/ \. 0^ if i rimi iiii i j i tn i m, , g^attaaam^ JASMIN BARBER, POET, PHILANTHROPIST BY SAMUEL SMILES, LL.D. AUTHOR OF "character" " SELF-HELP " " THRIFT " ETC. " II rasait Men, il chantait miettx. . . . St la France poss^dait dix poetes comrne Jasviin, dix poet/m de cette influence, elle n'aurait pas d craindre de reoofuffojw. "—Sainte-Bkuvb NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1892 Copyright, 1891, by Harper & Brothers. All 'TighU yscTTcd:' PREFACE, My attention was first called to the works of the poet Jasmin by the eulogistic articles which appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes^ by De Mazade, ISTodier, Yillemain, and other well-known reviewers. I afterwards read the articles by Sainte-Beuve, perhaps the finest critic of French literature, on the life and history of Jasmin, in his Portr^aits Contemjporains as well as his admirable article on the same subject in the Causer ies du Lundi, While Jasmin was still alive, a translation was published by the American poet Longfellow of *'The Blind Girl of Castel-CuiUe," perhaps the best of Jasmin's poems. In his note to the trans- lation, Longfellow said that " Jasmin, the author of this beautiful poem, is to the South of France what Burns is to the South of Scotland, the repre- sentative of the heart of the people ; one of those happy bards who are born with their mouths full of birds {la houco ])leno d'^aouveloics). lie has written his own biography in a poetic form, and the simple narrative of his poverty, his struggles, M4:i95G iv Jasmin. and his triumphs is very touching. He still lives at Agen, on the Garonne ; and long may he live there to delight his native land with native songs." I had some difficulty in obtaining Jasmin's poems, but at length I received them from his native town of Agen. They consisted of four volumes octavo, though they were still incom- plete. But a new edition has since been pub- lished, in 1889, which was heralded by an inter- esting article in the Paris Figaro. While at Eoyat, in 1888, I went across the country to Agen, the town in which Jasmin was born, lived, and died. I saw the little room in which he was born, the banks of the Garonne which sounded so sweetly in his ears, the heights of the Ermitage where he played when a boy, the Petite Seminaire in which he was partly educated, the coiffeur's shop in which he carried on his business as a barber and hair-dresser, and finally his tomb in the cemetery where he was buried with all the honors that his towns-fellows could bestow upon him. From Agen I went south to Toulouse, where I saw the large room in the Museum in which Jasmin first recited his poem of " Franconnette ;" and the hall in the Capitol, where the poet was hailed as The Troubadour, and enrolled member of the Academy of Jeux Floreaux — perhaps the crowning event of his life. In the Appendix to this memoir I have en- deavored to give translations from some of Jas- Preface. v rain's poems. Longfellow's translation of ^' The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille " has not been given, as it has already been published in his poems, which are in nearly every library. In those which have been given, I have in certain cases taken advan- tage of the translations by Miss Costello, Miss Preston (of Boston, U.S.), and the Eeverend Mr. Craig, D.D., for some time Kector of Kinsale, Ireland. It is, however, very difficult to translate French poetry into English. The languages, especiall}'' the Gascon, are very unlike French as well as English. Hence Yillemain remarks that "every translation must virtually be a new creation." But, such as they are, I have endeavored to translate the poems as literally as possible. Jas- min's poetry is rather wordy, and requires con- densation, though it is admirably suited for reci- tation. When other persons recited his poems they were not successful; but when Jasmin re- cited, or rather acted them, they were always received with enthusiasm. There was a special feature in Jasmin's life which was altogether unique. This was the part which he played in the South of France as a philanthropist. Where famine or hunger made its appearance among the poor people — where a creche, or orphange, or school, or even a church, had to bo helped and supported — Jasmin was usually called upon to assist with his recitations. He travelled thousands of miles for such pur- poses, during which he collected about half a vi Jasmin. million of francs, and gave the whole of this hard-earned money over to the public charities, reserving nothing for himself except the grati- tude of the poor and needy. And after his long journeyings were over, he quietly returned to pursue his humble occupation at Agen. Perhaps there is nothing like this in the history of poetry or literature. For this reason, the character of the man as a philanthropist is even more to be esteemed than his character as a poet and a song- writer. The author requests the indulgence of the reader with respect to the translations of certain poems given in the Appendix. The memoir of Jasmin must speak for itself. London, November^ 1891. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. AGEN. — jasmin's BOYHOOD. Description of Agen — Statue of Jasmin — His " Souvenirs " — Birth of Jasmin — Poverty of the Family — Grandfather Boe — The Charivari — Jasmin's Father and Mother — His Playfellows — Playing at Soldiers — Agen Fairs — The Vintage — The Spinning Women — School detested — Old Boe carried to the Hospital — Death of Boo Pages 1-11 CHAPTER II. JASMIN AT SCHOOL. Sister Boo — Jasmin enters the Seminary — His Progress — His Naughty Trick — Tumbles from a Ladder — His Punishment — Imprisoned — The Preserves — Expelled from the Seminary — His Mother sells her Wedding-ring for Bread — The Abbo Miraben — Jasmin a Helpful Boy 12-18 CHAPTER III. BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER. Jasmin Apprenticed — Reading in his Garret — His First Books — Florian's Romances — Begins to Rhyme — The Poetic Nature — Barbers and Poetry — Importance of the Barber — Jasmin's first Theatrical Entertainment — Under the Tiles — Talent for Recitation — Jasmin begins Business 19-26 CHAPTER IV. JASMIN AND MARIETTE. Falls in Love — Marries Mariette Barrtre — Jasmin's Marriage Cos- tume — Prosperity in Business — The Curl-Papn's — Christ- viii Contents. ened " Apollo " — Mariette dislikes Rhyming— Visit of Charles Nodier — The Pair Reconciled — Mariette Encourages her Hus- band — Jasmin at Home — The "rivulet of silver" — Jas- min Buys his House on the Gravier — Becomes Collector of Taxes Pages 27-35 CHAPTER V. JASMIN AND GASCON. Jasmin's first Efforts at Yerse-making — The People Conservative of old Dialects — Jasmin's Study of Gascon — Langue d'Oc and Langue d'Oil — Antiquity of Languages in Western Europe — The Franks — Language of Modern France — The Gauls — The "Franciman" — Language of the Troubadours — Gascon and Proven9al — Jasmin begins to Write in Gascon — Uneducated Poets — Jasmin's " Me cal Mouri " — Miss Costello's Translation — The " Charivari " — Jasmin publishes First Volume of The Curl-Papei's {Papillotos) 36-50 CHAPTER VL BERANGKR. — " MES SOUVENIRS." — PAUL DE MUSSET. The "Third of May" — Statue of Henry IV. — Nerac — Jasmin's Ode in Gascon approved — A Corporal in the National Guard — Letter to Beranger — His Reply — " Mes Souvenirs " — Recollec- tions of his Past Life — Nodier's Eulog\- — Lines on the Ban- ished Poles — Sainte-Beuve on Jasmin's Poems — Second Vol- ume of the Papillotos published — Interview with Paul de Musset 51-66 CHAPTER Vn. "the blind girl of castel-cuille." A Poetical Legend — Translated into English by Lady Georgiana Fullerton and Longfellow — Description of Castel-Cuill(^ — The Story of Marguerite — The Bridal Procession to Saint-Amans — Presence of Marguerite — Her Death — The Poem first recited at Bordeaux — Enthusiasm excited — Popularity of the Author — Fetes and Banquets — Declines to visit Paris — Picture of Mariette — A Wise and Sensible Wife — Private Recitation of his Poems — A Happy Pair — Eloquence of Jasmin 67-80 Contents, ix CHAPTER VIII. JASMIN AS J'lIILANTHROPIST. Charity a Universal Duty — Want of Poor-law in France — Appeals for Help in Times of Distress — Jasmin's Recitations entirely Gratuitous — Famine in the Lot-ct-Garonnc — Composition of the Poem " Charity " — Respect for tlic Law — Collection at Tonneins — Jasmin assailed by Deputations — His Reception in the Neighboring Towns — Appearance at Bcrgerac — At Gon- taud — At Damazan — His Noble Missions Pages 81-89 CHAPTER IX. jasmin's " FRANCONNETTE." Composition of the Poem — Expostulations of M. Dumon — Jasmin's Defence of the Gascon Dialect — Jasmin and Dante — "Fran- connettc " dedicated to Toulouse — Outline of the Story — Marshal Montluc — Huguenots — Castle of Estellac — Marcel and Pascal — The Buscou — " The Siren with a Heart of Ice" — The Sorcerer — Franconnette accursed — Festival on Easter Morning — The Crown -piece — Storra at Notre Dame — The Villagers determine to burn Franconnette — Her Deliverance and Mar- riage 90-108 CHAPTER X. JASMIN AT TOULOUSE. " Franconnette " Recited first at Toulouse — Received with Acclama- tion — Academy of Jcnx Floreaux — Jasmin's Eloquent Decla- mation — The Fetes — Publication of " Franconnette " — Sainte- Bcuve's Criticism — M. de Lavergne — Charles Nodier — Testi- monial to Jasmin — Mademoiselle Gaze — Death of Jasmin's Mother — Jasmin's Acknowledgment — Readings in the Cause of Charity — Increasing Reputation 109-1 16 CHAPTER XI. jasmin's visit to pauis. Visits Paris with his Son — Wonders of Paris — Country Cousins — Letters to Agen — Visit to Sainto-Beuve — Charles Nodier, Jules Janin — Landlord of Jasmin's Hotel — Recitation before Angus- tin Thierry and Members of the Academy — Career of the His- torian — His Blindness — His Farewell to Literature.. 117-12? X Contents. CHAPTER XII. jasmin's recitations in PARIS. Assembly at Augustin Thierry's — The " Blind Girl " Recited— The Girl's Blindness — Interruption of Thierry — Ampere's Obser- vation — Jasmin's Love of Applause — Interesting Conversation — Fetes at Paris — Visit to Louis Philippe and the Duchess of Orleans — -Recitals before the Royal Family — Souvenirs of the Visit — Banquet of Barbers and Hair - dressers — M. Chateau- briand — Return to Agen Pages 124-130 CHAPTER XIIL JASMIN AND HIS ENGLISH CRITICS. Translation of his Poems — The Aihenceiun — Miss Costello's Visit to Jasmin — Her Description of the Poet — His Recitations — Her renewed Visit — A Pension from the King — Proposed Journey to England — The Westminster Beview — Angus B. Reach's Interview with Jasmin — His Description of the Poet — His Charitable Collection for the Poor — Was he Quixotic? — His Vivid Conversation — His Array of Gifts — The Dialect in which he Composes 131-148 CHAPTER XIV. jasmin's TOURS OF PHILANTROPY. Appeals from the Poor and Distressed — His Journeys to Remote Places — Carcassonne — The Orphan Institution of Bordeaux — " The Shepherd and the Gascon Poet "—The Orphans' Grati- tude — Helps to Found an xVgricultural Colony — Jasmin's Letter — His Numerous Engagements — Society of Arts and Litera- ture — His Strength of Constitution — At Marseilles — At Audi — Refusal to Shave a Millionaire — Mademoiselle Rouldes — Jasmin's Cheerful Help — Their Tour in the South of France — At Marseilles again — Gratitude of Mademoiselle Roaldes — Reboul at Nimes — Dumas and Chateaubriand — Letters from Madame Lafarge 149-162 CHAPTER XV. jasmin's vineyard. — "MARTHA THE INNOCENT." Agen — Jasmin buys a little Vineyard, his "Papiilote" — "Ma Bigno " dedicated to Madame Veill — Description of the Vine- Contents. xi yard — The Happiness it Confers— M. Rodi6re, Toulouse — Jasmin's Slowness in Composition — A Golden Medal struck in his Honor — A Pension Awarded Him — Made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor — Serenades in the Gravier — Honor from Pope Pius IX. — " Martha the Innocent " — Description of the Narra- tive — Jasmin and Martha — Another Visit to Toulouse— The Banquet— Dax, Gers, Condon — Challenge of Peyrottes — Jas- min's Reply — His further Poems — " La Semaine d'un Fils " de- scribed — Dedicated to Lamartinc — His Reply. Pages 163-17Y CHAPTER XVL THE PRIEST WITHOUT A CHURCH. Ruin of the Church at Vergt— Description of Vergt — Jasmin Ap- pealed to for Help — The Abbe and Poet — Meeting at Pcri- gueux — Fetes and Banquets — Montignac, Sarlat, Nontron, Bergerac — Consecration of the Church — Cardinal Gousset — Jasmin's Poem — "A Priest without a Church" — Assailed by Deputations — Saint Vincent de Paul— A Priest and his Parishioners — The Church of Vergt again — Another Tour for Offerings — Cr6che at Bordeaux — Revolution of 1848 — Abbo and Poet recommence their Journeys — Jasmin invit- ed to become a Deputy — Declines, and pursues his Career of Charitv 178-189 CHAPTER XVIL CHURCH OF VERGT. — THE ACADEMY. — EMPEROR AND EMPRESS. Renewed Journeys for Church of Vergt — Arcachon — Biarritz — A Troupe of Poor Comedians Helped — Towns in the South — Jasmin'.s Bell - tower erected — The French Academy — M. Villcmain to Jasmin — M. de Montyon's Prize — M. Ancelo to Jasmin — Visits Paris again — Monsigneur Sibour — Banquet by Les Deux Mondes Reviewers — Marquise de Barth61emy de- scribed in Chambers' Journal — Description of Jasmin and the Entertainment — Jasmin and the French Academy — Visit to Louis Napoleon — Intercedes for return of M. Baze — AgainVisits Paris — Louis Napoleon, Emperor, and Empress Eugenie — The Interview — M. Baze Restored to his Family at Agen — The Church of Vergt Finished, with Jasmin Bells 190-204 xii Contents. CHAPTER XVIII. JASMIN ENROLLED MAITRE-ES-JEUX. — CROWNED BY AGEN. Jasmin invited to Toulouse — Enrolled as Maitre-es-jeux — The Ceremony in the Selles des Illustres — Jasmin's acknowledg- ment — The Crowd in the Place de Capitol — Agen Awards him a Crown of Gold — Society of Saint Vincent de Paul — The Committee — Construction of the Crown — The Public Meet- ing — Address of M. Noubel, Deputy — Jasmin's Poem, " Tiie Crown of My Birthplace " Pages 205-211 CHAPTER XIX. LAST POEMS. — LAST MISSIONS OF CHARITY. His " New Recollections " — Journey to Albi and Castera — Bordeaux — Montignac, Saint Macaire — Saint Andre, Monsegur — Recita- tion at Arcachon — Societies of Mutual Help — Imitation of Christy Testimony from Bishop of Saint-Flour — Jasmin's Self- denial — Collects about a Million and a half of Francs for the Poor — Expenses of his Journey of Fifty Days — His Faithful Record — Jasmin at Rodez — Aurillac — Toulouse — His last Re- cital at Villeneuve-sur-Lot 212-220 CHAPTER XX. DEATH OF jasmin: HIS CHARACTER. Jasmin's Illness from Overwork and Fatigue — Last Poem to Renan — Receives the Last Sacrament — Takes Leave of his Wife — His Death, at Sixty-five — His Public Funeral — The Ceremony — Eulogiums — M. Noubel, Deputy ; Capot and Magen— Inau- guration of Bronze Statue — Character of Jasmin — His Love of Truth — His Fellow-feeling for the Poor — His Pride in Agen — His Lovalty and Patience — Charity his Heroic Programme —His long Apostolate 221-233 APPENDIX. Jasmin's Defence of the Gascon Dialect 23Y-242 The Mason's Son 242-248 The Poor Man's Doctor 248-252 My Vineyard 252-256 Franconnette 256-293 JASMIN. CHAPTER I. AGEN. -JASMIN'S BOYHOOD. Agen is an important town in the South of France, situated on the right bank of the Garonne, about eighty miles above Bordeaux. The country to the south of Agen contains some of the most fertile Umd in France. The wide valley is covered with vineyards, orchards, fruit gardens, and cornfields. The best panoramic view of Agen and the surround- ing country is to be seen from the rocky heights on the northern side of the town. A holy hermit had once oc- cupied a cell on the ascending cliffs, and near it the Convent of the Hermitage has since been erected. Far underneath are seen the red-roofed houses of the town, and beyond them the green promenade of the Gravier. From the summit of the cliffs the view extends to a great distance along the wide valley of the Garonne, covered with woods, vineyards, and greenery. The spires of village churches peep up here and there among the trees, and in the far distance, on a clear day, are seen the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees. Three bridges connect Agen with the country to the west of the Garonne — the bridge for ordinary traffic, a 1 2 Jasmin. light and elegant suspension -bridge, and a bridge of twenty-three arches which carries the lateral canal to the other side of the river. The town of Agen itself is not particularly attractive. The old streets, narrow and tortuous, are paved with pointed stones ; but a fine broad street — the Kue de la Republique — has recently been erected through the heart of th(>(>l(i iqwn, which greatly adds to the attractions of the place. - At one end of this street an ideal statue of the llepublic has been erected, and at the other end a life-like bronze statue of the famous poet Jasmin. This statue to Jasmin is the only one in the town erected to an individual. Yet many distinguished per- sons have belonged to Agen and the neighborhood who have not been commemorated in any form. Among these were Bernard Palissy, the famous potter;* Joseph J. Scaliger, the great scholar and philologist; and three distinguished naturalists — Boudon de Saint-Aman, Bory de Saint-Vincent, and the Count de Lacepede. The bronze statue of Jasmin stands in one of the finest sites in Agen, at one end of the Rue de la Republique, and nearly opposite the little shop in which he carried on his humble trade of a barber and hair-dresser. It repre- sents the poet standing, with his right arm and hand ex- tended, as if in the act of recitation. * It is stated in the Bihliographie Generale de VAgenais that Palissy was born in the district of Agen, perhaps at La Chapelle- Biron, and that, being a Huguenot, he was imprisoned in the Bas- tille at Paris, and died there in 1590, shortly after the massacre of St. Bartholomew. But Palissy seems to have been born in an- other town, not far from La Chapelle-Biron. The Times of July V, 1891, contains the following paragraph: "A statue of Bernard Palissy was unveiled yesterday at Villeneuve-sur-Lot, his native town, by M. Bourgeois, Minister of Education." Jasmin's Boyhood. 3 How the fame of Jasmin came to be commemorated by a statue erected in his native town by public sub- scription will be found related in the following pages. He has told the story of his early life in a bright, nat- ural, and touching style, in one of his best poems, enti- tled "My Recollections" {Mes Souvenirs), written in Gas- con, where he revealed his own character with perfect frankness, and at the same time with exquisite sensibility. Several of Jasmin's works have been translated into English, especially his " Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille," by Longfellow and Lady Georgina Fullerton. The elegant translation by Longfellow is so well known that it is un- necessary to repeat it in the appendix to this volume; but a few other translations of Jasmin's works have been given to enable the reader to form some idea of his po- etical powers. Although Jasmin's recitations of his poems were inva- riably received with enthusiastic applause by his quick- spirited audiences in the South of France, the story of his life will perhaps be found more attractive to English read- ers than any rendering of his poems, however accurate, into a language different from his own. For poetry, more than all forms of literature, loses most by transla- tion, especially from Gascon into English. Villemain, one of the best of critics, says : " Toute traduction en vers est une autre creation que I'original." We proceed to give an account, mostly from his own "Souvenirs," of the early life and boyhood of Jasmin. The eighteenth century, old, decrepit, and cruel, was about to come to an end, when, in the corner of a little room haunted by rats, a child, the subject of this story, was born. It was on the morning of Shrove Tuesday, March 6, 1V98 — just as the day had flung aside its black night- cap, and the morning sun was about to shed its rays 4 Jasmin. upon the earth — that this son of a crippled mother and a hump-backed tailor first saw the light. The child was born in a house situated in one of the old streets of Agen — 15 Eue Fon-de-Rache — not far from the shop on the Gravier where Jasmin afterwards carried on the trade of a barber and hair-dresser. "When a prince is born," said Jasmin in his "Souve- nirs," " his entrance into the world is saluted with rounds of cannon; but when I, the son of a poor tailor, made my appearance, I was not saluted even with a pop-gun." Yet Jasmin was afterwards to become a king of hearts! A charivari was, however, going on in front of a neighbor's door, as a nuptial serenade on the occasion of some un- suitable marriage, and the clamor of horns and kettles, marrow-bones and cleavers, saluted the mother's ears^ ac- companied by thirty burlesque verses, the composition of the father of the child who had just been born. Jacques Jasmin was only one child among many. Their parents had considerable difficulty in providing for the wants of the family, in food as well as clothing. Besides the father's small earnings as a tailor of the lowest stand- ing, the mother occasionally earned a little money as a laundress. A grandfather, Boe, formed one of the fam- ily group. He had been a soldier, but was now too old to serve in the ranks, though France was waging war in Italy and Austria under its* new emperor. Bo6, however, helped to earn the family living by begging with his wal- let from door to door. Jasmin describes the dwelling in which this poor fam- ily lived. It was miserably furnished. The winds blew in at every corner. Three ragged beds ; a cupboard, con- taining a few bits of broken plates ; a stone bottle ; two jugs of cracked earthen-ware ; a wooden cup broken at the edges ; a rusty candlestick, used when candles were Jasmines Boyhood. 6 available; a small half -black looking-glass without a frame, held against the wall by three little nails; four broken chairs; a closet without a key; old Boe's sus- pended wallet; a tailor's board, with clippings of stuff and patched-up garments — such were the contents of the household, consisting in all of nine persons. It is well that poor children know comparatively little of their miserable bringings-up. They have no opportu- nity of contrasting their life and belongings with those of other children more richly nurtured. The infant Jas- min slept no less soundly in his little cot stuffed with larks' feathers than if he had been laid on a bed of down. Then he was nourished by his mother's milk,' and he grew, though somewhat lean and angular, as fast as any king's son. He began to toddle about, and made acquaintances with the neighbors' children. After a few years had passed. Jasmin, being a spirited fellow, was allowed to accompany his father at night m the concerts of rough music. lie placed a long paper cap on his head, like a French clown, and with a horn in his hand he made as much noise, and played as many an- tics, as any fool in the crowd. Though the tailor could not read, he usually composed the verses for the chari- vari ; and the doggerel of the father, mysteriously fructi- fied, afterwards became the seed of poetry in the son. The performance of the charivari was common at that time in the South of France. When an old man proposed to marry a maiden less than lialf his age, or when an el- derly widow proposed to marry a young man, or when anything of a heterogeneous kind occurred in any pro- posed union, a terrible row began. The populace assem- bled in the evening of the day on which the banns had been first proclaimed, and saluted the happy pair in their respective houses with a charivari. Bells, horns, pokers 6 Jas7nin. and tongs, marrow-bones and cleavers, or anything that would make a noise, was brought into requisition, and the noise thus made, accompanied with howling recita- tions of the charivari, made the night positively hid- eous. The riot went on for several evenings ; and when the wedding-day arrived the charivarists, with the same noise and violence, entered the church with the marriage guests; and at night they besieged the house of the happy pair, throwing into their windows stones, brick-bats, and every kind of missile. Such was the honeymoon ! This barbarous custom has now fallen entirely into disuse. If attempted to be renewed it is summarily put down by the police, though it still exists among the Basques as a toberac. It may also be mentioned that a similar practice once prevailed in Devonshire — described by the Rev. S. Baring-Gould in his "Red Spider." It was there known as the hare hunt, or skimmity-riding. The tailor's charivaris brought him in no money. They did not increase his business ; in fact, they made him many enemies. His uncouth rhymes did not in- crease his mending of old clothes. However sharp his needle might be, his children's teeth were still sharper ; and often they had too little to eat. The maintenance of the family mainly depended on the mother and the wallet of grandfather Boe. The mother, poor though she was, had a heart of gold under her serge gown. She washed and mended inde- fatigably. When she had finished her washing, the chil- dren, so soon as they could walk, accompanied her to the willows along the banks of the Garonne, where the clothes were hung out to dry. There they had at least the benefit of breathing fresh and pure air. Grandfather Boe was a venerable old fellow. He Jasmin's Boyhood. 1 amused the children at night with his stories of military life— " Wept o'er his wonuds, or, tales of sorrow done, Sboulder'd his crutch and show'd how fiekls were won." During the day he carried his wallet from door to door in Agen, or among the farm-houses in the neigh- borhood ; and when he came home at eve he emptied his wallet and divided the spoil among the family. If he obtained during his day's journey some more succulent morsel than another, he bestowed it upon his grandson Jacques, whom he loved most dearly. Like all healthy boys, young Jasmin's chief delight was in the sunshine and the open air. Then he enjoyed the pleasures of fellowship and the happiness of living. Rich and poor, old and young, share in this glorified gladness. Jasmin had as yet no sorrow. His companions were poor boys like himself. They had never known any other condition. Just as the noontide bells began to ring, Jasmin set out with a hunch of bread in his hand — perhaps taken from his grandfather's wallet — to enjoy the afternoon with his comrades. Without cap or shoes he sped away. The sun was often genial, and he never bethought him of cold. On the company went, some twenty or thirty in number, to gather willow fagots by the banks of the Garonne. " Oh, how my soul leaped !" he exclaimed in his " Sou- venirs," "when we all set out together at mid-day, singing *Tlie Lamb whom Thou hast given me,' a well-known carol in the South. The very recollection of that pleas- ure even now enchants mo. * To the Island — to the Isl- and r shouted the boldest, and then we made haste to 8 Jasmin. wade to the Island, each to gather together our little bundle of fagots." The rest of the vagrants' time was spent in play. They ascended the cliff towards the grotto of Saint John. They shared in many a contest. They dared each other to do things — possible and impossible. There were climbings of rocks, and daring leaps, with many perils and escapades, according to the nature of boys at play. At length, after becoming tired, there was the return home an hour before nightfall. And then the little fel- lows tripped along; thirty fagot bundles were carried on thirty heads ; and the thirty sang, as on setting out, the same carol, with the same refrain. Jasmin proceeds, in his " Souvenirs," to describe, with great zest and a wonderful richness of local color, the im- promptu fetes in which he bore a part : his raids upon the cherry and plum orchards — for the neighborhood of Agen is rich in plum-trees, and prunes are one of the principal articles of commerce in the district. Playing at soldiers was one of Jasmin's favorite amusements, and he was usually elected captain. "I should need," he says, "a hundred trumpets to cel- ebrate all my victories." Then he describes the dancing round the bonfires, and the fantastic ceremonies connect- ed with the celebration of Saint John's Eve. Agen is celebrated for its fairs. In the month of June one of the most important fairs in the South of France is held on the extensive promenade in front of the Gravier. There Jasmin went to pick up any spare sous by holding horses or cattle, or running errands, or per- forming any trifling commission for the farmers or graz- iers. When he had filled to a slight extent his little purse he went home at night and emptied the whole con- tents into his mother's hand. His heart often sank as Jasmines Boyhood. 9 she received his earnings with smiles and tears. " Poor child," she would say, "your help comes just in time." Tims the bitter thought of poverty and the evidences of destitution were always near at hand. In the autumn Jasmin went gleaning in the cornfields, for it was Iiis greatest pleasure to bring home some ad- ditional help for the family needs. In September came the vintage — the gathering in and pressing of the grapes previous to their manufacture into wine. The boy was able with his handy helpfulness to add a little more mon- ey to the home store. Winter followed, and the weather became colder. In the dearth of firewood Jasmin was fain to preserve his bodily heat, notwithstanding his rag- ged clothes, by warming himself by the sun in some sheltered nook so long as the day lasted ; or he would play with his companions, being still buoyed up with the joy and vigor of youth. When the stern winter set in, Jasmin spent his evenings in the company of spinning-women and children, princi- pally for the sake of warmth. A score or more of wom- en, with their children, assembled in a large room, light- ed by a single antique lamp suspended from the ceiling. The women had distaffs and heavy spindles, by means of which they spun a kind of coarse packthread which the children wound up, sitting on stools at their feet. All the while some old dame would relate the old-world ogre- ish stories of Blue Beard, the Sorcerer, or the Loup Ga- rou, to fascinate the ears and trouble the dreams of the young folks. It was here, no doubt, that Jasmin gath- ered much of the traditionary lore which he afterwards wove into his poetical ballads. Jasmin had his moments of sadness. He was now getting a big fellow, and his mother was anxious that he should receive some little education. lie had not yet 1* 10 Jasmin. been taught to read ; he had not even learned his ABC. The word school frightened him. He could not bear to be shut up in a close room — he who had been accus- tomed to enjoy a sort of vagabond life in the open air. He could not give up his comrades, his playing at sol- diers, and his numerous escapades. The mother, during the hum of her spinning-wheel, often spoke in whispers to grandfather Boe of her de- sire to send the boy to school. When Jasmin overheard their conversation he could scarcely conceal his tears. Old Boe determined to do what he could. He scraped too^ether his little savings and handed them over to the mother. But the money could not then be used for ed- ucating Jasmin ; it was sorely needed for buying bread. Thus the matter lay over for a time. The old man became unable to go out of doors to so- licit alms. Age and infirmity kept him in-doors. He began to feel himself a burden on the impoverished fam- ily. He made up his mind to rid them of the encum- brance, and desired the parents to put him into the fam- ily arm-chair and have him carried to the hospital. Jasmin has touchingly told the incident of his removal. " It happened on a Monday," he says in his " Souvenirs." " I was then ten years old. I was playing in the square with my companions, girded about with a wooden sword, and I was king ; but suddenly a dreadful spectacle dis- turbed my royalty. I saw an old man in an arm-chair borne along by several persons. The bearers approached still nearer, when I recognized my afflicted grandfather. ' God,' said I, ' what do I see ? My old grandfather surrounded by ray family.' In my grief I saw only him. I ran up to him in tears, threw myself on his neck and kissed him. ^' In returning my embrace, he wept. 'O grandfather,' Jasmin'' s Boyhood. 11 said I, * where are you going ? Why do you weep ? Why are you leaviiig our home V ' My cliild,' said the old man, ' I am going to Vhdpital* lohere all the Jasmins die.'' He again embraced me, closed his eyes, and was carried away. We followed him for some time under the trees. I abandoned my play, and returned home full of sorrow." Grandfather Bo6 did not survive long in the hospital. He was utterly worn out. After five days the old man quietly breathed his last. His wallet was hung up on its usual nail in his former home, but it was never used again. One of the bread-winners had departed, and the family was poorer than ever. "On that Monday," says Jasmin, "I for the first time knew and felt that we were very poor." All this is told with marvellous effect in the first part of the "Souvenirs," which ends with a wail and a sob. * Llwpital means an infirmary or almshouse for old and im- poverished people. 12 Jasmin. CHAPTER II. JASMIN AT SCHOOL. One joyful day Jasmin's mother came home in an ecstasy of delight, and cried, " To school, my child, to school !" " To school ?" said Jasmin, greatly amazed. "How is this? Have we grown rich?" " No, my poor boy, but you will get your schooling for nothing. Your cousin has promised to educate you ; come, come, I am so happy!" It was Sister Boe, the school -mistress of Agen, who had offered to teach the boy gratuitously the elements of readinir and writinor. The news of Jacques' proposed scholarship caused no small stir at home. The mother was almost beside her- self with joy. The father, too, was equally moved, and shed tears of gratitude. He believed that the boy might yet be able to help him in writing out, under his dicta- tion, the charivari impromptus which, he supposed, were his chief forte. Indeed, the whole family regarded this great stroke of luck for Jacques in the light of a special providence, and as the beginning of a brilliant destiny. The mother, in order to dress him properly, rummaged the house, and picked out the least mended suit of clothes in which to array the young scholar. When properly clothed, the boy, not without fear on his own part, was taken by his mother to school. Behold him, then, placed under the tuition of Sister Boe I There were some fifty other children at school, Jasmin at School. 13 mumbling at the letters of the alphabet, and trying to read their first easy sentences. Jasmin had a good mem- ory, and soon mastered the difficulties of the A 13 0. " 'Tvvixt smiles and tears," he says, " I soon learned to read, by the help of the pious Sister." In six months he was able to enter the Seminary in the Hue Montesquieu as a free schohu*. lie now served at mass. Having a good ear for music, he becam lead- ing critical journal, the Revue des deux Mondes. The article was afterwards republished in his Contemporary Portraits* He there gives a general account of his poems; compares him with the English and Scotch poets of the working-class, and contrasts him with Reboul, the baker of Nimes, who writes in classical French, after the manner of the Meditations of Lamar tine. He proceeds to give a brief account of Jasmin's life, taken from the " Souvenirs," which he regards as a beautiful work, written with much artlessness and simplicity. Various other reviews of Jasmin's poems appeared, in Agen, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Paris, by men of literary mark — by Leonce de Lavergne, and De Mazudc in Revue des deux Mondes — by Charles Labitte, M. Ducuing, and M. de Pontmartin. The latter classed Jasmin with The- * Portraits Contemporains, u. 60. Par C. A. Sainte-Beuve, Mem- bre de rAcad6mic Fran^nise. 1847. 64 Jasmin. ocritus, Horace, and Lafontaine, and paid liim the sin- gular tribute, "that he had made Goodness as attractive as other French writers had made Badness." Such crit- icisms as these made Jasmin popular, not only in his own district, but throughout France. We cannot withhold the interesting statement of Paul de Musset as to his interview with Jasmin in 1836, after the publication of his second volume of poems. Paul de Musset was the author of several nov'els, as well as of Lui et Elle, apropos of his brother's connection with George Sand. Paul de Musset thus describes his visit to the poet at Agen :* "Let no one return northward by the direct road from Toulouse. Nothing can be more dreary than the Lot, the Limousin, and the interminable Dordogne ; but make for Bordeaux by the plains of Gascony, and do not for- get the steamboat from Marmande. You will then find yourself on the Garonne, in the midst of a beautiful coun- try where the air is vigorous and healthy. The roads are bordered with vines arranged in arches, lovely to the eyes of travellers. The poets, who delight in making the union of the vine with the trees which support it an emblem of marriage, can verify their comparisons only in Gascony or Italy. It is usually pear-trees that are used to support them. . . . "Thanks to M. Charles Nodier, who had discovered a man of modest talent buried in this province, I knew a little of the verses of the Gascon poet Jasmin. Early one morning, at about seven, the diligence stopped in the middle of a Place, where I read this inscription over a shop-door, ' Jasmin, Coiffeur des Jeunes Gens.' We were * " Perpignan, I'Ari^ge et le pofete Jasmin" {Journal politique et litleraire de Lot-et- Garonne). Paul de Miisset. 