31^19001 QDIiO^: VISIBLE SPEECH: THE SCIENCE OF OIOISIVQIOO ICOGlGiaiOQ; UNIVERSAL ALPHABETICS; OR SELF-INTERPRETING PHYSIOLOGICAL LETTERS, FOR TFIE WRITING OK ALL LANGUAGES IN ONE ALPHABET. IM.nsTRATI-.l) HY TABLES. DIAGRAMS. AND EXAMPLES. 1!V ALEX. MELVILLE BELL, F.E.LS, F.R.S.S.A., P11C1KE.SS011 OF Vocal Physiology, Lecturer on Elocution in University College, London, Author of 'Principles op Speech and Cure of Stammering,' 'Elocutionary :\1anual,' Standard Elocutionist,' 'Emphasized Liturgy,' 'Rei'orter's Manual,' Breath Director. 16 c Tongue Director. 1 7 • Stopper. 18 I Divider. 19 \ Vibrator. 20 \ Holder, or Long. 2 1 t Abrupt. 22 ' Hiatu.s. 23 o Link. 24 ' Accent. 26 27 28 ' J r Modulators. » Of these Symbols the Ten marked » make up all the Vowel and Consonant Letters, as shown in the next Table. 36 THE TEN RADICAL SYMBOLS, From which all Vowel and Consonant Letters are formed. I- 2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9- 10. I I I I I • I " I I c I C I ^ I I It I examples of letter-combinations. Letters. Letters. 1 3 &c., combining i and 3 1 3 &c., 1 } &c., 1 J &c., 5 % e I I G I ' ' 4- 2 ' ' 3- 2 ' ' 4- 5 ' ' I. 5 ' ' 10. I • ' 6. 2 ' ' 6. 6 ' ' 8. e combining 6, 8, and i. a 6 and 9. G 6, 9, and i. a 6, 9, and 10. e 6, 9, 10, and i 8 7 and I. c 7 and 8. e 7, 8, and i. Complete Alphabet of Types, capitals. Co7isonants.— \(> in number. lOlOIClGlGIC aiGi ixieicieieiB gigi Vowels.— 20 in number. 1 1 1 T 1 I 1 3 1 11 1 1 I 1 £ 1 3 IX 1 W i 1 f UU 11 i II f 1 J ^l Lower Case' Letters (not employed in this Work.) Consonants y {28 in number.) [Narrower and smaller letters of the same shapes as the Capitals.] glides, (7 in number.) mis !n?uui Vowels, (20 in number.) [Letters of the same shapes as the Capitals, but ascending or de- cending beyond the Consonants.] modifiers. (14 in number.) n m ? I n n A I M i I c I > I •> I > I ■ I o tones. — (4 in number.) |-|-r r I All the Types arc reversible, to show kindred sounds of different organic formation. The Letters are to be learned by their names independently of sounds. The names of the Letters describe the organic positions which /;W/^a' the sounds. The following Table shows the name of each letter : — 37 COiMPLETE TABLE OF LETTERS,— WITH TIIITR NAMES. Consonants. Voivds. Aspirate, Throat, Throat Voice, Back, Back Voice, Front, Front Voice, Point, Point Voice, Lip, Lip Voice, o X e c C C C a Q c ^ 8 B G G| o Q CO ^ Q Q ! o ^ CO ^2 O Qj o ^ CO 2^ D O Q ti5 CO 03 Q 05 D 3 ^ D O 3 3 3 e j G 8 s i;^? 3 a^ High, T Mid, 3 I Low, J I High Round, 1 I Mid Round, 1 ^ i Low Round, J i ' Glides 1 e 1 1 .° -^ 1 1 1 1 <|I II5I n M M 21 ?u ^1 Nasal. \ Nasal Mixed. \ Inner. c Outer. Close. Open. < Modifiers and Tones Trilled. <• Suction Stopped. t Abrupt. - Level Tone. Divided. ?> Emission Stopped. • Hiatus. / Rising Tone. Inverted. [To Back.] Protruded. [To Lip.] Stopped. o Link. Accent. Emphasis. r Whistle. Voiced Whistle. High Key. V A Falling Tone Compound R Compound I Suction. 1 Holder. J Low Key. — Order of Nomenclature. Consonants : — Organ, first ; ' Voice' last. Thus : Back C ; Back-mixed, voice g ; Fror divided, voice CO ; Front-mixed-divided, voice f^ ; Point-shut Xj ; Lip-shut, voice \ Point-nasal O ; &c. Vowels :— Elevation, first; 'Round' last. Thus: High-back 1 ; Mid-back, wide ] ; Lo' mixed X ; High-front, Round { ; Mid-mixcd-widc, Round \ ; &c. Glides: — 'Glide' last. Thus: I'reath-glide > ; Voice-glide, I; Lip Round-glide \\ &c 38 DIAGRAMS SHOWING THE RELATION OF THE PRIMARY ORGANIC SYMBOLS TO THE ORGANS. CONSONANTS. X Glottis closed, (catch.) I " narrow, (voice.) O " open, (aspirate.) Super* Glottal Passage contracted, (whisper.) ( Soft Palate depressed, (nasal.) C Back of Tongue, (con- tracting oral passage.) O Front of do. ( do. ) O Point of do. ( do. ) O Lips, ( do. ) VOWELS. I Back of Tongue high. I Back and Front do. do. X Front do. do. [The dotted lines show the 'high, ' mid,' and ' low' positions of the tongue, as subsequently explained.] 39 Modifying. EXPLANATORY TABLE OF SYMBOLS FOR CONSONANTS AND GLIDES. Cofisonants. Throat-passage contracted. Back of tongue contracting mouth-passage. '* dividing " " closing " Breath. c G a Q O CO Q O O CO D O D 3 D O c Q 13 D C 5 I I I I y 2 C 8 a G o CO Q en Ci) 00 Q (D 3 8 G 9 B 03 Front of tongue contracting " dividing " closing Point of tongue contracting " dividing " closing with nasal emission. with nasal emission. with nasal emission. Lips contracting mouth-passage. " dividing " " closing " " " " with nasal emission. Back position (C) modified by partial efiect of Q Front - (O) " " O Point " (O) " " O Lip " (O) " " C Divided emission with the oi-gans in the position (^ Glides, or Transitional Scmi-Yowds. Partial effect of $ with vowel quality predominating. O 3 3 Modifiers. \ Inner position.) Applicable to any \ Outer " jof the Consonants. c Inverted. ^Applicable to Point 3 Protruded.) Consonants. 40 EXPLANATORY TABLE OF SYMBOLS FOR VOWEL CONFIGURATIONS. Explanation. r. 2. 3- Primary. Wide. (1 1 1 3 3 J J ) Back of tongue(2) high and retracted. retracted at a middle elevation. low and retracted. 4- 5- 6. Back and front(3) of tongue high. ' at a middle elevation. ' low. 7- 8. 9- Front of tongue(^) high and advanced. advanced at a middle elevation. low and advanced. 10. II. 12. No. I, rounded, (lip aperture narrow.) " 2, " ( " mid. ) " 3. " ( " broad. ) 13- 14. 15- " 4, " 5, " 6, " narrow.) " mid. ) " broad. ) 16. 18. " 7. " narrow.) " mid. ) " broad. ) MODIFIERS. i S \ Applicable tc Nasalized. " and gutturalized. Long. ? all Vowels t Abrupt. • Stopped in the throat. ' Accented. (1.) The 'Primary' and the 'Wide' Vowels have the same oral configurations; but for the 'Wide' sounds, tlie voice cliannel from the throat to the configurative aperture is expanded. (2.) For ' Back ' Vowels, the back of the tongue forms a narrow aperture with the soft palate, or (for tlie 'low-back') with the pharynx. (3.) For ' Mixed ' Vowels, the back and flie front of the tongue both modify the voice-channel : the back of the tongue does not descend below its ' mid ' position for the lowest of the ' Mixed ' series. (4.) For ' Front' Vowels, the front of the tongue forms a narrow aperture between it and the roof of the mouth— a free passage being left between the back of tlie tongue and the soft palate. From the ' low-back ' to the ' high-front' position, the configurative aperture progressively advances, by the nine stages JIlIlTTrf, as illustrated in a subsequent Diagram. 41 TABLE SHOWING THE MUTUAL RELATIONS OF SYMBOLS AND SOUNDS, By which, afeio Sounds being hioion, other Sounds may he deduced from, their Symbols. Consonants and Glides. As Q is to O so are Q to Q, Q to O, ^ to S^, Q to 3, Q to O, &c. 05 " Q " e " a, CQ " O, and B to Q. Q " (i) " G " C, CD " O, D to 3, &c. GO " Q " 8 " G, CO " CD, 3 " G, &c. CO " o " e " e, CO " o, q " o, t5 to ^, ^ to q, &c. ^ " Q " ^ " (0, ^ " O, ST3 " CO, &c. o " « " 3 " 2, e " ?, o " y, e to 5. &c. Vowels. As I is to I so are I to t, 3 to ], 1 to }, J to }, &c. " L " I " 1 " J, I " I, 1 " h 1 " i, &c. " 1 " I ' 3 " C, J " L J " h &c. " } " 3 " f " L J " J, -E " C- &c. " X " II " I " 3C, I " JL T " 11, &c. The relations of the Vowels are fully exhibited in the following arrangement.'- A B C D IJ 4J 7| IJ 4J 7j; IJ 4J 7£ Ij 4j 7f 23 5| 8|; 23 5^ 8J. 2J 6^ 8^ 2J 5^ 8^ •'I n n '] 'I n ^j "i ^t '^j "i 'i As Class B is to Class A, so is Class D to Class C. C " A, " D " B. As are the Numbers, so are the Sounds in each Class. Thus : Vertical Relation. Horizontal Relation. 2 is intermediate to i and 3, 4 is intermediate to i and 7. 5 " 4 " 6. 5 " 2 " 8. 8 " 7 " 9- 6 " 3 " 9. Diagonal Relation. 5 is intermediate to i and 9. 5 ;; 3 " 7- * The practical application of these Relations in le.nning foreign sounds is shown in a subscqnent section. THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS, EXERCISES, &.C, A 45 THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS AND EXERCISES. The preceding Tables and Diagrams are intended to convey a general knowledge of the principle of ' Visible Speech,' for the benefit of cursory Readers. In explaining the Symbols in detail, we take first those which represent the elements of Interjectional or Inarticulate utterance. Symbols. I. o 2. I 3- RUDIMENTAL SYMBOLS. Explanation. Kames. Aspirate. Emission of breath with the throat wide (H.) Voice. The glottis narrow and sounding. (Vowel.) Throat. Emission of breath with the throat contracted, (whisper.) Throat- Voice. Emission of voice with the throat contracted, (hoarse murmur.) Catch. The glottis closed [and opened,] (a cough.) Nasal. The nasal valve open. Nasal-Mixed. The nasal valve open and the throat contracted. Trill. Vibration of the organ symbolized. Close. Organic closeness or upward pressure, causing per- cussive emission. Open. Organic openness with softness of emission. Suction. Inward action of the air. Breath-Glide. Transitional emission of breath from the symbolized configuration. Stop. A stop in the symbolized configuration, with cessa- tion of the impulse of utterance. (An unfinished element.) Hiatus. The preceding element finished independently of the following. Abrupt. Shorter than ordinary * short quantity.' Longor 'Holder.' The symbolized configuration 'held,' with the im- pulse of utterance continued. (Long 'quantity.') Accent. Impulse on the succeeding element or syllable. The numbers attached to the Symbols are merely for convenience of reference to the subsequent explanatory paragraphs. The natural order of the S)'mbols is shown in the Alphabetic Tables, page IJ. 46 THE ORGANIC RELATIONS OF THE RUDIMENTAL SYMBOLS. The brief explanations of the Symbols given in the preceding Table are supplemented by the following more complete descriptions, which explain the rationale of the symbolization. The latter should be thoroughly understood by those who study the Science of Universal Alphabetics for the purpose of teaching, or with the view of symbolizing languages at hearing. Syiubots. 1. O When the glottis and the super-glottal passage are perfectly open, the breath creates no sound in its emission. A moderate degree of expulsiveness to render the ' aspiration' audible is implied in O- The symbol is pictorial of the expanded breath-channel in the throat. 2. I When the glottis is contracted to a narrow chink, the breath in passing sets the edges of the orifice — the 'vocal ligaments' — in vibra- tion, and creates sonorous 'voice.' This vocalizing condition of the glottis is pictured in the Symbol 3. When the glottis is open and the super-glottal passage is contracted, the breath creates in the latter the non-sonorous rustling or friction which is called 'whisper.' The relative expansion of the throat- channel for O and is pictured in the Symbols. The organic effect of will be understood by whispering a ' voiced- consonant,' such as Y. The result is clearly different from the sound of the non-vocal consonant of corresponding oral formation (F.) For the former, the fricativeness of the breath is audible from the throat, through the oral configuration ; for the latter, the breath-friction is audible only from the lip. 4. The symbol is a compound of Q and I, and denotes whisper and voice heard simultaneously ; — a vocal murmur modified by breath- friction in the super-glottal passage. 5. X Symbol X pictures the conjoined edges of the glottis, and denotes the 'catch' of the breath which is heard (with violence of percussion) in a cough. The linguistic effect of X is softer, but distinctly percus- sive, when an aspiration or a vocal sound follows the ' catch.' 47 Symbols. 6. ( The passage of the nostrils is governed by the soft palate, which acts the part of a valve. When there is no nasal emission, the upper surface of the soft palate presses against the inner end of the nostrils. See Diagram, page 13. Symbol (, — which is pictorial of the pendu- lous palate or its narrow prolongation, the uvula,— denotes that the soft palate is depressed, so that the breath passes into the nostrils as well as into the mouth. 7. f Symbol J is a compound of ) and 0, and denotes guttural contrac- tion with nasality, as heard in the French sounds /;/, on, &c. In these elements there is a gliding semi-consonant effect in the throat as well as nasal modification. 8. \ S}'mbol \ denotes a loose vibration or quiver of the organ to which the symbol applies. Thus the tongue vibrates against the front of the palate in forming the Scotch or Spanish R ; the uvula vibrates against the back of the tongue in producing the French R ' grasseye,' or the Northumbrian ' burr ;' the lateral edges of the tongue vibrate in forming a close variety of L ; the lips vibrate when they are relaxed and closely approximated ; and in the same way the edges of the throat-passage vibrate, with a 'growling' effect, when the current of breath is intercepted by sufficiently close but loose approximation. Symbol \ thus refers to the element after which it is written ; as : O \ a flutter of the breath. I ^ a quiver of the voice. \ throat vibration : — a 'gruff' whisper. 9 \ hoarse vibratory murmur : — ' growding.' 9. \ Symbols j^ and Y, by themselves, refer to the aperture of the mouth 10. Y as affected by the close (J^) or open (Y) position of the jaws. Following other Symbols, J^ denotes configurative compression, with consequent percussion on leaving the configuration ; and Y denotes configurative openness or organic laxity. Thus : OA An exhaustive aspiration from upward pressure of the dia- phragm ; — a wheeze. 48 As. OY A gentle inaudible aspiration. XA Glottal closure with distension of the larynx from pressure on the confined breath, and percussive emission on opening the passage ; — a cough. < Whisper or voice may be produced by air going inwards (<) or by > breath coming out (>). All symbols except < and • imply emission. Symbol > is used to denote a transitional emission from the symbolized configuration in passing from one position to another. The effect is different from the throat-aspiration, Q. Thus, from the ' shut' position of the glottis (X) we may either open sharply upon an utterance of voice (XI) or we may ease off the pressure of the ' catch' by interpola- ting a 'breath-glide' (X>I)- Symbol • signifies that the organic separation or recoil from any symbolized position — which is always implied in final elements when the ' stop ' is not written — does not take place. Thus X* is an unfinished ' catch,' in forming which the impulse ceases with the closure of the glottis. The effect of organic ' stop ' is implied between elements in verbal combinations, such as tl in outlaw, td in outdo, &c. ; where, necessarily, the / is not finished by organic recoil, as it would be at the end of a word. In these cases, of course, the ' stop ' does not require to be written. The interruption of the throat-passage represented by X- is one of the principal sources of difficulty in stammering. i In verbal combinations of elementary sound, each element is insep- arably joined to the succeeding one. When any element, except the last in a combination, is finished independently of what follows, the sign of 'hiatus' (*) is used. Thus in analysing or phonetically 'spelling' a syllable, we should say that OI consists of the elements O'l — interposing a break. The effect of > will be understood by pronouncing the word 'bedtime,' in which the d and t are not dis- joined, in contrast with the separate pronunciation of the two words ' bed, time' Symbol > is an aspirated hiatus ; Symbol ^ is non- aspirated — a mere interval. 49 SjTubols. 15. c Symbol t denotes a very 'abrupt' utterance, shorter than ordinary ' short quantity.' The latter is implied in all symbols where no sign of quantity is written. 16. I The sign of ' long quantity ' or ' holder,' is of obvious application to sounds ; but it applies also to organic configurations which yield no sound, as to XI) where it denotes an interval of silence, from the con- tinued closure of the glottis. The Symbol | shows that the preceding configuration, of whatever nature, is simply ' held ' for a moment. Extra prolongation may be denoted by }|. 17. ' The sign of 'accent' ox stress distinguishes the syllable in a word, or the element in a combination, which receives the principal impulse. The mark is placed on the left side, or before the accented syllable. The learner may usefully familiarize himself with the preceding rudimcntal Symbols, by pronouncing them in expressive combinations, before proceeding to the more definite elements of Articulate Speech. When the breath, or the voice, is moulded by precise dispositions of the. parts of the mouth, ' Vowels ' and ' Consonants ' are formed ; but at present let the Reader conceive only of a simple ' aspiration,' and a simple utterance of ' voice,' unaffected by any definite arrangement of the mouth, as represented by the Symbols Q ^i^d L The Alphabetic Writing of such effects as those in the following Illustra- tions is at least a novelty, and it will no doubt be a sufficiently amusing one. But there is also a practical utility involved in the mastery of these rudimentary processes ; namely, in preparing the learner for the more important applications that follow, and in giving him some command over the organs of utterance. Such exercises will effectually obviate the difficulty in apprehending pure sounds irrespectively of letters and verbal associations, which generally perplexes beginners in their first attempts at speech-analysis. The Reader may probably observe that many of the following combinations might communicate other sentiments, &c., when pronounced with different Tones or vocal Inflexions. But in the meantime, this prime element of Inar- ticulate Expressiveness is left out of consideration. In a subsequent section the effect of the Inflexions of the Voice is separately treated of 50 EXERCISES ON THE RUDIMENTAL SYMBOLS, FORMING INTERJECTIONAL OR INARTICULATE UTTERANCES. OY< OYi o\< o\ o< O 0\\< OH 01l< Oil Ol01 o< xou 01< 01 Oil< oil Oil< OiU silent respiration, sighing panting fluttering semi-nasal uneasy- painful groaning guttural naso-guttural stertorous " Voice/ess, vvv Ol<>OOI a sigh. 'OO OO a sneer. OY< OOIO a yawn. XOI O l< 'OX' a sneeze checkd. XAO 0acough. disgust. X*0^ ahem, a gasp. X?5 a grunt, shuddering. X?U growling, sobbing. XAOU clearing the throat. I a murmur of observation. II a drowsy murmur. 15 a murmur of disapprobation n lA lO IX Ti r'l 'lOlI lO'Il sympatny. suffering. relief. 1 1 threatening. regret. surprise. disgust. weariness. triumph. IX A- a violent effort. IX'Il a baby's scolding. I ocal. h a pang. l\ a moan. I< a start. IXA'I?^ a loud hem. rXAIOlIacough. 1 I«Iil IK braying. nil lowing. 01 a murmur of disappointment. Oil " ridicule. 'OIOI '' vexation. OI'OI " decision. OKI " weariness. Ol? " annoyance. OIX' " discovery. OrXnt ahem, XL a pang. XYIl acute pain, XI H apprehension of pain. XII a grumble. Xin a growl. X ' I a soft hem. Xl^ a sudden start. XAI'OI a cough. XAIO 1 lawheezingcough. XOU clearihg the voice. XiyU clearing the throat and nose. 51 CONSONANTS. A Consonant is an action of some part of the throat or the mouth, yielding an effect of friction or percussion from the squeezing-, dividing, or stopping of the breath. All Consonants may be considered as consisting of tivo parts : I. a configurative position of the organs ; and, II. an action of recoil, or of transition to the position for a succeeding element. These are, however, inseparable parts of ordinary Consonants. When the configuration is more than merely transitional, and is ' held ' for a perceptible time, the effect is separately indicated. All the Consonant Symbols are derived from the ' stem ' Q, which, according to the direction in which the curve is turned, represents the Back, the Front, or the Point of the Tongue, or the Lips. In each case the Symbol denotes the same kind of fricative or sibilant emission of breath through a centre-aperture formed between the closely approximated organs. The outline of the Organic Curve is indented or ' divided ' (Q) to show emission by side-apertures, — of course with centre-stoppage ; — and the points of the Primary Curve are suggestively closed by a straight line (Q) to denote com- plete stoppage of the breath by the organic configuration. The sign of nasality (I) joined to the Shut-Consonant symbol (Q) shows oral stoppage with nasal emission. The Organic Curves of opposite formation are united in the symbols G Q, &c. ( = CoO, OoO, &c.) to show the simultaneous action of the two parts of the mouth denoted by the component Curves. The symbol of Voice (I) is incorporated with each of the ' Primary,' * Divided,' ' Shut,' or ' Nasal ' Letters, to denote the addition of vocal murmur to the consonant action. All the above varieties will be explained in detail, but the Reader will from this sketch of the Consonant Alphabet, understand the Mono-symbolic plan on which it is constructed. The following Table exhibits the Primary Organic Symbols, and the Diagrams which follow explain the relation of each Letter to the Organic Configuration which produces its sound. 52 SjTubols. >'auies. C Back. O O o Front Point. Lip. TABLE OF ORGANIC SYMBOLS. Explanation. The Back of the Tongue contracting the oral passage between it and the soft palate. The Front of the Tongue contracting the oral passage between it and the roof of the mouth. The Point of the Tongue contracting the oral passage between it and the upper gum. The Lower Lip contracting the passage between it and the upper lip, while the tongue lies in a neutral ' natural ' position. (^ Back-Mixed. The oral passage contracted by the Back of the Tongue and the Lips, at the same time. Q Front-Mixed. The Front and the Point of the Tongue both raised, so as to bring the convex surface of the tongue close to the front of the palatal arch and the point of the tongue, at the same time, close to the upper gum. ^ Point-Mixed. The Point and the Front of the Tongue both raised — the latter in a less degree than for Symbol 6, — bringing the front surface of the tongue near the rim of the palatal arch. ^ Lip-Mixed. The Lower Lip and the Back of the Tongue— the latter in a less degree than for Symbol 5, — contracting the oral passage at the same time. 9- \ Inner. 10. \ Outer. 1 1. c Inverted. 12. Protruded. Modifiers. The symbolized action farther back. The symbolized action farther forward. The Tongue inverted towards the Back of the mouth. The Tongue protruded towards the Lips. 53 DIAGRAM OF THE CONSONANT ORGANIC POSITIONS. The centre dotted line, in each of the following Diagrams, shows the position of the organs in forming the unmodified Consonants. The positions for the ' inner' ({) and ' outer' (|) varieties are indicated by the other dotted lines. L5 54 DESCRIPTION OF THE 'INNER' AND 'OUTER' VARIETIES OF EACH OF THE PRIMARY CONSONANTS. The Back of the Tongue depressed below the soft palate forms a sibilation or friction of the breath between the parynx and the tongue. C } The Back of the Tongue raised to the top of the soft palate, with L sibilation. f 0{ The Front of the Tongue curved downwards as for 0» forms a I sibilation between the highest part of the convex organ and the 2. { ' inner' or posterior part of the roof of the mouth. j Oi The convex tongue directed forzvard at the top of the palatal I arch, with sibilation. [ O \ The Point of the Tongue turned within the palatal arch forms a sibilation between the under surface of the tongue and the front ,' wall of the palate. I 0\ The Point of the Tongue directed forward towards the teeth — I without centre-contact — forms a sibilation between the tip of the ■^' I tongue and the teeth. I Qc The Tongue inverted, forms a sibilant aperture between its point 1 and the back of the palate. (Jo The Point of the Tongue protruded, forms a sibilant aperture [ between it and the upper lip. [ Q \ The Lower Lip forms a sibilant aperture between its inner surface 1 and the upper teeth. I O I The Upper Lip drawn downwards forms a sibilant aperture [ between its centre and the lower teeth. [ (^\ In forming these 'inner' and 'outer' varieties of C the tongue I {^\ takes the same positions as for the corresponding varieties of C, but I for the latter the lips are spread, while for the former a partial effect L of O modifies the ' Back ' sibilation. f Q \ The same configuration of the tongue as for Q, but with the I QJ point of the tongue drawn back to the edge of the palatal arch, pro- I duces the ' inner,' and with the tongue advanced towards the teeth, L produces the ' outer ' variety. f ^ { The same configuration of the tongue as for U, but with the point I ^y of the tongue drawn back within the palatal arch, forms the 'inner,' and with the tongue advanced towards the teeth, forms the 'outer' variety. / 55 J3 i In forming the ' inner' and 'outer' varieties of ^, the h'ps take ^ \ the same positions as for the corresponding varieties of symbol Q ; but for the latter the tongue lies in a neutral position, while for the former, a partial effect of C modifies the lip sibilation. j[ The sign of ' closeness' {\) applied to any of the preceding con- sonants denotes a narrower aperture, with increased sharpness of sibilation and percussiveness on leaving the configuration ; and the Y sign of 'openness' (Y) denotes a widened aperture with consequent dulness of sibilation and lessened percussion. Thus in forming O with ' closeness,' a mere thread of breath issues through the narrow crevice between the lips — as in blowing to coo^ ; and in forming 0Y> the breath flows through the wide orifice with the effect of a si£-/i on the lips. The latter effect is interjectionally expressive of faintncss, or want of air. ( The sign of ' nasality ' applied to any of the preceding conson- ants, shows that the breath flows through the nose as well as through the symbolized configuration. The effect is to dull the oral sibilation, and to deprive the transitional action of percussiveness. \ The sign of ' trill ' applied to C or to CS, denotes a vibration of the uvula ; applied to Q, it denotes a vibration of the point of the tongue ; and applied to Q or to ^, it denotes a vibration of the /z/j. The symbolic curves introduced in this section have the same organic value in all cases. They undergo modifications to express the ' mechanical varieties ' of consonants, as shown in the following Tabic •- 56 rABLE OF THE MECHANICAL VARIETIES OF CONSONANTS. AH consonants belong to one of the four mechanical classes represented by- he symbols C G Q Q 5 ^rid the direction in which the curve is turned uniformly lenotes the organic formation of the consonant. Thus : — Symbols. Names. C O O O Organic Name, (Back, Front, Point, Lip.) ,1 G COCO 3 GOOD \. a Q a D and ' Mixed.' Divided.' Mixed Divided.' Nasal.' Shut' Explanation. Organic aperture contracted to a centre chink. Organic aperture divided by a centre check. Mouth passage shut and nasal passage open. Oral & nasal pas- sages both shut. Modifiers applicable to 'Shut' Consonants. Symbols. Names. 5. ?> Emission stopper. 5. < Suction stopper. 7. H Side opener. 8. \ Nasal opener. Explanation. Organic separation without emission. Suction and organic separation without inhalation. Lateral or 'divided ' termination instead of organic recoil. Nasal termination instead of organic recoil. The following Diagrams exhibit the relation of the mechanical varieties of Consonants to their Symbols. Each clement may take all the affections of ' inner,' ' outer,' ' close,' &c The numbers refer to the descriptive paragraphs which follow the Diagrams. 57 DIAGRAMS OF THE MECHANICAL VARIETIES OF CONSONANTS. Divided Consonants. When the organs arc so placed as to check the breath at the middle of the oral channel, and allow of its emission through interstices at the sides of the obstruction, the breath issues with a comparatively- dull hissing or 'lisping' effect; and the subsequent removal of the centre obstruction is attended with a slightly percussive flap, which is the essential characteristic of the class of ' Divided ' Consonants. All the organic positions which have been described as forming Centre- aperture or 'Primary' Consonants, yield also Side-aperture or 'Divided' formations. The mutual relations of the ' Primary ' and the ' Divided ' Consonants, and the position of the Centre-check for the latter, will be understood from the following Diagrams : — Primary, or Centre-Aperture Consonants. Back. Front. Front Mixed. Point Mixed. Point. Lip. Back. Divided, or Side-Aperture Consonants. Front. Front, Point. Point. Mixed. Mixed. Lip. The 'Shut' and the 'Nasal' Consonants do not require additional illus- tration. The oral passage is, for both classes of elements, uniformly closed by the symbolized organic position. [See page 63.] 58 DESCRIPTION OF MECHANICAL VARIETIES OF CONSONANTS [The numbers refer to the Table, page 56.] 1. Primary Consonants. — The elements of this class have been already de- scribed in detail. [See preceding Section.] 2. Divided Consonants. Symbols. Q The ' Back-divided ' Consonant has its centre check at the uvula. The whole length of the tongue is compressed at the sides ; and there is gene- rally a further centre-contact by the forepart of the tongue on the upper gum ; but the ' divided ' aperture commences at the root of the tongue, and gives the peculiar guttural quality which characterises this element. This is perhaps the most difficult of all articulations to unpractised organs. The easier C°0 's often substituted for Q, and the difference in effect is very slight. ^ This is the same formation as the preceding, with modification by a contracted lip aperture. CO The ' Front-divided ' Consonant has its side apertures within the palatal arch, the centre-check being given by the convex front of the tongue touch- ing the front wall of the palate. g*2 The ' Front-mixed Divided ' Consonant has its centre check at the tij) of the Tongue, and its apertures between the edges of the flattened point and the teeth or the upper gum ;— the front of the tongue having consi- derable convexity within the arch of the palate. Q The ' Point-Divided ' Consonant has its apertures over the sides of the middle of the tongue— the point being in contact with the upper gum ; the front surface of the tongue is flattened or slightly concave, so that the apertures are large and productive of but little friction or sibilation. From this circumstance, the ' Point-divided ' Consonant — which is always vocal in English — has received the name of a ' semi-vowel.' The articulative recoil, by removal of the centre-check, however, gives this element a distinct con- sonant quality. It is possible to pronounce words intelligibly — though, of course, with a peculiarity — while the point of the tongue is held in contact with the palate. This singular mode of utterance was at one time prescribed as the secret of a vaunted method for the cure of staimncring. The 'cure' was, certainly, not much better than the disease. 59 Syiiiljols, Z^ The ' point-mixed divided ' Consonant has the apertures of CO narrowed b}' convexity of the front of the tongue, and the breath is in consequence strongly sibilant. Q The ' lip-divided Consonant is formed by placing the centre of the lower lip on the edges of the upper teeth, while the breath hisses through the interstices between the teeth, or between the teeth and the lip. A similar effect of ' divided ' formation results from placing the lower on the upper lip, instead of the teeth, and directing the breath over the corners of the lips. This peculiarity would be represented by the modifier (o) (' to lip ') after the ' lip-divided ' symbol ( 3^)- ^ In forming 3 the tongue lies in a neutral position, and the friction of the breath is heard only on the lip. For the ' lip-mixed divided' Consonant (c3)» t^G back of the tongue is retracted, and a partial effect of C niodifies the labial hiss. INNER AND OUTER VARIETIES OF DIVIDED CONSONANTS. The 'inner' and 'outer' formations of the 'divided' Consonants yield less distinctive sounds than those of the Primary or Centre-aperture class. The 'point-divided' Consonant (CO) is, however, susceptible of all varieties, ' inner,' * outer,' ' inverted,' ' protruded,' &c. ; and the characteristic sound of £^ may be produced with the tip of the tongue planted on any part of the palate. The ' lip-divided ' Consonant ( 3 ) has its ' inner ' formation when the inner surface, instead of the edge of the lip, is brought in contact with the teeth; and its 'outer' formation when the upper lip is drawn down to meet the lower teeth. UNI-LATERAL FORMATIONS. When the breath issues by only one side aperture in forming any * divided ' consonant, the modifier H cut in half ( H ) furnishes an appropriate symbol for the peculiarity. NASAL CONSONANTS. When the organs completely close the passage of the mouth at any point, and the nasal valve is open, the breath issues through the nostrils with a very slight effect of friction. The necessary separation of the oral The * shut ' consonants are susceptible of all the modifications expressed 60 organs to form any subsequent vowel gives the audibility of oral eftect which is essential to a consonant. A ' primary' or a 'divided' consonant modified by nasal emission is said to be * nasalized.' A ' shut ' consonant becomes a pure ' nasal,' and is altogether changed in character by the opening of an oral channel for the breath. The organic formation of the pure ' nasals ' corresponds in all respects to that of the ' shut ' consonants. The number of the elements of these two classes is consequently the same. The mere closing of the nasal valve con- verts the ' nasal ' O into the ' shut ' O, O into Q, &c., without any action of the lips or the tongue. The English ' Nasals ' are always vocal ; [see ' Voiced Consonants '] and when the nostrils are normally free, the purity of the voice is so little affected by consonant ' fricativeness,' that these beautifully sonorous elements have been comm.only, though improperly, called semi-vowels. They may rather, while the oral passage remains shut, be considered as nasal vowels ; and they are often used by themselves as syllables when their con- figurations are momentarily ' held.' But in transitional formation the ' Nasals ' are true consonants. It is quite possible, after a little practice, to utter words entirely through the nose, while the lips remain closed. The effect is of course very peculiar, and in many cases scarcely intelligible. But the motions of the tongue can be heard, and ears accustomed to this supremely lazy kind of articulation, can generally distinguish vernacular phrases ^\■ith but little difficulty. SHUT CONSONANTS. When the organs completely close the passage of the throat or the mouth at any point, and the nasal valve is also shut, there is, of course, no emission until the separation of the organs ; but the removal either of the oral or the nasal check is attended with a degree of percussiveness proportioned to the pressure on the confined breath during the organic contact. The lowest, or most posterior 'shut consonant' is X, which represents a percussion from Xho. glottis. There can be no ' inner ' variety of the 'catch;' but an 'outer' formation, or closure of the super-glottal passage (XJ). yields a distinct percussion, which is very common in Chinese and in many other languages. The closure is effected by depression of the epi-glottis, as in the act of swallowitig. These ' throat-shut ' consonants can have no nasal corre- spondents. 