AGRIC. DEPT, DOCUMENTS DFPT. OHIO FOOD AND DRUG LAWS COMPILED BY RENICK W. DUNLAP Dairy and Food Commissioner 1908 OHIO FOOD AND DRUG LAWS Compiled by RENICK W. DUNLAP Dairy and Food Commissioner 1908 COLUMBUS, OHIO FRED. J. HEER, STATE PRINTER I 908 Main I4tt A^ric. .* LAWS REGULATING THE MANUFACTURE .AND SALE OF FOOD, DRINK, DRUGS AND LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, AND AGAINST FRAUD AND DECEPTION THEREIN, TOGETHER WITH THE LAW OF PROCEDURE FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH LAWS. AN ACT To create the office of dairy and food commissioner, provide for his election, term of office, duties, salaries, expenses, office, dispo- sition of fines collected, annual reports, etc., as amended April 19, 1894 and providing a penalty for resisting inspection by officers, as amended May 9, 1908. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Bates, (409-7). of the State of Ohio, That there is hereby created the office of dairy and food commissioner of the state of Ohio. Said commissioner shall be elected at the general election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. He Term. shall take his office on the first Tuesday following the fifteenth day of February next after his election, and shall serve for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be charged with the enforcement of all Duties, laws against fraud and adulteration or impurities in foods, drinks or drugs, and unlawful labeling in the state of Ohio. His salary shall be three thousand five hundred dollars Salary and / e fined not more than two hundred dollars nor less than fifty, or imprisoned for the first offense, not more than thirty days, or both, and for the second offense not more than six months, or both. fl e e t s c h MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR LAW OF OHIO. As Amended April 6, 1906. SECTION i. That maple sugar, or pure maple sugar, and maple syrup, or pure maple syrup, shall be the unadul- terated .product produced by the evaporation of pure sap from the maple tree. SECTION 2. -The standard of weight of a gallon of maple syrup of 231 cubic inches in the state of Ohio, shall be eleven pounds. Any substance purporting to be maple syrup or maple sugar not made in compliance with section i of this act shall be deemed to be an adulteration of maple syrup or maple sugar, and maple syrup of less weight than herein required shall be deemed an adulteration of maple syrup. SECTION 3. Any person who shall manufacture for sale, offer for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell, or sell or deliver as and for maple syrup or maple sugar any adulteration of maple syrup or maple sugar as herein defined shall, upon conviction, be punished as pro- vided in section 6 of this act. SECTION 4. Any person who shall offer for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, or sell or deliver as and for maple syrup, or as and for maple sugar, any articles which do not bear the name and address of the packer and also the State, Territory or Country in which the goods were produced, in plain legible type upon the label, shall upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 6 of this act. SECTION .5. Any person who shall offer for sale, have in his possession with intent to sell, or sell or deliver any adulteration of maple syrup or maple sugar in any box, can, bottle or other package having the word "Maple" or any compounding of this word, as the name or part of the name of the syrup or sugar or any device or illustration sugges- tive of maple syrup or sugar or the manufacture thereof, shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 6 of this act. SECTION 6. Any person who violates any of the pro- visions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty nor muiv than two hundred dollars and shall pay the costs of prose- cution. Maple sugar. Maple syrup. Sap from maple tree. Standard gal- lon. Selling adul- teration of maple syruji, etc., prohibit- ed. Name and ad- dress of place where packed, of packer, must be on goods. Word "Maple" cannot be any adulteration of maple syrup, etc. Penalty. 10 ADULTERATION OF VINEGAR, Cider vinegar, "cider" "ap- ple" or com- pounding of such words. Standard cider vinegar. See (4200-50). Wine or grape vinegar stand- ard. Malt vinegar standard. AN ACT To prevent the adulteration of vinegar Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : SECTION i. That no person shall manufacture for sale, offer, or expose for sale ; sell or deliver, or have in his pos- session with intent to sell or deliver, any vinegar not in compliance with the provisions of this act. Any vinegar manufactured for sale, offered for sale, exposed for sale, sold or delivered, or in the possession of any person with intent to sell or deliver, under the name of cider vinegar, or apple vinegar, or any compounding of the word "cider" or "apple" as the name or part of the name of any vinegar, shall be the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of the juice of apples, shall contain no foreign substance, drugs or acids, is laevo-rotatory, and shall contain not le.s than four (4) grams of acetic acid, not less than 1.6 grams of apple solids, of which not more than fifty (50) per cent, are reducing sugars, and not less than twenty-five hundredths (0.25) grams of apple ash in one hundred cubic centimeters (at a temperature of twenty (20) degrees centigrade ; and the water-soluble ash from one hun- dred (100) cubic centimeters at a temperature of twenty (20) decrees centigrade) of the vinegar shall contain not less than ten ( 10) milligrams of phosphoric acid, (P 2 O 5 ), and which shall require not less than thirty (30) cubic centi- meters of decinormal acid to neutralize its alkalinity. 2. Any vinegar manufactured for sale, offered for sale, exposed for sale, sold or delivered or in the possession of ,- ny person with intent to sell or deliver, under the name of wine vinegar or grape vinegar, shall be the product made by the rlcohclic and subsequent acetous fermentations of the juice of grapes, and shall contain, in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (at a temperature of twenty (20) degrees centigrade), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid, not less than one (i.o) gram of grape solids, and not less than thirteen hundredths (0.13) grams of grape ash. 3. Any vinegar manufactured for sale, offered for sale, exposed for sale, sold or delivered or in the possession of any person with intent to sell or deliver, under the name of malt vinegar shall be the .product made 'by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations, without distillation, of an infusion of barley malt or cereals whose starch has been converted by malt, is dextro-rotatory, and shall contain in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (at a temperature of twenty (20) degrees centigrade), not less than four (4) prams of acetic acid, not less than two (2) grams of solids, and not less than two-tenths (0.2) grams of ash; and the water-soluble ash from one hundred (100) cubic centimeters (at a temperature of twenty (20) degrees centigrade), of the vinegar shall contain not less than nine (9) milligrams of phosphoric acid ( P 2 O 5 ) and which shall require not less ADULTERATION OF VINEGAR. 11 than four (4) cubic centimeters of decinormal acid to neu- tralize its alkalinity. 4. Any vinegar manufactured for sale, offered for sale, exposed for sale, sold or delivered or in the possession of any person with intent to sell or deliver, under the name of distilled vinegar, shall be the product made wholly or in part by the acetous fermentation of dilute distilled alcohol, and shall contain in one hundred (100) cubic centimeters, (at a temperature of twenty (20) degrees centigrade), not less than four (4) grams of acetic acid, and shall be free from coloring matter, added during, or after distillation, and from coloring other than that imparted to it by distillation. SECTION 2. All vinegar made by fermentation and Other d fer i " ne oxidation without the intervention of distillation shall be JTr? e( branded "fermented vinegar," with the name of the fruit or substance from which the same is made. And all vinegar made wholly or in part from distilled liquor shall be branded "distilled vinegar," and all such distilled vinegar standard, shall be free from coloring matter added during or after distillation and from color other than that imparted to it by distillation. And all fermented vinegar not otherwise provided for in said Section I, and not being distilled vine- Free from gar as defined in said Section I, shall contain not less than U or! two (2) per cent, by weight upon full evaporation (at a temperature of boiling water) of solids, contained in the fruit or grain or substance from which said vinegar is fer- mented, and said vinegar shall contain not less than two- forei^rf^b^ and-one-half-tenths of one per cent, ash or mineral matter, stances. the, same being the product of the material from which said vinegar is manufactured. And all vinegar shall be made 51 ^ ec ' ^ wholly from the fruit or grain from which it purports to be or is represented to be made, and shall contain no foreign substance, and shall contain not less than four per cent., by weight of absolute acetic acid. SECTION ^. No person shall manufacture for sale, offer Substances - , ^ . r . . . i . 11 forbidden. for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell, any vinegar found upon proper test to contain any preparation of lead, copper, sulphuric or other mineral acid, or other in- gredients injurious to health. And all packages containing Ail packages vinegar shall be branded on the head of the cask, barrel or keg containing such vinegar, or if sold in other packages, Skc. (4200- that each package be plainly marked with the name and residence of the manufacturer, together with brand re- quired in section two hereof. SECTION 4. Whoever violates any of the provisions of Penalty, this act shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more, than one hundred days, |^- (420C or both, and shall be adjudged to pay, in addition, all neces- sary costs and expenses incurred in inspection and analyzing such vinegar. Every person making or manufacturing cider vinegar, who is not a domestic manufacturer of cider or cider vinegar, shall brand on each head of the cask, 12 1RAUD IN CANNING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. c 3 a r sk" ds of n v5ne- barrel or keg containing such vinegar, the name and resi* gar. dence of the manufacturer, the date when same was manu- factured, and the words "cider vinegar." And no vinegar shall be branded "fruit vinegar" unless the same be made wholly fromi apples, grapes, or other fruit. Provided, that Manufacturing nothing in this bill shall be construed to prevent any farmer from manufacturing for his own private use, or offering for sale, not to exceed twenty-five barrels in any one year, pure cider or other fruit vinegar, branding the same "domestic cider vinegar," with name and date of manufacturer, and when so branded, shall be sufficient guarantee of its purity. farmer. Forbidding the sale of unlaoeled canned fruits and vegetables. Bates, (7072-1). Labeling of "soaked 5 ' goods and cans of maple molasses. Bates, (7072-2). False or frau- dulent stamps or labels penalty for making. Bates, (7072-3). AN ACT To prevent fraud in canning fruits and vegetables. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall hereafter be unlawful in this state for any packer or dealer in preserved or canned fruits and vegetables, or other articles of food, to offer such canned articles for sale, after January i, 1886, with the exception of goods brought from foreign countries or packed prior to the passage of this act, unless such articles bear a mark to indicate the grade or quality, together with the name and address of such firm, person or corporation? that pack the same, or dealer who sells the same. SECTION 2. That all soaked goods, or goods put up from products dried before canning, shall be plainly marked by an adhesive label, having on its face the word "soaked," in letters not less in size than two-line pica, of solid and legible type; and all cans, jugs, or other packages contain- ing maple syrup or molasses, shall be plainly marked by an adhesive label, having on its face the name and address of the person, firm or corporation who made or prepared the same, together with the name and quality of the goods, in letters of the size provided in this section. SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation who shall falsely stamp or label such cans or jars containing pre- served fruit or food of any kind, or knowingly permit such false stamping or labeling, and any person, firm or cor- poration who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished witn a fine not less than $50 in case of vendors, and in the case of manufacturers, and those falsely or fraudulently stamp- ing or labeling such cans or jars, a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000; and it shall be the duty of any board of health in this state, cognizant of any violation of this act, to prosecute any person, firm or corporation which it has reason to believe has violated any of the provisions of this act, and after deducting the cost of trial and convic- tion, to retain for the use of such board the balance of the fine or fines recovered. ADULTERATION OF CANDY TESTING MILK. 13 AN ACT To provide against the adulteration of candy. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of ^S^i) the State of Ohio, That no person shall manufacture for sale, or sell or offer to sell any candy adulterated by the admix- Manufacture ture of terra alba, barytes, talc, or other mineral substance, adulterated poisonous colors, or flavors or other ingredients, deleterious cand y- or detrimental to health. SECTION 2. Every person manufacturing any candy, or offering or exposing the same for sale, shall furnish to any person interested or demanding the same, who shall apply to him for that purpose, and shall tender him the Samples. value of the same, a sample sufficient for the analysis thereof. SECTION 3. Whoever refuses to comply, upon demand, Penalties, with the requirements of section 2, and whoever violates Bates, any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding one hundred nor less than thirty days, or both; and he shall be adjudged to pay in addition all necessary costs and expenses incurred in the inspecting and analyzing such adulterated candy, and the same shall be forfeited and destroyed under the direction of the court. AN ACT To regulate the testing of milk. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of standards. the State of Ohio, In the use of the Babcock test, the stand- ard milk measures or pipettes, shall have a capacity of 17.6 cubic centimeters ; and the standard test tubes or bottles for milk, shall have a capacity of 2 cubic centimeters for each 10 per cent, marked on the necks thereof; the standard unit of cream for testing shall be 18 grams, and it is hereby made a misdemeanor to use any other standards of milk or cream measure where milk or cream is purchased by or furnished to creameries or cheese factories and where the value of said milk or cream is determined by the per cent. of butter fat contained in the same by the Babcock test. SECTION 2. Any manufacturer, merchant, dealer, or agent in this state who shall offer for sale or sell a milk pipette or measure, test tube or bottle, which is not correctly marked or graduated, as herem provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon "conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in section four of this act. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for the owner, man- ager, agent, or any employee of a cheese factory, creamery or condensed milk factory or other place where milk is 14 WET DISTILLERY WASTI- IN THE FEEDING OF COWS. tested for quality or value to manipulate or under-read or over-read the Babcock test or any other contrivance used for determining the quality or value of milk or cream or to False testing, make any false determination by said Babcock test or other- wise. SECTION 4. Whoever shall violate any of the provi- sions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon Penalty. conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twentv-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. (4200-9). Adulterated milk, water or foreign sub- stance. Feeding dis- tillery or starch waste prohibited. Penalty. Pure milk. Bates, (4200-10). Skimmed milk. Bates, (420M1). AN ACT To regulate the sale of milk and to prohibit the use of wet dis- tillery waste in the feeding of cows. Be it enacted by the General .Isseuibly of the State of Ohio: SECT i ox i. That whoever by himself or by his ser- vant or agent, or as the servant or agent of any other per- son, sells, exchanges or delivers, or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell or exchange or exposes or offers for sale or exchange adulterated milk, or milk to which water or any foreign substance has been added, or milk from cows fed on wet distillery waste, or starch waste, or from cows kept in a dairy or place which has been de- clared to be in an unclean or unsanitary condition by cer- tificate of any duly constituted Board of Health or duly qualified health officer, within the county in which said dairy is located, or from diseased or sick cows, shall for a first offense, be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars ; for a second offense, by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the jail or workhouse for not less than thirty nor more than sixty days ; and for a subsequent offense, by fine of fifty dollars, and by imprisonment in the jail or workhouse for not less than sixty nor more than ninety days. SECTION 2. Whoever, by himself or by his servant or a^ent, or as the servant or agent of any other person, sells, exchanges or delivers, or has in his custody or possession, with intent to sell or exchange, or exposes or offers for sale as pure milk, any milk from which the cream or part thereof has been removed, shall be punished by the penalties pro- vided in the preceding section. SKCTIOX 3. No dealer in milk, and no servant or agent of such a dealer, shall sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell, exchange or deliver, milk from which the cream or part thereof has been removed, unless in a conspicuous place above, the center, upon the outside of every vessel, can or package, from which or in which such milk is sold, the words "skimmed milk" are distinctly marked in uncondensed Gothic letters not less than one inch in length. Whoever violates the pro- DECEPTION IN THE SALE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS, visions of this section shall be punished by the penalties provided in section i. SECTION 4. In all prosecutions under this chapter, if ^ the milk is shown upon analysis to contain more than eighty eight per cent, of watery fluid, or to contain less than 12 per Bates cent, of solids, or to contain less than 3 per cent, of fats, it ( shall be deemed, for the purpose of this chapter, to be adulterated. AN ACT To prevent deception in the sale of dairy products and to pre- serve the public health. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj - the State of Ohio, That no person, by himself or his agent, facture or sate or his employee, shall render or manufacture for sale out of imitoSasFot* animal or vegetable oils, not produced from unadulterated prohibited, milk or cream from the same, any article in imitation or semblance of natural butter or cheese produced from pure Bates, unadulterated milk or cream from the same, nor compound with, or add to milk, cream or butter any acids or other deleterious substance, or animal fats or animal or vegetable oils not produced from milk or cream, so as to produce any article or substance, or any human food, in imitation of natural butter or cheese, nor shall sell, keep for sale or offer for sale any article, substance or compound made, manufac- tured or produced in violation of the provisions of this sec- tion, whether such article, substance or compound shall be made or produced in this state or elsewhere. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this act the terms ^? tt Sd ^^ "natural butter and cheese," "natural butter or cheese pro- cheeS, etc.. duced from pure unadulterated milk or cream from the same, butter and cheese made from unadulterated milk or cream, butter or cheese, the product of the dairy," and butter or cheese shall be understood to mean the products usually known by the terms butter and cheese, and which butter is manufactured exclusively from pure milk or cream or both, with salt and with or without any harmless coloring matter, and which cheese is manufactured exclusively from pure milk or cream or both, with salt and rennet and with or without any harmless coloring matter or sage. It is further provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to pro- hibit the manufacture or sale of oleomargarine, in a separate and distinct form, and in such manner as will advise the ine ' consumer of its real character, free from any coloring matter or other ingredient causing it to look like or to appear to be butter, as above defined. SECTION 3. Whoever violates the provisions of this Penalty, act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred, or not less than six months nor more than one year's imprisonment for the first offense, and by imprison- ment for one year for each subsequent offense. 16 OLEOMARGARINE. Bates, (4200-10). Oleomargar- ine, restric- tions as to manufacture of. Placards to be displayed by dealers. Bates, (4200-17). Placards to be displayed by hotel proprie- tors and others. Bates, (4200-18). Deceptions prohibited. Oleomargarine defined. Bates, (4200-19). Penalty for violation of act. AN ACT To prevent fraud and deception in the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine, and promote public health in the state of Ohio. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, That no person shall manufacture, offer or expose for sale, sell or deliver, or have in his possession with intent to sell or deliver, any oleomargarine which con- tains any methly (methyl) orange, butter yellow, annatto, aniline dye, or any other coloring matter. SECTION 2. Every person who shall offer or expose for sale, sell or deliver ,or have in his possession with intent to sell or deliver, any oleomargarine, shall keep a white placard not less in size than ten by fourteen inches, in a conspicuous place where the same may be easily seen and read, in the store, room, stand, booth, vehicle or place where such substance is offered or exposed for sale, on which pla- card shall be printed in black letters, not less in size than one and one-half inches square, the words, "oleomargarine sold here ;" and said placard shall not contain any other words than the ones described ; and no person shall sell or deliver any oleomargarine unless it be done under its true name, and each package has on the upper side thereof a label on which is printed in letters not less than five-eighths of an inch square the word "oleomargarine," and in letteis not less than one-eighth of an inch square, the name and per cent, of each ingredient therein. SECTION 3. Every proprietor, keeper, manager or per- son in charge of any hotel, boat, railroad car, boarding- house, restaurant, eating-house, lunch-counter or lunch- room who therein sells, uses, serves, furnishes or disposes of or uses in cooking, any oleomargarine, shall display and keep a white placard in a conspicuous place, Where the same may be easily seen and read, in the dining-room, eating- room, restaurant, lunch-room or place where such substance is furnished, served, sold or disposed of, which placard shall be in size not less than ten by fourteen inches, upon which shall be printed in black letters, not less in size than one and a half inches square, the words, "oleomargarine sold and used here," and said card shall not contain any other words than the ones above described, and such pro- prietor, keeper, manager or person in charge shall not sell, serve or dispose of such substance as for butter when butter is asked for or purported to be furnished or served. SECTION 4. The word "oleomargarine," as used in this act, shall be construed to mean any substance not pure butter of not less than eighty per cent, of butter fats, which substance is made as substitute for, in imitation of, or to be used as butter. SECTION 5. Any manufacturer who violates any of the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars ; and for each subsequent ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. 17 offense, in addition to the above, fine, may be imprisoned in the county jail not more than ninety days. Any other per- son violating any of the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. AN ACT To prevent adulteration of and deception in the sale of dairy prod- ucts, and supplementary to Chapter 11, Title 1, Part 4, of the Revised Statutes. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That no person shall sell, expose or offer artificial dairy for sale or exchange, any substance purporting, appearing, P roducts - or represented to be butter or cheese, or having the sem- blance of either butter or cheese, which substance is not made wholly from pure milk, or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, unless it is done under its true name, and each vessel, package, roll or parcel of such substance has distinctly and durably painted, stamped, stenciled or marked thereon the true manner of such substance in ordinary bold- faced capital letters, not less than five-line pica in size, and also the name of each article or ingredient used or entering into the composition of such substance, in ordinary bold- faced letters, not (less) than pica in size, or sell or dispose of in any manner to another any such substance without delivering with each amount sold or disposed of, a label on which is plainly or legibly printed in ordinary bold-faced capital letters, not less than five-line pica in size, the true name of such substance, and also the name of such articles used and entering into the composition of such substance in ordinary bold-faced letters, not less than pica in size, if the same be not made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter; and the words "butter," "creamery," or "dairy," or any word or combination of words embracing the same, shall not be placed on any ves- sel, package, roll or parcel containing any imitation dairy product or substance not wholly made from pure milk, or cream, salt, and harmless coloring matter. SECTION 2. No person or persons shall manufacture Restrictions , 1 . 1 . on manufac- out ot any oleaginous substance or substances, or any com- ture of. pound of the same other than that produced from unadul- terated milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, any article, designed to be sold as butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter. Nothing in this section shall prevent the use of pure skimmed milk in the, manufacture of cheese. SECTION 3. No person or persons shall manufacture, mix, compound or add to natural or pure milk, cream, but- manufacture, ter or cheese, any animal fats, animal, mineral or vegetable oils, nor shall any person or persons manufacture any Bates, oleaginous or other substance not produced from pure milk ( 420 - 32) - 18 ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. Sale of, etc. Bates, <. 4200-33). False brands and labels. Bates, (4200-34). Brands con- tinued. Skimmed milk, cheese. Bates, (4200-35). Cards to be displayed by dealers in artificial dairy products. Sale of less than original package. Bates, (42rO-36). Card to be displayed by keepers of hotels, res- taurants, etc. or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, or have the same in his possession, or offer or expose the same for sale or exchange with intent to sell or in any manner dispose ot the same as and for butter and cheese made from unadul- terated milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, nor shall any substance or compound so made be sold or disposed of to any one as and for butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter. SKCTION 4. No person or persons shall sell, exchange, expose or offer for sale or exchange, dispose of or have in his possession any substance or article made in imitation or resemblance of, or as a substitute for any dairy product which is falsely branded, stenciled, labeled or marked as to the place where made, the name or cream value thereof, its composition or ingredients, or in any other respect. SECTION 5. Xo person or persons shall sell, exchange, expose or offer for sale or exchange, dispose of or have in his possession any dairy food products which are falsely branded, stenciled, labeled or marked as to the place where made, date of manufacture, the name or cream value thereof, composition or ingredients, or in any other respect, ana cheese wholly made from skirmned milk shall have branded upon the box or can "made from skimmed milV 7 " SECTION o. Every person in this state who shall deal in, keep for sale, expose or offer for sale or exchange, any sul >stance other than butter or cheese made wholly from pure *milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, which appears to be, resembles, or is made in imitation of, or as a substitute for butter or cheese, shall keep a card not less in size than ten bv fourteen inches, in a conspicuous and visible place where the same may be easily seen ana read in the store, room, stand, booth, wagon or place where such substance is, on which card shall be printed, on a white ground, in bold, black, Roman letters, not less in size than twelve-line pica, the words, "oleomargarine" or "imi- tation cheese," (as the case may be), "sold here," and said card shall not contain any other words than the ones above prescribed ; and no person shall sell any oleomargarine, stiine, imitation cheese, or other imitation dairy product, at retail or in any quantity less than the original package, tub or firkin, unless he shall first inform the purchaser that the substance is not butter or cheese, but an imitation of the same. SECTION 7. Every proprietor, keeper, or manager or person in charge of any hotel, boarding house, restaurant, eating house, lunch counter or lunch room, who therein sells, uses or disposes of any substance which appears to be, resembles, or is made in, or as an imitation of, or is made as a substitute for butter or cheese, under whatsoever name, and which substance is not wholly made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, shall display and keen a card in a conspicuous place, where the same may uc easily seen and read in the dining, eating, restaurant and ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. 19 lunch room, and place where such substance is sold, used, or disposed of, which card shall be white and in size not less than ten by fourteen inches upon which shall be printed in plain, bold, black Roman letters, not less in size than twelve-line pica, the words, "oleomargarine sold and used here," or "imitation cheese sold and used here" (as the case may be), and said card shall not contain any other words than the ones above described, and such proprietor, keeper, manager, or person in charge shall not sell, furnish, or dispose of such substance as and for "butter and cheese/' made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, when butter or cheese is asked for. SECTION 8. No person or persons shall pack, box, in- Bates, close, ship or consign any substance, as butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring Fraudulent matter in such a manner as to conceal an inferior article by shl P ments - placing a finer grade of butter or cheese upon the surface of the same. SECTION 9. No person or persons shall sell to any person, or deliver, or carry, or cause to be carried to any cheese or butter factory to be manufactured, any milk di- luted with water or in any way adulterated, or from which jjjl|j of diluted any cream has been taken, or milk commonly known as "skimmed milk," or milk from which (the) part known as "stoppings" has been withheld with the intent to defraud, or keeps or renders any false account of the quantity or False weight of milk furnished at or to any factory for manufac- a ture or sold to any manufacturer. SECTION 10. No person or persons shall sell, exchange, or offer for sale or exchange, any unclean, impure, un- healthy, unwholesome milk, or sell, exchange or offer for impure and sale or exchange as "pure milk," milk diluted with water or skimmed milk - milk known as skimmed milk. SECTION n. No person or persons shall sell, exchange, expose, or offer for sale or exchange, have in his possession or dispose of in any manner, any milk which is falsely MU, falsely branded, labeled, marked or represented as to grade, quan- ' e etc * tity or place where produced or procured. SECTION 12. No person shall keep cows for the pro- duction of milk for any purpose, in a cramped or unhealthy condition, or feed them on unhealthy food, or upon food that produces impure, unhealthy or unwholesome milk. SECTION 13. No person shall manufacture, sell, ex- change, expose or offer for sale or exchange, any condensed milk, unless the package, can, or vessel containing the, same Condensed shall be distinctly labeled, stamped, or marked with its true n name, brand, by whom and under what name made, and no condensed milk shall be made, exchanged, exposed or of- fered for sale or exchange, unless the same be made from pure, clean, healthy, fresh, unadulterated and wholesome milk, from which the cream has not been removed, or un- less the proportion of milk solids contained in the con- densed milk shall be in amount the equivalent of 12 per 20 MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF BUTTER. Bates, (4200-43). State institu- tions. Bates, (4200-44). Penalties. centum of milk solids in crude milk, and of such solids, 25 per centum shall be fat. SECTION 14. No butter or cheese not made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, shall be used in any of the charitable or penal institutions of the state. SECTION 15. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions or sections of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than fifty or more than two hun- dred dollars for the first offense, or for each subsequent of- fense not less than one hundred or more than five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not less than ten days or more than ninety days, or both. AN ACT To regulate the manufacture and sale of renovated or process butter, enacted April 30th. Renovated or process butter defined. Sale prohib- ited unless branded. Branding ren- ovated or pro- cess butter. Two sides of every tub, etc. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : SECTION i. No person, firm or corporation shall manu- facture for sale, offer or expose for sale, sell, exchange or deliver or have in his possession with the intent to sell, ex- change or deliver any butter that is produced by taking ori- ginal packing stock butter or other butter, or both, melting the same so that the butter fat can be drawn off or extracted, mixing the said butter fat with skimmed milk, or milk or cream, or other milk product, and rechurning or reworking the said mixture ; nor shall any person, firm or corporation manufacture for sale, offer or expose for sale, sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his possession for any such purpose any butter which has been subjected to any process by which it is melted, clarified or refined, and made to resemble butter, and is commonly known as boiled, or cold extracted process or renovated butter, and which for the purpose of this act is hereby designated as "renovated" or "process butter," unless the. same shall be branded or marked as provided in section two of this act. SECTION 2. Whoever, himself or by his agent, or as the servant or agent of another person shall sell, expose for sale or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell any "renovated" or "process butter," as defined in section one of this act, shall have the words "renovated butter" or "process butter" conspicuously stamped, labeled or marked in one or two lines and in plain Gothic letters, at least three-eighths of an inch square, so that the words cannot be easily defaced, upon two sides of each and every tub, firkin, box or package containing said "renovated" or "pro- cess butter," or, if such butter is exposed for sale uncovered or not in a case, or package, a placard containing said words in the same form as above described in this section shall be attached to the mass in such a manner as to be easily seen IMITATION CHEESE. 21 and read by the purchaser. When "renovated" or "process ^ g e * ail P ack ' butter" is sold from such package or otherwise at retail, in print, roll or other form, before being delivered to the purchaser, it shall be wrapped in wrappers plainly stamped on the outside thereof with the words "renovated butter," or "process butter" printed or stamped thereon in one or two lines, and in plain Gothic letters at least three-eighths of an inch square, and such wrapper shall contain no other words or printing thereon and said words "renovated but- ter" or "process butter" so stamped or printed on the said wrapper shall not be in any manner concealed, but shall be in plain view of the purchaser at the time of the purchase. SECTION 3. Any one violating any of the provisions Pe aity. of this act shall for a first offense be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars ; for a second offense by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail or workhouse for not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, or both. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect sixty days after its passage. Bates, (4200-21). AN ACT To prevent fraud in the manufacture and sale of imitations of cheese or substitutes for cheese, and to regulate the branding of cheese in the state of Ohio. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Branding of the State of Ohio, That whoever, by himself or his agents, a nd e "skimmed sells, exposes for sale, or has in his possession with intent "" re ~ to sell, any article, substance, or compound made in imi- tation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, and not made exclusively and wholly of milk or cream, with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, or containing any fats, oils, or grease not produced from milk or cream, shall have the words "filled cheese/' and all cheese made exclusively and wholly from milk or cream with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless color- ing matter, and containing less than thirty per cent, of pure butter fat, shall have the words "skimmed cheese," stamped, labeled, or marked, in printed letters of plain, uncondensed Gothic type, not less than one inch in length, so that the words cannot easily be defaced, and upon the side of every cheese, cheese cloth or band around the same, and upon the top and side of every tub, firkin, box, or package containing any of said article, substance, or com- pound. And in case of retail sales of any said article, sub- stance or compound, not in the original package, the seller shall, by himself or his agents, attach to each package so sold, and shall deliver therewith to the purchaser, a label or wrapper bearing in a conspicuous place upon the outside of the package the words "filled cheese," or "skimmed IMITATION cn I-;KSI-:. Penalty for preceding sec tion. Bates, (4200-22). Intentional Deception. Penalty for selling or of- fering imita- tion or substi- tute when cheese called for. Bates, (42*^-23). Penalty for selling or of- fering imita- tion or substi- tute without proper brands and placards. Bates. (4200-24). Posting of placard at place of busi- ness. cheese/' as the case may be, in printed letters of plain, un- condensed Gothic type, not less than one inch in length. SECTION 2,. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells, exposes for sale, or has in his possession with intent to sell, any article, substance, or compound made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, except as provided in section I of this act, and whoever, with intent to deceive, ^defaces, erases, cancels or removes any mark, stamp, brand, label or wrapper provided for in said section, or in any manner shall falsely label, stamp, or mark any box, tub, article, or package marked, stamped or labeled as aforesaid, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days for the, first offense, and by a fine not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment in the county jail not less than twenty nor more than sixty days, or both, for each subsequent offense. SECTION 3. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells, exposes for sale, to any person who asks, sends, or inquires for cheese, any article, substance, or compound made in imi- tation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, and contain- ing not less than thirty per cent, pure butter fat, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days for the first offense, and by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than twenty nor more than sixty days, or both, for each subsequent offense. SECTION 4. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells or offers for sale, any article, substance, or compound made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, not marked and distinguished by all the marks, words and stamps required by this act, and not having in addition thereto upon the exposed contents of every opened tub, box, or parcel thereof, a conspicuous placard with the words, "filled cheese," or "skimmed cheese," as the case may be, printed thereon in plain, uncondensed letters, not less than one inch long, shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days for the first offense, and by a fine of not less than one hun- dred nor more, than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than twenty nor more than sixty days, or both, for each subsequent offense. SECTION 5. Whoever, by himself or his agents, sells "filled cheese," or "skimmed cheese," or any substance made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substi- tute for cheese, not made entirely from milk and cream, IMITATION CHEESE. 23 with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, from any dwelling, store, office, or public mart, shall have conspicuously posted thereon the placard or sign, in letters not less than four inches in length ''filled cheese sold here," or ''skimmed cheese sold here," as the case may be. Any person neglecting or failing to post the placard herein *& for provided for shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars for the first offense, and by a fine of one hundred dollars for each day's neglect thereafter. SECTION 6. Whoever, by himself or his agents peddles, .sells, solicits orders for the future delivery of, or delivers placard sides from any cart, wagon, or other vehicle, upon the public streets or ways, "filled cheese," or "skimmed cheese," or Bates, any substance made in imitation or semblance of cheese, ( or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, not having on both sides of said cart, wagon, or other vehicle, the placard in uncondensed Gothic letters, not less than three inches in length, "filled cheese," or "skimmed cheese," shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days for the first offense, and by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dol- lars and by imprisonment in the county jail not less than twenty nor more than sixty days, or both, for each subse- quent offense. SECTION 7. Whoever, by himself or his agents, fur- ^2JJ e O r pat . nishes, or causes to be furnished, in any hotel, restaurant, or ron of hotel, at any lunch counter "filled cheese," or "skimmed cheese," SSSS&S. or any substance made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk ?**,? 7 % or cream, with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, to any guest or patron of said hotel, res- taurant, or lunch counter, in the place or stead of cheese, shall notify said guest or patron that the substance so fur- nished is not cheese, and any person so furnishing without said notice, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten Penalty for or more than fifty dollars for each offense. SECTION 8. Every manufacturer of full milk cheese ?/ a " din .f, of .. , . ,. full milk may put a brand upon each cheese so manufactured indi- cheese." eating "full milk cheese," with the date and year when made, and no person shall use such a brarid upon any Bates, -cheese made from milk from which any of the cream has (420C rjeen taken. The food and dairy commissioner shall pro- cure and issue to the cheese manufacturers of the state, upon proper application, which application shall be made on or Before the first day of April, 1896, and on or before the first day of April of each year thereafter, and under such regu- lations as t othe custody and use thereof, 'as he may describe, a uniform stencil brand bearing a suitable device or motto, grand for^ and the words "Ohio state full cream cheese." Every such full 'cream* 5 rjrand shall be used upon the outside of the cheese, cheese cheese -" cloth or band around the same, and upon the box or pack- ADULTERATION OF \V1XES INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Register of user. Restriction upon use "pure skimmed cheese." Fee for regis- tration. Penalty for violation of section. Bates, (4200-29). age containing" the same, and shall bear a separate number for each separate factory. The said commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location,, and number of each manufacturer using the brand, and t name or names of the person or persons in each factory authorized to use the same. No such brand shall be used upon any other but full cream cheese or packages contain- ing the same ; provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the manufacture and sale of pure skimmed cheese made from milk that is clean, pure, healthy, wholesome and unadulterated except by skimming. The commissioner shall receive a fee, of one dollar for each regis- tration according to the provisions of this section, such fee to be paid by the person applying for such registration. Whoever, by himself or his agents, violates any of the provisions of this section, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars or by im- prisonment in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days for the first offense, and by a fine, of not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the, county jail not less than twenty nor more than sixty days, or both, for each subsequent offense. SECTION 9. The word "person," as used in this act shall include persons, corporations and companies. Domestic wines. AN ACT To prevent adulteration of domestic \vr.K-s. Sec. 7081 R. S. Whoever adulterates any wine made, or juice expressed, from grapes grown within the state of Ohio, by mixing therewith any drugs, chemicals, cider, whiskey, or other liquor, and whoever sells, or offers to sell, any such adulterated wine or grape juice, knowing the same to be adulterated, shall be fined in any sum not more than, three hundred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars. Adulterating or selling adulterated liquors. AN ACT To prevent adulteration and fraud in the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. Sec. 7082. Whoever adulterates, for the purpose of sale, any spirituous, alcoholic or malt liquors used or in- tended for drink, or medical or mechanical purposes, with coculus-indicus, vitriol, grains of paradise, opium, alum, capsicum, copperas, laurel water, logwood, Brazil-wood, cochineal, sugar of lead, aloes, glucose, tannic acid, or any other substance which is poisonous or injurious to health, or with any substance not a necessary ingredient in the \\IXKS PURE COMPOUNDED, ADULTERATED. 25- manufacture thereof ; and whoever sells or offers or keeps for sale any such liquors so adulterated, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than twenty, nor more than sixty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. And any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section, shall be adjudged to pay, in addition to the penal- ties hereinbefore provided for, all necessary costs and ex- penses incurred in inspecting and analyzing any such adul- terated liquors of which said party may have been guilty of adulterating, or selling, or keeping for sale, or offering for sale. Sec. 7083. Whoever uses any active poison in the Manufacture.. manufacture or preparation of any intoxicating liquor, or sells in any quantity any intoxicating liquor so manufac- tured or prepared, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than five years, nor less than one year. Sec. 6949. Whoever, being engaged in the manufac- ? ring ofr ture and sale of intoxicating liquors, fails to brand on each package containing the same the name of the person or company manufacturing, rectifying, or preparing the same, and also the words "containing no poisonous drugs, or other added poison," shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, and imprisoned not more than. six months nor less than one month. AN ACT To define pure wines, compounded wines and adulterated wines, and to regulate the manufacture and sale of compounded wines, and to prohibit the manufacture or sale of . adulterated wines within the state of Ohio. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio. That all liquors denominated as wine containing alcohol, "except such as shall be produced by natural fermentation of pure, undried grape- juice," or com- pounded with distilled spirits, or by both methods, whether denominated as wine, or by any other name whatsoever, in the nature of articles for use as beverages, except as allowed in section four of this acl^ or for compounding with other liquors for such use, and all compounds of the same with pure wine, and all preserved fruit-juices com- pounded with substances not produced from undried fruit, in character of, or intended for use as beverages, and all wines (including all grades and kinds) which contain, or in the production or manufacture of which, any glucose, or uncrystallized grape or starch sugar, or cider, or pomace of grapes out of which the juice has be.en pressed or ex- tracted, known as grape cheese, has been used, and all wines, imitation of wines or other beverages produced from ingredients fruit into which carbonic acid gas has been artificially in- j^^nls ISd jected. or which shall contain any alum, baryta, salts, caustic beverages pro lime, carbonate of soda, carbonate of potash, carbonic acid, f"uit d fr m WINES PURE COMPOUNDED, ADULTERATED. Penalty for manufacturing or selling. Defining "pure wine." Bates, (4200-57). Must be 'branded. Invoiced ""pure wine.' "Wine" de- fined. ^ates, (4200-58). salts of lead, salicylic acid or any other antiseptic, coloring matte r (other than produced from undried fruit or pure sugar), essence of ether or. any foreign substance, what- ever, which is injurious to health, shall be denominated as adulterated wine, and any person or persons who shall manufacture, or cause the same to be, done, with intent to sell, or shall sell or offer to sell, any such wine or beverage, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars, or more than one. thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a term of not less than thirty days or more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and shall be liable to a penalty of one dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale, or manufactured with intent to sell, and such wine or beverage shall be deemed a public nuisance and forfeited to the state, and shall be sum- marily seized and destroyed by any health officer, marshal, constable or sheriff, within whose jurisdiction the same shall be found, and the reasonable expense of such seizure and destruction, not exceeding the amount paid for similar services, shall be. a county charge, and paid out of the county treasury in the same manner as costs in criminal cases, where the state fails to convict, are now allowed and paid out of such treasury. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this act the words "pure, wine" shall be understood to mean the fermented juice of the undried grapes, without the addition thereto of water, sugar, or any foreign substance whatever; and all such wines shall be known as "pure wine," and shall be stamped, branded, labeled, designated and sold as "pure wine," and the name and kind of wine, and that of the locality where such wine is made, and of the manufacturer, may also be added ; and it shall be unlawful to affix any stamp, brand or label containing the words "pure wine." (either alone or with other words) on any vessel, package, bottle or other receptacle containing any substance other than pure wine as in this section defined, or to prepare, or use on any vessel, package, bottle or other receptacle con- taining any liquid, any imitation or counterfeit of such stamp, label or brand, or any stamp, label or brand of such form and appearance as to be calculated to mislead or de- ceive any person, or "cause to be supposed that the con- tents thereof be pure wine, or to use any vessel, package, bottle, or other receptacle, having such stamp, brand or label affixed thereon, except for pure wine, as in this section de- fined ; and if the name of the manufacturer is added, then only of such manufacturer's make, providing the same is pure, wine ; and any person selling such wine shall in the invoice thereof plainly state and designate the same as "pure wine." SECTION 3. For the further purpose of this act the word "wine" shall be understood to mean the fermented juice of undried grapes; provided, however, that the addi- tion of pure white or crystallized sugar to perfect the wine, WINES PURE COMPOUNDED, ADULTERATED. J, n x ic ?, d fined. or the, using of the necessary things to clarify and refine the wine which are not injurious to health, shall not be con- strued as adulterations, but such wine shall contain at least seventy-five per cent, of pure grape juice, and shall not con- tain any artificial flavoring whatever; and all such "wine" shall be known as "wine," and shall be stamped, branded, Branding. labelled and sold as "wine," in the same manner as is pro- vided in section two of this act in case of pure wine, except the words in this case shall be "wine" without the prefix "pure;" and all the provisions of said section two, as far as applicable, shall govern the manufacture and sale of "wine" as in this section defined. And any person selling such wine shall in the invoice thereof plainly state and designate the same as "wine" without using the, prefix "pure." SECTION 4. For the further purpose of this act, the words "compounded wine" shall be understood to mean ury wine which contains less than seventy-five per cent, of pure undrie.d grape- juice, and is otherwise pure, and all wines containing alcohol or any other distilled spirits not produced by the natural fermentation of pure undried grapes, such wine shall be known as compound wine, and shall be branded, marked, labeled and sold as compounded Branding.. wine, and the name of such wine may be added, or such wine shall be branded, labeled and marked by using the word "compounded" next preceding the name of such wine, such as "compounded sweet catawba," or "com- pounded port wine," or the like (and an addition of pure distilled spirits not to exceed eight per cent, of its volume shall not be taken to be an adulteration of such wine) ; and upon each and every package, barrel or other receptacle of such wine, which shall contain more than three gallons, there shall be stamped upon both ends of such package,. barrel or other receptacle, in black printed letters at least one inch high and of proper proportion, the words "com- pounded wine," or the name of such wine, preceded by the word "compounded" as in this section provided, and upon all packages or receptacles which shall contain more than one quart and up to three gallons, there shall be stamped upon each of said packages or receptacles in plain, printed. black letters, at least one-half inch high, and of proper pro- portion, the words "compounded wine," or the name of such wine, preceded by the word "compounded," as in tfiis section provided, and upon all packages, bottles or other re- ceptacles of one quart or less, there shall be placed a label' securely pasted thereon, on which label the words "com- pounded wine," or the name of the wine preceded by the word "compounded," shall be plainly printed in black letters at least one- fourth of an inch high and of proper proportion. Should any number of such packages or other receptacles be inclosed in a larger package, as a box, barrel, case or basket, such outside package shall also receive the stamp > "compounded wine," or the name of such wine, preceded by the word "compounded," the letters to be the size according to the amount of such wine contained' in: such outside pack- WINES PURE COMPOUNDED, ADULTERATED. Invoiced "Compounded -wine/ Penalty for violating this Duty of pros- ecuting at- itorney. age. And any person selling wine of the kind in this section denned, shall in the invoice thereof plainly state and desig- nate such wine as "compound wine." SECTION 5. Any person or persons who shall sell cr offer for sale, or manufacture or cause the same to be done, with intent to sell any wine stamped or labeled, or branded, or designated in any manner as "pure, wine," either by in- cluding the word ''pure" with "wine" alone or in connec- tion with other words, which is not "pure wine," as is in section two of this act defined, or any wine stamped, or la- beled or branded, or in any manner designated as "wine," but which is not wine as in section three of this act defined, or shall violate any provisions of said sections two and three of this act, or shall sell or offer for sale, or manufacture, or cause the same to be done, with intent to sell any wine of the kind and character as described in the fourth section of this act, which shall not be stamped, marked or labeled, after the manner and mode therein prescribed, or which is falsely stamped, or marked, or labeled, such person or per- sons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars for each and every offense, or by im- prisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days or more than six months, or both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and in addition therein shall be liable, to a penalty of one-half dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale, or manufactured with intent to sell or offer for sale. All penalties imposed by this act may be recovered with costs of action by any person in his own name, before any justice of the. peace in the county where the offense was committed, where the amount does not ex- ceed the jurisdiction of such justice; and such penalties may be recovered in the like manner in any court of record in the state, but on the recovery by the plaintiff in such case for a sum less than fifty dollars, the plaintiff shall only be entitled to costs to amount equal to the amount of such re- covery. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney of the respective counties of this state, and they are hereby required to prosecute or commence action in the name of the state of Ohio for the recovery of the penalties allowed herein, upon receiving proper information thereof, and in actions brought by such prosecuting attorney, one-half of the penalty recovered shall belong to and be paid over to the person or persons giving the information upon which the action is brought, and the other one-half shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which the action is brought, within thirty days from the time of its collection, and such money shall be placed to the credit of the poor fund of the town, city or township in which the cause of action arose, after paying therefrom a reasonable attorney fee to the prosecuting attorney prosecuting such suit, to be fixed and allowed by the court trying such cause. All judgments re- covered in pursuance of the provisions of this act, with in- terest thereon, may be collected and enforced by the same ADULTERATION OF FLAXSEED AND LINSEED OIL. 29 means and in the same manner as judgments in other cases. Two or more penalties may be included in the same action. SECTION 6. The provisions of this act shall not apply 'to medicated wines, such as are put up and sold for me- dicinal purposes only; nor to currant wine or other wines made from fruits other than grapes, which are plainly la- beled, or branded, or designated and sold, or offered for sale under names including the. word wine, but also express- ing distinctly the fruit from which they are made, as "goose- berry wine/' "elderberry wine," or the like. AX ACT "To prevent the adulteration of and deception in the sale of flaxseed or linseed oil, as amended April Gfh. 1908. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : SECTION i. That no person, firm or corporation shall Sec. (4200-46). manufacture for sale, offer or expose for sale, in this state, -any so-called "raw flaxseed or linseed oil" unless the same Raw linseed is wholly obtained from the seeds of the flax plant and Ol1 ' unless the same fulfills all the requirements recognized by "the latest revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia of- ficial at the time of the sale in question, or any so-called "boiled linseed oil" unless the same shall have been pre- pared by heating pure raw linseed oil to a temperature of standard. 225 degrees Fahrenheit, and incorporating not to exceed four per cent, by weight of dryer. And for the purpose of this act it shall also be, deemed a violation hereof if boiled Boikd Unseed linseed oil does not conform to the following requirements: ist. Its specific gravity at 60 degrees Fahrenheit must be standard, not less than 0.935 an d n t greater than 0.945. 2nd. Its saponification value (Koettstorfer figure) must not be less than 1 86. 3d. Its iodine number must not be less than 1 60. 4th. Its acid value must not exceed 10. 5th. The volatile matter expelled at 212 degrees Fahrenheit must not ' exceed one-half of one per cent. 6th. No mineral oil shall be present, and the amount of unsaponifiable matter as de- termined by standard methods shall not exceed 2.5 per cent. 7th. The film left after flowing the oil over glass and al- lowing it to drain in a vertical position must dry free from tackiness in not to exceed twenty hours, at a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. SECTION 2. That no person, firm or corporation shall Brandin &- . sell, expose or offer for sale any flaxseed or lins-eed oil un- Sec. (4200-47.) less it is done under its true name, and each tank car, tank, barrel, keg or any vessel of such oil has distinctly and durably painted, stamped, stenciled or marked thereon the true name of such oil in ordinary bold faced capital letters, not less than five lines pica in size, the words, "Pure, Lin- seed Oil Raw," "Pure Linseed Oil Boiled," and the name :and address of the manufacturer thereof. 30 \\MIITE LEA];, PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ETC, Penalty. Sec. (4200-48). Dairy & food commissioner enforces law. Sec. (4200-49). SECTION 3. That any person, firm or corporation who shall sell without any stamp as required by this act, or who- shall falsely stamp or label such tank cars, tanks, barrels, kegs, cans or other vessels containing flaxseed or linseed oil, or knowingly permit such stamping or labeling, or who- ever shall violate any provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished with a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both, for each offense. SECTION 4. It is hereby made the duty of the food and dairy commissioner of the state to see that the pro- visions of this act are enforced and grand juries are in- structed to take cognizance of cases the same as for where crimes are charged. Paint to be labeled. "Paint' fined. de- What label shall show. Net measure r net weight. AX ACT Requiring manufacturers and distributors to label white lead, paints, mixed paints, and similar compounds. (Enacted April 14th, 1908). />Y // enacted h\ the (Jcncnil Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION i. X<> person, firm or corporation shall expose for sale or sell within this state any paint, turpentine or lin- seed oil. which is labeled or marked in any manner so as to tend to deceive the purchaser as to its nature or composi- tion, or which is not accurately labeled as hereinafter re- quired. SECTION 2. The term "paint" as used in this act shall include oxide of zinc, red lead, and white lead, dry or in any kind of oil, and any compound intended for the same use,. colors ground in oil, paste or semi-paste paint, and liquid or mixed paint ready for use. SECTION 3. The label required by this act shall clearly and distinctly state the name and residence of the manufac- turer of the paint, or of the distributor thereof, or of the party for whom the same is manufactured, and show the name and, with substantial accuracy, the percentage of each ingredient both solid and liquid contained therein. In the case of paint other than white paint where more than one coloring material is used, the several coloring materials may be shown by their combined percentage, in which case it shall be necessary to state the description or trade name,, and with substantial accuracy, the chemical analysis of each of such constituent coloring materials. Said label shall be printed in the English language in plain legible type in con- tinuous list with no intervening matter of any kind. SECTION 4. The label on all paint sold by measure shall show the net measure of the contents of the container, and on all paint sold by weight, the net weight of the contents of the package. WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ETC. 31 of jobbers and i, ea iS. Jar Prima facie case. Enforcement. Inspection of places of busi- ness, etc. SECTION 5. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any articles hereinbefore described which are in the state in the hands of jobbers and dealers at the time that this act takes effect. An inventory of all paints manufactured prior to January i, 1909, and in the hands of jobbers and dealers inventory. of the state on that date shall be made under oath by the person having such goods and filed with the dairy and food commissioner of the state. SECTION 6. The having in possession by any person, firm or corporation dealing in said articles, any articles or substances hereinbefore described and improperly marked or not accurately labeled, as provided in this act, shall be considered prima facie evidence that the same is kept by such person, firm or corporation, in violation of the pro- visions of this act and punishable under it. SECTION 7. The dairy and food commissioner of the state is charged with the proper enforcement of all of the provisions of this act. SECTION 8 The said commissioner and his assistants, experts, chemists and agents shall be duly authorized for the purpose and shall have access and ingress to all the places of business, stores and buildings used for the sale of paint, turpentine or linseed oil. They shall also have power of authority to open any package, can, jar, tub or other re- ceptacle containing articles that may be sold or exposed for sale in violation of the provisions of this act. The inspect- ors, assistants and chemists appointed by the state dairy and food commissioner shall perform' the same duties and have the same authority under this act as are prescribed by di- vision II, Title III, Chapter 18, part first of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. The state , dairy and food commissioner shall from time to time publish bulletins giving the result of inspection and analyses together with such additional in- formation as he may deem suitable. SECTION 9. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for the first offense shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than $50, and for each subsequent offense by a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $100, or by im- prisonment for not less than thirty days, nor more than one hundred days, or both, for each offense. SECTION 10. This act shall take effect and be. in force from and after January i, 1909. Authority same as in food and drug work. Penalty. PROCEDURE. Sec. 37180. Any justice of the peace, police judge, or mayor of any city or village, shall each have jurisdiction within his county, in all cases of violation of the laws to prevent the adulteration of food and drink, the. adulteration or deception in the sale of dairy products, or any other foods, and drugs and medicines, and any violation of the law for the prevention of cruelty to animals or children, or under sections 3140-2, 4364-24, 4364-25, 6984, 69840 of the Re- 32 WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ETC. vised Statutes of Ohio. In any such prosecution where imprisonment may be a part of the punishment, if a trial jury trial. by jury be not waived, the said justice of the peace shall, not less than three, nor more than five days before the time fixed for trial, certify to the clerk of the court of common pleas of his county that such prosecution is pending before him. Thereupon said clerk shall proceed to draw, in the presence, of representatives of both parties, from the jury wheel or box containing the names of persons selected to serve as petit jurors in the court of common pleas in said county, twenty ballots or names, which shall be drawn and counted in the same, manner as for jurors in said court of common pleas. Said clerk shall forthwith certify the names so drawn to said justice of the peace, who, upon receipt thereof, shall issue to any constable of the county a venire containing such names to serve as jurors to try such case and make due return thereof. The jurors shall be subject to the same challenges as jurors are subject to in criminal cases, except capital cases, in the court of common pleas. If the. venire of twenty names be exhausted without obtain- ing the required number to fill the panel, the justice shall fill the panel with talesmen in the manner provided for criminal cases in said court of common pleas. In all cases prosecuted under the provisions of this act, no costs shall be required to be advanced or be secured by any person or persons authorized under the law to prosecute such cases; and if the defendant be acquitted or discharged from cus- tody, by nolle, or otherwise, or if he be convicted and com- mitted in default of paying fine and costs, all costs of such case shall be certified by said justice of the peace under oath to the county auditor, who, after correcting any errors in the same, shall issue a warrant on the county treasury in favor of the person or persons to whom such costs and fees shall be paid. And in cases brought for any violation of la\v for the prevention of cruelty to animals or children, or under sections 3140-2, 6984, 69840 or (7017-3) .Revised Statutes of Ohio, any humane society or their agents may employ an attorney to prosecute the same, who shall be paid for his services out of the county treasury in such sum as any judge of the court of common pleas or probate judge, within said county, or the county commissioners, may approve as just and reasonable. In pursuing or arresting any defendant and in sub- pcenaing the witnesses, the jurisdiction and powers of the constable or other court officer acting in such capacity, in all such cases, shall be the. same as that of the sheriff of the county in criminal cases in the common pleas court, and he shall receive the same fees therefor as are allowed said sheriff. Jurors in all such cases and witnesses subpoenaed in all such cases shall be entitled to like mileage and fees, as are allowed in criminal cases in the court of common pleas, and in all other respects, in so far as the same may be applicable, the procedure provided for in criminal cases in the common pleas court not otherwise inconsistent here- LIQUOR TAX. 33 with, shall be followed. And provided, further, that where r in any such laws, after the first offense, a different punish- ment is provided for subsequent offenses, the information or affidavit, in order to avail the state of the benefit of such additional punishment, shall so charge that it is the second or subsequent offense, and unless such special charge is so made, the punishment shall in all cases be as of the first offense. All costs and moneys which are to be paid by the Costs, county treasurer as herein provided, shall be paid out of the general revenue fund of said county. And in any case prosecuted under the provisions of this section, a new trial, after a verdict of conviction, may be granted, for any of the reasons enumerated in section seventy-three hundred and fifty of the Revised Statutes, upon the written application of the defendant, filed within three days after the rendi- tion of the verdict; provided that the causes enumerated in subdivision two, three and five of said section must be sustained by affidavits or other evidence showing their truth and may be controverted by like evidence. LIQUOR TRAFFIC TAX LAW. AN ACT Providing for a tax upon the business of trafficking in spirituous, vinous, malt and any intoxicating liquors, and acts amendatory thereto providing for the enforcement and collection of said tax. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio : SECTION i. (Sec. 4364-9.) Upon the business of Trafficking ta* trafficking in spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors, there shall be assessed yearly, and shall be paid into the county treasury, as hereinafter provided, by every per- son, corporation, or co-partnership engaged therein, and for each place where such business is carried on by or for such persons, corporation, or co-partnership, the sum of one thousand dollars. SECTION 2. (4564-10). That said assessment, togetnei ^ j;| da rom f 4th ' with an increase thereof, as penalty thereon, shall attach May. a> and operate as a lien upon the real property on and in which such business is conducted, as of the fourth Monday of May each year, and shall be paid at the times provided for by law for the payment of taxes on real or personal prop- erty within this state, to-wit: one-half on or before the twentieth day of June, and one-half on or before the twen- tieth day of December, of each year. SECTION 3. (Sec. 4364-11.) That when such business ^eTn^o shall be commenced in any year after the fourth Monday case iess"than. in May said assessment shall be proportionate in amount $ to the remainder of the assessment year, except that it shall be in no case less than two hundred dollars, and the same :34 LIQUOR TAX. Liquor tax .assessment. Duty of -inspectors. shall attach and operate as a lien as provided in section 2 of said act of May 14, 1886, and be payable on the date of such commencement, and whenever any person, corporation or co-partnership, engaged in such business who has been assessed as aforesaid, and who has paid the full amount of said assessment discontinues such business, the county au- ditor, upon being satisfied of that fact, shall issue to such person, corporation or co-partnership a refunding order for a proportionate amount of said assessment, so paid, but in no case shall the amount of such assessment retained be less than two hundred dollars. Sec. 4364-14. The county auditor shall make and pre- serve duplicates of such assessments, alphabetically ar- ranged, showing the amount and date of each assessment, by whom to be paid, and the, premises whereon the same is a lien. And upon receiving satisfactory information of any such business liable to assessment or increased assessment, as aforesaid, not returned by the assessor, he shall forthwith enter the same upon such duplicate and upon the county treasurer's copy thereof. By the first Monday in June of each year, he shall make out and deliver to the county treasurer a copy of such duplicate, charging him with the full amount of such assessments to be collected, and also with any additional assessments or increased assessments and penalties thereon. The county commissioners of the re- spective counties shall allow their county auditor compen- sation for the dicharge of the duties imposed upon and performed by him under this act, as follows: Where the amount of assessments charged upon the duplicate in any county in any year aggregates twenty thousand dollars or under, a compensation equal to three per centum of any such aggregate, and where in any county in any year the aggre- gate so charged exceeds twenty thousand dollars a like compensation on twenty thousand dollars, and, in addition thereto, an amount equal to one and one-half per centum on any amount in excess of twenty thousand dollars. All compensation so allowed shall at the next settlement of taxes to be deducted by the county auditor, ratably, from all the funds entitled to share in the distribution of such assessments, including the state, county, townships, mu- nicipalities, school districts and other organizations entitled thereto. All laws requiring any county auditor to account for and pay his fees, costs and allowances or any part there- of into the county treasury for the use of the county shall govern and apply to the compensation herein provided for. SEC. 4364-14^. The assistant commissioners and in- spectors appointed by the dairy and food commissioner un- der section 409-10 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, in addition to their duties under that section, shall determine from information furnished by the auditor of state or by personal visitation or otherwise, the names of all persons, firms or corporations liable to such assessment or increased assessment not already on the duplicate, and forthwith re- port the same to the auditor of state, together with a de- LIQUOR TAX. 35. scription of the real estate, upon which such business is car- ried on ; and thereupon the auditor of state shall cause the same to be entered upon the assessment duplicate of the proper county by the auditor thereof, together with the penalty of twenty per centum, which shall be collected the same as other assessments. And ten per cent, of the amount so placed upon the duplicate and collected shall be set apart and paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, and the remainder thereof shall be distributed the same as provided in section 4364-17 of the Revised Stat- utes of Ohio. Sec. 4364-15. The county treasurer shall collect an^, Collection of receipt for all assessments so returned to him, and if any assessment shall not be paid when due, he shall forthwith proceed as provided in section 4364-12 of the, Revised Stat- utes of Ohio, to collect the same, and in case he shall fail to make such assessment from the goods and chattels there- in described, then said treasurer shall immediately proceed as provided in section one thousand one hundred and four of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, to enforce the lien for the same with the penalty thereon. And the provisions of said section one thousand one hundred and four and all other provisions of the law of this state relating to the assess- ment and collection of taxes are hereby made applicable to the enforcement of liens and the collection of such assess- ments and penalties. The fact that the person, firm cr corporation against whom suit may be brought to enforce the collection of such assessment, has paid the specirl t x required by the laws of the United States for engaging in the sale of intoxicating liquors, as shown by the public records in the offices of the internal revenue department, may be offered in evidence as proof that he so engaged for the time for which such special tax has been paid, and sha 1 be prima facie evidence that such person, firm or corpora- tion is actually engaged in the business of trafficking in intoxicating liquors as defined in sections 4364-9, 4364-10, 4364-11, 4364-12, 4364-13* 4364-14. 4364-15. 4364-16, 4364-17, 4364-18, 4364-19. 4364-20, 4364-21, 4364-22, and 4364-23 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, but nothing in A S to drug- this act shall be construed as applying to a regular druggist glsts> selling intoxicating liquors upon prescription, issued in good faith by a reputable physician, in active practice, or for ex- clusively known mechanical, pharmaceutical or sacramental purposes, as defined in section 4364-16 of the Revised Stat- utes of Ohio. The treasurer shall charge himself with all such asessments placed in his hands for collection, and shall account to the auditor for the same, together with all pen- alties collected thereunder. Sec 8. (4364-16). The phrase "trafficking in intoxi- j^in cating liquors," as used in this act, means the buying of liquors" de- procuring and selling of intoxicating liquors otherwise than f upon prescription issued in good faith by reputable physi- cians in active practice, or for exclusively known mechan- ical, pharmaceutical or sacramental purposes, but such 36 LIQUOR TAX. phrase does not include the manufacture of intoxicating liq- uors from the raw material, and the sale thereof at the manufactory, by the manufacturer of the, same in quantities oi oae gallon or more at any one time. INI3BX. ACETIC ACID, at least 4% by weight, to be in all vinegar ACIDS, DRUGS, ETC., introduced in Apple Cider Vinegar, prohibited, ADULTERATION OF FOODS AND DRUGS ALOES , in intoxicating liquors , prohibited ALUM , in intoxicating liquors , prohibited , In wine , prohibited , ANILINE DYE, in Oleomargarine, prohibited , ANNATTO, in Oleomargarine, prohibited ANTISEPTIC, in wine, prohibited ARTIFICIAL DAIRY PRODUCTS Dealers Cards displayed, "Oleomargarine Sold Here," etc.... , Purchaser shall be informed , Hotels, Boarding Houses, Restaurants, Etc. Cards displayed , BABCOCK TEST, in milk BARYTA, in wine, prohibited , B ARYTES TALC . in candy , prohibited BONDS, official : BRAZIL WOOD, in intoxicating liquors, prohibited., BULLETINS When made What to contain BUTTER, RENOVATED OR PROCEED, branding BUTTER YELLOW, in Oleomargarine, prohibited.. CALF, less than four weeks eld Killing for purpose of sale, prohibited Selling meat of, prohibited Penalty CANDY Adulterated, defined Manufacture and sale prohibited CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Unlabeled goods, sale prohibited Soaked goods to be labeled "Soaked" , False or fraudulent stamps prohibited CAPSICUM, in intoxicating liquors, prohibited., CARBONATE OF POTASH, in wine, prohibited CARBONATE OF SODA, in wine, prohibited.... CARBONIC ACID, in wine, prohibited CAUSTIC LIME, in wine, prohibited CHARGES, payment of CHEESE - "Filled" cheese rt branded "Full Milk" cheese.. 38 INDEX. CHEESE Concluded. "Full Milk" cheese, branded Hotel, restaurant, etc. Notice to guests , patrons Imitation, deception prohibited Manufacturers rf cheese Registration "Ohio State Full Cream" cheese Branded Peddler Placards on sides of vehicles "Skimmed" Posting placards CHEMISTS, employment cf CIDER VINEGAR CLERK, CHIEF, may employ COCHINEAL, in intoxicating liquors prohibited COCOLUS INDICUS, in intoxicating liquors prohibited COLORING MATTER - In Oleomargarine prohibited In distilled vinegar prohibited In wine prohibited COLORS, POISONOUS, in candy prohibited COMMISSIONER. DAIRY AND FOOD- Assistants . dut ies Duties Election General duties Powers Salary and expmses Term Vacancy COMMISSIONERS, ASSISTANT - Salary Duties COMPOUNDS - Labeled ''Compound" or "Mixture" Violations What are CONFECTIONERY COPPERAS, in intoxicating liquors prohibited COUNSEL, employment of DAIRY PRODUCTS Cheese, butter, etc., defined Adulteration , etc Deception , etc Substitutes, selling prohibited , Branded, falsely, prohibited Compounding prohibited Labeled , hew , Oleaginous substances prohibited DISTILLED VINEGAR defined, must be branded DISTILLERY WASTES . PAGE 2:3 2-5 22 24 24 12- 21 23-22 4 11-10 .> 24 24 K5-15 11 26 W 3 3 q ; 3-4 3 4 4 4 34-4 8-7 8 8-7 13-il 21 4 17- 15 i:> 15 22 18 17 17 17 1! 14 INDEX. 39 PAGE "DRUGGISTS, selling liquor 36-35 DRUGS, defined 6 ESSENCE OF ETHER, in wine prohibited 26 .EXPENSES - Payment of 4 Limitation 4 'EXPERTS, employment of 4 FERMENTED VINEGAR '11 FINES, FEES AND COSTS 5-4 Disposition of 5-4 FLAVORING EXTRACTS, defined : 6 FLAVORS, or ingredients, injurious, in candy prohibited 13 ELAXSEED OIL 29 FOODS, defined 6 'GLUCOSE, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 IMITATIONS OF FOOD AND DRUGS, are adulterations.... ' 6 INSPECTORS - Duties of 34 Employment of 4 Interfering with , etc. , penalty 4 'INTOXICATING LIQUORS - Adulteration 24 Branding by manufacturer 25 Druggists 36-35 Poison , using , penal offense 25 Tax assessment and collection 36-33 LAUREL WATER, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 LINSEED OIL, standard boiled or raw 29 Branding 29 Penalty 30 LIQUOR TAX ASSESSMENT 36-33 LOGWOOD, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 .MAPLE SYRUP 9 Adulteration 9 Manufacturing, penalty 9 Misdemeanor 9 Offering for sale 9 Selling 9 Label, containing packer's address, etc 9 Standard of weight 9 MAPLE SYRUP LAW 9 MALT VINEGAR 11-10 METHYL ORANGE, in oleomargarine prohibited 16 K Adulterated milk defined 15-14 Condensed , how made 19 Diluted Sale of, prohibited 19 Regulated 14 40 INDEX. MILK Concluded. PAGE Falsely labeled 19 Fraudulent shipments 19 Penalties 20, 14 Skimmed 19 Regulated 14 Testing 13 False , unlawful 13 MINERAL SUBSTANCES, in candy prohibited 13 OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT, location of 5 OLEOM ARGARIN E - Aniline dye colors prohibited 16 Dealers , must display placards 10 Defined 16 Hotels , etc. , must display placards 16 Methyl, butter yellow, annatto, prohibited 16 Sale of for butter , prohibited 16 Penalties 17-16-15 OPIUM , in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 PAINT LAW 31-30 PARADISE, GRAINS OF, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 POISONOUS COLORS, in candy prohibited 13 POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, in all foods prohibited 8-6 POISONOUS SUBSTANCES, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 PROSECUTIONS 26-27 Jury trial 26-27 REFUSAL TO SELL SAMPLE 8-4 REPORTS TO GOVERNOR, ANNUAL 5 What to contain 5 When made 5 SALICYLIC ACID, in wine prohibited 26 SALTS , in wine prohibited 25 SALTS OF LEAD, in wine prohibited 26 SEAL OF DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER 5 STATIONERY 5 SUGAR OF LEAD, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 SWINE- Feeding flesh of old horse , penalty 9-8 Food for 8 SYRUP LAW, Maple 9 TANNIC ACID, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 TERRA ALBA , admixture of in candy prohibited 13 TESTING MILK 13 TRAFFICKING IN INTOXICATING LIQUORS, defined 35 "UNWHOLESOME FOOD Adulterated 8 Corrupted Diseased . 8 Meat or drink 8 Penalty for selling, without disclosing fact 8 INDEX. 41 VINEGAR PAGE Apple, orchard or cider vinegar JO Standard 10 Other than apple. . .' M-\ 1-10 Standard 12-11-10 Distilled , branded "Distilled Vinegar" 11 Coloring matter , use prohibited 11 Fermented, branded "Fermented Vinegar" 12 Branding Head of cask, barrel or keg , .12-11 Farmers selling less than 25 gals 12-11 Deception prohibited 12-1 1 Lead, copper, sulphuric or other mineral acid prohibited 11 VITRIOL, in intoxicating liquors prohibited 24 WINES - Adulterated , defined and labeled 25 Compounded , defined and labeled 27 Domestic 24 Adulterating 24 Fruit juices 20 Pure wines , defined and labeled 20 Wine, defined and labeled 2ft WINE VINEGAR H). UNIVEESTTY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAR 31 YC 35094 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY