published in 1879, under the title of Placita Anglo Normannica, reports of certain law cases, from William I. to Richard I., pre- served in historical records, but these are chiefly interesting to the law student, and might have been immensely increased by further research. 4 There is a MS. vol. with the same title, which contains extracts temp. Edward I., among May-nurd's MSS., Lincoln's Inn, xiii. Three volumes from these and other rolls were printed in Pryune's Records (small folio, 1665-8) which is still a work of great interest and value. Some pedigrees collected from the Coram Rege Rolls by Richard St. George were printed in the Col- lectanea Top. et Gen. i. p. 128, &c, from Rawlinson MSS., Oxford, No. 116. 56 selection indeed only of the vast mass of rolls which are extant ; and moreover, that the selection was made by Agarde, who as a rule was on the look out for entries relating to well-known families, and preferred to print them rather than entries which might have a greater historical interest to us now. Very few extracts indeed were given about criminal matters. The whole (?) of the rolls for Richard I. and the 1st year of John were published in 2 vols. 8vo. by Sir F. Palgrave in 1835, under the title of Rotuli Curia Regis, which sells for £2. 2s. About twenty-five membranes, temp. Eichard I., remain in MS., but will be printed by the Pipe Eoll Society. Later selections have been recently published by the Selden Society, commencing in 1200, where these leave off. When the split was made, the King's or Queen's Bench still retained exclusive jurisdiction over criminal proceedings, which were held on what was called its "Crown side," and which are dealt with in my next chapter under Crown Plea Eolls, all other actions being brought on what was called its " Plea side." For an account of the records of the Queen's Bench sec 1800 Report, p. 112; and 1837 Report, p. 131 ; and as to the more modern records see 2nd Report, pp. 50-57. The Court of Common Pleas or Common Bench, whence its rolls were commonly called De Banco Rolls, claimed exclusive jurisdiction over land. These rolls 1 were again eventually sub- divided, being separated into the Placita Communia and the Placita Terrae. These De Banco Rolls contain material enough to supply illustrations to every English pedigree 2 for nearly every family must have had a dispute about land at some time or another, and the pleadings very often give long descents and proofs of the greatest value. Unluckily, however, the entries on the roll were written down just as they happened to come in, one after the other, without 1 A list of them with hoth old and new references will he found at pp. 33-39, of the " List of Plea Rolls," Public Eecord Office, 1894. 2 A series of Articles entitled ' ' Pedigrees from the Plea Rolls" was published by the late J. G. Nichols in his Collect. Topog. et Genealogica, and are now being continued by Major-Gen. The Hon. G. W. Nottesley in the Genealogist. 57 the slightest attempt at arrangement, and the bulk of the rolls is so immense that a lifetime would not suffice to search them. I know it is said that private indexes exist; * but they cannot include a hundredth part of the entries, even if so much. For example, there are 151 rolls, containing 102,566 skins, for the single reign of Henry VIII. There are Doggett or Judgment Eolls, which serve as indexes from 1509 ; and Doggett Books from 29th Charles II. For an account of the details of the modern records of the Common Pleas, see 2nd Report, pp. 57-61 ; General Reports on the records of this court are in the 1800th Eeport, pp. 120, 127, and 213b; and 1837 Eeport, p. 132. The Exchequer of Pleas, the third Court, was supposed to be devoted to litigation arising directly or indirectly from debts due to the Crown, but of late years jurisdiction in general matters was obtained by a fiction by which the plaintiff alleged that he was a debtor to the Crown, and that through the defendant not paying him, he in turn was "the less" able to settle with the king, a fiction technically known as " quo minus." For excellent (but unindexed) Calendars of the Special Com- missions of the Exchequer, from Elizabeth, see 38th Eeport, pp. 1-148 2 ; and of the Depositions by Commission, 38th Eeport, pp. 150-775; 39th Eeport, pp. 307-531; 40th Eeport, pp. 1-466; 41st Eeport, pp. 1-670; and 42nd Eeport, pp. 1-312, which carries the calendar down to 34th George II. This is probably the most useful calendar yet produced by the Eecord Office. For details of the modern records of the Exchequer, see 2nd Eeport, pp. 61-69. An Index to the orders, decrees, and enrolments of this Court, from Edward I. to George III., is said to be in the Inner Temple 1 Since this was written, " General" Harrison's notes from the De Banco Eolls, which cover a period from 1st Edward I. to 5th-6th Philip and Mary, and fill seven fo. vols., fairly well indexed, have heen acquired by the Government, and are in the Long Room at the Record Office. The De Banco Rolls of Edward II. are indexed as to places (probably a selection only) in vol. xxxii. of the Record Office Indexes, though it purports to be an index locorum to Bedfordshire only. 2 These are now being arranged in counties, see 49th Report, xvii. 58 Library, and no doubt is that which was compiled by Adam Martin, and published by the Inner Temple in 1819, 8vo. pp. 242. It consists of an index locorum to entries on the Queen's Remembrancer's side, which struck the compiler, who was an official of the Court, as being interesting, 1 and sells for 6s. or so. Similarly Additional MSS., British Museum, 4500, 4508, 4534 to 4.538, are said to be Exchequer Bills and Answers from Edward I. to 28th Henry VIII., and Additional MS. 9780 is said to be an Index to the Exchequer Decrees, lst-8th James I. This Court also, in 1st Elizabeth, assumed an equity jurisdic- tion known as the "Equity side of the Exchequer" or the "Exchequer Chamber,'''' a jurisdiction abohshed in 5th Victoria. The indexes to the Equity side at the Record Office are to — (a) Depositions, 1st to 26th Eliz., an excellent modern calendar. 1st to 11th James I., ditto. 12th to 22nd James I., ditto. (b) Decrees, 1st to 31st Elizabeth. A volume of old calendars, the counties are in the margin, and the arrange- ment chronological. This is very valuable and useful, and should be indexed. {c) Entries and Decrees, James I. to Charles II. Old indexes, id. (d) Decrees, 10th to 28th Charles I. Old index, counties in the margin. (Star Chamber references may he useful. Bill Answers and Depositions, from 3rd Henry VII. to 16th Charles I., 1800 Report, p. 39. Orders made in Court of, in temp. Elizabeth, Com. Record MSS. D.d. xi SI ; Records of the Court of Star Chamber, 1603-1617, among MSS. of the Duke of Northumberland, see 3rd Report Historical MSS. Com. p. 154 ; Notes of Causes in, 1 7- 19th James I., Com. Record MSS. Li. vi., 51 ; Treatise on, id., 54, and see L.l. iii., 2 and 3, and iv. 13 ; Treatise on (in hand of Charles I.) Coxe MSS., xc. (Line. Inn.) MS. History of, and of its Juris- diction, 1800 Report, p. 17-")b. ; Modern Practice of, id. p. 117h. 67 consider what are the detached or miscellaneous documents which generally go by the above title. First and foremost come the Chancery Records in Filaciis, 1 which contain many royal and other letters, petitions, &c, of the highest interest. Calendars of them will be found in the 4th Report; p. 140; 5th Report, p. 61 ; 6th Report, p. 88 ; and 7th Report, p. 239. There is no printed index, and they unluckily are not in order of date, but in the 49th Report, p. 11, we are told that a calendar has been begun, which will give them at greater length, and will add others from various rolls. There is a Calendar of the Letters from the Ancient Treasury of Receipt (Henry III. to Edward II.) in the 8th Report, App. II., p. 180, and of various letters from the Chapter House (a roll of 33rd Edward I.) in the 9th Report, App. II., p. 246. A Calendar of the more modern Royal Letters (George I., II., and 111.) is in 1813 Rep., p. 364. Again, there are the Miscellaneous Records of the Chancery, which contain very many interesting returns, &c. ; see 2nd Report. Unluckily, too, there is no index to these. Rymer's Fcedera is a work of the greatest importance, and was the result of unwearied diligence on the part of its compiler. Roughly speaking, it contains nearly every document of real importance relating to the " diplomatic history," as Cooper aptly calls it, of England. For a more lengthy description of the work itself I will refer my reader to Cooper himself (Cooper on Public Records, ii. pp. 89-144), though students will do well to get the excellent Synopsis of it (in English), which Sir T. D. Hardy published in 1869-73, and which now sells for about 14s, The Rolls of Parliament begin from 6th Edward L, and are of the highest value. 2 1 Commonly called the " Chancery Files." 2 Copies of some Early Petitions, Edward I., II., and III., are among Lord Hale's MSS. at Lincoln's Inn Library. See further as to Petitions, 1819 Report, pp. 103 and 563. An index nominum is printed in the 34th Report, pp. 2-162, but it is only alphabetical, and not lexicographical ; the more the pity and shame. As to some formerly in the Chapter House, see 1819 Report, p. 103. There were forty parcels of petitions from Elizabeth to C'harles II. (1819 Report, p. 363), but these, I believe, have been worked into the Domestic State Papers. f2 68 All the "plea" parts of these petitions, &c, from 1278-1503, were published by Government in 1764, in six vols, folio, from the beginning to 19th Henry VII., and a very capital index has since been published. The whole work can be had for about £3. lo.s. 1 The Memoranda cle Parliament.. 33rd Edw. I., which Mr. F. W. Maitland published in 18'.<3 for the Eolls Series, is a most useful book. " The document, which forms the foundation of the work, is one of the earliest, amplest, and most complete of the ancient Rolls of Parliament " (5oth Rep., p. 17). The Parliamentary Petitions were indexed in 1873 in the 34th Report, but this is now superseded by the fine folio vol. of index to 15,579 Antient Petitions, issued in 1892 by the P.R.O. Seven vols, of calendar of the Records of the Privy Council, from 1386-1541, were edited by Sir Harris Nicolas in royal 8vo. in 1834-7, and now sell for about £2. 2s. This series has been continued by Dasent, who has published 11 vols., covering 1542 — 1580, and has another vol. in the press. The office books and registers begin 1540, and are kept at the Privy Council Office, Whitehall, under such restrictions as render it next to impossible for the student to use them. Why they, or at least transcripts of the early books, are not sent to the Record Office no one can say. There are many gaps which may some day be filled up from old transcripts, e.g., Maynard MSS. lxxiv. (Line. Inn Library), covering from 13th August, 1553, to 12th May, 1559, which is, I believe, missing in the original. 2 The 1 Except two rolls of 12th Edward II., which have since heen printed by Henry Cole in a jumble of records called Documents relating to English History. Some (?) of them were also printed by Ryley in 1661, under the title of Placita Parlinmentaria. - The following appeared in Notes and Queries, 7th Ser. iv. p. 327, from the pen of Professor Dasent. " Privy Council Register. — It may not be generally known to your readers that the Council Office has preserved, from the year 1540, a record of each meeting of the Privy Council. The first entry in the series sets forth that it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Council to enter in a book pro- vided for the purpose the business done at each meeting ; and from that day until the present date the record has been faithfully kept up. The condition of the volumes and the character of the entries vary, as is to be expected, with each change in the office of the Clerk of the Council. In some cases 69 miscellaneous records and papers are by some supposed to be in unexplored vaults at Whitehall, but I believe the authorities there deny this. The Journals of Parliament begin — for the Lords from 1st Henry VIII., and for the Commons from 1st Edward VI., and are printed with elaborate calendars and indexes. Vardon's General Index, from 1547-1714 (pub. 1852), will be found useful. The Votes of both houses have been printed from 1681 to 1 8 J 5 . Many of the Debates have been more or less faithfully reproduced by private members who took notes, and by news letters. Good examples of these are the journals of Sir Symond D'Ewes, and various debates published by the Camden Society. Statutes or Acts of Parliament 1 themselves have been printed again and again. They are Chancery Records, and enrolled on the Statute Rolls, which date from 1278, and on the Parliament Rolls, which date from 1st Richard III. Ruff head's edition is good for early statutes. The authorized edition is in 11 vols. fo. (1828), and sells for £10. 10*. the rough drafts only remain, whilst in others we find that a more methodical officer has made a fair copy of his daily minutes, apparently year by year. Carelessness and accident, from which no collection of records can he alto- gether exempt, have, however, caused several gaps in the series, and my object in writing to you is to ask your permission to lay before your readers a list of the lacuna, in the hope that the missing volumes may still be pre- served in private libraries, in addition to the few which are known to exist in the Bodleian and British Museum. Many years ago an inquiry of the same nature was the means of bringing to light at least one missing volume, and it is hoped that if any of the others are still in private hands the Council Office may be permitted by their owners to fill the gaps in the series by taking copies of the originals. I may add that this permission has recently been granted by Lord Salisbury, in the case of the fragment of the register of the reign of Queen Mary preserved at Hatfield. The missing volumes of the register are 1543-154.5, 1560-1561, 1568-1569, 1583-1585, 1594, 1603-161-2, 1646-1648. Nothing is known as to the fate of these volumes beyond a tradition that those from 1603-1612 were destroyed at the fire at Whitehall on Jan. 12, 1618." 1 There are good collections of private Acts in the British Museum and the Incorporated Law Society. See Bramwell's Index to Private Statutes, 1727-1734, and Vardon's Index to Private Statutes, 1798-1829. An index nominum to them has been compiled by Mr. Salt. 70 The original Acts themselves are preserved in the Parliament Office, which has them from 12th Henry VII. There is a MS. calendar of the Parliament Rolls from Richard III. to 22nd Vict., hut it is only an inventory of the titles to the various Acts. There are innumerable editions of the Statutes, but that which gives the obsolete and repealed Acts was published in 1 828 by the Record Commission (down to Anne) in 1 1 vols, folio. The new nice short revised edition, under the direction of the Statute Law Committee, is in 18 vols, imperial 8vo. More recently Government has published a Chronological Table and Index to the Statutes, from 20th Henry III., which has run to many editions, and comes down to the present time ; but this does not give repealed Acts. A general list and index to the Statutes has been issued by the Incorporated Council for Law Report- ing, and is very useful and full. As to an index to the Reports of the Committees of the House from 1715-1802, see 1819 Report, p. 111. Many of these reports have been printed. The persecutions of the Roman Catholics in the time of Elizabeth can be traced through the Recusant Rolls, 5th Report, p. 19, and see Thomas, p. 143-44. Of the period covering the struggle between the King and the Commonwealth there are masses of documents. One class is the Parliamentary Surveys, taken between 1649 and 1653, which relate to sales ordered in 1649 of the honours, manors, and lands belonging to Charles I., his Queen and Prince, and of the fee farm rents formerly payable to the Crown and the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall. A calendar of them is in the 7th Report, p. 224, and an inventory, arranged in places, at pp. 59 and 81 of the 8th' Report, and there is a new MS. list of Rentals and Surveys in the Public Record Office. They are well described in the 1837 Report, pp. 208b and 392. An index of those at Lambeth will be found at pp. 397 et sea. of the same report. A calendar of such of them as were in the Augmentation Office will be found in the 7th Report, p. 224, and 8th Report, p. 52. Abstracts of the Accounts of the Committee for Sequestrations 71 for 1644 are in Cam. Univ. MSS. D.d. iii. 67. As to Berks see 1800 .Report, p. 196a; as to the Forfeited Estates Papers see 5th Report, pp. 97-130. The Royalist Composition Papers, relating to the same period, extend from 1649 to 1660, fill many vols., and contain statements of the estates, ages, and families, &c., of Royalists, the fines paid for their loyalty, and petitions for the release of their property. There were two series of modern indexes to them, bnt compiled by someone who obviously could not read the MS. of the period, for they teemed with errors. 1 Luckily they have now been superseded by Mrs. Everett Green's admirable Calendar in 5 vols., covering the period 1643-1660. A short calendar of the lords, knights, and gentlemen who compounded for their estates has twice been printed (1655 and 1733). Other records relating to the same subject are the Plundered Ministers 1 Accounts, which are at Lambeth, and extend from 1649 to 1662 (Lambeth Library MS. 1027, and see Thomas, p. 1 -15), and the Calendar of Proceedings for the advance of Money, 1642-6, also by Mrs. Green, 3 vols. The State Papers in the ordinary acceptance of the word are being calendared in several classes, 2 viz. : — Domestic. — Home Office, Colonial, Foreign. Foreign and Domestic. — Treasury, Spanish, Venetian, Scottish, Irish. For a list of what have been published, and what are in progress, see Appendix V., p. 176. In the Appendix to the 28th Report, pp. 140-1 is a most useful list, arranged both chronologically and alphabetically, of the more important books containing printed State Papers. A calendar of the documents relating the history of the State Paper Office to 1800 is in the 30th Report, p. 212. In the Round Room are preserved transcripts from the Archives of the Simancas, and the transcripts of Venetian and Vatican Archives, too, are in the Record Office, and can be 1 Mr. Phillimore began to print an index to these in the Index Library ; but after issuing A-F it was superseded by Mrs. Green's work. 2 There was an earlier series begun in 1830, of State Papers during the reign of Henry VIII. (5 vols. 8vo., sells for £1. 10s. Qd.). 72 obtained if asked for very earnestly. For a list of the former see 45th Report, p. 62, and 46th Report, pp. 337-381. To bring the lost, stolen, and strayed " State Papers" back to Light is the chief object of the Historical MSS. Commission. 1 It is too true that former officials, such as Secretaries of State, seem to have considered either that the papers were their private property, or that they would be safer with them than in the office. Take for example the way in which Cecil seems to have annexed nearly all the papers of value of the Elizabethan Papers, which, under the title of the Cecil Papers, are being calendared and published by the Historical MSS. Commission. Again, the Carte Papers at Oxford, extending from 1558 downwards, are most valuable. A MS. catalogue exists, and a transcript copy of it is in the Record Office. A rough synopsis of these MSS. is in the Cole MSS., vol. ii. pp. 351-8, and some of them (1641-1660) were published in 1739 in two vols., which sell for 5s. A report on them is in the 30th Report, p. 504, and 32nd Report, pp. 1-236. They chiefly relate to Ireland. The Clarendon State Papers in the Bodleian Library, covering a period from 1523-1627, have been well calendared by the Rev. II. 0. Coxe, in 3 vols. 8vo., which sell for about 21s. Another series, bearing the same title, but chiefly relating to the Great Rebellion (from 1621), was published in 3 vols, folio, during the last century, and sell for £2. 2s. or so. For Treaties and Diplomatic Documents see reference under "Treaties" in the Index. To the vast masses of "lost" papers preserved in the British Museum, the Bodleian, and the Cambridge University Library, in various College Libraries, at Lambeth, and in the numerous private collections, one can only point vaguely, and recommend careful seach in the Calendars of the various Institutions, and in the report of the Historical MSS. Commission just mentioned. Then, too, there are the printed collections, calendared in the 28th Report, as just mentioned. Catalogues of nearly all the principal Libraries and Collections are in the British Museum. 1 For full lists to date of the collections reported on see Index to this work under names of owners, cities, &c. 73 Of course, all that relate to wars on land and water also relate to history, and may be considered State Papers, and books like the Siege of Caerlaverock, and the Roll of those present at Agincourt (Nicolas) should be consulted for their respective periods. As to the fates of those who, unhappily for themselves, failed to "make history," the reader may consult the Bag a de Secretis, the Attainders, and State Trials, detailed in my last chapter. A List of Estates forfeited temp. Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth, is mentioned in 1800 Report, p. 176b {see also 1819 Report, p. 193) ; and special Commissioners as to Forfeited Estate from Charles I., in 1837 Report, p. 11 7b. Similarly, the Rebellions of ' 1 b and '45 have a literature of their own. The Records of the Court of Commission on estates forfeited through them consist of over one hundred vols., and a great number of deeds, &c. (Sims, p. 141, and see 1337 Report, p. 706.) For a calendar of names see Thomas, pp. 382-389; where also will be found a descriptive catalogue of many books relating to these rebellions. In all, it would seem that there are 7471 vols, and bundles; an index to the calendar of which is to be found at pp. 97-130 of the 5th Report. No one should be without Historical Notes from 1509-1714, in 3 vols., by F. S. Thomas, 8vo., 1856, which gives three indexes nominum (unluckily not one) of the utmost value, to enable the student to fix dates by identifying persons not to be found in ordinary histories, but whose names often occur in undated documents. For other lists and lives of high dignitaries, see Foss's Judges, Dugdale's Origines Juridicales (of which the abridged con- tinuation known as Chronica Juridicialia will be found handy and useful), Chamberlayne's Anglice Notitia, Beatson's Political Index, Hook's Lives of the Archbishops, Raine's Lives of the Archbishops of York, Cassan's Lives of the Bishops of Exeter, and Goulburn's Lives of the Bishops of Norwich, the last being con- tained in his work on the Bosses on the Roof of Norwich Cathedral, and Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, the last, however, being nearly worthless, owing to its numerous in- accuracies. 74 Excellent lists and references to Muster Rolls, Army Lists, and other records relating to soldiers of all dates will be found at pp. 433-439 ; and of sailors, from pp. 439-441 of Sims' Manual. For documents bearing on the early English army see Early Army Accounts from Henry III.; 20th Report, p. 112; Descrip- tive Catalogue of Documents, Muster Rolls, &c, 48th Henry III. to 14th Henry VI., 24th Report, p. 32 ; Muster Rolls, 1663-1684, MS. Inventory at the Record Office, Dalton's Army Lists, 1661-1714 (2 vols., in Round Room, Public Record Office); a Catalogue of War Office Papers, 16th Report, p. 23, and a List of Calendars of 24th War Office Report, pp. 81-84. The names of Officers from 1705-1755 are in the Anglice Notitia, and after- wards in the regular Army Lists preserved in the British Museum and elsewhere, which begin 1754. Much as to the Army will be found in Thomas' Jlandboolc, pp. 10, 35, 161, and 373 ; Sims' Manual, pp. 81, 436, and 437 1 ; and Fhillimore, pp. 342-3 ; and there are new lists of Army accounts in MS. in the P.R.O. I may mention that the history of many regiments has been separately written. Special enquiry as to these should be made to the editor of any army paper, as the list is too long for insertion here. As to the Navy and matters relating to it, the Admiralty, and so on, I may refer my readers to Thomas' Handbook, pp. 8, 58, 1 These rough references of my own may as well be given here : — Placita Exercitus Regis, 24th Edward I. See 1800 Report, p. 38. Roll of Expenses of Edward I. (30th Edward I.) Id., p. 176a. Charges and Expenses of Army, temp. Henry VIII. 1837 Report, p. 13b. . Military Papers, Henry VIII. to Charles II., 30 folio vols. 1837 Report, p. 79b. Collections of Records relating to the Military Defences of England. See Lincoln's Inn MSS. Musters, temp. Henry VIII. See 1837 Report, pp. 14-47b. Payments of Ordnance, 5th Henry VIII. Id., p. 13b. Accounts of Deliveries of Ordnance and Stores, 1568-82. 1800 Report, p. 172a. Accounts of Sir Ralph Sadler. 1800 Report, p. 176a. Indentures of War, Edward III. to Henry VII. (5 large folio vols.), 1837 Report, p. 78b. 75 231, 337-339, 360-368, 374; and to Sims' Manual, pp. 81, 82, 439, 440. : All Summonses to Parliament for the reigns of Edward I. and II. will be found printed in extenso in Palgrave's Parliamentary 1 The following references from my own note book may also be useful : — List of Documents as to Navy from Edward III. 20th Report, p. 131. Report on Admiralty Records. 8th Report, Appendix I. p. 4. Report on Admiralty Courts Records. 1800 Report, p. 258b. Report on Instance Court of, id., p. 304 ; on Prize Court of, id., p. 303. Treatises on Office of Admiral, vol. xliii. of Lincoln's Inn Library (Hales MSB.) Many papers as to the Admiralty in library of Magdalen Coll. Cambridge (? through Pepys.) See 1837 Report, p. 338 b. Roll as to Protection of Eastern Counties Seaports, 24th Edward I. 2nd Report, p. 57. Roll entitled " De Superioritate Maris Anglie et Jus Officii Admirallatus in eadem," dated 26th Edward I., found among the Records of the Tower, 1819 Report, p. 188. Thirty-one volumes of Admiralty matters, by Sir Julius Caesar, of the Admiralty, are in Lansdowne MSS. Register of Admiralty of Norfolk in 1536 (Lynn Fisheries, &c). Line. Inn MSS., xci. Hall MSS. Two Rolls as to Navy (oth Edward I. and 10-1 lth Edward I.). 1837 Report, p. 187a. Return of Sheriffs of Norfolk and Suffolk of all Ships in those Counties, 22nd Edward I., 1819 Report, p. 188. Index to all matters relating to the Navy, in 6 vols, of copies of the Parliament Rolls, 5th Edward II. to 19th Henry VII. (? by Pepys) in library of Magdalen Coll., Camb. See 1837 Report, p. 33Sb. Roll of Ships in Norfolk and Suffolk, 14th Edward III. 2nd Report, p. 65; Lynn, 16th Edward III., id. Charges of the Navy, temp. Henry VIII. 1807 Report, p. 13b. Expenses of building the Grace Dieu. Id. Account of the King's Ships, temp. Henry VIII. 20th Report, p. 89. Names of Ships which served in the War against France, 36th-38th Henry VIII. Camb. Univ. MSS. D.d. xiii. 25. Goods of Pirates, temp. Elizabeth. 20th Report, p. 133. Various Commissions as to Docks, 1714. Records of the Court of Admiralty — Calendar. See 24th Report, p. 52. Catalogue of MSS. of the Court of Admiralty. Id., pp. 62-67. Report on Specimens of early Log Books. 8th Report, pp. 4, 202. 76 Writs and Writs of Military Summons, four sumptuous fol. vols, issued by the Government in 1827-34. The Writs of Summons for Peers are set out in the Report on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm. As to returns of M.Ps. see much in Sims, pp. 154-157, and the Return of 1878 (1213-1702). See also the 50th Report, p. viii. In 1879 was issued a large fo. Blue Book containing the Return of 1878, hut it is imperfect between 1477 and 1547. There is much on the subject in Phillimore, pp. 339-342. Ferguson published the Cumberland and Westmoreland M.Ps., 1660-1867, and L'Estrange gives all the Norfolk M.Ps., in his Norfolk Lists. Beatson's Political Index contains a useful list of all hereditary- honours, public offices, and persons in office from the earliest period to 1806 (3 vols. 8vo., sells for about 12s.). Whitely's Chronological Register of both houses gives the names of all members from 1708-1807, and sells for about the same price. The Extraordinary Red Book, 1819, contains a list of all places, persons, &c, up to 1818; and the Black Book at p. 74 of the 24th Report is a useful calendar of all Civil Lists from 1698. CHAPTER VIII. Of the history of the parish church and its fabric I have treated already in Chapter II. I will now go more fully into the sources of history in other ecclesiastical matters. Of course Domesday, as usual, is, with the exception of the earlier Chronicles and Anglo-Saxon Charters, the first document of importance to be consulted. The Clerical Subsidy Rolls are of less interest than the Lay : the detailed lists of them are in the Round Room at the Record Office. 77 The Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglie et Wallie (or the " Vetus Valor"), taken about 1291, when Pope Nicholas IV. granted 1 a tax on all temporal possessions of religious persons to Edward I., in aid of the expenses of a crusade, gives the values of the properties and rents by all ecclesiastical bodies in the various deaneries. Nothing but amounts and names of places are given, but it is very valuable, as giving a skeleton rent-roll of the possessions of priories, &c, at this early period. It was printed in 1802 by the Government in folio, and sells now for 5s. or 6s. The Nonarum Inquisitiones, or Nonae Rolls, 2 are just about half a century later (15th Edward III.), and give details of a subsidy of one-ninth granted to the king in aid of his wars. They are specially valuable, as comparing the then value of each benefice with that given in the Valor JEcclesiasticus, described below. They also give the value of all properties in the parish belonging to any abbey, priory, or other religious body. They are also valuable as often giving the names of the jurors, who may be supposed to be the principal men in each parish. For a facsimile of part of them see 1819 Report, No. xxiv. They were published by the Government in 1807, in folio, and sell for about 9s.; but the book is not perfect, only including the counties of Beds, Bucks, Berks, Cambridge, Cornwall, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hereford, Herts, Hunts, Lancaster, Lincoln, Middlesex, Northampton, Stafford, Suffolk, Sussex, "Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, Yorks. The Valor JEcclesiasticus, or Liber Regis, is a compilation from returns made by commissioners under the Statute 26th Henry VIII., cap. 3, which gave the first-fruits and tenths to the king. For a facsimile of part of it see 1819 Rep., No. xix. It contains surveys of the possessions of nearly every 1 A precedent for this grant was that by Innocent IV. to Henry III., of all first-fruits and tenths from 1253, for three years. The taxation under which is known as the Norwich Taxation or Pope Innocent's Valor, or the Vetus Valor. See Cooper i., p. 408. For a facsimile of part of it see 1819 Report, No. xxii. 2 For an account of them see 1800 Report, p. 151. 78 bishopric, abbey, monastery, priory, college, or other ec- clesiastical institution throughout England, and was published in six vols, folio by Government. The best calendar of all those who rose to eminence in the Church or in either university is to be found in Le Neve's Fasti Ecclesice Anglicance, continued by Sir T. D. Hardy down to 1854. The authorities cited by Sims at pp. 418-427 will also be found very valuable. Cotton printed a work on the Irish Church, which practically serves the same purpose for Ireland. The most comprehensive account of English Monastic Establishments x will, of course, be found in Dugdale's, or, as it rightly should be called, Dodsworth's Monasticon. The first edition 2 was printed in three vols, foho, 1655-1673, and there have been several others, but the best is the last, by Cayley, Ellis, and Bandinel, nominally in six folio vols., but usually bound in seven. This last edition, though it has a fairly good sort of index rerum et locorum, has practically no index nomi- nuni, so that the old edition is still useful. It is very much to be desired that the Index Society should take this matter in hand, for it would be of the highest value to genealogists. If not, each county society should have its own entries separately done. Some counties and dioceses have what may be styled local Monasticons, and among them may be mentioned the Monasticon Eburacense, by Burton (York, fo., 1758), Baildon's Monastic Records for Yorkshire; Thorpe's Registrum Roffense (fo. 1761), Hugo's Mediceval Nunneries of Somerset and the Diocese of Hath and TJ'ells (&yo. 1867), Oliver's Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis, Cornwall and Devon (fo., 1846-1854), Tanners' Notitia for E. Anglia, and see the Description of Durham, reprinted by the Surtees Society. Taylor's huiex Monasticus (fo., 1821) is also a very useful book for East Anglian antiquaries, and' so is Newcourt's Repertorium Ecclesiastics Londinense for Londoners ; but the latter gives parochial matters only. All the accounts in the above works may be greatly improved by the very numerous entries relating to these scattered over the 1 Browne Willis' Mitred Abbeys and Conventual Cathedral Churches may also be consulted. 2 This has a very fair index of names, unhappily wanted in later editions. 