61 When a ' shut ' consonant precedes the ' nasal ' one of the same organic formation, the oral organs are not disjoined, but the nasal valve is simply- opened ; as in //// (DO) and dn (QG3) i'l the words chapman, midnight, &c. The independent completion of the ' shut ' consonant in such cases would be inconsistent with the law of coalescence, which requires all the elements of a word to be joined together without hiatus. The nasal termination of a final 'shut' consonant is a peculiarity which would be symbolized by subjoining the nasal sign to the consonant. Thus the 'lip-shut' symbol (Q) shows the complete stoppage of the mouth by closing the lips; but it implies also \\\^ ■sStQX-scparation of the lips. The ' nasal' sign subjoined (D() would signify the closing of the lips, and the subsequent open- ing of the nasal valve while the lips remain closed. When a ' shut ' consonant precedes a ' divided ' one, formed by the same organ — as // (00), dl (Q(JO), &c. — the principle of coalescence applies in the same way ; the ' shut ' consonant is finished by opening only the side apertures for the next element while the centre contact is maintained ; as in the words outlaio, heed less, S:c. The ' divided ' termination of a final ' shut ' consonant is a peculiarity for which the special symbol 'side-opener' (K) is provided. Thus the 'point- shut ' symbol (Q) shows the closing of the passage of the mouth by the point of the tongue, but it implies also the removal of the tongue from the palate. The 'side-opener' subjoined (OH) would signify that only the sides of the tongue are removed while the point-contact is maintained. The opening of a single lateral passage is shown by one half of the modifier. A common lingual ' click ' made by coachmen to incite the motion of a horse is formed by this uni-lateral termination of the 'point-shut' consonant (O"). The 'shut' consonants are sufficiently distinguished for linguistic purposes by the four radical varieties 'Back,' 'Front,' 'Point,' ' Lip,' with their 'inner' and 'outer' formations. The latter correspond with the 'inner' and 'outer' positions of the ' Primary ' Consonants, as before described. The ' inner ' ' Lip- shut Consonant is formed by pressing the inner surface of the lower lip on the upper teeth ; and the ' outer" by pressing the upper lip on the lower teeth, so as to ' shut ' in the breath. The simple 'point-shut' consonant (Q) may be written before or after ' point-mixed ' (^, 2*5.) or ' front-mixed ' consonants (Q, ^,) because the coales- cence of the elements is implied as a necessary part of the combinations. 62 by A. Y, •; \,^> &c. The 'holder' (j) after a 'shut' consonant, signifies that the contact is more than merely transitional, and that the organs are not im- mediately separated as a part of the articulative impulse. The ' stop' (•), shows that the action is conjunctive only ; and the ' emission-stopper (?>) signifies that the organs are separated after contact, but that the breath is retained. CONSONANT SUCTIONS. The formation of the ' shut ' consonants by suction (<) gives rise to a peculiar class of elements. The ' lip-shut ' symbol followed by the sign of 'suction' (0<) represents a sound interjectionally expressive of sudden pain; but there may be suction during the organic contact and separation of the organs without ingoing air. For this effect the special sign ' suction stopper' (4) is provided. The ' lip-shut' (D), ' point-shut' (O), and ' front-shut' (Q) actions performed in this way, and the ' point-shut' with side-termination (OK), pro- duce a series of sounds or ' clicks' which are very common in interjectional or inarticulate utterance, and which are elements of ordinary speech in some African languages. In these cases, an tnucr closure of the oral organs is ' held ' (Q.}), while the anterior suctions are made ; so that respiration goes on freely through the nostrils during the formation of a series of the ' suctions.' The ' Back Shut ' consonant may also be formed by suction without ingoing air (Q<') ; but in this case the imicr closure of a glottal 'catch' is necessarily maintained (X-). and the respiration is of course stopped. CONSONANT ACTIONS WITHOUT BREATH. All the consonant configurations of every kind — Primary and Divided as well as Shut — may be formed, with more or less audibility, without either emission or suction. If the breath within the mouth be compressed behind the articulating organs while an inner closure is held, a distinct, and in some cases, a powerfully percussive effect will be produced on the abrupt separation of the organs. The signs •> and and the muscular compression of the breath enclosed within the mouth, between the soft palate and the lips, suffices to continue the slender emission while the operator breathes through his nostrils. The following Diagrams give a comparative view of all the consonant organic positions represented by the unmodified Symbols : — COMPARATIVE DIAGRAMS OF THK RADICAL CONSONANT POSITIONS. 64 EXAMPLE SHOWING THE APPLICATION OF THE MODIFIERS TO A SINGLE CONSONANT ACTION. p The lips closed and opened (with pressure of breath implied.) Q \ The opening of Q accompanied with vibration of the lips. Q H The closure of Q followed by lateral opening of the lips. P " The closure of Q followed by uni-lateral opening. [A smoker's puff.] Pj^ The action of p with strongly conjunctive closure. PY The action of P with loose closure. P^ The action of P finished independently of the next element. (Implied in final consonants.) P- The closure of p without after separation of the lips, P j The closure of P followed by opening of the nasal valve instead of labial separation. [A suppressed chuckle.] P> The lips closed and opened with accompanying aspiration. [An interjec- tion of contempt.] P< The lips closed and opened with accompanying inspiration. [An inter- jection of pain. P»> The lips closed with pressure of breath, and opened without emission from the throat. P< The lips closed with suction, and opened without inhalation. [A kiss.] P I The closure of P ' held ' or prolonged, with subsequent separation of the lips. p|- The closure of P prolonged, without subsequent separation of the lips. [Expressive of effort.] Pt The action of P very abrupt. The following interjectional Exercises on the Consonant Configurations may be usefully pronounced by the learner. This experimental practice will be found the readiest means of obtaining a correct idea of the Consonant positions : — G5 INTERJECTIONAL EXERCISES On the RUDIMENTAL CONSONANT SYMBOLS. C I disgust. C H snarling C^< snoring. Q\\ hawking C \ \ gargling. Q\ hissing. ^ I hushing. O^ hurrying. ^13 silencing. O^l blowing to cool. 0< sipping. OYI faintness from heat. ^ I a semi-whistle. :O0D incredulity. DOD 301 distaste. G< pain. D< 3< " C< o< CD< acute pain. o< Q quiet sneering. D- O- D- 0 Breath-Glide. 2. I Voice-Glide. 3- i Round-Glide. 4- 5 Throat- Glide. 5- I Back-Glide. 6. \ Back Round-Glide. 7- I Front-Glide. 8. I Front Round-Glide. 9- V Point-Glide. 0. "i Point Round-Glide. I. \ Lip-Glide. 2. I Lip Round-Glide. ExplajiatioJi. A Transitional aspiration, of organic quality corre- sponding to that of the adjoining elements [= a soft effect of COOO, &c.] Vowel murmur [= a non-syllabic effect of \.] Rounded murmur [= a non-syllabic effect of \.] A semi-vowelized sound of 0. A semi-vowelized sound of G. A semi-vowelized sound of (^. A semi-voAvelized sound of O- A semi-vowelized sound of (•), with lip modifica- tion. A semi-vowelized sound of Q. A semi-vowelized sound of Q, with lip modifica- tion. A semi-vowelized sound of 3. A semi-vowelized sound of 3- VOWEL RELATIONS OF THE GLIDES. No. 4 resembles the vowel J ; No. 5 resembles the vowel 3 or 1 ; No. 6 re- sembles the vowel } ; No. 7 resembles the vowel I : No. 8 resembles the vowel f ; No. 9 resembles the vowel I ; No. 10 resembles the vowel J ; No. 1 1 resembles the vowel I ; No, 12 resembles the vowel J. /I VOWELS. A ' Vowel' is a syllabic sound moulded by a definite and momentarily y?,nv/, or tense, configuration of the free channel of the mouth, and creating no oral sibilation or friction in its emission. A vowel without a ' fixed ' configuration loses its syllabic effect, and becomes a ' glide ;' and a 'glide' with sibilation or friction in the oral channel becomes a ' consonant.' Consonants, like glides, are merely transitional sounds ; but their configurations may be ' held ' so as to receive syllabic impulse, in which case a consonant without a vowel has the effect of a syllable. All vowels make syllables. Primary vowels are those which are most allied to consonants, the voice- channel being expanded only so far as to remove all ' fricative ' quality. The same organic adjustments form 'wide' vowels when the resonance-cavity is enlarged behind the configurative aperture ; — the physical cause of 'wide' quality being retraction of the soft palate, and expansion of the pharynx. Voice, as formed in the throat, may be said to have no vowel quality. It derives the latter entirely from the shape and size of the voice-channel in the throat and the mouth. Thus cc and ah are one sound in the throat ; but, for ee, the convex front of the tongue must be elevated and advanced close to the front of the palatal arch, so as to contract the oral channel in the greatest degree ; while, for ah, the root or back of the tongue must be retracted, and depressed below the edge of the soft palate, so as to enlarge the oral channel in the greatest degree. The point of greatest contraction, or the ' configurative aperture,' may be shifted to any part of the back or the front of the palatal arch ; and every different attitude of the tongue produces some change in the shape and dimen- sions of the oral cavity, and consequently a change of vowel quality. The sounds resulting from the various adjustments of the tongue to the palate are susceptible of an additional modification from the contraction or ' rounding ' of the guttural passage, — and, probably, of the upper aperture of the larynx, — accompanied by a corresponding modification of the buccal cavities and of the external aperture of the lips. All the palato-lingual vowels may undergo this change. The dimensions of the labial orifice vary in accordance with those of the oral channel; thus, to 'round' the narrow sound of cc, tlie labial orifice is reduced to little more than a chink ; while the broad aperture of ah is ' rounded ' by contracting only the corners of the lips. 72 The vowels — whether ' Primary,' ' Wide,' or ' Rounded ' — are divided into three^asses of palato-Hngual formations, according as the oral cavity is moulded mainly by the ' Back,' the ' Front,' or the * Mixed ' (Back and Front) attitudes of the tongue. The ' Back ' vowels have the largest oral cavities, the tongue being disengaged from, or depressed below% the line of the upper teeth ; the * Mixed ' vowels have smaller cavities, the edges of the tongue being raised to the sides of the teeth ; and the ' Front ' vowels have the smallest cavities, the convex tongue being elevated within the arch of the palate. The general outline of the palato-lingual channel for the three classes of vowels will be understood from a comparison of the Diagrams at page ^i. VOWEL SYMBOLS. The symbol of ' Voice ' (I) is the basis or ' stem ' of all the vowel letters. To this 'stem' a 'Primary' or a 'Wide' 'Definer' is added, to show the organic formation of the sounds. The 'Definer' is joined to the inner or left side of the stem for ' Back ' vowels ; to the outer or rigJit side for ' Front ' vowels; and to botJi sides of the 'stem' for 'Mixed' vowels. The 'Definer' for ' Primary' vow^els is a dot (1), and for 'Wide' vowels, a hook (1). Three degrees of elevation of the tongue in its ' Back,' ' Front,' or 'Mixed' attitudes, are discriminated by the position of the ' Definers ' on the vowel * stem.' The ' Definers ' stand at the tipper end of the stem for the ' high ' vowel of each class ; at the lower end for the ' low ;' and at botJi ends for the * mid ' vowel of each series. Thus : — Vowel Symbols. primary vowels. wide vowels. Back, Mixed. Front. Back. Mixed. Front. High, III 1 T I Mid, 3 I C 3 1 C Low, III JIT The relation of the Symbols to the organic positions is exhibited in the next Section. 73 RELATIVE ORGANIC FORMATION OF VOWELS. The relative positions of the tongue to the palate indicated by the Vowel Symbols will be understood by comparing the following series of Diagrams. From the ' Low Back' to the ' High Front' positions, the cavity of the mouth is progressively diminished ; the ' Mixed ' vowels being intermediate to the ' Back ' and ' Front ' vowels. Conversely, the progressive enlargement of the vowel cavity will be seen on comparing the Diagrams in the order from i to 9. High. Back. 7- {^ Mid. I r~^ 3 Low. ^5 The following additional illustrations of the relative apertures of the ' Front' vowels will help the reader to a clear understanding of the mechanical cause of variations in vowel quality. The eye is supposed to look down on the convex surface of the tongue through the roof of the mouth. The front line is the rim of the palatal arch. Relative Apertures of Front Vowels. High (Narrow.) Mid. Low (Broad.) /_ \ The following Diagram presents a further illustration of the Scale formed by the progression of the ' configurative aperture ' for the radical Lingual Vowels. [See 'Modulated lV/ns/>er.'] The diagram combines in one view the series of nine positions separately illustrated at page y^. SCALE OF LINGUAL VOWELS. RELATION OF VOWEL TO CONSONANT POSLFIONS. The various positions of the tongue which produce 'centre-aperture' Con- sonants, form vowels when the channel between the organs is sufficiently- expanded and firm to allow the breath to pass without oral friction or sibilation* The vowel positions thus bear a definite relation to the Consonant attitudes of the different parts of the tongue, A knowledge of these elementary relations will enable learners who are acquainted with the simple consonant-frictions to interpret the Vowel Symbols with uniformity in different countries. The ' Back ' Vowels are allied to the ' Back ' Consonant and its ' inner ' and 'outer' varieties; the ' inner' consonant corresponding to the 'Low-Back' vowel, and the ' outer' to the ' High-Back' vowel. The ' Front ' vowels are allied to the ' Front ' consonant and its ' inner ' and 'outer' varieties; the 'outer' consonant corresponding to the 'High- Front ' vowel, and the ' inner ' to the ' Low-Front ' vowel. The ' Mixed ' vowels are allied to the ' Point ' consonant and the ' Mixed ' Point-and-Front varieties. The ' Front-Mixed ' consonant corresponds to the ' High-Mixed ' vowel ; the ' Point-Mixed ' consonant to the ' Mid-Mixed ' vowel ; and the ' Point-Consonant ' to the ' Low-Mixed ' vowel. The ' Mid-Mixed ' vowel brings the tongue into the ordinary position of rest ; the ' Back ' and ' Front ' surfaces of the tongue are equi-distant from the corresponding parts of the palate, and the quality of the sound is neutral. This, therefore, may be called the ' Natural Vowel ' position. These Vowel and Consonant Relations are illustrated in the following Table : MUTUAL RELATIONS OF 'PRIMARY' CONSONANTS AND VOWELS. Consonants. Voicels. Consonants. Vov:eIs. Consonants. Vowels. CJ 1 I Q T I Ol I C 3 O 1 O C Ci J I O I I 0{ I 76 LIP-MODIFIED OR 'ROUND' VOWELS. All the varieties of ' Primary ' and ' Wide ' vowels hitherto explained, result from the shape and size of the cavity of the mouth as affected by the Tongue, while the lips remain spread so as not to influence the sound. The same lingual positions yield another series of vowels when the voice-channel is ' rounded ' and the aperture of the lips contracted. The mechanical cause of ' round ' quality commences in the super-glottal passage, and extends through the whole mouth-tube, by lateral compression of the buccal cavities and reduc- tion of the labial aperture. The last cause — lip-modification — being the ' visible' cause of ' round ' quality, is assumed as representative of the effect. The amount of lip-modification corresponds to the degree of elevation of the tongue ; * High' vowels have the narrowest labial aperture ; * Low' vowels the broadest ; and ' Mid ' vowels an intermediate aperture. This uniform addition of lip-modification is sym.bolized by a uniform addition to the vowel ' stem.' The symbol expresses the organic action by an obvious analogy. The lips are drawn across the apertiire of a lingual vowel in order to ' round ' its quality ; and the resulting effect is symbolized by a short line drawn across the vozvel ' stcui.' Thus : i | f , &c. The 'rounded' vowels are called 'High-Back Round' (J), 'High-Back Wide Round ' (\), &c. ; the syllable ' Round ' being added to the name of the Tongue-vowel symbol. The effect of ' round ' modification, not being dependent on the lips alone, is producible — with some peculiarity — without contraction of the labial aperture ; and this iimer ' rounding ' is practised as a concealment by ventriloquists. The sign of 'inner' formation may be used to denote this mode of pronunciation. Thus : W [oo, rounded without the lips.] The Reader will now have a definite idea of the oral configurations repre- sented by the symbols of * Round ' vowels, as shown in the following Table : — 77 SYMBOLS OF 'ROUND' VOWELS. Primary. Wide. Back. Mixed. Frotit. Back. Mixed. Front. High. i { f i I f Mid. } I { Relative Lip Aperture. Low. Other faintly different shades of vowel sound are possible ; as, for instance, from giving a greater or less than the ordinary or symmetrical degree of lip- modification. Even these delicate varieties may be perfectly expressed by the modifiers ' close ' (J\), ' open ' (Y), ' inner ' (0, ' outer ' (} ), or by ' linked ' symbols ; but such compound letters can never be required in the writing of languages, except to show the curiously minute accuracy with which these plastic physio- logical symbols may be applied. NASALIZED VOWELS. When the nasal valve is opened simultaneously with the formation of a vowel, the breath or voice issues partly through the nostrils and partly through the oral configuration. This, with a degree of 'gliding' semi-consonant contraction in the guttural passage, is the formation of the common French sounds represented by n after a vowel letter. To indicate the ' mixed-nasal ' or naso-guttiiral o^-^\\\.Y of these elements, the special symbol y is provided. The symbol is formed by uniting subordinately with the ordinary nasal sign (. 78 The precise oral qualities of the French nasals must be settled by native orthoepists. We write in accordance with, at least, a very general usage, Examples. }n an en in U on ly un U ENFIN. MON-ENFANT. CHACUN — A SON GOUT. Partial nasality without guttural modification — such as is heard in some of the American dialects, and from individual speakers — is represented by the ordinary nasal sign (j) placed after the affected vowel. Any vowel may be nasalized. VOWELS OF GLIDING QUALITY— DIPHTHONGS. All the Vowel Symbols represent sounds of ' fixed ' configuration — monophthongs ; but many syllabic sounds have a superadded gliding quality, which converts them into ' diphthongs ' or double sounds. The second element of an ordinary diphthong is not, however, another voivcl, as it has neither ' fixed configuration ' nor ' syllabic impulse.' The initial element is a vowel ; the second is a transitional sound or * glide,' and the two, in combination, form but a single syllable. The difference between a ' diphthong,' thus explained, and a combination of two vowels, will be manifest on comparing the diphthong i in knives (G53?i8^) with the dissyllabic combination of the same sounds in naive ((153 18) ; or the diphthongal a m fanwits (3C?i03Q) with the dissyllabic compound of the same sounds in phaeton (3CIDJGD)- The diphthongal quality of the English a will not, at first, be admitted by every reader ; but the double quality of the sound cannot fail to be apprehended in slow pronunciation or in singing ; or, better, by contrasting the English with the Scotch pronunciation of any word containing a under accent. The Scotch ^^ is_hke the French e — a monophthong. Thus : [Scotch:] 3CIC0, [English:] 3C?iG0,/«//. A diphthongal glide may be a transition either towards the ' natural ' vowel (see page 75) or its ' rounded' correspondent ; or towards the configuration for 79 a ' centre aperture ' consonant vowelized, i.e., formed without the friction or buzzing of a consonant. All monosyllabic diphthongs are accurately sym- bolized by the appropriate 'glide' placed after the initial vowel. In such words as cruel, creolc, &c., two vowels, and consequently two syllables, are heard. The following examples, which include only a few out of the vast number of possible ' diphthongs,' will furnish the Reader with a useful organic exercise. EXAMPLES OF DIPHTHONGS. 11 n II n B n II n u n n 15 u u a u IT n u u u 11 n u n u n n u u u Li n u n u n u u u ii n n n Li u n u u n n n VOWEL QUANTITY. The vowel symbols imply ordinary ' short ' quantity, as the words //, if, ill, &c. Abruptness (t), and prolongation (}), are separately denoted. The absolute length of a syllable is greatly dependent on the nature of the elements which follow the syllabic vowel ; as in the words seek, seem, see. root, room, rue. late, lain, lay. goad, goal, go. sought, sawed, saw. right, rhyme, wry. fork, form, for. curt, curl, cur. deck, dealt, dell, bit, built, bill. hat, hank, hand. rot, romp, wrong. Vowels before non-vocal consonants are always shorter than before voiced consonants, or when final, under accent. Such differences do not require to be indicated, as they are implied in the nature of the combinations. The vowel in the word meet, for instance, is considerably shorter than in the w^ords meal or me; but, notwithstanding the shortening influence of the voiceless consonant in meet, the vowel should have the same mark of long quantity as in meal, because it is ' long ' as compared with its ' short ' correlative in meet (Scotch) or mit (German), 80 and only further lengthened by its association with the vocal /. The ' short ' cor- relative of the sound ' meal ' is heard in the French ' mille.' The reader will bear this principle in mind, and not pronounce all long vowels equally long, or all short vowels equally short. Extra prolongation of a vowel — as in drawling — may be shown by doubling the sign of long quantity (||). Four degrees of quantity may be thus distin- guished by the symbols ; as : 1. Abrupt or extra-short (ah), J( 2. Ordinary short, . . .J 3. Ordinary long, . . • Ji 4. Extra-long, . . • J{i LINKED SYMBOLS. Some peculiar oral combinations are occasionally met with among indi- vidual speakers, such as pronouncing R with a labial quality added to the ordinary lingual formation ; or uniting a ' Point ' and a ' Back ' friction for the same element ; modifying S with rounded lips, or with the lower lip in the position or F, &c. All such peculiarities may be indicated at pleasure by writing two organic symbols with a * link ' (o) between them, to show that they are to be pronounced simultaneously and not in succession. Thus : QoO, labialized r ; (i)oQ, gutturalized r; Qo3j ^ modified by/; &c. Any two elements — vowels, consonants, or one of each class — may be thus ' linked,' where a single alphabetic symbol does not express the whole mechanism of a peculiar sound. Thus the * Low-Back ' vowel * linked ' to the ' Lip '-Con- sonant (JoQ) would show close labial modification of a sound which, when normally ' rounded,' is associated with a broad aperture of the lips, &c. GOVERNING SIGNS. A pair of 'linked' symbols within parenthesis (OoQ) (QoC), &c., may be used as Governing signs to denote habitual peculiarities of any kind, and to save the writing of the latter at every instance of their recurrence. Thus the ' Nasal ' sign, or the ' Back ' or the ' Lip ' consonant, ' linked ' to any element, will show a general nasalizing, gutturalizing, or labializing of that particular sound ; as (Q0o(:) I nasal ; (QQoC) ^guttural, &c. 81 A more general indication of such peculiarities, without reference to any specific element, will be furnished by writing the 'link' before the 'nasal' or other organic sign by itself, within parenthesis; as (oQY:) close lips ; (oQd:) protruded tongue ; (o( :) general nasal quality ; (oJJ^:) strained voice, &c. Habits of lisping, burring, &c. ; peculiar elementary substitutions ; huski- ness, drawling, abruptness, hemming, monotony or prevailing tone ; audible inhaling, 'windy suspiration of forced breath,' closing the teeth, jerking the emphasis, licking or biting the lips, speaking from one side of the mouth, &c., may thus be simply conveyed to the eye. This species oi facsimile writing maybe found useful for directive pur- poses, to composers of vocal music, dramatic authors and actors, teachers of oratory or of singing, &c. ; as well as amusingly applicable, on special occasions, by too faithful ' reporters,' in presenting a typic pJioiiogram of the idiosyncrasies of speakers. Subjoined are a few examples of ' linked ' symbols : — (QoGO r, guttural. (Qo3:) r, labial. (D°BO wh, asw. Oo30 w, as V. (Qor2:) s, as th. (Qo^:) s, as sh. (^o^O sh, as s. (aOOoOO::) cl, astl. (Qo0: &c.) obstructed nasals. (QoGQO "g, as ngg. (QoIO h omitted. (loOO vowels aspirated. (yoQ:) r-glide, as r-con- sonant. (C?i°C:) Scotch a. {\.lo\\) Cockney a. (}io}:) Scotch .-,. (}loH:) Cockney o. ( CyoCQO Scotch a before r. (HoJQO Scotch o before r. (lyoiyO American e or i before r. (OioflO American fi. (31oCiiO American ow in noiv. {o\\-}j Inner rounding of oo, [without the lips.] (oO^:) r trilled. (oO:) whisper. (o0:) husky voice, (oIAO strained voice. (oJY:) soft voice, (oil |:) drawling. (ojt :) abrupt vowels. (ol^:) vocal tremor. (o< :) audible inspirations. (o> :) transitional aspLra- tion.s. (oI> J:) transitional murmurs [hemming and hawing.] (oj^:) keeping the mouth close. [o\\) keeping the mouth open. (oXL) coughing the vowels. (oX:) choking utterance. (o> :) hesitancy. (oQ. : &c.) ' stopping ' con- sonants [stammering.] (oQ ) Q : &c.) repeating con- sonants [stuttering.] (o':) marked accentuation [rhythm.] 82 ANALYSIS OF 'MIXED' SYMBOLS, AND OPTIONAL EXTENSION OF THE PRINCIPLE. The ' Mixed ' VoAvel and Consonant Symbols provided in the alphabet may be considered as equivalent to ' linked ' letters, which are, for typographic convenience, combined in one character. Thus the vowel X might be written 1°I ; I might be written 3°C 5 X niight be written Jo^ ; to express the same sounds. So, too, the consonant (^ might be written C°0 5 Q might be written QoO ; ^ might be v.-ritten QoO ; D might be written QoQ ; but in the case of the consonants the ' mixed ' symbols express more than combination, as they are designed to show excess of one over the other element in the organic compound. On the same principle, other alphabetic forms may be introduced to show the combinations C°0, C°0, QoO, 0°O, &c., with excess of either element, should it be found desirable for local convenience anywhere, to express such organic compounds by single types. The principle of the system admits of an extension of the alphabetic characters without danger of ambiguity; as each radical symbol retains its organic value with uniformity in all cases. The sign of ' trill,' or of ' inner ' or ' outer ' formation, of ' stop ' or ' holder,' or of ' nasal ' or ' naso-guttural ' modification, may be similarly combined, by superposition or otherwise, ad libitmn, with the letters to which they refer, wherever convenience could be served by the incorporation of the symbols into single types. TONES. The most important affection of simple voice is modulation, or change of pitch. The qualities of tone are most clearly felt in connection with inarticulate sound. But even articulate speech is interpreted by tone ; and in all cases where sentiment rather than the communication of ideas is concerned, the modulations which accompany utterance are more expressive than words. In the Chinese language, the same combinations of articulate elements pronounced with different tones, are said to express an equal number of distinct meanings. Hence the necessity of including modulative signs in a scheme of speech- symbols adapted for universal application. 83 Chinese linguists, however, use the word ' tone ' in a pecuHar sense. They inchide under that name eftects wliich are not properly varieties of intonation. Thus, the sudden check given to a vowel by the closing of the glottis is reckoned a ' tone.' In Visible Speech this effect is represented by the symbol for ' stop' (•), or for ' catch' (X). The degrees of modulation are almost infinitely numerous, and they are perhaps incapable of exact symbolization ; but there are radical varieties of inflexion, each of which conveys a distinct significance, and to some one of which all minor modifications must be generically related. These radical inflexions may be usefully symbolized. Thus : .Sj-rabol. - Level tone. / Simple rising inflexion. V Simple falling inflexion. V Compound rising inflexion : — falling and rising with a single impulse of voice. A Compound falling inflexion : — rising and falling with a single impulse of voice. The efiect of a monotone is reflective ; the efl*ect of a rising tone is prospec- tive ; and of a falling tone retrospective. Thus a vocal murmur with monotone (I-) expresses attention or observation; and a prolonged monotone (I{-) musing. A simple rising inflexion, of limited range, expresses enquiry or doubt (T) ; and a prolonged one, self-interrogation or prospective musing (If). A simple falling inflexion, of moderate interval, expresses assertion or assur- ance (T) ; and a prolonged one, self-assurance or retrospective musing (ID When rising or falling inflexions are modified to intervals of pitch corresponding to those of the ' minor mode' in music, the effect \s plaintive : a simple rise ex- presses compassion or supplication ; and a simple fall, regret or lamentation. When the rising or falling tone extends through greater intervals— of a fifth, an octave, or more — the rise expresses surprise or incredulity ; and the fall, injunc- tion or dogmatism. The effect of the compound tones — which combine a fall and a rise, or a rise and a fall, with one accentual impulse — is to suggest the expressiveness of their first element in antithesis to that of their second element. Thus a compound rising tone is appcllatory or prospective by its termination, and affirmative by L 84 its commencement : it suggests affirmatively that an effect or consequence will follozv the utterance. This tone (Iv) thus expresses warning or discontent, when of moderate range ; regretful supplication or unwilling detraction, when in the ' minor mode ;' threatening or contemptuous appeal, when of extended rano-e ; and musing or reflection on contingent probabilities, when prolonged (Ilv). A compound falling tone is affirmative or retrospective by its termina- tion, and appellatory by its commencement : it suggests interrogatively that enquiry, cause, or motive has preceded the utterance. This tone (I^^) thus expresses counter-assertion, or impugning, when of moderate range ; compas- sionate affirmation or derisive commendation, when of ' minor ' interval ; dog- matic counter-assertion, or sarcasm, when of extended range ; and reflection on consistent certainties when prolonged (I {a). Illustrations in connection with words may help the reader to produce these varieties of expressive inflexion. Thus : I. Pronounce the word ' /' ' with simple rising tone, and the utterance will be felt to be as plainly interrogative as the equivalent sentential expression 'Isitir II. Pronounce the word ' You^' with simple falling tone, and the utterance will be felt to be as plainly assertive as the equivalent sentence, ' It was you !' III. Pronounce the word ' go'^" with compound rising tone, and the utterance will be felt to be equivalent to ' go — or an understood consequence will follow!' Or pronounce the sentence '/^' would not,' and the tone will be felt to suggest the positive inference — ' but another might.' IV. Pronounce the word ' go'^' with compound falling tone, and the utterance will be felt to be equivalent to ' go — becatise an understood motive or reason urges !' Or, pronounce the sentence ' You '" did it !' and the tone will be felt to suggest the negative or appellatory inference — ' and not another person.' The preceding analysis of Tones shows that the effects of intonation are not less various in our own language than they can be in Chinese or in any tongue. Modulative expressiveness is, in fact, the same in all countries : it is not, like articulate utterance, arbitrary and conventional, but instinctive and natural. This statement may be thought to be at variance with the fact, that in ever)- dialect, and almost in every family, there is a prevailing modulative tunc ; but 85 this habitual succession of tones is associated only with articulate language, which is altogether habitual, artificial, and local. In the use of inarticulate modulations, there is, no doubt, a universal agreement. It is further to be noticed, that the prevailing tones of dialects, families, or individuals, reveal the prominent points of individual or national character. Thus a wide variety of pitch and inflexion in speech denotes vivacity and levity of disposition ; and a general sameness of pitch, or a limited range of inflexions, denotes comparative dulness and gravity. A predominance of simple rising tones characterizes timid, retiring, dependent, inconfident, querulous, scrupulous conciliatory people ; a predominance of simple falling tones characterizes bold, rash, independent, persevering, confident, dominating, stern, uncompromising people ; a predominance of compound rising tones characterizes vain, forward, self-aggrandizing, shrewd, calculating, clever, insinuating, wily people; and a predominance of compound falling tones characterizes proud, self-confident, supercilious, sarcastic, revengeful people. As a general rule, simple tones indi- cate artlessncss, and compound tones artfulness of character. An accomplished speaker, in any country, cannot express himself with habitual modulative tune of any kind. His voice will be constantly varied in pitch, inflexion, and range, in accordance with his feeling of the inherent expres- siveness of the tones. The association of this vocal vis natures with the utter- ance of conventional language, constitutes the great difficulty in acquiring, and the great charm in listening to, the delivery of an effective reader,-orator, or tragedian.