UC-NRLF B 5 SDD 0(3*1 OTTY AND REa. I^^^^^^^^^^^^K, i^.^M^ Vol.3 MAY, 1912 No. 5 Special Libraries Check List of References on City Pla nning _ [ n il ■ .i — ii ■■» ii M "— L I B — — I LIBRARY i MAP 21 1960 UMnVStSiTY Of CAUSFCMWIA •«KRfY Putlished ty TKe ! Special Libraries Association Subscriptions 93 Broad Street Boston. Massachusetts Editorial and Publication Office Indianapolis, Indiana Our Library Department with its manyf years of experience, together with our unsurpassed stock of books in all departments o} literature^ combine to make a library service of unequalled efficiency Public Libraries, Special Libraries Universities and Institutional Libraries purchase their books advantageously from us. We handle their orders with intelligence, promptness and accuracy, and offer attractive prices. Correspondence invited. A. C McClurg & Com Chicago THE H. R. HUNTING CO. Springfield, Mass. makes a specialty of looking up and report- ing on special items. Classified catalogs are issued monthly. Correspondence invited. Special library binding. The standard of binding established and maintained by The American Library Bindery of Philadelphia has become universally recognized. /v/-] /oc:-' Special Libraries Vol. 3 MAY 1912 ^ ^n No. 5 P PUBLISHED BY THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Monthly except July and August. Editorial and Publication Office, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. Subscriptions, 93 Broad street, Boston, Mass. Entered at the Postoffice at Indianapolis, Ind., as second-class matter. Subscription $2.00 a year (10 numbers) Single copies 25 cents President Robert H. Whitten Public Service Commission, New York City. Vice-President Herbert O. Brlgham Rhode Island State Library. Secretary-Treasurer Guy E. Marion Library, Arthur D. Little, Inc., 93 Broad St. Boston, Mass. EXECUTIVE BOARD President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasuirer, George W. Lee, Stone & Webster, Boston ; W. P. Cutter, Engineering Societies, N. Y. Managing Editor of Special Libraries : — John A. Lapp, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. Assistant Editor, Ethel Cleland, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. k ==^ CHECK LIST OF REFERENCES ON CITY PLANNING Compiled by the DIVISION OF BIBLIO- GRAPHY, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, and the DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, HARVARD UNIVER- SITY, under the editorial direction of H. H. B. MEYER, Chief Bibliographer, Library of Congress. PREFATORY NOTE. This list is based on material in the Li- brary of Congress and the Library of the Department of Landscape Architecture of Harvard University, with the addition of titles received from the State Librarians or the Legislative Reference Librarians of In- diana, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachu- setts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is- land, Virginia and Wisconsin. The scope of the list is City Planning, defined by Frederick Law Olmstead, Charles Eliot professor of Landscape Arichitecture, Har- vard University, as "the intelligent con- trol and guidance of the physical- con- formation, growth, and alteration of cities, towns, or considerable parts thereof, con- sidered in their entirety." This check list is divided broadly into two sections: one, devoted to writings dealing with the general subject, the other, devoted to writ- ings dealing with particular localities. In the former section the definition has been rather rigidly applied; in the latter, with considerable latitude. In its final form the list will be arranged according to a scheme of classification prepared by the Depart- ment of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University, printed in outline at the end of this list. The purpose of this preliminary check list is to meet an immetliate demand, to show the extent of easily accessible material, and to disclose other material not in the list, so that in its final form the list may ap- proach more nearly to a true bibliography of the subject. It seemed desirable to have this check list in print in time for the Fourth National Conference on City Planning which is to be held in Boston on the 27th, 28th and 29th of May, 1912. The brief time available for its preparation has made it necessary to include certain entries in the form in which they were contributed by the several co-op- erators. In the final printing these will be made to conform to the practice of the Di- vision of Bibliography, Library of Congress. April 24, 1912. BIBLIOGRAPHY. American Institute of Architects. Quarterly bulletin, containing an index, literature from the publications of architectural societies and periodicals on architecture and allied subjects, v. 1-12. Jan. 1900-/ date. Washington, D. C, 1900-date, 12 v. NA11.A45 See headings under City Improvement, Parks, Public buildings, Railway sta- tions and terminals, for references on City planning in current period- icals. Benoit-Levy, Georges, La ville et son image. Paris, Editions des Cites-jardins de France, [1910]. 70 p. HT "Blbliographie": p. 65-69. Berlin. Allgemeine Stadtbau Ausstellung. Literatur-Verzeichnis, hrsg. vom Sekre- tariat der Austellung. . .Berlin 1. Mai bis 15. Juni 1910. Berlin, Ullstein & Co., [1910]. 52 p. Z5942.B38 List of books and pamphlets on shelves at exhibition. Boston. Public library. City and town planning. (In its Bulletin, June 30, 1910. Boston, 1910. 3d ser. v. 3, p. 180-199). Z881.B75BQ,v.3 Contains considerable correlative mat- ter. These titles with additions are included in its Architectural cata- logue now in preparation, which has been placed at our disposal. Brooks, Robert C. . . A bibliography of mu- nicipal problems and city conditions. 2d 775 62 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ed. — rev. and enl. Complete to Jan. 1, 1901. New York, Reform club, Committee on city affairs, 1911. 346 p. Z7164. L8B9 JS39. M2, V. 5 Art, Municipal: p. 12-13; see also under the headings Architecture; Building laws; Parks, playgrounds; Squares; Streets; Transit facilities. Chicago. Public library. Check list of books and pamphlets on municipal govern- ment found in the free public libraries of Chicago. [Chicago], Chicago public li- brary, 1911. 44 p. Z7164. L8C47 "Municipal art. City planning; garden cities": p. 40-43. Horsfall, T. C. Town planning. The liter- ature on the subject. Municipal journal, Jan. 15, 1909, v. 18: 57. TD1.9M3, v. 18 Letter to an American architect descrip- tive of some of the more important European publication issued before 1909. Marsh, Benjamin C. An introduction to city planning. New York, [1909]. 156 p. HT "Some good books on city planning": p. 153-156. Massachusetts. Metropolitan plan commis- sion. Report. . . Jan. 1, 1912. Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., 1912. 61 p. A selected bibliography of city planning: p. 59-60. New York. School of philanthropy. Li- brary. Town planning: [bibliography]. New York, 1911. 3 p. (Bulletin of the New York School of philanthropy. Mar. 1912, V. 5, no. 7; Library bulletin, no. 5.) Reynolds, James B., ed Civic biblio- graphy for Greater New York. New York, Charities publication committee, 1911. 296 p. (Russell Sage foundation pu'blica- tions.) Z7165. U6N5 See Section V. Public works; VIII. Transportation and communication; X. Housing; XV. Recreations and so- cial organizations. Seattle. Wash. Public library. Municipal plans; a list of books and references to periodicals. [Seattle], 1910. 13 p. (Ref- erence list, no. 1.) Z7164. L8S25 StUbben, J. Der Stadtebau. Zweite Aufl. Stuttgart, A. Kroner Verlag, 1907. 652 p. (Handbuch der Architektur, 4 Tl., 9 Halbd.) NA2510. H3, v. 9, pt. 4 Contains the following lists of refer- ences: "Stadtebau im allgemeinen" : p. 4-8; "Wohnungsfrage im allgemein- en": p. 40-41; "Arbeiterwohnuhgen und -Ansiedelungen": p. 41-42; "2. Ab- schnitt": p. 258-259; "3. Abschnitt": p. 349-350; "Verschiedenes" : p. 415-418; "Oeffentliche Bediirfnisanstalten" : p. 442-443: "Baulichkeiten fur Verkaufs- Erholungs- und Verkehrszwecke": p. 500; "Festschmuck" : p. 535; "Stadt- ische Pflanzungen": p. 614-615. Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in prac- tice; an introduction to the art of design- ing cities and suburbs. London, T. F. Unwin, 1909. 416 p. NA9030. U6 Bibliography: p. 405-411. Briefer lists have also been compiled by Brooklyn Public Library, "City Planning and Beautifying" 1912; James Ford in "A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects" by teachers in Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1910, p. 81-89; Kansas City Public Library, in its Quarterly, v. 8, no. 2; Michigan State Li- brary; Milwaukee Public Library; John No- len in his books on Chattanooga and Read- ing; Springfield, Mass., City Library Associ- ation; Syracuse Public Library, "A list of books on municipal affairs and civic im- provement". Syracuse, 1911; Wilmington Institute Free Library, in its Bulletin, May, 1907, V. 2, p. 7-8; Worcester Free Public Li- brary, in its Bulletin, Jan., 1911, v. 13, p. 27-31. PERIODICALS. The American city, New York. The Ameri- >y can city publishing co., Sept. 1909-date. A Monthly. $1.00. American suburbs. Philadelphia, Pa., Phil- adelphia suburban pub. co., 1909-date. Monthly. AP2. A458 American suburbs illustrated. New York, American suburbs co., 1906-Irregular. F128. 68. A1A5 Les Amis de Paris, pub. by I'Association des amis de Paris. Monthly. 7fr. Ami des monuments et des arts. Paris, 1901-date. Continuation of the Bulletin de la Soci- ete des amis des monuments parisiens, 1887-1900. The Architectural review; a magazine of ^ / architecture and the arts of design. Town *• . planning supplement. London. Monthly. NAl. A69 Art and progress. Washington, D. C, The American federation of arts, 1909-. Month- ly. Nl. A384 L'art public; revue de I'lnstitut interna- tional de l'art public. No. 1-12. Bruxelles, 1907-1912. Die Bauwelt. Berlin, Ullstein & Co. Beautiful world. Journal of the Society for _/ checking the abuses of public advertising. 7^ No. 1-10. Nov. 1893-Sept. 1908. London, 1893-1909. Irregular. The City. A general magazine for the gar- den city. Letch worth and London: J. M. Dent & CO. 1908- Monthly. 3d. each number. Die Denkmalpflege von Sarrazin und Schultze. Berlin, Ernst & Sohn. Deutsche Bauzeitung. Organ des Verbandes deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieur- Vereine. Berlin, Kommissionsverlag von C. Beelitz, 1867- Semiweekly. TA3. D4 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 63 Espaces libres et jardins publlques. Paris. Garden cities and town planning. London: y Garden cities and town planning associa- )( tion; Simpkin, Mars'hall & co. Irregular. Each number 3d. Garten kunst. Zeitschrift fiir Gartenkunst und verwandte Gebiete. Good roads. An illustrated monthly maga- zine devoted to the improvement of the public roads and streets. New York, 1892- 1895. Merged into L. A. W. Bulletin, March, 1895. Housing journal. The Housing reformer. Cardiff, Wales. Dec. 1911-date. Monthly. Is. 6d. Housing world. * Landscape architecture. Oct. 1910-date. v, 1- ^ date. Quarterly. Municipal affairs. A quarterly magazine de- voted to the consideration of city prob- lems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen, v. 1-6; Mar. 1897-winter 1902- 3. New York, Reform club, Committee on municipal administration, 1897-1902. 6 v. No more published. JS39. M2 Municipal development. Municipal engineering. A monthly magazine devoted to the improvement of cities. In- dianapolis. X.Municipal journal. London. Weekly. Municipal journal and engineer; an interna- tional magazine, devoted to municipal af- fairs and allied interests. New York, 1897- date. TDl. M5 Municipal news; an illustrated weekly de- voted to municipal affairs. (Formerly known as Public improvements.) v. 8, no. 1-15; Sept. 4-Dec. 20, 1905. New York, Municipal news association, 1905. 334 p. Weekly. TDl. M94 Merged into the Municipal journal and engineer, Jan. 1, 1906. The National civic federation review. New York, 1903. Monthly. HD4801. N2 National municipal review, Baltimore, The /, national municipal league, Jan. 1912-date. Quarterly. Park and cemetery and landscape gardening. Chicago, R. J. Haight, 18 — Monthly. Revue generale de I'architecture et des tra- vaux publics; journal des architectes, des ingenieurs, des archeologues, etc., sous la direction de C^sar Daly, v. 1-45. 1840-1890. Paris, 1840-90. No more published. Societe des amis des monuments parisiens. Bulletin de la Soci^t^. . . Pub. par. . . Charles Normand. l-2.v.[ 1885-1900]. Paris, 1887-1900. 12 V. DC701. S7 Proceedings of the Society have been continued since 1900 in "Ami des mo- numents et des arts." Der Stadtebau. Berlin: E. Wasmuth, 1904- date. Monthly. 20 Marks. )( The Survey [social, charitable, civic]. New York, The Charity organization society, 1897-. Weekly. HVl. C4 Town development. Chicago, 111. The Town development co. 1909-date. Monthly. $3.00. The Town planning review. Liverpool: De- ^ , partment of civic design. School of archi- X tecture, the University of Liverpool. 1910- date. Quarterly. $3.50. Zentraiblatt der Bauverwaltung von Sar- razin und Schultze. Berlin, Ernst & Sohn. GENERAL. Books. Abel, Lothar. Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande. Vienna, 1882. Abele. Weitraumiger Stadtebau und Wohn- ungsfrage; Darstellung und Kritik der auf Einfiihrung weitraumiger Bauweise im Stadteerweiterungsgebiet gerlchteten Be- strebungen. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1900. 72 p. Adams, Thomas. Garden city and agricul- ture; how to solve the problem of rural depopulation. London: Simpkin, Mar- shall, Hamilton, Kent & co., ltd.; [etc., 1905]. 180 p. HT Allingham, E. S. De urbibus. A plea for picturesqueness in cities, and for the reg- ulation of their size. London, Priory press, 1907. American academy of political and social science. Activities of civic organiza- tions for municipal improvement in the United States. A symposium. 1905. 43 p. "City life and progress." Phila- delphia, 1905, 211 p. (Its annals, v. 25, no.«2.) HI. A4, v. 25 "Public" recreation facilities. Phila- delphia, 1910. 266 p. (Its Annals, v. 35, no. 2.) HI. A4, v. 35 SB481. A5 BV423. A5 American association of park superintend- ents. Bulletin. [Boston? 1906] -date. SB469. A5 American civic association. Park depart- ment. Bulletin, no. 1, 1904. Bulletin no. 2. Items of park news, Nov. 1, 1904. Bul- letin no. 3, Items of park news, Jan. 15, 1905. American institute of architects. The relar tions of railways to city development. Washington, D. C: Gibson bros., 1910. 79 p. HE1613. A15A5 American park and outdoor art association. Proceedings, etc. Address C. M. Robinson, Secretary, Rochester, N. Y. American society of municipal improve- ments. Proceedings. [Milwaukee 1897- 1903.] 2v. TD223.A7 Anderson. Wilbert L. The country town, a study of rural evolution, with an intro- duction by Josiah Strong. New York, The Baker & Taylor Co., 1906. 307 p. JS425. A5 Art and life, and the building and decora- V tion of cities: a series of lectures by mem- 64 SPECIAL LIBRARIES bers of Arts and crafts exhibition society, delivered at the fifth exhibition of the so- ciety in 1896. London. Rivington, Percival and CO., 1897. 260 p. NA9040. A7 Devoted almost exclusively to the deco- rative art side of the question. Arthur, William. Our home city. [Omaha? Neb.], 1911. 133 p. HT Baldwin, S. E. Public parks; a lecture de- livered. . . Mar. 17, 1881. New Haven, 1881. 27 p. Baumeister, R. Moderne Stadterweiterun- gen. Hamburg, J. F. Richter, 1887. 34 p. (Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen, n. s. v. 2, no. 5.) DDL D48, n. s. v. 2 Stadtbauplane in alter and neuer Zeit. Stuttgart, Druck und Verlag der Ehr, Be^ser'schen Verlagshandlung, 1902. -Stadterweiterungen in technischer, baupolizeilicher und wirschalftlicher Be- ziehung. Berlin, 1876. Benoit-Levy, Georges. La cite-jardin. Paris: H. Jouve, 1904. 287 p. (Bibliothoque du Musee social.) HD752r). B3 Cites-jardins d'Amerique. Paris: H. Jouve, 1905. 462 p. (Bibiiotheque du Musee social.) HD753:'.. A3B4 La ville et son image. Paris, Editions des Cites-jardins de France, [1910]. 70 p. Bentley, E. G. and S. Pointon Taylor. A practical guide to the preparation of town planning schemes. London, G. Philip & son, 1911. Berg.ner, H. OefEentliche Schmuckanlageen. (In Handbuch der biirgerlichen Kunstal- tertiimer in Deutschland. v. 2, p. 337-371. Leipzig, 1906.) Blackmar, Frank W. Playgrounds and parks. Lawrence, Kan.. The University, 1910. 12 p. (Kansas. University. Bulle- tin, V. 11, no. 2, pt. 1; Social betterment series, no. 1.) LB3517. B56 Bibliography: p. 10-11. Bournon, Fernaud A. M. La voie publique et son decor. Paris, 1909. Brinckmann, A. E. Platz und Monument. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Aes- thetik der Stadtbaukunst in neuerer Zeit. Berlin: E. Wasmuth a.-g., 1908. 175 p. NA9030. B8 Brown, Glenn. A bill for a national advis- ory board on civic art and a plea showing the demand and the necessity for such a board. [Washington? 1906?]. 8 p. NA9127. W2B8 Buckingham, James S. National evils and practical remedies, with the plan of a model town. London: P. Jackson, late Fisher, son & co., 1849. 512 p. HN389. B9 Busselberg, Wilhelm. Die Erschliessung von stadtischem Baugelande. Berlin, E. Ebering 1910. 190 p. (Rechts- und staats- wissenschaftliche Studien. . . Hft. 40.) HD257. D8 "Literatur": p ix-xiii. Buls, Charles. L'esth§tique des villes. 2 M. Bruxelles: E. Bruylant, 1894. English translation in Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 732-741. JS39. M2, v. 3 Cadoux, Gaston. La vie des grandes capi- tales. Etudes comparatives sur Londres — Paris — Berlin. Paris, Berger-Levrault & cie, 1908. 259 p. Carrere, J. M. City improvement from the artistic standpoint. Hartford, Conn.: The Society, 1908. 19 p. (Publications of the Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Bulletin no. 7.) JS901. A3M7 no. 7 Chambless, Edgar. Roadtown. New York: Roadtown press [1910]. 172 p. HT Civic improvement league of St. Louis. Tree planting committee. Tree planting; re- port. 1905. [St. Louis? 1905.] 11 p. SD391. C55 Cong res international d'art publique. 1-4, 1898-1910. Conwentz, H. W. The care of natural mon- uments with special reference to Great Britain and Germany. Cambridge: Uni- versity press, 1909. 185 p. QH75. C7 Crawford, Andrew W. The house beautiful and its relation to the city beautiful. Am- erican civic association. Department pamphlet no. 1. Decoration of cities. With co-operation of municipal art society. New York, 1901. Eberstadt, Dr. Rud. Handbuch des Woh- nungswesens und der Wohnungsfrage. Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. 412 p. Eckman, William H. Public parks. Facts and statistics. . . relative to the benefits and profits derived therefrom in large communities. Cleveland, 1888. Egleston, Nathaniel H. The home and its surroundings; or. Villages and village life, with hints for their improvement. New and rev. ed. New York, Harper & broth- ers, 1884. 326 p. JS425. E32 Villages and village life, with hints for their improvement. New York: Harper & brothers, 1878. 326 p. JS425. E3 Eliot, Charles. The needs of parks. An address delivered before the Advance club of Providence, R. I., in 1891. English. H. D. W. The functions of busi- ness bodies in improving civic conditions. Philadelphia: National municipal league, 1909. 13 p. (National municipal league. Leaflets, n. s. no. 7.) JS302. N4, n. s. no. 7 Evans, Richardson. The age of disfigure- ment. London, 1893. Architecture and advertising. Lon- don, 1893. Fassbender, Z. V. E. Ueber den Stadtebau und seine gesetzliche Regelung. Roma. IX Congresso intemazionale degli archi- tetti, 1911. 17 p. In Italian, French and German. Ford. Frederick L., comp. The grouping of public buildings. Hartford, Conn.: The SPECIAL LIBRARIES 65 Society, 1904. 85 p. (Publications of the Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Bulletin no. 2.) JS901. ASM? The removal of overhead wires. American civic association. Dept. of city making. Department leaflet no. 13. A study of some representative European ports in the summer of 1909. (In Connecticut. Rivers and harbors com- mission. Report. Hartford, 1911. p. 2.3-71.) TC21. C8A4 An account of the ports of Liverpool, Glasgow, London, Antwerp, Rotter- dam, Amsterdam and Hamburg. Ford, George B. The architect's fatal er- ror with regard to planning cities. Roma, IX Congresso internazionale degli archi- tetti, 1911. [n. p.] Forestier, J. C. N. Grandes villes et sys- temes de pares. Paris, [1906]. Fox, William F. Tree planting on streets and highways. Albany: J. B. Lyon Co., 1903. 50 p. SB436. F79 Garden cities and town planning association, f London. Housing in town and county. ,. London: Garden city association [1906.] 80 p. HD7333. A3G3 The practical application of town planning powers. London: P. S. King & son [1910.] 72 p. NA9010. L7 1909 Town planning in theory and prac- L tice. London: Garden city association. [1908.] 72 p. NA9010. 1907 The Garden city movement. (In Bliss, W. D. P., ed. New encyclopaedia of social re- form. New York, 1908. p. 532.) H41. B62 Garden suburbs, town planning and modem architecture; with contributions by M. H. B. Scott, S. D. Adshead, [and others]. London: T. F. Unwin, 1910. 132 p. Geddes, Patrick. City deterioration and the need for city survey. 1909. Gerhard, William P. Sanitary engineering. New York: Published by the author, 1898. 132 p. "The laying out of cities and towns": p. 69-88. Printed also in Franklin in- stitute. Journal, Aug. 1895, v. 140: 90-99. Tl. F8, V. 140 Condensed in Architecture and building. Aug. 10, 1895, V. 23: 65-66. NAl. A48, V. 23 Goldemund, Heinrich. Der Stadtebau mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der gesund- heitlichen Anforderungen an einen Regu- lierungsplan. Wien, 1903. 11 p. *Good, Jessie M. The Hbw of improvement work. Springfield, Ohio, 1901. Treats of municipal improvement. Goode, J. P. The development of commer- cial ports. What the ports of Europe are doing. Chicago's commercial opportunity. Report to the Chicago Harbor commis- sion. [Chicago? 1908.] 103 p. HE551. G6 Goodnow, F. J. Municipal government. New York: The Century co., 1909. 401 p. JS78. G7 Local improvements: p. 331-337. The Great streets of the world, by Richard Harding Davis, Andrew Lang . . and oth- ers. New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1892. 255 p. D360. G78 Die Grosstadt. Vortrage und Aufsatze zur Stadteausstellung. Dresden: v. Zahn & Jaensch, 1903. 282 p. (Jahrbuch der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden, Bd. 9.) Gaudet, Julien. :fil6ments et theorie de I'architecture. . . 3. 6d., augm. Paris: Li- brairie de la construction moderne, [1909], 4 V. NA2521. G8 "L'architecture et les voles publique": v. 4, p. 49-87. Mainly on monumental squares and architectural designs for bridges. Guriitt, Coi-nelius. Ueber Baukunst. Ber- lin, [1904]. 63 p. (Die Kunst, 26.) *Hampel. Carl. Gartnerische Schmuckpiatze in Stadten, ihre Anlage, Bepflanzung und Pfl€(ge. Berlin. Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, 1897. Harris, G. M. The garden city movement. London: Garden city association, 1906. 92 p. HT Hassert, Kurt. Die Stadte, geographische betrachtet. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1907. (Aus Natur- und Geisteswelt, no. 163.) Haupt, L. M. On the best arrangement of city streets, [n. p. 1877?] 6 p. NA9045. H4 Reprint from Franklin institute journal, Apr. 1877. Tl. F8 Hegemann, Werner. Amerikanische Park- anlagen — Zierparks — Nutz-Parks — Aus- sen — und — InnenplB^ks — National parks. Parkzweckverbande. Berlin: E. Was- muth. 1911. 20 p. Helps, Sir Arthur. Public improvements. (In his Friends in council. New York, 1869. V. 1, p. 175-187.) Hercher. Ludwig. Grossstadterweiterungen. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1904. 46 p. TD163. H5 Horsfall. T. C. The Improvement of the dwellings and surroundings of the people. The example of Germany. Manchester: The University press, 1904. 193 p. HD7339. A3H7 * The relation of town planning to ^y' the national life. Read at a conference on town planning and co-partnership in housing, held in the town hall, Wolver- hampton, on Feb. 26th, 1908. 17 p. Howard, Ebenezer. Garden cities of tomor- row (being the second edition of "Tomor- row: a peaceful path to real reform"). London: S. Sonnenschein & co., ltd., 1902. 167 p. HT Howe, Frederick C. The city the hope democracy. New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1905. 319 p. JS341. H7 City beautiful: p. 239-248. / 66 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Indiana. Laws, statutes, etc. Street im- provements by cities and towns in the state of Indiana; containing the statutes, with comments thereon, and forms, by John R. Wilson and Morris M. Townley. Indianapolis: W. B. Burford, 1905. 124 p. International congress of architects. The planning and laying-out of streets and open spaces. (In its Transactions. 7th session, London, 1906. London, 1908. p. 369-440.) NA21. 16. 1906 Summary of proceedings printed as an appendix to Journal of Royal institute of British architects, Oct. 1906, 3d ser., V. 13: lii-lvii. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 13 International housing congress. The Li- brary of Congress has reports of 1st, 5th, 6th, and 9th, 1889, 1900, 1902, 1910. International municipal congress and ex- position 1st, Chicago, 1911. Municipal advance. Extracts from papers on var- ious municipal services. [Chicago: The association of commerce, 1911.] 167 p. International Kongress fiir Wohnungshy- giene. 3d, Dresden, 1911. [Handbook of the city planning section of the Ausstel- lung.] Jaubert, Hippolyte F., comte. Sur les d6- perissement des arbres de nos prome- nades publiques. [Paris, Imprimerie de L. Martinet, 1857.] 10 p. S405. R94 Extrait du Bulletin de la Soci6t6 bota- nique de France. S6ance du 27 mars, 1857. Jeanne!, J. F. Memoire sur les plantations d'arbres dans I'interieur des villes. Paris, 1850. Extract. Jones, A. Parks and tree-lined avenues. Read Oct. 7, 1891, at the meeting of the Advance club of Providence, R. I. Prov- idence, 1891. Publications of the Advance club. no. 7. Kelsey, Albert. The city of the future. [Bal- timore, 1902.] 35 p. HT Includes an address by Theodore Mar- . burg on the Municipal art society of Baltimore. Kramer, Michel. Instruction — education — civilisation — progres. Paris, [Impr. Cus- set et cie], 1870. 127 p. LA692. K89 League of American municipalities. The book of American municipalities; what is what in our cities; an authentic summary of civic progress and achievements. [New York?] The League of American munici- palities, 1907. 116 p. E159. L43. JS301. L3, v. 2 The book of American municipal- ities; containing statistical tables of the revenues and expenditures of cities, and an authentic summary of civic progress and achievements. Chicago, 1908. 144 p. JS301. L3, V. 3 E159. L432 The book of American municipal- ities in reference to what is what in our cities; an authentic summary of civic progress and achievements. Chicago, Municipal information bureau, 1910. 128 p. JS301. L3 Leavitt, Charles W., jr. Improvements of the appearance of municipalities. (In Municipal engineers of the city of New York. Proceedings, 1909. New Yprk, [1910]. p. 53-61.) TDl. M92, 1909 Discussion: p. 62-63. Liiientlial. Warum entstehen bei uns "keine Gartenstadte?" Bodenreform, 1908, no. 4, Verlag J. Harrwitz Nachf. Luffnnan, John. Select plans of the princi- pal cities, harbours, forts, etc., of the world. London, 1801. 2 v. iVIcCrea, Anette. How to lay out a city. Philadelphia, American civic association. 4 p. Maltbie, IVlilo R. Civic art in northern Europe. Report to the Art commission of the city of New York, Oct. 12, 1903. Marsh, B. C. An introduction to city plan- ning. New York [1909]. 156 p. HT Maslen, T. J. Suggestions for the improve- ment of our towns and houses. London: Smith, Elder and co., 1843. 249 p. NA9027. M4 Of historic interest only. Offering sug- gestions relating to London, York, Manchester, Liverpool and other Eng- lish cities. Mathieu, Ale. Projet d'une capitale modele. Texte et plans. Paris: J. Baudry, 1880. 14 p. NA9030. M3 Offers suggestions for a model capital city in elliptical form, with plans. IVIatthews, Albert. The word park in the United States. Cambridge: J. Wilson and son, 1906. 373-399 p. G108. P2M2 "Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial society of Massachusetts, v. 8." Matthews, N. jr. Justification of city expen- diture on parks and parkways — material for public education. (In National edu- cational association. Proceedings, 1903. Winona, Minn., 1903. p. 102-109.) L13. N4 1903 Mawson, T. H. Civic art: studies in town- planning, parks, boulevards, and open spaces. London: B. T. Batsford, 1911. 384 p. Mayreder, Karl. Stadtische Bauordnungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wohnungsfrage. Wien: F. Deuticke, 1903. 36 p. (Schriften der Oesterr. Gesellschaft fiir Arbeiterschulz. v. Hft.) TD163. M47 Meakin, Budgett. Model factories and vil- lages. London: T. F. Unwin, 1905. 480 p. HD7406. M48 Mil I in, George F. The village problem. Lon- don: S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1903. 180 p. (Social science series.) Municipal art in the United States. (In American art annual, 1905-06. New York SPECIAL LIBRARIES 67 & London, 1906. V. 5, p. 132-147.) N9. A3, V. 5 Municipal art society of Hartford. Publica- tions. . . Bulletins. Hartford, Conn., The Society, 1904-1911. 15 pams. NA9000. H3 ^^ Contents of a general nature: no. 1. ^B What is a municipal art society? By ^ €. N. Flagg and G. A. Parker. 1904. — no. 2. The grouping of public buildings. Comp. by F. L. Ford. 1904. — no. 7. City improvement from the artistic standpoint. Address by John M. Carrere. 1908.— no. 12. Street name plates. 1909. National conference on city planning. 1st, , Washington, D. C., 1909. Program [and ^ addresses]. May 21-22, 1909. (In U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Dis- trict of Columbia. City planning. Wash- ington, 1910. p. 57-105.) NA9030. U4 2d Rochester, N. Y., 1910. Poceed- ings. . . May 2-4, 1910. Boston, 1910. 182 p. NA9010. P5. 1910 Contents. — An introductory address on city planning, F. L. Olmsted; Causes of congestion of population; The pre- vention and relief of congestion of population; The circulation of passen- gers and freight in its relation to the city plan; Some problems of legal and administrative procedure affecting the city plan. 3d Philadelphia. 1911. Proceed- ings, May 15-17, 1911. Boston [The Uni- versity press], 1911. 293 p. NA9010. P5. 1911 Only articles of a general nature are given below. Contents. — Ad- dress of welcome, J. E. Reyburn; p. 1-2; Reply in behalf of the City planning conference, F. L. Olm- sted: p. 3-13; Public buildings, Ernest Flagg: p. 42-53; The location of public buildings in parks and other public open spaces, Frank M. Day; p. 53-69; Discussion, by T. H. Mawson, F. L. Olmsted, G. Atterbury, I. K. Pond, W. W. Emmart: p. 69-79; Buildings in relation to street and site, Lawrence Veiller: p. 80-96; Discussion: Ray- mond Unwin: p. 97-107; I. K. Pond, G. Atterbury, T. Adams, L. Veiller: p. 107-117; Condemnation, assessments and taxation in relation to city plan- ning, Lawson Purdy: p. 118-125; Dis- cussion, F. J. Goodnow: p. 125-130; The water termirial problem. G. E. Hooker: p. 131-133; A survey of Amer- ican dock development, G. C. Sikes: p. 134-146; Street widths and their sub- division, N. P. Lewis: p. 184-187; The narrowing of minor residence streets as affecting tenant and owner, C. M. Robinson: p. 188-197; Standardized street widths, John Nolen: p. 198-206; The street surface, G. W. Tillson: p. 207-215; Sub-surface structures, G. S. Webster: p. 216-219; Discussion, B. A. Haldeman: p. 219-228; The legal as- pects of city planning, W. L. Fisher: p. 229-230; Certain principles of a uniform city planning code, A. W. Crawford: p. 231-241; Discussion, Ernst Freund: p. 241-248; Philip Kates: p. 248-260; The history of the organization of the city planning con- ference in the United States: p. 261- 262. National housing reform council, London. Midland conference on the better planning of new housing areas. Birmingham, 1906. National town planning congress, under the auspices of the National housing reform council, Aug. 4-6, 1909. Preliminary pro- gram. Nearing, Scott. Social adjustment. New York: Macmillan & co., 1911. 377 p. HN64. N4 Congestion of population: p. 115-121. Nettlefold, John S. Slum reform and town planning. The garden city idea applied to existing cities and their suburbs. Neville, Ralph. Garden cities. Manchester: At the University press, 1904. 22 p. (Manchester university lectures, no. 1.) HD7563. A3N3 New York (City). Dept. of docks and fer- ries. Report on physical characteristics of European seaports, by Chas. W. Stani- ford, chief engineer. [New York], 1911. 44 p. TC255. N5 Niessing, C. Ueber offentllche Verschone- rung durch Anpflanzung von Alleebaumen nebst einem Anhang iiber EJin fried igung landwirthschaftlicher Grundstiicke durch lebendige Zaune oder Hecken. Berlin: R. Kiihn, 1871. 78 p. Nolen, John. Comprehensive planning for small towns and villages. Boston, Amer- ican Unitarian association, [1912?]. 12 p. (American Unitarian association. Dept. of social and public service. Social ser- vice series. Bulletin 16.) Planning small cities. (Six typical studies.) New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1911. What is needed in American city planning? [Washington, .D. C, 1909.] 3 p. NA9045. N6 Northrop, Birdsey G. Lessons from Euro- pean schools and the American centennial. New York & Chicago: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1877. 108 p. From the "Annual report of the Board of education of the state of Connecticut." 1877. LA131. N75 Village improvement, tree planting, etc.: p. 96-106. Village improvement; an address . . Jan. 14, 1893. Boston, 1893. 15 p. Nussbaum, H. C. Die Hygiene des Stadte- baus. Leipzig: G. J. Goschen, 1907. 154 68 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ^ p. (Sammlung Goschen, [348]) TD160. N9 Oberhummer, Ehigen. Der Stadtplan, seine Entwickelung und geographische Bedeutung. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vobsen), 1907. 39 p. Oehmcke, Th. Gesundheit und Weitrau. mige Stadtbebauung, insbesondere her- geleitet aus dem Gegensatze von Stadt zu Land und von Miethaus zu Einzel- haus, samt Abriss der Stadtebaulichen Entwicklung Berlins und seiner Vororte. Berlin; J. Springer, 1904. 69 p. Olmsted, F. L., Jr. City planning. An intro- ductory address delivered at the 2d Na- tional conference on city planning, Roch- ester, 1910. Washington, American civic association. Department of city making, 1910. 20 p. (American civic association. Ser. 2, no. 4. June, 1910.) Olmsted, F. L., Sr. A consideration of the justifying value of a public park. Boston, 1881. 20 p. Public parks and the enlargement of towns. Cambridge, Mass.: Printed for the American social science assow elation, at the Riverside press, 1870, 36 p. NA9045.O5 Issued, also in "Journal of social science" no. 3, 1871. p. 1-36. HI. J7 Olmsted, Vaux & co. Observations on the progress of improvements in street plans. With special reference to the parkway ■ proposed to be laid out in Brooklyn. Brooklyn: I. Van Anden's print, 1868. 30 p. NA9027. 05 Parsons, Samuel. Report to Park board. New York city. . . on visit to European parks, 1906. New York: M. B. Brown Co., 1907. 9 p. SB483. A6 Peabody, R. S. A holiday study of cities and ports. Boston: A. Mudge & son inc., printers [1908]. 52 p. NA Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws . . . passed at the session of 1909. Harris- burg, Pa., Harris'burg pub. co., 1909. 1042 p. No. 226. An act authorizing townships . . . and boroughs of this Common- wealth to acquire, by taking and ap- propriating under right of eminent do- main, and by gift. . . for the purpose of making, enlarging and extending, and maintaining public parks, park- ways, and playgrounds. . . Approved- May 3, 1909: p. 401-405. Laws . . . passed at the session of / 1911. Harrisburg: C. E. Aughinbaugh, 1911. 1260 p. "An act authorizing boroughs to lay out, and maintain as public parks, land heretofore acquired outside of the borough limits. Approved — June 1, 1911": p. 544; "A supplement to an act, entitled 'An act for the govern- ment of cities of the second class,' creating and regulating a City plan- ning department. . . .Approved — June 10, 1911": p. 872-874. Penstone, M. M. Town study; suggestions for a course of lessons preliminary to the study of civics. London: National soci- ety's depository, 1910. 454 p. Pepler, George L. What town planning means: for the local authority; for the land owner; powers, opportunities and re- sponsibilities. J^ndon: Garden cities and town planning association, (after Nov. 1911). 11 p. Peterson, Ephraim. An ideal city for an ideal people. [Independence, Mo.: The author], 1905. 134 p. Philadelphia. Allied organizations. The existing and proposed outer park systems of American cities. Report. [Harris- burg, Pa.: Mount Pleasant press, J. H. McFarland company, 1905?] 61 p. SB481. P54 Rankin, George A. An American transporta- tion system; a criticism of the past and the present, and a plan for the future. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. 464 p. (Questions of the day?) HE2757. 1909. R3 Rauch, John H. Public parks: their effects upon the moral, physical and sanitary con- dition of the inhaijitants of large cities; with special reference to the city of Chi- cago. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1869. 84 p. Redont, E. L'utilite des plantations, places et jardins (espaces libres) dans les plans d'extension, d'alignement et de systema- tion pour la rggularisation du trace et des voles publiques. Roma, IX Congresso in- ternazionale degli architetti, 1911. 7 p. Richards, J. T. The railroad as a factor in civic improvement. 1908. A small pamphlet discussing the work accomplished by the Pennsylvania railroad. Robinson, C. M. The improvement of towns and cities; or, The practical basis of civil aesthetics. New York: G. P. Put- nam's sons, 1901. 309 p. NA9030. R6 Modern civic art; 2d ed. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1904. 381 p. NA9030. R69 The Library of Congress has also the first edition, 1903. The width and arrangement of X streets; a study in town planning. New York: The Engineering new pub. co., 1911. 