'\ '^% MAGGS BROS. 34 S 35, CONDUIT ST. New Bond St., London, W. <^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/frenchliteratureOOmaggrich • • • '• • • FRONTISPIECE. ;> (I ^ huilC ()ll -^ ( U(N< u\'l(I ^ ( } (7// An engraving (greatly reduced) from Restif de la Bretonne. Monument du Costume. With 26 magnificent full-page plates after Moreau and Freiideberg. Neiiwied, 1789. T 1. -VT . No. 418. 1922. FRENCH LITERATURE INCLUDING MANUSCRIPTS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND ARMORIAL BINDINGS. Selected from the Stock of MAGGS BROS. (15. D. MAGGS, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE & RARE BOOKS, PRINTS & AUTOGRAPHS 34 £r 35, Conduit Street Ne\A/ Bond Street, London, \A/. Telegraphic (Sr- Cable Address: "Bibliolite, London." Tel.: "Mayfair, 5831." COURIER PRESS, LEAMINGTON SPA. \ ^ ^^1/ /% Books can generally be sent on Approval, if desired, subject to all expenses of carriage being paid and decision made within two days of receipt. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR SENDING BOOKS ON APPROVAL TO AMERICA AND ABROAD. (For List of Current Catalogues, see inside back cover). Commissions undertaken at any of the principal Auctions. (AH prices are nett, and do not include carriage.) .1 <■ PART I. MANUSCRIPTS, Superb Fourteenth Century Illuminated Manuscript of the ''.Roman de la Rose." JEAN D£ MEUN and GUILLAUME DE LORRIS. Le Roman de la Rose. FRENCH (XlVth CENTURY) ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON 142 LEAVES OF VELLUM (i ij by SJ INCHES), WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, IN DOUBLE COLUMNS, 40 LINES TO A FULL PAGE. ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE LARGE AND 41 SMALLER OBLONG MINIATURES, FINELY EXECUTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, USUALLY ON VARIOUSLY DIAPERED BACKGROUNDS, SOME- TIMES ON SOLID GOLD GROUNDS, SMALLER INITIAL LETTERS PAINTED IN RED AND BLUE ALTERNATELY WITH PEN DECORA- TION. THE FIRST PAGE HAS A LARGE INITIAL LETTER WITH STRAP ELONGATIONS FORMING BORDER; DECORATED WITH PEN SCROLLS AND IVY LEAVES IN GREEN AND GOLD AT INTER- VALS, IN THE FORE AND LOWER BORDERS OCCUR SMALL MEDALLION HEADS (SIX IN ALL), AT THE HEAD OF THE PAGE IS A VERY LARGE MINIATURE IN GOLD AND COLOURS IN FOUR COMPARTMENTS. Small folio, old rough calf. (France. About A.D. 1330.) (See Illustration, Plate No. L). £525 Folio 86 is missing and the last leaf has been repaired, touching a few words. The Story of the Roman de la Rose is this; on a beautiful spring day a young man goes to sleep and dreams that he is in a beautiful garden in which he sees a rose of exquisite beauty. He goes to gather it, but a thousand obstacles prevent him. At last, in his adventure, or as the tale ends : — " Ains eus la rose vermeille, A tant fut jour et je m'eveille." "■ The special genius of France might be best expressed as The Genius of the Joy of (Continjued over) ^73514 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Roman de la Ros© — continued. Living. The Roman de la Rose was written in the very opposite spirit to that of Dante. Jean de }^Ieun wrote with a vision completely filled with the things of this world, of life as it was being lived around him. He clothed the dry bones of old learning and new science with flesh and blood and made them a most entertaining show of actual life." " The book beoajiie the text book of all lovers, " The Common Pateirnoster,'" as Molinet calls it, and as he says also, " So embedded in the memories of men that to rewrite it in the new style would be like composing a new A.B.C." There is a curious and almost pathetic evidence of this use of tlie book as a Lover's Bible, in the fre- quency with which we find copies scored or marked or underlined in places, jM-ecisely in x\iq same way as religious books are often treated.'' " In the year 1237 a. youtJitul po^t, who tells us himself that he was twemty-five, loegan a very pretty and graceful allegory, a love story in dreamland, with a background of summer weather and bright landscape, of gardens and garden-walls, which are frescoed without and full of greenery within, of rosee and singing birds and delight- ful young people, who are all personifications or as we might phrase it to-day visualizations of charming qualities and pleasant feeling. Beauty, Courtesy and the like. Gaiety and happiness are in the air; the very difficulties appear made for the pleasure of overcoming them. All is fresh, innocent, buoyant, light-hearted, and in spite of the allegory full of a certain reality in the scenery and situation. Here the author died, and forty years later Guilliaume de Lorris completed the work, but in this part the light-heartedness disappeared and gives place to a cynical humour ; the atmosphere of romance is changed for that of satire." (Boiirdillon). " FOR OVER 2,50 YEARS, FIRST IN MANUSCRIPT ANT) THEN IN PRINTED EDITIONS. THE ROMAN DE LA ROSE ENJOYED A VAST POPULARITY, AND IN SPITE OF THE FULMINATIONS OF GERSON, AND THE SHRIEKS OF CHRISTINE DE PISANE, THE HEALITIY GOOD SENSE OF THE PUBLIC PERv*5TSTT]D IN SEEING IN IT MORE THAN TH15 MERE SENISUALITY WHICH IS ONLY A CONSPICUOUS FEATURE TO THE BYES OF THE PRURIENT- MINDED." 2 LE BRUT, ou CKronique d'Angleterre. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN ON VELLUM BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. LONG LINES. 4to, calf. (England. XlVth Century.) £50 Although labelled at back Tiringham*s Chronicle, this manuscript is a Frencli version of Le Brut similar to that in the British Museum. The first part corresponds closely to the English version of the Brut published in 1906 by the Early English Text Society, but the narrative is much condensed in the latter part which is written in a different hand. Our manuscript however contains details relating to Richard I.'s Crusade to the Holy Land and the Scotch Laws of Edward III.'s reign not mentioned in the English version. The Chronicle begins with the l^egendary account of the Advent of Brutus, son of Aeneas, to England. " En la noble cit^ de graunt Troie." It contains other legen- dary matt«.r on the early Kings of England, including King Arthur, and ends with the sack of Haddington Fair in 1333. On the blank side of the last fly leaf there is a note in a Fifteenth Century Scotch hand of the marriage of English Kings from Henry I. to Richard II. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London-, VV- ; .3 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Les Faits et tes Dits des Romains et d^ autres Gens. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT IN FRENCH, MOSl' BEAUTI- FULLY AND LEGIBLY WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE ON ABOUT 500 LEAVES OF VELLUM, IN LETTRES BATARDES. WITH NINE BORDERS AND MANY HUNDREDS OF LARGE AND SMALL INITIAL LETTERS BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. ALSO NINE VERY LARGE MINIATURES BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND EXQUISITELY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD, SILVER AND COLOURS. Folio, vellu7n^ g. e. (France. About 141 5.) (See Illustrations, Plates Nos. II. and III.). £2,000 The colophon at the end of our manuscript reads as follows : " L^Excusation du Trans- lateur. Par Taide divine, sans lequelle nulle chose n'est droitement commencee ne profitablement continuee ne menee a fin, est la translation de Valere le grant terminee; Laquello comiuenga tres Eeverend Maistre Simon de Hesdin, maistre en theok>gie, iieligieux des Hospitallers de Saint Jehan de Jherusalem, qui pour- suivi jusques au Vile livre ou chapitTe des Stratagemes et Ha laissa. Des la en avant jusques a la fin du livre, Je Nicolas de Goness« maistre es Arts et en Theologie, ay poursuivi la elite translation au moins mal que j^ay peu, du commandement et ordonnance de tres excelent et puissant prince Monseigneur le due de Berry et d'Auvergne, Conte de Poitou et de Boulogne. A la liequeste de Jacquemin Courau son tresorier. Et ne doubte ne que mon stile de translater n'est ne si bel ne si parfait comme est oelui de devant. Mais je prie a ceulx qui le liront qu'ils 1© me pardonnent, car je ne suis nie si expert es histores comm© il estoit. Et fut finie Tan mil CCC et ung la veille de Monseigneur Saint Michiel Archangle. " Et sic est finis hujus historie Videlicet Valeriani MaximiniaTii/' " It appears therefore that the greater part of the translation, so far as Book VII., chapter IV. was by Simon de Hesdin, a chaplain of the Order of St. John of Jeru- salem. His name was presumably derived, like that of the Duke of Berry's famous illuminator Jacquemart de Hesdin, from the town of Hesdin, in Artois.^' The date at which he entered on his task is supplied by a note which occurs in our Manu- script at the end of Book I., stating that it was completed in 1375, and there is a similar note to Book II. with the more exact date, 2nd of May, 1377. " As a rule the Manuscripts have no notie, nor even a recognizable break in the t«xt, at the point where Simon de Hesdin's share in the work came to an end. The Paris manuscript (fonds fran^ais 282 in the Bibliotheque Nationale, which was probably the earliest copy made of the complete work) is an exception,'^ and our manuscript, the colophon of which is word for word identical with the Paris manuscript colophon, is also an exception, for it contains the following note in red ink : " Cy aprez (Continued over) I MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Valerius Maxnnus — continued. commence la nouvele translacion dudit Valerius Maximus. Laquele contient troia livres si comme j'ay dit cy devant lesquels out este translatees partaits et accomplis par Maistre Nicole de Gonesse Maistre es arts et en Theologie. Et par ainsi est le livre dudit Valerius tout entier et parfait." " No reason being assigned for the sudden interruption, one can only conjecture that it was caused either by Simon de Hesdin's own death, the date of which is unknown, or by that of his patron Charles V., which occurred in 1360. In ajiy case, the translation seems to have been suspended for no less than 20 years before it was at length resumed by Nicolas de Gonesse. No more is known of him than of his predecessor, but as the work was bfgun for Charles V., who founded the famous library of the Louvre and encouraged so many other translations from Latin into French, it was fittingly brought to an end for his son John, Duke of Berry, who was an equally ardent collector and patron. But it is a question whether the credit for itB completion belonged so much to him as to his treasurer, Jacquemin or Jacques Courau, at whose request, as well as by the Duke's command, Nicholas de Gonesse records that he set about the work. Courau's part seems to be explained by an entry in the catalogue of the Duke's Library referring to the same Paris manuscript 282. It is there described as " Un grant livre de Valei^s Maximus histoire et escript de lettre de court .... lequel Sire Jaques Courau lui envoia a extraines le premier jour de Janvier Fan mil CCCC et 1." " As the year legally began on the 25th of March> this date is equivalent to the 1st of January, 1402, just three months after Nicholas de Gonesse wrote his colophon, on Michaelmas Eve, 1401. There is little doubt therefore that the work was really done at the instance and cost of Courau, and that the Duke merely accepted the vol>ume as a New Year's gift when finished." In making his translation, Simon de Hesdin, was not content with merely rendering the Latin into French^ Both translators added a continuous glossary so that " the text is overwhelmed by the commentary, the two being so intermixed that in spite of tlie continual repetition of the rubrics ' Acteur ' and ' Translateur ' it is often difficult to distinguish them apart." Nor was our zealous translator content with this. As he naively reminds his readers, not only was the original work not exhaus- tive when it was first issued, but much had happened worthy of record during the 1300 years that had since elapsed and accordingly besides the copious illustrative matter embodied in the rimning commentary, he thought proper to supplement the author's examples with numerous " Addicions du Translateur." The nine large miniatures prefixed to the nine books are as follows : — Book I. Of Eeligion, Miniature in two compartments. 1. Valerius Maximus, kneeling, presents his book to the Emperor Tiberius, seated in the midst of his court (probably portraits from the Court of the Duke de Berry). 2. A Royal leader, in full armour, bearing a crown on his head and followed by a group of men in armour, approaches a cleric dressed in ermine and purple who is shown readiner a book on a book-stand. Two more books are lying close by. (The men shown are probably ^portraits of the Duke de Beriry and' his friends.) Book II. Of Ancient Institutions. A King being carried in triumph on a litter borne by four white horses, two in MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 5 Valerius Maximus — continued. front and two behind, while heralds on either side blow long trumpets. In the background a charming landscape. Book III. Of Natural Disposition. A King in council with five advisers, on the left a peasant is seen bringing offerings of the newly gathered harvest to a Statue. Book IV. Of Moderation, A King surrounded by four advisers receives the submission of seven men in armour who offer him the hilts of their swords. Book V. Of Humanity and Clemency. A King banqueting, four men play various musical instruments on his left, a charming landscape at back^ Book VI. Of Chastity. Lucretia (in full Court dress) stabs herself in presence of Collatinus her husband, Lucretius her father, Brutus and Publius Valerius, all well dressed, whose costumes are richly trimmed with fur. Book VII. Of Happiness. Fortune and her Wheel, in the midst of a delightful landscape. Book VIII. Of Judgments. The Eomans and Albans, when arrayed for battle, agree to abide by the result of a combat between the three Horatii and the three Curiatii. Book IX. Of Luxury. A King is seated on his couch, beneath a tent with a lady in rich attire. In midst of an interesting landscape. This work was highly esteemed in the Middle Ages, but except among professed sc/holars, few probably in thes© days know more about it than its author's name, and a summary account of its nature and contents may therefore not be uinwelcome. " Although little is known of its author, there is no doubt tha.t the Caesar whom he addressed was the Emperor Tiberius, and his main object was perhaps to provide a colleotion of historical illustrations for use in the aohools of rhetoric which sprang u|p in the early days of the Empire. The work consists of anecdotes, extracted from Livy, Cicero, Sailust, and a few either less familiar writecrs, and loosely strung togethei- under subjects, those in which the characters are Roman bein^ kept distinct from others .relating- to foreigners. There is no need to enter into details of the ninety-one chapters which maJce up the nine books. Briefly, the first book deals witii religious ritesi a/nd ceremonies, the second with civil and military institutions, the third to the sixth with virtues and moral qualities. The oofntents of the remaining three books are less homogeneous; it is enough to say that happiness) is illustrated in the seventh book, public and private judgm^ent in the eig'hth, luxury, avarice, and other vices) in the ninth. A collection of stories of the kind could, not fail to include abundant matteir of interest.'^ We have adapted many of the foregoing remarks from Dr. Warner's Monograph on the Valerius Maximus Manuscript of Mr. Yates Thompson. MAGGS BRUb., 34 ^ 35, Conduit Street, London. W. A Splendid Example of French Calligraphy AND THE Miniaturist's Art. The Illuminated Chronicles of the Wars of England and France. 4 FROISSART (Jehan). GHRONIQUESi, " CY COMMENCENT LES CRONIQUES DE SIRE JEHAN FROISSART CONTENANT LES NOUVELLES GUERRES DE FRANCE, D'ANGLETERRE, D'ESCOCE, D'ESPAIGNE, D'ALE- MAIGNE, ET DE BRETAIGNE." ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM [FRENCH, XVth CENT.], 384 LEAVES (161 by iij INCHES), WRITTEN IN BOLD LETTRES BATARDES, IN DOUBLE COLUMNS, 53 LINES TO A PAGE, CHAPTER HEADINGS WRITTEN IN RED. THE FIRST PAGE HAS A MAGNIFICENT LARGE ARCHED MINIATURE (6i by ;i INCHES), VERY FINELY PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, DEPICTING TWO BATTLES, PROBABLY, JUDGING BY THE BANNERS, CARRIED BY THE OPPOSING ARMIES, THOSE OF CRECY, 26 AUGUST, 1346, AND NEVILLE'S CROSS, 17 OCT., 1346. IN WHICH MOUNTED KNIGHTS IN ARMOUR AND ARMOURED ARCHERS AND ARQUEBUSIERS ARE TAKING PART; LARGE ORNAMENTAL INITIAL BELOW WITH ELONGATIONS OF STRAPWORK AND BORDERS COMPOSED OF FLOWERS AND SCROLLS, PEN TENDRILS AND GILT IVY LEAVES; AT FOOT IS A COAT-OF-ARMS EMBLAZONED. TWO OTHER FINELY EXECUTED MINIATURES (3^ by 3 INCHES) OCCUR IN THE VOLUME, ONE DEPICTING MOUNTED KNIGHTS IN ARMOUR PROCEEDING TOWARDS A CASTLE, THE OTHER SHOWS THE FUNERAL PROCESSION OF A KING. NUMEROUS CAPITALS PAINTED IN BURNISHED GOLD ON COLOURED GROUNDS. Thick folio, old binding of oak boards covered brown velvety sheep- skin backy five large brass protective bosses on each cover. (France. Early XVth Century.) (See Illustration, Plate No. IV.). £650 This Manuscript describes the stirring events and battles between England, France, and Scotland from 1326 to the year 1379. This period includes the time of Froissart's Journey to England, when one may readily suppose he had discontinued the work, for he considered it then as being finished, since he says he carried it to England, where he presented it to the Queen. " During the fourteenth century the higher spirit of feudal system declined, the old faith and the old chivalry were suffering a decay; the bourgeoisie grew in power and sought for instrxiction ; it was an age of prose, in which learning was passing to the laity, or was adapted to their uses. Yet, while the inner life of chivalry failed day by day, and self-interest took the place of heroic sel'f-sur render, the external pomp and decoration of the feudal world became more brilliant than ever. War was a trade, practised for motives of vulgar stupidity; but it was adorned with splendour and had a show of gallantry. " The presenter in literature of this spectacle is the historian Jehan Froissart, born in 1338 at Valenciennes, of bourgeois parents. Froissart, at the age of twenty-two, a disatppomted lover, a tonsured c'lerk, and already a poet, journeyed to Londoir MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 7 Froissart — continued. with his manuscript on the Battle of Poitiers, as an offering to his countrywoman Queen Philippa of Hainault. For nearly five years he was the cUtteur of the queen, a sharer in the life of the court, attracted before all else to those ' Ancient Knights and Squires who had taken part in feats of arms, and could speak of them rightly^; his patroness encouiraged Froissia.rt's historical inquiries. He travelled much to England and Scotland, noting everything that impressed his imagination, and gathering with delight the testimony of those who had themselves been active in the events of the past quarter of the century. He accompanied the Black Prince to Aquitaine, and later Lionel Duke of Clarence to Milan. The death of Queen Philippa in. 1369 was ruinous to his prospects. For a time he supported himself as a trader in his native place. Then other patrons, kinsfolk of the Queen, came to his aid. " The first revised redaction of the first book of his Chronicles was his chief occupa- tion while cure of Lestinnes. It is a record of events from 1325 to the death of Edward III., and its brilliant narrative of events still recent or contemporary insured its popularity with aristocratic readers. Under the influence of Queen Philippa^s brother-in-law, Robert of Namur, it is English in its sympathies and admiration. It is believed that he lived to the close of 1404, but the date of his death is uncertain. ''' As a brilliant scene painter Froissart the chronicler is unsurpassed. What a vivid picture he presents of the external aspects of fourteenth century life, what a joy he has in adventure, what an eye for the picturesque, what movement, what colour. What a dramatic feeling for life and action,^ Much indeed of the vividness of Frois- siarf s narrative may be due to the eye-witnesses from whom he had obtained iiTforma- tion. But genius was needed to preserve the animation of their recitals."— (Dowden). 5 CH ARTIER (Alain). Le Quiadrilogue, sur le faict de la Guerre. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT ON 66 LEAVES OF PAPER (ii by 7t INCHES), WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE, VERY NEATLY, IN LETTRES BATARDES, WITH SEVERAL LARGE ORNAMENTAL GOTHIC INITIAL LETTERS, HEIGHTENED WITH YELLOW. Small folio', brown morocco ^ blind tooled antique style, g. e., by Cham bo lie Duru. (France. XVth Century.) £21 From the Seilliere Collection. " A legend relates that the Dauphiness, Margaret of Scotland, kissed the lips of a sleeper who was the ugliest man in France, because from that ' precious mouth * had issued so many ' good words and virtuous sayings," The sleeper was Christine's poetical successor, Alain Chartier. His fame was great, and as a writer of prose he must be remembered with honour, both for his patriotic ardour, and for the harmonious eloquence (modelled on classical examples)' in which that ardour found expression." ^' Alain Chartier was secretary to King Charles VII. of France; he was one of the most energetic and brilliant writers of his period, and rendered great service to the French language. In 1422 he wrote his prose ' Quadrilogue Invectif,' in which suffering France implores the nobles, the clergy and the people to show some pity for her miserable state. If Froissart had not discerned the evils of the feudal sys- tem, they were patent to the eyes of Alain Chartier. In this great work Alain Chartier endeavoured to wake the dormant porfjriotigm of all classes in France." ■" The large, harmonious phrase of Chartier was new to French prose, and is hardly heard again until the seventeenth century."— (Dowden.) MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 6 LORENS (Frere, a Dominican Monk). Le Livre dies Vices et des Vertus. MANUSCRIPT IN FRENCH ON 95 LEAVES OF VELLUM (lof by 7 J INCHES), WRITTEN BY AN ENGLISH SCRIBE (XVth CENTURY) IN NEAT LETTRES BATARDES IN 2 COLUMNS OF 40 LINES TO A PAGE. RUNNING TITLES AND CHAPTER HEADINGS IN RED, INITIALS PAINTED IN RED AND BLUE ALTERNATELY, WITH PEN DECORATION. Small folio, original oak boards covered with leather, stamped with fleuTS-de-lys {rebacked). (England. XVth Century.) £85 This work was written in 1279 by Frere Lorens, the Confessor of Philippe III. {" the Bold ") of France. It is a well-eomposed exposition of the Christian Doctrine, con- taining. explanations and commentaries on the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, the Twelve Articles of Christian Belief, etc. Part of its contents has become familiar to us through the Canterbury discourse of Chaucer's parson. It enjoyed a wide popularity in the 14th and 15th centuries, being translated into Dutch and English, editions being printed by Cax:ton, Wynkyn de Worde and Pynson. The first printed edition of this work in the original French was published in 1502 by Verard. With Miniatures of Heaven and Hell. LE CORDIAL. MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE IN FRENCH ON VELLUM. DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARTS, THE FIRST TREATS OF COR- PORAL DEATH, THE SECOND OF THE LAST JUDGMENT, THE THIRD OF ETERNAL HELL, AND THE FOURTH OF THE TOYS OF PARADISE. WITH TWO MINIATURES, ONE OF HEAVEN, AND THE OTHER OF HELL. THE MINIATURE OF HEAVEN REMINDS ONE OF PAINTINGS BY BOTTICELLI AND THE EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL. THE MINIATURE OF HELL, IN WHICH THE PRINCE OF DARK- NESS IS SEEN CONSIGNING GROUPS OF UNHAPPY VICTIMS TO THE JAWS OF THE DEVOURING MONSTER, IS IN THE STYLE ADOPTED BY WILLIAM BLAKE. 4to, ftdl levant morocco, iytside gold dentelles, gilt edges, by Petit, successeur de Simier {a few -pages missing^. (France. XVth Century.) (See Illustration, Plate No. V.). £120 hur lict 'a /'■, '^ 7 ^^^^i. Opening] Le Roman de la Kose. page (greatly reduced) from Jean de Meux and Lorris. Illuminated IManuscript in French on vellum. With 42 miniatures. France. About a.d. 1330. See Item No. 1. Plate IJ m u cc h 4> , '-J C « C^ S t) -r^ ,<: D rv, .3 i^ S ic S.rt'E MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. g With Five Magnificent Full-page Miniatures. JEROME (Saint). " La TrdSpSaincte Vie, Mort et Mirai^lles du glorieux Sainct Hierome." ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT IN FRENCH, MOST BEAUTI- FULLY AND LEGIBLY WRITTEN AT PARIS ON 149 LEAVES OF VELLUM. WITH HUNDREDS OF TINY INITIAL LETTERS BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. WITH FIVE MAGNIFICENT FULL-PAGE MINIATURES ADMIR- ABLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. Folio, brown flush ^ g. e. (Paris. About 1520.) (See Illustrations, Plates Nos. VI. and VII.). £1,650 This manuscript is similar to MS. franyais No. 418 now at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, with the same title and subject (" The most holy Life, Death and Miracles of Saint Jerome ") which was executed for Anne of Parma, Duchess of Bourbon. The miniatures of our manuscript resemble, as regards the remarkable borders, the preliminary miniatures of certain MSS. of the Statutes of Saint Michael, dating from the reign of King Francis I. of France, which have been published and described by Comte Paul Durrieu in volume I. of the Bulletin de la Societe Franpaise de reproduction de manuscrits ; one of these manuscripts was sent as a gift in 1527 by King Francis I. of France to Henry VIH. of England. While it is impossible for us to name the artist who painted the superb miniatures which adorn our manuscript there is no doubt that they are the product of one of the " Illuminators,'^ who worked at Paris during the reign of Francis I. List op Miniatures. 1. The author, in a black habit, wearing over it a purple gown trimmed with gold and lined with white silk, with a black cap on his head, is seated in a magnificently carved wooden armchair, writing with a quill pen on a long sheet of vellum, half folded on a carved wooden writing desk. His study is a magnificent room with seats, book-stands and shelves, and contains gaily-covered books. Through an open window is seen a landscape, with castles, meadows, forests, a church, a river and the blue haze of mountains. 2. Saint Michael, in golden armour under which he wears a blue coat of chain mail, is appearing to " Faith " and " Lady Church " (Dame Eglise), behind each of these is an Attendant with Emblems. 3. The Baptism of Saint Jerome. On the right half of the miniature is his birth chamber; his mother Theodora is reclining in bed, attended by three women. On the left is the baptism, while in the background a woman is drying sheets before a fire. , 4. Saint Jerome on horseback attended by his lion with an array of finely-dressed attendants is riding in a forest, superintending the building of a church and monas- tery; this illustrates Saint Jerome's Life in the Desert. 5. The death of Saint Jerome in his cell. Lying on a bed of straw and surrounded by six kneeling and praying monks, all dressed in black robes and with shaven crowns, Stv Jerome is seen dying, an open book by his side, a lighted candle is nearly burnt out, and his lion bears a resigned and mournful visage; St. Jerome has a long white beard and a handkerchief tied round his head, and is awaiting the end, "his arms crossed over his bare chest. The painting of the facial expressions on the faces of St. Jerome and the praying monks is a masterpiece. 10 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 9 BONET (Honore). L'Arbre des Batailles. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN BY A FRENCH SCRIBE IN CURSIVE LETTRES BATARDES ON 142 LEAVES OF PAPER (loi by 7J INCHES), LONG LINES, PEN-PAINTED INITIALS IN RED. Small folio, crimson morocco^ g. e.^ by Chmnbolle DurUy with loose -protective cover. (France. XVth Century.) £18 18s From the Seilliere Library. Honore Bonet lived from about 1340 to 1405. He greatly admired " Le Roman de la Rose," and he may be compared to Gerson, Oresme, and Jean de Montreuil. He called his book on tactics *' The Tree of Batltles," because, in. the fourteenth ceaitury it was a fashion to complicate both rhythm and style. Everything had to be expressed in allegories. The above work is not a romance, as Brunei calls it, but a treatise on the origin and rights of war, giving interesting sidelights on the feudal period. Interesting questions on the military art and the ethics of war are discussed. In one of the chapters are mentioned the wars between the Red and White Roses in Loinbardy, and between the Guelphs and Ghibellines. At the end of the work are numerous chapters dealing with combat in Champ Clos (in tourneys). Occult Manuscript. 10 KING SOLOMON. La Clavicule Magii|ue et Cabalistique du Roi Sage Sojomoti. NEATLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT IN FRENCH ON 302 PAGES OF PAPER. WITH NUMEROUS MAGICAL FIGURES, PENTACLES, CHARMS, etc. 4to, original calf. (Paris. About 1650.) £10 lOs 11 SAINT-DENIS. C6r6monJes pour la Reception et la Sepulture des Religieux de St. Denis. MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN IN RED AND BLACK, ON VELLUM. 8vo, black morocco, with clasp. XVIIth Century. £4 4s " The Abbey Church of St. Denis, two miles from the City Walls of Paris, was for twelve centuries the Burial Place of the Kings of France, and contains several magnificent royal tombs, notably those of Dagobert, Louis XII., and Anne of Brittany, Henri II., and Catherine de Medicis, and Phililbert Delorme's mauso- leum of Francis I. During the Revolution the tombs and other objects of art were removed, pillaged, or destroyed, and the royal dust thrown to the winds. The red banner, or oriflame, of St. Denis became the banner of the French kings. The plain of St. Denis was the scene, 1567, of a sanguinary battle, when the Constable of Montmorency perished on the field." Mx^GGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Il 13 DRUMOND DE MELFORT (Conte). Essaii sur les Evolution® de la Cavalerfe. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, VERY NEATLY WRITTEN, WITH 35 ILLUSTRATIONS, DAINTILY DRAWN AND TINTED, MANY OF THEM WITHIN BORDERS ADORNED WITH DECORA- TIONS IN THE STYLE OF THE BEST FRENCH ARTISTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 4to, contemporary green morocco, broad ornamental borders on sides y fully^ gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e., zvith the Arms on sides of Count Drumond de Melfort, Lieutenant-C olonel of the Cavalry Regiment *' D' Orleans r (France. 1749.) £31 lOs This is the original manuscript which the Lieutenant-Colonel had written for instruc- tion of his regiment and. which he had prepaired for the press. Occult Manuscript. 14 KING SOLOMON. Le Glavicule de SalOiimOin, Roi des Hebreux, traduit en Italien par Abraham Colorno, puis en Frangais by Thionville. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, WITH MANY VERY CURIOUS DRAW- INGS OF KING SOLOMON'S SEALS AND OTHER MAGICAL DIA- GRAMS IN VARIOUS COLOURED INKS, YELLOW, GREEN, RED, BLUE, ETC. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT OF THE XVIIIth CENTURY ON PAPER. 4to, original calf. (Paris. About i;6o.) £14 14s Facetious Poetry. 15 RECUEIL DE DIFFERENTES PIECES DE POESIE. A MOST EXTENSIVE .AND INTERESTING COLLECTION OF POETRY, ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, CONTAINING UPWARDS OF 200 SEPARATE PIECES OF FRENCH POETRY, 518 pp. RULED WITH RED LINES; '' EX LIBRIS ARMAND, CHEVALIER " ON TITLE. 4to, full contemporary calf, full gilt back, red edges. (France. XVIIIth Century.) £6 15s 12 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 16 POSTEL (G). La Loy; Salique. Livret de la premiere humaine v^rite la ou sont en brief Les Origlnes & Aucteritez de la Loy Gallique nominee commuiie* ment Sallque pur tnoitstrer a quel point fauldra necessairement' en la Gallique Rdpublique venir & que de la diote Republique sortira ung; Mon- arche temporel. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN IN A FRENCH HAND OF THE XVIIth CENTURY. 8vo, X-VIIIth Century French red morocco, borders oit sides y fully gilt back, light blue watered silk guards, g. e. Paris. XVIIth Century. £5 5S A beautifully written manuscript of the first French edition of Posters " Loy Sallque," printed copies of which are hardly to be found. i; [COMMUNISM.] BONHIOL. Les Journauix sous la Commune (du 1 8 Mars au 24 Mai 1 87 1). lUus- tres de 50 Portraits suivis de Documents historiques, de Notes, d'une table de tous ceux qui ont ecrit dans les journaux et d'une table des Jour- naux. With Plan of Paris and Portraits. 2 vols., 4to, half jnorocco gilt. Paris, 1877. £10 lOS A unique and very complete manuscript collection of the most extravagant articles published by all the Journals of the Commune, made by M. Bonhiol, the Publicist. The notes which follow the articles cannot be attributed to any pen less skilled than that of Maxime Ducamp, the celebrated author of Convulsions de Paris. The Biblio- graphical Review of the Parisian Press from 19th March to 27th May, 1871, is abso- lutely complete, even giving 18 Journals and leaflets not cited in La Bibliographie de Le Monyer (Journaux de la Commune). This Review concludes with the manu- script reproduction of a series of historic documents on this period jabsolutely unknown by bibliographers. Plate III. ?-4 ik tt)[W ^0MroM?»^)t>:cf< ct M csMfiwmit ^ liimn yat fait- a« {omenctMU N i)>v>lit'!uc "vK «|t ftit4*{ . <'»«> liymfi; bm) .HUH: pimw\ iht uH|K|?f^'i pa? »uuwfv ^cC' ciutfftr fu«U« iUil»'|{- IM»JMSt h»;t lU^M CfjU'ij'b.t IM f»UclfiV»M,Ht -MlCMHi'WHU tt»tH«>nife c;t .u|huoj4 ,^ui en t«f^ <«H5< cr *uff{ *)uf in fiHiiU - tni rT\^ ^s w >5 vvvii aHi'IT// /^nK ^^^l^m 9 1 i-^;} ^ fe ^^5i^^*''*ift^^/7 Voir P^ 1 "^ ^^ ^^ >^l — ^^"^ ^ 1 K , /?^O^V^~^ fe/^X ^^ 1 -^^i^>^ m^ 5»s=^==-= — ^^= A woodcut from Sebastian Brant's " La Nkf des Fols du Monde With 117 woodcuts. First French Edition. Paris, 1497. See Item No. 29. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 25 50 ERASTUS. Histoir© Pitoyable du Prinoe Erastus, fils de Diocktien, tra- duite d'ltalien en Frangois. Device on title. i6mo, original limp vellum. Paris, G. du Pre, 1573. £4 4s One of the most popular French romances of the XVIth century. 51 FRIZON (Gemma). Les Prinoepes cf' Astronomic et Cosmographie, avec I'usage du Globe; plus est adjouste I'usage de I'anneau Astronomic, et I'exposition de la Mappemonde; mis en langue Frangois par Claude de Boissiere. Numerous woodcuts and diagrams. Small 8vo, original vellum. Paris, 1556. £1 10s 52 GOHORI (Jaques). Le prenriier livre de la promiere Decade de Tite Live de PadOlie, des histoires depuis la ville fondee, traduit de Latin en Frangois. Title within woodcut border, numerous other woodcuts. 4to, half brown morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1548. £5 5s 53 GRINGOIRE (Pierre). Les Menus Propos. In verse, printed on vellum, in lettres batardes. A portion only, comprising 60 leaves, with the beginning and end, also a leaf inserted at .commencement containing the printer's device (otherwise blank), with 7 half --page woodcuts. First Edition. Svo, full brown morocco, tooled in blind with panels of a floral design, g. e. Paris, Gilles Couteau, December 31, 1521. £15 15s * * * Excessively rare, and apparently unknown on vellum to bibliographers. 54 HERBIER (LE GRANT) en Frangoys; contenant les qualitez; vertus; et pro- prietez des herbes; arbres; gommes; semances; huylles; et pierres precieu- ses; extraict de plusieurs traictez de medecine comme de Avicenne; Rasis, Constantin; Isaac; Plataire; et Ypocras; Selon le commun usaige. Lettres batardes, double columns, 41 lines to a full page. Title-page printed in red and black. With numerous fine woodcuts. 4to, morocco, blind tooled to an ancient pattern. Paris, Alain Lortain, N.D. {about 1530). £65 In the text there are interesting quarter-page cuts of plants, interspersed with a few animals. There are also a large number of fine woodcut initials, white on a solid black ground. The title is followed by pages of Remedies classified according to the location of diseases, from tfte head downwards, a page and a half being devoted to the Spleen. The Editor seems to have been slightly in advance of his predecessors in the matter of popular beliefs, for he modifies the usual statement in regard ta the Mandrake having two sexes, but a ,woodcut of the female plant appears, probably in deference to tradition. There is an interesting chapter on soa'p of different kinds, Saracen, Jewish and French, and its ingTediewts. 26 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 H E U R ES a I' usaige de Paris toute s au lo>ng. Black Letter, with numerous charming full-page woodciUs and wood- cut borders to every page. Ruled throughout. 8vo. Paris y Kerver, igth June, 1525. Bound in contejn-porary French binding of dark brown calf fuUy tooled with gilt arabesques and the words on sides " Charles Heustache, Claude Diarde.^^ Gilt and gauffred edges. (See Illustration, Plate No. XIV.). £105 From the Yemeniz Library, and quoted in Brtinet. 56 HEURES a I'usiage cfe> Verdun. Printed on vellum in lettres batardes, 21 long lines to a full oage, 132 leaves. With 21 large and 34 small cuts, each -page within borders of Biblical scenes, hunting scenes, the dance of death, etc., the cuts carefully coloured and illuminated in gold, the borders uncoloured. Over the name of Simon Vostre, which appears on a label above the title, has been painted in gold the name of the original owner, '* Maistre Bertrand Morin." Numerous small initials painted in gold on coloured ground. 8vo, old calf, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt panelled back, g. e., tooled with the name ** Maistre Bertrand Morin.'*^ Paris, for Simon Vostre, 1515. £45 Not in Lacombe. 57 HEURES d® Notre Dame, a I'usaige de Romme. Black Letter, 30 long lines to a full page, every page printed within borders. Royal 8vo, morocco, blind stamped and gilt, inside dentelles, g. e., by Cuzin. Paris, Guillaume Go dart (15 15). £18 18s Tihe first leaf is in facsimile, otherwise a very beautiful copy, with large margins, of an exceedingly scarce Book of Hours. Lacombe 261. Brunet 305. 58 HEURES de Nostre Dame en Fran^oys et en Latin, a Tusage de Rome, nouvellement imprimees a Paris. Roman letter, printed in red and black, luith numerous ivoodcuts, large and small, many within beautiful borders. 8vo, old vellum (rebacked), g. e. Paris, Madelaine B our sette, 1554. £2 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 27 Magnificent Silver Filigree Binding. 58a HEURES a Tusaige d^ Paris toutes au l^ng. Black Letter, Printed in red and black, ruled in red. With numer- ous fiJte full-page woodcuts and 7nany smaller woodcuts and initial letters 8vo. WOODEN BOARDS COVERED WITH OLD SILK, THE WHOLE ENCLOSED IN A MAGNIFICENT SILVER FILIGREE BIND- ING, FILIGREE BACK, AND TWO FILIGREE CLASPS, GILT AND TOOLED EDGES. Paris y Yola7tde Bonhonme^ veuve de Thielman Kerver, 1530. £52 10s Bniinet (Heures Gotliiques), No. 204. iVjt end of the Heures the following remarkable devotional pieces aire added : — 1. Devote conjtemiplation de ia divinite de nostre doiilx redemptenir (in verse). 2. Le mirouer de la passion nostre siegneur (verse and prose). 3. Les Quinze Oraisons S. Brigide, etc. 4. La vie de Madame Saincte Marguerite. 5. Extraict de plusieurs sainctz Docteurs les propositions, dictz, et sentences contenant les graces du Saorament de rAuitel, etc. 6. Le Voyage et oraisons du Mont de Calvaire de Romans en Daulphine, etc. (verse and prose). 7. Instruction and maniere de vivre pour une femme seculiere. 8. Devotes Oraisons de Nostre Dame, L^Eschelle de Perfection (in verse), etc. 9. Les Recomnenoaces des trespassez, 1545. The Annual Missionary Letters. 5Q HISTOIRE de oe qui s'est passe en Ethiopie, Malabar, Brasil, et es Inde^ Orientales. Tiree des Lettres escrites es annees 1620 jusques a 1624. Addressee au R. P. Muito Vitelleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de Tltalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie (Par le Pere Jean Varde). 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1628. £24 Comprises letters from Ethiopia, Malabar, Macao, Goa. Cochin China, etc., which con- tain many curious details about the manners and inhabitants of the country. 60 HISTOIRE de ce qui s'est passd au Royaume de la Chine em I'Anfu^e 1624. Tiree des letres ecrites et adressees au R. P. Mutio Viteleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de Tltalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Svo, calf. Paris, Cramoisy, 1629. £2"t These missionary letters are signed Vencislas Pantaleon. 61 HISTOIRE de ce que s'est pass6 es Royaumes d' Ethiopie, En Tannee 1626, jusqu'au mois de Mars 1627. Et de la Chine, en I'annee 1625, jus- ques en Feburier de 1626. Avec une brief ue narration du voyage que s'est fait au Royaume de Tunquim nouvellement descouvert. Tirees des lettres adressees au R. Pere General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduites de ritaJien en Francois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Svo, half hound, Paris, Cramoisy , 1629. £2'! 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 62 HISTOIREdece que s'est passe au Royaume cl'Ethi«)pie Es attn6es 1624, 1625 & 1626. Tirees des lettres ecrites & addressees au R. P. Mutio Vite- leschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de I'ltalien en Fran- .gois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. Small 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1629. £10 lOs 63 JEAN DE PARIS. Le Romant dl© Jean de Paris, Roy de France, lequel apres que son Per eut remis le Roy d'Espaigne en son Royaume, par sa proiiesse, et par ses pompes, et subtilitez espousa la fille du Roy d'Espaigne, laquelle il emmena en France. Roman letter, double columns, with woodcuts. 4to, calf. RoueUy Veuve de Louys Caste, 1634. £5 5s 64 JOAN OF ARC. L'Histaire et DisDoiErs an vray du siege qui fut mis devant la viile d' Orleans, par les Anglois, le Mardv XII. jour d'Octobre M.OCCC. XXVIII regnant alors Charles VII. Roy de France. With a fine impression of the portrait of Joan of Arc. ^m?A\^^o, old vellmn. Orleans, i6c6. £6 6s j65 KOECK (Peter). Description de la Court du Grand Turo, Solimans fai- sant son seiour en Constantinople, avec la maniere des Vestemens de ceux de sa Suite. A SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY PETER KOECK, JOINED TO- GETHER AND FORMING ONE LONG PANORAMA (MEASURING 6i FEET BY 1 5 INCHES) WITH DESCRIPTION IN FRENCH. Folded to folio, and preserved in a buckram lettered portfolio (1533). (See Illustration, Plate No. XV.). £42 The Artist Peter Koeck was born at Aalst in 1502. He settled at Constantinople, where he painted scenes of Turkish Life. He died in Brussels in 1550. 66 LASSEMAS (Berthelemy de). L'lnoredulit^ ou I'Ignorance de ceux qui ne veulent oognoistre le bien et refios de I'Estat, et veoir renaistre la vie heureuse des Frangois. Post 8vo, old French calf, gilt, m. e. Paris, chez ] amet & Pierre Mettayer, i6oo. £4 46 * * * Containing six treatise on commercial subjects : — Remonstance Neceesaire pour le bien de ce Royaume, sur le traicte de la Reyne d* Anglieterre, parlant des manufactures. Advertissement et Responce aux Marchands et autres, oil il est touche des changes, banquiers et banque^-iXKutiers, Les Moyens de Chasser la gueuserye contraindre les faineants, faire et employer les pauvres. Avertissement du commerce faict sur le Debvoir de Taumosne des Pauvres. Traite du commerce parlant des procez et chiquaneries. Le sixiesme traicte du Commerce, sur Tabus de la cherte des vivres et denrees: par- lant d'aucuns Maires et Escheuins, Fermiers tant du vin que du sel, douanes, etc. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 29 LAVAL (Alain de). L'Historiali des Rais rion Catholiques, sur un Roy- aume Christianze, & de la resistance continuelle des Catholiques contre leur regne. Contre 1' Imposture des faux Politiques, disant que la Reli- gion est, & a tousjours este separee de I'Estat. Small 4to, fine copy in a late \Jth century binding of full red. morocco^ gilt back and wide floral border to sides ^ g. e. Lyons ^ far Pierre Rous, 1592. £2 2s LE GRANT stille et protho€<>llei (fe la Chanceellerie de France nouvellement corrige veu et additione db plitsteurs lettres d^ Chacellerie. Title printed in red and black. Black Letter, printer's mark. 8vo, half bound. Paris, Galliot Du Pre, L'516. £2 2s At end is " Le guidon des Secretaires " (a guide to letter-writing). Silight repair to blank margin of title. LE MAIRE DES BELGES (Jean). Les llliistratioiis de Gaule et Singu- laritez de Troye, avec les deux Epitres de I'Amant Verd. — Le Second Livre. — ^Le tiers Livre, intitule de France Orientalle et Occidentale. — Le Traictie de la difference des scismes et des Concilles de I'Eglise. La vraie hystoire du Prince Syach Ysmail, dit Sophy. — L'epistre du Roy a Hector de Troye. Black letter, with numerous woodcuts and printer's device (some coloured). /[to, folished calf . Paris, de Marnef, 1521. £18 18s " Le Maire des Beiges ideserves to be remembered less for his verse than for his prose work, ' Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troie/ in which the Trojan origin of the French people is set forth with some feeling for beauty and a mass of crude eruditiom.'' (Dowden.) LE MAIRE DES BELGES (Jean). Les lllustratiens de Gaule et Singulari- tez de' Treye, avec les deux Epitres de I'Amant Verd. — Le Second Livre — Le tiers Livre, intitule de France Orientalle et Occidentale. Black Letter, double columns, with numerous woodcuts and -printer' s devices. 4tO', half morocco. Lyons, Jacques Mareschal, 1524. £5 5s The first title-page, which is in red and black, has a fine large cut, with his device " de peu assez,^* a cut which occurs on each of the other titles. The next two cuts are very remarkable and are fuLl-page; one representing a femalie Saint in a boat, with St. Peter at the helm; the other representing three mythical personages, one prob- ably Hercules (holding a shield, bearing the lion rampant, with axe in his paws), another perhaps Juno; the central figure, half woman half serpent, probably repre- senting Melusine in allusion to the origin of the family of Rohan. On the verso of the second cut is one of La France, enthroned with her feet on Maleur and embrac- ing le Populaire, and Noblesse, in the persons of children, the two latter playing musical instruments. There are numerous other interesting woodcut illustrations. 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 71 LEMAIREDE BELGES (Jean). Le Traict^ de la difference cfes soismes et des codidilles die I'Eglise. Black Letter, double columns, numerous woodcuts, title within wood- cut border. 4to, limf vellum. Paris, Frangois Regitault, 1528. £3 3® Under the pretext of an historical account the treatise of Jean le Maire is a polemic work. King Louis XII. was the first to understand the importance of the part that the press was destined to play in politics. He was the first to use propaganda/. When he attacked Venice the poets in his pay had to compose ballads for the purpose of exciting public opinion, such as " The Lamentation of Venice," " The Complaint of Venice," and even Italian pamphlets. In the same way when in 1510 Pope Julius II. changed his attitude and broke with his ancient ally Louis XII., the King again i^ployed ithe u»sual methods. This time he was in all the greater need of propaganda, as the Pope had it in his power to influence the King's own subjects. Louis XII. ordered from Jean le Maire tliis little work, in which is indicated the necessity for the meeting of the National Council and the supremacy of this Council over the Pope. The author was historiographer to the Queen, and in view of Anne of Brittany's great attachment to the Pope, great weight was to be attached to his works. This was the origin of the above treatise. Jean Le Maire, to excite the interest of the reader, added several small tracts on the Shah of Persia, or Sophy, on the pilgrimage to Palestine, and finally a short poem entitled " Le Blazon des Veniciens." 72 LEO AFRICAKUS. Historiale Description de I'Afrlque, Tierce partie du monde. With woodcut. i2mo, half morocco. Antwer-p, Plantin, 1556. £3 3s Lyonbse Binding. 73 LEON HEBREU. Philosofihie d'Amour de M. Leon Hebreu traduicte d' Italian! em Francoys par le Seigneur du Pare Ohampenois. With woodcut border on title, text ruled ijt red. 8vo. Lyons, 1551. Contemporary Lyonese binding, of the second half of the XVIth Century, of brown calf, the sides decorated zvith a very hajidsome geo- metrical design, i^iterlaced with arabesques, -partly stained black, Uned with gold, the interspaces being poivdered with gold dots, gilt back, gauffred gilt edges. £65 A FINE SPECIMEN OF LyONBSE BINDING, UNRESTORED WITH AN INTERESTING BOOK INSIDE. " Leo Hebraeiis, otherwise known as Judah Abravanel, physician; philosopher and poet, was born in Lisbon in the second lialf of the fifteenth century, and died in Venice in 1535. He accompanied his father, Isaac Abravanel, wlien the latter went to Spain and afterwards to Naples, and became physician in ordinary to the Spanish Captain-General Gonsalvo de Cordova.. Thence he went to Genoa, and later to Venice, where he finally settled. His most important work, " The Dialogues of Love, written about 1502, was published in Eome in 1535. The lofty platonic spirit with which it is endued made it very popular. In the space of 20 years it went throug!h five editions (in Italian), and was translated twic^ into French, three times into Spanish, and once into Latin." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 31 74 LE POIS (Ant). Discours sur les Medalles et Graveures antiques, prin- cipalement Romaines. With woodcut device on title ^ fine for trait and plates of medals by P. Woeriot de Bouzey {signed) and some fine large woodcuts. 4to, French XVIIIth Century dark red morocco, gilt f lor eat e back, Paris, M. Patisson, au logis de Robert Estienne, 1579. £4 4s In excellent condition. Brunet. "^ Ouvrage curieiix et assez recherche : parmi les figures gravees ,sur bois, impriimees avec le texte, la plus remarquable est un Priape place au verso de la page 146i Cette planche est quelquefois grattee ou meme dechiree.'' This plate is in perfect condition. Only Copy Known. 75 LES MEURS et Honnestetez de la Table pour aprendre a chascun a se con- tenir en maintietii et en bonne grace. Italic letter, with dainty woodcut on title and 5 other dainty wood- cuts. i2mo, blue calf. Paris, Nicolas Buffet, 1545. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVI.). £52 ICs NO other copy known. A remarkable early French poem on table manners in rhyming verse, written for the use of students at the University of Paris. It commences : — " Nons enseignons par sens notable Les Meurs qu'il fault garder a table Si qu'a vertu tu estudies, Apres cela a ton Regent et Maistre Tu doibs honneur, le recognoistre comme pere et ses dictz entendre de bon couraige sans contendre. It continues Retiens bien mon enseignement Sort ton vestement sans ordure Face lavee, la main pure, Et garde qu' a ton nez ne pende Quelque goutte, je te comma nde Ne laivsse tes ong.les trop croistre or aucure ordure lia paroistre Tiens te® cheveulx nets, et procure que sans fange soit la chaussure, Soit ta langue nette et bien pure Et a tes dents n'entre rouillure et sois honteux. Je tadmonneste s'il advient que frotes ta teste, de tuer, les pucee n'attente n'a gratter ta taigne nuysante. 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 7(i LETTRES PATENTED fie Deolaratton du Roy, Portant deffenses a tous ses subjectz de faire aucun trafftcq n'y commerce au Royaume d'Angle- terre. Publiez a Rouen, 1627. 8vo. Rouen, 1627. £1 5s Tj LINO€IER (Geofroy). L'Histoir^ des plantes, traduite de latin en fran- gois, avec leurs pourtraicts, noms, etc., a laquelle sont ajoutees celles de simples aromatiques, animaux a quatre pieds, oiseaux, poissons, etc. Thick i2mo, original calf gilt. Paris, 1584. £2 lOs * * * A volume containing more than 800 pp., illustrated witli very numerous woodcuts of plants, animals, etc. 78 LINSCHOT (Jean Hugues de). Histoire die la Navigation aux Indes Oiien- tales. Contenant diverses descriptions des lieux jusques a present descou verts par les Portugais. Aussi, Description de la Guinee, Congo, Angola, et Autres Pays maritimes d'Afrique. Pars 2. Le Grand Routier de Mer, Continant une instruction des routes et cours qu'il convient tenir en la Navigation des Indes Orientales, et au voyage de la coste du Brezil, des Antilles, et du cap de Lx>po Gonsalves. Avec description des Costes, Havres, Isles, Vents, et courants d'eaux, etc. Pars 3. Description de I'Amerique et des parties d'icelle, comme de la NouveUe France, Floride, des Antilles, Jucaya, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. Item de Testendue et distance des lieux, de la fertilite et abondance du pays, religion et coustumes des habitans, et autres Particularitez. With engraved title, portrait, and numerous folding mafs, flans, and other plates. 3 parts in i volume. Thick folio, original calf, rebacked. Amsterdajn, 1638. £11 Hs Plate IX. S S rt M c B PQ c«^ ^ ? (U a O 01 ^ p flj o 2:^ Plate X. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 33 LORRIS (G. de) and JEAN DE MEUNG. Le Roifunant de la Ro^, nouvel- lement imprime a Paris, pour Guillaume Eustace. Lettres batardes, double columns of 43 lines with printer's device of Guillaume Eustace on title-page, and 86 Lyonnese spirited woodcuts. (Title in facsimile.) Small folio, red morocco, stain fed in blind y inside dentelles by Hardy. Paris, Nicolas des Prez {for Guillaume Eustace), 1498- 1500. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVIL). £57 10s Bourdill-on, Edition G. Firmin-Didot copy. Claudin dates this edition 1498-1500, but the compiler of the Fairfax Murray Catalogue believes that it was really printed about 1503. The first page of text has a large woodcut in two compartments. In the text are 90 smaller cuts including a few repeats, these are the earliest woodcut illustrations of the " Rommant de la Eose,^" with any pretence to beauty. The cutting of the woodcuts shows a nascent Frendh style disengaging itself from German conventions. The draughtsman showed a great ambition to surpass the technique of his predecessor. " The most extraordinary production in verse of the thirteenth century is undoubtedly Le Roman de la Rose. It is indeed no single achievement, but two very remarkable poems, written at two different periods, by two autihors whose characters and gifts were not only alien, but opposed — two poems which reflect two different conditions of society. Of its twenty-two thousand octo-syllabic lines, upwards of four thousand are the work of Guillaume de Lorris; the remainder is the work of a later writer, Jean de Meun. Its subject is an allegorised tale of love, his own or imagined, transferred to the realm of dreams. The writer would fain win the lieart of his beloved, and at the same time he would instruct all amorous spirits in the art of love. He is twenty years of age, in the Maymorn of youth. He has beheld his beautiful lady, and been charmed by her fairness, iher grace, her courtesy; she lias received him with gentleness, but when he declares his love she grows alarmed. He gains at last the kiss which tells of her afiection; but her parents intervening, throw obstacles between the lovers. Such, divested of ornament, allegory, and personification, is the theme of the poem." " To pluck the rose in the garden of delight is to win the maiden; Tier fears, her virgin modesty and pride, her kindness, her pity, are the company of friends or foes by whom the rose is surrounded; and to harmonise the real and the ideal, all the incidents are placed in the setting of a dream. Wandering one spring morning by the river-banks, the dreamer finds himself outside the walls of a fair orchard, owned by Deduit (Pleasure), of which the portress is Oiseuse (Idleness); on the walls are painted figures of Hatred, Envy, Sadness, Old Age, Poverty, and other evil powers; but unterrified by these, he enters, and finds a company of dancers on the turf, among whom is Beauty^^ led by the god of Love. Surrounded by a thorny hedge is the rosebud on which all his desire now centres. Hs is wounded by the arrows of Love, does 'homage to the god, and learns his commandments and the evils and the gains of love. Invited by Bel-Accueil, the son of Courtoisie, to approach the rose, he is driven back by Danger and his companions, the guardians of the blossom. Reason descends from a tower and discourses against the service of Love; Ami offers his consolations; at length fhe lover is again admitted to the flowery precinct, finds his ros?bud half unclosed, and obtains the joy of a kiss. But jealousy raises an unscalable wall around the rose; the serviceable Bel-Accueil is imprisoned, and with a long lament of the lover, the poem closes." " Did Guillaume de Lorris ever complete his poem, or did he die while it was still but half composed? We may conjecture that it wanted little to reach some denouement —perhaps the fulfilment of the lover's Tiopes; and it is not impossible that a lost fragment actually brought the love-tale to its issue. But even if the story remained (Continued over) 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Lorris (G. de) — continued. without an end, we possess in Guillaume's poem a complete mediaeval Art of Love; and if the amorous metaphysics are sometimes cold, conventional, or laboured, we have gracious allegories, pieces of brilliant description, vivid personifications, and something of ingenious analysis of human passion. Nevertheless the work oi this Middle-Age disciple of Ovid' and of Chretien de Troyes owes more than half its celebrity to the continuation, conceived in an entirely opposite spirit, by his successor, Jean de Meun. The contrast is striking; Guillaume de Lorris was a refined and graceful exponent of the conventional doctrine of love, a seemly celebrant in the cult of woman, an ingenious decorator of accepted ideas; Jean de Meun was a passionate and positive spirit, an ardent speculator in social, political, and scientific questions, one who cared nothing for amorous subtleties, and held woman in scorn. Guillaume addressed an aristocratic audience, imbued with the eentiments of chivalry; Jean was a bourgeois, eager to instruct, to arouse, to inflame 'his fellows in a multitude of matters which concerned the welfare of their lives. He was little concerned for the lover and his rose, but was deeply interested in the condition of society, the corruptions of religion, the advance of knowledge. The rose is plucked by the lover in the end; but lover and rose are almost forgotten in Jean's zeal in setting forth his views of life, and in forming an encyclopaedia of the knowledge of his time. Reason discourses on the dangers of passion, commends friendship or universal philanthropy as wiser than love, warns against the instability of fortune and the deceits of riches, and sets charity high above justice; if love be commendable, it is as the device of nature for the continuation of the species. The way to win woman and to keep her loyalty is now the unhappy way of squandered largess; formerly it was not so in the golden age of equality, before private property was known, when all men held in common the goods of the eartli, and robber kings were evils of the future. The god of Love and his barons, with the hypocrite monk Faux-Semblant — a bitter satirist of the mendicant orders- besiege the tower In which Bel^Accueil is imprisoned, and by force and fraud an entrance is effected. The old beldame, who watches over the captive, is corrupted by promises and gifts, and frankly exposes her own iniquities and those of her sex. War is waged against tlie guardians of the rose, Venus, sworn enemy of chastity, aiding the assailants. Nature, devoted to the continuance of the race, mourns over the violation of her laws by man, unburdens herself of all her scientific lore in a confession to her chaplain Genius, and sends him forth to encourage the lover's party with a bold discourse against the crime of virginity.'' (Dowden). 80 Le ROfranant de la Rose, aultrement dit le Songe Vergier, nou- vellement imprime a Paris, XXIX. Lettres batardes, double columns, 41 lines to a full page, title in red and black, gothic letter, above large woodcut of a lady and gentleman sitting in a flower-garden. This woodcut is repeated on back of title. J. Janot's uncommon printer's device on last leaf. With several small woodcuts of a scribe sitting at his desk. 4to, crimson tnorocco, sides fully gilt, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. ^-y by Cape, enclosing a rose in the centre paneL Paris, J. Janot, about 1520-21. (See Illustration, Plate No. XVIIL). £57 10s "^BmmNG BY^CAPE ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ EARLY EDITION, IN MAGNIFICENT This is the first of the three editions which bear the mistake on the title-page, aultrement dit le songe vergier." " Le Songe du Vergier " was a different work, ot which two editions had appeared earlier at Lyons and at Paris. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 35 Lorris (G. de) — continued, 8 1 — Le RofTBllianit de I'd Rose, Nouvellement reveu et corrige oultre les precedentes impressions. Lettres batardes, 30 long lines to a full page, title in red and black, ivith woodcut below ^ numerous smalt woodcuts in the text. • Small 8vo', blue morocco, sides gilt, gilt panel back, g. e., by, Thoii- venin. Paris, 1538. £45 82 LOUYAIN UNIVERSITY. Les Catalogues des livres r^prouv^z, et de ceulx que Ton pourra enseigner par I'aduis de L'universite de Louvain. Avec I'edict et mandement de la Majeste Imperiale. Small 4to, old half calf. Louvain, 1550. £10 lOs * * * A very curious and interesting little volume, containing a long list of condemned books, which were supposed to have a bad influence over the students, and which, owing to the spread of heresy it was thought fit to prohibit. Includimr, in general, all the works of Erasmus, all works of John Wycliffe, of John Hus, of Martin Luther, various translations of the Bible, and well-known medical, geographical, scientific works, etc. At the end is a short list of books suitable for reading to children in private schools. 83 MARCO POLO. La desoriptiom geographiquie des provinces et viHes plus fameuses de I'lndte' Orienita;le, Meurs, loix, et coustumes des habitans d'icelles, mesmement de ce qui est soubz la domination du grand Cham, Empereur des Tartares. En vulgaire frangois (par F. G. L.). Red ruled throughout, printer's device on title-page and last leaf. Ornamental woodcut initials. 4to, red inorocco, g. e. Paris, 1556. £42 A MAGNiniCENT COPY WITH WIDE MARGINS OF THE FIRST FRENCH TRANSLATION. 84 MARGUERITE DE FRANCE, Queen of Navarrre. Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses, tres illustre Royne de Navarre (Marguerite de Valois). [Published by Symon Silvius surnamed de la Haye.]. Italic letter, numerous woodcuts. 2 vols., 8vo, old French green and red morocco, sides gilt, gilt backs, g. e. Lyo7is, Jean de Tournes, 1547- ^35 Fine Copies of the First Edition. "Edition la plus recherchee de ces Poesies, les exemplaires bien conservees sont rares.'^ — Brunet. " Marguerite of Navarre (1492-1549), the King's sister, perhaps the most accomplished woman of her time, represents more admirably than Francis, the genius of the age. She studied Latin, Italian, Spanish, German, Hebrew, and, when forty, occupied therself with Greek. Her heart was ardent as well as her intellect; she was gay and mundane, and at the same time she was serious (with even a strain of mystical emotion) in her concern for religion% Although not in communion with the Reformers, she sympathised with them, and extended a generous protection to those who incurred danger through their liberal opinions. Her poems, ' Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses ' (1547), show the mediseval influences forming a junction with those of the Renaissance. Some are religious, but side by side with her four dramatic Mysteries and her eloquent ' Triomphe de I'Agneau ' appears the ' Histoire des Satyres et Nymphes de Diane.' imitated from the Italian Sannazaro." — Dowden. 36 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 85 MARTIAL DE PARIS, DIT D'AUVERGNE. Aresta Amorum Lll, accu- ratissimis Benedict! Curtii Symphoriani commentariis ad utriusque juris rationem f^rensiumque actionum usum, quam acuratissime accommodata. 8vo, lim-p vellum. Lyons ^ Seb. Gryphius, 1546. £6 6s A VERY CURIOUS AND SCARCE BOOK OP LOVER^S LaW RePOETS, ONE OF THE MOST SINGULAR JeUX d'Esprit OP THE Middle Ages. Brunei says of it : " Les Arrets d'amour sous des questions de droit et de procedure, accoraodees a la matiere des amours; ce n'etait qu'un cadre imagine pour consigner les formes de la procedure et les principes au droit, et pour les mettre a la portee des gens du monde, en les appliquant a des especes fictives et galantes." Etc. The cases are given in French, the commentary in Latin. Extraordinary collection of edicts " modelled on the form of the Courts of Love of the 12th — 14th centuries, which were obsolete by the 15th, in spite of efforts to revive them. The author was born about 1420 at Paris and died in 1508." Although some people imagine that this book which bears the title of " Aresta Amorum," is a legal work it is really a very amusing production which only adopts a legal form. The following are headings of some decrees (there are 52 in all). " A lover bears plaint against his lady saying that she kissed him so roughly that she made his nose bleed." " A young lady complains of her husband because he does not suffer her to wear hat and coat in the new fashion." " Law suit against a young damsel for having refused a kiss from a young man at a dance; she was summoned before the ecclesiastical court of love and how she was excommunicated as slie did not appear and how she finished her days in sadness and was buried without consecrated ground." " A decree forbidding all pastrymakers and cooks to put up their stalls near churches ^^ m order that the smoke may not prevent young men from seeing the lady they love." A sentence given against a lover who gave his lady two smacks on her cheek because she put green grass down -his back, and his punishment as a warning to all other* who would like to do the same in a similar 86 Aresta Amoruin Lll, accuratissimis Benedicti Curtii Symphoriani commentarns ad utriusque juris rationem, forensiumque actionum usum quam acuratissime accommodata. i2mo, old calf, portion of XVIth century gilt French bindings -pre- served and let in sides, g. e. Paris, Charles An gelier, 1555. £6 6s See preceding note to No. 85. ^7 — :. LNI Arrests d'Amours. Aresta Amorum accuratissimi Benedicti Lurtii bymphoriani commentarns. Le tout diligemment reveu. Title within woodcut border. ^ „ ^^^^' ^^^ French green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. Rouen, Thomas Mallard, 1587. £5 153 See note to No. 85. Plate XI. A woodcut from Le Chappellet des Vertus et des Vices. Lyons, Maresohal and Chaussard, 1498. See Item No. 40. Plate XII. A woodcut from Alain Chartier. Les Faitz. With woodcuts. Paris, Pierre Le Caron (1484). See Item No. 42. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 37 88 [MEUN (Jean de)]. Le Plaisant Jeu du Dodechedroti de Fortune, non moins recreatif , que subtil et ingenieux. Renouvelle et change de sa pre- miere edition. Small 8vo, old French calf, gilt, with the Arms of " Due de la V alii ere |' i?t, gold on the sides. Paris, Nicolas Bonsons, 1577. £3 15s Curious work in verse in which is taught the manner of knowing the future by means of dice. 89 MIOLEON (Auger de). Les M^iiioirBs de la Roine Marguerite. Small 8vo, old vellum. Paris, Ch. Chafpellain, 1629. £1 1I>S 90 MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de). Les Ctironiques de France, d'Angle- terre, d'Escosse, d'Espaigne, de Bretaigne, de Gascogne, de Flandres, et . lieux circonvoisins. Avecques les grandes croniques des Rois de France Leys XI et Charles VIII. Lettres batardes, double columns, with woodcut initial letters. 3 vols. , small folio, contemporary French broivn binding, panel sides and gilt centre ornaments on sides, elaborately tooled backs {mended), g. e. Paris, Jehan Petit and Michel le Noir, 1512. £75 The above rare edition of the famous Chronicles of Monstrelet contains the continua- tion (under the reign of Louis XI. drawn from Jean de Troy's chronicles and since as far as the death of Charles VIII-., in 1498, by Pierre Desray). This is (the third edition) the first 16th century edition of Monstrelet and the first to contain the con- tinuation and additional matter mentioned above. « " The Burgundian Monstrelet was a lesser Froissart, faithful, laborious, and a tran- scriber of documents." — Dowden. 91 MUNSTER (Sebastian). La Cosmographie Universelle. Illustrated with 14 double woodcut maps, double woodcut views of cities, and some hundreds of other woodcut views, figures, etc. Thick folio, original calf. Basle, Henry Pierre, 1552. £10 lOs The maps include :— The World Map, showing America with Brazil, Florida. Magellan Straits, and Cuba ; also one of North and South America entitled " Des Isles neuvues, lesquelles on appelle isles d'occident & Indie." Pages 1357 to 1374 give a description of the New World, headed :—' DES NOUVELLES ISLES, comment, quand & par qui elles ant este trouvees," with chapters as follows : — De la Cosmographie Des deux isles, Fune desquelles Colon Genevois nomma la Jehan ne, & Tautre Hespaignofe. Des Canibales mangeurs de chairs humaines. Comment les Portugalois. Comment le due Magellan-v La troisiesme navigation de Christopher Columbus. Comment Pierre Alouse oercha des isles neuvues. Comment Pinson compaignon de Fadmiral Colon, cercha aussi des isles neuvues. Des quatre navigations d'Americ Vespuce aux isles nuevues. Et^. This section, dealing with the New World, is illustrated with 12 curious cuts. A Fine Copy, but lacking the title-page. 38 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 92 NAGAREL (Jean). Histoirei et cronique d© Normenifie, reveue et aug- mentee outre les precedentes impressions : Finissant au Roy tres-chrestien Henry III., Roy de France et de Polongne, Wzlk large folding flan of the town of Rouen. Together with the second part entitled: " Description du Pays et Duche de Normendie, Extrait de la Cronique de Normendie, non encores imprimee, faicte par feu maistre Jean Nagerel." 8vo, XVIih Century French dark brown morocco richly gilt, the sides entirely covered with arabesques, sprays of laurel, dots and other ornaments by Clovis Eve, gilt back {slightly repaired^., g. e. Rouen, 1578. (See Illustration, Plate No. XIX.). £52 15s 93 PAEZ (Gaspard). Histoire de ce qui s'est pass^ aui rayaumie d'Ethiopiei £s ann^es 1624, 1625, & 1626. Tirees des lettres ecrites & adressees au R. P. Mutio Viteleschi, General de la Compagnie de Jesus. Traduite de ritalien en Frangois par un Pere de la mesme Compagnie. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1629. £21 94 PARIS. Eloges et Disoour suir la profond receptioni du Rot (Louis XIII) en sa ville de Paris, apres la reduction de la Rochelle, accompagnez des figures, des Arcs de Triomphe etc. With 7tumerous full-page plates. Contemporary white vellum, with the Arms of the Ville de Paris gilt on sides. Paris, 1629. £5 5s 95 PI NET (Antoine du, sieur de Nauroy). Taxe des Parties Casuelles dfe la Boutique du Pape, en Latin & en Frangois. Avec annotations prinses des dccrctz, Concilles, et Canons tant vieux que modemes, pour la verifi- cation de la discipline anciennement observee en I'Eglise. With woodcut on title. Small 4to, full XVIIIth Century red French morocco, gilt, g. e. Lyons, 1564. £10 16s " Giving an account of absolution for cash to murderers, parricides, poisoners, heretics, adulterers, committers of incest, simony, crimes against nature, sodomy,. eta" Fine Copy. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 39 With the Arms of Thomas Wotton, the " English Grolier." Q5a PLATO. Le Titn^ de Platom traittant de la Nature du Monde, & de rHome, & de ce qui co-ncerne universelement tant Tame (jue le corps des deux; translate de grec en francois, avec I'exposition des lieux plus obscurs & difficiles par Loys le Roy. 4to, bound for Thomas W otton in light brown leather, the sides covered with delicately interlaced black lines edged with gold a7zd ivith arabesque foliage tooled in ^old, in the centre of the design on both covers the Arms of Thomas Wottojz are stamped in silver {the back care- fully restored). Paris, Michel de Vascosan, 1551. (See Illustration, Plate No. XX.). £210 "* * * A Remarkably fine and genuine specimen, from the library op the Great English Book Collector, Thomas Wotton (1521-1589) who is styled " the English Groliee.*' 96 PLUTARCH. Les Vies des Hotmnes lllustres, Grecs et Romains, com- parees Time avec 1' autre par Plutarque. (Traduit par Jacques Amyot). 7 vols., 8vo, old French morocco extra, three-li7te fillet borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1567. £28 Complete with the " Vies de Hannibal et Scipion " and the " Decade." FINE COPY. " The Morals of antiquity as seen in action had been exhibited to French readers in the pages of Amyot''s delightful translation of Plutarch's Lives, to be followe in tlie world. As the Pope was to take the place of the Emperor, so were the priests of the Church to take the place of the ancient civil power; the powers and privileges of the Senate and Consuls of Rome were to pass to them; the Roman clergy Avere to wear the Senatorial white sandals, and to ride on horses with white coverings. The Emperor gave up to the Pope the Lateran Palace, all the provinces, places and cities of Rome and Italy, or the western regions. It is difficult to conceive a bolder or more glorious fiction, or one more successful; it held the credulity of the world throughout the Middle Ages, and to this day influences the mode of thought of many millions. The greatest effect flowed from the territorial concession to the Papacy. The writer's words only applied to Rome and Italy, or the western regions. In course of time a more extensive claim was made and Anselm of Lucca substituted the word ' and ' for the more ambiguous ' or.' Constantine, according to him, conceded tJie Imperial power in Rome and Italy, ' and in the western parts.' This would have made most kingdoms of Europe mere fiefs of the Papacy. A notion arose that Consftantine had specially conferred all islands on the Papacy, albeit there is no reference to islands in the document. It was thus in virtue of the ' Donation ' that the Eng- lish Pope, Hadrian IV., claimed the possession of Ireland, and then conferr-d it on Henry II. (1155), like all Christian islands, belonging of right to St. Peter and the Roman Church. Hadrian's friend, John of Salisbury, who persuaded him to this step, refers to the '^ Donation ' as the ground of this grant; and thus began that long struggle between England and Ireland which has proved so disas- trous for both countries!. In all other gifts of newly discovered islands or conti- nents the Papacy was but disposing of territories which Constantine had implicitly bestowed upon itself."— Farrer. 44 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART III. BOOKS PRINTED AFTER 1640. Including a remarkable collection of French Eighteenth Century Illustrated Books. 111 ABREGE de la Vie et des Vertus de la ti^s»hioii«)r^ Soeur Julienne ilouvin. Small 8vo, content for or y French morocco extra y gilt back, gilt clen- telle border on side, g. e. Paris, 1744. £2 lOs 1 12 AESOP. F. J. Desbinnons fabulae Aesopiae emendatae. VJith frontispiece by Baquoy. 8vo, old red morocco, fully gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1769. * £6 10s 113 AICARD (Jean). Roi de Gamargue. Illustrations de Georges Roux. I of 35 copies on Japan paper. With the plates in 3 states. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Testard, 1890. £3 lOs 1 14 AIRENTI (F.). Verslgraphe Fran^ais. (Le " Chiffre " en poche.) Deux- ieme edition. 8vo, li77tp leather. Paris {about 1900). 1i)s 115 ALFIERI (V.). Opere. With engraved portrait of the author after Fabre. 22 vols., 4to, half red. morocco, uncut. {Printed at Pisa), 1805. £3 3s 1 16 ALGAROTTI. II Gongresso di Gitera. With frontispiece after Risen, engraved by Le grand, an unsigned title after and by Cochin, an unsigned vignette zvith a charming portrait of Mme. de Pompadour, and a delightful vignette after Eisen engraved by Legrand. 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, Praidt, 1756. £2 2ls The lady to whom Algarotti dedicated his work was Mme. de Pompadour. Plate XIII. TortralB dc l^rhre fjui procfutt Jcfes/mffs CanarJs yiUAnt f CT yolldnts. An Ulustration from Buret, " Histoire admirable des plaxtes et herbes miraculeuses en nature.' Paris, 1605. With Viimerous full-page woodcuts. ' See Item No. 49 Plvie XIV, FpenA Binding of tooled calf with gilt Arabesques of " Heiire« a Tusaige de Pai with full-pag9 woodcuts, and woodcut borders to every page. Paris, Kerver, 1521. See Item No. 55. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 45 117 ALMANAC DE GOTHA (in French) from 1785 until 1914 (except 1786, 1795, 1796). Containing many hundreds of engravings^ including fashion plates j portraits of royalty ^ etc., views of cities ^ castles, landscapes, etc., illust ra- tions to various works, historical and other subjects. 130 volumes, 32mo and crown 8vo, original boards or cloth. Gotha, 1785-1914. £52 10s *** Among those to be specially noted are: 1785, with 12 engraved plates by Chotlo- wiecki for the " Histoire de I'homme"; 1791, with the two plates of Christopher Columbus and the Captain Cook plates; 1808, which was suppressed by Napoleon immediately on publication, because it contained the portraits of his arch-enemies, Pitt and Nelson. ii8 ALMANAC DE GOTHA contenant dlverses connoissances curieuses et Utiles pour I'antii6e 1 788. Frontispice grave, 4 planches de co'effures et habillemens frangais et anglais et 12 figures pour " Caroline de Lie cht field,'' gravees par Chodowiecki. 32mo, original covers, g. e., as issued. Gotha, Ettinger, 1788. £5 5s 1 19 ALMANAC DE GOTHA pour I'aniiee 1791. Frontispice et litre graves par Endner, 4 planches de co'effures de Paris et de Berlin et 12 figures, sujets historiques, de Chodozviecki, gravees par Geyser. 32mo, fine copy in original covers, g. e., as issued. Gotha, Ettinger, 1791. £5 5s * * * Containinus Franceis, Contre Le Python de ce Temps. Tragedie. Woodcut vignette on title. i2mo, fine copy bound by Niedree, in full dark green morocco gilt. Rouen, chez Thomas Mallart. Circa i68o. £3 15s I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 4g 136 APULEIUS. Metamotphoseon Libri XI. Edited by Oudendorp. A very fine cofy^ extra illustrated ^ with rare and choice series of -plates after Moreau, Gerard ^ and others, carefully inserted in their appro- priate places in the text, including the outline etchings. Printed on large and thick paper. \ 4to, dark blue morocco, broad floral borders on sides and floral ornaments in outer corners, fully gilt back, inside dentelles, salmon pink watered silk inside guards, g. e., by Bozerian. Ley den, i;86. £14 14s 137 ARCHITECTURE. Calliat (Victor, \rchitecte). Parallele des Maisons de PariSf construites depuis 1830 jusqu'a nos jours. A series of 125 large engraved plates of plans, sections, elevations, details, etc. Imperial folio, half crimson morocco extra, t. e. g. Liege, 1851. . £1 8s 138 ARCHITECTURE. Feuoh^^re (Leon). L'Art Industriei. Recueil de Dispositions et de Decorations interieures, comprenant des Modeles pour toutes les industries d'ameublement et de luxe. Tels que Boiseries, Ten- tures, Encadrements, Meubles Sculptes ou Incrustes, Billards, Divans, Chaises, Fauteuils, etc. A Collection of 84 fine large engravings. Large folio, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Pans (1857). ■ £2 2s 139 ARCHITECTURE. Masson (Louis). Les Yilles Assamies. With 15 plates and many illustrations in text. Folio, full blue morocco gilt. Toulouse, 1887. 15s 140 ARCHITECTURE. Popp (J.). Les Trois Ages de I'Arcfiitecture Gothiquei son origine, sa Theorie, demontres et representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne, entre autres TEghse Saint- Jacques, Style Byzantin, I'Eglise de Saint-Emmeran, Style de Transition, La Cathe- drale, Style Allemand pur ou Vrai Gothique. With 49 plates. Folio, half bound. Paris, 1841. £1 2s 6d 141 ARCHITECTURE. Stuart (J.) et Reyett (N.) Les Antiquites d'Ath^ne ©t de I'Attiquie, mesurees et dessinees. Illustrated ivith 251 fine engravings with copious descriptions. 5 vols., unbound in portfolio, folio, half cloth. Paris, 1 88 1. £1 18s 50 iMAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 142 ARCHITECTURE. Viollet-Le-DuG (M). Dictiannaire Raisonn^ ct& ('Architecture Fran^aise du Xle au XY|e Sidcle. With numerous illustrations. 10 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. Pans, 1858-1868. £8 1&S 143 ARIOSTO. Orlando Furio^. With for trait and 46 -plates after Cipiani, Cochin, Eisen, Greuze, Monnet and Moreau, engraved by Bartolozzi, Choffard, Duclos, de Ghendt, Helman, de Launay , Moreau, Simonet, Prevost, Ponce, Massardy Martini y Henriquez, de Longueil. 4 volumes, royal 8vo. Marbled tree calf, French style {modern), g. e. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. £14 14s " 111 so far as Ariosto's objects in writing the Orlando Fiirioso, were poetical fame, and the honour of his native country, they were attained to the full; but his task was almost vain as respected recompense from the Princes for whose sake ihe had blemished his poem. His patron the Cardinal of Este, brother of the Duke of Ferrara, a coarse man, more fit for a soldier than an ecclesiastic, asked the poet upon the publication of the Orlando in 1510, quite simply, ' Where he had been for all that rot.' Ario6.to found" it advisable to exchange his service for the Duke's, a Prince lavish in shows, economical in salaries, who thought the poet abundantly re^^•'arded by the governorship of the Garfagnana, which it was necessary to confer upon somebody. The Garfagnana was a wild district overrun with poetical banditti, readers and admirers of their governor's epic. Here Ariosto gained much honour but little emolument. " Even the munificent Leo X, did nothing for him but kiss him on both cheeks, and remit half the fees upon the brief that assured his copyrights, his particular friend Cardinal Bibbiena pocketing the other," (Garnett). 144 Orlando Furioso. Another Copy. Contemporary calf, gilt. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. £10 lOs * * * Containing, in addition, the Prospectus of the work, 4 pp. 145 Orlando Furioso. Another Copy. Large Paper Copy. 4 vols., 4to, full red morocco extra, gilt backs, inside dentelles, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e., by Toovey. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773. £1® 1^ VEKY FINE COPY. 146 Roland Furieux, Poeme Heroique, de I'Arioste. Traduction Nou- velle, Par M. d'Ussieux. With 46 engravings by Cochin, engraved by De Launay, Lingee, and Ponce. Large Paper Copy. 4 parts in 2 vols., 4to, French marbled calf, gilt borders on sides y gilt ornamentations on backs, g. e. Paris, 1 775-1 783. £10 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 51 AHostO — -continued. 147 Orlanfio Furioso. Coniflete Set of the large paper plates, proofs before letters, to the Paris editio7i of 1775-1783. Comprising en granjed portrait after Titian, and g2 plates by Bartolozzi, N. Fonce, JSl . de Launay, etc., after /,. Cipriani, C . N. Cochin, Risen, Moreau le jeune, and others. Fine impressions of the plates. Large 4to, half yellow morocco, uncut, t. e. g. {modern). Faris, 1/75- 1783. £7 lOs 148 Orlando Fumso. With e?tgraved portrait and 46 plates by Cipriani, Cochin, Risen, Greuze, Monnet and Moreau, engraved by Bartolozzi, Choffard, Duclos, de Ghendt, Helman, Henriquez, de 'Launay, de Longueil, Martini, Massard, Moreau, Ponce, Frevost, and Simonet, being the same plates as in the Baskerville edition of 1773, with the exceptiojt of the portrait. 5 vols., 8vo, original calf, rebacked in morocco gilt, Derome style, g. e. Milan, 1812. £3 3s 149 ARMOUR. Lipmann (Maurice). L'Art dans I'Arnuire et dans les Armes. With numerous illustrations indicating the various styles of ar7nour worn and anns used in the early periods — from about the ^th Century to about the i6th Century. Imperial 8vo, neatly bound in green plush {zvith corner brass pieces) lined with green silk, g. e. Paris, 1889. 15s [50 ARNAUD (D'.). Oeuvres contenant Fanny, Lucie et Melanie, Clary, Julie, Nancy, Bathild^. With nmnerous engravings. 9 vols., 8vo, polished calf gilt, gilt backs. Faris, chez Laporte {about 1780). £1 lOs 151 ART de Faire des Globes A6rostati(iues et des^Petits Ba^lons d'AnuiBe- ment, Suivant la methode de MM. de Montgolfier, & sur les precedes de MM. Charles & Robert. 4to, boards. Bordeaux, N.D. (1783). £3 3s 152 ASSELINEAUX (C). L'Enfer du Bibliophile. One of 100 copies on Japan paper. With three states of the plates, one in colour, one in dry-point and one before all letters. 8vo, half morocco, gilt panel back, t. e. g., by Stroornants, original wrappers bound in. Faris, Conquet, 1905. £2 lOs 52 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, \V. 153 ATHENEE. Banquet des Savans, traduit par Lefebure de Villebrune. 5 vols., 4to, bound by Bozerian in full green French morocco, with charfning border on sides and the backs fully covered with a semis of fleurs-de-lys , and at bottom the luords " Kelie far Bozerian,^'' g. e. Paris, 1789. £12 12s 154 AUVIGNY (D'). Les Vies des Homilies lllustres cte la Franee, Depuis le commencement de la Monarchic jusqu'a present. 27 vols., small 8vo, contemforary French citron morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt backs, g. e. Paris, 1739. £10 lOs 154a AYELINE (Antoine). Collection of 19 plates of French Palaces, includ- ing Veue et Perspective du Chateau de Fontaine-Bleau du Cote de 1' Entree de la Cour du Cour du Cheval Blanc; Veue du Chasteau de Meudon du Cote de I'Entre; Veue et Perspective du Palais des Tuilleries du Cote de la Cour; Veue et Perspective du Pont Neuf a Paris; Veue du portail de Notre Dame; L'Hotel de Ville de Paris; Veue de I'Entree du Chateau de Marly en general; Veue Chateau Neve de St. Germain en Laye; Veue du Chateau de St. Cloud; Veue generale de la Ville et du Chateau de Ver- sailles; etc., etc. Oblong folio, original boards. N.P., 1725. £14 14s 155 AVRIL (Ph.), Soc. Jesus. Voyage en divers etats d' Europe et d'Asie, Entrepris pour decouvrir un nouveau chemin a la Chine. Con tenant Plusieurs Remarques curieuses de Physique, de Geographic, d'Hydro- graphie & d'Histoire. Avec ime Description de la grande Tartaric & des differens Peuples que I'habitent. With engraved frontispiece and -plates. Svo, vellum. Paris, 1693. £3 lOs I s6 B. de la P. Invitation aux Hommes a poursuivre et completer la Comiuete des Eaux et des Airs, suivie de quelques autres pieces (in verse). Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1842. £3 3s IS7 BAILLET (A). Histoire dtes Demelez du Pape Boniface Yl 1 1., avec Philippe le Bel, Roi d^ France, Small Svo, full contemporary French red morocco, gilt, gilt line on sides, g. e. Paris, 17 18. £1 lOs Fine copy. From the Bibliotheca Lamoniana. With ticket. is8 BALZAC (Honore de). Physiologle du Mariage ou Meditations de Phflo- sopfiie EcJectique, sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal, publiees par un jeune Celibataire. 2 vols., Svo. The Scarce FIRST EDITION, handsomely bound by Chambolle-Duru in citron morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1S30. £15 15s Plate XV, ^^: ^.jLJj Plaie XVI. Lcs meurs & HONNESTETEZ DE L A TABIB POVR APKBKDKB A chafcun a fe cotenir en main* ucn Sc en bonne grace. jg^Tmprimca p a a i s chez Nicolas Buffet demeurant en la rue>^5^i 5©S) Title-page from Lorris and Jean de Meuno's " Roman de la Rose. Paris, Jean Janot, 1520. See Item No. 80. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 61 90 BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). II Decainerone. With 5 frontispieces y i portrait y no engravings and 97 culs-de- larnpe by Gravelot, Boucher y Cochin and Risen y engraved by Aliamety Baquoy y Fliparty Legrandy Lemirey Lempereury F^ Lempereiiry LeveaUy Moittfy Ouvriety Pasquiery Pitre-Martenasie y Saint- Aubiny Sornique and Tardieu. 5 vols., 8vo, French marbled calf, three-line fillet border on sides y m, e. Londra (Paris) y 1757. ^22 lOs " Boccaccio's fame rests on his Decameron, for here he attained the perfection which elsewhere he only indicated. Nobles' and ladies iheard the same stories which amused 'he common people, told in a style which the uneducated, too, could enjoy, in truth such masterpieces of clear forcible prose, as \tihe greatest scholajrs tiM then had been unable to produce. " Few of the stories are Boccaccio's invention, ^ery nuaniy are iprobably true historie'=; in every respect, but for the alteration of the names. This is Boccaccio's beet defence agrainsit the charge of licentiousness; he reproduced tJie ordimary talk ot hours of relaxation giving it the attraction of a pure and classic style. The sjharo of the ladies as narrators of or listeners to iJiese stories, so repugmant to ideal conceptions of 'the female ohiiracter, is not only explained by th© manner of thf- time, but has greatly contributed to the chaxm of tihe work, by tempering hiP licence with a refinement best appreciated by comiparison with similar collections. After all, the sensuous element, though conspicuous, is not predominant in the Decameron, and few books contain more or finer traits of courtesy, humanity, and generosit3\" (Grarnett.) [91 Le D^cam^ron. Traduction de Francisque Reynard. With the fine illustrations by Jacques WagreZy comprising 1 1 en- graved frontispieces y 20 engraved plates y and 220 vignettes and culs- de-lampe. The plates engraved by M. Teyssoniere. Imperial 8vo, in the 10 original portfolios of texty and 2 portfolios of plates. Paris y Launettey 1890. £4 lOs 92 BOCCONE. Recherches et Observations Naturelles de Monsieur Boccone Gentilhomme SIcilien; touchant le Corail, la Pierre Etoilee, les Pierres de figure de Coquilles, les Dents de Poissons petrifiees, 1' Embrasement du Mont Etna, et les Plantes qu'on trouve dans la Sicile, etc. Thick i2mo, vellum. Amsterdam y 1674. lOs 6d 93 BODEL (Jean), of Arras. La Chanson des Saxons. Printed on thick paper. 2 vols., 8vo, crimson morocco y three-line fillet border on sides y in- side dentellesy g. e.y by Thompson. Paris y 1839. £3 3s One of the Romances oi the twelve peers of Prance. 200 copies printed on thick paper. 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. IQ4 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (Nicolas). Oeuvres Dlverses avec (e Traits du Sublime, ou du Merveilleux dans le Discours. Traduit du Grec de Longin. Et les Reflexions critiques sur ce Rheteur : oil Ton repond aux objections faites contre quelques Anciens. Nouvelle Edition, reveue et augmentee de diverses Pieces nouvelles. With several engraved plates. 2 vols., post 8vo, half morocco, gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Amsterdam, Antoine Schelte, 1695. £1 5s " Tli-e genius of Boileau was in a hi<;''li degree iiitelliectual, lanimiated by ideas. It is verse of the dlafesical scbool, firm and clear, but it .addresses tbe ear with a studied harmony, and what: Boileau saw he could render into exact definite and vivid expression. For Paris itseflif its various aspects, iitsl life, its types, its manners, he luad the eye and the (precise a-endering of a realist in airt; his faithful objective touch is like that of ti Dutch painter. When he deals Avith liteTaiture all his pene- tration and power become apparent.^* (Dowden.) IQ5 Oeuvres. Avec des eclaircissemens historiques donnez par lui-meme. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee et augmentee de diverses Remarques (par Brossette). Enrichie de figures gravees par Bernard Picart. With superb frontispiece, a fleuron on the title {j)or trait of Eras7nus) repeated in the second volume, a magnificent portrait of the Princess of Wales, six plates and a frontispiece to ^' Le Lutrin,'' 2 vignettes and 26 cids-de-lampe, all by Bernard Picart excepting the portrait which is ei2 graved by V . Junst after Kneller . 2 vols., folio, origiftal boards, uncut. Amsterdam, chez Frangois Changuion, 1729. £2 lOs 196 Les Oeuvres. Avec des eclaircissemens historiques. With portrait after Rigaud, engraved by Ravenet, one fleuron and 7 vignettes after Tremolieres, engraved by Ravenet, 38 culs-de-lampe , and 6 ornamental letters {o7te of which is repeated^ unsigned. 2 vols., large 4to, French marbled calf, richly gilt backs, three-line fillet border on sides, small gilt floral design in corners. Paris, 1740. £6 15s 197 Oeuvres. Aves des Eclaircissemens Historiques donnes par lui- meme, & rediges par M. Brossette; augmentees de plusieurs Pieces, tant de TAuteur, qu'ayant rapport a ses Ouvrages; avec des Remarques & des Dissertations Critiques. Par M. De Saint-Marc. Nouvelle edition. With frontispieces after Picart and Van der Meer, engraved by Vinkles and five fleurons on the titles by de Bakker and Van der Meer. 5 vols., Svo, co7itemporary French calf, gilt ornamentations on backs, three-line fillet borders on sides, gilt crest on both front and back covers, ;«. e. Paris, 1772. £4 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 63 Boileau (N.) — continued. igS Another Copy. 5 vols., 8vo, French marbled calf, gilt ornamentations on backs, dainty border on sides, m. e. Paris, 1772. £2 10s iQQ Oei&vres avec uii commentaire par M. de Saint-Surin. With portrait, facsimiles and plates. 4 vols., half bound, gilt backs, by Bibolet. Paris, 1821. £4 4s 200 L© Lutrini, Poeme Heroi-Comique. Set of plates, comprising magnificent engraved frontispiece, con- taining portrait, etc. , engraved title with fine border, and series of six fine plates, with same border to each, all by B. Picart. Magnificent impressions on Large Paper. Folio, ne-m Jtalf levant morocco, gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Amsterdam, i'/2g. £6 6S " Le Lutrin is not ^a burlesque which degrrados a noble theme, but a: heroic, comic poem humourously exalting" humble onatter of the day. It tells of the combats of the eoclesiastios respecting- the position of a lectern, comibats in which the books of a neigihbouring^ puiMisher serve as formidable projectiles. The scene is in the Sainte Chappelle and Palais de Justice. Boileau's gift for the vivid presentation of visible detail and his skill in versification served him here loetter than did his choice of a subject/' (Dowden.) 201 BOISARD (J. J. Frangois Martin). Fables, Par M. Boisard, De TAcademie des Belles-Lettres de Caen, Secretaire dii Conseil & des Finances de Monsieur, frere du Roi. Seconde edition. With two fleurons on the title-pages, nine illustrations and two culs- de-lampe by Monnet, one illustration and one cul-de-lampe engraved by Saint- Aubin, and eight illustrations and one fleuron ejzgnwed by E. Schmitz', the first fleurofi and the second cul-de-lampe are 7iot signed. 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary French cruslted red morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, g. e. {Paris), 1777. £25 202 Fables. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee, avec figures. Illustrated with 2 fleurons on the titles, 9 plates, and 2 culs-de-lampe, by Monnet, engraved by St. -Aubin and E. Schmitz. 2 vols, in 1 , 8vo, old mottled French calf gilty m. e. Paris, Pissot, 1779 £2 lOs 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 203 BONAPARTE (Joseph). M^motres et Correspomfance politique, et mili- taire dii Roi Joseph, publies, annotes et mis en ordre par A. du Casse. II vols., 8vo, calf, gilt backs. Paris, 1855. £11 lis A fine set. 204 BONAPARTE (Roland), L6011 Bourgeois, Jules Claretie, Aifreci Picarci, E. Redus, etc Le Mexique au debut du XX Si^cte. \Yith 7nafs and fla?is. Special Copy Printed on Japan vellum paper. 2 vols., 4to, crimson morocco, inside dentelles, g. e., by Engel. Paris, 1903. £3 3s 20s BON-MOTS. Le PassCNTems Agreable, ou Nouveau Choix de Bon-Mots, de Pensees Ingenieuses, de Rencontres plaisantes, de Saillies vives, de Gasconnades, de Contes divertissans, d'Historiettes nouvelles et galantes, &c. Tant en Prose qu'en Vers, avec des Reflexions. With an engraved frontispiece to each volume. 2 vols., i2mo, full yellow morocco, gilt, g. e. Amsterdam and Leipzig, Arkstee et Merkus, 1743. £3 lOs 206 Marottes a Vendre, ou Triboulet Tabletier, dont la Gibeciere, apres avoir ete egaree pendant plusieurs siecles, nous est enfin heureuse- ment parvenue, munie d'un rare assemblage de Hochets, Breloques, Coli- fichets, et Babioles, de toutes especes, etc. i2mo, full morocco, gilt, g. e. London, 1812. £1 5s 207 BORDELON (I'Abbe Lament). L'Histoire des Imaginations Extrava^ gantes de Monsieur Oufle caus^es par la lecture des livres qui! traitent de la Magie, du Grimoire, des Demoniaques, Sorciers, Loups-garoux, Incubes, Succubes et du Sabbat; des Fees, Ogres, Esprits Folets, Genies, Phantomes et autres Revenans; des Songes, de la Pierre Philosophale, de I'Astrologie Judiciare, des Horoscopes, Talismans, Jours heureux et mal- hcureux, Eclypses, Cometes et Almanachs; enfin de toutes les sortes d'Apparitions, de Divmations, de Sortileges, d'Enchantemens, et d'autres superstitieuses pratiques. With quaint plates, including the large folding one. First Edition. Post 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt {circa 1820). Amsterdam, 17 10. £2 12s 208 Another Copy. Calf. Amsterdam, 17 10. £2 lOs Plate XIX. Nagarel. Histoire de Normandie. Rouen, 1578. Bound by Ci.ovis Eve. Plate XX PlATOX, " Lk I'IMEE TRAITTAXT DE LA NaTURE DU ^foNDE." J'aris, Vaseosan, 1551. From the library of TmnjsH Wotton. the "English Grolier.' See Item No. 95a. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 65 Glorcfelon — continued. Gomganfl, ou Thomme prodigieux, transporte dans I'air, sur la terra, et sous les eaux. With numerous plates. 2 vols., i2mO', red morocco, g. e. Amsterdam, 1713. £14 14s " Le Jieros de ce curieux ouvrage, public sous le pseudonyme de Titetutefnosy, va visiter les nuages et Tarc-en-ciel a cheval sur une flech© d'or qui lui a ete donnoc par un magicien." Comgam ou l'Homim!& Prodigieux transporte dans I'air, sur la terre, et sous les eaux. Livre veritablement nouveau. Titetutefnosy. Seconde edition. Augmentee du denouement de I'histoire du Docteur Dirto, de ses sentences & jugemens, de ses bons mots, d'une maniere extraordinaire inventee pour punir un Satyrique, d'une Figure qui en represente 1' execution, & de plusieurs autres. With 8 curious eitgraved plates. 2 vols., calf, gilt, ornamental hacks. Paris, 1712. £8 8s 211 BOSSUET. Discour^ sur L'Hi®toire Universelie, Depuis le commence- ment du monde jusqu'a I'empire de Charlemagne. 2 vols., 8yo', contemporary French green morocco gilt, inside den- telles, pale pink watered silk douhlures , g. e. Paris, Didot VAine, 1786. £7 15s "The above book was written in tiie first instianee for the Dauphin; but its purpose Avas partly apologetic, and Bosstiel, ospecially in the second pa.rt of the book, had the errors of free-thinkers -Spinoza and Simon — bafore his mind.'' (Dowden.) 2 12 BOUFON (Le) die la Cour, ou R6mede pr^servatif oontre la Melancolie. With engraved frontispiece. i2mo, green morocco extra, gilt, sides fully tooled with a semis of ermine, and corner and central ornaments, full gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. (modern). Paris, Claude Barbin, 1700. £3 3s Four leaves slightly defective an<:L mended, otherwise a line copy of a rare collection of French Jests. 213 BOUILLY (J. N.). Conseil a Ma Fille. With numerous engravings after Chasselat by Mauduit. 2 vols, , 8vo, contemporary calf, back gilt. Paris, about 18 16, **5S 214 BOURGES(£.). L'Etifant qui revient. With illustrations in colour by Louis Malteste. I OF 130 COPIES, WITH ENGRAVINGS IN TWO STATES. Royal 8vo, original wrappers preserved, uncut. Paris, Collection des Dix, 1905. ^7 lOs o6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 215 BOURGEOIS (David). Reoherohes sur I'art de voler, depuis la plus haute antiquite jusqu'a ce jour; pour servir de Supplement a la Description des experiences aerostatiques de M. Faujas de Saint-Fond. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1784. £5 5s The above work forms a supplement to Faujas de Saint-Fontrs great work on the early history of ballooning in France. 216 BRESSON (L.). Des Aerostats. With two very large folding -plates of balloons. Svo, half calf, t. e. g., uncut, Paris, 1840. £5 5S 217 BRET IN. Contes etii vers, et quelques pieces fugitives. With 5 -pretty plates after and by Legrand. 8vo, calf , gilt lines on sides, prettily gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, iyg7. £7 7s First Edition. On papier velin. Fine copy. One of the illustrations shows a lover, seated in the ear" of a balloon, singing and playing the mandolin to a young lady standing on the top of a tower. 2 1 8 Cotttes efi vers, et quetques pidces fugitives. With five pretty plates after and by Legrand. Fine copy on papier velin. 8vo, French style marbled calf, g. e. Paris, 1799. £5 5s One of the illustrations shows a lover, seated in the car of a balloon, singing and playing the mandolin to a young lady standing on the top of a tower. 219 BRIENNE (Comte de). Menioires du Oomte dte Brietine, Ministre & Pre- mier Secretaire d'Etat, Contenant les evenemens les plus remarquables du Regne de Louis XIII. & de celui de Louis XIV. jusqu' a la mort du Cardinal Mazarin. Composes pour Tinstruction de ses Enfans. 3 vols., 8vo, dark blue 7norocco, three-line fillet border on sides, in- side dentelles, t. e. g., by Koehler. Amsterdam, 1719. £1 1©S 220 BRUEL (F. L.). Histotre a^ronautique par ies metiumefits peints, saulp- t^s, dessin^s et graves, des origines ^ 1830. With 200 splendid facsimile reproductions in black and colours and 43 pages of text, Folio, half morocco. Paris, Marty, 1909. £35 Only 325 copies of this magnificent work were printed. I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 67 221 BRULLIOT (Frangois). DictioiinaJre des Monogrammes, Marques Figu- rees, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abreges, etc. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee et augmentee d'un grand nombre d' articles. With numerous illustrations. Thick 4to, full morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides, gold leaves. Munich, 1832. £3 3s 222 BRUNET (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du Libraire et De L'Amateitr de Livres oontenant I0 Uit Nouveau Dictiannaire Bibliographique, 2o Una Table en Fornie d^ Catalogue Raisonti^. 6 vols., thick 8vo, red morocco gilt, g. e. (rebacked). Paris, Firmin-Didot Freres, 1860-1865. £14 14s The best and most complete edition of this indispensable Bibliography. 223 Another Copy. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Paris, i860- 1865. £12 12s 224 Another Copy. 6 vols., 8vo, half vellum, Photolithographic Reprint. £12 lOs 225 BRUNET AND DESGHAMPS. Manuel du Libraire. Supplement. 2 vols., royal 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1878- 1880. £3 3s The Supplement is now the most useful part of Brunei's Manual and is indispensable to every library, private or public, and is not included in the new photoJithographie reprin/t, 226 BUTLER (Samuel). Hudibras, poeme ecrit dans le temps des troubles d'Angleterre et traduit en vers frangais (par Jean Townley) avec des re- marques (par Henri Larcher). With a portrait of the author and of Tozvnley, and 14 grotesque engravings {by HogartJt), mostly folding. 3 vols., i2mo, calf gilt, ornamental gilt borders on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e., by P. Bozerian Jeune. Londres {Paris), 17 S7- £2 lOs 227 CABINET DES FEES; ou Colleotioit Cliaisie des Contes des F^s» et autres Contes Merveilleux. With 120 fine plates by Marillier, engraved by Berthet, Biosse, Borgnet, Choffard, Croutelle, Dambrun, Delignon, Delvaux, Duponchel, Fessard, Gaucher, de Ghendt, Godefroy, Goumaz, Halbou, Jortxis, Langlois, Langlois jeune, Lebeau, Legrand, Leroy,Leveau, Le Villain, de Longueil, Mcdapeau, Mme. Demonchy, Patas, Mile. Retor, Texier, Thofnas, and de Valnet. 