THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES and backward arching of trunk. Standing Stride st. Walk (a) st. Bend st. Cross (e) st. Arm circumduction with trunk twisting and simul- taneous arching of trunk. slow arm stretching sideways or upward with trunk twisting and arching of trunk. Simple quick arm movements combined with alternate foot placing obliquely forw.-outw., and followed by trunk twisting to same side, then by backw. arching of trunk (6 counts) : (Placing hands on hips) Arm bending Forward bending of arms Placing hands on neck Arm flinging sideways YL sideways bending of arms Arm flinging forward-upward Arm flinging sideways-upward Arm circumduction with alter- nate fo<5t placing obliquely forward- then trunk twisting, and back- t- ward arch- ingoftrunk. outward, Simple, quick arm movements combined with alternate foot placing obliquely forward-outward and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side, followed by backw. arching of trunk. These are 4 count cycles, the increased difficulty consisting in the triple combination of arm and leg movement with trunk twisting. The movements are the same as those enumerated in the preceding column. Compound (2 count) auick arm movements, the first part of which is combined with alternate foot placing sidew. or obliquely forw.-outw., the second with trunk twisting. The position thus reached is held during the slow arching movement. These are 6 count cycles : Arm bending and stretching sideways Forward bending and side-flinging of arms y^ sideways bending of arms and arms stretching sideways Arm bending and stretching upward > sideways bending of arms and arm stretching upward with alternate foot I followed placing sideways by back- or obliquely for- > ward ward-outward and arching trunk' twisting, J of trunk. 150 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Compound (2 count) arm movements, the first part of which is quick and combined with alternate foot placing sidew., or obliquely outw., the second part slow and combined with trunk twisting and simultaneous backw. arching of trunk. These are 4 count cycles, extremely difficult to do well. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways or outward, arm stretching sideways % sideways bending of arms with alternate foot placing, arm stretching sideways Arm bending with alternate foot placing, arm stretching upward }4 sideways bending of arms with alternate foot placing, arm stretching upward Arm flinging forward-upward with alternate foot placing, arm parting with twisting and backward arching of trunk. Compensatory Exercises. Types. Forward bending of trunk. Forward-downward bending of trunk, with straight upper back and arms held in the various derived starting positions. Forward-downward bending of trunk, with straight upper back, combined with arm movements forward, making efforts to touch the floor with the hands. These are all general back exercises and their progression will be illustrated under that head. Stooping. Progression of this type has been given under leg exercises. Knee upward bending. Leg flinging forward-upward. The progression of these types will be illustrated under abdominal exercises, to which group they belong. Lateral Trunk Exercises. Principles. Increasing weight leverage by carrying the arms higher. Varying the base : (1) Making the starting position more secure in order to facilitate greater range or more perfect localization of the movement. (2) Reducing the base, thereby introducing the balance element and thus increasing the difficulty of the movement. Alternating and combining with arm or leg movements, or both. Doing arm movements from twist standing position. Doing side bending of trunk from the twist standing position. Doing leg or arm movements, or both, from side falling position. Combining arm movements with leg flinging sideways. [In exercises at the bar stalls the arms or legs are fixed, thereby giving opportunity for greater range and weight leverage and better localization.] PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 151 Types. Trunk twisting. Side bending of trunk. Leg raising or flinging sideways. Side falling position. Charges. [Bar stall exercises : Foot grasp standing side bending of trunk. Foot grasp sitting backward leaning and twisting of trunk. Side lying side bending of trunk. Grasp side arch standing leg fling- ing sideways. Side holding.] Progression. Trunk twisting. Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp Cross (c) Cross (e) (Stretch) stride st. walk (a) st. walk (b) st. standing close st. trunk twisting. Alternating with arm movements : Bend I stride st. 1 trunk farm stretching sideways. Cross (a) Ictamiine \ twistir) S J arm flinging sideways. Neck grasp ( , . g f alternat- | arm stretching sideways or upward. T>~*~I I ciose st. i _ '..i, .4.^1,1 Bend ing with I arm stretching upward. All the way from one side to the other in one continuous quick movement : Bend 1 Cross (a) (stride st. alternate trunk twisting from one Neck grasp [ side to the other. Cross (c) J All the way from one side to the other, alternating with arm movements: / N stride st. Cross (a) Simple arm movements combined with leg movements, and followed by trunk twisting: Arm bending Forward bending of arms Placing hands on neck Arm flinging sideways Bend st. arm stretching sideways with alternate foot placing sideways, obliquely outward or forward, or with closing of feet, or with oblique charge, and trunk twisting. Arm movements from twist standing position : Bend Cross (a) Cross (c) Cross (e) Cross (d) Stretch stride walk (a) > walk (b) close twist st. twist stand- ing arm stretching sideways or upward. arm flinging sideways. arm rotation. arm rotation or stretch, sidew. or upw. arm raising. arm parting. 152 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Simple arm movements combined with alternate foot placings or oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting: Placing hands on hips Arm bending Forward bending of arms Placing hands on neck Arm flinging sideways Arm flinging forward Bend st. arm stretching sideways }4 sideways bending of arms Arm flinging sideways-upward Arm circumduction Bend st. arm stretching upward with alternate foot placing sideways, oblique- ly outward or forward, or with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting. Compound arm movements, the first part of which is combined with an alternate foot placing, or oblique charge, and simultaneous trunk twisting, the second is done while retaining the twist standing position : Arm bending Forward b'd'g of arms Arm flinging forward Placing hands on neck % sidew. b'd'g of arms Arm bending Arm flinging sideways, palms up, Arm flinging sideways- upward Arm flinging forward- upward with alternate foot placing sideways or ob- liquely outw. or with oblique c'harge and with simulta- neous trunk twisting; fol- lowed by arm stretching sideways, arm flinging sideways, arm parting, arm stretching sideways, arm stretch, sidew. or upw. arm stretching upward, arm raising. arm parting, arm parting. The above compound arm movements, the first part of which is com- bined with an alternate foot placing, or oblique charge, the second with trunk twisting. Examples : Forw. b'd'g of arms with alt. foot placing obliquely outw., then arm flinging with trun 1 ' (twisting. Arm b'd'g with oblique charge, then arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting. Side bending of trunk: Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp Cross (c) Cross (e) Diagonal stretch Stretch stride standing standing walk (b) standing close standing walk (c) st. walk (a) twist st. stride twist st. side bending of trunk. Alternating with arm movements : Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp Cross (e) Cross (d) Bend stride st. standing close st. walk (b) st. (side bend- ing of trunk, alternat- ing with Neck grasp arm stretching sideways, arm flinging sideways, arm stretching sideways, arm stretching sideways, arm raising or flinging upward, arm stretching upward, arm stretching upward. PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 153 All the way from one side to the other without stopping in the upright position : Hip grasp ] Cross (c) I stride standing alternate side bending from one side to Neck grasp I the other in one continuous movement Stretch J Simple arm movements combined with leg movements, and followed by side b'd'g of trunk: Placing hands on hips Arm bending Forward bending of arms Placing hands on neck Arm flinging sideways Bend st. arm stretching sideways l /2 sideways bending of arms Arm flinging diagonally upward Arm flinging sideways-upward Arm circumduction Bend st. arm stretching upward with alternate foot plac- ings sideways or for- ward; or with closing of feet, or with side lunge, and side bending of trunk. The above simple arm movements with alternate foot placing diagonally (forward-) outward, or sideways, followed by trunk twisting, then side bending of trunk. 6 count cycles. The same with oblique charge instead of foot placing. The trunk twisting is to the opposite side of the charge. The above arm movements with oblique foot placing, or oblique charge, and simultaneous trunk twisting, followed by side bending of trunk. 4 count cycles. Compound arm movements, the first part of which is combined with an oblique foot placing or charge, the second with trunk twisting, fol- lowed by side bending of trunk. Examples : Arm bending and stretch- ing sideways or upward Forward bending and side flinging of arms with alternate] foot placing I and 1 then side bend- outward or I trunk \ ing of trunk with oblique | twisting J 6 count cycles, charge Wide stride standing side bending with simultaneous knee b'd'g. The same with simultaneous arm movements : Hip grasp Bend Cross ( 3,^ Neck grasp stride st - side-and-knee bending. Cross (c) Stretch Bend stride st. arm stretch sidew. with side-and-knee bending. Neck grasp stride st. arm stretch sidew. with side-and-knee bending. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot plac. sidew., then side-and-knee bending. Arm bendine 1 with alternate foot placing sideways, then Placing hands on neck side-and-knee bending with arm stretching J sideways. Side bending of trunk, standing on one foot. See balance exercises. Leg flinging sideways. 154 GYMNASTIC TEACHING These are quick movements repeated rhythmically several times on each side (then designated L. and R.), or alternately. The position is not held at the end of the up-stroke, the recoil from which marks the beginning of the return movement. At the end of the down-stroke, how- ever, the position is held a brief moment, with the weight equally on both feet. Hip grasp Neck grasp UtanHincrI le 2 flin g in g sideways, one side at a time g [alternate leg flinging sideways. Combined with arm movements : %. hip grasp st. leg flinging L. and R. with oppo- 1 sideways, site arm flinging {sideways-upward. Standing 1 alternate leg flinging sideways with opposite arm fling- Hip grasp st. J ing sideways, or sideways-upward {sideways, obliquely upward, upward, upward on same, sideways on opposite side. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with alternate leg flinging sidew. Side falling position (side leaning rest). Reached by (1) stooping, (2) taking the prone falling position (front leaning rest), (3) turning 90. Taking the position and returning to the fundamental standing position thus makes a compound six count move- ment when repeated rhythmically. The side falling and the fundamental positions are held longer than the stooping and prone falling positions. The rhythm is therefore quite uneven. The free arm may be held in different positions, thus: YL hip grasp # bend Yz neck grasp YT. stretch Y^ cross (c) side falling position and return. Arm movements or leg raising, or both simultaneously, may be done from the side falling position. Such movements, however, are quite difficult balance exercises, and might be classified as such. Yz hip grasp Yz bend l /2. neck grasp Yt stretch % cross (c) side falling leg rais- ing, or side falling leg rais- ing with arm raising sidew. or sidew. -upw. arm stretching sidew. or upw. arm stretching sidew. or upw. arm raising. Charges will be described later, under that head. [Types of lateral trunk exercises done at the bar stalls : Grasp side falling position. Leg raising from this position. Grasp side arch # standing (one leg raised) | 2 leg flj ng in g sideways. Side holding (retaining the position reached by leg flinging sidew.)] PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 155 Back Exercises, A. Shoulder blade movements. Principles. Increasing the range of the movement. Increasing the speed. Increasing difficulty of coordination, in "finding" and retaining the final position; by doing movement from difficult starting position. Increasing antagonistic muscular resistance by making the movement slower. Increasing weight leverage and difficulty of coordination by doing movement from starting positions in which the 'trunk is inclined forward, e.g., prone st. pos., charge pos. (Increasing resistance by mechanical contrivances, e.g., chest weights.) Types. Arm bending; forw. b'd'g of arms; arm flinging sidew. with palms down or up; placing hands on neck; arm rotation from standing, cross (c) and cross (e) pos.; arm flinging forw.; l /2 sidew. b'd'g of arms ; arm flinging forw.-upw., and sidew.-upw. ; arm circum- duction; arm b'd'g and stretching sidew., forw., upw.; arm fling- ing forw.-sidew. and downw. ; reach st. arm parting (or flinging sidew.), palms down or up; reach st. arm flinging upw.; swimming movement; stretch st. arm parting; asymmetrical arm movements, such as arm stretching in diverse directions, starting from the bend st. pos.; lowering one arm and raising the other, etc. Progression. As indicated under principles. The various types embody the applica- tion of these principles in varying degrees. Many of these types are used chiefly in combination or alternation with movements of other groups. In the beginning of any series of lessons, however, they may with advantage be practiced sepa- rately, at first on command and later as continuous, rhythmic movements. B. General back movements. Principles. Varying the starting position of the legs so as to increase or diminish stability, facilitate localization of movement, or increase resistance and difficulty of coordination. Varying the starting position of the arms, thereby increasing weight leverage and difficulty of coordination. Increasing the range of the movement from only a slight forward inclination to 45, then to the horizontal and beyond (with straight upper back). Doing head or arm movements while holding the prone St., prone lying, or charge position. Alternating back movement with arm movements, or with combined arm and leg movements. Combining back movement with arm movements or leg movements, or both. Types. Forward bending of trunk (45 inclination from hips). Forward-downward bending of trunk (to horizontal and beyond) with upper back straight, arms held rigid in one of the derived positions. 156 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Stooping. Prone falling position. Foot placings, arm and leg rais- ing from this position. Forw.-downw. bending of trunk from the (wide) stride st. pos. with simultaneous movement of the arms forw. in an effort to touch the floor. Upper back is kept straight, however. Forward bending of trunk, standing on one foot, other leg in line with the trunk. Forward charge. Forw. bending of trunk from this position. Reverse (backward) charge. Toe-support charge. Horizontal l /2 st. pos. Oblique charge with, or followed by, trunk twisting to same side. Forw. bending of trunk from this position. [At bar stalls : Foot grasp charge. Forw. b'd'g from this pos. Prone lying pos. (on bench). Forw. b'd'g from this pos.] Progression. Forward and forw.-downw. b'd'g of trunk : Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp Cross (c), (d) and(e) Oblique stretch Stretch stride st. standing close st. walk (b) st. walk (c) st. walk (a) twist st. charge (b) charge (a) twist st.J forward bending of trunk. Hip grasp Bend Neck grasp Stretch stride st. 1 standing [ forward-downward bending of trunk. close st. J Simple arm movements with alternate foot placing sidew., or forw., fol- lowed by forw. b'd'g, or forw.-downw. b d'g of trunk : Placing hands on hips Arm bending Forward bending of arms Placing hands on neck Arm flinging sideways Yi sideways bending of arms Arm flinging forward-upward Arm flinging sideways-upward Bend st. arm stretching upward. Placing hands on hips Arm bending Placing hands on neck Placing hands over head (or arm flinging forward-upward, or arm flinging sideways-upward) Bend st. arm stretching upward with alternate foot | and forward placing sideways > bending of or forward, trunk. with alternate 1 and forward-down- foot placing [ ward bending of sideways, J trunk. The above arm movements, combined with alternate foot placing obliquely outward and simultaneous trunk twisting, followed by forw. b'd'g of trunk. PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 157 Forw. b'd'g and forw.-downw. b'd'g of trunk, alternating with arm movements : Bend Cross (a) Cross (c) Neck grasp Cross (e) Bend Neck grasp Cross (e) stride st. standing close st. 'walk (b) walk (a) twist st. j Stretch forward bending of trunk, alternat- ing with 5 e , s r0! stride st. forward-downward standing } bendingof trunk, J Alternating with arm stretching sideways, arm flinging sideways, arm rotation, arm stretching sideways, arm stretching sideways, arm stretching upward, arm stretching upward, arm stretching upward, arm parting, or bending and stretching upward. arm stretching sideways or upward. arm flinging sideways, arm stretching sideways or upward, arm parting or bending and stretching upward. Stooping (deep knee b'd'g with forw. inclination from hips, back straight, hands on floor) : Hip grasp st. Bend st. Cross (a) st. Neck grasp st. Cross (c) st. stooping and return to starting position. Alternating with arm movements : Bend st. Cross (a) st. Neck grasp st. Cross (c) st. Reach st. [arm stretching sideways, forward, -upward, stooping, arm flinging sideways, alternat-'j arm stretching sideways or upward, ing with arm bending andstretching or arm rotation. [arm flinging sideways. Alternate foot placing forw.-backw. from stooping pos., or from prone falling pos. From a wide stride st. pos. with the arms in a derived starting pos. bending downw. with straight upper back (keeping knees straight), and making an effort to touch the floor, then returning to starting pos. Bend ] Cross (a) I (wide) stride st. downward bending, Neck grasp I touching floor, and return. Cross (c) J The same, alternating with arm movements : Bend stride st. Cross (a) stride st. Neck grasp stride st. Cross (c) stride st. Cross (d) stride st. Stretch stride st. downward bending touching floor alternating with arm stretching sidew. or upw. arm flinging sideways, arm stretching sidew. or upw. arm bending and stretch, sidew. arm raising (or flinging upward), arm parting, or bending and st. upward. 158 Compound (2 count) arm movements (from fundamental pos.), the first part of which is combined with a wide alternate foot placing sidew., the second (a forw. movement of the arms) with a forw.-downw. b'd'g (touching the floor). Upper back straight: Arm bending Forward bending of arms Arm flinging forward Arm flinging sideways Placing hands On neck Placing hands over head with alternate foot placing sideways (wide step), then forward-downward bending, touching floor. Return in reverse order. Similar compound, alternating movements, starting from and returning to derived arm positions : Bend st. arm stretching sideways or upward Cross (a) st. arm flinging sideways Cross (c) st. arm bending, or forward bending of arms Neck grasp st. arm stretching side- ways or upward Stretch st. arm bending with alternate foot placing side- ways (wide step), then downward bending, touching floor, and return in reverse order. Compound, combined 4 count movements, in which the "going" and "return" phases are dissimilar. The first part is a simple arm move- ment bending or flinging; the second is a quick forw.-downw. bend- ing of trunk combined with a double (wide) foot placing sidew. (jump) and a simultaneous forw.-downw. movement of the arms in an effort to touch the floor; the third is a (quick) trunk raising combined with an arm movement similar to the first; the fourth is a bringing of the feet together with a jump combined with a move- ment of the arms, either to the fundamental position, or to some derived position. In the forward-downward bending of trunk the upper back and the knees should be kept straight. Examples: (1) Arm b'd'g; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. b'd'g, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm b'd'g; (4) jump to funda- mental st. pos. (1) Arm b'd'g (or forw. b'd'g of arms) ; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. b'd'g, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm b'd'g (or forw. b'd'g of arms) ; (4) jump to position with arm stretching sidew., or upw. (or flinging sidew.). (The repeti- tions start from this derived arm position.) (1) Arm flinging sidew.; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. b'd'g, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging sidew.; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. (1) Arm b'd'g; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. b'd'g, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging sidew., or forw.- upw. (bringing the arms straight over head) ; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. (bringing the arms, if over head, down through the side plane). Forward bending of trunk, while standing on one leg. See balance exercises. Forward and reverse charge, toe-support charge, etc. See charges. PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 159 [Types of back exercises done at the bar stalls: Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp etc. Sfoot grasp charge st. position foot grasp prone lying position Forward bend, of trunk, or arm movements from these positions]. Abdominal Exercises. Principles. Varying the starting position of the arms, so as to increase weight leverage and make the movement more difficult. Varying the range of the movement, so as to increase weight leverage. Doing arm movements from positions sustained by static action of abdominal muscles. Increasing the severity of the movement by doing it with straight, instead of bent knee ; with both legs, instead of one at a time. Increasing the speed of the movement, so as to require more sudden effort. Types. Standing knee upward bending, leg flinging forw., and leg circumduc- tion. Lying knee upward bending, leg raising, and sinking sideways. Kneeling (on one knee or both) backw. leaning of trunk. Prone falling position (front leaning rest) and foot placing forw. and backw. from this position. Trunk twistings. [At bar stalls: Foot grasp J^ standing backw. leaning of trunk. Foot grasp sitting backw. leaning of trunk. At chest weights: Arm movements, standing with back to weights, abdomen retracted. On quarter circle: Arm swinging forw.-upw. and forw.-downw. On suspension apparatus : Hanging knee upw. bending, leg raising, etc.] Progression. Knee upw. b'd'g, leg flinging forw., and leg circumduction : 'L. and R. (movement repeated on one side at a time; weight settles on both feet at end of Hip grasp st. [knee upward bending each movement). At first, Bend st. \ leg flinging forward Neck grasp st. [leg circumduction stop at the change. Later make repeated changes with- out interrupting the move- ment. Alternate. ,-.. n . , ("Knee upward bending L. and R., both, alternate. (Diagonal) stretch Rnee u ward bendinj , and stretching (45). XT y !" . . 1 Leg raising- L. and R., both, alternate. j\eck grasp lying [ L raising . and sinking sideways. 160 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Kneeling backw. leaning of trunk (movement takes place at knee). Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) Cross (c) kneeling (on one knee or both) backward leaning of trunk Also the various arm movements from the backward leaning posi- Cross (e) Neck grasp Stretch Prone falling position (reached by (1) stooping, (2) extending legs back- ward) : Prone falling position and return (4 count compound movement). Prone falling foot placing forw. and backw. May be done repeatedly, or only once, followed by return to standing pos. In the latter case it is a 6 count movement. Prone falling arm bending repeatedly or only once, followed by re- turn to standing pos., making a 6 count compound movement. Prone falling foot placing forw. and backw. (once), then arm bending and stretching (once), followed by return to standing position, making an 8 count compound alternating movement. Trunk twistings, arm movements and side bending from the twist st. pos. See Lateral Trunk Exercises. [Bar stall exercises: Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) Neck grasp etc. Bend I foot grasp sitting , 1 followed by trunk twisting. Neck grasp J backward leaning of trunk | Chest weight exercises (back to the weights, one foot forw., abdomen in) : Bend st. arm stretching forw. Reach st. arm parting. Standing (hands at side) arm swinging forw.-upw., and forw.-downw. Alternate arm swinging forw.-upw., forw.-downw. Alternate arm circles ("wind mills") with trunk twisting. (Stretch stride st. forw. b'd'g of trunk.) On quarter circle : Arm swinging and alternate arm swinging forw.-upw. and forw.- downw. Arm circles and alternate arm circles (both ways). On suspension apparatus: Hanging knee upward bending "i Left and right. Hanging knee upward bending and I Alternate (one up, the other stretching forward | down). Hanging leg raising J Both legs. Hanging leg raising and leg parting. Hanging knee upw. b'd'g with simultaneous trunk twisting. Hanging leg raising followed by trunk twisting. Swing jumps, starting swing, circles, upstarts, climbing, etc.] PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 161 Balance Exercises. Principles. Reducing the base by varying the starting position of the legs. Raising the center of gravity by varying the starting pos. of the arms. Doing arm movements while holding a pos. of difficult balance. Doing leg movements while holding a pos. of difficult balance. Doing head twisting while holding a pos. of difficult balance. Combining arm movements with leg movements from a position with reduced base. Varying the intervals between commands for repetitions of simple movements, or for the parts of compound movements. Quick and unexpected changes from one side to the other when holding positions on one foot. Doing a trunk movement while standing on one foot, and holding the position reached a varying length of time. Types. Toe standing position. Toe-knee-bend st. pos. Toe standing march steps forw., backw. and sidew. on command. Yt st. pos. (on one foot), the free leg raised forw. or sidew. Balance march steps, without and with knee upw. b'd'g or leg flinging forw. (touch step). Heel raising, heel raising and knee b'd'g, especially from a pos. with narrow and elongated base. l /2 hook standing quick change (one movement). l /2 standing (one leg raised forw. or sidew.) quick change (one move- ment). Knee b'd'g while standing on one foot (*/> st. knee b'd'g). Heel raising while standing on one foot (J^ st. heel rais.) with and without mutual support. Toe-support charge position. Horizontal y z standing position, reached from the toe-support charge pos. by raising the rear leg, or by the following movement: y 2 standing forw. b'd'g or trunk with b'd'g of knee of supporting leg, while the other leg is raised backw. with straight knee. Yz st. forw. b'd'g of trunk with both knees straight, free leg in line with trunk. Y 2 st. side b'd'g of trunk, both knees straight, free leg in line with trunk. Prone falling pos. ; arm and leg raising. Side falling pos. ; arm and leg raising. [Walking on balance beams in various ways. Holding the toe-knee-bend st. pos. in landings of jumps, vaults and dismounts.] Progression. Toe st. and toe-knee-bend st. pos. : 162 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Heel raising, heel raising and knee b'd'g, knee b'd'g with (simultaneous) heel raising, without and with arm movements : Bend I standing I arm stretching sideways or upward Cross (a) I close st. I arm flinging sideways Cross (d) f walk (b) st. f arm raising Cross (e) I walk (c) st. I arm stretching sideways or upward TT. [toe standing 1 Neck grasp wa ] k j a j f 06 **' knee 1 walk (D) toe st.J Bend Cross (a) Cross (d) Cross (e) Stretch standing, close st. stride toe st. toe standing close toe st. walk (a) toe st. walk (b) toe st. arm up arm arm arm up arm arm stretching sideways or upward arm flinging sideways arm raising arm stretching sideways or with heel raising. with knee bending. When these movements are done from the standing and close stand- ing positions the knee bending is done with simultaneous heel raising. Balance march steps : grasp ^ toe st marc | 1 s t e p S forward, backward and sideways, on Neck grasp command Hip grasp st. Cross (c) st. balance march balance march with follow step balance march with knee upward bending balance march leg flinging forward each part on com- mand, or con- tinuous move- ment. Positions and movements while standing on one foot: st. position, the free leg raised forward or sideways hook st ' position < Quick changes from one foot to the other (one movement) in any of these positions. Bend farm stretching sideways or upward j Cross (a) arm flinging sideways with knee Cross (d)>) hook st.'jarm raising > stretching Cross (e) arm stretching sideways or upward (forward). (Stretch) I I arm parting J This group may also be done as 4 count combined, compound move- ments (usually quick), started from the fund. pos. They may be done on command, or repeated in slow rhythm. In the latter case the class should be prepared to stop in any position without warning. Reach Cross (c) Neck grasp st. (free leg raised forward) knee bending (supporting leg). PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 163 or sideways) I heel raising (with 1 mutual Hip grasp Yz st. (free leg raised for- 1 heel raising [without (support ward or sideways) Bend 1 ,/ f /f rpe i es , ra i se d forward f arm stretching sideways or l / 2 st. itrei upward with heel raising. Cross (d) j I arm raising with heel raising. y 2 st. (leg forw. or sidew.) arm circumduction with heel raising. Toe-support charge and horizontal l /z st. pos. : Hip grasp Bend Cross (a) toe-support charge position Cross (c) Cross (e) Neck grasp Stretch Raising of rear leg to hori- zontal l /i st. position. (May also be taken, with- out or with arm move- ments, from standing po- sition.) Forw. b'd'g and side b'd'g of trunk while standing on one foot : Hip grasp st. Bend st. Cross (a) st. Cross (c) st. Neck grasp st. Cross (e) st. Stretch st. forward bending of trunk, free leg moving backward, in line with trunk, same with bending of knee of supporting leg (to horizontal ^ st. position), side bending of trunk, free leg moving sideways in line with trunk. The above may be done with simultaneous arm movements. Prone falling and side falling positions and arm and leg movements : f alternate leg raising. Prone falling position :< alternate arm raising. [alternate opposite arm-and-leg raising. Side falling pos. Arm and leg movements. See Lateral Trunk Exercises. Principles. Charges. Varying the position of the arms to increase weight leverage and diffi- culty of coordination. Returning by follow step. Facing 90 at the change. Combining charge with arm movements. Doing arm movements while holding charge position. Doing charges and arm movements as combined, compound move- ments. Doing trunk movements while holding charge position. Combining charges with trunk twisting (and with head twisting). Doing arm movements while holding twist charge position. Doing charges, trunk twisting and arm movements as combined, com- pound movements. Doing charges, arm movements, trunk twisting and trunk bendings as combined, compound movements. 164 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Types. Oblique charge. Forward charge. Toe-support (reverse) charge. Reverse (backw.) charge. Reverse oblique charge. Progression. Hip grasp st. Bend st. Clique [charge. Neck grasp st. J Reverse oblique J or, preferably, Placing hands on hips Arm bending Placing hands on neck Bend st. arm stretching upward Arm flinging forward-upward, or side- ways-upward with I obl ' c l ue charge. } reverse oblique charge. Placing hands on hips Arm bending Forward bending of arms Arm flinging sideways Cross (a) st. arm flinging sideways Bend st. arm stretching sideways, or upward X sideways bending of arms Arm flinging forward-upward, or side- ways-upward f forward charge, with < toe-support charge. [ reverse(backw.)charge. Arm movements may be done repeatedly from some of the above charge positions, or only once. In the latter case the whole is done as a combined, compound movement : Arm bending Forw. bending of arms Arm flinging sidew. Arm flinging sidew., palms up Placing hands on neck % sidew. bending of arms Placing hands over head, or Arm flinging forward- upward (oblique forward toe support reverse reverse obi. charge, then arm str. sidew. or upw. arm flinging sidew. arm rotation, arm raising. arm str. upw. arm str. sidew. or upw. arm parting. arm parting. Charges followed by, or combined with, trunk and arm movements : Arm bending with Forward bending of arms with Placing hands on neck with oblique charge reverse oblique charge and trunk twisting or with trunk twisting (to same side, to oppo- siteside. PROGRESSION OF FREE-STANDING EXERCISES 165 Arm movements may follow the trunk twisting, or they may be done simultaneously, thus: Arm bending with 1 obi. charge 1 [ arm str. sidew Forward bending [ reverse obi. > then < arm flinging of arms with charge sidew. (with ' twistii same trunk twisting to same side I (asch'rge). with trunk twisting to either side. (obi. charge! f arm str. upw., or reverse obi. \ then < one upw., the charge J [ other downw. (When the trunk twisting is done to the opposite side and the single arm stretching upw. is on the same side as the charge, a head twisting to the same side may be added.) Placing hands on hips Arm bending Forw. bending of arms Arm flinging sidew. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. or upw. Placing hands on neck l /z sidew. bending of arms Arm flinging forw.-upw., or sidew. -upw. fforw. I charge, then forw. with toe-support ^ [reverse J (Arm stretching forw. (touching the floor) may be done with forw. bending of trunk. Usually done as an indefinite movement) Placing hands on hips ] f obi. charge, Arm bending [ .., I reverse obi. Placing hands on neck | j charge, Arm flinging upward J Uhenorwith trunk twisting to same side, followed by forw. bending of trunk; or trunk twisting to oppo- site side followed by side bending of trunk. These are 6 count compound movements when the trunk twisting follows the charge, 4 count combined, compound movements when the trunk twisting and the charge occur simultaneously. The dis- tinction is indicated by the words "then" and "with." In this last group arm stretchings may also follow or be combined with the trunk twisting, or be combined with the forw. b'd'g and side b'd'g of trunk. Examples : I obi. charge,! arm str. sidew., orl ("forward reverse obi. > upw., with trunk >then< bending charge, J twisting, [of trunk. TJ j [obi. charge [with trunk twisting and sim-! followed by / \ . \ reverse obi. \ ultaneous arm stretching (or [forw. bend- c 'l charge [ flinging) sidew. or upw., J ingof trunk. [with simultaneous [then forw. bending < trunk twisting to \ of trunk with arm { charge [ same side, [ stretching forw. [with simultaneous [then side bending < trunk twisting to I of trunk with arm [opposite side, [stretching sidew. Most complex movements of this kind would be extremely difficult to do in an acceptable manner as definite exercises. Some of them, however, are often used, without too much attention to detail, as composite, indefinite movements, for the all-round muscular exer- cise they represent. Armbendingj^-f,' with 166 GYMNASTIC TEACHING 7. PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES. General Considerations. As previously suggested gymnastic apparatus work may for convenience be grouped under three main heads : Suspension Exercises ; Arm Support Exercises ; Jumping and Vaulting. The progression of these is, as in the case of free-standing exercises, partly a matter of definiteness or "good form" precision, good posture, balance and proper weight distribution, vigor, speed and animation. In apparatus exercises, also, complexity and severity are, perhaps even more than in free-standing work, determining factors in progression. In apparatus work complexity and hence progression cannot so readily or to so great an extent be made synthetic, i.e., be ex- pressed in terms of combination and alternation of simple, definite movements, as in the case of free-standing exercises. It is rather a matter of careful selection and definition of types,, with the right estimation and proper grading of these types, according to their inherent character, in the order of their difficulty or severity or both. Most of these types are relatively complex movements composite, blended and not capable of much subdivision. Hence they cannot always be arranged in a way to satisfy all demands of a logical progression. There are often "gaps" which cannot be satisfactorily filled. Types or combinations which might serve as intermediate or preparatory steps are sometimes wanting ; or, if devised and defined on theoretical grounds, based on attempted analysis or subdivision, may be more difficult in some respects than the exercises for which they are intended as a preparation. Thus it happens in some cases that, while there is a great abun- dance and variety of material suitable for more or less advanced classes, there may be a scarcity of simple, easy and yet interest- ing exercises which may be used as preparatory work in classes of less ability or training. The reverse may be true in other cases. The different pieces of apparatus, as well as the different types of exercises, vary in this respect. Again, many exercises may be performed, with more or less modification, on more than one apparatus. As has already been pointed out, a given type may thus represent varying degrees of difficulty when done on different pieces of apparatus. This should always be borne in mind and taken advantage of as far as possible. With a fairly complete equipment a more finely graded and comprehensive progression is thus possible in many lines, when it would otherwise have to be uneven or inadequate. Among the factors which should be considered in progression of apparatus work are: range of movement, momentum of the body, variations in the weight distribution on arms and legs, in PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES 167 the leverage of the weight to be moved, in the stability of the equilibrium. Additions to or modifications of exercises with a view to introduce variations of these conditions are therefore important elements of progression. Thus, for example, certain types of suspension exercises may be made easier or more difficult according to whether they are done with or without swing from waist or shoulders, whether started from a stationary hanging position, or by a standing or running jump from the floor, whether behind or directly under the apparatus. Many arm support exer- cises and vaults may be modified in similar manner with a view to facilitate their execution or make it more difficult. Almost any exercise may be made more difficult by modifying its final phase, the dismount or landing, as by introducing turns, or by adding arm or leg movements. As the field is wide and the possibilities for variations, combina- tions, and modifications are practically unlimited, no attempt will be made to illustrate the progression of gymnastic apparatus exer- cises in an exhaustive manner. Only comparatively simple and easy types, suitable for ordinary class purposes, will be enumer- ated and their progression indicated, at least through the ele- mentary stages. For a more elaborate treatment of this topic and progression of advanced types of exercises the reader is referred to manuals and compendia devoted primarily to this phase of the subject.* Suspension Exercises. Principles. Increasing the amount of body weight carried by the arms. This applies chiefly to preparatory types, such as the fall hanging and prone hanging positions. Also to various forms of climbing. Varying the work on arms and upper trunk muscles by doing certain exercises, such as hand traveling, without or with swing; with bent instead of straight arms. Increasing difficulty and amount of muscular work by variations of grasp, start, range and sequence of movement, and landing. Combinations and sequences of increasingly difficult movements. Types. [Arm bending with overhead pulley weights.] Grasp bend toe standing arm stretching with knee bending. Fall hanging position. Arm b'd'g, leg raising, and hand traveling from this position. Prone hanging position. Circumduction, change to fall hanging, and arm bending from this position. Hanging position. Ordinary, reverse and combined grasp. *For example, "Gymnastic Nomenclature of the Y. M. C. A."; "Code Book of Gym- nastic Exercises," by Ludwig Puritz. 168 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Arm bending, alternate arm b'd'g, change of grasp, knee upw. b'd'g, leg raising, lateral swing and trunk twisting, all starting from the hanging position. Hand traveling of various kinds. Climbing of various kinds. Swing jumps (short underswing) ; starting swing; exercises of various kinds while continuing swing, such as hand clapping, change of grasp, turns, and dismounts. Inverted hanging position and movements from this position. Circles, mounts, upstarts, and uprise. Progression. Grasp bend toe standing arm stretching with knee bending. The apparatus is grasped at height of chin. Progression consists in doing the movement more and more with the arms and less with the legs. May be done with the aid of rings, vertical ropes, poles and ladders, horizontal and parallel bars, boom and high bar stalls. When the last named apparatus is used, the movement is best done while standing on one foot. ,-, ,, , ... fLow horizontal bar and boom; parallel bars; Fall.hangmg pos ion vertical ropes and poles; ^ ope ladders . The body, face up, is partly suspended on the arms, partly supported on the heels. The lower the apparatus, the greater is the proportion of the weight suspended on the arms. I Arm bending. Alternate leg raising. Touching floor with L. and R. hand. Hand traveling sideways. Bent arm fall hanging hand traveling sidew. or backw. Low boom. Prone hanging position. Apparatus the same as for fall hanging pos. The body, face down, is partly suspended on the arms, partly sup- ported on the toes. The lower the apparatus, the more powerful is the exercise; also the greater is the lumbar hyperextension. Prone hanging position and return by moving one foot at a time, by moving both feet simulta- neously Prone hanging change to fall hanging position by moving both feet forward or to one side or by Any of the above mentioned ap- paratus. moving each foot to its respective side. Prone hanging arm bending on rings, vertical ropes, or rope ladders. Fall hanging [Circumduction L. and R. 1 or (The feet are kept on the [rings. Prone hanging ( floor, as a pivot) PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES 169 Hanging position. Any suspension apparatus sufficiently high above floor. Mount to the hanging position ; dismount without and with turns. Knee upward bending, L. and R., alternate, both. Knee upward bending, and stretching forward, alternate, both. Leg raising forward, L. and R., alternate, both. Hanging-^ Leg raising sideways, L. and R., simultaneously, both to one side. Side swing from waist. Side swing from shoulder (with alternate arm bending). Knee upward bending with alternate twisting (and swing). Jump, mount to bent arm hanging position, slow arm stretching, dismount. Hand traveling. Sideways with straight arms;] High boom, suspended parallel bars, with and without swing; with I horizontal ladder (hands on out- swing and alternate arm | side or on rungs), horizontal bar, bending; with bent arms J bar stalls. Forward and backward with straight arms; with and without swing; with one or both knets drawn up; with alternate knee upward bending; with bent arms Horizontal ladder (hands out- side). Suspended parallel bars. Forward and backward on rungs, one! rung at a time, or skipping one rung Horizontal i ad der or more at each step; with straight H arms, or bent arms. * Rotary traveling, turning L. and R.,1 forward and backward, with straight > Boom or suspended parallels, arms, or bent arms. - Rotary traveling, turning L. and R.) Horizontal ladder (rungs), with swing and alternate arm "bend- \ Traveling rings, ing. J Vertical poles and ropes. Rotary traveling, turning one way, hands on I Boom; same side; with straight arms, or bent arms, /suspended parallels. Short jumps forward, backward and sideways. I Horizontal ladder. Long, swinging jumps forward and backward. J Suspended parallels. Jumps forward and backward on rungs; from' sides of ladder to rungs. Horizontal ladder. Rotary traveling forward and backward jump-] ing from one bar to the other between each > Suspended parallels, step. 170 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Climbing. Using arms and legs; I Bar stalls; rope ladders; vertical ropes (one or Using arms only. I two or across several); poles; inclined ropes. [Oblique, vertical, horizon-] Vertical and hori- Serpentine climbing. < tal, turning alternately >zontal window lad- [ L. and R., spiral. J der; double boom. Swing jump (short underswing). Standing start, from one foot or 1 High and low horizontal bar. both feet, without and with turns. J Horiz. ladder; suspended parallels. Start from the hanging position. Start from the front rest position, l 11 '^ 1 " 1 low horizontal bar and Start from the back rest, or sitting position, by turning! L. and R. or by dropping backward, bending at hips I High and low and passing feet between hands under bar; same [ horiz. bar. from riding rest. J Swing jump, catch and dismount; [Horizontal ladder; Long swinging jumps. J Suspended parallels. Starting swing, dismounting on first backw., next forward or any succeed- ing swing, without or with turns on landing. [ High horizontal bar; Running start from (one or) both feet, j ropes; rings; [rope ladders; giant stride. Standing start, from bMh fee,, {>< boH Start from the hanging position J High horizontal bar and boom. by arm bending, raising feet, etc. | Suspended paral.; horiz. ladder. Start from front rest position by long] or short underswing, or by forward >High horizontal bar and boom. circle. * Start from back rest and riding rest. (As described above, under swing } High horizontal bar. jump.) Swinging exercises. Hand clapping, change of grasp, turns; at the] end of backward or forward swing. lu- v, u * i u~ aise feet at end of * ct,-oi>,to at r,H I Hl h of backward swing. Raise feet at end of forward, straighten at end I Jump forward and backward at end of respective swings. I Mount to upper arm hanging pos. at end of b'kw. swing. | K ars Turns, cut-offs, swinging in the inverted position, I j>: ne . s circles, up-starts, etc. J PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES 171 Miscellaneous exercises, without and with swing. {High horizontal bar and boom; horizontal ladder and sus- pended parallels (ends), rings, ropes (one or two); poles, rope ladders. Backward circle to front rest, starting with al jump from behind or under the bar, or from I High horizontal bar and the hanging position. Return by forward f boom, circle, short underswing, side vault, etc. J Free backward circle, starting from and return- 1 ing to the standing position, or the front rest [High horizontal bar. position. Quick backward circle, from standing position: to floor (pass- 1 ing legs between or outside arms); to arm support position. [Rings. Cut-offs. Upstart to arm support position. Combinations. J Quick backward circle, starting from and returning tol r> i standing position. jKopes, pol Mounts to front, back and riding rest positions by hooking one' knee or both, inside or outside of hands; by circles; by front and back upstarts, uprise, swings: by pull-and-push up; from standing, hanging or swinging start; with ordinary, reverse or combined grasp; without and with turns; High hor. bar. Followed by forward and backward body, knee and seat circles; vaults, turns and swings. Various combinations and sequences of any of these, finished by direct forward or backward dismounts; by vaults, short underswing, knee and hock circles; without and witii turns; by snap-off and somersaults, or long underswing and somer- saults. Arm Support Exercises* Types. Prone falling position (front leaning rest). Side falling position (side leaning rest). Front rest. Oblique front rest. "Free" front rest. Hand stand. . Hand spring. Back rest. Oblique back rest. Cross rest. Riding rest. Leg circles through "free" front rest and "free" riding rest. Swings and leg circles through cross rest. Mounts, upstarts and miscellaneous exercises, starting from or passing through any of these positions. Prone falling position (front leaning rest). From running or standing start, as a preparatory ex- 1 Horse; ercise for face vault. {vaulting box. Preceded by a forward and backward swing. Parallel bars. *As the author is opposed to the extensive practice of this class of exercises, only a few types will be enumerated, chiefly those which occur as parts of vaults and suspen- sion exercises. 172 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Side falling position (side leaning rest). From running or standing start, as a pr Front rest (balance weighing) position. From running or standing start;] Horse (with and without pommels); preceded by swing (parallel I buck. Low and high horizontal bars). Dismount without and I bar and boom. Parallel bars, with turns. J hands on either bar. Oblique front rest position. Sustained or momentary. One hand on each bar. 1 Preceded by forward and backward swing, or by di- 1 T> n i K rect mount. Dismount to either side, without and with turns. "Free" front rest (momentary horiz. pos., supported on arms). From running or standing start, from front rest; or from swing (parallel bars). With leg flinging L. and R. or with leg parting. Fin- ishing without and with turns; or by face vault dismount. Continuing to hand stand, high face vault, or hand spring. Back rest position. From standing start, facing or side to ap- Saddle boom; horse, buck, box; low (or high)horizontal bar or boom; parallel bars. paratus; or preceded by swing, leg circles, inverted hanging position, or by back upstart. Dismount forward with- out or with turns; backward by circle or roll, or by dropping back, passing feet between hands and finishing with short underswing. Horse (buck, box); hori- zontal bar and boom; parallel bars. Oblique back rest position. Parallel bars ; long horse. Reached from forw. swing between bars, then passing legs outside one bar until stopped by hand on that side; or by direct mount. Used as an intermediate sustained or transitory position. May be followed by back vault dismount to either side, by turn to front rest, by additional swings, etc. Cross rest position. Parallel bars. Reached by direct mount, from end of or between bars; from ends of bars or mid-bars by underswing and upstart, or by cut-offs; from upper arm hang or swing, by upstart or uprise, etc. Is a starting or transitory intermediate position in the majority of swings, turns, circles, scissors, vaults, rolls, drops, upstarts, etc. on the parallel bars. Riding rest position. (a) Cross riding rest-facing end of apparatus] Para1lel hars . horse (b)Side riding rest-facing at right angles to [bJS- horiz bar apparatus. Weight supported partly by arms, hands in front or behind in cross riding rest, at sides in side riding rest. Used as a starting or transitory intermediate position in swings, knee circles, leg circles, vaults, etc., on the above mentioned apparatus. PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES 173 Jumping and Vaulting. A. Jumping. Under this head would come : 1. Such free-standing ensemble exercises as jumps on toes (spring jumps) of various kinds with foot placings, knee upw. bending, leg flingings, crossing of feet, knee b'd'g, cross-step, cut step, etc., leading up to dancing steps. 2. Free-standing (ensemble) jump in place, jump forw. and sidew. without and with turns, arm and leg flinging, rebound, one or more start steps. 3. Jumping down from benches, bar stalls, vaulting apparatus. 4. Hop, step and jump (individual), each element practiced separately, or two of each, or any combination and sequence of any two or all three elements. For this no other apparatus than a mat or two is needed. 5. Standing broad jump single, or two or more. 6. Running hop, step and jump, and running broad jump not very suitable for indoor practice unless thick and springy mattresses are avail- able. 7. Running high jump. (a) Gymnastic for form and landing; from either foot or both feet; with turns either way; without and with spring board. (b) The various styles of competitive jump for height. 8. Hurdling the elements of approach and form. 9. Standing high jump front and side jump. 10. Tumbling at least elementary types such as forw. and backw. rolls, hand-and-head spring, hand spring, cartwheel, dive, etc. The progression is partly from the easier to the more difficult types; partly in improvement of form; partly in increasing distance or height. B. Vaulting. Principles. Progression from the easier to the more difficult types; also by doing the same type on different apparatus. Adding turns, arm movements and leg movements. Combinations and alternations with suspension and arm support exercises. Types. I. Horizontal Vaults. II. Vertical Vaults. I. Mounts : to kneeling pos. on one knee or both ; to standing pos. on one foot or both; to (cross) riding position; squat mount, straddle mount ; rear squat, straddle and riding mounts. Dismounts: directly forward, backward or sideways; face, side, or back (vault) dismounts. Complete vaults : knee vault ; squat vault ; straddle vault ; l /2 knee l /2 straddle vault; l /2 squat l /t straddle (wolf) vault; jump (thief) vault; front (sheep) vault; side straddle vault; rear squat and rear straddle vault; cross legged vault. II. Preparatory exercises : free front rest with leg flinging L. and R. ; mount to prone falling position (front leaning rest), to side falling position (side leaning rest), to oblique front and back rest. Dismounts as above. Complete vaults: face (front) vault; side (flank) vault; back vault, oblique back vault. 174 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Progression. I.* Mount to kneeling position, on one knee or both. Running or standing start. When on one knee the free leg is behind and kept straight. Dismount backward, using the hands, or forward without using the hands. Or the mount may be followed by stepping (one foot at a time) or springing (both feet simultaneously) to standing position, then dismount, as below. Horse, buck, vaultingbox. Dismount forw., backw., or sidew., ordinary or rising, springing from one foot or both, without and with turns 90 to 360 arm and leg flinging sidew., hand clapping, touching toes, etc. Squat mount. Running or standing start. 1 Saddle boom; side horse with Knees between arms. Straighten to I and without pommels; box; fund. st. position. buck; low horizontal bar Dismount as previously described. J and boom. Straddle mount. Legs outside of arms, knees straight. Dismount as previously described. ot; horizontal bar and boom. , f . u" -t knee l /t straddle mount. One knee between arms, to kneeling position;] the free leg raised sideways, free or foot on [ apparatus. i squat y-t straddle mount. As preceding, but the knee is drawn up^ R .. dd , boom . side higher and the foot on that side, instead ] c *' sad( llebo Mount to cross riding position. On inside of thighs. All joints extended. Hands preferably behind thighs touching ap- paratus lightly or not at all. Dismount forward, backward, or sideways (by l /t circle of one leg); or by face vault or back vault dismount. Long horse and buck; parallel bars. Rear squat, straddle and riding mounts. Like corresponding front mounts, but pre- ceded by 180 turn L. or R. This occurs after the spring. Apparatus as in corre- sponding front mounts. Knee vault. Momentary support on lower leg, followed by spring. | Horse; buck; Knee should project in front of apparatus. Land- > vaulting ing without and with 90 turn. J box. In vertical mounts and vaults the hands should remain on the apparatus only a brief instant. The arm movement should be, like the leg movement, a quick spring. Except in the case of the low horizontal bar and boom a running start is preferable to a standing start. 'PROGRESSION OF APPARATUS EXERCISES 175 Squat vault. Knees pass between arms and are extended as soon as apparatus is cleared. Trunk erect. Spring from hands. Try for height. Land facing forward, or with R. and L. turns (90 to 360). Saddle boom; side horse; box; buck; low bar and boom ; long horse. Straddle vault. Legs pass outside of arms, knees straight, 1 Buck; saddle boom; side body erect. Spring from hands. Try I horse; low bar and for height and distance. Landing with- 1 boom; long horse out and with turns (90 to 360). ) (hands on near end). One hand straddle vault. As straddle vault, but using only one hand. % knee ]4 straddle vault. Momentary support on and spring from one lower] Buck; ends of leg. Knee should project well beyond apparatus. V horse and Free leg raised sideways. J box. 2 squat Yz straddle vault (wolf vault). One leg, with knee drawn up in front, passes between arms, the other leg is raised side- ways. Trunk erect. Spring from both hands simultaneously. Try for height and distance. Turns. Saddle boom; horse, buck; box; low horizontal bar and boom. Jump vault (thief vault). The spring is from one foot, as in a jump. "j Feet pass over apparatus first. Hands give I Saddle boom; horse; support on the descent. Without and with [ buck; vaulting box. turns. Front vault (sheep vault). The apparatus is cleared with the body as] -, ~* ,. "',"", t 1 j- I saddle boom; horse; tion, but slightly arched, chest leading. > buck- vaultfaur box The knees may have to be flexed more or | less. Side straddle vault. The apparatus is cleared in what might be called a "free"l side riding position one side leading. The 90 turn is I Long made after the spring. Used as a preparation for the rear [buck, straddle and cross legged vaults. Rear (or backward) squat vault. Rear (backward) straddle vault. As corresponding front (or forward) vaults, but with a 180 turn after the spring, so that the apparatus is passed while the body is moving backward. Saddle boom; horse; buck; box; low bar and boom. Cross legged vault. Like straddle vault, but with legs crossed. The] hips are also turned considerably, but the shoul-lBuck; possibly ders remain square to the front. Considerable | long horse, height is necessary. 176 GYMNASTIC TEACHING II. Free front rest. Without and with leg flinging sideways, landing without and with turns. Mounts to prone falling and side falling positions. Like face and side vaults. Position momentary] or sustained. ( Box; horse; par- Dismounts face and side vault dismounts, with- 1 allel bars. out and with 90 to 180 turns. Face (front) vault. Body facing the apparatus at the moment of passing it. Feet are carried at least as high as the head. Weight of body should be well forward, arms straight. Landing without and with turns either way. Horse; vaulting box; buck; saddle boom; low horizontal bar; parallel bars. NOTE. When the feet are carried lower than the head, the vault is called low face vault; when considerably higher, approaching a handstand, it might be called high face vault. The former is done over the buck and ends of the horse, as a preparatory exercise. The latter as an advanced form. Side (flank) vault. The side of the body is turned toward the ap- paratus. Feet are carried at least as high as the head. Supporting arm straight and inclined, so that the hand is opposite the waist. Landing without and with turns either way. Variations: Low side vault. One hand side vault. Saddle boom; horse; box; buck; low bar and boom; double boom; parallel bars. Back vault. The back of the body, flexed more or less at the hips, is turned toward the apparatus. After the spring one hand is lifted to let the body pass. It is then replaced and receives the whole weight. Landing with- out and with 90 to 180 turn toward ap- paratus. Oblique vault. This is essentially a back vault, resembling in some respects the jump vault. Parallel bars; side and long horse; box; buck; low horizontal bar and boom; saddle boom; double boom. The approach is diagonal; the spring is from the out- side foot; only the near hand is placed on the ap- paratus at the take-off, but its place is taken by the other hand when the body is passing the apparatus. Landing without and with % or }4 turn toward ap- paratus. Long horse; long box; long buck; low bar; double boom. Variations. One hand oblique vault, with outside turn (away from apparatus). The back vault with outside turn on the parallel bars is of similar character. On the double boom the oblique vault may he done by a spring from both feet, or from the outside foot only. The outside hand grasps the upper boom. Only the outside turn is here feasible. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 177 Screw vault. This is a term used to designate either face vault with l /2 (180) turn away from the apparatus, or a back (or oblique) vault with l /2 turn toward the apparatus. In the latter case the body must be straightened from the previously flexed position at the hips. High face vault on the double boom. This consists of a direct mount to a momentary front rest on the upper boom, flexion at the hips with release of one hand, which reaches down and grasps the lower boom, the body in the mean- while turning toward the side of the upper hand. Then follow extension at the hips with arching of the back and what might be called a high face vault dismount, the hand on the lower boom being released with a push and the hand on the upper boom being shifted, at the last moment, to the lower boom. Hand stand : face, squat and straddle vault dismounts. The position may be held a varying length of time, or the movement may progress evenly throughout. In the latter case it is a vault in the true sense and might be named hand stand (or balance) face, squat or straddle vault. Hand spring. Position may be held, or the movement, quick or slow, progress evenly. C. Swing Jumps. Already described under Suspension Exercises. When used to repre- sent the Jumping and Vaulting class of exercises, the swing jumps should be started with a run. The spring may be from one foot or both, the approach perpendicular or diagonal. When clearing a height, e.g., the lower boom, or the rope or bar on the jumping standards placed directly below, or below and in front of, the high bar or boom, the approach may also be diagonal or at right angles to the apparatus. In the latter case, the legs may be raised either directly sidew., or forw., or sidew.-forw., with a twist of the hips and turn of the body. The swing jumps may thus be made to resemble a side vault, a back vault, a jump vault or an oblique vault. When the swing jump is done with one vertical rope (or one rope ladder), the legs may be raised and the body then suddenly straightened with a 180 turn toward the side of the lower hand. The movement thus closely resembles the pole vault. 8. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS. The following gymnastic lessons may serve to illustrate the general application of principles of selection and progression of gymnastic exercises free-standing and apparatus in the adapta- tion of the work to high school and college conditions. A reasonably well-equipped gymnasium and from thirty-five to forty minutes actual working time will be assumed. Also, in the case of high school students, previous training in the "definite" style of work. In the case of college students such previous train- 178 C.YMNASTIC TEACHING ing cannot, as a rule, be counted on and hence will not be assumed. If, however, sufficient opportunity be afforded to "prepare the students' mind" for the character and purpose of the work, so that their intelligent interest and cooperation can be obtained from the outset, the first lessons may be made of a fairly definite character even here. If such "preparation" is not feasible, the first few lessons for college students should preferably contain a number of exercises of a more or less indefinite character, repre- senting lively action and abundant general muscular exercise. Then, by degrees, exercises of a more definite character may be substituted, or the types given at first may be redefined, as far as possible, so as to call for more exactness of detail, holding of positions, etc. In either case the class should cover approximately the same ground during the year's work. As the purpose is merely to indicate, by fairly wide steps, the progression of the most useful and representative types and combinations, only the first, fourth, eighth and twelfth lessons of each series of twelve will be given. Each lesson is to be given three or four times, except the first, which need not be repeated more than once. This much will probably be necessary in order to cover all preliminaries in a thorough manner. The change from one lesson to the next may be complete, or more or less gradual (by substitution of some exercises). The former is preferable. In that case it may not be possible to give all the exercises the first time. Each time a lesson is repeated the exercises are done less on command and with more rhythmic repetition. Series i. High School Girls. First Year. Lesson i. I. Alignment on two ranks. Numbering. Open order by forward and backward steps. Review facings on two counts. II. 1. Alternate foot, placing sideways with placing of hands on hips (on command once or twice, then repeated rhythmically).* 2. Hip grasp standing heel raising. 3. Neck grasp standing backward moving of head (and elbows with chest expansion. On command three or four times. Slow, powerful movement; position well sustained.) 4. Bend standing stooping (touching the floor, bent knees, back straight) and return. 5. Hip grasp stride standing side bending of trunk. * Generally speaking, each exercise should be given at least once on command, then repeated rhythmically six or ten times. In some cases rhythmic repetition is not suitable. Such exercises should be repeated only two or three times on com- mand. Others should be started at once as rhythmic movements. The former procedure will be indicated by "(C)," the latter by "(Rh)." PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 179 6. Arm bending and stretching sideways (C). 7. Hip grasp standing knee upward bending L. and R. (Rh). 8. Bend stride standing trunk twisting (C). (Try to move only above hips.) 9. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with foot placing sideways (Rh). ("Stride jump.") 10. Arm raising sideways with backward bending of head (C). III. Flank marching. Short run; march around once; then arm rota- tion with backward bending of head and deep breathing. Lesson 4. I. Front and rear marching, changing direction during march. Open order by forward and backward steps, on one command. Facings on one count. Backward bending of head. II. 1. Bend standing arm stretching sideways with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp stride standing alternate knee bending (two counts each side). 3. Arm circumduction on three counts (arm flinging forward-up- ward, then sideways with palms up, then downward), with backward bending of head. 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with (placing of) hands on hips, and forward-downward bending of trunk (to horizontal or beyond, upper back straight). 5. Neck grasp walk (a) st. trunk twisting (C). 6. Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward. (Uneven rhythm.) 7. Hip grasp st. leg flinging sidew. L. & R. (Unexpected changes, without stopping. Started rhythmically.) 8. Cfoss (a) prone st. arm flinging sideways (C). 9. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk. (Try rhythmic repetition.) 10. Jump forward with two (running) start steps, L. & R. 11. Bend st. slow arm stretching upward with backward bending of head. III. Horizontal ladder: Hand traveling forward and backward without swing. or High boom : Hand traveling sideways, L. & R., without swing. IV. Standing hop, step; step, jump; two standing broad jumps. or Vaulting box : Face vault mount to prone falling position. Mount to kneeling position, dismount forward. V. Run, march ; or dance. Breathing exercise. Lesson 8. I. Front, rear and flank marching with (not too rapid) changes of direc- tion during march. Open order by forward and backward steps,, followed by facing, all on one command. 180 GYMNASTIC TEACHING II. 1. Hip grasp standing alternate heel-and-toe raising. 2. Arm bending and stretching sideways with alternate foot placing sidew. and knee bending. 3. Neck grasp walk (b) st. backw. arching of trunk (C). 4. Hip grasp standing alternate leg flinging forward (Rh). 5. Forward bending of arms with alternate foot placing forward, and trunk twisting. 6. Bend close st. forward bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching diagonally upward. 7. Hip grasp l /2 st. (leg forward) knee bending (C). 8. Alternate foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. 9. Oblique charge with hands on hips. (If rhythmic repetition is tried, the position should be held a relatively long time.) 10. Jump on toes with foot placing sidew. and arm flinging sidew.- upw. (Rh). 11. Reach st. slow arm parting, palms up, with backw. bending of head (C). III. Window ladder: Oblique (zigzag) climbing. or Rope ladders: Climbing with hands and feet, each step on count. First one pupil, then two, on each ladder. IV. Running high jump from L. & R. foot, with 90 turn. Running high jump from both feet. or Buck: Low side vault L. & R.; Straddle vault. V. Run, or dance, or game. Breathing exercise. Lesson 12. I. Front, flank, and rear marching. Fairly rapid changes of direction during march. Starting march and halting with facings. II. 1. Forward bending and side-flinging of arms with alternate foot placing forward and heel raising. 2. Hip grasp standing heel raising and deep knee bending. 3. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck, and back- ward arching of trunk. 4. Bend stride standing downward bending, touching floor (straight upper back), alternating with arm stretching upward. 5. Hip grasp standing alternate leg flinging sideways (Rh). 6. Arm bending and stretching, one sideways the other downward. 7. Forward charge with hands on neck (C). 8. Hip grasp walk (b) st. side bending of trunk (C). 9. Prone falling position and return. 10. Hip grasp Yz st. rocking (cut) step forward-backward, with foot placing sideways on seventh count and change of feet on eighth count (Rh). 11. Arm circumduction (forw.-upw., sidew.-downw.) with backward bending of head (C, first count quick, second slow). III. Vertical ropes: Climbing (using arms and legs). or Boom : Rotary hand traveling forward. Standing swing jump. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 181 IV. Vaulting box: Face vault. Knee vault. or Horse: Side vault. Oblique (back) vault. V. Run, dance, or game. Breathing exercise. Series 2. High School Girls. Second Year. Lesson I. I. Alignment on two ranks. Front and rear marching. Open order by forward and backward steps. Facings on two counts. Try on one count. Backward bending of head. II. 1. Hip grasp standing alternate toe raising (Rh). 2. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off (Rh). 3. Bend stride standing backward arching (C). 4. Hip grasp stride St. forward-downward bending of trunk (C). 5. Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward (C and even Rh). 6. Hip grasp standing leg flinging sideways L. & R. (Rh). 7. Cross (a) st. forw. bending of trunk (C)/ 8. Hip grasp walk (b) st. heel raising (C and Rh). 9. Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting (C). 10. Jump in place with side flinging of arms (C). III. Bar stalls: Climbing up and down (each step on command). Grasp high l /2 st. arm stretching and bending with knee bending and stretching. IV. Run, march; toe march. Arm rotation with backward bending of head (C). Lesson 4. I. Front, rear and flank marching with changes of direction during march. Halts with facings. Begin opening order by side steps. Head movements. II. 1. Alternate foot placing outward with hands on hips, and heel raising. 2. Cross (a) stride st. arm flinging sideways with knee bending. 3. Bend walk (b) st. slow arm stretching diagonally upw. with backward bending of head (C). 4. Hip grasp st. alternate knee upward bending (Rh). 5. Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting all the way from one side .to the other in one quick movement. 6. Bend prone st. arm stretching sideways (C). 7. Hip grasp l /2 st. (leg sidew.) change feet in one quick movement (C). 8. Arm bending with oblique charge. (Rhythmic repetition, with positions well sustained.) 9. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. 10. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing sideways and cross- ing of feet (Rh). 11. Arm circumduction with backward bending of head (C). 182 GYMNASTIC TEACHING III. Window ladder: Horizontal or vertical climbing. Jump through in two movements. or Rope ladders: Climbing (one or two on each ladder) for speed. Run, start swing, dismount first on backward, then on forward swing (each pupil using two ladders). IV. Running leap from L. & R. foot (preparation for hurdle). Hurdle. Running high jump from each foot, and from both, with turns on landing. or Saddle boom (or horse with pummels) : Running free front rest. l /2 squat mount (free leg behind), rising dismount. Squat vault. V. Run, march, balance march ; or dance, or game. Breathing exercise. Lesson 8. I. Front, flank and rear and oblique marching with rapid changes of direction. R. & L. by file and by twos. II. 1. Bend walk (b) st. arm stretching upward with heel raising. 2. Side lunge with (placing of) hands on hips. 3. Neck grasp st. backw. arching of trunk, alternating *with quick arm stretching sidew., palms up. 4. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sidew. with downward bend- ing (touching floor) ; (3) trunk raising with arm bending; (4) jump to fundamental position. 5. J /2 hip grasp st. leg flinging sidew. L. & R. with opposite arm flinging sidew.-upw. (Rh). 6. Neck grasp toe st. balance march forw. (each step on command). 7. Arm bending with forward charge, then arm stretching sidew. 8. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with alternate knee upw. bending. III. High boom: Rotary traveling forw. Running swing jump. Low boom : Front rest position. or Horizontal ladder : Rotary traveling forward on rungs. St. swing jump. Short jumps forward, hands on outside. IV. Bar stalls: Hip grasp prone lying forw. bending of trunk (benches) (C). Hip grasp opposite sitting backw. leaning of trunk (benches) (C). Grasp side arch st. pos. (outside leg raised). (C). V. Obstacle relay race. Lesson 12. I. Marching, as before. Also Fours R. & L. II. 1. Arm raising sideways-upward with heel raising and knee bend- ing. 2. Bend walk (a) twist st. backward arching of trunk (C). 3. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands overhead, and forw.- downw. bending of trunk (arms in line with trunk, upper back straight). 4. Bend charge (a) st. trunk twisting to opposite side (C). 5. Neck grasp st. alternate leg flinging forw. (Rh). PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 183 6. Hip grasp stride st. side-and-knee bending (~C). (Or, side lunge st. side b'd'g of trunk.) 7. Arm bending and stretching, one sidew. the other backw. (on command, and repeated in uneven rhythm). 8. Hip grasp toe-support charge position (try rhythmic repetition, with the position well sustained). 9. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw., and trunk twisting. 10. Neck grasp ^ kneeling backw. leaning of trunk. 11. Hip grasp l /t standing (foot behind) hop and "kick" sidew. with turn, then change feet. 12. Reach st. arm slow parting with backward bending of head (C). III. Ropes : Climbing on two ropes. Inverted hanging position on two ropes. or Boom : Rotary traveling forw. and backw. Low boom : Forward circle from front rest position. IV. Saddle boom (or horse with pummels) : l /2 squat l /i straddle mount, rising dismount. Squat vault. Side vault. or Ropes : Swing jump for height. Also: hop, step and jump, and three standing broad jumps. V. Run or dance. Breathing exercise. Series 3. High School Boys. First Year. Lesson I. I. Alignment on two ranks. Numbering. Open order by forward and backward steps. Facings on two counts. II. 1. Arm bending with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. 3. Arm flinging sideways, palms up, with backw. bending of head. 4. Hip grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk (C). 5. Bend stride st. trunk twisting, alternating with arm stretching sidew. 6. Hip grasp st. leg flinging forward L. & R. (Rh). 7. Arm bending and stretching upw. and downw. (on command and then repeated in even rhythm, at first; later in uneven rhythm). 8. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk (C). 9. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes (Rh). Also running in place. 10. Arm raising sidew. with backward bending of head (C). III. Horizontal ladder.* Two or more of the following exercises: Hand traveling forw. and backw., without swing, straight arms, hands on outside. Hand traveling sidew. L. & R., without swing, straight arms, hands on outside. * At the first meeting of the class there will probably not be opportunity for much or any apparatus work, as organization, agreements, etc., take up much time. The apparatus work given below, however, is a fair sample of elementary series of exercises. 184 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Hanging alt. knee upw. bending (six to ten pupils at once). Hanging arm bending, repeated once or twice. or High horizontal bar. Three or more of the following: Swing jump (short underswing), from standing pos. behind bar. Hanging position : arm bending repeated two or three times. Jump, start swing, dismount on first backward swing. Jump to bent arm hanging position, throw head back, straighten arms and draw knees up between arms, insteps touching bar. Hanging position : change from narrow to wide grasp three times. IV. Side horse (with pummels). Three or more of the following: Squat mount, dismount forward. Straddle mount, dismount forward. Low side vault L. & R. over ends, one hand on pummel, the other on horse. Mount to kneeling pos., step up to st. pos., jump down. Free front rest. (All the above with running start.) or Running high jump from L. & R. foot, without and with 90 turn L. & R. Running high jump from both feet. V. Run, march ; breathing exercise. Lesson 4. I. Front and rear marching. Alignment and open order as before. Facings on one count. II. 1. Alternate foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and heel raising. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending. 3. Bend walk (b) st. slow arm stretching upward with backw. bending of head (C). 4. Alternate foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and forw.- downw. bending of trunk. 5. Arm bending and stretching upw., sidew., and downw. (C, and repeated in uneven rhythm). 6. Hip grasp st. leg flinging sidew. L. & R. (Rh; unexpected changes). 7. Neck grasp walk (b) st. forw. bending of trunk. 8. Cross (a) stride st. trunk twisting, alternating with arm flinging sidew. 9. Oblique charge with hands on hips (or a mimetic exercise, such as catching a low throw to first base). 10. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing forw.-backw. (Rh). 11. Cross (d) st. arm raising with backw. bending of head (C). III. Suspended parallel bars. Two or more of the following : Hand traveling forw. and backw. without swing, straight arms. Hand traveling sidew. L. & R. without swing, straight arms. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 185 Hanging alternate knee upw. bending. (Several pupils at once.) Hanging arm bending two or three times. (Several pupils at once.) or Ropes : Climbing pos. (grasp with hands, knees and fe'et). Fall hanging pos.: alternate leg raising; arm bending. Run, jump to bent arm hanging pos., or raise legs; dismount on first backw. swing. IV. Buck. Two or more of the following : Straddle vault. l /2 squat l /t straddle mount L. & R., rising dismount. Free front rest. Low face vault L. & R. Knee vault. or Standing hop, step; step, hop; hop, jump; step, jump; two standing broad jumps. V. Run, march; breathing exercise. Lesson 8. I. Front, flank and rear marching, with changes of direction during march. Alignment and open order as before. II. 1. Reach st. arm flinging sidew. with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp stride st. alternate knee bending (continuous move- ment from one side to the other). 3. Neck grasp st. backward bending of head (slow, backw. arching), alternating with (quick) arm flinging sidew., palms up. 4. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sidew. (wide step), and downw. bending, touching floor (upper back straight). 5. Arm circumduction (quick) with alternate toe touch sidew. 6. Hip grasp st. alternate knee-upw. bending (Rh). 7. Bend stride st. trunk twisting from one side to the other in one continuous movement, alternating with arm stretching upw. 8. Prone falling position and return (C). 9. Cross (c) stride st. side bending of trunk. 10. Crouching start and run in place. 11. Arm raising sidew.-upw. with backw. bending of head. III. Horizontal ladder. Two or more of the following : Hand traveling sidew. without swing, straight arms, hands on out- side. Rotary traveling forw. on rungs with swing and l /t turn at each step. Short jumps forw., hands on outside, straight arms. Hand traveling forw. on rungs, one at a time, without swing or turn. Hanging pos.: 2 knee upw. bending; or alt. leg raising forw. Hanging pos. : arm bending three or four times. or High horizontal bar. Three or more of the following: Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Hanging position : arm bending three or four times. Jump, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing with 90 turn L. & R. 186 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Jump to bent arm hanging pos., throw head back, straighten arms, raise feet to bar outside hands (knees straight). Swing jump for distance, running start, from both feet. IV. Side horse (with pummels) : l /i squat l /2 straddle mount L. & R., rising dismount. Squat vault. Straddle mount, dismount with 90 turn L. & R. Knee vault. Low face vault L. & R. or Running high jump from L. foot with 90 turn to R. Running high jump from R. foot with 90 turn to L. Running hurdle jump from L. & R. foot. V. Run, march, breathing exercises. Lesson 12. I. Marching, etc., as before. More rapid changes. II. 1. Arm flinging forw. with knee bending, heels off. 2. Cross (c) walk (b) st. slow arm rotation with backw. arching (C). 3. Hip grasp st. alt. leg flinging forw. (Rh). 4. Alternate foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and trunk twisting. 5. Arm bending and stretching upw. and sidew. with heel raising (each time the arms are stretched), uneven rhythm. 6. Forward charge with hands on hips. 7. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk from one side to the other in one continuous movement. 8. Bend ^2 hook st. arm stretching sidew. with knee stretching forw. (C). 9. "Foul throw" (basket ball mimetic exercise). 10. Jump on toes with foot placing sidew. and arm flinging sidew.- upw. and crossing of hands and feet on the return. 11. Reach st. slow arm parting, palms up, with backward bending of head. III. Suspended parallel bars: Hand traveling sidew. without swing. Short jumps forw. and backw. Hand traveling sidew. with swing from shoulder and alternate arm bending. Hanging position; alternate knee upw. bending and stretching forw. Hanging position ; arm bending four or five times. Swing jump, standing start. or Ropes : Climbing on one or two ropes, using hands, knees and feet. Inverted hanging position on two ropes. Run, start swing and raise legs, dismount on first backw. swing. Run, start swing and raise legs, dismount on next forw. swing. Running swing jump without and with 90 turns on landing. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 187 IV. Buck : Straddle vault with 90 turn L. & R. y 2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. & R. Squat mount, rising dismount. Low side vault L. & R. Straddle vault for distance on far side. or Standing side jump L. & R. ; st. backw. jump. Standing hop, step and jump. Three standing broad jumps. V. Run, march; breathing exercise. Series 4. High School Boys. Second Year. Lesson i. \. Alignment on two ranks. Front and rear marching. Open order by forw. and backw. steps. Facings on two counts. (Try one count.) II. 1. Head movements. Bending and stretching of fingers and wrists in fund., cross (c) and stretch positions, ten counts in each pos. 2. Hip grasp st. alt. heel-and-toe raising (Rh). 3. Arm circumduction on three counts (quick movements) with backw. bending of head. 4. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching sidew. 5. Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting. 6. Arm bending and stretching sidew. and backw. 7. Hip grasp st. knee upw. bending L. & R. (Rh). 8. Cross (a) prone st. arm flinging (C). 9. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk. 10. St. forward jump (C). 11. Arm raising sidew. with backw. bending of head (C). III. Horizontal ladder. Two or more of the following: Hand traveling forw. and backw., hands outside, straight arms. Hand traveling sidew., without swing, hands outside, straight arms. Rotary traveling forw. on rungs with swing and l /2 turn. Short jumps forw., hands outside, straight arms. Hand traveling forw. on rungs, one at a time, without swing or turn. Hanging position : alternate side swing from shoulder (with alt. arm bending). Hanging pos. : arm bending two to four times. or High horizontal bar. Three or more of the following: Jump, start swing, dismount on first backward swing. Jump to bent arm hanging pos., raise feet to bar between hands, knees bent; or outside hands, knees straight. Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Hanging position : arm bending two to four times. Standing swing jump (short underswing) with 90 turn L. & R. 188 GYMNASTIC TEACHING IV. Side horse (with pummels) : Free front rest without or with 90 turn L. & R. Squat mount, rising dismount. Knee vault. Low side vault L. & R. over ends. Straddle mount, dismount with 90 turn L. & R. Low face vault L. & R. over ends. Squat vault. or Running high jump with 90 turns L. & R. from each foot. Running high jump with 90 turns L. & R. from both feet. Hurdle from L. & R foot. V. Run, march; breathing exercise. Lesson 4. I. Marching. Perfecting of front, rear and flank marching with rapid and unexpected changes of direction. Changing from double to single file and vice versa. Open order by side steps. II. 1. Forward bending and side flinging of arms with alternate foot placing sidew. and heel raising. 2. Hip grasp walk (b) st. heel raising and knee bending. 3. Neck grasp stride st. backw. arching, alternating with quick arm stretching upw. 4. Arm bending with closing feet, and forw.-downw. bending of trunk. 5. YI. hip grasp st. leg flinging L. & R. with opposite arm flinging sidew. (Rh). 6. Bend walk (a) twist st. arm stretching upw. 7. Prone falling position and return. 8. Mimetic exercise : catching a high throw to first base. 9. Oblique charge with hands on neck. 10. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with alt. knee upw. bending. 11. Arm circumduction (2 counts) with backw. bending of head. III. Suspended parallel bars : Hand traveling sidew., on one bar, with swing from shoulder and alt. arm bending. Hand travejing forw. and backw. (one hand on each bar) with bent arms. Rotary traveling forw. (combined grasp) on one bar, straight arms. Hand traveling sidew. (ordinary grasp) on one bar, with bent arms. Standing swing jump, hands outside or inside. Standing swing jump, catch and dismount. or Ropes : Climbing on one or two ropes, using hands and feet. Bent arm hanging pos. : alternate knee upw. bending. Inverted hanging pos. on two ropes : quick backw. ]/2 circle to floor. Run, start swing, pull up to bent arm hanging pos. at end of forw. swing. Running swing jump with 90 turn on landing. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 189 IV. Buck : Y 2 squat l /2 straddle mount L. & R., rising dismount. Low face vault L. & R. Squat mount, dismount forw. with side flinging of arms and legs. Low side vault L. & R. l /2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. & R. Straddle vault for distance on far side. Jump from L. (R.) foot to st. pos. on R. (L.) foot, dismount forw. or Standing two hops and jump; two steps and jump; hop, step and jump; three standing broad jumps. One forw. roll, hands on mat; same with hands on instep. Low Horizontal Bar: (All exercises are done from a standing start.) Free front rest. Preparation for side vault : swing legs to L. & R. Preparation for squat vault and straddle vault : insteps to bar inside and outside of hands. Reverse grasp : circle forw. to sitting pos. on floor, or to fall hang- ing pos. ; swing up to st. pos. Low side vault L. & R. touching bar with foot and landing with 90 turn. Short underswing from L. & R. foot. Lesson 8. I. Marching, as before, possibly including oblique marching. II. 1. Arm flinging forw. and sidew. with heel raising and knee bending. 2. Stretch stride st. backw. arching (C). 3. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. bending, touching floor (straight upper back) ; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging sidew.: (4) jump to fund. pos. 4. Bend oblique charge st. trunk twisting to same side (C). 5. Arm circumduction with alternate leg raising sidew. (slow move- ment, on command; or quick movement repeated rhythmic- ally). 6. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and forw. bending of trunk. 7. Hip grasp toe st. alt. knee upw. bending (Rh). 8. Mimetic exercise : shot put. 9. Hip grasp side lunge st. side bending of trunk (C). 10. Jump in place with side flinging of arms and 180 turn (C). 11. Bend st. slow arm stretching upw. with backw. bending of head (C). III. Horizontal ladder: Short jumps backw., hands outside, straight arms. Hand traveling backw. on rungs, one at a time, without swing. Hand traveling forw. on rungs, skipping one, without swing. Hand traveling sidew., hands outside, with swing from shoulder and alt. arm brnding. Rotary traveling backw. on rungs, with swing and turn. Hand traveling forw. with bent arms, hands outside. 190 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Hand traveling sidew. on rungs, straight arms. Standing swing jump. Standing swing jump, catch and dismount. or High horizontal bar : Jump, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing with 90 turn L. & R. Hanging pos. with reverse grasp, change to ordinary grasp, twice. Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing with 90 turn L. & R. Jump, pass feet between hands to inverted hanging pos., return in reverse order. Hanging pos. with reverse grasp, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Jump to bent arm pos., raise legs quickly, hook one knee over bar and swing other leg backw. ; dismount on next backw. swing. Or mount. Jump from behind or directly under bar, backw. circle to front rest. Swing jump for height and distance, running start. IV. Side horse : Straddle mount, dismount with 180 turn L. & R. 1/2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. & R. over ends of horse. Squat vault with 90 turn. Low side vault L. & R. with 90 turn R. & L. respectively. Mount to kneeling pos. spring up to st. pos., dismount forw. Back vault L. & R. over ends. Face vault L. & R. Straddle vault. or Running high jump from L. & R. foot with 180 turn to side of springing foot (leading up to regular competitive style of run- ning high jump). Running oblique jump (springing from one foot, landing on the other). Standing high jump forw. and sidew. Hurdle. Pike drive (without and with spring board). V. Run, march ; breathing exercise. Lesson 12. I. Marching, as before. II. 1. Arm bending and stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. 2. Side lunge with hands on hips, and alternate knee bending. 3. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and backw. arching of trunk. 4. Bend stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching upw. with (quick) knee bending. 5. Forw. bending of, arms with alt. foot placing obliquely outw., and trunk twisting. 6. Hip grasp toe-support charge pos. 7. Alt. leg flinging sidew. with opposite arm flinging sidew.-upw. (Rh). PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 191 8. Prone falling foot placing forw. and backw. once, and return (six counts). 9. Mimetic exercise: discus throw; or catching wide throw to first base. 10. Hip grasp st. hop twice on L. foot and swing R. foot backw. and forw., then change (Rh). 11. Bend st. slow arm stretching sidew., palms up, with backw. bending of head (C). III. Suspended parallel bars : Hand traveling backw. (one hand on each bar) with bent arms. Short jumps forw. (one hand on each bar) with bent arms. Rotary traveling backw. (combined grasp) on one bar, straight arms. Hand traveling sidew. (on one bar), bent arms. Jump, start swing, dismount on next backw. swing; hands outside or inside bars. (Try mounting to upper arm hang.) Swing jump, catch and dismount with 90 turns. At ends of bars : jump, pull up, raise legs to inverted hanging pos. Return in reverse order, or by quick backw. l /z circle (body straight). or Ropes : Horizontal climbing from rope to rope. Prone hanging pos.: arm bending; change to fall hanging pos. Inverted climbing pos. on one rope. Quick backw. circle between two ropes. Running swing jump on one rope. IV. Buck: Straddle vault with 90 or 180 turns. Knee vault. Squat vault. Low side vault L. & R. with 90 turn R. & L. respectively. Y-2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. & R., each with 90 turn each way. Jump from L. & R. foot to standing pos. on both feet. Rising dis- mount, touching toes with hands before landing. Back vault L. & R., without and with 90 inside turn. Straddle vault for height. or Running hop, step; step, hop; hop, jump; step, jump; hop, step and jump. Elementary tumbling : forw. and backw. roll ; head stand and forw. roll; hand stand (with assistance); cartwheel; hand-and-head spring; dive; handspring. or Low horizontal bar : Free front rest with 90 turns on landing. Low side vault L. & R. Front rest, dismount backw. (without and with 90 turns). Squat mount, dismount forw. Low face vault L. & R. (combined grasp). Front rest: slow forward circle (bending at hips) to fall hanging nos., swing up to st. pos. Back vault L. & R. 192 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Mount to back rest, turning L. & R., dismount forw., or roll over backw. (backw. circle) to standing pos. on near side. Backw. circle to front rest, dismount backw. Short underswing, from both feet, without and with a jump. V. Run, march, breathing exercise. Series 5. College Women. First Year. Lesson i. I. Alignment on two ranks. Fundamental standing position. Relaxed position. Numbering. Open ranks by two forward and back- ward steps, each step separately on command ; then numbers One one step forward, numbers Two one step backward. Facing L. and R. in two movements, each on separate command. II. 1. Arm flinging sidewards with heel raising (Rh). 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending (C). 3. Backward bending at head (C). 4. Arm bending and stretching downward. (On command a few times, then repeated in even rhythm.) 5. Stride st. stooping with trunk twisting, touching floor with one hand and raising other arm. (Rhythmic; more or less indefinite.) 6. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sideways (C). 7. Hip grasp st. knee upward bending L. and R. (Rh). 8. Hip grasp stride st. side bending of trunk (C). 9. March and run in place. 10. Arm raising sideways with backward bending of head (C). III. Flank march. Run. Repeat breathing exercise. Lesson 4. I. Front and rear marching; to the rear march and halt on 3 counts, stopping on first. Open order by forward and backward steps, on one command. Facings on 2 counts, complete on one command. II. 1. Arm bending with alternate foot placing forward. 2. Hip grasp stride st. alternate knee bending (2 counts on each side). 3. Cross (a) st. backward bending of head (C). 4. Bend st. stooping "and return. 5. Hip grasp st. leg flinging sideways L. and R. (change from one side to the other without stopping). 6. Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward (uneven rhythm). 7. Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting (C) . 8. Cross (c) l /2 st. position (leg forward) (C). 9. Bend stride st. side bending of trunk. (C; try repeating in slow rhythm, holding each position an instant.) 10. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing forward-backw. (Rh). 11. Arm rotation with backward bending of head (C). III. Climbing on bar stalls or window ladders (using hands and feet). Grasp (high) J^ st. arm stretching with knee bending. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 193 IV. Running high jump from both feet. Standing hop; st. step (leap) ; st. broad jump. V. Run, march; breathing exercise. Or folk dance. Lesson 8. I. Front, rear and flank marching with moderately rapid changes of direction. Halts with facings. Open order by forward and back- ward steps, followed by facings, on one command. II. 1. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending. 3. Bend walk (b) st. slow arm stretching upward with backward bending of head (C). 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck, and for- ward-downward bending of trunk. 5. Bend stride st. alternate trunk twisting from one side to the other in one movement, alternating with arm stretching sideways. 6. Hip grasp l /2. hook st. change feet in one movement, with a jump (C). 7. Forward charge with hands on neck. 8. Cross (c) stride st. side bending of trunk (C). 9. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching upward. 10. Hip grasp st. cut step (rocking step) (Rh). 11. Reach st. arm parting, palms up, with backward bending of head (C). III. Suspension exercises on boom, horizontal ladder, window ladders, rope ladders, traveling rings, vertical and inclined ropes, etc.* IV. Running and standing high jump, standing broad jumps, running swing jumps with ropes or rings; vaulting on box, buck, horse, saddle boom, double boom. V. Run, march ; breathing exercise. Lesson 12. I. Marching, as before. More rapid changes. Change from double to single file. II. 1. Arm bending with alternate foot placing obliquely outward, and heel raising. 2. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sideways with knee bending (heels off). 3. Neck grasp walk (b) st. backward arching of trunk (C). 4. Bend stride st. forward-downward bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching diagonally upward. 5. Hip grasp st. alternate leg flinging sideways (Rh). 6. Arm bending and stretching, one forward, the other sideways. 7. Hip grasp ^ st. (leg forward) knee bending (C). 8. Neck grasp oblique charge st. trunk twisting to same side (C). 9. Prone falling position and return. 10. Jump forward with 3 (running) start steps. 11. Arm circumduction with backward bending of head (C). * The apparatus work is similar to that piven to high school pirls. The progression is, if anything, slower, unless careful grading in squads of varying ability is feasible. 194 GYMNASTIC TEACHING III. and IV. Apparatus work. V. Run, toe march, breathing exercise; or simple dance. Series 6. College Women. Second Year. Lesson I. I. Front and rear marching. Open order by forward and backward steps. II. 1. Arm flinging sideways with alternate foot placing forward. 2. Stride st. arm bending with knee bending. 3. Neck grasp stride st. backward bending of head with chest expansion (C). 4. Hip grasp st. leg flinging forward L. and R. (Rh). 5. Bend stride st. trunk twisting (C). 6. Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward. 7. Hip grasp walk (b) toe st. head twisting (C). 8. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching downward (Rh). 9. Hip grasp stride st. side bending of trunk (C). 10. Jump on toes with arm flinging and foot placing sideways (Rh). 11. Arm rotation with backward bending of head. III. High boom : mount to hanging position and dismount. Hanging alternate knee upward bending, or Low boom : fall hanging position and return. Fall hanging alter- nate leg raising, or Window ladder : oblique climbing. IV. Running high jump from L. and R. foot and from both feet, or Standing hop; st. step (leap) ; standing broad jump. V. Short run, march and breathing exercise. Lesson 4. I. Front, flank and rear marching; L. by file, R. by twos march. II. 1. Arm bending with heel raising. 2. Alternate side lunge with hands on hips. 3. Arm circumduction with backward bending of head (slow move- ment on command, or quick rhythmic repetition). 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and for- ward-downward bending of trunk. 5. Neck grasp st. side bending of trunk (C). 6. Arm bending and stretching, one sideways, the other downward. 7. Cross (d) y 2 st. (leg forward) arm raising (C). 8. Arm bending with alternate foot placing forward, and trunk twisting. 9. Oblique charge with hands on neck. 10. Jump in place with sideways flinging of arms and 90 turn (C). 11. Reach st. arm parting, palms up, with backward bending of head (C). III. and IV. Suspension apparatus exercises. Jumping and vaulting similar to the apparatus work given for second year high school girls. V. Run, march, breathing exercise; or dance. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 195 Lesson 8. I. Marching with doubling, starting from one rank. Open order by side steps. II. 1. Reach st. arm flinging sideways (palms down) with heel raising. 2. Alternate foot placing obliquely outward with hands on hips, and knee bending. 3. Cross (e) st. backward arching of trunk (C). 4. Pend stride st. downward bending, touching floor (straight upper back), alternating with arm stretching sideways. 5. Oblique charge with hands on neck, and trunk twisting to oppo- site side (C). 6. Arm bending and stretching backward, forward and upward. 7. Hip grasp y 2 st. (leg forward) change feet on one count, with a jump (C). 8. Forward bending of arms with alternate foot placing sideways, and side bending of trunk. 9. Hip grasp toe-support charge position. 10. Jump on toes with arm flinging and foot placing sideways and with crossing of hands and feet on return. 11. Cross (d) st. arm raising with backward bending of head (C). III. and IV. Suspension exercises. Jumping and vaulting. V. Run, etc. Lesson 12. I. Marching: fours R. and L., starting from one rank. II. 1. Forward bending and side flinging of arms with alternate foot placing forward and heel raising. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending. 3. Arm circumduction with trunk twisting and backward bending of head (C). 4. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sideways with downward bending, touching floor (straight upper back) ; (3) trunk raising with arm bending; (4) jump to position with arm stretching sideways. Repetitions start from the cross (c) st. position. 5. Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other in one (quick) movement, alternating with arm stretching upward. 6. Bend st. oblique charge with stretching of one arm upward, the other downward. Return by follow step ; zigzag advance. 7. Hip grasp ^ hook st. knee stretching forward (C). Or the exercise may be done as a rhythmic movement, thus : hip grasp st. alternate knee upward bending and stretching for- ward. Movements quick, rhythm slow ; stop the class in the Yz hook position unexpectedly. 8. Cross (e) close st. forward bending of trunk. 9. Side lunge with hands on hips, and side bending of trunk. 10. Jump on toes with alternate knee upward bending and arm flinging sideways (Rh). 11. Bend st. arm stretching upward with backward bending of head (C). III. and IV. Apparatus work. V. Run, etc. 196 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Series 7, College Men. First Year. The following is a sample series of exercises of a more or less indefinite character which may be used for the first few lessons, if the conditions are such as to make it inadvisable to begin at once with the more definite style of work. The change to the latter may then be gradual, by substi- tuting each time a few of the exercises from the first and second lessons of the definite style. All the exercises in this preliminary series (except the breathing exercise) are started and repeated rhythmically. 1. Flexion and extension of fingers and wrists, in the various arm positions, ten counts in each position. 2. Hip grasp st. alternate heel and toe raising. 3. Hand clapping overhead with knee bending (heels off). 4. Arm flinging forward, sideways and downward with backward bending of head. 5. Bend stride st. stooping with trunk twisting, touching floor with one hand while the other arm is stretched vertically upward. 6. Knee-upward bending L. and R., grasping knee and pulling it toward chest (keeping head high and trunk erect). 7. Stride st. alternate side bending of trunk with swinging of the arm on the opposite side up overhead. 8. Arm bending and stretching upward, sideways and downward in fairly quick, even rhythm. 9. Bend stride st. "chopping" movement. 10. Arm circumduction with alternate toe-touch sideways with bend- ing of knee of supporting leg. 11. Bend stride st. downward bending touching floor, alternating with arm stretching sideways. 12. Hip grasp st. leg flinging sideways L. and R. 13. Prone falling position and return. 14. Hip grasp st. jump on toes in various ways. Run in place. 15. Arm raising sideways with backward bending of head (C). Lesson I. I. Formation and alignment on two ranks. Numbering. Open order by forward and backward steps. Facing on two counts, stopping on first. II. 1. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. 3. Arm circumduction with backward bending of head (C). 4. Hip grasp st. knee-upward bending L. and R. 5. Arm bending and stretching downward (first on command and then repeated in even, slow rhythm; quick movements). 6. Hip grasp stride st. side bending of trunk (C). 7. Arm flinging sideways with alternate toe-touch forward and bending of knee of supporting leg (Rh). 8. Hip grasp st. forward bending of trunk (C). 9. Bend st. arm stretching sideways with alternate foot placing sideways, or forward. 10. Bend stride st. trunk twisting (C). 11. Jump in place with side-flinging of arms (C). 12. Hip grasp st. jump on toes (Rh). 13. Arm rotation with backward bending of head (C). PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 197 III. Elementary exercises on horizontal ladder, suspended parallel bars, high and low horizontal bar and vertical ropes.* IV. Elementary exercises on buck, horse and parallel bars ; running and standing high jumps; hop, step and jump, standing broad jumps and elementary tumbling. V. Short run. Lesson 4. I. Alignment. Open order by forward and backward steps. Facings on one count. II. 1. Head bending sideways; backward bending of head (C). 2. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on hips, and heel raising. 3. Cross (a) stride st. arm flinging sideways with knee bending. 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck, and back- ward arching of trunk. 5. Bend st. (slow) forward bending of trunk, alternating with (quick) arm stretching upward. 6. Hip grasp st. alternate leg flinging sideways. 7. Arm bending and stretching backward and sideways. 8. Hip grasp walk (a) st. heel raising and knee bending. 9. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on neck, and trunk twisting. 10. Reach st. arm flinging sideways with alternate toe-touching forward. 11. Bend stride st. side bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching diagonally upward (with heel raising). 12. Arm flinging sideways with alternate foot placing sideways (wide step), then downward bending of trunk, touching floor (upper back straight). 13. Oblique charge with hands on hips. 14. Prone falling position. 15. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing forward and back- ward, passing through toe st. position each time (Rh). 16. Bend st. arm stretching upward with backward bending of head (Q. III. Suspension apparatus exercises. IV. Jumping or vaulting. V. Run. Lesson 8. I. Alignment and open order by side steps. Marching forward and backward. * As a considerable proportion of college students have not had previous training, the apparatus work will be similar to that given to high school boys. With proper grading of squads and well-trained leaders, however, the progression will be more rapid. During the freshman year the squads of average ability might progress as far as second year high school boys, the squads of greater ability somewhat beyond this point. In the sophomore year the apparatus work covered in the second half of the freshman year should be reviewed, at least the more representative exercises. The progression is then carried as far as possible. For progressive lists of apparatus exercises see appendix. 198 GYMNASTIC TEACHING II. 1. Reach st. arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp stride st. alternate knee bending (one count on each side). 3. Bend st. backward arching of trunk, alternating with arm stretch- ing upward. 4. Hip grasp toe st. alternate knee upward bending (Rh). 5. Cross (a) stride st. trunk twisting from one side to the other in one movement, alternating with arm flinging sideways. 6. Neck grasp toe-support charge position. 7. Arm bending and stretching, one upward and the other forward. 8. Hip grasp stride st. side-and-knee bending. 9. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sideways with downward bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging forward-sideways; (4) jumo to fund, position. 10. Oblique charge with hands on neck, and trunk twisting to opposite side. 11. Arm circumduction (quick) with alternate toe-touch sideways. 12. Hip grasp st. alternate leg flinging forward-sideways (leg cir- cumduction) (Rh). 13. Prone falling position, arm bending once, and return to st. position (six counts). 14. Hip grasp st. hop twice on one foot and swing the other back- ward and forward, then change. 15. Bend st. slow arm stretching sideways, palms up, with backward bending of head (C). III. Suspension apparatus work. IV. Jumping, vaulting or tumbling. V. Run. Lesson 12. I. Front and rear marching. Open order as before. II. 1. Arm bending and stretching upward with alternate foot placing sideways and heel raising. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending. 3. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on neck, and back- ward arching of trunk. 4. Stretch stride st. forward-downward bending of trunk, alter- nating with arm parting witfi knee bending. 5. Arm bending with alternate foot placing outward, then arm stretching sideways with trunk twisting (to the same side as foot placing). 6. Hip grasp st. alternate knee-upward bending and stretching forward (slow rhythm, quick movements. Stop unexpectedly in any position). 7. Alternate leg flinging sideways with opposite arm flinging side- ways-upwards. 8. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways, (slow) forward bending of trunk, then (quick) arm stretching diagonally upward. Return in reverse order (six counts). 9. Arm flinging sideways with side lunge, then side bending of trunk, touching floor with one hand, the other arm vertical. 10. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sideways with downward bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging forward-upward ; (4) jump to fund, position with arm flinging sideways-downward. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 199 11. y 2 hip grasp side falling position. Try leg raising. 12. Arm flinging sideways-upward with" alternate leg flinging forward (Rh). 13. Forward charge with hands on neck, and forward bending of trunk. 14. Hip grasp Y* st. (foot behind) hop and "kick" sideways with turn, then change feet and repeat (Rh). 15. Bend st. slow arm stretching upward with backward bending of head (C). III. Suspension apparatus work. IV. Jumping, vaulting or tumbling. V. Run. Series 8. College Men. Second Year. Lesson i. I. Formation on two ranks; open order by forward and backward steps. Marching forward. II. 1. Arm bending with heel raising. 2. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and knee bending. 3. Arm circumduction (quick), on three counts, with backward bending of head. 4. Bend stride st. forward-downward bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sideways. 5. Neck grasp stride st. alternate trunk twisting. 6. Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward. 7. Hip grasp st. knee-upward bending L. and R. 8. Arm flinging forward-upward with alternate toe-touch sideways. 9. Hip grasp stride st. side bending of trunk. 10. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching upward. 11. Hip grasp st. leg flinging diagonally forward L. and R. 12. Prone falling position and return. 13. Hip grasp st. jump on toes quick and slow rhythm (Rh). 14. Arm raising sideways with backward bending of head (C). III. Suspension apparatus exercises. IV. Jumping or vaulting. V. Run. Lesson 4. I. Front, flank and rear marching. Open order by side steps. II. 1. Flexion and extension of fingers and wrists in all positions, ten counts in each. 2. Hip grasp st. alternate heel-and-toe raising. 3. Arm flinging forward and sideways with alternate foot placing sideways and knee bending. 4. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on neck, and back- ward arching of trunk. 5. Bending stride st. forward-downward bending of trunk, alter- nating with arm stretching upward. 200 GYMNASTIC TEACHING 6. Close st. arm flinging forward with knee bending (knees together, heels off). 7. y* hip grasp st. leg flinging sideways L. and R. with oppo- side arm flinging sideways-upward. 8. l /2 sideways bending of arms with alternate foot placing sideways, and forward bending of trunk. 9. Arm bending with oblique charge, and trunk twisting to opposite side. 10. Forward bending and side flinging of arms with alternate knee upward bending and stretching forward. 11. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. 12. Hip grasp toe-support charge position. 13. Arm bending and stretching, one backward, the other sideways; both upward, sideways and downward, with heel raising on even count. 14. l /t hip grasp side falling position, about facing, and return to fund. st. position (eight count movement). 15. Jump on toes with arm flinging and alternate leg flinging side- ways, crossing hands and feet at each jump (Rh). 16. Cross (d) st. arm raising with backward bending of head (C). III. and IV. Apparatus work. V. Run. Lesson 8. (Dumb-bells.) I. Marching: fours R. and L. from single rank formation. Finish by marching around room, single file, taking dumb-bells, then, when marching around one end of room, forming open column of fours, halting in formation properly spaced for the exercises. II. 1. Bend st. arm stretching upward with heel raising. 2. Arm flinging sideways with alternate foot placing forward, then slow arm rotation with backward bending of head. 3. Bend st. stooping (strike floor), alternating with arm stretching sideways. 4. Alternate leg flinging sideways with opposite arm flinging side- ways-upward. 5. Arm bending with alternate foot placing obliquely outward, then arm stretching forward with trunk twisting (to same side as foot placing). 6. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sideways with downward bending, striking floor; (3) trunk raising with arm bending; (4) jump to position with arm stretching upward. Repeti- tions start from stretch st. position. 7. Arm flinging sideways with side lunge, then side bending of trunk, striking floor (other arm vertically overhead). 8. Bend st. alternate leg flinging forward (or alternate knee upward bending) with striking of bells behind knee of moving leg. Uneven rhythm. 9. Bend st. oblique charge with twisting of trunk to opposite side and of head to same side (as charge), and with stretching of arm on same side upward, the other downward. PROGRESSION OF GYMNASTIC LESSONS 201 10. Prone falling position : foot placing forward and backward once, then arm bending once and return to fund. st. position (eight counts). 11. Jump on toes with foot placing sideways and arm flinging side- ways-upward, striking overhead and behind back. 12. Arm circumduction with backward bending of head. III. and IV. Apparatus work. V. Run. Lesson 12. (Bar bells.) I. Marching and open order as before. II. 1. Arm bending and stretching upward with heel raising and knee bending. 2. Arm circumduction (to position with bar behind back) with back- ward bending of head and simultaneous alternate foot placing forward. 3. Bend stride st. (bar behind neck) forward-downward bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching upward. 4. Arm flinging sideways-upward (one arm overhead, the other with forearm across chest and hand in arm-pit) with opposite leg flinging sideways. 5. Arm flinging upward-sideways (to position with bar behind shoulders) with alternate foot placing obliquely outward, then trunk twisting (to same side as foot placing). 6. Arm flinging sideways (one arm in cross (c), the other in cross (a) position, bar bell resting on elbow and forearm of bent arm) with alternate toe-touch sideways on opposite side, knee bending on same side (trunk erect and vertical). 7. Cross (c) st. (bar behind shoulders) alternate leg flinging for- ward (or arm flinging forward-upward with alternate leg flinging forward). 8. Arm flinging sideways with opposite foot placing sideways, then side bending of trunk (to same side as foot placing). 9. Arm circumduction with toe-support charge. 10. Arm bending and stretching upward with alternate knee upward bending and stretching forward. 11. Side lunge with opposite arm flinging sideways-upward, then side bending of trunk (to same side as lunge). 12. (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sideways with downward bending striking floor; (3) trunk raising with arms over- head ; (4) jump to fund, position. 13. Oblique charge with arm on same side overhead, bar in front or behind. 14. Jump on toes with alternate leg flinging sideways and opposite arm flinging sideways (or sideways-upward). 15. Arm raising forward-upward with backward bending of head. III. and IV. Apparatus work. V. Run. V. APPENDIX. The following lists of free-standing and apparatus exercises are arranged in approximately progressive order. They include the more common and representative types and combinations, but are not in any sense exhaustive. 1. FREE-STANDING EXERCISES. Foot Platings; Heel Raising ; Toe Raising; Closing of Feet. Alt. foot placing sidew. with (placing of) hands on hips. Hip grasp stride st. heel raising. Hip grasp st. alt. toe raising. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on hips. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips. Hip grasp st. heel raising. Hip grasp st. close and open feet. Hip grasp stride st. alt. heel raising (2 or 1 count each side). Arm raising sidew. with heel raising. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck. Arm bending with heel raising. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips, and heel raising. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw. Hip grasp close st. heel raising. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew. Neck grasp st. alt. toe raising. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on hips, and heel raising. Neck grasp stride st. alt. heel raising (1 count each side). Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and heel raising. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips, and heel raising. Arm raising forw. with heel raising. Hip grasp st. alt. heel-and-toe raising. Alt. foot placing backw.-outw. with hands on hips. Forw. bending of arms with heel raising. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. Bend st. arm stretching downw. with heel raising. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, and heel raising. Arm flinging forw. with alt. foot placing sidew. Closing of feet with hands on hips, and heel raising. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with heel raising. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and heel raising. Reach stride st. arm flinging sidew. with heel raising. Walk (b) st. arm raising sidew. with heel raising. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sidew. with heel raising. y 2 sidew. bending of arms with heel raising. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with heel raising. Neck grasp st. alt. heel-and-toe raising. Arm bending and stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. y 2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. 204 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Cross (d) st. ami raising (or flinging upw.) with heel raising. Closing of feet with hands on neck, and heel raising. Forw. bending of arms and arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Reach st. arm flinging upw. with heel raising. Arm flinging sidew. and arm rot. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Cross (e) st. arm stretching sidew. with heel raising. Arm flinging forw. and sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Cross (a) walk (b) st. arm flinging sidew. with heel raising. Arm bending and stretching forw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Cross (e) st. arm stretching upw. with heel raising. Arm raising sidew. and upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Bend walk (b) st. arm stretching sidew. with heel raising. Forw. bending and side flinging of arms with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. % sidew. bending of arms and arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm bending and stretching sidew. with closing of feet and heel raising. Arm circumduction (4 counts) with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm bending and stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Cross (d) walk (b) st. arm flinging upw. with heel raising. Arm bending and stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. ]/2 sidew. bending of arms and arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm flinging forw. and sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Bend st. arm stretching forw. and arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm bending and stretching upw. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Forw. bending and side flinging of arms, with closing of feet and heel raising. Yi sidew. bending of arms and arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Reach st. arm flinging sidew. and upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Bend st. arm stretching upw. and arm parting with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm flinging sidew. and upw. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Arm bending and stretching upw. with closing of feet and heel raising. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sidew. and upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. Arm raising sidew. and upw. with closing of feet and heel raising. l /2 sidew. bending of arms and arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Arm flinging sidew. and arm rotation with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. Arm circumduction (4 counts) with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising. l /2 sidew. bending of arms and arm rotation with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising. . APPENDIX 205 Arm flinging forw. with alt. foot placing sidew. (and return), alternating with arm flinging sidew. with heel raising. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw. (sidew., or outw.), alternating with arm flinging sidew. (or forw.) with heel raising. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw., alternating with arm flinging forw. (or arm b'd'g) with heel raising. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew. (or forw.), alternating with arm flinging forw. (or sidew.) with heel raising. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. (upw., or forw.) with alt. foot placing forw. (outw. or sidew.), alternating with arm stretching upw. (sidew. or forw.) with heel raising. Knee Bending and Alternate Knee Bending ; Foot Placings; Side Lunge; Arm Movements and Combinations. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. Stride st. arm raising sidew. with knee bending (slow or quick). Neck grasp stride st. knee bending. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips, and knee bending. Hip grasp st. knee bending with simultaneous heel raising (2 count movement). Stride st. arm bending with (quick) knee bending. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., and knee bending. Hip grasp stride st. alt. knee bending (2 counts each side). Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and knee bending. Arm flinging forw. (or sidew.) with (quick) knee' bending, heels off (2 count movement). Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and knee bending. Hip grasp stride st. alt. knee bending from one side to the other in one movement. Bend stride st. arm stretching sidew. with (quick) knee bending. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending (4 count movement). Cross (a) stride st. arm flinging sidew. with (quick) knee bending. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on hips, and knee bending. Reach stride st. arm parting with knee bending (slow or quick). Arm bending and stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Bend stride st. arm stretching forw. with (quick) knee bending. Neck grasp stride st. alt. knee bending (from one side to the other in one movement). Cross (d) stride st. arm raising with knee bending (slow or quick). Alt. side lunge with hands on hips. Hip grasp stride st. heel raising and knee bending (4 count movement). Forw. bending and side-flinging of arms with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Toe st. arm raising sidew. with knee bending. Reach stride st. arm raising with knee bending (slow or quick). Arm bending with alt. side lunge. Close st. arm flinging forw. with knee bending, heels off (knees together). Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, and knee bending. Alt. side lunge with hands on neck. Bend stride st. arm stretching upw. with (quick) knee bending. Neck grasp st. heel raising and knee bending (4 count movement). l /2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and knee bending. 206 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Stretch stride st. arm parting with knee bending (slow). Hip grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending (4 count movement). Arm bending and stretching forw. with closing of feet and knee bending (heels off, knees together). Arm flinging sidew. with alt. side lunge. Cross (e) stride st. arm stretching sidew. (or upw.) with knee bending. Arm flinging sidew.-upw. with knee bending, heels off. Bend toe st. arm stretching sidew. with (quick) knee bending. Arm flinging forw. and sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Hip grasp walk (a) st. heel raising and knee bending (4 count movement). Alt. side lunge with hands on hips, and alt. knee bending. Arm bending and stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Hip grasp st. deep knee bending, heels off (2 count movement). Arm raising sidew. and upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Neck grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending (4 count movement). Hip grasp walk (b) st. heel raising and knee bending (4 count movement). Alt. side lunge with hands on neck, and alt. knee bending. Arm circumduction (4 counts) with alt. foot placing sidew. and (quick) knee bending. Cross (a) toe st. arm flinging sidew. with (quick) knee bending. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on hips, heel raising and knee bending (6 count movement). J /2 sidew. bending of arms and arm stretching sidew. (or upw.) with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Reach (stride) toe st. arm flinging sidew. with knee bending. Close st. arm flinging sidew. with knee bending, heels off (knees together). Bend toe st. arm stretching upw. with knee bending. Stretch st. arm parting with knee bending, heels off. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips, heel raising and knee bending (6 count movement). Cross (d) toe st. arm raising (slow or quick) with knee bending. Arm flinging sidew., palms up, with alt. side lunge, and arm raising. Bend st. arm stretching forw. and arm parting with alt. foot placing sidew. and knee bending. Arm flinging sidew.-upw. with deep knee bending, heels off (2 count movement). Arm bending and stretching sidew. with heel raising and knee bending. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, heel raising and knee bending (6 counts). Arm flinging forw. and sidew. with heel raising and knee bending. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. (palms up) with alt. foot placing sidew., then arm raising with knee bending. Arm bending and stretching sidew. with closing of feet and knee bending (heels off, knees together). Forw. bending and side flinging of arms with heel raising and knee bending. Arm flinging forw. with alt. side lunge, then arm parting with alt. knee bending. Bend .st. arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew., then arm parting with knee bending. Arm raising sidew.-upw. with heel raising and knee bending. Bend stride st. arm stretching sidew., palms up, with heel raising, then arm raising with knee bending. APPENDIX 207 Arm bending and stretching upw. with heel raising and knee bending. Reach toe st. arm parting with deep knee bending. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, heel raising and knee bending (6 counts). Arm circumductibn (4 counts) with heel raising and knee bending. Cross (d) toe st. arm raising with deep knee bending. Arm bending and stretching forw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising, then arm parting (quick or slow) with knee bending (6 count movement). Bend st. arm stretching upw. and arm parting with heel raising and knee bending. Arm flinging forw. -upw. with alt. side lunge, then f arm parting with alt. knee bending. Arm bending and stretching upw. with closing of feet and knee bending (heels off). Arm bending and stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew. and heel raising, then arm parting with knee bending (6 count movement). Arm flinging forw.-upw. and arm parting with heel raising and knee bending. Arm bending and stretching sidew. (palms up) with alt. foot placing forw. and heel raising, then arm raising with knee bending (6 count movement). Alt. side lunge with arm flinging upw. on same side, sidew. (palm up) on opposite side, then alt. knee bending with change of arms. Backward Moving of Head and Arching of Trunk; Foot Plac- ings; Toe Touches and Arm Movements. Backward bending of head with chest expansion. Arm raising sidew. with backw. bending of head. Bend st. (slow) arm stretching sidew. with backw. bending of head. Hip grasp stride st. backw. bending of head with chest expansion (== backward arching). Arm raising sidew., palms up, with backw. bending of head (slow, on command; or quick, rhythmic movement). Bend stride st. backw. bending of head with chest expansion (= backw. arching). Reach st. (slow) arm parting, palms up, with backw. bending of head (on command; or quick, rhythmic movement). Neck grasp stride st. backw. bending of head with chest expansion. Cross (d) st. arm raising with backw. bending of head. Arm flinging forw., sidew., and downw. with backw. bending of head (quick 3 count movement). Bend st. (slow) arm stretching upw. with backw. bending of head. Arm circumduction (2 counts, second slow) with backward bending of head. Bend st. backward arching, alternating with quick arm stretching sidew. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips, and backw. arching. Arm flinging forw.-upw., sidew. and downw. (=3 count quick arm circum- duction) with backw. bending of head (on first count, held through second). Bend st. (quick) arm stretching sidew. with alt. toe touching sidew. and backw. bending of head. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., and backw. arching. 208 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Neck grasp stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Arm circumduction (quick, 2 count movement) with alt. toe touch sidew. and backw. bending of head. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and backw. arching. Cross (a) stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm flinging sidew. Hip grasp walk (b) st. backw. arching. Cross (c) stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm bending and stretching sidew. Bend st. (quick) arm stretching upw. with alt. toe touch sidew. and backw. bending of head. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., and slow arm stretching upw. with backw. bending of head. Neck grasp stride st. backw. arching alternating with forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Reach st. arm flinging sidew. with alt. toe touch sidew. and backw. bending of head. Neck grasp walk (b) st. backw. arching. Stretch stride st. backw. arching. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips, and backw. arching. Cross (e) stride st. backw. arching. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., and backw. arching. Twist st. arm circumduction (2 counts) with backw. bending of head. Neck grasp stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm stretching upw. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw. and backw. arching. Arm circumduction (4 counts) with alt. foot placing sidew. and backw. bending of head (second and third counts slow, first and fourth quick). Arm flinging sidew. with alt. toe touch forw. and backw. bending of head. Bend walk (a) twist st. backw. arching. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., and backw. arching. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and backward arching. Cross (e) walk (b) st. backw. arching. Arm circumduction (2 counts) with trunk twisting and backw. bending of head. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew., and backw. arching. Reach st. arm flinging sidew. with alt. toe touch forw. and backw. bending of head. Neck grasp walk (a) twist st. backw. arching. */2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and backw. arching. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing forw., and backw. arching. Stretch stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm bending and stretching upw. Arm circumduction (2 counts) with alt. toe touching forw. and backw. bending of head. Vz sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw. and backw. arching. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., trunk twisting, and backw. arching (6 counts). Cross (e) stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm stretching upw. Stretch walk (b) st. backw. arching. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with alt. toe touching forw. and backw. bending of head. Cross (e) walk (a) twist st. backw. arching. APPENDIX 209 Stretch stride st. backw. arching, alternating with arm parting with knee bending. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, trunk twisting, and backw. arching (6 counts). Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., then arm stretching sidew., palms up, with backw. bending of head. Cross (d) st. arm raising with backw. arching. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on hips and with simultaneous trunk twisting, then backw. arching (4 count movement). Arm bending with alt. foot placing fo*rw., arm stretching upw. with backw. bending of head. Stretch stride arch st. arm parting. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then backw. arching. l /2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., then arm stretching upw. with backward arching. Cross (d) walk (b) arch st. arm raising. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting, then backw. arching. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing forw., and backw. arching. Arm flinging sidew. (palms up) with alt. foot placing forw., arm raising with backward arching. Stretch walk (a) twist st. backw. arching. y 2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then backw. arching. Arm circumduction (4 counts) with alt. foot placing forw. and backw. arching. Cross (d) walk (a) twist st. arm raising with backw. arching. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw., arm flinging sidew. with trunk twisting, then backw. arching. l /2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw., and (slow) arm stretching upw. with backw. arching. Cross (a) st. arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing outw. and simul- taneous trunk twisting, then backw. arching without or with arm rotation. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting, then backw. arching (6 qounts). Arm bending (or l / 2 sidew. bending of arms) with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then slow arm stretching upw. with backw. arching. Compensatory Forward and Forward-Downward Bendings of Trunk; Downward Bendings, Touching Floor; Stooping; Combinations and Alternations with Arm Movements and Foot Placings. Hip grasp stride st. forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. forward bending of trunk. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips and forw. bending of trunk. Hip grasp st. stooping (and return to starting pos.). Cross (a) (stride) st. forw. bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew. and forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. stooping. 210 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Neck grasp (stride) st. forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. forw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Hip grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Cross (a) st. stooping. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and forw. bending of trunk. Bend stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Hip grasp walk (b) $t. forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Neck grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Bend stride st. forw.-down. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Neck grasp st. stooping. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Bend (wide) stride st. (quick) downw. bending, touching floor (knees and upper back straight), alternating with arm stretching downw. Hip grasp st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching diagonally upw. Neck grasp walk (b) st. forw. bending of trunk. Bend (wide) stride st. (quick) downw. bending, touching floor, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Hip grasp close st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Arm bending (or forw. bending of arms) with alt. foot placing sidew. (wide step), and (quick) downw. bending, touching floor. Return in reverse order. Neck grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. (1) Arm bending (or forw. bending of arms) ; (2) (double) foot placing sidew. with (quick) downw. bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm bending (or forw. bending of arms) ; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. Bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching upw. Neck grasp close st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. Bend stride st. downw. bending, touching floor, alternating with arm stretching upw. Arm flinging sidew. with alternate foot placing sidew. (wide step), and (quick) downw. bending, touching floor. Return in reverse order. Neck grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching upw. Cross (a) stride st. (quick) downward bending, touching floor, alternat-. ing with arm flinging sidew. Stretch stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. (1) Arm flinging sidew.; (2) foot placing sidew. with (quick) downward bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging (forw.-) sidew.; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. Bend stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. with quick knee bending (or heel raising). Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and quick downw. bending, touching floor (return in reverse ordei^. Stretch stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm bending and stretching upw. (1) Placing hands on neck; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with hands on neck; (4) jump to fund. pos. APPENDIX 211 Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., then downw. bending, touching floor (swinging arms forw. -downw. Return in reverse order). Stretch stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm parting. Bend stride st. downw. bending, touching floor, alternating with arm stretching upw. (1) Arm bending (or forw. bending of arms) ; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm flinging (forw.-) sidew.; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing sidew., and forw.- downw. bending of trunk. Cross (c) st. arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., then downw. bending, touching floor (return in reverse order). (1) Arm bending; (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm bending; (4) jump to pos. with arm stretching sidew. (or upw.). [Repetitions start from cross (c) (or stretch) st. pos.] Arm flinging forw.-upw. (or placing hands overhead) with alt. foot placing sidew., then forw.-downw. bending (or downw. bending, touching floor). Cross (d) stride st. downw. bending, touching floor, alternating with arm raising with knee bending. Stretch close st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk. (1) Arm bending (or forw. bending of arms, or arm flinging sidew., or placing hands on neck or overhead); (2) foot placing sidew. with downw. bending, touching floor; (3) trunk raising with arm raising forw.-upw.; (4) jump to fund. st. pos. with arm flinging sidew.- downw. Stretch stride st. forw.-downw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm parting with knee bending. [Neck grasp stride st. forw.-downw. bending, alternating with trunk twisting. Cross (c) stride st. downw. bending, touching floor, alternating with trunk twisting.] Lateral Trunk Exercises. (1) Trunk Tivistings. Bend stride st. trunk twisting (to L. and forw., then to R. and forw.). Neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sidew., and trunk twisting. Neck grasp close st. trunk twisting. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and trunk twisting. ^ Cross (a) stride st. trunk twisting. Bend stride st. trunk twisting (to L. .and forward), alternating with arm stretching sidew. (then to R. and forw., etc.). Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and trunk twisting. Arm bending with alt. foot placing (obliquely) outw., and trunk twisting. Cross (c) stride st. trunk twisting. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing (obliquely) outw., and trunk twisting. Alt. foot placing (obliquely) outw. with hands on neck, and trunk twisting. 212 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Bend close st. trunk twisting (and return), alternating with arm stretching sidew. Neck grasp stride st. alt. trunk twisting all the way from L. to R. in one (quick) movement. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., and trunk twisting. Cross (a) stride twist st. arm flinging sidew. Bend stride st. trunk twisting (and return), alternating with arm stretch- ing upw. Cross (a) stride st. trunk twisting (and return), alternating with arm flinging sidew. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., and trunk twisting. Close twist st. arm circumduction. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and trunk twisting. Bend stride st alt. trunk twisting all the way from L. to R. in one move- ment, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Bend stride kneeling trunk twisting. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw., and trunk twisting. Bend charge (a) st. (^oblique charge) trunk twisting to same side. Cross (a) stride st. alt. trunk twisting all the way in one movement, alternating with arm flinging sidew. Cross (e) stride st. trunk twisting. Neck grasp charge (a) st. trunk twisting to same side. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. and trunk twisting. Arm bending with oblique charge, and trunk twisting to same side. Neck grasp stride kneeling trunk twisting. Stretch stride twist st. arm parting. Oblique charge with hands on neck, and trunk twisting to same sidei Neck grasp stride st. alt. trunk twisting all the way in one movement, alternating with arm stretching sidew. (palms down or up). Bend charge (a) st. trunk twisting to opposite side. Cross (a) close st. alt. trunk twisting all the way in one movement. alternating with arm flinging sidew. l / 2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and trunk twisting. Neck grasp charge (a) st. trunk twisting to opposite side. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw., then arm flinging sidew. with trunk twisting. Neck grasp stride st. alt. trunk twisting all the way in one movement, alternating with arm stretching upw. Arm bending with oblique charge, and trunk twisting to opposite side. Arm bending with alt. foot placing obliquely outw., then arm stretching sidew. with trunk twisting. Oblique charge with hands on neck, and trunk twisting to opposite side. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting. Cross (c) stride st. alt. trunk twisting all the way in one movement, alternating with arm bending and stretching sidew. Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side. Arm bending with alt. foot placing (obliquely) outw., then arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., trunk twisting, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.) and return in reverse order (6 count movement). Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw., trunk twisting, then arm flinging sidew. (6 counts). APPENDIX . 213 Oblique charge with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.). Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then arm flinging sidew. Oblique charge with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.). Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.). Arm flinging sidew., palms up, with alt. foot placing outw. and simul- taneous trunk twisting, then arm raising. Forw. bending of arms with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side, then arm flinging sidew. Arm flinging forw.-upw. with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then arm parting. Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side, then arm stretching upw. Bend st. oblique charge with trunk twisting to opposite side (head twisting to same side) and simultaneous arm stretching, one upw. the other downw. The forward charge, with the advancing foot turned straight ahead, the rear foot at right angles, may take the place of a trunk twisting. It corresponds very nearly to the oblique charge with, or followed by, a trunk twisting to the same side, but is less "definite" and therefore less powerful as a twisting movement. Lateral Trunk Exercises (Continued). (2) Side Bendings, Leg Flinging Sidew. and Side Falling Position. Hip grasp stride st. side bending of trunk (to L. and return, then to R. and return). Bend stride st. side bending of trunk. Hip grasp st. leg flinging sidew. L. and R. (at first stop at the change. Later change without stopping). Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips, and side bending of trunk. Bend stride st. side bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Cross (a) stride st. side bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., and side bending of trunk. Hip grasp st. alt. leg flinging sidew. Alt. -foot placing sidew. with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. Hip grasp close st. side bending of trunk. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and side bending of trunk. Neck grasp st. side bending of trunk. Arm bending with closing of feet, and side bending of trunk. Neck grasp st. leg flinging sidew. L. and R. Hip grasp walk (b) st. side bending of trunk. 214 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Neck grasp stride st. alt. side bending of trunk all the way from one side to the other in one continuous movement. (This movement may also be given early in the progression as a more or less "indefinite" movement.) Bend walk (b) st. side bending of trunk. Closing of feet with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. Cross (c) stride st. side bending of trunk. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk alternating with arm stretching sidew. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips, and side bending of trunk. Neck grasp st. alt. leg flinging sidew. Cross (e) stride st. side bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., and side bending of trunk. Neck grasp stride st. side bending of trunk, alt. with arm stretching upw. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., and side bending of trunk. l /2. hip grasp l /t stretch stride st. side bending of trunk (one side at a time). Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., and side bending of trunk. St. leg flinging sidew. L. and R., with opposite arm flinging sidew. Neck grasp walk (b) st. side bending of trunk. l /2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and side bending of trunk. Bend stride st. one arm stretching upw. with placing of the other hand on hip, and side bending of trunk (4 count movement, alternating to L. and R.). St. alt. leg flinging sidew. with opposite arm flinging sidew. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. Side lunge with hands on hips, and side bending of trunk. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw. and side bending of trunk. Stretch stride st. side bending of trunk. Bend st. leg flinging sidew. L. and R. with opposite arm stretching sidew. and placing of hand on same side on hip. Cross (c) walk (b) st. side bending of trunk. l / 2 hip grasp side falling pos. (side leaning rest) and return (6 count movement). Alt. foot placing sidew. with one arm overhead, the other hand on hip, and side bending of trunk. Hip grasp stride st. side-and-knee bending. Bend walk (a) twist st. side bending of trunk. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw. and side bending of trunk. Arm flinging forw. with alt. leg flinging sidew. Side lunge with hands on neck, and side bending of trunk. St. leg flinging sidew. L. and R. with opposite arm flinging sidew.-upw. Neck grasp walk (a) twist st. side bending of trunk. Arm flinging forw.-upw. (and sidew. -downw.) with alt. foot placing sidew. and side bending of trunk. Neck grasp stride st. side-and-knee bending. Y 2 hip grasp side falling pos., about facing and return to st. pos. (8 counts). l /2 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw., and side bending of trunk. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. side lunge, and side bending of trunk. St. alt. leg flinging sidew. with arm circumduction (1 count on each side). APPENDIX 215 Cross (c) stride st. side-and-knee bending. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, trunk twisting, then side bending of trunk. Arm bending with side lunge, then arm stretching sidew. with side bending of trunk (one hand touching floor, the other arm vertically overhead). l /z hip grasp side falling pos., leg raising, then return to st. pos. (8 counts). Cross (c) stride st. side-and-knee bending, alternating with arm bending and stretching sidew. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting, then side bending of trunk. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., then side-and-knee bending. Alt. side lunge with one arm overhead, the other hand on hip, and side bending of trunk. Hip grasp st. side bending of trunk with raising of leg on other side. Oblique charge with hands on hips and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side, then side bending of trunk (to same side as charge). Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., then arm stretching sidew. with side-and-knee bending (one arm vertical, the other hand touch- ing floor). Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, then side bending of trunk. Cross (c) st. side bending of trunk with raising of leg on other side. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with alt. foot placing forw., and side bending of trunk. Oblique charge with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side, then side bending of trunk (to same side as charge). Side lunge with arm flinging sidew. on same side, upw. on opposite side, then side bending of trunk (one hand touching floor, the other arm horizontally overhead, in line with trunk). Bend stride st. arm stretching sidew. with side-and-knee bending, alter- nating with arm stretching upw. Neck grasp st. side bending of trunk with raising of leg on other side. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw., arm flinging sidew. with trunk twisting, then side bending of trunk (6 count movement). Arm flinging forw. -upw. (and sidew.-downw.) with side lunge, then side bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting, theij side bending of trunk (6 count movement). l /2 bend side falling pos., arm stretching upw. with leg raising (8 counts). Stretch st. side bending of trunk with raising of leg on other side. Back and Shoulder Blade Movements. Hip grasp stride st. forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. forw. bending of trunk. Neck grasp stride st. forw. bending of trunk. Alt. foot placing sidew. with hands on hips, and forw. bending of trunk. Bend stride st. forw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching sidew. Cross (a) close st. forw. bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., and forw. bending of trunk. Cross (a) stride st. forw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm flinging sidew. 216 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Alt. foot placing sidevv. with hands on neck, and forw. bending of trunk. Hip grasp walk (b) st. forw. bending of trunk. Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and forw. bending of trunk. Cross (c) stride st. forw. bending of trunk. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on hips, and forw. bending of trunk. Bend (stride) prone st. arm stretching sidew. (palms down). Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing sidew., and forw. bending of trunk. Bend stride st. forw. bending of trunk, alternating with arm stretching upw. Cross (a) stride prone st. arm flinging sidew. Neck grasp walk (b) st. forw. bending of trunk. Forw. bending of arms with closing of feet, and forw. bending of trunk. Bend close prone st. arm stretching sidew., palms up. Arm bending with forw. charge. Cross (c) prone st. arm rotation. Alt. foot placing forw. with hands on neck, and forw. bending of trunk. Hip grasp toe-support charge. Prone st. arm circumduction. Forw. charge with hands on neck. J4 sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing sidew., and forward bending of trunk. Arm flinging sidew. with forw. charge. Stretch stride st. forw. bending of trunk. Neck grasp toe-support charge. Arm flinging sidew. with alt. foot placing forw., and forw. bending of trunk. Bend st. forw. charge with arm stretching sidew. Bend walk (a) twist st. forw. bending of trunk. Arm flinging sidew. with toe-support charge. Cross (a) prone st. swimming movements. Arm bending with forw. charge, then arm stretching sidew. Yz sidew. bending of arms with alt. foot placing forw., and forw. bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Arm bending with toe-support charge, then arm stretching sidew. Bend stride prone st. arm stretching upw. Arm flinging forw.-upw. (or arm circumduction) with alt. foot placing sidew., and forw. bending of trunk. Forw. bending of arms with toe-support charge, then arm flinging sidew. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck, trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Cross (e) stride prone st. arm rotation. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., forw. bending of trunk, then arm stretching sidew. (6 counts). Arm flingirlg forw.-upw. with forw. charge. Stretch stride prone st. arm parting. Forw. charge with hands on hips, and forw. bending of trunk. Arm flinging forw.-upw. with toe-support charge. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., forw. bending of trunk, then arm stretching sidew. (6 counts). Forw. charge with hands on neck, and forw. bending of trunk. Alt. foot placing outw. with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk. APPENDIX 217 Arm bending with toe-support charge (or forw. charge), then arm stretching upw. Arm bending with oblique charge, trunk twisting to same side, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Arm flinging upw. with toe-support (or forw.) charge, then arm parting. Arm bending with alt. foot placing sidew., forw. bending of trunk, then arm stretching upw. (6 counts). Hip grasp horizontal l /2 st. pos. Arm bending with alt. foot placing forw., forw. bending of trunk, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.) (6 counts). Oblique charge with hands on neck, trunk twisting to same side, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Forw. bending of arms with alt. foot placing outw., arm flinging sidew. with trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk. Neck grasp horizontal Yz st. pos. Arm flinging forw.-upw. with alt. foot placing sidew., forw. bending of trunk, then arm parting (6 counts). Oblique charge with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk. Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk (6 counts). Stretch horizontal ^ st. pos. Arm bending (or placing hands on neck) with alt. foot placing outw. and simultaneous trunk twisting, forw. bending of trunk, then arm stretching sidew. (or upw.) (6 counts). Arm bending with alt. foot placing outw., arm stretching upw. with trunk twisting, then forw. bending of trunk, followed by arm parting (8 counts). Abdominal Exercises. Knee Upward Bending and Leg Flinging Forward. Prone Falling Posi- tion. Foot Placings from Prone Falling Position. Kneeling Position: Backward Leaning of Trunk. Horizontal Lying Position: Knee Upward Bending and Leg Raising. Knee upw. bending L. and R., grasping knee and pressing it toward chest. Hip grasp st. knee upw. bending L. and R. (as high as possible without bending head and upper trunk forw.). Position at the end of the up-stroke not held. On the return the weight should settle equally on both feet and the position be held for an instant. At first, stop the movement when changing from one side to the other. Later, changes are made without stopping, and without warning. This compels the settling of the weight equally on both feet. The above applies also to standing leg flinging forw. and sidew. Hip grasp st. leg flinging forw. L. and R. Hip grasp st. alt. knee upw. bending (with and without holding the fund, pos. a moment at the change). Hip grasp st. alt. leg flinging forw. (pos. held at the change). Neck grasp st. alt. knee upw. bending. Neck grasp st. alt. leg flinging forw. Hip grasp toe st. alt. knee upw. bending (pos. not held at the change). 218 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Neck grasp toe st. alt. knee upw. bending (pos. not held at the change). Hip grasp toe st. knee upw. bending R. and L. St. alt. leg flinging forw. with opposite arm flinging sidew.-upw. (1 count each side). Hip grasp st. leg circumduction L. and R., and alternate. Arm circumduction with alt. leg flinging forw. (1 count each side). Prone falling pos. (front leaning rest) and return (4 counts). Prone falling pos. with one foot forw., the other leg extended : alt. foot placing forw.