79 Pipe, Patent, and Close Polls ; but of detailed records none are more valuable than the numerous Chartul aries, or Ledger Books as they are sometimes called. These Chartularies, which contain transcripts of all the charters granting land to the foundation, and often of other documents relating to it, are of the highest interest. An attempt at a list of them will be found at pp. 74, &c, of vol. i. of the Collectanea Topog. et Geneal. ; another by Sir T. Phillipps, which he privately printed in his Middle Hill Press; and another at pp. 14-26 of Sims' Manual, but this gives only those which are in public libraries. A calendar of those at the Record Office will be found in the 8th Report, p. 135, and 20th Report, p. 144. Sometimes in the same volume as the chartulary, but generally separate, is the Chronicle of the institution. Many of these have been printed, for example, the Chronicon Petrolurgense, by Stapleton (Cam. Soc, 1849), which is specially valuable as containing copies of legal proceedings in which the abbey was involved, and which will serve as precedents for the scholar. The same society has also published The Chronicle of Jocelin de Brahelond (Bury St. Edmund's), The Register of Worcester Priory (by Hale), and The Domesday of St. Paul's, all most ably edited works of the highest interest. An analysis of The Chartulary of St. Nicholas at Exeter ( Coll. Topog. et Geneal. i. pp. 60 et seq.), is also worth consulting, as are Hart's Chartulary of Ramsey Abbey, Brewer's Malmesbury Abbey (Rolls Series), and Hutton's Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, 4 vols. (1847-49, Chetham Society). These chronicles x often give necrologies of the benefactors, and sometimes memoranda as to their burials, their entrance into participation of the benefit of the institution, and so on. In fact, it has been rightly said that they were the precursors of the parish registers. Sometimes they made a separate volume for the Necrologium, as may be seen by referring to Dr. Potthast's well known, but very scarce work. Missals, noted as belonging to particular abbej-s, should be searched for entries 1 Luard published five vols, styled Annates Monastici, giving the annals of eleven monasteries and priories (which sell for about £1. 5s.) 80 in their margins as to persons in the neighbourhood. Private missals often contain the dates of the " obits," for whom their owners were bound to pray, e.g., Friar Brackley kept memoranda {circa 1466) of the anniversaries of his employers' relations and ancestors {see Notf. Ant. Misc., vol. iii. p. 424.) Of course, the Mortuary Rolls, sent round from one monastic establishment to another, must not be forgotten. A good example of one was that of West Dereham, printed by the late J. G. Nichols in the Norwich vol. of the Transactions of the Archaeological Institute, 1847, p. 99. As to the fabric, you can consult the Fabric Rolls of each cathedral, &c. {see Raine's Fabric Rolls and Documents of York Minster, and Browne's work in reply on the same subject. A good specimen of the Monastic Register is that of Winch- combe, analysed in the Collectanea Topograph, et Geneal., ii. pp. 16-37. Other examples which occur to me and which are very good, are the Register of St. Osmund (Rolls Series), the Whitby and Newminster Chartularies (Surtees Society), and the acts of the Chapter and Memorials of Ripon. Of Alien Priories and of their suppression there is a class of records by itself, 1 and so there is of the Knights Templars, the Knights Hospitallers, &c. The possessions of the Knights Templars were seized 1st Edward II., and extents and inquisi- tions of their manors, churches, and titles exist. 2 See Cooper, ii. p. 361, as does an account of their manors given to the Knights of St. John. As to both orders see Indexes to Bodleian 1 For list see 20th Report, p. 112, and for extents and bailiffs' accounts, temp. Edward I. to Richard II., see 1819 Report, pp. 9, 159, 196, and 358. A description of the documents relating to them will also be found in the 1837 Report, p. 159b. 2 For notes on an inventory of their possession in 1312, see Norfolk Archaeology, viii. p. 90 ; and for a list of their records, 20th Report, p. 98. See also book of Possessions of the Templars in 1185, 1800 Report, p. 138a; book containing account of part of the possessions of the Templars, by Jeffry Fitz Stephen, Master of the Order in 1185 [same MS. ?], 1837 id., p. 157 ; Description of Documents as to, 1837 id., p. 159b ; various Rolls as to the possessions of, 1st Edward I., 1837 id., p. 190b. There were tran- scripts of the extents of the Templars, &c, made under the old Commission from the Remembrancer of the Exchequer, see 1819 id., p. 37-55. 81 Library. There are also extents and inquisitions of the property of the Alien Priories taken in the reign of Edward I. and II. and Richard II. (Queen's Remembrancer). Nearly all these records were transcribed by the Record Commissioners (I believe with the idea of a continuation of the Monumenta Uistorica), and will be found at the British Museum, in three vols, folio. We now come to a series of records forming 1 a class by themselves, which may well be styled Dissolution or Suppression 1 Records, as referring solely to the suppression of the monasteries by Henry VIII. , and consisting of several classes, such as — (1) The Acknowledgments of Royal Supremacy taken in 1534. An inventory of these is in the 7th Report, Appendix II., p. 279. (2) The Deeds of Surrender (Inventory in 8th Report, Appendix II., p. 6). (3) The Ministers' Accounts, which contain complete surveys of the possessions of the monasteries, &c, at the Dissolution, made up in annual rolls. The first account is the most important one. After 1 st Edward VI. they appear on county rolls. (4) The Particulars of Grants, temp. Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth. These often give descriptions of the sites of abbeys and monasteries, and always of their properties, value, &c. 2 Facsimile samples will be found in the 9th Report, pp. 148, 149, and there is an Index under the names of purchasers on pp. 148 et seq. of the 9th, and pp. 223 et seq. of the 10th Report. MS. indexes locorum exist at the Record Office in four vols. (Division D). There are also two vols, of MS. calendar of grants, temp. Philip and Mary, and James; and Sir T. Phillipps published an index to the Particulars of Grants, temp. Edward VI. (folio), which sells for 13s. 8 ( 5 ) The Augmentation Office 4 Records contain many documents, 1 For a list of documents relating to this class see 1800 Report, pp. 178-180. 2 See account of the Monastic Treasures confiscated at the Dissolution, hy Sir John Williams, id., for Abbotsford Club, by Turnbull, in 1836. 3 As to inventories taken in the houses of various friars, in 29th and 30th Henry VIII., see 1837 Report, p. 12. i So called from the Augmentation of the King's revenue by the spoils of the monasteries. G 82 such as "Particulars of Leases," "Calendar of Conventual Leases," "Calendar of Fee-farm Eents." For reports on these records see 1800 Report, p. 210a; 1837 Report, p. 207; and 20th Report of Deputy Keeper, p. 207. At p. 209 of the 49th Report is an index to the enrolments of leases and pensions from the 28th Henry VIII. (6) The Chantries. For lists of accounts of their lands, temp. Henry VIIL, see 1800 Report, p. 181a; and for a valuation, temp. Elizabeth, see 1 837 Report, p. 158. Page 207b of the same report mentions two folio MS. volumes, containing 1 particulars for the sale of their possessions (Henry VIIL to Edward VI.). These are indexed, 24th Report, p. 33; 1819 Report, p. 194. As to the particulars for sale of the chantry lands and rentals of Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall chantries, they are referred to in the 1800 Report, pp. 185b, 186a, 189b. A MS. index of the Chantry Certificates is in the Round Room. Even an analysis of the "Bishop's Registries''''' 1 would fill a volume, if space could be given. To them were transferred, en bloc, as a rule, the most valuable records belonging to the priories, to whose cathedrals the bishops succeeded. A very good calendar of the Ely Episcopal Records was published by A. Gibbons in 1890. There are also a great number of Household Rolls and Accounts, of which a good example is the Roll of Household Expenses of Bishop Swinfeld, 1289-90, by Webb (Cam. Soc, 1853-4), which is very useful for the explanations it gives of the abbreviated accounts for eating and drinking, and other household expenses. The first vol. contains the text ; the second, illustrations and notes (the latter being especially valuable and good), and a fairly complete glossary. As to general and non-monastic house- hold expenses in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, Beriah Botfield's Manners and Household Expenses of England (Roxburghe Club, London, 1841) may well be consulted. Liber Quotidiamis Contrarotuloris Garderobce (1299-1300), by Topham ; Percy's Earl 1 These must not be confounded with the Bishop's " Registers.'' One of the latter (Bishop Drokenford's) has just been printed by the Somerset Record Society. 83 of Northumberland's Regulations, 1512; The Various Privy Purse Expenses, edited by Nicolas and Madden ; The Wardrobe Accounts of Edward I. (Society of Antiquaries) ; The Shuttle worth Accounts (Chetham Society). As to Bishops' Temporalities, there are three vols, of MS. calendar of particulars about them among the Queen's Remem- brancer's papers. A calendar of bishops' lands, sold between 1647 and 1651, is printed in Collect. Top. et Geneal. i. pp 3 et seq. ; and a valuation of the estates of the various bishoprics in 1647 is Rawlinson MS. 240a. The records of the various cathedrals were reported on in the 1837 Report, pp. 286 et seq., and subsequently in great part by the Historical MSS. Com- mission. See index, in which references to them will be found. As to Cathedral Libraries, see Beriah Botfield's Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England, Pickering, 1849. The history of the Guilds l has been dealt with very thoroughly by the late Mr. Toulmin Smith in his work, 2 in which he was the first to print any quantity of the most interesting certificates, dated Richard II., as to their foundation. I was, however, the first to bring these certificates prominently into notice (they were first stamped for me), and had previously printed some of them (in conjunction with the late John L'Estrange) in 1867, in the Original Papers of the Norfolk and Norwich Archceological Society (vii. p. 105), having discovered them in bundles 309 and 310 of the Miscellanea of the Chancery. 3 There is a good MS. Calendar by the late Mr. W. D. Selby in the Record Office. The returns of a few counties only have been preserved : Norfolk, as usual, is very lucky, and so are Lincoln- shire and London. There are in existence many Record or Register Books of important Guilds or Trading Companies, such as St. George's 1 For Letters Patent, incorporating a guild, see Patent Roll 26th Henry VI., part 2, m." 15. 2 English Guilds, Early English Text Society, 1870. 3 They were stamped for me, as I took them out. I mention this more particularly as the "discovery," quant, val., has been claimed by others. As a matter of fact it was no discovery at all, for the calendar disclosed their existence, and some are referred to in Palmer's Index, vol. cvi. G 2 84 Guild of Norwich, (copy penes me, and see Hargrave MS. 300), Corpus Christi of Boston (Harleian MS. 4795). For other works on Guilds, see Abraham's Preston Guilds, Cotton's Elizabethan Guild of the City of Exeter, Herbert's History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies, Lambert's 2000 Years of Gild Life (Kingston on Hull); Lichfield (Ashmolean MS. 1521). The Book of the Corpus Christi Guild of York has been printed by the Surtees Society. Mr. Oliver has printed the History of the Holy Trinity Guild of Sleaford, and the Eev. J. E. Millard has recently printed the book, Account of the Fraternity of the Holy Ghost, Basingstoke, 1657-1664. Either will serve as a text book for the enquirer. There is an interesting suit in the Star Chamber (Bundle 22, No. 39) as to the removal of jewels and ornaments of the Guild of our Lady of Boston, 20th Henry VIII. Short reference to the goods of the latter guilds, at the time of the suppression, will often be found in the Certificates of Church Goods next referred to. Harleian MS. 605 is a Survey of the Possessions of Gilds and Chantries granted to Edward FT. Of great interest to all Churchmen are the numerous Lnventories of Church Goods and Furniture. Early inventories, as to the fourteenth century, are scarce. There is a vol. dated 1 368 at the Record Office, containing about 800 inventories of the ornaments of all the churches in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. This book was excellently described by the late H. Harrod in Norfolk Archceology, v. p. 89. Of the inventories taken in the reign of Edward VI., when the ornaments of the Church were cut down so closely and all superfluities directed to be sold, calendars will be found in the 7th and 9th Reports, pp. 337 and 233 respectively. Very many have been printed, especially for Norfolk, by the present writer and others, while some counties have had them printed as a whole, e.g., Lincolnshire, by Edward Peacock, F.S.A., English Church Furniture, consisting of Church Goods destroyed in Lincolnshire Churches A.D. 1566, London, 1866, which contains excellent glossaries and indices ; and Surrey, by the late Mr. Tyssen- Amherst. See also ante, pp. 19 and 19 n. 85 The "Bishop's Registers " gives the names of all the clergy presented to all livings, as well as those who presented them. Loudon begins in 1306, and Durham in 1311. Archbishop Peckham's Register has been printed in the Rolls Series, and among other ecclesiastical documents at the Record Office are Indices of Institutions to Benefices extending from 1015 to 1816, which give the names of the patrons and of the clergy presented, with the date of their institutions, from the king's books, to which there are three vols, of indices. The Exeter Registers for 1257-1291, and 1395-1419, have been published by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston-Randolph (Pollard). Bishop Kellaw's Register has been printed in the Rolls series, and Bishop Gray's by the Surtees Society. For a catalogue of the Certificates of Institution at the Record Office see 20th Report, p. 92 ; and for a list of those enrolled on the Patent Roll, temp. Charles II., see 46th Report, Appendix I. For specimens of the Depositions of an Ecclesiastical Court see those of Durham, published 1845. The Liber Decimarum, which was compiled in 1719, and which contains a list of benefices, showing the true value of small livings not exceeding £50 per annum, as they were lately returned into Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, in order to their discharge from payment of first-fruits and tenths. Books of Compositions for Tithes, of which there are very good modern lists, giving in parallel columns the parishes in which, and the names of the persons by whom, composition for tithes were made, and the date. Though not alphabetical they are easy to search, and extend from 1536-1659, and are very productive of information, genea- logical and otherwise. For a calendar of the Tithe Suits enrolled in the Exchequer of Pleas, vide 2nd Report, p. 250 ; and the excellent calendars to the Exchequer Commissions and Depositions, in the 38th to 45th Reports, are full of references to tithe suits. All Gifts for Charitable and Religious Purposes since 9th George II. are enrolled in Chancery, and an excellent index to 86 them fonns a thick vol. by itself in Appendix II., No. 1, to the 32nd Report. A catalogue or index to Commissions and In- quisitions on Lands given in Charity, is to be found in the 1837 Eeport, p. 120a, and see id, p. 11 7a; and the Charity Commissioners' Reports of 1825, &c, give a minute description of all parish charities. The literature of the " Recusants," the " Roman Catholics," 1 the "Nonconformists," the "Dissenters"; call them what you will, is large and interesting. References to very many documents relating to them were collected with great care by Sims, and references to them will be found at pp. 144 et seq. of his Manual ; see also Neal's History of the Puritans and Protestant Nonconformists (5 vols. 8vo. 1822); Lathbury's History of the Non-jurors (1845); Estcourt and Payne's Catholic Non-jurors in 1715 ; Marsden's History of the later Puritans, Browne's History of Congregationalism in Norfolk and Suffolk; Cosin's Names of Non-jurors ; David's Ecclesiastical Non- conformity in Essex, and very many other similar works. The 1 The Recusants Roll for Elizabeth is described in the 1837 Report, p. 208b. Recusants in Sussex in 1650, see 1800 Report, p. 195a. For returns as to Papists (Anne and George I.) see 20th Report, p. 47 ; 1800 id., p. 195a; and 1837 id., p. 118b. Names of the Roman Catholics, Non-jurors of England and Wales, who refused to take the oaths of King George I., with their titles, places of abode, parishes, townships, where their lands lay, the names of the tenants, annual value of them as returned by themselves, collected by Mr. Cosin, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Forfeited Estates, 8vo., 1745; a curious book for the topographer and genealogist, arranged under counties of England and Wales. The reprint of 1862 sells for about 3*. Gd. Soman Catholics, A List of, in the County of York in 1604; transcribed from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, and edited, with genealogical notes, by Edward Peacock, F.S.A., Svo. cloth, 7s. Gd., 1872, printed by Gray, Cathedral Press, Manchester. Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus (Burn & Oates), 8 vols. 8vo. These vols, are indispensable to anyone searching for information as to Catholic gentry ; see also The I)ouay Diary. Catholic Registers at Woburn Lodge, Weybridge, 1750-1874; and of Worcester, 1685-1837, printed by F. A. Crisp ; Oliver's Collections for a History of the Catholic Religion in Devon, Cornwall, §c. (1857); Norris' Condition of Catholics under James I. (1871) ; Cosin's List of Roman Catholics and Non-Jurors (1862). 87 MSS. in Dr. "Williams' Library, mentioned in the 3rd Report (p. 368) of the Historical MSS. Commission, should be con- sulted; as also the records of the great dissenting burial ground at Bunhill Fields. CHAPTEE IX. UavtsJj gtegtetsve, <&£xxxt\zv\x giook*, (ftexxeval gUgtetru ©flw, QLijxxvcixxvavbex)^ Though the registers of many monastic foundations contain entries as to the families of their founders and others who benefited them, such entries were more usually of deaths x than of marriages or births, their primary object being, no doubt, to keep records of the dates on which masses due to the family were to be said or sung. Not infrequently, too, entries were made in the missals of parish churches (Burn, p. 1 1). No doubt the chaplains of great families kept other similar necrologies, e.g., that kept by Friar Brackley, in which are recorded the obits of the Pastons and Mawtbys, referred to in my last chapter. Many notes of similar books will be found in Collect. Top. et Geneal. i. p. 277. There are also several, as mentioned by Burn (p. 10), entered in private books of devotion. 2 The present system of parochial registers was instituted 3 in 1 See also the Mortuary Rolls mentioned in the last chapter. 2 The hest known works on the subject are : Bigland's Observations on Parish Registers, 1766 ; Origines Genealogies, by Stacey Grimaldi ; Burn's History of Parish Registers; Parish Registers, by R. E. Chester- Waters ; The Preservation of Parish Registers, by T. P. Taswell-Langmead, with preface by W. C. Borlase, M.P. 3 This is in England only. 88 consequence of an injunction of Thomas Cromwell in 30th Henry VIII., and ought to be perfect from that date, 1538. 1 How terribly deficient, however, the series is appears from the returns of the Population Abstract of 1801, 2 which showed that there were, out of something like 11,000 parishes in England, only 812 registers commenced in 1538; while the Abstract of Answers and Returns made in 1834 (sells for about 25s.) shows a still more unsatisfactory state of things, many more having been lost in the interval. As early as 1597 it had been foreseen that accident or design would often cause the loss of parish registers, and to provide against this an injunction of Elizabeth distinctly provided that the incumbent of each parish should annually send his Bishop a transcript of his year's registers. This was improved on by an Act of 1812, which provided that the registrar of the diocese should preserve, arrange, and alphabetically index them in places and surnames. Had these wise rules been obeyed nothing would have been easier than to trace a pedigree. Granted that you knew a man died 1650, aged 42, all you would have had to have done would have been to search the transcript of 1608, or at worst 1607 and 1609, to get the information you wanted. But, probably, no injunction was more completely set on one side and broken. Early transcripts are simply conspicuous by their absence, and those of the eighteenth century are most imperfect, and in nearly every diocese are left in the utmost neglect and confusion. 3 What arguments there may be for the parochial clergy retaining their old Parish Registers (often to be left loose in a wooden church chest or on the shelves of a parsonage library, to be sold or removed by the executors of the outgoing 1 Bum (p. 12) notes eight registers which have entries earlier than 1538, viz., from 1528 downwards; hut these seem clearly unauthorised entries hy too eager clergymen anxious to record the births, &c, of patrons and their families. 3 Published 1802 ; sells for about 21s. 3 Mr. Blaydes is issuing a collection of several thousand entries from the bishop's transcripts of Bedfordshire, 1603-1700 ; the subscription being £1. 1*. 89 clergyman with his books), there can literally be none for the retention by the bishop's officials of these transcripts, the collection of which they have throughout neglected so scandalously, while they have taken no care whatever of those that have been sent them by conscientious clergymen. If these were sent to the Public Record Office they could be sorted and flattened with little trouble, and be made imme- diately accessible to many to whom the original registers are sealed books. There would be no loss of revenue worth speaking of to the authorities, for I was told not long ago that about £1 a year was the average of fees received in one Bishop's Registry for looking at them ; 3s. Ad. a year being the ordinary search fee. As to the original old registers (say before 1754) themselves, no sane man who is accustomed to searching them can doubt that the proper place for them would be either the Public Record Office in London, or some diocesan fire-proof registry, as suggested by Mr. J. S. Burn. 1 The question of fees might be reserved, and, if thought necessary, the clergy of each parish could be credited with the amount collected by the head office. The fact of these being at one office and accessible without journeys or inconvenience, would treble at least the fees now received. Before quitting the subject of copies I must draw attention to the excellent work done by the Harleian Society and others in printing transcripts of registers. The Harleian Society 2 has already printed many, and especially of Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral, and of many London parishes, and has the following in hand : — St. George, Hanover Square Durham Cathedral (marriages) Christ Church, Newgate Street A list of all parish registers, which had been printed in whole 1 The archdeacons and rural deans of Lincoln sent out circulars to the clergy of the diocese, with a view of opposing Mr. Borlase's bill (originally introduced 1882), and issued a series of questions as to the state of the registers : with what results I do not know. 2 Application for membership to Mitchell & Hughes, 140, Wardour St., W. Bath Abbey Church St. Sepulchre's, London. 90 or in part, was given by Dr. Marshall on pp. 194-201 of the Genealogist, second series, vol. ii. To these should now be added all Col. Chester's transcripts, now in the Library of the College of Ely. A very good idea is that of Mr. Phillimore, to print the marriage register of different parishes in Gloucester. It is clearly impossible to print the whole of all registers, but the marriages are often the more important parts of them for pedigree purposes, and could easily be done for the whole county. As, however, the parish registers are still left with the parsons, I will give a few directions as to searching them. The fees payable by searchers are Is. for the first, and 6 d. for every subsequent year searched. This of course includes a search of all the entries of baptisms, marriages, and deaths in any one year ; but there are some clergymen who, too eager to increase their emoluments, try to charge 6d. each for the baptisms, the marriages, and the deaths, and I was once asked to pay £12 for an antiquarian search, extending over one hundred and sixty years, on this ground, but successfully resisted the claim. To the honour of clergymen in general, however, I must say such instances are extremely rare, and in the great majority of cases, if the searcher do not unduly take up the time of the custodian, he is seldom charged anything, if his search partakes of an antiquarian or general character. Within the last one hundred years, however, it is customary for the full fees to be charged, and this, I think, is but fair. For long searches a nom- inal sum of 10s. 6d. or £1. Is. is sometimes charged, and being much less than the legal fee, should always be cheerfully paid. For every official extract made and certified by the clergyman a further sum of 2s. Id. should be paid, which includes the 1 d. inland revenue stamp. To render this certificate more easily provable, and especially in Chancery, the person attesting the certificate should subscribe himself " A B, Eector or Vicar or Curate of the above parish of X." Certificates signed A B, Rector, &c, only, do not prove themselves as it is technically called, for A B may be the rector of some other 91 parish, and not the proper custodian of the register. A certificate attested by the parish clerk or a churchwarden (I have seen such) is valueless. 1 In writing to a clergyman at a distance for a copy of an entry — the exact date of which you know — you should forward 3s. Sd., for he is entitled to Is. for the search fee, as well as the 2s. Id. certificate fee, the odd Id. being for return postage. Unless you are sure of his surname, you had better address him "The Officiating Minister, X," for if you direct your letter to an incumbent who has left the neighbourhood, your letter and stamps may be lost travelling after him, and in any case will only give him and yourself useless trouble. Should you want a general search made for any of your name, it will be as well to offer a certain fee, and not to leave matters uncertain. Some clergymen, if good natured, and with a small parish, will often look through their registers, on the understanding that you will take and pay for official copies of all entries they find relating to the name you wish searched for. If the clergyman is a member of the same archaeological society as yourself, you should mention the fact in your letter, in which case, if the search is not purely a business one, he will of course not make any charge. You should remember that if the person to be searched for gained a scholarship at a great public school, or has been at Oxford or Cambridge, a certificate of his baptism will often be found among the college records. Similarly, if there was a policy on his life, a certificate is often lodged, to prove his age, at the office ; but whether kept beyond a certain time I do not know. Still, I once found this useful in a pedigree case. Lists of the families of all commissioned officers in the army have for a long time past been kept at the War Office, giving dates of births, marriages, &c. The non-parochial registers, i.e., those kept by the various Dissenters, including Quakers, are now preserved in the General 1 For directions as to framing and proving a "Chancery" pedigree, see Mr. Burney's admirable chapter in his edition of LauielV s Chancery Forms, which is a model of what such a work should be. 92 Register Office, Somerset House, 1 under two commissioners in 1836 and 1857. When they were sent up to London many were copied and indexed by the local registrars, e.g., Kendal. For much as to the Quaker Registers, see Phillimore, p. 337. Mr. Green is now issuing an Index to the Annual Monitor or Obituary of the Society of Friends, 1813-92. They are not of course indexed; but catalogues of them were published in 1841, 1858, and 1859. They include French, Walloon, German, Dutch, and Swiss church registers. Antiquaries and others are apt to overlook the importance of these, forgetting the period to which they sometimes go back. Among other private registers was one of great importance, known as the Eegister, formerly kept at Dr. Williams' Library, Red Cross Street, but now at the General Register Office, Somerset House. A catalogue of the library was printed in 8vo. in 1841, which contains entries of all denominations of Dissenters from all parts of England, beginning 1715. The baptismal entries give the names of the mother's father and mother, and are very voluminous and valuable, being well indexed. Entries of the marriages of Eoman Catholics and Dissenters are often to be found in the parish registers, for until 1806 no marriage was legal, whatever the denomination of the persons married, unless it took place in the parish church — a rule re- moved by the Marriage Act, 6 and 7 William IV., cap. 85. Should the parish registers and dissenting registers not contain the entries wanted, the searcher should remember that there were such unauthorised marriage registers as those of Gretna Green and the Fleet. 2 In 1836 the General Register Office was instituted for 1 As to these see Appendix. 3 As to these consult Burn's Fleet Registers, 8vo., 1833. For some entries from the register of Duke Street Chapel, Westminster (from 1709), the Rolls Chapel, St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, and Wheeler Chapel, see Coll. Top. et Gen. iii. p. 38 1 ; and Gray's Inn and Knightsbridge Chapels, id., vol. iv. pp. 157 and 162. 93 England, and from the 1st of July, 1837, all births, 1 marriages, and deaths are recorded in quarterly volumes, with perfect lexicographical indexes, which are kept at Somerset House, and which can be consulted on payment of 1*. This allows the searcher to look at three entries, but not to take notes. A "general" search costs £1. Is., but the authorities do not seem very clear what a "general search" means, and I apprehend that it would not authorize the taking of notes of all entries relating to any one surname which occurs in the indexes. For non-parochial and other registers see Appendix II., p. 164. Of late years the quarterly indexes have been printed, which vastly facilitates searches. Why duplicate copies of these printed indexes are not placed in the Record Office, the British Museum, the Law Institution, and most other large libraries, it is hard to say. They would greatly ease the work of the office, and allow much to be done by correspondence, thus saving searchers who want official copies of certificates from having to wait while they are being copied. The Scotch Registry does not begin till 1854, 2 and the Irish till 1864. Indeed, Mr. Chester Waters points out (p. 9) that "until 1st January, 1864, the births and deaths of the entire population of Ireland, and the marriages of the Catholic majority, were suffered to remain wholly unregistered." Of course he means by Government, for the parochial clergy, Catholic and Protestant alike, did as a rule keep registers, but not well. The earlier registers of the late Established Church of Ireland are in the P. P. 0., Dublin. The lacuna, owing to wanton destruction by neglect, fire, &c, are, however, very great. The pig-headed obstinacy of the authorities of the Bank of England will not 3 be satisfied with death certificates, and still 1 It is to the credit of the Herald's College that in 1747 they tried to establish a "general register" of births (Burn, p. 77), but it soon died out for want of publicity. 2 The Scotch Parish Registers begin 1550, but were very badly kept, and many are missing. 3 Since the above was in type these bad old rules have both been abolished. 94 renders it necessary, in many cases, to supply burial certificates, especially when one has to "make a man deacV in respect of Government Stock. It seems beyond the mental capacity of those who manage the transfer office here to understand that if a man's death is well and truly proved it must be a matter of indifference where and when he was buried, or indeed whether he was buried at all. I very much doubt the bank's right * to insist on a burial certificate if sufficient proof is tendered them of the death, and the rule often causes great hardship, for a family may often know when and where a trustee died, but after the interval of years be quite unable to find out where he was buried. This, too, is not all, for the person making the declaration identifying the certificates often had to swear that he personally examined the certificate with the entry in the burial register. Not lon^ ago I, unluckily, had to make one, and to qualify myself for the declaration wasted about six hours looking up the registers of cemeteries at Lee. At Appendix III., p. 166, I have given a list of the chief Metropolitan Cemeteries, with their addresses. What the parish and other registers often fail to show may sometimes be gathered from the Monumental Inscriptions ; 2 and for the higher grades of society, in earlier times, from the "Funeral Certificates," preserved at the Heralds' College, of which samples will be found in the Lancashire Funeral Certificates by King and Canon Raines, Chetham Society, 1869. There are, too, many volumes of collections of inscriptions in various churches, as to which see p. 5. 1 The bank's " right " to make a man coming with a hank note and asking for gold put his name and addi-ess on its hack, was insisted on for years, till, as the story goes, the cashier happened to tell a solicitor, even more brusquely and rudely than usual, to endorse the note. That individual walked out without a word, and at once successfully sued the hank on its dishonored promissory note. I hope this tale is true, if not it is ben trovato anyway. 2 Printed inscriptions there are in legions, as mentioned at p. 7. A collected index to them is much wanted. 95 CHAPTER X. Probably no class of records is niore valuable, both to the genealogist and to the topographer, than the Subsidy Rolls 1 ; which are records of the Court of Exchequer. To the former, they not only often pi'ove of great use, as con- taining the only record of the existence of persons not of knightly or gentle rank; 2 but help, by giving the locality where they lived, to give some clue as to what part of the country they sprang from. To the topographer they are of the greatest interest, as shewing the relative importance of different places at different times, and often affording an insight as to what were the trades and occupations of its inhabitants. Again, to the student of surnames, the immense number of lists of names so conveniently preserved in columns for search and noting are most valuable. Of the clerical subsidies, which are in another series, and which are calendared separately, I have spoken elsewhere, and will now say a few words as to the "Lay Subsidies." These have been very carefully calendared, and the bound "descriptive" slips forming the calendar are divided into counties, and are to be found in the Round Room at the Record Office. 3 1 Sims, p. 45, falls into a strange error in saying they contain the supplies to the king from his tenants in eapite. 2 For them, see the knights' fee, &c, p. 39. 3 Very many of these Rolls only contain the names of the collectors and particulars of the amounts received, and it is very aggravating to have these commonly valueless documents Drought down after a long wait. There used to be nothing to shew this in the calendar, though a shrewd guess could often have been given by noticing the number of membranes given in the calendar. If there are only one or two, or if the roll is headed ' ' Particule Compoti," the document should not, as a rule, be written for, as no names will be given. But, now the lists have been gone through, and ' N ' added in pencil to all such rolls as give lists of names. By the way, the lists now contain re- ferences to many more rolls than they did when my first edition was issued. 96 These calendars also give the Hundreds to which each document refers. Calendars of the Bolls are to be found in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Eeports, and a detailed list of the Exchequer Series in the 20th Eeport, p. 138. Some rolls begin as early as the reign of Henry III., but most counties have none before about the middle of the reign of Edward I. There is generally a fine roll about 1st Edward III. ; that for Norfolk, though imperfect still, contains seventy-two long skins written on both sides in double columns, and giving the names of certainly 37,000 persons, with the sums at which they were rated, arranged under the villages and towns where they resided. The return for the Foil Tax of 2nd Eichard II. (1379) is also usually perfect. That for the West Eiding of York was published in 1882 by the Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- graphical Association (Bradbury and Co.), and cannot contain fewer than 25,000 names. Unluckily, the Association did not think it worth while to print an index, so its value is minimized, at all events for genealogical collectors. Very few Subsidy Eolls have been printed, and the only complete series for any Hundred is, I think, that printed by me in my Rough Notes for a History of North Erpingham" part ii. which has all the Norfolk Eolls from 1st Edward III. to 24th Charles II. Sir Thos. Bhillipps lithographed the Subsidy Eoll for Wilts for 7th Edward II., which now sells for 14s., and Bigland published some Gloucestershire Eolls, and recently the Oxford Historical Society has printed the Oxford Subsidy Bolls from 1381 to 1524 and the Hearth Tax Eoll of 1665, and the Poll Tax for 1380 (?) is printed in Mr. Powell's Rising in East Anglia in 1381, and that for 1327 for Suffolk is being issued in the East Anglian, vol. v. Mr. Gr. Marshall has printed the. Nottingham Subsidy for 1689 (Worksop, 1895). The Hearth Tax Eolls are also very full as a rule, and begin 14th Charles IE, but were soon abolished — 1st William and Mary. To those who are interested in tracing the component parts of 97 the present English, race, there are many "Alien Subsidies" and other documents in this series which will interest them, e.g., "ill Roll of Inquisitions, showing the names of foreigners, &c, in the hundred of Earsham, chargeable to the Alien Subsidy." The records of the Treasury side of the Exchequer are most interesting. A rough report on them will be found in the 7th Report, Appendix II., and a statement of receipts and issues from 1625-1699 in the 7th Report, Appendix II. ; but the student should consult Thomas' Ancient, Exchequer of England, 8vo. 1848, which sells for about 6s. The documents relating to the office of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer are a class by themselves, and are described in the 1887 Report, pp. 143 and 194. The miscellaneous records of the Queen's Remembrancer are calendared in the -10th Report, pp. 4 67--1 79. The Custom Rolls form another series, and are of the highest value to all who are interested in the growth of English trade. The text book (and an excellent one too) on this subject is Mr. Hubert Hall's History of the Customs Revenue in England, 2 vols. 8vo. 1885. For a list of rolls relating to the collection of customs at the various ports, from Edward I., see 20th Report, pp. 115 and 116, and 1837 Report, pp. I85b-189. Among other fiscal documents are the Pell Records, which comprise Liberate Rolls, Issue Rolls, Entry Books, and recording payments made out of the king's revenue, and are very in- teresting. Three volumes of extracts from them, viz., (i) extracts from the Liberate and Issue Rolls, Henry III. to Henry VI. ; (ii) The Issue Roll for 44th Edward III., 1370; (iii) Extracts from the Entry Books of James I. ; were published by the late Frederick Devon in 1835-7, the first being issued under the title of Devon's Issues of the Exchequer, and would sell for about £1. Is. Specimens of a short tabular calendar of the Liberate Rolls will be found in the 1837 Report, p. 74. For reservation of income, &c, to the Crown, see the Originalia Rolls mentioned in Chapter XIII., p. 110. 98 CHAPTEE XI. ®Jje g)*6C pertinentiis ejusdem terrse. 5. — TJnde placitum fuit inter Unde recognitio de morte eos in Curia domini Regis, antecessors suinmonita fuit scilicet inter eos in prsefata Curia, viz., 161 6. — Quod idem ' D, concessit eidem A B, et heredibus suis totam terram, etc. Quod idem 1 C D, quietum clamavit pro se et heredibus suis totum jus et clamium qd. habuit in tota terra, etc. [The appurtenances are here sometimes set out at length.] Quod idem 1 C D, re- cognovit totam terram, etc., esse jus et hered- itatem ipsius A B [ut ilia quae idem A B, habuit de dono prse- dicti C D] et terram illam quietum clamavit a se et heredibus suis imperpetum. 7. Prsedicto A B, et hered- Et assign atis suis prseter- ibus suis imperpetuum. 1 quam viris religiosis. 8. — Et pro hac 9. — Concess- j recog- ione 1 nitione remiss- ] quieta cla- 1 fine et ione mantia ] concordia. 10.— Prsedictus A B. 11.- -Dedit predicto D. . . solidos esterling marcas ar- genti . . be- santia . . de- unam ju- vencam . . unum ostorium sorum p O a o Si B.U ^ P "I M r p cB B £•: a' & ^ o" rT td 2- B s is a &&.B % M. CD <"■ « °. B S- s> l o b i.^ b' O P CD *w *,uj ty <^ » 2^ a 8 <» £ 2 2 CO CD 00 00 g S" oo c o-; CD M O. P B o : g ^- g ^ ? O H. 2. <-! o et- p rt- » » o ►d O »d Pj o' 12. — Et praedictus D, et heredes ejus warantizabunt eidem A B, praedicta tenementa, etc., cum pertiuentiis contra omnes homines [qui de stirpe suo exierint]. [Here the fine, especially if it is of early date, will end ; but in cases of subinfeudation, where rent or services are reserved, the following forms occur after 6], 13. — Habend[a] et tenend[a] eidem A. B. de prsedicto C D, et heredibus suis imperpetuum (or tota vita sua). 14. — Beddendo inde per ann. (tota vita ipsius) . . . . s. ad terminos scilicet medietatem ad festum S ci .... et aliam [alteram] ad festum S ci .... pro omnibus serviciis consuetudinibus et exactionibus ad praedictum C D, et heredes ejus pertinentibus. 1 Idem, or praedictus, or prasfatus, or memoratus. M 162 15. — Et faciendo inde Capitalibus dominis de feodo (or, feodi illius) pro prsedicto C D, omnia alia servicia qute ad ilia teneinenta, etc., pertinent [salvo forinseco servitio], 16. — If the grant was for the tenant's life only, this occurs : — Et post decessum ipsius A B, prcedicta tenementa cum pertinenciis integre revertentur ad prsedictum D, quieta de heredibus ipsius A B, tenenda de capitalibus dominus feodi illius per servitia quae ad ilia pertinent. 17. — If the rent was reserved during the grantor's life only, then this : — Et post decessum ipsius C D, prsedictus A B, et heredes ejus erunt quieti de solutione prsedicti redditus imperpetuum. 18. — If the fine is to entail tbe property the habendum will run thus :-Habendum et tenendum ( ^J^ $*' et L *? F ' ' f d6m , A B ' [ et heredibus et hered . . de cor- ( poribus eorum inter eos. ( quos idem A B, de corpore E F, uxoris ejus [legitime] procreaverit- Jform jof Cljarfer. . ( Noverint ) Univ sis Francis et Angus, { Sciant I P reesen ^ es et/uturi quod ego, A B, &c. , T , ., ., ( Ecclesise fidelibus quod ) . x, Notum sit omnibus ) „,.. Tx . u , . , v ego, A B. ( fihis banctse Dei Ecclesise quod ) Or:— Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos hoc prcesens Scriptum pervenerit A B, de, &c. Salutem in Domino Sempiterno. Noveritis me remississe, etc., or Sciatis me prefatum, A B, tarn [pro naturali amore et affectione] [in parte complementum quarumdam conventionis concessionis et agreamenti cententarum specificatarum et declaration in quibusdam indeuturis gerentibus data, &c] quam pro diversis aliis bonis et rationabilibus causis et consideraconibus me [ad hoc] specialiter movens. Dono et concedo et per prsesentem cartam confirmavi. [Dedisse] concessisse feofasse liberasse et ^ac P r se sen ti Carta mea confirmasse et per prsesentas concedere feoffare liberare et confirmare. C D [alio meo]. TOinnes illas] sex £„_ „_ terrse arabilis et unam acram prati con- L aci as x tinentes per estimacionem .... 163 Sive plus, sive minus Scituatas jacentes et existentes in parochia de G. H. Inter regiam [or altam] viam ducentem de . . . versus Et ab antiquo acceptatas et reputatas ut pertinentes ad quoddam messuagium, etc., vel cum. eodem occupatas et gavisas, Quas quidem pecias terrae, etc., ego praefatus A B, nuper habui mihi et beredibus meis de dona concessione et cbarta Y Z, prout per cbartam suam (dated, &c.) plenius liquet et apparet, Habendum, tenendum, et gaudendum omnes illas, etc. Et cetera omnia praeniissa cum omnibus et singulis eorum et cujuslibet eorum pertinentiis. Praedicto C D, beredibus et assignatis suis ad proprium opus et usum praefati D, beredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum, or Praedicto C D, et beredibus suis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum per praesentes. Warranty. — Et ego vero prefatus A B, et heredes rnei praedictas sex acras, et cetera omnia et singula praemissa quaecumque cum suis et eorum cujuslibet pertinentibus prsefato C D, beredibus et assignatis suis ad opera usus et intentiones praedicta contra l \_nos et heredes nostros] warrantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per prsesentes. In cujus rei testimonium 2 buic praesenti cartae meae sigillum meum apposui. Dat' . . . die mensis ... a regni Eegis . . . Tbe memorandum endorsed as to tbe formal delivery of seizin usually ran tbus : — Status [possessio] et seisina [etiam capta et] deliberata fuerunt secundam formam et effectum prtesentium die et anno infrascriptis in prsesencia borum quorum nomina infra scribuntur. G. H., J. K, L. M., Et mei N. 0. notarii Publici. APPENDIX II. gecjisfrar (Smeral's gocmuenfs. Eegisters and records deposited in tbe custody of the Registrar General, General Ptegister Office, Somerset House, London, W.C., Absolute warranty would be " contra omnes gentes." Occasionally if parts were exchanged [una parte hujus praesentis scriptu indentati apud me, prsefatum A B, remanente praedictus C D sigillum suum opposuit, alteri vero parti ego praefatus A B, sigillum meum apposui]. M 2 164 where searches and certificates are granted hetween the hours of 10 and 4 daily (except on Sundays, Christinas Day, and Good Friday), on payment of the statutory fees : — 1. Registers of Births registered in England and "Wales on and after 1st July, 1837. 2. Registers of Deaths registered in England and Wales on and after 1st July, 1837. 3. Registers of Marriages registered in England and Wales on and after 1st July, 1837, after solemnization in churches of the Established Church, in registered Roman Catholic and Dissenting places of worship, and in District Register Offices ; also of Quakers and of Jews. 4. Registers of Births and Deaths at Sea registered since 1st July, 1837. [The above Registers, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, are made and kept pursuant to the Act 6 and 7 Will. IV. cap. 86]. [The General Indexes of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, are compiled about nine to twelve months after the date of the registration ; but searches may be made in the registers not indexed if the locality and date can be accurately stated by the applicant], 5. Non-parochial Registers of Baptisms or Births, Burials or Deaths, and (in a few instances) of Marriages, being the registers or records kept by various bodies and congregations of Nonconformists prior to the general system of registration commenced in 1837 ; — com- prising, amongst others, the registers kept at Dr. William^ Library from 1742, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground from 1713, the registers of French Protestant and other Foreign Churches in England, the registers, &c, of the Society of Friends, &c. [By the Acts 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 92, and 21 Vict. cap. 25, extracts from these registers, stamped with the seal of the General Register Office, are receivable in evidence in all civil cases. When searches are required to be made, the description of register and the locality or name of the chapel should be given]. 6. Registers and Records of Baptisms and Marriages performed at the Fleet and King's Bench Prisons, at May Fair, at the Mint in Southwark, and elsewhere, between the years 1674 and 1754. These registers and records were transferred from the Registry of the Bishop of London to the custody of the Registrar General under the provisions of 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 92, sec. 20. 7. Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials received from other places in England and Wales, comprising certain non- parochial registers received at the General Register Office since the passing of the Act 21 Vict. cap. 25, and certain registers received from the British Lying-in-Hospital. 8. Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, and Burials of British Subjects in Foreign Countries, kept by British consuls and chaplains during the years 1809-1849 both inclusive. This volume 165 consists of returns made by British consuls to the Foreign Office prior to the passing of the Act 12 and 13 Vic. cap. 68. 9. Registers of Marriages of British Subjects in Foreign Countries, solemnized by British consuls since July, 1849, under the provisions of the Act 12 and 13 Vict. cap. 68. 10. Eegisters of Births and Deaths of British Subjects in Foreign Countries, kept by British consuls since 7th November, 1849, and at British Legations since 19th July, 1859, in accordance with in- structional circulars issued from the Foreign Office on those dates. 11. Eegisters of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, and Burials of British Subjects in Foreign Countries since the year 1784. These comprise certain original registers kept by British consuls and chaplains, and certain certificates, which have from time to time been received from the Foreign Office and other sources. 12. Registers and Certificates of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of British Subjects, in Foreign Countries and in British Colonies and Possessions, kept and made by various British, Foreign, and Colonial authorities since 1801, and received through the Foreign and Colonial Offices. 13. Registers of Marriages in India solemnized since 1st January, 1852, in the presence of registrars, pursuant to 14 and 15 Vict. cap. 40. [Marriages solemnized by clergymen of the Church of England are not included in these returns]. 14. Duplicate Registers of Marriages performed by Chaplains in the Bengal Presidency since July, 1864, and in Bombay in 1867 and 1868. (Indian Marriage Act, No 5, 1865.) 15. Registers of Marriages of British Subjects in the Ionian Islands, solemnized between the years 1861 and 1864, under the provisions of 23 and 24 Vict. cap. 86. This Act was repealed by 27 and 28 Vict. cap. 77, passed on 29th July, 1864, on the relinquish- ment of the Protectorate by Great Britain. 16. Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, and Burials, between the years 1818 and 1864, selected out of the Ionian Islands ; papers received into the Public Record Office from the Colonial Office in July and August, 1864, upon the relinquishment of the Pro- tectorate by Great Britain. 17. Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials by Army Chaplains in the Ionian Islands, between the years 1816 and 1864, transmitted to the General Register Office by the Secretary of State for War. These are original registers. 18. Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials of Military and Civilians, kept by army chaplains at the military stations at home and abroad from 1812-1870. These consist of returns received at the War Office. 19. Records and Returns of Buildings certified as places of meeting for religious worship, under the provisions of 15 and 16 Vict., cap. 36, and 18 and 19 Vict., cap. 81. 166 20. Calendars of the grants of probate and Letters of Adminis- tration made in the Principal Registry and in the several District Registries of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, from the 11th January, 1858, pursuant to the Act 20 and 21 Vict. cap. 77. APPENDIX III. 'S'tBt of ITmtbotx Cemeteries. Abney Park Cemetery, High Street, Stoke Newington. Brompton Cemetery, Fulham Road, S.W. City of London. Office, Sewers Office, Guildhall, E.C.; Cemetery, Little Ilford. City of London and Tower Hamlets, South Grove, Mile End Road. Einchley. See Islington, St. Marylebone, and St. Pancras. General Cemetery Co., Kensal Green. Office, 95, Great Russell Street, W.C. East Metropolitan Cemetery, East Ham Park. Great Northern London Cemetery, New Southgate, N- Office, 22, Great Winchester Street, E.C. Highgate. See London. Islington Burial Board. Vestry Offices, Upper Street, Islington ; Cemetery, East Finchley, N. Jews' Burial Ground, 29, Alderney Road, E. Jews' Burial Ground, Brady Street, E. Jews' Burial Ground, Mile End Road, E. Jews' Burial Ground, Queen's Elm, Fulham Road. Jews' Cemeteries (United Synagogue), Willesden and West Ham. Jews' Cemetery, Bancroft Road, E. Kensington Burial Board. Vestry Hall, High Street, Kensington ; Cemetery, Hanwell, W. Lambeth Burial Board. Vestry Hall, Kennington Road ; Cemetery, Lower Tooting, S.W. London Cemetery. Office, 29, New Bridge Street, E.C. ; Cemetery, Nunhead, S.E. London Necropolis and Nat. Mausoleum. Office, Lancaster Place, W.C. ; Cemetery, Woking. Norwood. See South Metropolitan. Nunhead. See London. 167 Paddington Burial Board. Vestry Hall, Harrow Eoad, W. ; Ceme- tery, Willesden. Soman Catholic (St. Mary's), Kensal Green, W. St. George, Hanover Square, Burial Board, 9, Commercial Eoad, Pimlico ; Cemetery, Hanwell, W. St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, Burial Board, Town Hall Street, E.C. St. Mary, Newington, Burial Board, Vestry Hall, "Walworth Eoad, S.E. St. Marylebone Burial Board, Court House, Marylebone Lane Cemetery, East End, Einchley, N. St. Pancras Burial Board, Vestry Hall, Pancras Eoad; Cemetery, East Einchley, N. St. Saviour's, Southwark, Burial Board, Church Street, Boro' Market ; Cemetery, Woking, Surrey. South Metropolitan. Office, 13, New Bridge Street, E.C. ; Ceme- tery, Lower Norwood, S.E. Westminster (St. Anne, Soho) Burial Board, 17, Carlisle Street, Soho ; Cemetery, Woking, Surrey. Westminster (St. Margaret's and St. John's) Burial Board, 7, Westminster Chambers ; Cemetery, Woking. APPENDIX IV. ClassiM fist of % Paster of tlje galls Snies. 1 CHEONICLES AND HISTOEIES. (These I have arranged roughly in order of date). England. 26. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. i. (in two parts), Anterior to the Norman Invasion. Vol. ii., 1066-1200. Vol. iii., 1200-1327. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L. 1862-1871. 87. Chronicle of Eobert of Brunne, edited by F. J. Furnivall, 1887 (mythical, ends 689). 1 I wish someone would throw into one index all the above Chronicles, and those published by the Camden, Chetham, and other societies. But for want of space I would have done so here. 168 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original Authorities. Vol. i., Original Texts. vol. ii., Translation. Edited and translated by Benjamin Thorpe, Esq. 1861. 3. Lives of Edward the Confessor. I., La Estorie de Seint Aedward le Bei. II. , Vita Beati Edvardi Begis et Confessoris. III., Vita iEduuardi Begis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by Henry Bichards Luard, M.A. 1858. 30. Bicardi de Cirencestria Speculum Historiale de Gestis Begum Anglise. Vol. i., 447-871. Vol. ii., 872-1066. Edited by John E. B. Mayor, M.A. 1863-1869. 91. Lestorie des Engles solum Gefrei Gaimar. Edited, Sir T. D. Duffus Hardy and C. T. Martin. 2 vols., 1889-1. [Ends 1100]. 52. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gestis Bontificum Anglorum, Libri Quinque. Edited, from William of Malmesbury's Auto- graph MS., by N. E. S. A. Hamilton. 1870. [Ends 1122]. 90. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gestis Bontificum Anglorum, Libri Quinque. Edited by Bishop Stubbs (1887-9). 2 vols. [Ends 1142]. 44. Matthaei Barisiensis Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor. Vols, i., ii., and iii., 1067-1253. Edited by Sir Frederic Madden, K.H. 1866-1869. 57. Matthsei Barisiensis Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica Majora. Vol. i., The Creation to a.d. 1066. Vol. ii., a.d. 1067 to A.D. 1216. Vol. iii., a.d. 1216 to a.d. 1239. Vol. iv., a.d. 1240 to A.D. 1247. Vol. v., a.d. 1248 to a.d. 1259. Vol. vi., Additamenta. Vol. vii., Index. Edited by Henry Bichards Luard, D.D. 1872-1884. 36. Annales Monastici. Vol. i., Annales de Margan, 1066-1232 ; An- nales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263 ; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. ii., Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 519-1277; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. iii., Annales Brioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297 ; Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042-1432. Vol. iv., Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016- 1347 ; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomse Wykes, 1066- 1289; Annales Brioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377. Vol. v., Index and Glossary. Edited by Henry Bichards Luard, M.A. 1864- 1869. 68. Badulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis, Opera Historica. The Historical Works of Master Balph de Diceto, Dean of London. Vols. i. and ii. Edited, from the Original Manuscripts, by William Stubbs, M.A. 1876. [Fart ends 1147, and other part 1201]. 74. Henrici Archidiaconi Huntendunensis, Historia Anglorum. The History of the English, by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, from a.d. 55 to a.d. 1154, in eight books. Edited by Thomas Arnold, Esq., M.A. 1879. [Ends 1154]. 169 51. Chronica Magistri Bogeri de Houedene. Vols, i., ii., iii., and iv. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A. 1868-1871. [Valuable from 1192 to 1201]. 75. The Historical Works of Symeon of Durham. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by Thomas Arnold, Esq., M.A., of Univ. College, Oxford, 18S2-5. [Ends 1156]. 21. The Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. Vols, i., ii., iii., and iv. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Prof, of Engl. Liter., King's Coll., London. Vols, v., vi., and vii. Edited by the Bev. James F. Dimock, M.A., Bector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. 1861-1877. [Ends 1187]. 82. Chronicles of the Beigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Bichard I. Vols. i. and ii. 1884,1885. Edited by Bichard Howlett. [Ends 1198]. 49. Gesta Begis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis. Chronicle of the Beigns of Henry II. and Bichard I., 1169-1192, known under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A. 1867. 73. Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury. Vols. i. and ii. The Chronicle of the Beigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Bichard I., by Gervase, the Monk of Canterbury. Edited by William Stubbs, D.D. 1879, 1880. [Ends 1199]. 38. Chronicles and Memorials of the Beign of Bichard the First. Vol. i., Itinerarium, Peregrinorum, et Gesta Begis Bicardi. Vol. ii., Epistolse Cantuarienses ; the Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury; 1187 to 1199. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A. 1864-1865. 66. Badulphi de Coggeshall, Chronicon Anglicauum. Edited by the Bev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1875. [Ends 1200]. 27. Boyal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the Beign of Henry III. Vol. i., 1216-1235. Vol. ii., 1236-1272. Selected and edited by the Bev. W. W. Shirley, D.D. 1862-1866. 95. Flores Historiarum. Edited by the Bev. H. B. Luard, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College and Begistrary of the University, Cambridge. Vol. i., The Creation to a.d. 1066. Vol. ii., a.d. 1067-1264. Vol. iii., a.d. 1265-1326. 1890. 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. — 1. Thornse Walsingham Historia Anglicana; Vol. i., 1272-1381 : Vol. ii., 1381-1422. 2. Willelmi Bishanger Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde, Chronica et Annales, 1259- 1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406. 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Bicardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesise Prsecentore compilata; Vol. i., 793-1290: Vol. ii. 1290- 1349: Vol. iii., 1349-1411. 5. Johannis Amundesham, Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, ut videtur, Annales; Vols. i. and ii. 6. Begistra quorundain Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui 170 SEeculo xv m0 floruere ; Vol. i., Eegistrum Abbatise Jobannis Whet- bamstede, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum susceptse ; Roberto Blakeney, Capellano, quondam adscriptuni : Vol. ii., Eegistra Jobannis Wbethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingforde, Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, cum Appendice, continente quasdam Epistolas, a Jobanne Wbetbamstede Con- scriptas. 7. Ypodigma Neustrise a Tboma Walsingbam, quon- dam Monacbo Monasterii S. Albani, conscriptum. Edited by- Henry Tbomas Eiley, Esq., M.A. 1863-1876. 58. Memoriale Fratris Walteri de Coventria, tbe Historical Collec- tions of Walter of Coventry. Vols. i. and ii. Edited, from the MS. in tbe Library of Corpus Cbristi College, Cambridge, by William Stubbs, M.A. 1872-1873. [Ends 1225]. 84. Chronica Eogeri de Wendover, sive Flores Historiarum. Vol. i. Edited by Henry Gay Hewlett. [Ends 1235]. 42. Le Livere de Eeis de Brittanie e Le Livere de Eeis de Engletere. Edited by John Glover, M.A. 1865. 13. Chronica Jobannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. 1859. 76. Chronicles of the Eeigns of Edward I'. and Edward II. Vols. i. andii. Edited by William Stubbs, D.D. 1882,1883. [Ends 1272]. 16. Bartholomeei de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana ; 449-1298; necnon ejusdem Liber de Arcbiepiscopis et Episcopis An ghee. Edited by Henry Eichards Luard, M.A. 1859. [Ends 1298]. 47. The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of Edward I. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A. 1866-1868. 86. The Metrical Chronicle of Eobert of Gloucester. Edited by William Aldis Wright, M.A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Parts i. and ii., 1887. ' 98. Memoranda de Parliamento, 25th Edward I., 1305. Edited by F. W. Maitland, M.A. 1893. 93. Chronicle of Adam Murimuth, with the Chronicle of Eobert of Avesbury. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, LL.D., F.S.A., Principal Librarian and Secretary of the British Museum. 1889. Murimuth, 1303-1347; Avesbury, 1308-1356. 9. Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis) : Cbronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366 ; a Monacho quodam Malmes- biriensi exaratum. Vols, i., ii., and iii. Edited by F. S. Haydon, B.A. 1858-1863. [Ends 1366]. 1 The date of the composition of this Chronicle is placed about the year 1300. The writer appears to have been an eye-witness of many events which he describes. The language in which it is written was the dialect of Gloucestershire at that time. 171 41. Polychronicon Eanulphi Higden, with Trevisa's Translation. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D., Senior Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Vols, iii., iv., v., vi., vii., viii., and ix. Edited by the Eev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D. 1865-1886. [Ends 1377]. 64. Chronicon Anglice, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388, Auctore Monacho quodani Sancti Albani. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. 1874. [Ends 1388]. 92. Chronicle of Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester. Edited by the Eev. J. E. Lumby, D.D. 1889-90. [Ends 1395]. 18. A Collection of Eoyal and Historical Letters during the Eeign of Henry IV. 1399-1404. Edited by the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A. 1860. [Ends 1404]. I. The Chronicle of England, by John Capgrave. Edited by the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A. 1858. [Ends 1417]. 29. Chronicon Abbatise Eveshamensis, Auctoribus Dominico Priore Eveshamise et Thoma de Marleberge Abbate, a Fundatione ad Annum 1213, una cum Continuatione ad Annum 1418. Edited by the Eev. W. D. Macray. 1863. [Ends 1418]. II. Memorials of Henry the Fifth. I., Vita Henrici Quinti, Eoberto Eedmanno auctoro. II., Versus Ehythmici in laudem Eegis Henrici Quinti. III., Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by Charles A. Cole. 1858. [Ends 1422.] 39. Eecueil des Croniques et anchiennes Istories de la Grant Bre- taigne a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan de Waurin. Vol. i., Albina to 688. Vol. ii., 1399-1422. Vol. hi., 1422-1431. Edited by Sir William Hardy, F.S.A. 1864-1879. Vol. iv., 1431-1443. Edited by Sir William Hardy, F.S.A., and Edward L, C. P. Hardy, F.S.A. 1884. [Ends 1443]. 40. A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Wavrin. Albina to 688. Translation of, by Sir W. Hardy. 1864. 14. A Collection of Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, from the Accession of Edward III. to the Eeign of Henry VIII. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. 1859-1861. 32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449-1450. — Eobertus Blondelli de Eeductione Normannias : Le Eecouvrement de Normandie, par Berry, Herault du Eoy : Con- ferences between the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited, from MSS. in the Imperial Library at Paris, by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1863. [Ends 1450], 56. Memorials of the Eeign of Henry VI. : — Official Correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to Henry VI., and Bishop of Bath and Wells. Edited from a MS. in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, with an Appendix of Illustrative Docu- 172 merits, by the Eev. George "Williams, B.D. Vols. i. and ii. 1872. [Ends 1461]. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English during the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Vol. i. and Vol. ii. (in Two Parts.) Edited by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1861-1864. [Ends 1461]. 7. Johannis Capgrave, Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A. 1858. [Ends 1461]. 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by James Gairdner. 1861- 1863. [Ends 1509]. 60. Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII., from original Documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by the Rev. William Campbell, M.A. 1873-1877 [Ends 1509]. 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh : Bernardi Andrese Tholosatis, Vita Regis Henrici Septimi ; necnon alia qusedam ad eundem Regem spectantia. Edited by James Gairdner. 1858. [Ends 1509]. 89. The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick, with other documents relating to that Saint. Edited by Whitley Stokes, LL.D., D.C.L., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford; and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Parts i. and ii. 1887. Ireland. (And see 94, Chronicle of Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin). 48. The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, or the Invasions of Heland by the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited, with a Translation, by James Henthorn Todd, D.D. 1867. 54. The Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from 1041 to 1590. Vols. i. and ii. Edited, with a Translation, by William Maunsell Hennessy. 1871. 46. Chronicou Scotorum : a Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from the Earliest Times to 1135 ; and Supplement, containing the Events from 1141 to 1150. Edited, with Translation, by William Maunsell Hennessy. 1866. 53. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, from the Archives of the City of Dublin, &c. 1172-1320. Edited by John T. Gilbert. 1870. 69. Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, for a Portion of the 16th Year of the Reign of Richard H. 1392-93. Edited by the Rev. James Graves, A.B. 1887. Scotland. 6. The Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland ; or, A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece ; by William Stewart. Vols, i., ii., and hi. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. 1858. 173 Wales. 20. Annales Carobroe. 447-1288. Edited by tbe Eev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 1860. 17. Brut y Tywysogion ; or, the Chronicle of the Princes of Wales, 681-1282. Edited by the Eev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 1860. Iceland. 88. Icelandic Sagas and other Historical Documents relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vol. i., Orkneyinga Saga, and Magnus Saga. Vol. ii., Hakonar Saga, and Magnus Saga. Edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. 1887. Vols. iii. and iv., Translations of the above by Sir George Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. Monastic Cbartttlames and Chronicles. [As to St. Alban's, see Historical Chronicles, 28, Nos. 5 and 7. As to Westminster (Charters), see Historical Chronicles, 30 (Bichard de Cirencestria)]. 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by the Bev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1858. 8. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by Thomas of Elmham, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Edited by Charles Hard wick, M.A. 1858. 85. The Begisters of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. Edited by Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, LL.D. Vol. i. 80. Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, &c, preserved in the Bodleian Library and British Museum. Edited by John Thomas Gilbert. Vols. i. and ii. 1884 and 1885. 33. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestriae. Vols, i., ii., and iii. Edited by W. H. Hart. 1863, 1867. 45. Liber Monasterii de Hyda ; a Chronicle and Chartulary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, 455-1023. Edited, from a Manuscript in the Library of the Earl of Macclesfield, by Edward Edwards. 1866. 72. Begistrum Malmesburiense ; the Begister of Malmesbury Abbey ; preserved in the Public Becord Office. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., and Charles Trice Martin, Esq., B.A. 1879, 1880. 43. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, ab Anno 1150 usque ad Annum 1406. Vols, i., ii., and iii. Edited by Edward Augustus Bond. 1866-1868. 83. Chronicle of the Ancient Abbey of Bamsey, from the Cbartulary of that Abbey in the Public Becord Office. 1886. Edited by the Bev. William Dunn Macray, M.A. 79. Chartulary of the Ancient Benedictine Abbey of Bamsey, from the MS. in the Public Becord Office. Vols. i. and ii. 1884, 1886. 174 Edited by William Henry Hart and the Eev. Ponsonby Annesley Lyons. 94. Chartulary of the Abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin. Edited by John Thomas Gilbert, F.S.A., M.I.E.A. 1889. 96. Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. Edited by Thomas Arnold, MA., Fellow of the Eoyal University of Ireland. Vols. i. and ii. 1890-1892. 97. Charters and Documents illustrating the History of the Cathedral and City of Sarum, 1100-1300; forming an Appendix to the Eegister of St. Osmund. Selected by the late Eev. W. H. Eich Jones, MA., P.S.A., and edited by the Eev. W. D. Macray, M.A., F.S.A., Eector of Ducklington. 1891. 4. Monumenta Franciscana. Yol. i., Thomas de Eccleston de Ad- ventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. Adse de Marisco Epistolae. Eegistrum Fratrum Minorum Londoniee. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. Vol. ii., De Adventu Minorum ; re-edited, with additions. Chronicle of the Grey Friars. The ancient English version of the Eule of St. Francis. Abbreviatio Statutorum, 1451, &c. Edited by Eichard Howlett. 1858, 1882. 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Can- terbury. Vols, i., ii., iii., iv., v., and vi. Edited by the Eev. James Craigie Eobertson, M.A. 1875-1883. Vol. vii. Edited by Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, LL.D. 1885. 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic. Vols. i. and ii. Edited, with English Translation, Notes, and Glossary, by M. Eirikr Magnusson, M.A. 1875- 1884. 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis Episcopi Lincolniensis. From MSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris. Edited by the Eev. James F. Dimock, M.A. 1864. 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste, illustrative of the Social Condition of his Time. Edited by Henry Eichards Luard, M.A. 1861. 63. Memorials of Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited, from various MSS., by William Stubbs, M.A. 1874. 71. The Historians of the Church of York, and its Archbishops. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by James Eaine, M.A. 1879-1886. 61. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Eegisters. Edited by James Eaine, M.A. 1873. 62. Eegistrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The Eegister of Eichard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham ; 1311-1316. Vols, i., ii., iii., and iv. Edited by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L. 1873-1878. 77. Eegistrum Epistolarum Fratris Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. Vols, i., ii., and iii. Edited by Charles Trice Martin, Esq., B.A. 1882-1886. 175 78. Register of S. Osmund. Edited by the Eev. W. H. Rich Jones, M.A. Vols. i. and ii. 1883, 1884. 81. Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia, et Opuscula duo de Vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam Miraculis ejus. 1884. Edited by the Rev. Martin Rule, M.A. 19. The Repressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy. By Reginald Pecock. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D. 1860. 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. As- cribed to Thomas Netter, of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by Rev. W. Shirley, M.A. 1858. 50. Munimenta Academica; or, Documents illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford (in two parts.) Edited by the Rev. Henry Anstey, M.A. 1868. Municipal. 12. Munimenta Gildhallse Londoniensis ; Liber Albus, Liber Cus- tumarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Oildhallse asservati. Vol. i., Liber Albus. Vol. ii. (in two parts), Liber Custumarum. Vol. hi., Translation of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and Index. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, M.A. 1859-1862. Philosophy. Medicine. Science. 35. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England ; being a Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vols, i., ii., and iii. Collected and edited by the Rev. T. Oswald Cockayne, M.A. 1864-1866. 15. The " Opus Tertium," " Opus Minus," &c, of Roger Bacon. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. 1859. 34. Alexandri Neckam de Naturis Rerum, libri duo ; with Neckam's Poem, De Laudibus Divinae Sapientise. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. 1863. Satibical Poetry. 59. The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth Century. Vols. i. and ii. Collected and edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. 1872. 14. Political Poems and Songs, Edward III. to Henry VIII. Thomas Wright. Vols. i. and ii. 1859-1861. 176 Law. 31. Year Books of the Keign of Edward the First. Years 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 Edw. I.; aud 11-12 Edw. III., edited and translated by Alfred John Horwood. Years 12-13, 13-14 Edward III., edited and translated by Luke Owen Pike, Esq., M.A. 1863-1866. Years 14-15 Edward III., by Luke Owen Pike, Esq., M.A. 70. Henrici de Bracton de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise, Libri Quinque in Varios Tractatus Distincti. Ad Diversorum et Ve- tustisshnorum Codicurn Collectionem Typis Vulgati. Vols, i., ii., iii., iv., v., and vi. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 1878-1883. 55. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Admiralty, with Appendices. Vols, i., ii., iii., and iv. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 1871-1876. In the Press. Year Books of the Eeign of Edward III. Edited and translated by Luke Owen Pike, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Banulf de Glanvill ; Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise, &c. Edited and translated by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. The Bed Book of the Exchequer. Edited by Hubert Hall, F.S.A., of the Public Becord Office. Parts i., ii., and iii. Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. Edited by Thomas Arnold, M.A. Vol. iii. APPENDIX V. Hist of pufoltsijetf domestic -State papers. Edward VI. to James I. Edward VI. to James I. (continued). By B. Lemon. Mrs. Everett Green. 1547—80 . vol . 1 1591—4 . 3 1581—90 . 2 159-3—7 . 4 1547-1565, see Addenda 6 1598—1601 5 1566—1579 „ 7 1601—1603 6 1580—1625 „ 12 [1547 — 1565, Addenda] 6 1603—1625 „ 11 [1566—1579, Adde nda] 7 1 The Salisbury Papers now being issued by the Hist. MSS. Comm. Parts i.-v. extend from 1532 to 1595, and comprise very many State Papers retained by the Cecil family. They ought to be returned to public custody. 177 Edward VI. to James I. (continued). Commonwealth continued). 1603—1610 8 1656—7 . 10 1611—1618 9 1647—8 . 11 1619-1623 10 1658—9 . 12 1623—1625 11 1659—60 . 13 [1603—1625, Addend a,] 11 Vol. 14 in the press. [1580—1625, Addenda] 12 Ch. J. Bruce. 1625—6 1627—8 1628—9 1629—31 1631—3 1633—4 1634—5 1635 1635—6 *.RLE 3 I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Charles II. Mrs. Everett Green. 1660—1 . 1661—2 . 1663—4 . 1664—5 . 1665—6 . 1666—7 . 1667 . 1667—8 . 1668—9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1636—7 10 E. H. B. Daniell. 1637 11 1660—70 . 10 1637—8 12 Bruce and Hamilton. .State Paper. 1638—9 . 13 W. J. Hardy. W. D. Hamilton. Calendar, 1689-90. 1639 14 1639—40 1640 1640—1 15 16 17 P^rne Office Pap George III. era. 1641—3 18 J. Redington. 1644 19 1760—5 . 1 1644—5 20 1766—9 . 2 1645—7 1648—9 21 22 R. A. Boberts. 1770—2 . 3 Commonwealth Mrs. Everett Green. 1649 . 1 iFcrefrjrt & Uomeattc Series. Henry VIII. 1650 . 2 J. S. Brewer. 1651 . 3 1509—14 . vol. 1 1651—2 . 4 1515—18 . 2 (2 Pts.) 1652—3 5 1519—23 . 3 (2 Pts.) 1653—4 . 6 [Introduction] 4 , Pt. 1654 . 7 1524—6 . 4 ,Pt. 1 1655 . 8 1526—8 . 4 ,Pt. 2 1655—6 . 9 1529—30 . 4 ,Pt. 3 178 Henry VIII. {continued). J. Gairdner. 1531—2 . vol. 5 1533 . 6 1534 . 7 1535 (to January) 8 1535 (to December) 9 1536 . 10 1537 . 11&12 1538 . 13 (2) 1539 . 14(1) (Part 2 in the press). 2Treasurtj papers. 1 Eerlington. 1557—1696 . vol. 1 1697—1702 2 1702—1707 3 1708—1714 4 1714-1719 5 1720—1728 6 Colonial Series 1574—1668. W. Noel Sainsbury. 1574—1660. Vol. 1513—1616. 1617—1621. 1622—1624. 1661—1668. 1625—1629. 1669—1674. 1630—1634. 1675—1676. 1. America and West Indies. 2. East Indies, China, and Japan. 3. East Indies, China, and Japan. 4. East Indies, China, and Japan. 5. American and West Indies. 6. East Indies. 7. America and West Indies. 9. East Indies and Persia. 1574—1674. Mrs. Green. 1642—1656. 1643—1660. 10. America and West Indies. Addenda. 3. Committee for the Advance of Money. 5. Committee for Compounding. There are also the following Scottish and Irish papers : — State Papers, Scottish. Series. Henry VIII. — Elizabeth. M. J. Thorpe. 1509—1589 . . vol. 1 1589—1603 . . 2 1543—1592 . Appendix Bottler papers. J. Bain. 1560—1594 1595—1600 vol. 1 2 documents, Erelanb. 1171—1307. H. S. Sweetman, continued by G. F. Handcock. 1171—1251 . . vol. 1 1252—1284 1285—1292 1293—1301 1302—1307 1 Give pensions, grants, remissions, 179 State papers (Ireland). Of the reigns of Henry Till., Edward YL, Mary, and Elizabeth. H. 0. Hamilton. 1509—1573 . . vol. 1 1574—1585 . . 2 1586—1588 . . 3 1588—1592 . . 4 State Papers (Erelano). James I. Eev. C. W. Eussell and J. P. Prendergast. 1603—1606 . . vol. 1 1606—1608 . . 2 1608—1610 . . 3 1611—1614 . . 4 1615—1625 . . 5 £arerjj papers (at tfje Hambetfj ILibrartt). 1515—1624. 1515—1574 . . vol. 1 1575—1588 . . 2 1589—1600 . . 3 1601—1603 . . 4 Book of Howth, Miscellaneous 5 1603—1624 . . 6 Calendar of Papal Eecft'sters. W. H. Bliss. 1198—1304 . . vol. 1 1305—1342 . . 2 tforctgrt Series. Edward YL W. B. Turnbull. 1547—1553 Mary. W. B. Turnbull. 1553—1558 Elizabeth. Eev. J. Stevenson, M.A 1558—1559 1559—1560 1560—1561 1561—1562 1562 . 1563 . 1564 — 1565 A. J. Crosby, M.A J566—1568 1569—1571 1572—1574 1575—1577 vol. 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 Joretcjn (Spam's!)), &t. Henry YIL— Henry YIII. G. A. Bergenroth. 1485—1509 . . vol. 1 1509—1525 . . 2 Supplement to vols. 1 and 2. Don Pascual de Gayangos. 1525—1526 vol. 3, Part 1 1527—1529 3> 2 1522—1530 4, 1 1531—1533 4, 2 1531—1533 4 continued 1534—1536 5, Part 1 Uenetfan , &C. 1202—1 558. Eawdon Brown. 1202—1509 . vol.1 1509—1520 . 2 1520—1526 . 3 1527—1533 . 4 1534—1554 . 5 1555—1556 . 6, Part 1 1556 — 1557 . 6, 2 1557 — 1558 . 3, 3 N 2 180 APPENDIX VI. Historical gtSS. Commission. The Eeports relating to English, (but not Scotch or Irish) MSS., which in the first edition were set out at pp. 160-166, are now included in the the General Index to the work, q.v. APPENDIX VII. Ji, Sbort Antiquarian, #c, giwrtorjj, 1 England. Academy, 43, Chancery Lane, W.C. Ancient Buildings, Society for the Protection of, 9, Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C. Secretary, Thackeray Turner 1 As this is the first time anything of this sort has been seriously attempted, my readers must pardon mistakes and omissions. Any corrections and additions ■will he thankfully received, and especially .notes of such societies, &c, as may have heen discontinued. Further particulars may in some cases he obtained from the list in Lowndes, and the vol. issued by Mr. Griffin, of Exeter Street. I have to thank the forty-eight gentlemen (and especially Mr. E. A. Fry) who replied to a circular I sent out with a proof of this chapter for their valuable corrections and notes. — W. It. It would be very useful if one were to collect and publish a complete list of all county collections, such as Boase and Gough's Bibliotheca Bucking- hamiensis, Smith's Bibliotheca Cantiana, Boase's Collectanea Cornubievia, Courtney's Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, Davidson's Bibliotheca Devoniensis, Mayo's Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis, Philip's Collectanea Glocestriensis, Copes' Catalogue of Hampshire Books, Gilbert's Bibliotheca Hantoniensis, Fishwick's Lancashire Library, Rye's Norfolk Topography, "Woodward's Norfolk Topographical Manual, Colman's Bibliotheca A orfolciensis, Simms' Stafford- shire Bibliography, the Lancashire and Cheshire Bibliography, Worth's Three Towns (Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse) Bibliotheca, Butler's Topographia Sussexiana, and Boyne's Yorkshire Library. 181 Andover Archaeological Society (extinct ?) Anglo-Norman Society (?) Anthropological Institute, 3, Hanover Square. Secretary, O. M. Dalton Antiquarian Magazine (discontinued) Antiquaries, Society of (Archaeologia). Secretary, C. H. Read; Assistant Secretary, W. St. John Hope, Burlington House, W. Publishes Proceedings, 8vo. ; Archceologia, 4to. ; and Monumenta Vetusta (occasional), fo. Antiquary, The (E. Stock). Editor, T. M. Fallow, Coatham, Redcar Archceologia JEliana. See Newcastle-on-Tyne Society. Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See Royal Archmological Journal, issued quarterly by do. Arundel Society, 19, St. James' Street, S.W. Secretary, Douglas H. Gordon Associated Societies Reports include Beds, Lines, Leic, Northants and Oakham, Notts, and Worcester South Atheneeum, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. Banbury Field Club Bath Field Club Batley (York) Antiquarian Society (one part only issued) Bedfordshire Archaeological and Architectural Society. Hon. Secretary, the Rev. J. W. Hadduck, Bedford Beds. See Associated Societies Reports Bedfordshire Notes and Queries (extinct). It was issued by F. A. Blaydes, Shenstone Lodge, Bedford, who also issued Genealogica Bedfordiensis and Fasti Sacri Bedfordiensis Berks Archaeological and Architectural Society (quarterly transactions). Hon. Secretary, the Rev. P. H. Ditchfield, Barkham Rectory, Wokingham Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archmological Journal. Editor, Rev. P. H. Ditchfield, Barkham Rectory, Wokingham (published in connection with seven clubs and societies) Berkshire Notes and Queries (extinct), now incorporated in the Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archceological Journal Beverley Antiquarian Society Biblical Archaeology, Society of, Great Russell Street. Sec, W. H. Ry lands Bradford Antiquary. Editor, C. A. Ferderer, 8, Hallfield Road, Bradford Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society. Hon. Secretary, T. Howard, 16, Piccadilly, Bradford 182 Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. Secretary, Rev. W. Bazeley, Matson, Gloucestershire Bristol Record Society (?) Bristol and West of England Architectural and Heraldic Society British Archaeological Association, 32, Sackville Street, W. Hon Sees., W. D. G. Birch, and Geo. Patrick, 16, Red Lion Square, W.C. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Burling- ton House, W. Seeton H. (Anthropology) receives papers on pre-historic Archaeology, and publishes abstracts in the original Proceedings. Recorder, J. L. Myres, Ch. Ch., Oxford British Record Society. Hon. Secretary, E. A. Ery, 172, Edmund Street, Birmingham. (This now incorporates the Index Library) Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Aylesbury. Publishers of Records of Bucks and Bibliotheca BucJcinghamiensis Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, T. Gibbs, 206, Station Street Bye-gones. Woodall, Minshall, & Co., Oswestry Cambridge Camden Society (extinct) Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors (extinct), merged in Monumental Brass Society Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Hon. Secretary, T. D. Atkinson, St. Mary's Passage (in which is merged the Cambridge Archaeological Society) Camden Society, 25, Parliament Street, S.W. Chaucer Society, 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, N. Director, F. J. Furnivall; Hon. Secretary, W. A. Dalziel Cheshire Notes and Queries. Publisher, E. Stock Cheshire Sheaf, The Chester and North Wales, Archaeological and Historic Society for. Secretary, the Rev. Canon Morris, Chester Chetham Society (Lancashire and Cheshire). Secretary, C. W. Sutton, Free Reference Library, Manchester. This excellent Society has issued nearly 150 vols.! Clifton Antiquarian Society. Secretary, A. E. Hudd, 94, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol Cocked Hat Club, a feeding branch of the Society of Antiquaries Collectanea Archceologia. See British Archaeological Association Cornwall, Royal Institute of. Hon. Secretary, Major Parkyr, 40, Lemon Street, Truro, and Rev. W. Jago, Bodmin 183 Cotteswold Field Club Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, T. Wilson, Aynam Lodge, Kendal Cumberland and Westmoreland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Hon. Secretary, Arthur Cox, Mill Hill, Derby Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset Note Book; see Western Antiquary Devon (North), Exeter, Diocesan Architectural Society Devon and Cornwall Notes and Gleanings (monthly), edited by Wm. Cotton and Jas. Dalton (extinct) Devonshire Association. Hon. Secretary, Rev. W. Harpley, Clayhanger, Tiverton Dorset Records (E. A. Fry, 172, Edmund Street, Birmingham) Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeological Society Early English Text Society. Director, F. J. Furnivall; Hon. Secretary, "W. A. Dalziel, 67, Victoria Eoad, Finsbury Park, N. East Anglian; or, Notes and Queries connected with Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk. Editor, Eev. C. H. Evelyn White, Eampton, Cambridge ; Publisher, Pawsey, Ipswich Ecclesiological Society. See Cambridge Antiquarian Society Egypt Exploration Fund, Great Russell Street English Dialect Society. Secretary, Professor J. Wright, 6, Norham Road, Oxford English Historical Review, edited by Professor Rawson Gardiner ; Longmans, Green, & Co. ; 5s. per quarter Essex Bibliographia Committee. Hon. Sec, E. A. Fitch, Brick House, Maldon, M. Christy, Priors, Broomfield, Chelmsford. Essex Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, G. F. Beaumont, Esq., The Lawn, Coggeshall Essex Field Club, Hon. Sec, W. Cole, 7, Knighton Villas, Buckhurst Hill, Essex Essex Review, edited by E. A. Fitch, Brick House, Maldon ; published by Durrant & Co., Chelmsford Ethnographical Survey Committee. See British Association Exeter Architectural Society. Secretary, Rev. J. L. Fulford, Woodbury, Exeter Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society ( ? same as last) Ex Libris Society Journal, edited by W. H. K. Wright, Borough Librarian, Devonport ; published by A. & C. Black, London 184 Fenland Notes and Queries, edited by Eev. W. D. Sweeting, Maxey Vicarage, Market Deeping Folk Lore Society. Publishers, D. Nutt & Co., 270, Strand. Hon. Secretary, F. A. Milne, 11, Old Square, W.C. Genealogical and Historical Society (extinct) Genealogist, The, edited by H. W. F. Harwood, 33, Abingdon Villas, Kensington, W. ; Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden Gentlemen Society of Spalding (Line.) Glastonbury Archaeological Society Gloucester. See Bristol and Gloucester Gloucestershire Notes and Queries. Editor, W. P. W. Phillimore, 1 24, Chancery Lane Hakluyt Society (travels and voyages). Hon. Secretary, W. Foster, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields. (Agent, C. J. Clark) Hampshire Notes and Queries Hampshire Record Society. Hon. Secretary, A. G. Bather, Winchester College Hants Field Club Harleian Society. Hon. Secretaries, George J. Armytage, Clifton Woodhead, Brighouse, and J. Paul Bylands, Heather Lea, Claughton, Birkenhead; Publishers, Mitchell & Hughes, 140, Wardour Street, W. Henry Bradshaw Society for editing rare Liturgical Tracts. Hon. Sec, Eev. H. A. Wilson, Magdalen College, Oxford Hertfordshire Notes and Queries, published by Hardy & Page, 44, Chancery Lane Herts Genealogist and Antiquary, edited by W. Brigg, Harpenden Huguenot Society. Secretary, E. S. Faber, 10, Primrose Hill Eoad, N.W. Illustrated Archaeologist. See The Reliquary Index of Archaeological Papers, published by Congress of Archaeological Society. Hon. Sec, E. ISTevill, 13, Addison Crescent, W. Index library, now incorporated in the British Eecord Society. Hon. Sec, E. A. Fry, 1 72, Edmund Street, Birmingham. (At present has done nothing for the North or East of England) Index Society. Secretary, H. B. Wheatley, Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi (merged in British Eecord Society) Isle of Man Antiquarian Society. See Manx Jewish Historical Society Kernoozers Club 185 Kent Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, G. Payne, The Precinct, Rochester Kent Magazine (Tower Publishing Co.) Kentish Note Book, id., G. 0. Howlett (extinct) Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Notes (extinct) Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Hon. Sec, Gh C. Yates, Swinton, Manchester. See also Chetham Society Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society. Hon. Secretary, W. F. Irvine, Claughton, Cheshire Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Hon. Secretary, R. D. Radcliffe, Darley Old Swan, near Liverpool Leeds. See Thoresby Society. Leicester and Rutland Notes and Queries, J. and T. Spencer, 20, Market Place, Leicester (extinct) Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society. Secre- tary, Major Freer, Stoneygate, Leicester. See Associated Societies Reports Lewisham Antiquarian Society (publishes local registers, &c, &c). Hon. Secretary, L. L. Duncan, F.S. A., Rosslair, Lingard Road, Lewisham Lincoln and Nottingham Architectural and Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Rev. A. F. Sutton, Brant Broughton, Newark Lincoln and Nottingham, York, Northampton, Bedford, Leicester, and Diocese of Worcester, Associated Archi- tectural Societies of. Secretary, the Rev. A. F. Sutton, Brant Broughton, Newark. See Associated Societies Reports Lincolnshire Record Society. Hon. Secretaries, Rev. J. C. Hudson, Thornton Vicarage, Horncastle, and A. Gibbons, 4, Minster Yard, Lincoln (extinct) Lincolnshire Architectural Society, 1844. See Associated Societies Reports Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. Editors, Rev. J. C. Hudson, and E. M. Sympson, Lincoln. Publisher, W. K. Morton, High Street, Horncastle Lincolnshire Topographical Society, 1841, now the Lincolnshire and Notts Architectural and Archaeological Society Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretaries, C. Welch, Guildhall Library, and E. H. Freshfield, 5, Bank Buildings, E.C. ; meet at London Institution, Finsbury Circus London and Middlesex Note Book (extinct) 186 London Library (lending"), St. James' Square; 100,000 vols., in- cluding Standard, Legal, and Historical Works. Secretary, C. T. Hagberg Wright London Topographical Society. Secretary, H. B. Wheatley, Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi Maidenhead and Taplow Field Club and Thames Yalley Antiquarian Societ}\ Hon. Secretary, J. Rutland, The Gables, Taplow. See Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaological Journal Manchester Literary Club. Hon. Secretary, W. R. Credland, Free Library, Manchester Manchester Notes and Queries (extinct) Manchester Court Leet Records, published by Mr. Cornish, St. Ann's Square, Manchester Manchester Journal (Bradshaw's) (extinct) Manx Note Book (extinct) Manx Society Middlesex Archaeological Society. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Middlesex County Record Society. Secretary, J. C. Jeaffreson Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. Editor, W. J. Hardy ; Publishers, Hardy & Page, 44, Chancery Lane, W.C. Midland Antiquary (extinct) Midland Record Society. Hon. Sec, W. Wilson, 85, Edmund Street, Birmingham Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldka. Editor, Dr. J. J. Howard ; Mitchell and Hughes, 140, Wardour Street, W. Monthly Chronicle of North Country Lore and Legend (extinct), 5 vols, published, to be had at Weekly Chronicle Office, Newcastle-on-Tyne Monumental Brass Society. Secretary, Rev. A. J. Walker, 10, Dunstan Road, Tunbridge Wells Navy Records Society Newbury and Berkshire Field Club Newcastle-on-Tyne Society of Antiquaries. Hon. Secretary, R. Blair, South Shields, issues the Archaiologia Aeliana Newcastle-on-Tyne Typographical Society New Shakspere Society, University College, Gower Street, W.C. Director, F. J. Furnivall; Secretary, P. Z. Round, Secretary's Office, General Post Office, care of Kegan Paul and Trubners, Charing Cross Road 187 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. Editorial Secretary, Rev. W. Hudson, 1 5, Hartfield Square, Eastbourne ; Hon. Secretary, L. E. Bolingbroke, Diocesan Registry, The Close, Norwich Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany (discontinued). Editor, Walter Eye; Publishers, Goose & Co., Norwich Norfolk Nutes and Queries, issued weekly by the Norfolk Chronicle Northampton and Oakham Architectural Society. Hon. Secre- tary, C. A. Markham, Spratton, Northampton. See Associated Societies Reports Northamptonshire Notes and Queries, Dryden Press, Northampton, published by Mr. John Taylor North Country Lore and Legend, Monthly Chronicle of (illustrated), 6d. monthly. Issued by the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle. [Excellent and very cheap.] Northern Genealogist. Editor, A. Gibbons, Heworth, Yorks. Northern Notes and Queries, edited by J. H. Stevenson, 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh, now Scottish Antiquary North Oxfordshire Society. See Oxfordshire (extinct) North Riding (Yorks) Record Society. See Yorkshire North Staffordshire Naturalists Eield Club and Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Rev. T. W. Dalby, Madeley, Stoke-on-Trent Northumberland and Durham Antiquarian Society Notes and Queries, Bream's Buildings, E.C. Notes and Gleanings in Devon and Cornwall (extinct). See Devon Nottingham. See Lincoln. See Associated Societies Reports Notts and Derbyshire Notes and Queries, edited by J. P. Briscoe and J. Ward Noviomagian Club is a sub (feeding) branch of the Society of Antiquaries (?) Numismatic Society, 22, Albemarle Street, W. Secretaries, B. V. Head and H. A. Grueber Orkney Antiquarian and Natural History Society Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. Secretary, P. Manning, New College, Oxford Oxford Ashmolean Society. Secretary, E. B. Poulton, Wyken- ham House, Banbury Road, Oxford Oxford Historical Society. Secretary, F. Madan, 90, Banbury Road, Oxford 188 Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. Hon. Secre- tary, J. L. Myres, Christ Church, Oxford Oxfordshire (North) Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Eev. G. E. Barnes, Somerton, Banbury. Proceedings dis- continued on establishment of Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Journal, q.v. Palseographical Society (dissolved); publications from G. P. Warner, British Museum Palatine JSote Book, The (Lancashire and Cheshire), edited by J. E. Bailey (extinct) Parish Eegister Society. Hon. Secretary, E. A. Fry, 172, Edmund Street, Birmingham; subscription, £l. Is. Od. Parker Society. A general index to its publications has been issued Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society Percy Society (extinct) Philobiblion Society Photographing Eelics of Old London, Society for, 112, Albany Street, N.W. Hon. Secretary, A. Marks Pipe Poll Society. Hon. Secretary, C. T. Martin, Public Pecord Office Plymouth Institution and Natural History Society Protection of Monuments of the Dead, Society for. Secretary, W. Vincent Quakeriana, now Quaker Notes and Queries. Editor, E. Hicks, 24, Wormwood Street, E.C. Reliquary. See The Reliquary Roxburgh Club Eoyal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 20, Hanover Square. Hon. Secretary, A. H. Lyell, M.A., F.S.A. Eoyal Historical Society. Hon. Sec, Hubert Hall, 60, Chancery Lane Eoyal Institute of British Architects St. Alban's Architectural and Archaeological Society. Secretary, Eev. Canon Davys, Wheathampstead Eectory, St. Alban's ; Local Hon. Secretary, Eev. H. Fowler, Lemsford Eoad, St. Alban's St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society. Secretary, E. J. Wells, Sandown House, Mallison Eoad, Wandsworth Common, S.W. Salt Society. See Wm. Salt 189 Scarborough Archaeological Society (?) Selden Society. Hon. Secretary, B. F. Lock, 11, New Square, Lincoln's Inn Sheffield Archaeological Society (?) Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Hon. Secretary, F. Goyne, 7, Dogpole, Shrewsbury Shropshire and North Wales Natural Society and Antiquarian Society (merged in last) Shropshire Notes and Queries Shropshire Shreds and Patches (extinct) Societe de l'Histoire de Norman die. Secretary, M. Ch. Legay, care of Ch. Meterie, 11, Rue Jeanne dArc, Rouen (British Museum Press Mark, "Ac. 6890 ") Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie, Caen (British Museum Press Mark, "Ac. 5320") Somerset Record Society. Hon. Secretary, Rev. Preby. T. S. Holmes, Wookey Vicarage, Wells Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries. Editors, Rev. F. W. Weaver, Milton Clevedon, Evercreech, Somerset, and Rev. C. H. Mayo, M.A., Long Burton, Sherborne; 5s. per annum Somersetshire Archaeological Society. Hon. Sees., J. R. Bramble, Cleeve House, Yatton, Somerset, and the Rev. F. W. Weaver, Milton, Clevedon, Evercreech, Somerset Staffordshire. See William Salt Society, and see Northampton- shire Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Secretary, Rev. F. Haslewood, St. Matthew's Rectory, Ipswich Surrey Archaeological Society, 8, Danes Inn, Strand, W.C. Hon. Secretary, M. Stephenson Surtees Society. Hon. Secretary, W. Brown, Arncliff Hall, Northallerton Sussex Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Henry Griffith, Montpelier Lodge, Brighton ; Museum, Lewes Castle The Reliquary and Illustrated Archceologist. Publishers, Bemrose and Sons, 23, Old Bailey, E.C., and Derby ; Editor, J. Romilly Allen Thoresby Society; an Antiquarian Society for Leeds and Neighbourhood. Hon. Secretary, Gh D. Lumb, 65, Albion Street, Leeds, and E. K. Clark, 13, Wellclose Place, Leeds Viking Club. Hon. Sec, A. F. Majae, 17, Grosvenor Road, Westminster 190 "Woolwich District Antiquarian Society Walford's Antiquarian Magazine (discontinued) "Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society Western Antiquary. Editor, W. H. K. Wright, Plymouth Library (temporarily discontinued) Westmoreland Note Book, E. Gill, Kendal (discontinued) William Salt (Stafford) Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Major General Hon. Geo. "Wrottesley, 2, Bank Passage, Stafford Wiltshire Eecord Society Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Hon. Secretary, H. E. Medlicott, Potterne, Devizes Wiltshire Topographical Society (extinct) Wiltshire Notes and Queries, published by G. Simpson, Devizes Worcester Diocesan Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Rev. H. Kin^sford. Stoulton, Worcester Worcestershire Historical Society. Hon. Sec, Rev. J. B. Wilson, Knightwick Rectory, Worcester, and S. Southall, Guildhall, Worcester Yorkshire Antiquarian Club (?) Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 10, Park Street, Leeds. Hon. Secretary, J. W. Walker, The Elms, Wakefield Ditto, Record Section. Hon. Sec, S. J. Chadwick, Dewsbury Yorkshire (North Riding) Record Society. Editor, R. B. Turton, 24, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn Yorkshire (East Riding) Archaeological Society Yorkshire Notes and Queries, edited by J. Horsfall Turner, Idel, Bradford (extinct), afterwards called the Yorkshire County Magazine. Editor, J. H. Turner, Idel, Bradford (extinct) York County Architectural Society Yorkshire Bibliographer. Editor, J. H. Turner (extinct) Yorkshire Genealogist. Editor, J. H. Turner (extinct) Yorkshire Folk Lore Journal. Editor, J. H. Turner (extinct) Yorkshire, Old. Editor, J. W. Smith, 1881-9 Scotland. Abbotsford Club (extinct) Architectural Institute of Scotland Ayr and Wigton Archaeological Society Bannatyne Club (extinct) 191 Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Hon. Sec, E. J. Chinnock, Greyfriars, Dumfries. Gaelic Society of Inverness Glasgow Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, W. G. Black, 88, West Eegent Street Hawick Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, J. C. Good- fellow, 63, High Street, Hawick Maitland Cluh (extinct) New Spalding Club, 1887. Secretary, P. J. Anderson, Aberdeen Northern Notes and Queries, edited by J. H. Stevenson, 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh Perth Literary and Antiquarian Society. Hon. Sec, A. R. Urquhart, Perth Scottish Antiquary, or Northern Notes and Queries. Editor, J. H. Stevenson, 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh. Publisher, Johnson, 33, George Street, Edinburgh Scottish History Society, 1886. Secretary, Thomas G. Law, Signet Library, Edinburgh Scottish Notes and Queries, edited by John Bullock ; printed by W. Jolly & Sons, 23, Bridge Street, Aberdeen ; published by D. "Wyllie & Son, Aberdeen; No. 1 issued June, 1887; monthly Scottish Text Society, 1883. Secretary, Eev. Walter Gregor; Treasurer, William Blackwood, 45, George Street, Edinburgh Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Hon. Sec, P. Kidston, Perth Society of Antiquaries. Hon. Secretary, D. Christison, 20, Magdalen Crescent, Edinburgh Spalding Club (extinct) Spottiswoode Society (extinct) Ireland. Gaelic Journal. Editor, John Mac Neil, Hazlebrook, Malahide Irish Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, J. T. Gilbert, Blackrock, Dublin Kildare Archaeological Society. Hon. Secretary, Sir A. Yicars, Dublin. Ulster King at Arms, The Castle Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society Royal Society of Antiquaries. Hon. Secretary, P. Cochrane, Pathgar, Dublin Poyal Dublin Society 192 Royal Irish Academy Trinity College Historical Society. Hon. Secretary, B. Upington, Trinity College Ulster Journal of Archceology Wales. Caermarthenshire Notes and Miscellany for South West Wales. Editor, A. Mee, Llanelly, South Wales Cymmrodorion Society. Secretary, E. Yincent Evans, 27, Chancery Lane Cambrian Institute Cambrian Archaeological Association. Hon. Secretary, Rev. Trevor Owen, Llangedwyn, Oswestry Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historical Society. Secretary, T. J. Powell, 8, Old Buildings, Chester Montgomeryshire Collections, published by the Powys Land Club Powys Land Club. Hon. Secretary, T. Simpson Jones, G-ungrog, Welshpool Royal Welsh Academy, Cardiff The Red Dragon, the National Magazine of Wales Welsh Manuscript Society 193 INDEX *** In this Index are incorporated many direct Handbook references to subjects treated on in the works on the Public Records by Cooper, Sims, Thomas, Ewald, Phillimore, and Scargill-Bird, with which I have not dealt with in the foregoing book. The works named in italics with * prefixed are the short titles of books issued by the Rolls Series of Chronicles and Histories. Abergavenny, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. vi. Abbeys, 20. Abbreviations used in pedigrees, 14. ,, Works on [Sims, xiii.] and see Chassant's Dictionaire des Abbreviations ; also Duffus Hardy's list in Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense, vol. iv. Abbrevatio Placitorum, 55 [Cooper, i. 232, 396, for analysis of, showing small proportion printed]. Accountant, General (Chancery), 61 [Sims, 445]. Accounts, Public, Observations made by Commissioners on, in 1691, Camb. TJniv. MSS., D.d. xiii. 13, 16, and 33. For list of books contained in the Audit Office see 1800 Rep. p. 133b. ,, Original, Exchequer Q.R., Exchequer L.T.R., States and Views of Exchequer L.T.R. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 1 and 2. ,, Commissioners for Auditing. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 1 and 89. Acknowledgment of Royal Supremacy, 20, 81. ,, Office [Sims, 445]. Acknowledgments by Married Women, 1834, &c, Index in Long-room at R. O., Division i., sbelf i., 1-5. For those dated between 1834 and 1855, see Scargill-Bird, p. 2. Acland Hood, Sir A., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 344. Acts of Parliament, 69. See Parliament. ,, Account of the Statutes [Coles, i. 124-206]. Additional MSS., Brit. Mus., 120. Administrations, 98, 105 ; Form of, 158. Admiral, The office of an, 75. * Admiralty, Block Book of ( Twiss). Admiralty. See Maritime Courts Log Book. ,, Instance Court of, report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 304. O 194 Admiralty, High Court of, Records of (Consumable to 1799). See Scargill- Bird, p. 23, and pp. 81 and 186. Ad quod damnum, Inquisition, 41, 102 [Sims, 131]. ,, See Inquisitions. Advowson, Descent of, 18. ,, Records, 62, 63 n. ; see also Navy and Cinque Ports [Sims, 82, 440-1]. African Co., Royal, List of books of. See 7th Rep. App. ii. p. 58; and Africans liberated. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 1 and 89. Agarde. See Repertorie of Records. Agarde's Index to early Rolls, Digest. See 24th Rep. ; and in Appendix to 41st Rep. pp. 2-4 ; also see Scargill-Bird, pp. 3-7. Agenda Books, continuation of Memorandum Rolls of Exchequer [Sims, 108]. Agents, List of Record, 124. Agincourt, List of those at, 73. Aid and Subsidy Rolls, 39. See Subsidy [Sims, 45]. Aids, Book of (1327), 39. Ainslee, Miss, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 68. Aitken, G. A., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. ix. Alien Priories, 68 [Sims, 82] Accounts of, 21 Edw. I.— 22 Edw. IV., 80, 81.— Record Index, Nos. 16 and 17. ,, Subsidies, 97. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 9 and 210. Alienation Office [Sims, 445] Accounts of, Jas. I.— Record Index, No. 18. See Scargill-Bird, p. 7. Alienations, Licence for, 1660-1682. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 2. Aliens, 97. See Denizations, Foreign Protestants, Naturalizations ; also List of Foreign Protestants in England, 1618-88 [Cooper], and recent works by Moens, and Scargill-Bird, p. 8. ,, Returns of, id. p. 9. ,, Letters Patent, for Denization of, id. p. 10. ,, Certificates of Naturalization, id. p. 10. ,, Subsidies, Edw. III. Allegation Books, 8. Allegiance, Oath of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 232. Almack, R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 55. Almain Rolls, from 18 Edw. I. See 2nd Rep. p. 45. Inventory in Record Index, No. 19; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 36. Alms Roll (King's). See Scargill-Bird, p. 334. Alumni Etonenses, 10. ,, Oxon and Cantab, Lists of, 9. Ambassadors. See Treaty Rolls, Treaties, Births, &c, Registers kept by [Sims, 373]. ,, Accounts of. There is a descriptive catalogue from 23 Edw. I.— IY. ; and of Warrants, from Henry VIII.— 31 Eliz., at the Record Office. Also see French Ambassador, Diplomatic Documents. 195 Ambassadors. Various Accounts of, 1545-1706. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., pp. 3-90. ,, and Envoys. See Scargill-Bird, p. 1 1 . America, Genealogy of, 5 [Sims, 82, 309-315, 332, 373 ; Phillimore, 188 n]. ,, Licences to go beyond seas, 20tb Rep. p. 131. ,, Grants of Land in. See Scargill-Bird, p. 57. America, Names of Persons Naturalized in 1740-1761. See Scargill-Bird, p. 11. ,, Custom Accounts of, 1677-1788. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 33-4. ,, Settlers in, id. p. 268. American War, Claims of Loyalists, 15tb Rep. p. 3. ,, Documents relating to, 24th Rep. p. 85. Ancaster, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. vi. Ancient Charters, &c, Calendars of (Ayloffe), 38. Demesne Rolls [Sims, 82-85], ,, Miscellanea of Exchequer, 2 Ric. I. See Queen's Remembrancer, 291 . Anglo Saxon Charters, 42. ,, Chronicle, 16. * Anglo Saxon Chronicle {Thorpe). * Annales Monastici (Zuard), 80. Annates Rotuli. See Pipe Rolls, q.v. Annual Register Index, 5. Antiquarian Booksellers, List of, 156. ,, Directory, 181. Antiquaries, Society of, 29. Annuities (Chancery), 1813-54. See Scargill-Bird, p. 12. Antrobus, J. O, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 55. Apparel, Documents relating to, temp. Eliz. — Record Index, No. 20. See Scargill-Bird, p. 12. Appearance Books in Actions. See Ewald, p. 58. Arbuthnott, Viscount, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 297. Archaaological Index to Celtic-Romano, British and Anglo-Saxon Periods, by Akerman, 8vo., 1847, p. 23. ,, Papers, published 1891-5 ; Indexes to all (?) now issued yearly by the Congress of such societies as are in union with the Society of Antiquaries. Archbishops, Lives of (Hook), 73. ,, Registers, 140 [Sims, 425]. Archdeaconry Registei's, Reports on. See 1800 Rep. Arches Court of Canterbury, Registry of. See 1837 Rep. p. 203 [Sims, 69] ; and see Record Index, No. 411. See Scargill-Bird, p. 24. Archives of the Simancas, 71. Armour. See Meyrick's Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, Boutell, and Viollet le Due. Armoury, Accounts of London, 1566-1686. See Scargill-Bird, p. 323. Arms. See Herald's College [Sims, 294, &c.]. o 2 196 Army. See War Office, Foreign Mercenaries, and Array. ,, Accounts, 48 Henry III. — Elizabeth.— Record Index, No. 27. „ „ id.—U Hen. IV., Calendar.— Id. No. 28. ,, Expeditions— Isle of Ree, 1627; Dunkirk, 1692-5; Canada, 1711. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 8. „ Lists, 73-4 [Sims, 81, 436, 437]. ,, Militia Accounts, 1660-1674. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 8. Army, Paymaster-General's Accounts, 1652-1827. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., pp. 93-96. ,, Paymaster's and Treasurer's Accounts, 1511-1714. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 9-13. ,, Paymaster- General's Accounts, 1660-1749 ; Barrack Masters Abroad ; Commanders' Accounts, 1609-1696; Contractors and Purveyors (Home), 1544-1689; Contractors, &c. (Abroad), 1539-1710. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 4-8. ,, Various Accounts, e.g., Commissaries, Barrack Masters, Contractors, Purveyors, &c, and Foreign Depots. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., pp. 97-122. ,, Hospitals, 1652-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 46. ,, Lists, 73-4 [Sims, 81, 436, 437]. ,, Navy, and Ordnance. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 12-23. ,, Commissions of [Sims 434]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 18. Array, Commissioners of [Sims, 434], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 18. Arrentations (Forests). See Scai gill- Bird, p. 128. Articles of Clerkship, 1749-1845. See Scargill-Bird, p. 25. Arundell of Wardour, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 33. Ashburnham, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. pt. iii. p. 1. Ashmole;m MSS. (Bodleian), Index to the Catalogue of (Macray), Oxford, 1866 [See Sims, 446]. Aske's Rebellion. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. Assart Lands, 1605-1618. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 13 and 122. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 70. Assession Book (Duchy of Cornwall) and Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 62. Assize Rolls, 62 [Sims, 54, 55, 71] ; Calendar of Dockets to. — Record Index, No. 34. Association Rolls [Ewald, 58]. Athenae Oxoh, 9. ,, Cantab, 9. Athole, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 703 ; and 12th Rep. App. viii. Attachments, Court of, or Wardmote Court. See Scargill-Bird, p. 125. Attainders, 75 [Sims, 14 0, &c.]. See Baga de Secretis. 197 Attainders and Forfeitures, 1557-1681. See List and Index of Declared AccountsfromPipeandAuditOffice,P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-15,123. Attorneys, Admissions, &c, from 1656. — Record Indexes, Nos. 35-46; and see [Ewald, 59]. ,, Law Lists, 10. ,, and Solicitors. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 24-27. Audit Office. For list of books contained in, see 1800 Rep. p. 133b. ,, Collectors of, 24tb Rep. p. 67. ,, List of documents open to public, 28tb Rep. p. Ill [Sims, 446-7]. „ Records in P.R.O. (Consumable till 1821). See Scargill-Bird, p. 81. Audits of Public Accounts, 1667-1787. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 89. Augmentation Bag, Contents of, Hen. VIII. — Edw. VI.— Record Index, No. 50; also printed 9tb Rep. p. 244. See Scargill-Bird, p. 222. ,, Court, descriptive slips, Hen. VIII. — Philip and Mary. — Record Index, No. 51. „ ,, Index to Proceedings, Hen. VIII. — Edw. VI., tran- script of Additional MSS. 21,291.— Id., No. 52. ,, ,, See Palmer's Index, vol. cxxxv. ,, ,, Records of [Sims, 61]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 175. „ Office, 81 [Sims, 447]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 213. ,, ,, Charters from, 43. Aurum Reginse. See Scargill-Bird, p. 327. Awards, Enclosure, 19 n., and see Enclosure Awards. Ayloffe's Calendars (Duchy of Lancaster Records), 15.— Record Indexes, Nos. 53 and 54, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 27, and Cartas Antiquse, 42. Babington's Conspiracy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. * Bacon's Opus Tertium, Opus Minus, §c. (Brewer). Baga de Secretis, 65, 73. Bagot, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 325. ,, Captain J. F., MSS. reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. pt. iv. Baker, "W. R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 69. Balfour, R. T., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. pt. vi. Banco, Placita de (Common Plea Rolls). For Indexes see Agarde's Indexes. Bank of England, pig-headed obstinacy of Officials of, 93. Bankes, R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 208. Bankruptcy Deeds. Before 1831 at Bankruptcy Commissioners' Office, after- wards on Close Roll (Ewald). Bankrupts' Estates. See Scargill-Bird, p. 28. Bardi of Florence, Society of in Lombardy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 76. Baronages, 9 n. Baronet, 119 [Sims 178, 186, 190-4, 300]; see also Chaos in Foster's Baronetage. 198 Baronet, Creation of. See Scar gill- Bird, p. 28, and see Repertory Roll. Barons' Letter to the Pope (1301), Report on, 8th Rep. p. 185. Barrett- Lennard, Sir T. B., Bart., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. App. iv. Barristers [Sims, 430 ; and see Foster's Men at the Bar']. Barrows, British. See A Record of the Examination of Sepulchral Mounds in various parts of England, by the Rev. Canon Greenwell, Clarendon Press, 1877. Bath, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 180 ; 4th Rep. p. 227. Battle Abbey Roll, the last and largest work on, is by the Duchess of Cleve- land. 3 vols. 1889. Beatson's Political Index, 8-61. Register of M.Ps., id. Beaufort, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Beaumont, W. Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 368. * Becket, a, Thos., Materials for a History of {Robertson and Shephard). * ,, ,, Life of , in Icelandic [Magnusson) . Bedford, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 1. Bedingfield, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 237. Bells, Books on, 25. Benevolences. See Scargill-Bird, p. 200. Benefices, returns of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 97. Berington, C. M., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 72. Berry's County Genealogies (lithographed), covers Berks, Bucks, Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, a set costs about £50. Berwick-on-Tweed Military Accounts, 1542. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 85 et seq. ,, ,, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, pp. 308-9, 3rd Rep. Bibliographers' Manual (Lowndes), 18. Bibliotheca Britannica (Watts), 10. Bills and Answers. See Chancery, Exchequer, Star Chamber. Bishop's Castle Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. iv. ,, Letters Patent relating to, Separate Roll from 1727, 2nd Rep. p. 44. „ Appointments of, on Patent Roll, Chas. II., 46th Rep. p. 1. ,, Possessions, 84. See Parliamentary Surveys. ,, Registers, 84 ; Registries, 4. ,, Succession of, Dates, and see Stubbs' Registrum Ecclesias Anglicana?. „ Temporalities, 83. Index Edw. I. to Commonwealth. — Record Index, No 71 and 72. See Scargill-Bird, p. 210, and see Patent Rolls. ,, Transcripts, 88 ; (printed) 75 n. ,, Lands, Sale of, temp. Commonwealth. See Scargill-Bird, p. 211. 199 Bishop's and Dean and Chapter Lands, sold 1646-16-56, see List in Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 15, 124. Bishoprics, Henry VIII's Scheme for. See Scargill-Bird, p. 98. * Black Book of Admiralty (Twiss). Black Book of the Exchequer. See Exchequer. „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 285. ,, Book of the Forests. See Scargill-Bird, p. 128. ,, ,, Tower. See Vetus Codex. Blanch Silver, 37. Blood Money Certificates. See Scargill-Bird, p. 272. Board of Green Cloth [Sims, 61, 330, 447]. Bodleian Library [Sims, 447], 154. Boldon Book, 26 [Sims, 6; Cooper, i. p. 226]. Bondsmen and Women. See Scargill-Bird, p. 203 ; and also see Villeins. Bonds and Recognizances. See Scargill-Bird, p. 29. Booksellers, List of the chief Antiquarian, 156. Book of Aids, 39. Border History. Bell's MS. in Library of Dean and Chapter of Carlisle. See 1837 Rep. p. 289b. ,, Correspondence as to, Hen. VIII. — James I., 41 fo. vols. 1837 Rep. p. 78b ; and see Domestic State Papers. ,, Also see Northern Notes and Queries. ,, Calendar of State Papers of 1560-16C0, p. 178. Bouverie, P. Pleydell, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. vi. ,, Pusey, S. E. E., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 681. Boycott, The Misses, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. vi. * Bracton de Legibus, 6;c. (Ttviss). Bracton's Note Book (Maitland), 62. Bradford, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 30. Brasses, 24 ; Works on, 20 n. Braybrooke, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 277. Braye, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. vi. Brevia Regia (Chancery Files, Petty Bag Office). See Scargill-Bird, p. 49. ,, See Ewald, 62. Bridgenorth Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Bridgewater Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 99 ; 3rd Rep. p. 310. ,, Forest. Id. 2nd Rep. App. vii. Bristol, Dean and Chapter, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 97. * Britanie, Le Livere de Reis de, §c. [Glover). British Museum, 132 ,, Chart of Reading-room of, 136. 200 Bromley, Davenport W., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. pp. 78-80. Browne, George, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, lOtb Rep. App. iv. Brumell, F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6tb Rep. p. 538. Bucks, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App ix. Bulls. See Papal Bulls. Bunbury, Sir C, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 240. Burgi, Firma (Madox), 22. Burial Registers, 94. Bursar's Account (Monastic), 20. Bury St. Edmund's Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. viii. Bute, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 202. Butlerage and Prisage. See Scargill-Bird, p. 320. Butlerage. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 15-124. Caerlaverock, Siege of, 73. ,, See Index Rerum. Calais. See Index Rerum. ,, Much as to. See Scargill-Bird, P.R.O., pp. 130-1. ,, Treasurer's Accounts. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 16. „ Rolls and Survey from Hen. VIII., 20th Rep. pp. 78-9. Calendarium Geneaiogicum (Roberts) 99 ; now being continued by Hart, 87. ,, Rot. Chartarum, 43. Calendar, Roman Church [Sims, 472]. Calendars and Indexes in Record Office, on 31st Dec, 1879, List of, 41st Rep. App. ii. ; also see 24th Rep. Calthorpe, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 39. * Cambrensis {Gir alius) Chronicle {Brewer, Dimock, and Warner). Cambridge, Report on Documents as to, in Record Office, 20th Rep. p. 136. ,, Cooper's Athense Cantab, 7-16. ,, Lists of Students, 9. ,, See Index Rerum. ,, Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 99. ,, Various Colleges, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission. Camoys, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 33. Campbell, Sir H. H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. iii. Canadian Archives, Report on, 43rd Rep. p. 91. Canterbury, Prerogative Court of, 139. 201 * Canterbury (Gervase of) Chronicle (Sfubbs). „ Dean and Chapter of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 426 ; 8th Rep. p. 315 ; Sth Rep. p. 72. * Capgrave 1 s Chronicle (Hwgeston). Capite, Tenants in, 99. Captives (Algiers, &c), Mone)' collected for Redemption. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R. 0., 1893, pp. 17-125. Cardinals' Bundles. Inquisitions of Monasteries surrendered to Wolsey [Ewald, 62].— Record Index, No. 75. Hen. VIII. See Scargill-Bird, p. 223. ,, Colleges. Id. Cards and Dice, Accounts as to. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 17-125. Carew, Colonel, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 74. ,, Lieut. -Col., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 368. ,, Papers in Lambeth Library, 1515-1603.— Record Index, No. 76. ,, ,, Calendar of, 179. Carisbrooke, Parish Registers of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 6th Rep. p. 499. Carlisle Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 197. Carlton Ride. Notice of Records at [Sims, 449]. Carnarvon, Records of. See Index Rerum. ,, Records of . See Record of Carnarvon. See Scargill-Bird, p. 36. Cartse Antiquse, 42 [Sims, 30; Ewald, 63; Cooper i. 318.]— Record Index, No. 79. Carte Papers, 72. Carte's Calendar of the Gascon, Norman, and French Rolls [Cooper i. 315]. Final Report on, 32nd Rep. ,, (Bodleian) Transcripts relating to Ireland. — Record Index, No. 81. Carthusians, List of, 10. Cartularies. See Chartularies. Castle-guard Rents, Vol. as to, 31 Chas. II. — 3 James II. See 1837 Rep. p. 195a. Castles, 21, 18 n. Catalogues, classed in British Museum, 137. Cathcart, Earl, MSS. of, Reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 24. Cathedrals, 83. Cathedral Libraries, 83. Catholics. See Roman Catholics. Cattle, distempered, 1750-1757. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 125. Cawdor, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 31. Cecil Papers, 72. Cells of Foreign Abbeys. See Alien Priories. Cemetery Registers, 94 [Sims, 372]. 202 Ceremonials, processions, and tournaments. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, pp. 268-283. Certificates, Funeral, 8. ,, of Birth, Death, &c., 90, 94. Chamber, Accounts of the Treasurer of the, Hen. VII. — Eliz.— Record Chancellors, Lives of the (Campbell), 73. Index, No. 84. ,, Treasurers of the. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 17-125. Chamberlain, Lord, Accounts, 1782-1812. See pp. 128-9. See Lord Chamberlain. ,, Lists of [Sims, 330]. ,, Rolls, 28, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 295. Chancery, Court of, Records, 59 [Sims, 62]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 9. ,, Enrolment Office, 61. Chancery Enrolments. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 30-1. ,, Printed Calendar of, (Eliz.) 49 [Cooper, i. 354]. ,, MS. Calendar of, 60 ,, Bill Books, 60.— Record Index, Nos. 91-100. „ Proceedings. See Scargill-Bird, p. 155. ,, Six Clerks' Records, 60. ,, Rocords in Filaciis, 67, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 48. Files, 67n. ,, Miscellanea of, 67. Chandos Peerage Case, 12. Channel Isles. See Scargill-Bird, p. 50. ,, Descriptive Slips, Edw. III.— Hen. VIII.— Eliz.— Record Index, No. 90. Chantries, 19, 82 [Sims, 62]. Certificate of, Hen. VIL— Record Index, Nos. 128 and 129. Chapter-house Records, Inventory of [Sims, 449]— Id , No. 102. Charitable and Religious Gifts, 85 [Ewald, 64]. Charities, 25n. See Scargill-Bird, p. 51. Decrees relating to, 43 Eliz. — 8 Geo. II. ; Index Locorum. — Record Index, No. 103. Charlemont, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. p. 10. Charles I., his Queen and Prince. Sale of Personal Estate. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 18. Charles I., Calendar of Surveys of Estates of, 117. Chartse Privilegia et lmmunitates, temp. Hen. II. ; 92 pp. fo. under this title were published by Government, some years ago, and sell for 4s. Chartarum Calendarium Rotuli, 41. Charter-house, Scholars at, 10. Charter MS. Calendar, Ric. III.— Hen. VIII. Chancery Index, No. 107; and see Palmer's Indexes, Vol. i. „ Rolls, 42 [Sims, 79 ; Cooper, i. 294]. ti ,, Calendar, 42. tf ,, (Norman), 43n. ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 31. 203 Charters, 42 [Sims, 30]. „ Ayloffes, 42. ,, Enrolled on De Banco Roll, 43. ,, ,, on Queen's Bench and Close Roll, 44. ,, ,, on Charter Boll, 43. ,, Form of, 162. ,, Lambeth, 132. ,, Oxford, 42. ,, Royal, 43. ,, Saxon, 42. ,, of Duchy of Lancaster, Wm. II.— Edw. III.— Record Index, No. 112. Hen. I.— Hen. VI.— Id., No. 113. Chartularies, Family [Sims, 28], 19, 79. ,, At Record Office, see 8th Rep. p. 135 [Sims, 14] ; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 224. Chartularies, Monastic, in B.R.O. Sec Scargill-Bird, p. 224. Chase, 22. Cheddar parish, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 329. Chelsea. Royal Military Asylum Accounts. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Fipe and Audit Office, B.R.O. , 1893, pp. 122-3. ,. Hospital, 1692—1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Bipe and Audit Office, B.R.O., 1893, pp. 46 and 218. Chester Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 355. ,, Balatinate Court. See Scargill-Bird, p. 46. ,, Records of the Balatinate of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 33. Chetham Library, Manchester, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 156. ,, [Sims, 450]. Chichester, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 221. Chirographers' Office [Sims, 451]. Chivalry, Court of [Sims, 65 ; Ewald, 64]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 24. ,, Collections as to, Lincoln's Inn MSS. xi. (Hales MSS.). ,, Orders of. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, &c, pp. 245-267. Cholmondeley, R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commis- sion, 5th Rep. p. 333. Christ's Hospital, Scholars at, 10. Chronicles, Early, 16. „ Monastic, 20, 79, 80. * Chronicles of Edw. I. and II. (Stubbs). * „ Ric. I. (Stubbs). * ,, Steph., Hen. II., and Hie. I. (Howlett). * Chronicon Anglice, 1328-1388 (Thompson). ,, Betroburgense (Camb. Soc). Chronological Register (Beatson), 10. Chronology of History, by Sir H. Nicolas, 8vo. 1835. Church Bells, Works on, 25 n. ,, Calendar [Sims, 472]. 204 Church Dignitaries [Sims, 418]. ,, Goods, Certificates, and Inventories, 19, 19 n, and 84, 71 ; List of, 7th Eep. p. 315, and 9th Rep. p. 237 ; Scargill-Bird, pp. 98-99 ; and Record Index, No. 117. ,, Plate, Works on, 25 n. ,, Lands, Calendar of Bargains as to, temp. Commonwealth, Palmer's Index, vol. lxxx. ,, ,, Descriptive Slips, Edw. II.— Jas. I.— Record Index, No. 118 ,, Registers, 88, 89. Churches, Fund for Building New, in London and Westminster. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 18-129. Churchwardens' Books, 12 [Sims, 388]. See also Overall's Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Michael, Cornhill, 1456-1608, 1869. Cinque Ports. See Scargill-Bird, p. 59. Cinque Ports, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 428. „ Report on Records of the, 1800 Rep. p. 258a ; 1837 Rep. p. 223. ,, Vol. as to the [? Register Book of the Clerk of the Jurators of Romney] in Library of Catharine College, Cambridge ; 1837 Rep. p. 338a. * Cirencester (Richard de) Chronicle (Mayor). Circuits, 62, Reports of the various Clerks of Assize as to their Records, 1S00 Rep. p. 237a, 211, &c. ,, See Midland, &c. City Records, 22. Cities and City Companies — a useful epitome of charters of incorporation of, will be found in Palmer's Index, Xo. 38. Civil Lists, 55. ,, Servants, 75. ,, War Papers, 70, 71. Clare, Honor of. See Index Rerum. ,, Honor of, Household Accounts, Descriptive Slips, Edw. II., III. — Record Index, No. 120. Clarendon State Papers, 72. * Clergy, Peacock'' s Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the (Babington). „ Records as to, 18, 76, 77 [Sims, 416, 422]. See Ministers. Clerical Subsidies, 17, 76, 95. See Scargill-Bird, p. 99. Clerks of the Peace, 23 ; Enrolment with [Sims, 35]. ,, ,, Reports of the Records of the, 1800 Rep. p. 261 ; 1837 Rep. p. 225 ; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 80. Close Rolls, 112 [Sims, 33, &c. ; Cooper, i. 300, 415] ; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 34. ,, John to 1828, Descriptive Indexes to 84 vols. — Record Index, No. 125. ,, See Palmer's Indexes, vol. ii. ,, Transcripts of, 1 Edw. I. — 31 Hen. VI., in 27 vols. See Record Index, No. 126. ,, Abstract of Deeds enrolled on, temp. Hen. VIII., with Index Locorum ; Palmer's Indexes, vol. lxxi. ; ditto, 22-25 Chas. II. id., vol. lxxii. 205 Coasts. Remarks (1549) as to the Bearings and Soundings of the Coasts of England, France, Norway, and the Gulf of Venice, Cambridge Univer- sity Library, D d. iii. 40. Codex, Kemble'8, 16. * Coggeshall {Ralph de) Chronicle [Stevenson). Coins. See Mints, and Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum by Grueber and Keary. Coke MSS. at Melbourne Hall, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. i. ii. iii. Colchester, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 344. Collectanea Genealogica (Foster), 8. College of Arms. See Heralds' College. Colleges, Chantries, Hospitals, &c. Calendar of Certificates, Hen. VIII.— Edw. VI.— Record Index, No. 128. Colleges, Chantries, Hospitals, &c, Particulars for Sale of. — Id., No. 129. ,, Registers of [Sims, 390, 422]. ,, Oxford and Cambridge. Published lists of scholars, 9. ,, and Charities. See Scargill-Bird, p. 225. Collis, Mrs., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 76. Colonial Documents, List of, from 1813, 22nd Rep. p. 48. See Canadian. ,, Governors, Accounts. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 41-2. ,, Office, List of Calendars of, 24th Rep. p. 73. ,, State Papers, Calendar of, p. 178. ,, Records in P.R.O., Consultable to 1760. See Scargill-Bird, p. 87. Colonies, Grants of Lands in. See Scargill-Bird, p. 57. ,, See Plantations and East India Company. Commissariat Accounts, 1544-1548. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 18-19. ,, „ 1798—1826. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 132-143. Commission, Court of High. See Courts. ,, Exchequer Depositions by, 57. ,, of Grace (Ireland), Calendar of Grants under, 1684-8. — Record Index, No. 130. Commissions of Array, &c. See Scargill-Bird, p. 59. Common Pleas or Common Bench, 56 [Sims, 34, 67]. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 17 and 168. Commons, House of [Sims, 157]. ,, „ Expenses, 1654-1798. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 143. ,, Doctors'. See Doctors' Commons. Common Prayer Book, Sealed Copies of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 61. Commons, &c, much as to, Ayloffe's Calendar, 2a. See Scargill-Bird, p. 27. ,, (Common Lands), Enclosure of, 23. Companies, Trading, 70. 206 Compensation Claims. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 130-2. Compositions for First-Fruits (from 1538).— Record Index, No. 132. ,, Tithes, 85. Compotus of a Manor, 109 ; a Monastic, 20. Concealed Lands, Hen. VIII. — Jas. I. Record Index, No. 133. ,, ,, Entries of Returns of Commissioners from 3-17 Eliz. See 1837 Rep p. 158b. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, pp. 71-2. Concilium Regis. See Scargill-Bird, p. 8. Concord Book, 49. Confirmation Rolls [Sims, 134 , Cooper, i. 310]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 37. ,, Inventory, 1 Ric. III. — 1 Chas. I. See 4th Rep. p. 134. „ ,, Calendar, 1 Ric. III. — 1 Chas. I.— Record Index, No. 135. Confirmation Rolls, List of Abstracts and Indexes of, 1880 Rep. p. 92. „ Index to, Ric. III.— 12 Jas. I, See 1837 Rep. p. 111. Conscience, Court of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 27. Consistory Courts, Reports on Records of. See 1837 Rep. Constables' Roll and Court [Sims, 45, 65]. Contra brevia or Norman Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 37. Contractions. See Abbreviations. Contrariants, Lands of the. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 110, 211, 213. Controlment Books, 84. ,, Rolls. Minutes of the chief Proceedings in Crown Causes, from 1 Edw. III. Conventual Leases, 82. Cooke, P. B. D., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 418. Cope, Sir W. , MSS. of, reported on by Historial MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 242. Copyholds, 108 [Sims, 85]. Coram Rege (or Crown Plea) Rolls, 55. Corbet, R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 277. ,, Rev. J. D., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. p. 19. Cornwall, Duchy of [Sims, p. 445]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 31, et seq. „ ,, Records. See 30th, 31st, 32nd, and 33rd Rep. ,, ,, Inquisitions of, Post Mortem [Cooper, i. 386]. ,, See Index Rerum. Coronation Rolls. Jas. III. to present time (except Chas. I. and Geo. III.). See 1837 Rep. p. 111. n ,, and Accounts [Sims, 82, 87 ; Ewald, 66]. „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, pp. 37, 63-64. Coroners' Inquests. See Scargill-Bird, p. 65. ,, Rolls, 22; City, 65 [Sims, 55, 95]. Corporations, Documents of, 22 [Sims, 385, &c], and see Index to Reports on Historical MSS. Commission at pp. 160, 163. 207 Corporation, Plate of. See LI. Jewitt's work on, 1896. Cotemporary Sovereigns, &c, of Europe, Table of Nicholas' Chronology of History, 346. * Cotton [Bartholomew de) Chronicle (Luard). Cottonian MSS. Account of the Formation, Contents, and Cataloguesof, App. F 5 to 1st General Rep. p. 67 [Cole, i. 28-43]. Coucher Books, 80. Councils, Chronological Lists of, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 201. ,, Alphabetical, id., 254. County Bags. Various Documents as to Counties. See 21st Rep. App. „ ,, Defined, 1819 Rep. p. 195. ,, Histories. For Lists of, see Anderson's Book of British Topography, London, 1881. „ (Palatine), Records [Sims, 401]; Reports on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 253; and 1837 id. p. 219. ,, Placita, 56. County Records and Societies, 19. The Middlesex County Record Society is publishing those for the County ; J. C. Jeaffreson, Esq., is editor. 2 vols, are published. The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- graphical Associations are also doing good work. The Surtees Society has long looked after Durham and York ; the Chetham after Lancashire and Cheshire. ,, Records, Return of Registrars on, 1837 Rep. p. 281. Court of Augmentations Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 176. „ General Surveyors. See Scargill-Bird, p. 176. ,, Chivalry Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 187. ,, Commission on Forfeited Estates, 73. ,, High Commission, Notices of the by J. S. Burn; 8vo. J. Russell Smith, 1865. ,, ,, Records of, 1636-1640. See Scargill-Bird, p. 188. ,, Justice, Reports on. See Scargill-Bird, p. 66. ,, Military, Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 187. ,, Requests. See 8th Rep. p. 167, and 24th Rep. p. 53 [Sims, 74]. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 189. ,, Star Chamber [Sims, 75]. ,, ,, Records of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 190. „ Survey [Sims, 76]. „ the Verge [Sims, 73]. ,, Wards, 101. „ Wards and Liveries, Records, 6, 108 [Sims, 76]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 190. ,, Rolls (Manor), 6, 22, 108-9 ; Leet Rolls, 109. Collection of the Record Office.— Record Index, No. 1412. Books (City), 22. ,, Chivalry. See Chivalry. ,, Rolls, 108. See Scargill-Bird, p. 65 ; and see Manor. Covenant Book (Fines), 49. * Coventry (Walter de), Historical Collections of (Stabbs). Coventry, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 34. 208 Coventry Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 100. Cowchers, Great, of Duchy of Lancaster. See Scargill-Bird, p. 58 Cowper, Countess, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MISS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 4. ,, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. i., ii. , iii. Crenellate. Licences to, 21 Crests. See work on, by Fairbairn. Crime. See History of Crime in England. 2 vols., 1873-6, by L. 0. Pike ; also see Circuits, Coram Rege Roll, Felons' Goods, &c. Criminal Matters, 55 n. Criminal Proceedings, &c, 62. Criminals' Papers and Petitions, 64. Crosses, 24 n. Crown Causes. See Controlment Rolls. Crown Lands, &c, 117 [Sims, 6, 60-62, 80-87, 319.] Temp. Commonwealth Index, see Palmer's Indexes, 78 and 79 ; also a fo. Rep., issued 1792, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 66. ,, Lands, Sale of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R O., 1893, p. 20. „ Leases, 117, 117 n. See Scargill-Bird, p. 191. ,, Plea Rolls, 40, 63, 98. See Coram Rege Rolls. Crusade Roll [Sims, 13]. Crusaders. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, &c, p. 244. Cunagium Stanni (Stannary Rolls). See Scargill-Bird, p. 206. Curia Regis. See Scargill-Bird, p. 7. ,, Rotuli, 55. Cursitor's Office, 61 [Sims, 454]. Custody of Lunatics. See Scargill-Bird, p. 201. Customs, &c, Farmers' Commissioners', and Collectors', 1645-1671, 1602- 1827. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 20-30, 144-160. ,, 97 ; Accounts of Collectors of (Edw. I. — Jas. I.)— Record Index, No. 144. Custom Revenue in England, History of the, by H. Hall, 8vo. 1885 Custos Brevium Office [Sims, 454] Sigilli, Accounts of the, Edw. VI. — Eliz.— Record Index, No. 145. See Scargill-Bird, p. 74. Cyphers, diplomatic, Hen. VITL— Geo. II., 3 fo. vols. of. 1837 Rep. p. 78a. Damnum. See Inquisitions ad quod. Dartmouth Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commis- sion, 5th Rep. p. 597. Dartmouth, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 9, 1 1th Rep. App. v., 12th Rep. App. iv. Darwin, F. Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. App. vii. Dasent, Sir G. W., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 407. Dates, Short Glossary of [Sims, 498-503]. See also Medii iEvi Kalenda- rium (Kalendar, from 10th to 15th century), R. T. Hampson, 2 vols. 209 1841 ; L'art de Verifier les Dates; Handybook of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates (J. J. Bond), 1866 ; Chronology of History (H. Nicolas), 1835; Jubilee Date Book (Selby), 1887. Davenport, W. Bromley, Esq., M.P. (the late), MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, la Rep. App. vi. Davy's Collections for Suffolk, Indexed in Genealogist (N.S.), vols. v. and vi. Deaths. See Parish Registers. De Banco Rolls, 11. ,, ,, Charters enrolled on, 43. Decrees and Orders. See Chancery, Exchequer, &c. Deeds. See Charters. ,, in Treasury of Receipt of Exchequer, Hen. I. — Chas. II.— Record Index, No. 177. ,, ,, ,, (Diocesan Deeds). Id., No. 178. ,, enrolled. See Record Index, Nos. 183-4-5. „ enrolled in Common Pleas, 43, and Scargill-Bird, p. 76. ,, of Surrender, 20-81. Deeds of Wards and Liveries. See 6th Rep. pp. 1-87. ,, Various, Hen. I.— Jas. I.— Record Index, No. 179. ,, (Ancient). See Scargill-Bird, pp. 74-5. Deer Parks, English (Shirley), 21 n. Delaval Family, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. p. 186. De la Warr, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 217 ; 4th Rep. p. 276. Delegates, High Court of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 25. ,, Processes (Ecclesiastical). See Scargill-Bird, p. 188. Delinquents' Estates (Commonwealth). Palmer's Indexes, vols. Ixxiv., lxxviii., lxxix. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-15. De lTsle, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 227. Demesne. See Ancient Demesne. „ Roll (Annual) [Sims, 82, 85]. Denbigh, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 254 ; 6th Rep. p. 277 ; 7th Rep. pp. 196-8, 552. Denization, Letters of, 111. See Aliens, Foreign Protestants, Naturalization. Denmark and Sweden, Report on Royal Archives of, Deposition by Com- mission. See 45th, 46th, and 47th Reps. ,, ,, See Index Rerum. Deodands, accounted for on the Controlment Rolls, 53. Depositions by Commission (Exchequer), Collections of, 1 Eliz. — 4th Jas. II. printed 38th, 39th, and 40th Reps. Indexes to.— Record Index, Nos. 190-3. Derelict Lands. See Scargill-Bird, p. 93. De Ros, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 317. Descent of Land, &c, 98. De Tabley, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 46. Devonshire, Duke of (Hardwicke), MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 41. 210 Devonshire, Duke of (Bolton), MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 36. Devon, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 216 ; 9th Rep. part 2, p. 403. Dialogue of the Exchequer, 89. * Diceto {Ralph de), Chronicle (Stubbs). Dictum de Kenilworth [Sims, 71 n]. Diem clausit extremum, Form of Writ of, 157. Digby MSS., Transcripts (U05-1695) — Record Index, No. 196. „ G. W., Esq , MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. I. pp. 3-20. „ R. G. W., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 213. Dilke, Sir C. W., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 63. Dillon, Viscount, MSS. of, Reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 31. Diplomatic Cyphers, Hen. VIII.— Geo. II., 3 fo. vols of, 1837 Rep. p. 78a. Directories, 9 n. Directory, Antiquarian, 181. Disentailing. Before 1834 by recoveries ; after, on Close Rolls, 54. Dispensation Rolls from 37th Eliz. [Ewald, 68]. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 37. ,, „ (Archbishop of Canterbury). See Scargill-Bird, p. 80. Dispensations. Marriage [Sims, 32, 361-4] Dissenters, 86, Registers [Sims, 370, 384]. Dissolution Records, 81. Dissolved Monasteries' Deeds, 44. Dividends. Unclaimed. 3 n. Docket Rolls, 24. See Doggett and see Assize Rolls. Doctors' Commons, its Courts and Registries, by G. J. Foster, 8vo., 1869. Doctor Williams' Library, 92. Documents, Catalogue of, in Exchequer, 1 Hen. I. — 38 Hen. VIII.— Record Index, No. 197. ,, ,, Formerly on Treasury of Receipt (Exchequer), Calendar, 45th Rep. p. 283. „ MSS. See Treaties. ,, illustrative of English History, &c. [Coles, 29-56 n], and see Treaties. ,, Documents relating to the Subinfeudation, Sale, and Transfer of Lands, 25. Dod, W. Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 258. Dodswoith MSS. (Bodleian, Oxford) Index to first 7 vols, of, 25 n. Doggett or Docket Books (Indexes to Common Law Judgment Rolls), 24, 57 ; before Exchequer, 1 Eliz. 2b, 1656, and C. P. 1692. ,, Book, Great, 64. ,, Q. B. Rolls, before 1692. ,, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 77. Domesday, 25 [Sims, 1, 9]. Domesday Studies, 27. 211 Domesday Boob. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 93-95. Domesday. See Boldon Book, 26. Domesdays (so-called) of St. Paul's, Norwich, Ipswich, Chester, Winton, &c, 28. Domestic State Papers, 7 ; and see Appendix for List of printed, p. 157. Dominahus et Puellis, Rotuli de (Grimaldi), 4 to., 1830, 85. Domus Conversorum (Rolls House). See Jews. Accounts of the Keeper of, Edw. III. — Eliz.— Record Index, Nos. 201-2. Donoughmore, Earl of, MSS. of, reported onhy Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep., 2nd part, p. 9. Dormer, C. C, Esq., MSS. of, reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 82. Douay, 98 n. Dovaston, G., Esq., MSS. of, reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 14 Rep. p. 4. Dowager Queens. See Queens Dowager. Dryden, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 63. Dublin, See of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. ,, Trinity College, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 572. Duchy of Cornwall. See Cornwall. ,, of Lancaster. See Lancaster. ,, ,, Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 181. Dugdale's Monasticon, 7-20. ,, MSS. in Ashmolean Library [Sims, 446]. ,, Origines, 73. ,, Peerage, additions to. Coll. Top. et Gen., i. p. 51. Dunkirk, Sale of, 1662. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 34. * Durham {Symeon de) Chronicle {Arnold). Durham, Bishop's Registry Records, Report on, 16th Rep. p. 44 ; various Indexes and Calendars of, 30th Rep. p. 44; 31st Rep. pp. 42, 112; 32nd Rep. pp. 264, 301 ; 33rd Rep. p. 43; 34th Rep. p. 163; 35th Rep. p. 76; 36th Rep. p. 1 ; 37th Rep. p. 1 ; 40th Rep. p. 480; 44th Rep. p. 310; 45th Rep. p. 153. ,, Palatine Records [Sims, 401]. See Scargill-Bird, xxxx. p. 46. ,, Palatinate Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 183. Dutch Churches in London and Norwich, Registers, 92. * Eculmer s Historia Novorum {Rule). Earl Marshal, Collections as to, Cambridge University MSS. M.m. vol. xii. ,, Marshal's Court [Sims, 44, 65, 73, 82]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 187. Easter Day, How to find, fr..m a.d. 1000 to a.d. 2000. See Nicolas' Chronology of History, pp. 58-78. East India Company [Sims, 372, 436-8], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 95. ,, ,, Calendarof Papers relating to, 1588-1755, 1819 Rep. p.363 ,, ,, Deeds as to, 1702; 1837 Rep. p. 158c. The early Records from 1603 are to be published under the direction of the Secretary of State, by Sampson Low & Co. 212 Ecclesiastical and Monastic Records, 70 [Sims, 422]. Ecclesiastical Commission, Account of Receipts, Eliz. — 8 Jas. I, — Record Index, No. 206. „ Courts. See [Sims, 68, 343]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 188. ,, ,, Report on Records of the, 1800 Rep. p. 304, and 1837 Rep. p. 257. ,, Laws, Fines for persons offending against. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-19. ,, Matters. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 96-107. Ecclesiastica, Taxatio, 18. Ecclesiasticus, Valor, 18. * Edward the Confessor, Lives of {Litnrd). Edward VI. Grammar Schools, Particulars of the Estates of, 1S37 Rep. p. 208h. Effingham, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 223. Egerton-Warburton, R. E., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 290. Eglinton, Earl of. MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep., App. I., p. 1. Egmont, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 232. Election Cases in Parliament, 1625-8 ; Maynard's MSS. (Lincoln's Inn), 72. Elections. See Pawns, Parliamentary Poll Books; and [Cooper, i. 323.] Ellacombe, Rev. H. T., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 5th Rep. p. 323. Ely, Domesday of, 27. Ely, Bishop and Cathedral of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Emblems of Saints. See Husenbeth on, 1880. Emigrants, Lists of, 5. Emlv, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 174 ; 14th Rep. App. ix. Encaustic Tiles, 24 n. Enclosure Awards, 23 n. [Sims, 402], Index from 1756-1S53.— Record Index, No. 296. Enclosure of Common Lands, 23. Engraving and Illuminating, Methods of [Phillimore, 61]. Enrolment Office (Chancery), 61 [Sims, 458]. Entry Books of the Exchequer, 97. Envoys. See Scargill-Bird. p. 11. Enquiry Commissions. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 162. Equitium Regis, Accounts of, 17 Edw. I.— 20 Jas. I. — Record Index, No. 207. „ ,, Calendar of Documents relating to, Edw. I. — Jas. I. ; 20th Rep. p. 118. Equity. See Chancery. ,, side of the Exchequer. See Exchequer, 55. Error, Writs, &c, in [Ewald, 70]. Escheators' Accounts, 99 ; Hen. III. — Jas. I.— Record Index, No. 211, ,, ,, See Inquisitions post mortem. 213 Escheat Rolls [Sims, 41, 42, 60, 61, 82, 87, 96, 105, 123, 125]. Escheats, Attainders, &c. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 107-113. Essex County Records. Reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Essoin Rolls [Sims, 68 ; Ewald, 70]. Estreats, 24 [Ewald, 70]. Etonensis, Alumni, 10. Eton College, MSS. of, reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 349. * Evesham, Chronicle of, (Macray) Ewelme Almshouse, MSS. of, reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 624 ; 9th Rep. p. 216. Exannual Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 296. ,, „ [Sims, 71]. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, 41. Exchange Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 37. Exchequer Bills. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 163-5. ,, ,, 1709-1716, &c. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 34. ,, ,, 1744-1834. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893. See Scargill-Bird, p. 273. Chamber (Chancery), 58. Court of, 56, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 19. of Plea Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 171. of Pleas Court (Common Law), 56. ,, Doggett Books of, 57. ,, Index to Orders and Decrees, 57. Depositions by Commission, 58. Dialogue concerning the, 30. Madox's History of the, 28 n. Martin's Index to the, 96. Memoranda Rolls are continued by the Agenda Books, q.v. Norman (Stapleton), 28 n. of Receipt (Treasury) Records, 84. See 24th Rep., and Thomas' " Ancient Exchequer of England," 97. Miscellanea, 38. Originalia, 111. Remembrancer of the, 58. Issue or Liberate Rolls, 58. Black and Red Books of the, 38, 39. Queen's Remembrancer of the, 38, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 60. Excise, Cash Accounts, 1647-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 35-39. ,, for 1647. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 105-186. Exeter, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 234. Exeter Domesday. See Index Rerum. Exon Domesday, 27 [Sims, 5 ; Coles, i. 208]. 214 Extents, from Chas. I. See 1837 Rep. p. 118a. ,, of a Manor, Specimens of. See 1800 Rep. 145-6. ,, of Manors. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 202-3. Extract Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 37. Extracta Donationum [Sims, 139]. Eye Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Eyre Rolls, 62. Eyston, C. J., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 260. Fabric Rolls, 80. Fairs and Markets, Grants of. 1 John— 22 Edw. IV. , Palmer's Indexes, vols, xciii and cvi. See Scargill-Bird, p. 203 ; also see Pat. Roll and Charter Roll. Family Chartularies [Sims, 28]. Farington, Miss, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 426. Farraer's Index to Marriages in the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731-1868. Fasti Eccl. Anglic. (Le Neve and Hardy), 65. Faversham Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commis- sion, 6th Rep. p. 500. Fawkes, A., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 509. Fee-Farm Rents, 82 [Sims, 61, 105, 119, 402]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 72, and List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 40. „ ,, Particulars for the Sale of, Commonwealth. — Record Indexes, Nos. 219, 220, and 221. ,, Grants of, Hen. VIII. — Jas. I., Palmer's Indexes, vol. cxxiii. Fees, Knights'. See Knights* Fees. Feet of Fines, 45 ; form 46; [Cooper, ii. 428, i. 428 ; Sims, 132]. „ Concords of, 49. ,, Covenant Book, 49. ,, Entries, 48. ,, King's Silver Books, 49. „ Published and MS. Calendars, 50-1-2. Felons' Goods, Accounts of, &c, Hen. IV. — Hen. VI.— Record Index, No. 222. See Crime. Fen Registers. See [Sims, p. 36]. Fens, Various Papers as to the Great Level of the, 1800 Rep. p. 174. ,, Lands set out for the King's use, temp. Chas. I., id. p. 191a. Feodaries, Certificates of Inquisitions, 100 n. Feodorum, Liber, 39. Festivals, Calendar of Saints and other [Sims, 504-11]; and see Nicolas' Chronology of History, pp. 116-177. Feudal Service (Inquisitions, &c), Hen. III.— Hen. VIII. — Record Index, No. 223. ,, Tenures. See Scargill-Bird, p. 113-7. Field, Rev. E., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 387. Filacer's Office [Sims, 456]. 215 Filaciis, Chancery Records in, 67. Filmer, Sir E., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 246. Finch, G. H., Esq., J.P., 7th Rep. p. 511 ; 8th Rep. p. 640. Fine Rolls, (Licenses to Alienate, &c), 41 [Sims, 98; Cooper, i. 308], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 35. ,, Index Locorum, 11-22 Hen. III.— Record Index, 227. „ Calendar, 1 Edw. I.— 7 Edw. II.— Id. No. 228. „ ,, Edw. V. — Chas. I., Palmer's Indexes, vols, lxxv-lxxvii. Fines and Recoveries. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 118-125. ,, ,, See Feet of Fines. ,, Feet of. See Feet of Fines. Fingall, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. Finibus, Rotuli de oblatis et, 41. Firma Burgi. See Fee Farm. First-Fruits, 77 [Sims, 417]. ,, and Tenths Offices, Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 209a. ,, ,, Accounts of, Hen. VIII. — Jas. I. — Record Index, No. 256. ,, 1571-1690. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 41 and 187. Fiscal Records, Subsidy Rolls, &c, 95. Fisheries, 76 n. [Sims, 60, 82, 105]. ,, Collections as to, from Rolls of Parliament, Close, and Patent Rolls, Cambridge University MSS. D.d. xi. 71. ,, Treatise on Fishing in the North Seas, temp. Jas. I. ; Maynajd MSS. (Lincoln's Inn) lxvii. ,, Petitions as to, from 1542-1761. See 1819 Rep. p. 363. „ Reports on the Herring Fisheries, 1819 Rep. p. 113. Fitzgerald, Sir G., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 246 ; 5th Rep. p. 321. Fitzhardinge, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 364. Fitzherbert, Sir W., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. p. 1. Flags. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, &c, pp. 239-40. Fleet Marriages, 92 [Sims,- 376]. ,, Prison. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 258-9. ,, ,, See Index Rerum. Fleming Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. p. 7. * Flores Historiarum. See Wendover. Florence. Society of Bardi from, in London, temp. Edw. II. See Scargill- Bird, p. 76. Fcedera (Rymer's), 67. ,, Account of [Cooper, ii. 89, 144]. Folkes, Sir W. H. N., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 347. Folkestone Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commis- sion, 5th Rep. p. 590. 216 Fordwick Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 606. Foreign Accounts [i.e., those Foreign to the Sheriff's Jurisdiction). See Scargill-Bird, p. 207. ,, Estreats, Records of the Clerk of. See 1837 Rep. p. 201. ,, Mercenaries, Account of Disbursements for, in wars against France and Scotland, 1800 Rep. p. 172a. „ Merchants, Edw. I.— Hen. VIII., 20th Rep. p. 126. ,, ,, Documents relating to, Edw. I. — Hen. VIII. — Record Index, No. 259. ,, Monasteries. See Alien Priories. ,, Office, Calendars of, 24th Rep. p. 73. ,, ,, Records, consultable to 1760. See Scargill-Bird, p. 88. ,, Protestants [Sims, 367], and see Alien's Naturalization. ,, State Papers, 71. Foreshore, History of the (Stuart Moore), now publishing. Forest Proceedings. Descriptive Inventory, John — Chas. I. Printed 5th Rep. pp. 46-59. ,, Rolls, 117. Forests, Royal, 21-21 n [Sims, 82, 100, 104, 109, 319, 403, 422]. ,, ,, See Crown Lands. ,, Placita [Sims, 57]. ,, Parks and Chases. See Scargill-Bird, p. 125. ,, Proceedings. See Scargill-Bird, p. 127. Forfeited Estates, 70-73 [Sims, 32, 82, 108, 111, 112, 140, 319]. ,, ,, Accounts of. Descriptive Slips, Edw. II. — Ric. II. — Record Index, 264. ,, ,, ,, Descriptive Inventory, Geo. I. Printed •5th Rep. App. ii. — Id., No. 265. Forfeitures [Sims, 140]. Forms of Legal Documents. See App. p. 139; also Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, and Archaeological Journal, 1865, p. 58. Fortescue, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 220. ,, Hon. G. N., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 49. ,, J. B., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. p. 3 ; 14th Rep. p. 5. Fortifications, English, 1542, &c. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 85 and 293. ,, 1714-1831. See Scargill-Bird, p. 129. Fortify, License to, 21. Fortress, History of a, 21. See Castle. Founder's Kin [Sims, 179, 392]. France, English Possessions in. See Scargill-Bird, p. 129. Franciscana Monumenta [brewer and Hoivlett). Frank, F. B., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 448. Fraternity, Guild or, 83-4. Freemen's Roll, 4. Free Warren, 113 [Sims, 60, 79, 105]. 217 French and English History, 36th Rep. Ambassadors in England, from 1509-1714, 37th Rep. p. 180. Archives, Report on Documents in, relating to England, see 36th and 37th Rep. Despatches of (same date), 39th Rep. p. 573. ,, Transcripts, 43rd Rep. p. 609. Rolls, Hen. V., Calendar of, 44th Rep. p. 543. See Norman Rolls [Cooper, i. 305 ; Sims, 99]. ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 38. and Corsican Refugees. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 161. War (1692), Aid of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 2. Wars. See French Rolls. Frere, G. F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 518. * Trench Chronicles of Great Britain (Hardy). Friars. See Monastic Establishments. * Friars Minors. Monument a Franciscana [Brewer and Mowlett). Funeral Certificates, 8, 94 [Sims, 279, 284]. Funerals, various States, 1557-1708. See List of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 77. Furniture, Church, 84. Gage, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 223. Galway, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. Gaol Delivery Rolls, 62. Garter, Order of, the Statutes of, Cambridge University MSS., D.d. x. 47, 59, and xi. 47 ; and see 1837 Rep. p. 13a. Gascon Rolls, Calendared by Carte [Ewald, 74 ; Cooper, i. 305 ; Sims, 100]. Those for Hen. III. published by M. Michel, with a supplementary volume by M. Beniont. — Paris, Imprimere Nationale. Gatacre, E. L., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Gauger's Accounts, Edw. VI. — Eliz.— Record Index, No. 275. Gawdy Family, The, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. ii. Gell, C. Pole, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. part ii. p. 384. Genealogy, many Hints and References as to records to be searched for. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 133-6. General Register Office, 92. ,, Surveyors, Court of, 117. Gentleman's Magazine, 5, 66. (Index to Marriages in 1731-1868, by H. Farrar). Gentlemen Pensioners' Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 136. Gentry, Lists of [Sims, 326]. Geography. For a fine catalogue of works on, see Transactions of the Geographical Society, and the Catalogue to York Gate Library, 1886. Gilds, 19-83. 218 Glasgow, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 304. Glastonbury Town, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 102. Glossaries, Medieval. See Ducange ; also Promptorium Parvulorum, (Way, Cam. Soc). ,, Excellent ditto in H. T. Riley's Memorials of London and London Life (Norman), 42nd Rep. pp. 453-472. ,, of Pipe Roll, vol. iii. of Pipe Roll Society. ,, General, see Martin's Record Interpreter. Gloucester Cathedral and Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Golden Grove, Book of "Welsh Genealogies. See Scargill-Bird, p. 329. Goldsmith's Loans (1677). See Scargill-Bird, p. 271. Gore, J. R. 0., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 284 ; 4th Rep. p. 379. Graham, Sir J., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 319; 7th Rep. p. 261. Grace, Commission of (Ireland), Calendar of Grants under, 1684-8.— Record Index, No. 130. Grammar Schools. See Edw. VI. Grammar Schools, 10, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 137. Grants, Enrolments of, 41. ,, from the Crown Privileges, Titles, &c, 110. ,, Particulars for (dissolved monasteries), 8, 41. ,, See Particulars for Grants, 81. „ passing Great Seal, 10 Edw. V.— Ric. III.— Record Index, No. 278. Great Couchers (Duchy of Lancaster). See Scargill-Bird, p. 58. Great Roll of the Pipe. See Pipe Roll, 24-29. „ Rolls, or Pipe Rolls, 29-38. ,, Seal. See Custos Sigilli, also Wyon's Great Seals of England. Green Cloth. See Board of Green Cloth. ,, Wax, Surveyor of, Office [Sims, 466]. „ Wax Accounts. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 42. Gretna Green Marriages, 92. Grey-Egerton, Sir P., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 244. Griffith, Miss C, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 405. Grimsby Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. viii. * Grossteste, Bhhop, Letters of, {Luard). Grove, S., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 360. Guernsey (Dr. Harkin's MSS.), MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 158. Guild Certificates, 83. ,, ,, List of, Ric. II., Palmer's Indexes, vol. cxi. Guilds, 19-83 [Sims, 62, 385]. Gunning, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 248. 219 Gunpowder Plot. See Scargill-Bird, p. 268. Gurney, J. H., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS Commission, 12th Eep. p. 9. Hackney Stage Coaches and Chairs. See Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1S93, pp. 42, 207. Hailstone, E., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Eep. p. 636. Hall, Hubert, History of the Customs, 97. Halmote Court Books (Durham). See Scargill-Bird, p. 65. Hamilton, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. p. 6. Hampton Court, Repairs and Expenses of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 334. Hanaper Accounts, 1550-1715; 1562 — 1826. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 43-4, 209. „ „ See Scargill-Bird, p. 137- ,, Office [Sims, 458]. HardwickMSS. (Brit. Mus.) Calendar of, 4to., 1794. Hare, Sir T., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 250. ,, T., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. ix. HargraveMSS. (Brit. Mus.), Calendar of (Ellis), 4to., 1818. Harleian MSS., Account of the formation, contents, and catalogues of, App. F 6 to General Rep. p. 71 [Coles, i. 44-115]. Hartland Parish, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 428 ; 5th Rep. p. 571. Harvey, John, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 62 ; 2nd Rep. p. 89. Hastings' Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. App. iv. Hatfield, MSS. at, Cecil Papers, 72. Hatherton, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 294. Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen, 1697 — 1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 44-5, 214-6. Hawking, &c. Rotulus Expensarum Falconum, Austurcorum, et Venatorum, temp. Regis Edwardi, 6 and 7 Edw. I., 1837 Rep. p. 186a. ,, Roll of Expenses of the Kings', 12 Edw. I., id. p. 18b. Hearth Tax Rolls, 96. * Henries, the Illustrious, Capgr ewe's Chronicle of {Hingestotie).- * Henry III., Historical letters {Shirley). * Henry V. Memorials of [Cole). * Henry VI., Memorials of, Reign of {Williams). * „ Letters, §c, illustrative of French Wars, temp. {Stevenson). * Henry VII., Materials for History of {Campbell). * „ Memorials of {G air dner). Heraldic Collections [Sims, 159]. Heraldry, Works on. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, &c. Heralds' College, 146. Report on Records of [1800 Rep. pp. 82-3; 1837 Rep. p. 106 ; Sims, 452, &c.]. 220 Heralds' Visitations, 7- 149 ; printed, 149. „ College, Dublin [Sims, 452]. Hereford Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. App. iv. Herries, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 45. Herring Fisheries. See Fisheries. Hertford, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 251. * Higdtn (Ralph) Polychronicon (Babington $• Lumby). Higham Ferrer's Corporation and Trust, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. High Commission, Court of, .Notices of the, by J. S. Burn, 8vo. 1865. ,, ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 26. Highways and Sewers, London and Westminster, 1662-1670. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 45. Hill, Rev. T. S., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. * Eintoiical Letters, temp. Henry III. (Shirley). Historical MSS. Commission, 72. Reports of (references in this Index). ,, Notes, 1509-1714 (H. S. Thomas), 61. History from Marble (Dingley), 7. Homage Rolls (temp. Edw. I.). See Ragman Roll. Homberstone's Survey, 1569. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 267 and 311. Home Circuit, Report on Records of the, 1800 Rep. p. 237a. ,, Office, Calendars of, 24th Rep. p. 72. „ ,, Records in P.R.O., consultable to 1772. See Scargill-Bird, p. 88. ,, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. p. 8. Hopkinson, Rev. F., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 261. Horse, Masters of the, 163S-1715, 1603-1813. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 45 and 217. Horses, Rolls as to, temp. Edw. I., 2nd Rep. p. 59. See Equitium Regis. ,, Rolls as to the King's, 5-9 Edw. I., 1837 Rep. p. 185b. Hospitals, Army, 1652-171 5, 1754-1826. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipeand Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 46 and220. ,, Visitations of, &c. See Scargill-Bird, p. 229. Hospital, Bill of Work done at Greenwich, 1698-1709, in City of London Library, 1837 Rep. p. 426. Hospitallers, Knight, 80. Hothfield, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. p. 7. Hours, Canonical, Nicolas' " Chronology of History," 183-4. House Duty Accounts, Notes on, 1800 Rep. p. 169. Household Rolls, Bishops', 82. M ,, Expenses, 82 (and see the Paston and L'Estrange Accounts). ,, For reference to Royal, see 1800 Rep. pp. 169, 174a; and 1837 Rep. p. 14a. 221 Household Rolls Transcripts, 44 Hen. III. — 12 Edw. I.— Record Index, No 291. „ „ and Accounts, 32 ; Collector of, 20th Rep. p. 128 [Ewald, 75]. ,, ,, and Wardrobe Accounts, John — Geo. III., 14 vols. MS. Record Index, Nos. 289 and 290. ,, Officers cf the [Sims, 329]. ,, (Royal) Accounts, 1544-1782. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 46-8. House of Commons, 69-113. ,, Lords, 57, MSS. of, reported on. * Hoveden {Roger de) Chronicle (Stubbs). How to Compile a Pedigree, 1. HOW TO WRITE THE HlSTORY OF A PARISH OR OTHER PLACE, 14. Huguenots, A Peaceable Survey of the Doctrine of the, proving they are not Heretiques, &c, by a Roman Catholic, 4to. MS. York Cathedral; 1837 Rep. p. 287a, (see Huguenot Society in Directory). Hulton, W. B., Esq, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Hundred Courts, Rolls of, Descriptive Slips, Hen. III.— Hen. VII. Record Index, No. 292. ,, Rolls, 31, 100 [Sims, 104 ; Cooper, i. 267, 282]; list of those still unprinted, id. p. 139. See Scargill-Bird, p. 139. Hunstanton, MSS. at, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 358 ; also 11th Rep. App. vii. * Huntingdon [Henry of) Chronicle [Arnold). Hustings Court (London), 104. Roll of Pleas, 1800 Rep. pp. 175b, 176a. Hythe Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Hep. p. 428. ,, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 6th Rep. p. 511. Imports. For list of articles imported at Southampton, see Archaeological Journal, 1859, p. 343 ; at Lynn (R. Howlett), Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany, iii. p. 603. Imprest Books (Pells). See Scargill-Bird, p. 274. Inclosure Awards, 23 n, [Sims, 402] 1756-1853.— Record Index, No. 296. Indentures of War, 74 n. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 18-19. Independents. See Dissenters, 86. Index Monasticus (Taylor), 78. ,, Society, 5. Indexes, Calendars, &c, at P.R.O. on 31st December, 1879, List of, 41st Rep. App. ii. ,, Table Showing relative frequency of surnames under letters [Phillimore, 19]. Index Library (promoted by Mr. W. P. W. Phillimore, published by Mr. C. J. Clark, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields; annual subscription £1. Is.; is printing indexes from the Record Office). India, List of Commissioners to manage. Board of Control from 1790 ; 31st Rep. p. 367. India. See Index Rerum. Indians in North America. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O. 1893, p. 224. 222 Indictments. Indexes called "Pye Books," 65. „ Preserved from 1673. As to Indexes, see [Ewald, 76]. Indulgence, Form of a Papal, ArchaBological Journal, 1860, p. 250 ; 1865, p. 62 [Sims, 466]. Ingilby, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6tb Rep. p. 352. Inner Temple. A Catalogue of printed books and MSS. in tbe Library, 8vo. 1833. ,, Library, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. App. vii. „ „ Petyt MSS., 2nd Rep. p. 151. Innocent's (Pope) Taxation, 77 n. Inns of Court, Registers of, 10 n. [Sims, 430]. Inquisitio Eliensis, 27 [Sims, 5 ; Coles, i. 222]. Inquisitiones ad Quod Damnum, 41-110 [Cooper, i. 295-6 ; Sims, 131]. ,, Nonarum, 18. ,, Post Mortem (Chancery and Exchequer), 99 ; Form, 157 [Sims, 32, 123; Cooper, i. 332]. ,, ,, Wards and Liveries, 100-1; Various calendars, &c. , 100 n. ,, ,, (Duchy of Lancaster), 41. ,, ,, ad quod damna. See Scargill-Bird, p. 141-2-3. ,, Quo Warranto, 40. Inrolment Office, 61 [Sims, 458]. Inscriptions, Monumental, 15. Instance Court of the Admiralty, 75 n. Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 304. Institution Books, 18-85 [1556-1836] [Ewald, p. 77] and see Scargill-Bird, p. 97. Institutions, Indexes to, 85. Record Index, No. 70. Insurrections in North of England ; 1807 Rep. pp. 13b, 14. Inventions, see Patents, Specifications of, 113, 113 n. Inventories (Testators'), 107. of Church Goods, 84. See Scargill-Bird, 98-99. Ipswich Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 222. Ireland. Annuities for service of 1805-10. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office. P.R.O., 1893, p. 3. „ Deputies in 1553. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 50. ,, Jesuits in, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. ,, See Carte Papers, and see Index to [Sims, q. v.]. ,, Chronicles as to, App. p. 154. ,, Registry of Births. &c, 93. ,, Documents relating to. See Scargill-Bird, p. 146-7. Irish Families. See D'Altoii's Work on. 1861, 2 vols. ,, MSS., reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, are not as a rule included in this Index. ,, Records [Sims, 410], See Index Locorum. ,, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 39. ,, State Papers, Calendar of, 178. 223 Iron Mill Forges in St. Leonard's Forest, Sussex, 1800 Rep. p. 185b. „ Mines in Rutland, Stafford, and Salop, 1689, 1800 Rep. p. 195a. ,, ,, Bundle containing Seven Books of Accounts, temp. Eliz., id. 200a. Issue Rolls of Exchequer, 97. Isham, Sir C, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 252. Jacobites, 66. Jersey, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 92. Jesus, Society of, 73 n. Jews, Descriptive Catalogue of Documents as to, Hen. II. — 20 Ed. I., and as to the Domus Conversorum, 35 Hen. III. — Ric. III. Account of the Keeper of, Edw. III.— Eliz.— Record Index, No. 201-2. RoUs, 10 Hen. III.— 23 Ed. I., 24th Rep. p. 45. Litterae obligationse pro solutionibus debitis Judasis, id. Other Rolls as to, id., pp. 182-184. Roll as to Jews of Lincoln, among Miscellanies of King's Remem- brancer, 1837 Rep. p. 181b. "Various References [Sims, 427 ; Ewald, 77]. Various Rolls as to (1-7 Edw. I.), 1837 Rep. p. 186b. Tallage Accounts, &c. ; Descriptive Slips, Hen. II. — Edw. I. — Record Index, No. 330. Calendar, Id. Records relating to. See Scargill -Bird, pp. 149-151. Rolls relating to, 2nd Rep. p. 54. Documents relating to the Domus Conversorum, 20th Rep. p. 118. Jewels. See Royal Jewels. „ of Hen. VI., 1837 Rep. p. 13 n. ,, and Plate (Crown, 1545-1639). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 50-224. ,, Plate and (Crown) . See Scargill- Bird, p. 148. Jornalia Roll. See id. p. 276. Jones' Index to the Records, 111. Journals of Parliament, 69. Judges (Foss's), 73. ,, Origines Juridicales, 73. ,, Chron. Juridicales, 73. Judgments. How signed and entered, 2nd Rep. p. 53. ,, Indexes and entries to [Ewald, 78], Judicial Proceedings. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 152-191. Jury Lists (Queen's Bench), from 1747- ,, List (Special) ; Index, 1794-1842.— Record Index, No. 339. Justices of the Peace [Sims, 332]. Kemble's Codex Diploma ticus, 16. Kendal Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Kent, Earl of, Rebellion of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. Kenyon, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. p. 4. Ketton, R. W., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. p. 9. 224 Kilmorey, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. i\\ King's Bench Record, 56. See Scargill-Bird, p. 15. ,, Books. Liber Regis. See Valor Ecclesiasticus and [Sims, 418]. ,, Remembrancer. See Queen's Remembrancer, 29. ,, Silver Book (fines), 49. From Eliz. give more information than bare Indexes. Kingston-on-Thames Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 331. Kirby's Quest, 35 Edw. I., 31. Knights Hospitallers, 80. ,, Templars, 80, and see work on, by Addison, 8vo. 1852. See Scargill- Bird, pp. 211, 227. ,, Lists of, Le Neve, &c, 6 ; also [Sims in Index, q. v.], and Metcalfe's Knights, Henry VI.— Chas. II. „ Fees, 39 [Sims, 82, 97]. Knighthood, Compositions for, 1630-2. See Scargill -Bird, p. 116. ,, Orders of. See Scargill- Bird, p. 191. Knightley, Sir R., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 254. Lambeth Library [Sims, 459]. ,, ., Charters at, 42. it „ Palace, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 6th Rep. p. 522. ,, Wills at, 92. ,, Palace. See Index Rerum. Lancashire and Cheshire Records, 100-106. ,, Inquistitions Post Mortem, Ric. II. — Eliz., 39th Rep. pp. 533-549. ,, Records (County Palatine), Inventory, 35th Rep. pp. 42-75 [Sims, 402], and see Scargill- Bird, pp. 32, 47, and 184. Lancaster, Duchy of, 61 ; Inventory and List of Documents transferred to Record Office, 1860, 30th Rep. pp. 1-43, and see Scargill-Bird, pp. 29, 57, and 181. ,, Records. See Index Rerum. „ Calendar of Royal Charters, 31st Rep. p. 1, and 35th Rep. p. 1 ; 36th Rep. p. 161. n ,, Chancery Rolls, 32nd Rep. p. 331 ; 33rd Rep. p. 2 . 37th Rep. p. 172. ti „ Patent Rolls (4 Ric. II.— 21 Hen. VIL), 40th Rep. p. 521. „ Court Rolls, 43rd Rep. p. 210. )t ,, Privy Seals, 43rd Rep. p. 363. ,, Inventory of Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts, 45th Rep. p.l ; Index at p. 123. ,, Charters of, printed by Hardy, 61. ,, Earl of, Rebellion. See Scargill-Bird, p. 266. Land Office, now so called (formerly Copyhold, Enclosure, and Tithe Com- mission) ,, Revenue, Accounts of enrolments of, 1800 Rep. p. 172b. „ „ Records of the, id. p. 202. „ Revenue Office [Sims, 460], 1800 Rep. p. 169. 225 Land Tax, Duplicates of the, 1837 Rep. p. 157. ,, ,, Notes on Accounts, 1800 Rep. p. 169. * Langtoft {Pierre de) Chronicle [Wright). Lansdowne MSS., Accounts and Catalogues of [Coles, i. 116, 123], and App. F 7 to General Rep. p. 85. ,, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 125, 5th Rep. p. 215, 6th Rep. p. 235. Laud, Archbishop. Visitation MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 2nd Rep. p. 108, 4th Rep. p. 124. Launceston Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commis- sion, 6th Rep. p. 524. Law List, 10. ,, Terms, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 339. ,, ,, Table showing duration of, from Norman Conquest to Wm. IV. [most useful], 28th Rep. pp. 114, 139. Lawson, Sir G-., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 255, 5th Rep. p. 305. ,, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 367. Lawyers [Sims, 428]. Lay Subsidy Rolls, 17. Leases (Coventual) granted by the Monasteries before the Dissolution, 69 ; Index Locorum. — Record Index, Nos. 360 and 361. ,, Crown. See Scargill-Bird, p. 191. ,, Index, 1677-1822.— Id., No. 346; and see Indexes calendared at p. 29 of App. to 41st Rep. Lechmere, Sir GL, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 299. Leconfield, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 287. Ledger Books, 20 [Sims, 12]. Lee, J. H., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 267. Leeds, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. p. 7. Leet Rolls, 65. * Leechdoms, Wort tunning, and Star craft (Cockayne). See Medicine. Lefroy, T. E., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 56. Legal Proceedings relating to (1) Land, and (2) other Matters not Criminal, 55. Legh, "W. J., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 268. Leicester Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 403. ,, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. pt. ii. p. 357. ,, „ Rebellion. See Scargill-Bird, p. 266. ,, my Lord of, office, old name for Alienation Office. See Scargill- Bird, p. 7. Leigh, Lord, MSS. of, reported on Hi *Wi en 1 MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 49. 226 Leighton Stanley. Esq., M.P., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1 Oth Rep. App. iv. Leighton, Sir B., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Eep. p. 65. Le Neve's Indexes, List of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 197. Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights, 8 ; Fasti, 78. Le Strange, H., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 271, 11th Rep. App. vii. Lete Rolls, 65. Letter Books (City), 22. * Letters, Historical, temp. Hen. III. {Shirley). Letters, Missive. See 1819 Rep. pp. 189, 367 ; and for an abstract, p. 368. Stated to be in number about 15,000. ,, of Administration. See Administrations. ,, Inventory, Edw. III. — Chas. L— Record Index, No. 366. ,, Royal, 67. * Letters, Royal and Historical, temp. Hen. IV. (Hingeston) . Liber Albus (London), 22 ; Decimarum, 85. De Antiquis Legibus [Cooper, ii. 326]. Feodorum, 39 (Testa de Nevill) [Cooper, i. 258, 266]. Niger Scacc, 38 [Sims, 39 ; Cooper, ii. 324]. Liber Pacis. See Scargill-Bird, p. 236. Regis, 77. Ruber Scacc, 38 [Sims, 40 ; Cooper, ii. 309, 325] ; and Scargill-Bird, p. 285. Liberate Rolls, 97 [Sims, 106 ; Ewald, 80 ; Cooper i. 308]. „ „ See Scargill-Bird, p. 39. Libraries. See British Museum, Bodleian, Cathedral, Lambeth, &c. ,, List of Public. See Appendix to 1st General Rep. p. 176. Licences, Marriage, 8 [Sims, 363]. ,, to pass beyond the sea, Eliz.— Chas. I. — Record Index, No. 371. ,, to Sell "Wine and Tobacco. See Index to Patent Rolls (Long Room, Record Office). Lichfield, Dean and Chapter, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 14th Rep. App viii. Lieutenants of the Tower. See Scargill-Bird, p. 323. Lighthouses, Notes of Patents in favour of. See Palmer's Index, No. 38 (misplaced after O) . Lincoln Cathedral and Registry, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. xi., 14th Rep. App. viii. * Lincoln, St. Hugh of. Life of (Dimock). Lincoln's Inn Library [Sims, 460]. ,, See Index Rerum. Lincolnshire Survey. Linsday, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. ix. Livery of Lands. See Scargill-Bird, p. 199. , , Companies. Liveries and Wards, Court of, 101. Livings, Presentations to. See Institution Books, 71. ,, See Benefices. 227 Lloyd, S. Z., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Comuiission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Loans and Benevolences. See Scargill-Bird, p. 200. Loder-Symonds, F. C, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Kep. App. iv. Log Books, 76 n. See Navy. London Catholic Charter, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 5th Rep. p. 463. ,, City of, and Records. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 200-1. ,, Chamberlain's of Corporation Admission Fines, 1636-8. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 51. ,, Gazette. Index to Orders in Council, Proclamations, and other matters published in, 1830-1883. London, 188-5, very thick 8vo. ,, Port of, Accounts of Collectors of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 22-30. ,, Tower of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 323. ,, ,, 1551 — 1670. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 73-278. Lonsdale, W. , Esq. , MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. vii. Lord Chamberlain's Records in P.R.O. (not without leave). See Scargill- Bird, p. 90. „ ,, Office, 116 [Sims, 461]. ,, ,, Records, 116. Lords, House of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 1; 2nd Rep. p. 106 ; 3rd Rep. p. 1 ; 4th Rep. pp. 1-163 ; 5th Rep. pp. 1-120; 6th Rep., 7th Rep., 8th Rep., 9th Rep. pt. ii. ; 1 1th Rep. pt. ii. ; 12th Rep. App. vi. ; 14th Rep. App. v. and vi. ,, Lieutenant from George II., 43rd Rep. p. 722. ,, House of, 69. See Peers and Peerage Claims. Lothian, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 14. Lotteries, Annuities, 1694-1711. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O. , 1893, pp. 51-2, 225. Low Countries. 1585-9. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit of, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 52-229. Lowndes, G. L., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. pp. 5-37- ,, Bibliographical Manual, IS. Loyalists. See Civil War. ,, American. See American. Lucas, Baroness, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 4. Lunacy and Idiocy. Commissions and Inquisitions, from Chas. I. to present time. See 1837 Rep. p. 118a. ,, „ Some Inquisitions de lunatico inquirendo among the Escheat bundles, 1837 Rep. p. 113. ,, ,, Commissions and Inquisitions of, Chas. I. — 1852. — Kecord Index, No. 377 ; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 201. <} 2 228 Luttrell, G. F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 56; 10th Rep. App. vi. Lydd Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 516. Lynn, King's, Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 11th Rep pt. iii. Lyttelton-Annesley, General, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. p. 261. ,, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Eep. p. 36. Macauley, Colonel, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 397. Macclesfield, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Eep. p. 34. Maokeson, H. B., Esq., MSS. of , reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Eep. p. 91. Macray, Eev. W. D., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Eep. p. 21 ; and 13th Eep. App. iv. Magna Charta, Facsimiles of, 1819 Eep. vols, iii., v., and vii. Mainwaring. Sir Philip T., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Eep. App. iv. Majendie, L., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, loth Eep. p. 21. Malet, Sir A., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Eep. pp. 321, 428. * Mahnesbury (Win. of) Chronicle (Hamilton). Manchester, Chetham Library, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Eep. p. 156. ,, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Eep. p. 12; 8th Eep. pt. ii. pp. 1-141. Manners, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Eep. pt. ii. p. 375. Manning, Cardinal, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Co mmi ssion, 5th Eep. p. 570. ,, Eev. C. E., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Eep. App. iv. Manorial Eecords, Covrt Eolls, &c, 108. Manors, Eoutine of Management of, 108 [Sims, 7, 61, 85, 105, 109, 319, 422]. , ; Court Eolls, 108. Notes on printed, 94. ,, Extents of, 109; Specimens. See 1800 Eep. p. 145-6, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 202. ,, Lete Eolls of, 109. „ Compotus of a, 109. ,, Eolls, 108, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 65. Mansion House, 21. Manumissions. See Scargill-Bird, p. 203. Manuscript Commission, Royal, Catalogue of Eeports of, 160. * Manuscripts, Hardy's Descriptive Catalogue of, relating to the History of Great Britain. Manuscripts, National, Descriptive list of Facsimiles of. See 26th, 27th, 28th, 30th, and 31st Reps. 229 Markets, 21. Marches, Laws of the. See Scargill-Bird, p. 302. Maritime Courts, Eeports on Eecords of, 1800 Rep. p. 303. Marks or Contractions used in Pedigrees, 14. Markets and Fairs. See Scargill-Bird, p. 203. Marlow Royal Military College, 1790-1826. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 132. Marriage Licences, 7 [Sims, 100, 1U3, 361, 363]. .See Dispensations. Marriages, 91. See Parish Registers; Dissenters' Registers. Married Women, Acknowledgments hy. See Acknowledgments. Marsh, T. C, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 274. Marshall, Earl, Court Rolls, &c. [Sims, 44, 65, 73, 82]. Marshalsea Court [Ewald, 88]. ,, „ See Index Rerum. ,, Documents as to, 20th Rep. p. 131. Proceedings in [Placita Aula?] 12 Edw. I.— 32 Edw. III., 1800 Rep. p. 38b. ,, and Palace Courts, Reports on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 215a. ,, of the King's Household, &c, Accounts of, 25 Edw. I. — 36 Eliz.— Record Index, No. 379. ,, and Palace Courts Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 188. ,, „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 26. Marshalsey Rolls or Proffers for (Military) Service. See Scargill-Bird, p. 21. Marlborough, Duke of, MSS of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 1. Martin's Index to the Exchequer, 110.— Id. No. 382. Masters in Chancery [Sims, 461]. Masters of the Horse, 1638-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 45. Materials for History of Great Britain [Cooper, ii. 145, 177]. ,, ,, ,, List of Transcripts for (unpublished) [Cooper, ii. pp. 365, 370]. Matriculation Books [Sims, 390-3]. Mawson's Obituary, 7. Maxwell, Sir J. S., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. i. p. 58. Maynard's MSS. (Lincoln's Inn), 56. Medical Profession [Sims, 432]. Medicine, MSS. Treatises on. See Codrington Library, All Saints, Oxford, 1837 Rep. pp. 333-4. See Leechdoms. Melcombe and Weymouth Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 575. Members of Parliament, 75 [Sims, 132-4, 157]. ,, ,, Scotch (Foster) Collect. Gen., ii. Memoranda on Heraldry (Le Neve), 7- Memoranda Roll of the Exchequer, 58-9 [Sims, 35, 69, 108 ; Ewald, 81] ; and see Scargill-Bird, p. 204. „ ,, ,, ,, Report on, 1837 Rep. p. 177- See Ex- chequer, p. 48. 230 Mendlesham parish, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 590. Mercenaries. See Foreign Mercenaries. Merchant Strangers, Orders to be observed by, Hales MSS. (Lincoln's Inn), lxxviii. No. 81. ,, Taylors, Scholars at, 10. Messengers, Eoyal, Fees, Edw. II.— Hen. VIII.— Record Index, No. 119. Methodists. See Dissenters, 86. Metropolitan Cemeteries, 94. Middle Hill MSS. (See Phillipps). Her. et Gen. viii. 349. Middlesex County Record Society. Mr. J. C. Jeaffreson has issued 2 vols, of Records for this Society, and the "Work is in progress. ,, Registry Office, 35. Middle Temple Library [Sims, 467]. Middleton, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 44. Midland Circuit, Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 238b. Military Offices. See Army, &c. ,, Defences, 62 n. ,, Papers, 74 n. ,, Service. See Knights' Fees, Parliamentary Writs, &c. ,, Summons, Writs of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 19. Mildmay, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 307. „ Capt. St. J., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 590. Militia Accounts, 1610-1674. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 8. Minae Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 40. Mines. See Scargill-Bird, p. 206. ,, Accounts relating to, Edw. I. — Chas. I.— Record Index, No. 393. ,, List of Documents as to, from Edw. I., 20th Rep. p. 131. ,, Vol. of Collections as to, Hales MSS. (Lincoln's Inn) ex. See Coal, Iron. ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 206. Ministers' Accounts, 21 ; of Lands, &c, in the hands of the Crown, Hen. III.— Jas. I., arranged under the places. — Record Index, No. 394. „ ,, (Bigod's lands) Hen. III.— Edw. II.— Id., No. 395. ,, ,, (Dissolution), 81. ,, ,, Rough Calendar of, 1st Rep. p. 127 ; 2nd Rep. p. 42. ,, ,, List of, 20th Rep. p. 84 [Sims, 318, 402; Ewald, 81-2]. „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 207. „ of State, Lists of [Sims, 332]. ,, (Plundered) Accounts, 71 [Clergymen] . Mints, Vol. of Collections as to, Hales MSS., Lincoln's Inn, ex. ,, Assays, Indentures, &c, of, Chapter House Records, 1819 Rep. pp. 194-5-6. ,, Indenture between the Queen and Sir Isaac Newton, 1702, as to Coining, 1837 Rep. p. 158. 231 Mints, MS. as to Coins, &c, by Nicholas Tyery, Edw. VI. (?), Cambridge University MS., F.f. 11, 22. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 216-7. Lists of various Accounts, &c, 1584, &c, 1800 Eep. p. 176a. Eoll of Purchasers of Silver for, 54-5, Hen. III., 1819 Rep. p. 187. Book of Charges of the Old Mint-house, 18 Hen. VIII., id. p. 14. Accounts, Hen. III. — Geo. II. — Record Index, No. 402. List of Documents from Hen. III. ,20th Rep. p. 131 [Sims, 380]. Mint, Account of expenses of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 31. ,, (1536-1715). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 52-56. ,, "Wardens of, p. 230. Misae Roll [Sims, lu7; Ewald, 82]. Miscellanea of Chancery, 67. ,, Exchequer, 38. Missals, 79. Molyneux, W. M., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MS S. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 596. Monasteries, Dissolution or Suppression Records, 8 1 . See Monastic Establish- ments. * Monastic Chartularies and Records, 20. Monastic Establishments, 78 [Sims, 10]. ,, Registers, 80. ,, Suppression. See Monasteries, Dissolution, 81. ,, Smaller Documents of the, 1837 Rep. pt. i. p. 12. ,, Foundations. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 217-230. Monasticon Anglicanum (Le Neve) 8 ; Dugdale's [Dodsworth's], 78 ; local, 78. ,, Eboracense, 78. Monasticus, Taylor's Index, 78. Monumenta Franciscana. See Friars Minors, 173. ,, Historica Britannica, 16. Monumental Inscriptions, 94. Monuments, How to date [Sims (quoting Cutts), 282-4]. Monmouth, Duke of, Rebellion. See Scargill-Bird, p. 268. Moray, C. H. S. D., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. i. p. 81. More, R. Jasper, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Morpeth Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 526. Morrison, A. Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. pt. ii. p. 406. Mortuary Rolls, 80. Mostyn, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 44 ; 4th Rep. p. 347. Mount Edgecumbe, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 20. Muncaster, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. App., pt. iv. 232 Municipal Offices, Index to, 22. Murders, Pardons for, 97 ; and see Repertory Roll. Musters Rolls, 74 [Sims, 103, 434-9]. ,, Sou Army. ,, Certificates of . See Scargill-Bird, p. 19. Myddleton-Biddulph, Colonel, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 2nd Rep. p. 73. Mysteries, Ancient, by Sharps, Abbotsford Club, 1835. Napier, Colonel, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 5G. National Debt Commissioners, 1786-1828. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 238. Naturalization, Certificates of, before 1844. See Patent Rolls (in Indexes under head of Indigen). As from 1844 to August, 1870, see Indentures. Since August, 1870, the Certificates are registered at the Home Office. The private Acts are at the Judicial Department of the House of Lords. Navy, 74. See Admiralty ; Loss; Ships [Sims, 81, 439, 440]; Log Books. ,, &c, Accounts of the, Edw. III. — Eliz.— Eecord Index, No. 421. ,, See Monumenta Juridica, or the Black Book of the Admiralty, by Twiss, 1871 ; and Duckett's Naval Commanders, from 1660-1700. ,, 1544-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 56-64. ,, 1558-1827. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 240-9. ,, Navy, Abuses in, 1626-8. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 34. Necrologies, 79 [Sims, 12]. Nevill, Testa de, 39. Newark Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Newcourt's Repertorium, 18. Newgate Calendar, 66. New River, Book of Rents of, 1621-2, 1800 Rep. p. 191b. ,, ,, Account of Rents of , 1627-8, id. p. 191a. Nicholas, Pope, Taxation of, 77 [Sims, 47 ; Cooper, i. pp. 283-5]. Nomina Villarum [Sims, 318], and Scargill-Bird, pp. 230-1. Nonse Rolls, 18 [Cooper, i. 286], and Scargill-Bird, p. 103. Nonarum Inquisitiones, 18 [Sims, 46]. Nonconformists, 86. Nonconformist Preachers, Licences to. See Scargill-Bird, p. 251. Nonjurors, 86. Non-parochial Registers, 91 [Sims, 365]. Norfolk Circuit, Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. „ Clergy, 19. ,, Duke of, Conspiracy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. Norman Rolls (Calendared by Carte), for 1200-5 and 1417, printed by Record Commissioners, 8, 1835 ,, ,, (Hardy). A Calendar of Continuation in 41st Rep. p. 671 ; and 42nd Rep. pp. 313, 452 [Sims, 102 ; Cooper, i. 305]. ,, ,, Glossary of Obsolete French Words on the, 42nd Rep. pp. 453-472 ; and Scargill-Bird, pp. 40-1. 233 Normandy, Charters, &c, granted in England to various Religious Houses in, 3 vols. MS. entitled (Jartulaire de la Basse Normandie. — Record Index, No. 430. * Normandy, Narratives of the expulsion of the English from, 1449-50 (Stevenson). Northampton, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 3rd Rep. p. 209. * Northern Registers, Historical Papers and Letters from (Raine). Northumberland, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 3rd Rep. p. 45 ; 6th Rep. p. 221. Norwich — Bishop's Registry, Bean and Chapter, Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSiS. Commission, 1st Rep. pp. 86, &c. ,, Taxation, 1253, 77 n. Nottingham Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 105. Nova Taxatio, 1318, 77 [Cooper, i. 283]. Numerical Characters, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 185. Nuncii (Accounts, &c, of Ambassadors), 23rd Edw. I. — 13 Eliz., and see Scargill-Bird, p. 11. Record Index, Nos. 441 and 432. Nuncupative Wills, 104, 105. Nunneries. See Monastic Establishments. Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 231. ,, ,, Papers, Oaths, &c, Rolls of, 1837 Rep. p. 119a. ,, Office, Forms of, 1800 Rep. p. 216 ; Report on ditto, id. p. 99a. Obits, 67 ; Mawson's, 7. Obituary, Musgrave's, 8. ,, Notices, 5. OblataRolls,40,41; 2nd Rep. [Sims, 110; Ewald, 15],andScargill-Bird,p.41. Oblatis et Finibus, Rotuli de, 41. Officers, List of Public [Sims, 329]. ,, of the Household [/<£]. Offices, Appointments to, Index. — Record Index, No. 436. ,, Grants of, 115 [Palmer's Index, vols, xxxvi., lvii., lxiii., cviii., eix., ex., exxxvi.]. Offices, Grants of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 236. Ordnance, 74 n. See Army. ,, Accounts relating to, Edw. II. — Jas I. — Record Index, No. 440. ,, Masters, Surveyors, and Lieutenants. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 65-67, and 248. Originalia, Jones' [Chapman's] Index to the, 111 [said by Cooper, i. 343, to be very imperfect] . ,, RoUs (Exchequer), 97-111 [Sims, 111; Ewald, 85; Cooper, i. 342], 1837 Rep. Orlebar, R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 274. Ormonde, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 737 ; 8th Rep. p. 499 ; 9th Rep. pt. ii. p. 126; 10th Rep. App. v. ; 14th Rep. p. 7. Oscott, St. Mary's College, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 89 ; 2nd Rep. p. 125. 234 Ossbry, See of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. Oswestry Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. Othen, Miss, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 277. * Oxenede (John de) Chronicle (Ellis). Oxford. See Universities [Sims, s. v.]. Charters, 42. Foster's Matriculations, 9-19. ,, Alumni, 9-19. Historical Society, 91. References to Documents at the Record Office as to, 20th Rep. p. 136. Register of University, 9. Various Colleges [copy], MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission. , , Wood' s Athense, 9-19. Pageants, Weavers at Coventry, Abbotsford Society, 1836. Palace Courts. See Marshalsea and Palace Courts [Sims, 73, 461 ; Ewald, 86]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 26. Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 215a. ,, ,, Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 189. Palaces. See Royal Palaces. Palatine Counties Records [Sims, 401]. Palmer's Indexes (mostly Patents from Hen. VII.), Description of. See 20th Rep. p. 184 (vol. xxxviii. is a very useful general index to the more important items), and Scargill-Bird, p. 237. , , , , to the Times. Papal Briefs (1513-1527) Calendar of, 2nd Rep. p. 190; 3rd Rep. p. 187; 4th Rep. p. 212 ; 6th Rep. p. 246. „ Bulls, Calendar of, temp. Edw. II., 1837 Rep. p. 12. „ „ List of original, at Record Office, 5th Rep. p. 45. „ ,, [Ewald, 86], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 248. ,, Registers, Calendar of, 179. Papists, Recusants, and Nonconformists, 86 n. See [Sims, s. v.] ; Scargill- Bird, p. 249. See Roman Catholics. Pardon Rolls, 111, 11 In. See Scargill-Bird, p. 41. Pardons [Sims, 140] for Murders, 97. * Paris (Matthew) Chronicle (Luard). Parish, How to write the History of a, 14. Parish Registers, Cemetery Books, &c, 87. Parish or Town Books, 4-14. ,, Clerk's Society, 3 n. ,, Registers, 44, 85, 86; Abstract of, 1830 [Sims, 351]. fi ,, Fees on Searchings, 90-1. „ ,, List of Printed, 76, 77 [Sims, 358]. „ ,, Transcripts of, 88-9. ,, ,, Works on, 87. Parkham parish, MSS of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 468. 235 Parkinson, J. Lechmere, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Eep. App. iv. Parks. See Royal Parks. ,, English Deer (Shirley), 18 n. Parliament, Acts of, 69. ,, History of. See Browne- Willis' Notitia Parliamentaria. ,, Journals of, 69 [Sims, 157] ; Votes of, id. ,, Pawns. See Pawns. ,, Petitions, 68 [Cooper, i. 325]. „ „ Chancery ; Calendar, Edw. I— Hen. VII., 2 vols. MS.— Record Index, No. 458. ,, ,, Transcripts, 66 vols. MS. — Record Index, No. 459, and see Nos. 460 and 461. ,, Records, the Publication of [Cooper, ii. 1-18]. ,, Rolls of, 67 [Cooper, i. 322]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 252. ,, Ryley's Placita Parliamentaria, 68 n., and see [Cooper, i. 319] ,, Summons to, 113. ,, Surveys, 70. „ Votes and Debates, 69. ,, Writs, 113 (Palgrave's, 102); Account of the Volumes entitled [Cooper, ii. 33-88]. ,, ,, of Election [Cooper, i. 323]. Parochial, non-, Registers, 91. Particulars, 41. „ for Grants, 81 ; Inventory, Hen. VIII. ; 9th Rep. pp. 148-309.— Record Index, No. 466. See Scargill-Bird, p. 56. ,, ,, Index Locorum, Ditto, 4 vols. MS. referring to the above.— Id., No. 467. Calendar, Edw. VI., 2 vols., MS.— Id., No. 468. Index Locorum, Edw. VI. — Id., No. 469. Index Locorum, Edw. VI. — Id., No. 347. Calendar, Phil, and Mary— Jas. I.— Id., No. 470. Index Locorum, ditto. — Id., No. 471. Descriptive Slips, Edw. VI.— Jas. I. — Id., No. 472. ,, Leases, 82. „ the Sale of the Estates of Charles I., &c— Id., No. 474. Partition Deeds (early). See Scargill-Bird, p. 257. Passage Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 42. Patent Rolls, 113 [Cooper, i. 297 ; Sims, 114]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 32. Books (Auditors and Pell Series), 101. Palmer's Index to, 115. Signet Index, 115. Transcripts, 1-16 Hen. III.— Record Index, No. 486. 1 Edw.— 31 Hen. VI.— Id., No. 487. Calendars and Indexes, 99 ; 1-57 Hen. III. and Edw. V.— 39 Vict., 59 vols. MS. — Id., No. 488. For detailed references to other Indexes, see p. 45 of Appendix to 41st Rep. Patents, Specifications of [Inventions] [Sims, 81, 83, 111]. Pawns, Parliamentary, from 21 Hen. VIII. See 1837 Rep. p. 118b. ,, Bundles relating to Parliamentary Elections [Ewald, 87] Peace, Justices of [Sims, 83]. 236 Peace, Clerks of the, Eecords of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 80. Peake, F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. pp. 92-3 ; 3rd Rep. p. 277. Peculiars, Justices of [Sims, 347]. Pedigkke, How to compile a, 1 ; a specimen, 12-13. ,, Abbreviations used in, 14. ,, Marshall's Index to printed Pedigrees, 7. ,, Specimens of Different Modes of setting [Pillimore, 31]. Peerage Claims, 117 [Sims, 242-279]. Peerages, Grants of, 117. Peer of the Realm, Report on Dignity of, 75. Peers, Creations of, from Rich. III., 47th Rep. p. 78. Pell Accounts. Descriptive Slips, Jas. I. — Record Index, No. 496. ,, Office (see Exchequer and Devon's Issues) [Sims, 461]. ,, Records, 97. ,, Rolls [Sims, 450]. Pellis Introitus and Receptae. See Scargill-Bird, p. 269. Pembroke, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. pt. ix. p. 379. Pensions, 1668-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 67 and 253. Pensioners. See Gentlemen Pensioners. Perambulation Rolls of Forests, 21 n., 102 [Ewald, 87], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 127. Perkin Warbeck's Rebellion. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. * Peterborough [Benedict of) Chronicle (Stubbs). Peterborough Cathedral, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Petersfield Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iii. Petitions to Parliament, 67 [Cooper, i. 324-331], and see Scargill-Bird, p. 258. Petty Bag Office, 61. See 2nd Rep. p. 43 [Sims, 462]. ,, Box Office (Chancery Files). See Scargill-Bird, p. 49. Peveril Court, Records of the, 1661-1849, 16th Rep. pp. 43-44, and see Scargill-Bird, pp. 27 and 189. ,, ,, ,, ,, Report on, 16th Rep. p. 41 [Ewald, 87]. Phelips, W., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 57. ,, MSS., reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 281. Phillipps', Sir Thomas, MSS. and Press at Middle Hill. See Her. et Gen. viii. p. 349. The MSS. and a set of his prints are now at Thirlstane House, Cheltenham, and I believe can be consulted on payment of fee of £1. Is. per diem. Physicians, Roll of College of, 10 [Sims, 433]. ,, Royal College of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 8th Rep. p. 226. Pilgrimage of Grace. See Scargill-Bird, p. 267. Pine-Coffin, J. R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 374 ; 5th Rep. p. 573. Pipe, Records of the Clerk of the, 1837 Rep. p. 198. 237 Pipe Eolls, 29-38 [Sims, 119; Ewald, 88; Cooper, i. 312, 317]. Sen Scar- gill- Bird, p. 293. ,, Eoll Society, 29 n. Piracy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 258. Pirates, 76 [Sims, 83]. Placita Anglo- Normanica (Bigelow), 55 n. Cornmunia, 56. Aula?, Marshalsea Court [Ewald, 88]. Coram Rege, Curia Regis, 55 [Sims, 53 ; Cooper, i. 232-257] de Quo Warranto, 40 [Sims, 7, 59]. Forests. See Scargill-Bird, p. 128. Parliamentaria, 68 n. [Sims, 59; Cooper, i. 319]. Terrae, 56. Placitum Abbrevatio, 55. Plantations, Petitions as to, 1819 Rep. p. 363. Plate, Works on, 25 n. Pleas of the Crown, by F. W. Maitland, 62. Plea Rolls. Many interesting and new pedigrees from, have been printed in the Genealogist and are now being continued. See p. 56. Plundered Ministers' Accounts, 7 1 . Plowden, W. F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Plymouth Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 9th Rep. p. 262; 10th Rep. App. iv. * Poems, Anglo-Latin, Satirical, of the Twelfth Century {Wright). Political Index (Beatson's), 10, 73, 75. * Political Poems and Songs, Edw. III. to Henry VIII. [Wright). Poll Books, 4 [Sims, 323]. ,, Tax Rolls, 91 [Sims, 83]. Pontefract Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 269. Pope Innocent's Taxation, 77 [Cooper, i. 283]. ,, Nicholas' ,, 77 n. See Taxatio Eccles., 6, 30, and Cooper, i. 283. ,, Chronological List of, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 187. ,, Alphabetical, id., 197. Popes' Bulls. See Papal Bulls. Popular Genealogists, 12. Population Abstracts, 88. Portland, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 13th Rep. pp. 1-2 ; 14th Rep. p. 2. Ports. See Cinque Ports. Portsmouth, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 60. Post Mortem Inquisitions, Chancery Exchequer, 85; Form, 139 [Sims, 32, &c, Cooper, i. 332-341] and Scargill-Bird, 141. Post Office (1566-1715). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 68, 256. „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 258. Powis, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Kep. p. 60. 238 Prfestita Roll. See Scargill-Bird, p. 42. ,, ,, 12 John [Sims, 107; Ewald, 89]. Prebendal Church. See Lee's History of the Prebendal Church of Blessed Virgin Mary of Thame. Prerogative Court of Canterbury [Sims, 462]. Presentations. See Institutions, 18-85. Prescott, Mrs., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 97. Prices. See Thorold Rogers' History of Prices. Prideaux, R. W., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 423. Priories. See Monastic Establishments, 78. ,, Alien. 