66 at Agcn. I descended, swallowed iny cup of coffee as fast as I could, and entered the shop of the most lettered of peruke-makers. On a table was a mass of pamphlets and some of the journals of the South. " ' Monsieur Jasmin ?' said T, on entering. ' Here I am, sir, at your service,' replied a handsome, brown-haired fel- low, with a cheerful expression, who seemed to me about thirty years of age. " ' Will you shave me?' I asked. * Willingly, sir,' he replied. I sat down and we entered into conversation. *I have read your verses, sir,' said I, while he was cover- ing my chin with lather. ' Monsieur then comprehends the patois V ' A little,' I said ; * one of my friends has explained to me the difficult passages. But tell me, Mon- sieur Jasmin, why is it that you, who appear to know French perfectly, write in a language that is not spoken in any chief town or capital?' *"Ah, sir, how could a poor rhymer like me appear among the great celebrities of Paris? I have sold eigh- teen hundred copies of my little pieces of poetry (in a pamphlet form), and certainly all who speak Gascon know them well. Remember that there are at least six millions of people in Languedoc' " My mouth was covered with soapsuds and I could not answer him for some time. Then I said, * But a liundrcd thousand persons at most know how to read, and twenty thousand of them can scarcely be able to en- joy your works.' " * Well, sir, I am content with that amount. Perhaps you have at Paris more than one writer who possesses his twenty thousand readers. My little reputation would soon carry me astray if I ventured to address all Europe. The voice that appears sonorous in a little place is not heard in the midst of a vast plain. And then my read- 66 Jasmin. ers arc confined within a radius of forty leagues, and the result is of real advantage to an author.' " 'Ah ! And why do you not abandon your razor?' I inquired of this singular poet. ' What would you have V he said. ' The Muses are most capricious ; to-day they give gold, to-morrow, they refuse bread. The razor se- cures me soup, and perhaps a bottle of Bordeaux. Be- sides, my salon is a little literary circle, where all the young people of the town assemble. When I come from one of the academies of which I am a member I find my- self among the tools which I can manage better than my pen ; and most of the members of the, circle usually pass through my hands.' " It is a fact that M. Jasmin shaves more skilfully than any other poet. After a long conversation with this simple-minded man I experienced a certain confu- sion in depositing upon his table the amount of fifty centimes, which I owed him on this occasion more for his talent than for his razor; and I remounted the dili- gence more than charmed with the modesty of his char- acter and demeanor," " The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille:' 67 CHAPTER VII. "THE BLIND GIRL OF CASTEL-CUILLE." Jasmin was now thirty-six years old. He was virtually in the prime of life. He had been dreaming, he had been thinking, for many years, of composing some poems of a higher order than his " Souvenirs." lie desired to embody in his work some romantic tales in verse, founded upon local legends, noble in conception, elaborated with care, and impressive by the dignity of simple, natural passion. In these new lyrical poems his intention was to aim high, and he succeeded to a marvellous extent. He was enabled to show the depth and strength of his dramatic powers, his fidelity in the description of romantic and picturesque incidents, his shrewdness in reading character and his skill in representing it — all of which he did in perfect innocence of all established canons in the com- position of dramatic poetry. The first of Jasmin's poetical legends was "The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuillo " (Ij Abuglo), It was translated into English, a few years after its appearance, by Lady Geor- giana Fullerton, daughter of the British ambassador at Paris,* and afterwards by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The translation appeared in Bentley's Miscellany for March, 1840. It was published for a charitable purpose. Mrs. Craven, in her Life of Lady Georgiana Fnllerlon^ says : " It was put in at once, and its two hundred and seventy lines brought to the author 68 Jasmin. the American poet. Longfellow follows the rhythm of the original, and on the whole his translation of the poem is more correct, so that his version is to be preferred. He begins his version with these words : '' Only the Lowland tongne of Scotland might Eeliearse tliis little tragedy aright ; Let me attempt it with an English quill, And takej O reader, for the deed the will." At the end of his translation Longfellow adds: "Jas- min, the author of this beautiful poem, is to the South of France what Burns is to the South of Scotland : the representative of the heart of the people — one of those happy bards who are born with their mouths full of birds {la bouco pleno d'auuvelous). He has written his own biography in a poetic form, and the simple nar- rative of his poverty, his struggles, and his triumphs, is very touching. He still lives at Agen, on the Garonne, and long may he live there to delight his native land with native songs !" It is unnecessary to quote the poem, which is so well known by the numerous readers of Longfellovv's poems, but a compressed narrative of the story may be given. The legend is founded on a popular tradition. Castel- Cuille stands upon a bluff rock in the pretty valley of Saint-Amans, about a league from Agen. The castle was of considerable importance many centuries ago, while the English occupied Guienne; but is now in ruins, though the village near it still exists. In a cottage, at the foot of the rock, lived the girl Marguerite, a soldier's daughter, twelve guineas on the day on which it appeared. Lady Fullerton was surprised and delighted. All her long years of success, differ- ent indeed in degree, never effaced the memory of the joy." "2%e Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille:'' 69 with her brother Paul. The girl had been betrothed to her lover Baptiste; but during his absence she was at- tacked by virulent small - pox and lost her eyesight. Though her beauty had disappeared, her love remained. She waited long for her beloved Baptiste, but he never returned. He forsook his betrothed Marguerite, and plighted his troth to the fairer and richer Angele. It was, after all, only the old story. Marguerite heard at night the song of their espousals on the eve of the marriage. She was in despair, but suppressed her grief. Wednesday morning arrived, the eve of St. Joseph. The bridal procession passed along the village towards the church of Saint-Amans, singing the bridal song. The fair and fertile valley was be- decked with the blossoms of the apple, the plum, and the almond, which whitened the country round. Nothing could have seemed more propitious. Then came the chorus, which was no invention of the poet, but a refrain always sung at rustic weddings, in accordance with the custom of strewing the bridal-path with flowers: " Tho paths with buds and blossoms sticw, A lovely brido approaches nigh; For all should bloom and spring anew, A lovely bride is passing by !" * Under the blue sky and brilliant sunshine the joyous young people frisked along. The picture of youth, gayety, and beauty is full of truth and nature. The bride * The refrain, in the original Gascon, is as follows : "L4s carrferos dlouyon flouri, Tan bfelo nobio bay soiirti ; Diouyon flouri, diouyon *;raua, Tan belo nobio buy passa!" VO Jasmin. herself takes part in the frolic. With roguish eyes she escapes and cries : " Those who catch me will be married this year!" And then they descend the hill towards the church of Saint -Amans. Baptiste, the bridegroom, is out of spirits and mute. He takes no part in the sports of the bridal-party. He remembers with grief the blind girl he has abandoned. In the cottage under the cliff Marguerite meditates a tragedy. She dresses herself, and resolves to attend the wedding at Saint-Amans with her little brother. While dressing she slips a knife into her bosom, and then they start for the church. The bridal-party soon arrived, and Marguerite heard their entrance. The ceremony proceeded. Mass was said. The wed- ding-ring was blessed; and as Baptiste placed it on the bride's finger he said the accustomed words. In a mo- ment a voice cried : " It is he ! It is he !" and Marguerite rushed through the bridal -party towards him with a knife in her hand to stab herself; but before she could reach the bridegroom she fell down dead — broken- hearted ! The crime which she had intended to commit against herself was thus prevented. In the evening, in place of a bridal song, the "De Pro- fundis" was chanted, and now each one seemed to say : " The roads shall mourn, and, veiled in gloom, So fair a corpse shall leave its home! Should mourn and weep, ah, well-away. So fair a corpse shall pass to-day !" * * In Gascon : Las carreros dionyon gemi, Tan belo morto bay sourti! Diouyon gemi, diouyon ploura, Tan bclo morto bay passa !" ''The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuilley Tl This poem was finished in Angust, 1835; and on the 26th of the same month it was publicly recited by Jasmin at Bordeaux, at the request of the Academy of that city. There was great beauty, tenderness, and pathos in the poem. It was perfectly simple and natural. The poem might form the subject of a drama or a musical cantata. The lamentations of Marguerite on her blindness remind one of Milton's heart-rending words on the same subject: " For others, day and joy and light, For me, all darkness, always night."* Sainte-Beuve, in criticising Jasmin's poems, says that "It was in 1835 that his talent raised itself to the emi- nence of writing one of his purest compositions — nat- ural, touching, and disinterested — his 'Blind Girl of Castel-Cuillo,' in which he makes us assist in a fete, amid the joys of the villagers; and at the grief of a young girl, a fiancee whom a severe attack of small-pox had deprived of her eyesight, and whom her betrothed lover had abandoned to marry another. "The grief of the poor abandoned girl, her changes of color, her attitude, her conversation, her projects — the whole surrounded by the freshness of spring and the laughing brightness of the season — exhibits a character of nature and of truth which very few poets have been able to attain. One is quite surprised, on reading this simple picture, to be involuntarily carried back to the most expressive poems of the ancient Greeks— to Theoc- ritus, for example — for the Marguerite of Jasmin may be * In Gascon : " Jour per aoutres, toutjour I et per jou, raalhurouzo, Toutjour n6y, toutjour n5y ! Que fay negre 16n d'el ! Oh ! quo raoun amo h& tristo !" 12 Jasmin. compared with the Simetha of the Greek poet. This is true poetry, rich from the same sources, and gilded witli the same imagery. In his new compositions Jasmin lias followed his own bias; this man, who had few books, but meditated deeply in his heart and his love of nature ; and he followed the way of true art with secret and per- severing labor in what appeared to him the most elo- quent, easy, and happy manner. . . . "His language," Sainte-Beuve continues, "is always the most natural, faithful, transparent, truthful, eloquent, and sober ; never forget this last characteristic, lie is never more happy than when he finds that he can bor- row from an artisan or laborer one of those words which arc worth ten of others. It is thus that his genius has refined during the years preceding the time in which he produced his greatest works. It is thus that he has be- come the poet of the people, writing in the popular patois, and for public solemnities, which remind one of those of the Middle Ages and of Greece; thus lie finds himself to be, in short, more than any of our contempo- raries, of the School of Horace, of Theocritus, or of Gray, and all the brilliant geniuses who have endeavored by study to bring each of their works to perfection."* " The Blind Girl " was the most remarkable work that Jasmin liad up to this time composed. There is no country where an author is so popular, when he is once known, as in France. When Jasmin's poem was pub- lished he became, by universal consent, the Poet-laureate of the South. Yet some of the local journals of Bor- deaux made light of his appearance in that city for the purpose of reciting his as yet unknown poem. "That a * Saint-Beuve: Caiiseries dn Lnndi, iv. 240-41 (edition 1852), and Foi-t7'aits Contemporaim, ii. 61 (edition 184'7). ''The Blind Girl of CasteC- Cuilley 73 barber and hair-dresser of Agen," they said, " speaking and writing in a vulgar tongue, should attempt to amuse or enlighten the intelligent people of Bordeaux, seemed to them beneath contempt." But Jasmin soon showed them that genius is of no rank or condition of life, and their views shortly under- went a sudden change. His very appearance in the city was a triumph. Crowds resorted to the large hall, in which he was to recite his new poem, " The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille." The prefect, the mayor, the members of the Academy, and the most cultivated people of the city were present, and received him with applause. There might have been some misgivings as to fhe suc- cess of the poem, but from the moment that he appeared on the platform and began his recitation every doubt disappeared. He read the poem with marvellous elo- quence; while his artistic figure, his mobile countenance, liis dark-brown eyebrows, which be raised or lowered at will, his expressive gesticulation, and his passionate act- ing, added greatly to the effect of his recital, and soon won every heart When he came to the refrain, "The paths witli buds and blossoms strew,^ he no longer declaimed, but sang after the manner of the peasants in their popular chant. His eyes became suf- fused with tears, and those who listened to the patois, even though they only imperfectly understood it, partook of the impression, and wept also. He was alike tender and impressive throughout the piece, especially at the death of the blind girl ; and when be had ended, a storm of applause burst from the audi- ence. There was a clapping of hands and a thunderous stamping of feet that shook the building almost to its foundations. 4 V4 Jasmin. It was a remarkable spectacle that a humble working- man, comparatively uneducated, should have evoked the tumultuous applause of a brilliant assembly of intelligent ladies and gentlemen. It was indeed something extraor- dinary. Some said that he declaimed like Talma or Ra- chel, nor was there any note of dissonance in his recep- tion. The enthusiasm was general and unanimous among the magistrates, clergy, scientific men, artists, physicians, ship-owners, men of business, and working-people. They all joined in the applause when Jasmin had concluded his recitation. From this time forward Jasmin was one of the most popular men at Bordeaux. He was entertained at a se- ries of fetes. He was invited to soirees by the prefect, by the archbishop, by the various social circles, as well as by the workmen's associations. Tliey vied with each other for the honor of entertaining him. He went from matinees to soirees, and in ten days he appeared at thir- ty-four entertainments. At length he became thoroughly tired and exhausted by this enormous feteing. He longed to be away and at home with his wife and children. He took leave of his friends and admirers with emotion, and, notwith- standing the praises and acclamations he had received at Bordeaux, he quietly turned to pursue his humble occu- pation at Agen. It was one of the most remarkable things about Jas- min that he was never carried off his feet by the brilliant ovations he received. Though enough to turn any poor fellow's head, he remained simple and natural to the last. As they say in England, he could "carry corn." We have said that "Gascon" is often used in connection with boasting or gasconading. But the term was in no way applicable to Jasmin. He left the echo of praises "7%e Blind Girl of Castle- CuilU:'' 16 behind him, and returned to Agen to enjoy the comforts of liis fireside. He was not, however, witliout tempters to wean him from his home and his ordinary pursuits. In 1836, the year after his triumphal reception at Bordeaux, some of his friends urged him to go to Paris — the centre of liglit and leading — in order to " make his fortune." But no, he had never contemplated the idea of leaving his native town. A rich wine -merchant of Toulouse was one of his tempters. He advised Jasmin to go to the great me- tropolis, where genius alone was recognized. Jasmin answered him in a charming letter, setting forth the rea- sons which determined him to remain at home, princi- pally because his tastes were modest and his desires were homely. "You, too," he said, '' without regard to troubling my days and my nights, have written to ask me to carry my guitar and my dressing-comb to the great city of kings, because there, you say, my poetical humor and my well- known verses will bring torrents of crowns to ray purse. Oh, you may well boast to me of this shower of gold and its clinking stream. You only make me cry, ' Honor is but smoke, glory is but glory, and money is only money !' I ask you, in no craven spirit, is money the only thing for a man to seek who feels in his heart the least spark of poetry ? In my town, where every one works, leave me as I am. Every summer, happic* than a king, I lay up my small provision for the winter, and then I sing like a goldfinch under the shade of a poplar or an ash tree, only too happy to grow gray in the land which gave me birth. One hears in summer the pleas- ant zigo^ ziou, ziou, of the nimble grasshopper, or the young sparrow pluming his wings to make himself ready for flight, he knows not whither; but the wise man acts 76 Jasmin. not so. I remain here in my home. Everything suits me — earth, sky, air — all that is necessary for my com- fort. To sing of joyous poverty one must be joyful and poor. I am satisfied with my rye-bread and the cool water from my fountain." Jasmin remained faithful to these rules of conduct during his life. Though he afterwards made a visit to Paris, it was only for a short time ; but his native town of Agen, his home on the Gravier, his shop, his wife and his children, continued to be his little paradise. His Muse soared over him like a guardian angel, giving him songs for his happiness and consolation for his sorrows. He was, above all things, happy in his wife. She cheered him, strengthened him, and consoled him. He thus por- trayed her in one of his poems : " Her eyes like sparkling stars of heavenly blue ; Her cheeks so sweet,, so round, and rosy ; Her hair so bright, and brown, and curly ; Her mouth so like a ripened cherry; Her teeth more brilliant than the snow." Jasmin was attached to his wife, not only by her beau- ty, but by her good sense. She counselled and advised him in everything. He gave himself up to her wise ad- vice, and never had occasion to regret it. It was with her modest marriage-portion that he was enabled to es- tablish himself as a master hair-dresser. When he opened his shop he set over the entrance door this sign : "L'Art embellit La Nature ; Jasmin, Coif- feur des Jeunes Gens." As his family grew, in order to increase his income, he added the words, " Coiffeur des Dames." This proved to be a happy addition to his business. Most of the ladies of Agen strove for the honor of having their hair dressed by the poetical bar- ''The Blind Girl of Castel- Ciiille.'' 11 ber. While dressing tbeir hair he delighted them with his songs. lie had a sympathetic voice, which touched their souls and threw them into the sweetest of dreams. Though Jasmin was always disposed to rhyme a little, his wise wife never allowed him to forget his regular daily work. At the same time she understood that his delicate nature could not be entirely absorbed by the labors of an ordinary workman. She was no longer jealous of his solitary communions with his Muse; and after his usual hours of occupation, she left him, or sat by him, to enable him to pursue his dear reveries in quiet. Mai'iette, or Marie, as she was usually called, was a thoroughly good partner for Jasmin. Though not by any means a highly educated woman, she felt the ele- vating effects of poetry even on herself. She influenced her husband's mind through her practical wisdom and good sense, while he in his turn influenced hers by ele- vating her soul and intellect. Jasmin, while he was laboring over some song or verse, found it necessary to recite it to some one near him, but mostly to his wife. He wandered with her along the banks of the Garonne, and while he recited she listened with bated breath. She could even venture to correct him ; for she knew, better than he did, the ordinary Gas- con dialect. She often found for him the true word for the picture which he desired to present to his reader. Though Jasmin was always thankful for her help, he did not abandon his own words without some little conten- tion. He had worked out the subject in his mind, and any new word or mode of description might interrupt the beauty of the verses. When he at length recognized the justice of her criticism, he would say, " Marie, you are right; and I will again think over the subject, and make it fit more completely into the Gascon idiom." In 78 Jasmin. certain cases passages were suppressed; in others they were considerably altered. When Jasmin, after much labor and correction, had finished his poem, he would call about him his intimate friends, and recite the poem to them. He had no objec- tion to the most thorough criticism, by his wife as well as by his friends. When the poem was long and elab- orate, the auditors sometimes began to yawn. Then the wife stepped in and said, "Jasmin, you must stop; leave the remainder of the poem for another day." Thus the recital ceased for the time. The people of Agen entertained a lively sympathy for their poet. Even those who might to a certain extent depreciate his talent did every justice to the nobility of his character. Perhaps some might envy the position of a man who had risen from the ranks and secured the es- teem of men of fortune and even of the leaders of liter- ary opinion. Jasmin, like every person envied or perhaps detracted, had his hours of depression. But the strong soul of his wife in these hours came to his relief, . ^- N-=1- ^^^i^^j bien, ay -ma -do, Quand on sat pas ay - ma? All were transported with admiration at the beautiful song. When Thomas had finished, loud shouts were raised for the name of the poet. " Who composed this beautiful lay ?" " It is Pascal," replied Thomas. '* Bra- vo, Pascal! Lonjv live Pascal!" was the cry of the young people. Franconnette was unwontedly touched by the song. "But where is Pascal?" she said. **If he loves, why docs he not appear?" "Oh," said Lau- rent, another of his rivals, in a jealous and piqued tone, " he is loo poor; ho is obliged to stay at home; his fa- ■] Q'2 Jasmin. ther is so infirm that lie lives upon alms!" "You lie!" cried Thomas. "Pascal is unfortunate; he has been six months ill from the wounds he received in defence of Franconnette, and now his family is dependent upon him; but he has industry and courage, and will soon recover from his misfortunes." Franconnette remained quiet, concealing her emotions. Then the games began. They played at cache couteau or hunt the slipper. Dancing came next; Franconnette was challenged by Laurent, and after many rounds the girl was tired, and Laurent claimed the kisses that she had forfeited. Franconnette flew away like a bird ; Laurent ran after her, caught her, and was claiming the customary forfeit, when, struggling to free herself, Lau- rent slipped upon the floor, fell heavily, and broke his arm. Franconnette was again unfortunate. Ill-luck seems to have pursued the girl. The games came to an jend, and the young people were about to disperse when, at this unlucky moment, the door was burst open and a sombre apparition appeared. It was the Black Forest sorcerer, the supposed warlock of the neighborhood. " Unthinking creatures," he said, " I have come from my gloomy rocks up yonder to open your eyes. You all adore this Franconnette. Behold, she is accursed ! While in her cradle her father, the Huguenot, sold her to the devil. He has punished Pascal and Laurent for the light embrace she gave them. Be warned in time and avoid her. The demon alone has a claim to her." The sorcerer ended ; sparks of fire surrounded him, and after turning four times round in a circle he sud- denly disappeared ! Franconnette's friends at once held aloof from her. They called out to her, " Begone !" All in a maze the girl shuddered and sickened ; she became senseless and fell down on the floor in a swoon. The Jasmin's ^^Franco^inette.''^ 103 young people fled, leaving her helpless. And thns ended the second fete which began so gayly. The grossest superstition then prevailed in France, as everywhere. Witches and warlocks were thoroughly be- lieved in, far more so than belief in God and His Son. Tiie news spread abroad that the girl was accursed and sold to the Evil One, and she was avoided by everybody. She felt herself doomed. At length she reached her grandmother's house, but she could not work, she could scarcely stand. The once radiant Franconnette could neither play nor sing, she could only weep. Thus ended two cantos of the poem. The third opens with a lovely picture of a cottage by a leafy brook-side in the hamlet of Estanquet. The spring brought out the singing-birds to pair and build their nests. They listened, but could no longer hear the music which, in former years, had been almost sweeter than their own. The nightingales, more curious than the rest, flew into the maid's garden ; they saw her straw-hat on a bench, a rake and watering-pot among the neglected jonquils, and the rose branches running riot. Peering yet farther and peeping into the cottage door, the curious birds discov- ered an old woman asleep in her arm-chair, and a pale, quiet girl beside her, dropping tears upon her lily hands. "Yes, yes, it is Franconnette," says the poet. " You will have guessed that already. A poor girl, weeping in soli- tude, the daughter of a Uuguenot, banned by the Church and sold to the devil ! Could anything be more fright- ful?" Nevertheless her grandmother said to her, " My child, it is not true ; the sorcerer's charge is false. Be of good cheer; you are more lovely than ever." One gleam of hope had come to Franconnette; she hears that Pascal has defended her everywhere, and boldly declared her to 104 Jasmin, be the victim of a brutal plot. She now realized how great was his goodness, and her proud spirit was softened even to tears. The grandmother put in a good word for Marcel, but the girl turned aside. Then the old woman said, " To-morrow is Easter Day ; go to mass, pray as you never prayed before, and take the blessed bread, proving that you are numbered with His children forever." The girl consented, and went to the Church of Saint Peter on Easter morning. She knelt, with her chaplet of- beads, among the rest, imploring Heaven's mercy. But she knelt alone in the midst of a wide circle. All the communicants avoided her. The church-warden. Mar- cel's uncle, in his long-tailed coat, with a pompous step, passed her entirely by, and refused her the heavenly meal. Pascal was there and came to her help. He went for- ward to the church-warden and took from the silver plate the crown piece* of the holy element covered with flow- ers, and took and presented two pieces of the holy bread to Franconnette — one for herself, the other for her grand- mother. From that moment she begins to live a new life, and to understand the magic of love. She carries home the blessed bread to the ancient dame, and retires to her chamber to give herself up, with the utmost gratefulness, to the rapturous delight of loving. " Ah," says Jasmin in his poem, "the sorrowing heart aye loveth best 1" Yet still she remembers the fatal doom of the sorcerer — that she is sold for a price to the demon. All seem to * A custom which tlien existed in certain parts of France. It was talcen by the French emigrants to Canada, where it existed not long ago. The crown of the sacramental bread used to be re- served for the family of the seigneur or other communicants of distinction. Jasmin's ''^ Franconnettey 105 believe the hideous tale, and no one takes her part save Pascal and her grandmother. She kneels before her lit- tle shrine, and prays to the Holy Virgin for help and succor. At the next fete day she repaired to the church of Notre Dame de bon Encontre,* where the inhabitants of half a dozen of the neijjhborinQ; villaores had assembled, with priests and crucifixes, garlands and tapers, banners and angels. The latter, girls about to be confirmed, walked in procession and sang the " Angelus" at the ap- propriate hours. The report had spread abroad that Fran- connette would entreat the Blessed Virgin to save her from the demon. The strangers were more kind to her than her immediate neighbors, and from many a pitying heart the prayer went up that a miracle might be wrought in favor of the beautiful maiden. She felt their sympa- thy, and it gave her confidence. The special suppliants passed up to the altar one by one — anxious mothers, dis- appointed lovers, orphans, and children. They kneel, they ask for blessings, they present their candles for the old priest to bless, and then they retire. Now came the turn of Franconnette. Pascal was in sight and prayed for her success. She went forward in a happy frame of mind, with her taper and a bouquet of flowers. She knelt before the priest. He took the sa- cred image and presented it to her; but scarcely had it touched the lips of the orphan when a terrible peal of thunder rent the heavens, and a bolt of lightning struck the spire of the church, extinguishing her taper as well as the altar lights. This was a most unlucky coincidence * A church in the suburbs of Agen, celebrated for it3 legends and miracles, to which numerous pilgrimages are made in the month of May. 6* 106 Jasmin, for the terrified girl, and, cowering like a lost soul, she crept out of the church. The people were in consterna- tion. " It was all true ; she was now sold to the devil ! Put her to death ; that is the only way of ending our mis- fortunes !" The truth is that the storm of thunder and lightning prevailed throughout the neighborhood. It is a common thing in Southern climes. The storm which broke out at Notre Dame destroyed the belfry; the church of Roquefort was demolished by a bolt of lightning, the spire of Saint Pierre' was ruined. The storm was fol- lowed by a tempest of hail and rain. Agen was engulfed by the waters ; her bridge was destroyed,* and many of the neighboring vineyards were devastated. And all this ruin was laid at the door of poor Franconnette I The neighbors — her worst enemies — determined to burn the daughter of the Huguenot out of her cottage. The grandmother first heard the cries of the villagers; " Fire them, let them both burn together !" Franconnette rushed to the door and pleaded for mercy, " Go back," cried the crowd, "you must both roast together l" They *A long time ago the inhabitants of the town of Agen commu- nicated with the other side of the Garonne by means of little boats. The first wooden bridge was commenced when Aquitaine was gov- erned by the English, in the reign of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, at the end of the twelfth century. The bridge was destroyed and repaired many times, and one of the piles on which the bridge was built is still to be seen. It is attributed to Napoleon I, that he caused the first bridge of stone to be erected, for the purpose of facilitat- ing the passage of his troops to Spain. The work was, however, abandoned during his reign, and it was not until the Restoration that the bridge was completed. Since that time other bridges, es- pecially the suspension-bridge, have been erected, to enable the in- habitants of the towns on the Garonne to communicate freely with each other. Jasmines ^^ Franconnettey 107 set fire to the rick outside and then proceeded to fire the thatch of the cottage. ** Hoh^, hold !" cried a stern voice, and Pascal rushed in among them. " Cowards ! would you murder two defenceless women ? Tigers that you are, would you fire and burn them in their dwelling?" Marcel too appeared ; he had not yet given up the hope of winning Franconnette's love. He now joined Pascal in defending her and the old dame, and being a soldier of Montluc, he was a powerful man in the neigh- borhood. The girl was again asked to choose between the two. At last, after refusing any marriage under pres- ent circumstances, she clung to Pascal. " I would have died alone," she said, *' but since you will have it so, I resist no longer. It is our fate ; we will die together." Pascal was willing to die with her, and turning to Mar- cel he said: "I have been more fortunate than you, but you are a brave man and you will forgive me. I have no friend, but will you act as a squire and see me to my grave?" After struggling with his feelings. Marcel at last said, " Since it is her wish, I will be your friend." A fortnight later the marriage between the unhappy lovers took place. Every one foreboded disaster. The wedding procession went down the green hill towards the church of Notre Dame. There was no singing, no dancing, no merriment, as was usual on such occasions. The rustics shuddered at heart over the doom of Pascal. The soldier Marcel marched at the head of the wedding- party. At the church an old woman appeared — Pascal's mother. She flung her arms about him and adjured him to fly from liis false bride, for his marriage would doom liim to death. She even fell at the feet of her son and said that he should pass over her body rather than be married. Pascal turned to Marcel and said : " Love over- powers me! If I die, will you take care of my mother?" 108 Jasmin, Then the gallant soldier dispelled the gloom which had overshadowed the union of the loving pair. *' I can do no more," he said; "your mother has conquered me. Franconnette is good and pure and true. I loved the maid, Pascal, and would have shed my blood for her, but she loved you instead of me. "Know that she is not sold to the Evil One. In my despair I hired the sorcerer to frighten you with his mis- chievous tale, and chance did the rest. When we both demanded her, she confessed her love for you. It was more than I could bear, and I resolved that we should both die. " But your mother has disarmed me ; she reminds me of my own. Live, Pascal, for your wife and your moth- er ! You need have no more fear of me. It is better that I should die the death of a soldier than with a crime upon ray conscience." Thus saying, he vanished from the crowd, who burst into cheers. The happy lovers fell into each other's arms. " And now," said Jasmin, in concluding his poem, " I must lay aside my pencil. I had colors for sorrow ; I have none for such happiness as theirs!" Jasmin at Toulouse. 109 CHAPTER X. JASMIN AT TOULOUSE. It had hitherto been the custom of Jasmin to dedicate his poems to one of his friends; but in the case of " Fran- connette" he dedicated the poem to the city of Toulouse. His object in makinor the dedication was to express his gratitude for the banquet given to him in 1836 by the leading men of the city, at which the president had given the toast of "Jasmin, the adopted son of Toulouse." Toulouse was the most wealthy and prosperous city in the South of France. Among its citizens were many men of literature, art, and science. Jasmin was at first disposed to dedicate "Franconnettc" to the city of Bordeaux, where he had been so graciously received and feted on the recitation of his '* Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille ;" but he eventually decided to dedicate the new poem to the city of Toulouse, where he had already achieved a considerable reputation. Jasmin was received with every honor by the city which had adopted him. It was his intention to read the poem at Toulouse before its publication. If there was one of the towns or cities in which his language was understood — one which promised by the strength and depth of its roots to defy all the chances of the fut- ure — that city was Toulouse, the capital of the Languo d'Oc. The place in wliich he first recited the poem was the 110 Jasmin. great hall of the Museum. When the present author saw it about two years ago, the ground-floor was full of antique tombs, statues, and monuments of the past ; while the hall above it was crowded with pictures and works of art, ancient and modern. About fifteen hundred persons assembled to listen to Jasmin in the great hall. " It is impossible," said the local journal,* "to describe the transport with which he was received." The vast gallery was filled with one of the most brilliant assemblies that had ever met in Tou- louse. Jasmin occupied the centre of the platform. At his right and left hand were seated the rnayor, the mem- bers of the municipal council, the military chiefs, the members of the Academy of Jeux-Floraux,f and many distinguished persons in science, literature, and learning. A large space had been reserved for the accommodation of ladies, who appeared in their light summer dresses, colored like the rainbow; and behind them stood an im- mense number of the citizens of Toulouse. Jasmin had no sooner begun to recite his poem than it was clear that he had fall command of his audience. Impressed by his eloquence and powers of declamation, they were riveted to their seats, dazzled and moved by turns, as the crowd of beautiful thoughts passed through * Journal de Toulouse^ July 4, 1840. t The Society of the Jeux-Floranx derives its oiigin from the ancient Troubadours. It claims to be the oldest society of the kind in Europe. It is said to have been founded in the fourteenth century by Clemence Isaure, a Toulousian lady, to commemorate the " Gay Science." A meeting of tlie society is held every year, when prizes are distributed to the authors of the best compositions in prose and verse. It somewhat resembles the annual meeting of the Eisteddfod held for awarding prizes to the bards and compos- ers of Wales. Jasmin at Toulouse, 111 their minds. The audience were so much absorbed by the poet's recitation that not a whisper was heard. He evoked by the tones and tremor of his voice their sighs, their tears, their indignation. lie was by turns gay, melancholy, artless, tender, arch, courteous, and declama- tory. As the drama proceeded, the audience recognized the beauty of the plot, and the poet's knowledge of the human heart. He touched with grace all the chords of his lyre. His poetry evidently came direct from his heart: it was as rare as it was delicious. The success of the recitation was complete, and when Jasmin resumed his seat he received the most enthusiastic applause. As the whole of the receipts were, as usual, handed over by Jasmin to the local charities, the as- sembly decided by acclamation that a subscription should be raised to present to the poet, who had been adopted by the city, some testimony of their admiration for his talent, and for his having first recited to them and dedi- cated to Toulouse his fine poem of *' Franconnette." Jasmin handed over to the municipality the manuscript of his poem in a volume beautifully bound. The mayor, in eloquent language, accepted the work, and acknowl- edged the fervent thanks of the citizens of Toulouse. As at Bordeaux, Jasmin was feted and entertained by the most distinguished people of the city. At one of the numerous banquets at which he was present, he re- plied to the speech of the chairman by an impromptu in honor of those who had so splendidly entertained him. But, as he had already said, " Impromptus may be good money of the heart, but they are often the worst money of the head." On the day following the entertainment Jasmin was invited to a *' grand banquet" given by the coiffeurs of Toulouse, where they presented him with *' a crown of 1 1 2 Jasmin, immortelles and jasmines," and to them also he recited another of his impromptus.* " Franconnette " was shortly after published, and the poem was received with almost as much applause by the public as it had been by the citizens of Toulouse. Sainte- Beuve, the prince of French critics, said of the work : "In all his compositions Jasmin has a natural, touch- ing idea; it is a history, either of his invention, or taken from some local tradition. With his facility as an im- provisatore, aided by the patois in which he writes, . . . when he puts his dramatis ^^ersona into action, he en- deavors to depict their thoughts, all their simple yet lively conversation, and to clothe them in words the most artless, simple, and transparent, and in a language true, eloquent, and sober: never forget this latter characteristic of Jasmin's works." f M. de Lavergne says of " Franconnette," that of all Jas- min's work it is the one in which he aimed at beins: * The following was his impromptu to the savants of Toulouse, July 4, 1840: "Oh, bon Dieu! que de gloire! Oh, bon Dieu ! que d'honneurs! Messieurs, ce jour pour ma Muse est bien doux ; Mais maintenant, d'etre quitte, j'ai perdu I'esperance: Car je viens, plus fier que jamais, Vous payer ma reconnaissance, Et je m'endette que plus !" This is the impromptu given on July 5, 1840: "Toulouse m'a donne un beau bouquet d'honneur; Votre festin, amis, en est une belle fleur ; Aussi, dans les plaisirs de cette longue fete, Quand je veux remercier de eela, Je poursuis mon esprit pour ne pas etre en reste Id, I'esprit me nait et tombe de raon coeur !" f Ciuneries du Lnndi, iv. 240 (edition 1852). Jasmin at Toulouse. 113 most entirely popular, and that it is at the same time the most noble and the most chastened. He might also have added the most chivah'ous. "There is something essentially knightly," says Miss Preston, " in Pascal's cast of character, and it is singular that at the supreme crisis of his fate he assumes, as if unconsciously, the very phraseology of chivalry. " * Some squire (donzel) should follow rae to death.' It is altogether natural and becoming in the high-minded smith." M. Charles Nodier — Jasmin's old friend — was equally complimentary in his praises of " Franconnette." When a copy of the poem was sent to him, with an accompany- ing letter, Nodier replied : " I have received with lively gratitude, my dear and illustrious friend, your beautiful verses, and your charm- ing and affectionate letter. I have read them with great pleasure and profound admiration. Although ill in bed, I have devoured 'Franconnette' and the other poems. I observe, with a certain pride, that you have followed my advice, and that you think in that fine language which you recite so admirably, in place of translating the patois into French, which deprives it of its fulness and fairness. I thank you a thousand times for your very flattering epistle. I am too happy to expostulate with you seriously as to the gracious things you have said to me ; ray name will pass to posterity in the works of my friends ; the glory of having been loved by you goes for a great deal." The time at length arrived for the presentation of the testimonial of Toulouse to Jasmin. It consisted of a branch of laurel in gold. The artist who fashioned it was charged to put his best work into the jjolden laurel, 114 Jasmin. so that it might be a chef-d'oeuvre worthy of the city which conferred it, and of being treasured in the museum of their adopted poet. The work was indeed admirably executed. The stem was rough, as in nature, though the leaves were beautifully polished. It had a ribbon del- icately ornamented, with the words " Toulouse aJasminy When the work was finished and placed in its case, the mayor desired to send it to Jasmin by a trusty messen- ger. He selected Mademoiselle Gasc, assisted by her father, advocate and member of the municipal council, to present the tribute to Jasmin. It ought to have been a fete day for the people of Agen, when their illustri- ous townsman, though a barber, was about to receive so cordial an appreciation of his poetical genius from the learned city of Toulouse. It ought also to have been a fete day for Jasmin himself. But, alas, an unhappy coincidence occurred which sad- dened the day that ought to have been a day of triumph for the poet 1 His mother was dying. When Mademoiselle Gasc, accompanied by her father, the Mayor of Agen, and other friends of Jasmin, entered the shop, they were informed that he was by the bedside of his mother, who was at death's door. The physician, who was consulted as to her state, said that there might only be sufficient time for Jasmin to receive the deputation. He accordingly came out for a few moments from his mother's bedside. M. Gasc explained the object of the visit, and read to Jasmin the gracious letter of the Mayor of Toulouse, concluding as follows : " I thank you, in the name of the city of Toulouse, for the fine poem which you have dedicated to us. This branch of laurel will remind you of the youthful and beautiful Muse which has inspired you with such charm- Jdsmm at Toulouse. 