r i " \ F 799 c.« Hfff^-Xf ^ THE ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE By MRS. BEATRICE QUIJADA CORNISH University of California REPRINTED FROM "THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY" BY H. MORSE STEPHENS AND HERBERT E. BOLTON. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK Copyright, 1917, By The Macmillan Company. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2007 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/ancestryfamilyofOOcornricli VI 5^ THE ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE ^ Beatrice Quijada Cornish The ancestry of Juan de Oiiate,^ on his father^s side, may be traced to the Basque provinces.^ The importance of these prov- inces in the evolution of Spain and her possessions is historically established. In religion alone, through Ignatius de Loyola of Guipuzcoa and Francis Xavier of Navarre, they have left their mark upon Europe. Cristobal de Oiiate, father of Don Juan, was born in Vitoria,* the capital of Alava.^ He was the son of Cristobal Perez de Narriahondo and Ossanza Martinez de San Vicente, his wife. He was also a nephew of Pedro de Baeza and Maria de Yrarrazaval, his wife, of the ancient and illustrious house of Narriahondo, 1 This paper was written in the Bancroft Library at the University of California. * Originally Oinati or Oniati, Soraluce, Historia General de Guipuzcoa, I, 256. 8 Provincias Vascongadas, a division of northeastern Spain, comprising the provinces of Alava, Biscaya or Viscaya, Guipuzcoa and Navarre. Their isolation, the mountainous and easily defended nature of the country, their comparative poverty and the possession of a seaboard, all tended to the development of rugged characteristics essential to a people who were destined to carry on warfare and adventure for centuries in the liberation of their mother country from the Moors, and in the conquest and settlement of her distant colonies. * Mendieta, Historia Eclesidstica Indiana, 402 ; Berndrdez, Descripcidn Breve de la muy noble, y leal ciudad de Zacatecas, 31, according to Haro's iVobt'Zano. B6- thencourt, Historia Genealogica Heraldica de la Monarquia Espafiola Casa Real y Grandes de Espana, 1, Introduction, 8-9, says regarding Lopez de Haro, author of the Nobilario: "A Alonso Lopez de Haro, Criado de Su Magestad, cronista que fu6 de Felipe IV, debemos el Nobilario Geneal6gico de los Reyes y TItulos creados en Castilla desde que tuvieron el caracter de transmisibles y here- ditarios, 6 lo que es lo mismo, desde los tiempos de Don Enrique II, el de las Mer- cedes, hasta los de Felipe IV, d la sazon reinante." Berndrdez, p. 34, in quoting Haro, does so verbatim. A copy of Haro's work was furnished to him by Doctor Don Juan Ignacio Maria Castorena y Urstia. A Clvica Corona compiled by Cas- torena y Ursiia from his researches in archives, from his detailed study of crdnican and surveys of Nobilarios, is mentioned by Berndrdez, but it is not available to the writer. For information on Castorena, y Urstia, see his Las Indiaa Entendidaa, Sermon 10/1 and El Predicador (Jonvertido, Sermon 8/4. 6 For the origin of the name Xlava, s6e Madoz, the Diccionario Geogrdfico-Eatadls- tico-Hiatdrico de Espafia y sua posesiones de Ultramar; Salazar, Mexico en 1554, P- 56. For the history of the province of Alava, see Pirala, Espafia, sua monumentoa y artea, su naturaleza e historia, pp. 48-185. For the history of Villa de Ofiate, see Pirala, pp. 330-384. 452 ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE OI^ATE 453 within the jurisdiction of the important Villa de Oiiate, in the province of Alava. There is evidence that this Villa was in exis- tence in 1 149.^ It is situated in the centre of the Basque provinces. Pedro de Baeza was a descendant of Lopez Diaz de Haro, " Seiior de Viscaya/' chief and captain-general of the Andalusian frontier, bishopric of Jaen, who conquered the city of Baeza from the Moors in 1227. This achievement caused him to order that all of his descendants adopt the surname of Baeza, so as to per- petuate this victory over the Moors. ^ In the early seventeenth century there were many families of this name both in Baeza and Viscaya.^ The ancestry of Juan de Onate on his mother's side may be traced to Granada.'^ Dona Cathalina de Salazar, his 1 Pirala, p. 179. ' Bern&rdez, p. 32, according to Haro's Nobilario. » Arlegui, Chrdnica de la Provincia de N. S. P. S. Francisco de Zacatecas, 1st ed., pp. 56-57. * Carranza, Sumaria Relacidn de las Cosas de la Nueva Espafla, 289. The work of Baltasar Dorantes de Carranza, to which frequent reference will be made, appears to have been little used heretofore. Because of its importance, the writer feels warranted in adding a statement bearing on the interesting history of both the author and his manuscript. This manuscript, probably his autobiography, according to Obreg6n, writer of the prologue of the publication, was published in 1902 by the Museo Nacional de Mexico. Prior to this time it had been in the pos- session of Sr. Lie. D. Jos6 Fernando Ramirez. Upon the death of this distinguished "bibli6filo" it was obtained along with other manuscripts and the majority of the books in his valuable Ubrary, by Sr. Lie. D. Alfredo Chavero. Upon one occasion, having shown this manuscript to Sr. D. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, he was so delighted with the work, that it was given to him as a present by its owner. While in possession of Icazbalceta, Sr. D. Jos6 Maria de Agreda y Sdnchez had occasion to see the manuscript, and he in turn was so, pleased with its contents that he de- cided to make a palcographJcal translation. Agreda then requested Luis Gonzdlez Obreg6n to check the copy with the original, and he became so interested in its con- tents that he suggested to him that the nnanuscript be published as soon as possible. Unable to do so at that time, he did so later. His idea was greatly encouraged by Sr. Dr. D. Manuel Urbina, who communicated with Sr. D. Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, already familiar with the manuscript. The document was published in its entirety for the first time in 1902; a few pages are incorporated in Garcia Icazbalceta's Memorias de la Academia Mexicana. As the first fourteen pages of the original manuscript were missing, and therefore a title was lacking, Ramirez gave the book the name of Sumaria Relacidn de las Cosas de Nueva Espana, con noticia individual de los descendientes legitimos de las conquistadores y primeros pobla- dores espafioles. Carranza was the son of Andr6s Dorantes de Carranza, one of the companions of Cabeza de Vaca. Andres Dorantes was a native of Bejar del Cas- tanar in old Castile, and a descendant of noble families, of ancient lineage, possessing many '' mayorazgos de calidad." Baltasar was born in Mexico about the middle of the sixteenth century, and inherited an encomienda which brought him five thousand pesos de renta, of which he was despoiled, being left, as he good naturedly remarks, "desnudo y en cueros como cuando sali6 mi padre de la Florida." He wrote in Mexico in 1604, as he himself states in several places in his work. On one occasion he says: "Not more than eighty-four years have elapsed since this land was conquered, which is in 1604, and therefore the persons living are known, and the memory of those deceased is still alive." Beyond the data furnished by himself, little is known of him, but he enters into an interesting account of the life, ancestry, and descendants of his father, Andres Dorantes de Carranza. Baltasar 454 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY mother/ was the daughter of Gonzalo de Salazar, "el gordo," and Dona Cathalina de la Cadena.^ She had previously been married to Ruy Diaz de Mendoza, who upon his death left her a widow in Spain. She then came from Spain to Mexico and married Cris- tobal de Ofiate, Don Juan's father, who was at that time a vecino of the city of Mexico.^ Dona Cathalina de la Cadena was the daughter'* of Alonso Davila,^ " el de Malacatepec,"^ conquistador and vecino of the city of MexicoJ Antonio de la Cadena came from Spain to Texcuco * with Geronimo Ruiz de la Mota, also a conquistador.^ Don Cristobal de Onate came from Spain in the autumn of 1524/° with the contador, Rodrigo de Albornoz ^^ and Gonzalo de was tesorero for the king in the port of Vera Cruz, and occupied other positions of merit in New Spain. Later he was named procurador general to the king of Spain. He mentions another book which he wrote, and which he calls "el libra principal." He says: "se tocard universalmente lo que conviene decir en este prop6sito en el libro principal, porque no es deste lugar, que harfa historia de in- mensidad" (Carranza, p. 63). According to Obreg6n, this book has never been found. 1 The discussion relative to Juan de Onate's mother, namely : whether Dona Isabel Cortes Montezuma was his mother or his wife, has been brought about because the only source on which authorities have based their deductions was Haro's Nobilario, and this work has been differently quoted. Arlegui, 1st ed., p. 31, erroneously calls Dona Isabel Cortes Montezuma the wife of Don Crist6bal. The San Luis PotosI Relacion Circuns. confirms this statement by calling Don Juan "hijode Dona Isabel," according to Bancroft, Hist. Arizona and New Mexico, p. 116 ; Villagr^, Historia de la Nueva Mexico, Canto Sexto ; Berndrdez, p. 31 ; Arlegui, Ist ed., p. 34 ; Luis Tribaldo de Toledo, Intro., Villagrd, and likewise Carranza, Don Juan was the husband of Dona Isabel. 2 Carranza, p. 290. Ubid. * Ibid., pp. 282, 290. ' Ibid., p. 163. Alonso Ddvila had a son, Ger6nimo Ddvila ; grandsons, Hernando de Salazar, Joan Alonso Ddvila, Francisco Davila, Diego de Cayas ; great grand- sons, Alonso Ddvila Magarifio, Joan Magarino. i * For information regarding Malacatepec, see Alcedo. ' '' Carranza, p. 195. 8 Tezcuco, a jurisdiction and alcaldia mayor of New Spain. It was here that king Nzahualcoyotl maintained his sovereignty, and after the establishment of the Mexican empire it was the court of the princes of the race of Montezuma. It is 15 miles e. n. e. of Mexico at the foot of the sierra, which is the e. wall of the valley of Tenoxtitlan, in lat. 19° 31' 30" and long. 98° 52' w. * Ger6nimo Ruiz de la Mota, "capitan de un vergantin de los vallesteros." He left many sons and daughters, the oldest being Antonio de la Mota. Alonso de la Mota and Pedro de la Mota are his brothers. Memorial (anonymous) de los conquistador es de esta Nueva Espana que se hallaron en la toma de Mexico y fueron despues a ganar y conquistar con el Marques del Valle las provincias de Tutupeque y la provincia de Guatemala, Honduras e Higueras que fue toda la Nueva Espafia. Incorporated in Appendix of Carranza's work as published by the Museo Nacional de Mexico, p. 443 et seq. Carranza, p. 195. 1° Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 144, states : "Salazar arrived in the autumn, ace. to Cortes Cartas." Carranza, p. 315, states: "Vino d esta Nueva Spafia quando el contador Rodrigo de Albornoz." " Carranza, pp. 290, 315. Rodrigo de Alborn6z had been secretary to the king prior to his appointment as revenue official. His appointment is dated Balladolid, ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE O^TATE 455 Salazar, the latter as factor. The strongest characteristic of Gonzalo de Salazar, grandfather of Don Juan, as gleaned from the pages of authorities who have treated of his career in Mexico, is one of subtle duplicity. Arriving in Mexico with the- expecta- tion of acquiring great and sudden wealth, he lost no time in fawning upon Cortes in the hope that he might be allowed to share in the plunder of the colonial revenue. Failing in this en- deavor, because Cortes neither possessed the treasures, nor was willing to share his receipts with others, he with other revenue oflBcials instituted a systematic attack upon the captain-general, libelling his character and his acts to the king of Spain. Cortes seems to have proved pliable to their purposes, because upon leaving on his expedition into Honduras, Salazar and Chirinos were left in charge at Mexico. This so facilitated their plan of intrigue that prior to 1526 they were in entire control of the gov- ernment. During the long absence of Cortes in Honduras, false reports of his death were eagerly circulated by Salazar and his associates, thereby urging the commissioners to greater activity, and resulting in a usurpation of power. The estates of Cortes, the offices, lands, and Indians of his followers, were seized and appropriated by Salazar. Salazar was soon overthrown by a portion of the followers of Cortes who had been inspired with courage upon learning that Cortes lived. He was released on the plea of Albornoz while at the court of Spain. He went to Spain prior to 1542, and joining Soto in the expedition to Florida, narrowly escaped hanging for disobedience to his chief. He died in obscurity. When Salazar went to Spain he left his son Hernando de Salazar, uncle of Juan de Oiiate, as fac- tor, Hernando de Salazar left an indebtedness to the king of three hundred thousand yesos, and upon his death Juan Velaz- quez, his younger brother, bound himself to liquidate this debt. Assuming the office of factory he served the king many years, in the haciendas of his father as well as in the encomiendas and pueblos of Taximora, in the province of Michoacan and in October 25, 1522, and reads: "cuidando hacer cargo al oficial real tercero de los tributos, servicios, composiciones que los indios y naturales de la trerra debian pagar, como de todo lo demas perteneciente en cualquier manera al real erario, segun es de ver en el torao I de los cedularios que existen en el real tribunal de la contaduria mayor de cuentas." Fonseca, Historia General de la Real Hacienda, vol. 1, p. 413. 456 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY the province of Tepetlaeztoc, seven leagues from the city of Mexico.^ Juan Velazquez de Salazar, son of Gonzalo, was a native of Granada.^ He married Doiia Ana de Esquivel, daughter of the tesorero, Alonso de Merida.^ By 1604, the greater number of his children and their descendants were deceased, but his daughter Dona Francisca de la Cadena y Salazar, married Caspar de Rivadeneira, and they had children. In 1604 were also living three unmarried daughters of Juan Velazquez, who were cousins of Juan de Oiiate.^ Juan Velazquez was not a conquistador but an encomendero appointed by Cortes, as was also Don Cristobal, his brother-in-law.^ Although, as stated, Juan de Ofiate's father, Don Cristobal, arrived in Mexico in 1524, the first record of actual service is as captain in the confidence of Nuno de Guzman, and the recipient of generous gifts of pueblos, which of right belonged to Cortes and others.® This was in 1528-29, during the period of the first Audiencia. In his relations with Guzman, his self-respect and conservatism are a striking contrast to the "unprincipled ambition of the self-sufficient autocrat." Don Cristobal was one of the conquerors of New Galicia.^ He proved himself equal to the difficulties and responsibilities of the situation he encountered. 1 Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 143-145, 193-237. Salazar y Olarte, p, 284, says : "Gonzalo de Salazar deseoso de ser unico en el dominio de la Nueva Espafia." Also, ibid., pp. 282-283 : "No se ignora la confianza de nuestro celebre capit^n d favor de Pedro Almindez Chirinos y de Gonzalo de Salazar ; pues vencido de la persuasion, 6 pagad6 de la lisonja (ruido agradable de la fantasia, y flecha, que destruye el mundo de la razon), quiso conferirles el govierno de la Nueva Espafia." Data bearing on the indebtedness left by Hernando de Salazar has been taken from Carranza, p. 290. « Carranza, pp. 289-290. » Ibid., p. 269 : "Alonso de M6rida, thesorero que fu6 de la Casa de la Moneda y Senor de la Provincia de Metztitlan. Qued6 en esta casa y sucesion Francisco de Quintana Duenas, y en la encomienda por casamiento con Dona Mariana de M6rida, nieta del dicho thesorero por varon." * Ibid., p. 290. * " Memorial de los que no son conquistadores y tienen Yndios encomendados de el Marques de el Valle." Incorporated in Carranza, p. 456. Cort6s gave freely to recently arrived friends who had taken no part in the conquest. Cortes, Residencia, pp. 48, 81-82, 259-262. •Nuno de Guzmdn was a native of Guadalajara in Castile, and a "caballero notorio." It is not known whether he left any descendants, and Carranza only knew Diego de Guzmdn, a nephew of Nufio, in Mexico. Carranza, p. 306. ' For most of the events of this rebellion and the work of Onate therein, we are indebted to the three early chroniclers: Tello, Hist. N. Gal., 362-438; Mota Padilla, Conquista de Nueva Galicia, 111-154; Beaumont, Cron. Mich., IV, 59-66 ; 386-421 ; Ms. 300-303 ; 422-425 ; 550-580. Herrera also speaks of these ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE 457 and the characteristics of the Basque people stood him in good stead. His obstinate conservatism dming the Mix ton War, com- bined with intelKgence and executive ability, make Don Cristobal a type figure. Throughout his strenuous career in the new world, and more particularly during this rebellion, his courage, combined with other qualities characterized as inherent in the "Seiiores de Viscaya," ^ are apparent. . :_> While Don Cristobal was in Galicia, his family was in the pueblo of Tacambaro in the province of Michoacan, of which he was en- coTnendero? He was also encomendero of Culhuacan, two leagues from the city of Mexico.^ His brother, Juan de Oiiate, took a very active part in the conquest of New Galicia, and about 1531 was sent to establish Espiritu Santo, called later Guadalajara in honor of Guzman's birthplace.'^ The movements of Don Juan prior to this time are not clear. He was a staunch partisan of Guzman, and after the fall of the latter his brother Don Cristobal advised him to escape. He fled to Peru, where, as some say, he died poor and blind. ^ The relations of Guzman's successor, Diego Perez de la Torre,^ and Don Cristobal were most friendly, and upon the death of the former in the revolt of 1538, he formally appointed Cristobal de Onate his successor as governor, and entrusted to his protec- tion his two marriageable daughters. Onate proved faithful to the trust.^ In the year 1548 we find Cristobal de Onate in Zacatecas, with his friends Diego de Ibarra, Baltasar Treviiio de Baiiuelos, and Juan de Tolosa, all Spanish officers of rank, in search of mines. ^ events. Original documents on the subject are few, according to Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 511. 1 Arlegui, p. 58 ; Villagrd, Canto Tercero. ' Mota Padilla, Conquista de Nueva Galicia, 193. ' Carranza, p. 315. By royal cMula issued February 1534, New Spain was divided into four provinces, designated as Mexico, Michoacan, Goazacoalco, and Miztecapan. The limits of each were properly defined. Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 391, according to Puga, Cedulario, pp. 90-91. * Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 366. » Ibid., p. 462. * Appointed governor of Nueva Galicia by cSdula, March 17, 1536. Mota Padilla, pp. 104-109. ^ One of the daughters married Jacinto de Pineda y Ledesma, a person of good birth, and the other married the alferez mayor, Fernando Flores, from whom Mota Padilla claims to be descended. Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 464. * Berndrdez, p. 26. For portraits of these four men, see Bern&rdez. Tolosa was known as "el rico" and nicknamed "barba longa." 458 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY They were extremely successful in their ventures, becoming the wealthiest men in America at that time.^ Don Cristobal came to Zacatecas accompanied by his family, and all others who might desire to accompany him.^ The deeds of this illustrious sire are praised by all of his chroniclers, and the generosity which he dis- played in Zacatecas is held to be equal to the munificence of the wealthiest prindpes del universo.^ One of his chroniclers calls him " son of the most noble and ever loyal province of Alava, whose sons ever noble and generous, have always proved themselves magnanimous and renowned."^ His Christian and fervent piety is attested to on various occasions. While in Zacatecas he had a bell with which he daily summoned to his table all who might desire to eat, a practice which he continued throughout his life.^ That he was an excellent specimen of the old time sire, consider- ate, kind, and courteous, cannot be disputed. The Reverend Padre Fray Diego de Vasalanque of the order of St. Augustine, states that in order to recount the praises due to Onate because of his generosity, an "historia particular'' would be required, that his nobility, his courage, and his liberality kept pace with his Chris- tian spirit ; that he endeavored to care for the Indians as if they were his own, and neither he nor his son Don Fernando collected the tribute ^ from the Indians for many years, but permitted them to receive the benefit thereof, so as to help them in the construction of the missions.^ Mota Padilla takes occasion to remark that Don Cristobal could not have been like the other conquistadores} The date of his death has not been determined, but we know that both he and his wife were deceased at the time Carranza wrote, which was in 1604. How many years prior to that date we do not know.^ Juan de Onate, son of Cristobal and Dona Cathalina de Salazar, was born in Mexico,^^ although we do not know the date or his 1 Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 554. ' Frejes, Historia Breve, p. 124 ; Berndrdez, p. 26. For the founding of Zaca- tecas, see Berndrdez, pp. 1-90; Mota Padilla, p. 191. • Arlegui, pp. 58-59. • Ibid., pp. 58-59. 6 Ibid., p. 58 ; Berndrdez, p. 26. • For history of Tributos y Reales Servicios, see Fonseca, VI. , ' Mota Padilla, p. 103. 8 Ibid., p. 103. ' Carranza, p. 315. " Mercurio Volante, p. 2 ; Villagrd, prologo, fol. vi. ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE 459 native town.^ We know little of his youth, although we may infer that in a stimulating environment he had every advantage that good birth and opportunities could bestow. He entered the ser- vice of the king early in life and continued therein throughout his career, being still active in 1620.^ His general services cover "bloody encounters with the Chichimecs, the discovery of the rich mines of Zichu,^ Charcas, and San Luis Potosi, which he peopled with Spaniards, as well as being the settler of New Mexico, where he brought many natives to the obedience of the king, v thereby immortalizing himself in the history of both hemispheres."^ He has been compared in daring to Cortes and in adventure to Columbus.^ Juan de Onate married Doiia Isabel Tolosa Cortes Montezuma, great granddaughter of Montezuma, granddaughter of Cortes, daughter of Juan de Tolosa and Leonor Cortes de Montezuma.® t^ * Davis, Spanish Conquest of New Mexico, p. 263, says: "Don Juan de Ofiate, native of Zacatecas," but no reference is given as to source of information. ' Bern^rdez, p. 32, according to Haro's Nobilario: "Don Juan de Onate, re- spondiendo & su valor y virtud militar despues de aver fervido a la corona de Iob Reyes sus Sefiores fus primeros anos hafta el presente de 1620, con honor." » Carranza, p. 129. * Berndrdez, p. 32. ' Tribaldo de Toledo, Villagrd, Cancidn Pindarica. •Villagrd, Canto Sexto; Berndrdez, p. 31; Luis Tribaldo de Toledo, Soneto, Intro., Villagrd; Arlegui, 1st ed., p. 34. Cort6s was first married in Cuba to Catalina Sudrez, a native of Granada, in Andalusia. Her death occurred in 1522. It is supposed that by her he had a child, but nothing definite can be ascertained on this point. A natural daughter by a Cuban Indian is also mentioned at that time. His second marriage was with Dona Juana de Zdfiiga. Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 483. From the second marriage he had a son Don Martin Cort6s, "que 8ucedi6 en su casa y estado y vino & tener ciento y sesenta mill pesos en renta, y en discurso de 34 afios creo que han quedado en quarenta mill y se va consumiendo de manera que d poco rato 6 tiempo se imagina una gran ruina y acabamiento, porque los indios se acaban & prisa." Carranza, p. 99. Don Martin was married to Dofia Ana Ramirez de Arellano, daughter of the Conde de Aguilar. They had a child, Don Fernado Cort6s, third Marquis, who married Dofia Theresa de la Cerda, sister of the Conde Chinch6n. Don Martin also had another son, Don Ger6nimo Cort6s, "del hdbito de Santiago," who had died before Carranza wrote, i.e. 1604. Also Don Pedro Pizarro Cortes, "del habito de Calatrava 6 Alcdntara." In 1604 he still lived and had inherited the estate of his brother, Don Fernado. Carranza, pp. 99-100. Don Martin also had a daughter Dona Catalina Pizarro, who married the Conde de Pliego. According to Bancroft these last two children were illegitimate. Don Martin married a second time, but Carranza says there was no issue. Cortes, the original Marqu6s del Valle, also had through the Zuniga marriage three daughters. Dona Catalina, who died single ; Dofia Juana Cort6s, who married the Duque de Alcald, Marqu6s de Tarifa ; Dona Maria Cort6s, who married the Conde de Luna, in the city of Le6n. Cortes also had several illegiti- mate children. Don Martin Cort6s was the son of la Malinche, an Indian woman. He belonged to the "hdbito de Santiago." This illegitimate son left an illegitimate son, Don Fernando Cort6s, of whom Carranza says : "Trae una cruz d, los pechos, y no de la muestra y calidad que su padre y tios y primos. Hubole en Castilla en una sefiora, en la ciudad de Logrono, que sin ofensa de su calidad pudiera casarse con ella, y aun con este concept© se fi6 ella de el. Htibole pasando d la guerra de 460 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY They had two children, Cristobal de Onate and Maria de Oiiate. Dona Maria married the Maestre de Campo, Vicente de Zaldivar.^ In 1620, at the time of the publication of Haro's Nobilario, the son was not married and was active in the service of the king. At that time he had already shown great courage, and had held the position of lieutenant-governor and captain-general in the province of New Mexico, where he had served Philip II and Philip III, demonstrating the soldierly qualities and the nobility of his ante- cedents.^ Where and when the lad was born, or where he obtained his " early " education, we do not know. That his father took pleasure in developing in his young son the martial spirit so predominant Granada, por capitan, donde murio." Martfn Cort6s, son of Malinche, also had a daughter Dona Ana Cortes de Porres, through his marriage with Dona Bernardina de Porres, "senora de gran calidad, seso y discrecion." Dona Ana Cortes de Porres was married to a "caballero muy igual a su merecimiento " whose name is not given by Carranza. They had a son, Don Juan Cortes, who in 1604 had re- cently arrived in the fleet which brought the viceroy Marques de Montesclaros, to whom Carranza dedicated his work. He states that in his intercourse with Don Juan, he has always found him honorable and worthy on account of his virtues, being the son and grandson and great-grandson of worthy persons. His exact language is interesting : "de lo poco que he tratado d este caballero, y de la buena fama que tiene, le conozco por muy cuerdo y honrado y que es digno, por sus vir- tudes, de ser hijo y nieto de quien es, y bisnieto del gran Cortes." Carranza, pp. 100- 101. Again, Cortes, the original Marques del Valle, had a daughter Dona Leonor Cortes, who married Juan de Tolosa in Zacatecas. IDona Leonor was the daughter of Dona Isabel, oldest daughter of Montezuma. Dona Leonor had two daughters, one of whom married Don Juan de Oiiate, the other married Cristobal de Zaldlvar. Dona Leonor also had other daughters whose names are not given, but who in 1604, were nuns in Seville. Carranza, pp. 100-101. Cortes also had another illegitimate son, Don Luis Cort6s, "del habito de Calatrava," que hubo en esta tierra en una muger spanola, no de las mas ignotas y escondidas, sino muger de buena suerte." This Don Luis married in Mexico Doiia Guimor VAzquez de Escobar, "dama muy calificada, rica y muy hermosa." They had no children. Don Luis was taken as prisoner to Spain, and died on the journey. Both he and his brothers died " desnaturalizados de su patria, pareci6ndose mucho a su padre en los trabajos que le saltaron como atajado En Castilleja de la Cuesta, y un corazon, tan grande, que no cupo en el mundo, ni se harto ni lleno su dnimo con lo que descubrio y conquist6 : le sobro en aquel lugarejo un palmo 6 siete pies de tierra en que cupo aquel cuerpo y bravosidad, y acabo con sus grandes pensamientos y deseos de servir mas a su Rey, como lo mostro en la conquista de tan grandes reinos y estados, y en los que de nuevo quiso conseguir A la corona de Castilla donde gasto toda la hacienda que habia adquirido." Carranza, pp. 100-101. Martin, Luis and Catalin^a were legitimatized by Papal Bull, April 16, 1529. Bancroft, p. 483, according to Alamdn, DiserL, ii, 2d, app. 32-36. Philip II later restored the "jurisdiccion del Mar- quesado, con muy honradas palabras y efectos," to Don Fernando Cort6s third Marqu6s del Valle, and second by the name of Fernando. In 1604, Don Pedro Cortes, his brother, had inherited the same. Carranza states that if he is "cuerdo, no deseard venir d las Indias, porque esta tierra no sufre mas senor que al que aqui nos gobierna por Su Magestad." Carranza, pp. 100-101. Salazar y Olarte, 2a parte, p. 472 states: "cuya bastarda impresion llego a desconocerse con el re- cuerdo de la nobleza de nuestro capitan, haviendose casado con caballeros distin- guidos y permanentes en la gran ciudad de Mexico. 1 Bernardez, p. 34, according to Haro's Nobilario; Mota Padilla, p. 193. * Ibid., pp. 34-35, according to Haro's Nobilario. ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE 461 in his own character and that of his ancestors, going back to the Moorish struggles in Spain, is evident when we learn that when not yet ten years of age he accompanied his father on his ex- peditions.