80-81 [Sims, 82]; Accounts of, 21 Edw. I.— 23 Edw. IV. —Record Index, Nos. 16 and 17. Prisons (Queen's Bench and Eleet). See Scargill-Bird, pp. 258-9. Prisoners, Royal, Expenses of, Edw. III. — Hen. VII. — Id., No. 585. „ in Tower, List of, 30th Rep. p. 313. ,, State. See Scargill-Bird, p. 308. ,, of War (Netherlands, 1665-8). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 69, 259. Private Acts, 69 n. Privileges and Immunities, temp. Hen. II. See Chartse Privilegia, &c. Privy Council, Records of, 116. See Scargill-Bird, p. 259. „ ,, Nicolas on, 68. ,, ,, Office, 68. „ ,, Registers, 68 n. ,, Councillors [Sims, 331]. ,, Purse, Expenses of, Hen. VIII., by Sir H. Nicolas, 1827. „ „ Princess Mary by T. M., 1831. ,, ,, Indexes to, &c. [Philimore, 81]. fJ ,, 1558-1687, 1603-1668. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 69, 259. „ Seals. See Scargill-Bird, p. 260. „ Seal. See Signet Office, 115. ,, „ Books, 116; 12 Eliz.-1834, printed, 7th Rep. App. ii. pp. 31, 32. ,, Seals [Sims, 136; Office, id. 462; Ewald, 89]. See also as to, p. 51 of App. ii. to 41st Rep. ,, Signet Office, 115. Probate Act, Form of, 141. ,, Registries, 5. ,, Handbook to the Antient Courts of and Depositories for "Wills, by Dr. Marshall, 1889. Proceedure, History of (Bigelow), 62. Processions. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, pp. 268, 283. Proclamations, Public, on Patent Rolls. See Index to ditto in Long Room of Record Office. Proffers of Service. See Scargill-Bird, p. 21. Proofs of Age, 102. Protection Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 42. Protestant Nonconformists, 86. 239 Protestants in Piedmont and Poland, 1655-1660. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P. P.O., 1893, pp. 69, 260. Prothonotaries' Office [Sims, 453]. Provisions. Accounts of Expenses for, Edw. III. — Record Index, No. 599. Prynne's Records, 55 n. Public Offices. See Notes for Materials for the History of Public Depart- ments, by F. S. Thomas, fo. 1846, sells for £1. Is. ,, Officers. Lists of [Sims, 329]. ,, Record Office. See Record Office. ,, Schools, Lists of Scholars at, 10 [Sims, 398]. Puleston, Sir R., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 65. Puritans, 86. Pye Books, 65 (Indexes to Indictments), 26 [Ewald, 90]. Pyne, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. pt. ii. p. 493. Quakers' Registers, 92 [Sims, 371]. Qualification Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 80. Quaritch, B., the chief Antiquarian Bookseller, 156. Quarter Sessions Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 80. Queen Anne's Bounty, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 262. ,, Bench, 44, 45 [Sims, 34, 70]. ,, ,, Records, 56. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 15 and 160. ,, Dowager, Rolls and Records as to Possessions of various, viz., Catherine Parr, Anne of Denmark, Henrietta Maria, Catherine of Braganza, 1800 Rep. p. 177a. ,, Remembrancer of the Exchequer, 38 [Sims, 107, 459, 463 ; Cooper, ii. 331]. ,, Remembrancer of Exchequer Records. See Scargill-Bird, p. 172. ,, Silver Books (Fines), 18 ; from Eliz., give more information than bare indexes. Quo Warranto Rolls, 40, 115 [Sims, 7, 59, 71, 105 ; Cooper, i. 267, 282]. Raffles, T. S., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 468. Rageman Bag. See Scargill-Bird, p. 266. Ragman Roll (or Homage Roll), temp. Edw. I. [Sims, 407, 408 n.] Ranyard, A. C, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 434. Reading Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1 1th Rep. App. vii. Rebellions of '15 and '45, 73. See Escheats, Forfeited Estates, State Prisoners, &c. [Sims, 71, 140, 147], and Scargill-Bird, pp. 265-268. Receipts and Issues of the Exchequer. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 268-9. Receivers Generals. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 260. Record and Writ Clerks' Office (Chancery) [Sims, 465]. ,, Interpreter, by C. T. Martin, 8vo. 1892 (practically supersedes Wright's Court Hand Restored). ,, of Carnarvon, 2 fo., 1838, a Welsh Record described by [Sims, 414-5]. 240 "Record Office described, 118. Agents at, 124. Records in the Tower, Inventory of, 2nd Rep. p. 2. ,, (City), London, Nottingham, and Oxford, 19. ,, in Filaciis, Chancery. 67. ,, of the Privy Council, 36. „ of the English Catholics of 171-5 (Payne). Published by Burn and Oates, who are the authorities on all Catholic Books. Recoveries, 54 [Sims, 34, 132]. Recovery Index, 43, 54 [Ewald, 9]. ,, Rolls, or Placita Terra?, from 25 Eliz. Rectors, 18. Rectory, Certificate of Value and Deductions of, Lyson's Environs, i. p. 63. Recusants, 86. Lists of [Sims, 32, 143-4, 423] and see Scargill-Bird, p. 250 ; and List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-15. ,, Rolls, 70, and 5th Rep. Red Book of the Exchequer, 38. See Scargill-Bird, p. 285. [Sims, 40 ; Cooper ii. 309, 325]. Redisseisin Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 42 [Ewald, 92 ; Cooper, i. 308 ; Sims, 122]. Refugees [Sims, 145-6, 367, 373]. See also publications of Huguenot Society. Regimental Registers [Sims, 388]. ,, Muster Rolls [id., 435]. Register Bills, 4. Registers, Parish, 86 ; Transcripts, 90. ,, ,, printed, 89. ,, Regimental [Sims, 388]. ,, Various, for detailed references. See [Sims, 522-3]. ,, of Deeds. See Scargill-Bird, p. 79. Registrars' Minute Books (Chancery), 1639-1869. See Scargill-Bird, p. 159. Registrar General's Office, 91. Registrum Roffense, 78. Index to Monumental Inscriptions in Thorpe's, printed by Mr. F. A. Crisp, 1885. Eccl. Angl. (Stubbs). Registry, Middlesex, 44. York. 44. Regnal years [Sims. 484; Nicolas' Chronology of History, 324]. Remembrance Book [Ewald, 92]. Roll, 54. Remembrancer of the Exchequer, 38. Repertorie of Records, by Powell, first published in 1622, is said to have been made up out of Asrarde's Collections, 1819 Rep. p. 4 77. Repertory Roll of Originalia, contains Pardons of Murders, Creations of Baronets, &c. Repertorium Eccles. London, Newcourt's, 15. Report Office, Chancery, 63 [Sims, 445]. ,, on the Diarnity of a Peer of the Realm, 75. Reports on Public Records, Deputy Keeper's, pasrim. Requests, Court of, 8th Pep. p. 167 [Sims, 74 ; Ewald, 93]. ,, Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 39b ; 24th Rep. p. 53. For Specimen Calendar see 8th Rep. p. 169. 241 Bequests Court of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 27. Resumed Lands. See Scargill-Bird, p. 74. Bevels, Master of, 1603-1638. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Bipe and Audit Office, B.R.O., 1893, p. 70. Bevenue Bolls. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 290-8. Bex Bolls. See Coram Bege or Crown Rolls. * Sic. III. and Hen. VII., letters, &c., illustrative of (Gairdner). Eiders to Issue Bolls of Common Bleas, 1837 Eep. p. 135. Bidgway, M., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Eep. p. 404. Bipon, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Eep. p. 294 ; 6th Eep. p. 243. Eobes, Masters and Gentlemen of the, 158S-1728. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Bipe and Audit Office, B.B.O., 1893, pp. 70-263. Eobes, Queen's, 1632-7, id. 71-263. Bochester Corporation and Bridge Wardens, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Bep. pp. 285-6. Eogers, J. J., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Eep. p. 98 ; 4th Eep. p. 406. Bolls of Arms. Several printed in Genealogist, New Series, Vols, viii., ix., and xi. ,, Chapel. See Jews. ,, House or Domus Conversorum. See Jews. [Sims, 464]. ,, Eecords, 100 n. ,, of Barliament, 67. Eoman Catholics, 70, 86 n. „ „ Bersecutions of, 70, 86 n., 86 n. See Papists, Marriages of, 80. „ ,, Lists of, 86 n. [Sims, 81, 349, 355, 381]. ,, and Church Calendars [Sims, 472]. ,, Bolls [Ewald, 93 ; Cooper, i. 308. ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 42. Borne, Eeport on Besearches among Archives of Vatican, 41st Eep. p. 815. Eomney (New) Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 4th Bep. p. 439 ; 5th Bep. p. 533. ,, Court Books, 6th Eep. p. 540. Eotuli Annales or Pipe Bolls [Cooper, i. 312]. ,, Curiae Eegis (Balgrave), 56. ,, de Dominabus, &c. (Grimaldi), 40. ,, de Oblatis et Finibus, 14. ,, Lit. Claus. (Hardy), 112. Bough Coat Books, containing references to Charter, Patent, and Close Bolls, John — Edw. IV., Index Locorum, Chancery Index, No 108; and see Palmer's Indexes, vols, xlii.-xlvii. Bound, J., Esq., M.P., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Eep. App. ix. Eoxburgh, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Bep. App. iii. Eoyal African Co., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Eep. App. iii. * Royal and Historical letters, temp. Hen. IV. (HingestonJ. B 242 Royal and Historical Letters. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 298-9. ,, Charters and Grants. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 52-3. ,, Charters, 43. ,, Descents, 12. See works on this subject by Burke and Foster. ,, Forests, 21. 117. ,, Hospital, Chelsea. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 46-218. ,, Household. See Household, also see Collection of Ordnances of; Society of Antiquaries, 1 790. ,, Jewels, Wardrobes, &c, in the Exchequer of Account, 1800 Rep. pp. 170a, 171b, 174b ; and see (Ewald, 77) ; and see Jewels. ,, Letters, otherwise Chancery Records in Filaciis, 67. ,, ,, Index, Ric. I. — Edw. III., 1 vol. MS. An alphabetical index of persons and places, referring by number to the Royal Letters, from 1 to 2,330, printed in 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Rep. ,, „ Calendar, Ric. I. — Edw. II., 4 vols. MS., referring to the, numbered from 1 to 4,700. The calendar to the first 2,300 is printed in the reports. ,, Messengers' Fees, Edw. II. to Hen. VIII. — Eecord Index, No. 119, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 11. ,, Palaces (see Castles) Repairs done, temp. Hen. VIII. , 1837 Rep. p. 18b (68 fo. vols, as to Hampton Court!) — Id. ,, Parks and Castles, Description of Books of Accounts as to, 1800 Rep. p. 174b. ,, ,, and Works to. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 81-4. ,, ,, Deer in, 1616-1674. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 160. ,, Progresses, 1603-1638. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 69. ,, Robes. See Robes. ,, Supremacy, Acknowledgments of, 20. Royalist Composition Papers, 71 [Sims, 438]. Royalists and Delinquents. See Scargill-Bird, p. 299. Rugby Register, 10. Rutland, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 10 ; 12th Rep. pp. 4 and 5. Rye W. (see Gawdy Papers), MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. pp. 10 ; 12th Rep. pp. 4 and 5. ,, Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 488 ; 13th Rep. App. iv. Rymer's Fcedera, 67. Sackvile, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 249. Sacrament Certificate. See Scargill-Bird, p. 232. Sailors, 74. See Navy. [Sims, 341, 439] ; Wills of, [Sims, 349]. Saints' Days, Calendar of [Sims, 472]. ,, ,, Alphabetical List of [Id., 504]; much fuller list of, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 124-166. , , Emblems. See Husenbeth on. 243 * St. Albani, Chronica Monasterii (Biley). St. Alban'a Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 5th Rep. p. 565. * St. Dunstan, Memorials of (Stubbs). St. Germain's, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Eep. p. 41. St. Paul's Dean and Chapter, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 1. St. Paul's School, Register of, 10. Sale and Transfer of Land inter Vivos, 41. Salisbury Cathedral, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 90. ,, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. 147 ; 3rd Rep. 199; 5th Rep. p. 261 ; 6th Rep. pp. 182, 250-7; Calendar pt. i. p. 5, 1883-1894. [Covers 1532 to 1595]. Salt Duties (1694-1775). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 71-265. Salvetti Correspondence, MSS. of, reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. pt. i. Salwey, Alfred, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Sandwich Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 568. Saville, Mrs. A., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. App. vii. Savings Banks Account. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 123. Saxon Charters, 41. Schools, Public, Registers of, 10 [Sims, 398, 432]. * Science, Neckam's Be Naturis Serum [Wright). Scotch Birth and Registry Office, 93. ,, MSS. reported on hy Historical MSS. Commission are not as a rule included in this Index. ,, Rolls, Ayloffe' Calendar of, 42-3 [Cooper, i. 306]. ,, State Papers, 178. ,, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 43. Scotland, Records of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 301. ,, „ [Sims, 523]. * Scotland, Chronicles as to, 172-3. ,, Public Records of [Cooper, ii. 179-191 ; Sims, 404]. ,, Parliamentary Records [id. 193-221]. ,, Notes of other Scotch Records [id. 206-307]. Scots, Mary Queen of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 267. Scrope and Grosvenor Roll [Sims, 66]. Scutage Rolls [Sims, 43, 44]. ,, ,, Transcript, Hen. III.— Record Index, No. 635. See Scargill- Bird, p. 21. Sea, Licenses to cross the. See Licenses. Sea Ports (Eastern), 75. b2 244 Seafield, Countess of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. p. 3. Seal, Great. See Custos Sigilli. Seals, &c, Catalogue, Hen. II.— Eliz.— Record Index, No 636. „ Catalogue of in MS. Department of the British Museum, by W. D. G. Birch, 1887-94. ,, List of, at Record Office, 20th Rep. p. 91. ,, and Signets (engraved). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1193, pp. 267-8. ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 303. Secret Service, 1779-1828. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 267-8. See, Vacant, Search during a, 18. Seizin, Form of Delivery of, 163. Selden's Collections. See Hale MSS. vols. xii. and xiii. (Lincoln's Inn MSS.) Sepulchral Antiquities (Blore), 25 n. Sequestered Estates [Sims, 141]. ,, ,, See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-15. Sequestrations, Committee for, 70. Service, Proffers of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 21. Sessions Rolls, Transcripts of early (1596-7). Transactions of Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Society. Sewell, Rev. W. H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Sewers, Enrolments of Laws of, Chas. I. — 1714. — Record Index, No. 640. ,, Laws and adjudication of, Papers as to. See 1837 Rep. p. 118a. ,, Commission and Laws of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 303. Shaftesbury, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 216. Sheriffs, List of, from 31 Hen. I.— 4 Edw. ILL, 31st Rep. p. 262. ,, Accounts, Hen. III. — Jas I. — Record Index, No. 644. List of, 20th Rep. p. 133. ,, Accounts. See Scargill-Bird, p. 304, and see Pipe Roll. Ship Money. See Scargill-Bird, p. 320. Ships, 74 n. See Navy, Sailors, and Log Books. Shirley, E. P., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, oth Rep. p. 362. Shrewsbury, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 50. Skrine, H. D., Esq., MSS. of reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. pt. i. (Salvetti Correspondence). Signet Bills. See Scargill-Bird, p. 260. Signet Books (Indexes to Patent Rolls, q.v.), 116 [Sims, 134], now being printed by W. Phillimore. „ Bills [Sims, 134]. ,, Office, 115 [Sims, 465], vol. of precedents probably for the use of the Keeper of the Privy Seal, Cambridge University MSS. D.d. iii. 53. Sign Manuals [Sims, 134]. Signs used in Pedigrees, 14. Simancas, Archives of the, 71. 245 Six Clerks' Office, 61, and see 2nd Rep. p. 40, and 1837 Rep. p. 126c [Sims, 465]. Smith, P. V., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. p. 9. Sneyd, Rev. W., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 287- Society of Antiquaries, 28 n. Soldiers, 74 [Sims, 433 ; Regimental Registers of, id., 388]. See Army. ,, Families, Regimental Registers [Sims, 388]. Somerset Consistory, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 333 ; 7th Rep. p. 623. South Sea Company, Annuities. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 3. Southampton Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 11th Rep. App. iii. ,, God's House at, 6th Rep. p. 551. Southwark, Bishop of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 233. Southwell Minster, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 12th Rep. App. ix. Sovereigns of Europe, Table of Cotemporary, Nicolas' Chronology of History, 346. Spanish State Papers, 179. Special Remembrance Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 77. Special Service Agents. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 1 and 89. Specification Rolls, 113. See Patents (Inventions). Specifications of Patents. See Scargill-Bird, p. 305. Specimen Pedigree, 12, 13. Spencer, Earl, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Co mmi ssion, 2nd Rep. p. 122. Stafford, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. pt. iv. Stamp Duties, 1694-1786. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 72-269. Stannary Courts. Reports on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 259a; 1837 Rep. p. 225 ; and see Scargill-Bird, pp. 62 and 206. ,, ,, Collections as to, Maynard MSS. (Lincoln's Inn) lxiii. pt. 2. Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 62 and 206. Staple Rolls (as to Statute Staples) [Ewald, 95]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 43. ,, „ Inventory, 27 Edw. III.— 39 Hen. VI. Printed Report, ii. Appendix ii. p. 36. Stapleton's Calendar. See Scargill-Bird, p. 289. Star Chamber, 66, 66 n. ; Notices of the Court of, by J. S. Burn, 8vo. 1870 ; Accounts of Fines, &c; Descriptive Slips, Hen. VIII. — Jas. I.— Record Index, No. 659. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 28 and 190. ,, ,, Office [Sims, 75, 465]. ,, ,, Proceedings of the Court of, Hen. VIII. — Record Index, No. 660. State Papers, &c, 66-76 (Domestic and Foreign), 27, 29 ; (many previously printed, also in Historical MSS. Commission). 246 State Paper Office [Sims, 465]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 35. ,, ,, List of Published. See Letters Missive; Chancery Kecords in Filaciis. * ,, Calendars, 176, and see Scargill-Bird, pp. 306-7. Prisoners in Tower. See Scargill-Bird, p. 323. ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 308. ,, See Tower. Trials, 65, 73. Stationery Office. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.E.O., 1893, 274. Statute Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 43. „ „ [Sims, 148, 149 ; Ewald, 96]. Statutes, Staple, from Chas. I. See 1837 Rep. p. 118a. See Scargill-Bird, p. 309. ,, 69. See Acts of Parliament. Stewart, Capt. of Alltyrodyn, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. pt. 4. Stole, Groom of the, 1547-9. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 72. Stoneyhurst College, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 243 ; 3rd Rep. p. 334 ; 10th Rep. App. iv. Strachey, Sir E., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 395. Strangers. See Aliens and Merchant Strangers, 97. Stratford-on-Avon Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. p. 289. Strathmore, the Earl of, MSS. of, reported oh by Historical MSS. Co m mission, 14th Rep. p. 3. Strickland, W. C, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 5th Rep. p. 329. Subsidy Rolls, 6, 17, 76, 95 [Sims, 45]. ,, ,, Alien, 97. „ „ Lay, 15, 95. ,, ,, (Clerical), 18, 95; Descriptive Slips. — Record Index, No. 684. „ ,, (Clerical and Lay) ; Descriptive Inventory, Hen. III.— Eliz. n „ (Lay) Descriptive Index of, Hen. III. — Wm, and Mary. — Record Index, No. 685. Summonses to Parliament, 113 [Sims, 81, 152, 184-5]. Summons, Writs of Military, 75. Suppression of Monasteries, 20. See Dissolution. „ „ ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 228. Supremacy, Acknowledgment of Royal, 20, 81. Surnames, List of Common English. See 16th Rep., Registrar General. Surrender. Deeds of Abbeys, &c, temp. Dissolution, 20 [Sims, 35]. ,, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 44. Survey, Court of [Sims, 76]. Surveyor of Green Wax Office [Sims, 466]. Surveys, Parliamentary, 70. ,, and Rentals. See Scargill-Bird, p. 310. ,, Various. See Scargill-Bird, p. 310. 247 Sutherland, Duke of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Eep. p. 135. Swainmote Court. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 126-7. Swearing Kolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 232. Sweden. See Denmark. Talbot de Malahide, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 8th Rep. p. 493. Tallies. See Scargill-Bird, p. 269. Tariffs. See Treaties, &c. Taverns and Cookshops (London), temp. Jas. I. — and Chas. I. See Scargill- Bird, p. 29. Taxatio Ecclesiastica (of Pope Nicholas), 18, 77 [Ewald, 98 ; Coles i. 283]. ,, Norwicensis (Innocent IV. in 1253) [Cooper, i. 283]. ,, Ecclesiastica (Nicholas IV., 1291) [id.]. ,, Nova (1318) [id.']. Taxation. See Luke O. Pike's work on, and see Scargill-Bird, p. 315. Taxes. See Land Tax, Subsidies, &c. ; also History of Taxation and Taxes in England (Dowell, Longmans) . Tayleure's Index to the Memoranda, &c, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 205. Teller's Bills. See Scargill-Bird, p. 269. Templars, Knight, 80. ,, Lands (Ed. II.) See Scargill-Bird, p. 213. Temple, Inner and Middle Libraries [Sims, 466-7] Tenants in Capite, 99. Tenths and First Fruits, 77 [Sims, 417, &c], and see List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 275. Tents and Pavilions, 1555-1663. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 73-277. Tenterden, Capt., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 6th Rep. p. 572. "» Term Books (Chancery Registrars), 1639-1869. See Scargill-Bird, p. 159. Terms. Table showing the duration of the Law Terms from the Conquest to Win. IV. [most useful] 28th Rep. p. 114. Terriers, 20 [Sims, 32]. Testa de Nevill, 39 [Sims, 42-3, 97 ; Ewald, 98 ; Cooper, i. 258, 266]. Testament, 103. Thames Conservancy. See Scargill-Bird, p. 23. Thorpe's Exchequer Papers. See Scargill-Bird, p. 276. Throckmorton, Sir N. "W., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 3rd Rep. p. 256 ; 10th Rep. App. iv. Tiles, Encaustic, 24 n. Times, Mr. Palmer is publishing a most valuable Index to the. Tin (Cornwall and Devon). See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 54-56. Tithe Commutation Office, 23. ,, Compositions for, 85. ,, Map, 23. ,, Suits enrolled, 85. Tobacco, Farmers of, Duties, 1632-9. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893. ,, Also see Licenses. 248 Tollemache, John, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 60. Topham's Indexes and Chancery Proceedings, temp. Jas. I., printed ia Genealogist (New Series), Vols, iv., vi., vii., viii., and ix. Topography, The Book of British, by J. P. Anderson, Satchell, 1881, 6n. Gives a list of all printed topographical works in the British Museum. Torrens, W. T. M., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 2nd Rep. p. 99. Totnes Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 341. Tournaments. See Gatfield's Guide to Heraldry, &c, pp. 268-283. „ Rolls [Sims, 13, 83, 203]. Tower of London, Accounts of the Constable of the, Edw. I. — Hen. VI. — Record Index, No. 702. ,, ,, Index to Records of Prisoners in, 30th Rep. p. 313. ,, ,, Other Records, id., 353 [Sims, 467]. ,, ,, Prisoners in, 65. Town Books, 4-15. Towns, 22. Towneley, Colonel, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 406. Townsend, Marquis, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 11th Rep. App. pt. 4. Toyles, Master of the, 1560-1630. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 73, 278. Trade, &c, Petitions as to, from 1542-1761 ; 62 vols, with calendar in three vols, fo., 1819 Rep. p. 363. Transcripts of Parish Registers, 88 ; of Fines, 53 ; of Pipe Rolls, 29. Transport Service, 74-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 74, 279. Treason, Forfeitures for. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 14-15. Treasury (see Exchequer), 97. ,, Records of, 112. ,, Papers, Calendar, 1577-1728, printed.— Record Index, No. 704. ,, Records in P.R.O., consultable to 1759. See Scargill-Bird, p. 90. ,, Solicitors, 1655-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 75-279. Treaties, &c. (England and Foreign Countries), 1vol. MS. See also A garde's Indexes, vol. xliv. — Record Index, No. 706. ,, and Treaty Rolls. See [Sims' Index, 525 ; Ewald, 99]. ,, Various. See 1837 Rep. pp. 12, 14. ,, and Diplomatic MSS., Williamson's Collection of (40 fo. vols.) Hen. VIII.— Chas. II. See 1819 Rep. p. 364. ,, Treaty or Foreign Rolls, from Edw. V., continued irregularly to 19 Chas. II. See 1837 Rep. p. Ill (no indexes). ,, Collection of English (Hertslet), 16 vols., 3 vols, index ; also see Treaties and Tariffs, by Hertslet, 5 vols., 1875-8. ,, and Diplomatic Documents. See Scargill-Bird, p. 323. Trelawny, Sir J. S., Bart., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 50. 249 Trinity House, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 234. Turner, W. H., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 101. Ulnager's Accounts. See Scargill-Bird, 322. Descriptive Slips, Edw. III. — Jas. I. Record Index, No. 708. ,, ,, List of, 20th Rep. p. 135. "Unclaimed Dividends, 3 n. Underwood, C. F., Weston, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 10th Rep. App. i. p. 199. Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. See Scargill-Bird, p. 327. Accounts of the Revenues of the various Colleges in 37 Hen. VIII. (2 fo. vols.) 1837 Rep. p. 209a. ,, ,, ,, ,, Documents at Record Office as to, 20th Rep. p. 136. University Registers [Sims, 390]. Ushaw College, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 91. Vacancy Wills and Vacant See, Search during, 18. Valor Ecclesiasticus, 18, 77 [Cooper, i. 348 ; Sims, 47, 418, 423 ; Ewald, 99]. Valor, Verus, 77. ,, Vetus, 77 n. Vardon's Index to the Journals of Parliament, 69. Vascon Rolls [Sims, 100], and see Gascon Rolls, &c. Vatican MSS., Transcripts of, 71. Venetian Archives, MSS., 71, 179. Verge, Court of [Sims, 61, 73]. Verney, Sir H., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 433. Verus Valor, The, 77. Vetus Codex: or, Black Book of the Tower [Sims, 51 ; Ewald, 100]. See Scargill-Bird, p. 256. Vetus Valor, 77 n. Viagii Rotulus (1-2 Hen. V.) See Scargill-Bird, p. 45. Vicars, 19. Victualling the Navy. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 61-64. Vidler, J. W. C, Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. p. 14. Visitation Books, 20. Visitations, Ecclesiastical [Sims, 32]. ,, Heralds, 7, 132. Volunteers, 1803 — 1817. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 122. Votes of Parliament, 69. Walcot, Rev. John, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Wales (see Welsh) Records of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 328-9. Wales, Records of the Palatinate of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 33. * Wales, Chronicles as to. 250 Wallingford Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 6th Hep. p. 512. War, Indentures of, 74 n. „ Office, 74. See 24th Rep. p. 81. ,, See Army. ., Office Records in P.R.O. (consultable to 1837). See Scargill-Bird, p. 91. "Wardrobe Rolls Book, 4-20 Edw. II., 1837 Rep. pp. 192-3, and see 69. ,, Accounts of the Queen's, in 1608 (?), Cambridge University MSS., D.d. i. 26. „ Roll as to Ordinances of, 17 Edw. II. 2nd Rep. p. 63 ; and see Royal Household Books, &c. [Ewald, 100]. ,, and Household Accounts, Enrolment of, 9 Edw. I. — 52 George III. — Record Index, No. 715. ,, Rolls and Accounts (see Household Books), various. Calendar of, 2nd Rep. p. 199. Various Rolls as to, 1 Edw. I., 1837 Rep. p. 190. Rolls, 1-1 1 Edw. I., id. p. 186a. Books, 1-34 Edw. I., id. p. 192. Accounts, 12-16 Edw. III., id. p. 12. ,, of, 28 Edw. I., published by the Society of Antiquaries, 1787. ,, ,, Books, 17 Edw. II., 2nd Rep. p. 63. ,, and Household Accounts. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 329-336. ,, the Great, 1533-1715. See List and Index df Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O. , 1893, pp. 75-7, 281. , , See Royal. Wards and Liveries, Court of, 100-1 [Sims, 76, 454; Ewald, 100]. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 29, 190. fi , , Accounts. See Scargill-Bird, p. 213. ,, Marriages (Palgrave), 121. ,, Minors. See Scargill-Bird, p. 336. Warrant Books, Calendar of. See 1819 Rep. p. 363. Warranto, Quo, 40. Warren Hastings, Impeachment of. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, p. 214. Wars. See Army Paymasters' Accounts, 1511-1714. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 9-13. Waterford Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. v. ,, Marchioness of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 11th Rep. p. 7. Watson's Roll. See Scargill-Bird, p. 45. Webb, Rev. John, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 7th Rep. p. 681. Wells Cathedral, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iii. ,, Corporation. Id. 1st Rep. p. 106. ,, City, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 350. ,, Dean and Chapter, 1st Rep. p. 93 ; 3rd Rep. p. 351. Vicars Choral of, 3rd Rep. p. 364. 251 "Wells Almshouses, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Rep. p. 638. ,, Bishop's Registry. Id, 1st Rep. p. 92. Welsh (see Wales) Records [Sims, 413] Report on, 17th Rep. pp. 35, 38 ; Cata- logue of, 24th Rep. p. 54. ,, ,, Various Reports on. See 20th Rep. p. 23 ; 25th Rep. p. 32; 26th Rep. p. 16; 27th Rep. p. 96; 28th Rep. p. 6 ; 29th Rep. p. 49 ; 30th Rep. p. 121 ; 31st Rep. p. 169; 36th Rep. p. 1; 37th Rep. pt. 2 ; 39th Rep. pt. 1. See also [Sims' Index, 525; Ewald, 101; Cooper, i. 307; Ayloffe's Calendar of Welsh and Scotch Rolls, 4th, 1774 ; Records of Carnarvon, Rec. Comm. 1 vol.]. ,, Sessions, Reports on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 246. ,, Rolls. See Scargill-Bird, p. 45. ,, and Chester Records. See Scargill-Bird, pp. 178, &c. * TFendover, Roger de, Chronicle {Hewlett). Wenlock Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Rep. App. iv. Western Circuit, Report on Records of, 1800 Rep. p. 242. Westminster Abbey, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 4th Rep. p. 171 ; 1st Rep. p. 94. ,, School, List of Scholars, 10. ,, Marquis of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 3rd Rep. p. 210. Westmoreland, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission 10th Rep. App. iv. West Indies, Customs Account, 1677-1788. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 33-4. ,, Commissioners, id. 285. Weymouth and Melcombe Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 575. "Wharncliffe, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission 3rd Rep. p. 224. Whitgreave, F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission 1st Rep. p. 61. Wilbraham, G. F., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 3rd Rep. p. 292; 4th Rep. p. 416. Williams', Dr., Library, 92 [Sims, 384]. Willis, Mrs., MSS of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 103. •Wills, 6, 104-5-6 [Sims, 343, 349] ; Form of Nuncupative, 142, 160. (See Probate) . ,, Printed, List of some, 105. ,, London, 91, 104. ,, Nuncupative, 91, 104, 160. „ Prerogative Court, Cant., 91. „ Vacancy, 91. ,, Royal and Private. See Scargill-Bird, p. 338. Wilson, Sir Erasmus, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 304. 252 Wilson, M., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 3rd Rep. p. 293. Winchelsea, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Eep. p. 14. Winchester Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 6th Rep. p. 595. Window Tax Accounts, Notes on, 1800 Rep. p. 169. Wines. Account of Wines bought for the King's use, 8 Edw. I., 1837 Rep. p. 189. ,, Account of Exoneration from Import Duty, 1597-8, 1800 Rep. 172a. ,, Licenses, 1566-1756. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 178 and 285. Winnington, Sir T., Bart., MSS of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 1st Rep. p. 53. Winton Domesday, 27 [Sims, 6 ; Cooper, i. 224]. Wodehouse, E. R., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 14th Rep. App. iv. Women, Married, Acknowledgments by. Index in Long Room, and see Acknowledgments Official Room. Wood (see Forest), Accounts of Sales of, temp. Hen. VIII. to Edw. VI., 1837 Rep. 13a. Woodchester, Monastery of Dominican Friars, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 146. Woodford, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9 pt. 2nd Rep. p. 493. Woodmote Court or Court of Attachments. See Scargill-Bird, p. 125. Woods, Accounts of Sale of. See Scargill-Bird, p. 213. Wools, Documents relating to, Descriptive Slips, Edw. III. — Record Index, No. 725. ,, Subsidies. See Scargill-Bird, p. 322. Worcester, St. Andrew's, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 8th Rep. p. 638. Worcester, Dean and Chapter of. Id. 14th Rep. App. viii. Works and Buildings (Royal), 1538-1715. See List and Index of Declared Accounts from Pipe and Audit Office, P.R.O., 1893, pp. 81, 286. „ ,, ,, See Scargill-Bird, p. 339. Writs of Election, Parliamentary, 113 [Cooper, i. 323]. Wrottesley, Lord, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 2nd Rep. p. 46. Wyclif. Netter's Fasciculi Zizaniorwn Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico (Shirley). Wycombe, High Borough of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 5th Rep. p. 554. Wykeham-Martin, P., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 6th Rep. p. 465. Wynne, W. W. E., Esq., MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 2nd Rep. p. 103. Yarmouth, Gt., Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Com- mission, 9th Rep. p. 299. Year Books [Sims, 322 ; Cooper, ii. 391-9. •253 * Tear Books of Edw. I. and Ediv. III. {Rarivood and PiJce). York Corporation, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 108. ,, Dean and Chapter. Id. 1st Rep. p. 97. ,, Merchants' Adventurer. Id. 1st Rep. p. 110. Yorkshire, N. and "W. Riding, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 9th Rep. pp. 324-9. ,, Philosophical Society, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 110. „ Register Office, 44 [Sims, 37]. Zetland, Earl of, MSS. of, reported on by Historical MSS. Commission, 1st Rep. p. 44. RECORDS AND RECORD SEARCHING. PRESS REVIEWS. 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