115 The Mayor of Agen here introduced Mademoiselle Gasc, who, in her turn, said : " And I also, sir, am most happy and proud of the mission which has been intrusted to me." Then she presented him with the casket which con- tained the golden laurel. Jasmin responded in the lines entitled " Yesterday and To-day," from which the follow- ing words may be quoted : ^''Yesterday! Thanks, Toulouse, for our old language and for my poetry. Your beautiful golden branch en- nobles both. And you who offer it to me, gracious mes- senger — queen of song and queen of hearts — tell your city of my perfect happiness, and that I never anticipated such an honor even in my most golden dreams. ''''To-day! Fascinated by the laurel which Toulouse has sent me, and which fills my heart with joy, I cannot forget, my dear young lady, the sorrow which over- whelms me — the fatal illness of my mother — which makes me fear that the most joyful day of life will also be the most sorrowful." Jasmin's alarms were justified. His prayers were of no avail. His mother died with her hand in his shortly after the deputation had departed. Her husband had preceded her to the tomb a few years before. He al- ways had a firm presentiment that he should be carried in the arm-chair to the hospital, " where all the Jasmins die." But Jasmin did his best to save his father from that indignity. He had already broken the arm-chair, and the old tailor died peacefully in the arms of his son. Some four months after the recitation of " Francon- nctte" at Toulouse, Jasmin resumed liis readings in the cause of charity. In October, 1840, he visited Oleron, and was received with the usual enthusiasm ; and on his return to Pan he passed the obelisk erected to Despour- 116 Jasmin, rins, the Burns of the Pyrenees. At Pan he recited his " Franconnette " to an immense audience amid frenzies of applause. It was alleged that the people of the Pyre- ncan country were prosaic and indifferent to art. But M. Dugenne, in the Memorial des Pyrenees, said that it only wanted such a bewitching poet as Jasmin — with his vibratino: and maijical voice — to rouse them and set their minds on fire. Another writer, M. Alfred Danger, paid him a still more delicate compliment. " His poetry," he said, " is not merely the poetry of illusions ; it is alive, and inspires every heart. His ad- mirable delicacy ! His profound tact in every verse ! What aristocratic poet could better express in a higher degree the politeness of the heart, the truest of all po- liteness." * Jasmin did not seem to be at all elated by these eulo- giums. When he had finished his recitations he returned to Agen, sometimes on foot, sometimes in the diligence, and quietly resumed his daily work. His success as a poet never induced him to resign his more humble occu- pation. Although he received some returns from the sale of his poems, he felt himself more independent by rely- ing upon the income derived from his own business. His increasing reputation never engendered in him, as is too often the case with self-taught geniuses who sud- denly rise into fame, a supercilious contempt for the or- dinary transactions of life. "After all," he said, *' con- tentment is better than riches." * " La politesse du coeiir," a French expression which can scarcely be translated into English; just as "gentleman " has no precise equivalent in French. Jasmines Visit to l^aris, 117 CHAPTER XI. JASMIN'S VISIT TO PARIS. Jasmin had been so often advised to visit Paris and test his powers there that at length he determined to proceed to the capital of France. It is true he had been eulogized in the criticisms of Sainte-Beuve, Leonce de Lavergne, Charles Nodier, and Charles de Mazade; but he desired to make the personal acquaintance of some of these illustrious persons as well as to see his son, who was then settled in Paris. It was, therefore, in some respects a visit of paternal affection as well as literary reputation, lie set out for Paris in the month of May, 1842. Jasmin was a boy in his heart and feelings, then as always. Indeed, he never ceased to be a boy — in bis manners, his gayety, his artlessness, and his enjoyment of new pleasures. What a succession of wonders to him was Paris — its streets, its boulevards, its Tuileries, its Louvre, its Arc de Triomphe — reminding him of the Revolution and the wars of the first Napoleon. Accompanied by his son fidouard, he spent about a week in visiting the most striking memorials of the capi- tal. They visited together the Place de la Concorde, the Hotel de Ville, Notre Dame, the Madeleine, the Champs Elysees, and most of the other sights. At the Colonne Vend6mc, Jasmin raised his head, looked up, and stood erect, proud of the glories of France. He saw all these things for the first time, but they had long been associated with bis recollections of the past. 118 Jasmin. There are " country cousins " in Paris as well as in London. They are known by their dress, their manners, their amazement at all they see. When Jasmin stood before the Yendome Column, he extended his hand as if he were about to recite one of his poems. " Oh, my son," he exclaimed, "such glories as these are truly mag- nificent!" The son, who was familiar with the glories, was rather disposed to laugh. He desired, for decorum's sake, to repress his father's exclamations. He saw the people standing about to hear his father's words. " Come," said the young man, " let us go to the Madeleine and see that famous church." " Ah, Edouard," said Jasmin, " I can see well enough that you are not a poet ; not you indeed !" During his visit Jasmin wrote regularly to his wife and friends at Agen, giving them his impressions of Paris. His letters were full of his usual simplicity, brightness, boyishness, and enthusiasm. " What wonderful things I have already seen," he said, in one of his letters, " and how many more have I to see to-morrow and the follow- ing days. M. Dumon, Minister of Public Works (Jas- min's compatriot and associate at the Academy of Agen), has given me letters of admission to Versailles, Saint- Cloud, Meudon — in fact, to all the public places that I have for so long a time been burning to see and admire." After a week's tramping about and seeing the most attractive sights of the capital. Jasmin bethought him of his literary friends and critics. The first person he called upon was Sainte-Beuve, at the Mazarin Library, of which he was director. " He received me like a brother," said Jasmin, " and embraced me. He said the most flat- tering things about my * Franconnette,' and considered it an improvement upon ' L'Aveugle.' ' Continue,' he said, * my good friend, and you will take a place in the Jasminh Visit to Paris. 119 brij^iitest poetry of our epoch.' In showing me over the shelves in the library containing the works of the old poets, which are still read and admired, he said, ' Like them, you will never die.' " Jasmin next called upon Charles Nodier and Jules Janin. Nodier was delighted to see his old friend, and, after a long conversation, Jasmin said that " he left him with tears in his eyes." Janin complimented him upon bis works, especially upon his masterly use of the Gascon language. " Go on," he said, " and write your poetry in the patois which always appears to me so delicious. You possess the talent necessary for the purpose ; it is so genuine and rare." The Parisian journals mentioned Jasmin's appearance in the capital ; the most distinguished critics had highly approved of his works ; and before long he had become the hero of the day. The modest hotel in which he stayed during his visit was crowded with visitors. Peers, ministers, deputies, journalists, members of the French Academy, came to salute the author of the Papillotos. The proprietor of the hotel began to think that he was entertaining some prince in disguise — that he must have come from some foreign court to negotiate secretly some lofty questions of State. But when he was entertained at a banquet by the barbers and hair-dressers of Paris the opinions of "mine host" underwent a sudden altera- tion. He informed Jasmin's son that he could scarcely believe that ministers of State would bother themselves with a country peruke-maker ! The son laughed ; he told the maitre d'hotel that his bill would be paid, and that was all he need to care for. Jasmin was not, however, without his detractors. Even in his own country many who had laughed heartily and wept bitterly while listening to his voice, feared lest they 120 • Jasmin. might have given vent to their emotions against the legitimate rules of poetry. Some of the Parisian critics were of opinion that he was immensely overrated. They attributed the success of the Gascon poet to the liveli- ness of the Southerners, who were excited by the merest trifles ; and they suspected that Jasmin, instead of being a poet, was but a clever gasconader, differing only from the rest of his class by speaking in verse instead of prose. Now that Jasmin was in the capital, his real friends, who knew his poetical powers, desired him to put an end to these prejudices by reciting before a competent tribu- nal some of his most admired verses. He would have had no difficulty in obtaining a reception at the Tuileries. He had already received several kind favors from the Duke and Duchess of Orleans while visiting Agen. The duke had presented him with a ring set in brilliants, and the duchess had given him a gold pin in the shape of a flow- er, with a fine pearl surrounded by diamonds, in memory of their visit. It was this circumstance which induced him to compose his poem "La Bago et L'Esplingo" (La Bague et L^Epingle)^ which he dedicated to the Duchess of Orleans. But Jasmin aimed higher than the royal family. His principal desire was to attend the French Academy ; but as the Academy did not permit strangers to address their meetings, Jasmin was under the necessity of adopting an- other method. The salons were open. M. Leonce de Lavergne said to him, " You are now classed among our French poets; give us a recitation in Gascon." Jasmin explained that he could not give his reading before the members of the Academy. "That difficulty," said his friend, "can soon be got over; I will arrange for a meeting at the salon of one of our most distinguished members." It was accordingly arranged that Jasmin should give a Jasmin's Visit to Paris. 121 reading at the house of M. Augustin Thierry, one of the trreatcst of living historians. The elite of Parisian society were present on the occasion, including Ampere, Nizard, Burnouf, Ballanche, Villemain, and many distinguished personages of literary celehrity. A word as to Jasmin's distinguished entertainer, M. Augustin Thierry. He had written the History of the Conquest of England by the Normans — an original work of great value, though since overshadowed by the more minute History of the Norman Conquest, by Professor Freeman. Yet Thierry's work is still of great inter- est, displaying gifts of the highest and rarest kind in felicitous combination. It shows the careful plodding of the antiquary, the keen vision of the man of the world, the passionate fervor of the politician, the calm dignity of the philosophic thinker, and the grandeur of the epic poet. Thierry succeeded in exhuming the dry bones of history, clothing them for us anew, and presenting almost visibly the "age and body of the times" long since passed away. Thierry had also written his Narratives of the Mero- vingian Times, and revived almost a lost epoch in the early history of France. In writing out these and other works — the results of immense labor and research — he partly lost his eyesight, lie travelled into Switzerland and the South of France in the company of M. Fauriel. He could read no more, and towards the end of the year the remains of his sight entirely disappeared. He had now to read with the eyes of others, and to dictate in- stead of writing. In his works he was assisted by the friendship of M. Armand Carrel, and the affection and judgment of his loving young wife. He proceeded with courage, and was able to complete the fundamental basis of the two Frankish dynasties, c 122 Jasinin. He was about to follow his investigations into the history of the Goths, Huns, and Vandals, and other races which had taken part in the dismemberment of the empire. " However extended these labors," he says,* " my com- plete blindness could not have prevented my going through them ; I was resigned as much as a courageous man can be ; I had made a friendship with darkness. But other trials came : acute sufferings and the decline of my health announced a nervous disease of the most serious kind. I \^as obliged to confess myself conquered, and to save, if it was still time, the last remains of my health." The last words of Thierry's Autobiographical Preface are most touching: "If, as I delight in thinking, the in- terest of science is counted in the number of great na- tional interests, I have given my country all that the sol- dier mutilated on the field of battle gives her. Whatever may be the fate of my labors, this example I hope will not be lost. I would wish it to serve to combat the spe- cies of moral weakness which is the disease of the pres- ent generation ; to bring back into the straight road of life some of those enervated souls that complain of want- ing faith, that know not what to do, and seek everywhere, without finding it, an object of worship and admiration. Why say with so much bitterness that in this world, con- stituted as it is, there is no air for all lungs, no employ- ment for all minds? Is there not opportunity for calm and serious study ? and is not that a refuge, a hope, a field within the reach of all of us? W^ith it, evil days are passed over without their weight being felt; every one can make his own destiny ; every one can employ his life nobly. This is what I have done, and would do * Autobiographical Preface to the Narratives of the Merovivgian Times. Jasmines Visit to Paris. 123 ai^ain if I had to recommence my career: I would choose that which has brought me to where I am. Blind, and suffering witliout hope and almost without intermission, I may give this testimony, which from me will not ap- pear suspicious : there is something in this world better than sensual enjoyments, better than fortune, better than health itself — it is devotion to science." 124 Jasmin. CHAPTER XII. JASMIN'S RECITATIONS IN PARIS. It was a solemn and anxious moment for Jasmin when lie appeared before this select party of the most distin- guished literary men in Paris. He was no doubt placed at a considerable disadvantage, for his judges did not even know his language. He had frequently recited to audiences who did not know Gascon ; and on such occa- sions he used, before commencing his recitation, to give in French a short sketch of his poem, with an explana- tion of some of the more difficult Gascon words. This was all ; his mimic talent did the rest. His gestures were noble and well marked ; his eyes were flashing, but they became languishing when he represented tender sen- timents. Then his voice changed entirely, often sudden- ly, following the expression of grief and joy. There were now smiles, now tears in his voice. It was remarkable that Jasmin should first recite be- fore the blind historian "The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille." It may be that he thought it his best poem within the compass of time allotted to him, and that it might best please his audience. When he began to speak in Gas- con he was heard with interest. A laugh was, indeed, raised by a portion of his youthful hearers, but Jasmin flashed his penetrating eye upon them, and there was no more laughter. When he reached the tenderest part he gave way to his emotion and wept. Tears are as conta- Jasmines Recitations in Paris, 125 gious as smiles ; and even the academicians, who may not have wept with Racliel, wept witli Jasmin. It was the eclio of sorrow to sorrow ; the words wliich blind despair had evoked from the blind Margaret. All eyes were turned to Thierry as Jasmin described tlie girl's blindness. The poet omitted some of the more painful lines, which might have occasioned sorrow to his kind entertainer. These lines, for instance, in Gascon : <' Jour per aoutres, toutjour! ct per jou, malhurouzo, Toutjoiir iiey! toutjour \\hy\ Que fay uegro 16u d'el! Oh! quo raoun anio <5s tristo! Oh! que souflfri, moun Diou! Couro bfeu douu, Batisto !" or, as translated by Longfellow : "Day for the others ever, hut for me Forever night! forever night! When ho is gone, 'tis dark! my soul is sad! I suffer ! O my God ! come, make me ghid !" Wlien Jasmin omitted this verse, Thierry, who had listened with rapt attention, interrupted liim. "Poet," he said, " you have omitted a passage ; read the poem as you have written it." Jasmin paused, and then added the omitted passage. "Can it be?" said the historian. " Surely you, who can describe so vividly the agony of those who cannot see, must yourself have suffered blind- ness !" The words of Jasmin might have been spoken by Thierry himself, who in his hours of sadness often said, " I see nothing but darkness to-day." At the end of his recital Jasmin was much applauded. Ampere, who had followed him closely in the French translation of his poem, said, " If Jasmin had never written verse it would be worth going a hundred leagues to listen to his prose." What charmed his auditors most 126 Jasmin. was his frankness. Pic would even ask them to listen to what he thought his best verses. " This passage," he would say, *' is very fine." Then he read it afresh, and was applauded. He liked to be cheered. "Applaud! applaud !" he said at the end of his reading, " the clap- ping of your hands will be heard at Agen." After the recitation an interesting conversation took place. Jasmin was asked how it was that he first began to write poetry ; for every one likes to know the begin- nings of self-culture. He thereupon entered into a brief history of his life : how he had been born poor; how his grandfather had died at the hospital ; and how he had been brought up by charity. He described his limited education and his admission to the barber's shop ; his reading of Florian ; his determination to do something of a similar kind ; his first efforts, his progress, and event- ually his success. He said that his object was to rely upon nature and truth, and invest the whole with imag- ination and sensibility, that delicate touch which vibrated through all the poems he had written. His auditors were riveted by his sparkling and brilliant conversation. This seance at M. Thierry's completed the triumph of Jasmin at Paris. The doors of the most renowned sa- lons were thrown open to him. The most brilliant so- ciety in the capital listened to him and feted him. Ma- dame de Remusat sent him a present of a golden pen, with the words, " I admire your beautiful poetry ; I nev- er forget you; accept this little gift as a token of my sin- cere admiration." Lamartine described Jasmin, perhaps with some exaggeration, as the truest and most original of modern poets. Much of Jasmin's work was no doubt the result of in- tuition, " for the poet is born, not made." He was not so much the poet of art as of instinct. Yet M. Charles Jasmin'' s Recitations in Paris. 127 de Mazade said of him, ** Left to himself, without study, he carried art to perfection." His defect of literary ed- ucation perhaps helped him by leaving him to his own natural instincts. He himself said, with respect to the perusal of books, " I constantly read Lafontaine, Victor Hugo, Lamartine, and Beranger." It is thus probable that he may have been influenced to a considerable ex- tent by his study of the works of others. Before Jasmin left Paris he had the honor of being invited to visit the royal family at the palace of Neuilly, a favorite residence of Louis Philippe. Tlie invitation was made through General de Rumigny, who came to see the poet at his hotel for the purpose. Jasmin had al- ready made the acquaintance of the Duke and Duchess of Orleans while at Agen a few years before. His visit to Neuilly was made on May 24, 1842. He was gra- ciously received by the royal family. The Duchess of Orleans took her seat beside him. She read the verse in Gascon which had been engraved on the pedestal of the statue at Nerac, erected to the memory of Henry IV. The poet was surprised as well as charmed by her conde- scension. " What, madame," he exclaimed, " you speak the patois?" "El jou tabe " (and I also), said Louis Philippe, who came and joined the princess and the poet. Never was Jasmin more pleased than when he heard the words of the King at such a moment. Jasmin was placed quite at his ease by this gracious reception. The King and the duchess united in desir- ing him to recite some of his poetry. He at once com- plied with their request, and recited, his "Caritat" and " L' Abuglo " (The Blind Girl). After this the party en- gaged in conversation. Jasmin, by no means a courtier, spoke of the past, of Henry IV., and especially of Na- poleon — " L'Ampereur," as he described him. Jasmin 128 Jasmin. had, in the first vohimc of liis PapillotoSj written some satirical pieces on the court and ministers of Louis Phi- lippe. His friends wished him to omit these pieces from the new edition of his works, which was about to be pub- lished, but he would not consent to do so. " I must give my works," he said, "just as they were composed; their suppression would be a negation of myself and an act of adulation unworthy of any true-minded man." Accordingly they remained in the Pojnllotos. Before he left the royal party the Duchess of Orleans presented Jasmin with a golden pin, ornamented with pearls and diamonds ; and the King afterwards sent him, as a souvenir of his visit to the Court, a beautiful gold watch, ornamented with diamonds. Notwithstanding the pleasure of this visit. Jasmin, as with a prophetic eye, saw the marks of sorrow upon the countenance of the King, who was already experiencing the emptiness of human glory. Scarcely had Jasmin left the palace when he wrote to his friend Madame de Virens, at Agen : " On that noble face I could see, beneath the smile, the ex- pression of sadness ; so that from to-day I can no longer say, ' Happy as a king.' " Another entertainment, quite in contrast with his visit to the King, was the banquet which Jasmin received from the barbers and hair-dressers of Paris. He there recited the verses which he had written in their honor. M. Bois- joslin* says that half the barbers of Paris are Iberiens. For the last three centuries, in all the legends and anec- dotes, the barber is always a Gascon. The actor, the singer, often came>from Provence, but much oftener from Gascony ; that is the country of la parole. During Jasmin's month at Paris he had been unable * Les Penphs de la France : Ethnographie Nationale. (Didier.) Jasmines liecitations in Paris. 129 to visit many of the leading literary men ; but he was especially anxious to see M. Chateaubriand, the father of modern French literature. Jasmin was fortunate in find- ing Chateaubriand at home, af 112 Rue du Bac. He re- ceived Jasmin with cordiality. "I know you intimately already," said the author of the Genius of Christianity ; " my friends Ampere and Fauriel have often spoken of you. They understand you, they love and admire you. They acknowledge your great talent, thougli they have long since bade their adieu to poetry ; you know poets are very wayward," he added, with a sly smile. "You have a happy privilege, my dear sir ; when our age turns prosy you have but to take your lyre, in the sweet country of the South, and resuscitate the glory of the Troubadours. They tell me that in one of your recent journeys you evoked enthusiastic applause and entered many towns carpeted with flowers. Ah, mow Diea^wo can never do that with our prose !" " Ah, dear sir," said Jasmin, ** you have achieved much more glory than I. Without mentioning the profound respect with which all France regards you, posterity and the world will glorify you." "Glory, indeed," replied Chateaubriand, with a sad smile. " What is that but a flower that fades and dies? But speak to me of your sweet South ; it is beautiful. I think of it as of Italy ; indeed, it sometimes seems to me better than that glorious country !" Notwithstanding his triumphant career at Paris, Jas- min often thoufjht of Aijen, and of his friends and rela- tives at home. " Oh, my wife, my children, my guitar, my workshop, my papillotos, my pleasant Gravier, my dear good friends, with what pleasure I shall again see you!" That was his frequent remark in his letters to Agen. He was not buoyed up by the praises he liad re- 6* 130 Jasmin. ceived. He remained, as usual, perfectly simple in his thoughts, ways, and habits; and when the month had elapsed he returned joyfully to his daily work at Agen. Jasmin afterwards described the recollections of his visit in his " Voyage to Paris " {Moun Bouyatage a Paris). It was a happy piece of poetry, full of recollections of the towns and departments through which he journeyed, and finally of his arrival in Paris. Then the wonders of the capital, the crowds in the streets, the soldiers, the palaces, the statues and columns, the Tuileries tvherc the Emperor had lived. " I pass aud repass — not a soul I know ; Not oue Agenaise in this hurrying crowd; No one sahites or shakes me by the hand." And yet, he says, what a grand world it is ! how taste- ful ! how fashionable ! There seem to be no poor. They are all ladies and gentlemen. Each day is a Sabbath ; and under the trees the children play about the fountains. So different from Agen ! He then speaks of his inter- view with Louis Philippe and the royal family, his recital of " L'Abuglo " before " great ladies, great writers, lords, ministers, and great savants ;" and he concludes his poem with the words, " Paris makes me proud, but Agen makes me happy." The poem is full of the impressions of his mind at the time — simple, clear, naive. It is not a connected narra- tive, nor a description of what he saw, but it was full of admiration of Paris, the centre of France, and, as French- men think, of civilization. It is the simple wonder of the country cousin who sees Paris for the first time — the city that had so long been associated with his recollections of the past. And perhaps he seized its more striking points more vividly than any regular denizen of the capital. Jasmin and his English Critics. 131 CHAPTER XIII. JASMIN AND HIS ENGLISH CRITICS. Jasmin'* visit to Paris in 1842 made his works more extensively known, both at home and abroad. His name was frequently mentioned in the Parisian journals, and Frenchmen north of the Loire began to pride themselves on their Gascon poet. His "Blind Girl" had been trans- lated into English, Spanish, and Italian. The principal English literary journal, the Athenceum, called attention to his works a few months after his appearance in Paris.* The editor introduced the subject in the following words: " On the banks of the Garonne, in the picturesque and ancient town of Agen, there exists at this moment a man of genius of the first order — a rustic Beranger, a Victor lingo, a Lamartine — a poet full of fire, originality, and feeling — an actor superior to any now in France, except- ing Rachel, whom lie resembles both in his powers of declamation and his fortunes. He is not unknown — he is no mute, inglorious Milton ; for the first poets, states- men, and men of letters in France have been to visit him. His parlor chimney-piece, behind his barber's shop, is covered with offerings to his genius from royalty and rank. His smiling, dark-eyed wife, exhibits to the curi- ous the tokens of her husband's acknowledged merit; * Tlie Alheiuenm, November 6, 1842. " The Curl-papers of Jas- min, tlie Barber of Agen" {Las Pnpilldtos de Jasmin^ Coiffeur). 132 tfasmin. and gold and jewels shine in the eyes of the astonished stranger, who, having heard his name, is led to stroll carelessly into the shop, attracted by a gorgeous blue cloth hung outside, on which he may have read the words ' Jasmin, Coiffeur/ " After mentioning the golden laurels, and the gifts awarded to him by those who acknowledged his genius, the editor proceeds to mention his poems in the Gascon dialect— his "Souvenirs," his "Blind Girl," and his "Fran- connette" — and then refers to his personal appearance. "Jasmin is handsome in person, with eyes full of intelli- gence, of good features, a mobility of expression abso- lutely electrifying, a manly figure, and an agreeable ad- dress; but his voice is harmony itself, and its changes have an effect seldom experienced on or off the stage. The melody attributed to Mrs. Jordan seems to approach it nearest. Had he been an actor instead of a poet, he would have * won all hearts his way.' ... On the whole, considering the spirit, taste, pathos, and power of this poet, who writes in a patois hitherto confined to the lower class of people in a remote district — considering the ef- fect that his verses have made among educated persons, both French and foreign, it is impossible not to look upon' him as one of the remarkable characters of his age, and to award him, as the city of Clemence Isaurc has done, the Golden Laurel, as the first of the revived Troubadours, destined, perhaps, to rescue his country from the reproach of having buried her poetry in the graves of Alain Chartier and Charles of Orleans, four centuries It is probable that this article in the Athenceum was written by Miss Louisa Stuart Costello, who had had an interview with the poet in his house at Agen some years before. While making her tmir through Auvergne and Jasmin and. his English Critics. 133 Langucdoc in 1840,* she states that she picked itp three charming ballads, and was not aware that they had ever been printed. She wrote them down merely by car, and afterwards translated "Me cal Monri" into English (see pp. 47, 48). The ballad was very popular, and was set to music. She did not then know the name of the com- poser, but when she ascertained that the poet was " one Jasmin of Agcn," she resolved to go out of her way and call upon him, when on her way to the Pyrenees about two years later.f She had already heard much about him before she Jirrived, as he was regarded in Gascony as "the greatest poet in modern times." She had no difficulty in finding his shop at the entrance to the Promenade du Gravier, with the lines in large gold letters, "Jasmin, Coif- feur." Miss Costello entered, and was welcomed by a smiling, dark-eyed woman, who informed her that her husband was busy at that moment dressing a customer's hair, but begged that she would walk into his parlor at the back of the shop. Madame Jasmin took advantage of her hus- band's absence to exhibit the memorials which he had re- ceived for his gratuitous services on behalf of the public. There was the golden laurel from the city of Toulouse, the golden cup from the citizens of Auch, the gold watch with chain and seals from " Le Roi " Louis Philippe, the ring presented by the Duke of Orleans, the pearl pin from the duchess, the fine service of linen presented by the citizens of Pau, with other offerings from persons of distinction. At last Jasmin himself appeared, having dressed his customer's hair. Miss Costello describes his manner as * A Pilgi-image to Anvei'gne^ from Picardy to Velay. 1842. f Beam and the Pyrenees. 1 844. 134 Jasmin, well-bred and lively, and his language as free and unem- barrassed. He said, however, that he was ill, and too hoarse to read. He spoke in a broad Gascon accent, very rapidly and even eloquently. He told the story of his difficulties and successes; how his grandfather had been a beggar, and all his family very poor, but that now he was as rich as he desired to be. His son, he said, was placed in a good position at Nantes, and he exhibited his picture with pride. Miss Costello told him that she had seen his name mentioned in an English review. Jasmin said the review had been sent him by Lord Dur- ham, who had paid him a visit ; and then Miss Costello spoke of "Me cal Mouri," as the first poem of his that she had seen. " Oh," said he, " that little song is not my best composition : it was merely my first." His heart was now touched. He immediately forgot his hoarseness, and proceeded to read some passages from his poems. "If I were only well," said he, "and you would give me the pleasure of your company for some time, I would kill you with weeping ; I would make you die with distress for my poor Margarido, my pretty Fran- connette." He then took up two copies of his Las Pa- pillotos, handed one to Miss Costello, where the transla- tion was given in French, and read from the other in Gascon. " He began," says the lady, " in a rich, soft voice, and as we advanced we found ourselves carried away by the spell of his enthusiasm. His eyes swam in tears ; he be- came pale and red; he trembled; he recovered himself; his face was now joyous, now exulting, gay, jocose ; in fact, he was twenty actors in one ; he rang the changes from Rachel to bouffe ; and he finished by relieving us of our tears, and overwhelming us with astonishment. He would have been a treasure on the stage ; for he is Jasmin and his English Critics. 135 still, though his youth is past, remarkably good-looking and striking; with black, sparkling eyes of intense ex- pression ; a fine ruddy complexion ; a countenance of wondrous mobility ; a good figure, and action full of fire and grace; he has handsome hands, which he uses with infinite effect ; and on the whole he is the best actor of the kind I ever saw. I could now quite understand what a Troubadour ov jongleur he might be; and I look upon Jasfuin as a revived specimen of that extinct race." Miss Costello proceeded on her journey to Beam and the Pyrenees, and on her return northward she again re- newed her acquaintance with Jasmin and his dark-eyed wife. "I did not expect," she says, "that I should be recognized; but the moment I entered the little shop I was hailed as an old friend. * Ah,' cried Jasmin, ' enfin la voila encore !' I could not but be flattered by this recollection, but soon found that it was less on my own account that I was thus welcomed, than because circum- stances had occurred to the poet that I might perhaps ex- plain. He produced several French newspapers, in which he pointed out to me an article headed 'Jasmin a Lon- dres,' being a translation of certain notices of himself which had appeared in a leading English literary journal — the Athenceam. ... I enjoyed his surprise, while I informed him that I knew who was the reviewer and translator; and explained the reason for the verses giv- ing pleasure in an English dress, to the superior simplic- ity of the English language over modern French, for which he had a great contempt, as unfitted for lyrical composition.* He inquired of me respecting Burns, to * " Tliere are no poets in Fiance now," lie said to Miss Costello. " There cannot be. The language does not admit of it. Where is the fire, the ppirit, the expression, the tenderness, the force, of the 136 Jasmin. whom he had been likened, and begged me to tell him something of Moore. " He had a thousand things to tell me : in particular, that he had only the day before received a letter from the Duchess of Orleans, informing him that she had or- dered a medal of her late husband to be struck, the first of which should be sent to him. He also announced the agreeable news of the King having granted him a pension of a thousand francs. He smiled and wept by turns as he told all this ; and declared that, much as he was elated at the possession of a sum which made him a rich man for life (though it was only equal to £42), the kindness of the duchess gratified him still more. " He then made us sit down while he read us two new poems; both charming, and full of grace and naivete; and one very affecting, being an address to the King, alkiding to the death of his son. "As he read, his wife stood by, and fearing that we did not comprehend the language, she made a remark to that effect, to which he answered, impatiently, * Nonsense ! don't you see they are in tears?' This was unanswerable ; we were allowed to hear the poem to the end, and I cer- tainly never listened to anything more feelingly and en- ergetically delivered. " We had much conversation, for he was anxious to de- tain us, and in the course of it he told me that he liad been by some accused of vanity. ' Oh 1' lie exclaimed, 'what would you have? I am a child of nature, and cannot conceal my feelings ; the only difference between me and a man of refinement is, that he knows how to Gascon? French is but the ladder to reach the Jirst Jloor of the Gascon ; how can you get up to a height except by means of a ladder?" Jasmin and his English Critics. 137 conceal his vanity and exaltation at success, while I let everybody see my emotions.' " His wife drew me aside, and asked my opinion as to how much money it would cost to pay Jasmin's expenses if he undertook a journey to England. * However,' she added, ' I dare say he need be at no charge, for of course your Queen has read that article in his favor and knows liis merit. She probably will send for him, pay all the expenses of his journey, and give him great fetes in Lon- don !' " Miss Costello, knowing the difficulty of obtaining royal recognition of literary merit in England, unless it appears in formcL pauperis, advised the barber -poet to wait till he was sent for — a very good advice, for then it would be never! She concludes her recollections with this remark: '^I left the happy pair, promising to let them know the effect that the translation of Jasmin's poetry produced in the royal mind. Indeed, their ear- nest simplicity was really entertaining." A contributor to the Westminster Review * also gave a very favorable notice of Jasmin and his poetry, which, he said, was less known in England than it deserved to be ; nor was it well known in France, since he wrote in a pat- ois. Yet he had been well received by some of the most illustrious men in the capital, where unaided genius, to be successful, must be genius indeed ; and there the Gas- con bard had acquired for himself a fame of which any man might well be proud. The reviewer said that the Gascon patois was peculiarly expressive and heart-touching, and in the South it was held in universal honor. Jasmin, he continued, is what Burns was to the Scottish peasantry ; only he received his lienors in his lifetime. The comparison with Burns, * Weitmimier Review for October, 1849. 138 ' Jasmin. however, was not appropriate. Burns bad more pith, vigor, variety, and passion, than Jasmin — who was more of a descriptive writer. In some respects Jasmin re- sembled Allan Ramsay, a barber and periwig-maker, like himself, whose " Gentle Shepherd " met with as great a success as Jasmin's " Franconnette." Jasmin, however, was the greater poet of the two. The reviewer in the Westminster^ who had seen Jasmin at Agen, goes on to speak of the honors he had received in the South and at Paris — his recitations in the little room behind his shop — his personal appearance, his hearty and simple manners — and yet his disdain of the mock mod- esty it would be affectation to assume. The reviewer thus concludes ; " From the first prepossessing, he gains upon you every moment ; and when he is fairly launched into the recital of one of his poems, his rich voice does full justice to the harmonious Gascon. The animation and feeling he displays becomes contagious. Your admira- tion kindles, and you become involved in his ardor. You forget the little room in which he recites ; you altogether forget the barber, and rise with him into a superior world, an experience in a way you will never forget, the power exercised by a true poet when pouring forth his living thoughts in his own verses. . . . *' Such is Jasmin — lively in imagination, warm in tem- perament, humorous, playful, easily made happy, easily softened, enthusiastically fond of his province, of its heroes, of its scenery, of its language, and of its manners. He is every inch a Gascon, except that he has none of that consequential self-importance, or of the love of boast- ing and exaggeration, which, falsely or not, is said to characterize his countrymen. " Born of the people, and following a humble trade, he is prond of both circumstances; his poems are full of al- Jasmin and his English Critics. 