199 p. NA9030. R75 Rowald, P. Anlage und gemeinniitzige bau- liche Einrichtungen der Stadte. Ortsan- lagen. (In Das Buch der Erfindungen. Leipzig, 1896. v. 1, p. 441-574.) T45. B91, V. 1 Royal institute of British architects. "Town planning committee. Papers collected by the Town planning committee. Royal in- SPECIAL LIBRARIES 69 stitute of British architects. Journal, Dec. 5, 1908, May 22, Aug. 28, Sept. 25, Nov. 20, 1909-Aug. 27, 1910, 3d ser., v. 16-17. INA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 16-17 Contents. — I. Review of C. M. Robinson's "Modern civic art", or the city made beautiful, by H. V. Lanchester, Dec. 5, 1908, p. 107-111. II. The Town plan- ning bill, by the Sociological society. May 22, 1909, p. 499-508. III. The federal capital, by John Sulman, Aug. 28, 1909, p. 679-687. IV. The im- provement of Sydney, by John Sul- man, Sept. 25, 1909, p. 713-715. V. Buttstedt, by Raymond Unwin, Nov. 20, 1909, p. 70-73. VI. The Massachu- setts metropolitan improvements com- mission, by John W. Simpson and H. V. Lanchester, Nov. 20, 1909, p. 73-74. Vn. Extracts from chapter viii of "The mistress art," by Reginald Blom- field, Dec. 4, 1909, v. 114-116. VIII. Principles to be observed in laying out towns and suburbs, by E. T. Hall, Dec. 18, 1909, p. 163-164. IX. Some suggestions, by Halsey Ricardo, Jan. 8, 1910, p. 219-220. X. Ancient and modem capitals, by Beresford Pite, Jan. 22. 1910, p. 267-270. XI. Archi- tecture and town planning, by Berea- ford Pite, Feb. 19, 1910, p. 341-343. XII. The planning of towns and suburbs, by Edwin Unwin, Mar. 5, 1910, p. 365- 376. XIII. Extracts translated from der Stadtebau fJan.-July, 19041, Mar 19, 1910, p. 410-417. XIV. Extracts from the Twenty-first annual report of the City parks association of Phil- adelphia, Apr. 9, 1910, p. 454-457. XV. Explanation of the building plan of Marienberg, [Translated from der Stadtebau, 1904, no. 10], Apr. 9, 1910, p. 457-458. XVI. Comparison of statu- tory provisions relating to streets in London and Liverpool, by W. E. Riley, Apr. 23, 1910, p. 484-487. XVII. The improvement of the city of Sydney and its suburbs, by A. R. Jemmett, May 7, 1910, p. 533-540. XVIII. Mu- nicipal art societies, by H. Inigo Triggs, June 25, 1910. p. 641. XIX. The housing and town planning act: notes on points of special interest to architects, by Raymond Unwin, July 30, 1910, p. 684-688. XX. Mr. Speaight'a suggested improvement at Hyde Park corner, by H. Inigo Triggs, Aug. 27, 1910, p. 735-737. Suggestions to promoters of town planning schemes. With a preface by John Bums. (In Royal institute of British architects. Journal, Aug. 26, 1911, 3d ser. v. 18; 661-668.) NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 18 Saltonstall, R. M., and W. Motley. The law of the roadside: how to protect our land- scape. Electric lines in public ways. Shade trees in public ways. 1911. (Massa- chusetts. Society for promoting agricul- ture.) Sauer, August. Gesammelte Reden und Aufsatze zur Geschichte der Literatur in Oesterreich und Deutschland. Wien und Leipzig, C. Fromme, 1903, 400 p. PT927.S3 Schiavi, A. Le case a buon mercato e le citta giardino. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1911, 274 p. Schultze-Naumburg, Paul. Kulturarbeiten. Bd. 1-5. Munchen: G. D. W. Callwey [1902-09]. 5 vols. NA27. S3 *Seguin, E. Our parks. . .Papers read before the New York academy of science, Apr. 30, 1877, and Feb. 1, 1878. 3d ed. New York, Printed for the Public park protective as- sociation, 1878. Sitte, Camillo. Der Stadtebau nach seinen kiinstlerischen Grundsatzen. 3. Aufl. Wien: C. Graeser & Co., 1901. 180 p. NA9030. S6 Discusses European conditions, offering suggestions for the remodeling of old cities and towns with a special view to preserving landmarks and buildings of historic interest. Criticises modem plans and offers suggestions for im- provement. L'art de batir les vllles. Paris: Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens [1902] 196 p. NA9030. S7 Stiibben, J. Die Bedeutung der Bauordnun- gen und Bebauungsplane fiir das Woh- nungswesen. 1902. Hygiene des Stadtebaus. Hand- buch der Hygiene. Bd. 4, 1896, p 397-516. Der Stadtebau. 2 Aufl. Stutt- gart: A. Kroner, 1907. 652 p. (Handbuch der Architektur, 4, Tell, 9. Halbband.) NA2510. H3 T4. H69 and Becker. Ueber Stadteer- weiterung, insbesonders in hygienischer Beziehung. Braunschweig, 1886. Tompkins, Calvin. The desirability of com- prehensive municipal planning in advance of development. (In Municipal engineers of the city of New York. Proceedings, 1905. New York, 1906. p. 226-237.) TDl. M92, 1905 Town planning conference, London, 1910. Transactions. London, Royal institute of British architects, 1911. 850 p. Contents. — I. Cities of the past; II. Clt- v/ ies of the present; III. City develop- /" ment and extension; IV. Cities of the future; V. Architectural considerations in town planning; VI. Special studies of town plans; VII. Legislative condi- tions and legal studies. For detailed contents with authors see Journal of the Royal institute of Brit- ish architects, Apr. 22, 1911, 3d ser. v. 18: 433-434. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 18 70 SPECIAL LIBRARIES /- Triggs, H. I. Town planning, past, present and possible. London: Methuen & Co. [^909] 334 p. • NA9030. T8 "First published in 1909." U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Streets and highways in foreign countries. Re- ports from the consuls of the United States. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1891. 592 p. (Special consular reports, v. 3) H CI. S2, V. 3 HE333. U5, V. 3. [Another issue]. Wash- ington, Govt, print off., 1891. 592 p. Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce and labor). Municipal art com- missions and street lighting in European cities, Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. 30 p. (Special consular reports, v. 42, pt. 1.) HCl. S2 V. 42, pt. 1 NA9183. U6 Congress. Senate. Committee on public buildings and grounds. Sites and plans for public buildings. Hearing — Apr. 27, 1910, on the bill (S. 7731) to amend chap. 135 of the laws of 1875, and to repeal sect. 3734 of the Revised statutes, relative to the purchase of sites, preparation of plans for public buildings, and for other purposes. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 56 p. JK1613.A4 1910 Committee on the District of Columbia. City planning. Hearing. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. 105 p. (61st Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 422.) NA9030. U4 General land office. Circular in- structions relative to town-sites on public lands. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1886. 10 p. "Laws relating to town-sites": p. 6-10. HD239. A5 1886 Laws, statutes, etc. United States laws and regulations relating to town-sites, parks, and cemeteries (not applicable to Alaska.) Approved Aug. 7, 1909. Wash- ington, Govt, print off., 1909. 45 p. HD239. A5 1909 Unwin, Raymond. Town planning. Prepara- tion ' of the plans. Letch worth. Garden city press. 11 p. Town planning in practice. Lon- don [etc.]: T. F. Unwin, 1909, 416 p. NA9030. U6 * Waring, George E. Village improvement and farm villages. Webster, Angus D. Town planting and the trees, shrubs, herbaceous and other plants that are best adapted for resisting smoke. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1910. 211 p. Weissbach, Karl R., ed. Das Arbeiterwohn- haus. 2 Aufl. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1910. 295 p. NA7554. W4 Whfnery, Samuel. Municipal public works; their inception, construction and manage- ment. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1903. 241 p. HD4431. W4 Willis, W. A. Wuarin, Louis. The problems of the urban community. (In International congress of arts and sciences, St. Louis, 1904. Boston, 1906, V. 7, p. 775-788.) AS3. C7 1904, Al, v. 7 Zueblin, Charles. American municipal pro- gress; chapters in municipal sociology. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1902. 380 p. (The citizen's library of economics, poli- tics, and sociology, ed. by R. T. Ely.) JS34L Z8 A decade of civic development, Chicago. The University of Chicago press, 1905. 188 p. JS34. Z82 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1861 Bellows, H. W. Cities and parks; with special reference to the New York Central Park. Atlantic monthly, Apr. 1861, v. 7: 416-429. AP2. A8, v. 7 1865-67 Mitchell, Donald G. De rebus uris. Hours at home, June-Nov. 1866, Feb.-Apr. 1867, V. 3-4. AP2. H8, v. 3-4 Contents. — L An old-style farm, June, 1866, p. 101-108. II. English and Ameri- can wayside, July, 1866, p. 196-205. III. Mr. Urban and fifty acres, Aug. 1866, p. 347-354. IV. Fifty acres again: a commission of inquiry, Sept. 1866, p. 447-454. V. A country house, Nov. 1866, p. 1-7. VI. On the laying out of grounds, Feb. 1867, p. 306-313. VII. Vil- lage greens and railway gardens, Mar. 1867, p. 429-436. VIII. Parks, gardens and graves, Apr. 1867, p. 538-544. 1872 Cleveland, Horace W. S. Parks and boulevards in cities. Lakeside monthly. May, 1872, v. 7: 412-414. AP2. L285, v. 7 1873 Waring, J. B. On the laying out of cities. Builder, Apr. 12, 1873, v. 31: 279- 280. NAl. B56, v. 31 1873 Hall, William H. Influence of parks and pleasure-grounds. Overland monthly, Dec. 1873, v. 11: 527-535. AP2. 09, v. 11 *From the Biennial report of the engi- neer of the Grolden Gate Park, for term ending Nov. 30, 1873. 1874 The streets as art galleries. Magazine of art. May, 1881, v. 4: 298-302. Nl. M2, v. 4 1887 Lewes, C. L. How to ensure beathing spaces. Nineteenth century. May, 1887, v. 21: 677-682. AP4. N7, v. 21 1888 Riorden, Roger. Village parks and gar- dens. Chautauquan, May-June, 1888, v. 8: 481-483, 545-546. AP2. C48, v. 8 1888 Gk)uld, E. R. L. Park areas and open spaces in cities. American statistical as- sociation. Publications, June-Sept. 1888, n. s. V. 1: 49-61. HAl. A6, n. s. v. 1 1895 Haupt, L. M. Planning the site for a city. Engineering magazine, Jan. 1895, v. 8: 626-637. TAl. E59, v. 8 1896 Gardner, E. C. An arraignment of city architecture. Engineering magazine, Oct. 1896, V. 12: 30-48. TAl. E59, v. 12 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 71 1897 Robbins, M. C. Park-making as a na- tional art. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1897, v. 79: 86-98. AP2. A8, v. 79 1897 Robbins, Mary C. Village improve- ment societies. Atlantic monthly, Feb. 1897, V. 79: 212-222. AP2. A8, v. 79 1897 Art and life, ,and the building and decoration of cities. Municipal affairs, / Sept. 1897, V. 1: 552-556. JS39. M^, v. 1 1897 Problem of next century's city. Mu- nicipal affairs, Sept. 1897, v. 1: 572-574. JS39. M2, V. 1 1897 Lamb, F. S. Municipal art in Europe and the United States. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1897, v. 1: 674-688. JS39, M2, v. 1 1898 Public art in American cities. Mu- nicipal affairs, Mar. 1898, v. 2: 1-13. JS39. M2, V. 2 1898 Popular art in Belgium. Municipal affairs. Mar. 1898. v. 2: 14-23. JS39. M2, V. 2 1898 Harder, J. F. City's plan. Municipal affairs, Mar. 1898, v. 2: 25-45. JS39. M2, V. 2 1898 Lamb, C. R. City architecture from its constructive side. Municipal affairs. Mar. 1898, v. 2: 46-72. JS39. M2, v. 2 1898 Bitter, K. Municipal sculpture. Mu- nicipal affairs. Mar. 1898, v. 2: 73-97. JS39. M2, v. 2 1898 Lamb, F. S. Civic treatment of color. Municipal affairs, Mar. 1898, v. 2: 110-122. JS39. M2, v. 2 1898 Maltbie, M. R. City of to-day. Mu- nicipal affairs, Dec, 1898, v. 2; 609-617. JS39. M2, V. 2 1898 Maltbie, M. R. Parks in the United States and abroad. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1898, V. 2: 676-680. JS39. M2, v. 2 1898 Maltbie, M. R. Street facilities. Mu- nicipal affairs, Dec. 1898, v. 2: 690-709. JS39. M2, V. 2 1899 Higgins, E. E. Larger transporta- tion problems in cities. Municipal af- tfairs, June, 1899, v. 3: 234-255. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Geography of cities. Municipal affairs, June, 1899, v. 3: 366-370. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Weber, A. F. Growth of cities in the 19th century. Municipal affairs, Sept. 1899, v. 3: 534-536. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Blashfield, E. H. A word for munic- ipal art. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 582-593. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Kriehn, G. City beautiful. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 594-601. JS39. M2, V. 3 1899 Jones, B. City parks. Municipal af- fairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 687-690. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Mitchcell, C. R Trees in city streets. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 691-695. JS39. M2, V. 3 1899 Baltimore municipal art conference. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 706-714. JS39. M2, V. 3 1899 Municipal aesthetics from a legal ^ standpoint. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 715-723. JS39. M2, v. 3 1S99 Stiibben, J. Municipal memorials. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 724-731. JS39. M2, v. 3 1899 Buls, C. City aesthetics. Mimicipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 732-741. JS39. M2 V. 3 1900 Schuyler, M. Object-lesson in mu- nicipal decoration. Harper's weekly. Mar. 31, 1900, V. 44: 295-296. AP2. H28, v. 44 1900 Caffin, C. H. Need of municipal art. Harper's monthly, Apr. 1900, v. 100: 655- 666. AP2. H3, v. 100 Same, cond. Current literature, June, 1900, v. 28: 297-298. AP2. C95, v. 28 1900 Hamilton, J. H. Neglected principle in civic reform. American journal of so- ciology. May, 1900, v. 5: 746-760. HMl. A7, V. 5 1900 Windmiiller, L. Plea for trees and parks in cities. Forum, May, 1900, v. 29: 337-346. AP2. F8, v. 29 1900 Caroe, W. D. Streets and bridges. Considered in connection with our "Un- ideal" city. Builder, June 23, 1900, v. 78: 615-616. NAl. B5, v. 78 1900 Parks and tree planting in American cities. Municipal affairs, June, 1900, v. 4: 421-422. JS39. M2, v. 4 1900 Beautifying the city with trees. Har- per's weekly, Sept. 15, 1900, v. 44: 879. AP2. H28, V. 44 1900 Good, J. M. "Work of civic improve- v^ ment. Home florist, Oct. 1900, v. 3, no. 4. 1901 Lee, J. Achievements tn town and v village improvement. Charities review, Jan. 1901, V. 10: 538-540. HVl. C5, v, 10 1901 Good, J. M. The how of improve- ment work. Home florist, Jan. 1901, v. 4, no. 1. 1901 Graves, E. Municipal art. American journal of sociology. Mar. 1901, v. 6: 673- 681. HMl. A7, v. 6 1901 Bibliography [municipal art]. Munic- ipal affairs, Mar. 1901, v. 5: 12-13. JS39. M2. v. 5 1901 Good, J. M. Town and village Im- \/ provement. Current literature, May, 1901, V. 30: 524-527. AP2, C95, v. 30 1901 Roof and the health. Independent, May 23, 1901, v. 53: 1206-1207. AP2 153, v. 53 1901 Weber, A. F. Growth of cities in the ' U. S. Municipal affairs, June, 1901, v. 5: 367-375. JS39. M2, v. 5 1901 Hamlin, A. D. F. Architecture and civic duty. Harper's weekly, July 13, 1901, V. 45: 705. AP2. H28, v. 45 Same, cond. Current literature, Nov. 1901, V. 31: 552-553. AP2 C95, v. 31 1901 Robinson, C. M. Making the city i^ beautiful. Current literature, Aug. 1901, ' V. 31: 139-143. AP2. C95, v. 31 72 SPECIAL LIBRAKIES '■ 1901 Walker, J. B. City of the future— a ^ prophecy. Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1901, v. 31: 473-475. AP2. C8, v. 31 1901 Crandall, W. S. The model city. A suggestion for the St. Louis exposition. Municipal affairs, Sept. 1901, v. 5: 670-674. JS39. M2, V. 5 1901 Kelsey, F. W. Parks and tree plant- ing in American cities. Municipal af- fanrs, Sept. 1901, v. 5: 675-683. JS39. M2, V. 5 1901 Lopez, C. Municipal sculpture. Mu- nicipal affairs, Sept. 1901, v. 5: 696-709. JS39. M2, V. 5 1901 Spencer, N. S. Street signs and fix- tures. Municipal affairs, Sept. 1901, v. 5: 726-737. JS39. M2, v. 5 1901 Robinson, C. M. Improvement of towns and cities. Municipal affairs, Sept. 1901, V. 5: 754-758. JS39. M2, v. 5 1901 Caffin, C. H. Beautifying of cities. World's work, Nov. 1901, v. 3: 1429-1435. AP2. W8, V. 3 1901 Adams, B. Public art the test of greatness. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1901, V. 5: 810-816. JS39. M2, v. 5 1901 Zueblin, C. Abolition of grade cross- ings. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1901, v. 5: 817-828. JS39. M2, v. 5 I 1902 The model city. Independent, Jan. 16, 1902, V. 54: 176-178. AP2. 153, v. 54 1902 Robinson, C. M. Art for schools ally. Nation, Feb. 13, 1902, v. 74: 131. AP2. N2, V. 74 1902 Warner, J. DeW. Civic centers. Mu- nicipal affairs, Mar. 1902, v. 6: 1-23. JS39. M2, V. 6 u 1902 Hurd, R. M. Structure of cities. Mu- nicipal affairs. Mar. 1902, v. 6: 24-43. JS39. M2, V. 6 1902 Baxter, S. Beautifying of village and town. Century magazine, Apr. 1902, v. 63: 844-851. AP2. C4, v. 63 V1902 Carleton, F. T. Civic ideal. Current literature, Apr. 1902, v. 32: 418-419. AP2. C95, V. 32 V1902 Robinson, C. M. Plan of the model city. Current literature, Apr. 1902, v. 32: 422-423. AP2. C95, v. 32 1902 Improvement in civic art. Harper's weekly, Apr. 19, 1902, v. 46: 512. AP2. H28, v. 46 1902 Hamlin, A. D. F. Our public untidi- ness. Forum, May, 1902, v. 33: 322-332. AP2. F8, V. 33 \^1902 City improvement. Independent, May 15, 1902, V. 54; 1199-1120. AP2. 153, v. 54 v1902 Baxter, S. Great civic awakening. Century, June, 1902, v. 64: 255-265. AP2. C4, V. 64 1902 Work oft he Municipal Art Society. Harper's weekly, June 7, 1902, v. 46: 735. y AP2. H28, V. 46 \/ 1902 Howard, E. Garden cities of to-mor- row. Municipal affairs, June, 1902, v. 6: 287-290. JS39. M2, y. 6 1902 Baxter, S. City ownership of seaside parks. Cosmopolitan, Aug. 1902, v. 33: 425-435. AP2. C8, v. 33 1902 Picture of the city. Independent, Sept. 11, 1902, V. 54: 2207. AP2. 153, v. 54 1902 Public grounds. Independent, Sept. 18, 1902, V. 54: 2263-2265. AP2. 153, v. 54 I 1902 Holder, C. F. Town making a science. Scientific American, Sept. 27, 1902, V. 87: 204. Tl. S5, v. 87 1902 Auld, R. C. Municipal improvement societies. World today, Sept. 1902, v. 3: 1833-1841. AP2. W75, v. 3 1902 Baxter, S. Art in public works; aque- ducts, water-towers, power-houses, reser- voirs, bridges. Century magazine, Oct. 1902, V. 64: 912-921. AP2. C4, v. 64 1902 Robinson, C. M. Art effort in British cities. Harper's monthly, Oct. 1902, v. 105: 787?796. AP2. H3, v. 105 1902 Schopfer, J. Art in the city. Archi- tectural record, Nov. 1902, v. 12: 573-583. NAl. A6, V. 12 ^ 1902 Art of making beautiful cities. Cur- rent literature, Dec. 1902, v. 33: 694-702. AP2. C95, V. 33 V 1902 Zueblin, C. Decade of improvement. Chautauquan, Nov. 1902, v. 36: 174-177. AP2. C48, V. 36 v1902 Schopfer, J. Plan of a city. Archi- tectural record, Dec. 1902, v. 12: 692-703.'