- In our notation of Tones, no more is aimed at than the discrimination of the radical varieties : — level, and simple or compound rise or fall. The types for tones — being, however, like all the 'Visible Speech' types, reversible — may be used to indicate relative /zV^// as well as inflexion. Thus : J' high-pitched rise, (expressing simple enquiry). J/ low-pitched rise, (expressing interrogative surprise). Jv low-pitched fall, (expressing simple assertion). J^ high-pitched fall, (expressing dogmatic assertion). One additional symbol for modulation, or change of Kev, furnishes all that it can be desirable to indicate in connection with Tones in the writing ofianguages. Thus ; ^ Key elevated. j Key depressed. 86 MODULATED WHISPER. An observant ear will detect the quality of modulation or change of pitch even in a simple breathing. A sigh may thus be modulated. The rising modu- lation of a sigh conveys a sentiment of anticipation ; the falling, a sentiment of remembrance. The difference is due to a change in the size of the oral cavity, and consequently a change in the vozvel quality of the breath. Every configuration of the mouth gives the breath an absolute pitch, so that it will be found impossible to whisper any one vowel with changes of modu- lation. There is no difficulty in changing the pitch of the breath ; but with every change, the vowel quality — the oral configuration — is altered. As the tongue increases in convexity, the cavity of the mouth is lessened, and the pitch rises ; and as the aperture of the lips is narrowed, the pitch falls. The lowest sound is consequently that which has the root of the tongue most depressed and the lips in the closest position. Each of the consonant sibilations, as well as the vowels, will thus be found to have an inherent pitch ; but the pitch of the consonants may be considerably varied by 'inner' or 'outer' shifts of the configurative aperture, and by altera- tions in the oral cavity, which do not destroy the essential character of the sibilation. The following is the modulative ot'der of the primary consonants : — ^ I D G Ci C Cii O^QOi O O}. In farming the first of these elements, the tongue is in the ' high-back ' position. A deeper series of sounds can consequently be formed by depressing the back of the tongue while the lips retain the close position of ^. Thus the following form a lower descending series : (oO:) [the sign of whisper :] loO(=^) ^oQ JoQ. The ' divided ' formations are lower in pitch than the ' primary ' or centre- aperture elements of the same organic mechanism. The following is the modu- lative order of the ' divided ' consonants : The vowels allied to the centre-aperture consonants yield whispers of slightly lower pitch than that of the consonants, because of the greater expan- sion of the breath-channel. For the same reason, the ' wide ' vowels of the 87 ' front' and the ' mixed' series arc a degree lower than the 'primary' vowels; but the ' primary-' vowels of the ' back' series are a degree lower in pitch than the ' wide ' vowels, because the greater retraction of the tongue enlarges the oral cavity. The following is the modulative order of the Lingual vowels : Si S^ Sl^ }rL }:L SL ^^ ^ 9^ n fi n ri % \ fi n n ri The ' rounded ' vowels are lower in pitch than their corresponding simple 'Unguals.' The pitch of the highest of the 'rounded' vowels is the same as that of the ' high-mixed ' of the lingual series ; and the pitch of the ' low- back ' vowel is the same as that of the ' low-mixed ' of the ' rounded ' series. The unisons in the scales explain the similarity in effect of guttural and of labial modification before referred to. [See page y6]. Thus in forming Q, the tongue is in the neutral or ' natural ' position, and the breath is affected to the same pitch either by contracting the passage between the back of the tongue and the soft palate (CI), or by narrowing the labial aperture. The correspon- dence may be thus represented : Guttural. Neutral. Labial. C|ol I loQ. The modulative order of the vowels and the primary consonants, united into one scale is the following : ^ ^ ^ r^ S^ ^ o ^ Q o^ o oi Whatever practical use may be made of this scale, the relations it exhibits as inherent in the elementary configurations may be found of some service in securing uniformity of pronunciation of the symbols in different countries. Thus to find the precise quality of the vowel represented by 1 prolong the con- sonant C^ then vowelize or expand and tensify the configuration to remove the friction of the breath ; and, keeping the organs in the same position, sound the 88 voice, and the result will be the vowel 1. Or whisper the vowel J (oo), and entirely spread the lips without moving the tongue, and the result will be 1, or, with sibilation, CI- [See page 75]. The best way to perform such experiments on configurative pitch, will be to listen to the different elements as whispered by another person who does^not know the purpose for which he produces the effects : otherwise the subtle poivcr of variation before referred to — although all variations are absolutely dependent on changes in the cavity of the mouth — will perplex the ear in its attempts to catch the natural pitch of a configuration. Wide differences will be best appreciated at first. These may be used to test the principle. No person, for example, will be found to whisper the words way or we with a descent of pitch from w to the vowel ; or the words yoke or yoii with an ascent of pitch from y to the vowel ; but, on the contrary, every person will be found to whisper any given series of elements with exactly the same relations of pitch, when no special effort is made to accommodate the result to a pre-conceived note. Whistling is another form of modulated whisper. The varieties of pitch in whistling are produced by changes in the cavity of the mouth, of the sam.e kind as those which produce varieties of vowel-sound. A whistle has a well- understood — if a vulgar — expressiveness, and it may not be superfluous to provide a sign for this effect («•). A whistle with rising modulation is a call of invitation ; with falling modulation it is a call of imperativeness. A whistle formed on the tongue— \)Q2.x\x\^ the same relation to ^ that the labial whistle bears to ^ — may be symbolized by adding the sign of 'inner' formation {<=>{)• This sound adds an intimation of secresy to the meanings conveyed by the labial whistle. A whistle formed on the tongue and modified by the lips — symbolized by <=>{oQ — gives a loud and piercing signal of alarm. Whistle and voice may be blended. The symbol of the combination would be . PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF VISIBLE SPEECH TO LANGUAGES. 91 THE ELEMENTARY SOUNDS OF LANGUAGES. The scheme of Letters developed in the preceding pages provides the means of alphabetically representing all languages exactly as they are spoken, or according to any standard of pronunciation. The symbols have been explained with reference only to the organic adjustments which they represent, and not in connection with the elementary sounds of languages ; because the sound intended necessarily results, in every case, from putting the organs in the symbolized position. The sounds of many of the symbols cannot be exemplified by ordinary letters, or even by key-words, which are so differently pronounced by different speakers ; but the relations of the various elements will be perfectly apprehended from an attentive study of the Symbols themselves and the explanatory Dia- grams. The effect will be found to be, that when the symbols oi familiar sounds are known, the sounds of other letters will be deduced from the forms of the letters more accurately than they could be from key-words. [See * Mode of deducing Foreign Sounds from their Symbols.'] The elementary sounds in actual use in any language may be most con- veniently ascertained by tabulation from the utterance of selected speakers ; and a standard of the pronunciation of every tongue may thus be fixed for the guidance equally of native and of foreign learners. Languages also which have never been reduced to writing may now be alphabetized by missionaries and travellers with such uniformity a.s — whatev^er the nationality of the writers —to convey a faithful copy of the native pronuncia- tion which readers in all countries will vocalize alike. It has never hitherto been possible to write a language or dialect in such a manner as to enable a stranger to the language and to the writer's native tongue to read the transcript with even an approach to vernacular accuracy. This old ' impossibility' may now be accomplished simply, certainly, and universally. The scales of sounds may be taught without the use of language as a medium of instruction, and by means only of diagrams and oral exemplifications of the elementary sounds. Thus it will be possible for a missionary or a traveller, who is acquainted with 'Visible Speech,' to write an unknown language as he hears it, and to teach its unlettered speakers to read their own tongue, before their instructor himself has learned the meaning of a word. The difference between many of the elementary sounds, when separately pronounced, may appear to unaccustomed cars too slight to be of importance ; 02 but to those who use the sounds in vernacular speech, the shghtest differences are often real distinctions on which intelligibility depends. Each of the oral configurations, when definitely formed, yields a perfectly distinct quality of sound, and the nicest varieties will become appreciable when the configurative differences are clearly apprehended. A good ' ear ' and considerable practice will be necessary to enable a person to analyze new combinations, and to identify foreign sounds, at hearing ; but a good ear is in great measure a product of education, and the power of discrimination will become sufficiently common when it is drawn out by exercise. Ordinary learners of ' Visible Speech ' do not require any special aptitude. Facility in reading will be attained by any person in a very brief period. Some of the shades of sound distinguished to the eye will, no doubt, at first, be difficult of appreciation by readers unaccustomed to exact observation. The beginner should therefore content himself with associating with their respec- tive symbols such sounds only as he habitually uses and can readily discriminate. The power of minuter discernment will infallibly increase after the eye and the mouth have become familiar with a few of these settled landjiiarks of sound. There is often, however, a difficulty felt in recognizing familiar sounds when they are heard under unusual circumstances — long instead of short, accented instead of unaccented, and vice versa. The reader must lose sight of such habitual associations of accent and quantity, and bear in mind that these accidents are not inherent in any sound. The vowels, for instance, in ill, ell, at, up, on, &c., may be prolonged as much as those in eel, all, ooze, &c., and the latter may be shortened to any extent, without affecting their essential quality. So, too, the ' obscure ' unaccented vowels in placrj, certain, so^a, mention, picture, &c., may have the fulness and definiteness of accent ; and considerable practice is neces- sary to enable the ear to identify the sounds under the altered conditions. All collated alphabets — that is those which are formed by an aggregation of the elementary sounds discerned in different languages, like the ' Standard Alpha- bet' of Lepsius, Mr Ellis's ' Palseotype,' &c. — contain repeated entries of the same sounds, under differences only of accent, quantity, coalescence with ad- joining elements, &c. In ' Visible Speech,' these elements would, of course, have the same graphic sign. Examples of the letter-value of the principal ' speech-symbols ' — taken, when possible, from English and its dialects — are furnished in the following Tables, which will serve to establish a sufficient number of phonetic ' landmarks' in the reader's mind : — 93 ETTER-VALUE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONSONANT AND GLIDE SYMBOL CONSONANTS. Am. American F. French Hu. Hungarian Pec. peculiar Sp. Spanish Cock. Cockney Ga. Gaelic Ir. Irish. Po. Polish \V. Welsh E. English Ge. German It. Italian Sc. Scotch Z. Zulu. o j e (E.) (V^owchvhisp.) variety of de- i fective r i I bu'er for huiter i (west of Scot.) G diCh (Ge.) I 2M.cJi (Gc.) I hiss of water- i &ch (Sc.) s,oVigh (Sc.) j fowl. i ^ a G c,k,q, (P:.) sink* {\ ay kind (e.) I o h (Ge.) Q O s, c, (E.) I variety of de- ; ///in Qj<:iudad(Sp) j fective j i (E.) Q j Q variet}- of / i variety of ; I o lieatre (F.) rh (W.) X//OW (E.) 1 temp/6' (F.) II (W.) ^/zaud (F.) j felt* (E.) j hi (Z.) /le a a (E.) tent* (I o variety of / or zvh ivJiy (E.) I /ie I (E.) gutturalized I variety of / c a(7e (Ge.) i^y zei_7e(Ge.) i^ \ burred r e j 8 var*y-of^(Ge.) i /aogh (Ga.) andofdefec- i barred I (Po.) tive r (E. labialized variety of Gaelic I /ie (E.) Q (E-) Qi^uide (E.) o lamp* (I m/nn ! (S- si//^ (] O I ^ I 00 E.) I .^eal (E.) Z/ano (Sp.) ^ y^, final (Sp.) \gV\ (It.) ///en (E.) Magyar (Hu.) Boulo^we (' (i) -ace (E.) ^U(Sc.Sp. &c.) pleai-ure your (E.) ?ie CO (E.) 3 ceg (Ge.) 3 way (E.) .e 3 (E.) ^/// (Z.) ' ^/ie (E.) 05 (Sp.) I gutturalized i <^uy variety of f i (E. see;// (I * The nasalf", ami also 1, befuro non-vocal consonants, are often pronouncud without vocality. The exact ed'ect of the En; mpounds in/e/t, ink, tent, lamp, &c., includes both the vocal atid the voiceless /, m, n, &c. Thus :— 3100CDO, iOQQ, 010500, COTDOD- lie voiceless elements, however, do not require to be written in such words. [See ' Imxjerfect and Variable Vocality of Consonai 94 GLIDES. 3er va ry (E.) nozi' (Am. & Cock.) are (pec.) are (smooth burr) ? our fs. burr labialized di^ (E.) daj(E) new (North Ir.) are(E.) our (E) 1 lai (f; 1 now(E) LETTER-VALUE OF THE PRINCIPAL VOWEL SYMBOLS. 1 laogh (Ga.) fzrst (Am.) Xf[bl](ru,ss.) up (E.) 3y?ura,' page 2!). 100 it has been tested for a considerable period in the writing of several languages. Care has been taken to avoid ambiguous lines, and distinctions depending on ' dots ' and ' strokes,' as in the i and the / of the common script alphabet. With the exception of the ' Rounded Glides,' each character is conveniently- written without lifting the pen. The following Principles of Symbolization are introduced in the Script Alphabet : — I. Voiced Consonants and Primary Vowels are distinguished by a loop formed in the 'hair-stroke' of the letters. Characters without a loop are there- fore ' voiceless ' consonants, or ' wide ' vowels. II. Rounded Vowels have a bend or hook in the ' body-line' of the letters. The ' round glides ' alone preserve the ' cross-stroke ' of the print symbols. III. Nasal Consonants have the ordinary nasal sign, written horizontally. In the case of the ' front ' (and ' point ') ' shut ' (and ' nasal ') consonants, the ' voice-loop ' is not added to the ' voiceless ' forms ; but, for simplicity, the ' organic symbol,' in these letters, is held to include a loop, when it is formed by crossi?ig the body-line of the letter. In the case of the ' front ' (and ' point ') ' divided ' consonants, the ' voice-loop ' might have been inserted in the centre of the symbol — as in the ' back ' (and ' lip') ' divided ' consonants — so as to save a motion of the pen ; but symmetry and perspicuity in combinations, have been preferred to mere brevity. The writing of English is, notwithstanding, one-fifth shorter than in common long-hand. Initial letters are distinguished as ' capitals ' by a stroke ( / ) prefixed. In kand-wntmg this sign may be limited to Vowels, because the consonants admit of being written, ad libitttin, on a larger scale for 'capitals' — as in common writing. The Script Alphabet is composed of a remarkably small number of forms, being, in this respect, even simpler than the Print Alphabet ; and in both sets of letters the symbols are uniformly reversible to show the organic relations of the different elements. Thus : — Lip-Consonants are the reverse of Back-Consonants. Point-Consonants " " Front-Consonants. P'ront-Vowels " " Back- Vowels. Low-Vowels " " High-Vowels. 