UC-NRLF *B 41? 3so GIFT OF DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1918, No. 9 UNION LIST OP MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS By DAVID EUGENE SMITH LIBRARIAN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY AND CAROLINE EUSTIS SEELY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 BULLETIN OF TOE BTJ&EATJ OF EDUCATION. Note. With the exceptions indicated, the documents named below will be sent free of charge upon application to the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for free distribution, but may be had of the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C, upon payment of the price stated. Remittances should be made in coin, currency, or money order. Stamps are not accepted. A complete list of available publications will be sent upon application. 1917. *No. 1. Monthly record of current educational publications, January, 1917. 5 cts. *No. 2. Reorganization of English in secondary schools. A report of the Commis- sion on Secondary Education. James F. Hosic. 20 cts. *No. 3. Pine-needle basketry in schools. William C. A. Hammel. 5 cts. No. 4. Secondary agricultural schools in Russia. W. S. Jesien. *No. 5. Report of an inquiry into the administration and support of the Colorado school system. Katherine M. Cook and A. C. Monahan. 10 cts. No. 6. Educative and economic possibilities of school-directecjl home gardening in Richmond, Ind. J. L. Randall. No. 7. Menthly record of current educational publications, February, 1917. No. 8. Current practice in city school administration. W. S. Deffenbaugh. No. 9. Department-store education. Helen R. Norton. No. 10. Development of arithmetic as a school subject. W. S. Monroe. No. 11. Higher technical education in foreign countries. A. T. Smith and W. S. Jesien. No. 12. Monthly record of current educational publications, March, 1917. No. 13. Monthly record of current educational publications, April, 1917. *No. 14. A graphic survey of book publication, 1890-1916. F. E. Woodward . 5 cts. No. 15. Studies in higher education in Ireland and Wales. George E. Mac Lean. No. 16. Studies in higher education in England and Scotland. George E. MacLean. No. 17. Accredited higher institutions. S. P. Capen. *No. 18. History of public-school education in Delaware. S. B. Weeks. 20 cts. *No. 19< Report of a survey of the University of Nevada. 25 cts. No. 20. Work of school children during out-of-school hours. C. D. Jarvis. No. 21. Monthly record of current educational publications, May, 1917. No, 22. Money value of education. A. C. JEllis. *No. 23. Three short courses in heme making. Carrie A. Lyford. 15 cts. No. 24. Monthly record of current educational publications Index, February, 1916, to January, 1917. No. 25. Military trai.ning of youtl^oi^sch^ol age in foreign countries. W. S. Jesien. No. 2^6. Garden clubs'in the schools of Englpwood, N. J. Charles O. Smith. No. 27. Training iteaGliHrtfoi Mathematics for secondary schools. R. C. Archibald. No. 28. Montfeiy. Record bi current educational publications, June, 1917. No. 29. Practice teaching for secondary school-teachers. A. R. Mead. No. 30. School extension statistics, 1915-16. Clarence A. Perry. No. 31. Rural-teacher preparation in county training schools and high schools. H. W. Foght. No. 32. Work of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska, 1915-16. No. 33. A comparison of the/ salaries of rural and urban superintendents of schools. A. C. Monahan and C. H. Dye. (Continued on page 3 of cover.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1918, No. 9 UNION LIST OF MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS By DAVID EUGENE SMITH LIBRARIAN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY AND CAROLINE EUSTIS SEELY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE "WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY A CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Libraries reporting 6 Geographical distribution of libraries 7 I. Mathematical periodicals 8 II. Periodicals partly mathematical 30 Index 57 3 oon a -i f\ UNION LIST OF MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. INTRODUCTION. The following list of mathematical periodicals has been prepared for the use of research students in mathematics in the universities of the United States. It is not intended to be a complete list of all publications of this kind; indeed, such a catalogue, while very desir- able from the bibliographical and historical standpoint, would not ordinarily serve the purposes of the graduate student in mathematics as well as a brief list of this nature. The selection has been made after consultation with a number of professors in those universities that have most to* do with directing research work in mathematics in this country, and it represents the periodicals which, in the judg- ment of these advisers, the student will be most apt to consult in his investigations. The less frequently used journals should also, at some time, be listed, but this is a labor that should be undertaken with a view to compiling a complete bibliography of the subject. The present list is divided into two parts. In the first part those periodicals appear which relate solely to mathematics, whether they are issued in the form of journals or of publications of scientific societies. The second part includes those periodicals which contain mathematical articles which the student will probably wish to con- sult, but which are not wholly concerned with such articles. The index permits the student to refer at once to each list and also to find with ease the periodical for which he is looking under any one of various names by which it is known, or under the place of its publication. The selection of libraries has been somewhat arbitrary. Those universities known to have large collections of works on mathematics have, of course, been included. Other universities which are under- taking graduate work leading to the doctor's degree and have a considerable number of sets of periodicals have also been included, but with the evident understanding that the list is by no means complete and that any scientific selection would be very difficult. Certain city libraries have naturally found place, but here again it is difficult to draw a line between those which might properly have place and those which might not. In general, the purpose has not been so much to include one library and not another as to include a fair number of prominent libraries geographically located at points accessible to students. 5 6 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. It is hoped that the list may render more convenient such loans as the rules of various libraries may permit, may give to students easy access to important periodicals that they may need to consult, and may assist all libraries intended for research students in mathematics in selecting the periodicals that such students need most frequently to use. Students are advised to consult the list of periodicals in the library of the American Mathematical Society for certain current journals not frequently used and not found in enough libraries to make the inclusion of more than two or three in this union list of any par- ticular value. In general, the names of places are given with the local spellings and also with the spellings adopted in the publications of the United States Government. LIBRARIES REPORTING. [The catch word referring to each library is given in italics.] Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Adelbert. American Mathematical Society, 501 West 116th St., New York City. Am. Math. Soc. American Philosophical Society, 104 South Fifth St., Philadelphia,Pa. Am. Phil. Soc. Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. Boston Athen. Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn Pub. Brown University, Providence, R. I. Brown. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr. Bureau of Standards, United States, Washington, D. C. Bureau Standards. California, University of, Berkeley, Cal. Calif. Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. Case. Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Catholic. Chicago, The University of, Chicago, 111. Chicago. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Clark. Coast and Geodetic Survey, United States, Washington, D. C. Coast Geodetic. Columbia University, New York City. Columbia. Congressional Library, Washington, D. C. Congress. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell. Crerar. The John Crerar Library, Chicago, 111. Crerar. Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. Dudley. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard. Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Haver jord. Idaho, University of, Moscow, Idaho. Idaho. Illinois, University of, Urbana, 111. III. Indiana, University of, Bloomington, Ind. Indiana. Iowa, University of, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins. Kansas, University of, Lawrence, Kan. Kansas. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Mass. Tech. Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mich. Minnesota, University of, Minneapolis, Minn. Minn. Missouri, University of, Columbia, Mo. Mo. Naval Academy, United States, Annapolis, Md. Naval Ac. Nebraska, University of, Lincoln, Neb. Neb. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LIBRARIES. 7 New York Public Library, New York City. N. Y. Pub. Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Northwestern. Pennsylvania, University of, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Philadelphia Free Library, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila. Pub. Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Princeton. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Purdue. Rochester, University of, Rochester, N. Y. Rochester. Throop College, Pasadena, Cal. Throop. Stanford University, Stanford University, Cal. Stanford. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse. Texas, University of, Austin, Texas. Texas. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar. Virginia, University of, University, Va. Virginia. Washington, University of, Seattle, Wash. Wash. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Wash. (St. Louis). Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Wesley an. Wisconsin, University of, Madison, Wis. Wis. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (Includes library of Sheffield Scientific School and that of the Mathematics Seminar.) Yale Yerkcs Observatory, Geneva Lake, Wis. Yerkes. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LIBRARIES. [The catchword referring to the library is given in Italics.] Albany, N. Y. Dudley. Ann Arbor, Mich. Mich. Annapolis, Md. Naval Ac. Austin, Texas. Texas. Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins. Berkeley, Cal. Calif. Bloomington, Ind. Indiana. Boston, Mass. Boston Aihen. (See also Cambridge.) Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn Pub. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr. California. See Berkeley, Pasadena, Stanford University. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard, Mass. Tech. Champaign, 111. See Urbana. Chicago, 111. Chicago, Crerar. Cleveland, Ohio. Adelbert, Case. Columbia, Mo. Mo. Connecticut. See Middletown, New Haven. District of Columbia. See Washington, D. C. Evanston, 111. Northwestern. Geneva Lake, Wis. Yerkes. Haverford, Pa. Haverford. Idaho. See Moscow. Illinois. See Chicago, Evanston, Urbana. Indiana. See Bloomington, Lafayette. Iowa. See Iowa City. Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa. Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell. Kansas. See Lawrence. 45008 18 2 8 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. Lafayette, Ind. Purdue. Lawrence, Kan. Kansas. Lincoln, Neb. Neb. Madison, Wis. Wis. Maryland. See Annapolis, Baltimore. Massachusetts. See Boston, Cambridge, Worcester. Michigan. See Ann Arbor. Middletown, Conn. Wesleyan. Minneapolis, Minn. Minn. Minnesota. See Minneapolis. Missouri. See Columbia, St. Louis. Moscow, Idaho. Idaho. Nebraska. See Lincoln. New Haven, Conn. Yale. (Includes Sheffield Sci. Sch. and the Math. Seminar.) New Jersey. See Princeton. New York City. Am. Math. Soc, Columbia, N. Y. Pub. New York (State). See Albany, Brooklyn, Ithaca, New York City, Poughkeepsie, Rochester, Syracuse. Ohio. See Cleveland. Palo Alto, Cal. See Stanford University. Pasadena, Cal. Throop. Pennsylvania. See Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. Am. Phil. Soc, Pa., Phila. Pub. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar. Princeton, N. J. Princeton. Providence, R. I. Brown. Rhode Island. See Providence. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester. St. Louis, Mo. Wash. (St. Louis.) Seattle, Wash. Wash. Stanford University, Cal. Stanford. Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse. Texas. See Austin. University, Va. Virginia. Urbana, 111. III. Virginia. See University. Washington, D. C. Bureau Standards, Catholic, Coast Geodetic, Congress. Washington (State). See Seattle. Wisconsin. See Geneva Lake, Madison. Worcester, Mass. Clark. I. MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. (For a complete list with cross references, see the Index.) Acta Mathematica. American Journal of Mathematics. American Mathematical Monthly. Analyst. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Annals of Mathematics. Archivo de Matem&ticas. Bibliotheca Mathematica. Bollettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche. (Loria.) MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. Bollettino di Matematica. (Conti.) Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. (Darboux.) Calcutta Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Crelle's Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Jahresbericht. Jahresbericht, Erganzungsbande. Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Proceedings. L' Education Mathematique. L'Enseignement Mathematique. Formulaire de Mathematique. Gazeta Matematica. Gentleman's Diary or Mathematical Repository. Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. Gergonne's Annales de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. Giornale di Matematiche. (Battaglini.) Gottingen. Mathematischer Verein. Berichte. Hamburg. Mathematische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Indian Mathematical Society. Journal. L' Intermediate des Mathematiciens. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Journal de Mathematiques Eiementaires. (Vuibert.) Kharkov Mathematical Society. Communications. Ladies' Diary. Lady's and Gentleman's Diary. Liouville's Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings. Madras. See Indian Mathematical Society. Madrid. Sociedad Matematica Espafiola. Revista. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Ertekezesek a Mathematikai Osztaly Korebol. Le Matematiche Pure ed Applicate. Mathematical Gazette. Mathematical Magazine. Mathematical Miscellany. Mathematical Monthly. (Runkle.) Mathematical Questions and Solutions from the "Educational Times." Mathematical Repository. (Dodson, Leybourn.) Mathematiceskij Zistok. The Mathematician. The Mathematics Teacher. Mathematische Annalen. Ma thesis. Messenger of Mathematics. Moscow Mathematical Society. Transactions. (Matematischeski Sbornik.) New York. American Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Transactions. New York Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Nouvelle Correspondance Mathematique. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. Nyt Tidsskrift for Mathematik. Palermo. Circolo Matematico. Rendiconti. Rendiconti, Supplemento. 10 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Paris. Soci^te Math^matique de France. Bulletin. Comptes Rendus des Stances. Periodico di Ma tenia tica. Supplemento. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania. Publications: Mathematics. II Pitagora. El Progreso Matematico. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Repertorium der literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Reinen und Ange- wandten Mathematik. Revista Trimestral di Matematicas. Revue de Mathematiques. (Rivista di Matematica.) Revue de Mathematiques Sp^ciales. Revue Semestrielle des Publications Mathematiques. Sphinx-CEdipe. Tohoku Mathematical Journal. Wiadomosci Matematyczne. Wiskundige Opgaven met de Oplossingen. Wiskundig Tijdschrift. Acta Mathematica. Stockholm. Vols. 1 (1882-83)- Adelbert. Vols. 40 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 1-25. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-7, 26, 37 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 19 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1-32, 37- Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1-27. Wash. Vols. 1-33, 35 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1- Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 American Journal of Mathematics. Baltimore. Vols. 1 (1878) Adelbert. Vols. 3 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Boston Athen. Vol. 2. Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 12-24, 32 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1- Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1-17, 19 Dudley. Vols. 36 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 11 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 2 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 7 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Phila. Pub. Vols. 18, 20 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. I Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1- Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 17 American Mathematical Monthly. Chicago. Vols. 1 (1894) Adelbert. Vols. 20 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 23 Calif. Vols. 1-10, 12 Case. Vols. 20 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1, 3, 8 Cornell. Vols. 6 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1, 7 Haverford. Vols. 24 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 20 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 20 Mich. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-10. Brown. Vols. 1-10. Chicago. Vols. 1-10. Columbia. Vols. 1-10. Congress. Vols. 1-10. Cornell. Vols. 1-10. Crerar. Vols. 1-10. Harvard. Vols. 1-10. 111. Vols. 1-10. Indiana. Vols. 1-10. Iowa. Vols. 1-4, 7-10. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-10. Minn. Vols. 20 Mo. Vols. 20 Neb. Vols. 10 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 9 Northwestern. Vols. 20 Pa. Vols. 1 Phila. Pub. Vol. 9. Princeton. Vols. 8 Purdue. Vols. 1-8, 11 Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 16 Texas. Vols. 6-11, 21 Vassar. Vols. 21 Virginia. Vols. 17 Wash. Vols. 8 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 20 Wesleyan. Vols. 15 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 11, 16 Analyst. Des Moines. Vols. 1-10 (1874-1883). Mich. Vols. 1-10. Minn. Vols. 1-10. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-10. Neb. Vols. 1-10. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-10. Pa. Vols. 1-10. Princeton. Vols. 1-10. Purdue. Vols. 1-10. Vassar. Vols. 6-7. Wis. Vols. 1-10. Yale. Vols. 1-10. 12 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Milano (Milan) and Roma (Rome). Ser. 1, Vols. 1-7 (1858-1865); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-26 (1867-1897); Ser. 3, Vol. 1 (1898)- Adelbert. Ser. 3, Vols. 25 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 3, 9; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 3, Vols. 21. Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 2, Vols. 17-26; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 20-23; Ser. 3, Vol. 1. Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard . Ser . 1-2 ; Ser . 3 , Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-23, 26; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 3, Vols. 17 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 1; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 2, Vols. 2-23; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 3, Vols. 6 Wash. (St. Louis.) Ser. 3, Vols. 16 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Annals op Mathematics. Princeton. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-12 (1884-1899); Ser. 2, Vols. I (1899-1900) Adelbert. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vol. 1, 3 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1, Vols. 6-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 1, Vols. 9-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2. Chicago. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1, 3 Harvard. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 2 Haverford. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Idaho. Ser. 2, Vols. 16 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Iowa. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-6, 9-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2, Vols. 9 Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4, 6-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Neb. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Purdue. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Rochester. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Throop. Ser. 2, Vols. 12 Vassar. Ser. 1, Vols. 9-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Virginia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Ser. 2, Vols. 11 Wis. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4, 612; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Archivo de Matematicas. Valencia and Madrid. Vols. 1-2 (1896-1897). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-2. I Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-2. MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 13 Bibliotheca Mathematica. Leipzig and Stockholm. Ser. 1, Vole. 1-3 (1884-1886); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-13 (1887-1899); Ser 3, Vols. 1 (1900) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 3; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 3, Vols. 12 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1, Vol. 3; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1, Vol. 1; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 3, Vols. 10 Johns Hopkins. Ser N 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 4-13; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 2-13; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 2, Vols. 5-13; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-4. Vassar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1^4. Wash. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 BOLLETTINO DI BlBLIOGRAFIA E STORIA DELLE SciENZE MATEMATICHE. (Turin). (Loria.) Vols. 1 (1898) Crerar. Vols. 1 Torino Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-6, 8 111. Vols. 12 N.Y. Pub. Vols. Wis. Vols. 18 Bollettino di Matematica. Roma (Rome). (Conti.) Vols. 1 (1902) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-11, 13 I N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1-8. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. Paris. (Darboux.) Ser. 1, Vols. 1-11 (1870-1876); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1877) Ser. 1 and Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2, called Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques et Astronomiques. Adelbert. Ser. 2, Vols. 40 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2, 27 Brown. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-6, 8-11; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-22, 24-25. Chicago. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols Clark. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-9; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-37, 39 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Haverford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 33 Mo. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-29. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-21, 23 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 14 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Calcutta Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Vols. 1 (1909-1913) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1- Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Cambridge. Vols. 1-9 (1846-1854), (also called Vols. 5-13 of Cambridge Mathematical Journal Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-9. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1-9. Calif. Vols. 1-9. Chicago. Vols. 1-9. Columbia. Vols. 1-9. Cornell. Vols. 1-9. Crerar. Vols. 1-9. Harvard. Vols. 2-9. 111. Vols. 1-9. Indiana. Vols. 1-9. Mich. Vols. 1-9. Minn. Vols. 1-9. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-9. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-9. Pa. Vols. 1-9. Princeton. Vols. 1-9. Stanford. Vols. 1-9. Vassar. Vols. 1-9. Virginia. Vols. 1-9. Wash. Vols. 1-9. Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1-9. Wis. Vols. 1-9. Yale. Vols. 1-9. Calif. Vols. 1-4. Columbia. Vols. 1-4. Congress. Vols. 1-4. Crerar. Vols. 1-4. Harvard. Vols. 1-4. 111. Vols. 1-4. Indiana. Vols. 1-4. Cambridge Mathematical Journal. London. Vols. 1-4 (1837-1845). Minn. Vols. 1-4. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-4. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-4. Stanford. Vols. 1-4. Virginia. Vols. 2-4. Wis. Vols. l^L Yale. Vols. 1-4. Crelle's Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Vols. 1 (1826) Berlin. Adelbert. Vols. 1-126, 128-129, 132-133. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-13, 20 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-5. Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 1, 3, 5-26, 29, 31-34, 36-43, 45-47, 49-51, 53-61, 63-74, 76-87, 89-107. Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 54 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1-2, 6, 24 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 49 Mass. Tech. Vols. 58-59, 98-111, 113-114, 116 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Missouri. Vols. 56 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1-141. Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 15 Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Leipzig. Jahresbericht. Vols. 1 (1890-1891) Adelbert. Vols. 11-22, 24 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 11 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 19 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-9, 11-20, 22 Congress. Vols. 1-7, 9-18. Cornell. Vols. 1-9, 11 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols,. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 3, 15 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 15 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1-17, 20 Wesley an. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Leipzig. Jahresbericht, Erganzungsbande. Vols. 1 (1906) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 2, 4 (part 1). Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1-2, 5 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 5 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1, 5. Kansas. Vols. 4 Mich. Vols. 1, 2, 4 Minn. Vols. 1-2, 5 Mo. Vols. 4 N.Y. Pub. Vol.3. Northwestern. Vols. 1-3, 5 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1-2. Stanford. Vols. 1-2. Wash. Vols. 1-2. Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1883) (Vol. 1 was printed in 1894, Vol. 2 in 1884.) Vols. 1, 11 Vols. 15 Amer. Math. Soc Amer. Phil. Soc. Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 13 Clark. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-28, 30 Crerar. Vols. 16 Harvard. Vols. 1 Idaho. Vols. 35 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1, 3-6, 8, 9, 11-18, 20 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1-6, 8 Texas. Vols. 1-31. Wis. Vols. 1 45008 18- 16 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. L'Education Mathematique. Paris. Vols. 1-16 (1898-1914). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 5-16. Brown. Vols. 1-16. Chicago. Vols. 4-9. Harvard. Vols. 1-4. 111. Vols. 1-16. Indiana. Vols. 13-16. L'Enseignement Mathematique. Paris and Geneva. Vols. 1 (1899) Adelbert. Vols. 18 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Case. Vols. 18 Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-6, 8 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 16 Johns Hopkins, Vols. 6 Kansas. Vols. 1 FORMULAIRE DE Vols. 1-5 (1895-1908). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-5. Brown. Vols. 1-3. Catholic. Vols. 2-3. Columbia. Vols. 1-5. Congress. Vols. 1, 3. Cornell. Vol.1. Crerar. Vols. 1-5. Harvard. Vols. 1-5. Mass. Tech. Vols. 11 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 . Mo. Vols. 8 Neb. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 2 Purdue. Vols. 5 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 8 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 15 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Mathematique. Torino (Turin). (Vol. 5 is called Formulario Mathematico.) 111. Vols. 1-5. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-4. Mich. Vols. 1-5. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 2-5. Princeton. Vols. 1-5. Wis. Vols. 1-5. Yale. Vols. 1-5. Gazeta Matematica. Bucharest. Vols. 1 (1895-1896) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-18, 20 Gentleman's Diary or Mathematical Repository. London. Vols. 1-100 (1741-1840). Vols. 1-60, 1741-1800 reprinted in 3 volumes, Davis's edition, 1814. Succeeded by Lady's and Gentleman's Diary. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 75-78. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-12. Brown. Vols. 85-86. Columbia. Vols. 8, 95. Vols. 1-60, Davis's edition. Congress. Vols. 1-9, 11-49, 55, 58, 61- 64, 66-67, 69-70, 72-78, 80, 84-87, 97-100. Harvard. Vols. 4-5, 19-28, 50-51, 53, 55-59, 94-100. Yale. Vols. 26, 28-37, 54-100. Vols. 1-53, Davis's edition. MATHEMATICAL, PERIODICALS. 17 Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. London. Vols. 1-5, Nos. 1-30 (1798-1827). Amer. Math. Soc. Nos. 1-30. Cornell. Nos. 1-30. Harvard. Nos. 13-28. Haverford. Nos. 1-6, 14-19. 111. Nos. 1-30. Pa. Nos. 1-30. Yale. Nos. 1-29. Gergonne's Annales de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. Paris. Nismes and Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. Columbia. Vols. 1-22. Cornell. Vols. 1-22. Crerar. Vols. 1-22. Harvard. Vols. 1-21. Vols. 1-22 (1810-1832) 1-22. 111. Vols. 1-22. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-21. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-21. Yale. Vols. 1-22. Giornale'di Matematiche. Napoli (Naples) . (Battaglini.) Vols. 1 (1863) Adelbert, Vols. 53 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Boston Athen. Vols. 1-9. Brown. Vols. 52 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 33 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 33-38. Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-38. Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1-46, 48 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 48 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Gottingen. Mathematischer Verein. Berichte. Vols. 1 (1870) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 65-79. Hamburg. Mathematische Gesellschaft. Leipzig Mitteilungen. Vols. 1 (1881-1889) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 2- Chicago, Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 2 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vol. 4. tJrerar. Vols. 2 Harvard. Vols. 3 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. Kansas. Vol. 3, 5 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1-2, 1-2. 18 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. Indian Mathematical Society. Madras. Journal. Vol. 1 (1909) ; Vols. 1-2 are called Journal of the Indian Mathematical Club. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1- L'Intermediaire des Mathematiciens. Paris. Vols. 1 (1894)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 24 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 1-7. Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-7, 9-12, 14 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 18 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-12, 14-17, 19 Kansas. Vols. 5-6, 9 Mich. Vols. 1-5. Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 13 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 15 Stanford. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1-10. Jahrbuch uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Berlin. Vols. 1 (Jahrgang 1869, published 1871) Adelbert. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1- Brown. Vols. 38 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 24-29, 38- Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-33, 35 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 27 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-13, 15 Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 20-27. Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. 33 Wash. Vols. 31 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Journal de Mathematiqueo Elementaires. Paris. (Vuibert.) Vols. 1 (1877) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 8-21. Calif. Vols. 5-12. Chicago. Vols. 3-6, 19-26. Crerar. Vols. 21 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 22 Mich. Vols. 1-26. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 21-25. Princeton. Vols. 36-37. Stanford. Vols. 10-13. Texas. Vols. 1 MATHEMATICAL PEEIODICALS. 19 Kharkov Mathematical Society. Communications. Ser. 1, 1879-1887; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1889)- Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 I Harvard. Ser. 2, Vols. 6 Vols. 1-137 (1704-1840). Ladies' Diary. London. 1704-1773 reprinted in 1775. Gentleman's Diary. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 113-132, 134-137. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 3-12, 14-22, 25-33, 35-49. Boston Athen. Vols. 34, 37-46. Brown. Vols. 122-124, 126. Succeeded by Lady's and Vols. 3, 6, 8-9, 12, 15-86, 92, 95, 98-101, 103-104, 106-107, 109-115, 117, 121-124, 134-137. Harvard. Vols. 128-130, 132-137. Yale. Vols. 5-47, 53-137. Lady's and Gentleman's Diary. Vols. 138-167 (1841-1871). Successor to Ladies' Diary and Gentleman's Diary; volumes numbered in continuation of Ladies' Diary. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 144, 147-151. Brown. Vols. 138-142, 146-149. Vols. 138-147. Harvard. Vols. 138, 140-154, 156-166. Yale. Vols. 138-167. Liouville's Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliqu^es. Paris. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20 (1836-1855); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-19 (1856-1874); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-10 (1875- 1884); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-10 (1885-1894); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-10 (1895-1904); Ser. 6, Vols. 1-10 (1905-1914); Ser. 7, Vols. 1 (1915) Adelbert. Ser. 7, Vols 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 3, Vol. 6; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-6, 8-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Boston Athen. Ser. 1, Vol. 7. Brown. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Ser. 6, Vols. 2-6. Calif. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 5, Vols. 1-6. Chicago. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Ser. 1-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 7-8. Columbia. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-19; Ser. 5, Vols. 8-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Haverford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-8; Ser. 3-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Iowa. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-12; Ser. 3-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Ser. 2, Vols. 4-5; Ser. 4' Vol. 10; Ser. 5-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 1, Vols. 1, 5-20; Ser. 2-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6. Neb. Ser. 5, Vols. 4-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Rochester. Ser. 2, Vols. 12-17; Ser. 5, Vols. 5-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Syracuse. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Vassar. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Virginia. Ser. 1. Wash. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Ser. 6, Vols. 6-10; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 20 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-35 (1865-1903); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1903-1904)- Adelbert. Ser. 2, Vols. 15 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1, Vols. 28-35; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1, Vols. 17-35; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Haverford. Ser. 1, Vols. 10-11; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Idaho. Ser. 2, Vols. 16 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Iowa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 - Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1- Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Ser. 1, Vol. 24. Mich. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Neb. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 2, Vols. 4 Pa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Vassar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-6, 8 Wesleyan. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Madrid. Sociedad Matematica Espanola. Revista. Vols. 1 (1911) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-2, 4 Brown. Vols. 5 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1- Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Budapest. Ertekez6sek a Mathematikai Osztaly K6rebol. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Memoirs on Mathematical Subjects.) Vols. 1 (1867) Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-10. | Congress. Vols. 1-9, 11-12. Le Matematiche Pure ed Applicate. Citta di Castello. Vols. 1-2 (1901-1903). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-2. Columbia. Vols. 1-2. Harvard. Vol. 2. Kansas. Vols. 1-2. Amer. Math. Soc Brown. Vols. 9 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Crerar. Nos. 1-6, Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Nos. 1-6, Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Mathematical Gazette. London. Nos. 1-6 (1894-1895); Vols. 1 (1896-1900) Nos. 1-6, Vols. 1- Johns Hopkins. Vols. 3, 5-6, Mass. Tech. Vols. 1 Minn. Nos. 1-6, Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 6 Princeton. Vols. 7 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. Mathematical Magazine. Washington (Begun at Erie, Pa.). Vols. 1-2 (1882-1910). (Vol. 2, No. 12 has 2 parts, issued in 1904 and 1910.) 21 Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-12, part 1. Brown. Vol. 1 Chicago. Vol. 2, No. 12, part 2. Coast Geodetic. Vol. 1 ; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-10. Columbia. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-12, part 1. Congress. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-11. Cornell. Vols. 1-2. Crerar. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-8. Harvard. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-11. 111. Vols. 1-2. Indiana. Vol. 1. N. Y. Pub. Vol.1. Pa. Vol.1. Rochester. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-12, part 1. Wis. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10. Yale. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-11. Brown. Vols. 1-2. Columbia. Vol. 1. Harvard. Vol. 1. Mathematical Miscellany. New York. Vols. 1-2 (1836-1839). N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-2. Pa. Vols. 1-2. Yale. Vols. 1-2. Mathematical Monthly. Cambridge, Mass. (Runkle.) Vols. 1-3 (1859-1861). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Boston Athen. Vol. 3. Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 1-3. Brown. Vols. 1-3. Calif. Vols. 1-3. Columbia. Vols. 1-3. Congress. Vols. 1-3. Cornell. Vols. 1-3. Crerar. Vols. 1-3. Harvard. Vols. 1-3. Haverford. Vols. 1-3. 111. Vols. 1-2. Indiana. Vols. 1-3. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-3. Mich. Vols. 1-3. Minn. Vols. 1-3. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-3. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-3. Northwestern. Vols. 1-3. Pa. Vols. 1-3. Phila. Pub. Vols. 1-3. Princeton. Vols. 1-3. Purdue. Vols. 1-3. Syracuse. Vols. 1-3. Wesleyan. Vols. 1-3. Wis. Vols. 1-3. Yale. Vols. 1-3. Mathematical Questions and Solutions prom the "Educational Times." London. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-75 (1863-1901); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-29 (1902-1916); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1916) Brown. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-11, 28-32,35- 38, 61, 64, 66-75; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1, Vols. 40-75; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-60. Naval Ac. Ser. 1, Vols. 28-39. Wash. Ser. 1. Yale. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-67, 71, 74. 22 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Mathematical Repository. London. [Ser. 1] (Dodson), Vols. 1-3 (1747-1755); [Ser. 2] (Leybourn), Vols. 1-3 (1795-1804); [Ser. 3] (Leybourn, "New Series"), Vols. 1-6 (1806-1835). Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-5. Cornell. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6. Harvard. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-4. Yale. Ser. 1, Vol. 1 (2d edition), 2-3; Ser. 2, Vol. 1 (2d edition), 2-3; Ser. 3. Mathematiceskij Zistok. Vols. 1 (1915) Reval. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-3. Congress. Vols. 2-3. Cornell. Vols. 1-3. Crerar. Vols. 1-3. The Mathematician. London. Vols. 1-3 (1843-1850). Harvard. Vols. 1-3. Mich. Vols. 1-3. Wis. Vols. 1-3. Yale. Vols. 1-3. The Mathematics Teacher. Syracuse, N. Y. Vols. 1 (1908-1909) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-6. Cornell. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 5 111. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech.. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. Texas. Vols. 1 Mathematische Annalen. Leipzig. Vol. 1 (1869) Adelbert. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 14-15, 41-43, 45 Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 40, 44, 46 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 9-53, 57 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1-37, 40 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 52 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. 52 Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1- Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 23 Mathesis. Gand (Ghent). Ser. 1, Vols. 1-10 (1881-1890); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10 (1891-1900); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-10 (1901- 1910); Ser. 4, Vols. 1 (1911) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 1, Vols. 5-10; Ser. 2, Vol. 1. Calif. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 2, Vols. 5-10. Chicago. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 8-10; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-7. Cornell. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 2, Vols. 7-10; Ser. 3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 2-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 2, Vols. 7-10; Ser. 3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Rochester. Ser. 1, Vol. 10. Syracuse. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 1, Vol. 10; Ser. 2, Vols. 2-9; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-3. Wash. Ser. 4, Vols. 4 Wis. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Messenger of Mathematics. London. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-5 (1861-1871); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1871) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1, 3-9, 24 Brown. Ser. 2, Vols. 46 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 2, Vols. 15 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 2, Vols. 24-31. Chicago. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Haverford. Ser. 2, Vols. 3-6, 8-11. 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-23. Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Naval. Ac. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-13. Neb. Ser. 1; Ser. 2 ,Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 2, Vols. 36 Pa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Syracuse. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-4, 9-10, 13 Vassar. Ser. 2, Vols. 25 Virginia. Ser. 2, Vols. 29 Wash. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-39, 42- Wis. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Moscow Mathematical Society. Transactions. (Matematischeski Sbornik.) Vols. 1 (1866) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 I Mich. Vols. 1-28. New York. American Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Vols. 1 (1894-1895) Adelbert. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 4-6, 10 Brown. Vols. 9 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 - Calif. Vols. 1 Case. Vols. 1 45008 18 4 Catholic. Vols. 1-8. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 3 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 24 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1-7. Idaho. Vols. 22 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 14 Throop. Vols. 16 Vassar. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 1-19, 21 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1-17. Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 1 New York. American Mathematical Society. Transactions. Vols. 1 (1900) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. 4 Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 1-5. New York Mathematical Society. Bulletin. Vols. 1-3 (1891-1894). Adelbert. Vols. 1-3. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1-3. Calif. Vols. 1-3. Case. Vols. 1-2. Chicago. Vols. 1-3. Clark. Vols. 1-3. Columbia. Vols. 1-3. Congress. Vols. 1-3. Cornell. Vols. 1-3. Crerar. Vols. 1-3. Harvard. Vols. 1-3. Haverford. Vols. 1-3. 111. Vols. 1-3. Indiana. Vols. 1-3. Iowa. Vols. 1-3. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-3. Kansas. Vols. 1-3. Mass. Tech. Vols. 1-3. Mich. Vols. 1-3. Minn. Vols. 1-3. Mo. Vols. 1-3. Naval Ac. Vols. 1-3. Neb. Vols. 1-3. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-3. MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. 25 Northwestern. Vols. 1-3. Pa. Vols. 1-3. Princeton. Vols. 1-3. Purdue. Vols. 1-3. Rochester. Vols. 1-3. Stanford. Vols. 1-3. Texas. Vols. 1-3. Vassar. Vols. 1-2. Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1-3. Wesleyan. Vols. 1-3. Wis. Vols. 1-3. Yale. Vols. 1-3. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Amsterdam. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20 (1875-1893); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1895) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1- Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 4 Chicago. Ser. 1. Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1, Vol. 19. Harvard. Ser. 2, Vols. 4 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser . 1 , Vols. 12-20 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1, 3. Kansas. Ser. 2, Vols. 9 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 2, Vols. 4 Nouvelle Correspondance Mathematique. Bruxelles (Brussels). Vols. 1-6 (1874-1880). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-6. I Harvard. Vols. 1-6. Congress. Vols. 1, 3, 5-6. I Johns Hopkins. Vols. 5-6. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. Paris. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20 (1842-1861); Ser. 2, (1882-1900); Ser. Adelbert. Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-18; Ser. 4, Vols. 3 Brooklyn Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vol. 1. Brown. Ser. 4, Vols. 11 Calif. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 3, Vols. 14-19. Chicago. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Ser. 3, Vol. 18. Columbia. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-17. Cornell. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 4, Vols. 9 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1-4, 6-12, 14 Kansas. Ser. 4, Vols. 2-11. Vols. 1-20 (1862-1881); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-19 4, Vols. 1 (1901) Tech. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-16, 18-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 18-19; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-2. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 4, Vols. 6 Pa. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Rochester. Ser. 3, Vols. 11-19; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Syracuse. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 1, Vols. 16-20; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10. Virginia. Ser. 4, Vols. 8 Wis. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 11 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. A, Vols. 1-4, 7-8. 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols, 22 Nyt Tidsskript for Mathematik. Kjbenhavn. Ser. A and B, Vols. 1 (1890) Johns Hopkins. Vol. 1. Kansas. Vols. 19 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1- Wis. Vols. 1 26 MATHEMATICAL PEEIODICALS. Palermo. Circolo Matematico. Rendiconti. Vols. 1 (1884-1887) Adelbert. Vols. 1-36. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 9-14. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols.l Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-26. Cornell. Vols.l Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols.l Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1-27, 33-36, 39 Mass. Tech. Vols. 21-28, 30, 32-34, 37- Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols.l Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 19 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 28-36. Stanford. Vols. 1-27, 29 Texas. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 1 Wesley an. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols.l Yale. Vols. 1 Palermo. Circolo Matematico. Amer. Math. Soc Calif. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1-5. Columbia. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-5, 7 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 2 111. Vols. 1 Rendiconti, Supplemento Vols 1 Vols. 1 (1906)- Kansas. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 5-7. Mo. Vols. 5 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 4 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Paris. Societe Mathematique de France. Bulletin. Vols. 1 (1872-1873) Adelbert. Vols. 43 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 1-33. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-34, 37- Kansas. Vols. 1-30, 33 Mich. Vols.l Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 38 Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols.l Northwestern. Vols. 34 Pa. Vols.l Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 38 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 27 Paris. Societe Mathematique de France. Comptes Rendus des Seances. 1912 Amer. Math. Soc. 1912 Calif. 1912 Columbia. 1912 Congress. 1912 Crerar. 1912 Harvard. 1912. 111. 1912 Kansas. 1912 N. Y. Pub. 1912. Princeton. 1913. Stanford. 1912 Wesleyan. 1912 Wis. 1912 Yale. 1912 Periodico di Matematica. Livorno (Leghorn). Ser. 1, Vols. 1-13 (1886-1898); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-5 (1899-1903); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1903- 1904) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vols. 6-13; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 3, Vols. 14 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 12-13; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 2, Vols. 2-5; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1- Kansas. Ser. 3, Vols. 6 Mich. Ser. 3, Vols. 11 Princeton. Ser. 3, Vols. 9 Texas. Ser. 3, Vols. 8 Wis. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Periodico di Matematica. Livorno (Leghorn). Vols. 1 (1897-1898) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 2-15, 17- Brown. Vols. 19 Congress. Vols. 2-14, 19 Harvard. Vols. 3 111. Vols. 2 Kansas. Vols. 6-11, 13, 15-17, 20 Mich. Vol. 17. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania. Publications: Mathematics. Vols. 1 (1897) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-2. Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 2-4, 7 Calif. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-3. Congress. Vols. 1-3. Cornell. Vols. 1-2. Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-3. 111. Vol.3. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-3. Mich. Vols. 1-3. Neb. Vols. 1-3. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-3. Pa. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1-3. Wis. Vols. 1-3. Yale. Vols. 1-3. Il Pitagora. Palermo. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-21 (1895-1915); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1917) Amer. Math. Vols. 1 Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1, Vols. 14-21; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1, Vols. 2, 5-7. El Progreso Matemattco. Saragossa. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-5 (1891-1895); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2 (1899-1900). Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1-2. Columbia. Ser. 1. 111. Ser. 1-2. Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-2. Texas. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4. 28 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. London. Vols. 1 (1857) Adelbert. Vols. 47 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-44, 46 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 27-33. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 18-41. 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 35 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-40, 43 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1-7, 27 Virginia. Vols. 37 Wash. Vols. 44 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 42- Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Repertorium der Literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete DER PvEINEN und Angewandten Mathematik. Leipzig. Vols. 1-2 (1876-1879). Congress. Vols. 1-2. Crerar. Vols. 1-2. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-2. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-2. Yale. Vols. 1-2. Revista Trimestral di Matematicas. Saragossa. Vols. 1-6 (1901-1906). I Harvard. Vols. 1-6. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-6. Crerar. Vols. 1-6. Revue de Mathematiques. (Ri vista di Matematica.) Torino (Turin). Vols. 1-8 (1891-1906). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-8. Catholic. Vols. 6-7. Chicago. Vols. 1-8. Columbia. Vols. 1-8. Crerar. Vols. 1-8. Harvard. Vols. 1-8. 111. Vols. 1-8. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 6-8. Princeton. Vols. 1-8. Stanford. Vols. 1-8. Texas. Vols. 1-8. Wis. Vols. 1-8. Yale. Vols. 1-8. Revue de Mathematiques Speciales. Paris. Vols. (Annies) 1-24, Tomes 1-12 (1890-1914). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-6, 9-11, 13-16. Brown. Vols. 1-24. Columbia. Vols. 1-20. Crerar. Vols. 1-24. 111. Vols. 1-24. Indiana. Vols. 20-23. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-3, 5, 8-12, 13-18. Princeton. Vols. 1-24. MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. 29 Revue Semestrielle des Publications Mathematiques. Amsterdam. Vols. 1 (1893)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1-8, 19 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 1-20. Clark. Vols. 1-20. Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-12, 15 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 5 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 18 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 14 Pa. Vols. 1-10. Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 21 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 7-13. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1- Sphinx-CEdipe . Nancy . Vols. 1 (1906) | 111. Vols. 1 T6hoku Mathematical Journal. Sendai. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. Brown. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 6 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 6 Crerar. Vols. 6 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Vols. 1 (1911-1912) Indiana. Vols. 6 Johns Hopkins. Vols. Kansas. Vols. 6 Mass. Tech. Vols. 6 Mich. Vols. 6 Mo. Vols. 2 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 6 Wis. Vols. 3 1-2. Wiadomosci Matematyczne. Warsaw. Vols. 1 (1897) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 | Harvard. Vols. 7 Wiskundige Opgaven met de Oplossingen. Amsterdam. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4 (1855-1874); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1875-1881) (Ser. 1 has the title Wis- Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 9 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 2, Vols. 2 Crerar. Ser. 2, Vols. 11 Harvard. Ser. 2, Vols. 8 kunstige Opgaven met hare Ontbindingen.) 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10. Kansas. Ser. 2, Vols. 10-11, 13 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2. Pa. Ser. 2, Vol. 7 Yerkes. Ser. 2, Vols. 8-9. Wiskundig Tudschrift. Haarlem, Rotterdam. Vols. 1 (1904-1905) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-3, 7 30 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. n. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. (For a complete list with cross references, see the Index.) Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. Berlin. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Monatsberichte. Sitzungsberichte. Bologna. Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto. Memorie. Eendiconto delle Sessioni. Boncompagni's Bullettino di Bibliografia e di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche. Boston. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Proceedings. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of Meetings. Bruxelles. Acad^mie Royale de Belgique. Bulletins. M6moires. Me*moires. Classe des Sciences, 4to and 8vo. M6moires Couronn^s et autres Mmoires, 8vo. M6moires Couronn6s et M6moires des Savants Etrangers, 4to. Soci^te* Scientifique. Annales. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Transactions. Casopis pro Pestovanf Mathematiky a Fisiky. Christiania. Videnskabs-Selskabet. Forhandlinger. Mathematisk-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse. Skrifter. Coimbra. Academia Polytechnica do Porto. Annaes Scientificos. Comptes Rendus. See Paris. Dublin. Royal Dublin Society. Scientific Proceedings. Scientific Transactions. Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. Edinburgh. Royal Society. Proceedings. Transactions. F&'ussac's Bulletin des Sciences Math^matiques, Astronomiques, Physiques et Chimiques. Gottingen. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Nachrichten, Geschaft- liche Mitteilungen. Nachrichten, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. Irish Academy. See Dublin. Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas e Astronomicas. Kasan. Society Physico-Math^matique. Bulletin. Kj0benhavn. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt over det Forhandlinger. Skrifter. Krakow. Akademija Umiejetnosci. Bulletin Internationale. Leipzig. Konigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- Physikalische Classe, Abhandlungen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Berichte. Liege. Soci^te* Royale des Sciences. Memoires. London. See Royal Society. Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Milano. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Memorie. Rendiconti. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 31 Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik. Munchen. Konigliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematische- Physikalische Classe, Abhandlungen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Sitzungsberichte. Napoli. Pveale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. Atti. Rendiconti. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Comptes Rendus. M6moires. Mmoires pr^sentes par Divers Savants. Ecole Normale Suprieure. Annales Scientifiques. Ecole Poly technique. Journal. Soci^te" Philomathique. Bulletin. Petrograd. Academie des Sciences (Akademiya Nauk). Bulletin. M6moires. Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne. Prag. Ceska Akademie Cisafe Frantiska Josefa. Bulletin International, Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles. Pvospravy (mathematical memoirs only). Konigliche Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Kralovske* Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk). Jahresberichte. Sitzungsberichte (Vestnik). Revue GeneVale des Sciences. Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e Scienze Naturali. Roma. Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. Atti. Memorie. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti. Transunti. Rendiconti. Memorie, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Societa Italiana delle Scienze. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions. Proceedings. Year Book. Sendai. See T6hoku Imperial University. Stockholm. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademie. Handlingar, Bihang. Arkiv for Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. Stuttgart. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Wurttemberg. Mathe- matisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen. T6hoku Imperial University. Science Reports, Ser. 1. Torino. Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Atti. Memorie. Toulouse. Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Bulletin. M6moires. Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite. Annales. Venezia. Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Memorie. Washington. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Wien. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissen- echaftliche Classe, Sitzungsberichte. Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. (Schlomilch.) Zeitschrift fur Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Zurich. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Vierteljahrschrift. 32 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-70 (1841-1884); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-17 (1884-1900); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1901)- Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Boston Athen. Ser. 1, Vol. 55. Brown. Ser. 3, Vols. 23 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 2, Vols. 14-17; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-20. Clark. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-3, 6 Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1, Vols. 59-70; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 3, Vols. 17 Mich Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 2, Vol. 17; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 3, Vols. 10 Pa. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-4, 7 Princeton. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-22, 24 Purdue. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20, 22-70; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. Christiania. Vols. 1 (1876) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 21- Chicago. Vols. 21 Congress. Vols. 21-32. Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-3. Indiana. Vols. 32 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1-20. Stanford. Vols. 20-25, 27- Yale. Vols. 1-32. Berlin. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Ser. 1, Miscellanea Berolinensia (1710-1743); Ser. 2, Histoire . . . avec les Memoires (1745-1769); Ser. 3, Nouveaux Memoires . . . avec l'Histoire (1770-1786); Ser. 4, Memoires . . . avec l'Histoire (1786-1804); Ser. 5, Sammlung der deutschen Abhandlungen (1788-1803); Ser. 6, Abhandlungen (1804-1875), B, Physik., math, und philos. Classe; Ser. 7, Abhandlungen (1876-1907); Ser. 8, Abhandlungen (1908), B, Physik.-math. Classe. Amer. Math. Soc. Math. Abhand. only: Ser. 7, 1892-1907; Ser. 8, 1908 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1-4, 6-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Calif. Ser. 5-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Chicago. Ser. 2, 1745-1766, 1768-1769 Ser. 3-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Coast Geodetic. Math. Abhand. only Ser. 6, 1871-1875; Ser. 7; Ser. 8, 1908 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, 1745-1746 Ser. 3-4, 6-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Congress. Ser. 6, 1822-1855, 1857-1875 Ser. 7; Ser. 8, 1908 Cornell. Ser. 3-5; Ser. 6, 1820-1875; Ser. 7; Ser. 8, 1908 Crerar. Ser. 3-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Dudley. Math. Abhand. only: Ser. 6, 1804-1821, 1824-1848. Harvard. Ser. 6-7; Ser. 8, 1908 111. Ser. 3-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 8, 1908 Mich. Ser. 5-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Naval Ac. Ser. 2-5; Ser. 6, Math, unn phys. Abhand. only. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 6-7; Ser. 8, 1908 Pa. Ser. 7, 1904-1907; Ser. 8, 1908 Princeton. Ser. 6; Ser. 7, 1876-1898, 1901-1907; Ser. 8, 1908 Stanford. Ser. 6, 1855-1875; Ser. 7; Ser. 8, 1908 Wesleyan. Ser. 8, 1911 Wis. Ser. 7, 1893-1907; Ser. 8, 1908 Yale. Ser. 6-7; Ser. 8, 1908 PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 33 Berlin. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Monatsberichte. 1856-1881. (Succeeded by the Sitzungsberichte.) Amer. Math. Soc. 1856-1881. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1856-1881. Bryn Mawr. 1858-1860, 1866-1881. Bureau Standards. 1880-1881. Calif. 1856-1881. Catholic. 1856-1881. Chicago. 1856-1881. Columbia. 1856-1881. Congress. 1856-1881. Cornell. 1856-1881. Crerar. 1856-1881. Harvard. 1856-1881. 111. 1856-1881. Johns Hopkins. 1877-1881. Mich. 1856-1881. Minn. 1856-1881. Neb. 1856-1881. N. Y. Pub. 1856-1881. Pa. 1856-1881. Princeton. 1856-1881. Stanford. 1856-1881. Wesleyan. 1856-1881. Wis. 1866-1881. Yale. 1856-1881. Berlin. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. 1882 Amer. Math. Soc. 1882 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1882 Bryn Mawr. 1882 Bureau Standards. 1882 Calif. 1882 Catholic. 1882 Chicago. 1882 Coast Geodetic. 1882 Columbia. 1882 Congress. 1882 Cornell. 1882 Crerar. 1882 Dudley. 1910 Harvard. 1882 111. 1882 Johns Hopkins. 1882- Mich. 1882 Minn. 1882 Mo. 1902 Neb. 1882 N. Y. Pub. 1882 Pa. 1882 Princeton. 1882 Stanford. 1882 Wesleyan. 1882 Wis. 1882 Yale. 1882 Yerkes. 1882 Bologna. Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istttuto. Memorie. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-12 (1847-1861); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10 (1861-1870); Ser. 8, Vols. 1-10 (1871-1879); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-10 (1880-1889); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-10 (1890-1904); Ser. 6, Vols. 1-10 (1904-1913); Ser. 7, Vols. 1 (1913-1914) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 5, Vols. 8-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-2. Calif. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 2, Vols. 6-10; Ser. 3 ; Ser. 4, Vols. 1-5. Columbia. Ser. 1-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-4. Congress. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1, 3-10; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-6; Ser. 4, Vol. 7; Ser. 5-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Harvard . Ser. 2, Vols. 7-10 ; Ser. 3 ; Ser. 4 . Vols. 1-3; Ser. 5-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1-7. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 5, Vols. 3-10; Ser. 6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vol. 10; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6; Ser. 4-6; Ser. 7, Vols. 1 34 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Bologna. Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto. Rendiconto delle Sessioni. Ser. 1, 53 vols. (1829-1896); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1896-1897) (The subtitle Classe di Scienze Fisiche begins with Ser. 2, Vol. 12.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 4 Calif. Ser. 1, 1829-1890; Ser. 2, Vols. 8 Chicago. Ser. 1, 1867-1876, 1878-1879, 1880-1881, 1882-1883. Columbia. Ser. 1, 1895-1896; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, 1829-1855, 1857-1896; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-14. Crerar. Ser. 1, 1829-1850, 1871-1883, 1885-1887, 1891-1896; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-4, 7 BoNCOMPAGNl's BULLETTINO DI BlBLIOGRAFIA E DI STORIA DELLE SCIENZE MaTEMA- tiche e Fisiche. Roma (Rome). Harvard. Ser. 1, 1867-1876, 1878; Ser. 2, Vol. 1. Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1, 1885-1886; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1, 1889-1896; Ser. 2, 1896. Yale. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Vols. 1-20 (1868-1887). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-20. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1-20. Chicago. Vols. 1-20. Columbia. Vols. 1-20. Congress. Vols. 1-20. Harvard. Vols. 1-20. 111. Vols. 1-20. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-14. Mich. Vols. 1-20. Wesleyan. Vols. 1-20. Wis. Vols. 1-20. Yale. Vols. 1-20. Boston. American Academy op Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4 (1780-1821); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1826-1833)- Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 12 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1, Vol. 1; Ser. 2, Vol. 7. Coast Geodetic. Ser. 1, Vol. 3; Ser. 2, Vols. 9, 12. Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-3; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-9. Mo. Ser. 2, Vols. 13 Naval Ac. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-5, 11. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1, Vol. 1. Princeton. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-2; Ser. Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Syracuse. Ser. 1, Vol. 1. Wesleyan. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 2, Boston. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1846-1848). (Vols. 9-31 also called New Series Vols. 1-23.) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 26-48, Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 40 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 30 50 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1, 27- Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 PEEIODICALS PAKTLY MATHEMATICAL. 35 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1-7, 39 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1- Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 37 Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 28 Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 25 Stanford. Vols. 1-31, 34, 36-37, 39 Texas. Vols. 27-42, 47 Vassar. Vols. 1-14, 24-31, 34-35, 41. Virginia. Vols. 51 Wash. Vol.21. Wesley an. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 British Association for the Advancement of Science. London. Reports of Meetings. Vols. 1 (1831) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 29-31, 33, 35. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 82 Brown. Vols. 51-55, 67-78. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 49 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1-8, 10 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1-8, 11 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-8, 10-80, 82 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1-8, 11-54, 56 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-82. Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 5, 27, 54, 61, 63 Phila. Pub. Vols. 51-78. Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 59,69. Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1-25, 27 Wesley an. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Belgique. Bulletins. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-23 (1832-1856); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-50 (1857-1880); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-36 (1881-1898); [Ser. 4], Classe des Sciences, 1899 Amer. Math. Soc. 1902 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Calif. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Chicago. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Clark. Ser. 3, Vols. 17-36; 1899 Columbia. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Congress. Ser. 1-3; 1899-1907, 1909 Cornell. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Crerar. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Harvard. Ser. 1, Vols. 3-23; Ser. 2-3. 111. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Iowa. Ser. 2, Vols. 29-32, 34; Ser. 3, Vols. 30-36; 1899 Johns Hopkins. 1899 Mich. 1899 Minn. Ser. 1-3. Mo. Ser. 2, Vols. 38-41. Neb. Ser. 1-3; 1899 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Pa. Ser. 2, Vols. 45-48; Ser. 3, Vols. 17-34. Princeton. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-21. Rochester. Ser. 3, Vols. 25-36; 1899 Wis. 1899 Yale. Ser. 1-3; 1899 Yerkes. Ser. 3, Vols. 26-36; 1899 36 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Belgique. Memoires. Ser. 1: (a) Vols. 1-5 (1777-1788); (b) Vols. 1-54 (1820-1904). (Vols. 1-19 of (b) are called Nouveaux Memoires.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. b, Vols. 10, 17, 19, 54. Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. b. Columbia. Ser. a; Ser. b, Vols. 1-49, 51-54. Congress. Ser. b, Vols. 1-3, 6, 10-54. Cornell. Ser. b. Crerar. Ser. b, Vols. 1-19. Harvard. Ser. a-b. Johns Hopkins. Ser. b, Vol. 54. Mich. Ser. b, Vols. 1-6, 8, 10-54. N. Y. Pub. Ser. a, Vols. 1-4; Ser. b. Princeton. Ser. a, Vols. 1-4; Ser. b, Vols. 1-47. Yale. Ser. b, Vols. 1-5, 10-54. Yerkes. Ser. b, Vol. 49. Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Belgique. Memoires, Classe des Sciences. (Ser. 2 of the Memoires.) 4to: Vols.l (1907) ; 8vo: Vols. 1 (1904-1906) Amer. Math. Soc. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Calif. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Chicago. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Columbia. 4to, Vols. 2 ; 8vo, Vols. 1 Congress. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Cornell. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Crerar. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 111. 8vo, Vols. 1-2. Johns Hopkins. 4to, Vols. 1 ; 8vo, Vols. 3 Mich. 4to and 8vo. Vol. 1. N. Y. Pub. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Princeton. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Yale. 4to and 8vo, Vols. 1 Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Belgique. Memoires Couronn^s et autres Memoires. 8vo. Vols. 1-66 (1840-1904). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 60-66. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-66. Calif. Vols. 1-66. Chicago. Vols. 1-66. Columbia. Vols. 1-66. Congress. Vols. 1-3, 5-66. Cornell. Vols. 1-66. Crerar. Vols. 1-66. Harvard. Vols. 1-66. 111. Vols. 1-66. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 31-6. Mich. Vols. 1-66. Neb. Vol.43. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-66. Princeton. Vols. 1-66. Yale. Vols. 1-66. Bruxelles. Academie Royale de Belgique. Memoires Couronnes et Memoires des Savants Etrangers, 4to. Vols. 1-62 (1817- 1904). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 58-62. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-62. Calif. Vols. 59-62. Chicago. Vols. 1-5, 9-61. Clark. Vols. 50-51. Columbia. Vols. 1-62. Congress. Vols. 1-6, 9-62. Cornell. Vols. 1-62. Crerar. Vols. 1-62. Harvard. Vols. 1-62. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 44-62. Mich. Vols. 1-62. Neb. Vols. 50-51. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 6-62. Princeton. Vols. 1-45, 47-62. Yale. Vols. 1-62. PEEIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 37 Amer. Math. Soc Calif. Vols. 31 Catholic. Vols. 1-25. Chicago. Vols. 1-11. Columbia. Vols. 1-22, 24 Congress. Vols. 1 Bruxelles. Annales. Vols. 26 SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE. Vols. 1 (1875-1876) Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 28 Princeton. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 3-19, 32 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 10 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 13- Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 4 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-16, 18^- Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 11 Harvard. Vols. 1. 111. Vols. 1. Iowa. Vols. 1 Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1843-1865) Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 11 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 3-14, 16 Vassar. Vols. 10 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1. Yerkes. Vols. 1 Cambridge Philospohical Society. Transactions. Vols. 17 Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc Amer. Phil. Soc. Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 13-19 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Vols. 1 (1819-1822) Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-12. Neb. Vols. 22 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1, 17, 18, 20 Yale. Vols. 1 Casopis pro PESTOVANf Mathematiky a Fisiky. Prag (Prague). Vols. 1 (1872) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols 21, 23-25, 27- Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vol. 39. Kansas. Vols. 42 Princeton. Vols. 40 Ohristiania. Videnskabs-Selskabet. Forhandlinger. 1858 Amer. Math. Soc. 1898-1899, 1901 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1898 Calif. 1858 Chicago. 1858 Congress. 1858-1887, 1889-1890, 1895- 1897, 1900 Crerar. 1858 Harvard. 1858 111. 1861-1862, 1865, 1886, 1893, 1907- Johns Hopkins. 1889-1891, 1905 Minn. 1858 N.Y. Pub. 1858 Wis. 1884-1887, 1891 Yale. 1858 38 MATHEMATICAL PEEIODICALS. Christiania. Videnskabs-Selskabet. Mathematisk-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse, Skrifter. 1894 1898 1897 (part 2) Amer. Math. Soc Amer. Phil. Soc. Calif. 1894 Chicago. 1894-1895, 1897 Columbia. 1903-1908. Congress. 1894 Crerar. 1894 Harvard. 1894, 1896, 1903-1904. 111. 1906 (part 2)-1910, 1912 lohns Hopkins, 1894 Minn. 1894 N. Y. Pub. 1897-1906, 1907 (part 2), 1908-1910. Yale. 1894 COIMBRA. ACADEMIA POLYTECHNICA DO PORTO. Annaes Scientificos. Vols. 1 (1905-1906) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 4 Kansas. Vols. 5 Mich. Vols. 1-8, 10- Neb. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 7- Wesleyan. Vols. 1- Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Dublin. Royal Dublin Society. Scientific Proceedings. New Series, of the Royal Dublin Society.) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1-10. Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 11-12. Vols. 1 (1877-1878) (First Series was Journal Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 11 Minn. Vols. 2 Neb. Vols. 11, 14 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 11 Stanford. Vols. 9-10, 12 Texas. Vols. 2 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 9 Dublin. Royal Dublin Society. Scientific Transactions. New Series, Vols. 1-9 (1877-1909) Journal of the Royal Dublin Society.) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-9. (First Series was Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-9. Bureau Standards. Vols. 1-9. Calif. Vols. 1-9. Chicago. Vols. 1-9. Columbia. Vols. 1-9. Congress. Vols. 1-9. Cornell. Vols. 1-6, 8-9. Crerar. Vols. 1-9. Harvard. Vols. 1-9. 111. Vols. 1-9. Iowa. Vol. 9. Vols. 1-9. Johns Hopkins Mich. Vol.9. Minn. Vols. 1-9. Neb. Vol.9. N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1-9. Pa. Vols. 1-7. Princeton. Vol. 9. Stanford. Vol. 6. Texas. Vols. 1-9. Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1-9. Yerkes. Vols. 7-9. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 39 Dublin. Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1836-1840) (Vols. 11-16 called Ser. 2 (Science, Vols. 1-4, Polite Literature, Vols. 1-2). Vols. 17-23 called Ser. 3. With Vol. 24 (1901) number- ing in series is discontinued, and Section A, Mathematical, Astronomical and Physical Science, begins.) Vols. 24-30, 32 Vols.l Amer. Math. Soc Amer. Phil. Soc. Calif. Vols. 17 Catholic. Vols. 1-10, 17-20. Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-16. Congress. Vols. 24 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Dudley. Vols. 1-9. Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 11-14. Iowa. Vols. 25 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 12-14, 17- Mich. Vols. 27 Mo. Vol.2. N. Y. Pub. Vols.l Pa. Vol.1. Wis. Vols. 24-26, 28 Yale. Vols.l Edinburgh. Royal Society. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1832) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 3-4, 10-12, 15- Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 5 Chicago. Vols. 18 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 3-4, 6 Columbia. Vols. 3-22, 30 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols.l Crerar. Vols. 5-8, 10, 12, 15 Harvard. Vols. 2 111. Vols. 5 Iowa. Vols. 20 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 6 Mich. Vols. 31 Minn. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 15 N. Y. Pub. Vols.l Pa. Vols. 15-25. Princeton. Vols. 32 Rochester. Vols. 23 Stanford. Vols. 9 Texas. Vols. 3-6, 8, 13-15, 18 Wis. Vols. 8 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 23 Edinburgh. Royal Society. Transactions. Vols. 1 (1788)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 37 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols.l Coast Geodetic. Vols. 6-15, 18, 21-25, 27 Columbia. Vols. 1-20, 22-45, 47 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols.l Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols.l Johns Hopkins. Vols. 29 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols.l Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols.l Wis. Vols. 1-8, 30-37, 39 Yale. Vols.l Yerkes. Vols. 39 40 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Ferussac's Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. Paris. Astronomiques, Physiques et Chimiques. Vols. 1-16 (1824-1831). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. Columbia. Vols. 1-16. Congress. Vols. 1-16. Dudley. Vols. 1-14. Harvard. Vols. 1-16. 1-16. 1-16. Haverford. Vols. 3-7, 9. 111. Vols. 1-16. Naval Ac. Vols. 13-16. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-16. Princeton. Vol. 4. Yale. Vols. 1-16. GOTTINGEN. KONIGLICHE GeSELLSCHAPT DER WlSSENSCHAFTEN. Nachrichten, Geschaftliche Mitteilungen. 1894 Amer. Math. Soc. 1894 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1894 Brown. 1912 Bryn Mawr. 1894 Calif. 1894 Chicago. 1894 Clark. 1894 Columbia. 1894 Congress. 1894 Crerar. 1894 Harvard. 1894 111. 1897 Iowa. 1902-1909. Johns Hopkins. 1894- Mich. 1904 Mo. 1909 Neb. 1894 N. Y. Pub. 1894 Pa. 1895 Princeton. 1894 Stanford. 1894 Wesleyan. 1894 Wis. 1894 Yale. 1894 GOTTINGEN. KONIGLICHE GESELLSCHAPT DER WlSSENSCHAFTEN. Nachrichten, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. 1894 Amer. Math. Soc. 1894 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1894 Brown. 1912 Bureau Standards. 1905 Calif. 1894 Chicago. 1894 Clark. 1894 Coast Geodetic. 1895-1906. Columbia. 1894 Congress. 1894 Cornell. 1894 Crerar. 1895 Harvard. 1894 111. 1894 Indiana. 1899 Iowa. 1902 Johns Hopkins, 1894 Kansas. 1894-1907, 1910 Mich. 1894 Minn. 1894 Mo. 1894 Neb. 1894 N. Y. Pub. 1894 Northwestern. 1910 Pa. 1894-1897. Princeton. 1894 Stanford. 1894 Wesleyan. 1894 Wis. 1894 Yale. 1894 Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas e Astronomicas. Coimbra. Vols. 1-15 (1877-1905). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 9-15. Congress. Vols. 1-10, 12-15. Harvard. Vols. 13-15. 111. Vols. 1-15. Kansas. Vols. 2-14. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 4-11, 14-15. Yale. Vol, 3. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 41 Kasan. Societe Physico-Mathematique. Bulletin. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1891) (First Series was Proceedings of the Section of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the Society of Naturalists of the University of Kasan, and is not listed here.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 1- Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 1- Calif. Ser. 2, Vols. 17 Congress. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-17. Harvard. Ser. 2, Vols. 10- Pa. Ser. 2, Vols. 8-11, 13. Yale. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Kj0benhavn. Konqelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt over det Forhandlinger. (1814-1815) Amer. Math. Soc. 1900 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1842 Bureau Standards. 1903 Calif. 1852 Chicago. 1842 Columbia. 1856-1863, 1866-1904. Congress. 1814-1816, 1817-1823, 1824- 1828, 1829-1831, 1832-1837, 1838 Crerar. 1845 Harvard. 1843 111. 1910. Iowa. 1888, 1898, 1900-1901, 1908-1909, 1911, 1913 Johns Hopkins. 1871-1903, 1905, 1909 Minn. 1857 N. Y. Pub. 1840 Pa. 1886-1887, 1889-1895. Stanford. 1908 Wis. 1874 Yale. 1814-1911. Kj0benhavn. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Skrifter. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-12 (1743-1779); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-5 (1781-1799); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6 (1800-1812); Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling: Ser. 4, Vols. 1-12 (1824-1846); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-12 (1849-1880); Ser. 6, Vols. 1-12 (1880-1904); Ser. 7, Vols. 1-12 (1906-1915); Ser 8, Vols. 1 (1915-1916) Amer. Math. Soc. Selected math, me- moirs,. 1784 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 3; Ser. 5-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 4-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 4-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1. Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 4-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-4; Ser. 4, Vols. 8-11; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-3, 5, 9-12; Ser. 6-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 6, Vols. 8-12; Ser. 7, Vols. 1-6, 9-12; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 4-6; Ser. 7, Vol. 1. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-10. Wis. Ser. 7, Vols. 1-6, 8-12; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1-6; Ser 7, Vols. 1-10; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Krakow. Akademija Umiejetnosci. Bulletin Internationale. 1889-1900; Classe des Sciences Mathmatiques et Natu- relles, 1901-1909; Section A, Sciences Mathematiques, 1910 Amer. Math. Soc. 1900 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1889 Calif. 1889-1904, 1910 Columbia. 1901-1905, 1907. Congress. 1889-1891, 1893 Cornell. 1901 Crerar. 1901 Harvard. 1889-1909. Johns Hopkins. 1908 Kansas. 1901-1908, 1910 N. Y. Pub. 1910, 1912 Wis. 1893, 1894, 1898 Yale. 1889 42 mathematical t>EKlot)iCALS. Leipzig. Konigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschapten. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Abhandhmgen. Vols. 1 (1852) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 12 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1-29, 31 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 32 Wis. Vols. 3, 7, 9-10, 12-13, 15-17, 19- 31, 33 Yale: Vols. 1-28. Leipzig. Konigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschapten. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Berichte. Vols. 1 (1849) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 26-64, 66 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 57 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-53, 55 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 63 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 44-59, 61 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 54 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-42, 49- Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis.. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Liege. Societe Royale des Sciences. Memoires. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20 (1843-1866); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-20 (1866-1898); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1899) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 19-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 3-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 2, Vols. 12-13, 15; Ser. 3, Vols. 3 Chicago. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-2, 4-7, 16. Clark. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2, Vols. 6-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 3, Vols. 8 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1, Vol. 8; Ser. 2, Vols. 7-8. Texas. Ser. 2, Vols. 18-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 2, Vols. 4, 6-9, 11, 12, 14-20; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-16, 18-20; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 PEKIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 43 Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche. Leipzig and Berlin. Vols. 1 (1882-1883) Berichte aus Ungarn. Amer. Math. Soc. Vpls. 1-29. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 21-24. Calif. Vols. 19 Chicago. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vol. 7. Congress. Vols. 1-26, 29. Crerar. Vols. 1 111. Vols.l Johns Hopkins. Vols. 3-19. Mich. Vols. 1-29. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 13-27. Pa. Vol. 3. Stanford. Vols. 25-29. Texas. Vols. 12-28. Wis. Vols. 17 Yale. Vols. 1 MlLANO. RE ALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SdENZE E LETTERE. Memorie. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-6 (1843-1856); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-3 (1859-1865); Ser. 3, Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali, Vols. 1 (1867) Also numbered continuously from Vol. 1 (1843). Ser. 3, Vols. 10 Ser.' 1-2: Ser. 3, Vols. Amer. Math. Soc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-2., 4-6; Ser. 2 Ser. 3, Vols. 1-3, 6. Clark. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1-2. Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 3, Vols. 9 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 3, Vols. 12 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 3, Vols. 14 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1, Vols. 4-6; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-3; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Milano. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti. Ser. 1, Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali, Vols. 1-4 (1864- 1867); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1868) (Ser. 2 is not divided into classes.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 33 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2, 5-32. Clark. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols 1 Congress. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 2, Vols. 34 Harvard. Ser. 1, Vol. 3 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2, 17, 23, 25, 31, 45. 111. Ser. 2, Vols. 42 Iowa. Ser. 2, Vols. 36 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2, Vols. 1- N. Y. Pub. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 2, Vols. 15-18. Wis. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK. Vols. 1 (1890) Wien (Vienna.) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1- Calif. Vols.l Catholic. Vols. 6-8. Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols.l Columbia. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1-9, 11 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols.l Indiana. Vols. 20 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Kansas. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols.l N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 14 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1-23, 26 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols.l 44 MATHEMATICAL, PERIODICALS. MtJNCHEN. K6NIGLICHE BAYERISCHE AkADEMIE DER WlSSENSCHAFTEN. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Abhandlungen. Vols. 1 (1829-1830) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 14 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-14 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vol.8. " Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 2, 5-6. Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 26 Yale. Vols. 1-9, 23 MtJNCHEN. K6NIGLICHE BAYERISCHE AkADEMIE DER WlSSENSCHAFTEN. Mathematisch-Physikalische Classe, Sitzungsberichte. Vols. 1 (1871) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 11 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1-40, 43 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 40 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1- Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 31 Nebraska. Vols. 35 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1-25. Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 41 Stanford. Vols. 3 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 3, 5-12, 14 Yale. Vols. 1 Napoli. Re ale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. Atti. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-9 (1861-1882); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1888) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 8 Columbia. Ser. 1. Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10, 12 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 2, Vols. 14 Iowa. Ser. 2, Vols. 10 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-9, 13 Mich. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-6, 8 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 2, Vols. 8 Yale. Ser. 1: Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Napoli. Re ale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. Rendiconti. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-25 (1862-1886); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-8 (1887-1894); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1895) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 2-8; Ser. Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1, Vols. 1 T 2, 4. Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 3, Vols. 22 Iowa. Ser. 3, Vols. 7-13, 16 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6, 13 Kansas. Ser. 3, Vols. 14-15. Mich. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 3-5, 10-13, 16-17, 22 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 3, Vols. 9 Rochester. Ser. 2, Vols. 5-8; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser, 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-. PEKIODICALS PAKTLY MATHEMATICAL. 45 Paris. Academie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Comptes Rendus. Vols. 1 (1835)- Adelbert. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-65, 136- Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 80 Calif. Vols. 1 Case. Vols. 152 Catholic. Vols. 120 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 * Dudley. Vols. 86 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 9091, 124 Idaho. Vols. 162 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. 124-149,151 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 80 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 138 Stanford. Vols. 1-141, 143 Syracuse. Vols. 1-75, 97-98, 101-103, 106-109, 118, 146 Texas. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. 121 Wash. Vols. 80 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 124 Paris. Academie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Memoires. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-14 (1796-1815); Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1816) (Ser. 1 is called Memoires de l'Institut, . . . Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques.) Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 2, Vols. 1. Chicago. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-7, 9-10, 14; Ser. 2, Vols. 1, 3, 11-20, 39. Columbia, Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1^8. Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Dudley. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-5; Ser. 2, Vols. 11-24. Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich., Ser.l. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 2, Vols. 21, 42, 45-49. Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-45. Paris. Academie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Memoires pr&entes par Divers Savants. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-2 (1796-1810) ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1814-1815, printed 1827) (Ser. 1 called Memoires pr6sent6s a l'Institut des Scien- ces Lettres et Arts par Divers Savants, Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques.) Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 2, Vols. 30-31. Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1- Wis. Ser. 1, Vol. 2. Yale. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-32, 46 MATHEMATICAL PEKIODICALS. Paris. Ecole Normale Superieure. Annales Scientifiques. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-7 (1864-1870); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-12 (1872-1883); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1884) Adelbert. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Brown. Ser. 3, Vols. 29 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-2 ; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-2 ; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-8, 11-12;, Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1-2 ; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-26, 32 Mich. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 3, Vols. 23 Pa. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-10, 31 Wesleyan. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Journal. Paris. Ecole Polytechnique. Ser. 1, Vols. (Cahiers) 1-64 (1794-1894); Ser. 2, Vols. (Cahiers) 1 (1895)- Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-18, 20-64; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Ser. 2, Vols. 13 Calif. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Catholic. Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Clark. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 19, 11-64; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Series 1, Vols. 31, 45-64; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 2, Vols. 16 Mo. Ser. 2, Vols. 13 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-7, 9 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Texas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-5. Wash. (St. Louis.) Ser. 2, Vols. 14 Wesleyan. Ser. 1. Wis. Ser.l; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-64; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Paris. Societe Philomathique. Bulletin. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-3 (1789-1805); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-3 (1807-1813); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-13 (1814-1826); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-2 (1832-1833); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-28(1836-1863); Ser. 6, Vols. 1-12 (1864-1876); Ser. 7, Vols. 1-12 (1876-1888); Ser. 8, Vols. 1-10 (1888-1898); Ser. 9, Vols. 1-10 (1898-1908); Ser. 10, Vols. 1 (1909) (Ser. 2, Ser. 3, Vols. 12-13, and Ser. 4 are called Nouveau Bulletin, and Ser. 5 is called Extraitdes Proces Verbaux.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 9; Ser. 10, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 1; Ser. 4, Vol. 1. Calif. Ser. 10, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 3, Vol. 13; Ser. 4-5; Ser. 8, Vols. 7-8. Columbia. Ser. 1-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1-8. Congress. Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 10-12; Ser. 4; Ser. 5, Vols. 13-26; Ser. 6, Vols. 2-7; Ser. 7, Vols. 3-12; Ser. 8-9; Ser. 10, Vols. 2-4. Crerar. Ser. 1-9; Ser. 10, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-4; Ser. 6, Vols. 10-12; Ser. 7; Vols. 1-3, 9. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1-3; Ser. 8, Vols. 9-10: Ser. 9; Ser. 10, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 9, Vol. 9; Ser. 10, Vols. 2 Yale. Ser. 1-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-3, 10-15, 27-28; Ser. 6, Vols. 1-2, 9, 11-12; Ser. 7, Vols. 1-8; Ser. 8; Ser. 9, Vols. 2-4. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 47 Petrograd. Academie des Sciences (Akademiya Nauk). Bulletin Scientifique. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-10 (1836-1842); Ser. 2, Classe Physico-Mathe- matique, Vols. 1-17 (1843-1859); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-32 (1860-1888); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-3 (1890-1894); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-25 (1894-1906); Ser. 6, Vols. 1 (1907) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1, 5-32; Ser. 4, Vols. 1-2; Ser. 5, Vols. 3-25; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 2, Vols. 9-10; Ser. 3. Columbia. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 3-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1-3, 5. Cornell. Ser. 3-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1, 3-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 5, Vols. 14-17, 25; Ser. 6, Vols. Iowa. Ser. 5, Vols. 14-16; Ser. 6, Vol.5. Mich. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 6, Vols. 8 Mo. Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Neb. Ser. 5, Vols. 1-3, 17-25; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 3-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-30; Ser. 4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-4, 6-25; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Rochester. Ser. 4-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 5, Vols. 10-25; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-5; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Yerkes. Ser. 5, Vols. 12-25; Ser. 6, Vols. 1 Petrograd. Academie des Sciences (Akademiya Nauk). Memoires. Ser. 1, Commentarii, Vols. 1-14 (1726-1746); Ser. 2, Novi Commentarii, Vols. 1-20 (1747-1775); Ser. 3, Acta, Vols. 1-12 (1777-1782); Ser. 4, Nova Acta, Vols. 1-15 (1783-1802); Ser. 5, Memoires, Vol. 1-11 (1803-1830); Ser. 6, Memoires, Vols. 1-2, Sciences Math., Phys. et Nat.; 3-9, Sciences Math. Phys. (1831-1859); Ser. 7, Memoires, Vols. 1-42 (1859-1897); Ser. 8, Memoires de la Classe physico- mathematique, Vols. 1 (1894) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 8, Vols. 15-17. Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-4; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 4, Vols. 1-6, 11-13; Ser. 6-7. Columbia. Ser. 1-3, 6-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1-19, 24-25, 30 Congress. Ser. 5. Crerar. Ser. 8, Vols. 2-20, 22-25, 30, 34 Harvard. Ser. 5. 111. Ser. 7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1-19, 22 Iowa. Ser. 8, Vols. 11-18, 22-25, 30. Mich. Ser. 7, Vols. 1-5, 7, 42. Naval Ac. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vol. 1; Ser. 3. Neb. Ser. 8, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 5-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 7, Vol. 21. Wis. Ser. 7, Vols. 1-25, 27-42; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 1-7; Ser. 8, Vols. 1 Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne. Vols. 1 (1888)- Warsaw. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 19-21. Harvard. Vols. 17 111. Vols. 1 Prag. Ceska Akademie CfsARE FrantiSka Josepa. Bulletin International, Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles. Vols. 1 (1895) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 7 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vol. 6. Bureau Standards. Vols. 10 Calif. Vols. 1 Vols. 1 111. Vols. 5-7, 11 Minn. Vols. 11 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 15 Pa. Vol.3. 48 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Prag. Ceska Akademie Cisare FrantiSka Josepa. Rospravy (mathematical memoirs only). Vols. 1 (1891)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1- Calif. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-2. Minn. Vols. 15 Pa. Vol.8. Prag. Konigliche Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Kralovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk). Jahresberichte. 1876 Amer. Math. Soc. 1910 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1876 Calif. 1905 Columbia. 1877-1886, 1888-1906. Congress. 1876 Crerar. 1897 Harvard. 1896 111. 1894-1903, 1905 Johns Hopkins. 1899-1910. Mich. 1910-1912. N. Y. Pub. 1895-1897, 1899 Pa. 1888-1889, 1895. Stanford. 1912- Wesleyan. 1896-1906. Wis. 1879 Yale. 1876 Prag. Konigliche Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Kralovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk). Sitzungsberichte (Vestnik), 1859-1885; Math.-naturw. Classe, 1886 Amer. Math. Soc. 1899-1902, 1905 Amer. Phil. Soc. 1859 Calif. 1859-1871, 1873-1885, 1887-1889, 1891, 1893-1902, 1905-1908, 1910 Columbia. 1879-1884. Congress. 1859 Crerar. 1894, 1896 Harvard. 1911 111. 1870 Iowa. 1901, 1906-1907. Johns Hopkins. 1884-1904. Mich. 1909-1912. Pa. 1895-1896. Princeton. 1859 Wesleyan. 1895-1906. Yale. 1885 Revue Genhhrale des Sciences. Paris. Vols. 1 (1890)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 13 Bureau Standards. Vols. 20 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1-17. Crerar. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 16- N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1- Stanford. Vols. 14 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e Scienze Naturali. Firenze (Florence). Vols. 1-26 (1900-1912). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-26. | N. Y. Pub. Vols. 3-26. PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 49 Roma. Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. Atti. Vols. 1 (1847-1848) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1, 48 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-23. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1-26. Catholic. Vols. 41 Chicago. Vols. 1, 4-6, 10-14, 18-19, 22, 24, 28-43. Columbia. Vols. 1-23. Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-29, 33-34, 37-41, 43-44, 46, 48 111. Vols. 63 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-52, 60 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1-15, 17-23. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 51 Pa. Vols. 1-23. Princeton. Vols. 1-23. Yale. Vols. 1 Roma. Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. Memorie. Vols. 1 (1887) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 16-18. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1-17*. Catholic. Vols. 21 Congress. Vols. 1-21. Crerar. Vol. 19 Mich. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 23 Yale. Vols. 1-17. Roma. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti. Ser. 1, Vols. 24-26 (1870-1873); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-8 (1873-1877). Continued, Ser. 3 , as (1) Transunti and Rendiconti, (2), Memorie, listed separately below. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-23 are identical with the Atti, Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei, Vols. 1-23, given separately above and not included in this particular list. Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1-2. Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-2. Calif. Ser. 1-2. Chicago. Ser. 1, Vols. 24-25; Ser. 2, Vols. 3-7. Columbia. Ser. 1-2. Congress. Ser. 1-2. Cornell. Ser. 1-2. Harvard. Ser. 1-2. 111. Ser. 2. Minn. Ser. 1; Ser. 2. N.Y. Pub. Ser. 2. Princeton. Ser. 1-2. Yale. Ser. 2. Roma. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti: Transunti, Rendiconti. Ser. 3, Transunti, Vols. 1-8 (1877-1884); Ser. 4, Rendi- conti, Vols. 1-7 (1884-1891); Ser. 5, Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Mate- matiche e Naturali, Vols. 1 (1892) (Part of the Atti, Ser. 3-5.) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 5, Vols. 1-7, 9 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1, 3, 6-7; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Ser. 5, Vols. 14 Calif. Ser. 4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-20, 21 (2d Bern.), 22 Catholic. Ser. 5, Vols. 13-15. Chicago. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 4, 9-10, 15 Columbia. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Indiana. Ser. 5, Vols. 20 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-4,7- Kansas. Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-5. 50 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Neb. Ser. 5, Vols. 10-17. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 5, Vols. 19 Pa. Ser. 4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-23 (1st sein.), 24 (1st sem.), 25 Texas. Ser. 5, Vols. 6 Wis. Ser. 5, Vols. 1-3, 5-7, 9-20, 22 Yale. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Yerkes. Ser. 5, Vols. 10-18, 19 (1st sem.), 20, 21 (2d sem.), 22 (1st sem.), 23 Roma. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti: Memorie, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Ser. 3, Vol. 1-19 (1876-1884); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-7 (1884-1890); Ser. 5, Vols. 1 (1894) (Part of Atti, Ser. 3-5). Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 5, Vols. 6 Columbia. Ser. 3^; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 3; Ser. 4, Vols. 1-6; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 3-4. Crerar. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 5, Vols. 1-9, 11 Mich. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 3^; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Northwestern. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-10, 16-17. Pa. Ser. 3, Vol. 8; Ser. 4, Vol. 1. Princeton. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 3-4; Ser. 5, Vols. 1-8. Roma. Societa Italiana delle Scienze. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-25 (1782-1855); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2 (1862-1866); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1867) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 3, Vols. 1-2, 12 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-2; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-2, 4 Columbia. Ser. ], Vols. 1-19; Ser. 2, Vol. 1; Ser. 3, Vols. 7, 9-10. Congress. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 3, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-24; Ser. 3, Vols. 11 Princeton. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-14; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 3 Yale. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-20; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Royal Society or London. Philosophical Transactions. Vols. 1-177 (1665-1887); Ser. A, Mathematical and Physical Papers, Vols. 178 (1887). Also abridged edition of Vols. 1-90 (1665- 1800) in 18 vols. Adelbert. Vols. 180 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 192 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 1-3, 47-90, 179- 207, 209 Brown. Vols. 84, 91-167, 169; also Vols. 1-90 abridged. Bryn Mawr. Vols. 125 Bureau Standards. Vols. 158 Calif. Vols. 1-46 (abridged); 47 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1-206, 208 Columbia. Vols. 1-6, 46; also Vols. 1-90 abridged. Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1-46 (abridged); Vols. 47-89, 91 Crerar. Vols. 168 Dudley. Vols. 36-43, 47-68, 70-78, 91- 127. Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1-3, 58 Indiana. Vols. 1-90 (abridged); 91-205. PEKIODICALS PAKTLY MATHEMATICAL. 51 Iowa. Vols. 90-187, 189 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-90 (abridged); 120 Kansas. Vols. 163 Mich. Vols. 178 Minn. Vols. 198 Mo. Vols. 150 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-90 (abridged); 91 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 ; also Vols. 1-90 abridged. Phila. Pub. Vols. 1-7, 9-10. Princeton. Vols. 1-10, 31 Purdue. Vols. 158 Stanford. Vols. 91 Syracuse. Vols. 1-90 (abridged); 119- 150, 158-178, 206. Texas. Vols. 209 Vassar. Vols. 161 Virginia. Vols. 1 (nearly complete). Wash. Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1-104, 106-107, 124-126, 128 Yale. Vols. 1-10, 13-18, 20-24, 31-32, 34-35, 40, 43 Yerkes. Vols. 199 Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Vols. 1-75 (1800-1905); Ser. A, Mathematical and Physical Papers, Vols. 76 (1905) Adelbert. Vols. 1-74, 76 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 62 Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 1-67, 69-70, 73-82, 84 Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 7 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 57 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vols. 1 Coast Geodetic. Vols. 1-85, 90 Cornell. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Vols. 50 Mich. Vols. 76 Minn. Vols. 5 Mo. Vols. 7 Naval Ac. Vols. 1 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 50 Stanford. Vols. 7 Syracuse. Vols. 69 Texas. Vols. 76-87. Throop. Vols. 92 Vassar. Vols. 66 Virginia. Vols. 1 (nearly complete). Wash. Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 1 Royal Society op London. Year Book. Vols. 1 (1896-1897) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1-2. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Brooklyn Pub. Vols. 1-2. Calif. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1-5, 7, 9-10, 18 Congress. Vols. 1-8. Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-16, 18 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-2. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-2, 4, 6, 15. Rochester. Vols. 1-2. Texas. Vols. 1-2. Wis. Vols. 1-2. Yale. Vols. 1-8. 52 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Stockholm. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademie. Handlingar, Bihang. Vols. 1-11 (1872-1887); Afdeling I: Matematik, Astronomi, Mekanik, Vols. 12-28 (1886-1903). Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 12-28. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-28. Calif. Vols. 1-28. Columbia. Vols. 1-28. Congress. Vols. 1-28. Cornell. Vols. 1-28. Crerar. Vols. 1-28. Harvard. Vols. 1-28. Minn. Vols. 12-28. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 22-28. Wis. Vols. 1-28. Yale. Vols. 1-28. Stockholm. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademie. Arkiv for Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. Vols. 1 (1903-1904) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil, Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 1 Calif, Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 2, 10 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 . Kansas. Vols. 5 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Stuttgart. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Wurttem- BERG. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-5 (1884-1892) Ser. 2, Vols. 1 (1899) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1. Congress. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1: Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-11. Kansas. Ser. 2, Vols. 6-8, 10. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 2, Vols. 3 Wis. Ser. 2, Vols. 7-11, 13 Tohoku Imperial University. Sendai. Science Reports. Ser. 1 (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry), Vols. 1 (1911-1912) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 1- Calif. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1, 3. Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 6 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1- Kansas. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1-2, 4- Stanford. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 PEKIODICALS PAKTLY MATHEMATICAL. 53 Torino. Reale Accademia delle Scienze. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Atti. Vols. 1 (1865-1866)- Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 30-48, 50 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 30 Bureau Standards. Vols. 40 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 43 Clark. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 42-43. Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 17-46, 50 Iowa. Vols. 38-44, 47 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 14-15, 17- Kansas. Vols. 40 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 9 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 28 Wis. Vols. 21,23 Yale. Vols. 1 Torino. Reale Accademia delle Scienzb. Memorie. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-40 (1759-1838); Ser. 2, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Mate- matiche e Naturali, Vols. 1 (1839) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vols. 48 Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-1, 6-20, 24-40; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1, Vols. 36-40; Ser. 2, Vols. 21 Mich. Ser. 1 ; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Princeton. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Wesleyan. Ser. 1, Vols. 2, 4-5. Yale. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1 Toulouse. Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Bulletin. Vols. 1-3 (18971900). Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 3. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1-3. Calif. Vols. 1-3. Chicago. Vols. 1-3. Columbia. Vols. 1-3. Congress. Vols. 1-3. Crerar. Vols. 1-3. Harvard. Vols. 1-3. Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-3. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-3. Rochester. Vols. 1-3. Texas. Vols. 1-3. Yale. Vol.3. Toulouse. Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Memoires. Ser. 1, Vols. 1-4 (1741-1790); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-6 (1807-1841); Ser. 3, Vols. 1-6 (1842-1850); Ser. 4, Vols. 1-6 (1851-1856); Ser. 5, Vols. 1-6 (1857-1862); Ser. 6, Vols. 1-6 (1862-1868); Ser. 7, Vols. 1-10 (1868-1878); Ser. 8, Vols. 1-10 (1878-1888); Ser. 9, Vols. 1-9 (1889-1897); Ser. 10, Vols. 1-12 (1901-1912) ; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 (1913) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 10, Vols. 1-11. Amer. Phil. Soc. Ser. 10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 2-10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Chicago. Ser. 1-9; Ser. 10, Vols. 1-10. Columbia. Ser. 8, Vols. 3-10; Ser. 9; Ser. 10, Vols. 1-5, 7. Congress. Ser. 1, Vols. 1, 4; Ser. 2-10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1-10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Harvard. Ser. 1-10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Mich. Ser. 10, Vols. 5-9. N. Y. Pub. Ser. 10, Vols. 10-11. Rochester. Ser. 9, Vols. 2-9; Ser. 10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 Yale. Ser. 7, Vols. 7, 10; Ser. 8-10; Ser. 11, Vols. 1 54 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Toulouse. Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite. Annates, Ser. 1, Vols. 1-12 (1887-1898); Ser. 2, Vols. 1-10 (1899-1908); Ser. 3, Vols. 1 (1909) Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Calif. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-2. Catholic. Ser. 1, Vols. 11-12; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-2. Chicago. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vol. 2. Clark. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Columbia. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Congress. Ser. 1, Vol. 12; Ser 2, Vols. 1-5, 7-10; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Cornell. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Crerar. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-9: Ser. 3, Vols. 1, 4 Harvard. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 111. Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Kansas. Ser. 1; Ser. 2, Vols. 1-9. Mich. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Minn. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Mo. Ser. 3, Vols. 4 N. Y. Pub. Ser. 1, Vols. 11-12; Ser. 2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Pa. Ser. 1, Vol. 11. Princeton. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Stanford. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Wis. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1-* Yale. Ser. 1-2; Ser. 3, Vols. 1 Venezia. Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Memorie. Vols. 1 (1845) Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 5. Chicago. Vols. 3, 10, 22. Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1-27. Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 21 Mich. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 27 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 23-24. Princeton. Vols. 1-27. Yale. Vols. 7-24. Washington. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Vols. 1 (1915) Adelbert. Vols. 1 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vol. 1. Boston Athenaeum. Vol. 1. Brown. Vols. 1 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Case. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1 Clark. Vol. 1. Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 Haverford. Vols. 1 Idaho. Vols. 1 Illinois. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 1 Iowa. Vols. 1 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1 Mass. Tech. Vols. 1 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Missouri. Vols. 1 Nebraska. Vols. 1 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 1 Pa. Vols. 1 Phila. Pub. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Purdue. Vols. 1 Rochester. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Syracuse. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 1 Throop. Vols. 1 Vassar. Vols. 1 Virginia. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis). Vols. 1- Wesleyan. Vols. 1 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 1 PERIODICALS PARTLY MATHEMATICAL. 55 Wien. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Sitzungsberichte. Vols. 1-42 (1848- 1860); Vols. 43-96 (1861-1887), Abteilungll, Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Physiologie, Meteorologie, physikalische Geographie und Astronomie; Vols. 97 (1888) , Abteilung Ha, Mathematik, Astronomie, Physik, Meteorologie und Me- chanik. Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 108 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 55 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Bureau Standards. Vols. 113 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1-38, 40, 43-46, 49 Clark. Vols. 1-74, 77-98, 80-82, 88-90. Coast Geodetic. Vols. 49-59, 62, 64 Columbia. Vols. 1-68, 73, 93 Congress. Vols. 34-37, 43-44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 63, 68-69, 79, 85-86, 88-91, 93-99, 102-103, 105 Cornell. Vols. 43 Crerar. Vols. 1, 4 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 120 Iowa. Vols. 64, 66, 68, 74, 77-78, 84, 105 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 81 Mich. Vols. 1 Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 110 Neb. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Pa. 105-112, 116 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1-28, 30-38, 43-44, 47 Texas. Vols. 69-76, 78-91, 93-95, 98, 102 Wesleyan. Vols. 1-99. Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 114 Zeitschrift fur Mathematik Vols Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 44 Bryn Mawr. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Catholic. Vols. 40-45. Chicago. Vols. 2-6, 12-29, 38 Clark. Vols. 1 Columbia. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 40-41, 58 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 21 Mich. Vols. 1 und Physik. (Schlomilch.) Leipzig. . 1 (1856) Minn. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 58 Naval Ac. Vols. 1-3. N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1 Northwestern. Vols. 53 Pa. Vols. 1 Princeton. Vols. 1 Stanford. Vols. 1 Texas. Vols. 31-43. Wash. Vols. 61 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 58 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 Yerkes. Vols. 41-45. Zeitschrift fur Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. (Hoffmann, Schotten.) Leipzig. Vols. 1 (1870) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 13-31. Brown. Vols. 14-23, 25-31, 43 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1-18, 20-21, 23 Clark. Vols. 34 Columbia. Vols. 1 Congress. Vols. 1 Cornell. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. I- 111. Vols. 1 Indiana. Vols. 41 Mich. Vols. 1 Mo. Vols. 41 N.Y. Pub. Vols. 7-13, 28 Pa. Vols. 25 Princeton. Vols. 32 Stanford. Vols. 1 Wash. Vols. 1 Wash. (St. Louis.) Vols. 42- Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 30 56 MATHEMATICAL PERIODICALS. Zurich. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Vierteljahrshrift. Vols. 1 (1856) Amer. Math. Soc. Vols. 34 Amer. Phil. Soc. Vols. 1 Calif. Vols. 1 Chicago. Vols. 1-42, 51 Columbia. Vols. 1-32, 41. Congress. Vols. 1 Crerar. Vols. 1 Harvard. Vols. 1-23. 111. Vols. 43, 53 Johns Hopkins. Vols. 1-51, 54 Minn. Vols. 1 N. Y. Pub. Vols. 1-33. Pa. Vols. 45 Texas. Vols. 37 Wis. Vols. 1 Yale. Vols. 1 INDEX. (The index is arranged by the usual titles, in most cases as given by the Royal Society Index, and also by the place of publication. The abbreviations of the Royal Society Index are also included as needed. Geographical names are given both in the language of the place and in the English form as adopted in publications of the United States Government.) Acta Mathematica, Stockholm, 10. Acta Mth. See Acta Mathematica. Am. Ac. P. See Boston, American Academy. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. See Boston. Am. J. Mth. See American Journal of Mathematics. American Journal of Mathematics, Baltimore,10. American Mathematical Monthly, Springfield, Lan- caster, Chicago, 11. American Mathematical Society. See New York. Amsterdam. See Nieuw Archief, Revue Sem- estrielle, Wiskundige Opgaven. A. Mt. See Annali di Matematica. A. Mth. See Annals of Mathematics. Analyst. Des Moines, 11. Annalen. See Math. Annalen. Annales. See Bruxelles, Gergonne's Annales, Nou- velles Annales, Paris, Toulouse. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Milano, Roma, 12. Annals. See also Coimbro Gergonne's Annales, Annali, Math. Annalen. Annals of Mathematics, Princeton, 12. Archief. See Nieuw Archief. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik (Grunert), Leipzig, 32. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, Chris- tiania, 32. Archivo de Matem&ticas, Madrid, Valencia, 12. Arch. Mth. Ntvd. See Archiv for Mathematik. Arch. Mth. Ps. See Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Berlin, Konigliche Akad., Konigliche Akad., Berl. Ak. Ab. See abhandlungen. Berl. Ak. Mb. See Berlin, Monatsberichte. Berl. Ak. Sb. See Berlin, Konigliche Akad., Sitzungsberichte. Association for the Advancement of Science. See British. Baltimore. See Am. Journ. of Math. Battaglini. See Giornale. Bavaria. See Mxinehen. Bayern. See Miinchen. Bb. Mth. See Bibliotheca Mathematica. Berlin, Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, (1) Abhandlungen 32; (2) Monatsberichte 33; (3) Sitzungsberichte 33. See also Crelle, Jahrbuch, Deutsche Math. Verein., and Leipzig. Bibliotheca Mathematica, Leipzig, Stockholm, 13. Bll. Sc. Math. See Bulletin des Science Math. Bohm. Gs. Ws. Jbr. See Prag, Konigliche Bohm. Gesells., Jahresberichte. Bollettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche (Loria), Torino, 13. Bollettino di Matematica (Conti), Roma, 13. Bologna, Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto, (1) Memorie, 33; (2) Rendiconto delle Sessioni 34. Bologna Ac. Mm. See Bologna. Bologna Ac. Sc. Mm. See Bologna. Bologna Mm. Ac. See Bologna. Bologna Mm. Ac. Sc. See Bologna. Boncompagni's Bullettino di Bibliografia e di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, Roma, 34. Bost. Am. Ac. Mm. See Boston, American Academy. Boston, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, (1) Memoirs, 34; (2) Proceedings, 34. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports of Meetings, London, 35. Brussels. See Bruxelles. Brux. Ac. Bll., Brux. Ac. Sc. Mm., etc. See Bruxelles, Academie Royale. Bruxelles, Academie Royale de Belgique, (1) Bulletins 35; (2) Memoires 36; (3) Memoires, Classe des Sciences 36; (4) Memoires Couronnes et autres Memoires 36; (5) Memoires Couronn6s et M6moires des Savants Etrangers 36. SociSte" Scientifique, Annales, 37. See Nouvelle Corresp. Math. Bucharest. See Gazeta. Budapest. See Math, und Naturw. Berichte, Magyar Tudomanyos. Bulletin. See also Bullettino, Bollettino, Cal- cutta, Ferassac's Bulletin, Kasan, Krakow, New York, Paris, Prag. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques (Darboux), Paris, 13. Bullettino. See Boncompagni's Bullettino. Calcutta Mathematical Society, Bulletin, 14. Camb. and Dubl. Mth. J. See Cambridge and Dublin. Camb. (M.) Mth. M. See Mathematical Monthly. Camb. Mth. J. Sec (The) Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Camb. Ph. S. P. and Camb. Ph. S. T. See Cam- bridge Philosophical Soc. Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, 14. Cambridge Mathematical Journal, 14. Cambridge Philosophical Society, (1) Proceed- ings, 37; (2) Transactions, Annals, 37. 57 58 INDEX. Cambridge, Mass. See Math. Monthly. Casopis pro Pestovani Mathematiky a Fisiky, Prag, 37. Charlottsville. See Annals. Chicago. See Am. Math. Monthly. Christiania F. and Christiania Skr. See Chris- tiania, Videnskabs-Selskabet. Christiana, Videnskabs-Selskabet, (1) Forhand- linger, 37; (2) Mathematisk-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse, Skrifter, 38. See Archiv for Math. Circolo Matematico. See Palermo. Citta di Castello. See (Le) Matematiche Pure ed Appl. Coimbra, Academia Polytechnica do Porto, Annaes Scientiflcos, 38. See Jornal. Comptes Rendus. See Paris. Conti. See Bollettino. Copenhagen. See Kj0benhavn. Cracow. See Krakow. C. R. See Paris, Comptes Rendus. Crelle's Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 14. Crelle J. and Crelle J. Mth. See Crelle's Journal. Darboux. See Bulletin. Des Moines. See (The) Analyst. Des Moines Anal. See (The) Analyst. Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Leipzig, (1) Jahresbericht, 15; (2) Jahresbericht, Ergan- zungsbande, 15. D. Mth. Vr. Jbr. See Deutsche Math. Ver. Dodson. See Math. Repository. Dn. Vd. Selks. Sr. See Kj0benhavn. Dubl. S. Sc. P. and Dubl. S. Sc. T. See Dublin, Royal Dublin Society. Dublin, Royal Dublin Society, (1) Scientific Pro- ceedings, 38; (2) Scientific Transactions, 38. Royal Irish Academy, Proceedings, 39. See Cambridge. Ecole Normale. See Paris. Ecole Polytechnique. See Paris. Edinb. Mth. S. P. See Edinburgh Math. Soc., Proc. Edinb. P. R. S. and Edinb. R. S. T. See Edin- burgh Royal Society. Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Proceedings, 15. Edinburgh Royal Society, (1) Proceedings, 39; (2) Transactions, 39. (L') Education Mathematique, Paris, 16. Educational Times. See Math. Questions. Educ. Times. See Math. Questions. (L')Enseignement Mathematique, Geneva and Paris, 16. Ens. Mth. See (L') Enseignement Math. Erie. See Math. Mag. Ferussac Bll. Sc. Math. See Ferussac's Bulletin. Ferassac's Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Physiques et Chimiques,Paris,40. Firenze (Florence). See Ri vista. Florence (Firenze). See Rivista. Formulaire de Mathematique, Torino, 16. Fschr. Mth. See Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Math. Gand. See Mathesis. Gazeta Matematica, Bucharest, 16. Geneva (Geneve, Genf). See L'Enseignement Math. Gentleman's Diary or Mathematical Repository, London, 16. Gentleman's Mathematical Companion, London, Gergonne's Annales de Mathematiques Pures et, Appliqu^es, Paris, 17. Ghent. See Mathesis. Giornale di Matematiche (Battaglini),Napoli, 17. G. Mt. See Giornale de Matematiche. Gottingen, Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften; (1) Nachrichten, Geschaftliche Mitteil- ungen, 40; (2) Nachrichten, Mathematisch-Phy- sikalische Klasse, 40. Mathematischer Verein, Berichte, 17. Gott. Nr. See Gottingen, Konigl. Gesellschaft Nachrichten. Grunert. See Archiv der Mathematik G. Teix. J. Sc. See Jornal de Sciencias Math. Hamb. Mth. Ges. Mt. See Hamburg. Hamburg, Mathematische Gesellschaft, Mitteil ungen 17 . Haarlem. See Wiskundig Tijdschrift. Hoffmann's Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift. Hungary. See Magyar, Math, und Nat. Berichte. II Progresso. See Progresso. Indian Mathematical Society, Journal, Madras, 18. L'lntermeolaire des Mathematicians, Paris, 18. Ir. Ac. P. See Dublin. Irish Academy. See Dublin. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik, Berlin, 18. Jahresbericht. See Deutsche Math.- Verein. Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas e Astronomicas, Coimbra, 40. Journal. See also Crelle, Giornale, Indian Math. Soc, Jornal, Liouville, Paris, Quarterly. Journal de Mathematiques Elementaires (Vuibert), Paris, 18. Kasan, Societe" Physico-Mathematique, Bulletin, 41. Kazan, S. Ps.-Mth. Bll. See Kasan. Kharkof. See Kharhov. Kharkov Mathematical Society, Communica- tions, 19. Kharkov Mth. S. Com. See Kharkov, Math. Society. Kiob., in Royal Society abbreviations. See Kj0ben- havn. Kj0b. Dn. Vd. Selsk. Afh., and similar Royal So- ciety abbreviations. See Kj0benhavn. Kj0benhavn, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, (1) Oversigt over det Forhandlinger, 41; (2) Skrifter, 41. See Nyt Tidsskrift. Krakow, Akademija Umiejetnosci, Bulletin Inter- nationale, 41. Krk. Ak. in Royal Society abbreviations. See Krakow. Ladies' Diary, London, 19. Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, London, 19. Lancaster. See Am. Math. Monthly, (The) Math. Teacher, New York (Am. Math. Soc.) Leghorn. See Periodico di Matematica. Leip. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Leipzig. Leipsic. See Leipzig. INDEX. 59 Leipzig, Konigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch - Physikalische Classe, (1) Abhandlungen, 42; (2) Berichte, 42. See Archiv der Math, und Phys., Bib- liotheca Math., Deutsche Math.-Verein., Ham- burg, Math. Annalen, Math, und Naturw. Ber- ichte aus Ungarn, Repertorium, Zeitschrift. Leybourn. See Math. Repository. Liege, Soci&e" Royale des Sciences, Memoires, 42. Liege Mm. S. S. See Liege. Liouville's Journal de Math^matiques Pures et Appliquees, Paris, 19. Liouv. J. See Liouville. Livorno. See Periodico di Matematica. L. Mth. S. P. See London Math. Soc, Proceedings. London. See British Association, Cambridge Math. Journ., Gentleman's Diary, Gentleman's Math. Companion, Ladies' Diary, Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, (The) Mathematician, Math. Gazette, Math. Quest, and Sol. (Ed. Times) Math. Repository, Messenger, Quarterly Journal, Royal Soc. London Mathematical Society, Proceedings, 20. Loria. See Bollettino. Madras. See Indian Math. Soc. Madrid, Sociedad Matematica Espanola,Revista,20. Madrid. See Archive Mag. Tud. Ak. Etk. See Magyar. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Ertekezesek a Mathematikai Osztaly Korebol, Budapest, Le Matematiche Pure ed Applicate, Citta di Cas- tello, 20. Mathematical Gazette, London, 20. Mathematical Magazine, Washington (begun at Erie, Pa.), 21. Mathematical Miscellany, New York, 21. Mathematical Monthly (Runkle), Cambridge, Mass., 21. Mathematical Questions and Solutions from the "Educational Times," London, 21. Mathematical Repository (Dodson, Leybourn), London, 22. Mathematical Society. See Calcutta, Deutsche Math. Verein., Edinburgh, Gottingen, Ham- burg, Indian, Kharkov, London, Madrid, Mos- cow, New York, Palermo, Paris. Mathematiceskij Zistok, Reval, 22. Mathematician, London, 22. Mathematics Teacher, Syracuse, Lancaster, 22. Mathematische Annalen, Leipzig, 22. Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Be- richte aus Ungarn, Leipzig, 43. Mathesis, Gand (Ghent), 23. Messenger of Mathematics, London, 23. Mess. Mth. See Messenger of Mathematics. Milan. See Milano. Milano, Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, (1) Memorie, 43; (2) Rendiconti, 43. See Annali. Mil. I. Lomb. and similar Royal Society abbrevia- tions. See Milano, Reale Istituto. Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik, Wien (Vienna), 43. Moscow Mathematical Society, Transactions (Mate- matischeski Sbornik), 23. Mth. A. See Mathematische Annalen. Mth. Gz. See Mathematical Gazette. Mth. Misc. See Mathematical Miscellany. Mth. Nt. B. Ung. See Math, und Nat. Berichte aus Ungarn. Munch, abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Miinchen. Munchen, Konigliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematische- Physikalische Classe, (1) Abhandlungen, 44; (2) Sitzungsbe- richte, 44. Munich. See Munchen. N. A. Mth. See Nouvelles Annales. Nancy. See Sphinx-CEdipe. Nap. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Napoli. Naples. See Napoli. Napoli, Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche, (1) Atti, 44; (2) Rendiconti, 44. See Giornale. N. Arch. Wisk. See Nieuw Archief. National Academy of Sciences. See Washing- ton. New York, American Mathematical Society, (1) Bulletin, New York, Lancaster, 23; (2) Trans- actions, New York, Lancaster, 24. See Math. Miscel. New York Mathematical Society, Bulletin, 24. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Amsterdam, 25. Nismes. See Gergonne's Annales. Nouvelle Correspondance Mathematique, Bruxelles (Brussels), 25. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques, Paris, 25. N. Ts. Mth. See Nyt Tidsskrift. N. Y. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See New York. Nyt Tidsskrift for Mathematik, Kj0benhavn (Co- penhagen), 25. Palermo Cir. Mt. Rd. See Palermo, Circolo Mate- matico. Palermo, Circolo Matematico, (1) Rendiconti, 26; (2) Rendiconti, Supplemento, 26. See (II) Pitagora. Par. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Paris. Paris, Academie des Sciences de 1'Institut de France, (1) Comptes Rendus, 45; (2) Memoires, 45; (3) M6moires presents par Divers Savants, 45. Ecole Normale Supeneure, Annales Scien- tiflques, 46. Ecole Polytechnique, Journal, 46. SociSte" Mathematique de France, (1) Bulle- tin, 26; (2) Comptes Rendus des Stances, 27. Societe" Philomathique, Bulletin, 46. See Bulletin, L'Education, L'Enseigne- ment Math., Ferussac, Gergonne, L'Interm6di- aire, Journal, Liouville, Nouvelles Annales, Re- vue Generate, Revue de Math. Pennsylvania. See Philadelphia. Periodico di Matematica, Livorno (Leghorn), 27. Periodico di Matematica, Supplemento, Livorno (Leghorn), 27. Petrograd, Academie des Sciences (Akademiya Nauk), (1) Bulletin, 47; (2) Memoires, 47. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Publica- tions, Mathematics, 27. II Pitagora, Palermo, 27. Prace Mt.-Fiz. See Prace. Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne, Warsaw, 47. 60 INDEX. Prag, Ceska Akademie Cisafe FrantiSka Josefa, (1) Bulletin International, Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, 47; (2) Rospravy (mathematical memoires only), 48. KonigMche Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften (Kralovsko Ceske Spolecnosti Nduk), (1) Jahresberichte, 48; (2) Sitzungsberichte (Vest- nik), 48. . See Casopis. Prague. See Prag. Princeton. See Annals. El Progreso Matematico, Saragossa, 27. QJ. Mth. See Quarterly Journal. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics, London, 28. Repertorium der literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Reinen und Angewandten Mathema- tik, Leipzig, 28. Reval. See Mathematiceskij Zistok. Revista Trimestral di Matematicas, Saragossa, 28. Revista. See Madrid, Revue. Revue de Mathematiques (Rivista di Matematica), Torino, 28. Revue de Mathematiques Speciales, Paris, 28. Revue Generate des Sciences, Paris, 48. Revue Semestrielle des Publications Mathema- tiques, Amsterdam, 29. Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e Scienze Naturali. Firenze (Florence), 48. Rm. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Roma. Roma, Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei, (1) Atti, 49; (2) Memorie, 49. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, (1) Atti, 49; (2) Atti: Transunti, Rendiconti, 49; (3) Atti: Memo- rie, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Na- turali, 50. Societa Italiana delle Scienze, Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica, 50. See Annali, Bollettino, Boncompagni. Rome. See Roma. Rotterdam. See Wiskundig Tijdschrift. Royal Society. See Dublin, Edinburgh. Royal Society of London, (1) Philosophical Trans- actions, 50; (2) Proceedings, 51; (3) Year Book, 51. Rpm. Mth. See Repertorium. R. S. P. See Royal Society of London. Runkle. See Math. Monthly. Rv. Mth. See Revue de Math. Saint Petersburg. See Petrograd. Saragossa. See (El) Progreso, Revista. Schlomilch's Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift. Schotten's Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift. Sendai. See Tohoku Imperial University, Tdhoku Math. Journal. Sphinx-CEdipe, Nancy, 29. Springfield. See Am. Math. Monthly. St. Pet. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Petrograd. St. Petersburg. See Petrograd. Stockh. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Stockholm. Stockholm, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Aka- demie, (1) Handlingar, Bihang, 52; (2) Arkiv for Matematick, Astronomi och Fysik, 52. Stockholm. See Acta, Bibliotheca Math. Stuttgart, Mathematische Naturwissenschaftlicher Mitteilungen, 52. Syracuse. See Math. Teacher. T6hoku Imperial University, Science Reports, Ser. I, Sendai, 52. T6hoku Mathematical Jounral, Sendai, 29. Tok. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Tohoku. Tor. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Torino. Torino, Reale Accademia delle Scienze, (1) Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Atti, 53; (2) Memorie, 53. See Bollettino, Formulaire, Revue de Math. Tortolini A. See Annali. Toul. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Toulouse. Toulouse, Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, (1) Bulletin, 53; (2) Memoires, 53. Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite, Annales, 54. Ts. Math. See Nyt Tidsskrift. Transactions. See New York. Turin. See Torino. Ungarn. See Math, und Nat. Berichte. Valencia. See Archivo de Matematicas. Vars. and Varsovie. See Warsaw references. Ven. abbreviations in Royal Society catalogue. See Venezia. Venezia, Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Memorie, 54. Venice. See Venezia. Vienna. See Wien. Vuibert's Journal. See Journal. Warsaw. See Prace, Wiadomosci. Wash. Nt. Ac. Mm. See Washington, National Academy. Washington, National Academy of Sciences, Pro- ceedings, 54. See Math. Mag. (Begun at Erie, Pa.) Wiadomosci Matematyczne, Warsaw, 29. Wien. Ak. See Wien, Kaiserliche Akademie. Wien (Vienna), Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Sitzungsberichte, 55. See Monatshefte. Wiskundige Opgaven met de Oplossingen, Amster- dam, 29. Wiskundig Tijdschrift, Rotterdam, 29. Wurttemberg. See Stuttgart. Zaragosa. See (El) Progreso, Revista Trimest. Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik (Schlo- milch), Leipzig, 55. Zeitschrift fur Mathematischen und Naturwissen- schaftlichen Unterricht (Hoffmann, Schotten), Leipzig, 55. Z. Mth. Ps. See Zeitschrift fur Math, und Phys. Zurich, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Vierteljahr- schrift, 56. Ziir. Vjschr. Sec Zurich, O BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION. (Continued from page 2 of cover. ) No. 34. Institutions in the United States giving instruction in agriculture. A. C. Monahan and C. H. Dye. No. 35. The township and community high-school movement in Illinois. H. A; Hollister. No. 36. Demand for vocational education in the countries at war. Anna T. Smith. No. 37. The conference on training for foreign service. Glen L. Swiggett. No. 38. Vocational teachers for secondary schools. CD. Jarvis. No. 39. Teaching English to aliens. Winthrop Talbot. No. 40. Monthly record of current educational publications, September, 1917. No. 41. Library books for high schools. Martha Wilson. No. 42. Monthly record of current educational publications, October, 1917. No. 43. Educational directory, 1917. No. 44. Educational conditions in Arizona. No. 45. Summer sessions in city schools. W. S. Deffenbaugh. No. 46. The public-school system of San Francisco, Cal. No. 47. The preparation and preservation of vegetables. Henrietta W. Calvin and Carrie A. Lyford\. No. 48. Monthly record of current educational publications, November, 1917. No. 49. Music in secondary schools. Report of the Commission on Secondary Education. Will Earhart and Osbourne McConathy. No. 50. Physical education in secondary schools/ Report of the Commission on Secondary Education. No. 51. Moral values in secondary education. Report of the Commission on Secondary Education. Henry Neumann. Monthly record of current educational publications, December, 1917. The conifers of the northern Rockies. J. E. Kirkwood. Training in courtesy. Margaret S. McNaught. -: .. .' Statistics of State universities and State colleges, 1917. 1918. Monthly record of current educational publications, January, 1917. The publications of the United States Government. Walter I. Swanton. Agricultural instruction in the high schools of six eastern States. C. H. Lane. Monthly record of current educational publications, February, 1918. W T ork of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska, 1916-17. The curriculum of the woman's college. Mabel L. Robinson. The Bureau of Extension of the University of North Carolina. Louis R. Wilson and Lester A. Williams. Monthly record of current educational publications, March, 1918. Union list of mathematical periodicals. David E. Smith. Public-school classes for crippled children. Edith R. Solenberger. A community center what it is and how to organize it. Henry E. Jackson. Monthly record of current educational publications, April, 1918. No. 52, No. 53. No. 54', No. 55, No. 1, No. 2. No. 3 No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 271uV5?W w Ml S I953UJ SOTO" MM 2 3 6 ft TMyitss / / 1 / | LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl6)476 Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 44- 389410 S6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY