THE SLIM PRINCESS BY GEORGE ADE N ^r rrxl: \ / TIE SUM I consented to deliver a message for him THE SLIM PRINCESS Bg GEORGE ADE Author of " Fables in Slang In Pastures New, Pink Marsh, etc. With Illustrations by GEORGE F. KERR NEW YORK A. L. BURT COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright 1906, by the Curtis Publishing Company Copyright 1907 .The Bobbs-Merrill Company Copyright 1011 /The Bobbs-Merrill Company CONTENTS CHAPTBR PAGE I WOMAN IN MOROVENIA 1 II KALORA'S AFFLICTION 5 III THE CRUELTY OF LAW 12 IV THE GARDEN PARTY 18 Y HE ARRIVES 38 VI HE DEPARTS 60 VII THE ONLY KOLDO . 68 VIII BY MESSENGER . 85 IX As TO WASHINGTON, D. C 99 X ON THE WING . 108 XI An OUTING A REUNION 114 XII THE GOVERNOR CABLES 129 XIII THE HOME-COMING 140 XIV HEROISM REWARDED 147 912767 THE SLIM PRINCESS WOMAN IN MOROVENIA Morovenia is a state in: which J)0tli the mosque and the mQtor : ca^jaow. ; jCCQtJr,in the same landscape. It started out to be Turkish and later decided to be Euro- pean. The Mohammedan sanctuaries with their hideous stencil decorations and bulbous domes are jostled by many new shops with blinking fronts and German merchandise. The orthodox turn their faces toward Mecca while the enlight- ened dream of a journey to Paris. Men of title lately have made the pleasing dis- covery that they may drink champagne i and still be good Mussulmans. The red slipper has been succeeded by the tan gaiter. The voluminous breeches now acknowledge the superior graces of inti- mate English trousers. Frock-coats are more conventional than beaded jackets. The fez remains as a part of the insignia of the old faith and hereditary devotion to the Sick Man. The generation of males which has been extricating itself from the shackles of Orientalism has not devoted much worry to the Condition of Woman. In Morovenia woman is still unliber- ated. She does not dine at a palm-gar- den or hop into a victoria on Thursday afternoon to go to the meeting of a club organized to propagate cults. If she met a cult face to face she would not recognize it. Nor does she suspect, as she sits in heir 2 prison apartment, peeping out through the lattice at the monotonous drift of the street life, that her sisters in far- away Michigan are organizing and rais- ing missionary funds in her behalf. She does not read the dressmaking periodicals. She never heard of the Wednesday matinee. When she takes the air she rides in a carriage that has a sheltering hood, and she is veiled up to the eyes, and she must never lean out to wriggle her little finger-tips at men lol- ling in front of the cafes. She must not see the men. She may look at them, hut she must not see them. No wonder the sisters in Michigan are organizing to bat- ter down the walls of tradition, and bring to her the more recent privileges of her sex! Two years ago, when this story had its real beginning, the social status of wo- s man in Morovenia was not greatly differ- ent from what it is to-day, or what it was two centuries ago. Woman had two important duties as- signed to her. One was to hide herself from the gaze of the multitude, and the other was to be beautiful that is, fat. A woman who was plump, or buxom, or chubby might be classed as passably at- tractive, but only the fat women were irresistible. A woman weighing two hundred pounds was only two-thirds as beautiful as one weighing three hundred. Those grading below one hundred and fifty were verging upon the impossible. II KALORA'S AFFLICTION If it had been planned to make this an old-fashioned discursive novel, say of the Victor Hugo variety, the second chapter would expend itself upon a philosophical discussion of Fat and a sensational show- ing of how and why the presence or absence of adipose tissue, at certain im- portant crises, had altered the destinies of the whole race. The subject offers vast possibilities. It involves the physical attractiveness of every woman in History &nd permits one to speculate wildly as to what might have happened if Cleopatra had weighed forty pounds heavier, if Elizabeth had been a gaunt and wiry creature, or if Joan of 5 Iff SIMM lllL-OLllVl Arc had been so bulky that she could not have fastened on her armor. The soft layers which enshroud the hard machinery of the human frame seem to arrive in a merely incidental or acci- dental sort of way. Yet once they have arrived they exert a mysterious influence over careers. Because of a mere change in contour, many a queen has lost her throne. It is a terrifying thought when one remembers that fat so often comes and so seldom goes. It has been explained that in Moro- venia, obesity and feminine beauty in- creased in the same ratio. The woman reigning in the hearts of men was the one who could displace the most atmosphere. Because of the fashionableness of fat, Count Selim Malagaski, Governor-Gen- eral of Morovenia, was very unhappy. He had two daughters. One was fat; 6 TtESL one was thin. To be more explicit, one was gloriously fat and the other was dis- tressingly thin. Jeneka was the name of the one who had been blessed abundantly. Several of the younger men in official circles, who had seen Jeneka at a distance, when she waddled to her carriage or turned side- wise to enter a shop-door, had written verses about her in which they compared her to the blushing pomegranate, the ripe melon, the luscious grape, and other veg- etable luxuries more or less globular in form. No one had dedicated any verses to Kalora. Kalora was the elder of the two. She had come to the alarming age of nineteen and no one had started in bid- ding for her. In court circles, where there is much time for idle gossip, the most intimate 7 mni TI s SUM secrets of an important household are often bandied about when the black cof- fee is being served. The marriageable young men of Morovenia had learned of the calamity in Count Malagaski's fam- ily. They knew that Kalora weighed less than one hundred and twenty pounds. She was tall, lithe, slender, sinuous, wil- lowy, hideous. The fact that poor old Count Malagaski had made many unsuc- cessful attempts to fatten her was a stock subject for jokes of an unrefined and Turkish character. Whereas Jeneka would recline for hours at a time on a shaded veranda, munching sugary confections that were loaded with nutritious nuts, Kalora showed a far-western preference for pickles and olives, and had been detected several times in the act of bribing ser- vants to bring this contraband food into the harem. Worse still, she insisted upon taking exercise. She loved to play romping games within the high walls of the in- closure where she and the other female attaches of the royal household were kept penned up. Her father coaxed, pleaded and even threatened, but she refused to lead the indolent life prescribed by cus- tom; she scorned the sweet and heavy foods which would enable her to expand into loveliness; she persistently declined to be fat. Kalora's education was being directed by a superannuated professor named Popova. He was so antique and book- wormy that none of the usual objections urged against the male sex seemed to hold good in his case, and he had the free run 9 TIE SLIM of the palace. Count Selim Malagaski trusted him implicitly. Popova fawned upon the Governor-General, and seemed slavish in his devotion. Secretly and stealthily he was working out a frightful vengeance upon his patron. Twenty years before, Count Selim, in a moment of anger, had called Popova a "Christian dog." In Morovenia it is flattery to call a man a "liar." It is just the same as saying to him, "You belong in the diplomatic corps." It is no disgrace to be branded as a thief, because all business transac- tions are saturated with treachery. But to call another a "Christian dog" is the thirty-third degree of insult. Popova writhed in spirit when he was called "Christian," but he covered his wrath and remained in the nobleman's service and waited for his revenge. And 10 LIM now he was sacrificing the innocent Ka- lora in order to punish the father. He said to himself: "If she does not fatten, then her father's heart will be broken, and he will suffer even as I have suffered from being called Christian." It was Popova who, by guarded meth- ods, encouraged her to violent exercise, whereby she became as hard and trim as an antelope. He continued to supply her with all kinds of sour and biting foods and sharp mineral waters, which are the sworn enemies of any sebaceous condi- tion. And now that she was nineteen* almost at the further boundary of the marrying age, and slimmer than ever be- fore, he rejoiced greatly, for he had ac- complished his deep and malign purpose, and laid a heavy burden of sorrow upon Count Selim Malagaski. 11 Ill THE CRUELTY OF LAW If the father was worried by the pro- longed crisis, the younger sister, Jeneka, was well-nigh distracted, for she could not hope to marry until Kalora had been properly mated and sent away. In Morovenia there is a very strict law intended to eliminate the spinster from the social horizon. It is a law born of craft and inspired by foresight. The daughters of a household must be married off in the order of their nativity. The younger sister dare not contemplate mat- rimony until the elder sister has been led to the altar. It is impossible for a young and attractive girl to make a desirable match leaving a maiden sister marooned 12 *m the market. She must cooperate with her parents and with the elder sister to clear the way. As a rule this law encourages earnest getting- together in every household and re- sults in a clearing up of the entire stock of eligible daughters. But think of the un- happy lot of an adorable and much-cov- eted maiden who finds herself wedged in behind something unattractive and shelf- worn! Jeneka was thus pocketed. She could do nothing except fold her hands and patiently wait for some miraculous intervention. In Morovenia the discreet marrying age is about sixteen. Jeneka was eigh- teen still young enough and of a most ravishing weight, but the slim princess stood as a slight, yet seemingly insur- mountable barrier between her and all hopes of conventional happiness, is IE SLIM Count Malagaski did not know that the shameful fact of Kalora's thinness was being whispered among the young men of Morovenia. When the daughters were out for their daily carriage-ride both w r ore flowing robes. In the case of Ka- lora, this augmented costume was in- tended to conceal the absence of noble dimensions. It is not good form in Morovenia for a husband or father to discuss his home life, or to show enthusiasm on the subject of mere woman ; but the Count, prompted by a fretful desire to dispose of his rap- idly maturing offspring, often remarked to the high-born young gentlemen of his acquaintance that Kalora was a most re- markable girl and one possessed of many charms, leaving them to infer, if they cared to do so, that possibly she weighed at least one hundred and eighty pounds. TESLI These casual comments did not seem to arouse any burning curiosity among the young men, and up to the day of Ka- lora's nineteenth anniversary they had not had the effect of bringing to the father any of those guarded inquiries which, under the oriental custom, are always pre- liminary to an actual proposal of mar- riage. Count Selim Malagaski had a double reason for wishing to see Kalora married. While she remained at home he knew that he would be second in authority. There is an occidental misapprehension to the eif ect that every woman beyond the bor- ders of the Levant is a languorous and waxen lily, floating in a milk- warm pool of idleness. It is true that the women of a household live in certain apartments set aside as a "harem." But "harem" literally means "forbidden" that is, for- 15 bidden to the public, nothing more. Every villa at Newport has a "harem." The women of Morovenia do not pour tea for men every afternoon, and they are kept well under cover, but they are not slaves. They do not inherit a nominal authority, but very often they assume a real authority. In the United States, women can not sail a boat, and yet they direct the cruise of the yacht. Railway presidents can not vote in the Senate, and yet they always know how the votes are going to be cast. And in Morovenia, many a clever woman, deprived of speci- fied and legal rights, has learned to rule man by those tactful methods which are in such general use that they need not be specified in this connection. Kalora had a way of getting around her father. After she had defied him and put him into a stewing rage, she 16 would smooth him the right way and, with teasing little cajoleries, nurse him back to a pleasant humor. He would find himself once more at the starting- place of the controversy, his stern com- mands unheeded, and the disobedient daughter laughing in his very face. Thus, while he was ashamed of her physical imperfections, he admired her cleverness. Often he said to Popova: "I tell you, she might make some man a sprightly and entertaining companion, even if she is slender." Whereupon the crafty Popova would reply: "Be patient, your Excellency. We shall yet have her as round as a dumpling." And all the time he was keeping her trained as fine as the proverbial fiddle. 17 THE GARDEN PARTY Said the Governor- General to himself in that prime hour for wide-awake medi- tation the one just before arising for breakfast: "She is not all that she should be, and yet, millions of women have been less than perfect and most of them have married." He looked hard at the ceiling for a full minute and then murmured, "Even men have their shortcomings." This declaration struck him as being sinful and almost infidel in its radicalism, and yet it seemed to open the way to a logical reason why some titled bachelor of damaged reputation and tottering finances might balance his poor 18 against a dowry and a social position, even though he would be compelled to figure Kalora into the bargain. It must be known that the Governor- General was now simply looking for a husband for Kalora. He did not hope to top the market or bring down any no- table catch. He favored any alliance that would result in no discredit to his noble lineage. "At present they do not even nibble/' he soliloquized, still looking at the ceil- ing. "They have taken fright for some reason. They may have an inkling of the awful truth. She is nineteen. Next year she will be twenty the year after that twenty-one. Then it would be too late. A desperate experiment is better than inaction. I have much to gain and nothing to lose. I must exhibit Kalora. I shall bring the young men to her. 19 Some of them may take a fancy to her. I have seen people eat sugar on tomatoes and pepper on ice-cream. There may be in Morovenia one one would be suffi- cient one bachelor who is no stickler for full-blown loveliness. I may find a man who has become inoculated with western heresies and believes that a wo- man with intellect is desirable, even though under weight. I may find a fool, or an aristocrat who has gambled. I may stumble upon good fortune if I put her out among the young men. Yes, I must exhibit her, but how how?" He began reaching into thin air for a pretext and found one. The inspiration was simple and satisfying. He would give a garden-party in honor of Mr. Rawley Plumston, the British Consul. Of course he would have to in- vite Mrs. Plumston and then, out of 20 deference to European custom, he would have his two daughters present. It was only by the use of imported etiquette that he could open the way to direct courtship. Possibly some of the cautious young noblemen would talk with Kalora, and, finding her bright-eyed, witty, ready in conversation and with enthusiasm for big and masculine undertakings, be attracted to her. At the same time her father de- cided that there was no reason why her pitiful shortage of avoirdupois should be candidly advertised. Even at a garden- party, where the guests of honor are two English subjects, the young women would be required to veil themselves up to the nose-tips and hide themselves within a veritable cocoon of soft gar- ments. The invitations went out and the ac- 21 mm ceptances came in. The English were flattered. Count Malagaski was buoyed by new hopes and the daughters were in a day-and-night flutter, for neither of them had ever come within speaking dis- tance of the real young man of their dreams. On the morning of the day set apart for the debut of Kalora, Count Selim went to her apartments, and, with a rather shamefaced reluctance, gave his di- rections. "Kalora, I have done all for you that any father could do for a beloved child and you are still thin," he began. "Slender," she corrected. "Thin," he repeated. "Thin as a crane a mere shadow of a girl and, what is more deplorable, apparently indifferent to the sorrow that you are causing those most interested in your welfare." 22 THE SUM "I am not indifferent, father. If, merely by wishing, I could be fat, I would make myself the shape of the French bal- loon that floated over Morovenia last week. I would be so roly-poly that, when it came time for me to go and meet our guests this afternoon, I would roll into their presence as if I were a tennis- ball." "Why should you know anything about tennis-balls? You, of all the young women in Morovenia, seem to be the only one with a fondness for athletics. I have heard that in Great Britain, where the women ride and play rude, manly games, there has been developed a breed as hard as flint Allah preserve me from such women!" "Father, you are leading up to some- thing. What is it you wish to say?" "This. You have persistently dis- 23 obeyed me and made me very unhappy, but to-day I must ask you to respect my wishes. Do not proclaim to our guests the sad truth regarding your deficiency." "Good!" she exclaimed gaily. "I shall wear a robe the size of an Arabian tent, and I shall surround myself with soft pil- lows, and I shall wheeze when I breathe and who knows? perhaps some dark- eyed young man worth a million piasters will be deceived, and will come to you to- morrow, and buy me buy me at so much a pound." And she shrieked with laugh- ter. "Stop!" commanded her father. "You refuse to take me seriously, but I am in earnest. Do not humiliate me in the presence of my friends this afternoon." Then he hurried away before she had time to make further sport of him. To Count Selim Malagaski this gar- 24 IE SLIM den-party was the frantic effort of a sinking man. To Kalora it was a lark. From the pure fun of the thing, she obeyed her father. She wore four heav- ily quilted and padded gowns, one over another, and when she and Jeneka were summoned from their apartments and went out to meet the company under the trees, they were almost like twins and both duck-like in general outlines. First they met Mrs. Rawley Plumston, a very tall, bony and dignified woman in gray, wearing a most flowery hat. To every man of Morovenia Mrs. Plumston was the apotheosis of all that was unde- sirable in her sex, but they were exceed- ingly polite to her, for the reason that Morovenia owed a great deal of money in London and it was a set policy to cul- tivate the friendship of the British. While Jeneka and Kalora were being 25 presented to the consul's wife, these same young men, the very flower of bachelor- hood, stood back at a respectful distance and regarded the young women with half - concealed curiosity. To be permitted to inspect young women of the upper classes was a most unusual privilege, and they knew why the privilege had been ex- tended to them. It was all very amusing, but they were too well bred to betray their real emotions. When they moved up to be presented to the sisters they seemed grave in their salutations and re- strained themselves, even though one pair of eyes, peering out above a very gauzy veil, seemed to twinkle with mischief and to corroborate their most pronounced sus- picions. Out of courtesy to his guests, Count Malagaski had made his garden-party as deadly dull as possible. Little groups of 26 TIE SLIM bored people drifted about under the trees and exchanged the usual commonplace observations. Tea and cakes were served under a canopy tent and the local orches- tra struggled with pagan music. Kalora found herself in a wide and easy kind of a basket-chair sitting under a tree and chatting with Mrs. Plumston. She was trying to be at her ease, and all the time she knew that every young man present was staring at her out of the cor- ner of his eye. Mrs. Plumston, although very tall and evidently of brawny strength, had a twit- tering little voice and a most confiding manner. She was immensely interested in the daughter of the Governor- General. To meet a young girl who had spent her life within the mysterious shadows of an oriental household gave her a tingling in- terest, the same as reading a forbidden 27 book. She readily won the confidence of Kalora, and Kalora, being most ingenu- ous and not educated to the wiles of the drawing-room, spoke her thoughts with the utmost candor. "I like you," she said to Mrs. Plums- ton, "and, oh, how I envy you! You go to balls and dinners and the theater, don't you?" "Alas, yes, and you escape them! How I envy you!" "Your husband is a very handsome man. Do you love him?" "I tolerate him." "Does he ever scold you for being thin?" "Does he what?" "Is he ever angry with you because you are not big and plump and and pulpy?" "Heavens, no! If my husband has 28 any private convictions regarding my personal appearance, he is discreet enough to keep them to himself. If he isn't sat- isfied with me, he should be. I have been working for years to save myself from becoming fat and plump and pulpy." "Then you don't think fat women are beautiful?" "My child, in all enlightened countries adipose is woman's worst enemy. If I were a fat woman, and a man said that he loved me, I should know that he was after my bank-account. Take my ad- vice, my dear young lady, and bant." "Bant?" "Reduce. Make yourself slender. You have beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, a perfect complexion, and with a trim figure you would be simply incompar- able." Kalora listened, trembling with sur- 29 prise and pleasure. Then she leaned over and took the hand of the gracious Eng- lishwoman. "I have a confession to make," she said in a whisper. "I am not fat I am slim quite slim." And then, at that moment, something happened to make this whole story worth telling. It was a little something, but it was the beginning of many strange ex- periences, for it broke up the wonderful garden-party in the grounds of the Gov- ernor-General, and it gave Morovenia something to talk about for many weeks to come. It all came about as follows : At the military club, the night before the party, a full score of young men, rep- resenting the quality, sat at an oblong table and partook of refreshments not sanctioned by the Prophet. They were young men of