101 The only exception to this arranijement is in the case of the ' front-mixed ' and ' point-mixed ' consonants, which are necessarily varied, because the ' pot- hook,' which is their appropriate organic sign, presents no difference of shape when in\-erted. Otherwise the number of types required to 'letter-press' the Script Alphabet corresponds exactly to the number in 'lower-case' printing. The vowels, it will be observed, are represented in script by a single symbol for each class of vowels ; the varieties of ' high,' ' mid,' and ' low,' in each class, being shown by the mere ascent and descent of the lines. The same principle might, of course, be applied to the other alphabet, for ' lower-case ' printing ; the different positions of the ' definers ' to mark ' high,' ' mid,' and ' low ' varieties in the ' capital ' alphabet, being only necessary with letters of equal height. In this way the vowel scheme of thirty-six elements might be com- pletely presented in ' lower-case ' print, by no more than twelve symbols. The Script Alphabet would itself form an excellent ' lower-case ' alphabet for general use. The characters would, of course, have the slope of italics, or of Greek letters ; but they would be learned, by beginners, almost as easily as the other symbols, and their employment in general printing would be attended with this advantage that the letters in hand-zvritijig 7\.nd \n press-printing, would in all points exactly correspond. The aspect of the Script Symbols, as they would appear in letter-press, is shown in one of the Plates. VISIBLE SPEECH TELEGRAPHY. The indefiniteness of ordinary letters is productive of much inconvenience in international Telegraphy. Messages cannot be transmitted in their original languages through foreign countries, but, for the convenience of operators, must be translated, — of course at the serious risk of error, and to the entire destruc- tion of verbatim accuracy. The system of ' Visible Speech ' will render the telegraphing of words through any country equally certain and easy, in all languages. The operator, while he may not understand a syllable of the writing, will transmit the ipsissivia verba, and the very sounds of the original, as a viva voce utterance to the receiver. In connection with Printing Telegraphs, no special training will be required by the operator ; as the new types are ' composed ' side by side in the same manner as ordinary types. A glance at the Table will show that the characters, when properly arranged, will be unmistakably selected with facility 1)y the merest novice. 102 For Needle Telegraphs which communicate arbitrary signs, dial, and other instruments, the ' Visible Speech ' symbols must, of course, be associated with a sufficient code of signals. The symmetrical tabulation into which the symbols naturally fall renders transmission by serial mtmhcrs extremely simple. Two numbers must be signalled for each letter ; — the first referring to the colmnn, and the second to the line where the letter stands in the Telegraphic Table. The numbers i to 12 denote, in this way, the places of all the symbols, and leave ample room for punctuation, and for other necessary or convenient signs. Telegraph clerks who become expert at somiding the symbols, will soon be enabled to act as receivers and deliverers of messages for the convenience of those who cannot put their words into Visible Speech, or decipher them from the symbols. Thus it should ultimately be possible for a stranger to enter a Telegraph Office, pronounce his message, and have it despatched in his mother- tongue by one totally ignorant of the import of the sounds ; and for the receiver of the message to hear it intelligibly pronounced from the writing by an official equally unacquainted with the meaning of what he reads. The following is the arrangement of the symbols for a complete COSMOPOLITAN TELEGRAPHIC TABLE. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. II. 12. I. C I ' 2. G Q D I 1 3- C 3 I X i t 4. C ^ e»s ^ y i 5. a Q u D 1 6. G Q > ^ ^ < 7- C Ci) 3 I 1 \ ?> 1 8. e S15 Pl3 3 !^ e ii "^ II 9- 8 CO OD 3 ^ ^ 10. 8 OQ 03 e } I \ 3 11. e (D 9 I J \ ' A H 12. e CD B I J I Y loa /V, i-ir, ?>-?> 7-5, 4-3, 8-4. a c CO I G o X 3 I TELE G RAPIIY Proposed Needle- Signals for Numbers. The Signals at present in use will perfectly suffice for the transmission of Visible Speech. The first twelve of the ordinary alphabetic signs may be used to express the columns, and the second twelve the litics of the Table. But a simpler code of signals may be substituted. The following is proposed : — [Needle to Left v, Needle to Right ^.] I 2 ^45;6789 10; II // /A » The fir=t number refers to the column, ami the peeond to the lino, in the 'I'lihle. 'J'h line ] 1-!. [ml. I 104 PRACTICAL TESTS. The practical effect of the principle of ' Visible Speech ' may be thoroughly tested by means of the examples furnished in the next page, and at the end of the volume. All readers who master the principle of symbolization in connection with any language, should vocalize these words and sentences with perfect uniformity. The illustrations have been selected from the tests dictated in the course of the experiments referred to at page 19. The examples embrace such a wide range of phonetic elements, that the reader who can pronounce these with accuracy will have little to learn in connection with the utterance of any tongue. The Vocabularies of Test Words are arranged Avith the initial letters in alphabetic order, to exemplify the proper classification of the elements for works of reference. The first of these lists is printed from the experimental types ; but, in order to show the different modes in which the symbols may be presented to the eye, the other illustrations are given in Plates at the end of the volume. The alphabetic order of the Consonants is : — I. Throat ; 2. Back ; 3. Front ; 4. Point ; 5. Lip. The varieties of each Organic class follow the order : — I. Primary; 2. Mixed ; 3. Divided ; 4. Mixed Divided ; 5. Shut ; 6. Nasal. The ' voiced ' consonant of each species immediately follows the ' voiceless ' element of the same mechanism. The Vowels are correspondingly classified : — I. Back ; 2. Mixed ; 3. Front ; 4. Round. The ' wide ' sounds of each Organic class immediately follow the 'Primary' sounds of the same mechanism. The elements in each class of Vowels follow the order : — I. High ; 2. Mid ; 3. Low. The Illustrations in the Plates include, besides English in various forms, a number of foreign and dialectic sentences. A large proportion of the latter are selected from the Scottish Dialects, which are particularly rich in sounds, and consequently difficult to unaccustomed organs. A Caledonian ear may be found in every quarter of the globe, so that readers may have the means of readily testing the accuracy of their phonetic essays in connection with these sentences. But the cxpe^dvicntum crucis, applicable ever)'where, is uniformity amonc: different readers. 105 ALPHABETIC VOCABULARY OF TEST WORDS.-//////.// ro-ur/s. IfC I0IB30 (Sc.) Ji ,CI 11 (Sc.) 3u'3l00| (Sc.) rQ'ono (F.) lDl(i)BlQD(P>-(,.) IS'LCOSL C^'QJi^30G:r lDQ4a5-'I(I5^ JiC C 1 003105^ (Sc.) HDBCQO (Prov.) I'DICDOld) (Sc.) CIQCDIQQJC (Sc.) womi 3QO3'0J|03 aoDonc^ HCOI 3DC?* 101} JffiOJ 3a3'QI0ICI lOD}'Ori9 JDiJ 3a^ro^3'oi^ci^f lS^03C^f'BJ?iIB JD'OKfG 3^D^i^a^iQa3J'3Jico IC^BCQO?,! J3^iiO jGoo'eHiocDiua (Oa.) i'eu?89ooii lyS^ (Am.) JQI ICCoroiCd;! (Sc.) teaooi (In) JilKSc.) li9G)I(Sc.) uaco (F.) n^ (Am.) IGD^rOICDlOI IQGOI-BJQ (Ir.) IGD'OIC (Sc.) IDQI OIOQIO TyG5TQO (Prov.) ioQ'a<^XQ^oc<. C(x)ai-B3QI (Sc.) 110105 (Prov.) 13'at|G39 CQ'DJ(ii(Port.) iiC03CBIO (Sc.) ly.^ Ca3^'BJiCI39(Sc.) IIQO (Cock.) IIVCDO^TODD cei(D (Sc.) i'aC^^l(I5(ColIoq. I'Q0L^a3ir2 (Sc.) IGD^ flBlG) (Ge.) laQ'DIQITGDQ (Sc.) IQI'JD3ei3Q W (F.) iffiova:)iiQ3 TIB ,^{{0) (Sc.) {Q3I (Sc.) VaiQTDI iD3B Qi'DCi tU (F.) I«r2 ii JIKSc.) i\ oi a{3 (Sc.) ly^DCnO iia^'^HQ (Manx ) fD'^r 10105 I|QGDfQ5TQ(Cock.) HCOf} V(dLDiress(,-d. VISIBLE SPEECH APPLIED TO ENGLISH. 109 VISIBLE SPEECH APPLIED TO ENGLISH. The purpose of this Work is served when the details of the system are presented with completeness, so as to enable orthoepists in different countries to define their various native sounds, and to tabulate the appropriate physiological symbols into a standard alphabet. Many syllabic sounds are matters of dispute, and are variously analyzed by different authorities. The readiest way to settle all such questions will be to symbolize the exact utterance of some approved speakers, and from a com- parison of the independent pronunciations of two or three such selected oralists to fix the alphabet for Visible Speech printing. The characteristic sounds of individual languages must obviously be thus discriminated from native utterance ; and there will be a manifest advantage to international consistency in the application of the physiological symbols, from having a series of alphabets constructed by the same symbolizers. The atten- tion of British, American, and Foreign Academies is directed to the desirability of adopting this method of obtaining a complete tabulation of their national sounds, for the use of native as well as of foreign learners. The Author's professional familiarity with the native sounds of English, enables him to furnish a Standard English Alphabet, v/hich may be accepted, in the meantime, as conveying a faithful representation of vernacular usage. The scheme will also serve as a model which may be followed in the arrange- ment of other local alphabets. 110 TABLE OF ENGLISH ELEMENTS, SHOWING THEIR POSITION IN THE UNIVERSAL ALPHABET. Back. Frunt. Point. CONSONANTS. Lip. Key W« •VOWELS.* Back. Mixed. Front. Key Words. r 1 see 1 ear O Q yes 1 race. ] c up urn 1 say Q Z3 D so show' why I 1 ell ^ ^ B ooze rouge we 1* I* I -tion -tious -er ^1;^ 1 ill CO 3 3 few- 3 X c ask a , air -al 1 -ed -ance -ment lay view J I T ah arm err an Q thin i pool gs then } go a o D key tea pea 5 law e o G gay day bay 1 I* poor good -ure -ful } ^* ore -ory Q (15 D sing sin ; him J F on or -or -ward Aspirate, Glides, and Modifiers. o I P I y ^* I \ i 1 he high weary fiery now out boy fie day air sir arm our know soul now kind girl long acrent The sounds marked * occur only in unaccented syllables, and in colloquial speech. Ill ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. The irregularities of Letters have made the mere deciphering of English words a work of difficulty to learners ; and the accurate pronunciation of the language has become a special art, the teaching of which has called into existence an extensive literature of phoneticised Vocabularies and Dictionaries. ' Visible Speech ' furnishes a simpler — in fact, the simplest possible — key to Orthographic Reading. The use of the system for this purpose will be attended with the advantage that pronunciation will be taught with certainty and uniformity, according to any standard — whether scholastic, colloquial, or dialectic — without in any way interfering with ordinary letters, or un.scttling the aspect of words to the eye, as by phonetic spelling. The following Table exhibits the English Sounds in connection with their various ' orthographies.' The pronunciations indicated exemplify the varieties of accentual and unaccentual utterance, according to colloquial — but not vulgar — usage : — THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH LETTERS, AND 'ORTHOGRAPHIES' OF ENGLISH SOUNDS. CONSONANTS. Symb?)is. Equivalent Orthographies. O h, wh ; in hole, whole. O c, cc, cch, ch, ck, cq, cqu, gh, k, ke, kh, Ik, q, qu, que, x (ks, ksh) ; in can, account, Bacchus, character, back, acquit, lacquer, hough, kill, lake, khan, walk, quit, quay, pique, tax (OQ). anxious (Q^). CM c, k ; in card, kind. G ckgu, g, gg, gh, gue ; in blackguard, leg, egg, ghost, plague. Gi g, gu ; in girl, guard, guide. Q n, nd, ng, ngue ; in ink, handkerchief, song, tongue. O c, i, j, u (yoo), y ; in righteous, pinion, hallelujah, use, you. Q c, ce, ps, s, sc, sell, se, ss, tzs ; in cell, ice, psalm, sale, science, schism, base, loss, brit/.ska. 112 Speech Symbols. ^ ce, cz, ds, s, sc, se, sh, ss, x, z. ze, zz ; in suffice, Czar, Windsor, as, discern, ease, dishonour, scissors, xystus, zeal, baize, buzz. ^3 h, phth, th, tth ; /// eighth, apophthegm, thing, Matthew. Sfefc ST2 th, the ; hi then, breathe. Ci) r, rh, rr, rrh ; in race, rhubarb, mirror, myrrhine. ^ c, ch, chs, psh, s, sc, sch, sh, ss, t ; in ocean, chaise, fuchsia, pshaw, tension, conscience, schedule, shame, omission, nation. ^ g, ge, j, s, ss, t, z ; in giraffe, rouge, jambeaux, vision, abscission, transi- tion, azure. 00 gl, I le, 11, In, si, sle ; in seraglio, late, tale, all, kiln, island, isle. oof le. tie; in apple, castle. D bt, ct, cht, ed, ght, phth, t, te, th, tt ; in debt, indict, yacht, stopped. bought, phthisic, at, late, thyme, cottage. Q t»d, d, de, dd, ddh. Id ; in bdellium, sad, bade, add, buddhism, would. 115 dn, gn, hn, kn, mn, mp, n, ne, nn, sn, sne ; z';/ Wednesday, sign, John, know, hymn, compter, dun, done, inn, puisne, demesne. (D I on, ten ; in button, fasten, softening (when a trisyllable). ^ wh ; in what. 3 o, u, w; in one [330]> quick, suite, way. 3 f» fe, ff, ft, gh, If, ph, phe, pph ; in leaf, safe, staff, soften, laugh, half, physic, ouphe, sapphire. 3 f, ph, V, ve, zv ; in of, nephew, vain, save, rendezvous. D gli. Ifp. P, pe, ph, pp; in hiccough, halfpenny, pay, tape, ophthalmia, tippet. 3 b, bb, be, pb ; in crab, ebb, globe, cupboard. O chm, gm, Im, m, mb, me, mm, mn, sme ; in drachm, paradigm, calm, aim, lamb, same, common, condemn, disme. Ol m ; in chasm, rh}'thm. 113 Vowels and Glides. s^P^^li. Equivalent ' Orthographies: 3 0,00, ou, u, wo ; i'n done, blood, young, up, twopence. [In unaccented syllables, generally changed to 1]. ]y or, our, ur; m word, journey, furnish. [Variously pronounced ly, IV (Cockney), 30) (Scotch), Yi (Irish).] 1 (for 3 unaccented), eo, io, iou, o, oa, oi, ou, ow ; in dungeon, motion, conscious, abandon, cupboard, avoirdupoi.se, honour, bellows (noun). ly (for ly unaccented), er, ir, wer, yr ; in paper, circuitous, answer, martyr. 31 a, au ; in ask, path, half, chant, aunt. [Variously pronounced J|, J|, (Cockney), XI (Scotch), X| (Irish).] 3 (for J unaccented), a; in artistic, participate, cartoon. 3?i eigh, ey, eye, i, ie, igh, ui, uy, y, ye; in height, eyeing, eye, time, tie, nigh, guide, buy, by, rye. [In unaccented syllables, generally changed to f , as in infinite, futile ; otherwise, pronounced X^, as in likewzV(?]. "Wi ire, yre, oir ; in fire, lyre, choir. [In liar, pliers, prior, &c., the .sound heard is dissyllabic (3ay, UVi, UVl, &c.)] 3^10) ir, ier, &c. ; in wiry, fiery, &c. 1\ o, ou, ow ; in compter, thou, now. [In unaccented syllables, generally changed to 3 (or 1), as in conscious ; otherwise pronouuced \\, as in outshine]. 3iy our, o wer ; ^V^ hour, power. [In unaccented syllables, generally changed to 3 (or 1), as in honour ; otherwise, pronounced 3 \, as in ourselves. 3110) (or 3iQ), owery, &c. ; in dowery, flowery, showery, &c. J I ah, al ; in ah, palm, salve. JV ar, er, ear, uar ; in hard, clerk, heart, guard. [In unaccented syllables, pronounced 3 \, as in barbarian ; in terminations, generally XV, as in altar, grammar, particular.] JIG) (or JIQ), arr, &c. ; in starry, tarry (adjective). Ji^ ai, ay, aye ; ^n aisle, ay, ayes. (In niiive, naivete, the sound heard is dis-syllabic (Jf).] T a, ai, e; in cabbage, certain (see £), the, pretty, places (noun). X (for 3 unaccented), as in ana, aside, away, identify, mountaineer; for X, unaccented), as in annoy, appear, a.ssist, capital, chapman. 114 distant, instance; and (Xy for jy, in terminations), as in peculiar, notary, &c. ...er, ear, ir, yr, uer ; in prefer, earnest, firm, myrrh, guerdon. ...e, ea, ee, e'e, ei, eo, ey, eye, i, ie ; in e\'e, eat, see, e'en, conceive, people, key, keyed, fatigue, field, ...ae, e; in minutiae, before, decide, erect, return secure. ...ear, eer, ere, e're, ier ; in near, beer, here, we're, pier. ...aer, er, ear, eer ; /;/ aerie, era, weary, peeress. ...a, ai, ao, au, ay, aye, ea, ei, ey, eye ; in age, aim, gaol, gauge, day, aye, steak, vein, obey, preyed. [Before R, changed to [ ; and in unaccented syllables, pronounced [ ; in terminations, generally I or I]. \ a, ai, ay, e, ea, ei, eo, ie, u, ue ; ifi many, said, says, very, bread, heifer, jeopardy, friend, bury, guess. [Before R, when not followed by a vowel, changed to J, as in her, term ; and in unaccented syllables, generally changed to []. f a, ai, e, ea, ee, ei, ey, i, ia, ie, o, u, ui, uy, y ; /;/ cabbage, certain (often I), England, antelope, guinea, breeches, forfeit, monkey, ill, in- finite, spirit, miniature, sieve, women, busy, build, plaguy, hymn, happy. [Before R, when not followed by a vowel, changed to J. as in sir, firm]. C (for \ unaccented), e, &c. ; in sacred, forest, minstrel, peremptory, majesty, effeminate, elliptic, emphatic, endeavour, erroneous, ex- cept, goodness, element (10IBCGl3O), &c. [y are, aer, air, ayr, ayer, ere, ear, e'er, eir, eyre; in care, aer, pair, Ayr, prayer (petition), there, bear, ne'er, their, Eyre. [Variously pro- nounced tV, IV (Cockney), [jQ (Scotch). C|0 (Irish). In gayej\ greyer, layer, prayer (one who prays), &c., the radical sound of [ is heard, and the combination is dissyllabic (C?iiy). In Mayor the pronunciation is generally monosyllabic (C^) ; distinguished from mare only by the ' rounded ' quality of the termination. Thus : 0Cy, mare; B C)^, mayor]. CI(j) ar, aer, air, ere, ear, eir, &c. ; in canary, aeronaut, fairy, therein, bearing, heiress, eKrc. [Scotch, CjO ; Irish, [fQ]. \ a, ai ; in man, amber, carry, accept, admit, alternate, alphabet, acci- dent, plaid. [In terminations and in prefixes — when followed by iir. S,...ecli .Symbols. a single consonant sound— ^^oncrally chan^red to X. ''•»" in fatal, errand, appoint, attend, &c.] if eu, ew, ewe, o, oe, ceu, oo, ooe, ou, u, uc, ui, wo ; in rheum, grew, brewed, do, shoe, nianceuvre, bloom, wooed, through, rule, rue, fruit, two. [Before R, and in unaccented syllables, changed to \\ i o, ewe, &c. ; in doer, brewer, &c. [These words are dissyllables (QHV» GQHV, ^c.)] Oil eau, eo, eu, ew, ewe, iew, u, ue, yew, you, yu ; in beauty, feodal, feud, few, ewe, view, use, due, yew, youth, yule. [After R and SH, pro- nounced \\. After L and S, pronounced ,"i}|. Before R, changed to Ol]. l,\\ cw. u, ue, ui ; in lewd, lute, sue, suit. [Before R, changed to }{\. S preceding \ is apt to be changed into SH, as in the vulgar pro- nunciation of suit (^flO)- The tendency is legitimized by custom in the words sugar, and sure, and in the terminations scious, sia/, siou. In sue, suit, and other words, Qj^ is correctl}' heard.] H aut, eau, eo, ew, ewe, o, oa, oe, oo, ou, ow, owe; in hautboy, beau. yeoman, shew, sewed, old, oak, foe, brooch, soul, crow, ov.'cd. [Before R, and in unaccented syllables, pronounced J.] } o, ow, &c. ; in goer, mower, &c. [These words are dissyllables (QJI^, BUy. &c.)] J I a, au, aw, awe, &c. ; in all, laud, fraught, taught, saw, lawyer, av/ed, &c. J a, au, &c. ; in salt, want, laudanum, &c. jy ar ; in war, ward, swarm, dwarf. JIG) (or 3|Q) arr ; in warrior. 