UC-HRLF B 3 3b 3 * GEOFGE BATTEN'S DIRECTORY OF TME RELIGIOUS PRESS OF TME UNITED STATES I892 M 1 IRARY University of California. GIF r OF Accession J(> C/j.k.s ( ,l i >k< ,1 i; \ I I i.\ Diki ( h »k\ R eligk )i fs Press MUD STATUS - \ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, By George Batten, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. == = The Brandt Press, Trenton, N. J. 1 \ y 1 • ■ >....:.. INTRODUCTORY. ' I A H1S book does not claim to come into competition, in a general sense, with the numerous newspaper directories and annuals which now cover the desks of advertisers, but is a formal and complete guide to one special class of the American Press. It is the outcome of a need, which has grown to be a necessity in my own office, in the transaction of a general advertising business, of which a considerable proportion is with religious papers. The data classified in this book is in nearly every instance taken from signed publishers', reports, obtained in some cases after extended cor- respondence ; the exceptions are marked with an asterisk (*), and are inserted on the authority of my best judgment. This director}- is not only a guide to religious papers, but gives concisely and accurately the people reached by them — who they are and where they are. The denominational statistics which appear at the head of each state, and which are found combined on page 6, are founded on reports and year-books obtained direct from the officiaries of the various denominations, and revised and corrected by so much of the National Census of 1890 as was completed at this writing. These figures are among the latest and most authentic now compiled, and will prove an invaluable aid to advertisers in the selection of their mediums. • Church Membership. Adventist, ... ..... 57,6ig Baptist, ........ 4,292,291 Church of God, ........ 22,511 nationalist, ....... 512,771 Disciples of Christ (Christians), ...... 731,769 Friends, ........ 107,208 German Evangelical, ....... 223,588 Latter-day Saints, ....... 166,125 Lutheran, . . . . . . ... 1,199,514 Mennonites, . . ... . . . 1 10.731 Methodist, ........ 4,980,240 Moravian, ........ 11,781 Plymouth Brethren, ....... 2,279 Presbyterian, ........ 1,278.815 mi Episcopal, ....... 507,642 Reformed Catholic, ....... 1,000 Reformed Church, ....... 309,458 Reformed Episcopal, ....... 8,455 Roman Catholic, ....... 6,250,045 Salvation Army. ....... 8,662 Swedenborgian, ........ 7,°95 Unitarians, ........ 60,000 Universalists, ........ 42,95 2 There are one hundred and forty (140) religious bodies and denominations in the United States. The above figures are of those only of greater importance, and the table therefore is useful to the business man rather than the scholar. All subdivisions of the large denominational bodies are included under the one general head for the sake of brevity and unity — there being in some instances as many as fifteen or more branches to a denomination. I I : ■ i I\1>I X Alabama, . • 9 Montana, . Alaska, IO Nebraska, Arizona, . . io Nevada, . Arkansas, IO New Hampshire California, 12 New Jersey, Colorado, 15 New Mexico, Connecticut. • 17 New York, I lelaware, IS North Carolina, I district of Columbia, • 19 North Dakota, Florida, 19 Ohio, . Georgia, . . 20 < Oklahoma, Edaho, 22 Oregon, Illinois, • 23 Pennsylvania, Indiana, 33 Rhode Island, Indian Territory, . ■ 31 South Carolina, Iowa, . 38 South Dakota. Kansas, . • 42 Tennessee, Kentucky, 45 Texas, Louisiana, • 47 Utah, Maine, 49 \ ermont, Maryland, • 5i Virginia, . Massachusetts, 53 Washington, . .Michigan, . 61 West Virginia, Minnesota, 65 \\ i>consin, ippi, . 68 \\ Miming, ■uri. 69 . 78 / . { 82 . 84 87 . 88 109 . in 112 • 124 125 . 126 143 • 143 146 • 147 152 • 157 158 • 159 162 • 163 164 . 167 1 1 R Pa I I Vlabama. - I » i r in Ingham I wi. reen Mont gomcf \ * GEORGE BATTEN S RELIGIOUS I \ll K IilKI ■< l«>KV The Southern Kc\ iew. Methodist Episcopal Zion ; monthly; 4 pages, I2\j<> inches; subscription, %\ year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly in the South; established [888; Rev. M. (i. Thomas, editor; The Misses Lillie, Nora and Helen Thomas, publishers, 440 South Ripley street. Notasulga. The Universalis! Herald. Universalist ; fortnightly; 4 pages, 24x36 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1.200 ; distribution scattered; established 1*50; Rev. John C. Burruss, editor and publisher. Alaska. No religious papers. The leading denominations arc: Moravian, .... 36 Roman Catholic, . . 559 Presbyterian, ... 32 Russian Orthodox. . . 13,004 and some Methodists and F.piscopalians. Arizona. No religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, ..... 150 Presbyterian, .... 31 Congregationalism . . . 258 Protestant Episcopal, . 86 Latter-day Saints, . . 6,500 Roman Catholic, . . 19.000 Arkansas. Eleven religious papers. The leading 1 denominations are : Baptist, . . 87.115 Lutheran. Christian Adventist, 671 Methodist. . Congregationalism 53° Presbyterian. Greek Orthodox, 5,000 Protestant Episcopal Roman Catholic, • 3.84S 1,386 8,500 l6. 211 2.O74 \r k.uK Iphi.i I oukc tl.tr r i ton 1 1 < i t > | > t 1 1 1 1 I it lie k'^k : . I : GEORG1 BATTEN S R] 1 H.l'»i - i'M'l R DIRE< I' iRY Light. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 6xio inches; subscription, 50 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1891; Robert 1. Wait, editor; Geo. I'.. McLaughlin, publisher. Paris. The ( rospel Echo.* Evangelical; monthly; 8 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1891 : K. II. I Inward, editor and publisher. The Gospel Trumpet.* Adventist; monthly; 8 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established, 1891 ; T. E. Walley, editor and publisher. California. Twenty-five religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, Christian Adventist. Congregationalist, Lutheran, .... Methodist, Moravian, .... Plymouth Brethren, 10,972 Presbyterian, . i>499 558 : nit Episcopal. 8,888 17,719 Roman Catholic, ■ 156,846 4.241 Russian Orthodox. 500 2.14+ Salvation \nuy. 310 19 Swedenborgian, 347 49 Los Angeles. The Cause.* Rinnan Catholic ; weekly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $3 a year; establish* d iSwi ; I'.. J. Robertson, editor and publisher. The Los Angeles Churchman. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; subscription, Si a year ; circulation, Soo ; distribution chiefly in Southern California ; established 188S; Thos. W . Hastings, D.D., editor; Ulrich Knoch, publisher, 137 South Bn >;id way. The Southern California Christian Advocate. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 10x18 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; cir- culation, 2,000; distribution chiefly in Southern California; G. W. Henning, editor and publisher, 205 New High street. l.t.Kl : I'll. I San I 14 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Harmony. Undenominational; monthly; 20 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, |i. 50 a . circulation refused; established 1888; Mrs. M. E. Cramer, editor and publisher, 324 Seventeenth street. The I [ebrew.* fewish; English and German ; weekly; 8 pages, 14x21 inches ; subscription, year; circulation, 500; distribution local; established [863; Philo [acoby, editor and publish mmercial srj Jewish Progress.* fewish; weekly; 8 pages, 13x19 inches ; subscription, $$ a year ; circulation, 500; distribution local; established 1875; Progress Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 60S Sacramento street. The Jewish Times and Observer. fewish; weekly; 8 pages, 28x42 inches ; subscription, $3 a year ; circulation, "11.450; distribution chiefly on the Pacific Coast; established 1856; Wm. Saalburg, editor; Saalburg & Levy, publishers, 420 Montgomery street. The Leader. Baptist; weekly; 12 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 2,100; distribution scattered; established 1880; Rev. J. A. Elgreen, 1>.1>.. editor; The Leader Publishing Co., publishers, 543 Clay street. The Monitor. Catholic; weekly; S pages, 18x24 inches; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly in California; established 1857; Frank J. McGuire, editor; Monitor Publishing Co., publishers, 530 Kearney street; The Occident. Presbyterian; weekly; 10 pages, 11x15^ inches; subscription, #2.50 a year; circulation, 3,500; distribution chiefly in California; established 186S; Laris ..V Xesbit, editors; The Occident Publishing Co., publishers, 1170 Market street. The Pacific. gregational; weekly; 8 pages, i"' 4 \22 inches; subscription, $ 2. 50 a year; circulation, 2,500*; distribution chiefly local ; established 1 851 ; The Publishing Co. of the Pacific, editors and publisher--. 7 Montgomery avenue. The Pacific Methodist Advocate. Methodist; weekly; 12 pages, 11x14^ inches; subscription, $2 a year ; cir- culation 3,000; distribution on the Pacific Coast; established 1856; 11. M. Du Base, editor; R. 1'. Wilson, publisher, 1170 Market .-treet. The Truth. Swedenborgian ; weekly; S pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1,800 ; distribution scattered ; established 1861 ; I reo. W. Sweeney, editor; Truth Publishing < o., publishers, 429 Montgomery .-treet. ' ■it. i ClftJ Crtu Colorado. p, GEl IRG1 BATT1 N*S KI i IGI01 S PAP1 l; I'll I The Colorado Catholic. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, i~' 2 \24 inches; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription, $2 a vr.ti ; circulation, 6,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established [884; Rev. I II Malone, editor; Colorado Catholic Co., publishers, Sixth avenue and South Water street. Denver's Young Men. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 6x9 inches ; illustrated; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1886; G K.. Shurtleft, editor ; Carson, Hurst & Harper, publishers, Lawrence street. The Lion. Protestant Episcopal monthly; 12 pages, 6x10 inches ; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 600; distribution local; established 1892; Rev. C. T. Brady, editor; St. Mark's Church, publishers. The People. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, Si a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local; established [89] : Hilton & 1'addock. editors and publishers, 1834 Lawrence street. The Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, S 1. 50 a vear; circulation, 1, 800; distribution chiefly local; established 1887; A. C. |\ '.. editor; The Shattuck Printing Co., publishers, 1340 Lawrence street. The Rocky Mountain Congregationalist. Congregational; monthly; 12 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a vear; circulation. 1,750; distribution Rocky Mountain region; established 189] ; Sam'l A. Thompson, editor and publisher, 1S3S Lawrence street. The Rocky Mountain Methodist. Methodist; weekly; S pages, 20x24 inches ; subscription, si. 25 a year; cir- tion, S75 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1881 ; Rev. E. B. Chenoweth, editor ; Rocky Mountain Methodist Publishing House, publishers, 3844 Market street. Durango. The San Juan Methodist. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 11x14 inches; circulation, 700 ; distribution il; established 1891 ; Association of Preachers, editors and publishers. Pueblo. La Hermandad — Spanish. Evangelical; monthly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 1.250 ; distribution local and in place- adjacent ; established 1889 ; Alex. M. Darley, editor and publisher, 413 West Twelfth street. Lomikv l k ul. ■ * ■ 1 I I '....-. \' - 3 ' Mf^. •' »« Hartford ' 1 Icn Mi \ en is Gl ORGI BATTEN'S RE] IGK ll - P U'l R l'lKi I Winsted. he Summit. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 8x1 J inches; subscription, 25 cents a \car; circulation, 300; distribution Local; established [886; F. B. Catlin, editor and publisher, 3 Lewis -treet. Delaware. Four religious papers. The leading denominations are: Baptist, ... 1.905 Protestant Episcopal, . . . 2,636 Lutheran, .... 296 Reformed Episcopal. . 139 Methodist. .... 47.123 Roman Catholic, . ",77 6 Plymouth Brethren, . . 44 Salvation Army. ... 153 Presbyterian, .... 4,034 Swedenborgian, ... 50 Dover. The Wilmington Conference Herald. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, nxiS inches; subscription, $1 a year; circu- lation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1892; Rev. Robert W. Todd, editor; The Wilmington Conference, publishers, Dover. Smyrna. The Methodist. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 35 cent- a year; circulation, 1.000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1889; Rev. W. W. W. Wilson, A.M.. editor and publisher. Wilmington. The Christian Companion. Methodist; weekly; 4 pages, 10^x13^ inches; subscription, 40 cents a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1875 j Alfred I , Scott, editor and publisher, 102 East Seventh street. The Peninsula Methodist. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 16 pages, 10x14 inches; subscription, # I a year; circulation, 4,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1S75 ; Rev. J. T. S. Thomas, editor; I. Miller Thomas, publisher, 604 Market street. District of Columbia. w a.thington S I 'lorida Mnfcii - l\li R DIRE4 TORY Butler. The ( rospel Messenger ]!apti>t ; monthly; 60 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circulation. 6,000; distribution scattered; established 1878; Respess & Mitchell, editors and publishers. Cumming. The Baptist Leader. Baptist ; weekly; 4 pages, 22x31 inches; subscription. SI a year; circula- tion. 1,300; distribution chiefly iD Northern Georgia; established 1890; J. S. Williams and A. ]. Kelly, editors and publishers. miner. The Towaliga Messenger. Baptist; monthly; 30 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 150 ; distribution local ; established 18S8; Win. T. Godard, editor and pub- lisher. Whigham. Welcome Tidings. Congregational Methodist ; weekly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 600 ; distribution scattered; established 1890 ; L. B. Wilson, editor and publisher. Idaho. One religious paper. The leading denominations are ; Baptist. . 377 Methodist, Congregationalist, . 243 Presbyterian, Latter-day Saints, 14,805 Protestant Episcopal. Lutheran, 356 Roman Catholic, 2,776 406 73 2 4,809 Paris. The Southern Idaho Independent. Mormon; weekly; 4 pages; subscription, S2.50 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1880; Walter Hoge, editor; Chas. P. Diehl, publisher. Illinois, - Wj»llfc tV*< V *n Barrj Hunker mil. s v. ha _>.} GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORS Chicago. 1'hc Advance. onal; week!) ; 16 to 28 pages, 12x18 inches; subscription, $2 a . circulation, 22,886; distribution general; established 1867; Rev. II. S Harrison, editor: The Advance Publishing Co., publishers, 155 La Salle street. I he American Israelite. Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 16x21 inches; subscription, $4 a year; circula- tion, 23,000; established [854; Isaac M. Wise, editor ; Leo M. Wise, pub- lisher, 320 Dearborn street, [ssued also at Cincinnati, < >hio. The Catholic Home.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 18x24 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution general; established 1885; Rev. Jas. J. Mc- Govern, editor and publisher, 415 Dearborn street. The Catholic Pilot.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 3,000; distribution general; established 1873; J. M. Higgins, editor: ]. M. C'ahill, publisher, 79 Randolph street. The Chicago Bladet — Scandinavian. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 15x21 inches; subscription, 51.50 a year; circulation, 12,500; distribution scattered; established 1877; John Martenson, editor and publisher, 205 ( >ak street. The Christian Cynosure. Undenominational; weekly: 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 4,527; distribution scattered; established 1S67 ; II. M. Huguinn, editor; National Christian Association, publishers, 221 West Madison street. The Christian Mirror. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 20 pages, Sxii inches; subscription, 50 centsayear; circulation, 500: distribution local; established 1889; A. II. Kistler, editor and publisher, 4048 1 >uget street. The Christian Oracle. Christian; weekly; 16 to 20 pages, 11^x16 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 7,500; distribution chiefly in the Northwest; established 1884; 1. M. Kirkham. editor ; Oracle Publishing Co., publishers, 415 Dear- bi 'i'n street. Christ Science. I ndenominational ; monthly; 12 pages, 8x 1 1 inches; subscription, $1 a year ; (in ulation not given; established 1891 ; Marion B. Van Eps, editor and pub- lisher, 24 East Van liuren street. ' 1 - N I I 2 6 GEi 'K«.l BATTEN'S Kl 1 [GIOl - PAPER DIR] 1 tziennik Chicagoski — Polish. Catholic; daily; -i pages, [8x24 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chieflylocal; established [889; Polish Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 141 West Division street. The Epworth Herald. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x14^ inches ; subscription, $1 ■away: circulation, 61,000; distribution general ; established 1889; Joseph F. Berry, editor; Cranston & Curts, publishers, 57 Washington street. The Evangel. Undenominational; monthly; 20 pages, 6^x9^ inches; subscription, 50 1 year; circulation, 3,000; distribution general; established 1888; Miss Elizabeth Wilson, editor; Young Women's Christian Association, pub- lishers, 34 Washington street. Evangeleits Sendebud — Danish. Christian Adventist ; monthly; 24 pages, 8xll inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 75 cents a year; circulation, 1,600; distribution scattered; established 1890; ]. G. Matteson, editor; International Tract and Missionary Society, publishers, 28 College Place. No advertisements. Evangel isters — Dano-Norwegian. Congregational; weekly; 8 pages, 11x15^ inches; illustrated; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 2,626; distribution scattered; established 1890; R. A. femberg, editor and publisher, 45 Warren avenue. Folke-Yennen — Dano-Norwegian. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 14x18 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 560 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1S79 ; W. Mor tensen, editor; Mortensen & Cook, publishers, 332 West Indiana street. Fosterlandet — Swedish. Lutheran; weekly; 8 pages, 17^x24 inches; subscription, SI. 50 a year; circulation, 6,700; distribution scattered; established 1886; P. C. Pearson ;1U .1 others, editors; Famat Publishing Co., publisher.-, 141 East Chicago The Free Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x15^ inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 6,000 ; distribution chieflylocal; established 1867; Rev. B. R. loncs, editor; S. K. J. Chesbro, publisher, 108 Franklin street. The Friends' Bible School Quarterly. 1 ! iends; quarterly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 12 cents a year ; cir- culation, 21,000; distribution general ; established 1SS1 ; T. W. Raidabaugh, editor; Publishing Association of Friends, publishers, 170 Madison street. ■ I : 2S GEORGE BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Living Church. Protestant Episcopal; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x14^ inches; subscription, 52 a year; circulation, 12,000;* distribution general; established 1877 ; Rev. C. W . Leffingwell, editor and publisher, 162 Washington street. Lutherischer Hausfreund — German. Lutheran; fortnightly; 8 pages, IIxl6 inches; subscription. Si a year; cir- culation, 2,100 ; distribution scattered ; established 1869; J. D. Severinghaus, editor; German Publishing Board, publishers, 437 West Ashland avenue. Manford's Magazine. Uhiversalist ; monthly; 64 pages, 6x7 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution scattered; established 1856; Rev. T. II. Tabor, editor and publisher, 774 West Van Buren street. The Messenger. Undenominational, fortnightly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution local; Mis-ion Publishing House, editors and publishers, 7S0 South Halsted street. Mission Studies. Congregationalist ; monthly; 20 pages, 83^x11)4 inches; illustrated; sub- scription's cents a year; circulation, 10,500; distribution general; estab- lished 1883; Mrs. J. F. Kemple, editress; Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior, publishers, 59 L>earborn street. Missions- Vannen — Swedish. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 17x24 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 17,000; distribution scattered; established 1872; O. Hog- fedt and others, editors ; The Mission Friends Publishing Co., publishers, 108 East Chicago street. The New Church Independent and Review. Swedenborgian ; monthly; 48 pages, 6xlo inches; subscription, S2 a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution scattered; established 1852; J. S. Weller, editor; Weller & Son, publishers, 144 Thirty-Seventh street. The Northwestern Christian Advocate. Methodist; weekly; 16 pages, 11^x153^ inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 24,800 ; distribution through surrounding States ; established 1852; Arthur Fd wards, D.D., editor; Cranston ..V Curts, publishers, 57 Washington street. Nya Wecko Posten — Swedish. Baptist; weekly; S pages, 14x20 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circu- lation, 10,000 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1878 ; Rev. E. Wingren, editor and publisher, 210 Oak street. ' 30 E BATTEN S RE] IGIOUS PAPER DIRE( T( iR^S Truth. I ndenominational ; monthly; 64 pages, 5-^x8^ inches; illustrated; sub scription, m a year; circulation, 3,500; distribution scattered; established [875; Rev. I. II. Brooks, I >.l )., t-ilitor ; The < i< p~j n-1 Publishing Co., pub Ushers, 83 Fifth avenue. The True Protestant. Evangelical; monthly; 4 pages, 10x16 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 20,000; distribution general; Rev. 1'. A. Seguin, editor ; Seguin 1 >., publishers, 235 South Lincoln street. Unity. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 11^x16^ inches; subscription, $1 a vear; circulation, 8,000 ; distribution chiefly Northwest; established 1878; [enkin Lloyd Jones, editor ; Chas. H. Kerr & Co., publishers, 1 7$ Dearborn street. The Universalist. Universalist ; weekly; 8 pages, 17 '4x24 inches; subscription, 52.50 a year; circulation, S, 000; distribution scattered; established 1S27 ; I. S. Cantrell, D.D., editor; The Universalist Publishing House, publishers, 69 Dearborn street. Western Catholic News. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, S2 a year; circula- tion, 12,000; distribution chiefly in West and South ; established 1887; John C. Phillips, editor; Western Catholic News Publishing Co., publishers, 227 Wilmot a\ enue. Wiara-i-Ozczyzna — Polish. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 1SX24 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 8,000; distribution scattered; established 1887; Polish Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 141 West Division street. World-Wide Missions. Methodist Episcopal ; monthly; 12 to 16 pages, 9^x12 inches; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a vear; circulation, 100,000; distribution general; established 1886; Rev. C. C. McCobb, D.D., editor; R. R. McCobb & Co., publishers, 144 Monroe street. The Young Men's Era. Undenominational; weekly; 32 pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, $2 a year ; circulation, 21,000; distribution general; established 1874; II. F. Williams, editor; Young Men's Era Publishing Co., publishers, 85 Fifth avenue. The Young People's Union. Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; illustrated; subscription, $1.25 a vear; circulation, 15,000 ; distribution general; established 1891 ; Frank L. Wilkins, D.D., editor; Baptist Young People's Union, publishers, 122 Wabash avenue. < la I n.in \ .ilk\ 1 Highland. N\. >u 11 1 Morri.4. toul W>^\ I 32 GEORGE BATTEN'S KKLIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Rock Island. Augustan, i. Lutheran; weekly; 16 pages, 12x16 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 13,000; distribution in the Northern States; established 1854; Rev. S. 1'. A. Lindahl, editor ; The Lutheran Augustana Book Concern, publishers. Tri-City Methodist. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, 10^x13^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1, 000 ; distribution local ; established 1891 ; J. L. Freeman, editor and publisher. Salem. The Home Conference News.* Methodist Episcopal ; monthly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1886; Rev. F. M. Van Treese, editor and publisher. No advertisements. Springfield. The Diocese of Springfield. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 8|£xll^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local ; established 1890; Rev. Frank W. Taylor, D.D., editor; H. W. Bokker, publisher. The Springfield Methodist. .Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15^ inches ; illustrated occasionally ; sub- scription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 800; distribution local; established 1890; H. B. Prentice, editor and publisher. Sterling. The Bee Hive. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 8j^xi2 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 12,000; established 1891 ; Rev. S. T. Entort, editor; H. H. Thoren, publisher, 412 Fifth avenue. Summerdale. Evangelii Budebiirare — Swedish. Seventh-day Baptist ; monthly; 4 pages, 12x14 inches ; subscription, 35 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1885; O. W. Pearson, editor; American Sabbath Tract Society, publishers, Alfred Centre, New York. Published also at Alfred Centre. N. V. Trenton. The Presbyterian. Non-sectarian; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 600 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1891 ; C. O. Dray- ton, editor; Presbyterian Publishing Co., publishers. I ndiana CWwum Ad i ini . I - : • ■ M Columbia Clti ■ . umbo %, l ikh.irt m 34 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY II' rold der Wahrheit — German. Mennonite; fortnightly; 16 pages, 9x12 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; cir- culation, 2,500 ; distribution chieflj local; established 1864; John F. Funk, editor; Mennonite Publishing Co., publishers. The Indiana Sunday School Union. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution through the State ; established 1891 ; Win. M. Bell, editor and publisher. Mennonitische Rundschau — German. Mennonite; weekly; 4 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 3,400; distribution in the Central West ; established 1879; Max. Maluskiewitz, editor; Mennonite Publishing Co., publishers. Evansville. Der Armen Seelen Freund — German. Catholic; monthly, 48 pages, 7x10 inches; illustrated; subscription, $ 1. 50 a year; circulation, 16,500; distribution general; established 1888; Rev. F. B. Luebbermann, editor and publisher. Published also in English as '-The Poor Soul's Advocate." Dated also at Mt. Vernon, Ind. Fort Wayne. The Gospel Tidings. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, Ilxl6 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1890 ; A. R. Wheeler, editor; Gospel Tidings Publishing Co., publishers. Greenfield. The Primitive Monitor. Primitive Baptist; fortnightly; 48 pages, SX X ^ inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 1,700; distribution scattered; established 1S81 ; R. W. Thompson, editor; D. H. Coble, publisher. Greensburg. The Methodist Call. Methodist Episcopal ; monthly; 8 pages, 12x17 inches ; subscription. 35 cents a year; circulation, 400; distribution local; established 1S89; W.W.Rey- nolds, editor and publisher, 48 Franklin street. Haw Patch. Gospel Exhortation and Reproof. Undenominational; monthly, 4 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution chiefly local; established 1889 ; Thos. H. Low, editor and publisher, 21 East Mill street. Indianapoli* i i M S 36 GE0RG1 BA [TEN'S RELIGIOl - lull: DIRECT' iRI The Presbyterian Teacher. Presbyterian; monthly; 24 pages, 6x9^ inches; subscription, 50 cent- a vcar; distribution general ; established 1876; C. F. Beach, editor ; Standard Publishing Co., publishers, 37 Virginia avenue. Published also in New York City, X. V. The Ram's Horn. Undenominational; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 10.000; distribution general; established 1890; Rev. Elijah P. Brown, editor ; D. H. Ranch Publishing Co., publishers, 66^ North Penn street. The Westminster Endeavorer. Presbyterian; monthly; 16 pages, 9^x13 "4 inches ; subscription, Si a year ; circulation, 2.500 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1892; C. F. Beach, editor; Standard Publishing Co., publishers, 37 Virginia avenue. Published also in New York City, N. V. Lafayette. The Battle-Ground Repository. Undenominational; monthly; S pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local; estab- lished 1887 ; Geo. B. Chamberlin, editor and publisher. Notre Dame. Ave Maria. Catholic; weekly; 28 pages, 7^x10^ inches; subscription, $2. 50 a year; circulation, 25,000; distribution general ; established 1865; Rev. D. E. Hud- son, C. S. C, editor and publisher. Owensville. The Messenger. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches ; subscription, Si a year ; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1S86; J. P. Cox, editor and publisher. Plymouth. Restitution. Church of God; weekly ; 4 pages, 18x24 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 2,600; distribution scattered; established 1S44; A. R. Under- wood, editor and publisher. Richmond .— h . i r p n Me. Indian Tcnit<>r> . r.tit« .• • i "luskof 38 Gl "K'.l BATTEN'S RE1 I'.l' 'I - PAP] R DIRE( rORY Iowa. Thirty-five religious papers. Baptist, Christian Adventist, Congregationalism Lutheran, . Methodist, Moravian, . ! leading denominations are : 30.409 Plymouth Brethren, . l6 3 1,272 Presbyterian, 21,252 32,166 Protestant Episcopal, . 6,244 61.135 Roman Cathi ■'. 161,684 65.233 Salvation Army, 387 IOI Swedenborgian. 138 Andrew. Die Blatter aus den Waisenhausen — German. Lutheran; monthly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 6,100; distribution general; established 1872; Rev. L. Hope, editor; Rev. V. Geissenboerfer, publisher. No advertise- ments. Cedar Falls. Voegteren — Dano- Norwegian. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 31x44 inches; subscription, $1.25 a year ; circu- lation, 2.000 ; distribution scattered; established 1876; Rev. S. C. Nielsen, editor; The Danish-Norwegian Book and Tract Society, publishers. Cedar Rapids. The Sunday School Missionary. Undenominational; monthly; S pages, 12x16 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 10 cents a year; circulation, 25,000; distribution in the Northwest; established 1875 i E- B. Stevenson, editor and publisher. Davenport. Church Bells. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, I2xl6 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 2,500 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1889 ; M. A. Johnson, D.D., editor and publisher. The Iowa Catholic Messenger. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 13^x20 inches; subscription, $2 a year ; circu- lation, 5. 1 12; distribution in the Northwest; established 1882; Fred. B. Aharon, editor and publisher, 205 West Third street. The Iowa Churchman. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 13x19 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a vear; circulation, 5,000; distribution Mississippi Valley chiefly; established 1877; Bishop Wm. S. Perry. D.D., LL.D., etc., editor and pub- lisher, 209 East Third street. I >< c< rah ! Do* Moines I NjbUQIM 40 GEORG] 3ATTKN S KKI.UMi >fS I' All K lURF.CT" >RY Luxemburger Gazette — German. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, it>.\2i^ inches ; subscription, $ 2.50 a year ; cir- culation, 3.500 ; distribution scattered ; established 1870; M. Gannier, editor ; German Catholic Printing Co., publishers, Sixth and Iowa streets. Iowa. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 16x21^ inches; subscription, S2 a year; circu- lation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1S73 ; M. Gannier, editor; German Catholic Printing Co., publishers, Sixth and Iowa streets. Phi Gamma. Presbyterian; monthly; 4 pages. 13x19 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1886; A. L. Pizer, editor; Second Presbyterian Church, publishers. Fort Atkinson. Der Kirchen Bote — German.* Congregational; monthly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation 500 ; distribution local; established 1882; Congregational Pub- lishing Co., editors and publishers. Grinnell. Congregational Iowa. Congregational; monthly; 4 pages, 12x17 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local; Rev. T. O. Douglass, editor; Iowa Home Missionary Society, publishers. Ida Grove. The District Messenger. Methodist Episcopal ; monthly ; 4 pages, 12x22 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution in Iowa; established 1890 ; F. E. Day, editor; District Publishing Co., publishers. Iowa City. The Iowa Methodist. Methodist ; monthly ; 8 pages ; illustrated occasionally ; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution in Iowa chiefly; established 1882; H. H. Fairall, editor and publisher, 125 Washington street. Lamoni. Autumn Leaves. I ner-day Saints; monthly; 48 pages, "xio inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 51.50 a year; circulation, 3,237; distribution scattered; established 18S7 ; Mrs. M. Walker, editress and publisher. . : Psmmm •• SIM n.iinl'i.ih : Sldn i ^H'li V V. I t \ 42 GI ORG] BATTEN'S RE1 [GIOl 5 PAPER DIR1 I rOR"V ( !ongregational News. I ndenominational ; weekly; 4 pages, [3x20 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 450; distribution local; established 1885; Rev. R.W.Jamison, editor; News Publishing Co., publishers. The League of the Cross. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 13^x20 inches; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 2,200; distribution chiefly local; estab- lished 1889; Rev. J. Phelan, editor ; League of the Cross Publishing Co., publishers. Waterloo. The Brethren Evangelist. Plymouth Brethren; weekly; 8 pages, 11x17^ inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 1.700; distribution scattered; established 1879; H. R. Holsinger, editor; Brethren Publishing Co., publishers. The Christadelphian Advocate. Christadelphian ; monthly; 24 pages, 5j£x6^ inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 500; distribution scattered; established 1882; Thos. Williams, editor and publisher. The Truth Gleaner. Christadelphian; monthly; 8 pages, 8x10^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution scattered; established 1891 ; Thos. Williams, editor and publisher. Kansas. Eighteen religious papers. The leading denominations arc : ist 34.534 Plymouth Brethren, ... 6 Christian Adventist, . . 99° Presbyterian, . . . 2,386 Congregationalism . . . 15,234 Protestant Episcopal, . . . 3.346 Latter-day Saints, ... 23 Roman Catholic, . . . 67,562 Lutheran. .... 18,094 Salvation Army, . . • 3°7 Methodist, .... 70,270 Swedenborgian, ... 62 Abeline. The Evangelical Visitor. Plymouth Brethren; fortnightly; 16 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,700; distribution scattered; established 1887 ; Henry Davidson, editor and publisher. Claj win Kan— < ^ it | i M^ Pbcrson Mul\ .iiu i:. '. ; ■ .» i . ,'T 44 GE0RG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Ottawa. The Ottawa Chautauqua Assembly Herald. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, 1 1 x 1 6 inches; subscription, 25 cents a Tear; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution chiefly in Eastern Kansas; established 1891 ; Mrs. Noble Prentise and others, editors ; Ottawa Chautauqua Assem- bly ; 2 30 Main street. The Ottawa Baptist. Baptist; monthly; 8 pages, 7x9 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circu- lation, 475 ; distribution local ; established 1891 ; Rev. W. R. Wood, editor; J. B. Kessler, publisher. The Tribune. Baptist ; weekly ; 4 pages, 16x22 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local; established 1884; T. W. Field, editor; Tribune Publishing Co., publishers, 234 South Main street. Salina. The Kansas Synodical Reporter. Lutheran ; quarterly; 4 pages, 8^x11 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 600; distribution chiefly local ; established 1890 ; Mrs. Alice V. Bond, editor; Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, publishers, 109 Ninth street. The Weekly Tidings. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 4 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation 700; distribution chiefly local; established 1891 ; A. N. See, editor; A. N. See & Co., publishers. Topeka. The Kansas Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 13x21 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local ; established 1889; James Law- rence, editor and publisher. The Kansas United Presbyterian.* United Presbyterian ; monthly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1888; Rev. M. F. Kirahan, editor and publisher. Wichita. The Kansas Christian.* Unsectarian ; weekly; 8 pages, Ilxl6 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year ; distribution local ; established 1891 ; Wm. H. Redwine, editor and publisher. The Western Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, n^x^^ inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local; established 1889; Rev. E. A. Hoyt, editor; W. M. Star, publisher. Kentuc K\ . ■ tlettsbui I ulton. i l i banon. I ouisvlllc ' w r i < f i » . 46 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTOR'S The ( latholic Advocate. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu lation, $,000; distribution chiefly local - ; established 1869; Catholic Advocate 1 ... 1 ditors and publish rs. The < 'hristian Observer. Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 17^x24 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year ; circulation, 15,600; distribution in the South; established 1813; Rev. F. B. < onverse, editor ; Conversed Co., publishers, 512 Third avenue. Katholischer Glaubensbote — German. Catholic; weekly; 17^x23 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 9,500; distribution chiefly in the South; established 1866; Glaubensbote Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 369 East Market street. The Kentucky Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 12x18 inches; subscription, $ I a year; circu- lation, 2,350; distribution" chiefly in Kentucky; established 1888; Rev. H. ('. Morrison and others, editors; Kentucky Methodist Publishing Co., pub- lishers, 514 Third street. The Orphans' Friend. Baptist; monthly; 8 pages, 9^x12^ inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; circu- lation. 1,500; distribution local; established 1872; Mary A. Hollingsworth, editor; Geo. II. Diet/ & Co., publishers for the Baptist Orphans' Home. The Record. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $ I a year; circu- lation, 11.000; distribution chiefly local; established 1879; Rev. M. Bouchet, editor and publisher, 369 East Market street. The Standard Churchman. Protestant Episcopal ; monthly; 16 pages, 8^x11^ inches ; subscription, $1 a year; distribution chiefly local ; established 1891 ; Rev. George C.Smith, editor and publisher, 326 West Green street. The Western Recorder. Baptist ; weekl) ; 8 pages, 15^x21^ inche- ; subscription, 52 a year; circu- lation, 16,500; distribution scattered; established 1834: Rev. S. S. Eaton, LL.D., editor : Baptist Book Concern, publishers, Third and Jefferson streets. Ludlow. The Church at Work. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 2,200; distribution chiefly local; established 18S7 ; Chas. E. Nash, editor; The Church at Work Publishing Co., publishers. I > V I jOtiisiana. Utfl « »! Il .111 - 48 GEORGl BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRE! fORI Gazetta Cattolica — Italian and English, intercolumnar. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, [6x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 800; distribution scattered; established 1889; Rey. G. A. Manorilla, I ».l )., editor and publisher, 171 Conti street. The Holy Family. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 14x20 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 11,500 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1884; Judge Frank McCloin, editor; Society of the Holy Spirit, publishers, 190^ Camp street. L' Observateur Louisianais — French. Catholic; monthly; 84 to 140 pages, 6x9^ inches; subscription, $1.25 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly in Louisiana; established 1892; Rev. F. Rouge, editor ; F. C. Philippe, publisher, 198 Bayou Road. The Morning Star and Catholic Messenger. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x21 inches ; illustrated occasionally ; subscrip- tion, 52 a year; circulation, 7,500 ; distribution in the South; established 1868; Massardier & Lancaster, editors ; G. T. McCune, publisher, 68 Camp street. The New Orleans Christian Advocate. Southern Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 30x44 inches; subscription, 52 a year; circulation, 7,500; distribution in the South; established 1850; Rev. I . \Y. Carter, D.D., editor; Rev. D. L. Mitchel, publisher, 112 Camp street. The South-Western Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 6,000 ; distribution in the South among the negroes ; estab- lished 1S65 ; A. E. Albert, D.D., editor and publisher, 139 Paydras street. The South-Western Presbyterian. Southern Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 4,000; distribution in the South; established 1869; Rev. R. Z. Mallard, D.D., editor; E. S. Upton, publisher, 94 Camp street. The Tribune. baptist; monthly; 4 pages; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 600; dis- tribution in the South; established 1892; Rev. Francis J. Davidson, editor and publisher, 518 Phillip street. Ruston. The Baptist Chronicle. baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 24x36 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 2,500 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1886; R. M. Boone, editor and publisher. Maine ■Um. CW Lmm ■ . riwin -, , i i iRGl i; \ ll l N'S Rl i IGIOl S PAP1 R DIREi Orono. The Methodist. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 12x16 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. 1-. II. Morgan, editor and publisher. Portland. The Bethel Flag. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 7^x11 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution local; established 1876; F. South- worth, editor; Southworth Bros., publishers, 105 Middle street. The ( hristiaii Minor. Congregational; weekly; S pages. 15x22 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year ; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly in New England; established 1822; Rev. I. P. Warren, D.D., editor and publisher, 97^ Exchange street. The Maine Sunday School Reporter. Undenominational; quarterly; 8 pages. 8x12 inches; subscription, 20 cents a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution local; established 1884; Rev. B. P. Snow, editor; Stevens & Jones, publishers, 208 Middle street. North East. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 9^x12 inches; subscription, $ I a year; circulation, 700; distribution chiefly local; established 1872; C. Mor- ton Sill-. D.D., editor; B. Thurston Co., publishers, 97^ Exchange street. /ion's Advocate. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year* circu- lation, 3,200; distribution local; established 1828; Henry S. Burrage, editor and publisher, 1S5 Middle street. Rockland. The Association Record.* Evangelical; monthly; 4 pages, 8x1 1 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution local ; established 1888; G.W.Garland, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers. Thomaston. The District Tidings. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 11x16 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 2,236; distribution local; established 1889; J. H. W. Wharff, A. M., editor and publisher. Wan land r.ait Im M GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRE( l"KY Katholische Yolks Zeitung.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x23 inches; subscription, I2.50 a year ; circulation, 10,000 ; distribution chiefly local ; established i860 ; John N. and Louis I Schmidt, editors; Kreuzer Bros., publishers; 212 North Calverl street. Lutheran Witness.* Lutheran; semi-monthly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 2,250; distribution chiefly in immediate vicinity; established 1SN1 ; Rev. Wm. Dallmann, editor and publisher, 1408 West Baltimore street. The Maryland Churchman. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 10,000; distribution in Maryland and District of Columbia chiefly; Geo. A. Meeknis, editor and publisher, 28 South street. The Methodist Protestant. Methodist; weekly; 16 pages, 12x17 inches; subscription $2 a year; circu- lation, 5,000; distribution chiefly East and South; established 1831 ; E. I. Drinkhouse, M.D., D.D., editor;' Wm. J. C. Dulany, publisher, 3 East Balti- more street. The Month.* Catholic; monthly; 148 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, $4 a year; estab- lished 1864; John Murphy & Co., editors and publishers, 44 West Baltimore street. The Presbyterian Observer. Presbyterian; weekly; 16 pages, 9x14 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1872; Rev. WW. McKinney, D.D., editor; Presbyterian Publishing Co., publishers, 216 North Charles street. The Tablet. Catholic; quarterly; 24 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,900; distribution general; estab- lished 1888; Frank K. Murphy, editor; John Murphy lV Co., publishers, 44 West Baltimore street. Saint Joseph. The Tabernacle Monthly. Congregational; monthly; 8 pages, 10x12 inches; subscription. 52 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1889; Albert Bushnell, editor and publisher, 220 South Seventeenth street. N\assac husetts Roma Bald* 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 I.' i aksH • 1 1 »ston. ■ 54 GJ ORG! BAT! EN'S ki I [GIOUS PAP] K DIREl N •!.'. The Baptist Missionary Magazine Baptist; monthly; 26 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; established 1819; American I l;i j >t i -t Missionary 1 nion, editors and publisher, Tremont remple. Berkeley Beacon. Congregational; monthly; 8 pages, 9^x11 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution scattered; established [888; II. I. Richardson, editor; Berkeley Beacon Association, publishers, Berkeley remple. Blessed Hope.* Evangelical; quarterly; 36 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; established 1882; circulation, 1,000; Advent Christian Publication Society, editors and publishers, 144 Hanover street. The Bouquet for Catholic Families.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1. 25 a year; established 1891 ; T. A. Dwyer, editor; House of the Angel Guardian, pub- lishers, 85 Vernon street. The Christian. Undenominational; monthly; 20 pages, 33x46 inches; subscription. Si a year; circulation. 16,000; distribution general; established 1866; H. L. Hasting-, editor and publisher, 47 Comhill street. The Christian Leader. Universalist ; weekly; 8 pages, 17x21% inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, $2.50 a year; circulation, 9,600; distribution chiefly in the New- England States ; George H. Emmerson, D.D., editor ; Universalist Publishing Home, publisher, 30 West street. The Christian Register. Unitarian; weekly; 16 pages, 4^x16 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circu- lation, 8,000; distribution local; established 1821 ; Rev. S. J. Barrows, editor; Christian Register Association, publishers, 141 Franklyn street. The Christian Witness. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 11^x16^ inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 9,000; distribution general ; established 1869 ; Rev. W. McDonald, editor; McDonald, Gill & Co., publishers, 36 Bromlield street. The Church Index. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, 10^x14^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 2,000; distribution local; established iN.SN; ( 'liarles C. Kellogg, editor and publisher, Grace avenue, Dorchester. • ; ... . ' ' 56 GE0RG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The King's Messengers to Heathen Lands. Baptist; monthly; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 20,000; distri- bution general; Mrs. C. W. Train, editress; C. W. Train, publisher. La Tromba Evangelica* — Italian. Evangelical; monthly; 8 pages, 11x14 inches; subscription, $1 a year; established 1891 ; John G. May, editor and publisher, 150 Hanover street. Lend a Hand Monthly. I ndenominational ; monthly; 80 pages, 4^x7^ inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution general; established 1886; Edward E. Hale, editor; J. Stilman Smith Co., publishers, 3 Hamilton Place. Lutherischer Anzeiger. Lutheran; fortnightly; 6 pages, 9^x12 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 600;* distribution local ; established 1883; Rev. Adolf Biewend, editor and publisher, Gore street. Messiah's Herald. Undenominational; weekly; 16 pages, 11x14^ inches ; illustrated occasion- ally ; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution general; established 1837; F. O. Cunningham, editor; American Millennial Asso- ciation, publishers, 102 High street. The Missionary Helper.* Free Baptist; monthly; 40 pages, 5x8 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1876; Mrs. Emeline S. Berlingame, editor ; Free Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, publishers, 457 Shawmut avenue. The Missionary Herald. Congregationalist ; monthly; 44 pages, 4^x7^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, $1 a year ; circulation, 25,000; distribution world-wide ; established 1810; Rev. E. E. Strong, D.D., editor; Charles E. Swett, publisher, 1 Somerset street. The Morning Star. Free-Will Baptist; weekly; 8 to 10 pages, 15x2034 inches; illustrated some- times ; subscription, $2 a year ; circulation, 9,200 ; distribution general ; established 1S67 ; Clarence A. Bickford, editor ; Arthur Given, publisher, 457 Shawmut avenue. My Neighbor. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 16 pages, 6x9^ inches; illustrated, sub- scription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 2,000 ; distribution chiefly local ; estab- lished 1891 ; Rev. F. B. Allen, editor; The Episcopal City Mission, pub- lishers, 120 Tremont street. I 58 GI ORG] BATTEN'S RE] IGIOl 5 PAPER DIRECT) »] V The Watchman. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 18x24 inches; illustrated occasionally; subscrip- tion, J2.50 a year ; circulation, 17.000 ; distribution general ; established 1819 ; George E. Sorr, Jr., editor; The Watchman Publishing Co., publishers, 3 Tremont Temple. The Watchword. Undenominational; monthly; 32 pages, 8x10 inches ; subscription, $ I a year; circulation, 2,850; distribution scattered; established 1878; A.J.Gordon, D.D., editor ; The Watchword Publishing Co., publishers, 120 Tremont street. The World's Crisis. Adventist; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches ; subscription, $1.50 a year; circu- lation, 10,000; distribution general ; established 1S54; Rev. E. A. Stockman, editor; The Advent Christian Publication Society, publisher, 144 Hanover street. Working Boy.* Roman Catholic; monthly; 8 pages, 12x17 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; established 1884; Rev. John F. Ford, editor and publisher, 38 Bennett Zeuge der Wahrheit — German. Lutheran; fortnightly; S pages, 9fxl2 inches; illustrated; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution general; established 1877; Rev. I. H. Stokes, editor; The N. Y. and N. E. Conferenz, publishers, Orphans' Home, West Roxbury. Zion's Herald. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 17x24 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; cir- culation, 18,000; distribution about three-fourths in New England; estab- lished 1823; Rev. Chas. Parkhurst, editor ; Alonzo S. Weed, publisher, 36 Bromfield street. Buckland. Our Country Church. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, lo}4x.i^}4 inches; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1890; Alpheus G. Hodges, editor and publisher. Cambridgeport. Age-to-come Herald. Age-to-come Doctrine; monthly. 16 pages, 9x12 inches ; illustrated; sub- scription, $1 a year; circulation, 8,100; distribution general; established 1874; Jonathan Cummings, editor ; Harvard Publishing Co., publishers, 594 Main street. I .ill Rh V rd klulJ I Salem .it h I r .iiiiin . h.nii ihct Springfield ^ururn; 60 GE0RG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAFEB DIRECTORY The Herald of Life and the Coming Kingdom.* Christian Adventist; weekly; 8 pages, 13x17 inches ; subscription, $2 a year ; circulation, 850 ; distribution local ; established 1863 ; Wm. S. Brown, editor ; I ife and Advent Union, publishers. ( >ur Gospel Letter. Christian Temperance; weekly; 4 pages, 5^x9 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; established 1887; S. ('-. Otis & Co., editors and publishers, Evangelist Building; no advertisements. The Tribune.* Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x20 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year ; circu- lation, 500; distribution local; established 1888; D. II. Mullaly, editor and publisher. Sunderland. Church Work. Congregationalist ; quarterly; 4 pages, 11^x16 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year: circulation, 400 : distribution local; established 1889; E. P. Butler, editor and publisher. Tuft's College. The Universalist Union. Universalist ; monthly ; 4 pages, 12x18 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 2,800 ; distribution local ; established 1887 ; James D. Tillinghast, editor and publisher. Worcester. The Herald of Salvation.* Evangelical; weekly; 8 pages, 11x14 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 3,240; distribution scattered; established 1S90; M. R. Light, editor and publisher for the Christian Crusader. The Messenger. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $1. 50 a year ; circu- lation, 5,000 ; distribution general ; established 1886 ; Joshua O' Lean*, editor ; Doyle & O'Leary, publishers, 154 Front street. Michigan. \ini \i I . Battl Creek. ■ -i pacc*« 62 GEORG] BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Sannigens I [arold — Swedish. Seventh-day Adventist ; fortnightly; 24 pages, 7^x10^ inches; illustrated; subscription, $1 a pear; circulation, 850; distribution scattered; estab 1874; A. Swedb 'i Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, publishers. No advertisements. Youths' Instructor. Undenominational; weekly: 8 pages, n\i6 inches; illustrated; subscrip- don, 75 cents a year; circulation, 8,344 ; distribution scattered; established 1854; Review & Herald Publishing Association, editors and publishers. Detroit. The American Methodist. Methodist; weekly; S pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $1 a year: circu- lation, 4,000; distribution scattered; established 1SS1 ; Rev. Jas. II. Potts, editor: Methodist Publishing Co., publishers, 189 Woodward avenue. The Angelas. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages. io'4xi4 inches; illustrated; subscription, ;s cents a year; circulation, 9,000 ; distribution general; established 1884; C. A. < >'Loan, editor; The Angelus Publishing Co., publishers. The Christian Herald. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages; subscription. $2 a year; circulation, 5,000; dis- tribution in the Northwest; established 1S70; L. H. Trowbridge, editor and publisher, corner Madison avenue and Withwell street. Die Stimme der Wahrheit — German. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, ij l 4 x2 3)4 inches; subscription, $2. 50 a year; circulation, n. 500; distribution general; established 1S75 ; J- '"■ Mueller, editor and publisher, 413 St. Aubin avenue. Published also at Cleveland, I Ihio. The Lookout. Undenominational; monthly; 20 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 5,000 ; distribution general; established 1890; Rev. II. L. Welton, editor for Young People'- Societj Christian Endeavor; The Lookout Co., publishers. 11 "West At water street. The Michigan Catholic. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages. 17x23 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 8,700; distribution through the State; established 1S72; Wm. H. Hughes, editor and publisher, 11 Rowland street. The Michigan Christian Advocate. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages. 17x23 inches; subscription. Si. 50 a vear ; cir- culation. 17,000 ; distribution chiefly in Michigan; established 1S74; Rev. Jas. II. Potts, D.D., editor; Methodist Publishing Co., publishers, 189 Wood- ward avenue. I :ui Junction Qrand Rapids 64 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTOR - * Holland. De Hope— Dutch.* Dutch Reformed; weekly; 8 pages, 16x21 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1866 ; K. Ranters, editor and publisher. De Wachter — Dutch. Undenominational; weekly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 1,900; distribution scattered; established 1868; Prof. G. E. Rivers, editor; Win. Benyamen, publisher. Houghton Park. The Portage Lake Methodist. Methodist; monthly; 16 pages, 8x1 1 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. C. M. Thomp- son and other-, editors; Church Cm School Publishing Co., publishers, Detroit. Lansing. The Central Congregational ist. Congregational; weekly; 16 pages, 11^x15 inches; illustrated; sul lion. Si. 50 a year; circulation, 3,500; distribution chiefly local ; established 1SS4: Rev. ('ha-. II. Beale, editor; Thompson & Wan Puren, publishers, 213 Alligrau street. Published also at Cleveland, Ohio. Lyons. The Sunday School Advance. Undenominational; monthly; S pages, 13x19 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local ; established 1S90; Cross Bros., editors and publishers. Oakdale Park. The Way of Truth. Undenominational; monthly; 1 6 pages, 6x8 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 2,000 ; distribution general; established 1889; E. D. ( iiflord, editor and publisher. The Pastor's Aid. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 12x20 inches; occasionally illus- trated; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,600; distribution local; established 1S86; Rev. Campbell Pair, D.D., editor and publisher. Sn> nwivs I SunfU Ul • \ psllanl i Minnesota s ■hi •'. liuluth • 66 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Northwestern Witness. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 2,500; distribution chiefly local; established 1890; Jacob Laux, editor ami publisher, 25 Second avenue, West. The Duluth Standard. Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 15x18 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year ; cir- culation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1890; G. II. MacClelland, editor and publisher. Litchfield. The Christian Gleaner. Christian; weekly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,100; distribution scattered; established 18S5 ; Lewis A. Pier, editor; Minnesota Christian Missionary Society, publishers. Minneapolis. The Ensign. Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 10.M5 inches; subscription, $ I a year; circula- tion, 4,000; distribution local; established 1887; Lemuel Moss, D.D., editor; The Ensign Co., publishers, 1004 Exchange Building. The Free Baptist. Free Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches ; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription. $1.50 a year; circulation. 2,334; distribution scattered ; established 1882; John T. Ward, editor and publisher, 16 North Fourth street. The Illustrator.* Evangelical; monthly; 45 pages, 6x0 inches; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution general ; established 1884; Mrs. A. C. Mor- row, editor; Thos. J. Morrow, publisher. The Methodist Herald.* Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1887 ; J. V. Chaffee, D.D., editor; Methodist Publishing Co., publishers. Dated at Min- neapi >lis and St. Paul. Minneapolis Volksblad — Swedish. Swclbh l-'.v. Mission Covenant; weekly; 8 pages, 18x24 inches; >ub>crip- tion, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution general; established 1884; (lust. Theden, editor; Minneapolis Volksblad Publishing Co., pub- lishers, 625 South Eighth avenue. ' • » . • koii.ii 68 GEORG] BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRE< fORY St. Paul. Der Wanderer. Catholic; weekly; 16 pages, 17x23^ inches; subscription, 52.50 a year; circulation, 11,500; distribution in the Northwest; established 1867 ; Hugo EClapproth, editor; Wanderer Printing Co., publishers. The Northwestern Chronicle. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages ; subscription, $2 a year ; circulation, 7,472 ; dis tribution chiefly local ; established 1866; Northwestern Chronicle Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 50 East Third street. Mississippi. Eight religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, • 191,457 Lutheran, 533 Christian Adventist, 3° Methodist, 28,474 Congregationalist, 478 Presbyterian, . 16,171 Latter-day Saints, 112 Protestant Episcopal, 3,029 Roman Catholic, ",348 Jackson. The Convention Board Quarterly. Baptist; quarterly; 4 pages ; subscription, 15 cents a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution scattered; established, 1889; J. T. Christian, D.D., editor; The Clarion, publishers. The Messenger. Evangelical; semi-monthly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; subscription. Si a year ; circulation, 800; distribution local among colored people; established 1890 ; M. F. Harmon, editor and publisher, 710 State street. Heridian. The Baptist Record. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 26x40 inches ; subscription, $2 a year ; circulation, 5,400; distribution in the South; established, 1877; J. A. Hackett, editor; Union Baptist Publishing Co., publishers. Progress. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 25 - a year; circulation, 750; distribution local; established 1885; Rev. I. L. Pratt, editor and publisher, 1201 Twenty-sixth avenue. • V.t cbd StfM lobia \ uk- ^luir^ \s inona Missouri I . -r . | . <• ••-■ • 7" Gl ORG! BATTEN'S KM IGK »1 P \n R DIR] CTORV Carrollton. Baptist Review and Gleaner. Baptist; monthly; 44 pages, 10x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circula- tion, 900; distribution through the state; established 1891; J. T. Lightfoot, editor and publisher. Chillicothe. The Good Way. Christian; weekly; 8 pages, 24x35 indie* ; subscription, Si. 25 a year ; circu- lation, 1. 500; distribution scattered; established 1878; A. M. Kiergan, editor and publisher. Excelsior Springs. The Christian Union Herald. I ndenominational ; weekly; 4 pages, 22x32 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution scattered; established 1886; Rev. J. V. B, Flack, D.D., editor; Christian Union Publishing Co., publishers. Gallatin. West Fork Baptist. Baptist ; monthly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; cir- culation, 600 ; distribution local; established 1891 ; M. P. Hunt, editor and publisher. Hannibal. The National Baptist Standard. baptist; weekly; 8 pages; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 4,500; distribution scattered; established 1S87 ; G. H. McDaniel, editor; McDaniel & Dogan, publishers, 1206 Broadway. Independence. Pastoral Visitor. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 9x12 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution local; established 1888; CM. Haw- kins, editor and publisher. Zion's Ensign. batter day Saints ; weekly; 8 pages, 13XIS inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 3,100; distribution scattered; established 1890; Pitt c\: Etzen- houser, editors; Etzenhouser & Crick, publishers. Jackson. The Methodist Record. Methodist ; fortnightly ; 4 pages, 13x20 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 18S9 ; J. T. Kendall, editor and publisher. ■ - Km -n-.tuitmi on*] . nan' k i r k - % 1 1 1 c . | : NAOMI Clt) M;w >. t 1 1 Mi 7- GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PA1T.R IHKI'.c I ( iKV Mexico. The Regular Baptist. Baptist; weekly; 20 pages, 8x 1 1 inches; subscription, $ I a year ; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1875; ' a ~- Bradley, editor; Regular Baptist Publishing Association, publishers. riorrisville. The Exponent.* I ndenominational ; monthly; 4 pages, 14x20 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1891 ; Rev. J. B. Ellis, editor and publisher. Neosho. The Little Seeker.* Evangelical ; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; established 1888; A. L. McQuary, editor and publisher. O'Fallon. Kathol ischer Hausfreund — German . Catholic; weekly; 16 pages, 24x42 inches; circulation, 4,000; Rev. II. Broikhage, editor and publisher. Advertises no patent medicines. Plattsburg. The Church Register.* Evangelical; semi-monthly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; established 1888; Jas. C. Creel, editor and publisher. St. Joseph. The Catholic Tribune.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, S2 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1879; F. W. Graham, editor; Lawrence & Nugent, publishers. The Tabernacle Monthly. Congregational; monthly; 8 pages, 9^x12^ inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1S89; Albert Bushnell, editor; First Congregational Church, publishers, corner Jule and Thirteenth streets. St. Louis. The American Baptist. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 13^x20 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; cir- culation, 20,000; distribution general; established 1875 ; !)• B. Ray, editor and publisher, 1310 Olive street. : ■ ■ ■ I p«bttUH- 71 '.1 • »RG1 BATTEN'S km [GIOUS PAPER DIRECTl »R\ Church Nous. stant Episcopal; monthly; 16 pa - I '\i]< 2 inches; subscription, £j year; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1N70; G. I >. B. Miller, editor; Grocer Publishing Co., publishers, Eighth and Spruce street- . ( 'hunli Progress. Catholic; weekly. 8 pages, 20x28 inches ; subscription, #1.50 a year ; circu- lation, 22,500; distribution general; established 1S7- ; St. Louis Catholic Publishing < <■.. editors and publishers, 208 South Fourth .street. Der Friedensbote — German. Evangelical; fortnightly; S pages, HX15J4 inches; subscription, $l a year ; lation, 21.500; distribution general; established 1849; ' r.(K » tnrKr. 76 GEORGl BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRE* fORTf Missions Taube — German. Lutheran: monthly; S pages. Sxi I inches ; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 15,000; distribution general ; established 1879; Rev. 0. rlanser, editor; Concordia Publishing House, publishers. No advertise- ments The New Christian Quarterly. Disciple; quarterly; 128 pages, 7^x9^ inches; subscription, S2 a year; W. Vv. howling, editor; The Christian Publishing Co., publishers, 1522 Lucas Place. Non-Sectarian.* Undenominational; monthly; 48 pages, 5x9 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; established 1891 ; Non-Sectarian Publishing Co., publishers, 3437 Lucas avenue. Our Young Folk. Undenominational; fortnightly; 36 pages, 6x8 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion's cents a year; circulation, 20,000; distribution Mississippi Valley; established 1875; Rev. W. W. howling, editor; Christian Publishing Co., publishers, 1522 Locust street. The St. Louis Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 16x221^ inches; subscription, $ 2 a year; circulation, 25,000*; distribution through surrounding region; estab- lished 1854; McAnallv, Chapman iv Palmore, editors; St. Louis Christian Advertising Co., publishers, 1404 Lucas Place. The St. Louis Observer. Cumberland Presbyterian ; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 5,125 ; distribution in the Mississippi Valley ; estab- lished, 1877 ; Rev. J. R. Brown, D.D., editor; J. R. Brown & Co., publishers, Fourteenth and Locust streets. The St. Louis Presbyterian. Southern Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 14x20 inches; subscription, S2 a year; circulation, 5,486; distribution in the Central West; established 1866; Rev. Robert P. Farris, D.D., editor; J. T. Smith, publisher, Ninth and Olive streets. The Scholars' Quarterly. Disciple; quarterly; 70 to So pages, 3^x6 inches ; illustrated; subscription, 40 cents a year ; circulation, 50,000; distribution general; established 1870 ; W. W. howling, editor; Christian Publishing Co., publishers, 1522 Locust street. Schul-Blatt — German. Lutheran; monthly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 1,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1865; Rev. A. Krauss, editor; Concordia Publishing House, publishers. No advertisements. • \ . ■-cl.iii.i ■ '.I ORG] BATTEN iUS l \ I l I; DIRE* l"OR"V Seymour. Western Preacher.* Apostolic; monthly; v ii\u> inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1887 : II. Drennan, editor ami pablisher. Springfield. The Protestant American. Undenominational; fortnightly; 4 pages, iimo inches; illustrated occasion- ally ; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution scattered; established 1889; W. J. Phillips, editor and publisher, 301 College street. Stanberry. The Sabbath Advocate. Church of God; weekly; S pages, Ilxl6 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1865; W. C. Long, editor; (uncial Conference Committee, publishers. The Sabbath School Missionary. < hurch of God; fortnightly: 4 pages, Ilxl6 inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation 460 ; distribution scattered; estab- lished 18S4 ; Edwin H. Wilbur, editor; General Conference Committee, publishers. No advertisements. Montana. Five religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, ..... 606 Presbyterian, .... 194 Congregationalist, ... 6 Protestant Episcopal, . . I ,3 2 9 Lutheran, .... 217 Roman Catholic, . . . 25,149 Methodist, . . . 1,656 Salvation Army, ... 30 Corvallis. The Montana Methodist. Southern Methodist; fortnightly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution through the Northwest; established 188S ; Rev. E. J. Stanley, editor and publisher. Printed at Pittsburg, Pa. ■ 1 1 - \ i 1 1 e . Nebraska 111. Hid So GEORGE BATTEN'S REI. [('.IOCS I'Al'ER DIRECTORY Bethany. The Nebraska Christian.* Disciples; semi-monthly; 8 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; distribution local chiefly; established 1891 ; W. K. Winters, editor; L. L. Combs, publisher. Fremont. The Retrospective and Prospective. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 8xli inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution local; established 1890; C. D. Rogers, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 102 East Fifth street. Hastings. The Independent Lutheran. Lutheran; fortnightly; 8 pages, 12x18 inches ; subscription, 75 cents a year ; circulation, 3,500 ; distribution chiefly in the Northwest; established 1891 ; Rev. I. M. Augustine, editor and publisher, 306 Lincoln avenue. Lincoln. The Family Friend. Lutheran; monthly; 4 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1883; Rev. J. A. Eckstrom, editor and publisher, 1312 K street. The Nebraska Congregational News. Congregational; monthly; 8 pages, Ilxi6 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 2,047 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1880 ; H. A. French, editor and publisher, 239 South Eleventh street. Nebraska City. The Nebraska City Evangelist. Undenominational ; monthly ; 4 pages ; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circu- lation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. J. B. Green, D.D., editor; Rev. G. H. Moulton, publisher. Omaha. The Cathedral Chimes. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 8^x11 inches; circulation, 500 ; distribution local ; established 1 887 ; The Dean of Trinity Cathedral, editor and publisher, Capitol avenue and Eighteenth street. ■' M i ■ ( York. I - 82 l BATTEN'S RE1 l«;iol - I'Al'l l: MK1 < Tom Nevada. No religious papers. The leading denominations are: Baptist, . Congregationalist, Latter day Saints, Methodist, 40 IOI 406 856 yterian, Protestant Episcopal, Roman Catholit , 244 598 3,955 New Hampshire. Twelve religious papers. The lei Baptist, .... Christian Adventist. Congregationalist, Independent, Lutheran, Methodist. . Plymouth Brethren, ading denominations are : 8.771 Presbyterian, 1,978 I'i nu-stant Kpisc opal. 21,168 Roman Catholic, . 102 Salvation Army, 420 Shaker, . 13,403 Swedenborgian, 15 Canterbury. 790 2,725 39,920 *9 250 42 The Manifesto. Shaker; monthly; 24 pages, 4^x7^ inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution general; established 1871 ; Henry C. Blinn, editor and publisher for the United Society of Believers, Shaker Village, Canterbury. Concord. The Christian Reporter. Undenominational; monthly; 48 pages, 6x10 inches; subscription, $l a year; established 1891 ; Rev. A. J. Wheeler, editor and publisher. The Church Fly-Leaf.* Protestant Episcopal; quarterly; 8 pages, 10x12 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution local; established 1888; Rev. Win. Lloyd I lines, editor and publisher. I i •■ I v.. W I n\.uk iu--u i . ■ ">€ 84 '.I ORGl HAITI N's Kl I IC1< 'I - I'AI'l l; DIKKflnKY Newmarket. The Christian Witness. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, izxij 1 ^ inches; subscription, 50 cenls a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly in New England; estab- lished 1SS0; S. C. Kimball, editor and publisher, 1 Elm Hale. Warren Summit. The Gospel Messenger. Evangelical; monthly; 4 pages, 8xli inches ; subscription, 25 cents ; circu- lation, 400; distribution local; established 1890 ; C. E. Caswell, editor and publisher. New Jersey. Twenty religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, 39, 66 7 Protestant Episcopal, 27,966 Congregationalism 4,823 Reformed Catholic, 1,000 Lutheran, M.356 Reformed Episcopal, . 326 Methodist, . 81,174 Roman Catholics,. 222,274 Moravian, 374 Salvation Army, i 5 6 Plymouth Brethren, 213 Swedenborgian, 42 Presbyterian, . 24,842 . Herald and Advocate. Asbury Park. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 15x20 inches; illustrated; subscription, 30 cents a year ; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution local ; established 1885 ; H. D. Opdyke, editor; Arthur H. Opdyke, publisher, Matteson avenue. Camden. The Bulletin. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 13x17^ inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution local; established 1890; J. B. Graw, editor and publisher, 131 Federal street. The Epworth Advocate. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, 13x17^ inches; subscription, $1 a year; cir- culation, 1,600 ; distribution local; established 1889; J. B. Graw, editor and publisher, 131 Federal street. i I. uuh N\i>rn^t'".N H N\ . .u 11 1 1 1 > • II > \i \>. ;irk S uxl r».i;..i BATTEN'S RE] IGU H - PAPI R DIB ! \ The New Jersej Baptist Bulletin. Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, [0^x14 inches; subscription, i<> cents a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution local ; established 1891; Rev. I >. Dewolf, editor and publisher, 75 Murra) street. The Universalis! Monthly. Universalist ; monthly; 16 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, $1 a year; cir- culation. 2.000; distribution general; established 1890; W. S. Crowe, D.D., editor and publisher, Globe building. Ocean Grove. The Record.* Methodist Episcopal ; weekly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local ; established 1874; Rev. A. Wal- lace, D.D., editor and publisher. Orange. Orange Leaves. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, 7 }4x 10 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 900 ; distribution local ; established 1S87 ; M. I. Trenery, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 419 Main street. Paterson. Our Young Men. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, Ji^xll inches; illustrated occasion- ally; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution local; The ( icneral Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, editor and publisher, Broadway. Vineland. Bote der Neuen Kirche — German. Swedenborgian ; fortnightly; 8 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 900; distribution scattered; established 1S55 ; Rev. Adolph Rceder, editor and publisher, 735 Landis avenue. Children's New Church Messenger. Swedenborgian; monthly; 16 pages, 5x8 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,600; distribution scattered; established 1885; Rev. A. Rceder, editor and publisher, 735 Landis avenue. Le Royaume du Seigneur — French. Swedenborgian; monthly; 16 pages, 5x8 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 350 ; distribution scattered; established 1892; Rev. Adolph Rceder, editor and publisher, 735 Landis avenue. \\ I New V\exic< Onpn> . u I . I - • I ss GEORGK HATTKN S K InUS l'APKR DIRF.CTORY New York. Armenian Church, Baptist, Christian Adventist, Congregationalism . latter-day Saints, Lutheran, . Methodist, Moravian, . igious papers. The leading denominations are : 70 Plymouth Brethren. 484 130.695 Presbyterian, 59,996 1.048 Protestant Episcopal, . 119,678 46,183 Reformed Catholic, 450 45 Reformed Episcopal, . 743 97,544 Roman Catholic, . 1.153. 13° 236,581 Salvation Army, 615 852 Swedenborgian, 325 Albany. The District Record. Undenominational; quarterly; 12 pages, 6x9 inches ; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 4,000 ; distribution local ; established 1S90; Wm. B. Jones, editor; The Young Men's Christian Association, pub- lishers. Young Men's Work. Undenominational; monthly; 16 to 18 pages, 8xll inches; illustrated occa- sionally; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution local ; established 1881 ; O. S. Twist, editor ; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 60 N. Pearl street. The Work at Home. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 9x12 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 2,000; distribution local; established 1875; Rev. John Dooly, editor; G. H. Reynolds & Co., publishers, 395 Broadway. Zion's Watchman. Evangelical; weekly; 8 pages, 29x41 inches; subscription, $1.25 a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution general; established 1879; John Lemley, editor and publisher, Riverside avenue. Alfred Center. Evangelii Budbarare — Swedish. Seventh day Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 12x14 inches; subscription, 35 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1885; O. W. 1 'earson, editor ; The American Sabbath Tract Society, publishers. Published also at Summerdale, Illinois. . I "..It. I V I.I II Bin . ham ton ■ 90 GEORGI BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Brooklyn. A Brother's 1 [and. ■i;m ; monthly; 8 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, 35 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution local; established 1891 ; Clarence E. Ebennan, editor; Primitive Methodist Book Concern, publishers, 347 Jay street. Advanced Scholar's Quarterly. Primitive Methodist; quarterly; 32 pages, 6^x10 inches; subscription, 15 centsayear; circulation, 1,646; distribution local; established 1889; Rev. E. Humphries, editor; Primitive Methodist Book Concern, publishers, 306 Myrtle avenue. Brooklyner Journal — German. < latholic ; weekly ; 10 pages, 16x21 inches ; subscription, $2.50 a year; circu- lation, 10,000; distribution local; established 1881 ; Victor Dworzak, editor ; I [1 iinan Ridder, publisher, 13 Barclay street, New York City, N. Y. The Brooklyn Leader. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages; illustrated; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1886; John J. McGinness, editor; 'Brooklyn Leader Publishing Co., publishers, 245 Washington street. Catholic Youth. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 20,000 ; distribution general — about one-third in New York City,' Brooklyn and Jersey; established 1881 ; Rev. E. J. McCabe, editor ; lames Delancy, publisher, 96 Broadway. Church and Home. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, 11x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, 75 centsayear; circulation, 800 ; distribution local ; established 1890; Rev. A. H. Goodeno'ugh, editor; Chas. A. Lent, publisher, 378 Nostrand avenue. The Helping Hand. Protestant Episcopal ; monthly; 16 pages, 7^x10^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 900 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1868; The Church Charity Foundation of the Diocese of Long Island, editors and publishers, 1555 Atlantic avenue. The National Monitor.* Baptist; monthly; 8 pages, 11x14 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 1,000; distribution local ; established 1870 ; Rufus L. Perry, D.D., editor and publisher, 999 St. Mark's avenue. The News Letter. Presbyterian ; monthly; 8 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1890 ; Rev. J. F. Carson, editor; The News Letter Publishing Co., publishers, 536 Willoughby ■HMMl ' • rfalo 92 '.1 • IRG1 BATT] N'S K I I K.h H'S I'AI'KK DIKKi I' HO ( >ncc a Monti). Baptist; monthly; 8 pages, 11x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents ear; circulation, 1,200; distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. Wm. II. Main, editor; M. A.. Churchill, publisher, 45 Ketchum place. The Pulpit. Undenominational; monthly; 96 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, 52 a year; iin ulaiion, 10,000; distribution general; established 1890; Edwin Rose; editor and publisher, 41 Franklin street. Cohoes. Items. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution local ; established 1890; E.S.Simmons, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 64 Remsen street. The Parish Record. Protestant Episcopal ; every two months; 4 pages, g^4xi2 inches; subscrip- tion, 25 cents a year; circulation 400; distribution local ; established 1877; Rector of St. John's, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 169 Mohawk street. Corona. Long Island Endeavorer. Evangelical; monthly; 16 pages, 7^xlO>, s inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 500 ; distribution local ; established 1886; Rev. W. J. Peck; M.A.. editor and publisher. Elmira. Young Men's Journal. Undenominational; monthly; 24 pages, 5^x9 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local ; established 1887 ; Mr-. George Archibal, editor; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 419 Carroll street. Geneva. New Era.* Evangelical; monthly; 16 pages, Sxio inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 200 ; distribution local ; established 1889; C. K. Scoon, editor ; Young Men's Christian Association, publishers. Hartvvick Seminary, Otsego Co. The Eastern Lutheran. Lutheran; monthly; 4 pages, 14x20 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. Wm. H. Hull, editor and publisher. 1 1 1 I I * \ 1 1 1 1- Mirruk. Hiddlctow n I Bl' New N nrk . '■ 94 , BATTEN'S REl tGIOUS PAPER DIR1 The American 1 Eebrew. fewish; weekly; 20 pages, 10^x15 inches; subscription, % ; .1 year; circu- lation, 14.000; distribution general; established 1879; Phil. Cowen, editor and publisher, 500 Third avenue. The American Messenger. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 11M5 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 30,000; distribution general ; established 1842; Rev. W. W. Rand, D.D., editor; American Tract Society, publishers, 150 \ -treet. The American Missionary. I ndenominational ; monthly; 32 pages, 6^x9^ inches; illustrated occasion- ally; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 23,000; distribution general; established 1846; Rev. M. E. Strieby, D.D., editor; American Missionary Association, publishers, Bible House. Ameriean Sabbath.* Evangelical; quarterly; 24pages,8xli inches; subscription, 50 cents a year ; established 1891 ; J. II. Knowles, editor and publisher, 2, Park Row. Apples of Gold. Undenominational; weekly; 4 pages, 6^x8 ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution general ; established 1872 ; Rev. W. W. Rand, D.D., editor; American Tract Society, publishers, 150 Nassau .-treet. Association Notes. Undenominational; monthly; 24 pages, 6x8 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 4,000; distribution general; established 1886; R. R.Mc- Burni : Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, 40 East Twenty-third r-treet. Baptist Home Mission Monthly. ist; monthlj 32 to 48 pages, 5^x8^ inches; illustrated; subscription, . circulation, 12,000; distribution general ; established 1878; Rev. H. I Morehouse, D.D., editor; American Baptist Home Mission ty, publishers, 5 Beekman street. Baptist Review.* Baptist; quarterly; 150 pages, 6x10 inches ; subscription, $2.50 a year; cir- culation, 800; distribution established 1879; Robt. S. McArthur, editor; Baptist Review Association, publishers, 9 Murray street. Bible Society Record.* Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, 30 cents ,1; established [856; American Bible Society, editors and publishers, Bible House. No advertisements. I. ■ I I 96 GEORGE BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Christian at Work. Independent; weekly; 32 to 40 pages, 9^x14^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, $3 a year; circulation, 25,000; distribution general; established [866; I. V Hallock, editor and publisher, Times Building. The Christian ( I-iver.* Undenominational; 16 pages, 8x1 1 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; Rev. W. T. Wiley, editor; Christian Giver Publishing Co., publishers, 25 East Fourteenth street. The Christian Herald and Signs of the Times. Evangelical; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, JU.50 a year; circulation, 89,000; distribution general; established 1878; Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D.D., editor; Louis Klopsch, publisher, 91 Bible I louse. The Christian Inquirer. Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x15 inches; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription. Si. 50 a year; circulation, 12,500 ; distribution general; Rev. J. B. Calvert and others, editor.-; The Inquirer Publishing Co., publishers; Temple Court. The Christian Intelligencer. Dutch Reformed ; weekly; 20 pages, 14x16 inches ; illustrated occasionally ; subscription, S2.65 a year; circulation, 9,000; distribution general; estab lished 1829; Rev. John J!. Drury, D.D., and others, editors; Christian Intel- ligencer Association, publishers, 4 Warren street. The Christian Nation. Evangelical; weekly; 16 pages, 10x15 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 2.250 ; established 1884; John \V. Pritch aid and others, editors and publishers, 252 Broadway. The Christian Steward. Presbyterian; monthly; 4 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 21,000; distribution general ; established 1891 ; Rev. R. S.Green, D.D., editor; (has. 11. Jones & Co.. publishers, 114 Fulton street. Christian Thought. Undenominational; fortnightly; 96 pages, 6xlo inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation 3.200; distribution general; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., LL.D., editor and publisher. Christian Union. Undenominational; weekly; 40 to 64 pages, 9x13 inches ; illustrated; sub- ion, S3 a year; circulation, 32,807; distribution general; established 1859; Lyman Abbott, editor; Win. I!. 1 lowland, publisher, Clinton Hall, Wor Place. I ' . I • . . I ' 98 GEORG] BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY Church Sunday School Lessons Quarterly — Junior Grade ; quarterly; 1,2 pages, 6x9^ inches; subscription, 14 iiiit- a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution general; established 1890; Rev. Pascal ftarrowe, MA., editor; Church Publishing Co., Limited, pub- lishers, 124 Bible I loiw-. Church Sunday School Lessons Quarterly — Senior Grade. Protestant Episcopal; <|uarterly; 32 pages, 6x9^ inches; subscription, 14 .1 year; circulation, 900 ; distribution general; established 1890; Rev. Pascal Harrowe, M. A., editor; Church Publishing Co., Limited, publishers, 124 Bible I louse. The Church Union. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, iiM^'-i inches; subscription, -1 .1 year; circulation, 20,000 ; distribution general ; established 1873; Mrs. E. B. Grannis, editor and publisher, 3j East Twenty-second street. City Mission Monthly. * Undenominational; monthly; 24 passes, 6x9 inches; circulation, 800 ; dis- tribution local; established 1887; V F. Schauffler, D.D., and Lucy S. Bain- bridge, editors; New York City Mission and Tract Society, publishers, 106 Bible I louse. The Conqueror. Salvation Army; monthly; 32 pages, 7^x9^ inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion. Si a year; circulation, 6,000; distribution local; established 1892; M. Bryant, editor; Ballington Booth, publisher, III Reade street. No adver- tisements. The Converted Catholic. Reformed Catholic; monthly; 36 pages, 5' 2 x9 inches; subscription, $ I a year; circulation, 7,500 ; distribution general; established 1883 ; James A. < ('Connor, editor and publisher, 142 West 1 w< at] first street. Deutscher Volksfreund — German. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 12x16 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, $2 a year; circulation, 4,000 ; distribution general; established 1S71 ; Rev. Geo. L. Seibert, D.D., editor; American Tract Society, publishers, 150 \ --;iu street. Divine Life and International Expositor.* Undenominational; monthly; 32 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription. $1 a year; established 1S7S; Rev. Asbury Lowry, D.D., editor; Rev. Daniel Steele, publisher, 150 Fifth avenue. No advertisements. The Examiner. Baptist; weekly: 4 pages, [8x24 inches; subscription, $2 a war; circula- tion, 25,000; distribution general; established 1S22; Edward Bright, D.D., oi ; The Examiner < '<>., publishers, 38 Park Row. : . I Gl 0RG1 BATTEN S RE] IGIOUS r\n K i>n:i< n iky The I Come Missionary. Congregational; monthly; 100 pages, 6x9 inches; illustrated occasionally ; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 33,000 ; distribution general ; estab- lished 1827: Secretaries of the American Home Missionary Society, editors ; American Home Missionarj Society, publishers, 34 Bible House. The Homiletic Review. Undenominational; monthly; 132 pages, 4^x7^ inches ; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 20,000 ; distribution general; established 1876; I. K. Funk, D.D., and others, editors; The Funk «.V Wagnalls Co., publishers, 18 and 20 Astor Place. The Illustrated Catholic American.* Catholic; weekly; 16 pages, 12x17 inches; illustrated; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 2,250; distribution general; established 1880; P. \. Hickey, editor and publisher, 84 Church street. The Independent. I ndenominational ; weekly; 32 to 44 pages ; I Ixl6 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 20,000*; distribution general; established 1848; Win. Hayes Ward. D.D., L.L.D., editor; Henry C. Bowen, publisher, 252 Broadway. The Jewish ( ia/ette. Jewish; weekly; 1 6 pages, 13x19^ inches; subscription. $2.50 a year; cir- culation, 12,000; distribution general; established 1874; Sarasohn & Son, editors and publishers, 185 East Broadway. The Jewish Messenger. Jewish; weekly; 10 pages, 15x21^ inches; subscription, 34 a year; circu- lation declined; distribution general; established 1857; Abram S.Isaacs, editor; The Jewish Messenger Co., publishers, 2 West Fourteenth street. The Jewish Times. Jewish; weekly; 12 pages, 29x43 inches; subscription, 52.50 a year; circu- lation, 5.500 ; distribution general; established 1884; Morris Wechsler, D.D., editot ami publisher, 134 Norfolk street. Katholisches Volksblatt — ( rerman. Catholic; weekly; 10 pages, 16x21 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; cir- culation, 43,000 ; distribution general; established 1878; Victor Dworzak, 1 ditor; Herman Kidder, publisher, 13 Barclay street. The Lutheran Review. Lutheran; monthly; 12 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated; subscription, 50 centsayear; circulation, 2,000; distribution local; established 1889; E. F. Eilert, editor; 11 n- Central Association of Young People's Lutheran Societies 0! New York City, publishers. 221 West Twelfth street. < MMI . ' • 1 I ..I I IRG] BATTI N'S l:l I IGIOI S PAP] R I'IKl I 1"KY The National Presbyterian. yterian; monthly; i6 pages, 9^x13^ inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 10,000; distributed between New York and Indiana; C. F. Beach, editor; Standard Publishing Co., publishers, 194 Broadway. Dated also in Indianapolis, End. The New Church Messenger. Swedenborgian ; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 2,600 ; distribution scattered; established 1 S55 ; Rev. Chas. H. Mann, editor; The New Church Board of Publication, publishers, 20 Cooper Union. New Jersey Revue* — German. Catholic; weekly; S pages, 18x22 inches; subscription, S2.50 a year ; circu- lation, 6,000; distribution in New Jersey ; established 1879 ; Victor Dworzak, editor; Herman Ridder. publisher, 13 Barclay street. The New York Catholic News. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 16x21 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circula- tion, 152,000; distribution general; established 1886; John G. Shea, D.D., editor; Herman Kidder, publisher, 13 Barclay street. The New York Evangelist. Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 18^x25^5 inches; subscription, :s} a year ; circulation, 12,000; distribution general; established 1830 ; Henry M. Field, editor and publisher, 129 World Building. The New York Observer. Evangelical; weekly; 8 pages, 18x25 inches ; subscription, $3 a year ; circu- lation, 27,000; distribution mainly east of the Mississippi; established 1825 ; The New York Observer Co., editors and publishers, 37 Park Row. The New York Tablet. Catholic; weekly; 16 pages, iox 1 5 inches ; subscription, $2 a year ; circula- tion, 20,000; distribution general ; established 1S57 ; Michael Kerwin, editor and publisher, Bennett Building, Nassau and Fulton streets. The New York Weekly Witness. Undenominational; weekly; 8 pages, 18x24 inches; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 54,000; distribution general; established 1871; James D. Dougall, editor; John Dougall & Co., publishers, 150 Nassau street. The Parish Visitor. Protestant Episcopal ; monthly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 25,000; distribution general ; established 1852 ; F.Whit- taker, editor and publisher, 2 Bible House. No advertisements. ; ! ' 1 t 1 ■ • '. ' rem 104 '.l l IRG1 '.Mil \'- 1:1 l [Gil 'i - PAP] R DIR1 l fi iR\ The Seed. Christian Science; monthly; 12 pages, 9^x12 inches; subscription, -1 a culation, [,200; distribution scattered; established 1889; Rev. Prank E. Mason, editor and publisher, 64 Aim street. Senior Lessons Quarterly. Methodist Episcopal; quarterly; 42 pages, 6^x9 inches; subscription, 20 cents .1 year; circulation, 122,000 ; distribution general; established 1882; J. I- Hurlbut, D.D., editor; Methodisl Bool Concern of New York, pub lishers; Hunt & Eaton, agents, 150 Fifth avenue. The Sheltering Arms. Protestant Episcopal; weekly; 12 pages, 8x 1 1 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1868; Rev. C. T. Ward, editor and publisher, 504 West ( >ne Hundred and Twenty-ninth street. The Silver Cross. I ^denominational ; monthly; 24 pages, 8x10 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution general; established 1888; Mary I. owe Dickenson, editor; Central Council, Order of " The King's Daughters," publishers, 15S West I wenty-third street. Spirit of Missions.* Episcopal; monthly; 56 pages, 6x10 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circu- lation, 7,500; distribution general ; established 1 835 ; Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, editors and publish ers, 22 Bible I louse. Strido Ropet — Swedish. Salvation Army; weekly; 8 pages, II j4xl6^ inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, $1.25 a year; circulation, 6,300; distribution scattered; established 1890; M. Lober, editor; Ballington Booth, publisher, ill Reade street. No advertisements. The Sunday School Journal. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 56 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 101,000; distribution general ; Rev. J. L. Hurlbut, D.D., editor; The Methodist Book Concern of New York, publishers; Hunt & Eaton, agents, 150 Fifth avenue. Sunday School Library Bulletin. Undenominational; quarterly; 32 pages, 5x8 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion's cents a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution scattered; established 1892; W. L. Mason, editor ; Goodenough & Woglom Co., publishers. 122 Nassau street. The Treasury of Religious Thought. I ndenominational ; monthly; 96 pages, 7x9^ inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, $2.50 a year; circulation, 10,000; distribution general; established 1883; Joseph Sanders, .11, D.D., LL.D., editor; E. 15. Treat, publisher, 5 1 looper I nion. ' . : N..rth Cblli. The l tmki I06 GEORGl BATTEN'S RELIGION l'ATIK 1MKKCTORY Ogdensburg. The ( lourier. Catholic; weekly . 15x22 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circula- tion 10,000; distribution general ; established 18X9 ; Rev. J. I'. Conway, editor; Courier Publishing Co., publishers, 37 Ford street. Oneida. Earnest Worker.* Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 10x12 incites; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 400; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. John Arthur, editor and publisher. Remsen. Cenhadwr Americanaidd :| — Welsh Congregal year ; cir publisher. Congregationalist ; monthly; 32 pages, 7x11 inches; subscription, $1. 60 a year; circulation, 1,500; established 1840 ; Rev. E. Davis, editor and Rochester. Baptist Monthly. Baptist; monthly; 8 pages, 9x12^ inches; illustrated on occasion ; subscrip- tion, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 2,500; distribution local ; established 18S6 ; H. K. Phinney, editor and publisher, 76 State street. The Catholic Journal. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 16x20 inches; subscription, 5i a year; circu- lation, 3,000; distribution Western New York; established 1889; The Catholic Journal Publishing Co., editors and publishers, 327 East Main street. The Catholic Observer.* Catholic; monthly; 32 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, 5 1 a year; estab- lished 1892; Willard A. Marakle, editor and publisher, P. < >. Box 531. Jewish Tidings. Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 10x14 inches; illustrated frequently ; subscription, 52 a year; circulation. 8,500; distribution general ; established 1887; Louis Wiley, editor and publisher, North St. Paul street. Katholische Volkszeitung — German. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 24x26 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 4,000 ; distribution local; established 1878; L. Lederer, editor and publisher, 519 North Clinton -rreet. ■MM ■ I ■ ■ ■ Sai .ti". ■ Spi ICUM ■ r. I »., editor and publisher. The Christian Worker. Undenominational; monthly; 12 pages, 10x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 800 ; distribution local; established 1875; Cornelia G. Crittenden, editor; Women's Christian Association, publishers. Cyfaill *— Welsh. Methodist; monthly; 40 pages, 6x10 inches; subscription, Si a year ; circu- lation, 2,000 ; distribution in central part of state ; established 1837; Rev. II. P. Rowell, editor, at Columbus, O. ; Thos. J. Griffiths, publisher. The Young Lutheran. Lutheran; monthly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 30,800; distribution general; established 1884; Rev. Theo. B. Roth, editor; 'l*he Young Lutheran, publishers, 17 Court street. Wawr*— Welsh. Baptist; monthly; 36 pages, 5x10 inches; subscription, $l.$0 a year; circu- lation, 1,200; distribution in immediate vicinity; established 1876; Rev. < )wen Griffith, editor; T. J. Griffiths, publisher. Woodhull. Church News. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution chiefly local; established 1890 ; Rev. Win. Mulford, editor and publisher. Norlh Carolina. \nIr\ lilt sJh.ir I. : I .i\ i t I i I BATTEN S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORS Greensville. The Watch Tower. Christian; fortnightly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches ; subscription, m a year ; circu- lation, 1.200; distribution about three-fourths in North Carolina; established 1872 : Rev. J. L. Winfield, editor and publisher. Lincolnton. The Christian Worker. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, 9x13^ inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 600; distribution local; established 1890; M. 1'. Matheny, editor and publisher. Ormondsville. The Free-will Baptist. Free-will Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 22x32 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation. 1,035 ; distribution scattered ; established 187S ; J. M. Barfield, editor; Free-will Baptist Publishing Co., publishers. Raleigh. The Biblical Recorder.* Baptist ; weekly ; 8 pages, 14x20 inches ; subscription, S2 a year ; circulation, 6,100; distribution through the state; established 1835; Rev. C. T. Bailey, editor and publisher. The Christian Advocate. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 15^x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; cir- culation 5,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1855; F. L. Reid, editor and publisher, Fayetteville street. The Christian Sun. Christian; weekly; 16 pages, 10x13 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 1.250; distribution about three-fourths local; established 1844; Rev. W. (1. Clements, editor; Clements & Mood, publishers, Fayetteville and Market streets. Salisbury. The Star of Zion. African Methodist Episcopal Zion; weekly; 24x36 inches; subscription, Si. 50 a year; circulation, 2,500 ; distribution scattered; established 1876; John C. Daney, editor ; Robert S. Rives, publisher. Snow Hill. The Free-will Baptist. Free-will Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 400; distribution local; established 1881 ; J. M. Barfield, editor ; The Free will Baptist Publishing Co., publishers. lie \S I 1 Ml I I) . t • ■ 1 1 \\ ilson. . \\ In ton North Dakota ' i.i ORG! BATTEN S RELIGIOUS PAPER I > 1 R I ■< K>kv rhe North Dakota Churchman. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 12 pages, 8x11 inches; .subscription, 50 mil- a year; circulation, 600 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1886; Rev. I'. I!. Nash, editor and publisher. Fort Totten. Lina Sappa Wocekiye Taeanpaha — Indian. Catholic; monthly; 4 pages; illustrated; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation. 500 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1892; Rev. Jerome Hunt, O.S. 15., editor and publisher. Ohio. One hundred and three religious papers. The leading denominations are: Baptist, Christian, Christian Adventist, . Congregationalist, Lutheran, Methodist, . Moravian, 57.679 Plymouth Brethren, . 5 '3 1 Presbyterian, 17.312 953 Protestant Episcopal, 16,612 35,265 Reformed Episcopal, 257 276,300 Roman Catholic, • 336,114 239,090 Salvation Army, 655 822 Swedenborgian, 657 Ashland. The Prophetic Age. Independent; monthly; 8 pages, 8^x12 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 525 ; distribution scattered; established 1889; J. B. Lair, editor ; A. L. Garber, publisher. Chill icothe. The District Visitor. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution chiefly local; established 1890; Rev. T. R. Taylor, editor; E. R. Sullivan, publisher, Zanesville, < >hio. Cincinnati. The American Catholic Tribune.* Rinnan Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 18x24 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 7.500; distribution chiefly local among the colored people; estab- lished 1886; Dan. A. Rudd, editor and publisher, 355 Central avenue. I • I I I i I. . . 114 GEORG1 BATTENS RELIGIOUS PAPER HIKKCTORY The Chautauqua Camp and Fireside.* Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 7. 500; distribution general; established 1886; A. H. Gillett, D.D., editor; J. I.. Shearer, publisher, Office Western Methodist IJook ( oncern. Christliche Apologete — German. Methodist; weekly, 8 pages, !3}4 xl 7/4 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 21,000; distribution general; established 1838; William Nast, editor; Cranston \ Curts, publishers, 57 Washington street. The Church Chronicle. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 12 pages, 10 1^x14 inches; illustrated occa- sionally ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 2,000 ; distribution chiefly local . established 1SS0; Rev. Thos. J. Melish, editor and publisher, 99 West Fourth street. Der Sendbote. Catholic; monthly; 72 pages, 6x9 inches ; illustrated occasionally ; subscrip- tion, $2 a year; circulation, 13,95°; distribution general; established 187,; P. Max Shaefer, O.S.F., editor; Franciscan Fathers, publishers, 42 Calhoun street. Die Deborah — German. Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 8)4x12)4 inches; subscription, 52 a year; circu- lation, 10,000; distribution general; established 1855; Isaac M. Wise, editor; Leo Wise & Co., publishers, Fifth and Vine streets. Haus und Herd — German. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 68 pages, 7x10 inches; illustrated; sub- scription, $2 a year; circulation, 9,000; distribution general; established 1873; Rev. Henry Liebhart, editor; Cranston & Curts, publishers, 57 Wash- ington street. The Herald and Presbyter. Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 17^x24 inches ; subscription, $2. 50 a year ; circulation, 20,250; distribution general ; established 1840 ; Rev. J. G. Mon- fort, I ).D., LL.D., and others, editors and publishers, 178 Elm street. The Journal and Messenger. Baptbt ; weekly; 8 pages, 18x24 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; circu- lation, 11,700; distribution Central West; established 1831 ; Revs. G. W. Lasher, D.D., and G. P. Osborne, editors and publishers, 1"J7}4 West Fourth street. The Lutheran World. Lutheran; weekly; 8 pages, 16x22 inches; subscription. $ 2 a year; circu- lation, 4,500; distribution scattered; established 1892; Rev. E. K. Bell, 1 ).!>.. editor; The Lutheran World Publishing Co., publishers, 138 West Ninth street. Dated also at Baltimore and Chicago. . ■ ' '■ lie GEORG] BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Young Peoples' Standard. Undenominational; weekly: 8 pages, io',xi6 inches j illustrated; subscrip- tion, 75 cents a year; circulation, 20,000 ; distribution general; established 1887; Jessie 11. Brown, editor ; Standard Publishing Co., publishers, 18 1 asl Ninth >treet. Cleveland. The American Church.* Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 16 pages, 9x11 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; parish papers for distribution in various parts of the country ; estab- lished 1879; L. W. Applegate, editor; American Church Press, publisher, 237 St. Clair street. The Catholic Knight. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages; illustrated; subscription, $1.50 a year; circu- lation, 12,470; distribution chiefly in Northern Ohio; established 1S82 ; Joseph I. Greeves, editor and publisher, 424 Superior street. The Catholic Universe.* Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 16x23 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 5,000; distribution scattered; established 1S74; Manly Tello, editor and publisher, 530 Superior street. The Central Congregationalist. Congregational; weekly; 16 pages, 11^x15 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion. Si. 50 a year; circulation, 3,300 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1884; Rev. Chas. II. Beale, editor; Thompson iV Van Buren, publishers. Published also at Lansing, Michigan. The Christian Harvester. Evangelical Holiness; monthly; 16 pages, g}4 xl2 }4 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1872; Thomas K. Doty, editor and publisher, 46 Auburn street. Does not insert advertisements. Church Life. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 32 pages, 9x13^ inches; illustrated occa- sionally; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 2,500 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1887; William W. Williams, editor; The Williams Publishing Co., publishers, 237 St. Clair street. Der Christliche Kotschafter — German. Evangelical; weekly; 16 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, S2 a year; cir- culation. 12,500; distribution scattered; established 1835; < K 1 Ieinmiller, editor; Lauer & Mattill, publishers, 265 Woodland avenue. Der Missionbote — German. Reformed Church ; monthly; 8 pages, 7x10 inches ; illustrated; subscription, 25 cent- a year; circulation, 4.320 ; distribution scattered; established 1884; Rev. N. Gehr, D.D., editor; The German Publishing House, publishers, 1 134 Pearl street. No advertisement-. . Uft I * tad ;•«' mmunatt. I «.' i •■ .<- • Il8 '.i ORG! BATTEN'S ill IGN »1 - PAPJ R DIRJ CTORY I ugend I lerold*- — < rerman. Baptist; monthly; 20 pages, 8xlo inches; subscription, 60 cents a year ; cir- culation, 2.2511; distribution general; established 1889; Publishing S ol German Baptists "I North America, publishers, 957 Payne avenue. The I .i\ ing Epistle.* Evangelical; monthly; 38 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, $ I a year; cir- culation, 3,000 * distribution general; established 1866; J. C. Hornberger, editor; Lauer & Mattill, publishers, 265 Woodland avenue. The Missionary Messenger. Evangelical; monthly; 16 pages, 8x10 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution general; established t886; Rev. S. Heinenger and Rev. W. Yost, editors; Lauer ..V Mattill, publishers, 205 W oodland avenue. Ohio Church Life.* Protestant Episcopal ; monthly; 36 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 3,000; established 1887; \Y. \V. Williams, editor; Williams Publishing Co., publishers, 145 St. Clair street. Reformite Kirchenzeitung — German. Reformed Church ; weekly; 8 pages, 14x21 inches; subscription, $2 a year ; circulation, 5> 2 45 > distribution chiefly between Ohio and New York ; estab- lished 1835 ; Rev. L. Praikschatis, editor ; The German Publishing House, publishers, 1134 Pearl street. The Willson Avenue Visitor. Baptist; monthly; 20 pages, 8x9 inches; illustrated occasionally; subscrip- tion, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 1,000, distribution local ; established 1888 ; Rev. J. II. Hartman, Ph.D., editor; The Williams Publishing Co., publishers, 237 St. Clair street. Union Gospel News. Undenominational ; weekly; 8 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 125,151; distribution in the Eastern and Middle States chiefly; established 1888; D. L. Davis, editor; The Gospel News Co., pub- lishers, 147 Seneca street. Columbus. The Catholic Columbian. Catholic; weekly; IO pages, I5X X22 inches ; subscription, $2 a year ; circu- lation, 11,000 ; distribution in Central Ohio chiefly; established 1875; John A. Ivuster, editor; The Columbian Printing Co., publishers, III South Pearl street. The Churchman.* Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 10x14 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 2,250; distribution chiefly local ; established 1890. I >.l\ t . . 1 1 ■ 1 BATTEN'S KI-.I haul's I'Al'l R [)1RE( 1..KY The I [erald of Gospel Liberty. Christian; weekly; 1 6 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription. #1.50 a year; cir- culation, 4,400 ; distribution general; established 1808; Rev. J. P.Watson, D D., editor; Geo. E, Merrill, publisher, comer Mam and Fourth streets. Leaves of I ,ight. Reformed Church; fortnightly; 4 pages, u'.m:^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 22 cents a year; circulation, 7.400; distribution in the Central West; established 1S77; Rev. E. Herbruck, editor; Reformed Publishing • '<>.. publishers, 131 South Jefferson strei t. Lesson Leaves Reformed; monthly; 4 pages, 6x9 inches; circulation, 5.000; distribution general; established 1878; Rev. |. 1 . Hiester and others, editors ; Reformed Publishing Co., publishers, [31 South Jefferson street. Little Pearls. Reformed Church ; weekly; 4 pages, 5^x8 inches; illustrated; subscription, 20 cents a year; circulation, 6,000; distribution in the Central West; estab- lished 1882; Mrs. Elvira Vockey, editor; Reformed Publishing Co., pub Ushers, 131 South Jefferson street. No advertisements. The Lutheran Evangelist.* 1 utheran; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year ; cir- culation, 5,000; established 1876; H. R. Geiger, Ph.D., editor; Lutheran Evangelist Co., publishers. Our Bible Lesson Quarterly. Plymouth Brethren; quarterly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, 12 cents a year; circulation, 125,000; distribution general; established 1878; Rev. W. J. Shiny, editor and publisher. Our Bible Teacher. Plymouth Brethren; monthly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 6,000 ; distribution scattered; established 1873; Rev. D. Berger, I >.!>., editor; W. J. Shiny, publisher. The Religious Telescope. Plymouth Brethren; weekly; 16 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, 52 a year; circulation. 12,000 ; distribution in the Central West; established 1834; Rev. I. I.. Kephart, I».I>., and others, editors; W. J. Shiny, publisher. The Scholars' Quarterly. Reformed Church; quarterly; 32 pages, 4^x7-^ inches; subscription, 10 cents a year; circulation, 27,000 ; distribution in the Central West; estab- lished 1S80; Rev. J. E. Heister and others, editors; Reformed Publishing Co., publishers, 131 South Jefferson street. moath ; ' \ null. is I ..uMt.im I'. ~A.tr U t I.i Martin - GEORGB BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Massillon Lutheran. Lutheran; quarterly; 4 pages, 11x14 inches; subscription, 15 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1890; S. P. Tony, editor ; Newsletter & Co., publishers. Nelsonville. The Ohio Sabbath School. Presbyterian; monthly; 4 pages, I Ixl6 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1890; Rev. J. S. Phillips, editor and publisher. Newark. The Baptist Banner. Baptist; monthly; 4 pages; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution local; established 1890 ; Rev. E. B. Jones, editor; E. R. Sulli- van, publisher, Zanesville, Ohio. New Lebanon. The Vindicator. Old German Baptist ; monthly ; 32 pages, 6x9 inches ; illustrated ; subscrip- tion, $l a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1869; Henry Kurtz and others, editors and publishers. Oberlin. Bibliotheca Sacra. Congregational ; quarterly ; 200 pages, 4x7 inches ; subscription, $3 a year ; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution general; established 1831 ; Prof. G. F. Wright, D.D., LL.D., and others, editors; E. J. Goodrich, publisher. Portsmouth. The District Tidings. Methodist ; monthly ; 6x9 inches ; illustrated occasionally ; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1891 ; Rev. L. C. Haddox, editor ; U. G. Drake, publisher, 64 West Fifth street. Springfield. The Church Watchman. Free Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; illustrated occasionally ; sub- scription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 2,100; distribution scattered ; estab- lished 1889; Rev Thos. II. Drake, editor and publisher, 70 Clifton street. J I- •- gtt\ ■ I » i- ■■■'.. i! I .ulhrr iv . t.thU . -' ■ : w <« t t ! . I ■ > 1 1 The W i - U. ( GEORGI BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Woman's Missionar) Magazine. I oited Presbyterian; monthly; 28 to 32 pages, 7#xlo inches; illustrated; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution scattered; established 1887; Mrs. W. C. Hutchison, editor; Marshall & Beveridge, publishers. Zanesville. The Baptist Monthly Review. Baptist; monthly; 8 pages; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. M. Waxman, editor; E.R.Sulli- van, publisher. The Zanesville District Review. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local ; established 1890 ; Rev. J. T. Miller, editor; E. K. Sullivan, publisher. Oklahoma. Two religious papers. The leading denominations are : Congregationalist, . . .761 Roman Catholic. . . .270 Hennessey. The Holiness War News. Tin ulation; 1,500; distribution scattered; Bradford Washburn, editor ; U. P. Ziegler, publisher, Ninth and McBratney streets, Clay Center, Kansas. Oklahoma City. The Missionary. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 22x34 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circu- lation, I, COO; distribution on Pacific coast; established 1892; Rev. \\ . II. Nichols, editor; Baptist Publishing Co., publishers, Main street and Broadway. I tregon. k •*■ * » Usou. •' ' l\ -inlU t"ii I 1 .. : tl.mJ • .' " : ' 126 GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER I'IKIXTORY The Pacific Baptist. Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year ; circu- lation, 2,600; established 1876; C. A. Wooddy, editor; Pacific Baptist Pub- lishing Co., publishers, foot of Morrison street. The Pacific Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 2,700; distribution chiefly local; established 1855; Rev. W. S. Harrington, D.D., editor; Rev. H. \Y. Hicks, publisher, 207 Second street. Yidnesbyrdet — Norwegian. Methodist Episcopal ; weekly; 8 pages, 11^x16^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, Si a year; circulation, 1,250; distribution scattered; established 1889; E. M. Stangeland, editor; Yidnesbyrdet Publishing Co., publishers, 122 Front street. The Way, the Truth, the Life. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 13x21 inches ; occasionally illustrated ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 4,000; distribution general; estab- lished 1883 ; W. T. Ellis, editor and publisher, 45^ Morrison street. Does not advertise patent medicines. Pennsylvania. One hundred and forty religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, Christian Adventist, Congregationalist, Greek-Catholic, Latter-day Saints, Lutheran, .... Methodist, Moravian, .... Alexandria. The Mountain Messenger. Presbyterian ; monthly ; 8 pages, 10x14 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 2,000 ; distribution chiefty local ; established 1890; Rev. A. H. Jolly, editor and publisher. 82,480 Plymouth Brethren, 164 469 Presbyterian, 46,065 11,941 Protestant Episcopal, • 54,949 7,400 Reformed Catholic, 150 33 Roman Catholic, • 55i,S77 284,394 Salvation Army, . 772 182,106 Swedenborgian, 774 4,308 Mlcghan) ■ Mien tow n M I ■JU, US ..l ■ tRGl BATTEN'S Rl 1 IGN »t 5 I mi R DI RECTI »RY Brookville. The District Methodist. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 11x15^ inches; subscription, 25 a year; circulation, 1,300; distribution chiefly local ; established i.SSS; Rev. Francis II. Buk and others, editors and publishers. Canonsburg. ( )ur ( 'liuivh News. United Presbyterian ; monthly; 4 pages, 8x12 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 600 ;■ distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. D. R. McDonald, editor; The Greenside Avenue Church, publishers. Erie. The Lake Shore Visitor. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 17^x23 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year ; cir- culation, 3,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1875; Rev. Thos. H. 1 1 ey, editor; Herald Printing and Publishing Co., publishers, Tenth and State streets. Garland. The Itinerant. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 4 pages, 14x28 inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,100; distribution chiefly local; established 1887 ; Willis K. Crosby, editor and publisher. Germantown. The New Christianity. Undenominational ; monthly ; 16 pages, 10x13 inches ; subscription, 31 a year ; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1887 ; S. H.Spencer, editor and publisher, 140 Pomona Terrace. Gettysburg. The Lutheran Quarterly. Lutheran; quarterly; 160 pages, 6^x9^ inches ; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 520 ; distribution scattered; established 1849; Philip M. Bikle, editor; J. E. Wible & Co., publishers. Greensburg. The Church Register. Lutheran; monthly; 4 pages, 10x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 400; distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. A. L. Yount, editor and publisher, 215 West Third street. \ ; ,». i ■ I30 GEORG1 BATTEN'S R IOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Sundaj School Evangelical. Evangelical; fortnightly; 4 pages, 1 1^x16 inches; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 8,000 ; distribution general; established 1890; Rev. S. L. Wiest, editor ; Evangelical Publishing Co., publishers, 231 West Slate street. The Sunday School Gem. Church of God; fortnightly; 4 pages, 16x23 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 25 cents a year; circulation, 11,000; distribution Central West; estab- lished 1867; Rev. Geo. Sigler, editor; Board of Publication of the Church of God, publishers, 335 Market street. Huntingdon. The Gospel Messenger. German Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circulation, 15,000; distribution general; established 1862; D. L. Miller, editor; Brethren Publishing Co., publishers. Dated at Mt. Morris, Illinois. Johnstown. The Conference Journal. United Brethren; monthly; 12 pages, 11x15^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 2,000 ; distribution scattered ; established 1888 ; Rev. W. R. Stahl, editor; L. W. Stahl, publisher, 165 Morris street. Kennett Square. The Shepherd's Voice. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, 7^x11 inches ; illustrated occasionally; sub- scription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. O. C. Burt, editor; G. W. Mitchell, publisher, South Union street. Knoxville. Our Helper. Christian ; monthly ; 4 pages ; subscription, 35 cents a year ; circulation, 600 ; established 1891 ; L. A. Dykeman, editor and publisher. Lancaster. Christian Culture. Undenominational; monthly; 20 pages, 9x12 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 3,000; distribution through Pennsylvania; established l8oo;]Rev. J. Max Hark, editor ; Pennsylvania Chatauqua, publishers. Evangelical Worker.* Undenominational ; monthly ; 18 pages, 6x10 inches ; established 1891 ; Rev. J. B. Esenwein, editor; Evangelical Worker Publishing Co., publishers. I'lul.uk-lphi nan, " I {2 '.I ORG! BATTEN'S R] I IGIOl - PAP] l: DIR] I TORY Association News. Undenominational; quarterly; 15 to 20 pages, 7^x10^ inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 6,250; distribution local; established 1878; Walter C. Douglas, editor; The Young Men's Christian Association, publishers, Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. The Augsburg Sunday School Teacher. Lutheran; monthly; 4X pages, 6x8 inches; subscription, 55 cent,- a year; circulation, 10,500; distribution general; established 1875 ; H. Louis Baugher, D.D., editor; Lutheran Publication Society, publishers, 42 North Ninth .-treet. The Banner and Herald. Undenominational; monthly; 12 pages, 12x17 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution general ; established 1883; A. L, War- dell, editor and publisher, 3941 Market street. The Baptist Superintendent. Baptist; monthly; 12 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year; cir- culation, 8,224; distribution general; established 1884; Rev. C. R. Black all. editor; American Baptist Publishing Society, publishers, 1420 Chestnut street. The Baptist Teacher. baptist; monthly; 48 pages, 6x9^ inches; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 59,200; distribution general; established 1869; P. S. Henson, l».l)., editor; American baptist Publishing Society, publishers, 1420 Chestnut street. The Catholic Standard. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 18^x24^ inches ; subscription, $2.50 a year; circulation, 4,000*; distribution general; established 1865; George H. Wolff, LL.D., editor; Hardy eV Mahoney, publishers, 505 Chestnut street. The Christian Banner. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 20x34 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circula- tion, 1,500 ; distribution general ; established 1 889 ; Rev. G. L. P. Taliaferro, editor; Rev. L. G. Jordan, publisher, 1327 Rodman street. The Christian Instructor. United Presbyterian; weekly; 16 pages, 9x14 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 6,500; distribution chiefly local ;■ established 1843; Rev. D. W. Collins, D.D., editor; Collins >.\; Co., publishers, 1522 Chestnut street. Christianity in Earnest. Methodist Episcopal; fortnightly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches; illustrated; sub- scription 50 cents a year; circulation, 15,000; distribution general; estab- lished 1889; R- J Kynett, D.D., LL.D., editor; Board of Church Extension of the M. E. Church, publishers, 1026 Arch street. • • 134 GE0RG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY The Fifth Church Light. Baptist; monthly; i- pact's, 9x11^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 5<><>; distribution local ; established 1887; Wm. K. Krips, editor and publisher, 1420 Chestnut >treet. The Friend. Quaker; weekly; 8 pages, 9^x12 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 2,700; distribution scattered; established 1827; Joseph Walton, editor; John S. Stokes, publisher, 1 16 North Fourth street. No advertise- ments. The Friend's Intelligencer and Journal. Quaker; weekly; 24 pages, 8x1 1 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; circu- lation, 3,400 ; distribution scattered ; established 1844; Howard M.Jenkins, editor; Friend's Intelligencer Association, Limited, publishers, 921 Arch street. The Friend's Review. Quaker; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu- lation, 2,250*; distribution local; established 1847; Henry Hartshorne, M.D., LL.D., editor; John C. Winston, publisher, Sixth and Arch streets. The Guardian Angel. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 10^x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, $l a year; circulation, 48,000 ; distribution scattered ; established 1867; Anna L. T. Gillin, editor; Daniel F. Gillin, publisher, 717 Sansom street. Helpful Words. Protestant Fpiscopal ; monthly ; 48 to 80 pages, octavo ; illustrated occasion- ally ; subscription, $1 a year ; circulation, 5,000 ; distribution Middle States; established 18S8; Richard N. Thomas and others, editors ; Church Sunday- School Association, publishers, 112 North Twelfth street. The Independent Catholic Benevolent Union Journal. Catholic ; fortnightly ; 4 pages, 13^x19^ inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1873; Martin I. J. Griffin, editor and publisher, 711 Sansom street. The Jewish Exponent. Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circu- lation, 8,000; distribution general; established 1886; Charles Hoffman, editor; Jewish Exponent Publishing Co., publishers, 41 North Tenth street. L' Avenir — French. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 12 pages, 8^(xll^ inches; subscription, 51.50 a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution scattered; established 1880; C. Miel, D.D., editor and publisher, 20S North Thirty-sixth street. ■' M i ► ' N .~.„.V. If. ..uri ail J tocfc" [36 GEORG] BATTEN'S REUGJOUS 1 \i 1 1; DIR] 1 rOR* Nord Amerika — Swedish. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 14x22 inches; subscription, $ 2.50 a year ; circu- lation, 15,000; distribution chiefly in the New England State-; established [872; < harles I. Young, editor and publisher, 25 South Seventh street. Our Banner. Reformed Presbyterian ; monthly; 36 pages, 4^5x7 inches ; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution in the New England States; estab- lished 1S74; Rev. N. R. Johnston, editor and publisher, 1492 .North Fifty- fifth street. ( )nr Young People. Baptist; fortnightly; 8 pages ; illustrated; subscription, 50 cents a year ; cir- culation, 45,543 ; distribution general; established 1880; A. J. Rowland, D.D., editor; American Baptist Society, publishers, 1420 Chestnut street. The Peacemaker and Court of Arbitration. Cndenominational ; monthly; 20 pages, ioxio inches; illustrated occasion- ally; subscription, Si a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1866; Alfred II. Love and others, editors ; Weston & Block, publishers, 175 North Fourth street. The Philadelphia Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 13^x18 inches; subscription, $1.25 a year; circulation, 5,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1876; Rev. J. B. McCullough, D.D., editor; F. B. Clegg, publisher, 1018 Arch street. The Presbyterian. Presbyterian; weekly; 24 pages, Hxl6 inches; subscription, $2.65 a year; circulation, 12,600; distribution general; established 1S31 ; M. B. Crier, I ».!)., and others, editors; Mutchmore & Co., publishers, 1510 Chestnut street. The Presbyterian and Reformed Review. Presbyterian; quarterly; 192 pages, 4^x8 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 1,800; distribution general; established 1890 ; Benjamin B. Warfield and others, editors ; MacCalla & Co., publishers, 237 Dock street. The Presbyterian Journal. Presbyterian; weekly; 16 pages, 9x13^ inches ; subscription, $1.50 a year ; circulation, 9,000; distribution general; established 1875; Rev. R. M. Pat- terson, D.D., editor and publisher, 1512 Chestnut street. The Presbyterian Observer. Presbyterian ; weekly; 16 pages, Ilxi6 inches; subscription, $2 a year; cir- culation, 4,000; distribution scattered ; established 1873; W. W. McKinney, D.D., editor; Presbyterian Publishing Co., publishers, 1510 Chestnut street. ■ 1 m<-.! < >u;. r . ■ I 1*8 GEORGl BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY rhe Temple Magazine. Baptist; weekly; 28 pages, 6x8 inches; subscription, $1.25 a year; circu- lation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1889; Chas. I. Reinstein, editor and publisher, 1020 Arch street. The True Protestant. Evangelical; monthly; 4 pages, 9x14 inches; illustrated; subscription, 50 a year; circulation, 2,500; distribution scattered; established iSS<>; Rev. P. A. Seguin, editor; Selden & Marion. publishers, 501 Locust street. Words of Faith. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 900; distribution local ; established 1874; G.W. McCalla, editor and publisher, Eighteenth and Ridge streets. Pittsburg. The Baptist Exponent.* Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 1XX24 inches ; subscription, $1 a year ; established 1891 ; Rev. J. W. Moody, editor; Weddell Ov. Co., publishers, corner Wood- ward and Water streets. The Bible Teacher. United Presbyterian; monthly; 36 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 6,400; distribution general; established 1870; R. J. Miller, D.D., editor ; United Presbyterian Board of Publication, publishers, 53 Ninth street. The Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 16 pages, 12x17 inches; subscription. 52 a year; circulation. 12,500 ; distribution in Western Pennsylvania and adjoining states; established 1833; Rev. C. W. Smith, D.D., editor ; Jas. A. Moore, publisher, 527 Smithfield street. The Christian Statesman. Undenominational; weekly; 16 pages, 12x13^ inches; subscription, 52 a year; circulation, 3,300; distribution scattered; established 1S67 ; Rev. Wilbur 1'. Crafts, D.D., editor; Reform Bureau, publishers, 55 Ninth street. Dated also in Philadelphia. The Church News. Protestant Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 11x16 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,400: distribution Western Pennsylvania; established 1885 ; W. Howard Lakner, editor and publisher, 36 Sixth street. The Evangelical Repository.* United Presbyterian; monthly; 56 to 86 pages, 6x10 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1,500; established 1824; Rev. A. (i. Wallace, D.D., editor; T. J. McKalip & Co., publishers, 53 Ninth street. . Ill 1.1 1. • I . i ■ [40 '-i I »RG1 BATTEN'S RE] IGU >1 - P M'l R DIR1 CTORV The United Presbyterian. United Presbyterian; weekly; 16 pages, 9^x14^ inches ; subscription, $ 2 a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1842; Win. J. Uriel. D.D., editor; II. J. Murdock & Co., publishers, 55 Ninth street. Volksfreund. Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 14x21 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; cir- culation, 5,000; distribution general; established 1889; Jos. S. Glick, editor and publisher, 43 Tunnel street. The Woman's Missionary Record. Methodist; monthly; 12 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,500; distribution scattered; established 1885; Mrs. Mary A. Miller, editor; Miss Margaret Brown, publisher, P. O. Box, 306. The Worker. Undenominational; monthly; 12 pages, 10^x15^ inches ; illustrated; sub- scription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,867 ; distribution chiefly in Penn- sylvania; established 1890; Rev. L. Cannon Bell, editor and publisher, P. O. Box 63. The Workman. Lutheran; fortnightly; 16 pages, 11^x16 inches ; subscription, $1.25 a year ; circulation, 3,500; distribution chiefly in Middle states; established 1881 ; Rev. W. A. Passavant, D.D., editor; Murdock, Kerr & Co., publishers, 55 Ninth street. Pottsgrove. The Parish Press. Evangelical Lutheran; monthly; 4 pages, 10x14 inches; subscription, 15 cents a year; circulation, 350 ; distribution local ; established 1891 ; Rev. Geo. E. Faber, editor and publisher. Pottsville. The Baptist Literary Treasury. Baptist ; monthly; 8 pages, 14x21 inches; subscription, 60 cents a year; cir- culation, 800 ; distribution local; established 1879; Rev. Jas. M. Guthrie, editor and publisher. Quakertown. The Mennonite. Mennonite; monthly; 8 pages, 10x13 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 700 ; distribution in vicinity; established 1S85; Rev. A. B. Shelly, editor; Eastern Mennonite Conference, publishers. Das Himmels Manna — German. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 13x18 inches; subscription, 20 cents a year; circulation, 3,500; distribution local; established 1875; I- Gr. Stauffer, editor and publisher. No advertisements. I ;«C" onmu, ■ . . Scran ton . I.)j ..i . i|;..i i.\ i i i N's 1:1 l IGK >t - PAP] R DIRE< L"OR\ ( >ur Endeavor. Thurboro. Baptist : monthly; 4 pages, 11 '.mi^ inches; subscription, 25 cents a yeai ; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1890; Rev. ]). S. Firor, editor; Bonner & Cilley, publishers, 534 Market street. York. The Christian's Guide. Undenominational; monthly; 8 pages, 14x16^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 3,500; distribution chiefly local; established 1883; Rev. P. Anstads, D.D., editor; P. Anstads & Sons, pub- lishers, Princess street. The Lutheran Missionary Journal. Lutheran; monthly ; 32 pages; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 16,000; distribution general; established 1879; 1 1. 1 1. Weber, editor and publisher, 23 South George street. The Scholar's Quarterly. Undenominational; quarterly; 32 pages, 5x7^ inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 25,000; distribution general; Rev. P. Anstads, D.D., editor; P. Anstads *S: Sons, publishers, Princess street. The Sunday School Quarterly. Undenominational ; quarterly ; 32 pages, 5x7^ inches ; subscription, 12 cents a year; established, 1873; Rev. P. Anstads & Sons, editors and publishers, Princess street. The Sunday School Worker. African Methodist Episcopal Zion; monthly; 32 pages, 5x7^ inches; sub- scription, 56 cents a year; circulation, 900; distribution chiefly among the negroes of North Carolina; established 1884; Rev. P. Anstads, 1). I)., editor, P. Anstads & Sons, publishers, Princess street. The Teacher's Journal. Undenominational; monthly; 32 pages, 5x7^ inches ; subscription, 56 cents a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution chiefly in Pennsylvania; established 1873; Rev. P. Anstads, D.D., editor; P. Anstads & Sons, publishers, Prin- cess street. The True Believer. Undenominotional ; monthly; 32 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 60 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly in the Middle States ; established 188S; Albright \ Iiurtner, editors and publishers. Rhode Island Uwmn Ad ■"■. lil.^k Ul.nnl i pot I ■ . . nee. . • i South Carolina. ^ h.it i. -t'.fi 1.) i el ORG] BATTEN S 1:1 I IGIOI - PAPER DIR1 Chester. The Presbyterian Quarterly. Presbyterian; quarterly; 160 pages, 7x10 inches; subscription, $3 a year; circulation, 1,100; distribution general; established 1887; Rev. Geo. Sum- imv and others, editors and publishers for an Association of Ministers. Clinton. ( )nr Monthly. Presbyterian; monthly; 48 pages, 6x8)4 inches; illustrated occasionally; subscription, $ I a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution chiefly local; estab- lished 1866; Wm. P. Jacobs, D.D., editor; Thomwell Orphanage, publishers. The Pastoral Visitor. Methodist Episcopal, South; quarterly; 4 pages, 8x12 inches; distribution local; established 1891 ; Rev. \Y. A. Betts, editor; A. 1). Berts, publis Main street. No advertisements admitted. Columbia. The Christian Neighbor. Methodist; weekly; 4 pages, 20x26 inches; subscription, Si a year; circu- lation, declined ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1868 ; Sidi H. Browne, editor and publisher. The Palmetto Gleaner. Methodist ; weekly; 4 pages, 20x23 inches; subscription, Si a year; circula- tion. 1.500; distribution chiefly local ; established 1890; Rev. C. P. Nelson, U.D., editor; The Palmetto Gleaner Co., publishers, 127 Marion street. The Soldier. Undenominational; monthly; 4 pages, 16x21 inches; subscription, 35 cents a year; circulation, 4,000; distribution scattered ; established 1891 ; Rev. L. L. Pickett, editor and publisher, Taylor and Assembly streets. The Southern Christian Advocate. Methodist; weekly; S pages, 14x21 inches ; subscription, $2 a year ; circula- tion, 6,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1837 ; Rev. W. D. Kirk- land, D.D., editor; Charles A. Carlos, Jr., publisher, 65 North Richardson street. The Southern Presbyterian.* Presbyterian; weekly; 4 pages, 22x28 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; circulation, 3,000; distribution chiefly local and in vicinity ; established 1850 ; jas. Woodrow & Co., editors and publishers. The Way of Faith. Evangelical; weekly; 4 pages, 16x21 inches; circulation, 2.500; distribu- tion chiefly local; established 1S90; Rev. L. L. Pickett, editor; The Gospel Mission, publishers. \ loreiM em 1 1 K- Marts* ilk ■,i ORG] BATT1 N'S i I I [GIOl S PAP] R DIR] I rOR"V Timmonsville. The Christian Messenger. Baptist; fortnightly; 4 pages, 12x18 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 265; distribution local; established 1889; S. M. Richardson, editor and publisher. The Gospel Bugle. Undenominational; weekly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $ I a year ; circulation, 250; distribution chiefly local; established 1892; Rev. W. B. 1 Hincan, editor and publisher. South Dakota. Two religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, ..... 28 Presbyterian, .... 614 Congregationalist, . . . 11,902 Protestant Episcopal, . . 2,545 Lutheran, .... 17,140 Salvation Army, ... 41 Sioux Falls. The Church News. Protestant Episcopal ; monthly; 20 pages ; subscription, 50 cents a year ; cir- culation, 800 ; distribution chiefly local ; Rev. Geo. Wallace, editor ; Win. A. Beach, publisher. The Transcript. Methodist Episcopal; bi-monthly; 20 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; established 1890; W, H, Jordan, editor and publisher. .h*,i I enne5see. Mt-v.iiulr i.i v. h.itl.ui.M,. I ayettevilta i.i. ks..n I |S ..I ORG! i:\ll EN'S R.1 1 IGK 11 i PAP1 R D1RE( Knoxville. The I Iolston Methodist. Methodist; weekly; 8 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circu m, 3,300; distribution chiefly in East Tennessee; established 1S71 ; \V. I Richardson, editor; Richardson & Paulett, publishers, Church and Guy streets. ( >ur Young Men. Evangelical; monthly; 12 pages, 5x8 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; distribution local; established 1891 ; Young Men's Christian Association, editors and publishers. Lexington. The West Tennessee Baptist.* Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; established 1891 ; W. S. Roney, editor and publisher. Martin. The [ndoctrinator. Baptist; monthly; 16 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated; subscription, $l a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 1892 ; Moore & Clifton, editors and publishers. The Primitive Baptist. Primitive Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 9x14 inches ; subscription, $1.25 a year ; circulation, 3,800 ; distribution in the South; established 1SS6; S. F. Cayce, editor and publisher. Memphis. Catholic Journal of the New South.* Roman Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 3,000; established 1879; Wm. Fitzgerald, editor and publisher. The Gleaner.* Evangelical; monthly; 16 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; cir- culation. 1,000; distribution local ; established 1881 ; Mrs. Angus Campbell, editor; Woman's Christian Association, publishers. The Jewish Spectator.* Jewish; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; circu- lation, 1,000; distribution scattered; established 18S5 ; Rev. M. Samfield, I ).!>., editor; Jewish Spectator Publishing Co., publishers. Dated also at New Orleans, La. The Living Way. baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 24x36 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; circu- lation, 1,000; established 1884; Rev. W. A. Brinkley, editor ; Brinkley & Counter, publishers, 161 Beale street. ■ %'■ M..r i i -t'>>\ II ViOi\ ilk ' . •■ 150 UEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRE* TORY The ( Christian Advocate. Methodist Episcopal Church, South ; weekly; ioyi\i2 1 , inches; circulation, 27.000; distribution general; established 1839; E. E. Hoss, D.D., editor ; Publication House, Methodist Episcopal Church, Smith, publishers. The Christian Herald and Enterprise.* 1 i will Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 500; distribution local; established 1889; Southern Free-will Baptist Publishing Co., editors and publishers. The Convention Teacher. Baptist; monthly; 48 pages, 6x9^4 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 8,000; distribution in the South; established 1886; Rev. J. M. Frost, D.D., editor; Sunday School Board of the South Baptist Convention, publishers. The Cumberland Presbyterian. Cumberland Presbyterian ; weekly; 16 pages, 10^x15 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 12,000; distribution in the South; established 1840; J. M. Howard, U.D., and others, editors; Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, publishers, 150 North Cherry street. The Gospel Advocate. Baptist; weekly; 16 pages, 11x15^ inches; subscription, $1. 50 a year; cir- culation, 12.000; distribution in the South; established 1S58 ; S. Lipscomb and others, editors; Methodist Publishing House, publishers, 232 North Market street. Intermediate Quarterly. Baptist; quarterly; 5'^xS inches; subscription. 10 cents a year; circula- tion. 45,000; distribution in the South; established 1886; Sunday School Board of the South Baptist Convention, editors and publishers. Kind Words. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 14x21 inches ; illustrated; subscription, Si a year ; circulation, 25,000; distribution in the South; established 1892; Rev. S. Boy kin, D.D., editor; Sunday School Board of the South Baptist Convention, publishers. Little Jewels. Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 5x7^ inches; illustrated; subscription, 15 cents a year; circulation, S, 000 ; distribution in the South; established 1886; G. Lipscomb, editor; Gospel Advocate Publishing Co., publishers, 232 Market street. The Missionary. Presbyterian; monthly; 40 pages, 7x10 inches; illustrated; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 7,500; established 1868; Secretaries of Foreign Mis- sions of Presbyterian Church in United States, editors ; Whittet & Shepper- son, publishers, 1001 Main street, Richmond, \'a. V ' . 1 . '- i BATTEN'S RE] IGIOl j PAP] R I'll;} LV Texas. Thirty-eight religious papers. The leading denominations are : Baptist, Christian Adventist, Congregationalism Lutheran, . dist. 107,328 Plymouth Brethren, 321 Presbyterian, 1,18s I'nilfsianl 1' pis, ..].,il. I5.43 8 Roman Catholic, . 23.077 Salvation Army, 6 3 2 .349 947 105,138 15 Austin. Firm Foundation. Church of Christ ; weekly ; 8 pages, 11x15 inches ; subscription, $1.50 a year; established 1S85 ; A. Miliary and E. I Iansbrough, editors ; A. McCary & Co., publishers. No advertisements accepted. Sunday School Herald.* Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $1.50 a year; estab- lished 1891 ; L. L. Campbell, editor and publisher. Cameron. The Parsonage Press. Methodist; fortnightly; 4 pages, Ilxl6 inches; subscription, 35 cents a year; circulation, 1,000 ; distribution chiefly local; established 18S9; J. T. Brown- ing, editor; O. F. Medially, publisher. Colmesneil. The Parsonage Record. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 9x14 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 600; distribution local; established 1892; Rev. J. M. Porter, editor and publisher. Corsicana. The Christian Advance. Methodist Episcopal; weekly; 4 pages, 22x31 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,800; distribution in vicinity ; established 1S86; Rev. J. E. Bounds, editor and publisher, 1 16 Collin street. Dallas. The Baptist Standard. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; estab- lished 1886; M. V. Smith and J. B. Crantill, proprietors, 134 Akard street. . MM, f wK I 5 ; .1 ' iRGl BATTEN'S I; l I [Gil ll - P \l I R I'll; l:\ The Western Baptist. Baptist; weekly; 8 pages, i; ; N \i'i' 4 inches; subscription, 51.50 a year; circulation, 7,000; distribution chiefly Texas ; established 1888; Holland & Flanks, editors and publishers, 134 North Akard street. Decatur. The Church and Home. Cumberland Presbyterian; monthly; 8 pages, 11x16 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution local; established 1890; I. V. Jolly, editor; Snam Printing House, publishers. Eagle Pass. The Pastor's Helper. Methodist; monthly; 8 pages, Iixl6 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 20,000; distribution in the Southwestern and Middle States; established 1S92 ; W. E. Rutledge, editor and publisher. Fort Worth. The Church Visitor. Southern Methodist; fortnightly; 4 pages, 8*4x12 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 950; distribution chiefly local; established 1892; Rev. C. A. Evans, editor; \V. E. Evans, publisher, 1425 South Main street. The Encampment Herald. Cumberland Presbyterian; monthly; 8 pages, 9x12 inches; illustrated occa- sionally; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution chiefly in Texas; established 1891 ; Rev. W. B. Preston, editor ; Rev. Richard W. Lewis, publisher. Franklin. The Pastoral Visitor. Southern Methodist; fortnightly; 4 pages, 7x9 inches; subscription, 75 cents a year; circulation, 300; distribution local; established 1891 ; J. M. Arm strong, editor; Epworth Publishing Co., publishers, 1425 South Main street, Fort Worth. Houston. The Baptist Headlight.* Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, Ilxl6 inches: subscription, Si a year; circu lation. 1,000; distribution local; established 1890 ; Rev. C. H. Smith, editor and publisher. Church Signals. Methodist Episcopal, South ; bi-weekly; 4 pages, 8x12 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year ; circulation, 500 ; distribution local ; established 1891 ; Rev. J. E. Green, editor; Dealy <.V Baker, publishers. Mutt.. I Ibertj Mill I ulii i Palestine I 'an Handle ' 156 Gl ORG! BATTJ N'S 1:1 1 [GIOUS PAPER DIRE' San Antonio. St. Mar) 's Review.* Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 11x16 inches; subscription, $ 1.50 a year ; distri- bution local; established 1890; Chas. Boyle, publisher. The Texas Christian Observer. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, Ilxl6 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 4,200; distribution in Texas; established 1890; Chas. E. Giddings, editor and publisher. San Augustine. The Religious Instructor. Presbyterian; monthly; 8 pages, 9x14 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 400; distribution local; established 1890; Rev. 1 >. A. McRae, editor and publisher. Velasco. The Seaport Methodist. Southern Methodist; fortnightly; 4 pages, 10^x14^ inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1892; Rev. W. T. Keith, A.M., editor and publisher. Waco. The Guardian. Baptist; monthly; 58 pages. 8xil inches; subscription, $2 a year; circula- tion, 5,000; distribution chiefly in Texas; established 1881 ; S. L. Morris, editor and publisher, 113^ South Fourth street. The State Mission Journal.* Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, 50 cents a year; established 1891 ; J. B. Cranfill, editor and publisher. I tall. 1 Vrtw -»"! V . UlkMB. M-- . . 1 '■' s • Richfield Salt l .iki v. it \ pabh [58 ,.i ORG] BATT1 tf'S R] i IGK »1 - PAPER DIR1 The fuvenile Instructor. I attei daj Saints; fortnightly; ^2 pages, 5^x8^ inches; illustrated; sub- scription, ^2 a \ lation, 7,500; distribution in the West ; established t866; Geo. Q. Cannon, editor ; G. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., publishei ,24 I isl South 1 emple The young Women's Journal. I atter-day Saints ; monthly ; 48 pages, 4^x7^ inches; illustrated; subscrip don, $2 a year; circulation, 2,200; distribution chiefly local; established 1 s.s.i ; Susa Y. Gates, editor; G. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., publishers, 24 East South I emple street. Woman's Exponent. Latter-daj Saints; semi monthly ; 8 pages, 11x13 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 3,000 ; distribution scattered ; established 1872 ; Emmeline B. Wells, editor and publisher, 25 East South Temple street. Vermont. Vt\< religious papers. The leading denominations are: Baptist, .... Christian Adventist, . 1,079 Presbyterian, Congregationalist, . . . 21,886 Protestant Episcopal, . . . 4,286 Independent. ... 264 Roman Catholic, . . . 42,810 \\, thodist, The Association News. Evangelical ; monthly; 4 pages, 11x14 incites; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500; distribution' local ; established 1 884; Young Men's Christian Association, editors and publishers. * ITontpelier. The New Hampshire Journal. Congregational; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution local; established 1880; J. T. Perry, editor ; I li. Watchman Publishing Co., publishers. The Vermont Chronicle. Congregational; weekly; 8 pages, 15x22^ inches; subscription. $2 a year ; lation, 1,500; distribution local; established 1825; Rev. C. S. Smith, editoi : I he \\ atchman Publishing ( !o., publishers. 8,756 Plymouth Brethren. 1,079 1 '1 ■ sbyterian, 21,886 Protestant Episcopal 264 Roman Catholic, 11,644 Brattleboro. m John h ^lu-lhut iu • \ inrinia UliMM. |).1I1\ till" l.i nit M"ii I l6o GEORG1 BATTEN'S RELIGIOUS PAPER DIRECTORY New Market. Our Church Paper. Lutheran; weekly; 4 pages, 10x26 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circula- tion, 1,500; distribution in Southern states; established 1873; Rev. S. II nkel, 1 >.D., editor ; rlenkel & Co., publishers. Newport News. Caret.- Baptist; monthly; 4 pages, 20x26 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; cir- culation, 400 ; distribution local, among the colored people; C. D. Cooley, editor and publisher. Occoquan. Sectarian. Bible Baptist; monthly; 24 pages, 6x9 inches; established 1889; Wm. M. Smoot, editor and publisher. No advertisements. Petersburg. The National Pilot. Baptist ; quarterly ; 30 to 50 pages, 5x10 inches ; illustrated ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1887; Rev. C. B. W. Gordon, editor; The National Pilot Publishing Co., publishers, 654 Halifax street. Pocahontas. The Valley Baptist.* Baptist; monthly ; 16 pages, 8xll inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; dis- tribution local ; established 1891 ; J. V. Dickinson, editor and publisher. Richmond. The Bible Reader. Undenominational; monthly; 16 pages, 9^x13^ inches; subscription, 25 cents a year ; circulation, 20,000 ; distribution general ; established 1891 ; Edward L. Pell, editor and publisher, 1009 East Main street. The Catholic Visitor. Catholic; weekly; 4 pages, 14x20 inches; subscription. $1.50 a year; circu- lation, 2,500 ; distribution chiefly South; established 1874; Juan A. Pizzini, editor and publisher, 8 North Twelfth street. The Central Presbyterian. Presbyterian; weekly; 8 pages, 15^x21 inches; subscription, $2.50 a year; circulation, 3,650; distribution chieflj South; established 1837; Rev. W. I. Richardson, I >.!>.. editor and publisher, 1015 Main street. I I *'•-'• ; BWOI . ■ Ii.j \ i ii N's ki I IGIOUS l-AI'l k DIREI I' »R"V The Young Mrn's Friend.* helical : monthly ; i 2 p iges, 7x10 inches ; subscription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 200 ; distribution local among the Colored people; established Young Men's Christian Association, editors and publishers. Roanoke. Words and Works. Presbyterian; weekly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription. Si a year; cir- culation, 500; distribution chiefly local; established 1S92 ; Rev. W. C. \n H, D.D., editor; I. T. Hall, publisher, 103^ Campbell avenue, S. \V. Stanleyton. /.ion's Advocate and Herald of Truth. Old School Baptist; monthly; 32 pages, 9x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 1,200; distribution scattered; established 1861 ; C. H. Water- and others, editor.-; T. S. ballon, publisher. Washington. 1 i\ e r< ligi us pap< 1 5. The It adi ni; denominations are : Baptist, . 3,666 Plymouth Brethren, Christian Adventist, 129 Presbyterian, Congregationalist, 5,143 Protestant Episcopal Lutheran, 1,691 Roman Catholic, Methodist, 7,i33 Salvation Army, 19 573 1.764 20,848 156 Dayton. The Baptist Sentinel. Baptist; weekly; S pages; subscription, $2 a year; circulation. 1,500; dis- tribution chiefly local; established 1887; G. B. Douglass, editor; Baptist Sentinel Publishing Co., publishers. Olympia. Church News.* Evangelical; semi-monthly; 8 pages, 8x12 inches; subscription, $1 a year; distribution local; established 1891 ; A. S. Cregg, editor; Crisman-Sargent Co., publishers. I III ■ I nconia. I \\ est N irginia. I airmoiinf Muni in III. I -.1 i IRG] i: \ i il N S i;i l IGIOl - PAPER DIR1 CTORY The Pioneer. Baptist; weekly; 4 pages, 24x36 inches; subscription, $2 a year; circulation, 2,000; distribution chiefly local ; established 1890; C. H. Payne, editor ; A. (I. Merchant, publisher. New Martinsville. The ( rospel Echo. Church of Christ; weekly; 4 pages, 13x20 inches; subscription, $1 a year; circulation, 800; distribution chiefly local; established 1888; W. J. Rice, editor and publisher. Romney. The Pastor's Reporter. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 6x8 inches ; subscription, 25 cents a year ; cir- culation, 350; distribution local; established 1890 ; D. L. Reid, editor; Cornwell Bros., publishers. Wheeling. The Epworth Times. Methodist; monthly; 4 pages, 12x15 inches; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 500 ; distribution chiefly local ; established 1891 ; H. S. Cunning- ham, editor; Epworth League, publishers. Wisconsin. Twenty-one religious papers. The leading denominations are: Baptist, Christian Adventist, Congregationalist, Latter-day Saints, . Lutheran, Methodist. .... I4.99 1 Moravian, i,477 613 Presbyterian, 9.771 20,614 Protestant Episcopal, . 9-445 22 Roman Catholic, . 249,164 97.843 Salvation Army, 322 29,774 Swedenborgian . 43 Beloit. Kirchen og Hjemmes. Lutheran; monthly; 16 to 20 pages, 9x14 inches; subscription, Si a year ; circulation, 4,000; distribution general; established 1891 ; Bargh >.V Mvhre, editors and publishers. I I .ill - Di i v 1 1 . ■ ■ I .III c I.I If I I .1 c ■ Madison I Mil [66 RGE BATTEN'S ki I IGIOl S PAPER DIKM rom ( Columbia — German. Catholii ; week]] ; 8 pages, [8x24 inches; subscription, $ 2.50 a year ; circu lation, 10,000; distribution chiefly in Wisconsin; established i^7 J '- I. M. A.. Schaltheiss, editor; Columbia Publishing Co., publishers, 413 East Water street. Evening Prayer Leaflet. Protestant Episcopal; weekly; 8 pages, 6x9 inches ; subscription, 25 a year ; circulation, 12,000; distribution scattered; established 1886; F. C. More- house, editor ; The Young Churchman Co., publishers. No advertisements. Evangelisch-Lutherisches Gemeinde Blatt — German. Lutheran; fortnightly; 8 pages, 14^x20 inches; subscription, 51.05 a year ; circulation, 5,300; distribution in the Northwest; established 1865; E. A. Not,, editor; Northwestern Publishing House, publishers, 310 Third street. Excelsior — German. Catholic; weekly; 8 pages, 16x23 )i inches; subscription, $2. 50 a year ; cir- culation, 5,200 ; distribution chiefly local; established 1883 ; Alfred Steckel and others, editors; Excelsior Publishing Co., publishers, 86 Mason street. The Living Church. Protestant Episcopal; quarterly; illustrated; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 9,000 ; distribution scattered; established -1885 ; Fred. C. More- house, editor; The Young Churchman Co., publishers, 412 Milwaukee street. Lutherische Schul-Zeitung * — German. Lutheran; monthly; 20 pages, 6x9 inches; subscription, Si a year; circu- lation, 1,000; distribution local; established 1876; F. W. A. Notz, editor; Northwestern Publishing House, publishers, 310 Third street. Our Church News. Methodist Episcopal; monthly; 8 pages, 8x11 inches; illustrated occasion- ally; subscription, 25 cents a year; circulation, 1,000; distribution chiefly local; established 1887; J. P. Zetteler, editor and publisher, 1227 Galena street. The Shephard's Arms. 1 piscopal — (Juvenile); weekly; 4 pages, 6^x9 inches; illustrated; sub- scription, 50 cents a year; circulation, 21,000 ; distribution scattered; estab- lished 1S78; Jennie Harrison, editor ; The Young Churchman Co., publishers, 412 Milwaukee street. No advertisements. The Young Churchman. Protestant Episcopal; weekly; 4 pages, 13x18 inches; illustrated; subscrip- tion, 80 cents a year ; circulation, 22,000; distribution scattered; established 1870; L. II. Morehouse, editor; The Young Churchman Co, publishers, 412 Milwaukee street. Issues also a monthly edition. 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