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Tm^ (L^zi INDEX. Chapter Page I. — The Definition and Antiquity of Coats of Arms i II. — The Varieties of Arms : — Arms of Dominion 7 ,, Pretension, Community, Patronage, and Family lo ,, Alliance, Adoption, Office, Concession, and Canting Arms II III. — The Integral Parts of Arms : — The Shield 12 The Points of the Escutcheon ; Tinctures, description of 13 Furs 14 Divisions of the Shield 15 IV. — Charges in Blazonry : — 1. Honorable Ordinaries... 17 2. Subordinate Ordinaries 19 V. — Some of the Varieties of the Cross and Border 22 VI. — Descriptive Terms used in Blazoning : — 1. In respect to Position 24 2. In connection with Charges 25 VII. — Of the Laws of Heraldry , 36 VIII. — Marshalling 40 IX. — Distinction of Houses : or Modern Differences ... 43 X. — The External Ornaments of the Shield :- Crowns Coronets Crests Mottoes Mitres, Helmets, Mantlings 46 47 49 Chapeau, Wreath 51 XL — Dictionary of Charges 52 XII. — Hatchments 78 120 Wsv PLATES. Feontispiece : — Crowns, &c. Plate I. — The Points of the Escutcheon. Metals and Colors. Lines of Partition. do. II. — Drops. Furs. Divisions of the Shield. do. III. — Ordinaries. Distinction of Houses. do. IV. — Position of Charges. PEEFACE This work is not an ambitious one. It does not attempt to go into the historic aspects of heraldry, or its connection with architecture, except where it has been found necessary to confirm a statement, or to use an illustration, by so doing. These aspects of the science must ever prove to students sources of great attraction ; even more so, perhaps, than the comprehension of the rules and terms of blazoning, and the charges in vogue. Our national history is intimately bound up with heraldry ; and by its aid light can be thrown upon many interesting epochs of the past, and the personal charac- teristics of many of the great bygone. The cathedrals and abbeys of our land are in their detail sealed enigmas without its knowledge ; for the prating guide may talk, but does not enlighten ; whereas the student of history, with a knowledge of heraldry, can with ease endue the stiff stone memorials with the interest of life ; and save, perhaps, the memory of some of the great ones of the past being lost by the neglect and contempt of a utilitarian age. Many persons are to be found who sneer at heraldry. It is treated by them as mouldy and unmeaning ; a remnant of the feudal system ; inconsistent with progress, and mentioned in other contemptuous terms. Without being in any degree desirous of placing it in the foremost of sciences, or of treating it with that extreme amount of veneration and enthusiasm which its literary votaries in various times have displayed — yet, as one of the links of the past with the present, we are bound to respect it, even as we respect the literary works of antiquity and the achievements of the sculptors and painters of past ages. 11. PREFACE. It is a matter of regret that the vast amount of manuscript bearing on this subject in the British Museum, the Herald's College, and kindred institutions, should be so little known to the general public ; while their very existence seems likely to become matter of doubt, if the students of this science should become rarer as years pass by — as of late they have undoubtedly become. In the same way, also, the scarcity of the works of former researchees, with the action of Time — that great destructor, as well as creator — on the monuments and relics of the past, will render heraldry gradually to become more difficult of accurate definition, if it should loosely be held as a worthless study, unworthy of our schools, and puerile for all. To ignore the past is to defame the present ; for they both are parts of one continuous whole ; and the components of our present greatness as a nation must not be laid to present greatness individually. The rugged lives of our crusaders, our warrior-kings, and valiant nobles, — tyrants though some may have been — brought out the true metal of the Anglo- Saxon race, and stamped the nation with a character. It is not generous, then, to this heroic past to forget our obligations to it ; for it has helped to make us what we are, and the martyrs to political conviction and honest purpose, in our past political and military history, are as deserving of our grateful memories, as the men for whom the Smithfield Memorial is now set up. With these few remarks on the historic past of heraldry, we come to our purpose of defining heraldry as it