41 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. Geneva, 1785-9. £10 lOs 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 228 CABINET Satyriqua ou recueil parfait des vers piquans et gaillardsi de oe temps. Tires des secrets cabinets des Sieurs de Sigognes, Regnier, Motin, Berthelot, Maynard, et autres, etc. Derniere edition de beaucoup augmentee. 2 vols., i2mO', contemporary red morocco, gilt backs ^ g. e. [repaired). Holland, the Elzeviers, 1666. £3 3s 22Q CALLIGRAPHY. Blegny (£. D.). Nouveaux Exemplaires d'Ecriture d'une beauty singulaire. 8vo, vellum. Paris, about 1760. £1 1s The whole of the book is engraved. 230 Lesgret L'Ain^. Le Livte d'exemplaires compose de toutes sortes de Letres die Finanue & Ital'ienne Bastarde. Avec des Instructions Fami- lieres touchant les preceptes generaux qu'il faut observer, pour bien imiter les Exemples qui y sont compris 22 pp. of speci^nens of Caligraphy, the majority zvith elaborate and ornamental borders. Folio', original calf. Paris, 1694. £2 lOs 23 1 CANI NOMANI E (LA), ou I'Impdt Favorable Dans toutes les circ^nstances, et sur-tout dans les conjonctures presentes. Traduit et donne au Public patriote, par tres-politique et tres preux Cesar, Chien de haute lignee et de grand parentage; Secretaire-Interprete de I'Areopage des Chiens, pour la langue Franque, et Serv'iteur de M. le Chevalier de Trevigny, fils, de Falaise. With engraved frontispiece. i2mo, half calf. Paris, 1789. £2 10s 232 CAR A YON (Auguste). Relation inedites des missions die la compagnie de Jesus a Constantinople et d^ns le Levant au XYII sJecle. 8vo, half bound. Poitiers, 1864. £1 5s 233 CARICATURES. Collection of 31 lithographic plates, caricaturing the life of a young man about town in Paris about 1830. (Le Vicomte Clodo- mir de la Linotiere.) 4to, half bound. Paris, about 1 830, £2 2s 234 CATALOGUE ^^^ Ouvrages mis a I'Index contenant le nom de tous lies livres oondamn^s par la Cour de Rome. Second edition, ^vo, boards. Paris, 1826. lOs 6d 235 CAYLUS (Comte de). Faeries nouvelles. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt backs, g. e. La Haye, 1741. £4 4s First edition of these amusing stories. Plate XXI. Plutarque. Lks okuvrk.^ morales et meslees. 7 vols. l*aris, 1574, Beautifully bound by Dbrome in French reel morocco, with his ticket. See Item No. 97. Plate XXII. A womlcut from " Tostii.lks et Expositions de Careme. With five full-page and many other woodcuts. Paris, Verard, 1519. See Item No. 99. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 6g 235a CELLINI (Benevenuto). Plon (Eugene). BenvenutO' Cellini, Orfevre Medailleur, Sculpteur; Recherches sur sa Vie, sur son (Euvre et sur les pieces qui lui sont attribuees. 16 etchings by Paul Le Rat^ I etching by Baudraty 29 heliogravures and 42 other illustrations. No. I of 30 Large Paper Copies on Japan vellum ^ ivith 3 states of the plates. 2 vols., folio, full morocco gilt^ inside dentelles^ uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere. Paris, 1883. £7 lOS 236 CERVANTES, Vida y Heohos del Ingenloso Ijidalga Don Quixote die la Manoha. With portrait and 68 beautiful engravings after Vanderbank, en- graved by Vertue and Van der Gucht. 4 vols., Large Paper, large 4to, blue morocco, g. e., by H. Walther. London, 17^^. £10 lOs Les Principales Aventuires de I'Admirable Don Quichotte, repre- sentees en figures par Coypel, Picart le Romain, et autres Habiles Maitres; avec les explications des 31 planches de cette magnifique collection, tirees de r original Espagnol. With I fleuron, i vignette and 31 eit graved plates. 4to, original French mottled calf, gilt, g. e. Liege, Bassompierre, 1776. £5 5s El ingenioso Hid^algo Doni Quixote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel Cervantes Saavedra. With 2 frontispieces after Car nicer o and Arquitecto engraved by Selma and ]uam de la Cruz, a portrait of Cervantes after Joseph de^ Castillo, engraved by Salvador y Carmona-, 14 ornamental initials, 22 vignettes and 20 cul-de-lampes after Ballester, Brieva, Carnicero, La Guesta, and Zimeno, engraved by Brandi, Fabregat, Miguet and Pale- mino; 31 plates after Barraneo, Brunette y Del Castillo, Ferro and Gil, engraved by Ballester, Barcelon, Fabregat, Gil, Mol, Mu?itaner, Salva- dor y Carmona and Selma and a map. 4 vols., full green morocco, panelled backs, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e., by Derome, Le Jeune, ivith his ticket. Madrid, Ibarra, 1780. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXIV.). £75 A REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THE FINEST SPANISH BOOK, A MASTERPIECE AS REGARDS IMPRESSION OF THE PLATES AND TYPOGRAPHY. Another Copy. 4 vols., 4to, brown morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, Q, e. over m. e., by David, of Paris. Madrid, Ibarra, 1780. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXIV.). £52 10s 70 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Cervantes — conwiued. 240 Obras, including Novelas Exemplaies; La Galatea; the Viage al Pamaso; and El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Manha, y con la vida de el autor. With -plates by CamaroUy MeredOy Monnet, Porret, TexadaSj Ncn/array and R. Ximeno^ engraved by P. Duflos^ femme DufloSj and Morenos Texadas, vignettes by Porret, engraved by Texadas^ and maps. 10 vols., 8vo, half vellum^ gilt^ uncut ^ t. e. g. Madrid, 1 783-1 797. [SOLD] 242 — El Ingenioso Ifllldalgo Don QuBjote tfe la Manoha. Edicion en miniatura. With portrait, fine plates, and map of Don Quixote* s travels. Small Svo, green morocco, with fine floral designs on i^iside doub- lures by Charles Lewis, zvith clasps, g. e. Paris, Didot, 1827. £8 15s Printed in Didot^s diamond type. 243 CHABRIER (J). Essai sur le vol des inseotes et obsenrattons sur quel- ques parties de la m^oanique d^ mouvemens progressifs d^ I'homme et des animaux vertebras. With 13 plates. 4to, half bound. Paris, 1823. £5 5s 244 CHAM, Croquis en TAir. A propos de ballons, de la chasse, du tele- graphe sous-marin, de TAmbassade du Nepaul, de la nouvelle Comete- Mauvais et d'une foule d'autres evenements drolatiques mais non-politi- ques. Being a collection of caricatures. 4to, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, N.D. £1 16s 245 A La Guerre comme k la Guerre. Complete Set of the 30 famous lithographs caricaturing the French Campaign in Algiers against Abd-el-Kader. Oblong folio, original boards, as issued. Paris, Aubert, N.D. £1 lOs 246 Mr. Papillon. With 21 humorous coloured lithographs. Folio, original picture boards. Paris, Aubert, N.D. £2 lOs 247 Nouyeaux voyages et nouvelles impression® Irtbograithiques. Phylosophiques et comiques. With 20 plates of humorous lithographs. Folio, original picture boards. Paris, Aubert, N.D. £1 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 71 Cham — continued. 248 Souvenirs de gamison et des plaisirs attaches a la chose. With 30 humorous coloured lithographs of military life. Oblong folio, original picture boards (loose). Paris, Aubert, N.D. £4 IQs 248a Ah, Quet RIaisir de Voyager! Comprising 45 Caricatures. Folio, original boards. Paris, N.D. lOs 6d 249 CHAMPFLEURY. Les Vignettes Romantiques. L'Histoire de la Litte- rature et de I'Art. 1825-1840. With 150 vignettes by Celestin Najiteuil, Tony Johannot, Deveria, Jeanrorty Edouard May, Jean Gigoux, Camille Rogier, Achille AUier. Suivie d'un catalogue complet des romans, Drames, poesies ornees de vig- nettes de 1 825-1 840. Folio, half morocco, with numerous plates on Japan paper. Paris, 1883. £4 4S 250 Le Violon dfe Faience. Dessins en couleur par M. Emile Renard. Eaux- fortes par M. J. Adeline. With many etchings and illustrations, several in colours. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Dentu, 1877. ^2 2s 25 1 Les Souff ranees du Professeiir Delteif. Plates and vignettes by Craftz. Fifth Edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1870. 7s 6d 252 CHANTS et Chansons populaires de la France. With numerous beautiful steel engravings by Daubigny, Grandville, Meissonier, etc., on nearly every page. 3 vols., royal 8vo, blue calf neat, tivo-line fillet border on sides, in- side dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1843. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXV.). £18 18s A complete copy of the best book of the old French folk songs, charmingly illustrate '■"■•ir V..US drcUia sou arJnu- Jclais Hii pdit volran • SouvriicKvoHSfii ."iiin rnrx vou»on Kru lies (icfiuirrrj (imotir.t . Qiiciir briiJ«.-><..ista..,nnr»r MADVMK !)KMS A S»iiil-Ccrmaii>l IdveiTtu.'*. J'rt«is mi»P fii sail" bUiir. 5«u»cnri-»oii.»-f n . wuvciir/. ■>ou» en Dii p)«isir rliaruiiiio jl«ttr> - Jr voB> cmisrnr toufoui-T* . (oii.iiK- )rt,(i» .i.iir.- M"M)t.\IS .,.,.,..,„>"■■'■/" MIINMH H I H.i(.il j.iMu. -uIh,„ Chants and Chansons populaires de la France." 3 vols., Taris, 1843-1860." With niinierons engravings. See Item No. 252. Plate XXVI. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. '^^ 27Q COLLECTION Comfilete des M^molres relatifs k Thistoire de France, de- puis le regne de Philippe-Auguste, jusqu'a la paix de Pans, conclue en 1763, avec des notices sur chaque auteur et des observations par MM. Petitot, et M. Monmerque. COMPLETE SET BOUND LN 131 VOLUMES. 8vo, calf, gilt backs. Paris, 1 8 19-1829. £2C Contains the following memoirs relating to the history of France, which is indispen- sable to every public library. - Geofiroy ck Ville-Hardoin, conquete de Constantinoplev Jean sire de Jbinville, Histoire de S. Louis, Extrait des manuscrits arabes, et dissertations de Du Cange. Anciens memoires du XIVc siecle par Bertrand Du Guesclin, et observations relatives a ces memoires. Le livre des faiz du roi Charles V., par Christine de Pizan. Histoire de Pierre de Fenin. Memoires concernant la Pucelle d'Orleans; Memoires d'Arthus III, due de Bretagne; Memoires relatifs a Florent sire d^Illiers. Olivier de la Marelie. Memoires de Jacq. Du Clercq; Memoires de Comines; Chronique scandaleuse de Jean de Troyes; Memoires de Guillaume de Villeneuve; ISIemoires de la Tremoille, par Jean Bouchet. Histoire de Bayart, par le loyal serviteur. Robert de la Marck, seigneur de Fleurange; Louise de Savoie, duchesse d'Angoulesme-. Martin et Guillaume du Bellay. Blaise do Montluc. Gaspard de Saulx, seign. de Tavannes. Etc., etc. 28c COLONNA (Erancesco). Le Songe de Poliphile ou Hypn^rotamachie de Frere Fraiicesao ColGnna. Litteralement traduit pour la premiere fois avec une Introduction et des Notes par Claudius Popelin. Figures sur bois, gravees a nouveau par A. Prunaire. 8vo, in the original 10 parts as issued. Paris, Liseux, 1883. £3 3s 281 COLUMBUS. La Lettre et la Carte de Toscanelli a Femam Martinz, chanoine de Lisbonne, et a Christophe Colomb. Etude Critique par M. le Chanoine Casabianca. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1902. lOs 6d 282 COMMUN (Jean Pierre Nicolas du). Les Yeux, le Nez, et les Tetons, ouv- rage curieux, galant, et badin, compose pour le divertissement d*une dame de qualite. With 3 frontispieces. Three parts in i vol., i2mo, old half calf. Amsterdam, 1735-6. £1 1s 283 CONFERENCES intematiotiales des Soci^t^s de Secours aux Blesses MUi- taires des Arm^s de terre et de mer. Tenues a Paris en 1867. In two parts. With several folding plates of ambulance equipment. Thick 8vo, full levant morocco, inside dentelles, silk panels and silk end papers, g. e. Paris, 1867. 12s 78 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 284 CONJURING. Comte (M.). Le Magicien da Soci^U, ou Le Diable Cou- leur de Rose, etc. Folding frontispiece and ofie other illustration. Smcdl 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1829. £1 5s 285 Decremps. La magie Blanche devoil^ oui Explication des Tours SUrprenimntS} qui font depuis pen r admiration de la Capitale et de la Province, avec des reflexions sur la Baguette divinatoire, les Automates joueurs d'Echecs, etc. With fine engraved frontispiece. Paris, 1784. Pinetti de Willedal (J.). Amusement Physique et differentes Experiences divertissantes, Composees & executees, tant a Paris que dans les di verses Cours de F Europe. With portrait and plates. Paris, 1/85. Explication du Tour extraordinaire d^crlt dans la Section III, Chap. XXV. de la Magie Blanche devoilee, donnee a M. Hill par M. Van-Estin. With 2 plates. Privately printed. {Paris, 1784.) Eclaircissemens sur quelques Articles dont on n'a pas donn^ Pexpiication dans le Supplement a la Magie blanche d^voiiee. Privately printed. Paris, 1785, Decremps. Supptement a la Magie Blanche Devoilee Contenant I'explica- tion de plusieurs tours nouveaux joues depuis peu a Londres, avec eclair- cissemens sur les artifices des Joueurs de Profession. Les Cadrans sym- pathiques, Le Mouvement perpetuel, les Chevaux savans, les Poup^es par- Ian tes, les Automates dansants, les Ventriloques, les Sabots elastiques, &c., &c. With very interesting engraved plate, showing balloons and aero- static figures being sent up to frighten North American Red Indians. With some zvoodcuts and plates. Paris, 1785. Testament de Jerome Sharp*, Professeur de Physique amusante; Oii Ton trouve parmi plusieurs Tours de subtilite, qu'on pent executer sans aucune depense, des preceptes & des exemples sur I'Art de faire des Chansons impromtu; pour servir de complement a La Magie Blanche Devoilee; par M. Decremps. With 6g woodcuts. Paris, 1786. Bound all together in three volumes, crown half calf. £9 9s The Balloon plate is very curious as the author recommends that aerostatic figures should be sent up and lowered by the device that he mentions in order to frighten native tribes. The aerostatic figures are in the shape of Roman Gods, Specially noteworthy are the privately printed explanations of conjuring tricks which are added to the above collection. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 79 C onj urlng — continued. 286 Les Petites A ventures de Jerome Sharp, Professeur de Physique Amusante. Ouvrage contenant autant dc tours ingenieux que de legons utiles, avec quelques petits portraits a la maniere noire. With 18 illustrations. %YO, original ivrappers. Brussels and Paris, i^^g. £1 Is 287 Les Petites Aventures de Jerome Sharp, Professeur de Physique amusante. With illustrations. 8vo, boards. Liege, 1790. 12s 6d A very curious early book on conjuring tricks. 288 Codicille de Jerome Stiarp, Professeur de Physique Amus- ante. Ou Ton trouve parmi plusieurs tours, dont il n'est point parle dans son testament, divers recreations relatives aux sciences et aux beaux arts pour servir de troisieme suite de la magie blanche devoilee. With 64 illustrations. 8vo, original wrafpers. Liege, 17193. £1 Is 289 Crandpr6 (Jules de). Le Magioien Modeme. Recreations amus- antes et instructives de physique et de chimie. Royal 8vo, half leather binding. Paris, N.D. £1 5s Le Petit Magioiett, ou Recueil D' Experiences tirees de la Magie blanche et des amusemens de sciences. Orne de 40 gravures. i2mo, original wraf-pers. Paris, N.D. 18s Le Petit Physicien:, ou Recueil D'Experiences tirees de la Physi- que, pour L' Amusement D'une Societe. Avec 21 figures gravies. i2mo, original wrappers. Paris, 1822. 18s La Nourvelle Magie Blanohe Devoilde Amusante Grande Initiation a La Vraie Pratique Des celebres Physiciens-Prestidigatateurs, Comus, Pinsetti, Jerome Sharp, Decremps, Wals, Robertson, Olivier, Comte Philippe, Robert Oudin, Bosco, etc. Completement demontree pour la premiere fois, Par un Amateur. 3 folding plates. Thxcla^vo, original ztrrappers, uncut. Paris, iSs6. 18s 293 CONSTANT (Benjamin). Laure ou Lettres de quelques personnes de Suisse. With 5 plates by Diinker, engraved by Frussotte. 5 vols., i8mo, full contemporary French red morocco, gilt, g. e. {Paris, Cazin), 1787. £1 lOs 294 GONTE (Jomard). Biographie de Nicolas Jacques Cont^. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1849. £2 lOs Pages 15-21 refer especially to the military use of aerostation 8o MAGGS BROS., 34 ^ 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 295 CONTI (Prince de). Traits de la Coniedie et des Spectacles selon la tra- dition d^ I'EgJise. 8vo, morocco, inside dentelles, g. e., by Petit, successeur de Siniier. Paris, 1666. £4 4s Fine copy op a scarce book notable for the attack on Moliere and Corneille by ax old fbiend and patron. 2q6 cookery. Le Nouveau Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois, qui apprend a ordonner toute sorte de Repas en gras & en maigre, & la meilleure maniere des Ragouts les plus delicats & les plus a la mode; & toutes sortes de Patis- series; avec des nouveaux desseins de Tables. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. Paris, 1729. £3 3s A very complete guide to the art of Parisian cookery at the beginning of the 18th •century,. 297 Dubois (Irbain) and Bernard (Emile). La Cuisina Classique. Etudes Pratiques, Raisonnees, et Demonstratives. Ouvrage Illustre de 80 Planches gravees et un Frontispice embrassant dans son cadre toutes les prescriptions theoriques, d'apres I'ordre et les principes de la Grande Cuisine. 2 vols., large thick 4to, original half morocco, m. e. Paris, 1890. £1 5s 298 Grimod de la Reyni^re (A. B. L.). Manuel des amphitryons conte- nanit un traits de la disseotion dtes viandes a table, la nomenclature des menus les plus nouveaux pour chaques saisons, et des elemens de politesse gourmande. With numerous flates shozving how to cut up foiul, fish, ajtd joints, ham, etc. 8vo, half calf, with the croiuned cipher of King Louis Philippe on back. Paris, 1808. £1 5s From the library of King Louis Philippe. 299 Menon. Nouveau traits de la cuisine avec de nouveaus desseins de tables et 24 menus, oii Ton apprend ce que Ton doit servir suivant chaque saison. With 12 plates. 3 vols., 8vo, boards. Paris, 1742. £2 2s One of the most complete French 18th century cookery books. 300 Vlard. Le Cuisinier Impdrial, ou I'Ant de faire la Cuisine pour toutes les fortunes, avec differents recettes d'oifice et de fruits confits, etc. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1806. lOs 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 81 4 501 COPPEE (Francois). Oeuvres de Francois Copp6e. Podsies 1S64-1872. Containing, Le Reliquaire; Poemes divers; Intimites; Poemes modemes; La Greve des Forgerons; Les Humbles; Ecrit pendant le siege; Plus de sang; Promenades et Interieurs. Illustrated with etchings by E. Boilvin. 4to, half green morocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1883. £1 lOs 302 COQUILLOT (L'Abbe). NouveHes du Monde Lunaire, a I'Occasion du Globe Aerostatique du ler Decembre dernier. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1784. £2 2s No plate. 303 CORNEILLE. Le Theatre de P. & T, Cornetlle. Nouvelle Edition, Revue, corrigee & augmentee de ses Oeuvres Diverses. With engraved -portrait and copperplate engravings. 13 vols., i2mo, crushed contemporary green morocco, gilt border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Amsterdam, Zacharie Chatelain, 1740- 1754. ^22 lOs " The drama of P. Coriieille deals with what is extraordinary, but in what is extra- ordinary it seeks for truth. He finds the marvellous in the triumphs of the human will. His great inventive powers were applied to creating situations for the manifestation of heroic energy. History attracted him, because a basis of fact seemed to justify what otherwise could not be accepted as probable. Great personages suited his purpose, because they can deploy their powers on the amplest scale. His characters, men and women, act not through blind, instinctive pas- sion, but with deliberate and intelligent force; they reason, and too often with casuistical subtlety, about their emotions. At length he came to glorify the will apart from its aims and ends, when tending even to crime, or acting, as it were, in the void. He tii^ought much of the principles of his art, and embodied his conclusions in critical dissertations and studies of his own works. He accepted the rule of the unities of place and time (of which at first he was ignorant) as far as his themes permitted, as far as the rules served to concentrate action and secure verisimilitude. His mastery in verse of a masculine eloerian Interest. Cited by Douce, who describes it as the best repertory of old French extant, in his " Illustrations " of Measure for Measure, Love's Labour's Lost, find King Henry IV., Parts I and IIi 321b A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. Whereunto is also annexed a most copious Dictionaire of the English set before the French, by Robert Sherwood. Fine ivoodcut title. Thick folio, original calf. London, Adam Islip, 1632. £6 Gs Fine and complete copy, with the rare folding " Table of the Conjugations of perfect verbs." A Magnificent Large Paper Copy with Proof Engravings. 322 COUCH E (J.). Galeriedu Palais Royal gravee d'apres les Tableaux des differentes Ecoles qui la composent; avec un abrege de la vie des peintres & une description historique de chaque tableau par Mr. L'Abbe de Fonte- nal, dediee a S.S.A. Monseigneur Le Due D'Orleans. Engraved title by Aubert, dedication with fleuron by Choffard engraved by Guttenberg, and 355 magnificent plates, after various pictures, engraved by Aliamet, Alex, Baquoy , Copia, Couche, Delaunay, Duplessi-Bertaux, Gaucher , Giraud, Halbou, de Longueil, Pat as. Saint- Aubin, Simonet and others. One of the few copies on Large Paper (Papier Columbier) with THE PLATES IN PROOF STATES, and with the descriptions printed separately on " Papier de soie." 3 volumes, large folio, in a. magnificent binding of crimson morocco, beautiftd gold floral den telle border on sides, gilt backs, gilt leaves. Paris, 1786-1808. £125 "" "" "^ A superb copy and extremely rare in this beautiful state. 86 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 323 COURBOIN (Albert). Chez les Indien®, notes et souvenirs d'un sejour dans TAmazonie. Royal 8vo, full limp morocco y g. e. Antiverp, igoi. 8s 6d * * * Interesting presentation copy from the author. 323a COURVOiSIER. Vu€s de Paris. Collection of 40 large fine plates^ including General View of Paris; Fontaine ou Chdteau d*eau\ Vue du pont Notre Dame\ Vue du Marc he aux Fleurs] Vue de la Banque de France) Eglise de Noire Dame et Palais de V Archiveche\ Tribunal de Commerce) Vue du Palais des Beaux Arts; Vue de la place Vendojne; Vue du Chateau des Tuileries; Vue de V By see Bourbon; Vue du Chdteau des TuilerieSj etc., etc. Oblong folio, half morocco. Paris ^ N.D. £5 5s 324 COUSIN (Charles). Racotitars lllustr^s d'un Vieux Calleotiontieur. Beautifully illustrated with plates (MANY BEING ELABORATELY EXECUTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS), and engravings in the text, of fac- similes of autographs , fine bindings, specimens of ceramic art, portraits, and other matters of interest to the Collector. Special Issue, printed on Japan Paper. 4to, half inorocco. Pans, 1887. ^* *s 325 CREBILLON (P. J. de) Oeuvres. With a frontispiece e?igraved by Petit after Peyron, and g engravings by Hubert, Thomas, Patas, Triere, Baquoy and Le Mire, after Peyron. 3 vols., 8vo, contemporary French calf, gilt backs. Paris, Impimerie de P. Didot U Aine, 1812. £1 5s " In the history of French tragedy only one name of importance — that of Crebillon— is to be found in the interval between Racine and Voltaire. " The eighteenth century, while preserving its form, thought to reanimate it by the provocatives of scenic decoration and more rapid and more convulsive action. " Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon (1674-1762), a diligent reader of seventeenth century romances, transported the devices of romance, its horrors, its pathetic incidents, its disguises, its surprises, its discoveries, into the theatre, and Siubstituted a tragedy of violent situations for the tragedy of character. His Rhadamiste et Zenobie (1711), which has an air of Corneillean grandeur and heroism, notwithstanding a plot so complicated that it is difficult to follow, was received with unmeasured enthusiasm. To be atrocious within the rules was to create a new and thrilling sensation." — Dowden. 326 Oeuvres. With engraved portrait of the author engraved by St. Aubin, and 9 engravings by Moreau le 'jeune, engraved by Delvaux, Simonet, Ribault and Bosq. 2 vols. , contemporary French calf, gilt ornamefital backs, dainty gilt border of trailing roses 071 sides, m. e. Paris, chez Renouard, 1818. £1 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 87 Bound by Padeloup, with his Ticket. 327 CREBILLON FILS. Atalzaide. Ouvrage Allegorique. Imprime ou Ton apu. 1745. Les Trois Valupt^. With vignette on title. N.P. 1746. Caylus. Nocrion. Conte Allobroge. 1747. With charming en- graved title. 3 works in i vol., 8vo, crimson morocco^ fully gilt back y large den- telle and ornaments ott sides ^ fleuron at the centre of the sides with the letters P. V . interlaced, with 2 doves billing and cooing, inside dentelles, g. e. {by Padeloup, relieur du roi, luith his ticket fasted on title of first work). Paris, 1745-1747. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXIX.). £25 328 CROCQ (Jean, fils). Etudiei sur I'Addtiie ou Pseudo^^ua^mie (Maladie de Hodgkin). With five -plates containing eleven illustrations , and a Bibliography on the subject. Svo, full levant morocco, gilt, g. e. Bruxelles, iSgi. £1 5s 329 CUR EL (Frangois de). La Fille Sauvage, piece en cinq Actes. T'exte entierement remanie par I'Auteur. Frontispice et illustrations dessines et graves par Gabriel Daragnes. Square Svo, origi?tal wrappers, uncut. Paris, Georges Ores et Cie, Le Theatre d' Art, 191 8. £2 lOs * * * Exemplaire sur papier de Rives. 330 CYRANO DE BERGERAC. Les Oeuvres Diversos. With portrait and curious illustrations. 2 vols., small thick Svo, half calf , t. e. g. Amsterdam, 1699. £6 6s " The more fantastic satires of that fiery swashbuckler — ' demon des braves ' Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-55) are the ' Histoire Comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune/ and ' Histoire Comique des Etats et Empire du Soleil.' " The voyages to the moon and the sun, in which the inhabitants, their manners, governments, and ideas, are presented, mingle audacities and caprices of invention with a portion of satiric truth ; they lived in the memories of the creator of Gulliver and the creator of Micromegas." — Dowden. 331 Les Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition, ornee de Figures en taille douce With portrait, engraved title-page to volume i , engraved frontispiece to volume 1 1 , and other copperplate e?2gravings. 2 vols., small Svo, old calf, gilt ornamental backs, r. e. A Amsterdam (Paris), 1709. £6 6s 88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 332 D'ACUESSEAU (fils). Discours sur la vie et ia mort, le caiactere et les moeurs de M. D'Aguesseau, Conseiller d'Etat. Printed on Large Paper. 8vo, content f or ary French red morocco ^ iivo-line fillet border on sides ^ g. e. Au Chasteau de FresneSy 1720. £3 3s ' - Only 60 copies printed at the private printing press of the Castle of Fresnes. 333 DANGOURT (F. C). Les Oeuvres c*e Theatre de M. D'Ancourt. Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee. 12 vols., i2mo, French contemforary olive tnorocco gilt, three-line fillet borders on sides, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1760. £25 A charming set in dainty bindings. " Dancourt had a true power of observation, and a quick instinct for theatrical effect; he exhibits in the/ Chevalier a la Mode' and the ' Boiirgoises a la Mode/ if not with exactr fidelity, at least in telling caricature the struggle of classes in the society around him, wealtii, ambitious for rank, rank prepared to sell itself for wealth."— Dowden. 334 DANGEAU (Marquis de). Journal die Marquis de Dangeau publie en entier pour la premiere fois par MM. Souli^, Dussieux, De Chennevieres, Mantz, De Montaiglon, avec les additions inedites du Due de Saint-Simon publiees par M. Feuillet de Conches. 10 vols., full crushed red morocco gilt, two-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Firmin Didot Freres, 1854. ^^3 13s A VERY FINE COPY. Dangeau's Journal is a well-informed and exact chronicle extending over the years from 1684-1720. Saint Simon found it " D'Une Fadeur a f aire Vomir " ; its servility towards the King and Madame de Maintenon enraged him, " but it exhibited facts in an orderly S€ages referring to th« projeat of M. Caz^alet for the canstructioai of a balloon. 414 FABLIAUX OU Comtes, Fables et romans du XIL siecle traduits ou ex- traits par Legrand d'Aussy, troisieme edition consider ablement aug- mentee. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, backs richly tooled and gilt, t. e. g. Paris, Renouard, 1829. £7 lOs A HANDSOME SBT. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 103 FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND (Barthelemy). Description des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. de Montgolfier et de celles auxquelles cette decoiiverte a donne lieu. Seconde Edition. With 9 finely engraved plates partly engraved by Delaunay. Paris ^ 1784. Premiere SWite dte la Ctesoription des experiences aerostatiques de MM. de Montgolfier, contenant les voyages aeriens de la Muette, des T'uileries, de Lyon, de Milan, du Champ-de-Mars, etc. [Tome Second.] With 5 fine plates, partly ejt graved by Delaunay. 8vo. Paris, 1784. Together 2 volumes, modern marbled calf, gilt backs. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXL). £10 10s Desoription des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. Montgolfier et de celles auxquelles cette decouverte a donne lieu. With g finely engraved plates partly engraved by Delaunay. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1783. £4 4s Description' des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. de Montgolfier, etc. With Q finely engraved plates. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Bruxelles, 1784. £6 6s Desoription des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. Montgolfier et de celles auxquelles cette decouverte a donne lieu. With 9 finely engraved plates. Seconde Edition. Original calf. Paris, 1784. £5 5s 420 FAURIEL (M. €.). Histoire de la Croisade oontre les H^retiques Albi- geois, ecrite en vers Provengaux par un Poete Contemporain. Traduite et publiee par M. C. Fauriel. I plate and large folding map. Thick 4to, contemporary mottled calf, gilt, m. e. Paris, 1837. 15s 421 FAUSTUS. Cayet (P. V. P.), Histoire Procfigieus© et Lamentable de Jean Fauste, Grand & horrible Magicien, Avec son Testament, Et sa vie epouvantable. , With curious engraved frontispiece. i2mo, wrappers. Cologne, 171 2, £2 2s Thiis is not a translation of the German work of G. E,, Widman. '422 FELIX (G.). VasoodeCama, celebre Navigateur Portugais (1469-1525). Portrait and several other plates and illustrations. Royal Svo, half buckram, uncut, t. e. g. Tours (iQOg). 8s 6d 104 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 42^3 FEN EL OK. Les Avantures de T^l^maque. 8vo, contemporary French calf. Paris, Veuve de Claude Barbin, 1699. £3 lOs A rare issue published within a few weeks of the first edition. "** For his pupil the Duo de Bourgogne, Feaelou \Troto his Telemaque. In this, for long the most popular of tales for the youmg, Fenelon's imaginative devoition to antiquitv finds ample expression; it narrates tlie wanderings of Telemachus in search of his father Ulysses, under the warning guidance and guardianship of Minervia disguised as Mentor. Imitiations and borrowings from classical authors aire freely and skilfully made. It is a. poem in prose, a romance of education, designed at once to charm the imagination and to inculcate truths of morals, politics, ajid religion. The dida.otic purposie is erv'ident, yet it Temains a true work of art, fuU of grace, and colour, occasionally, indeed, languid, but often vivid and forcible.*' (Dowden). 424 Les Aventures d© Tdldnnaque, fils d'Ulysse. With fine portrait and 24 flutes after Scotin, Picart, Debrie and Dubourgy engraved by Scotin and Fourdrignier. 2 vols., 8vo, old blue morocco, fillet borders on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Londres, Chez R. Dodsley, 1738. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXIL). £21 Ruled copy vriTH all the plates carefully mounted within ruled frames. 425 Another Copy. 2 vols., thick paper, Svo, old full red morocco, gilt crest in centre of sides, g. e. London, 1738. £4 lOs 426 Another Copy. 2 vols., large paper, 8vo, red morocco, g. e., by Kalthoeber. London, 1738. £3 3s 427 Les Aventures cfe T^lemaque. 2 vols, in I, large thick 4to, full contemporary blue French morocco, gilt, g. e. Paris, de V Imprimerie de Monsieur Didot, 1785. £1 16s Fine copy (but without the plates). 428 Les Aventures de T^l^maque. Edition collationnee sur les trois manuscrits connus a Paris. Illustrated zuith 72 plates by Marillier, Moreau, etc., by various engravers. 2 vols., thick 8vo, scored russia, gilt border on sides, fully gilt backs. Paris, 1820. £3 3s 429 FERRARI (Joseph). La Chine et ('Europe, leur Histoire et leurs traditions comparees. Thick post 8vo, full green calf, g. e. Paris, 1869. lOs 6d Plate XXXIIl ^^■'^g'^^^*-*'*'*^^'"!^^^^^ Froiitispice' _^ Die meiTwi/e/ sur /cl directum des Aerostat /^ary ^M. Frontispiece from Henin. Memoire sur la direction des aerostats. Paris, 1802 See Item No. 514. Plate XXXIV. Scs veux ion( icrme's an jonr Com me ion coeur a L amoor An Engraving after Moreau from Laborde, Choix de Chansons. 4 Vols. Contemporary French calf. Paris 1773 The finest illustrated 18th Century Book. See Item No. 611. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. lOf 4^0 FEU I L LET (Octave). Monsieur de Camors. With II flates after S. Rejckan, etched by Madame Louveau- Kouveyre, MM. Daumont and Duvivier. Large paper, i of 100 copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in two states. Folio, half morocco, backs f idly gilt, t. e. g., by Champs. Paris, Quantin, 1885. , £7 lOs 431 Another Copy. Half levant morocco, uncut, t. e, g. Paris, Quantin, 1885. ^^ "'^ 432 FILHOL. Galerie dui Musee Napoleon dedi^ a I'Empereur Napoleon I, With numerous engravings. 10 vols., royal 8vo, beautifully bound in dark green morocco, orna- mental borders on sides, with Napoleon's device of the Eagle and Thunderbolt and four Bees, fully gilt back witit the same device and the Imperial Crown. Paris, 1804-18 10. £21 433 Another Copy. With the rare supplementary volume XL 11 vols., royal 8vo, red morocco, eagle in gold on sides, g. e. Paris, 1804-1815. £19 19s 434 FLAUBERT (Gustave). Salammbo. 8vo, handsomely bound in full yellozv morocco, inlaid and gold tooled, inside dentelles, uncut, t. e. g., by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Paris, Conard, 191 o. £16 16s The best edition in a MAGNiriCENi modern binding. 435 La Tentatlon d^ Saint Antoine. With numerous plates and other illustrations engraved in colours, by E. Decisy, and decorative border to each page. 4to, fine copy in half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g., by Affolter. Paris, Ferroud, igo/. £10 lOs * * * One of 230 copies on " papier velin d' Arches." 436 Madame' Bovary. Moeurs de Province. Douze compositions par Albert Fourie, gravees a Teau-forte par E. Abot et D. Mordant. With an extra series of plates by Boilvin bound in. Large thick 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, Quantin, 1885. £2 lOs io6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W ¥\9\Aieri—co7ttmued . 437 Madame Bovary, Preface par Leon Henrique. With numerous engraved plates, and other engravings in the text, by C. Chessa, after Alfred de Richemont. Thick 4to, half levant jnorocco, uncut, t. e. g., by Aff alter. Paris, Ferroud, 1905. £6 IfH * * * (Jne of 4Q0 copies on " papier velin d'Axohies." 438 FLEAURIAU (Father B. G.). Relation Des Conqicetes faltes dans lee Indes |>ar D. P. M. D'Almeida, Marquis de Castel-Nuovo, Comte d'Assumar, &c., Vice Roi, et Capitaine Generale des Indes. Traduite dt Portugais de D. Emmanuel de Meirelles, qui s'y est trouve present, Et de ritalien d'un Auteur Anonyme, Imprime a Rome en 1748. 8vo, old calf. Paris, 1749. £2 2i 439 FLERS (Robert de). Ils^y Pliticesse' dei Tripoli. Lithographies de A. Mucha. With numerous illusiratiofts in colours, every page having at leasi one in colours. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Piazza, 1897. £2 10€ Ofae of 180 copies, pirinted on Papier Velin. 440 FLORENCE. Yriarte (C). Florenoe. L'Histoire, Les M^dicis, Les Humanistes, Les Lettres, Les Arts. Illustrated with 500 full-page plates and engravings in the text, including views of cities, buildings, portraits of celebrities , coats of arms, facsimiles, etc. Large folio, original illustrated cloth. Paris, 1881. £1 56 441 FLORIAN (J. P. C. de). Oeu¥res. With numerous engraved plates. 10 vols., i2mo, beautifully bound in full contemporary French red morocco, gilt back, and wide borders to sides, g. e. Paris, Didot, 1786-1792. £10 lOs * * * A charming series of Florian^s Works, in contemporary French morocco bindings, from the Bibliotheque de Bourbon " at the Palais Royale. < Comprising: — Theatre. With 12 plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambrun, Patas and de Longueil. 3 valfi. Nnma Pompilins. With frontispiece and 12 fine plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambruju. 2 vols. Estelle. With 6 plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambrun, Delignon and de Longueil. Galatee. With 5 fine plates by Flouest, engraved by Guyard, and am engraved dedication. Gonzalve de Cordoue. With 14 pktes by Queverdo, engraved by Delignon, Gaucher, Hubert, Dambrun aaid Ingouf. 3 vols. " Florian the amiable fabulist, who can tell stories with pleasant eiase and dr»w a moral with gentle propriety." (Dow den). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. lo; Floriail — continued. ^42 Coilleettoffi of Didot's chaniting editions of his works. With numerous French engraved -plates. 14 vols., i8mo, uniform contemporary French calf ^ gilt backs ^ g. e. Paris, 1786-99. £5 5s Comprising : — Theatre. With 12 plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambrun, Patas and de Longueil. 3 vols., de rimprimerie de Didot Taine, 1786, Nouvelles Nouvelles. With 6 plates by Queverdo, eouglraved by Bainibrun, Gauciher, and de Longueil. De rimprimerie de Didot Taine, 1792, Gonzalve de Cordoue, ou Grenade reconquise. With 14 plates by Queverdo, engraved by Delignon, Gaucher, Hubert, Dambrun, and Ingouf. 3 vols, de rimprimerie de Didot I'laine, 1792. Bsitelle, roman piastoa-al. With 6 plates (by Queverdo, engraved by Dam>brun, Deli^on, and de Longueil, de Flmprimerie de Monsieur, 1788. Numa Pompilius, second roi de Home. Frontispiece and 12 delightful plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambrun. 2 vols, de T'lmprimerie de Didot I'aine. 1786. GiaLatee, pastorale imitee de Cei'vantes. .5 charming- plates by Filouiest, engraved by Guya;rd. de H'lmiprimerie de Mooisieu.r, 1788. Leg Six Nouvelles. With 6 magnificent plates by Queverdo, engraved by de Lomgueil, Delignon and Dambrun, De I'lmprimerie d© Didot Taine, 1786. Melang-es de poesie et de litterature. With 6 charming plates by Queverdo, engraved by Dambrun, Delignon and de Longueil. Didot Taine, 1787. Fa^es. Portrait and 6 plates hiy Flouest, enigravedl 'by Deliginon, Gaucher and Longueil. Chez Guillaume. An VII. Estelle, Roman Pastoral. 8vo, red morocco, two-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. (by Walther). Paris, 1788. £1 Is Gonzalvei De Cordouio, ou Grenade Reconquise. With 14 engravings by Queverdo, engraved by Delignon, Gaucher, Hubert, Dambrun and Ingouf. 3 vols., i8mo, contemporary green morocco, g. e. Pc[ris, Didot Vaine, 1792. £1 lOs 445 FOUCHER D'OBSONYILLE. Essais Philosophiques sur les Moeuns de divers Animauix Etrangors, avec des observations relatives aux principes et usages de plusieurs peuples. Ou extraits des Voyages de M, . .en Asie. ■ . Fine engraved frontispiece by De Launay le jeune, after Marillier, 8vo, contemporary French calf, gilt. Paris, 1783. 158 446 FRANCE (A^atole). Les D^sirs de Jean Servieti. 8vo, original tvrappers, uncut. Paris, Lemerre, 1882, £4 4s First Edition. io8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. France (Anatole) — continued. 447 L'Etiii de Naoro. 8vo, cloth i original wrappers y preserved, uncut. Paris, 1892. £6 6s First Edition. 448 L'Elvire de Lamartitie. Notes sur M. et Madame Charles. With plate. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1893. £5 5s First Edition of one of the scarcest works of Anatole France, of which only few copies Avere printed. 449 Le Pints d© Sainte Cl^re. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895. £5 5s First Edition. 450 L' Affaire CraitiquelMlle. 8vo, ongijzal wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1902. lOs 6d First Complete Edition, 451 L' Affaire Craiitquebille. Another Copy, half calf, original wrappers preserved. Paris, 1902. 10s 6d First Edition. 452 Opinions Sooiales. I. Containing- : Conte pour commencer I'annee. Crainquebille. Clopinel. Roupart. Elocutions. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1902. lOS 6d First Edition. 453 Disoours prononc^ a I 'inauguration de la Statue d' Ernest Renan a Treguier. One of 50 copies on Papier de HoUande. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1903. £2 lOs EiRST Edition. 454 Discours prononc^ a {'inauguration de la Statue d'Emest Renan a Treguier. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904. lOs 6d First Edition. 455 Sur la Pierre Blanche, One of 100 copies on Papier de Hollande. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1903. £5 5$ First Edition. Plate XXXV. Frontispiece from Lafollie. " L( pliilosophe sans pretention, ou riiomme rare. See Item No. 618. Paris, 1775. Plate XXX VI. A Plate from " Lafontaine, Contes et Nouvelles/^ Paris, 1762. The " Fermiers-Generaux " Edition in original morocco. See Item No. 623. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. lOp FratliCe (Anatole) — continued. 456 Sur la pierre blanche. 8vo, original wrafferSy uncut. Paris ^ I903- £2 2s First Edition. 457 Vers les Temps Mellleurs. With 30 portraits, engraved on ivood. Limited issue on special paper. 3 vols., 8vo, original wrappers , imcut. Paris, Pelletan, 1906. £3 lOS First Edition. « Les Sept Femtnes cie la Barbe^Bleue. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1909. £2 2s First Edition. Thais. With 15 illustrations, including one frontispiece by Georges R oc he- gross e. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Ferroud, 1909. £5 5s Limited issue, on pafieb velix. Le G^nie Latin. One of 50 copies on Japanese Vellum. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 191 3. £7 7s First Edition. . Le G^nie Latin. One of 225 copies on Papier de Hollande. Svo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 191 3. £5 5s First Edition. La R^volte (tes Anges. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1 91 4. £1 Is First Edition. Le Petit Pierre. I of 100 copies on Imperial Japanese Paper. Large Paper Copy, entirely uncut. Svo, original ivrappers. Paris, 191 8. ' £5 5s First Edition. no MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. France (Anatole) — continued. 464 Le Petit Pierre. Limited issue, on Papier Velin. 8vo, original tvra-pperSy uficut. Paris ^ igiS. £2 2s First Edition. ,t6s — Le Petit Pierre. 8vo, original wrafpers^ uncut. Paris, 191 8. £1 Is First Edition. 465 FRANQUEVILLE (Sieur de) Le Mireir (te I'Art et de la Nature, qui represente par des planches en taille douce presque tous les ouvrages de rArt & de la Nature, des Sciences & des metiers en trois Langues, Fran- goise, Latine, & Allemande. With 152 small engravings in the text. Thick 8vo, full morocco, gilt, g. e. Paris, 1691. £6 6s * * * THe engravings include many cujrious and initeresiting subjects, such as, various plants, bixds and animals; fishing; traipping-; cdotli loom, tailors, cobblers, barbers, vets,, swimming, ships, paper making, printing press, a book shop, inape of tlie world, stage scene, acrobats, fencing, various games, rackets etc. 467 FRENCH CLASSICS. Editiofi Jouaust. With numerous fine engraved plates. 21 vols., post %No, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Jouaust, 1873-80, £9 lOs * * * Comprising : — Boccaccio. Les l)ix Jourueos de Jean Boocaoe. Traduction de le ]Ma?on. Avec Notice, Notes et Gl(^=isair6 par M. Paul Lacrois. With 11 ein&raved pJaites biy Flameng. 10 vols. Paris, 1873. Rabelais (F.) Les Cinq Livres. Publies avec des variantes et un glossaire par P. Cheron. Gurgantua, 1 vol., and Pantagxuel, 4. vols. With 11 ongiraved plates by E. Boilvin. Paris, 1876. Le Sage. Histoiro de Gil Bias de Santillane. With 13 fengraved plates by R. de les Rios. 4 vols. Paris, 1879. Le Sage. Le Diable Boiteux. Avec une Preface pax H. Reynald. With engraved plates by Ad. Lalauze. Paris, 1880. 46S FREZIER. Tr^t^ dies feiix (fartifice, Ou Ton voit. L La maniere de preparer les Matieres qui entrent dans la Composition des Feux d* Arti- fice. IL La Methode de faire & de composer toutes sortes de Feux d'Artifice. IIL Ou Ton donne une idee de la Conduite des Feux de Joye. With engraved frontispiece and eight plates. 8vo, calf, gilt ornamental hack, r. e. The Hague, 1^41 £1 lOs Pages 196-203 contain an interesting account of aerostation. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. ill 469 FURETIERE (A.). Le Roman Bourgeois. Preface de M. Emile Colombey. Wit/i engrcrved for trait of the author and tivo other -plates. 1 of 100 copies printed on Papier du Japon, with two sets of the plates. 8vo, vellum^ uncut, original wrappers bound in, t. e. g. Paris, 1880. £2 2s " The Roman. Bourgeois of Antoine Furetiere is a belated example of the group to which Franoion belongs. The great event of its author's life was his exclusion from the Academy, of which lie was a member, on the g:round that he hfid appropriated for the advantage of his Dictionary, the resultts of his fellow-members' researches for the Diction,a.ry, then in progress, of the learned company. His Roman is a remarkable study of eertain types of middle-olass Parisian life, often animated, exact, effective in itsi satire." (Dowden). 470 GAILLARD (Emile). GatalOgUie dtes Objets d'Art et de Haute Curiosite de la Renaissance, Tapisseries, Tableaux, Anciens et Modemes, Faiences, Porcelaines, Verreries, Sculptures, Meubles, Cuivres, Vitraux, Broderies, etc., sold in Paris, 1904. • Profusely illustrated with numerous large and fine photogravure plates. 2 vols., folio, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904. £4 4s 471 G ALIEN (Joseph). L'Art d© Naviger dians les airs. Amusement physique et geometrique. Precede d'un Memoire sur la Nature & la Formation de la Grele, dont il est une consequence ult6rieure. i2mo, full levant morocco, inside dentelles, g. e., by Riviere. Avignon, 17 S7- £75 ONE OF THE EABEST BOOKS EEIEERING TO THE EARLY HISTORY 0¥ AEEONAUTICS. THE AUTHOR MAKES A PROPOSAL TO FILL LARGE CLOTH BALLOONS WITH RARIFIED AIR OF THE HIGH REGIONS, GATHERED ON MOUNTAIN-TOPS. THIS IS PROBABLY THE FIRST REAL INSTANCE OF THE :MEiNTION OF BALLOONS. 471a GAMES. La Maisotii (tes Jeux Aoaddmiques, contenant un recueil General de tous les d i vert issans pour se rejouir, & passer le temps agreable- ment. With engraved frontispiece. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt back. Paris, 1665. 16s 472 GARDENS. PereJIe. Parterres. 6 large and fine plates of Gardens engraved by Le Pautre from the desig7ts of Perelle and Touchar. Folio, new half red 7norocco, uncut, by Riviere. Paris, chez N. Langlois, N.D. {circa 1680). £4 lOs * * * Tlie plaites/ show plcins of the " Jardin de la 3klAisox de Mr. de St. Poaxgb, rue dbs PETiTS Champs," land "^Disposition du Parterre du Petit Jardin db l'Hostel de CONDB.'' 112 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 473 CARSAULT (A. de). Le Nauveau Parfait Mai^chal ou la Connoissance Generate et Universelle dui Cheval. With numerous folding plates of horses, etc. 4to, calf, Paris, 1770. £1 5s 474 G ATI EN ARNOULT. Monumens de la literature Remane, depuis le 14c st^de. 2 vols., royal 8vo, bound by Cape, in full green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, inside denielles, g. e. £4 lOS 474a GAUTIER (Leon). La Ghevalerie. Illustrated with 25 plates and numerous other illustrations in text. Thick imperial 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1884. 12s 6d 475 GAUTIER (Theophile). Mademoiselle de Maupin, Illustrated with four etchings. 2 vols., i6mo, straight grained morocco, inside dentelles, y. e. Pans, 1878. £2 15s " Gautieo" saw exactly, and s«aw all thingis in <}olo'Uir ; -the world was for liim so muicii booty for tlie eye. Endowed with a marvellous memory, an unwearied searclier of tiie vocabukiiry, he oould iransfier the. visual im^pre&sion, without a faltering outline or. a hue grown dim, into wordis as exact and vivid as the oibjecifcs which he beheid. If his imagrination reoomposed things, it was in the maniier of some admired painter, he looked on nature through the medium of a Znr.baran or a Watteau. The dictionary for Gautier was a collection of gems that flashed or glowed; he chose and set them with the. skill and precision of a goldsmith enamouired of his art. Gau tier's tales attained one of their poiirposes, that of asitonishing the bourgeois; yet if he condescended to ideas, his ideas on all snlbjectg except art had less value than those of the -Philistine. Mademoiselle de Maupin has lost any pretensions it possessed to supereminent immorality; its sens/uality is tJiait of a dream of youth.; such purity as it possesses, comx>ared with books of acrid grosisness, lies in the fact that the young author loved life and cared for beauty. In shorter tales he studiously constructs strangeness — the sense of mystery he did not in truth possess— on a basis of exactly carved and exactly placed material." (Dowden). 476 Mademoiselle de Maupin. With four etchings. 2 vols., i6mo, light blue morocco, fillet borders on sides, t. e. g. Paris, 1882. £3 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 113 477 GENLIS (Madame de). Arabesques myttuilogiqiies ou les Attrtbuts de totites les divinit^s dte la Fable. With 54 flates frinted in colours after the original drawings of Madame de Genlis. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards. Paris, Barrois, 1810. £5 I5s The Comtesse de Genlis was one of the most famous ladies in Parisian Society in the 18th Century, and behaved with greait eooentricity. ", She rode on horsebaok, -studied botany, bled siok people, had cold baths, swallowed a sniall fisih raw, to pffove to provincial society that she was not squeamish, and dressed as a man in order to drive or Tide. At other times she bathed in milk, after having the surface; of the batli covered with rose leaves, which is, as she says in her Memoirs, ' la plus agreable chose du imonde.* When she went into retreat in a conivent, she dressed up as the Devil, with horns on her head, and going into the cells of the older nuns, she put rouge on their cheeks and plastered beiauty-spots on them." She Aveathered the Revolution and died in 1830. 478 GENTIL. Memeires sur I'Indeustan on Empire Mogol. With 2 -portraits, a plate and a large folding map. 8vo, red morocco, gilt floral border on sides, fully gilt back, with Arms on sides of Charles X., King of France. Paris, 1822. £5 5S 479 GERARD (L. G.). Essai siir I'art du val allien. With 6 plates. 8vo, boards. Paris, 1784. ' ' £15 15s The first book after the invention of balloons to investigate the flight of birds in connection with the problem of aerial navigation. From the Library of Colbert. 480 GERARDO (P.). HistoJre de la vie et faits d^Ezzelin III., surnomme Da Romano, Tyran de Padoue, sous la tyranjnie duquel perirent de Mort vio- lente plus de douze mille Padouans. Nouvellement mise en Frangois. 8vo, contemporary Frencit crimson morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt back. Paris, 1645. £7 lOs From the famous library of J. B. Colbert.. 481 GERSTE (A.). Kotes sur la medicine et ta botanique des anciens M^xi- oains. Deuxieme edition revue et corrigee. 8vo, cloth. Rome, 1910. 12s 6d 482 GERYAIS (Maurice). L'A6ronauite. Drame contemporain en 5 actes et en vers. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 191 9. 4s 6d 114 ' MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 483 CERVAISE (Nicolas). Histoire Naturelle et Politique du Rayaume de Siam. Divisee en quatre parties. La premiere contenant la situation, & la nature du Pays.- La seconde, les moeurs des Habitans, leur Loix, & leurs Coutumes. La troisieme, leur Religion. La quatrieme, ce qui regarde le Roy qui regne a present, & ce qu'il y a de plus particulier dans la Cour de ce Royaume. Wz^/i large folding map and several illustrations in the text. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1688. £2 2s A Magnificent Copy in Fine Contemporary Morocco. 484 GESNER (S.). Oetivres. With frontispieces by Marillier, engraved by Ponce , portrait en- graved by DelvauXy and 25 engraved plates {proof before letters) by Monnety engraved by Dupreel, Giraud jeune, Letellier and Macret. 2 vols., Large Paper. 8vo, contemporary French red morocco extra, gilt backs, gilt ornameittal borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, chez Dufart (1786- 1793). £25 485 GILBERT. Oeuvres Completes. With the four plates in tivo states. 8vo> green calf gilt, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g. Paris, 1823. £2 lOs " Among tlie poets who deserve toi be distimgruished from the rest is the young aind unfortunate N. J. L. Gilbert (1751-80), less unfoirtunate and less gifted than \)iye> legend makes him, yet luckless enough, aind embittered enough to become the satirist of Academicians and philosophers, and a society which had scorned his news.'* (Dowden). 486 GIRARD (P. J. F.). Nauveau Traite de la perfection sur le fait des Amies, d^di^ an Roy. Enseignant la maniere de combattre, de I'epee de pointe seule, toutes les Gardes etrangers, TEspadon, les Piques, Hallebardes, Bayonettes, au bout du Fusil, Fleaux brises & Batons a deux bouts; En- semble a faire de bonne grace les Saluts de I'Esponton, I'Exercice du Fusil & celui de la Grenadiere, tels qu'ils se pratiquent aujourd 'buy dans TArt Militaire de France. Ome de Figures en taille douce. With 1 1 6 plates of fertcing. Oblong folio, old calf, gilt back. Paris, 1736. £8 lOS 487 CLASS AND ENAMEL-WARE. Gamier (Edouard) Histotre de la Yerrerie et de I'Emaillerie, With 8 plates (4 of luhich are beautifully coloured and heightened with gold), and numerous illustrations in text, showing antique glass and enamel-ware of Egypt, Greece, Venice, France, Holland, Belgium, Spain, China, Japan, Persia, etc., etc. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt leaves. Tours, 1S86. £1 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 115 488 GOETHE. Werther, traduit de I'Allemand. With two vignettes by Chodowiecki. Small 8vo, full calf y inside deritelles, g. e., by L. Musy. Maestrichty 1784. £5 lOS Napoleon's own taste in literature was touched with sentimentality ; Werther was among his favourite books." (Dowden). 489 Le® Souffrances du Jeune Werttier. Traduction Nouvelle par Madame Bachellery avec une preface par Paul Stapfer. Engraved -portrait of Goethe and 6 plates., designed and engraved by Lalauze. Post 8vo, half levaitt morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1886. £1 16S 490 GONSE (Louis). L'Art Japonais, Illustrated with 64 fine plates {many of ivhich are beautifully repro- duced in the colours of the origiitals) depicting Lacquer, Bronze, Porce- lain, Painting, Sculpture, and other forms of Japanese Art, and hun- dreds of illustrations in the text. 2 Yols., royal 4to, silJ^ covers, uncut. Paris, A. Quantin, 1883. £11 lis Contents: Coup d'oeil sur THistoire du Japon; Le Pays, La Eaee; La Peinture; L'Archi- tecture; La Sculpture; La Cisekire et le Travail des Metaux; Les Laques; Les Tissus; La Cera.mique; Les Estampes. 491 GONZALES DE S. PIERRE (Rev. Francois, Religieux de I'Ordre de S. Dominique, & Missionnaire Apostolique). Relation (te fa N0U¥elle Per- seoictton d© la Chineeen \the first disiccverer of the mouth of the Mississippi. Otlier parts of his work, in-cludingf acteounts of Indian life, were also largely taken from Le Clereq. " Wtile /historians are ag^reed. that the Hennepin books succeeding- Louisiane albound in elumsiy p'lagiarisms, and that the new claim of priority over La Sail© was mendacious, there is not unanimous opinion a.s to who was responsible. Charievodx, Kalm, Bamcroft, and Parkman have all pronounced Hg^nnepin to be a falsifier; and so at first did; Shea. Buit later. Shea took op'posite ground, and sought to show that api unscrupulous publisher made up the new edition out of such material as lay at hand, apparently without consulting the author. To this charitable view, Poole good-naturedly yields a hesitaiting adherence.^-rThwaites. 120 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 516 HENRI ON (Baron). Histoire g^n^rale dies Missions catholiques deptiis le Xile si^cle jusqu'a nos jours. With many folding maps and plates. ^Yols.y ^tOy half jnorocco. Paris, 1847. £5 5s Comtaing accounts of the Catholic Missions ica America from their arrival with Columbus in Brazil, Mexico, Pern, Venezuela, Bogota, Eio de la Plata, North and South America, Florida, New Mexico, Canada, Nova Scotia, Paraguay, etc., etc. From the Library of the Celebrated John Locke with his Autograph. 517 HENRY III, Reouell cfe di'verses Pieces servans a I' histoire de Henri III. Roy de France et de Pologne. Small 4to, contemporary calf. Cologne, chez Pierre du Marteau, 1663. £7 lOs ***From the Library of , the celebrated Philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704), the Author of the " Essaj'^ concerning Human Understanding," etc. With his autograph signature " John Locke " on end leaf. 518 HENRI lY. Bury (M. de). Histoire dfe la vie de Henri IV, roi de France et de Navarre. With engraved portraits. 4 vols., post 8vo, contemporary yellow French morocco, gilt, g. e. Paris, chez Saillant, 1766. £2 lOS * * * From the famous Lemoignon collection. 319 HERSENT (M. Georges). R^Uibllque Argentine. Son Present — Son Avenir. Port du Rosario. With 6 coloured maps and numerous illustrations. Large 4to, full red morocco. Arms on side. {Paris), 1903. 12s 6d S20 HERVIEU (Paul). Flirt. With numerous illustrations by Madame Madeleine Lemaire. I OF 50 COPIES PRINTED ON PAPIER DU JAPON. Large 4to, half crushed brown morocco, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1890. £2 2s 321 HEURESILLUSTREES. Le Chemm du Salut. Reproduction of the Prayers of the Church, Mass, Vespers, and daily prayers, printed on 156 plates, surrounded by borders ir^the style 9f the ancient miniatures, every one of which is different, finely printed in gold and colours. Royal 8vo, large paper, finely bound in dark blue morocco, tooled back and sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris {about 1840). £7 lOs Plate XXXtX. LoNGUS. Amours de Daphnis kt Ciiloe. Taris, V, Bound by Derome in full green morocoo. See Item No. 682. 18. Plate XL. r.r/,. MELICERTE An Engraving (reduced) after Boudier from Mol ie re's Oeuv res. With 33 full-page engravings and 198 vignettes after Boucher. 6 Vols. 4to. Contemporary MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 121 522 HILLET. Le Miral Moundl, Pouemo en bint et un libre, Ambe soun Dic- tiounari, otmt soun enginats principal omen les mots les plus escaxies, an I'esplicatiu Francesco. SmaJl 8vo, calf, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Toulouse, 1781. 18s 523 HIRSGHAUER (Cb.). Les premieres experiences a^rostatiques a Ver- sailles (19 Septembre 1783-23 Juin 1784). With several full-page plates. 8vo, original wrappers. Versailles , 191 7. • 6s 524 HISTOIRE de Filipe Emantiei dte Loraine, Due de Mercoeur, dediee a sa Majeste xApostolique. With finely engraved frontispiece. 8vo, morocco, inside dentelles , g. e., by Hardy. Cologne, 1689. 18s The author of this anonymously published work has never been discovered. 525 HISTOIRE de la Destruction de Moscou, en 1812, et des evenemens qui ont precede, accompagne et suivi ce desastre; Par A. F. de B. . . Ch., ancien officier au service de Russie; Traduit de I'allemand par M. iBreton. With a large folding view of Moscow, seen from the Kremlin. 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1822. £2 lOs Contains details as to a monster balloon, the invention of a Dutchman named Smid. which was being built by hundreds of Russian workmen in secret with the help of thousands of women. This balloon was destined to carry cannon for tihe purpose of annihilating the French Army? 526 HISTOIRE veritable et lamentable d'un Bourgeois de Paris, cruellement martyrise par les Juifs de la Synagogue, le 26. Aoust. 4to, half bound. (Paris), 1652. £7 7s " The above pamphlet recounts the supposed murder of a citizen of Paris, in 1652, by the Guild of Junk-Dealers, supposed to have been Jews (" Les Juifs a Paris depuis le XVIe Siecle "' by Leon Kahn). They are said to have murdered a pin- seller, Jean Bourgeois, for having complained of being ill-treated in revenge for his jeering at them. The whole report may be a burlesque; it indicates, however, that there were Jews in Paris at that period, although they were banishetl on April 23, 1615."— (Jewish Ency cJopaedia) . 527 HOFFBAUER (F.). Paris a travers les ages. Aspects successifs des monuments et quartiers historiques de Paris depuis le XIII siecle jusqu'a nos jours. With coloured plates and numerous ivoodcut engravings in the text. 2 vols., folio, citron hcdf morocco, gilt backs, t. e. g. Paris, Didot, 1885. £6 6s 122 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. s,2S HOLBEIN. Oeuvre de Jean Holbein, ou Recueil de Gravures d'apres ses plus beaux ouvrages, accompagnes d' explications historiques and criti- ques, et de la vie de ce fameux peintre par Chretien de Mechel. Containing Le Triomphe de la Mort. 12 flates, containing 47 illustrations. 1780. La Passion d© Notre Seigneur, gravee d'apres les Desseins originaux du celebre Peintre Jean Holbein. 14 -plates. 1785. Folio, half morocco y gilt leaves. Basle, 1780- 1785. - £1 15s Uncut Copy of the First Issue of Pine's Horace. 529 HORACE. Quinti Horatil Flaooi Opera. Aeneis Tabulis Incidit Johannes * Pine. Engraved throughout, nearly every page embellished with a beautiful vignette engraving from Antique Gems, Statuary, Bas-reliefs, etc. 2 vols., royal 8vo. A REMARKABLY FINE UNCUT COPY, IN THE ORIGINAL FLOWERED BOARDS, UNCUT AS ISSUED. Londini, 1733-37. ^*2 * * * The First (or " Post Est ") Issue. Excessively rare in this state. This celebrated edition is remarkable for the beauty of its engravings, and is the finest book published in England during the first half of the seventeenth century. 530 Qutntus Horatius Flacciis. Engraved frontispiece, and four fine plates by Gravelot. Large 4to. A magnificent copy bound in full contemporary French, blue morocco, gilt back, borders to sides, inside dentelles, g. e. \Der6me). Birmingham, Baskerville, 1770. £18 18s 331 ^ Quinti Horatii Flacoi Carmina. Curavit Jeremias Jacobus Ober- linus. Extra-illustrated with the fine series of 4 plates by Gravelot, en- graved by Godfroy, Voyet Laine, Leveau, and le Vasseur, from the Baskerville edition, and also a plate by Cochin, engraved by Prevost. Large 4to, full co?ite7nporary French dark blue morocco, gilt, g. e. Lyons, 1788. £7 lOs Fine copy. A Dainty Copy. 532 Traduction ctes Oeu¥res cf Horace^ en vers Francois. Avec des extraits des auteurs qui ont travaille sur cette mati^re. Small 8vo, 5 vols., contemporary French red morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1752. £6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 123 Horace — continued. 5 3 3 Traduotian em vers |iar Comte Simeon. W'lth numerous vignettes. 3 vols., 8vo, very fine co-py handsomely bound by Chatelin^ in fidl French crimson morocco ^ sides almost entirely covered with borders of delicate tooling, and beautifully tooled centre-fieces, fully gilt tooled back, inside dentelles, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1873. £17 17s First Issue of the Illustrated Edition. ^34 HUGO (Victor). Notre Dame de Paris. Edition illustree d'apres les dessins de MM. E. de Beaumont, L. Boulanger, Daubigny, T. Johannot, de Lemud, Meissonnier, C. Roqueplan, de Rudder, Steinheil. With frontispiece and nuinerous engravings. Svo, half morocco, g. e. Paris, 1844. £2 2s " Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), is an evocation, more imaginative than historical, of the old city of the fifteentih century, its tragic passions, its strangeness, its horrors, and its beauty. It is a marvellous series of fantasies in black and white; things live in it more truly than persons; the cathedral, by its tyrannous power, and intenser life, seems to overshadow the other actors. The tale is a juxtaposition of violent contrasts, an antithesis of darkness and light. Through Quasimodo afflicted humanitj^ appeals for pity.'" — Dowden. 535 HUMBOLDT (A. de). Essai Politique sur le Royaume de La Nouvelle" Espagne. Avec un Atlas, Physique et Geographique. 3 volumes (2 volumes 4to, and atlas folio, containing twenty plates), *half morocco. Paris, 1811. £3 lOs 536 HURTREL (Mme. Alice). Le® Aventures Romanesques d'un Comte Cf'Artois. D'apres un ancien manuscrit, orne de dessins, de la Biblio- theque Nationale. With coloured frontispiece, and numerous illustrations {some coloured). I of 100 copies only, signed by the author. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut, in the origifial illustrated loose cloth cover. Paris, 1883. lOs 6d 537 Les Amours de Catherifie de Bourbon, Soeur dti Rot et du Comte de Soissons. With engraved frontispiece and many ether illustrations. I of 30 copies printed on ** peau velin parchemine teinte," signed by the author, containing two sets of the plates. Small 4to, original wrappers, in the original illustrated loose cloth cover. Paris, 1882. lOS 6d 124 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Illuminated Manuscripts (Reproductions of). ^38 ALBUM de Portraits d'apr^s les Collections du D^partement des Manu- SCrits, Bibliotheque Nationale. With 167 plates, 'R.oydl^wo, in fort folio. Paris {about \go%). £3 15s 539 ALBUM d^ Villard de Honnecourt, arohiteote diu Xllle Si^ole. With 66 flates. In portfolio. With remarkable drawings. Paris, N.D. £1 5s 540 ANTIQUITES et Guerre d^ Juifs de Jos^phe. Reproduction des 25 •miniatures des manuscrits Francais 247; et nouv. acq. 21013 de la Biblio- theque Nationale. 3vo, in -portfolio. Paris, N.D. 14s 542 BLOCHET (£.). Peintures de Manuscrits Arabes, Persans et Turcs de la Biblibthdque Nationale, With 64 plates. 8vo, portfolio. Paris, N.D. £1 lOs 543 COLLECTION de Cliirugiens Grecs avec dessins attribu^s au Printatice. Reproduction reduite des 200 dessins du manuscrit Latin 6866 de la Bibliotheque Nationale. With 106 plates. 8vD, portfolio. Paris, N.D. £1 ICS 544 COMEDIES DE TERENCE. Reproduction des 151 dessins du Manuscrit Latin 7899 de La Biblio- theque Nationale. With 151 plates. Thick 4to, boards. Paris, N.D. £1 15s 545 DELISLE. Facsimilie de livres copies et enlumMs pour le Roi Ciiarles V< 4to, original wrappers. Paris, 1903. £1 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 125 lllimilnatecl Manuscripts (Reproduotions of) — contimied. 546 DELOO (G.). Heures De Milam, troisieme partie des Tres-Belles Heures de Notre-Dame enluminees par les Peintres de Jean de France, Due de Berry et par ceux du Due Guillaume de Baviere Comte du Hainaut et de Hollande. Vingt-huit feuillets histories reproduits d'apres les originaux de la Bibliotece Trivulziana a Milan avec une introduction historique. With numerous re-productions. Folio, original -portfolio. Brussels^ 191 1. £5 5s Only 153 copies were issued. 547 DOREZ (L). Psautierd^ Paul III. Reproduction des Peintures et des Initiales du Manuscrit Latin 8880 de La Bibliotheque Nationale precedee d'un Essai sur le Peintre et le Copiste du Psautier. With 33 plates. Folio, boards. Paris, N.D. £1 Is 548 DURRIEU (Comte Paul). La Miniature Flamand^ au temps de la cour de Bourgogne (141 5-1 530). With 153 reproductions of miniatures on 103 plates. Folio, original wrappers. Brussels, 1921. £5 5s The best work on Flemish miniature painting by the greatest living authority. 549 EVANGILES aveo Peintures Byzantines du X|e Si^cle. Reproduction des 361 Miniatures du Manuscrit Grec 74 de La Biblio- theque Nationale. 2 vols. , with 722 plates. 4to, boards. Paris, N.D. £2 2s 5 SO GRAHDES Chroniques dte France, enJumin^es par Jean Foucquet Reproduction des 51 miniatures du manuscrit Frangais 6465 de la Bibliotheque Nationale. With 51 plates. 8vo, in portfolio. Paris, N.D. 18s 551 HEURES D'Anne De Bretagne. Reproduction Reduite des 63 Peintures du Manuscrit Latin 9474 de La Bibliotheque Nationale. With 63 plates. 4to, boards. Paris, N.D. . £1 1s 552 HEURES Dites De Henri IV. Reproduction Reduite des 60 Peintures du Manuscrit Latm 1171 de La Bibliotheque Nationale. With 60 plates. 4to, boards. Paris, N.D. £1 1s 126 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Illuminatecl Manuscripts (Reproduotions of) — continued. 553 HISTOIRES RomaJnes de Jean Mansel lllustr^s par Loyset Lyedet, 55 planches reproduisant les miniatures et les encadrements des manuscrits 5087 et 5088 de La Bibliotheque de L'Arsenal. With 55 flates. 4to, boards. Paris, N.D. £1 554 LABOR DE (A. de). Les Manuscrtpts a Peintures d^ la Cit^ de Dieu de Saint Augustjn. 3 vols, in 2, with numerous ^nagnificent reproductions. Folio, original portfolios. Paris, 1909. £21 555 La Bible Moralis^e Canserv6e ^ Oxford, Paris et Londres. Reproduction integrale du manuscrit du XIIIi:S rKMAlKS Illustration froin ^NToliere, Oeuvres, par M. Bret. With the laiuous plates after Moreaii le Jeune. Paris, 1773. See Items Nos. 766 and 767. Plate XLIII. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 129 Illuminated Manuscripts (Reproductions of) — continued. y/4 L'Ystoire de Helayne. Reproduction! des 26 miniatures du manuscrit No. 9Q67 De La Biblio- j tehque Royale de Belgique. Witk 26 -plates. Small 4to, -portfolio. Brussels, 191 3. 12S 575 VIE ET HISTOIRE DE SAINT DENYS. Reproduction des 30 miniatures du manuscrit Frangais N. A. 1098 . de La Bibliotheque Nationale. With 30 plates. » ^to, portfolio. Paris, N.D. lOs 6d 576 INDIA. Ettinghausen (Maurice L.). Harsa Vardhana, Empereur at Po^te d© I'lnd© Septentriotiale (606-648 A.D.). Etude sur sa vie et son' temps. Royal 8yo, original ivrappers, uncut. Louvain, 1906. 6S i The only monograph on the life and times of India's greatest native Emperor, I with chapters on the Social and Religious Condition of India in the 7th century. 577 JAQUELIN (De Laroche). Mentoires de Madame la Marquise De Laroche Jaquelln. With two large maps [one tintecP}. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, half calf, g. e. Paris, 181 5. lOs 6d S77a JESTS. Les Divertissements Curieux, ou Le Thresor des Meilleurs Ren- contres, et Mots Subtils, de ce Temps. With eft graved frontispiece. 8vo, vellum. Lyons, 1650. £2 2s [578 [JOAN OF ARC] Baudot (J). Jeanne d'Arc. Drame historique. %^o, original wrappers. Paris {about 1900). 5S 57g Bouthors (L.). La v6n^rable Jeanne D'Arc, liberatrice inspiree de la France. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1895. 5s ;8o — — — Coub^ (Pere). La Double Mission de Jeanne D'Arc. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1899. ^^ -81 Crapelet (C). Jeanne D'Arc. (Biography.; With frontispiece. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 2s 6d I30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. [Joan of Aro] — continued. 582 D'Avrigny (C. J. L.). Jeanne d'Aro k Rouen, tragedie en vers. 8vo. Paris, 18 19. 8s 583 Jeanne d'Aro a Rouen, tragedie en vers. 8vo. Paris, 1820. 5s 584 Du Fresne de Beauoouit (G.). Un dernier mot h M. Henri Martin. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1857. 5s 585 DupanJoup (Bishop of Orleans). (Premier) Pan^gyrtque de Jeanne d'Aro, prononce dans la Cathedrale, le 8 Mai, 1855. 8vo, original wrappers. Orleans, 1855. 5s 586 Fabre (J.). Proofs de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Aro. Raconte et traduit d'apres les textes Latins officiels. 2 vols., 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1888. £1 Is Presentation copy 587 — — Gauoourt (Marquis de). Des Faits relatifs a Jeanne d'Aro, et au Sire de Gaucourt. Lettres a M. Henri Martin. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1857. 5s Presentation copy from the author. 588 Gillis (Monseigneur). Pan^gyriiiue de Jeanne D'Aro prononc6 dans la GathddraJe d' Orleans a la fete du 8 Mai, 1857. 8vo, original wrappers. Orleans, 1857. 5s 589 Jaoquet (Abbe). I'Ep^ de Jeanne d'Aro. Poeme en dix-huit chants. With frontispiece. 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1855. 6s 590 Lamartine (A. de). Jeanne d'Aro. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1867. 5s 591 Sarrazin (A.). Pierre Gauohon, Juge de Jeanne d'Aro. With frontispiece and numerous illustrations. Zvo, original wrappers. Paris, 1 901. 58 592 Soumet (A.). Jeanne d'Aro, tragedie en vers. Seconde edition. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1825. 5S 593 Jeanne d'Aro, tragedie en vers. 8yo, original wrappers. Paris, 1 847. 5S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 131 [iHoan of Arc] — contmued. ^54 Symptor (R.). Jeanne d'Arc ni'a jamais exists. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris ^ 1909. 58 5g5 Thalamas (A.). Jeanne d'Arc, I'Histoire, et la Legende. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris (1905). 3s 6d 5q6 Valiet de Virivillei. Chrcnique d© la PuoeNe, ou Chronique de Cousinot, suivie de la Chronique Normande, de P. Cochon, relatives aux Regnes de Charles VI, et de Charles VII. Thick 8vo, original wrappers. Paris y 1859. lOs 3Q7 Vilteayme (N). Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, et refutation des erreurs publiees jusqu'aujourd' hui. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris ^ 1874. 5S JOAN aF ARC— See also No. 64. 5q8 jolly (Dr. Paul). L© Tabacet I'Abslnthe. Leur influence sur la sante publique, sur I'ordre moral et social. Vost^wOy original wrappers y micut. Paris y iSy^. 2&6d -,Q8a JOUBERT (L.). Trait6 dll Ris, contenant son essance, ses causes, et mervelheus essais, curieusemant recerches, raisomnes, &: observes. Wilk portrait of the author. 8vo, old vellum. Paris y 1579. £1 lOs 59Q JOUJOU (Le) des Demioiselles. With 55 half -page vignettes and frontispiece. The frontispiece is after Eiseny engraved by Lemire, Small 4to, contemporary French calf . N.P. N.D. about 1750. £1010s Our copy has no engraved title. First edition. 600 JOUVIN (Nicolas). Les Pr6jieg6s demasqi^s, en vers patois sarcellois, & Critique sur les Pr6juges dentasqyes. 2 parts in i vol., 8vo, calfy inside dentelleSy r. e. Port-Mahony 1756. 18s * 60 1 JUBINAL (Achille). NouveaUi Recueil de Contes, Dits, Fabliaux et autres pieces inedites des XIII<>, XIV» et XV^^ Sidles, pour f aire suite aux CoUec- tions Legrand D'Aussy, Barbazan, et Meon. 2 vols., large thick oaoer. ONE OF 20 COPIES ON '* PAPIER DE HOLLANDE." Thick 8vo, dark p^een morocco y iwo4ine fillet border on sides y inside deniellesy g. e. Paris y Pamtiery 1839. ^2 ^^ 132 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Jubinal (Achille) — continued. 602' Jangleurs et Trauv^res oui Choix de Saluts, litres, reveries, et autres pieces I6g^res public pxDur la premiere fois. 8vo, calf, gilt back. Paris, 1835. 7s 6d 603 JULIEN (Stanislas). Resum^ (tes Principaux Trait^s Chinois sur la Culture des Muriers, et L' Education des vers a Soie. 'Numerous plates illustrating the culture of the Silkworm. Svo, half calf. Paris, 1837. £1 6s Presentation copy, with Autograph Inscription : " A M. Le Ministre de Tlnstruction Publique, Homage du Traducteur, Stas Julien.'' 604 KELLERHOVEN. La Vie de Saints. Illustr^ en chromolithographie d'aprds ies anoiens manusorits de tans les si^cles. Publiee par F. Keller- hoven. Texte par M. Henry de Riancey. With numerous full-page superb reproductions of the ancient minia- tures in Kellerhoven^ s famous style. Royal Svo, full morocco, carved wooden boards' on sides, mounted within silver framework, blue watered silk guards. Paris, Keller hoven, about i860. £5 10$ 605 KEMPIS (Thomas a). L'lmttatien de Jesus Christ: the magnificent edition published by Curmer of Paris. Illustrated with a large number of full-page illuminated plates, aiid with elaborate decorative borders in gold and colours surrounding each page; all the illuminated plates, borders, etc., being copied from the finest Manuscripts existing in English and Continental Libraries. 2 vols, in I, thick imperial 8vo, bound by Zaehnsdorf in full leva?it\ morocco, with green, red, and yellow inlays. Paris, 1856-8. £6 10s| The second volume consists of Histoire de rOrnamentation des Manuscrits, par Denis; Catalogue Bibliographique des Manuscrits; Grande Danse Macabre; Index de Manuscrits reproduits ou cites dans Tlmitation ; etc. 606 KHALI L. Code Musulman par Khalil (Rite Malekite-Statut reel). Texte Arabe et nouvelle traduction par N. Seignette. Arabic and French text in parallel columns. Royal '8vo, green morocco, two-line gilt borders on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g. Constantine, 1878. £1 5s 607 KLOPSTO'CK. La Mort d'Adam. Tragedie traduite de I'AUemande. (Par TAbbe Roman d'Avignon.) With frontispiece after Marillier by Bertault, title engraved by Laurent after the same and three pretty unsigned etchings. Paris, 1762. 10s 6ci MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 133 608 KOCK (Henry de). Les Hommes Volants. Histoire Extraardlnaire. With six engravings after d'Eustache Lorsay, engraved by Ansseau. 8vo, original wrappers^ uncut. Parisy N.D. £1 lOs Presentation copy from the author to Nadar, with interesting full-page inscription acknowledging his indebtedness to Restif de la Bretonne's " Decouverte Australe." 609 KRATZENSTEIK (C. G). L'art cfe navlguer dans I'air. With two fine plates. ■, First Edition. Svo, half calf. Kopenhagen, 1784. £12 12s 610 LABAT (R. P.). Nonveau Voyage aux Isles de I'Amerique. Contenant L'Histoire Naturelle de ce Pays, I'Origine, les Moeurs, la Religion et le Gouvemement des Habitans anciens et modemes, Les Guerres, Commerce et Manufactures qui y sont etablies, avec une Description de toutes ces isles. Numerous plates of Natural History , maps and plans. 2 vols., 4to, full contefHporary calf, gilt, gilt leaves. FINE COPY. La Haye. £3 3s MoREAu's Masterpiece. The Finest of the French Illustrated Books of the Eighteenth Century. 61 1 LABORDE (B. de). Choix de chansons. Mises en musique par M. de la Borde, Premier valet de Chambre ordinaire du Roi, Gouvemeur du Louvre. Omees d'estcimpes par J. M. Moreau. Dediees a Madame la Dauphine (Marie-Antoinette). The engraved text and music by Moria and Mile. Vendome, the en- graved title with fleuron by Moreau, 4 frontispieces after Moreau, Le Bonteux, and Le Bar bier, engraved by Masquelier and Nee, and 100 magnificent plates after Moreau, Le Barbier, Le Bonteux and Saint Quentin, engraved by Moreau, Masquelier and Nee. 4 vols., royal 8vo, contemporary French marbled calf, three-line fillet borders, gilt backs, g. e. A Paris, chez de Lormel, i7nprimeur de V Academie Kay ale de Musi- que, 177^. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXIV.). £400 The " Chansons de Laborde " is the finest and most famous of the beautiful illustrated French boolts of the eighteenth century, and is the most charming because of the grace and variety of the costumes in the plates, depicting interior scenes. 134 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street,! London, W. 61 la LA BRUYERE. Les Caractdres. With engraved frontispieces and title-pages. 2 vols., i2mo, contemporary green jnoroccOy three-line fillet border on sides y inside dentelleSy g. e.y by Derorne le Jeiiney with his ticket. Parisy 1750. £7 lOS " The facts of the moral world, as seen in society, were studied, analysed and por- trayed by La Bruyere. A Parisian of the Bourgeoisie, he was appointed preceptor in history to the grandson of the great Conde, and saw with the keen eyes of a disenchanted observer, the spectacle of seventeenth century society. ' I restore to the public,' he wrote, ' what the public lent me.' In the series of sixteen chapters, each consisting of detached paragraphs, his studies of human life and of the social environment are presented in the form of maxims, reflections, observations, i)or- traits. Aware of his mastery, as a painter of character. La Bruyere added largely to the number of his portraits. In many instances La Bruyere aimed at present- ing the type ratiher than the individual, a type which had been individualised, by his observation of actual persons. He regarded the life around him as a looker-on who enjoys the spectacle, and enjoys also to note the infirmities, of those who took part in the game, which he had declined. The value of his criticisms of men and manners arises partly from the fact that he can take up various points of view, and express the result of many moods of mind, while for every purpose and in every mood he had irony at his command. He divines the working of tbe passions with a fine intelligence, and is a master in noting every outward betrayal or indi- cation of the hidden processes of the heart. He is at once a moralist and a virtuoso in literary art." — Dowden, 612 The Album of plates for " Oeuvres. Nouvelle Edition par M. G. Servois." Containing 2 plates of Arms, 07ie colour ed\ 2 portraits , one very finely engraved; 4 facsimile letters; and i other plate. RoydX^YOy origittalwrapperSy unc2{t. Paris , Hachette^ 1882. 10s6d 613 (LA CALPRENEDE). Faramond, roman. 4 vols., 8vo, French contemporary calf , gilt orna^nental bctcks, m. e. Paris, 1753. £4 4S The above was abridged by the Marquis de Surgerei; from La Calprenede's work and was published by J. P. Meet. Large paper copy from the Bibriotheca Lamoniana " In Faramond, the author exihibits the beginnings of the French Monarchy, but the chief personages are idealised portraits draAvii from the society of the author's time. Faramond is the Grand Monarch, in disguise. Notwithstajiding the fadeetes a qiii laiiatmre hi a i poiinl doaiiie des aiimrs o OviDE Metamorphoses. Complete Set of 139 Plates by Eisen, Boucher, Gravelot, Moreau, etc. Paris, 1767. See Items Nos. 830 and 831. Plate XLV. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 137 La Fontaine — continued. 624 Contes et Nouvelles ©n vers. Edition reveue et augmentee d'une Notice par Anatole de Montaiglon. With for trait and -plates in two states by Le Raty Milius, Mongi7t and R. de los Rios after Fragonardy Monnety Touze and Milius. ONE OF 50 NUMBERED COPIES ON WHATMAN PAPER. 5 vols., 8vo', original wrappers as issued y uncut. Paris y Rouquettey 1883. £7 15s <525 Contes. Publiees par D. Jouaust, avec una preface de Paul Lacroix. Portrait et 10 dessins d^ Ed. de Beaumont graves a V eau-forte par Boilvin. 2 vols., post 8vo, half levant morocco y uncuty t. e. g. PariSy Jouaust, 1885. £2 lOs 626 Figures des Contes de La Fontaine cte Honors Fragonartt gravies par Martial et destinees a omer ('edition Didot. Set of 61 plates in 2 states (i being the original etching^, with two additional portraits of La Fontaine and Fragonard. i OF 50 COPIES. Folio. Paris y Rouquettey about 1880. Together with — A. P. Martial Figures des Contes de La Fontaine. 14 Compositions par A. P. Martial ** pour faire suite aux 60 planches gravees par le meme artiste d'apres les originaux de Fragonard qui laissaient sans estampes 13 Contes de La Fontaine." I OF 200 COPIES BEFORE ALL LETTERS PRINTED ON VAN GELDER PAPER. In a Portfolio. Paris y about 1880. £10 lOS 138 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. La Fontaine — continued. The First Issue on Large Paper in contemporary Morocco Binding. 627 Fables Choisies mises en vers par J, de la Fontaine. With frontispiece by Oudry, engraved by Cochin and 275 plates after Oudry^ engraved by Aubert^ Aveline^ Baquoy^ Beauvais^ Beau- varlet, CarSy Chedaly Chenu, Chevillety Cochin^ Cousinei {Elisabeth)y DupuiSy Diirety de Fehrty Fessart, Flipart, Flodingy Gaillardy Galimardy LebaSy Legrandy Le^nirey Lempereury Marviey Menily Moittey Ouvriery Pasquiery Pelletiery Pitre-Martenasiey Poletnichy Prevosty RadigueSy Rilandy Rodey Salvador y Sorniquey Suruguey Tardieu et Teucher. 4 vol, folio. A Crandi Copy of the Large Paper Issue in oontem- porary French crimson morocco, three^line hllet border to sides with corner fteurons, full floral gilt backs, g. e., by Derome. PanSy 1755-1759. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXVIL). £450 THIS IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT EDITION OF FONTAINE'S FABLES, AND IS PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER. THE IMPRESSIONS 01 THE PLATES IN THIS COPY ARE TRULY MAGNIFICENT. IT IS THE FIRST ISSUE; THE PLATE OF THE FABLE, " THE MONKEY AND THE, LEOPAR-D,'' IN VOL. 3, PAGE 113 IS BEFORE THE WORDS " LE LEOPARD /'-ACCORDING TO COHEN-RICCI, "CES EXEMPLAIRBS SONT LES PLUS RECHERCHES/' " All that is best in the genius of La Fontaine may be found in his Fables. In the Fables the play of his faculties is exquisite, and is complete. His imagination was unfitted for large and sustained creation ; it operated most happily in a narrow com- pass. The Fables, however, contain much in little; they unite an element of drama and of lyric, with narrative; they give scope to his feeling for nature, and to his gift for the observation of human character and soci-ety; they form, as he himself has said— " Une ampile comedie a cents actes divers Et dont la scene est I'univers.*' "He had not to invent his subjects; he found them in all the fabulists who had preceded him— Greek, Latin, Oriental, elder French writers — " j'en lis qui sont du Nord et qui sont du Midi ' ; but he may be said to have recreated the species. From an apologue, tending to an express moral, he converted the fable into a conte, in which narrative, description, observation, satire, dialogue have an independent value, and the moral is little more than an acciideint. He does not impose new and great ideas on the reader ; he do3S not interpret tbe deepest passions ; he takes life as he sees it, as an entertainiiiig comedy, touched at times with serious thoug'ht, with pathos, even with melancholy, but in the main a comedy, which teaches/ us to smile at the vanities, the follies, the egoisms of mankind, and teaches us at the same time something of tenderness and pity for all that is gentle or weak. His moraHty is amiable ai)d somewhat epicurean, a morality of indulgence, of moderation, of g-ood sense. His eye for what is chairacteristic and picturesque in animal life is infallible; buit his humanised wild creatures are also a playful, humorous, ironical presentation of mankind, and of the society of his own day, from the grand monarch to tJie bourgeois or the lackey. " For many years he was cared for and caressed by the amiable and cultivated Mme de Sabliere, and wlien she dismissed other acquaintances she still kept " her dog", her cat, and her Lafontaine." The Academy would have opened its doors to him sooner than to Boileau, but the Ivinowden. 666 LEONARD. Poesies pastorales. Suivies de la Voix de la Nature, Poeme, des Lettres de Sainville et de Sophie-et d'autres pieces en vers et ^n prose. With a frontispiece after Marillier engraved by De Ghendt, 2 vig- nettes and 2 culs-de-lampe , after Risen, engraved by Aliainet and De Ghendt. 8vo, full inorocco, t. e. g. A Geneve et a Paris, chez Lejay, 177 1. £2 lOs Unique Copy. 667 LE PRIEUR. Vue des Monumens construits dans les jardins de Frafioo- ville-la-Garenne, appartenans a Madame la Comtesse d'Albon, Graves d'apres ses Dessins & ceux de M. de Lussi. With 27 engraved plates, after Benoit, Lepagellet, La Comtesse d"* Alb on, F. Marie de Lussy, engraved by Benoit, and Lepagellet {in- cluding the famous engraving of the " Ballon de Franconville,** in three states, one being in red), together with the title of the later edition. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1784. £18 18s 669 LESAGE. Le Bacheller de Salamanque, ou les M^moires de Cherubin de la Ronda, tiree d'un manuscrit Espagnol. With 6 unsigned plates. 2 vols., calf, gilt backs. Paris, 1736- 1738. £5 5s First Edition. " Of Lesage's other tales and translation, Le Bachelier de Salamanqiie (1736) takes deservedly the highest rank.'*— Dowden. 670 Le Diable Botteux. Illustre par Tony Johannot. Precede d'Une Notice Sur Le Sage, par M. Jules Janin. Frontispiece and nuinerous vignettes, Koydl%vo, original boards. Pam, 1840. £1 16s " His prose story " Le Diable Boiteux," owes but little to the suggestion derived from Guevara; ife is, in fact, more nearly related to the Caracteres of La Bruyere; when Asmodeus discloses what had been hidden under the house-roofs of the city, a succession of various human types are presented, and, as in the case of La Bruyere, contemporaries attempted to identify these with actual living persons."— Dowden. 146 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Lesage — continued. 671 ^ Les Avantures de Gil Bias De Santillane. Nouvelle edition. With numerous engravings. 4 vols., i2mo, contemporary French calf, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. A LondreSy chez J. Nourse, 1749. £2 2s 672 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santilfane. Edition ornee de figures en tailledouce, gravees par les meilleurs artistes de Paris. With 100 delightful engravings after B or net, Char Rentier and Duplessi-BertauXy engraved under the direction of Hubert. 4 vols., 8vo, French style marbled calf, three-line fillet borders on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Didot Jeune, 1795. £10 lOs " His great comedy, however, a comedy in a hundred acts, ife the story of Gil Bias. Its composition was part of his employment during many years. The question of a Spanish original for the story is settled— there was none; but from Spanish fiction and from Spanish history Lesage borrowed what suited his purpose, without in any way comprising his originality. To the picaresque tales he added his own humanity, and in place of a series of vulgar adventures we are given a broad picture of social life; the comedy of manners and intrigue grows, as the author proceeds, into a comedy of character, and to this something of tRe historical novel' is added. The unity of the book is found in the person of Gil Bias himself; he is far from being a hero, but he is capable to receiving all impressions; he is an excellent observer of life, his temper is bright, he is free from ill-nature; we meet in him a pleasant companion, and accompany him with sympathy through the amus- ing Odyssey of his varied career. " As a moralist Lesage is the reverse of severe, but he is far from being base. " All is easy and good-humouTed,^' wrote Sir Walter Scott, " gay, light, and lively ; even the cavern of the robbers is illuminated with a ray of that wit which renders the reader pleased with himself and with mankind, where faults are placed before him in the light of follies rather than vices, and where misfortunes are so inter- woven wTth the ludicrous that we laugh in the very act of sympathising with them." — Dowden. 673 Another Copy. 4 vols., 8vo, mottled calf, gilt ornamentations on backs, m. e. A Paris, Didot jeune (1795). £7 lOs 674 Suite of 48 plates after and by Ricardo de Los Rios to illustrate the work of Le Sage (Le Diable Boiteux, Gil Bias de Santillane, Este- vanille Gonzales, Guzman d'Alfarache, Bachelor de Salamanque), the " Don Quixote ' of Cervantes and." Lazarille de Tormes." Proofs before letters on Japan paper with full margins. In 7 portfolios. Paris, about 1880. £4 4s Facetious Stories. 674a LES Heures Perdues de R. D. M. Cavalier Franpois. Dans lequel les esprits melancoliques trouveront des remedes propres pour dissiper ceste fascheuse humeur. Small 8vo, vellum. Lyons, 1620. £1 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 147 The Earliest Example of a ** Memory Tickler." 675 LEUTEBREUVER (Christophe). La Confessioiii Coup^ au la Methode Facile pour se preparer aux Confessions Particullers et Generates. Dans laquelle est renferme TExamen general de tous les pechez qui sq comettent par les personnes de toutes sortes d'estas & conditions, les- quelles sont tous coupez & disposez de maniere que sans rien ecrire on leve chaque article dont on se veut confesser, & a T instant ou apres la Confession, le tout se remet & con fond avec les autres pechez comme il estoit auparavant, sans que d' autres personnes puissent connoistre les pechez, dont on s'est accuse. Small 8vo, calf, back gilt. Paris, 1688. £3 3s VERY RARE; MOST COPIES OF THIS VERY CURIOUS BOOK WERE DESTROYED BY CONSTANT USE. IT IS A METHOD FOR REMEMBERING ONE^S SINS BY FOLDING OVER A PRINTED TONGUE OF PAPER WITH THE PARTICULAR SIN PRINTED ON IT (THE EARLIEST EXAMPLE OF A "MEMORY TICKLER"). 676 A later edition of the same work. Small 8vo, calf, back gilt. Paris, 1751. £3 3s 678 LIGON (R.). Recueil de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L'Ameri- que, qui n'ont point este encore pubhez. Contenant I'Origine, les Moeurs, les Coutumes et le Commerce des habitans avec les traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethyopie, la mer Rouge & le Pretre-Jean. En- richi de Figures, et des Cartes Geographiques. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1674. £3 18s 679 L'ISLE-ADAM (A. Villiers de). Elen. Drame en Trois Actes. Edition decoree de Compositions Criginales dessinees et gravees sur bois par Louis Jou. 'Portrait de I'Auteur grave sur bois par L. Perrichon. Square 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Georges Ores et Cie, Le Theatre cT Art, 191 8. £1 16s * * * Exemplaire sur papier de Rives. •680 LITHOGRAPHIANA; Recueil de Caricatures Amusantes, d'Anas, de Re- parties, Bons mots, Plaisanteries, & Petites Anecdotes. Title and 24 leaves, each containing at its head a very clever humorous lithographic plate, with the Jests below. Royal 8vo, half calf gilt. Paris, chez Aubert, about 1835. £1 14s 148 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 68 1 L'OFFICE de la Semaine Saincte corrige de nouveau par le commande- ment du Roy. 8vo, contemporary {Le Gascon) binding of full French red morocco extra^ gilt back, the sides richly decorated with an elaborate arabesque design composed of broad straps, with a background of gilt dots, ivith which the sides are almost wholly covered, inside dentelles, marbled end papers, g. e. Paris {about 1750). (See Illustration. Plate No. XXXVIII. ). £42 A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF THE BEST FEENCH XVIIIth CENTURY BINDING. The Rare Original Issue, in full green morocco, by Derome. 682 LONGUS. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis & Chloe (Traduites du Grec par Amyot). First Edition. With frontispiece after Coy pel, 28 plates after the Regent Philippe D^ Orleans, engraved by Audran, one plate engraved by Le Cornte de Caylus {known as Les Petits Pieds), one vignette by Scotien, and six ornainental initial letters. The whole of the book inlaid at the time to small folio, all the plates delicately coloured. Small folio, beautifully bound in Derome' s characteristic style for Monsieur Bollioud, Receveur General du Clerge de France {with his bookplate), in full green morocco with very broad dentelle borders on the sides and back containing the famous Oiseau tool of Derome, inside dentelles, rose pink silk guards, g. e. {Paris, Quillau), 17 18. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXIX.). £150 The book was only published in 250 copies, and copies in such fine bindings are particularly scarce. « The Rare Original Issue in Old Red Morocco. 683 Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chlo6 (traduites du Grec par Amyot). Frontispiece after Coy pel, and the series of 28 plates by Audran after the designs of the Regent Philippe d' Orleans. Earliest issue {avant '• les Petits Pieds "). FINE IMPRESSIONS. First Edition. Post 8vo, full contemporary French red morocco, gilt, g. e., enclosed in full levant morocco pull-off case, in book form, gilt. {Paris, Quillau), 17 18. £75 Very fine copy. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 149 Longus — continued. 684 Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et de Chlo^. With frontispiece after Coyfel^ and 29 plates after Philippe^ Due d' Orleans y Regent of France, engraved by Audran and 4 culs-de-lampe by Cochin. Large paper copy, with a very fine impression of the plates ^ includ- ing " les petits pieds.'' 4to, French contemporary marbled calf, three-line fillet borders on sides, gilt ornamental back, g. e. (Paris), 1745. £18 18s " L'Edition des Curieux.'* 685 Pastoralium, de Daphnide et Chloe, libri quatuor. Graeoe et Latine. Editio nova, una cum emendationibus uncis inclusis. Frontispiece and 29 plates engraved by Audran, and numerous vig- nettes and culs-de-lampe by Risen and Cochin, engraved by Fokke. Small 4to, full contemporary French calf, gilt, g. e. Lutetiae Parisiorunt {Amstelodami) in gratiam curio sorum, 1754. £5 5s * * * Only 125 copies printed. 686 — Les Amours Pastorales de Daphm's et Ghloe, escrites en Grec par Longus, et translatees en Frangois par Jacques Amyot. Frontispiece by Coy pel, 28 plates by Philippe d' Orleans, i plate by Caylus and a vignette by Scotin {including the petits pieds). Post 8vo, original French calf gilt, g. e. Bouillon, 1776. £4 lOs Les amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chlo^. Escrites en Grec par Longus, et translatees en Frangois par Jacques Amyot. With numerous plates after the Regent engraved by Vidal. 8vo, old French calf, gilt back, g. e. Lille ^ 1792. '^5 lOs Printed on thick blue paper. Extra-Illustrated Copy. 688 —- Daphnis et Chlo6, ou les Pastorales de Longus traduites du Grec par J. Amyot. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee et completee. With portrait, numerous vignettes by Risen, and extra-illustrated, with 34 additional plates, and two small circles printed in colours. Post 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, Leclerc, 1863. £3 lOs 689 LOUYS (Pierre). Leda, ou la Louange des Bienheureuses tenebres. With 10 illustrations in colour by P. A. Laurens. I OF 550 COPIES ON PAPIER VERGE D' ARCHES. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, M er cure de France , 1898. £4 4s 150 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Loiiys (Pierre) — continued. The Favourite Edition. 690 Aphrodite, moeurs antiques. Illustrations de A. Caldret. Royal 8vo, half morocco y g. e. Paris, Collection Nymphee, i8g6. £2 2s 691 LUCAIN. La Pharsale, traduite en Frangois par M. Marmontel. With 1 1 -plates after Gravelot, engraved by DucloSy de Ghendt, Le Mire, Nee, Rousseau and Simonet. 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary French dark red morocco, gilt ornamental backs, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. Paris, 1766. £10 lOs 692 La Pharsale, traduite en Frangois par M. Marmontel. With 1 1 plates after Gravelot, engraved by Duclos, de Ghendt, Le Mire, Nee, Rousseau and Simonet. 2 vols., 8vo, French calf, rebacked, g. e. Paris, 1766. £7 7s 693 Lucani Pharsalia, cum supplemento Thomae Maii. Frontispiece by Gravelot, engraved by de Longueil, and an un- signed ornamental headpiece.^ i2mo, original French calf, gilt, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1762. lOs 6d 694 LUCIEN, de la traduction de N. Perrot, Sr. d'Ablancourt. Avec des remarques sur la traduction. Nouvelle edition reveue et corrigee. With frontispiece and numerous folding plates. 2 vols., small 8yo, French contemporary red morocco, gilt, three- line fillet border on sides, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Amsterdam, Pierre M or tier, 1709. £10 lOs This is the famous transliation that was called " La Belle Infidele," by Menage and de Lamoignon. Perfect copy in fine old French red morocco. 695 Another Copy. 2 vols., small 8vo, contemporary French calf, gilt, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Amsterdam, Pierre M or tier, 1709. £2 2s 696 Mythologie Dramatique de Lucien, traduite en Frangais, et accompagnee du texte Grec et d*une version Latine; Par le C. Gail. Printed on thick paper. Large thick 4to, full contemporary red morocco, gilt back and borders to sides, g. e., light blue watered silk guards. Paris, chez Vauteur au college de France, 1798. £5 5S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 151 LliOien — continued. 697 Dialogues des courtisanes, traduction par A. J. Pons. With numerous illustrations in colour. i2mo, elaborately bound in English red morocco y sides covered with fleurs-de-lySy and ornamental borders and centres^ fully gilt back^ in- side dentelles, green silk guards, g. e. Paris , 188 1. £2 lOS t 698 LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura. 8vo, fine copy, -printed on papier de Hollande, beautifully bound by Derome in French contemporary red morocco, with elaborate floral borders on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, blue watered silk guards, g. e. Paris, 1744. £14 14S 699 De la Nature des Choses. Traduction nouvelle (et texte en regard) avec des Notes par M. Lagrange. On papier de Hollande. With frontispiece and 6 plates after Gravelot engraved by Binet. 2 vols., large 8vo, original French contemporary calf, g. e. (re- backed). Paris, Bleuet, 1768. £8 15s 700 Delia Natura delle cose. With 2 frontispieces and 2 titles after Risen, engraved by Lemire, 6 plates after Cochin and Le Lorrain, engraved by Aliamet, Lemire, Sornique, and Tardieu, 7 vignettes after Cochin and Risen, engraved by Baquoy, and Chenu, Flipart, Gallimard, Lemire and Sornique, and ^ 5 culs-de-lampe after Cochin, Risen, and Vasse, engraved by Aliamet, Baquoy, Alimard and Louise Le Doulceur. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original French calf, backs fully gilt, g. e. Paris, 1754. £10 lOs The illustrations to this book are remarkably fine. The book itself is printed on " papier de hollande " and is in excellent condition. 701 Another Copy. 2 vols., royal 8vo, French style marbled calf, three-line fillet on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. {modern). Paris, 1754. £10 lOs Printed on papier de Hollande. 702 LUILLIER. Nouveau Voyage aux Grandes Indes, avec une instruction pour le commerce des Indes Orientales. Et la description de plusieurs Isles, Villes, & Rivieres; THistoire des Plantes & des animaux qu'on y trouve. Aves un Traite des Maladies particulieres aux Pays Orientaux. Frontispiece. i2mo. Rotter da7n, 1726. £2 2s 152 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 703 LULLUS (Raymond). Roman de Mahomet, en vers du Xlllme Siecle, par Alexandre du Pont, et livre de la Loi au Sarrazin, en prose du XlVme Siecle, par Raymond Lulle, publiees pour la premiere fois, et accompagnes de notes, par MM. Reinaud et Francisque Michel. With two illuminated initial letters. I OF 175 COPIES PRINTED ON " PAPIER VELIN." 8vo, French marbled calf, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g., by F. Bedford. Paris, 183 1. lOs 6d 704 LUZARCHE (L.). Nouveaux Appareils pour la Direction des Aerostats, ou Essai sur cette Direction. With very large folding plate of diagrams at end. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 181 2. £4 lOs 705 MACHINERY. Establissements de MM. Schneider & Cie. D'Apres I'Ouv- rage public en Angleterre par James Dredge. With about 440 illustrations of factories, workshops, various types of machinery , locomotives, cannons, guns, etc., etc. Folio, full crimson morocco gilt, with doublure s of blue morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Severs, 1902. £2 2S 705a MADAGASCAR. Geoffrey (Lislet). Memoir and Notice Explanatory of a Chart of Madagascar and the North-Eastern Archipelago of Mauritius; drawn up according to the latest observations, under the auspices of His Excellency Robert Townsend Farquhar. Now first published in the origmal French, with an English Trans- lation, together with some observations on the Coast of Africa, and a brief notice on the winds on the coast of Madagascar. Large folding chart of Madagascar and the Islands, 3 ft. 6ins. by 2ft. 4to, full contemporary morocco, gilt back and sides, g. e. London, 18 19. £1 lOs * * * Presentation copy from Gov. Farquhar to Lord Melville. With the English and French versions facing each other. 706 MAETERLINCK (Maurice). La Princesse Maleine. Drame en Cinq Actes. Frontispice et illustrations dessinees et gravees sur bois par Maurice Achener. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Georges Cres et Cie, Le Theatre d' Art, 191 8. £5 5s * * * ONE OF 30 COPIES ON JAPANESE VELLUM. 706a MAIER (Michel). Chansons Intelleotirenes Divisdes en neuf Triades, sur la Resurrection du Phenix, ou la plus precieuse de toutes les Mede- cines; Qui est le miroir & I'abrege de cet Univers, proposee moins a Toreille qu'a I'esprit, & presentee aux Sages, comme la clef des trois Secrets impenetrates de la Chymie. In Latin and French. 8vo, French marbled calf, gilt back, r. e. Paris, 1758. £2 lOS Plate XLVl. Perrallt, Ckndrillon et les Fees. Paris, 1886. See Item Iso. 851. t^LATE XLVll. Bound ior Tkancis I., King of France (reigmed 1515-1547). (Panormitanus. Super secundo decreta Bernardi). Paris, 1521. See Item No. 1121. MAGGS BROS., 34 &35, Conduit Street, London, W. 153 706b MAINDRON (Ernest). Les Affiches Illustr6es (1886-1805). HARPER Les Affiches Etrang^res lllustrd^. Illustrated with upzvards of 100 lithographs in colour, and numer- ous other illustrations . 2 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut ^ t. e. g. Paris, i8g6-7. £4 lOs 707 MAITRE-JAN (M. Antoine, Chirurgien Jure du Roy). Traite (fes Mala- dies de I'QEil et cfes Rem^d^s Propres pour leur Cuerison enrichi d' Experiences de Physique. 4to, original calf . Troyes, lyoy. £1 lOs 708 MALHERBE. Oeuvres De Malherbe recueillies et aitnat^es par M. L. Lalanne. 5 vols, and Alburn of Plates. 8vo, half vellum, gilt backs, r. e. Paris, 1862. £5 15s ''The processes of Malherbe 's arc were ess^entially crararical ; tJie lyrkol cry is seldom audible in his verse; it is the poeitry of eloquence thrown into tstudied stanzas But the greater poetry of the seventeenth century in France — its odes, its satires, its epistles, its noble dramatic scenes— and much of its prose Literature are of the nature of oratory; and for the progress of such poetry, and even of such prose, Malherbe prepiared a hig^hway. He aimed at a \roforma.tion of the language, which, rejecting all words either base, provincial, archaic, technical, or over-lea.rned and over-curious, should emiploy the- sta.ndard Freucli, pure and dignified, as accepted by tihe people of Paris, In his liands lan^jiiase became too exclusively an instrument of the inteflig- enoe; ret with this instrumenit great things ivere achieved by his successors. He methodised and regulated ven^ificalion, insisting- on rich and exact rhymes, condemning all liceaic;> and infirmity of structure, condemning hari^hness of M)und, inversion, hiatus, negligence in accommodating" the cesura to \the sense, the free gliding of couplet into couplet. It may be said that he rendered verse mechanical; but within the arrangement wJiich he prescribed, admirable effects were attiainable by .the iuastery of geniu'=:. He pondered every word, weighed every syllable, and thought no i>ainfs ill-spent if only c'lea.rness, precision, the logic of oirdonnance, a mistained harmony were at llength secured; and imtil the dtjy of his dK^ath, in 1628, no decline in (his art can be perceived,. In the history of seven teenth-cenitury classicism, in the effort of the age to rationalise the fo-rms of art, his name is of capital importamce." (Dowden). 70Q The Album! of pJates for " Oeuvres. Recueillies et .\nnotees par M. L. Lalanne." Containing: — " Armoiries de Malherbe " /';/ colours, fine engraved . portrait, 4 facsimile letters, Viezv of his house at Caen, and a song. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Hachette, i86q. 7s 6d 710 MALO (C). Livre d'Amour, ou Folastreries du Vieux Temps. With six charjnijig engnroings in colour. i2mo, original boards, g. e., in case. Paris, Janet, 1821. £1 16s 154 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 710a MALTHE (Frangois de). Traits des Feux Artificials potir la Guerre, et pour la Recreation; Avec plusieurs belles observations abbregez de Geome- trie, Fortifications & exemples d'Arithmetique, en faveur des nouveaux etudians es Mathematiques. With engraved frontispiece and numerous other illustrations and diagrams. 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1629. * £3 lOs Chapter XVIII, pp. 107-113, deals with balloons. 711 MANGIN (Arthur). La Navigation A^rienne, Nouvelle edition. With illustration of a balloon. 8vo, cloth y gilt ornamentations on sides and back, g. e. Tours, 1862. 7s6d J 1 2 La Navigatiotii A^rientie. Nouvelle edition. With illustration of a balloon. 8vo, half cloth, g. e. Tours, 1894. "^^ ^ 713 MANTZ (Paul). Les Chefs d'Oeuvre de la Peititure Italienne. Illustrated with 20 chromo-litho graphs, 30 plain plates, and 40 illus- trations in text. Folio, original cloth. Paris, 1870. £5 5S 714 Hans HcHbein. With 27 large plates and numerous illustrations in text, many by Edouard Lievre after Holbein. Folio, original cloth, uncut. Paris, circa 1880. £1 lOs 715 MARCHAND(E.). Veyage Autour du Motid^ pentfant les Ann^s, 1790-92. Precede d'une Introduction Historique auquel on a joint des Recherches sur les terres Australes de Drake et un examen critique du Voyage de Boggeween. 3 vols., and atlas of 15 folding maps. 4 vols., 4to, original boards, uncut. Paris, 1796. £4 15s 716 MARCH IS (M. L.). Le9ons sur la navigatien a^rienne (Ballons spheri- ques, aerostation militaire, aerostation scientifique, aeronautique mari- time, ballons dirigeables). Over 800 pp., royal 8vo, half calf, back gilt. Paris, 1904. £8 8S The whole of the work icente a I'aide d'un plan incline. Construction d'un balllon de cuivre, pp. 185-230. illustrations 16, 58, 59, 60, 61, represent drawing of Meusnier's projected dirigeable airship. 718 MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE. L'Heptam^ron; Contes et Nouvelles. With 72 plates, engraved by Jourdan after the designs by Freude- berg. 8 vols., i2mo, original ivrafpers, uncut. {Paris), Cazin, 1787. £1 lOs "The union of the mundane and moral spiriit is singularly shown in Marguerite's collection of prose tales, written in imitation of Boccaccio, the Heptameron des Nouvelles. " These tales were not an indiscretion of youth ; probably Marguerite composed them a few years before her death; perhaps their lice^ice and Avanton mirth were meant to enliven the meilancholy hours of her beloved brotJier; certainly the writer is ingenious in extracting; edifying lessons from narratives which do not promise edifioation. They are not so g-ross as other writings of (the time, and this is Marguerite's true deferuce; to laugh at the iniimoralities of monks and priests was a tradition in literature which neither the spirit of the Eenaissance nor that of the Eeformation condemned, A company of ladies and gentlemen detained by floods on their return from the Pyrenean baths, beguile the time by telling these tales, and the pious widow Dame Oisil'le gives excellent assistance in showing how they tend to a moral purpose. *' (Dowden), 720 L'Heptam^roni dies Nouvelles de tr^s haute et tr6s illustre Pnncesse Marguerite D'Airgouleme Reine de Navarre^ Publie sur les manuscrits par les soins & avec les notes de MM. Le Koux de Lincy & Anatole dc Montaiglon. With engraved portrait. 4 vols., thick 8vo, half green morocco, daintily gilt backs, uncut ^ t. e. g. Paris, 1880. £4 ICs 156 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 721 MARIE DE MEDICIS. Barlaus (C). Marie de Medici entrant en Amsterdam; ou, histoire de la reception faicte a la reyne mere du Roi Chrestien, par les Bourg Maistres et Bourgeoisie de la ville d' Amsterdam. Wii/i -portrait and nmnerous fine folding -plates ^ together ivith the copy of the Dutch text. 2 vols, in I, folio, calf. Amsterdamy 1638-1639. £2 lOs 722 De La Serre. Histoire de I'Entree de la Reyne Mere du Roi tres Chretien dans les Provinces Unies des Pays Bas. With numerous finely engraved plates. Folio, half calf y rebacked. London, 1639. £7 103 723 MARILLIER. Oeuvres de Tressan. The Complete Set of engraved plates to the Paris edition of 178/- 1789, comprising: Portrait by Borel, engraved by De Launay and 20 charming plates by Marillier, engraved by Croutelle, Delvaux, de Ghendty de Launay, Langlois jeune, and Mme. Demonchy. Cabinet 6es F^S. Complete set of the first series of plates, Nos. i to 108, to the Paris edition of 1 785- 1789, with the addition of the two exceedingly scarce plates to " La Barbe bleue " and ** Le petit Poucet " bearing the inscriptions at foot ** Dans ce moment on heurta si fort a. la porte," and ** Le petit Poucet s'etant approche de TOgre." These two plates — ^Nos. i and 2 — ^were withdrawn and replaced by two fresh designs. All these 1 10 plates are designed by Marillier, and engraved by Berthet, Biosse, Borgnet, Choffard, Croutelle, Dambrun, Delignon, Delvaux, Duponchel, Fessard, Gaucher, de Ghendt, Godefroy, Gou- maz, Halbou, Jonxis, Langlois, Langlois jeune, Lebeau, Legrand, Leroy, Leveau, Le Villain, de Longueil, Malapeau, Mine. Demonchy, Patas, Mile. Retor, Texier, Thomas, or de Valnet. Both suites in i vol., royal 8vo, contejnporary French calf, gilt, back and borders to sides, g. e. £27 lOs * * * All most brilliant Proof Impressions on large and thick paper. 724 MARION (Fulgence). Les Ballons et les Voyages A^riens. Deuxieme edition. Ouvrage illustre de 30 vignettes par P. Sellier. With numerous plates of balloons. Special Copy printed on " papier de Chine." 8vo, half cloth, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1869. £2 2s Probably the only copy puinted on " papier dc Chine." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 157 725 MARMONTEL. Les Incas, ou la destruction cfe I'Empire de Peru. Wit/i fine impressions of the frontispiece and \Q -plates after Moreau, engraved by De Launay^ Duclos, De Ghendt, Hebnan^ Leveau^ Nee and Simonet. 2 vols., 8vo, old French marbled calf. Paris, 1777. £2 lOs " Voltaire's disciple Marmontel, would render virtue amiable and cure the ravage of passion with a cunary% song." (Dowden). 726 Another Copy. 2 vols., 8vo, crimson straight-grained morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1777. ■ . £1 168 727 La Neuvaine de Cythdre. With the author's portrait and 9 vignettes after Fesquet. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1879. ^3 lOs 728 MARTIAL. Epigrammata. With engravings after Risen, by Lemiere, and vignettes after Eisen, by Legrand, printed in blue. 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary green morocco, gilt back, g. e. Paris, 1754. £3 3 S 729 MARTIN (Henri). Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu' en 1789. With engraved portrait of the author. 17 vols., 8vo, half dark blue morocco, richly gilt backs, m. e. Paris, 1855. £5 58 730 MARTINIQUE. Lacroix (A.). La Montagne Pel6e et ses Eruptions. Ouvrage public par rAcademie des Sciences. ■ With 238 illustrations and 31 plates. Large thick 4to, full blue levant morocco. Arms on side, g. e. Paris, 1904. £* ^S * * * The axicount of the eruption of Mont Pelee on May 8, 1902, when a large part of Martinique was devastated, and the city of Saint-Pierre and 30,000 inhabitants wiped out in a few seconds. 731 MARY STUART. Histoire d© Marie Stuart, Reine d'Escosse et Douai- riere de France ; Ou Recueil de Toutes les Pieces qui ont ete publiees au Sujet de cette Princesse; L'Histoire secrette d'Angleterre, de France, & d*Escosse. With magnificent portrait of Mary Queen of Scots, by Virtue, and a map. 2 vols., folio, old calf, gilt back. London, 1725. £2 lOS 158 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 732 MASERES (Francois), Avocat Anglois. M^moire a la Defense d'un Plan d'aate de Partemetlt pour Tetablissement des Loix de la Province de Quebec, centre Les Objections de Mr. Frangois Joseph Cugnet, Gentil- homme Canadien. ¥o\\o, wrappers. Londres, 1773. £6 6s Francois Maseres, an Englisliman, was formerly H. Britannic Majesty's Procnreur- General in tlie Province of Quebec, while Fr. Joseph. Cugnet, a Canadian, was the Prench Secretary to the Governor and Councid of Quebec. 733 MASON FILS (Monck). Details sur le voyage a^rien de Londres a Weil- bwrg (duche de Nassau). "^xo^ boards {original wrappers preserved). Faris^iZ^y. £1 lOs A Charming Set. 734 MASSILLON. Sermons d^ M. Massillon, Eveque de Clermont, Ci-devant Pretre del' Academic Frangoise. 15 vols., 8vo, contejnporary French green morocco ^ three-line jillet harder on sides ^ fully gilt ornamefital backs, g. e. Paris, 1 760- 1 768. £14 14s " Am autumnal colouring, bright and abundant, yet indicative of the decline, is displayed in the discounses of the latest of the great pulpit orators, JEAN BAPTISTE MASSILLON (16&3-174'2), who belongs mo;r© to the eighteenth than to the s&venit««nth century. Massillon, with gifts of person and of natural grace, sensitive, tender, a student and professor of the rhetorical art, sincerely devout, yet withi waverings towards the world, had something in his genius that resembled Kacine. A pathetic sentiment, a feeling for human passions, give his sermons qualities which contrast with the severer manner of Bourdaloue. They are simple in plan; the preacher's art lay in deploying imaginative sensibility. ' There is an orator,' cried the actor Baron, ' we are only comedians ' ; but no actor would have instituted a comparison between himself and Bourdaloue. ' When one enters the aveoiue at Versailles, said Masillon, ' one feels an enervating air.' " He was aware of the rising tide of luxury and vice around him ; he trietl to meet it, tracing the scepticism of the time to its ill-regulated passions; but he met scepticism by morality detached from dogma. The Petit Careme, preached before Louis XV. when a. child of edght, expr ss3s the sanjuine temper of the moment; the youing King* would grow into the father of his people; the days of i)eace would return. Voltaire kept on his desk the isermons of Massillon, and loved to hear the musical periods of the Petit Caremie read aloud at meal-time. To be the favouinte preacher of eighteenth-centurv philosophers is a distinction somewhat compromising to ajn exponent of the faith." (Dowden). -34a Oeuvres completes d© Massillon, Eveque de Clermont. Nouvelle edition. With portrait. 14 vols., Svo, marbled calf, gilt backs. Paris, 1830. £1 10s 735 MASSON (Frederic). Josephine, Imperatrice et Reine. With frontispiece in colours and two sets of the plates, all printed on Japan paper. I OF 150 COPIES PRINTED ON JAPAN PAPER. Folio, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, Goupil, 1899. £7 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 159 Masson — continued. 736 Josephine, Imj>eratrice et Reine. Another Copy. Printed on handmade paper, with frontispiece in colours and many fine plates. Royal 4to, vellum ^ t. e. g. Paris ^ 1899. £4 48 737 L'lmp6ratrice Marie^Louise. Large Paper Copy. One of 150 printed on Japanese vellum, with duplicate set of plates. proofs before letters. Illustrated with fine coloured portrait of Marie-Louise and 50 photogravure portraits and plates from contemporary sources. Large 4to, original wrappers^ uncut. Paris, Goupil, 1902. £4 18s 738 MATHIEU (Charles-Leopold). Nouveau Systeme de I'Univers, ou Abrege Philosophique de la Physique et de la Chymie. Avec de nouvelles decou- vertes de I'auteur, un coup d'oeil sur les rapports de ces deux sciences aux autres, et leurs applications aux Arts en grand. With engraved frontispiece and 10 folding plates, including a Map of the Moon. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g., uncut. Paris, 1730. £7 lOs 739 MATiGNON (Dr. J. J.). Superstition Crime et Misdre en Chine (Souve- nirs de biologie sociale). Portrait et J'j gravures dans le texte. 8vo, half bound, uncut. Paris and Lyons, 1902. lOs 61I 740 MAUPASSANT (Guy de). Mile. Fifi, and other stories. C' La Buche "; ** Le Lit "; '' Un Reveillon "; " Mots d'Amour ''; *' Une A venture Parisienne '*; " Marroca.") With portrait. 8vo, half blue morocco, t. e. g. Brussels, 1882 £1 lOs 741 Une Vie. 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g., original wrappers preserved. Paris, 1883. 18s PiEST Edition. 742 Toine. With frontispiece and numerous illustrations by Mesples, 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g., original wrappers preserved, Paris, 1885. £1 5s PiasT Edition. i6o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Maupassant — continued. 743 Pierre et Jean. Illustree par Ernest Duez et Albert Lynch. With numerous flates. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, i888. £2 lOs 744 Another Copy. 4to, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, i888. • £1 lOs 745 Le Rosier de Madame Husson. Printed on papier vehn. With ilhistrations by Habert Dys, etchings by E. Abot after Despres. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Quantin, i888. £1 5s 746 MAYENCE. Representation naturelle et exaote de la ''Favorite" de Son Altesse Eiectorale de Mayenoe, sur les dessems de S. Kleiner. 14 views of gardens engraved after S. Kleiner. Oblong 4to, half bound. Augsburg, 1726. £8 8s 747 MEERWEIN (C. F.). L'art de voler a la maniere des oiseaux. With two interesting plates of Meerwein' s flying apparatus. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Basel, 1784. £6 6s 748 MEISSEN. Festive Publication to commemorate the 200th Jubilee of the oldest European China Factory, Meissen. With text by Prof. Dr. Berling {in French). Illustrated with 1 1 finely coloured plates, 32 plain plates, and 377 illustrations in the text. dflo, original buckram, igio. £6 10s 749 MEISSONIER. Exposition Meissonler. A catalogue and description of Meissonier's work by Alexandre Dumas, Roger-Miles, Henri Beraldi (in French), and numerous etchings by Abot, Poulard, Faivre, Lalauze, Tous saint ^ etc. 4to, full green morocco extra, richly gilt sides with ornament of laurels. Napoleon's Arms and the letter M, fully gilt back, inside den- telles, t. e. g., by Riviere. Paris, 1893. ^10 lOS 750 MELY (F. de). Les Primitifs et Leurs Signatures— Les Miniaturistes. With 39 fidl-page reproductions arid illustrations in the Text. 4to, original ivrappers, uncut. Paris ^ IQH- ^5 5s Plate XLVIll. - ^^ ^ ^ 2; =» -. . . -^ K? H-. ='5 o I— I 3 Plate XLIX. Bound for Henry III., King of France (reigned 1574-1580), son of Catherine de Me»:]icis. iiYetustissimorum Authoruni Georgica, Bucolica et Gnomicn quae snpersnnt). Taris, 1584. See Item No. 1125. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 161 The " Man in the Iron Mask." 751 MEM 01 RES Secrets pour servir k I'Histoire de Perse. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, & augmentee. Title printed in red and black, and with the key of the personages at the end. 8vo, contemporary morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. Amsterdam, 1746. £2 2s Attributed to Pecquet, a membei- of tlie French Foreign Office, who was sent to the Bastille for writing it. This is the first work in which " The l^an with the Iron Mask " is mentioned. Others have attributed the work to Voltaire, or to Madame de Vieux-Maisons, 752 MERGIER. Le Deserteur. Drama. With fine frontispiece after Marillier by De Ghendt. 8vo, brozvn jnorocco, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1772. £1 5s Mon Bonnet de Nuit. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt ornamental backs. Neuchatel, 1784. 12$ 6d 54 MERIMEE (Prosper). Colomba. With two etchings. i6mo, straight-grained morocco, y. e. Paris, 1876. 12s 6d " Prosper Merimee had the gift of imagination, psychological insight, the artist's shaping ihand. He took up the short story where Xavier de Maistre, who had known how to be both pathetic and amiably huimorous, and Charlesi Nodier, who had given pilay to a graceful fantasy, left it. He purged it of sentiment, he reduced fantasy, to the law of the imagination, and produced srueh a work as Colomfba, a little masterpiece of psychological truth, of temperate local colour, of faultless narrative, of pure objective art." (Dowden). 55 METASTASIO. Opere del Signer Abate Pietro Metastasio. With portrait after Stainer engraved by Gaucher and 36 plates after Cipriani, Cochin, Martini, and Moreau, engraved by Bartolozzi, Car- mona, Delvaux, Duclos, Leveau, Martini, Massard, Porporati, Prevost, St. Aubin, Simonet, and Triere. 12 vols., 8vo, contemporary red 7Horocco, gilt lines on backs, r. e. Paris, Herissant, 1780-1782. £4 lOs " Operatic siuccess requires two endowments rarely ujiited in the same person, the ingenuity of a playwiright and the melody of a nightingale. Both these are oom- bined in Metastasio; he is a very Scribe for briskne!«-s, deftness, and cflevex con- trivance of plot; ere he haxi become nervous and depressed, his Neapolitan brain seethed at a dramaitic situation; his Achille in Soi'rc one of the best of his pieces, was written, provided with music amd scenery, and thoroughly organised for repre- sentation, within eighteen days. Other Italian librettists may have rivalled him in tunefulness or in the faculty of dramatic construction, none have been aible to impart the like literary quality to their compositions; partly because he possessed and they lacked the indescribable somethinig that makes the poet; portly because the sentiment, which with them is merely theatrical, is with him sincere. (Garnett). i62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. In a Derome Binding. 756 MEZERAY. Abr^ge chronologique de I'histoire de France. With frontispiece and portraits . 7 vols., 8vo, a beautiful copy bound in light green morocco, three line fillet border on sides, panel back, inside dentelles, g. e., by Deromi Le Jeune, with his ticket. Amsterdam, 1673. £22 ICH 757 MICHEL (Francisque). La Chanson de Roland ou de Ronecevaux di Xlle Sl^ole. 1 OF 175 COPIES PRINTED ON PAPIER VeLIN. 8vo, blue jnorocco, gilt key-pattern border on sides, gilt back, t. e. g Paris, 1837. £2 2« 758 Roman du Comte de Poitiers, public pour la premiere fois d'apres le manuscrit unique de I'Arsenal. ONE OF 15 COPIES ON ''PAPIER DE HOLLANDE.'* Paris, Silvestre, 1831. Roman de Mahomet, en vers du Xlllme siecle, par Alex, du Pont, el Livre de la Loi au Sarrazin, en prose du XlVme siecle, par Raymond LuUe. Public pour la premiere fois. Paris, Silvestre, 1831. ONE OF 175 COPIES ON '* PAPIEE VELIN." Terrebasse (Alfred de). L'Histoire de Palanus, Comte de Lyon mise en lumiere, jouxte le manuscrit. Lyons, Louis Perrin, 1833. 3 vols, in I, thick 8vo, full morocco, gilt, g. e. £1 lOs 759 Etudes de Philologie comparee sur I' Argot et sur les idiomes analogues paries en Europe et en Asie. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, Didot, 1856. 10s 6d 760 MIDOLLE (J.). Alphabet de Lettres Initiales Historique, avec Bordures et Fleurons d'apres le 14 et 15 Siecles. A Series of 24 large and finely illuminated plates, each containing a fine ornamental initial, besides other text, and elaborate borders^ executed in various colours and heightened with gold and silver. Folio, half morocco, g. e. Gand, about 1850. £3 15s With Plates Printed in Colours. 761 MILTON. Le Paradis Perdu. Pofee en Anglais et en Francois. Ornee de douze estampes imprimees en couleurs d'apres les tableaux de Mon- sieur Schall. With 12 magnificent engravings printed in colours. 2 vols., folio, original marbled calf, gilt, g. e. Paris, 1782. £37 10a MAGGS BROS., 54 & 35, Conduit Street, London. V/. 163 MISTRAL (Frederic). Mireille, poeme provengal. Traduction Frangaise de Tauteur accompagnee du texte original, avec 23 eaux-fortes dessinees et gravees par Eugene Burnard et 53 dessins du meme artiste reproduits par le precede Gillot. 4to, beautifully bound in full niger jnorocco, panel borders on sides y front covers occupied with large diamond-shaped ornament of flowers in gold and colours {green^ cream and black), fully gill panelled back, g. e., by Douglas Cocker ell. Paris, Hachette, 1884. £5 15s With 33 Boucher Engravings. MO LI ERE. Oeuvres de Moli^re. Nouvelle edition. With portrait by Coypel, engraved by Lepicie, one fleuron on the title {used in each volume), 33 engravings after Boucher, engraved by Laurent Cars, 198 vignettes and culs-de-lampe , many of which are re- peated, by Boucher, Blond el and Oppenord, engraved by Joullain and Laurent Cars. 6 vols., 4to, contemporary French mottled calf, gilt backs, r. e. Paris, 1734. (See Illustration, Plate No. XL.). £52 10s '' Moliere brought comedy to nature, and made it a study of human life. His war- fare was against all that is unreal and unnatural. He preached the worth of human happiness, good sense, moderation, humorous tolerance. He does not indulge in heroics, and yet there is heroism in his courageous outlook upon things. The disciple of Moliere cannot idealise the world into a scene of fairyland; he will conceive man as far from perfect, perhaps as far from perfectible; but the world is our habitation; let us make it a cheerful one with the aid of a sane temper and an energetic will. As a writer, Moliere is free from faults; but his defects of style are like the accidents which happen within the bounds of a wide empire. His stature is not diminished when he is placed among the greatest European figures. ' I read some pieces of Moliere's every year,' said Goethe, ' just as from time to time I contemplate the engravings after the great Italian masters. For we little men are not able to retain the greatness of such things within ourselves.' "— (Dowden). Oeuvres de Moliere. Nouvelle edition, Augmentee de la Vie de TAuteur & des Remarques Historiques & Critiques, parM. De Voltaire. With portrait, frontispiece and 31 copperplate engravings by Punt after Boucher. 6 vols., i2mo, contemporary French citron morocco, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1765. £25 f64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Moli^re — continued. 766 Oeuvres avec des remarques grammaticales des avertissemens et des Observations sur chaque Pi^ce par M. Bret. With the famous flates after Moreau le Jeune^ engraved by Ser- monet, De Launay, Duclos, De Ghendt, Le Veau, etc.^ and with the starred -pages. 6 vols., 8vo, French contemporary marbled calf, gilt ornamental backs, r. e. Paris, 1773. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLL). £85 767 Another Copy. 6 vols,, French marbled calf, three-line gold fillets 071 sides and two- line gold fillets on edges, inside dentelles, g. e. {\%th Century style). Paris, 1773. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLL). £52 10s 768 Oeuvres compi&tes. With portrait. 8vo, red 7norocco, three-line fillets on sides, and pafiels, gilt orna- mental back, g. e., by Bering. Paris, Didot, 1827. £2 lOs 769 Oeuvres. Precedes d'une Notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par M. Sainte Beuve. Portrait and hundreds of vignettes by Tony Johannot. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1835. £2 2s 770 Oeuvres de Moii^re avec les notes de tous les oommentateurs. Troisieme edition publiee par L. Aime-Martin. With portrait of the author engraved by Hopwood and Olivier after Chenavard, and 15 fine plates engraved by Nargeot, Dutillois, and Cltevalier, after H . Vernet, Desenne, A. Johannot and Her sent. 6 vols., 8vo, red 7norocco, tivo-line fillet border 071 sides, g. e. Paris, 1845. £5 5s 771 Another Copy. 6 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt ornamental backs, 771. e., by J. Kelly. Paris, 1845. £4 18s 772 Oeuvres completes de Molidre avec des notes de tous le commen- tateurs les variantes et la preface de 1682. 4 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, m. e. aris, Firmin-Didot Freres, 1861. £1 5s Plate L. Plate LI. '^-^ ^;*^ 1^ »^ *^ 4* ^ ^ *■$( .-»#^#4? ## # # f # #P.^- '*> *|^ # »^ >|^ H^ _^. _^ 4^ 4? ^ »^ i* , f ^::^ #^ 4 •!? ;^ 4 1|? *^ 1^ % i^-»i h>-^4^ # 4^ # # # i*-"^ ##*' I SE^X?^^^^!^^^ ^> ^ •!» ^ ^ *l ^ 1^ *^ ^ '^(Z^^^yi •I? y 1!^ i{m|p 4? ,^ ,Jr t|? ij? i|# t^ 1^ »♦{ Bound for Marie de Medicis, widow of Henry IV., King of France (1573-1642). (Fran^jois de Castre. Vie et Sainctes Oeuvres du Bienheureux Jehan de Dien). Paris. 1609. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 165 Moli^re — continued. 771 Oeuvres completes de Moliibre. Nouvelle edition. Tres-soign- eusement revue sur les textes originaux avec un travail de critique et d'erudition, apergus d'histoire litteraire, biographie, examen de chaque piece, commentaire, bibliographie, etc., par M. Louis Moland. 7 vols., royal 8vo, half green morocco y t. e. g., zuith numerous illus- trations, fans, I6O3. £10 lOs jjj^ Theatre complet public par D. Jouaust, preface de M. D. Nisard de TAcademie Frangaise. Dessins de Louis Leloir graves a Teau-forte par Flameng. ONE OF 100 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER WITH THE ETCHINGS IN TWO STATES (WITH LETTERS, AND PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS) BY FLAMENG AFTER L. LELOIR. 8 vols., original zurappers, uncut. Paris, Jouaust, 1876-1883. £13 13s yy^ Another Copy on ordinary paper, zvith the etchings by Flameng after L. Leloir. 8 vols., original ivrappers, uncut. Paris, Edition Jouaust, I'^y^-i'^'^-^. £6 18s '/•yy Theatre Ghoisi, avec une notice par M. Poujoulat. With an etched portrait of Moliere and 26 etched headpieces by Y . Foulquier. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, full crimson levant morocco gilt, g.e. Fine copy bound by Bertrand. Tours, 1878. £5 15s 778 Oeuvres completes, avec notices par Anatole de Montaiglon et T. de Wyzewa. With 32 plates and 700 illustrations by Jacques Leman and Maurice Leloir magnificently reproduced. Printed on Papier Verge de H?dllande, i of 200 copies with the plates in two states. 32 vols., 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1 888-1 896. £15 15s A MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED EDITION OF MOLIERE, AND THE FINEST AND MOST ABUNDANTLY ILLUSTRATED SET PUBLISHED. yy(^ Oeuvres Completes. With numerous full-page and vignette illustrations by Louis Edzvard Fournier. 12 vols., i6mo, half levant morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, " Petite Collection Guillaume,'' 1893. £3 lOs i66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Molidre — continued. prgo Trente-Six Gravures sur cuivre pour les Oeuvres de Moli^re, dessinees en 1768- 1772. Par Moreau Le Jeune. Gravees par Baquoy, Duclos, De Ghendt, De Launay, Leveau, Masquelier, Moreau, Nee, et Simonet. Reimprimees sur les planches originales pour illustrer Les Editions de Bibliophiles. 8vo, original -portfolio. Paris {about 1870). £1 5s Edition de grand luxe. 781 Houssaye (Arsene). Moliere, sa Femme, et sa Fille. Edition de grand luxe on Whatman Paper, illustrated with portraits of Moliere and his family ^ scenes from his plays ^ etc. With 36 fine engraved plates^ and numerous illustrations in the text. With the engravings in two states " epreuve noire " and " epreuve sanguine," also two of the large plates in proof state ON SILK. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 10 portraits, etc., at end. Thick folio, a very fine copy in full crimson crushed levant morocco^ gold lines on sides, gilt back, inside dentelles, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, Dentu, 1880. £12 12s * * * MAGNIFICENT COPY. 783 MONTAIGNE. Les Essais publiees d'apres l'6cfition de 1588 avec tes variantes cfe 1555 et une notice, des notes, et un glossaire et un index par Motheau et Jouaust. 7 vols., 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1886. £5 5s " The unity of Montaigne's Essais which make no pretence to unity, may be found in the fact that all its topics are concerned with common subject — the nature of man; that the writer accepts himself as the example of humanity most open to his observation; and that the same tranquil, yet insatiable curiosity is everywhere present. Man, as conceived by Montaigne, is of all creatures the most variable, unstable, inconstant. The species include the saint and the brute, the hero and the craven, while between the extreines lies the average man, who may be anything that nature, custom, or circumstances make him. And as the species varies indefinitely, so each individual varies endlessly from himself; his conscience con- trols his temperament; his temperament betrays his conscience; external events transform him from what he was De we seek to establish our moral being upon the rock of philosophical dogma? The rock gives way under our feet, and scatters as if sand. Such truth as we can attain by reason is relative truth; let us pass through knowledge to a wise acceptance of our ignorance; let us be contented with the probabilities which are all that our reason can attain. The truths of conduct, as far as they are ascertainable, were known long since to the ancient moralists. Can any virtue surpass the old Roman virtue? We believe in God, although we know little about His nature or His operations. But why, also, should we pay such a compliment to opinions different from our own as to burn a heretic because he prefers the Pope of Geneva to the Pope of Rome? Let each of us ask himself, ' Que sais-je? ' 'What do I really know?* and the answer will serve to temper our zeal ,*'--Dowflen. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 167 ;8^ MONTESQUIEU (Ch. Secondat de). Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, & considerablcment augmentee par I'auteur. Con tenant; L'Eloge de M. de Montesquieu, et I'analyse de I'esprit des loix par M. d'Alembert; Le Discours de M. de Montesquieu, lors de sa reception a TAcademie Frangoise; Les XXXI premiers livres de Tesprit des loix. 3 vols., 4to, with two large folding maps, original French morocco, gilt ornamental backs, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. {by Derome). Amsterdam and Leipsick, 1758. £18 18s Very Fine copy, " The author of ' de TEsprit des Lois ' was as important in the history of European speculation as in that of French literature. His life was one in Avhich the great events were thoughts. " With a temper of happy serenity, and an admirable balance of faculties, he was possessed by an eager intellectual curiosity. ' I spend my life/ he said. ' in examin- ing; everything interests, everything surprises me.' "Nothing, however, interested him so much as the phenomena of human society; he had no aptitude for metaphysical speculations; his feeling for literature and art was defective; he honoured the antique world, but it was the Greek and Latin historians and the ideals of Roman virtue and patriotism Avhich most deeply moved him. At the same time he was a man of his own generation, and while essentially serious, he explored the frivolous side of life, and yielded his imagination to the licence of the day. " In years tyrannised over by abstract ideas, his work remained to plead for the concrete and the historical; among men devoted to the absolute in theory and the extreme in practice, it remained to justify the relative, to demand a consideration of circumstances and conditions, to teach men how large a field of reform lay withir. the bounds of moderation and good sense.*'— Dowden. 785 Oeuvres. Ses eloges par d'Alembert et M. Villemain, les notes d'Helvetius, de Condorcet et de Voltaire; suivies du commentaire sur Tesprit des lois, par M. le Comte Destutt de Tracy. With portraits and facsimiles. 8 vols., 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, inside denteUes. g. e. Paris, 1822. £6 18s i68 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W Montesquieu — continued. ;^86 Lettres Persanes. Avec una Preface par M. Tourneux. With -portrait of author and other etchings by Boilvin. 2 vols., thick paper, small 8vo, dark blue crushed morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1886. £4 4s " With enough wit and enough wantonness to capture a multitude of readers, the Lettres Persanes (1721) contain a serious criticism of Firemch society in the years of the Regency. It matters little that the idea of the book may have been suggested by the Siamese' travellers of Dufresmy's Amusements; the treatment is essentially original. " His Persians, Usbek and Pica, one of them more philosophical, the other the more satirical, visit Europe, inform their friends by letter of all the asi>ects of Euro- pean and especially of French life, and receive tidings from Persia of affairs of the East, including the troubles and intrigues of the eunuchs and ladies of the harem. The spirit of the reaction against the despotism of Louis XIV. is expressed in Montesquieu^'s pages; the spirit also of religious free-thq^ght, and the reaction against ecclesiastical tyranny. A sense of the dangers impending over society is present, and of the need of temperate reform. Brilliant, daring, ironical, licentious as the Persian Letters are, the prevailing tone is that of judicious moderation. The book is vakiable to us still as a document in the social history of the eighteenth century .^^—Dowden. ;8; Another Copy. 2 vols., post 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1886. £3 3s 788 L© Temple^ de Gntcffe, revu, corrige et augmente. Frontispiece and 9 vignettes, unsigned, but attributed to Seve. Londres {Paris, Huart, 1742). Watelet. Silvie. Frontispiece, 8 plates, i fleuron, 4 vignettes and 2 culs-de-lampe, designed by Watelet and finished by Cochin. Londres {chez Prault, a Parish, 1743. 2 vols, in I, post 8vo, full contemporary red French morocco, gilt, 'g. e. £10 10s 789 MONTFAUCON (Bernard de). L'antiquit6 expliqu^e et representee en figures. With frontispiece, portrait, after Largiliere, and 977 plates, to- gether with 392 plates belonging to the supplement. 15 vols., folio, full contemporary crimson morocco, two-line fillet border on sides, panel back, g. e., inside dentelles. Paris, 1 7 19- 1 724. £68 MAGNIFICENT LARGE PAPER COPY WITH SUPERB IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. THE BINDING IS IN FINE CONDITION. MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. i6t; 790 MONTGOLFIER. Rapport fait a I' Acad^mie (fes Soienoe$, Belles^Lettres et Arts dtei Lyon;, le 19 Mars; Sur TExperience de 1' Aerostat de M. Joseph Montgolfier, faite aux Broteaux, pres de cette Ville, le 19 Janvier 1784. With large folding plate of a balloon. 4to, half calf, t. e. g. Lyons , 1784. £12 12s 791 MONTREUIL (Gilbert de). Roman de La Yjolette, ou de Gerard de Nevers, en vers, du Xllle Siecle. With lithographs from the original manuscripts, one initial coloured. I OF 175 COPIES PRINTED ON " PAPIER VELIN." 8vo, mottled calf gilt, three-line fillet border on sides, inside den- telles, g. e., by F. Bedford. Parts, 1834. £1 lOs 792 MORE (Sir Thomas). Idee d'une Republique heureuse ou I'Utopie, tra- duite en Frangois par M. Gueudeville. With many plates. 8vo, contemporary calf. Amsterdam, 1730. £2 lOs PRESENTATION COPY TO DAVID GARRICK. 793 MO'RELLET [(Andre), 1727-1819,- Member of the Academie frangaise.] La Harpe (J. F. de). Eloge de Raotne, 8vo, calf, gilt. 1772. £7 lOs Presentation copy to David Garrick, with Morellet's autograph inscription on half- title:— ''De la part de Tabbe Morellet a Mr. Garrick son ami qui est prie de le lire avec soin comme un ouvrage dont Mr. Garrick est juge ne." Inserted is an autograph letter of Morellet, 1 page 8vo, addressed to iMonsieur de la Condamine. 794 MORVEAU (Guyton de), Chaussier et Bertrand. Description de l'a6ro- stat: ''L' Academie dte Dijom," contenant le detail des procedes, la theorie des operations, les dessins des machines et les proces-verbaux d' experiences, suivi d'un essai sur 1' application de la decouverte de MM. de Montgolfier a Textraction des eaux de mines. With 4 plates {so7ne folding). 8vo, half morocco. Dijon, 1784. £8 8s 795 MOSELLY. La Charue D'Erable. With coloured woodcuts by Pissarro. I OF 116 COPIES. 8vo, green calf, title on sides, with inside doub- lure of chamois. London, printed at the Eragny Press for the members of the Society *' Le Livre Contemporain,'" 191:2. £6 lOs 170 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 796 MOTTEVILLE (Mme de). M^moires de Mme de Motteville sur Anne D'Autriche et sa Cour. Avec une annotation extraite des ecrits de Monglat, Omer Talon, De Retz, etc., des eclaircissements et un index par M. F. Riaux, et une notice sur Mme de Motteville par M. Sainte- Beuve. 4 vols., small 8vo, half morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1869. £1 8s 7Q7 MOUiLLEFERT (P.). Traite des Arbres et Arbrisseaux Forestiers, tn^ dlistriels, et d'ernaments. Cultivees ou Exploites en Europe ou plus par- ticulierement en France, With additional vohune of illustrations, 3 vols. , royal Svo, half morocco gilt. Paris, 1898. £6 Gs 798 MUNTZ (E.). Raphael, Sa Vie, Son CEuvre et son Temps. With numerous full-page and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, ftill morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1886. £1 fts Fine Library Edition. 799 MUSSET (Alfred de). Oeuvres completes d' Alfred de Musset aveo iettres in^dites varlantes, notes, index, fac-simile, notice biographique par son frere. Edition dediee aux amis du Poete. With 28 engravings by M. Bida and a -portrait of the author after the original of M. Landelle, engraved on steel under the direction of M. Henriquel Dupont by the principal artists. II vols., large 8vo, half morocco, richly gilt backs, uncut, t. e. g., by Cuzin. Paris, Charpentier, ^1^66. £34 " Passion, the spirit of youth, sensibility, a love of beauty, intelligence, esprit, fantasy, eloquence, graceful converse— these were Musset's gifts. He lacked ideas; he lacked the constructive imagination; with great capacities as a writer he had too little of an artistes passion for perfection. His longest narrative in prose, the Confessiotn d^un Enfamt du Siecle, has borne the lapse of time ill. " J'y ai vomi la verite," he said. It is not the happiest way of communicating truth, and the moral of the book, that debauchery ends in cynicism, was not left for Museet to discover. Some of his shorter tales have the charm of fancy or the charm of tenderness, with breathings of nature, here and there the musty fragrance of a Louis Quinze boudoir. Pierre et Camille, with its deaf-and-dumb lovers, and their baby, who babbles in the presence of the relenting grandfather " Bonjour, papa,'" has a pretty innocence. Le Fils de Titien returns to the theme of fallen art, the ruin of self-indulgence. Frederic et Bernerette and Mimi Pinson may be eaiH to have created the poetic literature of the grisette — gay and good, or erring and despairful— making a flower of what had blossomed in the stories of Paul de Kook as a weed. " His Andre del Sarto, a tragic representation of the great painter betrayed by his wife and his favourite pupil, needed the relief of his happier fantasy. It iB in such delicate creations of a world of romance, a world of sunshine and perpetual spring as On ne badine pas avec FAmour, Les Caprices de Marianne, Le Chan- delier, II ne faut jurer de rien, that Musset showed how romantic art could become in a high sense classic by the balance of sensibility and intelligence, of fantasy and passion. The graces of the age of Madame de Pompadour ally themselves here with the freer graces of the Italian Renaissance. Something of the romance of Shakespeare^s more poetic comedies mingles with the artificial elegance of Mari- vaux. Their subject is love, and still repeated love; sentiment is relieved by the play of gaiety; the grotesque approaches the beautiful; we sail in these light- timbered barques to a land that lies not very far from the Illyria and Bohemia and Arden forest of our own great enchanter.'"- DowJen MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 171 800 MUSSET (Paul de). Lui et Elle, With two etchings. i6mo, dark broivn morocco, inside dentelles, t. e. g., by Kaufmann. Paris, 1^7'i. £1 Is Eeferring to Alfred De Musset and George Sand. 801 NAPOLEON- Tumel (J. C.) Alphabet du Roi de Rome, ou lecons pour un jeune Souverain, tirees des faits memorables de Napoleon-Ie-Grand. Numerous engraved plates depictifig scenes from Napoleon* s life. i2mo, conteinporary calf , gilt back and borders to sides , m. e. Paris, 18 13. 148 802 Trait6 de Paix definitif, entre sa majeste I'Empereur, roi de Hon- grie et de Boheme, et la Republique Frangaise; signe a Luneville, le 20 pluviose am 9, represente par figures gravees par F. A. David. 6 interesting plates, printed in red ink. i8mo, calf Jieat. Paris, 1801. £1 lOs 803 NERVAL (G. de). Sylvie, Souvenirs du Valois. Preface par L. Halevy. With 42 illustrations by Roudaux. 8vo, m.orocco, inside dentelles, t. e. g. Paris, Conquet, 1886. £1 lOs Limited Edition on Papier Velin. Cryptography. 804 NILAC. Nou¥oau Code ou Vooabulaire Administratlf et Commercial pour la Correspondance secrete. %NO, cloth. Paris, i?>Qi. 10s 6d 805 NIVELLE DE LA CHAUSSEE. Oeuvres de Monsieur Nivelle de la Chauss6e de l'Acad6mie Frangoise. Nouvelle edition, corrigee & aug- mentee de plusieurs pieces qui n'avoient point encore paru. 5 vols., small 8vo, French contemporary olive morocco gilt, three- line fillet borders on sides, gilt ornamental backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Prault, 1762. £8 8s " In the plays of Nivelle de La Chaussee (1692-1754) the new type of the bourgeois drama is already formed. The relations of wife and husband, of father and child, form the theme of all his plays. In Melanide, father and son, unrecognised, are rivals in love; the wife and mother, supposed to be dead, is discovered; the hus- band returns to her arms, and is reconciled to his son. It is the victory of nature and innate goodness; comic intention and comic power are wholly absent. La Chaussee's morals are those of an optimist; but those modern domestic tragedies, the ethics of which do not err by over-sarguine views of human nature, may trace their ancestry to Melanide '*— Dowden. 172 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 806 NOLHAC (De). Louis XY. et Madame de Pompadour, par P. de Nolhac. With numerous fine plates and frontispiece in colours. I OF 800 COPIES ON HAND-MADE PAPER. 4to, light blue morocco, with the Arjns of Louis XV. on sides and backy inside dentelles, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf. 1903. £12 12s 807 La Dauphine Marie Antoinette, par Pierre de Nolhac Illustrations d"* afres les Originaux Contemporains. Goupil's beautiful Edition, luith portrait in colours and 38 other portraits, views, etc. TtiE Special Issue printed on Japan Paper with a duplicate SET OF THE PLATES IN BISTRE. 4to, original wrappers. Paris, N.D. £16 16s * * * Only 75 Copies issued on Japan Paper, with the duplicate set of plates. 808 Nattier, Peintre dte la Cour de Louis XY, par P. de Nolhac. ONE OF 75 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER WITH TWO EXTRA SETS OF THE PLATES, ONE PRINTED ON WHATMAN PAPER, THE OTHER ON CHINA PAPER, MOUNTED ON TINTED PAPER, AND FOUR FACSIMILE PLATES IN COLOURS. Royal 4to, original zvrappers, uncut. Paris, Goupil, 1905. £36 809 NOR DEN (F. L.). Yoyage D'Egypte et de Nubie, Guvrage enrichi de Cartes et de Figures dessinees sur les lieux, par I'Auteur meme. Engraved frontispiece and 159 illustrations. 2 parts in i, thick folio, full original calf {re backed). Copenhague, 1755. £5 5s 810 NORIAC (J ). Le 101 e Regiment. With clever woodcuts by Armand-Dianarescq , G. Janet, Pelcoq, Morin and Deuxetoiles. 8vo, half calf gilt. Paris, i860. lOs 6d 811 NOTE pour MM. Louis et Jules Godard a^ronautes appelants d'un juge- ment du Tribunal Correotionnel (Be Chambre) de la Seine, du 31 Jan- vier, 1865. Contre M. Felix Tournachon, dit Nadar. With large folding plan {coloured). 4to, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1865. £2 lOs Plate LIT. Bound for Madame Victoire, second daughter of Louis XV. See Items Nos. 1132, 1133. King of Jxanfifiik. Plate LIII. Bound for Louis XVL, King of France (reiKned 1774-1793), as Dauphin. (Bernard. La reconstruction de I'Eglise Ste. Genevieve). Paris, 1755. Spp Ham Tslr^ ll'iA. MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 173 812 NOUVEAU TESTAMENT. With engraved title. 8vo, bound in contemporary light brown morocco, delicate border of s frays round edges, the centre panel decorated with pointille, scroll work, gilt tooled back, in the same manner as the borders, g. e., metal catches and clasps. {By Boyet.) Paris, 1658, bound up with Les Pseaumes de David, with music, 1658 £10 10s 813 NOUVEAU TESTAMENT traduit en FranQois sur la Vulgate. 2 c^ols. in I, i2mo, contemporary French red morocco, broad gilt dentelle borders on sides, enclosing a wreath zvith initials S. M. T ., full gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Pans, 1733. £2 2s A DAINTY AND CHARMING LITTLE VOLUME. 813a OCCULT. Belot (Jean). Les Oeiivres. Contenant la chiromence, Physionomie, I'Art de Memoire de Raymond Lulle; Traicte des Divina- tions, Augures & Songes; les Sciences Steganographiques, Paulines, Ama- delles & Lullistes; I'Art de doctement Prescher & Haran^uer, &c. Derniere Edition, revueue, corrige & augmente, de divers Traictez. With folding plate and other illustrations. 8vo, vellum. Rouen, 1647. £3 15s 814 ORDONNANCEde TEmpereur concernant les Ballons, ou Machines Aero- statiques a Feu, nommees Montgolfieres. Du 26 May 1786. Broadside forbidding the Construction or Ascent of Balloons in the Netherlands under penalty of five hundred florins. Folio, broadside, in buckram lettered portfolio. Bruxelles, 26 May, 1786. £8 8s 815 ORLEANS (Due d'). Recuell d'Estampes d'apr^s les PIls Beaux Tab- leaux et d'apr^s les plus beaux desseins qui sent en France dans le Cabinet du Roy et dans celuy de Monseigneur le Due d' Orleans. With 160 plates. Very fi7te original impressions. 2 vols., large folio, original calf binding. Paris, 1729. £16 16s 816 ORLEANS (Prince Henri d'). L'Ame dU Voyageur. Avant-propos par Eugene Dufeuille. With portrait. Large Paper Copy, on Papier de Hollande. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris (1902). lOs 6d 1 OF 300 COPIES Presentation copy from the Due de Chartres, in memory of his son. 174 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. S17 ORNAMENT. Berain. Ornemens Inventez par J. Berain et se vendent Chez Monsieur Thuretaux Galleries du Louvre, avec Privilege du Roy. Large -portrait engraved by Dufios after Vivien and 127 magnificent -plates of Ornament, consisting of designs for Clocks , Candelabra, Chimney-pieces, Ceilings, Arabesques for Walls, Panels, Commodes, and other Decorative Subjects; brilliant Original Impressions and in very fiJie condition. Royal folio, original calf. Paris (1709). (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIIL). £158 extremely rare. 818 Ornemens de peinture et de Sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d'Apollon au Chasteau du Louvre, et dans le grand Appartement du Roy au Palais des Tuilleries Dessinez et gravez par les S^s. Berain, Chau- veau et le Moine. . Title and 28 large plates of exquisite designs for paintings, sculp- ture, allegorical designs, friezes, borders, figures, animals, birds, in- teriors, vases, flozvers, fruit, military designs, and other ornaments, all beautifully engraved. Large folio, new half maroon morocco. 17 10. £7 18s Last plate slightly damaged aad repaired. 819 Boullemier (F.) et Develly. Ornemens de Diff6rens styles. A Series of 40 large lithographic plates, containing upwards of 300 elegant designs for friezes, incrustations , and other ornaments in various styles. Didier (Ch.). Cahier de Pouillis de Decorations, Oiseaux Fleurs & Ornements propres a tous les genres de decors. 12 large lithographic plates of elegant ornamental designs. Together in i vol., 4to, original Italf calf. Paris, circa 1840. £2 lOs 820 Guien (Jean). Livre d'Ouvrages de Joiiaillerie, inventc et grave par Jean Guien, Joiiaillr. a Londres. 6 finely engraved plates, containing about 40 designs for jewellers, including a richly designed title-page. Oblong 4to, new boards, uncut. London, F. Vivares, 1762. £6 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 175 fOmanient — continued. 820a Phillipon (Adam). Curieuses Recherches de Plusieurs beaux mor- oeaus d'omamens antiques et modcrnes, taut dans la Ville de Rome, qu^s autres villes et lieux d'ltalie, define et mis en lumiere. Engraved title and 19 -plates of ornaments. {Paris) ^ 1645. Barbet (I.). A Bo€ke of Archetecture containing Seeling peeces, Chimnypeeces, and seuerall sorts usefult for Carpenters, Joyners, Carvers, Painters. Containing 30 plates. London, i6yp. EickKout (G. de.). Eenige Ordonnantie van verscheifle aerdtge kindertjens in't lioht gebraclit door G. v. Eiokhout. 4 plates. Amsterdam. White (R). A New Booke of Variety of Compartments. II plates. London, 167 1. Le Pautre (J). Bordures de Tableau a la Romaine, inventde et Grav^ par Je. le Potre. 