registered birth and sup- so TIES! posititious breeding, even though most of them had very little head back of the ears and wore the hair clipped short and were big of bone, like work-horses, and had the gusty manners of the camp. They were foolishly gloating over the prospect of meeting the two daughters of the Governor-General, and were telling what they knew about them with much freedom, for, even in a monarchy, the chief executive and his family are public property and subject to the censorship of any one who has a voice for talking. Of these male gossips there were a few who said, with gleeful certainty, that the elder daughter was a mere twig who could hide within the shadow of her bounteous and incomparable sister. "Wait until to-morrow and you shall see," they said, wagging their heads very wisely. To-morrow had come and with it the party and here was Kalora a pretty face peering out from a great pod of clothes* They stood back and whispered and guessed, until one, more enterprising than the others, suggested a bold experiment to set all doubts at rest. Count Malagaski had provided a di- version for his guests. A company of Arabian acrobats, on their way from Constantinople to Paris, had been inter- cepted, and were to give an exhibition of leaping and pyramid-building at one end of the garden. While Kalora was chat- ting with Mrs. Plumston, the acrobats had entered and, throwing off their yel- low-and-black striped gowns, were pre- paring for the feats. They were behind the two women and at the far end of the garden. Mrs. Plumston and Kalora would have to move to the other side of the 32 IE SLIM tree in order to witness the exhibition. This fact gave the devil-may-care young bachelors a ready excuse. "Do as I have directed and you shall learn for yourselves," said the one who had invented the tactics. "I tell you that what you see is all shell. Now then " Four conspirators advanced in a half- careless and sauntering manner to where Kalora and the consul's wife sat by the sheltering tree, intent upon their ex- change of secrets. "Pardon me, Mrs. Plumston, but the acrobats are about to begin," said one of the young men, touching the fez with his forefinger. "Oh, really?" she exclaimed, looking up. "We must see them." "You must face the other way," said the young man. "They are at the east end of the garden. Permit us." S3 TIE SLIM Whereupon the young man who had spoken and a companion who stood at his side very gently picked up Mrs. Plums- ton's big basket-chair between them and carried it around to the other side of the tree. And the two young men who had been waiting just behind picked up Ka- lora's chair and carried Tier to the other side of the tree, and put her down beside the consul's wife. Did they carry her? No, they dandled her. She was as light as a feather for these two young giants of the military. They made a palpable show of the ridicu- lous ease with which they could lift their burden. It may have been a forward thing to do, but they had done it with courtly politeness, and the consul's wife, instead of being annoyed, was pleased and smiling over the very pretty little at- tention, for she could not know at the mo- 84 I IE SLIM ment that the whole maneuver had grown out of a wager and was part of a detest- able plan to find out the actual weight of the Governor- General's elder daugh- ter. If Mrs. Plumston did not understand, Count Selim Malagaski understood. So did all the young men who were watching the pantomime. And Kalora under- stood. She looked up and saw the lurk- ing smiles on the faces of the two gal- lants who were carrying her, and later the tittering became louder and some of the young men laughed aloud. She leaped from her chair and turned upon her two tormentors. "How dare you?" she exclaimed. "You are making sport of me in the presence of my father's guests! You have a contempt for me because I am ugly. You mock at me in private be- 35 man cause you hear that I am thin. You wish to learn the truth about me. Well, I will tell you. I am thin. I weigh one hun- dred and eighteen pounds." She was speaking loudly and defiantly, and all the young men were backing away, dismayed at the outbreak. Her father elbowed his way among them, white with terror, and attempted to pac- ify her. "Be still, my child!" he commanded. "You don't know what you are saying!" "Yes, I do know what I am saying!" she persisted, her voice rising shrilly. "Do they wish to know about me? Must they know the truth? Then look! Look!" With sweeping outward gestures she threw off the soft quilted robes gathered about her, tore away the veil and stood before them in a white gown that fairly 36 TESL1M revealed every modified in-and-out of her figure. What ensued? Is it necessary to tell? The costume in which she stood forth was no more startling or immodest than the simple gown which the American high- school girl wears on her Commencement Day, and it was decidedly more ample than the sum of all the garments worn at polite social gatherings in communities somewhat to the west. Nevertheless, the company stood aghast. They were doubly horrified first, at the effrontery of the girl, and second, at the revelation of her real person, for they saw that she was doomed, helpless, bereft of hope, slim beyond all curing. HE ARRIVES Kalora was alone. After putting the company to con- sternation she had flung herself defiantly back into the chair and directed a most; contemptuous gaze at all the desirable young men of her native land. The Governor- General made a choking attempt to apologize and explain, and then, groping for an excuse to send the people away, suggested that the company view the new stables. The acrobats were dismissed. The guests went rapidly to an inspection of the carriages and horses. They were glad to escape. Jeneka, crushed in spirit and shamed at the brazen performance of her sister, be- 38 mroiH uLlM gan a plaintive conjecture as to "what people would say," when Kalora turned upon her such a tigerish glance that she fairly ran for her apartment, although she was too corpulent for actual sprint- ing. Mrs. Plumston remained behind as the only comforter. "It was a most contemptible proceed- ing, my child. When they lifted us and carried us to the other side of the tree I thought it was rather nice of them; something on the order of the old Walter Raleigh days of chivalry, and all that. And just think ! The beasts did it to find out whether or not you were really plump and heavy. It's a most extraordinary in- cident." "I wouldn't marry one of them now, not if he begged and my father com- manded!" said Kalora bitterly. "And poor Jeneka! This takes away her last 39 chance. Until I am married she can not marry, and after to-day not even a blind man would choose me." "For goodness' sake, don't worry! You tell me you are nineteen. No woman need feel discouraged until she is about thirty-five. You have sixteen years ahead of you." "Not in Morovenia." "Why remain in Morovenia?" "We are not permitted to travel." "Perhaps, after what happened to-day, your father will be glad to let you travel," said Mrs. Plumston with a significant lit- tle nod and a wise squint. "Don't you generally succeed in having your own way with him?" "Oh, to travel to travel!" exclaimed Kalora, clasping her hands. "If I am to remain single and a burden for ever, per- haps it would lighten father's grief if I 40 HE SLIM resided far away. My presence certainly would remind him of the wreck of all his ambitions, but if I should settle down in Vienna or Paris, or " she paused and gave a little gasp "or if anything should happen to me, if I should should disap- pear, that is, really disappear, Jeneka would be free to marry and ' "Oh, pickles!" said Mrs. Plumston. "I have heard of romantic young women jumping overboard and taking poison on account of rich young men, but I never heard of a girl's snuffing herself out so as to give her sister a chance to get mar- ried. The thing for you to do at a time like this, when you find yourself in a tan- gle, is to think of yourself and your own chances for happiness. Father and Je- neka will take care of themselves. They are popular and beloved characters here in Morovenia. They are not taking you 41 THE SUM into consideration except as you seem to interfere with their selfish plans. I have made it a rule not to work out my neigh- bor's destiny." "What can I do?" asked Kalora, seem- ingly impressed by the earnestness of the consul's wife. "Leave Morovenia. Keep at your father until he consents to your going. Here you are despised and ridiculed a victim of heathen prejudice left over from the Dark Ages. Get away, even if you have to walk, and take my word for it, the moment you leave Morovenia you will be a very beautiful girl; not a merely attractive young person, but what we would call at home a radiant beauty the oriental type, you know. And as a per- sonal favor to me, don't be fat." "No fear of that," said the girl with a melancholy attempt at a smile. "But you must go and join the others. Do, please. I am now in disgrace, and you may compromise your social standing in Morovenia if you remain here and talk to me." "I dare say I should go. I have a hus- band who requires as much attention and scolding as a four-year-old. Sometimes I almost favor the oriental system of the husband's directing the wife. Good-by." "Good-by." Mrs. Plumston gave her a kiss and a friendly little pat on the arm, and walked away toward the stables with a swinging, heel-and-toe, masculine stride. Kalora had the whole garden to her- self. She sat squared up in the wicker chair with her fists clenched, looking straight ahead, trying in vain to think of some plan for avenging herself upon the whole race of bachelors. As she sat thus some one spoke to her. "How do you do?" came a voice. She was startled and looked about, but saw no one. "Up here!" came the voice again. She looked up and saw a young man on the top of the wall, his legs hanging over. Evidently he had climbed up from the outside, and yet Kalora had never suspected that the wall could be climbed. He was smoothly shaven, with blond hair almost ripe enough to be auburn; he wore a gray suit of rather loose and care- less material, a belt, but no waistcoat; his trousers were reefed up from a pair of saddle-brown shoes, and the silk band around his small straw hat was tricolor ed. In his hand was a paper-covered book. S wung over his shoulder was a camera in 44 Up here ! " came the voice again TESLI a leather case. He sat there on top of the high wall and gazed at Kalora with a grinning interest, and she, forgetting that she was unveiled and clad only in the sim- ple garments which had horrified the best people of Morovenia, gazed back at him, for he was the first of the kind she had seen. "What are you doing here?" she asked wonderingly. "I am looking for the show," he replied. "They told me down at the hotel that a very hot bunch of acrobats were doing a few stunts down here this afternoon, and I thought I'd break in if I could. Wanted to get some pictures of them." "Were you invited?" "No, but that doesn't make any differ- ence. In Cairo I went to a native wed- ding every day. If I passed a house where there was a wedding being pulled 45 TESLi off, I simply went inside and mingled. They never put me out seemed to enjoy having me there. I suppose they thought it was the American custom for outsiders to ring in at a wedding." "You said American, didn't you? Are you from America?" "Do I look like a Scandinavian? I am from the grand old commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Did you ever hear of the town of Bessemer?" "I'm afraid not." "Did you ever hear of the Pike family that robbed all the orphans, tore down the starry banner, walked on the humble working-girl and gave the double cross to the common people? Did you?" "Dear me, no," she replied, following him vaguely. "Well, I am Alexander H., of the tribe of Pike, and I have two reasons for being 46 IE SLIM in your beautiful little city. One is Fed- eral grand jury and the other is ten-cent magazine. You know, our folks are sin- fully rich. About four years ago I came in for most of the guvnor's coin, and in trying to keep up the traditions of the family, I have made myself unpopular, but I didn't know how unpopular I really was until I got this magazine from home this morning." And he held up the pa- per-covered book, which had a rainbow cover. "They have been writing up a few of us captains of industry, and they have said everything about me that they could say without having the thing barred out of the mails. I notice that you speak our kind of talk fairly well, but I think I can take you by the hand and show you a lot of new and beautiful English lan- guage. I will read this to you." Before she could warn him, or do any- 47 TKSLi thing except let out a horrified "Oh-h!" he had leaped lightly from his high perch and was standing in front of her. "I'm afraid you don't understand," she said, rising and taking a frightened survey of the garden, to be sure that no one was watching. "Strangers are not permitted in here. That is, men, and more especially ah Christians." "I'm not a Christian, and I can prove it by this magazine. I am an octopus, and a viper, and a vampire, and a man-eating shark. I am what you might call a com- posite zoo. If you want to get a line on me just read this article on The Shame- less Brigand of Bessemer, and you will certainly find out that I am a nice young fellow." Kalora had studied English for years and thought she knew it, and yet she found it difficult fully to comprehend 48 all the figurative phrases of this pleasing young stranger. "Do I understand that you are travel- ing abroad because of your unpopularity at home?" she asked. "I am waiting for things to cool down. As soon as the muck-rakers wear out their rakes, and the great American public finds some other kind of hysterics to keep it worked up to a proper temperature, I shall mosey back and resume business at the old stand. But why tell you the story of my life? Play fair now, and tell me a lot about yourself. Where am I?" "You are here in my father's private garden, where you have no right to be." "And father?" "Is Count Selim Malagaski, Governor- General of Morovenia." "Wow! And you?" "I am his daughter." 49 IE sn "The daughter of all that must be something. Have you a title?" "I am called Princess." "Can you beat that? Climb up a wall to see some A-rabs perform, and find a real, sure-enough princess, and likewise, if you don't mind my saying so, a pip- pin." "I don't know what you mean," .she said. "A corker." "Corker?" "I mean that you're a good-looker that it's no labor at all to gaze right at you. I didn't think they grew them so far from headquarters, but I see I'm wrong. You are certainly all right. Pardon me for saying this to you so soon after we meet, but I have learned that you will never break a woman's heart by telling her that she is a beaut." 50 mOT T1F SUM Kalora leaned back in her chair and laughed. She was beginning to compre- hend the whimsical humor of the very unusual young man. His direct and playful manner of speech amused her, and also seemed to reassure her. And, when he seated himself within a few in- ches of her elbow, fanning himself with the little straw hat, and calmly inspecting the tiny landscape of the forbidden gar- den, she made no protest against his fa- miliarity, although she knew that she was violating the most sacred rules laid down for her sex. She reasoned thus with herself : "To-day I have disgraced myself to the utmost, and, since I am utterly shamed, why not revel in my lawlessness?" Besides, she wished to question this young man. Mrs. Plumston had said to her: "You are beautiful." No one else 51 had ever intimated such a thing. In fact, for five years she had been taunted almost daily because of her lack of all physical charms. Perhaps she could learn the truth about herself by some adroit ques- tioning of the young man from Pennsyl- vania. "You have traveled a great deal?" she asked. "Me and Baedeker and Cook wrote it," he replied; and then, seeing that she was puzzled, he said: "I have been to all of the places they keep open." "You have seen many women in many countries?" "I have. I couldn't help it, and I'm glad of it." "Then you know what constitutes beauty?" "Not always. What is sponge cake for me may be sawdust for somebody 52 else. Say, I rode for an hour in a 'rick- shaw at Nagoya to see the most beautiful girl in Japan and when we got to the tea- house they trotted out a little shrimp that looked as if she'd been dried over a barrel you know, stood bent all the time, as if she was getting ready to jump. Her neck was no bigger than a gripman's wrist and she had a nose that stood right out from her face almost an eighth of an inch. Her eyes were set on the bias and she was painted more colors than a band- wagon. I said, 'If this is the champion geisha, take me back to the land of the chorus girl.' And in China! Listen! I caught a Chinese belle coming down the Queen's Road in Hong- Kong one day, and I ran up an alley. I have seen Pa- risian beauties that had a coat of white veneering over them an inch thick, and out here in this country I have seen so- 53 man called cracker- jacks that ought to be doing the mountain-of -flesh act in the Ringling side-show. So there you are!" "But in your own country, and in the larger cities of the world, there must be some sort of standard. What are the re- quirements? What must a woman be, that all men would call her beautiful?" "Well, Princess, that's a pretty hard proposition to dope out. Good looks can not be analyzed in a lab or worked out by algebra, because, I'm telling you, the one that may look awful lucky to me may strike somebody else as being fairly punk. Providence framed it up that way so as to give more girls a chance to land some- body. Still, there is one kind that makes a hit wherever people are bright enough to sit up and take notice. Now I sup- pose that any male being in his right senses would find it easy to look at 54 a woman who was young enough and had eyes and hair and teeth and the other items, all doing team-work together, and then if she was trim and slender " "Should she be slender?" interrupted Kalora, leaning toward him. "Sure. I don't mean the same width all the way up and down, like an art stu- dent, but trim and Here, I'll show you. You will find the pictures of the most beautiful women in the world right here in the ads of a ten-cent magazine. Look them over and you will understand what I mean." He turned page after page and showed her the tapering goddesses of the straight front, the tooth-powder, the camera, the breakfast-food, the massage-cream, and the hair-tonic. "These are what you call beautiful women?" she asked. 55 "These are about the limit." "Then in your country I would not be considered hideous, would I?" "Hideous? Say, if you ever walked up Fifth Avenue you would block the traffic! And in the palm- garden at the Waldorf why, you and the head waiter would own the place! Are you trying to string me by asking such questions? Are you a real ingenue, or a kidder?" "I hardly know what you mean, but I assure you that here in Morovenia they laugh at me because I am not fat." "This is a shine country, and you're in wrong, little girl," said Mr. Pike, in a kindly tone. "Why don't you duck?" "Duck?" "Leave here and hunt up some of the red spots on the map. You know what I mean away to the bright lights! I don't like to knock your native land but, 56 Tit SUM honestly, Morovenia is a bad boy. I've struck towns around here where you couldn't buy illustrated post-cards. They take in the sidewalks at nine o'clock every night. That orchestra down at the hotel handed me a new coon song last night Bill Bailey! Can you beat that? As long as you stay here you are hooked up with a funeral." Kalora, with wrinkled brow, had been striving to follow him in his figurative flights. "Strange," she murmured. "You are the second person I have met to-day who advises me to go away to the west." "That's the tip!" he exclaimed with fer- vor. "Go west and when you start, keep on going. You come to America and bring along the papers to show that you're a real live princess and you'll own both sides of the street. We'll show you more 57 real excitement in two weeks than you'll see around here if you live to be a hun- dred." "I should like to go, but Look! Hurry, please! You must go!" She pointed, and young Mr. Pike turned to see two guards in baggy uni- forms bearing down upon him, their eyes bulging with amazement. "Shall I try to put up a bluff, or fight it out?" he asked, as he stood up to meet them. "You can not explain," gasped Kalora. "Run! Run! They know you have no right here. This means going to prison perhaps worse." "Does it?" he asked, between his set teeth. "If those two brunettes get me, they'll have to go some." When the two pounced upon him he made no resistance and they captured him. He stood between them, each of them clutching an arm and breathing heavily, not only from exertion, but alsa out of a sense of triumph VI HE DEPARTS And now, in order to give a key to the surprising performances of Alexander H. Pike, it will be necessary to call up certain biographical data. When he was in the Hill School he won the pole vault, but later, in his real colle- giate days, he never could come within two inches of Varsity form, and therefore failed to make the track-team. While attending the Institute of Tech- nology he worked one whole autumn to perfect an offensive play which was to be used against "Buff" Rodigan, of the semi-professional athletic-club team. This play was known as "giving the shoulder," with the solar plexus as the 60 point of attack. The purpose of the play was not to kill the opposing player, but to induce him to relinquish all interest in the contest. Furthermore, Mr. Pike, while spending a month or more at a time in New York City, during his post-graduate days, had worked with Mr. Mike Donovan, in order to keep down to weight. Mr. Donovan had illustrated many tricks to him, one of the best being a low feint with the left, followed by a right cross to the point of the jaw. While the two bronze-colored guards stood holding him, Mr. Pike rapidly took stock of his accomplishments, and formu- lated a program. With a sudden twist he cleared himself, sprang away from the two, and jumped behind a tree. One soldier started to the right of the tree and the other to the left, so as to close in upon 61 TIE SLIM him and retake him. This was what he wanted, for he had them "spread," and could deal with them singly. He used the Donovan tactics on the first guard, and they worked out with shameful ease. When the soldier saw the left coming for the pit of his stomach, he crouched and hugged himself, thereby extending his jaw so that it waited there with the sun shining on it until the young man's right swing came across and changed the middle of the afternoon to midnight. Number one was lying in pro- found slumber when Alumnus Pike turned to greet number two. The second soldier, having witnessed the feat of pugilism, doubled his fists and extended them awkwardly, coming with a rush. Mr. Pike suddenly squatted and leaned forward, balancing on his finger- tips, until number two was about to fall 62 upon him and crush him, and then he arose with that rigid right shoulder aimed as a catapult. There was a sound as when the air-brake is disconnected, and number two curled over limply on the ground and made faces in an effort to resume breath- ing. Mr. Pike picked up his magazine and put it under his coat. He buttoned the coat, smiled in a pale, but placid manner at Kalora, who was still immovable with terror, and then he proceeded to vindicate his "prep school" training. He ran over to the canopy tent, under which the re- freshments had been served, pulled out one of the poles and, pointing it ahead of him, ran straight for the wall. Kalora, watching him, regarded this as a wholly insane proceeding. Was he go- ing to attempt to poke a hole through a wall three feet thick? 63 TTESLi Just as he seemed ready to flatten him- self against the stones, he dropped the end of the pole to the ground and shot upward like a rocket. Kalora saw him give an upward twist and wriggle, fling himself free from the pole and disappear on the other side of the wall, the camera following like the tail of a comet. As he did so, number two, coming to a sitting posture, began to shriek for reinforce- ments. Number one was up on his el- bow, regarding the affairs of this world with a dreamy interest. Fortunately for the Governor-General, the participants in the exploded garden- party had escaped at the very first op- portunity. Count Malagaski, greatly perturbed and almost in a state of collapse over the unhappy affair in the garden, was return- ing to his apartments when the second sur- 64 TIOLIM prising episode of the day came to a noisy climax. He heard the uproar and had the two guards brought before him. They re- ported that they had found a stranger in the garb of an infidel seated within the se- cret garden chatting with the Princess Kalora. They did not agree in their de- scriptions of him, but each maintained that the intruder was a very large person of forbidding appearance and terrific strength. "How did he manage to escape?" asked the Governor- General. "By jumping over the wall." "Over a wall ten feet high?" demanded the Governor- General. "Without touching his hands, sir. He was very tall ; must have been seven feet." "If you ever had an atom of gray mat- ter, evidently this stranger has beaten it 65 HE SLIM out of you. Hurry and notify the po- lice!" Kalora's candid version of the whole affair was hardly less startling than that of the guards. The stranger had come over the wall suddenly, much to her alarm. He attempted to converse with her, but she sternly ordered him from the premises. He was exceedingly tall, as the guards had said, and very dark, with rather long hair and curling black mus- tache. He addressed her in English, but spoke with a marked German accent. This description, faithfully set down by Popova, was carried away to the secret police of Morovenia, said to be the most astute in the world. They were in- structed to watch all trains and guard the frontier and, as soon as they had their prisoner safely put away in the lower dun- geon of the municipal prison, they were to 66 TO SUM notify the Governor- General, who would privately pass sentence. A crime against any member of the ruler's household comes under a separate category and need not be tried in public sessions. For entering a royal harem or addressing a woman of title the sentences range from the bastinado to solitary con- finement for life. No wonder Kalora waited in trembling. Like every other provincial she had much respect for the indigenous constabulary. She did not believe it possible for the pleasing stranger to break through the network that would be woven about him. Shunning her father and sister, and shunned by them, she waited many sleep- less hours in her own apartments for the inevitable news from beyond the walls. Next morning there came to her a cheering and terrifying message. 67 VII THE ONLY KOLDO Three hours after his pole-vault, Mr. Alexander H. Pike, wearing a dinner- jacket newly ironed by his man-slave, and with a soft hat crushed jauntily down over the right ear, was pacing back and forth in the main corridor of the Hotel de 1'Eu- rope waiting for the dread summons to the table d'hote. He had to admit to himself that his nerves seemed to be about as taut as piano wires. He told himself that possibly he was "up against it," and yet he had stood on the brink of disaster so often during his college career without acquiring ver- tigo, that the experience of the afternoon was like a joyous renewal of youth. 68 He had no set program but he had a feeling that if he was to be questioned he would lie entertainingly. Of one thing he was certain it would help his case if he made no attempt to hurry across the frontier. He believed in the wisdom of hunting up the authorities whenever the authorities were hunting for him. For instance, in the prep school, after getting the cow into the chapel, he discovered her there and notified the prin- cipal and was the only boy who did not fall under suspicion. To assume a child- like innocence and to bluff magnificently, these had been the twin rules that had saved him so often and would save him now, unless he should be confronted by the princess or the two guards, in which case he whistled softly. Suddenly two men came slamming in at the front door and stalked down the 69 TO SUM avenue of palms. They seemed to be throbbing with the importance of their er- rand, as they moved toward a little side office, which was the official lair of the manager. One of the men was elderly and wiz- ened and the other was a detective. Pike knew it as soon as he glanced at the heavy jowls and the broad face and heard the authoritative footfall. He knew, also, that he was not a bona fide detective, but a municipal detective, who is paid a monthly salary and walks stealthily along side streets in citizen's dress, all the time imagining that the people he meets take him to be a merchant or a lawyer. In this he is mistaken, for he resembles noth- ing except a municipal detective. If Mr. Pike had known that the officer who accompanied Popova was the cele- brated Koldo, chief of the secret service, 70 no doubt the impulse to retreat to his apartment and get behind the bed cano- pies would have been stronger. He knew, however, that no detective of an- alytical methods would expect to find the criminal standing at his elbow, so he fol- lowed the two over to the office and calmly wedged himself into the conference. The great Koldo was agitated as he told his story to the manager, who was a polite and sympathetic importation from Switzerland. Popova stood by and cor- roborated by nodding. "An outrage of the most dreadful na- ture has been reported from the palace," said Koldo. "Dear me!" murmured the manager. "I am so sorry." "A stranger scaled the wall and en- tered the forbidden precincts. He ad- dressed himself to the Princess Kalora 71 THE SUM with most insulting familiarity. Two of the household guards captured him, but he escaped after beating them brutally. The report of the whole affair and a de- scription of the man have been brought to me by the esteemed Popova this gentle- man here, who is court interpreter and instructor in languages to the royal f am- Uy." Popova nodded and Mr. Pike saw the scattered spires of Bessemer, Pennsyl- vania, whirling away into a cloud of dis- appearance. "If you have a description of the man, no doubt you will be able to find him," he said, knowing that this kind of speech would strengthen his plea of innocence when brought out at the trial. The chief of the secret service turned and looked wondermgly at the bland stranger and resumed: "After some re- 72 TIE SLIM flection I have decided to make inquiries at all the hotels, to learn if any foreigner answering this description has lately ar- rived in the city." "You may be sure that any informa- tion I possess will be put at your disposal immediately," said the manager, with a smile and a professional bow. The only Koldo, breathing deeply, brought from his pocket a sheet of paper, while Mr. Pike propped himself deliber- ately against the door and tried to mold his features into that expression of guile- less innocence which he had observed on the face of a cherub in the Vatican. "He is very rugged and powerful," said the detective, referring to his notes. "Large, quite large black hair, dark eyes with a glance that seems to pierce through anything long mustache, also black wears much jewelry speaks with 73 TO SI a marked German accent wears a suit of Scotch plaid heavy military boots." Mr. Pike removed his hat and allowed the electric light to twinkle on his ruddy hair. "How ah where did you get this de- scription?" he asked gently. "From the Princess herself," replied Popova. "She saw him at close range." "Believe me, I am sorry, but no one an- swering the description has been at my hotel," said the manager. "Then I shall go to the Hotel Bristol and the Hotel Victoria," announced Koldo, with something of fierce deter- mination in his tone. "An excellent plan," assented the man- ager. "Would you mind if I butted in with a suggestion?" said Mr. Pike, laying a friendly hand on the arm of the redoubt- 74 mr*T fir SUM able Koldo. "Don't you think it would be better if you went alone to these hotels? This distinguished gentleman," indicat- ing Popova, "is well known on account of being a high guy up at the palace. Sure as you live, if he trails around with you, you will be spotted. You don't want to hunt this fellow with a brass band. Be- sides, you don't need any help, do you?" to the head of the secret service. "Certainly not," replied the famous de- tective, swelling visibly. " I have all the data already I am planning my cam- paign." "Then I should like to have a talk with Pop-what's-his-name. I think I can slip him a few valuable pointers. You go right along and nail your man and we'll sit here in the shade of the sheltering palm and tell each other our troubles." "I must return to the palace quite 75 TIE SLIM soon," murmured Popova, gazing at the stranger uneasily. "Call a carriage for the professor," spoke up Mr. Pike briskly, to the mana- ger. "I know his time is valuable, so we'll get down to business immediately, if not sooner." The manager knew a millionaire's voice when he heard it, so he hurried away. The impatient Koldo said that he would communicate directly with the palace as soon as he had effected the capture, and started for the front door. Then, re- membering himself, he went out the back way. The old tutor, finding himself alone with Mr. Pike, was not permitted to re- lapse into embarrassment. "In the first place, I want you to know who and what I am," said Mr. Pike. "Come into my suite and I'll show you 76 IE Ml something. Then you'll see that you re not wasting your time on a light-weight." He led the way to a large parlor or- nately done in red, and pulled out from a leather trunk a passport issued by the De- partment of State of the United States of America. It was a huge parchment, with pictorial embellishments, heavy Gothic type and a seal about the size of a pie. Mr. Pike's physical peculiarities were enumerated and there was a direct request that the bearer be shown every courtesy and attention due a citizen of the great republic. Popova looked it over and was impressed. "It isn't everybody that gets those," said Mr. Pike, as he put the document carefully back into the trunk and covered it with shirts. "Have a red chair. Take off your hat ah, I remember, you leave that on, don't you?" 77 noil The old gentleman seated himself, somewhat reassured by the cheery manner of his host, who sat in front of him and beamed. Mr. Pike, supposed to be given to va- pory and aimless conversation, really was a general. Already we have learned that he based his every-day conduct on a groundwork of safe principles. He had certain private theories, which had stood the test, and when following these theo- ries he proceeded with bustling confidence. One of his theories was that every man in the world has a grievance and regards himself as much-abused, and in order to win the regard and confidence of that man, all one has to do is feel around for the grievance and then play upon it. Mr. Pike, in his province of employer, had been compelled to study the methods of successful labor-union agitators. 78 "You don't know much about me, but I know plenty about you," he began, clos- ing one eye and nodding wisely. "I hadn't been here very long before I found out who was the real brains of that out- fit up at the palace." "Really, you know, we are not supposed to discuss the merits of our ruler," said Popova, fairly startled at the candid tone of the other. He lifted one hand in timid deprecation. "Of course you're not. That's why some one who is simply a figurehead goes on taking all the credit for tricks turned by a smart fellow who is working for him. Now, if you lived in the dear old land of ready money, where the accident of birth doesn't give any man the right to sit on somebody else's neck, you'd be a big gun. You'd have money tod a pull and probably, before you got through, 79 IK SUM you'd be investigated. Over here, you are deliberately kept in the background. You are the Patsy." "The what?" "The squidge that means the fellow who does all the worrying and gets noth- ing out of it. Now, before you return to what you call the palace, and which looks to me like the main building of the Alle- gheny Brick Works, will you do me the honor of going into that cave of gloom, known as the American bar, and hitting up just one small libation?" "I am not sure that I catch your mean- ing," said Popova, who felt himself somewhat smothered by rhetoric. "Into the bar down at the little iron table business of hoisting beverage." "We of the faith are not supposed to partake of any drink containing even a small percentage of alcohol." 80 TIE Mi "I'm not supposed to dally with it my- self, having been brought up on cistern water, but I find in traveling that I en- tertain a more kindly feeling for you strange foreign people when I carry a medium-sized headlight. Come along, now. Don't compel me to tear your clothes." There was no resisting the masterful spirit of the young steel magnate, and Popova was led away to a remote apart- ment, where a single shelf, sparsely set with bottles, made a weak effort to repro- duce the fabled splendors of far-away New York. "Let's see, what shall we tackle?" asked Mr. Pike, as he checked down the line with a rigid forefinger. "If you don't care what happens to you, we might try a couple of cocktails that is, if you like the taste of eau de quinine. Oh, I'll tell 81 you what! Here are lemons, seltzer and gin. Boy, two gin fizzes." The attendant, who was very juvenile and much afraid of his job, smiled and shook his head. "Do you mean to say that you never heard of a gin fizz?" asked Mr. Pike. "All the ingredients within reach, simply waiting to be introduced to each other, and you have been holding them apart. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Bring out some ice. Produce your jig- ger. Get busy. Hand me the tools and I'll do this myself." Then, while the other two looked on in abashed admiration, Mr. Pike deftly squeezed the lemons and splashed in allo- pathic portions of the crystal fluid and used ice most wastefully. After vigor- ous shaking and patient straining he shot a seething stream of seltzer into each 82 TESLI glass and finally delivered to Popova a translucent drink that was very tall and capped with foam. "Hide that, Professor," he said. "In a few minutes you will speak several new languages." Popova sipped conservatively. "Don't be afraid," urged Mr. Pike, encouragingly. "If the boy watched me carefully, possibly he can duplicate the order." The youth was more than willing, for he seldom received instruction. With now and then a word of counsel or warn- ing from the wise man of the west in the corner, he cautiously assembled two other fizzes, while Mr. Pike, in a most noncha- lant and roundabout manner, sought information concerning affairs of state, local politics, the Governor- General's household and Princess Kalora. Popova 83 roam told more than he had meant to tell and more than he knew that he was telling. It may have been that the fizzes were insidious or that Mr. Pike was unduly persuasive, or that a combination of these two powerful influences moved the el- derly tutor to impulses of unusual gener- osity. At any rate, he found himself possessed of an affection for the young man from Bessemer, Pennsylvania. It was an affection both fatherly and broth- erly. When Mr. Pike asked him to per- form just a small service for him, he promised and then promised again and was still promising when his host went with him to the carriage and said that he had not lived in vain and that in years to come he would gather his grandchildren around him and tell of the circumstances of his meeting with the greatest scholar in southeastern Europe. 84 VIII BY MESSENGER On the morning after the strange hap- penings in the garden, Kalora sat by one of the cross-barred windows overlooking a side street, and envied the humble citi- zens and unimportant woman drifting happily across her field of vision. Never in all her life had she walked out alone. The sweet privilege of courting adventure had been denied her. And yet she felt, on this morning, an almost inti- mate acquaintance with the outside world, for had she not talked with a valorous young man who could leap over high walls and subdue giants and pay compliments? He had thrown a sudden glare of ro- mance across her lonesome pathway. The 85 few minutes with him seemed to encom- pass everything in life that was worth remembering. She told herself that al- ready she liked him better than any other young man she had met, which was not surprising, for he had been the first to sit beside Ler and look into her eyes and tell her that she was beautiful. She knew that whatever of wretchedness the years might hold in store for her, no local edict could rob her of one precious memory. She had locked it up and put it away, be- yond the reach of courts and relatives. During many wakeful hours she had re- called each minute detail of that amazing interview in the garden, and had tried to estimate and foreshadow the young man's plan of escape from the secret police. Perhaps he had been taken during the night. The greatest good fortune that she could picture for him was a quick 86 flight across the frontier, which meant that he would never return that she had seen him once and could not hope to see him again. In her contemplation of the luminous figure of the Only Young Man, she had ceased to speculate concerning her own misfortunes. The fact of her disgrace remained in the background, eclipsed not in evidence except as a dim shadow over the day. While she sat immovable, gazing into the street, feeling within herself a tumult which was not of pain, nor yet of pleas- ure, but a satisfactory commingling of both, she heard her name spoken. Pop- ova was standing in the doorway. He greeted her with a smile and bow, both of which struck her as being singularly af- fected, for he was not given to polite ob- servances. As he squatted near her, she 87 noticed that he was tremulous and seemed almost frightened about something. "I have come to tell you that I regret exceedingly the the distressing incident of yesterday, and that I sympathize with you deeply deeply," he began. "It is your fault," she said, turning from him and again gazing into the street. "You taught me everything I do not need in Morovenia. You neglected the one essential. I am not blind. It was never your desire that I should be like my sister." She spoke in a low monotone and with no tinge of resentment, but her words had an immediate and perturbing effect on Popova, who stared at her wide-eyed and seemed unable to find his voice. "You must know that I have been gov- erned by your father's wishes," he said awkwardly. "Why do you " 88 "Do not misunderstand me. I thank you for what you have done. I would not be other than what I am. Tell me the stranger you know, the one in the garden has he been taken?" inquired the Princess. "Taken! Taken! Not even a clue not a trace! Either the earth opened to swallow him or else Koldo is a dunce. The description was most accurate. By the way, I I had a most interesting con- versation regarding the case, with a young man at the Hotel de I'Europe last evening. He is a person of great impor- tance in his own country, also a student of world-politics I he never have I encountered such discrimination in one so young. It was because of my admiration for his talents and my confidence in his integrity that I consented to deliver a message for him." 89 mam Kalora squirmed in her pillows, and turned eagerly to face Popova. "A message? For me?" she cried, eagerly. "I will admit that the whole proceeding is most irregular, to put it mildly. The young man was so deeply interested in your perilous adventure of yesterday, and so desirous of felicitating you upon your escape, that I yielded to his importunities and promised to deliver to you this let- ter." He brought it out cautiously, as if it were loaded with an explosive, and Ka- lora pounced upon it. "I rely upon you to maintain absolute secrecy in regard to my part in this unus- ual" But Kalora, unheeding him, had torn open the letter and was reading, as fol- lows : 90 MY DEAR PRINCESS : I hope that's the way to begin. Something tells me that you would not stand for " Your Majesty " or any of these " Royal Highness " trimmings. Believe me, you are the best ever. I have just had a talk with the eminent plain-clothes man who is looking for the burglar that broke into the garden this afternoon and tried to steal you. He read to me the description. Say, if I tried to write at this minute all of my present emo- tions concerning you, I would burn holes in the paper. When it comes to turning out fic- tion, Marie Corelli is not in the running. Hon- estly, when Mr. Detective walked into the hotel this evening, I figured it a toss-up whether I should ever see home and mother again. I am only an humble steel-maker, but I am for you and I want to see you again and tell you right to your face what I think of you. If you will sort of happen to be in the garden at 4 p. m. to-morrow (Thursday), I will come over the wall at the very spot I picked out to-day. I know that this method of becoming acquainted with young women is not indorsed by the Ladies 9 91 TESL1 Home Journal or Beatrice Fairfax, but, as near- ly as I can find out, there is no other way in which I can get into society over here. So far as the bloodhounds of the law are con- cerned, don't give them a thought. I have met the great Koldo, and he won't know until about next Sunday that yesterday was Tuesday. The professor has promised to bring a reply to the hotel. He is not on. Sincerely, YOUR GERMAN FRIEND. She read it all and found herself gasp- ing surprised, frightened, and moved to a fluttering delight. She had thought of him as skulking in byways, of concealing his name and attempting to disguise him- self so that he might dodge through the meshes woven by the invincible Koldo, and here he was, still flaunting himself at the hotel and calmly preparing to repeat his hazardous experiment. TE.S11 "He is a fool! " she exclaimed, forget- ting that Popova was present. "I trust the message has not offended you," said the tutor, decidedly alarmed at her agitation and not understanding what it meant. "I tell you he is a fool a fool!" she repeated. And while Popova wondered, she sprang to her feet and ran to him and gave him a muscular embrace around the tender portion of his neck, for he still squatted after the oriental manner, even though he wore a long black coat of Ger- man make. "I consented to bring it because he was most urgent, and seemed a proper sort of person," began Popova, "and not know- ing the contents "Bless you, I am not offended," inter- rupted Kalora, and then, looking at the 93 letter again, she burst into happy laugh- ter. The young stranger was unquestion- ably a fool. She had not dreamed that any one could be so reckless and heed- less, so contemptuous of the dread ma- chinery of the law, so willing to risk his very life for the sake of of seeing her again ! "If he has been impertinent, possibly you will take no notice of his communica- tion," suggested Popova. "Oh, I must I must at least acknow- ledge the receipt of it. Common courtesy demands that. I shall write just a few lines and you must take them to him at once. He seems to be a very forward person unacquainted with our local cus- toms, and so I shall formally thank him and suggest to him that any further correspondence would be inadvisable. 94 TOSH That's the really proper thing to do, don't you think?" "Possibly." "Then wait here until I have written it, and unless you wish me to go to my father and tell him something that would put an end to your illustrious career, deliver this message within a hour deliver it your- self. Give it to him and to no one else.'* Never was a go-between more non- plussed, but he promised with a readiness and a sincerity which indicated that he was keenly aware of the fact that Kalora held him in her power. The minx had read his secret without an effort! Mr. Pike was waiting in the avenue of potted palms when the greatest scholar of southeastern Europe, now reduced to the humble role of messenger boy, came to him, somewhat flurried and breathless, 95 and slipped a small envelope into his hand. Popova rather curtly refused to renew his acquaintance with occidental fizzes, and waited only until he had announced to Mr. Pike that the Princess wished to empha- size the advice contained in the letter and to assure the presumptuous stranger that it was meant for his welfare. This is what Mr. Pike read: My very good friend: I have protected you, not because you deserve protection, but because I like you very much. You must not come to the palace grounds again. They are now under double guard and, if I at- tempted to meet you, no doubt a whole company of our big soldiers would surround you and surely you could not overcome so many power* ful men. I am thinking only of your safety. I beg you to leave Morovenia at once. Your danger is greater than you can imagine. What more can I say, except that I shall always re- member you? Sincerely, 96 'K. TOSLI Mr. Pike read it carefully three times And then told himself aloud that it was not what he would precisely term a love- letter. "I may have made an impression, but certainly not a ten-strike," he thought to himself, as he folded up the missive and put it into the most sacred compartment of his Russia-leather pocketbook, along with the letter of credit. "I fear me that the incident is closed,'* he said. "I would stay here one year if I thought there was a chance of seeing her again, but if she wants me to fly I guess I had better fly." That evening, after an earnest contro- versy with the manager over a very com- plicated bill, studded with "extras," Mr. Alexander H. Pike, accompanied by dragoman, leather trunks, hat-boxes and hold-alls, drove away to the transconti- 97 nental express, and slept soundly while crossing the dangerous frontier. Possibly he would not have slept so soundly if he had known that at four o'clock that afternoon the Princess Kalora had been idling her time in the palace garden, walking back and forth near the high wall. She had told him not to come, and of course he would not come. No one could be so audacious and foolhardy as to invite destruction after being solemnly warned and yet, if he did come, she wanted to be there to speak to him again and rebuke him and tell him not to come a third time. She went back to her apartment much relieved and intensely disappointed. Such is the perverseness of the femi- nine nature, even in Morovenia. 98 IX AS TO WASHINGTON, D. C. About the time that Mr. Pike arrived in Vienna, and after Kalora had been in voluntary retirement for some forty- eight hours, the famous Koldo, head of the secret police, came into possession of a most important clue. Having searched for two days, without finding the trail of the criminal with the black mustache and the German accent, he bethought himself of the wisdom of going to the garden where the intruder had engaged in a desperate struggle with the two guards. Possibly he would dis- cover incriminating footprints. Instead, he found some scraps of paper, with print- ing of a foreign character. 99 By questioning the guards he learned that these tatters had come from a printed book which the mysterious stranger had carried, and which he never relinquished even while reducing his foes to insensi- bility. Koldo put these pieces of paper into a strong envelope, which he sealed and marked "Exhibit A," and delivered his precious find to the Governor- General. While Mr. Pike sat in Ronacher's at Vienna, watching a most entertaining vaudeville performance, Count Selim Malagaski was in his library, conferring with the wise Popova. "How did he escape?" asked Count Malagaski again and again, shaking his head. "The police have searched every corner of the town, and can find no one answering the description. 7 * "Have you questioned Kalora again?" 100 THLSLIM "Yes, and she now U'eihemberS'that he had a very heavy scar t>ver' Mfci i*i gUt ^ r e. Her description and these few scraps of paper torn from the book he was carry- ing are all that we have to guide us in our search." The Governor-General held up the several remnants of a ten-cent magazine. "It is in English; I read it badly." He gave the torn pages to the old tu- tor, and Popova, picking up the first, read as follows: What is the great danger that threatens the American woman? It is obesity. It is well known that ninety-nine per cent, of all the wom- en in the United States are striving to reduce their weight. For all such we have a message of hope. Write to Madam Clarissa and she "The remainder is torn away," said Popova. 101 TESL1 The Governor- General had been lean- ing f crw^rfl, listening intently. "Do you mean to say that there is a country in which all the woman are fat?" he asked. "It would seem so," replied Popova. "Let us read further." He picked up an- other of the torn pages and read aloud : To the Catena Company of Pine Creek, Michi- gan: When I began using your wonderful health- food I was a mere skeleton. I have been living on it for three months and I have gained a pound a day. Permit me to express the con- viction that you are real benefactors to the hu- man race. Gratefully yours, OSCAR TILBURY, Oakdale, Arkansas. "Stop!" exclaimed the Governor- Gen- eral, striking the table. "Is it possible that somewhere in this world there is a food which will add a pound a day?" "The testimonial seems genuine," re- 102 plied Popova. "It has been sworn to be- fore a notary." "What country is this?" "America, the land of milk and honey." "Both very fattening," commented the Governor-General. "Popova, I have an inspiration. You well know that my sit- uation here is most desperate. I must find husbands for these two daughters, but I dare not hope that any one will come for Kalora until the disgraceful affair has been forgotten and I can ab- solutely demonstrate that she has devel- oped into some degree of attractiveness. It is better for all concerned that she should leave Morovenia until the present scandal blows over. Now, why not America? It is a remote, half -savage country, and she will be far from the temptations which would beset her at any fashionable capital in Europe. We read 103 TKSL1M in this magazine that all the women in America are fat. She will come back to us in a little while as plump as a par- tridge. From the sworn testimonial it would appear that she can obtain in America a marvelous food which will cause her to gain a pound a day. She now weighs one hundred and eighteen pounds. If she remained there a year she would weigh, let me see one hundred and eighteen plus three hundred and sixty-five oh, that doesn't seem possible! That is too good to be true! But even six months, or only three months, would be sufficient. She must be sent away for a while, in the care of some one who will guard her carefully. Read up on Amer- ica to-night, and let me know all about it in the morning." Next day Popova, having consulted all the British authorities at hand, reported 104 that the United States of America cov- ered a large but undeveloped area, that the population was so engrossed with the accumulation of wealth that it gave little heed to pleasures or intellectual relaxa- tion, and that the country as a whole was unworthy of consideration except as the abode of a swollen material prosperity. "Just the place for her," exclaimed the Governor-General. "No pleasures to dis- tract her, an atmosphere of plodding commercialism, an abundance of health- giving nourishment! Perhaps the mere change of climate will have the desired effect. We will make the experiment. She is doomed if she remains here, and America seems to be our only hope. I suppose our beloved Monarch sends a minister to that country. If so, commu- nicate with the Secretary of the Legation and request him to secure secluded apart- 105 ments for her and a suite. You shall ac- company her." "I?" exclaimed Popova, unable to con- ceal his joy. "Yes; she must be under careful re- straint all the time. What is the capital of the United States?" "Washington. It is a sleepy and well- behaved town. I have looked it up." "Good! You shall take her to Wash- ington. If one of the many civil wars should break out, or there should be an uprising of the red men, she can hurry to the protection of the Turkish Embassy. Let us make immediate preparations and remember, Popova, that my w r hole future happiness as a father depends up- on the success of this expedition." When Kalora was gravely informed by her father that she and the tutor and a half-dozen female attendants were to be 106 bundled up and sent away to America, and that she was to do penance, take a dieting treatment, and come back in due time to try and atone for her unfortunate past, did she weep and beg to be allowed to remain at her own dear home? No; she listened in apparently meek and rather mournful submission, and, after her father went away, she turned handsprings across the room. Her utmost dream of happiness had been realized. She was to go to the land of the red-headed stranger where she would be admired and courted, and where, in time, she might aspire to the ultimate honor of having her picture in a ten-cent magazine. 107 ON THE WING The train rolled away from the low and dingy station and was in the open country of Morovenia. Kalora and her elderly guardian and the young women who were to be her companions during the period of exile had been tucked away into ad- joining compartments. Each young wo- man was muffled and veiled according to the most discreet and orthodox rules. Popova's bright red fez contrasted strangely with his silvering hair, but no more strangely than did this wondrous ex- perience of starting for a new world con- trast with the quiet years that he had spent among his books. The train sped into the farm-lands. 108 IE SLIM On either side was a wide stretch of har- vest fields, heaving into gentle billows, with here and there a shabby cluster of buildings. If Kalora had only known, Morovenia was very much like the far- away America, except that Morovenia had not learned to decorate the hillsides with billboards. At last she was to have a taste of free- dom! No father to scold and plead; no much-superior sister to torment her with reproaches; no peering through grated windows at one little rectangle of outside sunshine. To be sure, Popova had re- ceived explicit and positive instructions concerning her government. But Pop- ova pshaw! She unwound her veil and removed her head-gear and sat bareheaded by the car- window, greedily welcoming each new pic- ture that swung into view. 109 IE SLIM "You must keep your face covered while we are in public or semi-public places," said Popova gently, repeating his instructions to the very letter. "I shall not." Thus ended any exercise of Popova's authority during the whole journey. Before the train had come to Budapest all the young women, urged on to insub- ordination, had removed their veils, and Kalora had boldly invaded another com- partment to engage in rapt and feverish dialogue with a little but vivacious Frenchwoman. Two hours out from Vienna, the tutor found her involved in a business confer- ence with a guard of the train. She had learned that the tickets permitted a stop- over in Vienna. She wished to see Vi- enna. She had decided to spend one whole day in Vienna, no TESLI Popova, as usual, made a feeble show of maintaining his authority, but he was overruled. Count Selim Malagaski, at home, con- sulting the prearranged schedule, said, "This morning they have arrived in Paris and Popova is arranging for the steam- ship tickets.'' At which very moment, Kalora was in an open carriage driving from one Vienna shop to another, trying to find ready-made garme.nts similar to those worn by Mrs. Rawley Plumston. Popova was now a bundle-carrier. The shopping in Vienna was merely a prelude to a riotous extravagance of time and money in Paris. Popova, writing under dictation, sent a message to Moro- venia to the effect that they had been compelled to wait a week in order to get comfortable rooms on a steamer, ill TESLi Kalora had the dressmakers working night and day. She and her mother and her grand- mother and her great-grandmother and the whole line of maternal ancestors had been under suppression and had attired themselves according to the di- rections of a religious Prophet, who had been ignorant concerning color effects. And yet, now that Kalora had escaped from the cage, the original instinct as- serted itself. The love of finery can not be eliminated from any feminine species. When she boarded the steamer she was outwardly a creature of the New World. From the moment of embarking she seemed exhilarated by the salt air and the spirit of democracy. She lingered in New York more shop- ping. By the time she arrived at Washington 112 and went breezing in to call upon a certain dignified young Secretary, the transfor- mation was complete. She might not have been put together strictly according to mode, but she was learning rapidly, and willing to learn more rapidly. 113 XI AN OUTING A REUNION The Secretary of the Legation at Washington was surprised to receive a let- ter from the Governor- General of Moro- venia requesting him to find apartments for the Princess Kalora and a small retinue. The letter explained that the Governor- General's daughter had been given a long sea-voyage and assigned to a period of residence within the quiet boundaries of Washington, in the hope that her health might be improved The Secretary looked up the list of ho- tels and boarding-houses. He did not deem it advisable to send a convalescent to one of the large and busy hotels; neither did he think it proper to reserve rooms for her at an ordinary boarding- house, where she would sit at the same table with department-employees and con- gressmen. So he compromised on a very exclusive hotel patronized by legislators who had money of their own, by many of the titled attaches of the embassies, and by families that came during the season with the hope of edging their way into official society. He explained to the manager of the hotel that the Princess Kalora was an invalid, would require secluded apart- ments, and probably would not care to meet any of the other persons living at the hotel. Within a week after the rooms had been reserved the invalid drove up to the Legation to thank the Secretary for his kindness. Now, the Secretary had lived in modern capitals for many years, was trained in diplomacy, and had schooled 115 IttSLi himself never to appear surprised. But the Princess Kalora fairly bowled him over. He had pictured her as a wan and waxen creature, who would be carried to the hotel in a closed carriage or ambu- lance, there to recline by the windowside and look out at the rustling leaves. He had decided, after hours of deliberation, that the etiquette of the situation would be for some member of the Legation to call upon her about once a week and take flowers to her. And here was the invalid, bounding out of a coupe, tripping up the front steps and bursting in upon him like an untamed Amazon from the prairies of Nebraska. She wore a tailor-made suit of dark ma- terial, a sailor hat, tan gloves with big welts on the back and stout, low-heeled Oxfords. This was the young woman 116 IE si who had come five thousand miles to im- prove her health! This was the child of the Orient, and in the Orient, woman is a hothouse flower. This was the timid young recluse to whom the soft-spoken diplomats were to carry a few roses about once a week. Why had she called upon the Secre- tary? First, to thank him for having en- gaged the rooms; second, to invite him to take her out to a country club and teach her the game of golf. She had heard people at the hotel talking about golf. The game had been strongly commended to her by a congressman's daughter, with whom she had ascended to the top of the Washington Monument. When the Secretary, having recovered his breath, asked if she felt strong enough to attempt such a vigorous game, she was moved to silvery laughter. She told what she had accomplished during three short days in Washington. She had attended two matinees with Popova, had gone motoring into the Virginia hills, had inspected all the public buildings, and studied every shop-window in Pennsyl- vania Avenue. The Secretary knew that all this outdoor freedom was not usually accorded a young woman of his native domain, and yet he felt that he had no au- thority to restrain her or correct her. She was a princess, and he was relatively a subordinate, and, when she requested him to take her to the country club, he gave an embarrassed consent. "You have been in America a long time?" she asked. "About three years." "You have met many people that is, the important people?" 118 THE SLIM "All of them are important over here. Those that are not very wealthy or very eminent are getting ready to be." "I am wondering if you could tell me something about a young man I met abroad. I met him only once, and I have quite forgotten his name." "I'm afraid I haven't met him." "He is rather good-looking and has well, red hair; not rusty red, but a sort of golden red." "There are millions of red-haired young men in America." "Please don't discourage me. Now I remember the name of his home. He lived in Pennsa Pennsylvania, that's it." "Pennsylvania is about four times as large as Morovenia." "But he is very wealthy. He talked as if he had come into millions." "I can well believe it. The millionaires 119 TESLIM of Pennsylvania are even as the sands of the sea or the leaves of the forest." "He owns some sort of mills or factor- ies where they make steel." "Every millionaire in Pennsylvania has something to do with steel. Now, if you were searching in that state for a young man who is penniless and has nothing to do with the steel industry, possibly I might be of some service to you. The whole area of Pennsylvania is simply in- fested with millionaires. Not all of them are red-headed, but they will be, before Congress gets through with them." This playful lapse into the American vernacular was quite lost upon the Prin- cess Kalora, who was sitting very still and gazing in a most disconsolate manner at the Secretary. "I felt sure that you could tell me all about him," she said. 120 TIE SLIM "Believe me, if I encounter any young millionaire from Pennsylvania, whose hair is golden-red, I shall put detectives on his trail and let you know at once. You met him abroad?" "At a garden party in Morovenia." "Indeed! Garden parties in Moro- venia! And yet that is not one-half as surprising as to find you here in Wash- ington." "You are not displeased to find me here?" "Charmed delighted." "And you will take me to the country club?" "At any time. It will really give me much pleasure." "I shall drop a note. Good-by." He stood at the window to watch her as she nimbly jumped into the coupe and was driven away. 121 That evening he made a most astonish- ing report to his intimates of the corps and asked: "What shall I do?" "Do you feel competent to take charge of her and regulate her conduct?" "I do not." "Have you instructions to watch her and make sure that she observes the eti- quette and keeps within the restrictions of her own country while she is visiting in Washington?" "Nothing of the sort." "From your first interview with her, do you believe that it would be advisable for any of us to attempt to interfere with her plans?" "Decidedly not." "Then take her to the country club and teach her the game of golf, and remember the old saying at home, that no man was 122 ever given praise for attempting to gov- ern another man's family." So it was settled that the Legation would not attempt any supervision of Ka- lora's daily program. And it was a very wise decision, for the daily program was complicated and the Legation would have been kept exceedingly busy. Popova became merely a sort of foot- man, or modified chaperon. He knew that he had no real authority and seldom attempted even the most timid suggestions as to her conduct. Once or twice he men- tioned health- food and dieting, and was pooh-poohed into a corner. As for the women attendants, who had been sent along that they might be the companions of the Princess during the long hours of loneliness and seclusion, they were trained to act as hair-dressers and French maids and repairing seamstresses! 123 Kalora had money and a title and phys- ical attractions. Could she well escape the gaieties of Washington? Be assured that she made no effort to escape them. She followed the busy routine of dinners and balls, receptions and afternoon teas, her childish enthusiasm never lagging. She could play at golf and she seemed to know horseback riding the first time she tried it, and after the first two weeks she drove her own motor-car. The letters that went back to Moro- venia were fairly dripping with superla- tives and happy adjectives. She was delighted with Washington; she was in excellent health; the members of the Le- gation were very thoughtful in their at- tentions ; the autumn weather was all that could be desired; her apartments at the hotel were charming. In fact, her whole life was rose-colored, but never a word of 124 real news for her anxious father and sis- ter nothing about gaining a pound a day. The Governor- General hoped from the encouraging tone of the letters that she was quietly housed, out in the borders of some primeval forest, gradually en- larging into the fullness of perfect womanhood. About three months after her depart- ure, in order to reassure himself regarding the progress in her case, he wrote a letter to the minister at Washington. He told the minister that his child was disposed to be unruly and that Popova had become careless and somewhat indefinite in his re- ports and would he, the minister, please write and let an anxious parent know the actual weight of Princess Kalora? The minister resented this manner of request. He did not feel that it was within the duties of a high official to go 125 HE SLIM out and weigh young women, so he replied briefly that he knew no way of ascertaining the exact weight of an acrobatic young woman who never stood still long enough to be weighed, but he could assure the father that she was somewhat slimmer and more petite than when she arrived in Washington a few weeks before. This letter slowly traveled back to Morovenia, and on the very day of its de- livery to Count Selim Malagaski, who read it aloud and then went into a froth- ing paroxysm of rage, the Princess Kalora in Washington figured in a most joyful episode. A western millionaire, who had bought a large cubical palace on one of the radiat- ing avenues, was giving a dancing-party, to which the entire blue book had been invited. Kalora went, trailed by the long-suffering Popova. She wore her 126 IULSL1 most fetching Parisian gown, and decked herself out with wrought jewelry of quaint and heavy design, which was the envy of all the other young women in town, and she put in a very busy night, for she danced with army officers, and lieutenants of the navy, and one senator, and goodness knows how many half- grown diplomats. At two o'clock in the morning she was in the supper-room : a fairly late hour for a young woman supposed to be leading a quiet life. The food set before her would not have been prescribed for a tender young creature who was dieting. She was supping riotously on stuffed olives. Her companion was a young gentleman from the army. They sat beneath a huge palm. The tables were crowded together rather closely. She chanced to look across at the little 127 table to her right, and she saw a young man a young man with light hair almost ripe enough to be auburn. With a smothered "Oh!" she dropped the olive poised between her fingers, and as she did so, he looked across and saw her and exclaimed: "Well, 111 be" He came over, almost upsetting two tables in his impetuous course. She ex- pected to see him jump over them. He seized her hand and gazed at her in grinning delight, and the young gentle- man from the army went into total eclipse. 128 XII THE GOVERNOR CABLES "I don't believe it. It's too good to be true. I am in a trance. It isn't you, is it?" And he was still holding her hand. "Yes it is." "The Princess ah ?" "Kalora." "That's it. I was so busy thinking of you after I left your cute little country that I couldn't remember the name. I thought of 'calico' and Tedora' and c Ko- komo' and a lot of names that sounded like it, but I knew I was wrong. Kalora Kalora I'll remember that. I knew it began with a *K.' But what in the name of all that is pure and sanctified are you doing in the land of the free?" 129 "You invited me to come. Don't you remember? You urged me to come." "That's why you notified me as soon as you arrived, isn't it? How long have you been here?" "I forget three months four months. Surely you have seen my name in the papers. Every morning you may read a full description of what Princess Kalora of Morovenia wore the night before. For a simple and democratic people you are rather fond of high-sounding titles, don't you think?" "I haven't read the papers, because I'm always afraid I'll find something about myself. They don't describe my cos- tumes, however. They simply say that I am trying to blow up and scuttle the ship of State. But this has nothing to do with your case. It is customary, when you ac- cept an invitation, to let the host know 130 mOT T1U SLi something about it. In other words, why didn't you drop me a line?" "I will confess the whole truth since you have been candid enough to admit that you had forgotten my name. I tried to find you, through the Legation. I de- scribed you, but your name please tell me your name again? You mentioned it, that day in the garden. Popova promised to go to the hotel and get it for me, but we were bundled away in such a hurry." "Heavens! Imagine any one forget- ting such a name! Alexander H. Pike, Bessemer, Pennsylvania, tariff- fed infant and all-round plutocrat." "Why, of course, Pike, Pike it is the name of a fish." "Thank you." The young gentleman from the army moved uneasily, and they remembered that he was present. He hoped they 131 wouldn't mind if he went to look up his partner for the next dance, and they as- sured him that they wouldn't, and he be- lieved them and was backing away when Popova arrived to suggest the lateness of the hour and intimate his willingness to return to the hotel. His sudden journey to the western hemisphere and his period of residence at Washington had been punctuated with surprises, but the amazement which smote him when he saw Kalora leaning across the table toward the young man who had introduced the gin fizz into Morovenia was sudden and shocking. Mr. Pike greeted him rapturously and gave him the keys to North America, and then Kalora patted him on the arm and sent him away to wait for her. They sat and talked for an hour sat and talked and laughed and pieced out 132 between them the wonderful details of that very lively day in Morovenia. "And you have come all the way to Washington, D. C., in order to increase your weight?" he asked. "That cer- tainly would make a full-page story for a Sunday paper. Think of anybody's coming to Washington to fatten up! Why, when I come down here to regulate these committees, I lose a pound a day." "I never dreamed that there could be a country in which women are given so much freedom so many liberties." "And what we don't give them, they take which is eminently correct. Of all the sexes, there is only one that ever made a real impression on me." "And to think that some day I shall have to return to Morovenia!" "Forget it," urged Mr. Pike, in a low and soothing tone. "Far be it from me 133 TESLI to start anything in your family, but if I were you, I would never go back there to serve a life sentence in one of those lime-kilns, with a curtain over my face. You are now at the spot where woman is real superintendent of the works, and this is where you w r ant to camp for the rest of your life." "But I can not disobey my father. I dare not remain if he " She paused, realizing that the talk had led her to dangerous ground, for Mr. Pike had dropped his large hand on her small one and v/as gazing at her with large devouring eyes. "You won't go back if I can help it," he said, leaning still nearer to her. "I know this is a little premature, even for me, but I just want you to know that from the minute I looked down from the wall that day and saw you under the 134 TESL1 tree well, I haven't been able to find anything else in the world worth looking at. When I met you again to-night, I didn't remember your name. You didn't remember my name. What of that? We know each other pretty well don't you think we do? The way you looked at me, when I came across to speak to you I don't know, but it made me be- lieve, all at once, that maybe you had been thinking of me, the same as I had been thinking of you. If I'm saying more than I have a right to say, head me off, but, for once in my life, I'm in earn- est." "I'm glad you like me," she said, and she pushed back in her chair and looked down and away from him and felt that her face was burning with blushes. "When you have found out all about me, I hope you'll keep on speaking to me 135 just the same," he continued. "I warn you that, from now on, I am going to pester you a lot. You'll find me sitting on your front door-step every morning, ready to take orders. To-morrow I must hie me to New York, to explain to some venerable directors why the net earnings have fallen below forty per cent. But when I return, O fair maiden, look out for me." He would be back in Washington within three days. He would come to her hotel. They were to ride in the motor, car and they were to go to the theaters. She must meet his mother. His mother would take her to New York, and there would be the opera, and this, and that, and so on, for he was going to show her all the attractions of the Western Hemis- phere. The night was thinning into the gray- 136 ness of dawn when he took her to the waiting carriage. She put her hand through the window and he held it for a long time, while they once more went over their delicious plans. After the carriage had started, Popova spoke up from his dark corner. "I am beginning to understand why you wished to come to America. Also I have made a discovery. It was Mr. Pike who overcame the guards and jumped over the wall." "I shall ask the Governor-General to give you Koldo's position." An enormous surprise was waiting for them at the hotel. It was a cable from Morovenia long, decisive, definite, com- posed with an utter disregard for heavy tolls. It directed Popova to bring the shameless daughter back to Morovenia immediately not a moment's delay un- 137 der pain of the most horrible penalties that could be imagined. They were to take the first steamer. They were to come home with all speed. Surely there was no mistaking the fierce intent of the message. Popova suffered a moral collapse and Kalora went into a fit of weeping. Both of them feared to return and yet, at such a crisis, they knew that they dared not disobey. The whole morning was given over to hurried packing-up. An afternoon train carried them to New York. A steamer was to sail early next day, and they went aboard that very night. Kalora had left a brief message at her hotel in Washington. It was addressed to Mr. Alexander H. Pike, and simply said that something dreadful had hap- pened, that she had been called home, that 138 she was going back to a prison the doors of which would ne^er swing open for her, and she must say good-by to him for ever. She tried to communicate with him be- fore sailing away from New York. Messenger boys, bribed with generous cab- fares, were sent to all the large hotels, but they could not find the right Mr. Pike. The real Mr. Pike was living at a club. She leaned over the railing and watched the gang-plank until the very moment of sailing, hoping that he might appear. But he did not come, and she went to her state-room and tried to for- get him, and to think of something other than the reception awaiting her back in the dismal region known as Morovenia. 1S9 XIII THE HOME-COMING The Governor-General waited in the main reception-room for the truant expe- dition. He was hoping against hope. Orders had been given that Popova, Ka- lora and the whole disobedient crew should be brought before him as soon as they arrived. His wrath had not cooled, but somehow his confidence in himself seemed slowly to evaporate, as it came time for him to administer the scolding the scolding which he had rehearsed over and over in his mind. He heard the rolling wheels grit on the drive outside, and then there was mur- muring conversation in the hallway, and then Kalora entered. His most dread- no IE SLIM ful suspicions were ten times confirmed. She wore no veil and no flowing gown. She was tightly incased in a gray cloth suit, and there was no mistaking the pre- sence of a corset underneath. On her head was a kind of Alpine hat with a defiant feather standing upright at one side. Before her father had time to study the details of this barbaric costume, he sat staring at her as she was silhou- etted for an instant between him and the open window. Merciful Mahomet! She was as lean and supple as an Austrian race-horse! He could say nothing. She ran over and gave him a smack on the forehead and then said cheerily: "Well, popsy, here I am! What do you think of me?" While Count Selim Malagaski was holding to his chair and trying to sort out 141 from the limited vocabulary of Moro- venia the words that could express his boiling emotions, he saw Popova stand- ing shamefaced in the doorway. Was it really Popova? The tutor wore a trav- eling-suit with large British checks, a blue four-in-hand, and, instead of a fez, a rakish cap with a peak in front. As he edged into the room the young women attendants filed timidly behind him. Horror upon horrors! They were in shirt-waists, with skirts that came tightly about the hips, and every one of them wore a chip hat, and not one of them was veiled ! The Governor-General tried to steady himself in order to meet this unprece- dented crisis. "So this is how you have managed my affairs?" he said in angry tones to the trembling Popova. 142 "What is the meaning of this shocking exhibition?" "Don't blame him, father," spoke up Kalora. "I am responsible for whatever has happened. We have seen something of the world. We have learned that Morovenia is about two hundred years behind the times. They knew that you would not approve, but I have compelled them to have the courage of their convic- tions. You can see for yourself that we no longer belong here. There is but one thing for you to do, and that is to send us away again." "No!" exclaimed her father, banging his fist on the table, and then coming to his feet. "You shall remain here all of you and be punished! You have ru- ined your own prospects; you have con- demned your poor sister to a life of single misery, and you have made your father 143 THE SLIM the laughing-stock of all Morovenia! If I can not reform you and make you a dutiful child, at least I can make an ex- ample of you !" "Stop!" she said very sharply. "Let us not have an unfortunate scene in the presence of the servants. If you have anything to say to me, send them away, and remember also, father, I have certain rights which even you must respect. Also, I have a great surprise for you. I am beautiful. Hundreds of young men have told me so. Under no circum- stances would I permit myself to become large and gross and bulky. You are dis- heartened because no young man in Morovenia wishes to marry me. Bless you, there isn't a young man in this coun- try worth marrying!" "Young woman, you have taxed my 144 TIE SUM patience far beyond the limit," said her father, speaking low in an effort to con- trol his wrath. "Hereafter you shall never go beyond the walls of this palace ! You shall be a waiting-maid for your sis- ter! The servants shall be instructed to treat you as a menial one of their own class! These shameless women are dis- missed from my service! As for you" turning upon the old tutor "y u shall be put away under lock and key until I can devise some punishment severe enough to fit your case !" That night Kalora slept on a hard and narrow cot in a bare apartment adjoining her sister's gorgeous boudoir quite a change from the suite overlooking the avenue. The shirt-waist brigade had been sent into banishment, and poor Popova was sitting on a wooden stool in a dungeon, 145 thinking of the dinners he had eaten at Old Point Comfort and wondering if he had not overplayed himself in the effort to be avenged upon the Governor- Gen- eral. 146 XIV HEROISM REWARDED A month later Popova was still in prison, and had demonstrated that even after one has lunched for several months at the Shoreham, the New Willard and the Raleigh, he may subsist on such sim- ple fare as bread and water. Kalora had been humiliated to the ut- termost, but her spirit was unbroken and defiant. She was nominally a servant, but Je- neka and the others dared not attempt any overbearing attitude toward her, for they feared her sharp and ready wit. The fires of inward wrath seemed to have reduced her weight a few pounds, 147 mffT HI SUM so that if ever a man faced a situation of unbroken gloom, that man was the poor Cover nor- General. Count Malagaski sat in the large, over- decorated audience room, alone with his sorrowful meditations. An attendant brought him a note. "The man is at the gate," said the at- tendant. "He started to come in. We tried to keep him out. He pushed three of the soldiers out of the way, but we finally held him back, so he sends this note." A few lines had been written in pencil on the reverse side of a typewritten busi- ness letter. The Governor- General could speak English, but he read it rather badly, so he sent for his secretary, who told him that the note ran as follows : You don't know me and there is no need to give my name. Must see you on important mat- 148 mOT 11 f SUM ter of business. Something in regard to your daughter. "Great Heavens, another one!" said the Governor-General. "There are one thousand young men ready and willing to marry Jeneka and not one in all the world wants Kalora. Send him away!" "I am afraid he won't go," suggested the attendant. "He is a very positive character." "Then send him in to me. I can dis- pose of his case in short order." A few moments later Count Selim Malagaski found himself sitting face to face with a ruddy young man in a blue suit a square-shouldered, smiling young gentleman, with hair of subdued auburn. "I take it that you're a busy man and I'll come to the point," said the young man, pulling up his chair. "I try to be business from the word go, even in mat- 149 man ters of this kind. You have a daughter." "I have two daughters," replied the Governor- General sadly. "You have only one that interests me. I have been around a good deal, but she is about the finest looking girl I " "Before you say any more, let me ex- plain to you," said the Governor- General very courteously. "Perhaps you are not entitled to this information, but you seem to be a gentleman and a person of some importance, and you have done me the honor to admire my daughter, and, there- fore, it is well that you should know all the facts in the case. I have two daugh- ters. One is exceedingly beautiful and her hand has been sought in marriage by young men of the very first families of Morovenia, notably Count Luis Mul- dova, who owns a vast estate near the Roumanian frontier. I have another 150 TIE SLIM daughter who is decidedly unattractive, so much so that she has never had an offer of marriage. I am telling you all this because it is known to all Moro- venia, and even you, a stranger, would have learned it very soon. Under the law here, a younger sister may not marry until the elder sister has married. My unat- tractive daughter is the elder of the two. Do you see the point? Do you under- stand, when you come talking of a mar- riage with my one desirable daughter, that not only are you competing with all the wealthy and titled young men of this country, but also you are condemned to sit down and patiently wait until the elder sister has married, which means, my dear sir, that probably you will wait for ever? Therefore I think I may safely wish you good day." "Hold on, here," said the visitor, who 151 IE SLIM had been listening intently, with his eyes half-closed, and nodding his head quickly as he caught the points of the unusual sit- uation. "If I can fix it up with you and daughter and I don't think I'll have any trouble with daughter what's the matter with my rustling around and finding a good man for sister? There is no reason why any young woman with a title should go into the discard these days. At least we can make a try. I have tackled prop- ositions that looked a good deal tougher than this." "Do you think it possible that you could find a desirable husband for a young woman who has no physical charms and who, on two or three occasions, has scan- dalized our entire court?" "I don't say I can, but I'm willing to take a whirl at it." 152 "My dear sir, before we go any further, tell me something about yourself. You are an Englishman, I presume ?" "Great Scott ! You're the first one that ever called me that. I have been called a good many things, but never an Eng- lishman. I'll have to begin wearing a flag in my hat. I'm an American." "American!" gasped the Governor- General. "I am very sorry to hear it. I have every reason for regarding you and your native country as my natural ene- mies." "You're dead wrong. America is all right. The States size up pretty well alongside of this little patch of country." "I do not blame you for being loyal to your own home, sir, but isn't it rather pre- sumptuous for you, an American, to as- pire to the hand of a Princess who could 153 TKSL1M marry any one of a dozen young men of wealth and social position?" "What's the matter with my wealth and social position? I'm willing to stack up my bank-account with any other candi- date. I happen to be worth eighteen mil- lion dollars." "Dollars?" repeated the Governor-Gen- eral, puzzled. "What would that be in piasters ?" "It's a shame to tell you. Only about four hundred million piastres, that's all." "What!" exclaimed the Governor-Gen- eral. "Surely you are joking. How could one man be worth four hundred mil- lion piasters?" "Say, if you'll give me a pencil and a pad of paper and about a half -day's time, I'll figure out for you what Henry Frick is worth in piasters and then you would have a fit. Why, in the land of 154 mOT Tlf SUM ready money I'm only a third-rater, but I've got the four hundred million, all right." "But have you any social position?" asked the Governor- General. "Any rank? Any title? Over here those things count for a great deal." "I am Grand Exalted Ruler of the Be- nevolent and Protective Order of Elks,'" said the visitor calmly. "Really!" "I am a Knight Templar." "A knight? That is certainly some- thing." "Do you see this badge with all the jewels in it? That means that I am a Noble of the Mystic Shrine." "I can see that it is the insignia of a very distinguished order," said the Gov- ernor-General, as he touched it admir- ingly. 155 "What is more, I am King of the Hoo- Hoos." "A king?" "A sure-enough king. Now, don't you worry about my wealth or my title. I've got money to burn and I can travel in any company. The thing for us to do is to get together and find a good husband for the cripple, and fix up this whole marriage deal. But before we go into it I want to meet your daughter and find out exactly how I stand with her." "That will be unnecessary, and also im- possible. Whatever arrangements you make with me may be regarded as final. My daughter will obey my wishes." "Not for mine! I am not trying to marry any girl that isn't just as keen for me as I am for her. Why, I've seen her only twice. Let me talk it over with her, and if she says yes, then you can look me 156 up in Bradstreet and we'll all know where we stand." "I am sorry, but it is absolutely con- trary to our customs to permit a private interview between an unmarried woman and her suitor." "Whereas in our country it is the most customary thing in the world ! Now, why should we observe the customs of your country and disregard the customs of my country, which is about forty times as large and eighty times as important as your country? Don't be foolish! I may be the means of pulling you out of a tight hole. You go and send your daughter here to me. Give me ten minutes with her. I'll state my case to her, straight from the shoulder, and, if she doesn't give me a lot of encouragement, I'll grab the first train back to Paris. If she does give me any encouragement, then you'll see 157 what can be accomplished by a real live matrimonial agency." The Governor-General hesitated, but not for long. The confident manner of the stranger had inspired him with the first courage that he had felt for many weeks and revived in him the long-slum- bering hope that possibly there was some- where in the world a desirable husband for Kalora. He was about to violate an im- portant rule, but there was no reason why any one on the outside should hear about it. "This is most unusual," he said. "If I comply with your request, I must beg of you not to mention the fact of this in- terview to any one. Remain here." He went away, and the young man waited minute after minute, pacing back and forth the length of the room, cutting nervous circles around the big office chairs, 158 wiping his palms with his handkerchief and wondering if he had come on a fool's errand or whether He heard a rustle of soft garments, and turned. There in the doorway stood a feminine full moon an elliptical young woman, with half of her pink and corpu- lent face showing above a gauzy veil, her two chubby hands clasped in front of her, the whole attitude one of massive shy- ness. "I I beg pardon," he said, staring at her in wonder. She tried to speak, but was too much flustered. He saw that she was smiling behind the veil, and then she came toward him, holding out her hand. He took the hand, which felt almost squashy, and said : "I am very glad to meet you." Then there was a pause. "Won't you be seated?" he asked. 159 She sank into one of the leather chairs and looked up at him with a little simper, and there was another pause. "I I never have seen you before, have I?" she asked, with a secretive attempt to take a good look at him. "You can search me," he replied, staring at her, as if fascinated by her wealth of figure. "If I had seen you be- fore, I have a remote suspicion that I should remember you. I don't think it would be easy to forget you." "You flatter me," she said softly. "Do I? Well, I meant every word of it. Will you pardon me for being a wee bit personal? Are there many young ladies in these parts that are as as cor pulent, or fat, or whatever you want to call it that is, are you any plumper than the average?" "I have been told that I am." 160 "Once more pardon me, but have you done anything for it?" "For what?" she asked, considerably; surprised. "I wouldn't have mentioned it, only I think I can give you some good tips. I had a Cousin Flora who was troubled the same way. About the time she went to Smith College she got kind of careless with herself, used to eat a lot of candy and never take any exercise, and she got to be an awful looking thing. If you'll cut out the starchy foods and drink noth- ing but Kissingen, and begin skipping the rope every day, you'll be surprised how much of that you'll take off in a little while. At first you won't be able to skip more than twenty-five or fifty times a day, but you keep at it and in a month you can do your five hundred. Put on plenty of flannels and wear a sweater. 161 And I'll show you a dandy exercise. Put your heels together this way," and he stood in front of her, "and try to touch the floor with your fingers so!" illus- trating. "You won't be able to do it at first, but keep at it, and it'll help a lot. Then, if you will lie flat on your back every morning, and work your feet up and down- She had listened, at first in utter amaze- ment. Now her timid coquettishness was giving way to anger. "What are you trying to tell me?" she asked. "It's none of my business, but I thought you'd be glad to find out what'd take off about fifty pounds." "And is this why you came to see me?" she demanded. ff l didn't come to see you" 162 "My father said you were waiting and he sent me to you." "Sent you" replied Mr. Pike in frank surprise. "My dear girl, you may be good to your folks and your heart may be in the right place, and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but father has got mixed in his dates. I certainly didn't come here to see you" As he was speaking Jeneka wriggled forward in her chair and then arose. She stood before him, heaving perceptibly. "Your manner is most insulting," she declared. She had expected to be show- ered with compliments, and here was this giggling stranger advising her to be thin ! She toddled over to the door and pushed a bell. Then she turned upon the be- wildered stranger and remarked coldly: "Unless you have something further to 163 communicate, you may consider this inter- view at an end." A servant appeared in the doorway. "Show this person out," said the portly princess. The servant gave a little scream. "Mr. Pike!" "Kalora!" And then he was holding both her hands. "You are here here in Morovenia? You came all the way?" "All the way! I'd have come ten times as far. Before I left New York I heard about all those messenger boys hunting me around the hotels, but I didn't know what it meant. When I got back to Washington I found your note, and, as soon as I could get Congress calmed down, I started got in here last night." "But why did you come?" 164 nt SLI "Can't you guess?" Mr. Pike wasted no time in circumlocution. During this hurried interview Jeneka had been holding a determined thumb against the electric button. The Gover- nor-General, waiting impatiently up the hallway, heard the prolonged buzzing and came to investigate. He found the ador- able Jeneka, all trembling with indigna- tion, in the doorway. She saw him and pointed. He looked and saw the distin- guished stranger, the man of many titles and unbounded wealth, standing close to the slim princess, holding both her hands and beaming upon her with all of the un- mistakable delirious happiness of love's young dream. "What does it mean?" asked the Gover- nor-General. "Is it possible "He was rude to me," began Jeneka* "He was most insulting " 165 Mr. Pike turned to meet his prospect- ive father-in-law. "You meant well, but you got twisted," he remarked. "This is the one I was looking for." At first Count Selim Malagaski was too dumf ounded for speech. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Can it be possible that you, a man worth millions of piasters, an exalted ruler, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, have deliberately chosen this waspy, weedy " "Let up!" said Mr. Pike sharply. "You can say what you please about your daughter, bu 4 ^ou mustn't make remarks about the prospective Mrs. Pike. I don't know anything about her local reputation for looks, but I think she's the most beau- tiful thing that ever drew breath, and I'd make it stronger than that if I knew how. 166 You thought I meant the fat one. Well, I didn't, but I hope the agreement goes just the same. And I'll stick to what I said. I'll get the other one married off. It may take a little time, but I think I can find some one." "Find some one?" cried Jeneka indig- nantly. "Find some one?" repeated her father. "She has been sought by every young man of quality in the whole kingdom. How dare you suggest that " Then he paused, for he was beginning to comprehend that young Mr. Pike had stepped in and saved him, and that, in- stead of rebuking Mr. Pike, he should be weeping on his breast and calling him "son." Jeneka came to her senses at the same moment, for she saw her dream of five Id? years coming true. She knew that soon she would be the Countess Muldova. Mr. Pike suddenly felt himself caressed by three happy mortals. "I shall make you a Knight of the Gleaming Scimitar," said the Governor- General. "I have the authority." "Thanks," replied Mr. Pike. "And we can have a double wedding, '* exclaimed Jeneka, whose ecstasy was al- most apoplectic. "We shall be married in Washington," said Kalora decisively. "I am not going to be carted over to my husband's house and delivered at the back door, even if it is the custom of my native land. I shall be married publicly and have twelve bridesmaids." "You may start for Washington imme- diately," said her father with genuine en- thusiasm. 168 "I shall need a chaperon. Send for Popova." "Good! His punishment shall be permanent exile." "Nothing would please him better," said Kalora. "Over here he is nothing in Washington he will be a distinguished foreigner. Washington ! Washington! To think that all of us are going back there! To think that once more I shall have pickles all the pickles I want to eat!" "We have over fifty varieties waiting for you," observed young Mr. Pike ten- derly. "I have been thinking," spoke up the Governor-General. "I shall apply to the Sultan. He shall make you a Most Noble Prince of the Order of Bosporus. The decoration is a great star, studded with diamonds." 169 "Thanks," replied Mr. Pike. That night the great palace at Moro- venia was completely illuminated for the first time in many months. THE END IN OUR TOWN - I THE ACTOR EVERY town has an actor. We had one. In fact, we have him now in the summer time. Egbert is one of the birds that fly away in the autumn and come fluttering back in the spring. Several times he has come back before spring. Lost his job? Certainly not. He is either " resting or reorganizing." As soon as he is thor- oughly rested and altogether reorganized he has Jim Frisby (the dairyman) haul his battle-scarred trunk down to the sta- tion, and away he goes on a new search for glory. As nearly as we can learn and we try to learn everything in our town one of the Frohman boys has sent for him. 173 mCiT T1U SUM His full name, as printed on the trunk, is Egbert Seyon pronounced Say-on. Some name that. A good, juicy stage name that would show up great on a 24- sheet. Egbert has not burst into large type as yet. He has not attained " stellar distinction," if you know what that is, but he will all right, all right, if Robert Mantell and Otis Skinner will move over to their own side of the track and not try to keep him in a pocket. It may not be generally known to the play-going public, but Egbert Seyon's real name is Ed Noyes. Many older mem- bers of the I-knew-him-when Club, which was chartered and organized right here in our town, recall the fact that Ed once delivered milk for the Simpson Brothers' dairy. It is hardly fair to say that he de- livered milk once. As a matter of fact, he was allowed to get out twice. After 174 each trip he came in with his vest pocket full of red and blue tickets, but these did not add up enough quarts and pints to account for all the milk that had been delivered. Ed never could get the differ- ence between a quart and a pint straight in his head. He was not dishonest, mind you. Simply a case of artistic tempera- ment. For a good many years since then he has been getting the red tickets mixed up with the blue tickets and giving pints for quarts, and that is why he lands back here along about cherry-picking time and visits his married sister. It's funny sometimes, how talent will slumber in a small town and not be dis- covered by the natives. Ed Noyes had been somewhat of a reciter, but if any one had predicted that in time he would be with a real troupe and travel from town to town it would have started a cackle, 175 sure enough. One of the surest ways of starting a cackle in our town is to suggest that possibly some one born right here will live long enough to overcome the handicap. At " literary " meetings, Ed used to spring that one about the Turk that lay dreaming of the hour, when Greece, her knee in suppliance bent, should tremble at his power. During the blue-ribbon upheaval he gave us the piece about the young man in the open boat who refused to heed the friend who stood on the bank and shouted, " Young man, ahoy! The rapids are below you! " It is one thing to stand up in a cutaway coat and recite, and another thing to act out on a real stage. Ed really was dis- covered by the Chicago actor who came to put on the home talent show. This sure- enough actor, whose name was Cyril Wil- bur, said that Ed possessed " histrionic 176 ability of a very high order " those were his words. We became involved in amateur theatri- cals because the band boys needed some new uniforms. " Our Boys in Blue " was the name of the play. The plot revolved rapidly around a love affair in which a brave Union soldier and a Confederate spy, who talked through his teeth, were contending for the hand of a heroine who was very pale, and kept saying, " My God! " all through the play, much to the alarm of some of the regular church members. When Ed walked out on the stage that night we didn't know him at first. His eyebrows were very black and had been extended until they were shaped like cro- quet arches. His lips were cherry-red, and his cheeks carried the bloom of youth. Although he had just emerged from battle 177 mni Tif SUM he looked very clean and natty. Any one could tell at a glance that he was a hero. In the love scenes he used a tremolo of which he had not been suspected up to that time. During the court-martial scene he shifted to the loud pedal, and when he finally denounced his accusers and de- clared his allegiance to the old flag, he rattled the chandeliers. Children in arms became frightened and had to be hurried to the ante-room. The curtain fell on an outburst of yelps and whistles from the boys in the elevated seats. It was what the paper called an " ovation." Anyway, it was the undoing or the making of Ed Noyes, all depending on the point of view. Next day he walked up Main street, accompanied by a new glamour. It was agreed that he was the " best one in the show," not excepting the Chicago actor, who played the spy. The court of last 178 1E.SH resort, in front of the hardware store, decreed that he was " better than most regular actors." Ed had himself photo- graphed in costume and tried to appear unconscious of his local eminence when the school children walked close behind him and recalled, in loud and disputatious tones, the more stirring incidents of the drama. The play was repeated at Spencerville. In his review of the performance, the edi- tor over there said: "The part of the hero was taken by Mr. Noyes, who more than deserves the name inherited from his parents." Of course, you grasp the editor's meaning: Noyes Noise. It might be explained that Spencerville fully expected to get the hub and spoke factory that moved out from Indianapolis to our town in order to improve the social condi- 179 IE SLIM tions surrounding employees. Also, to get cheaper labor. I will say this for our town : Although, as a rule, we are ready to throw dornicks at any one within the corporate limits who begins to exhibit hifaluting aspirations, the attack on Ed Noyes certainly did stir up a lot of feeling. Just because we got the factory was no reason why Spencer- ville should open up on Ed Noyes. We hastened to assure Ed that the editor was prejudiced, and the band boys gave him a watch-fob. In our efforts to soothe him probably we laid it on a little too thick. Besides there was no need of working up any sympathy for Ed. The Spencerville criticism never touched him at all. He was a regular actor from the start. He (was good and he knew he was good, and anybody who didn't think so was simply 180 to be pitied for his ignorance and dropped into the discard of oblivion. Ever since the first night in K. P. Hall, Ed has been absolutely sure that he is a great actor. He doesn't think that he is fairly good or feel reasonably convinced that he has traces of talents. He knows that he can play any part ever written bet- ter than any other man who ever walked out on a stage. Of course, when a man is sustained and fortified by that kind of sublime confidence, you may knock him down and walk on him a thousand times, but he will continue to bob up and demand attention. Local tradition has it that Ed never did an honest day's work after he made his first hit as " Lieutenant Paul Hethering- ton, nature's nobleman." For a month he basked in the sunlight of local popular- ity, giving out photographs and wearing 181 TIE SLIM his watch-fob, and then he did just what we knew he was going to do he went away with a traveling troupe. It was the Mae Sylvester Company, playing " The Queen of the Ranch." Rumors flew thick and fast the day after Ed went away, but they seemed to sift down to the fact that he was getting fifteen dollars a week for playing an Indian. He changed his name when he went with Mae Sylvester. " Egbert " was cer- tainly an improvement on Ed. To use the name " Noyes " would be hanging a bait in front of every would-be Willie Winter of the wild and woolly west. At the same time, he didn't like to abandon a family name that had been honored ever since the Civil War. So what did he do? He took Noyes and spelled it backward and got Seyon, which sounds fancy and 182 TOSH unusual, and just fits the end of a trunk : * EGBERT SEYON * * Theatre * ********** He thought some of taking Garrick or Booth and Mansfield, but all of them had been used before by other actors. His sister, Mrs. Rush Thornton, was really the one who suggested " Seyon." She had used that name in carrying on a flirtatious correspondence with a traveling man be- fore she married Rush, getting her mail at the general delivery. It seems that a good many of the girls around town learned the trick of spelling their names backward in order to mystify the handsome gentlemen whose names were taken from the hotel 183 TESL1M register. Ella Porter carried on a daring intrigue with the name of Retrop, and Lulu Robinson called herself Nosnibor; although it doesn't seem possible that you could fool even a traveling man with a name like that. About a month after Egbert went away with Mae Sylvester he landed back among us. His trunk came a few days later. You never saw such a change in a man. He was paler, for one thing. He looked all the time as if he had just shaved him- self and used a little more talcum powder than was absolutely necessary. His hair never had been curly, but now it seemed to kink up a little at the ends, like fish-hooks. He wore a big cravat tied in a loose bow, and he talked as if he had a cold not a bad cold, but something slightly bronchial, the kind preachers have all the time. He carried a cane with a metallic knob on it, 184 IE SLIM and I think I am safe in saying that his " spats " were the first ever seen in our town. We couldn't see the object of spats. They looked as if something had been slipped down and was hanging over the shoe. We never figured out just what hap- pened to the Mae Sylvester combina- tion but it was something that involved treachery on the part of the treasurer, and non-payment of salaries. Egbert, accord- ing to his own admission, had been trium- phantly successful in the small part alloted him. He had started a scrap-book, and I recall that a paper in Urbana, Ohio, said: " Egbert Seyon, as the Indian, was adequate." This meant more than you might think, for Egbert explained that the critic was known as the Alan Dale of Urbana. Every Thursday morning Egbert 185 would go down to the post-office and get a dramatic weekly. He stood on a corner to read it, and turned the pages with a cold, professional air of languid interest. In August he cashed a frugal check signed by his brother-in-law (we find out about these things in our town), and went to New York. Since then he has been a New Yorker. He puts in most of his time here, while resting or reorganizing, but his home is New York. " Egbert Seyon, New York City," that's how it appears on the register. He remains here for weeks at a time, but somehow we feel that we are holding him in exile. When he speaks of " little old New York " there is a note of longing in his voice, and more than once this summer, as we lined up in the arm- chairs along the front of the Commercial Hotel, we have heard Egbert say: " Gee, I'd like to be on old Broadway to-night." 186 ffiSLI We used to think that when he arrived on Broadway many flags were hung out of the windows and more electric lights were turned on, but some of the folks who at- tended the Hudson-Fulton celebration re- port that they saw Egbert standing on a corner with several other men wearing the same kind of almost-Panamas and a sort of towel instead of a collar, and that a policeman rapped on a brass sign and told them to keep moving and not block the street. 