1 (for \ unaccented) o, oo, ou, u, ue ; in to, into, together, arrowroot, rendezvous, virulent, brutality, tissue : (for \ accented) woman, book, cook, should, courier, bull, put, sugar, hurrah. [J is heard in the Scotch pronunciation of book, cook, &c.] iy oor, our, ure, &c. ; /// poor, moor, tour, sure. WO oor, ur, &c. ; in poorer, surer, assuring, tourist. OlV ure, &c. ; in cure, \m\-c, endure, ensure, imniu.re, &c. OllQ.-.ur, &C. ; in fury, purer, enduring, &:c. l\^ ure, &c. ; in lure, allure, \kc. . ^ilCi) ur, &c. ; in lurid, alluring, cK:c. P 116 Speech Symbols. 3" o; ill voracious, original, oriental, forensic, &c. ; (for "^X unaccented) aoh, o, ow, &c. ; in Pharaoh, obey, theology, philosophy, vocation, borrow, &c. 3""^ oar, o'er, oor, or, ore, orps, our, owar ; in boar, o'er, door, floor, borne, torn, sore, corps, pour, tournament, towards. 3-10) or, &c. ; in gloiy, horal, soaring, pouring, &c. J I oa, ou, &c. ; in broad, thought, sought, tK.c. J o, oa, ou, ow ; in often, honest, foreign, horrible, orifice, groat, hough, knowledge. [In the termination on^ ] (or 1) is generally heard ; as in abandon, lemon, &c.] Jy aor, eor, or; in extraordinary, George, order, born, nor. [The termina- tion or is pronounced jy, as in spectator, tailor, &c.] J-J^ eoi, oe, oi, oy ; in burgeois, oboe, oil, coin, rejoice, boy, joy, royal. jy (for W unaccented) ure ; in azure, fissure, measure, pleasure, seizure. OJ (for Q)\ unaccented) u, &c. ; in volume, solitude, superior, musician, &c. Oiy (for Oiy unaccented) ure ; /;/ nature, feature, stature, &c. \ (for 3- before R, unaccented) o ; in history, victory, &c. jy (for Jy unaccented) or; in razor, visor, orator, curator, &c. THE TENDENCIES OF ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. The varied pronunciation of the letter R, and the influence of R on a preceding vowel in the same syllable ; the tendency of long vowels to become diphthongs ; and the comparatively indefinite sounds of unaccented vowels, are the most marked characteristics of English. These have long been noticed, but the precise nature of the peculiarities has not hitherto been determined. Chiefly on account of these delicate and unascertained varieties of sound, the native pronunciation of English has been found excessively difficult for foreigners to master. It will no longer be so. The symbolism of Visible Speech enables us to define and exhibit the unaccentual, as well as all other national, dialectic, and even individual peculiarities, with the utmost exactitude. ' Knowledge is power !' The simplest work is performed with difticulty while we are ignorant of its precise nature, as well as of ' how to do it ;' but nothing is difficult when we know the exact requirements for its accomplishment. Any language dialectically transcribed will be pronounced by every practised reader of Visible Speech just as it is spoken by those 'to the manner born.' cy hand, hard, OlOSQ. OJVQ n held, herd, OIODQ- oiyQ DU spilt, spirt, QDiCOU, QDIk'D 117 English Ciiaracteristus; T/u- sounds of R : R before a vowel is always a consonant (Ci)) ; and R before a consonant, or final, is always a glide (y). R between two vowels is simply a consonant when the preceding vowel is not in the same syllable,* as in sorry (Qj-Ql) ; and R represents both a glide and a consonant (10)) when the preceding vowel is syllabled with the R, as in soaring (QH-QIG)- The infliieticc of R on a preceding vowel : Vowels before R in the same syllable become ' widened ' pharyngally and orally. Thus : — aid, air, (;?,Q, ode, ore, }^Q, pool, poor, DljCO, A similar tendency is illustrated in the common pronunciation of such words as j?V/^and jmr(OIiC0Q. OH or OTV), come and cnrl (a]Q, aiVOO, or ana:)), &c. The tendency of long voioels to become diphthonys : This is illustrated in the change of the consonant R into a ' glide ' after a long vowel ; and in the regular pronunciation of the vowels in aid, ail, aim, ache, &c. ([jlj), ode, vak, globe, &c. {}l). The same tendency leads to th-^ ' Cockney' peculiarity of separating the labio- lingual vowels J } (oo, d) into their lingual and labial components, and pronoun- cing the latter successively instead of simultaneously. Thus we hear 1^, 1^, I^, fori; and]!, 31, 11. for}. The indefinite sounds of unaccented vowels : The difference between unaccented and accented vowels in colloquial pronunciation is one not merely of stress, but, in general, of quality also. The following are the tendencies of unaccented vowels : — I. From Long to Short. II. From Primary to Wide. III. From Low and Mid to Mid and High. IV. From Back and Front to INIixed. V. From 'Round' (Labio-Linguul) to Simple Lingual. VI. From Diphthongs to single intermediate sounds. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tendencies combined, affect all vowels in unaccented syllables, and give a general sameness to their sounds. The ' High-Mixed »■ St.. ■ .^vllal.ic .\n;.lvfis.- pa-c US. 118 Wide ' vowel (I) is the one to which these tendencies point as the prevaihng unaccentual sound. The next in frequency are : — the ' high-back-wide' (1) — which takes the place of the 'mid-back' vowels (] and 3) ; the 'high-front-wide' (f)— which takes the place of the 'front' (£ and f,^) ; the 'mid-front-wide' ({) — which takes the place of I ; and the ' mid-mixed-wide' (X) — which takes the place of X- Greater precision is rarely heard even from careful speakers ; but among the vulgar the sound I almost represents the vowel-gamut in unaccented syllables. The 5th tendency is illustrated in the vulgar pronunciation of unaccented o, (in bor(7ugh, pr<^nounce, geolc^gy, philos<3phy, &c.) as ] instead of } ; and the 3 constantly tends forwards and upwards to \ X 1 and X. The 6th tendency is illustrated in the vulgar pronunciation of the pronouns /and our {\ and W) ; in the change of my {Q'jJi) into QI or 9f, when unem- pliatic ; in the regular pronunciation of the terminations -our, -ous (3|^, 3Q) ; in the change of the diphthong daij {~^il) into QC (I^f, QL in Monday, &c. The possibility of alphabetically expressing such fluctuations of sound is a new fact in the history of writing. Inordinary 'Visible Speech' printing, a standard of pronunciation must, of course, be adopted. Custom is the law- giver ; but the habits of the vulgar are not to be reflected in such a standard. The principle may be safely laid down that the less difference a speaker makes between accented and unaccented syllables — save in quantity — the better is his pronunciation. The Table at page no, exhibits the extent to which distinctive sounds for unaccented vow^els may be written in accordance with educated usage. SYLLABIC ANALYSIS. Good pronunciation is distinctly syllabic, but the boundaries of syllables, as uttered, do not correspond with the customary^ divisions made to the eye. The latter are regulated by etymology and by letters ; the former are governed by the natural action of the organs of speech, which is always from close to open, or from consonants to vowels. In the analysis of the word tabic, for instance, the division 'ta-ble' is organically correct ; but in the analysis of the word dabble, the division ' dab-ble ' is organically wrong. If the vowels in dabble, meddle, middle, huddle, &c., had been provided with distinctive letters, the idea of a different principle of division from that of ' ta-ble,' ' bri-dlc,' 'ike, would never have been entertained. The error is due to the orthography, which requires consonants to be doubled in 119 order to indicate a peculiar power of the preceding vowel letter. In 'Visible Speech,' each element of sound having its own invariable symbol, the words tal?h\ (/d/}lf'i\ Sec, would be correspondingly syllabled CjCA-GCDJ, Ql-GOOj, &c. ; the first syllable in each case ending with the vowel. This division is purely analytic of the sound of the word ; it corresponds with the practical divisions wliich the voice always makes in siiigiiifj ; and it preserves the transitional character of the consonants and the s)-llabic function of the vowels. The associations of letters in syllables — b a, ha, a h, ah, &c. — are altogether conventional. Such arrangements are rendered necessary only by an imperfect alphabet. Yet this conjunction of a final consonant with the nominally 'short' \-owcls has led orthocpists to discriminate vowels terminated by consonants as a separate class of ' shut ' sounds. There is no physiological ground for the distinction. All vowels are affected in their termination by the sound which follows them ; but ' shut ' vov/els arc not more so than other elements. The combinations 0C^, [i^G, and QJ, XQ (bii, abe. and bii, Tib), are precisely ana- logous to the organs of speech. The shut-vowel theory has the effect of making speakers clip their vowels unnecessarily short, and of depriving these elements of the volume which is essential to effective vocalization whether in speaking or in singing. In the phonetic syllabication of words, any consonant between two vowels belongs to the following and not to the preceding vowel ; and clusters of medial consonants are only divided to show the elements of compound words, or when all the consonants do not admit of monosyllabic union with the following vowel. Thus, in the division of the word critical, when using definite symbols for sounds, we should write as we pronounce, QOf-OI-QTO, and not ' crit-ic-al.' On tb.e same principle, the word apple is divisible into I-QQOj, and not * ap-ple ;' but in such a word as ample, the division is necessarily tB-DOO|, becau.se the letters BDCOj by themselves would make two syllables. In such a word as testament the division may be, optionally, either OIQ-OJ-BlijpVJ, or O^- QQJ-DIG^C); the latter is preferable, because it preserves the transitional character of the consonants, and because ' QQ} ' is a perfectly monosyllabic combination ; the former is admissible, because, both of the medial consonants being non-vocal, their separation makes no phonetic difference. The principle of .syllabication, as above explained, is dependent on the uniform action of the organs of utterance — from close to open— and is thus, of course, common to all languages. 120 We now present the Reader with an Outline Course of Lessons illustrating the mode in which Vernacular Reading may be taught to children and illiterate adults. VISIBLE SPEECH APPLIED TO ENGLISH FOR TEACHING THE ILLITERATE TO READ. Lesson I. Show the learner the Alphabet, and tell him that the broad round-looking letters mean puffs and hisses in the mouth, and that the thin straight letters mean sound in the throat. Then teach him The breathing, - - - - O- The puffs, - - - - - a O D- The throat sounds, - - - - £ £. The sign of a long sound, - - - |. These letters will be perfectly learned in a few minutes, and they will furnish a number of words and sentences which should be read at once. Unexplained letters may occasionally be introduced in cases where the reader would, from mere habit, pronounce the letters where they occur. Thus, in this lesson, Q and ^ may be used in making up such sentences as : OI i\UQ LU- CHOI OliOQ ID- or aifDQ lu. OI Diui^ ciiai- In arranging initiatory lessons in other languages, the same principle may be applied in connection with any elements which would naturally suggest themselves in a given context. This expedient may be safely adopted, to giv^e variety to the first exercises ; but, of course, each letter must receive sufficient explanation in its proper place, in a subsequent lesson. Lesson II. Call the learner's attention to the shape of the letters Q O Dj ^^^ to the ])arts of the mouth from which he has made the puffs. Explain that all letters pnMiounced at any given part of the mouth resemble each other in shape. Then ask him to point out from the /Mphabet an\- other letters formed by tlie back 1-21 of the tongue — by the point of the tongue — and b)- the lii^s. This he w ill ilo without difficult}'. Select The hp hisses, - - - - D 3- The tongue hisses, - - - ^ Q S*2- The vowels, - - - - 3 3 3^- A comparatively wide range of sentences may now be read ; and there will be no need to limit the selection to monosyllabic words — which are, on the whole, more difficult than longer words. Nor need unknown vowels be ex- cluded. The eye will learn a great deal from the relations of the symbols ; and the teacher will, of course, at first, pronounce all words for the learner's imitation. Lesson III. Give the learner to understand that he can make a puff or a hi.ss and a sound in the throat at the same time. Let him hear the effect in the sounds tl3> ^, ^> 3> 3- Then show him that these letters, and also Q Q Q, are the same which he has already learned, but that they now have the sign of throat sound united with them ; and consequently are to be pronounced with a murmur of voice mixed with the puff or the hiss. Thus : Puffs and hisses already known : QDDQS*2^D3- Corresponding murmurs and buzzes : QQG^S^^BQ. The new letters will be at once understood ; and this lesson may embrace some additional elements. Select O- The learner will discover by its shape that it is a /// letter, and also that it is made with sound in the t/iroat. Tell him that the additional mark by which Q differs from Q means that the letter is sounded in the /^osc: He should then select the other 'nasals' from the alphabet for himself. Point out the relation, by shape, of G to Q and of (^ to Q , and illustrate the sounds of a Q, 9- This lesson has introduced a large number of letters, but these involve only two new symbols, so that the learner can have felt no difficulty ; and the symbol for ' round ' vowels may be added. Begin with }. Explain the meaning of the short cross line, and pronounce 3 and } several times, that the relation of these letters may be clearly compre- hended. The series i } J may then be presented. The relations of the three 122 sounds will be readily felt, and their diiTerences will be perfectly remembered after a few repetitions. The mark \ may be associated with } (}^), with the explanation that the lips are to move a little closer at the end of the vowel. Reading will now be comparativel)- eas}-, and the learner will know with certainty whether any unknov/n vowel is to be pronounced with the lips or otherwise. Lesson IV. Call the learner's attention tx> the mode in Vvhich he has pronounced the letters and let him discover that he has made them by raising the point of the tongue to the palate. Then show him the letters O CO ('", /,) and he will see by their shapes that they also require the point of the tongue to be raised. Tell him that Q has its murmur coming out over the point of the tongue, and that GO has its murmur coming out over both sides of the tongue. Let him hear the sounds of the letters, by themselves, and in words, such as OIIQ, O^IIQ. (OliCO, (read, lead, reel). (^n^. a3}iQ, Q}1C0, (road, load, roll). There is only one other consonant to be learned, namely O. Explain that the sound of Q) is made with the tongue in about the same shape as the letter, — the middle raised and the point turned downwards, — and that the sound is very like that of the vowel X, but shorter and closer, and with a little buzzing added. Let him hear the sound by itself, and in words such as Oil, OII'COQ, Oil, OHO, 03G (ye, yield, you, yoke, young). The particulars in this lesson will have presented no difficulty, and a new vowel series may be added. 