5 plates. Paris. , Le Pautre (J). Grotesques et moresques, etc. 8 plates. Paris. Marot (Jean). Diverses inventions nouvelles pour dtes Cheminees avec ornemans. 9 plates. Paris. Also over 40 other engraved plates. Together, upwards of 130 plates, bound in an imperial 8vo volume, calf (re backed). £7 106 82 1 La Vall^ Poussim. Nouveflei Collection d'Arabesques propres a la Decoration des Apartemens; Dessines a Rome par Lavallee Poussin et autres celeb res artistes modernes et gravees par Guyot, precedees du notice historique sur le genre Arabesque et d'une explication raisonnee des planches de la Collection. With numerous full-page plates. Small folio, original cloth. Paris, Treutell et Wurtz {about 1800). £3 3s Percier (C.) et Fontaine (P. F. L). Recueil de Decorations Interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a I'ameublement, comme, Vases, Trepieds, Candelabres, Cassolettes, Lustres, Girandoles, Lampes, Chandeliers, Cheminees, Feux, etc., etc. Containirtg 72 plates. Folio, half cloth. Paris, 18 12. £3 18s 1/6 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Ornament — continued. 823 Philipponi (Ad.). Curteuses Reoherches de plusieurs beaux mor- ceaus d'Ornemens Antiques et Modernes, tant dans la Ville de Rome, que autres Villes et lieux d*Italie. Engraved title^ dedication and 60 plates of Ornaments. Oblong 4to, red 7norocco, janseniste^ inside borders of gilt dentelles, g. t. {one plate mounted, a few stained slightly). (Paris), chez FAutheur, 1645. £4 lOs S24 Raphael. Recueil cfes Grotesque de Raphael peintes dans les leges du Vatican a Rome, dessignees et gravees par F. de la Guertiere. 17 plates y beautifully engraved. Folio, calf. Paris, Le Blond {about 1700). £5 lOs 825 OVID/ Metamorphoses d'Ovide en Rondeaux imprimez & enrichis de figures par ordre de sa Majeste d^diez a Monseigneur le Dauphin. With numerous engravings. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, old calf. Amsterdam, Wetstein, 17 14. £2 5s 826 Opera. With engravings after Risen. 3 vols., 8vo, contemporary red morocco, fully gilt backs, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1762. £3 3s 827 Nouvelle traduction des Metamorphoses d'Ovide, par M. Fon- tanelle. With 2 engraved title-pages and 15 plates after Zocchi, engraved by Gregori. 2 vols., 8vo, French style marbled calf, three-line fillet border on sides, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. (modern). Paris, chez Panckoucke, 1767. £14 14s 828 Les Metamorphoses D'Ovide, Traduction Nouvelle avec le Texte Latin, Suivie d'une analyse de I'explication des fables, de notes geo- graphiques, historiques, mythologiques, et critiques, par M. G. T. Villenave. With I frontispiece and 143 engravings by Le Bar bier, Monsiau and Moreau, engraved by Baquoy, Courbe, Dambrun, Delvaux, de Ghendt, Halbou, Hulk, Langlois, R. de Launay , Malbeste, Mariage, Queverdo, Thomas and Triere. 4 vols., thick 8vo, original boards, uncut. Paris {Didot Vazne), \'^o6-\%o7. £7 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 177 Ovid — continued. 829 Les Amours. Traduction du Cte. de Leguier. With numerous illustrations in the text by Meyer, engraved by Meaulle, tinted, decorative borders in red to each -page. i8mo, new full red levant morocco, gilt, g. e., inside dentelles, by Riviere. Paris, Quantin, i87g. £2 lOs S30 Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, gravees sur les desseins des meil- leurs peintres frangais par les soins des Srs le Mire et Basan graveurs. The comflete set of the -plates, as separately published, consisting of Engraved Frontispiece {title). Engraved Dedication (2 leaves). Explication des planches (20 pp.). 139 beautiful plates by Eisen, Boucher, Gravelot, Moreau, and others engraved by Basan, Saint Aubin, etc. and the FINAL ViGNETTE {so often missing). 4to, contemporary Eighteenth Century French, full calf, gold lines on side, floral gilt back. Paris, 1767, &c. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIV.). £68 * * * one of the most highly esteemed series of french engravings. S3 1 Another Copy. 4to, handsomely bound to an Eighteenth Century French pattern {Derome style), full blue levant -morocco, g. e., gold lines on side, panel gilt back. Paris, 1767, &c. .(See Illustration, Plate No. XLIV.). £45 831a PAGEANTS. Histoire dte la Triomiihante Entree du Roy et de la Reyne dans Paris, le 20 aout 1660. 19 large plates {mostly double-page). Folio, calf. Paris, 1665. £5 5s Relation du Voyage de sa Majesty Brittanique en Hcllande. Illustrated with 15 full-page and double-page plates. Folio, calf, g. e. The Hague, 1692. £4 lOs PALAFOX (M. de). Histoire de la Conqueste de la Chine par les Tar- tares. Contenant Plusieurs Choses Remarquables, touchant la Reli- gion, les Moeurs, & les Coutumes de ces deux Nations, & principalement de la demiere. Et traduite en Francois par le Sieur Colle : Dedie a Mon- seigneur Le Dauphin. Small 8vo, calf. Paris, 1670. £3 lOs 174 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 8 17 ORNAMENT. B^rain. Ornemens Inventez par J. Berain et se vendent Chez Monsieur Thuretaux Galleries du Louvre, avec Privilege du Roy. Large portrait engraved by Duflos after Vivien and 127 magnificent ■plates of Ornament, consisting of designs for Clocks, Candelabra, Chimney -pieces, Ceilings, Arabesques for Walls, Panels, Com^nodes, and other Decorative Subjects; brilliant Original Impressions and in very fine condition. Royal folio, original calf. Paris (1709). (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIII.). £158 extremely rare. 818 Ornemens de peinture et de Sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d'ApoUon au Chasteau du Louvre, et dans le grand Appartement du Roy au Palais des Tuilleries Dessinez et gravez par les S^s. Berain, Chau- veau et le Moine. . Title and 28 large plates of exquisite designs for paintings, sculp- ture, allegorical designs, friezes, borders, figures, animals, birds, in- teriors, vases, floivers, fruit, military desigjts, and other ornaments, all beautifully engraved. Large folio, new half maroon inorocco. 17 10. £7 18s Last plate slightly damaged aad repaired. 819 Boullemier (F.) et Develly. Ornemens de Diff6rens styles. A Series of 40 large lithographic plates, containing upwards of 300 elegant designs for friezes, incrustations , and other ornaments in various styles. Didier (Ch.). Cahier de Pouiillis de Decorations, Oiseaux Fleurs & Ornements propres a tous les genres de decors. 12 large lithographic plates of elegant ornamental designs. Together in I vol., 4to, original half calf. Paris, circa 1 840. £2 lOs 820 — Guien (Jean). Livre d'Ouvrages de Joiiaillerie, inventc et grave par Jean Guien, Joiiaillr. a Londres. 6 finely engraved plates, containing about 40 designs for jewellers, including a richly designed title-page. Oblong 4to, new boards, uncut. London, F. Vivares, 1762. £6 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 175 Ornament — continued. 820a Phillipon (Adam^. Curieuses Recherches de Plusieurs beaux mor- oeaus d'omamens antiques et modernes, tant dans la Ville de Rome, qu^s autres villes et lieux d'ltalie, define et mis en lumlere. Engraved title and 19 plates of ornaments. {Paris), 1645. Barbet (I). A Boeke of Arohetecture containing Seeling peeces, Cfiimniypeeces, and seuerail sorts usefuU for Carpenters, Joyners, Carvers, Painters. Containing 30 -plates. London, 167P. Eiokliout (G. de.)- Eenige Ordonnantie van verschetde aerdige kindertjens in't lioht gebraciit door G. v. Eiokhout. 4 plates. Amsterdam. White (R.). A New Booke of Variety of Compartments. II plates. London, 167 1. Le Pautre (J.). Bordures dte Tableau a la Romaine, Invents et Grav6e par Je. le Potre. 5 plates. Paris. , Le Pautre (J.). Grotesques et moresques, etc. 8 plates. Paris. Marot (Jean). Diverses inventions nouve4les pour des Chen^nees avec ornemans. 9 plates. Paris. Also over 40 other engraved plates. Together, upwards of 130 plates, bound in an imperial 8vo volume, calf {re backed). £7 lOs 2 1 La Vall^ Poussim. Nouvelle> Collection d* Arabesques propres a la Decoration dtes Apartemens; Dessines a Rome par Lavallee Poussin et autres celeb res artistes modernes et gravees par Guyot, precedees du notice historique sur le genre Arabesque et d'une explication raisonnee des planches de la Collection. With numerous full-page plates. Small folio, original cloth. Paris, Treutell et Wurtz {about 1800). £3 3s 22 Percier (C.) et Fontaine (P. F. L). Recueil d^ Decorations Interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a I'ameublement, comme, Vases, Trepieds, Candelabres, Cassolettes, Lustres, Girandoles, Lampes, Chandeliers, Cheminees, Feux, etc., etc. Containing 72 plates. Folio, half cloth. Paris, 18 12. £3 18s 176 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Ornament — continued. 823 Philippom (Ad.). Curteuses Recherches de plusieurs beaux mor- ceaus d'Ornemens Antiques et Modernes, tant dans la Ville de Rome, que autres Villes et lieux d' Italic. Engraved title^ dedication and 60 plates of Ornaments. Oblong 4to, red morocco ^ janseniste, inside borders of gilt dentelles, g. t. {one plate mounted, a few stained slightly^. (Paris), chez V Autheury 1645. £4 10s S24 Raphael. Recueil cfes Grotesque de Raphael peintes dans les leges du Vatican a Rome, dessignees et gravees par F. de la Guertiere. 17 plates, beautifully engraved. Folio, calf. Paris, Le Blond {about 1700). £5 lOs 825 OVID/ Metamorphoses d'Ovide en Rondeaux imprimez & enriohis de figures par ordre d^ sa Majeste dedi^z a Monseigneur le Dauphin. With numerous ejtgravings. 2 vols, in I, Svo, old calf. Amsterdam, Wetstein, 17 14. £2 5s 826 Opera. WitA engravings after Eisen. 3 vols., 8vo, contejnporary red jnorocco, fully gilt backs, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1762. £3 3s 827 Nouvelle traduction des Metamorphoses d'Ovide, par M. Fon- tanelle. With 2 engraved title-pages and 15 plates after Zocchi, engraved by Gregori. 2 vols., 8vo, French style marbled calf, three-line fillet border on sides, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. {modern). Paris, chez Panckoucke, 176"/. £14 14s 828 Les Metamorphoses D'Ovide, Traduction Nouvelle avec le Texte Latin, Suivie d'unc analyse de Tcxplication des fables, de notes geo- graphiques, historiques, mythologiques, et critiques, par M. G. T. Villenave. With I frontispiece and 143 engravings by Le Bar bier, Monsiau and Moreau, engraved by Baquoy, Courbe, Dambrun, Delvaux, de Ghendt, Halbou, Hulk. Langlois, R. de Launay, Malbeste, Mariage, Queverdo, Thomas and Triere. 4 vols., thick 8vo, original boards, uncut. Paris {Dido t Vazne), i%o6-\%o7. £7 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 177 Ovid — continued. 829 Les Amours. Traduction du Cte. de Leguier. With numerous illustrations in the text by Meyer, engraved by Meaulle, tinted, decorative borders in red to each page. i8mo, new full red levant 7norocco, gilt, g. e., inside dentelles, by Riviere. Paris, Quantin, 187Q. £2 lOs 830 Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, gravees sur les desseins des meil- leurs peintres franqais par les soins des Srs le Mire et Basan graveurs. The complete set of the plates, as separately published, consisting of Engraved Frontispiece {title). Engraved Dedication (2 leaves). Explication des planches (20 pp.). 139 beautiful plates by Eisen, Boucher, Gravelot, Moreau, and others engraved by Basan, Saint Aubin, etc. and the FINAL ViGNETTE {so often missing). 4to, contemporary Eighteenth Century French, full calf, gold lines on side, floral gilt back. Paris, 1767, &c. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIV.). £68 * * * one of the most highly esteemed series of french engravings. 831 Another Copy. 4to, handsomely bound to an Eighteenth Century French pattern {Derome style), full blue levant morocco, g. e., gold lines on side, panel gilt back. Paris, 1767, &c. . (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIV.). £45 831a PAGEANTS. Histoire d^ la Triomphante Entree du Roy et de la Reyne dans Paris, le 20 aout 1660. 19 large plates (mostly double-page). Folio, calf. Paris, 1665. £5 5s S3 lb Relation du Voyage de sa Majesty Brittanique en Hollande. Illustrated with 15 full-page and double-page plates. Folio, calf, g. e. The Hague, 1692. £4 lOs 832 PALAFOX (M. de). HIstoire de la Conqueste de la Chine par les Tar- tares. Contenant Plusieurs Choses Remarquables, touchant la Reli- gion, les Moeurs, & les Coutumes de ces deux Nations, & principalement de la demiere. Et traduite en Francois par le Sieur Colle : Dedie a Mon- seigneur Le Dauphin. Small 8vo, calf. Paris, 1670. £3 lOs 1/8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VV. 8^3 PALTOCK (Robert). Les Hommes volans ou les Aventures de Pierre Wilkins. Wit/i numerous engravings, one folding, of an aerial combat. 3 vols., 8vo, original calf, gilt backs. {Londres et se trouve a), Paris, 1763. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLV.). £12 12s S33a PAPILLON (J. M.). Traitd Historiquie et Pratique die la Gravure sur Bois. Ouvrage enrichi des plus jolis morceaux de sa composition & de sa gravure. With -portrait and several woodcuts in colours illustrating the methods of Clair -obs cur zuork, and 7iumerous other ivoodcuts of tools used in wood engraving, vignettes, etc., etc. 3 parts in 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary French calf, gilt ornamental backs, r. e. Paris, 1766. £2 lOs The whole of the first volume is devoted to the history of wood engraving. 834 PARCIEUX (de). Dissertation sur les Globes Aerostatiques. \Nith two folding plates. 8vo, Jtalf calf, t. e. g., uncut. Paris, 1783. £10 lOs 835 PARIS. Bretez (Louis). Plan de Paris. Finely engraved by Claude Lucas , complete in 20 s fleets mounted on linen, folding to folio size, bound in contemporary red morocco, gilt fleur-de-lys in cor7ters, gilt ornamejttal border on sides, fully gilt back with fleur-de-lys panels, inside dentelles, g. e., zvith Arms on sides of the City of Paris. Paris {about 1739). £14 14S This finely executed map, measuring 10ft. 6ins. by 8ft. 4ins.. vshows in perspective every building, field, square, etc. With the fine armorial bookplate *of Etienne Guillaume de Perrichon of Vendeuil'. 836 PARIS. (Paulin). Le Romanoero Franpois. Histoire de quelques anciens trouveres, et choix de leurs chansons. Le tout nouvellement recueilli. 8vo, full calf, gilt, g. e. Paris, 1833. lOs 6d 837 PARNY (Evariste). Oeuvres. Including "La Guerre des Dieux, poeme en dix Chants." With 5 plates after Monnet, engraved by Anselin, from the Am- sterdam edition of the '* Opuscules poetiques,^* 1779* ^^^ I'^o other plates. 5 vols., i2mo, citron levant morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, uncut, t. e. g,, by David. Paris, Debray, 1808. £7 * * * From the Robert Hoe Collection, at which sale this copy was sold for $55. " Parny, an estray in Paris, from the palms and fountains of the Isle Bourbon, the 'dear Tibullus ' of Voltaire."'— Do wden. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. i/g 838 PAROISSIEN ROMAIN, d'apr^s les imprimis Franpais du XYdme Siecle. Beautifully printed, each -page surrounded by an elaborate wood engraving, in the style of the Missals of the Fifteenth Century. Square i2mo, very handsomely bound in full red levant inorocco extra, g. e., ivith clasps. Paris, Gruel Engelmann, 1858. £3 3s 839 PARROCEL (C). Diff6rentes Attitudes de la Gavalerie de I'infanterie dessinee (sic) et partie gravee (a I'eau-forte), par Parrocel Peintre ordinaire du Roy. Engraved title and 162 Iccrge etchings. Folio, calf gilt, g. e. Pans [chez Huquier), N.D. {about 1730). £42 A few margins mended. A magnificent volume. Most of these spirited etchings of French Cava.lry and Infantry are proofs before any letters. Brunet only knew of a copy containinigi 139 plates. , The volume includes 16 graceful engravings after Watteau, and a few by De Berey fils. On many plates artillery is to be seen in the background. Original Issues of the i8 Letters.. 840 PASCAL (Blaise). Lettres Provinciales. Complete set of the original issues of the eighteen letters. 4to, original vellum. Pans, 1656- 1657. £12 12s This volume, which contains numerous other interesting pamphlets of the time, bears THE BOOK-PLATE OF THE GREAT HISTORIAN EdWARD GiBBON, AND WAS BOUGHT AT THE SALE OF HIS LIBRARY AT LaUSANNE. It CONTAINS A LIST OP THE 32 PAMPHLETS IN HIS HAND ON THE FLY-LEAF. " Under the influence of St. Cyran, the Port-Royalists were in close sympathy with the teaching of Jansen, Bishop of Ypres; the writings of their great theologian Antoine Arnauld were vigorously anti-Jesuitical. In 1653 five propositions, pro- fessedly extracted from Jansen's Augustinus, were condemned by a Papal bull. The insulting triumph of the Jesuits drew Arnauld again into controversy; and, on a question concerning divine grace he was condemned in January, 1656, by the Sorbonne. ' You who are clever and inquiring ' (curieux), said Arnauld to Pascal, ' you ought to do something.' Next day was written the first of Pascal's Lettres a un Provincial, and on 23rd January it was issued to the public; a second followed within a week; the success was immense. The writer concealed his identity undei the pseudonym ' Louis de Montalte.' " The Lettres Provinciales are eighteen in number. The first three and the last three deal with the affair of Arnauld and the Sorbonne, and the questions under discussion as to the nature and the need of divine grace. In the opening letters the clearest intellectual insight and the deepest seriousness of spirit are united with the finest play of irony, and even with the temper of comedy. The supposed Louis de Montalte, seeking theological lights from a doctor of the Sorbonne, finds only how hopelessly divided in opinion are the opponents of Arnauld, and how grotesquely they darken counsel with speech. In the twelve letters intervening between the third and sixteenth, Pascal takes the offensive, and deploys an incom- parably skilful attack on the moral theoliogy of the Jesuits. For the rigid they may have a stricter moralfly, but for the lax their casuistry supplied a pliable code of morals, which, by the aid of ingenious distinctions, can find excuses for the worst of crimes. With force of logic, with fineness of irony, with energy of moral indignation, with a literary style combining strength and lightness, Pascal presses his irresistible assault. The effect of the ' Provincial Letters ' was to carry the discussion of morals and theology before a new court of appeal— not the Sor- bonne, but the public intelligence and the unsophisticated conscience of men. To French prose they added a masterpiece and a model."— Dowden. i8o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Pascal — continued. 841 Les Lettres Provinciales. 3 vols., i2mo, full morocco, Jansenist style, gilt inside dentelles, g. e. Amsterdam, 1734. £3 3s 842 PASTEAU (Dr. Octave). Les Instruments de Ghirurgie Urinaire en France d'apr^s les documents originaux du XYle au XXe si^cle. Aves 30 flanches hors texte de reproductions d' instruments et de portraits, accomfagnes d'une description des planches et precedees d'une introduction. Large 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 19 14. £2 2s * * * Only 350 copies printed. 843 PAUCTON, Theorie de la Vie d'Archimdde, de laquelle on deduit celles des Moulins congus d'une nouvelle maniere. On y joint la construction d'un nouveau lock ou Sillometre, & celle d'une sorte de rames tres com- mode, &c. With 7 plates. 8vo, contemporary crimson morocco, three-line fillet borders on sides, full gilt back^ g. e., gold star inside guards. Paris, 1768. £10 lOs Of excessive rarity and of great importance foi" the history of aerostation (see pp. 210 and following for the description of a Pterophore). 844 PEIGNOT (G.). A series of his well-known bibliographical works. 9 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt back, t. e. g., by Siniier . Dijon, 1 823- 1 84 1. £4 10s Comprising: — Manuel du Bibliophile, 2 vols, Dijon, 1823; Eecherches sur les danses des Morts et sur Torigine des Cartes a Jouer, with illustrations, Dijon, 1826 ; Predicatoriana ou revelations singulieres et amusantes sur les predicateurs ; entremelees d'extraits piquants des sermons bizarres, burlesques et facetieux, preches tant en France qu'a l^etranger, notamment dans les XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siecles, suivies de quelques melanges curieux, avec notes et tables, 1841; Amuse- ments Philologiques, ou varietes en tons genres; troisieme edition revue, corrigee, et augmentee, 1842; Documens authentiques et details curieux sur les depenses de Louis XIV., 1827 (only 300 copies printed); Essai Historique sur la Liberte d'ecrire cheS; les anciens et au moyen age, sur la liberte de la Presse depuis le quinzieme siecle, et sur les moyens de repression dont ces libertes ont ete Tobjet dans tons les temps, 1832; De La Liberte de la Presse a Dijon, au commencement du XVII« siecle, ou Histoire de Fimpression d'un opuscule en Patois Bourgoignon, publie en 1609, sur la demolition du chateau de Talant, 1836 (only 155 copies printed); Essai sur la Reliure des Livres et sur Fetat de la Librairie chez les Anciens, 1832. 845 PERON (F. A.) and FREYCINET (L.) Voyage de Decouvertes, aux Terres Australes, sur les Corvettes le Geographe, le Naturaliste, et la Goelette le Casuarina, pendant les Annees, 1800- 1804. 2 vols., 4to, and the Atlas, containing 41 fine plates of Views, Natural History, Portraits of Natives, rnostly coloured, and some printed in colours, and 14 large folding maps and plans. Together 3 vols., half calf. Paris, 1807. ^7 lOs Plate LIV. Bound for Marik Antoinette, Queen of France (reignetl 1774-1793). (De Lesseps. Journal historique du Voyage dans Texpedition du Comte de la Perouse).- 2 vols. Red morocco. Paris, 1796. See Item No. 1135. Plate LV. Bound for Marie-Josephine-Louise, Comtesse de I'kovence (1753-1810), Wife of Louis XVIIL See Items Nos, 1138-1U6. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. i8l 346 PERRAULT (Charles). La Marquise de Salusses, ou La Patience de Griselidis, nouvelle. i2mo, old calf. Paris, i6qi. £5 58 FIE ST EDITION. 847 Contes de M. Perrault avec des Moralit^s. Nouvelle edition. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1724. £4 4s Fine copy of a very rare edition. " Perrault, if he did not honour antiquity in classical forms, paid a homage to popular tradition in his delightful Contes de ma Mere (if, indeed, the tales be his), which have been a joy to generations of children."— Dowden. — -—^ Les Contes des F6es, en prose et en vers; precedee d'une lettre critique par Ch. Giraud. Portrait, plates and vignettes. 8vo, half morocco, g. e. Lyon, 1865. £1 lOs Another Copy. With many extra illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Lyons, 1865. £2 lOs Les oontes d^ Perrault pr^c^d^s d'une preface par P. L. Jacob, et suivis de la dissertation sur les contes de Fees par le Baron Walckenaer. \Yith 12 etchings by Lalauze. 2 vols., 8vo, green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, Jouaust, 1876. £6 18s Gendrillon et les f6es. With 33 illustrations printed in colour, being exact facsimiles of the water-colour drawings by Edouard de Beaumont. Large 4to, magnificently bound by Riviere & Son in full yellow morocco, witit elaborate 7nosaic on sides illustrative of the story of Cin- derella and bearing her shoe in green silk, in relief. Among the items illustrated are a wine glass, frogs, a mouse, a lizard^ a rose, butterflies , a spider and leaves. On the back are four roses in red and green leather 7nosaic, on the back is a spider hangijtg down from a leafy and below is a mouse. Inside dentelles, elaborately gilt, with doublures and inside guards of pale blue watered moire silk, in leatJier case. Paris, 1886. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLVL). £16 16s Contes. Suite of portrait and 12 plates engraved by Monzies after H. PeUe^ before all letters, printed on Whatman paper to extra-illustrate the famous " tales of Mother Goose." Small folio, in portfolio. Paris, N.D. 15s Portrait and 20 engraved plates and vignettes to illustrate Per- rault' s works. Printed in red, being Proofs before letters, on '* Papier de Chine Volant." 8vo, Jinbound. N.D. lOs 6d i82 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 854 PERREYMOND. Notions EI6mentaires sur i'A^ronautique et sur les sciences accessoires a cet art. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, August, 185 1. £2 2s 855 PETIN (E). Nouveau Systdme de Direction Aerienne, reposant sur les veritables lois de la locomotion des corps inertes et animes, et sur T appli- cation de ces lois a la locomotion Aerienne. With a large folding plate of a remarkable dirigeable balloon. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, N.D. £2 lOs 856 PETIT-THOUARS (A. Du). Voyage Autour du Monde Sur la Fregate La Venus, 1836-39; Zoologie, Mammiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Pois- sons. With the Atlas of yy large and beautifully coloured plates of Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Molluses, Zoophytes, etc. Royal 8vo and large folio, 2 vols., nezu half 7naroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1855. £5 15s Partly relating to the Natural History of America. 85; PETITE BIBLIOTHEQUE DE LUXE, Collection of. With numerotis engravings by Fr. Regamey, R. de Los Rios, Lalauze, F . Buhot, Dubouchet, Leloir, and F. Masson. 8 vols., 8vo, half blue levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g., zvith the original wrappers bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1878-82. £5 5s *** Works comprise:— Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Paul et Virginie; Prevost, Manou Lescaut; Chateaubriand, Atala, Eene le Dernier Abencerage; B. Constant, Adolphe; Madame de La Fayette, La Princesse de Cleves; Madame de Kriidener, Valerie; A. Furetiere, Le Roman Bourgeois; J. Cazote, Le Diable Amoureux. 858 PETITOT. Les Emaux de Petitot, du Musee imperial du Louvre, Por- traits de Personages Historique et ^% Femmes c^ldbres au Sidcle de Louis XIV, dessines par M. Alph. Regnault, et graves au burin par M. L. Ceroni. 2 vols., 4to, half levant morocco, gilt back, t. e. g. Paris, 1862-64. £7 18s Fine copy of the First Impressions, the Set of 50 portraits, proofs on China paper before letters, with descriptive text. Comprises Portraits of Cardinal Richelieu. Anne of Austria. Duchess of Montpensier. Ninon de TEnclos. Madame de Sevigne. Colbert. Madame de Maintenon. Marie Theresa. Madame de la Valliere. Etc., etc. 859 PETTICREW (J. Bell). La Locomotion chez les Animaux, oti Marche, Natation et Vol, siiivie d'une dissertation sur I'A^ronautique. With engraved frontispiece of a balloon, and numerous other illus- trations. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1887. lOs Cd MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 183 860 PEZAY (Marquis de). Z^lis au bain. Poeme en quatre Chants. Wil/i fine title by Risen, engraved by Lemire, dated 1763, 4 fine engraved plates, 4 vignettes and 4 culs-de-lampe by Risen engraved by Aliamet, Lafosse, Lemire and de Longueil. Second Edition. Geneva, 1763. Malfilatre. Narcisse dans I'Isle de Venus. Poeme en quatre Chants. With magnificent impressions of the engravings, comprising, title by Risen after R. de Ghendt^ and 4 plates by Saint- Aubin, engraved by Mas sard. Paris, chez Lejay (1769). Two vols, in one, square 8vo, ftdl yellow levant morocco, gilt, g. e., inside dentelles by L. Claessens. £10 lOs 861 PIC ART (Bernard). Scdnes dte la vie Juive dessindes d'aprds nature 1663- 1 733. Title and 16 heliogravures of scenes from the Life of the Spanish Jewish Community in Amsterdam after the famous engravings of Picart. Folio, lettered cloth portfolio. Paris, 1884. £1 5s 862 PIEDAGNEL (A.). Hier. With frontispiece and 1 10 vignettes after Paul Avril. I OF 100 COPIES ON Japan paper. Royal 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1882. £3 3S 863 [PIETRA BUENA (Ant. de).]. UEscole de ('Interest et I'Universit^ d'Amour. Songes veritables, ou Veritez songees. Galanterie Morale. Translated from the Spanish " Universidad de amor y escuela de el interes" by C. le Petit. FIRST EDITION. i2mo, old calf. Paris, chez Jean Guignard, 1662. £2 lOs * * * This work was reprinted at Paris in 1862, in an edition of 100 copies, and wafi condemned the following year. 864 PIGAL (Edme-Jean). Recueil de Scenes Populaires. Pifty lithographs in colour. Folio, original binding. Paris (1824). £15 15s A FINE SET OF THESE RENOWNED SCENES OF POPULAR LIFE IN PARIS. 865 PUS (M. de). Chansons Nouvelles. With finely engraved frontispiece with dedication, by Choffard, 12 fine plates by Le Bar bier, engraved by Gaucher, and 21 engraved pages of music. i2mo, new full crtished levant morocco, gilt, g. e., in- side dentelles, by Riviere. Paris, de Vlmprirnerie de Ph. -Dm Pierres, 1785. £10 108 1 84 MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W, 865a PILATRE DE ROZIER. Premidre Experience de la Montgolfiere, Con- struite par ordre du Roi, & lancee en presence de Leurs Majestes, de la Famille Royale & de Monsieur le Comte.d'Haga (King of Sweden). 4to, half calf^ g. e. Paris, 1784. £15 15s 866 La Vie et les Memoires de Pilatre de Rozier, ecnts par lui-meme; & publics par M. T.xxx. With large folding plate at eyid. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1786. £5 5s 867 PINGERON. L'Art de faire soi-meme les Balloris Aerostatiques, cen^ formes a oeuix d^ M. De Montgolfier. With engraved frontispiece of the balloon taking up the cock, duck, etc. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1783. £4 4S 868 (PIROUX.) L'art de voyager dans I'air et de s'y diriger. Memoire qui va remporter le prix propose par TAcademie de Lyons. 8vo, half calf. Luneville, 1784. £12 12s 869 L'art de voyager dans les airs, ou les Ballons contenant les Moyens de faire des Globes aerostatiques suivant la methode de MM. de Montgolfier & suivant les procedes de MM. Charles & Robert. Avec un precis historique des plus belles experiences qui ont ete faites d'apres cette celebre Decouverte. With 3 fine plates. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1784. £7 7S 870 PLANCHER DE VALGOURT. Le Petit-Neveu de Boccace ou Gontes nouveaux en vers. SPECIAL COPY, PRINTED ON PINK PAPER. 3 vols, in I, thick 8vo, old contemporary French calf, gilt. Amsterdam, 178,7. £2 lOs 870a PLARR (Leon). La France h Moscow. Exposition de 1891. One of 10 copies on Papier de Holla,nde. Many full-page illustrations. 2 parts in i vol., folio, full blue morocco, uncut, t. e. g., inside den- telles, watered silk ends and fly-leaves. Paris, i8gi. £2 2s Presentation copy. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 185 871 PLAUTUS. Les Comedies de Plaute. Nouvelle traduction par M. Guede- ville. With many -plates and engraved title. 10 vols., 8vo, contemporary calf . Leyden, 1719. £4 4s 872 Comioediae, With engravings. ^ 3 vols., Svo, contemporary {Jansenist style) fnorocco, inside den- telles, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1759. £2 2s 873 Comediae. With frontispieces after Risen, engraved by Lempereur. 3 vols., Svo, French marbled calf, three-line fillet borders on sides, gilt backs, g. e. Paris, Barbou, 1759. £2 2S From the Bibliotheca Lamoniana. &74 PLAYING CARDS. D'Allemagne (H ). Les Cartes a Jouer du XlYe au XXe Sidcle. Profusely illustrated with upwards Empereur des Remains, toujours auguste, et troisieme du nom, Roy des Espagnes, comme Comte de Flandres, Cele- bree a Gand, Ville Capitale de la Province, le XVIII. Octobre, 17 1/. With engraved frontispiece, and five exceptionally large folding plates, including three of Firework displays. Title printed in red and black. Folio, old calf. Ghent, 17 19. £1 lOS 923 RELATION des Soci^tez etablies en Angleterre & en Irlande, pour la Reformation des Moeurs. Avec des exhortations pressantes a toute sorte de personnes, afi.n de les obliger a faire valoir avec zele & avec diligence, les lois faites contre I'impiete & la debauche, & pour la Reformation du Royaume. 8vo, contemporary red morocco, gilt back and sides, g. e. Rotterdam, 1701. £3 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 195 924 REMBRANDT. Bartsch (Adam). Catalogue Raisonnd de Toutes les Estamples qui forment I'oeuvre de Rembrandt, et ceux de ses prmci- paux imitateurs. Compose par les Sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver. With 6 illustrations. Large Paper Copy. 2 vols, in i, small 4to, half morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides. Vienna, 1797. £4 4S 925 Michel (Emile). Rembrandt, sa Vie, son Oeuvre, et son Temps. With portrait and 343 illustrations of his works. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1893. £2 12s 6d 926 Vosmaer. Rembrandt Harmons Van Rijn. Sa Vie et ses Oeuvres. With Frontispiece. ^•wo, half morocco. The Hague, \%^%. lOs 6d 927 REMUSAT. Correspondence d^i M. de R^musat pendant les premieres ann^es de la Restauration, publiee par son fils Paul de Remusat. 6 vols., Svo, half calf gilt, t. e. g. Paris, 1883. £3 18s Q28 RENAUDOT. Anciennes Relations des indes et de la Chine, De deux Voyageurs Mahometans, qui y allerent dans le neuvieme siecle; Tra- duites d'Arabe; avec Des Remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces Relations. Svo, calf. Paris, 1718. £2 2s 929 RENE D'ANJOU. Oeuvres choisles du roi R§ne avec une biographie et des Notices par le Comte de Quatrebarbes, et un grand nombre de desseins et ornements apres les tableaux et manuscrits originaux. Second Edition. With many lithographic plates after King RSne^s original drawings and miniatures. 2 vols., folio, half bound. Paris, 1849. £2 10S 930 REPUBLIQUE UNIVERSELLE, ou i'Humanit^ Ail^, Rdume sous P Empire de la Raison. With folding plate and a plate of ciphers {also folding^. Svo, half marbled calf, t. e. g., uncut. Genevois, 1788. £7 lOs JExcEssivELY Rase. 196 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. The most Famous Costume Plates of the Eighteenth Century. 931 RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, Monument du Costume physique et moral de la fin du dixsepti^me sidole, ou Tableaux de la Vie, Ornes de Figures dessinees & gravees par M. Moreau le jeune, Dessinateur du Cabinet du S.M.T.C. & par d'autres celebres Artistes. With 26 magnificent engravings ^ 24 being after Moreau, 2 after Freudeburgy engraved by Baquoy, Camligue, Dambrun, DelignoUy de Launay, Guttenburg, Uelmany Malbeste, Martini, Halbou, Patas, Romanet, Thojnas, ingouf, and Bosse. Folio, crimsoit inorocco, fillet border on sides, fully gilt fanelled back, inside dentelles, g. e., by Riviere. Neuzuied, 1789. (See Illustration, Frontispiece.). £140 List of Contents: — 1. " Declaration de la Grossesse " (after Moreau). 2. " Les Precautions " (afi«r Moreau). 3. " J'En acoepte Fheureux presage " (after Moreau). 4. " N'Ayez par peur, ma bonne amie '' (after Moreau). •5. '• Cest un Fils, Monsieur" (after Moreau). 6. "Les Petits Parains " (after Moreau). 7. " Les Dalice® de la Maternite " (after Moreau). 8. " L'Accord Parfait "' (after Moreau). 9. " Le Rendezvous pour Marly ■" (after Moreau). 10. " Les. Adieux " (after Moreau). 11. " La Rencontre au Bois de Boulogne " (after Moreau). 12. "La Dame du Palais de la Reine "* (after Moreau). 13. " Le Lever " (after Moreaii). 14. "La Petite Toilette'' (after Moreau). 15. "La Grande Toilette'" (after Moreau). 16. " La Matinee " (after Freudeberg). 17. " La Course des Chjevaux " (after Moreau). 18. " Le Pari Gagne " (after Moreau). 19. " La Partie de Wisch " (after Moreau). 20. " Qui ou Non " (after Moreau). 21. "La Surprise" (after Freudeberg). 22. " La Petite Lo?re " (after Moreau). 23. " La Sortie de I'Opera " (after Moreau). 24. " Le Souper Fin" (after Moreau). 25. " Le Seigneur chez son Fermier " (after Moreau). 26. " Le vrai Bonheur " (after Moreau). 932 La Paysanne pervertie ou les Dangers de la ville; Histoire d'Ursule Rxx, soeur d'Edmond, le Paysan, mise-au-jour d'apres les veritables lettres des Personages. With 38 fine -plates after Binet by Bertholet and others. 8 vols, in 4, 8vo, old French marbled calf. A la Haye, 1784. £21 The " Paysanne Pervertie " contains some of Binet's most famous plates. " In the second half of the eighteenth century, philosophy, on the one hand, invaded the novel and the short tale; on the other hand it was invaded by a flood of sen- timent. An irritated and irritating sensuality could accommodate itsetf either to sentiment or to philosophy. " Restif de la Bretonne could be gross, corrupt, declamatory, sentimental, humanita- rian in turns, or all together." (Dowden). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 197 Restjf de la Bretom\e^—conUnued. g33 — Le Paysatt et la Paysane pervertls, ou les Dangers de la vllte, histoire recente mise au jour d'apres les veritables lettres des personn- ages. WuA 109 places after Binet, engraved by Berthet, Giraiid le jeuue, and Leroy^ or not signed {should be 120 flates). 16 parts in 4 vols., post 8vo, full contemporary French calf ^ gilt. La Haye, 1784. , « £15 15s Fine »et. 934 Les FratiQaise®, ou 34 Exempless choisis dans les Moeurs ac- tuelles, Propres a dinger les Filles, les Femmes, les Epouses, et les Meres. With 34 plates after Binet, engraved by Giraud Vaine. 4 vols., i2mo, boards, calf back. Neufchdiel, 1786. £3 lOs 935 RETZ (Cardinal De). Memoires de Monsieur Le Cardinal De Retz. With engraved portrait of the author. 5 vols., small 8vo, fine copy in contemporary French morocco, g. e. Amsterdam, ches ] . F. Bernard, 17 17. £5 15s ''■ The most interesting figure of the Fronde, its portrait-painter, its analyst, its historian, is Cardinal De Retz (1614-1679). Italian by his family, and Italian in some feature® of his characters, he had, on a seal© of grandeur, the very genius of conspiracy. When his finest work was read by Richelieu, the judgment which that great statesman pronounced was penetrating—' Voila un dangereux esprit.' Low statrure, ugly, ill-made, short-sighted, Retz played the part of a gallant and a duellist. Never had any ome less vocation for the spiritual duties of an ecclesiastic; But, being a churchman, he would be an illustrious actor on the ecclesiastical stage. There was something demoniac in his audacity, and with the spirit of turbulence and intrigue was united a certain power of self-restraint. When fallen, he still tried to be magnificent, though in disgrace; he would resign his archbishop- ric, pay his enormous debts, resign his cardinalate, exhibit himself iis the hero in misfortune. ' Having lived as a Cataline,* said Voltaire, ' he live.,^YO, half morocco, backs richly gilt. Paris, 1887. £10 lOs " During forty years Eonsard remained the ' Prince of Poets/ Tasso sought his advice; the Chancellor Michel de THospital wrote in his praise; Brantome placed him above Petrarch; Queen Elizabeth and Mary Stuart sent him gifts; Charles IX. on one occasion invited him to sit beside the throne. In his last hours he was still occu- pied with his art. His death, at the close of 1585, was felt as a national calamity, and pompous honours were awarded to his tomb. Yet Eonsard, though ambitious of literary distinction, did not lose his true self in a noisy fame. His was the deli- cate na^tTire of an artist; his deafness perhaps added to his timidity and his love of retirement; we think of him in his garden cultivating his roses as '^ the priest of Flora.' " In pieces which may be called hortatory, the pulpit eloquences, as it were, of a poet addressing his contemporaries on public matters, the utterances of a patriot and a citizen moved by pity for his fellows, such poetry as the Discours des Miseres de ce Temps,, and the Institution pour FAdolescence du Eoi, Charles IX., Eonsard is original and impressive, a forerunner of the orator poets of the seventeenth century. His eclogues show a true feeling for external nature, touched at times by a tender sadness. Wlien he escapes from the curiosities and strand of hi« less happv Petrarcliism, he is an admirable poet of love in song and sonnet; no more beautiful' variation on the theme ' gather ye rosebuds while ye may ' exists than his sonnet " Quand vous serez bien vieille,"' unless it be his dainty ode " Mignonne, allons voir si la Eose.*" Passionate in the deepest and largest sense Eonsard is not; but it was much to be sincere and tender, to observe just measure, to render a subtle phase of emotion. In the fine melancholy of his elegiac poetry he is almost modern. Before all else he is a master of his instrument, an inventor of new effects and movements of the lyre; in his hands the entire rhythmical system was renewed or was purified. His dexteritv in various metres was that of a great virtuoso, and it was not the mere dexterity which conquers difficulties, it was a skill inspired and sustained by the sentiment of metre."— D^wden. 947 Oeuvres in^dites recueillies et publi^es par Prosper Blanche- main, With portrait. 8vo, half 7norocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1855. lOs 6€f 948 ROSSET (P. F. de). L'AgriOulture, Poeme. With 2 frontispieces after St. Qiientin engraved by Legouaz, 2 fleurons, on the title and 2 small vignettes after and by Marillier, 6 plates by Loutherbourg, engraved by De Ghendt, De Veau, Linge and Ponce, and 6 vignettes after St. Quentin, engraved by Hemery, Linge, Le Veau and Ponce. 2 parts in i vol., 4to, original boards, as issued, uncut, Paris, Imprimerie Roy ale, 1774- 1782. £2 lOs t^LATE LX. Bound for J. A. de Thou, the tamous French Historian <,15.J3-I(jl7j, First Arms (as a Bachelor). (Prosper. Opera). Douai, 1577. See Item No. 1159. and ahuwiU"' hia Plate LXI. Bound for J. A. de Thou, the famous French Historian (1553-1617), and showin«j his Second Arms, incorporating those of his first Wife, Marie Barbancon. See Item No. 1160. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Stieet. London, W. 201 949 ROSSIGNOL (J. P.). Les Artistes Hom^riques ou Histoire critique de tous les artistes qui figurent dans I'lliade et dans I'0dyss6e. Deuxr ieme edition augmentee d'un chapitre intitule Dedale Montre pour la premiere fois sous son vrai jour, s'uivi de questions artistiques relatives a Homere. %MOy original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1885. 7s 6d 950 ROTHSCHILD (Baron James de). Picot (E.). Catalogue des livres composant la Biblioth^que de feu M. le Baron James de Rothschild. With hundreds of facsimiles, including plates in colour of binditigSy etc. ONE OF 400 NUMBERED COPIES. 5 vols., royal 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1884- 1920. £7 7S BARON JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD'S COLLECTION IS THE FINEST COLLECTION IN THE WORLD OF EARLY FRENCH BOOKS, AND ALSO CONTAINS A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF BINDINGS. THE CATALOGUE IS LESS A MERE CATAI.OGUF THAN A FULL COLLATION AND HISTORY OF EVERY . ITEM, AND IS MADE QUITE EASY FOR REFERENCE BY THE REMARKABLK INDEX OF 480 PAGES; IN ALL SOME 3,000 ITEjIktS ARE CAREFULLY DESCRIBED BY THE MASTER BIBDIOGRAPHER E. PICOT, ME]\rBER OF THE FRENCH ACADEMY. 951 ROUJON (H.). Miremonde. . With illustrations by M. G. Mendez. Royal 8vo, morocco gilt. Paris, 1885. 1^ 952 ROULAND. Tableau historique des propri^t^s et des ph^nomenes de I'air, considere dans ses differens etats et sous ses div^ers rapports. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1784. £8 8S One of the first accounts of the experiences of the Montgolfiers, Charles and Robert. 953 ROUSSEAU (J. J.). Oeuivres Completes de J. J. Rousseau avec des edair- cissements et des notes historiques par P. R. Auguis. With engraved portrait. . 27 vols., 8vo, half calf gilt, m. e. Paris, chez Dalit on, 1825. £10 lOs " The influence of Rousseau cannot easily be over-estimated. He restored the senti- ment of religion in an age of abstract deism or turbid materialism. He inaugurated a moral reform. He tyrannised over France in the person of his disciple Robes- pierre. He emancipated the passions from the domination of the understanding. He liberated the imagination. He caught the harmonies of e.xternal nature, and gave them a new interpretation. He restored to French prose, colour, warmth, and the large utterance which it had lost. He created a literature in which all that is inti- mate, personal, lyrical, asserted its rights, and urged extravagant claims. He over- threw the classicjil ideal of art. and enthroned the ego in its room."— Dowden. 202 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Rousseau (J. J.) — continued. 954 Emile, ou de rEducation, With 5 flates by Eisen^ engraved by Le Grand, de Longueil, and Pasquier. First Edition. 4 vols., 8vo, full contemporary French mottled calf, gilt. La Haye, chez Jeajt Neaulme, 1762. £4 lOs " The above, condemned by the Sorbonne, was ordered by the Parliament to be burnt by the common executioner. A reform of domestic life must result in a reform of education. Rousseau's idea of education, capable of adaptations and modifications, according to circumstances is presented in his Eraile. How can a child be formed in accordance, not with a vicious code, of an artificial society, but in harmony with nature.P Rosseau traces the course of Emile's development from birth to adult years "'— Dowden. 955 Emile, ou de ('Education. With five -plates by Risen, engraved by Le Grand, de Longueil, and Pasquier. 4 vols., i2mo, original wrappers, uncut. Ainsterda^n, chez Jean Neaulme, 1762. £2 1©S 956 La Nouvelle H^Oise, ou Lettres de deux Amans habitans d'une petite Ville au pied des Alpes, recueillies et publiees par J. -J. Rousseau. Nouvelle edition. With a superb frontispiece to volume i, by Cochin, engraved by Longueil, and 12 plates by Gravelot, engraved by Le Mire, Longueil, Ouviery St. Aubin^ Lemper eur, Aliamet, Choffard, and Flipart. The Frontispiece and 12 plates in two states. 4 vols., 8vo, full contemporary French tree calf, gilt. Neuchatel, 1764. £4 lOs " La Nouvelle Heloise, in the form of a romance, considers the purification of domestic manners. Ricliardson's novels are followed in the epistolary style of narration, which lends itself to the exposition of sentiment. The story is simple in its inci- dents. Saint-Preux's crime of passion against his pupil Julie resembles that of Abelard against Eloisa. Julie, like Eloisa, has been a consenting party. Obedient to her father's will, Julie marries Wolmar. In despair Saint-Preux wanders abroad. Wolmar ofiers him his friendship and a home. The lovers meet, are tried, and do not yield to the temptation. Julie dies a victim to her maternal devotion, and not too soon — ' Another day, perhaps, and I were guilty.' " — Dowden. 957 La Nouvelle H^oise, ou Lettres de Deux Amans Habitans D'une petite Ville au pied des Alpes. Nouvelle Edition. With a superb frontispiece by Cochin, engraved by de Longueil, and the same twelve figures which appear in the previous edition, with the exception of the twelfth, engraved by de Longueil, which is different. 4 vols., 8vo, French marbled calf, two-line fillet border on sides, m. e. Paris, chez Duchesne, 1764. £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 203 Rousseau (J. J.) — continued, 958 La Nouvelle H^loise, avec une preface par J. Grand-Carteret. Dessins d'Edmond Hedouin, graves par lui-meme et par Toussaint. Eaux-fortes de Lalauze imprimees dans le texte. 6 vols., post 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Farts, Jouaust, 1889. £4 lOs 959 Jean Jacques Rousseau Aviateur. Le Nouveau D^dale (1742). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Geneva, 19 10. 10s 6d Presentation Copy. This is a facsimile of a hitherto unknown work by Rousseau. The Book Collector's Encyclopedia. 960 ROUYEYRE (Edouard). Connaissanoes N^cessaires a un Bibliophile. Accompagnees de Notes critiques et de Documents bibliographiques. Printed on Papier Velin Teinte. With numerous illustrations. 10 vols., 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, as issued. Paris, Rouveyre, 1899. £15 15s 961 ROYER DE DOUR (Baron Hippolyte de). Les Habitations Guvri^res en Belgique. Accompagne de 17 planches et un diagramme. Royal 8vo, fine copy in levant morocco, gilt, g. e., inside denteUes, silk panels and silk end papers. Bruxelles, 1890. 10s 6d 962 ROZIER (A. G.). Dissertation sur les a^rostates des anoiens et des modernes. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Geneva, 1784. £15 The author gives extracts from Horace, Aulus Gellius, Kircher, Schott, Claudian, Cardan, Lauretus Laurus, Remigius, Pseudo-Albertus, and Del Rio; and contests Montgolfier's claim to the honour of the invention of the balloon. The author alleges the uselessness and danger of balloons and the impossibility of steering them. 963 RUGGIERI (Claude F.). El^mens de Pyrotechnie, divises en cinq parties. La premiere contenant le traite des matieres, etc., la deuxitoe, les feux de terre, d'air et d'eau; la troisieme, les feux d* aerostation; la quat- rieme, les feux de theatre ; la cinquieme, les feux de guerre. Avec un vocabulaire des termes compris dans cet Ouvrage. With engraved frontispiece and 24 folding plates. 8vo, half bound. Paris, 1802. 12s 6d 204 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 964 RUSSIA. Nou¥elle Collection de Quarante^deux Vims de Saint Peters- bourg et de ses Environs (no plan). 42 large and finely executed lithographic -plates. Oblong folio, half calf. St. Petersbourg, 1827. ^ £7 lOS « 965 SAINT-ALLAIS. L'Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Inscriptions, des Chroniques, et autres anciens monumens. Avant I'ere Chretienne. i vol. Depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'a 1769. 5 vols. Depuis 1770 jusqu'a 1834. 4 vols. 10 vols., large thick 4to, full polished calf, gilt. Paris, 1 820- 1 838. £5 5s THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REFERENCE BOOK FOR UNIVERSAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOGY. g66 SAINT-HELENE et Monrose, ou les Aventures A^riennes, Histoire Veritable. With engraved frontispieces. 2 vols., i2mo, calf, fancy gilt border on sides, gilt ornatnental backs, g. e. Paris, 1730. £2 2S 967 ST. HILAIRE (Geoifroy). L'Anatomie du Corps Humain, avec ses Mala- dies, et les Remedes pour les gu^rir. With an engraved frontispiece and more than 50 engravings deal- ing with the anatomy of the Human Body. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt, g. e. Paris, 1684. ^2 15S 968 SAINT LAMBERT. Les Saisons, Poeme. [Contes, Poesies Fugitives & Fables Orientales.] Septieme edition. With five fine plates after Moreau, engraved by Delaunay, Duclos, Prevost and Simonet, i fleuron on the title-page and 4 vignettes after Choffard. In the second part are 2 plates after Moreau engraved by Lebas and Prevost. Large 8vo, charmingly bound in red morocco, broad gilt borders on sides, fully gilt panel back, g. e., by Bozerian jeune. Amsterdam, 1775. £19 19s A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE WITH THE MOREAU PLATES " If a poet in sympathy with the philosophers desired to edify, he described the pheno* mena of mature as Saint-Lambert (1716-1803) did in his Saisons—' the only work of our century/ Voltaire assured the author, ' which will reach posterity.' To describe meant to draw out the inventory of nature's charms with an eye not on the object but on the page of the Encyclopa'dia, and to avoid the indecency of naming anjrthing in direct and simple speech." — Dowden. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 205 969 SAINT-SIMON (Due de). M^moires Gomplets et Authentiques, sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la Regence, publics sur le manuscrit original entierement ecrit de la main de Tauteur. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. With portrait of the author. 20 vols., 8vo, fine cofy^ full green inorocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e.. by /. Wright. Parisj 1853. £21 "Saint Simon saw much, and his eye had a demonic power of observation; nothinj; escaped his vision, and his passions enabled him to penetrate through what he saw to its secret meanings. He had gathered information from those who knew the mysteries of the palace and the court; great persons, court ladies, even valets and waiting-women, had been, sought and searched to satisfy his insatiable curiosity. It is true that the passions which often lit up the truth sometimes obscured it; any gossip discreditable to those whom he hated was welcome to him ; he confessee that he did not pique himself on his impartiality, and it is certain that he did not always verify details. Nevertheless he did not consciously falsify facts; he had a sense of the honour of a uentleman; his spirit was serious, and his feeling of duty and -of religion was sincere. Without his impetuosity, his violence, his exaggera- tions, we might not have had his vividness, like that of life itself, his incompar- able portraits, more often inaspired by hatred than by love, his minuteness and his breadth of style, the phrases which ineffaceably brand his victims, the lyrical out- cry of triumph over enemies of his order. His style is the large style of the seven- teenth century prose, but alive with words that sparkle and gleam, words some- time® created by himself to express the intensity of his imagination." — Dowden. 970 M^moires complets et authentiques du Due de Saint Simon sur le Si6cle de Louis XIV et la regence, precedes d'une notice sur I'auteur par Emile de la Bedolliere. 20 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. Paris, i%^6. £12 12s 972 SALES (Saint Francois de). Oeuvres completes de Saint Franpois de Sales, Eveque et Prince de Geneve. With portrait and facsimile of his writing. 16 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt backs. Paris, 182 1. £1 lOS " Franpois de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, the ' angelic doctor,' charmed by his mere presence, his grace of person, his winning smile, his dove's eyes; he showed how amiable piety might be; his eloquence was festooned with blossoms; he strewed the path to heaven with roses; he conquered by docility; yet under his sweetness lay strength, and to methodise and popularise moral self-superintendence was to achieve much With his tender and ardent devotion, something of a poet's sentiment foi nature was united; but mysticism and poetry were both subservient to his aim of regulating the conduct of the heart; he desired to show how one may remain in the world, and yet not be of the world; by persoual converse and by his spiritual letters he became the director of courtiers and of ladies. The motto of the literary Ac4idemy which he founded at Annecy expresses his spirit— flores fructusque perennes— flowers for their own sake, but chiefly for the sake of fruit."— Dowden. 2o6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Q73 SANSON (A. J). Notiae expticative sur la navigation dans I'air (Con- station). 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1839. £4 4S gj^ Notice explicative sur la navigation dans I'air ou premieres notions d'a^ronatique. Deuxieme edition revue et augmentee. Svo, half calf, t. 'e. g. Paris, 1840. £4 4S 975 L' Aureole Glorieuse des Heros de Juillet et de Napoleon, Can- tates Nationales, suivies de I' Aerostation. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1840. £2 lOs 9/6 Navigation dans I'air. Le point d'appui a^rien applicable a I'a^rostation, precede d'un projet de Societe Aeronatique suivi d'une lettre sur T aerostation et de la liste des principaux aeronautes de M. Dupuis-Delcourt. With large folding flates of Sanson' s curious airship. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. {original ivraffers preserved^. Paris, 1 84 1. £4 4S 977 L'a^ronautique dtes gens du monde, direction des aerostats, pre- cedee d'une epitre en vers a feu S. A. R. Mgr. le Due d' Orleans. Second Edition. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1843. £4 4s 978 Navigation atmospherique. Explications complementaires sur le systeme physique, mecanique, pterophore, dynamique et trigonome- trique de Sanson pere et fils precedes de I'aeronautique des dames, lettre en prose et en vers libres, et suivies de Faeronautique des paresseux. With plates. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1845. * £5 5s 979 Proportions Geom^triques de I'Ellipsoide Lenticulaire ou Enve- loppe A^rostatique, du Systdme de Navigation A6rienne. With illustration of a flying .machifie. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1848. £3 lOs 980 SANSON (Pere et Fils). Explication du systeme de Navigation A^rienne. With illustration. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1848. £3 3S 981 Solution du probldme de la navigation a^rienne. Principes, preuves, et moyens. With illustrations. Svo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1850. £5 5S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 207 Sansott (Pere et Fils) — continued. 982 Les vrais principes de la navigation a^rienne, ou Tenigme de I'annee 1839 devoilee. With illustration. 8vo, half calf^ t. e. g. Paris, 1852. £5 5S 983 Pr€U¥€s sur preuves d'une nautique a^rienne. Inductions logi- ques tirees de faits patents d' aerostation, de marine, d'ornithologie, d'ichthyologie, de physique, de statique, de dynamique. With plate and illustrations. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1857. £5 15s 984 SANTOS-DUMONT (A,), Dans L'Air. Ouvrage ome de nombreuses illustrations et des epures executees par Santos-Dumont, pour ses differents dirigeables. Special copy printed on blue paper. ' With portrait of the author and numerous illustrations. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904. £2 2s Presentation copy from the author. 985 SARASIN (Frangois). Po^sies. Augmentees de documents nouveaux et de pieces inedites. Publiees avec Notices, Preface et Notes par Octave Uzanne. With an engraved frontispiece and a vignette, and a fine engraved portrait after Robert Nanteuil. Post 8vo, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, lihrairie des Bibliophiles , 1877. £1 5s * * * Only 517 copies printed. SATYRE MENIPPEE, de la vertu Catholicon d'Espagne, et de la tenue des Etats de, Paris, a laquelle est ajoute un Discours sur T interpretation du mot de Higuiero del Infierno, & qui en est J'Auteur. With frontispiece, four portraits and two folding engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, contemporary French red morocco, two-line fillet bor- der on sides, gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. Ratisbon, 1726. £7 7s FiNB Copy 2o8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 987 SCAR RON. Oeuvres de Scarron. Nouvelle Edition; Plus correcte que toutes les precedentes. Ce volume contient; Histoire de Scarron et ses ouvrages ; Son portrait fait par lui-meme ; Son testament ; Differentes lettres; La Mazarinade et la Baronade. Wi^h engraved portrait of the author. 7 vols., 8vo. A Fine Set in marbled calf, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. A Paris, chez Jean-Frangois Bastien, 1786. £6 15s " The master of this school of seventeenth century realism was Paul Scarron (1610-60), the comely little Abbe, unconcerned with ecclesiastical scruples or good manners, who, when a paralytic, twisted and tortured by disease, became the husband of D'Aubigne's grand-daughter, destined as Madame de Maintenon to become the most influential woman in all the history of France/' — Dowden. 989 Le Roman Comique. With frontispiece. 3 parts in i. 8voi. French style marbled calf, three-line fillet borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. {modern). Paris, far la Compagnie des Libraries (1798). £3 3s -'' His Roman Comique (1651), a short and lively narrative of the adventures of a troupe of comedians strolling in the provinces, contrasted with the exaltations, the heroisms, the delicate distresses of the ideal romance."— Dowden. 990 SCHNEIDER (J. H). Les Vies des Plus lllustres Philosophes de I'Anti- quit^, Avec leur Dogmes, leurs Systemes, leur Morale, & leurs Sen- tences les plus remarquables; Traduites du Greo de Diogene Laerce. Auxquelles on a ajoute la Vie de I'Auteur, oelles d'Epiotete, de Con- fucius, & leur Morale, Femmes Philosophes de I'Antiquit^. With engraved frontispiece and numerous full-page engraved por- traits. 3 vols. Sm. 8vo, old polished calf gilt, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e., by Chaumont. Amsterdam, chez J. H. Schneider, 1758. £1 lOs 991 SCROLL (Aurelien). Denise. With etchings in different colours. 8vo, original zvrappers, uncut. Limited issue. Paris, 1884. 18s 992 SGHONGAUER (Martin). Oeuvre, reproduit et public par Amand- Durand ; Text par Georges Duplessis. A Series of Wj large Reproductions of the Original Fine Etchings on Japanese Vellum. Large folio, original zvrappers, enclosed in portfolio. Paris, 188 1. £6 lOs MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 2og 993 SGHREIBER (W. L.). Manuel de I'Amateur de la Gravure sur Bois et SUr M^tal au XVe Si^cle. Contenant, Un Catalogue des Incunables a Figures imprimes en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Autriche-Hongrie et en Scandinavie avec des notes critiques et bibliographiques. Vol. 5. Both parts. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Leipzig, 1910-1911. £2 28 994 SCOTT (M. le Baron). Aerostat Dirigeable a Volont^. A I'aide de cette machine, les voyages qu'on entreprendra, quelque grands qu'ils soient, seront termines avec succes. With two very large folding plates of airships, very similar to the Zeppelins. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g., tniciit. Paris, 1789. £21 995 SCRIBE (Eugene). Theatre Complet. Ornee (Tune vignette pour chaque piece. 24 vols., half calf, neat. Paris, 1834. £6 6s " The name of Eugene Scribe, an incessant improvisator during forty years, from 1811 onwards, in cometly, vaudeville, and lyric drama, seems to recall that of the seventeenth-century Hardy. His art was not all commerce; he knew and he loved the stage; a philistine writing for philistines, Scribe cared little for truth of character, for beauty of form; the theatrical devices became for him ends in them- selves; of these he Avas as ingenious a master as is the juggler in another art when he tosses his bewildering balls, or smiles at the triumph of his inexplicable surprises." (Dowden). 996 SECOUSSE (D. F.). Memoires de Cond^, ou recueil pour servir a THis- toire de France, 011 Ton trouvera des preuves de L'Histoire de M. de Thou. With engraved frontispiece, numerous portraits and two plans of " la Bataille de Dreux." 6 vols., 4to, full red morocco, gilt backs, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. The Hague, 1743. ^ £12 12s 997 SENECA. Pens^es de Seneque. Traduite en Francois par Angliviel de la Beaumelle, pour servir a Teducation de la Jeunesse. Sm. 8vo, citron morocco gilt, three-line fillet border on sides, g. e. Paris, 1768. * £5 5s 210 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 998 SERYIERE (G. De). Recueil d'Ouvrages Curieux de Math^matique et de M^Chanique, ou Description du Cabinet de* Monsieur G. De Ser- viere. With 88 plates of inventions. Ato, -polished calf extra^ gilt back, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf. Lyons, 1719. £6 6s This book of mecliaJiical invention^;, many of which are extremely useful, is very curious, and includes some inventions which are anything but mechanical. One plate shows a reading desk which is very " particular and commodious for studious people.'^ It consists of a gigantic wheel containing trays, on each tray of which can be fastened an open book. The whole reminding very much of tfhe Great Wheel. Other inventions consist of Invalid Chairs, Extending Ladders, Agrometers, 'Patent Snuff Boxes, five of which are within a ball, etc., etc. 999 SEVIGNE (Madame de). Lettres de Madame de Sevigne a sa fille et a ses amis; nouvelle edition, enrichie d' Eclair cis semens et de Notes his- toriques, etc. Par Ph. A. Grouvelle; illustrated with facsimile auto- graph and a number of finely engraved portraits by St. Aubin and Roger. 8 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Paris, 1806. £2 2s 1000 Lettres de sa famille et de ses amis. Together with: Memoires de M. de Goulanges, suivis de lettres in^dites de Madame de Sevigne. Publics par M. De Monmerque. With numerous portraits and facsimiles. II vols., 8vo. A very fine set iti polished calf gilt, gilt backs ^ in- side dentelles^ g. e., by Toovey. Paris, 1820. £10 lOs " The epistolary art, in which the art itself is nature, may be said to have reached perfection, with scarcely an historical development, in the letters of Mme. de Sevigne. She wrote delightfully, laecause she conveyed herself into her letters, and bepause she conversed freely and naturally by means of her pen. " When her daughter, ' the prettiest girl in France,^ was married in 1669 to M. d* Grignan, soon to be Lieutenant-General of Provence, Mme. de Sevigne, desiring to be constantly one with her, at least in thought, transferred into letters her whole life from day to day, together with much of the social life of the time during a period of nearly thirty years. She allowed her pen to trot, throwing the reins, as she says, upon its neck; but if her letters are improvisations, they are improvisa- tions regulated by an exquisite artistic instinct. Her imagination is alert in. dis- covering, combining, and presenting the happiest meaJiings of reality. She is gay. witty, ironical, malicious, and all this without a trace of malignity; amiable rather than passionate, except in the ardour of her maternal devotion, which sometimes proved oppressive to a daughter, who, though not unloving, loved with a temperate heart; faithful to friends, loyal to those who had fallen into misfortune, but neither sentimental nor romantic, nor disposed to the generosities of a universal humanity; a. woman of spirit, energy, and good sense; capable of serious reflection, though not of profound thought; endowed with an exquisite sense of the power of words, and indeed the creator of a literary style. " Domestic affairs, business, the aristocratic life of Paris and Versailles, dullness or gaiety of a health-resort, the rise and fall of those in power, the petty inttrigues and spites and follies of the day— these, and much besides, enter into Mme. det Sevigne^<^ records, records made upon the moment, with all the animation of an immediate impression, but remaining with us as one of tJie chief documents for the social history of the second half of the seventeenth century.''— Dowden, MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 211 S^vignd (Madame de) — continued. 1 00 1 The Albuiti of Plates for the " Lettres Recueillies et annot^es par M. Monmerqud," comprising Arms in colours; 4 magnificently en- graved portraits, 2 extra portraits, 9 views, 16 facsimile letters, and a series of 18 plates and vignettes, proofs before letters, on " papier de Chine." Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Hachette, 1868. £l'ls 1002 SHAKESPEARE. — Aicard (J.) La Com^die Francaise a Londres. Moliere a bhakespeare. Prologue en vers. With a literal translation. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1879. £1 Is Presentation copy with inscription by the author. 1003 Chaulin (N. P.). Precis des pidces dramatiques de W. Shakes- peare avec observations et notices. With frontispiece of Mary Stuart. 8vo, original zvrappers. Paris, 1829. lOs 6d 1004 Delecluze. Othello et Snagarelle, ou des Avantages qui resultant pour les femmes d'etre battues. 8vo, zvrappers. Paris {about 1880). 7s 6d 1005 — Dugit (E.). Oreste et Hamlet. 8vo, original wrappers. Grenoble, 1889. £1 Is Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 1006 Duval (A.). Shakespeare amoureux, ou la piece a I'etude. Comedie. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1804. 10s 6d 1007 Shakespeare amoureux, ou la piece a I'etude. Com- edie. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1859. 7s 6d 1008 — Fleury (A.). Timon d'Athenes. Drame traduit htteralement en vers. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, i860. 1^6 6d First edition of Fleury 's translation. loog Gomont (H.). Le C6sar de Shakespeare. Etude historique et litteraire. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1874. 7s 6d 212 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Shakespeare — continued. 10 10 Macbeth, Trag^die. Par Ducis. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1790. £1 1s 10 1 1 Macbeth, tragedie, remise au theatre le premier Juin, 1790. Par M. Ducis. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1790. £1 Is 10 1 2 Onimus (Dr.). La psychologie dans les drames de Shakespeare. 8vo, original ivrappers. Paris , 1876. £1 Is Presentation copy from the author. 10 1 3 Othello ou le More de Yenise, tragedie. Par Ducis. 8vo, unbound. Paris, 1798. £2 2s 10 14 Rondel (A.). Commemoration de Moliere, Racine, Corneille, Shakespeare, et Cervantes, a la Comddie Francaise. With numerous reproductions of title-pages of the works of these authors, etc. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1919. 5s 1015 Deux Siecles de hommages Franpais a Shakespeare. , %\'o, original wrappers. Paris, 19 16. ' 7s 6d 1 016 Yieillard de Boismartin (A.). Macbeth a I'Odeon. Etude spirite. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1863. 7s 6d 1 01 7 SILVERCRUYS (F.). Quelque® Considerations a propos du Projet dte Loi pour la Protection de I'Enfance. Large 8vo, full levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Bruxelles, 1890. 10s 6d 1018 SILYESTRE (A.) Le Conte de I'Archer. With coloured woodcuts after A. Poirson. A limited edition. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1883. £1 5s 1019 SITTLER (F. J.). Dictionnaire Abreviatif Chiffr6. Eighth edition. ^\o, cloth. Paris, 1887. 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 213 Travels in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains, 1845-6. 1020 SMET (Rev. P. J. de). Minions d© I' Oregon ©t Voyages Aux Montagnes Rocheuses, aux sources de la Golombie, de TAthabasca et du Sascat- shawin, en 1845-46. With 16 engravings and 3 maps. Thick i2mo, fine copy in original printed wrappers. Gand, 1848. £3 3s * * * "A handsome volume, of over 400 pages, illustrated by engravings, and dedicated to Bishop Hughes, from the distant solitudes of the Rocky Mountains, by a pious Catholic priest, who devoted his life to the conversion of the Children of the Forest to Christianity. The book might properly enough be called a history of the religious occupation of Oregon, for it gives a minute account of all the missions that have been established, or attempted, in that vast and wonderful region to which the red men have been compelled to fly before the rising tide of civilization. " We have been more deeply interested in the contents of this well-written volume, than in any similar work that we have ever read. The author seems to spread the great wilderness out before us like a map, and while kindling in our minds a sense of the infinite grandeur and beauty of Nature, inspires us at the time with some- thing of the spirit of his own holy mission. The very names of the solitary places from which he dates his letters, not only startfe us by their strangeness, but are linlved with the most affecting associations—' Foot of the Cross of Peace '—' Village of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ' — such are the names with which the Catholic Fathers christen the wilderness which is made glad by their labours."— New York Evening Mirror. 1021 SOCIETE D'AQUARELLISTES FRANCAIS. With 1 20 fine photogravures^ and numerous woodcuts, illustratiiig the Works of H . Baron, E. de Beaumont, E. Detaille, G. Dore^ E. Isa- b^Ji J ■ Jacquemart, G. Jacquet, R. Jourdain, L. Leloir, M. Lemaire^ }. Tissot, J. Worms, etc., etc., with descriptive text. 2 vols., royal folio, full red morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1883. £3 38 One of 110 copies, " Tirage de Graxde Luxe.'* 1022 SOLIS (Antoine de). Histoire de la Gonquete du Mexique, Ou de la Nouvelle Espagne. Par Fernand Gortez. Folding maps and plates. 2 vols., i2mo, original calf . The Hague, 1692. £1 5s 1023 SOLUTION du probldme de la Navigation A^rienne. Le Ballon Deminne. With illustration of an airship, and diagram. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g., original wrappers bound in. Brussels, Paris and London, 1865. £2 lOs 214 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The First French Novel. 1024 SOREL (Charles). La Yraye Histoire Comique de Francion. Ampli- fiee en plusieurs endroits, et augmentee d'un Livre, suivant les manu- scrits de I'Autheur. Thick post 8vo, original vellum. Rouen, Jacques Cailloue, 1660. £5 5s One of tih© most amusing Frencli stori^ ever written. "Charles Sorel expressed, in his Histoire Comique de Francion, a Rabelaisian and picaresque tale of low life, thy revolt of the esprit gaulois against the homage of the imagination of courtly shepherdesses and pastoral cavaliers." — Dowden. 1025 SPANHEIM (Mr. De). Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne fidetement tiree de la Dissertation Latine de Mr. De Spanheim. With five unsigned -plates , one folding. 2 vols., i2mo, calf gilt, gilt ornamental backs, key-pattern border on sides, g. e., by Kalthoeber. The Hague, chez Henri Scheurleer, 1720. . £1 5S 1026 SPERAT (De S.). Le Miroire de la Jeunesse, ou le Jeune Age Instruit par "fees propres Erreurs et ses Propres Vertues. With 9 charming plates. i2mo, contemporary calf. Paris, 1825. 7s 6d 1027 STERNE (Laurence). Voyage Sentimental en France et en Italie. Tra- duction nouvelle par Alfred Hedouin. Avec six eaux-fortes par Edmond Hedouin. Post Svo, half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, Jouaust, 1875. £1 lOs 1028 STRADA (F.). Histoire de la Guerre de la Flandre. Traduit par P. du Ryer. With numerous engraved plates ,{^7n any folding^. 8vo, roan, gilt back, g. e. Paris, 1665. £1 5s 1029 STRAP ARC LA. Les Facecieuses Nuicts du Seigneur Straparoie. (Translated into French by Jean Louveau and Pierre de Larivey). 2 vols., i2mo, contemporary French calf, gilt ornamental backs. {Paris, Guerin), 1726. £1 5s " Straparola is a good story-teller, but what gives him an epoch-making rank among Italian novelists is his having been the first to avail himself of popular folk-lore as a ground-work for fiction. " Straparolia was perhaps the first man who systematically turned them to literary account "— Garnett. MAGGSBROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 215 The Privately Printed Memoires of Le Due de Sully. 1029a SULLY (Maximilian, Due de). M^moires des Sages ef Royalles Oeco- nomies d'Estat, Domestiques, Politiques et Militaires de Henry Le Grand, TExemplaire des Roys, le Prince des Vertus, des Armes & des Loix, & le Pere en effet de ses peuples Frangois. Et des servitudes utiles obeissances convenables & administrations loyales de Mciximilian de Bethune Tun des plus confidens, familiers, & utiles soldats & Serviteurs du grand Mars des Frangois. (i 570-1610). 2 vols, in I. First Edition. Folio, old calf, gilt back. Privately f tinted at Sully's Castle, i;^ 1638. £10 lOs This is fhe rare First Edition, which contains the cipher of the House of Sully (V.V.V.), painted ^in green, and containing the parallel of Caesar with Henry the Great in Eonian letters. This distinguishing it from all reprints. 1030 TACHARD (Guy). Voyage de Siam de Peres Jesuites, Envoyes par le Roy, aux Indes & a la Chine. Avec leurs observations Astronomiques, & leurs Remarques de Physique, de Geographic, d'Hydrographie, et d'Histoire. With e7t graved frontispiece and 30 curious and interesting engraved ■plates, many folding. i2mo, original calf, rebacked. Amsterdam, 1687. £2 lOs 103 1 T(AILLEPIED) de la G(arenne), VIcomte. Domitor ou le Dompteur de I'air. With 3 very curious plates. 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1852. £3 3s 1032 Notice a^ronaiitique, actualites, recueil de pieces de septembre 1856 a Janvier, 1857. Extraits Rememoratifs de travaux anterieurs. With 4 plates. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1857. £3 3s An extraordinarily interesting book 1033 TAPESTRY. Tapisseries du Roy ou sent Representez les Quatre Ele- mens et les Quatre Saisons, avec les Devises qui les Accompagnent et leur explication. Illustrated with a series of 8 large and fine double-page plates of classical designs, each surrounded with an -elaborately -de signed border of flowers, fruit, military emblems, 7nusic, husbandry, medallion views, and other devices; also numerous large and fine emblematic engravings in the text, and 3 engraved titles, with emblematic borders. (Text in French and German.) Folio, boards. Augsburg, 1687. £6 lOs 2i6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Tapestry — continued. 1034 Tapisseries du Roy, ou sont representez les quatre elemens et les quatres Saisons. Avec les devises qui les accompagnent et leur ex- plications. Nuinerous folding plates, vignettes, , frontispieces, etc., after Le Brun. ¥ olio, original calf . Paris, Cranioisy , 1769. £4 4s 1035 TASSO. Aminta. With engravings. i2mo, bound in French XVIIIth Century crimson morocco, three- line fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of AdolpJtus Frederick, King of Sweden, gilt back, g. e. Paris, 1745. £9 9s " The Pastoral Drama was virtually created by Tasso^s Aminta. Few novel experi- ments in literature have enjoyed a more immediate or more permanent success. Numerous as were the Aminta's imitators, its primacy lias never but once been seriously challenged, and its nature and simplicity have in general been justly pre- ferred to the more elaborate artifice of the Pastor Fido. It is indeed deficient in the rich poetry of its English rival, the Faithful Shepherdess, ' as inferior, poetically speaking," says Leigh Hunt, ' as a lawn with a few t,rees on it is to the depths of a forest.' But Leigh Hunt confesses its superiority in ' true dramatic skill, and flesh and blood interest ' ; it is Indeed as far as anything can be from the insipidity usually associated with pastoral compositions. It has, moreover, more of the genuine yearn- ing for the golden age, the spirit which inspires Keats's Endymion, than is found in the fanciful dramas of Fletcher, or Milton, or Ben Jonson. ' The central motive of Aminta and the Pastor Fido/ says Symonds, ' is the contrast between the actual world of ambition, treachei-y, and sordid strife, and the ideal world of ple'asure, loyalty, and tranquil ease.' "'— Garnett. J 036 Jerusalem deliyr^e, poeme du Tas.se. Nouvelle traduction. With 2 titles with fleurons engraved by Drouet, 2 frontispieces with portraits {in 7nedalUon) of Tasso and Gravelot, 20 plates by the sajne, 23 culs-de-lampe and 20 vignettes, being portraits of the principle per- sons in the poem, all after Gravelot. 3 vols., 8vo, old calf, fully gilt backs, gilt line borders on sides. Paris, Musier fits, 1774. £8 8s '' The merit of the Jerusalem consists mainly in details whose beauty requires no exposition. Mention has already been made of the merit of the character-painting, which greatly surpasses Ariosto's. The latter's personages are in comparison puppets; Tasso's are liAung men and women. The passion of loA^e in the three princi- pal female characters is exquisitely painted, and admirably discriminated in accord- ance with the disposition of each. " Another honourable chaxacteristic is Tasso's love of science and discovery, revealed by many passages in his minor poems and his dialogues, and in the Jerusalem by the noble prophecy of the Columbus to be. His sonnet to Stigliani, hereafter to be quoted, appears to hint that with better health and fortune he would himself have taken the exploits of Columbus as the subject of another epic; and he is said to have remarked that the only contemporary poet against whom he felt any hesitation in measuring himself was Camoens, the singer of the discoveries of the Portuguese.^'— Garnett. t^LAFE LXii. 1 W p (t s *» 1^5 3 o >^ C ^ S o Plate LXtll. I^ouiid for Count Hknri de Calkxberg' (1685-1772). (Mauvillon. Histoire dn Prince Eugene de Savoie). _ . ^ 5 vols. Vienne, 1755. See Item No. 1178. MAGGS BROS. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 217 Tasso — -contimied. 1036a La Gerusalemme Liberata. With tivo frontisfieces with the portraits of Tasso and Gravelot, two engraved title-pages with fleurons by Drouet^ a dedication with a vignette by Le Roy^ 20 engravings, g large and 14 small culs-de-lampe at the end of the chants, and 20 vignettes with portraits, all by Gravelot, engraved after Baquoy, Duclos, Henriqiiez, Leveau, Lingee, Le Roy, Massard, Mesnil, Nee, Patas, Ponce, Rousseau and Simonet. 2 vols., 8vo, French green morocco, gilt ornajuental backs, elaborate gilt tooling on sides, inside dentelles, pink silk guards, g. e. Paris, 1 77 1. £21 1036b La Gerusalemme Liberata. With frontispiece and 40 engravings after Cochin, engraved by D^mbrun, de Lau7iay, Delignon, Duclos, Lingee, Patas, Pouce, Prevost, A. de Saint- Aubin, Simonet, Tillard, Trier e and Yarin. 2 vols., 4to, old full green morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, gilt ornamental backs, g. e. Paris, Didot V Aine, 1784. £15 15s 1037 TERENCE. Gomoediae sex. With engravings, vignettes, and tail-pieces after Gravelot, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, beautifully bound in French contemporary crimson morocco, sides elaborately tooled, fully gilt floral backs, inside den- telles, g. e. {Dero7ne). Paris, 1753. £21 1038 Another Copy. 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary green morocco, gilt backs, g. e. Paris, 1753. £5 5s From t\v? Bibliotlieoa Laraoniana. 1039 TERRIS (Jules de). Quatri^me Centenaire de la Decouverte de rAm^ri- que. Rapport a M. le Marquis de Croizier sur les travaux du Comit6 de Vaucluse. 8vo, fiill morocco, g. e. Bar-le-Duc, 1894. *•** * * * An account of the fourth centenary celebrations of the Discovery of America, ift France, and more especialty in the Vaucluse Dejiartment. 2i8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1040 TESTU-BRISSY. Les Animaux Savants, ou Exercices des Chevaux de MM. Franconi, du cerf Coco, du cerf Azor, de I'elephant Baba, des serins Hollandais, du singe militaire, etc., etc., Ouvrage auquel on a joint les Moineaux-Francs dii Palais-Royal, et autres Historiettes morales; Suivi de dessins et d'explications des differents pieges pour prendre les oiseaux. - With engraved frontisfiece {coloured^ and eleven other interesting and beautifully coloured engravings of ferforming animals^ including the remarkable ascent of M. Testu Brissy on horseback^ in a balloon, at Meudon; after /. D. Dugourc. Oblong 8vo, original -picture boards. Paris, N.D. £7 7s 1041 THEOPHRASTE. Les Garaoteres de Th6ophraste d'apres un Manuscrit du Vatican. Avec le texte grec, des notes critiques, & un discours pre- liminaire sur la Vie & les Ecrits de Theophraste. Par Coray. With -portrait. 8vo, trench red morocco, three-line fillet border on sides, inside dentellesy g. e. Paris (1799). £1 10« 1042 THEURIET (Andre). Nos Oiseaux. With 98 illustrations in colour and an original ivater-colour draw- ing on the half-title by Giacomelli. One of 50 copies printed on Japan paper. Small folio, half green morocco. Paris, 1887. £6 6s Presentation copy to L. Conquet. 1043 -1 Another Copy. With 98 engravings in colour after H . Giacomelli. I OF 500 COPIES PRINTED ON *' PAPIER DE MARAIS." Large 4to, crushed blue levant morocco, richly gilt back, two-line fillet border on sides, inside dentelles, g. e., by David. Paris, 1887. £5 5s 1044 THIERS (A.). Histoire du Consulat et de L' Empire faisant suite a I'Histoire de La Revolution Franpaise. 21 vols., 8vo, half vellum. Paris, 1884. £5 15s " His Histoire du Consulat et de FEmpire (1845-62) is the great achievement of Thiers' maturity; journalist, orator, minister of state, until he became the chief of stricken France in 1871, his highest claim to be remembered was this vast record of his country's glory. He had an appetite for facts; no detail — the price of bread, of soap, of candlesi — wa^ a matter of indifference to him: he could not show too many things. or show them too cltearly; his supreme quality was intelligence; his passion was the pride of patriotism; his foible was the vanity of military success, the zeal of a chauvinist. He was a liberal; but Napoleon summed up France, and won her battles, therefore Napoleon, the great captain, who ' made war with his genius and politics with his passions,' must be for ever magnified. The coup d'etat of the third ?fapoleon owed a debt to the liberal historian who had reconstructed the Napoleonic MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 2ig Thiers — continued. legend. The campaigns and battlie-pieces of Thiers are unsurpassed in their kind. His style in narrative is facile, abundant, animated, and so transparent that nothing seems to interv^ene between ^the object and the reader who has become a spectator ; a style negligent at times, and even incorrect, adding no charm of its own to a lucid presentation of things. ^^—Dowden. 1045 THILORIER. Syst^me Universel, ou de rUmvers at de ses Phenomenes consideres comme les effets d'une cause unique. Ouvrage dans lequel on a recueilli ce que la science modeme presente de plus curieux sur la Physique, T Astronomic, la Chimie, la Geologic, etc With diagrams. 4 vols., 8vo, half bound. Paris, 181c;. £2 lOs 1046 THOINAN (E.). Les Reiieurs Franoais (i 500-1 800). Bibliographic Critique et Anecdotique precedee de L'Histoire de la Communaute des Helieurs et Doreurs de Livres de la Ville de Paris et d'une etude sur les styles de reliure. With 3 I -plates and foldijtg maf. 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1893. £3 10s 1047 THOMAS. Un an a Rome et dans ses environs. Recueil de desseins lithographiees, representant 4es costumes, les usages et les ceremonies civiles et religieuses des Etats remains. With 72 lithographs in colour, including the famous balloon plate {plate 28, ballon de fete religieuse) by Villain after TJiomas. Folio, morocco, sides elaborately gilt, g. e. Paris, Firmin Didoty 1^621. £17 17s 1048 THOMPSON. Les Saisons, Poeme traduit de I'Anglais de Thompson. Edition ornee de Figures dessinees par Lebarbier, et gravees sous sa direction. The four plates engraved by Baquoy, Dambrun, Dupreel, and Patas, are Proofs before the titles. One of 300 Copies. Printed on " papier velin." 8vo, original boards. Paris, chez Deterville, de Vlmprimerie de Didot jeune, 1796. ^"^ "^^^ 220 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1049 TIBULLEi Elegies, avec des notes et des recherches de mythologie, d^histoire et de philosophic ; suivies des Baisers de Jean Second, traduc- tion nouvelle adressee du donjon de Vincennes, par Mirabeau Taine a Sophie de Ruffey. Portrait by Mirabeau of Borel^ engraved by Voysard, portrait of Sophie by Borel, engraved by Elluin, 12 plates by Borel, and i plate by McL'rillier, engraved by Dupreel. 3 vols., 8vo, mottled calf, gilt, g. e. {French style). Tours and Paris, 1795. £7 lOs 1050 Another Copy. 3 vols., 8vo, original boards, m. e. Tours and Paris, 1795. £2 2s 105 1 TISSANDIER (G.). Histoire des ballons et des aeronautes cel^bres (1783-1800). With 52 vignettes, 14 coloured plates and 10 photogravures. Histoire des ballons et des aeronautes c^l^bres (i 801 -1890). With 35 vignettes, 12 photogravures and 8 coloured plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1 887- 1890. £9 9s The set op two forms the most artistic history of aeronautics published. One of 25 Copies Printed on Japan Paper with a Double Set of the Plates. 1052 Histoire des Ballons et des Aeronautes cel^bres 1783- 1890. With many heliogravures, coloured plates, vignettes, etc. Large paper copy on Japan paper, with the photogravure plates in two sets, printed in two colours. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1 887-1 890. £19 19s Only 25 copies were printed on Japan paper, with a double set of the plates. The above IS a special copy of the Japan Paper Issue printed for the publisher. 1053 Bibliographie a^ronautique. Catalogue de livres d'histoire, de science, de voyages et de fantaisie, traitant de la navigation aerienne ou des aerostats. With many vignettes. Royal 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 1887. 12s 6d Serves as a supplement to the author's monumental " Histoire des Ballons." J 054 En ballon! Pendant le siege de Paris. Souvenirs d'un aero- naute. 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, 1871. 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 221 1055 TISSANIER (Joseph). Relation du Voyage du P. Joseph Tissanier de la Compagnie de Jesus, depuis la France, jusqu'au royaume de Tun- quin. Avec ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable dans cette Mission, durant les annees 1658, 1659 & 1660. i2mo,calf. Paris, 166^. £6 10s 105; TISSOT (S. A.). L'onanisme. Dissertation sur les Maladies produites par la Masturbation. Small 8vo, boards. Lausanne, 1766. £1 5s 1058 TOUSSAINT (F. D.). Anecdotes curieuses de la Cour de France sous le r^gne de Louis XY, Texte originale publiee pour la premiere fois avec une notice et des annotations par Paul Fould. With 32 full-page plates in heliogravure. I'OF 250 NUMBERED COPIES PRINTED ON PAPIER DE CUVE. 2 vols., royal 4to, original ivrappers, uncut. Paris, 1905. £2 lOs 1058a TRESOR des Mots Franpois. Selon I'ordre des lettres, ainsi qu'il les f aut escrire ; tournez en Latin par plusieurs mots & f agons de parler, pour les en fans. Double columns, interleaved with old paper throughout. 8vo, old limp vellum. Lyons, 1585. £3 lOs The work is a very early French-Latin dictionary for the use of school-children and is unknown to Brunet. 1059 TRESSAN (Le comte de). Histoire de Gerard de Nevers et de la belle Euriant, sa mie. With A. plates by Moreau, engraved by Dupreel, de Ghendt, Mal- beste and Simonet. The plates are in duplicate, proofs before letters, and in THE ordinary STATE. i8mo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt, g. e., inside dentelles, by Chambolle Duru. Paris, Didot jeune, 1792. £5 5s 1060 TRISTAN. Reoueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a ses aventures. Composes en Francois en Anglo-Normand et en Grec dans les XII et XIII si^cles. Public par Francisque Michel. 2 vols, in I, thick i2mo, full yelloiv morocco, gilt back and sides, g. e. London, Pickering, 1835. £1 5s 222 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 1061 USSIEUX (M. d'). Les Nouvelles FranQoises. WiiA I fleuron {used on the title-fage of each volume^, 15 engrav- ings^ 1 1 vignettes and 1 1 culs-le-lamfe^ by Binet^ Desjnaisons^ Desrais and Martini^ engraved by Berthet^ Gaucher^ Giraud Vainky H emery, Leroy, Martini and Mme. Ponce. 3 vols., 8vo, vellum, gilt backs, g. e. Paris, Nyon Vaine et Belin, 1783. £5 5s 1062 UZANNE (O.). La reliure moderne. Artistique et fantaisiste. With frontispiece after Albert Lynch engraved by Manesse. With numerous reproductions of fine bifidings. Royal Svo, red morocco, with elaborately tooled borders on sides and back, 'gilt back, inside dentelles, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, original wrappers preserved. Paris, 1887. £10 lOs A FINE COPT IN A MAGNIFICENT MODERN BINDING. 1063 La Femme a Paris. Kos Gontemporaines, notes successives sur les Parisiennes de ce Temps dans leurs divers milieux, ^tats et con- ditions. With numerous illustrations {mostly coloured), by Pierre Vidal. Special issue printed on Japan paper, with the plates in two STATES. Large Svo, original illustrated tvrappers, uncut, in a daintily em- broidered satin cover with silk ties. Paris, 1894. ^^ "^^^ 1064 La Femme et la Mode, Metamorphoses de la Parisienne de 1792 ^ 1892. Tableau des moeurs et usages aux principales epoques de notre ere Republicaine. With coloured frontispiece, and 7nore than 160 draivings by A. Lynch and E. Mas. I OF 20 COPIES PRINTED ON ** PAPIER DE CHINE." 8vo, half red morocco, i. e. g., by Wood, original wrappers bound in at end. £2 2s 1065 La Frangaise du Sidcle. Modes — Moeurs — Usages. I OF 100 COPIES PRINTED ON JAPAN PAPER. Large Paper Copy, with engravings in 3 states. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Quantin, 1886. £4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 223 Uzanne — continued. 1066 Another Copy. 1 of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states (both coloured). Large 8vo, original illustrated wrappers^ uncut, in a fancy gilt cover with silk ties. Paris, Quantin, 1886. £1 lOs 1067 L'Eventail. L'Ombrelle — Le Gant — Le Manchon. Together 2 vols., imperial 8vo, every page illustrated, either with a charming design suggested by the text, or a delicate border surround- ing the text, by Paul Avril {the illustrations printed in various tints). Full morocco, gilt and blind tooled, uncut, t. e. g., the original pic- torial covers bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1882-3. £4 15s 1068 Another Copy. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Quantin, 1882-3. £2 lOs 1069 L'Eventail. With numerous engravings in various tints by Paul Avril, with the original satin covers bound in. Imperial 8vo, handsomely bound in full green levant morocco^ gilt, with a special design of a fan tooled on the side, inside dentelles, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1882. £4 4S 1070 Another Copy. Imperial 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, Paris, Quantin, 1882. 158 1 07 1 L'Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon. With numerous engravings in various tints by Paul Avril. Imperial 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, t. e. g., original wrappers bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1883. £1 lOs 1072 Another Copy. Imperial 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1883. 15s 224 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Uzanne — continued. 1072a Petit Conteurs du XVIII Sidcle. Complete set containing the following : — Contes de I'Abbe de Voisenon. Contes du Chevalier de Boufleurs. Faceties du Comte de Caylus. Contes Dialogues de Crebillon fils. Contes de Paradis de Moncrif. Contes du Chevalier de la Morliere. Contes de Pinot-Duclos. Contes de Jacques Cazotte. Contes du Baron de Besenval. Contes de Fromaget. • Contes de Godard d'Aucour. Together with the Etchings : Eaux-Fortes pour illustrer Les Petits Conteurs du XVIII Siecle. Paris, 1878 to 1882. 12 vols., royal 8vo, half 7no70cco, gilt backs, t. e. g., by Durvand Tnvet, £12 12s 1073 UZANNE (O.) and ROBSDA (A.). Gontes pour les Bibliophiles. I OF 1,000 COPIES PRINTED ON PAPIER VELIN. With many illustra- tions in black and colour to illustrate V zanne\s humorous stories of book lovers. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895. ^2 lOs 1074 VACCINATION. Chrestien (A. J.). Opuscule sur I'Inoculation de la petite Vdrole, avec quelques reflexions sur celle de la Vaccine: suivi d' observations pratiques sur la Methode par absorption. 8vo, 240 pp., original wrappers, uncut. Montpellier et Paris, an /A' (1801). £1 lOs * * * With a si Maximilien. Bruges, 1844. Presentation Copy to Queen Victoria. io8o VAN GINGELEN (Jacq.). Collection de 25 planches dessin^es et gravies k I'eau forte d'apres des tableaux et ses etudes. Oiferte i sa Majeste Victoria ler. Reine de la Grande Bretagne. Folio, crimson morocco, gilt, with above inscription on sides. £4 10s 226 MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1 08 1 VAN HECKE. Mdmoire du Docteur Van Hecke, avec pieces authenti- ques a I'appui, En reponse a la revendication que M. Van Esschen vient d'adresser a la Chambre des Represent ants, pour la priorite d' invention de la Navigation Aerienne. 4to, half calf, i. e. g. Brussels, 1847. £2 10s 1082 — ^ — — Les Ballons et les Pigeons ont 6t6 funestes pour la France. Details Inconnus du Siege de Paris communiques a titre d'hommage respectueux a Messieurs les Membres du Senat et de la Chambre des Deputes. 4to, half calf, t. e. g. Paris, 1882. £2 lOs ro83 VAN SOMER (Paul, 1 576-1621). Les Douze Mois. 12 engravings by P. Landry after P. Y an Somer. Small oblong folio, boards. Paris, N.D. £2 2s 1084 VAN WEEREN (Petrus Wilhelmus, Lieut.). Moeurs et Coutumes des Prinoipaux Peuples des Indes Nderlandaises. With 28 photographic plates. Large thick 4to, full calf, g. e. Privately Printed, The Hague, 1904. £1 16s 1084a VARNHACEN (F. A. de). Amerigo VespuDOi. Son caract^re, ses ecrits (meme les moins authentiques), sa vie et ses navigations. With a folding map of the Atlantic Ocean. Folio, half morocco, t. e. g. Lima, 1865. £2 2S /085 V, C. P. Exeroice Spirituielle, contenant la mamere* d' employer toutes les heures du jour au service de Dieu. Pour la Maison du Roi. With engraved title and frontispiece and nuinerous plates. i6mo, full green calf gilt, gilt back, g. e. Paris, 1752. £1 Is 1086 VERSAILLES. Les Plaisirs de I'lsle enchant^e. The Q fine engravings after and by Silvestre {no text), together with an Extra Series of 6 double- page plates by P autre and Chau- neau of Theatrical Performances and Concerts, etc., i^icluding Moliere^s Le Malade Imaginaire, 1676. 2 vols., folio, calf. Paris, Imprimerie Roy ale, 1673-76. £10 lOs 1087 Les Plaisirs de I'lsle enchant^e. Course de Bague; Collation ornee de Machines ; Comedie Meslee de Danse et de Musique ; Ballet du Palais d'Alcine; Feu d'Artifice; Et Autres Festes Galantes et Magnifi- ques, Faites par Le Roy a Versailles, le VIL May MDCLXIV. et con- tinuees plusieurs autres jours. With 9 doiible-page fine engravings after and by Silvestre. Folio, cloth. Paris, Imprimerie Roy ale, 1673. £5 5s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 127 Versailles — continued. 1088 Relation de la Feste de Versailles du 18 Juillet, 1668. Four double-page plates. Folio, vellum. Paris, 1679. £5 5s Collation donnee dans le petit Pare de Versailles. Les Festes de FAmour et de Bacchus Festin donnee dans le petit Pare. La Salle du Bal. 1088a VERSTECAN (Richard). Theatre des Cruautez des tieretiques de Notre temps. Traduit du Latin en Frangois. With 30 engravings. 4to, morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt centre ornaments, ijisidc dentelles by Duru, g. e. Antwerp, 1588. £7 15s The illustrations show the horrible cruelties and tortures which the Koraan Catholict- suffered at the hands of the Protestants in the Netherlands, France, and England (including the executions of Sir Thomas More, John Fisher, Cardinal Pole). 1089 VEUILLOT (Louis). Jesus-Christ avec une ^tude sur Part Chretien par E. Cartier. With 180 woodcuts and 16 lithographs in colour, from early monu- ments in the catacombs to the present time. Folio, original red half morocco gilt. Pans, Fzrjntn-Dzdot, 1875. £2 2s 1090 VI BERT (Theodore). Pour lire en Aeroplane. La France inconnue et pittoresque a vol d'oiseau. 8vo, pictorial wrappers, uncut. Paris and Nancy, 191 5. 3s 1091 VICAIRE (Georges). Manuel de L' Amateur de Livres de XiX Steele. The Index Volume. ^\ro, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1920. • 15s 6d 1092 VIENNA, Gaierie imperiale-Royale au Belvedere k Vienne d'Apres les Dessins de Sigismund de Perger, gravee par Differents Artistes, avec un Texte Explicatif, Critique et Historique, sur Chaque Objet, par Charles Haas (descriptive Text in French and German). Containing about 240 fine copperplates of Landscapes^ Animal Studies, Portraits, etc., after the most celebrated Masters of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German, aftd French Schools. 4 vols., 4to, full morocco, g. e. Vienne et Prague ^ 1821. £4 4s 1093 VIES des Saints P^res des Deserts et de Quelques Saintes, escrites par des Peres de I'Eglise & autres Anciens Auteurs Ecclcsiastiques. Tra- duites en Frangois par Mr. Arnauld d'Andilly. 2 vols., 4to, antique black morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, 1647. ^1 lOs 228 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 1094 VILLIERS DU TERRACE (M. de). Les a^rostiers militaires en Egypte. Campagne de Bonaparte 1 798-1 801. 8vo, original wraffers. Paris ^ 190 1. lOs 1094a VIGIER (Jean). La Grande Chimrgle des Tumeurs, En laquelle, selon les anciens Grecs, Latins, Arabes, & modernes approuvez, Est contenu La Theorie & Practique tres parfaicte de toutes les maladies externes, qui suruiennent au corps humain. Le tout compose de nouveau, & curieuse- ment recerche. Traiotd des Medioaments, Compose de Nouveau. Traiote de Peste, contenant la Nature, Causes, signes, accidens, preservations & curation d'icelle, avec le moyen de desinfecter les maisons & meubles. The three works in one volume. Small thick Svo, vellum. Lyons, 1614. £2 2s J 094b La Grande Chirurgie des Uleeres, En laquelle, selon les anciens Grecs, Latins, Arabes & modernes approuvez. Est contenu la Theorie ^ Practique tres-parfaites des Ulceres de tout le corps hum.ain. Le tout compose de nouveau, & curieusement recerche. Livre second. De la Grand Chirurgie des Ulceres, en particulier depuis la teste jusques aux pieds, avec leurs curations tant selon la vieille que nouvelle medecine. Appendix a la Grande CFtirurgie dies Uloeres. Traictant du Char- bon. Herpes, Polypus, Chaude-pisse, & camosite de la verge, avec leur curation. The three works in one volume. Small thick Svo, vellum. Lyons, 16^4. £2 2s 1095 VIRGIL. Opera, cura S. A. Philippe. With engravings after Cochin, by Duflos, and vignettes. 3 vols., Svo, conteinporary green morocco. Paris, Coustellier, 1745. £3 lOs 1096 L'Eneide di Virgilio del Commendatore Annibal Caro. With two portraits, that of Virgil by Ficquet and that of Caro by Defehrt, two title-pages, 12 engravings, 12 vignettes and 6 culs-de- lampe by Zocchi, with the exception of one by Prevost, engraved by Chenu, Defehrt, Lemper eur, Leveau, Pasquier, Prevost and Tardieu. 2 vols., contemporary French calf, gilt ornamental backs, dainty gilt border on sides. Paris, 1760. 10s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 22'^ Vtrgtt — continued. 1097 Oeuvres de Virgile, traduites en Frangois, le Texte vis-a-vis la traduction, avec des remarques par M. TAbbe des Fontaines. Nouvelle edition. (In Latin and French). With engraved portrait of the author by Dupreel, and 1 7 ettgravings by Moreau and Zocchi^ engraved by Baquoy^ Dambrun, Delignon, Del- vaux^ Duhamely Du freely Halbou, Ponce and Thomas. 4 vols., 8vo, French marbled calf^ gilt key-pattern border on sides ^ gilt ornamentations on backs ^ g. e., by Le Noir. Paris (1796). £1 Is 1098 Les Bucoliques de Virgile, traduit en vers Frangais (par de Langeac). With 10 plates , and 10 culs-de-lampe after J . B. Huet, and Fra- gonard fils^ engraved by Copia. Printed on grand papier velin, with the proof plates before ALL letters. 4to, boards, leather back, uncut. Paris, 1806. £3 lOs French and Latin text opposite one another. 1099 VOLLARD (Ambroise). Le P6re Ubu a i'Aviation (a Satire on jarry's Ubu Roi). With an amusing sketch by P. Bonnard. 8vo, original wrappers. Paris, 191 8. 8s First Edition. An Esteemed Library Edition. 1 100 VOLTAIRE. Oeuvres Campl^tes. With 113 engravings by Coini, Croustelle^ Girardet, De Ghendt^ etf., after Moreau, in fine impressions. 66 vols., 8vo, half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, Renouard, 18 19- 1825. £31 lOS 1 1 01 La Pliceille d' Orleans, Poeme Heroi-Comique en dix-huit Chants. Nouvelle edition, sans faute et sans lacune. Augmentee d'une Epitre du Pere Grisbourdon a Mr. de Voltaire, et un Jugement sur le Poeme de la Pucelle a M , avec une Epigramme sur le meme Poeme. Engraved portrait of Voltaire. i8mo, old morocco, gilt, g. e. Londres, 1758. lOs 6d H02 - — La Pucelle d' Orleans, Poeme, divis6 en vingt Chants, avec des notes. Nouvelle Edition, corrigee, augmentee et collationn6e sur le Manuscript de I'auteur. With 20 engraved plates after the designs by Gravelot. 8vo, contemporary calf. {Geneva), 1762. £2 lOs * * * The first edition acknowledged by the authob. 230 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Voltaire — continued. 1 103 La Pucefle cFOildans. Poeme en 21 chants. Edition ornee de figures gravees par les meilleurs Artistes de Paris. With -portrait of Joan of Arc after and engraved by Gaucher, and 21 -plates after Le Bar bier, Marillier, Monnet, et Monsiau, engraved by Baquoy, Choffard, Delignon, Delvaux, Duhamel, Dupreel, Lemire, Lingee, Malbeste, Patas, Pauquet, Ponce and Komanet. With many extra illustrations. 2 vols, in I, 4to, full russia, back gilt, t. e. g. Paris, Didot, 1795. £10 lOs Very fine edition printed on bluish-white paper, with superb engravings and many extra illustrations. 