^ The ancestry of Cristobal, Juan de Onate's young son, great- great grandson of Montezuma, and great grandson of Cortes, is interestingly given by Villagra : ^ " En quien vereis al uiuo cifrados, Todos los nobles Reyes que falieron, Deftas nuevas Regiones y plantaron. La gran ciudad de Mexico, y con ellos, Vereis tambien aquellos valero^os. Que a fuer^as de valor y de trabajos, Eftas remotas tierras pretendieron." Juan de Onate had four brothers : Don Fernando, whom we have already seen associated with his father; Don Cristobal, Luys Nunez Perez, and Don Alonso, all of whom were wealthy, and were summoned by Don Juan to help him in his work of ex- ploration in New Mexico. They rendered him valuable assistance financially and acted as his agents in the responsible govern- mental transactions which developed out of this exploration and settlement of New Mexico, his most important undertaking.^ Don Fernando is described in 1604 as a "cavallero muy prin- cipal." He had been alcalde mayor of the cities of Los Angeles, Guajocingo and Villa de Carrion.'' ^ » VillagrA, Canto Sexto. "Y qual fuelen las Aguilas Reales, Que h los tiernos poUuelos de fu nido, Largo trecho los facan y remontan, Para que con esfuerco cobren fuerpas, En el libiano buelo, y del fe balgan, En prouechofa y dief tra alteneria, Afsi determine don Juan f aliefe, Su hi jo don Chrift6val, nifio tierno, Para que con el fueffe y fe adef trafe, Sirbiendoos gran fenor en el oficio, De la importante guerra trabajof a, Siendo tef tigo J&el de fus palabras, Para que con las obras que alii viefe, Le tuuieffe defpues en bien ferbiros, Por vnico dechado, y claro exemplo." « Canto Sexto. ' Ibid. * Carranza, p. 315. 462 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY He married Dona Leonor de Rivadeneira, daughter of Hernando de Rivadeneira and Dona Maria de Merida, his wife, daughter of the tesorero Alonso de Merida and Dona Ines de Perea, his wife. They had several children: Don Fernando, the younger, Don Cristobal, and Dona Antonia, who married Don Bernardino Vazquez de Tapia. They also had a daughter Doiia Catalina, who had not married in 1604, and is described as so good a Christian that she was desirous of entering a convent so as to better serve God.^ Don Cristobal married Dona Maria del Castillo who had died prior to 1604. Upon her death he inherited the encomienda of his wife, which was the pueblo of Santiago Tecali, and which yielded handsome returns. They had no children.^ Don Cristobal is mentioned in 1599, when, acting in the name of his brother, Juan de Onate, he appoints Capitan Caspar de Villagra, "Capitan de Caballos." ^ Juan de Onate also had a sister. Dona Maria Galarza,^ who married Antonio de Ordaz. Her husband inherited the pueblos of Calpa and half of Chilapa from Diego de Ordaz Villagomez, nephew of Diego de Ordaz,^ who had previously been granted these pueblos by the king in recognition of his services. Don Antonio had died before 1604. Their daughter, Juan de Oiiate's niece, became heir to the various pueblos, being of the third generation. She married Ruy Dias de Mendoza,^ her 1 Carranza, p. 315. ' Ibid. ' Nombramiento Real de Capitdn de Caballos d favor del Capitdn Gaspar de Villagrd, Mexico, Agosto 20, 1599. In Documentos relativos d Gaspar de Villagra, Apendice Primero, p. 40. Incorporated in Obregon's Villagrd, * Villagrd, Canto Honze. "» Diego de Ordaz, Capitan de los diez, segundo Procurador General que fu6 a Castilla. Diego de Ordaz came over with Cort6s as captain of one of the vessels in the armada. He was a person of importance in New Spain, served in the wars with Cortes, until he was expelled by the natives from the city of Mexico. He was in the war of Tepeaca and there held the position of captain of infantry, and from Ithere went as Procurador to Hayti ("la Isla spanola") and from there to Spain. When he returned, the land had been brought under subjection, but notwithstanding this, he was given Yautepec with its Indians and Teutila and Chiautla, and also the province of Huejocingo. He then went as governor to the Rio Maranon, and through his services and qualities secured the "hdbito de San- tiago." This Diego de Ordaz was one of the courageous men who ascended the volcano of Popocatepetl. Although eminently successful in Mexico, having re- ceived pueblos and encomiendas , he never seemed satisfied and ever sought new successes. He had no legitimate descendants, but he had an illegitimate son Alvaro de Ordaz, whom Carranza knew personally, and whom they called "el volcan" in memory of his father. He was considered as legitimate, and was married to Ana de Ordaz. They had children, but all, both parents and children, were very poor. Carranza, pp. 170, 455. • VillagrA, Canto Sexto. ANCESTRY AND FAMILY OF JUAN DE ONATE 463 cousin, who later helped Juan de Oiiate very materially in his work of exploration and settlement of New Mexico. Both were living in 1604. Juan de Onate at this time had another niece, whose name is not given, and who was not married.^ The Zaldivar brothers, Cristobal, Francisco, Juan, and Vicente were Juan de Onate's cousins.^ According to Villagra, Juan de Onate's father was the uncle of the Zaldivars.^ Their mother's name seems to have been Onate, but whether she was Don Cris- tobal de Onate's sister has not been determined. The father of the Zaldivar brothers was Juan or Vicente de Zaldivar.* The Zaldivars were distinguished persons in the service of the king, proving the valor and worth of the illustrious and ancient house of Zaldivar, well known in Vizcaya, because of its acknowledged merit. ^ Dona Isabel, wife of Juan de Onate, had a brother Juan Cortes, who in 1620 had not married. Dona Isabel's sister, Dona Leonor Cortes, married Cristobal de Zaldivar, brother of the Maestre de Camyo.^ They had two children, Juan and Leonor, who were cousins of Juan de Onate's children, Cristobal and Maria. Dona Isabel's mother, Dona Leonor de Cortes Montezuma, daughter of Cortes and granddaughter of Montezuma,^ in 1604 had other daughters who were nuns in Seville.^ As already noted, when Crist6bal de Onate came to Zacatecas in 1548, we do not know whether Juan de Onate was yet born. In the data available to the writer, the first record of Juan's service • Carranza, p. 171, ^ " Villagrd, Canto Sexto ; Duro, Don Diego de Pefialoaa (1648) ; Torquemada, p. 671. ./• VillagrA, Canto Tercero and Sexto; Torquemada, p, 671. * * BernArdez, according to Haro's Nobilario, calls him Vicente, but Mota Padilla states that his name was Juan and not Vicente, and that he was not governor, but one of the illustrious captains contemporaneous with Crist6bal de Onate, Don Juan's father. Mota Padilla, p. 196. • Haro intended to make further mention, as he himself states, of this illustrious family in his vol. 4, when dealing more in detail with the illustrious houses of Spain. This work is not available beyond quotations therefrom, interpolated in the works of other authorities. It undoubtedly would contain valuable data in a genealogical way, and might clear some of the points now left pending, e.g. whether the Zaldivar boys were Onate's cousins or " so6rtnos " as he calls them, according to Bancroft. From what has preceded it is evident that by reason of the marriage of Christ6bai Zaldivar to Juan de Onate's sister-in-law, any issue therefrom would be his "so- brinos" or "sobrinas" by marriage. j • Bern^rdez, p. 25, according to Haro's Nobilario; Arlegiii:;^ p. 135; Carranza, pp. 100-101. ' Villagrd, Canto Sexto ; Arlegui, p. 135. > Carranza, pp. 100-101. 464 THE PACIFIC OCEAN IN HISTORY is in Zacatecas in 1574/ when "immediately after the founding of the eighth mission in the province of Zacatecas, namely: Santa Maria de las Charcas, the barbarous Indians reduced it to ashes. Because of the gentle preaching of the friars, and with untold hardships, they were able to rebuild it, help being furnished by Juan de Onate, son of Cristobal de Onate. The mission was re- built in 1583." 2 We also find that "in 1583,^ San Luis Potosi was discovered, conquered and settled by Juan de Onate,"* according to Arlegui and Bernardez. With the exception of this limited information as to specific service in the early part of his career, we must leave Don Juan until he began negotiations for the settlement of New Mexico, for the king of Spain. At the time that he petitioned he was residirg in Zacatecas. His age, his previous success, "and his general characteristics " ^ have been aptly embraced in the ex- pression "hombre de buenas partes," prerequisites for final suc- cess. "He seemed better fitted than others who had previously undertaken the enterprise." ^ * Arlegui, 1st ed., reads 1574 ; 2d ed., reads 1564. ' Berndrdez, p. 32 ; Arlegui, p. 66. « Arlegui, pp. 56-57, 134-135 ; Berndrdez, p. 32. * Berndrdez, pp. 32-33, says 1586. Bancroft, Hist. Mexico, vol. 2, p. 763, states : "In 1576 Luis de Leixa had penetrated northeastward and on the slope of a metal bearing mountain he founded the town of San Luis Potosi." Friar Diego de la Magdalena is also claimed as the founder. Ibid., p. 763. The San Luis Potosi Relacion Circuns., calls Onate, " descubridor, conquistador, y poblador de San j^ Luis, 1583." See Bancroft, Hist. Ariz, and New Mexico, p. 116. O ' Villagrd substantiates these qualifications of Onate when he says : "Afsi don Juan fin aguardar mas plazo, Llamado de la fuerga y voz de Marte, Y de la illuf tre fangre generofa, De todos fus maiores y paffados, Y deftos grandes Reyes que dezimos, Como el prudente Griego que las armas, Del valerofo Aquiles pretendia, Por deuida jufticia que alegaua, Afsi dio en pretender aquef ta imprefa, Por el derecho grande que tenia, A ferbiros en ella fin que alguno, Otro mejor derecho le moftrafe." Canto Sexto. '"Memorial sobre el descubrimiento," Col. Doc. Ined., vol. 16, pp. 188-189; *' Carta del Virrey Velasco de 14 de Octubre, 1595." MAR 1 e. 1917 Gaylord Bros Makers Syracuse. N Y. PAT.JAN.2I. 1908