^ NAl. A6, V. 12' -'^902 Diggs, A. L. Garden city movement. Arena, Dec. 1902, v. 28: 626-633. AP2. A6, V. 28 ^ 1903 Ely, R. T. Coming city. Review. American journal of sociology, Jan. 1903, v. 8: 56"6-567. HMl. A7, v. 8 1903 Schopfer, J. Furnishing of a city. Architectural record, Jan. 1903, v. 13: 4^- 48. NAl. A6, V. 13 1903 Garden cities of EIngland. Charities, Jan. 31, 1903, v. 10: 114-115. HVl. C4. V. 10 1903 Davidson, F. T. Our best municipal buildings. Magazine of art, Jan. 1903, v. 27: 131-136. Nl. M22, v. 27 1903 Roberts, Chalmers. Garden cities in theory and practice. World's work (Lon- don), Jan. 1903, v. 1: 135-145. AP4. W85, V. 1 1903 Perkins, L. F. What municipal art should be. Chautauquan, Feb. 1903, v. 36: 516-527. AP2. C48, v. 36 1903 Ely, R. T. Study of a "decreed" town. Harper's monthly, Feb. 1903, v. 106: 390-401. AP2. H3, v. 106 " 1903 Robinson, C. M. Street plan of a . city's business district. Architectural record. Mar. 1903, v. 13: 234-247. NAl. A6, V. 13 V 1903 Growth of cities; real industrial problem. Independent, Mar. 19, 1903, v. . 55: 692-694. AP2. 153, v. 55 » 1903 Booth, W. Social needs of American SPECIAL LIBRARIES 73 cities. Charities, Apr. 4, 1903, v. 10: 352- 354. HVl. C4. V. 10 1903 McFarland, J. H. Great civic awaken- ing. Outlook, Apr. 18, 1903, v. 73: 917-920. AP2. 08, V. 73 1903 Sturgis, R. Beautifying of cities. Scribner's magazine, Apr. 1903, v. 33: 509- 512. AP2. S4, V. 33 1903 Woods, R. A. The human touch in industry. Munsey's magazine, June, 1903, '^, V. 29: 321-328. AP2, M8, v. 29 |H|r Includes accounts of several model ■^^ towns built by large employers. 1903 City aesthetics. Outlook, July 18, Aug. 8, 1903, v. 74: 716- 717, 880-881. AP2. 08, v. 74 1903 Robinson, C. M. Modern civic art. Independent, July 30, 1903, v. 55: 1810- 1811. AP2. 153, v. 55 1903 County in the city. Independent, ■^ July 30, 1903, v. 55: 1825-1827. f AP2. 153, V. 53 1903 Bray, F. C. Co-operation of civic societies. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 441-442. AP2. 048, v. 37 u- 1903 How two towns were improved. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 522-523. AP2. C48, V. 37 l/f903 Most important event in civic im- provement. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 477-83. AP2. C48, v. 37 1903 Routzahn, E. G. Partial bibliography of civic progress. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, V. 37: 526-532. AP2. C48, v. 37 1903 Routzahn, E. G. What is junior civ- ics? Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 515- ^'- 519. AP2. C48, y. 37 v^1903 Triggs, O. L. Philosophy of the met- * terment movement. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, V. 37; 463-466. AP2. C4S, v. 37 1903 Lamed, W. T. American municipal art movement. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 466-471. AP2. C48, v. 37 1903 Rafter, E. Home and club gardens. Charities, Sept. 5, 1903, v. 11: 210-218. HVl. C4, v. 11 1903 Lindemann, Hugo. Die deutsche Stadteausstellung. Sozialistische Monats- hefte, Sept. 1903, v. 9: 695-701. HX6. S6, v. 9 1903 Milhau, Z. The block beautiful. World's work, Oct. 1903, v. 6: 4000-4006. AP2. W8, V. 6 1903 Hendrick, B. J. Great municipal re- form. Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1903, v. 92: 665-673. AP2. A8, v. 92 v^1903 Zueblin, C. Making of the city. Chau- tauquan, Nov. 1903, V. 38: 267-275. AP2. C48, V. 38 1903 Moral effect of public beauty. Chau- tauquan, Dec. 1903, V. 28: 391-392. AP2. C48, V. 28 1904 Woodhead, Howard. The first German municipal exposition (Dresden, 1903). American journal of sociology, Jan.-July, 1904, V. 9: 433-458, 612-630, 812-831; v. 10: 47-63. HMl. A7, v. 9-10 1904 Neville, R. Advantages of garden cities. Living age, Jan. 9, 1904, v. 240: 118-124. AP2. L65, v. 240 v1904 Cobum, F. W. Recent development in American park systems. New Eng- land magazine, Feb. 1904, n. s. v. 29: 661- 670. AP2. N4, n. s. v. 29 1904 Zueblin, R. F. Art training for citi- zenship. Chautauquan, Apr. 1904, v. 39: 168-173. AP2. C48, v. 39 ■1904 Park system of American cities. American academy of political and so- cial science. Annals, May, 1904, v. 23: 555-561. HI. A4, v. 23 1904 Crawford, A. W. Town beautiful. Outlook, May 7, 1904, v. 77: 35-44. AP2. 08, V. 77 1904 Zueblin, C. Return to nature. Chau- tauquan, May 1904, V. 39: 257-266. AP2, C48, V. 39 1904 Bibliography of civic progress. Chau- tauquan, June 1904, v. 39: 398, 404. AP2. C48, V. 39 1904 Parker, G. A. Parks and outdoor art: suggested program. Chautauquan, June, 1904, v. 39: 397. AP2. C48, v. 39 1904 Zueblin, C. Civic chronicle for 1903 and 1904. Chautauquan, June, 1904, v. 39: 391-394. AP2. C48, v. 39 1904 Croly, H. What is civic art? Archi- tectural record, July, 1904, v. 16: 47-52. NAl. A6, v. 16 1904 Oilman, C. P. Beauty of a block. In- dependent, July 14, 1904, V. 57: 67-72. AP2. 153, V. 57 1904 Atwood, A. W. Town beautiful. Out- look, July 2, 1904, V. 77: 543-551. \.P2. 08, V. 77 .1904 McFarland, J. H., and C. R. Woodruff^ The uplift In American cities. World's work, July, 1904, v. 8: 4963-4979. AP2. W8, V. 8 1904 Ocean beaches and the social sig- nificance of the park movement general- ly. Charities, Aug. 6, 1904, v. 12: 785-818. HVl. C4, V. 12 1904 Maltbie, M. R. Street recoration. Chautauquan, Sept. 1904, v. 40: 60-71. AP2t C48, V. 40 1904 Knobe, B. D. Beautifying the urban back yard. Outlook, Sept. 3, 1904, v. 78: 75-79. AP2. 08, v. 78 1904 Langdon, W. C. Juvenile city league. Charities, Sept., 10, 1904, v. 12: 922-926. HVl. C4, V. 12 vl 904-05 Cloquet, L. The construction of towns. Engineering review, Dec. 1904, v. 11: 421-428; Jan. 1905, v. 12: 502-506. TAl. F3, V. 11, 12 1905 Survey of civic improvement. Chau- tauquan, 1905. (Monthly numbers.) AP2. C48, 1905 1905 McFarland, J. H. Beautiful America. 74 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Ladies home journal, 1905. (Monthly numbers.) AP2. L135, 1905 1905 The art aesthetic [and display adver- tisements]. Architectural record, Feb. 1905, V. 17: 148-149. NAl. A6, v. 17 1905 Smith, F. B. H. Municipal baths in the United States. Chautauquan, Feb. 1905, V. 40: 568-570. AP2. C48, v. 40 1905 Hartt, M. B. Beautifying the ugly things. World's work, Feb. 1905, v. 9: 5859-5868. AP2. W8, v. 9 I 1905 Crawford, A, W, Development of park systems in American cities. Amer- ican academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1905, v. 25:218-234. HI. A4, V. 25 1905 Caparn, H. A. Value of the curve in street architecture. Architectural record. Mar. 1905, V. 17: 231-236. NAl. A6, v. 17 1905 Civic organizations for municipal im- provement in the United States. Sym- posium. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1905, v. 25: 359-401. HI. A4, v. 25 *^ 1905 Geddes, P. Civic education and city development. Contemporary, Mar. 1905, V. 87: 413-426. AP4. C7, v. 87 1905 Municipal baths in the United States. Outlook, Mar. 4, 1905, v. 79: 567-577. AP2. 08, V. 79 1905 Civic centers. Architectural record, April 1905, v. 17: 347-348. NAl. A6, v. 17 1905 Simpson, John W., and Beresford Pite. The planning of cities and public spaces. Royal institute of British arch- itects. Journal, Apr. 8, 1905, 3d ser., v. 12: 341-365. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 12 Discussion: p. 365-371. The second part by Beresford Pite deals especially with London. 1905 Robinson, C. M. New dreams for cities. Architectural record. May, 1905, v. 17: 410-421. NAl. A6, v. 17 City planning in St. Louis, Harrisburg and Baltimore. 1905 Cunniff, M. G. What a city might be. World's work, July 1905, v. 10: 6353-6364. AP2. W8, v. 10 1905 Unwin, R. Improvement of towns. Craftsman, Sept. 1905, v. 8: 809-816. Nl. C87, V. 8 V 1905 Zueblin, C. New civic spirit. Chau- tauquan, Sept. 1905, V. 42: 55-59. AP2. C48, V. 42 1905 Bibliography of civic improvement. Chautauquan, Sept.-Oct. 1905, v. 42: 94-96, 172-174. AP2. C48, v. 42 1905 Civic progress programs. Chautau- quan, Sept.-Oct. 1905, v. 42: 93-94, 172. AP2. C48, V. 42 1905 Garden city and garden suburb. Edinburgh review, Oct. 1905, v. 202: 501- 518. AP4. E3, V. 202 1905 Parks and public playgrounds. The record of a year's advance: a symposium. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Nov. 1905, v. 26: 764- 773. HI. A4, V. 26 Contents: — Chicago by Hugo S. Gross- er; Buffalo by A. C. Richardson; Washington, D. C. by George S. Wil- son; Seattle by J. Allen Smith; Du- luth by W. G. Joerns. 1905 Salmon, L. M. The garden city cheap cottages exhibition. Craftsman, Nov. 1905, V. 9: 166-179. Nl. C87, v. 9 1905 Kampffmeyer, Bernhard. Zur Gar- tenstadtbewegung. Sozialistische Monats- hefte, Nov. 1905, v. 11: 958-966. HX6. S6, V. 11 1906 Woodruff, C. R. Value of beauty in the advance of civic art. Craftsman, Jan. 1906, V. 9: 539-544. Nl. C87, v. 9 1906 Hartman, E. T. Town room idea and the general work of the Massachusetts Civic League. Craftsman, Feb. 1906, v. 9: 675-681. Nl. C87, v. 9 1906 Schott, H. City's fight for beauty. World's work, Feb. 1906, v. 11: 7191-7205. AP2. W8, V. 11 1906 City improvement. Independent, Feb. 8, 1906, V. 60: 350-352. AP2. 153, v. 60 1906 Adams, Thomas. Why garden cities? The motives of the garden city move- ment. Municipal journal, Feb. 9, 1906, V. 15: 147-148. Read at meeting of Society of arts, Jan. 31, 1906. TDl. M93, v. 15 1906 Baxter, S. Art in the street. Cen- tury, Mar. 1906, v. 71: 697-705. AP2. C4, V. 71 1906 Art in the home, the school, and the city. [Bibliography.] Chautauquan, Apr. 1906, V. 43: 188-189. AP2. C48, v. 43 1906 Baxter, S. Public squares in city and village. Century, Apr. 1906, v. 71: 860- 870. AP2. C4. V. 71 1906 Minor improvements. Independent, Apr. 5, 1906, v. 60: 816-818. AP2. 153, v. 60 w1906 Civic improvement. Chautauquan, June, 1906, v. 43: 291-386. AP2, C48, v. 43 1906 Crunden, F. M. Public library and civic improvement. Chautauquan, June, 1906, V. 43: 335-344. AP2. C48, v. 43 •' 1906 Milspaugh, Mrs. C. P. Women as a factor in civic improvement. Chautau- quan, June, -906, v. 43: 312-319. AP2. C48, v. 43 1906 Woodruff, C. R. Year's work for civic improvement. Chautauquan, June, 1906. V. 43: 301-311. AP2. C48, v. 43 1906 Bidault des Chaumes, A. La conser- vation des espaces libres dans les grandes villes. G6nie civil, June 16, 1906, v. 49: 97-102. TA2. G3, v. 49 1906 Garden cities and suburbs. Interna- tional studio, June, 1906, v. 28: 376. Nl. 16, V. 28 1906 Searles-Wood, H. D. Buildings in garden cities. Royal sanitary institute. Journal, June, 1906, v. 27: 261-270. RA421. S3, V. 27 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 75 1906 Taxation in American cities. Sym- posium. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1906, V. 28: 155-172. HI. A4, v. 28 1906 Olmsted, F. L., and Nolen, J. Amer- ican cities and public open spaces. Char- ities, July 7, 1906, V. 16: 411-426. HVl. C4, V. 16 1906 Priestman, M. T. Co-operative vil- lage for working people. Craftsman, July, 1906, V. 10: 494-506. Nl. C87, v. 10 1906 McCauley, L, M. Sculpture for mu- nicipal decoration. World today, Aug. 1906, V. 11: 838-844. AP2. W75, v. 11 1906 Trobridge, G. Beauty of life. West- minster, Sept. 1906, V. 166: 300-308. AP4. W5, v. 166 1/^906 Robinson, C. M. Remaking of our cities. World's work, Oct. 1906, v. 12: 8046-8050. AP2. W8, v. 12 ^1906 Woodruff, C. R. Rebuilding of our cities. Craftsman, Nov. 1906, v. 11: 187- 201. Nl. C87, V. 11 1906 Fesler, M. Commercial organizations and civic work. Charities, Nov. 3, 1906, V. 17: 217-222. HVl. C4, v. 17 1906 McFarland, J. H. Nationalization of civic improvement. Charities, Nov. 3, 1906, V. 17: 229-234. HVl. C4, v. 17 \/l906 Robinson, C. M. City of the future. Charities, Nov. 3, 1906, v. 17: 189-190. HVl. C4, V. 17 1906 Richardson, Arthur. The rational ex- tension of modern cities. Royal sanitary institute. Journal, Nov. 1906, v. 27: 579- 583. Discussion: p. 583-584. RA421. S3, v. 27 1906 Robinson, C. M. Modern civic art. Review. Charities, Dec. 15, 1906, v, 17: 509-510. HVl. C4, v. 17 1907 James, G. W. Municipal art in Amer- ican cities. Arena, Jan., Nov. 1907, v. 37: 16-30; v. 38: 464-478. AP2. A6. v. 37, 38 1907 Stilson, F. J. Civic beauty and civic safety. Chautauquan, Jan. 1907, v. 47: BO- SS. AP2. C48, V. 47 1907 Howe, F. C. American and the Brit- ish city comparison. Scribner's maga- zine, Jan. 1907, v. 41: 113-121. AP2. S4, V. 41 1907 McFarland, J. H. Where the tele- graph poles come from. Ladies home journal, Feb. 1907, v. 24: 55. AP2. L135, V. 24 1907 Whitehouse, J. H. Garden city move- ment. iChautauquan, Mar. 1907. v. 46: 87-95. AP2. C48, v. 46 1907 Baumeister, Prof. Planning towns and cities. Municipal journal and engi- neer. Mar. 6, 1907, v. 22: 224-227. TDl. M95, V. 22 1907 McFarland, J. H. Glory of the cities. Outlook, Mar. 23, 1907, v. 85: 647-659. AP2. 08, V. 85 1907 Garden cities in America. Charities, Apr. 27, 1907, v. 18: 114-115. HVl. C4, v. 18 1907 McFarland, J. H. Why not have a beautiful town? Ladies home journal, Apr. 1907, V. 24: 27. AP2. L135, v. 24 /1907 Robinson, C. M. Recent reports on city plans. Outlines of proposed improve- ments in St. Paul, St. Ix)uis, Boston and New York. Municipal journal and en- gineer, Apr. 3, 1907, v. 22: 330-334. TDl. M95, V. 22 1907 Titus, E. K. Suburban and mountain parks in Massachusetts. American re- view of reviews. May, 1907, v. 35 50; 1-509. AP2. R4, v. 35 1907 Croly, H. Civic improvements. Architectural record, May 1907, v. 21: 347- 52. NAl. A6, V. 21 Reply by C. M. Robinson. Architectural record, Aug. 1907, v 22: 117-120. NAl. A6, V. 22 i1907 Civic improvement. Chautauquan, June. 1907, v. 47: 24-108. AP2. C48, v. 47 , 1907 Plans for city improvement. Inde- pendent, May 23, 1907, v. 62: 1220-1221. AP2. 153, v. 62 1907 Christian, Mrs. W. Texas cities and their improvements. Chautauquan, June 1907, v. 47: 68-73. AP2. C48, v. 47 1907 Crawford, A. W. Recent park devel- opment. Chautauquan, June, 1907, v. 47: 31-41. AP2. C48, V. 47 1907 Ford, F. L. City making. Chautau- quan, June 1907, v. 47: 64-68. AP2. C48, V. 47 1907 Mann, F. M. Architecture and civic progress. Chautauquan, June 1907, v. 47: 74-80. AP2. C48, v. 47 1907 Whiting, F. A. What one association did. Chautauquan, June 1907, v. 47: 89- 93. AP2. C48, V. 47 1907 Woodruff, C. R. National impulse for civic improvement. Chautauquan, June 1907, V. 47: 24-31. AP2. C48, v. 47 ,1907 Town planning. Valuable data on street improvements, building regulations, etc., collected for the inquiry by the Asso- ciation of municipal corporations. Mu- nicipal journal, June 28, 1907, v. 16: 547- 548. TDl. M93, v. 16 1907 Morgan, F. A. Orchard cities. Nine- teenth century and after, June, 1907, v. 61: 961-968. AP4. N7, V. 61 Also in Living age, July 13, 1907, v. 254: 85-90. • AP2. L65, v. 254 1907 Simpson, J. W. Architectural de- velopment of towns. Royal institute of architects. Journal, June 15, 1907, 3d ser., V. 14: 554-555. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 14 1907 Bliss, W. D. P. The Garden cities association of America [Scope and work]. Village, July, 1907, v. 1: 295-297. HT 1907 Garden city and its units. Interna- tional studio, Aug. 1907, v. 32: sup. 64-65. Nl. 16, T. 32 1907 Parsons, S., and O'Donovan, W. R. Design as applied to cities. North Amer- 76 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ican review, Aug. 16, 1907, v. 185: 862-868. AP2. N7, V. 185 1907 Holt-Loraax, R. City civilization. Harper's weelily, Sept. 28, 1907, v. 51: 1431. AP2. H28, v. 51 1907 Forgan, D. R. Developing a modern city. World today, Sept. 1907, v. 13: 879- 883. AP2. W75, v. 13 1907 Modern city improvements. Archi- tectural record, Oct. 1907, v. 22: 326-328. NAl. A6. v. 22 1907 Municipal betterment. Independent, Oct. 10, 1907, v. 63: 892-893. AP2. 153, V. 63 1907 City planning and replanning. ^ [Ed- itorial.] Engineering news, Oct. 31,' 1907, V. 58: 470-471. TAl. E6, v. 58 1907 Gide, Charles. Les cites-jardins. Revue economique internationale, Oct. 15- 20, 1907, 4. annee, v. 4: 7-41. HB3. R5, 1907, v. 4 "The objects, methods, and success of garden cities in England and else- where are sympathetically described." 1907 Badoglio, Riccardo. Una citta ideale. Nuova antologia, Dec. 1, 1907, v. 216: 481- 494. AP37. N8, v. 216 1907 Ballod, Carl. Wohnungsfrage und Gartenstadtproblem. Jahrbuch fiir Ge- setzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt- schaft, 1908, v. 32: 649-712. H5. J2, v. 32 1908 Child, Stephen. Civic centers and the grouping of public buildings, with a sug- gestion for Boston. Association of engi- neering societies. Journal, Jan. 1908, v. 40: 1-21. TAl. A83, v. 40 Discussion: p. 21-27. 1908 Horsfall, T. C. German town plan- ning. A criticism of the German town planning system, showing its advantages and disadvantages, and how it compares with the proposals for an English town planning bill. Municipal journal, Jan. 10, 1908, v. 17: 25-26. TDl. M93, v. 17 1908 Ro'binson, C. M. The replanning of cities. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1489- 1490. HVl. C4, V. 19 1908 Hooker, G. E. Traffic and the city plan. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1491- 1493. HVl. C4, V. 19 1908 Crawford, A. W. The street the basic factor in the city plan. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, V. 19: 1493-1502. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Byall, A. M. S. City beautiful and gardens. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908. v. 19: 1473-1474. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Baxter, S. The civic center — a dom- inant aesthetic feature. Charitfes, Feb. 1, 1908, V. 19: 1502-1504. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Davis, D. F. The neighborhood cen- ter — ^a moral and educational factor. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1504-1506. HVl. C4, V. 19 1908 Barker, H. A. The park in its rela- tion to physical geography and the city plan. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1506- 1512. HVl. C4, V. 19 1908 Woodhead, H. A hint from Germany; suburban areas. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, V. 19: 1512-1513. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Marsh, B. C. City planning in justice to the working population. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1514-1518. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Hartman, E. T. Town planning. Char- ities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1519-1521. HVl. C4, V. 19 1908 McFarland, J. H. Growth of city planning in America. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, V. 19: 1522-1528. ' HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 De Forest, R. W. Practical side of city planning. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 19: 1549-1550. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 City plan notes. Charities, Feb. 1, 1908, V. 19: 1557-1562. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Riis, J. A. America's civic awaken- ing. Charities, Feb. 15, 1908, v. 19: 1598- 1600. HVl. C4, v. 19 1908 Hartt, R. L. Economic forces for beauty. World's work, Mar. 1908, v. 15: 10022-10026. AP2. W8, v. 15 1908 Art and municipal government. Out- look, Mar. 28, 1908, v. 88: 677-678. AP2. 08, V. 88 1908 Education in ugliness. Outlook, Apr. 18, 1908, V. 88: 856-857. AP2. 08, v. 88 1908 Robinson, L. 1^. German Stadtetag. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1908, v. 31: 703-706. HI. A4, v. 31 1908 Woodruff, C. R. City planning in America. Atlantic monthly, June, 1908, V. 101: 721-727. AP2. A8, v. 101 1908 Public art. Municipal affairs, June 1908, V. 6: 275-282. JS39. M2, v. 6 1908 Padelford, F. M. Civic control of architecture. American journal of so- ciology, July, 1908, v. 14: 38-45. HMl. A7, V. 14 Same. Review of reviews, Sept. 1908, V. 38: 355-357. AP2. R4, v. 38 1908 Cooper, W. G. The beautification of cities. South Atlantic quarterly, July 1908, v. 7: 274-288. AP2. S75, v. 7 1908 Gurlitt, C. German city planning. Architectural record, Aug., Nov. 1908, v. 24: 135-148, 350-363. NAl. A6, v. 24 1908 Whitley, H. M. Town planning. Some practical advice to those who are about to plan towns or suburbs. Munici- pal journal, Aug. 7, 1908, v. 17: 643. TDl. M93, V. 17 1908 Block by block. Outlook, Aug. 22, 1908, V. 89: 871-872. AP2. 08, v. 89 1908 Krose, H. A. Das Gartenstadtprojekt. Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, Sept. 14-Oct. 21, 1908, V. 75: 259-268, 400-409. AP30. S7, V. 75 1908 Swales, Francis S. Notes from Eu- rope. American architect and building news, Oct. 28-Nov. 4, 1908. v. 94: 137-143, 148-151. NAl. A3, v. 94 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 77 1908 Kampffmeyer, Hans. Die Ziele und Aussichten der Gartenstadtbewegung. Grenzboten, Oct. 29, 1908, v. 67: 232-240. AP30. G8, V. 67 1908 Brown, R. Progress of the garden city movement in England. Arena, Nov. 1908, V. 40: 459-460. AP2. A6, v. 40 1908 Kampffmeyer, Hans. Die Garten- stadtbewegung. Jahrbiicher fiir Nationali* okonomie und Statistik, Nov. 1908, v. 91: 577-609. HB5. J3, v. 91 1908 Geddes, Patrick. How to "Town plan." Municipal journal, Nov. 20, 1908, v. 17: 945-946. TDl. M93, v. 17 1908 Ihlder, J. Civic 'conversion of a city. World today, Nov. 1908, v. 15: 1163-1169. AP2. W75, V. 15 1908 Miller, Wilhelm. Mutual town-build- ing in England. "Garden cities" of indi- vidual detached homes built without the aid of philanthropy. A better plan than rebuilding the slums. World's work, Nov. 1908, V, 17: 10944-10946. AP2. W8, v. 17 1908 Benoit-Levy, Georges. Les cities jar- dins. Revue Internationale de sociologie, Dec. 1908, 16. ann6e, 848-857. HM3. R44, 16. ann^e 1908 iSentemann, Karl. Die private und die offentliche Stadterwelterung. Jahr- buch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Voikswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich, 1908, V, 32: 713-724. H5. J2. v. 32 1909 Robinson, C. M. Civic improvement. Charities, Jat. 16, 1909, v. 21: 684-686. HVl. C4, V. 21 1909 Woodruff, C. R. Woman and her larger home. Good housekeeping, Jan. 1909, V. 48: 3-10. TXl. G7, v. 48 1909 Solotaroff, William. Municipal con- trol of tree planting. City club of Chica- go. Citv club bulletin, Feb. 10, 1909, v. 2: 263-267. JS701. C57, v. 2 Discussion: p. 268-270. 1909 Harper, I. H. Woman's broom in mu- nicipal housekeeping. Delineator, Feb. 1909. V. 73: 213-216. TT500. D3, v. 73 1909 Dickson, E. Our civic trials. Amer- ican magazine, Mar. 1909, v. 67: 525. AP2. A346, V. 67 1909 Marsh, Benjamin C. City planning in justice to the working population. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin. Mar. 17, 1909, V. 2: 327-337. JS701. C57, v. 2 1909 Olin. J. M. Looking ahead, to plan a city beautiful. *Municipality, Mar. 1909. 1909 Town planning. Independent, Apr. 22, 1909, V. 66: 872-874. AP2. 153, v. 66 1909 Town planning in practice. Munici- pal journal, Apr. 16-30, 1909, v. 18: 307- 310, 333-337, 363-364. TDl. M93, v. 18 A record of the continental housing and town planning tour arranged under the auspices of the National housing reform council. 1909 Buffington, E. J. Making cities for workmen. Harper's weekly, May 8, 1909, V. 53: 15-17. AP2. H28, v. 53 1909 National conference on city planning, y Survey, May 29, 1909, v. 22: 299-300. HVl. C4, V. 22 1909 Robinson, C. M. City plan exhibition. iX Survey, May 29, 1909, v. 22: 313-318. HVl. C4, V. 22 1909 Woodruff, C. R. Rebuilding of our cities. World today, May, 1909, v. 16: 493- 500. AP2. W75, V. 16 1909 Going, Maud. Village improvement. Canadian magazine, June, 1909, v. 33: 161- 169. AP5. C2, V. 33 1909 Dunbar, O. H. City's housekeepers. Harper's bazar, June, 1909, v. 43: 594- 596. TT500. H3, v. 43 1909 Brown, R. Suggestions for munici- pal improvements. New England maga- zine, June, 1909, n. s. v. 40: 472-480. AP2. N4, n. s. v. 40 1909 Johnston, E. B. Antiquated ideal. Outlook, June 12, 1909, v. 92: 373-375. AP2. 08, v. 92 1909 New force for city efficiency. World's work, June, 1909. v. 18: 11654-11656. AP2. W8, V. 18 1909 Geddes, Patrick. City detejrioration and the need of city survey. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July 1909, v. 34: 54-67. HI. A4, V. 34 1909 Bexter, S. The German way of mak- ing better cities. Atlantic monthly, July, 1909, V. 104: 72-85. AP2. A8, v. 104 1909 Growth and beauty of our American cities; practical suggestions. Craftsman, July. 1909, v. 16: 399-413. Nl. C87, v. 16 1909 Olmsted, F. L. Scope and results of city planning in Europe. Survey, July 3, 1909, v. 22: 497-508. HVl. C4. v. 22 Same. cond. Review of reviews, Aug. 1909, V. 40: 235-237. AP2. R4, v. 40 1909 Pink, L. H. Gas tanks vs. the city beautiful. Survey, July, 1909, v. 22: 596- 597. HVl. C4, V. 22 1909 Town planning congress. Object les- sons In town making. Municipal jour- nal, Aug. 13, 1909, V. 18: 669-676; 682-684. TDl. M93, V. 18 1909 Nolen, John. City making. Amer- ^ lean city, Sept. 1909, v. 1: 15-19. HT 1909 Eliot, C. W. The indlspensableness of cltv planning. American cltv, Sept. 1909. V. 1: 25-26. HT 1909 Town planning in practice. The sec- ond continental tour of municipal dele- gates and representatives under the aus- pices of the National housing reform council. Bv A. E. C. Municipal journal, Sept. 24-Oct. 1, 1909, v. 18: 789-795; 809- 812. TDl. M93, v. 18 1909 Ideal city. Outlook, Sept. 25, 1909, v. > , 93: 141-142. AP2. 08, v. 89 78 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1909 Price, W. L. Beautiful city. Crafts- man, Oct. 1909, V. 17: 53-57. Nl. C87, V. 17 1909 Aldridge, H. R. The Lords and the housing and town planning bill. Munici- pal journal, Oct. 15, 1909, v. 18: 851. TDl. M93, V. 18 1909 Petavel, J. W. Town planning of the future. Westminster review, Oct. 1909, v. 172: 398-405. TAl. C34, v. 172 1909 Ide, K. Town improvement. HQar- per's bazar, Nov. 1909, v. 43: 140-142. TT500. H3, V. 43 1/1909 Aldridge, H. R. Housing and town planning progress. Municipal journal, Nov. 12, 1909, V. 18: 933. TDl. M93, v. 18 1909 Triggs, H. Inigo. The planning and laying out of public places. Royal insti- tute of British architects. Journal, Nov. 20, 1909, 3d ser., v. 17: 41-63. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 17 Discussion: p. 63-69. 1909 Cities at work. World's work, Nov. 1909, V. 19: 12210-12211. AP2. W8, v. 19 1909 Robinson, C. M. The science and art of city planning. (A review of Raymond Unwin's book.) Architectural record, Dec. 1909, V. 26: 448-452. NAl. A6, v. 26 1909 Eberstadt, R. Problems of town de- velopment. Contemporary review, Dec. 1909, V. 96: 660^667. AP2. C698, v. 96 1909 Stickley, G. Rapid growth of the gar- den city movement Craftsman, Dec. 1909, V. 17: 296-310. Nl. C87, v. 17 1909 Delano, F. A. Railway terminals and their relation to city planning. Engineer- ing record, Dec. 18, 1909, v. 60: 683-686. TAl. E62, V. 60 1909 Adams, Thomas. Practical town plan- ning. Municipal journal, Dec. 24-Dec. 31, Municipal journal, Dec. 24-Dec. 31, 1909, V. 18: 1053-1054 1;073-1074. TDl. M93, V. 18 1909 Martin, J. City planning. Survey, Dec. 25, 1909, v. 23: 417-418. HVl. C4, V. 23 1910 Stickley, G. Town planning in theory and in practice: the work of Raymond Unwin. Craftsman, Jan. 1910, v, 17: 391-401. Nl. C87. v. 17 1910 Robinson, C. M. Interest in civic im- provement. Craftsman, Jan. 1910, v. 17: 425-428. Nl. -087, v. 17 1910 Brunner, A. W. Must the American city be ugly? Harper's weekly, Jan. 15, 1910, V. 54: 12-13. AP2. H28, v. 54 1910 Clercq, V. de. Les nouvelles cit6s- jardins en Angleterre; le soleil et I'ha- bitation populaire. R6forme sociale, Jan. 16-Feb. 1, 1910, v. 59: 97-109; 180-191. H3. R3, v. 59 1910 Gumey, Sybella. Civic reconstruc- tion and the garden city movement. Sociological review, Jan. 1910, v. 3; 35-43. HMI, S7, v. 3 1910 Geddes, P. Town planning and city design. Sociological review, Jan. 1910, v. 3: 56-60. HMI. S7, v. 3 1910 Beard, R. O. Health and art in mu- nicipal life. American city, Feb. 1910, V. 2: 71-75. HT 1910 Curtis, H. S. Public provision and responsibility for playgrounds. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1910, v. 35: 334-344. HI. A4, V. 35 1910 Miller, W. What England can teach us about garden cities. Country life in America, Mar. 1910, v. 17: 531-534. SI, C85, V. 17 1910 Brunner, A. W. City and town plan- ning suggesting beauty based on business conditions. Craftsman, Mar. 1910, v. 17: 657-667. Nl. C87, v. 17 1910 Weir, H. C. Awakening of the cities. Putnam's, Mar, 1910, v. 7: 673-680. AP2. P98, V. 7 1910 Unwin, Raymond. The planning of towns and suburbs. Royal Institute of British architects. Journal, Mar. 15, 1910, "j 3d ser., v. 17: 365-376. NA12. R65, 3d ' ser., V. 17. ^ 1910 Weed, H. E. Civic development In Oklahoma and Texas. American city, Apr. 1910, V. 2: 158. HT 1910 Billboard reform in many cities. Outlook, Apr. 16, 1910, v. 94: 829. AP2. 08, V. 94 1910 Town planning act, 1909. The Insti- tute committee's recommendations to al- lied societies. Royal institute of British ,architects. Journal, Apr. 23, 1910, 3d ser., v.. 17: 488-490. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 17 1910 Stiibben, Josef H. Stadtbauplan und Bauordnung im Hinblicke auf Kleinwoh- nungen. Oesterreichische Ingenieur und Architekten-Verein. Zeitschrift, Apr. 22, 1910, V. 62: 249-255. TA3. 03, v. 62 1910 Olmsted, F. L. The limits of city beautification. A reply to an inquiry. American city. May, 1910, v. 2: 209-212. HT 1910 Watrous, R. B. The responsibilities of commercial organizations in furthering the adoption of city plans. American city, May, 1910, v. 2: 229-231. HT 1910 Second national conference on city planning and the problems of congestion. Engineering news. May 12, 1910, v. 63: 567-569. TAL E6, v. 63 Summary of the proceedings of the conference held at Rochester, N. Y., May 2-4, 1910. 1910 Lewis, N. P. The planning of unde- veloped city areas. Engineering news, May 12, 1910, v. 63: 569-570. TAl, E6, V. 63 Paper read at the Rochester confer- ence on city planning. May 2-4, 1910. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 79 1910 Lewis, Nelson P. Planning new city areas. Municipal journal and engineer. May 11, 1910, v. 28: 699-700. TDl. M95, V. 28 1910 Howe, F. C. City building in Ger- many. Scribner's magazine, May, 1910, v. 47: 601-614. Ap2. S4, v. 47 V1910 Ford, G. B. Second national confer- ence on city planning and congestion. Survey, May 14, 1910, v. 24: 293-298. HVl. C4, V. 24 \^'910 Hooker, George E., and Elmer S. Bat- terson. National conference on city plan- ning. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, June 29, 1910, v. 3: 325-333. A critical review of the work of the 2d national conference, Rochester, N. Y., May 2-4, 1910. JS701. C57, v. 3 1910 Olmsted, Frederick L. City planning. ■New Boston, June, 1910. v. 1: 65-68. 1910 City planning and urban congestion. Outlook, June 11, 1910, v. 95: 282-283. AP2. 08, V. 95 1910 Poole, Ernest. A city's dream of a city. Everybody's magazine, July, 1910, v. 23: 1-13. AP2. E9, v. 23 1910 Jump, H. A. Ideal city. Independent, July 21, 1910, V. 69: 126-127. AP2. 153, V. 69 1910 Marsh, B. C. Taxation and improve- ment of living conditions in American cit- ies. Survey, July 16, 1910, v. 24: 605-609. HVl. C4, v. 24 1910 Keller, P. R. Washing away a city's hills. World today, July, 1910, v. 19: 703- 708. AP2.W75. v. 19 1910 Rankin, N. S. Plotting towns for a future. World today, July, 1910, v. 19:782- 784. AP2. W75, v. 19 1910 Olmsted, F. L. The basic principles of city planning. American city, Aug. 1910, V. 3: 67-72. HT 1910 Woodruff, C. R. Progress in city planning. American city, August, 1910, v. 3: 75-76. HT List of cities in which plans have been formed for future development. 1910 Ososski, S. Clearing our crowded streets. World today, Aug. 1910, v. 19: 872-880. Ap2. W75, v. 19 1910 Phillips, T. G. City tree planting. American city, Sept.-Oct. 1910, v. 3: 131- 135: 179-183. HT 1910 Nolen, John. City streets. American city, Sept. 1910, v. 3: 119. HT 1910 Ford, G. B. City planning exhibition in Berlin. American city, Sept. 1910, v. 3: 120-124. HT 1910 Lewis, N. P. The planning of unde- veloped city areas. American city, Sept. 1910, V. 3: 137-140. HT 1910 How German street railways shame us. American review of reviews, Sept. 1910, V. 42: 349. AP2. R4, v. 42 1910 Barnaby, C. W. Methods of laying out cities. Cassler's magazine, Sept. 1910, v. 38: 400-407. TAl. C34, v. 38 1910 Ford, George B. City planning exhi- bition in Berlin. American city, Sept. 1910, V. 3: 120-124. HT 1910 Dufourmantelle, Maurice. La r^forme de I'habitation populaire par les cites- jardins. Theorie at applications. Revue economique intenationale, Sept. 15-20, 1910, V. 7: 434-462. HB3. R5, v. 7 1910 Dinwiddle, E. W. Good tenements for a million people. World's work, Sept. 1910, V. 20; 13408-13418. AP4, W85, v. 20 1910 Ellis Carlyle. Federal buildings as a basis for city beautifying. American city, Oct. 1910, v. 3; 193-194. HT 1910 Shirley, J. W. The problem of ex- tending the city plan. American city, Oct. 1910, v. 3: 193-194. HT 1910 Our cities as they are and as they ought to be. American review of reviews, Oct. 1910. V. 42: 499-5U0. AP2. R4, v, 42 1910 Bottge, F. Art of laying out cities. Cassler's magazine, Oct. 1910, v. 38: 483- 489. TAl. C34, v. 38 1910 Wattman, M. City design and trans- portation. Electric railway journal, Oct. 1, 1910, V. 36: 501-504. TF701. S65, v. 36 Abstract of a report presented at the meeting of the International street and interurban railway association, Brussels, Sept. 6-11. 1910. Same. Engineering record, Nov. 19, 1910, V. 62: 569-571. , TAl. E62, v. 62 1910 Willoughby, W. F. Le mouvement en faveur des espaces libres et de I'esthStique urbaine aux fitats-Unis. Le Mus6e social. M^moires et docu- ments, Oct. 1910: 293-314. H3. M8 1910 1910 Crawley, A. E. Town-planning. Nature, Oct. 20, 1910, v. 84: 498-499. Ql. N2, V. 84 1910 Pite, Beresford. The architect and town planning. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, Oct. 22, 1910, 3d ser., V. 17: 773-775. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 17 1910 Davidge, W. R. The town planning conference: a review. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, Oct. 22, 1910, 3d ser., v. 17: 775-782. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 17 1910 The town planning conference. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, Oct. 22, 1910, 3d ser., v. 17: 783-785. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 17 A brief account of the proceedings of the conference held in London, Oct, 1910. 1910 City beautiful. Scientific American, Oct. 1, 1910, V. 103: 250. Tl. S5, v. 103 1910 Cleaning up American cities. Survey, Oct. 8, 1910, V. 25: 83-84. HVl. 04, v. 25 1910 Martin, J. Who pays the taxes in growing cities? Survey, Oct. 15, 1910, v. 25: 109-113. HVl. C4, v. 25 80 SPECIAL LIBEARIES 1910 Reilly, C. The city of the future. Town planning review, Oct. 1910, v. 1: 191- 197. 1910 Adshead, S. City improvement. Town planning review, Oct. 1910, v. 1: 198-204. 1910 Mawson, T. Public parks and gardens. Town planning review, Oct. 1910, v. 1: 205- 211. 1910 Crawford, A. W. Excess condemna- tion and public use. American city, Nov. 1910, V. 3: 224-226. HT 1910 Shurtleff, Flavel. The English town planning act of 1909. American city, Nov. 1910, V. 3: 229-231. HT 1910 Roveda, Peter. The city of the sun. American homes, Nov. 1910, v. 7: 447. NA7100. A5, V. 7 Project for city-building. 1910 Brown, F. C. What is being accom- plished in civic improvement here and abroad. Craftsman, Nov. 1910, v. 19: 149- 153. - Nl. C87, V. 19 1910 Chaos of the cities. Living age, Nov. 19, 1910, V. 267: 502-504. AP2. L65, v. 267 1910 Risler, Georges. Les espaces libres dans les grandes villes. Le Mus6e social. Memoires et documents, Nov. 1910: 353- 372. H3, M8 1910 1910 Risler, Georges. Les cit6s-jardins. Le Mus§e social. M6moires et documents, Nov. 1910: 375-404. H3. M8 1910 1910 Robinson, C. M. London town plan- ning conference. Survey, Nov. 12, 1910, v. 25: 253-255. HVl. C4, v. 25 1910 London town planning conference. Architectural record, Dec. 1910, v. 28: 455-457. NAl. A6, v. 28 1910 Robinson, C. M. Cities of the pres- ent, as representative of a transition period in urban development. Architect- ural record, Dec. 1910, v. 28: 458-462. NAl. A6, V. 28 1910 Fitzgerald, John F. The city of the future. New Boston, Dec. 1910, v. 1: 344- 346. 1910 Woodruff, Clinton R. How the "city beautiful" pays. New Boston, Dec. 1910, V. 1: 346-348. 1910 Right idea for cities. Outloolc, Dec. 3, 1910, V. 96: 756-758. AP2. 08, v. 96 1910 Howe, F. C. Way toward the model city. World's work, Dec. 1910, v. 21: 13794- 13801. AP2. W8, V. 21 19.10 Wallroth, Bertha. Gartenstadtbewe- gung und Fraueninteressen. Frauen- bewegung, 1910, v. 22: 178-179. HQ1103. F75, v. 22 1911 H6nard, E. The cities of the future. American city, Jan. 1911, v. 4: 27-31. HT 1911 F\iller, M. V. London town planning conference. American city, Jan. 1911, v. 4: 41-42. HT 1911 Ihlder, J. London town planning con- ference. American review of reviews, Jan. 1911. V. 43: 46-48. AP2. R4, v. 43 1911 Bamett, Henrietta O. Of town plan- ning. Comhill magazine, Jan. 1911, n. s. v. 30: 49-59. AP4. C8, n. s. v. 30 1911 The finance of garden cities. Econom- ist (London) Jan. 7, 1911, v. 72: 11-12. HGll. E2, V. 72 1911 Leffmann, Henry. The building of the city. Engineer's club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, Jan. 1911, v. 28: 1-12. TAl. E7, V. 28 1911 Jarratt, J. E. Town planning. Mu- nicipal journal, Jan. 28, 1911, v. 20: 79-81. TDl. M93, V. 20 1911 Sewall, John L. The American civic association at Washington. New Boston, Jan. 1911, V. 1: 405-407. 1911 Atterbury, G. Study and demonstra- tions in town planning and home build- ing. Survey, Jan. 7, 1911, v. 25: 563-570. HVl. C4, V. 25 1911 Barker, H. A. The need of a city plan commission. American city, Feb. 1911. V. 4: 64-65. HT 1911 Ford, G. A. The relation of city plan- ning to the municipal budget. American city, Feb. 1911, v. 4: 66-71. HT 1911 Weir, H. M. Essential features in city building. American city, Feb. 1911, v. 4: 72-73. HT 1911 Erwin, A. T. Streets from the land- scape point of view. American city, Feb. 1911, V. 4: 76-77. HT 1911 German garden villages. American city, Feb. 1911, v. 4: 90-91. HT 1911 Growth of town planning. Chautau- quan, Feb. 1911, v. 61: 291-292. AP2. C48, v. 61 1911 Alden, P. Problem of housing the poor. Chautauquan, Feb. 1911, v. 61: 311- 330. AP2. C48, v. 61 1911 Brush, E. H. Garden city for the man of moderate means. Craftsman, Feb. 1911, V. 19: 445-457. Nl. C87, v. 19 1911 Harwood, H. A. Science of city build- ing. Harper's weekly, Feb. 11. 1911, r. 55: 12-13. AP2. H28, v. 55 1911 Howland, H. F. The city practical: a city plan to relieve and prevent conges- tion and to regulate the cost of living. Outlook, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 97: 393-402. AP2. 08. V. 97 1911 Solotaroff, William. The city's duty to its trees. American city, Mar.-Apr. 1911, V. 4: 131-134; 166-168. HT 1911 Batterson, E. S. Town promotion and city planning. American city. Mar. 1911, v. 4: 119-120. HT 1911 Ihlder, John. The new civic spirit. American city. Mar. 1911, v. 4: 123-127. HT 1911 Nolen, John. Does city planning pay? New Boston, Mar. 1911, v. 1: 480-481. 1911 Willcocks, R. E. Town planning. So- ciety of comparative legislation. Journal, Mar. 1911, n. s. v. 24: 211-219. JA29. S7. n. s. v. 24 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 81 -1911 Ford, G. B. International city plan- ning exhibition and conference, Phila- delphia, Mav 15-17. Survey, Mar. 18, 1911, V. 25: 1001-1002. Includes program of the conference. 1911 City planning and congestion. Survey, Mar. 25, 1911, v. 25: 1069-1071. HVl. C4, V. 25 1911 Nobbs, P. E. City planning. Canadi- an municipal journal, Apr. 1911, v. 7: 140- 141. HD4421. C3, v. 7 1911 Sears, T. W. The functions of the landscape architect in connection with the improvement of a city. Engineers' club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, Apr. 1911, V. 28: 147-166. TAl. E7, v. 28 1911 Jump, H. A. Municipal spring house- cleaning. Independent, Apr. 27, 1911, v. 70: 884-888. AP2. 153, v. 70 1911 City planning in American cities. Municipal journal and engineer, Apr. 5, 1911, V. 30: 483-484. TDl. M95. v. 30 1911 Stebbing, E. P. Tree planting in towns. Nature, Apr, 6, 1911, v. 86: 195- 198. Ql. N2, V. 86 1911 Gurlitt, Cornelius. European city planning. New Boston, Apr. 1911, v. 1: 514-520. 1911 Howe, F. C. German and American city. Scribner's magazine, n. s. Apr. 1911, V. 49: 485-492. AP2. S4, v. 49 1911 Johnson, W. T. Coming city plan- ning exhibition. [Philadelphia, May, 1911] Survey, Apr. 29, 1911, v. 26: 183-184. HVl. C4. v. 26 1911 A panorama of the first stage of a scheme under the Town planning act (1909). Town planning review, Apr. 1911, v. 2: 1-16. 1911 Marchant, E. W. The possibility of development in the transmission of electrical energy and its eifect on towns. Town planning review, Apr. 1911, v. 2: 35-39. ^-1911 Gundlach, J. H. A city's control of outlving districts. American city. May, 1911, V. 4: 224-226. HT 1911 Nolen, J. Replanning small cities. American city. May, 1911, v. 4: 238-239. HT 1911 Howe, F. C. American city of to- morrow. Hampton's magazine, May, 1911, V. 26: 573-584. AP2. H152, v. 26 1911 Nolen, John. City planning and civic consciousness. New Boston, May, 1911, V. 2: 7-11. 1911 Watrous, R. B. The planning of cit- ies. Town development. May, 1911, v. 4: 109-110. 1911 Pancoast, C. L. Congress of towns and cities. First international municipal exhibit of progress and plans for the future is to be held in Chicago next Sept., with the cities of the world participating. Town development. May, 1911, v. 4: 121- 122. 1911 Dudgeon, M. S. Civic improvement and development. "Wisconsin library bulle- tin, May-June, 1911, v. 7: 60-64. Z732. W8W6, v. 7 1911 Harmon, Wm. B. Influence of play- grounds and small parks on suburban de- velopment. American city, June, 1911, v. 4: 268-270. HT 1911 Lippincott, J. B. Parks and park- ways here and elsewhere. California out- look, June 3, 1911, v. 10, no. 23: 11-12. AP2. C143, V. 10 1911 Planning of cities. Independent, June 29, 1911, V. 70: 1431-1433. AP2. 153, v. 70 1911 Woodruff, Clinton R. American town planning. The Philadelphia national city planning conference and exhibition. Progress of the planning movement in the United States. Municipal journal, June 3, 1911. v. 20: 513. TDl. M93, v. 20 4911 Adams, Thomas. American city plan- ning. Impressions of the Third annual conference on city planning at Philadel- phia. Municipal journal, June 24, 1911, v. 20: 587-588. TDl. M93, v. 20 1911 Thompson, C. Bertrand. The City planning conference in Philadelphia. New Boston, June, 1911, v. 2: 72-74. 1911 Nettlefold, J. S. Town planning and co-partnership housing. Survey, June 3, 1911, V. 26: 370-373. HVl. C4, v. 26 1911 Robinson. C. M. City plans and plan- ners. Survey, June 3, 1911, v. 26: 397- 400. HVl. C4, V. 26 ^1911 Watrous, R. B. Conference on city planning. Third meeting held in Phila- delphia May 15th, 16th and 17th. Town de- velopment, June, 1911, V. 4: 139-140. 1911 Haldeman, Antrim B. A review of the progress of city planning. Engineers' club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, July, 1911, V. 28: 215-243. TAl. E7, v. 28 Discussion: p. 243-245. 1911 Aldridge, Henry R. Housing and town planning conference. Town plan- ning in northern Europe.. . .Lessons from Amsterdam. Deventer, Hamburg, Copen- hagen and Stockholm. Municipal journal, July 8, 1911, V. 20: 644-645. TDl. M93, V. 20 1911 Howe. Frederic C. The American city of tomorrow. New Boston, July, 1911, v. 2: 106-107. 1911 Gould, C. P. City planning too many straight lines. Outlook, July 29, 1911, v. 98: 747-748. AP2. 08, v. 98 1911 The garden city and town planning movement in the Old World. [Editorial] Twentieth century magazine, July, 1911, V. 4: 374-375. AP2. T88, v. 4 1911 Palmer, G. T. The survey and the smaller city. World to-day, July, 1911, V. 21: 828-832. AP2. W75, v. 21 1911 Oyen, Henry. The awakening of the cities. World's work, June-Aug., 1911, v. 22: 14494-14506; 14612-14618; 14725-14733. AP2. W8, V, 22 82 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1911 Town-planning. Athenaeum, Aug. 5, 1911, no. 4371: 162-163. AP4. A8, no. 4371 1911 What is city planning? New Boston, Aug. 1911, V. 2: 149-150. Letter of com- ment by F. L. Olmsted on Mr. Thomp- son's article in New Boston, June, 1911, on the City planning conference and reply by Mr. Thompson. 1911 Unwin, Raymond. City planning. Canadian municipal journal, Sept. 1911, v. 7: 345-347. HD4421. C3, v. 7 1911 Olmsted, Frederick L. City planning, a forecast of the city to be. New Boston, Sept. 1911, V. 2: 172-174. 1911 Grundmann, Julius. Planning the garden city. Technical world magazine, Sept. 1911, V. 16: 83-88. Tl. T2, v. 16 1911 MacFarland, Henry B. F. The twen- tieth century city. California outlook, Oct. 28, 1911, V. 11, no. 18: 14-15. AP2. C143, V. 11 "EJxtracts from an address delivered at the meeting of the Union of Canadian • municipalities, Aug. 29, 1911." 1911 Black, Elmer. Garden cities. Cana- dian municipal journal, Oct. 1911, v. 7: 391-393. ' HD4421. C3, v. 7 1911 City planning in America. [Editorial.] Landscape architecture, Oct. 1911, v. 2: 36-39. 1911 Adams, Thomas. Some American im- pressions. II. The peculiar social and economic conditions of New York and the need for a city plan. Town planning re- view, Oct. 1911, V. 2: 183-196. 1911 Adshead, S. D. The decoration and furnishing of the city. No. 3. — Obeliski. Town planning review, Oct. 1911, v. 2: 197-199. 1911 Abercrombie, P. A tour of the garden cities. Town planning review, Oct. 1911, V. 2: 230-233. 1911 What is it — thoroughfares and trans- portation lines, but no minor street — value of scientific planning — subdividing private property. Municipal journal and en- gineer, Nov, 1, 1911, V. 31. TDl. M95, v. 31 1911 Tanner, Percy B. A plea for a state garden city. World's work, (London), Nov. 1911, V. 18: 592-595. AP4. W85, v. 18 1911 Nolen, J. Putting a city plan into action. American city, Dec. 1911, v. 5: 332-334. HT 1911 National housing and town planning council. Notes on the effect of limiting the number of houses to the acre under the town planning clauses of the Housing and town planning act. Communicated by Mr. Raymond Unwin. Stadtebau, Dec. 1911, V. 7: 143. 1912 Child, Stephen. The landscape archi- tect and the city engineer. How civic beauty may be preserved in works of city engineering. — A practical solution of the problem of street widths and plans — Dupli- cate piping systems to prevent upheavals of pavement. American city, Feb. 1912, V. 6: 464-469. HT 1912 The garden city movement and German women. American review of re- views, Feb. 1912, V. 45: 239-240. AP2. R4, V. 45 1912 Watrous, Richard B. Civic art and country life. American academy of polit- ical and social science. Annals, Mar. 1912, V. 40: 191-199. HI. A4, v. 40 1912 Howe, Frederic C. The city as a so- cializing agency. The physical basis of the city: the city plan. American journal of sociology. Mar. 1912, v. 17: 590-601. HMl. A7, V. 17 1912 Moore, C. L. Wanted: a city builder. Dial, Mar. 1, 1912, v. 52: 153-154. AP2, D48, V. 52 1912 Kimball, Theodora. A "brief survey of recent city planning reports in the United States. Landscape architecture, Apr. 1912, V. 2: 111-126. Includes reports of twenty-eight cities, published in 1910, 1911, and early * 1912. 1912 Mawson, Thomas H. Civic surveys. National municipal review, Apr, 1912, v. 1: 195-203, 1912 Nolen, John. General planning board for metropolitan Boston, National muni- cipal review, Apr. 1912, v. 1: 231-235. 1912 Brunner, Arthur W. The business side of city planning. National municipal review, Apr. 1912, v. 1: 236-240. "A condensation of an address before the American civic association, at its annual meeting in Washington, Dec, 1911," INDIVIDUAL CITIES AND TOWNS- UNITED STATES. Alameda, Cal. Irvine, Leigh H, Alameda, the city of homes. Sunset magazine, Jan. 1912, v. 28: 113-117. F851. C95, v, 28 Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y, Chamber of commerce. A plan for the improvement of the river front. Nov. 14, 1911. Jones, William B. Albany's civic advance. American city, Apr. 1911, v. 4: 151-155. HT Murray, David. Plan for a park for the city of Albany, Albany, 1863. 16 p. Olmsted, Vaux & Co. Report on the pro- posed city park [in Albany]. Albany, 1868. no. 5. Robinson, Charles M. Albany, a city in transition. Construction (Pittsburgh), June 10, 1905, v. 1, no. 23: 10-12. THl. C75, V. 1 SPECIAL LIBKAKIES 83 Ware, Franklin B. The architectural devel- opment of Capital Hill by the construc- tion of department buildings and the ex- tension of the park system. Albany, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1911. 12 p. Altus, Okla. Hooker, H. J. A small city's plans for growth. American city, Feb. 1911, v. 4: 51-55. ' HT Amherst, Mass. Atwood, A. W. The town beautiful: village improvement in Amherst. Outlook, July 2, 1904, v. 77: 543-551. AP2. 08, v. 77 Atlanta, Ga. Johnson, Harvey. Atlanta, the gate of the South. American city, July 1911, v. 5: 3-8. HT Augusta, Ga. Johnson, E. S. Augusta: a model town 'way down in Dixie. Good housekeeping, Sept. 1908, v. 47: 273-278. TXl. G7, v. 47 Nolen, John. Report on Augusta, Gr. Un- pub. Augusta, Me. Maine. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts and re- solves. .. .1911. Augusta, Kennebec jour- nal print, 1911. 981 p. "Chapter 57. An act to improve certain state lands, approved February 28, 1911": p. 270-271. This act creates a ' public park in the city of Augusta from land lying east of the State Capitol grounds. Baguio, P. I. Burnham, D. H. & Co. Report on the pro- posed plan of the city of Baguio, Province of Benguet, P. I. Chicago, 1905. Unpub. Baltimore. Baltimore. The Baltimore book; a resume of the commercial, industrial and finan- cial resources, municipal activities and general development of the city of Balti- more. [Baltimore: Summers printing co., 1912.] 130 p. F189. B1B16 Ordinances, etc. Laws and or- dinances relating to the public parks of the city of Baltimore, with the rules and regulations for their government. Balti- more: Press of W. K. Boyle, 1869. 36 p. SB483. B213, 1869 Park commission. Annual re- port. Baltimore. SB483. B2 SB483. B2 Baltimore improvements. Architectural record, Apr. 1905, v. 17: 349-350. NAl. A6, V. 17 Dannenberg, J. Advance of civic art in Baltimore. Craftsman, Nov. 1905, v. 9: 202-217. Nl. C87, v. 9 Day, F. M. City planning. (In Baltimore. City-wide congress. Addresses, 1911. p. 101-117.) Delano, Edith B. Baltimore. Good house- keeping, Jan. 1910, V. 50: 64-73. TXl. G7, V. 50 Emmart, W. W. City plan. (In Baltimore. City-wide congress. Addresses, 1911. p. 118-138.) Ford, H. J. Relation of Baltimore to ita water supply. American academy of po- litical and social science. Annals, Nov. 1907, V. 30: 567-569. HI. A4, v. 30 Hendrick, C. W. Colossal work in Balti- more. National geographic magazine, Apr. 1909, V. 20: 365-373. Gl. N27, v. 20 Mechlin, L. Art in the market place: the Baltimore experiment. International stu- dio. Mar. 1908, v. 34: sup. 24. Nl. 16, v. 34 Moffett, Samuel E. Baltimore a city tried by fire. Collier's weekly, Sept. 29, 1906, v. 38: 18-20. AP2. C65, v. 38 Municipal art society of Baltimore. Annual meeting 1909. Baltimore, 1909. Paition report on "City plan." Baltimore, 1910. 47 p. Problem of extending city plan. (In its Annual report, 1910. Baltimore, 1910. p. 33-46.) Olmsted brothers. Report upon the devel- opment of public grounds for greater Bal- timore. [Baltimore: The Lord Baltimore press] 1904. 120 p. SB.483. B214 Prepared at the request of the Munici- pal art society of Baltimore, accepted and published by the Board of park commissioners of the city. Tyson, Henry. The plan for the improve- ment of the channel of Jones' falls, and drainage of the adjacent portions of the city, with working drawings and speci- fications. Baltimore: Kelly, Piet & Co., 1871. 36 p. F189. B1T9 Bangor, Me. Steele, Fletcher. An emergency report from Bangor, Maine. Landscape archi- tecture, Oct. 1911, v. 2: 1-15. Bar Harbor, Me. Bar Harbor village improvement associa- tion. Annual report, 1904-1905. [Bar Hai^bor, Me.], 1905. 1 v. JS592. B2A2 Beaumont, Tex. Smith, George A. The development of Beaumont, Texas. American city, Nov. 1911, v. 5: 254-258. HT Binghamton, N. Y. Robinson, Charles M. Better Binghamton; a report to the Mercantile press club of Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 1911. [Cleve- land, O., Printed hy The J. B. Savage Co., 1911.] 105, 35 p. F129. B4R65 Birmingham, Ala. Taylor, Graham R. Birmingham's civic front. Survey, Jan. 6, 1912, v. 27: 1464- 1484. HVl. 04, v. 27 Boston. Abercrombie, P. Town planning schemes in America. III. Boston. Town plan- ning review, Apr. 1911, v. 2: 40-54. Anderson, Thomas F. A "model" business street for Boston. New Boston, Nov. 1911, V. 2: 244-245. 84 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Ayer, Mary F. Early days on Boston com- mon. Boston: Priv. print, 1910. 78 p. F73.65.A98 Bailie, William. Comprehensive city plan- ning: what a planning board means. New Boston, Nov. 1911, v. 2: 229-232. Baxter, Sylvester. Architectural features of the Boston parks. American architect and building news, July 16, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, 1898, V. 61: 19-20, 51-52, 83-84. NAl. A3, V. 61 Boston park guide, including the municipal and metropolitan systems of greater Boston. Boston, 1895. Same, 1898. Boston's Fenway as an educational center. Outlook, Aug. 24, 1907, v. 86: 894-907. AP2. 08, v. 86 Greater Boston. A study for a federalized metropolis comprising city of Boston and the surrounding cities and towns, Boston, 1891. How Boston has systematized its parks. Century magazine, Oct. 1897, v. 54: 952-954. AP2. C4, v. 54 Monumental work of landscape architecture: the Metropolitan park sys- tem of Boston. Architectural record, June, 1909, v. 25: 389-399. NAl. A6, v. 25 A study of Boston's metropolitan park problems from the economic point of view. (In Massachusetts. Metropoli- tan park commissioners. Preliminary re- port, 1893. Boston, 1893.) SB483. B72, 1893 Beal, B. L. Municipal subway. Municipal affairs. Mar. 1900, v. 4: 219-221. JS39. M2, V. 4 Bellows, Robert P. Developing the [Charles River] basin. An island for recreation and boating purposes. New Boston, Oct. 1911, V. 2: 199-203. Bennett, March G. Metropolitan Boston: what it is and how it should be governed. New Boston, July 191^ v. 1: 107-112. The Riverbank cubway. New Bos- ton, Dec. 1910, V. 1: 369-372. What federation could do for met- ropolitan Boston. New Boston, Apr. 1911, V. 1: 526-528. Bingham, Mrs. Kate^ S. The playgrounds of greater Boston. New England maga- zine, Apr. 1909, n. s. v. 40: 185-192. AP2. N4, n. s. v. 40 Boston. Dept. of parks. Notes on the plan of Franklin park and related mat- ters. Boston: Printed for the Depart- ment, 1886. 115 p. SB483. B735B7 Preliminary report on Zoological gardens at Franklin park and aquarium at Marine park. 1911. Report of park commis- Report of park com- missioners upon laying out the land bounded by Boylston St., Huntington Ave. and Dartmouth St. as a public park. Boa- ton, 1881. -Report of the park commissioners upon proposed sanitary improvement of Muddy River. Boston, 1881. Doc. 130-1881.. Report of park com- missioners on proposed West Roxbury park. Boston, 1880. Doc. 84-1880. Chamber of commerce. Chamber of commerce news, pub. every Monday under the direction of the Publicity com- mittee of the Boston Chamber of com- merce. Richard J. Walsh, editor. Joint committee on public lands. Report.... in relation to the Public gar- den, July, 1850. Boston, 1850. (City document, no. 18.) Joint special committee. Report on the Back Bay streets, with reference to their direction, sewerage, and grade. Boston, 1863. Public park committee. Report and accompanying statements and com- munications relating to a public park for the city of Boston, 1869. [n. p.] 1869. (Board of aldermen. City doc. 123.) Preliminary water front commis- sioners on proposed arboretum at West Rox'bury. Boston, 1880. Doc. 118-1880. sion. Report, Nov. 29, 1907. Boston and its sanitary aspects. 1. Boston — ^^Commissioners for supplying the city with pure water. Report, Mar. 16, 1837. 2. Boston. Map and description of pro- posed metropolitan park, 1870. 3. Boston in the future, its park grounds, and a grand avenue through the city, with a map of the suburbs, etc., 1871. 4. Cope- land, R. M. Essay and plan for the im- provement of Boston, 1872. 5. Boston. Medical commission. The sanitary con- dition of Boston. Report of commission, 1875. 6. Wilder, M. P. The horticulture of Boston and vicinity, 1881. Boston city record, weekly. 1909 date. The Boston Common. By a friend of im- provement. Boston, 1838. See also Gour- lay, R. F., A plan of a pagoda and flower garden in the Common. Boston. 1915. Exposition and New Boston. Boston. 1915. Its accomplishments, hopes and reasons for existence. American city, Nov. 1909, v. 1: 102-106. HT Boston society of architects. Committee on municipal improvements. Report, 1907. Boston, 1907. Boston's civic revival. Outlook, Dec. 3, 1910, V. 96: 758. AP2. 08, v. 96 Boston's solution of the transportation problem. Harper's weekly, Apr. 12, 1902, V. 46: 462-463. AP2. H28, v. 46 Brown, F. C. Civic improvement in Bos- ton, present and future. Craftsman, Dec. 1910, V. 19: 273-283. Nl. C87, v. 19 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Chadwick, J. E. Boston's recreation facil- ities. New Boston, Aug. 1911, v. 2: 129- 134. Charles River park. The proposed Com- mission to investigate the feasibility of turning Charles River 'basin into a water park. Cambridge, 1901. Child, Stephen. Civic centers and the grouping of public buildings, with sug- gestions for Boston. Proceedings of Boston society of civil engineers, 1907. City planning commission for metropolitan Boston. Survey, July 8, 1911, v. 26: 556. HVl. C4, V. 26 Civic advance campaign. New Boston, Oct. 1910, V. 1: 229-236. Coburn, F. W. The development of Mid- dlesex Fells. New England magazine, Sept. 1909, v. 47: 812-817. AP2. N4, v. 47 Rapid transit and civic beauty. New Boston, Nov. 1910, v. 1: 307-314. Copeland, Robert M. The most beautiful city in America. Essay and plan for the improvement of the city of Boston. Bos- ton, 1872. 46 p. Crocker, Uriel H. Map and description of proposed metropolitan park for Boston. Boston, 1870. 12 p. Plan for a public park, letter from U. H. Crocker. Boston, 1869. 8 p. (In Public parks.) Curtis, George C. A description of the topographical model of metropolitan Bos- ton. Boston: Wright & Potter print. CO., 1900. 37 p. F735.C 97 Davenport, C. Map and description of the new Boston, the metropolis of New Eng- land, and the Charles River bay. Boston, 1886. ■ Proposed Charles River park, Boston, 188-? De Las Casas, W. B. Boston metropolitan park system. American academy of po- litical and social science. Annals, Mar. 1910, V. 35: 280-286. HI. A4, v. 35 Middlesex Fells. [Boston parks.] New England magazine, Aug. 1898, n. s. v. 18: 701-721. AP2. N4, v. 18 Eliot, Charles. Boston metropolitan reser- vations. New E)ngland magazine, 1896, V. 15: 117-122. AP2. N4, v. 15 Memoirs of Charles Eliot, land- scape architect. Boston, Back Bay im- provements. Report [upon the opportunities presented by the neighborhood of Boston for the creation of public open spaces]. (In Mass. Board of metropolitan park commissioners. Report, 1898. Boston, 1898. p. 121-149.) J87. M4, 1898 Reprinted from the Report of 1893. Also printed separately. "Vegetation and scenery in the metropolitan reservations of Boston; a forestry report. .. .Feb. 15, 1897. Bos- ton, New York, Lamson, Wolffe, and Co., 1898. 23 p. SB483. B73E6 Filene, E. A. City planning for Boston. Boston. Chamber of commerce news, July 10, 1911, v. 2: 16. Fitzgerald, J. F. The city of the future. New Boston, Dec. 1910, v. 1: 344-346. Popularizing the [Charles River] basin. New Boston, Oct. 1911, v. 2: 195- 198. Gates, Earl F. Boston's need for a city plan. New Boston, July, 1911, v. 2: 108- 110. The Charles River lower basin. Wanton waste of recreation resources. New Boston, Sept. 1911, v. 2: 161-166. Griffin, Daniel A. Boylston street subway plan. New Boston, Nov. 1911, v. 1: 324- 327. Hall, M. E. Transformation of Boston's north end. New England magazine, June 1909, n. s. V. 40: 457-463. AP2. N4, v. 40 Hartt, M. B. Beautifying Boston. World's work, Feb. 1905, v. 9: 5859-5863. AP2. W8,. V. 9 Higginson, H. L., and others. The improve- ment of the Charles River basin. A brief consideration of the arguments for and against the establishment of a water park near the centre of metropolitan Boston. Boston, 1901. 14 p. Howell, G. F. Planning a new pleasure park for greater Boston. New England magazine, Jan. 1910, n. s. v. 41: 579-588. AP2. N4, n. s. v. 41 Kellaway, Herbert J. Report on proposed park and parkways from Charles River reservation to West Roxbury parkway, connecting thfe northern and southern group of metropolitan parks. Boston, 1908. 7 p. Kellogg, P. U. The 1915 Boston exposition. Survey, Dec. 4, 1909, v. 23: 328-334. HVl. C4, V. 23 Kimball, G. A. The Boston elevated rail- way. New England magazine, July 1901, n. s. V. 24: 455-468. AP2. N4, n. s. v. 24 Lamb, Thomas. Plan and suggestions for improving Boston harbor and incidentally the vicinity. Boston, 1867. Lee, J. Boston's playground system. New England magazine, Jan. 1903, n. s. v. 27: 521-536. AP2. N4. n. s. v. 27 * Legislation which Boston 1915 wants. New Boston, Mar. 1911, v. 1: 467-470. Lovejoy, O. R. Making Boston over. Sur- vey, Sept. 4, 1909, V. 22: 764-778. HVl. C4, V. 22 Marcy, H. O. Development of the Charles River estuary. American city. May 1910, v. 2: 197. HT 86 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Massachusetts. Charles River basin com- mission. First-seventh annual report...^ July 29, 1903-Nov. 30, 1909. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co„ 1904-10. 7 T. TC425. C4A17 Final report Dec. 1, 1909- June 30, 1910. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., 1910. 51 p.- Joint board on metropolitan im- provements commission. Report. 1911. Known as the "Big Four" report. Deals principally with improvement of the trans- portation system, giving several maps. Joint board upon improvement of Charles River, Report. . . .Apr. 1894. 51 p. (Massachusetts. General courrt, 1894. House doc. 775.) TC425. C4A2, 1894 Report May, 1896. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., 1896. 52 p. TC425. C4A2, 1896 Metropolitan district commission. Report.... to the Massachusetts legisla- ture, 1896. Boston: Wright & Potter print- ing CO., 1896. lOOp. JS612. L7M4 "Foreign municipal methods. Report made to the Metropolitan district commission. . . .by Osborne Howes, on the manner in which the problem of municipal extension has been treated by certain European cities": p. 45-78. Metropolitan improvements com- mission. Public improvements for the metropolitan district. Report. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., 1909. 318 p. TR175. M4 Contents. — Report of the Commission, p. 3-49. Railroads and terminals, by George R. Wadsworth, p. 80-154. Docks, by Desmond Fitzgerald, p. 155- 186. The Metropolitan plan, by Ar- thur A. Shurtleff, p. 187-258. A new civic center for Boston, by Robert S. Peabody, p. 259-265. . Waterways, by Richard A. Hale, p. 272-293. The water front of Boston Bay, by Sylves- ter Baxter, p. 294-318. Metropolitan plan commission. Report Jan. 1, 1912. Metropolitan park commission. History and description of Boston metro- politan parks. Boston, 1900. Manual relating to pub- lic parks of Massachusetts, containing the Metropolitan park comm'3. 5. A1U4 SB483. W3 The Mall parkway. Hearing March 12, 1904, on the bill (S. 4845) regulating the erection of buildings on the Mall, in the District of Columbia. Washington: Grovt. print, off., 1904. 53 p. F203. 5. M2U5 Engineer dept. Memorial bridg* across the Potomac River at Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C, 1900. Annual reports, 1905- date. Oflace of public buildings and grounds. Plans for treatment of that por- tion of the District of Columbia south of Pennsylvania avenue and north of B street S. W., and for a connection be- tween Potomac and Zoological parks. [Washington: Govt, print off., 1900.] 9 p. 56th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. 135.) F2035. A1U5 Washington. The commission to prepare a plan for the artistic development of the city and the work before it. American architect, May 25, 1901, v. 72: 59-60. NAl. A3, V. 72 Washington: a model city. Charities and commons, Mar. 3, 1906, v. 15: 739-741; 754- 831. HVl. C4, V. 15 Contents. — A nation's neighbors ; Back- ing up the President, by Jacob A. Riis; When Congress acts as a state legislature, by Samuel M. Lindsay; Saving the citizenship of tomorrow, by Ben B. Lindsey; Family-desertion and non-support law for Washington, by Wm. H. Baldwin; The city of Wash- ington: an example [from the Pres- ident's message of 1904], by Theodore Roosevelt; Neglected neighbors, by Charles F. Weller; Child la- bor at the national capital by Charles P. Neill; Businessman's view of child labor, by S. W. Woodward; The health of the city of Washing- ton, by George M. Kober; Social ser- vice as exemplified in the Associated charities of the national capital, by David J. Brewer; How the Associated charities has recruited the social forces of the capital; Governmental progress in the District of Columbia, by H. B. F. Macfarland; Legalized ignorance in the national capital, by Emily Y. O'Brien; For a beautiful Washington, by Bernard H. Green; The playgrounds of Washington, by Henry S. Curtis. West, Max. A civic awakening at the na- tional capital. American monthly review of reviews, Mar. 1905, v. 31: 309-316. AP2. R4, V. 31 Whyte, W. P. Washington: the city beau- tiful. Independent, Nov. 1, 1906, v. 61: 1039-1043. AP2. 153, v. 61 Woodruff, C. R. Sanitary improvements in the national capital. World to-day, July, 1906, v. 11: 759-760. AP2. W75, v. 11 Wright, C. D. The embellishment of Wash- ington. Independent, Nov. 13, 1902, v. 54: 2683-2687. AP2. 153, v. 54 Zueblin, Charles. Washington, old and new. Chautauquan, Apr. 1904, v. 39: 156-167. AP2. C48, V. 39 Waterloo, Iowa. Robinson, C. M. The well-being of Water- loo. A report to the Civic association. Waterloo, Iowa: M. Parrott & sons co., 1910. 39 p. What may be done in Waterloo. American city, Jan. 1911, v. 4: 17-19. HT Watertown, N. Y. Robinson, C. M. Watertown, N. Y. Possi- bilities published by the Municipal im- provement league. Improvement leag^ue, 1907. 16 p. Watertown suburban park: the gift of an unknown donor. Craftsman, July, 1905, v. 8: 446-448. Nl. C87, v. 8 Weedsport, N. Y. Townsend, C. F. How a village was im- proved. Chautauquan, Aug. 1903, v. 37: 523. AP2. C48, v. 37 Wellesley, Mass. Adams, George D. Wellesley, the beautiful. Good housekeeping. May 1908, v. 46: 506- 513. TXl. G7, V. 46 West Ewing, N. J. West Ewing improvement association. Pro- ceedings, 1880 and other valuable matter. Trenton, N. J., 1880. Weymouth, Mass. Weymouth, Mass. Park commissioners. Re- port, 1899. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ferrel, R. W. What Wilkes-Barre has ac- complished. American city, Sept. 1910, V. 3: 105-112. HT Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Chamber of commerce. Wilkes-Barre. .. .Study of its progress. 1911. Park commission. Report, 1909. Williamsport, Pa. Young, G. H. The Williamsport way. Am- erican city. Mar. 1911, v. 4: 101-105. HT Wilmington, Dei. Wilmington, Del. Board of park commis- sioners. Report. Wilmington, Del., The R. M. Rogers press. SB483. W71 Woonsocket, R. I. A city and a manufacturing company in a playground partnership. American city, May, 1910, v. 2: 214. HT Worcester, Mass. Foster, Warren D. Worcester's garden SPECIAL LIBRARIES 113 city. World to-day, July, 1911, v. 21: 833- 838. AP2. W75, v. 21 Worcester, Mass. Commission of public grounds. Reports, 1874, 1880, 1885. Shade trees and public grounds commission. Report, 1863. (In City docs. 1864-1871.) Youngstown, Ohio. Rogers, V. A partial description of Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio, with some papers, reports and laws connected with park work. Youngstown, 1904. FOREIGN CITIES. GREAT BRITAIN. Adams, Thomas. The British town planning act. City club of Chicago. City club bul- letin. May 29, 1911, v. 4: 126-232. JS701. C57. V. 4 The British town planning act. Canadian municipal journal, Aug. 1911, v. 7: 303-306. HD4421. C3, v. 7 Garden cities. A lengthy list [of those in Great Britain]. Municipal jour- nal, Nov. 13, 1908, V. 17: 928. TDl. M93, V. 17 Adshead, S. D. Town planning conference at West Bromwich, with some notes on the profession of engineering in its relation to town planning. Town planning review, Oct. 1911, V. 2: 175-182. Association of municipal corporations. Mln^ utes of the proceedings and resolutions of the meeting of the council, at West- minster, Palace Hotel, June 13, 1907. Planning of suburbs. Deputation to prime minister, 1907. Scheme for town planning bill. i Loudon, 1907. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Die Garten- stadtbewegung in England, ihre Entwicke- lung und ihr jetziger Stand. Munchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1911. Civic centre movement in England. Amer' ican review of reviews, Oct. 1892, v. 6: 307. AP2. R4, V. 6 Co-partnership tenants' housing council. Lx)n- don. Garden suburbs, villages, and homes. London, 1906. A collection of articles by different writers. Cornes, James. Modern housing in town and country. London: B. T. Batsford, ]905. 196 p. NA7552. C8 Dowdall, H. The growth of legislative con- trol over town development in EJngland, Town planning review, Oct. 1910, v. 1: 212-219. Garden cities in England. List given by Charles M. Robinson in Notes and com- ments. Architectural record, Feb. 1911, v. 29: 190. Garden city association, London. Reports, etc. Dock, Mira L. A summer's work abroad In school grounds, home grounds, parks and sylvania. Dept. of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 62.) S107. A32, no. 62 Gt. Brit. Local govt, board. Memorandum relative to the operation of the hous- ing, town planning, etc., act. 1909. and forests. Harrisburg, 1900. 33 p. (Penn- the earlier housing acts as amended by that act. London: H, M. Stationery o£C., 1911. 10 p. Proving his dream to he true: the triumph ot Ebenezer Howard and the garden city movement. Public opinion (London), Mar. 29, 1912, v. 101: 313. AP4. P9, v. 101 Schiavi, Alessandro. Villaggi e cittagiar- dino in Inghilterra. Nuova antologia, Apr. 1, 1909, v. 224: 405-426. AP37. N8, v. 224 Thompson, W. Handbook to the Housing / and town planning act, 1909. London: yV Pub. by the National housing reform coun- cil, 1910. To! man, W. H. The garden city in EJngland. American review of reviews, Apr. 1904, V. 29: 436-439. AP2. R4, v. 29 Unwin, Raymond. Garden cities in Eng- land. City club of Chicago. City club bulletin, June 7, 1911, v. 4: 133-140. JS701. C57, V. 4 The small house and the English town planner. Survey, Sept. 9, 1911. v. 26: 832-834. HVl. C4, v. 26 Willis, W. A. Housing and town planning m Great Britain; being a statement of the statutory provisions relating to the hous- ing of the working classes and to town planning. London: Butterworth & go., 1910. 201 p. HD7333. A3W65 Bath. Brook, Kitchin. The planning of Bath, Eng- land. Architectural review (London), June, 1910, v. 27; 363-369. NAl. A69, v. 27 Birmingham. Birmingham, Eng. Parks dept. Public parks and pleasure grounds. Their cost, areas, and maintenance; by-laws and regulations. Feb. 1892. [Birmingham, 1892.] 102 p. SB485. B6A4 1892 Nettlefold. J. S. Birmingham: city exten- sion and town planning. Town plan- ning review, July, 1911, v. 2: 99-112. Bolton. Mauson, Thomas H. Bolton: a study in civic art and town planning, 1911. Prac- tically the same subject matter is con- tained in his Civic art. Noted in American city, V. 5: 306. Bournville. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Englische Arbeiterdorfer. 1. Bournville. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1907, v. 10: 185-228. N3. K83, V. 10 Cad bury Bros., Ltd. Bournville village trust. London: M'Caw, Stevenson & Orr [n. d.J 28 p. 114 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Factory in a garden: photographs of the cocoa and chocolate works of Cad- bury Bros., Ltd., and of the Bournville estate. London: W. H. Smith & son, [n. d.]. 39 p. Dale, J. A. Bournville. Economic review, Jan. 1907, v. 17: 13-27. HBL E4, v. 17 Harvey, William A. The model village and its cottages: Bournville. London: B. T. Batsford, 1906. 68 p. Meeker, R. Garden city conference at Bournville. Review. Municipal affairs* June, 1902, v. 6: 290-292. JS39. M2, v. 6 Miller, Wilhelm. Gardening lessons from Bournville. Country life in America, Mar. 1910, V. 17: 618, 620. SI. C85, v. 17 Stead, F. H. A model industrial village. American monthly review of reviews, Apr. 1904, V. 29: 433-435. AP2. R4, v. 29 Tolman, W. H. A "trust" for social better- ment. World's work, July, 1901, v. 2: 924- 928. AP2. W8, v. 2 An account of a model village for em- ployees at Bournville, near Birming- ham, England. Truebiood, L. D. Bournville village experi- ment. Arena, Nov. 1905, v. 34: 449-458. AP2. A6, V. 34 Whitehouse, J. H. Bournville — a study in housing reform. International studio, Jan. 1902, V. 15: 162-172. Nl, 16, v. 15 Coryndon, Wales. A Welsh garden village. The garden city idea takes root in Wales, the Cory family having decided to establish a garden vil- lage, to be known as "Coryndon", in the neighborhood of Cardiff. Municipal jou,r- nal, Feb. 21, 1908, v. 17: 141-142. TDl. M93, V. 17 Dunfermline. Geddes, Patrick. City development, a study of parks, gardens, and culture-institutes; a report to the Carnegie Dunfermline trust. Edinburgh: Geddes and co., 1904. 231 p. JS4228. D33. 1904 Ealing. Vivian, H. H. The pioneer co-partnership village. Brentham, Ealing, W., Ealing ten- ants ltd.; [etc., etc., 1908?] 60 p. HD7573. E2V4 East Oakley. Proposed garden village East Oakley. Arch- itect and contract reporter, 1908, v. 79: 286. Edinburgh. Croal, J. P. Queens park, Edinborough, Art journal, 1894, v. 10: 11. Public parks for Edinburgh, [n. p.] Re- printed in Scotsman, Oct. 4-25, 1854. Robinson, Charles M. Civic improvement in Edinburgh: the work of the Cockbum association. Municipal affairs, Dec. 1899, v. 3: 664-671. JS39. M2, v. 3 Glasgow. Glasgow. City improvements dept. Report on the work of the past year by W. C. Menzies, manager. Glasgow, 1901-02. Parks dept. Abstract of the rev- enue, expenditure and balance sheet. June, 1908-May, 1909. Maltbie, Milo R. Glasgow's municipal tram- ways. Municipal affairs. Mar. 1900, v. 4: 40-59.. JS39. M2, v. 4 Taylor, Benjamin. Municipal Glasgow. North American review. Mar. 15, 1907, v. 184: 590-603. AP2. N7, v. 184 Hampstead. Barnett, H. O. Garden suburb at Hamp- stead. Contemporary review, Feb. 1905, v. 87: 231-237. AP4. C7, v. 87 Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Hampstead. Eine Studie iiber Stadtebau in England. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1909, v. 12: 241-284. N3. K83, v. 12 Garden suburbs, town planning and modern architecture; with contributions by [var- ious authors]. London: T. F. Unwin, 1910. 132 p. Hampstead Garden suburb trust, ltd. The proposed garden suburb at Hampstead. [London, 1906.] Hampstead tenants, ltd. Cottages with gar- dens for Londoners. 52 p. Report, Jan. 1908. Town planning and modern architecture at the Hampstead garden suburb. London [etc.]: T. F. Unwin, 1909. 105 p. NA7333. H3T7 Hitchln. Bastin, S. L. The making of a garden city. Progress of the great experiment at Hitch- in. World's work and play, Jan. 1905, V. 5: 149-153. AP4. W85, v. 5 Letchworth. Bremmer, C. S. GaMen city, the housing experiment at Letchworth. Fortnightly review, Sept. 1910, v. 94: 512-526. AP4. F7, V. 94 First g.arden city, limited, Letchworth, Eng. Letchworth garden city in pictures. Letch- worth [1910?] cxxj p. HT "Where shall I live?" Guide to Letchworth (Garden City) and catalogue of the 1907 Urban housing and rural home- steads exhibition. London: First garden city ltd. [1907.] 208 p. HD7573. L5F6 Growth of Garden City. The evolution of an idea. Progress of the work at Letch- worth. Municipal journal, Dec. 28, 1906, v. 15: 1325-1326. TDL M93, v. 15 The growth of Garden City. A view of the development of "Garden City" at Letch- worth. Municipal journal, June 15, 1906, V. 15: 649-650. TDl. M93, v. 15 Letchworth. Outlook, May 12, 1906, v. 83: 83-84. AP2. 08, v. 83 SPECIAL LIBKARIES 115 Wk. A successful social experiment. A. A. C. Queen's quarterly, Oct.-Dec. 1909, v. 17: 148-15;J. AP5. Q3, v. 17 An account of the garden city experi- ment at Letchworth, England. Swift, Samuel. The garden city. Indoors and out, Nov .-Dec. 1905, v. 1: 90-95; 137- 145. An account of Letchworth. NA7100. 14, V. 1 Liverpool. Liverpool garden suburb tenants, ltd. Pros- pectus, July 13, 1910. The port of Liverpool; its rise and progress. Published under the sanction of the Mer- sey docks and harbour board by Little- bury bros., Liverpool. London. Acland, F. A. The transportation system of the world's greatest city. Booklovers' magazine, Aug. 1903, v. 2: 175-189. AP2. A59, V. 2 Barry, John W. London street traffic. En- gineering (London), Nov. 17, 1899, v. 68: 636-637. TAl. E55, v. 68 Blackshaw, Randall. Ivondon in transform- ation. Century magazine, Jan. 1905, v. 69: 323-340. AP2. C4, v. 69 Cecil, Hon. Mrs. Evelyn. London parks and gardens. 1907. Chancellor, E. B. History of the squares of London. London, 1907. 420 p. DA689. S7C5 Squares and open spaces of Lon- don. Nineteenth century, Dec. 1907, v. 62: 949-957. AP4. N7, v. 62 Cole, Nathan. The royal parks and gardens of London, their history and mode of em- bellishment, with hints on the propaga- tion and culture of the plants employed, the artistic arrangement of colours, etc London: Journal of horticulture office, 1877. 131 p. DA689. P2C6 Dobson, Austin. St. James park. Living age, Oct. 19, 1901, v. 231: 162-171. AP2. L65, V. 231 Donald, Robert. Street railways in British towns; municipal systems compared with company enterprises. Municipal affairs. Mar. 1900, v. 4: 31-39. JS39. M2, v. 4 Elmes, James. Metropolitan improvements: or, London in the nineteenth century. 1827. Essays on the street re-alignment, recon- struction, and sanitation of central Lon- don, and on the re-housing of the poorer classes. London: G. Bell and sons, 1886. 276 p. DA683. E78 Eversley, lord. Commons, forests and foot- paths. London: Cassell. Chiefly relative to London, Fitzgerald, Percy. London city suburbs as they are today. Fleming, Owen. The achitectural develop- ment of London. American architect, Jan. 10, 1903, V. 79: 11-13. NAl. A32, v. 79 Geddes, Patrick. Syllabus of a series of ten lectures on the study of London. [Lon- don] : Printed for the London County coun- cil by Southwood, Smith and co., ltd., 1909. 5 p. HT "Books recommended for reference": [1] p. at end. Graffenried, Clare de. London parks for the people. Chautauquan, June, 1893, v. 17: 336-339. AP2. C48, v. 17 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Report of the London traffic branch of the Board of trade. 1907-'08-date. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., 1908-date. HE4719. L71A8 Parliament. Joint select commit- tee on London underground railways. Re- port on underground railways. Lon- don: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Wyman & sons, 1901. 435 p. HE5486. L8G7 Royal commission on London traf- fic. Report on the means of locomotion and transport in London. London: Print- ed for H. M. Stationery off., by Wyman & sons, 1905. 8 v. (Parliament. Papers by command. 1905, Cd. 2597; 1906, cds. 2751; 2752; 2987; 2798; 2743; 2744.) J301. K6 1905, V. 30; 1906, v. 40-46 Haw, G. No room to live. The plaint of overcrowded London. 2d ed. enl. Lon- don, 1900. Heath, F. G. Parks and commons in and around London. History of park move- ments and park laws. Hill, O. Parks for London. Map showing park areas. Nineteenth century magazine, 1888, V. 23: 181-188. AP4. N7, v. 23 Holland, B. London playgrounds. Macmil- lan's magazine, Aug, 1882, v. 46: 321-324. AP4. M2, V. 46 Hyde park in days gone by. Pall mall maga- zine, June, 1897, v. 12: 239-251. AP4. P17, V. 12 Jephson, Henry. The majiing of modern London. London: [The London liberal federation] Bowers brothers, printers, 1910. 321 p. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 of pt, 1 discuss im- provements of streets and buildings, parks and open spaces; pt. 2, chap. 4, improvements. Knowles, C. M, The housing problem in London, London, 1899. (London reform union, Pam, 81.) Bibliography: p. 21. Larwood, Jacob. The story of the London parks. .London, 1885. 490 p. Lefevre, G. Shaw. London street improve- ments. Contemporary review, Feb. 1899, v. 75: 203-217. AP4. C7, v. 75 Lenox, H. G. London public parks. Time, 1879, V. 1: 275-283, 431-439. 116 SPECIAL LIBKAKIES Loftie, W. J. London city. Its history. streets, traflBc, buildings, people. London, 1891. London. Board of trade. Report of the London traflSc branch of the Board of trade. 1911. County council. Publications. Var- ious publications relative to city planning as found in list of publications 1900 and 1909. Port of London authority. Report, 1910-11. Parks dept. London parks and open spaces. [London] : Print- ed by Southwood, Smith and co., ltd., 1906. 91 p. SB485. L84A4 1906 London in the future. "Westminster review, Oct. 1909, V. 172: 418-427. AP4. W5, v. 172 London parks. Popular history. Chambers's journal, 1891, v. 8: 337. Loudon, J. C. Hints respecting the manner of laying out the public squares of Lon- don. Literary journal, 1803, v. 2: 739. The lungs of London. Blackwood's maga- zine, Aug. 1839, V. 46: 212-227. AP4. B6, V. 46 Macassey, L. Transportation facilities and street railway traffic. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1906, v. 27: 66-71. HI. A4, T. 27 Martin, John. Thames and metropolis im- provement plan. 2d division. London: [J. Plummer, printer] 1849. 59 p. TD64. L.8M32 Thames and metropolis improve- ment plan. 3d division. London, 1846. 8 p. TD64. L8M3 Meath, earl of. London city council and open spaces. New review, Nov. 1892, v. 7: 701-707. AP4. N622, v. 7 Lungs for our great cities. New review, May, 1890, v. 2: 432-443. AP4. N622, V. 2 The possibility of metropolitan parks. New review, July, 1894, v. 11: 201- 208. AP4. N622, v. 11 Meik, Charles S., and Walter Beer. Im- provements of London traffic. Paper read before the Society of engineers at the Royal United Service Institution, June 5, 1905. London: P. S. King & son, 1905. Metropolitan public gardens association, London. Annual report. 1883-date. Lon- don, 1884-date. SB485. L84M6 Mitton, Geraldine. Maps of old London. London, 1908. Observations on the buildings, improve- ments, and extension of the metropolis [London] of late years; with some sug- gestions, etc. London, 1825. Same in Pamphleteer, 1825, v. 25: 277-340. Oliver, E. London open spaces. Atlanta, 1895, V. 8: 490. Parks of London. Temple bar, v. 33: 504- 516. AP4. T4, V. 33 Riley, W. E. The architectural work of the London county council. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, Apr. 24, 1909, 3d ser., v. 16: 413-438. Discussion: p. 438-442. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 16 "Rus in urbe". Plea for more parks. Spec- tator, V. 66: 825. Sexby, John J. The municipal parks, gar- dens, and open spaces of London; their history and associations. London: E. Stock, 1898. 646 p. DA689. P2S5 Sommerfeld, V. Transportation facilities of London. World's work (London), Jan. 1907, V. 9: 173-175. AP4. W85, v. 9 Staley, E. Parks and squares of London. Fortnightly review, Feb. 1907, v. 87: 311- 324. AP4. F7, v. 87 Stead man, W. C. Overcrowding in London and its remedy. A speech with the text of the Housing of the working classes act, 1900. London, 1900. (Fabian tracts, no. 103.) [Stuart, James.] Critical observations on the buildings and improvements of Lon- don. London, [1771]. 51 p. NA9188. L6S8 Of historical interest only, including some severe criticisms of certain Lon- don squares. Swinton, G. S. C. London congestion and cross-traffic. Nineteenth century and af- ter. May, 1903, v. 53: 821-833. AP4. N7, V. 53 London traffic. Society of arts. Journal, Mar. 2, 1906, v. 54: 437-453. Tl. S64, v. 54 Taylor, John. Adjourned discussion on Mr. Waterhouse's paper: "Some observations on the report of the Royal commission on London traffic, with special reference to the proposed formation of new thorough- fares. Royal institute of architects. Jour- nal, June 16, 1906, 3d ser., v. 13: 418-426. NA12. R65, 3d ser., v. 13 Thompson, W. Town planning in practice, y with an account of the Ruislip (Middle- sex) town planning scheme. Tlirough the parks. Temple bar, 1871, v. 33: 504. AP4. T4, V. 33 Traffic problem in London. Scientific Amer- ican, Apr. 29, 1911, V. 104: 428-429. Tl. S5, V. 104 Twelvetrees, W. N. London street traffic regulation. Builder, 1907, v. 93: 381-383. Victoria memorial, accepted design, plan and plates. Builder, Aug. 3, 1901, p. 95-96, Nov. 2, 1901, p. 377-378. Walters, L. London parks. Chautauquan, Sept. 1899. Watertiouse, Paul. The architectural asso- ciation; laying out London. Builder, 1901, V. 93: 639-645. Architect and contract re- porter, 1907, V. 78: 378-380, 393-395. SPECIAL LIBRARIES 117 Some observations on the report of the Royal commission on London traf- fic. With special reference to the pro- posed formation of new thoroughfares. Royal institute of British architects. Jour- nal, May 26, 1906, 3d ser., v. 13: 373-386. Discussion: p. 386-389. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 13 Watkins, M. G. In an English park. Once a week, May 16, 1867, v. 16: 299-302. AP4. 04, V. 16 Watt, F. Hyde park. Art journal, 1896, v. 12: 225-228. Nl. A5, v. 12 Webber, W. H. Y. How Londoners will get about in the twentieth century. Pall Mall magazine, July, 1902, v. 27: 409-418. AP4. P17, V. 27 Manchester. Barmen workingmen's dwellings co. Hous- ing conditions in Manchester and Salford. 98, 99 p. Manchester tenants ltd. Report, Nov. 1908. Middlesbrough. Burgess, S. E. Town planning for Middles- brough. Town planning review, Oct. 1911, V. 2: 200-206. Newcastle. Cackett, J. T. Newcastle improvements. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, 1906, 3d ser. v. 13: 136-144. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 13 Peterton, Wales. Peterton, Wales. Outlook, Jan. 13, 1906, v. 82: 59. AP2. 08, v. 82 Port Sunlight. Barton, G. E. Port Sunlight. A model Eng- lish village. Architectural review, 1899, V. 6: 62-66. NAl. A69, v. 6 Beeson, EJdward W. Port Sunlight; the model village of England, a collection of photographs. New York city, N. Y.: The Architectural book pub. co., 1911. 45 p. NA7558. P7B4 Benoit-Levy, Georges. The garden city. Chap. II. Port Sunlight. Supplement to "Progress," Oct. 1904. Translated from Le Mus6e social, 1904. Berlepsch-Valendas, H. E. von. Englische Arbeiterdorfer, II. Port Sunlight. Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, 1907, v. 10: 352-378. N3. K83. V. 10 Garden cities — Port Sunlight. Boston. Chamber of commerce news, July 10, 1911. George, W. L. Labour and housing at Port Sunlight. London: A. Rivers, ltd., 1909. 218 p. HD7573. P8G5 Lever, W. H. The buildings erected at Port Sunlight and Thornton Hough. Paper read Mar. 21, 1903. Port Sunlight, 1905. Lever bros., ltd. Port Sunlight and pros- perity sharing. [Port Sunlight], 1907. 48 p. Northcroft, J. G. H. Port Sunlight. An in- dustrial village of beautiful cottages near Chester, England. Indoors and out, 1906, v. 2: 1-8, 65-69. Priestman, Mabel T. Port Sunlight. Amer- ican homes and gardens, 1907, v. 4: 395- 400. The progress of Port Sunlight. Illustrated London news, Oct. 15, 1898, p. 564. Richmond. Thompson, W. Housing of the working classes, with a description of the Rich- mond municipal cottages. [Richmond, 1899.] Salford. Barmen workingmen's dwellings co. Hous- ing conditions in Manchester and Salford. 98, 99 p. Sheffield. Gibbs, Edward M. Future extension of the suburbs of Sheffield. Data and tentative proposals for consideration as a basis for the preparation of a town planning scheme. Lecture delivered. .. .Mar. 9, 1911. Swansea, Wales. Bell, George. "Floreat Swansea". A town planning report. Municipal journal, July 1, 1911, V. 20: 612. TDl. M93, v. 20 Thornton Houg,h, Cheshire. Bare, H. B. Thornton Hough, Cheshire; a rebuilt village. International studio, Mar. 1904, V. 22: 30-38. Nl. 16, v. 22 West Bromwich. Institution of municipal and county engin- eers. Conference held at West Bromwich, 1911. Housing and town planning con- ference, ed. by T. Cole. Yarmouth. Town planning at Yarmouth. Municipal journal, Sept. 20, 1907, v. 16: 805. TDl. M93, V. 16 BRITISH COLONIES. CANADA. Montreal. Olmsted, F. L. Mount Royall, Montreal. New York. 1881. 80 p. Plan for improvements of Montreal. Cana- dian municipal journal, June 1908. Ottawa. Moffett, S. E. Ottawa, "the Washington of the North". Collier's weekly, Aug. 25, 1906, V. 37: 16-17. AP2. C65, v. 37 Prince Rupert, B. C. Grand trunk Pacific railway. Prince Ru- pert, B. C. Pacific coast terminus. Mon- treal, 1909. Hall, G. D. The future Prince Rupert as conceived by the landscape architects. Architectural record, Aug. 1909, v. 26: 97- 106. NAl. A6, V. 26 Toronto. Toronto. Civic guild. Monthly bulletin, v. 1, no. 1-6. 1911. Committee on civic improve- ments. Report, June 10, 1910. 7 p. ^ 118 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Report 1911. 32 p. Toronto guild of civic art. Report on a comprehensive plan for systematic civic improvements in Toronto. 1909. Winnipeg. Randal, F. H. Winnipeg as a city beautiful. How "Boulevarding" increases the value of property. Canada, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 9: 85-86. FlOOl. C15, v. 9 Winnipeg, Canada. Public parks board. Historical annual report, 1892-1905. 51 p. AUSTRALIA. Sydney. Jemmett, A. R. The improvement of the city of Sydney and its suburbs. Royal institute of British architects. Journal, May 7, 1910, 3d ser., v. 17: 533-540. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 17 Solman, J. The improvement of Sydney, N. S. W. Royal institute of British archi- tects. Journal, 1909, 3d ser. v. 16: 713- 715. NA12. R65, 3d ser. v. 16 Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope. Annual reports of the curators and superintendents of public gardens. Cape Tov?n, 1889-date. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command.) SB485. C3 INDIA. Stoughton, C. W. A report on the parks of the cities of the Far East as observed by one of the Committee on parks and park- ways of the North side board of trade. Dec. 1905. New York, 1905. 20 p. China, Japan and India. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Budapest. Meyer, S, M. Impressions of Budapest. Architectural record, Dec. 1909, v. 26: 428- 439. NAl. A6, v. 26 Terhune, E. B. Budapest, a modem city. National magazine. Mar. 1900, v. 11: 655- 661. AP2. N34, v. 11 Vienna. Abercrombie, P. Vienna. Town planning review, Oct. 1910, v. 1: 220-234. City planning in Vienna. Municipal engin- eering, July, 1911, v. 41: 21-25. TDl. M9, V. 41 Lotz, A. Projekt zur Schaffung eines Kaiser Franz Josef-Jubilaumsplatzes in Wien. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur und Architek- ten-Verein. Zeitschrift, Jan. 11, 1901, v. 53: 17-22. TA3. 03, v. 53 Philippe, Rene. Travaux d'assainissement et de embellissement de la ville de Vienne. G6nie civil, Sept. 7, 1901, v. 39: 297-303. TA2. G3, v. 39 Schmidkunz, H. Wiener Baufragen. Stadte- bau, 1909, no. 4: 46-51. Der Wald- und Wresengiirtel und die Ho- henstrasse der Stadt Wien, 1905. j Weliiscli, Sigmund. Der Behsel'sche Plan 1 von Wien. Osterreichischer Ingenieur- ' und Architekten-Verein. Zeitschrift, Nov. 16, 1900, V. 52: 715-717. TA3. 03, v. 52 Wien im Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts. Redigiert von Kortz. 2 v. Some of the plates show parks, squares and boule- J vards of Vienna. 1 BELGIUM. Brussels. Gerbeault, Maurice. The esthetic improve- ment of Brussels. House and garden, Jan. 1903, v. 3: 20-25. NA7100. H6, v. 3 Robinson, Charles M. Belgium's art cru- sade. Harper's magazine, Feb. 1902, v. 104: 443-452. AP2. H3, v. 104 FRANCE. Benoit-Levy, Georges. Towards the idea of garden cities in France. Millgate montii- ly, Oct. 1907: 30-35. Poisson, Jules. Memoir on town gardening in France. [Manchester, Examiner print- ing works, 1891.] 8 p. (In Manchester field-naturalists' and archaeologists' so- ciety, Manchester, Eng. Report and pro- ceedings, 1890. Manchester, 1891. app.) QHl. M3 Dourges. Benoit-Levy, Georges. Dourges: The first model garden-village in France. Ameri- can city, Aug. 1910, v. 3: 77-81. HT Havre. Ferme, Gabriel. Etude sur le projet d'agrandissement du Port, du Havre. [Paris?] 1909. 8 p. TC272. H3F5 Paris. Abercrombie, P. Paris: some influences that have shaped its growth. Town plan- ning review, July, 1911, v. 2: 113-123; Oct. 1911, V. 2: 216-224. Alphand, J. C. A. Les promenades de Paris. Paris, 1867-1873. 2 v. Les travaux de Paris, 1798-1899. Paris: Impr. nationale, 1889. Bingham, E. A. and W. Rocques. The trees of Paris. Technical world magazine, Jan. 1909, v. 10: 445-452. Tl. T2, v. 10 Carey, Arthur. How Paris is solving munic- ipal problems. Enormous expenditure proposed for the beautification and mod- ernization of the city. World's work (Lon- don), June 1908, v. 12: 40-44. AP4. W85, V. 12 Chargueraud, A. Les arbres de la ville de Paris. Traite des plantations d'aligne- ment et d'ornement dans les villes et sur les routes d6part6mentales; installations, culture, taille, 61agage entretien, rem- placement, rendement, d§penses, legisla- tion. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1896. 332 p. SPECIAL LIBRAKIES 119 David, A. C. Innovations in the street arch- itecture of Paris. Architectural record, Aug. 1908, V. 24: 109-128. NAl. A6, v. 24 Dimnet, E. Improving Paris. Living age, Jan. 21, 1911, v. 268: 183-185. AP2. L65, V. 268 Forestier, J. C. N. Grandes villes et sys- temes de pares, Paris: Hachette et cie., 1906. Reviewed in Architectural record, .June 1907, V. 21: 482-483. Haussmann, G. E., baron. M6moires. 2. 6d. Paris: Victor-Havard, 1890. 2 vols. DC280. 5. H3A2 Henard, E. Les espaces libres et les forti- fications. Le projet de Dausset et le projet du musee social. Paris: Impr. de la cour d'appel, 1909. 12 p. iitudes sur les transportations de Paris. Paris, 1905. Laborde, L. E. S. J. Projets pour ram61io- ration et lembellissements du lOe arron- dissement. Paris, 1842. Martin, Leon, ed. Encyclop6die municipals de la ville de Paris. Paris, G. Rousian, 1904. 2 V. Supplement. .. .Plans des vingt arrondissements de Paris, par D. AitofE. Paris, 1901. 48 p. Encyclopedic municipale de la ville de Paris Supplement de 1904. Paris: G. Roustan, 1904. 54 p. JS5120. M2 Rey, Augustin. The Rothschild artizan'a dwellings in Paris. Studio, Mar. 15, 1906. Robinson, C. M. Municipal art in Paris. Harper's monthly, July 1901, v. 103: 265- 267. AP2. H3, v. 103 Schopfer, Jean. Open-air life in a great city. Architectural record, Feb. 1903, v. 13: 157-168. NAl. A6, v. 13 Seine (Dept.). Direction des travaux de Paris. Recueil des clauses connues sous le nom de Reserves domaniales, imposfies aux acqu^reurs de biens nationaux ou hospitallers et de celles consenties par divers proprigtaires, pour I'enlargisse- ment our le percement des voles pu- bliques dans la ville de Paris, depuis I'an- n^e 1790. 3. 6d. Paris, Impr. Chaix, Impr. et librairie centrales des chemins de fer, Society anonyme, 1897. 125 p. DC709. S4 Smitii, Edward R. The topographical evo- lution of the city of Paris. House and garden, Aug.-Dec. 1904, v. 6: 49-59, 129-142, 190-203, 227-239, 275-289. NA7100. H6, v. 6 Extensive bibliography at end of each article. Topographical transformation of Paris under Napoleon III. Architec- tural record, Aug. Sept. Nov. 1907, v. 22: 121-133, 227-238, 369-385, 491-506; Jan. 1908, V. 23: 21-38. NAl. A6, v. 22,23 Societe des amis des monuments parisiens. Protestations contre la mutilation de I'Esplanades des invalides par I'etablisse- ment d'une gare sur son emplacement. Macon, 1893. The streets and street plan of Paris; a les- son in municipal esthetics. (Editorial correspondence.) Elngineering news, June 2, 1904, v. 51: 525-527. TAl. E6, v. 51 Thompson, A. J. Underground railway con- struction in Paris. Cassier's magazine. Mar. 1909, v. 35: 551-558. TAl. C34, v. 35 Trosl4 NOV 1 8 1964 MAR 15 1973-77 LD 21-50wi-6,'59 fA2845slO)476 General Library University of Califoraia "'■''"''^fr^'s«ARiEs C03^■p^^a^^ i ; ' i