1 105 La Puicelle d' Orleans. Edition ornee de ligures gravees par Duplessis-Berthault. With all the engravings printed in red. 8yo, bound in full crimson morocco, sides almost and back entirely covered with a semis of fleurs-de-lys arranged within lozenges, thirteen fleurs-de-lys being inlaid on green leather, inside dentelles, g. e. London, 1780 (reprint, circa 1880). £6 15s 1 106 La Hetlriade. Avec des remarques, & les differences qui se trouvent dans les diverses Editions de ce Poeme. With frontispiece by de Troy, engraved by Surugue, fleuron on title-page, by Michaux, e^tgraved by Cochin, 10 large engravings by de Troy, Lemoine, Vleughels, engraved by Jeaurat, Dupuis, Desplaces, Cochin and Tardieu, 10 vignettes by Michaux, engraved by Lepicie, Dupuis, Fletcher and Poilly, and 10 culs-de-lampe by the same^ 4to, contemporary French jnottled calf, three-line fillet border on sides, fully gilt back, g. e. London, 1741. £4 lOS 1 107 WALDECK (F. de). Voyage Pittoresque et Aroheologique dans la Pro- vince D'Yucatan les annees 1834 et 1836. Map and 22 plates, coloured and plain. Large paper copy. Atlas folio, half morocco. Paris, 1838. £3 lOs The best modern work on. Yucatan. 1 108 [WANDERING JEW.] Discours veritable d'un Juif errant, lequel main- tient avec paroles probables avoir este present a voir crucifier Jesus-Christ. Avec plusieurs beaux discours de diverses personnes sur ce meme sujet. With woodcut on title. i2mo', half vellum. Bordeaux, 1608. £12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 231 1109 WASHINGTON. Chauitron (Le F. Simon). Oraison Fun^bre, du Frere George Washington Prononcee le premier Janvier 1800, dans la loge Francaise, L'Amenite. 28 pp. Discours adresses par le Venerable F. de la Grange, aux officiers de la G. Loge, Aux Epouses des Magons, et aux Visiteurs. 5 pp. 8vo, new boards. Philadelfhiay 1800. £1 lOs * * * A Masonic Funeral Oration on Washington by the French Lodge at Philadelphia. iioga Another Copy. 35 pp., 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia y 1 801. £1 lOs 1 1 10 WEBER (Joseph). M^moires cotioernant Marie Antoinette, Archi- duchesse D'Autriche, Reine de France; et sur plusieurs epoques impor- tantes de la Revolution Frangoise, depuis son origine jusqu'au 16 Octobre, 1793, jour du martyre de sa Majeste. With engraved portraits of Kings and Queens and other Royal personages of this period. 3 vols., 8vo, calfy key pattern on sides y gilt backs, inside dentelles, m. e. London, 1804. £2 15s nil WEIROTTER (F). Oeuvres de F. E. Weiretter. Brilliant original impressions of the 213 plates. Folio, contemporary French red morocco, fully gilt back, three- line fillet borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. Paris, ly . £18 18s VEEY FINE COPY, CONTAINING OVER 200 LANDSCAPES AND RUINS, ETCHED BY WEIROTTER. 1 1 12 XII Vues de Divers Endroits. 1760. Suite dfe Paysa^es, 1761. 6 plates. Together 18 plates. Oblong folio, half jnorocco. {Paris), 1 760-1. £3 lOS II 13 WEY (F.). Rome. Description et Souvenirs. With 346 woodcuts and a plan of Rome. 4to, morocco gilt, g. e. Paris, 1872. £1 5s 1 1 14 WHISTLER (J. M.). L'Oeuvres. Avec introduction biographique et critique par Leonce Benedite. With 40 fii7e photographic reproductions of his work. Folio, enclosed in original half cloth portfolio. Paris, 1905- ^^ ^^ *** One op 500 copies 1 1 15 WILDE (Oscar). Salom^. Drame en un Acte. Precede de notes sur I'auteur par Ernest La Jeunesse. Frontispice et illustrations dessines et gravis sur bois par Louis Jou. Square 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, Cres, Le Theatre d'Art, 191 7. £4 4s * * * EXBMPLAIEB SUR PAPIBE DB ElVES. 232 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1115a WILLE (Maurice). Une Excufsioit Roy ale en Terre^Sainte; feuilles volantes d'un Journal de Voyage de Bruxelles a Jerusalem. 8yo, handsomely bound in blue morocco, with elaborate gilt inside • denielles, g. e., white moire silk guards, tooling on sides, fully ^ilt back with the device and Arms of Princess Stefkanie Clothilde, Princess of Belgium. Brussels, 1873. £2 lOs 1116 WILLEMS (A.). Les Elzevier. Histoire et Annales Typographiques. With illustrations. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original ivrap per s , uncut. Bruxelles, 1880. £6 6s 1 1 17 WORLIDGE (T.). Golleotion Choisie cfe Desseins tir^s de Pierre® Pre- cieuses Antiques, pour la pluspart dans la possession de la grande et petite Noblesse de ce Royaume; graves dans le gout de Rembrandt. Etched portrait and 180 charming engravings of Antique Gems. 2 vols. , 4to, 7nost handsomely bound in full contemporary dark blue morocco extra, with gold tooling on the sides, ornamejited with mermaids and other devices. London, 1768. £5 5s 1 1 1 8 WOUVERMANS (A.). Contributions a la bibliographie de la locomotion a^rienne. With a plate. Folio, original wrappers. Antwerp, 1894. £3 2s Only 100 copies printed, 1 1 19 WREE (Olivier de). Les seaux des Conttes de Flahdre et inscriptions des chartres par eux publiees avec uin esclaircissement historique. With 112 pages of engravings of ancient seals, maps, coats of arms, etc. Small folio, old calf, with tlie Arms of the Marquis de Caragena on sides. Bruges, 1641. £18 18s 1 1 20 ZOGHEB (A. M. de). L'Egypte Anoienne. Aper^u sur son Histoire^ ses Moeurs et sa religion. Illustre de 61 des sins. 8vo, full red levant morocco, g. e.. Arm'; on side. Paris, 1890. 18S MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 233 PART IV. French Armorial Bindings. FRENCH ROYALTY AND THEIR CIRCLE. Francis I., King of France (reigneil 1515-1547). 1 121 Panormitanus. Prima pars super secundo decreta ecu casuum Bernardi interpositione et cum apostillis J. U. doctoris do. Andree Barbatie siculi. Black Letter, Utle -printed in red and black within f.ne woodcut border, and printer's mark, double columns. Large folio. Paris, J. Petit, 1521. MAGNIFICENT BINDING OF OAK BOARDS, COVERED WITH BROWN CALF. THE TWO SIDES ARE BEAUTIFULLY BLIND- TOOLED IN PANELS, SURROUNDED BY TWO BORDERS; THE OUTER ONE CONSISTS OF LOZENGES FILLED WITHt ROSES, THE INNER BORDER IS FORMED OF INTERLACED STRAPWORK ORNA- MENTED ALTERNATELY WITH THE CROWNED F, THE SALA- MANDER, THE STARS, ERMINE AND FLEUR-DE-LYS. THE IN- TERIOR IS SURROUNDED BY A ROSE BORDER, THE BORDER WITH THE EMBLEMS OF FRANCIS I., KING OF FRANCE, IS RE- PEATED TWICE, SURROUNDING A TRIPLE BORDER OF SCROLL WORK. WITH CLASPS. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLVIL). £105 Magnificent specimen. In perfect condition. From the Library of thr famoi*} Frsxch Bishop Massillon of Clbrmont 234 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Binditigs — continued. Francis 1., King of France (reignecf 1515-1547). 1 122 Tonus PHILOSOPHIE NATURALIS PARAPHRASES. Introductio in libros physicorum. Octo Physicorum Aristotelis paraphrasis. Quatuor de Coelo & Mundo completorum paraphrasis. Duorum de generatione & corruptione paraphrasis. Quatuor Meteorum completorum paraphrasis. Introductio in hbros de Anima. Trium de Anima completorum para- phrasis. Libri de Sensu & Sensato paraphrasis. Libri de Somno 6: Vigilia paraphrasis. Libri de Longitudine & Brevitate vitae paraphrasis. Dialogi insuper ad Physicorum intefligentiam introductorii duo. Introduc- tio metaphysica. Dialogi quatuor ad Metaphysicorum intelligentiam introductorii. 8vo. Pccris, 1521. WOODEN BOARDS, COVERED WITH BROWN CALF, THE SIDES ARE BLIND TOOLED IN PANELS, SURROUNDED BY TWO BORDERS, THE EXTERIOR CONTAINING THE CROWNED F, THE SALAMANDER, AND STARS, ERMINE, AND FLEURS-DE-LYS, ALL CROWNED. THE INNER BORDER CONSISTS OF ELABORATE SCROLL WORK. £63 A Magnificent specimen of a binding with the Arms of King Francis I. of France, Henry II. of Franoe (reigned 1547-1559) and Diane de Poitiers. Printed on Vellum. 1122a LivRE (Le) Des Statuts & Ordonances de l'Ordre Sainct Michel, estably par le tres chrestien Roy de France, Loys XL Institution de rOffice de prevost et maistre des ceremonies, avec autres statuts & ordo- nances sur le faict dudict ordre. Small 4to. {Paris, circa 1550). Printed Entirely on Vellum. CONTEMPORARY BROWN MOROCCO, GILT PANELLED SIDES, IN CENTRE THE ARMS OF KING HENRY II. OF FRANCE, ACCOMPANIED WITH A CRESCENT BETWEEN TWO ''H'^s. AT EACH INSIDE CORNER OF THE PANEL IS PLACED THE ARROWS AND QUIVER OF DIANE DE POITIERS AND IN CENTRE OF EACH OF THE FOUR OUTSIDE LATERAL PARTS HER EMBLEM OF THE BOW, A GILT FLEUR- DE-LYS AT EACH OUTSIDE CORNER AND FIVE TIMES REPEATED ON BACK, G. E. £250 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 235 Armorial Bindings— conUnued. Francis II. of France (reigned 1559-1560), the First Husband of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, as Dauphin. 1 1 23 Q. CuRTius DE Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni. i2mo. Lyons, 1555. BROWN MOROCCO, WITH THE ARMS OF FRANCIS II. AS DAUPHIN, THE LUCKLESS HUSBAND OF MARY STUART, IN THE CENTRE OF BOTH COVERS A LARGE CROWNED DOLPHIN, THE REMAINDER OF SIDES AND BACK THICKLY STUDDED WITH SMALLER DOLPHINS, GILT EDGES. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLVIII.) £250 Francis II. of France (reigned 1559-1560), the First Husband of Mary Stuart, as Dauphin. 1 1 24 COLLA Patrum. Opus Joannis Eremitae qui et Cassianus EHcitur, de Institutis Coenobiorum, origine, causis, etc. i2mo. Lyons, Giunta, 1542. BROWN CALF, PANEL SIDES OF FLORAL SCROLLS, BLIND STAMPED IN HIGH RELIEF, PLAIN BACK, IN THE CENTRE OF BOTH SIDES A LARGE CROWNED DOLPHIN, THE BADGE OR CREST OF FRANCIS 11. , THE FIRST HUSBAND OF MARY STUART, AS DAUPHIN. £42 Henry III. of France (reigned 1574-1589), Son of Catherine de Medicis. 1 125 Vetustissimorum Authorum Georgica, Bucolica & Gnomica quae SUPERSUNT. (In Greek and Latin.) i2mo. Paris, 1584. BOUND IN FULL BROWN MOROCCO BY CLOVIS EVE, FOR KING HENRY III. OF FRANCE. THE SIDES AND BACKS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY COVERED WITH ORNAMENTATION, LN WHICH FIGURE THE DOVE, THE EMBLEM OF THE ORDER OF THE HOLY GHOST, THE FLAMING HEART, THE TEARS, THE STARS, WHICH WERE THE FAVOURITE EMBLEMS OF THAT UNHAPPY MONARCH WHO WAS THE VICTIM OF THE MOST DEPRAVED DEBAUCHERY AND MOST SUPERSTITIOUS FANATICISM. HE DIED BY THE DAGGER OF A DOMINICAN MONK IN 1589. (See Illustration, Plate No. XLIX.) £75 2.s6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armoriat Bitidings — continued. Henry IV. of France (reigneil 1589-1610), 1125a Serdonati (Francesco). De' Fatti D'arme d'Romani Libri tre. Ne quali si tratta di tutte la Battagalie, et imprese, fatte da romani, dalla edification di Roma, fi.no alia declination dell Imperio. 4to. Venice, 1572. BROWN MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, SURROUNDING FULL SEMIS OF FLEUR-DE-LYS, WITH THE ARMS IN CENTRE OF HENRY IV., KING OF FRANCE, CORNERS ORNA- MENTED WITH GILT SPRAYS, G. E. £150 Marguerite cte Valois (1552-1815), First Wife of Henry lY. 1 1 26 AmbROSII OffICIORUM LIBRI III. Pans, 1583. Epicteti Enchiridion, hoc est Pupio. Antwerf, Plantin, 1585. BoETHius. De consolatione philosophiae. Leyden, 1590. ViVES, L. EXCITATIONES AnIMI IN DeUM. Lyons, 1 55 1. 4 books in i vol. i2mo. SUMPTUOUSLY BOUND BY NICHOLAS OR CLOVIS EVE, IN CRIMSON MOROCCO, THE SIDES ENTIRELY COVERED WITH A SERIES OF MARGUERITES AND DAISIES, SURROUNDED BY A BORDER OF LAURELS, THE BACK IS FULLY GILT AND BEARS MARGUERITES AND LAUREL LEAVES, ON FRONT COVER THREE GOLDEN FLEURS-DE-LYS WITHIN A CIRCLE AND ON BACK A LILY SURROUNDED BY THE MOTTO '' EXPECTATA NON ELUDET, ' ' BEING THE ARMS OF MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, FIRST WIFE OF HENRI IV. (See Illustration, Plate No. L.) £85 Marguerite de Valoib was famous for her love of books, to which Brantome alludes : " Elle estoit, aussi, fort curieuse de recouvrer tous lbs beaux litres nouveaux, qui se composoient taxt en lettres sainctes, que humaines.^* This volume which we offer for sale is number nine in the list of Marguerite de Valois^s books in Quentin-Bauchart, " Les Femmes Bibliophiles," Vol. I., ?. 150. It was in the collections of MM. Yemeniz, Huillard, and Bancel. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VV. 237 Armorial Bindings — continued. Marie de Mecficis, Wid^w of Henry IV. (1573-1842). T 127 Castre (Francois de). La Vie, et Sainctes Oeuvres du Bien-Heureux Jehan De Dieu, fondateur de I'ordre des bons freres Religieux qui curent les iniirines : Ensemble 1' institution de son ordre & Hospital. Engraved frontispiece^ portrait, and woodcut en title. Small 8vo. Paris, i6og. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF FRENCH BINDING OF THE 17th CENTURY. FROM THE LIBRARY OF MARIE DE MEDICI, WIDOW OF HENRY IV., KING OF FRANCE. OLIVE MOROCCO. EACH COVER BEARING IN GOLD THE ARMS OF MARIE DE MEDICI, ENCIRCLED BY THE CORDELIERE DES VEUVES; THE SIDES AND BACK THICKLY STUDDED WITH FLEURS-DE-LYS, AND BEARING THE CROWNED MONOGRAM OF THE QUEEN (TO WHOM THE BOOK IS DEDICATED) AT EACH ANGLE OF SIDES AND REPEATED THREE TIMES ON THE BACK. (See Illustration, Plate No. LI.) £450 * * * This beautiful binding was exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts' Club Exhibition OF Bindings, 1891, and is illustrated in the large Catalogue. Louis XIV. (reigned 1643-1 71 5). 1 128 Les Plaisirs de LTsle Enchantee, ou les Festes et Divertissements DU Roy a Versailles le 7 mai, 1664. With g plates by Israel Silvestre. Bound up with FELIBIEN. RELATION DE LA Feste DE VERSAILLES DU 18 JULIET, 1668. With plates by Le P autre. Paris, i6yq In one vol. , folio. BOUND IN FULL FRENCH RED MOROCCO, A LA DUSEUIL. WITH FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, AND WITH LARGE ARMS OF LOUIS XIV., AND THE KING'S CROWNED CIPHER AT OUTER ANGLES OF SIDES AND ON BACK, INSIDE DEN^TELLES, G. E. £21 238 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Louis XIY. (reigned 1643-1715). 1 129 Benoist (E.). Melange de Remarques Critiques, Histonques, Philo- sophiques, Theologiques Sur les Deux Dissertations De M. 1'otland, In- titulees, Tune 1' Homme sans Superstition, et 1' autre Les Origines Judaiques. 8vo. Delft, 171 2. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, PANEL BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF KING LOUIS XIV. OF FRANCE. £21 Louis XIV. (reigned 1643-1715). 1 130 Recueil de divers Edicts DU Roy, et autres pieces touchant les Duels et Rencontres; Paris, 1653. Remonstrance du Clerge de France fait au Roy, sur un Edit nouveau contre les Duels, par Messire Georges Daubus- son, Archevesque et Prince d'Ambrun, assiste de Mons. le Cardinal Mazarin; Paris , 1653. Raisons Chrestiennes et Morales contre les Duels, par Vantadour; Paris, 1655. Extrait des Registres du Bureau de I'Hostel Dieu de Paris, 1656. In I vol. Sm. 4to. FULL CONTEMPORARY VELLUM, WITH THE ARMS OF LOUIS XIV. IN GOLD ON EACH SIDE. £16 16s Louis XV. (reigned 1715-1774). 1 131 Office de la Semaine-Sainte a l' Usage de la Mai son du Roy. Engraved frontisfiece, title and plates. With portraits. 8vo. Paris, 1748. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH BINDING OF RED MOROCCO, THE ROYAL ARMS OF LOUIS XV. IN GOLD IN CENTRE OF EACH SIDE, GOLD BORDERS AND BACK, G. E. £10 10s Madame Viotoire de France (1733-1799), Second Dauighter of Louis XV. 1 132 Mezeray (Frangois de). HiSTOiRE DE LA Regence DE LA Reine Marie de Medicis, femme de Henry IV., mere de Louis XIII. With -portraitSi 2vols.,8vo. LaHaye, 1743. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY OLIVE MOROCCO GILT, THREE- LINE FILLET BORDERS AND THE ARMS OF MADAME VICTOIRE DE FRANCE, SECOND DAUGHTER OF LOUIS XV., IN GOLD ON SIDES, WITH HER BOOKPLATE INSIDE BOTH VOLUMES. INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E. (See Illustration, Plate No. LIT) £25 MAGGS BROS., 34 ^ 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 239 ArmoriaJ Bindings — continued. I^adame Yiotoir© de France (1733-1799), Second Dawgliter of Louis XV. 1133 ROBILLARD D'AVRIGNY (Hyacinthe). MeMOIRES POUR SERVIR A L'HIS- TOIRE UNIVERSELLE DE L'Europe, depuis 1600 jusqu' en 1716, avec des reflexions et des remarques critiques. 4 vols., i2mo. Ardsterdanty 1731. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH OLIVE MOROCCO, GILT, THREE- LINE GILT FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, WITH THE ARMS OF MADAME VICTOIRE DE FRANCE, SECOND DAUGHTER OF LOUIS XV., IN GOLD ON SIDES, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E. (See Illustration, Plate No. LII.) £25 Lotifs XYI. as Dauphin (reigned 1774-1793). 1 1 34 Bernard. La reconstruction de l'Eglise de Ste Genevieve. 4to. Paris y 1755. bound in contemporary french crimson morocco, three-line fillet borders on sides, inside dentelles, g. e., with six gilt fleurs-de-lys on back, gilt floral end-leaves, and arms on sides of louis xvi. as dauphin. (See Illustration, Plate No. LIIL) £31 10s The poem is dedicated to. King Louis XV, A^■D refers to the rirth of the Dauphix Louis (IXVI.). The title-page contains two proofs of authenticity. A red Napoleon stamp " Bibliotheque de Versailles/' and a black official stamp, " Mairie de Versailles, BllBLIOTHEQUE, LiVRE VENDU, 1855.'' Marie Antoinette, Queen af France (1774-f793). 1 135 De Lesseps (M.) Journal Historique du Voyage de M. de Lesseps, Consul de France, employe dans I'expedition de M. le comte de la Perouse, en qualite d'interprete du Roi; Depuis 1' instant ou il a quitte les fregates Francoises au port Saint-Pierre & Saint-Paul du Kamtschatka , jusqu'a arrivee en France, le 17 Octobre 1788. With two folding maps. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris y Imprifnerie Royale, 1790. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO. IN CENTRE OF EACH COVER THE ROYAL ARMS OF MARIE ANTOINETTE, WIFE OF KING LOUIS XVI. OF FRANCE, GOLD LINES, FULL GILT BACK, G. E. (BOUND FOR THE QUEEN BY HER BINDER BLAIZOT). (See Illustration, Plate No. LIV.) . £250 * * * Books from the library of the ill-fated Marie Antoinette, who was guillotined in 1793, seldom come into the market, as practicall*y all her books were given gvbr i\ 18w TO THE Bibliotheque Nationale and Versailles Library. 240 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armarial Bindings — continued. Louis XVIII. (reigned 1 81 5-1 S24). 1 137 Almanach Royal pour l'an 18 19 presente a sa Majeste par Testu.. 8vo. Paris, 18 19. LIGHT GREEN MOROCCO, WITH ARMS ON SIDES OF LOUIS XVIII. ON A BLUE GROUND, G. E. £4 4£. Lauis XVIII. (reigned 1815-1824). 1 137a Pliny. Lettres DE' Peine LE Jeune, en Latin et en Frangais, Suivies du Panegyrique de Trajan, Traduites par M. de Sacy, de TAcademie Fran- gaise. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1809. FRENCH MOTTLED CALF GILT, GILT ORNAMENTAL BACKS, WITH THE ARxMS OF LOUIS XVIII. ON SIDES, G. E., BY BRADEL. £8 8s Marie^Jasephine Louise, Comtesse de Provence (1753-1810), Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 138 RtcuEiL DE Pieces de Theatre. 4 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — Marmontel. Denis le Tyran. 1749. Marmontel. Aristomene. 1750. Barbier. Arrie et Petus. 1713. Caliste. 1750. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15^ Comtesse de Provence, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 139 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 4 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — Tamerlan, ou la Mort de Bajazet. Pirame et Thisbe; Tragedie. Reg\ilus. Nadal. Saul. 1731. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 241 Armorial Bindings — continued. Comtesse de Provence, Queen of Louis XVIII, 1 140 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 4 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — Beaumarchais. Eugenie- 1768. R. de Chabannes. La Manie des Arts. 1766. R. de Chabannes. Les valets, maitres de la Maison. 1769. R. de Chabannes. Hilas et Silvie. 1769. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s Comtesse de Provence, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 141 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 4 plays in i volume, Svo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVin. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — . Jodelet, ou le Maitre Valet. 1730. Dom Japhet d'Armenie. Palissot de Montenoy. Les Delanoue. La coquette corrigec. Tuteurs. 1755. 1757. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s Comtesse de Provenoe, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 142 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 5 plays in i volume, Svo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — Le Mierre. Hypermnestre. 1759. Chateaubrun. Les Troyennes. Le Mierre. Idomenee. 1764. i/S^- Mme. de Gomez. Habis. 17 14. Chateaubrun. Philoctete. 1756. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s 242 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Binditigs — continued. Gomtesse de Provence, Queen of Loin's XVIII. 1 143 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 5 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — Julie ou le Bon Pere. 1769. Calhava d' Estandoux. Le Tuteur dupe. 1765. Le Port de Mer. Poisson. LTn-promtu de Campagne. 1769. L'Amant, auteur et valet. 1762. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s Gomtesse de Provenee, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 144 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 5 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — La femme Juge et partie. 1770. La Naufrage ou La Pompe La Devineresse ou Mme. Job in. Funebre de Crispin. 1 7 13. Les Trois Gascons. Crispin Precepteur. * (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s Gomtesse cfe Provence, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 145 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 6 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS. WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — G, de La Touche. Iphigenie en Colardeau. Caliste. 1761. Aulide. 1758. Clement. Merope. 1749. Penelope. 17 16. Longepierre. Medee. Colardeau. Astarb^. 1760. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 243 Aitnorial Bindings — continued. Comtesse de Provence, Queen of Louis XVIII. 1 146 Recueil de Pieces de Theatre. 8 plays in i volume, 8vo. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS, CONTENTS LETTERED AT BACK IN PANELS, WITH ARMS OF THE COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, QUEEN OF LOUIS XVIII. OF FRANCE, IN GOLD ON SIDES, G. E. Contents : — La Fontaine. Le Florentin. Guyot de Merville. Le Consente- Le Bon Soldat. 171 8. ment force. 1764. Montfleury. L'Escole des Jaloux. Je vous prens sans verd. 1699. 1668. Crispin Bel Esprit. Danae ou Jupiter Crispin. L' Amour \Qx^^k:. (See Illustration, Plate No. LV.) £15 15s CItarfes X., King of France (reigned 1824-1830). 1 147 Lafitte. Une AVENTURE de Charles V., ou la rosiere par ordonnance, comedie. Representee sin: le premier Theatre-Fra-ngais, le 4 Novembre, 1826, a I'ocasion de la fete de sa Majeste. 8vo. Paris, 1826. BOUND IN VIOLET MOROCCO, BORDERS ON SIDES, GILT BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF CHARLES X., KING OF FRANCE, AND WITH THE STAMP ON TITLE OF THE ''BIBLIOTHEQUE DU ROI, PALAIS-ROYAL." £6 6s Marie Therese, Comtesse dPArtois (1756-1805), Wife of Charles X. of France. 1 148 Fromageot. Cours d'Etudes des jeunes demoiselles. With many maps and plates referring to heraldry, astronomy , physics and natural history. 8 vols., small 8vo. Paris, \77'2. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, RICHLY GILT BACKS. WITH THE ARMS ON THE SIDES OF MARIE-THERESE, COMTESSE D'ARTGIS, WIFE OF CHARLES X. (See Illustration, Plate No. LVI.) £35 Marie Therese op Savoy, second daughter op Duke Victor Amadeus III., was harrko in November, 1773, to Charles Philip Comte d'Artois, who became King op Fbancb as Charles X. She was as small and as delicate as her sister, the Comtesse db Provence. WAS pat and heavy, but according to Madame de Campan she had a fine complexion. WHILE HER FACE WAS ONLY REMARKABLE FOR EXTREME LENGTH OP HER NOSE. ShB WAS THE patron OP A PUBLICATION ENTITLED " l'AlMANACH DES GRACES, OU EtRENNES ErOTIQUES CHANTANTES," THE FIRST VOLUME OP WHICH APPEARED IN 1785. 244 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Marie Therese, Comtesse d'Artais (1756-1805), Wife af Charles X., King of France. 1 1 49 Flechier. Recueil des oraisons funebres. 8vo. Paris, 1768. FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACKS, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF MARIE THERESE, COMTESSE D'ARTOIS, WIFE OF CHARLES X., KING OF FRANCE. (See Illustration, Plate No. LVI.) £16 16s Louts Philippe, King of France (reigned 1 830-1 84S). T 150 Taylor (A.). On the Curative Influence of the Climate of Pau and THE Mineral Waters of the Pyrenees on Disease. With notices of the Geology, Botany, Natural History, Mountain Sports, Local Anti- quities, etc., of the Pyrenees, etc. 8vo. London, 1842. MOROCCO, BACK RICHLY GILT, WITH THE CROWN AND CYPHER OF KING LOUIS PHILIPPE OF FRANCE ON SIDES, INSIDE DENTELLES, SALMON SILK GUARDS. £5 5s NAPOLEON AND HIS CIRCLE. Napoleon Bonaparte. From Napoleon's Library at Rambouillet and St. Helena, with 300 Manuscript Corrections and Notes in ink in Napoleon's • Writing. 1 151 Berthier (General), chef de I'Etat-Major. RELATION DES CAMPAGNES DU General Bonaparte en Egypte et en Syrie. 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1798. BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH MARBLED CALF, ORNA- MENTAL BORDERS ON SIDES, GILT PANEL BACK WITH ARMS ON SIDES OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON AND THE WORDS ON FRONT COVER '' RAMBOUILLET." ON TITLE OF WORK IS THE BLACK STAMP OF NAPOLEON'S ST. HELENA LIBRARY, WITH THE IMPERIAL ARMS. £850 With over 300 corrections and manuscript notes in ink on his own campaigns in Egypt and Syria. ,From Marshall Sebastiani's estate. In addition there are a number of corrections in red pencil written by General Bertrand, who was with Napoleon on St. Helena. This work is one of the most interesting books that has occurred for sale for many years. Most persons are aware that Napoleon wrote very little, but dictated to his favourite Generals, Bertrand, Montholon and Count Las Casas. The Egyptian campaign, which forms part of Napoleon's Memoirs, must have been dictated from these volumes; he has taken note of the most trifling error in the book ; hence the many corrections and additions by him. This unique book MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 245 ArniO'Hal Bindings — continued. Napoleon Bonaparte — continued.^, forms an important document for the psychology of one of those who have played the greatest part in the history of the World. To provide reading matter for Napoleon on board the Bellerophon, during his voyage, a case of books was hastily collected at Rambouillet, a small Hunting Lodge near Paris. This volume bears in large gilt letters the words " Rambouil- let " on the front cover, thus proving that it was on board with Napoleon on the voyage to St. Helena. " On the 25th of June, 1815, Napoleon wrote again to Barbier (his chief librarian) to make a catalogue of books which he wished to take with him. He had addressed a request to the Government to take the volumes from his library at Trianon. This request was refused. Nor was he able to get books from his favourite library at La Malmaison. Madame de Montholon has left us some valuable information as to the books he eventually took. The Emperor had on board the Northumber- land only a small library formed by chance of a few books from the Library at Rambouillet which had been casually selected." (L'Emiereur, dit-elle, n^avait a bord du Northumberland qu'uxe petite bibliotheque de VOYAGE, PORMEE, W HASARD, DE QLELQUES LIVRES DR LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DB RaMBOUILLET, QUE L'ON AVAIT PRIS EN PASSANT. ElLE SE COMPOSAIT DE PLUSIEURS CAISSES PRETES A ETRB DANS LES VOITURES. CeS " LIVRES ETAIBNT A NOTRE DISPOSITION). Napoleon Bonaparte. From Napoleon's Favourite Library, La Malmaison, a Gift from Pauline Bonaparte, his Sister. 1152 Caradecu de la Chalotais (L. R. de). Essai d'education nationale ou PLAN D'ETUDES pour LA JEUNESSE. Small 8vo (no place), 1763. BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CALF, FLORAL BORDER ON SIDES, WITH THE INTERLACED INITIALS ON BACK '* P. B." (PAULINE BONAPARTE) AND THE WORD ''MALMAISON" IX GILT LETTERS ON FRONT COVER. (See Illustration, Plate No. LVIL) £36 It is difficult to find books from the library of Napoleon at La Malmaison. This palace, 8 miles north-west of Versailles, was the favourite residence of the Em- press Josephine. She retired there after her divorce and died there in 1814. On 29th June, 1815, Napoleon left Malmaison for Rochefort, prior to his exile in St. Helena. MOURAVIT P. 7 MENTIONS VOLUMES FROM MaUIAISON, OF WHICH A NUMBER WERE GIVEN TO Napoleon by his sister, but only eight of these works are known to-day, all in similak BINDINGS. This collection, the so-called " collection intime/' was taken by Napoii:on TO Alexandria (on his campaign in Egypt and Syria) and brought back after the expedi- tion. They were deposited in the Marseilles Library, where they are still preserved in a glass show case. Guillois (p. 479) notes that the volu-mes of the Library of La Malmaison avere sold by auction in 1827, and bore the interlaced letters " P.B.'* on the back. Apparently thesk volumes were restored to Napoleon by Count Thibaude.au, who had succeeded in obtaining possession of them. La Malmaison contain'ed Napoleon's favourite library; he had enriched it with books of his own choice (on history and philosophy), and he preferred working in the room in which it was displayed, which WAS, at his own wish, arranged to be the room next to the " Sallf df Conseh. " Marie-Pauline married General Leclerc in 1801 ; after his death she married (18tf3) Prince Camile Borghese and became Duchess of Guastalla. She died at Florence in 1825. Her beauty has been preserved by the Sculptor Canova in a famous nude statue. 246 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Napoleon Bonaparte. With Napoleon's 'Arms. 1 1 53 Berthier (General Alexander). RELATION DE LA Bataille de Marengo, Gagnee le 25 Prairial ajn 8, par Napoleon Bonaparte, Premier Consul, Commandant en personne I'Armee Frangaise de Reserve, sur Ites Autrichiens, aux ordres du Lieutenant- Greneral Melas. With engraved frontispiece and numerous mafs and views. 4to. Paris y Imfrimerie Im-periale, 1806. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND IN FRENCH xMARBLED CALF, FOR PRESENTATION FROM HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS MARSHAL PRINCE ALEXANDER OF RUSSIA, AS IS ATTESTED BY AN AUTO- GRAPH NOTE. THE VOLUME BEARS FULL BORDERS OF LAUREL LEAVES WITH SYMBOLICAL DEVICES ON THE BACK OF THE IMPERIAL EAGLE, A HAND WRITING, A LAUREL WREATH, AND TWO SWORDS WITHIN A WREATH. INSIDE DENTELLES, WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. £21 Elisa Bonaparte (1 777-1 820). From the Library of Napoleon's Sister, Elisa Bonaparte, Grand Duchess of Tuscany. 1 1 54 Code de Commerce, avec les motifs, presentes par M. Re^aud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely, au Corps Legislatif. 8vo. Paris, 1807. . , BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, WITH ELABORATE BORDERS ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK WITH THE IMPERIAL EAGLE REPEATED, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., LIGHT BLUE SILK GUARDS, AND ON SIDES THE INITIAL AND ARMS OF ELISA BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON'S SISTER AND GRAND DUCHESS OF TUSCANY. (See Illustration, Plate No. LVIII.) £52 10s Marie Anne Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister, was born at Ajacci6 in 1777. She married Captain Felix Bacciochi, a Corsican, in 1797. While her husband became Senator (1804) and general, Elisa was made Princess op Piombino and Lucca. In 1805 Elisa WAS separated from her husband and became (in 1809) Grand Duchess of Tuscany. She HAD to retire INTO PRIVATE LIFE IN 1814; SHE LIVED F0& A TIME IN BoLOGNA, THEN IN Germany, and died in Trieste in 1820. Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840), brother of Napoleon. 1 155 Charlemagne OU L'Eglise DelIVREE. Poeme epique en vmgt quatre chants. 2 vols., large 8vo. Rome, 18 14. GREEN MOROCCO EXTRA, GILT ORNAMENTAL BACKS, GILT BORDERS ON SIDES, INSIDE DENTELLES, UNCUT, T. E. G., BY MACKENZIE. PRINCE LUCIEN BONAPARTE'S OWN COPY WITH MS. CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS AND NOTES MOSTLY IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, WITH THE IMPERIAL ARMS ON SIDES. £27 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, \V. 247 Airnofial Bintfings^ — continued. Joachim Murat (1767-1815). With the Painted Arms of Napoleon's Marshall, Joachim Murat, AS Grand Admiral of France. 1 1 56 Taylor. Lettres Politiques, Commerciales et litteraires bur l'Inde. Ou vues et interets de TAngleterrc relativement a la Russie a THindustan et a I'Egypte, dediees a M. Ehmdas, Ministre de la Guerre ci Londres. 8vo. Paris, 1801. . CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CALF, FULLY GILT BACK, FES- TOONED BORDERS ON SIDE, INSIDE DENTELLES, WITH THE PAINTED ARMS ON SIDES HEIGHTENED IN GOLD AND COLOURS OF JOACHIM MURAT, GRAND ADMIRAL OF FRANCE AND MAR- SHAL OF NAPOLEON. (See Illustration, Plate No. LIX.) £52 10s Painted Arms of the Epoch of Napoleon are almost unknown. The Arms of Joachim Murat, who became at a later date Grand Duke of Cleves and Berg, King of thb two Sicilies and King of Naples, are reproduced in the Armorial du Premier Empire, pub- lished BY THE Viscount Reverend and the Comte Villerot. Books with the Arms of Joachim Murat as Grand Admiral of France are of ex- ceeding rarity. Joadiim Murat (1767-1815), 1 1 57 Lavallee (Joseph). Annales Necrologiques de la Legion d*Honneur, ou Notices sur la vie, les actions d'eclat, les services militaires et adminis- tratifs, les travaux scientifiques et litteraires des membres de la Legion d'Honneur, decedes depuis I'origine de cette Institution, dedi6 a S.M. I'Empereur et Roi. ~ With 15 portraits of Members of the Legion of Honour. 8vo. Paris, 1807. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH RED MOROCCO, BORDERS ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, LIGHT BLUE WATERED SILK GUARDS, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF MURAT, AS GRAND DUKE OF BERG, AND GRAND ADMIRAL OF FRANCE, BOUND BY TESSIER, BINDER TO NAPOLEON, WITH HIS GOLD STAMP IMPRESSED ON THE FIRST LIGHT BLUE SILK FLY-LEAF. ^25 Presentation copy to Lord Melville, First Lord of the Admiralty, from the author, with a five-line inscription to him on the title-page. Another note on fly-leaf states: " This copy was intended for Murat, when Grand Duke of Berg, but the work was n^yier published in France, on account of some whim of Napoleon's, neither was it allowed to continue the subject before 1807, although the Marquis de Lavallee remained chief of the Chancery (of the Legion of Honour), until very recently; there is not therefore another copy in England.*' 248 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Marshall Soult (1 769-1 852). From the Library of Marshal Soult. I 1 58 MiNISTERE DE LA GUERRE. ORDONNANCE DU ROI SUR LE SERVICE INTERIEUR DES TROUPES DE Cheval. Du 2 Novembre, 1833. With numerous tables. Folio. Paris y Imprimerie Roy ale, 1833. CONTEMPORARY DARK RED MOROCCO, ROMANTIC STYLE, GILT AND BLIND TOOLED, FULLY GILT BACK, WITH THE CROWNED INITIALS S-D. ON SIDES (THE INITIALS AND CROWN OF MARSHAL SOULT, DUKE OF DALMATIA, NAPOLEON'S FAMOUS MARSHAL), WATERED BLUE SILK GUARDS, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E. £12 12s Marshal Soult was then minister of War, and as such would have had this official " Ordonnancb du Eoi " especially bound for him. FAMOUS FRENCH COLLECTORS. J. A. de Thou (1553-1617), First Arms (as a Bachelor). 1 1 59 Prosper. Opera, a mendis repurgata. 8vo. Douai, iS77- ORIGINAL FRENCH GREEN MOROCCO, TLIREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, PANEL BACK, G. E., WITH THE ARMS OF J. A. DE THOU (FIRST ARMS) ON SIDES. (See Illustration, Plate No. LX.). £15 15s J. A. (to Thmii (1553-1617), Seconct Arms, mcorporating those of his first wife. ii6o Menander. De generae demonstrativo nunc primum e Greco in Latinum translati. Venice, 1558. . Alexandri Sophistae. De figuris sententiaruini ac elocutionum. Venice, 1557. Two works in i vol., 8vo. OLD FRENCH RED MOROCCO, THREE LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, G. E. (WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF J. A. DE THOU, SECOND ARMS INCORPORATING THOSE OF HIS FIRST WIFE). (See Illustration, Plate No. LXL). £18 186 J. A. de Thou (1553-1617), Third Arms, incorporating those of his Seoond Wife, Gasparde de la Chastre. 1 161 Aristoteles. De Poetica Liber. Daniel Heinsius recensuit ordini suo restituit, Latine vertit, Notas addidit. 8vo. Leyden, Bonaventura Elzevier , 1610. CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, WITH THIRD ARMS (IN- CORPORATING THOSE OF HIS SECOND WIFE, GASPARDE DE LA CHASTRE), G. E. £18 18s WiLLEMS 58. A RF.MARKABLY FINE EXAMPLE. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 249 Armoiial Bitidiitgs — contimied. M6ry de Vic. Seigneur d'Erm^ttonville (died 1622). 1 162 Bona VENTURA. Opera. 7 vols, in 4, folio. Rome^ 1588. BOUND BY CLOVIS EVE IN RED MOROCCO FOR MERY DE VIC, SEIGNEUR D'ERMENONVILLE; KEEPER OF l^E SEALS OF FRANCE, WITH HIS ARMS ON SIDES, AND TWO-LINE FILLET BORDER, THE BACKS BEING FULLY GILT WITH AN ELABORATE DESIGN IN TYPICAL CLOVIS EVE STYL'E, G. E. (See Illustration, Plate No. LXIL). £75 Mery de Vic had collected a splendid library of printed books and manuscripts, in- cluding about 3,000 volumes which had belonged to Grolier. On his death the collection was left to his son Dominique de Vic, Archbishop of Auch, who added to the library. In 1676 the collection was sold. Nearly all the books went to the Bibliotheque Nationale. Nioolas Claucfei Fabri de Peli^sc (1580-1637), 1 163 Skene (J.). Regiam Majestatem Scotiae veteres leges et constitu- tiones ex archivis publicis et antiquis libris manuscriptis collectae. Folio. London, 161 3. • BOUND IN FULL GREEN MOROCCO, TWO-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, PANEL BACK, WITH THE CIPHER ON SIDE IN GOLD OF NICHOLAS CLAUDE FABRI DE PEIRESC. £9 9s Gabriel Lalement. 1 164 De Lancre (Pierre). "TABLEAU DE l'Inconstance et Instabilite DE TOUTES CHOSES. 4to. Paris, 161 o. BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE- LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF GABRIEL LALEMENT, ADVOCATE AT THE PARIS PAR- LIAMENT. THE BACK OF THE VOLUME BEARS 17 ROWS OF THE GREEK '' L " AND STARS REPEATED. £10 10s GABRIEL LALEMENT'S LIBRARY WAS LEFT TO THE JESUIT COLLEGE AT PARIS, 1624. ON THE TITLE-PAGE OF THIS VOLUME THE WORDS "COLLEGE. PARIS. SOC. JESU," ARE WRITTEN TWICE IN INK. Fran^oJs Auiguste cte Thou (1607-1642). 1 165 ViDEL (Louis). HiSTOIRE DE LA VIE DU CONNESTABLE DE LeSDIGUIERES, contenant toutes ses actions, depuis sa naissance, jusques a sa mort. With finely engraved portrait. Folio. ■ Paris, 1638. OLD CALF, GILT BACK, WFiTI THE ARMS ON SIDES OF J. A. DE THOU (THIRD ARMS INCORPORATING THOSE OF HIS SECOND WIFE), USED BY HIS SON, FR. AUG. DE THOU. £10 10s F. A. de Thou, son of the historian, was involved in a Conspiracy with Cinq-Mars and died on the Scaffold, 1642. 250 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Marquis de Pomponne (1618-1699). 1 166 TiLLEMONT (L. S. Le Nain de). MeMOIRES POUR SERVIR POUR L'HISTOIRE ECCLESIASTIQUE, DES SIX PREMIERS SIECLES. * JUSTIFIEZ PAR LES CITATIONS DES AUTEURS ORIGINAUX. 6 vols., 4to. Paris y 1693. FRENCH CONTEMPORARY MOROCCO, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH ARMS ON SIDES OF SIMON ARNAUD, MARQUIS DE POMPONNE, SECRETARY OF STATE, BORN IN 1618, DIED 26th SEPTEMBER, 1699. £24 Jean Baptiste Calbert, Marquis de Seignelay (1619-1683). 1 167 BEVEREGE (William). INSTITUTIONUM CHRONOLOGICARUM LIBRI II., unacum Arithmetices Chronologicae libellis. 4to. London, Thomas Roy croft, 1669. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE- LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, CROWNED MONOGRAM ON BACK AND ARMS ON SIDES OF JEAN BAPTISTE COLBERT, MAR- QUIS DE SEIGNELAY. £3 10s Louis yenri, Comte de Lomenie, Gomte de Brienne (1636-1698). 1 168 Fazellus (Thomas). De rebus Siculis decades duae- First Edition. Small folio. Palermo, Johannes Malthaeus de May da, 1650. • FINE COPY IN RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT PANEL BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF LOUIS HENRI, COMTE DE^ LOMENIE, COMTE DE BRIENNE. £12 12s Louis Henri, Comte de Lom^nie, Comte d& Brienne (1636-1698). 1 169 Tasso (T.). La Gierusalemme. i2mo. Genoa, 1604. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH RED MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DEN- TELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF LOUIS HENRI, COMTE DE LOMENIE, COMTE DE BRIENNE. £5 5s Longepierre (1659-1721). 1 1 70 DOUZA (James a Noortwyck). Epigrammata, Satyra, Elegia Silvae. With -portrait. Antiverf, 1579. Betoland (R.). Hodveporium. Lutetiae, 1575. In I vol., small 8vo. CONTEMPORARY FULL CALF. FROM THE LIBRARY OF LONGEPIERRE WITH HIS DEVICE ON BACK. EARLIER IN THE POSSESSION OF HENRY PERCY, THE " WIZARD" EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND. £10 1C« MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 251 Armorial Binclitiigs — continued. Longepierre (1659-1721). 1 171 GUICHARD (Claude). FUNERAILLES ET DI VERSES MANIERES D'ENSEVELIR DES ROMMAINS GreCS, & autres nations tants anciennes que modernes. With Jiumerous woodcuts, title within woodcut border, and iine woodcuts and initials. Royal 8vo. Lyons y 1581. BROWN CALF, GILT LINES ON SIDES, WITH LONGEPIERRE'S DEVICE ON BACK, G. E. £10 10s Longepierre (1659-1721). 1 172 Lettere Volgare di diversi nobilissimi huomint, etc. Small 8vo. Venice , Aldus, 1554. BROWN MOROCCO, WITH LONGEPIERRE'S DEVICE. £6 6s '' Gallant Prince Eugene " of Savoy (1663-1736). 1 1 73 NOLA MOLISI (G. B. de). Cronica Dell'Antichissima, e Nobilitisima Citta Di Crotone, e della Magna Grecia. 4to. Na-ples, 1649. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND IN CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, WITH THE CROWNED CIPHER ON BACK AND ARMS ON SIDES OF THE *' GALLANT PRINCE EUGENE " OF SAVOY. £12 12s Prince Eugene, son of the Count op Soissons and Olympe Mancini, one of the greatest Generals op his period, was victorious at Oudbnarde and Malplaquet, but was beaten by ViLLARS AT DeNAIN. Gh. Nioolas Le Clerc die Lesseville (1679-1749). 1 1 74 Nepos Cornelius, de Vita excellentium Imperatorum. Ex recogni- tione Steph. And. Phillippe. Engraved frontispiece and head and tail -pieces. Paris, Barbou, 1754. FRENCH BINDING OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE XVIIIth CENTURY, BOUND FOR CH. NICOLAS LE CLERC DE LESSEVILLE SEIGNEUR DE ST. LEU. OLIVE MOROCCO, GOLD LINES ON SIDES, FULL GILT BACK, AND WITH THE ARMS OF CH. NICOLAS LE CLERC IN GOLD IN CENTRE. £5 5s Ch. Nicolas Le Clero cte Lesseville (1679-1749). 1 175 WiCQUEFORT (Abraham). L'Ambassadeur et ses fonctions. 2 vols., 4to. La Haye, 1 6801 08 1. FRENCH MOTTLED CALF, GILT ORNAMENTAL BACKS, GILT ARMS OF NICOLAS LE CLERC DE LESSEVILLE ON SIDES. £2 lOs 252 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. AmiGiial Bincfings — continued. DnmioncI de Melfort (Comte). 1 1 76 Drumond de Melfort (Comte). Essai sur les Evolutions de la CA VALERIE. French manuscript on -paper ^ very neatly written, with 35 illustra- tions daintily drawn and tinted, many of them within borders adorned with decoration in the style of the best French artists of the eighteenth century. 4to. {France, 1749). CONTEMPORARY GREEN MOROCCO, BROAD ORNAMENTAL BORDERS ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF COUNT DRUMOND DE MEL- FORT, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL OF THE CAVALRY REGIMENT " D'ORLEANS." £13 10s This is the original manuscript which the Lieutenant-Colonel had written for th/ benefit of his regiment and which he prepared fob the press. Joseph Alphonse db Valbelle, Bishop of Saint Omer (diecf 1 754). 1 177 Portraits. Collection of 348 finely engraved portraits of notable men by Desrochers. Brilliant original impressions. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Paris, about 1730. CONTEMPORARY CALF, WITH THE ARMS OF JOSEPH ALPHONSE DE VALBELLE, BISHOP OF ST. OMER. £12 12s Count Henri cte Calenberg (1685-1772). 1 1 78 Mauvillon (Eleazar de). HiSTOiRE DU PRINCE Francois-Eugene de Savoie. With portrait and folding plans. 5 vols., i2mo. Yienne en Autriche, 1755. CITRON MOROCCO GILT, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, GILT ORNAMENTAL BACKS, WITH ARMS IN GOLD ON SIDES OF COMTE HENRI DE CALENBERG, G. E. (See Illustration, Plate No. LXIIL). £31 10s A STRIKING HISTORY PUBLISHED ANONYMOUSLY OP " GALLANT PrINCE EuGENE.'^ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 253 Armorial Bindings^ — continued. Louis FraiiQOis Duo die Richelieui (1696-1 78S). 1 179 Terence. Les Comedies traduites en Francois par Madame Dxxxx. 8vo. Paris, 1688. BOUND IN FULL CRIMSON MOROCCO WITH THE DEVICE ON BACKS AND SIDE AND THE COAT OF ARMS OF DUC DE RICHE- LIEU (LOUIS FRANCOIS ARMAND DU PLESSIS DE WIGERNOT), G. E. £52 lOs The Due de Richelieu, personifies a singular epoch, a mixture of profound corruption and brilliant qualities, soldier, diplomat, and man of the world, he received very little education, though he was a member of the French Academy. He owed everything to tact with which nature had so richly endowed him. He had the distinction, owing to his many gallant adventures, of being taken as the type of the 18th century rou^. Abb6 de Dreuix. 1 1 80 Maimbourg (Louis). Histoire des Croisades, pour la delivrance de LA Terre Sainte. 4tO'. Paris, Cramoisy, 1675. ORIGINAL CALF, WITH THE ARMS OF THE ABBE DE DREUX STAMPED IN GOLD ON THE SIDES. £5 5s Presentation copy from Maimbourg (the author) to Joachim De Dreux, De Breze, Abbe du Folgoet. Duo de Duras (1 71 5-1 789). i 181 Terrasson. La Philosophie Applicable a tous les Objets de l'Esprit ET DE LA Raison. Ouvrage en reflexions detachees. 8vo'. Paris, 1754. FULL CALF GILT, WITH DEVICE ON BACK AND ARMS ON SIDES OF EMMANUEL FELICITE DE DURFORT, DUC DE DURAS, PEER OF FRANCE AND MEMBER OF THE FRENCH ACADEMY. £2 10s The Due de Duras was created Marshall op France in 1775 and died in 1789. Leofiolcf Choiseul, Archbishop of Cambray (1724-1781). 1182 Henault, Lacombe and Macquer. Abrege chronologique de l'His- TOIRE D'ESPAGNE ET DE PORTUGAL. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1765. BOUND IN FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, BACK FULLY DECORATED AND GILT WITH ACORNS, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE GILT ARMS ON SIDES OF LEOPOLD DE CHOISEUL, ARCHBISHOP OF CAMBRAY. iB12 12s 254 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings — continued. Et. Ch. Lomenie cfe Brienne (1727-1794). 1 183 Daignan (G.). Tableau des varietes de La Vie Humaine. 2 vols., 8vo. 1786. FRENCH RED MOROCCO, WITH ARMS OF LOMENIE DE BRIENNE, CARDINAL, ARCHBISHOP OF TOULOUSE AND OF SENS, MINISTER OF LOUIS XVL, ON SIDES, IN GOLD, G. E. £4 4s J. M. H. Michau de Montaran. 1 1 84 Memoires sur les Tarifs des Droits de Traites en General; et en particulier sur le nouveau projet de Tarif Unique et Uni forme. Lettrc sur un article du Journal du Commerce. Concemant le Projet de porter toutes les Douanes de Tinterieur aux frontieres du Royaume et de la re forme du Tarif, etc. With a map. 8vo. Paris y Prault, 1762. FULL CONTEMPORARY CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, GILT BACK, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES AND BACK, AND BOOKPLATE INSIDE OF J. M. H. MICHAU DE MONTARAN. (See Illustration, Plate No. LXIV.). £15 15s Due de Chaulnes. 1185 Desmarest. Dissertation sur l'ancien jonction de l'Angleterre a la France. With maps and flans. 8vo. Amiens y 1754. PRESENTATION COPY, PRINTED ON PAPIER DE HOLLANDE, BEAUTIFULLY BOUND IN LIGHT BROWN CALF, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DEN- TELLES, G. E., WITH THE LARGE ARMS AND DEVICE ON SIDES OF THE DUC DE CHAULNES, GOVERNOR OF PICARDY AND PRO- TECTOR OF THE ACADEMY OF AMIENS. WITH HIS BOOK- PLATE. £6 6s From Beckfokd's Library, with his notes. Duchess de Levis. 1 1 86 Carloix (Vincent). Memoires DE LA ViE DE Francois de Scepeaux, Sire De Vielleville et Comte de Duretal. Marechal De France; Contenants plusieurs Anecdotes des Regnes de Frangois I., Henri II., Francois II., and Charles IX. With -portrait. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris y 1657. BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH MARBLED CALF, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF THE DUCHESS DE LEVIS. ' £9 9s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 255 Armorial Bindings — continued. Jacques Nicholas Colbert (died 1707). 1 187 Maimbourg (L.). Histoire de l'Arianisme. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris y 1673. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH MOROCCO, FILLET BORDER PANELS AND ORNAMENTS ON SIDES. FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DENTELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF JACQUES NICHOLAS COLBERT, ABBE DU BEC. £12 12s Count Hoym (died 1736). 1 188 AUBERY. L'HISTOIRE DU CARDINAL MAZARIN. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1688. BOUND IN LIGHT BROWN CALF, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACKS, WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF THE FAMOUS POLISH BIBLIOPHILE, COUNT HOYM. £9 9s Choiseul-Beaupr6 (1733-1793), The First Translation into French of Shakespeare's Plays. 1 1 89 Shakespeare. Le Theatre Anglois. Portrait of Shakes-peare, and vignettes on title after Boucher. 4 vols., small 8vo. Paris et Londres, 1745-6. FULL CONTEMPORARY CALF GILT, WITH ARMS ON SIDES OF CLAUDE ANTOINE, CHOISEUL-BEAUPRE. £5 5s The work comprises the first translations (by De la Place) of any of Shakespeare's Plays into French, and includes:^ Othello. Cymbelinb. Merry Wives. Timon op Athens. Macbeth. Hamlet. Henry V. Julius Cjesar. EiCHARD III. Anthony hNd Cleopatra. At the end of Vol. IV. is " Analyses, ou Sommaires des Tragi-Comedies, et Combdiks di Shakespeare, non traduites." Marquis de St. Hilaire. 1 190 Thevet. Histoire des plus illustres et Scavans Hommes de leurs SIECLES. Tant de I'Europe que de I'Asie, Afrique & Amerique. Avec leurs Portraits. 8 vols., 8vo. Paris y 1670. BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH RED MOROCCO, TWO- LINE FILLET BORDERS ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACKS, WITH THE' ARMS ON SIDES OF LOUIS GUILLAUME BON, MARQUIS DE ST. HILAIRE. ^^8 18s 256 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Armorial Bindings^ — continued. Duchesse de Graitiont (1730-1794). 1 191 Saint-Foix. Oeuvres complettes. With portrait^ flate and frontis-piece. 6 vols. Paris, 1778. BOUND IN FRENCH CONTEMPORARY DARK BLUE MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, IN- SIDE DENTELLES, G. E. , WITH THE ARMS ON SIDES OF BEATRIX DE CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, DUCHESSE DE GRAMONT. (See Illustration, Plate No. LXV.). £45 Comte de Talleyrand-P^rigord. 1 192 Bailly. Lettres sur l'origine des Sciences, et sur celle des PEUPLES DE L'ASIE, etc., addressees a M. de Voltaire, par M. Bailly, et precedees de quelques Lettres de M. de Voltaire a PAuteur. 2 vols., 8vo. Londres et Paris, 1 777" 1779- BOUND IN OLD FRENCH CRIMSON MOROCCO, THREE-LINE FILLET BORDER ON SIDES, FULLY GILT BACK, INSIDE DEN- TELLES, G. E., WITH THE ARMS OF COMTE TALLEYRAND- PERIGORD IN GILT ON THE SIDES. £15 15s Marquis de Mornay. 11^3 RIDINGER (J. E.). Abbildung DER Jagtbaren Thiere mit derselben angefiigten Fahrten und Spuhren, Wandel, Sange, Abspriinge, Wen- dimgen, Widergangen, Flucht, nach der Natur gezeichnet, samt einer Erklarung daruber. Complete set, coin-prising the title, with engraving of bloodhound in leash, 20 large and remarkably fine copperplate engravings, mostly of big game, represented in their lairs {and having below each), illustrations of their footprints, and 3 large plates of the spoors of various wild animals. All very fi7ie original impressions. Royal folio. Augspurg, 1740. HANDSOMELY BOUND BY HARDY-MENNIL IN FULL MOROCCO GILT (WITH ARMS OF THE MARQUIS DE- MORNAY ON THE SIDES). £38 A fine set of Sporting Plates rarely found in good condition. The subjects include the Lion, Tiger, Bear, Stag, Boar, Fallow Deer, Wolf, Roebuck, Lynx, Steinbuck, Fox, Otter, etc., ail depicted in their natural surroundings. UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ^. ^^.J:f French Literature »«^- MAGGS BROS. 34 K 35, CONDUIT ST. New Bond St., London, W.