is, or rather as it has been handed down to us. It is not a science that opens a field for progress, innovation, or improvement ; on the contrary, the merit due to all compilers has been pro- portionately awarded according to their labour in research, and of the harmony obtained from conflicting evidence, and the eduction of facts from amongst a deal of uncertainty. Originality of conception, therefore, cannot be claimed for this, or for any other work of a like intent. Flcite ] . AND COLORS , Shield . The Dexter or Ri^t hand side of the Shield . Points of the Shield Expuinld A "Die dexhr chief point . B Hie precise middle chief. C The sinister chi^. D The honor point. The Sinister orLeft hand side of the SHSULP . E Thfyjessepoim. Y The nomhrdjjoint;. Or The dexter base. H The, middle hose. I The sinister base. Z Angled Engrailed Tnvected Wavv Embattled PLrLrLrLrLrLr R^jo^^ AWvVvVVVvVvV PLATE, WHITE. Indented A/vWWV^WWv^ Dancette Dovetaflec Potence Urdee OrUVVXrUVV Embattled aronde r^^T-T^^^nj""^^^ Battled Embattled /\/\/\/ COIiOMS , Plate. 2. mw%Mm & DIVISIONS @r m% mmM. Gutte^d-Or I ^ ^^-^J"" "^^;^^^^^ C I Red ^^^^J«/«^| I Black. Gutte tie Lariues Azure Gutted Olivr- Vert Bii > ji Green . PFMS .• P/Cly Barry Pily . Chkcky LOZCNCY . PlcLie. 3 ORBi:N'iUS.IES POSITIONS OF CHARGES RISING. CIS PLAYED PASSANT, PASSANT CARDANT. PASSANT REGARDANT . RAMPANT RAMPANT CAROANT . RAMPANT RECAODANT . COU NITER PASSANT . DEM SALItNT. STATANT . STATANT CARDAMT, SEJANT COUCHANT. AT CAZE. TRIPPING. LODGED C O U P E D . HAURj^^lENT CABOSHED CUBIT ARM. EMBOWED COUNTER EMBOWED. HERALDIC, N O W E D. DUCAL OR CREST CORON ET . HERALDIC CROWNS EASTERN. CELESTIAL 1^ WM WS W VALLARY. PALLISADE CIVIC CAP Cljc Stitim 0f Dcraltrrn. CHAPTER I. The Definition and Antiquity of Coats of Arms. Arms, Armorial Bearings, or Coajts-of-arms, are hereditary emblems of honor and descent, composed of certain figures, colors, and metals, assumed or granted by authority, to distinguish persons, families, and communities. Arms are the proper object, of which heraldry is the science, for the emblazoning in proper terms of all that is connected with coats-of-arms, and to dispose in proper order various arms on one field, or surface of the escutcheon. The antiquity of the practice of bearing arms — if the first rude distinctive emblems of nations, tribes, and individuals, may thus be designated — is very great. It appears, indeed, that immediately upon the disseverance of the first human family, and the aggregation of its descendants into distinct nations and tribes, the want was soon felt of some national insignia, easily to be understood by friend as well as foe. Several old writers, whose zeal in the endeavor to prove the antiquity of heraldry as a science, often outran their common sense, — insist that Joseph's coat of many colors was a pro- perly emblazoned coat-of-arms, and deduce the fact of the patriarch Jacob, when he blessed his sons, associating each with a symbolic emblem, — as proof of the practice being general of families and tribes bearing their insignia at that date. Many of the heroes of Homer, Virgil, and Ovid, are quoted as having emblematic figures on their shields, helmets, and elsewhere ; and it is on record that Alexander the Great bestowed on his subalterns marks of distinctive honor, which they bore on their armor, pennons, and banners. B THE SCIENCE OF Saxons, who bore a White Horse, (now borne in the Brunswick Aims.) Persians, who bore a Bow, with arrows, &c. Amongst the nations of antiquity who betook national ensigns, we find — The Egyptians, who bore an Ox. The „ Athenians, „ „ Owl. „ Goths, „ „ Bear. „ Romans, „ „ Eagle, Minotaur, and other devices. „ Franks, who bore a Lion. I Heraldic insignia, however, as a science, applied to in- dividual hereditary bearings, and guided by laws and rules definitely laid down and adhered to, cannot be said to have had an extensive (if any) existence, till the 12th century. The Bayeaux Tapestry, generally ascribed to the wife of the Conqueror and her maidens, does not give any evidence of an intimate knowledge of the subject, which undoubtedly would have been the case had the science been a general one ; the rank of the workers being a guarantee that they would have had the best opportunity of becoming acquainted with it. Egbert, one of our Saxon kings (a.d. 800), certainly has a shield of arms ascribed to him : '' azure, a cross patonce, or," and so has Edward the Con- fessor, ''azure, a cross patonce between five martlets, or." These, of