123 Let the sounds f [ ^ be pronounced a number of times, and the relations between them, as well as between the symbols, cannot fail to be discerned. The learner knows the position of the tongue for [ : explain that the shape of the tongue is nearly the same for [ and { ; but that the high part of the tongue is a little further back, and the point of the tongue a little lower for [ than for X, and for I than for [. The mark J^ may be associated with [ (as in Q{^1, day) and explained as meaning a very soft sound of O- Lesson V. Call the learner's attention to the two vowels which lie first learned, namely. f and f. He will observe the resemblance in the shapes of the letters, and he will be conscious of a resemblance between their sounds. He will also feci that the front of the tongue is in almost the same position for both vowels, and that the difference between the two sounds arises from some change at the back part of the mouth. His attention being directed to the matter, he will probably have a sensation of widciiivg the back part of the mouth in sounding f. He will be conscious of a similar sensation — whatever it may be — in pronouncing the pair of vowels ] and 3, which he learned in the second lesson ; and he will )iow notice — if he has not done so sooner — the resemblance between these letters, and perceive that the difference between them is exactly the same as that between { and f. After this preparatory exercise on sounds, which were already practically known, introduce the letters C I 1: } J- These will be seen to differ from the letters C I i } J exactly as £ differs from { and } from ]. Explain that their sounds differ in precisely the same v/ay, and these new varieties will probably be pronounced with accuracy at the first effort. There are only two other accented vowels to be learned ; namely J and J. The letter J is J without the cross-line ; and if the learner try to pronounce J with the lips spread instead of rounded, he wall produce J. He will feel too that the sound is very like } ; and he will perceive the correspondence between the letters 3 J and the letters [ \. Explain that their sounds correspond in the same way ; that is : — the forepart of the tongue is very low for \ and the back part of the tongue is very low for J. The only remaining vowel is J. Tlic letter is formed by joining Jt togctlicr, and the sound of I will be produced by trying to sound l\ at the same time. Q ]24 The vowel X is always followed by ^ in English. Explain that y is a ver)' soft sound of Q. The English reader has nothing more to learn. This short course of in- struction will have, undoubtedly, excited his interest, and thus given him the best possible stimulus to perseverance in exercise. Lesson VI. Revise the Complete Alphabet, sounding and nmning the letters. Practise Reading on subjects easily comprehended. Unaccented syllables may be printed either with the shades of sound actually heard in current pronunciation, or with the vowel which would be given to each syllable in separate syllabic utterance. The latter mode should be adopted at first, for the sake of simplicity, and because the unaccentual variations are rather accidental than intended ; and the learner intending the written sound will, very likely, fall short of it in the customary degree, when he has attained the power of reading wath fluency. Besides, good reading is always syllabically distinct ; and a reader may with propriety aim at a finer syllabication than that of conversational speech. The only advantage attending the discrimination of unaccented varieties, is that a knowledge of them prepares the learner for a more ready recognition of foreign sounds. The writing of unaccentual shades will occasion no difficulty after the more important elements are known. [See next Section.] Mode of Deducing Foreign Sounds from their Symbols when the Symbols of Vernacular Sounds are known. When the letters which represent vernacular sounds are known, foreign sounds will be deduced from their symbols with facility and certainty. Thus the English learner knows the vowel \. If he try to pronounce the sound with the lips spread instead of ' rounded ' (with no superadded effort of guttural compression), the result will be 1. The finger and thumb may be used to spread the lips while sounding \, in order to get the true result. The vowel £ is, of course, known ; and by endeavouring to pronounce If simultaneously, the sound of X will be produced. In like manner, the attempt to form the known sounds ][ simultaneous!}', will give the quality of \. So, too, X will result from the effort to blend the sounds of Jt ; ^ is a common English vowel, and ] will be obtained b}' spreading the lips while sounding J. 125 The vowel f will be funned by trying" to .sound [ with the lips as close as for i ; { will be formed by trying to sound [ with the lips contracted as for } ; and ^, by trying to sound { with the lips ' rounded ' as for }. So, likewise, the vowel I will be formed by the effort to blend the sounds of Jf ; ^ by blendini,^ }{ ; and J by blending j\. Unknown varieties of 'wide' vowels will be produced by a similar coalescence of known sounds. Thus : ICII3J13-J' are English elements ; the quality of the vowel 1 will be obtained by removal of lip-modification from } ; I by blending If ; and \ by blending 3 [. The unknown -f will be obtained by pronouncing f with the lips contracted as for J ; J by blending ^-f ; { by trying to sound [ with the lips ' rounded' as for } ; 1 by blending }£ ; { by trying to sound I with the lips ' rounded ' as for J ; and i by blending J|. These various relations, it will be observed, are all expressed in the symbols themselves. [See ' Table showing the Mutual Relations of Symbols and Sounds,' page 41.] NOTE ON THE ZULU CLICKS. The formation of these peculiar linguistic elements has been explained at page 62 ; but it seems necessary to add a note with reference to their symboliza- tion. The Re\'. Dr Callaway states, in the Preface to his * Izinganekwane,' (p. iv) that in Zulu the clicks ' are never heard without an accompanying con- sonantal sound ' — of g, k, or n. In all such cases, the writing of the sign <5 after the consonant expresses the click without another consonant letter. The click is the mere removal of the organic contact which is involved in all 'shut' and ' nasal' consonants ; and the sign el. 126 While this sheet is passing through the press, an opportunity has occurred for an independent study of the Zulu Clicks, from the utterance of a native of Natal. The Author's Son (A. G. B.) writes, as the result of his observation of these elements : — "The 'Dental Click' (represented by c in Dr Callaway's Work) is 0<<. This, and the ' Palatal Click,' I got at once to the satisfaction of my visitors. The latter {q) is C)c, as I pronounced it in the word f.OA?>33, — which the sailor said was perfect. As I heard the sound, there was no lateral emission. A compressed Q is formed while X is ' held,' and the explosive sound, heard before the ^, has quite the effect of a Click. The sound of ]il is £^ ; Ng initial is, as I caught it, Q,Q,. But the sailor could not distinguish any difference between GQI and dJQI (' Ngi ')." The explanation given in the preceding page shows why a click after a nasal consonant does not interrupt the continuity of the voice ; while between two vowels it necessarily makes a break in the sound. The sound of hh, written QA«> in the above experiment, is perhaps Xi — a closure of the super-glottal passage, as in the act of swallowing. PROFESSIONAL CARD. Mr a. MEI.VILLE 15ELL, Author of ' Visible Spcecli,' may be consulted in all Cases of Impediment or Defect of Speech, Vocal Weakness, Monotony, Oratorical Ineffectiveness, &c. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. The experience of upwards of Twenty-five years' Practice enables Mr A. Mklvillk Beli^ to undertake tlie permanent, and, in most cases, the speedy Removal of Stammering and other forms of Vocal Impediment. Keferences of the highest class are furnished to inquirers. A limited number of Pupils can be accommodated as Boarders ; but residence in the Establishment is not required in order to efiect a Cure. DEFECTS OF ARTICULATION. In cases of Lisping, Burring, and other Single Elementary Defects, the entire Kemoval of tlie Faulty Habit rarely needs more than from Six to Twelve Lessons. Children who are bacliward in acquiring the power of Speech are trained to the perfect u^e of their Vocal Organs. Parents or Governesses are invited to be present at the Lessons, and are directed in the means of carrying on the improvement, which is always rapidly commenced. ELOCUTION.-PRONUNCIATION, READING, DELIVERY, AND ACTION. Clergymen, Barristers, Members of Parliament, and other Public Readers and Speakers, arc Privately Instructed in the Principles and Practice of Effective Delivery, Oratorical Composition &c. Ladies and Non-professional Pupils, receive Special Lessons in the art of Reading, &c., according to individual requirements. VISIBLE SPEECH.-UNIVERSAL ALPHABETICS. Pupils are practically initiated in the Physiology of Speech, and in the use of the Universal Alphabet, so as to be enabled to produce, and to record, all varieties of Native or Foreign Sounds. Dialectic peculiarities are corrected ; and Foreigners are taught to pronounce English with the characteristics of vernacular utterance ; TERMS. Single Lessons in any Department, One Guinea. Cure of Stammering, Stuttering, &c., - (Twelve Lessons,) - Ten Guineas. Removal of Lisping, Burring, &c., - - (Six Lessons,) - Four Guineas. Elocution, Reading, DeHvery, &c., - - (Six Lessons,) - Three Guineas. Visible Speech.— Vocal Physiology, &c., - (Six Lessons,) - Three Guineas. The following additional Establishments for the Cure of Stammering and for Elocu- tionary Instruction are conducted (in Edinburgli) by Mr Mei.vilm.; .J. Bi;[,i, ; and (in Dublin) by Mr D. C. Bell. EuiNBURGn : No. 13 South Charlolto Street. Djtklin: No. 1 Kildare Place. Lo.vpo.v N.W., No. IS H.ARRi.vfiTOK Sqcahe, {Xenr F^gent'f I'mk j DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF WORKS ON SPEECH, BY Professor A. MELVILLE BELL, F.E.I.S., F.R.S.S.A., &c., Lecturer on Elocution in University College, London. [SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS.] VOCAL PHYSIOLOGY, AND CURE OF STAMMERING. Neio Edition, entirely re-written, price Five Shillings. THE PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH, AND CURE OF STAMMERING, ic— In this Work, the Theory of Articulation, and the Mechanism of Vowel and Consonant Sounds are minutely explained. All the elements of English Speech are separately treated of, with especial reference to the Defects to whicli they are subject. The Cure of Stammering and Stuttering forms a separate section of the Book, and directions are given by which the Stammerer can, by his own eflbrte, remove or greatly alleviate his impediment. Illustrated Nursery Booh, 2Jrice One Sl/illing. LETTERS AND SOUNDS.— An Introduction to English Reading, on an entirely New Plan. The Sounds, instead of the names of Letters, are made the basis of instruction ; and the lessons are strictly plionctic, without new letters, or interference witli ordinary spelling. Tlie work contains Practical Directions to Teachers and Governesses, for carrying out the method, and for the prevention of Impediments and Defects of Speech in children. A'ew Edition, price Sixpence. OBSERVATIONS ON STAMMERING, AND THE PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION.— With Notes of Cases. THEORY AND PRACTICE OP ELOCUTION. Third Edition, j^rice Four Shillings. THE ELOCUTIONARY MANUAL.— This Work contains a summary of the general principles of Vocal Physiology, elaborated in the ' Principles of Speech' ; with a full development of the Theory of Express- ive Delivery; an original analysis of the Tones of Speech, and the Laws of Emphasis; the mechanical and expressive principles of Gesture, &c. ; illustrated by a Selection of upwards of Two Hundred passages carefully marked for Exercise in Inflection, Modulation, Emphasis, Action, &c. iVeJO Work on Applied Emphasis, '\2mo, price ^s. Gd. THE EMPHASIZED LITURGY.— The Morning, Evening, Communion, and Burial Services, and all the Collects, marked with a simple directive Notation, for Emphasis and Clause. With an Introductory Essay on the Theory of Emphasis, the Expressiveness of Tones, and the General Intellectual and Mechanical Principles of Public Reading. Intended for Private Preparatory Study of the Church Oflices. New Edition, fjreatly tnlaryed : sleteciyped, l'2mo. x>p ili'2, piice 3s. (> Dui^U^Dn (Pot.) D']fnO'&uj3'a-Lf (Poe.j pjo:) n. ci i PL. Vairietie-i of PronanciatjoTi Pi3'}^^i. DUiluI •3'!_uj'aajp3lt7>aTj ,5«.) &3w''.br.crjc 131 U;CD)- 6(00 3u/'3^''^''-^-^^^' 3(c - 3 do ' OJ V .M a-r. . , , (, C OTll:UH.L(.6.(i .) ?33<^W}'Gijia3 •f3[^tii|'DiTal3 ^3u^;c; f9lpp}0Oi'Ci?U I o:^;a \ l^Cie.^j F JTHorgcn [one] 3* OS' [laousc o3in oj?n ^ Sc.l A.-m.) PL lY. 1 NTERJECTlOSJAL A. N O \ IN AKT 4 C U l-^T E Sounds , ^^ ■ 3}n^ V aciia- ioo^v^ n v- uiisir jd' a G u ci • -» iO^^V^il oio- oCd- n.i ani 'ancx- (OS) j( ^ 5. 1. ^ j; ^I. Q-o Q-<- rrUTJ- -LTG- uo-- {o-OA^ UJ. UJ^ Uj.'Df-. T3J. OD^• :o;o- 'o-'3 (o-pA) y|- xl- n|- "xT.i- DO^li vdY^ I o}?. • op • (0^0 ^u-ula- u-uXa- uula- p^-ii'j al, ^I., Q>^0»'1^]»3 . **'^'''' Da; on on. x^< x^< A'< pco]9i e|ol Dwlr ou)}i- 3UA-i rt{\ ^Is,. bi, 'L.< b', iDU)]?^ , e^rr. QV^ {' {' qM €>' c^^ 0^- essi ^••'n>; n\ c> c c< q a> i D 1 A L E C T S . fVoniin tiattoiA 0^ lilt N-umer ais 1 tb i«:* CotJtnty Bovoltv i») Pa«.(>?s.3 ('2J ?K,.ol^oVkt-ava f3; ^lJ« (Aj A^tr-. j^i-j {Te.vi.ohda.ea) (T>u nj-i/-ry% Ax t ) IStfeilLofie } 1 1 \:5\.x£ ^[gt (T^Cqt <^[^ , [■'3^ Cr^ 1 It? I \oh,-uh y3[- U3:i uaji U3J* xrsj:. 3 S^XS ^^ ii llfi}^'^?. Tcor3i:ffi TcoIaiTa' 1 Twi3 x£[ I'cjufa ^< Ta3[;;3(yi ;i -C-3fC03 (J3XtO TJ3£CjO trarco U3|^W najw 20 USpO-i Tjtxf-ai U^It^yUi r p ualcj-crf Tj -^l^ui •* -VvJritten fro r.^ Vhe Deer atiovx oj- (1 ) JIaT JAit.TxIiivr av^ •, (2) }>»r. Geo.Bl}oXl-n4ton« ; (3) jrv.':.;iv'ck'i Be 11 .^i .R..-i D. S Dr.j.Q)al«'.(ir) 7>l>:.J.Forresl- TL.V. TEST-SENTENCES.- DIALECTS. .Aberdeen s}i<.r«. ial 3Iiu) co]f\D Jliun^IJi:? "olo CUt jriT 3]fl 0[f3 . ■Cm^sfr^GRjn. , l^ U3J» ajo-flojQ]D siim. s^T .aj.i9Tn.-TiT[i ^ ' 'Its ^]^-^^ I ©j^- >lidiot-hion,. acOi (hIw u[na Tu ra[,[eicoi . [1 3lc, acoCDuI<*);n -on e^-cojca. Ol\0 r?l^ . DjDCiXU JD. nCci T?[iu)Tcor TSffCDTuorTa e[on ji ^Jxj '[co ^}i 3[ca rt^f \3itn. \c ,(^[^s~\ , lalo \'.c uja o^t el ,(i\[wn.ljn,. U"p-p«r Teviotdo-tk. cl^iy 1-ble^ ral alien isl:^ I rI wT?Ci olsd olrG. DIg Iw i JCiru Jfe? Is £i?rc? ]t9 ^}ca. [t a}? d[(*)-»ji , Ian \ w;c "cjCco. T3u[i9coI oLxj. OT?;cu ©Ta 3?u sni Tif}? -xs]? . J-d p]? 1 oh. xuii cope, ^ QI^ ^l}'^ ^1 i^l 3^1a snfsTij '^ s^T ei[iu oju; sni aufcosi ij}D [00 a[ Ba3[iu [ etun. q|^i on Tu^i [hit "cju}d '^, u[?. D 1 A L E C SccCtisK Border ( Covxti ^n «»< i [s lish '^ .plaulin , [3 I© hhc v] j^I a]u p|i?a V sTiTa[uwra" .rvt is cellars U.S Scotti»K ;3jW I r QJrtJ X ■^iJ^fW ?5Cu;a ^[CU '^GT -VU ,P{-Qf. 0{i ?3l^,ajt snT (Tj]?jTi Tjl raT-5f]?i^. lei IV. ?L.7I. T S ( fonti-na^dj [i n[a \pivi ^1 ail ml ^alt gIu ulu)- IcrotoTciD lolw (^fs sni f] "0 3 Twin, foo]; nTpl^co 3|t ? 3 ci}?3y I p\tols\. aLa ? 3]i ru2\ D3i(y ? Jin eije^lo? ^rr^]^. Cp,i9JtrLj, -op] (Til -cf} Qi si f^Jvi. ^{cu snln '{3 10^:1^, m o]csu ]\ Ir 593'urc>] ]'wji Ji JCOJI. C<}tp] ap ei'Oj:n]ts. QO^-f n(n['}i 3i5i(t^l'coI)Du] ql iirv3n aff^In D}m3 o£go oi'cr J D ^jxff . 3^Au|, ia -DiTirLooltiric aojsausj. Qjtu}uu 0} C1I.3. 3l:t 3]:cogI wlWla^- . .3]< 'lau[ a\^ .Ullnv. J^AOrx , c^ ,^,^0^ ^ K^l^ ^ q^^,,_ ;oa.i>y ,ve „c.o i-i .' PL YIII SH AKSPER\AN ENOLIS H. Portia's Speec)) or\ M e r c^ AS PRONOUNCED IN THE TIME OF SMAKSPFRE. AVn'ttiTi jjovn thi. DiclTatton of At-exandx» John El li s , Esq., F R.S. fu liJwjDCn , 3a rn.C Ti5U|;auco\ wj^tj 3ci)^if3 o^s^^f 3(r^ -[u)rxaj]^7> 0\Hi> xjln 5Ti[T3ir u]^^ co-[;;qtau Q't^^n. , Ijhwjs nil a]cj0 3jimltf -. 3t "qI* ou)j?, o^^iJ ^[ujai^ • 3^:?u sr3u a]i'0 DwjTtA) -G^ls^ U"[i'DU" 3a jsw ut. u^cfQiu [ T^e i-r A a^i ~ of Ve ■ AchJV.Se.2. SUKKSPEffl^H AVO 7\LOO-eriN f/fON U r^C3 *,TJQ7i . p&ojvn. Da3[j;a ^I^tctjI ralsxir 3[; (iJ oft Cl^|;#(2 a<^]29 ul ©(0[a3l»i9 ■, p^ pile} pa[,^I«;a)i Pp I'eipau i^p, ]?, Dj^irLTaf^V.cCu j»?^© lii- IXrwJopf i^ % 3[GJu v] Ul^iaq'a 3fs*i jhyru-'I-al [Tiro apljj]-{u 13 Ixj pi(i^-Q[i , }? alo, , ]k a}^ fo sal 3[j, 1 a3]r0 ou)}^ o];3^i, ]d13 ?il ew]]^u^[a p sni a]Tjr , uj^iiria w]^5r5J ^D^fu pf |^tb^u ixi]^© ohu xji^li^iw alsa ©1. ^alr^ iO Ifi ojicr 3j:i suI ^^ afa ^eq^irnu sv^T Dwlan,. afo) tt^-^" ]^^i ^-fj 18. "Ol }iqTxs snTu) 3xA T5r5^ Tj\ v]'ii:£ jr2j& :nijp vjiaGr[i\ ul u)]iu, {^'J j3 s^fT2"?\,pGJ %'o[u;riDlxfrL ]D]ei iup ofoi^ ji n^aaufo]?;^ d]x 3[xn iRp Ik Its" ^['. . o[3Tirioor 9lvjTir: 21 3}i niLm. aj^vsals^ juT U'^i'^ oj-rO ^l lor sal u|Ddco;. jxsu 3VSU 3'b]W ul afcx) ;&/ PL. 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Jf^ /a 3fy / 6'L/Au^!f ,]k safia [J* / 6lfACJ\^ Ja J^ir/7S6H /f / 6i/AtJir, /a ^ji6 IJ> / 6i]AtJir : cbj6 ^^J^ ^ ^fafA!b / sb/^ Ja /?h /s/a 6l]AUifll 1,Uj> . n.Jji 3]? ^f fA -11?'} / 9Ly/fS'^ Ifpacdl; d)j6 rifs^ j/as 6/ j/Af ; 13.^3-ir ^/> //?// *-/'? j/^7^ aj^o^ iiidil, nfiJ> ^o/^:/>/6 aj' Ij> 62/al6c. J i^^^^ ^fl^o^y*-ATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^ 202 Main Librarv LOAN PERIOD 1 ~ HOME USE 2 3 4 b 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW (..UTOD:S5.J«i2" ' -■ MAR0419SI AUTO. DISC. [.CCiRa MA> Bo ISC DEC 14 13d) -^ J AN 00 199/ -APR 1 2 1997 JUL07B97 \^ FEB191998 . > • FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 university of California Berks' GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY BDD0710^7^