187 II THE HOLD-OVER You take a town of about fifteen hun- dred population, except in the census re- ports, and bear in mind that the residents can devote anywhere from six to twenty- four hours each day to comparing notes and keeping tab on the neighbors, and it is evident that very few essential facts get by. Boswell knew a lot about Johnson, but we have people right in our town who know so much about other people here, that if they ever wrote it all out and put it into a volume, BoswelFs celebrated work would look like a scattering of foot- notes, and Webster's Unabridged Dic- tionary would dwindle to the comparative insignificance of a hand-book on bridge- 188 whist. But, of course, they never will write it out, because they can't spare the time from their regular detective work. We are long on biographical data. Family skeletons a specialty. We don't talk much about the black sheep that wan- dered away into the underbrush, but we know all about them. We can give you a list of automobile owners who have mort- gaged their homes, and can tell why Elmer Wilson gave up his job in the bank and name the exact amount that it cost Frank Talbot to get his son-in-law back from South Dakota. But I'm blessed if even the most expert eavesdropper, news- monger and inquisitor in the whole place can tell you the exact age of Mattie Buskirk. Mattie does not claim to be a springer. She blithely refers to herself as an " old maid," and provokes laughter at every 189 wedding by telling how many times she has caught the bride's bouquet and then waited in vain. Mattie has grown old courageously, but the tantalizing truth is that no one can tell how old she has grown. Somebody has tampered with the records. There is plenty of speculative conversa- tion but no absolute proof. In the evening, with her hair done up in a certain way and the lights striking her at the proper angle from behind, she looks to be about twenty-six. Her friends say 66 somewhere in the thirties." Seven or eight married women, who used to run around with her before they were dragged to the altar, and who now find themselves seated in the dim background, waiting for the grandchildren to arrive, declare that " Mattie is fifty if she is a day." Uncle Jim Trimble testifies that after the sur- render of Lee, when the home company 190 got off the train and marched from the depot to the grove, Mattie Buskirk stood in front of the old Woods Hotel and waved at the troops. She was young at the time, and wore a blue dress. Nobody believes Uncle Jim, and a good many doubt the married women, but there is no concealing the fact that Mattie is pretty well advanced in years for a mere girl. The family Bible has disappeared and the relatives have been fixed. About as near as we can come to getting any real evidence is this : It can be shown by news- paper files that during the Garfield and Hancock campaign of 1880, Mattie rode on a float in the ratification parade and impersonated the Goddess of Liberty. That was thirty years ago. Assuming that a girl would have to be at least fifteen years of age in order to look anything like a real goddess and sit on a high throne 191 non surrounded by the states of the union, the evidence would seem fairly conclusive that Mattie is now hovering around the forty- five mark. But if you ask Mattie about politics you will find that she has only a hazy recollection of anything preceding the free-silver crisis of 1896. Occasionally some woman who knows how to use the stiletto in a friendly fashion will go after Mattie and try to show up her antiquity. For instance, Mrs. Art Beardsley, who is chief veteran in division No. 1 of the Drooping Married Women, spoke up at a club meeting one day and said: " Oh, Mattie, will you ever forget our trip to Chicago in 1883 to see Booth and Bar- rett?" That's going back twenty-seven years, all at one jump. Mattie did not falter. She said she remembered it that is, she remembered being in a theatre with lights 192 TESI and music and many people, but she had forgotten the name of the play. "Were you there?" she asked Mrs. Beardsley. " I was," replied Mrs. Beardsley, with as much frigid dignity as she could gen- erate on short notice. "Of course you were ! " said Mattie, in her most sparkling manner. " I remem- her now I sat on your lap all evening." While Mrs. Beardsley was recovering, Mattie shifted to a discussion of Elbert Hubbard, and sailed out of danger. Mattie gets a lot of sympathy, espe- cially from the men. The enthusiasm of the women is slightly modified. The older ones, from whom all girlish gayety has evaporated in the dry atmosphere of routine married life, find it difficult to derive any real enjoyment from watching Mattie carry on flirtatiously with their 193 husbands. Every middle-aged husband in town is more or less of an ex-beau to Mattie. Also, it is believed that a man often nurses a wistful regard for the woman that he circled around but didn't marry. There is a might-have-been at- tractiveness about her, especially if she re- tains her youthful charm and makes him aware of it when they get together at a whist party. Mattie will never be really popular with the married women until she settles down. As for the girls of the younger set, they dread the competition of one who has mastered all thirty-three degrees of the mysteries of man-taming. Just now we have in our town a brood of collegians. They come home in June from the colleges and academies, every one of them trying to look like a Yale student of the most devilish type. With their undersized hats and amplified trousers, 194 THE SLIM their Greek-letter badges and throbbing hosiery, their sun-baked arms and waving forelocks is it any wonder that we are fairly proud to claim them as our boys? Well, Mattie rounds them up just as she rounded up their male parents several sea- sons ago. All during the past summer her front porch probably had the largest aver- age attendance of any in town. The buds say that she is a shameless " jollier," and the undergraduates themselves poke fun at her on the quiet, but, just the same, you will seldom find her hammock hang- ing idle on a pleasant evening. Does Mattie remain single from choice? Was the romance of her life snuffed out when the handsome photographer moved away from here fifteen years ago? Or is it true that every man is just a little bit afraid of the woman who outpoints him in cleverness? Does he shrink from sug- 195 gesting a partnership in which he can see himself for all time acting as No. 2? Or does Mattie, in her eagerness to land them, reel in too soon? These questions are variously answered. We only know that Mattie began to have beaux away back in the days of chignons and cardboard mottoes and embroidered hat-linings. Her first devoted caller wore spring-bottom trousers, used oil on his hair and brought candy conversation hearts with him when he came to call Sunday evening. The years have come and gone, and the new century has engulfed us in bewildering changes. Everything has changed except Mattie. She is still the most popular girl in town. Like Peter Pan and Sara Bernhardt and H. Rider Haggard's " She," our village belle re- fused to let the years be counted. She has lived to witness the complete cycle from 196 TIE SUM the hoop-skirt to the hobhle-skirt. Five years from now she will still be two months ahead of the fashion plates. She began with straw rides and bob-sleds and moved on through the time of side-bar buggies and tandem bicycles, and now she takes to the red touring car with girlish eagerness. Within the span of her social career the square dances disappeared, the military schottische and the polka gave way to the Boston dip, and now she prefers the barn dance to the two-step. She has read her way up from Mrs. Southworth to George Barr McCutcheon, and has shifted her sheet music over every hurdle between "Maggie May " and what- ever Nora Bayes happens to be singing this week. Mattie is adaptable always a little ahead of the parade. That's why she has 197 lasted so long. After all, why pity her because she never selected one man from the endless procession and dropped out of the game? She is still young, if not alto- gether blooming, apparently cheerful and still going on the third speed. 198 Ill THE PROVIDER You have heard of the woman who went all the way through the woods and then picked up a crooked stick. It is a sad case. But there would be no sense in wasting a lot of sympathy on the woman if, after picking up the crooked stick, she went serenely happy on her way, thinking she had picked up a cord of wood, and mahogany at that ! Probably every one in our town, except Mrs. Orville Grigsby, is convinced that Mrs. Orville Grigsby has a pretty hard time of it. She is supposed to be up against it. She has Orville on her hands. She calls him Orville, but most people call 199 THEM him " Orve," and some of the women call him a " big lazy lummox." I don't know just what a lummox is, and the name does not often come up in print, but whatever it is Orville is one of them. In order to make the Grigsby case clear to you, we will have to go back a little. Along about 1885, Jennie Hinkle was the most popular girl in our town, with the possible exception of Mattie Buskirk. Sometimes a girl has to pay a high price for being popular. Either of these local queens might have sung in the immortal words of Henry Blossom: " I never could see any fun In spending all my time on one." In other words, they were fussers. They were entirely surrounded by mem- bers of the opposite sex. In doing the 200 grand-right-and-left through the mazy dance of youth it was only natural that they should change partners occasionally. Jennie and Mat tie could welcome the com- ing and speed the parting guest with all the professional skill of an experienced college widow. Both of them pursued this exciting pastime until they came to be classed as syndicate attractions and not subject to private ownership. As a re- sult, Mattie is still our principal fusser and Jennie is supporting Orville Grigsby. Any woman who lived in our town twenty years ago can sit down and, by some counting on her fingers, and squint- ing, and looking up into the air, give you the names of twenty men who wanted to marry Jennie Hinkle. One name in the list will surprise you, because even you folks who live in the big towns have heard of him. If our burg 201 IE Mi ever gets on a real map it will be on ac- count of James K. Wellaby, vice-presi- dent and something-or-other of the B. L. & K. railway. He was born right here, attended our public schools and learned to be a telegraph operator in the old depot that is now used as a freight station. After he got to be an agent and was pull- ing down $45 a month, he aspired to the hand of Jennie Hinkle and scored the only failure of his meteoric career. He was called away and promoted to the general offices, and then promoted to something else, and so on, until it seemed, from the news coming back to us, that Jim was kept pretty busy resigning jobs and ac- cepting bigger ones. Nobody around here ever picked Jim for a coming Napoleon, but now that he has made good we claim him as our kith and kin. Two years ago he came through here in his special car. 202 IE SLIM It was like the last chapter of a Sunday School story-book the poor but honest country lad returning to his dear old home as a Great Business Man. We have sent' a good many up to the city. Some came \ back in box cars and some never came \ back at all. Jim is the only one who ever / returned in a varnished car a half block / long with three Ugandas to wait on him. / His visit helped to remind us of the appalling fact that if Jennie Hinkle had said " Yes " instead of laughing and run- ning away, she would now have a large stone house with an iron fence around it, ride in a padded limousine, and be order- ing gowns and jewels instead of oatmeal and prunes. For, if you must know the whole truth, Jennie is now conducting a boarding-house in order to permit Orville to live in the manner to which he had not been accustomed. 203 If ever a woman had a right to brood over her might-have-been history and carry through years of silent suffering a great and aching grief that woman is Mrs. Orville Grigsby, nee Jennie Hinkle, as the editor of the " Advocate " would put it. A good many women draw blanks, but some blanks are bigger than others. If there could be any grading, probably Or- ville would be classed as the capital prize among the blanks. He is a 33rd degree blank, while the ordinary squaw man is only the Blue Lodge. If the non-work- ing husbands who wear boiled shirts and eat heartily three times a day ever form a national organization in order to protect their rights and keep down competition, Orville will be elected president by ac- clamation. He is everything that a professional 204 husband should be. A prima donna's hus- band has a fairly soft job, but then he has to buy the sleeping-car tickets, and, be- sides, he is expected to watch the show every night and applaud at the right time. The designing wretch who weds the homely heiress gets his punishment, for he has to sit up nights and count money. But there are no drawbacks to Orville's job. He has no set and regular duties except to continue to be the husband of Mrs. Grigsby, wear his dark suit with the onyx sleeve-buttons and discuss with other learned minds the question as to whether or not T. R. can come back. It must not be inferred that Orville lacks a vocation. He is a solicitor of life insurance and has printed cards, fur- nished by the company, to prove it. When Jennie Hinkle packed him up years ago and took him in and gave him room and 205 ffiSLI board for life, he was acting as agent for a nursery. Any one desiring fruit trees could get them by hunting up Orville and compelling him to take the order. After that he had the county rights for a patent churn that looked like a pianola and was so beautifully polished up and had so many flowers painted on it that the ordi- nary farmer didn't feel worthy of asso- ciating with it. He has been a real estate agent, off and on, for fifteen years. In order to be a real estate agent in our town all you have to do is to get a map of the county and put a card in the " Advocate." A man can be a real estate agent and a solicitor of insurance, holding down both places simultaneously, and yet have all his time to himself. In looking back over Orville's career, it will be discovered that he never undertook any employment that required him to be at a certain place at a 206 certain time. Of course, his service as a juryman has been rather confining, but, inasmuch as he is a regular at all trials anyway, his willingness to take pay for listening to the testimony is really a tribute to his business judgment. It is reported that if he can get some one to demonstrate for him, he will be an automobile agent next summer. Orville will do anything that does not involve physical exertion, sustained men- tal effort or the observance of business hours. He cannot afford to let sordid commercial considerations come between him and the croquet tournaments of the golden summer time, or the checker con- tests that enliven the dull winter season. He will sit on the sharp edge of a one-inch board for two hours to watch a ball game. Also, he will act as presiding judge at a quoit game, referee a horse trade, or go 207 TO si fishing. He is never idle, but he refuses to work, if you can get the distinction. Life has settled to a pleasant routine for him. He leaves the house at 7:30 every morning, after Jennie has looked him over and dusted him off and squared the ends of his bow tie. He proceeds along Third Street slowly but with dig- nity, toward Hitchcock's drug store. His mien is thoughtful and he looks at the ground ahead of him, as if absorbed in the judicial contemplation of some great problem of life. He is trying to make up his mind whether to go to the harness shop and play " pitch," otherwise known as " smear," or proceed to the undertaking parlors and denounce Morgan. At Hitch- cock's corner he greets the assembled fel- low-workers in the realm of political discussion with the grave condescension of a U. S. Senator. He goes to the cigar 208 THE SLIM counter and purchases six medium blonde perfectos from a box marked Old Glory. His daily expenses are 27 cents. In ad- dition to the cigars he buys a morning paper. During the heated term he will now and then drink a glass of a dark fluid which is tolerated in temperance resorts, but which, nevertheless, is said to be a subtle stimulant and enlarges the intel- lectual vision. If there is any truth in the report, " Orve " ought to drink a barrel of it. From the drug store he moves toward the post-office. Then out into the sunlight again, and he pauses, undecided. An- other day, fraught with splendid possi- bilities, lies before him. Except that he must assist two trains to get in and out of town and read one paper from the Wash- ington special clear over to the last rail- road time-table, the precious hours are to 209 be his own. He may indulge in cheerful pastimes or engage in profitable debate with other free-born Americans or he may sit in the office of the Commercial Hotel and watch the school children go by. A stranger looking out of the car win- dow at the straggling lonesomeness of Main Street and the two rigs at the hitch- rack might conclude that our town is dull. To some, possibly, but not to Orville. He is never bored and never complains of ennui. We keep him interested and en- tertained, and Jennie does the rest. Her boarding-house is one of our prize institutions. A good many drummers would leave the Commercial and stop with her, but, of course, she can take care of only a few. With one girl to help her, she takes care of six boarders, including " Orve," and she must do fairly well in a 210 IE SLIM money way, because he is always well dressed and has a row of Old Glory perfectos peeping from his upper vest- pocket. Mrs. Grigsby has a side-line or two. She sends away for flowers when there is a wedding or a funeral, and gets a little commission out of that. Also, she will take orders for wall-paper. Her revenues are not big, but she is a good manager, and she is a wonderful provider. She keeps Orville fat and well-curried, and is confident that some day he will reveal to the world those superior qualities which she has always seen in him. Perhaps she finds her happiness in mothering an over- grown boy. If she has any regrets over the Wellaby incident, she has kept them to herself. She knows that Orville is the paragon of all manhood, even if no one 211 else is on to him. She wouldn't trade him for any ordinary railway president. Jennie is either a game loser or wonderful actress, but, anyway, she refuses to be known as a martyr. 212 IV EXPORTS THE cruel city saps the rural communi- \ ties of their youth and vigor and new blood. That's right. Also, sometimes the city saps a country town of its principal saps, thereby making the whole deal a stand-off. Checking over the bunch that has moved up to the big boiling metropolis within the last twenty years, the debits about equal the credits. Of course, some of those who went lip to the city and succeeded, and are now rid- ing in taxis, would never have gone be- yond $60 per month if they had lingered in our midst. We wouldn't have gained much by keeping them. In our town they 213 HE SLIM would have continued to be ordinary six and seven-eighths types of mortal. They needed the exhiliarating influence of rush- ing traffic and the courage that comes from falling in with a moving throng. Some persons, as, for instance, politicians and pickpockets, always seem to work more effectively when there is a large crowd present. As for the failures, probably they would have failed to a slower tempo and with a background less brilliantly illumi- nated if they had remained right here at home. The fact is that a good many of our local products who packed their tele- scopes and hied away to the modern Babel, didn't go for the purpose of making their fortunes, as commonly suggested by ten- cent magazines, but with the intention of making an analytical study of rath- skellers. 214, The city is called a bright light, toward which the winged insects speed from the far-away darknesses, in order to get prop- erly scorched. The metaphor is not bad, and the figure may be improved if we add that some of these winged insects are gnats and others are bats. You know a good many people think of the city as a kind of perpetual street carnival and State Fair, where one may; go to a different show every night and where it is not necessary to put on gum shoes and a mask and go up an alley in order to take a drink. What's more, in the city you can hear all the latest comic and sentimental songs as soon as they come out. Therefore, let us away to the big town. James K. Wellaby is vice-president and all-around head man with the B. L. & K. railway because he went up to the city for 215 business and not for pleasure. We can't get over the Jim Wellaby case. You know, in every small town where boys are running at large and exhibiting them- selves, it is a favorite diversion to pick out this or that boy and note the budding evi- dences of greatness and map out a destiny for him. If a boy plants all his coppers in the tin bank and rustles through back yards look- ing for bottles to sell to the druggist and skins the other boys on trades, people naturally say : " He'll do a nice mortgage and loan business some day and be ap- pointed trustee of a university." Ed Noyes was a Friday afternoon de- claimer in his youth, and thereby gave promise of his future career as an actor with a repertoire show. Ferd Billings kept hanging around the livery stable, and we might have known 216 that he would turn out to be a horse trader. Eugene Ellis was pale and well-be- haved, with translucent ears, so it didn't take much of a clairvoyant to predict that the ministry would get him. Baz Finkley would flip all the trains and help unload the freight, and we knew he would be a brakeman unless something enjoined him. He is now shy a few fin- gers, but you can tell by the coal-dust on his neck that he is a sure-enough railroad man. As a rule, the forecasting is fairly accu- rate, but there have been exceptions. One was Jim Wellaby and the other was Ches- ter Livermore. The Committee on Public Safety and Court of Last Resort, that held down the arm-chairs around the Com- mercial Hotel, freely predicted a glorious 217 IE SLIM future for Chester, commonly known as " Chet." When he was four years old, he called his father " Bill " and his mother " Liz- zie," never failing to score a comedy hit with either performance. At the age of eight he could play a snare drum and talk back to the oldest inhabitant came out in long pants years ahead of the other boys. Just naturally smart as a whip, that's all you could say for him. Jim Frisby often said that if " Chet " escaped Congress he would get to be a lec- turer in front of a side-show. He could do " anything that he turned his hand to." At twelve he wore a man's derby hat, and could do the " Spanish Fandango " on Steve Gardner's guitar in a way that made all the other youngsters sit back and hang their heads and sigh with envy. Smartest boy that ever grew up in our town that 218 was the verdict. Sharp as a hawk and keener than chain lightning. Could letter a sign, whittle a chain out of a stick of wood, kill more rabbits and trap more muskrats well, he simply was in a class by himself. The other tikes were content to follow his leadership and shine in the reflected glory. We knew that our town could not hold Chester. His ambition demanded elbow room. Across the waving fields of grain came the siren call of the city, and " Chet " went away from us one day twenty years ago in a new suit of store clothes, with a silk handkerchief peeping from the breast-pocket and a long cigar tucked in the side of his mouth, which was not being used for conversation. We expected to hear of him as presi- dent of a trust company, but instead we learned that he was taking tickets at a 219 nickelodeon, and after that he became thoroughly acquainted with the by-ways of the metropolis by driving a night-hack, and once, when he came home with a tem- porary bank roll and a new line of slang, he told us that he was a " sheet- writer." You may know what that means. It has something to do with a race-track. When we heard later on that he was a " tout," although he called himself a " betting commissioner," the resident astrologers began to revise the horoscope and cut out the clause about Congress. Well, the race-tracks have sprouted with timothy hay, and " Chet " is assistant pastry cook at a junction hotel somewhere in Illinois. He can look right out of the kitchen window and see Jim Wellaby go by in his private car. Jim and " Chet " grew up together, but we were so busy watching " Chet " cut up 220 didoes and repeating his brilliant observa- tions on men and affairs that we didn't pay much attention to Jim. He was a~l quiet boy, with steady gray eyes and a / wide, steel-trap kind of a jaw. His maniaj for attending to his own business made him practically a social outcast. He did not trail in with the Livermore gang. While the game of " two-old-cat " raged on the common, he tinkered away in the wood-shed and rigged up a telegraph in- strument. He went to work in the depot so as to learn operating, and then he got to be agent, but we never thought much of him as an agent. An agent who expects to be popular and make the depot a temple of good cheer must yell at the trainmen when they slide by, and josh the drayman, and throw in a couple of jokes with every ticket. Jim simply attended to his knitting and 221 did his work, and never let any one get yery thick with him, and, honestly, it was a relief to the whole community when he was transferred to the general offices. Some of the business men had com- plained to the company that Jim was very short in his talk and bull-headed in his ideas of collecting bills right on time, so when he was removed they took the credit for it and said it would teach Jim a lesson. Just before Jim left, Jennie Hinkle had turned him down cold and everybody knew it, so between getting the mitten and being transferred, Jim left under a kind of a cloud. We didn't know at the time that the company ordered him up to the city be- cause it was looking for men who were short on humorous conversation and long | pn systematic methods. We know it now, because Jim has been going like a scared 222 * antelope ever since he escaped from us and got out into the fair running. You heard about his coming through on the private car? He hadn't been back to the town from the day he took the noon train, with his sister, and nobody else, to tell him good-bye. Talk about retribu- tion with a large R! Talk about the whirligig of Fate here in the land of op- portunity! Some of the very business men who had demanded his discharge, be- cause he was not sufficiently " genial " and " accommodating " were down at the station in their Sunday suits to give him an address of welcome and tell how grati- fied they were that he had disappointed them so keenly. And say, when Jim walked out on that observation platform and turned those cold, metallic eyes on the flustered " re- ception committee,'' with just a wrinkle 223 mrT i\f SUM of a smile at each side of that steel-trap jaw, and said in his most official tone, " Gentlemen, I thank you " I wish a good mind-reader could have been right there to let us know what Jim really thinks of our town. Some people say he is going to build an opera house here and call it " The Well- aby." Also, a new hotel, to be called " The Wellaby." We certainly need the hotel; and several of ras can tell him where to get an assistant pastry cook, who is a good man when he is not drinking. 224 THE MISSIONARY xX THE small town has perked up a plenty - in the last ten years. You can't sell us paper collars any more no, not even cel- luloid. The already-made tie with the dingus for holding it under the collar and the little elastic loop for lashing it firmly to the bone collar-button, is now a pre- historic relic found only in neglected bureau drawers. No more hand-me-downs. We have to be measured and we pick out suits simi- lar to those worn by the hatchet-faced aristocrats on the back page of the uplift weekly. Progressive euchre is almost as anti- quated as casino or muggins. Bridge- 225 IE SLIM whist is now played in our very best par- lors, and on gala nights the local Belmonts and Astors show their shoulder-blades and shirt-fronts in a manner almost metropoli- tan. At present we are all agog over a brand-new game called " Rum." It sounds wicked, but it is really one of the politest cut-throat games ever pulled off in a parlor. Never heard of it? Well, get busy. It is the latest wrinkle, and we grabbed it before it got cold. We have a new delicatessan store, with liver sausage and at least three kinds of cheese temptingly shown in the window, and some of us who have traveled exten- sively know how to pronounce " Camem- bert." Miss Winter has a trimmer come out from the city to design toques and tur- bans for our home-grown buds. Any bright day you can see some wonderful 226 upside-down, sugar-bowl effects, moving swiftly about our streets with attractive young women trying to hide under them. Before you read these lines the hobble will be a has-been. It has got around to the dining-room Tessies at the Commer- cial Hotel, which means that the death- knell has sounded on upper Fifth Street. We get all the new films at the Arcade Theater, and our illustrated songs have colored slides showing a theatrical-looking Harvard man mussing up a glorious blonde under a red tree in the pink moon- light, just the same as you see it on Broad- . way. We would imagine ourselves right up at the head of the parade and almost step- ping on the heels of the snare-drummer, if it were not for Flukie Trimble. Flukie is one of the many that we have sent up to the great city. He is a grandson of 227 Uncle Tim Trimble, the one who fought the battle of Antietam single-handed, as nearly as we can gather from his own ac- count of the slaughter. Flukie works in a bucket-shop in Chi- cago. No one around here seems to know just what a bucket-shop is. The name is ^isleading. A bucket-shop has nothing / to do with tinware. It is a place where imaginary farm products are sold to ex- \ perts who wouldn't know the difference \between a corn stalk and a Canada thistle. Flukie marks on a blackboard the latest market quotations on grain for May, Sep- tember, December and so on into the glimmering future. A lot of gentlemen wearing spring overcoats in the winter- time sit in arm-chairs facing the black- board. Each of them has a stub of a lead- pencil with which he computes rapidly, on the back of an old envelope, how much 228 IE SLIM he could make by selling short 1,000,000 bushels of September wheat. The only thing that blocks the deal is the fact that he went broke three years before. But to hear Flukie tell it, you would think that he got Jim Patten on the 'phone every morning and told him how to string his bets, and then had a quiet confab with the Armour crowd just before going out to lunch with Mr. Cudahy. He does not come back to his humble birthplace because he has an appetite for our society. He comes to blind us with the splendor of his apparel and engulf us beneath the Johnstown of his newly ac- quired vocabulary. For one thing he has the monogram habit. It has got him worse than cocaine ever got anybody. On the handkerchief, on the sleeve of the shirt, on the ankle of the sock, engraved on the watchfob, and 229 neatly twisted into a stickpin. Some day, when he is wanted by the police, he will have an awful time trying to get rid of his placards. He was here last week. He simply blew in to take a peek at the old dump and see how the boobs were making it out in the dear old bean-patch. That was the language he employed when speaking of an enlightened community that toler- ated him for twenty years and gave him the rudiments of an education so that he would know enough to mark up figures on the blackboard. " Of all the tanks ever dug up by Rand- McNally, this is certainly the prize whisTn post," he said, backing up against the cigar case and gazing in pity at the awe-stricken circle of natives. " What do you rummies do out here to kill time? I'd rather be a waste-paper box in old Chi 230 than a big squash out here. This town curls up and dies at nine o'clock every night. That's right! They blanket the chickens, take in the sidewalk, set the alarm for 5 G.M., and then tear for the feathers. In this town they work that curfew gag on the old folks same as on the kids. Notformuh! Not for little Elmer McGinnis! They can't put me into the hay at sundown. I want to stay up and watch the light burn. I'm the gazabe that helps close the rats-keller; Willie, the night-hawk!" Some one ventured to suggest that probably Flukie, in moving about Chi- cago, hit a " purty smart clip ! " Flukie pleaded guilty as follows: " Barney Oldfield can't hang nothin' on me. You have got to have split seconds to ketch my time. I go the first mile in nothin'-flat. I go so fast that my ~1 231 TE SLIM shadow's about half a block behind me. I telephone I'm comin', and then I'm ^there before they get the telephone. And, believe me, any time you want to get out and aviate, that Chicago is some town. Any time you want to burn a roll of cur- rency you can always find somebody to strike a match. It's a grand little town if you're in right. If you know the real Indians so you can give 'em the high sign you can go as far as you like. But if you're flyin' single, and your motor stops, take it from me, kid, you'd better glide gently back to mother earth and tear for your private garage." Part of the time we don't know just what Flukie is talking about, but we take a kind of groping and bewildered pleasure in listening to his Arabian Night stories of wicked gaiety in the big town. From what he tells us, it appears that a 232 great many prominent society women there are pursuing him and writing notes to him. " I see this party first on the L train " that's the way he begins. " She was planted on the other side of the car, and say! she'd robbed many a show window to get that wardrobe. She was there with the jinglin' harness, believe me! I kind o' give her the eye an' she got me an' come back with one o' them Jimmy Archer signals, so that nobody else was wise. I moved over and opened up a small one-pound box of South Side con- versation, and the next thing you know our hero is walkin' up street with said queen and has address written on cuff. I had to go around and scratch on the door a few times before I teased her out, but say, I took her down to see a vawdvill one night an' when she moved down into 233 TE SLIM Kl Section A wearin' them $2,000 worth of clothes, everybody stopped lookin' at the show and said, ' Hooray! Mrs. Palmer is back from Europe ! ' Don't overlook the fact that I was carryin' special scenery myself. I was Gussied up in the real Tuxede with the satin blazizums all over the front and the gazump and the little concertina hat. After the show, a couple o' them hot sparrows an' a pint o' that high-tariff water, with the band tearin' off the ' Grizzly Bear. 5 It's the life, boys! Nothin' to it it's the life! " He is equally frank and outspoken re- garding his business prospects. " I'm just pikin' along now," he will say. " I cop out a thousand now and then enough to keep me in cigarette papers. I am just layin' back, that's all. I'm hep to every play that's made, an' some bright mornin' I'll jump in an' give that grain 234 market a wallop that'll keep it dizzy for many a long day. I've got a lot o' money guys on my staff. When it comes time to pull off the big show I'll be right there with the cush. I'll have all the kale in the world right at my elbow. Me with all the mazume Lean handle with a scoop- shovel. An' when I do put one of them things across it'll be a case of * Good- night, Miss Mitchell.' I'll get one o' them red tourin' cars as long as from here to there and I'll show Europe how to act when the real fellow comes along. I've got this market doped so it can't get away from me. It's a stinch ! I'll have Ogden Armour workin' for me in less than two years. When people walk by the Board of Trade, they'll say, ' That's his office- right over there ! ' Some of our simple villagers maintain that Flukie is not the eminent Lotherio 235 TESLi that he claims to be, and that, as a young Napoleon of finance, he will continue to pull down $12 per week as a crayon art- ist. Others believe the story about the red touring car. If he gets it, we can assure him a large and enthusiastic fu- neral back in his beloved birthplace. 236 VI THE SQUIRE ^ OUR esteemed President had com- plained lately about the law's delay. That is because the President does not know Squire Hibben. When the ma- chinery of justice begins to grind, with the Squire's hand on the throttle and his one sound eye fixed on the straight and narrow path of duty, look out for results. Somebody is going to be nicked, or trimmed, or stood up, or shaken down for $2.00 and costs, the total often amounting to as much as $14.75. This talk about the guilty escaping does not apply to our town. Nobody es- capes. It is almost as dangerous to be innocent as it is to be guilty. 237 imsa Any man arrested and jerked before Squire Hibben had better begin counting out his money. The Squire has a small cubical office just back of the post-office. On the wall is a map of the state. On the table is a copy of the Revised Statutes. On the floor is a box filled with sawdust. Would you like to see the law being applied without fear or favor? Then fol- low along. Homer Finkley has a dog. It is a con- ventional small town dog part setter, part pointer, and the remainder of the escutcheon somewhat blurred. It is the kind of dog that never suspected having an ancestry, and if it did, it would try to hush the matter up. Tom Jimmison walks out of his back door after a hot breakfast to inspect the dwindling supply of anthracite and finds 238 the Finkley dog, christened Hero for no particular reason, snuffing and smelling around his wood-shed. He is annoyed by this brazen act of trespass and hurls a piece of coal at Hero, and, strangely enough, hits the target. Hero establishes a new speed record up the alley, running close to the ground and emitting staccato yelps expressive of physical agony nervous shock and acute private humiliation. Homer Finkley is standing at the end of the alley, and wants to know what ails Hero. Then the Thornton boy, in a desire to promote warfare, says that Tom Jimmi- son lammed him with a piece of coal " so big," indicating something larger than a cocoanut and not quite as big as a foot- ball. Homer Finkley's emotional nature im- 239 mediately goes to the boiling point. He knows that he (Homer) and the other members of the Finkley family are the only persons who have a right to do things to Hero. He walks around on Third Street and meets Tom Jimmison, who is on his way to the elevator where he is employed to weigh the loads and explain to the farm- ers why the price of grain has gone to the bow-wows. Mr. Finkley opens up. "Look here! What was your object in tryin' to kill my dog? " " Well ! What business did he have snoopin' around my back yard? " " That dog never harmed nothin' or nobody ! My little girl plays with him by the hour. That dog has more sense than a lot of people I know." " Got no business over in my yard." 240 " Tom Jimmison, if I ever hear of you harmin' hide or hair of that dog agin, 111 make your heels hit the back of your neck ! Ill lay you across my knee and spank you! Anybody that'll pick on to a dog is a cheap, ornery, low-down, dol-derned pin-head o' misery ! " Think of being called a " pin-head of misery!" Homer Finkley is a big, rough Clydes- dale, with an eighteen neck and corru- gated hands. Tom Jimmison is a ninety- pound imitation of what his parents hoped would grow up to be a human being. When you look at him you get merely the disappointing impression of a pair of spectacles and an Adam's apple. Any personal encounter between the two would conform to the general outline of a battle between a colored chef and a spring chicken. But, of course, Tom has 241 to go through the motions of sustaining his end of the argument, especially as the Thornton boy is standing by, eagerly ab- sorbing the details so that he can tell his mother all about it and thereby get the facts into general circulation. So Tom wags his head and says, " Homer Finkley, you'd better be a little careful how you talk to me," and then walks rapidly away before losing his tem- porary advantage. As he passes down the street he is still stunned and bewildered by the sudden- ness and the ferocity of the attack on him, and then, as he recalls, over and over, the highly insulting language used by the domineering ruffian, a white-hot wrath and an aching desire to be revenged begin to curl and writhe in his system. What does he do? He pegs down the street, breathing heavily through his nose 242 TIE SUM and slams into the law office of Buskirk & Hooper. Ed Buskirk is busily en- gaged, whittling a chain out of a solid piece of wood, but he comes out from underneath the shavings and listens to the story of the outrage. " I'd a' been justified in liittin' him," explains Tom, " but I'm a man of peace. I hold myself in. But I think it's my duty to have the law on him. He's been goin' around this town abusin' and bully- raggin' people just long enough." Tom's eagerness to secure a private vengeance, in the name of the general weal, seems to impress Lawyer Buskirk, who compliments him upon his exhibi- tion of unselfishness and says something about pro bono publico. " Did he draw any weepin? " asked Lawyer Buskirk, with an open law-book balanced on his knee. 243 " No, and it's a blamed good thing for him he didn't ! " exclaims Tom, the infer- ence being that if Mr. Finkley had drawn a deadly weapon, Mr. Jimmison would have taken it away from him and then broken both of his arms and both of his legs by mere brute strength. ' We can get after him for provoke," suggests the lawyer. " We might sue him for slander later on. Anyway, we can bind him over to keep the peace." Squire Hibben is just moving up into the king row when Plaintiff Jimmison and Attorney Buskirk enter the Temple of Justice, each looking like an ambassador with a declaration of war in his inside pocket. The checker game is forgotten. The still pen begins to scratch upon the dusty page. A messenger goes hot-foot in 244 search of Uncle Jim Trimble, the con- stable. Now let the tocsin sound while the pale- faced women hurry from house to house, carrying the dread message. The swift, inexorable, merciless Law of the Land is about to overtake Homer Finkley! See the solemn men moving toward the tribunal, so as to be right there when the jury is made up. Homer Finkley is backed up to the stove in the Commercial Hotel, telling just what happened from start to finish (and to hear him tell it, you might sup- pose that the argument lasted not less than three-quarters of an hour), when Uncle Jim Trimble comes in from Main Street and approaches him with no more sense of importance than Grant had when he faced Lee at Appomattox. Mr. Finkley turns a little pale when he 245 hears the words, " against the peace and dignity of the people of the state," but he recovers himself, and, after a brief period of meditation, speaks as follows: ' I must see my lawyer." Certain corporation officers did the same when their company was fined $29,- 000,000, but they never looked as serious about it as Mr. Finkley did as he went over to pull Mordecai Weaver out of a \ pin-pool game and unload upon him the \ crushing responsibility of the " case." The small cubical building back of the post-office is trying to repeat the perform- ance of the Black Hole of Calcutta, with tobacco smoke added. Squire Hibben, looking like eight dig- nitaries of the Hague tribunal condensed into one, sits behind the Revised Statutes and looks about him with a glazed and im- partial eye. 246 Twelve jurors, each trying to sit on his shoulder-blades, listens while Tom Jimmi- son tells of murderous threats and homi- cidal gestures. Then Homer Finkley goes on the stand and tells how he met Mr. Jimmison, whom he has known for years, and spoke pleasantly to him. In the course of their conversation he referred to the incident of the dog, yet never did he overlook the luminous fact that he (Mr. Finkley) was a " gentleman." Mr. Buskirk addresses the jury. He begins with the firing of the first gun at Lexington and works up to the heinous attack on the character of his snow-white client, and, although he doesn't say so, he seems to favor the death penalty. Mr. Weaver follows, and, without com- ing down to precise details, suggests that Mr. Jimmison has at some time or other 247 poisoned a well, stolen the tombstone from his mother's grave and pawned it for drink money, to say nothing of striking a crip- pled child in the head with a dull axe. After the arguments, Chief Justice Hibben instructs the jury. He says it's a serious charge. The jury is to be gov- erned by the law and the evidence. He doesn't say that the defendant will have to pay jury fees if found guilty, because the twelve good men and true have been sitting there for an hour figuring on what they would do with the money. Mr. Finkley is guilty. Everyone in town, except Mr. Finkley, has known that since early morning. He is bound over to keep the peace. He pays for a bond. He pays a fine. He pays his law- \ yer. He pays the Court. He pays the Constable. He pays the jury. 248 IE SUM Getting out of a justice court is like getting out of a New York hotel. That same afternoon, see Uncle Jim Trimble going down to the grain elevator with a folded paper in his hand. He is on his way to arrest Mr. Thomas Jimmison. The plaintiff is Mr. Homer Finkley, who charges that Mr. Jimmison, by attacking his dog, indirectly provoked an assault. Is Mr. Jimmison guilty? He is. 249 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 2 1936 "" :' r -> - - >^v i \\S*S* V ioiWS8PT RECTD LD NOV 19 1956 VUi1'57W ^1 , - "EC D LD JUL2 1957 LD 21-100m-7,'33 YB 72893