course, must have been invented long after their time ; but the latter arms are of some historical importance, as they have been assumed by several kings, and borne as one of the Royal standards ; and the quartering of them by a private individual, having, in the reign of Henry VIIL, been punished as treason. The celebrated Camden, with whom most writers on the subject have agreed, when treating of the antiquity of heredi- tary arms, and heraldry as a science, says : — "Shortly after the Conquest the estimation of arms began, " in the expeditions to the Holy Land ; and afterwards, by " little and little, became hereditary, when it was accounted " an especial honour to posterity, to retain the arms which " had been displayed in the Holy Land, in that holy service HERALDRY. 3 " against the professed enemies of Christianity ; and that we *^ conceived at that time the hereditary use of them ; but "that the same {i.e., their hereditary character) was not *' fully established until the reign of Henry III." He then, in support of this statement, quotes instances of three Earls, just prior to that date, whose arms differed from their sires, showing that their personal bearings were matters dic- tated by individual caprice, and not by hereditary dictum. It is, therefore, not easy to trace, upon true and warrant- able grounds, the constant lineal bearing of coats-of-arms in a line of unchanged descent, before the time of Henry III. The Crusades and Tournaments were undoubtedly the foundation of the methodised system of bearing arms, and gave a vast impetus to the practice of their being engraved, depicted, and embossed, on shields, garments, banners, and elsewhere. The connection of heraldry with tombs and monuments, evidently dates from the commencement of the science ; as the insignia which distinguished the living was perpetuated on the tombs of the dead. The Roman nobility had a custom of preserving the memory of the deceased by statues of different materials, dressed in the respective garments of rank, with the various other emblems of the position of their originals. These statues were exhibited on solemn occasions, and carried before the corpse of any other member of the family at funerals, to declare their status to all. We cannot expect to find any records of heraldry on tombs of an anterior date to that which is assigned for the consolidation of the science itself — though much labor has been bestowed on the subject by those who claim an earlier date for the same than is g-iven above. There are numbers of tombs existing of eminent persons who died before A. D. 1000, but there is not an instance of there being any heraldic bearings carved or depicted on them ; one of the earliest known being upon the monumental effigy of a Count of Wasserburg, in the Church of St. Emeran at Ratisbon. He is represented completely armed, with a surcoat, and at his side a plain shield of his arms. It is inscribed with the date of 1010 ; though some have the opinion that this monument 2 B * THE SCIENCE OF was erected by the monks connected with the abbey which the Count had benefitted, some time after his decease. It would be very interesting to give the rules anciently observed in the erection of monumental effigies, as a means of distinguishment, in the disposition and nature of the armor, position of the limbs, &c. ; but as this would take up some space, and the subject being somewhat distinct from the plain practical purport of this work, the reader is referred to those writers of archaeological authority and eminence, who have thoroughly exhausted this aspect of the science. Coins and seals have always been intimately connected with heraldry, and are the best authorities, both in respect to the antiquity of the science, and the individual bearings ' of the persons whose names are attached to them. The use of seals is of very ancient date. We are told in the book of Daniel that " the kino^ sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords," and again, in the book of Kings, that " Jezebel wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal." Many other quotations might be given — but the same remark may be made in respect to the heraldic nature of seals, as to the martial as- pect of the science at that period — that they both had reference only to the first rude symbols of nationality and individuality, but bore a very faint resemblance to modern heraldry. The dates of existing seals, which may fairly be held as having arms on them, in the proper sense — are not earlier than the twelfth century, with but few exceptions — one being that of King Louis the younger, whereon is engraved a fleur- de-lis — and another that of Robert le Frison, Earl of Flan- ders, dated 1072. M. de Courcelles quotes three seals attached to deeds bearing dates, 1038, 1030, 1037, bearing evident resemblance to heraldic bearings, as used in modern blazon. These isolated instances prove the length of time the science was in existence before it became a general and thoroughly organised one. In the reign of Henry II., 1154- 89, we read of sums of money called " scutage," (from scutum* a shield, which was then, with the monarch's arms * Scutum, (lat.) the oblong shield generally adopted by the Roman HKRALDRY. b displayed thereon, first impressed on the reverse of the coin of the realm) being paid by tenants of the crown in lieu of military service ; — this measure being now regarded as the first great blow to the feudal system. The old game of ^' cross and pile" (our ^ heads and tails,') derived its name from the cross, and wedge-like shape of the shield upon some coins. The old honorable titles of Scutifer and Escuyr (modern ^' esquire ") were used to distinguish those who were entitled to bear their arms on a shield. Before the Norman Conquest, the Saxon method of attest- ing deeds was by subscribing the attestors' names, commonly adding the sign of the cross. William, however, introduced the mode of sealing with wax, which gradually became general. A very old writer — Ingulphus, the Abbot of Crowland, says — " The Normans do change the making of '' writings, which were wont to be firmed in England with *' crosses of gold and other holy signs, into printing Wax." Guillim says — " At this time — (soon after the Conquest) — "' as Joh. Ross noteth, they used to grave in their Seals " their own Pictures and Counterfeits, with a long Coat over " their armours." The term, "coats-of-arms," takes its name from the surcoat or tabard, on which arms were embroidered or depicted, worn by warriors over their armor, like the Roman "tunica palmata." It is generally considered that this tabard is only a continaation of the sagum, or short vest, which was worn by the ancient Germans, and covered the shoulders and breast. Du Cange expressly observes that " the coat of arms was the ordinary dress of the ancient infantry, instead, of the round buckler (clipeus), at the period when the military ceased to serve without pay. It was about 4 feet long by 2\ wide, formed out of boards, like a door, firmly joined together, and covered over with coarse cloth, under an outer covering of raw hide, attached and strengthened round the edges by a metal rim. The men of each legion had their shields painted of a different color, and charged with distinctive symbols, as is exhibited in the column of Trajan, at Rome : at the base of which are three scuta, distinguished severally by the image of a thunderbolt, of a wreath, and the same bolt with a pair of wings. Ecu, from ecussons, (fr. ) a round buckler, designating the French crown, or five-franc piece of the Bourbons. b THE SCIENCE OF Gauls, by them termed sagum, whence the French derive their word ^' sa?/e,^^ " sayon.^^ On the authority of Tacitus, we may state, that the sa^um was gradually improved by spots, and ornaments of different fiu^s ; — and that it became otherwise adorned, according to the rude fency of those distant ages, is asserted by several authors. Tlie tabard is still worn by Her Majesty's Heralds on state occasions. The bestowment of arms by the sovereign, in ancient times, as marks of honor and dignity, was not confined strictly to heroes of martial renown — for a notable instance is quoted by Guillim,* (which we extract verbatim), who says that one '' Bartholus, being a most expert man in the ^' Laws, and one of the Council of the said Charles the " Fourth, received in reward for his arms from the said " Empereur, this Coat-armour, viz. : or, a Lion rampant, *' his tail forked, gules, which afterwards descended to his *^ Children and Posterity. But Bartholus, (though he were *' a most singular and perfect Civilian) because he was unex- ^' perienced in Martial Discipline, durst not at first assume " the bearing of those Arms. But afterwards upon better " advice he bare them, knowing how unfit it was to refuse a '' reward from so potent an Empereur." Arms are always emblazoned on a shield, and must not be confused with the crest, supporters, or motto, which are embellishments to arms proper, but different in their early origin and use, and will be treated of separately in this work. When arms are adjuncted with the exterior ornaments of the shield — viz. : the mantling, crest, motto, ribbon, and supporters — the same is termed an atchievement, though in modern parlance the word is but seldom used to designate such. The arms of ladies, however, are always borne in a lozenge; those of widows being impaled with their late husband's. Of this exception we shall speak more particularly when treating specifically of the rules of blazoning. * The edition of Guillim's Display of Heraldry, from which quotations are made in this work, is that of 1679, being the fifth. Dr. Berkham, Dean of Booking, is said to have composed this treatise, and to have given his manuscript to J. Guillim, then pursuivant-at-arms, who published it in his own name. See " Prince's Worthies of Devon," in the life of that gentleman. HEllALDKY. CHAPTER II. The Varieties of Arms. Arms of Dominion Are those which belono^ to sovereigns, princes, and heads of commonwealths, in right of their sovereignty ; as the three lions of England, the fleur-de-lis of France, the cross of Savoy, &c., &c. These arms cannot be said to be the personal bearings of the sovereign, as they pertain to the nation rather than to the individual, as an insignia of public authority, vested in the reigning sovereign, and thus borne by successive nionarchs, though of different race. Those who ascend the throne by election, carry their arms on an escutcheon placed in the centre of the arms of the dominion to which they are elected ; as the Emperors of Germany and Kings of Poland used to do. Thus, William, Prince of Orange, placed his arms over those of England and Scotland, as an elective king. There is good evidence to believe that the present lions of England have superseded leopards as the nation's arms in olden time ; or that the two animals were depicted in an identical manner. We are told that Henry the Second added the single leopard of Aquitaine to his own two ; and the three leopards are found on the seals of his sons, Richard the First and John. This accords with the opinion of some of the old French armorists, who maintained that lions should never be depicted guardant, or full-faced, affirming that to be proper to the leopard.* On the other hand, the Norman * An ancient Latin writer says on this point, " The king of England has for "his arms three leopards-gold on a red field — but whence this? (i.e. whence they are derived the writer does not know) unless because he claims to be duke O THE SCIENCE OF Conqueror's arms have always been rendered by modern writers as '^ Gules, two lions passant guardant," as also have those of William the Second. Guillim quaintly terms leopards '' a degenerate and bastard race, begotten between " the adulterous lioness and the parde, which degenerate *' brood of lions are called in Latin '' Imbelles Leones ; " or, as Pliny says, " betw^een a lion and a she-panther, or " between a lioness and a he-panther." Porny, in his work on Heraldry (1777) also says, in speak- ing of the leopard as a bearing, " The leopard's head is ahvays *' represented with a full face, as in the arms of the Earl of ^' Strafford, with both eyes, which is never the case with the ^* lion's head, it being only represented sideways, with one ^^ eye only." How to make this rule accord Avith the present arms of England is a difficulty ; but it w^ould almost appear that the leopard and the lion, as above stated, were synonymous in the olden time, as borne in the arms of our kings — in the same w^ay as the method of blazoning their positions, is, with one or two minor exceptions, identical now. It would, indeed, be rather ludicrous if the far-famed British Lion should turn out after all to be a leopard. The origin of the dagger in the arms of London is generally ascribed to the following incident in history : — William Walworth, Lord Mayor of London, when he went with king Richard 11. to meet Wat Tyler, — who was a poor laborer, but headed an insurrection, and even ventured to the metropolis — was so exasperated at the affront to his sovereign, that he struck him a violent blow on the head, and then stabbed him.f This origin, however, of the arms is not correct, for there existed, one hundred years ago, (and may now^, perhaps) at Staines — on the banks of the Thames, just below Runny-Mead — a stone, bearing great "of Normandy, who had for his arms two leopards, and duke of Acquitaine, ** who had one, and these three he joined together, or raises upon each other, "and places them in the shield of the kingdom." V. Barthol. Chassaneus, Catalogus Glorice Mundi. t Evidently this Tyler was as much a petitioner as a rebel, by coming to such close quarters peaceably. HERALDRY. 9 appear.ance of antiquity, placed there as the boundary of the City's liberty ; on the middle of which was the mayor's name, with the date 1254 ; the third figure, at the time this was noted (about 1770) was much effaced, but appeared to have been 5, and below were the arms as they now stand. Now 1254 was long before Richard came to the throne, as the date of his accession was June 21st3 1377. The origin of the arms of many countries is lost in obscurity ; the fleur-de-lis of France having had volumes of research expended on it — and so have others. The arms of Savoy are traced to the following incident, narrated by Guillim : The first Amadeus, or Amy, Earl of Savoy, bore arms with the Knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (insti- tuted 1120), and was present at the siege of Acre, when attacked from the sea by the Saracens. Their Grand-Master having been slain, Amadeus, at the request of his companions in arms, put on the armor of their deceased general, and the long robe of black cloth, bearing the badge of the order (a white cross of peculiar form) on the breast, to prevent his death being known to the enemy. There- upon, Amadeus behaved with such valor in battle, that after he had slain the admiral of the Saracens with his own hand, he sunk and put to flight the most part of their ships and gallies ; and in fact, rescued the city from a powerful naval siege. For these signal services, the knights of the order requested the earl to adopt their standard for his own, (gules, a cross argent), in commemoration of the event, which arms have ever since continued to be those of the House of Savoy. The origin, however, of the arms, according to another authority, dates from the successful defence, by the same first earl, of the Island of Rhodes against the Turks. Whichever is the correct derivation, it is certain that this Amadeus must have been of the same stamp as our Richard of the lion heart, and that the arms of the House of Savoy originated from one of his exploits. There are a few instances of the devices of cities and kingdoms of pre-heraldic times which still remain as the arms of those kingdoms ; as the white horse of Saxony, the 10 THE SCIENCE OF S.P.Q.R. of the city of Rome, (Senatus Popul usque Romanus) and tlie bearings of the towns of Nisnies, Augsberg, and Sulmo. Arms of Pretension Are those of kingdoms and territories to which some scion of the reigning house, or descendants of former deposed monarchs, conceiving they are entitled to the sovereignty in lieu of the de facto ruler, add to their own arms. Thus for a lengtliened period, after England had lost the faintest semblance of authority in, or right to the kingdom of France, the arms of that kingdom were quartered with our ow^n, till in 1801, on the union with Ireland, the harp of the sister isle took the place of the fleur-de-lis. In the same manner* Spain has quartered the arms of Portugal and Jerusalem, and Denmark those of Sw^eden, Arms of Community Are those of bishoprics, cities, universities, academies, orders of knighthood, societies, companies, and other bodies corporate. Arms of Patronage Are those which governors of provinces, lords of manors, &c., add to their family arms, in token of their jurisdiction. The term is also used in another sense, when the arms of such persons, or part of them, are added to the paternal arms of persons holding lands in fee under them. Thus, as the Earls of Chester bore ''garbs," many gentlemen of the county bore garbs also. The Earls of Warwick bore " chequy, or and az. a chev. erm.," and therefore many gentlemen of Warwickshire bore chequy. It is a remnant of the feudal customs. Arms of Family, or Paternal Arms Are the hereditary arms of one particular family — which distinguish it from others — and in the olden time considered a crime for any other persons to assume, and which the sovereign had the right to restrain and punish. heraldry. • 11 Arms of Alliance Are those which families, or private persons, take up and join to their own, to denote the alliances they have contracted by marriage. These arms are either impaled, or borne in an escutcheon of pretence, by those who have married heiresses. The particular mode of marshallincr several coats on one sliield will be more particularly treated of later in this work. Arms of Adoption Are those which a person assumes, either in addition to, or in lieu of his own, by right of bequest from, say the last of another family, in conjunction with the name or estate of the testator. This is generally effected by a special warrant from the sovereign. Arms of Office Are those borne by archbishops, bishops, deans, heads of colleges, &c., who impale, with their paternal coats, the arms of their sees, deaneries, colleges, &c., in the same manner as the arms of man and wife, giving the dexter half of the sliield to the arms of dignity, and the paternal coat on the sinister half. With the exception of the ancient offices of kings of arms, arms of office do not exist in England. Arms of Concession, or Augmentations of Honor, Are either entire arms, or else one or more figures bestowed •by the sovereign as a reward for some extraordinary service. It is recorded in historv that Robert Bruce, kino^ of Scotland, allowed the Earl of Wintoun to bear in his coat-armor a falling crown supported by a sword, to show that he, and the clan of Seaton, of which he was the head, supported his tottering crown. There are numerous instances, ancient and modern, of this description of arms. Those of Nelson, CoUingwood, Wel- lington, Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Lord Heathfield, may be referred to in proof. Canting Arms. As this term is often met with, it will be as well to mention 12 • THE SCIENCE OF that it alludes to those arms of which the bearings coincide with the names or professions of the bearers. For example — among the Italians, Colona bears " gules, a column argent ; " among the French, du PoiHer bears "or, a pear-tree argent ; " among the Germans, SchUsted bears " argent, a sledge sable ; " among the English, Arundel bears six swal- lows, from the French word hirondelle, a swallow ; Camel, bears a camel ; Pine, a pine-tree, &c., &c. CHAPTER III. 77ie Integral Parts of Arms. The Shield. The shield, or escutcheon, signifies the ground or field (the latter being the usual heraldic term) on which are represented, as they were also in ancient times, the figures that compose a coat-of-arms. Shields have ever been of different forms, among various nations, and at successive periods, and now are depicted according to the engraver's or artist's fancy. The field is divided into nine parts ; and in order to determine exactly the position of the bearings they are charged with, they are denoted by the first nine letters of the alphabet, as shewn on plate 1. Great care should be bestowed to attain a thorough knowledge of these " points of the escutcheon," as they are termed, for the same bearings, diff'erently placed, constitute a distinct coat-of-arms. It should be particularly observed, also, that the dexter, or right-hand side of the shield, is the actual right-hand thereof, if worn on the arm, and therefore is opposite to the left- hand of the person looking at it, and that opposite the right- hand of the person so looking is the sinister, or left-hand side of the shield. F — the nonibril point. G — the dexter Base. H — the precise middle Base. I — the sinister Base. heraldry. 13 The Points of the Escutcheon. A— the dexter Chief. B — the precise middle Chief. C — the sinister Chief. D — the honor point. E — the fess point. I The chief is the top or chief part of the escutcheon, marked ABC; the base is the lower part marked G H I. Tinctures. Next to the shield are the tinctures or colors, metals, and furs, used in depicting the charges thereon. The colors and metals are : — N^ames. Colors. Or Gold, or yellorv y Argent Silver, or white \ "^'^''"- Gules Red Azure Blue Sabl^ Black Vert Green Purpure Purple Tenne Orange Sanguine Mtirrey These colors and metals are signified by lines and dots, in engraving ; which ingenious method is said to be due to Father Silvester de Petra Sancta, an Italian writer ; and among the earliest instances of its use are the seals attached to the execution warrant of Charles I. Or (gold) is signified by dots. Argent (silver) ,, ,, being left plain, or white. Gules (red) ,, ,, perpendicular lines from top to bottom. Azure (blue) ,, ,, horizontal lines from side to side. Sable (black) ,, ,, horizontal and perpendicular lines crossing each other. Vert (green) ,, ,, diagonal lines from right (dexter) to left (sinister). Purpure (purple) ,, „ diagonal lines from left (sinister) to right (dexter). 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