-backw. Prone falling foot placing (both feet) forw. and backw. once and return (6 counts). Prone falling foot placing forw. and backw. repeatedly. Prone falling foot placing sidew. (both feet simultaneously) once and return (6 counts). Prone falling foot placing sidew. repeatedly. Prone falling arm bending once and return (6 counts). Prone falling foot placing forw. and backw. once, then arm bending once, and return (8 counts). Prone falling arm bending repeatedly. Hip grasp stride kneeling backw. leaning of trunk (the movement takes place at the knee. Head, chest, upper and lower back should be kept in the fundamental pos. On command only). Hip grasp l /i. kneeling backw. leaning of trunk (on one knee; the other foot advanced far enough to flex the knee on that side 90). Kneeling and y* kneeling backw. leaning of trunk with arms in the bend, cross (a), neck grasp, cross (e) and stretch positions. Neck grasp (or diagonal stretch) lying knee upw. bending L. and R. Neck grasp lying alt. knee upw. bending (each movement completed before the next one begins, or both beginning at the same time, one from the bent, the other from the extended, pos.). Neck grasp lying knee upw. bending (both at the same time). Neck grasp lying alt. knee upw. bending and stretching obliquely upw. (45). Neck grasp lying alt. leg raising (each movement completed before the next begins). Neck grasp lying knee upw. bending and stretching obliquely upw. to 45 angle (both moving together). Neck grasp lying leg raising (both at the same time). Neck grasp lying alternating leg raising (both moving at the same time, but in opposite directions). Neck grasp lying leg raising and sinking sidew. (both moving together). Neck grasp lying leg circumduction (both moving together). Balance Exercises. Hip grasp close toe st. pos. Hip grasp l /2 st. pos., leg forw. Neck grasp close toe st. pos. Hip grasp l /2 hook st. pos. (one knee raised, 90 angle at hip and knee). Hip grasp ^ st. pos., leg sidew. APPENDIX 219 Hip grasp toe st. head twisting. Hip grasp walk (b) toe st. pos. Hip grasp st. alt. knee upw. bending (2 counts each side), on command or in slow rhythm (quick movements) stopping unexpectedly. Preparation for balance march, advancing one foot and raising the heel of the other foot in separate movements (on command). Neck grasp l /t st. pos., leg forw. Hip grasp toe st. knee bending. Balance march, each step complete, on command. Hip grasp walk (b) toe st. head twisting. Neck grasp toe st. alt. knee upw. bending (rhythmic). Neck grasp walk (b) toe st. arm stretching sidew. (or upw.). Hip grasp toe st. march steps forw. (each on command). Balance march, continuous movement, slow rhythm. Hip grasp walk (a) st. heel raising and knee bending (on command). Hip grasp ^ hook st. knee stretching forw. Hip grasp toe st. march steps backw. (each on command). Hip grasp Yz hook st. change feet in one quick movement (with a jump). Arm circumduction with alt. leg raising sidew. Hip grasp toe-knee bend st. head twisting. Cross (c) Yz st. pos., leg forw. Balance march with knee upw. bending. Reach J4 st. pos., leg sidew., arm parting (or flinging sidew.). Stretch walk (c) toe st. arm parting. Hip grasp Y* st. pos., leg forw. : bending of knee of supporting leg. Hip grasp toe-support charge pos. Hip grasp Y*. st. pos., leg forw. : change feet in one quick movement (with a jump). Hip grasp walk (b) st. heel raising and knee bending. Reach Yz st. pos., leg forw. : bending of knee of supporting leg. Bend Y* hook st. (slow or quick) arm stretching sidew. with knee stretch- ing forw. Hip grasp YL st. pos., leg sidew. : change feet in one quick movement. Neck grasp toe-support charge pos. Cross (a) Yz hook st. arm flinging sidew. with knee stretching forw. Neck grasp Yt st. pos. leg forw.: knee bending (supporting leg). Cross (c) toe-support charge pos. Bend Y? hook st. arm stretching upw. with knee stretching forw. Cross (c) YZ st. pos., leg forw. : heel raising (pupils support each other by joining hands). Stretch toe-support charge pos. Cross (a) walk (b) toe-knee bend st. arm flinging sidew. Hip grasp st. side bending of trunk with raising of opposite leg. Cross (c) Yi st. pos., leg sidew.: heel raising (pupils support each other). Reach Y* st. (leg forw.) arm parting with knee bending (supporting leg). Cross (d) walk (b) toe st. arm raising with knee bending. Hip grasp horizontal ^ st. pos. (= leg raising from toe-support charge pos.). Cross (c) Yi st. pos., leg forw.: heel raising (without support). Neck grasp st. side bending of trunk with raising of opposite leg. Cross (c) horizontal Yi st. pos. Neck grasp horizontal J4 st. pos. Cross (c) 3^2 st. pos., leg sidew.: heel raising (without support). Cross (c) st. side bending of trunk with raising of opposite leg. Stretch horizontal Y* st. pos. Cross (d) ^ st. pos., leg forw. : arm raising with heel raising. 220 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Arm Movements. [In the beginning of any series of lessons many of the following arm movements may be practiced separately as shoulder blade exercises or preparatory arching movements. Many of them may be used at any time as breathing exercises. As fast as their correct execution is mastered, they may be used in combination or alternation with leg and trunk movements, serving to increase the complexity and power of the latter. Care must be taken, however, to distribute this class of movements judi- ciously throughout a lesson, to vary the types and to avoid excessive recurrence.] Arm bending and stretching downw. (on command, and repeated in even rhythm). Arm raising or flinging sidew. Arm rotation (turning of hands). Forw. bending of arms (not well suited for rhythmic repetition, though may be so used if positions at each end of the movement are well sustained). Placing hands on neck (command only). Arm bending and stretching sidew. (on command, and repeated in even rhythm). Change from hip grasp to neck grasp st. pos. (command only). Cross (a) st. arm flinging sidew. (if repeated in rhythm, positions should be well sustained). Arm raising or flinging sidew. with palms up. Arm bending and stretching sidew. and downw. (command, and at first even, later uneven, rhythm, holding the extended longer than the flexed pos.). Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with palms up (slow or quick, command or rhythm). Cross (c) st. arm rotation (slow or quick, on command). Arm raising forw. (command only). Arm bending and stretching obliquely upw. (command, even and broken rhythm). Arm raising or flinging forw.-sidew. (return through side plane). Arm circumduction, 2 counts (=arm raising or flinging forw.-upw. and returning through side plane, turning palms down as arms pass the horizontal, without stopping). Arm raising or flinging forw.-sidew., palms up (2 counts). Arm bending and stretching upw. (command and even rhythm). Reach st. arm parting, palms down or up (slow or quick). (In the latter case arm flinging sidew. is a better designation. The return move- ment is best done slowly in any case.) Arm bending and stretching upw. and downw. (repetitions in even and broken rhythm). Arm flinging forw., sidew. (palms down or up) and downw. (3 count movement, each part quick, positions held momentarily). Arm bending and stretching upw. and sidew. (repetitions in uneven rhythm). l /2 sidew. bending of arms (command only). Cross (d) st. arm raising. Arm circumduction, 3 counts (= arm flinging forw.-upw., then sidew. with palms up, and then downw.; all are quick movements). Neck grasp st. arm stretching sidew. or upw. Arm raising or flinging sidew.-upw. (continuous movement each way). APPENDIX 221 Arm flinging forvv., sidew. (palms down or up), forw. and downw. Stretch st. arm parting (slow, on command). Arm bending and stretching backw. and sidew. (uneven rhythm). Cross (e) st. arm stretching sidew., palms down or up (command). Arm bending and stretching one sidew., the other downw. (command and even or broken rhythm). Reach st. arm flinging upw. (command). Arm bending and stretching forw. and sidew. (uneven rhythm). Cross (e) st. arm stretching upw. (slow or quick, on command). Arm bending and stretching upw. and sidew. (uneven rhythm). Arm flinging sidew. and upw. (returning sidew. and downw.; hands are turned on the second and fourth counts). Arm bending and stretching upw., sidew., and downw. (uneven rhythm). Cross (e) st. arm rotation (on command). Arm bending and stretching one upw., the other downw. Arm bending and stretching forw., upw., and sidew. Arm bending and stretching one upw., the other sidew. Arm bending and stretching forw., upw., sidew., and downw. Arm bending and stretching one forw., the other sidew. Charges. Hip grasp st. oblique charge or, preferably, oblique charge with (placing of) hands on hips. Arm bending with oblique charge. Forw. charge with hands on hips. Oblique charge with hands on neck. Arm bending with forw. charge. Forw. bending of arms with oblique charge. Forw. bending of arms with forw. charge. Arm flinging sidew. with forw. charge. Hip grasp toe-support charge pos. Arm bending with oblique charge, then trunk twisting to same side. Bend st. arm stretching sidew. with forw. charge. Bend toe-support charge pos. Bend st. oblique charge with arm stretching upw. on the same side (as charge) downw. on opposite side. Return in the usual way, or by afterstep (rear foot to the advanced foot). Cross (a) toe-support charge pos. Forw. bending of arms with forw. charge, then arm flinging sidew. Reverse (backw.) charge with hands on hips. Oblique charge with hands on neck, then trunk twisting to same side. Cross (c) toe-support charge pos. Reverse oblique charge with hands on hips. Arm flinging forw.-upw. with forw. charge. Arm bending with oblique charge, then trunk twisting to opposite side. Reverse (backw.) charge with hands on neck. Bend st. arm stretching upw. with forw. charge. Return in the usual way, or by afterstep. Reverse oblique charge with hands on neck. Neck grasp toe-support charge. Oblique charge with hands on neck, then trunk twisting to opposite side. Arm flinging sidew. with reverse (backw.) charge. Arm bending with forw. charge, then arm stretching sidew. Arm bending with reverse oblique charge, then trunk twisting to side of advanced foot. 222 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Stretch toe-support charge pos. Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side. Arm bending with forw. charge, then arm stretching upw. Reverse oblique charge with hands on neck, then trunk twisting to side of rear foot. Cross (e) toe-support charge pos. Arm bending with oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side. Arm bending with forw. charge, then arm stretching downw. on same side (as charge), upw. on opposite side. Afterstep. Arm bending with reverse oblique charge and simultaneous trunk twisting to side of advanced foot. Oblique charge with hands on neck and simultaneous trunk twisting to same side. Same with twisting to opposite. Bend st. oblique charge with arm stretching upw. on same side, downw. on opposite side and with simultaneous trunk twisting to opposite side, head twisting to same side. Return in the usual way, or with afterstep. Same with reverse oblique charge. Note. In all oblique charges in which the return is made by replacing the advanced foot, the change may be accompanied by a 90 facing, so that each foot strikes the floor in the same place. Free-Standing Jumps, Toe Jumps, etc. Hip grasp st. jump on toes. Jump in place with side-flinging of arms. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing sidew. (stride jump). St. jump forw. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with alt. foot placing forw.-backw. (weight equally on both feet. Feet pass each other at each step). Hip grasp st. jump on toes in quick and slow rhythm. Jump forw., with one or two start steps. Hip grasp st. hop on one foot 8-10 times. Stop at the change. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing forw.-backw. and together (passing through toe st. pos. each time). Jump in place with side flinging of arms and 90 turn. Jump on toes with arm flinging sidew. Hip grasp st. jump on toes alternatingly forw. and backw. (feet together). Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing sidew. and crossing of feet. St. jump sidew. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with both feet moving together from one side to the other. Jump on toes with foot placing sidew. and arm flinging sidew.-upw. Jump in place with side flinging of arms and 180 turn. Hip grasp l /t st. (leg sidew.) jump on toes with alt. leg flinging sidew. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with foot placing sidew., alternating with foot placing forw.-backw. Hip grasp l /2 st. (one foot raised behind) hop on one foot and swing other foot forw. and backw. (by stretching and bending knee). Hip grasp l /2 st. (leg forw. Crocking (cut) step forw. Stop at change. Jump on toes with foot placing forw.-backw. and alt. arm flinging forw. Hip grasp l /2 st. (one foot raised backw.) rocking (cut) step backw. Jump on toes with arm flinging sidew. (-upw.) and foot placing sidew., and with crossing of hands and feet on return. Hip grasp st. jump on toes with alt. knee upw. bending. APPENDIX 223 Hip grasp l /t st. rocking (cut) step forw., change at seventh count by foot placing sidew. Hip grasp y* st. (leg sidew.) change feet and hop once on each foot. Jump on toes with L. and R. leg flinging sidew. and arm flinging sidew., and with crossing of hands and feet on the return. Hip. grasp l /2 st. (one foot raised backw.) hop on one foot and swing other forw., change and swing other foot backw. Hip grasp l /2 st. (leg sidew.) change feet and hop once on each foot with bending and stretching of other knee ("kick"), turning toward side of swinging leg. Hip grasp st. hop twice on each foot with toe-and-heel touch and turns. (1) Hop twice on R. foot with arm flinging and L. leg flinging sidew.; (2) landing with hands and feet crossed and knees slightly bent; (3) jump with arm flinging and foot placing sidew. (landing in cross (c) stride toe st. pos.) ; (4) jump to fund. pos. Repeat with R. leg flinging sidew. on first count. (1) Leap obliquely forw. on L. foot with L. arm diagonally overhead and R. arm and R. leg behind ; (2) hop once on L. foot, while retaining pos. of L. arm and R. leg. Repeat on other side and continue with zigzag advance. (1) Leap and (2) hop on L. foot (as in preceding) ; (3) jump to the pos. with knees slightly bent and hands and feet crossed; (4) jump to the cross stride toe st. pos.; (5) jump to fund, pos.; (6) hold fund. pos. (this is the Hungarian break, modified). Repeat on other side. (1) Leap and (2) hop on L. foot; (3) jump to R. foot with arm flinging sidew. and raising of L. knee *forw. ; (4) hop once on R. foot, arms and L. leg retaining previous pos.; (5), (6), (.7) and (8), modified Hungarian break, as above. 2. APPARATUS EXERCISES. TERMINOLOGY.* Positions: Standing pos. On one foot or both feet. Sitting pos. Body vertical, hip flexed 90 (one or both) ; knee straight or flexed 90 (one or both). Hanging pos. Hands at least shoulder distance apart. Upper arm hanging pos. Body supported on (forearms and) upper arms. Inverted hanging pos. Head down; body approximately straight. Fall hanging pos. Body straight, partly supported on heels; face up; hands at least shoulder distance apart ; grasp usually at shoulder height, but may be lower. Prone hanging pos. Body as straight as possible (though inevitably more or less arched), partly supported on toes; face down; hands and grasp as for fall hanging pos. Knee hanging pos. (inverted). Riding pos. Support on thighs only. *In the main, the terminology adopted by the Y. M. C. A. has been followed. 224 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Rests (body partly supported on arms, partly on legs) : Front rest. On hands and thighs, facing at right angles to the sup- port; body straight or slightly arched, inclined about 45. Free front rest (momentary). No support on thighs; body straight, approaching horizontal. Oblique front rest (occurs on parallel bars only). Body straight, supported on hands (one on each bar) and on one thigh, facing downw., 30-40 to the support; inclined about 30 to the horizontal. Back rest. Support on hands and buttocks. Body straight, facing up, and at right angles to the support. Inclinations about 45. Oblique back rest (on parallel bars and horse chiefly). On hands and one hip. Face up and turned about 45 away from support. Inclination 45-60 to horizontal. Cross rest (on parallel bars). Body straight and vertical, supported entirely on hands. Riding rests, body erect, supported partly on hands, partly on thighs. (a) Cross riding rest : facing in the direction of the long axis of the apparatus (parallel bars, horse), support on inside of thighs. (b) Side riding rest; facing at right angles to long axis of apparatus, support on front of one thigh, back of the other. Grasps: Ordinary or overgrasp. Palms facing forw. Reverse grasp. Palms facing backw. Combined grasp. One hand each way. Wide and narrow grasp. More and less than shoulder distance between hands. Movements: Mounts. A spring from both feet (usually), preceded or not by a short run, to stated position on apparatus. When mounting to middle of parallel bars from ends, swing arms straight, inside bars. Principal mounts : squat, straddle, */> squat */2 straddle mounts ; face vault and side vault mounts. Like corresponding vaults. Jump mount (usually from one foot) to standing pos. on one foot or both feet. Dismounts. From position on apparatus to floor. Forward : In the direction faced when in the last pos. on apparatus. Backward : In the opposite direction. Sideways : In a direction at right angles to last pos. Face (vault) dismount L. and R. : Front of the body toward apparatus at moment of leaving it. Back (vault) dismount L. and R. : Back of the body toward apparatus when leaving it. Side (vault) dismount : Side of the body toward apparatus when leaving it. Jumps. From one foot or both feet without help of hands to or over apparatus. Hop : Spring from one foot, land on same foot. Step : Spring from one foot, land on the other. Jump : Spring from one foot or both feet, land on both feet, or in any given pos. on apparatus. APPENDIX 225 Vaults. From one foot or both feet, over an apparatus with support on one or both hands. I. Vertical vaults: Body erect when passing apparatus, only momentary support on hands. Squat vault : Feet pass between hands. Straddle vault: Feet pass outside of hands. J4 squat Yz straddle vault: One foot between, other foot outside hands. L. and R. refer to outside foot. Knee vault : Between hands, witR momentary support on and quick spring from lower leg. Yz knee Y* straddle vault : As preceding with one knee, other leg straight, outside hand. Front vault: Between hands; body approximately in fund, pos., somewhat arched. Chest leading, feet last. Rear (or backw.) squat vault: As squat vault, but body turned 180 before passing apparatus. Rear (or backw.) straddle vault: As straddle vault, but body turned 180 before passing apparatus. Cross-legged straddle vault : Feet outside hands, legs crossed, hips turned, shoulders square to the front. II. Horizontal vaults: Body approximately in horizontal pos. when passing apparatus; support on hands somewhat longer than in vertical vaults. Face vault : Front of body toward apparatus at the moment of passing it. Side vault: Side of the body toward apparatus. Back vault: Back of the body toward apparatus. (There is more or less of a bend at the hips.) Oblique (back) vault : From one foot with support of opposite hand. Back of body toward apparatus. Direction of approach and passing apparatus about 45. Turns. On apparatus or on landing in vaults and dismounts: y 4 90, Y 2 = ISO , 3/ 4 = 270, full turn = 360. Circles. 1. Body. Forward: head moves in the direction faced. Backw. : in opposite direction. 2. Leg. y 2 circle = 180 ; full circle = 360. Left : in direction opposite hands of clock. Right : with hands of clock. (1) APPARATUS EXERCISES FOR WOMEN. Horizontal Ladder. Hanging pos. (one hand on each side, several pupils at once). Dismount. Hanging pos.: alt. knee upw. bending (2 counts each side). Hanging pos. : alt. side swing from waist. Travel forw., hands outside, with side swing from waist. Travel backw., hands outside, with side swing from waist. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending (both move simultaneously, ins opposite directions). Travel forw., hands outside, without swing. Travel backw., hands outside, without swing. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending and stretching forw. 226 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Travel sidew., hands on outside, with swing from waist, L. hand leading, then R. hand leading. Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending (both). Hanging pos. : side swing from waist and shoulders, with alt. arm bending. Travel sidew. without swing. L. and R. hand leading. Hanging pos.: knee upw. bending (both) with simultaneous alt. trunk twisting and slight swinging to same side. Rotary traveling forw. on rungs, skipping one, turning forw. 180 alternately L. and R. with swing. Grasp each time with palm facing forw. Swing jump (start from bench placed close to wall). Travel forw. on rungs, one at a time, first L. hand leading, then R. hand. Start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Rotary traveling backw. on jungs, skipping one, turning (backw.) 180 L. and R. Grasp with back of hand facing in the direction of the movement. Travel backw. on rungs, one at a time, first L. hand leading, then R. hand. Short jumps forw., hands on sides of ladder. Start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Travel forw. and backw. on rungs, skipping one at each step, without swing. Travel sidew. on rungs. High Boom. Hanging pos. Dismount. Hanging pos.: alt. knee upw. bending (2 counts each side). Hanging pos. : alt. side swing from waist. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending (both move simultaneously, in opposite directions. Hand traveling sidew., L. and R. leading, with side swing from waist. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending and stretching forw. Hand traveling sidew., L. and R. leading, without swing. Hanging pos.: knee upw. bending (both). Hanging pos. : side swing from waist and shoulders, with alt. arm bending. Rotary hand traveling forw. (combined grasp), turning (forw.) 180 L. and R. alternately. Jump to bent arm hanging pos. with combined grasp, slow arm stretching. (Use assistance, if necessary, on the mount.) Hanging pos.: knee upw. bending (both) with alt. trunk twisting and swing to same side. Jump from behind boom, swing forw. and dismount (= swing jump, standing start, from both feet). Rotary hand traveling backw. (combined grasp), turning (backw.) 180 L. and R. alternately. Jump from behind boom, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Jump from behind boom, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Rotary hand traveling, starting with reverse grasp, turning 180 L. to ordinary grasp, etc. Repeat turning to R. each time. Jump, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing with 90 turn L. and R. Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing with 90 turn L. and R. Swing jump, running start from both feet, without and with turns on landing. APPENDIX 227 Low Boom. 1. Suspension exercises. Grasp bend toe st. arm stretching with knee bending (boom at height of chin). Fall hanging pos. (boom at height of shoulders or lower) and return by moving one foot at a time. Fall hanging pos. : arm bending and return through deep knee-bend st. pos. Fall hanging pos. : hand traveling sidew. Fall hanging pos. : touch floor with L. hand, then R. hand. Fall hanging pos. : arm bending 4-6 times ; swing up to standing pos. Fall hanging pos. : hand traveling sidew. with bent arms. 2. Arm support exercises and vaults. (All exercises to be done from standing start. Boom height of hips or waist.) Free front rest. Front rest, dismount straight backw. Preparation for side vault : swing legs L. and R. Front rest, dismount backw. with 90 turn L. and R. Low side vault L. and R. Free front rest with 90 turn on landing. Front rest: reverse grasp, forw. circle to fall hanging pos., swing up to standing pos. Low face vault L. and R. (combined grasp). Reverse grasp: backw. circle to front rest; dismount backw.; or return by forw. circle to fall hang. pos. (boom at height of shoulders). Back vault L. and R. Double Boom. Serpentine traveling (from grasp sitting pos. Pupils move around each other). Standing oblique vault from outside foot, outside hand on upper boom, inside hand on lower boom. Running oblique vault from one foot, one hand on each boom. Running oblique swing jump from one foot, both hands on upper boom. Running side vault L. (from both feet, L. hand on upper, R. hand on lower boom). Running side vault R. (from both feet, R. hand on upper, L. hand on lower boom). Running oblique swing jump from both feet, both hands on upper boom. Running back vault L., L. hand on upper, R. hand on lower boom. Running back vault R., R. hand on upper, L. hand on lower boom. Running side vault L. with 90 R. turn. Running side vault R. with 90 L. turn. Running back vault L. with 90 L. turn. Running back vault R. with 90 R. turn. Running swing jump (perpendicular approach) from both feet. With upper boom at height of shoulders or head : mount to momentary front rest, then high face vault L., L. hand on lower, R. hand on upper boom. High face vault R., R. hand on lower, L. hand on upper boom. 228 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Saddle Boom. (All exercises to be done with running start.) Free front rest. Preparation for side vault : swing legs to L: and R. Squat mount, dismount forw. (ordinary or rising dismount). J4 squat mount (other leg behind) ; rising dismount forw. Squat vault. M squat J4 straddle mount; rising dismount. Side vault L. and R. V* squat l /2 straddle vault L. and R. Side vault L. and R. with 90 turn R. and L., respectively. Straddle vault. Vertical Ropes. Grasp bend toe st. arm stretching with knee bending. Fall hanging pos.: arm bending; return through knee bend st. pos. Jump to hanging pos.; dismount. Fall hanging alt. leg raising. Jump to bent arm hanging pos.: slow arm stretching. Fall hanging pos. : touch floor with L. and R. hand. Climbing pos. (arms straight, hips and knees flexed, feet well forw.). Run, swing forw., then backw. and dismount. Climbing pos. : arm bending and stretching. Prone hanging pos. by placing one foot at a time backw. Run, start swing, dismount on forw. swing. Climbing, using arms and legs, in three distinct movements: (1) Jump to climbing pos. with straight arms, etc.; (2) bend arms with straightening of legs; (3) shift hands as high as possible (straight arms). Then (1) draw knees up with feet well forw., keeping arms straight; (2) bend arms, etc. (as before). Prone hanging pos. : change to fall hanging pos. Run, jump (before ropes pass the vertical) to bent arm hanging pos. Dismount on next backw. or forw. swing. Run, jump, grasp as high as possible and at the same time raise legs; dismount immediately. Run, jump, take high grasp, bend arms and raise legs, then dismount (= swing jump). Climbing on two ropes. Movements the same as when climbing on one rope, but the hands should be shifted simultaneously, and very quickly, as soon as arms are bent and legs straight. Inverted hanging pos. on 2 ropes. Return forw. by bending at hips, and with arm bending. , Horizontal or oblique climbing from rope to rope. Climb up a little on one rope, grasp the next rope with one hand, then with the legs, then release grasp of other hand and repeat immediately. Quick backw. circle between two ropes. Inverted hanging pos. on one rope. Window Ladder. Climb up one or two spaces and return (opposite hand and foot moving together) . Climb to second rung: high st. arm stretching with knee bending. Jump to sitting pos. in lowest space : pass through. APPENDIX 229 High Yz st. (on one foot) arm stretching with knee bending. Oblique zigzag climbing, turning L. and R. alternately. Return in similar manner, feet first. . (On the tall and narrow ladder two pupils, on the low and wide ladder 4 or 5 pupils may do the exercise at the same time, sitting in con- tiguous spaces.) Vertical climbing, turning L. and R. (on tall ladder). Horizontal climbing, turning L. and R. (on wide ladder). Oblique zigzag climbing, turning L. and R. Return head first. Rope Ladders. (At first, ladders are fastened to the floor, or held by two pupils, later they should swing free while pupils are climbing.) Climbing with hands and feet, one rung at a time, first L. hand and R. foot leading, then R. hand and L. foot. Climbing with hands and feet, each hand and foot skipping one rung. (Opposite hand and foot move together. Body close to ladders, knees and elbows well sideways.) Grasping one ladder with each hand as high as possible, start swing, dismount on backw., then on forw. swing. Start swing, spring to bent arm hanging pos., dismount on backw. and forw. swing. Climbing : 2 pupils on each ladder, turning toes in.. Start swing, spring to bent arm hanging pos., raise legs and dismount immediately (swing jump). Inverted hanging pos. without and with swing, using 2 ladders. Backw. circle between 2 ladders. Vaulting Box. Free front rest. Mount to kneeling pos., step up to standing pos., dismount forw. Mount to prone falling pos., face dismount L. and R. Mount to kneeling pos., step on box with L. foot and vault L. with 90 R. turn. Same on otfrer side. Mount to side falling pos., dismount forw. Low face vault L. and R., touching with one foot. Low side vault L. and R., stepping on box with R. and L. foot respectively. Vault to kneeling pos., dismount forw. Squat mount to standing pos., dismount forw. Yz squat l /2 straddle mount L. and R. (over ends of box), rising dismount. Face vault L. and R. (clear). Knee vault. Side vault L. and R. (clear). Squat mount (to momentary pos. with bent knees), rising dismount. Yi. squat Yi straddle vault L. and R. (over ends of box). Back vault L. and R. Squat vault. Oblique vault from L. and R. foot. Side vault L. and R. with 90 turn R. and L. respectively. Vault to kneeling pos., spring up to standing pos., ordinary or rising dismount. Face vault L. and R. with 90-180 R. and L. turn respectively. Back vault L. and R. with 90 -180 L. and R. turn respectively. 230 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Side Horse (with Pommels). Front rest, dismount backw. Free front rest. Mount to kneeling pos., step with L. foot and vault L. with 90 turn to R. Same on other side. Preparation for side vault: spring (from both feet) and swing legs to L. and R. Mount to kneeling pos., step up to standing pos., dismount forw. Side vault L., stepping with L. foot on end of horse. Same on other side. Vault to kneeling pos., dismount forw. l /2 squat l /2 straddle mount, rising dismount (over ends of horse). Low side vault L. and R. over ends. l /2 knee l /t straddle vault L. and R. over ends. Squat mount, dismount forw. l /t squat Y* straddle vault L. and R. over ends. Knee vault. Side vault L. and R. Low face vault L. and R. over ends. Squat vault. Face vault L. and R. (hands either on pommels or preferably on ends of horse, body clearing the pommels in the vault). Back vault L. and R. Side vault L. and R. with 90-180 turn R. and L. respectively. Face vault L. and R. with 90 -180" turn R. and L. respectively. Back vault L. and R. with 90 -180 turn L. and R. respectively. Squat vault with 90 turn L. and R. Long Horse. Mount to riding pos., face (vault) dismount L. and R. Mount to riding pos., back (vault) dismount L. and R. Mount to oblique back rest, dismount sidew. Oblique vault from L. and R. foot. Back vault mount L. and R. to riding pos., back (vault) dismount. Oblique vault from L. and R. foot, with 90 inside turn( facing horse, with both hands on it, in the landing). Back vault L. and R. Oblique vault from L. and R. foot with 180 inside turn (facing near end of horse and keeping one hand on horse in the landing). Back vault L. and R. with 90-180 inside turn. Buck. Free front rest. Same with leg flinging sidew. Preparation for side vault : spring, swing legs L. and R. l /2 knee l /2 straddle vault L. and R. (with assistance at first). Straddle vault. Mount to kneeling pos., step up to standing pos.', dismount forw. Low side vault L. and R. l /t squat l /2 straddle mount L. and R., dismount immediately with a moderate spring from supporting foot. Vault to kneeling pos., dismount forw. Low face vault L. and R. Straddle vault for distance on far side. APPENDIX' 231 Knee vault. l / 2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. and R. Back vault L. and R. Squat mount, dismount forw. (try rising dismount). Straddle vault with 90-180 turn L. and R. Squat vault. Side straddle vault L. and R. Rear straddle vault, turning L. and R. Parallel Bars. Suspension exercises, mounts, vaults, etc. Fall hanging pos. : arm bending. Fall hanging pos.: hand traveling backw. between bars (feet on floor). Fall hanging pos.: bent arm hand traveling forw. between bars (feet on floor). From side of bars : run, mount to side sitting pos. L. and R., side dismount. From end of bars : run, spring, grasping ends of bars, swing forw., then backw. and dismount. Run, mount to riding rest (hips and knees flexed at first, later extended), swing backw. between bars and dismount. Run, mount to riding rest, raise R. leg forw. and dismount over L. bar with 180 L. turn (keeping L. hand on bar). Same on other side. From side of bars : run, mount to L. side sitting pos., turn 90 R. to momentary back rest and dismount forw. Same on other side. Run, mount to L. side sitting pos., turn 90 L. to front rest, hands on other bar, dismount backw. Same on other side. Run, mount to L. side sitting pos., turn 90 L. to front rest, hands on other bar, swing R. leg between bars; on return swing dismount backw. with 90 R. turn. Same on other side. From en'd of bars: run, spring and swing (straight) arms inside ends of bars (grasping some distance in on bars) swing forw. to cross riding (rest) pos., swing one leg forw. with 90 turn to opposite side to momentary back rest on one bar (both hands on this bar) and dismount forw. Same on other side. Run, spring, etc., swing forw. and mount at once to back rest on one bar; dismount forw. Same on other side. Run, etc., back vault L. and R. Run, mount to oblique back rest on one bar (one hand on each bar) ; dismount sidew. Same on other side. Run, mount to oblique back rest on L. bar, 135 R. turn to front rest, dismount backw. Same on other side. Run, mount to riding pos., face (vault) dismount L. and R. Run, back vault L. and R. with 90-180 outside turn. Run, mount to riding pos., back (vault) dismount L. and R. Run, back vault L. and R. with 90-180 inside turn. Run, mount to back rest on one bar, drop back, raise legs and roll over backw. to standing pos. at side of bars (with assistance). High Jumps. Running jump from L. and R. foot, land facing forw. Running jump from both feet, land facing forw. Running jump from L. foot, land with 90 L. turn. 232 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Running jump from R. foot, land with 90 R. turn. Running jump from both feet, land with 90 L. and R. turn. Running jump from L. foot, land with 90 R. turn. Running jump from R. foot, land with 90 L. turn. Running jump from both feet with side-flinging of arms. Running jump from L. foot, land with 180 L. turn. Running jump from R. foot, land with 180 R. turn. Running jump from both feet, land with 180 L. and R. turn. Running jump from L. foot, land on R. foot and keep on running (hurdle). Same on other side. Similar jumps using springboard or inclined plane placed on low boom. Standing high jump forw. Standing high jump L. and R. (side to the bar or rope). Broad Jumps. Standing hop from L. and R. foot. Standing step from L. and R. foot. Standing jump from L. and R. foot. Standing broad jump. Standing 2 hops from L. and R. foot. Standing 2 steps from L. and R. foot. Standing hop, step from L. and R. foot. Standing step, hop from L. and R. foot. Standing hop, jump from L. and R. foot. Standing step, jump from L. and R. foot. 2 standing broad jumps. Standing hop, step and jump. 3 standing broad jumps. (2) APPARATUS WORK FOR MEN. Horizontal Ladder. (All exercises on this apparatus are done with straight arms when not otherwise specified.) Travel forw., hands on outside of ladder. Travel backw., hands on outside of ladder. Travel forw., on rungs, one at a time, first L. hand leading, then R. hand. Travel backw., on rungs, one at a time, first L. hand leading, then R. hand. Travel sidew. on outside, L. hand leading, then R. hand. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending. Hanging pos. : arm bending 2-3 times. Short jumps forw., hands on outside. Short jumps backw., hands on outside. Rotary traveling forw., on rungs, skipping one (swing and V? turn each step). Travel forw., on rungs, skipping one (without swing or turn). Travel sidew., on outside, with swing and alt. arm bending, L. leading, then R. Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending. Hanging pos. : arm bending 3-4 times. Travel forw., with bent arms, hands on outside. Travel backw., with bent arms, hands on outside. APPENDIX 233 Rotary traveling backw. on rungs, skipping one (with swing and l /2 turn each step). Travel backw. on rungs, skipping one (without swing or turn). Travel sidew. on rungs, L. leading (without swing or turn). Travel sidew. on rungs, R. leading (without swing or turn). Travel forw. on rungs, one at a time, bent arms. Jump forw. from end of ladder, shoot forw. and dismount (swing jump). Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending and stretching forw. Short jumps forw., bent arms, hands on outside. Short jumps backw., bent arms, hands on outside. Travel forw., L. knee up, hands on outside. Travel backw., R. knee up, hands on outside. Travel backw. on rungs, one at a time, bent arms. Rotary traveling forw. on rungs, skipping two (with swing and l /2 turn each step). Travel sidew., on outside, bent arms, L. leading, then R. Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending with alt. twisting. Jump forw. from end of ladder, shoot forw., catch and dismount. Jump forw. on rungs, one at a time. Jump backw. on rungs, one at a time. Travel forw., hands on outside, arms bent, R. leg raised. Travel backw., hands on outside, arms bent, L. leg raised. Short jumps sidew., hands on outside, L. leading, then R. Travel sidew. on rungs, bent arms, L. leading, then R. Jump forw., shoot forw., catch and dismount with J4 L- and R. turn. Jump forw., hands alternatingly on rungs and on outside. Jump backw., hands alternatingly on rungs and on outside. Travel forw., bent arms, hands on outside, with alt. knee upw. bending. Travel backw., bent arms, hands on outside, with knees drawn up. Short jumps sidew., bent arms, hands on outside, L. leading, then R. Travel sidew. on rungs, hands double distance apart, L. leading, then R. Start swing, jump backw., catch and dismount. Suspended Parallels. (All exercises on this apparatus are done with straight arms when not otherwise specified.) Travel forw., one hand on each bar. Travel backw., one hand on each bar. Travel sidew., on one bar, with swing from waist, L. leading, then R. Hanging pos :. alt. knee upw. bending. Hanging pos. : arm bending 2-3 times. Travel sidew., on one bar, without swing, L. leading, then R. Short jumps forw., one hand on each bar. Short jumps backw., one hand on each bar. Travel sidew., on one bar, with alt. arm bending, L. leading, then R. Jump forw., between bars, hands outside, pull up, shoot forw. and dismount (swing jump). Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending. Hanging pos. : arm bending 3-4 times. Travel forw., bent arms, one hand on each bar. Travel backw., bent arms, one hand on each bar. Rotary traveling forw., on one bar (one hand inside, the other outside, with swing and K turn each step). 234 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Rotary traveling backw., on one bar (one hand inside, the other outside, with swing and l /2 turn each step). Travel sidew., on one bar bent arms, L. leading, then R. Jump forw., between bars, shoot forw., catch and dismount. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending and stretching. Hanging pos. : arm bending 4-5 times. Short jumps forw., bent arms, one hand on each bar. Short jumps backw., bent arms, one hand on each bar. Travel forw., L. knee up, one hand on each bar. Travel backw., R. knee up, one hand on each bar. Rotary traveling on one bar, turning L. 180 (both hands same grasp). Rotary traveling on one bar, turning R. 180 (both hands same grasp). Jump, start swing, dismount on next backw. swing, hands outside or inside. Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending with alt. twisting. At ends of bars : pull up, with knees bent, to inverted hanging pos. Travel forw. on one bar, bent arms, head on L. side, then on R. side. Short jumps sidew. on one bar (straight arms), L. leading, then R. Travel forw., one hand on each bar, bent arms, R. leg raised. Travel backw., one hand on each bar, bent arms, L. leg raised. Rotary traveling forw. on L. and R. bars alternatingly, combined grasp. Jump forw. between bars, shoot forw., catch and dismount with % L. and R. turn. At ends of bars: pull up, with straight knees, to inverted hanging pos. Travel backw. on one bar, bent arms, head on L. side, then on R. side. Travel forw. on both bars, bent arms with alt. knee upw. bending. Travel backw. on both bars, bent arms, with knees drawn up. Short jumps sidew., on one bar, bent arms, L. leading, then R. Rotary traveling backw. on L. and R. bars alternatingly, combined grasp. Jump, start swing, jump backw., catch and dismount with Y* L- and R. turn. At ends of bars: pull up to inverted hanging pos.; l / 2 circle backw. to floor (body straight). Travel forw., bent arms, with alt. leg raising. Travel backw., bent arms, with legs raised. Long underswing, on return swing mount to upper arm hanging pos. (hands inside). Rotary traveling on one bar bent arms, turning L. 180 at each step. Rotary traveling on one bar bent arms, turning R. 180 at each step. Long swinging jumps forw. At ends of bars : pull up, raise legs, cut L. hand, then R. At ends of bars: pull up, raise legs, cut both hands (assistance). Reverse grasp on one bar, jump across forward to other bar, with over- grasp, Yz L. turn, reverse grasp. Repeat. As preceding, but starting with overgrasp and jumping backw. to reverse grasp on other bar. Vertical Ropes. Standing position between ropes, grasp at height of chin : arm stretching and bending with knee bending and stretching, 6-8 times. Repeat, leaving the floor each time (combined jump and pull-up). Jump, grasp rope with hands and feet, L. leg in front. Repeat with R. leg in front. (Climbing pos.: arms straight, hips and knees bent.) Fall hanging pos. : arm bending 6-8 times. 1/2 backw. circle of body between two ropes, to inverted hanging pos. Climbing pos. : arm bending and stretching. APPENDIX 235 Starting 6-8 feet behind the vertical: run, spring from one foot (just before ropes pass the vertical), grasp as high as possible with bent arms. Dismount immediately, or on next backw. or forw. swing. Climbing on one rope, with hands and feet. Hanging pos. on two ropes : arm bending 3 times. Hanging pos. on two ropes, arms bent : alt. knee upw. bending. Backw. circle of body between two ropes, to floor (quick movement, body straight). Start 5-8 feet behind the vertical : swing jump. Climbing on two ropes, with hands and feet. Hanging pos. on two ropes, arms straight : alt. knee upw. bending and stretching forw. Prone hanging pos., arm bending. Horizontal (or oblique) climbing from rope to rope, with hands and feet. Hanging pos. on two ropes, bent arms : alt. arm stretching sidew. Hanging pos. on. two ropes, straight arms : knee upw. bending and stretching forward. Vertical climbing on one rope, with hands only. Inverted hanging pos. on one rope (grasps with hands and legs as in climbing position). Climb up, retain position on rope without use of hands. Vertical climbing on two ropes with hands only. Swing backw., then forw., with backw. circle to floor. High Horizontal Bar. Jump from behind bar: short underswing (swing jump). Jump, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Hanging pos. : arm bending 2-3 times. Hanging pos. : alt. knee upw. bending 10-12 times. Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Hanging pos., pull up, throw head back, raise insteps to bar between hands, knees bent. Hanging pos. : change from wide to narrow grasp 3 times. Jump, short underswing for distance. Jump, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing with J4 L. and R. turn. Hanging pos. : knee upw. bending, stretching and slow sinking. Hanging pos. : pull up, raise insteps to bar outside hands ; knees straight. Jump, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing with l /4 L. and R. turn. Hanging pos. : pass feet between hands to inverted hanging pos. Hang with reverse grasp, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Short underswing with J4 L. and R. turn. Hang, start swing, dismount on first backw. swing with Yz L. and R. turn. Hang with reverse grasp ; change to overgrasp. Repeat twice. Hang hook L. knee over bar, then R. knee. Hang start swing, dismount on next forw. swing with J4 L. and R. turn. Jump from behind or directly under bar, backw. circle to front rest. Return by forw. circle. Hang with reverse grasp, start swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Running start: short underswing for height and distance. Hang, pull up, shoot forw. and dismount. Hanging pos. : leg raising and parting. Hang with L. overgrasp, R. reverse grasp; start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. 236 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Hang with R. overgrasp, L. reverse grasp; start swing, dismount on first backw. swing. Hang, hook L. knee over bar, swing R. leg backw., dismount forw. on return swing. Same on other side. Hang, backw. circle to front rest, straight knees. Dismount backw. Running start: short underswing with % L. and R. turn. Hang, start swing; on first backw. swing reverse grasp with L. hand, dismount on next forw. swing. Repeat, reversing grasp with R. hand. Hang, pull up, pass feet between hands to inverted hanging pos. ; Ya backw. circle to floor (keeping body straight). Hang, start swing, clap hands on first backw. swing, dismount on next forw. swing. Hang, hook L. knee over bar outside hand, swing up to riding rest, l /z L. circle L. leg to front rest; forw. circle to floor. Same on other side. Hang with combined grasp ; change grasp 3 times. Hang, pass feet outside hands to knee hanging pos., swing and dismount by J4 backw. circle to floor (with assistance). Running start : short underswing with l /2 L. and R. turn. Hang with reverse grasp, start swing; on first backw. swing change to overgrasp, dismount on next forw. swing. Hang, hook L. knee over bar outside hand, swing up to riding rest, drop back, on next backw. swing hook R. knee and dismount by l /t backw. circle to floor. Same on other side. Hang, pass feet between hands to inverted hanging pos., pull up to back rest, dismount forw. Hang, hook L. knee between hands, swing up to riding rest. Drop back and dismount with short underswing. Same on other side. Hang, circle bar to front rest; dismount by short underswing. Hang, start swing, on next forw. swing arch back, dismount on next backw. swing. Hang, pass feet between hands, quick backw. l /2 circle to floor (shoot for distance). Hang, raise toes to bar; then quickly straighten out and press down with (straight) arms. Repeat with swing (the "kip"). Start swing; on next forw. swing reverse grasp of L. hand; dismount on next backward swing with l / 2 R. turn. Same on other side. Start swing; L. knee upstart (outside hand) to riding rest: Yz L. circle R. leg to back rest; backw. circle to floor. Same on other side. Hang, hook L. knee between hands, swing up to riding rest ; drop back with L. heel to bar, knee straight; pass R. foot between hands, on return swing shoot over bar to floor. Same on other side. Backw. circle to front rest; long underswing with back arched, raise legs and "kip" to front rest; forw. circle to floor. Easy swing, pass feet between hands to momentary inverted pos., quick pull-up to back rest; ^2 L. turn and dismount with short underswing. Repeat, turning R. from back rest. With L. overgrasp, R. reverse grasp start swing, on next forw. swing ^2 L. turn, dismount on next forw. swing. Same on other side. Swing, L. knee upstart (between hands) to riding rest; backw. L. knee circle; drop back and dismount with short underswing. Same on other side. Backw. circle to front rest; side vault L. and R. to floor. Start swing; on next forw. swing hook both knees outside hands, on return swing straighten body with arms overhead and Vz backward circle to floor. Jump from behind bar, backw. circle over bar to floor. APPENDIX 237 Start swing; on next forw. swing l /2 L. turn; dismount on next forw. swing. Same with ^-2 R. turn at end of forw. swing. Swing, L. knee upstart (between hands) to riding rest; reverse grasp, forw. knee circle; H L- circle of R. leg to back rest; dismount forw. Same on other side. Backw. circle to front rest; l /2 R. circle of L. leg, l /2 L. circle of R. leg to back rest; l / 2 L. turn and dismount with short underswing. Same on other side. L. knee upstart (outside hand) to front rest; backw. circle to front rest; dismount backw. Same on other side. With L. reverse grasp, R. overgrasp, start swing, on next backw. swing l /2 R. turn, dismount on next backw. swing. Same with L. and R. reversed. Swing, L. knee upstart, between hands, l /t L. circle of R. leg with l /z L. turn and short underswing dismount. Same on other side. Start swing, on next swing hook both knees outside hands, upstart to back rest; backw. circle to floor. Backw. circle to front re^t; l /t L. or R. circle of both legs to back rest, drop back with heels to bar; on return swing shoot over bar to floor. Swing, pass feet between hands to back rest ; dismount forw. Backw. circle to front rest; free backw. circle to floor. Jump from behind bar, arch strongly, upstart to front rest, with bent arms ("breast up"). . Reverse grasp, start swing, on next backw. swing Y 2 L. turn, dismount on next backw. swing. Same with l /2 R. turn at end of backw. swing. L. knee upstart, outside hand, Y 2 L. circle of R. leg; backw. knee circle (hock swing) to floor. Same on other side. From behind bar, free backw. circle to floor. L. knee upstart, between hands, l /2 L. circle R. leg to back rest, reverse grasp, heels to bar, forward circle to sitting position, l /t L. turn, short underswing dismount. Same on other side. Backw. circle to front rest; drop back with toes to bar, "kip" to front rest, dismount backw. "Kip," and free backw. circle to floor. Start swing, on next forw. swing l / 2 L. turn; on next forw. swing ^ R. turn; dismount on next forw. swing. Reverse grasp, start swing, on next backw. swing ]/ 2 R. turn, on next backw. swing l /t L. turn ; dismount on next backw. swing. Start swing, hook both knees outside hands, swing up to sitting pos., hands between legs, reverse grasp and forw. circle to floor. Swing, uprise to free front rest, short underswing. L. overgrasp, R. reverse grasp, "kip" to front rest, L. face vault dismount. Same on other side. Swing, pass feet between hands, shoot over bar to back rest ; backw. knee circle to back rest, drop back, pass feet between hands and dismount with short underswing. "Kip" ; forward circle to front rest, side vault L. or R. to floor. Swing, L. knee upstart between hands ; reverse grasp of L. hand ; knee and instep circle ; dismount with short underswing. Same on other side. Swing, uprise to free front rest, free backw. circle, long underswing. pass feet between hands, hook knees, H backw. circle to floor. Swing, L. knee upstart between hands to momentary riding rest, quick Yz R. turn, backw. R. knee circle, drop back, pass R. foot between hands and dismount. Same on other side! Start swing, on next forw. swing pass feet between hands, l /2 backw. circle to back rest (back upstart). 238 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Low Horizontal Bar. Free front rest. Preparation for side (flank) vault: swing legs L. and R. twice. Preparation for squat vault and straddle vault (toes to bar inside and outside of hands). Reverse grasp: circle forw. to sitting pos. on floor; swing up to standing pos. on far side of bar. Short underswing, from L. and R. foot. Front rest; dismount backw. (with J4 L. and R. turn). Low side (flank) vault L., touching bar with left foot, and landing with J4 R. turn. Same on other side. Squat mount; dismount forw. Front rest; slow circle forw. to fall hanging pos.; swing up to standing pos. Short underswing (from both feet): Mount to back rest, turning L., then R. Dismount forw. without and with turns. Low side vault L. and R. With L. overgrasp, R. reverse grasp, (low) face vault L. With R. overgrasp, L. reverse grasp, (low) face vault R. From L. foot: backw. circle over bar to front rest; dismount backw. From R. foot : backw. circle over bar to front rest ; dismount backw. Back rest by L. and R. turn; roll over backw. to standing pos. on near side of bar. Short underswing from full reach behind bar. Side (flank) vault L. with YA, R. turn. Side (flank) vault R. with J4 L- turn. Back vault L. and R. Backw. circle to front rest ; return by forw. circle. Jump, catch bar, short underswing. Front rest : short underswing. With L. side to the bar : oblique vault from R. foot. With R. side to the bar : oblique vault from L. foot. Fence vault, L. or R. Squat vault. Yz squat YZ straddle mount L. and R. Yi L. and R. circle of both legs to back rest; dismount forw. Jump, hook L. knee outside hand, drop back, swing up, Y* L. circle L. leg to floor. Same on other side. Jump, catch bar, short underswing with Y* L. and R. turn. Side vault L. with J-4 L. turn. Side vault R. with YA R- turn. Straddle vault. Yt R. circle L. leg, Yz L. circle R. leg to back rest; (with hands on bar) backw. knee circle to floor. Front rest : backw. circle to front rest ; dismount with short underswing. Hang with heels on bar, between hands; swing and shoot up over bar to floor. Yi R- circle L. leg, Y* L. circle R. leg to back rest ; drop back with heels to bar, on return swing shoot up to back rest; dismount forw. Fence vault, L. or R., for height. Squat vault with Y* L. and R. turn. Combined grasp ; face vault L. with J4 R- turn. Combined grasp; face vault R. with Y* L. turn. APPENDIX 239 Jump, hook L. knee between hands, drop back, swing up, l /2 L. circle of R. leg with J4 L- turn of body to floor. Same on other side. Yz L. circle L. leg to riding rest; backw. L. knee circle; drop back, dis- mount with short underswing. Same on other side. Back vault L. with J4 L. turn. Back vault R. with J4 R- turn. Side vault L. with Y* R. turn. Side vault R. with ^ L. turn. Jump to back rest; backw. knee circle, drop back, on return swing shoot over bar to floor. Free backw. circle to floor (bar at height of chest). Squat vault with Y* L. and R. turn. Straddle vault with Y\, L- and R. turn. Standing pos. with one foot raised to bar (between hands) ; drop back, raise other leg, "kip" (or begin by swinging L. leg up, then R.). Back vault L. with Yz L. turn. Same R. with Yz R. turn. Straddle vault with Y* L. and R. turn. Jump with insteps to bar between hands, drop back, "kip." Backw. circle to front rest; Yz R. circle L. leg, reverse grasp, forw. L. knee circle. Same on other side. Combined grasp, side vault L. with Y* R- turn, quick change of grasp with L. hand and short underswing. Same on other side. Jump with feet to bar, outside hands, drop back, short underswing. Run under bar, "kip." Free backw. circle and short underswing. Jump, hook both knees outside L. hand; backw. knee circle; dismount forw. Same on other side. Jump to sitting pos., knees straight; reverse grasp, forw. knee circle to floor. Front rest : forw. circle to front rest ; dismount backw. Yz L. circle of both legs to sitting pos. with L. hand between legs ; backw. knee circle; L. hand outside, drop back, short underswing. Same on other side. Jump with feet to bar outside hands, short underswing with Y* L- and R. turn. Yi R. circle L. leg to riding rest, drop back, pass R. foot between hands and shoot up over bar to floor. Same on other side. From full reach : short underswing and "kip." Grasp bar, drop back, L. knee upstart between hands, reverse grasp with L. hand; knee-and-instep circle forward; dismount forw. with YA, L- turn. Same on other side. Front rest, drop back, "kip," side vault L. and R. Three double knee circles backw., with hands first outside L. leg, then outside R. leg, then legs between hands; drop back, shoot up (clearing bar) to floor. Combined grasp, L. circle R. leg with */2 L. turn of body to sitting pos., hands between legs ; backw. knee circle, then backw. body circle to floor. Same with R. circle of L. leg and Y*. R- turn. L. overgrasp R. reverse grasp, "kip," change grasp R. hand, short under- swing. Repeat with R. and L. reversed. Backw. circle to front rest, drop back, "kip," to front rest, YL turn to back rest, drop back, pass feet between hands and short underswing. With narrow grasp : short underswing, raise legs, pass feet outside hands and mount to sitting pos., hands between legs, drop back, pass feet in front of bar and "kip." 240 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Jump to riding rest, L. leg in front (and between hands) : L. backw. knee circle, drop back, pass R. foot between hands and mount to sitting pos., Yt L. turn to front rest, forw. circle to front rest; dismount backw. Repeat with R. and L. reversed, and finishing with free backw. circle and short underswing. Jump with feet to bar (wide apart), grasp and short underswing. Side Horse (with Pommels}. Squat mount; dismount forw. Straddle mount; dismount forw. Free front rest. l /2 squat l /2 straddle mount L. and R. Low side (flank) vault L. over L. end of horse (R. hand on pommel, L. hand on horse). Same on other side. Mount to kneeling pos., dismount forw. Knee vault. Squat vault. Straddle mount; dismount forw. with Yz L. and R. turn. Squat vault with J4 L. and R. turn. Yi squat Yz straddle vault L. and R. over ends. Low face vault L. and R. over ends (one hand on pommel, other on horse). Straddle vault. 1/2 squat Yt straddle vault L. and R. over saddle. Low side vault (flank) L. with % R. turn, over L. end. Repeat with R. and L. reversed. Back vault L. and R. Knee vault with % L. and R. turn. Face vault L. and R. over saddle (preferably with hands on horse). Jump vault from L. and R. foot. l /t squat Y* straddle vault L. with J4 R- turn, over saddle. Repeat with R. and L. reversed. Side (flank) vault L. and R. over saddle (hands on pommels). Face vault L. to riding pos. on L. end. Face (vault) dismount L. (hands on pommel). Face vault R. to riding position on R. end. Face (vault) dismount R. (hands on pommel). Oblique vault from L. foot (R. hand on R. end). Same on other side. Y* squat Yz straddle vault L. with Y* L. turn, over saddle. Same on other side. Jump vault from L. foot, with J4 R- (and L.) turn. Repeat with R. and L. reversed. Back vault L., with 54 L. (inside) turn. Same on other side. Side vault L. with 54 R- turn. Side vault R. with 54 L. turn. Face vault L. with 54 R- turn. Face vault R. with 54 L. turn. Yi squat J4 straddle vault L. with Y* R- turn, over neck. Yi squat Y* straddle vault R. with ^ L. turn, over croup. Oblique vault from L. foot (R. hand on horse) with % L. (inside) turn. Oblique vault from R. foot (L. hand on horse) with 54 R- (inside) turn. Back vault L. to riding pos. on L. end of horse. Back (vault) dismount R. Back vault R. to riding pos. on R. end of horse. Back (vault) dismount L. Face vault L. with Yt R. turn." APPENDIX 241 Face vault R. with l /t L. turn. l /2 squat l /2 straddle vault L. with l / 2 R. turn, over saddle. Yi squat l /2 straddle vault R. with l /2 L. turn, over saddle. Jump vault from L. foot, with l /2 R. (and Yt L.) turn. Jump vault from R. foot, with l / 2 L. (and l /2 R.) turn. Straddle vault with Yz L. and R. turn. Side vault L. with J4 L- turn. Same on other side. L. hand squat mount; dismount with 24 L- turn. Same on other side. Back vault L. with Yi L. (inside) turn. Same on other side. Front vault. ("Sheep vault". Chest leading, feet last over horse.) Pike dive. Oblique vault from L. foot with Yi L. (inside) turn. Same on other side. Y2 squat Yi straddle vault L. with Yt L. turn over end. Same on other side. Oblique vault from L. foot with ^> R. (outside) turn (support with R. hand only). Oblique vault from R. foot with l /2 L. (outside) turn (support with L. hand only). L. hand straddle mount; dismount with ^ L. turn. Same on other side. Front vault with Yi L- and R. turn. Yz squat YL straddle vault L. with Y* L. turn, over saddle. Same on other side. One hand side vault L. and R. Rear straddle mount, turning L. and R. L. and R. hand squat vault. High face vault L. and R. (through handstand). Rear straddle vault, turning L. and R. L. and R. hand straddle vault. High squat vault (through handstand). One hand side vault L. with J4 'R. turn. One hand side vault R. with Y$ L. turn. High straddle vault (through handstand). Hand spring, slow and quick. Buck. Free front rest. Straddle vault. Yi squat Yt, straddle mount L. and R. Knee vault. Low side (flank) vault L. and R. Squat mount, dismount forw. Repeat with rising dismount. Straddle vault for distance. Jump from L. foot to standing pos. on R. foot; dismount forw. Jump from R. foot to standing pos. on L. foot ; dismount forw. Yi knee Yi straddle vault L. and R. Straddle vault with Y* L. and R. turn. , Yz squat Yz straddle vault L. and R. Squat mount; rising dismount forw. with side-flinging of arms and legs. Low face vault L. and R. Jump from L. and R. foot to standing pos. (on both feet) ; dismount, touching toes in air. Back vault L. and R. Straddle vault with Yz L- and R. turn. Squat vault. Yi squat Yi straddle vault L., with J4 R- turn. Y2 squat J^ straddle vault R., with Y* L. turn. 242 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Side (flank) vault L. with J4 R- turn. Side (flank) vault R. with % L. turn. Jump (clear) over buck, from L. and R. foot. Straddle vault for height. Back vault L. with J4 L- turn. Back vault R. with % R. turn. Squat vault with J4 L. and R. turn. l /2 squat l /t straddle vault L. with J4 L- turn. l /2 squat ]/2 straddle vault R. with % R. turn. Oblique vault from L. and R. foot. Face vault L. with J4 R- turn. Face vault R. with J4 L. turn. L. hand straddle vault. R. hand straddle vault. l /2 squat l /t straddle vault L. with Yz R. turn. */2 squat l /2 straddle vault R. with y 3 L. turn. 9 Side vault L. with J4 L. turn. Side vault R. with J4 R. turn. Back vault L., with l /2 L. turn. Back vault R., with ^ R. turn. Oblique vault from L. foot with J4 L. turn. Oblique vault from R. foot with J4 R- turn. Vault to kneeling pos., spring to standing pos., dismount forward. Side straddle vault L. and R. (buck lengthwise). Squat vault with l /2 L. and R. turn. L. hand straddle vault with J4 L- turn. R. hand straddle vault with % R- turn. Jump vault from L. and R. foot. Face vault L. with H R- turn. Face vault R. with Y* L. turn. Oblique vault from L. foot with ^ R- turn (support on R. hand only). Oblique vault from R. foot with }4 L. turn (support on L. hand only). Rear straddle mount, L. or R. (buck lengthwise). Jump vault from L. foot with J4 L. turn. Jump vault from R. foot with % R. turn. Straddle vault with ^ L. and R. turn. Oblique vault from L. foot with l /2 L. turn. Oblique vault from R. foot with l /2 R. turn. L. hand straddle vault with Y* R. turn. R. hand straddle vault with J4 L- turn. l /2 squat l / 2 straddle vault L. with l /t L. turn. l / 2 squat l /2 straddle vault R. with Y 2 R. turn. Jump vault from L. foot with Ya, R. turn. Jump vault from R. foot with *A L. turn. Back vault L. with l / 2 L. turn. Back vault R. with l / 2 R. turn. Pike dive. Rear straddle vault, turning L. and R. Oblique vault from L. foot with l /2 R. turn (support on R. hand only). Oblique vault from R. foot with l / 2 L. turn (support on L. hand only). R. hand low side vault L. L. hand low side vault R. Jump vault from L. foot with l /t L. turn. Jump vault from R. foot with ^ R. turn. Front vault ("Sheep" vault. Body arched; chest leading, feet last over buck). APPENDIX 243 L. hand straddle vault with l /2 L. (and R.) turn. R. hand straddle vault with l / 2 R. (and L.) turn. Side vault L. with J4 L. turn. Side vault R. with J4 R- turn. Squat vault with 34 L. and R. turn. Rear straddle vault L. with J4 L- turn. Rear straddle vault R. with J4 R- turn. Front vault with J4 L- turn. Front vault with J4 R- turn. R. hand side vault L. with J4 R- turn. L. hand side vault R. with J4 L. turn. Rear squat vault, turning L. and R. Cross-legged straddle vault, L. leg in front (hips turned, but shoulders square to the front). Cross-legged straddle vault, R. leg in front (hips turned, but shoulders square to the front). Rear squat vault L. with ^ L- turn. Rear squat vault R. with % R- turn. Rear straddle vault L. with l /2 L. turn. Rear straddle vault R. with Yz R. turn. High face vault L. and R. (through handstand). Straddle vault with full L. and R. turn. High squat vault (through handstand). High straddle vault (through handstand). Hand spring, slow or quick. Parallel Bars. (Unless otherwise specified the exercises are done with a running start, from end of bars, mounting well in toward middle.) Back rest on L. bar; dismount forw. Same on R. bar. Riding pos. ; face (vault) dismount L. and R. Oblique back rest on L. bar; back (vault) dismount L. Same on R. bar. Riding pos.; swing forw. between bars to back (vault) dismount L. and R. Back vault L. and R. Back rest on L. bar; dismount forw. with l / 2 L. turn. Same on other side. Riding pos.; swing backw. between bars to face (vault) dismount L. and R. Oblique back rest on L. bar; back (vault) dismount L. with J4 R- turn. Oblique back rest on R. bar; back (vault) dismount R. with ]/$ L. turn. Oblique back rest on L. bar; turn R. to cross riding pos. Face (vault) dismount L. Oblique back rest on R. bar; turn L. to cross riding pos. Face (vault) dismount R. Travel forw. through riding pos. on both bars. At ends of bars : L. circle L. leg to floor, then R. circle R. leg to floor. Back vault L. with % R. turn. Back vault R. with 54 L. turn. Oblique back rest on L. bar; back (vault) dismount R. over both bars. Oblique back rest on R. bar; back (vault) dismount L. over both bars. Oblique back rest on L. bar; turn R. to front rest, hands on R. bar; dismount backw. Same on othep side. Swing forw., then backw., to face (vault) dismount L. and R. Travel backw. through riding pos. on both bars. At ends of bars : R. circle L. leg over L. bar to floor, then L. circle R. leg over R. bar to floor. 244 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Back vault L. with l / 3 R. turn. Back vault R. with l / 2 L. turn. Y* L. circle R. leg over L. bar, Y 3 R. circle L. leg over L. bar, with % R. turn of body to front rest. Dismount backw. Same on other side. H L. circle R. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand) with y* R. circle L. leg to oblique front rest on L. bar, face dismount L. Same on other side. Travel forw. through oblique back rest on L. and R. bars successively, swinging forw. between bars each time. At ends of bars : L. circle of both legs over L. bar to floor, then R. circle of both legs over R. bar to floor. Back vault L. with y^ L. turn (pivoting on L. hand). Back vault R. with J4 R. turn (pivoting on R. hand). Back rest on L. bar, roll over backw. to floor. Same on other bar. Travel forw. through cross-legged riding pos. on both bars ("grapevine"). At ends of bars : L. circle R. leg over L. bar to floor, then R. circle L. leg over R. bar to floor. Oblique front rest on L. bar; swing forw. between bars to back (vault) dismount R. Oblique front rest on R. bar; swing forw. between bars to back (vault) dismount L. Upper arm rest, raise legs, swing backw. and dismount between bars. Upper arm rest, raise legs and mount to oblique back rest on L. bar, back (vault) dismount L. with J4 R- turn. Same on other side. y 2 L. circle R. leg (with y* R. circle L. leg) over L. bar to face (vault) dismount L. (cut L. hand). y. R. circle L. leg (with }4 R. circle L. leg) over R. bar to face (vault) dismount R. (cut R. hand). Upper arm rest, raise legs, mount to riding pos. Face vault dismount R. and L. Face vault L. and R. (without preliminary forw. swing). Swing forw.; L. circle R. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand), swing forw. between bars to back (vault) dismount R. with y* L. turn. Same on other side. Riding pos., shoulder stand: roll over forw. to upper arm rest, swing backw. and dismount between bars. Upper arm rest, raise legs, upstart ("kip"), swing backw. and face (vault) dismount R. or L. At ends of bars : R. circle L. leg over both bars with simultaneous R. circle R. leg over R. bar to floor. Same on other side. Swing forw. and backw. (increasing momentum), on next forw. swing side vault L. over R. bar (body straight). Same on other side. Swing forw., L. circle R. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand) and face (vault) dismount R. over R. bar. Swing forw., R. circle L. leg over R. bar (cut L. hand) and face (vault) dismount L. over L. bar. Swing forw., then backw. to shoulder stand, l /2 circle straight sidew. to floor. Same on other side. l /2 L. circle R. leg over L. bar, R. circle L. leg over L. bar, with 54 R. turn to back rest. Roll over backw. to floor. Same on other side. Upper arm rest, raise legs, on backw. swing uprise to cross rest and immediate back (vault) dismount L. or R. At ends: R. circle R. leg over both bars .with simultaneous R. circle L. leg over L. bar to floor. Same on other side. Side vault L. and R. (on first forw. swing). APPENDIX 245 Swing forw., L. circle L. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand), swing forw., R. circle R. leg over R. bar (cut R. hand), swing forw., back vault dismount L. or R. Upper arm hang; start swing, on second forw. swing l /2 backw. circle to shoulder stand; l /2 backw. circle to back (vault) dismount R. or L. Swing forw., then backw., then drop to upper arm rest and "kip," immediate face (vault) dismount L. or R. At ends : L. circle L. leg over L. bar with simultaneous R. circle R. leg over R. bar to floor (cut both hands simultaneously). At ends : R. circle L. leg over L. bar with simultaneous L. circle R. leg over R. bar to floor (cut both hands simultaneously). From side of bars : side vault L. with Y$ R. turn and L. hand on other bar, swing forw. between bars and back vault dismount L. with Yt L. turn. Same on other side. From side of bars : combined grasp on near bar, drop back and shoot up between bars with Y* R. turn of body to cross riding rest, hands in front; swing forw. between bars and backw. shoulder roll. Dismount between bars. From side of bars : overgrasp on far bar with arms under near bar : backw. circle to front rest, hands on far bar; dismount backw. Swing forw., then backw., to handstand; swing forw. to back vault dismount R. or L. From far end of bars: upper arm rest (facing mid-bars); backw. shoulder roll to floor. From far end of bars : riding pos. facing ends : forw. shoulder spring to floor. From far end of bars: grasp ends, drop back with legs raised, "kip"; dis- mount backw. From near end of bars : back vault L. over both bars. From near end of bars : back vault R. over both bars. L. circle R. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand), L. circle R. leg over R. bar (cut R. hand) and back (vault) dismount L. over L. bar. Same on other side. Mount to riding rest, facing near end of bars : drop to upper arm rest with long underswing between bars, two backw. shoulder rolls to shoulder stand, "kip," face (vault) dismount with turn. Swing forw., then backw., to handstand ; drop to shoulder stand ; forw. roll to riding rest on one bar, back (vault) dismount over other bar. Upper arm rest, "kip," to oblique back rest on L. bar; J4 R- turn to front rest; side vault L. over both bars to floor. Same on other side. From far end of bars (facing in): underswing, "kip," shoulder stand; backw. shoulder roll to floor. Upper arm rest: start swing, on backw. swing ^2 (forw.) circle to shoulder stand, forw. roll, on backw. swing uprise and back (vault) dismount L. (or R.). Swing forw. and backw., on next forw. swing drop back with legs raised, "kip," on next forw. swing cut both hands and back vault dismount L. (or R.). At ends of bars: R. circle both legs over both bars to floor; L. circle both legs over both bars to floor. Swing forw., L. circle R. leg over L. bar (cut L. hand), followed imme- diately by R. circle L. leg over L. and R. bars (cut first L., then R. hand), then L. circle R. leg over R. bar to back (vault) dismount L. Repeat with R. and L. reversed. 246 GYMNASTIC TEACHING At near end: R. circle L. leg over L. bar with simultaneous L. circle R. leg over R. bar, swing backw. to shoulder stand and forw. shoulder roll to riding pos. ; forw. circle between bars (resting on thighs) back to riding pos.; forw. shoulder roll (arms straight sideways) over far end to floor. Handstand, walk forw., drop down to shoulder stand, forw. shoulder roll, on backw. swing uprise to riding pos. ; back vault dismount. Swing forw., then backw., R. circle both legs over both bars with l /+ R- turn to floor. Same on other side. Upper arm rest, start swing, on backw. swing uprise and shoulder stand, "kip" and shoulder stand, backw. shoulder roll, "kip" and face dis- mount R. or L. High Jumps. (Height of bar about 3 feet.) Run, jump from L. foot, land facing forw. Run, jump from R. foot, land facing forw. Run, jump from L. foot, land with ^4 L- turn. Run, jump from R. foot, land with J4 R- turn. Run, jump from L. foot, land with % R. turn. Run, jump from R. foot, land with J4 L. turn. Run, jump from both feet, land facing forw. Run, jump from both feet, land with % L. turn. Run, jump from both feet, land with J4 R- turn. Run, jump from both feet, with side-flinging of arms and legs. Run, jump from L. foot, land on R. foot. Run, jump from R. foot, land on L. foot. Run, jump from L. foot, land on L. foot. Run, jump from R. foot, land on R. foot. Run, jump from L. foot, land on both feet with y 2 L. turn. Run, jump from R. foot, land on both feet with y 2 R. turn. Run, jump from L. foot, land on both feet with y 2 R. turn. Run, jump from R. foot, land on both feet with y 2 L. turn. Run, jump from both feet, land on both feet with y 2 L. turn. Run, jump from both feet, land on both feet with y 2 R. turn. Standing high jump to L. (L. side to the bar). Standing high jump to R. (R. side to the bar). Oblique running high jump, from L. foot. Oblique running high jump, from R. foot. Run, jump from L. foot, land on L. foot with y 2 L. turn. Run, jump from R. foot, land on R. foot with y 2 R. turn. Run, jump from L. foot, land on both feet \vith y 2 L. turn and backw. roll. Run, jump from R. foot, land on both feet with y 2 R. turn and backw. roll. Run, jump from both feet with side-flinging of arms and legs and l / 2 L. turn. Run, jump from both feet with side-flinging of arms and legs and y 2 R. turn. Standing high jump forw. Standing high jump forw. with side-flinging of arms and legs. Run, hurdle from L. foot. Run, hurdle from R. foot. Pike dive. Competitive running high jump, any style. Most of the above jumps may also be done from a springboard. APPENDIX 247 Broad Jumps. One standing hop forw. from L. and R. foot. One standing step forw. from L. and R. foot. One standing jump forw. from L. and R. foot. One standing broad jump. One standing side jump, L. and R. One standing jump backw. Two standing hops forw. from L. and R. foot. Two standing steps forw. from L. and R. foot. One standing hop and step, starting from L. and R. foot. One standing step and hop, starting from L. and R. foot. One standing hop and jump, starting from L. and R. foot. One standing step and jump, starting from L. and R. foot. Two standing broad jumps. Two standing side jumps L. and R. Two standing hops backw., from L. and R. foot. Standing hop, step and jump, starting from L. and R. foot. Three standing hops forw., from L. and R. foot. Three standing broad jumps. Two standing jumps backward. One running hop, from L. and R. foot. One running step, from L. and R. foot. Three standing jumps to L. and R. Two running hops, from L. and R. foot. Two running steps, from L. and R. foot. Running broad jump from L. and R. foot. (Do not try for great distance, unless landing on spring mattress.) Running hop and step, from L. and R. foot. Running step and jump, from L. and R foot. Running hop, step and jump from L. and R. foot. Running broad jump with full L. turn, from L. foot. Running broad jump with full R. turn, from R. foot. Tumbling. Forw. roll, hands on mat. Forw, roll, hands on insteps. Forw. roll, forearms and elbows on mat. Backw. roll. Forw. roll with one hand on hip. Forw. roll with both hands on hips. Head stand, roll over forw. Forw. roll, followed by backw. roll. Handstand (with assistance at first). Cartwheel L. and R. Running dive from one foot. Backw. roll to head stand. Handstand, walk forw. Running dive from both feet. Two cartwheels L. and R. From lying position : raise legs and "snap" up to standing pos., using hands behind head. Same as preceding, with hands on knees. Handspring over rolled up mat. 248 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Hand-and-head spring from rolled up mat. Combined forw. and backw. roll by two pupils, grasping each other's ankles. Running dive from one foot, or both feet, for distance. From lying pos. : "snap" up to standing pos., arms folded. Handspring from knees of pupil lying on his back. Handstand, drop to head stand, roll over and "snap" up to standing pos. Running dive, fall back and snap up to standing pos. Cartwheel and handspring. Forw. somersault (with belt). Backw. handspring (with belt). Backw. somersault (with belt). REFERENCES. Arnold, E. H. Tactics. New Haven, Conn. Bancroft, J. H. Posture of School Children. Macmillan Co., New York, 1913. Bancroft, J. H. The Place of Automatism in Gymnastic Exercise. Ameri- can Physical Education Review, December, 1903. Bancroft, J. H. Some Educational Aspects of Physical Education. American Physical Education Review, April, 1910. Beevor, Chas. E. Representation of Movement in the Central Nervous System. Croomian Lectures. Adlard & Son, London, 1904. Blake, C. J. The Spirit of a Profession. Boston Normal School of Gym- nastics, 1905. Bolin, J. What is Gymnastics? New York, 1902. Why Do We Teach Gymnastics? New York, 1903. Mental Growth through Physical Education. Bowen, W. P. Teacher's Course in Physical Training. G. Wahr, Ann Arbor, 1909. Brumbaugh, M. G. Educational Annals, 1911 and 1912. Macmillan Co.,. New York. Burnham, W. H. Hygiene of Physical Education. American Physical Education Association, Springfield, Mass. Cornell, G., and Berry, E. Marching Tactics Applied to Gymnastic Work. Seminar Publishing Co., Springfield, Mass. Dearborn, G. V. N. Attention; Some of Its Aspects and Application to Physical Education. American Physical Education Review, Novem- ber, 1910-March, 1911. Dearborn, G. V. N. Nerve Mechanism of Voluntary Movements. Ameri- can Physical Education Review, May, 1912. Demenij, G. Precision in Physical Training. Popular Science Monthly, February, 1891. Demenij, G. Les bases scientifique de 1'education physique. Demenij, G. Education et harmonie des mouvements. Felix Alcan, Paris, 1904. Fitch, J. G. Lectures on Teaching. Macmillan Co., New York, 1900. Goldthwaite, J. E. The Relation of Posture to Human Efficiency. Bos- ton, 1908. Gulick, L. H. Physical Education through Muscular Exercise. Blakis- ton's Sons & Co., Philadelphia, 1904. Gymnastic Nomenclature. Association Press, New York, 1912. Hall, S. Adolescence. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1904. Hall, S. Youth and Education, Regimen and Hygiene. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1907. Hanus. Educational Aims and Values. Macmillan, New York, 1902. Hartwell, E. M. Physical Education Report of U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1897-1898 and 1903. Hartwell, E. M. Nature of Physical Training and Best Means of Securing Its Aim. Report of Physical Training Conference, 1889. Hetherington, C. W. Fundamental Education. American Physical Education Review, December, 1910. James, W. Talks to Teachers and Students. H. Holt & Co., New York, 1900. Johnson, G. E. Play in Education. Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. Kindervater, A. E. Physical Education. American Physical Education Review, January, 1912. 250 GYMNASTIC TEACHING Larned, C. W. Athletics from an Historical and Educational Standpoint. Aim-ik-an Physical Education Review, January, 1909. Posse, N. Special Kinesiology. Lee & Shepard, Boston, Mass. Rowe, E. C. Voluntary Movements. American Journal of Psychology, October, 1910. Schrader, C. L. The Teaching of Tactics. American Physical Educa- tion Review, Vol. I., December, 1911; Vols. II. and III., January and February, 1912. Skarstrom, W. Gymnastic Kinesiology; Introduction and Summary. American Physical Education Association, Springfield, 1913. Stecher, W. A. German Gymnastics. Freidenker Publishing Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Tyler, J. M. Growth and Education. D. Appleton & Co., New York. Wood, T. D. Health and Education. Ninth Year Book of the Society for the Study of Teaching. INDEX. Abdominal exercises, character of 106 progressive lists of 217 progression of types 159 Active gymnastic position 54 Adaptation of work to conditions 88 Admonitions 63 Aims and values of gymnastics 82 hygienic 83 educational, including general motor and posture training, useful forms of agility, etc 83-87 Alignment and open order, methods of 32 All-round character of gymnastic lesson 122 Anticipation of command, due to faulty delivery, insufficient pause, too even intervals, etc 47 induced by teacher doing the movement while delivering final command 48 Apparatus exercises, general principles of progression . .' 166 progression by classes and types 167 progressive lists, for men 232 progressive lists, for women 225 terminology of 223 Apparatus work in the gymnastic lesson 126 Arch flexions or span bendings 101 Arching movements, character of 96 progressive list of 207 progression of types 147 teaching of 101 Arm movements, progressive list of 220 Arm support exercises, character of 114 progressive list of 220 progression of types 171 Arrangement of gymnastic lesson, general 122 free-standing exercises in lesson 123 Attention 19 Attention and interest 23 dependent on correct technique 23 focused by pause in command 46 how to hold through proper guidance of class work 24 how to secure at the beginning of the lesson . 20 lack of, loss of 22, 24 special ways of stimulating 24 when speaking to the class 22 "Attention!" command for fundamental position 21, 55, 56 Back and shoulder blade exercises, character of 107 progressive list of 215 Back movements, general, character of 109 progression of types 155 Balance exercises, character of 1 10 progressive list of 218 progression of types 161 252 INDEX Bar bell drill, sample series of exercises 201 Beginning of the lesson : getting the attention 20 Boom, see progressive lists of exercises on high, low, double and saddle boom 226-228 Box, see vaulting box 229 Breathing exercises, class of, character of 117 value of 118 Broad jumps, progressive list of exercises for men 247 progressive list of exercises for women 232 Buck, progressive list of exercises for men 241 progressive list of exercises for women 230 Causes of faulty execution of exercise 68 Character of definite gymnastic exercises 5 Charges, character of 109 progressive list of 221 progression of types 163 Circles, terminology of 225 Classification of gymnastic exercises 91 Commands, general topic 38 as expressing personality 41, 42 consistent use of 42 different kinds, and methods of making 39-41 essential features of 38 executionary or final part of command 49, 54 following each other too rapidly 43 for combined movements 41 for compound movements 41 for rhythmic exercises 39 for single movement 40 for simple and compound movements 40 for stopping rhythmic exercises 52 insufficient pause in 47 intonation and inflexion of 49, 54 numerals used as 40 pause in 46 preparatory 45, 54 recalls 43 stimulating attention making pupils not only hear, but listen 42 summary 54 superfluous 44 technique of 45 voice and enunciation in delivering 42, 54 Commendation and praise 30 Combination and alternation of movements in relation to progression 135 Compound, combined and composite movements 133 Compensatory movements, character of 102 progressive list of 209 progression of types 150 See also general back and abdominal exercises 155, 159 Complexity and progression 132, 133 Content and character of gymnastic lesson 118 Control and class management how to secure and maintain control 13 INDEX 253 Cooperation, spirit of 8 Correction of faulty execution of exercises 66 general, addressed to class as a whole 69 individual 70 manual 71 Counting, as used for commands 40, 47, 49 as used for marking time 48, 50, 51, 52 Cues _ 62 Definite exercises, character, aims and values 5, 77 methods of teaching 78 repeated rhythmically 79 sample lessons 178 Definiteness in gymnastics 4 Demonstration method of presentation 60 Descriptive method of presentation 61 Discipline 16 Dismounts, terminology of 224 Distribution of class on the floor 32 Distribution of work in gymnastic lesson 119 Divisions of gymnastic lesson, proportion of time in each 123 Doing the exercises with the class 26 leading to anticipation of command 48 Double boom, progressive list of exercises for women 227 Dumb bell drill, sample series of exercises 200 Educational aims and values of gymnastics 83 Equalization of circulation in beginning of gymnastic lesson 121 Essentials for successful teaching 9 Executionary command imperative verb ; numerals 49, 50 Experience, learning by 9 Facings during lesson to facilitate execution of exercise 37 Faulty execution of exercise, causes of 68 correction of 66 Faulty posture 97 Final or executionary part of command 49, 54 Fixation of the shoulder girdle 108 Foot placings, heel raisings, etc., progressive lists 203 Formations and distribution of class on the floor 32 Formation, variation of, by facings during lesson 36, 37 Free-standing exercises, progressive lists of 203 progression of types in the various classes. 141 the series of, in the gymnastic lesson 123 Free-standing jumps, toe jumps, etc., progressive list of 222 Friendly relations between teacher and class 28 Fundamental gymnastic position 55 General correction 69 General principles of teaching 9 Getting in touch with the class 15 Guiding class work so as to hold active attention 24 Gymnastics, place of, in physical education 2 aims and values of 82 object of 4 Gymnastic lesson, content and character of 118 summary 127 progression within 129 progression from lesson to lesson 129, 177 254 INDEX Gymnastic lessons, progression as applied to 177 sample progression of 178 series of, for first year high school girls 178 second year high school girls 181 first year high school boys 183 second year high school boys 187 first year college women 192 second year college women 194 first year college men 196 second year college men 199 Gymnastic systems 3 Heel raising, etc., progressive list of exercises 203 High boom, progressive list of exercises for women 226 High horizontal bar, progressive list of exercises for men 235 High jumps, progressive list of exercises for men 246 progressive list of exercises for women 231 Hollow back, as a fault in execution of arching movements 99, 103 how to correct 73, 100 Horizontal bar, see high and low horizontal bar 235, 238 Horizontal ladder, progressive list of exercises for men 232 progressive list of exercises for women 225 Horizontal vaults, see vaults, terminology of 225 Horse, see side horse and long horse 230, 240 Hygienic aims and values of gymnastics 83 as represented in the gymnastic lesson 120 as represented in the indefinite, rhythmic exercises... 75 Imitation contrasted with demonstration 62 method of presentation 61 resulting from teacher doing the exercises with the class and anticipating the command 27, 48 Imperative verb as final command 40 "In place rest!" the command for the relaxed position 58 Incentives '. 13 Indefinite gymnastic exercises, character of 6, 74 values represented by 75 methods of teaching 76 sample series for gymnastic lesson . . 196 Individual correction 70 Instruction 59 Interest 15 and attention 23 of teacher in pupils 30 "Introduction" of work to the class 15 Jumping and vaulting, character of 1 14 progression of types and apparatus 173 Jumps, high and broad, progressive lists of, for men 246, 247 progressive lists of, for women 231, 232 Jumps, terminology of 2?4 Jumps, toe jumps, etc., progressive list of 222 Knee bending, foot placines. etc., progressive list of 205 Ladder, see horizontal ladder, window ladder and rope ladders. Lateral trunk exercises, character of 104 progressive lists of 211, 213 progression of types 150 Leadership and friendly relations 26 INDEX 255 PAGE Leg and arm movements, character of 94 progressive lists of 203, 205 progression of types 141 Lesson, gymnastic, content and character of 118 Lesson plan, general arrangement and modifications 122 Lessons, progression of 177 sample progressive 178 "Limbering up," preparatory work in gymnastic lesson 120 Long horse, progressive list of exercises for women 230 Low boom, progressive list of exercises for women 227 Low horizontal bar, progressive list of exercises for men 238 Lumbar hyperextension in arching movements, etc 99, 103 Manual correction 71 Marching, see formations and order movements 32, 93 Marking time, guiding rhythm, by counting 48, 50 Men's apparatus exercises 232 Methods and technique 32 of correcting 69 formation and distribution of class on the floor 32 making commands 39 opening order 32 presentation of exercises 60 teaching different kinds of work 74 using commands 41 Mistakes, acknowledgment of 30 Modifications of outline of free-standing series in lesson 124 Motor training, subjective and objective 84, 85 Mounts, terminology of 224 Movements for the arms and legs, class of 94 progressive lists of 203 progression of types 141 Nomenclature, see terminology 138, 223 Numerals, used as commands 40 for marking time, guiding rhythm 48, 51 incorrectly as command 47 Obedience 14 Object of gymnastics 4 Objective motor training 84 Observation of class work by teacher, systematic 67 Open order, methods 32 Order exercises, character of 82 Organic stimulation, progressive, in gymnastic lesson 120 represented in rhythmic indefinite exercises 75 Outline, general, of gymnastic lesson as a whole 122 of series of free-standing exercises 123 Parallel bars, progressive list of exercises for men 243 progressive list of exercises for women 231 suspended, progressive list of exercises for men 233 Participation in class work by the teacher 26, 27, 48 Pause in the command 46 Personality of the teacher 8, 10, 12 as expressed in "power of command" ... 41 Personal relations between teacher and class 28 Place of gymnastics in physical education 2 Popularity of the teacher 28 256 INDEX Posture, factors which determine 96 incorrect or faulty 91 of shoulder girdle 108 Posture training as a part of subjective motor training 86 in arching movements 98 represented by shoulder blade exercises 108 Praise and commendation 30 Precipitant exercises, see jumping and vaulting 114 Preparation, of teacher before giving the lesson 59 Preparatory command 45, 54 Preparing the pupils' minds for the work 16 Presentation of the exercise : explanation, demonstration, etc 60 demonstration method 61 descriptive method 60 combination of the above 62 imitation method 61, 62 Principles, general 9 and methods, need for knowledge of 10 of progression of apparatus exercises 166 of progression of free-standing exercises 131, 141 of selection of exercises 90 Progression 128 as applied to gymnastic lessons 129, 177 from lesson to lesson 129 from indefinite to definite style of work 129 of apparatus exercises 130, 166, 225 of free-standing exercises 129, 131, 141, 203 and repetition 130 Progression, principles of, as applied in education 1 as applied in the various classes and types of free-standing exercises 141 as applied to different classes and types of apparatus exercises 167 Progressive gymnastic lessons 178 lists of apparatus exercises 225, 232 lists of free-standing exercises 203 Progressive organic activity in the gymnastic lesson 120 Recreational aspect of gymnastics 88 Redistribution of the blood by the exercises in the gymnastic lesson. 121 Relations between teacher and class 28 Relaxed gymnastic position command for 58 use of 58 when not to use 59 Repetition in relation to progression 130 Respiratory exercises, character of 117 Rests, terminology of 224 Rhythm and definiteness in gymnastic exercises 79 of movements in relation to progression 136 Rhythmic gymnastic exercises, how to start and guide 51 how to stop 52 Rope ladders, progressive lists of exercises for women 229 Ropes, see vertical ropes 228, 234 Running and running games, class of exercises 1 16 value of 117 INDEX 257 PAGE Running in the gymnastic lesson 127 Sample progression of gymnastic lessons 178 Saddle boom, progressive list of exercises for women 228 Selection of gymnastic exercises 90 principles of, as applied in education 1 Shoulder blade exercises, use in posture training 108 use and excessive use in the gymnastic lesson 126 Shoulder blade movements, character of 107 progressive list of (arm exercises) 220 Side bending, etc., progressive list of 213 Side horse, progressive list of exercises for men 240 progressive list of exercises for women 230 "Sliding" from command repetition to rhythmic repetition 47 Span bendings or true arch flexions 101 Special technical training of teachers, need for 11 Special ways of stimulating a class 24 Speed of movement in relation to progression 136 Spirit of cooperation 8 of teaching 8 Starting an exercise incorrectly, through faulty command, leading to false start, etc 47 Starting of rhythmic exercises 51 Starting positions, in relation to progression 137 terminology and definition of 138 variation of, in the gymnastic lesson 126 Stimulating attention of class in special ways 24 Stimulation 64 Stopping an exercise, commands for 52 Style of work 74 Subj ective motor training 85 Suggestion and example 26 Supplementary instruction 63 Suspended parallel bars, progressive list of exercises 233 Suspension exercises, character of Ill progression of types and apparatus 167 Systems, gymnastic 3 Systematic observation of class work by teacher 67 Swing jumps . 177 a type of suspension exercises, progressive list 170 Tactics, see formations, and order exercises 32, 93 Teacher, personality of 8, 10, 12 "power of command" of 41 popularity of 28 interest of teacher in pupils 30 Teaching, spirit of 8 essentials for successful 9 Technique of commands 45 of teaching in relation to attention of class 23 Terminology of apparatus exercises 223 derived starting position 138 simple free-standing movements 138 Totality in the gymnastic lesson 122 Trunk twistings, progressive list of 211 Tumbling, progressive list of exercises 247 258 INDEX Turns, terminology of 225 Twisting, see trunk twisting 211 Types of exercises, their relative difficulty in relation to progression . 131 Unison, failure of, because of faulty command 47 Variety of selection, combination and arrangement of exercises of free-standing series in gymnastic lesson 125 of starting positions in gymnastic lesson 126 Vaulting box, progressive list of exercises 'for women 229 Vaults, horizontal and vertical, terminology of 225 Vertical ropes, progressive list of exercises for men 234 progressive list of exercises for women 228 "Warming up," introductory exercises in gymnastic lesson 119 Will power and obedience 14 Window ladder, progressive list of exercises for women 228 Women's apparatus exercises 225 Working with the class, to stimulate attention 25 leading to anticipation of command and imitation 48 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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