139 lusions to his calling; and without ever uttering a word in disparagement of other classes, he everywhere sings the praises of his own. He stands by his order. It is from it he draws his poetry ; it is there he finds his romance. "And this is his great charm, as it is liis chief distinc- tion. He invests virtue, however lowly, with the dignity that belongs to it. He rewards merit, however obscure, with its due honor. Whatever is true or beautiful or good finds from him an immediate sympathy. The true is never rejected by him because it is commonplace, nor the beautiful because it is every-day, nor the good be- cause it is not also great. He calls nothing unclean but vice and crime. He sees meanness in nothing but in the sham, the affectation, and the spangles of outward show. " But while it is in exalting lowly excellence that Jas- min takes especial delight, he is not blind, as some are, to excellence in high places. All he seeks is the sterling and the real. He recognizes the sparkle of the diamond as well as that of the dew-drop. But he will not look upon paste. " He is thus pre-eminently the poet of nature ; not, be it understood, of inanimate nature only, but of nature also, as it exists in our thoughts and words and acts — of nature as it is to be found living and moving in hu- manity. But we cannot paint him so well as he paints himself. We well remember how, in his little shop at Agen, he described to us what he believed to be charac- teristic of his poetry ; and we find in a letter from him to M. Leonce de Lavergne the substance of what he then said to us : " ' I believe,' he said, * that I have portrayed a part of the noble sentiments which men and women may experi- ence here below. I believe that I have emancipated my- self more than any one has ever done from every school, 140 Jasmin. and I have placed myself in more direct communication with nature. My poetry comes from my heart. I have taken my pictures from around me in the most humble conditions of men ; and I have done for my native lan- guage all that I could.' " A few years later Mr. Angus B. Reach, a well-known author, and a contributor to Punch in its earlier days, was appointed a commissioner by the Morning Chronicle to visit, for industrial purposes, the districts in the South of France. His reports appeared in the Chronicle ; but in 1852 Mr. Reach published a fuller account of his jour- neys in a volume entitled Claret and Olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone.* In passing through the South of France, Mr. Reach stopped at Agen. " One of my ob- jects," he says, " was to pay a literary visit to a very re- markable man — Jasmin, the peasant-poet of Provence and Languedoc — the *Last of the Troubadours,' as, with more truth than is generally to be found in ad captan- dum designations, he terms himself, and is termed by the wide circle of his admirers ; for Jasmin's songs and rural epics are written in the patois of the people, and that pat- ois is the still almost unaltered Langue d'Oc — the tongue of the chivalric minstrelsy of yore. " But Jasmin is a Troubadour in another sense than that of merely availing himself of the tongue of the me- nestrels. He publishes, certainly, conforming so far to the usages of our degenerate modern times ; but his great * Published by David Bogue, Fleet Street, London. 1852. Mr. Reach was very particular about the pronunciation of his name. Being a native of Inverness, the last vowel Avas guttural. One day, dining with Douglas Jerroldj who insisted on addressing him as Mr. Reek or Reech, "No," said the other; " my name is neither Reek nor Reech, but Reac/i." " Very well," said Jerrold, " Mr. "Reach will you have a peac/i .^" Jasmin and his English Critics. 141 triumphs are his popular recitations of his poems. Stand- ing bravely up before an expectant assembly of perhaps a couple of thousand persons — the hot-blooded and quick-brained children of the South — the modern Trou- badour plunges over head and ears into his lays, evoking both himself and his applauding audiences into fits of enthusiasm and excitement, which, whatever may be the excellence of the poetry, an Englishman finds it difficult to conceive or account for. "The raptures of the New Yorkers and Bostonians with Jenny Lind are weak and cold compared with the ovations which Jasmin has received. At a recitation given shortly before my visit to Auch, the ladies present actually tore the flowers and feathers out of their bon- nets, wove them into extempore garlands, and flung them in showers upon the panting minstrel ; while the editors of the local papers next morning assured him, in floods of flattering epigrams, that humble as he was now, future ages would acknowledge the ' divinity ' of a Jasmin ! ** There is a feature, however, about these recitations which is still more extraordinary than the uncontrollable fits of popular enthusiasm which- they produce. His last entertainment before I saw him was given in one of the Pyrenean cities, and produced 2000 francs. Every sou of this went to the public charities; Jasmin will not ac- cept a stiver of money so earned. With a species of perhaps overstrained, but certainly exalted, chivalric feel- ing, he declines to appear before an audience to exhibit for money the gifts with which nature has endowed him. "After, perhaps, a brilliant tour through the South of France, delighting vast audiences in every city, and fling- ing many thousands of francs into every poor-box which he passes, the poet contentedly returns to his humble oc- cupation, and to the little shop where he cams his daily 142 Jasmin. bread by Lis daily toil as a barber and hair-dresser. It will be generally admitted that the man capable of self- denial of so truly heroic a nature as this is no ordinary poetaster. " One would be puzzled to find a similar instance of perfect and absolute disinterestedness in the roll of min- strels, from Homer downward ; and, to tell the truth, there does seem a spice of Quixotism mingled with and tingeing the pure fervor of the enthusiast. Certain it is, that the Troubadours of yore, upon whose model Jasmin professes to found his poetry, were by no means so scru- pulous. * Largesse ' was a very prominent word in their vocabulary ; and it really seems difficult to assign any satisfactory reason for a man refusing to live upon the exercise of the finer gifts of his intellect and throwing himself for his bread upon the daily performance of mere mechanical drudgery. "Jasmin, as may be imagined, is well known in Agen. I was speedily directed to his abode, near the open Place of the town, and within ear-shot of the rush of the Ga- ronne; and in a few moments I found myself pausing before the lintel of the modest shop inscribed ' Jasmin, Perruquier, Coiffeur des Jeunes Gens.' A little brass ba- sin dangled above the threshold ; and looking through the glass I saw the master of the establishment shaving a fat-faced neighbor. Now I had come to see and pay my compliments to a poet, and there did appear to me to be something strangely awkward and irresistibly ludi- crous in having to address, to some extent, in a literary and complimentary vein, an individual actually engaged in so excessively prosaic and unelevated a species of per- formance. " I retreated, uncertain what to do, and waited outside until the shop was clear. Three words explained the nat- Jasmin and his English Critics. 143 lire of my visit, and Jasmin received me with a species of warm courtesy, wliich was very peculiar and very cliarininf^; dashing at once, with the most clattering vol- uhility and fiery speed of tongue, into a sort of rhapsodi- cal discourse upon poetry in general, and the patois of it, spoken in Languedoc, Provence, and Gascony in par- ticular. "Jasmin is a well-built and strongly-limbed man of about fifty, with a large, massive head, and a broad pile of forehead, overhanging two piercingly bright black eyes, and features which would be heavy were they al- lowed a moment's repose from the continual play of the facial muscles, sending a never-ending series of varying expressions across the dark, swarthy visage. Two sen- tences of his conversation were quite sufficient to stamp his individuality. "The first thing which struck me was the utter al)- sencc of all the mock modesty, and the pretended self- underrating conventionally assumed by persons expect- ing to be complimented upon their sayings or doings. Jasmin seemed thoroughly to despise all such flimsy hy- pocrisy. *God only made four Frenchmen poets,' he burst out with, *and their names are Corneille, Lafon- taine, Beranger, and Jasmin!' "Talking with the most impassioned vehemence, and the most redundant energy of gesture, he went on to de- claim against the influences of civilizatio;i upon language and manners as being fatal to all real poetry. If the true inspiration yet existed upon earth, it burned in the hearts and brains of men far removed from cities, salons, and the clash and din of social influences. Your only true poets were the unlettered peasants, who poured forth their hearts in song, not because they wished to make poetry, but because they were joyous and true. 144 Jasmin, "Colleges, academies, schools of learning, schools of literature, and all such institutions. Jasmin denounced as the curse and the bane of true poetry. They had spoiled, he said, the very French language. You could no more write poetry in French now than you could in arithmeti- cal figures. The language had been licked and kneaded and tricked out, and plumed and dandified and scented, and minced and ruled square and chipped — (I am try- ing to give an idea of the strange flood of epithets he used) — and pranked out and polished and muscadined until, for all honest purposes of true high poetry, it was mere unavailable and contemptible jargon. "It might do for cheating agents de change on the Bourse — for squabbling politicians in the Chambers — for mincing dandies in the salons — for the sarcasm of Scribe-ish comedies, or the coarse drolleries of Palais Royal farces, but for poetry the French language was ex- tinct. All modern poets who used it were faiseurs de phrase — thinking about words and not feelings. 'No, no,' my Troubadour continued, ' to write poetry you must get the language of a rural people — a language talked among fields and trees, and by rivers and mountains — a language never minced or disfigured by academies and dictionary-makers and journalists; you must have a lan- guage like that which your own Burns, whom I read of in Chateaubriand, used ; or like the brave, old, mellow tongue — unchanged for centuries — stuffed with the stran- gest, quaintest, richest, raciest idioms and odd solemn words, full of shifting meanings and associations, at once pathetic and familiar, homely and graceful — the language which I write in, and which has never yet been defiled by calculating men of science or jack-a-dandy litterateurs.'' "The above sentences may be taken as a specimen of the ideas with which Jasmin seemed to be actually over- Jasniin and his English Critics. 145 flowing from every pore in his body — so rapid, vehe- ment, and loud was his enunciation of them. Warming more and more as lie went on, lie began to sketch the outlines of his favorite pieces. Every now and then plunging into recitation, jumping from French into pat- ois, and from patois into French, and sometimes splut- tering them out, mixed up pell-mell together. Hardly pausing to take breath, he rushed about the shop as he discoursed, lugging out, from old chests and drawers, piles of old newspapers and reviews, pointing out a pas- sage here in which the estimate of the writer pleased him, a passage there which showed how perfectly the critic had mistaken the scope of his poetic philosophy, and exclaiming, with the most perfect naivete, how mor- tifying it was for men of original and profound genius to be misconceived and misrepresented by pygmy whip- per-snapper scamps of journalists. "There was one review of his works, published in a London ^Hecueil,^ as he called it, to which Jasmin referred with great pleasure. A portion of it had been translated, he said, in the preface to a French edition of his works; and he had most of the highly complimentary phrases by heart. The English critic, he said, wrote in iho^Tinii- num^^ and he looked dubiously at me when I confessed that I had never heard of the organ in question. *Pour- tant,' he said, * je vous Ic ferai voir,' and I soon perceived that Jasmin's ^Tintinum^ was no other than the Aihe- noeum ! "In the little back drawing-room behind the shop, to which the poet speedily introduced me, his sister [it must have been his wife], a meek, smiling woman, whose eyes never left him, following as he moved with a beautiful expression of love and pride in his glory, received me with simple cordiality. The walls were covered with 7 146 Jasmin, testimonials, presentations, and trophies, awarded by crit- ics and distinguished persons, literary and political, to the modern Troubadour. Not a few of these are of a nature to make any man most legitimately proud. Jas- min possesses gold and silver vases, laurel branches, snuff- boxes, medals of honor, and a whole museum of similar gifts, inscribed with such characteristic and laconic le- gends as ''Au Poete, Les Jeunes filles de Toulouse recon- naissantes P etc. " The number of garlands of immortelles^ wreaths of ivy- jasinin (punning upon the name), laurel, and so forth, ut- terly astonished me. Jasmin preserved a perfect shrub- bery of such tokens ; and each symbol had, of course, its pleasant associative remembrance. One was given by the ladies of such a town ; another was the gift of the pre- fect's wife of such a department. A handsome full- length portrait had been presented to the poet by the municipal authorities of Agen ; and a letter from M. Lx- martine, framed, above the chimney-piece, avowed the writer's belief that the Troubadour of the Garonne was the Homer of the modern world. M. Jasmin wears the ribbon of the Legion of Honor, and has several valuable presents which were made to him by the late ex-king and different members of the Orleans family. "I have been somewhat minute in giving an account of ray interview with M. Jasmin because he is really the popular poet — the peasant-poet of the South of France — the Burns of Limousin, Provence, and Languedoc. His songs are in the mouths of all who sing in the fields and by the cottage firesides. Their subjects are always rural, naive, and full of rustic pathos and rustic drollery. To use his words to me, he sings what the hearts of the people say, and he can no more help it than can the birds in the trees. Translations into French of his main poems Jasmin and his English Critics. 147 liave appeared ; and compositions more full of natural and tborouojhly unsopliisticated pathos and liiimor it would be difficult to find. "Jasmin writes from a teeming brain and a beaming lieart, and there is a warmth and a glow, and a strong, happy, triumphant march of song about his poems which carry you away in tlie perusal as they carried away the au- thor in the writing. I speak, of course, from the French translations, and I can well conceive that they give but a comparatively faint transcript of the pith and power of the original. The patois in which these poems are writ- ten is the common peasant language of the South-west of France. It varies in some slight degree in different dis- tricts, but not more than the broad Scotch of Forfarshire differs from that of Ayrshire. As for the dialect itself, it seems in the main to be a species of cross between old French and Spanish — holding, however, I am assured, rather to the latter tongue than to the former, and con- stituting a bold, copious, and vigorous speech, very rich in its coloring, full of quaint words and expressive phrases, and especially strong in all that relates to the language of the passions and affections. " I hardly know how long my interview with Jasmin might have lasted, for he seemed by no means likely to tire of talking, and his talk was too good and too curious not to be listened to with interest; but the sister [or wife] who had left us for a moment, coming back with the in- telligence that there was quite a gathering of customers in the shop, I hastily took my leave, the poet squeezing my hand like a vice, and immediately thereafter dashing into all that appertains to curling-irons, scissors, razors, and lather, with just as much apparent energy and enthu- siasm as he had flung into liis rhapsodical discourse on poetry and language !" 148 Jasmiti. It is scarcely necessary to apologize for the length of this extract, because no author that we know of — not even any French author — has given so vivid a descrip- tion of the man as he lived, moved, and talked, as Mr. Reach ; and we believe the reader will thank us for quot- ing from an almost entirely forgotten book the above graphic description of the Gascon Poet. Jasmin'' s Tours of Philanthropy, 149 CHAPTER XIV. JASMIN'S TOURS OF PHILANTHROPY. The poet had no sooner returned from his visit to Paris than he was besieged with appeals to proceed to the relief of the poor in the South of France. Indeed, for more than thirty years he devoted a considerable part of his time to works of charity and benevolence. He visited successively cities and towns so far remote from each other as Bayonne and Marseilles, Bagneres and Lyons. He placed his talents at the service of the pub- lic from motives of sheer benevolence, for the large col- lections which were made at his recitations were not of the slightest personal advantage to himself. The first place he visited on this occasion was Carcas- sonne, south-east of Toulouse — a town of considerable im- portance, and containing a large number of poor people. M. Dugue, prefect of the x\ude, wrote to Jasmin : " The crying needs of this winter have called forth a desire to help the poor; but the means are sadly wanting. Our thoughts are necessarily directed to you. Will you come and help us?" Jasmin at once complied. He was enter- tained by the prefect. After several successful recitations, a considerable sum of money was collected for the relief of the poor of Carcassonne. To perpetuate the recollection of Jasmin's noble work, and to popularize the genius of the poet, the prefect of the Aude arranged that Jasmin's poems should be distributed among all the schools of his 150 Jasmin. department, and for this purpose a portion of the surplus funds was placed at the disposal of the council-general. Bordeaux next appealed to the poet. He had a strong love for Bordeaux. It was the place where he had first recited his " Blind Girl," where he had first attracted pub- lic attention, and where he was always admired and al- ways feted. The Orphan Institution of the city was in difficulties ; its funds were quite exhausted ; and who should be invited to come to their help but their old friend Jasmin? He was again enthusiastically received. The Franklin Rooms were crowded, and money flowed quickly into the orphans' treasury. Among the poems he recited was the following : THE SHEPHERD AND THE GASCON POET.* Anx Bordelais, au jour de ma grande Seance au Casino. _^ In a far land, I know not where, Ere viol's sigh, or organ's swell, Had made the sous of song a^vare That music is a potent spell : A shepherd to a city came, Play'd on his pipe, and rose to fame. He sang of fields, and at each close, Applause from ready hands arose. The simple swain was hail'd and crown'd, In mansions where the great reside, And cheering smiles and praise he found, And in his heart rose honest pride. All seem'd with joy and rapture gleaming, He trembled lest he was but dreaming. * We adopt the translation of Miss Costello. Jasmines Tours of Philanthropy. 151 But, modest still, bis soul was moved; Yet of bis bnmlet was bis tbougbt — Of friends at bome, and ber be loved, Wlien back bis laurel brancb be brougbt. And pleasure beaming in bis eyes, Enjoj-ed tbeir welcome and surprise. 'Twas tbus witb mo wben Bordeanx deigned To listen to my rustic song: Wboso music praise and bonor gain'd More than to rural strains belong. Deligbted, cbarmed, I scarcely knew, Wbence sprung tbis life so fresb and new, And to my beart I wbispered low, Wben to my fields returned again, "Is not tbe Gascon Poet now As bappy as tbe sbepberd swain ?" Tbe minstrel never can forget, Tbe spot wbere first success be met; But be, tbe sbepberd wlio, of yore. Has cbarniM so manj' a list'niug ear, Came back, and was beloved no more. Ho found all cbanged and cold and drear! A skilful band bad toucb'd tbe flute; His pipe and be were scorn'd — were mute. But I, once more I dared appear. And found old friends so true and dear. Tbe mem'ry of my ancient lays Lived in tbeir bearts, awoke tbeir praise. Ob! tbey did more. I was tbeir guest; Again was welcomed and caress'd, And, twined witb tbeir melodious tongue, Again my rustic carol rung; And my old language proudly found Her words bad list'ners pressing round. Tbus, tbougb condemn'd tbe sbepbord's skill, Tbe Gascon Poet triumpb'd still. 152 Jasmin, At the end of the recital a pretty little orphan girl came forward and presented Jasmin with a laurel adorned with a ruby, with these words in golden letters, "To Jas- min, with the orphans' gratitude." Jasmin finally de- scended from the rostrum and mixed with the audience, who pressed round him and embraced him. The result was the collection of more than a thousand francs for the orphans' fund. No matter what the institution was, or where it was situated, if it was in difiiculties, and Jasmin was appealed to, provided it commended itself to his judgment, he went far and near to give his help. A priest at a remote place in Perigord had for some time endeavored to found an agricultural colony for the benefit of the laborers, and at last wrote to Jasmin for assistance. The work had been patronized by most of the wealthy people of the province ; but the colony did not prosper. There remained no one to help them but the noble barber of Agen. Without appealing any more to the rich for further aid, the priest applied to Jasmin through a mutual friend, one of the promoters of the undertaking, who explained to him the nature of the enterprise. The following was Jasmin's an- swer : " My dear Sir, — I have already heard of the pious work of the curate of Vedey, and shall be most happy to give him my services for one or two evenings, though I regret that I must necessarily defer my visit until after the month of February next. In May I have promised to go twice to the help of the Albigenses, in aid of their hospital and the poor of Alba. I start to-morrow for Cahors, to help in a work equally benevolent, begun long ago. I am engaged for the month of August for Foix and Bagneres de Luchon, in behalf of a church and an Jasmin's Tours of Philanthropy. 15.3 agricultural society. All my spare time, you will ob- serve, is occupied ; and though I may be tired out by my journeys, I will endeavor to rally my forces and do all that I can for you. Tell the curate of Vedey, therefore, that as his labor has been of long continuance, my Muse will be happy to help his philanthropic work during one or two evenings at Perigueux in the month of March next. "Yours faithfully, " J. Jasmin." In due time Jasmin fulfilled his promise, and a con- siderable sum was collected in aid of the agricultural colony, which, to his great joy, was eventually established and prospered. On another and a very different occasion the Society of Arts and Literature appealed to him. Their object was to establish a fund for the assistance of the poorer members of their craft — something like the Royal Literary Fund of London. The letter addressed to him was signed by Baron Taylor, Ingres, Ambroise Thomas, Aubcr, Meyerbeer, Adolphe Adam, Jules Simon, Zimmerman n, llalevy, and others. It seemed extraordi- nary that men of such distinction in art and literature should appeal to a man of such humble condition, living at so remote a place as Agen. "We ask your help," they said, " for our work, which has only been begun, and is waiting for assistance. We desire to have the encouragement and powerful support of men of heart and intelligence. Do not be surprised, sir, that we address this demand to you. We have not yet appealed to the part of France in which you live; but we repose our hopes in your admirable talent, in- spired as it is with Christian charity, which has already given birth to many benefactions, for the help of churches, schools, and charitable institutions, and has spread among 7* 1 54 Jasmin. your compatriots the idea of relieving the poor and ne- cessitous." Incited by these illustrious men, Jasmin at once took the field, and by his exertions did much tow- ards the foundation of the proposed institution. The strength of his constitution seemed to be inex- haustible. On one occasion he went as far as Marseilles. He worked, he walked, he travelled, he recited almost without end. Though he sometimes complained of be- ing over -tired, he rallied, and went on as before. At Marseilles, for instance, he got up early in the morning, and at 8 a.m. he was present at a private council in a school. At 11 he presided at a meeting of the Society of Saint Francis Xavier, where he recited several of his poems before two thousand persons. At 2 o'clock he was present at a banquet given in his honor. In the evening he had another triumphant reception. In the morning he spoke of country, religion, and work to the humbler classes, and in the evening he spoke of love and charity to a crowded audience of distinguished ladies. He was entertained at Marseilles like a prince rather than like a poet. He sometimes gave as many as three hundred recita- tions of this sort in a year, visiting nearly every town from Bordeaux to Marseilles for all kinds of charitable institutions. Of course his travels were enlivened by many adventures, and some people were unwilling to allow him to forget that he was a barber. When at Auch, a town several miles to the south of Agen, he resided with the mayor. The time for the meeting had nearly arrived ; but the mayor was still busy with his toilet. The prefect of Gers was also waiting. Fearing the impatience of his guests, the mayor opened the door of his chamber to apologize, showing his face covered with lather. Jasmines Tours of Philanthropy. 155 "Wait a moment," be said; "I am just finishing my sliaving." "Oh," said Jasmin, "why did you not perform your toilet sooner? But now let me help you." Jasmin at once doffed his coat, gave the finishing touch to his razor, and shaved the mayor in a twinkling, with what he called his " hand of velvet." In a few minutes after Jasmin was receiving tumultuous applause for his splen- did recitations. Thus, as time was pressing, it was a pleasure to Jasmin to make himself useful to his friend the mayor. But on another occasion he treated a rich snob in the way he deserved. Jasmin had been reciting for the benefit of the poor. At the conclusion of the meeting the young people of the town improvised a procession of flambeaux, and triumphantly escorted him to his hotel. Early next morning, while Jasmin was still asleep, he was awakened by some one knocking at his chamber door. Be rose, opened it, and found himself in presence of one of the most opulent persons of the town. There are vulgar people everywhere, and this person had more wealth than courtesy. Like Jasmin, he was a man of the people; but he had neither the grace nor the polite- ness of the Gascon barber, lie was but a parvenu, and his riches had only produced an accumulation of snob- bishness, lie pushed into the room, installed himself without invitation in a chair, and, without- further cere- mony, proceeded : '*My dear Jasmin," he said, "I am a banker — a mill- ionaire, as you know ; I wish you to shave me with your own hand. Please set to work at once, for I am pressed for time. You cm ask what you like for your trouble." "Pardon me, sir," said Jasmin, with some pride, "I only shave for pay at home." 156 Jasmin. "What do yon say?" " It is true, sir ; I only sliave for pay at home." " Come, come — you are jesting! I cannot be put off. Make your charge as much as you like — but shave me." " Again I say, sir, it is impossible." " How impossible ? It seems to me that it is your trade !" " It is so ; but at this moment I am not disposed to exercise it." The banker again pleaded ; Jasmin was firm ; and the millionaire went away unshaved ! During one of his recitations at Toulouse he was intro- duced to Mdlle. Roaldes, a young and beautiful lady, with whose father, a thriving stock-broker, he stayed while in that city. His house was magnificent and splen- didly furnished. Many persons of influence were invited to meet Jasmin, and, while there, he was entertained with much hospitality. But, as often happens with stock-brokers, M. Roaldes' star fell ; he suffered many losses, and at length became poor and almost destitute. One day, while Jasmin was sharpening his razors in his shop in Agen, who should appear but Mdlle. Therese Roaldes, sad and dejected. It was the same young lady who had charmed him, not only by her intellectual con- verse, but by her admirable musical ability. She had sung brilliantly at the entertainment given at her father's house, and now she came to lay her case before the Agenaise barber! She told her whole storj^ ending with the present destitution of her father — formerly the rich stock-broker. " What can we do now?" asked Jasmin; "something must be done at once." Mdlle. Roaldes judged rightly of the generous heart of Jasmin. He was instantly ready and willing to lielp her. i Jasmines Tours of Philanthropy. 157 They miglit not restore her father's fortunes, but they might rescue him from the poverty and humiliations in which liis sudden reverse of fortune had involved him. The young lady had only her voice and her harp, but Jasmin had his Curl-papers. Mdlle. Roaldes was beauti- ful ; could her beauty have influenced Jasmin ? For beauty has a wonderful power in the world. But good- ness is far better, and it was that and her filial love which principally influenced Jasmin in now offering her his assistance. The two made their first appearance at Agen. They gave their performance in the theatre, which was crowded. The name of Mdlle. Roaldt^s excited the greatest sympa- thy, for the misfortunes of her father were well known in the South. For this beautiful girl to descend from her brilliant home in Toulouse to the boards of a theatre at Agen was a sad blow, but her courage bore her up, and she excited the sympathetic applause of the audience. In the midst of the general enthusiasm Jasmin addressed the charming lady in some lines which he had prepared for the occasion. Holding in his hand a bouquet of flow- ers, he said : "Oh well tbey bloom for you! Mothers aud daughters, Throw flowers to her, though moistened with your tears. These flowers receive them, for They bear the incense of our hearts. Daughter of heaveu, oh, sing! your name shiues bright, The earth applauds, aud God will bless you ever." At the conclusion of his poem Jasmin threw his wreath of flowers to the young lady, and in an instant she was covered with flowers by the audience. Mdlle. Roaldes was deeply moved. She had faced a public an- 158 Jasmin. dience for tbe first time; she Lad been received with ap- plause, and from that moment she felt confidence in her performances as well as in her labor of love. The poet, with the singer and harpist, made a tour in the Southern provinces, and the two muses, Poetry and Music, went from town to town, enlivening and enlight- ening the way. Every heart praised the poet for giving his services to his young and beautiful friend. They applauded also the lovely woman who made her harp- chords vibrate with her minstrel's music. The pair went to Montauban, Albi, Toulouse, and Nimes; they were welcomed at Avignon, the city of Petrarch and the popes. Marseilles forgot for a time her harbor and her ships, and listened with rapture to the musician and the poet. At Marseilles, Jasmin felt himself quite at home. In the intervals between the concerts and recitals he made many new friends, as well as visited many old ones. His gay and genial humor, his lively sallies, his brilliant re- citals, brought him friends from every circle. M. Merv, in a political effusion, welcomed the Gascon poet. He was invited to a fete of V Athmee- Ouvrier (the Work- man's Athenaeum) ; after several speeches Jasmin rose and responded : " I am proud," he said, "of finding myself among the members of this society, and of being welcomed by men who are doubly my brethren — by the labor of the hands and by the labor of the head. You have moved me and astonished me, and I have incurred to V Athmee- Ouvrier a poetical debt which my muse can only repay with the most tender recollections." Many pleasant letters passed between Jasmin and Mdlle. De Roaldes. The lady entertained the liveliest gratitude to the poet, who had helped her so nobly in Jasmhi's Tours of Philanthropy. 159 her misfortunes. On the morning after her first success- ful appearance at Agen she addressed to him a letter full of praise and thankfulness. She ended it thus: "Most amiable poet, I adore your heart, and I do homage to your genius." In a future letter she confessed that the rays of the sun were not less welcome than the rays of his genius, and that her music would have been compar- atively worthless but for his poetry. Towards the end of their joint entertainment she again wrote to him: "You have become, my dear poet, my shower of gold, my heaven-sent manna, while you con- tinue your devotion to my personal interests. ... As a poet, I give you all the glory ; as a friend, I owe you the affection of my filial heart, the hopes of a better time, and the consolation of my future days. . . . Let it be remembered that this good deed on your part is due to your heart and will. May it protect you during your life, and make you blest in the life which is to come!" While at Nimes the two poet-artisans met — Reboul the baker and Jasmin the barber. Reboul, who attended the music recitation, went up to Jasmin and cordially embraced him, amid the enthusiastic cheers of three thousand people. Jasmin afterwards visited Reboul at his bakery, where they had a pleasant interview with re- spect to the patois of Provence and Gascony. At the same time, it must be observed that Reboul did not write in patois, but in classical French. Reboul had published a volume of poems which at- tracted the notice and praise of Lamartine and Alexandre Dumas. Perhaps the finest poem in the volume is enti- tled "The Angel and Child." Reboul had lost his wife and child ; he sorrowed greatly at their death, and tliis poem was the result. The idea is simple and beautiful. An angel, noticing a lovely child in its cradle, and deem- 160 Jasmin. ing it too pure for earth, bears its spirit away to heaven. The poem has been admirably translated by Longfellow. Dumas, in Pictures of Travel in the South of France, relates an interview with the baker-poet of Nimes. " What made you a poet ?" asked Dumas. " It was sorrow," replied Reboul — " the loss of a be- loved wife and child. I was in great grief; I sought solitude, and, finding no one who could understand me, poured forth my grief to the Almighty." "Yes," said Dumas, *' I now comprehend your feel- ings. It is thus that true poets become illustrious. How many men of talent only want a great misfortune to become men of genius ! You have told me in a word the secret of your life; I know it now as well as you do." And yet Jasmin, the contemporary of Reboul, had written all his poetry without a sorrow, and amid praise and joyfulness. Chateaubriand, when in the South of France, called upon Reboul. The baker met him at the door. "Are you M. Reboul ?" inquired the author of The Martyrs. " Which, sir — the baker or the poet ?" "The poet, of course." "Then the poet cannot be seen until mid-day. At present the baker is working at the oven." Chateaubriand accordingly retired, but returned at the time appointed, and had a long and interesting conversa- tion with Reboul. While at Montpellier Jasmin received two letters from Madame Lafarge, then in prison. The circumstances connected with her case were much discussed in the jour- nals of the time. She had married at seventeen a M. Lafarge, and found after her marriage that he had de- ceived her as to his property. Ill-feeling arose between Jasmiii's Tours of Philanthropy. 161 the unhappy pair, and eventually she was tried for poi- soning her husband. She was condemned with extenuat- ing circumstances, and imprisoned at Montpellicr in 1839. She declared that she was innocent of the crime imputed to her, and Jasmin's faith in the virtue of womanhood led him to believe her. Her letters to Jasmin were touching. *' Many pens," she said, *' have celebrated your genius ; let mine touch your heart ! Oh, yes, sir, you are good, noble, and generous ! I preserve every word of yours as a dear consolation; I guard each of your promises as a holy hope. Voltaire has saved Galas. Sing for me, sir, and I will bless your memory to the day of my death. I am innocent ! . . . For eight long years I have suffered ; and I am still suffering from the stain upon my honor. I grieve for a sight of the sun, but I still love life. Sing for me." She again wrote to Jasmin, endeavoring to excite his interest by her appreciation of his poems. " The spirit of your work," she said, " vibrates through me in every form. What a pearl of eulogy is * Maltro 1' What a great work is ' L'Abuglo !' In the first of these poems you reach the sublime of love without touching a single chord of passion. What purity, and at the same time what ease and tenderness ! It is not only the fever of the heart ; it is life itself, its religion, its virtue. This poor * Innoucento ' does not live to love ; she loves to live. . . . Iler love diffuses itself like a perfume — like the scent of a flower. ... In writing * Maltro ' your muse becomes virgin and Christian; and to dictate ' L'Abuglo' is a crown of flowers, violets mingled with roses, like Tibullus, Anacreon, and Horace." And again: "Poet, be happy; sing in the language of your mother, of your infancy, of your loves, your sor- 162 Jasmin. rows. The Gascon songs, revived by you, can never be forgotten. Poet, be happy ! The language which you love France will learn to admire and read, and your brother-poets will learn to imitate you. . . . Spirit speaks to spirit; genius speaks to the heart. Sing, poet, sing! Envy jeers in vain ; your muse is French ; better still, it is Christian, and the laurel at the end of your course has two crowns — one for the forehead of the poet, and the other for the heart of the man. Grand actions bring glory ; good deeds bring happiness." Although Jasmin wrote an interesting letter to Ma- dame Lafarge, he did not venture to sing or recite for her relief from prison. She died before him, in 1852. Jasmin's Vmet/ard, — "Martha the Innocent^ 163 CHAPTER XV. JASMIN'S VINEYARD.— "MARTHA THE INNOCENT." Agen, with its narrow and crooked streets, is not alto- gether a pleasant town, excepting, perhaps, the beautiful promenade of the Gravier, where Jasmin lived. Yet the neighborhood of Agen is exceedingly picturesque, espe- cially the wooded crags of the Hermitage and the pretty villas near the convent of the Carmelites. From these lofty sites a splendid view of the neighboring country is to be seen alono: the windinsjs of the Garonne, and far off, towards the south, to the snowy peaks of the Pyrenees. Down beneath the Hermitage and the crags a road winds up the valley towards Verona, once the home of the famous Scaligers.* Near this place Jasmin bought a little vineyard and established his Tivoli. In this pretty spot his muse found pure air, liberty, and privacy. He called the place, like his volume of poems, his " Papill6te," liis " Curl-paper." Here for nearly thirty years he spent some of his pleasantest hours, in exercise, in reflection, and in composition. In commemoration of his occu- pation of the site, he composed his *' Ma Bigno " (My Vineyard), one of the most simple and graceful of his poems. * The elder Scaliger had been banished from Verona, settled near Agen, and gave the villa its name. The tomb of the Scaliger fam- ily in Verona is one of the finest mausoleums ever erected. 164 Jasmin. Jasmin dedicated *' Ma Bigno " to Madame Louis Veill, of Paris. He told her of his purchase of Papillote, a piece of ground which he had long desired to have, and which he had now been able to buy with the money gained by the sale of his poems. He proceeds to describe the place : " In this tiny little vineyard," he says, *' my only cham- ber is a grotto. Nine cherry-trees : such is my wood ! I have six rows of vines, between which I walk and med- itate. The peaches are mine : the hazel-nuts are mine ! I have two elms and two fountains. I am indeed rich ! You may laugh, perhaps, at my happiness ; but I wish you to know that I love the earth and the sky. It is a living picture, sparkling in the sunshine. Come," he said, "and pluck my peaches from the branches; put them between your lovely teeth, whiter than the snow. Press them: from the skin to the almond they melt in the mouth — it is honey !" He next describes what he sees and hears from his grotto : the beautiful flowers, the fruit glowing in the sun, the luscious peaches, the notes of the wood-lark, the zug-zug of the nightingale, the su- perb beauty of the heavens. "They all sing love, and love is always new." He compares Paris, with its grand ladies and its grand opera, with his vineyard and his nightingales. "Paris," he says, "has fine flowers and lawns, but she is too much of the grande dame. She is unhappy, sleepy. Here a thousand hamlets laugh by the river's side. Our skies laugh; everything is happy ; everything lives. From the month of May, when our joyous summer arrives, for six months the heavens resound with music. A thousand nightingales sing all the night through. . . . Your grand opera is silent, while our concert is in its fullest strain." The poem ends with a confession on the part of the Jasmines Vineyard. — '•''Martha the ImiocenV* 165 poet of sundry pilferings cotumittcd by himself in the same place when a boy — of apple-trees broken, hedges forced, and vine-ladders scaled, winding up with the words : " Madame, you see I turn towards the past without a blush ; will you? What I have robbed I return, and re- turn with usury. I have no door to my vineyard ; only two thorns bar its threshold. When through a hole I see the noses of marauders, instead of arming myself with a cane I turn and go away, so that they may come back. He who robbed when he was young may in his old age allow himself to be robbed, too." A most amicable sen- timent, sure to be popular among the rising generation of Agen. " Ma Bigno " is written in graceful and felicitous verse. We have endeavored to give a translation in the appen- dix ; but the rendering of such a work into English is ex- tremely diflScult. The soul will be found wanting; for much of the elegance of the poem consists in the choice of the words. M. de Mazade, editor of the Revue des Deux Mondes, said of " Ma Bigno " that it was one of Jasmin's best works, and that the style and sentiments were equally satisfactory to the poetical mind and taste. M. Rodiere, of Toulouse, in his brief memoir of Jasmin,* says that " it might be thought that so great a work as ' Franconnette ' would have exhausted the poet. When the aloe flowers it rests for nearly a hundred years before it blooms again. But Jasmin had an inexhaustible well of poetry in liis soul. Never, in fact, was he more pro- lific than in the two years which followed the publication of ' Franconnette.' Poetry seemed to flow from him like a fountain, and it came in various forms. His poems • Journal de ToulousCy July 4, 1 840. 166 Jasmin. have no rules and little rhythm, except those which the genius of the poet chooses to give them ; but there is al- ways the most beautiful poetry, perfectly evident by its divine light and its inspired accents." Jasmin, however, did not compose with the rapidity described by his reviewer. He could not throw off a poem at one or many sittings, though he could write an impromptu with ready facility. When he had an elab- orate work in hand, such as " The Blind Girl of Castel- Cuille," "Franconnette," or "Martha the Innocent," ho meditated long over it, and elaborated it with conscien- tious care. He arranged the plan in his mind, and wailed for the best words and expressions in which to elaborate his stanzas, so as most clearly to explain his true mean- ing. Thus " Franconnette " cost him two years' labor. Although he wrote of peasants in peasants' language, he took care to avoid everything gross or vulgar. Not even the most classical poet could have displayed inborn po- liteness — la politesse du cceur — in a higher degree. At the same time, while he expressed passion in many forms, it was always with delicacy, truth, and beauty. Notwithstanding his constant philanthropic journeys, he beguiled his time with the germs of some forthcom- ing poem, ready to be elaborated on his return to Agcn and his vineyard. His second volume of poems was published in 1842, and in a few months it reached its third edition. About twenty thousand copies of his poems had by this time been issued. The sale of these made him comparatively easy in his circumstances; and it was mainly by their profits that he was enabled to buy his little vineyard near Yerona. It may also be mentioned that Jasmin received a fur- ther increase of his means from the Government of Louis Jasmhi^s Vineyard. — ^^ Martha the Innocent,'''^ 167 Philippe. Many of his friends in the South of France were of opinion that his philanthropic labors should be publicly recognized. While Jasmin had made numerous gifts to the poor from the collections made at his recita- tions ; while he had helped to build schools, orphanages, asylums, and even churches, it was thought that some rec- ompense should be awarded to him by the State for his self-sacrificing labors. In 1843 the Duchess of Orleans bad a golden medal struck in his honor ; and M. Dumon, when presenting it to Jasmin, announced that the Minister of Instruction had inscribed his name among the men of letters whoso works the Government was desirous of encouraging, and that consequently a pension had been awarded to him of 1,000 francs per annum. This welcome news was shortly after confirmed by the Minister of Instruction him- self. " I am happy," said M. Yillemain, " to bear witness to the merit of your writings and the originality of your poetry, as well as to the loyalty of your sentiments." The minister was not, however, satisfied with conferring this favor. It was ordered that Jasmin should be made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor at the same time tliat Balzac, Frederick Soulie, and Alfred de Musset were advanced to the same role of honor. The minister, in conveying the insignia to Jasmin, said, " Your actions are equal to your works: you build churches, you succor indigence, you are a powerful benefactor, and your muse is the sister of Charity." These unexpected honors made no difference in the poet's daily life. He shaved and curled hair as before. He lived in the same humble shop on the Gravier. He was not in the least puffed up. His additional income merely enabled him to defray his expenses while on his charitable journeys on behalf of his poorer neighbors. 168 Jasmin. He had no desire to be rich, and he was now more than comfortable in his position in life. When the news arrived at Agen that Jasmin had been made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor his salon was crowded with sympathetic admirers. In the evening a serenade was performed before his door on the Gravier by the Philharmonic Society of x\gen. Indeed, the whole town was filled with joy at the acknowledged celebrity of their poet. A few years later Pope Pius IX. conferred upon Jas- min the honor of Chevalier of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. The insignia of the Order was handed to the poet by Monseigncur de Vezins, Bishop of Agen, in Sep- tember, 1850. Who could have thought that the barber- poet would have been so honored by his King and by the head of his Church ? Jasmin's next important poem after the production of "Franconnette" was " Martha the Innocent" (in Gascon, "Maltro rinnoucento ;" in French, " Marthe la Folic"). It is, like " The Blind Girl," a touching story of disap- pointment in love. Martha was an orphan living at La- fitte, on the banks of the Lot. She was betrothed to a young fellow, but the conscription forbade their union. The conscript was sent to the wars of the first Napoleon, which were then raging. The orphan sold her little cot- tage in the hope of buying him off, or providing him with a substitute. But it was all in vain. He was com- pelled to follow his regiment. She was a good and pious girl, beloved by all. She was also beautiful — tall, fair, and handsome, with eyes of blue — "the blue of heaven," according to Jasmin : " With grace so fine, and air so sweet, She was a lady among peasants." Jasmin's Vineyard. — ^'Martha the Innocent^ 169 The war came to an end for a time. The soldier was discharged and returned home. Martha went out to meet him; but alas! like many other fickle men, he liad met and married another. It was his wife who accompanied him homeward. Martha could not bear the terrible calamity of her blighted love. She became crazy — almost an idiot. She ran away from her home at Lafitte, and wandered about the country. Jasmin, when a boy, had often seen the crazy woman wandering about the streets of Agen with a basket on her arm, begging for bread. Even in her rags she had the remains of beauty. The children ran after her and cried, " Martha, a soldier !" then she ran off and concealed herself. Like other children of his age. Jasmin teased her; and now, after more than thirty years, he proposed to atone for his childish folly by converting her sad story into a still sadder poem. "Martha the Innocent" is a charming poem, full of grace, harmony, and beauty. Jasmin often recited it, and drew tears from many eyes. In the introduction he related his own part in her history. "It all came back upon liim," he said, "and now he recited the story of this martyr of love." * * In the preface to the poem, which was published in 1845, the editor observes: "This little drama begins in 1798, at Lafitte, a pretty market-town on the banks of the Lot, near Clairac, and ends in 1802. When Martha became an idiot she ran away from the town to which she belonged and went to Agen. When seen in the streets of that town she became an object of commiseration to many, but the children pursued her, calling out, * Martha, a sol- dier !' Sometimes she disappeared for two weeks at a time, and the people would then observe, ' Martha has hidden herself ; she must now be very hungry.' More than once Jasmin, in his cljild- hood, pursued Martha with the usual cry of * A soldier !* lie little 8 170 Jasmin, After the completion of "Martha," new triumphs awaited Jasmin in the South of France. In 1846 he again went to Toulouse on a labor of love. He recited his new poem in the Room of the- Illustrious at the Cap- itol. A brilliant assembly was present. Flowers per- fumed the air. The entire audience rose and applauded the poet. The ladies smiled and wept by turns. Jas- min seemed to possess an electric influence. His clear, harmonious, and flexible voice gave emphasis by its rich, sympathetic tones to the artistic elements of his story. The man who thus evoked such rapture from his au- dience was not arrayed in gorgeous costume. He was a little dark-eyed man of the working-class, clothed in a quiet suit of black. At the close of the recitation the assembly, ravished with his performance, threw him a wreath of flowers and laurels — more modest, though not less precious than the golden branch which they had previously conferred upon him. Jasmin thanked them most heartily for their wel- come. " My Muse," he said, " with its glorious branch of gold, little dreamed of gleaning anything more from Toulouse; but Toulouse has again invited me to this day's festival, and I feel more happy than a king, because my poem is enthroned in the midst of the Capitol. Your hands have applauded me throughout, and you have con- cluded by throwing this crown of flowers at my feet." It was then resolved to invite Jasmin to a banquet. Forty ladies, the cream of Toulousian ^ciety, organized the proceedings, and the banquet was given at the pal- thought that at a future time he should make some compensation for his sarcasms by writing the touching poem of ' Martha tlie Inno- cent;' but this merely revealed the goodness of his heart and his exquisite sensibility. Martha died at Agen in 1834." Jasmin'' s Vineyard, — ^^ Martha the Innocent?"* 171 ace of M. de Narbonnc. At the end of the proceedings a young lady stepped forward, and placed upon the poet's head a crown of immortelles and violets joined together by a ribbon with golden threads, on which was inscribed in letters of gold, " Your thoughts are immortal !" Was not this enough to turn any poor poet's head ? The la- dies clapped their hands. What could Jasmin say ? " It is enough," he said, " to make angels jealous !" The din- ner ended with a toast to the author of " Martha," who still wore the crown upon his brow. It is impossible to describe the enthusiasm with which the poet was received all through the South. At Dax, the ladies, for want of crowns of laurels to cover him, tore the flowers and feathers from their bonnets, and threw them at his feet. In another town the ladies rose and invaded the platform where Jasmin stood ; they plucked from his button-hole the ribbon of the Legion of Honor, and divided it among them, as a precious relic of their glorious poet. He was received at Gers and Condon with equal en- thusiasm. At Condon he charmed his audience with his recitations for about five hours. Frenzies of applause greeted him. He was invited to a banquet, where he re- ceived the usual praises. When the banquet was over, and Jasmin escaped, he was met in the street by crowds of people, who wished to grasp him by the liand. He recited to them in the open air his poem on " Charity." They compared Jasmin to O'Connell ; but the barber of Agen, by the power which he exercised for the good of the people, proved himself more than equal to the great- est of agitators. Sainte-Beuve quotes with keen enjoyment* the banter- • Causeries du Lundi, iv. 241 ( edition 1862). 172 Jasmin. ing letter wbicli Jasmin sent to Peyrottes, a Provencal poet, who challenged him to a poetical combat. It was while he was making one of his charitable tours through Languedoc that Jasmin received the following letter (De- cember 24, 1847): " Sir, — I dare, in my temerity, which may look like hardihood, to propose to you a challenge. Will you have the goodness to accept it? In the Middle Ages the Troubadours did not disdain such a challenge as that which, in my audacity, I now propose to you. "I will place myself at your disposal at Montpellier on any day and at any hour that may be most conven- ient to you. We shall name four persons of literary standing to give us three subjects with which we are to deal for twenty-four hours. W^e shall be shut up togeth- er. Sentries will stand at the door. Only our provisions shall pass through. "A son of Herault, I will support the honor and the glory of my country! And as in such circumstances a good object is indispensable, the three subjects given must be printed and sold for the benefit of the Creche of Montpellier." Peyrotte ended his letter with a postscript, in which he said that he would circulate his challenge among the most eminent persons in Montpellier. Jasmin answered this letter as follows: "Sir, — I did not receive your poetical challenge until the day before yesterday, on the point of my departure for home ; but I must tell you that, thougli I have re- ceived it, I cannot accept it. "Do you really propose to my muse, which aims at free air and liberty, to shut myself up in a close room, guarded by sentinels, who could only allow provisions to enter, and there to treat of three given subjects in twen- ty-four hours? Three subjects in twenty -four hours! Jasmines Vineyard. — ^^ Martha the Innocent.^'* 1T3 You frighten me, sir, for the peril in which you place my muse. " I must inform you, in all humility, that I often can- not compose more than two or three lines a day. My five poems, 'L'Aveugle,' 'Mes Souvenirs,' 'Franconnette,' * Martha the Innocent,' and 'Les Deux Jumeaux,' have cost me ten years' work, and they only contain in all but 2,400 verses! ... I cannot write poetry by command. I cannot be a prisoner while I compose. Therefore I decline to enter the lists with you. " The courser who drags his chariot with difficulty, al- beit he may arrive at the goal, cannot contend with the fiery locomotive of the iron railway. The art which pro- duces verses one by one depends upon inspiration, not upon manufacture. Therefore my muse declares itself vanquished in advance; and I authorize you to publish my refusal of your challenge." In a postscript Jasmin added ; " Now that you have made the acquaintance of my muse, I will, in a few words, introduce you to the man: I love glory, but the success of others never troubles my sleep at night 1" " When one finds," said Sainte-Beuve, " this theory of work pushed to such a degree by Jasmin, with whom the spark of inspiration seems always so prompt and natural, what a sad return we have of the poetical wealth dissi- pated by the poets of our day !" Sainte-Beuve summed up his praise of the Gascon poet by insisting that he was invaribly sober in his tone. "I have learned,'* said Jasmin of himself, "that in moments of heat and emotion we may bo eloquent or laconic, alike in speech and action — unconscious poets, in fact ; but I have also learned that it is possible for a poet to become all this voluntarily by dint of patient toil and conscientious labor 1" 174 Jasmin. Jasmin was not the man to rest upon his laurels. Shortly after his visit to Paris in 1842 he began to com- pose his " Martha the Innocent," which we have already briefly described. Two years later he composed " Les Deux Freres Jumeanx" — a story of paternal and moth- erly affection. This was followed by his " Ma Big- no" (My Vineyard) and "La Semaine d'un Fils" (The Week's Work of a Son), which a foot-note tells us is historical, the event having recently occurred in the neigh- borhood of Agen. A short description may be given of this affecting story. The poem is divided into three parts. In the first, a young boy and his sister, Abel and Jeanne, are described as kneeling before a cross in the moonlight, praying to the Virgin to cure their father. "Mother of God, Virgin compassionate, send down thine angel and cure our sick father. Our mother will then be hap- py, and we, Blessed Virgin, will love and praise thee for- ever." The Virgin hears their prayer, and the father is cured. A woman opens the door of a neighboring house and ex- claims, joyously, " Poor little ones, death has departed. The poison of the fever is counteracted, and your father's life is saved. Come, little lambs, and pray to God with me." They all three kneel and pray by the side of the good father Hilaire, formerly a brave soldier, but now a mason's laborer. This ends the first part. The second begins with a description of morning. The sun shines through the glass of the casement mended with paper, yet the morning rays are bright and glori- ous. Little Abel glides into his father's room. He is told that he must go to the house of his preceptor to-day, for he must learn to read and write. Abel is " more pretty than strong ;" he is to be an homme de Jasmin's Vineyard. — "Martha (he InnocenV^ 175 lettres, as his little arms would fail him if he were to handle the rough stones of his father's trade. Father and son embraced each other. For a few days all goes well, but on the fourth, a Sun- day, a command comes from the master-mason that if Hilaire does not return to his work to-morrow his place shall be given to another. This news spreads dismay and consternation among them all. Hilaire declares that he is cured, tries to rise from his bed, but falls prostrate through weakness. It will take a week yet to re-estab- lish his health. The soul of little Abel is stirred. He dries his tears and assumes the air of a man ; he feels some strength in his little arms. He goes out and proceeds to the house of the master-mason. When he returns, he is no longer sorrowful ; " honey was in his mouth, and his eyes were smiling." He said, " My father, rest yourself ; gain strength and courage ; you have the whole week before you. Then you may labor. Some one who loves you will do your work, and you shall still keep your place." Thus ends the second part. The third begins : " Behold our little Abel, who no longer toils at the school-desk, but in the workshop. In the evenings he becomes again a petit monsieur ; and, the better to deceive his father, speaks of books, papers, and writings, and with a wink replies to the inquiring look of his mother {et (Vun din (Toeil repond aux dins des yeux de sa mere). Four days pass thus. On the fifth, Friday, Hilaire, now cured, leaves his house at mid-day. " ' But fatal Friday, God has made thee for sorrow !' " The father goes to the place where the masons are at work. Though the hour for luncheon has not arrived, 176 Jasmin. yet no one is seen on the platforms above; and hon Dieu ! what a crowd of people is seen at the foot of the building ! Master, workmen, neighbors — all are there, in haste and tumult. A workman has fallen from the scaf- fold. It is poor little Abel. Hilaire pressed forward to see his beloved boy lie bleeding on the ground. Abel is dying, but before he expires, he whispers, " Master, I have not been able to finish the work, but for my poor moth- er's sake do not dismiss my father because there is one day short !" The boy died, and was carried home by his sorrowful parent. The place was preserved for Ililaire, and his wages were even doubled. But it was too late. One morning death closed his eyelids ; and the good fa- ther went to take another place — in the tomb by the side of his son. Jasmin dedicated this poem to Lamartine, who an- swered his dedication as follows : "Paris, April 28, 1849. " My dear Brother, — I am proud to read my name in the language which you have made classic ; more proud still of the beautiful verses in which you embalm the rec- ollection of our three months of struggle with the dem- agogues against our true republic. Poets entertain living presentiments of posterity. I accept your omen. Your poem has made us weep. You are the only epic writer of our time, the sensible and pathetic Homer of the peo- ple {proUtaires). Others sing, but you feel. I have seen your son, who has three times sheltered me with his bay- onet — in March and April. He appears to me worthy of your name. Lamartine." Besides the above poems, Jasmin composed " Le Pretre sans Eglise" (The Priest without a Church), which forms Jasmin's Vineyard. — ^^ Martha the Innocent.'''' Ill the subject of the next cbapter. These poems, with oth- er songs and impromptus, were publislied in 1851, form- ing the third volume of his Papillotos. After Jasmin had completed his masterpieces, he again devoted himself to the cause of charity. Before he had merely walked ; now he soared aloft. What he accomplished will be as- certained in the following pages. 8* 178 Jasmin, CHAPTER XVI. THE PRIEST WITHOUT A CHURCH. The Abbe Masson, priest of Vergt in Perigord, found the cLurch in which he oflSciated so decayed and crum- bling that he was obliged to close it. It had long been in a ruinous condition. The walls were cracked, and pieces of plaster and even brick fell down upon the heads of the congregation ; and for their sake, as well as for his own, the Abbe Masson was obliged to discon- tinue the services. At length he resolved to pull down the ruined building and erect another church in its place. Yergt is not a town of any considerable importance. It contains the ruins of a fortress built by the English while this part of France was in their possession. At a later period a bloody battle was fought in the neighbor- hood between the Catholics and the Huguenots. In- deed, the whole of the South of France was for a long period disturbed by the civil war which raged between these sections of Christians. Though both Eoman Cath- olics and Protestants still exist at Vergt they now live together in peace and harmony. Vergt is the chief town of the canton, and contains about 1800 inhabitants. It is a small but picturesque town, the buildings being half concealed by foliage and chestnut-trees. Not far off, by the river Candou, the scenery reminds one of the wooded valley at Bolton Pri- ory in Yorkshire. The Priest loithout a Church. 179 Though the Abbe Masson was a man of power and vigor, he found it very difficult to obtain funds from the inhabitants of the town for tlie purpose of rebuilding his church. Tliere were no Ecclesiastical Commissioners to whom he could appeal, and the people of the neighbor- liood were too limited in their circumstances to help him to any large extent. However, lie said to himself, " Heaven helps those who help themselves;" or, rather, according to the Southern proverb. Qui trahaillo, Thion li haillo (Who is diligent, God helps). The priest began his work with much zeal. He collected what he could in Vergt and the neighbor- hood, and set the builders to work. He hoped that Providence would help him in collecting the rest of the building fund. But the rebuilding of a church is a formidable affair; and perhaps the priest, not being a man of business, did not count the cost of the undertaking. He may have "counted his chickens before they were hatched." Be- fore long the priest's funds again ran short. He had begun the rebuilding in 1840; the work went on for about a year; but in 1841 the builders had to stop their operations, as the Abbe Masson's funds were entirely ex- hausted. What was he to do now ? He suddenly remembered the barber of Agcn, who was always willing to give his friendly help. He had established Mdlle. Roald^s as a musician a few years before; he had helped to build schools, orphanages, asylums, and such like. But he had never helped to build a church. Would he now help iiim to rebuild the church of Vergt? The abbe did not know Jasmin personally, but he went over to Agen, and, through a relative, made his acquaintance. Thus the abbe and the poet came to- 180 Jasmin. gether. After the priest had made an explanation of his position, and of his difficulties in obtaining money for the rebuilding of the church of Vergt, Jasmin at once complied with the request that he would come over and help him. They arranged for a circuit of visits through- out the district — the priest with his address and Jasmin with his poems. Jasmin set out for Vergt in January, 1843. He was received at the border of the canton by a numerous and brilliant escort of cavalry, which accompanied him to the presbytery. He remained there for two days, conferring with the abbe. Then the two set out together for Peri- gueux, the chief city of the province, accompanied on their departure by the members of the municipal coun- cil and the leading men of the town. The first meeting was held in the theatre of Perigueux, which was crowded from floor to ceiling, and many re- mained outside who could not obtain admission. The mayor and municipal councillors were present to wel- come and introduce the poet. On this occasion Jasmin recited, for the first time, "The Ruined Church" (in Gas- con, La Glhjzo Descapelado), composed in one of his happiest moments. Jasmin compared himself to Am- phion, the sweet singer of Greece, who by his musical powers enabled a city to be built ; and now the poet in- voted the citizens of Perigueux to enable the Abbe Mas- son to rebuild his church. His poem was received with enthusiasm and almost with tears of joy at the pleading of Jasmin. There was a shower of silver and gold. The priest was overjoyed at the popularity of his colleague, and also at his purse, which was filled with offerings. While at Perigueux the poet and the priest enjoyed the hospitality of M. August Dupont, to whom Jasmin, in thanks, dedicated a piece of poetry. Other enter- The Priest loithout a Church. 181 tainmcnts followed — matinees and soirees. Jasmin re- cited some of his poems before the professors and stu- dents at the college, and at other places of public instruction. Then came banquets — aristocratic and pop- ular — and, as usual^ a banquet of the hair- dressers. There was quite an ovation in the city while he re- mained there. But other calls awaited Jasmin. He received depu- tations from many of the towns in the department so- liciting his appearance and the recitation of his poems. He had to portion out his time with care, and to ar- range the programme of his visits. When the two pil- grims started on their journey they were frequently in- terrupted by crowds of people, who would not allow Jasmin to pass without reciting some of his poetry. Jasmin and Masson travelled by the post-office car — the cheapest of all conveyances — but at Montignac they were stopped by a crowd of people, and Jasmin had to undergo the same process. Free and hearty, he was al- ways willing to comply with their requests. That day the postman arrived at his destination three hours after his appointed time. It was in the month of February, when darkness comes on 80 quickly, that Jasmin informed the magistrates of Sarlat, whither he was bound, that he would be there by five o'clock. But they waited and waited for him and the priest at the entrance to the town, attended by the clergy, the sub-prefect, the town councillors, and a crowd of people. It was a cold and dreary night. Still no Jasmin ! They waited for three long hours. At last Jasmin appeared on the post-office car. "There ho comes at last !" was the general cry. His arrival was greeted with enthusiastic cheers. It was now quite dark. The poet and the priest entered Sarlat in triumph, 182 Jasmin. amid the glare of torches and the joyful shouts of the multitude. Then came the priest's address, Jasmin's recitations, and the final collection of offerings. It is unnecessary to repeat the scenes, however im- pressive, which occurred during the journey of the poet and the priest. There was the same amount of enthu- siasm at Nontron, Bergerac, and the other towns which they visited. At Nontron, M. A. de Calvimont, the sub- prefect, welcomed Jasmin with the following lines: "To Jiismiu, our grand poet, The painter of humanity ; For him, elect of heaven, life is :i fete Ending in immortality." Jasmin replied to this with some impromptu lines, " To Poetry," dedicated to the sub-prefect. At Bergerac he wrote his " Adieu to Perigord," in which he conveyed his thanks to the inhabitants of the department for the kindness with which they had received him and his com- panion. This, their first journey through Perigord, was brought to a close at the end of February, 1843. The result of this brilliant journey was very success- ful. The purse of the abbe was now sufficiently well filled to enable him to proceed with the rebuilding of the church of Vergt ; and the work was so well ad- vanced that by the 23d of the following month of July it was ready for consecration. A solemn ceremony then took place. Six bishops, including an archbishop, and three hundred priests were present, with more than fif- teen thousand people of all ranks and conditions of life. Never had such a ceremony been seen before — at least in so small a town. The Cardinal Gousset, Archbishop of Rheims, after consecrating the church, turned to Jasmin, and said : The Priest without a Church. 183 "Poet, we cannot avoid the recognition of your self- sacrificing labors in the rebuilding of this church ; and we shall be happy if you will consent to say a few words before we part." " Monseigneur," replied Jasmin, "can yon believe that my muse has labored for fifteen days and fifteen nights that I should interrupt this day of the fete? Vergt keeps fete to-day for religion, but not for poetry, though it welcomes and loves it. The church has six pontiffs ; the poet is only a subdeacon ; but if I must sing my liymn officially it must be elsewhere." The archbishop — a man of intelligence who under- stood the feelings of poets — promised, at the collation which followed the consecration, to give Jasmin the op- portunity of reciting the verses which he had composed for the occasion. The poem was entitled "A Priest with- out a Church " (in Gascon, Lou Prhte sans Gleyzo), dedicated to M. Masson, the cure of Vcrgt. In his verses the poet described the influence of a noble church upon the imagination as well as the religion of the peo- ple. But he said nothing of his own labors in collecting the necessary funds for the rebuilding of the church. The recitation of the poem was received with enthusiasm. Monseigneur Bertaud, who preached in the afternoon on the " Infinity of God," tonchingly referred to the poems of Jasmin, and developed the subject so happily referred to by the poet. "Such examples as his," he said, "such delicate and generous sentiments mingled together, elevate poetry and show its noble origin, so that we cannot listen to him without the gravest emotion."* *Tlie whole of the interview between the Archbishop of Rheims and Jnsmin is given by Sainte-Beuvein Causeries da Lundi\ iv, 250. 184 Jasmin. It was a great day for Vergt, and also a great day for the poet. The consecration of the church amid so large an assemblage of clergy and people occasioned great ex- citement in the South. It was noised abroad in the pub- lic journals, and even in the foreign press. Jasmin's fame became greater than ever ; and his barber's shop at Agen became, as it were, a shrine, where pilgrims, passing through the district, stopped to visit him and praise his almost divine efforts to help the cause of religion and civilization. The local enthusiasm was not, however, without its drawbacks. The success of the curate of Vergt occa- sioned a good deal of jealousy. Why should he be patronized by Jasmin and have his purse filled by his recitations when there were so many other churches to be built and repaired, so many hospitals and schools to found and maintain, so many orphanages to assist, so many poor to relieve, so many good works to be done? Why should not Jasmin, who could coin money with words which cost him nothing, come to the help of the needy and afflicted in the various districts throughout the South ? Thus Jasmin was constantly assailed by deputations. He must leave his razors and his curling-tongs, and go here, tliere, and everywhere to raise money by his reci- tations. The members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul were, as usual, full of many charitable designs. There had been a fire, a flood, an epidemic, a severe winter, a failure of crops, which had thrown hundreds of families into poverty and misery ; and Jasmin must come imme- diately to their succor. " Come, Jasmin ! Come quick, quick 1" He was always willing to give his assistance ; but it was a terrible strain upon his mental as well as his physical powers. The Priest loithout a Church. 185 In ail seasons, at all hours, in cold, in heat, in wind, in rain, he hastened to give his recitations — sometimes of more than two hours' duration, and often twice or thrice in the same day. He hastened, for fear lest the poor should receive their food and firini^ too late. What a picture! Had Jasmin lived in the time of Saint Vincent de Paul the saint would have embraced him a thousand times, and rejoiced to see himself in one way surpassed ; for in pleading for the poor he also lielped the rich by celebrating the great deeds of their ancestors, as he did at Beziers, Riquct, Albi, Lafeyrouse, and other places. The spectacle which he presented was so extraor- dinary that all France was struck with admiration at the qualities of this noble barber of Agen. On one occasion Jasmin was requested by a curate to come to his help and reconcile him with his parishioners. Jasmin succeeded in performing the miracle. It hap- pened that in 1846 the curate of Saint-Leger, near Penne, in the Tarn, had caused a ball-room to be closed. This gave great offence to the young people, who desired the ball-room to be opened that they might have their fill of dancing. They left his church, and declared that they would have nothing further to do with him. To recon- cile the malcontents the curate promised to let them hear Jasmin. Accordingly, one Sunday afternoon the inhabit- ants of four parishes assembled in a beautiful wood to listen to Jasmin. He recited his "Charity" and some other of his serious poems. When he had finished, the voung people of Saint-L6ger embraced first the poet and then the curate. The reconciliation was complete. To return to the church at Vergt. Jasmin was a poet, not an architect. The Abb6 Masson knew nothing about stone or mortar. He was merely anxious to have his church rebuilt and consecrated as soon as possible. 186 Jasmin. That had been done in 1843. But in the course of a few years it was found that the church had been very badly built. The lime was bad, and the carpentry was bad. The consequence was that the main walls of the church bulged out, and the shoddy building had to be supported by outside abutments. In course of time it became clear that the work, for the most part, had to be done over again. In 1847 the abbe again appealed to Jasmin. This new task was more difficult than the first, for it was necessary to appeal to a larger circle of contributors ; not confining themselves to Perigord only, but taking a wider range throughout the South of France. The priest made the necessary arrangements for the joint tour. They would first take the northern districts — Angouleme, Limoges, Tulle, and Brives — and then pro- ceed towards the south. The pair started at the beginning of May, and began their usual recitations and addresses, such as had been given during the first journey in Perigord. They were received with the usual enthusiasm. Prefects, bishops, and municipal bodies vied with each other in receiving and entertaining them. At Angouleme, the queen of southern cities. Jasmin was presented with a crown of immortelles and a snuffbox, on which was engraved : "Esteem — Love — Admiration! To Jasmin, the most sublime of poets ! From the youth of Angouleme, who have had the happiness of seeing and hearing him !" The poet and priest travelled by night as well as by day in order to economize time. After their tour in the northern towns and cities they returned to Vergt for rest. They entered the town under a triumphal arch, and were escorted by a numerous cavalcade. Before they retired to the priest's house the leading men of the l^he Priest without a Church. 187 commune, in the name of the citizens, complimented Jas- min for his cordial help towards the rebuildinir of the church. After two days of needful rest Jasmin set out for Bor- deaux, the city whose inhabitants had first encouraged him by their applause, and for which he continued to en- tertain a cordial feeling to the last days of his life. His mission on this occasion was to assist in the inauguration of a creche, founded and supported by the charitable contributions of the friends of poor children. It is not necessary to mention the enthusiasm with which he was received. The farther progress of the poet and the priest, in search of contributions for rebuilding the church, was rudely interrupted by the revolution which broke out at Paris, in 1848. His Majesty Louis Philippe abdicated the throne of France on February 24th rather than come into armed collision with his subjects, and two days after the Republic was officially proclaimed at the Hotel dc Ville. Louis Philippe and his family took refuge in England — the usual retreat of persecuted Frenchmen ; and nine months later Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, who had also been a refugee in England, returned to France, and on December 20th was proclaimed President of the French Republic. Jasmin and Masson accordingly suspended their tour. No one would listen to poetical recitations in the midst of political revolutions. Freedom and tranquillity were nec- essary for the contemplation of ideas very different from local and national squabbles. The poet and priest ac- cordingly bade adieu to each other; and it was not until two years later that they were able to recommence their united journeys through the South of France. The proclamation of the Republic and the forthcom- 188 Jasmin. ing elections brought many new men to the front. Even poets made their appearance. Lamartine, who had been a deputy, was a leader in the revolution, and for a time was minister for foreign affairs. Victor Hugo, a still greater poet, took a special interest in the politics of the time, though he was fined and imprisoned for condemn- ing capital punishment. Even Reboul, the poet-baker of Niraes, deserted his muse and his kneading-trough to solicit the suffrages of his fellow-citizens. Jasmin was wiser. He was more popular in his neighborhood than Reboul, though he cared little about politics. He would neither be a deputy, nor a municipal councillor, nor an agent for elections. He preferred to influence his coun- try by spreading the seeds of domestic and social virtues ; and he was satisfied with his position in Agen as poet and hair-dresser. Nevertheless, a deputation of his townsmen waited upon Jasmin to request him to allow his name to appear as a candidate for their suffrages. The delegates did not find him at his shop. He was at his vineyard ; and there the deputation found him tranquilly seated under a cherry- tree shelling pease ! He listened to them with his usual courtesy, and when one of the committee pressed, him for an answer, and wished to know if he was not a good Republican, he said, "Really, I care nothing for the Republic. I am one of those who would have saved the constitutional monarchy by enabling it to carry out further reforms. . . . But," he continued, " look to the past; was it not a loss to destroy the constitutional mon- archy ? But now we must march forward, that we may all be united again under the same flag. The welfare of France should reign in all our thoughts and evoke our most ardent sympathy. Choose among our citizens a strong and wise man. . . . Tf the Republic is to live in Tfie Priest without a Church. 189 France, it must be great, strong, and good for all classes of the people. Maintaining the predominance of the law will be its security ; and in preserving law it will strengthen our liberties." In conclusion, Jasmin cordially thanked his fellow-citi- zens for the honor they proposed to confer upon him, al- though he could not accept it. The affairs of the State, he said, were in a very confused condition, and he could not protend to unravel them. He then took leave of the deputation, and quietly proceeded to complete his task — the shelling of his pease ! 190 Jasmin, CHAPTER XVII. THE CHURCH OF VERGT AGAIN.— FRENCH ACADEMY.— EMPEROR AND EMPRESS. When the political turmoils in France had for a time subsided, Jasmin and the Abbe Masson recommenced their journeys in the South for the collection of funds for the church at Vergt. They had already made two pilgrimages — the first through Perigord, the second to Angouleme, Limoges, Tulle, and Brives. The third was begun early in 1850, and included the department of the Landes, the higher and lower Pyrenees, and other districts in the South of France. At Bagneres de Bigorre and at Bagneres de Luchon the receipts were divided between the church at Vergt and that at Luchon. The public hospitals and the benevolent societies frequently shared in the receipts. There seemed to be no limits to the poet's zeal in labor- ing for those who were in want of funds. Independent of his recitations for the benefit of the church at Vergt, he often turned aside to one place or another where the poor were in the greatest need of assistance. On one occasion he went to Arcachon. He started early in the morning by the steamer from Agen to Bor- deaux, intending to proceed by railway (a five hour's journey) from Bordeaux to Arcachon. But the steamers on the Garonne were then very irregular, and Jasmin did not reach Bordeaux until six hours later than the ap- The Church ofVergt again. 191 poitited time. In the mean while a laro^e assembly had met iu the largest room in Arcachon. They waited and waited ; but no Jasmin 1 The Abbe Masson became em- barrassed; but at length he gave his address, and the receipts were 800 francs. The meeting dispersed, very much disappointed because no Jasmin had appeared, and they missed his recitations. At midnight the cure re- turned to Bordeaux, and there he found Jasmin, just arrived from Agen by the boat, which had been six hours late. He was in great dismay ; but he afterwards made up for the disappointment by reciting to the peo- ple of Arcachon. The same thing Iiappened at Biarritz. A large assem- bly had met, and everything was ready for Jasmin. But there was no Jasmin ! The omnibus from Bayonne did not bring him. It turned out that at the moment of setting out he was seized with a sudden loss of voice. As in the case of Arcachon, the cure had to do without him. The result of his address was a collection of 700 francs. The Abbe Masson was a liberal-minded man. When Jasmin urged him to help others more needy than him- self, he was always ready to comply with his request. When at Narbonne, in the department of Aude, a poor troupe of comedians found themselves in difficulties. It was winter- time, and the weather was very cold. The public could not bear their canvas-covered shed, and de- serted the entertainment. Meanwhile the artistes were famished. Knowing the generosity of Jasmin, they asked him to recite at one of their representations. He com- plied with their request; the place was crowded; and Jasmin's recitations were received with the usual enthu- siasm. It had been arranged that half the proceeds should go to the church at Vergt and the other half to 192 Jasmin, the comedians. But when the entire troupe presented themselves to the abbe and offered him the full half, he said: "No! no! keep it all. You want it more than I do. Besides, I can always fall back upon my dear poet !" A fourth pilgrimage of the priest and poet was after- wards made to the towns of Rodez, Villefranche-d'Avey- ron, Cahors, Figeac, Gourdon, and Sarlat; and the pro- ceeds of these excursions, added to a subvention of 5000 francs from the Government, enabled the church of Vergt to be completed. In 1852 the steeple was built, and appropriately named "Jasmin's Bell-tower" {Clocher Jas- min). But it was still without bells, for which a subse- quent pilgrimage was made by Jasmin and Masson. To return to the honors paid to Jasmin for his works of benevolence and charity. What was worth more to him than the numerous golden laurels which had been bestowed upon him was his recognition by the highest and noblest of institutions, the Academy of France. Al- though one of the objects of its members was to pre- serve the French language in its highest purity, they were found ready to crown a poet who wrote his poems in the patois of the South. There were, however, several adverse criticisms on the proposed decision of the Academy ; though poetry may be written in every tongue, and is quite independent of the language or patois in which it is conveyed. Indeed, several members of the Academy — such as MM. Thiers, De Remusat, Viennet, and Flourens — came from the meridional districts of France, and thoroughly under- stood the language of Jasmin. They saw in him two men — the poet and the benefactor of humanity. This consideration completely overruled the criticisms of the minority. Jasmin had once before appeared at The French Academy. 193 M. Thierry's before the best men of the Academy ; and now the whole of the Academy, notwithstanding his patois, approached and honored the man of good deeds. Jasmin owed to M. Villeraain one of the most brilliant panegyrics which he Iiad ever received. The Academy desired to award a special prize in accordance with the testamentary bequest of M. de Montyon * — his last debt to art and morality ; a talent that employs itself in doing good under a form the most brilliant and popular. This talent, he continued, is that of the true poet; and Jas- min, during his pure and modest life, had employed his art for the benefit of morality with a noble, lielpful influ- ence, while nothing detracted from the dignity of his name. Like the Scottish poet Burns, Jasmin had by his dialect and his poetical talents enriched the literature of his country. Jasmin, the hair-dresser of Agen, the poet of the South, who drew crowds to hear the sound of his voice — who even embellished the festivals of the rich, but wlio still more assisted in the pleasures of the poor — who spent his time in endowing charitable establishments — who helped to build churches, schools, and orphanages — Jasmin, the glory of his commune as well as of the South of France, deserved to be adopted by all France and publicly acknowledged by the Academy. Tacitus had said that renown is not always deserved; it chooses its due time — "iVb» semper erratfama^ aliquan- do eligii^'' (Fame is not always mistaken ; she sometimes The Baron de Montyon bequeathed a large sura to the Acad6- mie Fran9aise, the Acad6raie dcs Science?, and the Facuit6 de Mddecine, for the purpose of being awarded in prizes to men of invention and discovery, or for any literary work likely to be use- ful to society, and to rewarding acts of virtue among the poor. Jasmin was certainly entitled to a share in this benevolent fund. 194 Jasmin. chooses the right). We have proof of it to-day. The enthusiastic approbation of the great provinces of France for a popular poet cannot be a surprise. They single out the last, and, I may add, the greatest poet of the Trou- badours ! M. Villemain proceeded to comment upon the poet- ical works of Jasmin — especially his "Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille," his " Franconnette," and the noble works he had done for the poor and the suffering; his self- sacrificing labors for the building of schools, orphanages, and churches. "Everywhere," he said, "his elevated and generous sou'l has labored for the benefit of the world about him ; and now he would, by the aid of the Acade- my, embellish his coronet with a privileged donation to the poet and philanthropist." He concluded by saying that the especial prize for literary morality and virtuous actions would be awarded to him, and that a gold medal would be struck in his honor with the inscription : ^^Au Jasmin Poete moral et populaire P'' • M. Ancelo communicated to Jasmin tlie decision of the Academy. " I have great pleasure," he said, " in transmitting to you the genuine sympathy, the sincere admiration, and the unanimous esteem which your name and your works have evoked at this meeting of the Acad- emy. The legitimate applause which you everywhere receive in your beautiful country finds its echo on this side of the Loire ; and if the spontaneous adoption of you by the French Academy adds nothing to your glory, it will at least serve to enhance our own." The prize unanimously awarded to Jasmin on August 19, 1852, was 3000 francs, which was made up to 5000 by the number of copies of the Paj9«7/6^os purchased by the Academy for distribution among the members. Jas- min devoted part of the money to repairing his little The French Academy, 195 house on the Gravier, and the rest was ready for his fut- ure charitable missions. On receiving the intimation of the prizes awarded to him he made another journey to Paris to pay his respects to his devoted friends of the Academy. He was received with welcome by the most eminent persons in the me- tropolis. He was feted as usual. At the salon of the Mar- quis de Barthelemy he met the Due de Levis, the Due des Cars, MM. Berry er, de Salvandy, de Vatismenil, Hyde de Neuville, and other distinguished noblemen and gentlemen. Monsigneur Sibour, Archbishop of Paris, was desirous of seeing and hearing this remarkable poet of the South. The archbishop invited him to his palace for the purpose of hearing a recitation of his poems ; and there he met the pope's nuncio, several bishops, and the principal members of the Parisian clergy. After the recitation the archbishop presented Jasmin with a golden branch with this device: "To Jasmin ! the greatest of the Trou- badours, past, present, or to come." The chief authors of Paris, the journalists, and the artists, had a special meeting in honor of Jasmin. A banquet was organized by the journalists of the Deux Mondes, at the instance of Meissonier, Lireux, Lalandellc, C. Reynaud, L. Pichat, and others. M. Jules Janin pre- sided, and complimented Jasmin in the name of the Parisian press. The people of Agen, resident in Paris, also gave him a banquet, at which Jasmin recited a poem composed for the occasion. One of his evenings was spent at the house of Madame la Marquise de Barthelemy. An interesting account of the soir6e Is given by a correspondent of Chambers* Edinburgh Journal^ who was present on the occasion.* • Chambers' Edinburgh Jotutial, July, 1863. 196 Jasmin. The salous of Madame la Marquise were filled to over- flowing. Many of the old nobility of France were pres- ent. " It was a St. Germain's night," as she herself ex- pressed it. High-sounding names were there — much in- tellect and beauty ; all were assembled to do honor to the coiffeur from the banks of the Garonne. France honors intellect, no matter to what class of society it belongs; it is an affectionate kind of social democracy. Indeed, among many virtues in French society none is so delightful, none so cheering, none so mutually im- proving, and none more Christian than the kindly inter- course, almost the equality, of all ranks of society, and the comparatively small importance attached to wealth or condition wherever there is intellect and power. At half- past nine Jasmin made his appearance — a short, stout, dark-haired man, with large bright eyes, and a mobile, animated face, his button-hole decorated with the red ribbon of the Legion of Honor. He made his way through the richly -attired ladies, sparkling with jewels, to a small table at the upper end of the salon, whereon were books, his own Carl-papers, two candles, a carafe of fresh water, and a vase of flowers. The ladies arranged themselves in a series of brilliant semicircles before him. The men blocked up the door- way, peering over each other's shoulders. Jasmin waved his hand like the leader of an orchestra, and a general silence sealed all the fresh, noisy lips. One haughty little brunette, not long emancipated from her convent, giggled audibly ; but Jasmin's eye transfixed her, and the poor child sat thereafter rebuked and dumb. The hero of the evening again waved his hands, tossed back his hair, struck an attitude, and began his poem. The first he recited was " The Priest without a Church " (Lou, Freste sans Gleyzo). He pleaded for the church as if it The French Academy, 197 were about to be built. He clasped his hands, looked up to heaven, and tears were in his eyes. Some sought for the silver and gold in their purses; but no collection was made, as the church had already been built and was free of debt. After an interval he recited "La Semaine d'un Fils;" and he recited it very beautifully. There were some men who wept; and many women who exclaimed, "Char- raant! Tout-a-fait charmant !" but who did not weep. Jasmin next recited " Ma Bigno," which has been already described. The contributor to Chambers' Journal pro- ceeds: "It was all very amusing to a proud, stiff, re- served Britisher like myself to sec how gray-headed men with stars and ribbons could cry at Jasmin's reading; and how Jasmin, himself a man, could sob and wipe his eyes, and weep so violently, and display such excessive emotion. This surpassed my understanding — probably clouded by the chill atmosphere of the fogs in which ev- ery Frenchmen believes we live. . . . After the recitations had concluded Jasmin's social ovation began. Ladies surrounded him, and men admired him. A ring was pre- sented, and a pretty speech spoken by a pretty mouth ac- companied the presentation ; and the man of the people was flattered out of all proportion by the brave, haughty old noblesse. "To do Jasmin justice, although naturally enough spoiled by the absurd amount of adulation he has met with, he has not been made cold-hearted or worldly. He is vain, but true and loyal to his class. He does not seek to disguise or belie his profession. In fact, he always dwells upon his past more or less, and never misses an opportunity of reminding his audience that he is but a plebeian, after all. " lie wears a white apron, and shaves and frizzes hair 198 Jasmin. to this day when at Agen ; and though a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, member of Academies and Insti- tutes without number, feted, praised, flattered beyond anything we can imagine in England, crowned by the King and the then heir to the throne with gilt and silver crowns, decked with flowers and oak-leaves, and all con- ceivable species of coronets, he does not ape the gentle- man, but clips, curls, and chatters as simply as heretofore, and as professionally. There is no little merit in this steady attachment to his native place, and no little good sense in this adherence to his old profession. ... It is far manlier and nobler than that weak form of vanity shown in a slavish imitation of the great, and a cowardly shame of one's native condition. " Without going so far as his eulogistic admirers in the press, yet we honor in him a true poet and a true man, brave, affectionate, mobile, loving, whose very faults are all amiable, and whose vanity takes the form of nature. And if we of the cold North can scarcely comprehend the childish passionateness and emotional unreserve of the more sensitive South, at least we can profoundly respect the good common to us all — the good which lies under- neath that many-colored robe of manners which changes with every hamlet ; the good which speaks from heart to heart, and quickens the pulses of the blood ; the good which binds us all as brothers, and makes but one family of universal man ; and this good we lovingly recognize in Jasmin ; and while rallying him for his foibles, respect- fully love him for liis virtues, and tender him a hand of sympathy and admiration as a fine poet, a good citizen, and a true-hearted man." Before leaving Paris it was necessary for Jasmin to acknowledge his gratitude to the French Academy. The members had done him much honor by the gold medal The French Academy. 199 and the handsome donation they had awarded him. On August 24, 1852, he addressed the Forty of the Academy in a poem which he entitled "Langue Frangaise, Langue Gasconne," or, as he styled it in Gascon, " Lengo Gas- couno, Lengo Francezo." In tliis poem, which was dec- orated with the most fragrant flowers of poetry with which he could clothe his words, Jasmin endeavored to disclose the characteristics of the two languages. At the beginning, he said: "O my birth-place, what a concert delights my earl Nightingales, sing aloud; bees, hum together; Garonne, make music on your pure and laugh- ing stream ; the elms of Gravier, tower above me ; not for glory, but for gladness." * After the recitation of the poem M. Laurentie said that it abounded in patriotic sentiments and fine appre- ciation, to say nothing of the charming style of the falling strophes, at intervals, in their sonorous and lyrical refrain. M. Villemain added his acclamation. " In truth," said he, *' once more our Academy is indebted to Jasmin !" The poet, though delighted by these ovations, declared that it was he who was indebted to the members of the Academy, not they to him. M. de Salvandy reassured him : " Do not trouble yourself. Jasmin ; you have accomplished everything we could have wished ; you have given us ten for one, and still we are your debtors." After Jasmin had paid his compliments to the French Academy he was about to set out for Agen — being fa- tigued and almost broken down by his numerous enter- * The following are the Gascon words of this part of the poem : " raoun brfea, d'un councfer festejo moun aoureillo I Rouseignol, canto fort ! brounzino fort, Abeillo ! Gardno, fay soiina toiin flot rizen et pur ; De3 ourmcs del Grabb floiireji la cabeillo, Non de Klorio . . . mais de bounlmr !" 200 Jasmin. tainments in Paris — when he was invited by General Fleury to visit the President of the French Republic at Saint-Cloud. This interview did not please him so much as the gracious reception which he had received in the same palace some years before from Louis Philippe and the Duchess of Orleans; yet Jasmin was a man who re- spected the law, and as France had elected Louis Napo- leon as President he was not unwilling to render him his homage. Jasmin had already seen the President when passing through Agen a few years before, on his visit to Bordeaux^ Toulouse, and Toulon ; but they had no personal inter- view. M. Edmond Texier, however, visited Jasmin, and asked him whether he had not composed a hymn for the fete of the day. No; he had composed nothing; yet he had voted for Louis Napoleon, believing him to be the savior of France. " But," said M. Texier, " if the prince appeals to you, you will eulogize him in a poem ?" "Cer- tainly," replied Jasmin, " and this is what I would say : 'Sir, in the name of our country, restore to us our noble friend M. Baze. He was your adversary, but he is now conquered, disarmed, and most unhappy. Restore him to his mother, now eighty years old ; to his weeping family; and to all his household, who deplore his absence ; restore him also to our townsmen, who love and honor him, and bear no hostility towards the President. His recall will be an admirable political act, and will give our country more happiness than the highest act of benevolence.' " This conversation between Jasmin and Texier immedi- ately appeared in the columns of the Steele, accompanied with a stirring sympathetic article by the editor. It may be mentioned that M. Baze was one of Jasmin's best friends. He had introduced the poet to the public, and written the charming preface to the first volume of the Emperor cmd Empress. 201 FapiliotoSy issued in 1835. M. Baze was an advocate of the Royal Court of Agen — a man of fine character and a true patriot. He was mayor of Agen, commander of the National Guard, and afterwards member of the Legislative Assembly and the Senate. But he was op- posed to Prince Louis Napoleon, and was one of the authors of the motion entitled de Questeurs. He was arrested on tlie night of December 2, 1851, imprisoned for a month in the Mazas, and then expelled from the territory of France. During his exile he practised at Liege as an advocate. Jasmin again went to Paris in May, 1853, and this time on his mission of mercy. The editor of the Siecle an- nounced his arrival. He was again feted, and the salons rejoiced in his recitations. After a few days he was in- vited to Saint-Cloud. Louis Napoleon was now Emperor of France, and the Empress Eugenie sat by his side. The appearance of Jasmin was welcomed, and he was soon made thoroughly at ease by the Emperor's interesting conversation. A company had been assembled, and Jas- min was requested to recite some of his poems. As usual, he evoked smiles and tears by turns. When the audience were in one of their fits of weeping, and Jasmin had fin- ished his declamation, the Emperor exclaimed, " Why, poet, this is a genuine display of handkerchiefs" {Mais, poetCj c'est un veritable scene de mouchoirs). Jasmin seized this moment for revealing to the Em- peror the desire which he had long entertained for recall- ing from exile his dear friend M. Baze. He had prepared a charming piece of verse addressed to the Empress Eu- genie, requesting his return to France through the grand door of honor. "Restore him to us," he said; "Agen cries aloud. The young Empress, as good as beautiful, beloved of Heaven, will pray with her sympathetic soul, 9* 202 Jasmin. and save two children and an unhappy mother — she wlio will be soon blessed as a happy mother herself." * Jas- min concluded his poem with the following words in Gascon: "Esperi! Lou angels nou se troumpon jamay!" The result of this appeal to the Empress was that Jas- min's prayer was immediately granted by the Emperor. M. Baze returned to France at once, without any condi- tions whatever. The parents of the quondam exile wrote to Jasmin, thanking him most cordially for his exertions in their favor. Four days after the soiree at Saint-Cloud the Prefect of the Indre-et-Loire, head of the Baze family, wrote to Jasmin, saying : " Your muse is accustomed to triumphs, but this one ought to rejoice your heart, and should yield you more honor than all the others. For my part, I feel myself under the necessity of thanking you cordially for your beautiful and noble action ; and in saying so I interpret the sentiments of the whole fami- ly." Madame Baze addressed the Emperor in a letter of grateful thanks, which she wrote at the dictation of Jasmin. The Siecle also gave an account of Jasmin's interview with the Emperor and Empress at Saint-Cloud, and the Avhole proceeding redounded to the honor of the Gascon poet. Jasmin had been made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor at the same time as Balzac, Frederick Soulie, and Alfred de Musset. The minister bore witness to the worth of Jasmin, notwithstanding the rusticity of his id- iom ; and he was classed among the men who did honor to French literature. He was considered great, not only * The editor of Vol. IV. of Jasmin's poems (1863) gives this note: "In this circumstance Jasmin has realized the foresight which the ancients aiforded to their poets, of predicting, two years in advance, the birth of the Prince Imperial." The Church of Vergt again, 203 in his poems, but in liis benevolent works : *' You build churches; you help indigence; you possess the talent of a powerful benefactor; and your muse is the sister of Charity." When the news of the honors conferred upon Jasmin reached Agen the people were most sympathetic in their demonstrations. The shop of the barber-poet was crowded with visitors, and when he himself reached the town he was received with the greatest enthusiasm. The Philhar- monic Society again treated him to a serenade, and the whole town was full of joy at the honor done to their beloved poet. To return to the church of Vergt, which was not yet entirely finished. A bell -tower had been erected, but what was a bell-tower without bells? There was a little tinkling affair which could scarcely be heard in the church, still less in the neighborhood. With his constant trust in Providence, the abbe did not hesitate to buy a clock and order two large bells. The expense of both amounted to VOOO francs. How was this to be paid? His funds were entirely exhausted. The priest first applied to the inhabitants of Vergt, but they could not raise half the necessary funds. There was Jasmin ! He was the only person that could enable the abbe to defray his debt. Accordingly, another appeal was made to the public outside of Vergt. The poet and the priest set out on their fifth and last pilgrimage; and this time they went as far as Lyons — a city which Jasmin had never seen before. There he found himself face to face with an immense audience, who knew next to nothing of his Gas- con patois. He was afraid of his success; but, unwilling to retreat, he resolved, he said, " to create a squadron in reserve;" that is, after reciting some of the old inspira- tions of his youth, to give tliem his " H^lene," or " Love 204 Jasmin. and Poetry," in modern classical French. The result, we need scarcely say, was eminently successful, and the abbe was doubly grateful in having added so many more thou- sand francs to his purse. During this journey another priest, the Abbe Cabanel, united his forces with those of Jasmin and Masson. This abbe was curate of Port de Sainte-Foi-la-Grande. He had endeavored to erect in his parish a public school under the charge of religious teachers. He now pro- posed to partake of the profits of the recitations for the purpose of helping his project ; and Jasmin and Masson willingly complied with his request. They accordingly appeared at the town of Sainte-Foi, and the result was another excellent collection. After visiting other towns sufficient subscriptions were collected to enable the abbe to pay off his debts. The clock and bells were christened by Monseigneur de San- galerie, who had himself been a curate of the parish of Vergt; and the bells were inscribed with the name of Jasmin, the chief founder and rebuilder of the church. The bells were the last addition to Jasmin's bell-tower, but the final result was reached long after the beginning of the rebuilding of the church. Jasmin Enrolled Mattre-hs-jeux at Toulouse. 205 CHAPTER XVIII. JASMIN ENROLLED MAITRE-ES-JEUX AT TOULOUSE.- CROWNED BY AGEN. Shortly after the return of Jasmin from Paris, where he had the honor of an interview with the Emperor and Empress, as well as with the members of the French Academy, he was invited to Toulouse for the purpose of being enrolled as Maitre-es-jcux in the Academy of Jeux Floreaux. Toulouse is known as the City of Literary Fetes, and the reception of Jasmin as Maitre-es-jeux will long exist as a permanent record in her annals. The Academy of Jeux Floreaux had no prize of 5000 francs to bestow, nor any crowns, nor any golden laurels. She hides her pov- erty under her flowers, and although she would willingly have given all her flowers to Jasmin, yet her rules pre- vented her. She called Jasmin to her bosom, and gave him the heartiest of welcomes. But the honor was there — the honor of being invited to join a brotherhood of illustrious men. The title of Maitre-es-jeux is a rare distinction, awarded only to the highest celebrities. The ceremony of install- ing Jasmin took place on February 6, 1854. The great Salles des Ulustres was crowded long before he made his appearance, while the Place de Capitol was filled with a vast number of his admirers. The archbishop, the pre- fect, the mayor, the magistrates, and the principal citizens 206 Jasmin. of Toulouse were present, with the most beautiful women in the city. Many of the Southern bishops were pres- ent, having desired to enjoy the pleasure of assisting at the ceremony. After an address of congratulation, Jasmin was enrolled among the members, and presented with his diploma of Maitre-es-jeux. Though it was only a piece of parch- ment, he considered it the rarest of distinctions. It con- nected the poet, through five centuries, with the last of the Troubadours, whose language he had so splendidly revived. Jasmin valued his bit of parchment more high- ly than all the other gifts he had received. In answer to }jis enrollment, he said : "I have now enough! I want no morel All things smile upon me. My Muse went proudly from the Forty of Toulouse to the Forty of Paris. She is more than proud to-day, she is completely happy ; for she sees my name, which Isaure blessed, come from the Forty of Paris to the Forty of Toulouse." After his enrollment the poet -barber left the salon. A large crowd had assembled in the court, under the peristyle, in the Place of the Capitol. Every head was uncovered as he passed through their ranks, and those who accom.panied liira to his lodging called out, " Vive Jasmin ! Vive Jasmin !" Never had such a scene been witnessed before. Although Jasmin had declared to the Academy of Jeux Floreaux that he wanted nothing more than the diploma they had given him, yet another triumph was waiting him. The citizens of Agen capped all the pre- vious honors of the poet. They awarded him a crown of gold, which must have been the greatest recompense of all. They had known him during almost his entire life — the son of a hump-backed tailor and a crippled Crowned by Agen. 207 mother, of poor but honest people, whose means had been helped by the grandfather, Boe, who begged from door to door, the old man who closed his eyes in the hospital, " where all the Jasmins die!" They had known him by his boyish tricks, his expul- sion from the academy, his setting up as a barber, his happy marriage, and his laborious progress, until the "shower of silver" came running into his shop. "Pan de labouro, pan de salouro" (no work, no bread). Though born in the lowest condition of life, he had, by the help of his wife, and by his own energy and perseverance, raised himself to the highest position as a man of char- acter. Before he reached the age of thirty* he began to show evidences of his genius as a poet. But still more important were his works of charity, which endeared him to the people through the South of France. It was right and reasonable that his fellow-citizens should desire to take part in the honors conferred upon their beloved poet, lie had already experienced their profound sym- pathy during liis self-sacrificing work, but they now wished to testify their public admiration, and to proclaim the fact by some offering of intrinsic value. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul — whom he had 80 often helped in their charitable labors — first started the idea. They knew what Jasmin had done to found * There is a Gascon proverb which says : "Qu'A vingt ans nouns po, Qu'ft trent ans noun sa, Qu'a cranio noun er, Qu'A cincanto se paouso pa, Sabe pa que pot esper." "Who at twenty does nothhig; who at thirty knows nothing; who at forty has nothing ; who at fifty changes nothing ; for him there is no hope." 208 Jasmin. schools, orphanages, and creches. Indeed, this was their own mission, and no one had labored so willingly as he had done to help them in their noble work. The idea thus started by the society immediately attracted public attention, and was received with universal approval. A committee was formed, consisting of De Bouy, mayor; H. Noubel, deputy; Aunac, banker; Canon Deyche, arch - priest of the cathedral; Dufort, imperial councillor ; Guizot, receiver - general ; Labat, advocate- general ; Maysonnade, president of the conference of Saint Vincent de Paul ; Couturier, the engineer, and other gentlemen. A subscription was at once opened, and more than four thousand persons answered the ap- peal. When the subscriptions were collected they were found so great in amount that the committee resolved to present Jasmin with a crown of gold. Five hundred years before Petrarch had been crowned at Rome in the name of Italy, and now Jasmin was to be crowned at Agen, in the name of Meridional France. To crown a man who during his lifetime had been engaged in the trade of barber and hair-dresser seemed something ex- traordinary and unique. To the cold-blooded people of the North there might appear something theatrical in such a demonstration, but it was quite in keeping with the warm-hearted children of the South. The construction of the crown was intrusted to MM. Fannieres, of Paris, the best workers of gold in France. They put their best art and skill into the crown. It con- sisted of two branches of laurel in dead gold, large and knotted behind, like the crowns of the Caesars and the poets, with a ruby, artistically arranged, containing the simple device : " La Ville dfAgen a Jasmin.'''' The pen- dants of the laurel, in dead silver, were mixed with the Crowned by Agen, 209 foliage. The style of the work was severe and pure, and the effect of the chef-d'oeuvre was admirable. The public meeting at which the golden crown was presented to Jasmin w,as held on November 27, 1856, in the large hall of the Great Seminary. Gilt banners were hung round the walls, containing the titles of Jasmin's principal poems, while the platform was splendidly dec- orated with emblems and festoons of flowers. Although the great hall was of large dimensions, it could not con- tain half the number of people who desired to be present on this grand occasion. An immense crowd assembled in the streets adjoining the Seminary. Jasmin, on his arrival, was received with a triple salvo of applause from the crowd without, and next from the assembly within. On the platform were the members of the Subscription Committee, the prefect, the Bishop of Agen, the chiefs of the local government, the general in command of the district, and a large num- ber of officers and ecclesiastics. Jasmin, when taking his place on the platform, saluted the audience with one of his brilliant impromptus, and proceeded to recite some of his favorite poems: "Char- ity;" "The Doctor of the Poor;" "Town and Country;" and, " The Week's Work of a Son." Then M. Noubel, in his double capacity of deputy for the department and member of the Subscription Committee, addressed Jasmin in the following words : "Poet, I appear here in the name of the people of Agen to offer you the testimony of their admiration and profound sympathy. I ask you to accept this crown! It is given you by a loving and hearty friend, in the name of your native town of Agen, which your poetry has charmed, which rejoices in your present success, and is proud of tlie glory of your genius. Agen welcomed 210 Jasmin. the first germs of your talent ; she has seen it growing, and increasing your fame; she has entered with you into the pahices of kings; she has associated herself with your triumphs throughout; now the ho^ir of recognizing your merits has arrived, and she honors herself in crowning you. "But it is not merely the poet whom we recognize to-day ; you have a much greater claim to our homage. In an age in which egoism and the eager thirst for riches prevails, you have, in the nohle work which you have performed, displayed the virtues of benevolence and self- sacrifice. You yourself have put them into practice. Ardent in the work of charity, you have gone wherever misery and poverty had to be relieved, and all that you yourself have received was merely the blessings of the unfortunate. Each of your days has been celebrated for its good works, and your whole life has been a hymn to benevolence and charity. " Accept, then, Jasmin, this crown ! Great poet, good citizen, you have nobly earned it ! Give it an honored place in that glorious museum of yours, which the towns and cities of the South have enriched by their gifts. May it remain there in testimony of your poetical tri- umphs, and attest the welcome recognition of your merits by your fellow-citizens. *' For myself, I cannot but be proud of the mission which has been intrusted to me. I only owe it, I know, to the position of deputy in which you have placed me by popular election. I am proud, nevertheless, of having the honor of crowning you, and I shall ever regard this event as the most glorious recollection of my life." After this address, during which M. Noubel was greatly moved, he took the crown of gold and placed it on the head of the poet. It is impossible to describe the en- Croioned by Age^i. 211 thusiasm of the meeting at this supreme moment. The people were ahnost beside themselves. Their exclama- tions of sympathy and applause were almost frantic. Jas- min wept with happiness. After the emotion liad sub- sided, with his eyes full of tears he recited his piece of poetry entitled : " The Crown of my Birthplace." * In this poem Jasmin took occasion to recite the state of poverty in which he was born, yet with the star of poetry in his breast; his dear mother, and her anxieties about his education and up-bringing; his growth; his first efforts in poetical composition, and his final tri- umph ; and at last his crown of gold conferred upon him by the people of Agen — the crown of his birthi)lacc: '• I feel that if ray birthplace crowns me, In i)laco of siuging ... I should weep!" After Jasmin had recited his touching poem, he affec- tionately took leave of his friends, and the assembly dis- persed. * Perhaps this might be better rendered " The Crown of my Infancy " (in Gascon, La Courouno del Bres). 212 Jasmin, CHAPTER XIX. LAST POEMS. -MORE MISSIONS OF CHARITY. This was the last occasion on wLicli Jasmin publicly appeared before his fellow-townsmen ; and it conld not perhaps have been more fitting and appropriate. He still went on composing poetry — among other pieces "La Vierge," dedicated to the Bishop of Algiers, who aclcnowledged it in a complimentary letter. In his sixty- second year, when his hair had become white, he com- posed some "New Recollections" (Mous Nouhels Souhe- nis), in which he again recalled the memories of his youth. In his new " Souvenirs " he only gives a few fresh stories relating to the period of his infancy and youth. Indeed, they scarcely go beyond the period covered by his original " Souvenirs." In the midst of his various honors at Paris, Toulouse, and Agen, he did not forget his true mission, the help and relief of the afflicted. He went to Albi, and gave a recitation which produced 2000 francs. The whole of this sum went to the poor. There was nothing for him- self but applause and showers of flowers thrown at his feet by the ladies present. It was considered quite unprecedented that so large a sum should have been collected in so poor a district. Tlie mayor, however, was prepared for the event. After a touching address to the poet, he presented him with a ring of honor, with the arms of the town, and the in- scribed words : " Albi a Jasmin.'''' Last Poems. 213 He went for the same purpose to Castera in the Gers, a decayed town, to recite liis poems, in the words of the cure, for "our poor church." He was received as usual witli great enthusiasm, and a present of silver was pre- sented to him with the inscribed words: "Jl Jasmin^ V Eglise du Castera reconnaissante T Jasmin answered by reciting an impromptu he had composed for the oc- casion. At Bordeaux, one of his favorite cities, he was received with more than the usual enthusiasm. There he made a collection in aid of the Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul. In the midst of the seance he appeared almost inspired, and recited " La Charite dans Bordeaux " — the grand piece of the evening. The assembly rose en masse, and cheered the poet with frantic applause. The ladies threw an avalanche of bouquets at the hero of the fete. After quiet had been restored, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul cordially thanked Jasmin through the mouth of their president, and presented him with a magnificent golden circlet, with the inscription: '* Za Caritat dins Bourdeau .'" Among his other recitations towards the close of his life, for the purpose of collecting money for the relief of the poor, were those at Montignac in Perigord; at Saint-Macaire; at Saint- x\ndre-de-Cubzar, and at Mon- segur. Most of these were remote villages, far apart from each other. He had disappointed his friends at Arcachon several years before, when he failed to make his appearance with the Abbe Masson, during their tour on behalf of the church of Vergt, owing to the unpunct- uality of the steamboat; but he promised to visit them at some future period. He now redeemed bis promise. The poor were in need, and he went to their help. A large audience had 214 Jasmin. assembled to listen to his recitations, and a considerable snrn of money was collected. The audience overwhelmed him with praises, and the Mayor of Teste — the head de- partment of the district — after thanking Jasmin for his admirable assistance, presented him with a gold medal, on which was inscribed: ''''Fete de Charite d' Arcachon : A Jasmin.'''' These laurels and medals had become so numerous that Jasmin had almost become tired of such tributes to his benevolence. He went to Bareges again, where Monseigneur the Bishop of Tarbes had appealed to him for help in the erection of a hospital. From that town he proceeded to Saint-Emilion and Castel-Naudary, to aid the Society of Mutual Help in these two towns. In fact, he was never weary of well-doing. "This calamitous winter," he wrote in January, 1854, "requires all my devotion. I will obey my conscience and give myself to the help of the famished and suffering, even to the extinction of my personal health." And so it was to the end. When his friends offered him public entertainments he would say, "No, no! give the money to the poor!" What gave Jasmin as much pleasure as any of the laurels and crowns conferred upon him was a beautifully-bound copy of the Imitation of Christ, with the following inscription: "A testimony from the Bishop of Saint-Flour, in acknowledgment of the services which the great poet has rendered to the poor of his diocese." No poet had so many opportunities of making money and of enriching himself by the contributions of the rich as well as the poor. But such an idea never entered his mind. He would have regarded it as a sacrilege to evoke the enthusiasm of the people, and make money for his own benefit, or to speculate upon the triumphs of his More Missions of Charity. 215 muse. Gold earned in this way, he said, would have burned his fingers. He worked solely for the benefit of those who could not help themselves. Ilis poetry was to him like a sweet rose that delighted the soul and pro- duced the fruits of charity. His conduct has been called Quixotic. Would that there were more Quixotes in the world ! After his read- ings, which sometimes produced from two to three thou- sand francs, the whole of the proceeds were handed over to those for whose benefit they had been given, after de- ducting, of course, the expenses of travelling, of which he kept a most accurate account. It is estimated that the amount of money collected by Jasmin during his recitations for philanthropic objects amounted to at least fifteen hundred thousand francs (equal to sixty-two thousand five hundred pounds). Besides, there were the labor of his journeys and the amount of his correspondence, which were almost heroic. M. Ra- bain* states that from 1825 to 1860 the number of let- ters received by Jasmin was more than twelve thousand. Mr. Dickens, in giving the readings from his works in Great Britain, netted over thirty-five thousand pounds, besides what he received for his readings in America. This, of course, led quite reasonably to the enhancing of his fortune. But all that Jasmin received from his read- ings was given away — some say " thrown away " — to the poor and the needy. It is not necessary to comment on such facts ; one can only mention and admire them. The editor of Le Pays says: "The journeys of Jas- min in the South were like a triumphal march. No prince ever received more brilliant ovations. Flowers were strewn in his way ; the bells rang out on his ap- * Jatmiriy sa Vie d sea (Euvres. Paris, 1867. 216 Jasmin, pearance; the houses were illuminated; the mayors ad- dressed him in words of praise; the magistrates, the clergy, followed him in procession. Bestowed upon a man, and a poet, such honors might seem exaggerated ; but Jasmin, under the circumstances, represented more than poetry : he represented Charity. Each of his verses transformed him into an alms-giver; and from the har- vest of gold which he reaped from the people he pre- served for himself only the flowers. His epics were for the unfortunate. This was very noble; and the people of Agen should be proud of their poet."* The account which Jasmin records of his expenses during a journey of fifty days, in which he collected more than twenty thousand francs, is very remarkable. It is given in the fourth volume of Les Papillotes, pub- lished in 1863, the year before liis death, and is entitled, " Note of my expenses of the journey, which I have de- ducted from the receipts during my circuit of fifty days." On certain occasions nothing whatever was charged, but a carriage was probably placed at his disposal, or the ticket for a railway or a diligence may have been paid for by his friends. On many occasions he walked the distance between the several places, and thus saved the cost of his conveyance. But every item of expense was sot forth in his *'Note" with the most scrupulous exact- ness. Here is the translation of Jasmin's record for his jour- neys during these fifty days: ". . . At Foix, from M. De Groussou, President of the Communion of Bienfaisance, 33 fr. 50 c. At Pamiers, nil. At Saint -Girons, from the President of the Society of St.-Vincent de Paul, 16 fr. At Lavaur, from M. the Mayor, 22 fr. At Saint- * Le Pai/x, February 14, l&o4. More Missions of Charity, 217 Siilpice, nil. At Toulouse, where I gave five special se- ances, of which tlic two first, to Saiut-Vincent de Paul and the Prefecture, produced more than sixteen hundred francs, nil. My muse was sufficiently accounted for; it was during my reception as Maitre-es-jeux. At Rodez, from the President of the Conference of Saint- Vincent de Paul, 29 fr. 50 c. At Saint-Geniez, nil. At Saint-Flour, from M. Simon, vicar-general, 22 fr. 50 c. At Murat, nil. At Mauriac, nil. At Aurillac, from M. Geneste, mayor, for my return to Agen, 24 fr. Total, 147 fr. 50 centimes." Thus, more than twenty thousand francs were collect- ed for the poor. Jasmin having deducted 147 fr. 50 c. for the cost of his journeys from place to place. It must also be remembered that he travelled mostly in winter, when the ground was covered with snow. In February, 1854, M. Migneret, Prefect of Ilaute-Garonne, addressed a letter to Jasmin, which is worthy of preser- vation. " It is pleasant," he said, " after having enjoyed at night the charms of your poetry, to begin the next day by taking account of the misfortunes they relieve. I owe you this double honor, and I thank you with the greatest gratitude. ... As to our admiration of your tal- ent, it yields to our esteem for your noble heart ; the poet cannot be jealous of the good citizen."* Notwithstanding the rigor of the season, and the snow and wind, the like of which had not been known for more than twenty years. Jasmin was welcomed by an immense audience at Rodez. The recitation was ffiven in the large hall of the Palais de Justice, and never had so large a collection been made. The young people of the town wished to give Jasmin a banquet, but he de- L The dawn next day was clear and bright, The glint of morning sunlight Gleamed through the windows taper, Although they only were patched up with paper. When Abel noiseless entered, with his footfall slight, He slipped along to the bedside; He oped the little curtain, without stirring of the rings; His father woke and smiled, with joy that pleasure brings. " Abel," he said, " I longed for thee ; now listen thou to me: We're very poor indeed — I've nothing save my weekly fee ; But Heaven has helped our lives to save — by curing me. Dear boy, already thou art fifteen years — You know to read, to write — then have no fears ; Thou art alone, thou'rt sad, but dream no more. Thou ought'st to work, for now thou hast the power! I know thy pain and sorrow, and thy deep alarms ; More good than strong — how could thy little arras Ply hard the hammer on the stony blocks ? But our hard master, though he likes good looks. May find thee quite a youth ; He says that thou hast spirit; and he means for thy be- hoof. Then do what gives thee pleasure. Without vainglory, Abel ; and spend thy precious leisure In Avriting or in working — each is a labor worthy, Either with pen or hammer — they are the tools most lofty ; Labor in mind or body, they do fatigue us ever — But then, Abel my son, I hope that never One blush upon you e'er will gather To shame the honor of your father." Abel's blue eyes were bright with bliss and joy — Father rejoiced — four times embraced the boy; Appendix. 245 Mother and daughter mixed their tears and kisses, Then Abel saw the master, to his happiness, And afterwards four days did pass, All full of joyfuluess. But pleasure with the poor is always nnenduring. A brutal order had been given on Sunday morning That if next day the father did not show liis face. Another workman, in that case, Would bo employed to take his place! A shot of cannon filled with grape Could not have caused such grief. As this most cruel order gives To these four poor unfortunates. " I'm cured !" Hilaire cried ; " let me rise and dress ;" Ho tried — fell back ; and then ho must confess Ho could not labor for another week! Oh, wretched plight — For him, his work was life ! Should he keep sick, 'twas deatli! All four sat mute ; sudden a ray of hope Beamed in the soul of Abel. Ho brushed the tear-drops from his een. Assumed a manly mien. Strength rushed into his little arras, On his bright face the blushes came ; He rose at once, and went to reason With that cruel master-mason. Abel returned, with spirits bright. No longer trembling with affright; At once ho gayly cries. With laughing mouth and laughing eyes: — "My father! take your rest; have faith and courage; Take all the week, then thou shalt work apace; Some one, who loves thee well, will take thy place, Then thou may'st go again and show thy face." 246 Jasmin. III. Saved by a friend, indeed! He yet had friends in store! Oh! how I wish that in this life so lonely. . . . But, all will be explained at work on Monday ; There are good friends as yet — perhaps there's many more. It was indeed our Abel took his father's place. At office first he showed his face; Then to the work-yard: thus his father he beguiled. Spite of his slender mien, he worked and always smiled. He was as deft as workmen twain ; he dressed The stones, and in the mortar then he pressed The heavy blocks; the workmen found him cheerful. Mounting the ladder like a bird: He skipped across the rafters fearful. He smiled as he ascended, smiled as he descended— The very masons trembled at his hardiness: But he was working for his father — in his gladness, His life was full of happiness ; His brave companions loved the boy Who filled their little life with joy. They saw the sweat run down his brow, And clapped their hands, though weary he was now. What bliss of Abel, when the day's work 's o'er, And the bright stars were shining : Unto the office he must go, And don his better clothing — Thus his poor father to deceive, who thought he went a-clerkiug. He took his paper home and wrote, midst talk with Jane so shyly, And with a twinkling eye he answered mother's looks so slyly. Three days thus passed, and the sick man arose, Life now appeared to him a sweet repose. On Thursday, tempting was the road ; At mid-day, Friday, he must walk abroad. Appendix. 247 But, fatal Friday — God has made tbee for sorrow. The father, warmed up by the sun's bright ray, Hied to the work-yard, smiling by the way; He wished to thank the friend who worked for him. But saw him not — his eyes were dim — Yet ho was near; and looking up, ho saw no people working, No dinner-bell had struck, no workmen sure were lurking. Oh, God ! what's happened at the building yard ? A crowd collected — master, mason — as on guard. "What's this!'' the old man cried. "Alas! some man has fallen !" Perhaps it was his friend ! His soul with grief was burning. Ho ran. Before him thronged the press of men, They tried to thrust him back again ; But no ; Hilaire pressed through the crowd of working men. Oh, wretched father — man unfortunate; The friend who saved thee was thy child— sad fate Now he has fallen from the ladder's head. And lies a bleeding mass, now nearly dead ! Now Hilaire uttered a most fearful cry; The child had given his life, now he might die. Alas ! the bleeding youth Was in his death-throes, he could scarcely breathe ; "Master," ho said, " I've not fulGUed my task. But, in the name of my poor mother dear, For the day lost, take father on at last." The father heard, o'er whelmed he was with terror and with fear, Abel now saw him, and ho felt that he was near. Inclined his head upon his breast, and praying — Hand held in hand, he smiled on him when dying. For Hilaire, his placo was well preserved, His wages might porhaps be doubled. 248 Jasmin. Too late ! too late ! one saddened morn The sorrow of bis life was goue; Aud the good ftither, with his pallid face, Went now to take another place Within the grave, beside bis loved son. THE POOR MAN'S DOCTOR. [lou mkdici des paures,] Dedicated to M. Cany, Fhysician of Toulouse. [With the permission of the Rev. Dr. J, Dmican Craig, of Glenagary, Kingstou, Dublin, I adopt, with some alterations, his free translation of Jasmin's poem.] Sweet comes this April morning, its faint perfumes ex- haling ; Brilliant shines the sun, so crisp, so bright, so freshcn- Pearl-like gleam and sparkle the dew-drops on the rose, While gray and gnarled olives droop like giants in re- pose. Soundeth low, solemnly, the mid-day bell in th' air, Glideth on sadl}'^ a maiden sick with care; Her head is bent, and sobbing words she sheds with many a tear, But 'tween the chapel and the windmill another doth ix,\i- pear. She laughs and plucks the lovely flowers with many a. joyous bound, The other, pale and spiritless, looks upward from the ground ; " Where goest thou, sweet Marianne, this lovely April day ?" "Beneath the elms of Ageu — there lies my destined way. Appendix. 249 " I go to seek tbis very day the Doctor of the Poor.* Did'st tliou not Lear how skilfully he did my mother cure ? Behold this silver in my hand, these violets so sweet, The guerdon of his loving care — I'll lay them at his feet. "Now, dost thou not remember, my darling Marianne, How in our lonely hut the typhus-fever ran ? And wo were poor, without a friend, or e'en our daily bread, And sadly then, and sorrowful, dear mother bowed her head. " One day, the sun was shining low in lurid western sliy, All, all, our little wealth was gone, and mother yearned to die. When sudden, at the open door, a shadow crossed the way, And cheerfully a manly voice did words of comfort say : "'Take courage, friends, your ills I know, your life I hope to save.' 'Too late!' dear mother cried — 'too late! My home is in the grave ; Our things are x^lcdged, our med'cino gone, e'en bread we cannot buy.' The doctor shudder'd, then grew pale, but sadly still drew nish. * In the last edition of Jasmin's poems (4 vols. 8vo, edited by Boyer d'Agen) it is stated (p. 40, 1st vol.) tliat " M. Duiand, phy- sician, was one of those rare men whom Providence seems to have provided to assuage the lot of the poorest classes. Ills career was full of noble acts of devotion towards the sick whom he was called upon to cure. lie died at the early age of thirty-five, of a stroke of apoplexy. His remains were accompanied to the grave by near^ ly all the poor of Agcn and the neighborhood." 11* 250 Jasmin. "No curtains had we on our bed : I marked bis pallid face ; Five silver crowns now forth be drew witli melaucboly grace — 'Poor woman, take these worthless coins, suppress your bitter grief! Don't blush; repay them when you can — these drops will give relief/ '•' He left the but, and went away ; soon sleep's refreshing calm Relieved the patient he bad helped — a wonder-working balm ; The world now seemed to smile again, like spring -tide flowers so gay, While mother, brothers, and myself, incessant worked away. "Thus, like the swallows which return with spring unto our shore, The doctor brought rejoicing back unto our vine-wreathed door ; And we are happy, Isabel, and money too we'v^e made ; Bat why dost weep, when I can laugh?" the gentle maiden said. "Alas! alas! dear Marianne, I weep and mourn to-day. From your bouse to our cottage-home the fever made its waj' ; My father lies with ghastly face, and many a raving cry — Oh, would that Durand too might come, before the sick man die!" "Dear Isabel, haste on, haste on— we'll seek bis bouse this hour ! Come, let us run, and hasten on with all our utmost power. He'll leave the richest palace for the poor man's humble roof — He's far from rich, except in love— of that we've had full proof!" Appendix. 261 The good God bless tlie noblo heart that caretli for the poor ; Aud forth the panting children speed to seek the sick man's cure; And as beneath our giant elius they pass with rapid tread, They scarcely dare to look aronud, or lift their weary bead. The town at last is reached, by the Pont-Long they enter, Close by the Rne dcs Jacobins, near Diirand's house they venture. Around the portals of the door there throngs a mournful crowd ; They see the cross, they hear the priests the requiem chant aloud. The girls were troubled in their souls, their minds were rent with grief; One above all, young Marianne, was trembling like a leaf: Anotlier death — oh, cruel thought! then of her father lcasuro binds Me to their hearts and minds. But now the curtained night comes on again. I see the meadows sweet around. My little island, midst the varying ground. Where I liave often laughed, and sometimes I have groaned. 256 Jasrain. I see far off the leafy \Yoodlaud, Or near tlie fountain, where I've often dreamed; Long time ago there was a famous niau* Who gave its fame to Agen. I who but write these verses slight Midst thoughts of memory bright. But I will tell you all — in front, to leffc, to right, More than a hedge row thick that I have brought the light. More than an apple-tree that I have trimmed. More than an old vine-stalk that I have thinned To ripen lovely Muscat. Madame, you see that I look back upon my past, Without a blush at last; What would you ? That I gave my vineyard back — And that with usury? Alack! And yet unto my garden I've no door — Two thorns are all my fence — no more! When the marauders come, and through a hole I see their nose, Instead of taking up a stick to give them blows, I turn aside ; perhaps they never may return, the horde ! He who young robs, when older lets himself be robbed ! FRANCONNETTE. Part First. Blaise de Montluc. — Festival at Roquefort. — The Prettiest Maiden. — The Soldier and the Shepherds. — Kissing and Panting. — Cour- age of Pascal. — Fury of Marcel. — Terrible Contest. 'TwAS at the time when Blaise the murderous Struck heavy blows by force of arms. He hewed the Protestants to pieces, And, in the name of God the Merciful, Flooded the earth with sorrow, blood, and tears. * Scaliger. Appendix. 25^ Alas! 'twas pitiful— far worse beyond the liilla, Where flashing gun and cnlveriu were lieaid ; There the unhappy bore their heavy cross, And suffered, more tlian elsewhere, agonizing pain, Were killed and strangled, tumbled into wells ; 'Tweeu Penne and Fmnel the saddened earth was gorged. Men, women, children, murdered everywhere. The hangman even stopped for breath ; While Blaise, with heart of steel, dismounted at the gate Of his strong castle wall. With triple bridge and triple fosse ; Then kneeling, made his pious x^rayers, Taking the Holy Sacrament, His hands yet dripping with fraternal blood ! * Now every shepherd, every shepherd lass, At the word Huguenot shuddered with affright, Even midst their laughing courtship. And yet it came to pass That in a hamlet, 'ncatli a castled height. One Sunday, when a troop of sweethearts dauced Upon the day of Roquefort fete. And to a life the praises sang * Blaise de Montluc, Marshal of France, was one of the bitterest persecutors of the Iluguenots. Towards the end of the sixteenth century Agen was a centre of Protestantism. The town was taken again and again by the contending religious factions. When Mont- luc retook tlve place, in 1562, from Truellc, the Huguenot captain, he found that the inhabitants had fled, and there was no one to butcher {Gascogne et Languedoc, par Paul Joanne, p. 95). Montluc made up for his disappointment by laying waste the country be- tween Fumel and Penne, towns to the north of Agen, and slaying all the Iluguenots — men, women, and children — on whom he could lay his hands. He then returned to his castle of Estillac, devoted himself to religious exercises, and " took the sacrament," says Jas- min," while his hands were dripping with fraternal blood." Montluc died in 1577, and was buried in the garden of Estillac, where a mon- ument, the ruins of which still exist, was erected over his remains. 258 Jasmin. Of Saint James and the August weather- That bounteous month which year by year, Through dew-fall of the evening bright, And heat of autumn noons doth bring Both grapes and figs to ripening. It was the finest fete that eyes had ever seeu Under the shadow of the leafy parasol Where aye the country-folk convene. O'erflowing were the spaces all, From cliff, from dale, from every home Of Montnguac and Sainte-Colombe, Still they do come, Too many far to number; More and ever more, while flames the sunshine o'er, There's room for all, their coming Avill not cumber. The fields shall be their chamber, and the little hillocks green The couches of their slumber. What pleasure ! what delight ! the sun now fills the air ; The sweetest thing in life Is the music of the fife And the dancing of the fair. You see their baskets emptying Of waffles all home-made. They quaff the nectar sparkling Of freshest lemonade. What crowds at Punchinello, While the showman beats his cymbal! Crowds everywhere ! But who is this appears below ? Ah ! 'tis the beauteous village queen ! Yes, 'tis she; 'tis Franconnette ! A fairer girl was never seen. In the town as in the prairie, You must know that every country Appendix. 259 Has its chosen pearl of love. Ah, "well ! This was the one — They named her in the canton, The prettiest, sweetest dove. But now, yon must not fancy, gentlemen, That she was sad and sighing, Her featnres pale as any lily, That she had dying eyes, half-shut and blue. And slender figure clothed with languishing, Like to a weeping willow by a limpid lake. Not so, my masters. Francounette Had two keen flashing eyes, like two live stars ; Her laughing cheeks were round, whereon a lover might Gather in haudfuls roses bright ; Brown locks and curly decked her head; Her lips were as the cherry red. Whiter than snow her teeth ; her feet How softly moulded, small and fleet ; How light her limbs! Ah, well-a-day ! And of the whole at once I say, She was the very beau-ideal Of beauty in a woman's form, most fair and real. Such loveliness, in every race. May sudden start to light. She fired the youths with ready love, Each maiden with despair. Poor youths, indeed! Oh! how they wished To fall beneath her feet ! They all admired her, and adored, Just as the priest adores the cross — 'Twas as if there shono a star of light The young girl's brow across! Yet, something vexing in her soul begau to hover ; The finest flower had failed her in this day of honor. Pascal, whom all the world esteemed, Pascal, the handsomest, whose voice with music beamed, 260 Jasmin. He sbnnned the maitl, cast ne'er a loving glance; Despised! She felt hate growing in her heart, And in her pretty vengeance She seized the moment for a brilliant dart Of her bright ejes to chaiu him. What would you have? A girl so greatly envied, She might become a flirt conceited; Already had she seemed all this, Self-glorious she was, I fear, Coquettiug rarely comes amiss. Though she might never love, with many lovers near! Grandmother often said to her, ''Child, child!" with gen- tle frown, "A meadow's not a parlor, and the country's not a town, And thou knowest well that we have promised thee lang syne To the soldier-lad Marcel, who is lover true of thine. So curb thy flights, thou giddy one. The maid Avho covets all, in the end mayhap hath none." " Nay, nay," replied the tricksy fay. With swift caress and laughter gay, "There is another saw well known, Time enough, my granny dear, to love some later day! * She wlio hath only one, hath none P " Now, such a flighty course, you may divine. Made hosts of melancholy swains, Who sighed and suffered jealous pains, Yet never sang reproachful strains. Like learned lovers when they pine. Who, as they go to die, their woes write carefully On willow or on poplar-tree. Good lack! thou couldst not shape a letter, And the silly souls, though love-sick, to death did not incline, Thinking to live and suffer on were better! But tools were handled clumsily. And vine-sprays blew abroad at will. And trees were pruned exceeding ill, And many a furrow drawn awry. Appendix. 261 Metliiiiks you know lier now, tliis fair and foolish girl; Watch wliile she treads one measure, then see her dip antl twirl! Young Etioune holds her hand by chance, 'Tis the first rigadoou they dance; With parted lips, right thirstily Each rustic tracks them as they fly, And the damsel sly Feels every eye, And lighter moves for each adoring glance. Holy cross! what a sight! when the madcap rears aright Her shining lizard's head ! her Spanish foot falls light, Her wasp-like figure sways And swims and whirls and sjirings again. The wind with corner of her kerchief plays. Those lovely cheeks whereon the youths now gaze. They hunger to salute with kisses twain ! And some one shall ; for hero the custom is, Who tires his partner out, salutes her with a kiss; The girls grow weary everywhere. Wherefore already Jean and Paul, Louis, Guillaunie, and strong Pierre, Have breathless yielded up their place Without the coveted embrace. Another takes his place, Marcel the wight, The soldier of Montluc, prodigious iu his height, Arrayed in uniform, bearing his sword, A cockade iu his cap, the emblem of his lord. Straight as an I, though bold yet not well-bred, His heart was soft, but thickish was his head. He blustered much and boasted more and more, Frolicked and vapored as ho took the floor ; Indeed ho was a very horrid bore. Marcel, most mad for Franconnetto, tortured the other girls, Made her most jealous, yet she had no chance. The swellcd-out coxcomb called ou her to dance. 262 Jasmin, Bnt Frauconnette was loath, and she must let him see it ; He felt most madly jealous, yet was maladroit, He boasted that he was beloved; perhaiis he did believe it quite — The other day, in such a place, She shrank from his embrace! The crowd now watched the dancing pair, And marked the tricksy witching fair ; They rush, they whirl ! But what's amiss ? The bouncing soldier lad, I wis. Can never snatcb disputed kiss! The dancing maid at first smiles at her self-styled lover, " Makes eyes " at him, but ne'er a word does utter ; She only leaped the faster! Marcel, piqued to the quick, longed to subdue this creature, He wished to show before the crowd what love he bore her; One open kiss were sweeter far Than twenty in a corner! But, no! his legs began to fail, his head was in a trance. He reeled, he almost fell, he could no longer dance ; Now ho would give cockade, sabre, and silver lace. Would it were gold indeed, for her embrace ! Yet while the pair were still afoot, the girl looked very gay- Resolved never to give way ! While headstrong Marcel, breathless, spent, and hot in face. He reeled and all but fell; then to the next gave place! Forth darted Pascal in the soldier's stead, They make two steps, then change, and Frauconnette, Weary at last, with laughing grace, Her foot stayed and upraised her face ! Tarried Pascal that kiss to set? Not he, be sure ! and all the crowd His vict'ry hailed with plaudits loud. Appendix. 263 The clapping of their palms like battledoor resounded, While Pascal stood among them quite confouuded ! Oil, wluit a picture for the soldier who so loved his queen ! Ilim the kiss maddened! Measuring Pascal with his een, Ho thundered, "Peasant, you have filled my place most sly; Not so fast, churl !" — and brutally let fly With aim unerring one fierce blow, Straiglit ill the other's eyes, doubling the insult so. Good God!* how stings the madd'niug pain, His dearest happiness that blow must stain, Kissing and boxing — glory, shame ! Light, darkness ! Fire, ice ! Life, death ! Heaven, hell ! All this was to our Pascal's soul the knell Of hope! But to bo thus tormented By flagrant insult, as the soldier meant it; Now without fear he must resent it! It does not need to be a soldier nor a ''Monsieur," An outrage placidly to bear. Now fiery Pascal let fly at his foe. Before ho could turn round, a stunning blow ; *Twas like a thunder peal. And made the soldier reel; Trying to draw his sabre, But Pascal, seeming bigger, Gripped Marcel by the waist, and sturdilj^ Lifted him up, and threw his surly Foe on the ground, breathless, and stunned severely. "Now then!" while Pascal looked on the hound thrown by him, Jour de Dieu! 264 Jasmin. *'Tlie peasant grants thee chance of living!" " Despatch him !" cried the surging crowd. " Thou art all cover'd o'er with blood !" But Pascal, in his angry fit of passion, Had hurt his wrist and fist in a most serious fashion. "No matter! All the same I i)ardou him! You must have pity on the beaten hound !" " No, finish him ! Into morsels cut him !" The surging, violent crowd now cried around. " Back, peasants, back ! Do him no harm !" Sudden exclaimed a Monsieur, speakiug with alarm ; The peasants moved aside, and then gave place To Montluc, glittering with golden lace ; It was the Baron of Roquefort ! The frightened girls, like hunted hares. At once dispers'd, flew here and there. The shepherds, but a moment after. With thrilling fife and beaming laughter, The brave and good Pascal attended on his way. Unto his humble home, as 'twere his nuptial day. But Marcel, furious, mad with rage, exclaimed, "Oh! could I stab and kill them! But I'm maimed!" Only a gesture of his lord Restrained him, hand upon his sword. Then did he grind his teeth, as he lay battered, And in a low and broken voice he muttered: " They love each other, and despise my kindness, She favors him, and she admires his fondness; Ah, well ! by Marcel's patron, I'll not tarry To make them smart, and Franconnette No other husband than myself shall marry. Appendix. 265 Part Second. The Enamored Blacksmith. — His Fretful Mother. — The Busking Soiree. — Pascal's Song. — The Sorcerer of the Black Forest. — Tlie Girl Sold to the Demon. Since Roquefort fete, one, two, three months have fled; The dancing frolic, Avith the harvest ended ; The out-door sports are banished — For winter comes* the air is sad and cold; it sighs Under the vaulted, skies. At fall of night, none risks to -walk across the fields, For each one, sad and cheerless, beelds Before the great fires blazing, Or talks of wolfish fiends * amazing ; And sorcerers — to make one shudder with affright — That walk around the cots so wight, Or 'ueatli the gloomy elms, and by farm-yards at night. But now at last has Christmas come, And little Jack, who beats the drum. Cries round the hamlet, with his beaming face : "Come, briskeu up, you maidens fair, A merry busking t shall take i)lace On Friday, first night of the year !" * Wehr-wolves, wizard wolves — loup-garoii. Superstitions re- specting tliem are known in Brittany and the South of France. f Miss Harriet W. Preston, in her article on Jasmin's "Fran- connette" in the Atlantic Monthly for February, 1876, says : "The Ijtiscou, or busking, was a kind of bee, at which the young people assembled, bringing the thread of their late spinning, which was divided into skeins of the proper size by a broad thin plate of steel or whalebone called a bnsc. The same thing, under precisely the same name, figured in the toilets of our grandmothers, and hence, probably, the Scotch use of the verb to busk, or attire." Jamieson {Scottish Didionarii) says : " The term busk is employed in a beau- tiful proverb whicii is very commonly used in Scotland, 'A bonny bride is soon busked.' " 266 Jasmin. All ! now the liappy yoiitlis aud maidens fair Proclaimed the drummer's words, so bright and rare. The news was carried far and near Light as a bird most fleet With wings to carry thoughts so sweet. The sun, with beaming rays, had scarcely shono Ere everywhere the joyous news had flown ; At every fireside they were known, By every hearth, in converse keen, The busking was the theme. But when the Friday came, a frozen dew was raining, And by a fireless forge a mother sat complaining : And to her son, who sat thereby. She spoke at last entreatiugly : "Hast thou forgot the summer day, my boy, when thou didst come All bleeding from the furious fray, to the sound of music home ? How I have suffered for your sorrow. And all that you have had to go through. Long have I troubled for your arm ! For mercy's sake Oh! go not forth to-night! I dreamt of flowers again, And what means that, Pascal, but so much tears and I)ain !" '• Now art thou craven, mother ! and see'st that life's all black, But wherefore tremble, since Marcel has gone, and comes not back !" " Oh yet, my son, do you take heed, I pray ! For the wizard of the Black Wood is roaming round this way ; The same who wrought such havoc, 'twas but a year agone, They tell me one was seen to come from 's cave at dawn Appetidix, 267 Bat two daj's past — it was a soldier; now What if this were Marcel? Ob, my cliikl, do take caro! Each mother gives her charms unto her son; do thou Take miuo; but I beseech, go not forth anywhere!" "Just for one little hour, mine eyes to set On ray friend Thomjis, whom I'm bound to meet !" "Thy friend, indeed! Nay, nay! Thou meanest Fraucon- uette. Whom thou loves dearly! I wish thou'd love some other maid! Oh yes! I read it iu thine eyes! Though thou sing'st, art gay, thy secret bravely keep- That I may not be sad, yet all alone thou'rt weeping — My head aches for thy misery ; Yet leave her, for thine own good, my dear Pascal ; She would so greatly scorn a working smith like thee. With mother old in penury; For poor we are — thou knowest truly. "How we have sold and sold until scarce a scythe remains. Oh, dark the days this house hast seen Since, Pascal, thou so ill hast been ; Now thou art well, arouse! do something for our gaius! Or rest thee, if thou wilt; with suffering we can fight; But, for God's love, oh ! go not forth to-night !" And the poor mother, quite undone. Cried, while thus pleading with her son, Who, leaning on his blacksmith's forge The stifling sob quelled in his gorge. " 'Tis very true," he said, " that wo are poor, But had I that forgot? ... I go to work, my mother, now, bo sure!" 20 8 Jasmin, No sooner said than done; for in a blink Was beard tbe anvil's clink, Tbe sjiarks flew from tbe blacksmith's fire Higher and still higher ! Tbe forgeman struck tbe molten iron dead, Hammer in hand, as if be had a hundred in hio head! But now, the Busking was apace. And soon, from every corner place The girls came with the skein of their own making To wind up at this sweethearts' merry meeting. In tlie large chamber, where they sat and winded The threads, all doubly garnished, The girls, tbe lads, plied bard their fingers. And swiftly "wound together The clews of linfc so fair. As fine as any hair. The winding now was done ; and the white wine and rbymsters Came forth witb rippling glass and porringers, And brought their vivid vapors To brighten up their capers — Ah ! if the prettiest were the best, with pride I -would my Franconnette describe. Though queen of games, she was the last, not worst. It is not that she reigned at present, yet was first. "Hold! bold!" she cried, the brown-haired maid. Now she directed them from side to side — Three women merged in one, they said — She dances, speaks, sings, all bewitching. By maiden's wiles she was so rich in; Appendix, .209 She sings Avitli soul of turtle-dove, She speaks with grace angelic ; She dances on the wings of love — Sings, speaks, and dances, in a guise More thau enough to turn the head most wise! Her triumph is complete; all eyes are fixed upon her. Though her adorers are hut peasants; Her eyes are heamiug, Blazing and sparkling. And quite howitchiug ; No wonder that the sweetheart lads are ravished with her! Theu Thomas rose and, on the coquette fixing His ardent eyes, though hlushing, In language full of neatness. And tones of lute-like sweetness. This song hegau to sing: THE SIREN WITH A HEART OF ICK " Oh, tell US, charming Siren, With heart of ice unmoved, When shall wo hear the sound -Of hells that ring around, To say that you have loved ? Always so free and gay, Those wings of dazzling ray. Are spread to every air — And all your favor share ; Attracted hy their light All follow in your flight. But ah ! helieve me, 'tis not bliss, Such triumphs do hut purchase pain ; What is it to bo loved like this. To lior who cannot love again? 270 Jasmin. " You've seen bow full of joy We've marked the sun arise; Even so each Sunday morn When you, before our eyes, Bring us such sweet surprise. With us new life is horn : We love your angel face, Your step so debonnaire, Your mien of maiden grace, Your voice, your lips, your hair. Your eyes of gentle fire, All these we now admire ! But ah! believe me, 'tis not bliss. Such triumphs do but purchase pain: What is it to be loved like this. To her who cannot love again ? "Alas! our groves are dull When widowed of thy sight, •And neither hedge nor field Their i^erfume seem to yield; The blue sky is not bright; When you return once more, All that was sad is gone, All nature you restore. We breathe in you alone ; We could your rosy fingers cover With kisses of delight all over! But ah ! believe me, 'tis not bliss, Such triumphs do but purchase pain ; What is it to be loved like this, To her who cannot love again ? "The dove you lost of late, Might warn you by her flight, She sought in woods her mate, And has forgot you quite; Appendix, 271 She has become more fair Siuco love baa been her care. 'Tis love makes all things gay, Oh, follow where she leads — Wheu beauteous looks decay, What dreary life succeeds! And ah ! believe me, perfect bliss, A joy, where peace and triumph reign, Is when a maiden, loved like this, Has learnt 'tis sweet to love again !" The songster finished, and the ardent crowd Of listeners clapx^ed their hands in praises loud. "Oh ! what a lovely song!" they cried. " Wiio is the poet ?" "'Tis Pascal," answered Thomas, "that lias made it!" " Bravo ! Long live Pascal !" exclaimed the fervent crowd. Nothing said Francounette; but she rejoiced— was proud — At having so much love evoked. And in a song so touching. Before this crowd admiring. Then she became more serious as she thought of Pascal ; " How brave he is ! 'Tis all for him ; he has not got his equal ! How he paints love! All praise him without doubt; And his sweet song — so touching!" for now by heart she knows it. " But if he loves at last, why docs ho hide away f" Then turning suddenly, she says: " Thomas, he is not here, away he stays ; I would him compliment; can he not come?" "Oh! now he cannot; but remains at home." Then spoke the jealous Lawrence : " Pascal knows He cannot any other songs compose; 272 Jasmin. Poor fellow! almost ruined quito he is; His fiitlier's most iufirm — stretclied out, and cannot rise ; Tlie baker will not give him bread, he is constrained to debts." Then Franconnette grew pale, and said: "And he so very good ! Poor lad ! how much he suffers ; and now ho wants his food !" "My faith!" said Lawrence, a heart of goodness aping, "They say that now he goes a-begging!" "You lie!" cried Thomas, "hold thy serpent's tongue! Pascal, 'tis true, is Avorking, yet with harm, Since, for this maiden, he has suffered in his arm ; But he is cured; heed not this spiteful knave! He works now all alone, for he is strong and brave." If some one on the girl his eyes had set. He would have seen tears on the cheeks of Franconnette. "Let's 'Hunt the Slipper!'" cried the maids; Round a wide ring they sat, the jades. Slipper M'as hid by Franconnette, But in a twinkle. Marionette — "Lawrence, hast thou my slipper?" "No, demoiselle!" "Eise then, and seek it now, ah, well!" Lawrence, exulting in his features. Said, " Franconnette, hast thou my slipper ?" "No, sir!" "'Tis false!" It was beneath her seat! "Thou hast it! Rise! Now kiss me as the forfeit!" A finch, just taken in a net. First tries some gaj) to 11}^ at; So Franconnette, just like a bird, escaped With Lawrence, whom she hated ; Incensed, he turned to kiss her; Appendix. 273 He swiftly ran, but in his pursuit wuini, The momeut slie was caught he stumbled, Slipped, fell, and sudden broke his arm. The gloomy night was now far spent; But in that fright of frights, quite in a breath. The house-door creaked and ope'd ! Was it a wraith? No ! but an old man bearded to the waist. And now there stood before the throng the Black Wood Ghaist! "Imprudent youths!" he cried; "I come from gloomy rocks up yonder. Your eyes to ope : I'm filled with wrath and wonder ! You all admire this Frauconnette ; Learn who she is, infatuate ! " From very cradle she's all evil ; Her wretched father, miserable. Passed to the Huguenots and sold her to the Devil; Her mother died of shame — And thus the demon plays his game. Now he has bought this woman base, Ho tracks her in her hiding-place. Y'ou see how ho has punished Pascal and Lawrence Because they gave her light embrace ! Bo warned ! For whoso dares this maid to wed. Amid the brief delight of their first nuptial night. Will sudden hear a thunder-peal o'er head ! The demon cometh in his might To snatch the bride away in fright. And leave the ill-starred bridegroom dead !" The Wizard said no more ; but angry, fiery rays, From scars his visage bore, seemed suddenly to blaze. Four times he turned his heel upon, Then bade the door stand wide, or ero his foot he stayed; With one long creak the door obeyed, And lo! the boarded ghaist was gone! 12* 274 Jasmin, He left great horror in bis wake ! None stirred in all tlio tbrong ; They looked nor left nor right, when he away had gone, They seemed all changed to stone — Only the stricken maid herself stood brave against her wrong ; And in the hope forlorn that all might pass for jest, With tremnlous smile, half bright, half pleading, She swept them with her eyes, and two steps forward in-essed ; But when she saw them all receding. And heard them cry "Avaunt!" tlien did she know her fate; Then did her saddened eyes dilate With speechless terror more and more. The while her heart beat fast and loud, Till with a cry her head she bowed And sank in swoon upon the Hoor. Such was the close of Busking night ; Though it began so gay and bright ; The morrow was the New-year's Day, It should have been a time most gay ; But now there went abroad a fearful rumor — It was remembered long time after In every house and cottage home throughout the land — Though 'twas a fiction and a superstition — It was, "The De'il's abroad! He's now a-roaming; How dreadful! He is now for lost souls seeking!" The folks were roused and each one called to mind That some, in times of yore, had heard the sound Of Devil's chains that clanked ; How soon the father vanished. The mother, bent in agony, A maniac she died ! Appendix. 276 That then all smilod; they felt nor hurt nor harm, They lived quite happy on their cottage farm, And when the fields were spoiled with hail or rain, Their ground was covered o'er with plums and grain. It was enough ; the girls believed it all, Grandmothers, mothers — thoughts did them appall — Even iuftints trembled at the Demon's name; And when the maiden hung her head in pain, And went abroad, they scarce would give her passage ; They called to her, " Away ! Avaunt! thou imp of evil, Behold the crime of dcalinir ^ith the Devil!" Part Tuiud. The Maid at Estanquet. — A Bad Dream. — The Grandmother's Advice. — Blessed Bread, — Satisfaction and Affection. — First Thought of Love.— Sorrowfulness. — The Virgin. Beside a cot at Estanquet, Down by a leafy brooklet. The limpid stream Enshadowed sheen. Lapped o'er the pebbles murmuring. Last summer sat a maid, with gathered llowers. She was engaged in setting. Within her grassy bowers; She sang in joy her notes so thrilling As made the birds, their sweet songs trilling, Most jealous. Why does she siug no more ? midst fields and hedge-rows verdant ; The nightingales that came within her garden, With their loud "jug! jug!" warbling, And their sweet quavers singing; Can she have left her cottage homo ? 276 Jasmin. No ! There's her pretty hat of straw Laid on the bench ; but then they saw There was no ribbon round it; The garden all neglected: The rake and wat'ring-pot were down Among the jonquils overthrown ; The broken-branched roses running riot ; The dandelion, groundsell, all about; And the nice walks, laid out with so much taste, Now cover'd with neglected weeds and wanton waste. Oh! what has happened here? Where is the lively nuiid? The little birds now whispering said ; Her home is sparkling there beyond, With tufted branch of hazel round ; Let's jnst peep in, the door is open. We make no noise, but let us listen. Ah ! there's grandmother, on her arm-chair, fast asleep I And here, beside the casement deep, The maid of Estanquet, in saddened pain and grief, The tears down-falling on her pretty hand ; To whom no joy nor hope can ever give relief! Ah! yes, 'twas dark enough! for it is Franconnette, Already you've divined it is our pet ! And see her now, poor maiden, Bending beneath the falsest blow, o'erladen ; She sobs and Aveeps alternately — Her heart is rent and empty. Oft, to console herself, she rises, walks, and walks again ; Alas ! her trouble is so full of pain — Awake or sleeping — She's only soothed by weeping. Daughter of Huguenot accursed. And banished from the Church ! Sold to the Demon ; she's forever cursed ! Appendix. 211 GraDiluiother, waking, said, "Child, 'tis uot true; It matters not ; 'tis but thy father fled, No one can contradict that raving crew; They know uot where he is, and conkl they see him, They avouUI so frightened be, they'd not believe their een !" '* How changed things are," said Frauconnette, " before I was so happy ; Then I was village queen, all followed love in harmony; And all the lads, to please me, Would come barefooted, e'en through serpents' nests, to bless me! But now, to bo dcsx)ised and curst, I, who was once the very first ! And Pascal, too, whom once I thought the best. In all my misery shuns me like a pest! Now that he knows my very sad mishaps. He ne'er consoles with me at all — perhaps — " She did deceive herself. Her grief to-day was softened By hearing that Pascal 'gainst slanders her defended ; Such magic help, it was a balm Her aching soul to calm; And then, to sweeten all her ill. She thought always of Pascal — did this softened girl. What is that sound? A sudden shriek! Grandmother dreamt — she was now wide awake; The girl sprang to her; she said, "Isn't the house aflame? Ah! 'twas a dream! Thank God!" her murmur came. "Dear heart," the girl said, softly ; "what was this dream of thine ?" "Oh, love! 'twas night, and loud, ferocious men methought Game lighting fires all round our little cot, And thou did'st cry unto them, daughter mine. 278 Jasmin, To save me, but did'st vainly strive, For here we too must burn alive! The torment that I bore ! How shall I cure my fright ? Come hither, darling, let me hold thee tight !" Then the white-headed dame, in withered arms of love, With yearning tenderness folded the brown -haired girl, who strove. By many a smile, and mute caress, To hearten her, until at length The aged one cried out, her love gave vital strength, "Sold to the Demon, thou? It is a hideous lie! Therefore, dear child, weep not so jjiteously ; Take courage ! Be thou brave in heart once more, Thou art more lovely than before — Take granny's word for that ! Arise ! Go forth; who hides from envious eyes Makes wicked people spiteful; I've heard this, my pet; I know full well there's one who loves thee yet — Marcel would guard thee with his love; Thou lik'st not him? Ah! could he move Thy feelings, he Avould shield thee, dear, And claim thee for his own. But I am all too feeble grown ; Yet stay, my darling, stay! To-morrow's Easter Djiy, Go thou to mass, and pray as ne'er before ! Then take the blessed bread, if so the good God may The precious favor of his former smile restore. And on thy sweet face, clear as day. Own thou art numbered with his children evermore!" Then such a gleam of hope lit the old face again, Furrowed so deep with years and pain. That, falling on her neck, the maiden promised well, And once more on the white cot silence fell. When, therefore, on the morrow, came the country-side, To hear the hallelnjas in the cliurch of Saint Pierre; Appendix. 279 Great was the woiideniient of tLose that spied The maiden, Franconnctto, silently kneeling there, Telling her beads Avitli downcast eyes of i)rayer. She ueeds, poor thing, Pleaven's mercy to implore, For ne'er a woman's will she win ! Bnt then, beholding her sweet mien, Were Marcel and Pascal, eying her fondly o'er; She saw them with her glances, dark as night, Then shrinking back, they left her all alone, Midway of a great circle, as they might Some poor condemned one liearing some stigma on her brow in sight. This was not all, poor child! It was well known — The warden, uncle to Marcel, Carried the Blessed Bread ; And like a councillor, did swell In long-tailed coat, with pomi)ous tread : But when the trembling maid, making a cross, essayed To take a double portion, as her dear old grandame bade. Right in the view of every eye. The sacred basket he withdrew, and passed her wholly by ; And so, denied her portion of the bread whereby wo live. She, on glad Easter, doth receive Dismissal from God's house for aye. The maid, trembling Nvith fear, thought all was lost indeed ! But no ! she hath a friend at need ; 'Twas Pascal, who had seen her all the while — Pascal, whose young foot walked along the aisle ; He made the quest, and nothing loth. In view of uncle and of nephew both. Doth quietly to her present, Upon a silver plate, with flowers fair blossoming. The crown-piece* of the Holy Sacrament — And all the world beholds the pious offering. * Miss Preston says this was a custom which prevailed in cer- 280 Jasmin. Oh ! raomeut full of joy ; her blood sprang iuto fleet uess ; Warnitb "was in all lier frame, Ler senses tlirilled witb sweetness ; She saw the bread of God arisen Out of its earthly prison, Thus life unto ber own was given : But w^herefore did ber brow quite blushing grow ? Because the angel bright of love, I trow, Did with ber glowing breath impart Life to the flame long smouldering in ber heart. It did become a something strange, and passing all desire As honey sweet, and quick as tire Did her sad soul illuminate With a new being ; and, though late, She knew the word for her delight, The fair enigma she could guess. People and priest all vanish'd from her sight. She saw in all the church only one man aright — He whom she loved at last, with utmost gratefulness. Then from Saint Peter's church the throng widely dis- persed, And of the scandal they bad seen now eagerly conversed; But lost not sight of her at all Who bore the Bread of Honor to the ancient dame, ere this. She sitteth now alone, shut in her chamber small, While Franconnette beams brightly with ber new-found bliss. On the parched earth, where falls the earliest dew, As shines the suu's first rays, the winter flown — So love's first spark awakes to life anew. And fills the startled mind with joy unknown. tain parts of France. It was carried by the French emigrants to Canada, where it flourished in recent times. Tlie Sacramental Bread was crowned by one or more frosted or otherwise ornamented cakes, which were reserved for the family of the Seigneur, or other communicants of distinction. Appendix, 281 The maiden yielded every tlionglit to this— The trembling ccrtiiinty of real bliss; The lightning of a joy before improved, Flashed in her heart, and told her that she loved. She fled from envy, and from curious eyes, And dreamed, as all have done, their waking dreams, Bidding in thought bright fairy fabrics rise To shrine the loved one in their golden gleams. Alas! the sage is right, 'tis the distrest Who dream the fondest, and who love the best. But when the saddened heart controls us quite, It quickly turns to gall the sweets of our delight. Then she remembered all ! The opening heaven turned gray, Dread thought now smites her heavily. Dreams she of love ? Why, what is she ? Sweet love is not for her ! The dreaded sorcerer Hath said she's foresold for a price — a murderer! With heart of dev'lish wrath, which whoso dares to brave To lie with her one night, therein shall find his grave. She, to see Pascal perish at her side ! "O God! have pity on me now!" she cried. So, rent with cruel agonies. And weeping very sore. Fell the poor child upon her knees. Her little shrine before. "Oh, Holy Virgin!" — sighing — "on thee alone relyiug, I come; I'm all astray! Father and mother too. Are dead lang syne, and I accnrsed ! All tongues are cryiug This hideous tale! Yet save me ift bo true; If they have falsely sworn, be it on their souls borne When I shall bring ray taper on the fete-day morn* * At Notre Dame du Bon Encoiitre, a church in the suburbs of Agen, celebrated for its legends, its miracles, and the numerous pilgrimages, which are usually made to it in the month of May. 282 Jasmin. Oil! blessed Mother, let mo see That I am not denied of thee !'' Brief prayer, Though 'tis sincere, To Heaven mounts quickly, Sure to have won a gracious ear; The maid her purpose holds, and ponders momently, And oftentimes grows sick, and cannot speak for fear, But sometimes taketli heart, and sudden hope and strong Shines in her soul, as brightest meteor gleams the sky along. Part Fourth. The Fete at Notre Dame. — OfiFering to the Virgin. — Thunderstroke and Taper Extinguished. — The Storm at Roquefort. — Fire at Estanquet. — Triumph of Pascal. — Fury of Marcel. — Power of a Mother. — Bad Head and Good Heart. — Conclusion, At last, behold the day she longed for, yet so fearfully, But lo ! the sun rose cheerfully ; And long, long Hues of white-robed village girls, From all the country round, walked tow'rds the tiukling bells, And soon proud Notre Dame appeared in sight. As 'mid a cloud of perfume! 'Twas if the thirty hamlets in their might Were piled together into one. What priests! What candles ! Crucifixes! Garlands! What Angels,* and what banners ! You see there Artigues, Puymiral, Astafort, Saint-Cirq, Cardonnet, Lusignau, Brax, Koquefort, But this year, Roquefort first, o'erleapeth all. What crowds there are of curious people, * The Angels walked in processioji, and sang the "Angelas" at the appropriate Hours. Appendix. 283 , To watch ibo girl sold to the Devil! The news has travelled everywhere; They knou- that she, in silent i^rayer, Implores the Virgin to protect her there! Her neighboi-s scoff, and her menace. But saddened friends grieve at her sore disgrace, Love, througli their heart, in fervor rills. Each one respects this plaintivest of girls; And many a pitying sonl a prayer said, That some great miracle might yet be made In favor of this poor and suppliant maid. She saw, rejoiced, more hope with her abode; Though voice of j)eoplo is the voice of God I Oh! how her heart beat as the church she neared, 'Twas for the Virgin's indulgence she cared. Mothers with heartaches; young unfortunates; The orphan girls; the women without mates; All knelt before, with tapers waxen, The image of the Virgin ; And there the aged priest, in surplice dressed, Placed the crosses at their lips, and afterwards them blessed. No sign of sorrow did on any suppliant fall, But with their happy hearts, their ways went one and all, So Frauconnetto grew happy, too, And most because Pascal prayed fervent in her view; She dared t' raise her eyes to the holy father's face, It seemed to her that love, hymns, lights, and the incense United, cried out, " Grace I" ** Grace, grace divine," she sighed, ''and love! Let them be mineT' Then stretching out her taper lit, and followed to the shrine. Bearing a garland in her hand; and all about her strove To give a place to her, and bade her forward move. 284 Jasmin. They fixed their eyes upon the sacred priest and her, And scarce a breath was drawn, and not a soul did stir; But when the priest, holding the image of redeeming love, Had laid it on the orphan's lips; before her kiss was given, Burst a terrific thunder-peal, as if 'twould rend the heaven, Blowing her taper out, and all the altar lights above. Oh, what is this? The crashing thunder! Her prayer denied, the lights put out ! Good God ! she's sold indeed ! All, all is true, no doubt. So a long murmur rose of horror and of wonder ; For while the maiden breathlessly Cowering like some lost soul, their shuddering glances under. Sudden crept forth, all shrunk away, and let her pass them by. Howbeit, that great peal was the opening blow Of a wild storm and terrible. That straightway ujion Roquefort fell. The spire of Saint Pierre* lay in rnins low. And, smitten by the sharp scourge of the hail. In all the region round, men could but weep and wail. The Angel bands who walked that day In fair procession, hymns to sing. Turned sorrowing, all save one, away, " Ova pro nobis " chanting. Yet, in those early times, though not as now, The angry waves to clear. To other jealous towns could Agen show Great bridges three, as she a royal city were; * The ancient parish church of Roquefort, whose ruins only now remain. See text for the effects of the storm. Appendix. 285 Then sbe had only barges two, by poles propelled slow, That waited for the minstrels, to bear them to Roque- fort, Whoso villagers heard rumors of the widespread woe; Ere landing, they wero ranged for singing on the shore. At first the tale but half they heed. But soon they see in very deed. Vineyards and happy fields with hopeless ruin smit; Then each let fall his banner fair, And lamentations infinite Rent on all sides the evening air, Till o'er the swelling throng rose deadly clear the cry, "And still Ave spare this Francouuette !" Then suddenly. As match to powder laid, the words " Set her on fire ! That daughter of the Huguenot, Let's burn her up, and let her ashes rot." Then violent cries -were heard. Howls of " Aye, Aye, the wretch ! Now let her meet her fate! She is the cause of all, 'tis plain ! Once she has made us desolate, But she sliall never curse again !" And now the crowd grew angrier, wilder too. "Hunt her off face of earth !" one shouts anew; "Hunt hef to death! 'Tis meet," a thousand tongues repeat, The tempest in the skies cannot with this compete. Oh, then, to see them as they came, With clinched fists and eyes aflame, Hell did indeed its demons all unchain. And while the storm recedes, the night is growing clear, But poison shools through every vein Of the possess'd madmen there. Thus goaded they themselves to crime ; but where was she, Unhappy Franconnetto f To her own cottage driven— 286 Jasmin. Worshippiug her one relic, sad and dreamily, And whispered to the withered flowers Pascal had loving given : " Dear uosegaj^, when I saw thee first, Methought thy sweetness was divine, And I did drink it, heart athirst; But now thou art not sweet as crsfc. Because those wicked thoughts of mine Have blighted all thy heauty rare; I'm sold to powers of ill, for Heav'n hath spurned my prayer ; My love is deadly love! No hope on earth have I! So, treasure of my heart, flowers of the meadow fair, Because I hless the hand that gathered thee, good-bye ! Pascal must not love such as I ! He must th' accursed maid forswear, Who yet to God for him doth cry! In wanton merriment last year. Even at love laughed Franconnette ; Now is my condemnation clear, Now Avhom I love, I must forget; Sold to the demon at my birth ! My God, how can it be ? Have I not faith in Thee ? Oh ! blessed blossoms of the earth, Let me drive with my cross the evil one from me ! And thou, my mother, in the star-lit skies above. And thou, my guardian, oh ! mother of our God, Pity me: For I bless Pascal, but part fi'om him I love! Pity the maid accursed, by the rod Sore smitten, to the earth down-trod, Help mo, thy Heart Divine to move!" " Franconnette, little one, what means thy plaintive moan ?" So spake the hoary dame. "Didst thou not smiling say Our Lady did receive thy offering to-day? But sure, no happy heart should make so sad a groan. Appendix. 287 Thou bast deceived me? Some new ill/'slio said, "Hath full'ii upon us!" "Nay, not so; be comforted. I — I'm quite bappy !" " So my sweetest deary, God graut that some good respite wo may have, For your sad sorrow diggeth up my grave; And this bath been a lonesome, fearsome day, and weary; That cruel dream of fire I bad some time ago, Howe'er I strove, did alwaj's haunt me so! And then, thou know'st tbo storm ; oh, I was terrified, So that, to-night, my dear, I shudder in my fright!" Wbat sudden noise is this outside? "Fire! Fire! Let's burn them in their cot!" FLimes shine tlirough all the shutters wide. Then Franconnette springs to tbe door-way tremblingly, And, gracious Heaven ! what doth she see ? By light of Imrning reek, An angry people huddled tbick; She bears them shout, " Now, to your fate ! Spare ne'er tbe young one, nor the old, Both work us ruin manifold. Sold to tbe Demon, wo must burn you straight !" Tbo girl fell on her knees, before the face Of that most furious populace. She cried, "Grandmother will j-ou kill? Ob, pity! grace !" 'Twas of no use ; tbe wretches, blind with fury. In viewing her bareheaded, in tbeir hurry. Saw but a cursed Icman, Sold bodily to tbo Demon. Tbe fiercest cried "Avaunt!" While tbo more savage forward spring, And on tho door tbeir feet they plant, With fiery brand in their hand brandishing. 288 Jasmin. "Jlold, I implore you!" cried a voice before uubeard; And sudden leapt before the crowd like lightning with the word, A man of stately strength and tall, It was the noble, brave Pascal! "Cowards!" he cried. "What — will you murder women then, And burn their cot ? Children of God ! Are you the ^ same? Tigers yon are, and cannot then be men ; And after all that they have suffered ! Shame ! Fall back ! Fall back, I say ; the walls are growing hot !" "Then let her leave us quite, this wretched Huguenot, For she was long since by the Devil bought; God smites us 'cause we did not drive her forth before." "Quick! quick!" cried Pascal, "living they will burn! Ye dogs, who moved ye to this awful crime?" "'Twas Marcel/' they replied. "See, iiow he comes in time !" " You lie !" the soldier thundered in his turn j " I love her, boaster, more than thou !" Said Pascal, " How wilt prove thy love, thou of the ten- der heart?" "I come," tlio other said, "to save her. I come to take her part. I come, if so she will, to wxd her, even now." "And so am I," replied Pascal, and steadfastly Before his rival's eyes, as bound hy some great spell. Then to the orphan girl turned he, With worship all unspeakable. "Answer me, Franconnette, and speak the truth alone; Tliou'st followed by the wicked with spite and scorn, my own ; Appe7idix. 289 Kilt wc two love tlicc well, aiul ready are to bravo Death ! Yes, or hell, thy precious life to save. Choose whicli of us thou wilt!" "Nay," she lamented sore, "Dearest, mine is a love that slays! Be happy, then, without me! Forget me ! Go thy ways!" "Happy without thee, dear! That can I never more; Nay ; were it true, as lying rumor says. An evil spirit ruled you o'er, I'd rather die with you than live bereaved days!" When life is at its bitterest, The voice of love aye rules us best. Instantly rose the girl above her mortal dread. And on the crowd advancing straight, " Because I love Pascal, alone I'd meet my fate. Ilowbeit his will is law," she said, "Wherefore together let our souls be sped." Then was Pascal in heav'n, and Marcel in the dust laid low; Then Pascal sought his gallant rival, saying, "I am more blest than thou. Forgive. Thou'rt brave, I know. Some squire* should follow me to death ; then wilt thou not * Donnzel is the word used by Jasmin. Miss II. W. Preston says of this passage: "There is something essentially knightly in Pascal's cast of character, and it is singular that, at the su- preme crisis of his fate, he assumes, as if unconsciously, the very phraseology of chivalry. 'Some squire {dounzel) should follow me to death,' etc., and we find it altogether natural and burning in the high-hearted smith. There are many places where Jasmin addresses his hearers directly as ' Messieurs,' where the context also makes it evident that the word is emphatic, that he is distinct- ly conscious of addressing those who arc above him in rank, and that the proper translation is ' gentles,' or even ' masters ;* yet no poet ever lived who was less of a sycophant." 13 290 Jasmin. Serve me? I have no otber friend!" Marcel seemed dreaming; And now lie scowled with wrath, and now his eyes were kindling ; Terrible was the battle in his mind; Till his eye fell on Francounette, serene and beaming, But with no word for liim; then pale, but smilingly, "Because it is her will," he said, ''I follow thee." Two weeks had passed away, and a strange nuptial train Adown the verdant hill went slowly to the plaiu ; First came the comely pair we know, in all their bloom. While gathered far and wide, three deep on either side, The ever-curious rustics hied, Shudd'ring at heart o'er Pascal's doom. Marcel conducts their march, but pleasure kindly true Glows not upon th' unmoving face he lifts to view. And something glances from his eye, That makes men shudder as they pass him by ; Yet verily his mien triumphant is, at least Sole master is he of this feast. And gives his rival, for bouquet, A supper and a ball to-day. But at the dance and at the board Alike, scarce one essayed a word ; None sung a song, none raised a jest. For dark forebodings every one oppressed. And the betrothed, by love's deep rapture fascinated, Silent and sweet, though near the fate she sad awaited, No sound their dream dispelled, yet hand in hand did press, Their eyes looked ever in a visioned happiness; And so, at last, the evening fell. But one affrighted woman straightway broke the spell; She fell on Pascal's neck, and "Fly, my son!" she cried. "I from the sorcerer come! Fly, fly from thy false bride! Appendix, 291 Tbo fatal sieve * hath turned ; thy death decree is spoken ! There's sulphur furae in bridal room, and by the same dread token, Enter it not ; for if thou liv'st thou'rt lost/' she sadly said ; ''And what were life to mc, my son, if thou wert dead?'* Then Pascal felt his eyes were wet. And turned away, striving to hide his face ; whereon The mother shrieked, "Ingrate! but I will save thee yet. Thou wilt not dare!" — falling before her stricken son. "Thou shalt now o'er my body pass, even as thou goest forth ! A wife, it seems, is all; and mother nothing worth! Unhappy that I am!" The crowd, alas! their heavy tears ran down! " Marcel," the bridegroom said, " her grief is my despair ; But love, thou knowest, 's stronger yet; indeed 'tis time to go! Only, should I perish, let my mother be thy care." " I can no more," cried Marcel, ^' thy mother's conquered here." And then the valiant soldier from his eyelids brushed a tear. "Take courage, Pascal, friend of mine Thy Franconnetto is good and pure. That hideous tale was told, of dark design ; But give thy mother thanks; but for her coming, sure This night might yet have seen my death and thine." "What say'st thouT" "Hush! uow I will tell thee all; Thou knowest that I loved this maid, Pascal. * IjOU sedan (the sieve) is made of ra^v silk, and is used for sift- ing flour. It has also a singular use in necromancy. When one desires to know the name of the doer of an act — a tiieft, for in- stance — tlic sieve is made to revolve, but woe to him whose name is Fpokcn just as tlie sieve stops ! 292 Jasmin. For lier, like thee, I would have shed my blood; I dreamt that I was loved again ; she held me in her thrall. Albeit my prayer was aye withstood; Her elders promised her to me ; And so, when other suitors barr'd my way, in spite, Saying, in love or war, one may use strategy, I gave the Wizard gold, my rival to affright. Therefore, my chance did everything, insomuch that I said, My treasure is already won and made. But when, in the same breath, we two our suit made known. And when I saw her, without turn of head. Choose thee, to my despair, it was not to be borne. And then I vow'd her death and thine, before the morrow morn ! I thought to lead you forth to the bridal bower ere long. And then, the bed beside which I had mined with care. That they might say no prince or power of th' air Is here. That I might burn you for my wrong; Aye, cross yourselves, thought I, for you shall surely die! But thy mother, with her tears, has made my vengeauce fly. I thought of my own, Pascal, who died so long ago. Care thou for thine! And now fear nought from me, I trow, Eden is coming down to earth for thee, no doubt, But I, whom henceforth men can only hate and flout, Will to the wars away! For in me something saith I may recover from my rout, Better than by a crime ! Aye, by a soldier's death !" Thus saying, Marcel vanished, loudly cheered on every side; And then with deepening blushes the twain each other eyed. For now, the morning stars in the dark heavens shone; Appendix. 293 But now I lift my x^encil 8nddciily. Colors for strife and pain have I, But for such perfect rapture — none ! And so the morning came, with softly-dawning light, No sound, no stir as yet within the cottage white, At Estanquet the people of the hamlets gathered were, To wait the waking of the happy married pair. Marcel had frankly told th' unhappy truth ; nathless, The Devil had an awful i>ower. And ignorance was still his dower. Some feared for bride and bridegroom yet; and guess At strange mischance. ** In the night cries were heard," Others had seen some shadows oil the wall, in wondrous ways. Lives Pascal yet? None dares to dress The spicy broth,* to leave beside the nuptial door, And so another hour goes o'er. Then floats a lovely strain of music overhead, A sweet refrain oft heard before, 'Tis the aoubadoi offered to the newly-wed. So the door opes at last, and the young pair was seen, She blushed before tbo folk, but friendly hand and mien, The fragments of her garter gives, And every woman two receives ; Then winks and words of ruth from eye and lip are passed. And luck of proud Pascal makes envious all at last, For the poor lads, whose hearts are healed but slightly. Of their first fervent pain. When they see Franconnette, blossoming rose-light brightly, All dewy fresh, so sweet and sightly. They cry aloud, "We'll ne'er believe a Sorcerer again!" *An ancient practice. Zow Ihurrin noubial^ a highly - spiced onion soup, was carried by the wedding guests to the bridegroom at a late liour of the night. f The aoubado — a song of early morning, corresponding to tlie serenade or evening song. INDEX Academy, French, and Jasmin, 120, 192, 193. Agen, description of, 1, 163; fairs of, 8 ; bridges of, lOG ; Jasmin crowned by, 208, 209, 229. Agricultural Colonv, Veday, 153. Albi, 212. Ampere on Jasmin, 125. Ancelo, and Academy, 194. Angouleme, Jasmin at, 186. Apollo and Jasmin, 29, 30. Appendix of Translations, 235. Arcachon, 190, 191,213. Arkwright, barber, 22. Arts and Literature, 153. AthencBum on Jasmin, 131, 132. Auch, Jasmin at, 154, Augustin Thierry, and Jasmin, 121; Thierry's life, 121. Aurillac, Jasmin at, 218. Barber, importance of, 22. Barbers and literature, 22. Barbges, 214. Barth^lemy, Marquise de, 195. Basque language, 41. BMze, M., 62, 200-202. Boranger and Jasmin, 65. Bergerac, 182. Biarritz, 191. "Bigno, Ma," 163-165, 174. " Blind Girl of Castel-Cuilld," 67 ; recited before Thierry, 124. Boe, grandfather^ 4-6 ; death of, 11. Boe, Sister, 12. Boileau's " Lutrin," 49. Bordeaux, visit to, 71 ; Fetes at, 74,150; Cr6cheat, 187,213. Brittany, dialect of, 39, 41. Carcassonne, Jasmin at, 149. Carnival at Agen, 13. Castera, 213. Charivari, the, 4, 5, 48. Chateaubriand, 129, 160. Church of Vergt, 179, 180, 182- 185, 190, 191, 203. " Cinderella " at Agen, 23. Claret and Olives, Reach's, 140. Comedians helped, 191, 192. Composition, Jasmin's slowness in, 166, 173. Condon, Jasmin at, 171. Costello, Miss, and Jasmin, 132- 137. "Crown of my Birthplace," 211. "Curl-Papers," Jasmin's, 49, 57, 163, 177, 196. Dax, Jasmin at, 171. De Mazade, 63, 127. De Pontmartin, 64. Deputations to Jasmin, 184. Devonshire, Charivaris in, 6. Dickens in England, 83. Donis, Abbe, 227. 290 Index. Donnct, Cardinal, 232. Dubray's Statue of Jasmin, 227. Dumon, on Gascon, 90. Emperor Napoleon III., 200. English language, 89 ; Critics on Jasmin, 131. Estanquet, 96, 103. Estellac, Montluc's Castle, 96. Eugenie, Empress, 201. Fagots, on the Garonne, T. Famines in France, 82, 149 ; Jas- min's last philanthrophic jour- ney, 219. Father, Jasmin's, 4, 5, 12, 115. Florian's works, 20. Foy, ode on General, 49. Franciman, Lou, 42. *' Franconnette," 95-9Y, 100 ; the Buscou, 98; the Sorcerer, 102; condemned to be burned alive, 107; delivery and marriage, 107 ; translation, 256-293. Franks and Frankish language, 39, 40. Fullerton, Lady G., translation of "BlindGirl,"3, 67, 68. Gaelic or Celtic, 39, 41, Garonne, The, 1, 6, 7, 163. Gasc, Mademoiselle, 114, 115. Gascon dialect, 36-38, 44, 46, 48, 56 ; Jasmin's defence of ,92,237. "Gascon poet. Shepherd and," 150,151. Gauls or Galatians, 41-43. Gers, Jasmin at, 171. Godolin's poems, 54. Gousset, Cardinal, 182. Gravier, Promenade du, 4, 26, 34, 93, 167. Hallam on Troubadours, 38. Henry IV., 45, 46, 51. Hermitage, Agen, 1, 163. House-maid at Seminary, 13, 14. Hugo, Victor, 188, 229. ' Huguenots and Catholics, 95. Instinct in poetry, 20, 21. Janin, Jules, at Paris, 119. Jasmin, Jacques, birth of, 3, 4 ; birthplace, 4, 5 ; mother of, 4, 6, 16, 115; boyhood of, 7; playfellows, 8; school, 10; education, 12; Seminary, Rue Montesquieu, 13; naughty trick on house-maid, 13, 14 ; impris- oned, 14; expelled, 15; appren- ticed to barber and hair-dress- er, 19; his garret under the tiles, 19; Florian's FaUes^ 20, 21 ; first rhyming efforts, 20 ; barbers and poetry, 22 ; first visit to theatre, 23 ; recites verses, 24, 25 ; begins business for himself, 25 ; marries Mari- ette Barr5re, 28 ; Mariette and rhyming, 30; visit of Charles Nodier, 31 ; Jasmin's coup d'etat^ 34; prosperity, 34, 35; studies Gascon, 37, 44 ; Unedu- cated Poets, 44 ; first poems in Gascon, 46 ; publishes " Curl- Papers," 49 ; " Third of May," 51,53,60; correspondence with Beranger,55; "Souvenirs," 58; truthfulness of, 58 ; publishes second volume of "Curl -Pa- pers," 62 ; visit of Paul de Musset, 64; " Blind Girl of Cas- tel-Cuille," 67 ; recited at Bor- deaux, 73 ; Jasmin and his wife, 76 ; his eloquence, 79 ; as philanthropist, 81 ; mission for relief of poor, 82 ; famine in Lot- et- Garonne, 84; poem on " Charity," 84 ; at Tonneins, 85, 86 ; Jasmin's reception, 87; Jasmin's defence of Gascon, Index. 297 92 ; Jasmin and Dante, 94, 95 ; " Franconnctte," 95, 96 ; dedi- cated to Toulouse, 95; reci- tation there, 109 ; reception, 111; his testimonial, 1 1 3, 1 14 ; death of his mother,! 15; "Yes- terday and To-day," 115 ; char- itable missions, 115; visits Paris, 117; banquets, 119; at Augustin Thierry's, 121, 124; at Louis Philippe's, Neuilly, 127; barbers of Paris, 128; Chateaubriand, 129 ; Miss Cos- tello's interview, 132, 133; re- ceives a pension, 136, 167; Angus B. Reach's interview, 140 ; Jasmin's conversation, 143 ; more charitable missions, 149; engagements, 152, 153; Society of Arts and Literature, 153; shaves the Mayor of Auch, 155 ; the millionaire, 155, 156; helps Mademoiselle Koaldes, 156, 157 ; Jasmin and Reboul, 159; buys a vineyard, 163; second volume of "Curl -Pa- pers," 166 ; made Chevalier of Legion of llonor, 167; Clieva- lier of St. Gregory the Great, 168; "Martha the Innocent," 168; Peyrottes's challenge de- clined, 172 ; " La Semaine d'un Fils," 174 ; letter from Laraar- tine, 176; third volume of "Curl -Papers," 177; helps to rebuild a church, 180 its con- secration, 182; philanthropic missions, 185; declines to be Deputy, 188, 189; at Arcachon, 190, 191, 213; the French Academy, 192; prize of, 194; another visit to Paris, 195; fetes, 195 ; at Marquise de Barthelemy, 195; at French Academy, 198; visit to I^tiis Napoleon, Emperor, 201 ; lib- eration of M. Baze, 201, 202; enrolled Maitre-^s-jeux, 205; crowned by Agen, 209 ; last mission of charity, Albi, Cas- t6ra, Bordeaux, Bareges, Saint- Flour, Toulouse, Villeneuve- sur-Lot, 212-220 ; correspond- ence of, 215; expenses of journeys, 216; last mission at Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 219; ill- ness, 221; last poem to Kenan, 221 ; death of Jasmin, 223 ; funeral, 223 ; bronze statue, 226 ; character of Jasmin, 227. Lacepede, Count de, 2. Lafarge, Madame, 160. Lamartine to Jasmin, 176; depu- ty, 188, 189. Languages of Western Europe, 39. Langue d'Oc and langue d'Oi'I, 38. Laurcntie, Mr., on Jasmin, 199. Lavei-gne on languages, 43, 44 ; on " Franconnette," 112, 113; on Jasmin, 139, 140. Longfellow's translation of "Blind Girl," 8,67,68. Louis Philippe at Neuilly, 127; fall of, 187. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, 187, 200. "Ma Bigxo,"163, 164, 252. Maitre-6s-jeux, Toulouse, 205. Marcel, soldier (in " Francon- nette"), 96, 107. Mariette (Jasmin's wire),27; visit- ed by Nodier, ol ; reconciled to poetry, 34; Jasmin's descrip- tion of, 76. Marot, poet, 46, 51. Marriage, Jasmin's, 28. Marseilles, Jasmin at, 154, 158. " Martha the Innocent," 168. 298 Index. "Mason's Son, the," (La Sem- mano d'un Fil), 174, 242. Masson, Abbe, 178, 185, 190, 203, 227. Mazade, Charles de, 63, 127. "MeCalMoun,"46, 133. Mezzofanti on languages, 43. Millionaire, Jasmin refuses to shave the, 155, 156. Minier, M., Bordeaux, 56. xAIiraben, Abbe, 17. Missions of philanthropy, 81, 115, 141, H9, 172, J 79, 'l80, 184, 185,212,217,219,220. Mistral, Proven9al poet, 227. Montignac, Jasmin at, 181, 213. Montluc, Blaise de, 195, 196. Montyon's prize, 193. Mother, Jasmin's, 4, 6,16,114,115. Musset, Paul de, visit to Jasmin, 64. Narbonne, comedians at, 191. Xeuilly, Jasmin at, 127. Xodier, Charles, 31, 50, 60, 63, 64, 113,119. Nontron, Jasmin at, 182. Norsemen, The, 40. Notre-Dame, Encontre, 105. Noubel, M., on Jasmin, 209 ; at Jasmin's funeral, 224 ; at Jas- min's statue, 227. Orleans, Duchess of, 120, 127, 136, 167. Orphanage at Bordeaux, 150. Palissy, Bernard, 2. Fa^dllotos, 49,57, 163, 177. Paris, Jasmin visits, 117, 130, 195,201. Pascal (" Franconnette "), 96-99, 103-105, 107, 108, 256-293. Pegasus and Jasmin, 29. Pension to Jasmin, 136, 167. Perigueux, Jasmin at, 180. Peyrottes's Challenge, 172. Philanthropist, Jasmin as, 81, 115, 141, 149, 172, 179, 180, 184, 185, 212, 217, 219, 220. Platt-Deutscli, 39. Poems in Gascon, 20, 46. Poetry and Jasmin, 20, 44, 45. Poets, Uneducated, 45. Pontmartin, M. de, 63. "Poor Man's Doctor," 248-251. Priest Avithout a Church, 178, 183, 203. Prize of French Academy, 194, 195. Pyrenees, from Agcn, 1, 163. Quixotism of Jasmin? 142, 215. Reach, Angus B., on Jasmin, 140. Reboul and Jasmin, 159, 188; and Dumas, 159, 160; and Chateaubriand, 160. "Recollections, My "(Souvenirs), 56,57,61. Remusat, Madame de, 126. Revolution of 1848, 187. Roaldes, Mdlle., 156. Rodez, mission to, 217. Ruined Church at Vergt, 179, 180, 182, 185, 203. Saint-Aman, Boudon de, 2. Sainte-Beuve on Jasmin, 46, 61, 63,71,112,118,171,172,232. Saint-Flour, 214,218. Saint -Leger, reconciliation at, 185. Saintc-Pierre, church of, 106. Saint-Vincent de Bory, 2. Saint Vincent de Paul, 184, 207, 213, 227. Salvandy, M. de, to Jasmin, 199. Sarlat, Jasmin at, 181. Scaliger, the Scholar, 2, 52, 163. Serenades at Agen, 168. Index. 299 Shaving Shop,The, 19, 26, 81, 50, 59,64,05, 147,167. "Shepherd and the Gascon Poet," 150. Sibour, Monseigneur, 195. Sorcerer, The, 102, 108, 290, 293. "Souvenirs, Mes," 3, 56, 61. Spinning women, 9, 25, 231. Sugden the Barber, 23. "Siren with Heart of Ice," 99, 100, 269. Tacitus on renown, 193. Thackeray's readings, 83. Theatre, Jasmin at, 23. Thierry, A., Jasmin and, 121- 126 ; career of, 121. "Third of May," 51. Thomas at Buscou, 98, 99. Translations from French toEtig- lish, 3 ; of Jasmin's Poems, 237. Toulouse, " Franconnette " first recited at, 109; "Martha," 169, 170; banquets, 170; Jas- min enrolled Maitre-^s-jeux, 205; last entertainment at, 218,219. Truthfulness of Jasmin, 58. Uneducated Poets, 44. Vergt, ruined church at, 178; consecration of new church, 182; again in ruins, 186; church completed, 192; the bells, 204. Villemain, M., panegyric on Jas- min, 193, 199. Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Jasmin's last recitation at, 219. " Vineyard " of Jasmin, 163, 252. Vintages at Agen, 8, 17. Wkstminstkii Review min, 137. on Jas- TIIE END. M41956 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY