iO 5452 ^ # A THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 'lilNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEQo t-A JOLLA. CALIFORNIA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED Br JOHN C. FRANK I^EW YORK: PUBLIC LIBRARY I 9 l6 NOTE This list ciuilains titles of zcorks in The Nezu York Public Library on January 1, 1916. The books and articles mentioned herein arc in the Reference Department, in the Central Building of the Library at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. They must be consulted in the Building, as they may not be lent for home use. The Branches of the Library contain many books of current and historical interest on this subject, and these books may be borrozved for outside use. Reprinted May 1916 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Library OF January 1916 form iJ-65 U-31-ie 350l ^s TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Bibliography --------._.. \_ 2 History General Works ----------- 7- A Special Periods -------.___ 4_it International Relations General Works ----------- \\-\i Special Periods ----------- 12-17 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty ---..---. 17-18 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty --------- 18-19 Tolls Question ----------- 19-22 Darien Route General Works ----------- 22-23 Special Periods ----------- 23-26 Nicaragua Route General Works ----------- 26-27 Special Periods ----------- 27-36 Panama Canal Periodicals ------------35 Commercial and Economic Aspects ------- 36-39 History ------------ 40-57 General Works ---------- 40-42 Special Periods ---------- 42-57 Engineering Aspects ---------- 57-64 French Period ---------- 57-58 American Period ---------- 58-64 Sanitation ------------ 65-66 Fortification ------------ 66-67 Maps and Views ----------- 67-69 Poetry -----.----.--69 Tehuantepec Route ----------- 69-71 Index -_----.----.-- 73-90 ■'/ [iii] AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS A LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Compiled by John C. Frank This list does not include United States government publications, which, up to 1899, are covered by the Bibliography of United States public documents relating to intcroceanic communication across Nicaragua, etc., issued by the office of the Superintendent of Documents, and reissued in 1900 as an appendix to the List of books and articles. . .relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes, by H. A. Morrison, Jr. For later government documents see the indexes to government publications. For the early diplomatic correspon- dence relating to canal projects see Index to United States documents relating to foreign affairs 1828-1861, by Adelaide R. Hasse, issued by the Carnegie Institution, 1914. The reader should consult, for British documents, the indexes to the Parliamentary Papers. Bibliography. History. International Relations. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. Tolls Question. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Darien Route. Nicaragua Route. Panama Canal. Periodicals. Economic and Commercial Aspects. History. Panama Canal — continued. Engineering Aspects. Sanitation. Fortifications. Maps and Views. Poetry. Tehuantepec Route. Bibliography Arias, Harmodio. The Panama canal: a study in international law and diplomacy. London: P. S. King and Son, 1911. vii, 192 p. 8°. TSB Bibliography, p. xi-xiv. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Interoceanic communication. (In his: New Pacific. New York, 1913. 12°. p. 199-209.) ICI Bibliography, p. 208-209. Bureau of American Republics. The in- teroceanic canal. (In: Bureau of American Republics. Bulletin. Washington, 1892. 8°. no. 51, p. 42-55, 105-108.) HMR Bibliography, p. 105-108. Channing, Edward, and others. Guide to the study and reading of American his- tory. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1912. xvi, 650 p. 8°. Desk - Room 300 Davis, Charles Henry. List of the prin- cipal authorities relating to projects of interoceanic communication through the American isthmus. (In his: Report on in- teroceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Washington. 1867. 2. ed. 8°. p. 31-37.) TPV Also printed in 39. cong., 1. sess. S. ex. doc. 62, p. 24-28. Enock, C. Reginald. The Panama canal (its past, present, and future). London: Collins' Clear-Type Press, n.d. 262 p. 16°. TSB Bibliography, p. 255. Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- lie. Panama and the canal to-day. An his- torical account of the canal project from the earliest times... Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1910. xiii p., 1 1., 433 p., 2 maps, 43 pi. 8°. TSB Bibliography, p. 422-427. Levy, Pablo. Notas geograficas y eco- nomicas sobre la repiiblica de Nicaragua. Paris: D. Schmitz, 1873. xvi, 627(1) p. 8°. HMR Canal americano en general, p. 610-612. Morrison, Hugh Alexander. List of books and articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes. (Nicaragua; Panama; Darien, and the val- ley of the Atrato; Tehuantepec and Hon- duras; Suez Canal.) By Hugh A. Morrison, jr., of the Library of Congress. With an appendix: Bibliography of United States public documents. Prepared in the office [ 1 ] THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bibliography, continued. of Superintendent of Documents. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1900. 174 p. 8°. (U. S. 56. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. 59.) TS p.v.2, no.l4 Nourse, Joseph Everett. The maritime canal of Suez from its inauguration, No- vember 17, 1869 to the year 1884. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1884. 164 p. 8°. (U. S. 48. cong., 1. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 198.) TSBp.v.73,no.lO Chief official documents of the United States government on the canal across the American isthmus, p. 154-157. Singh, Saint Nihal. The Panama canal: its importance and possibilities. (London quarterly review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 122 [Series 5, v. 8,, p. 222-241.) * DA Bibliography, p. 222. Sullivan, John T. Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by way of the American isthmus. Washing- ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1883. 219 p.. 28 maps. 4°. (U. S. Navigation Bureau. Navy De- partment.) t TS Bibliography, p. 214-219. Also in U. S. 47. cong., 2. sess. H. ex. doc. 107. United States. — Superintendent of Docu- ments. Bibliography of United States pub- lic documents relating to interoceanic com- munication across Nicaragua, isthmus of Panama, isthmus of Tehuantepec, etc. Pre- pared in the office of Superintendent of Documents. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1899. 29 p. 8°. TS p.v.2, no.l3 This list was afterwards completed to 1900, and published as an appendix to "List of books and articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and rail- way routes" by Hugh A. Morrison. Writings on American history. 1903, 1906-13. v.p., 1905-15. 8°. Desk - Room 300 History s. i: General Works Abert, Sylvanus Thayer. Is a ship canal practicable? Notes, historical and statisti- cal, upon the projected routes for an inter- oceanic ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in which is included a short account of the character and influence of the canal of Suez, and the probable effects upon the commerce of the world of the two canals, regarded either as rivals, or as part of one system of interoceanic navigation. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll & Co., 1872. 88 p., 5 maps. 2. ed. 8°. TSB Alexander, J. H. Memoir on routes of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (In: J. A. Rockwell. Canal or railroad between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Report... n. p. [1849.] 8°. p. 33- 61.) TSB Ammen, Daniel. The American inter- oceanic ship canal question. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1880. 102 p. 8°. TSB Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant. Search for a strait and early efforts for a canal. (In his: Old Panama and Castilla de Oro. Boston, 1914. 8°. p. 293-318.) HCB Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Interoceanic communication, 1801-1887. (In his: History of Central America. San Francisco, 1887. 8°. V. 3, p. 689-746.) KM (In his: New Pacific. New York, 1900. 8°. p. 379-389.) ICI Bibliography, p. 388-389. (In his: New Pacific. New York. 1913. 12°. p. 199-209.) ICI Bibliography, p. 208-209. Blunt, Stanhope E. Canals on the Ameri- can isthmus. A paper read before the Con- temporary Club, Davenport, Iowa, January 18, 1900. Davenport, Iowa: The Contem- porary Club, 1900. 26 p.. 4 maps. 8°. TSBp.v.65,no.l8 Congres international d'etudes du canal interoceanique. Paris, 1879. Compte rendu des seances. Paris: E. Martinet, 1879. 666 p., 1 1., 3 maps, 1 plan. 4°. fTSB Instructions to Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen and Civil Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. Navy, — and reports of the proceed- ings of the congress. Washington. 1879. 21 p. 8°. TSBp.v.25, no.ll Cullen, Edward. On the surveys of pro- posed lines for a ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. On the isth- mus of Darien and the ship canal. 1 map. (Society of Engineers. Transactions. Lon- don, 186c# 8°. p. 15-38.) VDA Davis, Charles Henry. Report on vari- ous proposed lines for interoceanic canals between Atlantic and Pacific oceans. July 12, 1866. Washington, 1866. 28 p., 13 maps. 8°. (U. S. 39. cong., 1. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 62.) *SBE Reprinted, with additions, in 1867, TPV. Report on interoceanic communi- cations at American isthmus. Jan. 11, 1870. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS fjistory — General Works, continued. Washington. 1870. 37 p. ^8°. ^ |U. S.^^L cong., 2. sess. House ex. doc. 113.) "Contains nineteen papers translated from Spanish official documents, covering a period of more ttian thirty years, 1757-1788." Fitz-Roy, Robert. Considerations on the great isthmus of Central America. [The question of a union of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by a navigable channel.] 1 map. (Royal Geographical Society Jour- nal London, 1850. 8°. v. 20, p. 161-189.) KAA Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- lie. Canal exploration. illus. (In his: America's insular possessions. Philadel- phia, 1906. 12°. V. 1, p. 363-385.) ICI Forrest, Archibald Stevenson. Canal projects: old and new. (In his: A tour through South America. London, 1913. b p. 72-96.) HCY Hart, Albert Bushnell, editor. Extracts from official papers relating to the Isth- mian canal. 1515-1909. rNew York:, P. P. Simmons, 1910. 31 p. 12°. (American his- tory leaflets, no. 34.) IAKj Humboldt, Friedrich Heinricli Alexander, Freiherr von. Considerations generales sur la possibilite de joindre la mer du Sud a I'ocean Atlantique. (In his: Essai politique sur le rovaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Paris, ISl'l. 8°. v. 1, ch. 2.) HTY Same, in English. (In his: Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. London, 1811. 8°. v. 1, ch. 2_) H. 1 I (In his: Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. New York, 1811. 8°. v. 1, ch. 2.) HTY Same, in Spanish. (In his: Ensayo politico sobre el reino de la Nueva- Espana. Paris, 1822. 8°. v. 1, ch. 2.) rl i I A letter of Alexander von Hum- boldt 1845. (American historical review. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. 8°. v. 7, p. 704-706.) lAA Hurst, Thomas Wright. Isthmus of Pana- ma, Nicaragua, canal routes, etc. Compiled bv T W Hurst from various authorities. [New York:] T. W. Hurst, 1898. 2 p.l., 98 p 2 maps. sq. 4°. t TSB Jeans, James Stephen. Waterways and water transportation in different countries: with a description of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1890. xx, 507 ix 8°. TS Lull, Edward Phelps, and Frederick Col- lins. Reports of explorations for the loca- / tion of interoceanic ship-canals through the \ isthmus of Panama and by the valley of the / River Napipi by U. S. naval expeditions, 1875. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1879^. 124 p., 8 diagr., 3 maps, 2 plans. 4°. TS Miller, Jacob William. Where to build the Isthmian canal, n.p., n.d. 16 p. 8°. TSBp.v.28, no.l6 Morrison, George Austin, the younger, compiler. Compilation of executive docu- ments and diplomatic correspondence rela- tive to a trans-isthmian canal in Central America. tCompiled by G. A. Morrison, jr., for Sullivan and Cromwell.] New York: Evening Post Job Printing House, 1899. 3v. 4°. TSB V Liot, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec; or. Considerations upon the question of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. London, 1849. vi, 63p. 8°. TSB Nourse, Joseph Everett. Interoceanic communication across Central America. (Franklin Institute. Journal. New \ork, 1871-72 8° V. 92, p. 97-105. 161-167, 30-- 309, 377-383; v. 93, p. 305-313; v. 95, p. 89- 98.) VA Peddie, H. J. Canal projects in the isthmus of Panama and adjacent regions. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edin- burgh, 1911. 8°. V. 27, p. 13-18.) KAA Pirn, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan. The gate of the Pacific. London, 1863. xn% 432 p., 7 maps. 8°. TSB Pitman, Robert Birks. A succinct view and analysis of authentic information ex- tant in original works, on the practicability j of joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by ship canal across the isthmus of Amer- ica London: printed for J. M. Richardson and J. Hatchard, 1825. viii, 229 p., lb. 1 map. 8°. TSB Reviewed in Monthly review, London, v. 107, p. 193, * DA. Pouchet, James, and Gustave Sautereau. Examen comparatif des divers projets de canaux inter-oceaniques par I'isthme de Darien et le lac de Nicaragua. Pans: E. Lacroix, 1876. 31 p. 4°. t TSB The Practicability and importance of a ship canal to connect the Atlantic & Pacitic oceans. With a history of the enterprise from its inception to the completion of the surveys. New York: G. F. Nesbitt & Co prtrs., 1855. 77 p., 1 map. 8 . TSB Rockwell, John Arnold. Canal or rail- road between the Atlantic and Pacitic oceans. Report by J. A. Rockwell from the select committee upon the subject, 164^ n p. [1849.] 678 p., 1 U 1 chart, 1 diagr., 12 maps, 2 plans. 8°. (U. S. Committee on Routes between Atlantic & Pacific Occ^ns^ 30 cong., 2 sess. H. rept. 145.) TbB This report includes "Memoir on routes of com; munication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by J. H. Alexander. / / < THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. >■ / Stuckle, Henry. Interoceanic canals; an y essaj- on the question of the location for a - ship canal across the American continent. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1870. 2 p.l., iv, 137 p., 3 maps. 8°. TSB Sullivan, John T. Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by- way of the American isthmus. Washing- ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1883. 219 p., 28 maps. 4°. (U. S. Navigation Bureau. Navy Dept.) fTS Bibliography, p. 214-219. Also in U. S. 47. cong., 2. sess. H. ex. doc. 107. Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley. Historical account of isthmian projects. An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 53-60.) XBA Wenmaekers, Jer. La lumiere sur Mon- sieur de Lesseps, son canal de Suez, son projet du canal interoceanique de Panama et un mot sur le projet du canal de Nica- ragua. Bruxelles: Decq & Duhent [1880?]. 15 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.3 Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte, and '^ -/' others. Canal interoceanique 1877-1878. Rapports sur les etudes de la Commission internationale d'exploration de I'isthme americain. Paris: A. Lahure, 1879. 294 p., 1 1., 1 map, 1 pi. sq. 4°. t TSB Special Periods 1825-26 Atlantic and Pacific canal. (Niles' regis- ter. Baltimore, 1825-26. 8°. v. 28, p. 152- 153; V. 31, p. 72-73.) * DA 1827 Note sur la communication proposee entre les oceans Atlantique et Pacifique. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1827. 8°. V. 8, p. 111-144.) KAA 1830 Jonction de I'ocean Atlantique avec la mer du Sud. (Societe de geographic. Bul- letin. Paris, 1830. 8°. v. 13, p. 255-258.) KAA 1836 Radcliff, Samuel. Considerations on the subject of a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by means of a ship-canal across the isthmus, which con- nects North and South America; and the best means of effecting it, and permanently securing its benefits for the world at large, by means of a co-operation between indi- viduals or companies of different nations and the patronage of their respective gov- ernments. By a citizen of New York [Sam- uel Radcliff]. Georgetown, D. C: The Met- ropolitan Office, 1836. 28 p., 2 maps. 8°. TSB p.v.47, no.6 1839 The Projected ship canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (Democratic review. Washington, D. C, 1839. 8°. v. 6, p. 287-307, 413-424.) * DA 1843 Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (Penny magazine. London, 1843. 8°. V. 12, p. 397-399, 404-406, 414-416.) * DA 1845 Bryan, John A. Union of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, at or near the isthmus of Panama, examined and discussed by J. / A. Bryan. . .in a series of letters addressed ^, to the National Institute, at Washington. [Washington: the institute, 1845.] 27 p. 8°. TSB p.v.61, no.l2 Projected ship canal across the great American isthmus. (Foreign quarterly re- view. London, 1845. 8°. v. 34, p. 389-400.) *DA 1847 Glynn, Joseph. A review of the plans which have been proposed for connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, by a navigable canal. 1 map. (Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. London, 1847. 8°. v. 6, p. 399-430.) VDA Whitney, A. Intercommunication be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1847. 8°. v. 4, p. 164-176.) TAA 1848 California, New Mexico, and the passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1848. 8°. V. 6, p. 204-226.) TAA 1849 Buelow, Alexander von. Die Canalisi- rung des Isthmus. (In his: Der Freistaat Nicaragua. Berlin, 1849. 12°. p. 40-56.) HMR Intercommunication between the Atlan- tic and Pacific oceans. (De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1849. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-37.) TAA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS History — Special Periods, continued. 1850 Byam, George. Water communication between the Atlantic and Pacific. 1 map. (In his: Wanderings in some of the western republics of America. London, 1850. 12°. p. 248-264.) HCY Hamilton. On the advantages and prac- ticability of forming a junction between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In letter from Dr. H. to S. Banister. (New monthly magazine and humorist. London, 1850. 8°. V. 89, o. 365-372, 444-451; v. 90, p. 37-40, 167- 178, 3"l4-328.) * DA Hughes, George W. Letter in answer to the Hon. John M. Clayton, secretary of state, on intermarine communications. ^ Washington: J. T. Towers, prtr., 1850. 67 (1) p. 8°. TPVp.v.2,no.l Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific. (Westminster review. London, 1850. 8°. V. SZ, p. 127-144.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine. New York, v. 20, p. 245-254; Living age, Boston, v. 27, p. 193-201. O'Connor, Luke Smyth. On the links connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. (Dub- lin University magazine. Dublin, 1850. 8°. V. 35, p. 221-224.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, v. 20, p. 40-43. Proposed communications between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (New month- ly magazine and humorist. London, 1850. 8°. V. 88, p. 172-193.) * DA Sampson, Marmaduke Blake. Central America and the transit between the oceans. New York: S. W. Benedict, 1850. 28 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.5 Reprinted from Westminster review, London, v. 53, p. 124-144, * DA. Ship canal across the isthmus, and Pacif- ic railway. (Western journal. St. Louis, 1850. 8°. V. 3, p. 351-363.) * DA Short cuts across the globe. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1850. 8°. v. 1, p. 79-81.) *DA 1851 Burwell, William M. Memoir explana- tory of the transunion and Tehuantepec route between Europe and Asia. Wash- ington: Gideon & Co., 1851. 36 p. 8°. TPV p.v.2, no.6 Niles, Nathaniel. Dispatch on subject of ship canal to unite waters of Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Dec. 17, 1851. Wash- ington, 1851. 5 p. 8°. (U. S. 32. cong.. 1. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 7.) * SEE "Sets forth importance of scheme and gives out- lined proposition of project." Reichardt, C. F. Die Verbindung der beiden Oceane durch die Isthmen Central- Amerika's. (In his: Centro-Amerika. Braunschweig, 1851. 8°. p. 146-219.) HMA Sedillot, Louis Pierre Eugene Amelie. Des travaux entrepris pour etablir une communication entre I'ocean Atlantique et la mer du Sud. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1851. 8°. serie 4, v. 1. p. 249-260.) KAA 1852 Griswold, C. D. Proposed route for a ship canal. (In his: The isthmus of Pana- ma and what I saw there. New York, 1852. 12°. p. 108-121.) HDL 1853 Findlay, A. G. Oceanic currents, and their connection with the proposed Central- America canals. 1 map. (Royal Geo- graphical Society. Journal. London, 1853. 8°. V. 23, p. 217-240.) KAA Heine, Wilhelm. Canalproject zur Ver- bindung des atlantischen und des stillen Oceans. (In his: Wanderbilder aus Cen- tral-Amerika. Leipzig, 1853. 16°. p. 43- 55.) HMA Holynski, Aleksander Jan Joachim. De la jonction des oceans. (In his: La Califor- nie et les routes interoceaniques. Bruxelles, 1853. 12°. p. 343-385.) IXG 1854 Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (London quarterly review. Lon- don, 1854. 8°. V. 2, p. 172-185.) * DA Watts, George Burghall. Inter-oceanic communication across the isthmus of Pan- ama or "Darien." (American Geographical and Statistical Society. Bulletin. New York, 1854. 8°. v. 1, part 3, p. 62-80.) KAA 1856 Coak, J., and K. Andree. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der siidlichen Theile des mittel- amerikanischen Isthmus. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1856. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 1-26.) KAA Cram, Thomas J. Memoir of ocean routes between Atlantic and Pacific. 1856. Washington, 1856. 20 p. 8°. (U. S. 34. cong., 3. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 51.) * SEE Strain, Isaac G. A paper on the history and prospects of interoceanic communica- tion by the American isthmus, read by Lieut. I. G. Strain, U. S. N., before the New^ York Historical Society, June 17, 1856.' New York: C. Vinten, 1856. 27 p. 8°. TSB X THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY \ History — Special Periods, continued. 1857 Laugel, Auguste. Les nouvelles com- munications interoceaniques dans I'Ame- rique centrale. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1857. 8°. periode 2, v. 7, p. 436-465.) *DM 1859 Pautet, Jules. Ouverture de I'isthme de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua. (Jour- nal des economistes. Paris, 1859. 8°. serie 2, V. 22, p. 67-81.) TAA 1866 Davis, Charles Henry. Report on inter- oceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1867. 37 p., 14 pi. 8°. TPV X 1868 Die Interoceanischen Verkehrsstrassen Mittelamerikas und Deutschlands Betheili- gung an denselben zur Begriindung seiner Seegeltung. Bremen: G. Hunckel, 1868. 31 p. 8°. TSBp.v.25,no.l \/ Niles, Nathaniel. Mr. Niles' plan for the '^^ construction of a ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Central Amer- ica. New York: Metropolitan Job Print, and Eng. Estab., 1868. 8 p. 8°. TSB p.v.30, no.2 1870 Adams, Julius W. American interoce- anic ship canals. (Engineering. London, 1870. f°. v. 10, p. 52, 126.) ft VDA Simonin, L. Le percement de I'isthme americain. (Journal des economistes. Paris, 1870. 8°. serie 3, v. 20, p. 40-47.) TAA Wagner, Aloriz. Ueber die Naturver- haltnisse der verschiedenen Linien welche fiir einem Durchstich des central-ameri- kanischen Isthmus in Vorschlag sind. (Koniglich Bayerische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Abhandlungen. Math.-phys. Klasse. Miinchen, 1870. 4°. Bd. 10, Abth. 3, p. 1-61.) *EE Zur Frage einer Durchstechung der verschieden Landengen von Mittelamer- ika fiir einen interoceanischen Canal. (In his: Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen in:i tro- ■pischen Amerika. Stuttgart, 1870. 8°. p. 159-192.) PQX 1870-75 Ammen, Daniel. Surveys and reconnais- sances from 1870 to 1875 for a ship canal across the American isthmus. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1878. 8°. v. 8, p. 188-202.) KAA 1873 Levy, Paul. Notes sur vine nouvelle carte du Nicaragua et sur le projets de perce- ment du canal interoceanique. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1873. 8°. serie 6, v. 5, p. 132-143.) KAA Seebach, Karl Albert Ludwig, Freiherr von. Central-Amerika und der interocean- ische Canal. Berlin, 1873. 36 p., 1 map. 8°. (Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Vortrage. Serie 8, Heft 183.) *C 1874 Atlantic and Pacific interoceanic proj- ects, map. (Dublin University magazine. Dublin, 1874. 8°. v. 84, p. 625-640, 741- 755.) *DA McFarland, Walter. Report upon an ex- amination of the proposed routes for an interoceanic ship canal between the Atlan- tic and Pacific oceans, known as Nicaragua route and the Darien or Atrato route made in March and April, 1874 by W. McFarland. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1893. 22 p., 1 map. (U. S. 52. cong., 2. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 46.) * SBE Royer, Clemence. Du percement de I'isthme americain. (Journal des econo- mistes. Paris, 1874. 8°. serie 3, v. 36, p. 224-244.) TAA 1875 Collins, Frederick. The interoceanic canal. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Claremont, N. H., 1877. 8°. V. 2, p. 21-32.) VXA 1876 Drouillet, Leon. Les isthmes americains. Projet d'une exploration geographique in- ternationale des terrains qui semblent pre- senter le plus de facilites pour le percement d'un canal maritime interoceanique. Paris: au.x Bureaux de I'E.xplorateur. 1876. 1 p.l., iii, 21 p., 1 1., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.l2 Extr.: L'Explorateur, March 30, 1876. Pouchet, James, and Gustave Sautereau. Examen comparatif des divers projets de canaux inter-oceanique par I'isthme de Darien et le lac de Nicaragua. Paris: E. Lacroi.x, 1876. 31 p. 4°. f TSB AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 7 History — Special Periods, continued. 1877 II Passaggio marittimo fra le due Amer- iche (con carte). (Societa geografica itali- ana. Bollettino. Roma, 1877. 8°. v. 14, p. 71-82.) KAA Le Percement de I'isthme de Panama. (L'economiste fran^ais. Paris, 1877. 4°. V. 1, p. 135-136.) tfTAA 1879 Allen, Charles H. The canal across the American isthmus, map and plans. (Lei- sure hour. London, 1879. 4°. v. 28, p. 730-735.) * DA American interoceanic ship canal. (Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 21, p. 121-123.) VDA Buel, C. C. Piercing the American isth- mus. (Scribner's monthly. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 18, p. 268-280.) * DA Interoceanic ship canal discussion. Paper by Daniel Amnien on The proposed inter- oceanic canal across Nicaragua. Addresses by Chief-Justice Daly and A. G. Menocal. Letters from Frederick M. Kelly, Walton W. Evans, and Nathan Appleton. Report on the proceedings of the congress in Paris, in May, by Daniel Ammen. Views of Wal- ton W. Evans on the proposed canal be- tween North and South America, dated May 9, 1879, and addressed to M. C. Auguste von Hernert, for submission to the Paris congress. Report of W. E. John- ston, delegate of this society to the Paris congress, dated August 15, 1879, on the pro- ceedings of the congress. The Nicaragua canal: extract from Mr. S. B. Ruggles's semi-centennial address at New Haven, July 27, 1864. 1 map. (American Geo- graphical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 11, p. 113-300.) KAA Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de. Le pro- jet du canal interoceanique. (Journal des economistes. Paris, 1879. 8°. serie 4, v. 8, p. 283-300.) TAA Lull, Edward Phelps. The interoceanic canal problem. (Scientific American sup- plement. New York, 1879. f°. v. 8, p. 3099- 3101.) ttVA Menocal, Aniceto G. Interoceanic canal projects. (American Society of Civil En- gineers. Transactions. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 8, p. 311-332.) VDA Abstracted in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 9, p. 3369-3372, tt VA. For discussion on this paper see Transactions V. 9, p. 1-98, 117-161, 429-446. Shelbourne, Sidney F. The interoceanic canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1879. f°. V. 6, p. 346-348.) ft VDA Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Ex- ploration de I'isthme americain en vue du percement d'un canal interoceanique. (So- ciete de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1879. 8°. serie 6, v. 17, p. 573-579.) KAA Zoeppritz, K. von. Die neuesten Unter- suchungen der Nordamerikaner beziiglich der Ausfiihrbarkeit eines Schiffskanals durch den mittelamerikanischen Isthmus. 1 map. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Ber- lin. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1879. 8°. v. 14, p. 161-180.) KAA 1880 Collins, Frederick. A comparison of the Panama and Nicaragua routes showing the gain in time by a sailing vessel using the latter. Statement before the select com- mittee of the House of Representatives on the interoceanic canal. Washington, Feb- ruary 28, 1880. (In: John T. Sullivan, Report on interoceanic communication. Washington, 1883. 4°. p. 145-148.) f TS Evans, Walton W. Inter-oceanic canal projects. [New York,] 1880. 21 p. 8°. TSBp.v.25,no.lO Title from cover. Repr. : American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, v. 9, p. 1-21, VDA. Fourcy, Charles de. Interoceanic canal routes. 2 maps. (Popular science montlily. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 16, p. 380-389.) *DA Kelley, Frederick M. The American projectors of the isthmian canal. Address at the citizens' banquet given to M. de Lesseps at Delmonico's, on the 1st of March, 1880. (Engineering news. New York, 1880. f°. v. 7, p. 100-101.) VDA Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. The pro- %/ posed American interoceanic canal in its /\^ commercial aspects. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1880. 1 p.l., 136 p. 8°. TSB O., F. L. The American Suez. (Lippin- cott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1880. 8°. V. 25, p. 358-365.) * DA Voisin-Bey. Sur le canal interoceanique a travers I'isthme americain. (Societe d'encouragement pour I'industrie nationale. Bulletin. Paris, 1880. 4°. v. 79, p. 27-60.) VA 1881 Windom, William. Isthmus ship-canals. Specc] the Senate of the United States, February 28, 1881. Washington, 1881. 16 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.9 1882 Dauchy, W. E. The inter-oceanic canal. (Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering mag- 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — Special Periods, continued. azine. New York, 1882. 8°. v. 26, p. 59- 64.) VDA Griffin, George Butler. Interoceanic communication. (International review. New York, 1882. 8". v. 13, p. 66-76.) * DA 1883 Newcome, F. N. Canal projects of the day. (Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. New York, 1883-84. 8°. v. 29. p. 8-17.) VDA Repr. : Nautical magazine. 1884 Hubbard, Gardiner Greene. Canal routes between the Atlantic and the Pacific. (Science. New York, 1884. 8°. v. 4, p. 434-436.) OA Nourse, Joseph Everett. The Suez and the American canal. (In his: Maritime canal of Suez. Washington. 1884. 8°. p. 130-157.) TSBp.v.73,no.lO 1885 Ammen, Daniel. Nicaragua vs. Panama. (American engineer. Chicago, 1885. f°. v. 9, p. 7-9.) tt VDA Repr.: New York Times, Dec. 24, 1884. Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. The inter- oceanic problem and its scientific solution. An address before the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, August 26, 1885. [Ann Arbor, 1885.] 40 p., 5 pi., 1 map. 8°. * C p.v.l365, no.9 West, Preston C. F. Pertaining to isth- mian transits. (Engineers' Club of Phila- delphia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1885. 8°. V. 5, p. 48-51.) VDA 1886 Ammen, Daniel. The errors and fallacies of the interoceanic transit question. To whom do they belong? New York [1886]. ii, 68 p., 1 map, 1 table. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.6 Crowell, James Foster. The present situation of the interoceanic canal question. (Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. Philadelphia, 1886. 8°. v. 5, p. 238-248.) VDA 1888 Moore, Robert. Present aspect of the problem of American interoceanic ship transfer. (Association of Engineering So- cieties. Journal. Philadelphia, 1888. 8°. V. 7, p. 37-52.) VDA Stockton, Charles Herbert. The com- mercial geography of the American inter- oceanic canal, n. p., 1888. 19 p. 8°. TSB p.v.65, no.9 Repr.: American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1888. v. 20, p. 75-93, KAA. 1889 Ammen, Daniel. American isthmian canal routes. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1889. 8°. v. 128, p. 409-439.) VA Hawthorne, Harry L. A Central Ameri- can interoceanic canal and its strategic im- portance to the United States. (Journal of the Military Service Institution. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 10, p. 577-591.) VWA Merry, William Lawrence. American isthmus canals. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1889. 8°. series 2, v. 13, p. 269- 276.) ' * DA 1890 Detroyat, Leonce. Notes sur le perce- ment des isthmes de Panama et de Nica- ragua. (Nouvelle revue. Paris, 1890. 8°. V. 62, p. 292-305.) * DM Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Economic relations of canals to transportation. (American Economic Association. Publi- cations. Baltimore, 1890. 8°. v. 5, p. 331- 357.) TB 1892 Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Ship canals. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadel- phia, 1892. 8°. V. 134, p. 339-353.) VA 1893 Cespedes, Jose Maria. Los canales de Panama y Nicaragua. (In his: La doctrina •de Monroe. Habana, 1893. 8°. p. 445-477.) ICG Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The isthmus and sea power. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1893. 8°. V. 72, p. 459-472.) * DA Afterwards reprinted in his The interest of Amer- ica in sea power, p. 59-104, VYE. Manson, N. J. Inter-oceanic ship-canal communication by the American isthmus. Its geographic and economic relations toward the United States. Read before the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast, July 7, 1893. [San Francisco: Cubery & Co., prtrs., 1893.] 44 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.13 Repr.: Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Transactions, v. 10, no. 6, p. 120-155, VDA. 1894 Intze, Professor. Der Nicaragua-Ozean- Kanal im Vergleich zum Panama-Kanal. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS History — Special Periods, continued. diagrs., maps, profiles, illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1894. f°. Bd. 38, p. 1128-1133, 1153-1157, 1188- 1194.) tfVDA 1896 Walsh, George Ethelbert. Joining the Atlantic to the Pacific. (Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa., 1896. 8°. v. 23, p. 723-728.) *DA Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury. An inter- oceanic canal from the standpoint of self- interest. (Yale review. New Haven, 1896. 8°. V. 4, p. 357-364.) * DA Interoceanic canals in the light of precedent. (Yale review. New Haven, 1896. 8°. v. 4, p. 246-255.) * DA 1897 Polakowsky, H. Der interozeanische Kanal. (Petermanns geographische Mit- theilungen. Gotha, 1897. 4°. Bd. 43, p. 134-137.) KAA 1898 Crowninshield, Arent Schuyler. An isth- mian canal. (Independent. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 50, p. 385-388.) * DA Haupt, Lewis Muhlenburg. National in- fluence and the Isthmian canal, n. t.-p. [New York, 1898.] 8 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.4 Repr. : Engineering magazine, New York, v. 15, p. 550-557, VDA. Hunter, William Henry. Equipment, management, and economic influence of the ship canal, illus. (Engineering maga- zine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 16, p. 349- 358, 556-566.) VDA An Interoceanic canal. (Bankers' mag- azine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 57, p. 30- 32.) THA Ludlow, William. The transisthmian canal problem. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 96, p. 837-846.) * DA Turpie, David. Projects for an isthmian canal. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 96, p. 351-358.) * DA 1899 The Appointment of a commission to in- vestigate isthmian canal routes. (Engineer- ing news. New York, 1899. f°. v. 41, p. 185-187.) ft VDA Davis, Arthur Powell. A link between the oceans, illus. map. (Munsey's maga- zine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 541- 549.) * DA Hunter, William Henry. The American isthmus and the interoceanic canal. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1899. 39 p. illus. 8°. TSB p.v.74, no.lO Repr.: Engineering magazine, New York, v. 16, p. 711-728, VDA. Hurst, Thomas Wright. Comparison between three proposed routes across the isthmus. (Clay record. Chicago, 1899. 4°. V. 14, no. 9, p. 11-16.) 3-tVEA An Interoceanic alternative. By a New York banker. map. (Anglo-American magazine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 1, p. 129-140.) * DA Johnson, Emory Richard. The inter- oceanic canal. (National geographic maga- zine. Washington, D. C, 1899. 8°. v. 10, p. 311-316.) KAA Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The urgent need of interoceanic communication. (Po- litical science quarterly. New York, 1899. 8°. V. 14, p. 594-605.) SEA Koch, A. Der Panama- und der Nica- ragua-Kanal in technischer, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht. (Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure. Berlin, 1899. 4°. Bd. 43, p. 620-622.) f VDA Le Normand, Robert G. Panama et Nica- ragua. (Revue des revues. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 3, v. 29, p. 557-570.) * DM Levita, Cecil B. The interoceanic canal. (Journal of the Military Service Institu- tion. Governor's Island, N. Y., 1899. 8°. v. 24, p. 479-483.) VWA Repr.: Royal United Service Institution. Journal. V. 43, p. 67-72, VWA. Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. The pro- posed American interoceanic canal in its commercial aspects. [Washington: Judd & Detweiler, 1899.] 297-310 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.4 Title from cover. Repr.: National geographic magazine, v. 10, p. 297-310, KAA. Perez Merino, Nicolas. Los canales del istmo centroamericano. (Espafia moderna. Madrid, 1899. 8°. aiio 11, tomo 123, p. 60-84.) * DR Stockton, Charles Herbert. The Ameri- can interoceanic canal. A study of the commercial, naval and political conditions. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1899. 8°. v. 25, p. 753- 797.) VXA The Trade and industry of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and the proposed inter- oceanic canal. 1 map. (Board of Trade iournal. London, 1899. 8°. v. 26, p. 12- 22.) TLA The Transisthmian canal [International Commercial Congress discussion]. (Ameri- 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — Sf>ccial Periods, continued. can Republics Bureau. Monthly bulletin. Washino-ton, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 680-684.) TLA Walker, J. B. The Nicaragua and Pan- ama canals. (Hamilton Club of Chicago. Serial publications. Chicago, 1899. 8°. no. 9, p. 10-24.) SEA 1900 Abbot, Henry Larcom. Best Isthmian canal. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1900. 8°. V. 86, p. 844-848.) * DA Burt, George A. A comparison of the Isthmian canal projects. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 19, p. 19-27.) VDA Central American ship canals. (Engi- neer. London, 1900. f°. v. 90, p. 405-406, 455-457, 509-511, 560-561, 605-606, 627-628.) ttVA Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. The Pan- ama and the Nicaragua canals. (Graphic. London, 1900. f°. v. 61, p. 162.) ff * DA Gilbert, Henderson. The trans-isthmian canal. 1 map. (Yale scientific monthly. New Haven, 1900. 8°. v. 6. p. 262-268.) OA Green, Lewis D. The Nicaragua canal in its military aspects. (Military Service In- stitution. Journal. Governor's Island, N. Y., 1900. 8°. V. 26, p. 1-14.) VWA The Isthmian canal commissioners' re- port. (Engineering record. New York, 1900. f°. V. 42, p. 536-541, 571-576.) tt VDA Robinson, Edwin Van Dyke. The West Indian and Pacific islands in relation to the isthmian canal. (Independent. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 52, p. 523-526.) * DA 1901 American isthmian canals. A topical dis- cussion. (Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°. v. 18, p. 21-42.) VDA Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. Nicaragua or Panama, illus. (Scientific American sup- plement. New York, 1901. f°. v. 52, p. 21713-21714,21737-21738.) ft VA Also in condensed form in Scientific American, V. 85, p. 406. The substance of a series of conferences made before the Commercial Club of Cincinnati. . .and of a formal ad- dress to the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. New York: Knicker- bocker Press, 1901'. 32 p., 4 diagrs. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.l4 Davis, Arthur Powell. Panama and Nicaragua canals compared. (Forum. New York, 1901. 8°. V. 30, p. 527-544.) * DA Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Population and the Isthmian canal. (Lippincott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°. v. 67, p. 740-744.) * DA Henderson, John Brooks. The inter- oceanic canal problem. (In his: American diplomatic questions. New York, 1901. 8°. p. 65-201.) IC Maritime Kanale. (Jahrbiicher fiir deut- sche Armee und Marine. Berlin, 1901. 8°. Bd. 118, p. 322-330.) VWA Panama ou Nicaragua. (Revue tech- nique. Paris, 1901. f°. v. 22, p. 557-561.) ttVA Waldron, G. B. Interoceanic waterways, illus. map. (Chautauquan. Cleveland, O., 1901. 8°. V. 33, p. 228-233.) * DA Walker, Aldace F. The preliminary re- port of the Isthmian Canal Commission. New York: Forum Printing Company, 1901. 132-146 p. 8°. TSB p.v.74, no.3 Repr.: Forum, v. 31, p. 131-146, * DA. 1902 Berwick, Edward. Nicaragua or Panama. (Arena. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 28, p. 12-14.) *DA Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. National value of an isthmian canal. (International quar- terly. Burlington, Vt., 1902. 4°. v. 6. p. 211-212.) *DA Burr, William Hubert. The proposed isthmian ship-canal. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 31, p. 145-169.) *DA Church, George Earl. Interoceanic com- munication on the western continent. A study in commercial geography. [London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1902.] 42 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.l7 Repr.: Geographical journal, v. 19, p. 313-354, KAA. Common sense of the Isthmian canal de- cision. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 653-659.) VDA Comparison of the Nicaragua and Pan- ama routes, illus. map. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1902. f°. v. 86, p. 33-34.) ttVA Darien or San Bias tunnel canal route. (Scientific American. New York, 1902. f°. V. 86, p. 118.) tfVA Davis, Arthur Powell. The Isthmian canal, maps, sections. (American Geo- graphical Society. Journal. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 34, p. 132-138.) KAA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 11 History — Special Periods, continued. Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Why is an Isthmian canal not built? (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 175, p. 128-135.) *DA Hussey, J. V. An isthmian deep water ship canal. Chicago: M. A. Donahue & Company, 1902. 96 p. 16°. TSB p.v.49, no.3 Isthmian canal. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 26, p. 339-341.) *DA Johnson, Emory Richard. Isthmian canal. (Review of reviews. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 25, p. 35-48.) * DA The Isthmian canal: factors affect- ing the choice of route. (Quarterly journal of economics. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 514-536.) TAA The Isthmian canal in its economic aspects. Philadelphia: the academy, 1902. 23 p. 8°. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Publications, no. 323.) TSB p.v.62, no.2 Repr.: Annals, v. 19, p. 1-23, SA. Leigh, John George. The reports of the Isthmian Canal Commission. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 1-14.) VDA Morgan, John Tyler. The choice of isth- mian canal routes. (North American re- view. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 174, p. 672- 686.) * DA An isthmian canal and the choice of routes. Speech... in the Senate of the United States. April 17, 1902. Washino;ton, 1902. 67 p. 8°. TSB p.v.50, no.7 Morris, C. Isthmian canal from begin- ning. (Lippincott's magazine. Philadel- phia, 1902. 8°. V. 69, p. 326-334.) * DA The Proposed inter-oceanic canal. (En- gineer. London, 1902. f°. v. 93, p. 424- 426. 478-480, 530-532, 597-599; v. 94, p. 1-3, 78-79.) ft VA Report of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, illus. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1902. f°. v. 53, p. 21782- 21787.) tt VA Seismic^ disturbances and the Isthmian canal. (Scientific American. New York, 1902. f°. V. 86, p. 392, 397.) ft VA Soper, George A. Sanitary aspects of the Panama and Nicaragua canals. New York, 1902. 18 p. 12°. TSB p.v.65, no.8 Repr.: The Medical news, Jan. 4, 1902. Sternberg, George Miller. Sanitary prob- lems connected with the construction of the Isthmian canal. (North American re- view. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 175, p. 378- 387.) * DA Thompson, S. A. The effect of water- ways upon railway transportation. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 23, p. 583-590.) VDA Volcanoes and the inter-oceanic canal, map. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1902. f°. v. 54, p. 22240-22242.) tfVA 1903 Andre, Eloy L. La apertura del canal de Panama y su influencia en la politica comercial hispano-americano. (Nuestro tiempo. Madrid, 1903. 8°. ano 3, p. 488- 502.) BXA Johnson, Emory Richard. Comparison of distances by the Isthmian canal and other routes. (American Geographical So- ciety, (ournal. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 35, p. 163-176.) KAA Isthmian canal traffic. (Quarterly journal of economics. Boston, 1903. 8°. V. 17, p. 529-575.) TAA 1904 Abbot, Henry Larcom. Solution of the Isthmian canal problem. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 481-487.) VDA Uzanne, O. Nicaragua or Panama. (Fortnightly review. London, 1904. 8°. V. 81, p. 670-683.) * DA International Relations General Works The volumes of the British and foreign state papers should also be consulted for the British diplomatic correspondence in regard to canal problems. Arias, Harmodio. The Panama canal; a study in international law and diplomacy. London: P. S. King and Son, 1911. xiv, 192 p. 8°. (Studies in economics and political science, no. 25.) TSB Bibliography, p. xi-xiv. Reviewed in American historical review, v. 17, p. 416-417, lAA. Carrera y Jiistiz, Francisco. Orienta- ciones necesarias: Cuba y Panama. . . Ha- bana: La Moderna poesia, 1911. xix, 435 p., 1 diagr., 4 maps, 8 pi., 26 port., 1 table. 8°. HCB Bibliography, p. xvii-xix. Appendices: 1. Mensaje del Presidente Monroe conteniendo la doctrina que lleva sii nombre. 2. Tratado entre los Estados Unidos y Nueva Grenada 1846. 3. Tratado Clayton-Bulwer. 4. Tratado Ilay- Pauncefote. 5. Tratado Hay-Bunau-Varilla. Dennis, William Cullen. The Panama situation in the light of international law. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, continued. General Works, continued. The treat}^ of 1846 between the United States and New Granada. (American law register. Philadelphia, 1904. 8°. v. 52 [Hew series, v. 43], p. 265-306.) XAA The Great ship canal question. England and Costa Rica versus the United States and Nicaragua. (American Whig review. New York, 1850. 8°. v. 12, p. 441-455.) *DA Hains, Peter Conover. An isthmian canal from a military point of view. Philadel- phia: the academy, 1901. 12 p. 8°. (Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Publications, no. 300.) TSB p.v.63, no.3 Repr. : Annals, v. 17, p. 1-12, SA. Reprinted in Journal of United States Artillery, V. IS, p. 289-297 and in Journal of the Military Serv- ice Institution, v. 28, p. 371-380. VIVA. Also ab- stracted in Engineering news, v. 45, p. 137, tt VDA. Huberich, Charles Henry. The trans- isthmian canal: a study in American diplo- matic history (1825-1904). Austin, Texas, 1904. 31 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.l2. Repr.: University of Texas record, v. 5, p. 247- 275, STG. Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The early dip- lomatic history of the Nicaragua canal. Newark, N. J.: Holbrook Printing Co., 1890. viii, 130 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.l4 The Nicaragua canal and the Mon- roe doctrine. A political history of isth- mus transit, with special reference to the Nicaragua canal project and the attitude of the United States government thereto. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. xv p., 1 1., 622 p., 4 maps. 8°. TSB Reviewed by G. L. Rives in American historical review, v. 2, p. 750-752, lAA. Kennedy, Crammond. Comparison of the relative interests of the United States and Great Britain in the western hemi- sphere at the different stages of negotia- tions. An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 61-69.) XBA Knapp, H. S. The Panama canal in inter- national law. (United States Naval Insti- tute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1913. 8". v. 39, p. 95-126.) VXA "Historical review of the treaties affecting the question." Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Panama canal and the distribution of the fleet. (North American review. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 200, p. 406-407.) * DA Miller, Charles R. The Monroe doctrine in the Venezuela dispute; how that con- troversy paved the way for the Panama canal. (Century. ' New York, 1913. 8°. v. 86, p. 750-764.) * DA Mueller-Heymer, Paul. Der Panama- kanal in der Politik der Vereinigten Staat- en: eine volkerrechtliche Studie. Berlin: Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1909. 54 p. 8°. TSB Pasco, Samuel. The isthmian canal ques- tion as affected by treaties and concessions. Philadelphia: the academy, 1902. 24-45 p. 8°. TSBp.v.71,no.l Repr.: Annals, v. 19, p. 24-45, SA. Roosevelt, Theodore. The Monroe doc- trine and the Panama canal. 1 pi., 1 port. illus. (In his: Theodore Roosevelt — an autobiography. New York, 1913. 8°. p. 543-571.) AN Snow, Freeman. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy. Boston: The Bos- ton Book Company, 1894. vii, 515 p. 8°. IC Clayton-Bulwer treaty [text], p. 86-90. Nicaragua. Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation. Proclaimed August 14, 1868, p. 197-200. Interoceanic canal and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, p. 326-346. Thayer, William Roscoe. The life and letters of John Hay. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915. 2 v. facs., pi., ports. 8°. *R-AN Tower, Charlemagne. The treaty obli- gations of the United States relating to the Panama canal. (American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 52, p. 234-242.) * EA Reprinted in his Essays political and historical, 1914, p. 38-53, lAG. Viallate, Achille. Essais d'histoire diplo- matique americaine. Le developpement territorial des fitats-Unis. Le canal inter- oceanique. La guerre hispano-americaine. Paris: E. Guilmoto tpref. 1905]. 2 p.l., iii, 306 p., 1 1. 8°. IL Special Periods 1880 Ammen, Daniel. The American inter- oceanic ship canal question. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1880. 102 p. 8°. TSB The Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doctrine. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880. 118 p. 12°. ICG and TSB The Monroe doctrine and the Isthmian canal. (North American review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 130, p. 499-511.) * DA 1881 Thompson, R. W. The interoceanic canal at Panama. Its political aspects. The "Monroe doctrine." Washington: T. Mc- Gill & Co., 1881. 51 p. 8°. TSBp.v.75,no.l AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 13 International Relations, continued. Special Periods, continued. Webb, William Henry. Monroe doctrine and control of Isthmian canal, Nicaragua. New York: Slote & Janes, 1881. 16 p. 8°. ICGp.v.2, no.ll 1884 A Forgotten canal treaty. (Independent. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 50, p. 1601-1602.) *DA 1893 Webster, Sidney. The diplomacy and law of the isthmian canals. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 87, p. 602-608.) * DA 1895 Bustamente, Antoine S. de. Le canal de Panama et le droit international. (Revue de droit international de legislation com- paree. Bruxelles, 1895. 8°. p. 112-142.) XBA 1896 Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine. Philadel- phia: the academy, 1896. 31 p. 8°. (Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Publications, no. 164.) TSB p.v.63, no.l2 Repr. : Annals, v. 7, p. 1-31, SA. 1897 Delariie de Beaumarchais, Maurice. Af- faire du canal interoceanique. (In his: La doctrine de Monroe. Paris, 1897. 8°. p. 100-115.) ICG Whiteley, James Gustavus. The diplo- macy of the United States in regard to Central American canals. (North Amer- ican review. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 165, p. 364-378.) * DA 1898 Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The Nicaragua canal in the light of present politics. (Re- view of reviews. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 18, p. 566-570.) * DA Our government and the Nicaragua canal. (Independent. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 50, p. 1352-1354.) * DA Taylor, Benjamin. The coming struggle in the Pacific. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1898. 8°. V. 44, p. 656-672.) * DA 1899 Koch, A. Den Panama- und den Nicara- gua-Kanal in technischer, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht. (Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure. Berlin, 1899. 4°. Bd. 43, p. 620-622.) f VDA Rives, George Lockhart. Problem of an interoceanic canal. (Political science quar- terly. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 14, p. 189- 210.) SEA Stockton, Charles Herbert. The Ameri- can interoceanic canal; a study of the com- mercial, naval and political conditions. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1899. 8°. v. 25, p. 753- 797.) VXA Vignot. Strategie du canal des deux mers. (Marine frangaise. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 3, annee 12, p. 465-470.) VXA Wachs, Otto. L'Angleterre, les fitats- L^nis et le canal interoceanique. (Marine frangaise. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 3, annee 12, p. 601-606.) VXA 1900 Dilke, Charles W. U. K., U. S., and the ship canal. (Forum. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 29, p. 449-454.) * DA Isthmian canal and the treaties. (Out- look. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 66, p. 968- 969.) * DA Procter, John R. The neutralization of the Nicaragua canal. (International monthly. Burlington, Vt., 1900. 8°. v. 1, p. 447-462.) * DA The Proposed neutralization of the Isth- mian canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1900. f°. V. 43, p. 128-129.) ft VDA Treaties. Nicaragua. Protocol of an agreement between the governments of the United States and of Nicaragua for the construction of an interoceanic canal by way of Lake Nicaragua. Signed at Wash- ington, Dec. 1, 1900. [Washington. 1900.] 1 1. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.l2 1901 Foskett, H. W. La Grande-Bretagne, les fitats-Unis et le canal du Nicaragua. (Le Carnet historique et litteraire. Paris, 1901. 8°. nouv. serie, annee 4, v. 10, p. 226-239.) *DM Henderson, John Brooks. The inter- oceanic canal problem. (In his: American diplomatic questions. New York, 1901. 8°. p. 65-201.) IC Mills, David. The Monroe doctrine and the inter-oceanic canal. (Empire review. London, 1901. 8°. v. 2, p. 403-414.) CA 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, continued. Special Periods, continued. Travis, Ira D. The attitude of the Ameri- can government toward an interoceanic canal. (Yale review. New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 9, p. 419-438.) * DA 1902 Abbot, Henry Larcom. International aspects of the isthmian canal. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 22, p.^485492.) VDA Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Why is an isthmian canal not built? (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 175, p. 128-135.) * DA International aspects of the Isthmian canal. An editorial introduction to an arti- cle by Gen. H. L. Abbot ton this subject]. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8 = . v. 22. p. 485-487.) VDA The Isthmian canal controversy. (Scien- tific American supplement. New York, 1902. f°. V. 53, p. 21773-21787.) ft VA Keasbey, Lindley Miller. National canal policy. (American Historical Association. Annual report, 1902. Washington, 1903. 8°. V. 1, p. 275-288.) lAA Meikle, John. A bit of the "ancient" his- tory of the isthmian canal problem. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1902. f°. V. 53, p. 21939-21940.) ft VA Palmie, Edmond. Le canal des deux mers. Son interet au double point de vue econom- ique et national: la possibilite de son execu- tion. (Societe de geographic de Lille. Bulletin. Lille, 1902. 8°. v. 37, p. 335- 359.) KAA Penfield, Frederic Courtland. Why not own the Panama isthmus? (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 174, p. 269-274.) * DA Sparks, Edwin Erie. Diplomacy and the Isthmian canal, illus. map. (Chautau- quan. Cleveland. O., 1902. 8°. v. 32, p. 245-253.) * DA 1903 Aldana, Abelardo. The Panama canal question. A plea for Colombia. Cardiff: Western Mail, 1903. 14 p. 8°. * Cp.v.l406, no.l Cardiff: Western Mail, Ltd.. 1903. 43 p. 2. ed. enl. 8^ TSB p.v.61, no.l Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. Canal and the Repul>Iic of Panama. (Independent. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 2785-2787.) * DA Calderon, CarloS, and others. La ques- tion du Panama. [By C. Calderon, R. Sam- per, M. Vargas, and others.] Paris: Im- primerie du Correo de Paris [1903-04]. 94 p. 8°. (Union Colombienne.) TSBp.v.47,no.l7 Reprinted from various newspapers. Canal project and Colombian feeling. (Independent. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 1239-1241.) * DA Chamberlain, Leander T. A chapter of national dishonor. New York: The North i^merican Review Publishing Co.. 1912. 145-174 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.9 Repr. : North American review, v. 195, p. 145-174, * DA. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. Colombia and the Panama canal. (Outlook. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 74, p. 977-981.) * DA Franconie, J. Le canal de Panama. (Ouestions diplomatiques et coloniales. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 16, p. 857-864.) BAA Gordy, John Pancoast. The ethics of the Panama case. (Forum. New York, 1904. 8°. V. 36, p. 115-124.) *DA Government's position on Panama. (In- dependent. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 2837-2841.) * DA Huberich, Charles Henry. Le canal transisthmique. (Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France. Paris. 1903. 8°. V. 19, p. 193-213.) SEA "I took the isthmus." Ex-president Roosevelt's confession, Colombia's protest, and editorial comment by American news- papers on "How the United States acquired the right to build the Panama canal." [Compiled by Francisco Escobar, consul- general of Colombia.] New York: M. B. Brown Printing & Binding Co.,] 1911. 108 p. 8°. TSB Isthmian canal problem. illus. map. (Current literature. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 35, p. 419-426.) * DA Johnson, Emory Richard. The Panama canal: its title and concession. (Political science quarterly. Boston, 1903. 8°. v. 18, p. 197-215.) SEA Panama canal question. (Indepen- dent. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 3098- 3101.) *DA Johnson, Willis Fletcher. Justice and equity in Panama. (Forum. New York, 1904. 8°. V. 36, p. 125-137.) * DA Latane, John Holladay. Treaty rela- tions of the United States and Colombia. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1903. 8°. V. 22, p. 113-126.) SA Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Was Panama "A chapter of national dishonor?" (In his: Armaments and arbitration. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 218-250.) XBL AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 15 International Relations, continued. Special Periods, continued. Newlands, Francis Griffith. Intervention against Colombia. The Panama canal. Speeches. . .in the Senate of the United States. Jan. 13, 14 and 22, 1904. Washing- ton, 1904. 24, 8 p. 8°. HDL Official correspondence and other doc- uments respecting the Panama question. London: Wertheimer, Lea & Co., 1904. 56 p. 8°. The Panama canal question. A plea for Colombia. New York, Jan., 1904. 129 p.. 1 1. 8°. TSBp.v.51,no.6 Panama canal treaty signed. (Indepen- dent. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 275- 277.) * DA Perez, Paul. A Colombian view of the Panama question. (North American re- view. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 177, p. 63- 68.) * DA Also, in condensed form, in Review of reviews, V. 28, p. 216-217, * DA. Rejection of the treaty by Colombia. (Review of reviews. New York, 1903. 8°. V. 28, p. 394-396.) * DA Root, Elilui. Address before the Union League Club of Chicago, February 22, 1904. Chicago, 1904. 27 p. 8°. HDNp.v.4,no.5 Roosevelt and the canal steal. (Globe. Philadelphia, 1904. 8°. v. 14, p. 115-122.) *DA Viallate, Achille. Les fitats-LTnis et le canal inter-oceanique, un chapitre d'his- toire diplomatique americaine. (Revue generale de droit international public. Paris, 1903. 8°. v. 10, p. 5-65.) XBA The treaty of 1846 between the United States and New Granada. (American law register. Philadelphia, 1904. 8°. v. 52 [new series, v. 43], p. 265-306.) XAA Escobar, F. President Roosevelt's mes- sage and the Isthmian canal. (North American review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 178, p. 122-132.) * DA Franconie, J. La politique des fitats- Unis dans I'Amerique centrale. (Questions diplomatiques et coloniales. Paris, 1904. 4°. V. 17, p. 1-12.) BAA Herran, T. D. Isthmian canal question. (Independent. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 56, p. 65-66.) *DA Ospina, Pedro Nel. The Panama canal question. A plea for Colombia [by Pedro Nel Ospina]. New York, 1904. 129 p., 1 1. 8°. TSB Panama canal convention. (Interna- tional Bureau of American Republics. Monthly bulletin. Washington, 1904. 8°. v. 16, p. 631-640.) TLA Panama and the President. (Gunton's magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 158-162.) TAA Taylor, Benjamin. The secession of Panama. (Fortnightly review. London, 1904. 8°. V. 81, p. 122-126.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 240, p. 385-397. Viallate, Achille. Les fitats-L^nis et le canal interoceanique. (Revue generale de droit international public. Paris, 1904. 8'. annee 11, p. 481-514.) XBA 1905 Maxey, E. Our diplomatic policy in re- lation to the republic of Panama. (Arena. Boston, 1905. 8°. v. 34, p. 53-58.) * DA 1904 Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Panama Re- public and canal. (In his: Issues of a new epoch. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 10-22.) IL p.v.15, no. 5 This is a reprint of his article "Our government's course in Panama," which appeared in International monthly, v. 9, p. 247-260, * DA. Brunet, Gaston. Le proces de Panama. Paris: J. Dangon, 1904. 55 p.. 1 1. 8°. TSB p.v.47, no.l2 Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. La question de Panama. (Nouvelle revue. Paris, 1904. 8^ V. 146 rnouv. serie, v. 27], p. 433-458.) *DM Collins, G. F. Chile and the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 27, p. 1-22.) VDA Dennis, William Cullen. The Panama situation in the light of international law. 1907 Scriven, George Percival. A military view of the Panama canal, map. (Army and navy life. New York, 1907. 4°. v. 10, p. 445-457.) VWA 1908 Coolidge, Archibald Cary. The isthmian canal. (In his: The United States as a world power. New York, 1908. 8°. p. 267-280.) IC 1909 Hains, Peter Conover. Neutralization of the Panama canal. (American journal of international law. New York. 1909. 4°. V. 3, p. 354-394.) XAA 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1910 Foster, David Johnson. Neutralize the Panama canal, n. t.-p. [Boston, 1910.] 6 p. 8°. (International School of Peace.) YFX p.v.8, no.5 Repr.: Independent, v. 68, p. 1320-1322, * DA. Knapp, H. S. The real status of the Panama canal as regards neutralization. (American journal of international law. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, p. 314-358.) XAA 1911 Granger, H. G. Stain on our flag: seces- sion of Panama. (Independent. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 71, p. 347-355.) * DA Keifer, Joseph Warren. Panama canal — its neutralization. Speech... in the House of Representatives, Thursday, Janu- ary 19, 1911. Also his remarks before the Interparliamentary Union for Arbitration and Peace at Brussels, Belgium, August 30, 1910. Washington, 1911. 60 p. 8°. TSB p.v.47, no.lO Roosevelt, Theodore. How the United States acquired the right to dig the Panama canal. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 99, p. 314-318.) *DA Roussiers, Paul de. Le canal de Panama. Conference. (In: Les questions actuelles de politique etrangere dans I'Amerique de nord... Paris, 1911. 12°. p. 63-95.) HAE 1912 Kaufmann, Wilhelm. La loi americaine du 24 aout 1912 sur le canal de Panama et le droit international. (Revue de droit in- ternational. Paris, 1912. 8°. serie 2, v. 14, p. 581-613.) XBA "Discusses the treaties regarding the canal in relation to the act of Aug. 24, 1912, fixing regulations for the use of the canal." Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Panama canal and sea power in the Pacific. (In his: Ar- maments and arbitration. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 155-180.) XBL 1913 Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Benevolent despotism. illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 53, p. 303-319.) *DA Capella y Pons, F. MonroTsme? Notes- etudes sur la politique continentale ameri- caine, a regard de I'Europe. Paris: fimile Larose, 1913. 19,1 p. 12°. ICG Le canal interoceanique, p. 99-113. La possession du canal, p. 115-130. Chester, Colby Mitchell. The Panama canal as it relates to treaties. (Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Phil- adelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 30, p. 308-317.) VDA Panama canal as a grave of national honor. (Current opinion. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 54, p. 7-9.) * DA Roosevelt, Theodore. Monroe doctrine and the Panama canal. (Outlook. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 105, p. 745-754.) * DA Slippery democracy. (Independent. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 74, p. 224-226.) * DA Taylor, Hannis. The rule of treaty con- struction known as Rebus sic stantibus. An address. (American Societyof International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 223-231.) XBA 1914 Bigelow, Major John. The Panama canal. May we close it in time of war? General considerations. (Military Service Institu- tion, lournal. Governor's Island, N. Y., 1914. 8°. V. 55, p. 213-224.) VWA Chester, Colby Mitchell. Diplomacy of the quarter deck. (American journal of in- ternational law. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 8, p. 443-476.) XBA Colombia deserves attention. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 49, p. 263-266.) * DA Fullerton, M. Morton. Le canal de Panama et I'avenir des relations entre les £tats-Unis et la France. (In: Les fitats- Unis et la France. Paris, 1914. 8°. p. 173-197.) lAG Germanicus, pseud. Central American question from a European point of view, map. (Ainerican journal of international law. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 8, p. 213- 223.) XBA Grievances of Colombia. (Current opin- ion. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 57, p. 82-84.) *DA Harding, Earl. In justice to the United States — a settlement with Colombia. (In: Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Latin America. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 274- 289.) HAY Hill, D. J. Supremacy in the Panama canal. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 49, p. 722-725.) * DA Latane, John Holladay. Effects of the Panama canal on our relations with Latin America. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1914. 8°. V. 54, p. 84-91.) SA Luigi, Giuseppe de. II canale di Pana- ma e ritalia. (Vita italiana all' estero. Ro- ma, 1914. 8°. anno 2, p. 432-443.) SEV AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 17 International Relations, continued. Special Periods, continued. McGregor. Roosevelt and Colombia, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York 1914. f°. V. 59, p. 100-102.) * DA Our remarkable canal treaty with Colom- bia; with text. (Review of reviews. New Yo^k, 1914. 8°. V. 49, p. 682-686.) * DA Three canal treaties. (Independent. -New York, 1914. 4°. v. 78, p. 509-510.) * DA Zadow, F. A German view of the stra- teo-ic importance of the Panama canal. Translated by E. J. King. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1914. 8°. V. 40, p. 803-807.) VXA 1915 Slosson, P. W. Treaty and the canal, map. (Independent. New York, 191d. « . V. 82, p. 18-19.) * DA Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Convention as to a ship-canal connect- ing Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Clayton- Bulwer treaty. Concluded April 19 1850; ratification advised by the Senate May 2 A 1850; ratified by the President May 23, 1850; ratifications exchanged July 4, 1850; pro- claimed July 5, 1850. (In: United States. Treaties, 1776-1909. Washington, 19ia 8 V. 1, p. 659-663.) *R_XWZ (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 284-289.) XBA Bancroft, George, and James Buchanan. Letters of Bancroft and Buchanan on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 1849, 1850. [With introductory note by G. E. Belknap.] (American historical review. [Lancaster, Pa.,] 1900. 8°. V. 5, p. 95-102.) '^ *R_ Room 300 Berwick, Edward. Entangling alliances. (Arena. Boston, 1900. 8°. v. 23, p. 464- 469.) * DA Bromley, Robert. The Nicaragua canal question and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Nineteenth century. London, 1901. 8 . V. 49, p. 100-115.) *DA The Canal and the treaty. (Indepen- dent. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 50, p. 113.^- 1136.) *DA Clayton, John Middleton. Speech on the Central American treaty of April 19, 1850- delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 17 and 19, 1856. Washing- ton: Congressional Globe Office, 1856. 21 p. 8°. II P-v- 12 The Clayton-Bulwer dispute. (Nation. New York, 1898. 4°. v. 67, p. 218.) * DA The Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Nation. New York, 1898. 4°. v. 67, p. 478-479.) * DA Douglas, Stephen Arnold. The Clayton- Bulwer treaty. Mr. Douglas's views — the American doctrine as defined by him in 1859 — a forcible presentation of the case substantially as now put forward by Secre- tary Blaine, n. t.-p. Washington, 1900. 5 p. 8°. ICD p. box 1 The Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Speeches , . .in reply to Senators Clayton and Butler on the Central American treaty. Delivered in the Senate, March 10 and 17, 1853. Washington, 1853. 39 p. 8°. ICD p. box 1 England and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Spectator. London, 1898. f°. v. 81 p. 264-265.) * DA Everett, Edward. Speech. . .on the Cen- tral American treaty. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 21, 1853. Washington: Congressional Globe Office, 1853. 13 p. 8°. , ^ ,, NBS (Everett) p.v.2, no.ll Foster, John Watson. The Clayton-Bul- wer treaty. (Independent. New York, 1901. 8°. V. 53, p. 1167-1171.) * DA HoBBS, George W. Clayton-Bulwer treaty vs Monroe doctrine. (Bay State monthly. Boston, 1885. 8°. v. 3, p. 17-26.) * DA Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The terms and tenor of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Phila- delphia: the academy, 1899. 25 p. 8°. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Publications, no. 261.) ICD p. box Repr.: Annals, v. 14, p. 285-309, SA. Kennedy, Crammond. Comparison of the relative interests of the United States and Great Britain in the western hemi- sphere at the different stages of negotia- tions. An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 61-69.) XBA Mr. Crampton and the American ques- tion. (Dublin University magazine. Dub- lin, 1856. 8°. V. 48, p. 1-14.) * DA Reflections upon the Nicaragua treaty. Is it constitutional? is it expedient? n. p., n. d. 42 p. 8°. TSBp.v.28,no.l5 Scruggs, William L. Blundering Ameri- can diplomacy [the Clayton-Bulwer treaty]. (North American review. New York, l«t>/. 8°. V. 145, p. 313-318.) * DA Seward, William Henry. John M Clay- ton and the Nicaragua canal treaty. Speech Senate, January 10, 1853. Washing- ton[: Buell & Blanchard, 1853]. 8 p. 8 . * c p.v.yoo Shortt Adam. Nicaragua canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Canadian maga- zine Toronto, 1899. 8°. v. 12, p. 385- 391.) ^^ 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, confiiiitcd. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, continued. The State of the great ship-canal ques- tion. Convention between Great Britain and the United States, n. t.-p. [London, 1850.1 255-276 p. 8^ TPV p.v.2, no.4 Excerpt: British colonial magazine and East Indian review, Sept., 1850. Strange. Thomas Bland. Nicaragua canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1899. 8°. v. 12, p. 480-481.) * DA Taylor, Benjamin. The story of the Bul- wer-Clayton treaty. (Nineteenth century. London, 1900. 8°. v. 47, p. 498-509.) * DA Travis, Ira Dudley. The history of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Ann Arbor, 1900. 9, 312 p., 1 map. 8°. (Michigan Political Science Association. Publications, v. 3, no. 8.) SEA Bibliography, p. 309-312. Tucker, George Fox. The interoceanic canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (In his: The Monroe doctrine. Boston, 1885. 8°. p. 43-76.) ICG Wharton, Francis. Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (In his: A digest of international law. W^ashington, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 184-244.) XBD Whiteley, James Gustavus. Les traites Clayton-Bulwer et Hay-Pauncefote. (Re- vue de droit international et de legisla- tion comparee. Bruxelles, 1901. 8°. serie 2, v. 3, p. 5-14.) XBA Winchester, Boyd. The old treaty and the new. (American law register. Phila- delphia. 1900. 8°. V. 48 [new series, v. 39,, p. 569-579.) XAA Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Treaty to facilitate the construction of a ship canal. Concluded Nov. 18, 1901; ratification advised by Senate Dec. 16, 1901; ratified by President Dec. 26, 1901; ratifi- cations exchanged Feb. 21, 1902; proclaimed Feb. 22, 1902. (In: United States. Trea- ties, 1776-1?09. Washington, 1910. 8°. v. 1, p. 782-784.) *R-XWZ (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 292-294.) XBA Completion of arrangements. (Review of reviews. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 27, p. 588-593.) * DA Chanel, E. Les fitats-Unis et le traite Hay-Pauncefote. (Revue frangaise de I'etranger et des colonies et exploration. Paris, 1901. 8°. v. 26, p. 193-197.) KAA DiLKE, Charles W. U. K., U. S. and the ship canal. (Forum. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 29, p. 449-454.) * DA DuNNELL, Mark B. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (North American review. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 171, p. 829-846.) * DA Edmunds, George Franklin. Nicaragua canal treaty. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1901. f°. V. 45, p. 53.) * DA Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (Independent. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 52, p. 3069-3070, 3115-3117.) *DA Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (Nation. New York, 1900. 4°. v. 70, p. 104, 123.) * DA Hay-Pauncefote treaty, map. (Review of reviews. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 21, p. 276-281.) * DA [Hay-Pauncefote treaty.] Amended and ratified. (Review of reviews. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 23, p. 22.) * DA Hazeltine, Mayo W. The proposed Hay- Pauncefote treaty. (North American re- view. New York, 1900. 8 = . v. 170, p. 357- 366.) * DA Hyde, Charles Cheney. The isthmian canal treaty. (Harvard law review. Cam- bridge, 1902. 4°. V. 15, p. 725-732.) XAA Latane, John Holladay. The neutraliza- tion features of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (American Historical Association. Annual report, 1902. Washington, 1903. 8°. v. 1, p. 289-303.) lAA Leigh, J. G. United States and Europe. (Westminster review. London, 1901. 8°. V. 155, p. 285-292.) * DA Mason, William Ernest. Discussion of its merits. (Independent. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 52, p. 1598-1602.) * DA Moore, John Bassett. The interoceanic canal and the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. Washington, 1900. 26 p. 8°. IC Repr. : New York Times, March 4, 1900. Nelson, F. H. L. Canal and treaty. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1901. f°. V. 45, p. 1169.) *DA The Panama canal treaty. (Interna- tional Bureau of American Republics. Monthly bulletin. Washington, 1903. 8°. V. 14, p. 356-368.) TLA Panama canal treaty. (Review of re- views. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 27, p. 271- 273.) * DA Parrish, Samuel L. The Hay-Paunce- fote treaty and the Panama canal, n. t.-p. New York, 1913. 3 1. 8°. TSB p.v.57, no.l Title from cover. Perez, Paul. The treacherous treaty: a Colombian plea. (North American review. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 177, p. 943-946.) *DA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 19 riitcrnatio)ial Relations, continued. Hay-Paunccfote Treaty, continued. Rogers, Henry Wade. The Hay-Paunce- fote treaty. (Forum. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 29, p. 355-369.) * DA ScHURZ, James R. Diplomatic history of the Panama canal, compiled from Senate document 474, 53d congress and British Blue Books; the real Panama treaty and comparisons of previous drafts; the Hay draft, etc. Compiled by J. R. Schurz. New York, 1914. 9 1., 1 broadside. f°. f TSB Taylor, B. Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (Fortnightly review. London, 1902. 8°. V. 77, p. 297-310.) * DA Whelpley, James Davenport. Canal and the treaty. (World's work. New York, 1901. 4°. v. 1, p. 438-439.) * DA Whiteley, James Gustavus. The Hay- Pauncefote treaty. (Forum. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 29, p. 154-160.) * DA The Monroe doctrine and the Hay- Pauncefote treaty. (Forum. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 30, p. 722-727.) * DA Les traites Clayton-Bulwer et Hay- Pauncefote. (Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Bruxelles, 1901. 8°. serie 2, v. 3, p. 5-14.) XBA Winchester, Boyd. The old treaty and the new. (American law register. Phila- delphia, 1900. 8°. v. 48 [new series, v. 39,. p. 569-579.) XAA Tolls Question AUin, C. D. Discriminatory tolls. (Na- tion. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 95, p. 406- 407.) * DA America disgraced among nations. (Cur- rent literature. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 53, p. 371-375.) * DA Anderson, Chandler Parsons. The issues between the United States and Great Britain in regard to Panama canal tolls, as raised in the recent diplomatic correspondence. An address. (American Society of Inter- national Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 69-81.) XBA Arbitration and the Panama canal. (Out- look. New York. 1913. 8°. v. 103, p. 71- 74.) * DA Baker, B. N. Panama canal tolls. (In- dependent. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 71, p. 1089-1092.) * DA Barker, J. E. Panama: the difficulty and its solution. (Nineteenth century and after. London, 1912. 8°. v. 72, p. 745-762.) * DA Reprinted in Living Age, v. 275, p. 323-335. Baty, Thomas. Die Frage der Panama- kanalabgaben. (In: Jahrbuch des Volker- rechts. Munich, 1913. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 453- 480.) XBF In English. Bowen, H. W. Our canal treaties and tolls. (Independent. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 74, p. 28-30.) * DA Briggs, E. B. Question of Panama canal tolls. (Catholic world. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 99, p. 320-332.) * DA British notes of July 8, 1912, and Nov. 14, 1912, concerning Panama canal tolls; text. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, supplement, p. 46-58.) XBA Bryce, James. Panama canal tolls. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, supplement, p. 100-102.) XBA Letter from the British ambassador to the secre- tary of state, Feb. 27, 1913. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The Panama tolls. (In his: Panama; the creation, de- struction and resurrection. London, 1913. 4°. p. 505-526.) HDL Butte, George Charles. Great Britain and the Panama canal: a study of the tolls question. [Heidelberg,] 1913. 4 p.l., 77 p., 1 1. 8°. TSB Originally appeared in German in Jahrbuch des Volkerrechts, Munich, 1913, Bd. 1, p. 403-452, XBF. Canal and its reasons. (Review of re- views. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 46, p. 261- 264.) * DA Canal tolls and national honor. (Cur- rent opinion. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 56, p. 255-259.) * DA Canal tolls question. (Outlook. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 106, p. 576-577.) * DA Canal tolls and the shipping trust. (Har- per's weekly. New York, 1914. f°. v. 58, p. 14-15.) *DA Carus, Paul. Panama canal question. (Open court. Chicago, 1913. 8°. v. 27, p. 442-443.) * DA Case for the Panama Act. (Living age. Boston, 1912. 8°. v. 274, p. 821-823.) * DA Cattell, James McKeen. Outworn treat- ies. (Nation. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 96, p. 439-440.) * DA Chittendon, H. M. Case against Panama canal tolls. (Forum. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 47, p. 486-493.) * DA "The Coastwise exemption," the nation against it. An appeal on behalf of the na- tional honor and a sound business policy. Representative opinions of the press, and of college presidents, superintendents of schools, clergymen, and other influential 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, continued. Tolls Question, continued. citizens. "Repeal or arbitrate." January, 1913. [New York: Century Magazine.] 1913. 48 p. 8°. ' (New York; Century Magazine,] 1913. Second enlarged ed. 68 p. 8°. TSB p.v.57, no.14 [Collection of clippings, etc., relating to the Panama tolls question.] 1914. TSB scrapbook 1 Collier, William Miller. Would a sub- sid}' to the amount of the tolls granted to American ships passing through the canal be a discrimination prohibited by the treaty? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 163-176.) XBA Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. Panama canal tolls: a British view. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 196, p. 513-522.) *DA Depesee, C. Panama canal and free tolls to domestic American shipping. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1913. f°. v. 108, p. 113.) tfVA Dulles, John Foster. Has the United States the right to exclude from the use of the canal any class of foreign vessels, such as railway-owned vessels? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 189-198.) XBA The Panama canal controversy be- tween Great Britain and the United States. [New York, 1913.] 14 p. 8°. TSB p.v.60, no.2 England's Panama protest. (Literary digest. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 45, p. 133- 134.) *DA England's view of the Panama tolls. (Literary digest. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 44, p. 259-260.) * DA First battle over canal tolls a victory for the president. (Current opinion. New- York, 1914. 4°. V. 56, p. 332-333.) * DA Gamer, James Wilford. Has the United States the right to exclude from the use of the canal any class of foreign vessels, such as railway-owned vessels? An ad- dress. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 199-212.) XBA A Gentleman's agreement. The Panama canal tolls. (Candid. London, 1914. 8°. 1914, p. 709-720.) * DA Grahame, Leopold. The canal diplo- macy; justification for the British protest. (North American review. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 197, p. 31-39.) * DA "An historical summary of events disclosing the motives and views of the two governments in the controversy regarding the canal." Gram, Gregers W. W. The international interest in the settlement of the Panama canal toll question. An address. (Ameri- can Society of International Law. Pro- ceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 41-52.) XBA Harris, Norman Dwight. What is the effect of the exemption of American coast- wise shipping upon Panama canal reven- ues? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 182-189.) XBA Harvey, George. Honor of the nation and President Wilson. (North American review. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 199, p. 335-336.) * DA Why the President is right. (North American review. New York, 1914. 8". V. 199, p. 641-664.) * DA Hershey, Amos Shartle. What is the in- ternational obligation of the United States, if any, under its treaties, in view of the British contention? (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 232-247.) XBA Herzberg, Henry. The A B C of the Panama canal controversy [by H. Herz- berg]. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1913. 14 p. 12°. TSB p.v.86, no.5 Included by Mr. Thetus Wilrett Sims in his speech in the Congressional record, Oct. 29, 1913. First published in the Baltimore Evening Sun, Oct. 15, 1913. How Germany takes our Panama canal act. (Literary digest. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 45, p. 507-508.) * DA How shall the users of the Panama canal be taxed? (Review of reviews. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 46, p. 350-352.) * DA Hutchinson, Lincoln. Voyage costs via Panama and other routes. (American economic review. Boston, 1914. 8°. v. 4, p. 575-587.) TAA Japan and the Panama tolls. (Literary digest. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 45, p. 98.) *DA Johnson, Emory Richard. Coastwise toll exemption, trade discrimination, and pos- sible evasion of law. (North American review. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 199, p. 540- 547.) *DA Panama canal traffic and tolls. (North American review. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 196, p. 174-182.) * DA Panama traffic and tolls. illus. (Independent. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 73, p. 356-359.) * DA Panama traffic and tolls for coast- wise shipping. (Western Society of En- gineers. Journal. Chicago, 1913. 8°. v. 18, p. 6-14.) VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 21 International Relations, continued. Tolls Question, continued. What is the effect of the exemption of American coastwise shipping upon Pan- ama canal revenues? An address. (Ameri- can Society of International Law. Pro- ceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 177- 182.) XBA Kennedy, Crammond. Neutralization and equal terms. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 27-50.) XBA Kennedy, J. M. Broken treaty: the Pan- ama canal tolls. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1914. 8°. V. 101, p. 905-913.) * DA Knox, Philander Chase. Panama canal tolls; letter from P. C. Knox, secretary of state to Irwin B. Laughlin. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, supplement, p. 208-218.) XBA Reprinted from pamphlet issued by the State De- partment. Latane, John Holladay. Panama Canal Act and the British protest. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 17-26.) XBA Laut, Agnes C. Panama canal for foreign ships, illus. (Technical world. Chicago, 1913. 4°. V. 19, p. 334-340.) VDA Lewis, James Hamilton. Why not trust the president? (Independent. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 78, p. 279.) * DA Macfarland, Horace G. Would a subsidy to the amount of the tolls granted to American ships passing through the canal be a discrimination prohibited by the treaty? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 151-162.) XBA Mathews, J. L.. and G. S. Mathews. Toll at the sea-gate, illus. (Everybody's maga- zine. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 27, p. 245- 252.) * DA Mexico and the tolls issue. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 50, p. 6-10.) *DA Miller, Hugh Gordon, and Joseph C. Freehoff. The Panama canal tolls con- troversy; or, A statement of the reasons for the adoption and maintenance of the traditional American policy in the manage- ment of the Panama canal. With intro- duction by William J. Bryan. .. Oscar S. Strauss .. .William Huglies... Boston: Chappie Pub. Co., Ltd., 1914. xxxii, 208 p. 12°. TSB Mr. Roosevelt on the Colombian treaty and the Panama tolls question. (Outlook. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 107, p. 143-144.) *DA National honor on the bargain-counter. (Century. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 85, p 952-953.) * DA Nixon, Lewis. The canal tolls and American shipping. New York: McBride, Nast & Co., 1914. 5 p.l., 243 p. 12°. TSB Does the expression "all nations" in article 3 of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty include the United States? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 101-126.) XBA Panama canal tolls. (Independent. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 72, p. 838-840.) *DA O'Gorman, James A. Panama canal an American highway. (Independent. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 78, p. 278.) * DA Olney, Richard. Panama canal tolls legislation and the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7. p. 81-93.) XBA Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Lawrence. The Panama canal conflict between Great Britain and the United States of America; a study. Cambridge: University Press, 1913. 2 p.l., 57(1) p. 12°. TSB Owen, Robert Latham. Why the Pan- ama tolls exemption should be repealed. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 49, p. 560-562.) * DA Panama canal bill. (Forum. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 48, p. 505-508.) * DA Panama canal squall. (Current litera- ture. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 53, p. 134- 139.) * DA Panama canal tolls. (Independent. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 73, p. 1398-1400.) * DA Panama problem; a poll of the press. (Outlook. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 103, p. 249-253.) * DA Panama tolls jarring Democratic har- mony. (Literary digest. New York, 1914. 4°. V. 48, p. 805-807.) * DA Panama Tolls Repeal Bill. (Outlook. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 106, p. 782-783.) *DA Phelps, Edith M. Panama canal tolls question; argument in brief. (Independent. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 74, p. 1193-1195.) *DA References, p. 1194-1195. Selected articles on Panama canal tolls. Minneapolis: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1913. 50 p. 12°. (The abridged debater's handbook series.) TSB Bibliography, p. S-9. President Wilson and the Panama tolls. (Spectator. London, 1914. f°. v. 112, p. 1021-1022.) *DA 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY International Relations, continued- Tolls Question, continued. President Wilson tries to reverse the lever on Panama canal tolls. (Current opinion. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 56, p. 166-168.) * DA Proclamation by [William Howard Taft] the president of the United States of Amer- ica prescribing Panama canal toll rates. November, 1912; text. (American journal of international law. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, supplement, p. 145-146.) XBA The Railways and the Panama canal. Argument over the tolls question. Dis- criminatory effect of a free toll policy. Proposed restriction on vessel ownership. (Railway age. New York, 1912. f°. v. 53, p. 95-98.) ttTPB Repeal and patriotism. (Outlook. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 106, p. 791-792.) * DA Repeal of the provision of the Panama canal act exempting American coastwise vessels from the payment of tolls. (Ameri- can journal of international law. New York, 1914. 4". v. 8, p. 592-597.) XBA Richards, Sir H. Earle. The Panama canal controversy. A lecture delivered be- fore the L^niversity of Oxford on October 25, 1913. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1913. 48 p. 8°. TSB p.v.76, no.l Roosevelt, Theodore. Arbitration and Panama. (Outlook. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 103, p. 111-113.) *DA Root, Elihu. The obligation of the United States as to Panama canal tolls. Speech... in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 21, 1913. Washington, 1913. 31 p. 8°. TSB p.v.57, no.7 Panama canal a sacred trust. (Inde- pendent. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 74, p. 285-289.) * DA The Panama canal tolls. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1914. 8°. v. 42, p. 495-510.) * DA Seabury, Samuel. Panama canal: shall it be American or Anglo-American? (Out- look. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 103, p. 537- 545.) * DA Stockton, Charles Herbert. Does the expression "all nations" in article 3 of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty include the United States? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 93-101.) XBA Panama canal tolls. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1912. 8°. V. 38, p. 493-498.) VXA Struggle over canal tolls. (Current literature. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 53, p. 244-248.) * DA Traffic and tolls on the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 43, p. 272-274.) VDA Vestal, S. C. Panama canal tolls: arbi- tration illogical. (Outlook. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 103, p. 326-327.) * DA Wambaugh, Eugene. Does the expres- sion "all nations" in article 3 of the Hay- Pauncefote treaty include the United States? An address. (American Society of International Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 127-150.) XBA Exemption from Panama tolls: a discussion based upon the law of public callings. (American journal of interna- tional law. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 233-244.) XBA "This is a revision of an article which appeared, under other titles, in the Boston Evening Transcript of Feb. 8, 1913, and in the Congressional Record of Feb. 26, 1913, p. 4223." White, Thomas Raeburn. Is it necessary in international law that injury actually be suffered before a justiciable action arises? An address. (American Society of Inter- national Law. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 212-223.) XBA Wilson, Woodrow. The redemption of a national obligation. (Independent. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 77, p. 371.) * DA Darien Route General Works Collins, Frederick. Explorations and surveys for a ship canal across the isthmus of Darien. (American Geographical Soci- ety. Journal. New York, 1875. 8°. v. 7, p. Z67-?,77.) YLP^P>. The isthmus of Darien and the val- ley of the Atrato considered with reference to the practicability of an interoceanic ship canal. 2 maps, 5 pi. (American Geographi- cal Society. Journal. New York, 1874. 8°. V. 5, p. 138-165.) KAA Also printed in United States Naval Institute. Proceedings, v. 1, p. 123-148. With discussion, p. 179-180, VXA. — — Report of a survey of the proposed route for an interoceanic ship canal by way of the Atrato, Napipi, and Dogualo rivers, in the canton of Choca, state of Cauca, United States of Colombia, by the United States expedition of 1875. Lieut. F. Col- lins, U. S. N., commanding. (In: United States. — Navy Department. Reports of explorations. . .through. . . Panama. . .U. S. naval expeditions, 1875. Washington, 1879. p. 55-124. 5 diagr., 2 maps. U. S. 45. cong., 3. sess. Sen. doc. no. 75.) TS Cullen, Edward. The isthmus of Darien ship canal. London: E. Wilson. 1852. 64, iv p., 2 maps. 8°. CXp.v.2,no.6 AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 23 Daricn Route, continued. General Works, continued. With a history of the Scotch colony of Darien. London: E. Wilson, 1853. 3 p.l., ii p., 1 1., ix-xii, 204 p., 3 maps, 1 pi. 2. ed. 8°. TSB On the isthmus of Darien and the ship canal. (Society of Engineers. Trans- actions. London, 1868. 8°. 1868, p. 52- 127.) VDA Over Darien by a ship canal. Re- ports of the mismanaged Darien expedi- tion of 1854, with suggestions for a survey by competent engineers, and an exploration by parties with compasses. London: E. Wilson, 1856. 1 p.l., 49 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.2 Reviewed in Eclectic review, v. 105, p. 443-447, * DA. Gisborne, Lionel. The isthmus of Darien in 1852. Journal of the expedition of in- quiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. London: Saunders and Stanford, 1853. vi, 238 p., 4 maps. 12°. TSB Reviewed in Dublin University magazine, v. 41, 1853, p. 718, * DA. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Gram- bo & Co., 1854. vi, 238 p., 4 maps. 12°. TSB Summary of the report on the sur- vey of the isthmus of Darien. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1857. 8°. v. 27, p. 191-196.) KAA Headley, Joel Tyler. Darien exploring expedition under command of Lieutenant Isaac G. Strain, U. S. N. New York: Har- per & Brothers, 1885. 1 p.l., 40 p. illus. 4°. (Harper's Franklin Square library, no. 480.) t HDK Repr. : Harper's magazine, v. 10, p. 433-458, 600- 615, 745-764, * DA. Kelley, Frederick M. Explorations through the valley of the Atrato to the Pacific in search of a route for a ship canal. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 26, p. 174-182.) KAA On the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and the practicability of a ship canal without locks, by the valley of the Atrato. Edited by Charles Manby. London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1856. 44 p., 2 1.. 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.65, no.2 Repr.: Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, v. 15, p. 376-417, VDA. Abstract reprinted in Franklin Institute. Journal, v. 62 [series 3, v. 32], p. 83-89, VA. The union of the oceans by ship- canal without locks, via the Atrato valley. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1859. 114 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.62, no.l Selfridge, Thomas Oliver. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the practicability of a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by the way of the isthmus of Darien. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1874. 1 p.l., 268 p., 30 pi. f°. (United States. — Navy Department.) fTSB Contains general review of other explorations and surveys. Statement regarding surveys on the isthmus of Darien. (American Geographi cal Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 11, p. 293-297.) KAA Serrell, Edward Wellman. Interoceanic ship canal via the Atrato and Truando rivers. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Phila- delphia, 1855. 8°. V. 60, p. 289-291.) VA Trautwine, John Cresson. Map of the isthmus of Darien. 1 map. (Franklin In- stitute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1871. 8°. V. 91, p. 42-44.) VA Remarks concerning surveys of the Atrato river. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1862. 8°. v. 74, p. 27-31.) VA Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. L'ex- ploration de I'isthme du Darien en 1876- 1877. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1877. 8°. serie 6, v. 14, p. 561-580.) KAA Special Periods 1845 Ship canal across the isthmus of Darien. (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1845. 8°. v. 4, p. 351-358.) *DA 1846 Hellert, J. J. Nouvelles observations sur la jonction des deux oceans au moyen d'un canal a travers I'isthme de Darien. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1846. 8°. serie 3, v. 5, p. 389-400.) KAA 1850 Hughes, George W. Isthmus of Darien. (In his: Letter on intermarine communica- tions. Washington, 1850. 8°. p. 47-49.) TPVp.v.2,no.l 1851 The Atlanto-Pacific canal for all nations. Capital £2,500,000. Preliminary statement. Londoni: L. J. Hansard, prtr., 1851?] 16 p., 2 maps. 8°. TSB Atlanto-Pacific canal, for all nations. The Humboldt line. Inter-oceanic Canal Company. Prospectus. London, n. d. 3 sheets. f°. TSB 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Darien Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. Atrato and San Juan Canal and Trans- portation Company in New Grenada, South America. Prospectus. New York: Baker, Goodwin & Co., 185L 16 p., 1 1., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.28, no.8 Title from cover. 1856 Cortambert, E. Nouveau projet d'une communication entre le grand ocean et I'ocean Atlantique, dans la Nouvelle-Gren- ade. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1856. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 388-392.) KAA \ 1853 The Darien canal. (Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. new se- ries, V. 20, p. 683-686.) * DA The Darien canal. (Leisure hour. Lon- don, 1853. 8°. V. 2, p. 311-315.) *DA The Darien ship canal. (Bentley's mis- cellany. London, 1853. 8°. v. 34, p. 654- 664.) * DA Sea route across the isthmus of Darien. (Chambers' journal. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. V. 19, p. 183-185.) * DA 1854 Delusions dispelled in regard to inter- oceanic communication; being a collection of facts relating to the competing plans submitted for public consideration, viz.: — The inter-oceanic canal for all nations (the Humboldt line — by the Atrato-Cupica val- leys) and the projected Darien canal from Port Escoces to the Gulf of San Miguel. London, 1854. 39 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB Gisbome, Lionel. Engineer's report [ad- dressed to the chairman of the Atlantic and Pacific Junction Company, and giving an account of the surveying expedition sent out to determine the practicability of an interoceanic canal across the isthmus of Darien. Dated 20th June 1854. With an appendix.] n. t.-p. [London, 1854.] 112 p., 2 maps. 12°. TSB Strain, Isaac G. Report on exploration of the isthmus of Darien, Oct. 25, 1854. Washington: B. Tucker, 1855. 11 p. 8°. (U. S. 33. cong., 2. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 1.) *SBE Trautwine, John Cresson. Rough notes of an exploration for an inter-oceanic canal route by way of the rivers Atrato and San Juan, in New Grenada, South America. Philadelphia: Barnard & Jones, prtrs., 1854. 2 p.l., 96 p., 4 maps, 14 pi. 8°. TSB Repr. : Franklin Institute. Journal, v. 57, p. 145- 154, 217-231, 289-299, 361-373; v. 58, p. 1-11, 73-84, 145, 217, 289, VA. 1857 Craven, Tunis Augustus Macdonough. Report relating to survey for an inter- oceanic canal, 1859. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1880. 17 p. 8°. (U. S. 46. cong., 2. sess. H. ex. doc. 63.) * SBE Kelley, Frederick M. Canal maritime sans ecluses entre I'ocean Pacifique et I'ocean Atlantique, par la voie des rivieres Truando et Atrato. (Societe de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1857. 8°. serie 4, v. 14, p. 75-76.) KAA Malte-Brun, Victor Adolphe. Du projet de communication interoceanique par I'isthme de Darien. (Societe de geo- graphic. Bulletin. Paris, 1857. 8°. serie 4. V. 13, p. 479-488.) KAA Strain's Zug durch den Isthmus von Darien. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1857. 8°. N. F. Bd. 2, p. 567-580.) KAA 1857-58 Michler, Nathaniel. Report of survey for an interoceanic ship canal near the isthmus of Darien. [With appendixes by others.] n. t.-p. [Washington, 1861.] v. 1. 8°. (United States. — War Department.) TSB V. 1-2. (U. S. 36. cong., 2 sess. Sen. ex. doc. 9.) * SBE 1860 Airiau, A. Canal interoceanique par I'isthme du Darien, Nouvelle-Grenade ^ (Amerique du Sud). Canalisation par la/ colonisation. [By A. Airiau.] Paris: Q. Voltaire, 1860. 3 p.l., 116 p., 1 1., 3 maps, 2 plans. 8°. TSB 1855 Interoceanic communication. Commerce with the East. The Atrato and Truando canal to connect, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1855. 8°. V. 19, p. 493-507.) TAA 1861 Roger, P. De I'interet qu'a la marine frangaise a I'ouverture de I'isthme ameri- cain par le canal du Darien, territoire de la Nouvelle-Grenade. Paris: E. Meyer, 1861. 20 p., 1 map. 4°. f TB p.v.91,no.l K AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 25 Darien Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1861-65 Puydt, Lucien de. Account of scientific explorations in the isthmus of Darien in the years 1861 and 1865. 1 map. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1868. 8°. V. 38, p. 69-110.) KAA 1862 Cullen, Edward. Survey of the isthmus of Darien. (Merchants' magazine. New York, 1862. 8°. v. 46, p. 14-16.) TAA 1870 The Darien canal. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1870. f°. V. 10, p. 314.) ft VDA The Darien canal. Will it pay to build it? (Scientific American. New York, 1870. f°. V. 22, p. 223.) ttVA Darien Canal Company of America. Prospectus, 1870. New York: Thitchener & Glastaeter, 1870. 11 p. 8°. TSB p.v.61, no.6 Dow, L. The Darien canal exploration. (Hours at home. New York, 1870. 8°. v. 10, p. 349-356.) * DA 1865 Malte-Brun, Victor Adolphe. Canal in- teroceanique du Darien, Amerique. Notice historique et geographique sur I'etat de la question du canal du Darien. Paris: A. Bertrand [1865]. 32 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.65, no.13 1866 Canal inter-oceanico. El poder ejecutivo ha ordenado la publicacion de este cua- derno con el fin de facilitar tanto a los miembros del congreso como al publico el estudio del contrato celebrado para la esca- vacion del canal inter-oceanico. Bogota: Imprenta de Gaitan, 1866. 54 p. 8°. TSBp.v.74,no.l2 Lacharme, L. de. The inter-oceanic canal route. A narrative of the last ex- ploration. (Putnam's magazine. New York, 1869. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 329- 341.) *DA 1872 Le Percement de I'isthme de Darien. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1872. 8°. serie 6, v. 3, p. 337-339.) KAA 1874 Lacharme, L. de. Inter-oceanic canal, route of Paya. n. p. [1874.] 26 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB Title from cover. Puydt, Lucien de. Projet de canal inter- oceanique a travers I'isthme de Darien. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1874. 8°. serie 6, v. 8, p. 200-210.) KAA 1876 Canal interoceanique sans ecluses ni tun- nels a travers le territoire du Darien entre les golfes d'Uraba et de San Miguel (fitats- Unis de Colombie). Paris, 1876. 1 p.l., 26 p , 2 maps. 8°. TSB 1868 Cullen, Edward. Survey of the Darien canal line. (Engineer. London, 1868. f°. V. 25, p. 44.) ft VA 1869 Bayles, James C. The Darien ship canal. (Merchants' magazine. New York, 1869. 8°. V. 60, p. 168-175.) TAA Bryan, William H. The Darien ship canal. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1869. 8°. V. 2, p. 116-125.) * DA The Darien ship canal. (Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. New York, 1869. 8°. V. 1, p. 553-556.) VDA 1877 Celler, M. Percement de I'isthme du Darien. (Annales industrielles. Paris, 1877. 4°. annee 9, tome 2, p. 8-14.) ft 3 - VA Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Ex- ploration du canal interoceanique du Darien. Lettres. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris. 1877. 8°. serie 6, v. 13, p. 315-319, 647-654.) KAA 1878 The Darien interoceanic canal. (Geo- graphical magazine. London, 1878. 4°. v. 5, p. 312-313.) KAA 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Daricn Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1889 Gorgorza, Anthonj^ de. Problem of inter- oceanic communication. (American Geo- graphical Societ}\ Journal. New York, 1889. 8°. V. 21, p. 527-529.) KAA 1903 Serrell, Edward Wellman. The Ameri- can isthmian canals. The Darien-Man- dingo canal, n. t.-p. New York, 1903. 16 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.51, no.l6 Title from cover. Nicaragua Route General Works For discussions of the comparative merits of the various routes see entries under the section History. Ammen, Daniel. The proposed inter- oceanic ship canal across Nicaragua. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 113-139.) KAA Bastide, Martin de la, baron. Memoire sur la possibilite, les avantages et les moyens d'ouvrir un canal dans I'Amerique septentrionale, pour communiquer de la mer Atlantique, ou du Nord. a la mer Paci- fique, ou du Sud. 70 p. 8°. (In: J. B. de Laborde, Histoire abregee de la mer du Sud. Paris, 1791. 8°. v. 2, after p. 414.) BH Nicaraguan canal. Memorial pre- sented to the king of Spain in the year 1791, by Baron Martin de la Bastide, concerning the possibility, the advantages, and the means of opening a canal in North America to communicate between the Atlantic, or North Sea, and the Pacific, or South Sea, together with reflections upon the report of the communication between the North Sea and the South Sea by means of Lake Nicaragua, and upon the settlement granted to the English by their last treaty with Spain. Translated from the French by Richard R. C. Simon. 26 p., 1 map. 8°. (U. S. 56. cong., 2. sess. Senate doc. 157.) TSB p.v.32, no.7 Belly, Felix. Percement de I'istlime de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua. Expose de la question. Paris: Bureaux de la direc- tion du canal, 1858. 177 p., 1 1., 3 maps. 8°. TSB Reviewed in Petcrmann's Mittheilungen, 1859, p. 358, KAA. Paris: Bureaux de la direction du canal, 1859. 113 p., 1 1., 3 maps. 2. <;d. 8°. TSB Title varies somewhat from previous entry. Childs, Orville Whitmore. Supplemental estimates to the report of the survey and estimates of the cost of constructing the inter-oceanic ship canal, from the harbor of San Juan del Norte (Greytown), on the Atlantic, to the harbor of Brito, on the Pacific, in the state of Nicaragua, Central America, made for the American, Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Co., in the years 1850-51-52. New York: W. C. Bryant & Co., 1852. 76 p. 8°. TSB p.v.74, no.13 Survey of the Nicaragua route for a ship canal. 3 pi. illus. (Franklin Insti- tute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1870-71. 8°. v. 89, p. 380-389; v. 90, p. 39-43, 98-109, 166- 174, 238-247, 393-395; v. 91, p. 25-29, 249- 253.) VA Childs, Orville Whitmore, and J. D. Fay. . Report of the survey and estimates of the ,V^ cost of constructing the inter-oceanic ship ^ canal, from the harbor of San Juan del Norte, on the Atlantic, to harbor of Brito,*. on the Pacific, in the state of Nicaragua, Central America, made for the American, Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Co., in the years 1850-51. New York: W. C. Bryant & Co., 1852. 1 p.l., ii, 153 p., 1 diagr.. 2 maps. 8°. TSBp.v.24,no.l7 Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. The key to the Pacific. The Nicaragua canal. West- minster: A. Constable & Co., 1895. xviii p., 1 1., 443 p., 10 pi., 1 map. 8°. TSB Reviewed in Dublin review, v. 118, p. 177-178, * DA; in Nation, v. 62, p. 125-126, * DA. Hatfield, Chester, and E. P. Lull. Re- ports of explorations and surveys for loca- tion of ship canal through Nicaragua, 1872- 72,. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1874. 143 p. illus. 8°. (U. S. 43. cong., 1 sess. Sen. ex. doc. 57.) * SBE "Contains an historical memoir on interoceanic routes, by J. E. Nourse; maps of different lines sur- veyed, etc." Jeans, James Stephen. The Nicaraguan canal, illus. (In his: Waterways and water transportation in different countries. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. p. 314-328.) TS Johnson, Emory Richard. The Nica- ragua canal. (In his: Inland waterways. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Supplement, September, 1893. Philadelphia, 1893. 8°. p. 133-146.) SA Keasbey, Lindley Miller. Der Nicarag- ua Kanal. Geschichte und Beurteilung des Projekts. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1893. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 27 Nicaragua Route, continued. General Works, continued. xii, 109 p., 1 map. 8°. (Staatswissenschaft- Hches Seminar zu Strassburg. Abhandluii- gen. Heft 11.) TB Keller, Frangois Antoine fidouard. Canal de Nicaragua. Notice sur la navigation transatlantique des paquebots interocean- iques, ou: Recherches sur les routes de plus court trajet d'Europe a Saint-Jean de Nica- ragua et retour, et sur le regime des courants, des vents, et des tempetes dans I'ocean Atlantique septentrional. Pans: Dalmont et Dunod, 1859. 221 p., 2 maps, oo VXF Menocal, Aniceto G. Report of the U. S. Nicaragua surveying party, 1885, by Civil Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. N. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1886. 55 p., 66 pi. 8°. (U. S. 49. cong., 1. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 99.) tTSD Merry, William L. The Nicaragua canal. The gateway between the oceans. San Francisco: Commercial Pub. Co., 1895. 46 p. iUus. 8°. TSBp.v.74,no.ll « Reviewed in American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, v. 9, p. 139, SA. Napoleon III. Le canal de Nicaragua ou proiet de jonction des oceans Atlantique et Pacifique au moyen d'un canal. (Revue britannique. Paris, 1849. 8°. serie 6, v 21 p. 102-146.) *DM Reprinted in his Oeuvres, Paris, 1854, v. 2, p. 461-543; also in Felix Belly's, Percementde I isthmc de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua, Paris, 1858, p. 82-120, and A travers I'Amenque centrale, Fans, 1867, tome 2, p. 424-464. Nicaragua Canal Commission. Report of the Nicaragua Canal Commission, 1897- 1899, with an atlas. Baltimore: The Lord Baltimore Press, 1899. 2 v. f°. t TSB V. 1. Reports. V. 2. Maps and profiles. Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. The interoceanic canal of Nicaragua; its history, physical condition, plans and pros- pects. New York: [New York Printing Co.,] 1891. 75(1), 88 p., 2 maps, 5 pl- 4 ToB Peralta, Manuel Maria de. El canal in- ter-oceanico de Nicaragi\a y Costa Rica en 1620 y en 1887. Relaciones de Diego de Mercado y Thos. C. Reynolds con otros documentos recogidos y anotados por Man- uel M de Peralta. Bruselas: A. Mertens, 1887. 86 p. 8°. TSBp.v.37,no.6 Sheldon, Henry Isaac. Notes on the Nicaragua canal. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1897. 2 p.l., 214 p., 3 niaps, 20 pl. 8°. TSB (In York, 1856. 8°. America. 444.) his: Nicaragua. New v. 2, p. 219-302.) HMR — (In his: The states of Central New York, 1858. 8°. p. 414- HM - (In his: Nicaragua. New York, 1860. 8°. p. 657-691.) HMR Taylor, Henry Clay. The Nicaragua canal, n. t.-p. 32 p. 8°. TSB p.v.71,no.3 Caption title. Squier, Ephraim George, canal. (In his: Nicaragua. 1852. 8°. V. 2, p. 217-303.) Interoceanic New York. HMR Special Periods 1785-86 Marsan. Un projet de communication entre I'ocean Atlantique et I'ocean Paci- fique par le lac de Nicaragua (1785-1786). (Bulletin de geographie historique et de- scriptive. Paris, 1899. 8°. annee 1899 p 311-322.) *EN 1833 Phillips, Charles. On the communica- tion between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by way of the Lake Nicaragua. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1833. 8°. v. 3, p. 275-280.) KAA 1841 Stephens, John L. Nicaragua canal. (In his- Incidents of travel in Central America. New York, 1841. 8°. v. 1, p. 401-420.) HMA 1847 Chevalier, Michel. An extract from an historical and geographical examination of the isthmus of Panama. Translated by Persifor Eraser. Nicaragua route. 2 pl. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1847 8°. V. 43, p. 304-310, 361-366.) VA 1850 Baily, John. Nicaragua canal. (In his: Central America. London, 1850. 8°^ p. 127-149.) HMA Hughes, George W. Nicaragua. (In his: Letter on intermarine communications. Washington, 1850. 8°. p. 15-28.) TPV p.v.2, no.l Montemont, Albert. Projet de canal pour les navires entre les deux oceans At- lantique et Pacifique, par la riviere ban Juan et les lacs de Nicaragua et de Man- agua. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1850. 8°. serie 3, v. 14, p. 120-^260 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. Sampson, Marmaduke Blake. Central America and the transit between the oceans. New York: S. W. Benedict, 1850. 28 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.5 Repr. : Westminster review, v. 53, p. 127-144. • DA. Squier, Ephraim George. The volcanos of Central America, and the geographical and topographical features of Nicaragua, as connected with the proposed inter- oceanic canal. New Haven, 1850. 20 p. 8°. PTL p.v.3, no.5 1852 Childs, Orville Whitmore. Engineer's report of the cost of constructing the ship canal of Nicaragua as estimated at New York prices. New York: W. C. Bryant & Co., 1852. 1 p.l., 44 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24,no.l8 Griswold, C. D. Proposed route for a ship canal. (In his: The isthmus of Pan- ama and what I saw there. New York, 1852. 12°. p. 108-121.) HDL 1854 Reichardt, C. F. Gegenwartiger Stand der grossen interoceanischen Canalfrage. (In his: Nicaragua. Braunschweig, 1854. 8°. p. 172-187.) HMR 1855 American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company. Charter and act of in- corporation of the American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company as amended: also, treaty of protection negotiated be- tween the United States and Great Britain, and charter granted by the state of Nica- ragua to the Accessory Transit Company. New York: J. W. Amerman. 1855. 28 p. 8°. TSB p.v.75, no.5 Stout, Peter F. The inter-oceanic canal. (In his: Nicaragua: past, present and fu- ture. Philadelphia, 1859. 12°. p. 272-305.) HMR 1860 Belly, Felix. La question de I'isthme americain; episode de I'histoire de notre temps. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1860. 8°. annee 30 [Serie 2, v. 28], p. 328- 368, 597-633, 865-902.) * DM Durchstechung des Isthmus von Panama durch den interoceanischen Kanal von Ni- caragua. (Zeitschrift des Osterreichischen Ingenieur-Vereins. Wien, 1860. f°. Bd. 12, p. 41-46, 85-91.) ft VDA 1863 Loos, Eduardo. Empresa centro-ameri- cana y universal del canal de Nicaragua. Managua: Imprenta del Gobierno, a cargo de A. Mejia, 1863. 1 p.l., 21 p. 8°. TSB p.v.28, no.9 Pim, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan. In- ternational transit route through Nicarag- ua. (Journal of the Society of Arts. Lon- don, 1863. 8°. v. 11, p. 292-300.) VA 1867 Belly, Felix. Le canal du Nicaragua. (In his: A travers I'Amerique centrale. Paris, 1867. 8°. p. 59-104.) HMR 1868 Howard, D. S. Interoceanic communica- tion between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Nicaragua route. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. v. 86, p. 105-108.) VA 1858 Percement de I'isthme de Panama — Convention internationale conclue entre les gouvernements des etats souverains de Nicaragua et de Costa-Rica et M. M. Felix Belly et P. Al. Millaud et Cie., de Paris, relatif a la concession d'un canal maritime interoceanique par le riviere San Juan et le lac de Nicaragua. (Journal des econo- mistes. Paris, 1858. 8°. serie 2, v. 19, p. 284-287.) TAA 1869 Convention pour I'execution d'un canal maritime interoceanique sur le territoire de la republique de Nicaragua. Cette conven- tion a ete ratifiee et sanctionee par le Con- gres et par le President de la republique de Nicaragua, le 15 mars 1869. Paris: P. Du- pont, 1869. 15 p. 8°. TSB p.v.30, no.3 Title from cover. 1859 Societe d'economie politique. Communi- cation sur I'entreprise du canal de Nica- ragua. (Journal des economistes. Paris, 1859. 8°. serie 2, v. 23, p. 293-296.) TAA 1870 Body, John E. The inter-oceanic canal, via Nicaragua. Address delivered 24th June 1870. New York: Slote & Janes, 1870. 23 p. 8°. TSB p.v.61. no.lO AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 29 Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1873 Nourse, Joseph Everett. Interoceanic communication. The Nicaragua route. (Franklin Institute. Journal. New York, 1873. 8°. V. 95, p. 89-98.) VA K. Der interoceanische Canal zwischen dem Stillen und dem Atlantischen Ocean, map. (Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Pola, 1879. 8°. Bd. 7, p. ZZ7- 345.) VXA Ruggles, S. B. The Nicaragua canal: ex- tracts from his semicentennial address at New Haven, July 27, 1864. (American Geo- graphical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 11, p. 181-185.) KAA 1874 Bernard, Emilio. Nicaragua and the in- teroceanic canal. Washington City, 1874. 17, 2 p. 8°. TSB p.v.30, no.5 Title from cover. 1876 Discussion upon a proposed interoceanic canal through Nicaragua. Remarks by T. Bailey Myers, Senor Manuel M. Peralta, and James T. Gardner. (American Geo- graphical Society. Journal. New York, 187S. 8°. V. 8, p. 210-213.) KAA 1880 Ammen, Daniel. The Nicaragua route to the Pacific. (North American review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 131, p. 440-446.) *DA Menocal, Aniceto G. Discussion upon inter-oceanic canal projects, also, addition- al information obtained by recent surveys in Nicaragua. New York, 1880. 429-446 p., 1 map, 1 plan. 8°. TSB p.v.26, no.3 Repr. : American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, v. 9, p. 429-446, VDA. 1877 Belly, Felix. L'istmo americano e il canale del Nicaragua. (Societa geografica italiana. Bollettino. Roma, 1877. 8°. v. 14, p. 199-208.) KAA Le Percement de I'isthme americain. Le canal du Nicaragua. (L'economiste fran- gais. Paris, 1877. f°. v. 1, p. 163-165, 196- 197.) ttTAA 1878 Ammen, Daniel. Interoceanic ship canal across the American isthmus. The pro- posed inter-oceanic ship canal between Greytown and Brito via Lake Nicaragua; its feasibility as a commercial question, and its advantages as compared with other pro- posed lines. Read before the American Geographical Society, November 12, 1878. New York: printed for the societv, 1878. 142-162 p., 2 maps. 8°. TSB p.v.57, no.l3 Repr.: American Geographical Society. Journal, V. 10, p. 142-162, KAA. 1879 Ammen, Daniel. The proposed inter- oceanic ship canal across Nicaragua. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 113-139.) KAA 1881 Grant, Ulysses Simpson. The Nicaragua canal. (North American review. New York, 1881. 8°. v. 132, p. 107-116.) * DA 1885 Chambers, Washington I. Notes on the Nicaragua ship canal. 2 pi. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1885. 8°. V. 11, p. 807-814.) VXA Miller, John F. Nicaragua canal: ad- dress delivered by Hon. John F. Miller, U. S. senator, before the Chamber of Com- merce, Board of Trade, and Manufacturers' Association of San Francisco, June 17, 1885. San Francisco: Bosqui Engraving & Print- ing Co., 1885. 20 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.9 Title from cover. Nicaragua Canal. (Das Ausland. Stutt- gart, 1885. 4°. Bd. 58, p. 121-123, 146-151.) fKAA Nicaragua canal. Description of route, estimated cost and business, n. t.-p. Wash- ington, D. C: T. McGill & Co. (1885., 20 p., 1 map. 8°. TSBp.v.63,no.lO Title from cover. Stevens, John G. The Nicaragua canal — views of a canal expert. (American en- gineer. Chicago, 1885. f°. v. 9, p. 57- 58.) tt VDA 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. 1886 Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. Exposition of errors in Admiral Ammen's pamphlet "Certainty of the Nicaragua canal con- trasted with the uncertainties of Eads ship railway." Washington: Gibson Bros., 1886. 52 p. 8°. * C p.v.1489, no.9 Crowell, James Foster. Some engineer- ing features of the Nicaragua ship canal, map, profile. (Engineers' Club of Phila- delphia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1886. 8°. V. 5, p. 327-340.) VDA Taylor, Henry Clay. The Nicaragua canal. 1 map. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1886. 8°. V. 18, p. 95-126.) KAA 1887 Ammen, Daniel. Facts and suppositions relating to the American isthmian transit: prepared, on invitation, for reading March 8, 1887, before the Naval Institute, at An- napolis, Maryland. rWashington? 1887?] 1 p.l., 12p., 3 diagrs. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.8 Boas, Franz. The Nicaragua canal, map. (Science. New York, 1887. 4°. v. 10, p. 182-187.) OA Nicaragua. Concessions and decrees of the republic of Nicaragua to the Nicaragua Canal Association of New York. n. p., 1887. 27 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.l6 Nicaragua canal. Discussion before the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, thirty-sixth meeting held in New York, August, 1887. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. iii, 104 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.15 Polakowsky, Helmuth. Das neueste Nicaragua-Kanal-Project von Menocal. (Petermanns geographische Mittheilun- gen. Gotha, 1887. 4°. Bd. 33, p. 133-139.) KAA Taylor, Henry Clay. The control of the Pacific. [Boston, 1887., 407-416 p. 8°. TSB p.v.52, no.3 Repr. : Forum, v. 3, p. 407-416, * DA. 1888 Central American Transit Company. Memorial presented by John Sherman, claiming conclusive right of transit over proposed route of Maritime Canal Co. of Nicaragua, and asking that its claims be investigated by Congress. Feb. 24, 1888. n. t.-p. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 50. cong., 1. sess. Sen. misc. doc. 62.) TSB p.v.36, no.8 Hueston, J. C. The American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Cana! Co. A refutation of its claim to the Nicaragua canal route. [New York: Evening Post Job Print, 1888.] 11 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.l The Nicaragua canal. A brief sketch of the present state of the enterprise, n. p. [1888?] 2 1. sq. 8°. TSB p.v.63, no.13 The Nicaragua canal. Expected earn- ings. — A study of its commercial geog- raphy. — Effect on ocean routes. — New trade advantages for the United States. New York: Evening Post Job Print [1888]. 15 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.4 Title from cover. The Nicaragua ship canal. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. V. 4, p. 54-56.) KAA Opinions of commercial bodies of New York, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Indianapolis and San Francisco, and of the legislatures of California and Oregon, about the Nicaragua canal. [New York:] Evening Post Job Printing Office [1888]. 21 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.5 Title from cover. Taylor, Henry Clay. The Nicaragua canal. (American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings. Salem, 1888. 8°. v. 37, p. 380-386.) * EA Waterways to the Pacific. New York: Publishers' Printing Company [1888]. n. t.-p. 326-335 p. 8°. TSB p.v.54, no.5 Title from cover. Repr.: Forum, v. 6, p. 326-335, DA. What the chambers of commerce, boards of trade and exchanges of New York, Bos- ton, San Francisco, Providence, Charles- ton, Kansas City, Richmond, Memphis, Denver, Wheeling and Toledo, and prom- inent newspapers and individuals have to say about the Nicaragua canal. New York, 1888. 19 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.3 Title from cover. 1889 Nicaragua canal. [The Nicaragua ship canal project. Tlie Nicaragua ship canal.] (New York, 1889., 8 p., 1 plan, illus. i". ttTSB Repr.: Engineering news, v. 22, p. 253-254, tt VDA. Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. Nicaragua, the gateway to the Pacific. [New York: J. Bien, 1889.] 2 p.l., (1)4-20 p., 3 maps, 3 plans, 3 pi. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.20 Cover title: 1889. Exposition universelle de Paris. Canal de Nicaragua. Text in English, French, and German. Report of the. . .company. . .to the secretary of the interior. 1889, 1892. Wash- AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 31 Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1889-92. 8°. (United States. — Interior Department.) TSB Sterne, Simon. Nicaragua canal. Argu- ment. . .in opposition to signature, by presi- dent of the United States, of bill (S. 1305) to incorporate the Maritime Canal Com- pany of Nicaragua. February 14, 1889. Washington: Gibson Bros., 1889. 33 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.lO Title from cover. Taylor, Henry Clay. Nicaragua canal. 2 pi. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Phila- delphia, 1889. 8°. V. 127, p. 32-47, 81-95.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, v. 27, p. 10904-10906, 10973-10974, ft VA. 1890 Ammen, Daniel. The Nicaragua canal. (Lippincott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1890. 8°. V. 46, p. 3'^9-359.) * DA Atkins, Thotnas B. The inter-oceanic canal across Nicaragua and the attitude toward it of the government of the United States. By Thos. B. Atkins, secretary of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. [New York: New York Printing Company, 1890.] 56 p. 8°. TSBp.v.74,no.l4 Report on the tonnage and traffic within the zone of attraction of the mari- time canal of Nicaragua, in 1890. and as estimated for 1897... New York: New York Printing Company, 1890. 27 p. 8°. TSBp.v.74,no.l5 Harvey, Charles T. Special report on data relating to the Maritime Canal, of Nicaragua, and the regions tributary there- to. New York: Maritime Canal Company, 1890. 1 p.l., 5-53 p., 3 diagrs., 5 maps, 5 pi. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.l6 Judson, William Pierson. From the west and northwest to the sea by way of the Nicaragua ship canal. [New York: Even- ing Post Job Print, 1890.j 24 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.62, no.5 Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. [The maritime ship canal of Nicaragua.] [New York, 1890.] 17(1) p., 3 maps, \ pi. TSB p.v.24, no.21 Menocal, Anicito G. The Nicaragua canal. Its design, final location, and work accomplished. 1890. Read at the Fourth International Congress on Inland Naviga- tion, Manchester, July, 1890. New York: New York Printing Company, 1890. 29 p. 8°. TSB p.v.84, no.7 Merry, William L. The Nicaragua canal, n. p. [1890.] 6 p. 8°. TSB p.v.65, no.3 Repr. : California banker's magazine, Oct., 1890. The New American waterway. Canal through Nicaragua. (All the year round. London, 1890. 8°. v. 67, p. 341-346.) * DA Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. President's report to the stockholders... 1890. New York, 1891. 16 p. 8°. TSB p.v.54, no.l4 The Nicaragua canal: review of the year's work; government guarantees; progress and prospects, etc. New York, 1890-91. 3 1. 8°. TSB Mounted clippings from the New York Evening Post. Polakowsky, Helmuth. Die Arbeiten am Nicaragua-Kanal. (Petermanns geograph- ische Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1890. 4°. Ed. 36, p. 227-228.) KAA 1891 Ammen, Daniel. The Nicaragua canal. (In his: The old navy and the new. Phila- delphia, 1891. 8°. p. 474-498.) *R-VYE Harvey, Charles T. The Nicaragua canal, map. illus. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1891. 8°. v. 10, p. 676-684.) * DA Hueston, J. C. The Nicaragua canal, map. (Goldthwaite's geographical maga- zine. New York, 1891. 8°. v. 1, p. 105- 110.) KAA Nicaragua canal. (Chambers's journal. London, 1891. 8°. v. 68, p. 86-89.) * DA Nicaragua canal. (Engineer. London, 1891. f°. V. 71, p. 459-460; v. 72, p. 2-4, 123-124, 373-374, 433-434.) ft VA Nicaragua canal. (Industries. London, 1891. f°. V. 10, p. 289-290, 361-364, 420, 481-482, 532-533, 556-557.) ft VA Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. The inter-oceanic canal of Nicaragua: its history, physical condition, plans and pros- pects. New York, 1891. 75, 88 p., 2 maps, 10 pi, 1 table. 4°. TSB Olinda, Alexander. Der Nicaragua- Canal. Nach Studien an Ort und Stelle geschildert. (Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik. Wien, 1891. Bd. 14, p. 385-396.) KAA Sherman, John. The Nicaragua canal. (Forum. New York, 1891. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-9.) * DA Spears, John Randolph. The Nicaragua canal. (Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa., 1891. 8°. V. 13, p. 490^94.) * DA 1892 Cadle, Cornelius. The Nicaragua canal. A paper read before the Literary Club of Cincinnati May 21, 1892. (Iowa historical record. Iowa City, 1898. 8°. v. 14, p. 349- 360.) lAA 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. Cudmore, Patrick. Buchanan's con- spiracy, the Nicaragua canal and reciproc- ity. New York: P. J. Kenedy, 1892. 127(1) p., 1 port. 12°. TSB p.v.25, no.7 Davis, George W. Nicaragua canal. 1 pi. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Phila- delphia, 1892. 8°. V. 134, p. 1-20, 109-131.) VA Davis, Horace. The Nicaragua canal. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1892. 8°. series 2, v. 19, p. 247-252.) * DA Gunn, Otis B. The Nicaragua canal. 1 diagr. (Association of Engineering So- cieties. Journal. Chicago, 1892. 8°. v. 11, p. 447-463.) VDA The Interoceanic canal. (Bureau of American Republics. Bulletin. Washing- ton, 1892. 8°. no. 51, p. 42-55, 105-108.) HMR Bibliography, p. 105-108. Merry, William L. The Nicaragua canal; its political aspect. (Forum. New York. 1892. 8°. v. 12, p. 721-728.) * DA Miller, Warner. The Nicaragua canal and commerce. (Forum. New York, 1892. 8°. v. 12, p. 714-720.) * DA Nicaragua Canal Convention. Proceed- ings of the Nicaragua Canal Convention held at St. Louis, Mo., in the Exposition Music Hall on the 2nd and 3rd days of June, 1892. tSt. Louis?] 1892. 75(1) p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.ll White, T. Phillips. The Nicaragua canal. (Goldthwaite's geographical magazine. New York, 1892. 8°. v. 3, p. 469-470.) KAA Williams, J. J. Nicaragua ship canal; our last and only chance for an isthmus water way between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and its worth to the government and people of the United States over two thousand million dollars. Jackson, Tenn., 1892. 2 1. f °. t TSB 1893 Boetticher, Ernst. Der Nikaragua- Kanal und seine geographische Bedeutung. (Das Ausland. Stuttgart, 1893. 4°. Bd. 66, p. 721-723, 741-743.) f KAA McDonald, Richard H., the younger. The Nicaragua canal and other essays on politi- cal and economic topics. San Francisco: California Pub. Co., 1893. 6 p., 1 port. 8°. TB p.v.82, no.7 Repr.: Calif ornian illustrated magazine, v. 3, p. 716-719, * DA. Manson, N. J. Inter-oceanic ship-canal communication by the American isthmus. Its geographical and economic relations toward the United States. (Technical So- ciety of the Pacific Coast. Transactions. San Francisco, 1893. 8°. v. 10, p. 121-148.) VA Miller, Warner. America's need for the Nicaragua maritime canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 4, p. 799-807.) VDA Montague, G. P. The Nicaragua canal and legislation in connection with it. map. (American law review. St. Louis, 1893. 8°. V. 27, p. 161-174.) XAA Morgan, John Tyler. Government aid to the Nicaragua canal. (North American re- view. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 156, p. 195- 203.) *DA Nicaragua canal. (Engineering. Lon- don. 1893. f°. v. 55. p. 209-210, 243-245, 276-277, 436-438, 605-607.) ft VDA Smith, George H. Nicaragua canal legis- lation. (American law review. St. Louis, 1893. 8°. v. 27, p. 475-478.) XAA Vom Nicaragua-Kanal. (Archiv fiir Post und Telegraphic. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 673-675.) TVA 1894 De Kalb, Courtenay. The Nicaragua canal — ours or England's? (Forum. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 16, p. 690-695.) * DA De Kalb, Courtenay, and others. The Nicaragua canal. Its political relations and commercial advantages. Addresses de- livered at the Trans-Mississippi Commer- cial Congress, Saint Louis, Nov. 28, 1894. n. t.-p. St. Louis: E. J. Schuster Printing Co., 1895. 27 p. 8°. TSB p.v.81,no.l2 Title from cover. Hamilton, William R. The Nicaragua canal in its military aspects. (Military Ser- vice Institution. Journal. New York, 1894. 8°. V. 15, p. 687-725.) VWA Merry, William L. The Nicaragua canal; its political aspect. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1894. 8°. series 2, V. 23, p. 497-501.) * DA Scriven, George Percival. The Nicaragua canal in its military aspects. (Military Service Institution. Journal. New York, 1894. 8°. V. 15, p. 1-51.) VWA Sherwood, G. W. The Nicaragua canal. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadel- phia, 1894. 8°. V. 139, p. 425-438.) VA Wachs, Otto. Die Zukunft Westindiens und der Nicaragua-Kanal. (Deutsche Rund- schau. Berlin, 1894. 8°. Bd. 79, p. 231- 261.) *DF AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 33 Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. White, Arthur Silva. A needed foothold in the Pacific. (United service magazine. London, 1894. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 490- 495.) * DA Winn, Frank L. Nicaragua canal: mili- tary advantages to the United States. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1894. 8°. series 2, v. 23, p. 489-497.) * DA 1895 Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. The pro- posed Nicaragua canal an impracticable project; a communication addressed to the Nicaragua Canal Board in regard to the commercial, nautical and economic condi- tions involved in the scheme. [Huntington, L. L, 1895.] (1)4-40 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.lO Title from cover. Sherwood, G. W. The Nicaragua canal. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadel- phia, 1895. 8°. v. 139, p. 425-438.) VA White, Arthur Silva. Our benefits from the Nicaragua canal. (North American re- view. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 161, p. 720- 725.) * DA 1896 Atkins, Thomas B. A refutation of "The proposed Nicaragua canal an impracticable project," by Joseph Nimmo, jr., by Thomas B. Atkins, secretary of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. New York: Even- ing Post Job Printing House rl896]. 29 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.6 Title from cover. Cassidy, Patrick Sarsfield. The Nica- ragua canal project. (Catholic world. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 62, p. 499-509.) *DA Ford, J. T. A proposed new location for a Nicaragua ship canal. 1 map. (Engi- neering news. New York, 1896. f°. v. 36, p. 108-109.) ft VDA Going, Charles B. The absence of facts about the Nicaragua canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 11, p. 416-424.) VDA Greely, Adolphus Washington. The present state of the Nicaragua canal. (Na- tional geographic magazine. Washington, 1896. 8°. V. 7, p. 73-76.) KAA Johnson, Emory Richard. The Nica- ragua canal and the economic development of the United States. Philadelphia: the academy, 1896. 38-48 p. 8°. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Publications, no. 166.) TSB p.v.62, no.4 Repr. : Annals, v. 7, p. 38-48, SA. Miller, Jacob William. The advantages of the Nicaragua route. Philadelphia: the academy, 1896. 32-37 p. 8°. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Publications, no. 165.) TSB p.v.62, no.2 Repr.: Annals, v. 7, p. 32-37, SA. The Nicaragua canal estimates. (Engi- neering. London, 1896. f°. v. 61, p. 580- 581.) ttVDA Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. The Nica- ragua canal. Washington, 1896. n. t.-p. 7 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.7 "This statement has been prepared in reply to inquiries from all parts of the country touching my views in regard to the Nicaragua canal project. A carefully prepared article covering all points raised in the proposed resolution of inquiry may be found in the Forum for March, 1896." The Nicaragua canal an impracti- cable scheme. (Forum. New York, 1896. 8^ V. 21, p. 21-33.) *DA Polakowsky, Helmuth. Der Nicaragua- Kanal. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Ber- lin. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1896. 8°. Bd. 31, p. 373-385.) KAA 1897 Craig, Asa H. Resolved, that the United States should build and control the Nica- ragua canal. (In his: Pros and cons. Com- plete debates. New York [1897]. 12°. p. 148-159.) SAD Crowninshield, A. S. The dream of navi- gators. (North American review. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 165, p. 695-700.) * DA Le Baron, John Francis. Surveying in Nicaragua. Experiences in work on the in- teroceanic canal; location, climatic peculi- arities, animal and insect pests. (Engineer- ing record. New York, 1897. f°. v. 35, p. 444-446.) ft VDA Nicaragua ports and the Nicaragua canal. (Board of Trade journal. London, 1897. 8°. V. 22, p. 422-425.) TLA Sobral, Jose Gutierrez. A Spanish view of the Nicaragua canal. (North American review. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 164. p. 462-471.) * DA 1898 Johnson, Emory Richard. The Nicarag- ua canal and our commercial interests. 1 map. (Review of reviews. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 18, p. 571-576.) * DA Keasbey, Lindley Miller. The Nicaragua canal in the light of present politics. (Re- view of reviews. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 18, p. 568-570.) * DA 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. Mahan, Thaddeus M. Needed link for our naval and commercial supremacy. (Il- lustrated American. New York, 1898. 4°. V. 22, p. 805-807.) * DA Melville, George Wallace. Views... as to the strategic and commercial value of the Nicaraguan canal, the future control of the Pacific ocean, the strategic value of Hawaii, and its annexation to the United States. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1898. 33 p. 8°. TSB p.v.63, no.6 Miller, Warner. The Nicaragua canal. (Forum. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 26, p. 331-342.) * DA Money, Hernando De Soto. The Nica- ragua canal. (Munsey's magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 18, p. 747-752.) * DA Nicaragua bill. — Plain words about the Morgan bill for purchasing the Nicaragua canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1898. f°. v. 40. p. 2,77-2,7^.) ft VDA The Nicaragua canal. (Gunton's maga- zine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 48-55.) TAA The Nicaragua canal; the gateway be- tween the oceans. Published by authority of the Chamber of Commerce of San Fran- cisco. San Francisco: Cunningham, Cur- tiss & Welch, 1898. 23(1) p. 8°. TSBp.v.24, no.l3 Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. National influence and the isthmian canal. Reply to L. AL Haupt. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 720-726.) VDA The Nicaragua canal. Investigate before investing. An earnest plea for a thorough and impartial official investiga- tion of the economic, commercial, military and political aspects of the Nicaragua canal. Washington, D. C: R. H. Darby, 1898. vi, 44 p., 1 1. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.2 The Nicaragua canal in its com- mercial and military aspects. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 15, p. 720-726.) VDA Noble, Alfred. Some engineering fea- tures of the Nicaragua canal. 4 pi., 1 port. (Western Society of Engineers. Journal. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 3, p. 771-788.) VDA Spahr, Charles B. The Nicaragua canal: a review. (Outlook. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 60, p. 431-435.) * DA Stadden, Corry Montague. The latest aspects of the Nicaragua canal project. (North American review. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 167, p. 698-709.) * DA Turpie, David. Projects for an isthmian canal. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 96, p. 351-358.) * DA In condensed form in Review of reviews, New York, V. 17, p. 207-208, * DA. Willey, Day Allen. The Nicaragua canal. (Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa., 1898. 8°. v. 28, p. 147-151.) *DA Yglesias, Rafael. Costa Rica and the great canal. (Independent. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 50, p. 1841-1842.) * DA 1899 Berwick, Edward. A western view of the isthmian canal. (Outlook. New York, 1899. 8°. V. 61, p. 186-187.) * DA Corea, Luis F. Nicaragua. The inter- oceanic canal. Remarks at the Interoceanic Commercial Congress at Philadelphia. (Bureau of American Republics. Monthly bulletin. Washington, 1899. 8°. v. 7, p. 843-847.) TLA In English and Spanish. Crowninshield, A. S. Advantages of the Nicaragua canal. (Century magazine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 57, p. 458-466.) * DA Davis, Arthur Powell. Nicaragua and the isthmian routes, illus. (National geo- graphic magazine. WasJiington, 1899. 8°. V. 10. p. 247-266.) KAA Earle, E. Lyell. Nicaragua, the gateway to the Pacific. (Donahoe's magazine. Bos- ton, 1899. 8°. V. 42, p. 1-11.) *DA Estudios sobre el canal de Nicaragua. 1 map. (Revista general de marina. Madrid, 1899. 8°. V. 44, p. 318-338, 465-485.) VXA Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. The Nica- ragua canal. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1899. f°. v. 47, p. 19440.) ttVA Hayes, Charles Willard. Physiography and geology of region adjacent to the Nica- ragua canal route. 1 map, 2 pi. (Geologi- cal Society of America. Bulletin. Roches- ter, 1899. 8°. V. 10, p. 285-348.) KAA Physiography of the Nicaragua canal route. 3 maps. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1899. 8°. v. 10, p. 233-246.) KAA The Hepburn bill for a Nicaragua canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1899. f°. v. 41, p. 89-90.) ttVDA Hunter, William Henry. A review of the Nicaragua canal scheme. (In his: American isthmus and the interoceanic canal. New York, 1899. 8°. p. 20-39.) TSB p.v.74, no.lO Repr. : Engineering magazine, v. 16, p. 972-990. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 35 Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. Johnson, Emory Richard. The Nica- ragua canal. (Independent. New York, 1899. 8°. V. 51, p. 179-182, 261-264.) * DA Nimmo, Joseph, the younger. The pro- posed American interoceanic canal in its commercial aspects, n. t.-p. n. p., 1899. 297-310 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.4 Repr. : National geographic magazine, v. 10, p. 297- 310, KAA. The Proposed Nicaragua canal. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1899. f°. V. 80, p. 104-106.) ttVA Reed, Thomas Brackett. The Nicaragua canal. (North American review. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 168, p. 552-562.) * DA The Nicaragua canal, by T. B. Reed. The Nicaragua and Panama canals, by J. B. Walker. Chicago: Hamilton Club, 1899. 8°. (Hamilton Club of Chicago. Serial publications, no. 9, p. 1-9.) SEA Shortt, Adam. Nicaragua canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Canadian maga- zine. Toronto, 1899. 8°. v. 12. p. 385-391.) *DA Smalley, Eugene Virgil. An Anglo- American ship canal. (Anglo-American magazine. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 1, p. 22-27.) * DA Stadden, Corry Montague. Our diplo- matic relations with Nicaragua. (Review of reviews. New York, 1899. 8°. v. 20. p. 444-446.) *DA Strange, Thomas Bland. Nicaragua canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1899. 8°. v. 12, p. 480-481.) * DA 1900 Burton, Theodore Elijah. The Nicaragu- an Canal Bill. Speech... in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, May 1, 1900, with remarks Wednesday, May 2, 1900. Washington, 1900. 36 p. 8°. TSB p.v.60, no.l Chandler, J. R. Construction required, map. (Independent. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 52, p. 1106-1109.) *DA Commercial centers on the proposed route of the Nicaragua canal. (Board of Trade journal. London, 1900. 8°. v. 29, p. 606-608.) TLA Davis, Arthur Powell. Hydrography of Nicaragua. 7 pi., 3 maps, 2 tables, illus. (United States. — Geological Survey. 20. annual report. Washington, 1900. 8°. part 4, p. 563-637.) PTB The water supply for the Nicaragua canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 363-365.) KAA Hayes, Charles Willard. An assumed in- constancy in the level of Lake Nicaragua; a question of permanency of the Nicaragua canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1900. 8°. v. 11, p. 156-161.) KAA Reprinted, in condensed form, in Engineering maga-zine, v. 19, p. 437-439, VDA; also abstracted in Scientific American supplement, v. 49, p. 20337, nVA. Heilprin, Angelo. The Nicaragua canal in its geographical and geological rela- tions. 1 map, 5 pi. (Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Bulletin. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°. V. 2, p. 87-107.) KAA Hepburn, William P. The Nicaragua canal. (Independent. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 52, p. 294-296.) * DA Huntington, C. P. The Nicaragua canal. Would it pay the United States to con- struct it? Remarks... at the seventh an- nual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of Galveston, Texas, March 16, 1900. n. p., 1900. 16 p. 8°. TSBp.v.24,no.l2 Title from cover. Nelson, H. L. Isthmian canal, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1900. i° . v. 44, p. 239-240.) * DA Seizure of property of the Maritime Canal Companv. (Outlook. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 65, p. 844-845.) * DA Shrinkage of Lake Nicaragua. (Scien- tific American supplement. New York, 1900. f°. V. 39, p. 20397-20398.) ft VA Simmons, William E. The Nicaragua canal. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900. 5 p.l., 334 p., 1 1., 1 pi, 1 port. 8°. TSB Topography of the Nicaragua route. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 19, p. 917-919.) VDA Wheeler, E. S. The topography of the Nicaragua canal route, and the plans and estimated cost of constructing the canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1900. f°. V. 44, p. 21-25.) ft VDA 1901 Heilprin, Angelo. The shrinkage of Lake Nicaragua; a question of permanency of the proposed Nicaragua canal. (Geo- graphical Society of Philadelphia. Bulle- tin. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°. v. 3. p. 1-12.) KAA The water supply of Lake Nica- ragua; a reply to criticisms by the hydrog- rapher of the Nicaragua Canal Commis- ?>6 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nicaragua Route, continued. Special Periods, continued. sion. (Geographical Society of Philadel- phia. Bulletin. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°. v. 3, p. 13-20.) KAA Kupka, P. F. Der Nicaragua-Canal. (Oes- terreichische Eisenbahn-Zeitung. Wien, 1901. 4°. Jahrg. 24, p. 133-137.) TPB Llopis, Arturo. Estudios sobre el canal de Nicaragua. (Revista contemporanea. Madrid, 1901. 8°. v. 122, p. 360-379. 449- 468.) NPA The Nicaragua!! canal, view. London, 1901. 8°. 300.) (Quarterly re- V. 193, p. 279- *DA Robinson, Edward Van Dyke. Control of the Nicaragua canal. (Independent. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 53, p. 2962-2966.) * DA Seim-Desplaces, L. A propos du canal de Nicaragua. (Revue politique et lit- teraire. Paris, 1901. 4°. serie 4, v. 15, p. 243-246.) * DM map, 1 pi. (American Society of Civil En- gineers. Proceedings and papers. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 28, p. 678-693.) VDA With discussion on p. 827-846; author's reply to discussion, v. 29, p. 117-126. Also in Transactions, v. 50, p. 23-65, VDA. Marcel, Gabriel. Un eventail geograph- ique. 1 pi. (Revue hispanique. Paris, 1902. 8°. annee 9, 1902, p. 220-234.) RGA Moore, F. Work of the Isthmian canal engineers. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1902. f°. v. 86, p. 67, 73.) ft VA Sapper, Karl. Der Bericht der Nica- raguakanal-Kommission von 1897-99. 1 map. (Petermanns Mitteilungen. Gotha, 1902. 4°. Bd. 48, p. 25-30.) KAA Stevenson, S. Y. Prince Louis Napoleon and the Nicaragua canal. (Century maga- zine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 64, p. 391- 396.) *DA Warning against the folly of the Nica- ragua canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 22, p. 425-427.) VDA 1902 Features of the canal. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement. New York, 1902. f°. v. 53, p. 21776-21779.) ft VA Hildebrandt, F. Der Nicaragua-Kanal. (JahrbiJcher fiir die deutsche Armee und Marine. Berlin, 1902. 8°. Jahrg. 122, p. 612-619.) VWA Johnson, Emory Richard. Isthmian canal: choice of route. (Quarterly journal of economics. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 514-536.) TAA Le Baron, John Francis. An alternative line for the Nicaragua canal: and a pro- posed new method of dam construction. 1 1903 Isthmian canal problem. map. illus. (Current literature. New York, 1903. 8°. V. 35, p. 419-426.) * DA 1913 Our isthmian canal options. (Indepen- dent. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 74, p. 731- 732.) * DA Rival isthmian canal. (Nation. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 92, p. 92-93.) * DA Will there ever be a Nicaraguan canal? (Outlook. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 104, p. 309-310.) *DA Panama Canal For discussions of the comparative merits of the various routes see entries under the section History. Periodicals Commercial and Economic Aspects Bulletin du canal interoceanique. v. 1-7, no. 158 (Sept. 1, 1879-March 15, 1886); v. 8, no. 177-193, 195-v. 9, no. 215, 217-224 (Jan. 1, 1887-Sept. 2, Oct. 2, 1887-Aug. 2, Sept. 2-Dec. 17, 1888). Paris, 1879-88. f °. f TSB Canal record. Weekly, v. 1-date (Sept. 4, 1907-date). Ancon, Canal Zone, 1907- date. 4°. t TSB Published by the Isthmian Canal Commission. Panama canal. Tri-weekly. Feb. 2-11, 1882. Panama, 1882. f°. *A Abbot, Henry Larcom. Panama under the control of the United States. (Harvard engineering journal. Cambridge, 1906. 8°. V. 5, p. 1-13.) VDA Adamson, William Charles. Needed Panama canal legislation. (Independent. New York, 1912. 8^ v. 72, p. 610-614.) *DA Austin, Oscar Phelps. Panama canal — its effect on domestic and foreign trade. (Bankers magazine. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 89, p. 123-127.) THA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS Z7 Panama Canal, continued. Commercial and Economic Aspects, cont'd. Probable effect of the Panama canal on the commercial geography of the world. (National geographic magazine. Washing- ton, 1914. 8°. V. 25, p. 245-248.) KAA Baker, Bernard Nadal. American traffic for the Panama canal. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1911. f°. v. 48, p. 30.) * DA How we can have American ships for the Panama canal. (North American review. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 191, p. 29- 38.) * DA What the canal will mean. map. illus. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1910. i". V. 44, p. 21.) * DA What use is the Panama canal to our country without American ships? (North American review. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 190, p. 577-586.) * DA Ballard, G. A. The commercial aspects of the Panama canal. (Contemporary re- view. London, 1908. 8°. v. 94, p. 731- 742.) * DA Reprinted in Living Age, v. 269, p. 195-203, * DA; also, in condensed form, in Engineering magazine, V. 37, p. 100-103, VDA. Barrett, John. The meaning of the Pan- ama canal to the South. (Manufacturers' record. Baltimore, 1909. f°. v. 54, p. 110- 111.) 3-ttVA Bingham, Hiram. The probable effect of the opening of the Panama canal on our economic relations with the people of the west coast of South America, n. t.-p. n. p. [1914.] 49-67 p. 8°. TSB p.v.55, no.l5 Repr. : Journal of race development, v. 5, p. 49- 67, QOA. Also printed in Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Latin America. New York, 1914. p. 216- 234, HAY. Blakeslee, George Hubbard. Future of the Panama canal, maps, illus. (Out- look. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 110, p. 966- 976; V. Ill, p. 193-201.) * DA Bolce, Harold. Our great canal shib- boleth. (Appleton's booklovers magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 6, p. 370-379.) * DA Bolivia. — Ministerio de Relaciones Ex- teriores. Bolivia and the opening of the Panama canal. New York: [York Printing Co.,] 1912. 24 p., 1 map, 3 pi. illus. 8°. HLB Text and title in English and Spanish. Boyce, William D. Advantages of mak- ing the canal zone a free city and a free port... (In: Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Latin America. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 181-196.) HAY Brownell, A. Effect on our commerce and industrial life. (World's work. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 9, p. 5706-5712.) * DA Burton, Theodore Elijah. What will the canal accomplish? (Independent. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 81, p. 247-251.) * DA Canal rates and the railroads. illus. (Sunset. San Francisco, 1915. 8°. v. 34, p. 41-43.) lAA Clark, John Bates. The remote effects of the Panama canal. (Commercial and financial chronicle. New York, 1914. f°. Nov. 28, 1914, Panama-Pacific section, p. 50-52.) TAA Clark, John Maurice. The Panama canal and the railroads. (Commercial and finan- cial chronicle. New York, 1914. f°. Nov. 28, 1914, Panama-Pacific section, p. 47-50.) TAA Collins, John O. Opportunity for the South on the opening of the Panama canal. (Manufacturers' record. Baltimore, 1913. f °. v. 62,, no. 12, p. 57-58.) 3 - ft VA Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. Influence of the Panama canal on trade routes. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 35, p. 268-270.) VDA The strategical and economical effect of the opening of the Panama Canal. (With discussion.] (Royal United Service Institute. Journal. London, 1908. 8°. v. 52, p. 175-195.) . VWA Commission's white workers. (Outlook. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 83, p. 21-24.) * DA Cook, Ellis M. The Panama canal and British shipping. (United empire. Lon- don, 1912. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 661-665.) CX Court of the canal zone. port. (Inde- pendent. New York. 1904. 8°. v. 56, p. 948-952.) * DA Curtis, William E. The Panama route for Canadian northwest shipments. (Rail- way and engineering review. Chicago, 1911. f°. V. 51, p. 789-790.) ft TPB Devine, Edward Thomas. Canal build- ers, illus. (Survey. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 29, p. 764-768.) SHK Doddridge, W. B. The Panama canal. Effect of opening of new international waterway upon the world in general, the United States as a whole, the Pacific Coast and southern California. 2 diagrs. (St. Louis Railway Club. Proceedings. St. Louis, 1914. 8°. V. 18, p. 320-337.) TPB Discussion, p. 338-355. Dumas, A. Le canal de Panama. De- scription. — Tonnage et tarifs prevus. Consequences economiques. 1 map. (Genie civil. Paris, 1912. f°. v. 61, p. 117-119.) tfVA Le tarif a appliquer a Panama et les revenus probables du canal. Paris: E. Ber- nard et Cie., 1891. xv, 89(1) p., 3 1., 1 map. 4° TSB 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Commercial and Economic Aspects, cont'd. Dunlap, H. Racial pot-pourri on the isthmus. (Lippincott's magazine. Phila- delphia, 1908. 8°. V. 82, p. 489-495.) * DA Duthil, J. Bordeaux et Panama. (Re- vue philomathique de Bordeaux et du Sud- Ouest. Paris, 1913. 8°. annee 16, p. 117- 138.) *EN Eight-hour law and enforced labor con- tracts in Panama canal zone. (United States. — Labor Bureau. Bulletin. Wash- ington, 1905. 8°. V. 11, p. 656-662.) TDV Evans, Robley Dunglison. Panama canal; its effect when completed, on the commerce of the United States, maps, illus. (Hampton's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. V. 24, p. 35^6.) * DA Why the Panama canal may be a bad business venture, map. illus. (Hamp- ton's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 24, p. 188-198.) * DA Will the railroads throttle the Pan- ama canal? illus. (Hampton's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 24, p. 355-366.) *DA Reprinted in condensed form in Review of re- views, V. 41, p. 479-480, * DA. Fiegel, Max D. Der Panamakanal; die Bedeutung des Kanalbaues, seine Technik und W'irtschaft. Mit 16 Abbildungen und einer Ubersichtskarte. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1911. vii, 183(1) p. 8°. TSB Flandre, Henri. Le canal de Panama et les fitats-Unis. (Questions diplomatiques et coloniales. Paris, 1906. 4°. v. 21, p. 111-126.) BAA Ford, Worthington Chauncey. Commer- cial aspects of the Panama canal. (Har- per's magazine. New York, 1898. 8°. v. 96, p. 761-769.) * DA Fox, George L. The Panama canal as a business venture. (Government. Bos- ton, 1908. 4°. V. 3, p. 283-294.) f SEA Gateway of nations, map. illus. (Sys- tem. Chicago, 1915. 8°. v. 27, p. 439-441.) TMA Rains, Peter Conover. Labor problem of the Panama canal. (North American review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 179, p. 42-54.) * DA Also in condensed form in Review of reviews, V. 30, p. 227-230, * DA. Harvey, Charles M. Panama canal and the Mississippi valley. (World's work. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 7, p. 4425-4429.) *DA Hazelhurst, James Nisbet. The problem of Panama. (Manufacturers' record. Bal- timore, 1913. f°. v. 63, no. 21, p. 51-53.) 3 - tt VA Kenning, Richard. Probleme des Welt- verkehrs. Berlin: H. Paetel Verlag, G.m.b.H., 1913. X, (1)12-230 p., 3 pi. illus. 8°. (Allgemeiner Verein fiir deutsche Literatur. Veroffentlichungen. Abt. 38, Bd. 2.) TPI Das Problem des Panamakanals, p. 228-320. How the Panama canal will open Bolivia, illus. (Pan American Union. Bulletin. Washington, 1914. 8°. v. 39, p. 259-265.) TLA Hutchinson, Lincoln. New opportunities in the Pacific. (Yale review. New Haven, 1914. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 708-725.) *DA The Panama canal and international trade competition. New York: Macmillan Co., 1915. X p., 2 1., 283 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB Reviewed in Nation, v. 100, p. 658-659. Johnson, Emory Richard. Commercial importance of the Panama canal. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. An- napolis, 1913. 8°. V. 39, p. 1407-1426.) VXA The Istlimian canal in its economic aspects. (In: Making of America. Chi- cago, 1906. 8°. V. 4, p. 181-198.) lAE Isthmian canal traffic. (Quarterly journal of economics. Boston, 1903. 8°. V. 17, p. 529-575.) TAA Necessary Panama canal legislation. (North American review. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 194, p. 714-722.) * DA The Panama canal, map. illus. (In his: Elements of transportation. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 232-246.) TO The Panama canal and the com- merce of the United States. 1 map. (Sci- entific American. New York, 1912. f°. v. 107, p. 394-395.) tt VA The Panama canal in its commer- cial aspects. (American Geographical So- ciety. Journal. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 35, p. 481-491.) KAA Panama canal traffic and tolls. Washington: [Gov. Prtg. Off.,] 1912. vi, 490 p., 12 maps in pocket. 4°. TSB Reviewed in Journal of political economy, v. 21, p. 566-569, TAA. The use and benefit of the Panama canal. (Commercial and financial chron- icle. New York. 1914. f°. Nov. 28, 1914, Panama-Pacific section, p. 43-46.) TAA Value of the Panama canal to this country. (In: Questions of public policy. New Haven, 1913. 8°. p. 82-103.) TB What the canal will accomplish. 1 map. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 54, p. 37-43.) * DA Keys, C. M. Changing the transcon- tinental trade routes. illus. (World's work. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 24, p. 403- 414.) *DA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 39 Panama Canal, continued. Commercial and Economic Aspects, cont'd. What the Panama canal is doing. (World's work. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 30. p. 362-366.) * DA Kirkald, Professor. Some of the eco- nomic effects of the Panama canal. (Jour- nal of the Society of Arts. London, 1913. 8°. V. 61, p. 1042-1044.) VA Knapp, H. S. The real status of the Panama canal as regards neutralization. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1910. 8°. v. 36, p. 61-62.) VXA Knowland, J. R. Pacific coast and the Panama canal, illus. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 50, p. 451-454.) * DA Laut, Agnes C. Now that Panama has opened — what? illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 51, p. 175-177.) *DA Lawton, E. M. The Panama canal and commerce. 1 map. (Mining and scientific press. San Francisco, 1911. f°. v. 102, p. 563-564.) tt VA Lewis, Henry Harrison. Benefit to American commerce, map. illus. (Har- per's weekly. New York, 1906. f°. v. 50, p. 438-440.) * DA McLellan, A. G. Panama canal versus American shipping. (North American re- view. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 193, p. 111- 120.) * DA Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Panama canal and sea power in the Pacific. (Century magazine. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 82, p. 240-248.) * DA Mills, J. S. Panama and British trade. (Living age. Boston, 1913. 8°. v. 278. p. 375-377.) * DA Nixon, Lewis. Panama canal and Ameri- can commerce. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 19, p. 67-71.) VXA Discussion, p. 71-81. Okuma, Shigenobu, count. Japan and Panama: the effect of the opening of the Panama canal on trade between Japan and America. (Independent. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 76, p. 246-247.) * DA Panama canal; its international aspects. (Quarterly review. London, 1912. 8°. v. 217, p. 299-322.) * DA The Panama canal and maritime com- merce. (Quarterly review. London, 1904. 8°. V. 200, p. 329-357.) * DA Panama gateway opened for the trade of the world. (Outlook. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 107, p. 1034-1035.) * DA Payments on account of the Panama canal. (Bankers' magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. V. 67, p. 929-931.) THA Peabody, J. Commercial value of the Panama canal, illus. (World to-day. Chi- cago, 1910. 8°. V. 19, p. 1212-1218.) * DA Quigley, A. J. Panama canal and the ports of the Pacific. (Engineering maga- zine. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 48, p. 493- 497, 641-657, 808-826.) VDA Roosevelt, Theodore. Administration of the canal. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 98, p. 521.) *DA Shonts, Theodore Perry. Value of the Panama canal. (World's work. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 27, p. 703-707.) * DA Smith, J. R. World carriers and the Panama canal. (Journal of geography. Madison, Wis., 1913. 8°. v. 11, p. 227-231.) KAA Trautwine, John Cresson, the younger. Cost of the Isthmian ship canal. (Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Annals. Philadelphia, 1912. 8°. v. 42, p. 331-333.) SA Volmat, J. Le canal de Panama et le port de Papeete (Tahiti). (Revue poli- tique et parlementaire. Paris, 1913. 8°. tome 78, p. 481-504.) * DM Vose, E. N. How Panama will alter trade, maps, illus. (World's work. New ^'ork, 1912. 4°. v. 24, p. 418-433.) * DA Vrooman, Frank Buffington. The eco- nomic effect of the Panama canal on west- ern Canada. (United empire. London, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 5, p. 561-572.) CX With discussion, p. 572-576. Wallace, John Findley. Canal and the Panama railroad. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1906. f°. v. 61, p. 25294-25295.) ft VA Some phases of the Panama prob- lem. (Railway age. Chicago, 1906. f°. v. 41, p. 351-353.) tfTPB Watson, E. S. Chinese labor and the Panama canal, illus. (Independent. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 61, p. 1201-1205.) * DA Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Meaning of the canal, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 51, p. 161-164.) * DA Williams, D. Mending a hole in Uncle Sam's pocket: work of E. J. Williams, dis- bursing officer. (Technical world. Chi- cago, 1915. 4°. V. 23, p. 626-627.) VDA Wright, Benjamin C. San Francisco's ocean trade, past and future. A story of the deep water service of San Francisco, 1848 to 1911. Effect the Panama canal will have upon it. San Francisco: A. Car- lisle & Co., 1911. 1 p.l., iii, (1)6-212 p.. 12 pi. 8°. TR 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, cojitinucd. History General Works Abbot, Henrj' Larcom. Problems of the Panama canal; including climatology of the isthmus, physics and hydraulics of the river Chagres, cut at the continental divide and discussion of plans for the waterway. New York: The Alacmillan Company, 1905. xi, 248 p., 1 map, 15 diagrs. 8°. TSB Abbot, Willis John. Panama and the canal; the story of its achievement, its problems and its prospects. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1914. x p., 1 1., 5-468 p., 32 pi. 8°. HDL Panama and the canal in picture and prose; a complete story of Panama, as well as the history, purpose and promise of its world-famous canal — the most gi- gantic engineering undertaking since the dawn of time. Approved by leading offi- cials connected with the great enterprise. Water-colors by E. J. Read and G. Grant. New York: Syndicate Publishing Com- pany, 1913. 1 p.l., 412 p., 1 map. illus. 4°. TSB Acheson, Ernest Francis. History of the canal project. (In his: Souvenir. Trip of congressional party to Panama. Washing- ton, 1907. ob. 24°. p. 6-9.) HDL Bakenhus, Reuben E., and others. The Panama canal, comprising its history and construction, and its relation to the navy, international law and commerce, by R. E. Bakenhus. . .H. S. Knapp...E. R. Johnson . . . New York: J. Wiley & Son, Inc., 1915. xi, 257 p., 1 map, 5 plans, 16 pi. 8°. TSB Bates, Lindon Wallace. The Panama canal, system and projects. [New York:] the author [1905]. 178 p., 4 1., 3 maps, 13 pi. sq. r. TSB Retrieval at Panama. [New York: The New York Press,) 1907. 4 p.l., (1)6- 554 p., 7 diagrs., 4 maps, 5 pi. 8°. TSB Ballet, Daniel. La nouvelle voie mari- time, le canal de Panama. Paris: E. Guil- moto fl913,. 2 p.!., 330 p., 1 1., 1 map, 11 pi. 12°. (Bibliotheque des amis de la marine.) TSB Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. New York: Century Co., 1913. xvi, 271 p., 1 map. illus. 12°. HDL Panama canal, p. 98-114, 168-194. Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. The French at Panama, illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 53, p. 25-45.) * DA The Panama gateway. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1913. xvi, 459 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 45 pi., 2 ports. 8°. TSB New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1915. XV, 461 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 22 pi.. 1 port, new and rev. ed. 8°. TSB Borland, William P. The permanent government of the canal zone. (Yale law review. New Haven, 1912. 8°. v. 21, p. 571-582.) XAA Bullard, Arthur. Panama; the canal, the country, and the people, by Albert Edwards [pseud.]... New York: Macmillan Co., 1911. X, 585 p., 2 maps, 31 pi., 1 port. 8°. HDL Panama canal, p. 431-445, 475-585. Revised edition with additional chapters. New York: The Macmillan Com- pany, 1914. xiv p., 1 1., 601 p., 30 pi., 2 maps, 1 diagr., 1 port. 12°. *R-HDL Panama canal, p. 431-445, 475-593. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. Le detroit de Panama. Documents relatifs du probletne de Panama (detroit libre, large, et pro- fond). Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1907. 2 p.l., 305(1) p., 1 1., 1 plan, illus. 8°. TSB Panama; la creation, la destruc- tion, la resurrection. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1913. 2 p.l., ii, 774 p., 1 1., 1 diagr., 2 facs., 14 pi, 3 ports, illus. 8°. TSB Panama; the creation, destruction and resurrection. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1913. XX, 568 p., 1 diagr., 4 facs., 1 plan, 13 pi., 15 ports. 4°. TSB Panama, le passe, le present, I'av- enir: ouvrage accompagne. . .d'un atlas a part; [also. Annexe de I'ouvrage: Panama, le trafic). Paris: G. Masson, 1892. 3 v. f°. ft TSB Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama canal and its makers. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1909. 192 p., 1 map, 32 pi. 8°. TSB Curtis, William J. The history of the purchase by the United States of the Pan- ama canal; the manner of payment; and the distribution of the proceeds of sale. An- nual address. [Birmingham? 1909.] 2 p.l., 30 p. 8°. TSB Dati, Francesco. II canale interoceanico (tracciato Colon-Panama), v. 1. Torre Annunziata: E. Letizia. 1906. 8°. TSBp.v.37,no.ll Bibliography, p. 9-10. Dumas, A. Le canal de Panama. His- torique. Description. — £tat actuel des travaux. Consequences economiques. maps, profiles, 7 pi. illus. (France. Annales des ponts et chaussees. Paris, 1912. 8°. serie 9, tome 8, p. 157-306.) VDA Elzelingen, J. M. W. van. Het Panama- kanaal. Groningen: E. B. van der Kamp, 1907. 5 p.l., 78 p., 7 1., 5 plans. 8°. TSB Knock, C. Reginald. The Panama canal; (its past, present, and future). London: AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 41 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Collins' Clear-Type Press [1914]. 262 p., 1 pi. 16°. (Nation's library.) TSB Bibliography, p. 255. Fiegel, Max D. Der Panamakanal; die Bedeutung des Kanalbaues, seine Technik und Wirtschaft. Mit 16 Abbildungen und einer Ubersichtskarte. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1911. vii, 183(1) p. 8°. TSB Figuier, Guillaume Louis. Le canal mari- time de Panama. 9 maps, 19 pi. illus. (In his: Les nouvelles conquetes de la science. Isthmes et canals. Paris [18 — ?]. 4°. p. 313-359.) tTS Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- • lie. America's insular possessions. Phila- delphia: John C. Winston Co., 1906. 2 v. maps, pi., port. 8°. ICI Canal exploration, v. 1, p. 363-385. The Panama Canal Company, v. 1, p. 469-497. The New Panama Canal Company, v. 1, p. 501-528. The American en- terprise, V. 1, p. 531—551. Panama and the canal to-day. An historical account of the project from the earliest times with special reference to the enterprises of the French company and the United States, with a detailed description of the waterway as it will be ultimately constructed. Together with a brief his- tory of the country and the first compre- hensive account of its physical features and natural resources. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1910. xii p., 1 1., 433 p., 2 maps, 43 pi. 8°. TSB Bibliography, p. 422-427. Panama: the isthmus and the canal. Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co., 1906. 368 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 13 pi., 3 ports. 12°. TSB Reviewed in Nation, v. 83, p. 173, * DA. Fraser, John Foster. Panama, and what it means. London: Cassell and Co., 1913. ix, 291 p., 1 diagr., 1 map, 46 pi., 1 port. 12°. TSB Cause, Frank A., and C. C. Carr. The story of Panama; the new route to India. Boston: Silver, Burdett and Company cl912]. 1 p.l, v-xii p., 1 1., 290 p. illus. 8°. *R-HDL Canal making, p. 1-150. Gijselaar, Nicolaas Charles de. Het Pan- ama-Kanal. Leiden: P. Somerwil, 1891. 3 p.l., 224 p. 8°. TSB Goethals, George Washington. Govern- ment of the Canal Zone. Princeton: Prince- ton University Press, 1915. 106 p. 12°. (Stafford Little lectures.) TSB The Panama canal. illus. (Na- tional geographic magazine. Washington, 1909. 8°. V. 20, p. 334-355.) KAA This was submitted to President Taft March 16, 1909, as a special report on the Panama canal situa- tion. Hall, Alfred Bates, and C. L. Chester. Panama and the canal. New York: New- son & Co. [Cop. 1910.] ix, 236 p. illus. 12°. TSB Key to the Pacific, p. 93-223. New York: Newson & Com- pany, 1914. ix, 278 p. illus. enlarged ed. 12°. TSB Key to the Pacific, p. 90-269. Haskin, Frederick J. The Panama canal. Illustrated from photographs taken by Ernest Hallen. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914. x, 386 p., 1 map, 20 pi. 8° TSB Hill, H. R. A succinct view of the im- portance and practicability of forming a ship canal across the isthmus of Panama. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1845. iv, (1)6- 29(1) p. 8°. TSB Jackson, T. E., & Son. The makers of the Panama canal [and representative men of the republic of Panama]. Compiled and edited by F. E. Jackson & Son. T. Marine, photo artist. [New York: Chasmar-Win- chell Press, 1911.] 1 p.l., (1)6-410 p., 3 1. illus. ob. 8°. TSB Johnson, Willis Fletcher. Four centuries of the Panama canal. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1906. xxi, 461 p., 6 maps, 10 pL. 6 ports. 8°. TSB Reviewed in American historical review, v. 12, p. 684-686, * R- Room 300. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1907. xxi, 461 p., 6 maps, 10 pi., 6 ports. 8°. TSB Keller, G. Het Panamakanaal; een schets der wordingsgeschiedenis en een blik op de tolkomst. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen, 1915. 180 p., 13 pi., 2 ports. 16°. TSB Ledebur, Ferdinand, Freiherr von. Der Panamakanal, seine wirtschaftliche, poli- tische und militarische Bedeutung. Miin- chen: Hans Sachs Verlag [1914]. 63 p., 1 map. (Probleme unserer Zeit. Nr. 10.) TSB Lefebure, Paul. A la conquete d'un isthme. (Annales des sciences politiques. Paris, 1901-02. 8°. v. 16, p. 427-444, 600- 619; V. 17, p. 627-639.) SEA Lehman, Richard. Der Panamakanal, seine Geschichte, die Befestigungs- und die Gebuhrenfrage. (Zeitschrift fiir interna- tional Recht. Leipzig, 1913. 8°. Bd. 23. Heft 3, p. 46-102.) XBA Marroquin, Lorenzo. El canal. Bogota: Imprenta de Vapor, 1903. 125 p. 8°. TSB Repr. : "El renacimiento." Marshall, Logan. The story of the Pan- ama canal. Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co. [1913.] 286 p., 1 map, 35 pi., 1 port. 8°. TSB 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Mills, John Saxon. The Panama canal; a history and description of the enterprise. London: T. Nelson and Sons [1913j. 344 p., 5 pi., 2 ports. [2. ed.] 12°. TSB New Panama Canal Company. Opinions of general counsel and documents show- ing title. [New York: the company, 1906?] 3 p.l., 290 p. 4°. fXSB New Panama Canal Company. [New York: Evening Post ]ob Printing House, 1898.] 38 p., 1 chart, 1 map, 20 pi. TSB p.v.83, no.2 Contents: International Technical Commission. Composed of engineers of United States, France, Russia, England, Germany and Colombia. — Brief history of the Old Panama Canal Company (The Universal Inter-oceanic Canal Company). — Organi- zation of the New Panama Canal Company, Oct. 20, 1894. — Synopsis of the present status of the canal works and the plan of the construction, as unani- mously approved by the International Technical Com- mission. — The traffic of the Panama canal. — The concession to the Panama Canal Company. — Article 35 of the treaty of 1846-8 between New Grenada (now republic of Columbia) and the United States. — Articles 5 and 6 of the Panama canal concession of May 18, 1878, under which the canal is being com- pleted. Pan-American Union. Panama canal; what it is, what it means. [Compiled under the supervision of] John Barrett. Wash- ington: [Cop. by John Barrett,] 1913. 2 p.l., 7-120 p., 1 map. illus. 8°. TSB Paponot, Felix. Achevement du canal de Panama: etude technique et financiere. Paris: Baudry et Cie., 1888. vii, 195 p.. 2 1., 4 plans, 3 pi. 8°. TSB Pepperman, W. Leon. Who built the Panama canal? New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. [1915.] xiv, 419 p., 2 maps, 22 pi., 5 ports. 8°. TSB Illustrations by Joseph Pennell. Reviewed in New Republic, v. 4, p. 189, * DA. Regel, Fritz. Der Panamakanal. . . Halle a. S.: Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei, 1909. 3 p.l., 128 p., 4 maps, 1 plan, 6 pi. 8°. (Angewandte Geographie. Serie 3, Heft 6.) KAT Robinson, Tracy. Fifty years at Pan- ama, 1861-1911. New York: Trow Press [pref. 1911). xiii, 293 p., 25 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°. HDL Panama canal, p. 138-159. Rodrigues, Jose Carlos. The Panama canal: its history, its political aspects, and financial difficulties. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1885. viii, 248 p. 12°. TSB Reviewed in Academy, v. 28, p. 252, *DA; Athenaeum, 1885, part 2, p. 843, * DA; and Science, V. 6, p. 503, OA. Simmons, L. V. T. Opinions of the Panama canal ninety years ago. (Outlook. New York, 19,13. 8°. v. 105, p. 716.) * DA Tavemier, fidouard. fitude du canal in- teroceanique de I'Amerique centrale au point de vue diplomatique, juridique et economique. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1908. 2 p.l., 144 p. 8°. TSB Bibliography, p. 1-2. United States. — Isthmian. Canal Com- mission. Annual report. 1903/4-date. Washington, 1905-date. 8°. TSD Wegener, Georg. Der Panamakanal. Seine Geschichte, seine technische Herstel- lung, seine kiinftige Bedeutung. Berlin: L. Simion Nf., 1914. 36 p. 8°. (Volkswirt- schaftliche Zeitfragen. Jahrg. 36, Heft 2.) SA Weir, Hugh C. The conquest of the isthmus; the men who are building the Pan- ama canal — their daily lives, perils, and adventures. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. xiii, 238 p., 29 pi., 1 port., 1 chart, 1 map. 12°. TSB Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Le canal de Panama; I'isthme americain, ex- plorations, comparison des traces etudies, negociations, etat des travaux. Paris: Li- brairie Hachette et Cie., 1886. 1 p.l., 399 p., 1 1., 39 pi., 1 port., 2 maps, 1 table. 4°. fTSB Reviewed in Science, v. 7, 1886, p. 279, OA. Zoeller, Hugo. Der Panama-Kanal. Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1882. 48 p. 4°. TSB Special Periods 1529 Johnson, Willis Fletcher. Four hundred years of the Panama canal. The first white man to cross the isthmus from the Atlantic to the Pacific. First plan ever made to sever the Americas with an artificial strait by Cortez in 1529. (Journal of American history. New Haven, Conn., 1907. 4°. v. 1, no. 4, p. 633-639.) lAA 1827 Smith, G. K. Goethe and the Panama canal. (Americana. New York, 1912. 4°. V. 7, p. 956-958.) lAA "Refers to the prophecy made by Goethe in 1827, regarding an interoceanic canal." 1841 Steam navigation to the Pacific by the isthmus of Panama. (American journal of science and art. New Haven, 1841. 8°. v. 41, p. 358-364.) OA 1844 Chevalier, Michel. L'isthme de Panama. Paris, 1844. 72 p. 8°. TSB, Repr. : Revue des deux mondes, nouv. serie, v. 5, p. 5-74, * DM. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 43 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Wheelwright, William. Observations on the isthmus of Panama; as comprised in a paper read at a meeting of the Royal Geo- graphical Society, on the evening of the 12th February 1844. Illustrated with a map of the various routes which have been pro- posed for connecting the two oceans. Lon- don: W. Weak, 1844. 31 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.52, no.2 1875 Lull, Edward Phelps. Report of explora- tions and surveys for the location of a ship- canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the isthmus of Panama, 1875, by a United States naval expedition. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1875. 54 p., 1 diagr., 1 map, 2 plans. 4°. (U. S. 45. cong., 3. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 75.) f TS 1845 Garella, Napoleon. Projet d'un canal . de jonction de I'ocean Pacifique et de I'ocean Atlantique a travers I'isthme de Panama. Paris, 1845. viii, 233 p. 8°. TSB Extracts from the report of Na- poleon Garella, appointed to survey the isthmus of Panama. Translated by Persi- for Frazer. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1846. 8°. v. 42, p. 18-24, 73- 85, 145-154, 217-225.) VA 1878 Der Durchstich der Landenge von Pan- ama. (Zeitschrift des Architekten- und In- genieur-Vereins zu Hannover. Hannover, 1878. f °. Bd. 24, p. 560-562.) ff 3 - VEA Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Canal interoceanique, 1877-78. Rapport sommaire de la Commission internationale d'exploration. Paris: A. Chaix et Cie., 1878. 26 p. 4°. t TSB p.v.83, no.5 1849 Lloyd, John Augustus. On the facilities for a ship canal communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, through the isthmus of Panama. 7 maps, 1 plan. (With discussion.] (Institution of Civil Engi- neers. Minutes of proceedings. London. 1849. 8°. V. 9, p. 59-89.) VDA 1850 Hughes, George W. Isthmus of Panama. (In his: Letter on intermarine communica- tions. Washington, 1850. 8°. p. 29-47.) TPVp.v.2, no.l 1852 Grisvirold, C. D. Proposed route for a ship canal. (In his: The isthmus of Pan- ama and what I saw there. New York, 1852. 12°. p. 108-121.) HDL 1859 Charencey, Charles Felix Hyacinthe Gouhier, comte de. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama. Mortagne: Loncin et Daupeley, 1859. lip. 8°. TSB p.v.49, no.9 1862 Wagner, Moritz. Eine Reise in das In- nere der Landenge von San Bias und der Cordillere von Chepo in der Provinz Pan- ama, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der hypsometrischen Verhaltnisse und der Kanalfrage. (Petermanns geographische Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1862. 4°. Bd. 8. p. 128-141.) KAA 1879 Ammen, Daniel. Recollections of the Panama Canal Congress. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1893. 8°. v. 156, p. 136-148.) *DA Gen. Grant and the Panama canal. (En- gineering news. New York, 1879. f°. v. 6, p. 273.) tt VDA Gioia, E. II taglio dell' istmo di Panama. (Societa geografica italiana. Bollettino. Roma, 1879. 8°. v. 16 tserie 2, v. 4], p. 466- 490.) KAA Kelley, Frederick M. The inter-oceanic canal. (Engineering. London, 1879. f°. V. 27, p. 82-83.) tt VDA Lalance, Auguste. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama. (L'economiste fran- Qais. Paris, 1879. f°. v. 1, p. 233-235.) ttTAA Menocal, Aniceto G. Intrigues at the Panama Canal Congress. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 129, p. 288-293.) *DA Percement de I'isthme de Panama. (An- nales industrielles. Paris, 1879. 4°. annee 1, partie 1, p. 578-591, 642-659, 710-719; partie 2, p. 614-620.) 3-ttVA Pirn, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan. The Panama canal. (Journal of the Society of Arts. London, 1879. 8°. v. 28, p. 67- 83.) VA Ship canal across Panama. (Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 22, p. 241-252, 305- 319.) VDA 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Plauchut, Edmond. Le futur canal inter- oceanique de rAmerique centrale. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1879. 8°. v. 34, p. 668-697.) * DM Puydt, Lucien de. La verite sur le canal interoceanique de Panama. Paris: C. Schiller, 1879. 52 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.6 Shelboume, Sidney F. Address on the San Bias route. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. V. 11, p. 221-258.) KAA The interoceanic canal, illus. (En- gineering news. New York, 1879. f°. v. 6, p. 346-348.) ft VDA Sweet, C. A. The interoceanic canal, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1879. f°. V. 6, p. 290-291.) ft VDA Tracy, Henry. Estimates for a ship canal, railroad, etc., across the isthmus of Panama. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 287-291.) KAA 1880 Amman, Daniel. M. de Lesseps and his canal. (North American review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 130, p. 130-146.) * DA Eads, James Buchanan. Address. . .be- fore the House Select Committee on Inter- oceanic Canals, 9th of March, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps. n. t.-p. n. p., n.d. 29 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.lO Fontpertius, A. F. de. Le canal de Pan- ama et la presse americain — Le percement de I'isthme americain et le message du President. (L'economiste frangais. Paris. 1880. f°. V. 1, p. 351-353, 471-474.) ft TAA Goodwin, John Marston. The Panama ship canal and inter-oceanic ship railway projects. Paper read before the Engineers' Club, of Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1880. Cleveland, Ohio: J. B. Savage ,1880?]. 56 p. 8°. TSB p.v.50, no.9 Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de. Le canal de Panama. (Academie des sciences. Comptes-rendus. Paris, 1880. 4°. v. 90, p. 903-904.) * EN The interoceanic canal. (North American review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 130, p. 1-15.) * DA The Panama canal. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1880. 8°. v. 131, p. 75-78.) * DA The Panama canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1880. f°. v. 7, p. 96-98.) ft VDA Shelbourne, Sidney F. A comparative view of the Panama and San Bias routes for an interoceanic canal. New York, 1880. 18 p. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.8 Title from cover. Interoceanic ship canal — San Bias route. New York, 1880. 219-258 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.25, no.4 Title from cover. Repr. : American Geographical Society. Journal, V. 11, p. 219-258, KAA. WorraU, James. The Panama canal and the isthmus. (Engineers' Club of Philadel- phia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1881. 8°. V. 2, p. 97-105.) VDA Zweifel. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama. (Societe industrielle de Mul- house. Bulletin. Mulhouse, 1880. 4°, v. 50, p. 32-39.) VA 1881 Dodd, George. Proposed ship canal at Panama. (British almanac and companion. London, 1881. 12°. 1881, p. 41-52.) CA 1882 Eissler, Manuel. The Panama canal. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1882. f°. v. 14, p. 5485-5486, 5496, 5513-5515, 5528-5530, 5563-5566, 5578-5581, 5660-5663,5675-5677.) tt VA Hersent, H. Communication sur le canal de Panama. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France. Memoires et compte-rendu des travaux. Paris, 1882. 8°. annee 1882, v. 2, p. 635-652.) VDA Abstracted in Institution of Civil Engineers, Lon- don. Minutes of proceedings, v. 70, p. 441-442. The Panama canal. (Edinburgh review. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. v. 155, p. 411-444.) *DA Vernon- Harcourt, Leveson Francis. Pan- ama canal. (In his: A treatise on rivers and canals. Oxford, 1882. 8°. v. 1, p. 192- 197.) VDN 1882-85 Helene, Maxime. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama, illus. (La nature. Paris, 1882-85. 4°. annee 10, 1882, seme- stre 2, p. 51-54, 98-102, 129-132, 198-202, 227-230; annee 13, 1885, semestre 2, p. 7-11, 86-90.) OA 1883 The Panama canal. (Engineering. Lon- don, 1883. f°. V. 36, p. 65, 131-132, 263, 366-367.) tt VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 45 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Politisch- und wirtschafts-geographische Riickblicke. Der Panama-Kanal. (Das Ausland. Stuttgart, 1883. 4°. v. 56, p. 247-254.) t KAA 1884 Colne, Charles. The Panama inter- oceanic canal. A paper read before the Franklin Institute, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1884. 24 p., 1 diagr. 8°. TSB p.v.51, no.l3 Title from cover. Repr. : Frankiin Institute. Journal, v. 118, p. 353-376, VA. Cooper, G. H., and R. P. Rodgers. Report to the secretary of the navy respecting the progress on the work on the ship-canal at the isthmus of Panama, 1884. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1884?- 25 p., 1 1., 42 pi. 8°. (U. S. 48. cong., 1. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 123.) *SBE Nourse, Joseph Everett. The Suez and the American canal. (In his: Maritime canal of Suez. Washington, 1884. 8°. p. 130-157.) TSB p.v.73, no.lO Rezzadore, P. II taglio dell' istmo di Panama. (Societa geografica italiana. Bol- lettino. Roma, 1884. 8°. v. 21 [serie 2, v. 9], p. 509-525.) KAA 1885 Gierke, Miss E. M. Maritime canals. (Dublin review. London, 1885. 8°. v. 97 [Series 3, v. 14], p. 1-19.) * DA Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. La situation de I'entreprise du canal de Panama. (£co- nomiste frangais. Paris, 1885. f°. 1885, V. 2, p. 161-164, 189-192.) ft TAA Marechal, Henry. Voyage d'un action- naire a Panama. Paris: E. Dentu, 1885. 26 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.13 Der Panama-Kanal. (Petermanns geo- graphische Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1885. 4°. Bd. 31, p. 209-211.) KAA 1886 Bigelow, John. The Panama canal. Re- port of the Hon. John Bigelow, delegated by the Chamber of Commerce of New York to assist at the inspection of the Panama canal in Feb., 1886. New York: Chamber of Commerce, 1886. 30 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB p.v.50, no.ll Bresson, Andre. Le canal interoceanique. (In his: Bolivia. Paris, 1886. 4°. p. 16- 29.) t HCK Cermoise, Henri. Deux ans a Panama. Notes et recits d'un ingenieur au canal. Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1886. 2 p.l., 306 p., 1 1. 3. ed. 12°. TSB Gierke, Miss E. M. Maritime canals. (Manchester Geographical Society. Jour- nal. Manchester, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 50-60.) KAA Panama canal, p. 54-58. Jameson, Charles D. Notes on the Pan- ama canal, illus. (Association of Engi- neering Societies. Journal. New York, 1886. 8°. V. 5, p. 367-382.) VDA Abstracted in Scientific American supplement, v. 22, p. 9002-9004, ft VA. Kimball, W. W., and W. L. Capps. Spe- cial intelligence report on the progress of the work of the Panama canal during the year 1885. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1886. 38 p., 2 diagrs., 1 map, 9 pi. 8°. (U. S. 49. cong., 1. sess. H. misc. doc. 395.) TSB p.v.34, no.l2 Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de. Note sur les travaux du canal de Panama. (x\ca- deniie des sciences. Comptes-rendus. Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 102, p. 722-725.) * EO The Panama canal. (Science. New York, 1886. 8°. v. 8, p. 517-520.) OA Repr.: Scottish geographical magazine, v. 2, p. 641- 646, KAA. Molinari, Gustave de. A Panama; I'isth- me de Panama — la Martinique — Haiti. Lettres adressees au Journal des debats. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie. [1886.] xi, 324 p., 6 pi., 1 m.ap. 16°. HDB Panama canal, p. 69-102. The Panama canal; a contrast with the Suez canal. (Bankers' magazine. London, 1886. 8°. V. 46, p. 627-634.) THA Der Panama-Kanal. (Das Ausland. Stutt- gart, 1886. 4°. Bd. 59, p. 9-11.) tKAA Paradela y Gestcil, Francisco. Una visita al istmo de Panama. Nota de las impre- siones y apuntes alii recogidos. Habana: Tipografia del "Avisador Comercial," 1886. 48 p. 8°. TSB Simonin, Louis. Le canal de Panama; etat des travaux. 1 map. (Societe de geo- graphic de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1886. 8°. V. 6, p. 3-28.) KAA Sanchiz y Basadre, Eliseo. Una visita a las obras del canal de Panama. Madrid: E. Maroto y hermano, 1886. 4 p.l., 299 p., 1 map, 1 port. 8°. TSB 1887 Bovallus, Carl. Den interoceaniska Ka- nalen. (In his: Resa i Central-Amerika. Upsala, 1887. 8°. p. 75-83.) HMA 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Boyd, R. Nelson. Notes on the Pan- ama canal. (Engineer. London, 1887. f°. V. 63, p. 293, 318-319.) ft VA Also in Scientific American supplement, v. 23, p. 9519-9521, tt VA. Clavenad, C. Propagation de la maree et vitesse des courants dans le canal de Panama. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1887. f°. V. 11. p. 186-188.) ttVA Coen, Gustavo. Sull' importanza sociale del canale di Panama. (Societa geografica italiana. Bollettino. Roma, 1887. 8°. v. 24 [serie 2, V. 12], p. 115-133.) KAA Corning, Frederick G. The Panama canal. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1887. f°. v. 24, p. 9807-9810.) tfVA Hulbert, George C. The Panama canal from within. (Forum. New York, 1887. 8°. V. 4, p. 279-289.) * DA Rogers, Charles C. The Panama canal, map. (Engineering and building record. New York, 1888. f°. v. 17, p. 131-135.) tt VDA Weld, Stuart F. Inventions at the Pan- ama canal, illus. (Popular science month- ly. New York, 1887. 8°. v. 32. p. 146- 166.) * DA The Panama canal. (Popular sci- ence monthly. New York, 1887. 8°. v. 31, p. 323-333.) * DA 1888 Duponchel, A. Le canal de Panama: ses moyens d'e.xecution. (Revue scien- tifique. Paris, 1888. 4°. v. 43, p. 37-40.) OA Jeans, James Stephen. The Panama canal and its prospects. (Nineteenth cen- tury. London, 1888. 8°. v. 23, p. 189-206.) *DA The Panama canal and its rivals. (Journal of the Society of Arts. London, 1888. 8°. v. 36, p. 549-558.) VA Kohl, Ernst. Grosse Verkehrsbauten und der Panama-Kanal. (Der Civil-In- genieur. Freiberg, 1888. 4°. Bd. 34. p. 469-503.) VDA Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de. Sur le percement de I'isthme de Panama. (Aca- demic des sciences. Comptes-rendus. Paris, 1888. 4°. v. 106, p. 172-176.) * EN Lisbonne, E. E. Canal des deux mers. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. f°. v. 12, p. 347-349.) tt VA Nansouty, Max de. Les travau.x du canal de Panama. (La nature. Paris, 1888. A\ 1888, annee 1, p. 115-118.) OA Rogers, Charles C. Progress at Panama, map. (Popular science monthl)^ New York, 1888. 8°. v. 32, p. 447-455.) * DA Weld, Stuart F. The isthmus canal and our government. (Atlantic monthly. New York, 1888. 8°. v. 63, p. 341-353.) * DA Whymper, Edward. The Panama canal. 1 map. 1 plan. (Contemporary review. London, 1888. 8°. v. 55, p. 323-340.) * DA Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, v. 112, p. 577-588, * DA. 1889 Goode, Richard U. Trip to the isthmus of Panama. 1 map, 1 plan. (National geo- graphic magazine. Washington, 1889. 8°. V. 1, p. 301-314.) KAA Gordon, W. J. The Panama canal, map. illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1889. 8°. V. 38, p. 308-316, 391-395.) * DA Nelson, Wolfred. The Panama canal. (In his: Five years at Panama. New York, 1889. 12°. p. 238-287.) HDB The Panama scandal. (Scottish review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 13, p. 274-287.) * DA Redfield, William W. San Bias canal versus Panaina canal, and sea level versus locks. (Association of Engineering Soci- eties. Journal. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 8, p. 345-349.) VDA Rogers, Charles C. Intelligence report of the Panama canal. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1889. 2 p.l., 2-57 p., 1 diagr., 1 map, 24 pi. 8°. TSB p.v.71, no.6 Also in U. S. 50. cong., 1 sess. H. misc. doc. 599, * SEE. Sautereau, Gustave. Le canal de Pan- ama transforme en lac interieur. Nouveau projet propose par G. Sautereau... Nou- velle edition de luxe. Paris [:Maison Quen- tin, 1889., 62 p., 1 1., 6 pi. 4°. TSB Weld, Stuart F. The isthmus canal and American control. (Atlantic monthly. New York, 1889. 8°. v. 64, p. 289-303.) *DA 1890 Dom, Alexander. Der Panama-Canal. (In his: Die Seehafen des Weltverkehrs. Wien, 1890. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-238.) TL Duponchel, A. Le canal de Panama et la methode des torrents artificiels. (Revue scientifique. Paris, 1890. 4°. v. 45, p. 48- 50.) OA Jeans, James Stephen. The Panama canal, illus. (In his: Waterways and water transportation in different countries. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. p. 274-313.) TS Polakowsky, Helmuth. Der Bericht iiber die heutige Lage der Panama-Kanal- AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 47 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Gesellschaft. (Petermanns geographische Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1890. 4°. Bd. 36. p. 196-197.) KAA Die Panama-Kanal - Gesellschaft. (Kaiserlich Koniglich geographischen Ge- sellschaft in Wien. Mittheilungen. Wien, 1890. 8°. Bd. 33, p. 529-556.) KAA 1891 Desquiens, F. Projet d'achevement du canal de Panama. (La genie civil. Paris, 1891. f°. V. 19, p. 255-263.) ft VA 1892 Donville, H. Sur I'age des couches tra- versees par le canal de Panama. (Aca- demic des sciences. Comptes-rendus. Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 112, p. 497-499.) * EN Seymour, E. H. The present state of the Panama canal. 1 plan. (Nineteenth cen- tury. London, 1892. 8°. v. 31, p. 293-311.) *DA 1893 Aleixandre, Cirilo. Cuatro palabras sobre el canal de Panama. Memoria escrita y presentada al Congreso geografico his- pano-portugues-americano celebrado en Madrid durante el mes de octubre de 1892. Madrid: Imprenta del Memorial de Inge- nieros, 1893. 60 p., 1 map. 8°. TSB Hinman, George Wheeler. De Lesseps and the Panama canal scandal. (Chautau- quan. Meadville, Pa., 1893. 8'. v. 16^ p. 587-591.) Hull, A. G. project, map. York, 1893. i° *DA The San Bias ship-canal (Engineering news. New V. 29, p. 580-582.) ft VDA Lambert, Ernest. Panama; the story of a colossal bubble. (Forum. New York, 1893. 8°. V. 15, p. 12-23.) * DA Le Nocher. Les avantages du canal de Panama. (Revue franqaise de I'etranger et des colonies et exploration. Paris, 1893. 8°. V. 17, p. 203-205, 305-309.) KAA Der Panama-Kanal. (Archiv fiir Post und Telegraphic. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 236-240.) TVA Sautereau, Gustave. Commentaires sur Panama. Notes et documents presentes a la Commission d'Enquete Parlementaire. Premiere partie. Historique. — Nicaragua ou Panama ? — Mecontentement des Ameri- cains. — Le lancement de I'affaire. — Di- rection. — Le canal a dix ecluses. — Con- clusion. Deuxieme partie. Documents. — Achevement du canal. Troisieme partie. Un voyage a Panama. — Manifestations sympathiques pour la France. — Acheve- ment definitif du canal. Paris: Baudry & Cie., 1893. 77 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 12°. TSBp.v.51,no.l Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. A propos des avantages du canal de Panama. (Revue frangaise de I'etranger et des colo- nies et exploration. Paris, 1893. 8°. v. 17, p. 264-266.) KAA 1894 Barres, Maurice. The Panama scandal. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 17, p. 203-210.) * DA Saabye, Oscar A. E. The present con- dition of the Panama canal, map. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. V. 7, p. 830-836.) VDA 1895 Goirand, Leopold. Rapport fait sur la liquidation du Panama. [Paris: Matteroz, 1895.] 2 p. 4°. (France. — Chambre des Deputes. 6. legislative session, 1895. no. 1418.) ttHDLp.v.l,no.3 1896 Dumas, A. L'achevement du canal de Panama. Nouveau projet. (Le genie civil. Paris. 1896. f°. v. 29, p. 138-139.) ft VA Hill, Robert T. Route of the Panama canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1896. 8°. v. 7, p. 59-64.) KAA 1897 fitat actuel des travaux du canal de Pan- ama, illus. (La revue technique. Tours, 1897. f°. V. 18, p. 241-244.) ft VA 1898 Abbot, Henry Larcom. The new Pan- ama canal. New York: Forum Pub. Com- pany, 1898. 343-353 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.6 Repr.: Forum, v. 26. p. 343-353, * DA. Also in U. S. 55. cong., 3. sess. Sen. doc. 41, • SBE. The present status of the Panama canal. New York: The Evening Post Job Printing House, 1898. 10 p. 8°. TSB p.v.47, no.15 Title from cover. Repr.: Engineering news, v. 40, p. 210-213, ft VDA. New Panama Canal Company, i. Final and definite report of the International Technical Commission, rendered Nov. 16, 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. 1898, and delivered to the President of the United States, Dec. 2, 1898. ii. Actual pres- ent status of the Panama canal and works. III. Entirely new management and financial condition of the reorganized company. IV. Perfect concessions and legal titles, v. Profile and map, showing line of canal and parts already constructed; photographic views of canal and construction work. Dated Dec. 26, 1898. New York: Evening Post Job Printing House [1898]. 38 p., 1 map, 1 plan, 20 pi. 4°. f TSB Title from cover. Report to the New Panama Canal Company by the International Commis- sion of Engineers, appointed in accordance with article 31 of the by-laws. Dated Nov. 16. 1898. [New York:] C. G. Burgoyne, 1898. 2. ed. 36 p. 4°. f TSB Title from cover. Smalley, Eugene Virgil. The Panama canal scheme. (Outlook. New York, 1898. 8°. V. 60, p. 911-913.) *DA 1899 Abbot, Henry Larcom. On the Panama canal. (Engineering record. New York, 1899. f°. V. 39, p. 13%140.) ft VDA Compagnie universelle du canal de Pan- ama. Commission instituee en execution de I'article 75 des statuts. Rapport de la commission. Paris: Societe de publications periodiques, 1899. 127 p., 4 pi. 4°. f TSB Hunter, W. Henry. The American isth- mus and the interoceanic canal, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York. 1899. 8°. V. 16, p. 711-728.) VDA The New Panama canal, illus. (Scien- tific American. New York, 1899. f°. v. 80, p. 73-75.) tt VA Der Panama-Canal nach dem neuesten Entwurfc. map, profile. (Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architek- ten-Vereines. Wien, 1899. f°. Bd. 51, p. 409-413.) ft VDA Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Jules. Le Pan- ama et la republique. Paris: F. Juven [1899]. 3 p.l., 304 p. 12°. DLF 1900 Abbot, Henry Larcom. The best isth- mian canal. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1900. 8°. V. 86, p. 844-848.) * DA Carpenter, Frank George. The Panama canal, map. illus. (In his: South America. New York [1900j. 8°. p. 40-49.) *R- Room 300 Dumas, A. Le canal de Panama. His- torique. fitude et discussion du projet de la nouvelle compagnie. (Genie civil. Paris, 1900. f°. V. 36, p. 367-370, 389-394, 401- 406, 416^21.) ttVA Lewis, Henry Harrison. Advantages of the Panama route, illus. (Munsey's mag- azine. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 23, p. 360- 370.) * DA Redfield, William W. Sea level canal across the isthmus of San Bias. 1 pi. (As- sociation of Engineering Societies. Jour- nal. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°. v. 24, p. 327- 338.) VDA Scruggs, William Lindsay. Panama canal projects. (In his: The Colombian and Venezuelan republics. Boston, 1900. 12°. p. 16-25.) *R- Room 300 1901 Ford, James Thomas. The present con- dition and prospects of the Panama canal works. (Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. London, 1901. 8°. V. 144, p. 150-170.) VDA Discussion, p. 171-214. 1902 Berard, Victor. Panama. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1902. 8°. v. 1, p. 423-444.) *DM Burr, William Hubert. Panama route for a ship canal, map. illus. (Popular sci- ence monthly. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 61, p. 252-268, 304-316.) * DA Panama route for a ship canal, illus. (Smithsonian Institution. Report, 1902. Washington, 1903. 8°. p. 537-557.) * EA "Reprinted by permission from Ancient and mod- ern cnciineering and the Isthmian canal by Wm. H. Burr."^ Cossoux, N. V. L. Le canal interocean- ique: adoption du projet de Colon a Pan- ama. (Annales des travaux publics de Bel- gique. Bruxelles, 1902. 8°. serie 2, v. 7, p. 1027-1036.) VDDA Heilprin, Angelo. A defence of the Panama route. Philadelphia: printed for the author by the Franklin Press, 1902. 12 p. 8°. TSB p.v.24, no.22 Title from cover. Johnson, Emory Richard. Isthmian canal: choice of route. (Quarterly journal of economics. Boston, 1902. 8°. v. 16, p. 514-536.) TAA Reasons for the Panama route. (In- dependent. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 54, p. 313-315.) *DA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 49 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. The Latest route proposed for the Isth- mian canal — Mandingo route. (National geographic magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 13, p. 64-70.) KAA New Panama canal, map. illus. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, 1902. f°. V. 53, p. 21773-21776.) ft VA The Proposed inter-oceanic canal, maps, profiles. (Engineer. London, 1902. f°. v. 93^ p. 424-426, 478-480, 531-532, 597-598; V. 94, p. 1-3, 78-79.) tt VA Sonderegger, C. L'achevement du canal de Panama. Paris: Vve. C. Dunod, 1902. 2 p.l., iv, 198 p., 1 1., 3 plans. 4°. TSB Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury. Suez and Panama — a parallel. (American Historical Association. Annual report, 1902. Wash- ington, 1903. 8°. V. 1, p. 305-311.) lAA 1903 Gallo, Olimpio. Concepto sobre el canal de Panama... [By O. Gallo.] n. t.-p. Ma- laga: Tipografia de S. Ordonez V, 1903. 9 p. 8°. TSB p.v.28, no.23 Hale, H. C. Notes on Panama, no. 1. November, 1903. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1903. 286 p., 6 pi, 2 maps. 8°. (United States. War Department. Office of Chief of Staff.) HDL Panama canal, p. 164-173. Johnson, Emory Richard. The Panama canal, illus. (Independent. New York, 1903. 8°. V. 55, p. 764-770.) * DA Kaemmerer, W. Der Panama-Kanal. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1903. f°. Bd. 47, p. 664-669.) VDA Leigh, John George. The republic of Colombia and the Panama canal. (Engi- neering magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. V. 26, p. 1-19.) VDA Medina, Crisanto. Why the Panama route was originally chosen. (North American review. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 177. p. 393-398.) * DA Morison, George S. The Panama canal. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 35, p. 24-43.) KAA The Panama canal, maps, profiles. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Pro- ceedings. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 29, p. 15-44.) VDA Discussion, v. 29, p. 281-296, 389-398. Der Panamakanal. (Archiv fiir Post und Telegraphic. Berlin, 1903. 8°. Bd. 31, p. 3-9.) TVA Singer, Isidore. The Panama canal and the Russian exodus. Lecture delivered... at a public meeting of the Dorshei Zion Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1903. [Chicago, 1904.] 16 p. 8°. TSBp.v.51,no.l Repr. : Reform advocate, v. 26, p. 451-455, tt * PBD. 1904 Bunker, William M. Report on canal and commercial conditions on the isthmus of Panama. . . This report is made from a personal inspection of conditions on the isthmus in the month of September, 1904. San Francisco: G. Spaulding & Co., 1904. 11 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.l7 Burr, William Hubert. Republic of Pan- ama, illus. (National geographic maga- zine. Washington, 1904. 8°. v. 15, p. 57- 73.) KAA Davis, George Whitefield. Supplemental report of George W. Davis. . .governor of the Canal Zone. [May, 1904.] n. t.-p. [Washington, 1904.] 15 p. 8°. (United States. — Isthmian Canal Commission.) TSBp.v.32,no.20 Hains, Peter Conover. The labor prob- lem on the Panama canal. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 179, p. 42-54.) * DA Hale, William. The Panama canal. (Military Service Institution. Journal. Governor's Island, 1904. 8°. v. 35, p. 382- 385.) VWA Historicus, pseud. The fifty mile order. (North American review. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 178, p. 235-245.) * DA Lutterveld, W. M. J. van. Het Panama- Kanaal. (De Economist, 's Gravenhage and Amsterdam, 1904. 8°. Jaarg. 53, p. 885-905, 991-1012.) TAA Muhleman, Maurice L. canal payment. (Journal omy. Chicago, 1904. 8°. The Panama canal, condition of the work an of the Panama treaty. New York newspapers bound. New York, 1904. The Panama of political econ- V. 12, p. 473-494.) TAA Articles on the d the ratification Clippings from mounted and 14 1. 4°. TSB Schierbrand, Wolf von. The Panama canal. 1 map. (In his: America, Asia and the Pacific. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 143- 161.) *R-BH Wegener, Georg. Der Panama-Kanal. (Geographische Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1904. 8°. Jahrg. 10, p. 297-316.) KAA Repr.: Velhagen & Klasings Monatshefte, Jalirg. 18, 1903/04, p. 257-272, * DF. Wellman, Walter. Panama Commission and its work, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 29, p. 420^26.) *DA 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Le rapt de Panama; I'abandon du canal aux fitats-Unis. Protestations de M. Lucien N. B. Wyse et plaidoiries de M. Georges Guil- lanmin, avocat a la Cour d'Appel de Paris. Toulon: R. Liautaud, 1904. 100 p., 1 1. 8°. TSB 1905 Barrett, John. Panama canal and its problems. (Review of reviews. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 31, p. 162-170.) * DA Bates, Lindon, the younger. Progress on Panama canal, illus. (World's work. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 5, p. 454-465.) *DA A new plan for the Panama canal. (Engineering record. New York, 1905. f°. V. 51, p. 458-459.) ft VDA The problem of the Panama canal. 1 map. (Yale scientific monthlv. New Haven. 1905. 8°. v. 11, p. 361-368.) OA Bristow, Joseph Little. Report of Joseph L. Bristow, special Panama Railroad com- missioner, to the secretary of war. June 24, 1905. Washington, 1905. 558 p., 2 tables. 8°. (United States. — War Department.) TSB Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. How to build the Panama canal? Tlie high level lock canal — the straits of Panama. The sub- stance of a lecture made before the Alliance Frangaise in New York, Nov. 17, 1905, and before the National Geographic Society in Washington. Nov. 29, 1905. New York, 1905. 55 p., 9 pi. 8°. TSBp.v.48, no.l7 Burr, William Huljert. Present aspects of the Panama canal. (Engineering maga- zine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 28,^ p. 481- 488.) VDA Also printed in Independent, v. 58, p. 1100-1103, * DA, and in Smith.sonian Institution, Annual re- port, 1904, p. 738-744, * EA. Burral-Montferrat. Les £tats-Unis et le canal interoceanique. (Correspondant. Paris, 1905. 8°. v. 218 fuouv. serie, v. 182,, p. 910-931.) *DM Caracristi, C. F. Z. Present status of the Panama canal. (Manufacturer's record. Baltimore, 1905. f°. v. 47, p. 598-599.) ft 3 - VA Chester, Colby Mitchell. The Panama canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1905. 8°. v. 16, p. 445-467.) KAA Dennis, W. F. Panama in French canal times, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1905. f°. V. 51, p. 372-374.) ft VDA Dumas, A. Le canal de Panama. (Genie civil. Paris, 1905. f. v. 47, p. 1-8, 19-24, 36-39.) ft VA Grunsky, Carl Ewald. Work of the com- mission on the Panama canal. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 28, p. 804-814.) VDA Kraentzel, Ferdinand. Le canal de Pan- ama, charts. (Societe royale beige de geo- graphic. Bulletin. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°. V. 29, p. 153-167, 241-280.) KAA Lewis, Henry Harrison. The canal will be built, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1905. f°. V. 49, p. 1769-1775, 1778- 1779.) * DA Man behind the Panama canal. illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1905. i°. V. 49, p. 1042-1044.) * DA Lyle, Eugene P. Real conditions at Panama, illus. (World's work. New York, 1905. 4°. V. 11, p. 6878-6892.) * DA The Panama canal. [Work of the Canal Commission. Administration, hygiene, pre- paratory work of construction, etc.] (En- gineer. London, 1905. f°. v. 99, p. 209- 210, 232-235, 281. 402-404.) ft VA Parsons, William Barclay. The Panama canal. 1 map. illus. (Century magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 71, p. 138-156.) *DA Penfield, Frederic Courtland. Suez and Panama. (North American review. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 180, p. 817-828.) * DA Schebye, H. Om Panamakanalen. 1 map. (Ingeni0ren. K^benhavn, 1905. Aarg. 14, p.>3-76.) VDA Shonts, Theodore Perry. Address of Mr. Theodore P. Shonts, chairman Isthmian Canal Cominission, delivered before the Bankers' Club, Chicago, May 24, 1905. n. t.-p. n. p. [1905?] 9 p. 8°. TSBp.v.51,no.l7 Title from cover. Speech. . .before the American Hardware Manufacturers' Association, at the New Willard Hotel, Washington, D. C, on the evening of November 9, 1905. n. t.-p. n. p. [1905.] 20 p. 8°. TSB p.v.31, no.13 What has been accomplished by the United States toward building the Panama canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1905. 8°. v. 16, p. 558-564.) KAA Taft, William Howard. The Panaina canal. Speech., .at the St. Louis Cominer- cial Club, St. Louis, Mo., Saturday even- ing, November 18, 1905. Washington, 1905. 29 p. 8°. TSB p.v.31, no.ll Title from cover. Also printed in Engineering news, v. 54. p. 548- 551, tt VDA; and, in abstract, in Outlook, v. 81, p. 869-873, * DA. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 51 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Waldo, FuUerton L. Present status of the Panama canal. (Engineering record. New York, 1905. f°. v. 52, p. 399-401.) ft VDA 1906 Bigelow, Poultney. Conditions in the Canal Zone, illus. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 42, p. 53-60.) * DA Our mismanagement at Panama. illus. (Independent. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 60, p. 9-21.) * DA Panama — the human side. illus. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 41, p. 455-462, 606-612; v. 42, p. 53-60.) * DA Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The straits of Panama. I'he text of an open letter to President Roosevelt, March 5, 1906, pre- ceded by "What should have the consulting board done if scientific spirit had inspired it and not partisan spirit." March 10, 1906. tNew York, 1906.] 31 p. 8°. ttTSBp.v.38,no.7 Burr, William Hubert. Aspects of the Panama canal. (Science. New York, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 71-78.) OA Carr, John Foster. History — -conditions — prospects, map. illus. (Outlook. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 82, p. 947-963.) * DA The Panama canal. The work of to-day: retrospect and prospect. (Outlook. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 84, p. 263-268.) *DA Denison, Lindsay. Making good at Pan- ama, illus. (Everybody's magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 14, p. 579-590.) * DA Dryden, John Fairfield. The American type of isthmian canal. Speech in the Senate of the United States, June 14, 1906. (In his: Addresses and papers on life in- surance and other subjects. Newark, N. J., 1909. 4°. p. 219-273.) SIR Fischer, Emil S. Der Isthmus von Pan- ama. Beobachtungen und Daten von einer Studienreise nach Panama. (Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic und Statistik. Wien, 1906. 8°. Jahrg. 28, p. 433-442.) KAA Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- lie. The Panama canal as it will be. (World to-day. Chicago, 1906. 8°. v. 11, p. 1036-1040.) *DA Year at Panama under Stevens. (World to-day. Chicago, 1906. 8°. v. 11, p. 858-862.) * DA Korner, W. J. Panama — past and pres- ent, map. illus. (Western Society of En- gineers. Journal. Chicago, 1906. 8°. v. 11, p. 485-502.) VDA Life on the Canal Zone. (Independent. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 60, p. 653-660.) *DA Panama canal — plan approved by Pres. Roosevelt, map. illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1906. f°. v. 94, p. 205, 212-215.) ft VA Pensa, Henri. La republique et le canal de Panama. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1906. 2 p.l., 344 p., 2 maps. 8°. HDL Panama canal, p. 15-180. Pepper, Charles Melville. Panama to Patagonia: the Isthmian canal and the West Coast countries of South America. . . Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.. 1906. xx p., 1 1., 398 p., 1 1., 4 maps, 36 pi., 2 ports. 8°. * R - Room 300 Roosevelt, Theodore. Mr. Roosevelt on the Panama canal. [Special message sent to Congress Dec. 17, 1906.] New York, 1906. 12 p. illus. f°. (New York Times, Dec. 18, 1906. Supplement.) *A Shonts, Theodore Perry. The Panama canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1906. 8°. v. 17, p. 55-68.) KAA Special report of the chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission to the sec- retary of war showing present conditions on the isthmus. April 23, 1906. Washing- ton: Isthmian Canal Affairs, Office of Ad- ministration, 1906. 19 p. 8°. (United States Isthmian Canal Commission.) TSBp.v.31,no.7 Speech of the Hon. Theodore P. Shonts. . .before the Commercial Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, on the evening of Jan. 20, 1906. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1906. 25 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.6 Slosson, Edwin Emery, and Gardner Richardson. Independent's report on Pan- ama, illus. (Independent. New York. 1906. 8°. v. 60, p. 589-596.) * DA Taft, William Howard. The Panama canal. An address at the meeting of the Ohio State Bar Association, Put-in-Bay, July 11, 1906. (In his: Present day prob- lems. New York, 1908. 12°. p. 95-122.) lAW Townley, Susan. The Panama canal. (National review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 47, p. 755-777.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 260 [series 7, v. i2], p. 3S7-403, * DA. Wallace, John Findley. The Panama canal. Supplemental statement of Mr. J. F. Wallace submitted to U. S. Senate Com- mittee on Interoceanic Canals, Tuesday, May 22, 1906. n. p. [1906., 23 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.l Welcker, J. W. Over den aanleg van lict Panamakanaal door de Vereeinigde Staatcn 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. van Amerika. maps, profiles, nieur. 's-Gravenhage, 1906. f 878-902, 968.) (De inge- V. 21, p. ttVDA Over de voorbereidung der beslis- sung in zake het Panama- Kanaal. (De in- s-Gravenhage, 1906. f°. v. 21, tfVDA genieur. p. 494-496.) 1907 Abbot, Henry Larcoin. The preparatory period, Panama canal. (Harvard engineer- ing journal. Cambridge, 1907. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-10.) VDA Beeks, Gertrude. Nation's housekeeping at Panama. (Outlook. New York, 1907. 8°. V. 87, p. 489-493.) * DA Panama canal conditions. (Ameri- can federationist. Washington, 1907. 4°. V. 14, p. 849-866.) f TDR Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The Panama canal. — The "lock canal" type and the "straits of Panama" type. maps, illus. (Journal of the Society of Arts. London, 1907. 8°. V. 55, p. 239-273.) VA Discussion, p. 273-276. Chester, C. L. Isthmian canal. (New York Railroad Club. Proceedings. New York, 1907. 8°. V. 17, p. 576-582.) TPB Discussion, p. 582-588. Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama canal in 1907. 1 map, 3 pi., 1 profile. (In his: The travels of Ellen Cornish. London, 1913. 8°. p. 150-175.) , KBK Delevante, Michael. Panama pictures. Nature and life in the land of the great canal. New York: Alden Brothers [1907]. vi p., 3 1., (1)14-220 p., 27 pi. sq. 8°. HDL Shonts, Theodore Perry. Speech... be- fore the Knife-and-Fork Club, Kansas City, on the evening of Jan. 24, 1907. Washing- ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1907. 23 p. 8°. TSBp.v.51,no.l4 Speech. . .before the Commercial Club, Chicago, on the evening of Jan. 26, 1907. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1907. 20 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.4 Stevens, Walter Barlow. A trip to Pan- ama. The narrative of a tour of observa- tion through the Canal Zone, with some account of visits to Saint Thomas. Porto Rico, Jamaica, and Cuba, by the commer- cial clubs of Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1907. St. Louis: [Lesan Gould Co.,] 1907. 5 p.l., 19-256 p., 4 pi. illus. ob. 8°. tTSB One of 1000 copies printed. Thomson, Elihu. The progress of the Isthmian canal. (American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1907. 8°. V. 46, p. 124-137.) * EA Waldo, Fullerton L. Panama: the rail- road and the canal, illus. (Railroad ga- zette. New York, 1907. f°. v. 42, p. 82- 85.) ft TPB Progress on the Panama canal, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1907. 8°. V. 31, p. 283-295.) VDA Whitelaw, O. L. The Panama canal and conditions in the Canal Zone. 3 maps, illus. (St. Louis Railway Club. Proceed- ings. St. Louis, 1907. 8°. v. 12, p. 26-46.) TPB Willey, Day Allen. The Panama canal. (Chambers' journal. London, 1907. 8°. series 6, v. 10, p. 388-392.) * DA 1908 Abbot, Henry Larcom. Present status of the Panama project, n. t.-p. Philadel- phia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1908. 12-35 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.5 Repr. : Annals, v. 31, p. 12-35, SA. Bigelow, John. The Panama canal and the daughters of Danaus. New York: The Baker & Taylor Co., 1908. 47 p., 1 diagr. 8°. TSB Canal Zone pilot. Guide to the republic of Panama and classified business direc- tory. Edited by William C. Haskins. Pub- lished by A. Bienkowski. Panama: The Star & Herald Co., 1908. 3 p.l, iv, 522 p. illus. 8°. HDL Panama canal, p. 170-207, 261-366. Chatfield, Alary A. Light on dark places at Panama. By an Isthmian stenographer ri. e., Mary A. Chatfield]. New York: Broadway Pub. Co. [1908.] 2 p.l., 291 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. HDL Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. An English view on the Panama canal. (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 187, p. 348-356.) * DA Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama canal in 1908. [With discussion.] 1 map. illus. (Geographical iournal. London, 1909. 8°. v. 33, p. 153-180.) KAA The Panama canal in 1908 and 1910. illus. (In his: The travels of Ellen Cornish. London, 1913. 8°. p. 232-255.) KBK Loman, J. C. Persoonlijke indrukken van een bezoek aan de werken aan het kanaal van Panama. (De ingenieur. 's-Gra- venhage, 1908. f°. V. 23, p. 684-689.) tfVDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 53 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Madden, Martin B. The Panama canal. 1 port. (Government. Boston, 1908. 4°. V. 2, p. 365-372.) t SEA Kegel, Fritz. Zur Panamakanalfrage. maps. (Petermanns Mitteilungen. Gotha, 1908. 4°. Bd. 54, p. 171-177.) KAA Sapper, Karl. Der Panamakanal imter den Nordamerikanern. (Internationale Wochenschrift fiir Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1908. 4°. Bd. 2, p. 377-382, 409-415.) * DF Sobral, G. Canal de Panama. Madrid: Imprenta del Fomento Naval, 1908. 22 p. 12°. TSB Waldo, Fullerton L. At Panama. A lec- ture delivered before the Franklin Institute, Friday, Nov. 29, 1907. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°. v. 165, p. 27-44.) VA Wallace, John Findley. Republic of Pan- ama and the Canal Zone, illus. (World to-day. Chicago, 1908. 8°. v. 14, p. 359- 367.) * DA Weir, Hugh C. Progress at Panama. How the canal builders "make the 'dirt' fly." illus. (Putnam's and the Reader. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 286-294.) *DA 1909 Bacon, Alexander Samuel. Panama: a revelry in crime. The swindle of the cen- turies. (In his: Woolly horse. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 9-38.) NBQ Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The text of a lecture before the Commercial Club of Bos- ton ... on the Panama canal. rWashington.i 1909. 68 p. 4°. tt TSB p.v. 38, no.8 Coolidge, Summer. Three years in the Canal Zone. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Boston, 1909. 8°. v. 42, p. 344-357.) VDA Discussion, p. 357-362. Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- lie. Panama, a field for American enter- prise, map. illus. (Independent. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 67, p. 910-915.) * DA Situation at Panama, map. illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 39, p. 454-462.) * DA Ghent, William James. Labor and the commissary at Panama, illus. (Indepen- dent. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 66, p. 1129- 1136.) *DA Work and welfare on tlie canal. illus. (Independent. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 66, p. 907-914.) * DA Goethals, George Washington. The Isthmian canal. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1909. 23 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31,no.l5 Title from cover. Grunsky, Carl Ewald. The type of the Panama canal, illus. New York, 1909. n. t.-p. 417-441 p. 8°. TSB p.v.56, no.ll Title from cover. Repr. : Popular science monthly, v. 74, p. 417-441, * DA. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. The Panama canal. (In his: Artificial waterways and commercial development. New York, 1909. 12°. p. 79-87.) TS Hodges, Harry Foote. The Panama canal. An address, delivered June 10, 1909, before the Engineers Society of Pennsyl- vania. 3 plans, 5 pi. (United States. — En- gineer Bureau. Professional memoirs. Washington, 1909. 8°. v. 1, p. 355-388.) VDA Johnson, Emory Richard. The Panama canal, map. illus. (In his: Elements of transportation. New York, 1909. 8". p. 232-246.) TO Lendian, Evelio Rodriguez. Los Esta- dos Unidos, Cuba, y el canal de Panama. (Revista de la facultad de letras y ciencias. Habana. 1909. 8°. v. 9, p. 153-221.) * DR Richardson, Gardner. The construction of the canal, illus. (Independent. New York, 1909. 8^ v. 66, p. 972-980.) * DA Progress in Panama, map. illus. (Independent. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 66, p. 838-846.) *DA Rousseau, Harry Harwood. The Isth- mian canal. Presented at the twentieth an- nual session of the Trans-Mississippi Com- mercial Congress held at Denver, Colo., August 16-21, 1909. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1910. 54 p. 8°. (United States. — Isthmian Canal Commission.) TSB p.v.47, no.ll Stabler, James P. The Panama canal. (Manufacturers' record. Baltimore, 1909. f°. V. 55, p. 45-46.) 3-ttVA Stearns, Frederic P. The Panama canal, map, profiles. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Boston, 1909. 8°. v. 43, p. 12-26.) VDA Taft, William Howard. Answer to the Panama canal critics, illus. (McClure's magazine. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 3?>. p. 3-14.) * DA Tatham, William. The present aspects of the Panama canal from the tourist's point of view, illus. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1909. 8°. v. 168, p. 186-197.) VA 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. 1910 Archer, William. The Panama canal. (In his: Tlirough Afro-America. London, 1910. 8°. p. 276-291.) lEC Bigelow, Poultne3^ Suez and Panama. (Independent. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 68, p. 577-578.) * DA Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. An address de- livered at the unveiling and dedication of the memorial windows erected in St. Luke's Church, Ancon Hospital, C. Z., in memory of those who lost their lives dur- ing the construction of the Panama canal, by J. B. Bishop, secretary of the Isthmian Canal Commission... May 8, 1910, being the sixth anniversary of the American occupation of the Panama Canal Zone. Published by request by the Executive Committee of the church. Ancon rC. Z.: The Executive Committee of St. Luke's Church, 1910]. 8 p. 8°. TSB p.v.49, no.8 Bullard, Arthur. Leak at Panama. By Albert Edwards [pseud.]. (Outlook. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 94, p. 32-36.) * DA Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama canal in 1910. (With discussion.] (Royal So- ciety of Arts. Journal. London, 1910. 8°. V. 59, p. 93-107.) VA The Panama canal in 1908 and 1910. illus. (In his: The travels of Ellen Cornish. London, 1913. 8°. p. 232-255.) KBK Hecker, Frank J. Great progress on the Panama canal. [Newspaper clipping, from the Detroit Free Press, April 24, 1910., 1 1. illus. f°. TSB Mygatt, Gerald. The truth about the Panama canal. 1005-1030 p. 8°. TSBp.v.Se, no.l4 Excerpt: The Columbian magazine, v. 2, no. 2, May, 1910. Nixon-Miller, Martin. A trip across the isthmus: life and conditions on the Canal Zone. 1 pi. (Engineers' Club of Philadel- phia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1910. 8°. V. 27, p. 337-352.) VDA Present conditions at Panama. illus. (Engineer. London, 1910. i\ v. 109, p. 532-534, 558-560.) VA San Francisco. — Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition. Two great American achievements. San Francisco fl910|. 12 1. illus. sq. 16°. TSB p.v.47, no.l4 Saunders, W. L. The Panama excursion of the American Institute of Mining En- gineers. (Engineering news. New York, 1910. f°. V. 64, p. 567-569.) ft VDA Souvenir of the Panama. [Panama: 15 1. illus. ob. 8°. . Title from cover. United States. — mission. The Pana n. p. [1910.] 18 p. Title from cover. Waldo, Fullerton Panama. illus. ( New York, 1910. 8 canal and republic of I. L. Maduro, jr., 1910.] fTSB Isthmian Canal Com- ma canal. 1910. n. t.-p. nar. 8°. TSBp.v.52,no.l2 L. Recent progress at Engineering magazine. V. 40, p. 1-14.)^ VDA 1911 Authier, G. F. Realizing the dream of Panama, map. illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 43, p. 49-61.) * DA Baker, Charles W. The Panama canal, illus. (Yale scientific monthly. New Haven, 1911. 8°. v. 17, p. 188-195, 242- 250.) OA Bullard, Arthur. The big job. By Al- bert Edwards [pseud.]. illus. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 99, p. 232-244.) * DA Our canal. By Albert Edwards [pseud.]. illus. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 98, p. 390-401.) * DA Goethals, George Washington. The Panama canal. illus. (National geo- graphic magazine. Washington, 1911. 8°. V. 22, p. 148-211.) ^ KAA • — — Progress on the Panama canal. A summary of the report for the year ending June 30, 1911. illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1911. f°. v. 64, p. 565-577.) tt VDA Haskin, Frederic J. Panama canal, illus. (In his: American government. New York, 1911. 8°. p. 209-220.) IBZ (In his: American govern- ment. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 209-220.) IBZ McKibben, Frank P. Notes and views on the Panama canal taken by members of the American Society of Civil Engineers during their visit March, 1911. [The notes of the trip were prepared by F. P. McKib- ben.] Boston, Mass.: Fort Hill Press, 1911. (1)4-64 p., 1 port, illus. 8°. TSB Martin, Percy F. The Panama canal, map, profile, illus. 20 p. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1911. f°. v. Ill, supplement to June 9,1911.) tfVA Nelson, F. L. Practical side of the Pan- ama canal, map. illus. (World to-day. Chicago, 1911. 8°. v. 20, p. 670-676.) * DA Der Panama-Kanal und seine militari- sche Bedeutung. [Signed "WZL".] illus. (Streffleurs militarische Zeitschrift. Wien, 1911. 8°. Jahrg. 52 [der ganzen Folge 88], Bd. 2, p. 1145-1154.) VWA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 55 Panmna Canal, continued. History, continued. Rourke, Louis K. Work at Panama. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Boston, IPU. 8°. v. 46, p. 1-10.) VDA Discussion, p. 10-11. Sosa, Juan B., and Enrique J. Arce. Compendio de historia de Panama; texto adoptado oficialmente para la ensenanza en las escuelas y colegios de la nacion. [Pa- nama: Diario de Panama, 1911.] 3 p.l., vii, 322 p., 1 1. 8°. HDL Panama canal, p. 269-270. Stevens, John F. The Panama canal. An address. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Boston, 1911. 8°. v. 47, p. 174-202.) VDA Talbot, H. What shall we do about it? Interview with Col. Goethals. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 98, p. 531-536.) *DA Tincauzer, Eugen. Der Bau des Pana- makanals; Vortrag gehalten im Ministe- rium der Offentlichen Arbeiten in Berlin. Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 1911. 44 p. il- lus. 8°. TSB Repr. : Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen, v. 61, col. 503- 520, tti- VEA. Trumbiill, Frank. The Panama canal: some impressions and comments. New York, 1911. 8 p. 8°. TSB p.v.57, no.6 Zavagli, D. II canale di Panama. 4 maps, 1 profile, illus. (Rivista marittima. Roma, 1911. 8°. anno 44, p. 415-441.) VXA 1912 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Significance of the Panama canal. (In his: Retrospec- tion. New York, 1912. 12°. p. 521-547.) lAG Bishop, F. Builder of the canal: Col. Goethals. illus. (World's work. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 24, p. 389-402.) * DA End of the big job: human achieve- ment and human nature on the Canal Zone, illus. (Century magazine. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 85, p. 271-281.) * DA Bonsai, Stephen. Conquest of the isth- mus. (In his: The American Mediter- ranean. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 350-378.) *R- Room 300 Bryce, James. Isthmus of Panama. (In his: South America. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 18-36.) *R- Room 300 Collins, John Owen. The Panama guide. Mount Hope, C. Z.: I. C. C. Press, 1912. 326 p., 3 maps, 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 8°. (United States. — Isthmian Canal Com- mission.) HDL Panama canal, p. 57-104. Cornish, Vaughan. The Panama canal and its relation to the British Empire. (United empire. London, 1912. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 652-658.) CX With discussion, p. 658-661. Forbes-Lindsay, Charles Harcourt Ains- lie. Prospective Panama canal. (Lippin- cott's magazine. Philadelphia, 1912. 8°. V. 89, p. 76-79.) *DA Fortescue, G. Present progress on Pan- ama canal, illus. (Pan-American Union. Bulletin. Washington, 1912. 8°. v. ?>2>, p. 1069-1081.) TLA Gilman, E. D. Glimpses of the Panama canal. 1 pi. (Wisconsin engineer. Madi- son, 1912. 8°. v. 16, p. 371-381.) VDA Hyde, H. M. Conquest of the isthmus. 1 map. illus. (Technical world. Chicago, 1912. 4°. V. 17, p. 384-390.) VDA Illustrated record of progress; pictures. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 44, p. 354-361.) VDA Macfarlane, Peter Clark. Big ditch: the man on the job. illus. (Everybody's mag- azine. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 27, p. 236- 245.) *DA Marion, Paul. Souvenirs de Panama. [Bar-sur-Aube: A. Lebois et ses fils, 1912.] 23 p. 8°. TSB Markham, Charles Paxton. Making of the Panama canal. (Blackwood's mag- azine. Edinburgh, 1912. 8°. v. 192, p. 263- 274.) *DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 274, p. 737-746, * DA. Martin, Percy F. The Panama canal. illus. (Engineer. London, 1912. f°. v. 114, p. 561-562, 572, 588-590, 612.) ft VA Scott, William Robert. The Americans in Panama. New York: The Statler Pub- lishing Company, 1912. xiii, 258 p., 1 map, 10 pi., 6 ports. 12°. *R- Room 300 Panama canal, p. 9-20, 58-185. Showalter, William Joseph. Panama canal. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1912. 8°. v. 23, p. 195-205.) KAA Year's progress on the Panama canal, ending June, 1912. illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 44, p. 407-412.) VDA 1913 Bakenhus, R. E. The Panama canal. (United States Naval Institute. Proceed- ings. Annapolis, 1913. 8°. v. 39, p. 599- 676.) VXA "Opens with a brief account of the history of the canal idea." 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. Baker, Ray Stannard. Glory of Panama. illus. (American ma£?azine. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 76, no. 5, p. 33-37.) * DA Goethals the man and how he works. (American magazine. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 76, no. 4, p. 22-27.) * DA Beaurepaire-Louvagny, Robert de. Le canal de Panama, maps, (fitudes par des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1913. 8^ tome 136, p. 145-167, 306-328.) *DM Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Panama's bridge of water, illus. (Scribner's maga- zine. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 54, p. 7-20.) *DA Cornish, Vaughan. Panama canal and the philosophy of land slides. (Edinburgh review. London, 1913. 8°. v. 217, p. 21- 42.) * DA Knock, C. Reginald. Panama canal. (In his: The republics of Central and South America. London, 1913. 8°. p. 463-469.) HCB Franck, Harry Alverson. Zone police- man 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers. New York: Cen- tury Co., 1913. 6 p.l., 3-314 p. illus. 8°. TSB Fuller, Sir Joseph Bampfylde. Visit to the Panama canal. (Nineteenth century and after. London, 1913. 8°. v. 74, p. 68- 77.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 278, p. 387-394. James, Winifred. The mulberry tree. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1913. xi, 281(1) p., 1 map, ?>i pi., 1 port. 8°. HRC Panama canal, p. 231-236. Knapp, Harry S. The navy and the Pan- ama canal. (United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Annapolis, 1913. 8°. v. 39, p. 931-948.) VXA Long, W. S. Through the West Indies to the Panama canal. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 37, p. 603-611.) *DA Millspaugh, Arthur C. The Panama canal as an historic topic. (History teach- ers magazine. Philadelphia, 1913. f°. v. 4, p. 265-266.) ft BAA Molitor, David A. The Panama canal, map. illus. (Applied science. Toronto, 1913. 8°. V. 25 [new series, v. 7], p. 148- 172.) VA Het Panamakanaal. (Marineblad. Hel- der, 1913. 8^ Jaarg. 28, p. 262-278.) VXA Peck, Annie Smith. The isthmus — the canal — Colon' — Panama city. (In her: The South American tour. New York, 1913. 8°. p. 12-35.) *R- Room 300 Ruhl, Arthur. Before the canal is opened. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1913 8°. v. Ill, p. 10-17.) *DA Street, A. When the canal starts some- thing. (Sunset. San Francisco, 1913. 8°. v. 31, p. 940-946.) lAA Year's progress to June, 1913. illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 46, p. 587-595.) VDA 1914 Aspinall, Algernon Edward. The Pan- ama canal. Colon, and Panama. (In his: The pocket guide to the West Indies. (Chi- cago, 1914. 16°. p. 427-441.) HNH Barrett, John. Opening of the Panama canal, illus. (Pan-American Union. Bul- letin. Washington, 1914. 8°. v. 39, p. 345- 363.) TLA Boyce, William Dickson. The Panama Canal Zone and republic of Panama, illus. (In his: Alaska and the Panama canal. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 130-163.) ICI Also printed in his United States colonies and dependencies, 1914, p. 460-493, ICI. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, and Dal Piaz. Le canal de Panama, i. Les conceptions techniques, ii. Les consequences econo- miques. map, profiles, illus. (La technique moderne. Paris, 1914. f°. v. 8, p. 291-298.) ttVA Cornish, Vaughan. Scenes on the Pan- ama canal. (English review. London, 1914. 8°. V. 17, p. 509-516.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 282, p. 775-780, * DA. The strategic aspect of the Panama canal. 1 map. (Royal United Service In- stitution. Journal. London, 1914. 8°. v. 58, p. 31-43.) VWA Discussion, p. 43-47. Elliott, L. E. Canal Zone to-day. illus. (Pan-American Union. Bulletin. Wash- ington, 1914. 8°. V. 38, p. 569-572.) TLA Going through the Panama canal, illus. 1 map. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 49, p. 718-721.) * DA Haag, H. Der Panamakanal und seine Geschichte. 1 map. (Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geographic. Wien, 1914. 8°. Jahrg. 36, p. 533-539.) KAA Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. The Panama canal. (In his: Artificial waterways and commercial development. New York, 1914. 12°. p. 109-120.) TS Krock, A. B. Col. George W. Goethals. illus. (Technical world. Chicago, 1914. 4°. V. 21, p. 656-661.) VDA The Panama canal. A history and de- scription. New York, 1914. 16 p., 1 map. AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 57 Panama Canal, continued. History, continued. illus. f°. (In: Hammond's Commercial and library atlas of the world. New York, 1914. f°.) Map Room The Panama canal. Outline history of projects for a canal across the isthmus of Darien with a particular account of the structures and the methods and costs of constructing, the canal at Panama, maps, profiles, illus. (Engineering and contract- ing. New York, 1914. f°. v. 41, p. 19-66.) ft VDA Randolph, Isham. The Panama canal. Its history and construction, illus. (Com- mercial and financial chronicle. New York, 1914. f°. Nov. 28, 1914, Panama- Pacific section, p. 28-42.) f TAA Reyes, Rafael. The two Americas... Translated from the Spanish, with added notes by Leopold Grahame. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1914. xxxii p., 1 1., 324 p., 15 pi. 8°. HCK Panama canal, p. 62-77. Shonts, Theodore Perry. Railroad men at Panama. (North American review. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 199, p. 228-239.) *DA Sibert, William Luther. Panama canal: address to the National Geographic Soci- ety, illus. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1914. 8°. v. 25, p. 153-183.) KAA Singh, Saint Nihal. The Panama canal: its importance and possibilities. (London quarterly review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 122 [Series 5, v. 8], p. 222-241.) * DA Bibliography, p. 222. Stanhope, Aubrey. On the track of the great; recollections of a "special corre- spondent." London: E. Nash, 1914. xii, 309(1) p., 1 1., 1 port. 8°. AN Chapter 4 jelates author's experiences in the Canal Zone, during the French period, as correspondent for the New York Herald. Stuart, James. The Panama canal. (Nau- tical magazine. Glasgow, 1914. 8°. v. 92, p. 225-228, 307-311, 378-384.) VXA Tavera-Acosta, B. El canal de Panama. (Real sociedad geografica. Boletin. Re- vista de geografia colonial y mercantil. Madrid, 1914. 8°. tomo 11, p. 215-223.) KAA Zinn, A. S., and L. D. Cornish. Panama canal, map, profiles, illus. (Western So- ciety of Engineers. Journal. Chicago, 1914. 8°. V. 19, p. 657-684.) VDA 1915 Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Personality of Colonel Goethals. illus. (Scribner's mag- azine. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 57, p. 129- 152.) *DA Hirst, W. A. Panama canal. (In his: A guide to South America. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 221-236.) HCY How the world's ships will coal at Pan- ama. (Pan-American Union. Bulletin. Washington, 1915. 8°. v. 40, p. 236-238.) TLA Marvin, W. L. First year at Panama, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 52, p. 329-332.) * DA Shiras, G. Nature's transformation at Panama. maps. illus. (National geo- graphic magazine. Washington, 1915. 8°. V. 28, p. 159-194.) KAA Engineering Aspects French Period Boyer, Leon. Travaux du canal de Pa- nama. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1885. f°. tome 8, p. 62-63.) ft VA Canal de Panama. Amenagement des eaux. 1 pi. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883. f°. tome 3, p. 271-275.) ft VA Canal de Panama. Dragues du type americain "I'Hercules." illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1884. f°. tome 4, p. 381-383.) tfVA Compagnie nouvelle du canal de Pana- ma. Notes techniques concernant I'ex- pose des dispositions adoptees pour la so- lution de divers problemes particuliers de I'execution du canal. Paris: Societe ano- nyme de publications periodiques, 1899. 123 p. and atlas. f°. f TSB Rapport de la commission. Paris, 1899. 127 p., 2 diagrs., 2 maps, 2 pi. f°. tTSB Contains also: Annexe l. fitude geologique sur Tisthme de Pan- ama, par MM. Marcel Bertrand et Philippe Zurcher. Annexe ii. Les phenomenes volcaniques et les tremblements de terre de I'Amerique centrale, par M. Marcel Bertrand. Annexe lii. Note sur le produits agricoles de la Colombe, par Paul fitienne. Rapport presente au Conseil d'Ad- ministration par le comite technique con- stitue en vertu de I'article 31 des statuts. Paris: Societe anonyme de publications periodiques, 1899. 74 p., 1 map, 5 pi. f°. tTSB Dumas, A. Projet d'achevement du ca- nal de Panama. Paris: E. Bernard et Cie. [1891.] 115(1) p., 4 plans. 4°. TSB fitudes geologiques relatives au creuse- ment du canal de Panama. 1 pi. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883. f°. tome 3, p. 323-327.) ft VA Fontan, L. Travaux du canal de Pa- nama. Dragues de 180 chevaux et trans- >8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. port des deblais par tuvaux. (Le i^enie ci- vil. Paris. 1886. f^ tome 8, p. 200-203.) tt VA G., R. Canal interoceanique de Pana- ma. Resume dn rapport de la commission d'etudes. (Le a:enie civil. Paris, 1890. f°. tome 17, p. 44^6, 92-93, 134-135, 153-154, 277-278. 294-296, 378-381.) tt VA L'Isthme de Panama et le canal inter- oceanique. 1 map. illus. (Le ^enie civil. Paris, 1882. f°. tome 3, p. 22-28.) tt VA Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de. Le canal de Panama. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1887. f°. tome 12, p. 46.) tt VA Nansouty, ]\Iax de. Les chantiers des echises du canal de Panama. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. i°. v. 13, p. 403-405.) tt VA Translated and reprinted in Institution of Civil Engineers. London, Minutes of proceedings, v. 96. p. 378-379, VDA. — — • Les travaux du canal de Panama, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. f°. V. 12, p. 177-182.) tt VA Translated and reprinted in Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Minutes of proceedings, v. 92, p. 446-449, VDA. Amenagement des eaux. — Alimentation du canal ecluse. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. i° . v. 13, p. 40-43.) tt VA Les ecluses. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. f°. tome 12, p. 244-247.) ttVA Excavateur de MM. Weyher et Richemond. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1886. f°. tome 8, p. 151— 154.) tt VA Les excavateurs. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. i° . v. 13, p. 131-135.) tt VA Translated and reprinted in Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Minutes of proceedings, v. 94, p. 334-337, VDA. Installation speciale de mi- nages et sautages sous I'eau pour I'extrac- tion des deblais rockeux a I'aide de dragues au canal de Panama, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1888. f°. tome 13, p. 324-325.) tt VA Petit, G. Travaux du canal de Panama. Excavateur de la maison Hermann-Lacha- pelle, J. Boulet et Cie., successeurs. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1885. f°. tome 8, p. 65-67.) ttVA Le Trace du canal de Panama, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1882. f°. tome 3, p. 76-78.) ttVA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. 1 pi. (Annales des travaux publics de Belgi(|ue. Bruxelles, 1899. 8°. scrie 2, v. 4, p. 682- 688.) VDDA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Drague marine employee au creusement du port de Colon, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1884. f°. tome 4, p. 207-211.) tt VA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Les excavateurs. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1884. i°. tome 5. p. 97-100.) tt VA Travaux du canal de Panama. Les ex- cavateurs tournants. illus. (Le genie ci- vil. Paris, 1884. i°. tome 5, p. 393-396.) tt VA Translated and abstracted in Institution of Civil Engineers, Minutes of proceedings, v. 80, p. 398-399, VDA. Travaux du canal de Panama. Materiel de dragages. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1884. f°. tome 5, p. 17-21.) tt VA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Re- gion de la grande tranchee. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883. f°. tome 4, p. 1- 5.) tt VA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Sec- tion de Colon, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883. i°. tome 3, p. 437-441.) tt VA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Sec- tion de Panama, illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883. f°. tome 4, p. 85-88.) tt VA Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Val- lee du Chagres. illus. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1883.^ f°. tome 3, p. 545-550.) ttVA Williams, William Plumb. Plant and material of the Panama canal. 24 pi. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1888. 8°. v. 19, p. 273-308.) VDA Repr.: Scientific American supplement, v. 27, p. 11159-11163, 11176-11179, 11195-11198, 11214- 11215, ft VA. Abstracted in Engineering news, v. 20, p. 121-124, tt VDA. Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. L'achevement du canal interoceanique de Panama. (Le genie civil. Paris, 1891. f°. V. 19, p. 2-7.) tt VA American Period Abbot, Henry Larcom. Hydraulics of the Chagres river. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 39, p. 377-384.) VDA Hydrology of the Chagres river. (George Washington University. Publi- cations. Natural and physical science series. Washington, 1907. 8°. v. 1, no. 4, p. 49-55.) PQA Natural conditions affecting the construction of the Panama canal. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 27, p. 721-730.) VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 59 Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. The Panama canal. Projects of the Board of Consulting Engineers. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 31, p. 481-491.) VDA The Panama canal: the dual versus the single lake project. With reply by G. S. Morison. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 25, p. 321-328.) VDA The Panama canal and the regula- tion of the Chagres river. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. v. 24, p. 329-368.) VDA Present conditions of the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 22, p. 487-492.) VDA The present status of the Panama canal. New York: Evening Post Job Printing House [1898]. 10 p. 8°. TSB p.v.47, no.15 Title from cover. Repr. : Engineering news, v. 40, p. 210-213, tt VDA. Present status of the Panama proj- ect. Philadelphia: the academy, 1898. 12- 35 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.5 Repr.: American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, v. 31, p. 12-35, SA. Projects of the Board of Consult- ing Engineers. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 31, p. 481-491.) VDA The revival of De Lesseps' sea- level plan for the Panama canal. (Engi- neering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 28, p. 721-726.) VDA Solution of the Isthmian canal problem. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1904. 8^ v. 26, p. 481-487.) VDA Available water supply of the Panama canal. (Engineering news. New York, 1909. f°. V. 62, p. 521.) ft VDA Barrett, John. The Panama canal and its problems. (Review of reviews. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 31, p. 161-170.) * DA Bates, Lindon, the younger. Progress on the Panama canal. (World's work. New York, 1905. 8^ v. 9, p. 6047-6054.) *DA Bates, Lindon Wallace. Project for the Panama canal... with general plans and profiles of the waterway, the regulation works, and the terminal harbors. New York: L. W. Bates, 1905. 38 p., 3 diagrs., 2 maps. 4°. ft TSB p.v.38, no.l2 Bates plan for lock and lake canal at Panama, map. illus. (Scientific Amer- ican. New York, 1906. f°. v. 94, p. 109- 110.) ttVA Bernard, W. Mammoth locks of the Panama canal, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1911. f°. v. 104, p. 282- 283.) ft VA Bertschinger, Hermann. Die Arbeiten am Panama-Kanal. illus. (Verein deut- scher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. f°. Bd. 53, p. 162-171, 216-225.) tVDA Building the huge concrete locks at Gatun. Panama, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1910. f°. v. 102, p. 279- 281.) ttVA Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. Sea-level ca- nal at Panama. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 29, p. 597-598.) VDA The sea-level canal and the straits of Panama. 2 maps, 1 port, of author and F. De Lesseps, 2 profiles. (Outlook. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 91, p. 945-954.) * DA Bunau-Varilla plan for the Panama canal. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1905. f°. V. 49, p. 784-785.) * DA Burke, Charles W. Mechanical equip- ment of the Panama canal, illus. (En- gineering record. New York, 1906. f°. V. 54, p. 452-454.) tt VDA Burr, William Hubert. Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1907. XV, 476 p., 1 pi. 8°. VDB Carr, Tohn Foster. Chief engineer and his work. (Outlook. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 83, p. 265-270.) * DA Cawcroft, Ernest. The fight at Culebra cut. 1 pi. illus. (Out West. Los Angeles, 1907. 8°. V. 27, p. 191-205.) ' * DA Chance, Henry Martyn. Mining meth- ods for the Culebra cut. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 31, p. 565-573.) VDA Cleveland, W. F. New type of sixty- foot summit level canal, map. (Scientific American. New York, 1906. i°. v. 95, p. 160.) tt VA Colvin, Fred H. Hydraulic excavating at Panama, illus. (Power. New York, 1912. f°. V. 36, p. 442-443.) tt VFA Keeping shovels at work at Pana- ma, illus. (American machinist. New York, 1912. f°. V. 36, p. 121-126.) tt VFA The mechanic and the Panama canal, illus. (American machinist. New York, 1911. f°. V. 35, p. 1105-1109.) tt VFA The Panama canal shops at Bal- boa illus. (American machinist. New York, 1912. f°. V. 36, p. 201-207.) tt VFA 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. Concrete construction on the Panama canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1910. f °. V. 102, p. 161-162.) ff VA Construction of the Obispo diversion in connection with the Panama canal work. 1 map. illus. (Ensfineering record. New York. 1909. f°. V. 59, p. 796-799.) ft VDA Construction plants for the Gatun locks of the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1909. i°. v. 60, p. 60- 65,340-343.) ft VDA Control system for the Panama canal locks: operating, indicating and interlock- ing features of electrical system. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 46, p. ^812-81 5.) VDA Cook, F. H. Panama crane failure, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 49, p. 584-587.) VDA Crichfield, George W. The Panama canal from a contractor's standpoint. (North American review. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 180, p. 74-87.) * DA Davis, Richard Harding. Dirt diggers, illus. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1912. f^ V. 49, June 29, p. 14-15.) * DA Davison, C. Is the Panama canal liable to damage by earthquakes? (Scientific American. New York, 1914. f°. v. 109, p. 454.) ft VA Dex, Leo. Un projet de torrent artificiel. (La revue technique. Tours, 1899. f°. v. 20, p. 26-28.) tt VA Dryden, John Fairfield. Lock canal. (Independent. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 60, p. 1513-1518.) *DA Dumas, A. Le canal de Panama. De- scription. — £tat actuel des travaux. 1 map, profiles, illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1912. f°. V. 61, p. 61-80, 93-102.) ft VA Les eboulements de la tranchee centrale du canal de Panama, fitat gene- ral d'avancement des travaux du canal, illus. (Genie civil. Paris, 1913. f°. v. 62, p. 401-407.) tfVA Du Puy, W. A. Goethals the canal builder. (Scientific American. New York, 1911. r. V. 104, p. 567.) ttVA Egleston, Howard. Some concrete work in Panama, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1906. f°. v. 53, p. 268-269.) tfVDA Electric towing in the Panama canal locks, illus. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1915. f°. v. 79, p. 72- 74.) tt VA Also, in condensed form, in Engineering magazine, V. 48, p. 744-748, VDA. Electric towing locomotives for Pana- ma canal locks, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can. New York, 1914. f°. v. 110, p. 426.) ttVA Excavation and construction work dur- ing the year ended June 30, 1909. (Engi- neering magazine. New York, 1909, 8°. v. 38, p. 425-428.) VDA Fawcett, W. Making of the Panama canal, illus. (Technical world. Chicago, 1904. 8°. V. 2, p. 265-274.) VDA Fisher, C. W. Drydocking in canal locks. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. f°. V. 110, p. 328-329.) * DA Ford, James Thomas. The present con- dition and prospects of the Panama canal works. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. Edited by J. H. T. Tuds- bery. London: the institution, 1901. 70 p., 1 pi. 8°. TSBp.v.61,no.5 Repr. : Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings, p. 151-167, VDA. Foster, W. H. Canal builders, illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. V. 91, p. 930-943.) * DA Freeman, John Ripley. The lock canal. map. illus. (Outlook. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 91, p. 930-943.) * DA Gaillard, David Du Bose. Culebra cut and the problem of the slides. 1 map. il- lus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. i°. V. 107, p. 388-390.) tt VA Universal use of electricity on the Panama canal, illus. (Western Society of Engineers. Journal. Chicago, 1914. 8°. V. 19, p. 686-702.) VDA Discussion, p. 702-705. Gatun dam; the key to the canal prob- lem. (Scientific American. New York, 1906. f°. V. 94, p. 206-207.) tt VA Gatun dam of the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1908. f°. V. 58, p. 716-718.) ttVDA Gillette, Cassius E. Objections to the construction of a sea-level canal. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 29, p. 951-953.) VDA The Panama canal: some serious objections to the sea level plan. (En- gineering news. New York, 1905. f°. v. 54, p. 81-84.) VDA Goethals, George Washington. The building of the Panama canal. illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 57, p. 264-282, 395-418, 531-548, 720- 734.) * DA The Panama canal. A general de- scription of the engineering and construc- tional features of the Panama canal. 2 pi. illus. (Engineering. London, 1910. f°. V. 89, p. 170-173, 238-241, 246, 292-296, 325- 329.) VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 61 Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. Granger, Henry G. A sea-level canal at Panama — a study of its desirability and feasibility, n. t.-p. [Philadelphia?) 1909. 37 p. illus. 8°. TSB Greatest engineering work of all time. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. f°. V. 107, p. 390.) ttVA Grunsky, Carl Ewald. The type of Pan- ama canal, illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 74, p. 417-441.) *DA H. Der Panama-Canal nach dem neue- sten Entwiirfe. (Oesterreichischer I_n- genieur- und Architekten-Verein. Zeit- schrift. Wien, 1899. f°. Jahrg. 51, p. 409- 413.) tt VDA Hains, Peter Conover. The Panama canal — some objections to the sea-level project. (North American review. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 180, p. 440-452.) * DA Hall, William Hammond. The conflict of engineers over plans for the Panama canal. 1 map. (Engineering news. New York, 1905. f°. V. 54, p. 572-575.) ft VDA A statement of the Panama canal engineering conflicts. A review of the Panama canal projects. Addressed to the Hon. George C. Perkins... [San Fran- cisco: Phillips & Van Orden Co., 1905.] 81 p. 8°. TSB p.v.48, no.7 A study of Panama canal plans and agreements. Addressed to the Hon. George C. Perkins, United States senator, California. San Francisco, 1905. 40 p. 8°. TSBp.v.56,no.l3 Hewlett, E. M. Centralized control system and power station switchboards for the Panama canal. (General electric re- view. Schenectady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 16- 18.) VGA High-level lock canal. (Scientific Amer- ican. New York, 1906. f°. v. 94, p. 186.) ttVA Hill, C. H., and C. T. Hentschel. Lock control boards and interlocking system for the Panama canal. (General electric re- view. Schenectady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 19- 31.) VGA Hill, Fremont. A novel plan for exca- vating the Culebra cut. (Engineering news. New York, 1906. f°. v. 55, p. 534- 535.) tt VDA Hodges, Harry Foote. Action of water in locks of the Panama canal, illus. 1 pi. (United States. — Engineering Bureau. Memoirs. Washington, D. C, 1915. 8°. V. 7, p. 1-30.) VDA How the locks of the Panama canal are operated. The wonderful control boards which enable a single man to operate gates weighing tons and to govern the course of thousands of gallons of water, illus. (Sci- entific American. New York, 1914. f°. V. 110, p. 205-207, 214.) tt VA Jacobs, E. H., and H. M. Stevens. Posi- tion indicator system and machines for the Panama canal locks. (General electric re- view. Schenectady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 31- 35.) VGA Switching, disconnecting, and bus arrangement for A.-C. power circuits. Panama canal locks, illus. (General elec- tric review. Schenectady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 36-38.) VGA Jones, Franklin D. The Panama canal. Some interesting mechanical features, map. illus. (Machinery. New York, 1913. f°. v. 19, p. 571-579.) tt VFA Lee, A. Construction of the canal. (Outlook. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 78, p. 230-235.) *DA Leigh, John George. The all-electric operation of the Panama canal. illus. (Electrical review. London, 1914. f°. v. 74, p. 288-290, 333-334, 361-366, 506, 509.) ttVGA Electric power for the Panama canal. (Electrical review. London, 1912. i°. v. 70, p. 45-46, 116-117.) tt VGA Electricity and the navigation of the Panama canal, illus. (Electrical en- gineer. London, 1912. i°. v. 54, p. 30-32, 82-85.) tt VGA Electricity and the Panama canal. illus. (Electrical review. London, 1910. f°. V. 67, p. 761-764, 869-872.) tt VGA Lewis, Henry Harrison. President's plan for building by contract, illus. (Har- per's weekly. New York, 1906. f°. v. 50, p. 152-156.) *DA Linehan, B. E. Building of the Panama canal. (Catholic world. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 81, p. 176-184.) *DA Lock gates for the Panama canal. De- scription of the 630-ton steel gates, 82 feet high and of the special methods adopted for their fabrication. (Engineering rec- ord. New York, 1913. i°. v. 67, p. 228- 231.) ttVDA The Locks and gates of the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1910. f°. V. 61, p. 232-240.) tt VDA Lyle, Eugene P. The real conditions at Panama. (World's work. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 11, p. 6878-6892.) * DA MacDonald, Donald F. Earthquakes and the Panama canal. A study of the geological conditions of the isthmus and 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. what it reveals, illus. (Scientific Amer- ican. New York, 1913. f°. v. 109, p. 303- 305.) ft VA Slides in the Culebra cut at Pana- ma, illus. (Engineering record. New York, 1912. f^ v. 66, p. 228-233.) ft VDA McDowell, M. Modern excavation at Panama canal, illus. (Technical world. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 1, p. 517-523.) VDA Magnitude of the operations at Pana- ma. (Engineering record. New York, 1910. f°. V. 61, p. 552.) ttVDA Maltby, F. B. Dredging equipment on the Panama canal. (Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1908. 8°. V. 25, p. 40-48.) VDA Dredging on the Panama canal; machines used. (Scientific American sup- plement. New York, 1908. f°. v. 66, p. 182-183.) ft VA The Isthmian canal — a general resume of the work accomplished. (St. Louis Railway Club. Proceedings. St. Louis, 1907. 8°. V. 12, p. 6-26.) TPB Mauger, S. W., and Emil Bern. Switch- boards and distributing system for the Panama canal, illus. (General electric review. Schenectady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 39-45.) VGA Menocal, Aniceto G. The Panama canal. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings and papers. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 32, p. 60-66.) VDA For discussion see p. 374-377. More data as to the water supply for the Panama canal and the seepage from Gatun lake, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1910. f°. v. 63, p. 214-216.) ft VDA Morison, George Shattuck. The Bohio dam. 3 pi. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1902. 8°. V. 48, p. 235-258.) VDA With discussion on p. 259-313. Lake Bohio, the summit level of the Panama canal. New York, 1903. 497- 508 p. 8°. TSB p.v.26, no.28 Repr. : Engineering magazine, v. 25, p. 497-508, VDA. The Panama canal. 1 map, 1 pi. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1903. 8°. v. 50, p. 155-184.) VDA For discussion on the paper see p. 185-211. Navigation lights for the Panama canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. f°. V. 110, p. 200-201, 214.) ft VA A New plan for the Panama canal. [Sub- mitted by Lindon W. Bates.] (Engineering record. New York, 1905. f°. v. 51, p. 458- 459.) VDA Paine, Charles. Concerning the actual condition of the Panama canal. 1 map. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 18, p. 681-688.) VDA Panama canal, illus. (Engineer. Lon- don, 1905. f°. V. 99, p. 209-210, 233-235, 281,402-404.) ft VA The Panama, a machine made canal, illus. (American machinist. New York, 1909. 4°. V. 32, p. 103-110.) f VFA Parsons, William Barclay. Problems of the Panama canal, map. illus. (Century magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 71, p. 138-156.) *DA Pattison, James. Marine lighting equip- ment of the Panama canal. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 20, p. 101-112.) VXA Discussion, p. 113-125. Problems of the slides at Culebra. (Sci- entific American. New York, 1915. f°. V. 112, p. 152.) tfVA Progress in excavation and construction. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. V. 40, p. 427-430.) VDA Progress at Panama, illus. (Engineer. London, 1908. f°. v. 106, p. 4-7, 27-30, 58- 60. 134-135.) ttVA Proposed excavation of the Panama canal by floating dredges. map. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1906. f°. V. 94, p. 68-70.) ttVA Questions of safety in lock canal of Panama. (Engineering record. New York, 1906. f°. V. 53, p. 362-364.) ft VDA Redfield, William W. Isthmus canal; sea level versus locks. (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Phila- delphia, 1904. 8°. V. Z2,, p. 363-367.) VDA Richardson, Gardner. The construction of the canal, illus. (Independent. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 66, p. 972-980.) * DA Richardson, Gardner, and E. E. Slosson. Taboga and the Chagres river, illus. (In- dependent. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 60, p. 860-867.) * DA Robinson, A. W. Modern machinery and the Panama canal. (Engineering mag- azine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 39, p. 10- 18, 161-168.) VDA Rourke, Louis K. Work at the Panama canal. [With discussion.) (Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Boston, 1911. 8°. V. 46, p. 1-11.) VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 63 Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. Rowland, Walter. Die Bauanlagen zur Herstellung des Betonmauerwerkes fiir die Schiffschleusen des Panama-Kanales in Pedro Miguel und Miraflores. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1909. f^ Bd. 53, p. 199^2004.) t VDA Rushmore, David B. The electrification of the Panama canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. f°. v. 107, p. 397, 405-407.) ft VA Saville, Caleb Mills. Hydrology of the Panama canal. 2 maps, 1 pi. diagrs. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 39, p. 3-115.) VDA Schildhauer, Edward. The control of lock machinery on the Panama canal, il- lus. (General electric review. Schenec- tady, 1914. 4°. v. 17, p. 7-15.) VGA Electricity in the construction and operation of the Panama canal, maps, diagrs. illus. (General electric review. Schenectady, N. Y., 1915. 4°. v. 18, p. 674- 780.) VGA Schildhauer, Edward, and E. E. Lee. The construction plant for Gatun locks and Gatun dam. [With discussion.] illus. JEn- gineering news. New York, 1911. f°. v. 65, p. 183-189.) tt VDA Sea-level canal fallacies. (Scientific American. New York, 1913. f°. v. 109. p. 122, 254.) tt VA Sea-level or lock. (Outlook. New York, 1905. 8^ V. 81, p. 795-797.) * DA Serious but not alarming: Culebra cut. (Scientific American. New York, 1911. f°. V. 104, p. 562.) ttVA Shackleton, Robert. Our sea-level canal at Panama, illus. (Technical world. Chi- cago, 1905. 8°. V. 3, p. 417-430.) VDA Panama canal. Sea-level problem. (Technical world. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 3, p. 317-330.) VDA Sherman, Edward C. The Miraflores spillway of the Panama canal, illus. (En- gineering record. New York, 1912. f". V. 66, p. 116-118.) ttVDA Showalter, William Joseph. Battling with the Panama slides, illus. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1914. 8°. V. 25, p. 133-153.) KAA Also, in condensed form, in Pan-American Union, Bulletin, V. 38, p. 392-397. Sibert, William Luther. Gatun dam and locks, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. f°. V. 107, p 386-387.) tt VA Sibert, William Luther, and John F. Stevens. The construction of the Panama canal. New York: D. Appleton and Com- pany, 1915. X, 32,7 p., 1 map, 14 pi. 12°. TSB The Slides on the Panama canal, illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1911. f°. V. 65, p. 570-573.) tt VDA Slosson, Edwin Emery, and Gardner Richardson. The sea-level versus the lock canal. (Independent. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 60, p. 709-716.) * DA Smith, R. C. The borings for the Bohio dam for the Panama canal. (Western So- ciety of Engineers, journal. (Thicago, 1903. 8°. V. 8, p. 372-399.) VDA Sorzano, Julio F. Water supply for the lock canal at Panama. [With discussion.] 2 maps. (American Society of Civil En- gineers. Transactions. New York. 1910. 8°. v. 67, p. 61-205.) VDA Water supply for the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 38, p. 751-754.) VDA Spencer, Charles H. The Mandingo, a sea level canal. (National magazine. Bos- ton, 1902. 8°. v! 16, p. 226-249.) * DA Springer, J. F. Mechanical appliances on the Panama canal, i. The task to be accomplished, ii. Notable features of the Panama canal, in. Excavating earth and rock and handling the soil. iv. Dredging and concrete construction, v. Lock con- struction and operation, map, profile, il- lus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1912. %'\ V. 41. p. 164-176, 254-263, 326-343, 442- 462, 514-524.) VDA The Panama canal, i. How ma- chinery has made it possible, ii. Records of the machinery employed in its construc- tion, map. illus. (Iron age. New York, 1909. f°. V. 84. p. 6-10, 114-120.) tt VDA Taft, William Howard. Why the lock- system was chosen. (Century magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 7Z, p. 300-313.) *DA Taylor, William. The engineering as- pect of the Panama canal at the present time, 1913. maps, profile, illus. (Journal of the Society of Arts. London, 1913. 8°. v. 61, p. 993-1008.) VA Testimony of John F. Stevens before Senate Investigating Committee. Extracts containing matter of most interest to en- gineers. (Engineering news. New York, 1906. i°. V. 55. p. 140-145.) tt VDA Testimony of Mr. John F. Wallace be- fore the Senate Committee on Interocean- ic Canals. Extracts of most interest to engineers. (Engineering news. New York, 1906. f°. V. 55, p. 230-233.) tt VDA Turneaure, Frederick Eugene. Some engineering features of the Panama canal. (Wisconsin engineer. Madison, 1905. 8°. V. 9. p. 76-86.) VDA 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Engineering Aspects, continued. United States. — Isthmian Canal Com- mission. General plan for the construc- tion of the Panama canal, n. t.-p. n. p. [1906?) 5 p. nar. f°. TSB The Panama canal. Washini^ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1905. 4 v. 4°. t TSB Pt. 1. Plan recommended by the. . .commission of 1899-1901. Pt. 2. Projects, technical notes, and discussions of the hydraulics of the Chagres river. Pt. 3. Sea-level plan. Pt. 4. Project of Mr. P. Bunau-Varilla and Mr. Lindon W. Bates. Report of the Board of Consulting Engineers for the Panama canal. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1906. 426 p., 7 diagrs., 7 plans. 4°. f TSB Report of the chief engineer. 1904- /5. Washington, 1905. 8°. TSB Upp, John W. The electric operation of the Panama canal locks. 1 port, illus. (Sibley journal of engineering. Ithaca, N. Y., 1914. 8°. V. 28, p. 208-223.) VDA Waldo, Fullerton L. An engineer's life on the isthmus. New York: The Engineer- ing News, 1905. n. t.-p. 321-345 p. 8°. TSBp.v.52,no.l4 Title from cover. Repr. : Engineering magazine, v. 30, p. 321-345, VDA. Alachinery for the Panama canal • — old and new. illus. (Engineering mag- azine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 31, p. 349- 360.) VDA Organization and personnel in the building of the Panama canal. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 488-493.) VDA Panama: a discussion of present conditions and the prospect. (Science. New York, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 23, p. 769-773.) OA Panama canal work and workers. A personal study of actual conditions, il- lus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1907. 8°. v. 32, p. 703-716.) VDA Preparing the isthmus for canal construction work. illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 31, p. 17-25.) VDA Recent progress at Panama, illus. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 40, p. 1-14.) VDA Walker, J. B. Personal impressions of the work. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. f°. v. 106, p. 362-363.) ttVA Wallace, John Findley. The actual prob- lems of the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 29, p. 801-811.) VDA First year's preparatory work on the Panama canal, map. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 30, p. 161-174.) VDA Panama canal and its problems. (World today. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 8, p. 264-267.) * DA Plain facts about the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1906. 8°. v. 30, p. 801-815.) VDA Preliminary work on the Panama canal. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 30, p. 1-14.) VDA • Progress at Panama. (Engineer- ing magazine. New York, 1905. 8°. v. 29, p. 421-423.) VDA A proposed plan for excavating the Culebra cut. illus. (Engineering news. New York, 1906. f°. v. 55, p. 228-230.) ft VDA Work on the Isthmian canal, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1905. f°. V. 49, p. 678-681, 698.) * DA Walsh, George E. Wasted machinery on the Panama canal, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 16-23.) VDA Ward, C. D. The Gatun dam. 1 pi. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings and papers. New York, 1904. 8°. V. 30, p. 377-381.) VDA Webster, H. K. Exiles of industry, il- lus. (Everybody's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. V. 22, p. 314-326.) * DA Weir, H. C. How the canal builders make the dirt fly. illus. (Putnam's month- ly. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 286-294.) *DA Panama and the canal, the civiliza- tion-builders at work, illus. (Putnam's monthly. New York, 1908. 8°. v. 5, p. 192-202.) *DA Whitney, C. Spirit of the big job. illus. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1910. f°. V. 45, p. 17-18.) *DA Willey, Day Allen. Panama and Erie canal locks, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, 1912. 8°. v. 40, p. 693-704.) VDA Wood, H. A. W. Solution of the lock problem. (Scientific American. New York, 1906. f°. V. 95, p. 487.) ft VA Zinn, A. S. The Culebra cut of the Panama canal. 2 maps, illus. (Western Society of Engineers. Journal. Chicago, 1907. 8°. V. 12, p. 820-836.) VDA The truth about the Culebra cut slides, Panama. 1 profile. (Engineering news. New York, 1913. f°. v. 70, p. 406- 408.) tt VDA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 65 Panama Canal, continued. Sanitation Adams, Charles Francis. The Panama Canal Zone; an epochal event in sanita- tion. Boston, 1911. 38 p. 8°. SPM p.v.3, no.8 Adams, K. C. Hospital brotherhood of Panama. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1912. f°. V. 49, p. 26.) * DA Blakeslee, George Hubbard. Panama and the conquest of the tropics, illus. (Outlook. New York, 1915. 8°. v. Ill, p. 193-201.) *DA Bowles, J. T. Sanitation on the Isth- mus, illus. (Survey. New York, 1912. 8°. V. 29, p. 41-47.) SHK Brown, S. H., the j^ounger. Health con- ditions in the Canal Zone. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1912. f °. V. 74, p. 274-275.) ft VA BuUard, Arthur. How we pulled the teeth of the tropics. By Albert Edwards fpseud.]. illus. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 98, p. 961-969.) * DA Carr, John Foster. Work of the sani- tary force. (Outlook. New York, 1906. 8°. V. 83, p. 69-72.) * DA Darling, Samuel T. Studies in relation to malaria. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1910. 38 p. 8°. (United States. — Isth- mian Canal Commission.) WEG p.v.4, no.9 Gorgas, William Crawford. Health con- ditions in the Canal Zone. Chicago: Press of American Medical Association [1905]. 6 p. 8°. SPI p.v.29, no.9 Repr.: Harper's weekly, v. 49, p. 750-751, * DA. Health conditions on the isthmus of Panama. (Engineering record. New York, 1904. f°. v. 49, p. 704-705.) ft VDA (Scientific American supple- ment. New York. 1904. f°. v. 58, p. 23856.) tt VA The sanitary organization of the Isthmian canal, as it bears upon antimala- rial work. [Washington, D. C, 1909.] 7 p. 8°. SPIp.v.27, no.l3 Repr.: Military surgeon, v. 24, p. 261-267, JVSA. Sanitarj' work on the isthmus of Panama during the last three vears. (Med- ical record. New York, 1902. f°. v. 71, p. 801-804.) WAA Sanitation of the Canal Zone. (Medical record. New York, 1908. f". v. 73, p. 259-262.) WAA Sanitation in Panama. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1915. 4 p.l., 297(1) p., 1 map, 8 pi. 12°. SPL Reviewed in Nation, v. 101, p. 231-232, * DA. Sanitation of the Panama Canal Zone. (Smithsonian Institution. Annual report, 1904. Washington, 1905. 8°. p. 745-749.) * EA Solving the health problem at Pan- ama, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1904. 8°. v. 30, p. 52-56.) * DA Ruber, J. B. Colonel Gorgas, Panama, and the world's sanitation, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 49, p. 308-316.) *DA Krock, A. B. Surgeon-General William C. Gorgas. illus. (Technical world. Chi- cago, 1914. 4°. V. 21, p. 816-821.) VDA Lankford, J. S. Lesson of Canal Zone sanitation. (Popular science monthly. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 83, p. 294-299.) *DA Leigh, John George. Sanitation and the Panama canal. The solution of certain climatic and hygienic problems. (Lancet. London, 1905. 8°. v. 168, p. 1530-1533, 1597-1601, 1726-1730.) WAA Mayo, K. Hospital work at the Canal. (Nation. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 94, p. 596-597.) * DA Mears, James Ewing. The triumph of American medicine in the construction of the Panama canal. Philadelphia: W. T. Dornan, 1911. 25 p., 5 pi. 8°. TSB Philadelphia: W. J. Dornan, 1913. 46 p., 1 diagr., 18 pi., 2 ports. 3. ed. 8°. TSB Orenstein, A. J. Sanitary inspection of the Canal Zone, illus. (.American Public Health Association. Public health papers and reports. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 67- 74) SPA The sanitation of the Canal Zone. illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1912. f°. V. 107, p. 392-393, 405.) ft VA • Screening as an anti-malaria meas- ure. 1 map. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, 1912. f°. v. 74, p. 173- 174.) tfVA Risley, Samuel D., and Roland G. Cur- Tix. A medical pilgrimage to the republic of Panama. 1905. Philadelphia, 1905. 43 p., 1 map, 7 pi. 8°. SPI p.v.21, no.3 Title from cover. Sanitary conditions at Panama. (En- gineering magazine. New York, 1904. 8°. V. 27, p. 668-670.) VDA Sanitation of the Panama Canal Zone. (Scientific American. New York, 1906. f°. V. 93, p. 374; v. 94, p. 214-215.) ft VA Schultze, Ernst. Die Gesundheitsver- haltnisse am Panamakanal. (Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. Tu- bingen, 1911. 8°. Jahrg. 67, p. 389-397.) TAA 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Sanitation, continued. Strong, G. P. World sanitation and the Panama canal. (Yale review. New Haven, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 352- 365.) * DA Triumph of sanitation at Panama. (Sci- ence. New York. 1908. 8°. new series, v. 28, p. 343-344.) OA United States. — Isthmian Canal Com- mission: Health Department. Annual re- port. 1904/5-date. Washington, 1905-date. 12°. SPB From 1907 to April 1, 1914 called Sanitary De- partment. — — - Proceeding's of the Canal Zone Medical Association, v. 1-5 (1908/9-1912- /13.) Chicago and Mount Hope, 1909-14. 8°. WAA Report of the chief sanitary officer. 1904 (May-Dec). Washington, 1905. 8°. SPB Report for the month. Nov., 1904- date. Panama & Washington, 1905-date. 12°. SPB Wellcome, Henry S. Observations on the medical and sanitary department of the Panama Canal Commission during my visits to the isthmus the first week in March and at the end of April and the beginning of May, 1910. (Military sur- geon. Washington, 1910. 8°. v. 27, p. 1- 13.) WSA Fortifications Austin, H. A. Fortification of the Pan- ama canal. (Forum. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 45, p. 129-141.) * DA Blakeslee, George Hubbard. Future of the Panama canal, maps, illus. (Out- look. New York, 1915. 8^ v. 110, p. 966- 976.) * DA British expert on the fortifications of the Panama canal, illus. (Current opin- ion. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 56, p. 124.) *DA Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The fortifica- tion of the straits of Panama. (In his: Panama; the creation, destruction and res- urrection. London, 1913. 4°. p. 527-534.) HDL Garden, G. L. Defending the Panama canal. (Harper's weekly. New York, 1903. f°. V. 47, p. 928.) * DA Panama canal's defense. illus. (Collier's weekly. New York, 1911. f°. V. 46. p. 17.) *DA Creelman, James. Fortify the canal, map. illus. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1911. 8°. V. 50, p. 727-740.) * DA Davin. Les fortifications du canal de Panama. 1 map. (Questions diploma- tiques et coloniales. Paris, 1912. 8°. tome Z2,, p. 408-414.) BAA Davis, George Whitefield. Fortifica- tion at Panama. (American journal of in- ternational law. New York, 1909. 4°. V. 3, p. 885-908.) XAA Dreamers of peace. (Independent. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 70, p. 367-368.) * DA Fanning, Clara Elizabeth. Selected articles on the fortification of the Pan- ama canal; compiled by Clara E. Fanning. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson Co., 1912. 32 p. 12°. TSB Bibliography, p. 5-7. Fortifying the canal. (Independent. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 69. p. 549-550.) *DA Fortifying the canal. (Nation. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 92, p. 52-53.) * DA Fortifying the Panama canal. (Outlook. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 97, p. 52-53.) * DA Hart, Albert Bushnell. Have we the right to fortify the Panama canal? illus. (World today. Chicago, 1911. 8°. v. 20, p. 287-292.) * DA Kennedy, Crammond. Neutralization and equal terms. (American journal of international law. Is'ew York, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 27-50.) XBA Laut, Agnes C. Can we defend it? illus. (Technical world. Chicago. 1913. 4°. v. 20, p. 168-180.) VDA Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Fortify the Pan- ama canal. (North American review. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 193, p. 331-339.) * DA Wh}^ fortify the Panama canal? (In his: Armaments and arbitration. New York, 1912. 8°. p. 181-195.) XBL Maigne, C. M. Guns of Panama: power- ful defenses at the terminals of the canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1914. f°. V. 110. p. 363.) ft VA Mondell, Frank Wheeler. Why should we fortify the Panama canal? (Indepen- dent. New York, 1912. 8"'. v. 7Z, p. 17- 22.) *DA Neutralize the canal. (Independent. New York, 1911. 8°. v. 70, p. 162-164.) *DA Neutralize, not fortifv the canal. (World's work. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 21, p. 14075-14076.) * DA No fortifications for the Panama canal. (Review of reviews. New York, 1909. 8°. V. 39, p. 72,2-72,i.) * DA Panama canal must be fortified. (Sci- entific American. New York, 1911. f°. V. 104. p. 218.) tfVA AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS e>7 Panama Canal, continued. Fortifications, continued. Piatt, Lucian. Should the Panama canal be fortified? (Yale scientific monthly. New Haven, 1911. 8°. v. 17, p. 237-241.) OA Scotti R. E. Can the Panama canal be destroyed from the air? illus. (Sunset. San Francisco, 1914. 8". v. o2, p. 774-784.) lAA Seaman, Louis Livingston. Should the Panama canal be fortified? (Editorial re- view. New York. 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 259- 265.) * DA Should the Panama canal be fortified? (Outlook. New York. 1910. 8°. v. 96. p. 256-258.) *DA Sperber, O. P. Strategical and economi- cal importance of the Panama canal, map. (Overland monthly. San Francisco, 1911. 8°. new series, V. 57, p. 409-412.) * DA Stimson, Henrj- Lewis. Defence of the Panama canal. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1913. 8^ v. 54, p. 1-6.) * DA Fortifying the canal. A legal right and a matter of national expediency. (Sci- entific American. New York, 1912. f\ v. 107, p. 385, 399.) ft VA Tawney, James A. Folly of fortifying the Panama canal. (Independent. New York, 1911. 8". v. 71, p. 125-128.) * DA Thorp, W. Control of the approach to the Panama canal. (World's work. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 7, p. 4594-4599.) * DA Waist of the world. (Living age. Bos- ton, 1912. 8^ v. 273, p. 691-693.) * DA Wambaugh, Eugene. The right to forti- fy the Panama canal. (American journal of international law. New York, 1911. 4". V. 5, p. 615-619.) XAA Why the canal should be fortified. (Re- view of reviews. New York, 1911. 8'. V. 43, p. 361.) *DA Why the Panama canal should be forti- fied. (Review of reviews. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 46, p. 729-730.) * DA M.\ps AND Views Aeronautical view of the Panama canal. [Relief map, 13 x 4^2 in., byj C. P. Graj-, mapmaker. New York: Central Novelty Company, cop. 1911. 1 p., 1 map. nar. f". TSB Bienkowski, A. Bird's-eye view and pro- file of Panama canal. Ancon, Canal Zone (COp. 1907]. 1 sheet folded in cover. Size within border: 'MS^ x ->36 in. 8°. Map Room Scale not given. Lithographed. Colored. Bird's-eye view of the Panama canal. Size: t644 x ^16 in. TSB Colored. One sheet facing title-page in F. J. Haskin, The Panama canal. New York, 1914. 8°. Bludau, Alos. Panama-Kanal. Size within border: ^4 x 1"3^ in. (Inset map in his: Flemmings Karte von Mexiko... Berlin, 1914.) Map Room Scale, 1=666 000. Approx. 10 m. = 1 in. Carte generale du domaine du canal. [New York: Compagnie universelle du ca- nal inter-oceanique, 1887.] 3 sheets. Size within border, when joined: ^ 28^ x ^130^^^ in. Map Room Scale, 1 = 20 000. Approx. 3 in. = 1 m. Lithographed. Colored. Feuille 1. Colon — Buena- Vista, du canal kil. o au kil. 27. Feuille 2. Buena- Vista — Emperador, du canal kil. 27 au kil. 54. Feuille 3. Emperador — Panama, kil. 53 au kil. 74. Carte de I'isthme de Panama. Paris: Erhard. 1879. Size within border: ^14^2 X ^15 in. fTSB Scale, 1 = 200 000. Lithographed. Colored. One sheet in Congrcs international d'etudes du canal interoccaniqne. Paris, 1879. 4°. Plate 3. Carte de I'isthme de Panama indiquant le trace du canal interoceanique. Paris: Marchadier et Cie., 1882. Size within border: tl 1 x ^18 in. ft VDA Scale, 1 =200 000. Lithographed. One sheet in La genie civil, v. 3, p. 26. Compagnie nouvelle du canal de Pana- ma. Plan general du canal. Size within border: '^25 x ^2,2 in. fTSB Scale. 1 = 100 100. Lithographed. Colored. One sheet in Compagnie nouvelle du canal de Panama. Rapport. Pans, 1899. plate 1. Compagnie universelle du canal intero- ceanique de Panama. Plans des principaux chantiers au ler juin 1884. Paris: Erhard, 1884. Size within border: 1^9^ x ->15M '"■ TSB Lithographed. Colored. One sheet, supplement to no. 119 of Bulletin du canal interoceanique. Five-acre model of the Panama canal. (Scientific American. New York, 1915. f°. v. 112, p. 366.) tt VA General plan of the Panama canal with details of the project based upon a summit level of 20.75 metres; reengraved from the original for the Engineering magazine. Inset, the World. New York, 1900. Size witliin l^order: ^30 x ^ 14 in. Map Room Scale, 1 = 100 000. Engraved. One sheet, supplement to Engineering magazine, Feb., 1900, to accompany the article by Charles Paine. 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Panama Canal, continued. Maps and Viczvs, continued. Gray, C. P. Gray's aero view of the Panama canal. [Relief map, in colors.] New York: C. P. Gray, 1913. Size: ^2SV2 X ->\Sy2 in. Map Room Sunrise on the Pacific. The world's greatest engineering feat. [Relief map in colors.] New York: C. P. Gray, 1913. Size: 1^22^4 X ^18 in. Map Room Hammond, C. S. Map (and profile) of Panama canal, with description and ref- erences. New York: C. S. Hammond, 1907. 1 sheet. Size: 1 13^4 X ->19 in. Map Room Scale. 1 = 174 124. Approx. ^ in. = 1 m. Lithographed. Colored. Hammond's descriptive atlas of Panama and the Isthmian canal. Contains new maps, plans, illustrations and complete de- scriptive text. New York: C. S. Ham- mond & Co., 1907. 7(1) p. i\ tfTSB Harrison, Earle. Panama canal in con- struction: Lumiere photographs in color. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1913. 8=. V. 54, p. 20-36.) * DA The Panama canal; illustrated from the original autochrome photographs. New York: Moffat. Yard & Co., 1913. 34 p., 1 pi. illus. 4°. TSB Jonas Lie's paintings of the Panama ca- nal, illus. (Pan-American Union. Bulle- tin. Washington, 1914. 8°. v. 38, p. 679- 683.) TLA Joseph Pennell's pictures of Panama, illus. (Current literature. New York, 1912. 8=. V. 53, p. 579-581.) * DA Map of the United States Canal Zone showing the completed Panama canal. Size: -t 14 x ->11 in. Lithograph. Colored. One sheet in Hammond's Commercial and Hbrarv atlas of the world. New York, 1914. i° . p. 8.' Mills, William Wirt. The Panama canal; the world's greatest engineering feat and work of construction, n. t.-p. [New York:] M. King, Inc. [1913.] 16 1. illus. ob. 12°. TSB Title on cover: King's views of the Panama canal. N., W. H. A painter of Panama: Jonas Lie. illus. (International studio. New York, 1914. 4°. v. 51, p. cxcii-cxciv.) tMAA Official map. History and workings of the Panama canal. All about the Panama canal. Washington, D. C: J. ]. Millroy [1904], Size: ->23x1^16in. sheet folded as nar. 8°. TSB Scale, 1 in. = 11 110 ft, Panama canal. Present, future, topo- graphic, diagrammatic and illustrative. [Panoramic view,] Compiled from U. S. gov. reports. Washington, D. C: E. J. Be- verstock, cop. 1903. Size within border: t 16^ X ->41J4 in- Map Room Scale not given. Lithographed. Colored, Panama Canal Company, Reproduction of a profile of the Panama canal published ,,,Jan., 1888. Profile showing amount of work done towards building a sea-level canal [and] Profile showing work neces- sarv to complete a lock-canal, n. p. [the connpany, 1888.] Size: t 13^ x ->32 in. TSB Panama canal in relief. (Outlook, New York, 1913, 8°. v. 104, p, 692-693,) * DA Panama canal route, (Outlook, New York, 1909. 8°. v. 91, p. 948-949.) * DA Pennell, Joseph. Joseph Pennell's pic- tures of the Panama canal; reproductions of a series of lithographs made by him on the isthmus of Panama, January - March, 1912, together with impressions and notes by the artist, Philadelphia: J. B, Lippin- cott Co,, 1913. 13(1) p., 29 1,, 28 pi, [4, ed,] 4°. MEM • Pictures of Panama canal, illus. (Hearst's magazine. New York, 1913. 8°. V. 23, p. 656-659.) * DA Wonder of work on the Panama canal, illus, (International studio. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 48, p. 132-142.) f MAA Plan d'ensemble du canal interoceanique depuis la baie de Limon jusqu'a Gorgona. [185-?] Three sheets mounted on cloth with insets showing Colon or Aspinwall, Monkey-Hill, Chantier de Gatun, Chantier de Gorgona. Size when joined: 1^40 x ->83 in. Map Room Scale, 1 = 20 000, Approx. 3 in. = 1 m. India ink drawing. Colored. Plan, profil en long et profils en travers du canal de Panama. 1912. Size within border: tl2^^ x ->19 in. VA Scale, 2^ m. = 1 in. Lithographed. Colored. One sheet in Le genie civil, v. 61, p. 76. Plan ct profils du canal de Panaina d'apres le projet de la Compagnie nouvelle, 1900, Size within border: 1^12 x -> 18^ in. ttVA Scale, 1 in. = 5 000 meters. Lithographed. Colored. One sheet in Le genie civil, v, 36, p, 404. Profile and map of the Panama lock canal. Size: 4^ 6^4 x 9 in. tt VA Lithographed. Plain. One sheet in Scientific American. New York, 1906. f°. V. 94, p. 212. Recent views from the Panama canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1913. f°. v. 108, p. 432-433.) ft VA [Relief map of Panama canal.] New York Herald, magazine section, March 23, 1913. 1 sheet. Size: 1^11x^20 in. Map Room Scale not given. Colored, AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 69 Panama Canal, continued. Maps and Viezvs, continued. United States. — • Isthmian Canal Com- mission. Lock canal project. Map show- ing line of proposed lock canal with sum- mit elevation at 85 feet. [Panama canal.] 1906. New York: J. Bien, 1906. 1 sheet. Size: ->48H x '^26 in. Map Room Scale, 1 in. = 1 ni. Lithographed. Colored. Map of Canal Zone to accompany the annual report of the commission. Cu- lebra, Canal Zone, September, 1907. 1 sheet. Size within border: l^llf^ x ->32i4 in. Map Room Scale, 5J^ in. = 1 m. Lithographed. Colored. View of the isthmus of Panama along the line of the canal from Culebra Hill on the right to the Pacific ocean on the left. Panoramic view of the Pacific division looking south, June, 1909. Size within bor- der: '^9H X ^521^ in. ft VA Lithographed. Plain. One sheet in Engineering record, v. 60, p. 622. Vischer, Alfredo. Mapa de America Central por Alfredo Vischer. Stuttgart: W. C. Riibsamen, 1910. Size: -t47 x ^57 in. Map Room Scale, 1 = 1 000 000 (1 in. = 15?^ m.). Lithographed. Inset: Map of Canal Zone [and] profile of the Panama canal. Scale, 1 = 250 000. Size, 13 x 15 in. Vue generale panoramique du canal in- teroceanique de Panama. Paris: E. Du- frenov [1886]. Size within border: '\'7V-> x ->24^^ in. t HCK Lithographed. Colored. One sheet in Andre Bresson, Bolivia, Paris, 1886. 4°. Yokohama. — Chamber of Commerce. Aeronautical view of the Panama canal. [Yokohama: The Chamber of Commerce, 1912.] E.xplanation in Japanese. 1 sheet. Size within border: 'M4 x ->10j/2 in. Map Div. Scale not given. Lithographed. Colored. Poetry Braley, Berton. Songs from Panama. (Harper's weeklv. New York, 1913. {° . V. 58, p. 23.) *DA Chantey of the ditch diggers, n. t.-p. [Panama, 1911?] 2 1. 8°. NBH p.v.54, no.9 Hanson, Joseph Mills. Panama, illus. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 57, p. 282-283). * DA Mackaye, Percy. The present hour; a book of poems. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. xii, 119 p., 1 port. 12^ NBI Panama hymn, p. 65-67. Goethals, p. 68-70. The Panama hymn first appeared in North Ameri- can review, v. 197, p. 499-500. Phillips, Stephen. Marriage of the seas. (Cosmopolitan. New York, 1913. 8^. v. 55, p. 178-180.) *DA Panama, and other poems, narrative and occasional. With a frontispiece by Joseph Pennell. New York: J. Lane Co., 1915. 153 p., front. 12°. NCM Panama, p. 9-13. Runyon, A. D. Song of Panama: poem. (Chautauquan. Chautauqua. N. Y., 1912. 12°. V. 65, p. 177.) *DA Stafford, Wendell Philips. Panama hymn. (Atlantic monthly. New York, 1913. 8\ V. 112, p. 790.) * DA Tehuantepec Route American Scientific Commission. Re- port of the American Scientific Commis- sion on the artificial waterways of Europe, with special reference to the Tehuantepec railway and ship canal. — October 16, 1871. London: The Chiswick Press, 1871. (In: Simon Stevens, The new route of com- merce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec. London, 1871. 8°. p. 33-48.) TPV Ammen, Daniel. Objections to the isth- mus of Tehuantepec as a canal route. (American Geographical Society. Bulle- tin. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 297- 300.) KAA Cheff, A. E. Isthmian ship railway, il- lus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1902. f°. v. 53, p. 21848-21849.) ttVA Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. Advantages of the Tehuantepec interoceanic route. 2 maps. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. v. 8, p. 259-271.) VDA The Atlantic & Pacific ship-railway across the isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico... [New York: Browne & Co.,) 1886. 4 p.l., (1)4-80 p. illus. 8°. * C p.v.1466, no. 6 The interoceanic problem and its scientific solution. An address before the American Association for the .Advance- ment of Science, August 26, 1885. [Ann Arbor, 1885., 40 p., 1 map. 5 pi. 8'. *Cp.v.l365, no.9 Isthmian ship railway. .Address before New York .Academy of Sciences, Dec. 20, 1886. (New York, 1886.] 25 p. 8^ TPVp.v.3, no.3 70 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Tchuantcpcc Route, continued. Lecture before the National Geo- graphic Society at Washington, D. C, No- vember 22, 1895. The Tehuantepec route. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1895. 2,2 p.. 11 pi. 8°. (U. S. 54. cone., 1. sess. Sen. doc. 34.) TSB p.v.28, no.21 The ship railway between the At- lantic and Pacific. (Science. New York, 1885. 8°. V. 6, p. 33-34.) OA Tehuantepec ship railway. 2 maps, 4 pi. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Phil- adelphia, 1884. 8°. V. 119, p. 457-489.) VA The Tehuantepec ship railway. (National geographic magazine. Washing- ton, 1896. 8\ V. 7, p. 64-72.) KAA Dallas, George M. The isthmus of Te- huantepec. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1847. 8°. v. 44, p. 15-21.) VA Remarks upon the proposed ship canal across the isthmus of Tehuantepec. (Bankers' magazine. Baltimore, 1847. 8°. V. 2, p. 224-229.) THA Eads, James Buchanan. Address before the House Select Committee on Inter- oceanic Canals, March 9, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps (with continuation). Washington, 1880. 10, 29 p. 8°. TSBp.v.31, no.lO The Isthmian ship-railway. (North American review. New York, 1881. 8°. V. 132, p. 223-238.) * DA Falconer, Thomas. Survey of the isth- mus of Tehuantepec. (Royal Geographical Society, journal. London, 1844. 8°. v. 14. p. 306-313.) KAA Garay, Jose de. An account of the isth- mus of Tehuantepec in the republic of Mexico; with proposals for establishing a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, based upon the surveys and reports of a scientific commission, appoint- ed bv the projector, Don lose de (jaray. London: T. D. Smith and Co., 1846. 128 p., 2 maps. 8°. TSB Impresion que hace la Compania Norte-Americana, establecida en Nueva Orleans, para la empresa de la communi- cacion inter-oceanica por el istmo de Tehuantepec, y poseedora del privilegio de la concesion hecha por el gobierno su- premo de Megico al Don J. de Garay... fNew Orleans:] Imp. del Correo de Louisi- ana, 1852. 48 p. 8°. TSB p.v.73, no.9 Griswold, C. D. Proposed route for a ship canal. (In his: The isthmus of Pan- ama and what I saw there. New York, 1852. 12°. p. 108-121.) HDL Hall, H. H. Address on the Tehuante- pec route. (American Geographical Soci- ety. Journal. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 11, p. 263-280.) KAA Hughes, George W. Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec. (In his: Letter on intermarine com- munications. Washington, 1850. 8°. p. 9-15.) TPV p.v.2, no.l The Interoceanic ship railway. illus. (Knowledge. London, 1885. 4°. v. 7, p. 196-198, 217-219, 239-240.) OA Der Interozeanische Tehuantepec-Kanal. (Das Ausland. Stuttgart, 1885. f°. Bd. 58, p. 669-672.) ft KAA Liot, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec; or. Considerations upon the question of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. London, 1849. vi. 63 p. 8°. TSB Marcel, Gabriel. L'isthme de Tehuan- tepec. (Journal des economistes. Paris, 1872. 8°. serie 3, v. 25, p. 467-470.) TAA Moro, Cayetano. Observations in rela- tion to a communication between the At- lantic and Pacific oceans, through the isthmus of Tehuantepec, founded on a re- port on this subject by Seiior G. Moro, under whose direction a scientific survey of the isthmus was made. New York: R. Craighead, prtr., 1849. 50 p., 3 maps. 8°. TPV p.v.2, no.5 Reconocimiento del istmo de Te- huantepec, practicado en los anos 1842 y 1843, con el objeto de una comunicacion oceanica, por la comision cientifica que nombro al efecto el empresario Don Jose de Garay. [Signed Cayetano Moro.] Lon- dres: Akermann y Compa., 1844. 3 p.l., 183 p., 5 maps. 8°. TSB Survey of the isthmus of Tehuan- tepec executed in the years 1842 and 1843, with the intent of establishing a communi- cation between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and under the superintendence of a scientific commission appointed by the projector, Don Jose de Garav. London: Ackerman & Co., 1844. 2 p.l., 188 p., 5 maps. 8°. TSB Murphy, John McLeod. The isthmus of Tehuantepec. (American Geographical Society. Journal. New York, 1859. 8°. V. 1, p. 162-177.) KAA Phelps, S. L. Review of proposed Te- huantepec ship-railway, June 1, 1881. iBy S. L. Phelps. Being a criticism of an article by (lapt. J. B. Eads in the North American review, entitled "The Isthmian ship-railway."] n. p.: Gibson Bros., 1881. 2 p.l., 3-75 p., 1 map. 8°. TPV p.v.7, no.3 Ramirez, Jose Fernando. Memorias, ne- gociaciones y documentos, par servir a la historia de las deferencias que han susci- tado entre Mexico y los Estados-Unidos, los tenedores del antiguo privilegio, con cedido para la comunicacion de los mares Atlantico y Pacific©, por el istmo de Te- AMERICAN INTEROCEANIC CANALS 71 Tehuaiitcpcc Route, contimied. huantepec. Por Jose F. Ramirez... Me- xico: I. Cumplido, 1853. xiii p., 1 1., 944, xv(i) p. 4°. TSB Reed, Edward James. Letter to Rear- Admiral Ammen, U. S. N., on ship rail- ways and canals on the American istlimvis. [London?] 1881. 12 p. 8°. TPV p.v.3, no.7 Report on the Tehiiantepec railway and ship canal to the president of the Tehuan- tepec Railway Company, New York, Octo- ber 16, 1871. (American Geographical So- ciety. Tournal. New York, 1873. 8°. v. 3, p. 32"i-332.) KAA Robinson, William Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican revolution, including a narra- \ tive of the expedition of General Xavier ■y Mina. With some observations on the \ practicabilit}^ of opening a communication between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, through the Mexican isthmus. . .and on the future importance of such commerce to the civilized world... Philadelphia: the author, 1820. xxxvi, 396 p. 8°. HTL Romero, Alatias. The Tehuantepec rail- way. (Engineering magazine. New York, 1894. 8°. V. 6. p. 872-884.) VDA Shufeldt, Robert Wilson. Reports of the explorations and surveys, to ascertain the practicability of a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by way of the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1872. 150 p., 31 pi. f°. (U. S. Navy Department. U. S. 42. cong., 2. sess. Sen. ex. doc. 6.) t TSB Stevens, Simon. The new route of com- merce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec. A paper read before the American Geograph- ical Society of New York, November 15, 1870. London: The Chiswick Press, 1871. 1 p.l., 68 p., 2 maps. 8°. TPV Also printed in the Journal of the American Geo- graphical Society, v. 3, p. 300-320, KAA. The Tehuantepec canal scheme vs. the Darien and Nicaragua routes. (Franklin Institute. Journal. Philadelphia, 1870. 8°. V. 89, p. 219-221.) VA Tehuantepec railroad vs. the isthmian canal, illus. (Scientific American. New York, 1902. f °. v. 87, p. 57-58.) ft VA The Tehuantepec ship railway. (Cham- bers' journal. London, 1885. 8°. v. 62, p. 637-639.) *DA The Tehuantepec ship railway, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, 1885. f°. v. 19, p. 7639-7645.) ft VA Tehuantepec ship railway. The pro- posed Atlantic and Pacific ship railway, n. t.-p. [London?] 1884. 16 p. 8°. TPY p.v.25, no.8 Repr.: Iron, v. 24, p. 219, 263-264, ft VA. Twombly, A. S. The Tehuantepec rail- wav and ship canal. (Engineering maga- zine. New York, 1871. 8°. v. 6, p. 129- 134.) VDA The Tehuantepec ship canal. (Scrib- ner's monthly. New York, 1873. 8°. v. 5, p. 401-421.) *DA Williams, J. J. Extract from the report of J. J. Williams on the location of the Tehuantepec railway and ship canal. 1870. (American Geographical Society. Jour- nal. New York, 1873. 8°. v. 3, p. 22,7- 342.) KAA Report of J. J. Williams, chief en- gineer of the Tehuantepec Railway, on the subject of a ship canal across the isthmus of Tehuantepec. 1 map. (In his: Report upon the location of the Tehuantepec rail- way. New York, 1870. 8°. p. 7-16.) TPV p.v.3, no.l2 The Tehuantepec canal. (Engineer- ing. London, 1870. f°. v. 10, p. 358.) tfVDA "o^ @>^ INDEX Abbot, H. L.: The best isthmian canal, 10, 48. Hydraulics of Chagres river, 58. Hydrology of Chagres river, 58. International aspects of isthmian canal, 14. Natural conditions affecting the construction of Panama canal, 58. New Panama canal, 47. On the Panama canal, 48. Panama canal. Projects of Board of Consulting Engineers, 59. Panama canal; dual versus single lake project, 59. Panama canal and the regulation of Chagres river, 59. Panama under the control of the United States, 36. Preparatory period, Panama canal, 52. Present conditions of Panama canal, 59. Present status of Panama canal, 47, 59. Present status of Panama project, 52, 59. Problems of Panama canal, 40. Projects of Board of Consulting Engineers, 59. Revival of De Lesseps' sea-level plan for Panama canal, 59. Solution of isthmian canal problem, 11, 59. Abbot, W. J.: Panama and the canal in picture and prose, 40. Panama and the canal; story of its achievement, 40. Abert, S. T. Is a ship canal practicable?, 2. Acheson, E. F. History of the canal project, 40. Adams, C. F. Panama Canal Zone; an epochal event in sanitation, 65. Adams, J. W. American interoceanic ship canals, 6. Adams, K. C. Hospital brotherhood of Panama, 65. Adamson, W. C. Needed Panama canal legisla- tion, 36. Aeronautical view of Panama canal, 67. Airiau, A. Canal interoceanique par I'isthme du Darien, 24. Aldana, Abelardo. Panama canal question, 14. Aleixandre, Cirilo. Cuatro palabras sobre el canal de Panama, 47. Alexander, J. H. Memoir on routes between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 2. Allen, C. H. Canal across American isthmus, 7. Allin, C. D. Discriminatory tolls, 19. America disgraced among nations, 19. American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company. Charter and act of incorporation, 28. American interoceanic ship canal, 7. American isthmian canals. A topical discussion, 10. American Scientific Commission. Report of, on artificial waterways of Europe with special refer- ence to Tehuantepec railway and ship canal, 69. Amnien, Daniel: American inter-oceanic ship canal question, 2, 12. American isthmian canal routes, 8. Errors of interoceanic transit question, 8. Facts and suppositions relating to American isthmian transit, 30. Interoceanic ship canal across the American isth- mus. Proposed canal via Lake Nicaragua, 29. M. de Lesseps and his canal, 44. Nicaragua canal, 31. Nicaragua route to the Pacific, 29. Nicaragua ts. Panama, 8. Ammen, Daniel, contiiuted : Objections to isthmus of Tehuantepec as a canal route, 69. Proposed inter-oceanic ship canal across Nicarag- ua, 29. Proposed ship canal across Nicaragua, 26. Recollections of Panama Canal Congress, 43. Surveys from 1870 to 1875 for a ship canal, 6. Anderson, C. L. G. Search for a strait, 2. Anderson, C. P. Issues between the United States and Great Britain in regard to Panama canal tolls, 19. Andre, E. L. La apertura de canal de Panama, 11. Appointment of a commission to investigate canal routes, 9. Arbitration and the Panama canal, 19. Arce, E. J. See Sosa, J. B., and E. J. Arce. Archer, William. Panama canal, 54. Arias, Harmodio. Panama canal; a study in in- ternational law and diplomacy, 1, 11. Aspinall, A. E. Panama canal, Colon, and Pan- ama, 56. Atkins, T. B.: Inter-oceanic canal across Nicaragua, 31. Refutation of "The proposed Nicaragua canal an impracticable project" by Joseph Nimmo, jr., 3i. Report on tonnage und traffic within zone of maritime canal of Nicaragua, in 1890, and as estimated for 1897, 31. Atlantic and Pacific canal, 4. Atlantic and Pacific interoceanic projects, 6. Atlanto-Pacific canal, for all nations. The Hum- boldt line. Inter-oceanic Canal Company. Pros- pectus, 2i. Atlanto-Pacific canal for all nations. Preliminary statement, 23. Atrato and San Juan Canal and Transportation Com- pany in New Grenada, 24. Austin, H. A. Fortification of the Panama canal, 66. Austin, O. P.: Panama canal — its effect on domestic and foreign trade, 36. Probable effect of Panama canal on commercial geography of world, 2,7. Authier, G. F. Realizing the dream of Panama, 54. Available water supply of Panama canal, 59. B Bacon, A. S. Panama: a revelry in crime, 53. Baily, John. Nicaragua canal, 27. Bakenhus. R. E. Panama canal, 55. Bakenhus, R. E., and others. The Panama canal, comprising its history and construction, 40. Baker, B. N. : American traffic for Panama canal, 37. How we can have American ships for Panama canal, i7 . Panama canal tolls, 19. What the canal will mean, 37. What use is Panama canal to our country without American ships, 27. Baker, C. W. Panama canal, 54. Baker, R. S. : Glory of Panama, 56. Goethals the man and how he works, 56. [ Ti ] 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ballard, G. A. Commercial aspects of Panama canal, i7. Bancroft. George, and James Buchanan. Letters on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 1849, 1850, 17. Bancroft, H. H. : Interoceanic communication, 1, 2. Interoceanic communication, 1801-87, 2. Significance of Pan'ama canal, 55. Barker, J. E. Panama: the difficulty and its solu- tion, 19. Barres, Maurice. Panama scandal, 47. Barrett, John : Meaning of Panama canal to the South, 57. Opening of Panama canal, 56. See also Pan American Union. Panama canal. Panama canal and its problems, 50, 59. Bastide, Martin de la, baron: Memoire sur la possibilete, les avantages un canal dans I'Amerique septentrionale, 26. Memorial presented to King of Spain in 1791, con- cerning the possibility of opening a canal in North America, 26. Bates, L. W.: Panama canal, system and projects, 40. Project for the Panama canal, 59. Retrieval at Panama, 40. Bates, Linden, the younger: New plan for Panama canal, 50. Problem of Panama canal, 50. Progress on Panama canal, 50, 59. Bates plan for lock and lake canal at Panama, 59. Baty, Thomas. Die Frage der Panamakanalabga- ben, 19. Bayles, J. C. Darien ship canal, 25. Beaurepaire-Louvagny, Robert de. L'e canal de Panama, 56. Beeks, Gertrude: Nation's hotise-keeping at Panama, 52. Panama canal conditions, 52. Bellet, Daniel. La nouvelle voie maritime, le canal de Panama, 40. Belly, Felix: Le canal du Nicaragua, 28. L'istmo americano e il canale del Nicaragua, 29. Percement de I'isthme de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua, 26. La question de I'isthme Americain, 28. Berard, Victor. Panama, 48. Bern, E. See Mauger, S. W., and E. Bern. Bernard, Emilio. Nicaragua and the interoceanic canal, 29. Bernard, W. Mammoth locks of Panama canal, 59. Bertschinger, Hermann. Die Arbeiten am Panama- Kanal, 59. Berwick, Edward: Entangling alliances, 17. Nicaragua or Panama, 10. Western view of isthmian canal, 34. Bienkowski, A. Bird's-eye view and profile of Panama canal, 67. Bigelow, John: Panama canal and the daughters of Danaus, 52. Report of, delegated by Chamber of Commerce of New York to assist at inspection of Panama canal, Feb., 1886, 45. Bigelow, Major John. Panama canal. May we close it in time of war?, 16. Bigelow, Poidtney: Conditions in Canal Zone, 51. Our mismanagement at Panama, 51. Panama — the human side, 51. Suez and Panama, 54. Bingham, Hiram. Probable effect of opening Pan- ama canal on our economic relation with South America, 37. Bird's-eye view of Panama canal, 67. Bishop, Farnham : Builder of the canal: Colonel Goethals, 55. End of the big job: human achievement and human nature on Canal Zone, 55. Panama, past and present, 40. Bishop, J. B.: Address delivered at unveiling and dedication of memorial windows erected in St. Lukes Church, Ancon Hospital, C. Z. in memory of those who lost their lives during construction of Panama canal, 54. Benevolent despotism, 16. The French at Panama, 40. National value of an isthmian canal, 10. Panama gateway, 40. Panama Republic and canal, 15. Panama's bridge of water, 56. Personality of Colonel Goethals, 57. Blakeslee, G. H. : Future of Panama canal, 37, 66. Panama and the conquest of the tropics, 65. Bludau, Alos. Panama-Kanal [map], 67. Blunt, S. E. Canals on American isthmus, 2. Boas, Franz. Nicaragua canal, 30. Body, J. E. Inter-oceanic canal, via Nicaragua, 28. Boetticher, Ernst. Der Nikaragua-Kanal, 32. Bolce, Harold. Our great canal shibboleth, 37. Bolivia and the opening of Panama canal, 37. Bonsai, Stephen. Conquest of the isthmus, 55. Borland, W. P. Permanent government of Canal Zone, 40. Bovallus, Carl. Den interoceaniska Kanalen, 45. Bowen, H. W. Ovir canal treaties and tolls, 19. Bowles, J. T. Sanitation on the Isthmus, 65. Boyce, W. D.: Advantages of making the canal zone a free city and a free port, 37. Panama Canal Zone and republic of Panama, 56. Boyd, R. N. Notes on the Panama canal, 46. Boyer, Leon. Travaux du canal de Panama, 57. Braley, Berton. Songs from Panama, 69. Bresson, Andre. Le canal interoceanique, 45. Briggs. E. B. Question of Panama canal tolls, 19. Bristow, J. L. Report to secretary of war, June 24, 1905, 50. British expert on fortifications of Panama canal, 66. British notes concerning Panama canal tolls [text], 19. Bromley, Robert. Nicaragua canal question and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 17. Brown, S. H., the younger. Health conditions in Canal Zone, 65. Brownell, A. Effect on our commerce and industrial life, 37. Brunet, Gaston. Le proces de Panama, 15. Bryan, J. A. Union of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Bryan, W. H. Darien ship canal, 25. Bryce. James: Isthmus of Panama, 55. Panama canal tolls, 19. Buchanan, James. See Bancroft, George, and James Buchanan. Buel, C. C. Piercing the American isthmus, 7. Buelow, Alexander von. Die Canalisirung des Isth- mus, 4. Building the huge concrete locks at Gatun, Pan- ama, 59. Bullard, Arthur: The big job, 54. How we pulled the teeth of the tropics, 65. Leak at Panama, 54. Our canal, 54. Panama; the canal, the country, and the people, 40. Bulletin du canal interoceanique, 36. INDEX /O Bunau-Varilla, Philippe: Canal and Republic of Panama, 14. Le (letroit de Panama, 40. Fortifications of the straits of Panama, 66. How to bviild the Panama canal?, 50. Nicaragua or Panama, 10. Panama; .la creation, !a destruction, la resurrec- tion, 40. Panama; the creation, destruction and resurrec- tion, 40. Panama, le passe, le present, I'avenir, 40. Panama canal — • "lock canal" type and "Straits of Panama" type, S2. Panama tolls, 19. La question de Panama, 15. Sea-level canal at Panama, 59. Sea-level canal and the straits of Panama, 59. The straits of Panama, 51. Substance of a series of conferences, 10. Text of lecture before Commercial Club of Bos- tpn, on Panama canal, 53. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, and D. Piaz. Le canal de Panama, 56. Bunau-Varilla plan for Panama canal, 59. Bunker, W. M. Report on canal and commercial conditions on isthmus of Panama, 49. Bureau of American Republics. Interoceanic canal, 1. Burke, C. W. Mechanical equipment of Panama canal, 59. Burr, W. H. : . Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal, 59. Aspects of Panama canal, 51. Panama route for a ship canal, 48. Present aspects of Panama canal, 50. Proposed isthmian ship-canal, 10. Republic of Panama, 49. Burral-Montferrat. Les £tats-Unis et le canal inter- oceanique, 50. Burt, G. A. Comparison of Isthmian canal proj- ects, 10. Burton, T. E. : Nicaraguan Canal Bill, 35. What will the canal accomplish?, ZT . Burwell, W. M. Memoir explanatory of the trans- union and Tehuantepec route between Europe and Asia, 5. Bustamente, A. S. de. Le canal de Panama et le droit international, 13. Butte, G. C. Great Britain and the Panama canal: study of tolls question, 19. Byam, George. Water communication between the Atlantic and Pacific, 5. Cadle, Cornelius. Nicaragua canal, 31. Calderon, Carlos, and others. La question du Pan- ama, 14. California, New Mexico, and the passage between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Canal inter-oceanico, 25. Canal interoceanique sans ecluses ni tunnels a travers du Darien. 25. Canal and its reasons, 19. Canal de Panama. Amenagement des eaux, 57. Canal de Panama. Dragues du type Americain "I'Hercules," 57. Canal project and Colombian feeling, 14. Canal rates and the railroads, 37. Canal record, 36. Canal tolls and national honor, 19. Canal tolls question, 19. Canal tolls and the shipping trust, 19. Canal and the treaty, 17. Canal Zone Medical Association. Proceedings. See U. S. Isthmian Canal Commission. Proceed- ings of Canal Zone Medical Association. Canal Zone pilot. Guide to republic of Panama, 52. Capella y Pons, F. Monroisme? Notes-etudes sur la politique continentale americaine, a I'egard de I'Europe, 16. Capps, W. L. See Kimball, W. W., and W. L. Capps. Caracristi, C. F. Z. Present status of Panama canal, 50. Garden, G. L. : Defending the Panama canal, 66. Panama canal's defense, 66. Carpenter, F. G. Panama canal, 48. Carr, C. C. See Gause, F. A., and C. C. Carr. Carr, J. P.: Chief engineer and his work, 59. History — conditions — prospects, 51. Panama canal, 51. Work of the sanitary force. 65. Carrera y Justiz, Francisco. Orientaciones nece- sarias; Cuba y Panama, 11. Carte generale du domaine du canal, 67. Carte de I'isthme de Panama, 67. Carte de I'isthme de Panama indiquant le trace du canal interoceanique, 67. Carus, Paul. Panama canal question, 19. Case for Panama act, 19. Cassidy, P. S. Nicaragua canal project, "SZ. Cattell, J. ^I. Outworn treaties, 19. Cawcroft, Ernest. Fight at Culebra cut, 59. Celler, ]M. Percement de I'isthme du Darien, 25. Central American ship canals, 10. Centra! American Transit Company. Memorial claiming conclusive right of transit over route of Maritime Canal Co., 30. Cermoise, Henri. Deux aus a Panama, 45. Cespedes, J. M. Los canales de Panama y Nicarag- ua, 8. Chamberlain, L. T. A chapter of national dis- honor, 14. Chambers, W. I. Notes on Nicaragua ship canal, 29. Chance, H. M. Mining methods for Culebra cut, 59. Chandler, J. R. Construction required, 35. Chanel, E. Les 6tats-Unis et le traite Hay-Paunce- fote, 18. Channing, Edward, and others. Guide to study of American history, 1. Chantey of the ditch diggers [poem], 69. Charencey, C. F. H. G., comte de. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama, 43. Chatfield, Mary A. Light on dark places at Pan- ama, 52. Cheff, A. E. Isthmian ship railway, 69. Chester, C. L.: Isthmia canal, 52. See also Hall, A. B., and C. L. Chester. Chester, C. M. : Diplomacy of the quarter deck, 16. Panama canal, 50. Panama canal as it relates to treaties, 16. Chevalier, Michel: Extract from an historical examination of isthmus of Panama. 27. L'isthme de Panama, 42. Childs, O. W.: Engineer's report on cost of constructing ship canal of Nicaragua, 28. Supplemental estimates to a report of survey and estimates of cost of constructing inter-oceanic ship canal in Nicaragua, 26. Survey of Nicaragua route for ship canal, 26. Childs, 6. W., and J. D. Fay. Report of survey and estimates of cost of constructing inter-oceanic ship canal in Nicaragua, 26. 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Chittendon, H. M. Case against Panama canal tolls, 19. Church, G. E. Interoceanic communication on west- ern continent, 10. Clark, J. B. Remote effects of Panama canal, 37. Clark, J. M. Panama canal and the railroads, 37. Clavenad, C. Propagation de la maree et vitesse des courants dans le canal de Panama, 46. Clayton, J. M. Speech on Central American treaty of April 19, 1830, 17. Clayton-Bulwer dispute, 17. Clayton-Buhver treaty, text, 17. Clerke, Miss E. M. Maritime canals, 45. Cleveland, VV. F. Xew type of sixty-foot summit level canal, 59. "The Coastwise exemption," the nation against it, 19. Coen, Gustavo. Sull importanza sociale del canale di Panama, 46. Collection of clippings relating to Panama tolls ques- tion, 20. Collier, W. M. Would a subsidy to amount of tolls granted American ships passing through the canal be a discrimination prohibited by treaty?, 20. Collins, Frederick: Comparison of Panama and Nicaragua routes, 7. Explorations for a ship canal across Darien, 22. The interoceanic canal, 6. Isthmus of Darien and valley of Atrato considered with reference to practicability of an inter- oceanic ship canal, 22. Report of survey of proposed route for ship canal by way of Atrato, Napipi, and Dogualo rivers, by U. S. expedition of 1875. 22. See also Lull, E. P., and Frederick Collins. Collins, G. F. Chile and Panama canal, 15. Collins, J. O.: Opportunity for the South on the opening of Panama canal, 37. Panama guide, 55. Colne, Charles. Panama interoceanic canal, 45. Colombia deserves attention, 16. Colquhoun, A. R. : Colombia and the Panama canal, 14. An English view on the Panama canal, 52. Influence of Panama canal on trade rates, 37. Key to the Pacific. Nicaragua canal, 26. Panama canal tolls: British view, 20. Panama and the Nicaragua canals, 10. Strategical and economical effect of opening Pan- ama canal, 37. Co'lvin, F. H.: Hydraulic excavating at Panama, 59. Keeping shovels at work at Panama, 59. The mechanic and the Panama canal, 59. Panama canal shops at Balboa, 59. Commercial centers on proposed route of Nicaragua canal, 35. Commission's white workers, 37. Common sense of the Isthmian canal decision, 10. Compagnie nouvelle du canal de Panama: Notes techiques concernant I'expose des disposi- tions adoptees pour la solution de divers prob- lemes de I'execution du canal, 57. Plan general de canal Tmap], 67. Rapport de la commission, 57. Rapport presente au Conseil d'Administration par le comite technique, 57. Compagnie universelle du canal interoceanique de Panama: Plans des principaux chantiers au ler juin 1884, 67. Rapport de la 'Commission, 48. Comparison of Nicaragua and Panama routes, 10. Completion of arrangements, 17. Concrete construction on Panama canal, 60. Congres international du Canal interoceanique, Paris, 1879, 2. Congres international du canal interoceanique. In- structions to D. Ammen, 2. Construction of Obispo diversion in connection with Panama canal work, 60. Construction plants for Gatun locks of Panama canal, 60. Control system for Panama canal locks: operating, indicating and interlocking features of electri- cal system, 60. Convention pour I'execution d'un canal maritime in- teroceanique sur le territoire de Nicaragua, 28. Cook, E. M. Panama canal and British shipping, 37. Cook, F. H. Panama crane failure, 60. Cook, J., and K. Andree. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des siidlichen Theile des mittelamerikanischen Isthmus, 5. Coolidge, A. C. Isthmian canal, 15. Coolidge, Summer. Three years in Canal Zone, 53. Cooper, G. H., and R. P. Rodgers. Report respect- ing progress on work of ship canal at Panama, 1884, 45. Corea, L. F. Nicaragua, The interoceanic canal, 34. Corning, F. G. Panama canal, 46. Cornish, L. D. See Zinn, A. S., and L. D. Cornish. Cornish, Vaughan: Panama canal in 1907, 52. Panama canal in 1908, 52. Panama canal in 1908 and 1910, 52, 54. Panama canal in 1910, 54. Panama canal and its makers, 40. Panama canal and its relation to British Empire, 55. Panama canal and the philosophy of land slides, 56. Scenes on Panama canal, 56. Strategic aspect of the Panama canal, 56. Cortambert, E. Nouveau projet d'une communica- tion entre le grand ocean et I'ocean Atlan- tique, 24. Corthell, E. L. : Advantages of Tehuantepec interoceanic route, 69. Atlantic & Pacific ship-railway across isthmus of Tehuantepec, 69. Exposition of errors in Ammen's pamphlet "Cer- tainty of the Nicaragua canal contrasted with the uncertainties of Eads ship railway," 30. Interoceanic problem and its scientific solution, 8, 69. Isthmian ship railway, 69. Ship railway between the Atlantic and Pacific, 70. Tehuantepec route, 70. Tehuantepec ship railway, 70. Cossoux, N. V. L. Le canal interoceanique: adop- tion du projet de Colon a Panama, 48. Court of the canal zone, 37. Craig, Asa H. Resolved that the United States should build and control the Nicaragua canal, 33. Cram, T. J. Memoir of ocean routes between At- lantic and Pacific, 5. Craven, T. A. M. Report relating to survey for interoceanic canal, 24. Creelman, James. Fortify the canal, 66. Crichfield, G. W. Panama canal from a contractor's standpoint, 60. Crowell, J. F.: Present situation of interoceanic canal question, 8. Some engineering features of Nicaragua canal, 30. Crowninshield, A. S.: /Xdvantages of Nicaragua canal, 34. The dream of navigators, 33. An isthmian canal, 9. Cudmore, Patrick. Buchanan's conspiracy, the Nicaragua canal and reciprocity, 32. INDEX // Cullen, Edward: Isthmus of Darien ship canal, 22. On the isthmus of Darien and the ship canal, 23. On surveys of proposed lines for a ship canal, 2. Over Darien by a ship canal, 23. Survey of Darien canal line, 25. Survey of isthmus of Darien, 25. Curtin, R. G. See Risley, S. D., and R. G. Curtin. Curtis, W. E. Panama route for Canadian north- west shipments, 7)7. Curtis, W. J. History of purchase by the United States of Panama canal, 40. D Dallas, G. M.: Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 70. Proposed ship canal across isthmus of Tehuan- tepec, 70. Darien canal, 24, 25. Darien Canal Company, prospectus, 25. Darien interoceanic canal, 25. Darien or San Bias tunnel route, 10. Darien ship canal, 24, 25. Darling, S. T. Studies in relation to malaria, 65. Dati, Francesco. II canale interoceanico, 40. Dauchy, W. E. The inter-oceanic canal, 7. Davin. Les fortifications du canal de Panama, 66. Davis, A. P.: Hydrography of Nicaragua, 35. Isthmian canal, 10. A link between the oceans, 9. Nicaragua and the isthmian routes, 34. Panama and Nicaragua canals compared, 10. Water supply for the Nicaragua canal, 35. Davis, C. H.: List of authorities relating to projects of inter- oceanic communication, 1. Report on interoceanic canals and railroads, 6. Report on proposed lines for interoceanic canals, 2. Davis. G. VV.: Fortifications at Panama, 66. Nicaragua canal, Z2. Supplemental report. May 1904, 49. Davis, Horace. Nicaragua canal, Z2. Davis, R. H. Dirt diggers, 60. Davison, C. Is the Panama canal liable to damage by earthquakes?, 60. De Kalb, Courtenay. Nicaragua canal — oiu's or England's?, 32. De Kalb, Courtenay, and others. Nicaragua canal. Its political relations and commercial advan- tages, 32. Delariie de Beaumarchais, Maurice. Affaire du canal interoceanique, 13. Delevante, Michael. Panama pictures. Nature and life in land of great canal, 52. Delusions dispelled in regard to interoceanic com- munication, 24. Denison, Lindsay. Making good at Panama, 51. Dennis, W. C. Panama sitviation in light of inter- national law, 11, 15. Dennis, W. F. Panama in French canal times, 50. Depesee, C. Panama canal and free tolls to domes- tic American shipping, 20. Desquiens, F. Projet d'achevement du canal de Panama, 47. Detroyat, Leonce. Notes sur le percement des isthmes Panama et de Nicaragua, 8. Devine, E. T. Canal builders, 37. Dex, Leo. Un projet de torrent artificiel, 60. Dilke, C. W. U. K., U. S. and the ship canal, 13, 18. Discussion upon a proposed interoceanic canal through Nicaragua, 29. Dodd, George. Proposed ship canal at Panama, 44. Doddridge, VV. B. Panama canal. Effect of open- ing waterway on the world in general, 37. Donville, H. Sur I'age des couches traversees par le canal de Panama, 47. Dorn, Alexander. Der Panama-Canal, 46. Douglas, S. A. Clayton-Buhver treaty, 17. Dow, L. Darien canal exploration, 25. Dreamers of peace, 66. Drouillet, Leon. Les isthmes americains, 6. Dryden, J. F. : American type of isthmian canal, 51. Lock canal, 60. Dulles, J. F.: Has United States the right to exclude from use of canal any class of foreign vessels, as railway- owned vessels?, 20. Panama canal controversy, 20. Dumas, A. : L'achevement du canal de Panama. Nouveau projet, 47. Le canal de Panama, 50. Le canal de Panama. Description. — Tonnage et tarifs prevus, 37. Le canal de Panama. Description. — Etat actuel des travaux, 60. Le canal de Panama. Historique. Description. £tat actuel des travaux. Consequences econo- miques, 40. Le canal de Panama. Historique. fitude et dis- cussion du projet de la nouvelle compagnie, 48. Les eboulements de la tranchee centrale du canal de Panama, 60. Projet d'achevement du canal de Panama, 57. Le tarif a appliquer a Panama et les revenus pro- bables du canal, 37. Dunlap, H. Racial pot-pourri on the isthmus, 38. Dunnell, M. B. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 18. Duponchel, A.: Le canal de Panama: ses moyens d'execution, 46. Le canal de Panama et la methode des torrents artificiels, 46. Du Puy, W. A. Goethals the canal builder, 60. Durchsteclnuig des Isthmus von Panama diuxh den interoceanischen Kanal von Nicaragua, 28. Der Durchstich der Landenge von Panama, 43. Duthil, J. Bordeaux et Panama, 38. E Eads, J. B.: Address before House Select Committee on Inter- oceanic Canals, March 9, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps, 44, 70. Isthmian ship railway, 70. Earle, E. L. Nicaragua, the gateway to the Paci- fic. 34. Edmunds, (!. F. Nicaragua canal treaty, 18. Edwards, Albert, pseud. Sec BuUard, Arthur. Egleston, Howard. Some concrete work in Pan- ama, 60. Eight-hour law and enforced labor contracts in Panama canal zone, 38. Eissler, Manuel. Panama canal, 44. Electric towing locomotives for Panama canal locks. 60. Electric towing in the Panama canal locks, 60. Elliott, L. E. ('anal Zone to-day, 56. Elzelingen, J. M. \V. van. Het Panama-kanaal, 40. England and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 17. England's Panama protest, 20. England's view of Panama tolls, 20. Enock, C. R.: Panama canal, 1, 56. Panama canal (its past, present, and future), 40. 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Escobar, F. President Roosevelt's message and the Isthmian canal, 15. Estudios sobre el canal de Nicaragua, 34. fitat actuel des travaux du canal de Panama, 47. £tudes geologiques relatives au creusement du canal de Panama, 57. Evans, R. D. : Panama canal; its effect on commerce of United States, .•?8. Why Panama canal may be a bad business ven- ture, 38. Will the railroads throttle the Panama canal?, 38. Evans, W. W. Inter-oceanic canal projects, 7. Everett, Edward. Speech on Central American treaty, 17. Excavation and construction work during year ended June 30, 1909, 60. Falconer, Thomas. Survey of isthmus of Tehuante- pec, 70. Fanning, Clara E. Selected articles on the fortifica- tion of Panama canal, 66. Fay, J. I). See Childs, O. W., and J. D. Fay. Features of the canal, 36. Fiegel, M. D. Der Panamakanal, 38, 41. Figuer, G. L. Le canal maritime de Panama, 41. Findlay, A. G. Oceanic currents, 'and their connec- tions with proposed Central America canals, 5. First battle over canal tolls a victory for the presi- dent. 20. Fischer, E. S. Der Isthmus von Panama, 51. Fisher, C. W. Drydocking in canal locks, 60. Fitz-Roy, Robert. Considerations on the isthmus of Central America, 3. Five-acre model of Panama canal, 67. Flandre, Henri. Le canal de Panama et les £tats- Unis, 38. Fontan, L. Travaux du canal de Panama, 57. Fontpertius, A. F. de. Le canal de Panama, 44. Forbes-Lindsay, C. H. A.: The American enterprise, 41. Canal exploration, 3, 41. The New Panama Canal Company, 41. The Panama Canal Company, 41. The Panama canal as it will be, 51. Panama and the canal to-day, 1, 41. Panama, a field for American enterprise, 53. Panama: the isthmus and the canal, 41. Prospective Panama canal, 55. Situation at Panama, S3. Year at Panama imder Stevens, 51. Ford, J. T.: Present condition of Panama canal works, 48, 60. Proposed new location for a Nicaragua ship canal, 33. Ford, W. C. Commercial aspects of Panama canal, 38. Forgotten canal treaty, 13. Forrest, A. .S. Canal projects, 3. Fortescue, G. Present progress on Panama canal, 55. Fortifying the canal, 66. Fortifying the Panama canal, 66. Foskett, H. W. La Grande-Bretagne, les fitats-Unis et le canal du Nicaragua, 13. Foster, D. J. Neutralize Panama canal, 16. Foster, J. W. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 17. Foster, W. H. Canal builders, 60. Fourcy, Charles de. Interoceanic canal routes, 7. Fox, G. L. Panama canal as a business venture, 38. Franck, H. A. Zone policeman 88; a close range study of Panama canal and its workers, 56. Franconie, J.: Le canal de Panama, 14. La politique des fitats-Unis dans I'Amerique cen- trale, 15. Eraser, J. F. Panama, and what it means, 41. Freehoff, J. C. See Miller, H. G., and J. C. Free- hoff. Freeman, J. R. The lock canal, 60. Fuller, Sir J. B. Visit to Panama canal, 56. Fullerton, M. M. Le canal de Panama et I'avenir des relations entre les £tats-Unis et la France, 16. G., R. Canal interoceanique de Panama, 58. Gaillard, D. D. B. : Culebra cut and the problem of the slides, 60. LTniversal use of electricity on Panama canal, 60. Gallo, Olimpio. Concepto sobre el canal de Pan- ama, 49. Garay, Jose de: Account of isthmus of Tehuantepec with proposals for establishing a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 70. Impression que hace la Compania Norte-.\mericana, establecida en Nueva Orleans, para la empresa de la communicacion inter-oceanica por el istmo de Tehuantepec, 70. Garella, Napoleon: Extracts from report of N. Garella, 43. Projet d'un canal de jonction de I'ocean Pacifique et de I'ocean Atlantique, 43. Garner, J. W. Has United States the right to ex- clude from use of canal any class of foreign vessels, as railway-owned vessels?, 20. Gateway of nations, 38. Gatum dam; the key to the canal problem, 60. Gatum dam of the Panama canal, 60. Gause, F. .\., and C. C. Carr. The story of Pan- ama, 41. Gen. Grant and the Panama canal, 43. General plan of Panama canal with details project, 67. A Gentleman's agreement, 20. Germanicus, pseud. Central American question from a European point of view, 16. Ghent, \V. J.: I^abor and the commissary at Panama, 53. Work and welfare on the canal, 53. Gijselaar, N. C. de. Het Panama-Kanal, 41. Gilbert, Henderson. Tlie trans-isthmian canal, 10. Gillette, C. E. : Objections to construction of a sea-level canal, 60. Panama canal; some serious objections to sea level plan, 60. Gilman, E. D. Glimpses of Panama canal, 55. Gioia, E. II taglio dell' istmo di Panama, 43. Gisborne, Lionel: Engineer's report [giving an account of surveying ex])edition sent to determine practicability of an interoceanic canal across Darien], 24. Isthmus of Darien in 1852, 23. Summary of report on survey of isthmus of Darien, 23. Glynn, Joseph. Review of plans proposed for con- necting Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Goethals, G. W.: The building of the Panama canal, 60. Government of Canal Zone, 41. The Isthmian canal, 53. Panama canal, 41, 54. Panama canal. A general description of engi- neering and construction features, 60. Progress on Panama canal, 54. Going, G. B. Absence of facts about the Nicaragua canal, 33. INDEX /' Going through the Panama canal, 56. Goirand, Leopold. Rapport fait sur la liquidation du Panama, 47. Goode, R. U. Trip to the isthmus of Panama, 46. Goodwin, J. M. Panama ship canal and inter-oceanic ship railway projects, 44. Gordon, W. J. Panama canal, 46. Gordy, J. P. Ethics of Panama case, 14. Gorgas, W. C. : Health conditions in the Canal Zone, 65. Health conditions on the isthmus of Panama, 65. Sanitary organization of the Isthmian canal, 65. Sanitary work on the isthmus of Panama during last three years, 65. Sanitation of the Canal Zone, 65. Sanitation in Panama, 65. Sanitation of the Panama Canal Zone, 65. Solving the health problem at Panama, 65. Gorgorza, Anthony de. Problem of interoceanic communication, 26. Government's position on Panama, 14. Grahame, Leopold. Canal diplomacy; justification for British protest, 20. Gram, G. W. W. International interest in settle- ment of Panama tolls question, 20. Granger, H. G. : A sea-level canal at Panama — a study of its de- sirability and feasibility, 61. Stain on our flag: secession of Panama, 16. Grant, U. S. Nicaragua canal, 29. Gray, C. P.: Gray's aero view of Panama canal, 68. Sunrise on the Pacific. The world's greatest en- gineering feat, 68. The Great ship canal question, 12. Greatest engineering work of all time, 61. Greely, A. W. Present state of the Nicaragua canal, 33. Green, L. D. Nicaragua canal in its military as- pects, 10. Grievances of Colombia, 16. Griffin, G. B. Interoceanic communication, 8. Griswold, C. D. Proposed route for a ship canal, 5, 28, 43, 70. Grunsky, C. E. : Type of Panama canal, 53, 61. Work of the commission on Panama canal, 50. Gunn, O. B. Nicaragua canal, 32. H H. Der Panama-Canal nach dem neuesten Ent- wiirfe, 61. Haag, H. Der Panamakanal und seine Geschichte, 56. Hains, P. C: Isthmian canal from a military point of view, 12. Labor problem on the Panama canal, 38, 49. Neutralization of Panama canal, 15. Panama canal — some objections to sea-level proj- ect, 61. Hale, H. C. Notes on Panama, 49. Hale, William. Panama canal, 49. Hall, A. B., and C. L. Chester. Panama and the canal, 41. Hall, H. H.: Address on Tehuantepec route, 70. Conflict of engineers over plans for Panama canal, 61. Statement of Panama engineering conflicts, 61. A study of Panama canal plans and agreements, 61. Hamilton. On advantages of forming a junction between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 5. Hamilton, W. R. Nicaragua canal in its military aspects, 32. Hammond, C. S. Map [and profile] of Panama canal, 68. Hammond's descriptive atlas of Panama and Isth- mian canal, 68. Hanson, J. M. Panama [poem], 69. Harding, Earl. In justice to United States — a set- tlement with Colombia, 16. Harris, N. D. What is effect of exemption of American coastwise shipping upon Panama canal revenue?, 20. Harrison, Earle: Panama canal; illustrated from original auto- chrome photographs, 68. Panama canal in construction: Lumiere photo- graphs, 68. Hart, A. B. Have we the right to fortify the canal?, 66. Hart, A. B., editor. Extracts from official papers relating to Isthmian canal, 3. Harvey, C. M. Panama canal and the Mississippi valley, 38. Harvey, C. T. : Nicaragua canal, 31. Special report on data relating to the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua, 31. Harvey, George: Honor of the nation and President Wilson, 20. Why the President is right, 20. Haskin, F. J. Panama canal, 41, 54. Haskins, W. C, editor. See Canal. Zone pilot. Hatfield, Chester, and E. P. Lull. Reports of ex- plorations and surveys for location of ship canal through Nicaragua, 26. Haupt, L. M. : Economic relations of canals to transportation, 8. National influence and the Isthmian canal, 9. Nicaragua canal, 34. Population and the Isthmian canal, 10. Ship canals, 8. Why is an isthmian canal not built? 11, 14. Hawthorne, H. L. A Central American interoceanic canal and its strategic importance, 8. Hay, John. Life and letters. See Thayer, W. R. Hay-Pauncefote treaty [text], 17. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 18. Hayes, C. W. : An assumed inconstancy in the level of Lake Nicaragua, 35. Physiography of the Nicaragua canal route, 34. Physiography of region adjacent to Nicaragua canal route, 34. Hazelhurst, J. N. The problem of Panama, 38. Hazeltine, M. W. Proposed Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 18. Headley, J. T. Darien exploring expedition under I. G. Strain, 23. Hecker, F. J. Great progress on Panama canal, 54. Heilprin, Angelo: A defence of the Panama route, 48. Nicaragua canal in its geographical and geological relations, 35. Shrinkage of Lake Nicaragua, 35. Water supply of Lake Nicaragua, 35. Heine, Wilhelm: Canalproject zur verbindung des atlantischen und des stillen Oceans, 5. Wanderbilder aus Central-Amerika, 5. Helene, Maxime. Le percement de I'isthme de Pan- ama, 44. Hellert, J. J. Nouvelles observations sur la jonction des deux oceans au moyen d'un canal a traveri I'isthme de Darien, 23. Henderson, J. B. Interoceanic canal problem, 10, 13. Ilenning, Richard. Das Problem des Panama- kanals, 38. Hentschel, C. T. Sec Hill, C. II., and C. T. Hent- schel. 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Hepburn, A. B. Panama canal, 53, 56. Hepburn, W. P. Nicaragua canal, 35. Hepbvirn bill for a Nicaragua canal, 34. Herran. T. D.^ Isthmian canal question, 15. Hersent, H. Communication sur le canal de Pan- ama, 44. Hershey, A. S. What is the international obligation of U. S., if any, under its treaties, in view of British contention?, 20. Herzberg, Henry. A B C of the Panama canal controversy, 20. Hewlett, E. M. Centralized control system and power station switchboards for Panama canal, 61. High-level lock canal, 61. Hildebrandt, F. Der Nicaragua-Kanal, 36. Hill, C. H.. and C. T. Hentschel. Lock control boards and interlocking system for Panama canal, 61. Hill. D. J. Supremacy in the Panama canal, 16. Hill, Fremont. Novel plan for excavating Culebra cut, 61. Hill, H. R. Succinct view of importance of forming a ship canal across Panama, 41. Hill, R. T. Route of the Panama canal, 47. Hinman, G. W. De Lesseps and the Panama canal scandal, 47. Hirst, W. A. Panama canal, 57. Historicus, pseud. Fifty mile order, 49. Hobbs, G. W. Clayton-Bulwer treaty vs. Monroe doctrine, 17. Hodges, H. F.: Action of water in locks of Panama canal, 61. Panama canal, 53. Holynski. A. J. J.: La Californie et les routes inter oceaniques, 5. De la jonction des oceans, 5. How Germany takes our Panama canal act, 20. How the locks of Panama canal are operated, 61. How the Panama canal will open Bolivia, 38. How shall users of Panama canal be taxed?, 20. How the world's ships will coal at Panama, 57. Howard, D. S. Interoceanic communication. Nica- ragua route, 28. Hubbard, G. G. Canal routes, 8. Huber, J. B. Colonel Gorgas, Panama, and the world's sanitation, 65. Huberich, C. H.: Le canal transisthmique, 14. Transisthmian canal: a study in American diplo- matic history, 12. Hueston, J. C. : American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Co. A refutation of its claim to Nicaragua canal route, 30. Nicaragua canal, 31. Hughes, G. W. : Isthmus of Darien, 23. Isthmus of Panama, 43. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 70. Letter on intermarine conununications, 5. Nicaragua, 27. Hulbert, G. C. Panama canal from within, 46. Hull, A. G. San Bias ship-canal project, 47. Humboldt, F. H. A., Freihcrr von: Considerations generale.s sur la possibilite de joindre la mer du .Sud a I'ocean .\tlantique, 3. Same, in English, 3. Same, in Spanish, 3. A letter of— 1845, 3. Hunter, W. H.: American isthmus and the interoceanic canal, 9, 48. Equipment, management, and economic influence of the ship' canal, 9. Review of the Nicaragua canal scheme, 34. Huntington, C. P. Nicaragua canal, 35. Hurst, T. W.: Comparison between three proposed routes across the isthmus, 9. Isthmus of Panama, Nicaragua, canal routes, 3. Hussey, J. V. An isthmian deep water ship canal, 11. Hutchinson, Lincoln: New opportunities in the Pacific, 38. Panama canal and international trade competi- tion, 38. Voyage costs via Panama and other routes, 20. Hyde, C. C. Isthmian canal treaty, 18. Hyde, H. M. Conquest of the isthmus, 55. "I took the isthmus," 14. Illustrated record of progress, pictures, 55. Intercommunication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. International aspects of the Isthmian canal, 14. An Interoceanic alternative, 9. An Interoceanic canal, 9, 32. The Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doctrine, 12. Interoceanic communication. The Atrato and Tru- ando canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 24. Interoceanic ship canal discussion, 7. Interoceanic ship railway, 70. Die Interoceanischen Verkehrsstrassen Mittelameri- kas, 6. Der Interozeanische Tehuantepec-Kanal, 70. Intze, Professor. Der Nicaragua-Ozean-Kanal im Vergleich zum Panama-Kanal, 8. L'Isthme de Panama et le canal interoceanique, 58. Isthmian canal, 11. Isthmian canal commissioners' report, 1900, 10. Isthmian canal controversy, 14. Isthmian canal problem, 14, 36. Isthmian canal and the treaties, 13. Jackson. T. E., Son. Makers of the Panama canal, 41. Jacobs, E. H., and H. M. Stevens: Position indicator system and machines for Pan- ama canal locks, 61. Switching, disconnecting, and bus arrangement for A.-C. power circuits. Panama canal locks, 61. James, Winifred. Panama canal, 56. Jameson, C. D. Notes on the Panama canal, 45. Japan and the Panama tolls, 20. Jeans, J. S. : Nicaraguan canal, 26. Panama canal, 46. Panama canal and its prospects, 46. Panama canal and its rivals, 46. Johnson, E. R. : Coastwise toll exemption, 20. Commercial importance of Panama canal, 38. Comparison of distances by the Isthmian canal and other routes, 11. Interoceanic canal, 9. Isthmian canal, 10. Isthmian canal: choice of route, 36, 48. Isthmian canal: factors affecting the choice of route. 11. Isthmian canal in its economic aspects, 11, 38. Isthmian canal traffic, 11, 38. Necessary Panama canal legislation, 38. Nicaragua canal, 26, 35. Nicaragua canal and the economic development of the United States, 33. INDEX 81 Johnson, E. R., coniiiiiicd : Nicaragua canal and our commercial interests, ii. Panama canal, 38, 49, 53. Panama canal and commerce of United States, 38. Panama canal in its commercial aspects, 38. Panama canal: its title and concession, 14. Panama canal question, 14. Panama canal traffic and tolls, 20, 38. Panama traffic and tolls, 20. Panama traffic and tolls for coastwise shipping, 20. Reasons for the Panama route, 48. Use and benefit of Panama canal, 38. Value of Panama canal to this country, 38. What the canal will accomplish, 38. What is effect of exemption of American coast- wise shipping upon Panama canal revenues?, 21. Johnson, W. F. : Four centuries of the Panama canal, 41. Four hundred years of the Panama canal, 42. Justice and equity in Panama, 14. Jonas Lie's paintings of Panama canal, 68. Jonction de I'ocean Atlantique avec la mer du Sud, 4. Jones, F. D. Panama canal. Some interesting me- chanical features, 61. Joseph Pennell's pictures of Panama, 68. Judson, W. P. From west and northwest to the sea by way of Nicaragua canal, 31. Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific, 5. Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. K K. Der interoceanischen Canal zwischen deni .Stillen und dem Atlantischen Ocean. 29. Kaemnierer, W. Der Panama- Kanal, 49. Kaufmann, Wilhelm. La loi americaine du 24 aout 1912 sur le canal de Panama le droit interna- tional, 16. Keasbey, L. M.: Early diplomatic history of Nicaragua canal, 12. National canal policy, 14. Nicaragua canal in light of present politics. 13, 2,i. Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine, 12, 13. Der Nicaragua Kanal, 26. Terms and tenor of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. 17. Urgent need of interoceanic communication, 9. Keifer, J. W. Panama canal — its neutralization, 16. Keller, F. A. fi. Canal de Nicaragua, 27. Keller, G. Het Panamakanaal, 41. Kelley, F. M.: American projectors of the isthmian canal, 7. Canal maritime sans ecluses entre I'ocean Pa- cifique et I'ocean Atlantique, par la voie des revieres Truando et Atrato, 24. E.xplorations through valley of Atrato to Pacific in search for route for ship canal, 23. Inter-oceanic canal, 43. On the junction of Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 23. Union of the oceans by ship-canal without locks, via Atrato valley, 23. Kennedy, Crammond: Comparison of relative interests of LT. .S. and Gt. Brit, in the western hemisphere at different stages of negotiations, 12, 17. Neutralization and equal terms, 21, 66. Kennedy, J. M. Broken treaty: Panama canal tolls, 21. Keys, C. M.: Changing the trans-continental trade routes, 38. What the Panama canal is doing, 39. Kimball, W. W., and W. L. Capps. Special intelli- gence report on progress of work of Panama canal during 1885, 45. Kirkald, Professor. Some economic effects of Pan- ama canal, 39. Knapp, H. S. : Navy and the Panama canal, 56. Panama canal in international law, 12. Real status of Panama canal as regards neutrali- zation, 16, 39. Knowland, J. R. Pacific coast and Panama canal, 39. Knox, P. C. Panama canal tolls, 21. Koch, A.: Der Panama- und der Nicaragua-Kanal, 9. Den Panama- und den Nicaragua-Kanal in tech- nischer, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Hin- sicht, 13. Kohl, Ernst. Grosse Verkehrsbauten und der Pan- ama-Kanal, 46. Korner, W. J. Panama — past and present, 51. Kraentzel, Ferdinand. Le canal de Panama, 50. Krock, A. B. : Col. George W. Goethals, 56. Surgeon-General William C. Gorgas, 65. Kupka, P. F. Der Nicaragua-Canal, 36. Lacharme, L. de: Inter-oceanic canal route. A narrative of last exploration, 25. Inter-oceanic canal, route of Paya, 25. Lalance, Auguste. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama, 43. Lambert, Ernest. Panama; story of a colossal bub- ble, 47. Lankford, J. S. Lesson of Canal Zone sanitation, 65. Latane, J. II.: Effects of Panama canal on our relations with Latin America, 16. Neutralization features of Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 18. Panama canal Act and British protest, 21. Treaty relations of L'nited States and Colombia, 14. Latest route proposed for the Isthmian canal, 49. Laugel, Auguste. Les noiivelles comnuniications in- teroceaniques, 6. Laut, Agnes C: Can we defend it?, 66. Now that Panama has opened — what?, 39. Panama canal for foreign ships, 21. Lawton, E. M. Panama canal and commerce, 39 Le Baron, J. F. : An alternative line for Nicaragua canal, 36. Surveying in Nicaragua, ii. Ledebur, Ferdinand, Freiherr von. Der Panama- kanal, 41. Lee, A. Construction of the canal, 61. Lee. E. E. See .Schildhauer, Edward, and E. E. Lee. Lefebure, Paul. A la conquete d'un isthme, 41. Lehman, Richard. Der Pananiakanal, 41. Leigh, J. G.: All-electric operation of Panama canal, 61. Electric power for Panama canal, 61. Electricity and the navigation of Panama canal. 61. Electricity and the Panama canal, 61. Reports of the Isthmian canal Commission, 11. Republic of Colombia and the Panama canal, 49. Sanitation and the Panama canal, 65. L'nited States and Europe. 18. Lendian, E. R. T )s Estados Unidos, Cuba, y el canal de Panama, 53. Le Nocher. Les avanlages du canal de Panama, 47. Le Normand, R. G. Panama et Nicaragua, 9. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. La situation de rentrc]irise du canal de Panama, 45. 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicointe de: Le canal de Panama, 44, 58. Interoceanic canal, 44. Note sur les travaux du canal de Panama, 45. Panama canal, 44, 45. Le projet du canal interoceanique, 7. Sur le percement de I'isthme de Panama, 46. Levita, C. B. Interoceanic canal, 9. Levy, Pablo. Notas geograficas y economicas sobre la republica de Nicaragua. 1. Levy, Paul. Notes sur le projets de percement du canal interoceanique, 6. Lewis, H. H.: Advantages of the Panama route, 48. Benefit to American commerce, 39. Canal will be built, SO. Man behind the Panama canal, 50. President's plan for building by contract, 61. Lewis, J. H. Why not trust the president?, 21. Life on the Canal Zone, 51. Linehan, B. E. Building of Panama canal, 61. Liot, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec, 3. 70. Lisbonne, E. E. Canal des deux mers, 46. Llopis, Arturo. Estudios sobre el canal de Nicar- agua, 36. Lloyd, J. A. On the facilities for ship canal commu- nication between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 43. Lock gates for the Panama canal, 61. The Locks and gates of the Panama canal, 61. Loman, J. C. Persoonlijke indrukken van een bezoek aan de werken aan het kanaal van Pan- ama, 52. Long, W. S. Through the West Indies to the Pan- ama canal, 56. Loos, Eduardo. Empresa centro-americana y uni- versal de canal de Nicaragua, 28. Ludlow, William. Transisthmian canal problem, 9. Luigi, (liuseppe de. II canale di Panama e ritalia, 16. Lull, E. P.: Interoceanic canal problem, 7. Report of exploration for location of ship canal between Atlantic and Pacific oceans through Panama, 43. See also Hatfield, Chester, and E. P. Lull. Lull, E. P., and F. Collins. Reports of explorations for location of interoceanic ship-canals, 3. Lutterveld, W. M. J. van. Het Panama-Kanaal, 49. Lyle, E. P. Real conditions at Panama canal, 50, 61. M MacDonald, D. F.: Earthquakes and the Panama canal, 61. Slides in the Culebra cut at Panama, 62. McDonald, R. IL, the younger. Nicaragua canal, 32. Macfarland, H. O. Would a subsidy to amount of tolls granted .\merican ships passing through canal be a discrimination prohibited by the treaty?, 21. Mcl'arland, Walter. Report upon an examination of proposed routes for an interoceanic ship canal, 6. Macfarlane, P. C. Big ditch: the man on the job, 55. McGregor. Roosevelt and Colombia, 17. Mackaye. Percy: floethals [poem], 69. Panama hymn, 69. McKibben, F. P. Notes and views on Panama canal taken by members of .\merican Society of Civil Engineers, 1911, 54. McLellan, A. , G. ' Panama canal versus American shipping, 39. Madden, M. B. Panama canal, 53. Magnitude of the operations at Panama, 62. Mahan, A. T. : Fortify the Panama canal, 66. The isthmus and sea power, 8. Panama canal and distribution of fleet, 12. Panama canal and sea power in Pacific, 16, 39. Was Panama "A chapter of national dishon- or?," 14. Why fortify the canal?, 66. Mahan, T. M. Needed link for our naval and com- mercial supremacy, 34. Maigne, C. M. Guns of Panama, 66. Maltby, F. B.: Dredging equipment on Panama canal, 62. Dredging on Panama canal; machines used, 62. Isthmian canal — general resume of work ac- complished, 62. Malte-Brun, V. A.: Canal interoceanique du Darien, 25. Du projet de communication interoceanique par I'isthme de Darien, 24. Manson, N. J. Interoceanic ship-canal communi- cation by the American isthmus, 8, 32. Map of United States Canal Zone showing com- pleted Panama canal, 68. Marcel, Gabriel: Un eventail geographique, 36. L'isthme de Tehuantepec, 70. Marechal. Henry. Voyage d'un actionnaire a Pan- ama, 45. Marion, Paul. Souvenirs de Panama, 55. Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua: Maritime ship canal of Nicaragua, 31. Nicaragua, the gateway to the Pacific, 30. Report to secretary of interior, 1889, 1892, 30. Maritime Kaniile, 10. Markham, C. P. Making the Panama canal, 55. Marroquin, Lorenzo. El canal, 41. Marsan. Un projet de communication entre I'ocean Atlantique et I'ocean Pacifique par le lac de Nicaragua, 27. Marshall, Logan. Story of the Panama canal, 41. Martin, P. F. Panama canal, 54, 55. Marvin, W. L. First year at Panama, 57. Mason, W. E. Discussion of its merits [Hay-Paunce- fote treaty], 18. Mathews, G. S. See Mathews, J. L., and G. S. Mathews. Mathews, J. L., and G. S. Mathews. Toll at the sea-gate, 21. Mauger, S. W., and E. Bern. Switchboards and dis- tributing system for Panama canal, 62. Ma.xey, E. Our diplomatic policy in relation to Panama, 15. Mayo, K. Hospital work at the Canal, 65. Mears, J. E. Triumph of American medicine in the construction of Panama canal, 65. Medina, Crisanto. Why the Panama route was originally chosen, 49. Meikle, John. Bit of "ancient" history of isthmian canal problem, 14. Melville, G. W. Views as to the strategic and com- mercial value of the Nicaragua canal, 34. Menocal, A. G.: Discussion upon inter-oceanic canal projects, also, additional information obtained by recent sur- veys in Nicaragua, 29. Interoceanic canal projects, 7. Intrigues at the Panama Canal Congress, 43. Nicaragua canal. Its design, final location, and work accomplished, 31. Panama canal, 62. Report of U. S. Nicaragua surveying party, 27. Merry, W. L.: .\merican isthmus canals, 8. Nicaragua canal, 27, 31. Nicaragua canal; its political aspect. 32. INDEX S3 Mexico and the tolls issue, 21. Michler, Nathaniel. Report of survey for inter- oceanic ship canal near isthmus of Darien, 24. Miller, C. R. Monroe doctrine in Venezuela dis- pute; how controversy paved way for Panama canal, 12. Miller, H. G., and J. C. Freehoff. Panama canal tolls controversy, 21. . Miller, J. F. Nicaragua canal, 29. Miller, J. W.: -Advantages of the Nicaragua route, 33. Where to build Isthmian canal, 3. Miller, Warner : America's need for the Nicaragua canal, 32. Nicaragua canal, 34. Nicaragua canal and commerce, 32. Mills, David. Monroe doctrine and inter-oceanic canal, 13. Mills, J. S.: Panama and British trade, 39. Panama canal, 42. Mills, W. W. Panama canal [views], 68. Millspaugh, A. C. Panama canal as an historic topic, 56. Mr. Crampton and the American question, 17. Mr. Roosevelt on the Colombian treaty and Panama tolls question, 21. Molinari, Gustave de. A Panama, 45. Molitor, D. A. Panama canal, 56. Mondell, F. W. Why should we fortify Panama canal?, 66. Money, H. De S. Nicaragua canal, 34. Monroe doctrine and the Isthmian canal, 12. Montague, G. P. Nicaragua canal and legislation in connection with it, 32. Montemont, Albert. Projet de canal pour les navires entre les deux oceans, par la riviere San Juan et les lacs de Nicaragua et de Managua, 27. Moore, F. Work of the Isthmian canal engineers, 36. Moore, J. B. Interoceanic canal and Hay-Paunce- fote treaty, IS. Moore, Robert. Present aspect of problem of Ameri- can interoceanic ship transfer, 8. More data as to water supply for Panama canal, 62. Choice of isthmian canal routes, 11. Government aid to the Nicaragua canal, 32. An isthmian canal and the choice of routes, 11. Morison, G. S.: The Bohio dam, 62. Lake Bohio, the summit level of Panama canal, 62. Panama canal, 49, 62. Morris, C. Isthmian canal from beginning, 11. Morrison, G. A., jr. Compilation of executive docu- ments relative to trans-isthmian canal, 3. More, Cayetano: Observations in relation to communication between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, through isthmus of Tehuantepec, 70. Reconocimiento del istmo de Tehuantepec, prac- ticado en los afios 1842 y 1843, 70. Survey of isthmus of Tehuantepec executed in years 1842 and 1843, 70. Morrison, H. A. List of books and articles in peri- odicals relating to interoceanic canal and rail- way routes, 1. Mueller-Heymer, P. Der Panama-kanal in dor Po- litik der Vereinigten Staaten, 12. Muhleman, M. L. Panama canal payment, 49. Murphy, J. M. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 70. Mygatt, Gerald. Truth about Panama canal, 54. N N., W. H. A painter of Panama: Jonas Lie, 68. Nansouty, Max de: Amenagement des eaux — Alimentation du canal ecluse, 58. Amenagement des eaux. — Les ecluses, 58. Les chantiers des ecluses du canal de Panama, 58. Excavateur de MM. Weyher et Richemond, 58. Les excavateurs, 58. Installation special de minages et sautages sous I'eau pour I'extraction des deblais rockeux a I'aide de dragues au canal de Panama, 58. Les travaux du canal de Panama, 46, 58. Napoleon III. Le canal de Nicaragua, 27. National honor on the bargain-counter, 21. Navigation lights for Panama canal, 62. Nelson, F. L. Practical side of Panama canal, 54. Nelson, H. L. : Canal and treaty, 18. Isthmian canal, 35. Nelson, Wolfred. Panama canal, 46. Neutralize the canal, 66. Neutralize, not fortify the canal, 66. New American waterway. Canal through Nicarag- ua, 31. New Panama canal, 48, 49. New Panama Canal Company: Opinions of general counsel and documents show- ing title, 42. Report to, by International Commission of En- gineers (1898), 48. New Panama Canal Company, 42, 47. New plan for Panama canal. 62. Newcome, F. N. Canal projects of the day, 8. Newlands, F. G. Intervention against Colombia, 15. Nicaragua. Concessions and decrees of Nicaragua to Nicaragua Canal Association of New York, 30. Nicaragua bill. — Plain words about Morgan bill for purchasing Nicaragua canal, 34. Nicaragua canal, 29. Nicaragua canal, 31, 32, 34. Nicaragua canal. Brief sketch of present state of enterprise, 30. Nicaragua canal. Description of route, 29. Nicaragua canal. Discussion before American As- sociation for Advancement of Science, August (1887), 30. Nicaragua canal. Expected earnings, its commercial geography, effect on ocean routes, trade ad- vantages for U. S.. 30. Nicaragua canal; the gateway between the oceans, 34. Nicaragua canal: review of year's work; govern- ment guarantees; progress and prospects, 31. Nicaragua Canal Commission. Report (1899), 27. Nicaragua Canal Construction Company: The interoceanic canal of Nicaragua, 27, 31. President's report, 31. Nicaragua Canal Convention. Proceedings, June (1892), 32. Nicaragua canal estimates, 33. Nicaragua ports and the Nicaragua canal, 33. Nicaragua ship canal, 30. Nicaragua ship canal project, 30. Nicaraguan canal, 36. Niles, N. : Dispatch on subject of ship canal, 5. Plan for construction of ship canal, 6. Nimmo, Joseph, the yoiuiger: National influence and the isthmian canal, 34. Nicaragua canal, 33. Nicaragua canal. Investigate before investing, 34. The Nicaragua canal an impracticable scheme, 33. Nicaragua canal in its commercial and military aspects, 34. 84 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Nimmo, Joseph, the younger, cpiitiiiiied : Proposed American interoceaiiic canal, 7. Proposed American interoceanic canal in its com- mercial aspects, 9, 35. Proposed Nicaragua canal an impracticable proj- ect, 33. Nixon, Lewis: Canal tolls and American shipping, 21. Does expression "All nations" in Hay-Pamtcefote treaty include United States?, 21. Panama canal and American commerce. 39. Panama canal tolls, 21. Ni.xon-Miller, Martin. Trip across the isthmus: life and conditions on the Canal Zone, 54. No fortifications for the Panama canal, 66. Noble, Alfred. Some engineering features of Nicaragua canal, 34. Note sur la communication proposee entre les oceans Atlantique et Pacifique, 4. Nourse, J. E. : Chief official documents of the United States on the canal, 2. Interoceanic communication. Nicaragua route, 29. Interoceanic communication across Central Ameri- ca, 3. The Suez and the American canal, 8, 45. O., F. L. The American Suez, 7. O'Connor, L. S. On links connecting the Atlantic and Pacific, 5. Official correspondence respecting the Panama ques- tion, 15. Official map. History and workings of Panama canal, 68. O'Gorman, J. A. Panama canal an American high- way, 21. Okuma, Shigenobu, count. Japan and Panama: ef- fect of opening Panama canal on trade between Japan and .\merica, 39. Olinda, Alexander. Der Nicaragua Canal, 31. Olney, Richard. Panama canal tolls and Hay-Paunce- fote treaty, 21. Opinions of commercial bodies of New York and other cities, about Nicaragua canal, 30. Oppenheim, L. F. L. Panama canal conflict between Great Britain and United States, 21. Orenstein, A. J. : Sanitary inspection of the Canal Zone, 65. Sanitation of the Canal Zone, 65. Screening as an anti-malaria measure, 65. Ospina, P. N. Panama canal question, 15. Our government and Nicaragua canal, 13. Our isthmian canal options. 36. Our remarkable canal treaty with Colombia; with text, 17. Owen, R. L. Why Panama tolls exemption should be repealed, 21. Paine, Charles. Concerning the actual condition of the Panama canal, 62. Palmie, Edmond. Le canal ties deux mers. Son interet au double point de vue economique et national, 14. Pan-American Union. Panama canal, 42. Panama canal, 36, 44, 62. Panama canal [newspaper], 36. Panama canal. Articles on condition of work and ratification of Panama treaty, 49. Panama canal. A history and description, 56. Panama canal. Outline history of projects for a canal, 57. Panama canal. Present, future, topographic [Pano- ramic view], 68. Panama canal. [Work of Commission. Administra- tion, hygiene, etc.], 50. Panama canal bill, 21. Panama Canal Company. Profile of Panama canal showing amount of work done, 68. Panama canal; a contrast with the Suez canal, 45. Panama canal convention, 15. Panama canal and maritime commerce, 39. Panama canal as a grave of national honor, 16. Panama canal in relief, 68. Panama canal; its international aspects, 39. Panama canal must be fortified, 66. Panama-Canal nach dem neuesten Entwurfe, 48. Panama canal — plan approved by Pres. Roose- velt, 51. Panama canal question, 15. Panama canal route [map], 68. Panama canal squall, 21. Panama canal tolls, 21. Panama canal treaty, 18. Panama canal treaty signed, 15. Panama gateway opened for the trade of the world, 39. Het Panamakanaal, 56. Der Panama-Kanal, 45, 47, 49. Der Panama-Kanal und seine militarische Bedeu- tung, 54. Panama, a machine made canal, 62. Panama ou Nicaragua, 10. Panama and the President, 15. Panama problem; a poll of the press, 21. The Panama scandal, 46. Panama tolls jarring Democratic harmony, 21. Panama Tolls Repeal Bfll. 21. Paponot, Felix. Achevement du canal de Pan- ama, 42. Paradela y Gestal, Francisco. Una visita al istmo de Panama, 45. Parrish, S. L. Hay-Pauncefote treaty and Panama canal, 18. Parsons, W. B.: Panama canal, 50. Problems of Panama canal, 62. Pasco, Samuel. Isthmian canal question as affected by treaties, 12. II Passaggio marittimo fra le due Americhe, 7. Pattison, James. Marine lighting equipment of Pan- ama canal, 62. Pautet, Jules. Ouverture de I'isthme de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua, 6. Payments on account of the Panama canal, 39. Peabody, J. Commercial value of the Panama canal, 39. Peck, Annie S. The isthmus — the canal — Colon — Panama city, 56. Peddie, H. J. Canal projects in the isthmus of Panama, 3. Penfield, F. C. : Suez and Panama, 50. Why not own the Panama isthmus?, 14. Pennell, Joseph: Pictures of Panama canal, 68. Wonder work on Panama canal, 68. Pensa, Henri. La republique et le canal de Pan- ama, 51. Pepper, C. M. Panama to Patagonia: the Isthmian canal and West Coast countries of South Amer- ica, 51. Pepperman, W. L. Who built the Panama canal?, 42. Peralta, M. M. de. El canal inter-oceanico de Nica- ragua y Costa Rica en 1620 y en 1887, 27. Le Percement de I'isthme americain. Le canal du Nicaragua, 29. INDEX 85 Le Percement de I'isthme de Darien, 25. Le Percement de I'isthme de Panama, ". Percement de I'isthme de Panama, 28, 43. Perez, Paul: Colombian view of Panama question, 15. Treacherous treaty, a Colombian plea, 18. Perez Merino, Nicolas. Los canales del istmo cen- troamericano, 9. Petit, G. Excavateur de la maison Hermann-Lacha- pelle, J. Boulet et Cie., 58. Phelps, Edith M. : Panama canal tolls question; argument in brief, 21. Selected articles on Panama canal tolls, 21. Phelps, S. L. Review of proposed Tehuantepec ship-railway, 70. Phillips, Charles. On the communication between Atlantic and Pacific oceans by way of Lake Nicaragua, 27. Phillips, Stephen: Marriage of the seas [poem], 69. Panama, and other poems, 69. Pias, D. See Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, and D. Pias. Pirn, B. C. T.: Gate of the Pacific, 3. International transit route through Nicaragua, 28. Panama canal, 43. Ship canal across Panama, 43. Pitman, R. B. Succinct view on practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 3. Plan d'ensemble du canal interoceanique depuis la baie de Limon jusqu' a Gorgona, 68. Plan, profil €n long et profils en travers du canal de Panama, 68. Plan et profils du canal de Panama d'apres le projet de la Compagnie nouvelle, 68. Piatt, Lucian. Should the Panama canal be forti- fied?, 67. Plauchut, Edmond. Le futur canal inter-oceanique de I'Amerique central, 44. Polakowsky, Helmuth: Die Arbeiten am Nicaragua-Kanal, 31. Der Bericht iiber die heutige Lage der Panama- Kanal-Gesellschaft, 47. Der interozeanische kanal, 9. Das neueste Nicaragua-Kanal-Project von Men- ocal, 30. Der Nicaragua-Kanal, 35. Die Panama-Kanal-Gesellschaft, 47. Politisch- und wirtschafts-geographische Riickblicke. Der Panama canal, 45. Pouchet, James, and Gustave Sautereau. Examen comparatif des divers projets de canaux inter- oceaniques par I'isthme de Darien et le lac de Nicaragua, 3, 6. Practicability of a ship canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 3. Present conditions at Panama, 54. President Wilson and Panama tolls, 21. President Wilson tries to reverse the lever on Pan- ama canal tolls, 22. Problems of the slides at Culebra, 62. Proclamation by [W. H. Taft] president of United States prescribing Panama toll rates, text, 22. Procter, J. R. Neutralization of Nicaragua canal, 13. Profile and map of Panama lock canal, 68. Progress in excavation and construction, 62. Progress at Panama, 62. Projected ship canal across the great American isthmus. 4. Projected ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Proposed communications between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 5. Proposed excavation of Panama canal by floating dredges, 62. Proposed inter-oceanic canal, 11, 49. Proposed Nicaragua canal, 35. Proposed neutralization of Isthmian canal, 13. Puydt, Lucien de: Account of scientific explorations in Darien, 25. Projet de canal interoceanique a travers I'isthme de Darien, 25. La .verite sur le canal interoceanique de Pan- ama, 44. Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Jules. Le Panama et la republica, 48. Questions of safety in lock canal of Panama, 62. Quigley, A. J. Panama canal and the ports of the Pacific, 39. R Radcliff, Samuel. Considerations on subject of communication between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Railways and Panama canal, 22. Ramirez, J. F. Memorias, negociaciones y docu- mentos, par servir a la historia de las deferencias que han suscitado entre Mexico y los Estados- Unidos, los tenedores del antiguo privilegio, con cedido para la communicacion de los mares At- lantico y Pacifico, por el istmo de Tehuante- pec, 70. Randolph, Isham. Panama canal, 57. Recent views from Panama canal, 68. Redfield, W. W. : Isthmus canal; sea level versus locks, 62. San Bias canal versus Panama canal, 46. Sea level canal across isthmus of San Bias, 48. Reed, E. J. Letter to Rear-Admiral Ammen, on ship railways and canals on American isth- mus, 71. Reed, T. B. Nicaragua canal, 35. Reflections upon Nicaragua treaty, 17. Regel, Fritz: Der Panamakanal, 42. Zur Panamakanalfrage, 53. Reichardt, C. F. : Gegenwartiger Stand der grossen interoceanisclien Canalfrage, 28. Die Verbindung der beiden Oceane, 5. Rejection of treaty by Colombia, 15. Relief map of Panama canal, 68. Repeal and patriotism, 22. Repeal of provision of Panama canal act exempting American coastwise vessels from tolls, 22. Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission, 11. Report on Tehuantepec railway and ship canal to the president of Tehuantepec Railway Com- pany, 71. Reyes, Rafael. Panama canal, 57. Rezzadore, P. II taglio dell' istmo di Panama, 45. Richards, Sir H. E. Panama canal controversy, 22. Richardson, Gardner: Construction of the canal, 53, 62. Progress in Panama, 53. See also Slosson, E. E., and Gardner Richard- son. Richardson, Gardner, and E. E. Slosson. Taboga and the Chagres river, 62. Risley, S. D., and R. G. Curtin. A medical pil- grimage to republic of Panama, 65. Rival isthmian canal, 36. Rives, G. L. Problem of an interoceanic canal, 13. Robinson, A. W. Modern machinery and Panama canal, 62. 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Robinson, E. V. D. : Control of the Nicaragua canal, 36. West Indian and Pacific islands in relation to isth- mian canal, 10. Robinson, Tracy. Fifty years at Panama. 42. Robinson, \V. D. Memoirs of the Mexican revolu- tion. With some observations on practicability of opening a communication between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, through the Mexican isth- mus, 71. Rockwell, J. A. Canal or railroad between the At- lantic and Pacific oceans, 3. Rodgers, C. P. See Cooper, G. H., and C. P. Rodgers. Rodrigues, J. C. Panama canal, 42. Roger, P. De I'interet qu' a la marine frangaise a I'ouverture de I'isthme americain par le canal du Darien, 24. Rogers, C. C. : Intelligence report of Panama canal, 46. Panama canal, 46. Progress at Panama, 46. Rogers, H. W. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 19. Romero, Matias. Tehuantepec railway, 71. Roosevelt, Theodore: Administration of the canal, 39. Arbitration and Panama, 22. How the U. S. acquired right to dig Panama canal, 16. Mr. Roosevelt on Panama canal. [Special mes- sage to Congress Dec. 17, 1906,] 51. Monroe doctrine and the Panama canal, 12, 16. Roosevelt and the canal steal, 15. Root, Elihu: Address before Union League Club of Chicago, 15. Obligation of United States as to Panama canal tolls, 22. Panama canal a sacred trust, 22. Panama canal tolls, 22. Rourke, L. K. Work at Panama, 55, 62. Rousseau, H. H. Isthmian canal, S3. Roussiers, Paul de. Le canal de Panama, 16. Rowland, Walter. Die Bauanlagen zur Herstellung des Beton — • Mauerwerkes fiir die Schiffschleu- sen des Panama-Kanales, 63. Royer, Clemence. Du percement de I'isthme ameri- cain, 6. Ruggles, S. B. Nicaragua canal, 29. Ruhl, Arthur. Before the canal is opened, 56. Runyon, A. D. Song of Panama: poem, 69. Rushmore, D. B. Electrification of Panama canal, 63. Saabye, O. A. E. Present condition of Panama canal, 47. Sampson, M. B. Central America and the transit between the oceans, S, 28. San Francisco. — Panama-Pacific International Ex- position. Two great American achievements, 54. Sanchiz y Basadre, Eliseo. Una visita a las obras del canal de Panama, 45. Sanitary conditions at Panama, 65. Sanitation of the Panama Canal Zone, 65. Sapper, Karl : Der Bericht der Nicaraguakanal-Kommission von (1897-99J, 36. Der Panamakanal unter den Nordamerikanern, 53. Saunders, W. L. Panama excursion of American Institute of Mining Engineers, 54. Sautereau, Gustave: Le Canal de Panama transforme en lac inte- rieur, 46. Commentaires sur Panama, 47. See also Pouchet, James, and Gustave Sau- tereau. Saville, C. M. Hydrology of Panama canal, 63. Schebye, H. Om Panamakanalen, 50. Schierbrand, Wolf von. Panama canal, 49. Schildhauer, Edward: Control of lock machinery on Panama canal, 63. Electricity in construction and operation of Pan- ama canal, 63. Schildhauer, Edward, and E. E. Lee. Construction plant for Gatun locks and Gatun dam, 63. Schultze, Ernst. Die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse am Panamakanal, 65. Schurz. J. R. Diplomatic history of Panama canal, 19. Scott, R. E. Can the Panama canal be destroyed from the air? 67. Scott, W. R. Americans in Panama, 55. Scriven, G. P.: Military view of Panama canal, 15. Nicaragua canal in its military aspects, Z2. Scruggs, W. L. : Blundering American diplomacy, 17. Panama canal projects, 48. .Sea-level canal fallacies, 63. Sea-level or lock, 63. Sea route across isthmus of Darien, 24. Seabury, Samuel. Panama canal: shall it be Ameri- can or Anglo-American? 22. Seaman, L. L. Should the Panama canal be forti- field? 67. Sedillot, L. P. E. A. Des travaux entrepris pour etablir une communication entre I'ocean Atlan- tique et la nier du Sud, 5. Seebach, K. A. L., Freiherr von. Central-Amerika und der interoceanische canal, 6. Seirn-Desplaces, L. A propos du canal de Nicarag- via, 36. Seismic disturbances and the Isthmian canal, 11. Seizure of property of the Maritime Canal Com- pany, 35. Self ridge, T. O. : Reports of explorations to ascertain the practica- bility of ship-canal by way of Darien, 23. Statement regarding surveys on isthmus of Darien, 23. Serious but not alarming: Culebra cut, 63. Serrell, E. W. : American isthmian canals. Darien-Mandingo canal, 26. Interoceanic ship canal via Atrato and Truando rivers, 23. Seward, W. H. John M. Clayton and Nicaragua canal treaty, 17. Seymour, E. H. Present state of Panama canal, 47. Shackleton, Robert: Our sea-level canal at Panama, 63. Panama canal, 63. Shelbourne, S. F. : Address on the San Bias route, 44. Comparative view of Panama and San Bias routes, 44. Interoceanic canal, 7, 44. Interoceanic ship canal — San Bias route, 44. Sheldon, H. I. Notes on Nicaragua canal, 27. Sherman, E. C. Miraflores spillway of Panama canal, 63. Sherman, John. Nicaragua canal, 31. Sherwood, G. W. Nicaragua canal, 32, 33. .Ship canal across Darien, 23. Shii) canal across the isthmus, 5. Shiras, G. Nature's transformation at Panama, 57. Shonts, F. P.: Address before Bankers' Club, Chicago, May 24, 1905, 50. Panama canal, 51. Railroad men at Panama, 57. INDEX 87 Slinnts, F. P., continited : Special report of chairman of Isthmian Canal Commission to secretary of war showing present conditions on the isthmus. April 23, 1906, 51. Speech, before American Hardware Manufacturers' Association, Washington, November 9, 1905, 50. Speech, before Commercial Club, Chicago, Jan. 26, 1907, 52. Speech, before the Commercial Club of Cincin- nati, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1906, 51. Speech, before Knife-and-Fork Club, Jan. 24, 1907, 52. Value of the Panama canal, 39. What has been accomplished by U. S. toward building Panama canal, 50. Short cuts across the globe, 5. Shortt, Adam. Nicaragua canal and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 17, 35. Should the Panama canal be fortified? 67. Showalter, W. J.: Battling with Panama slides, 63. Panama canal, 55. Shrinkage of Lake Nicaragua, 35. Shufeldt, R. W. Reports of explorations and sur- veys, to ascertain practicability of a ship-canal between Atlantic and Pacific oceans by way of isthmus of Tehuantepec, 71. Sibert, W. L.: Gatun dam and locks, 63. Panama canal: address to National Geographic Society, 57. Sibert, W. L., and J. F. Stevens. Construction of Panama canal, 63. Simmons, L. V. T. Opinions of the Panama canal ninety years ago, 42. Simmons, W. E. Nicaragua canal, 35. Simonin, Louis. Le canal de Panama; etat des travaux, 45. Simonin, Moriz. Ueber die Naturverhaltnisse der verschiedenen Linien fiir einem Durchstich des central-amerikanischen Isthmus in Vorschlag sind, 6. Singer, Isidore. Panama canal and the Russian exodus, 49. Singh, S. N. Panama canal: its importance and possibilities, 2, 57. The Slides on Panama canal, 63. Slippery democracy, 16. Slosson, E. E. See Richardson, Gardner, and E. E. Slosson. Slosson, E. E., and G. Richardson: Independent's report on Panama, 51. Sea-level versus lock canal, 63. Slosson, P. W. Treaty and canal, 17. Smalley, E. V.: An Anglo-American ship canal, 35. Panama canal scheme, 48. Smith, G. H. Nicaragua canal legislation, 32. Smith, G. K. Goethe and the Panama canal, 42. Smith, J. R. World carriers and the Panama canal, 39. Smith, R. C. Borings for Bohio dam, 63. Snow, Freeman. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy, 12. Sobral, G. Canal de Panama, 53. Sobral, J. G. Spanish view of the Nicaragua canal, 33. Societe economique politique. Communication sur I'entreprise du canal de Nicaragua, 28. Sonderegger, C. L'achevement du canal de Pan- ama, 49. Soper, G. A. Sanitary aspects of Panama and Nicaragua canals, 11. Sorzano, J. F. : Water supply for lock canal at Panama, 63. Water supply for Panama canal, 63. Sosa, J. B., and E. J. Arce. Compendio de historia de Panama, 55. Souvenir of canal and republic of Panama, 54. Spahr, C. B. Nicaragua canal: a review, 34. Sparks, E. E. Diplomacy and the Isthmian canal, 14. Spears, J. R. Nicaragua canal, 31. Spencer, C. H. The Mandingo, a sea level canal, 63. Sperber, O. P. Strategical and economical impor- tance of Panama canal, 67. Springer, J. F. : Mechanical appliances on Panama canal, 63. Panama canal, 63. Squier, E. G. : ( Interoceanic canal, 27. Volcanos of Central America, and geographical features of Nicaragua. 28. Stabler, J. P. Panama canal, 53. Stadden, C. M. : Latest aspects of Nicaragua canal projects, 34. Our diplomatic relations with Nicaragua, 35. Stafford, W. P. Panama hymn [poem], 69. Stanhope, Aubrey. Experiences in the Canal Zone, during French period, 57. State of great ship-canal question, 18. Steam navigation to the Pacific by the isthmus of Panama, 42. Stearns, F. P. Panama canal, S3. Stephens, J. L. Nicaragua canal, 27. Sternberg, G. M. Sanitary problems connected with construction of Isthmian canal, 11. Sterne, Simon. Nicaragua canal, 31. Stevens, H. M. See Jacobs, E. H., and H. M. Stevens. Stevens, J. F. Panama canal. An address, 55. See also Sibert, W. L., and J. F. Stevens. Stevens, J. G. Nicaragua canal — views of a canal expert, 29. Stevens, Simon. New route of commerce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec, 71. Stevens, W. B. A trip to Panama, 52. Stevenson, S. Y. Prince Louis Napoleon and the Nicaragua canal, 36. Stimson, H. L. : Defence of the Panama canal, 67. Fortifying the canal, 67. Stockton, C. II.: American interoceanic canal; a study of commer- cial, naval and political conditions, 9, 13. Commercial geography of American interoceanic canal, 8. Does expression "All nations" in Ilay-Pauncefote treaty include United States? 22. Panama canal tolls, 11. Stout, P. F. : The inter-oceanic canal, 28. Nicaragua, 28. Strain, I. G. : Paper on history of interoceanic communication, 5. Report on exploration of isthmus of Darien, 24. Strain's Zug durch den Isthmus von Darien, 24. Strange, T. B. Nicaragua canal and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 18, 35. Street, A. When the canal starts something, 56. Strong, G. P. World sanitation and the Panama canal, 66. Struggle over canal tolls, 22. Stuart, James. Panama canal, 57. Stuckle, Henry. Interoceanic canals, 4. Sullivan. J. T. Report of historical information relating to problem of interoceanic communica- tion. 2, 4. Sweet, C. -A. Interoceanic canal, 44. 88 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Taft. W. H.: Answer to Panama canal critics, 53. Panama canal. Address to Ohio State Bar As- sociation, July 11, 1906, 51. Panama canal. Speech at St. Louis Commercial Chib, November 18, 1905, 50. Why the lock-system was chosen, 63. Talbot, H. What shall we do about it? Interview w^ith Col. Goethals, 55. Tathani, William. Present aspects of Panama canal from tourist's point of view, 53. Tavera-Acosta, B. El canal de Panama, 57. Tavernier, Eduard. fetude du canal interoceanique de I'Amerique central, 42. Tawney, James A. Folly of fortifying Panama canal, 67. Taylor, Benjamin: Coming struggle in the Pacific, 13. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 19. Secession of Panama, 15. Story of Bulwer-Clayton treaty, 18. Taylor, H. C. : Control of the Pacific, 30. Nicaragua canal, 27, 30. Waterways to the Pacific, 30. Taylor, Hannis. Rule of treaty construction known as Rebus sic stantibus, 16. Taylor, William. Engineering aspect of Panama canal at present time, 1913, 63. Tehuantepec canal scheme vs. Darien and Nicaragua routes, 71. Tehuantepec railroad vs. the isthmian canal, 71. Tehuantepec ship railway, 71. Tehuantepec ship railway. Proposed Atlantic and Pacific ship railway, 71. Testimony of J. F. Stevens before Senate Investigat- ing Committee, 63. Testimony of Mr. J. F. Wallace before Senate Com- mittee on Interoceanic Canals, 63. Thayer, W. R. Life and letters of John Hay, 12. Thompson, R. W. Interoceanic canal at Panama, 12. Thompson, S. A. Effect of waterways upon rail- way transportation, 11. Thomson, Elihu. Progress of Isthmian canal, 52. Thorp, W. Control of approach to Panama canal, 67. Three canal treaties, 17. Tincauzer, Eugen. Der Bau des Panamakanals, 55. Topography of the Nicaragua route, 35. Tower, Charlemagne. Treaty obligations of the U. S. relating to Panama canal, 12. Townley, Susan. Panama canal, 51. Le Trace du canal de Panama, 58. Tracy, Henry. Estimates for a ship canal across Panama, 44. Trade and industry of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and the proposed interoceanic canal, 9. Traffic and tolls on the Panama canal, 22. The Transisthmian canal, 9. Trautwine, J. C. : Map of the isthmus of Darien. 23. Remarks concerning surveys of the Atrato river, 23. Rough notes of exploration for an inter-oceanic canal route by way of rivers Atrato and San Juan, in New Grenada, 24. Trautwine, J. C, the younger. Cost of the Isth- mian ship canal, 39. Les Travaux du canal de Panama, 58. Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Drague marine employee avi creusement du port de Colon, 58. Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Les excava- teurs, 58. Travaux du canal de Panama. Les excavateurs tournants, 58. Travaux du canal de Panama. Materiel de drag- ages, 58. Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Region de la grande tranchee, 58. Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Section de Colon, 58. Les Travatix du canal de Panama. Section de Panama, 58. Les Travaux du canal de Panama. Vallee du Chagres, 58. Travis, I. D.: Attitude of American government toward an inter- oceanic canal, 14. History of Clayton-Bvilwer treaty, 18. Treaties. Nicaragua. Protocol of an agreement be- tween the U. S. and Nicaragua for the construc- tion of an interoceanic canal, 13. Triumph of sanitation at Panama, 66. Trumbull, Frank. Panama canal: some impressions and comments, 55. Tucker, G. F. Interoceanic canal and Clayton-Bul- wer treaty, 18. Turneaure, F. E. Some engineering features of Panama canal, 63. Turpie, David. Projects for an isthmian canal, 9, 34. Twombly, A. S. : Tehuantepec railway and ship canal, 71. Tehuantepec ship canal, 71. u United States. — Isthmian Canal Commission: General plan for constrvtction of Panama canal, 64. Health Department. Annual report, 66. Map of Canal Zone to accompany annual report (1907), 69. Map showing line of proposed lock canal, 69. Panama canal, 54, 64. Proceedings of Canal Zone Medical Association, 66. Report, 42. Report for the month, 66. Report of Board of Consulting Engineers, 64. Report of the chief engineer, 64. Report of chief sanitary officer, 66. United States. — Superintendent of Documents. Bibliography of U. S. public documents relating to interoceanic communication, 2. Upp, J. W. Electric operation of Panama canal locks, 64. Uzanne, O. Nicaragua or Panama, 11. V Vernon-Harcourt, L. F. Panama canal. 44. Vestal, S. C. Panama canal tolls: arbitration illogi- cal, 22. Viallate, Achille: Essais d'histoire diplomatique americaine, 12. Les £tats-Unis et le canal interoceanique, 15. Les £tats-Unis et le canal inter-oceanique, un chapitre d'histoire diplomatique americaine, 15. View of the Isthmus of Panama, 69. Vignot. Strategic du canal des deux mers, 13. Vischer, Alfredo. Mapa de America Central, 69. Voisin-Bey. Sur le canal interoceanique, 7. Volcanoes and the inter-oceanic canal, 11. Volmat, J. Le canal de Panama, 39. Vom Nicaragua-Kanal, 32. Vose, E. N. How Panama will alter trade, 39. Vrooman, F. B. Economic effect of Panama canal on western Canada, 39. Vue generale panoramique du canal interoceanique de Panama, 69. INDEX 89 W Wachs, Otto: L'Angleterre, les £tats-Unis et le canal inter- oceanique, 13. Die Zukunft Westindiens und der Xicaragua- Kanal, 32. Wagner, Moritz: Eine Reise in das Innere der Landenge von San Bias, mit besonderer Berucksichtung der hyp- sometrischen Verhaltnisse und der Kanal- frage, 43. Zur Frage einer Durstechung der Landengen von Mittelamerika, 6. Waist of the world, 67. Waldo, F. L.: At Panama. A lecture before Franklin Institute, Nov. 29, 1907, 53. An engineer's life on the isthmus, 64. Machinery for Panama canal — old and new, 64. Organization and personnel in building of Panama canal, 64. Panama: a discussion of present conditions and the prospect, 64. Panama: the railroad and the canal, 52. Panama canal work and workers, 64. Preparing the isthmus for canal construction work, 64. Present status of Panama canal, 51. Progress on the Panama canal, 52. Recent progress at Panama, 54, 64. Waldron, G. B. Interoceanic waterways, 10. Walker, A. F. Preliminary report of the Isthmian Canal Commission (1901), 10. Walker, J. B.: Nicaragua and Panama canals, 10, 35. Personal impressions of the work, 64. Wallace, J. F. : Actual problems of the Panama canal, 64. Canal and the Panama railroad, 39. First year's preparatory work on Panama canal, 64. Panama canal. Supplemental statement to U. S. Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, May 22, 1906, 51. Panama canal and its problems, 64. Plain facts about the Panama canal, 64. Preliminary work on Panama canal, 64. Progress at Panama, 64. Proposed plan for excavating Culebra cut, 64. Republic of Panama and Canal Zone, 53. Some phases of the Panama problem, 39. Work on the Isthmian canal, 64. Walsh, G. E.: Joining the Atlantic to the Pacific, 9. Wasted machinery on Panama canal, 64. Wambaugh, Eugene: Does expression "all nations" in Hay-Pauncefote treaty include United States? 22. Exemption from Panama tolls, 22. The right to fortify Panama canal, 67. Ward, C. D. The Gatun dam, 64. Warfield, E. D. Historical account of isthmian projects, 4. Warning against the folly of the Nicaragua canal, 36. Watson, E. S. Chinese labor and the Panama canal, 39. Watts, G. B. Inter-oceanic communication, 5. Webb, W. H. Monroe doctrine and control of Isthmian canal, 13. Webster, II. K. Exiles of industry, 64. Webster, Sidney. Diplomacy and law of Isthmian canals, 13. Wegener, Georg. Der Panamakanal, 42, 49. Weir, H. C: Conquest of the isthmus, 42. How the canal builders make the dirt fly, 64. Panama and the canal, the civilization-builders at work, 64. Progress at Panama. How the canal builders "make the 'dirt' fly," 53. Welcker, J. W.: Over den aanleg van het Panamakanaal, 51. Over de voorbereidung der beslissung in zake het Panama-Kanaal, 52. Weld, S. F.: Inventions at the Panama canal, 46. Isthmus canal and American control, 46. Isthmus canal and our government, 46. Panama canal, 46. Wellcome, H. S. Observations on medical and sanitary department of Panama Canal Commis- sion, 66. Wellman, Walter. Panama Commission and its work, 49. Wenmaekers, Jer. La lumiere sur Monsieur de Les- seps: son projet du canal interoceanique de Pan- ama et un mot sur le projet du canal de Nica- ragua, 4. West, P. C. F. Pertaining to isthmian transits, 8. Wharton, Francis. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 18. What the chambers of commerce of New York and other cities have to say about the Nicaragua canal, 30. Wheeler, B. I.: Meaning of the canal, 39. Topography of the Nicaragua canal route, 35. Wheelwright, William. Observations on the isth- mus of Panama, 43. Whelpley, J. D. Canal and the treaty, 19. White, A. S.: A needed foothold in the Pacific, 33. Our benefits from the Nicaragua canal, 33. White, T. P. Nicaragua canal, 32. White, T. R. Is it necessary in international law that injury actually be suffered before a justici- able action arises?, 22. Whitelaw, O. L. Panama canal and conditions in Canal Zone, 52. Whiteley, J. G.: Diplomacy of the U. S. in regard to Central Ameri- can canals, 13. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 19. Monroe doctrine and Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 19. Les traites Clayton-Bulwer et Hay-Pauncefote, 18, 19. Whitney, A. Intercommunication between the At- lantic and Pacific oceans, 4. Whitney, C. Spirit of the big job, 64. Why canal should be fortified, 67. Why Panama canal should be fortified, 67. Whymper, Edward. Panama canal, 46. Will there ever be a Nicaragua canal?, 36. Willey, D. A.: Nicaragua canal, 34. Panama canal, 52. Panama and Erie canal locks, 64. Williams, D. Mending a hole in Uncle Sam's pocket, 39. Williams, J. J.: Extracts from the report of, on location of Te- hviantepec railroad and ship canal, 71. Nicaragua ship canal, 32. Report of, on the subject of a ship canal across isthmus of Tehuantepec, 71. 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Williams, W. P. Plant and raaterial of Panama canal, 58. Wilson, Woodrow. Redemption of a national obliga- tion, 22. Winchester, Boyd. The old treaty and the new, 18. 19. Windom, William. Isthmus ship-canals, 7. Winn, F. L. Nicaragua canal: military advantages to United States, 33. Wood, H. A. W. Solution of the lock problem, 64. Woolsejs T. S. : An interoceanic canal from standpoint of self- interest, 9. Interoceanic canals in the light of precedent, 9. Suez and Panama — a parallel, 49. Worrall, James. Panama canal and the isthmus, 44. Wright, B. C. San Francisco's ocean trade. Effect Panama canal will have upon it, 39. Writings on American history, 2. Wyse, L. X. B.: A propos des avantages du canal de Panama, 47. L'achevement du canal interoceanique de Pan- ama, 58. Canal interoceanique (1877-78), 43. Le canal de Panama, 42. Exploration du canal interoceanique du Darien, 25. Exploration de I'isthme americain en vue du perce- ment d'un canal interoceanique, 7. L'exploration de I'isthme du Darien en 1876 et 1877, 23. Le rapt de Panama; I'abandon du canal aux fitats- Unis, 50. Wyse, L. N. B., and others. Canal interoceanique (1877-1878), 4. Year's progress on Panama canal ending June, 1912, 55. Year's progress to June, 1913, 56. Yglesias, Rafael. Costa Rica and the great canal, 34. Yokohama. Chamber of Commerce. Aeronautical view of Panama canal, 69. Zadow, F. German view of strategic importance of Panama canal, 17. Zavagli, D. II canale di Panama, 55. Zinn, A. S.: Culebra cut of Panama canal, 64. Truth about Culebra cut slides, 64. Zinn, A. S., and L. D. Cornish. Panama canal, 57. Zoeller. Hugo. Der Panama-Kanal, 42. Zoeppritz, K. von. Die neuesten Untersuchungen der Schiffskanals dur den mittelamerikanischen Isthmus, 7. Zweifel. Le percement de I'isthme de Panama, 44. wm,-' UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL i '''''■^'■'^^'' '';':;':,,' 1 AA 000 324 023 1 '-■ * * "''^^:^!^i:^;K .!.v;..!v,v..a:;i.v,;.;j;:;»v,vv;^^. SliilllllS .'^■.' «j<