£i|»^-i^w^ ■:^U:t;i HE UC-NRLF B 3 0^0 ^30 ^i«1 GIFT Nr^y 25 m^ AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR Expenditures for Road and Equipment, Operating Revenues, Operating Expenses, Locomotive-miles, Car-miles, and Train-miles AS ESTABLISHED FOR STEAM RAILROAD CORPORATIONS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE Public Service Commission^ Second District ^^^^^ AMENDMENTS ADOPTED SEPTEMBER J7, J908 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER U J908 ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1908 Nr^y 25 191:^ AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR Expenditures for Road and Equipment, Operating Revenues, Operating Expenses, Locomotive-miles, Car-miles, and Train-miles AS ESTABLISHED FOR STEAM RAILROAD CORPORATIONS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE Public Service Commission^ Second District AMENDMENTS ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 17, J908 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER J, J908 A L B A N i' J. B. LYON COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1908 '^^^:m^ HF .\M^^ C^O ■S«3^ STATE OF NEW YORK Public Service Commission SECOND DISTRICT Albany, September 28, 1908. To. The following order has been adopted by this Commission, and is hereby served on you. Please acknowledge receipt at once. Yours very truly, State of New York, (. ss. ; ©fHcc of tbe public Service Commission Y ** SECON D DISTRICT ) T havo conijuncd tlic following co])y with the original on file in this oflTice, and 1 do IIElvKBV CKRTIFV the sanio to ho a eorrott transcript therefrom ansi()n. Second District, at the City of Albany, this twcnty-oighth day of Soi)tonihor, one thou- sand nine hundred and eijjfht. Secretary. 274G67 State of New York, Public Service Commission, Second District. At a session of the Public Service Commission, Second District, held at the Capitol, Albany, on the 17th day of September, 1908. Present : Frank W. Stevens, Chairman. Thomas M. Osborne, jMartin S. Decker, James E. Sague, John B. Olmsted, Commissioners. Ordered: 1, That the Uniform System of Accounts for expenditures for road and equipment, operating revenues, operating expenses, locomotive-miles, car-miles, and train-miles, as established for railroad corporations under the supervision of this Commission by its order made on the 16th day of Decem- ber, 1907, be amended as shown by Schedule A, hereto annexed. 2. That the said Uniform System of Accounts so amended shall be piit in use on the 1st day of October, 1908, and be thereafter kept and used by all railroad corporations (as such corporations are defined in section 2 of the Public Service Commissions Law) owning, controlling, or operating any rail- road within the jurisdiction of this Commission and on whicli steam is used as the motive power. 3. That all such railroad cori?orations sliall in the annual reports to be severally made by them concerning their respective aH'airs and oi>eratio:is during the fiscal year July 1, 1908, to June 30, 1909, inclusive, classify and report their expenditures for road and equipment, their oj^erating revenues and their operating exjx^nses, in accordance with the said Uniform Systein of Accounts so amended. 4. Tiiat the Secretary of this Commission serve on each of the said cor- porations, persons, and associations on or before September 30, 1908, in maniK'^r prcscriltcd by law, a copy of this order. PuBT.ic Skrvice Commission, Second District SCHEDULE A. The Classification of Expend itiiros for Road and Equipment shall be amendeil by inserting immediately after Account No. 35, Earnings and Operating Expenses During Construction, the following new account: 35^^. INJURIES TO PERSONS. This account includes all expenses incident to injuries to persons when caused directly in connection with construction of a new road; proiwrtion of salaries and expenses of physicians and surgeons, expenses of undertakers, nursing and hospital attendance, medical and surgical supplies, artificial limbs, funeral expenses, railway and carriage fares for conveying injured persons and attendants; proportion of pay and expenses of claim adjusters and their clerks, and pay and expenses of employees and others called in consultation in relation to the adjustment of claims coming under this head; also witness fees and amount of final judgments. Note. — This account does not include such expenses incident to injuries to persons as are properly includible in Account No. 35, '" Earnings and Operating Expenses during Construction." The Classification of Operating Revenues shall be amended as follows: I. Kevexue from Traxspoktatiox. FREUniT REVENUE. Add : Note. — When a lessee company transports freight over the tracks of another carrier, it should include the entire compensation in its revenues and statistics, charging the appropriate Joint facilities, expense, and rental arcounts with th<* amounts paid to the lessor company, and the lessor com- pany should credit the same accounts. EX-CESS BAGGAGE REVENUE. Add to third line, after the words " articles, dogs, etc.," the words " incident to transportation of passengers," so that the text will read, "also packages, articles, dogs, etc.. incident to transportation of pas- sengers, usually transported," etc. PARLOR AND t HAIR CAR REVENUE. Eliminate the fourth and part of the fifth line of text, consisting of the words '* the expenses of oi>erating such cars are not separable from the expenses of operating trains," and substitute in place thereof the words " not inconsistent with the Classifications of Revenues and Ex- penses for Outside Operations ". Eliminate the note. Amendments to Uxiform System of Accounts 5 6. EXPRESS KEVEXUE. Eliminate from the seventh line of the text the word " should " and substitute in place tliereof the word "may"; also add to the end of the sentence (eighth line of text) the words "when not inconsistent with the Classifications of Revenues and Expenses for Outside Opera- tions"; so that the sentence will read: " When a railroad company transacts an express business through its regular railroad organization, the earnings therefrom may be credited to this account when not inconsistent with the Classifications of Revenues and Expenses for Outside Operations." 8. OTHER PAiSSEXGER-TRAIX REVEXUE. Add to the text at end of third line: '• Such as revenue from transportation in baggage cars of newspapers and other commodities not incident to the transportation of passengers, extra fares charged on limited trains, etc." 9. SWITCHIXG REVEXUE. Eliminate the text of this account and substitute the following: " This account includes amounts earned by a carrier for moving cars local]}' at a station or within a switching district, between connecting lines, between local industries, or between connecting lines and local industries, for which an arbitrary charge is made, whether on the basis of a switching tariff, an allowance out of a through rate, or otherwise. To it should be charged all overcharges on account of such switching." II. Kkvenue fuom Operatioxs otiikk tiia.n Tjiaxspoktatiox. TELEGRAPH SERVICE. Change tlie titU' of tliis account to "Telegraph and Telephone Si; vice," and modify tiie text to agree witli tlio wording undvr tliat title below. 17. TELECRAIMI AND IKIJ-.IM K )N K Si:i:\ KE. 'I'liis accuiiiit iiicludf- a carrier's rcvcinu's from conunercial telegraph or tclcplioiic !)ii>iiies> Iransaeted by it wlieii tlu* exjuMise of transacting such bu-iiics«; can not be separated from th«' exjKMise of conducting tlie railroad t('l('gra])h or teh'plione service, amounts received from telegraph or telephone companies, whether proportion of earnings or otherwise, for tlie privih'ge of transacting a commercial telegrai)h or telcj)hone business in ollices ab)ng tln^ carrier's lines, when the carrier furnishes some service of it-^ <'in])h)yer«; who-;e wages arc included in operating expenses. NoTi:. Wl\cn 11 lcl('-iai»li or t.'l. 'phone c.>nii)nny rents the teloprraph or leh'i)hone line of n cnirier !ins'EOUS. Add to last line of text: "Amounts received from carriers for use of facilities of union stations, union stock yards, terminal tracks, rail- road bridfres. railroad tunnels, anil miscellaneous revenue not otherwise provided for." Correct last line of Xote to read: "be credited to appropriate joint- facilities accounts." NEW KEVEM'E ACCOUN'TS. Add the following two new revenue accounts: 20. JOINT FACILITIES EEVEXUE — DR. This account includes the proportion of the revenues derived by a carrier from operation of joint tracks, yards, terminals, and other facili- ties, creditable to other companies. Note.— The purpose of this accovnit is to show the amounts of revenue from operation of a terminal company or other carrier which, under the terms of existing contracts or agreements covering the joint use of tracks, yards, and other facilities, are credited to other carriers which participate in such joint use. The bill rendered by a creditor company against a debtor company for the Iatter"s proportion of expenses of maintaining and operating joint facilities, which includes a credit covering the debtor com- pany's proportion of the revenues derived from operation of such joint facilities, should indicate separately the proper distribution of both the revenues and the expenses included in the bill. 21. JOINT FACILITIES REVENUE — CR. This account includes the carrier's proportion of revenues from opera- tion of joint tracks, yards, terminals, and other facilities, receivable from other companies. . X((TK. — The purpose of this account is to show the amounts of revenue derived from operation of joint tracks, yards, terminals, and other facilities operated by other companies, which, under existing contracts or agreements, are credited by the operating company to the tenant companies which par- ticipate therein. The bill rendered by any creditor company against a debtor company for the latter's proportion of the expense of maintenance and operation of joint facilities, which includes also a credit covering a proportion of the revenues to be i^aid over, should show the distribution of the credit for such i)roi)orti(in of the revenue sei):u:iteiy from Ibe distribu- tion of the expenses of operation. The Classification of Operatim; Expenses shall 1k' aniemUHl by giving numbers to tlie accounts and modifying them, as follows: I. Maixtknaxck of Way axd SiKrcrrKKs. 1. SIPERINTENDEXCE. Pay of okfickrs. — Aild: " Pa\- . — When carriers operating electric divisions desire to subdivide this account, appropriate accounts as prescribed in the Classification of Operating Expenses for Electric Railroad Corporations should be used. 10. OVER AND UNDER GRADE CROSSINGS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 11. GRADE CROSSINGS, FENCES, CATTLE GUARDS, AND SIGNS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 12. SNOW AND SAND FENCES AND SNOWSHEDS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 13. SIGNALS AND INTERLOCKING PLANTS. Other Expenses. — Add: "Bonding rails." 14. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES. Add : " Cost of oil for lubricating work trains." Add: NS. •• Kiectric F(iuii)meiit of Cars — Renewals. "" as provided in the text therefor. XoTK r.. — 'I'he sum of the monthly charges to this account should e(|u:il the value lost tlirough depreciai ion in respect to a particular elcctrie etiuipment of cars, and together with the charge to " Electric Etiuipmi'iii (>r Cars — Renewals" and value of salvage or amount received from s:il.. should provide a reservt' for replacement of the electric equipment of c;ii- wheu ri'lired. 40. FL().\TIN(i E(,>UrPMKNT — REPAIRS. No change further than assigning a numlier to the account. 14 J^'ULic Service Co:\i,Mist;u).\, Seco.nd District 4 1 . FLOATl NU K(,>r 1 1^ME^ T — KEX E\\ A LS. No cliango furlhor than assigning a nunibL-r to the account. 42. FJA)ATJX(i K(,)^ll^M^>^T— J)KPKEClATiOX. Revise the text of this account to read : This account includes a monthly charge representing depreciation on floating equipment. This montlily charge should be computed at the appropriate rate jwr cent on the original cost (estimated if not known;, record value, or purchase price of such lloating equipment. Charges should be made to this account during tlie life of the floating equipment, except in cases of floating equipment wliich attains to greater than a normal life; in such a case charges should cease when the dillerence between the original cost, record value, or purchase price and the esti- mated scrap value shall have been charged to this account. In ca^se of floating equipment prematurely retired, charges to this account should cease with the charges for the month in which such retirement occurs. The sum of the monthly charges during any fiscal year should equal the estimated depreciation during that year. Note A. — \Yhen floatiag equipment is prematurely retired, the value (less salvage) not previously taken up through charges to this account should be charged, in the accounts for the months in which retired, to Account No. 41, " Floating Equipment — Renewals," as provided in the text therefor. Note B. — The sum of the monthly charges to this account should equal the value lost through depreciation in respect to a particular float- ing equipment, and together with the charge to " Floating Equipment — Renewals "' and value of salvage or amount received from sale, shoiild provide a reserve for replacement of the floating equipment when retired. 43. WORK EQUIPMENT — REPAIRS. (For original text of this account, see pag?s 38 and 'S{} of '* Uniform System of Accounts, etc., for Steam Railroads," eflective January 1, 1908.) Eliminate clause on page 38, '' also cost of repairing commercial cars and locomotives when assigned to and in maintenance of way service;" and amend the succeeding clause to read, '* changes made in commercial cars to fit them for work service," etc. 44. WOKK E(,)U11'-M^^NT — RENEWALS. No change further than assigning a number to the account and placing it in the general operating exjiense account " Maintenance of Efjuipnient ". (For text of this account, see pages 39 and 40 of ''Uniform System of Accounts, etc., for Steam Railroads," eflective January 1, 1908.) 45. WORK EQUIPMENT — DEPRECIATION. (For original text of this account, see page 40 of "Uniform System of Accounts, etc., for Steam Railroads," eflfective January 1. 1908.) Revise the text of this account to read: A:mexdmexts to UxiromE System of Accounts 15 This account includes a monthly char<^e representing depreciation on work equipment. This monthly charge should be computed at the appro- priate rate per cent on the original cost (estimated if not known), record value, or purchase price of such work equipment. Charges should be made to this account during the life of the work equipment, except in cases of work equipment which attains to greater than a normal life; in such a case charges should cease when the difference between the original cost, record value, or purchase price and the estimated scrap value shall have been charged to this account. In case of work equip- ment prematurely retired, charges to this account sliould cease with the charges for the month in which such retirement occurs. The sum of the monthly charges during any fiscal year should equal the esti- mated depreciation during that year. Note A. — When work equipment is prematurely retired, ttie value (less salvage) not previously taken up through charges to this account should be charged, in the accounts for the months in which retired, to Account No. 44, " Work Equipment— Renewals,'' as provided in the text therefor. Note B. — The sum of the monthly charges to this account should equal the value lost through depreciation in respect to a particular work equip- ment, and together with the charge to " Work Equipment — Renewals " and value of salvage or amount received from sale, should provide a re- serve for replacement of the work equipment when retired. 46. SHOP MACHINERY AXD TOOLS. Repairs. — Add: "Cost of repairing electric power plants (and parts thereof) employed exclusively in connection with the operation of ma- chinery in shops." In the third line of this paragraph, after the word " foundries, " add: " and in shops of the bridges and buildings department." Renewals. — Add: "Cost of renewing electric power plants (and parts thereof) employed exclusively in connection with the operatio i of machinery in shops." In the third line of this paragraph, after the word " fouiulrie-;," add: " and in shops of the bridges and buildings department." Add : N*»TK. — Wlicn carriers operalhig electric divisions desire to subdivide this account, appropriate accounts as prescribed in the Classification of Operating Expenses for Electric Railroad Corporations should be used. 47. rOWKR PLANT K(n'n\MKNT. Add : N(»TE.— Tliis account incliub's only I lie cost of r<>pairing :)ii(l renewing equipnuMit of plants used for furnishing clci'tric power for tlu^ propulsion of locomotives, cars, or trains. 10 PriJLU' Si;k\'ice Commission, Second District 48. INJURIES TO PERSONS. Add: *' Pay and expenses of employees and others while attendhig coroners' inquests or engaged as witnesses in hiwsuits in connectio:i witli personal injury cases." XoTK A. — Eliniinnto the words '• witness fees and other expenses " and substitute in place tliereof the words " expenses not otherwise provided for ". 49. STATIONERY AND PRINTING. No change furtlier than assigning a number to the account. INSURANCE. This account is eliminated, cost of all insurance to l)e charp.-l to primary account No. 110. " Insurance." under general account " Crt^-iieral Ex}:enses ". 50. OTHER EXPENSES. No change further than assigning a numl)er to the account. CLEARING ACCOUNT "SHOP EXPENSES" (pages 56-51)). Add a new paragraph: Power. — Cost of fuel, including freight charges and handling, used in operating steam and electric power plants at shops and other places at which mechanical work is done ; oil, grease, waste, and othe.' material used in the operation of such power plants; pay of stationary engineers, firemen, electricians, coal handlers, and other employees; carbon brushes, fu«es, lamps, picks, pokers, scuttles, shovels, and other small tools nnd supplies; cost of Avater and power purchased. CLEARINCJ AtCOlNT "STORE EXPENSES" (page 5!)). No change. Additional clearing accounts authorized: For "Studios" by the Engineerinji- Department. F^or Stationer's Expenses. For I'ower riant Expenses. .51. MAINTAININ(; .TOIXT EgUIPMENT AT TERM I XAL> — Oil. No chan«.M' further than assigning a number to the actmint. EQUIPMENT BORROWED — DR. This account is eliminated. 52. MAINTAINING JOINT EQUIPMENT AT TERMfNAUS -- CR. No change further than assigning a number to the account. EQUIPMENT LOANED — CR. This account is eliminated. Ame2sdmexts to Uxifokm System of Accounts 17 III. Traffic Expenses. 53. SUPERINTENDENCE. Office and Other Expenses. — Add: " SiibHcriptions to newspapers." 54. OUTSIDE AGENCIES. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 55. ADVERTISING. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 56. TRAFFIC ASSOCIATIONS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 57. FAST FREIGHT LINES. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 58. INDUSTRIAL AND IMMIGRATION BUREAUS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 59. STATIONERY AND PRINTING. No change further than assigning a number to the account. INSLTIANCE. This account is eliminated, cost of all insurance to be charged to primary account No. 110, "Insurance," under general account •'General Exj3enses ". 60. OTHER EXPENSES. No change further than assigning a number to the account. IV. TEAxsPorvTATiox Expenses. 61. SUPERINTENDENCE. Pay of Oiticers. — Add: "Chief special agents." Office and Other Expenses. — Add: "Subscriptions to newspapers." 62. DISPATCHING TRAINS. Add: Note. — Pay of operators who also perform station service work should be charged to account " Station Employees ". 63. STATION EMPLOYEES. Labor at Stations. — Add: "Pay of employees tending switch lamj)s not at terminals. Payments to elevator companies for transferring grain en route; paymeiits to other companies and individuals for load- ing and imloading sand and other commercial freight under contract or otherwise." Eliminate the word "yards" in tbe thirteenth and sixteenth lines and substitute the word " pens," so tliat tlie text will read " stock pens " instead of " stock yards ". 18 Prr.LK Sei^vice Co:\r:srissiox, Secoxd Disteict Note. — rage 07 : Eliminate tlie letter " s " from the word " accounts " in the fifth line of the note, and eliminate the words " Stock Yards and Orain Elevators and," so that the note will read : " This account should not include the pay or expenses of telegraph and telephone operators pro- vided for under accounts • Dispatching Trains ' and • Telegraph and Tele- phone — Operation." or pa.v and expenses of employees provided for under account • Coal and Ore Docks,' or those engaged in ' Outside Operations '." 64. WEIGHING AXD CAR SERVICE ASSOCIATIONS. No change further tlian assigning a number to the account. STOCK YARDS AND GRAIN ELEVATORS. This account is eliminated, all expenses on account thereof to be classified as " Outside Operations "'. 65. COAL AND ORE DOCKS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 66. STATION SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES. Other Expenses. — Add: *' Supplies for switch lamps at points wiiere no regular switching service is maintained; incidental expenses of sta- tion employees." Lighting. — At the end of this paragraph, add : " and passenger foot bridges and subways at stations." To the list on page 69 add: Switch keys. 67. YARDMASTERS AND THEIR CLERKS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 68. YARD CONDUCTORS AND BRAKEMEN. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 69. YARD S\VITCH AND SIGNAL TENDERS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 70. YARD SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES. Add: ''Switch keys; lubricants for yard switches." 71. YARD EXrJINEMHX. Add : XuTi:. — Wlicn loconiolivrs ai-e (nigagcd in hoth I'oad and yard service, the pay of cngincmen should i)e appiu-tioned l)Otwoon the Road and Yard afCDunts on the basis of the service rendered. This does not apply to way switching by lofomotivi^s and crews in road s cliargcd to Account No. SO. " Road Enginenicn ". 72. ENGINEHOUSE EXPEXSES — YARD. Add: "Pay of hostlers and helpers at roundliouses; rents paid for use of stalls in loiindhouses." In the second line, after the word "callers." in.sert: "(except as pro- vided for in Account Xo. 67, ' Yardmasters and their Clerks')." In the second linv <'liniiii:\te the word "other". Amexd:mexts to Uniform Syste.m of Accounts 19 73. FUEL FOR YARD LOCOMOTIVES. In the third line, after tlie words '"fuel agents," insert: "fuel in- spectors, weighers." 74. WATER FOR YARD LOCOIMOTIVES. Add: "Proportion of pay of superintendent of water service engaged in connection with water supply for locomotives." Eliminate the note following this account, and in place thereof sub- stitute the f(il lowing: Note. — The apportionment of cost of water as between yard and road locomotives should be based on the relative number of tons of coal used on locomotives in yard and road service. 75. LUBRICANTS FOR YARD LOCOMOTIVES. No cliange further than assigning a number to the account. 7G. OTHER SUPPLIES FOR YARD LOCOMOTIVES. List, page 72. Eliminate: Metallic packing. Add : Switch keys. Waste. 77. OPERATING JOINT YARDS AND TERMINALS — DR. Revii^e the text of this account to read: " This account includes a carrier's proportion of costs incurred to operate joint yards and terminals, including interlockers and other facilities at such joint yards and terminals, operated by other com- panies." The text of the note remains as at present, 78. OPERATING JOINT YARDS AND TERMINALS —CR. Revise the text of this account to read: " This account includes the proportion of costs incurred to operate joint yards and terminals, including interlockers and otlier facilities at sucli joint yards and terminals, operated by a carrier, chargeable to other carriers." The text of tlic note remains as at i)resont. 79. MOTORMEN. Add : NoTK. — Wlicn carriers opcrntinff electric divisions desiro to sulidivide this accotnit, appropriate accounts as jirescribed in the Classification of Operating Expenses for Electric Kaiintnd Corporations should be used, 80. Add : ind yard service Itoad and Yard )AD EXGINEMEN. Add: NoTK 1',. Wlien locDUKi it Ives a re ' eng: \.i,'(>d in bo til road the p;iy (if enginemen sb ..iild he ai)por tioned 1 let ween tin 20 Public Service Commission, Second District aa-ounts on the liasis of tho service rendered. This does not apply to way switehinj; by locomotives and crews in road service, the entire pay of enginemen for which should be charged to this account. 81. EXGIXEHOUSE P:XPKX8E8 — ROAD. Add: "Pay of hostlers and helpers at roundhouses; rents paid for use of stalls in roundhouses." In the second line eliminate the word " other ". 82. FUEL FOR ROAD LOCOMOTIVES. In the third line, after the word "agents," insert: "fuel inspectors, weighers." 83. WATER FOR ROAD LOCOMOTIVES. Add : " Proportion of pay of superintendent of water service engaged in connection with water supply for locomotives." Eliminate tlie note following this account and in place thereof sub- stitute the following: NoTK. — The apportionment of cost of water as between yard and road locomotives should be based on the relative number of tons of coal used on locomotives in yard and road service. 64. LUBRICANTS FOR ROAD LOCOMOTIVES. Xo change further than assigning a number to the account. 85. OTHER SUPPLIES FOR ROAD LOCOMOTIVES. List, page 75: Eliminate: Metallic packing. Add: Switch keys. Waste. 86. OPERATIXfi POWER PLANTS. Add: N«»TK A. — This account includes only the cost of operating power plants for the purpose of furnishing electric power for the propulsion of loco- motives, cars, or trains. Note B. — When carriers operating electric divisions desire to subdivide this account, appropriate accounts as prescribed in the Classification of rjporating Expenses for Electric Railroad Corporations should be used. 87. PURCHASED POWER. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 88. ROAD TIIAIX.MEN. V Add: NoTK li. — When carriers operating electric divisions desire to subdivide this account, appropriate accounts as prescribed in the Classification of Operating Expenses for Electric Railroad Corporations should be used. Amendments to Unifoem System of Accounts 21 89. TRAIN .SIPFLIES AND EXPENSES. Lubricating cars. — Afte charged to primary account Xo. IK). "• iiisur;uu'<'," under geiu'ral account "General Ex|)enses ". 98. OTHER EXPENSES. No change furtlu'r tlian assigning a number to the account. 22 Pri5M(" Skkvic'E Com:missiox, Seco^'d Distkict i)0. LOSS AND DAMAGE — FREIGHT. p]liminat? the words " but not " in i)arLMitliosL's in the third line of the text; eliminate the words " recovered " and ''net" in the seventh line of the text and substitute the word " recovered '* for the word " re- (^eived " in the seventh line, so that the text will read: •• This account includes payments for loss, damage, delays, or destruc- tion of freight, locomotives, and cars when waybilled as freight (in- cluding all company's material), parcels or express intrusted to the company for transportation, including live stock received for shipment; and all expenses directly incident thereto; freight in transit lost over- l)()ard from lig'hters (less insurance and amount recovered from sale of iinchrinied and damaged freight) ; cost of re-packing and boxing damaged merchandise and other property; pay and expenses of employees and others engaged as adjusters and in detecting thieves; and services and ex- penses of employees or others while engaged as witnesses in lawsuits in connection with loss and damage cases." Add: "Freight charges paid other carriers on lost or damaged ship- ments." Add : Note F>. — The pay aud expenses of claim adjusters, clerks, and others whcse paj- can not be actually allocated to any case should be divided equally amonj? personal injury and other claims over which they have jurisdiction. 100. LOSS AND DAMAGE — BAGGAGE. Add : XoTR B. — The pay and expenses of claim adjusters, clerks, aud others whose pay can not be actually allocated to any case should be divided equally among personal injury and other claims over which they have jurisdiction. 101. DAMAGE TO PROPEETY. No change furtlier than assigning a number to the account, 102. DAMAGE TO STOCK OX RIGHT OF WAY. No change further than assigning a luinibi'r to the account. 10:j. iXJ TRIES TO PERSONS. Add: "Pay and expenses of employees and others while attending coroners' inquests or engaged as witnesses in lawsuits in connection with personal injury cases." OPERATINCJ dOlXT TRACKS — DR. (hange the title of this account to *• Ojjerating doint Tracks and Facilities— Dr.", and modify the text to agree witli the wording under tluit tith* beh)w. Amendments to Uniform System of Accounts 23 104. OPERATING JOINT TRACKS AND FACILITIES — DR. This account includes a carrier's proportion of transportation ex- penses incurred in the use of joint tracks, interlockers, and other facili- ties (except as provided for in account "Operating Joint Yards and Terminals — Dr.") operated by other companies. NoTK. — The purpose of this account is to show the amouuts accruing against a carrier for its proportion of the expense of operating joint traclvs and facilities operated hy other companies but in the joint use of which the carrier participates. The bill rendered by any creditor against a debtor for tlie latter's proportion of expense of operation of joint facilities should show the distribution of the total charge among the general ac- counts as made by the creditor, and such distribution should be adhered to by the debtor. OPERATING JOINT TRACKS — CR. Change the title of this account to " Operating Joint Tracks and Facilities — Cr.", and modify the text to agree with the wording under that title below. 105. OPERATING JOINT TRACKS AND FACILITIES — CR. This account includes the proportion of transportation expenses in- curred in the use of joint tracks, interlockers, and other facilities (ex- cept as provided for in account " Operating Joint Yards and Terminals — Dr."') operated by a carrier, chargeable to other carriers. Note.-— The purpose of this account is to show the amounts accruing in favor of a carrier against other companies for their proportion of the ex- pense of operating joint tracks and facilities operated by the carrier but in the joint use of which other companies participate. The bill rendered by any creditor against a debtor for the latter's proportion of expense of operation of joint facilities should show the distribution of the total chargo among the general accounts as made by the ci'editor, and such distribution should be adhered to by the debtor. V. Genej^al Expenses. 106. SALARIES AND EXPENSES OF GENERAL OFFICERS. Salakies. — Add: "Commissions paid to land and tax commissioners in lieu of salaries." 107. SALARIES AND EXPENSES OF CLERKS AND ATTENDANTS. No change further tlum assigning a number to the account. 108. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSED. No change further tlian assigning a number to the account. 109. LAW expp:nses. Add: "Cost of niemb«'rsliij) in associations the objwt of which is to protect roads in respect to litigation concerning the use of patents." 24 Public Service Commission, Second District 110. INSURANCE. Amend the text to read: '* This account includes all premiums made or paid by a carrier to its insurance fund, and premiums (except reinsurance premiums) paid by it to insurance companies for insuring buildings and other structures, equipment of all classes, other property, and persons against loss, damage, or injury by fire, accident, or other causes." Notes A and B remain as at present. 111. RELIEF DEPARTMENT EXPENSES. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 112. PENSIONS. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 113. STATIONERY AND PRINTING'. No change further than assigning a number to the account. 114. OTHER EXPENSES. Add: "Donations to local fire departments; cost of exchange on checks cashed or deposited and drafts bought; cost of draping stations." 115. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION JOINT TRACKS, YARDS, AND TERMINALS — DR. No change further than assigning a number to the account. IIG. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION JOINT TRACKS, YARDS, AND TE RMINALS — CR. No change further than assigning a number to the account. Condensed Classification of Operating Expenses. For the purpose of classification of operating expenses, eorporations and other associations and persons operating railroads on which steam is used as the motive power are divided into two classes: "Large Carriers" and " Small Carriers ". By a " Small Carrier " is meant an independent corporation, association, or person operating a roiid not more than 2o0 miles long and having annual operating revenues not in excess of $1,000,000, or any subsidiary corporation of such a small carrier where the subsidiary is also within such limits. Small Carriers,' as alKJve defined, may (after notifying the Public Service Commission of their election so to do) classify their operating exj^enses among the forty-four accounts shown in the left-hand column of the followinjr: Amexdmexts to Uxiform System of Ac( ofxts ^n Condensed Classification of Operating Expense Accounts for H)nnU Carriers and Extended Classification for Large Carriers. ACCOUNTS FOR SMALL CARRIERS. I, Maixtexaxce of Way and Struc- tures — 1. Superintendence. 2. Maintenance of Roadway and Track. 3. Maintenance of Tracli Struc- tures. 4. Maintenance of Buildings, Docks, and Wharves. 5. Injuries to Fersons. 6. Other Maintenance of Way and Structures Expenses. 7. Maintaining .Joint Tracks, Yards, and Other Facilities —Dr. 8. Maintaining .Joint Tracks. Yaids, and Other Facilities — Cr. II. Maintknanci; of F'^uii'MENT — 0. Supninlcndence. 10. l,()C()iiio( ives — Repairs. 11. Cars— Repairs. 12. Floating Fcpiipment — Repairs, l.'i. Work Equipment — Repairs. CORRESPONDING ACCOUNTS FOR LARGE CARRIERS. I. Maintenance of Way and Struc- tures — 1. Superintendence. 2. Ballast. 3. Ties. 4. Rails. 5. Other Track Material. 6. Roadway and Track. 7. Removal of Snow. Sand, and Ice. 8. Tunnels. 9. Bridges. Trestles, and Culverts. 10. Over and Under Grade Crossings. 11. Grade Crossings, Fences, Cattle Guards, and Signs. 12. Snow and Sand Fences and Snowsheds. 13. Signals and Interlocking Plants. 14. Telegraph and Telephone Lines. 15. Electric Pow.er Transmission. 10. Buildings. Fixtures, and Grounds. 17. Docks and Wharves. 10. In.inrics to Persons. IS. Roadway Tools and Supplies. 20. Stationery and I'rinting. 21. Other Expenses. 22. Maintaining .Joint Tracks. Yards, and Other Faciliti.'s — Dr. 2:'.. Maintaining Jc int Tracks. Yards, and other Facililios — Cr. Maintknanci; or Kt.MirMKNT— 24. Superintendence. 2."». Steam Locomotives — Repairs 2.S. Electric Locomotivt>s — Repairs. 31. Passenger-train Cars — Repairs. 34. Fre'ght-traln Cars— Repairs. 37. Electric Epairs. 43. Work Equipment— Repairs. 26 Public Sekvice Com^iissiox, Second District Condensed Classification of Operating Expense Accounts for Small Carrions and Extended Classification for Large Carriers. accounts for small carriers. n. Maintknance of Equipment— Cont'd 14. Equipment — Renewals. l.j. E(juipmont — Depreciation. 10. Injuries to Persons. ■ r 17. Other Maintenance of Equip- j ment Expenses. | I 18. Maintaining Joint Eciuipment at Terminals — Dr. 19. Maintaining; Joint Equipment at Terminals — Cr. III. Traffic Expenses— 20. Traffic Expenses. CORRESPONDING ACCOUNTS FOR LARGE CARRIERS. II. Maintenance of Equipment — Cont'd 26. Steam Locomotives — Renewals. 29. Electric Locomotives — Renewals. 32. Passenger-train Cars — Renewals. 35. Freigh't-Train Cars — Renewals. 38. Electric Equipment of Cars — • Renewals. 41. Floating Equipment — Renewals. 44. Work Equipment — Renewals. 27. Steam Locomotives — Deprecia- tion. 30. Electric Locomotives — Deprecia- tion. 33. Passenger-train Cars — Deprecia- tion. 36. Freight-train Cars— Deprecia- tion. 39. Electric Equipment of Cars — Depreciation. 42. Floating Equipment — Deprecia- tion. 45. Work Equipment — Depreciation. 48. Injuries to Persons. 46. Shop Machinery and Tools. 47. Power I'lant Equipment. 49. Stationerj' and I'rinting. 50. Other Expenses. 51. Maintaining Joint Equipment at Terminals — Dr. 52. Maintaining Joint Equipment at Terminals — Cr. III. Traffic Expenses — 53. Superintendence. 54. Outside Agencies. 55. Advertising. 56. TrntTic Associations. 57. Fast Freight Lines. 58. Industrial and Lnmigration Bu- roaus. 59. Stationery and Printing. 60. Other Expenses. Amendments to Unifokm System of Accounts 27 Condensed Classification of Operating Expense Accounts for Hniall Carriers and Extended Classification for Large Carriers. ACCOUNTS FOR SMALL CARRIERS. IV. TUANSPORTATIOX EXPENSES — 21. Superiutondonce and Dispatch- \ ing Trains. 22. Station Service. 23. Yard Enginemen. 24. Otlier Yard Employees. 25. Fuel for Y'ard Locomotives. 26. All Other Yard Expenses. 27. Operating Joint Yards and Terminals — Dr. 28. Operating Joint Y^'ards and Terminals — Cr. 29. Road Enginemen and Motor- men. 30. Fuel for Road Locomotives. 31. Other Road Locomotive Sup plies and Expenses. 32. Road Trainmen. 33. Train Supplies- and Expenses. 34. Injuries to Persons. 35. Loss and Damage. CORRESPONDING ACCOUNTS FOR LARGE CARRIERS. I\'. Tkansi'ortation Expenses — 01. Superintendence. 62. Dispatching Trains. 03. Station Employees. 04. Weighing and Car Service Asso- ciations. 65. Coal and Ore Docks. 00. Station Supplies and Expenses. 71. Yard Enginemen. 67. Yardmasters and their Clerks. 08. Yard Conductors and Brakemen. 09. Yard Switch and Signal Tenders. 73. Fuel for Yard Locomotives. 70. Yard Supplies and Expenses. 72. Euginehouse Expenses — Yard. 74 Water for Yard Locomotives. 75. Lubricants for Yard Locomo- tives. 76. Other Supplies for Yard Loco- motives. 77. Operating Joint Yards and Ter- minals — Dr. 78. Operating Joint Yards and Ter- minals — Cr. 80. Road Enginemen. 79. Motormen. 82. Fuel for Road Locomotives. 83. Water for Road Locomotives. 84. Lubricants for Road Locomo- tives. S5. Other Supplies for Road Loco- motives. 81. Enginehouse Expersos — Road. 86. Operating Power Plants. 87. Purchased Power. 88. Road Trainmen. 89. Train Supplies and Expenses. 103. Injuries to Persons. 99. I>oss and Damage — Freight. 100. Loss and Damage — Paggage. 28 Public Skiivice Commissiox, Second District CGndcuscd Classi/ication of Operating Expense Accounts for iimall Carriers and Extended Classification for Large Carriers. ACCOUNTS FOR SMALL CARRIERS. IV. Ti:.\N.si'o]jTATiu.N Expenses — Cont'd. 36. Other Casualties. 37. All Other Transportation Ex- penses. 38. Operating Joint Tracks and Facilities — Dr. 39. Operating Joint Tracks and Facilities — Cr. V. Geneiial Expenses — 40. Administration. 41. Insurance. 42. (^)tlK'r Oonoral Expenses. 4?,. rjcneral Administration Joint Tracks, Yards, and Ter- minals — Dr. 44. Ofneral Administration Joint Tracks. Yards, and Ter- minals — Cr. CORRESPONDING ACCOUNTS FOR LARGE CARRIERS. IV. TitANSPOKTATION EXPENSES — Cont'd. 93. Clearing Wrecks. 101. Damage to Property. 102. Damage to Stock on Right of Way. 90. Interlockers and Block and Other Signals — Operation. 91. Crossing Flagmen and Gatemen. 92. Drawbridge Operation. 94. Telegraph and Telephone — Oper- ation. 95. Operating Floating Equipment. 96. Express Service. 97. Stationery and Printing. 98. Other Expenses. 104. Operating Joint Tracks and Fa- cilities— Dr. 105. Operating Joint Tracks and Fa- cilities — Cr. V. General Expenses — 100. Salaries and Expenses of Gen- eral Officers. 107. Salaries and Expenses of Clerks and Attendants. 108. General Office Supplies and Ex- penses. 100. Law Expenses. 110. Insurance. 111. Relief Department Expenses. 112. I'ensions. 113. Stationery and Printing. 114. Other Expenses. 115. General Administration Joint Tracks, Yards, and Termi- nals — Dr. 116. (Jeneral Administration Joint Tracks. Y'ards, and Termi- nals — Cr. liii '^' v^-H